HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Landmark, June 1915 VOL.XLI. STATESVILLE,N.©. ") TUESDAY,J UNE],1915. NO 88. Germany is Evasive and Defers Direet ‘Answer -——Full’Text of German 'y to NoteConcerningthe.Sinking oftheLusitaniaHas’Been Re- an —Summary Publish- The German.note,replying to the Si ‘American note anent the sinking of ;the Lusitania,was received in Wash- ington Sunday night at midnight. Following is a summary: The note expresses Germany’s re- gret for injuries sustained by Ameri- cans as a result of submarine and ‘aeroplane attacks,and offers compen- sation in cases in which Germany is found to be in the wrong.Direct an- swer to the questions raised by President Wilson,pending a further exchange of views,is deferred.Ger-many desires to,establish —whethertheLusitaniawasadefengelessmer-chant ship or was being used for the transportation of war munitions andsoldiers,on which unsuspecting pas- sengers were permitted to take pas- Sage to safeguard the war materials. Representations regarding the tor- pedoing of the British steamer Fala- ba,in which an American citizen lost his life,are answered with thestatementthatitwasintendedtoof- fer ample time for the passengers and crew to leave the ship.The ac- tion of the captain in attempting toescape,however,necessitated more summary action.Even then the commander of the submarine granted ten minutes for those on board —to leave the vessel,and subsequently ex- tended the time to 23 minutes beforesinkingtheship.: Unintentional Attacks. Germany expresses”regrets for“the unintentional attacks”on the American steamer Cushing and’the Gulflight.The Cushing was attackedbyGermanairmenintheNorthsea,and the Gulflight was ‘torpedoed offScillyIslands.Germany disavowsanyintentiontoattackharmlessneu- tral craft.She offers to pay com-persstion wherever she is found to bethewrong,and to refer doubtfulcainetoTheHagueforadecision. The .passages in the American note concerning a possible disavowalbyGermanyofintenttosinktheLusitaniaand‘the.vance—ofher’present’practices of submarinewarfarearenotmentionedseremenl.lyin ‘the reply.The'note states that pending the réply of the American government totheGerman§’assumption of fact ‘re-garding the reat character of the Lu- istania and her cargo,no-attempt willbemadetoanswerthedemandscon-tained in the American communica- ‘tion, ,.Assumptions of Fact.’ These assumptions of fact are asfollows: The Lusitania was built as an¢auxiliary cruiser,subsidized and car- ried on the navy lists as such.Shecarried,according to German infor-mation,two guns mounted and con-cealed below deck. British steamers sailing from NewYork,according to *information’re- ceived from passengers and other sources,repeatedly carried soldiers,artillery,-war.supplies and ~contra-band to England.‘The ‘Lusitania onthistripcarriedspecifically5,400easesofammunitioninadditionto‘other ‘war supplies and Canadiantroopsenroutetothefront.Reference is here made to the fact that carrying explosives on.passenger steamers is-contrary to American law.It is intimated that the German gov- ernment would be glad to receive in- formation as.to how it happened thatammunitionwaspermittedtobeship- ped on the Lusitania,a vessel crowd- ed with passengers.Strong phrases are used regarding what.is consideredasapparentlythedeliberatepolicyoiBritishshippingcompaniestoprotectwarshipmentsbyembarkingAmeri-can passengers on the same ships. Germany contends it is impossibletosettlethequestionwhetherproper opportunity was given to place the passengers and crew in safety until itisdeterminedwhethertheregulations adopted after the sinking of the Ti- tanic,regarding a proper supply ofboatsdndwater-tight bulkheads,which dre now a part of:the Ameri-ean law,were observed in the gase oftheLusitania.Finally.the ‘Amatiean _mediatory.proposals designed to end submarinewarfareandthethrottlingof:foodsuppliesandother‘conditional contra-band for Germany are recalled.The government expresses the’desire —toknow.what steps,if any,have beentakentoinduce:Great-.Britain\to em-:bark on negotiations to this end,'af- ter Germany indicated her.willing- hess to discuss a settlement on ai general basis.‘ —Mr,Emmet N..Morrison.ofStatesville,who has been in Salisburyforthepastseveralyears,has takenapositionwiththeFrickCo.and is ideutaa in Charlestown,W.Va. —About a car load,of Statesville’scolored,popeletion went to SalisburyyesterdaytoattendthécelebrationofFederalDecorationDay. John,et.of Bethany townshipwastaxednthe.mayor's.courtorbei streets i NOTE.Is DISAPPOINTING.|| use of the building ‘for.holding |the ahae oe week German WAS FOUND NOT GUILTY. Walter Bryant Acquitted of Charge of Murder —Jury Nearly Unanimous From Out- set, Walter Bryant was acquitted of ‘themurderofHenryIngle:The jory re-turned a verdict of net guilty in Bun-combe Superior Court Friday morn- ing at 9 o’clock.A telegram fromSheriffDeatonsoonafterwardad-vised The Landmark of the result;but Friday’s edition of the paper hadbeenissuedwhenthenewswas_re-ceived. The Asheville Citizen says of thetrial: “Considering the fact that it was a capital ease,the trial was a remark-ably short one,the jury being charg- ed at the close of the second day,of the hearing.The cause of the short trial was due partly to the fact that there was only one eye-witness to theshootingofInglebythedefendant and to a ruling by,Judge James L.Webb excluding the testimony of athumber.of witnesses summoned bythe'State to testify concerning the home life of the Ingles and theirboarder. “The State rested its case almost entirely on the testimony of ArnoMatthews,while the case for the de- fense rested largely on the testimony of the defendant,Walter Bryant,who swore he killed Ingle to save his own life,and the evidence of character witnesses.“Neither the State nor the defensecalledMrs.Henry Ingle,the widow of the deceased and the aunt of ArnoMatthews,as a witness.” The following is from the Asheville Gazette-News:“It is understood that soon after’ the jury reached its room,and be- fore supper,ten ef the men stoodforacquittalandtwowereundecidedastowhat.their verdict would—be. After supper the jury was returnedtotheroominthecourthousesetasidefortheiruseandthemembers deliberated again.Finally the weap-ons whi¢h were introduced in theeaseweresentforanditisstatedthattwoofthejurorsdemonstratedtothetwomembers,who were still undecided,just how Ingle was shot,as they understood the testimony.Following this demonstration,it.isstatedthattheotherjurorsatonceagreédtoaverdictofnotguilty,but Judge Webb had left orders:that he was not to be called after that hopr,80.the jurors pene for the nig as“This ‘morning the members ofjurynotifiedthesheriffthatthey;feireachedtheirverdictandJudge,Webbandcoumselforthedefendantweresentfor.Just before 9 o'clock thecourt.convened and the verdict was delivered.“Very few people were in the court room,the defendant’s father andbrotherbeingtheonlymembersof his family.Mrs.Bryant,mother of the defendant,who.had attended thetrial,was prostrated:the day ‘before and‘unable to be present.” Walter Bryant came to ‘StatesvilleFridayeveningwithhisfatherandmotherandother.relatives andfriendswhohadattendedthetrial. Saturday he went to the home of his’ parents in Sharpesburg township.The friends’of the family,who arehighlyesteemedinthecounty,arenaturally.greatly relieved and pleas-ed -at the result of the trial.The fact that the jury was so nearly un- animous for acquittal at the.out- set,shows the State’s Gase to have) been weak.: Rural Letter Carriers Met Yes- terday.——~_._ The Iredell-Alexander Rural Let-ter Carriers’Association held its,an- nual meeting in thé Federal buildinghereyesterday.The association hadplannedanoutingatBuffaloShoalsbridgebutwasrained.out.’Theywilltryitoveragainnextyear—May 30th,they say—but May 30th coni-ing on~Tuesday,Landmark-publica-- em fairer weather and better timesittheywillhaveitswmeotherday.At the meeting here yesterday the association.elected.the one td:ficers,J.N.Barron:president,EBeatyvicepresidentandA.W.Sal. son secretary and treasurer...Dele-gates to the State convention in Char-lotte in July:E,R.Wilkinson,J.N.arron and J.S.Keever.-Resolutions were adopted thank-ing the Federal authorities for the meeting ‘yesterday. Insane Negro0Violent. George Houston,an insane negrowhohasbeen.confined in jail for morethanaweek,became very.violent Sat-urday and literally:destroyed .the pads ‘of the insane cell.In their ef-|forts.to’subdue the negro Sheriff’Deaton and Jailer Gilbert.were both-{slightly ‘hurt,one of Sheriff Deaton’skneesbeingconsiderablybruisedby}striking the cell.floor .during the strugtle with the negro,What isknown.as 4 “straight j »?or in-sane.belt,.was piace on the negro,but he was not,long in.freeing him-self:from this.”Houston will be sentto.the State Hospital at Goldsboro as’soon as he can be admitted there.He than five years ago. Within the space of six days last|Tsubmarines.-sent six yesterda:aturday Sine ships to the::lives. by that time it was 9 o'clock and}gay an day,The Landmark:will wish]. was in the hospital for a time more{an bottom of’the TURNERCASEASE A MISTRIAL Jury Couldn't AgAgree —OtherCasesinfredellCourt—Ad- journment Saturday, The cage of Allen Turner vs thecityofStatesvilleandtheIredellTel-ephone Company,ended in’a mistrial.The jury was on the case all day Sat-urday and reported a hopeless disa-greement Saturday afternoon.It isunderstoodthatthejurystoodseven,to five in favor of giving the plain- tiff damages.The case was put on trial ThursdaymorningandargumentwasconcludedFridayevening,Judge Shaw charg-ing the jury Saturday morning,ther cases in the court were dig-posed of Friday and Saturday as’i lows: The case of J.T.Plott vs.the citycommissionerswasreferredto 9.B..Armfield and Dorman Thompsgn as arbitrators, Martha Houpe was grantedavorcefromIsaacHoupe;W.'A.Ra:in was divorced from Tillie RanandSallieMassamerefromWilliam Massamore.J.L.Ballard vs.Mrs.M.E.West-moreland;judgment,for pitas for$300,with 6 percent interest fron May 19,1915.S.L.Millard vs.J.C.Follett;judg-ment for plaintiff for $270 and 6 per cent-interest from March 12,1914.~ Plaintiff.appealed in the case ofMrs.H.C.Cowles vs.Provident Say-ings Life Assurance Society,the ver-dict ‘and judgment being in favor ‘of the defendant. R.W.Wtndsor vs.T.P.’Privett.etal;compromised and dismissed,de- fendants to pay cost._Statesville Lumber Co.vs.J,A.Rankin;plaintiff took non-suit.and paid costs. Geo.C.Moore vs.J.W.Beaver:case settled out of court;plaintiff tppaycost.H.N.Johnston vs.Southern ‘Rail.yay Co.;judgmentfor er forggasicost.ees n ie case o Ver,wk ee agi‘Conner to Sou ar mar.ried her without.her fathers consent,the court changed the _judgment en-tered at last term and imposed 4 fae|2of$35 and costson Beaver.Theandcostswerepaidandpeer releasedfromjail.©Mr.O’Gonner was released yester- The judgment ‘in the case of Sun-day ‘Dalton,‘Seritétiéed*té the roads for 60-days for’gambling,was chang- ed to $20 fine:and‘cost;and the sen-tence of Tyre Johnson,to the roadsforsixmonthsonaccountofaliquortransaction,was changed to threemonths. More Trouble to Check Bag- gage. On and after June 3.all persons whochecktrunksonrailroadticketswill be obliged,under the provisions of the Cummins act,amending the inter-State commerce laws,to declare thevalueoftheirbaggage.The railroads now carry trunks and other baggare,not exceeding 150poundsin‘weight,free with ticketsoftransportation‘and ‘assume liabil-ity in case of loss or damage up to$100.They declare they cannot as-sume unlimited liability,as permittedundertheCummingact,but will ac-cept the alternative of assuming the$100 liability on each piece of bag- gage checked and insuring the pas-senger for all-over that amount on a basis of 10 é¢ents for $100,the ratelaiddownbythe#Inter-State Com-merce Commission.Owners of baggage must declare the value of their baggage and severenenaltyisprovidedfor.over-valua-tion..This requirement makes moretroubleforthepassengerandbag- gagemen,and it means that passen- gers who wait until the last.minute to get to the station may not get bag-gage checked, Suit on Account of Damaging a Graveyard.©~ Mr..N,P.Watt of Statesville an-nounces that he.and other relativeswillbringanactionagainstMr.Wm. Miller of Stony Point for damagingtheoldcemetery,near Stony Point,in which are buried Mr.Watt’s greatgrandparents’and grandparents.The cemetery is located'on the lands ofthelateNicholasNorton,grandfath-erof Mr.Watt.Mr.Watt alleges that the land came into the possessionofMr.Miller and ‘that Mr.Millerbroke-and—removed-tombstones—andcultivatedover.several graves thereanditisforthisthatdamageswillbeasked..Mr..Watt,said ‘that the in-terested parties had offered to accept$100 with which to replace the tomb-stones but Mr.Miller declines to giveit‘and they will take ‘the matter’to court.~ Auto and Mail Wagon Collide. Friday night about 9:30.o’clockHenryAdams,whocarries the mail toandfrom,the depot;was driving intoCenterstrectfromwestSharpestreet,At the same time that Mr. Alex.Cooper.was driving his tour-ing car/along south Center street to-wards the depot.The horse and mailbbygehadjustclearedSharpestirectwasfullinCenterwhentheauto-mobile struck the ‘horse,.changinghimfromfacingeasttofacing’south.et horse.was not felled but knock-arsand,His.was slightly cutof‘on was a ete or Good Roads ButRoad Upkeep Neglected —Dairying and Drainage—Harmony School. Editor Clarence Poe in Progressive Farmer. Jredell is one of the best countiesin-North Carolina,and the writer wasgladtopayit-a visit recently,Har-mony High ‘School,our objectivepoint,has set a good example for other schools in the emphasis it laysuponagricultureanddomestic_sci-ence work.The dinner served by thedomesticsciencestudentswouldhavedonecredittoaNewYorkhotel,andwewerenotsurprisedtolearnthat girl students 10’or 12 years old havelearnedtocookaswellastheirmoth-ers can.Nearly all the girls take thedomestiescience“work.Harmony isalsoa“farm life sehool,”and the ag- ricultural features aredeveloping ad-mirably, “Tredell’s fine.roads are its most at-tractive feature to me,”said an oldA.&M.boy we met in Statesville.Several years ago the county voted $400,000 for roads,and the moneyhasbeenwiselyinvestedin sand- clay construction.Between States-ville and Harmony we bumped along over a piece of worn-out macadam road which.cost about $3,000 a mile. The sand-clay roads,costing around $1,200 a mile,cost less-and-are worthmore. But Iredell,like 99 per cent of the other counties that build roads,is notgivingadequateattentiontotheirmaintenance.Most people yet.think that a road is like a house;build itandyouhaveiteverafter.The truthisthatupkeepisjustasimportant an item as construction..A man might as well pay $400 for a horse and then fail to buy feed for it as'to pay good money to build reads and then make no.systematic provision|\for upkeep. gAgriculturally,according ‘to Dem-onstration Agent Dull,it is in dairy- ing that most.progress is making inIredell,He expects 25 new nilos tthissummer,The creamery recently start-ed in M e is a success.“Ourpeopletook-the right track atMoaeeeeier:as Editor-Clark told us,y.tryingto.see |ch.patron-ase they gt get insteadof how‘shares of stock they could sell. First,they,developed good creameryroutesfromMooresvilletoStates-wille for the,Catawha:creamery anddid‘not start work.at Mooresville un-til they©_knew that.the (volume ofdairybusinessamply.justified it.” Co-operation in drainage work is another gratifying sign of progress in Tredell.Drainage districts arelaidoffundertheStatelaw,bonds is-sued,and local taxes assessed to payoffthebonds.In two districts.the) work has been completed,in’two it isunderway,and other districts arecontemplated. On to Richmond ——Many Go to the Reunion. Among those who boardedthe Con- federate Veterans’special train to Richmond,Va.,here yesterday,werethefollowing:Messrs.8S.W.Stim-son,C.E.Mills,T.J.Allison,P.C. Carlton,Mel,Clark,E.K.Robbins,.P.Howard,W.E.Current,W.W.fayhew,J.A.Wise,H.0.Morrison,W,L.Dunlap,J..M.Mitchell,J.Y.Moore,J.A,Settlemyre,R.V.Sum-ner,T,.D.Elliott,J.A.Brady,Hamp-ay Rupard,J.G.Bynum,A.G.Cash, W.Edwards,R.F.Cline,W.B. Bldzon,A .P.Torrence,W.B.Gibson, J.P.Collins,J.L.Waugh,N..P.Watt,C.W.Stimpson,J.H.Henly,W.R.a W.M.Ramsey,W.W.Walton,D.Tomlin,L.M.Davis;Mr.andMeaJ.W.Lawrence,Mrs.P.F.Laugenour,Misses Blanche and Gus- sie _Laugenour,Margaret ‘Tomlin,Flora and Mary McDougald.Mrs. Eugene Davis teft last evening forRichmondandpointsinVirginiatovisit.relatives,Mr,G.E,Mills will take®in theNorthernmarketswhileawayandMr,and Mrs.J.W.Lawrence willvisit’relatives at Newport News.Capt.P.C.Carlton will visit his son,Mr.Ed.Carlton,in -Philadelphia. ‘A:special.train carrying veteransandothersfromOklahomatoRich-mond passed through Statesville Sun-day night. Singing.Cut Court: Superior Court and the unfavora- ble weather Speraten ee eounty—“singing Saturday,but ere was some’singing notwithstanding.The Singers had figured on the courtadjotirmingbeforeSaturday,As isusuallythecase,and the singing wasannouncedtobeheldinthecourthouse,beginning at 10 o'clock.Butthe’Turner’case was so prolongedand-the jury so “crossed up”‘thatcourthadnotadjourned.SaturdaynoonSheriffDeatonnotifiedthesing-|thaersthat’they could.use the ‘court,roomand the crowd soon gatheMoranhourorlongertherewassing-ing by several of the individual class?es and some general singing by the.entire audience.The class.contest ats Bhans Short.By .the ffamme.On account of thé ie attendance was not $0 stated preweather¢large as sual. Mamié Willimms,aa young negroeirh|some: IREDELL,ONEOF THE BEST. was not attempted and there was no} J mittees of:the been in disrepute for}té,was before the mayor Fri-7niiwithimimoralconduct.She}: ————srperieee BALL BROKE JAWBONE. Unfortunate Incident of a Ball Game—Mr,J.A.L.CampbellDead—News of Taylorsville. Correspondence of The Landmark. Taylorsville,May.31.—Mr.Joseph} Alexander LaFayette Campbell diedSaturdayat12:15 o’clock at his hometwoandahalfmilesfromtownontheStatesvilleroad,after an illnessofthreeweeks’duration.He was.82 years of age and is survived by his second.wife,three daughters and fivesons,namely:Mrs.Jane Palmer of Caldwell county,‘Mrs.James BakerandMrs.a i Lackey of this coun-ty,Messrs.L.D.Campbell of ‘Win-ston-Salem,;R.€;Campbell of Wilkes-boro,Q.R..Campbell of Charlotte,K.H,Campbell,who has been a_cripple since childhood,and J.L,Campbell.The two last named lived with theirfather.The funeral and burial ser-vices were conducted at White PlainsBaptistchurchSundaymorningat11o’clock by Rev.J..W:Watts of Lile- doun,: Mr.Ronda Pearson;a young manofLittleRivertownship,was hit byaballinaballgameinthattownshipSaturdayafternoonandhislower jawbone was broken.Mr.Vance.Beb- ber brought him here to Dr.Crow-son,who attended to his injuries.Stony Point ball team played Tay-lorsville ball team on the school grounds here’aturday afternoon.The score was 4 to 0 in favor of Tay-lorsville.Mrs,T.H.Miller and little daugh- ter,Sarah,who spent a few days with Mrs.Miller’s brother,Mr.Murray Viele,at “Altoona,,Pa.,as they re- turned frqm a.visit’to Mr.Miller’sparents,Mr.and Mrs.J.A.Miller, Middleboro,Mass.,returned home Saturday.Mrs,Thomas Watts and Mrs.G. \W.Watts and son;Master Graydon,and..baby daughter,Rachel,have re-turned from a visit to Mrs.ThomasWatts’daughter,Mrs.C.L.Ever-hart,in Newton.Miss Mamie:Deal)i,is visiting her aunt,Mrs.B,C.Deal,at Davidson’College..Miss ™Peal,teacher of the fifth grade inthegradedschoolatWinston-Salem,arrived Saturdayherewithherparents,Mr,andW.D.Dealt,rT. and Mrs. came home Saturday to spend vaca-tion with his ee Mrs.SaraliCamphellMEETINGINTHEOPENAIR. Mr.Church ‘Plolds.Services atDiamond.Hill—Missionary From China. Rev.P.©.DuBose’of Soochow, China,a Presbyterian missionary,de-livered a very interesting address attheFirstPresbyterianchurchSun- day evening,on the material deyejop-ment of China and the great oppor-tunities for the propagation of theChristianreligioninChina;and con-sidered from the material standpoint—-the standpoint of self-interest and self-protection—the great necessity. of making China a Christian country.Mr.DuBose made-an earnest appeal for greater missionary effort—morefundstosendmissionariestocarryonthework.(Mr.DuBose is a son ofRev.Dr.H,C,DuBose,who was for 30.or 40 years a missionary in China.He wasbornin,that country,refers to it ashisnativelandand‘is evidentlyproudofitshistoryandattainments.Rey.J.Harper Brady will preachSunday.at 11 o'clock at Bethesdachurch.Rev.G.H.‘Ghurch is conducting.an ppen air meeting at DiamondServicesare-conducted on the grasslawnnear’the Diamond FurnitureCompany’s plant ‘each evening _the}weather is favorable.The atterid-ance has been good and some inter-est.is being manifested.Rev.J.¥.Kirk of Broad StreetMethodistchurchandRev.T.J.Og- burn of the Methodist church at Cor-nelius,exchanged pulpits Sunday}?evening.Mr,Kirk delivered a specialmessagetothePom:League at Cornelius. Iredell Loses a Term of Court, It is understood that a bill put’through the Legislature at the last{session mussed yp terms of court for Iredell and Montgomery counties. iThe member from Montgomery,itisSaid,introduced a.bill to change atermofcourtforthat,county.Thosewhohaveseenthelawasprinted,say it abolishes the July criminal} was not intended to do at all.ThechangeisseriousforMontgomery,as it leaves that county”without (acriminal.term from January .until]h to ‘order a@ special term for Mont- that:county,Tedsred.|Prof:Noblethe‘Speaker For the]:Fourth. Prof.M.University i accepted an invitationtodéliveran.address in Sta!,‘Monday,Jul Commercial| day ¢:por “on condition that she windshield See col within 4 hours and.Shion,ihe gielaa Clyde Campbell,-astudentattheUniversity,Chapel Hal,|be term of Montgomery and cuts a week|¥off the fall term.of.Lredell,which.it}! fall,and.the.Governor will be asked}* gomery for the weit”si dail ennee in}. C.8.Noble of the State]' |BRIEF ITEMS LOCAL NEWS. —The =aewad day ss —Rev,of:xvilleblagipee commencement ofSchool,in”Salisbury,Friday.“ridg —idn 1895 Mrs.Margaret:"Cowles of Statesville began wee a pait ofQueénQualityshoesandhasheen ~giving them ~-rather regular.wearsince,”SOE ts -iThe commencement ee a‘iehen ita Sch em- race June.5-7.“hg ’r‘ner,son of Mr.C.L.Turner of Sica.bo,is’a evden’‘of.the sg ee —Rebecca Colvert,anwoman,died last week PssodJohnColvert,a relative,ve,in 60Statesville.RebeccaofLouColvert,who“ied ‘month ago.’: —jAn additional ascalines eke oscentlyaddedtotse.Bebe pad i.theshow..window of Hall's store.Itisabattleshipmaeby‘the TredellTinWorksandis@ayimitation vena charg dP pests eeofandSsaultinthe8soriancey0threemonthson:the chainbroughttojailiseoterday By "—Mr,J.F.Henninger:seulemoved‘his gents’furnishing street to theperpenblock,on Center street,ae,oc-i i Sean torengona.FeprodyetiontionatClioNursery,thefamousTre of the real‘thing. at Mooresville and man Brown of from the Mills buildingoniy 2intheCoble cupied by the Cash:‘Grocery Co. tion have dell school of the earlydetails“have not been -—The west Statesville Junior One.cil ‘will meet toni in the hall ofcounci’as Pe own rea puty ng requessavehanded‘in their namesthiscouncil,arid all others who:to be present at a bc je to spend vacation[few TheMa Bulk ofthe,Life Ingitancs ne :the month of ‘Aprilof‘Statesville heads their..vient sen aero antembraced :lina,Mississippi.‘and VirityESeon eae‘ca reroom in,where he has been conductin 0andorganstore.°Mr.aenotdefinitelydecidedonhisnew.i jtation,but will probabably hase BeficeinthePeople's Loan &Sovings:building. —The'Benevolent ‘and-’Relief ie.sociation asks The Landmark to eythatclothingisneededforthreelit-—tle girls,go four.and bsnae doediandforabo it to Mrs,A.L.the association.' cour,and aeJas.ee Thwhowere-recen is.AsTharpe’s mother,1arenowccnopyintsouse,on|Front otStanley,who conethe Plasigan °house,has moved toeeon.Bell ee CR esterday was thelisting’taxes.Mead 5 slahadaverybusyday. property owners who|snotmadetheirreturnsandthebolabeheldofewloncrastinationis‘a commo}ailing—.and always bad in listing’A:rr portrait of District AtetorneyW.mer of.,Binley by Mie Misia R amele,|issa a diay S Company mh of a fine ‘pain disattracting.considerable ‘a'cand-receiving pore comment. °—The Daughters BacywillmeetoharThursdayafternoonA’Jefferson Davis. Daughters arid Childrén Mr.Te otAapenist,Tine is now.mistingitesand‘it 6th,as a part of,the|TheFourthofJulycelebration"The.fof the .. +Robesonian makes out a good case 4 e tt fe ‘Diamond Anniversary for ‘con- ©‘Yenience the paper is really in its 81stayee a & ‘ -“JA!sort of popular meeting in’the], ie , RELIGION AND FLIES,— ks ithe Lumberton Robeson- y.,we } the preachers would join in a é to rid the town of flies Hdn’t that improve the religious 'of the town?»Whocan be in a ive frame of mind or enjoy a ser- ice much while fighting pesky ke all the time?It is all wel u to talk of “these light af- ”ete,.—that has nothing to th the case.It is a fact that %ynan might go into a saloon and ‘a hisBible with more comfort than ‘ean read it'in the average church the day when the church doors open to the public andthe public invited to enter and worship. worth whilg/to keep flies out of devoted to°worldliness and sin, Why is it not’worth while to keep hém out of houses devoted to the Sorship of the living God?and why bit not a work of righteousness to ip.raise in a community a -senti- _wibnt that would make that commun- iby flyless?‘s *“Phe Robesonian’s remar ign‘écho in the breast of at least one Statesville .man.This —Statesville -getitieman suggested that to increase se attendance at the Sunday evening :h 1 services and arouse more in- j terest jn the services,that a meeting q e;held at least one Sunday evening @ month,at which a layman who ¢ould talk be invited to discuss “some Féligious,ethical or hygienic subject, or.anything that stands ‘for com- thunity.uplift;”and that when the speaker of the evening had conclud- ed the meeting be thrown open and al}present who had something to:say re invited to submit remarks on the aubject discussed.The first subject Siiggested for such a meeting was “How to Rid Statesville of Flies.”At firet blush that subject might ‘not ap- .:to be an inviting one for a Sun- evening church service,but the s will find aiid its remarks should encourage the ‘atesville man to push his idea of t *Sunday evening meeting ©with flies for a subject. éarches occasionally,with laymen, discussing Some subject of general interest,as suggested,appeals to The. @odma:asa,good,idea.to,interestatid.arouse the:laity.At least oneStatesvillepastorthinkssomuchoftheplanthatheproposestoinaugur-abe it in his church. he istian Advocate of Nash-Tenn,celebrated—its Diamondersarylastweekbyissuing,in e form,a handsome edition~-@ -80-pages,;_It.is.explained-that,hile’the event celebrated is called fe year,having begun publication in1884‘under another name.The dia- shond anniversary edition contains Tetters from President Wilson,Secre- “tary Daniels and.other distinguished ieitizens;‘and is filled with interesting Historical facts about the paper,its |: editors and.the Methodist Church,of which it js the organ.The paper is ‘beautifully printed and well made up. The editor,Rev.Thos.N.Ivey,D.D., #North Carolina,is to be congratu- “Isted,andhis’friends in this section of the State,where he belongs,willbemuchinterestedinthis.special number of the Advocate,on which he hhhs done splendid service since he The hope that inability to secure dyestuff from Germany on account of the war,would result in,the produc- ‘tion of the dyes in this country for ‘which we have depended on Germany -snecessity being the mother of in- yéention—seems about to be realized. Julian 8.Carr,Jr.,president of the/. (A HISTORY OF IREDELL. Paper That Won the D.A.R. Medal—Written By ‘Archie Campbell,Jr.,of the Ninth Grade of the Statesville Grad- ed School. Long,long ago the Cherokee and Catawba Indians had their homes in and roamed over all the region be- tween the Catawba and Yadkin,riv- ers,but the white people,hearing of 1 |the rich lands,began to come in and make themselves homes in the pleas- ant and healthful regions;they clear- ed places in the forest (first select- ing 4 spot near a ‘good spring),and built their log housés,.always keep- ing a watch for unfriendly or thiev- ing Indians as well as the wild “var- mints,”for wolves,panthers,deer, buffaloes,ete.,were plentiful in those days.' a part of Rowan county,but later,in 1788,owing to the inconvenience of attending court in Salisbury,a new county was formed and called Iredell in honor of James Iredell,the firstAssociateJusticeofthe-Supreme Court of the United States. It is situated in the Piedmont sec- tion of North Carolina.Iredell is bounded on the north by Wilkes and Yadkin,on the east by Davie andRowan,on the south by Cabarrus and Mecklenburg,on the wegt by Cataw-ba,Liticoln and Alexander.Its lengthfromnorthtosouthisabout43miles, the average width 15 miles,Its area is about 600 square miles.The county was originally settledbytheScotch-Irish from Pennsyl-vania and Maryland.The Scots who.after the unsuccessful attempts of Charles Edward,grandson of JamestheSecond,to ascend the English throne,and whose fortunes were de-stroyed on the fatal field of Culloden(April 16,1746,)had fled to thiseountry..And by the Irish who,after the rebellion of the Earles of Ty-ronne and Tyrconnell in the times ofJamestheFirst,were forced to leavetheircountry.Thess or their ances-tors hdd come from Scotland and, were a very religious,liberty-lovin people,poor in everything but faith and courage.It is said that theschoolhousesandchurchesfollowed them as the “shadows follow the sun.”The religion of the ,Scotch-Irish was Presbyterian and.their preachers were also the teachers of the schools for a great number of years.Just.after the Scotch-Irish,camethethriftyGermansfromPennsyl-yania,who.settled:in the southern part of the county.Among them wasJohn:Beatty,who was the first whitepersonto.settle west of the Cataw- ba..A noted crossing place of jthe“Great North and South’road”Was named.Beatty’s Ford.|.,.,,;;Just after the Revolutionary warwasacolonyof‘English,‘known astheMarylandcolony,who;.came andsettledinnorth-eastern Iredell.TheyweremostlyBaptist’and Methodist.The Legislature of .1789 appointedthefollowingnamed:commissioners —John Nesbit,George Davidson,Jer- emiah Nelson,Joseph ,Sharpé ‘and‘Christopher’‘Housbin—to"lay out’thesiteforacoyntycapital.The com-missioners:selected ‘the “site”“on™ac-’count of the fine springs;so they’ bought 68 8-4 acres of land from to use the Meeting .House.spring.The site being:near the ‘old States’Road the town was called Statesville, or so says tradition.The first court was held in Duffy’s log school house about 1790.It was situated:on:the place now owned byJohnSharpe-and others,After thistheybuiltalog.court house and jail. Later_these.were replaced by betterones,(1818),The first merchant wasJohnNesbit.His old store house isstilltobeseeninthe.yard of the oldhomeplaceaboutfivemilesnorthofStatesville.The first mill in Iredell was ownedby_-William-Morrison and was’sit- uated.on Third creek,south of Loray.Only one post of it stands now to lo-cate the spot.This old mill.wasservingthe-public-as—early—as—1762,and the people of the vicinity of FortDobbsweredependentonthismill. In 1755 Arthur Dobbs took the oathofofficeasGoveroratNewBerne.HeatoncebegantolayoutplanstostopthedepredationsoftheIndiansinthewest,who had been giving the whitessometrouble.“So he sent Col.HughWaddellwithhisfrontiercompanytotreatwiththeCatawbaandCher-okees.Later Dobbs ordered Col.Wad- hosierymills,one of the big-|dell,with his company,to scout upon| ‘gest users of dyestuff in the State, ,SBys he has closed a contract with a t alo,N.Y.,manufacturer for dyes that will furnish a supply for His mills fora year or more.He has :tested the dyes and found them sat- it!ry..-Textile manufacturers—_in 0 Carolina and other States have ‘Ween handicapped on account of the scarcity of dyes and it is hoped that the home manufacturers of dyes will ableto—furnish ample and satis=| actory supplies.One of the benefits ‘the war will be to force us:to find some many of the things that we have heretofore believed must be ob- tdined from abroad. ~The Landmark has today an inter-esting,first hand ‘story of Billy Sun-day,the famous’evangelist,and his, meeting in Paterson,N.J.It was \‘written by an Iredell man who at- 'tended the meeting and who promisestogivelatersomeof‘the results of TEA,ohn fam allentist,settles the vine twining question with an actualstowdown,‘That is what T.E.A, tried to do-with tree limb proposition, but some of the unbelievers are not‘ed to accept:his showing. ia the edges of the mountains and upontheirreturntheysetouttofinda ost central place ‘to winter ©and to erect a barrack,and if necessarytobuildafort..The Governor found springs;situated on the-forks’ofFourthcreek(about ‘two miles north of Statesville)and-fixed-upon-that.asthemostcentralparttoassistthe settlers and to be a retreat:for them, as there were only straggling settle-ments behind them.So in the autumnof1755theybuiltthefortofoak containing three floors,from which100musketscouldbe.discharged at once.In February,1760,the Chero-kee Indians made an attack on thefortbutWhddell\drove them off withconsiderablelosstotheIndians.Tra- dition says that in later years some of the logs of the fort,were used tobuildaschoolhouseontheAdderholtplace.The D.A.R.’s have:erectedabeautifulmarkeron.the historicspot,and have made arrangements tobuy*ten acres surrounding the fort,to improve the grounds,\and.perhaps to rebuild the fort,as nearly as pos-sible like it used to be.>‘About the same year that the fort was built (1755),the settlers begantobuildtheirlogmeetinghouse.(OldFourthCreekCongregation).It wasorganizedbyRev.Hugh Spencer in 1764,or the early part of 1765,andembracedalltheinhabitantsbetweentheCatawbaandtheSouthYadkinrivers,They had no regular pastoruntil1788,when Rev.James Hall,who grew_up in their.;in-Sati tae midst,was.in. conan is niknownas_Statesville First -Presby-terian .and.:Se This.part of the sounty was then}. Lof the signers of the Fergus Sloan.He reserved:the right+dell does her duty,ever,for her State jhotels_and boarding houses, a -beautifuleniinence “with good) logs,53_by40.and 24 1.2 feet high,| aoe gear “ee met is company 0:men ‘in ‘bat-tle and was chaplain of theAsateacher,he superintended theschool,“Clio Nursery,”in Snow CreekiyAeandthroughitsagency he brought out ‘many useful men who might not otherwise have obtained an education,such as the Rev.Richard King,who later.moved to Tennessee.Foote says in his sketches he had thefinestpowersofmindevertrainedinNorthCarolina;also Dr.Waddell ofSouthCarolina,Judges Laurie,Har-riss and Smith.oot aHealsopurchasedaphilosophigalapparatusandopenedanacademyof science at his home in Bethany,him- self being the sole professor.Besides a number of ministers who studiedundedhisdirection,there were An-drew Pickens,Israel.Pickens,Hon.Joseph Pearson and Judge Williams of Tennessee.i.Qld Centre congregation lay partlyinsouthIredell.Hugh LawsonWhite “The Cato of the Senate,”was thefirstWhigcandidateforthepresi- dency of the United States,He was born in this congregation.“Crow- field’s school,the’first of any impor-tance,was in.south Iredell also:MostMecklenburg Declaration ‘were educated ‘here.Hugh R.Hall taught a noted schoo! in “Old Ebenezer__-Academy”—atBethany.John Mushat taught ~thefirstschoolinStatesville.Gov.Gra-ham and Judge Pearson were pre- pared for college by him.About1824,Peter Stuart Ney came to Ire- dell and taught for.several years.Many people believe that he was Na- poleon’s marshal and he always saidmanythingsto’strengthen their be-lief,when he was under the influence of liquor.William Sharpe,Statesville’s’firstlawyer,in 1773 drew a map of Fourth Creek Congregation,naming and lo-cating the homes of 196 families whoworshipedthere.’From 1775 to 1785 the people ‘were fighting for their liberty.Iredell ‘sent.many brave men to help,but .there were no famous battles fought here Just over the line,a skirmish took place between the militia and»thelighthorseofTarleton.The militiaweredefeatedandthecountylost several brave sons (Feb..1,1778). Some of Iredell’s patriots were Col,Alexander Osborne,who led the Row.an troops to Hillsboro to aid Gov.Tryon;Major William Gill served with distinction on the staff of Gen. Washington;.Major Mussenden,.Mat- thews,with Capt.James Hall,.dis- tinguished themselves,by their,brav- ery;Gen.Davidson,who was,killed in the skirmish;Capt.Andrew Carson, with,his...brother, tal army.Je MoRih onChristopher,(Kit),Carson,,.was a in north ,Iredell,.on Hunting creek,; After.the war of 1812 many,people,moved.West but others.came to take,their places.; in.Statesvillein.1856;the first print-ing press and the establishment.ofthefiresnewabaper,fhe.dell Ex- press,Was.in,1857,and ip.the sameyeartheWestern|North,CarolinarailroadreachedStatesville,In 1860wehaveaMilitaryCompany,the Ire-dell Blues.In:1861 the.Civil War isonthepeople;but faithful old,fre- and country.The names of her sons, Hill,Simonton,Campbell and scores of others,attest her.bravery and faithfulness.Seven companies wereraisedinIredellandmorethan1,700 men went to the:war from Iredell, not counting those native Iredell men,who went from”other counties andStates.Then after the close of thewarthehorribletimeofreconstruc,tion followed.In a few years things seemed more hopeful and the people were overcoming the havoc produced by the trying times of the past. By the time 1880 has reached us wecouldseequite'a change in the little village of Statesville—‘The BestTowninNorthCarolina.”Her.broad streets with the many beautiful shade trees are greatly improved and a few were paved,and astir with busy men,and at this time we had_the.well-.known.newspaper—The -Landmark. In a few:years the tobacco factoriesaddmuchto.the business;later thecotton,flour and.knitting mills,hand- some business houses,banks,good a fine court house and jail,one celebratedsanitariumandBillingsleyhospital two good newspapers,a beautiful cemetery (Oakwood),one fire com-ic_li _and water works,the Independent and Bell telephonecompanies,twelve churches and good ville but all over the county—Moores- ville,Harmony,Scoti’s,Loray,ete.Wredell hadherfirst county com-mencement in April,1915,which wascertainlyaredletterdayforthe county.The State has one experiment farminIredellnearStatesville;and hereyouwillfindthelargestherbariumintheworld.No one can imagine the help this herbarium has been to the-poorer-class—of people for —miles around—some.clothing their familjes with the proceeds of the roots andherbsgatheredintheirneighborhood,The year 1902 marked an era inthehistoryofthegoodroadsofMre- dell,From 1902 up to 1911 25 miles of improved roads of macadam'constructionwerebuilt.Since the bondissueof$400,000 in 1911 work hasprogressedtosuchanextentthattheroadsleadingfrom‘Statesville and,Mooresville are the improved sand-clay roads of.the ‘very best type.,Tredell’s second town is Moores- ville,situated in the southern part of,the county.It is rapidly growing and improving,‘Some of Iredell’s noted men ofmoremoderntimesareJ.P,Cald-well,late editor of the Charlotte Ob-server;Rev,Dr.Wood,pastor of the First Prepbyterian church,was amostholyman.and.well- his people;Judge Armfield aW;.M.Robbins:were’notedoftheStatesvillebar..We.do not:mention the living,butwouldnothaveourreadersthinkthat Maj.awyers ————___——— as preacher.Capt.Hall >with!his .Sword | Linsey,Carson 4,achieved distinction in.the .Continen+| son of Linsey Carson.and,;\was.,born|| schools,are not only found in States-j= beloved by}zs |And departing leave behind us -Footprints on the sands of time.” .Tredell is.rithesoilandcl great variety oftobaccowere. crops,but the farmeis are improving land are paying more attention breadstuffs. the following year,and for another grade. other things our old county has a very.bright future, Foote’s.Sketches,Cotonial dell.);\ on Application. ’The Legislative Reference Library has a limited’number of copies of the amendments to the Revisal of 1905,*passed by the Legislature’of 1915,which:will be sent free ofchargeuponrequéstoflawyers,coun-ty officers,justicés of the peace andbusinessmenwhodesiretobein-formed as to the laws:of the State.nother —bulletin containing theamendmentstotheRevisalfromits,enactments to and including the ex-tra session of 1913,will be issued atanearlydate.Persons desiring copiesofthisbulletinshouldmakeappli-cation at.once,as the edition will be limited to the requests received,These and future publications will pe furnished free of charge upon re-quest.Address W.§.Wilson,Legis-lative.Referencé.Librarian,Raleigh, MRS,LYON’S.ACHES AND PAINS Lydia E.Pinkham’s Veg- "etable Compound. Terre Hill,Pa.—‘‘Kindly permit me Si "Vegetable Com- began taking:it I was suffering from sometime!und ‘hadjaltiostall)kinds ofmbaBreatetVickond ing down pains,‘I ere und the aches andpaing areall goConcord.Female College was built}poundand-I feel like a new,woman...I canpraiseyqurmedicinetoghighly,””—Mrs.pAucustTus;Lyon),Terre,Hill,Fees."CNAs truethatnature‘and &woman’s for’‘woman’s ‘ills that the world hasever'kiiows.From the roots andherbs.of the field,Lydia E.Pinkham, a remedy for their peculiar ills whichhasprovedmoreefficaciousthananyothercombinationofdrugsevercom-pounded,and today Lydia E.Pinkham’sNegetableCompoundis"recognizedfromcoasttocoastasthé ‘remedy for woman’s ills. In the Pinkham Laboratory at Lynn, Mass.,are files containing hundreds of thousands of letters from women seek-ing health—many of them openly stateovertheirownsignaturesthattheyhaveregainedtheirhealthbytakingLydiaE.Pinkham’s Vegetable Com pound;and insomecases that it hassaved them from surgical operations. nd “The Sheaffer Self.filling”Fountain Pen $2.50 to $5.00. Absolute satisfactionguaranteedinevery —pen.: Allison’s Book Store. ETATLETRATELTELNET “TYPEWRITER RIBBONS ANDCARBONPAPER.” Right Quality—Right Price. Statesville Printing Co. Coite,L.Sherrill,M.D., ‘Will answer ‘phone calls left at Dr.Long’s Sanatorium orGeo.M.Foard’s residence. Drain Tile. Size four.and six inches now ready for delivery.Statesville Brick Co, all of Iredell’s great’mén had d bor |ed.pres eshookhove think in natural resources;|%te are capable of a/%roducts;cotton and|%¢principal money|# greatly in their methods of farming fy Statesville’s graded school is the|% best in the State and ground is being|# prepared for,the erection of another|¥ handsome building to be ready.for|%§ So in education as well as|% (This history ‘was written’from |} notes taken from Wheeler’s history,|%Records|% and Dr.Laugenour’s History of Ire-|% Amendments to Revisal Free|*# Have All Gone Since Taking| to give you my testimonial in favor of |} ss &Lydia E.Pinkham’s|3 pound.When]first |# female troubles for|§ fin low- in sides,and press-| J could Ai Hoon ssand’|# tno anpeie..Since I have enPanisE.Pinkham’s.Vegetable Com- workhas’produced the grandest remedy|# forty years ago,gave to womankind } standard|# LOOKOUT FOR THAT SUBMARI ’{When the submarines of disease creep up on you una- ~‘wares,assault you amidships,send torpedoes crashing _through your engine room and ball up your running '-gear,sound the S.O.S.for the doctor.: {He'll throw youa life preserver (that’sa prescription), 1 If you want to make sure it will float you to safety,let us fill it with the world’s finest drugs,each ‘one of 110 per cent fighting strength,and guaranteed to annihilateeverygermthatcomeswithinrange, Com pany. great weight or brittleness of stone slate; besides they are inexpensive and look better than either. :For Sale by LAZENBY-MONTGOMERY HARDWARE C0.,Statesville,N.C. "HEADQUARTERS FOR— McCormick Binders, Mowing Machines and =Hay Rakes! ':i _\Themachines'y.ou.will,want £OF sss yourharvest this years" i ; ee eeue Plenty of binder twine did’har-’'- »vester oil.If you want,repairs for the old Champion Binder,VE the aga edfofthé‘pati’ wanted and we will get it for <you,.|Yours truly, Montgomery Hardware Co.i - sacar To the Farmers of Iredell and Other Counties: THE STATESVILLE REALTY &INVESTMENT COMPANY beg to announce that they have completed’arrangements with “‘THE HOME INSURANCE CO.of New York,”forinsuting your growing crops of Tobacco,Corn,Cotton and small grain against destruction by Hail Storm at the following very low price: TOBACCO CROP.$100 per acre valuation at : %per acre valuation at 60 per acre valuation at 3.75 per acre. 25 per acre valuation at.1.874 per acre “COTTON,CORN AND SMALL GRAIN CROP. -.$40 per'acre-valuation —$1.60 per acre 35 per acre valuation 1.40 per acre 30 per acre valuation 1.20 per acre 25 per acre valuation 1.C0 per acre 20 per acre valuation”.80 per acre 15 :per acre valuation .60 per acre 10.per.acre valuation :.40 per acre DWELLINGS,FURNITURE,BARNS. $100 value for one year at 30c.,3 years at 60c.,5 years at 90c.This latter insurance covers also against loss or damage occasioned by wind in addition to hail.REMEMBER—‘‘We insure anything insurable.’’ Jj.F.CARLTON,Manager **PHONE 54.STATESVILLE,NC. $7.50 per acre5,874 per acre * : 60 Tornadoes Deyastate 10,000 Homes’in Fight States | Suchistherecord ofoneday’s hundred years the Hartford 'damage done by tornadoes,Fire Insurance Company |~You don’t know when the _has met every honest claim |promptly.Buy a HartfordTornadoPolicytoday.Itistornadomaystrikeyourproperty,but you do know “the nearest thing to comfort |when a Tornado sttikes.y the ‘Old Hartford”protects &Savings ‘againstallloss.Forover a -People’s Loan \ Rt Pe t i t li i n t e y oe ie er ep e e e e e y it y : le e r ayT e McDuff,Va.—‘'l suffered:forydsay8. this place,stomach touble: ears a friendev tne toTheolBiack-DrauandIfounditto.be the bestcineforyoungandold,’ I keep arDraught on a‘all theinsfeyetcgedoesthemmoreRoodtheyeverfried.We never have along spell of sick-“hess in our toni since \we commencedDraught.””using Black-Thediord’s Sone Eraghit is purelyvegetable,and has been found eSlateweakstomachs,aid digestionlieveindigestion,’colic,wind,nduseaheadache,.sick stomach,and similassymptoms. It has been inconstant usé for morethan70years,and has benefited moregtoionpeople. ome sells and recommendspase [Call Ror Me! N.C.128 Nice Fresh Vegetables,Celery,Cucumbers,Squash,Beans,Potatoes,Peas,Lettuce,Toma-toes and what goes withthem.M.P.Alexander &Bro._"PHONE 241... OfficeSupplies Blane Books.”Box Files, Letter Files; Clips, Pencils, Pens and Inks,Waste Baskets, Letter Baskets,etc.Brady Printing Co. - Loneaa Is YourLiverLazy? Use the Great Southern Remedy, Burduco,Liver Powder Mild and gentle.No griping.No nausea. Cleans the system and makes a _healty liver. SOLD BY ALL DRUGDEALERS—25c. Fresh Vegetables! ‘Fresh Lettuce, ‘Fresh Celery,_ Fresh Tomatoes. ie ‘era SupplyCo severalis.J.B.Whittaker,ofhsickheadache,~and n feel a,andif)ee |haul their meat from slaughter pens WESTERN ROAD,west-bound,due 6:45TrainNo,11,west-bound,due 10.06‘Train Wo,21 west-bound,due 3:25 Train No.86,west-bound,due 10:25Train’No,86,east-bound,due 10.36Trainbs22,east-bound,~auldtrainNo.&eaat-bound,Train No.coat-boundy die 10CHARLOTTEAND PP r r r e e . ie CharlotteTrainNo,16 ary 9.50,leaves 10.85 «Train.No,24 ar.8.35,leaves 8.35 p,¥rom ‘Taylorsville.enin Mo,;84.ar.10.00,leaves 10:40 &Train No.15 ar.6:20,leaves 6:45 py,,||Noa,28 and 24are notoperated on Sunday. “|WATER NEEDS ATTENTION. Pure ‘Water,a Necessity—Re- move the Surface Closets andApepeet,Meat and Milk Sup-ply. To the Editor of The Landmark: Referring to the timely article in your.valuable-:paper Tuesday,25th, anent sanitation and typhoid,I quite agree with you that $350 could not possibly be spent ‘in.a better cause.This,I take it,is not only a vitalmatterforthecountyauthorities,but our city administration would cer-tainly not.be far wrong to give these two questions serious consideration.By way.of beginning,they might turn their attention-to our ‘water sup- ply.Nothing goes.as far towards thesuccessofaplaceaspprewater.Note I said pure water.Not the kindthathasbeenfurnishedthecitysinceSundaynight,28d,which it is saidwasdueto,an,unusual storm:“‘up thebranch,”But I can mention many in-stances when the water has been just as muddy and un-inviting when ithadnotrainedfor.a month or more. Your-remarks régarding —surface closets are indeed worthy of attention bythe proper authorities,-It seems absurd-to_have sewer and water con-hections and allow these,disease-ladenclosetstoremainwithinthecitylim- iter Pass an.ordinance prohibiting this nuisance and enforce it,as there would be no-sense in one man install- ing water connection while his next door neighbor was allowed to have a surface closet.If we ate ‘to get away from village backwardness. why not pass such an ordinance and any other necessary to ‘sanitation, which naturally would mean the con- servation of the health of our com- monity?Are the aldermen asleeptothese-important matters? Butchers ‘should not be allowed to. through’the ‘streets unless covered,T have seen this done more than once.Their shops should be inspected at least every 60 days,while the milkindustry;should.receive rigid atten: tion.There the typhoid germ surely’ flourishes,.Let’s make this an idealcityfromeverystandpoint,but to do 80,assistance must come from:theboardofhealthandouraldermen who go into office to provide ways‘and means;forthe protection of theircitizens,both as to health and prop-erty.INTERESTED CISSZE ‘Statesville,May 27. Se “Piles Gured in 6 to 14Days’ Your,druggist will «efund money if PAZOOINTMENTfailstocureanycaseofItéhing,Blind,BleedingorProtrudingPiles in 6to 14days,The first application gives Kase and Rest.:50c, DaDan Valley Will please thosewhodemandtheverybest.Itis an_extraordinary flour.Your Grocer knows. |Cary C.Boshamer,§° Local Representative,;an 125 Black. It.aw.} “SHI NGLES! $2.00 Per ‘Thousand. C:WATKINS. ”BASEBALL.GOoDs! i“* -NOTIGE!” HOLLAND BROS.have ckangaa’ their ‘phone number from 177to7.Ca 1 NOs 7 for draying,all grades<<coal And wood,etc...Residence "Phone 1310, Shingles |For Sale!\s "1 Gavload of good No.’le Shinilas aat $2.75perHicusandat,my FORFINE CLEANING:‘Wiela be,seaeontra Be AND DYEING Statesville printing Co.—'PHONE 147—A paeeeciiarneee ee Sloanplaces AClub.°RUBBERTTIRE! $e We'use best rub- a aeecnéagonts here.made—Firestone and Kelly—and-will'saye you money.3 TiressethoteScold.ue service.‘ours to“TROUTMAN &&SUTHER. ,EXECUTOR’S NOTICE. aving dualified as:executor oftheestaterdfartha\A\\Myers,this ik to noti-N peraods having ¢laims.a;estate ‘to.present them tocmie"on fr ‘beforeApril27;1916,or’this ‘notiée will he)pleadinbaroftheirrecovery.All peraoha indebt~ st.said ‘Jed to said estate are eee to ike.im- mediate settlement.J.T.JE NGS,R.T,Weatherman,Atty,‘Executor.Aaril.27,1916.feo NOTICE TO GREDITORS. Haying qualified as .executor of.the last ator;LaF.:shops.if and testament of Harriet Atwood o ers’was Qalled and rendered the nec-‘WMG.Hi.TURNER,Seetena Sa aide nal ee ey tehagAgaat-he eorge 00)baby as Deen Hane:How's THIS?- '‘Near BART ith ay.of Map,1916howe,ind i with bronchial pneumonia «Mt?Jie often.One.Hundred Dollars Re-’estate re requested mane an @ mproving:‘or atv case of Catarr wt cantredelPhoneNo.ahBell G "Myers,hho wee ~T NOLICE TO GREDITORS. ‘©.HM,oR.ze Mefanghiin,Att'y.—~~May 7,1915.el eS Havi (100 MUCH WETNESSNow. 6.|Fine Pastures nnd Mueh Cream vs the,presence of.a Si years ago. ibe erected—monuments which snall 3;be able to withstand not only storms 5 of tide and.tempest,but storms of persecution,affliction and sin as well. 3 life.will stand through the.ares. wicompany these4;along the rugged path of life,and As- ct 23d,did mich’damage to buildings$i and fruit trees, +;corn to pieces where it fell. lar,appointment \at St.Paul - church.Sunday, Mr.Floyd Dennytogethisshoulder put out of placeone‘hight last week.Dr.L.P.Som- lata Sold -——-Address oy okFromMrs.Orr-—Mrs,Trout-“man’s Birthday.peo’ Correspondence of The Landmark. Statesville,R-2,May§29.+-Toomuch‘rain”’is the complaint of thecountrynow,and our weather proph- ets are scanning thedark,leaden skies‘for.some “sign of it clearing of.”Tofigve-said the farmers were busy be-fore the enforced,idleness of the lastfewdays,would have been puttingit |mild;.and now they are helpless in|arresting or checking the growth ofthe.weeds and grass—-a crop that al-ways thrives and flourishes underanyconditionofweather,However,“all things ¢omé to him who waits,»|and despite the rain,prospects’are)very encouraging..With the return|of sunshine,everybody will be’Pusy |“ehopnin’eatton,”and every womanwidchildthateanwieldthehoe’will| be called into servite,~Pastures ‘are exceptionally fre this spring and as a consequence the dairy|business is thriving.Almost every|family in this vicinity has cream separators and butter-making threat-|ens to become a lost art.’..The majori-|- ty ship their cream and buy’butter| from.those who haven’t separators.Mrs.R.W.Orr of.Statesville wastohaveaddressedthewomenand young girls of this community at theOstwaltschoolhousethisafternoon. If the weather continues unfavorable,| later date.The coming of some celeb-| rity of Mrs.Orr’s renown into our midst will help to strengthen our in- terest in club work.Mr.H.M.Hartline has.bought a! new threshing machine and is ready| for the threshing season. The neighbors of Mrs.B,B.Trout-man met at her home last Tuesday| for the annual celebration of her birthday..The-time was spent, usual way,and like alwa;i in ner was one of the blfeatures,-thetime when the womenbegin.to display their baskets andboxes,making excuses for the‘qual- ity,and at the same time ackuowledg- ing that “itis.good enough,,what there is of it,and there’s one ofit,such as it is.”The pleasure of the day was min:gled with.sadness on account.of the state of “Mrs.Troutman’s health. She.is.suffering from one of the most maligant of diseases —an internal cancer—and is unable te go in and out among herfriendsas’shehasdoneforsomanyyears. es hme meat jSEVERE‘STORM DAMAGE. Belated Report ofof Storm:Dam.-age in Shiloh—Death eg. “Dagenhardt.<Cy Correspondence of ‘The Tantedris Aa 'Ston Point,RL ‘May 27.neofthelending,oldest and:most influ| ential et zens of“our community,Julius Dagenhardt)after»few days!confinement with kidney and ‘bladder iho if ene eens:in 1 away peacefu n umphan ly “May 1.He wasMit to rest,"“after "funeral,services conducted’hy his Pastor,Rev,’ C.J MeCainy ingMaavisnsgemeyery ine wee..congregationof,friends and.relatives,.jthere to’{await the general resurrection.Mr.Dagenhardt is:survived by Mrs.An- na €.Alexander,Messrs.N.B.,T.i,J.Frank,BE.L,,H.M.,Leon,A.D,,A.M.,0.S.,ALJ.and J.A.Da- genhardt,and Mrs.Ola Beam,chil- dren,43 grandchildren,a brother andsister.-His wife died about four To these may:thirteen monuments The marble shaft will crumble in course of time,but the true Christian acsall May God's:‘sustaining grace stricken~ones sure them He'doeth all things well.The.storm.last .Sabhath..evening, Lots of hail,but notsolarge,beat gardens,cotton and Somepeople'are planting their cotton over and some are.planting corn and_peaswherethecottonwas.The storm blew Mr.J.A.Dagenhardt’s barnshed=away from his granary andmovedhisgranaryfourorfivefect and blew down h*s porch.He and his family Were caught out in thestormbutnoneofthemwashurt. Storm blew down Mr.V.P.Stew-art's dwelling house and broke upnearlyeverythinginthehouse.Atlastaccounttheirthingswererotallfound,Mr.0.S.Dagenhardt’s dwell- ing house-was partly wnroofed.It wascoveredwithsteelroofing.O.S.andJ.A.Dagenhardt had:insurance onalltheir‘buildings.Thére is no re-port of anyone being hurt in thestorm, Mrs.A,M.Dagenhardt’s daughter,Miss Flora,fell offporchand-badly hurt her arm. bins erseneeeneeenmererenedMr.Denny's Mi little the Denny's Misfortune—Mr.Parks’New Residence. Correspondense of The Landmark. Hamptonville,’R-2,.May 27.—Far-mers of this section are progressingnicelywiththeirwork.Rev.'\Mr.Matheson filled his ahN Miss,Mamie Myers,who has beeninschoolat‘Athens,Ténn.,has,re-turned home to spend her vacation. d:the misfortune “during the three weeks revivaleaehasreturnedhome. admiWRwentiadasniatratr all havin: we hope Mrs,Orr will favor ug at a/| THE NEW TRAINED NURSES Ninety-FourPass Examination .4,Statesville’8 Quota. The 94 trained nursea who took theexaminationbeforetheStateboard|#of examiners at Wilmington all pass-ed with -ereditablé marks,a record |# any other professign |}ine Pauline Robinson|#of Charlotte.made the highest per Hcentage,98.75.)Miss Ruth Wicker of |#honor with an |#é nurses from|¥Statesvillé and vicinity who passed H unsurpassed byintheState. High Point won’ar average Of796,25. this examination were:Miss Norma Conte daughter ofMr.T.J.Conger of Statesville,whowastrainedattheWhitehead-Stokes :Sanatorium in Salisbury;MissesJeanetteDye,Ada Corpening and|Etta May Perkins,trained at,Dr.|Long’s Sanatorium,Statesville; Mrs.Ww.A,Sloan of Statesville, |trained ‘in _Charlotte;(Folder of Lenoir and Miss’Lalia 1:|Culp of Gold Hilly Rowan county.|.Among the nurses received by.re-|B |ciprocity from other States was Miss |# for|#|Vera B..Jones,visiting nurse|Statesville.:? With aview to securing a more un- |iform course’of study.for nurses,|Miss Louise A.Toomer of W}!ming:iton,secretary.of the board of exam- | jiners for nurses,was appointed train-|# ing school visitor:«She will visit al)|hosp itals of the State that have train-|jing schools,giving such ‘suggestions |};as may bring about this end, |examiners,and Miss Toomer was re-elected.The other two members are |#physicians named by the State Medi- eal Society,Officers of the ciation are:President,Miss Hbbbs of Greensboro;vice presidents,Misses Mary Wyche of Henderson-ville and Belle Reece of Asheville;; “of|# Doro-|§ treasurer,Miss Hattie —howry Wilmington;‘secretary,Mrs,thy Hayden of Greensboro. Great Damage to Fruit Trees By 4Blight, Asheville ‘Citizen, That the blight which is attacking|# apple and pear trees of Buncombe|# ind other counties of western North|8 Carolina threatens to damage these|# crops in the sum of $1,000,000,is thebeliefofanumberofJocalorchard-ists who are in-touch with the rural districts of this section of the State,,and who have received reports from|{ “many orchardists as to the extent of the ‘blight:‘Reports indicate:/thatBuncombe,”Haywood “and ‘Hendé¥soncountiés‘are the ‘most seriously.affect=ed,and each day additional inifiema::tion is “‘recelVed ‘ag'‘te ‘the “spread ofthedisease, Richmond Pearson ‘b¥'this ety,whorecentlydiscovredthe‘bight amongthetreesof°"Of his large or-chards;‘and who’his“ost heavily as. a result ‘of the blight,has sé#t’speédi- mens to the United States Depart-ment!of Agricultiiré,”:department|ofMetapinvestitions,with|;thePequest,for information”‘4s.to’the‘best’eat aaah of controling “the ‘diThe’reply indicates.that’thethethtixcontrollable’by”he Cutting. outbreak.of ‘this disease over a.larce spring,according to the letter from of the fruit-disease investigations. ssseeeeeapernceneounsnan rstoenwe awed Fruit Blight. Correspondence of The.Landmark. wind and rain storm passed over this séctjon last Wednesday évening,do- ing ‘considerable ‘damage by blowing down timber and washing ‘the.land.Orchards were ‘damaged by blowing down the trees and some:fruit’wasbeatenoff,as some hail fell.“Farm- ers are getting ‘a little blue,-as thegrassis’marching on to take the crop.Especially is this -true of .cot- ton.“Chopping is very much retard-ed’on account of:the rains.The out- for a’wheat crop is.not so foodinthissection.Oats,however,prom- ise to make a good ‘crop.* trees.The fruit has blighted so bad-ly there will not be more than a half crop.of pepMr.H.Fbarn. line ‘and the road will be completed byJuly.4th. |CRENLT, Vines:Twine in All Directions. Corréspondence of The Landmark. Tf there is still any uncertainty about the twining of vines aroundtheirsupports,come over to 126 Cald- well street and you can see a row of poles with hop vines twining around them north,east,south,west,as.they ascend;and about thirty,feet north of them a row:of poles withbeanvinestwiningaroundthem— cend..At the front porch is a red-blossomed honeysuckle vine that twines like the hop;and’cinnamon vines and some other kinds of vinesthattwinelikethebeans.\Also ten:drils ‘of grapevines can be seen here twining both ways;.sometimes the same tendril changes to the oppositedirectiontothatwhichitbegan,‘I do not know,but I believe thatthesamespecies.of vines will twine|’ Miss|4MaudM,Sloan,daughter of Mr.and 2 Miss Estelle ; Misses*Maria 'T.Allen of Morgan-|;ton and Hulia™Lebby of’Charlotte|#were elected members of the board of |# State Nurses’Asso-1# Cleone |¥ ||Statesville Ga‘out method alone,ind {it is’iitzed that]‘the:orchardists do this work during |;thé,coming month.‘Theréis a‘preat|& part of Rastern Unitéd-States this|® M.B.White,pathologist in charge 3 mates Retard»Farm Work—& Harmony,R-1,May 27.—A severe!¥ land:»Thé continued rains have caus-|-3 ed the grass to:get the start of theig This is.a year of.blight.of frait t -Heath.is building a new |j The right of way has been cleared fy on the post highway to the county!¢ north,west,south,east,as they as-|> We havé decided 6 reward the ateofeachBoosterwhocollectsatJeast‘200,000 Booster Coupons.To do:this”” we have arranged to give a $100 certifi- cate which.may be applied as eash on’ one of the $300.00 pianos.-These«cer-| tificates may be transferred and are asgoodascashononeofthepianos.forsixmonthsfromthecloseoftheBoos-. ter Club..Because the certificates’are transferable,the Booster securing one”may sell it to'a friend who may.wishito: buy.a piano,By using it or:selling ‘iteachBooster‘will be awardedint a’Fab esstantialway,as these pianos are.sold.for $300 at retail.On the purchase:of.earn piano only one certificate:may”beused.ay Tee'ie Seva ert ¢Compr, ,Web 0 avis tha Me apt Me Osoinept¥¢experts’in:Esk,lances,Will be with:time tog gee applHepple “of.of Statesville “iy”_.thea0 gas.appliances which theychatThepeopleiStatesyitle—are:at libertyeetheePecaneeea |-sonally,‘as:they:will olyat‘yourresidence ? |of businessess.“1 oni bs ceciosthitand fol:ne ‘ and:FuelCompanys; We are for a few days offeringaLadies’$3.50 Pump for $2.50.ft ae Sizes from 23 to 53.Plenty of)| Mary Jane Pumps,all sizes,f and Leaehere,OES PEDO a pti TheeS M.&H.Shs Ci:_,The OnePrice Cash Shoe Store.|3,| esas “To BayaNice Farmand Get Ready for Next Ye »p.No 1—345 acres in'Elmwood.All:school and‘church conveniences.Strong land,40 acres in:bottom,8-room .house,Jarge‘barnandouthouses.‘No,2-77 acres 3$miles east of city.This propertylids aesand-clay highway now being constructed bythegovern IsidealforDairyandTruckfarming.-teNo.3~40 acres 1 1-4 miles from publicaaa ‘Splendialy adapted §for Dairy purposes,Live Stock and red ;No.4--60 acres.in Wilkes ‘county just across I Placelip40citylotsineastStatesville,known as.“Park _Place’’—balance in monthly payments of$5.é10lotsinBloomfield.Terms edsy.Six lots insouth ‘Statesvite:azsectionfastdeveloping.everal nice aape_apeCallonm@andlearnwhatTbave: ‘4 k P py OE E Lam the greatest thing in the-world,Yamthe-gole support of millionsofwidowsandyoungchildren:Vint le,support of ofpoorhouses,of paupers’burials.I pe enins of.old men who ||trusted me and gave me a ion of thee T Co.Toledo,0,}undersigned,have known K,ace for -the last 15 yore and.aiivene tresPaleatly bunorable In ailtransactions:and financiallyry,ott any obligationsiyeee:Kinnan &>Marvin,0pre ds ti aa O..%dis taken In: aot 4.by Hall's Catarrh Cure,ie SHBNEY & am, in the same direction south of the} rnings in youth which’have saved for them'Ienable tha su thousafids of middilé-aged men to #0‘0into businessfor 't r.-Teduthesonsanddaugters,.I paythesonsinbusiness.1 replace worry;misery,s eeleb ctsjoy,cheer anda clear consciénée,1am theeo teat ta dc ifinanciallyonearth,andRev.Billy Sulievethatanymandoesrightto’-he doesn’t provide for.themtheywillnotbethrownonfheForaPolitythat‘will beyourbeneficiarycall “WEST BROAD STREET. th}week -and.20..negro..fishermen MANY’S EVASIVE ANSWER. The German:answer to our gov- pment’s representations concern- the sinking of the Lusitania are :etory.-The Germans —are ing for time.What the answer f our government will be is not own,but it is expected —that prompt and vigorous reply will be nade and that no dallying will be rmitted.Our government,it)is understood,will be able to show that the Lusitania.'did not carry guns d that.merchant ships havé a “Fight,to carry ammunition,ou In addiiton to the Lusitania inci- ent it appears that the Nebraskan was torpedoed by a submarine and this will call-for-another settlement when the Lusitania incident is out of the way,if agreement can be reached.in that case.Furthermore, t is admitted that a German sub- “marine destroyed the Gulflight,but “Germany pleads error and .regret sand will,doubtless make prompt rep- aration ‘in that.‘case. In addition to the troubles ©with ‘Germany,President Wilson has de- aided that actign of some sort will ‘be necessary in’Mexico.A warning is to be sent,but,it will probably be without effect and we need not be |surprised if intervention is.necessa- ry in Mexico as a last resort. All ‘these.circumstances go -to make up a grave situation.They do not necessarily mean war,for that will be avoided if possible;but it is urnecessary.to say that the outlook is more discouraging than _it —has been at any time. al AeS RR a a Being instigated—thereto.by -Mr. W .A.Thomas,whose recent busi- ness trip.to-South.America.impress- Lupdn him.the necessity of a wiedge of the Spanish language.p commercial _odlitereouFse +with]soe Ss‘t country,The,Landmark,‘ _sUpmitted some remarks on the ne- eessity for a study.of,tah danignac® bg some of our young people,point- 7 out that there would be a de- nd from thé commercial,hoses manufactiring plants for those had a.knowledge of the lan- ge.It-_is announced =‘from ensboro that.Spanish will be ght in the city schools next ses- ;and many of the high schools a f zi WS ITEMS OF INTEREST. Happenings Here and There in ,the Country. President Wilson was unable to. accept “the invitation to.attend the Confederate reunion at Richmond this week,, Bight fishing boats w ing a storm off Charleston, ere lost dur-8.C.,lastwere drowned.A dispatch from Queenstown says the White Star liner Megantic,car- rying many passengers from Liver- pool to Montreal,ws chased by a submarine off the South Coast of Ire- land early Sunday but escaped. Mrs.Coleman,the mother.of Mary Phagan,the girl)who was mur- dered in the pencil factory in Ate lanta,for which Leo M,Frank is un- der sentence of death,has brought suit against the pencil company for $10,00Q damages. Mrs.Avthur:R.Noyes was acci- dentally electrocuted in her home -at Cranston,R.1.,when she picked up a telephone’receiver with ‘one hand while holding the “handle of an elec- trically operated vacuum’cleaner im the other.A short circuit was com- pleted,j Nine of the ten deputies on trial at New Brunswick,N.J.,charged with murder in the first degree for having’ fired into a crowd of chemical.plant strikers last January,killing two-and wounding a ‘score,were convicted of manslaughter.Fifteen others:are under.-indictnfent.; The Inter-State Commerce €om- mission,which is always.six.to.ten months behind with its reports,shows a decrease in.railway accidents for the last quarter of 1914,In_these accidents for that period 2,162 per- sons were killed and 41,080 injured. Of.those killed,only 78 met death in wrecks, Saturday Minnesota paid tribute to the late-Dr.-W.W.Mayo,when a life-size bronze statue of ‘the famous Minnesota physician was unveiled at Rochester,Minn.Dr.Mayo was the father of Drs.-W.J.and C.H.Mayo, who recently gave a million dollars to found a research college of medicine at Rochester. Judge Robt.T.Daniel of Griffin, Ga.,Sovereign Grand Sire of ©the Grand Lodge of the Independent Or- der of Odd Fellows of America,died at Fitzgerald,Ga.,last week from apoplexy.He was stricken while ad- dressing the-State Convention_of_Odd Fellows at Fitzgerald.‘ ‘The Panama Canal will have earn; ed in the first year of its operationsufficienttopay.albit@'running ex- ‘ eng compil theoffice of thecapialauditor.The year will end June30.’"Nearly every month of the pastninemonths.ghows-an increase in the toll earnings. ‘Americanamountedto almost,during .the /10 mon April this ses .2 probably,pave a smallpithatcordin<:figures now ed i ¥ foodstuffsbg $ef exports 0,000 more ding with éf that class.of exports by.the De-partment of Commerce shows theirvalueto“ave been’$657,146,290.Thehugeincreasehasbeeniduechieflyto the European war.In the same_pe- 7 year than during that); period.in tle previous year,Analysis statement contained but denied that} TRIBUTE TO ULE Lack of Appreciationof theMulein-the War Zone is Eu- rope’s.Loss,eres Monroe Enquirer. Many horses but few mulesare be- ey the armies of Europe.”We are neu-tral.and its none of our bloomin’¢on- cern whether they use blooded horsesorwagonsastheyfightitoutoverin Europe,but we arise to say that the of any army.There is a story to the war if was reported to Pres tLincoln;that the Confederates .hadcapturedtwomajorgeneralsand2 number of army mules.Lincoln saidmusingly,“Well,I can.make major generals,but Ido hate.to:lose thosemules.”Job said some fine things ing the battle afar,off,his pawing in the valley,his neck.being clothed|with thunder and ‘about his rejoicing im his strength as he went out to meet the armed men,Job did not pay hirrespectstothearmy.mule,but never- force.of cannon and never bat an eye,The charm.for him,He will ‘pull cannon just like he would pull a plow or.4 dump ¢art.He stays where~you put him,and he raises the ed and he makes no complaint:and and die.On the longest march,swim- ming rivers,climbing u sloshing through mud and mire,the collapse,anda bunch of hay,-a littlegrainand’a minute or two at stream or water-hole and an hour.ortwo rest,and the army mule is ready for.the march again and he never ae 80tiredthathewillnot,if-half-a-chance is given him,kick the life out of his teamster.The armies of Europe will never do real fighting until theAmericanmuleiscalledtothe.col- ors. President Will Warn Mexicans Conditions Are Intolerable. Washington:Dispatch.} President Wilson has decided to serve notice-on the warring factions in Mexico that conditions -in country have becomé intolerable,andthatunlesstheythemselvescomposethesituationsoonsomeotherméansmayhavetobeemployed!to accom- plish the result.)The..first.intimation.of.the.Presi- dent taking this step came in an ap-eal issued from the head of the Merican Red Cross,signed by thePrésident,setting forth that “sev,years of irtetpal dishing many parts off@Mexien thi )h@ people’to ”aay ¢coptributions t ‘.©Officials”at“the d tate Department ‘declined to .sayhatthePresidéent’s forthcoming i faction _was_con-felt.if mpla ¢beet thayattheMexicans arrive at an earlytlementoftheirtroublesorat and colleges will doubtless hereafter|riod exports of raw cotton decreased Teast provide for the sustenance of give special attention to this course. ~The difficulty will be,in most cases, toé*obtain teachers.The.teachers ‘will te he first to study the language to @ able to teach it,and classes in “tapchers’,schools will probably be or- ganized, ‘The entrance of ‘Ttaly ‘into the war 7.to the territory.to be devastated, where wreck and ruin will be wrought antl the inhabitants driven ‘from their homes.A correspondent of the As- sociated Press,writing of the ad- ‘vance of the Italian army on the Aus- trian frontier,has this:; “AN along this section of the front there were signs of war.Roads werefilledwithlonglinesoftransportsandRed-Cross automobiles.Every->where battalions of soldiers were tobeseen,held back as yet)from the fighting line..Picking their waythroughthecrowdedroads:were-¢atts,drawn by oxen,in which werewomenandchildren’with their house- hold goods.Behind them walked the ‘men,fleeing from the battle-swept *region. *Men,women and children,with such of their possessions as they ,could cart away,ficeing from the -battle-swept zone,‘That is only a -part of the horrors of war,but it is a most distressing part. The recent naval maneuvers dem- onstrated that the submarine arm of the navy is seriously inefficient, many of the submarines becoming disabled during,the maneuvers;and the recent collapse of a submarine off Honolulu harbor iv xaditional ev- _idence that this craft in our navy is not up-to-date.Secretary Daniels was prompt to take steps to remedy the trouble.He has designated Capt.A.W.Grant,one of the high- _est\ranking captains\in the ‘navy, commander of ‘the submarine fiotil- la,with general supervision ‘of this branch,and the deficiencies in this arm of the service will doubtless be promptly remedied.In the mean. _time,however,the critics of the na- wy,who have declared it inadequate and inefficient,will make much of the_submarine inefficiency. A committee of 100 prominent menofthecountry,headed by William H.Taft,have issued-a call fora confer-:ante.{0 he held in Independence Hall,Philadelphia,June-17,i consider theWdoptionofproposalsfer‘or league of nations. General Education .Board,ey Philanthi a league of A jiting and a terrible headache,nnounces berlain’s Tablets, $236,000,000. District Attorney Perkins.of New York gives notice that he will op-pose the commutation of the sentence of former police.officer Chas.Becker, twice convigted of the murder of.Her- man Roserithal.Becker’s second con- viction has been affirmed by the high- er court and he is under sentence to die this month.His only hope is the leniency of the Governor and as Gov. Whitman was district.attorney and prospect for Becker is gloomy. The bulk of the estate of Albert G.Vanderbilt,who perished on the Lusi-tania,estimated at more than $50,- 000,000,is left in trust under his willtohisinfantsonsbyhis-sécond wife,Margaret Emerson Vanderbilt.Mrs.Vanderbilt is left $3,000,000 and income from $5,000,000 in trust. Wm.H.Vanderbilt,his.son by his first wife,Elsie French Vanderbilt, who was divorced,receives a trust fund of $5,000,000-and family heir- looms.. Convicted of manslaughter at Akron,O.,for having caused the death of a woman by recklessly run- ning an automobile,L.Oscar Beck, a wealthy business man,escaped asentenceoffromtwoto21yearsintheStatereformatoryunderasus- pended judgment,the.conditions of the suspension being that he musi not operate-an automobile,must re= frain from the use of intoxicants andpay$100 annually for three years to the Young Woman’s Christian Asso- ciation. Plans for the construction at Mo- bile,Ala.,of one of the largest ship- building plants in the United States are being perfected in New York by Edward M.Hyde,former president of the Bath (Maine)Iron -works.A $4,000,000 corporation has been form- ed_and_it_is hoped to have the plant’in operation in six months,It is de- signed to care for and promote the development of American shipbuild-ing which is expected to grow out of increasing South American and Pan- ama,canal traffic. What.the American people havedoneforFranceduringthewarhas been:acknowledged by the French government and people in the presen- tation to Ambassador Sharp of.four great albums containing autographedappreciationsbyeminentauthorsand poets and original drawings by artistsofFraneé.The albums will be sentby.Ambassador Sharp to the con- gressional library at Washington and500duplicatesarrangedforbythe French government will be presentedtopublic’libraries inthe UnitedStates, Bilious Attacks, When you have a bilious attack.your liverfailatoperformits.funetions,constipated:The Too yor ent “Teanenis inyourstomachinsteadofdigesting,“'This in- flames the stomach ‘and eats nausea,vom.the “Take Cham- y &tone.up.yourcleanoutyourstomachandyouwill liver,ell,as ver.They -ofily cont a Ut prosecuted him inthe first trial,the|’, You become | the starving population. ident’s forthcoming:pronouncement as not meaning “immediate inter- vention.”The impression in execu- tive.quarters would be to place re- sponsibility for the present state of affairs squarely on the military ele- ments in the Republic,which have over-run the country and appropriat- tilling of the soil.: While anxious’to continue the pol- icy of allowing the Mexicans to set- tle their difficulties.without outside interference,the President is »said tobedeterminedthatthelcivilianpapu-lation.of the country shall not _bestarvedinthemeantime..aN More ShipsDestroyed—ManyLivesLostinExplosion.’, The British battleship’Majestic,an- other of the ships supporting the al-lied army on the Gallipoli peninsula, was sunk by a German submariheThursday..Nearly all the officers andmenweresaved,‘hwAboutthesametimethesteamer Princess Irene,built last year fortheCanadianPacific‘British Colum-bia coast survey,and avhich was.tak-|en over by the admiralty at the com- mencempnt of the war,was destroy-ed by an accidental explosion while at.anchor at Sheerness,where shewasundergoingrepairs.All her crew,numbering about 250.except.one seaman,and 78 dock yard workmen aboard ‘at the time,*losttheirlives,;jThe:Majestic,which was the oldestbattleshipontheactive’list of theBritishnavy,is the sixth capital ship lost by the allies sincé the beginning, of the Dardanélles operations and thesecondwhichhasfallenavictim.te- German submarines which recentlyarrivedin_those.waters.The sub- marine menace is a growing one,bothintheAegeanseaandhomewaters,and the vessels promise to take ‘an active part in the operations in thenarrowwatersoftheAdriatic. where,as in the Aegean {fsiands,af- ford good peat .While the\warships are able —toeseaye..submarines’in the watersjaroundtheBritishIsles,the increase ¥ in their numbers makes the carrying’on of sea-borne trade more and mor hazardous, Who Ren It. The Uplift. The avtomobile is keeping up.itsrecord‘in maiming and killing folks. It will be ever thus so long ‘as chil- dren,wild folks,careless folks,drunkorsober,are permitted to run them, 1Reenter Greatly.Renefited by Chamberlain's Liniment,ihave used.Chamberlain’s..Liniment....for.sprains,bruises and rheumatic pains,andthegreatbenefitIhavereceivedjustifiesmyrecommendingit.in the highest terms,”writes Mra,Florence Slife,Wabash,Ind,Ifyouare:bled-will certainly be phhich|Chamber with th ARMY MULE.|,. ing bought in.America for the use by] donkeys to pull their artillery |’ American mule is the greatest asset |’ effeet that one day during the ‘Civit})Presid about the war horse,about his smell-|, theless and notwithstanding the army|mule.is.a great adjunct to a fighting| The mule will hear the’roar] noise-of-battle -has neither terror nor}+ white flag}. never.He is sure.footed,clear head-]| fattens where the war horse lie down |} mountains:| army mule team goes but does not] he ee Toned: High officials referred to the Pres}: ed its food supply or prevented.the} Not theMachineButthe Folks| Jing until after it starts again.‘|May 26—4t. rheumatic pains you]B. :This Is casTopDresserYear_ .f you have fertilized your crops lightly at planting time,or used fertilizerlackinginpotash,it is not too late to remedy this,provided'youTop orSidedresswithafertilizercontainingsufficientproportionsofallcheat Suh necessary elements of plant food—Phosphoric Acid,Ammonia and Potash,*Do not make the mistake of using a material that contains Nitrogen_(Ammonia)only,such as Nitrate of Soda,To get thé increase in fruitage,as well as stalk and foliage,use ROYSTER’S TOP DRESSERS,which not only provide ammonia in quickly available form,but also phosphoric acid and POTASH,__ROYSTER'S _ TRADE MARK¥ e +e REGISTERED. Will stimulate the growth of your crop,increase the yield,overcomeunfavorableseasonalconditions,and check the tendency in cotton to blight and shed.BRANDS‘ PRESTO TOP D Available Ammonia Potash IRESSER,,---=4 10.4.ROYSTER'S SPECIAL TOP DRESSER,4.7.50 2.MAGIC TOP DRESSER art ae 9.22853. Royster top dressers,like all Royster Fertilizers,are backed by experience:compounded on scientific principles:plant-food for the plant at just thepropertimeand‘in right proportions:mechanical condition perfect. Look for the trade-mark on every bag. wo Men Send postal for book on Top Dressing and name of nearest Royster Dealer. _F.S.ROYSTER GUANO COMPANY, .,Norfolk,Va.Charlotte,N.C.Tarboro,N.C..Spartanburg;5.C,Al ;Ga.,Macon,Ga.ontgomery,Ala Baltimore,Md, Columbia,8.GC.Columbus,Ga. ‘G a A 2 }mga kfF3ig, , apt| he beter et ‘know us the more you ‘will appreciat and Coat Suits we are selling for less than e the Coats “One-Third Off the Regular Price. Broken line of Ladies’Skirts,$5.00 quality,selling at $2.50. One Case Men’s and Ladies Umbrellas.Big value for $1.00—26_ and 28 inch.Straight,Mission or Natural Handles.See them.Yours truly, ==Miaoe|==MILLS&POSTON. Me sf. _Estimates of Cotton Crop. ‘According to special reports to theNewYorkJournalofCommerce,thepercentageconditionofcottononanaveragedateofMay23was80.4 per]: é¢ent as compared with 78.2 per centayearagoatthistime,80.5 percent in 19138,76.9 per centin1912;and 83.8percentin1911.This compares witha10-year average of 79.2 per cent. »Concerning acreage,there is still a very wide range of opinion,the mostreliableestimatesrangingfrom10t6 13.per cent reduction,with many ofthe.best judges inclining to the low- ar.figure.:faggitians and Texas,on account of excessive rains,show the lowest con- dition,both running about 77 percent.Nearly all other States show anigeraveragethanusual; See Me for Lowest Prices =OnCeiling,Flooring,Siding,Boxing and Shingles.. as WATKINS. DIXON'S ELDORADO PENCILS! In 14 Gogreee ot herdness. A pencil especially desiforthebook-keeper.oe i Statesville Printing Co.MER .i Turnersburg Roller Mills ‘OF ace ee )Proven,practical value appeals to the buyer ‘of a motor car.More than 700,000 satisfied /Ford owners prove the practical qualities of ’Ford cars.In town or country,in the pro- “fessions or on the farms,for business or pleasure,the Ford serves everybody.An average allowance of 2 cents a mile keeps it going,It’s cheaper thah walking. The factory has reached the production where a$50 rebate is a certainty,barring the unforeseen. Runabout,$440;Touring Car,$490;Coupelet,$750;f.o..b,Detroit with all equipment. On display and sale at Carolina Motor Co’s,-Statesville,Newton and Mooresville,©‘ ee ; \ Will be closed down for repairs until about Junie 10 and will do no milling and éxchang- i STIMPSON &STEELE. “sRFORSALE—Surry’with shafts,and.single+harness.Good as new--used less than ayear..Cash or time.L.B,PATTERSON, .May 28.; WANTED—1,000 bushels Corn -and 3,000bushelsofWheat.©Hirhest market price‘CITY FLOUR MILLING CO,May 2A uae aa Peetesienndaterat00200 te |‘ic a water,“Lo!.eonidAvenue,near Davie Av id.iit Bs “Apel rt. Me mo ‘i ‘ 4 sLISHED -SFFIGH:120 WEST BROAD STRERY-iTELEPHONENO,14. ~~PUESDAY,-=+June 1,1915. —‘A.F.&A.M. STATESVILLE ¥.&A.M.meets tonight —ato'clock in MasoniciHallAll.mem-bers requested to ‘be present andvisitingbrethrencordiallyinvit- ed.Regular meeting. GLIMPSE PASSING THRONG. *ersonal Mention ofPeople and| Their:Movements.. Mr.C.&.Mills is in the Northerr markets in the interest of Mills .& Poston.Mrs.W.W.Hanks and little son. Frank,of Charlotte,who visited Mrs.Hanks’parents,Mr.and Mrs: D_F..Jenkins,returned home Sun- a iss Minnie Morrison,who is #8 member of the faculty of Salem Col- lege at Winston-Salem,passed through Statesville Saturday en routeteherhomeatScott’s for the sum- mer vacation. Mrs.W.A.Hamlet and children Masters Lamont and Elgie and little .Miss Loraine,went to Salisbury Sat-urday to spend several days with rel- atives.“Miss Allie Ellis of :Mooresville is visiting Mrs.Arthurs on West End avenue.-Mr.-R.-R.Reid of Charlotte spent Saturday in Statesville., Mr.-N.B.'Lockwood of Waterlqo, S.C.,who*has been in school at Fur- man University at Greenville,arriv- ed in Statesville Saturday night to spend some time here with his broth-er,Mr.A:b.Lockwood. Misses Myrtle Holland and.Lacy Gant,who are training for nursing at the -State Hospital at Morganton, spent Saturday in Statesville.They were guests at the home of Mr.C.S. Holland.-Mr.and Mrs.R.D.Green visitedMr:Green’s home people -in-Marion from Saturday.night until yesterday.‘Miss Ina Andersonis at home from Sumter,S.C.,where she taught the _past session. \roofing’slate. Mr.J.W.Stinson and family ofeerotiespentSundayherewith r@latives..“Dr,T:Anderson will go to Ashe-ville tods to attend the annual meet- aot wf” Railway Surgeons,to tomosrow.|Miss Elba home Fgiday night te spend vacation rs.Clara Turner of Manatee,is Visiting her son and daughter-in- la0 est End avenue.‘esdames J.F.’Carlton and Eu-Davis left last night for Rich- mand,where they will visit Mrs. Davis’sister,Mrs.Conrad. there they will.goite Portsmouth to visit Mrs.Davis’:mother,Mrs.Wil- liams. Mr. -Pharr,Mr.and Mrs.Jas.Stinson and little daughter,Mr.Morris Dunlap and Miss Julia Stinson,all from Char- lotte,visited at Mr._J.C.Dunlap’s in Bethany township Sunday. Mrs.Jas.Mac.Connelly and chil- dren left yesterday for Rock Hill,S. C.,where they will spend ~several weeks with Mrs.Connelly’s home people.“Miss Christine for her home at Mt.Holly. Mr.ROK W.H.H.Gregory.Miss Hal.Morrison is at home from Tarboro;where she taught school. -Miss’Rebecea Miller,has returned from Camden,Ala.,where she spent the winter with her sister,Mrs.D.H. Turner.She was accompanied home by her nephew,.Master’Sherwood Bonner.’sMrs.Frank A.Clinard of Yadkin Valley,Caldwell county,will arrive this morning to visit Judge and Mrs. A.:L.Coble. Mr.C.N.Waugh returned.yester- day from a brief stay in Washing- ton City.- Notice of New Advertisements. Indian motor.cycle for sale.—J. H..McBiwee Tobacco Co. Car for hire—Roy Herman. \Storeroom for rent.—N.B.Mills. Shingles —C.Watkins. Sheaffer self-filling fountain pen. —R.P.Allison. Bargains at Smithey &Fraley’s this week.j Prizes for best decorated cars,—- Carolina Motor Co. _Certificate_freet—-Statesville Drug 0.'That Canadian topr.At the Cres- cent this week.Neptune’s.Daugh- ter tomorrow. Five-passenger auto at a bargain. ’Phone'216 Red.i Buyers wanted for few squares Desirable country mill |property for sale.-—J.W.Van Hoy,Concord.A.couch hammock.—Crawford- Bunch Furniture Co.Big saving for ladies.—Mills &|see to it that these report as request |} Poston,ed.ae me) Pictorial’:'patterns for July.—MRS.CHAS.ANDERSON, Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison Co.‘Big line wash skirts.—Johnston- Belk Co, Ex-Gov,Jarvis,who has beenseri-ously ill at his home at Greenville forseveralweeks,is reported improved. Whenever You General Tonic;Fake Grove’s;= w of Southerr be_held there fienninger,of the fac- ulty of Louigburg relcge,arrived a.» Dr.and Mrs,Chas.A.Turner, From Walter Pharr,Miss Mary Rutledge of the graded school faculty left ‘yesterday Gregory of Charlotte is visiting his parents,Capt.and Mrs. daughter of Mrs,Moore. jand Miss Elizabeth Sharpe of Char- NOW.JUNE WEDDINGS. Miss Ward and Mr.Morrison to Party For Miss Glover—So- cial.Notes.;“a The marriage of Miss Sadie WardandMr.Waverly G.Morrison ofWilkesboro:will take place tomorrowafternoonat6o’clock at ‘the home ofthebride’s parents,Mr.and Mrs.J.W.Ward,on Bell street.Rev.J.F.Kirk will perform the ceremony.MissMargaretClickofElkinisalreadyheréforthemarriage.and quite apartyofWilkesboropeoplewillbehéretomorrowfortheevent. A pretty rose party,the feature ofwhich:was .a¢miscellaneous showerforMissMaryAustinGlover,a June bride,was given by Mrs.L.W.Mac-Kesson Wednesday afternoon at herhomeonCenterstreet.The rose idea was carried out in-detail by the hos-tess,‘The house was decorated withs4s,|the game prize of the after- sa rose bar pin,the cakesapart,of the refreshments‘nounted with roses,small.has- kets of roses were given as favors and,most important~-of all,the ar-ticles making up:the “shower”for the bride-elect were concealed in a large imitation rose.Hearts.wasplayedattentablesandMrs.G.E, ‘Hhghey won the ecore prize,a rose bar pin,The guest prize presentedtoMisgGloverwas-an ivory puff box. Miss Glover was séated at a table be- neath a large paper’rose which wassuspendedfromthechandelierwhen the rose suddenly collapsed,the bot- tom having been released by a jerk of the ribbon which held it,and thebride-elect.was showered with manydaintyarticles.Prior to the gamepunchwasservedbyMrs.‘EugeneDavisandMrs.C.C.Phillips and af- ter the game a pink and white ice cream course was served,Dr.J.F.Carlton entertained a few friends a t abridge party Thursday night,The game was played at three tables.No prizes were awarded,In- dividual picnic lunches.consisting of fried chicken,etc.,were.served in boxes.Mrs.Pegram A.Bryant was.hos-tess to the Neighborhood Bridge club Friday afternoon at her home on Cen- ter street.The G.G.G.club met Wednesday afternoon with Mrs.J.DeWitt Ram- sey on West End avenue, .Mrs.-D.Mv Furches and Miss Altic Corpening have returned from Le- noir,where they attended the marri- age of their—kinswoman,*Miss,Irene Martin,daughter of Editor and Mrs.H:C.Martin,and Mr.J.Ralph Todd,assistant.cashier of the First..Na- tional Bank of Lenoir.The marriage was celebrated in.the _EpiscopalchurchontheeveningofMay26,Bishop.Horner”of_Asheville officiat- ing:honor.The bride,an attractive andpopular‘young:lady;-has»often:visited;in Statesville and has many friends here.”3?OF ay Ft $Mrs.°T.E.‘Andérson entértaifedherSundaySch6olGlassat:her home on Walnut street last Tuesday ‘eve- ning.“The music pupils of Mrs.Mary .L.Simens—will meet.with —her__everyFridayafternoontoplayscalesand pieces,write notes and hear grand opera stories.‘ MRS.MOORE’S BIRTHDAY: Celebration of Sixty-Sixth An- "a niversary Last Week. Correspondence of The ‘Landmark. May 27th being Mrs.Harriet Moore’s 66th birthday,it was plan- ned by the children to give a surprise dinner “in her honor at her home on Buffalo Shoals road,at.which a com-| pany of about 45 friends and rela-| tives.gathered to show their respect,| esteem and love .to.this worthy wo- man,who is indced:a handmaiden of God.The long table,leaded with ap- petizing provisions,was.set in the yard and the dinner was a much en- joyed feature of the day...Bier Pictures were then taken of thé company,after which we.assembled in the house for a short word of pray- er led by Rev.-J.H.Pressly,With the exception of Mr.A.G.Moore of Drexel,all-of.the children were pres- ent and all’of Mrs.Moore’s sisters: ‘and her brother ‘also attended. The day was also celebrated as the first anniversary.of Mr;“and Mrs. Clarence.Moore,son-in-law |and Out-of-town visitors present were Mr.and Mrs:Sidney J.umsden,Mr. and Mrs.J.M.Miller of Stony Point, Mrs.Noah Summers of Winston-Sa- lem,Miss Ethel Lackey of Biddenite lotte.: We never attend a gathering of this nature but we think how much better it is for the children,‘or rela- tives and féiends of the aged people. to gather with them while they arestillwithusandcanenjoythecom- radeship of those younger and full of life,than to neglect it until they are gone and it is too late. Children Who Expect to At- tend Chautauqua -to Meet} Mrs.Anderson.:—- All children up to 14 years of age,who have engaged Chautauqua tick- ets,whether senior or junior tickets,|f are asked to report to Mrs Charles Anderson at.the’parsonage of the |f\First Baptist church tomorrow.af-|}tefhon,June.2,between the hours of |fItisveryimpor:|}3 and 5 o'clock. tant that:these children report,and the parents who have engaged tick- -Chairman Junior Chautauqua, ‘The ticket.selling committee de-|f sires to‘add an emphatic request to this notice of Mrs.Anderson.It _is}] very important that we have this in-) formation,if we are to give thesechildrenthefullbenefitsofallthree daily.programmes.of this year’sChautauqua..be Be Married Tomorrow—Rose|. ets for the children are requested to|} EAST MONBO..VILLAGE. The Turner Cotton Mills.andtheChurches—SurveyingtheRiver—Personal Items.Correspondence of ‘The Landmarks© East’Monbo,May 29.—Mrs,CarrieNeillandson,Buren Neill,who“havebeenvisitingMr.and Mrs.J.L.Tur-ner,returned to Statesville Tuesday.Miss Edith Shore of Rural Hall is visiting her grandparents,Mr.andMrs.John Clark.Mr.and Mrs.8S.L.Colvert.of Wilmington,Del.,visitedMr.and Mrs.W;A.Colvert the pastweek.Mr.Perey Clark‘of Tennesseeisvisitinghisparents,Mr,and Mrs.John Clark.Misses Mathelda,Hele- visiting their grandfather,Mr.PercyGlark.Mr.Jo.Clark is expectedhomethisweekfromFiorida. «The Southern Powercampof25menonMr.Perey Clark’s}farm.They are surveying the Ca-t tawha river.:A good many fish have been caught in the Catawba this spring.Num-bers of parties,have enjoyed fish fries on the banks of the river.|--Kast Monbo has grown to be quite a pretty little village and-is admiredbythevisitors.It has a populationof175.The mill was built eight years ago by W.D.Turner of Statesville and has been running on full timeeveryvinceitstarted—January,1911. The mill and.store are both namedforMr.Turner.This mill ‘has been a great help to the surrounding coun” try.The farmers have a ready mar-ket for their produce,for’which they receive town prices,paid by the mil}families.The mill has also built agoodroadfromthepublicroadto the river,which makes an ideal driveforautomobilistsfromStatesvilleto the Catawba river.Near the Turner Mills there is aBaptistchurchof800members,withRey.Mr.Cornell as pastor.He hasdone’a good work in building up the a Sunday school of 100 members..‘A new Methodist church of 75 jsumioce months.Think of the pain and suf- na and Mary.Gabriel of Terrell are}. Co:has alro membership of this church,which has} Se arng ae evening at a fish fry. Charibertain’y |Colle,“Cholera end Diarrhoea This is a remedy that every.family should be provided with,and especially during the fering that «must be endured when medi-cine must be sent for or before relief can be obtained.‘This remedy is thoroughly _reli-able.Ask anyone who has used it..Obtain- able everywhere.. FOR SALE—At a bargain good second-handfive-passsenger automobile."Phone 216 Red. June 1-2t* WANTED—To sell few squares of aay.pleapstslate.Apply to THE LANDMARK. June Lt.+ FOR SALE—Indian Meteor cycle in good con-dition.Apply to J.H.MeBELWEE TOBAC-co CO.’June 1.stet CAR FOR HIRE—Day or night,Reasonableratesandareliabledriver,ROY HERMAN, ‘Phone 169,June 1—4t* FOR RENT+Stoteroom on west Broad streetvacatedbyJ.F.Henninger.N.B.MILLS. June 1--2t.be i Pee de iat FOR SALE—Desirable country mill propertyirthernIredellcounty,»French BurrwheatmillandOldVirginiaBurrcornmill in running condition. Water poewr 75 to 100 horse power,Can be «developed muchhigher;22 aeres in mill tract,117 acrefarmadjoining, Selk separately or as awhole.Ideal loeation for roller mill;10 milecircleingoodfarming‘section for custom.Accessible,to mew railread.Good locationforstore.Address J,W.VAN HOY,Coneord,N.C.June 1-—-1t. EXCHANGE—Wil exchange 10-horse pow-|‘cr International Gasoline Engine,Corn Mill}. and Feed Mill Combined,new outfit,forAutomobile.FRED CONGER,Statesville, N.C aure.J.E.THARFE,‘phone 392 Black. May 26.r FOR RENT—Two rooms in rear of CrescentTheater.Also some windows and doors forsale.SIG WALLACE.May 25—2t-. FOR RENT—Seven-room house next to theCatholicchurch.‘W.A.ELIASON. April 13.. Phone 392 WANTED—A modern cottage.?black.:May 21, FOR RENT—T-room bungalow on RacenowoccupiedbyMr.Myers.Mod-ernly equipped.Possession given July 1.Cc.V.HENKEL.May 28. street, members,with Rev.John W.Jones of Mooresville as pastor,and a Sun- day school of 63 members,have beenestablished.Mr.Jones has done a good work in building this chureh, which was organized three years ago by him. Mr.and Mrs,James L.Turner en-teytained a party of relatives and Coat Suits$4.95. Miss Corpening was’’maid™of f°"= 2 Mg t C: iC, Just , while they last colors, Shirt Waists,new Crepe de Chine in _.*PHON The Store That Received BigLine:Wash Skirts. Bis line Wash Skirts One lot of Suits,$8.95 to $15, Use Vudor Shades to Make Sleeping The Best and Prettiest Tin Shingles Cheapest. ~C.WATKINS. Wash.Skirts 98 Cents. 98c. Big line Middy Blouses in all House Dresses,we have them from D0c.to $2.48,all sizes and colors. 4. — A8c.and 98c, lot,98¢,. all colors $1.98.| E 212.: Sells For Less. J ohnston-Belk Company. | CH SHADES wey ya Every Shade :two,three and four burner that will bake,-- Porches---’Phone For Prices. =size awning. Equipped with Vudor Safety Wind Also Iceland Refrigerators,zinc lined—the only ic i box that will save ice.Ice Cream Freezers.One,| Vudor Shades and Ham- mocks,We make you any | Window | Our |Shades all sizes. ators are all stone -lined.| it. Oil Cook Stoves —the stove } friqnds from Mooresville.Thursday | |White Mountain Refriger-|||} The chest with thechill in [| ©man’s integrity and credit ever rebounded more to the benefit of as )his country ‘than those of @ Robert Morris.A. When exhausted cvedit threat- ened alarming consequences to the Colonies,Morris sacri- ficed his personal interests,his ease and happiness,and from his private resources and credit furnished the money that replenished the war chest and saved:the cause. Credit Is Resource Without his spotless character and sound_financial policies,Morris could not have gainedtheconfidenceofthemoneypowersandrescuedfinancially the stricken Colonies. Purposeful saving and indom- itable energy are necessary for- establishing..you on a confi~ dence building basis. Our facilities will instill safety,system and confidence in your financial affairs. Ro STATESVILLEN.C.Capital 100.000 42 Paid on Time Depositspentaneesteseae -Bargai ———e-AT Smithey &Fraley’s|THIS WEEK. Dr.Shrop’s 25c.Coffee at 5.pound. -One lot25c.Horse and Cattle Powders 5c. 75¢.Colic Remedy for Horses 15c. 25c.Liniment 5c.Bottle. 10c.Extracts for 5c.bottle. $1.00 Coffee Pots for 15c. One lot Condy 5c.pound. e $1.00 Razor Hones for 10c.each. $3.00 Razors for 50c.each. Three packs Chewing Gum for 5c.he One big lot 20c,White Goods at 10c.yard. ***+Y $1 00 Shirts at 50c..|2cakes Pearl Soap “Be.50c.Shirts at 30c,5 boxes Cigarettes 10c.25c,Shirts at 15c.25c.worth Cigars 10c;.$25 Suits for $11.00 7-Day Coffee for *124¢..Ib,15 Suits for 8.00 Blue Ridge Overalls for ©69s.6 Pants for 3.00 10c.plug Tobacco for =...3 Pants far 1.50 Another:big lot $1 Umbrellas to10quartBuckets10c,go atonly ‘BOc.each. aeyaot Come in and let us show you.We are al- ways glad tosee you whether you buy or not.That it pays to trade with us is an assured fact.|:SMITHEY &FRALEY, The Great Bargain Givers... Sherrill-White Shoe Company.Men's Straw and Panama Hal We are showing quite an“attractive line of Panamas and Straws,the season’smostattractivepatterns.Have you bought?if not come in and let us. y have the pleasure of show-_ pg iy ing you our line, Our $5.00Panamas areBeauties. ,Straws at $2.00,$2.50 and $3.00. Al 1G FROM THE AGENTS 8’More Expensive and Why=—People Least Able Usually --.the Victims—Should Patron-ize Home Dealers, 9.%.Greene in Marshville Home,° Some years ago dealers in ‘thiscountyhandledsewingmachineswhichtheysoldfor$22.50,-Lastyearsometravelingagents,“hit”thiscountyand‘sold’the same machine for $45 cash or $49 on time.And they ‘sold them by car loads.Now, Iam not going to knock’thoseagents.If they can sell a machine for two prices,that’s their business. It isn’t the sellers or agents who need the ‘knocking,but it’s the fellowswhopermitthemselvestobeper- suaded into purchasing things from agents at two prices,The poor fel-low who feeds this sort of businessneedscounselandlotsofit.When he lets.a smooth-tengued agent“talk”him into buying he needs aguardianjustatthemomentwhenheyieldsandsurrendersand“signs up”for a sewing machine or any-thing else that is sold by that meth- od When you buy anything from’a traveling agent you are patronizing the most expensive of all sellingmethods.You must pay the agentfirstforthesellingexpense.This means that’you pay his hotel expens- es,his livery hire or board for histeamandalsohissalaryonthefirsttrip.Then when he makes the de- livery of his product you again re-peat,the dose.Your horses or miles may be standing idle in the stables.You could hitch up.to:yourwagonandgototownandhaulout a sewing machine or a stove without any outlay of cash,but you must“fork up”about $5 to pay cost of de- livery.And yet-the agent is perhaps selling you as cheap as he can,oper- ating as he does,under the most ex-pensive of all known methods of sell-ing and distributing things,and you must not condemn the agents.Theyarenotthefolkswhoaretoblame. They must get two prices if they stay in business and pay “overhead”expenses.Ifa local.merchant should employ a man to go out to your house tosellyouasackofflourandthenem- ploy him again to haul that sack.of flour ‘out.te your home he would have _to get two-prices for that sack offlour.If the local merchant ‘shoulddecidetoadopttheagencymethodofsellingand‘should get an ‘expert torendertheservice,board him at anxpensivehotelandhireexpensive ams from the livety stable and ‘sellfouhisgoods,wares and merchandiseonthetwotripmethod,going first_te make the sales and then to make the deliveries,don’t you think youaldbecompelledto‘pay abouttwiceasmuchforthegoodsas’you new pay?The astounding thing toneisthatmenintheirright’mindswill?be induced.to buy things from traveling agents,when they’can getsomethingequallyasgoodfromjocalersat‘much*less prices,../4t would he interestingto°knowijusthowchexcessiscarriedout‘of this county each year,on an av-‘@rage,more than ‘should have beenpaid,on:account of men being -“per- -guaded”to buy through the agency system.And the saddest part of thestoryisthatit:comes most from‘families that are least able to pay these.excessive prices.When.an agent comes don’t insult him.Getshimtoshowyouwhathehasifyou“wait to see it.Then let him say overallhis“epeech,”because he will feel ‘better if you will let him;get it off.‘Then after he has gotten itall outofhissystem,politely but firmly ad-*vise him:that under ‘no circumstances‘>would you make ‘a purchase.Don’t‘let-him touch your “weak point.”Theweakpointiswhenyoubégintoshowindications‘of surrendering,‘‘No”is_the best asset you can own when ask-ed to patronize the agency system of /gelling.; State Borrows $75,000..at Low*Rate of Interest. ~State Treasurer Lacy has nepoti-‘ated in New York a loan of.$75,000fortheStateat31-2 per cent.The ‘low rate of interest shows that the'State’s credit is first class,that theStateTreasurerisa-good managerandthatmoneyiseasyinNewYork.Of the money borrowed $60,000 isfortheinstallationofwaterworks ,for the State Hospital at Morganton and $15,000 for permanent improve-ments at the University’of NorthCarolina. «4 ‘Treasurer Lacy says funds are just now the lowest in the State Treasury-they have ever_been before since hehasbeenState‘Treasurer,at this sea- gon of the year,*and attributes thisconditiontothefailureofsheriffsof‘many of the counties to make pay-ments and.settlements of taxes aspromptlyastheyshouldandusuallydo.He says that one of the most serious consequences is that hundreds of the most faithful and deservingschoolteachers,all too poorly paid atbest,are thereby deprived of the pos-cf sibility of recewing their ©salaries+promptly and in full. The Fierce Fighting Around|:Przemysl. Around ‘the great fortress of Przemys)a mighty battle is still rag”ing.The Austro-German armies aremakingasupremeefforttocutoffaaandfreethesearmiesroperationsagainstItalyandtheallitsin.the.West. Although great’hdman sacrificesarebeingmade,progress latterly has:h extremely slow,as the Russianshadtimetobringuplargere- Nef Crake)the Yuseiaf,of Przemys'ussians‘appear to’be more than holding theirown,but,to the southeast the Aus-‘trians:and Germans claim furtherdwayandnowcommandwithrartillery.the railway betweenaeandGrodek.:_In the West:there has heen consid-along.Yser canal -,|their purpose was to cireumvent the {county and ITEMS OF ALL SORTS. At New Berne Needham B..Fields, Jr.,six years old,fishing .in.Trent river,fell from a raft into the river and was drowned, The’cruiser North Carolina,which has been in foreign,waters for sometime,was grounded at Alexandria, Egypt,a few days ago but’wits float= ed without damage. Guilford county votes today on the issue of $250,000 of bonds to build a court house.and office building com-gined.”‘The Landmark has.-a-hur¢hthatthebonds-will be defeated. Evidence forwarded by.Ambassa- dor Page at London to the State De- partment,gathered by First Lieuten-ant John H.Towers,naval attache at the American embassy in London,in-dicated that the American gteamer Nebraskan was torpedoed. General Bennett H.Yong,com-mander-in-chief of the United...Con-federate Veterans,will be unable to attend the reunion at Richmond onaccountofillness.He has designated Lieut.Gen.P.Harrison of Opelika,Ala.,commander-in-chief of the de- partment of the army of,Tennessee,to -preside.‘ An urgent warning to American shipping against traveling the navalwarzoneincantiouslyandtohaveall neutral’markings displayed as con- spicuously as possible,including night illuminations,has been communicatedtotheStateDepartmentbytheGer- man government through the Amer-ican embassy at Berlin. The funds for the North.Wilkes- boro graded school have been ranning short until it was found necessary todecreasetheschooltermor_tugieasc the fund.An election to increasé theschool“tax defeated the propesition. The Hustler says the school can’t run more than four months next’segsion with the funds in sight. Fined For Making False Mani- fests of Contraband, ,Pleas of guilty.were entered /in the ‘Federal court in New York byFranziuni;Al- ing them with having defrauded‘United ‘States hy filing manifests atthecustomshousein’connection withanallegedefforttogetcontrabandofwartobelligerentsbyconcealingrub-ber ‘within resin and cotton waste: and Newman $200.Harry Salomon and Albert ‘Salo- mon,jointly indicted with the three others,pleaded not guilty atid werereleasedonbail. By.pleading guilty, rubber merchant of Hanover,|Ger-many,Karman‘of Budapest,Hungary, The first.two were fined $300 each|, Rosenberg,at and.Newman,Karman’s ‘nephew,atailorwhofortwomonthswasamer-chant with offices.iny New York,.ad-:mitted that they had concealed $50,- 000 worth of contraband rubber ‘in! 278 barrels manifested as resin,which,they had forwarded ‘to Naples,:Italy,|aboard the’Cunard liner -Carpathia,;and had attempted’to ‘ship’30.tons!mero concealed in bales of cottonwaste‘aboard the White Star linerCretic.:5Themenfurther admitted that allies and by so.doing they believedtheywereperforminga:patriotic duty,Nes Mr.Herrick Sees:New Erq’in :Politics. Myron T.Herrick;former Govern-or of Ohio and former’United States ambassador to France,addressing..4 Republican gathering at Kansas City, Mo.,-predicted-a new era in Americanpoliticswhichwillplacepoliticsonahigherandmore.intellectual plane.He declared that’formerly big.busi- ness men wrote checks for campaignpurposesfordefensivereasonsandtherebygainedthe~right-to-be -con-sulted and’to wield power in the councils of the party. “In the new era,”he said,“the bus- iness’man will put personality intopolitics;he,not his money,will meas-ure his influence,”d This new era,Mr:Herrick as- serted,is evident in the activities of commercial and .civie organizations and the new personal interest men ofbusinéssandofdollarsaretakinginpublicaffairs. sieeeeensenemaiennmeeiimemmnnennamenl +iMiss Bessie Foard of Alexander'Mr.‘Ray Patterson ofSharpesbirg:township were marriedinStatesville.recently at the resi- dence of Rey.‘A.H.Goodin in Bloom-field,Mr,Gooiin’performing the cer-emony., —jiAi ecodl dry May for a good wheat crop,foes the old saying.Cool the month ended yesterday. —Mr,EF.0.Shaver,singer,has re-turned from.Mayodan,Rockinghamcounty,‘where he assisted in a reyi-val meeting,,ee TCR CTOERET RRRLRR To Drive Out Malaria *And Bulld Up The SystemTaketheOldStandardGROVE/STASTELESSchillTONIC,You iwwhatyouaretaking,-as.the fornivladaPintedon.every label,showing it is enough but not’dry,is the record of} ine and Iron in a.tasteless form.nine drives:out malatia : .x 3 :he a ae,Sa? |Advertising Something Good Should:Bring ‘Results. Our Fatherless Ones.—a 'The"pastors of the churchés’inStatesvillehavefacedthesituation (of small attendance at evening ser- vice):and after reviewing the ‘matter in the local papers the attendance was_.greatly-increased.»-One-of-the churches was so well pleased that’itdecidedto‘advertise in the papers, and made arrangements for a good- sized advertisement to appear eachweekrelatingtheaffairsofthe church,This new feature gives prom- ise of being a great success,and whyshoudn’t it?Mr,R.J.Reynolds spends $500,000 annually advertising his tobacco and it brings him hand- some returns.Mr.Candler,‘the c¢o- ca-cola man,spends $1,000,000 yearly advertising his well-known drink.and it pays him,Then it stands to Treasonthatifthesethingsthathavemany objectionable featyres.can be+adver- tised to advantage and bring hig re-turns in ‘sales,something good with siothing objectionable about it.can be made to bring handsome returnsalso. Eight Hour Plan For Union Farmers. Monroe Enquirer. The farmers of this county ‘have again adopted the ‘eight hour plan of labor—eight hours before dinner ‘and eight hours after dinner being their’ rule just now. Swift and Company have been’in- dicted by the Federal.grand’jury inChicagochargedwithviolating’thelawregulating‘Inter-State shipments of meats and packing products. ‘Phones 84 and 137. One-third Spring | Suits. We're stillselling these beautiful Suits at one-| third reduction.There © are yet many splendid |bargains for you.Better.| look them over.‘ For the Easiest,QuickesLastingShine—-Choose2in1ShoePolish!Inthe“Easy-Opening”Box.AllDealers,10c.per Box. THE F.F.DALLEY CO,,Lt.BUFFALO,WN.Y.HAMILTON,CAN,- Eighteen:dre known -to have.losttheirlivesasaresultof.storms andfloodsin.Kan western MissouriandeasternOklahoma,which reach-ed their height Friday.The numberinjuredisplacedat20.|The proper-ty loss will be heavy.;In an attempt.to attract publicitythatwould,enable him to become amovingpictureactor,Henry Clark,a machinist of .Philadelphia,was killed Sunday when he jumped from the Brooklyn Bridge in New York. WINSTON-SALEM.MAN“SAVED .FROM DEATH. he J.E,Erwin Says Wonderful RemedyBroughtHimAstonishing.Relief.J.E.Erwin of.Winston-Salem,N.C.,was for a long time the victim ofseriousdisordersof.the stomach.He tried all kinds of treatment and had many.doctors. One day he took.a dose of Mayr’sWonderfulRemedyand:was.astonish- ed -at-the results.The help he sought had come._.He.-wrote: “T am satisfied through -personaluseofthelife-saving powers of yourWonderful.Remedy.You have saved my.life._I-could have lived but a fewweeksmorehaditenotbeenforyour remedy.I am inclosing a list of friend sufferers who aught to havesome..of.your remedy.” Mayr’s Wonderful Remedy gives permanent.results for stomach,liverandintestinalailments.Eat as muchandwhateveryoulike.No more dis- tress after eating,pressure of gas in the stomach and around the heart.Get_one-bottle-of your_druggist now and try it on an absolute guarantee —if not satisfactory money will be Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison.Company. The Store With theQuickParcelPo : returned.Zi *Phones 84 and 137 st Service. _PietorialPatterns ot (For July. Many new ..designs shown for midsummer wear.Send for the Summer Fashion Book. ey : Which shows all these new Patterns.The price is 25c.postage paid,or 10c...when _purchased with a pattern. RAMSEY-BO THE STORE THAT PAYS*Phones 84 and 137. :My Re ates PerePOSTAGEONMAT,ORDERS.Phones84and 137 Rh yim2 Soon r res,odaker,an album for 60c. -UA, ch will be here for picture makihavelooseleafAlbums You will-wantto..save yourmG0c,to $2.25,Just think,Jeave your prints.to ‘curl.up.andPuttheminseeingtotam,Paste to them i,alb ims J moeeeeternoSe ce ee ret We are in the business to give thepooofStatesvilleasquaredeal,f you want to be pleased give usyournextorder—our-—ice is clear,solid and pure.We assure you goodweight,prompt delivery and courte-.ous treatment.——'PHONE 197.—— Independent Ice and Fuel Co. "Why this man bought a Remington Junior _’Typewriter y “T have been investigating several oftherecentmrakesofmachines,seekingforoneofsimpleconstructionforordi- .Mary manuscript and letter writing.Iwasnearlyreadytobuyamachineofanother-make-when I just happened to see for the.first time the mingtonJunior,and found it to be the very thingIwanted.; The man who wrote this is the postmaster ofa small .Southern town.«He is only.one of thousands who,haverecentlyboughtaRemingtonJunior.But his reasonsapplyto‘everybody—they apply to YOU. ‘The Remington Junior is our latest product and thelatestideaintypewriting. It is strictly a high-grade machine. It.has the RemingtonName,the Remington Guar--antee,the Remington Quality—everything Remington ~except weight and bulko7 FRGRE Ta A “Simplified Remington”describes it exactly. And its price is $50.00 YT Remington Junior Typewriters will be sent «on examina- tion,’’without gbligation to purchase. // f ‘ /Remington mpasy Zz Please send me your illpetrateddescriptivebooklet i ,i :/ingtonRgipnTypewriter/sh."hster Com;pany 229South Tryon Street,.:hsCHARLOTTE,N.C.Statesville Printing Co.,GosalAgt,;¢——______.___—_—Reig Easy payment terms can be arranged if desired. ton Junior Aypewriee on examination,his.requestdoesnotobligatemetopur- chase.- 7 7 3 )——__ you send me a Reming-| bsDOYOUBELIEVE IN STAT ===THEN BUY Tee Made in Statesville! From deep-well water,distilled and germ proof.Fresh ICE,full weight (goes further),is what we have to offer.We aim to give the best serv- ex ice possible.With your co-operation we will succeed. Yours for the up-building of Statesville, ;ImperialCotton.Oil Company, ’Phone 205. ee ES O ROY CINCO,aesASTORETTES;PORTUGUESE,.HALL'S SPECIALS,OXFORD CIGARS. t HALL’S DRUG: HA North Carolinian Writes In- |terestingly of the Famous #|Evangelist and His ‘Methods. “'#}|Correspondence of The Landmark,”~~A!New.York,May 29,1915.—BillyH|Sunday has completed his’sevenHiweeks’revival-at Paterson,.N.J,#|During that time he preached 92 ser- Hi mons.to.a total audience of 651,000 {000 persons per sermon;14,286 per-|isons are said to have “hit the trail”lor confessed Christ.The total col-‘lections amounted to $62,262.73,ofwhichover$24,685 was a ‘personaljofferingtoSunday.Oe Rae |1 heard six of.his (sermons,andRiwilltry’to give an account of the Hicampaign.It is hard,however,to)a |“«1 2;jgive a perfectly neutral account.For aA the par Hes ce di ait told SeerSunday’s doctrines and methods ad-bes me frem.:.Awd Sunday's re-imit of no neutrality;you have to be|....°);,money.over $24,000,|was\elther ardently for them or ardently peri “indeed SRSlaiainstthem.a ea .|farewell nes Were deBUYTHEBEST!|@ieiae merase aha eeeiremarkable.All the mod¢in meth |...“hey serenaded Rina at his|joes oe paseo._ciganidation’Are jhome after his last sermon.And on|The price is all right.When you come [oni Sie rouenad the teatene [RC "sv he left:the eity,thorisands|ds | RS asse:|to bid hi }‘in let us show you this CULTIVATOR,tion of an underwriting corporation te},reanatikes of,Soe we defic.guarantee all expenses vp to $40,000.dereriviion,But we~-have ee|This corporation would have paid-all some of Sunday’s traits already.His|obligations had the collections been |pany his intense activity his homes -Tredeil Hardware Co.jinsufficitent for the purpose.He also ly Gk,his enthusiaem “his sincerity‘required practically’all the Protest-}2).|sympathy Cab ldagk 'the4antchurchestoremainclosedand‘to |”.con ithy ee for him-the af|BonOO SOA ce REE TER LO COCO jco-operate with him in his campaign Pact;a af”multitudes:°Bia wheian|aS long as he stayed in the city.sine HE cen mueh of:the ‘World's devep-| lco-operation was secured before.he|tion dcuht.Sunday’s enthusiasm.andd'would agree to come.The three news-|sirichFity:but ae dn as palncuavina |S|Papers of the city had promised,their {4,0 2...’iat he has convinced thor=support,too,before his arrival.gand:of his sincerity.This is.hisl 4 Sunday has about fifteen Aasist-|gtr:vest hold on his admirers.Many,};5 ants,including his wife,“Ma Sune twho re suspicious of “Rody”and}E\day.Each assistant is a.specialist|his cr assistanta;have imolicitdeiinhisline,His righthandmanis tnith-1 fas 3s,have p!eae ‘Ask the ice man where hep is nae ee,Ripeabene;panes In .week or two T will try to tell!d li h ok Brey for sherk res ee Fomcthing,about the result of ther:elivers the least:ice and jpevcrmee”Sitposea,pod eam (eure COmpaism, =\singers,are obtained from thehewilltellyouwherever|{eer &|paign.there is an Odurless Re-§\course. ..=|The meetings are just like the re-frigerator.Why?Becausef i";it is constructed “different E |more business-like methods.of hand-t ;pling the details.Well,too,thefromthemanyso-called 2|mourners’bench is not in evidence: Refrigerators and ice box-| es.It retains the cold, Their ‘services es of Iredell.county,except for the |Sunday does -hiniself. |_Old-Fashioned Doctrines:-}|.As for the doctrines dentical with those we heard in the evangelism, ministers hdd already pledged him||thei vo-operation and sat in 8;body| sj nex’.his platform at every meeting.|j.|He Knocks high ehurch Episcopalians,| Hi persons,or ah average of about |pl tion ties,jos oe ete, co-operating in the eam-| are free,of}* vival meetings in the country chureh:| fand there is no shouting except what |th: they are ld-fashioned campmeeting.All”‘keeps the ice from melting?ate :2 horrargyof hel are pictured.in the |* familiar nunees ywe heard in ou2andsavestheice.Saved)s the ice.Saved)lehuldhe Fatttues eeu’ ipa ,=ing abo é we fa1ce_18 saved money,:po Fe we postpone the acceptance of} ition.Sunday boasts that.he isan,(old-time preacher of the old-time re- =|ligion.fi backwoods +preache i shouts incl baatera id re ve- e |hemen 5Rey edie wit! the twentieth ae he says. L oisMethods‘Radical. We have them in all sizes,with and without water coolers.i Also White Mountain Ice Cream Freezer,the best ieee!im the world,~~eee Eo ‘methods that Sunday is radical.iseeSeseeitprofitedbyhiscareerasaha!e player und patron of the aN,anTheWilliamsiurnitureHouse.uses plain bar-rodm English even iiLhis”prayers and his,ey con-ara nth versations with Christ,God anifcana:——~..|disciples.One evening in a "orl BY{Z :he said,“O Lord,bless even theNiceMulesandMares!|“sche:| Two car loads Mules and one iness,”with emphasis on “damn.”Hi-sermons to men-only are unprintable. Sunday is a.gymnast and empioy: innumerable stunts to emphasize hi; séntences.He gets down on all fou and talks to the devil,daring him t« gome up for a-fair fight...He standonhispulpitandshoutsup“to God ;with all his might.He is forever the jump.His incessant activity car load nice Mares—over 100 i ys :|||heard him talk to ‘a school for an *hour on such common-place advice asextraniceones.“obey your teachers,study your les sons,be somebody,”but his witt: slang:and lively action kept.up inter- est to the highest pitch. A Good Story.Teller. Sunday is an inimitable story-tellHenkel-Craig Live Stock Co. Stas ~ine —_—————.2 as ;er,too;and he has an endless supp!y ~of stories to tell—some of them pa- :=thetic,some humorous,some the mos! —=eaite |)!~<a horrible ever told.In his last ser YOU are going tobuild consider raofing,All kinds metal.roofing mon at Paterson,he told a horribl story of a great fire near a lunatic wsylum.The lunaties stampeded,eseanedfromtheirkeepersandrushed to the.fire.Fifteen of them rushe:! headlong into the burning buildine and could not be rescued.We could jalmost,hear the agonizing cries.Thencian|e LKened his audience to those poor“se tunatics.They were rushing pel!-=|mell right into the fire prepared for =|the devil and his angels.They were Ee |disregarding all warnings.and all ofF10d’s efforts.to save them,God had eisent Sunday,to Paterson .to save ‘them,He,that is,God,had built the E igreat tabernacle.had made a great;lcmonstration of His power forsev-| =\en weeks,yet many were such fools ={as to rush right on to hell.| Knocks the Minority.-| -These things largely explain Sun-e'day’s success—his great ability as -‘Bj an actor,and his remarkable vocab-| Eiulary of slang.Moreover,he is ex-| aor ull line sheet metalsin stock.A specialty of ridge roll and val-ley tin. STATESVILLE TIN CO.,H.C.Mohler,Manager.’*PHONE 155 114 East Broad Street.“Oi Of poverty and wantwill never grab youifyouhaveanactivesavingsaccountin a good Bank—this Bank for instance. But you.want to startin time.Startnow,|MOreoyen |aandstarthere.A dollar will do to start-:fpesming Fatlealiom:This gains torwithandahundreddollarswouldn’t stop |.pte,who arealways in “the:ma ity you,once you realize how important a ace she uoatuincers.of“Pateroo-.savings accountis, TG U u R u t lu n i e c i i l e E\of the.manufacturers of ~Paterson;=|who have certainly had enough ex- E)|perience with agitators to cause them \to be careful about whom they sup- B port. Sunday is as great a knocker asSamJoneswas;but he knocks wise-aily.He calls the Unitarians miuts,fakirs,infidels,blasphemers,etc.,bute|Unitarians are rare.One of his fa-yorite pastimes is to lambast .present-day.preachers,but it is plain he means those who do*not approve of SAVETY—SERVICE—SATISFACTION. ems.Z ae _Merchants ‘and Farmers’Bank, ?_OfStatesville, Restore,to.Good Heblth.ay was sick for four years.with stomachtrouble,”writes Mrs.Otto.Gais,Zancaville,Ohio,“I lost weight and felt so weak thatgaveuphopeofbeing.cured)” Viiis not in his”doctrine but in’his i Mr,Gaither had. Most oe.the Paterson | | but that is safe,too.Of course he |knocks,the liquor,business,He does that with all his might.He says hewillfighttheboozetillhellfreezes|pyer,and will then put on skates andSightit-stitt—But.-he never knockstheomanGatholies,..despite theireppositiontohim,‘bney are discour-| aginely numerous.| Remarkable Personality. But-all this is not a sufficient e: of .Sunday’s.suseéss,His Pper vnalityy is remarkable,.This was shows.showers of gifts:conteri ed | por ned and his wife.NumerousorgeizationsviedwithoneSeer|in viving expensive presents of everykindSowers,sill:suits,shoes,hats One evening forty-{ ents weregiven to Sunday Killed H:Hawk With Buggy Whip.| Morrce Enquirer.| M I te Connell,of Goose Creek | town:nir | dave a | that ;annpan the b wt t Nat so tial in the fact | 7k was killed that a news- is made of it,but the way | K lost its life worthy of| n r Connell.was going along } t}in his bugey and he heard a| g:commotion araong some birds! by the roadside ‘and looking in that}di he saw a hawk swooping! Ac bu: a and he struck at it with—his vwhip -and the-lash-wrapped ¢Le hawk’s neek and killed vit rao Faaia (apie of tdat |''s erop are still belie hauled from | i auga but that the price,is very ||Christ’s:pleading invitation ‘to salvar de }v4480 tents “a bushel. OF LOCAL INTEREST i| le We Know,and We Will Dy Hearing About.Them. ste Some, f 'a@ purely local-event. It tookplaco in Statesville:~ Not.in some faraway place. Yot are asked to investigate it.| Asked to believe a citizen’s word;| To confirm a citizen’s statement. Any article that is-endorsed at home Is more worthy of confidence’ Than one you know nothing about, Endorsed by unknown people. A.B.F.Gaither,316 Tradd St., ‘tatesville,says:“I. At times a little weak and J Price 50¢,at all dealers,Don’t sim-|= nly ask for a kidney remedy—et! Doan's Kidney Pills—the same that Foster-Milburn ,Props.,Buffalo,N.¥. Van Lindley Co, =For Graduation Day !|{ |1 |iAsusualweshall have our splendid of- feringsfor commence- ment time,consisting of handsomely arrang- ed Baskets,Bouquets, etc, Roses and Carnations in abundance,Ex- quisite Flowers from our own gardens, FLORISTS 0 THE SOUTH, oe N.O, sold me ee eeae tee Polk ‘Gray Drug CmfacedA ot “NowServing 2.000000 Homes* LOOK FOR THIS.NEW PERFECTION’GIRL You’ll see her in the windows and on the counters of hardware, .furniture and department.stores everywhere. She stands for the NEWPERFECTIONOILCOOK-STOVE —the simplest,most efficient Oil Cookstove made. Already it has made cooking easier and kitchenns cleaner forover2,000,000 housewives. Made inl,2,3 and 4 burner sizes;also NEW PERFECTIONstoveswithfirelesscookingoven attached. Use Aladdin Security Oil or Diamond White Oilto‘obtain the’best results in oil Stoves,Heaters and;Lamps. STANDARD OIL COMPANY Washington,D.C.—(New Jersey)Charlotte,N.C.° Norfolk,Va.(BALTIMORE)Charleston,W.Va, Richmond,Va.Charleston,S.C. oe : have.taken|| Doan’Kidney Pills off and on for]! ‘the past two years and have found|: his skillful use of slang would hold ‘°°™to be just the thing to regulate |; attention,whatever his subject.1 the action of my kidneys. my back feels have pains across my loins. éoses of Doan’s Kidney Pills makes |‘ me feel bette?in every way.”i A.few |} GOOD.TIME] The clocksin the home must be right or the housekeeper can’t be ex- pected to plan and haveaneals on time.Then there is no baat ¢in wearing out your pocket with a watch that you can’t depend owhatyouwanttodoistogetyourwatchorchickrepairedMy BOB |HENRY while he is devoting his entire time to repairing watches and clocks andoak spectacles and eye-glasses. __F.HENRY,=-Jeweles, [Gonmerdal National Bank} OF STATESVILLE,N.C. ju s Sa bY.[3rg33+:+f ofBy3%Pyry..iY+7743 ++g334o.3;3$ 3.7Y3$$3+oy 5 es s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s e CAPITAL PAID IN _$100,000.00SURPLUS31,000.00 ‘Bankingis a necessary institutionin the develop- ment and welfare of nations.Itis likewise a neces- sary institution in the development and”progress ofanycity,town or community.‘A bank’s usefulness to a commumty depends upon its ability and willingness to serve the levitimatebusinessrequirementsforloananddiscountaceom-modation and to provide a safe depository for com-nrerecial and savings deposits. The COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK is a loeal institution,with large capital and surplus,furnishes_good security to depositors and with resources ofoyer$600,000 has the willingness to serve this com:munity in every branch of legitimate banking,Be. lieving in this community,our policyis,and has nl- ways‘been,progressive &and eonstructive,assisting im every legitimate way in the advancement of the agr icultural,manufacturing and commercial devel.opment of Statesville and Iredell county,Our de-_posits are local and our loans are likewise local andmadetoindividualsandlegitimateandworthylocalenterprises. To our customers we furnish check books free,render stateraents or balance a books atthe end of each month,make loans and.discount paper upon security sat isfactory to ‘our board and in,such:amounte as business requirementsand rea vonsibititywarrant.We pay interest at the rate of 4 per centperannumontimeandeayingsdepositsntthreemonthsorlonger,”vet thes Diet we solicit your business, SS S S S 3 S S S t T T E S 3 3 te wyIS.AN EDUCATION IN ITSELF You've studied about California,with its luscious fruits and exquisite flowers,a veritable Garden of Eden,and you’ve vaguely.hoped you might get there some day.You know all about the far away Pacific . Ocean,but you hadn’t much hoped to skim its beau- tiful blue depths in a floating palace. You’ve always heard of the rich bountifulness of the Golden West,but had never expected to.cover ‘it all in one trip,from ‘Southern:California to Northern Canada,away up in the Canadian Rockies,with their magnificently majestic mountain peaks,said by world travelers to be as grand as the Al prominent cities of large proportions and model‘struction,:: -the Continent of America than you could learn travels are dise this comprehensive tour. Then you cross all the way from the Pacific to.the central!portion of Canada,down to Chicago,one ofthemostinterestingcitiesonthecontinent,through the Middle West and so on home,stopping at many This bigtour of 8,616 miles of delightful sight-seeingandprofitableeducationwillteachyoumoreabout ]lifetime from books._Hereafter it will not be yourparttoplaytheunimportantroleoflistenerwhen..You can make yourself inter-estingly indispensable tofthe pleasure of others byimpartingthevolumesofknowledgeyouwillgainon con- ina moment. Is it to be YOU? ..aanAND.CONSIDER—You don’t even have to be satis-fied with ordinary traveling conditions.You willlivelikeaNabobattheswellesthotelsintheland,travel in a luxurious steel Pullman of the latest pat-tern reserved exclusively.foryou and your party—nochangingofcars,no worry about.connections,noanxietywhatever,’everything arranged for you and_made .as.easy as a trip down town.You have:noth-ing to do.but sit back and be supremely happy every Now weare talking to the WINNER0 this contest. ow wae*)t “PROGRAMME.FOR THIS WEEK: THIS PROGRAMME WILL IFTEREST YOUR FRIENDS,SHOW IT TO THEM—IT MEANS VOTES FOR YOU: i TUESDAY“AND THEY CALLED HIM HERO” Francis Ford and Mina Cunard in.a_ two reel ‘‘Bison’’that will thrill anddelightyou.“PARES PLEASE” A funny Joker Comedy with Earn-est Shields as.a Jitney Bus Driver. “THE LAW OF THE OPEN” Asplendid Powers Drama. t On account of length offourshows,beginning at‘|o’elock,will be given. show it at 10c.and 15c. WEDNESDAY Annette Kellermann, “The Perfect Woman,”inaularPictorialTriumph, |NEPTUNE’S DAUGHTER, —THOURSDAY“WILD TRISH ROSE” A beautifal two reel Irish love dra-ma as tender and sweetasthe name.Cleo Maddison and Joe King are theprincipals:Just imagine Miss Mad-dison in this part.i the Spectac- FRIDAY “UNDER THE TABLES” See this two reel ’L-KO”comedy.It is screamingly funny ;and_hilari- ously ridiculous,Hank Mann,withahumorallhisown,:will--curl-youupwithlaughter. SATURDAY“THE TROUBADOUR” A strong two reel play witb a west--ern setting.Murdock McQuarrie ina picturesque Mexican’costumeandKguesernonserenadedbe- hind Convent walls,tells a beautiful In Seven Parts. been paying 15c.and 25c.We will picture only2,4,6 and 8 Other.towns We haye an unusually strong programme all of this week.A splendid two reel feature and two one reels every».biggest and best Film Company in the world—THE UNIVERSAL. —<——¥¥—X—X—XmJmK_— HE LANDMARK PUESDA'YY,---June 1,1915. FOR THE CHAUTAUQUA.. Premniatiia For the July Event—The First Day ‘té Be'Di-eSd,With the CelebrationeeReiMeaeeeeSVeeee ‘theimhbeting ‘of ‘the Chantayqua guarantors Friday —afternoon..Mrs.Sain ring...Heyser,reptemantative.Of the ‘Chautauqua Association,gave:aitSearie Chistes.qua,programme.this season.will.bestrongertharlast.year,stating posi-tively that there was not a_singleweaknumberintheentirepro- gramme.The programme in its en-‘tirety is not ready for publication.Mrs,Heyser also stated that a new‘tent and new chairs would be fur-nished by the Chautauqua ~manage- ment this season,giving improvedquartersover,last year.Chautauqua week begins with Mon-day,July 5th,and the tent will.beAocatedonthevacantpropertyad-qaning,the People’s Loan &Savingslank.‘The guarantors have arrrang-ed with Mr.D..F.Jenkins to have,thesiteforthetent.graded and coveredwithcindersandsawdust.‘The opening date of the Chautau-“qua is the one on which the Commer-al Club and the Merchants’Asso-‘ciation will hold their Fourth of Julycelebration,but an agreement has-been entered into by which there willhe‘no.conflict in the programme’for the day...The.afternoon and eveningprogrammesoftheChautauquawill‘he a part of the celebration.Mr.H.KE.Lewis was named as a representa-tive of the Chautauqua guarantors to“act with the parade committee of the Commercial Club and “the Merchants’‘Association.“ ’It is the purpose of the guarantors to thoroughly advertise the Chantau- qua,as was done last year.SheriffJd.M.Deaton was named as chairman‘of ‘the automobile advertising tourcommittee,he to select the other members.Messrs.W.H.Morrison, 4._0.‘Whiker and Clyde 8.AlexanderWereappointedtolookafterthedec- oration of local business houses,andRev.J.F.Kirk and Messrs.Pegram A.Bryant,J.H.’Morrison,J.PaulLeonardandOwenW.Leonard were appointed newspaper publicity com-mittee.Mr.F.B.Bunch is chairman of the ticket.selling committee andMrs.Charles Anderson is chairmanoftheJuniorChautauqua,Miss Wil-lie Nicholson was named as chairman ‘of the committee to furnish flowers for the rostrum,she ‘to.select othermembers, ->Rey.John F.Kirk,local Chautau-qua manager,has been advised byDr,‘Paul M.Pearson,ghead of theChautauquaAssociation,a sale of 750 season tickets will b@Millowed,but this is absolutely the }Mr.Kirk now has.applications for 758tickets,but there will probably besomecancellationsbeforetheChau- tauqua opens,, >—tThe ice cream supper.which waspointedforClark’s school house,Tact Monbo,last Saturday,for’thebenefitofSt.John’s church,was:post-“poned until next Saturday on accountoftherainyweather. ,-’The Trinity Tomato club,Con-ord township,will serve ice creamidcooldrinksatthehomeofMr,ibson the third Saturday iningthe19thdayae4 ITEMS OF CURRENT NEWS. Happenings Here and There in_the’State.bg The condition.of E.Carl Duncan,who was.seriously.ill.in New York,is improved,: Samuel Shropshire,15 years old,was drowned Sunday while swimmingin,.a ,pook at.High,Point. Rev.John -H.Nelson,a ‘Baptistminister,died a few days ago at hishomeinCaldweéll¢ounty,aged 74.The atinual ddivéntion of the ‘Car:dlina ,Christian Endeavor Union willmeetinWilmingtonFridayand/eon-tinue in session through Sunday, The Governor has:named:July:2 as:the date for the execution of Chas. Trull,white,of Mecklenburg.county,convicted of murder and robbery. J.A.Porter of Asheville,who ownsconsiderableproperty,his been plac- ed under bond to é«plain about the operation of.a distillery on his land; and the operator of ‘the distillerymustalsoanswer. Three policemen :have been.firedfromtheWinston-Salem force —fordrinkingintoxicantsinthehomeofacoloredwoman..One of the officerstoldtheJournalallaboutitandhe says others on the force are equallyguilty.t ’: Dr.S.Westray Battle of Ashe-ville,retired surgeon,of the UnitedStatesNavy,who:has served in themedicalcorpsof.the State Guardsince1892,has been:placed on:theretiredlistwiththerankofbrigadier general.‘: Now they’re going to begin onGov.Craig to pardon Herman Smith,the defaulting Goldsboro cashier,whoescapedwithasentenceoffiveyearsintheStateprisonandhasserved but a year.If he is pardoned theyshouldapologizetohimforsending him up.: The Newton rprise says fire started by a bolt-df lightning destroy- ed an outbuilding on the farm of Mr.L.P.Perkins,near Iron Station,Lin- coln county,on.the evening of May 23,burning a bale of cptton,mowingmachine,drill and other implements,the loss being around $200,: Leon Marshburn,a young man em-ployed by the Norfolk Southern rail- way,was riding on a load:of cross- ties on a flat car when some of theties.rolled,Marshburn.was.thrownoffthe.car and ties fell on’-him,crushing him so badly that he died a few days later.The accident occur- red in Moore county.. Jas.H.Johnson,lawyer,farmer and former Republican’member of theLegislaturefromCumberlandcounty,has been sentenced to the roads forthreemonthsforretailingwineinquantitiescontrarytolaw.He wasconvictedofthesameoffenceabout@yearagoandreleasedunder$500Bondtoappearandshowgoodbe-haviour.‘‘ The Enterprise says a storm of al- most cyclonic proportions encompass-ed Newton Whdnesday,blowing downfruittrees,fences,outhouses thatweresmalland“wobbly,”and doing more or less damage to gardens.Atree,broken off by the wind,fell onthekitchenofMrs,Sidney Lutz andbadlydamagedthebuilding.Somehailfellandverymuchwater. Monroe Enquirer:Vann Rowell,the13-year-old son of Mr,and Mrs,G.W.Rowell,of Goose Creek township,was struck bylightning while he was.plowing.Hp was ty hurt and wasunconsciousfor.about eight ‘hours,He -was.struck on the head and the clothearingwas.torn ‘led to the Hallof Boy’s Li Amputated, son of Mrs.Bessie Holder,;olivesneartheBradford).Knitting Mill, last week.©fhe:bone,of the.leg wasaffected|with.tul ,the amputation necessary.It:will }recalled that more than a month ge’Demps’”Brown,a;young man.em- ployed:at‘;;the ;-Bradford |KnittingMill,was plaged -under,bond for hisappearance:in:a;magistrate’s courtteanswerfor-an injury,te the Hold-er:/boy,»who was also ani employe ofithesill,it.bei because the boy.has been unableattendcourt.“Itis “ditderstobd*thaphysicianswhohaveattendedHold>er will testify that his troubie was.due to tuberculosis of the bone,andthattherewasnoevidenceofanex:ternal injury.; Dew Covered Clover:Fatal to Cows.aN : Mr.W.J.Morrison of Fallstowntownship‘reports the death of a cowwhichis;supposedto have-died fromeatingtoomuchclov2rirtheearl morning before the dew «dried.EacspringTheLandmark-renoris thedeathofcowsfromeatingdew-cov-ered clover-and siunds the warnhinagainstthepracticeofturningcattle on clover in the early.morning.“ir. Morrison says he failed to see thewarninglastyearfuthehopesofh-er ‘tarmers will prefit by his experi-ence.clover.early inthe morning and died’before-8 o’clock.The clover was wet:with dew when the cow.was placedonitandMr.Morrison is convincedthatshediedfrom“clover bloat,” Personal Mention. Mrs.S.Smith and son,Master Paul Smith,left last night for Med- home people,©They will spend the summer at Ocean City,At-lantic City and elsewhere. “THE LOVE OF MARY WEST” A splendid “Big U’’picture featur-ing Edna Maison. “A MIXED-D)P ELOPEMENT” A laughable Nestor Comedy withBillyRhodesandNealBurns. \Whenleg’of Eddie Holder,young| was amputgted at the,Sanatorium| tuberculosis,,making j }Mattress alleged..that.Brown}had,kicked the.boy on the knee.Theilhearing’of the casé is still ee His cow was turned on the}; ford,’N..J.,where they:will visit Mrs.{ ‘Smith’s Miss Mariaddie Turnerhome:last night.from Shelby,where she was principal of the graded school...She was accompanied homebyMissEssieDaleHunterofHollySprings,a fellow-teacher,who will be her guest for several days. Mr.Ralph Alustin returned last nightfromNewland,Avery county,makingthetripbyautomobile..Mr,and Mrs.Newland#had been at Newland forsometimeandMr:Austin —joimedthema;few days-ago.--—-- vention.”iMr.and Mrs.C,EB,Sloan and.chil-dren,Mr.and Mrs.H:B.Woodwardand.Master Pless Woodward,Mr.andMrs.J.Paul Leonard,Mrs.H.Burke,ne wee si meee:rePur-nell,W..B.Thomas,‘D,I,MaandLeRoyNashattetidedche”mealingoftheSouthYadkin.Baptist San-day School Asséciation in SalisburySunday,making the trip.by ‘automa-bile.Mr.D.E.other,Statesville people were also inattendance.Dr,Charles’AndersonandRev.C.8;Cashwell attendedrentersessionsoftheassociationandspoke‘before the convention, A.portrait of the late W.J.YatesofCharlotte-was qetehien peeistoryinRaleigh. TO BUILD WITH. arrived } Mr.and Mrs.B,A.Newland.and i= ~*WHEN THE ‘SPIDER’TORELOOSE” You will enjoy this heart touchingdrama. “THE STREETS OF MAKE-BELIEVE”’ This is an unusual Imp Comedy and features that prince of actors,King Baggot. _..love story you should not miss.'“A MAN AND HIS MONEY” A splendid Rex picture with PaulineBush.“PLAYMATES” One of those original,laughing, screaining Sterling Comedies. day.Four big reels of pictures made by the SSS When Fatig Made HeavyKhaki Cloth, Steel Frame And Springs. Complete With. Chains, Mattress And Springs $6.00. Rei uti a PAN est 12218-13 You can get just the kind of Porch Furnishings you want at ourstore.Wehavea big assortment of Couch Hammocks, Porch Swings,Rockers,Chairs,Settees,Rugs,Shades and .‘Awning,es ‘ Crawford-Bunch Furniture Company. why ‘THE STORE THAT ALWAYS:WELCOMES YOU. Building Materials! C.WwW ATKINS,Statesville,N.C.,North Center Street,Next Planters’Warehouse.~~‘ ete ee =mare 5s iene Hammond’s Attended SundaySchool Con- mnedy and probably 4. ,‘shoeSitdesired,but will allow 0percent 0 3 For Best DecoratedCars! THE CAROLINA MOTOR CO...of Statesville,Mooresville -and Newton will give three prizes as follows for the best decorated cars in the Fourth of July parade in Statesville: FIRSTPRIZE $15 ELECTRIC HORN.SECOND PRIZE $10 BUMPER.THIRD PRIZE-$4-HAND HORN. “Slug Shot!” Kills potatobugs,cab-| bage worms,caterpil-,| lars and similar leaf _eating insects.Try it on your flowers and melon vines, ,GET IT.AT— |.J.S.Fry &Son Will call for‘and deliver R,G-.GAITHER.nile C,E-GAITHER.—IREDELL TIN WORKS,—Ciena ROOFING CONTRACTORS.©,Cornice,Sheet Metal and Repair Work,©f if work is broughtin.and called|f J.8.FRY &SON,» ‘ 4 —_ VOL.XL. JOHNSON ADMITS GUILT. The Slayer of Tom Rickert Says:He Struck the Latter Purpose-.*ly But Didn’t Intend to KillRickert—The Latter “Pickedon.Him.” Henry Johnson,the young negro section hand who ten days ago struck Tom Rickert,another negro sectionhand,a death blow with a pick,andisnowinjail,has decided to pleadguiltywhenhiscasecomestotrial.When arrested shortly after thethetragieincident,which occurred on the loeal railway yards,Johnson:ce- clared that -he struck Rickert acei- dentally,and he held to this story for several days.A few days ago,how-ever,his father,whe lives in Rowan county,visited him at the jail and he told his father,in the,presence ofJailerGilbert,that he had decided to tell the truth abour the matter and ~plead guilty.Wednesday a Land- mark reporter talked to Johnson atthejailandthelattertoldthenews- paper man that he struck Rickert purposely’and gave his reasons for so doing.% Johnson declared that Rickert had been “picking”at him ever since they had been working together,but he did not talk back to Rickert because he was afraid of him.On.one oc-easion,at a point below the Sfates- ville depot,Johnson says Rickert “gotmadwithoutcause”and.threatened to strike Johnson with a rock,whichheheldinhishand,if Johnson didn’t“shut up.”On another occasion “At Eufola,about a month ago,Johnson says Rickert started’at him with a knife on slight provueation.On both occasions,Johnson declares,he ~re- sponded to demands made by Rickert because he knew Rickert was a “bully”and--he wag afraid of him. Just why Rickert “had a spite”at him,Johnson.professes not to know. It had been intimated that.Rickertwasjealous,of Johnson on account ofRRickert’s wife,but Johnson.saystherewasno‘ground for this and de-elared that Rickert had never men- tioned his wife to him. Coming up to the morning of thekilling,Johnson said that severaltimesduringtheshortperiodthey had been at work that morning Rieck-ert had called him an unmentionablename,but he “took it”and said noth- ing’because he was afraid of Rickért. A few.minutes prior to.the .timewhen’hé strutk Rickert;Johnsdén saysheandRickertweregarrying.a crogs-tie.“Johnson stumbled and came nearfalling,chusing the tie to give Rick-ert a jolt,whereupon Rickert.cursed him violently and-agein applied.the‘vile epithet.“Even after this.inci-“dent Johnson says he-had -not;decid-ed to attack Rickert,because he wasvafraidofhimandfeltsurethat.ifhe“talked back”or made a false move Rickert would kill him,But afewminuteslaterwhenthetwomen were picking around the same tie and Johnson noticed Rickert in a stoopedposition,he.says he decided instantlythatthenwasthe¢emé for him to “get even”with Rickert for -his con- tinued abuse,’and before taking a second thought as to the conse-quences,he dealt the blow which proved fatal.“I did not mean to kill.him,”declared Johnson,“but Ididwanttohurthim.I expected to knock him down and then run away before he could hit,me,and then keep out:of his way.”:;In answer to questions Johnson.de- clared that he had never,planned tokillRickert,but that-the continnednaggingoftheoldermanhadfre-huently caused him to want to strikehim,but he was always afraid to, fight for fear of losing ais own life.Johnson hopes to get off with lightpunishmentonaccountofthese.cit-cumstances.He has never heen introuble,before,while on the contrary Rickert had been in the courts a num-ber of times to answer for various offenses.Johnson says that he wasnottheonlymanwhowasafraidof Rickert;that there are others who “took things.off him <because they were afraid of him.”Johnson is only19years-old.The man _he-killed:wasabout42.: Mr.James_A.King Dead. Mr.James A.King,who had been critically ill for several weeks,died last night’about 10 o'clock at his home on Davie avenue,Cancer of the stomach was the canse*of death. Mr.King was in his 67th year.He was a son of the late Elihn and Naucy “Campbell King and’was.born and reared in Trinity church neighbor--hood,-wherehelived until he movedto,Statesville,near 30 years ago.Hewasdeputycollectorof.mternal rev-enue.under the first Cleveland .admin-istration and filled.the same.officeforatimeunderthesecondClevelandadministration,resigning before.his‘berm expired:He was also a magis- trate for some-years.Mr.King mar-ried Miss Neill,daughter of.the JateH.A.Neill of this county,-and his ‘wife-and six “children ~survive—fivesohsandadaughter.-Mr..King was ‘ane of the most in-teresting’mon in the county.’He wasamanofsplendidintellect,wide read-ing and wasa”student of men.116was«not;given ‘to much”gspeech,,bot‘when he choge to talk he was alwaysinteresting. ‘The;funeral ‘will fake place this af:ternoon,‘The hourhad not been fixedat.6 o’¢lock this,morning: ‘Cashier A.8.Carson of the revenueofficeleavestoday‘for his home:atSparta,where he will ~ STATESVILLE,N.©.,I THE MEXICANS WARNED, Factions Must Get ‘Togetlier«and Set Up Stable Govern-ment.or the United StatesWillTakeaHand. President Wilson,in the name oftheUnitedStatesgovernment,-hascalledonallfactionsinMexico“toaccommodate.their differences”.andset-up a government that can be ae-corded recognition.Failure to‘uniteinamovementtobringpeacetoMex- ico,“within avery short.time,’itWasannouncedinastatement:to Gen-erals Carranza,Villa,Zapata andothers,would ‘constrain the UnitedStatesto“decide what means shouldbeemployed”to save the people oftheSouthernRepublicfromfurther devastations of internal warfare.The statement sent to the leaders of rival Mexican factions is not a diplomatic note by the government but 2 declar- ation of President Wilson’s attitude, expressed to the American people.Itfollows:on“For more than two years revolu~ tionary conditions have.existed |inMexico.The ‘purpose of.the revolu- tion was to rid Mexico of men who ignored the constitution ofthe Re- public znd used their power in-°con- tempt of the right of its people:-and with these purposes the people of the United States instinctively and generously sympathized.But the leaders of the revolution,in theveryhouroftheirsiecess;-have-dis- agreed and turned their arms agacnst One ANnothery seein.“All/professing t i he same objects, they “are nevertheless unable or un- willing to co-operate.A central au- thority at Mexico City is no sooner set up than it is undermined and its authority denied by those who are expected to support rz. “Mexico is apparently no nearer a solution of her tragical troubles than she was when the revolution was first kindled.And she has.beensweptbycivilwarasifbyfire.der crops are destroyed,her fields lieunseeded,her work cattle are con- fiseated for the use of the armed fac- tions,her people flee to the moun- tains to escape being drawn into unavailing blodshed,and.no ‘man seems to see or lead the way to peace and settled order.There is noproperprotectioneitherfor-her.own citizens or for the citizens of other nations resident and at work withinherteFritory;*Mcxivo is Starving and without a government, “In these circumstances the people and gayernment of the United States cannot stand indifferently by and de nothing.to serve.their neighbor.They want nothing for themselves in Mexico.Leagt of all do they:desire to settle her affairs for her,or‘claimanyrighttodoso.But neither do they wish to see utter ruin come up-on her and they deem it their duty as.friends and neighbors to lend any aid they properly can to any instru-mentality which promises to be effec+ tive in bringing about a settlementwhichwillembodythe.real objects of the revolution—constitutional gov-ernment and the rights of the people.Patriotic Mexicans.are sick at heartanderyoutforpeaceandforevery self-sacrifice that may he necessary to procure it.Their people cry outforfoodandwillpresentlyhateas much as they fear every man,in their country or out-of it,who:stands be-tween them and their daily bread.7 “It-is time,~therefore,‘that.the government...of .the United States should frankly state the —policywhichin.these extraordinary cir- cumstances it .becomes its duty to adopt.It must.presently do what ithasnothithertodoneorfeltat”lib-erty to do—lend its active |moral support to some man or group of men,if such may be found;who-can rally the.suffering people of Mexicototheirsupportinaneffortto.ig- nore,if’they cannot.unite,the wartingfactionsofthe’country,returntotheconstitutionof.the people so long in abeyance,and set up a gov- ernment at.Mexico City which the great powers of the world can.rec-ognize and déal with,a.government with whom the «programme of therevolutionwillbeabusinessandnot merely a platform,4 “I therefore publicly and very sol-emnly call upon the leaders of fac- tions in -Mexico—to—act,-to-_aet--te-gether,and to act promptly for the relief and redemption of their pros-trate country.I feel it to be’my duty to tell them that,if they ‘can- not.accommodate theit differencesand.unite for this great putpose within a very.short time,this gov-ernment will be constrained ‘to de-cide what means should be employedbytheUnitedStatesiinordertohelpMexieosave.herself and:serve.her people,”hin Local t I t fi J May Teach.Spanis'~Schools. Rev..W:A.Lutz,°a’member 6f the graded school board,is interesting himself in arranging for the teachsingof“Spanish in the Statesville graded school.next —session,”°Miss Janie Love’of Statesville,who:was‘for some years a missionary in Mexi-4¢6 and is thoroughly proficient:in the Spanish language,will teach a classiftheschoo!board decides to ‘put onthiscourseintheeleventhgrade...The Landmark hag mentioned.thedesirabilityoftheyounspeoplebeinggivenanopportunityto-study|Span-ish,a8 our trade with South Amer].ica.will very probably,in’the nearfuturescreateademand:for personshavingaknowledgeofthelanguageofthatcountry;and it is hoped thatarrangementscan.be made to teach § will spend:a weeaacralme:§re ‘the. language in Statesville... a pee EMBEZZLER § Barber Shop Shoe-Shine Un- is pretty well known ahout town,hasdiscoveredthatbarbers.don’t like topaytwiceforthesame‘articles;Royhasbeen“shine boy”at the Co:cial Barber Shop and frequentlyinehisconnectionwiththe-was sent by Proprietordrugstoresafterwitch hazel,moneybeingadvancediheachinstanceto[pay for the witch hazel:‘The negrowasnotsuspectedofwrong-doiig1n-til Wednesday,when the bill ¢ollée-tors visited Mr.Taylor and presentedbillsforwitchhazel.;the Polk Gray Drug Compariy was $8andtheHalldrugstoreTeds,bill for$9.80 for witch hazel.was realized whyt had happened.Me-I p ey and had the witch hazel chargedtothebarbershop.Mr.*Ta: ed an officer rested. Lazenby Wednesday evening and the magistrate committed him to jail iz default of $75 bond for his appear- ance at Superior Court to answer a charge of embezzlement. who,a few days age completedatermontheIredellchaingat¢for retail-ing,is-being--held in Statesvillejail A WRO..B29..0%Y day.He is charged witAsheville. recently completed a termRowan brought to Statesville jail from Salis-bury Tuesday by Deputy Sheriff Clark of Troutman, be taken to-Mooresville today to an- swer a charge of store breaking.Heis of the Kelly Clothin months ago;¢ some days after identified clothing which Brewn had in his possession. in the Rowan jail to answer for anoffenseinthatcountyandcouldnotbebroughtbacktoMoo Rowan:finished with hi are which occurred nearly two.weeks avonearHarmony.«Clyde Heath,was in’jail for the preliminary-hearing —of.thecasehasnotbeenset,Young Harbin,whose spinal cord wag ¢evered by a pistol ball which is supposed to havebeenfiredbyoneofhis.three com-r in a hopeless condition. colored,were before the mayor Wed- nesday to answer for being drunk onthestreetTuesdaynight. was fined $10 and costs and Lee $5 and costs. fore Justice Lazenby yesterday on achargeofpettylarcenypreferredby Mr,C..S.Holland,who alleged that Benson had taken a number’of farmtoolsfromtheHollandfarm of town. tools were his property and argued that he had a right:to remove them from the farm.The court found Ben- son guilty of tresspass and suspend- ed judgment on the payment.of thecosts. defendant had counsel and the case was a prolonged one, der controversy are valued at a few dollars. A NEW JUNIOR COUNCIL. West Statesville Council Insti- of the Junior Order was formally in-stituted Tuesday night at a meetingheld-in the Junior hall in the Patter-son building.The officercs of the newlodgeareMessrs.F.°T.:Meacham councilor,J.Anderson Lackey vice councilor,Z.-V.Long -councilor..and-representative to Statecouncil, F.Russell treasurer,L. will hold.its next meeting:Junior hall in the Patterson building Tuesday night,June 15th,but after that time it expects ‘tw meet regular- ly.each week in its’own quarters, which:are being fitted upon the sec- ond floor of the store building of Mr. »P,.Sumter on west Front:street.The new council now has.42 mem-bers and’when the present appli-cants take their degrees-the numberA Juniors was addressed by Mr.Jo,W. rcouncilor.of the Junior Order.tj \District”Deputy “CouncilorFongalsotookpartinthe exerciseslottheevening. Statesville couneil,StatesvilleHethreecouncilsoftheJunior Or- ohhavingAgo, German tra wa eeENT TO JAIL faithful to”Trust —OtherCourtCases—Clyde Heath Releasedon Bond.* “Roy McLelland,a young negro who er4_ shop e Taylor’to The bill from Instantly it Hand had simply pocketedthemon- j eall-and had MeLeHand ar-He was taken before Justice O.U.Roper,a young white:man or the Buncombe county authorities, pected..to.send.for htm to-h larceny at 4MandyBrown,a young negro who on the wascountychainpang, Brown will probably s alleged to have entered the store >Company someRepresentativesofthelothingcompany.went to Salisbury the robbery:anj Brown >was:then resville until! John Moore and George W:Mundaywyinjailawaitinganinvestiga ion of the shooting of young Jameslarbin,son of Mr.Robt.J.Martin, whoforatime,’was:releasedhis.Week on.$500.Dond....The date anions,is still at the Sanatorium Jim Lee and Fred.Johnson,.both Johnson Bob:Benson,colored,was tried be- north Benson testified that the Both the prosecutor and the The.tools un- tuted—Town Now Has Three Councils.; West -Statesville Council No.460 junior pasf Henry Lewis secretary,B. R.Houpenancialsecretary.The new council in the ill be swelled to.65:or more.Tuesday night’s meeting of the echrest:of High Point;past Statc Na- meilor C..B:Webb and Za V. onal Vice Cou ‘With the ‘organization of ‘the West now @ South:Statesville council been organized a year,or more British submarine torpedoed ansportintheseaofMar- ¥ IDAY,JUNE 4, DEATH OF YOUNG lorsville,: Correspondence of The Landmark. Taylorsville,June 3.-—-Mrs.taker,wife of near Bethel ‘church,in Sugartownship.Death ‘resultedberculosis, day afternoon ‘at -2:30 o'clock,Hemel Baptist:chureh. son of Mr.and Mrs. in Sharpe’s townshiatCarson-chapel Misses Mabel Mrs, nis uncle,Rév.L.L.Moore. Fla., hi Sat law,Mr.J.W.Moore.is en route home from Rochester,N.Y ern Presbyterian Church, Miss Blanche Linney.a been visiting her brother,Lawyer F.A Mrs.J.W.Hendren at Hiddenite,ar-rived here Wednesday to spend aweekwithher“sister,Mrs.W.D.Deal.Mprs.Edgar Flowers and chil-dren of Hickory are guests of Mrs.lowers’sister,Mrs.Ray.Echerd.Mrs.Icha Bogle and.daughter,Mrs.M. of ‘Liledoun.After the marriage thegoupleleftforifgroom’s parents,Mr.and Mrs.T.Hendren,in,Gwaltney’s township.The bride has been.teaching..far the past few years and is an attrac- tive.young:lady.The groom is asplendidyoungfarmerandheandhis,.bride have the‘best.wishes large.circle of friends. Alexander Feud Leads to Charge of Incendiarism. Asheville Gazette-News. F,M.Jordan,deputy insurance commissioner,arrived ‘home Satur- day from a trip to Taylorsville,Alex- ander county,where he has been in- vestigating a mysterious fire. dwelling house at that place,belong-ing to Miss Sarah Pierce and occu-pied by her brother who lived in it alone,was destroyed by fire one af-ternoon under circumstances:that seemed-to indicate incendiarism.OninvestigationMr.Jordan.found astateofaffairsthatled’to his swear-ing out.warrants for Julius Martinandhisson,Arthur Martin. It appeared,so Mr.Jordan states, that there tiad been a feud of 16 yearsbetween.Martin and J.R.Pierce,whooccupiedthehousein-question...Mar-tin had caused the arrest of Pierce on May 13,and being:unable to give the$1,000 peace bond required of himPiercewascommittedtojail.On thefollowingMondayafternoontheun- occupied house was burned;ThetroublebetweenthefamiliesandtheallegedthreatsofArthurMartinthat he would burn the house,led the in- surance commissioner to have |the Martins arrested and placed under fore #magistrate on June 4.Mr.Jordan says that one witness for the State:will swear that he saw one oftheMartinssetfiretothehouse. (The dwelling burned was in Alex-ander county,not at Taylorsville.‘Theburningofthebuildingwasmention-ed recently in The Landmark.) Still,Fishting For Przemysl. The battle for Prazemysl,one.of the-most stubborn and sanguinarystrugglesofthewar,continues withunabatedfury,Both sides have pour-ed:reinforeements into the field and losses are piling up to an unprece-dented extent. -"Phe-Germans-and—Austrians claimthatsome.of the forts on the north-evn front have fallen and that on the southeastern fronttheir troops areprogressingtowards,the railway:thatjoinsthefortresswith.Lemberg.Butthelatest’Petrograd communicationsaystheGermanswhogotinto:onefortweredriyenoutandmakesnomention:of the capture of Stry orofother‘succésses claimed by the‘Feutoni¢“allies, .Later The’recaptured -Przemysl, orf rsetthdn nsec oon Y +White Man;Not Colored. In The Landmark of April 2%,ref- crence was made to Lee.Whitley be- ing sent to the chain gang from Mooresville and he was designated ascolored.The Landmark's attention iscalled‘tothe fact that Whitley is a white “man,~The ‘former.statemcnt impression:¢) was ‘made ii “good faith,under thehaterror:is: k ¥ ae MOTHER Mrs.Baker of Alexander —ALittleChildDiedatTaylors-ville—Other News.of.,Tay- RuthMr.E.G.Baker,diedMondayat\t ofeloek at her home Loaf rom tu- Deceased was 2 daughteroftheJateMr.Quiney Williams andWis22yearsold,Surviving are herhuvbandandtwoSmallchildren.Thefuneralandborialserviceswerecon-ducted by “Rev.J.W.Watts Tues- at Little Herman,the five-months-old W.A.Marshall,died Monday afternoon at their home and-was buried esday afternon, Hoover.and EdnaPlattsof?Charlotte are guests ofD.C.Henley.Mr.John Wat-Moore,.teacher of mathematicsinthehighsehoolatWinston-Sa-lem,is visiting ‘at ‘the homes of hisrrandfather,Mr.J.‘W).Moore,and Mr.A,M.Sample of Port Pierce,is spending a few days withdaughter,little Miss Margaretnple;at-the-home of his father-in- Mr.Sample ¥.,where hé ‘was a commissioner totheGeneralAssemblyoftheNorth- trainednurseof‘New York city,who has .Linney of Boone,and her ‘sister, the “home of—the} of a. A’ $400 bonds for their appearance be-|i Austrians yesterday ; it was ‘correct,Tite i aR eg “1915,| BRIEF ITEMS LOCAL.NEWS. ‘5 SIRelSmey”aHenry,little son of Dr,and Mrs.Ht.F.Long,has been very ill for sev-eral ‘days,suffering from ‘colitis. —Mr.\and Mrs.“Arthor’Parks ofMooresvillehavemovedtoCharlotte.Mr.Parks is a brother,of Miss Mag-rie Parks of Statesville.=—1All Healing Springs will openfortheseasonlaywithpublicexercises.Mr.A.V.Gordon’of Lon-don,England,will be the speaker ofthe‘oceasion.Se aeeeaet e ”Mrs,Chas.Milholland of BethanytownshipunderwentalkoperationforappendicitisattheSanatorium‘yes-terday.Her eondition was ‘reportedfavorableyesterdayafternoon.‘s —Mr.W.R.Mills and‘young’Mr. SCHEDULE BALL GAMES. Seleeting the Players For theStatesvilleTeam. Statesville is counting on having aballteamthisseasonthatwillmakethe“fans”sit up and.take notice.While none of the players have asyetbeen“signed up,”there are adozenormore“extra good ones”try-ing for the team,some of whom haveenviablereputations.as professionalballmen.From this company ©of:layers the Athletic “Associationroughitsteammanager,Mr.Ever-ett Booe,will ‘make its ‘selectionswithinthenextfewdaysprovidingthereisweatherfavorableforprac-tice games.The.work on the ballparkisnearingcompletionandevery-thing is expected to be in fine shape Abie when the league season opens June|2ohnston of Mooresville,a son of Mr.14th,—Following:i W.C.Johnston,have tedgamesforheeeeeetheestablishmentofainJune14,15,16—Lenoir at Hickory,Morganton at Statesville,June 17,18,19—Statesville atgauton,Hiekory at Lenoir,June 21,22,23-~Moranton at Lenoir,Statesville’at Hickory,June 24,25,26—Lenoir at Morgan-ton,Hiekory at Statesville.June 28,29,30—Morganton at Hiek-ory,Statesville at Lenoir,,duly 4,-2,$—Hiekory at Morganton, Statesville:but the matter has ‘notbeendefinitelysettled. +~Thé Landmark is authorized toanounceadebate:and mock trial atMidwayschoolhouseee Mor- A:25-cent bexof candy:is-totothe’prettiest girl and a cigar totheugliestboy.The ladies’cordial- ly invited to attend.ee, —Mr.Carlton.A..°Andrews ‘ofLenoir.at.Statesville,Statesville has secured —the localJuly5,6;7—Lenoir at Hickory,Mor-]#gency of Hardman,Peck &Co,_ganton-at-Statesyitte:;Manufacturersofthe dm _piano,_July 8,9,10-—Hickory”at~Lenoir,[and will tell ofits merits zh theStatesvilleatMorganton.:advertising columns’of ‘The Land-mark.rae AD —4A public meeting will be held atAthensschoolhousetonighttoor-ganize a council ‘of the Junior aofUnitedAmericanMechanics.’Cee council will besing 9 netZ.V.Long and bia located July 12,13,14—Morganton at Le-noir,Hickory at Statesville.July 15,16,17—Lenoir at Morganton,Statesville at Hickory,diily 19,20,21—Morganton‘at States-ville,Hickory at Lenoir. ee 23,24—Statesville at Mor- ut:ganton,Lenoir at Hickory,Peputy 4.whenJuly26°27,28—Morg jako:"es.ry,Tieiaie t Statesville oh ey ——Messrs.T,A.’and Krider Wood=have rented the storeroom in thduly29,30,31—Hickory at Morgan-ton,Statesville at Lenoir,August 2,3,4—Morganton at Lenoir,Hickory,at Statesville e Ibleblockvacatedby.Mr.J.’S.Beonardand‘will convert is mo a pocketbilliardparlor,which will be:conduct-Wood,“Mr.Leonard — August 5,6,7—Lenoir at Morganton, A.I.Gwaltney,spent Wednesday in Statesville at Hickory.c he SCharlotte.'August 9,10,11—Hiekory at Lenoir,|Loan and Savings Bank building._Miss Julia Teague and _Mr,Ray Morganton at Stateaville,—At the court house —a‘tendren:were married this morning]Angust 12,13,t4—Lenoir at Hickory,|Attorneys R.T.Weatherman and D.at 9:80.o'clock at the home of the}Statesville at Morganton,F.Mayberry,commissioners,sold tebride's:parents,Mr..and Mrs.E.C.tt tracts of the Cash in DaTeague.Only relatives and a few}|HENS ON IREDELL FARM.Grove township.A.tract inifriends‘were Aes The ceremony —_—_‘ean ”aS act .was performed by Rev.J.W.Watts|Actual Test Shows a Net Prof-PiMaat he Tes andsitof$157.18 ona Flock of}acres was soldtoJ.M.Cash fo Hens.,Express Agent |Raleigh News and Observer.eral eoops of Homer‘How one hundred hens will pay for}clubs im:Wil my’ where whith have beenracehome,this being ©point from a nips ee f their upkeep and in a year bring atotal.profit of $167 “is explained bytheNorthCarolina’Experiment Sta- tion after a test:just,completed on.the}The pigeons will f |theIredell:Farm.The rarea hegun|favorable morning’after the rainy ~on April 2,1914,with the object|Season.Sarge pa AOprimarilytodeterminewhatitwould|The books at Collector Watts’of —fice show .revenue collections last .weal)At follawa;ee icumentary.and ‘pro:‘$7,861.44,Opium $15.39,order’$18,lists $13,459.42,special tax $392.-36,tobacco,snuff,igroobel gg oo#ettes $721,649.83,8 grand total:of$748,419,44,000 ie —Mr,Wi L.ogi 40 ve of Lificoln-©ton,who’came.to,Statesville a fewweeksago‘tobe with ‘his beta a cost to keep a farm flock of hens ayearandjustwhatprofit,if any,could’be secured.During the year the ‘hens ‘laid 8,-676 eggs or'an average of 86.7 eggsperhen.They were kept.under’actual farm conditions.All the sur-plus eggs were sold on the Statesvillemarketatthepriceof.20 cents perdozenandwhentheincreaseintheflockisconsidered,along with thevalueoftheeggs,the profit of eachhenamountedto$1.57.The hens while she underwent‘antheSanatoruim,and was hiconsumedaboutfourtonsoffoodledwithanattackofappendici sandincreasedinnumbersto:189.Mar-cessitating an,cereus.heeketpricesofgrainwascharged|ciently recovered to return to his.~against the hens and all expenses for|home in Lincolnton.0upkeepwerepaidbythemoneyre-ceived from ‘the sale of the eggs.The tabulation ‘shows the hundredhensboughtforonedollareach,Corn cost $52.65,oats $57.34,wheat$25.86,incidental expenses $5.30,-ex-tra feed for small chicks $7.90,704éggsat20cents$11.75,interest oninvestment,at 6 percent,$22.On the ‘credit side of the:accountcomestheitemof189hensvaluedat$1 each;$189.00;120-chicks at tencentseach,$12;77 fowls sold,$36.86; 49 fowls eaten,.$23.52;.728.dozeneggsat20cents,$144.60;four tons ofmanure,$24, All of this runs up a total expenseof$272.80,“and a total increase invalueof$429.98 making a net gain.of Messrs.Jas.E.Tharpe and Jas. ness.in)Statesville to be known a!the Iredell Produce Co.They barevanparksyquartersjnthebasement _of Tharpe’s five and tencent store,—All kinds:of country prodpee,inchid-ing hams,eggs,chickens,feed,will be bought and sold.—-Dr.J.F,Carlton,Messrs.J,L.and A.R.Sherrill,J/R.Davis andhaa.aN the latter of ae pring township,were among.theStatesvilleandIredellpeoplewi :went to Richmond,—Dr.tle id.a number’of others who took,the ‘tihavereturnedhome.Their stay wasshortenedbytheweather, oy ee 157.18.‘The demand.for Fe,gainer generat Siles is‘emenebie RE.Building Nofes.tor Co.received three carday—48'machines—and allchineshad‘heen sold’by the’ get the machines from the factfastasitcansell.them.InMay‘and June,the CarolinapesayitiseasytosellaearOf:chines a week—an average offoreachweekday.—ees—Mr.H,©.Gaither returned nésday romtendedpment.Gaither,wasuatingclass.“Youngawillfelonhomey: Mr,D,GQ:Cowan has moved intohisnewlyerectedbungalowoneastFront-street,:;A.residence is being erected.on theBuffalo.Shoals road,just beyond theTaylorsville‘railroad,for Mr.RoyMorrison. »Mt.-R.Li.Vaughn is adding a sec-ond story to his home on the Buffa-lo Shoals road,-and is otherwise im-proving:the property.“Mr.RV. |Mr.R,V,Brawley’snew residence}on Davie avenue is nearing comple-tion,It will be oectpied by Mr.T.Foy White and family,who now live next door ‘to it,Mr.Brawley cori-templates the erection of two more houses on the vacant property adjoin-ing the building now being complet-éd.i Commercial Club to InaugurateWaronFlies,:Shae vis.The Commercialcu rs preparing}:to put on an anti-fly da eeStatesville,‘Through an arrangement)Tet,vesterdaywiththeInternationalHprvester|*Company the club will secure sterticonslidesand:‘to showflyinallits d in connection ©purpose being toa clean-updint‘she:touteInthisworthy ®sk the co-operal June 4,10s STATE. ;Walter Patten,pastor of the ist church at Chapel Hill and dent of sociology in the Univer- of North Carolina,has publish- in the University News Letter interesting figures showing the mber of persons in each county in State,above ten years of age, do not belong to any church,The res on which the estimate is based ar ‘rather old—the 1906 Census of Religious Bodies and the population 9f the counties,ten years of age and ‘ver,in 1906—but they present an in- teresting study and are doubtless a fairly accurate index of the condi- tions today. The number of persons above ten years of age who are not church members ranges from 4 per cent of the’population in Bertie county—683 “persons—to 77 percent in Edgecombe county—16,436 persons._Says the statement in the News Letter: “The showing for Bertie,Hertford, Northampton,Gates and Chowan,in :Albemarle region,is most re- -markable—less than a fifth of the opulation of these counties being ‘outside the Church.The counties aking the best showing have large :per cents of negro population, -\But in27 counties of the State,afull lf or more of the people of respon- fible age are outside the Church;in i}of these counties,three-fifths or re;in three of these counties,sev- en-tenths or more of the people are outside the Church. +The counties with the highest per- centage of non-church membership form three groups:.(1)Martin,Edge- combe,Nash,Wilson and Johnston in east-center;(2)Rockingham, Stokes,Surry,Alleghany,and Ashe ~along the northwest border;and (3) _Haywood,Jackson,Swain and Gra- ham in the southwest corner.Onslow is isolated.é, All told 665,500 people of responsi- ble age in North Carolina in 1906 -were outside the Church.At that time,1,081 churches in North Caro- lina had no Sunday schools,and 222,- 800 children of school age,or nearly one-third of all,were outside the Sun-day schools of the State.ett ‘With nearly tht =omhie talpopulationof the-United States and three-fifths of the.people ofNorthCarolitia‘outside the Church, and a third of our.children outside) -the Sunday school,there’is abundant)’ work for every church;tooveragainsteverychurch door,_Forty-six per cent of the popula- tion of ‘Tredell—12,209''‘persons »10 |<years of age and older—more than -a.third of the population by,the cen- -gus of 1910,were not.church mem- béte-in--1906,.The-number--outside __the Church in other counties in this|ficinity <werey as,follaws:|Cleveland’ per cent,Lincoln 30 jper cent,|, -‘Mecklenburg 32 per cent,Davie 35ercent.,Cabarrus 35,Rowan 37,Ca- tawba 38,Alexander 41,Caldwell and Davidson 42 each,Watauga and Rutherford48 each,Yadkin 48,Burke 49,’Wilkes 50 Forsyth 51,Ashe ‘66, Adleghany 73 per cenv. “’phat is certainly a vast population non-church members,and,as sug- ted,affords great ‘opportunitiesfotworkinthehomefield. MEANS A CONTINUED FIGHT. ihe ungodly continue to devise ‘Ways and means to look upon the “wine when it is red,white or almost ‘any old color,just so it has the de- “sited effect.It is generally admit- tedthat the quart law has very ma-|address his son as plain “Reverend,”|the unsymmetrical appearance which terially cut down the legal shipments6fliquorintotheState;but they are trying to ship it in as,apples,pota- toes,crockery,as baggage,and in Various other ways,while automo- “biles and other vehicles are active in “hauling it across the State line.But ‘auspicious baggage is searched;a bgrrel ‘with a few apples or potatoes on top and many quarts of red eye in the.bottom,doesn’t always get by a Mispicious officer;a crate of crockeryig,sometimes overhauled to the em- barrassment of the consignee;and ‘attive officers:line the highways and Byways to’bring whiskey-laden vehi-clés to grief!The blockade distillers shave become much more industrious, riaw that the demand for the home Product is active at fancy prices,since BO much can’t be secured from the Outside,: “AN these things go to show.that the liquor traffic dies hard;it doesn’t give up easily;it.can’t be suppressed ina few weeks or a few years;and @hly continued and persistent vigil- afiee on the part.of officers and good ¢itizens will prevent very great ac- tivity on the part of illicit dealers and +meanufacturers;and continued educa- tion against the evils of strong drink will help to lessen the demand. “Mr.DuBose,Presbyterian 'mission- ary in China,says the spread of the“gospel in China is followed by ma- terial development—commercial and progress,An agent of the ‘Standard’Oil Company told him “he ‘was enabled to sell oil in China be- ‘cause the’gospel had been preached there.‘John -D;Rockefeller has given liberally,webelieve,to.the sup- jat home;* ‘of degrees conferred u BE YE NOT CALLED R Rs:ee a The Sinner Has No Patience With the Honorary Degrees— --Some Sharp Remarks AbouttheConfermentofTitles. Written For The Landmark,' Text;Matthew,Chapter 23.Verse 8:,But be not-ye called Rabbi.” Jesus--Christ-was talking to Hisdisciples—ithe preachers--jwhen heutteredthewordsofthetext.Hetoldthepreachersnottoallowthem-selves to be called Rabbi.That title was nothing but an hon- orary appellation.It made a man swell up.with pride to hear people address. him as “Rabbi.”It has its exactparallel,in-modern times in the titleofDoctorofDivinity.—.About the'time that wild onions gotoseedinthespringoftheyear,anew,crop of Doctors of Divinity.be-gins to appear.The biggest humbug in the ecclesiastical life of moderntimesisthisDoctorofDivinitybusi- ness.What-a pity that the colleges anduniversitiesofourJandthatshould be devoting themselves’to purging the land of all sorts of humbugs,arerunningregular»humbug factories, manufacturing Doctors of Divinity.If Christ should come back and preach a second “Sermon on the Mount”to a Sanhedrin of preachers, there is no doubt but that one of his most notable utterances’would’be—“But be not ye called Doctor of Di-vinity.”:st The reason the Sinner is opposed to eonferring the degree of Doctor ofDivinityonapreacheris,firstly,be- cause it is in direct violation of thecommandofChrist,which is.the textforthismérning’s sermon:and sec-ondly,the conferring‘of this degreecauses‘false and unwarranted and hurtful distinctions among —thepreachers,‘g Who has ever been able to discover the “test of efficiency”which the col- leges have before them when theyconferthedegreeofDoctorof.Di- vinity?‘There is a notion ‘among practical men that a preacher who has the de- gree of Doctor of Divinity \conferred upon him by a college,gets it ‘not so much because he really deserves it as because he has a pull with the college trustees.This,however,is not always true..There is not one who will readthesewordswhodoesnotknowscoresofpreacherswhohave‘not.the degree,but who are as worthy of it from any.standpoint of worthiness as any of those who are already)abletowritethemagiclettersaftertheirnames.On'the other hand,as to manypreachers.who.have;had the degreeconferred“upon them,to save <your life you cannot see-from what stand-point they .were counted worthy, You ‘have heard’perhaps of the in- cident ‘when ‘a great institution of: D.on Judge'Dillard’and upon JudgeAshe,his associate upon the Su-preme Court bench of North Carolina.The Supreme Court at that time’was, “wrestling mightily”with the prob-|,temas.to-whether~a suit -thatijhad been tried in Wake county shalr.have *been.broughtpF e”theinVacatieor’bat ouass intermtime.When some one came.in and told Judge Dillard that the de-gree of LL,D.had been conferred onhimandJudgeAshe,he.exclaimed,“Well doesn’t that -beat the world!Here they have gone and conferred the degree of LL:D.on two lawyers who cannot tell old Mrs.Mybra Gul-ley what court she should bring her suit in!”eeThepointofthatstoryliesin theapplicationofit.As many of you know,the Sinnerhasabrotherwhohashad.all sortsonhim.The degree of Doctor of Divinity was be- stowed upon him during the life time of his father,that rugged old veteran,John Tillett..Well,it is a positivefactthatJohnTillettwouldneverrecognize.the degree of.Doctor of Divinity as far as hig son was con-cerned,but ‘continued all his life to The old man hated humbugs.Some time ago an institution of learning conferred the degree of D.D.on two young ministers in whomtheSinnerfeelsanespecialinterest. If any were worthy,they doubtless were,but there was a lingering hopethatoneorbothofthemwouldde-cline the empty honor.Alas!theybothaccepted!Maybe.they were compelled to accept,because,sinc you..come to think about it,there is no way provided in the.ecclsiasticallawwherebyapreachercankeep himself from —having this —degreethrustuponhim.,‘ The Sinner wishes he could get.theearofeverytrusteeofeverycollegeintheland.He would cry aloud andsay,“Stop making Doctors of Di-vinity!A;way with.this humbug!”CHARLES W.TILLETT.Charlotte,N.C.: isaeaialeoneiatenmenenmmnineitemenidmemaeimeeeeel Tax-Dodger Keeps the State Poor. University News Letter.Organized communities —towns, counties,States,and nations—levytaxes(1)in order to exist,(2)in or- der to protect life,liberty and prop- erty,and (3)in order to do for so-ciety whatever can be done collective-ly.better than by individual,‘privateenterpriseandexpense.This’last.purpose concerns the deaf, the blind,the insane,the war veteran, eatin health and sanitation,publicighways,public education,publiclibrariesandothersimilarmatters.Wherever the tax burden restequablyandfairlyuponproperties, businesses and persons according to their several ability to bear it,andtaxrevenuesarehonestlyandwiselyexpendedupontheproperpurposesoftaxation,the vast majority of peo-ple pay taxes willingty,~The tax-dodger is everywhere theflyintheointment,Ajl tax reforms have him in mind.He keeps taxes.low,but.also he keepsNorthCarolinapoor.in:the resourcesnecessaryforpublic”improvementandprogress;too poor to invest ‘prop- [erly na in the public care of her affiict-children & mr of.BBI, continent,and lead to many inquiries jcounties followed by .a ?mark are}—distribution * learning conferred the degree of /LL,'' ton(?a Ordihn » Where They Appear in North~Carolina,the’Damage They Correspondence of The Landmark.§)|, Washington—Brood VI of the cica- da,commonly known as the seven-teen-year locust,is expected to.a)pear in May and June this year inscatteredlocalitiescoveringmuchofthenorthernandcentral,States ly-’ ing between the Hudson)and Missis-sippi rivers,extending along the’Ap-palachian elevated plateau into north-ern Georgia and South Carolina,‘hieparticularbroodmadeitsdast,ap:pearance in this territory in‘1898.The seventeen-year locust.coversinitsrangenearlyalloftheUnited.States,from the Mississippi valleyeastward.‘Phe curious feature of itsregularperiodical,appearancés.anditslongsubterraneanlifegiveitper- haps the greatest popular interestwhichattachestoanyinsectonthis with every reappearance’of any.im- portant brood.There are two races of this insect:(1)The seventeen-yearrace,which éccurs in 17°differentbroodsoverthenorthernandcentralUnitedStates,and (2)the thirteen-year race,which occurs in different roods throughout the SouthernStatesfromTexaseastward,Whenanyofthesebroodsarecharacteriz- ed by great swarms they naturallycausefearsforthesafetyoftrees.The actual damage,however,is slight and is accomplished:by the femalecicadawhenshecutsthebarkofihetreetodeposithereggs.While the expected brood’is not an important one,it covers a much wid-er.territory than any of the otherseventeen-year broods.According totherecords,the number of locusts tobeexpectedovermostofthisterri- tory is not great,except in the north- west and in the southeasy...,~‘A--careful-canvass of “the whole cicada area was made by the bureau of entomology with the assistance of the State entomologists in 1898.These reports,if they may be relied upon, extend the range of the periodical| much farther north than any of the old records.The localities assigned to this brood in North Carolina,South Carolina and Georgia,and in eastern Kentucky and.Tennessee,are,in.the main,in-counties in the elevatedmountainousdistrict,and the correct- ness of the reference to this brood is established by.earlier records as wellasindicatedbytheelevation..,|The records of distribution,givenbelowareaspublished.in_a,bulletinofthebureauofentomology,Thestarredcountiesindicate.the ,.oceur- characteristic,dense doubtful records.Th for North Carolina:follows:°North Carolina—Alexander*,Bla-}den,“Buncombe,Burke*,Cabarrus;Caldwell*,.Catawba*,:Iredell,Lincgln*,McDowell*,Macon*:Montgomery,Moore,’Péhder*,.'Polk*;Randolph(?),“Rutherford,Transylvania*, 2 a*,‘Unioh*,"Washing-Wiikeseso Seary:ROPE eis pba EsnCed,‘sucht as kerosene emulsion or ¢arbolic-acid"solutiéns,seem to have very |fect.in preventing thé ‘ovipos these insects.Some recent.éxperi- AP AEE May.Do and the Remedy,|po 131, ap:|hips.had rence,of the cicada in one or;more'' swarms;.,,and|’ Swain*,| ‘ore OUT OWl)OFaKs>following tableofcompere ice,|HmnghdicceColursmstiescodi‘iAstleefsifi tion”of|ind Exports Carried in American ps. American ships carried $353,600,- 000"worth of ‘the imports and ex- rts of the United States during the eight.months ending .with March Figures made public by the Department of Commerce show that the total of -imports and exports’ amounted to $2,797,000,000,of which 12.64 per cent,was transported in vessels under the American flag. compared with:8.34 per cent,of a total of $2,960,200,000,handled,by American vessels during the same period last year::May 1,142 American-built been admitted ‘to’Ameri- van registry under the law passed by the last,Congress. i Up to John Gregory,son of Rev.CG,E, Gregory of Morganton,was riding a bicycle when he was run over by a horse and buggy and his leg broken. Onl;; 7the 10%to 30%more than Plain ‘Tread Tires of same brand and material. you only 5% tread tires. Here’s how and Why! o ©o ORTY-FIVE years of RubberworkingGin.what is now theWorld’s-dergest Rubber.Fac-tory)has taught usa few Kinks andShort-cugs that are not common to the Trade. One of these now comes to the cicada in Wisconsin.and Michigan{help of your Pocket-book. Through the simple process.ofThinkingHard(and being Cangid with ourselves)we have found a Short-Cut to make the dest Safety Tread everputonaTirécostusonlyabout5% more than it costs to make the Plain- Tread of similar quality. } Henderson*,45""% *represent fourhighlyod ence,however,indicates that’treesthoroughlysprayedwithBordeaux there are other trees or woods in theneighborhoodonwhichtheycan oviposit.The most reliable means orchards is by collecting the insectsinbagsorumbrellasfrom.the trees in early morning or late evening, when they are somewhat torpid:Such collections:should be undertaken at the first appearance of the cicada andrepeatedeachday...Vigorous young trees often recover; in three or four years,from the ef fects of a loss of,or injury to,‘a con- siderable percentage of their branches.However,it is difficult to overcome will commonly result from the indis# criminate pruning often’necessary asaresultofthefemaleinsects’work. be removed.The less injured limbsmaybecoatedonthewoundedpartd soap.These protective coveringsshouldberenewedatleastonceayear,preferably in the spring,untilthewoundsareentirelyhealedover.It may be expedient,in the case of a badly wounded recently ‘budded orgraftedtree,to cut it.-back nearlyto.the bud..or graft,so that-a.nen-:tirely new top may.be made..the case of older trees,the main object of treatment is to secure therapidhealingofthewoundsandpre- vent their being used as points ofsecondaryinfectionbyotherinsects.The worst injured limbs in such treesshouldalsobecutout,so that all the vigor of the plant may be directed to the remaining wood.The healingprocessmaybeacceleratedby.thor-ough cultivation and the use of.fertil»izers on the land about the trees at-tacked,Ree ag eatenThescientistsofthebureauof en-tomology are keeping close watch oftheterritorywherethelocustsare mizing the damage.‘The bureau willbegladtoreceivereportsofanyoc-eurrences of this brood.Such reportsshouldbemadeaboutJune)10,be-cause shortly after that date the com-mon annual ci¢adas will begin |tomaketheirappearances.and ‘there-will be likelihood of confusing.the)latter with the “periodical species.Whenever the observer is in doubt itwouldbewelltosendspecimensfordetérmination,The report should befilledoutwiththenameofthelocali-ty,including State,county and town,and the name of the observer..Theinformationgivenshouldincludethediteoffirstappearanceoremergenceofthecicada,the date of its generaldisappearance,and -the numbers—inotherwords,whether very numerous!or scattering.The periodical cicadas ee mixture or a lime wash are apt to be];avoided by the cicada,-especially.if}|{| of protecting nurseries and young4 The worst affected branches should} with grafting wax or modérately hard,‘ due to appear,with a—view to mini-| ‘Size ‘“An «2p |"Cr “>” 30x:.95)$16.35|$18.1021.70}23,60 345 30x30232x34x36xSix By testing out these Goodrich Safety-Tread Tires on a large number | of Taxicabs (where thcy could be competitively observed and carefully checked up at the cnd of.cach day's use)and by comparing their actual per- formance with that of our own,and ‘other Plain-Treads,of much higher price,we have had this fact forced upon us—"- _Vizs _—That there is SURPRISINGLY more Mileage,in Goodrich Safety Tread.‘Tires, thanin our own,or any other,make of Plain- ‘Tread ‘Tires. -$0 MUCH more Mikage,for only 5% more Cost looked so good to us that we de- cided to give Car Owners the benefit. Here’s what we now offer you! The best Non-Skid Safety Tread ever putonthemarket,and it costs youonly 5%morethan our best plain tread tire. The B.F.Goodrich Company AKRON,OHIO ~~‘TYPEWRITER RIBBONS ANDCARBONPAPER. Right Quality—Right Price. Statesville Printing Co. Coite L.Sherrill,M.D., _“Will answer ‘phone ‘calls left ~at Dr.Long’s Sanatorium orGeo.M.Foard’s residence. -Size four and six inches now ready. for delivery.aStatesvilleBrickCo. ! aay be ex d to emerge from.themiddletotheendofMay‘and scatter:||ing individuals may be found uptheaniddleofdunet=(oP Lpsieeecre.t*Say 5%PLUS| Best “Non-Skid”| RACTICALLYall Non-Skid|Tires that make serious claims |} to.non-skid efficiency cost you |} Goodrich Safety Tread Tires cost| more than our plain |% ~—oe f Decorated Cars!] THE CAROLINA MOTOR CO.of {>Statesville,Mooresville and Newton will give three prizes as follows for the.best decorated cars in the Fourth of |July parade in Statesville: |FIRST PRIZE $15 ELECTRIC HORN. ~SECOND PRIZE $10 BUMPER. THIRD PRIZE $%HAND HORN. wr LOOK OUT FOR-THAT SUBMARINE!| {When the submarines of disease creep up on you una- wares,assaylt you amidships,send torpedoes’crashing through your engine room and ball up your ruoning gear,sound the S.O.S.for the doctor. {He’ll throw.you a life preserver (that’sa prescription). 1 If you want to make sure it will float youtbsafety,let us fill it with the world's finest drugs,each one of 1(0 per cent fighting strength,and guaranteed to annihilate every germ that comes within range. The Polk Gray Drug Company."ON THE SQUARE. McCormickBinders,| Mowing Machines and Hay .Rakes ! te PEAS.OR The machines -wilkowantdorviv ioe+Plenty of binder twine and har- vester oil.If you ‘want repairsfortheold.Champidn’!Binder)9!) give us the number.of,.the parts... wanted and we ‘will get it’for’ you.Yours truly, To the Farmers of Iredell and Other Counties:- THE STATESVILLE REALTY &INVESTMENT COMPANY begtoannouncethattheybavecompletedarrangementswith‘‘THEHOME,INSURANCE CO.of New York,’’forinsuring your growing ‘crops of Tobacco,Corn,Cotton and-small grain against destructionbyHailStormatthefollowingverylowprice: TOBACCO CROP.$100 per acre valuation at ©75 per acre valuation at 60 per acre valuation at 3.75 per acre25peracrevaluationat1.87?per acre COTTON,CORN AND SMALL GRAIN CROP. $40 per acre valuation $1.60 per acre35peracrevaluation~1.40 per acre30peracrevaluation1.20 per acre25per.acre valuation 1.00 per acre20peracrevaluation.80 per acre15.per acre valuation .60 per acre10.per acre valuation cnn a '..40 per acreDWELLINGS,FURNITURE,BARNS..$100 value for one'year at 30c.,3 years at 60c.,5.years at 90c.Thislatterinsurancecoversalsoagainstlossordamageoccasionedby:wind in addition to hail.;EMEMBER—‘‘We insure anything insurable.”’Jj.F.CARLTON,Manager,‘PHONE 54.STATESVILLE,N C.: $7.50 per acre5.874 per acre a | 60 Tornadoes. Devastate 10,000 Homes in Eight States , Subhistherecord ofoneday’s _hundred years the Hartforddamagedonebytornadoes,Fire Insyrance’Company -You don’t know whenthe has metevery honestclaim tornado may strike your promptly.Buy a Hartford|“put you do know Tornado Polity today.Itis| theOld Hartford”protects the nearest thing to comfort |against all loss,For over a ‘when a Tornado strikes. ysee.te + oh 2e r p e r e ; SEVERE PONSHMENT "bits,Cag,fe Your a i Panne Beatedby Cond — N.CC.—Mrs.SarahM.Mt.A!1of {aniveyearswii womanly bigpeaim also.stomach troubles,andwasmorethananyonccould tellfell,I tried ‘most every k aebutnonedidmeanygoodre¢ I read one day shotCardman’s tonic,and |ee et CinottakenbutaboutsixiatitItdidmemoremedicinesI1had loo 80 well,na iasking.memewy 1Cardui,.Several are now taking it.’””Do you,lady reader,sufferofneiihentsaeto2wou oul, es erlastinglytedsuchas,headache,ie ss,and thatev e CarduiaIf90,fetes exe ‘ou togive€feel confident Il hel'as has &milion other women1seee Cardui to-day.‘won’efit takng All druggists. Writeta:eeLncouieFa Call For Me! Nice Fresh Vegetables,Celery,"Cucumbers,Squash,Beans,Potatoes,Peas,Lettuce,Toma-ree and whatgoes withhem,M.P.Alexander &Bro. "PHONE 241. Yau Office Supplies TransferFiles,.Blank Books,Box Files, Letter Files,Clips, Pencils, Pens and Inks,’}Waste Baskets,..aaLetterBaskets,etc. Brady Printing Co. 1 orta LEES HEADACHE, NearaliaBawoas, Safely?}iitid °Quickly Re lieves Headache and ;Neu- ralgia and nervous Head- ache.Also ‘for diéudache caused by coldsand grippe. 10c.,25c.and 50¢. £At fountains 5e. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUG DEALERS, Fresh Vegetables! Fresh Lettuce, Fresh Celery,. Fresh Tomatoes. ‘Mi Yer-McLainSupply Co. ne noe eaten FOR FINE CLEANING AND DYEING—'PHONE 147— Stoan Pressing Club. NOTICE! HOLLAND BROS.have changedtheir’phoné number from 177 to 7.44CallNo.7for draying,all gradesbes?coal and wood,etc.}Residence *PLcne 1310. |Train No,a.No.11,west-bound,duehe‘No,21 weat-bound,Ps 3:25 pTrainNe, town,says:“I Coa FRIDAY,¢=<0" WESTERNROAD,16,west-bound,due ©45 a. 10.05 a, ue west-bound,due 10:25 vp.No,36;east-bound,due 10,35 a,Train ‘No,22,east-bound,due 1.15 p.12,east-bound,due 6No.16,cost bound,due 10.5*GBARLOTTE AND TAYLO)'From ChartiaTrainNo.16 ar.9.50,leaves 10.36 «.m.24 ar.8.35,leaves8.25p.m.Taylorsville.Train No,28 ar.10:00,leaves 10:40aww.‘Train No,15 ar.mine §leaves 6:46 p.m.Nos.23 and 24 are not operated on Sunday. fi : iF Twist of Trees,Sunflowers and Tree Limbs. Correspondence of The Landmark. Rail-splitters.find that the twist.of. most trees is contrary to the syn. like the twining ofthe bean vine,but the twist of some of the same species ‘g in the opposite direction—ihat is, following the direction of the sun.Some authorities say’that the sun-flower’s name,in.several —dif-ferent languages;is a fallacy.Plant some of its seeds and watchtheplantseachdaywiththeirtopstiltedtowardstheeastinthemorn- ing,towards the south at noon,and towards the west at sundown.Some of us would be.glad if thetreelimbsontheyoungtreesinfrontofthecourthouseandalongCenter street would get higher,but our be-lief in botanical authorities and ah-sence of contrary observation,leadsustobelievethatourreliefwillcomefromthe-soil or paving wearing away from under the Jimbs,or our heightreducedbyoldage.LaF. AH!MY TIRED FEET.ACHED SO FOR “TIZ.” How “Tin”Eases.Sore,Swolten,Burn- ing,Calloused Feet and Corns. Just take your.shoes off ant hoesputthoseweary,shoe-crinkled,iach-f7- Af|burping,jcorn--pestered,buniongl: ‘tortu :red feet of yours jin a *TIZpathy,Your toes will wriggle ‘wit jthJoy;‘they’ll look up at you and almotalkandthenthey'll takeanother:dive}in that.“T1Z”.bath. ‘When your feet feel like lumps oflead—-al]tired out—just try “TIZ.”Your ©feetJoy;also you.willt’s #rand—it’s glorious,will dance,witdatedwithjoy:also you will find allpain.gong,§from,corns Houses:and Theres,othing like “aryZ,ne Tsthe’only’#émédy that draws out all’the poisonous exudations which:puffupyourfeetand:cause foot torture. Get a 25 cent box of “TIZ”at any drug or department store—don’t wait.Ah!how glad your feet get;how com-You canwearshoesasizeenaterifyoude-fortable your shoes feel. sire. THE LANDMARK «June 4,1916. Bement“Slug Shot!” Kills potatobugs,cab- bage worms,caterpil- lars and similar leaf eating insects.Try it on your flowers and .melon vines. ——GET IT AT—. Eagle &Milholland’s, We Carry-a Complete.Stock OF = _Flour,Feed,Grain,Hay and Cotton Seed Products.You will)save money ‘by getting our prices before you buy. IREDELL FEED CO.,_C.D-MOORE,Prop.| eh te ee ee Shingles For Sale’!} ‘~Carload of good No.2 Shiaviae at $2.75-per thousand at myBae C,H.TURNER,Near theDepot.iredey "Phone bal 74,Bell No.7. DR.¢.L.CRUSE. :eterinarian.~_. Officerear Polk GrayDrug:‘Co, SHINGLES! $2.00 Te:Thousand. C.WAT kK INS. DEVELOPMENT.OF CHINA._,Coutey,RapidlytheinModern04wili1PowertaindustriallyandaMilitaryForceThat.MayCausetheNationsofthe“Earth ‘to Tremble—Interest-ing Study of China From aMissionary’s Viewpoint.© It’s an interesting story that,Rev. P.C.DuBose tells of the material de- velopment of China—the great ‘prox- reas made in recent years..Rail- roads—-modern roads that surpass -lany in America—are being rapidly constructed.Telephones,a few ‘years ago unknown eveh in‘the cities,are }eoming inte common’user-telephones made at Sumter,S.C.,being used in Soochow-—the telegraph service is being extended;and many other:rhod- ern conveniences,unknown in China until within recent years,are Seming into use.‘4 fi We.are accustomed .to think of|China not only as backward in all’material progress,but.as)very poor|in natural resources.‘The natural re-sources of China,says Mr DuBose,are practically untouched.Investi-|gation has —disclosed uolimited| deposits of coal of the finest quality;iron.ore,copper,ete,,.are abundant,|while it is believed the more precious|metals_also exist.The development|of these natural resources is only a’matter of a short time,and with thegreatmateria]progress:that’ChinaisnowmakingtheChinaofthe.fu-ture,Mr.DuBose believeg,..will be arichandpowerfulcountry—and onethatwillcompete,industrially and! otherwise;with the great nations oftheearth.As he sees it,they willshipcoalandirontoAmericaandun- dersell us in our owa omaWithitsimmensepopulation,Chinahasbeenweakasafightingforce.| That:condition,Mr.DuBose ‘believes,will not long continue.A fighting trairied men tobe found in the world.It has--beén-demonstrated that theChinaman.can be Meveloped,*under capable leadership,”into a fighting man the equal of any.Heretoforc China’s.weakness has been its im- mensity. the national spirit,now in progress.China will not only become a.rich but.with its immense population it, is capable .of..-hecoming a military power,‘enthywhith;meyer nation:of ds) ship! Wh was mite fear| —c,termi, B6@ can do}#hen t,-j¥le limbs up,“with,itis protective,er-|sittheopititimairayhyears.The|Wise,they would be the play;wiprpandieBB beuseoforhaeeSacustom;in|Of old agd young .and,noe ould iE eeeona aireBayo‘opium.traffie-was stoppedinChinaandopiumsmokingisnowunknownexceptinthoseportionsof the republic’controlled by'for-eign nations like Great Britain;To the lasting discredit.of these Christian.eountries be it said,this: heathen.country has.complctely stamped out the opium traffic,but -itispermittedtoexistintheconces-sions controlled by Christian coun-tries.As a further.rebuke to the Chries tian countries,Mr.’DuBose compared |t theelmiination of the opium:traffic inChinawith.the attempt ‘to prohibitthewhiskeytrafficinAmerica.Chinastampedoutinafewyearsahabitmuchhardertocontrolthantheuseofalcohol.America,with many yearsoftrial,has failed to abolish the liquer traffic except in’spots and im+ perfectly in these.Mr.DuBose made the point that modern progress in China:had follow~ed ‘in the main the introduction of theChristianreligion,An agent of theStandardOilCompanyhadsaidtohim:“We have similar missions inChina.-You.are giving these people the light of the gospel and I am viv- tis rises «Thévhold the drug{who use it is far strong s|ing them the light of the Standard Oil;but they:would net accept mylightifyou-had not first given themyours.”’Looked at:simply from the material standpoint,from the stand- point of.self-interest,American.busi- find it very profitableto give liberallyoftheirmeans..to Christianize China;for the spread of the gospel by the American:missionaries means the de- velopment of American business inChina—the increase of our exporttrade:“When cotton.manufacturinginChinaigdeveloped‘as:Mr.DuBose thinks it will be,the demand for theSouth’s cotton will be increased toproportions.beyotid our:greatest ex- pectations.{Chinais-in-danger-of-becoming 2amaterialisticcountry.-Agide fromthebusinessstandpoint,we arc interestedinChristianizmgeChinaasa’matter of’self-protection;for the mil-ee force ‘that ‘China is,capable ofdevelopingandisalmostsuretode-\belop.in the not distant future,would iAeAt einiain LeliaBASEBALLGOODS! When we say SP LDING’S —yout fellers know herest. enuePrinting Co. Fala i here. Ofte ‘Phone oe try thanwasdominant..The R UBBER «IRE!ii be cuhabla of ovérrunning the carth.In such event,which Mr.DuBose be-lieves ci generations must face,we wouterin.etre Aout fare:infinitely bet-itha Christian coun-rae where materialism ve in this country,tsre not represénta-|)) force is being formed under the best| With the development of, and powerful country industrially, .|the'‘lines; wor habit.Butin a fewt ness men,Mr.DaBose thinks,would! Ohinese,our boasted aristocracy ofbirthcountsas.nothing. »>Concerning the progress:of Christi-n|anity inChina,r.DuBose told thesamestory.t missionaries,usuallytell.The<r receive the gospelgladly;they ask for it,they.hunger for it.The eause of»Christ in these‘eathen lands,as the missionaries seeit,is stayed only by the lack of menandmeans,Constantly the ery is fdr|”more missionaries,for more means tobuildehurehesandprovideequipmentforthespreadofthegospel,and the cry is not answered because of lackofmoney.Especially does the op-portunity im China seem to be great- est now.Many workers are ready to go to the foreign field but they can’tbesentheeaugethemoneyisnotpro- vided.“Many of the.missionaries be-come so impressed with the greatneedintheforeignfieldthatiftheytould,impart to the people at homeevenasmallpartoftheburningde-sire they have to give all who havenotheardthenameofChrist.an op-portunity to enlist under His banner,there would be no lack of means.Another rebuke administered by}|Mr,DuBose,inferentially,was when|#in mentioning the number of church- members at-the mission stations in|% Tepes ;\NAG.ona ncn nena cape cere sss MMMM.ccctscsricdsedumahecnercs| Crawford-Bunch’Furniture Company.Ae Soochow,he said in effect that-if the |¥same laxness.in ¢church-membership|§in China that is|#was _tolerated tolerated in this country —-that)is,if persons ‘guilty of Sabbath break-|ing and similar:moral offences were § received into the Church in China or|allowed to remain in.it,the church-|membership in China would be multi- plied many.times;Mr.DuBose,a8 has been stated,is|# the son of ‘a missionary and was born in China, ‘at the age of 15 and was educated;here,then returned to China to take}|up the work in which his father was!} so long engaged.*He refers to China 5 as his native land and is evidently |# proud of the country in whose future!}jhe so enthusiastically believes.° THE TREE LIMBS AGAIN. T.E.A‘Asks Subseriber Some’ Questions —Corn Not in theSameClassWithTrees. Correspondence ‘of The Landmark. Just a pword as to “A Subscriber,” who would ‘gently lead me into the light as to habits of trees.I'am so|§ tangled up with these perverse vines |} south of the equator,and other cares,that I cannot at this time tax your columns “and patience with a reply.g He rests his ¢ase on the evidence of| ‘the cuts on the oaks,‘made by the!§surveyors,Which are dug out in af-_ter years at the “same level”to find |} ‘In the spirit of an honest}# |seeker after’truth,let“me ask’him,‘Is it the habit of a survéyor,to hack ala.|xoung,growing oak ormatted |one?13»Of ‘course ‘aftera tree ‘attains its);|height:its limbs‘remain ‘stationaryRilo.|ere in the’satie spirit,1 Wilk-ask |.’him,‘By what law ‘do the’lowé?)‘vig~|BR’orous ’himbs ‘of a Browint tree,‘Which|#a boy can,disport’61;die and which|#eethose,higher up to live?What #te_awaits theJower.limbs? build its nest in eafety.”How coutfifiPaterantsponsetatsou“walk-through a~forest of --aniy'ind of trees,unless it kindly lifteditselffromtheearth? theory.is a little surprising.‘it, in the same class with the giant trees?Speaking of corn,my intui- he is in line with a-prevailing belief. scientists were in the:days when theycompelledoldGalileo,in’the but right.not.the same.The smooth bark ma- pand:and enlarge outwardly,hencethebroken:and corrugated bark.I am no gladiator simply desiringtotriumph.IfI.am wrong 1 will thank ‘anybody to set:me right—but not.by--mere -assertion..-But—really, Mr.Editor,I don’t enjoy being scien- commissioners,“a meanin’.of no‘harmandahopin’of no hard feelin’s,”like Vance’s negro arrested in the houseintowhichhehadbroken:|Asking the charity of all.Sincerely,o:T.E.A. Licensed Cooks,,Nurses and |; Washerwomen ‘at Lumberton. Lumberton Robesonian, Lumberton —is town,commissioners %t-was orderedthatanordinancebedrawnrequir:|¢ ing all cooks,nurses and.washerwo- men..to ‘have certificates .of ‘health from a physician. ordinance like that Lumberton,if.it docs not lead the State,gets right $ If the ordin-|§ance is enforced as,it should be it ig will”“protect.many ‘a child from dis-|B up -in-the front rank. ease and may save entire:families.Nearly everybody realizes in a gen-|9rralWaythatthereisdangerinem-ploy ng cooks long chances.are taken.”It is somuch’trouble,sometimes,to get al @cookoranurse,so anything thatcomes,along will ©do: persons.eee-_Pair’‘and Warmer Weather. ”Fait"find warmer weather after to- day in all sections of the Southeast, was the forecast by the Weather Bu-|réau in the weekly,bulletin for the 4 beginning Wednesday,a day until today (fridayweatherWaspeesor‘fair weather: He came>to this country!§ ae _—brideoneng cortate may. is,feature ofa tree drawing its i‘oth :i)Statesville ‘Drag an annual,a creature of a few days, We have decided to reward.the5 eflcets “eh O00 Booster who.collects at Jeast ~ 000 Booster Coupons.To do''this . we have arranged to give a $100 certifi- cate which may be applied as cash on one of the $300.00 pianos. tificates may be’transferred and.are as good as cash on one of the pianos for six months from the close of the Bods- ter Club.Because.the certificates-are ~.transferable,the Booster sécuring,onemaysellitto.a:friend who may wish teto ‘hy dépiano,’By.sae it on seling»eaeh ‘Booster will}ae stantial,way,as these Pe m ori.‘for $800 at retail...Ont ie. A Bisbe a fqoy.edt to bane J OIGE:Yo eve, WC SHMES: teivae ton Siow |Comps _THE BOOSTE rT RE,ve tions as to who “A Subscriber”is,}} leads me to say that his knowledre| is wide and profound in this domain!% eosneess and of no mean order generally,and|% Just like the Church ana the then|# ‘1%th|century,to recant as to the motion of |% the earth.-G.was in the minority,|%The cells of all trees are|% ples,ete.,are arranged differently,1/8 am told.The oaks and the pines:ex-}# balancei10lotsinBloomfield,sectionfastdeveloping.|Call on me and enewhat I have.”‘W.R,MILLS,cane54. tifie..I.got into this trouble trying to} help.out.the chairman of the county |{ To Buy a Nice Farm sadGot Realy forNest Voa?s ops No.1—3845 acres in Elmwood.All school and churchconveniences,Strong land,40 acres in bottom,8-room house,large barn lies on the sand-by the government.Is Splerididly ‘adapted _ and out houses,No,2-77 acres 3}eailen east of city.°cay bens now me construc! No.3-40 acres1 1-4miles fromforDairypurposes,LiveStock and PoulNo.4—60 acres in Wilkes county.just across Ir:ell linea bargain.-40 city lotsin east Statesville,known Lyen Place’‘$15,down,- This| blic square. in month!me’Ternd A es in:south . fact davelantn veral nice houses to have ,licensed |% cooks,nurses and washerwomen.At/|} a recent meeting of the mayor and|% In passing an/f and nurses who are|%suffering with.certain diseases,but |§ Same way|%tabont washerwomen;only few people |%give ‘much thought to the danger in|%sending their clothes out into filthy |%or®to be handled by.diseased Q ue enka fo theseasonal From déep-well water,distilled anaermproof,Fresh ICE,full weight©(goes further),is what we have:to... offer.Weaimto givethebestserv-"—ice possible.With vat es,we willsucceed.ti ages ak. ORO Onan ag These ..cer*“ot Sh it:es: os oa LoS999 9209809000000 20000000: OR AND OWNER AND FRIDA Score BROAD STREET ovens «82,00sipWaneweeeees ~June 4,T9ts; :smurt folks who write or talk ‘public information ought to have e gough to use words that the rdinary man can comprehend,|For nee,the scientists in the Depart- of Avricuiture<at—Washington, io are giving us some interesting ation about the 17-year-locusts, ch The Landmark is printing to- lay,talk:about ‘preventing “the position of the irisects,”Now how many folks know what “ovisposi- 4 on”means without hauling down a =@ietionary?Not-one-in 1,000,because 4s an uncommon word,one:rarely used.If the scientist had said to “prevent the insects laying their eggs, r depositing their eggs,it would have answered every purpose and, veryhody would have understood what “the man -was talking about. Many of the bulletins sent out by the Department of Agriculture are writ- ten in such terms that little informa- “vion can be obtained from them by the people they ure intended to bene- €t.If the writers knew their busi-+ ness as they ought to know it,they “would be capal le of using plain words ‘to express their meaning and then heir writing would be.of some value “to the people they intend to instruct. Secretary Houston,who is an old “teacher,ought t®draw his specialists “up in line and submit'some remarks to them,in plain.language,about the use of big words.,It is not an evi- dence of scholatship to-use the big- gest words you know;words that con- “found the average man rather thar enlighten.It is‘an evidence of schol- arship to’be able to express your- ‘self in plain and simple English that all ean understand. $e oe VOOR EREOk RIN There will be many who will sym, pathize with the’Sinner’s|sermon— -due®in the last issue of The Land- mark but received too late for that gditipn-—about the Di!D.’s.|Asche saysy there are sonie;whoreceive the degree that deserve it;there are oth- “ers who do not receive it who deserve it,aud there-are-some who_receivd it on what basis the ordinary man ean’t figuré.This cheapens the de- gre¢until it's no longera distinction, or ais echal “honor,to be called doc- he title-is:too-common._.The Mer.sdys nobody.has ever been ableto discover the test of efficiency y which the colleges determine who is worthy of this degree,The Land- mark has thought -about that very thing and has made some inquiries to satisfy curiosity;without satisfactory 'results.It has concluded that one set of trustees determines the matter in one way and another in ahother way. There,is no standard.Some get the degree for scholarly attainments,for efficient service;others because their ‘friends want to compliment them; i others’because of a pull,and so on, Fitting tribute was this week paid the memory of;the late William J. Yates of Charlotte-when an oil por- ‘trait of Major Yates was presented to the State by his family,to be “hung in the Hall of History in Ral- eizh.Majors Ydtes was a native of ‘Fayetteville,darned the _printer’s -trade when a boy and from early manhood to his death was a news- paper publisher and editor,He was for 30 years editor of the Charlotte Democrat,and his paper was a pow- _er for good in the State.He was a strong man,was universally respect- ‘ed and esteemed and rendered faith- ful and effective service to the State. “He moré than once refused to be a candidate for office,but he was for a time a member of the council of State and was also for several years ja member of the board.of directors of the’State..Hospital at Morganton “and chairmanof ‘the board.In both these positions he rendered valuable »verviee and his memory deserves to ported to the west of us and are due to appear in Iredell,according.to the records of the national Department of Agriculture,have appeared in this section in considerable past years.It is recalled that in May, 1881,just 84 years ago,there were many of them in-and aboutStatesville and to the west of here—more thanpeared17yearslafer.They do, numbers:in | —ss “The Literary Digest’says the story alleged to have come from Germany, that the German school chjldren were given a holiday the day after the the’@vent,was put’on the wire by a joker;,that the school children —in 4,00 |Germany,as well as all/other ¢oun- l4ries,bad a holiday the day after the sinking of the Lusitania because the} day was Saturday.The:Landmark| didn’t print the alleged story from Germany when it.first appeared be- cause it didn’t believe it;and this pa- per later made ‘reference to it to ex~ press doubt of its truth,But the pa- pers generally.-did print it and nat- urglly expressed horror that children should be encouraged to celebrate the killing of innocent women and chil- dren;and the idea that Germany gen” erally.celebrated the sinking of the Lusitania has.become so firmly.fixed in the public.-mind that it,wil re- main there:If the story be ‘a joke, ag the Literary.Digest “asserts,it’s a pity the’fellow who perpetrated the ghastly joke can’t be dealt with as he deserves,| Speaker Champ Clark wants Pres- ident Wilson left unhampered about what should or should not be done in connection with our foreign affairs. “If I could reach’out,”says the Speaker,“and.grab by the neck ev- ery jingo ‘in the country and put them into the trenches in Europe I would be-glad to do-it.’The Speak- er is right.A little while in’‘the trenches.would effectually -squeleh the affected war zeal of some of.the patriots.eeeceee The Guilford sovereigns smote with a mighty.smite the.court.house-of- fice building bond proposition. *(AeseisiooeaatmaITEMSOFCURRENTNEWS. Happenings Here and There intheState. At Palestine,five miles north of Albemarle,last Saturday,a ‘six-year- old child of John Hall was caught in the shafting of a roller mill and kill- ed,apart of its head.being torn off. Mr.Hall is the miller and the childwasplayingabout.the mill when the tragedy occurred. Near Apex,Wake:county,;a fewdays’ago,the ‘dead.body of-'a man was found in a deep gully in .a wood.The head had been severed from thebodyand.was;sdme;20 feet away,de- nuded of hair and flesh.The.man hadevidentlybeen’déad many days and who he was or-how he came to his death was'a mystery at last account. The ‘Wadesboro!Ansonian,a.spien- Wid ‘papi,’edited:py:&capable.and conscientious man,°celebrated _its ‘ninth anniversary this..week by issu-ing’a handsome aiiniversary edition of16pages.The anniversary number is;flldd swith interesting and appropri-ate matter and ilvstrations “and orale work (6f “which)Editor Bivins has a right to be proud.ee Near Lawndale,Cleyeland county, a4 few days ago,Says thé Shelby Star, Worest Walker,a boy in ~the last stages of his:teens,shot and serious- ly wounded Lawrence Walker,.en- other youth in his teens.Shooting was the result of a difficulty.Boys not related,.The one who did theshootingisinjail.The wounded boy is in a.hospital at Rutherfordton in a’serious condition.i s ‘A ¢ivil action that will attract wide attention is expected to come up for trial at the June term of Anson coun-ty Superior Court.Atest case will he made-to determine the responsi-bility of the Yadkin River Power Company for damages sustained-byresidents‘in the neighborhood °of Bluitt’s Falls,caused by back watersfromthemammothdamofthiscom- pany. Mr.A.S.Ballard,who was }rinci- pal of the State High School at Crouse,‘Lincoln.county,‘the past year,has been elected superintendent of the Newton graded schols.Mr. Richard Little,former principal of the school,who had‘been elected su-perintendent,declined on account of some opposition to his religious views. What his religious views are isnotstated, The case,against James Baugham, the young man indicted.for man- slaughter,for having caused the deathofanoldmaninCravencountyby running his automobile into the bug-gy in which the old.man was riding, was dismissed in Craven SuperiorCourtthisweekbyJudgeGeo.W.Conner.It was held that the collis-ion was an accident.Baugham hadalreadyvoluntarilypaidmoretary damages to the.widow.Tt was thiscasethatprecipitatedtheCarter-Ab- ernethy row. Three Dead as Result of At- tempted Jail Delivery. At Miami,Fla.,Wednesday,B.H. Ashley attempted to liberate from jail.his brother,.John Ashley,under sentence of death.Ashley,went to |the jail and:shot the jailer dead but jbefore he could enter the ‘building |two policemen arrived and he fled. Policeman Riblett “arrested Ashley and the latter shot him twice..The officer returned the fire and.Asheleydiedwhilebeingtakentojail,.The officer died later in a hospital, Peeoe ne re ARETAN ps.Seemingly the only e tiiey ‘do is to trees and that warning to Mexico doesn’t necessarily mean armed interven- tion,Various ways and means may be‘adopted to .solve the problemwithoutactually“sending an”armyMexico.and taking..charge _ofs;but judgingthefuture ~ ter- President Makes It Clear to Ger- _man Ambassador, President Wilson emphasized in an \informal talk with Count yon Bern- |etorff,the German ambassador,Wed- jnesday the intense feeling of theAmericanpedpleoverthesinkingofitheLusitaniaandotherviolationsof } American rights on the high —seasandimpressed-on him that the UnitedStateswouldinsist:on an hdherenceY\)by Germany to the accepted.princi*ples of international law as they af-fect neutrals,=:iehs; sinking of the Lusitania,to celebrate |” LACK OF FOOD IN MEXICO, i ex ieG ‘ee tahMultitudesontheVergeofStat-ve ~po The :; has issued the ‘following statement, concerning’conditions.in Mexico: “Conditions in Mexico are growitig’ Lsteadilyworse,At Monterey several)thousands of persons are fed “daily. Many refined families apply at night! for aid.The farmers from the sur-rounding country are coming to thecity.to -buy corn to feed their work-| men and families,but cannot obtainit,Multitudes are on the verge;of] starvation,At Durango the govern- ment’s efforts to keep down the price of food ‘supplies failed,—as--huyers:from Monterey and Torreen,where famine prevails,are willing to pay} my price.Food supplies are becom- * that the poorer classes are unable tobuyandareinadeplorablecondition. “At Tampico all food is about ex-hausted,There is no flour and very" little corn.“The condition in outlyingdistrictsis—still worse,and tales of the tarvations of the poor peons are constantly coming into the city.”“At Vera Cruz and in the surround-ing country famine conditions pte-vail.At Jalapa,the capital of the State of Vera Cruz,the general con- ditions of the town isappalling,.Money was raised by.the chamber of)com~- merce to relieve the distress,and corn was imported,but the funds were soon exhausted.The day that no car arrives.the town goes hungry.Most distressing scenes take place at the municipal hall,when ‘these rations were distributed.Some 2,500 women were collected at 7 a.m,to get in line for distribution,which began at 11, and:standing in the sun so long un- able-to move for fear.of losing their places and their chance for a mere handful of corn,resulted in many cases of fainting from exhaustion, some were injured,and on sevéral oc- casions one or two have been killed. Many,after waiting for hours,,went home crying,for the supply ran out, and,summing up the case it means the practical starvation of the town. “On the west coast the inhabitants are reported as starving.Acapulco is practically without food supplies,and conditions are most distressing in all that region.When a boatload of corn was brought into.Acapulco the rush of the people was so great to get some of the grain that several chil- dren were trampled to death and a number.of.women.injured,Gate “In Mexico City the situation is very grave,and the shortage in-all cereals is felt intensely.As.eatly.as March.100,000.persons.were ‘reported suffering frem ..-hunger....\Gonditions have grown.steadily“worse and ‘many are starving.”Miles,Horses and oxen have,been killed or exported,:as there is nothing’to:feed them,For ‘the!food supplies that!rétnain,fabuloys prices have_been.reached,so only:the rich can buy.Epidemics of.smallpoxmand} typhus fever prevail,and medicime is prehibitory in.price.The ‘city has 660,000 inhabitants in.danger,of. périshing from hunger,misery:and epidemics.Serious ‘ifood giots have take Pinedo en (The,Carranza government.has de- niéd that there is any searcity of food, bat the Red’Cross "reiterates~(the statement given above.)»th CREAR OEM AERATTIO EAT ET j NEWS ITEMS OF INTEREST. Happenings:Here and There in ;the Country. Fire losses.in ‘the United States last year totaled $221,000,000,a sum exceeded only twice,in 1904 and 1906,,in the history of:the coun- try,according to reports submitted to the National Board of Fire Un-derwriters in cohyention. The casualty report.shows that:49 of the crew of.the British battleshipMajestieperishedwhentheshipwas torpedoed a week ago;and 243 of the crew of the steamer.Princess -Irencand78dockyardlaborers,perished when the Irene was blown up by anaccidentalexplosioninthe’harbor of Sherness,England,about a week ago, Jn its first decision under the 1910amendmenttothe‘Federal employes’ liability act,the United States.Su- preme Court has held that damages may not only be recovered for ‘pe- cuniary loss to the employe’s.estate, but also for the pain and suffering endured by the deceased.The latter would seem to open the way for un-limited damages,Bee At Spokane,Whsh.,where women are eligible to jury service,Mrs.H. W.Hackett,a juror,left a three-months’-old baby at home while sheservedhercountryinthatcapacity. The jury failed to agree and the mother’s protracted absence resulted in distress signals from the baby..The court refused to.allow Juror Hackett to go home and the difficulty wassolvedbytakingthebabytotheju- ror-mother.i the,apparent probability that na-' tional prohibition will figure in.the presidential campaign next year.Representative James R.Mann_of,Illinois,Republican.leader in the Housé of Congress,has been mention-ed for the presidential nomination of his’party and the Anti-Saloon Leaguetendershavegivennoticethat’theywillfightMannonaccountofhisrecs ord on the liquor question.; United States must not expect tojeveloptradewithSouthandCen- ‘ral America unless they conform tothestandardsofthosecountries} so extend terms of credit:such as theSouthernrepublics:havefromBuropeinthepast.This?is American Financial ConferenceWashington.in Chamberlain's ‘Cole,Cholera and Dinrrhoes;>Remedy.i a remedy that every.family should fering that must.be -endured.when -qned:dine.must be sent for or before relief can:obtained.’This remedy is thoroughly.¥ able.Ask anyone who has used it.Ob au Says Red Cross ‘Re- ,:eatsAmericanRed.Cross Society ing so scarce and the cost so high} The politicians are concerned over}. make the right prices and are willing]. received the.message delivered in,behalf’of the delegates to ‘the recent ‘Panel yy” This isbeprovided with,and especially during the}. summer montha.Think of the pain and suf) FIFTY LOS. Trédell Farmers Interested inSilos—The Advantage of Si- lage and SmallCost.of Con:structing Silos.. ‘Correspondence of The’Landmark, + “1.Much.interest ‘is being shown in ‘silo building in this county since the beginning of operations ‘by our own ¢o-operative creamery,The farmer aré learningthe“need of more humus ‘in the soil,the cause of its depletion. (cotton)and the remedy for this con- dijion--dairy farming.They are al- ‘$0 learning that by the usual method of handling corn 40 per cent of its ‘ood value is not saved and in years like the last one a much greater per cent is wasted,: “Besides saving what.would other- wise.be wasted the silo keeps.the /feed_in a.much more palatable and sasily digested,condition.Summer fead is thus maintained throughout the winter season when the milk sup- oly ordinarily.decreases and when prices of dairy products are at their est.Winter feeding is more ex- pensive and less productive becausé the less,palatable.dry,concentrated feeds are generally “depended upon, Beeause of its succulence,-silage has a beneficial effect on the’digestive system..Two and one-half to three ‘tina of silage are equivalent in feed- ing value to a ton er hay and may he stored in less than half the space required by the latter....More.cattle etin-be kept on a given amount of land with silage,and there is the addi- tional advantage that after the crop ig stored the feeder is in no,way de- frendent upon the weather conditions. A few other advantages of silage may be given in brief:It keeps stock thrifty all winter and enables cows to produce milk and butter more economically.It is more convenient- ly handled than dry fodder and leaves no aggravating corn stilks in ‘the manure.Palatable yood is made of stuff that would otherwise not be eat- en.Feed may be put up at a time when drying is next to impossible. Silage is the most economical supple- ment for short pastures during thehot.dry periods of sunimer. There are a great many different types of silos—some quite expensive,while others may be built for asmallsumandstillservethepur- pose quite well.Almost any one can afford one of ‘the less ‘expensive types and will find the work of con- struction quite simple.It is just a matter of seeing the need then mak- ing the beginning.The types seem- ing to be best suited to this localityarethe.concrete and the common sense or octagon.Most of:the mate-vial for either may be secured.rightat:home and they may,be built.withsuehlaborascanbefurnishedbythe!farm hands,so-should be moder-ate in.ceyt..Soph silo should,n testmorethanfrom79,cents to,$2.-50.for each ton of capacity,depend-’ing upon the’type aiid size’built andthesourdéof‘the material,This is eae deal Tess _thari'the ‘cost of '2 arn that would hold the same amount 6f'feed: #&aio''12 feet it diameter and 24feet.high would hold=ibotit’50°tons’of:silige,’which would''feed 15 cows 400 board feet.The cost wotild’’beaUout''$10 for the cement,’tar ‘atid’ nails ‘to complete it.If of coticreteitewould‘require about 100 bags of eement,12 yards of sand,20 yards of stone and 30 rods of hog were zor reinforcing.The latter type is ad- visable because of its.permanency. Where the buildings are properly ar- ranged,however,the other should last for a number -of years,until ‘guch plans can be formulated and when a larger and better silo may be it conveniently located on ‘a solid foundation,well constructed and of such.a diameter’and height as is best suited to the number in your herd.‘; sf yow are doing dairy work and Hiave ‘not already begun to plan,for a.silo,begin now so you may have a erop especially for filling it.Then. ts,you should plan tos.co-operate with your neighbors in buying the material and cutter and in building and filling the silo.Fifty farmers have already begun planning to build and have been asking for informa- tion and are ready to co-operate in the work.If you have eight or ten ‘eattle you need a silo.Better join the band,and let us help you plan and build the silo.—G.E.DULL. TTEEATETTT Greatly Benefited by Chamberlain’s Liniment. “|have used Chamberlain’s Liniment for sprains,bruises and rheumatie pains,and the great benefit I have received justifies ‘my recommending it in’the ©highest terms,”’ writes Mrs.Florence Slife,Wabash,Ind,If you are troubled with rheumatic pains you will.certainly be pleased with the prompt relief’which Chamberlain’s Linimeént affords. Obtainable everywhere. FOR SALE—At a bargain good second-handfive-passsenger automobile,‘Phone 216 Red.June 1—2t** WANTED—To sell few squares of any size roofing slate.Apply to THE LANDMARK,«dune 1—2t.i FOR SALE—Indian Motor cycle in good con- ‘uber,NC Thomasville,N.C, ,Wednesday, “ _and intermediate points,to eh,"t my.AND RETURN dune 9,1915, By the Southern Railway.°2 4 The train will be operated under the aus- pices of the First Baptist Sunday School of Statesville to give the Baptists and others of Iredell and Alexander counties an opportu- nity to visit the Thomasville Orphanage.‘The train will stop at all stations between Leave °sé se sé “sé “ “ aylorsville and Barber Junction.°Follow- ing ig the schedule and round trip fares for adults,.Children under..12 years -will be charged only 65 cents from Taylorsville and. intermediate points to Statesville,and 50centsfromStatesvilleandintermediate points to Barber:: SCHEDULE 7:00 a.m.‘7:15 a.m.7:23 a.m. 8:00 a.m. 8:20 a.m,8:30 a.m.8:35 a.m. Arrive at Thomasville 10 a,m, Taylorsville HiddeniteStonyPointStatesville ElmwoodCleveland Barber | Round TripRoundTripRoundTripRoundTripRoundTripRoundTripRoundTrip Returning,the train'will leave Thofiasvilleat5p.m...For further information apply’ to J.Paul Leonard or railway agents. for.six.months.If this.were of thel{”'Phones84 and 137. edmmion sense type ‘it Would require G00:nieces of 2x4 11 feet long,‘ot 4)-|! desired.The main points are to get)) Sete ee ‘Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison Company. Sareeee ‘Phones 84 and TT137Peted on ?The StoreWith the Quick Parcel Post Service. dition.Apply to J:-H.McELWEE TOBAC-co CoO.June 1. FOR SALE—Surry with shafts and singleharness.Good as new—-used less than a_year.ag or time.L.B.PATTERSON.yy May 28.:4 FOR BALE—Five-room.cottage,well built,electric lights and water.’Lot 100x240 feet, Business men and bankers in~the}on Buclid Avenue,near Davie Avenue,J.,Be ARMPIELD.April *®, eer =FOR RENT—7-room bungalow on RaceeenowoccupiedbyMr.Myers.Mod-ernly equipped.Possession given July ‘1.Civ.HENKEL.|May 28.“Y FORSALE! “northern Iredell county.“French Burr wheat:mill and Old Virginia Burr.corn:mill in running condition.Water poewr 75 to higher ;22 acres in mill tract,117 acre farm.adjoining,Sell,separately or as ok Ideal location for rollér mil}10 2nile. good farming seetion for custom,é to new.railroad,Good | ““BRSIRABLE COUNTY MILL PROPERTY 100 hore power.“Can be developed much |, .66 i “by_the "Wooltex Tailors. RAMSEY-BOWLES-MORRISON C0, -THE STORE THAT PAYS Russian Hammered Brass,Sparkling Cut Glass FOR JUNE BRIDES. Many new and novel pieces in”this showing of brass--Jardiniers,Bassets,Umbrella Stands,Case-roles;Vases and Pedestals.Per-manently finished andpriced.New designs in the cutglass,too.The genuinecut work—notimitations.See this display. NEW PRINTED VOILES \~AND ORGANDIES, These are desirable for the mid- summer frocks. :from 12 1-2c, popularly The prices varyto35c.the yard. poe Copyright 1915,de : by the Wooltex Tailors. !Send for samples.__Anything you order will be sent to you prepaid. WASH SKIRTS THAT WON’T:SHRINK. Made by the ‘‘Wooltex”folks and as carefully fitted as their best ‘woolen garments.See these new models shown in Reps,Gaberdines, Crepes and Corduroys.- ¥ right 1915, MAIL ORDERS."Phones84and 137,POSTAGE.ON a ‘THE rs}"Phones $4,and 137. aty Address 4W.VAN HOY,© aan ;June 1—At, THE LANDMARK actor gy retype ey re Aen leodton a ‘PUB:TUESDAY AND FRIDAY. “JEFICH,120°WEST BROAD STR |TELEPHONE NO.14.” FRIDAY,June.4,1915. GLIMPSE ‘PASSINGTHRONG. ersonal Mentionof People and Their Movements, ~Mr.and Mrs:E.D.Brady and chil-ven of Shiloh.township'are visitingMrs.myers relatives at Seven MileFord, Mr.'M,McKee is in the North-ern ee in the interest of J.M.McKee &Co, Mr.and Mrs,J.DeWitt.Ramseyandbabyleavetomorrow-for Rus-sellville,Ky.,to visit.Mrs.Ramsey’sparents,’Mr.and Mrs,W.P,How-ard,Mrs.Ramsey and child willspendthesummerinKentucky.Mr.Ramsey will be away two weeks or longer. Mr.and Mrs.-Noah Somers and child,who visited relatives in States-ville,returned yesterday to theirhomein“Winston-Salem. Miss:Pauline -Smith—left Wednes-day’for Moreland,Ga.,to attend:ahousepartygivenbyMissLois ce~Xgung:yes‘eT Sistare,who-visited-Mr.C.M.Adams.left Wednesday for his home at Matthews,Mecklenburg;county,Mr,SuStare and Mr.Ad-ams,were schoolmates at Wake For-est College.Mr,and.Mrs.Sherman.Ramsey!and little daughter,Helen Colt Ram- sey,are visiting Mrs.Ramsey’s mother,Mrs.R.:-O.Coit,in Charlotte. Mr.Leon Simon of Baltimore, who spent a few days with his.moth- ¢ er,Mrs.Sol.Simon,left a few days} ago for Seaford,Del.,.for a.visit to! his brother,Mr.Ernest Simon.”He} was accompanied by his young! brother,Master Julian Simon,who!will,spend some time in Seaford and} Baltimore. Mrs.Sarah Carrington and Miss Mabel Casé of Greensboro and Mrs. Wm.Goodman of Knoxville,Tenn., are-expeeted_to arrive in Statesville tonight to be the guésts of Mrs.C. V.-Henkel.—Mrs.Goodman will come to Statesville from Richmond. Mrs.Lois Long Hackett,who is an instructor in voice at the MasterSchoolofMusic,Brooklyn,N.Y.,is/ at home to spend her vacation.,Mrs.Ghas.Wm.Spell of Godwin is visiting her mother,Mrs.J.B.Con- nelly.* Miss Leila Corpening and her youngnephew,Arthur Glenn Corpening,Jr., are .guésts of Miss Corpening’s sis-!tersy Mrs.D.M.Furches and»Miss Alti¢Corpening. Mis.Gilmer Wingate of Gastoniais‘be guest of Mrs.J.L.Kimball. Mr.%Wingate will’join his wife at Mra Kimball's:tomorrow.Mrs.N.M.Salley,who’spent some months in Lake Charles,La.has;re- turned home,Mrs.C.H.Fisher of Norfolk,Va‘; has“arrived in Statesville to be the guest of Miss Mary.Austin Gloveruntil-after..the Glover-Risher...wed- ding,whjch fakes place,next Wednes- day.Mr.JT.C.‘Steele west ito Charlotte |© ~yesterday~83 end ei ing!‘ofshe:boatd of regents of the Barium Or-' y,Phans’Home,Mr.M.V.Dunavant,whe spent sev- eral:days.at home,.returned -yester- day to Tye River,Va.Miss Huzel Dotson is visiting,her sister,Mrs.J.H,.McIver,in Wades- boro.Mrs.J.E.Boyd went to Charlotte yesterday to spend a few days with her sister,Mrs.W.C.McAuley.She was accompanied by Miss Annie Mar- vin,who returned home Jast night. Mrs.H,A.Scott of Kannapolis and Miss Nelle Steele of Biltmore are here to spend two weeks with theirparents,Mr.and Mrs,T.L.Steele.Little Misses Grace and FlorenceSwaimofLexingtonarevisitingat the home of their grandparents,Mr.and Mrs.J.S.Leonard.Miss Jessie Quinn of Rutherford- “ton,who has been teaching school in Winston-Salem,is here to spend a few days at the home of -her brother, Mr.E,BoQuinn,on -north—_-Center street,before going on to her home. Miss Frances Young of Concord istheguestofMissStellaSmith. Notice of New Advertisements. The Lyerly Milling Co.,Cleveland,has a roller mill to lease. A farm two miles from Clevelandfor.sale.—M,.C.Wood. R.B.McLaughlin,commissioner,will sell valuable real estate July 5.Special train to Thomasville ‘Jane_9th,At Broad.Street Methodist churchSundaymorningandevening.*Why the Hardman piano should ap- peal to one considering the purchase of a piano—Carlton Andrews,ce sentative.Gas appliances.—Statesville Gas Light and Fuel.Co. Specials at Mills &Poston’s tomor-row and Monday.Important to shoe buyers.—J.M. .McKee &Co.Russian hammered brass 'and sparkling cut glass for June brides,_={Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison Co.4Are ‘you.interested—Aredéll TinWorks,L-V dust cloth |free.—Crawford-Bunch Furniture Co.See D.J.Kimball for corn for late planting.‘Five-toom cottage for rent.—R.V. Brawley.Several articles for sale or ex- change.—-R.L.Bradford.Small farm for sale.—W.B.Crow-son,Deering harvester for salt.—J,B.Armfield.78 to 100 head nice lettuce.—Mrs.S.B.Miller.Peas for sale—R.V.Wilson,Statesville,R-5. Bilious Attacks, When you have a bilious ‘attack your liver.fails to perform ite functions.You become|” constipated.The food you eat ferments inyourstomachinsteadofdigesting..This in-‘oo the stomach and causes.nausea,vom- ‘iting and a terrible headache.Take -Cham--perlain’s.Tablets...They.will tone up--yourliver,ce vel your 3 h ons will ,Boon As we ever..only costa tatatten pr tp pee |tions { eee cern JUN E BRIDE WiWEDNESDAY. Miss Ward andMr.Morrison-Married—Social Events of“the Week. Miss Sadie Bell Ward and Mr. Waverly G,Morrison were married‘Wednesday afternoon at 6 o’clock atthene;bride’s parents,Mr.and Mrs,Ward,on ‘west Bellstreet.Wik the ‘house beautifullydecoratedandtheattractivegownsoftheladies,the,marriage scene was ‘yery pretty one.The ceremonywasperformedbyRev.J.F.Kirk ofBroadStreetMethodistchurch,pas-tor of the bride,while the bridal pairandtheirattendantsstoodbeforeanimprovisedaltarofjreen-and:white.Preceding the ceremony Miss MarionYountsang“At Dawning,”in a very pleasing manner.The bridal choruswasplayedbyMissFrancesFleming as the bridal party’entered,Schu- bert’s Serenade was played |,Softlyduringtheceremony”“and*’Mendelssohiti’s march for the Pioded Thebridalparty:drove to the railway stationshortlyaftertheceremonyand Mr.and Mrs.Morrison left on the 6:40 train for points in.the’South,where they will spend their honey-moon..Later they will be at home ‘inWilkesboro. The marriage was attended by a company of.friends and relatives ofthecouplewhichfilled-the house.Theguestsweremetatthedoorby,Miss Hattie Sloan and Mr.E.G.Gaither and their names were registered byMiss.Elizabeth Nattress.Mrs,B.-F. Russell presided in the.gift room, where the handsome.wedding gifts; including much silver,eut glass,etc., ‘were displayed.The hall was decor- ated in red,the gift room in pink and the parlor,where the ceremony was performed,was in green -and white. At the appointed time the:officiat-|ing minister took his-position in frontofthealtarandthemembers-of.the |bridal party came down the stairway and_.entered singly as follows:_Miss|Ruth Ledbetter,Mr.:Paul Morrison of Wilkesboro,"Miss Margaret Click of Elkin,Mr.Paul Ward,bride’smaidsand“groom’s men;Miss Hattie fard,maid of honor,and-Mr.JohnDula.of Wilkesboro,best man.The bride and gropm came from thestairwayandenteredtheparlorto-gether.With all in tHeir places,theclergyman“spoke the .words whichunitedtheheartsanddestiniesofa happy and_youthful bride and groom. The bride wore a handsome navy blue suit with accessories to matchandcarrieda.shower ‘bouquet of brides’roses and lilies-of-the-valley.The rainbow idea was.carried’out in |the gowns.of the bride’s attendants. Miss Ward,maid of honor,wore white taffeta,Miss Click green taffeta and Miss:Ledbetter:pink taffeta,and.all three carried pink Killarney roses. Mr.Morrison,the groom,is a sonofMr.and ‘Mrs.©:-F,:Morrison of Wilkesboro,and is one of.the best known young men of his town.He has won for.his bride:an attractive young lady,possessing’qualities which arsure for her many 4riends:inhernewhome.~Thoseof her home of the past wish fot her mich happi-nees in her new relation and-new.lo- =e town,wotownwad ‘the:fe irents of the groom and Messrs.Claudius.Miller,”Norman Smoke and Mr.and Mrs.J.B.Fraley,all ofWilkesboro.?. The engagement cf Dr..Reid Pat-terson and Miss Mattie Hyndman of Charlotte was announced at a party given by Mrs.D.A.McLaughlin in Charlotte Tuesday evening.The wed- ding will take placeWednesday,June 20th.Dr.Patterson is a ‘son of the late P.R.Patterson of Statesville. He has been practicing medicine at Chadwick-ifoskins,a suburb of Char-lotte,for several years.Miss Hiynd-man is a daughter of Mr.and Mrs.W.J.Hyndman of Charlotte: Mrs.C.V.Henkel:will receive to-morrow afternoon and eVening inhonorofMrs.William Goodman. Mrs.R..L.Poston entertained about 40 young people.at a heartpartyTuesdayeveningatherhome on Mulberry street,complimentarytoMissLillianMenefee.of-Virginia.In the game Miss Margaret Brady won the ladies’prize,a box of crepe de chine handkerchiefs,.and Mr.J.Ben,Cooper won the gentlemen’s prize,a_pair of silk hose..Punch was served all’during the evening byMissesSarahAdamsandRebekah Fleming,and after the game pink and white ice cream,cake,crystaliz- ed ginger and salted nuts were sérv-ed,The house was attractively dec-orated for .the party.-Roses,liliesanddaisies.were used in the decora- tions.The vunch bow]was surround-1 with crimson rambler roses.Mrs.Pegram A.Bryant.entertainedatadaisypartyWednesdaymorning at her home on Center street in hon- or of.Miss Mary Austin Glover,-whowillbemarriednextWednesdaytoMr.A.A.Fisher of Norfolk,’Va.Thepartywasarealdaisyaffairandwas one of the prettiest of the season.Daisies were used in large quanti- ties throughout the house,Suspend-ed from the dining room chandelierwasahugedaisycoveredbellwithnumerousdaisiesattachedwithyel-Towribbon,and here and there were|_silver baskets filled.with daisies.Thedaisycolorswerealso.°carriedoutinthethreecoursesof‘refresh-|ments.Hearts was played and Mrs. Marsh.Mott,Jr.,of Charlotte,whoistheguestofMrs,Allen Mills,wonthefirstprize,a bunch of sweet peas, A pair of silk hose was presented toMissGloverasguestofhonor. iA reception was given by Mrs.R.S.McElweeWhdnesday afternoon atherapartmentintheNooeflat,cum-plimentary to her mother,Mrs.Na-than O’Berry,of ‘Goldsboro.©The apartment was elaborately decorat-éd with potted plants and cut flowers,crimson rambler,daisies:and.carna- ing used in -profusion.:TheestsfemetatthedoorbyissesvyMcElweeandCarrieHoffmannandtheircardswerere-ceived by Sarah,ena and Bil-lie McElwee.Mrs,8S.Thomasusheredto.the eatiial line,whic‘Was composed of the stess,‘guest of’hondr and Mrs.J.H.Mehwee,Mrs,L,.W..MacKesson,°“Mrs, “put it”will be several”days”yet be- G.E.French and Mrs.Z,Vireceivedintheerrwherepags/was poured.byettandMrs.W.HL Mefiinne andwasservedwithsandwiches8MissElizabethBowles.Receivingin thediningroomwereMrs,Chas,A,"pur.ner and Miss’Rose Stephany and,serving were Misses Margaret "SloanandKatherineNooe.The ice creamwasslicedbyMissMamieMcElweeandMrs,FE.N.Lawrence.The cake served with the cream was mountedwithroses,Miss Leah Stephany eteotadaispoavertnyafternooninhonorofMiseGlover.* Miss Scroggs and RevRev.TS A,Beckett Married in Connelly’s.Chapel. Connelly’s chapel,on the Wilkes-boro road three miles north of States- ville,was the scene of a pretty mar-riage yesterday .morning a!me o'clock when Miss Mary Ss,daughter of Mr.and Mrs.J,Scroggs,who live near the church,became:the bride of Rey.T.A,Beck-ett,a young Presbyterian ministerofWhitmire,S.C.The .ceremony was performed by Rev..Dr.H.-M. Parker of Georgetown,S.C..in the presence of quite a number of friendsandrelativesoftheprincipals.Mr,Seymour Beckett of Columbia,8.C-was his brother’s best’man andbridewasgivenawaybyherarnehar. march was:played--by Miss”FrancesFleming,who also gave a number of| organ selections ‘prior te the ‘cere-mony.The bride was becomingly at-tired in'a sand colored silk traveling suit.with corresponding accessoriesand_carried _bride’s roses and tilies-of-the-valley.The church was decor- ated with ferns and daisies.Follow- ing the marriage the bridal pattydrovetoStatesvilleandRev.andMrs.Beckett left on the west-boundtrainforavisittopointsinthemoun-tains and Charleston,§.C.AfterJune20ththeywillbeathomeat Whitmire.The bride is the second daughter ofMr.and Mrs:Scroggs and is an ¢x- cellent young lady.She was educatedatAshevilleNormalandCollegiateInstituteandforseveralyearshas been one of the most _popular—school teachers of Mecklenburg county.Forthreeyearsshehastaughtat.Hun-tersville.Mr.Beckett is a son of Mr.T.A.Beckett,Sr.,of Charleston,S.C.,and was educated at Davidson College and the University of SouthCarolina.Last Sunday at WhitmirehewasordainedtothePresbyterianministry.He is pastor of the local} church at Whitmire. Among those who attended themarriageyesterdaywereRev.P.-C. DuBose of China.Rev.F.D.Jones ofClinton;§.C.,Miss Mary Matthewsof:Chutes and Miss Cora Colson’ofNerwood. Work ond”Roller Mill—Wheat. respondence of.‘The Landmark.: utnersburg,June 3.—We,havebéenhavinglotsofwetweatherand old General Green seems to be in thelead.in-some of.the fields,.It willtakenolittleworktokeephimuvt after so much,rain.The water courses Mr.-J.-W.._Scroges..,The.wedding |} ECasor 5a. Cotton Condition 80, Cotton showed a condition of 80 |per cent of a normal on May 25,the| Department of Agriculture announc-| ed Tuesday in its first report of the In North Carolina the ‘condition is85,South Carolina 80,Georgia 81,|Alabama 78,jana 76,‘Texas 19,Arkansas 84, Mrs. ppi 82, D.B.Coltrane,a prominent |lady of Conedrd,died Tuesday,aged| She was a,native of Kentucky|and had lived in Concord since 1888.|Husband and fourdaughters survive, Louis. || one Ba. er; Brown,Carter, Clinard, Cline, Ge:Sill8 Simons, Somers,lots Sowers, have been.very,high, ‘apt.J.J.Wallace and his.men are|;progressing.nicely with the installing|of-the:-water wheel at.the roller mill,| fore the work is completed. ‘Wheat and oats in the fields arclookingwellanditwill.not be ‘but|a few days before harvest.time.will|be here.Then the threshing ma- Steele, Tartier, Turner, chines comes next.I think that the farmers who raise small grain make Wheat should and will go through it should go through in the straw.| it is thoroughly dry. Embroidery Club at Harmony.;| Sorrespondence of The Landmark. Harmony,June 2.—Miss Claudia, Tharpe was hostess to the Harmony Embroidery club Wednesday after-|noon,at her home in west Harmony.’The house:was decorated with daisies|and:sweet peas.The club was delightfully.enter-l'yers,Hogan,Chambers St.,one lot.tained with vocal selections ‘by Mrs.Tal Stafford,after which coffee and eake were served by.Miss Tharpe,assisted by Mrs.L.E.-Tharpe and, daughter,Helen.of Statesville.ThenextmeetingwillbewithMissLot- tie Barron.eh ps oe I almost gave up hope of being cured.friend told me ahout Chamberlain’s Tablcts,|and since using two bottles of them I havebeenawellwoman.”Obtainable everywhere. FOR SALE—Small farm,21 acres,3 1-2 milesfromcity.Suitable for trucking or peesing.Terms to suit buyer.W.B.CROSON.June 4-oe¥ FOR SALE—Second-haiid Deering harvesterin_good_condition..J.B,ARMFIELD.June 4—2t,| FOR RENT—Five room cottage two blocks |from square,with modern conveniences.| R.V.*dune 4 THE LADIES of Race.Street church willmscreamoncourthouselawnway6.5 une 4. FOR LEASE—Sixty-barrel roller mill.Ap-Bly.to aa MILLING CO.,Cleveland.une 4—2t. FOR SALE—190 acre tes two miles north-east of Cleveland,Apply to M.C.WOOCleveland.NX June 4-e LETTUCE—75 to ot heads nice lettuce resale.MRS.S,B,MILLER,June 4, PEASFifteen oe of peas for sale.R.V.WILSON,Statesville,R-5,.on 4-~1t* FOR SALELE CHEAP! “Nov 3 Oliver’‘Typewriter,Natoinal CashRegister,Star Coffee Mill,ee GlassPlatform—Will exchange aboveforgoods,interested see R.RRAFORD,Siaisavitie:at+Cy R-6.June 4. Ervine,L..A., Dr, Jai Ww.P...Kourth 8t.,one lot.I Blaylock,Mrs.R.Aw Race St. Bost,D.O.,Bost,Miss Linwood,Davie™Bridvers,J.B.,Boulevard St.,oneT.J. R.F., Davidson,“J.A.,Dotsun,Geo.W.,Front St.,one lot...Durham,J. ey,Dr. A. oo A.,Sharp St.,two lots . dD.John,Fifth St.,one lot Ww. City Tax<Sale! By order of the Board of Aldermen of thecityofStatesvilleandpursuanttothelaw of North Carolina,L will sell at public auc-tion,to the highest bidder for cash,‘on | MONDAY,JULY 5,1915,at the court house door in Statesville,N.C., beginning at 10 o'clock a.m,the followiny » described tracts of land and city lots for un-”paid taxes,for,the year 1914. t W.L.NEELY,3CityTaxCollector,|AORTUNEi4S:allur AJune4,1916,ing.The glory ofCorporations. Compress Pad &Saddle Co.,Center‘St. lot Alex aber Mrs.Bettie,Highland ave- enue,One TOb ciceveceaeeretveres Allison,Mra.Lillian,Race St.,one lot,Anderson,L.Ai,Caldwell St.,one lot *A.,Fourth St.,one lot ..,Fourth St.,one lot “onelatAve.,oneCaldwellSt., N.,Stockton St.,one lot ..L.,Seventh St.,one lot .. Carter Bros.*Armfield St...one lot ..Cashion,A.D.,Fourth 8t.,one lot .. J.M.,Fourth St.,one lot ~.Fourth St.;one lot-....Broad St.,one lot .. c.,P,Highland.Ave.,one lotS.,Kelly St.,one lot..C.,Park place,one lot .. Front St.,one lot is,J..D.,Armfield St.,one lot... R,Center St.,two,lots ., haver,Ci F.,’Boulevard St.;one lot ..Shaver,John'F.;Bouleyard St.,one lotSherrill,Shook,J W.,.Tradd St.,one lot...M.,Caldwell St.,two lots..Leeé,.Eighth St.,one lot ..Besgons,;Mri,S.Statesville,one lot ..Wy.V.,estate,Front-St.,three G.T.Stitamers; Trevepaugh,J.H.,Seventh St.,Tharpe,L.E.,Park place, Clayton,Boulevard St,onehdé=gee De Bale eee Turner,W._E.,.Davie Ave.,Z.Cc.Webb,B.B.,Bell St., Williams,W.'L.Race St.,one lot ... Troutman,lot Allison,Will,Race St., H.,Caldwell St.,two lots L.,Mulberry St.,one lotH.:G,Park plaee,one’lotone.lot.two lots.. Bell St.,one ayonelot...Ee;Davie Ave.,one lot...H.,Bost St.,one lotonelot Delinquents,White. one lot|Bean,A.A.,Seventh St.,one lot ....a broad mistake in threshing their |Collie,Miss E.L.,Boulevard St.,ofie lotwheattooearlyafterithasbeeneut.||Dixon,James,estate,Center St.,one lotHarrellSt.,one lot .. ‘Ervine,L R.,Charlotte Road,one lot lot lotSowers,|Sowers, Allison, Allison, \dams, heat some time and ,Somewhere,i Fesperman,Rev.J.H., Ps |Kousbee,W.W.,Center St.,Wheat:should not be threshed until;oe WE.Meee BE eae hoes Elihu,Seventh St.,one lot .|Mills,G.N.and J. R. Caesar,Green St., Fourth St.;one one lot ., M.,Caldwell St.,oné John,Tradd St.,one lotL.,Mills St.,one lot Colored. one lot ..Emma,TraddSt.,one lot ...Henry,Harrison St.one lottailey,R.D.)Center St.,one lot ....Biddings,T.G.,Chambers St.,one lotAshley,Green St.,one”lotBurton, Chambers,I’.F.,Tradd St.one lot ..|.Chambers,Frank,Chambers St.,two lots Cowan, Cowan, lotCowan, |Cowan,|Davidson,Maggie,Chambers St.,one lot|Gray,Jahn H.,Sharp St.,one lot . M.;Mansfield,South Statesville,one H, she eT Las spe eee eee eenee .L.,Front St.,one lot ... C.,Walker St.,one lot ...Leila E.,Green -St.;one lot .. Restore to Good Health.|Green,Margaret,f rfield St.,one.lot “I was sick for four:years with stomach Houpe,Grace,Garfield St.,one lot ..trouble,”writes Mrs.Otto Gans,Zanesville,|Keres Henrietta,West End Ave.oneOhio,“TE lost wre GhNE MIN dos Wonk that|Oth-sheeresbeabeblte cepceety cv vies ‘A|Martin,L.0.,Garfield St.,one lot ...|Mareh,Susan,Bell St.,one lot .... McKey, Moyer, G.Re C.,v.H.Green St.,one lot ..C.,Green St.,one lot|Murdock,Ed.,Chambers St.,one lotMurdock,James A.,Sharp St., |Murphy,J.P.,Davie avenue,one lot~|Sherrill,John ‘A,Walker St.,three lots 12.82 one lot Spann,Luther,Walker St.,one lot .Steele,George,Elm St.,.one lot ..Stewart,Walker, |Thomas,Ed.,G Walker St.,one loteldSt.,one lot ..Thomas,Janette,Sharp St.,one Tot Webb,Ray,|White,Clyde,Garfield St.,|White,Jo.,‘Tradd St.,éne lot Harrison St.,one lot .,one lot *. Woods,R,B,,Garfield St.,one lot2t.havoods &Carson,Elm St.,one.lot,, Woods,Vina;Walker St.,one lot ... Woods,David,,Garfield St.,one lot ., *Delinquent,Colored, Clark,Agnes,Garfield St.;one lot .. Davidson,Cato,Green St.,one lot ....Dean,Sallie,Green.St.,one lot...Fraley,Press,Green St.,one lot ....Hunter,Hattie,Tradd St.,one lot ..Nicholson,Josephine,Tradd St.,one lot Pearson,Jennie,‘Garfield St.,one lot ,Seahorne,Clara,Green St.,one lot .Simonton,Sam,Garfield St.,Stevenson,John,Chambers St.,one lot .one lot er z03 victory stimulates and attracts-the worthy80.60 9.98 effort of the ambitious. je 4 |sel The success of one is the 13.02—signal for others to emulate the example,or-to-search-- WG resph es:te nb inne man papeonsed pablo neste10:35 out the secrét.”But success” a furnishes no secret formu-~ 1.03 las.The way is open. 24.73 EN j8.08 PY **Success is a conquest—not7:82 a a”bequest."Webster said,G that-‘‘it is to work,and nottogenius,I owe my success."” a ne e ae a Pw c e u n eh e z s s e ws IA N Men who do things know the value of concentrated effort and purpose.To these they combine Three considerations only can influence thecarefulpurchaserin-his selection of..a piano: I ITS MUSICAL QUALITIESIl-ITS DURABILITYIllITSBEAUTY.: 10.35,10,74; + H Gunn,TeAe Cena:a.two ie os F foresightin theirfinancial affairs arbin,R.J.Alexander St.,one lot ..16.36 3 i g 3Harbin,James F.,Tradd St.one lots,25.96 eZ eee the.way foe sears aHarwell,U.C.,Walnut St,one lot 37-48 Ba forward step.‘s‘Hill,Mrs.Bell Mj “Davie Ave.,one lot~42.84 5Bal an cap"ight.O :Ale PSA iHill,Dr.W.J,Broad St.,one lot 39.77 Wt Saving’is foresight.Open an Ny EEA |Hubbard,J.T.,estate,Tradd St.,one lot 4.03 J account here,and let us co-oper-\f Jacks,M.L.,Fourth St.,one lot ....°6.93 yy f ate with you.|Ky}Johnson,A.C.,Bost St.one lot 13.54 dh x wl ace eaKestler,"-B.,Winston Ave.,one.ot 6.99 Sees IS j iKyles,Wo L.,Fifth St,one lot~;.s.7 5.59}.om <*Lippard,A.B.,Seventh St.,one lot..6.05 .Lippard,J.L.,Seventh St.,two lots..6,83 -Lyons,Miss Cornelia,Fifth St.,one lot 4.89 :Trivett,S.A.,Highland Ave.,one lot 2.50 FMills,W.M.“Caldwell St.,one lot ..5.75 -—STAT ESVILLE N.C.;Minish,J.J.,:Seventh Sti,one lot ..1.79Moore,V.By Bell St,one lot ....9.20 $ errs T.Clyde,Front St.,one lot...11.50 Pesca 100:aes!AsPaid on Time Daneel *organ,Will,Seventh St.,one lot».27 PO RY.|Mo:rrison,J.C.,Highland Ave.,one lot 17.34 -8.DE SITO!Morrison,C.B.,Front Sti;one lot ..34.47}ap oA 8 .Murdock,J.W.,Fourth St.,one lot ..5.38 BeMcDougald,Mrs.T.A,Kelly St.,oneobo 19.27 Orr,R.W.,Front St.,.three lots”21.85 Parker,A.'B,Tradd 8t.,oné lot ....5.18 ‘Bost,Miss Linwood;Davie Ave.,one lot 10.92Phifer,T,M,,..Front St.,one lot sees 8,78 ePhifer,E.L,,Front St.one lot ....17.97Pope,P.S.,Meeting St.,one lot ~18.14Pratt.J.8.Boulevard St,one ioe 13.56 The trained musical ear knows that the Hardman Piano is musical-6.40 |ly perfect,The fact that the following great artists,have accepted3.26%for thei own use the Hardman Piano and are enthusiastic overMit isiriproofofitstone-quality; #00 -CARUSO.----CAMPANINE--.-PETRAZZINI aeree20.44 CALVE AMATO MARTIN SLEZA Frit As proof that it retains its sweetness and tone—that itis dane8,88 hear a long-used Hardman.More than a thousand schools and col- man Pianois beautiful to look at. harmonize with any surroundings. Terms may be arranged to suit the purchaser’s convenience. change. most durable of pianos. Carlton A.Andrews, Statesville,N.C. Slaletelete. 'Factory ucanrenenuiel leges use the Hardman for the permanency of its tone.The Hard- Whilea very fullline of Period designs is.carried regularly in -:stock,we are always ready to:make up ,special pianos in cases to Thehighestpossiblevalueisallowedonoldinetrunpatytakeninex- To those who are interested in the piano froma technical stand-point,we shall be glad to send printed matter explaining at len;why the Hardmanin smoothness of action and in tone-quality is the 2.30 |ERSOBORCRCHOECOSORIO CACOREOES ICE RCBECEORO is Rs eaisiinieaaliaaes air248 22.46:|Gas Appliances 588.30 5.18 *ass Do not hesitate to give your pe for‘87 gas appliances to Mr.and Mrs.Osborne |2.80 personally.Mrs.Osborne will call and173instructeverybodyhowtocookwith © a gas free of charge,where any one de- 12.38 sires her to demonstrate at their home.— 6.35695.181B)Statesville Gas Light and Fuel-Company. ’*Phone us for appointments.se ee Special iin Ladies Pumps! We are for a few days offering a Ladies’$3.50 Pump for $2.50.me hs aa n a ee The Best and Prettiest Tin Shingles Cheapest. C..WATKINS. ‘Sizes from 25 to.54.Plenty of :: «=Mary Jane Fae,all ‘Sizes and Leathers.' “ARE YOU INTERESTED?” ‘Slate Roofing?Tin Roofing?_.eeGalvanizedShingleRaofing?Roof Painted?IN Ice or Refrigerator Lined?:-Tin or Sheet:Metal Work of any Kind?LET.US KNOW. #sa DREDELL TIN’“WORKS. _Independent *Phone 197, ,The One Price.Cash,oe Se.; CHOCOHNOCECHnC |SeeMe forLowest Prices TheS.,M.&H.Shoe Co, On Coiling,Flooring,Siding,-Boxing and cine.Sing,|©.WATERS | CO 0 C Oo “AND FRIDAY“ June 4,1915. 1.The Literary Diges AND OWNER ~are So a aecert t says the story. alleged to.have come from Germany,, thatthe German school children’were sinking of the Lusitania,to celebrate the event,was put’on the wire by a joker;that the school children in Germany,as well as all other coun- tries,hada holiday the day after the sinking of the Lusitania because the given a holiday the day after the}. LACK OF FOOD IN MEXICO, Multitudeson the Verge of Stat- ‘vation,Says Red Cross Re- port.i POE, the Am ‘has issued the following statementy concerning conditions in:Mexico: “Conditionsin Mexico are growing’ stendily worse.A.Monterey several erican Red Cross Society! ‘|;Much interest ‘is being shown in USING BIG WORDS, The smart folks who write or talk ‘pablic_information ought to have s enough to use words that the mary man can comprehend,For nee,the scientists in the Depart- mt of Agriculture at Washington, 1 are giving us some interesting nformatior about the 17-year-locusts, hich The Landmark is printing to- ay,talk about “preventing the svisposition of twés insects.”Now ow many folks know what “ovisposi~ on’means without hauling down a main there. day /was Saturday. didn’t print the alloged story from Germany when it first appeared be- cause it didn’t believe it;and this pa- per later made reference to it to ex- press doubt of its truth, pers generally -did print it and’nat- rurally expressed horror that children should be encouraged to celebrate the killing of innocent women and chil- dren;and the idea that Germany gen”| erally celebrated the sinking of the Lusitania has become so.firmly fixed in the public mind that it will If the story be 4 joke, The.Landmark But the pa- re- thousands of persops are fed ‘daily. Many refined families apply at night for aid,The farmers from the sur- rounding country are coming to thecitytobuycorn,to feed their work-| men and families,but cannot obtain it.‘Multitudes are on the verge!off starvation,At Durango the govern-ment’s efforts to keep.down the priceoffood‘supplies failed,as buyers:from Monterey and Torreen,wherefamineprevails,are willing ‘to pay iny price.Food supplies are becom~ that the poorer classes are unable to, buy and are in a deplorable condition. “At Tampico all food is about ex-hausted,.There is no flour and very little corn.The condition in outlying ing so scarce and the cost so highp FIFTY,PLANNING —SILOS. Sedell-Farmers ‘Interested in-Silos—The Advantage of ‘Si- lage and SmallCost of Con+“structing Silos..Va Correspondence of The Landmark, silo building in this county since U beginning of operations by our own co-operative creamery.,The farmeré are learning the need of more humus in the soil,the cause of its depletion (cotton)and the remedy for this con- dition—dairy farming.They are al- $0 learning that by the usual method ‘of:handling corn 40 per cent of its food value is not saved and in years like the last one a much greater per gent is wasted.*Besides saying what,would,other- wise be wasted the silo keeps the feed in a much more palatable and easily digested condition.Summer feed is thus maintained throughout the winter season when the milk sup- oly ordinarily deereases ‘and when prices of dairy products are at their ‘eat,“Winter feeding is.more .ex- pensive and less productive because’ cise Thomasville,N.C., -__-AND RETURN——— Taylorsville Statesville Barber,N.C, and intermediate points,to dictionary?Not one in 1,000,because “i€S an uncomnion word,one rarely ed.If the scientist had said to revent the insects laying their eggs, r depositing their eggs,it would ave answered every purpose and everybody -would--—have “understaod! vhat the man was talking —about. Many of the bulletins sent out by the “Department of Agriculture are writ- ten in such terms that little informa- jon can.be obtained from them by ‘the people they are intended ‘to bene- fit.If the writers knew their busi- ness as they ought to know it,they ‘would be capable of using plain words ‘to express their meaning.and then eir writing would be.of some value o the people they intend to instruct. the less palatable dry,concentrated :; feeds are generally ‘depended upon..; Betause of its succtlence,silage has |@-4 “At Vera Cruz and in the surroand-|@ beneficial effect on the digestive La ,?:3 9 system.Two and one-half to three :: ing country famine conditions pre-i ‘Fs vail.At Jalapa,the capital of the tdris of silage are equivalent in feed- i value to a ton ef hay and mayStateofveeCruz,the ene con-4 Be ovcnnd +e tea thee ine anon ditions-of the townis appalling.“Money|qn DO aeaaaeralaadbythechamberof“com.reawired by-the--latter....More.cattle] merce to rélieve the distress,and corn}¢4 be kept on a given amount of land} was imported,but the funds were with silage,and there is the addi- soon exhausted.The day that no car|tonal advantage that after the crop arrives.the town goes hungry.Most|‘8 Stored the feeder is in no way de- distressing scenes take place at the fendent upon the weather conditions. municipal hall,when ‘these rations A.few other advantages of silage were distributed.~Some 2,500 women|May be given in brief:“It”keeps were collected at 7 a.m,to get in line stock thrifty all winter and ‘enables for distribution,which began at 11,cows to produce milk and butter more and standing in the sun so long un-economically.It is more cdnvenient- able to move for fear of losing their ly handled than dry fodder and leaves places and their chance ‘for a ‘mere|"0 aggravating corn stalks in .the handful of.corn,resulted in many|Manure.Palatable yood is made of éases of fainting from exhaustion,stuff.that.would otherwise not be eat- as the Literary Digest asserts,it’s a pity the fellow who perpetrated the ghastly joke can’t be dealt,with as he deserves,© eesa aeane eeoesem mM districts ‘is still worse,and tales’of the ‘starvations of the poor peons are! constantly coming “into.the city.| By the Southern Railway. ident Wilson-teft-unhampered—about ee j what should or should notbe done in connection with our foreign affairs. “If [I could reach out,”says the Speaker,“and grab.by the neck ev- ery jingo in the country-and-put them into the trenches in Europe I would be glad to doit,”The Speak- er is right.A little while in ‘the trenches would effectually squelch the affected war zeal of some of the patriots. “The tain will be operated-under~the-aus-—— pices of the First Baptist Sunday School of Stagesville to give the Baptists and others ofTredellandAlexandercountiesanopportu- nity to visit the Thomasville Orphanage,‘The train will stop at all stations between aylorsville and Barber Junction.Follow- ing is the schedule and round trip fares for ‘adults.'Children under 12 years will beaeaeROA The Guilford sovereigns smote with n.Feed may be put up-at_a time .Secretary Houston,who is an old teacher,ought t©draw his specialists up in line and submit some remarks to them,in plain language,about the use of big words.Tt is not an evi- dence of scholarship to use the big-the State. a mighty smite’the court house-of- fice building bond proposition. .asd Linen aor WIR Ae sam HaITEMSOFCURRENT NEWS. Happenings Here and There in some were injured,and on several oc- easions one or two have been:killed. Many,after waiting for hours,,Went home crying;for the supply ran out, and,summing up the case it means the practical starvation of the town. “On the.west coast the inhabitants}, are reported as starving.Acapulco is when drying is next to impossible: Silage is the most economical supple- ment for short pastures.during.the hot dry periods of summer.There are a great many different types of silos—some quite expensive, while others may be built for .a small sum and.still.serve the pur- -eents from Statesville and charged only 65 cents from Taylorsville and intermediate points to Statesville,and 50 points to Barber: intermediate est words you know;words that con- f foind the average man rather than enlighten.“It isan evidence of schol- arship.to be able to express your- self in plain and simple,English thatallcanunderstand.ee SCHEDULE 7:00 a.m. 7:15a.m. 7234.m. 8:00 a.m. 8:20 a.m,Cleveland:8:30 a.m.Barber 8:35 a.m. ,aArrive at Thomasville 10 2,m, practically without food supplies,and conditions are most distressing in all that region.When 2 boatload of corn At Palestine,five miles north of Albemarle,last.Saturday,a,six-year-old child of John Hall was caught in the shafting of a roller mill and kill- pose quite well.Almost any one canaffordoneof‘the less expensive was brought into Acapuleo the rush ee Act mat find a more of ae 4 ::of the people was so great to get struction quite simpie.is.just a ed,a part of its head.being torn off.some of the grain that several chil-.matter of seeing the need then mak-the beginning.The types seem-Mr.Hall is.the miller and the child:*r to’death:and mg was playing about the mill when the en ee pea gdar :‘i to be best suited to this locality tragedy occurred.3 i oe ot ae th te-and thy‘“y exico City the ‘situation is|2 e,concrete a e common“Near Anes,White cduntyi4 f6¥ery"grave,andthe shortage tn-ell|sense oF opagen.,Most of the mate Lay de are of'a man|coreals is felt intensely.As eatly as}tial for either may be secured right mes paste ns,ooh Fany:af *mee March.100,000 persons.were ‘reported =home they may.ie ea wieTheheathadbeenseveredfromChe|suferiag trom”hunger Conditions|fpeh,Tabor ax can Be furnished bynyasweASona,faye gn eat miuny |e 27%bande,gp ahold be merniafhateantlsh‘Thema ha|ee gtvin.”Miles,Horas aad gen |e,OM.Sh sal gould ngsiahseeSackew:he neto his |bavebeenkilled or exported,:as:there 5D eas h an ot 1)‘ag Saad a Ranth edie tvstory wt lust account,|psthing tovfeed them.Wor:the'food|2%;*0r cack Yan ®br pee UT ae nad meg $a mystery av last account.|sgbplies that!réthain fabuloys prices ing upon the yype ang ae ¢an The“Wadeshoro’Ansonian,a splen-|hive been reached,so only the rich the bares of 'the mate af.‘This is did \papér,'edited.by:a capable and|can buy.Epidemics of,smallpomiand fo dirat Jeal less than the ‘cost of a conscientious man,celebrated its |typhus fever:prevail,and medicine is |arn Deir hold the _same ninth anniversary this week by issu-|prohibitory_in-price.The ‘city has eA aH nD te +fH Biawetae und 2A ing a handsome anniversary edition of|600,000 inhabitants in.danger ,of}.silo “12 feet in Aowhoukr 50": 16 pages.‘The anniversary numberis)peyishing from hunger,.:misery and feet high would:hol”#boy og tons filléd ‘with interesting and appropri-|epidemics.Serious “food giots shave oft silage,’which’would fee 15 cows) ate -matter_and illustrations:and is’2}taken place?or six months.If this:were“of the work (of ‘which Editor ‘Bivins thas (The.Carranza government has.de-‘commnon-sense -type-it would redaire right to be proud.1 niéd that there is any scarcity of food,600:nieces of 2x4 11 feet long,of 4) bat the’Red ‘Cross ~reitetates~‘the 400,board feet.‘The’cost.would’'be statement given above)4.04)alfout’$10 for the cement,tar “and canicenanenpeerniesiieatcnaanetee nails to ‘Complete’it.If of coticrete NEWS ITEMS OF INTEREST.‘ike would’require ‘about 100 bags of ee sement,12 yards of sand,20 yards Happenings Here and There in of stone and 30 rods of nog w:re zor the Country.reinforcing.The latter type is ad- Fire losses in the United States visable because of its -permanency. ere the buildings are properly ar- last year totaled $221,000,000,a sum exceeded only twice,in 1904 and ranged,however,the other should 1906,,in the history of.the coun- last for a number «of years,until such plans can be formulated and try,according.to réports submitted to the National Board of Fire Un-when a larger and better silo-‘may be desired.The main points are to get |J derwriters in convention, The casualty report shows that 49 it conveniently located on a.solid of the crew of the British battleship FOR JUNE BRIDES. foundation,well constructed and.of Majestic perished when the ship was such.a diameter’and height as is Many new and novel pieces inBeeeaneethe‘number in.your},this Showing of brass--Jardiniers, torpedoed a week agu;and 243 of the ‘;x crew.of the steamer Princess -Irenc herds ee es ;ae Umbrella Stands,‘Case- ae f you are ing dairy work and ro es a S s is and 78 dockyard laborers.‘pezished.|Have ‘not already begun to plan for :Hyfr e nee a when the Irene was blown up by an|@:silo,begin now so you may have ajf Manently linishea an popwar y accidental explosion in the harbor of }erep sneanyfeNee otc.|{priced.New.designs in he cutSere,Het ot 8wk agn UH,Yn,ncunsgin ngage|#188 too.‘The gentine cut worksaeArenttcthe.Federal emplives’|materee ae cutter and in _palding —notimitations.See this display. Sees Fak .“jand filling the:silo.Fifty farmers (< liabilityet,the United States.Su-|pave already begun planning tobuild |]NEW PRINTED VOILES | AND.ORGANDIES.;king for informa-may not only be recovered for~pe-and have been asking : cuniary loss to the employe’s estate,|UO"and are ready to co-operate in sit oSThesearedesirableforthemid-summer frocks.The-prices varybutalso-for the pain and suffering the work.If you have eight:of ten from 12 1-2c.to 35c.the yard. TaylorsvilleHiddenite Stony PointStatesville Elmwood. Round TripRoundTripRoundTripRoundTripRoundTrip Round TripRoundTrip Leave *es “ “sc ‘There will be many who.will sym- pathize with the Sinner’s)sermon— duevin the last issue of The Land- mark but received too late for that gditipn—about the Di!D's.As “he saysy there are some)who receive the degree that deserve it;there are oth- ers who do not receive it whd deserve it,and there are some who receive it -—on.what basis the ordinary man can’t figure.This cheapens the de- *gree-until it's no longer‘a distinction,: or atspécial ‘honor,to be,talled ‘doe- _tor.The title is too common.«The er says nobody has ever “been :iseover the test of efficiency by which the colleges-determine who is worthy of this devree.‘The Land- -Mark has thought about ‘that very thine and has made some inquiries to satisfy curiosity,without satisfactory results,Lt has concluded that one set of trustees determines the matter in one way and another in another way. There is no standard.Some get the degree for scholarly attainments,for efficient service;others because their icids want to compliment them; others because of a pull,and so on. st “ Returning,the train will leave Thomasvilleat.5p.m....For further information apply:to J.Paul Leonard or railway agents. "phones Gandi372 oe Phone and 13~Ramsey-Bowles Morrison Company.»The Store With'the Quick Parcel Post Service. Russian Hammered Brass, Sparkling Cut Glass ‘ava att sod a a Near Lawndale,Cleyeland county,a few days ago,says the Shelby Star, Yorest Walker,a boy in ’the last stages of his-teens,shot and serious- ly wounded Lawrence Walker,.an- other youth in.his teens.Shooting was the result of a difficulty.Boys not related.The one who did the shooting is in jail.The wounded.boy is in a.hospital at Rutherfordton in a’serious condition. ‘A civil action that will attract wide attention is expected to come up for trial at the June term*of Anson coun- ty Superior Court.A test case willhemadetodeterminetheresponsi-bility of the.Yadkin River Power Company for damages sustained.byresidents‘in the neighborhood ofBluitt’s Falls,caused by back waters’from the mammoth dam of this com- any. Mr.A.S.Ballard,who was:,rinci- pal.of the State High School’at Crouse,Lincoln:county,“the ~pastyear,has been elected’superintendent of the Newton graded schols.Mr. Richard Little,former principal of the school,who had been elected su- perintendent,declined on account of some opposition to his religious views.| What —his religious views are is not ‘stated. The case against James Baugham, the young man indicted for man-4 slaughter,for-having caused the death of an old man in Craven county by running his automobile into the bug- gy in which the old.man ‘was riding, was dismissed in Craven Superior Court this week by-Judge Geo.W. Conner.It--was held that the collis-ion was .an accident,_Baugham.hadalreadyvoluntarilypaidmonetary damages to the widow..It was thiscasethatprecipitatedtheCarter-Ab- ernethy row. Three Dead as Result of At- tempted Jail Delivery. At_Miami,_Fla.,Wednesday,B._H. Fitting tribute was this week paid ‘the meniory.of,the late William J. ‘ates 6f Charlotte when an ‘oil por- trait of Major Yates was presented to the State by his family,to.be hung in the Hull of History in Ral-eigh:Majors Yates was a native of Fayetteville,darned the printer’s 'trade when a boy and from early ‘manhood to his death was a news- paper publisher and editor,He was for 80 years editor of the Charlotte ‘Democrat,and his paper was a pow- er for good in the State.He was a _strong man,.was universally respect-| ‘ed and esteemed and rendered faith- ful and effective service to the State. ‘Hie more than once refused to be a ‘eandidate for office,but he was for a@ time a member of the council of ~State and wos also for-several-years “a member of the board of directors of the State .Hospital at Morganton ‘and chairman of the board.In both _these positions he rendered valuable _rervice and his memory deserves to be honored. REEARROEOEREET ~The ii-year locusts that are re- da silo.Better joinenduredbythedeceased.The latter eattle you nee would neoes to open the way for un-the band,and let us help you plan limited damages.and build the silo.G.E.DULL. At Spokane,Whsh.,where women C — are eligible to jury service,Mrs.H.|Greatly Benefited by Chamberlain’s Liniment. W.Hackett,a juror,left a three-|<1 have used Chamberlain's Liniment for months’-old baby at "home while she soinla:brubet.“e Dg cir ps ere and .;444,|the grea’ne:ave receiv:justifies mySedercoyTreeehheeeenscalemeetmd¥rites Mrs.Florence Slife,Wal »In mother’s protracted absence resulted you are tepals wis vereaeite nine you in distress si ;by.will certainly pleased w’ —prompidistresssignalsfromtheDeby.The|lguchCumerins nines ort2asst.eve™re, to go home and .the difficulty was oes -ea solved by taking the baby to the ju- ror-mother.; The politicians are concerned over the,apparent probability that na- tional prohibition will figure in.the presidential campaign next.year.Representative James R.Mann ofIllinois;Republican—leader—in-—_th¢ FOR SALE—At a bargain good second-hand five-passsenger automobile."Phone 216 Red. June 1--2t*1 Copyright dis,WANTED—To sell few squares of any size : by the Wooltex Tailors,roofing slate.Apply to THE LANDMARK. sJune 1—2t.\ FOR SALE—Indian Motor cycle in,good con-dition:Apply toJ,H.McELWEE TOBAC-co CO.Ta cae Oake Y Send for samples.Anything you ported to the west of us and are due _to appeir in Iredell,according to the ‘records of the national Department of Agriculture,have appeared in this ‘Section in considerable numbers in past years.It is recalled that in May,’ 1881,just 84 years ago,there were fi many of them in and about Statesville| “and to the west of here—more than| :appeared UT years later.They dsl :.Seemingly the only | “do is to trees and that ante.renee ,1 “the warningto Mexigo doesn’t| necessarily mean-armed interven-| ion.Various Ways and means may. hes adopted’to 2 \two policemen:arrived Ashley attempted to liberate from jail his brother,John Ashley,under sentence of death.Ashley went to the jail and shot the jailer dead but before he could:enter the building )and he’fled. ‘Policeman Riblett arrested Ashley and the latter shot him twice.TheofficerreturnedthefireandAsheleydiedwhilebeingtakentojail,-The officer.died later ‘in a hospital. President Makes It Clear to Ger-«,man Ambassador. .President Wilson emphasized in an informal talk with Count von.Bern- storff,the.German ambassador,Wed- esday the ‘intense Yeeling |of .the merican pedple over the sinking ofsolvetheproblem)the Lusitania and other violations of out adtuallysending .an army American rights on the high.seas and impressed on him that the United House of Congress,has béen mention-ed for the presidential nomination ofhispattyandtheAnti-Saloon League will fight Mann on account of his rec-ord ‘on the liquor question. United States must not expect toljeveloptradewithSouthandCen-tral America unless they conform tethestandardsof‘those countries}make the right prieés and are willing:o extend terms of credit such as theSouthernrepublicshave‘receivedfrom-Burope in the past.This.is the delegates toAmericanFinancial Conferenc Washington. in Chambertain’s ‘Colic,Cholera and Diarrhoesa‘Remedy. ‘This is a remedy that every family should nummer months.Think ofthe pain and sufé leaders have given notice that:they: |FOR SALE—Five-room cottage,well,built, Business men and bankers in~-the# che mbssage delivered in behalf’of} ‘the.Yecent.‘Panet’; be provided with,‘and especially during the} FOR SALE—Surry with shafts and sitigle harness.x as--new-——used less than ayear,Cash or tinie.L.B.PATTERSON. oyye May 28.*‘ electric.lights and water,Lot 100x240 feet,bm Buclid Avenue,near Davie Avenue,J.<BR ARMFIELD.April ‘#. FOR RENT—?-room bungalow on_“y street,now ‘occupied"by Mr.Myers:1-ernly equipped.Possession given July 1.~QV.HENKEL.May 28."FOR SALE! “$RSIRABLE COUNTY MILL PROPERTY Sn northern Iredell ‘county.French Burr wheat mill and Old Virginia Burrcorn «mill in running eondition._Water poewr 75 to 100.Horse.power.Can be.developed much higher;22.acres in’mill tract,117 acre adjoining.Sell separately or as a Ideal.location for roller ‘mill;10 mile Copyright 1915,~by tho Wooltex Tailors. “RAMSEY-BOWLES-MORRISON CO, order will be sent to you prepaid. WASH SKIRTS THAT |WON’T SHRINK. Made by the ‘‘Wooltex”folks and as carefully fitted as their best ‘woolen garments.See these new models shown’in.Reps,Gaberdines, Crepes and Corduroys.- wy rithou ysonding an {HR STORE THATPAYS THE POSTAGE ON MATL ORDERS. oe Phones84.and 137.~~Phones8Aand‘States would insist.on am hdherenceEy,Germany to theaccepted,princi>es of international law as they af-ect neutrals,©9 us ah fering that must -be~endured when medigdinemustbesentfororbeforereliefean.obtained,This remedy is thoroughly rebable,Ask anyone who has used it,‘able @ here,‘ in good farming section for custom, to.new vallrond.Good}ddvess J, a. W.VAN.HOY,© ss June 1snat, yh * Md "yesterday té latteha’a;ticeting of the ~was accompanied by Miss Annie Mar- »Statesville,R-5. heidi ein sp cotinge PTnererrTNRete tee etertae =vibe mentorTHELANDMARK! PUB TUESDAY.AND FRIDAY, CK:120.WEST BROAD STREET ; TELEBPHONE NO.14,. FRIDAY,7 -oe 4,1915. GLIMPSE PASSINGTHRONG. ersonal Mentionof People andTheirMovements, Mr.and Mrs.E."D,Brady and chil-‘deep of Shiloh township are visitingMrs.rors relatives at Seven MileFord, Mr.y 'M.McKee is in the North-ern markets in the interest of J.M,McKee &Co. Mr.and Mrs.J.DeWitt Ramseyandbabyleavetomorrow.for Rus-sellville;Ky.,to visit,Mrs,Ramsey’s parents,Mr,and Mrs.W.P.How-ard,Mrs.Ramsey and:child —willspendthesummerinKentucky.Mr.Ramsey will be away two weeks or longer. Mr.and Mrs.Noah Somers andchild,who visited relatives in States-ville,returned yesterday to.itheirhomeinWinston-Salem.Miss Pauline Smith left Wednes:day for Moreland,Ga.,to attend a,house party.given by Miss Lois Young.Mr.B.T.Sustare,who visited Mr.C.M..Adams.left Wednesday for his home at Matthews,Mecklenburgcounty..Mr.Sdétare and Mr,-Ad-ams,were schoolmates at Wake For- -est-College,Mr.and Mrs.Sherman Ramseyandlittledaughter,Helen Colt Ram- sey,are visiting Mrs.Ramsey’s mother,Mrs.R.0.Colt,in Charlotte. Mr:Leon -Simon.of —Baltimore,who spent a few days with his math- +_Russell—_presided--in_the— See JUNE BRIDE WEDNESDAY.| Miss Ward andMr.Morrison Married—Social 'Events of -the Week: Miss Sadio Bell Ward and Mr. Waverly G.Morrison were marriedWednesdayafternoonat6o’clock atthehomeofapebride’s parents,Mr.d Mrs.a Ward,on westtreet,With the house beautifullydecoratedand’the attractive gownsoftheladies,the.marriage scene was\very pretty one.The ceremonywasperformedbyRev.J.F.Kirk ofBroadStreetMethodistchurch,pas-tor of the bride,while the bridal pairandtheirattendantsstoodbeforeanimprovisedaltarofyxreenandwhite.Preceding the ceremony Miss MarionYountsang“At Dawning,”in a very pleasing manner.The bridal choruswasplayedbyMissFrancesFlemingasthebridalparty‘entered,Schu-bert’s Serenade was ©played softlyduringthe’ceremony and Mendelssohn’s march for the exodus.ThebridalpartydrovetotherailwaystationshortlyaftertheceremonyandMr.and Mrs.Morrison left on.the 6:40 train for points in the South,where they will spend their honey- moon.Later they will be at home inWilkesboro.The marriage was attended by acompany.of friends and relatives ofthecouplewhichfilledthehouse.The guests were met at the door by MissHattieSloanandMr.E.G.Gaitherandtheir.names were registered byMiss.Elizabeth Nattress.Mrs.B.F.~gift room,where the handsome.wedding.gifts, including much silver,cut glass,ete.,were displayed,‘The‘hall was decor- ated in red,the gift room in pink and the parlor,where the ceremony.was performed,was in green and er,Mrs.Sol.Simon;left a few daysago’‘for Seaford,Del.,for a visit to! his.brother,Mr.Ernest Simon.He| was accompanied by his young. brother,Master Julian Simon,~who|will spend some time in Seaford and| Baltimore. Mrs._Sarah Carrington and MissMabelCaseofGreensbore-and—Mrs. Wm.Goodman of Knoxville,Tenn.,are expected to arrive in Statesville tonight to be the guésts of Mrs.C. V.Henkel.Mrs.Goodman will come to Statesville from Richmond. Mrs.Lois Long Hackett,who is an instructor in voice at the Master School of Music,Brooklyn,N.Y.,is at home to spend her vacation. Mrs.Chas.Wm.Spell of Godwin is visiting her mother,Mrs.J.B.Con- nelly.*Miss Leila Corpening and her young nephew,Arthur Glenn Corpening,Jr.,are guests of Miss Corpening’s sis-ters)Mrs.D.M.Furches and»Miss Alti¢Corpening. Mirs.Gilmer Wingate of Gastonia isic the guest of Mrs.J.L.Kimball. Wingate will’join his wife at Kimball’s.tomorrow.Mrs.N.M.Salley,who spent some | months in Lake Oharles,La.has}I | turned home. Mrs:C.H.Fisher of Norfolk,Va., has‘arrived in’Statesville to be the »guest.of Miss Mary Austin Gloveruntilafter.the Glover-Eisher ...wed- ding,which sakes pee,next Wednes- day.Mr.J.-C. atlai went Sto Charlotte | boatd of regents of the Barium Or-| phahs’Home. Mr.M.V.Dunavant,who spent sev- eral:days..at home,-returned .yester- day to Tye River,Va. Miss Hazel Dotsop is visiting her sister,Mrs.J.H,Melver,in Wades- Horo. Mrs.J.E.Boyd’went to Charlotteyesterdaytospendafewdayswith her sister,Mrs.W.C.McAuley.She vin,who returned home last:night. Mrs.H,A.Scott of Kannapolis and Miss Nelle Steele of Biltmore are here to spend two weeks with their parents,Mr.and Mrs,T.L.Steele,Little Misses Grace and Florence Swaim of Lexington are visiting at the home of their.grandparents,Mr, and Mrs.J.8.Leonard. Miss Jessie Quinn of Rutherford- “ton,who has been teaching school in Winston-Salem,is here to spend afewdaysatthehomeofherbrother, Mr.E.B:Quinn;on north Center street,before going on to her home. Mise Frances Young of Concord is the guést,“of Miss Stella Smith. Notice of New Advertisements. The Lyerly Milling Co.,Cleveland,has a roller mill to lease.A farm two miles from Cleveland for sale-—M.CC:Wood. RR.B.McLaughlin,.commissioner, will sell valuable real estate July 5.Special train to Thomasville June9th,At Broad Street,Methodist church Sunday morning and evening=)' Why the Hardman piano should ap- peal to one considering the purchase of a piano-—Carlton Andrews,rere sentative.: Gas appliances.—Statesville tas Light and Fuel Co. Specials at Mills &Poston’s tomor- row and Monday. Important to shoe buyers——J.M. McKee &Co.Russian hammered brass and sparkling cut glass for June brides. _-{Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison Co. ~“Are ‘you.interested—tredelt”Tin} Works,L-V dust cloth free—-Crawford- Bunch Furniture Co.See_D.J.Kimball for corn for ‘ate planting.Five-room cottage ‘for beet —R.\V. Brawley.Several articles.for sale.or ex- change——R.L.Bradford.Small farm for sale—W.-:B.Crow-son,Deering harvester for.sale.-—J.B. Armfie15to 100 head lee,lettuce—Mrs.8:B.Miller. Peas~for sale.—R.Vv.Wilgon, Bilious Attacks, When you have o hilious attack’your:liver|fails.to perform™its a Okee heen eeconstipated.The food‘at a your stomach instead digeetings 3This.aneflamesthestomachand.causesnausea,‘iting and a,terrible headache Talherlain’s Tablets;-They.liver,clear,outsoonbe ae|addendaca |Claudias Miller,Norman Smoke.and |ceivedblieMe white, At the appointed time the officiat- ing.minister took his-position in frontofthealtarandthemembersofthebridal’party came down the stairway and-entered singly as follows:Miss Ruth Ledbetter,Mr.'-Paul MorrisonofWhikesboro,Miss Margaret Click of Elkin,Mr.Paul Ward,bride’s maids and groom’s men;Miss Hattie Ward,maid of honor,and Mr.John Dula.of Wilkesboro,best man,Thebrideand.gropm came from the stairway and entered the parlor to- gether.With all in their places,the clergyman “spoke the words which united.the hearts and destinies of a happy and youthful.bride and groom. The bride wore a handsome navy blue suit with accessories to.match and carried a shower bouquet.of brides’roses and lilies-of-the-valley. The rainbow idea was carried:out inthegownsofthebride’s attendants. Miss Ward,‘maid of honor,worewhite | taffeta,Miss Click green taffetd and! Miss’Ledbetter)pink taffeta,and all three carried pink Killarney.roses. Mr.Morrison,the groom,is a sonofMr.and Mrs.¢.F.Morrison of Wilkesbaro,and is one of:the bestknownyoungmenofhistown.Hehaswonfor.his bride an ‘attractive young lady,possessing qualities which ,aesure for her many-4riends:inhernew-home.‘Those of her home|‘ of the past wish for her much happi- ness in her new relation and new.lo- cati ao e out-6&town,fharriaze’were rents of the groom and ~- Mr.and Mrs.J.B.reedsWilkesboro.:: The engagement of Dr.Reid Pat- terson and Miss Mattie Hyndman of Charlotte was announced ata party given by Mrs.D.A.McLaughlin in Charlotte Tuesday evening.‘The wed- ding will take place Wednesday,June 20th.Dr.Patterson is a son of the late *P.R.Patterson of Statesville. He has been practicing medicine at Chadwick-Hoskins,a suburb of Char- lotte,for several years.Miss Hynd- man is a daughter of Mr.and -Mrs.W.J.Hyndman of Charlotte. Mrs.C.V.Henkel:will receive to- morrow afternoon:and.evening in honor.of Mrs.William Goodman. Mrs.R..L.Poston —entertainedabout40youngpeople.at a heartpartyTuesdayeveningatherhome on Mulberry street,complimentary All of to Miss Lillian Menefee of.Virginia.|- ‘In the .gam e Miss°Margaret Brad3 won t ies’prize,a box of crepe de chine handkerchiefs,-and Mr.J.Ben,Cooper won the gentlemen’s prize,a pair of silk hose.Punch was served all during the evening —byMissesSarahAdamsandRebekah Fleming,and after the game pink and.white ice cream,cake,crystaliz- ed.ginger and’salted nuts were serv-ed.The house was attractively dec-orated for the party.©Roses,liliesanddaisieswereusedinthe:decora-tions.The crunch bow]was surround-1 with crimson rambler roses.Mrs.Pegram A.Brydat entertained at a daisy party Wednesday morning at her home on Center street in hon- or of Miss Mary Austin Glover,whowill.be married next Wednesday toMr.A.A.Fisher of Norfolk,Va.The party was a real daisy affair and wasoneoftheprettiestofthe”season.Daisies were used in large quanti- ties throughout the house.Suspend-ed from the dining room chandelier|| was a huge daisy covered bell withnumerousdaisiesattachedwithyel-ow—ribbon;-and—here-and-there-were}—~ene 4-2. silver baskets filled with daisies,The daisy colors were also.carriedoutinthe-three courses of ‘refresh-ments.Hearts.was played and Mrs.Marsh.Mott,Je of Charlotte,who is the guest of ks.Allen ills,\wonthefirstprize,a bunch of sweet peas:A pair \of silk hose was’presented toMissGloverasguestofhonor. \A reception was given by Mrs.R,S.McElwee Whpdnesday afternoon atherapartmentintheNooeflat,cum-plimentary to her mother,Mrs,Na-|‘,than O’Berry,of Goldsboro.Theapartmentwaselaboratelydecorat-éd with potted plants and cut flowers,crimson rambler,daisies and.carna-tions.being used in profusion.:uests were met at the‘doorissesElvyMcElwee.ttestlatheir.cards daughter,Helen.of Statesville. G.-E.French and Mrs.Z,.V.Longfesatverhisooeaaeeeisae wat four s.LoisettandMrs.W,H.McElwee undwasservedwithsandwichesiyMissElizabethBowles,Receiving in the|dining re were Mrs,Chas.A,Tur-‘ner and Miss Rose Stephany and and Katherine Nooe.The ice creamwas“sliced by Miss Mamie McElweefandMrs,FE.N.Lawrence.The cakeservedwiththecreamwasmounted with’roses.Miss Leah Stephany entertabundyesterdayafternooninhonorofMiss Glover.* Miss Scroggs and Rey.T,A.Beckett|=Married in Connelly’s Chapel.~ Connelly’s chapel,on the Wilkes-boro road three miles north of States- ville,was the scene of a prey mar-riage yesterday morning at 9720o’elock when Miss Mary Sepsege,daughter of Mr.and Mrs.M.J.Scroggs,.who live near ee church,became the bride of Rev.T.A.Beck-ett,a young Presbyterian ministerofWhitmire,8,The ceremonywasperformedbyRev:Dr..H. Parker of Georgetown,S,C€..intheprésenceofquiteanumberoffriendsand:relatives of.the ‘princi Mr,Seymour Beckett of Columbia,'s.¢.,was his brother’s’best’man and the bride was given away by her brother,Mr.J.W.Scroggs.The wedding march was played by Miss’FrancesFleming,who also gave a number oforganselectionspriortothe¢ere- mony.The bride was becom ‘ate Suit”with “corresponding accessoriesand-carried bride’s rosesand lilies-of-the-valley.The church was decor-‘ated with ferns and daisies.Follow- ing the marriage the bridal partydrovetoStatesvilleand—Rev.andMrs.Beckett.left on the west-boundtrainforavisittopointsinthemoun-tains and Charleston,S.C.AfterJune20ththeywillbeathomeat Whitmire. The bride is the second daughter ofMr.and Mrs.Scroggs and is an ¢x- cellent young lady,She-was-édueatedatAsheville,Normal and_Collegiate Institute and for several years hasbeenoneofthemostpopularschool teachers of Mecklenburg county.ForthreeyearsshehastaughtatHun-tersville.Mr:Beckett is.a.son of Mr. T.A.Beckett,Sr.,of Charleston,S. C.,and was educated at DavidsonCollegeandtheUniversityofSouthCarolina.Last Sunday at Whitmire he was ordained to the Presbyterian qinistry.He is pastor of the local church at Whitmire.Among those who attended themarriageyesterdaywereRey.P:C.DuBose.of China,Rev.F.D.Jones of Clinton;§.C.,Miss Mary ‘Matthewsof,Charlotte and Miss Cora ColSon'ofNerwood. Work:on’:Roller Mill_Wheat. respondence of.The Landmark._ etnepsinte!June 3,—We.have}®been having lots of wet weather andoldGeneralGreenseemstobeinthe serving were Misses Margaret Sloan’ ‘|Husband and four daughters survive. tired-in-a-sand-colored silktraveling. Cotton’Condition 80. Cotton showed a condition of 8&0 Department of Agriculture announe-| ed Tuesday in its first report of the! £eason,|In North Carolina the condition is|85,South Carolina 80,Georgia 81,|Alabama 78,Mississippi,82,Louis-|iana 76,Texas 19,Arkansas 84.| Mrs.D,B.Coltrane,a prominent |ladyyof Coneord,died Tuesday,aged | .03.She was a@ native of Kentucky|and had lived ‘in Concord since 1888.| City Tax Sale! By order of the Boardof Aldermen of the}city of Statesville and pursuant to the law|ot North Carolina,L,will sell at public auc-tion,to the highest bidder for cash,‘on { MONDAY,JULY 5,1915,|at the court house door in Statesville,‘N.C.,| becinning at 10 o'clock a.m.,the followins|described tracts of land and eity lots for un- paid taxes for the year 1914,;W.L.NEELY, City Tax Collector.|June 4,19165. Corporations. Compress:Pad &Saddle Co.,Center St. one Jot--iaprieansPheReeeewecnasessS,80.60 Alexander;Mrs...Bettie,Highland ave-enue,One ,“MOK i piededetdeeedeceees 9.95, Allison,Mrs.Lillian,Race St.,one lot,8.63 Anderson,L.A,Caldwell St,one lot resRass,Dr:R.A.,Fourth St.one lot-..9.61|Bass,J.F.,Fourth 8t.,one lot ......13.02 |Beaver,W.P.,Fourth St.,one lot....11.44 Blaylock,Mrs.R,A.,Race St.,one lot 2.08Bost,D.O,,Caldwell St.,one jot SO 8.05Bost,Miss Linwood,Davie Ave.,one lot -10.35Bridgers,J,By;Boulevard St.,one lot.6.33 Brown,F.Ne “Stockton “St;one lot...27.00 pi ber dy haz “Seventh St,one lot...4.03CarterBros.’Armfield St.,one lot ..24.73 Cashion,A.D.Fourth St.,one lot ..8.08Clinard,J.Mj,Fourth St,one lot ..7.82 Cline,R.F.,Fourth $t.,one lot ....15.25Davidson,J.A:,Broad St,one lot ..43.70Dotson,Geo.Ww.Front 8t.,one lot 19.19Durham,J,oo Highland Ave.,.one lot 13.86 Easley,Dr.S.,Kelly St.,one lot..26.65Ei;Az é:Park place,one lot ..Eliason,W.A,Sharp St.,two lots .Fry,T.E.,Front St.,one lotGunn,J.A.,Cemetery St.,two lots . Harbin,R.J.,Alexander St.,one lot .. Harbin,James F.,Tradd St.one lot ‘Harwell,U.©.Walnut’St.,one lot Hil},Mrs.Bell M.,Davie Ave.,one lot Hill,Dr.W.J.,Broad St.,one lot 39.77Hubbard,J.T.,estate,Tradd St.,one lotJacks,M.L:,Fourth St.,one lot ....Johnson,A.C,,Bost St.,one lot ...Kestler,J.B.,Winston Ave.,one lot ‘Kyles,W.L.,-Fifth St.,one lot ......Lippard,A.B.,Seventh St.,one lot.. Lippard,J.L.,Seventh St.,two lots..Lyons,Miss Cornelia,Fifth St.,one lotTrivett,S.A.,Highland Ave.,one lotMills,W.M.Caldwell St.,.one lot ..Minish,J.J.,Seventh St.,one lot .. Moore,V.B.,:Bell St.,one lot ....Moose,T.Clyde,Front S8t.,one lot..Morgan,Will,Seventh St.,one lot-.. Morrison,J.C.,;Highland Ave.,one lotMorrison,C.Bi,"Frent St.,one lot ..Murdock,J.W.,Fourth St.,one lot ..MeDougald,Mrs.T.A.,Kelly St.,onelot 1Orr,R.W.,Front St.,three lots bane Parker,A,B.,Tradd Bt,one lot .... ‘Bost,Miss Linwood,Davie Ave.,one lot Phifer,T.M.,.Frent St.,one.let .... Phifer,E.L,,Front St.,one lot ....Pope,P.S&S;Meeting St.,one lot’....t.J.8.Boulevard St.,one lot .. Reavis,J..D.,Armfield.St.,one lot ...om «,D,BR.Center St.,two lots .,Sills,John,Pifth St,one fot ..000:8!CUR,Botlevard St.,-one lot.Shaver,John ‘¥F.;Boulevard'St.,one lotSherrill,x,W.,.‘Tradd St.,one Iet . =ook,J,Mi;Caldwell St.,two lots.. Simons,Leé,.Eighth St.,one lot .. lead in some of the fields,“It will)take no little work to keep,him vut | have been,very high,Capt.J.J.Wallace and his:men are progressing nicely with:the installing |of the.water,wheel at the roller mill,[Tebutitwillbeseveraldaysyethe-| fore the work_is.completed,j Wheat and oats in the fields arc| looking well and it will not be but a few days before harvest time,will, be here.Then the:threshing ma-|chines comes next.I think that thefarmerswhoraisesmallgrainmake|a broad mistake in threshing theirwheattooearlyafterithasbeencut. Wheat should and will go through aj heat some time and ,Somewhere,and it should go through in the straw.| it is thoroughly ‘dry. } Embroidery Club at Harmony.; Correspondence of The Landmark.x Harmony,June 2.—Miss Claudia Tharpe was hostess to the HarmonyEmbroidery’club»Wednesday after- noon,at her home in west Harmony. The house was decorated with daisics and sweet peas.The club was delightfully enter-tained with vocal selections by Mrs..fal Stafford,after which coffee andkewereservedby.Miss.Tharpe,assisted by Mrs.L.E.+Tharpe and The|next meeting will be me Miss Lot- tie Barron._ Restore to Good Health. “I was sick for four years with stomach trouble,”writes Mrs.Otto Gans,Zanesville,|Ohio.“I lost weight and felt so weak thatIalmostgaveuphopeofbeingcured.A!friend told me about Chamberlain's Tabicts,and since using two bottles of ‘them I havebeenawellwoman.”Obtainable everywhere. iFORSALE—Small farm,21 acres,3 1-2 miles;from city.Suitable for.trucking or a|ing.Terms to suit buyer.W.B.CROSON.June 4-tt| FOR SALE—Second-hand Deering*®harvester|in good condition.J,B.ARMFIELD.June 4—2t. |FOR RENT—Five room cottage two blocks|from square,with modern atc.|R.V.BRAWLEY.June 4- THE LADIES of Race Street church wi!!mr cream on court house Jawn mols,5.une 4. FOR LEASE—Sixty-barrel roller mill.Ap-ply to LYERLY MILLING ‘cO.,_Cleveland. FOR SALE—190 acre farm two miles north-east of Cleveland:Apply to D,Cleveland.ae me POO June 4—2t. LETTUCE—75 to 100 heads nice lettuceforsale.MRS,8,B,MILLER,June 4.\ 3}Sowers,G.HL, ||Siaiamsenss |Williams,Ww.L.Race St.,one lot ... Wheat should not be threshed until ie Allison,Emma,Tradd St.,one lot .-. |Davidson,Maggie,Chambers.St.,one lot.1.73 |Gray,John H.,Sharp St.,.one lot i...8.65|Green,Margaret,rfield St.,one lot 2.30 Houpe,Grace,Garfitld St.,one lot ..87Kerr,Henrietta,West End Ave.,one loti:s cena ehaeeeORCbssehoesbacceekiis 2.30Martin,L.-O.)Garfield St.,one lot...6.07Mareh,Susan,Bell St.,one lot ....1.78McKey,G.*Green St.,one lot ..6.93Moyer,Rev.H.C.,Green St.,one lot 6.43Murdock,Ed.,Chambers St.,one lot 1.73 Murdoek,James A.,Sharp St.,one lot —§3.75 Murphy,J.P.,Davie avenue,one lot 12.38 Sissons;Mri;"S.Statesville,one lot.Somers,W.)V,,estate,Front St.,threeWOESeeeBeueHASoooeorateoqpinsep Caldwell St,two lotsT.L.,.Mulberry.St.one’lotH.©,Park pluee,one lotrevepaygh,J.H.,Seventh St.,one lot.Thee L.E.,Park place,two lots.Troutman,Clayton,Boulevard St.,one Moe st7¥Pee eRe rt Tes Cea peerwiece|Ttoutman,Marcus L.,Bell St.,one lot 2 ‘arner,W:E.,Davie Ave.,one lot...[Target Z.E.,Davie Ave.,one lot ..Turner,C.H.,Bott St.,one lot|Webb,B.B.,‘Bell St.,one lot Steele, Delinquents,White. Allison,Will,Race St.,one lot’ Bean,A.A,,Seventh St.,one lot ....|Collie,Miss:E.L.,Boulevard St.,one lotDieJames,estate,Center St.,one lotrvine,L.A.,Harrell ‘St.,one lot .. eran IL.R,,Charlotte Road,one lotjPesmermen,Rev.J.H.,Fourth St.,one OG soa cels.geeks csaweedeasehcp |Rote,Ww.W.,Center St.,one lot ..)C.H.,Race St.,one lot ped Elihu,Seventh St.,one lot ...Mills,G.N.andJ.M.,Caldwell St.,one JOG rahe g hee eee ep enw neh Reta eee |Sowers,John,Tradd St.,one lot Sowers,R..L.,Mills St.,one lot Colored. Allison,Caesar,Green St.,one lot .. Adams,Henry,Harrison St.,one lotLailey,R.D>Center St.,one lot.....Biddings,T.G.,Chambers St.,one lot Burton,-Ashley,-Green St.,one’lat per cent of a normal on May 25,the}. ‘for their own use thé Hardman Piano and are enthusiastic.over itis SESCOCO OOH ing.The glory of victory stimulates and attracts the.worthy .: effort of the ambitious. The success of one is the signal for others to emulate the example,or to search out the secret.But success furnishes no secret formu-las.The way is open. **Success is a conquest—not a uest,’"Webster saidthat‘‘it is to work,and nottogenius,|owe my success."” Men who do things know the value of concentrated effort and purpose.To these they combineforesightinthéirfinancialaffairs which paved the way for everyforwardstep.” Saving is foresight.Open anaccounthere,and let us co-oper ate with sane STATESVILLE N.C.Capital $100.000 4%Paid :ap Oceroon TimeDepa “three considerations only can influence thecarefulpurchaserinhisselectionof.a piano: I ITS MUSICAL METSIlITSDURABILITHYTSBEAUTY, The fatist musical ear knows that the Hardman Pianois maieloalelyperfect.The fact that the following great artists have accepted proof of its tone-quality: CARUSO“GAMPANINI ‘TETRAZZINI DESTINN —CALVE AMATO MARTIN _SLEZAK _ As proof that it retains its sweetness and tone—that it is durable—#%hear a long-used Hardman.More than a thousand schools and col-%leges use the Hardman for the permanency of its tone.The Hard-man Pianois beautiful to look at. While a very full line of Period designs is carried regularly in- stock,we are always ready to make up .special pianos in cases toharmonizewithanysurroundings. Terms may be arranged to suit the purchaser’sconvenience.Thebenepossiblevalueisallowedonoldinstrumentstakenin:ex-change.3 To those who are interested in the piano from a_technical stand-point,we shail be glad to send printed matter explaining at lengthwhytheHardmaninsmoothnegsofactionandmemeisthemostdurableofpianos. Carlton A.Andrews,|a Statesville,N.C.dubs Sonaennesanve : Byers,Hogan,Chambers St.,one lot ..Chambers,FP.F.,Tradd St.,one lot ...|Chambers,Frank,Chambers 8t.,two TORE aa Tac Heth 6 kw Dk slate Dea ey ea vee 2.94 Cowan,M.L.,Front St,one lot ....7.48|Comme Mansfield,Sputh Statesville,one OG beg Mate Se hele TEs ghaa ie eaceule pe de 58 Cowan,H.©.,Walker’St.,one lot ...3.30Cowan,Leila E.,Green -St.,-one lot ..5.18 Sherrill,John Ma Walker St.,three lots 12.82 Gas Appliances : Do not hesitate to give your orders for gas appliances to Mr,and Mrs.Osborne personally.Mrs.Osborne will call and instruct everybody how to cook with a gas free of charge,where any one de-= sires her to demonstrate at theirhome.ss ’Phone us for appointments.eect Luis ad Statesville Gas Light and Fuel ane Spann,Luther,Walker St.,one lot,6,35.oe George,Elm St.,.one lot ....69Stewart,ae Walker St.,-one tot BAR Theomas,Ed.,Gagfield St.,one lot ..1.15 Thomas,Janette,Sharp St.,one —lot B45 |Webb,‘Ray,Harrison St.,one lot .,8.94White,Clyde,Garfield St.,one lot ..White,Jo.,Tradd St.,.one lot ..,... Woods,R.B.,Garfield St.,one lot Woods &Carson,Elm St.,one lot.. Woods,Vina,Walker St.,one lot ...Woods,David,sGarfield St.,one lot ., Delinquent,Colored, Clark,Agnes,Garfield St.,one lot .. Davidson,Cato,Green St.,one lotDean,Sallie,Green:St.,one lot Fraley,Press,Green St.,one lot an Hunter,*Hattie,Tradd St.,one lot ... 8,22Nicholson,Josephine,Tradd St.,one lot Pearson,Jennie,Garfield St.,one lot ,1,48Seahorne,©Green St.,one lot .3.45|Simonton,Sam,Garfield St.,one lot.6.7%Stevenson,John,Chambers\St.,one lot 1.44 PEAS—Fifteen_bushels of peas for sale.R.V.WILSON,‘Statesville,Rb.dune 4--1t° FOR SALEi CHEAP! “Natoinal CasheMiGlassaboveRRADee ‘rah, Eilnabensree The Best and Prettiest Tin:‘Shingles Cheapest RO ee ) We are for a few dayn often 2 a Ladies’$3.50 Pump for $2.50. -Sizes from 24 to 54.Plenty of- Mary.Jane Pumps,all sizes and Leathers.The$,,M.&H.Shoe Co,The OnePriceeH i ShoeStore. Be DMAR -»dune 4,1916. OF ALL SORTS,°_ it: CMS rapouy f the S‘BR.Transou,clerk.of the Su- .county for 12 days ago after a fle was 60.years Court of Forsythdiedafew‘illness. “Phe proposition.to issue,$250,000 ane by Guilford county,to-build a courthouse nif ‘office building com was overwhelmingly defeated. >at an clection held Tuesday. rus i+ii a8 b ip@‘ iqd af aa> /Mattamuskeet;Lake,of the Division of Markets;says:© as surprising;to,see cotton andJand.that was.under ,water about 90 days ago...On.the test“Reclamation 1sTheyhavealsoplanted, -she would Kill the The office of the Secretary inRaleigh,which issues license for automobiles,estimates that were purchased year. The Georgia Monday heard resented with prison of:death.Ong be commuted. |Pleasing Contrast and Country Press. Raleigh ‘Times, Ut is refreshing to.turn from.first page to the world,to the roads om \the.big:newspapers, bound to be depressed;he,he.would er matters,happily close.to.the ing.‘Much Land Being 4 -Dredging. Raleigh News and Observer. Drainage in North.Carolina is re-of.swampcropsindawhileYproliselonwhich-just.a few-years agoFYehadkinglatest,‘the!{drainag:PBiaden’countybe2‘to reclaim 4.000 acres of fertile lands,and land which the United States Department of Ag-s claims,will, proditce ‘two:bales of cotton’per/acre. Speaking of the work of draining |ti fadsforthe,predon 9aurteetaaniafromla_abgolute project StartedBlackcreek,*“in-which it is expec riculture after’analysis Mr.Wise: N olecorn growing on farm of the Southern nand’Improvement.Company.this happening.tobacco and all the different:kinds*fruit trees as well as the--different This is being donetofindthecropsbestsuitedtothis type of soil and moisture conditions,” LPPETTDIEITALES Justice Falls Down Some More. Jesse C.‘Walker,a noted desperado, arraigned in Pender county Superior Court ‘this.week for the murder of the sheriff of Brunswick county in 1908,by.agreement af counsel sub- mitted to.second degree murder and was given the full limit of the law— shrubbery plants, 30 years in State prison.Walker was arrested in:Brunswickcounty,in*14908 as a Geserter fromewasal- of store breaking.He ‘killed thé’sheriff and later escapedfromjailbyknockingthejailerdown.It was in.evidence,that Whlker hadsaid,before the killing occurred,thatsheriffthefirstop- the United States army.80-"SUS) portunity.: WalkerlastMarch ‘and ‘was arrested. in the State prison to ‘Wilmington. will probubly escape. University -Commencement.— Mr.Gaither a Graduate. Judge A.Mitchell Palmer of Penn- sylvania,Chief Justice of the Su- preme’Court of the District of Colum- bia,was the orator at the University commencement Wednesday.His sub- ject was “The Idealist in Politics.”The honorary degree of doctor of Jaws ‘was ‘conferred on Gov.Craig, James ———~$Sprunt,the latter-a-business man ofStudentsreceivingde- as follows:bachelor of science,13;bachelor of:laws,,..10; harmacy,9;pharma- ceutical chemistry,1;doctors of phar-‘macy,3;masters of arts and mastersofscience,23,doctors of philosophy, Senator Simmons and.Mr, Wilmington. grees numbered .183, Bachelors of arts;72; graduates in 2 Mr.Alfred .Long,Gaither,son of4H..G.Gaither of +Statesville,graduated with the degree_Mr.and Mrs. |of bachelor of arts. of State tags 5,000 in the State the past commission delegations.and.were letters:and.petitions rom all over the country in behalf Leo,M.Frank,under sentence of delegation,from .Cobb county,Ga.,opposed commutation,Tt is very probable that the,sentence will Between City from ies lar;rs of the country,loa ie last.with details of the.worst war that ever infested North ..Carolina weekly papers,with their stories of health.campaigns,announcements of special tax:elections for schools and and‘items of successfyl farm- If one should glance at only too, would be seized withthe war mania, for they contain little proportionate- ly of anything else.One is likely to fall under.:the .spell of the evil,.and to be unable to put his.mind on oth- The weekly newspapers, people,andatmosphereofawhole- some kind,present another picture, In these papers.is given the construc- tive efforts of North Carolinians from mountains to sed,and one is madetorealizethatwhilehalftheworld is trying its hardest to.destroy.itself, the other half is.contentedly pursu- ing the paths of peace and ‘well-do- “Being Reclaimed By returned to.Wilmington It.is claimed that he had killed an officer in Oklahoma and was serving a termin..that,State.from which he escaped and returned Notwithstanding all) these facts,Walker is allowed to gototheState.prison,.from.-which he she ‘Sunday School Convention’of» reek .tyBrierCreeme agy,eaooFy6ofthebestandmost,interesting:Giniay,‘Wekool Conventions .that a |been held for mauy years was Grassy Kaob.Baptist ohne county,May 29-30.The best represen: da,or hen inthe Brier Creek Association. The different subjects,for.discussion were interestin day,there was a,good crowd,; Afteryacht 3 work.of the eonven:, tion was.over,a 2‘called by the:chureh for the ordination ganized by glecting Elder R,N,Garner chairmad,»Then Bro,Rash was présent- ed for ordination and Elder W.T.Co- mer.asked tho questions,ae which Elder J.W.Weatherman delivered theordination.prayer,.N.Felts the charge,and.Bro.Garner presented theBible,-Then the church proceeded toextend‘the right hand of welcome, Suuday morning the:subjects for dis- cussion were missions,aud Sunday school work,Jed by R.N.Gafner,andtlieronndtablediseussion,led by W.T.Comer;after which an essay was read by Miss Dottie Jarvis.Then a Collee- tion was taken for our home mission, ary,Elder H.A.Rashto of Pineville, La.,amounting to $5.47.Convention then adjourped,after which Elder J.B. Ray preached an excellent.sermon, Then.all proceeded to partake of the kind hospitality of the community, Rains Retard Farm’*Work— Crops and Neighborhood News. Correspondence of ‘The Landmark. Statesville,R-1;dune 2--Farmers o°this section are badly behind with theirfirmwork’on account of so much,rain.The grass has almost takén possession of.the cotton—so much of the cotton is not thinned.It is hoped that the sunwillsoonshinesothefarmerscanget busy..Gardens are looking well and theprospectforapeach,and .blackberry crop is very good..Apples will be scaree.»The golden.harvest will soon be on,Next will be the threshing ma- chine.‘sta ;The noisy hum of ‘three saw,mills:can be heard in this neighborhood,all in less.than a milo.of each other,Messrs.Lippard,&Allison of Trout- man-_haye punched three wells in this section this spring.All afford a suf-ficient amount of water.Mr.and Mrs.A,0,Plyler and son, Master Gilbert,spent Saturday and Sunday of last week with their unele, Mr.Q.A.Hoover,who lives near~Ku- fola.*Mr.Sam.Brown,who lives in States- ville,will conduet prayermeeting at Shi- toh “Stinty “night;duneStire-Mr.«and Mrs.Brown come te Bhiloh -very often.Haeity chifdhdad hoinesof;Mes.Brown,Her people,Wwho-passed aWay years ago, are buried here;Mr.Brown says ‘‘what,ghe loves,he laves.’’8 Death of Mrs.Steele—Newsof——~~-York Institute. ark. WL. Correspondence of The ‘Lapdm .Yorkilnstitute—We ar@ihaying plentyofsainAylittlefirefeelsgoodthese‘days.°nrg ake,midst done jset-shat me havénset as muclwe:short,jow-isto &.Sue.Murdock’htwo:weeksaig ye BNE BOMheadomgardentrick.(5),~The many friends‘of MissAda Sharpe’will -be.glad ‘to “know.she.as gettingalongnicely.oie’,Mrs.Amanda,’Deal ‘is spending sometimeatMr.B.F,Deal’s.Masters Row-land and.Frank Smith of Sulphur Springs visited relatives here this week. Mr.Z.B.Sharpe has moved to the I,N..Sharpe place..He has bought the other interest in the place, .Mrs.Jane Steele died Saturday, May 29,at the home of her daughter,Mrs.L.Lowdermilk,near Hickory,and was buried at Sulphur Springs Sunday afternoon.Mrs.Steele was 68 years old and is survived.by four sons,five daughters,two.sisters—Mrs.Sue Mur- dock and Mrs,William Gryder—and a brother,Mr.Alex.Sharpe.Her hus- band,Mr.Robt.Steele,died 19 years ago.Rev.R.L,Davis conducted the funeral service. Much Rain’But Crops Look Well—Personal Items. Correspondenceof The.Landmark.’ Statesville,R-7,June 1—Rain plenti- ful and crops look fine,especially crab grass,Wheat and oats’are generally good.;‘‘ Mrs,M.J.Adams left Friday for Lineolnton,where she expects to make her home with her daughter,-Mrs.W. L.Stimpson.;Miss Marie Watts re- turned home Sunday from Stony.Point, where she spent’awhise with relatives and friends.Miss Claudia Shaw has re- ‘turnal from New Jersey,where shespentthewinterwithherbrother,Mr. Walter Shaw.Mr.J.H.Henly went on the excursion trip to Richmond.|While there he will visit bis daughter,MissDottieHenly,who has a position thereas*phone operator.Mrs.M.L..Lentz of Stony Point is visiting her children, Mr,and.Mrs.J..L..Lentz,in this see- tion this week. There is a lot of sickness about here, Mrs,.N.A,Stine,who-has been ill all winter,still .¢ontinues poorly,Mr, Charlie Foster and Grady Stine,who have been on the sick list,are improy- ing.Mra.Jo.M,Watts is also sick. Mt.Mourne Items. Correspondence of The Landmark.» Mt.Mourne,June 2—Mrs.B.8,Tem- pleton,who lives near Mt.Mourne,has returned.from a visit to her sister,Miss Fern Johnson,in Concord,Mrs.0.RB, Templeton and two little daughters, Edith and,Elizabeth)have returned from Florida to spend the summer at their home here.Mr...Walter White who has been at home ona visit to rel- atives,has returned to Wyoming,wherehe.is engaged in railroad.work, Neill Thompson,a traveling salesman, recently spent a few days here with hisbrotherandsisters, There was a lawn party at the home of Mr.and Mrs,Billy Honyecutt Satar-day night.Fine rains this week and the wheat bie promising.Other ¢crops also lookA,Lavell, A year-old colt belonging to Mr,2, A.Kelly ran into a barbed wird gnd was severely cut on its fore legs. Thieves entered the store “of the4|Stough-Cornelius.Co,.;,at...Corneliusieandstoleabout,$100 worth of.mershauled:awayon shandise,which they9)wagon,No ch has)heldwith '»tredel)| tation,bothin,xeports from the Suns| schools and messengers,that has ev,| of Bro.J:W.Rash being present,or-}~ the completion’of the Western Mr,}- and.ably...discussed;| band taking into consideration the rainy}| resbytery having been | a New York.—The board of directors ef Southern “Railway ~~Companypaidahightribute:to the memory otf the Jate Col.A.B.Andrews,first vice-president and for many years-2 member of the board,who died at bis home in Raleigh,N.C.,en Aprih 17, 1915,in the following resolutions: “In Memoriam,Alexander Boyd Andrews.. “Alexander Boyd Andrews Was bord in’Feankiine county,North Carolina, on the 28d day of July,1841."He tendered his services to the Confed-- eracy ‘in’April,1861,and in’June of .that_year,before hr wariROpears of age,yyas make.a Kegond lieutenant in Conipany Hof the,First.regiment of ‘North Carolina ;cavalry,Confed-erate:States Army.He seryetl withdistinguishedgallantryuntil,in Sep; tember,1868,he was shot through the chest and jung by the fragment of a shell,at,dack’s;Shop,near,Gurdons- ville,Va.After recovering from this serious wound he found,”when peacg, was re-established,the whale in@tp,, trial.life:ef,the,South.prostrate 93. Oo result.of war and the people among whom jhe;livdd confronted ‘with:the: i task of vebuikling itheir secial,and of creating an indttstrial,system om new tinesTepecame”a factor of constructive work.Realizing the:1e- cessity for transportation;in any plan’ of reorganizationand reconstruction,he.entered railroad.life.-His_first service was with the Raleigh and Gas- ton and with the Raleigh atid ;Au- gusta railroads,and as their siperin- tendent for eight years,he was the principal factor in their rehabilitation after the ravages of war. With the R.and D. ..“His efficiency in this work brought him au offer of promotion fromthe Richmond and Danville Railroad Com, pany,and in 1875 he became super- intendent of its North Carolina.di- vision.He remained with this ;and other’predecessors of Southern.Rail- way Company and with the South-/ ern itself unintéerruptedly::until his death,a period of forty years.Be- ginhing with,the office of supérin- tendent,hé “worked his way up through’various’intermediate grades: until he became:first”vice-president and a director of this ¢ompany,whith” position:he held at,the time of ~his’ death and had held for many years:’ “His active railroad “work had thus extended over.a period little ‘short of half a eentuty. “During that time the prinefpal construction and ofganization work of the railroads of the South has been done,and the industrial life of the South itself has been reorganized and rebuilt.In this accomplishment Col- onel“Andrews was a yital force.Pos- sessing a strongand dominating per-— sonality,virile-and commanding in character and intellect,he threw him- self into,his great work with irre- sistible «will and.ptrpose.His- achievements,which were many, richly entitle him to a place aniong the ‘great constructive forces of UhisState.and’section,ry perl Conjpleted Western Road.* '“Among these achievements was rth’ a,,to Carolina raiiread,from O1d'Fo the mountains,through Ashevill Paint Rock,and its branches, through his efforts was opened:upthegreatIndustrialsectionofwegtern. North Gardlina.‘Population and de- velopment and industries followed his pioneer act,abd every person in hat rich and inviting territory is now,apd printe tniportancein this creative and’i penutiful home life,which’he-distin-| hus THE LATE COLONEL A.B,ANDREWS. their descendants through all the! coming years willbe,enjoying the | conveniences,the opportunities and} the blessings made possible by this! great piece of constructive work.The} Western North Carolina Railroad will remain a monument to the useful and; honorable~achievements of Colonel) Andrews,who was its builder,| “His life was.not an easy one,for} it was bis lat.to encounter and over| e¢onie great difficulties.—His.activity,| his positive and purposeful character} and his touch with great things | brought him into sharp conflicts with} important forces.In the midst ofthematlheboFehimselfwithacpur-age and:yirllity which commandeduniversalrespectandenabledhimta|crown ,his efforts -with ,notable sues cess...Jr exety trugt and iu every,res} lation.ef life,he,was doyal,and.fait ful.and true.gy.oy iOn‘the Personal Side.! On his personal side he was a man| of.eqmpeling..apd attractive person- ality.and)was.greatly honored and) beloved...He married in 1869 .Miss| Julia .M,Johnston,daughter of Col.| ‘William Johnsten,of Gharlotte,,N,C.,| who,was.president.of the,Charlotte,| Columbia and Augusta Railroad Contr pany:With her’as*his»behimate He built up:an‘exceptionally happy ani; ;{i #uished by the most cordial atid| liberal hospitality.'j“He ‘was a devoted husband and|father and followed his children,even| after they were grown,with undimin-| ished parental tenderness and.solici-.tude.eA “He took a deep interest in the! welfare of Confederate veterans and| in the establishment and maintenance| for them of the Confederate Soldiers’| home*M.Raleigh. “Although himself deprived .of the | benéfits of.a college education,he was an earnest friend and supporteroftheUniversityofNorth.Carolina, being for many years a memiber of | its.hoard of trustees and..of its ex-| ecutive committee.:*He came to realize the value of-a relisious.life-and connected himself | as a ‘copmunicant -with the Protest- ant Episcopal church,being an active and:zealous member of the Church of} the Good Shepherd of Raleigh,for)which in the latter years of his lifefitsmunificence“helped to provide a flew and stately place of worship. Devoted to Native State.| “He was devoted in his attachment | to the state of North Carolina.No} exigency of business or of personal in- terest was strong enough to a reuals| him to make his hame elsewhere.He} believed in.the sturdiness,the sense of justice and the patriotism of its} people,and if at any time -they,in| his judgnient,erred,his faith in the} witimate triumph -of thelr sense.of right was unwavering and supreme.| He “was always willing “to:leave his name and fame in their keeping,“in the confidence that their nitimate judgment.would.correctly.appraise and appreciatehis purposes and his work.“Sis death has brought universal ‘sorrow and)regret wherever he was known,‘but especially in’the Sonth, most largely.dotie.:.‘ “The secretary.directed:to ex- press to the surviving members of Colonel Andrews’family the.respect- ful sympathy of this board and to OF COURSE.YOU WANT @.NEW STRAW HAT! ‘COME IN (SEE OURS). YOU'LL BUY. ee eee rae ee oe ne re ee Sloan Clothing Company. —ee See erat Wash Skirts|_..98 Cents.Coat Suits“$4.95 a Johnston-Belk Co.| ot? coaanayWhile,theylast y Just ReceivedBig Line,Wash.Skirts, aaagWtofSay$895 40.515,© } ‘50c,to $2.48,all sizes and colors. Shirt Waists,new lot, - 98c. olors,=«Bc.and 98. “House Dresses,we have them from Crepe de Chine in all colors $1.98. Johnston-Belk Company. <=-*PHONE 212.© -The Store That Sells For Less, at“a lam the greatest thing inthe world.lions of widows and young children. have saved for them ag 0thesonsanddaugters.I pay-the sonsin business._I-replace worry,misery,joy,cheer anda clear conscience.I am inlieve that any man does right to himself,his wife he doesn’t provide for them with Life Insurance, they will'notbe thrown on -your,beneficiary call on or write, where his lifewas spentaid his work |g transmit to.them.a.suitably en-}" grossed and attested transcript of this} minute,” oe. odaker,an album for 60¢.Why.ruia,Put them in seeing forms:H.B.WOOD} pakin ms i.You will want to’save your.Fam80c,to $2.25.Just think,| leave your prii ‘o curQ2ipaitheminalbums 10c ~Life Insurance Says: Sao Janrthe sole-support of mil- 1 limit the needs of charity,of r houses,of paupers’burials.I support millions of old men who sted me and gave meaportion of their earnings in youth which I I enable thousands upon thousands of middle- ed men to go into business for themselves and prosper,I educate the mortgage on the old home.I starttroubleandwantwith. a $.a ee ay,atletee i unday says of me:ion - I a or his children‘if so when he is gone the charity of the world.” For'aPolicy that will be the joy of your life and the comfort of aticially on earth,and Rev. GENERAL INSURANCE,RENT-ALS AND REAL RSTATE, MILLS:BUILDING,SS G.GAITHER,2)je)OFFICE NO, oo CINCO,ASTORETTES,PORTUGUESE,|HALUL’S SPECIALS, OXFORD CIGARS. HALL’S DRUG STORE, re pc FHONE.20.Gs gee wong RoR RBRION SE RAB:otis Odorless Refrigerators! _Ask the ice man where he delivers the least ice and he will tell you wherever there is an\Odorless Re- frigerator,Why?Because it is constructed different from the many so-called Refrigerators and ice box- es.It retains the cold,® keeps the icefrom melting and saves the ice. icejis saved money. _We have them in all sizes,with and without watercoolers. Also White Mountain Ice Cream Freezer,the best freezer in the world. The Willi Respectfully, ms Furniture House.} CaOrtesLNtelTLEt ONL Nice Mules and Mares! Two car loads Mules and one car load nice Mares—over 100 extra nice ones. Henkel-Craig Live Stock Co. re ce tee 3 <— der rodfing,:“All\kinstock,h Secay of STATESVILLE TIN CO.,H.C.Mobler,Manager. :114 East Broad Street. Se“te Ti YOU are going ta buildandfulllineshéetmetal.CR E S S em a i <n . ds,metal roofing.e roll and val-° = *PHONE 155, ee s oS NT am p so t e r s s s t e s s e s e c e s pe e e e pS S P S s s s s s s t s s s s s s s s s s e s e e e s e c e s s e s c e s s c e c e s e e e c o c e s c o s s c c c e s BUY THE BES The price is all right.When you.comeinletusshowyouthisCULTIVATOR. Pe S s t o s e s s v s s s s t c o e s s o c s s s s o s o e e : Tredell Hardware Co. EPP EE xORR ___Of poverty and want willnever grabyou.if you have an active savings account in a good Bank—this Bank for instance.- But you want to start in time.Startnow,|and start here,A dollar will do to start with and a hundred dollars wouldn’t stop you,once you realize how important asavingsaccountis, SAFETY —SERVICE —SATISPACTION. FRIDAY,-« Great.Britain Res ican Passengers eAmmunitionandSoldiers.~ the Lusitania: submit to Ambassador Gerard the fo submarine warfare.;Geeta. “The imperial government has Mmvestigation, government. ¢/American steamers Cushing and Gulflight.The American emb trary,the German forces Gulflight and Cushing, the ships. |tions,has offered indemnification. principles. cases is in progress, to the embassy.The vided by article TII agreement.of October 18,1907. Case of the Falaba. ing the passengers and crew a ful!|}opportunity for a safe escape.Onlywhenthemasterdidnotobeytheor-')der to heave-to,but fled and-sumnion-ed‘help by ‘rocket ‘signals,did ‘heGermancommanderorderthecrewand:passengers by signals and:racea- |utes.|He actually allowed 23 minut:time and fired the torpedo only whensuspiciouscraftwerehastening‘otheassistanceoftheFalaba. The Lusitania.Regarding the loss ‘of life by the#isinking of the British passenversteamer,Lusitania,the German uy-ernment has already expressed to th:neutral governments concerned,i!keen regret that “hitizens of theirStateslosttheirlives,“On this occasion the imperial envernment,however,cannot escape theimpression‘that certain importantfactshaving’a direct bearing son thesinkingoftheLusitaniamayhaveescapedtheattentionoftheAmeri-can government,:“In the interest of a clear and com-plete understanding,which is the aimofbothgovernments,:the Amperialgovernmentconsidersitfirstneces-sary,.to convince itself that the infor-mation accessible to both govementsaboutthe-facts of the case iscompleteandinaccord.+The govern-ment of the United States proceedsontheassumptionthattheLusitaniacouldberegarded.as an ordinary,un-armed merchantman,The.imperialgovernmentallowsitselfinthiscon-nection to point out that the LusitaniawasoneofthelargestandfastestBritishmerchantships,built withgovernmentfundsasanauxiliarycruiserandcarriedexpresslyassuchinthe‘navy list’issued by the Britishadmiralty,“It is further known to the imperialgovernment,from trustworthy _re-ports from its agents and neutral pas-sengers,that.for a considerable:timepracticallyallthemorevaluableBritishmerchantmenhavebeenequippedwithcannonandammunitionand6th-er weapons and,manned with personswhohavebeenspeciallytrainedirservingguns,The Lusitania,too,ac-¢{cording to.information received here.had ‘cannon aboard,which were-{mounted and concealed below decks.’“The imperial government,further,|has the honor to direct the particular|attention of the American govern-|ment to the fact that the British.ad-_iralty,in a confidential instruction,|tebiail in February,1915,recommend.|ed its mercantile shipping not only to|seek protection ‘under neutral flags,’and distinguishing marks,but also,while thus’disguised,to attack Ger-man«submarines by ramming,As aspecial‘incitation to merchantmen toernmentalas.oftereh ick eerernmentalso0’‘high prizes anchasalready’paid "suclt revives,Will Not Regard Sea Law. I government,in viewoeeyexowntorda m- oe parreter tee emneneree eTede =THE LAND M A R K and war material,lacludiox no Tess |UGH!B besswrcenentms ne cenonacnsneco~vnneweneerines nearness ammunition in-|June 4,1916.|t¢nded for the destruction of the)bfave German soldiers who are ful-WHAT THE GERMANS SAID.filling their duty with self-sacrifice ble For Vice, Loss of Life on Lusitania—Deliberately Embarked Amer-to Saf Polliwitig’ia the full’text of the munition intended for the enemy. German government's reply to theAmericannote.anent the sinking of “The undersigned has the honor te lowing answer to the communicationofMay15,regarding ithe.injury toAmerican,interests through German,-jected the’communication of e American government to a thoroughItentertainsalsoakeenwishtoco-operate in a frankjandfriendlywayinclearingupapos-sible’misunderstanding.which mayhavearisenintherelationsusreeeygithetwo-governments through the},;,commander...which{events mentioned by the ‘American confiticele te Fe “Regarding,firstly,the cases ofthe | Fas |2P!osion|of the ammunition.ship-e\already been informed that the =‘|Man”government has no intention:ef}..)h obability;-have been sav-||Submitting neutral ships in the war!o4 Dean PPE ee are ncer anys|zone,which are guilty of no *hos'8acts,to attacks by a submarine’or|submarines or aviators.On ¢hé con-| have suffered through the German|the sinking of the LusitaSubmarinewarfare,owing to mis.takes in identification,it is a ques-2tiononlyof‘quite isolated and excep-clustionalcases,which can be attributed took[to-the~British-zovermnent's-abuse-of the mcdiatory-proposals-submitted-by-}3flags,together with the suspicious er the United States government to Ber-2leulpablebehaviorofthemastersoflinandLondon-as a basis-for-a modus |=vivendi fer conducting the maritime |S“The German government,in all|Warfare between.Germany and Greatcasesinwhichithasbeen‘shown by|Britain.its investigations that a neutral snip,by it 3notitselfatfault,was damaged by Cussion of these proposals,then dem-|&German submarines or aviators,has ©®sirated its good intentions in am-|2expressedregretovertheunfortunatePlcfashion.accident,and,if justified by eondi-»r:posals was defeated,as -ig-~wellknown,by the dechinatory attitude of :“The causes of the Cushing and the|th:=Gulflight will be treated on the same which will presently be communicatedinvestigationcan,if necessary,be supplemented by|an international call on the ‘interna-tional commission of inquiry ‘as’pro- of The ‘Hague) |“When sinking the’British steamer.|‘Falaba the commander of the Germansubmarinehadtheintentionofallow- {phone to leave the ship within 10 mii-7 -nourishes the hair roots and stimu- |Graduation Day! sh than 5,400 cases of “The British shipping i the death 6f:s0 many passengers, ;“There can be no doubt,according;to the definite report of the gubma- is-furtherallother“information,that the quiek sinking of the Lusi-tania is primarily attributable to the ;ment caused by a torpedo.The Lusi-tania passengers would otherwise,in “The imperial government ‘Consid-pe & ;Ameriean government, “The imperial gevernment,while|Withholding its final decision on the |“If neutral ships in recent months demands advanced in oe with| Calomel Sickens!Don’t Lose a Day’s Work!CleanauddevotionintheFatherland’s ser-/Your Liver and Bowels With ‘‘Dodson’s Liver Tone.’’‘*{cea mevp ntact ele Bei *‘“The.German government believes!,Ugh!Calomel makes you sick.It’s|spoonful and if.it doesn’t straivhten ,if was acting in justified self-defense|horrible!in seeking withall the means of war-||fare at its disposition to protect the|‘lives of its soldiers by destroying am-|vhi axpany|whimusthavebeenawareofthedanger|to which the passenyers aboard —theLusitaniawereexposedunderthese|conditions.The company in embark-' gerous drug tonight and tomorrow! you “may,lose a day’s work.|alomel is meréury or quitksilver|the sale of Calomel,because it is realchcausesnecrosisoftheLones.|liver medicine;Calomel,when it comes into coatact|therefore it cannot salivate or make breaking it up. feel that awful nausea and creme Renee}Liver,Tone 7“Lo youringithct;is.at.)ing...Lf you are sluggish and “ali!sluggish liver to wor andingthem,ngtwithstanding this,at-|knocked out”if your liver is toypid!your.bowels of that sour bile anddbowelsconstipatedoryou headache,dizziness, breath is bad or ;|tempted deliberately to vse the lives|2ofAmerican"citizens as.protection|siforthe.ammunition aboard and acted |.f Keine seat tee ne Ca =the |just-try a spoonful of harmless Dod-!tle of Dodson’s Liver Tone wii!keepJare”l sontea Ea ighibits.the forwarding ofpassengers |"Liver Tone tonight.1)sha rele hitd Li:on ships earrying ammunition and|,Here’s my guarantee —Go to any|tonths.Give itto your children,|léprovidesapenaltytherefor.The com-|@*Ug Store and get a 50-cent.vottlé|is harmless;dogsn’t gripe and vhey —pany,therefore,is wantonly guilty of oF Dodson's Liver Tone. 4 Sherri Men's Straw and Panama Hats! ih »|"PAGESEVEN.~ Se ae NTCALOMEL IS HORRIBLE!ITSHOCKSYOURLIVER IF ILIOU $ f ¥the dan-|you right up and make you feel finebegPegserandvigorous,I want you to go backtothestoreandgesyourmoney..Dodson’s Liver Tone is ‘destroying | entirely vegetable, sour bile,crashes into it,|you-sick,iThisiswhenyou)I guarantee that one spoonful.of clean have|constipated waste which is cloggingtongue,)your system and makirg you feelseur,|taiserable.I guarantee that a bot- coated stomach your entire family feelirge fine for Take ajlike its pleasant:taste. SOREL SSE LAARNEAT White :Shae iT Ant Company. ers the:above-mentioned .facts im-|&have res |portant enough to recommend them|& peatedly been instructed more speci-fieally to avoid attacks on suchships,| to the attentive examinstionof the = The imperial government, The realization of these British government. “JAGOW,” |and Fishing Ships. An admiralty statement,giving thejnumberofBritishmerchantandfish-|f ing ships sunk or torpedoed since thebevinning-of “the -war,“shows that 56merchantshipshavebeen.seiit'‘to the;bottom’by “ervisers’of the enemy;12|Ly mines,and 62 by submarines,a to-|tal of £80, Highty-three havefishingcraftbeenlost,of ‘these 24.were sunk by|mines,Since German submarines be-gan their attack:on ‘merchant ship-“ping January 27,the ‘merchant ves-sels sunk by them number 59 and’the yfishingcraft:31. SMESSOYETosLeSOURSAE2 ‘weekly’field—Newton News and En-terprisé and the Democrat. HEALTAY HAIR SOFT AND FLUFFY Beautiful hair does not just hap-pen but is always a matter of careandpropernourishmentofthehair }roots.No matter if your hair is fall-}ing out,stringy,lifeless,and full ofdandruff,Parisian Sage,an inexpen-|fsivetonicsoldby,Statesville DrugCo.,is all that is ever needed.It lates the growth of new:hair.All|}dandruff is'entirely removed with one |}application,and itchingfallinghaircease;your hair will be until re-|=ceipt of an-answer from the Americar 2crnment,feels impelled in con-!|%‘ion to recall here and now,that it|Hcognizancewithsatisfactionof|Z its readiness to enter upon a dis-|z Weare showing quite ‘an attractive line of Panamas and ‘Straws,the seagon’s most attractive patterns.. 9»Have you bought?If‘gem not come in and let us. ee have the pleasure of show- ga ing you our line,— /Our $5.00 Panamas are Beauties. Straws at $2.00,$2.50 and $3.00, “The undersigned takes occasion,|An investigation of both ¢tc. the resul€of SHERRILL-WHITESHOECO.| England Has Lost 130 Merchant ; Use Vudor Shades to Make Sleeping Sa ‘orches--Rhone For Prices.» The’Hickory Denioerat is iow be-|e‘ing.issued semi-weckly-and this puts |three Catawba papers in the semi-|} frySadi Also Iceland Refrigerators,zinc lined—the only ice |box that will save ice.“Ice Cream.Freezers.: two,three and four burner Oil CookStoves —the stove &that will bake. mes Vudor Shades and.Hain- mocks.We makeyou any | size awning.-Window}onShades“all ‘sizes.Oar ;ators are all stone lined.|)The chest with the chill in | AY .oe Equipped with VudorSafety WindDevice One, | scalp and|¥ Statesville Housefurnishing Co. bright,vigorous,soft and ffuffy.Whether your hair is oily,dry orbrittle,Parisian Sage immediately re-moves the cause and by toning up thescalpquicklyrestoresthehairtoitsoriginalbrilliancyandvigor.This delightful tonic is a real ne-cessity and will not fail to.give alastingbenefittoyourhairandsealp. Flowers For As usual we_shall have our splendid of- ferings'for commence- ment time,consistingofhandsomelyarrang- -ed Baskets,Bouquets, ete, .Roses and Carnations-in*abundance.Bx- quisite Flowers from our own gardens.— ii ric seee ssssecsseces oes ssaeesesooeeeseoeoeeeereoeenestenseeseaasestesrtersestestiveeeetes peetees peestss Set: ‘Commercial National Bank] OF STATESVILLE,N.0.0 pe e r s ny s t 7:Py3rf74 :oy4oy*of:ry°Byry°*+bePy+.tf+3.:3 ©=céPfPf7. .over $600,000 has the willingness to serve this com- ‘lieving in this commumty,our-policy is,and ful. _.posits are local and our loans are likewise local and ee e e s s s e e e e s e s s s t e s t s t e t r s e r e r e s r e c c c c s o c c s e c c c c c s e : _enterprises. amounts as business i]W.D.TURNER,—i K.MORRISON, |4.8.HUGHKY,=“As CAPITAL PAID IN __$100,000.00SURPLUS31,000.00 Banking is a necessary institution in the develop-ment and‘welfare of nations,It is likewise a neces-.sary institution in the development and progress of _[any city,town orcommunity.ee UaeAbank’s usefulness to a community depends upon.its ability and willingness to eerve the legitimatebusinessrequirementsforloananddiscountaccom-modation and to provide a safe depository for com-mercial wee savings deposits.aTheCOMMERCIALNATIONALBANKisalocalinstitution,with large capital and surplus,furnishesgoodsecuritytodepositorsandwithresources‘of ob e S O S SE D O OS D I R TO T OO NT s Si t e s r e r e s t et se s s 0 0 c c s s 0 0 0 2 s s 0 r 0 s e s c c c e e s a RS T O ta t ee t d e s c e e c a c e munity in every branch of legitimate banking.Be-ee e ways been,progressive and eonstructive,assistingineverylegitimatewayintheadvancementoftheagticultural,manufacturing and commercial devel-opment of Statesville and Iredell county.Our de- made to individuals and legitimate and worthy local To our.customers we furnish check books free,render statements or balance.pass books at the endofeachmonth,make loans and discount paper uponsecuritysatisfactorytoourboardandinsueh(rements and responsibilitywarrant,,We pay interest at the rate of 4.per centperannumontimeandsavingsdepositsremainingthreemonthsorlonger,iUponthessbaseswesolicityourbusiness,- mets=|« po ee e er e e r s pe e e s e e e e ® _D,M.AUSLEY,“ser |The New.President of Stites:~ville College Makes Announce-|I 'BM yO 7 tf oe gee - “mentsofHis Plans and Pur-|'colnton >Tem-.Li niecgeenae ss Sat or|tons.oe )pendicitis,-—‘a ing.sérmon will require just Ten Minutes.Subj&Delinite Answer Whether|ons para artsy Se The morning.sermon require j .Bu Hetty “the Principles of International]Prof.'J.Marion Moo,the new)7 MioorawiterJune2-—This morning!.-“THE POSITIVE LIFE,”Immediately after the talk,the Sac: LawAre to Be Disregarded—et rs Lil rament of the Lord cen r will be administered.’Allare invited. ¥!quiet b to Commune who intend to lead a Christian life.. sbuagiet,Wilzondasdetermined|rotate College,it ia Ait that tho]YY lovely wedding,when Mes dau :ee makes the following announcement;|9t 8:80 o'clockthe homeof What May Happen.In assuming control of Stateaville,Melchor wag the scene of @ ,word |tex,‘Miss’Mary.Melchor,piven .as i :;9 poeta MedefinifelyandpromptlyfromGer-{aew president should say —a «word regMccain CON,Wi vening ervice at Cc oc '~ge to Mr.John .*='nF ®many whether that eountry intends}qbout the future policy of the.instt-Rankic Daeoay wine ngRrouatnn iyi pL nik ho eae iG yy ag i y L fa Mr.Kirk’s subject ae aor will be THE DUTY OF THE tire.regponsibiliy and importance.He|*te families were present.’ i Rankin,who was prettily attired sides...We want,and expect you!Won’t you comethepreparationofanotetobedis-|Statesville.Female College has a|™’vas.prettily attired:in vit a pect y : eabinet was that the German reply]gifts to bless the word.It:shall be altar._The bride,lire i nr and lilies of the.valley,entered from in the future to be guided by the ac-|tution.Beni aseme fe before i WORLDLY.|It lencing 1906 a mighty ~The President listened to a varied}accepts.the’task with humility ‘and The bridal party.entered patched before the end of this week,|past of honor and usefulness.It has white embroidered organdie with the American note following the}the,policy of ‘the néW administration ed-in her:traveling suit of-Saeco a om eon , f .¢doubting.its.facts and dis-]pacity,;¢j | Sahai all Thane for the destruction F The college aims.to give the best se ng wee mye of honor,Miss of the merchantman -with American}educational advantages to young wo-:ther orne ~,a harlotte,The lives.The questions of fact raised by|men under refined Christian influen-atter wore a dainty gown ef white J U a A :) cepted principles of international law sath ,interesting talk,full of fine su gestions that will help us in every expression of opinion at a meeting of}hope;humility because he knows his strains.of Mendelssohin’s —nel embodying his own ideas and what]done excellent work and maintained|Plack picture hat,The groom with|f t se ::a}«stored silk poplin,and,rose hat trim-Siskin of,the Lusitania was un-|to continue this good work and:if hat. ‘Germany were regarded as irrelevant}ces,and at a reasonable cost.Its embroidered net,a white picture hat ThWS &we 1 The board of trustees hag seen fit|4 ‘Walsh of.Statesvillex1$0.fol:.Walsh o esville © we eSanen a nag Maite ehh tq entrust to his direction a work ‘of|Only the members of the two imme CHURGH TO BE MOR ‘march,‘artistically ‘rendered }the day life,ong et ng,it ere’ll Ny abi eoneeeRetOn,butiscabinet;taking tttle.part in the|weakness,hope becayse it is the be-j "08",miles DY.:.Yo niov it and it wi ( Hacuaaion himself.Later he began]ginning of success..{sister of the “groom,ROOM FOR YO paca ype aaa gogd be- +.,t ‘ im the eensensus of his|high ideals;has sheltered,trained his best man,Mr.Augustus Leazar B d .S M h d (ih h are eae mae and nouriéhed many noble.women,|emtered oe peor ar the dining roa oa treet et O a ist ;urcl . The verdict of a majority of the|who have gone.out with graces and roam’and awaited the bride |pa Siew ast a ae Ate og iit eh ‘:.Fe sry ith ostrich plumes,a arry-re“ponsive and ‘unsatisfactory,disre-|possible to enlarge it;fill the dormi-med wit P ;and carry ine the god will of the United!tories and run the plant with full ca;ing a shower.bouquet of a8Toses |o¥iy§ any °¢rs Ae ~{and ‘carried a ‘bouquet Of ‘pink Kil-.s time.The.trend of opinion}ourpose is to develop the highest oul-|2"i ,. ty the United States mustlearn|ture and womanhood through the baatA pewear dae |a Mice nar soon whether Germany ne to}studies i a paerwanp pate ate Kit Glayed the Barearclia’eon U b ll Th .Will °.;e hitherto accepted prin-|ciation wi @ istian women of |,rs t (Cy ¥Se sets aesegs may travel any-|the faculty and through inspiring lec-oarsoe eke 4 On an Grand m re as at ve Ou :TVICce. where on the high seas on unarmed]tures by men:of ability and worth,ee a Th hat vine.B Ae +a the af merchant.ships,even if carrying con-| Out-door sports and.regular exer-.vee ie ere couple et im-;;j traband;and that merchantmen which|cise will be encouraged and the health :-_at .8 ae To n’to :Dat : do not resist capture -must be visited]of the students will be carefully look |Pom Reymoog,1n:the:oun 26 or 28 inch woven selvage,Mission or Bent Wood handles, and searched and the passengers and]ed after.A competent matron will re-The Bride ‘a the ae oyna bas {crew transferred to a place of safety|side in the dormitoty,a physical di-|6 ye Tih.Melchor and has ener for 50c.,75c,,$1.00 and $1.50.Don’t miss seeing this line. before the vessel is destroyed.rector will have charge of sports andli 6g in Mooresyille,except the:eensAnunfavorableanswertothisin-|athletics .and an.oxperienced physi).nt in the study of musi ;Every one a bargain.Parasols $1.00,$1,50,$2:00 to $5.00.:«‘1 j in|ei ;isi study of music at Qu a ‘yeu,OY, quiry will lead,it-was predicted in|cian.will _make regular.visits to the Callens Phavintie ka aee a moet : me :rters,to a severance of|college::.oe "4 ;‘ee :ae ratte,talations on,the ground}At suitable intervals entertain-more ye ener Boat:Mass,She Any color and price.CO Yours truly, that the United States could not con-|ments.will be given,not merely for|1S,Mosh OUCMEUUS am accomplish-: tinue intercourse with a government]pleasure,but for the development of Shane Ree teak be tiene taba ane which repudiated these-—-prineiples:}those social-graces;which-a@ée-an im-slocthive.The chon an ae “Steps then would.be taken.to inform]portant part of every guvs education,::-es A cisgrs ot the dangers to which!All entertainments will be given with >Wi :peeks of fils Hiace:oo M I [/[4 S &P O S i O Ntheywereexposedasaresultofthis|the aid of the faculty,and will be WE ENEaLed IN DUBINGRS Wh PoW.—_°:s41,|L.Cook.When Mr.and Mrs,Ran--action and such measures as neces-}planned so as not to interfere with|*;’ an adopted.to safeguard the lives|any of the studies of the students,ee raete v4 noe re ae se and interests of citizens of the United|These social events will break the Wetil oh *henge WEALAL:SO Ge ot ye =orStates.Should Germany.accept the|monotony of school.life,sometimes |""O0 “NGF new ome 1s complesed.ates,ae a)i _|Rev.W.S.-Wilson,pastor of-theprincipleinawaythat.would con-|irksome ‘to youth,and will give ex Firat.Presbyterian..chureh,-as r6-ae a 2 a- stitute a guarantee for the future,the]pression to inventive talent and so-|:%sae : American government would reiterate|cial instinct.‘oe are om pe nee ul In a e I ]S eaits:demand for a “strict.account-|The buildings and grounds are be-|?.U2)TIFsh |resuylerian Cours at ;: ility”for violations of ‘this princi-|ing greatly improved and:the board Lincolnton.Mr.Wilson.will)achme:for the eongregation,at that,,church "::>lerand the killing of Amercians’on|of trustees haye pledged themselves i TRY =...§tatesville,IN.C,,North Center Strect ts:Lamitanial to use the generous.gifts.of the fe next Sunday morning and.services *;N Pla ters’W.h y:ere will be conducted by.Rev.Pal-9 Next Planters arenouse,:aan lieve | -The decision to base the American|Statesville people for this.purpose, l :2 <:i DuBose,missionary.to China,nétéon the principles.of international with all due care and faithfulness,me ‘.Oe +gees 7 eee = law,to obtainvan affirmative or.nega-|.The members of the teaching force Rrotracted services were begun in COMMISSIONER'S.SALE.OF LAND.. 7 ~2 the,First Baptist '.church Tuesdayfivel'reply,and)nor enter.into.afhave been carefully chosen for their}.Gekiuad dimeoselen:.of details..rais-|:ersonal influence as well as for their pight.The,pastor,Rev,C.B,Aus- isasmgnancrar wom “- éd in the:German communication,was|training and attainments,They are bie patie by Rev,W.H..Wil;BY.VIRTUE of pe:deerop th.the Superior Im ortant to Shoe Bu ers ! ‘y i }i ‘F a .t t dell punky,deved i \ the sifigle development of fhe cabinet)intelligent,cultured mone een?Miss Carey Wilson is at home from sigrial ‘ppsiceading wheeatn ‘Blocta Coan eécouncil;“Some members favored even]specialist .in her 2 ;:oe ag meee exelutling’all reference to..the.facta aonk and each thoroughly,equipped the,State ponieak Cresnahora.Hays Raed 3:6.Youlir’con “uber atemae = asked for;by Germany,settling first|and ‘trained to do college work,—Mare 4 aby fe mee 1S year.MISSES|site,the undersigned commissioner will sel H—FO Sage Py ee ee Ter ::the point as to whether Germany in-|In the arrangement,of the courses Reba Herter be at Kennett and Caanksaterpgoar one ame |a We'cbntinue to»be fortunate-in securing:niceteidedtodisregardthe_American of study it has been aimed.to provide xeba.Dr }ey,Age at.honie for vaca-x court house door in Statesville,N.C.,&lotsof Sam yles in L lies’M n’s an 1 Chi :an": _*°warning»of last February that -it}a ¢urriculum,which,willmeet,the ba from ey,College,Charlotte.) monpay,“ALY 9TH,1915,les.,;MENS anc laren woald ‘insist upon,the exercise of the needs,of,t,lange body of young nett WE:hy Lorehane¢.M.mans Bk the hour of ‘noon,'the following deveribea |ff”PUMpsS-ane -Oxford.Ties....Many.new...arrivals....._-tight-of—-visit -and--search —with...re-|.womon,-.who;desire a broad,general |Roop.hoa aSa Nyoe pe est sae:jeuale-estate.cin.the city of Stateolie;The hin this.week,which will enable us to-make-it-.spect to vessels on which’Americans|culture as well as to supply the de-,|&Jones;C-Ay Mayhew,RoC.Kens}one half undivided interest:tthe A.Dd..:vr a 2 Lan were traveling.ys va {mand for such @ thorough mentat|Pedy,Dr.and Mrs,Ry TL.Morrison,oe wien:in’the following lndtyetobeie;very interesting to those looking out for good reece ,{training as will fit one for teaching oe ae oan tie ke ee EBeeinoing of stake 7.C.,Anderiond Shoes at a saving in price.Our Mr,.McKee is j 7 i iti i 1 isorner;thenee N.66 dexrecs E,2 ee!.yiCONFEDERATEREUNION,|#78 other res ea ee,eostnensin|Confederate veterans in Richmond Be 12-tode aNley:thence N.21 degroé,W.UL spending the week among the Northern jobbers . eee cael);f 2)-P.Moore's corner;thence:&‘Rain Marred the Pleasure’at|the usual.branches—-English,mathe-this.week,@ dearece’W.iti foeWC.P,Meare's cor and manufacturers gathering up seasonableru,::ag Mr.W.D..Templeton,postmaster in A.C.Tomlin’s line;thenee S.24 de-eA ‘j "Richmond—Next Meeting at oo geyser faeryA aronan here,was carried to Salisbury sana-dese 5 oulin’s ‘line;thee s.és ae ,merchandise which t ey are closing out before Birmingham.|Musie will berand ‘ane of the main Nae a oft pempleton.St St depres Hee Tae ee te aa enmigstee begtering on tote La pon rere.ras eae ttendance 'of Confederate}features .of the,curricylum...The ars.S;|depting t of 109 fect front and 212 feet may look out tor FOOd things ¢ deltas:oe tes econtan at ‘Giehavent strongest faculty possible will be se-|2"4 will probably be operated on this |deep conveyed to A...Cooper from the that you may ROIS B nee 2 Was estimated at 5,000,but many|cured for this department .and the}Week:Sts \oe Mcdant outst.1 the.slate “ak the:Cash Store.We expect to be able to givereturnedhomethefirstdayonac-|gast traditions maintained,|p ‘ahick dower of Mrs.Fillia Cooper,‘Terms of sale--some extra special bargains.-Be sure and count of the weather,which serious-|The study of the English Bible will he Death Record.4 @Qne-third cash,ore-third in six months.and make usavisit.Very truly, Kaen -.;‘,'ird in twelve mont}...ly interfered with the reunion.be -required as a part of the course|.The Gastonia Gazette says W.D.one-th ;ate a Bennett H.Young.was,re-|of every student pavplying tee the i eae euuny.known as aes yeaa.R.B.pean 3 lected commander-ingchief and Bir-|regular degrees offered;by the.insti-|\olone OZZe)18,PORTAL Ys a BN pcre J M M K &C minghar,,Ala,,Shida as the—next|tution.im the county home of Gaston MOO eee eee adie:Ov.CEMOLAN,:om Cc ee om an " place of meeting.It is the administration’s ‘desire to|#ged 64 years.His remains were)”"Phowe 109 or 170.Sane 1-4 {ff No.112 West Broad Street,between Hall’s Drug Store and Lazenby- "Gen,Jelian §.Carr of North Caro-|make the college serve the whole|buried at Hill’s chapel,in Lincoln]~'*Montgoniery Hardware Store "Jina was one of the speakers Wednes-|community.There are no selfish,nar-county.Mr.Rozzelle located at Mt.)POR RENT—Storeroom on ‘west Broad’street :° day and he aroused much enthusiasm|row aims in any of the plans that|Mourne,-this county,in the 70s and pean he 2 he,Reon.he among the veterans,especially when ane bare briefly sketched or that ve en pony years a well oe res-; he pronounced Gen,Lee “the world’s|hereafter to be worked out in the|!dent o at community,e Gar!©'. :st hero.’The parade took|faithful service done,ette says he had lived in Gastonia for ‘Turnersburg Roller Mills oe ie da d P th six or eight years and w;dri ow:hed f tigace’yester and among the or-oor eraerero 1 as a driver}Will be down.fo until abouteinigativakmabiainatingwasthe|Had a Similar Spell of Weather|for liverymen until..a few months fine 10 ead will de Ba‘milling’and cxchany. Governor’s Foot Guards of Connecti-|Two,Years Ago.ago,when he was taken to the coun-|'"%\"Bee EraUnt k wrekieeut,aceompanied by Gov,Holeomb of]©Much rain and cool weather at this cM tiie pose iso ptirwived:by:Weipa ee oe ?ae Seagoti produces ‘gloom and there he storys iho lives in Charlotte,and sev-|si Ta port oF SS aoamite Caetewiia ‘at ih he ha say the spell is unusual."Mrs.-Amanda Henry,wife of Mr.{®':z ‘|But the spell isn’t’unusual.It is a f f ‘Te :a ant aenentice,wanes ants simply @ case of sho Mamory.;Two erie aeMarie at be “a the SEED CORN! ee ae re cnedetacy.The credit:1:|Yeas 2e0 about the middie or latter mite from Blackstocky8.C,aged|Eo ee eeeagoftheContederacy.1he cred iS)part of June there was rain and snow ee 8,OSgivenMajor.Qrren Randolph Smith 77 years.Mr.and,Mrs.Henry moy-|2i—only a trace of the latter,of course :a a ps a the ‘day:-and the mercury dropped down.to 2 ¥ie eee pe FOURS See me about the Sie etinn oe e ;Seniiten the neighborhood of the frost line,than 25 years a rand their oa tiv Corn for latepeMiceTeYhasteneeebiiLMr.R.Li Poston recalls that he start-|,ow liva’in Iredell nad Row av eeYaoree2FAaNC™|ed to the meeting of the State Mer-;?&snd baal ::daughter of Gen.Robert E.Lee,as Miss Elizabeth Rimmer,aged about|'2.planting.=}¢hants’.Association at Wilmington ::.4. at spain Pt the Bayth.The TMA ap wearing his_overcoat,_it-was so cool,e vente ae ipiomiey.night athaneswan:BESS wt wild aP-'and in Jess than 48 hours the mercury|p..3 Sigpysdpetengaethdat tgsieyhadjumpedskywardandtheheatryPageereeatevaasisdheld}@ D.J.KIMBA LL y the nite:a 251K e aiternoon r Mai as Mae ee Sons of Confederate Veterans,Wil-was 80-oppressive that:it wos a bur-;aaa ;x den ‘liam R.Brandon of Little Rock.Ark.|was ‘elected commander to succeed Cheer ‘ip.IF Une seoatiien,for ceatteSeymourStuartofSt.Louis.are to he depended on we're going to)Two Fatally.Injured atConover}eee ge Le ae on pent the following eee pond eneRee Railroad Crossing.:.The:Sheaffer: a Predident aioe of a.resolution,entity i going up above the aver-ane Conover Monday afternoon J,i £.fllir Ki ‘nPiheUnieConfederateVotorans,|6,f0"the seonan,Probably infor)A.Bices of Hambarton ond BO Belffilling Fountain Pen |1 Fy oki ;::or wee :about »,Cleveland |™i .eee Deri es eae |;__in twenty-fifthannualreunion,as-|the heat and wishing for some of the county,were fatally.igiured ‘whon|Mf $2.50 to $5.00.|_|.Especially resistant to’shotk,strain and vi-Gini to Woodrow “Wilson,Presi.|cOo!weather wehave had.ne automobile AK ee they were Dehua hkes tePacti Lebration,the Ford isthe sturdiest,most -dur-— iyve of the United States,As rol-|Meeting of Damaboine Church riding was-etruck by the:tender of ;Som satisfaction :}‘ablecar in the world,Vanadium steel heat- .diers,who.know only too well the hor-|‘6 ee rene light.crite OF ie eae rai guar anteed in every reated ‘I {:ts for the -yors of war,and as citizens of a re-News.f z i Which had ‘gone me Hickory)@ en A treated by the Ford PFOgess,prSeEe ea?ee:~ie glad at_heart :Af adjourned meeting of Concord seni ee oe eg eh f pen.»‘Ue streng'th-and lightweight of "the KFsa aaa ; >\>that we haye at Washington a Presi-|Presbytery will,be held in the First mt a is ah i i i f dent who,strictly eartoat:ekeekan Presbyterian fdhuved Mimaiity at “it chienren Aaeer ee oF a sae |‘Allison’s Book Sto e Nerong,light,Ae a Seer acwarring“nations,will with “wisdom|a.m.Three young men.will be exam-ae ore DOF mvare,of their danger ‘Wha ;SPA I "2 ’Ives service and satisfaction to,TOFS than.and courage stand for all regard and|ined for.licensuré—Messrs.Legh ie athe aaa on +i ee and mare aa rm oi ES ;00,000 owners every day,at an average cost respect for the honor of the Ameri Scott,Harper Brady and Thos.Cur-a :arnpren te aan 3 ri :fet.;fing Rad Proper observance of the|tic—and other business of inportwnce|.Digs.Gnd.Beianes.were taken’si n ae M of 2 cents a mile for operation and main rights of hamblest American)Will be transacted.B,D.BROWN,Sioa enaaue:mate an fice “Oe Re a :‘lor ‘tenance.sa snag npg Ree Ca “Clerk«-|Wednesday Fie sa :))PWill callfor and deliver your shoes The factory has reached the production wherea — ;OneWay to Help Home Count |Amity week Saeds ving i preiee at!“The men were about 26 years old,{it desired,but will allow 10 per cent).$50 rebate is a certainty,barritig the unforeseen.vis peaeteley tas a oun Voie ae eae ee ee ee ‘and unnarae coo aes y rae egg pe +off if ‘workis broughtinand called Runabout,$440;Touring Car,$490;Coupelet, aes :|Children’s Day.exercises.at Olin}oy.POUMe p Pademny,Cleve NR ce a Be:$750;f o.b Detroit with al equipment,““}f you.want to help your —county)Sund 1 ol land county,Bridges was the son of|J,S.FRY &SO :Br Rene Sg‘unday at.11 o’élock,Rev,J.D,Bridges,a Baptist miniss|407 4 whee rourien m,We.On display and sale at :and.your State,send to Dr.Hender-| ;reparing for the ministry...The -re+|{——:ni my?3prepavingforreownt'wl[-EVERYTHING ||[Mh Carolina Motor Co’s1HillafulllistofLawnPartyandBoxSupper|'¢t of Cleveland ,county,‘and...was ies known t you,dealing with lo-) ‘Troutmay,-Jitne 2+-Snturday night,maing of the young men.were'sont ;“Statesville,Newton and.MooregvillHe. and the burial was in.St.Michacl’s|® graveyard.t te pamphlets and newspaper ‘ar-|correspondence of The Landmark. 1 historyin your county--and when June 5,the baraca-and'phil their “homes for:burial.»’eleBacae3Per,‘yi thea claws:,:haces st eer ane ‘ever :send the.publications.es-of Wosley "*iese led q .(EPR eae ee,Pied RTL.Wt isariasetkglcchefleas,calle PO UTD?WET.paper.i tem“in louse.1 Proceeds for benefit.of one h ote oes 4 on ;P ns WATKINS.per.y.|Everybody invited to atte ureh:|nervicw:ee ert mine UEP Sli uacterhuntimiuati dic:aie attend,i.Walter B — 'ot :; VOL.Xi. STATESVILLE, N,©.,TUESDAY,JUNE 8,1915: night,when aged man. were neighbors. come bitter. vestigation. Martins strength of the testimony of these witnesses,Messrs..Jordan-and Adamsarrestedthe.two Martins and hadthemplacedunderbondfortheirap-Pearance at Friday’s hearing. At the hearing Friday ThompsonstucktohisstoryabouthavingseentheMartinsonthePiercepremises,but some of the other witnesses fortheStatedidnottestifyaswasex-pected.The defendants then intro- duced evidence showing that Thomp- son was a man of bad character,while on the other hand they proved good The magistrates did notbelievethestoryofThompsonand while they admitted that the circum- stances justified the.arrestMartinsandtheinvestigation of the ease,they did not think the evidencejustifiedholdingthedefendantsforthehighercourt.The old man Pierce admitted on the stand that he hadserved’a term in the penitentiary for"killing his father-in-law. characters. Money For the Firemen. »Insurance |Commissionerhascollected$9,690.97 for the Statefiremen’s-relief.fund,thisbeingrealizedfromatax of one-half of one per cent.on the insur- ance companies doing business in theStateandispaidtodisabledfiremenortheirdependents,“who,having been in service ten years,are dépendent on charity.The fund is distributed among thevariousfirecompaniesofthéState.>Statesville gets $141.38. gets the largest amount —$967—4+Wilmington is second with $942 and+Winston-Salemthird—with $912._Oth-er towns in this part of the State get amounts as follows: Gastonia $70.78,.Hickory $84.90,Le- noir $73.05,Lexington $101.53,Lin-colnton.$27.27,MorgantonMooresville$17.10, bord “$55.71,bury $150.18. Action For Da der, slander. pair will -DISPUTED CASE.|CLEAN STREETS Amount Received By Sheriff toGotoCourtForSettlement—Appropriation For Anti-Ty- phoid -Campaign—Other Im- portant Acts of County Com-missioners, Mr,Dorman Thompson,attorneyforSheriffDeaton,appeared before the county commissioners yeaterdayandproposedthatinviewofthecontroversyastowhetherthesheriff4sentitledtecommissions-for—the 914 taxes,that the THE MARTINS NOT HELD. Evidence-Men’Charged With,HouseBurningWasWeakandTheyWereDischarged—Proved Good Characters. Mr.F.M.Jordan of —Asheville,State deputy insurance commissioner,was in Statesville Saturday en routehomefromTaylorsville,where he at-tended the preliminary hearing of J.R.Martin and his:son,Arthur Mar-tin,who were charged with burningthehomeofJ.W.Pierce near Tay-lorsville Monday,May 17,The hearingwasheldinthecourthouseatTay-lorsville .Payne,Matheson and Patterson,andwas_attended by a large crowd.The Proceedings began at 2 o’clock in theafternoonandcontinueduntil11atthemagistrateschargedthedefendantsasnotguilty. Deputy Jordan and Sheriff AdamsofAlexanderhadworkedupwhattheythoughtwasastrongchainof|circumstantial evidence against the 'Martins,but some of their witnesses, it is claimed,did not testify to thecourtastheyhadtalkedtotheof-ficers,and it is stated that the prin-cipal witness for the State wag shown to be of bad character and hig testi- Mmony had no weight.will continue to work on the case withthehopeofascertainingtheidentityofthepersonsguiltyofthecrimeandbringingabouttheirconviction.The house which was burned.was the property of Miss SarahE.Pierce, who is now working as a ographer in Florida,and was occu- ’pied by her uncle.J.R. The Martins and Pierce There had been adisputebetweenthemaboutaland line.and the feeling had recently be- Pierce was known as a dangerous man and the Martips wereafraidofhim,it is said, of May the Martins swore out a peace warrant for Pierce-and--the--warrantwasservedonhimMay17th. fault of $1,000 peace bond Pierce wascommittedtojail. Late in the afternoon of the samedaythatPiercewassenttojailhishomewasdestroyedby parent incendiary origin.tins were suspected of having firedthehouseandSheriffAdamssolicitedtheaidofDeputyJordanforanin-Persons told the officers;says Mr.Jordan,that they had heardyoungMartinsaythatifhecouldevergetPierceontofthe’house he would..burn:the:house,and J.«C: Thompson,who had moved to the Pierce;Martini :neighborhood about amonth,-previeus:to ‘the fire,testifiedthathe:had seen:the two Martins in the woeds near:the Piéree ‘horthreehours.before.it was /harnedandthattheseniorMartinrajto‘thehouse,.remained there a few ‘minutes*“and then ran back into thé wodds.Shortly after Martin had visited thehouse,Thompson testified,smoke was seen there,Considering the fact thattherewasbadfeelingbetweenthe Night—-Location of the Aldermen, of aldermen ness were -brought up for considéra-collection of th tion and the session was not a longsaidquestion court for settlement by a case agreedonasprovidedin.the Revisal. Mr.’Thompson the board ‘or-dered’that the county attorney.pre-pare the case and present it to the court in behalf of the.county. controversy is the outgrowth of thesalarylaw,Sheriff Deaton.contend-ing that he is entitled to both com-missions and salary.The board donated $350 to secure an:anti-typhoid campaign for county by the State Board of Health, and $100 to the “Boy’s Road Patrol.” school tax elections were ordered held in districts No.3 New Hope township and No.5 Sharpes- urg township.The New Hope 4is-rict will vote on a tax of 20 cents on the $100-valuation_and—60-cents on the poll and the Sharpesburg districtwillvoteonataxof12centsonthe $100 and 36 cents on the poll,The commissioners willCatawbacountycommissioners and Southern,PowerCo.at the river today to consider the constructiva of a bridge.- The board ordered all list-takers tomakelistsofallpersonswhofailto make their tax returns and‘furnish the lists to the solicitor,who will be instructed to prosecute them. J.Wilson Houpe Dead—Mr. King’s Funeral. Mr.J.Wilson Houpe,who had heenillalongtime,died yesterday about10o’clock at his home in Bethany township.The funeral service will be conducted at the residence this morn- ing by Rev.Ovid Pullen and the burialwillbeinBethanygraveyard.Mr. Hiupe was 76 years old and was anativeofthiscounty.in the war as a Confederate soldier.Surviving are two sons,Mr.Burette houpe,who lived with his father and Mr.Lacy Houpe,who iswiththeFarmers’Union ‘WarehouseCompany.at Bloomfield.Mrs,:Margarct:Clementiné|JoseydiedFridaynightatthehomeofhers0n-in-law-and-~daughter,-Mr--andMrs.Will Lambert,:aged 58 years’‘Funeral’services were’conducted Sunday and the remainsweretakento’Bethel graveyard for. ‘The funerat of Mr.J.A.King, whose death Thursday night was re-ported in the last issue of The Land- mark,took place at his late resi-dence on.Davie.avenue Friday after- noon about 4 o'clock.were conducted by Rev.J.H.PresslyandtheintermentwasinOakwood of extending ©ParkstreetfromDavieavenuetoStockton cided to open the street,provided.the property.Mr.N.A.Bost,who ownspropertyrunningthroughfrom.Da-vie avenue to Stockton street,some time ago offered to give a 80-foot Charlottestreetthroughhispropertyforantatesvilleprefers.a streetofnorTeen these (20d Principal Harry,the other mem-|Rev.’W.H.Goodman,now pastorbersofthe.past year’s faculty,were a Old Fort and Siloam,~~acceptedaaeeenotapplicants:for re-election.Mr,|the pastorate of a new church atofferif.it ee Hhrry has decided to give up teach-aig which is:tae ort (228.25 @ profession and will probably|work.street will be opened within a short study law.Rev.W.E..West was receivedFournewteathershavebeen.se-|from the Mecklenburg Presbytery toTheboardorderedthatMr,J.S.lected by the board and will be given|take charge of the pastorates of Cen-Positions if they will accept.Definite|ter and.Prospect churches.answers-are--éxpected—from——-these|-Dr-.J.-A.Seott—-was—given-Within a week.There are numerous|sion to labor without the bounds ofapplicants,The increased,number|the Presbytery “for six months.of teachers is made necessary by the|Fifteen to 20 ministers and eldersbuildingof:the new.school for east|attended the meeting of the Vresby- feet,but is now willing to aecept Mr. There is little doubt refunded the amount spent by him in the installationofaterrecottapipelineonStockton For a “cleaner Sunday”the alder- men made arrangements to have the streets of the business section swepteachSaturdaynightandthesweep- ings removed. Mr.W.R.Mills asked permissiontoplacea‘gasoline pump on Centerstreetandtherequestwasdenied, The board passed an order that no representatives street from a point 150 feet northofthepublicsquaretotherailwaystation,and on Broad street from Tradd to Meeting streets.j MriooBranton us =at arene va adoptionjjf.,the .b to!”to|of the resolution means that two new]2°":jumped.out .@ e buggy :tetry to comlivanhag.solid:bs formed un der’sep ligion for every day.life,way from him and,Mrs.-Branton and|@tate charters,:one of -which will -take|7 auie’gay p URT eFax |ehren CAiideae were Chedien raed,,ail over ~~oe be-CASES IN COURT BELOW.of them being:more or less:severely|ing conducte:by the original eom-.ee "Y :hart."The baby sna hurt-worst,ai pany at Statesville and the other will P.peated ee Wiae Ar-ing.several bad gashes:on its’head|tke over the cotton oil mill at res an arge ithdrawn:Mooresville.The charters are now;—QOther Cases. “At first the baby was thought to.be}cing prepared and the organizationfatallyinjuredbutDr.Ed.8,King.|0f the new companies will probably]@.soniawhowascalledtotreat»it-found take place within a short time.Thethattheinjuries,while severe,were ‘hold the mule.,but,the’anitmal got on.Hill...street, The services|’‘The Brantons live on the Cowanplace,in Olin township. ne ceraretaie :Craft’s wife then decided not’toOperatorPopeReceivesHonor-see we *dae ioe prosecute her husband and she wasville.and_E.W.Brawl ey,C.P.Me-allowed to withdraw the warrant,payNeelywaeJLHarisofShbokensthecostsandtakeher“hubby”home,ville.Mr.Steele was elected presi-|Mandy Brown,the negro charged“Operator’s .Vigilance.Commended,”|4’“poact rs with stealing goods from the store ofdent,Mr.Brawley vice president and the Kelly Clothing Company.at! the telegraph operstor at Statesville 7 ee ere ae ie |Mooresville,was given a hearing be-a and meee Pt his chasing Messrs.Steele ands Brawley,who ex-fon deste:ee us meresSat-and stopping a frei train when he],;,ff ‘ing |Urday_and in default.of bon 8 re~dissivered e igekan ons wheel,which changed offices,Mr.Brawley having 5.sawas.recently reported in The Land-president.|Court.mark.To this the Bulletin adds:: able Mention. The’Southern.Railway.News.Bul- under the head of Auto and Buggy Collided at Mooresville. An automobile driven by Mr.R. L.Moore of Mt.Ulla and a buggy occupied by Johnandhiswifeand two child lided at the intersection of.States- ville avenue with Main street Mooresville Sunday.tached to the buggy was frightened by the collision and ran into a teéle- phone post,throwing Cowan’s wifeandchildrenfromthebuggy.Thewomanandchildrenwere Mr.and Mrs.W.A.Honey- cutt of Mt.Ulla were in the machine with “Mr.‘Moore,but no one in themachinewas.hurt.Sheriff Deaton, who was in Mooresville,investigatedthecollisionandfoundthatMr. Moore was on ‘the right side of theotavoidthecol- letin for June, carries a picture of Mr.P.S.Pope, since its organization.” street and could From Scheol. were only slightly damaged. Hickory Out of Ball League— Gastonia Expected to Come In The Hickory baseball team has:no-tified the Statesville Athletic Associa-tion that Hickory will have to drop out.of the league.recently .formedwithStatesville,Lenoir and Morgan- Negotiations are now in propg-ress with the Gastonia team and:itcted:that Gastonia will takelaceintheleaguemadevacantbyHickory.The loss of the Hickoryteamwillnecessitateafe-arrange-ment_oftheleagueschedule,but will} not affect the opening Statesville next week,. \A practice game was played on theStatesvillegroundsnoonbetweenStatesvilleplayérsandateamfromMooresville.5¢losed_at-the end of the seventh inn-ing.The score was 12 to 2 in favorofStatesville.:; Pythian Officers..alte At its meeting Thursday night.theStatesvillelodgeKnightsof:Pytelectednewofficersasfollows:Freel chancellor commandeRamsey»vice «chancellor,Alexander =prelate,Earlmasterofwork,John Beltmasteratarms,Fred W.. hew officers “will:stalled at the first meeting in J or to firemen pretatt are ¥home from College,Due West,S.G,eet Alfred Harrison is at home|!'arm Life School,about five acres,/eut onthe hand and elsewhere byfromthe’Blue Ridge School near|Provided the board wuuld put,a new|Whodward,but his injuries are.notHendersonville, Concord ~$86, Saturday after- North Wilkes- Newton $25.74,Salis- programme Which shord-b ‘iJulybth,the |Water Main«About,4:30 Sur mages For Slan- :d id to Statesville|case involv‘Through ‘his counsel,Mr,HH,P.of ‘the celebration.:Grier,Mr.Ly A.Thompson;an em:ploye of the Carolina Motor Compa- ny,has instituted suitJamesF.An derson for damages:for It is understdod that.the plaintiffwillallegeeeMr,cee publie-m wi eenga.Sereda to:pore ot automobiles which_ ly.char;Cihats SUNDAY.|ELECTING THE TEACHERS.|THREE NEW.MINISTERS. Streets to Be Swept.Saturday |Supt.Thampson and Nearly All|Licensed By Presbytery Yester-asolit the Old Teachers Re-Elected|day—Other Business By ThatPumps—Street Extension and|—Principal Harry and Miss|Body—Church News.Other Matters ConsideredBy |Culbertson Not Applicants—}Concord Presbytery,in session at%me agi New Teachers Elected._|the First Presbpterian church‘yester-The June meeting of the boa The gradéd sehool board,in ses-|day,licensed.three young men’asFEeoiegyAieneofa,fsion at the Commercial -Club house ministers,viz!night wi ayor Caldwell and Al-}‘di,:.5:divman Mobleron,iths Casta,Saturday afternoon,re-elected Prof.|Brady and Legh R.Scott of States’:alee,|D:Matt.Thompson superintendent ‘of|ville and’,K.Currie of Davidson.Steele;eee,Ausley and i ithe Statesville ‘grailteehiols for the|All three of the young ministers madenlyafewitemsof_{25th consecutive.term.The following|unusually good showings in their ex-teachers were also re-elected:Misses|aminations and.their trial sermons‘Ethel McNairy of Greensboro,Chris-|were very good.tine Rutledge of Mt,Holly,Marea]A candidate for.the ministry,Mr.—and 7 Massey of Durham,=W.Young -ooo tdi eennieRabeofSalisbury,Mattie Mc-|transferred to the.Lexington Pres y-street was discussed and the,board de~Kinney of Reidsville,Alice Harris of|tery,and Rev.Rey Smith,who wasagence"-orestville,Laura Hastings,of Win-|recently licensed,was transferrpropertyownerswilldonatesufficientston-Salem,Mary Wortham of Frank-|the Roanoke Presbytery.linton,Ruth Hampton:of Hlenderson-|—Rev...-A,_D.Wauchope,who hasville,Ellie Grier of -Matthews,Eliza-|been at Concord,was dismissed to thebethCrowellandKateFinleyof|Presbytery of Pictou,Nova Scotia,and-Nelle _Armfield of|where he will take charge of a pas- The hoard Miss Lucy Culbertson]torate. Statesville.The division of teachers]tery.r. religion.into fuel business:at»Statesville “and the original company will continue its Saturday andThestockholdersre-elected the old oyboardofdirectorsasfollows:C.M.Statesville been.president and Mr,Steele vic from.Iredell. The trustees of the old Harmony]fendants~was required to give $100Messrs.James Pressly and Elbert |"ground offered to give the coun-|bond for his appearance at SuperiorErskinetyadeedtotheremainderofthe}|Court to answer charges of assaultetecampgroundadjoiningtheState]with deadly weapons.Neal Scott was roof on the arbor and maintain it for|serious, morning. “rr eae ne ito eeoflandonthe.slopes.of.Linvilletain..‘The’plaintiff’claims thatholdsthegrantsfortheJandand .Perthedefendantsclaimthatthelandis}The ey“grants ‘which they hold,|in Bagle Milonofrealownership|tonville,washecourts.The case|morning.So his wife. aaaBRIEFITEMSLOCALNEWS. —The Loray andBristol ball:teamsplayedballattheBriste!l farm,miles north of town,ThurthegameresultedinavictoryBristolteambyascoreof2to. —Mrs,Mary Sims,who has been conducting hermentoneastBroad street’fortime,will move into Mr,N.B.. vacant -storeroom .on .street,the storeroom ner!pied by Mr.J.F.Henninger.- —Mr.and Mrs.N.W.Fowler tooktheirlittledaughter,Louise,to Hick-ory Saturday to haye.made for her foot,which iiTtishopedthatthrough the use of «shoes and braces made expressly forthechildunderthe’direetion of.9physician,the deformed foot may be —Capt.W.HL H.Gregory,who isgatheringstatisticsfrommanufac.turing industries for the Federal cen-sus bureau,has cotupleted,the workinIredellandisnowitLandercounty.Capt.Gregory has re-cently been making headquarters atMooresvillewhilewo of the county, —The Junior ChautafestivalwillbeheldoneampusFridayafternoonat-3:30-0’clock.The publietoattend:-Mrs;--Charles=,the Junior Chautauqua.leader....andMissesLoveWalkeranTurneraretrainingthech0thefestival,which promises to be ah interesting event.‘ —iThree Iredell ‘boys are enrolledintheBoys’Pig clubs—the clubs or- ganized in the State to promotegrowingofhogs,romewhat similar to the corn clubs.The pig clubs have a membership of752.in 46.counties.and:Iredell’s.mem-bership should have been ares,asyear.has 24 members,Wilkes 82 andlenburg64..There are no members-intheothernearbycounties.; —The pause:Mercan:aepany,operating a general sElmwood,went into tie Halide of‘receiver Saturday:afterndon::The‘as-sets are.estimated.at.fon,tor the.poaeerefortheaskedbystockholdersonofinsolvency,was h‘Long--in—-Statesville.Sa’jnoon,,Mr,D,:Fx,Mayberry ofvillewasappoin rking that end ooh between the two buildings has not]-B.C.Ashcraft,editor of theheendecidedonandwhenthisisdone|Monroe Enquirer,who is known toitmaybefoundnecessary.to secure|the Baptists of the State as a “block-still another teacher in’addition to]ade”preacher,and a good one,will_four who will be offered places.+ng in Statesville fext a Atwaereemenare.under consideration]the forenoon preaching service hourgasolinetanksbeallowedonGenterasMr,Hurry’s successor.All the}Mr.Ashcraft will speak at the Firstteachersofthecqloredschoolwere]Baptist church on “What Businessre-elected and Supt.Thompson was|Owes to the Church”and iauthorizedtosecureadomesticeofae:ae meet-;Science teacher for the colored school.|ing of the Sunday schoolsof the townAseparate-water:line-was-ofdemed fees at Broad Street Methodist church,histhecityfurnisheswater“wihaat|TWO NEW COMPANIES.|subject being “My Mother.” ec eeepry Business ‘of Imperial Cotton}Sunday morning at 11°o’élock atprivatebusinesshousesandtherehas}Oil Company Separated..Into|Fifth Creek church.some controversy about the Three Companies.°°... amount of water used.- Tas:23 eeeHurtinaRunaway. “Sunday Mr.and Mrs.Henry Bran-|tor Oil Company..endorsed;a resolu-awh andt thet?three smalt children ees ee advising |e duty ofweredrivinginab,in Sharpes-|the orga on’of new corporations worl iburgtownship,whena clip came off|‘0 take over the company’s ice and Srniateth Wekthbia’Waaiaertothebuggyandthe,shafts dropped und at ai sadfrightenedthe.mule. the clubs being Rev,J.Harper.Brady.will preach Rev.J.F.Kirk’s discourse at BreadeeeStreetchurchSundayevening,onAttheirannualmeetinglastweek|“The duty of the Church to be morethestockholdersoftheImperialCot-|Worldly,”was a capital:ed mon.The central thou christians to take theirworld,to help.all be social service,sanitation or:whatnot.Mr.Kirk preached:practical re-| 'sMr.and Mrs.W.J.Poston.,-ner has for severai years made hishomeinRockyMount,where he was:«connected with a wholesale grocery . —1A team of mules beltéHarrTwtownship,attached to covered wagon,started to run on Meet terday morning and was Jim Craft,colored,was.arrested inlastweekonawarrantfromStatesvillecharginghimwith oe of the oil mill at States-eet an eaten:her aeville,"brought Craft to hurled from his seat by thethewagonbuterewasnodamage —The grand lodgeof ‘the KnightsPythiaswillmeetinSalishnight.Mr.J.H,Hoffmann,chairmathefinancecommittee,went there and fell back i ox ‘hurt,and turned to jail to await Superior _Monroe Belt,colored,was arrestedSuperintendentCollins|of .the|Board of Education Orders New|in Charlotte last week on a capinsAsheville-division has written Opera-School Houses.aoetorPope,commending him’for his :action and thanking He was brought-to:..4-1 |Statesville Saturday night by Sheriffzhimofficiallyand||The county boatd of education yes-|Deaton and placed in jail to awaitpersonallyforhiseffortstosafeguard|terday agreed to.build a number of]trial in:Superior Court for assaulthisfellow-employes and the interests |new school houses.District No.2 of|with a deadly -weapon.of the company.Mr,Pope has been|Statesville township,known.as the]Chamlin CranfieldintheserviceofSouthern.railway|Barkley school,will have a new house]Stack,young white men employed atatanewlocationontheSalisbury]the glass factory,plead guilty to sim-Sr en road;districts 2 and 3 of Bethany]ple assault in Justice Lazenby’s courtNewDoctorandDentist—Home township will combine and have a new yesterday and were taxed $3.95 each,house on the new Chipley Ford road;|°M.D:.Woodward and NealMr.Locke Simons’arrived .home|istrict No.4 of Bethany,the Duffie}Lewis Scott,who live several mileslastweekfromBaltimore,where he|‘*hool,gets a new shouse to take the]out the Chipley Ford road,were triedcompletedhiscourseindenistryat|lace of the one which was burned;|before Justice Lazenby Saturday af-the University of Maryland.Mr,Rob-|‘i¢colored people get a new:house]ternoon for an affraert.Hill ofStatesville,who complct-|*t Belmont.Some —improvements|about ten days ago.It was in evi-ed the course’in medicine at the same|W°"e ordered made on the Scott's}dence that knives and rocks had fig-institution,will probably not be home|!!ich School building ured in the fight and each of the de-for a week or longer. capacities,and quite apast’chancellors and membersofD.0.-K..K.will attend to takinthemeetings,© Messrs.J,G.Knox.ofville,Téenn.,and Julius Summers of.Williston.Tenn.,wh stoppedin,Stoteeyillstoptesvillespendafewdayswithrtboth : and they have lived in thetyinTennesseesincetheofthe‘sixties.Mr:-Summers:reared ini north and Mr.,south Iredell—at Mt.MournKnoxis’a brother of Mrs,terson and Mr,W.P. —Mossrs,W.R.Mills andC..6.Johnston,the MeaoeWebibanat: Mills’stable building,now occupiedferee and Harvey y which occurred .Knox of States- ethane public meetings.The board accepted.|0.U.Roper,the young man whoAdvertisingFortheFourth.Mr.Tal.Stafford was ré-elected di-|was —___Phe-committees-ofthe Commercial rector..of |the Harmony State Farm theClubandthe‘Merchants’Association|Life School and manager of the dor-which have in charge the Fourth of|mitory.—:aa Gait wae enwetione Carrelon begin their ad-Mr.Turner Hears Case at Ma-combe officer stating that it had been Automobile parties will pass over the}ion,served a term on the Iredell roads forPrincipalroadsofIredellandportions|The’ease of Percy McGeorge vs,the|retailing and by request of the Bun-of adjoining counties distributing ad-|Realty Loan &Guaranty Co.and F,|combe authorities he was held to an-vertising matter,putting up.posters,|¥.Nieola,was ‘heard at Marion last swear a charge of larceny at Ashe-comm ig arranging a|week by Hon.W.D.Turner of States-}ville.-::ould draw a rec-|ville,who is referee in the case.The}Will Salley,was taxed $2.50 in the(sterday for striking being held in Statesville jail forBuncombe_county_authorities,has been released,Jailer Gilbert hav-ing received a message from x Bun- expect toberee :the 20th.Mr,| stables and will trarsne sual,but will keep decided not to’send mayor’s court ye Barn Burned in Eagle Mills, ;r,Joh iitipeaean a feed,a mow -=June 8,1915, [E STRONG MEN TO DO}. THE WORK.; t the statistics of non-church ib ip in North Carolina,pub- J in the last issue of The Land- in recent years there has been discussion of the decadence of country church and what shall done to promote the growth of ‘churches in the rural districts,It je not meant,in this connection,that ‘the non-church membership is in ‘yural -districts.The towns and eities,with in some cases an over- Production of preachers and meeting “houses,have their full share,But it fe a fact that,in many rural locali- _ities,the rural churches of all denom- fmations have been weakened by |‘ehanging population and |changed “eonditions,until hitherto strong +churches,in some instances,have al- ‘most passed out of existence.Plans for upbuilding these churches have been a subject of discussion and a ‘study.The most practicable idea seems to be that,with the develop- ment of rural life,to make the school house and the church a social.center for the neighborhood.And in this connection one point needs to be stressed:;‘ fit has ‘been the custom,naturally, .ef all denominations,to send their weakest men to the weakest fields, These fields which give least support or the preacher,no matter how great the opportunities for work,are often filled by young men just.beginning, -sent out to practice on those unable to pay a stronger man--what-his-ser- vice commands;by old men who are on.the decline and not wanted in stronger fields;or by men who have not attained any special distinction. Sometimes a pastor in one of these sweak fields ~develops unexpected strength,attracts attention by.the work he is doing,and pretty soon he goes to a city church. iAt the recent meeting of the South-ern Presbyterian General Assembly s weak and vacant churches in each "Presbytery‘!The’Landmatk ‘has Jong thought that is the solution of the problem of upbuilding the Churchimtheruraldistricts.~~est men to the weakest fields.Collect money enough outside to pay them _ @-living salary,but let the strong ~men understand that if they have directed zeal for the Lord is ¢they)will make @ sac-and do Pee aes where theit. are most.needed.The strong not fancy exchanging the churches,where he fares ,commands a big salary a pretty comfortable time, the small and weak congregation in an isolated community,where there are no modern conveniences and no social life.But if:it is the Lord’s| work he is concerned about he will 4find his talents:can be well employ- ed in the rural regions.The well- organized and ‘strong city churches ean’get on very well,for a time at Jeast,with a mediocre man;but where an organization is to be built up,it takes a strong man for the work. “Another thing:Let the denomina-|‘ tions cultivate enough breadth and sufficient zeal for the Lord along with the zeal fora particular denomina- )tion,to enable them to-agree on a ,sort of division of territory and quit the practice of establishing a church where they find a handful of their feith and no raw material to work on. This would lessen the number of _struggling’churches.‘ All of “which is respectfully submit- 5 as the unasked views ofa layman ‘who takes the privilege to speak his mind as he may be moved,on what- @ver subject comes uppermost. Something of .a_change —in—Salis- bury.The aldermen not only.require city employes to sign a pledge to ab- stain from the use of intoxicants while in the service of the city,butthemeetingsoftheboardareopened :with prayer.A few years ago a?Salisbury alderman transported an automobile load of liquor into Iredell _for the purpose of retailing the liquor,| for which he paid a stiff fine in Ire-dell court.The same alderman ishowsaidtobeamostzealousadvo-cate of the strict enforcement of pro-hibitory laws.They’re getting re:‘figion in Salisbury. +The Ford Motor Company of De-troit;’Mich,shahufacturers ofautomobiles,announces anincreasein.its authorized.capital2,000,000 to $100,000,000astockdividentof$48,-le July 1.A cash divi-red on the original au-thorized stock “of $2,000,000 but.theamountwasnotmadepublic.i haney te cubated tothe,Feder‘eralReserveBoardasurveyofthecom- .Sendthe strong:|’, of should lead to.He HE KILLED AS A WARNING eo 4 “¢;An Old Colored Man Who Kill- ed One and Tried toKillAn- other,Says His Purpose Was to Show His Race ‘What Their Meanness Would Lead To. Pleading guilty in Wake Superior Court “of second degree mufder and receiving from Judge Daniels the full limit of the law,30 years in the State prison,Dowd Baucom,an old-time colored man,made a statement to the court and more especially to the as- sembled crowd ‘of negroes that was the most remarkable in many re- spects ever heard in the Wake court, says the Raleigh correspondent ofthe Charlotte Observer.He told the court that he killed June Connelly for the special purpose of impressing on peo-ple of his race generally that they could not do as he claimed Connelly had done,without.suffering the con- sequences;that’he killed him delib- erately and that his regret was that he failed to kill Will Johnson,who he claimed was an accomplice of Con-rod in mistreating and defrauding im.Baucom is nearly 70 yars old.He told the court he had 30 acres oflandthathehadturnedovertoCon-nelly with the pnderstanding that Connelly would take care of him theremainderofhislife,He said Con- nelly mistreated him in the meanest way,half clothing and half feeding him and borrowing money from him that he would not repay.This spring they rented some lahd on which theyweretocroptogether.and after the crop was in Connelly,and Johnson set about to force him out of the sharing of the crop.He said he,bore this treatment until it became intolerable and.he’believed that,the people of his race needed to have an example of the consequences.of such mean- ness.He-went,to Clayton.and bought a shotgun and returning home he found Connelly working in the field they had rented under conditions:that-showed his purpose to defraud him.So he hid in a gully and as Connelly came along he arose,reminded him of the treat- ment—he had-suffered at:his hands and shot him dead.Then he went,to the home of Will Johnson,hid John-son’s gun and later found Johnsonsittingbythefirewithothersofthefamily.He said he got a range on him that would not endanger any of the others,and shot him,but the loadtookeffectinhisarm.Johnson ran, He saw some one run by a windowandfiredathimbutitwasthewrongman.~Then he saw Johnson dash outthroughthebackdoorandshothim again,but did not kill him.He wassorryhedidn’t.He did not |know whether he would shoot just as ‘he’iad,if he had’the thing to,go through with again.but he thought that very probably he would.;‘The;old-negro told Judge Daniels: in reply to questions,that he thoughtthewholematteroutcarefullybe-fore he shot either of the two andbecameconvincedthatheowedittoothermembersofhisraceto__showthemtojustwhatterribleendssuch meanness as his victims were guiltysaidhetealiz-ed:that probably {he}would have:togototheelectricchair,but that heconsideredthatthelessonthatoth-ers of his race might learn fromthe.case would.make the ~sacrificeworthwhile.He thanked:the judgeprofuselyforgivinghimthe30-years’sentence,which is evidentlymorethanalifesentence,on accountofhisage.j‘After his statement and question-ing by the court,the old negro turn- ed to the big crowd of negroes in the court house and gave them a sound lecture on honesty and right living and the great need that hewarnedthemtherewasforthene- groes of this country to live morehonestanduprightlivesandfulfillobligationstheyassumed.He re-gretted that so few could be,depend-ed upon to keep their promises andtreattheir.fellows’honestly.The old negro proved a high char-acter for honesty and as having ledanindustriouslife.He had a bankaccountof$700,besides the 30 acresoflandthathehadgiventotheCon- nelly negro,with the understandingthathewouldtakecareofhiminhis old age. The old fellow was fotrunate ingettingoffwithhislife,for accord- ing to his’own:statement:he wasguiltyofpremeditatedmurder,.but doubtless the provocation was.con-sidered;and if his statement is truehedeservedconsideration.—_——British Government Made No Effort to Protect Lusitania. ‘Al flotilla of British torpedo boats and--destroyers was lying in*Queens- town harbor while the Lusitania was being sunk a few miles away,accord- ing to F,J.Gauntlett,of Washing- ton,D.C.,an official of the Newport News Shipbuilding and Dry DockCompanyanda_Lusitania survivor,who reached .New York on the Amer-ican liner Philadelphia last .week.Mr.Gauntlett,who brought backthebodyofA.L.Hopkins,presidentoftheNewportNewsCompany,whowaslostontheLusitania,was bitteragainsttheBritishgovernmentand immediately upon his.return consult- ed with counsel ‘about bringing a suit against the Cunard Company.“I was..dumfounded on.reachingQueenstown,”said Mr,Gauntlett,“tofindaflotillaofserviceabletorpedo boats and destroyers,secure and snugintheharborwiththeircrewslollingabouttheirdecks,while German sub-marines wete blowing up~.Englishships°a’few miles away.“The flotilla:-was in-command of.a superannuated officer.I made it mybusinesstohunthimupandaskhimwhyhewasn’t outside doing some-{thing.He said he was under admir-alty orders not to risk ‘his boats.”—_—_—___;Billous Attacks, When yott have’a billows attack your liverfailsto’perform its functions.You, constipated.The food you eat fermefits inyourstomachinsteadofdigesting.This in-|flames the stomach and tcauses nausea,vom-iting and a terrible headache.Take’Cham-berlain's Tablets;They..will tone up.your.|liver,clean out your stomach 'and you will be as’well as ever.Thuarter.|Obiat tee:cost -business:” THE STEEL PEOPLE SAFE.Be octCourtFindsthe “Had Been DoingQuit.:heAtTrenton,N.J,last weeknile United States -District Court for,: Jersey handed down a our decision refusing the petition of the Federal government to ;; United States Steel Corporation.| As against the government ‘the court refused to dissolve the Corpor. ation,holding that in acquiring’its foreign and home trade the concern did not violate the Sherman.anti* trust act,and all injunctions asked by the Department of Justice were refused,::\As against the Steel Corporation the court held that the committee meetings ‘participated in by 95.per cent.of the steel trade of the coun- try,including the Steel Corporation bsequent to the famous Gary din- ides of eight or nine years ago,‘were unlawful fombinations to kontro! prices;but as these meetings had stopped before the government filed its complaint in October,1911,;the judges held that there was no occa; sion’for an injunction.The opinion of the court suggests that such prac- tices lie within the province of the new Federal Trade Commission,but adds that if their repetition is .ap- prehended:the court will,on,motionofthegovernment,retain jurisdic- tion of the case for that particularpurpose.;‘‘With regard to the government charge that the Steel Corporation had monopolistic control of ore re- sources,the court said that all thebasicplantsoftheSteelCorporation are inland and dependent+on Lake Superior ores,while the Atlanticgteelcompanies—Bethlehem,Penn- sylvania and Maryland —have un-limited supplies of Cuban and other ores at water freights.Whe court found nothing.wrong.in the steel corporation acquiring the TennesseeCoal—and-fron--Companyduringthefinancialpanicof1907andthusvirtuallyapprovestheattitudeoftheRooseveltadministration—innotinterferingwiththat—deal.~~OnthispointthecourtheldthattheoutputofTennesseeatthetimewas only 1.7 per cent.of the country’stotaloutput;that up to that time it had not been a business.success;that its principal product,rails,was made at a loss;that its ultimate successwasdoubtfulandinvolvedafurtheroutlayof$25,000,000 and ‘that the purchase of the Tennessee.property. as well as of several other steel con-cerns earlier ‘in the history of thebigcorporation,was made,in.fairbusinesscourseandwas“the,honest exertion of one’s right to,contractfor.one’s benefit.unaccompanied ..bya.wrongful motive.to:injure,others.”With.regard,to.Andrew.Carne-gie,.whom:the.government,.chargedwas4partytothe“unlawful com- bad But Had Boge that ‘hei accepted anyother relationinthe.formation:.of the steel’car- poratiom than that of seller of stocks andclaredto,be-;statement that terests.in a,hazards a -;,true;Mr.;Carnegie’shedisposedofhisin-ire to retire from iheresponsibilitiesofactive Erasing Marks of -War-—Crops Growing in Devastated Fields. Cleveland Plain Dealer.Last September.the German ar- my,driving toward Paris,advanced as far as the Marne.Nearly.every furlong of the way was hotly con-tested.The advance was really one continuous struggle,and it culminat-ed in the violent battle along the Marne.When the Germans retired and thetideofwarebbedbacktotheAisne,a zone of devastation many miles in width remained.”Farm:-houses were in ruins,villages were destroy-ed.The autumn:fields were ruttedandriven.Throughout the winter the region was a_wilderness.;‘Now,a little more than.‘half.a year since its devastation,the land is.turning green again The scarsofwararebeingobliterated.The old men of the peasant class,assist-ed by women and young girls,have cultivated .every.available squarefootofthefire-swept region.Crops are showing.Spriig.wheat.coversthousandsofacres.The very trench-esare.filled in and plowed over.Tem- porary farm structures are beingbuilt.From the area of devastation will come an abundance of food,bothforthesoldiersfarthernorthand east,and for the men and womenwhohavestayedathometodothenecessarywork.,With the exception of East Prussia,no part of Germany has actually suf-fered from the ravages of war Yet has her war-made desert to upon,.; losis Fight.‘ Through the provisions of the uni-que will of James C.Hoyt of Fayette-ville,the State Board of Health re-ceives a bequest of $150 to $200 to.beusedinthefightagainsttuberculosis.Mr.Hoyt’s death a few days agouncoveredthewill,which disposes ofasmallestate.To his aged fatherhegave$1 and God’s blessing,To others.he gives sums ranging from $100 to $400,setting aside $100 for his funeral expenses with recommen-dations for the disposal of the resi-due.Then he asks the remainder ofttheestatetobegiventothesocietiesforthepreventionoftuberculosis,ortheStateBoardofHealth,‘The money will go to Sanatorium. Dy.W,8,Rankin,secretary of theStateBoardofHealth,was in.school:with the testator and knew him well.—__Invigorating to the Pale and Sickly blood,builds up the system,is aud’ghildren,B00,CROVE'STASTELESSchillTONICtres out "|viding for the Adaltay? Mthememoranda showing that the extra bination,”;the court found,na proof) bonds,and the court de,|W Germany-has set the example of_util-|%izing every idle bit of.ground.The|$railroad right of.way will bring forth}%abundant crops;the hitherto waste)%places by the roadside will add their |%little to the harvester’s total.France| has merely been following Germa-|%ny’s lead,but the French work is be-/%ing done on a large scale,for rae ie work |4 BequesttoAid Anti-Tubereu-(6 emma ee What the War is Costing France|i ~Alexander F,Ribot,the~French, minister of finance,has Pico pag a bill in the Chamber.of ,n fn PS 600,000,fran $1,120,000,000) provisionally.for the requirements in the third quarter of the present year. ‘Ribot.presented with the bill ordinary |appropriations ce the’war began and including ‘the —estiématesforthethirdquarter.of 1915 would amount to 22,000,000,000 francs ($4,400,000,000.)he appropriations “alyeady made} when the war began for the last five months of 1914,the finance minister. said,would raise the total to 24,000,-000,000 franes ($4,800,000,000)for the14monthsendingSeptember3. _noinisinnerwucernnctimempmairnaicinccdanmitnenbAALAICO?‘Must Promise Not to Drink. Salisbury city employes must signthepledge.The.board of aldermen ofthattownhavepassed‘the following|resolution:”we“That any person applying,for anoffice,position or place of trust in the city of Salisbury shall.make |¥said application,in writing,and as apartthereofshallmakeandsubscribe |}a pledge or promise in substance as follows:If elected or appointed =I will,:during the time for which elect- ed or appointed,abstain from the use of whiskey or intoxicating liquors of any kind whatsoever,and failure’on my part to keep this promise will im*|%mediately thereafter forfeit all of my|¥ right to claim.or hold ‘said office orposition.”:WOMAN COULDHARDLYSTAND Because of Terrible ‘Back-ache..Relieved by Lydia E.Pinkham’s Vegeta-| Philadelphia,Pa.—‘‘1 suffered fromdisplacementandinflammation,and hadoresuchpainsinmysides,and terrible backache so that I could hardly stand.1 took six bottles of Lydia E.Pinkham’s Vegetable Com- pound,and now I canfidoanyamountof Fel work,sleep good,eatgood,and don’t haveAviabitoftrouble.I i recommend LydiaE.Pinkham’s Vegetable:Compound.toeverysufferingwomam.’’—Mrs,HARRYFisuer,1625 DountonSt.,Nicetown,Pa. ‘Another.Woman’s Case.wrSch year Vogetale Copan.of your tableasChetanmee2 a 3 down,and backache,ly stand and was thor-un down when'T took Lydi’s Vegetable’pound.ped mea am abestof health Sonpernion toPabih and 1younnameofyourVecetahlsfomoandtomanyofmyfriends.’’—Mrs,ABEL Law- ‘BON,126 Lippitt St.,Providence,R.L Danger Signals to Women are what one physician called backache,e,nervousness,and the blues.In many cases they are symptoms of,|# some female derangement oran inflam- matory,ulcerative condition,which maybeovercomebytakingLydiaE.Pink-ham’sVegetable Compound.Thousands of American women willingly testify to its virtue.- NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Having qualified as executor of the last will and testament of Harriet Atwood Clark,deceased,I hereby notify all.persons havingclaimsagainsttheestateofthesaiddeceas-ed.to present ‘same to me on‘or before theWithdayofMay,1916.Those indebted to theestatearerequestedtomakeanearlyset-tlement.c.H.BROWN,R.B.McLaughlin,Att’y..Executor. May 7,1915. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Having qualified as administratrix of the estate of A.A.Miller,deceased;this is to no-tify.all persons having claims against his es-tate to.present them to me on or.before May 4,1916;and all persons indebted to the es-tate-must make prompt settlement. MRS,M.J.MILLER,May 4,1916*Administrtrix. Telecalecerwimlececele,‘Dan Valley | Will please thosewhodemandtheverybest.It is anextraordinaryflour.Your Grocer knows. #Cary C.Boshamer,§ %Local Representative,% #’Phone 125 Black,It.aw. SO R C R C R I R C R O R R RO R Y TYPEWRITER RIBBONS ANDCARBONPAPER. Right Quality—Right Price. Statesville Printing Co. Coite L.Sherrill,M.D., Will answer ’phone calls leftatDr.Long’s Sanatorium orGeo.M.Foard’s residence. Si 1 And see us for your Tin Roofing. Gutte work,etc.~BNOw How.: --FRAZ "THE CAROLINA MOTOR.CO.ofStatesville,Mooresville and Newton-will give three prizes as follows for thebestdecoratedcarsiftheFourthof July parade in Statesville: FIRST PRIZE $15 ELECTRIC HORN. SECOND PRIZE $10 BUMPER. THIRD PRIZE $4 HAND HORN. or me and§|wouldnotbe withoutit.I -hadadis-_| ——heats 8b Soy 5doingmyhouseworksoyou|}ieudons tame.have ; IER BROS._ -oe ee 63 ‘PHONE # {When the submarinesof disease creep up on you una- wares,assault you amidships,send torpedoes crashingthroughyourengineroomandballupyourrunning gear,sound the S,O.S.for the doctor. {He'll throw youa life preserver (that’s a prescription), {If you want to make sure it will float you tosafety,let us fill it with:the world’s finest drugs,each one of 10 per cent fighting strength,and guaranteed to annihilate every germ‘that comes within range.2 The Polk Gray Drug Company.ON THE SQUARE. CE C E O R C E C E CE C E CR C EE E Ee et e ! ~—-HEADQUARTERS FOR— McCormick Binders, Mowing Machines and. Hay Rakes! se e s e s e e e s o e e e t e s e s e e b o s e e e s e The machines you will want for' ote PAPORA DS RARE LETTE?OS REEL EEE SD OpeREE cetyourharvest-this-year............... Plenty:of binder twine and har-'»| vester oil.If you want repairs for the old:Champion Binder, give us the number ‘of;the!parg)y 11)!| “wanted and+-we will get it-for | you.—Yourstruly, To the Farmers of Iredell and Other Counties: THE STATESVILLE REALTY &INVESTMENT COMPANY be to announce that.they have completed arrangements with.‘‘THHOMEINSURANCECO.of New York,’’forinsuring your growing crops of Tobacco,Corn,Cotton and small grain against destructionby.Hail Storm.at the following very low price: TOBACCO CROP..$100 per acre valuation at75peracrevaluationat60peracrevaluationat 3.75 per acre 25 per acre valuation at :1,874 per acre COTTON,CORN AND SMALL GRAIN CROP. $40 per acre valuation $1.60 per acre 35 per acre valuation 1.40 per acre 30 per acre valuation 1.20 per acre25peracrevaluation1.00 per acre20peracrevaluation.80 per acre15peracrevaluation.60 per acre10per.acre valuation .40 per acreDWELLINGS,FURNITURE,BARNS. $100 value for gne year at 30c.,3 years at 60c.,5 years at 90c.This latter i nce covers also against loss or damage occasionedbywindinadditionto’hail. REMEMBER—“‘We insure anything insurable.’’J.F.CARLTON,Manager, *PHONE 54.STATESVILLE,N C. A $7.50 per acre 5.873 per acre a Devastate 10,000 Homes in Eight States Suchisthe record ofoneday’s —hundred yearsthe Hartford | damage done by tornadoes..Fire Insurance Company |You don’tknow when the has met every honest claim | tornado may strike your promptly.Buy a Hartford |"property;but you do know.Tornado Policy today.ItistheOldHartford”protects.the nearest thing to ¢omfort against all loss.For over a when a Tornado strikes. |People's Loan &Savings Bank;- Statesville,KG e auouy pi..jResident Agent <‘BROWN,Presidents 8° nn ere arereenrenaeeememimngyrerrsirernenmresnereenmemmnsreemrnerte {HISTORY OF MT,BETHEL.THE TELESCRIBE 1S READY 5.|Deeds to the ¢harch _Bite,|Device ‘to Record Telephone|Names of T and Other|Conversation,on Which Mr.'¥Facts About One of Iredell’s|)Edison Has Labored For@ Old Meeting Houses.\Thirty-Kight Years.oe Correspondence of The Landmark.|West Orange,N.J.,Dispatch.ifItwillperhapsbe.of interest to ‘That he bas finished his 328°years, i sy ‘many of the readers of The Landmark |of-labor on a mew,invention which|f FP gant 5 ':bd 10:25 p,:st ‘he has styled the “telescribe,”.is| Bete i ibe yt or arty x at on fo 4 oe,copbvend,due 1.15 fe kpaw von at the eel |the announcement Thomas A.Edison | heey ass iy ura Braicher of this ee “i eant-bound,due 6:45 p,Mt.Bethel Methodist chure r nner |has made at his laboratory here.The! iy ‘was down in bedfor three Fon in 16,east-bound,due 10.50 Iredell.The writer had thé’privilege|device will record telephone conver-)§ i {can ;4 ’decals’yh!EASLOneyaa of reading,quite recently,some *of |sations,even,though speakers are 3,-|§not tell you how I suffered with Charlotte.et tig ‘|°;3 i my head,and with servous:‘and |zraia No.16.ar.9.50,leaves 10.86 a,m|the old deeds of several or par-|000 miles apart,and a simple smal!‘ ~-‘womanly troubles,USNESS ANA!Train No.24 ar.ae “are ae ae ela of ee *Pr Pe ite|22%on a ioreggs ae deskwill dhe -;eee Po ee)a,Mi ¥rom.Taylorav .7 +this church,ou wi |his guaran agains:misunder-|§ ones Sodior goed Dasha te je me.a8 es Pe ike caer mi |to tell the exact date when this place|standing language used by him to \Li aot Nos.28 and 24 are not operated on Sanday.|was first used as a place of worship.|others,as well as an insurance that!# *a pu heinme,If perchance.there is some ong who|he got messages to bimself accur-|# Po Na ‘ROAD,©“Pprain No.16,‘west-bound,due 5:18 @.11,west-bound,due 10.05 a.21 west-bound,Foy aie p. e SE E E E E E S o a £ Be st ’‘We Will Give Five Timos the Regulay|# Mr,Bolick Appointed Trainmas-|knows the date,or any other informa-ately.i ;aes ”cateAf,Soy soins sarees ettake )/+o ten tion not contained in thiswriting,||The contrivance consists of a sen-|#A t fBo te Cou 7 ns.iy Mt wadAp for |was ceany dead 'The Southern raitway’Bulletin:has ee es glad Pe as Big ain|sitive ee josstred for desk moun 0 0S r po eee nothin seen ;i :toh.the columns 0 e lg ark.|use,with ‘controlling buttons to op-|%!ss :~ed to dome aay Bond.But:the Jopowing,whicht8 “of some local”This church was at one ié known jerate the special recording device I took eleven bottles,and now |am able|interest:;to do ‘all of my work and.my own|“J.A,Bolick has:beer appointed | }| | i as Prather’s meeting house.The!conveniently placed near it.Keen as! first deed eats in my a 308 tN |We hint ear a apy sensitized,|§ 1 thi aes fn y coe (made in the year of our uf ,|the slightest vibration does not es-|§oul inl,Dard tthebest medicine ip vision.Mr.Holick,entared the.ser vnen Basil Prather sold to the tu"-capo the recorder.The telephone re- andIJook the pictureofhealth.”«|poad’in 1880 as fireman and was pro-|‘€£$of this church,namely,enjamin|eciver is placed upon a small ampli-!# If you suffer from any of the ailments |moted to engineer in 1891.He ran an Johnston,John Fitzgerald,John Tem-fier and the sound communicated to|§ -culiar to women getabottle of Cardui engine on the Danville and Asheville pleton,Zachariah Beall,Leonard the wax cylinder instantly and ac-) ;fod Lys Delay is erous.-We know divisions until 1907,when he was Roby and Trueman Hilton,one acre |curately,The teleseope is a.sequel |% it will help you,By it has helped s0|promoted to trainmaster on the Ashe-of land,for the sum of five shillings.to Mr.Edison’s inventions of the| s of other ! ‘washing.dtrainmaster.of the Winston-Salem di- From Monday,June 7th,to Monday,June 141,§ We shall give five times the regular amount of Boas:{ ter Coupons for purchases made at our store .wicashorproduce,or for money deposited with us,-to be traded out later.Double coupons in settlemen:tyfiveshillings.accounts,*::: many th weak women|yj;seat “|'This deed was witnessed by Horatio!carbon telephone transmitter and the} Dad nthang eae.ae oy the Selpee yon|Beall and Elinor Baggarly.Written phonograph,and his total patents |§ Wegive 50 Booster Coupons to each person ».prq- ,Atal druggists.the Saluda ‘grade,Asheville ‘division,bas nae sainpoe ee a.|This ae ae oe )500 fraga.fi senting a list of threearticles,and a 42-piece Dinner :fe “7 4 ;i 8 2 ~MS 18 ar;n er oO rain “*.‘.Moin Op ans Lwhich-he-has held until his recent ap-|teF sald Seek!we meet cos of |the |products if ay So icitual,setif?Set to the one making the most completelist of arti-cles we sell,as well as thousands of Booster‘CoupoGet:particutars-at our:store:nee,t pointment.In-addition-to.his service In order to reward the persons who have ‘eelCae ; 3. Write.ta2 Chai ale?(dvisoryDect,Chattanooze ;Sema ; -i on 64-page book fore ::‘“tchurch:Jonathan Cash,Joseph Albea.Mr.---Bdison—»ds.—-by_._no.___means:‘Feeaibaantfor |pipeore Senge St ee eee we Bales Joseph Jones,Enos Gaibher:ait)(hrought enn nnnnenmm d Sian Zachariah Albea.Also on same deed)(Coming as it does in his 68th year, ie ivi d th ce 1 lie activity.He was mayor of .are the names of additional trustees the telescribe bids fair to he follow- .town of Saluda for a number of,years ‘;:’3 B. :;:.to fill vacancies,namely,Samuel Tur-|e)by other creations.Mr.Edison]§5 °‘:Ty ;3 Call ForMe!Oe ee cette in the North ner,Alvin Howard,Wilson Johnston |has been at work from time to time most complete list of articles m the Listin Contest,i =.se acamadaaige and Samuel Albea,heap ere Wie since 1877 on Bea device and pa-\#the Booster Journal of Springfield;Ii.,veto § {ian t ing #casein-e Spartan-|trustees in 1827.¢deed was sign-|tiontly for hours,despite pessimistic!®-ao a (eae eae ‘Randa Soke 8 Nice’Frésh Vegetables,nis e a acy.pet se ae ed by Joseph Goodman,chdirman.<a |tatementl of associates,he has.la-eachof thebest ten,who isnot now Boo .Gn ; Celery Cucumbers and Hy E.DePass,another lawyer,The second deed was made in 1827.\bored with the seerets of telephony|§transferable coupon check for 500,Bo (e ; ?.‘when Jesse Cummings d one and!and phonography in his task of.com-|#ONS.This must be deposited.for yourss ;male #3,ad “5 -ds”and then “fout.”ogi nd of.corr h,Beans,Potatoes,Biloce'the ae find opportonity "tb one-half acres and/four reds of Jan’}ining the,two as an “auxiliary,inj § eas,Lettuce,Toma-|j »de apol-|to.the trustecs of Prather’s meetin the transmission of permanent ‘and ??take action both lawyers made ap house,for the suth of $2-<Tbis dec’valuable records,instead of receiv- toes and what goes with ogies to the judge and to each other,‘was witnessed by,Willian ooster Club Ballot Box.,This.check...with,othBoostercouponsyoucancollectwillena ;?4 Yorton and ing momentary gnd fleeting conver-|§;aos :ine : __them.shalding “hands and-thos closing ‘6 rr vomas Leach;also beate"the six-/*ation,”to use His Yanguaze |ane.of ie Deeee in aos fatures of Whitfield Kerr,tegister-of |—-One-of the economies of the now |#ub,oO Will be the-bes M.P.Alexander &Bro.PARKER,N.C,MAN ~|deeds and A.Simonton,clerk of court.‘air in long distance calls was ex-|#third watch a Monda:ee ee z ’PHONE 241.GETS QUICK RELIEF.|-—It-may -integeating epee plained as follouss—St-h—paris calls.i shinai Etat tee wy)8 s “ ie ery ;eee here that mas Leach gave to the another on a business matter and is|§aon ——————-= W.R.Davenport Better:After First charch a atove,which is still in ase aiforuedk CMe eueient,1a see:inte c esom 4 Dose of Remedy.in Mt.Bethel church,and is in good|the offipe the button may.be pushed ;St t ll D LE Pe } W.R.Davenport.of Parker,N.C.,/condition.‘iby the party answering the telephone|#;a e Vi e rug mh Ve long suffered.Sam a peculiar malady .The third deed was made in 1831.!aiid the sender’s-message can.be|S li P ogee O sds eS ‘J ? of the stomach:He sought treatment|when Jesse Cummings sold another!viven and studied when the recipient|Qua ity rescriptionists,da:OES Transfer Files,with but little relief,At times it/lot,or parcel of land to.the church|arrives in his office Mr.Edison hu-|sisssssssssssssssssesessentecssssszennststestsssesetntssates:ott:: -Boo seemed that he would have to give up|trustees,for the sum of $2.Deed!morously remarked _the telescribe yaa Dame hoe.witnessed by Asa Johnston and!¢an end for all time the mooted ques- =ee Ne eet et Neer tnt ae arn treneeetretrema TERT Letter Files,He took Mayr’s Wonderful Remedy)Alex Bailey.sean |tion involved when an interviewed |{;— Clips,and found -immediate benefit..He|’The fourth deed was made,in 283%,person denies,following their puoli-2 ;¢, Pencils wrote:when said:Jesse Cummings sold two cation,remarks attributed to him in ye 3 oi: Pe dd k “For years I have suffered from a}acres to the trustees for $15.This a newspaper.¥a SUE ROG ADE Byers esenrs disease”Which puzzled doctors;‘They |deed was witnessed by Milas Bagpar-|“Phey-can’t ‘come —back”at you kt J it MI:fog ste it Waste Baskets,.Bl termed it catarrh of the stomach,say-|ty)and Wm.D,Hall={©|when'you ‘have their statements yim}iio fo Jo as IB a agate od Spee pati H Letter Baskets,etc.ing the only hope would be a ghange!‘Perhaps there are séme iv:beold!wax,”was the-inventor's!igw.tial gets ee ‘ 4 Brady,Printing Co.of climate,and that in all probability ing who remember re $.He!Informed:thatthe telephone ,bast]pe,2h sey ae See te oyteds of taleng necetyrerd ‘ 4 Fh TEE Pic.Te T'Would ne’get well.Then E:heard4 tivetf“near the (spot)where Mr:aNi AL}heen used at thes rate sof aomillion}y poo)oor bf!4 Sats aN “filogs si epdicuis Jososy bia Teeyey : wal (of your remedy.One dottie gave me!Stinehow Hives:Hisbodymesteiin Mt.times un hour,’much.wore frequeng}y Ui)os os ancds ot RWOCAE loads Mules:andioneywiytent | 4 ii instant relief,2It made me yréel like|Bethel graveyard._3)|thate detfers ‘and otelewrartidy’Mr,Rds (Polis ody is on dou cwiwae iveYo jolie adi af 1G Gene 34 a new.man,Your full raya od The ie oe ing nema cet 16K the epast:one nenie ~Ss Aoresiah Sint ak ate e Veen +pe i ee aia cae ; fs *:treatments has about cured me,Sev~}1843,"by Fdmed °P,Godbey{to the bebenwitre ‘active than)usual *in,his et :1 ee Ot!ome atts lined ti 2 : ;Liv ‘oi:deat of ‘m¥’Mriends have also been'}traateesofsPrather’s miceting-hous.laliorwtory ‘experimentsi and’the |W Joc ts ‘ear load'hice,‘MaIES TROVEL.AMM cis oatai 3 Is Your cPLary?cured.”.'hetnow)Mt’Bethel,”for ‘the sam’of |study!of acoustics,to:harmonize the|}5 .uae ea “aha a a nolo)noleit teatléos..oft SA WORE Ine fe :-sayy”Ets ;Mayr’s"Wonderful Remedy =gives $3.25.Witnessed by Max!Mi:Nes-|-€6lepbone,and phonograph.)«)oe Phe teed aahA a Pde We ae ee ae gees Sekine ic Use the Great Southern Remedy,permanent results for stomach,liver}bits and Samue ~Albea.“Wir?Godiey |"“Science provided the ‘telephone,for|}fico ad ioc)(extra nice ones,©sas ek :i oat :.: a eerie bigitill +{land intestinal ailments.Eat as much|was the;father.ofMr.James M.(od-|rapid’transmissiot pf intelliganee,”gu at Oy eapdmant debe gee ae ee ee 2. and whatever you like.No mote dis-|by,ho ynow jivesy neag Clarksh tg}said’Mr-‘Edison,distussinghts"latest (rps sci.fa Sa AE SA port —ib tad bagtexobaus 199 f ,voter tied edt tot Tess begoorbh yleeqorg Get,one bottleof your druggist nows;ameof:Prather’s meeting:house was [into “Whitten And?wax verords ‘that ;avor':+i treds after eating,pressure of gag.in |éhurehd ©(sci cre |brege bse _|work,“hid with’the ‘telestribe!»we 4 :Burdaco Liver Powder}the stomach ahd around the jheart.+::Judgiig cfinuaiethe ast.deed,the'l'ean note project’dr “Spoken?words ;KeTheeeei-¥¥and try it-on an absolute guarantee tchanpéed to Mt:“Bethel yehurch..some-|-will-be-permanent.The world will |HenkelCraig.Live stock a,| Mild and gentle.t No if not satisfactory money will be}time between’1833 and 1843..soon recognize it as a _commerdial||i eae een eter eon ;griping.“No nausea returned.";ap 1 OE mete ae has meen acne cone eye it wilh ne Carter ~LE eee Tee eM eet *oe °tin alid “much:©controversy:as.ifiitelephone.more’useful.and.,the |pho)Ss r = Cleans the system and FOR SALE CHEAP!where the anigink ones and schon nograph more valuable;it will make|seeserssaseesgsatsstttesesestttestesessssesstssasetse!33 233 i :house stood. Prather’s meeting huose|both more nécessary.”fee ‘Pere heer eT nN oe mer eerie makes a healty liver.ier ge.Topeesters tele Suh|was located just east of the present In a demonstration privately of |R |TAT TR TET :Staiforre:Beales...Will exchanee the above|graveyard.The chimney bed can be|his device a typist copied the con-|%%bE 7 3 ‘for goods.If interested see R.L.RRADS|found there now.»This house was versationg on a_standard printed|%cee toe « SOLD BY ALL DRUG ]]rorn,statesvite,N.C.R-6.June 4,/also used for a school house.|do|form,known as,the “telescript.”|¢To Buy a Nice Farm andGet Ready for Next Year’s (1 TS DEALERS—25e.3 4},cee =<|not know the exact date.when a fram-|These may be signed and mailed by y y}Crop.mage eel ':ed church was built near the site/olte party to the other,and with the No.1+-345 acres in Elmwood.Allschool and church conveniences,aayHammond’s where the present church now stards.|exchange completed both:have writ-hg But judging by the above dates;it]ten’records as well as the:wax.re-|% oa _a Rannnemnama 66 1 h t '99 must have been about 1843.Perhans]¢rding cylindérs for —reference. Fresh Vegetables!ug O e our good historical friend,Dr.P.F.PPhése take the place of dictated let- i ,a“ Strong land,40 acres in .bottom,8-room house,large barhandouthouses.a eae ee peeNo.2—77 acres 3}miles east of city.This propertyliesonthe satid-clay highway now being constructed by the government.lsidealforDairyandTruckfarming.ee Laugenour,can “set us straight”on|ters'and of course one operator is a this date.Sere eng a No,3--40 acres 1 1-4 miles from public square.Splendidiy adapted .i This building was «structure with :Ne remenremee for Dairy purposes,Live Stock and Poultry....viel ee Kills potato bugs,cab gallery of “ye olden time.”Tradi:ion |Buzzard Catches Chickens—|%No.4-60 aches ia,Wilktes''co ty just across Iredell line—a bargain.§ .bage worms,¢aterpil-.-|}says ui ucdeine ie hanging,hie Is That Unusual?40city lots ineast Statesville,knownas.“Park Place’--$15.down, ene eprom hy “banging To the Editor of The Landmark;balance in monthly payments of $.Perot tad imi f wi ded from this lars and similar.leaf ae Te later oat cthis |houst Will some of the wise ones tell us Termssey “Six lotsin sotith SYitesville,a Fresh Lettuce eating insects.Try |was torn away and the present church}whether or not it is a common thing n fa eloping.Severalnice houses ‘tid lots to gejl. ?;Call on'meand |hat have.:‘;ee ,it on your flowers and ||built.Dy.J.©.Rowe was the ft one Aeighbor,who igtheowner of tae Yc OS ibaa } .)§f the new church.The first}®;*f °M TE Qe Le 4 ‘t. ‘FreshCelery,melon vines.ae,‘he srenehadl here was the fun-|@ well-cared-for poultry yard,\is W.R.it ILLS;hs arr ee Sta sy V-f se ;R eral of Milas Baggarly,whose name bouged by one of these~unlovely *PHONE 54.ae oe ente .Fresh Tomatoes.rs is mentioned above.Right near the virds.The ereature caught a well-|ps5 sorcRcecn ——GET IT AT——present school house are signs of an]Srown chicken,holding it in his)_—ae ees :old building;said by some to be the/beak.Since that time the had.made|or TH ayy old school house,This was the home many visits to the yard and has to CECRORCEOR ROR 0:an Ss.of Rev.Mr.Moss,a local.minister be driven away.This certainly 'who preached atata Bethel for a speaks well for the cleanly’condition number of years..His remains are of the town and community.But is sting bene:th in the grave-]it not unusual ? aan =anita A.S.K.Statesville,June 8. |DO YOU BELIEVE IN <==THEN BUY aie es a The Sheaffer The best authorities say that the :_—_—_—Old Folks’Singing—Crops 204))ey buzzard’;i i :e ;.‘:turkey buzzard’s appetite is.not|s :Hogke :IT FOR FINE CLEANING Self.filling Fountain Pen Personal Items.averse to fresh meat and would prob-e a Bod :-eee a Be he Correspondence of The.Landmark.ably like it but he is not:equipped to|%,(7 £AND DYEING ~~$2.50 to $5.00.Hbustonville,June 3—The con-rigees ide nee or pet i ae u ce :In i Ne a 0S'nh 4 Y eg Sy ers i i t od all farm aizzard will snap the tail off a9 ‘;ieee ~~PHONE 47—J Absolute satisfaction |Woricand General Green has been[fresh-born pig.The fable of the||ae Sloan Pressing Club.guaranteed in —every making rapid-progress.There have/hawk taunting the buzzard is recall-|%a SS ae c i wine staal been §1 gull shers,Innd|ed.They met ona limb and the hawk|%eae os ‘ :i :pen.vas.badly dattabed:and crops con-}|Was,guying the bageard nous hav-3 From deep-well water,distilled &i _ona :NOTICE!Allison’s ook St siderably.Somme.Bay cit hee injured idee ty Sonik for hia"neati eeok ied |B _germ proof.-.Fresh ICE,full weight,,..° es om :e wheat.e prospect for when P Ht Pe oe Det te wos i Soe|nouanD B05.ave chaned Boone Shore Fi tes eet ini |e Be Meat ee ren,ae Raat WeeeeCecnaallqraaee|l :|cduringe the web Wea teekilled"Thereunen the|oe Rahahin”Withvous EGoHaeEEE S ;bes:band‘Soot,etc.+is ia JS.Fry &Son.Ng Antes secon Caster nicks buzzard had;the laugh on the hawk |%ice Poss e.I Jourco-operation e 1.nce *PLcne 1310,||wint call,for and.deliver your shoes put out.,oh and had.the hawk’s carcass besides.|we will succeed. i ret 3 Some sections of the roads are :7 eye es a gy7ifdesired,batwill allow 20 percent|,Some,testionsof the f0"va(Mhe Broad Street Church Plan.|f —_.Yottts for the up-building of Statesville, es For Sale {for pee Pe see have just been repaired with)Raleigh Christian Advocate.;.::%Poy ; ".e ;\|Fed:Clays .“|"The officials of Broad Street Meth-|%cL at hale ‘‘F ;ase ©ES.FRY8 SON,[hr tnd,ars,Rat,Moiten «loaie dures,Saami,move aeeces |An perial Cotton Oil Company, Carload of goodNo.oi oe Cobblers,Mrs.Lon,Tharpe.of Statesville ’is t6 try the plan of advertising in the |?oi Phone 205 ae f a ; 2 Shingles at $2.75 ©;ited relatives here a few ee ‘ksecular.press to promote the inter-|}:.A eal ae eae ng..BASEBALL GOODS!_|and Fred.Trivitte of Winston-Sale™|ests of the church.We are in re-| per thousand at my _jis visiting relatives here.Springs |Cpt of one:of the publicity letters|0%BORE AORORRIASER ORAS oe 0 ‘shop.‘When we say SPALDING’S.Old folks?singing at Holly §ee Nhe written by the-pastor,Rev.J.F.Kirk,|+- aoe i ;eh you fellers know the rest.the,fourth Sunday in June.a on|This hethod was:tried extensively in .C.H,TURNER,iow fhe rests |engig aaah Balmain and,hy ere oe }te ear the Depot..Statesville Printing Co.warylp sitet Mice etn li ar arid well pleased with ‘the results.The|f ane eye é {redelf 'Phone No.74,Bell No.7.:el hi ya ha arepated +6 Wiley atl Dey.Sing-ae permanent,wit be watched |}@ The clocks in the homemustbebe.or the housekeeper caa’ #——-."sling commences at’10.30 a.m.one,to plan and have mealson time.-Then there is nox :RU BBE R.TIRE!To Drive Out Malaria wearing out your pocket witha w;that you can’t di 1DR.C,.L.CRUSE:415 }|Chainbertain’s Colic,Cholera and Diarthoes i tare ip The System ||What youwant to do igto get your watch or click repaite :2.Metermarian.|Season is here..We use best aA ties gascullytks doles family shourt|Take the Old Standard GROVE’S||HENRY w ile he is devo ng his entire time to repairing ‘I Office rear Polk Gray Drug Co.*ber made—Firestone and Kelly—~}\pe.provided with,sind especially,dusinu the TASTELESS chill TONIC.“You know ||clocks and/fitting spectacles and 6ye-glasses. a ro Gray DNr ug Ne ‘ands oad.cate pia ‘gist fant:nink of,the,ain and nut:sre ag aking,a8re oer ,ffide ’Dice ge AO:set ot or co!»Qtek se tine must be sent for or before relief can.be Leia.ice ee ag 8oe3etaiyiethoroughly“teu Minine and Iron in a tasteless fornt.anyone who has used it.Obtain-)ahe we drives out malaria,the|eee P82 hee os2 “Iron builds up-the system,50 cents \ As NO CHARGE FOR SPACE,/ITEMS ‘OF CURRENT NEWS.|‘The Progress of the Fighting. The Advocate Didn't Charge)Happenings Here and There inj ,Considerable eas iystifle7|the Mt.Airy District For the State,Peninsula and in Asati key,areatinala:|Space But Only Cost For EXx-|satishyry aldermen alloted 127}chronicled by London.and Paris,|.Ge ;2 times to elect a tax collector,D,W,|while damage to Austrian positionstraCopies,i [Julien Rally won overt:My Mimmoet oe the,Adriatic:b ‘Ttalian,warshipsTotheEditorofTheLandmark:i.ree tae held the job for six years te reported by Ita ve Berlin scdmite My attention is just now called t ty Samoa at ‘two,reverses claimed by.Paris—atyourstatementinyourissueofMay|In Peater tae y cHan Court Neuville’St.Vaast,where the Ger-25th,that I-recently ran a two-page|last werk el ppeohaghh and killed|mans have lost two groups of houses,ad.-for the Mouht Airy district,eté |more than a er i Nocdan led and the eadinepinaitent of a sugarTbegtosaythatJdidno-such thing.her brother,are ‘ri ,self,factory at Souchea ;,I printed special m.tter for the dis-found paniity,oe ane wi MBhe Germans,however,..claimtrict,furnishing,1,090 extra copies to]defence was —Pp rn ‘.ri *h progress against the Russians in Ga-as many different addresses,for which sentenced to re State led Son m licia,capture of many positions andthe‘presiding elder paid $40,765,If three PEAEAL ABO BD RARIO oie a timbers of men and guns,”you think wa aot pay i?aie ane oequaht front Se ore Gains of the Western front claim-should like to be informed how.amo destroye e ©‘H s PCagepost$6,postage was $1.50.|Herdin Manufacturing Company at Sorby.Paris are on the sector north::of Arras and at’:Neuville,whereThenyoucan-say-what.it-is.worth to|Worth,10 miles from Gastonia,last moe south of--the “Labryrinth® do the press work-and-folding .on 1,-.week,The fire-was-first-gotten under.Hhavebeen taken;and north ‘of thev00extrapapers,adding.to this the}control but about that time-the water ve bee > work of trimming,mailing and ad-main burst and_all was lost.The loss dressing,and let your yeaders know}is estimated at $225,000,partially how much would be left to pay for}covered by.insurance. space in the Advocate.In Craven,Superior Court last week}Germany reports the repulse withIdonotknowwhogaveyouyour!Judge Geo.W.Conner,on motion’of|heavy losses to the allies of attacksptorrenden,but I on not Adie that)counsel for peter Pegaso on }qn the eastern slope of the Loretteyouleaveourpeopleundertheim-|dered expunged from the reco:of}height.‘ pression that the Adyocate charges}the court .certain entries made “by .advance -of 500 yards alone aforspacerequired‘to print important!order of Judge Carter and which were front of nearly three miles in which matter pertaining te the work of the!considered a reflection,on Abernethy’s|two lines of Turkish trenches on the : Church.The only thing the Advo-|official conduct,these being’made Gallipoli Peninsula.were-taken bycareDEEtoshareheeChareh|Quring the Carter-Abernethy war.|the allies is reported by London and :1 }Re st ack beetnt,i Bel people for printing is obituaries,ex-|ata ills‘of the State are!Paris.The fighting was sanguinary,cornthingasgeography;”and further ceeding 200°wards,and we very sel-eee Poem nikita Seren position after position being taken by SHERRILL-WHITE SHOE COThey(the Mayos)might have gone}dom get.anything on_this’aecount.which are said to be a good substi-|the allied troops and then reverting :weChicagoorNewYork,but they I am sure you id not intend to tute for the German dyes.The News|to the Turks in furious counter at-stayed:in -Rochester...And:not.only place the Advocat in an awkward says the Fidelity Hosiery Mills.of|tacks.Allied warships aided their coe ==-eee :did:patients come to them from the position before #4 constituency and Newton have a contract fora 12.|land forces in capturing the Turkish|2 3 i 0wholecountry.and beyond the”seas,|shalt be thankful if you—will give ::.\But famous surgeons came from every}this statement the same-prominent:months’supply of dye-for which they |Positions.:Metrop li n-hation on the 'flobe to learn ft their}position occupied by your editorial,,-pay 60 cents”per—pound.Formerly (00 ce reer Fas\Bate eeatoe |the German dye was bought for 18)Worked Her Way in College and}%NEW YORK)oe recent,pet .ae Tne ee at cents a pound but it is now $2.50 and Made Fine Record.rf (d h )Pasional clinic,giving a.post-grad-HM:BLAIR;|CAtCe ae that.Miss -Bessie-Mull,daughter of J./%and the“ante course to any reputable physi-.The stock of the Cannon Manufac-|¢.afull,keeper of the Cleveland aturingCompanyofConcord,which county home,has proved that a girlcontrolsachainofcottonmills,has!oan work her wa through college as |?been increased from $1,000,000 to $1,-y :. TT erate9ee EnronANDOWNERce a ine x xsaiWhyworrywheretobuyapairof)Shoes for that boy of yours that’willygivehimsatisfaction?Come,in andletusshowyoutheverybestthing:ever made for Boys’feet.Boys’ Scouts $2.00 and $2.25 the ‘pair, Men’s $2.50.roo“Aisne,where!after a bombardment (2 Baytwosuceessivelinesoftrenchesand‘:~Mr.Farmer Friend:| June 8,1916. ENT “ATTRACTS ATTEN- TION ANYWHERE. iting of the Mayo:Brothers,the wned surgeons of Rochester, ‘who “have made a little prairie the center of a farming com- nity,famous among medical scien- s the world over,”the Asheville iwette-News thinks the Drs,Mayo ve made good the assertion so often “attributed to Emerson,but in recent years a matter of dispute as to au- hip—that if a man do a better, f work than some’other man, ugh he live in the midst of.a for- the world.will make a beaten ‘path:to his door.“Talent,”says the Asheville paper,“recognizes no such Several German works were capturéd‘and counter attacks:repulsed. Try a pair of our $1,50 opener plow 4 shce—you are sure to get your money’s worth out of each and every pair. Bro.Blair ean be ©assured thatneitherTheLandmark's’informant cian who chose ‘to come.' What,the Mayos have done in surg- “ery may be done in business by any man of equal ability..Their achieve- ment is a powerful argument for the “ambitions and energetic young man nor.The Landmark had any intention of reflecting .on.him er placing.the Advocate in an “awkward position.” 600,000, $245,000 was issued to the stockhold- The information was from a reliable|¢rs of the Patterson Of -the $600,000 inerease|termination.She graduated at Mere- dith last.month,receiving the B.A.Manufacturing|degree.During her four yeats in col- well as a boy who has the grit and de-|%HARDMAN PI Company in payment for:their plantlocated_at—Kanapolis~and which’hasbeenpurchasedbytheCannonManu-facturing Company ; Judge Shaw,at the instance of _cred* to stay at home and see whether thetofgoldattheendoftherainbowerictright:at his own-door instead‘ofbeyond the:horizon.The~same energy that~many~a~man ~squanders”-battling with the big world in pop- source and .The Landmark neverthought—of—it-as—-a reflection -on-the Advocate that it-had charged for the work mentioned:The idea was thattheinformationwasprintedinthe Church paper instead of sepaz=ately|itors represented by Linn and Linn ofulouscitieswouldsufficetomakethe!in a Church bulletin and that the/Salisbury,has appointed receivers forworldcometohim.And that would)charge was proper and legitimate,|the Gold Hill Consolidated Company,‘mean not only the truest recognition |and The Landmark so rewarded it.Aj}Walter George Newman’s company,and highest triumph;it would mean,/Chureh paper can’t live on wind any/which has heen working mines at Goldtoo,the deep satisfaction of helping more than a secular paper can and if|Hill,in Rowan county,for ‘somehisnativeplacetogrowalongwith]the Church papers were permitted to)years.Charlie Montgomery of Goldhim,and giving back to the commun-|make legitimate charges for some of|Hill and Fred W.Downs of Salisbury.|’ity with compound interest_what the)the work they-do,which should be/were named receivers.Newman is incommunityhasgiventohim.‘|paid for,the problem of existence for;New York and the mines are éloséedThereismuchtobesaidonboth!some of them would be materially|down,";:sides of this proposition.One can so|lightened.Nicholas DeBoy,a Raleigh.poli- effectually bury himself °that the ;tician and “one of the boys,”was.ace,-world will never hear of him,.because|NEWSITEMS.OF ANTEREST.pitted of the coare of ‘stuffing thedsoeaaeeeekeeeanaoe:allot ‘box ‘in the recent’municipalhigworkdoesp’t*reach the |world;|Hoppenings Here and ‘There in toi ie Raleigh.;DeBoy wag seenan@awiderfieldsometimesoffersbet-)0"the Country._}t@ put a?Wa}list.fa {the shox)whka (no tei opportunities for the work to be The 108th :can tis birth voter’was around.When the caseaButif.one has talents and e 108th anniversary of the birt s called for,trial.in Wake.Supe-og :Tce of Jefferson Davis was obseryed in|or Court he ‘proved ‘that ‘the ballotmakesthebestofthem>in his,xéca>|many:sections of the South on the belonged:to’an ‘old’Confederate vet:_tioh,his work will attract attention |3d.The ge ea he a new hol-|eran who had handed it to him and and bring rebults;and Yt isn’t always ae tees mie aie pring “negessary to go to abigcity,or to a|south Cevrilina,, larger field “to.‘accomplish’‘results. then walked .off while his name wasbeinglookeduponthepollbooki‘The ::«('wo-persons were killed and~sixesthatisbestandsometimes|jnjured,.three of them seriously,atalérror.0" lege she roomed in a cheap cottage!% on the campus,did her own sewingandhouse-cleanin ited gtableataboardingclubandmadethe|%highest average of the 22 young la-|%_dies in her class.She received al ftprizealsofornothavingmisseda single collegé or Sunday school duty in the entire four years.Miss Mull will teach in a Cleveland ¢ounty high school next winter. ieteeteemeiebeearieeeenmnenedharieleae Near Appalachia,Va.,a motor car Ct driven by a young man named Car-rier ran into Chas.Robinett.Robi- nett,armed himself and shot and°kill- ed Carrier.~: Aramaath 26 daredal esineueR EN Cures Old Sores,Other Remedies Won't Care |S“The worst cases,no matter of how long standing,{4recuredby’the wonilerful;old reliable Drid &‘orter’s Antiseptic ‘Healing:Oil,dt sxeliewes |%Pain andHeals at the same.times)we,Aloy $1.09;/|F The Metropolitan Opera House Company is the most im-portant musical organization in the world.i“Tt has at itsdisposal the best and_most enlightened expeit-musical knowledge obtainable here or inEurope.That it has chosen the Hardman,therefore,as its ownpiano,to be used-on all official occasions,means that in the ;opinion of experts of eminence,the Hardman.qualities oftoneandperasanentstabilityareguchastoplaceitintheforefrontoftheleadingpianosofAmerica. It has thus endorsed the views lonp held by a majority ofitsownleacingartists,who have chosen the Hardmau astheirownpianotobeusedintheintimacyof-their ownhomesandhavenotscrupledtovoicetheirsatisfaction.It was Caruso,of the Metropolitan Opara House,who said“The Hardman is my favorite piano.’’ It was Tetrazzini,of the Metropolitan Opera House,whosaid‘The,Hardman is my choice.’’i The sterling qialitiesof the Hardman Piano areeverywhererecognized,and its choice-by the Directorsof the Metropali--'tan'Opera House is unly another evidence of the ‘supremeaatiposition’which it holds inthe musical world.«yeeINE.oy fetedCYPRESSShnelle3..«»Garlton A.Andrews,Y ESS.ij if ra t ®i "+aANDTINMmeSAStatesy"1.Paetory Representative.|Twelve grades—from $2.00 up.:oe i Era a Cy WATKENS.te “Phones 84 and 137,.‘i “i "Phones 84 anil137.'Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison Company.- evidence against DeBoy was-so wegkthatthecase“was not given to the Columbus,Ga.,on ‘the 3d,in a.col-lision.between,.a.Southern .railway jury...7higs pasenger’train ‘and ‘an sutomobile. Two ladies were:killed and two la-dies anda child injured. James Walsh,a wealthy citizen of sbetdoy ioet fine esident Wilson’s reply to the an note was expected to be ca- to Germany yesterday or today, ‘It ts said the note will reiterate the prifciples expressed by the United States in its note of February 10, ‘when the Anierican government an- nounced that it could not admit.the ight of the German admiralty’s pro- clamation of a war zone to infringe -in Any way upon the right of neutrals toffravel anywhere on the high seas ‘on®peaceful merchantmen;will deny 1 the Lusitania was armed and re- _fuse to discuss further that question; :‘will demand of GernYany,in eb ed adherence to the humane princi- pl of internatifnal law.in the con- ‘duct of maritime warfare as effectsneptrals. Gol.Roosevelt has again won in he courts.The United States court t Trenton,N.J.,which decided.that the.United States Steel Corporation may have been bad in the past but is ia now,also held,naturally,that thé steel company’s absorption of ‘the’Tennessee Coal.and Iron Com- any in 1907,for permitting which Col Roosevelt:has been much criti: ised,was entirely proper.The court ‘deeision was entirely with “big busi-ea.” Baltimore and president of an auto- mobile company,has been’sentenced to the State prison for two years astheresultofthedeathofawoman struck by Walsh’s automobile.Sev- eral witnesses testified that Walsh was under,the influence of liquor when the machine struck the woman. Thomas J.Scott,formerly traveling salesman of St.Louis,convicted ofbigamy.in Danville,Va.,two ‘years ago and sentenced to three years.in the penitentiary,has been pardoned. As soon as:he received his pardon Scott was remarried,in>the Govern- or’s office at Richmond,to wife No. 2,who “was a young widow of Ashe- ville,N.C.”the report sayz. Sherman T..McPherson,United States ‘attorney for Southern Ohio,has resigned by request.While pros- ecuting a case in a criminal proceed- ing McPherson,it is'said,took a $20,- 000 fee from the government as’at-' torney in a civil.proceeding in the same case.The government has’be- gun proceedings to recover the fee; but how it came to pay it under the circumstances.is not.explained. On the heels of ,Président Wilson’s announcement’of a new policy inMexico,Seeretary of State Bryan an-nounces that arrangements had beencompletedforthesafetransporta-tion from Mexico City of large num-bers of Americans and other foreign-ers marooned there since the <inter- .The Store With the Quick Parcel Post Service, ing AvIshereand‘wewant you to 'stock.There’s almost evebefoundhere,:SHOES THAT SATISFY,|Our Queen Quality footwear for women is correct:inpriceandstyle.There’s a shoe for every member of yourself out from our’thing you need to wear to ~ homasville,N. AND:RETURN-—— Wednesday,June 9,1915,| ei.FROM Ai -Taylorsville-Statesville-Barber, The train will be operated under the aus-.» piees of the First Baptist Sunday School of _,. and intermediate points,to By the Southern Railway. _Statesville to give the Baptists and others of Iredell and Alexander counties an_opportu-.: nity.to visit the Thomasville Orphanage.. The-train will stop at all stations between Taylorsville and-Barber Junction.Follow- ing isthe schedule and round trip fares for adults.Children under 12 years will be ruption of railroad traffic.LeavingMexicoisoptionalbuttheAmerican <*government urges all-Americanstoj¢Noon and evening wear,get out.of the country.In Mexico ’City there are about-—25,000 foreign-ers,2,500-of these Americans. LNA RTLYATERTE PTE Now it is,Roymania that is on the the family and one for every Oe Orne)after-|verge of entering the war.Sunday @reat demonstration was’held at yeharest,the_capitalof Roumania, ‘and 300,000 people—poor fools— marched ina procession to signalizetwillingnesstofight,All the Fruit Crop Forty Per Cent.of Normal.fountries will be involved if the warkeepson—so it looks—but the im-mediate concern of Americans is toKeepoutifwecandosoandmain- n our self-respect. SRE RTL AREER Re REN The manufacture of projectiles for|use of the United States NavynowinfullswinginRaleigh,theRaleighIronWorksbeingthecon- tractor for a $100,000 output of thesemunitionsofwarfare.The output isinfive,six and seven-inch projec-tiles and they are to be used for tar-t°practice,: aa NRE TEESE te -John H,Fisher,,negro ‘cashier ofthedefunctMutualAidBankingCom-|“pany of New Berne,was convicted ofembezzlingfundstothe.amount.of“more>than $1,500 and sentenced tojailforaperiodofoneyear,with theoeofbeinghiredoutifhepaid|1 the court costs at the end of sixmonths,, *Miss'.“Mattie Theodosia .HamarlottetooktheoathasanakinCharlotteSaturday:*Char-already had one lady lawyer—~Alexander,oi ieBishadicppLagaysais ++|timates, Raleigh News and Observer. The fruit crop in North Carolinawillbeonly40percentnormal,ac-|cording to figures compiled by State|Horticulturist W..N.-Hutt-from—600reportsthroughthemountain,pied-mont,coastal and sandhill sections ofNorthCarolina.‘The cause of.the!shortage in the-erdp for this year ap-|pears to be the pear blight,general|not only through North Carolina buat|other States.in the South.Virginia,|West Virginia,Maryland,Pennsyl-!vania,Delaware,Tennessee,as well |as this State,the erop will vary in|crop reduction from 50 to 75 per.centonaccountofthepearblight,_At blossom time there was evéryfindicationforanormalcropofap-|ples this season of the varieties which|did not bear full crops last season and|which do not tend to alternate,but at|the present date there will only beabout40percentofanormalcrop|according to the averages of the es- Piles Cured sn 6 to 14 DaysYourdruggistwillrefundmo:NTME ails to cure any Cane otTenAee, TRUNKS,‘BAGS AND |SUIT CASES.bgtite New styles in Trunks ~better’than -ever.-Suit CasesandBagsinthewantedsizes.You ought to see thenew‘‘Gladstone Bag.”eo»MAIL ORDERS This department has the attention of careful and-ex-perienced.salespeople who give your wants special care,verything sent to your door prepaid.;RAMSEY-BOWLESMORRISON 00, *Phonés 84 and-137, i the OLlind,BleedingorProtruding Pil,iTheretapplicationgivesHaveand.pee j THE STORE THAT PAYS THE POSTAGEONMAIL ORDERS.="Phones 84.aud 137 Leave 6s oe “ec &“ & 7% Returning,the train will leave Thomasville ” at 5p,m.For further information apply ‘ _toJ.Paul Leonard or railway agents,cea e ee charged only 65 cents from Taylorsville and intermediate points to Statesville,and 50 cents from Statesville and intermediate points to Barber: TaylorsvilleHiddeniteStonyPointStatesvilleElmwoodClevelandBarber 'SCHEDULE 7:00 a,m.7:15 a.m..7:25.a.m,»8:00a.m,8:20 a.m,8:30 a.m.”-~8:35 a.m.. Arrive at Thomasville 10 a.m.— FARES $1.25 1.25 f “and.Mrs;Geo.€y-Goodman were with “her home-onDavie avenue. ‘teachers’ -Stony Point last week to spend a few re _yille with the Taylorsville team,los- ‘he had fouled,’which put him out of..business’for the remainder of .thegame,It will probably be some time Une n “1915. GLIMPSE PASSING THRONG. Personal’Mentionof People and Their Movements. “Mrs.W..E.Webb and little daugh-ter,Pauline,and Miss Rebekah Flem-: ing have gone to Franklin,Tenn.,tospendtwoweeks,Mrs.F.°A.Clinard,who visitedMrz.A.L,Coble,left Saturday ‘forherhomeatYadkin»Valley,Caldwell county.Mrs.J.B.Armfield and MissFrances.Armfield have returnedfromavisittoMrs.Z.N,Anderson in Mocksville.Mr.S.-H,Coffey of”Florida,whovisitedatthehomeofhis_brother,Mr.Wade H.Coffey,in Olin town-ship,left Saturday for Asheville.Mrs,§.H.Garrison and Miss BellGarrisonreturned—Saturday from avisittorelativesinRockHill,8.C.They were accompanied home by MigsOlaBellofRockHill.who will beMissGarrison’s guest for two weeks or longer.:Mre.W.£,Anderson and Mr. Frank Anderson are visiting Mr.andMrs.E.©.Anderson in Charlotte.Mr.R..Brevard Culp of New York,who -is spending -a-few weeks at his old--home*at°Mocresvile,was in Statesville for a short time Fridayandcalled.on his old friends.Mr. Mr.Cp.the three making the trip in Mr.G dman’s car.Miss igsa Warlick will go toCharlottedentoattendtheBr- win-Bal valadding and-visit relatives: She will also visit at Newells beforereturninghome.Miss Ruth Link of Charlotts is theguestofMrs.Sherman Ramsey:at Mrs.-Chas..G.-Armfield--and _iwo children of Elkin are visiting at the}, home of Mr.Armfield’s parents,Mr. and Mrs.R..E.-Armfield..Mr.-Arm->, field.who was here,returned to Elkin Sunday,evening. Mrs.S:-8.Tomlin and child»have returned from Rock Hill,S.C...where they’spent two weeks or Jonger with Mr.and Mrs.S.J.Kimball.Miss Bernice Turner,who is a teacherin the Asheville graded school,spent Sunday with her home-people. She’was en route to Asheville from Raleigh,where she atténded a meet- ing of the teachers who will conduct institutes durirg the.sum- OM Kath]§to‘Miss Kathleen timson goeswtighaaahto,attend,tomor- row;the marriage of,‘Miss:Aileen Pitts and Dr.Glen.A»Lazenby."Prof.D.ne Thompson spent yereneey in Hickory,Mes W.J.Fraley!6¢»Sathsboryvisitedher‘parents;,Mr.)and.Mrs.Geo;M.Foard,on north Center street,Sunday.Miss Minnie Ethel’Lombard oftr--Statess+Mville yesterday for a visit to,Misses>and Lovise Mag’aLoRisvisited erday for an@ baby returned yesterday from a vis to relatives in Mooresville.Mrs,James Willson of _Winston- Salem is visiting her daughter,‘Mrs.Ce M.Steele.* Mr.A.C.Blakley went to Corne- lius yesterday to visit his father, Mr.W.S,Blakley,who is ill. Mr.and Mrs.E.L.Long and lit- tle daughter;Miss Helen,of Elm- wood,spent Sunday in Newton.Mrs. Long and daughter left Newton yes-terday for Hendersonville,where they will spend a portion of the sum-mer,and Mr.Long returned to Elm-wood.Miss Essie Bunter,who was theguestofMissMariaddieTurner,leftyesterdayafternoonfor.Durham,from whence she will go to her home at Holly Springs.Mrs.Delia Gray ‘and daughter, Miss Beulah Gray,of Springfield, Tenn.,arrived in Statesville yester-day afternoon to visit Mr.and Mrs.J.A.Veeinw ; News of Stony Point “etswiteh For Cotton Mill. Corréespondente of The Landmark. Stony Point,June 7—Mr.J.A. Hpger.of.Ellenton,Fla.,arrived in months with his father,Mr.J.W.Hager.e@ Southern Railway is build- ing ‘a switch to the.cotton -mill here.The grading was done last week by the cotton mill company.Mr,W.P.Hendren of Vashti spent a couple daysin Stony Point last week visiting his son,Mr.C.J,Hendren.He spent Friday afternoon in States- ville on business.Mrs.John MooreofStatesvilleandMrs.Henry Deal of Hiddenite are visiting Mr,J.M.Milfer and Mrs.S.J.Lumsden,theirbrotherandsister. Saturday afternoon Stony PointplayedtwogamesofballatTaylors- ing-to-Taylorsville the first 8 to 2,and winning from them the second 7 to 8, So out of four games,three of whichhave“been played on Taylorsville’sgrounds,(we have split even,having won two and lost two.The tie is yettobeplayedand,in fairness to the ad-miters of baseball and to ourteam,must be played on StonyPoint’s own ground.The secondgamewas’won Saturday under greatneorinthefirsthalfofthébHalyburton;our catcher,was.ahit in the face by.a ball which netors he can:play again. Whenever bs NoedesGeneral Tonic ito Sunac roe icinGeneralToniceS,iit.coutabertheDROWHengebatheLhUENINE|ai ver,‘Drives:ands MORE JUNE!i WEDDINGS. =la rge of Baltimore and‘of Statesville Mar-abea an Philodelphis,_Where_Bride’is in Hospita)-—Dr.La---genby of Iredell to Be Married at High Point—Socia}Events. The following annguncéments havebeenreceivedinStatesville:“Mr.Stephen Lee ‘George an-nounces.the marriage ;of,hig sister,Sarah Fenner,to Dr.T.Grier Miller,on Thursday,June 3d,1915,Balti-more,Maryland.At home after.thefirstofJuly,671 Drexel:Road,Over-prook,Philadelphia.”The.followin,‘Hine’‘is from the Baltimore Sun of’the 4th:“Mr.and Mrs.Heyward E.BoycereturnedlasteveningfromPhiladel-pales where they attended the wed-ding in the afternoon of the latter’ssister,Miss Sarah Fenner George,toDr.T.Grier Miller,formerly of Statesville.N.C.,now a‘resident of Philadelphia,The ceremony was per-formed at 4 o’clock at the sanatoriumat1707Rittenhousestreet,where thebrideisrecuperatingfromarecentoperationforappendicitis.The of- ficiating clergyman was the Rev,Dr.Guido Bossard of the OverbrookPresbyterianchurch.It had been planned originally to have the wed-ding here at the home on Biddle street of Mr.and Mrs,Boyce,but the bridewasunabletoleaveherroomanddid not wish to postpone the wedding. Others from Baltimore’who ‘were present at the cere ‘were Mr. Stephen Lee Georgd,who gave hissisterinmartiage.and s..GeorgeandMrs,Julian Hen req,an aunt.Dr.Miller,ypwho is assistant superin-tendent at the University of:Pennsyl-vania,will take his bride on a wed-ding journey as/soon as sheis able totravel.their,return;they will oc- cupy a house at Overbrook,Pa.,which he has leased for,the summer.Mrs. Miller-is a daughter of the late Mr.and Mrs.John C.Reorgs.of Balti-more.” The heart party given by.Miss Leah Stephany Thursday afternoon at heromeonMulberrystreetinhonorofMissMaryAustinGloverwasavery. |pleasant affair.The game was play- ed at eight tables..Mrs.R.-L.Poston fume,and the consolation prize,2 bunch of sweet peas,went to Mrs.R. E.Clapp.Miss Glover was given a dainty viece of lingerie as guest of honor.Following the game two cours- es of refreshments were served.-Beau- tiful June flowers were used in :dec-orating.In the’hall were magnolias.|in ‘the library red rambler roses andinthesittingroomsweet-peas andlilies,ree ‘Mrs...Flake.Steele’entertained atan“Afternoon,'Tea!\ivyesterday .after-|noon.Mrg.W.W.Sherrill will go to HighPointtoday,t¢‘attend the’marriage ‘of her brother,Dr.Glen A:Lazenby.and Miss Aileen Pitts,which will take place tomorrow evening.Dr.Lazen- Pe who is a son of aE.ie aery.eenPyofcoalSpeistryaTehPoint for two or‘three years.Miss Pitts iis r.ahdM °F enbylyotherState’nd IFivewit‘0 te Hi Poi‘at “the i ‘The names of two pparticipatedinthemarriage .cere- mony of Miss Scroggs and Rev.T.A. &account oof the mar-| .|ter;Mr.Ry DS MeLatighlin. Notice of New "Alvetdlacaouath: ‘Summer ‘boarders wanted at’305rWalnut:street.;Purse ‘containing sum “of moneylost..Return to The Landmark.|Pocket-book lost containing”$60andsomecents.---H,C.Hatchett,»Outside sprinkling patrons will pay¥.E..Creedmor@ Saturday.—J.,WAllison.Studebaker roadster for sale or ex:change.—E.G.Gaither.Regular annual meeting of atcelkholdersofStatesvilleAirLineRail-road Co.will be'held at Commercia} elub.next Wisdnesday..Notice of receivership forElmwood Mercantile Co.—H.Burke.Saddle-horse for sale or exehangefortownlot.—Pegram A,Bryant.Reward for return of automobile glove to The Landmark. Pat.Leinster invites you to seedemonstrationofmotorandplowon ihe Hatchett farm. »For shingles and lumber see:Wat- kins.‘ Going away.time. Bowles-Morrison Co.Big values at Smithey &Hraley’y this week.The Metropolitan Opera House,New York,uses about 50 Hardman pi- anos.‘Carlton Andrews,local repre- sentative.Get ahead of General Green.ove |; a Ramsey- dell Hardware Co.s Extra coupons.—Statesville Drug 0.:Tip top gas ranges.—Crawford- Bunch Furniture Co. The pictures at the Creseent®givethegreatestpleasuretothegreatest number,CL. solution.Notice to creditors of Merchants & Farmers”,Bank of Cleveland:‘Build with brick —Statesville pairk0. Specials at Mills &Poston’s, Men and boys’scout shoes.—Sher- rill-White Shoe Co.Ladies.of Race Street church will|serve-cream-~on~court™house July 5.y Barium Springs:News. Correspondence of The Landmark. Barium,June-7,—A number.of the children from the Orphans’Home ‘aretakingtheirvacationduringthe month of June. lawn won the first prize,a bottle of per-|«Miss Victoria Hudson went to Win- ston-Salem to visit her sister Satur-day.Mr,J.W.Cloer spent week-endwithhispeopleatTaylorsville. Miss Lottie Hart from Mooresville|will be matron of the kitchen’anddiningroomattheOrphans’Home|! during June and July. Miss Lena Lyon went.to her home at Whitaker’s to spend her vacation.Miss -Della Brown.‘spent Friday.at her home in Mooresville.Mr.Hubert Parks’is expected homethisweunderwent...ORerAe.tion at the city hospital Gastonia,two weeks ord aria M..Hartsell, who se ation’at’Dr.Long’s:Sand he tesvillé,last | week,is getting on nicely. Mr.and .Mrs.Bob Busttle Statesville s nt week-end with Mrs.Busttle’s.si +Mrs.)Baxter?Collins.aes W...B..Raxka.is visitingcineChar- Igtte.Mr.-Pat Brantley--andailBrantley“are ‘Visitingtheir sis- MissesGertrudeandJuliaMcNeelyandMiss’Gpobell 147 ‘Mooresvi visit;ihg Mrs.«J..H.Lowrance.+.Pend rs.J.F.Smith are visiting Mrs.Gniith’s people at Lancaster,SsC. Beckett at Connelly’s -chape!lastweek,were unintentionally omitted) from the report furnished The Land-;mark.Rev.C.L.McCain,the bride’s! pastor,assisted in the cerémony and |, Martha Sherrill,young daughter of| Mr.and Mrs.E.E.Sherrill,was ring-| bearer.The ‘reception given by Mrs.C.V.} Henkel.Saturday afternoon at her | home on west Broad street was.a/brilliant event.The numerous ruests|were received in the hall by:Mrs..T.|D.Webb and Miss Carrie ‘Hoffimann|and their ecards were take by Tittle| Dorothy Henkel.The receiving line}in the parlor was composed of Mrs. Henkel,Mrs.Nathan O’Berry |of Goldsboro,Mrs.B.F..Long,Mrs.L. P.Henkel,Miss Mary Austin Glover,Mrs.H.J.Dunavant of Charlotte.Mrs.J W Wilson,Mrs Ci C PhillipsofGeorgiaand.Miss,Geleste:Henkel.Receiving in:the ‘back parlor were Mrs.Zeb.V.Long,‘Mrs.R.S.McEl- wee,Mrs.-Pegram-A.~-Bryant,“Mrs. Dorman Thompson and Misses Sa-rah Adams and Charlye ©Tomlin. Punch was served by Mrs..J.F. Bowles,.:Mrs.H.O.Steele and MissChristine’Henkel.n..the .diningroomtheguestswerereceivedbyMesdamesD:M.Furches,J.F.An-derson and M.R.Adams.Tea waspouredbyMrs.David J.Craig andMrs..E..N.Lawrence.The.tea andotherrefreshments.were served byMissesElizabeth“Bowles,~~LouiseandMargaretSloan,Katherine Kin- caid,Mary Walker and Virginia and Lila Henkel.The Henkel home,which is an ideal:one for entertain- ing,was beautifully,decorated withflowers...In.-the front.parlor were white lilies and ©Dorothy.Perkins roses,in the back,parlor crimson rambler roses were most conspicu- ous and in the dining room sweet peas and white jessamine.Mrs,Good- man of Knoxville,who was expected to be the honor guest of the recep-tion,was detained in Washingtonand.will.not reach Statesville until today. ‘Ice Cream Suppers. The ladies of Scott's BettermentAssociationwill.serve ¢ream >atScott’s academy Saturday.night,12th,Public is cordially invited.Thewillserve cream at the:housenextSaturdaynight,12th,Proceedsforthebenefitoftheclub.’ The North Carolina Dental Societywillbeinsession,at Wrightsville pei Board of Dental Examiners willbeinsessionforthreédayspriortothemeetingto..examine applicantsforlicense. SMITHEY &.FRALEY have thegreatestbar. |Pine Bethlehem Tomato ‘club girls} Beach on the 21st,42d and 23d.The ain foxy thisAweck they|, This is an invitation to you to visit! imy Lumber Yard to see Long Leaf! Flooring,Ceiling,Boxing, Weatherboarding and Shingles.Low- ,est prices prevail.C.WATKINS.— WANTED—1,000 _——and Shoulders.any DELL PRO.CO.Ju War ILHELM Peace ILSONLumber©“*ATKINS Beaver gives nation of dis-|- seat Miss ¢ -|your old ho Five minutes walk from”square.Apply“to”305 Walnut street.June 8---1t* LOST—Purse containing sum of money.De-scription and reward for return to TheLandmark.dune §—-2t* Lost—Pocket-book copthining $50 and a fewcents.HG,HATCHETT,June &—2t* |WANTED—Patrons on outside.sprinkling toJ.W.AL-dune 8&—1%nay F.B.Creedmore Saturday. LISON,vanes ede a anit aiddat beeen score FOR SALE-~—20@-horse’power Studebaker Road-in wodd condition,Will exchange forbankstock,veal estate,cash or on time, E.G,“GALTHER,Statesville,N.©. une 8—2t.7 For SALE—My saddle horse,or will ex-ng for town lot.PEGRAM A,BRYANT. LOST—Automobile glove.to The Landmark office.June §.--1t, Ww NTED—10,000 chickens ‘for “cash,IRE-neue PRO.CO.June.8. WANTED—10,000 dozen eggs,IREDELL PRO.£9.;June 8. wee Sshricerftne mcnlnoatetoneey reneepeel Mye rs.Mod- Possession:given.July 1.May28. ,now occupied by Mr. t equipped., Cc.V.HENKEL.. Suitable for ‘trucking or farm- W.By CROW- at. from.city.in.‘Terms:to suit buyer.SON June 4 FOR RENT—Five room cottage two blocksfromsquare,with’modern conveniences. k.V.BRAWLEY.June 4—2t. ror LEASE—BSixty-barrel roller mill.Ap- ply to LYERL¥.MILLING CO.,.Cleveland. June 4 Rt. FOR SALE—190 acre farm two miles north. cast of Cleveland.Apply to M.C.WOOD, Cleve land.June 4-—2t, NOTICE! This is to notify a oepersons that the part- ner ,of CG.L,Beaver Company was dis- Bolved May lst.The above company was €«i of C.L.Beaver and M.A.Christy. i |run on at the old stand at Amity,and h »retain all our old customers.%,1915—-1t*Cc.L,BEAVER. NOTICE.OF RECEIVERSHIP. North Carolina,-Iredell County. In Superior oo August Term,1915. rn.W.Pon,C..Gillian,L.O.Chester,.Chester,oJ.S$.Fraley,D:A.White,Hendley,C.F.Shepherd,W.S-Cten- denin,W.-W.Bobbitt,-We"Thompson,—and r stockholders and creditors who maycomeinandmakethemselvespartyplain-tills,vs.Elmwood *Mercantile Company.NOTICE-—AH parties.interested!in theaboentitled.action will hereby take no- tice that whereas’His Honor B.F.Long, Resident Judge of the Fifteenth Judicial Dis- tri on the Sth day of June,1916,appoint~- ).F.Mayberry temporary receiver.forlefendantcorporation,the Elmwood Mer- Company,that application will be the:§ éantile m sville,N.C.,before His Honor B.Resident Judge of the Fifteenth Ju-triet,to declare and make said re-permanent,H.BURKE, Ji 16 8---2t whkly. Notice to Creditors. ‘The ereditors!of,theeMerchants &Fatmers'Bank of Cleyeland,,N...C.,.will please takenoticeofthefollowingor¢er:corth Carolina,Rowan County, In the Superior Couirt,’May term,1915.Tie North Carolina Corporation’Commis-es oe &»-Parmers’—Bank,.Gleve- Paoek——It is ordered in this cause that |ne@tice,be given to all créditors and parties|§ Lhglding claims.against.the Merchants &Farmers’Bank to prove the same.before thevelMey.Ne G.jcom or beforethefirstdayofSeptember,1915,and thatpublicationofthisnotice:be;made®for three sain a newspaper published at :lisbury, eet gn published at Statesyille,Ne C-eps i"THOS.J.SHAW,Judge’Presiding. 1.shel thank the creditors of said bank to comply with the above order a{W.D.TURNER,June.8,1915.Receiver. SIM it ras ‘Build a‘Brick House or Brick-VeneerWarmerinwinter, coolerin su mee,climinates frozen‘pipes,Has every advantige.Solidbrickunder-pinning under frame house will help some Face Brick,Common Brick,DraiaTile StatesvilleBrickBrick b. .Econom ,_simplicity ie cause it serves every! salesman and banker. or as a pleasure car,tl! ble and economical.'less than last year,an af factory has reached$50 rebate is acertainty, Runabout,$440;Tourin$750;f itt Ondisplay and sale‘at te he ever.pete thits rune and visit |. ~the Forc ‘a universal utility.A’utility be- ‘profits’with the buyers—and low upkeep Rede are reasons why it pays to own a They serve and save, .0.b.Detroit with all equipment. Carolina Motor Co’s. Statesville,Newton and,Mooresville. and efficiercy’makes body—doetor,.farmer,n every business,1e Ford proves relia- Low.‘first cost—$60dtheplanofsharing the production where abarringtheunforeseen. @ Car,$490;Coupelet, te ANTED—Suimmaat saree Home aaah. Reward for return} FOR SALE—Indian Motor eyele in good con-|dition.Apply to d.CH.McELWEE TOBAC- co CO.June 1. FOR RE NT—T-room bungalow.on Race FOR SALE—Smalll farm,21 acres,3,1-2miles : on the 19th day of June,at 10 ‘o'clock,|— The mistakes of yesterday becomethewarningstoguidethemanof tomorrow, IME,ever passing,ever changing,controls the work of man.He can- not do now what he should have done yesterday.Timelostisgoneforever. The lost opportunities of thepast—the wasted.hours andweakambitionsofyesterday.should furnish the founda-tion of your newer and bet-ter purposes of today. To reap the benefits of ioe:re- *spect,riches,success,comfort and happinessin the time to come,you must sow the seeds of purpose,Laat fort and ambition now. To provide now against the changes oftimeshows‘wisdom and foresight.VA bank account ‘in a safe,resourceful iD men like ours will furnish the waythemeans.: ‘Te iestNanonal BANK;STATESVILLE N.C.Capital 100.000 _4%Paid on Time PeeU.S.DEPOSITORY Attorney for Plaintiffs. The past week has been a busy “week with us,and the values weoffer for this week will sa insure another great week at SMITHEY & FRALEY’S.Here “are a few of ie big values weoffer for this week:=’ _A big lot ofLadies’White “Waists just:apie,to” close out at only 35c.each,worth 60c.each. Ladies’$1 Silk Hose at 50c.per pair. Ladies’50c.Silk Hose at 25c.per pair._ _Ladies’25c.Silk Hose at 15c.per pair..Ladies’10c.Cotton Hose at 5c.per pair. Men’s 50c.Silk Hose at 25c.per pair.Men’s 25c.Silk Hose at.15c,per pair. Men’s 10c.Cotton Hose at 5c.per pair. Men’s 25c.Suspenders,5c.per pair. Boys’Suspenders,two pair for 5c. 15c.cake Castile Soap for 5c. 10c.package of Figs for 5c.package. 10-quart Buckets at 10c.each. Five cakes Laundry Soap for-10c. 15c.Taleum Powder for 5c,can. Williams’25c.Talcum Powder,2 for 25c._ Two Spools Thread for 5c._ Two Spools Crochet Cotton for.5c.|dregsAllClothingandPantsathalfpriceand.Jess.Other Rue just as cheap, SMITHEY &F RALEY, The Great Bargain Givers. Gas Anpiiadea Do not hesitate to give your orders for gas appliances to Mr.and Mrs.Osborne personally.Mrs.Osborne will calland‘instruct everybody how to cook with gas free of charge,where any one de-sires her to ‘demonstrate at their home. ’*Phone us for appointments. Statesville (Gassiehtand FuelCompany. “ARE You IN TORESTED? NSlateRoofing?Tin RoofinGalvanizedShingleRoofi RootPainted?teIceBoxorRefriTinorSheetMetalWorkofitKind?LET us KNOW. ROM ABOUT STATE.) ats Crimes and Other In- lents of Life in NorthCaro- 4 e final count in the Guilford og tion shows/a ‘majority,the finds,of 4,216sboro.Newstthebonds. @ State Christian Endeavor Un- in session in ‘Wilmington Jast ,selected Charlotte as the next dace of meeting.: +.Three townships in Burke county Saturday voted in favor of issuing 000 bonds each to build a railroad fom Morganton to Casar,Cleveland unty.5 ; “The State.Board of Medical Ex- ners meets in Greensboro’today. e State -Medical Society meets re next Monday. The Virginia and Carolina railroad Ras beenMieipleted to Todd,-Ashe eounty,‘The running of the first pas- ci otraims to Todd.a week ago 3 eélebrated with a land sale. Southern railway surgeons,in ses- on in Asheville last week,selected @hattanooga as the next.place of meeting.Dr.Lane Mullaly of Char- Jeston,S.C..was elected president of “Phe association. ~Saturday Capt.and Mrs.Wm. ropst of Concord celebrated ‘the six- eth ‘anniversary of their marriage. gb were married June 5,1855,Capt. ~*Popst,who is in his 85th year,was formerly sheriff of Cabarrus county. ~The board of health of ‘New Han- ver county has created the office of .food inspector for the county and elected Mr.Hazel R.Aiken,city edi- tor of the Wilmington Star,to the position.©Mr.Aiken is from Hick- ory.To help ip ‘a clean-up campaign in his town a moving picture.man_in Fayetteville offered-free-admission_tohisshowtoanyboyorgirlbringing ten empty tin cans.In a few.days he d 18,400 cans,4,800 being broughtin.one day.- 4A.G.Davis,a Confederate veter- an of Rocky Mount,went to the re- union at Richmond and returned home +.slightly ill as a result of getting wet. )Next day he had a congestive chill’ +and died before medical aid could ‘reach him.4 *.BE.P.Wharton of Greensboro@ied'suddenly Saturday at the home of His daughter,Mrs.S.C.Smith,in Salisbury,where he was visiting.He was 92 years old,a native of Guil-ord county,and was for 52 years anderinthePresbyterianChurch. A ‘ative cheese factory,op-*the manner of.the co-vative*creameries;has been estab-hed at Sugar Grave,Watauga coun-y.The ‘factory starts with the milkabout100cows’and will)makeut500poundsofcheeseaday. *There were 82.moonlight schools{night schools for illiterate—adults)“in North Carolina and the State De-7 ent of Education estimates thateywereattendedby1,500 people: ‘hoped to largely increase’theumberofthese-scliools nextfall and} inter.Se ee : A dispatch from’Mt:Gilead,’Mont-_gomerycounty,says:that Eli Dock- “ery,a negro ferrymaz at Duma’s fer-ry,on Pee Dee river,was drowned‘on the 2d while attempting to swim‘to the ferry boat in the swollen‘stream.d /-$.L.Williams,wanted at Fort‘Smith,Ark.,to answer for conspiracyoothegovernmentofinter-revenue tax,was arrested lastyat-his father’s.home |nearnlee,McDowell county.He gave )bond for his appearance at‘ort Smith.g Mallard Mitchell,21.yearg.old,wasedbylightninginStokes‘countylastweek.When stricken the young man was leaning on a sewing ma-“chine,with his head out of a window.The sewing machine -was.torn to‘pieces and a gun in the corner of the1roomdemolished.. -'Paul Ross,alias Paul Haynes,ac-cording to his own statements,but“Brooklyn Slim,”a noted yeggman, ‘according to the charge of:the post-i ‘office authorities,was arrested in «“Buncombe county a few days age and;38 in jail at Asheville under $10,00abondforahearingJune19.. |T.°We Kallum,a lawyer of Win-ston-Salem,*who was located until re-éently At Pilot Mountain,has brought i K|TORRENS LAND TITLES. Carolina.hav»reported,some-timeswith evident glee,that farniers .General Bickett,to whom we referred Charge That Lawyers Are Prej- Progressive Wariner.RG“In recent weeks a number of North are -not-using the ‘Torrens systemofregisteringlandtitles,for,whichtheStateFarmers’Union made suchavaliantfight.The charge is madethatthefarmersdidnotwantit‘afterall|-We certainly do not wish.to stir upanyclassfeelingin’this matter,formany.of the State's.foremost law-yers.rendered.valiant cand patrioticserviceingettingtheTorrens.lawenacted..Incidentswhich have beenbroughttoourattention,however,point strongly to the conclusion thatnot.‘all lawyers”are thus patriotic,ahd that some of them—how manywedonotknow—-not only never take occasion to tell any farmer about thevalueoftheTorrensSystem,but onthetontrary.are using every effortto‘discourage them from eettingTorrenstitles,‘What can be the ex- planation except the fact ‘that whenonceafarmergetsaTorrenstitleneveragainwillanylawyergeta fee for examining that title?Take this circumstance:A”professor.of. the A..&M:College in Raleigh wenttoone-of the best lawyers in the city, months after the Torrens law wentintoeffect,and told the lawyer thathewishedtoget-a Torrens title.Thislawyer,who is so prominent that hehasbeenspokenofasapossiblecan-didate for Congress,told the,pro-fessor that he did not know how to go about getting a Torrens title for him.In another county recentlyheardfrom,.the clerk of the courtreportedthathecouldnotgetalaw- yer to act as examinerof titles under the Torrens act.As further evidence of the unpalat- able sort of work that .is going on, we present the following letter which we received’some time ago from a Progressive Farmer subscriber,~to- gether with a réply from Attorney the letter:aTheFarmer's Letter. “I hope you will explain a’little more fully the:Torrens question.ve been reading a good deal about it,and*went to;Statesville to have,mylandregisteredunderthat.system, and the clerk of ‘the court told me that I’d have to get a lawyer to ex-amine title and that it would cost meabout$30.In.speaking to the law- yers about it,they said it would cost from $40 to $100.“In answer I.toldthemthattheProgressiveFarmersaid-it--would—not*be-any—more,or about the same,as .the old way of registering.And the lawyers ‘aid that the Progressive Farmer .justdidn’t:know.what they were talkingabout:and said further,if I went intdthat}\1’d>involve all my,adjoihing neighbors and lastly,that we didn’tneed)it in this,country. Tredell County,N.C.Attorney General Bickett’s Reply. “Yours enclosing a letter from a citizen of Iredell makingcertain,in-quiries about the ‘Torrens Land Lawfeeeived,and carefully considered;“When Mr.Calvert and I prépar- ed,the tules’governing.the -progeed-‘ngs.under this act,we figured thatthecostwould.average $25,in somecasesmore,in some probably less,ac-cording to the nature of the title, “Tt is not necessary for one to em-ploy a lawyer to represent him’in a proceeding before the clerk.He can prepare his own petition or get some friend to do-so for him.‘The statute does -require,however,that the ex-aminer of the titles shall be a lawyer and prescribes a minimum fee of $5forhisservices,No work a@ lawyer does requires more painstaking care or is fraught with more-responsibility than the examination of titles,andfranklyIdonotsee.how the mini-mum fee prescribed could be reduced.{would-be glad to go over the stainteandseeifit.cannot be amended in the interest.of simplicity and.econ-omy in line with your suggestion,but it will always r@quire accurate,pains-taking work,coupled ‘with.a fullknowledgeofthesubject“and theability:to apply that)knowledge totheparticularfactsineachcase.“In’my humble opinion,the on not a title*passed upon by a “audiced Against the System—|__A Case Cited From Iredell,-|Ga.4 hest|¥way to destroy the law is to allow]Bcheapmentodocheap«work under it.|§Our people should realize that they)% are getting an.extraordinary value,!#single|#lawyer backed by:his individual opin-|#2 ion,which may or may not be ai% that through “an unfortunate’nt’a German submarine ‘tor declared itself “ready to furnish ‘fall sustained by.Amenican citizens,”In the same communication — not been possible to clear upthecaseoftheCushing,reported attacked:bya United States communicate all infor ‘mation in itsthisincident.samBlamefortheattack on ~Gulflight was placed by the foreignofficeupontheproximityof| from the steamer’s free-board of the by neutral ships.“That the attackedsteamercarriedtheAmerican’athenoteadded,“was first obsatthemomentoffiringtheshot,The Gulflight was torpedoed’in.theEnglishchannelfiveweeksago‘whilecarryingoilfromPortArthur,Texas, Two seamen.were drowned whecrewtooktotheboatsandthe cap-ae died of héart trouble the next ay. of reparation foll the principleoutlinedin.a circular Germany reeent- ly sent to neutral nations disclaiming cafrying non-contraband. MKS A Famous Bee Tree in North Iredell. Correspondence of The Landmark. While out hunting one day—last’ winter Mr.Charlie.Campbell of Jen- nings discovered bees working in an oak tree which stood near the banks of Big Hunting creek;a “short”digg tance above Warren’s bridge,on the land of Mrs.Rebecea Couch.|Satur-' day evening,May 29,Mr.Campbellandapartyofladiesandgentlemenwenttothebeetreetosecurethehoney.The tree was cut down andwhenithad.been.opened_and the bees ina measure disabled by smoke,hon- ey comb more than seven feet longwasfoundinthehollowof.the:oak. After all ate honey to their heart’s! content about 72 pounds were.carriedaway.5 ; There was also,as an incident’to the,oceasion,quite a lot of “bee-rac; ing,”which added no little to the hu-mor of the situation.The bees werefinally_-hived.ene Wanted:“Low Gene”AsWell As e High Gene.( The News’says that at a recentmeetingofthecoloredNewtonone.of the leaders of the race made.an address aboundingin high:sounding phrases,.and when he had concluded one of the lesser lights gotupandremarkedthat-as the learneddoctor‘hadbéen’addressing thém’on health -and--hygiene'he ‘would explainsomeof“dem.big words,?,..He wasnotsomuchconcerned,he said,about“dis here high pene’”’as he'was about“low gene.”He -wanted the brethren toing’their feet ‘as well as their hands and face,;f, A TT RENNENETREEOE The German ambassador at:Wash-ington last*week dispatched MeyerGerhardttoBerlinaspersonalen- voy to explain,it:is believed,to the German government the feeling inthis.country with reference to ‘theLusitania.; A mass meeting held on the .State eapitol grounds in Atlanta Saturday night,addressed by a Baptist minis- ter,protested against the -commuta- tion of the sentence of Leo M.Frank. scedeideieeeinaeeeaammmamenmmmeneannenal Restore to Good Health. h he American steamer Gulflight and| recompense for the damage thereby || German,foreign office said it had’ American steamer |’ man aeroplane,and asked that”he| possession concern z The} British patrol boats and the abse mali distinctive markings usually ~carried}: for Rouen,France.She was towed to}!Crow’s Sound and beached for Fontes. ie The expression of regrets and offer|| intention of attacking neutral vessels|j \peaple |of} gin with “low gene”by wash-i afyou have fertilizedeaeinpotash,it Side dre acid and POTASH. blight and shed. Royster top dressers, Norfolk,Va. Spartanburg,8,C, SSea Sea OS ThisIs Top Dresser PRESTOTOP DRESSER;.se °ROYSTER’S SPECIAL TOP:DRESSER,—MAGIC TOP DRESSER Bis Ss ey hcl tlanta,Gia. V,on var our cfops lightly at planting time,or used fertilizer s not too late to.remedy this,provided you Top orsswithafertilizercontainingsufficientproportionsofallthreenecessaryelementsofplantfood—Phosphoric Acid, _Do not make the mistake of using a material that contains Nitrogen..._ »*(Ammonia)only,such as Nitrate of. as well as stalk and foliage,use ROYSTER’S TOP DRESSERS,whichnotonlyprovideammoniain mmonia and Potash. da,To get the increase in fruitage, quickly available form,but alsophosphoric és ig _ROYSTER'S |TOP-DRESSERS TRADE MARK . “Pe * REGISTERED.rel Will stimulate the growth of your:crop,increase the yield,overcomeunfavorableseasonalconditions,and ‘chéck ‘the tendency in cotton to» ‘BRANDS |:‘Available Ammonia Potash 4.%250 + 3.“os like ‘all Royster Fertilizers,are backed by experience:compounded on scientific principles:plant-food forthe plant at just thepropertimeandinrightproportions;mechanical condition perfect. Look for the trade-mark on every bag. Send postal for hook on Top Dressing and name ofnearest Royster Dealer. F.S.ROYSTER GUANO COMPANY, Coltimbia,8.C,Charlotte,N.C.:Columbus,Ga,Tarboro,N.C.Macon,Ga,Montgomery;Ala ©Baltimore,Md, BY VIRTUE of a deetée of the SupertoF)Court”of Iredell county,réndered imspecial,preceeding’wherein Bildcta’F.Coop. Afi administratrix,of A.D.Cooper,is plain-ti,and J.©.Fowler and another defend-Pants,thé andersigned:coramissioner ‘will “sellhatopublic.auction,to.)the}highest bidder,,atthe“Bourt,-house-door in.Statesville,-Nz Oxon :MONDAY,JULY 5TH,1915; ht:the hour ‘of nvon,’the Tollowin#®‘deserealestateimthe‘city of:Statiavilles'“bre half=undivided—interest “of the A.—. r,estate,held in.;common |with;ra)G ‘Fowler.in the talowmne tant,16 Beginning at «a stake,T.C..An{idprner;thence,N.66 degrees FE.22%'fea,12-foot alley;thenee N.24 degrees 'W,(246)feet ‘to ©.P.Moore's corner;thenee 8,66 degrees W.117:feet to C.P.Modre’s cor-ner in A.C.Tomlin’s line;thence S.24 de-grees E.to Tomlin'’s line;thence 8S,66.de--grees W.108 feet to the Glover line;thence ,24 degrees E.212 feet to the beginning,.ex- peépting a lot of 100 feet frond and 212°feet‘deep conveyed to A.D.Cowper from thiewesternendofsaidlot..This lot is sold subject ‘to the right ofdowerofMrs.Julia Cooper,Terms of sale=One-third cash,one-third in’six months andone-third in ‘twelve:monthe.R.“B.McLaughlin, Commissiorer. DIXON’SELDORADO PENCILS ! ,Sune 4,1915, "I was sick for four years.with’sto: Ohio.‘I lost weight and.felt 80 weak that friend”told ‘me about:Chamberlain's .Tablets;| trouble,”writes ‘Mrs.Otto Gans,Zanesville,; I almost gave up-hope of being”¢ired.A*|' ...In.14 degrees «4 hardness.,..A.pencil especia Ny designedforthebook-ke e per. and since using two bottles of ‘them I have |:been:a well women.Obtainable everywhere.Rnpeeeneseerm rsrosesPs OF STATESVILLE,N.(), COMMISSIONER'S SALE.OFi}LAND....~Coat:Suits_|Wash Skirts. “$4.95 98 Cents: rit Just Received Big Line Wash Skits.| |98,Big line Wash Skirts One lot of Suits,$8.95 to $15,while they last Statesville P*rinting Co."3 issersna4 Bank!.:eS.4o4 te e CAPITAL PAID IN ~Big line Middy Blouses in all —‘colors,48c.and 98c. House Dresses,we have them from50¢.to $2.48,all sizes and colors. Shirt Waists,new lot,986... thing of value,but a title passed up-|$2 $109),00onbyaJawyer,a judge,and guaran-|#:teed by the State of North Carolina.|# In the ease of paying for a.private|¥ abstract they must pay every time the|#title passes or the land is offered as|#security;but under the act they pay/#a” only once for all time,and the’very|#a° existence of the law depends’upon!#the work being,done in,such a _man-|#3.ner as to reduce the possibility of fu-|#a ture complicatigns to a minimum.”T.W.BICKETT, Attorney General.sMr..J.W.Bailey,a lawver who was}%active in securing the Torrens law,|#¢comments on Mr.Ostwalt’s letter as|#zfollows:3‘I should say that to register the|#title to-4-tract-of-land-worth-$1,000-a1% fair charge:for the lawyer would be|#$25 and the court fees and costs|#about.$40.The statement -that to]#have a title registered.would.involve|#all adjoining.neighbors ‘is incorrect.|#It ‘would involve them «only to.the|¥extent that they are now.involved,|#that is in establishing the lines.The]#advantage of the Torrens system is|#that it reduces the expenses incident|# to selling land or mortgaging land py!#ph Paes title looked,up once and|# or all,”4 }suit in Forsyth Superior —CourtferdefamatR.Smith for $10,000 SURPLUS 3 1,000.00 Banking is a necessary institution ia,the develop-ment and welfare of nations.It is like-wise a neéces-sary institution in the development a7ad progress of“any city,town or community.gt_A bank’s usefulness to a commun{cy depends uponitsabilityandwillingnesstoterythelegitimate~-business requirements for foan and ¢iiscount acconi-modation and to.provide asafe:de;sository for com-mercial and savings deposits.ee_The COMMERCIAL NATIONA f,BANK is #localinstitution,with large capital anc?surplus,furnishesgoodsecuritytodepositorsatidwithresourcesofover$600,000 has the willingnerss to serve this com-munity in every branch of legiti'21ate banking.Be-—lieving in this community;our7)olicy is,and has al:ways been,progressive and ¢o jstructive,assistingineverylegitimatewayintheadvancementofthe :agricultural,manufacturing 8 ad commercial devel-opment of Statesville and Iredell county.Our de-posits are local and our loans i are.likewise local,andmadetoindividualsandlegitjmateandworthylocal -enterprises,Toe wsToourcustomerswe.fv snish check books free,__-Tender stateraents or balan te pass books at the endofeachmonth,make loans ‘and discount paper uponforellasecuritysatisfactoryto,bur board and in,such,ior Penin earnestly urge every]§amounts as business requi treements andresponsibilitytodemandaTorrenstitleev-|#warrant.W.:ye Aerytimehegetsadeed.The cost,|#aut,Wepay interes *¢at the rate of 4 per centaccordingtoallreports,should bel#per annum on time and,s;9 yings.deposits.remaining ‘around $25 to $50,The best results i 7 three months or longer.F ce Seer irwillbeobtainedwhereUponthesebasesweslicityourbusiness.W.D.TURNE.KE.MORRISON,—-D.M.AUSLEBY,,..@.E.HUGHE'$: i defamation of character.Plain-alleges that Smith made remarksabouthimwhichdestroyedhisbusi-ness at Pilot Mountain. As evidence of the increase in block+ ading in the State,in the two weeks’«term of Federal court in Raleigh,=which ended Saturday,Judge Conner«@ Sentenced 34 persons to the Federal itentiary in Atlanta,nearly all of*them fox blockading,for terms rang- _tg from one to-three years.‘The#dentences of a few were subsequentlyieeneedfromimprisonment.to fines ie 4 Crepe de Chine in all colors $1.98.)©. oo o SO S S S P ST O T T TT S Te e oo o ee s |Johnston-Belk Company. e elk (PRON Dele ag The Store That Sells For Less._ | i He e p ec o v t s ev o e r sc i e n vs t i . SH uc HU T A To w e r ! Sc o Ut MB IN L Ne e Po oo e o o o s e > ee $o S o S S S SS S S9 0 So o o SO T about 30 go to Atlanta. is YeLifeInsuranceSaS lam the greatest thing in the world.Jam the sole support of.mil-lions of widows and young children,[limit the needs of charity,‘ofpoorhouses,of paupers’burials.I support milli of old men who,| trusted me and gave.me a portion of their earnings in youth which Ihavesavedforthem.I enable thousands upon thousands of middle-.°aged men togo into business for themselves and prosper.1 educaté--the sons.and daugters.I pay the mortgage on the old home.I start:_the sons in business.I replace worry,misery,troubleand wantwithjoy,cheer anda cledr conscience.I-am the strongest institution .financially on earth,and Rev.Billy Sunday says of me:‘I don’t be-lieve that any man does right to himself,his wife or his children-if ©he doesn’t provide for them with Life Insurance,so when he:is gone ;they will not be thrown on the charity-of the world.”=...4.Fora Policy that will be the joy of your life and the comfort of -“yourbensticla ry call on or write,President,i)da ee aan CaanPresident.“G#/f ERNEST G.GAITHER,C&NERAL INSURANCE,RENT-, At the Loray mill;Gastonia,yes-|ferday,an elevator in which 23 wo- men operatives of the mill were going to the second floor,fell and nearlyalltheoccupantswereinjured,some+Of them seriously. -The warring Mexican factions:havemadenoanswertothe\President's‘warning,but ways and means are being provided for Americans andotherforeignerstogetoutofMexicomandtheyareleaving. Fonty-two persons,~including “atedStatescommissionerandthefofpolice,have been indicted byeFederalgrandjuryatCorpusristi,Texas,for,conspiring to cor-:an election.__F,B.Lynch of Minnesota has beenAYO,ee chairman of the finance com-.mittee of the natidnal Democraticmittee,to succeed A.Mitchell!»lawyer to get the Torrens titles for!#mer,appointed judge,them.:Nine.British .vessels .were sent.the bottom by German submarines,ite reports.received in Lon-days last week.Mostly ie a ——phot “im =View* At Pensacola,Yancey«county,©al#poet ee fell from a porch|¥‘two feet from the ground and was|§killed.Ne ae ee+B eeate aT LANDMARK BARKS TAROUGH PALINGS June 8,1915.)New Definition ofof the Jingo—||TUESDAY, 1 THE JACKSON MONUMENT. Laying Corner Stone of H Confederate he Monument Last Event of 'mond,*j Thursday ‘was the Yast ‘dayof. reunion at\#|and veterans defied wind and rain‘to | No,but thisSallivater will save you money and time big haeseason when old General Green gets a hold on your crop.Heis’here and is doing his work.Be on th ert Farmer,get abead of him.Wehaveonlyafew-left...Terms right. Iredell Hardware Co. _LATENBY-MONTGOMERY HARDWARE(0.,Statesville,N.C. ware |i!~aties—_ YOU are going to build consider roofing.All kinds metal roofingreguteldine.sheet metalsin stock...A specialty of ridge roll.and val-.ey tin.: SPAPES VILLE “TEN©GO.A:€.Mehler;: rite aoe EBES.cy 114 EastBroad.eat Pate0 Ree $5a5 :"Agethd i iceman‘i Gebierehe "delivers the Teast ice ‘and he will tell you wherever there is an QOdorless Re- frigerator.Why?Because it is constructed-different from the many so-called @’Refrigerators and ice box- es.It retains the cold, keeps the ice from melting and saves the ice.Saved -ice.is saved money. We have them i in all sizes,with and without water.coolers, Also White Mountain Ice Cream Freezer,the best freezer in the world;Respectfully, The Williams Furniture House. “The Clutching Hand” Of poverty and want will never grab you if you have.an active savings account in a good Bank—this Bank for instance. ~But you want to start in time.Start now, .and start here.A dollar will do.to start with and a hundred dollars wouldn’t stop“you,once yop realize how important a ~~*_savings account is,:a SAVETY—SERVICE—SATISFACTION. teh, Pan ‘ :countries that a Rassian counter-of- =|fensive would hold the invaders off, :Instead.”Mr.Taft added,|Chief iveis a man who appre-}sponsibility and ‘real ze|f Himarch through the streets ina.mili-|LsH\tary pageant reflecting the glories of|00d days.|the past and to lay the corner stone |of a monument to General Thomas J,(Stonewall)Jackson as the ¢rown- al reunion. Several thousand wearers of theHieray,flanked by the militia of VWir- zinia and ‘thousands of men and Wo-| cleties,marched again to the martia! heads to the statue of Jefferson Da-| vis,and sounded the rebel they passed beneath the shadow of the giant equestrian monument of | Seneral Robert E.Lee.4Tributewas.paid.at the.closei/of|‘‘he’eventful day ‘to General Stone- wall Jackson..when the veterans rathered at the end of historic Mon- wment avenue to participate ia lay-. nemory.The site is beyond the he- ‘oic memorial to ~JeffersonPrésidentoftheConfederacy,‘and,monuments to Generals-Lee and J. %.B.Stuart,which for years have idorned the city of Richmond Maj William A.Anderson,formerly At-|‘ the address of the:day when.the corner stone was-taid in a downpour et rain. de erected at a cost of $30,000,whichcumwasjointlycontribuedbyschoo!‘hildren_and _patriotie societiesheSouth,the Le:zislatite oF ariniaandthecityofRichmond.Phe ‘ral years ago in a-march which th< Richmond Howitzers made over bat- lefields in the valley of Virginia, nade famousby“Stonewall’Jackson’: ‘foot cavalry.”Following this march 1 corporation was formed to carry wyt-a project for the erection of the ‘honument. The military pageant of the day was an inspiring event,notwithstand- ng inclemency of the weather,which caused its postponement for~sever-hours.Veterans of the Confefler- rev,scores of them todling on arti. ‘icial legs,but with heads erect ‘and hearts aglow with patriotic fegyor, werggreeted-:with constant r along the line of march which ex-‘ended from Capitol’Hat far ‘ott!toheDavismonument.Rivaling —the veteran honors of the day were the‘amous Richmond Blues and_their vuests,the erack Foot Guards-; Yonnecticut.At intervals:during jhvaradetheRichmondBluescheere‘he visitors from New.England anhelatter‘responded with rousing? shouts. Heading the parade was the Unit od States Marine Band: RE-CAPTURE OF PRZEMYSL The Successful.Drive of the Teutonic.Allies Into Galicia. With the capture of Przemysl, ‘omplished on the 4th.the-Austro- Jerman armies achieved the main ob= ject of the great thrust they com- menced against the Russians in west- arn Galicia a month ago.They have yet to drive the Russians farther back ind establish themselvesin easily de-|- fended positions which will enablethemtodetachforcesforoperations against Italy and the allies in the West. ‘Whether or not they accomplish this the Teutonic allies have won a great -victory<and with a suddennesswhichovershadowsallpastopcras tions of the war.It was only 10weeksagothat.Przemysl fell to theRussiansafterasix-months’invest- ment which was interrupted for ashorttimeinNovemberbyanAus-trian advance.«With the surrender of the fortress,there fell into théRussianhands,according to officialreports,120,000 Austrians’and 600gunsandanimmenseamountofwar material.”Most of the forts,howev-er,had been destroyed by the Aus-trians and this is considered in mili- tary citeles to account for the factthatthefortresssuccumbedsoquick- ly to the Austro-German attackWhen“the Russians captured Przemysl they were.pressing theAustriansacrosstheCarpathianpasses.Then on May 8 came thenewsofagreatAustro-German driveintoGalicia.Advancing slowly,butsurely,and carrying 1,000 guns,theTeutonscompelledthe.Russians to fall back until the Russian’line rin to the right bank of the river San. Crossing the river,the Austro-Ger-man forces progressed to the northandsouthofthefortressandonTuesdayBerlinannouncedthatthreefortstothenorthhadbeenstormed,while Vienna stated that the railwaybetweenPrzemysl.and Lemberg wascommanded.by Austrian guns.There still was hope in the allied ace but this proved ill-founded and theRussianshadtoleavethecity,whichearlierinthewarhadcostthemso dearly to win.© Lsssrsresesecnnnaneetieeennmereneeanenenannl Mr.Taft Glad the |President isn’t a Jingo,“If we hada jingo in the.WhiteHouse,”said former’President:Taft*an address at the commencémenteeMawrCollege,“this countrynowbeatwarwithGermany. ou: ;Monroe Enquirer. Confederate Reunion at Rich.lie J af Richmpps ||a « \¥ |southeast of Monroe. Hiing event of their twenty-fifth angu-Ls men representing Southern,civic go-ind when Mr,Williams’place was, |strains of “rebel music,”bared their!Williams’dog and those yell.baa |!snapping, | |together. ng a corner stone of an equestrian} statue which ‘will be erected to his, Pavis.2>d there they stood,one in the road ‘ornev General of Virginia,delivered |’! The monurent,the desitzn ' ‘or which has not been selected,will “YS of Progressive Farmer. novement which resulted in raising’, ‘unds for.the monument began sév- of aahob|}{ | NO LOOKING BACK IN STATES- lof Mrs.L.B. Like the Dogs Who Pretend|to Want to Fight. Champ Clark says that he would} like to send every ‘jingo”in Amer- ica to the trenches in Europe.Wish|that Champ could putevery one of|cm’there,But the‘jingo”is going| stay right at home,war or no}The “jingo”is in spirit like two| we frequently saw in our hoy-| One of these dogs belongedtoMriT.E..Williams,be lives on the Camden read,five.miles| The other one}belonged to the late Mr.Calvin Rog-| rs,who lived about two miles south| of Mr.Williams”place.Every time! Mr.Rogers went to town his dog,a great,big.old fellow,followedhim, reached his dog would challenge Mr."| Var, dogs two dogs|would run up and down the fences} snarling,barking and |howing-all the viciousness and sbir-|it of fight that it-was possible for iwo dogs to show.It.looked as ifhosetwo:dogs would literally -eat|each other up if they could ever get One day somebody left| the yard gate open and those dogs| tarted at the corner of the yard andipthefencetheywentTikethey vanted:to kill each other,When they reached the gate they stopped and the other in the yarc—nothing but thin air between them.They nev-' cry touched each other,-but beyond the|vate they went and when the fence| -hetween them they charged tike| ddened lions at each other.“Those iwo dogs were “jingoes.”The “jin- <o’is a hateful,contemptible little nee.He will not fight,butis al-} barking through the palings. Legumes —Soil -Building. All farmers,scientific or practi-|al,or rather,practical and ‘scien- ific,agree that the legumes offer) »most economiéaf means for build-| ins,up soil fertility and increasing |op yields.‘Every acre left bare! this summer,which might have been | own to some legume,will be a lost- opportunity,which will to a material xtent lessen the wealth of South- ‘rn farmers. Opportunities for soil building come twice a year to the Southern! farmer—eonce in May and.June and then.again in September and,Octo- her,One of these opportunities will| soon be upon us and the-crops next | oar,as well as the feed”bills pring,may depend to large extent?on whether we take advantages of this opportunity,,or,let\it slip by,because+ of the “difficulties”«hich ,are,likely io arise and prevent sowing the ‘stub: ble lands to legumes. VILLE. New.Evidence Constanti |Being,Published, Since the long succession <-States" ville-reports were first published’in the local’press,there’has”beén “né back, continues ‘to pour in,and—hetter still looking Statesville those whose reports were first pub- all they said in'a most hearty and un- lished many years ago,verify mistakable way.Read the experience Nicks,362 She says:“I suffered’from Seventh street. next |. evidence |,} MEALS ARE NEVER LATE HEN you're behind with your work,with only a few minutes in which to get— supper —then the handy NEW PERFECTION Oil Cookstove 'helps you to hurry. It lights at the touch of a match, and cooks rapidly like a gas done It regulates high or low,merely by raising or lowering rhe-wick:It is easy to operate,easy to ee easy to re-wick.. Soldin 1,2,3 ahd 4 burner sizes by hafdwate:furniture and depart-~ ment stores aueryahene: NEW PERFECTION OVENS bake better because a current of fresh hot air passes continually over and under‘the food—drying out the steam,and preventing soggi- ness.Pa,3is_an exclusive NEW PERF ECT ION advantage... Use ‘Aladdin Security:OiorDiamond.White.ot: to obtain:ithe:best:results in:oil Stoves,Heaters and Lamps:(010% 14¢ vatls OF di a ihibee ne wb >hinae$Pey a ay blo aG| : 7 hide eu es ;in inePERPEGHIONJ oll é i STANDARD OIL epee | Washington,D.C.(New Jersey)Charlotte,N.C.ae |Norfolk,Va.(BALTIMORE)—Charleston,W.Va.| Richmond,Va.:"Charleston,S.C,|: In the morning I felt all tired out. I was also nervous and had dizzy\} headaches.’ Doan’s “Kidney ~~Pills stopped the pains in my back andif made my kidneys normal.”(State- ment given March 1,1912.)} On March 6.1915;Mrs.Nicks add- ed: Kidney Pills for several years,”| Price 50¢,,at Don’t |f simply ask for a.kidney.remedy—|f get:Doan’s.Kidney Pills—the ‘same!ff that.Mrs.Nicks had:Foster-Mil- burn Co.,Props.,Buffalo,Nv Y- all dealers, Flowers For Graduation Day! As usual_we_shall: ~have our splendid of- ferings for commence- ment time,consisting of handsomely arrang- ed Baskets,Bouquets, —ete,-fe backache and was restless at night.a “Y haven't had to take~-Doan’s i |box that will save ice. Use Vudor Shades ip Make Seping -_Porches--“Phone For Prices. Vader Shades and Ham. mamocks,We make you any e=size awning.|Window Shades all sizes.Our [|White Mountain Refriger- ators are all stone lined. The chest be the chill in. it. EveryShadeSenoped with’Vodor Safety Wind ~Also Iceland Refrigerators,zine lined—the-only-‘ice Ice Cream Freezers.One, _two,three and four burner Oil Cook Stoves —the stove that will bake. ct DM-9 o>©DP<oO oyoSDPoO=> ,S=2 DMi—_~9Q ©9 Roses ,and Carnations in abundance.Ex- quisite Flowers from our ownbears Merchants and Farmers’ We arefor a few days offeringaLadies’$3.50 Pumpfor $2.50. Sizes from 24 to 5s.Plenty of Mary:Jane ‘Pumps,all sizes and:Leathers.ar! The S.,JThe0 es ‘Cash Shoe Store : eae rieianniatenkorsinpe fina pin Sah ae /TUESDAY -| _“THE DOORWAY OF DESTRUCTION”“THESTOOL PIGEON” A two reel “Bison”story of Irish “Warren Kerrigan in a.wonderfulwithFrancisFordandtworeelpicture, down and out The opening of the “Movie”city part for Kerrigan.the Universal pictures are ;en and where the winner of our |“THE ANIMATED WEEKLY” WEDNESDAY contest will spend a week.News-of the world told in pictures,Wilson.“THE LOVE THAT LASTS”“THE FATAL KISS”“ :“WILD BLOOD” +we $40TheHomeof“That Universal Programme”—The Pictures That Give the Greatest PleasuretotheGreatest Namber,mete OUR PROGRAMME FOR THIS WEEK:mm THURSDAY te Poca ~FRIDAY “bo SATURDAY“<THE WHIRLINGpis¢”Coe “MAVISOFTHEGLENN”a3 is ::“THELADDEROFFORTUNE”: Can you imagine Pinoe niet toes "This beautiful three.reel featureKeri“Whirling Disc.”contains an idyllic story of Jove |the always r W ‘handsome »Warrie ao asa tiful girk by vi ahAdina t y y ys popular Ben Wilson in a;anc ¢chap,i cing for a lovaty acted nao <TRAFFAIR OF TERRANCE”mation of a simple little country |“THE FEAR WITHIN’“Asplendid Rex picture with Ben meme nmameen rT ree A remarkable two reel picture with among the roses and the transfor-wonderful dramatic part. “EDDIE'S AWFUL PREDICAMENT”|pip SMASHING CAREER” A splendid Powers Drama."One reel Joker comedy.‘An unusual Imp picture 4 One of those funny Nestor comedies A funny Sterling comedy. A splendid programme all of the week,It would be hard to pick thebest.You won't be disappointed in any of them or sorry.if you see all of them.__~Don’t forget that splendid UNIVERSAL-CANADIAN TRIP.Why hesitate,yor can win it if ye will._Decide that you will take this trip,ask for an applicationblankandgetbusy.‘That’sall there is to it.You will be surprised and happy tok aContestantsareaskedtoturnintheirvotesonMonday,June 14th,and on each*Monday after this. w.how many friends:you have after you get into it. SDAY,.+=.1915.|Mrs.Teague and Mrs.Mayber-co pomaes .ry and Infant—Miss MooreEXHIBITOURPRODUCTS.|.in |Missouri —TaylorsvilleoemNews.‘:.Correspondence of ‘The Landmark.Fine Collection When This}ayicrsville,June 7-Mys.Matil:»Season’s Returns Are In—)4)reague died of heart disease Prig_Booklets Attract Attention.dgy afternoon about 3 o'clock at theSecretaryGilbertoftheSeonthomeofher‘son-in-law and daughter,_ial club,who has been trying to Mir;and Mrs.Calaway King,in Su-.@ure.material for exhibits of localNe ,;products to be placed in the railway |#ar Loaf township.She was a daugh-:jon and the Commercial Club|ter of the late Joshua Gwaltney and“House,wanted to preserve some of}a widow of °Grantison-Teague of thisourfinestrawberriesin‘the natural/county.She had been in failing-shape for exhibition,but could not}health for several years but had onlyobtaininformationastothemethod]been confined to her bed since Sun-of treating the berries until the crop|day.Surviving "her are two daugh- was exhausted.ters,Mesdames Isaac Wike and Gal-~Mr.M.V.Richards of the Land]away King;both of Sugar Loaf town-and Industrial _Department of the|ship,and a son,’Mr.William TeagueSouthernrailway,learning of Mr.|pf Little River township.Deceased Gilbert’s quest,.proposed to-send]was 84 years of age.Rev.W:J.Bum- from that department a°man who}garner conducted the funeral andcouldfixtheberriessotheywould|burial services at Pleasant Hill Bap-look as if they had just come from/}tist church Saturday morning at 11 the vine.Unfortunately Mr,Gilbert}o’clock.Mrs,Teague was a member did not get this information until the’of Bethe)Baptist churen, DEATHS IN ALEXANDER.“MINOR LOCAL ITEMS. —A civil service examination forruralmailcarriers‘will be held’atStatesvilleandMooresvilleJuly10, -~Mr.C.V.Henkel has ,boughtfromMr.J.A.Hartness What ‘is known as the Hiram Hariness farm,285 acres,in Concord township.Thepricewas$30 per acre. Edna Gilbert,daughter of Mr.and Mrs,C.L.Gilbert,were married Sat- urday night at the home of the offi-ciating minister,Rev.W.A.Lutz, —License has been-issued-for.the marriage of-VictorBrant—AlexanderandMissMayWhite,Thomas Rosco Null and Miss Cordelia Haynie,Hen-ry Edgar Lee and Miss Artie Sher- rill.: Mr.Walter Morton of BarringertownshipsufferedasuddenattackofilmessinStatesvilleSaturdayand fell on the street.He was taken to Billingsley hospital,.where he re- mained until yesterday afternoon,when he returned to,his home. r—Wyiting The Landmark fromTaylorsvilleMr.John W.Moore,whoalwaysdateshisletters“Loafers best of the strawberries were gone,|Mrs.Estelle Mayberry,wife of Mr. but he hopes the Southern’s gener-|Houston Mayberry,died Friday eve-ous offer may be available another!ning at 8 o’clock at her:home in theyear,.The man was to be sent at}Rocky Creek community,and her in-expense of the Southern to pre-|fant died Saturday,Mother;and)berries for’exhibition locally |Child were buried at Grassy Knob_for.the Southern’s exhibit _at]Baptist church,north Iredell,Sunday.r.,points,which Was a ‘very gen-|Mrs.Mayberty was Miss Estelle Pus-3 offer.ser of Mecklenburg county and.wasile“Mr.!|rt has”secured|about 28:years old.me specimens ‘for the exhibit,none||.Relatives here ‘were ‘advised .yes-§been placed on View.The ‘‘col-|terday«of:the:death of Miss Helenctionwasundertakenat‘a time)Moore,daughter of Mr..and Mrs.J.en it was difficult to obtain good]I’.Moore,of Elks Springs,Mo.,onditis’expected after|last’Tuesday morning ‘at 1 o'clock.|-Fonte rops ate gathered to|She was a granddaughter of Mrs.C.a “fie *colléction “of ~-grains;}T.:Sharpe-of this-place-and-was a-na-3,eft to fill’the ‘case at’the|tive ofjthis county.Deceased was 19;station and the Club House.|years old:.She went to school /here:aantimethe‘exhibit case “at the|few years ago and has’a number.ofion’is’being utilized to|relatives and friends here who.mournviewsof|her untimely:death:6ne.Gilbert has re-|Miss Bessie:Deal of Little River|¢eived many requests for these book-|township,Miss Kate Stevenson:andletsfromtravelerswhohave‘seen|Mr.Connolly Gwaltney of this }Jace,'them at the station.’will leave tomorrow for Boone to .en-:Pienietlnreantniencncscosints ter the Appalachian Training schopl.Tredell Lady’s Success as a apr 7A.Sites yaa oane daughter8;of Mocksville are visiting Mrs.Stone’s=Teacher in New Mexico.sister,Mrs.J.Frank Clement,Mr.News has been received here that W,:D.Deal and Messrs.Warren andMrs.E.V.Jewett,daughter of Mr.|Mobse.were in Statesville Saturday.W.Vickery of Bethany township,!afternoon,where Mr.Deal bought a$county,has been re-elected prin-|5 passenger 1916 model OverlandipalofthehighschoolatCarrizozo,|from the Carolina Motor Co.New Mexico.Since Mr.Jewett’s|’Two ball games hetween Stony-Meath two.years ago,.she ager been|Point and Taylorsville teams.wereMeaching‘in the high school at that|played on the school grounds here‘Place and has made good,having re-Saturday.Thefirst resulted in fa-tly been elected fora third year.|yop of Taylorsville,9 to 2;the sec-ast week Mrs.Jewett appeared on ond in favor of Stony Point,7 to 3.me same programme ba ond aoe Ms os 5orofNewMexico,Hon.William omasville *.McDonald,when the latter made Excursion to Th .To-“the commencement ‘address -and the}Morrow.rmer presented the diplomas to the|Baptists and others from all ‘sec-aduates.The:school elects twelve!tions of Iredell and Alexander coun-T's.ties are expected to go with the First*The State Educational Board |of}Baptist Sunday school of StatesvilleNewMexicohasemployedMrs.Jew-|to Thomasville tomorrow.for its an-to teach in county institutes dur-|nual picnic at the Thomasville Or-the ‘summer months,-Her first}phanage grounds.The “pienicers”york will be in Lincoln county and|will make the trip o9 a special train,@ subjects to be taught are domes-|which wild leave Taylorsville tomor-ac art and science and agriculture.|row morning at 7 o’clock and willPhelattersubjectisusuallyassigned]pass —Statesville at 8 o’élock.that part of the country to a man,|The train ‘will take on passen-it in this case a woman’s proficiency|gers at all stations between Taylors~&won out.;ville and Barber Junction.The rovnd«Mrs.Jewett was a successful teach-trip fare.from Taylorsville and inter-tr in the Southern States for some|mediate points to Statesville will be Glory”and signs himself “Old JohnMoore,”says,concerning whippoor-wills,bullbats,ete.:“The whippoor-will,bullbat and English goatsuckerareoreandthesamebird.”;‘Mr.E.F.Lambert,who came toStatesville‘from Kinston some timeago,has beeh joined by Mrs,Lambertandthreechildren,who have been ‘inGreensboro.They are in Mrs,"Burke’sgottaze,on.Mulberry strect,between“ront and Sharpe streets.Mr.Lam-bert is a barber at the Coley shop.R~—-Twenty.shares of ‘stock of theFirst.National Bank belonging to’theestateofthelateK.-S.Pegram,were Laughlin,“attorney,|The’‘stock’wasboughtbyMr.John W.Guy for him=self and others at $127.50 a share. (Dr.Everett A.Sherrill,who hasbeenundertreatmentinasanitarium at Black Mountain,came home.Fri-day.He was accompanied’by hisbrother-in-law and sister,Mr.andMrs.S.L.Cushing of.Tryon,who are —4Pink Tomlin,an aged negro far-mer of Olin township,died severaldaysago.“Uncle”Pink was'a “foredewar”negro;a slave of N,D.Tom-lin,Sr.,grandfather of Messrs..C.A. Tomlin of Olin and N.D.Tomlin ofStatesville,He had many ‘friendsamongthewhitepeopleofhiscom-munity.| the old Statesville academy property Steele’s residence and Mr.R.E. ry and Armfield street.The consid- has bought from Mrs.A.Whitlock foradthelatter’s home place in Ashe- ville.:f man who has been on the police force at Winston-Salem for several years,has resigned,the Journal says,tovisitthePanamaExpositionatSanFrancisco.:Mr.Kimball was chief ofpoliceofSalembeforethetownswereconsolidatedandtheJournal says he was.a splendid officer and hisretirementfromtheforceisregret-é rs before -her--marriageand_her|$1.25 for adults and 65 cents for ehil~|todfriendsinthissectionwillbepleaseddren,and from Statesville andRoutanofhersuccessinthefar!intermediate points to —Barbersouthwest.a ed con i oe and ond conteee'.or children.e train will reacPietenForAdver-Thomasville at 10 o’clock and return-ng Purposes.\ingwill leave Thomasville at 5 o’clock‘The “Virginia dare-devil,”who is|in the afternoon und should reacheBeingaboutthecountryclimbing]Statesville before 7 o'clock,Com-buildings as a part of an adyertis-|plete schedule will be found in an@scheme,visited Statesville yes-|advdrtisement ‘on ancther page oftfPtandpttebedtheMorrison|The Landmark.ing at the corner of Broad and|,..-Wann whMovtingstreets.A great crowd|Flight of Homer Pigeons.tehed the exhibition."The “human|About 500 Homer pigeons ftomMy,”as he is sometimes called,|clubs and associations in Newark,from window to window un-|Paterson and Passaic,N,J.,'and Wil-the plaxter decorations between mington,Del,were liberated inhefourthstorywindowsandtheroof|Statesville 4:30 o'clock Sunday morn-E the building were reached,and tten|ing for \their 600-mile homewardtothestreetinasimilar|flight.The pigeons had been here forer,Several times during the]several days and Sunday was the first‘climb the dare-devil was in very dan-|favorable day for their release sinceouspositions,but he did not climb!their arrival,Express Agent Lackey“side of a brick wall”as adver-|received telegrams Snaturda advisingThefeatwasadifficultone,|him to liberate the hirds Sundayv*one whieh very few have the|morning if local weather conditionsvetotackle.|were favorable.A report on the rade“Preceding the appearance of the)has not been.received,but barring|“dare-deyil,”who was delayed)bad weather the igeons should haveireachingStatesville,some of the)renched home ducks the afternoon of’oe.showed their!Sunday,Ps¢elimbing from the second).“aooneaeneerienetheMottbuildingtotheGrentlyBenefitedbyChamberlain's TAnimentysate“I bave used Chamberlain's Liniment tor pee "3 hoor of BR ee oe ane eg,und hontai Peay and You must be’sure and visit the Saetaienainet it rid eh “~atereofSMITHEY&FRALEY this |writer Mrs,‘Plopente;Bite When i,;Panama Hats for men to|¥!ure trovbled with rhedmutte palin you ‘A court of inquiry has.been ap- pointed to investigate specific chargesthatsevenmidshipmenattheNavalAcademyhadsecuredadvanceinfor-mation on examinations.The courtwillmakeasweeping.inquiry,how-ever,into-reports that.other midship- men and possibly some instructorswereinvolvedintheirregularities.The midshipmen are slated fot.dis-missal,Among the number is aNorthCarolinian-—Leonard P.Wes- sels,oni German airships continue to dropbombsonEngland.Bombs weredroppedontheeastandsoutheastcoastofEnglandFriday.night.SixpersonswerekilledbybombsdtoppedinLondonaweek.ago. Mr.W.¥.Erwin of Santa,Anna,Texas,and Mra.Samuel D.CorriherandbabyofthevicinityofMoorda-ville,are visiting Mr,and Mrs.J,BySloop, “HOWes THie?i“ iiatial Beheis wir!ans Sr Sot t can-Cpe ah Maa?Sater aa,We,the a have iene ¥,athe i”noratie tn.altlaMityabletooarTYoutaaytonsbyhis_firm,an Marvin,Wholena’re ae wiseaneeaygiom.T,ibe,per $5 ;I ¢értuiniy beonly$2.50.$3 stiff hats For)sai Which Chae thenned:with:the promptPiha]tharnberlaln's Joonly50cents—ad.+Obtainadle everywhere ”Minenent:aftords, sold at public auction at the ‘bank|®gear jatarday,by Mr.'R.By Me-}_ —Mr.H.0.Steele has.purchased||from:.Mr,J.H.Hill the portion of |: on Mulberry street between Mr.} Clapp’s tot on the’corner of Mulber-le eration was $3,000.Isidore Wallace} —Mr.L.W.Kimball,an_Iredell f a 2 amssamimmmsatamamnaany —iMr.Thos.A.Patterson and Miss} guests at the home of Mrs.Cushing’s |‘parents,Mr.and Mrs.F.A:Sherrill.| _The Oven’ Cannot Be oc With Gas. 2 PRICE $20—ON EASY TERMS. The “Tip Top”Gas Ranges embody more special mechahical,économical andsafetyfeaturesthananyGasRangemadeanywhere,They are perfect as tomechanicaldetail;scientificallycorrect as to construction,showing under testremarkableresultsagtoeconomy;manufactured of best:thatbriafs by skilledmechanics.,¢Thepaleed,roved SafetyLighteg used On these ranges for |the oven burners elifhiniate pilot.-batneran makes it “impossible to light 4‘the-bumers:exeopiewhen-theaven-door,is.open....Seethem at.ot FSLQUCersaisseninescian9 Crawtfofd-Bunch’‘urniture Com an autHESTOREunchFurn‘WELCOMES ¥ou.Z . opine rit *ows One case 40 inch fine Twill—White Drill forMiddyBlouses,Skirts and Dresses.The best value of the season.Lots of new things in Voil,|Lawns and Batiste for summer dresses.| ::|Yours truly,=3 MIL L$&POSTO N. Sed eee na eee a Beeeet ETN Building Materials!esC.WATKINS,©°NSi Minis’wacnose ee ae PLOW.DEMONSTRATION! See the 816 Mogul Trac-i tor Oil Engine and Plow.-CIN CC as ae now on the,farm of J.-ASTORETTES, W.Hatchett,three miles PORTUGUESE,north of Statesville,on HALIE’S SPECIALS,]the Chipley Ford road.OXFORD CIGARS.: __For further.informa-Htineton dW)HHALL’S.DRUG STORE,- -Pat.Leinster. i "PHONE 20...Prescriptionists. oof 4 A a a |Notice hereby given that.the regular an-nual ie or the stockholders of the ‘A come before the meeting,will be held at thecomm,CLUB tm Statewville,N.C.loose.;, ae sae ie i916,ot 11:00 o'clock ‘oda A al ju)for60c.t iy leaveyour nts to curl up ‘and amo OP.OC,CARLTON,‘Secretary,ruin;Put th om. z NOTICE. ee tt ke Goitheelection.of directors #1a)rb sa ol old aAkd }ae ‘;er Ne ear ieala cat ee here for picture making.You will waiitto save your“ae pe ures,1 have loose leaf Albums from 60c.to.$2.25,Just think n seeing form.Paste to them in albums 1c.Oe aera -H.B.WOODWARD,—__Jeweler,| HENMAN,and a yelinhle ativer,Roy HERMAN,|.ho ¢160,or 170,a dane Tat?er ;Y pe wort power: _Powell &Co.,on south Center street, +»he noticed-smoke coming from the .men weré educated there. ‘gordance with the See Germany Has the DocumentMr,Bryan Couldn’t Approve-—Forecast of Contents. The UnitedWednesdaysent to Germany a notereiteratingitsdemandforrepara-tion for the loss of Ameérican lives in the sinking of the Lusitania and set-'»ting.forth clearly the earnest desire|of the American,government that Germany signify her early adher- ence to the principles of internation.al law--that nevtrals be permitted totravelonunarmedshipswithoutbe-ing subjected to the dangers of Sub-maftine warfare.Gouchedinmuch.more-friendlyterms,say the Washington dis-patches,than-it--wasbelieved-wouldbeUsedwhenthe-unsatisfastory..an- swey to the American note of May13.arrived frém Germany,the com- munication was cabled to Ambassador Gerard for presentation to.the ‘Ger- man-foreign.office and will be:print- ed in the morning papers today,ThedocumgntsenttoGermanyhadthe united ‘support of the cabinet except Mr.Bryan,who resigned. The President,it is said,stands on the principle that the Unitéd Statesatthisstageinitshistorycannot afford to surrender any of its rights; that the American people had fought in 1812 for their rights on the high seas and could not sacrifice those rights with the —natiori’s rise and growth to a position of command as a Hjch officials generally hold the view that Mr.Bryan’s statement con- stituted a virtual surrender of Amer- ican rights guaranteed not only by in- ternational law,but by specific treat- ies.between the United’States and Germany.|Mr.Bryan's suggestionthat,Americans do not take passage on American ships carrying ammuni- tion was in direct conflict,it was pointed out,with the treaty of 1828,between Prussia and the.UnitedStates,wherein either party in tinie of war is given the right to free ac- ‘eess to belligerent ports .fqx com-meree in_arms and ammunition and yther contraband.Moreover,the tight of an American citizen to sail on an unarmed and unresisting mer- chant ship ef any nationality in.timeofwarisheldbythePresidentandhisadviserstobeaninalienablepriv- ilege founded on the internationallaw.of centuries.tyThePresident's view is wnderstood .to.be that a new weapon of offense inwarfaye.can be introduced:only if it_is made to conform with the generat-ly established rules of internationallawexisting.The conditions of warmay.change but not the rules sof war, unless ther@ ig,a,general agreementamongtheNationswhichcontributedtothemakihgofinternational.Jaw...Mr.Wilson,it is said,is not oppos-ed to the idéa of an investigation or diplomatic dlgctission of-cases in-dis-pute between Germany and the Unit- ed States,but feels that before suchastepcanbetakensomeguaranty must be given that in the interim of discussion the lives of American citi- zens will not be jeopardized and thattheUnitedStateswillnotbe‘required to yield any of its rights while the discussion is under -way. It is the repetition of attacks onAmerican.vessels or-lives,which thePresident.believes must be prevented by an assertion of the rights of the United States and the attainment of Germany’s acquiescence in that point of view before diplomatic negotiation .on the subject can continue. Two Fire Alarms Yesterday. A;—mysterious-fire -oceurred yes- terday morning about 7 o’clock in the offiee of the tobacco factory of Adams, Mr.Powell had left the office.a few minutes previous’to go to another part of the -building and.returning room.Investigation revealed that a lot of old papers in a lower drawer of the office desk were afire.A few buckets of water quenched the flames. The fire department was called and responded,but its services were not needed.Water did slight damagestotobacco’in the basement belowtheoffice,Mr.Powell says he,hasnoideahowthefirestarted. The second fire alarm forthe daycameat6o’clock yesterday after- noon when flames svere discovered inabarnon-the-premises .of Mr..Tate-Hollar;on the:.Boulevard..-The firehadgainedbutlittleheadwaywhen discovered:and a bueket brigade haditunder.control when the fire truckarrived,Thefire is supposed to haveheenstartedbychildren. The fire alarm yesterday morningwasthefirstsinceMay16. Clio’s Nursery Exhibition. The entertainment,“exhibitionpayatOldClio’s Nursery.in the Year1776,”will be given Thursday evening,17th,at Statesville Theater.This old school was one of the mos:classical in the Sonth,and many ©prominent Music,or-ations,debates-and an old-time spell-ing bee will be features of this.exhi- bition..A>programme is being ar-ranged by the Fort Dobbs chapter,Daughters of-the American’Revolu-tion,under whose auspices the exhi-bition will be:given...Beit—The front’and inélined oot of theformerhomeofthe-Crescent Theaterinthe.Mott:building..is being|torn’out and.the building:will be put in}the same condition.it was:before be-ing fitted fot the picture:show,in accontractbetween_theatereet the ‘owner and,the seed seyi Senate 20s .*THE NOTE HAS BEEN SENT States government i wate life,were made.public.at the. continue to work for the same rauses German:|United ‘States.The resigna’ staunchest advocatePresident's officia ~-‘‘Y ;4 =.;=;::|VOL.XLL ?adem fe HON.W.J.BRYAN RESIGNS Disasreeing with PresidentAbouttheGermanNote,theSecretaryofStateLeaves the Cabinet—Will.Advocate ~His Views as a-Private Citi- Zen.j Washington Dispatch,Sth. William Jennings “Bryan,three times:Democratic candidate for the presidency of the United States and author of nearly thirty peace treaties with the principal nations of the world,resigned today as Secretary of State as a.dramatic seque)to hisdisagreementwithPresidentWilsénoverthegovernment’s policy toward Germany,00 ::“Phe resignation was accepted bythe’Presitent.~-TheCahinet thei ap- preved the response which had been prepared to the German reply to the Lusitania note...Acting Secretary Robert Lansing wiil sign the dotu- ment and tomorrow it will be cabled to:Berlin,” Secretary Bryan.will return to pri- vate life tomorrow,when his resigna- tion takes effect.It was learned thatheintendstocontinuehispolitiealsupportofthePresident. The President accepted the resig- nation in a letter of regret,tinged with deep personal feeling of affee- tion.The letters,constituting the official announcement.of Mr.Bryan’s departure from the Cabinet”to”pri- White House at 6-0’elock tonight. Secretary Bryan’s letter of-resig- nation was as follows:,.~ “My dear Mi&’President: “It is with simecere yepret that IhavereachedtheconclusionthatI should return to you the commission of Seeretary of State with which you honored me at.the beginning of your Administration. “Obedient to your sense of duty and actuated by the highest.motives, you have prepared-for trafismission to the German government a note in which I cannot join without violating what I deem to be an obligation to my country and the issue involved is of such moment that to remain “a member of the Cabinet would.be as unfair to you as it would be to thecausewhichisnearestmyheart, namely,the prevention of war. “I,therefore,respectfully tend¢r4 my resignation,to take effect whenthenoteissent,unless you prefer anearlierhour.Alike desirous of reach-ing a_peaceful solution of the prob-lems arisin?out of the use’of sub-marines -against.merchantmen,©we find ourselves differing irreconcilablyas-to-the-methods -which-should.-beemployed.:“It-falls to your lot to speak -offi-clilly for’the nation;I consider.it to“he “tiene the tess my duty to-en-= deavor as a.private citizen’to,pro-'mote the end which you have in view by.means which you do not feelatlibertyto.use.' “In severing the intimate-and pleasant relations which have exist- ed between us during the past two years,permit me to acknowledge the profound satisfaction which it has given me to be associated with vou in the important work which hascomebeforetheStateDepartment,and to thank you for the courtesiesextended.;? “With the heartiest good wishes for your personal welfare and for the success.of your Administration,I am,my dear Mr.President, ;“Very truly yours,;-OW.J.BRYAN,” The President’s letter to Mr,Bryan was as follows:4 “T aecept your resignation only be- cause you insist upon its aeegptance; and T accept it with much more than deep.regret,with a feeling of per- sonal sorrow.Our two years of close association have been very delightful o me.Our judgments have accord- ed_in,practically every matter of offi-cial“duty,and of -plblic policy until now;your support of the work and purposes of the Administration hasbeen.generous and loyal beyond praise;your devotion to the duties of your great office and your eagerness to take advantageof every.great op-portunity for service it..offered has been an example to the rest of us; you.have earned our affectionate ad- miration and friendship.Even nowwe-are not separated inthe ob- ject:we seek,but only in the methodbywhich.we.seek it.~“Ttis for these reasons my-feeling aboutyour retirement from the Sec- retaryship of State goes so muchdeeperthanregret.J sineerely de-plore it..Our objects are the same, and ‘we ought to pursue them togeth-er,I yield.to your desire only be-cause I must and wish to |bid ©youGodspeed.in the parting.|We’shall even when we do not work in thesameway. ;“Sincerely yours,“WOODROW WILSON,”!Dramatically the official relation ofMr,Bryan with the Administration ofthemanwhose’nontination.he assist-.ed so materially in.bringing:about attheBaltimore'convention ‘of '19124:4mercametoanend,It caused #sensa-tion in the national capital searcely|thparalelledinrecentyears.Ambasea,dors,ministers and diplomatists from foreign lands,officials of every ‘rankand‘station,heard the newsas it wasflashedbynewspaper.extras,t,They interpreted variously itonothedelicatesituation ariven.between .- it STATESVILLE,N.©,FRI POINTS OF DIFFERENCE. Mr.Bryan States Wherein He Disagreed.With the dent as to the Difficulty Germany. th following statement of his differences with the foreign policy of the admin- istration,which,led to his resigna- tion:“My reason.for resigning is clearly stated in my.letter of.resignation,namely,that I may employ as a pri-vate citizen the means which the President does not feel.at liberty to employ.I honor him for doing whathebelievestoberight,and I am sure that he desires,asx I do,to find a-peaceful—solution ofthe problemiwhich:has been ¢reated by the action:‘of the sybmarines-.ste ad"First Points-of Difference.”“Two of the points on whith we differ,each conscientious in eonvic- tion,are,first,-as to ~the suggestion of investigation by an internationalcommigsion,and-second,“as to warn-ing.Americans against traveling on ‘belligerent vessels or with cargoes ofammunition.I believe that this na- tion should frankly state to Germany that we are willing to apply in this case the principle which’we are bound by treaty to apply te disputes between the United States and 30countrieswithwhichwehavemade treaties providing for investigationofalldisputesof-every-character and|nature,/.These.treaties,negotiatedunderthisadministration,make war practically impossible .between.this eountry and.these 30.governments.répresenting nearly three-fourths of all the peopts-.4.the..world,“Among the nations with which wehavethesetreatiesareGreatBrit- ain,France and Russia.No matter ‘what disputes may arise between us, and these treaty nations,we agree that there shall be no declaration and no commencement of.hostilities until the matters in dispute have been investigated by:an.international commission,anda year’s time is al- lowed for investigation and report.This plan was offered to all the na-tions without any exceptions what- ever and Germany’was one of the nations that at¢cepted the’principle,being the twelfth,I think,|to aecept. No treaty was actually éntered intowithGermany.but I cannot see that that should stand in the way when both nations endorsed:the principle. I do not know whether Germany would accept the offer,but our coun-try should,in my judgment;-make the offer. “Such ‘an:offer,ifsaccented,would ‘at once relieve =the sion and’‘si-~ lence’aff the..jingoes whe-are,de- been ‘a friendly nation and—a-greatmanyofourpeopleareofGerman ancestry Why.should:we not:dealwithGermanyaccordingtetheplan to whieh the nation has pledged its support?we :Second Point of Difference.“The second point of difference is as to the course which should be pur: sued in regard to Americans travel- ing on belligerent ships or with car- goes of ammunition. “Why should an American citizen be permitted to involve bis eountry in war by traveling upan'a belligerentshipwhenheknowsthattheshipwill pass through a danger zone?The question is not-whether an-American citizen has a right,under internation- al law,to travel on a belligerent:ship; the question is whether he ought not, if not for his own safety,avoid dan- ger when avoidance is sible. that compels a government to go towar.over a citizen’:rights and yetrelievesthecitizenofallobligations. I do not know just-hew far the Pres- ident can legally go in actually.pre- vi ng Americans.from.traveling onbelligerentships,but T believe the government should go as.farsas—it should give the benefit of the doubttothegovernment.:“But even if the government couldnotlegallyprevent-citizens.from traveling on belligerent shins,it could, and.in my judgment.should,earnestly’ advise American:citizens not to risk themselves or the peace of their eoun- try,and I have no-deubt that these warnings would:be-heeded——~- “President Taft advised Americansto.leave Mexico when-insurrectionbrokeoutthere;and President Wilsonhasrepeatedtheadvice.This advice in my judgment,wis eminently wise.and.I think the same course should be followed in regard.to warning Americans’to keep off vessels subjecttoattack. Should Stop Carrying Munitions.“T-think,too,that Reaacicis pas-senger_ships should»be.prohibitedfromcarryingammunition.The lives of passengers ought not to be en- dangered by cargoes of:ammunitioh,whether that danger comes from pos-sible explosions within er from possi-ble’attacks from without,Passen-gers and ammunition should not:trav-el ‘together,‘The attempt to prevent tringconsistentwithvernment.is scar sub- rican citizens from “incutheserisksisentirely,the effort which.our.‘-" i-}. Hin.W.'J.Bryan hag issued the} “Purine -the..past month62patients|Were-ordercd-admitted but not all had manding war..Germany has always |‘ out of consideration fer his country,|: .*T¢js a very one-sided citizenship |. can,and”that in ease of doubt ittin. ns asreranaerraaiass ceceemeseeeaeas TATTHESTATEHOSPITAL, ‘Meeting of Directors of |Mor- ganton Institution —ManyPatientsAdmitted—Busi- ness Before theBoard. Hospital at Morganton was in regu-Var session Wednesday.Directors Da-vis,Shuford,Matheson,Clarkson,Tate and Clark were present.:The report of Supt.+:MeCampbelforthetwomonthsinterveningsincetmectingshowedthattherearenowontherolls1,404 patients.Sixty-}five were admitted during the two’Months—36 men and 29 women;42weredischargéd—12 men and 30 wo- men;and 18 died—5 men “and 13 wo-men.Admissions:have “been more active recently on aceount—of the opening,of the new colony:building: been received and all these do notfigureintheaboveaccount...The re- cent enlargement of the capacity of the institution -has.temporarily—in ameastirerelievedthestrainin.de- mand for admission.of patients:butattherateatwhichtheyarebeing Y received all the room will soon be taken and the condition will be as:it was before.The pipe for the new water supply has heen bought and the committee,oftheboardhavinginchargethein- stallation of the new water line hope to push that work to eompletion as Yapicly as possible. Recently there have been some ag- Bravaied cases -of trespass on the Hospital grounds.The |ordinances regulating conduct on the grounds‘Were revised and the superintendent instructed to have tnem enforced and to restrict the visitors to certain roads on the grounds. James A.Burnett,an,Asheville lawyer,notified,the board of a con- templated suit for damages on behalfofanurseformerlyemployedatthe Hospital.While the nurse was em- ployed at the Hospital a patient slam- med a door which caught the nurse’s finger ond mashed the end of the fin- ger.After going over the facts in the case the board decided that’theinstifution-was not liable and ‘the attorney was so notified. MISS LENA HOUPE IS DEAD, A Podular Saleswoman—Funer- al Yesterday——Other.Deaths. Miyg Lena.Rebecca Houpe.diedWenesday.morning at 11:15 o’clock} at the Sanatorium,where she hadbeenapatientfortendaysortwo weeks.~Miss -Houpe -underwent an operation for appendicitis and‘other was-apparently:getting along as wéll as éould “he expected until ‘Twesday,when her heart began failing and her condition immediately became criitcal. She was in a dying condition fromthattimeuntiltheend.Few of her numerous friends knew that she wascritically.ill and news of her death was a shock to many.~The remains were!removed Wednesday afternoontoherhomeonWebbstreetandthe funeral was held ‘yesterday afternoon at the First Presbyterian church,.con-. jncted by her pastor,Rev.C.’E.Ray- i.The burial was in Oakwood cem- cterys é Miss Houpe was a daughter of the Inte Jacob:Franklin Houpe of Cool Spring township,who died years ago. Several years ago she and -her moth- yr and sister moved to’Statesville and 2ce that time she had been a sales- woman,first with the R.M.KnoxCompanyandforthepastfouryears i the Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison ‘ompany.She was very popular th both patrons and employers andvit.of respect for her.the store of the Ramsey-Bowles-Motrison Com- pany was closed yesterday.MissMoupehadafriendlysmileanda checring word ‘for everybody.Miss Houpe was 43-or 44-years old Mind is survived by three sisters, namely:Mra.J.H.Rockwell,Mrs.P. \V.Dotson and Miss Ida Houpe,all of icsviNte,The deceased and Miss Jun Heupe lived together. In.J.A.Scott has received notice !the death at Staunton,Va.,of vaniece,«Mrs...Rudolph Bumgardner, hter of Dr.Wm Scott,whichoccurredearlyin:the week. A féureménths-old child of Mr. lL,Grant;who lives in.southwest Statesville,died early yesterday morning,~The.child’s mother’diedwhenitwas.only ten days old.The baby.will be buried today in a grave besideythat of its mother. Bb.W.Barnard,of Asheville wontheWileyGraymedalatTrinitythis year,*s : use the streets,but for their own pro-tection and in the interest of order,hewarnsthem’‘not to incur the risksinvolvedingoinguponthestreets when men are shooting at each other,“The President does not feel justi-fied in taking.the action above sug-gested?That is,he does not feel jus-tified,first,in stigresting the sub-mission.of the éontroversy to investi-gation,0 Second,in warning’thepeoplenottoincurtheextrahazardsin_traveli lligerent shipsor oniAndhe}sition ‘he has‘eitizen,Tam“of these proposi-ee attention tohopeofsecuringession-of public senti-uppor’the President in6remediesif,in the siden ora DAY,JUNE 11,1915. Tho hoard of direstots-of the State |. faced it, ton,who knows’next to nothing about, about the StatesPwhich,h an /'suggestedthat one object of his visit}t Morganton}was then playing &team|he team,‘whichfrom:Rockw COUNTY LINE IN DISPUTE. sioners Can’t Agree on.theLineBetweentheCounties—Southern Power Company Property Involved.. The conference of the county com-missioners of Iredell and CatawbacountiesandrepresentativesoftheSouthernPowerCompany,held atthesceneofthePowercompany’s op-eration on the.Catawha river Tues-day,for the parpose of adjusting mat-ters between the counties and thePowercompany,Was apparently voidofdefiniteresults.The question ofthecountylineoceupiedfirst’-placeintheconferenee,little attention -be=ing given to the question of a bridgeacrosstheriver.The bridge matter,however,is expected to be taken upater.* The Catawba river is considered theline.between”Iredell.and’Catawhacounties,but-at-the point--where-thebigdamofthePowercompany.is be-ing erected the river divides,leavingalongislandbetweenthetwowatercourses,and thus bringing about adisputeaboutthecountyline.Thedamcrossesthelowerportionofthe island and when it is closed the wa- ter will cover the island above thedam.The tand of the island hasbeen-returned for taxation in Cataw-ba county,but’Iredell does not con-sider that this'means the east prongoftheriveristhecountyline.HencetheTredellcommissionersproposeto.establish the line on the island at apointjusthalfwayfromtheoutsidebanksofeachofthedividedwater courses and tet”the portion of thepropertyontheCatawbasideofthelinebereturnedinCatawbaandthepropertyonthe{redell side be re- turned in Iredell. By reason of the fact that the pow- er company’s buildings will be located on the Iredell end of the big dam,the Catawba people do not consider the establishment of the line in the .cen- ter of the island as fair to that county and they declined to agree to Iredell’sproposal.On the other hand the Ca-tawba commissioners proposed thattheentirepowerplantbeassessedasawholeandthendevidethetax value between the two counties.But the Iredell board would not agree tomineleavingthequestionstill.unset-tled, Both the Iredell and the Catawbaboardswererepresentedbycounsel at the conference,County A'ttorneyCaldwellandMr.Dorman.Thompson appearing for Iredell.:vA representative of the SouthernPowerCompanywillmeetwithacommitteeofthe”Iredell board”“inStatesvillenextTuesdaytodiscusstheassessmentofthepowerplant. THE BALL GAMES NOW ON. Statesville Won From Stony Point ina Close Game Tues- day and From Rockwell Yes-terday——-Games With Mor- ganton Next Week—Morgan- ton Interested. Baseball is on in Statesville.States-ville 15,Rockwell.8.That-was theresultatStatesville’s new athleticparkyesterdayafternoon.The Rock-weil team arrived.yesterday from Morganton to play Statesville yes- terday afternoon and.this afternoonandgetthelocalteaminshapefor Morganton when the league scheduleopensnext.Monday,As indicated bythescore,yesterday’s game was anold-time one-one in which there was some batting and.some running.Thefeatureofthegamewasahomerunby:Miller of the lo¢al team,who senttheballoverleft.center when therewerethreemen_on bases,thus rais- ing the score four by a single stroke.Foley and Kennedy pitched forStatesvillewithByrdbehindthehat.Miller and Fesperman did Rockwell’spitchingandCorneilsonwascatcher,There was.an.interesting game on the Statesville diamond Tuesday af-ternoon between the lot!players andateamcomposedofStonyPointandTaylorsvilleplayers.Statesvillemanagedtoscoreonerun,but had ahardtimekeepingthevisitorsfrom doing likewise.The game was hard fought from beginning to end,.as in-dicated by the score of 1 to 0 in fa-vor —of—Statesville-__Stafferd.andMooredidthepitchingforStates-ville,with Byrd as catcher.Wilsonpitchedforthe.visitors,with Hally-burton behind the bat.StatesvillegotonlytwohitsonWilson.3 A Statesville man who was in Mor-ganton this week,found that townverymuchinterested,in baseball anditwillinterestthelocalfansto.know that Morganton.is .much,concernedaboutthecontesttheirteamistohavewiththeStatesvilleteam.nextweek,beginning nt Statesville Mon-dyy.The Morganton team has beendefeating—dast season and so far thisseason-—about evéry team that.hasItschampionsexpectittomaintaintherecord,but they seem tobealittlenervousaboutStatesville.The Statesville visitor to’Morgan- baseball,was asked mitt)’questionsletenm,none of:could answer,and it was there was to-sizé up the ~Rowan county.This] Iredell,and Catawha Commis-|’ icises of Trinity BRIEF ITEMS LOCAL NEWS. —Mr.D.WalterTurner naa ‘locat- ed at Morganton instead of Marion,as appeared in Tuesday’s Landmark.—The Civil service examination.forruralcarrierswillbeheldatStates-ville July 10 but the examination willbeforcarriers‘on routes from ~Moores- ville and Statesville.%sis ‘—Mr.Fred H.Conger hasboug!tifromMr.Ralph D,Kestler82 aeresoflandadjoininghisnewhomepiace ©.|southeast of town,the purchase price —heing $3,650,Mr,Conger has hadtheproperty.leased for some time asapart’of hig dairy faym:e~-Her friends here will be -interest-ed to know that on June 27th Miss.Blizabeth-Evans;daughterofMr,and ~~Mrs.A.J.Evans,formerlyof States-ville,now of Lynchburg,Va.,will bemarriedtoDr.Rey Joy Holden ofCheboygan,Mich.,professor of at 1lurgy.in_the VirginiaPolytechnict-stitute,-Blacksburg,Va ar ~~Mesdames J.-F.Carltonand Eu-gene Davis returned Tuesday from avisittoRichmond,Norfolk and Ports~mouth..Through friends of:Mrs:Da-vis who are connected with the.Un-ited States navy,the Statesville la-~~dies secured admission to”the —twoGermancruiserswhichareinterned:in the navy yards at Norfolk.and.both vessels were inspected, —iRey.J.C.Brown,a Presbyte-rian minister who is engaged in home‘mission work in Ashe county,andwho.:recently moved his family from —.-Ashe.to_his former home_in.Shiloh'township,was at homethis.week on’a visit to his family.His daughter,Miss.Bessie_Brown,_a_student_in-the...Normal and’Collegiate Institute at.‘Asheville,has returned home for the vacation.:;heats—Mr.M.E.Ramsey:came home.Wednesday evening from Asheville,where he had been under treatment -.at a hospital..He will,probablygo to.Washington’City within a short timetohaveanartificiallegfittedintheplaceoftheportionofhislimbwhichwasamputatedsometimeago.HisfriendswillbepleasedtoknowthatMr.Ramsey’s}general condition isverymuchimproved.——The public generally and the chil-dren ‘in particular are irivited to at-tend the Junior Chautauquafestivalonthecollegecampus.afternoon .at 8:30.The progwillincludea.story,“dJack-] the pale +Lesand1GantSeaCeSak,,beea,snail apd warof theroges.)Dr.T.B.Anderson,MissésTnaand.G _Anderson _retiirned’Wed-_nesday night from’Durham;°eretheystrauded:th iduating exer ae e .-praduates Twas’Mec.Atlansreatera ae_tecéived the degree of BachelorofArts,with the honor of Magna:cum laude,He also received:honorinthedepartmentofGerman.” The Ocean County Review ofSeasideHeights,N.J.,of “May 28saysthatMr.Jos,S.Sloan,formerlyofStatesville,N.C.,-.and an oldfriendofCapt,A.R.Myers,of|same place,has accepted cwiththeBarnegat.Ice’ManuingCompany,avd will otk Ca ers a ut ee “Dick”Myers,Mr.Sloan hasmanyfriendssincehisarrival me i pe bie:whoaylorsville:uhder’a peaceaccountofadisputewithbors.about.a land.line;was burned,resulting in|trial.for incendiarism,as.the last issue of The LknowninIredellasBillPi ay aodnenitoBiareswhe,eae a redell 0:ving nis:fathe Ty.one Moore,and was scntonted 4a he:hung,but he got off with a termtheStateprison,a ae ‘Storm.Damage at.Mooresville.-Mooresville and vicinity were visit-éd by a severe wind storm late Tues-day afternoon,Treés were uprootedandanaeofcolswere,—5 : aged...tenant house was partialdemolishedatidMr.J.G.Benson,‘had taken refuge in the house,washurt,but not seriously.Among the’buildings damaged were those of theJohnsonFurniture?Co.and the Har->ris-MceNeely..Co.Theroof of:éach of |these stores was torn loose’in places =|and the roof of the.portion of the ©Hnrris -McNeely.Co.bui -OCCt<pied by the g¢WERentirelyremovedbythewind.‘Later—The .Enterprise’s reportshowsthedamagetobemorésevere >than reported.That.paper estimates|property damage to’edoteana:eoober aete,,at $3,000.Three.Mooresville the barn of ‘T.W,Kistler’and barnedandoneewasstruckbylightn.with @ quantity of:one mulewaskilled.“Lossy estimatedat peneLelia,the 14-year-old daughter.ofinaaaanyHearn)was.stur ry the -ning. ae: r ‘certainly have the it consistent with hisvor,them,” rganton:andthe fai )well entit after4 conte s OM ABOUT STATE. lents Crimes and Other In-ents of Life in North Caro- UM.Matthews has been'Buperintendent of educationofMecklenburgcounty.:‘Wiley McMillan,colored,was kill-ed by machinery of a saw mill‘Piney Creek,in few days ago. grsend a ree eanehouae )rig:up that,ave45,000 feet of floor space,said to bethelargestintheState.;‘The eighth annual joint Sunday-‘wchool normal of the Tennessee Lu-re church will be held at LenoirCHickory,July 12 to 16, Ai colored nurse to work among‘the.colored ‘people of Durham has_been provided jointly by the commis-~sioners Alleghany coun- of Durham and Durham county. *-H,LL.Beckerdite of Winston-Sa- lem,aged:-65 years;for many “years.Wnited States commissioner,died-guddenly in his office.Tuesday.A_wife and son survive, ‘Beecher Williams,13 years old,son of Mr,and Mrs.J.J.WilliamsofYadkincounty,was drowned in aamill-pond,.-Sunday,five _miles northOfYadkinville:and.others ‘werein‘swimming. *Two very respectable looking mentankedupin.Charleston,S.C.,,erawled into a‘box car to sleep and~woke next day in Raleigh,feeling--wery much worse for the ride.They *‘were discharged on the payment ofthe‘costs.. A white man in Gramaabors ware a negro money to buy him some liquor.Anstead of returning with whiskeythenegrobroughtwaterwhichhe‘sold to“him.When the white man‘found ont that he had been duped’heindictedthe.negro.for:false pretenceandhewasconvicted. >,tA numberof citizens of ChinaGrovetownship,Rowan county,haveaskedtoberelievedoftheir1915taxesbecauseastormdamagedtheirwheatandoatscrops.About one-fourth of the township was devas-tated by the storm.The commis-Sioners have deferred action on th matter.f While the apple crop in westernNorthCarolinawasdamagedtothe->@mount of $1,000,000 by the outbreak:2 the blight which recently was ered among the trees,an inves-»tigation of the peach tkees of Bun-~eombe county,which has just}beenconductedbyDemonstratorEi|D}‘Weaver,shows that this fruit willnotbehurt. :Charlie Allison,a negro,was shotandseriouslyinjuredbyanother,neé-in the East section‘‘ofNorthWilkesborosomenightsago.The Hustler understands that it iscommonforthenegroesof\one sec- they come around and in turn |was known to a small circle of offi- HON.W.J.BRYAN RESIGNS———————————broadcast the belief that the policy of the United States as.definitely de-termined upon would assert and de-fend the rights of the United Statesinanyeventualitythatmightarise,Originally it was the intention ofthePresidentandMr.Bryan to havetheannouncementoftheresignation’made simultaneously with the dis-patch of the note to Germany;butwhenMr,Bryan did not attend the‘Cabinet meeting today until PresidentWilsonsentforhimrumorsthatthePresidenthadbeenunabletébringtheSecretaryofStatetohispointofviewfilledtheair..Finally,shortlybefore6o’clock the news leaked déutandwasconfirmed.Just when the subject was firstbroachedbetweenthePresidentandMr.Bryan is not known definitely,butthefactthatMr.Bryan would resign cials as early as last Sunday.WhentheprinciplesonwhichthenotetoGermanyshould’be based were dis-cussed at the Cabinet meeting of Fri-day Mr,Bryan found that he couldnotreconcile|his own:position -withthatoftheAdministration.Work onthenotewentforward,however,Mr.Bryan keeping his secret,as did oth-er officials,awaiting the hour whenthecommunication‘would be readytobecabled. Today the Cabinet assembled forafinalreadingofthenote.Mr.Bryan was absent.He declined «to sent out word:that he had been’de-layed on account of important busi- ness,.At the White Honse no wordastothereasonsforhisfailuretoap- pear at the meeting were given,butaftertheCabinethad-been.discussing the note for an hour Mr.Bryan ar-rived,telling the newspaper men attheWhiteHousethatheregrettedbe-ing late,It ‘was learned tonight that with theknowledgethathisresignationhad already been accepted by the Presi- dent,-Mr.Bryan felt it--would_be_in-delicate to:attend-today’s:session-un-less ‘his -presence-was.desired.by.thePresident.Whén Mr.Wilson tele-phoned ‘an invitation “the SecretaryhurriedtotheWhiteHouse,his ‘facesomewhatdrawnandpale.When theCabinetadjourned"shortly after 1o’clock Mr.Bryan entertained sevenofhiscolleagues,all who could at-tend,at luncheon at the UnviersityClub.The luncheon was in the na-ture of a farewell. That there had been -friction —be-tween the President and Mr.Bryanhasbeenthe-undercurrént of com-ment for several weeks,but as thePresidentheretoforehadalwaybeenabletosecuretheacquiescenceoftheSecretaryinhis‘pomtof a"talk‘of resignation’was:.disco:gener-ally.It came to light.today.that thepositionofMr.Bryan in thé Cabi-net recently has become very embar-pesiR hs advocacy of peace be-ing.86’pronounced ‘that other mem-bers of the Cabinet who felt thattheUnitedStatesshouldassertitspolicy,;irrespective .of the conse-quences,were understood to have ononeoccasiondeclaredtheirintention este rock those of another section ~--they are--rocked-when_they.go intotheotherfellows’section. 'The stream of automobile license:ests continues to go into.the of-“fice of the Secretaryof State.Sec-retary Grimes,has’found:it’necessa-ry to increase the force of the officemateriallyduringtherenewalperiod.It is estimated by Chief Clerk Saw-;jest?the total number of licenseswedthisyearwill.be twenty thou-‘Sand or more.Already in three_dys 2,000 have been received. Horses as a part of the Wilming-ton:police force have been discard-ed-and thus.another time-honored in-tution has gone to the wall.It allpenedbecauseoftheelectionofCouncilmanJamesM.Hall,now in.charge of the department of publicsafety,who as a druggist has achiev-ed local prominence because of hisuickdeliverythrough_bicycles,ke:incilman Hall first discarded the:inted police and substituted bi-»cycles instead.Now comes the an-nouncement that the sergeants,in-stead of making their rounds .onhorsebackwillridebicyclesin-“stead.A considerable saving in ex-pense will be effected. oy STATUS OF NOTARIES. Legislators and Others in State.‘+.<Hold Two Offices. ,Raleigh News and Observer,8th. ‘of whether the position of ‘a notarygg)is a mere place or an office“developed in the form of astatementthatisgoingtherouridsthatseveralmembersofthelastLegislaturewerenotariespublic,Under the State Constitution one€annot ‘hold two offices.‘It follows,it is pointed out,that since undertherulingoftheSupremeCourt,asmadebyadivisionof3:to 2,the po-sition of notary public is an office,the law-makers who also were nota-vies public were nat legally members'of the Legislature.L,H.Allred,ofJohnston;J.C.M.Vann,of Union,in*the House,and C.A.Jonas,of Lin-coln,in the Senate,are the membersoftheLegislaturewhoaresaidtonoracommissions—as—notaries—public,dt is said that D,Pp.Dellinger ofkson;Woodus Kellum,of Newer,Who were members of theonaenwerenotariesaetimethattheywerei‘the Legislature.TeeThosewhoregretthatthedecis-fon of the Supreme Court wentthe.women cite the fact thatthelastLeglalatureandold.positionsofStateinstitutionsandmakethecontentionthatthisaeholdingofpositionsjsillegalundertheconstrictionoftheConsti-tution by the Supreme Court,|Wtis unders that the validitythenetsoftheLegislatureisinbythecircumstan- ,that mem-ld commissionsmasic.No.blame ‘is attached to the law- ipreme makers ew double office as untiltheSushoweom:eet whaturteis,current,as toits Jac’ |to signing the note only after it wastentativelyarrangedthatastatement 33shouldbeissued.at the White House 3andtransmittedtotheGermanGov-|#ernment announcing ‘that.inasmuch|#as Germany had accepted the princi-|¥ of_resigningif a’policy of firmnessandWigoroweredtadopted.The real disagreement dates backtothefamoussessionoftheCabinetwhenthe-note of May--13 followingthesinkiof,thedeafted,‘infotming Germany that th counselling peaceful measures andcautiousaction.He gave his consent ple of the peace treaties negotiatedbetweentheUnitedStatesandother the President after having considered note of May 13 woul vailed, what strained, ined, unanimous tonightsionsofpergonal regret. same sentiment in —his letter. ous manner in fought for and his policies,he strong personal attachment,ofthePresdentandMr.Bryan haslongbeennoticeablejntheireverydayconferences.Even today as theymetintheCabinetroomtheirgreet-ing ‘was one of affection and regard,a ne ag only tonight thaticebeforeinthetwoSthreemonthsofhistMr,Brow and each time the President.refusedtoaccepttheresignation,ThroughouttheconstantnewspaperbombardmentofMr.Bryan for his views onpeace,his advocacy of prohibition and.hisspeechesonthechautauqua,the Pres-ident-has_stood by-the Secretary,re-senting criticism of him.In domesticaffairsthetwomen.who Were at thehelmoftheDemocraticParty.in itsfirstascendencyintopowerin16yearsco-operation most harmonious:ly.Often Mr,Bryan yielded some ofhisOwn‘views,as on.the currencybill,and used:his influence to assistthePresident's program in Congress,It was not surprising therefore to of-ficials_and friends of the.PresidentandMr,Bryan to learn tonight that Receive riewspaper menor caters -and} f principle‘which fbiesatirephilosophyoflife. FROM OVER THE COUNTR Items of Interest About VariousMatters. St,Augustine,Fla.,has adopted the Dr,Lee Whitfield Staton,a wide-ly known physician of Richmond,Va,,was driving along the streetswhenawheelofhiscarriagecameoffsDr.Staton was thrown on hisheadandalmostinstantlykilled, Misses Alice Wrigley and ©Mary Pearson,prominent young women ofMacon,Ga.,were killed ~Moi Pearson was struck by a Central.ofGeorgiaRailroadpassengertrain’atagradecrossing10mileswestofMacon.re eh The old sloop of war Portsmouth,which took possession of San.Fran-cisco Bay for the United States §in/ 1846,destroyed the Chinese fortifica-|tions at Canton in 1856 and later fought with Admiral Faragut,was!sold Monday for $3,062 to John:PA Gregory of Perth Amboy,N.J,‘ Porter Charlton,the Americanaccusedofhavingmurderedhiswife!in Italy in 1910,who escaped to this’country and was returned to.Italy:after a protracted legal contest,has!just been declared mentally respon-sible.If all the-subterfuges have-been.--exhausted.Charlton may nowbe-brought:to-triabe co... Freight rates on carload lots ofeastironpipefromEastRadfordandLynchburg,Va.,and Anniston,Alla.,to Charlotte,N.C.,and RockHill,S.C.,were held reasonable bytheInter-State Commerce Commis-sion.The commission dismissed complaints of the cities of CharlotteandRockHill,that the rates violat-ed the long and short haul claims: The National American Woman Suffrage Association Conference ‘atChicagowenton-record—as ee to attacks by the Congressi n=}ion-on_the Democratic,party.A res-|olution”adopted unanimously alsodeclaredthat-the—Congressional_Un-ion had failed of benefit in suffrageStatesandworkedharminStateswherewomenstillwereseekingtheballot.ee The will of the late Elbert Hub: bard and wife,who lost their livesontheLusitania,has been filed for probate.All their property is lefttoElbertHubbard,their son,andMiriamHubbard,a daughter:Chil-dren by Hubbard’s first marriagearenotmentionedinthewill.Helhad‘insurance policies amounting tamorethan$100,000 and considerablerealestate. ,How's THIs?2 :We ‘offer One Hundred Dollars Re-any casé of Catarrh that can-ba igs ta geWe,ihe unders‘J,Cheney for the last 165°believe him perfectly hcnor:alibusinesstions,and.financiallyabletocarryoutanyobligationslebyhis:firm.Walding,Kinnan & sandlein commission form of government,~{ when an automobile driven by Miss} On Sale Saturday For 15 Days—June 12-26.} Those who have subscribed for Chautauqua Season Ticketsareaskedtocall]on F.B.Bunch,Chairman ofthe FMI nn ktaa iNESEhaeyroe:aca Ticket Selling Committee, At his office in theMerchants and Farmers’Bank,during the”ee next two weeks,to get the ‘tickets subscribed for,and re-"Served for the 422 subscribers.» ae Positively Only 750 Adult Soawou~Fickets Will Be Sold For the Season. These are all subscribed and will be held for subscribers until6o’clock SATURDAY,JUNE 26th.After this hour any ofthese750ticketsleftinthehandsofMr.Bunch will be thrown open for sale,preferably to those on the WAITING LIST,_who have already applied by that date.$ ly,actiuUco! Sold.by all Wholesale DruHall’s Catarrh Crectly Sent free;|», eRiste,‘Toledo,Oo etureistakeninternal-upon the blood.and.the systeni.Téstimo CAR FOR HIRE—Da:rates and a reliable"Phone 169 or 170,2/1) ig Reasonable |.r,ROY HERMAN,j June 1-40?) ce,Se,der -bottle, FOR SALE—IndianMofor cycle in.con-»dition,“Apply t0'd.Hi’MeLWES TORAC: Lusitania,y was|f e/8UnitedStateswouldnotomit“any 3wordoranyact”to protect its rights.5AtthattimeMr.Bryan made a speech{#McCormick Binders, countries that differences between the |#two nations’might be adjusted by al#commission of investigation.Opposi-|#tion to this course wes most vehe-:ment in some Cabinet.quarters,and|% at length Mr,Bryan’s suggestion fin-|$ally disapproved it at the hour the|#note was sent.Some cabinet officers |#argued that such an Spyevidix to the|#be construed|#abroad as a weakening of the Amer-Hleanpositionandtheircounselpre-5 Since then the official ‘relations of :r.Bryan with-the President-and-the :other Cabinet officers have been some-|$3analthoughtheclosesti‘An interesting turn in the matter pened:e rendehip,has:been mati 3OfficialsoftheAdministrationwere3intheirexpres-|§;Secretary|§Tumulty issued a statement to that!#’effect,and the President reflected the|#Ad-|3 .miration and praise for the courage-|#3whichMr.Bryan kad :held to his convictions 5wereexpressedbyofficialsonevery|#side,including those who had been|#most vigorous in their opposition to|§ DruTake‘Hall's Family Pie!for’constipation. HEADQUARTERS FOR—~’;“CENCO,|‘-ASTORETTES,PORTUGUESE,HALL’S SPECIALS, G Mowing Machines and | Hay Rakes!.i ——=— The machines you will want for your harvest this year. Plenty of binder twine and har- vester oil.Ifyou want repairs for the old Champion Binder, give us the number of the part wanted and we will get it for you. OXFORD CIGARS. HALL’S DRUG STORE,"PHONE 20.Prescriptionists.: LOOK OUT FOR THAT SUBMARI 4 When the submarines of disease creep up on you una-wares,assault you amidships,Send torpedoes crashing‘through your engine room and ball up your runninggear,sound the S.QO.S.for the doctor.. 1 He'll thyow you'a life preserver (that'sa prescription). 1 If you want to make sure it will float you to safety,letusfillitwiththeworld’s finest drugs,each one of 160bercentfightingstretigth,and guaranteed to annihilateeverygerm(that comes within range. Tee oa ie ean Company |Yours truly, Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware Co.| .THE_-to announcethat_the:HOME INSURAN'a of Tobacco,by $100 per acre valuation a75peracrevaluationat.~50 per acre valuation at26peracrevaluationatCOTTON,CORN$40 per acre valuation35peracrevaluation90peracrevaluation25peracrevaluation20peracrevaluation15.per acre valuation10per‘acre valuation bres in addition to hail, Were somewhat hazy."PHONE 54, AND SMALL GRAIN DWELLINGS,FURNITURE,BARNS."#100 value for one year at 30c,,3 years at 60c.,5 years at 90c.Thisrinsurancecoversalgoagainstlossordamag J °F.CARLTON.insurable.” __STATESVILLE, To the Farmers of Iredell and Other Counties: STATESVILLE REALTY&INVESTMENT COMPANY be :fe ve—completed.CE CO.of New York,’’forCorn,Cotton andsmall grain:against destruction |il Storm at the following very low erloe: rOBACED CROP. ts with.“THringyourgrowing *$7.50 per-acre5.873 per acre3,76 per acre1.874 per acre CROP, $1.60 per acre~ 1.40 per acre~~ 1,20 per acre1,00per acre#80 per acre..60 per acre.40 per acre Devastate 10,000 Homes in EightStates !_Suchistherecordofoneday’s _hundrédyearstheHartford |damage done by tornadoes,“Fire InsuranceCompanyYoudon’t know when the has metevery honest claimtornadomaystrikeyourpromptly,Buy a Hartford |Property,but you do know Tornado Policy today,Itis 'the“OldHartford”protects the nearest thing to comfort |*againstall loss.For overa when aTornado strikes.y‘i)A /eo.aa ‘he . secre”GEO.H.BROWN,Presitsats*™MEM | mage occasioned iSBF me oem nada hee Sis wee C—Mrs,Helen mgm to.ee Dafthedme awhiletworseagain.Fidecidedhe.wantedPonyabottieand1bernatinegoodthanalthemedi: ee hey 0 the ie$a)byit Y%t mexernever |ys:“Ipaired ir yearsleftside,Phas THE LANDMA RK *From Charlotte.ar.9.50,leaves 10.35 aNo,24 ‘ar,8.85,leaves 8.35 p.Taylorsville. hand,$15;Sloan Clothing Co.$8.75,i W.Johnson &Sons $36.13,W.W.Williamson 50 cents,Smith &Brown$20.55,J.S.Waugh &Co.$7,Eagle&Mitholland $43.92, Statesyille Drug Co.$2.70,T.N.Brown $3.45,Harness,Vehicle &Supply Co.$1.95,City Flour Milling Co."61.10,States-|"ville Housefurnishing “Co.$19.60,J.Sloop $28.20,R.R.Hill $16,838,au ai a jo.16 ar,6:20,leaves 6:46 p..m.and 24 arenotoperatedonSanday, Mr.Daniels Will Stick. Reports that Secretary of theNavyDaniels,who is ‘an —intimate ersonal and’political.friend of Mr.Bran ‘would also resign from the,£2for supplies;W.E.Munday $4.05cabinet,were promptly denied by|W.H,Dingler,$3,for renair wark;Mr.Daniels.Mr.Daniels not onlyA-D.Troutman $2.80,Deitz &Pat-approves the »President’s note ty |berson $5.20,blacksmith work;W.}, woman!G but f D,.Troutman,fertilizer,$8.88._—_¥the aaticy inapprove ite that |""Jail—C.L,’Gilbert,jailer,$269.70;over50years,Carduihasbeenre-Fred,B.Phifer,supplies,$3.35;mainlievingwoman's sufferings andbuilding HOW “TZ”GLADDENS Statesville Drug Co.,drugs,85cents;weak women up to healtand strength.TIRED,ACHING FEET.ereaten a2:‘_ouestariianie Co,,youareawoman,giveit afairtrial.sieht Oper eaIthelp’sy asit hasa “Tiz”Fixed My Sore,Swollen,Burn-|.Miscellaneous -—~Edwards & Pry ing,Caloused Feet and Corns,Broughton,record book for regis-'Get a bottieofCardulto-day ter’s office $18.50,.general suppliesne$50.50;‘Iredell Telephone Co.,court riteta:Méticine oo Ladies’pouse phones $6.62,county oe caeall lor opeie *phone rent for 12.months $12,Sher- ¢Women”inglainwinner Loin ~-iff Deaton,conveying eee:from_cana Salisbury.to Statesville,$6.95;C.D.g c --+Moore &Co.,livery for County Tax|!ll F ?Assessor.Feimster.$22;Western a or e e Union Telegraph Co.,messages,$2.-48,Brady Printing Co.,supplies,$9.- ‘175,Postal Telegraph Co.,message,‘NiceFresh Vegetables,*es Deputy Sheriff C.L.Mur- Ce dock,costs in case of prisoners sentlery,Cucumbers,_|to roads,$7.50;Deputy Sheriffs Joy~};et Beans,P:‘otatoes,“\ner and Jones,$20.each for destroy- ‘Lettuce,Toma-',ing dletilariens eee eet..Supplies 0 c sa anil what goeswith,Co.,supplies for clerk’s office,$2.86;>them.f Statesville Realty &ene Co., insurance premium em court house,M.P.Alexander&Bro.||$42,Deputy Sheriff C.Io Gilbert, ,‘.:..,)expenses 0 onveying prisonersPHONE241.Ah!what.relief.No more tired feces Catawba Winsten Helaee ‘Office Supplies Transfer Files,Blank Books,Box Files, Letter Files,Clips,:Pencils,Pens and Inks, Waste Baskets,Lene Ba skets,ere, fely and Quickly Re- ves Headache and Neu- Igia and nervous Head-es the.Also tor headache’ caused by colds and grippe. 10c.,25c.and 50c. At fountains FOR SALE BY ALLDEALERS. 5e, DRUG Fresh Vegetables! 7; a i ja m n e r d Fresh Lettuce, Fresh’Celery, ‘Fresh.‘Tomatoes, We MlinSuply ‘appa FOR FINE CLEANING. ‘AND DYEING —IPHONE 147—:Sloan Pressing Club. NOTICE! HOLLAND ‘BROS.have changedSheir*phone.number from 177to7.Call No.7 fe graying,all grades.hes:coal and wood,etc. Residencg.zPheno 1310, oomntpenitentntenitt Shingles For Sale!Hor Car f good No.2 Shitiglesat’$2.75.-per thotsand ab —jae fit, feet;no more burning feet;no more swollen,bad smelling,sweaty feet. No more pain in corns,callouses or bunions,No matter what ails your feet..or what under the sun you've tried without getting relief,just use seT TZ? “TIZ”is the only’remedy that draws out all the potsonous exuda- tions which puff up the feet;“TIZ”is magical;““TIZ”is grand;“TIZ”*Swill cure your foot troubles so you‘Il nev-er liQp or draw up your facein pain. Your shoes won't seem tight and your feet wil never,never hurt or get sore,| sWolldfipr tired.Think mé;Tyie2 eeeopelieatanydrugvin Salisbury,etc.,$19.66.United States Mortgage &Trust Co.,preparation and certification of $80,000 of road bonds,$95.46;Statesvillé Inn,board- ing jurors,$6.50;Statesville DrugCo.,supplies,$4.05;R..P..Allison, court stenographer,$30;C.H.Cor- nelius,conveying grand jurors P,C.Jurney,visit to convict,$2.50; |wee,salary as county:physician.$50Mooresvillea from Hi.tax -was:-yescinded rdcy,placing J.JAS Salto oH theaunerlistwasalsorescin cation "RESws:N.B.Mills $87 M=C n- a $14.40,W.L.Matheson 14.40, »©.Little $10.80,.N.A.Lewis.$12.|‘Gounty Attorney Caldwell feeeiv- Flour,Féed)Gfain,JHay and 1 Cotton «Seed Products.You ’will saye ‘money by,getting our prices before you buy. IREDELL FEED CO., C.D.MOORE,Prop. for the county in the damage suit of J,B.AtweH.and J,A.Alexander against the.county. ‘Proxies for the ‘townships owningstockinthe.Statesville Air Line‘|Railroad Co,weze appointed for the annual meeting of stockholders to! he held in Statesville next Wednes- day,as follows:Statesville townshin,i,P.Grier and D,M.Ausley;,Beth- anv,N.F.Blackwelder and T. Adams;-Turnersbure,R.‘F.Gaither and.P.C.Jurney:Eagle Mills,C.C Tharpe and P.B.Kennedy;Union!Grove,J.T.ee and R.LL. Alexander. teports From Battle Set —|, To Speed Up Ammunition. Hamaiend’s “Slug Shot!” Kills potato bugs,cab- bage worms,caterpil-||) lars and similar leaf eating insects.Try it on your flowers and melon vines. Bryan’s resignation -have attracted | most attention the past few days,de- termined fighting,the press:reports say,is in progress on all the battle fronts,while on the sca a.Turkish runboat,a Turkish transport and aFrenchtransport:have :been sent to—GET It AT the bottom;a German submarine has been sunk,her crew being rescued, Eagle &Milholland's.and several small British vessels havelbeentorpedoed,’ The Turkish gunboat and transport The Sheaffer were sunk by the British forces oper- ating in the Persian Gulf.The French| Self.filling Fountain Pen K 8$2.50 to $5.00,, transport was sunk by the Turksin| Br .ba‘Absolute satisfaction the waters off Gallipoli Peninsula.On the Western front the French| guaranteed in..every. pen:; have made some advance and losses| of ground and the capture of Russian| Allison’s Book Store. J.S.Fry &Son - Will call for and deliver your shoesifdesired,but will allow.10 per-centOffifworkisbroughtinandcalled J,8.FRY &SON, Shoe Cobblers. ~BASEBALL.cons! ’\When we say SPALDING'S -you fellers know.the rest.-Statesville PrintingCat are.recorded by Vienna,.while the| Austrian war.office asserts thattheItalianfronttheItaliane.have. been repulsed with severe losses in|men and guns. For a more.energetic prpnedationofthewarthe,Bittish Parliament has passed and King George has|signed the bill creating-a minister of| munitions,whose duty “it will he to!speed up,a output-of ammunition| Turnarabane Items. Carresnonitence,of The Landmark.° ‘Turnersburg,Inne tT he farm.|ers are having a busy tame now,cet-ting their cfops ready for wheat har-|vest.but we would be glad to,havewee“Fale Suen of rain.mmers hasbeen visitinJuliaCampbell,anasreturnedto‘Little Wilsonfrom4 etaat WORK OF COMMISSIONERS FRIDAY,-+°JUNE 11,1915.Order Paymentof.of Bills and Se~:er lect Proxies For Atalanta varias:aa,Rapes vi 2 oe ot Motee In sessionMonday the county com. i missioners order the.payment oPangbend~ae =feed &m/the following claims against the Train No.21 west-bound,due $125 p.m_|county.Train a ~due 10:26 p.m.Chota:Home—W,C.Perry,oe ed east-bou a 10.35 &m./yy as superintendent,$40,||Train No.12,sown due 615°),mm |Freeze,salary as farm manai Train No,16 east-botitid,due 10.50 p.m.|$35;Lewis Lucky and wife,serv-AND TAYLORSVILLE,ants,,$20;Haywood Turner,farm |supplies,$8.60;Miss Annie Marvin,) to}#chain gang and county home,$4;Drop Geo.D.Barnard’&~Co.,records for clerk’s:office,$38;Dr.R.S,er er.order exempting J.M.pdeds The ‘ed $25 salary and $50 for appearine . ~While the note to Germany and Mr.| pprisoners~-south:ofthe Dniester:wot a Dr.Trivette Locates—CropsandNeighborhoodNews. Serreepoudence of TheLandmark. Harmony,R-2.June 8-—The far- e of this se¢tion are about two} unt of the recent rains,which kept made great headway in some places.et ones and rye are looking fine. ¥C.Olmstead is right.sick|pts welts Mr.and Mrs.Al-ed York seem to he improving.It8beensome.eight or nine years|cag Mr.York has been able to walk.|tg York is recovering fram a light)stroke of paralysis and isin a help-'Jess condition,Some of the children|ae turns in staying with them.Mrs.|Ma Sharpe is improving at this| ing’, y,preaching an.excellent sermon.e Sunday school at.this place is|rogressing nicely under Mr. oan,supt. recent rain. %Dr.Wm.A.Trivette,son of Mr. for the practice of his profession. +Mr.vacation at home from the Richmond ted home in a few days.sther Reed of Statesvilleis spendingvacationat.the home of her par- »Mr.and “Mrs.T>-G;Reed:- ts that is being»discussed by -T.EB. and others,i Harmony Personal Items. Bitteerondence of The Landmark. Yesday afternoon;beautifully decorated”with red ram-bler roses. was_held. ndwiches and tea. ‘The club will meet with Miss Cecil 1 selections on the piano by Miss uth Gaither. .and Mrs,Lon Tharpe andlittle ausrhter,Helen,have returned to eir home in Statesville after visitingJativesinHarmony,.,Messrs ReedSarron,George H.Hartman,andJr,mes Butler of Charlotte ‘see stheeek-end with.relatives and.friends: os notice,i de Sh 'i Ci i vidi glanobyeal HaanBTLMeathHarmony.’ye Soe Hell wil ij aeeta2$12;Dr Campbell,services,$163 ave next.week for:i Seta ‘Att bakitsi fimo aren ak £3 ésxdepartmenteeansalahaWangh..&.Baxringer,..coffin.for..pau-|@ Chapel HHL «goal ij bint probs dattault[aeaeaPAnere:Sibi resusnceztuee amen moet creer if)—o ape tou a"er on owe De 8.daney:and F,cae wer 1 Meeting:of -Scott's Betterment|K iS ‘car!load nice “Mares ver.10 on el nak dsajexemptedfrompolltaxandthe’for.|Association,':f 4 ibaa ‘vest smoot ; orion of The Tandmark,’ Seatt’s,iJune™P—Stott’s Betment,“Assagiation met"Siturday Tternoon -at-the -home—of-Mrs.-R:-b,Morrison:::Atter ‘the:asanl eertiseswereaeashortbusinessses- |sion was held,during-which it was decided to serve refreshments —at Scott’on the academy camptis Sat- urday night,12th.Vuring the social hour kodak pic- tures;were taken and a_pleasant time spent in conversation and mu-}} Misses Lelia Erwin and Henri-ric, ctta Gibson delighted.all with their ;instrumpntal solos. Later tempting cake and acid wasserved-by the hostess and her daugh-|: TeV:Miss Kathcrine Morrison. Those present were Mrs. Bailey,Mrs.Mary Smith,Mrs.Lee ,Morrow,Misses Macie,Pearl,Myrtle ind Margaret Morrison,Bessie ter, ‘,Smith,Ruby,Janie,Lelia Ervin;Hen-rietta and Clyde Gibson.es next meeting will be held with ;Pearl Morrison. Cleveland Personal and Social es Items,- |Corrrespondente of ‘The Landmark. Cleveland,,June 10,—Mr.’'J.Leith ‘Roseman has.returned to -Richmond, ia,after having visited:his parents, Mr.and Mrs.J.H..Barringer, Mrs.James Anderson of:Statesville was the guest of Mrs.Lizzie AllisonMondaynight. of NewYorkis Spending’his vacation in Clevéland.Mrs.J.B.Kincaid has returned from -Woodleaf,where she}$ has been visiting her daughter,Mrs. T.T.Bailey.Miss Myrtle Morgan is spending a few days in Newton i visiting relatives.Mr.and Mrs.Foard|Shepherd and children of Elmwoodishenttheweek-end with Mrs.,W.F, i Ch ne orLouise Thompson on Wednes-|@dternoon.entertained from_4 to.6 o'clock,the Junior Miriams,at Her |home on Main street.Delightful re-frecshments were served.Needless to‘say the little folks spentpleASOHEafternoon. Mrs.‘Margaret ‘ElderMissSharpeImproved. Correspotidence of The Landmark. Hiddenite;-R-2 Carson’s.chapelhuried-there at 11 o’clock June oth.|She was 80 years old May 14.She hod been sa widow for many years and is survived by one son,Mr.Cars,eon Elder,whi lived with her,and by|.funeral 5several,grandchildren.TheservicewascondurtedbyRev.R,EB.Hunt,¥Miss Ada Sharpe camo hterdayvery.porn improved,She is talking ing spok for over five years, underwent 4)sue.ae ee m out of the field.The grass.has|f +-Rev.-Mr;Wiltiams-filled.his ap:|iintmentatUnionGrove-last Sun:|; R..C.} *A certain young man of this neigh-|;horhood had to stay out rather late ohaccountofhigh,water .during the |§Better leave before,the|} and Mrs.Amos Trivette,has decided : to locate at Lovelace,Wilkes county,| Parks Trivette is spending his|} Dental School.Mr.D.P.Grant is ex-|# Miss|3 The writer is interested in the sub-|# Hope they will give)something more on the same line.|}“Embroidery Club—|f =Harmony,June 10—The Harmony |§ mbroidery club was delightfully en-|¥rtained by Miss Lottie Barron.Wed-|}The house was!% A-short business-meeting |}Miss Clara Belle Hayes|# ‘was elected secretary in the place-of|#Miss Nannie Powell,as the latter is|#to,leavésoon.for school.Miss Lot-+4 S ill D CtieBarronwaselectedassistantsec-|%tatesv1 e rug omp’y;retary.After this the club.and visit-|}‘ars,were entertained with instrumen-|Quality Prscrnii The hostess~served fit a .very| Dead| June-9.—Mrs.MaragarctRiderdiedatherhomenearl# June 8th and was| 6 yes~|¥ onas been,treating her = eeks behind with their work on ac-|% 3}|| 1H |t| |3 |r{We Will Give Five Times theRegular‘Amount of Booster Coupons.== |From Monday,Juné 7th,to Monday,June 14th, We shall give five times the regular amount of Boos-#ter Coupons for purchases made at our store with §cash or produce,or for money depesited with us,to ¥be traded out later.Double coupons in settlement ofaccounts, We give 50 Booster Coupons to each person.‘pre-senting alist of three articles,and a 42-piece Dinner §Set to the one making the most complete list.of arti-#°cles we sell,as well as thousands of Booster Coupons.¥E -Get particulars at our store.;¥ In-order-to reward the persons who have made themostcompletelistofartielesintheListingContest;the Booster Journal of Springfield,Ill.,will givetoeachofthebestten,whois not now a Booster,a non-transferable.coupon check for 500,000 Booster Cou--ons.This'must be deposited for yourself in theoosterClubBallotBox.This check with otherBoostercouponsyoucancollectwillenableyoutowinoneofthepremiumsthatwillbegivenintheBoosterClub.~~Who-will be the best Booster~and —win-thsthirdwatchonMonday,June 2st. Sere ee eeeReteee Nice Mules.‘and:fees 1 | a 1oV Be sty Tart sd;e hecapil ei fon‘Two car loads Moles ind ‘ode Lain he ob extra nice.ones...Aeee Hb of.i Bt aft ton yirae nly bedoot gaa“awollob-yerkte:Bi SOWNOTLB Oy wt Je nastte oftasadaedasuber ”‘nice.tO Ye oddeelP“Henkel:Craig Live Sta me ah as YOUR OPPORTUNITY To Buy a Nice #arm and Get Ready for Next Year’s Crop. No 1—345 acres in Elmwood.All school.and church conveniences.Strong land,40 acres in bottom,8-room house,and out hauses.No.2—77 acres 34 miles east of city.This propertylies on thesand-oSclayhighwaynowbeingconstructedbythegovernment,”Js widealforDairyandTruckfarming.3No.3~40 acres1 1-4 miles from public ee _Solendialy adaptedforDairypurposes,Livé Stock andPoulby.No.4—60 acres in Wilkes county just across Iredell line—a bargain.40 city lotsin cast Statesville,known as ‘‘Park Place”—$15 dows,'|balance io monthly payments of $5.y10lotsixBloomfield,Terms easy:Six lots in south Statesville,¢asectionfastdeveloping.Several nice houses and lots Wo sellCallonmeandlearnwhatThave.‘Statesville,N : W.R.MILLS, PHONG oS Mr.-W.W.Roseman|™ RTS =THEN BUY Ice.Made jnn Sates!| From deep-well water,distilled and-.germ proof,Fresh ICE,full weight (goes further),is what we have to offer.We aim to give the best serv- icepossible,With yourco-Ope we will succeed. Yours for the up-buildingofStatesville, Imperial CottonOil Contin, ’Phonie205. now after not hav-|- ee Serene *ee eee MR.BRYAN'S RESIGNATION,|THE FRUIT TREE ,BLIGHT,|Ipeonennte-—_The sensation of the week is’Mr.|.Shea eerie re ce"om anies.te .sk Leh a EDITOR AND OWNER.|piyin’s retirement from the Wilson What May Be Done.Jo.M.Morgs yarr ay F a FRAT i Th sons for his retire-|>Disease.Oe ee 21 10 Charlotte for defrauding accident)#A f , “TUESDAY AND FRIDAY.}cabinet,@ rea logist.of|insurance companies,plea ree ;arse ;=}?R.Fulton,plant path :Res nh Ctr umn ia rien med WEST taer |ment‘are fully set forth jn The tand ee sy ey.|Federal court at Greensboro 2)“OF STATES an BROAD STR |mark’s news columns.‘There was a the North Carolina Experiment Sta-of using the mails to defraud and/®_eee OF a Vit BSCRIPTIC prevalent belief among many people tion,has issued the following con-|was ‘sentenced to two years in the|§; when Mr.Bryan entered the Wilson.cerning the fruit tree blight:©|Federal prison in Atlanta.vA in pag ccc Sed hinee lat hs stay would be short;|gahe,dense stacks7,Pearl nance CommissionerW.-A,Sete Catal Stock Paid in -.$100,000.00 ¢- _—ate wot tents Ghate apres Suteracanaeh sea yen ander 16 aloe tat hat Mal =Qt ag Ca ee OD REPUTATION IN COURT.cing eign ay)und go ont But gy alsahptt geSo2)Oey intranets bernie Mie rele Surp us and Profits i 31,500.00 aS FeaiercarneCeciin apparent tar-|Se acenea attghy Chaim |e of Magmaiieceer-1 ,Momborg of Federal Reserve Systaik Riad Court a few days one ‘gisre]mony,this idea pansed:pace :lL cara ner aeinthe “iFiling “seagate 4tone "tae Hy :ey em ers,0 er rve ysteitic ce cota”ae Sedge Demslice tore Be adeeb ih wan trunks.Mast of the infections o¢-|style,Morgan in due tyme put in his ::4 :cur in April and May,during close,|claim for settlement for injuries,sign-|¥ /Gels,“that so many defendants come’..+suspected that they were serious}showery re er.Remove water.|ing himself the doctor’s certificate,|# Your Banking business solicited and’ Gnto court with the noblest fathers;:ls :’s resignation came|sprouts immediately because .of|and the insurance companies paid :eve ‘accommodation extended to de-', a ae nh mothers.eaual,fn)At ae Na usage of spread downward ¢@,im-|without a murmur.Recently the com-Lees ry |MS, ness.aimos sm a . ;lefendants them-)1 i B is t.|Portant parts,especially the_crown|panies had become,suspieiqua,ae positors consistentwith “prudent.bank.~ herself.ae anh woe .ee ‘The action of Mr,Bryan is a mat-|)ooion,where collar rot may be|'During the time he worked many. ives are on Suc:Se a that town,often,|\t%oF Rerious,peEret-First it is|produced.Cut off limbs thet have companies for variods amounts.‘Be ae .mg methods. .Pave Overly ?+.hed ‘Sa c i 1 a 4 *... Baring how in the world crime j'very important,in the critical situa-ne bees llyr)y etant Br ah da eo ee ea ake Fo ur per ¢ent.paid on time and S avings ‘could have beeen coramitted there.|tion in our relations with Germany,twigs and fruit spurs on apple are lished the reputation of a reliable and :Deposits remaining on-deposit three Why they come in and_establish the that there should be a united front.not dangerous at.this date,after|competent insurance man,.3 ‘cae alae ae res tounding characters ane civ oeokd byt Mr.Bryan’s views were so dif-|}they have been dried and cracks eTa ‘months or longer.2 —sort of citizens without a ble ‘ferent from those of the:President|have appeared.between sound ond Refused to.Recommend Com-ete ;Pm Pi I have also noticed,”‘added and the.other members of the éabinet fees ee OO ee ies hater mutation For Frank.3 ;OF F Ic EK RS:Semel Judge Daniels,“that entirely,fe |as to lead to his resignation,may af-trouble and should be removed,By a vote of 2 to 1 the Georgia|#ys .+. +much of thé crime in our cities is be-|6.0)Germany’s attitude;and Mr.|“Always cut well below (ten inch-|Prison Commiskat has declined to ree-1 Ws D.TURNER,an “-President. :j by the good citizens,|Sarees ::;end commutation to life impris-cee eee ae <: oe thowp who.a established repu-|Bryan’s statement of his views @od|es if possible)the affected part.Dis-omm Pp E.MORRISON,ete ~-VicePresident. D.M,AUSLEY,..-Cashier,H :.ds.with 1 to 1,000 onment of.the death sentence pro- ‘tations.”|his purpose to champion them before ton:=)trate solution ‘a pois-nounced upon Leo M,Frark for the .ie Gas G.E.HUGHEY,-Assistant Cashier. $e o e s Friendless indeed is the offender |tie country;adds to the gravity of the}5 ata:;murder of Mary Phagan.Commis- ‘.‘i ’n sold by druggists);also paint the}.:easwecahwererhteatenShafttentreShtei his past reputation is good or that)put while Mr.Bryan will have his|ter the next showery period to be|£0"demency,Judge T.B.Patterson| his family is the best ever.It is 4}povjowers and there is much to be said gure there is no spread from imper-:Se eAG*7 ’ us :;te:voted in Frank’s favor,=maa fact,Well”established,that to prove’;,-fayor of his-contention,the Prési-ey ee i sankaeiie new),rhe matter nowis in the hands of a good reputation in court doesn't jent’s position will be the most pop-|growth by holding—-up -on cultivation,Soy LE ee recommends: always mean that the reputation i8/jar.The strongest criticism of the|or even by planting a Summer cover f @tee3js.binding upon the Governor,who,i S andBo S Work She ~good.Character witnesses are S€-)president has been that he was too}STOP:Avoid excessive fertilization,way ing up 7 ,| s <‘wae especially with nitrogen.\it is stated,will conduct further lected with care when thereputation jij;that he should be more em-TeThis Fe tas remove all cankers|hearings before making his decision.erat : they are to establish is doubtful.’Shatic with Germany.It is hardly|and get rid of.neglected and useless Restore.te Good Health.In-visiting the factories and Shoe.Jobbers we Witnesses are-called who do not real-|+.he expected,therefore;—that Mr.tear,apple_and_quince.trees.Next;“1 was sick for four years _with stomach if]nicked Apa few_cases of Men’s and Boys’ y know:the character *of the sub=)Bryan's ,dissent on,the ground that|SPring watch Pee eee ae any Onto.I ce waeer ‘at uh a went’thet -outs and Tan Work Shoes;also White Cah- ject,although they may think they)tne president's position.may lead to APPERTERCS OF EN A erat pe c o e c o c e s e s e e r s mcesnceap min Ae T almost gave up hope of being cured.Asisatonce.A blighted twig removed friend t bout Chamberlain's Tablets,r Soles and Ooze hide.The prices me,ot who aay.net be particularly)\ay,will be popular..The country|in time often saves a whole tree.”ca ance aire oe hottles of them I.have |vas Rubber Soles P “conscientious “about”what they testi-|aoscnt want war:but the feeling is ee been a well woman.”Obtainable everywhere,|we are vee e none ES eGo ns fy.All of us know men whose char-|trong that in trying to avoid war the Commissioner Graham =Sees bargain unters,ce 160;’epee ~*~acters and veputations are not god!president:has been too mild.Good Crop Prospects.Coite L.Sherrill,M.D.,a pair. but who could easily prove good |When Mr,Bryan found that he}|In his,report to the State Fane of |i One lot of Children’s Slippers and Sandals in characters in court.It is only when |could not conscientiously agree to the Agriculture,in semi-annual sessioniiiYani Will answer ’phone calls left ‘almost all sizes at just about half price:;Ra th k,Commissioner |5 J : the prosecution gets active and un-|sovernment’s course there was,of it eriaitee We ke Graben,ape|at Dr.Long’s Sanatorium or$3 ans A OS uae Many new.and pretty things in Dress Goods dertakes to show up matters in their’course,but one thing for him to do—|élared that he does not think that Geo.M.Foard’s residence.yon a w you in fi -d Voiles.'Plain an d Fig- true light that all the facts come out.|get out.Thé parting-has been with there has been a year when the and _yf ateCloth ee ©Cloth eh Shicia wey Solicitors,however,are usually-con-|ihe best of feeling,but the future,of ‘all crops was Batten,aLapne |DIXON'S PENCILS !ure ),th,:,R aT tent.with securing a conviction and,fom the standpoint of party policy,See Ore OTe ee ae LDORADO.‘special things in White Goods.It wi pay you .‘rass.”He says floods have done :ae wx ownlesg spurred on by public senti-|i;4 matter of doubt.Out of the ad-damage in some localities,but that In 14 degrees of hardness.to visit our store and .take advantage of our »ment,ate usually content to let the |ministration and championing views the oats crop,which a month ago ap-,en tay designed underpriced values.intickin ad oie Very truly,... i defence undo practically all their!5.opposition ‘to the administration,peared to be a failure,is fully up ‘to or the book-keeper.......‘ay is tibet '}Fy k id ziti nk 4 |‘the:average and that the same -de-sville Printin lb def M.K j .&i.Tt. work when it comes to the matter of}Mr.Bryan:may soon,without having selophene applies to’wheat.The State if ne 2 didi o AVA ’Cc ee ~~omp eal Fe punishment.eo :yy A 4 :‘aA rer ‘d.Be ye _':.>4.-\a purpose to do so,develop into a|commissioner —estimates.the ‘reduc-a omens,1 NY?112°West Broad Street;between Hall’s ‘Drug:Store,.and - ‘sudReeenily a --gentleman-of -prom')1ccder of a faction against his pbrey,tion hepie Fenian PR inithig:State |]ping 2'dt ae rem t we ed ‘Montgoméry Hardware Store ote bral sed bo nence,.who had been,«county officer|Hp hase strong following in the eoun-mn Sa Se ceninn CEDAR...)|cece A »in his county,was summoned as |try;how much of that following’will|*tbo.’Artery,4 negro’employed tr cores }———seer eaeatcs SPT eee ea witnes#ia a gage where},with him in the presenti course re-}helping.tobuild.a.bridge across the,1M the defgpdant was:charged with a 4 soe ote eS | nope You! A?ed.YF ean i :vari the:tiver,—hi8‘sclothes 6n,/and! ”he‘said.“TE can't say of with Germany,although such ‘an|was drowne?hi i a:po a eee mene wate of ic £9:t :TU yeh my own knowledge that the defend-event is possible,It-does not expect,ae shod =ar cereerraaacs Remremegmrnae camer Men.andBo S Scout Shoesantevercommittedacrime;prior to ‘Mr.Bryan's ‘course will tend oe 5 ;}ae wee: e sa Ieiitee;rs oils TOA ASN this one.“But “his character has};7,conflict,but it does thir nit AT 94tabs‘x es baa oe phew.» *;oot $qebtrot k e dae cae a 4 eee)me Sahib EB nig : been regarded as doubtful;suspicion))..seriously:complicated the sal ron “BOWLES MORRISON CO.me ;[gnoes VE ae he elo Si idol.ntaaa attached to him;T can't conscien-|gin,See .i aes mane?:jee fia Why worry where to biya'pairof FE~tiously say he is a man of good char-|<<saint Renee A :a ...==>a i jie acter and I won't say it.”_|The Landmark’s correspondents Boot |Shoes.for thathoy of yours that will That was the correct position.But|have been particuiarly active recent-Y give-him-satisfaction?Come in and most people,in testifying as to char-|ly in helping ‘to make the paper and Hat if N Se ;ee acter,are liberal in their definition|this is to thank them for their good .’“MAW silet us show you the very best ne “of what constitutes good character.|work and to ask them to continue Z ever made for Boys’feet.Boys catesiceaidedecendealtecthoeltatataeaapamneteiiaiaainel..|zealous in good works.Send the che g =;4 i COURT LaPane news of your neighborhood and when S ‘5 7a Scouts $2.00.and $2.25 the pair, something of importance occurs—a ;(Men’s 2.50. The agreement of Sheriff Deaton’s|marriage,death or an.accident,any Z $ attorney and the county commis-|live news—send the item at once. 5 ~sioners to ask the eourt to decide)Don’t hold back until the news value /-Mr.Farmer Friend: ©~whether the sheriff is entitled to the!js Jost or impaired.The Landmark ;: commissions on the 1914 taxes in ad-|has some of the best correspondents .MAES fe :. dition to the $250 per month allow-|any paper ever had and to them is SUE 2 he va Try a pair of our $1.50 opener plow cs ed him by the salary law,is a ,Prop-|due much of the credit for whatever sh ce—you are sure toget your money’s er step and-one that should have)the paper is.Send the news of your ‘ _.been taken at the outset.No matter)community;tell what it is doing.|i ::y worth out of each and every pair. what the courts may hold,it will not/The publicity will help your commu-:;i ;; aie th bad een ee ka !Catawba river at Mt.Holly,attempt-.|Twelve grades—from$200 up.ia 'wlan ce OR TS jah ce amie s @ifence.“Iam not going on Sie taints Bobdindt decd fur)to swim from shore to a piér -of|C.WATKINS.©Sherrill-White Shoe Company. a ook 5 sie Re .—_—t + be denied,it cannot be denied,that}nity as well as-the paper.Outside|s :ae te sao ah the intent-and purpose.of the Jaw.of the news.field,if you want to ex-ee Cate eo ;HH =W : was to pay the sheriff $250 per month|press yourself on any matter of cur-|[i :eee :SHERRILL y HITE SHOE co. »for his work and-no more.‘That was|rent interest or,public concern,send tee NR REEL 9g ‘ the general understanding and the|lin your views.The Landmark is al-:5 :ai aa ne a aR eR ae ‘framer of the law,Representative|ways glad to have them. \Grier,says it was so intended,Neith-teeiinnnietenanniGmnnnante &_er will anybody deny that if it had Biggest Wheat Crop Ever. been known,or suggested,that the|A billion bushel wheat ‘crop,the x -.eas @ ites rap - “4 sheriff was to receive what is prac-|greatest’ever grown in the world’s |i tically double pay this year,a storm|history,is indicated for the coming ¢ +would haye been raised and it would harvest in the forecast by the Federal never have been agreed to;in fact it|CTP Teporting board on the growingwinter-and spring wheat crop..:Should that enormous quantity be mespicere é®»tended_for,_But_ifthe-court -holds|harvested the United States would aS JUNE Oth,1915..‘that the sheriff is legally entitled to;have upwards of:385,000,000--bushels f . S&P the commissions on the 1914 ‘taxes.pice te see _ok year.toeeanaesae‘y foreign demand.a addition to the $250 per month The condition of the North Carolinataxes,then it ¢an be said he is re-|crop is estimated at 87;ten-year aver- ceiving only what he is legally entit-|age 89;estimated production,10,800,- led to,what the law allows him;|90. whereas now,the legality of ‘the al-|Acting Secretary of State, :.lowance is merely ‘a matter of opin-|Robt.Lansing,who.became acting| i Eee . |Seeretary of State when Mr.Bryan's; ee eee .4...|resignation took .effect,succeededAsaresultoflandlinedisputes|John Bassett Moore as counselor offeudshavebeenengenderedthathave|the State Department.Mr Lansing is continued for generations and havye|a son-in-law of John W.Foster,Sec-| populated graveyaras.Wp take it|retary\of State under President Har-|iThecountyTnedatebetweenCa-|aah &,Meo Democrat and ta~tawba and Iredell will have no-such|}many years.It is probable that he|# _results,but if there are any indica-|will.be retained in the position’per-ff “tions of hostilities The Landmark is manently-;oe mmgoingtosuggestarbitration.Weekly Weather Forecast. The Charlotte Sunday law is a|The weather forecast for the week ; trifle rigid.The Observer avers|beginning Wednesday is as follows that a prominent Charlotte business|for this territory:’¢:*:abe |“oh ‘OFCOURSE,You waNnT A NEW STRAW.SAT! would never have been seriously con- as man,who was in,his.office on Sun-|4 :’yur oe fine a lotion thy bis wife,had The first part of the.period will be ‘[siti i ."fair with rising temperature,followed|é /'RS ‘‘lade to answer a complaint of working on Saturday or Sunday by a brief show-ie }COME IN (SEE ou <4 a the Sabbath day,When ‘he explain-|or,period.Temperatures will be a|gy:be ; ed to the chief of police that official |\jjttle below the seasonal average dur-j you’LL BUY._told him if he wantedto write letters |\ing the week.;. in his ‘office on Sunday he would rr i ; _haye to put shades over his windows.,Twelve counties in Minnesota vot:|-Burlington has voted $100,000 in'|ed on prohibition and 10 of the 12)pon ilroad,—voted.dry.Eighty.saloons:will.-beclosedinthe,ten counties, ¥|!Sojating.| + *‘ pes Oi& » i* EE R E SH 4 ¢< Le 3 es ¥ & ke © } he & .with white rambler roses. -room were Mrs.G.E.Bughey and ‘Hal.Morrison and Willie’Nicholson. ~-dining,,room,where Mesdames:R.~S. Sy ern eet "TELEPHONE NO.14, FRIDAY,.JUNE 11,1915. STATESVILLE,Lodge No.487 A,,¥,&A.M.meetstonightat8:00o'clock in MasonicHallAllmem-bers requestedto be present and5eabrethrencordiallyiarivetfaatisetingWorkintheShireogres.Refreshments. A TABLEAU WEDDING. Marriage of Miss Glover and Mr.Fisher of Norfolk —TheReceptionOtherSocial Events. A.beautiful tableau wedding,prob-ably ‘the first of its kind in States-,ville,was that of Miss Mary AustinGlover’and Mr.Arnold Acheson FierofNorfolk,Va.,which oectinredWednesdayeveningat8o’clock atthehomeofthebride’s parents,Mr.and Mrs.J.B.Glover,on ©Centerstreet.The.entire wedding party wasnatthealtarwhenthelarge:doors of the parlor were.roll-ed back to allow the guests to witnessthe.ceremony.‘The Methodist cere-mony was used,Rev.John F,Kirk of.Broad Street Methodist church offi- With its artistic decorations ofwhite-and green the parlor where theceremonywasperformedwasaplaceofrealbeauty...The arch and chancelofthealtarwerecoveredwithwhitetulle4ndsmilaxandatthebaseofeachsideofthearchwasabunchofwhiteliliestiedwithtulle.Ropes oftulleandsmilaxwerefestoonedfromthefront_posts_of the chancel to thearchandtotherearofthearchwasahugepalm.The mantel was cover-ed with white lilies and smilax overwhiteandthecurtainsweredrapedWhenthe large doors of the parlor were slowlyopenedbyMessrs.L.W.MacKesson and G.E.Hughey,as Miss Rae Gill! played Mendelssohn’s wedding march, the eager wedding guésts beheld the bride and groom at the altar facingtheministerandsurroundedbytheir attendarits.In the course of the cere- ¥t acouple knelt _two beau-tid pillows beneath the.arch.fe pillow “on.which the bride knelt Game on whieh ‘she first rest-"od ber head when a‘mew-born babe, ,-eontinu~ ously by her.since-her eredie days.(Misi Savah Gowles was the bride’smaidofhonorandMr.Lardner.Dorinof.Ni ics was the groom’a hest man.Whe bride’s maids were Misses Leah}conan the deo of Nor-To)vand «herdamesly.W.MacKesson,G3 lover,Jr.,andj & C.HW Fisher,the latter of Norfolk.bh Messrs.John B.Glover,Jr.,and C.‘Fisher of Norfolk,brother of thegroom,were groom’s men,- ‘Fhe :bride’s .beautiful.wedding *gown was of white Duchess satin trimmed with hand-made roses and seed pearls,with an overdress effect of chiffon.Her ,court train,threeyardsinlength,was caught at.theshoulderswithpearlsandroses.Her veil wasicolonial style with a wreath of orange blossoms.Her only orna- ment:was a diamond brooch,the.gift of the groom:-She earried a large shower bouquet of lilies-of-the-val- ley.The rainbow effect:was given by the costumes.of the bride’s ‘attend- ants...Mrs.MacKesson and Miss Cowles wore light green taffeta,Mrs.Fisher.and Miss.Fisher wore lightbluetaffetaandMrs.Glover and MissStephanyweregownedinpinktaf- feta;no.two of the dresses being ofthesamedesign.All the bride’s at- tendants carried pink roses,and the groom’s:attendants wore buttomersofswéetpeas.‘Preceding the ceremony Mrs.J+F. Carlton:sang “All For You,”withaccompanimentbyMissGill,‘pianist,and Miss Dorothy -Gill and MasterLessefmeAllison,Violinists.Soft music from the piano and violins con-tinued during the ceremony. A wedding reception,—which waslargelyattended,followed the cere-|mony.The reception.guests were metatthedoorby.Mrs.Pegram A.ayers and Mrs.W.-A.Sample and cards were received by littleMickesMaryMacKessonandMar- garet Fisher,the latter of Norfolk.Mrs.Irvin_Steele”introduced _to.the. ”feceiving line,which was,composed of Mr.and Mrs.J.B.Glover,Mr.andMrs.Fisher.Mr.and Mrs.H.Hi}Fisher.of Norfolk,parénts of the bride,-the members of the —bridal party.Misses Mary.and Willie Mc-Laughlin of Charlotte.Miss LouiseHortonofWinston-Salem,Mr.R.O.Self,Mrs.P.J.Honeycutt and Mr.J.E.Erwing:of Albemarle..-Usheringfromthereceivinglinetothegift Mrs.A.L.Mills and receiving in the gift room,where many valuable giftsweredisplayed,were Mesdathés C.W.Boshamer and E.M.Yount.Punch was served in the gift room by Missez «Mrs.T.D.Webb conducted to the a aeae -Mills and ©Miss s ved.After-en-joe Seeirestiendnta”‘in the dininginnetheguestswere’taken by MissneBellWaltontothebride's book,wher names wereTepistered’by—,ie ite eaeshh Gill.e entire or of the house was_‘elaborately i al the _marri-age event.In the rope s of cedar :|north-bound train. ed the table was trimmed with smilax.The center piece was.a large basket of sweet peasthetable’ney,smaller silver.baskets of.sweet pea‘Mr,anda ties:Fisher left latentheeveningbyautomobile.forSuiaeary,where ‘they -boarded ~a They will spendtheirhoneymoonintheNorth,Mr.Fisher is superintendent of the in-surance department of the Knights ofPythiasfortheStateofVirginiaandMarylandandheandhis‘bride have decided to "Wish their home in.Balti-more.Mr,Fisher is to be congratu- lated inf winning Miss Glover for hisbride,Born and réared in Statesyille pshe was one of the best known and best liked young women of the town.Attractivein personality arid manner,“tiewas a favorite with her friends,‘who regret that she is no longer withthembutwishforherallhappinessinhernewrelationandnewhome. Miss Mary Leonora Irwin,daugh-ter of Dr..and Mrs.J.R..Irwin,antMr.W,H.Belk were married at the home of the bride in Charlotte Wed: nesday evening.Mr.Belk is presi- dent and manager of the companythatoperatesthechainofBelkstoresintheState,of which the Johnston-Belk Co.store of Statesville is a part. About 150 guests had heen invited to the afternoon tea given by Mrs.F. F,Steele Monday afternoon at herhomeonWestEndavenue,and theattendancewaslarge.Mrs-R.B..Mc- Laughlin met the callers in the hallandtheircardeweretakenbylittle Virginia Miller.“Inviting the -cuests to.the living .room were .MesdamesPegramA.Bryant and Z.V:Long, and in the living room.with the hos-tess -were -her sister,;“Miss Ethel Boozer,and Mrs.Lois Long’Hackett,Mrs.B.F.Long and Misses Elvy Mc- Elweof and Carrie Hoffmann,:who as- sisted in entertaining and usheringthegueststothediningroom.Pour-ing tea during the first hour .were Mesdames M.C.Wpod and L.W.Mac- Kesson~and-during-the-second--hourMesdamesH;,0.Steele and Chas.A.Turner.The tea was served with sandwiches,wafers.and bonbons-by Misses Louise’Brady,Virginia Steele, Elizabeth Bowles and.Ada Bell Bar-ringer.._Mesdames U.M.and A.P, Steele assisted in the dining room. Mesdames S.B.Miller and Miss Rose Stephany were at the door leading to the hall.As the guests left the din- |ing room little Miss Lila Lewis Steelepresentedeachwith.a bouquet —of sweet peas.The house was decorat-ed with baskets of.flowers..In the othy Perkins roses tied.with pink tulle and in the dining,room werebrass,baskets’of daisies deswithwhite‘tulle and brass ca yellow shades..Hangingin each d my also.was a basket of flowers.rs.R.B.Kestler and Miss 8a‘Raitay “entertained”the”Yours”dies’.Missionary,Society..of the First}Associate “Reformed °PresbyterianchurchTuesday;evening at fhe homeofMrs.Kestler ‘on Davie avenue,Af- ter.a-season of rook playing.theaniceFreyporte:hdthickened Personal Mentionof People ob ©Their.ments.—-<46 Mrs.L.Ko‘Pasenby.Ment to Ridge-crest Tuesday for am thdefinite stay.Mrs.William L:Hobbs of Elliot, Me.,who spent a few days in States- ville,left Tuesday for Asheville. Mrs.Hobbs is‘traveling in -the Southfor‘the benefit of her health.Shewasverymuchpleasedwithhervis-it to Statesville.Miss Elizabeth Terrill of —Roan- oke,Va.,who spent.several days with Mrs.James.E.Tharpe and Miss Jes-sie Setzer,has gone to Charlotte to visit her sister.Miss Terrill’came to Statesville from Holland’s ©Col-lege,Va.,where she was in school. Mrs.H..A.Trexler of Craven, Rowan —county,passed.throughStatesvilleTuesdayenroutetoBa-rium for a visit to relatives. Mrs.D.Mi Ausley*and daughter, Miss’Mary,are-at Blowing:Rock for the summer,cupying a cottage. Mr.Lewis Poston is visiting rela- tives in Charlotte. Mr.W.F...Millsaps of Sharpsburg township,who spent ‘two weeks at Asheville and Rosman,returned home Tuesday.ts Mrs.Mary S.Efird and children of Winston-Salem are visiting .Mrs. Efird’s mother,Mrs.W.A.Lutz. Mrs.A.W.Harris will go to LenoirtomorrowtovisitMrs,M,E,White- ner.Her son,Master:Alex.»Harris,went to Lenoir Wednesday. is the guest of Mrs.R.P.Allison.Misses Carrie Hoffmann and RoseandLeahStephany.went to Morgan- ton-yesterday to spend a few days with Mrs.Lazarus.Miss:Celeste Henkel is visiting Mrs. J.W.Young in:Newton. Miss Lillian Menefee will leave to- morrow.for Rocky:River Springs, where she.will spend several.days be- fore going on to her home in Virginia. Miss Lula Norton,who was herefortheGlover-Fisher marriage,re-turned yesterday to Hickory.Miss Elizabeth Howard went toGreensbororeytovisithersis- ter,Mrs.R.D.Shérrill.Mrs.T.B.Bailey returned to her home in Mocksville yesterday afteravisittoMrs.M.E.‘Adams.> Washington.Mrs.J..Watt Summers and:son, terday for MooresbuvisittoMr.F.M.a Beh éd at the home of Mr.M.J.Coch-| for Nashville,Tenn.,..to \join DrCochrane. rived yesterday afternoon to:visit atthehomteofherfather,udge B, rane on Harrill street,left yesterday and at each’corner of |- reception hall were baskets of.Dor-|pean, [Bolen GIL,ace 6ah: Mrs.W.K.Clement of Mocksville|* Collector Watts left yesterday.for| Master John Dent Summers,left yes-|'enn,fora)— Mrs.James D,Cochrane,who visit:| ‘Mrs.E.M.Land of.Goldsboro ah: ‘City Tax Sale! ee a |Moyer,Rev.H.06,Green St.,one lot Murdock,Ed.,Chambers St,one lotMurdock,jon A.,Sharp St,one loturphy,J.P...Davie avenue,one lot 12 By order ‘of ‘the:Board of A of the |g),1 St.,th lota 12 39cityofStatesvilleundpursuantto.the the Sheri TonWath ee an a’oe *¢rae etek 4will saute Pan os Steele,George,Bim Bt.one lot ....69DeyStewart,Walker,Walker St.,one lot 5.18'MONDAY,JULY 4,15,_|Thome,Eé.,‘field St.,one lot ..1,18}at ee ear ee,eo Thsfollos in|Thomas,Janette,Sharp St,one lot 3.45.)beginning “at 10 o'e Be Mes wing |Webb,,Ray,Harrison St,one lot ..4.94deseribedtractsoflandandeltylotsforun-|White,Clyde Garfield St,one lot ..5.50 paid taxes for the year wie Lowery,|Wbite Jo,Mead St,one lot ......5.16 |N Woods,R.By Garfield St,one lot 1.7:j City Tax Collector.|Woods &Carson,Elm 8t.,one lot..23June4,19165,Conan Woods,Vinay Walker Bt.one Jot Seay WMD Woods,David,Garfle ts,one lot ..2.88 Come Pad &Saddle Co.,‘ConterBt.’E50 Delinquent,Colored.wre Rip ee ewhedanbeeen RRet 60 |tare,ReMi A MLS one ot...2.30 Alexander,Mra:ettie,“Highland ave-9.95 Davidson,Cato,Green St,one esree At Anderson,L.A:Caldwell St,one lot?4.05 Dean,Sallie,Green St,one lot on ab*¢Fraley,Press,Green Bier aie Tot”144 foal re acnepe for ne hats ane Suntée,”Hattie,‘Tradd.St...one tot’.22 Beaver,W._P,.Fourth Sty"6hie io...D111.Nicholson,Jouephine,Tradd St.,-one-lot”2.88Bout;DO:Caldwell St.one lot-se...8.05.Pearson,Jennie Garter S-oan hs 1a"‘L azny Seahorne,ra,Green St.,one lot .-4.45} Racer.3 i Score,Po ea lot o Simonton;Sam,Garfield St,one lot.5.78) Carter ‘Brosi,Armfeld St.one lot.24.72 Stevenson,John,Chambers St.,one lot 1.44} Cashion,A,D.,Fourth St,one lot +.+8.0;..ae .ay For SALE—Good second hand Deering reap-Clinard,4J.-M.,Fourth St.,one lot Bee oe a good condition se gale cheap,“J.RjCline,R.P.,Fourth St.,one lob...16.05 ALEXANDER.7 ir -tesDavidson,J.A.,Broad St,one lob'..<42.70|x BR.BOS)| Dotéon,Geo.W.,Front St,one lots...Highest market|Durham,J,C.,Highland Ave.one lotEasley,Dr’P.8.,Kelly St,one Tot... Eidson,A. Eliason,W.A.,Sharp St!,two lotaFry,T.B.,Front St,one lotGunn,J.A.,Cemetery St,two lots .,Harbin,R.J:,Alexander St.,one lot ..Harbin,James F.,‘fradd St.one lotHarwell,U.C,,;Walnut St,‘one lotHubbard,J.T.,estate,TraddSt.,one lot 4.055 |Jacks,M.L.,Fourth St,one lot ....Johnson,A,C.,Bost St.,one’lot.Johnson,N.W.Race St.,one lot Kestler,J.B.,Winston Ave.,one iKyles,W.L.,Fifth St.,‘ Lippard,A.B.,Seventh’8t.,Lippard,J.L.,Seventh St.,Lyons,Miss Cornelia,Fifth St.,one lot:‘Trivett,S.A.,Hizhland Ave.one lot.Mills,W.M.Caldwell St.,one lot ..Minish,J.J.,Seventh St.,one lot .. Moore,V.B.,Bell St,one lot ....*Moose,'T.Glyde,Front St...one .lot..Morgan,Will,Seventh St,one lot .. Morrison,J.C.,Highland,Ave.,one lotMortison,C.B.,Front St.,one lot ?.Murdock,J,W.,Fourth St.,ome lot ..Orr,RK.W.,Front St.,three lots ...,Phifer,E.L.,Front St,one lot .... Pope,P.S.,Meeting St.,one lot ....Pratt,J.S..Boulevard St,one lot,.. Reavis,J.D.,Armfield St.,one lot’...Seago,D.R.,Center St.,two lots .. Sills,John,Fifth St.,one lot .....;Shaver,C.-F.,Boulevard St.,one let ..Shaver,John “¥.)Boulevard Stone lotSherrill,W.W.,Tradd St.,one lot .Shook,..J..M.,Caldwell_St..two—lots,.Simons,Lee,Eighth St.one lot ..,Mr.,8S,Statesville,one lot.»W.V.,estate,Front St,three Sowers,G.H.,;Caldwell St.,two lotsSteele,T.L.,.Mulberry »one lot!Summers,‘H.C.,Park plice,one lotTrevepaugh,J.H.,Seventh St.,one lot.Tharpe,L:E,Park place;two lots:.semen,Clayton,Boulevard St,one Me tsen stabs eae cdav de cnayanmasageweTroutman,Maeaas L.,Bell St.,one lot{Turner,W.E.,Davie Ave.,one eeTurner,Z. Turner,C.Williams, E.,Davie Ave., H.,Bost St.,one lot .....W.L.Race 8t.,one lot ,,. “Delinquents,White. Suomi Will,Race St,one lot .......A.,Seventh St,one let one lot ., Dixon,James,estate,Center St.,oneErvine,I.R.,oa Road,one lot—ee Rev.+ay eae Bh one ae Ea ae Colored. gee Green St,one lot ..Allisoh,Emma,Tradd St,one’lot ... A eesmSeeiIME9 at.(Bs ey,R.eer iin ‘ot ‘easT. 4 F.F.,1 a ls&t.,ee a esCowan,M.L.,Front St.,07“ioe.nsfigld;PTs Serldove “Mazeie,Chambers netone lotGray,John H.,Sharp St.,one lot ....Green,Margaret,Garfield St.,one lotHoupe,Grace,Garfield St.,one lot ..Kare Henrietta,West End Ave.,onc otMartin,L.O.,Garfield St.,one lot ...March,Susan,Bell St.,one lot »....eee G.©.,Green ae one lot .. C.,Park place,one lot~...* sadeeee * 2 3 1G.07 18.14}18.56 ’Pas |‘Collie,‘tise E.L.,Botlevard St.,one ix 4,77 fe;| 4.0; An Alarm Clock that is little but loud. thing for a lady’s ora gen\leman’s room.-the waking up for you.BIG BEN if you need to be knocked out..|H.B.WOODWARD, °’sup US YOURCREAM. 7 =ad aldeaaersintanmennconncsine“s,||POR SALALE—20-horse power Studebaker Road- col =& “4 FOR SALE—My saddle-horse,or will ex-“a,|change for town lot.PEGRAM A,BRYANT. RS |June 8 FOR RENT—7-reom bungalow on Race |street,now occupied by Mr:‘Myers.Mod-| _of anyrafmebefore the meeting,will be held at the6COMMERCIALCLUBinStatesville, -“”house will help some |Face Brick,Common Brick,Draia Tile price paid for same.Accurate tests.Ever7.body gets the game price for ‘butter fat ‘iinterested,write CAROLINA .CREAME oY CO.,Asheville,N.C.dune 11---3t*lane at Dasekibatenemesstrrmcnenein,| FOR SALE AT“A{BARGAIN—One second:|hand 1914 model Reo Touring car;onelightlyused1914°model Overland Touring | car,good as new;two “second hand 1944 | model Ford ‘Touring cars.‘CAROLINA MO- TOR CO.June 11---2t.| i}LOST—Parae.inion sum ‘af money.De- scription and reward for return to T he |Landmark,June §~2t* ;Lost—Pocket-book containing $50 and a few |-cents.H.C.HATCHETT.June 8—~2t* +r in good condition,Will exchange.for bank stock,real estate,eash or oh time.GAITHER,Statesville,N:€. June 8—2t ernly equipped.-Possession given July 1.c.V.HENKEL,May 28. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the regular an-| 1t--meeting —of--the--stoekholders—of-—the ‘ATESVILLE AIR LINE RAILROAD C€O.,r the eleetion of directors and transactionother—business which may properly N.C.Wednesday.June 16th,1916,at 11:00 o'clock P.C.CARLTON,Secretary. ,|Build a Brick Houseor Brick-Veneer your old house.Warmerin winter,coolerin summer,climinates frozenpipes.Has every advantage.Solid. brick .under-pinning under frame peBrick Co. tt ivar ILHELM eeece (.eee ATKINS. ..Capital $100.000 4%Paid on Time “Genius is nothing but hard work."Hamilton HEN the new born American govern-ment —withoutcashorcredit—staggered-under adebt of $75,000,000 it was Hamilton who start- éd the nation on a sound financial basis. Building Confidence ~ Build your life upon a inneconfidenceandcreditbasis.Strengthen your character bynewerandstrongerpurposes,So live and conduct your pri-vate affairs as'to inspire -con-fidence. A Sound finance means economy and wisdom in handling your income, Economy is saving;saving will add to every success building trait in your character. Let us help you.We are equipped io give you every assistance for building on a safe and sound finan- vial basis, ‘Teast!STATESVILLE N.C. De sitU.S.DEPOSITORY_po P Beautiful White Dress- es,$5 and $6 values,$3.98 Silk Crepe De Chine Waists,$2.50 value,ourprice $1.98. Johnston -Belk White Skirts,$1.25 |and $1.50 values, e name RIBBONS AND CARBON PAPER. Right Quality—Right Price. Statesville Printing Co. It’s a little Beauty.Just the It is not su large but does Jeweler, $750;fo.b,é i Averaging about two cents a mile in daily use,Ford cars are a necessity to every busi- ness man,doctor,salesman or farmer.And _they serve the family just as well. man is his own mechanic with a Ford.No’need ofhigh-priced experts.’And ‘Ford»After-Service for Ford Owners”is-a good thing to remember. ~The factory has reached the:‘production where a$50 rebate is a certainty,barring the unforeseen, ‘Runabout,oe Touring Car,$490;Coupelet, Detroit with allequipment. On display find sale at Every - PCOEEBABYBEN ‘June White Sale: Watch our Special White GoodsSale,Reduce the high cost of dressing. Showing of New White Goods.. 1 lot 40 inch Fancy Crepe,25c.value,our price 19¢.1 lot 40 inch Flash Cloth,25c.value,our price 19c. 1 lot Rice Cloth,18¢.value,our price 124e.1 lot Waisting,'18¢,value,our price 124¢. 1 lot P-K an Corduroy,280,value,our price be.1 lot Dotted Crepe,19c.value,our price 15c.1 lot Dotted Swiss,25c.value,our price ee-1 lot Flash Swiss,25c.value,our price 19¢,1 lot Crepe De Chine,50c.value,our price1lot40inchVoile,short lengths,worth 20¢.,our price “10c. 1 lot 40 inchOrgandy.value 20¢.,our price 10e,CURTAIN ulus 2 ont be 500 yards 40 inch Mercerized Marquesette,specialvalue15¢c.White,Cream and Ecru. VERY SPECIAL | 2,000 yards Printed Batiste,regular 10e.and 124¢.value,our price 8c,All colors,floral,coin dotandstripes.aOnelotSampleWaists,Silk,Crepe de Chine,FancyCrepe,Voile,ete.,$1,$1.25 and $1.50 value,our ulpriceforSaturday,your choice 50e¢, The Store That Sells For Less. ER ue 212. Te TS e=| |Fire,Tornado,Live Stock,Automobile,Liability,yy -Plate Glass,Steam Boiler,AccidentandHealthorLifeInsurance We solicit your business for the leading companies writing the different lines of-i insurance,Full information obtained on request. ERNEST ¢.,GENERAL INSURANCE,RENT- PHONE 23.FICE Ne i,MILLS BUILE IN Slate Roofing? ~‘Tin or rae Workte16 Kind?"LET US “AREYOU———| pene eeing Renn fad Painted? IREDELL TIN ‘WOKBell*Phone 98... The 1916 Overland is es- sentially the same as the 1915 Overland—the famous Model 80 that sold for $1078, But,the price is $325 less. The stream-line body is the same as_the $1075. modelof last season, It has the same magnifi-cent finish;that deep,rich tone of dark Brewster green Oise, 35 Horsepower motor High-tension magneto ignition 5-Bearing crankshaft Thermo-syphon cooling Model 83 f.o.b.Toledo Roadster — with finehairline striping of clear ivory+white. It has the same power- ful,economical thirty-five horsepower,four-cylinder motor,Pie weighs less. o It has hish-tension mag- neto ignition. “it has the same under- slung rear springs.It has the convenient.arrange- ment of electric control buttons ‘on the wpeeete column,Re / -|$725 4 si075 Overland’‘and.“even |‘more powers3eo fps Me‘And it costs you butaesrs840 g -$325 lessthanlast sea-|§ales -,son’s jorge noe fe en |“Dativetesars being:‘misemade!eh,ROW.all overthe:cre Fe y :ta It has “the”sameeasy | working clutch,which’any’ woman cam,operate;ithe 2s same “easy to handle’ga shifting levers;the’same ‘‘easy to steer with?’wheel;) the samepouitingbrakes g It has 33‘matteitires ~ which is unusualonaeas}= at this price.ie,és Every Overland dealer j |In ‘detail,-Anistix me=".‘already.hasawaiting.list, chanical fineness,#,come,se =forts and conveniences)!Placeyour order;imme-)’ this newest Overland gives;-diately 'and fyou can., wow!all therere328,fefhethe .sane ofaa speedy,Geltrecry i aioo Specifications.A ie 'Understung rear springs © 33"«4"tires;non-skid i:rear _ Demountable rims;with one extra Electric starting end lightag ayer e te Headlight dimmers Rainevision,ventilating type,built-in windshield _Instrument boardon cowl!dash gg ( This Car Is Now OnDisplay.Here“. Carolina Motor Company,Statesville Mooresville Nenton. lade S.A nn te be seepeseties.:“siete Sb The Willys-Overlanid ‘Company:Toledo,Ohio New or Now on Danes atthe Panama PacificExposition 7 Se ee NDMARK [ow «a “alin BeE of Woodmen:weeo|part in ‘the unveiling exercises.Bs:wi 15.|—;monies,Dr.P.F,Laugenour was or-ent’to Walter A.Day.svn Miers Jay Ballard”a cap-|tain.o e degree team.Other.of-Statesville ee eras No.ficers of the camp who participatednvelled.ae to Walter were Mr.R.Py Allison,:counciloryinBathelereaeascommander,R. Y¥.MeNeély ~pastSonic,dant Warday:My.Day,councilor,E,F.Nesbit.advisor lieu-it ue date bcéen,‘Bouth,tenant,D.B.Krider banker."Mem-Pun tak katana:te une Troutman and East Mon-ips were present,va the-South Carolina camp atimnineachesithedingantaiptidmenofwhich’he was.a meth’Postmaster Templeton.of Moores-ed mc per toao ville underwent an operation.for ee.oomUke.y erect |pendicitis in Salishury MondogWeraay.Monday...HiswiLsis“favorable. L.HL Caldwell was master of st?; Gone to Visit Brother HeHasn'tSeenSinceChildhood. The Landmark has’eon thatMr.L..W..Kimball,an Tredell man,has resigned from the Winston-SalempoliceforcetovisittheexpositionatSanFranciseo.‘The Winston-SalemSentinelshasthefollowingbearingonMr.Kimball's:trip,»whie is of local interest:.. “While Mr,Kimbait will take in theexpositiontheprincipalobject:of histrip.will ‘o'visit his brother,Mr.John Fy Kimball,whom he has ‘nétseensincehéwasfive’years old.The!’brother teftthe seimballame1.164dellcountyabout45yearsago,goin: lived in Kentucky,Texas,and for sev- eral years.has made his home at Western brother is about 68 years old,aes has not visited the Old North State since he left,about..45 years’ ” “Othe Messrs.Kimball aye ‘brothers of Mr.W.H.Kimball of Statesville and Mr,+L.Kimballof the vicinity of Statesyill e,diaaheuealicligmat @wheat.harvest is about_on.‘ani a a ee:days the rennet:wil:‘be +6 enviekéen Since shat:tine:he bas; Heneme,Cal,,near Los Angeles.The} dn the Federal epic at:Bhbetaboro this week one of the grand jurors arose in open court and charged’that District’Attorney ‘Hammer had pre- vented tim from.presenting.certainmatterstothecourt.Mr.Hammersaidthematterwaswithreference.to the election in Randolph’county andthatthejurorwasactuatedbymalice.“With ‘reference“to the’destructionoftheWilliamP,Frye,an Americangr _|Ship,the German,government:refuses to settle the matter through diplo- matic:channels and.insists:on prize it th ht to.deawor ahaere‘|claims.the oy A ”CAN;mile contraband,but, court©pr ngs: Mr.J;N.Phung:a well ea citi-:zen and businéss man.of.Morganton.and a local Methodist minister,diedMonday,aged 69.°°He was born inAlexandercountybuthadlived‘in Burke since 1865,The grand lodge of |Knights of Pythias,in session -in Salisbury,oncided6meetatWaynesville.year.Pe lackss grand chancellor,Reuben Fry and Garland Travis,-white youths,escaped from Catawba ' G.Baird of Charlotte’we Mr.Bickett Not the Candidate CALOMEL SICKENS!IT’S HORRIBLE!-. of a Faction.:DON’T STAYBILIOUS,CONSTIPATED Attorney General Bickett,who is/|2%aneSrnecaah1stRadeacandidateforGovernor,has issuedIGuarantee ‘‘Dodson’s Liver Tone’'Will Give You ae peri,"ype 7ame le a byl’the Best Liver and Bowel Cleansing You Ever Had. sundry.individgalstoperpetuate fac-|Calomel makes you,sick;you lose;a 50cent bottle of Dodson’s Liver tional lines in the Democratié party:!a~day’s work.Calomel is quicksil-|Tone under my i guaranteeOnaccountoftheEuropeanwarcon-|ver and it salivates;calomel injures’that -it_will clean your sluggish liveditionshavearisenwhichtheRepub-|your liver.|better than nasty calomel;~it—wyn’ lican organization is seeking to con-|If you are biliovs;feel lazy,slug-|make you sick and you can eat anyvertintopoliticalcapital.It is plot-|cish “and all Knoesed out,if your)thing you want without being sali. ting to inject into the minds of the|bowels are constipated and your vated.Your d st.guarantees.people the insidious suggestion that|head aches or stomach js souy,just)that each spoonful will “start your ©the Democratic party is in some|take a spoonful of harmless Dod-|liver,¢lean your bowels and ~vague way responsible for the /condi-|son’s Liver Tone instead of using|straighten you up bymorning or youtionsbroughtonbythemostcolos-'-sickening’,salivating calomel.Dod-|get your money back:Late giad- sal war in the world’s history.Inj son’s Liver Tone is real liver medi-|ly take Dodson’s Liver Tone beeause ©the face of this movement,it be-|cine.You'll know it next mornjng|it is pleasant tasting and doesn’t —hooves all.good men wholove justice:pecause you will wake up feeling|gripe or cramp or make them sick.. and who are at all eapable'of appre-|fine,your liver will be working,your}I dm selling millions of bottles of), ciating that man,sent straight from)headache and dizziness gone,your!Dodson’s Liver ‘Tone to people who God,to guide this nation in a peril-|stomach will be sweet,and bowels!have found that this pleasant,vege-ous hour,to bury all personal differ-|recular,You will feel.like work-|table,liver medicine takes the placeencesandrallytothecolors.ling.You'll be cheerfyl;full 6f£vig-|¢f dangerous calomel.Buy one hot-)“I want to say with all the em-)or and ambition.tle on my sound,reliable guarantee.||. phasis,ae Oe ae bs Your druggist or dealer sells you}Ask your druggist about me.>; a candida og es —a A ee Sr eee eer a %ination for Governor I am not run-|ning as the champion or exponent of!any wing,faction or division of the LEY AVIATOR | H |In Aeroplane _Mbove He:Drope|ti Bombs That Destroy —° lin and Crew of 28, London Dispatch,7th, For the first time on record a Zep-#|pelin in the air has been destroyed byHianaviatorinanaeroplane.ReginaldH|A.J.Warneford,a young Canadian B |sub-lieutenant in the Royal Navy,whomasteredaeroplaningonlythisspring,has performed the feat andtonightissomewherewithintheBrit-H!ish lines,while the Zeppelin sprawls31awreckontheroofandgroundsof ian orphanage near Ghent.eeFallingthereablazingmassafterbeingstruckbytheyoungaviator’sbombs,its crew of 28 men were killed,as also were several occupants of the a 2 a ,|orphanage buildings.ae ee #|Some believe this Zeppelin was the i /-MONEY TOLOAN?[222Englandlastnight,for since it was in the air over Belgium,‘ No,but this cultivator will save you money and time this busy seasonwhenoidGeneralGreengetsaholdonyourcrop.-He is here andisdoinghiswork.Be op the alert,Farmer,get ahead of him.Wehaveonlyafewleft..Terms right. Iredell Hardware Co. ITIL OASIS Gas Appliances Do not hesitateto give your orders for gas appliances to Mr.and Mrs.Osborne personally,--Mrs.Osborne will eall and — instruct everybody how to cook with gas free of charge,where any one de- _sires her to demonstrateat their home. Phone us for appointments. Statesville Gas Light and Fuel Company. —~=t |)!<a, YOU are going to build consider roofing.All kinds metal roofing and full line sheet metals in stock.A specialty of ridge roll and val- ey tin.STATESVILLE TIN CO.,H.€.Mohler,Manager. PHONE 155.114 East Broad Streets:- Sette eee eee %=o = Odorless Refrigerators! Ask the ice man,wherehe delivers the least:ice and} |gams*or rifles “wi :aviator is not disclosed,but to attain)=|such an advaniageous position British lieutenant must,have -hand- 3}led his machine ‘skillfetty,for this 1 Ghent and ‘Brussels at 3 o’clock,inthemorning,it possibly was return- ing from an expedition,not starting. Dawn breaks early these days and the huge:Zeppelin could be.sighted:faroff,and it is presumedthat.the eraftwasheadedforherhomehangerwhenWarnefordcamewingingswift- ly under the gray skies.6h ieTheZeppelin,which was flyingcomparativelylow,began to movfit) immediately,but the British waspwasspeedierandclimbedintotheair in long spirals,reaching a position,|at_length,over the German’s vast, bulk.From this vantage point Warne-| iford pierced the Zeppelin’s shell re+|peatedly with his incendiary bombsj.| Without parallelin this war or any|other,is the story which the young'| aviator will have to relate,for de-| tails after the fight have not yet been) told.First came the long pursuit,! for,according to the admiralty re-!vort,the aeroplane was.6,000:feet.up.| nearly 20 minutes and the Zeppelin,! meantime,could drive,forward ap-)proximately 15 miles.;:Then followed the maneuvermgforposition;and finally the-dropping!ofthe bombs.from which the-diri os ;ble tried vainly to escape.Minor ex-} plosions occurred,and,at last,oneofterrificforce,and the Zeppelin burst into flames.:ieAtthemomentWahrnefordmust have been at close range over the di-|rigible,for.almost simultaneouslywiththeoutbursthismachinetugn-| ed completely over,and for “a ‘mo- ment he hung head down,his mono-plane pitching and tossing in the. gwift currents of air which rushed upto.fill the vacuum.created. .Then by a desperate effort Warne- ford righted his machine far above =the earth and planed.to a landing be- j hind the German lines.He alighted ‘unhurt;set his propeller going again’ ‘and flew off to the west. Whether .the Zeppelin's,;machineturnedon the is an €xtremely difficult feat.E|Although;the target the Zeppelin_presents.s-extensive,it can—be lift-Fled by its own buoyancy to ‘a greathewilltellyouwhereverE|height~while the.pursuing aeroplane|=\has to rise in spirals by the pow- there is an Odorless Re-: frigerator.Why?Because ‘Germans,hi z =|Londonitisconstructeddifferent|)|torcea gr from the many so-called& er of its engine alone.As the flight in mid-air securred|over.the part.of Belgium held by! the Germans,hopes are raised in}Germans will be)|forced to move their Zeppelin bases eastward,thus making raids on Eng-|land more hazardous. CHARGEDWITH FRAUD.| fo reach this altitude would require:- Democratic:party,but my hope andrelianceistowipeoutallfactiona)|lines,weld together every discor- dant--element in ‘the party,and pre-} sent a united front to the common| foe.That foe is even now girding| himself-for the eoming conflict.As!surely’as the sun rises unity leads} straight to victory;as surely as the!sun sets division ‘spells disaster.In| this crucial hour-I call on every Dem-|ocrat in North Carolina to hearken| to the immortal words of the immor-) tal Aycock:|“*Bhe Doones are in the valley!I pray you,gentlemen,train your guns)a little lower,”:|“PT,W.BICKETT.”| Extension of Rural DeliverySer-|vice. Establishment of 710 new rural) mail delivery routes to serve 82,390)amilies and the extension of exist-| service to:reach 5,460 additional!families is announced hy Postmaster| eral.Burleson,Neatly all.of the/new routes will «go into operation! June 15,| Enlargement and extension of the | rural service was made possible,aPostofficeDepartmentstatementex-|plains,by a.readjustment-in April) and May,resulting in a reduction of operating expenses amounting to $511,262,Many routes have been consolidated.with others,but it is hy G ‘said but few carriers will be drop- ped. Orders are now awaiting the Post- master General’s signature provid-for_new-fural—automobile serv-} ice in many localities.People on) these routes when living within a ra-| dius of 25 miles will enjoy local! rates..The first of the routes will) ro into operation August 1.| ing State to Grind Lime For Farm-| ers.2tiBupthegniddle.of July,Noxth GarethedinkSiteiready,to get.into >the |Timé ‘grinding *busigess*for theyfarm-|‘ets Of the State.“The plant’recently| secured by the Department of Agri-|‘culture;1oeatednear Pollocksville,in’eastern North Carolina,is .aboutféady“for operation.““A@Slong aseesaaeaccommodatethede-)goftheStateitwillbeuséd?ands® alone but when it becomes necessary. other plants may be taken over. Greenville Monday voted a bondissueof$30,000 for schools. YOUR HAIR NEEDSPARISIANSAGE Now that Parisian Sage—aninex~pensive preparation that suppHés”ev- | Dependabilit rORE than 75 Concerns nowMmanufacture‘Tires. We believe that everyoneofthesemakesasgoodTiresashe knows how,at the lowest Cost his Ex-pericuce,Iquipment and Methods make possible,We believe that the average TireManufacturerisfairinhistreatmentof:Adjustments,and that few deliberately misrepresent their product,either ver-bally or in Print. We believe that no Tire Manufact- urer can «fjord to make statements inprintabouthispaoeaet,which state- ments cannot be borne out by the per- Sormanee of his Tires,in actual use. We helieve that the Tire has neverbeensinewhichwillnot‘‘Rim-Cut’’ if run ‘‘flat’’for any considerable dis-tance,and that inany makers,including ourselves,Haye always produced ‘Tirés that would not otherwise ‘‘Rim-Cut’’’ Only 5%Plus for°thisBestNon-Skid” m7 “ceand “Dp pr ©}Non-Skid Tires: er ¥ — OFHER MAKES CA 0.5515 Size |Safety, Made as always,—the same reliable Con- ctruction,the same dependable Scrvice—with- out anything whatever taken out of Quality,no matter what reductions in areovermade,GOODRICH FAIR-LISTED versus———__: We believe that many more Tires ‘‘Break-at-the-Bead’’than Cut at the Rim. o 8“seye Ebelieve thatthe Rub-ber Riveting SystemofattachingtheTreadtotheCarcass(by means of aloosely’woven fabric,which per-°mits the raw Rubber to*percolate through its meshes and then Vui-canize to Carcass and Tread)pre- vents,to.a large extent,Tread- Separation.We have long used this in“‘Goodrich’’Tires,as a common~. place part of our Precision policy, but without laying any particularstressuponit.: We believe that the ‘“Double-~ Cure’’process,common with a.great many Tire Manufacturers. under different names,adds un-necessary expense to Tire Cost,which expense the Methods of the .Goodrich Factory eliminate”through its Precision “‘Single- & Cure.’’' We believe that the cutting.out of needless expenses like this- (which our Precision Methods: save)constitutes one of thestrongestreasonswhythelargestRubberFactoryin’the “World (Ours),produces the greatestMileage—per Dollar of Costin - its Tires, And——‘'The PROOF of.theisintheMileagethereof.’’ BH believe tha House whichtotheTruth in‘jits Advertising,is reasonably sure tosticktotheFactsinitsSelling,You have never yet found’| anythingin Goodrich Ae oewhichwasnotintheGoodsitad-°.vertised.’Hence you may pin your to the following statement:—Goodrich Safety -Tires give,with .most Tire: .FORMITY,the greatestMAGE,and Resilience,atthe est Cost,per MILE,to Tire Users. Test them and see!- THE B.F.GOODRICH CO.‘Akron,Ohi a oe Ingenious Claims | 4 Refrigerators and ice box-@ es.It retains the cold,- jery hair and scalp need—can be had'North Carolinians Putting One from the Statesville Drug Company,.|it is certainly needless to have thin,|Over on Government.|brittle,matted,stringy or faded hair-| keeps the ice frommelting =|Washington Special,“th,to Raleigh |No matter how unsightly your hair,d the i Sa ed 2|News and Observer.::|Bow.magy.ft is Saas or ae er an es e ice.Vv :;,»|dandruff,Parisian Sage is a at is sa =wh that cae ce Meee ey.needed.Every trace ot’Gandrui tsice'j :4tY 1"!pemoved with one ‘application,the1ee,18 saved money.=ithe whiskey business in North Car-|hair‘roots are nourished and stimu-B|olina before the days of prohibition,|lated to grow new hair,itching scalp eiare charged with defrauding the|and falling hair cease.;|Parisian Sage is certainly one’of Federal government out of 9 larz °’the most.invigorating tonics,and|W H,Osborn of North Carolina,;«|Will surely make your hair”soft,:abundant and radiant with life and r ‘the Vudor Shades to Make Sleeping ,Porches---’Phone For Prices. Vudor Shades and Ham- era sama nocks.We make you any. PORCH fuseesize awning.Window,-SHADESff,ee :j are 4 We have them in allsizes,with and without water coolers,. Also White Mountain Ice Cream Freezer,the best freezer in the world.Respectfully, i White MountainRefrig. ators are all stone lined. Howers For 1 se &oe ~The chest with the chill in’ Graduation Day!.|:, Also Iceland Refrigerators,zine lined—the only ice box that will save ice.Ice Cream Freezers.One,’ two,three and four burner Oil Cook Stoves —the stove’ that will bake.aw As usual we_shall have our splendid of- ferings for commence- mént time,consisting of handsomely arrang- ed Baskets,Bouquets, etc, e|time.They hold ds.security now=|about $100,000 worth of property to=|protect the government:against:loss 2\of the revenue tax.Hartman’s mail,=|order house—at-the-time of—its—seiz-! e|ure was doing a business of $1,000 a\a day.This house,with the distil-| #ilery,is said to have been owned ex-; =|clusively.by Hartman and Casper. Knox Booth,a revenue agent sta-tioned in Tennessee,is said to have}been in‘connivance with Oasper and|Hartman.Brown,a store-te keeper-guager,is also implicated inthecharges,Caspér_and Hartman maintained awhiskey.distributing house in Win-ston-Salem from 1902-to 1905.Hart-man operated distilleries in various;parts of the State?including Wayne county... *Bilioas,Attacks, When you have abilious attack your liverfailstoperformitsfunctions.You becomeconstipa’'‘The.food.you.eat:ferments in your stomach instead of digesting.‘This in-flames the stomach .and causes nausea,vom-iting and a terrible headache.Take Cham-herlain’s Tablets.They’will tone up yourliver,clean out your stomach and you |willsoonbeaswellaaever,y only cost aObtainableeverywhere. Statesville Housefurnishing Co. ’Special in Ladies’Pumps! :We are for a few days MuntheaLadies’$3.50 Pump for $2.50. Sizes from 23 to 53.,Plenty of Mary Jane.Pumps,all'sizes and Leathers,ee The S.,M.&H.Shoe CG _—The One PriceCash Shoe Store. ‘THE ADV a ‘Roses and Carnations in abundance.Ex- quisite Flowers from =|responsible for the discovery of the Heaiity. 000 bond,while Hartman is a fuvi-! fiartman and Casper are said to ¥!months ago,while its owners left it) ‘::ellery,agents of the owners are said <4 .)99 ¢ll ¢ing ali of.whiskey on.which no-tax was.paid, eee |ment. =\mail order business at the same -a good Bank—this Bank for instance. |with and a hundred dollars wouldn’t stop _Our own gardens. =|alleged frauds.’.Casper.is in jail in S|Fort Smith,Ark.,in default of a $35,-| itive from justice,after having skip-' =\ped a $20,000 bond. The Williams Furniture House.have owned a.distillery near Fort,f a a :‘‘.Smith,which closed down some for other ‘locations.After all gov- ernment agents had left the distil- ;to have started it up again and to) eihave smuggled out large quantities |Hartman moved to Kansas City,'=/where he ran a mail order establish- Reveras anes reehep the ‘Arkan-!:‘sas distillery and the Kansas City;Of poverty and wantwill never grab you if you have an active savings account in _But you want to start in time.Start now, and start here.A dollar will do to start _you,once you realize how important a ‘Savings account is. os Van Lindley (o.,); FLORISTS To THE souTH,|; GREENSBORO,Hi.0, Polk Gray Drug Co., -Lecal Agents. -SAPETY —SERVICE—SATISFACTION. _Merchants and Farmers’Bank, >“The BankFor Your Savings.”’ Ne CAA & THOMASVILLE. Baptist Sunday School Their Friends Have a it Day at the Baptist anage. aciul train operated from «to Thomasville Wednes- .the wospieesof the First}q- “Sunday school-of Statésville:}5-.., bout 440 Baptists..and—their}fy i,eee :.|ie |fs to the Thomasville orphanage]§’eo nt ee RSF a 5 »i. ;outing.The day was an RE pee Reegs Ra aia el 9 picnic and the visit to nf Perak Bate! orphanage was very much en- Dinner was’spread beneath oaks of the orphanage campus e :;3 ‘a ,i Mid f after dinner an Snore nae.oie \i ee *y tt wamme was rendered by ¢ildren 0 ve e 9 A %i.|oe O .sete es ‘%Yih ;:.z TM RR rb a 4 AY A cys te ‘orphanage in the handsome new itorium,While the crowd was abled inthe auditorium Manager :::Ze rf bs see Fe fh #told of the work of the insti-::so eee eee f ; ‘and gave directions for visit- t : {-geveral buildings.of.interest,;’P ;. including the nurseries,dormitoriés, 1 Fofirmary,work shops,laundry,sew- :}ie A Brief.talks ‘he ae _%L mb:9 room,dairy,ete.rief, alsa made-in-the auditorium by Rev.P,Gwaltney of Alexander .;fC i ‘county,Mr.A.C.Payne.of Taylors-‘:ig wille;Mr.F.L.Abernathy of East : >; bo and Dr,Charles Ancerson,‘‘°-5 ;°: :aero eons alge Paul Leon-To introduce what values the 1:°Mills give for i oO tatesville.*!‘j a After the buildings,etc.,had been ‘'vo ett aha nes ted there was a-ball game be- rename een the orphanage team and ‘a team made up from the picnic party,prin-Bab Bes ¢i cipally Hiddenite boys.The game ; |: could not be finished,but the orphan-i , ; team:was in the lead when it was e ’ond ed off. “About 245 of those who took the to the orphanaye boarded the n at Statesville,72 at Hiddenite and the remainder at qoreeere and .: points between Taylorsville and 3 A ;4 : Statesville.The crowd was made up We will give absolutely FREE with each (i ‘>»’‘ Seerinally of children,the event.be-&y ee Order for a Suit a $10 guaranteed lady’s or gentleman’s Rain Coat. “the annual picnic of the First ‘ ist Sunday school.The trip was We positively guarantee to duplicate any $25,$30 or $35 Suit made to order for $15.The U.S.Woolen Mills ah s +h :M ‘=H.‘a :Ss :?ss rears =*.~..one Bre cca vapeeaier exert Co.operates the largest chain of stores in the United States,selling direct from mill to man and eliminates the was in charge of the train.middie man’s profits.Remember that you get,a broad guarantee that we positively guarantee perfect satisfac- “During the return trip a purse of tion or money refunded.ene ‘about $25 was made up on the train sent back to the orphanage tohaseatreatforthechildren,Inquire at the S.,M.and H.Shoe Co’,s re arding this free offer of $10 Rzin Coat tor each Sui am il »be inereas-:.Og eee piue m .‘cs a ‘h Suit for $15.W ee ee Oe ee give you a special invitation to call at S.,Mt.and H.Shoe Co’s store and look over the largest disciay of before it is sent to Thomasville.Wool h in’S ille f on SaaS aE ooiens ever S nYoungTraveler—Journeys :sien hi ad pant sadist $15.Le aeoooe iM Continents :Y ‘ Asheville Citizen has a story :‘‘2 : fare son of Dr ahd Mim JW Remember that you get a $10 guaranteed double-texture Rain Coat FREE with each ucette of Asheville and grandson ..:Bo!‘et ete ot Seer Suit for $15—no more-and_no less—at S.,M.&H.Shoe Co’.,today and tomorrow. ete ||-; ‘his parents show that he made theices.1 U.S.Woolen Mills Co.,the World’s Largest Tailors,Stores Everywhere. s of his coat fraternity emblemsthereby,his.father and the :ee aes a x doesn’t believe that “he canSareesteen0he|Bobaxt.devineCanening,Killed MR.ASHCRAPT ON SUNDAY.|MR ee Toa om eee Ad s who will assist-him Gate in.Auto eos,3 Andee.‘di ——iota sie iy candied a és king the trip.a pleasant one.The)”Robert Irving ides icine tree E sh ko aang i 7RY Tae es are,conspicuous and the tray-|years,son of Mr.dM RL Cor-|4a.fee ntspf "Revs J ae \;oe ed to wear them’until his|pening ‘of Dallas,Tex.,and nephew of in cott a a "Brady-+-Church’ae y |es return fo Asheville.He will remain|Mrs."D:M.Furches and Misses Leila;News."**z ou ue icucet te:cee ea pe opening *pratenus ,Mrs Lois Long Hackett will sing!?ie Ra ;Wwe ed In an auto tru wre ry irog je stho-|2 +8 :1 ‘ee ere er aed 8 md a ese soak ee seg foerest Mette le.“The Same )Don't Put iechaperones on his jaunts.When he!county,Texas.Miss Ruth Corpening,|.Rev.J.Harper Brady,who was!}Th::~* was just a kid (he isn’t one any long-/14 years old,a sister,was pinned un-|this week licensed as ‘a minister of(f ;ce shat io re E Say Ice~in Your or,he says),he climbed aboard aj/der.the truck in a ditch and saved|the Presbyterian Church.will have |:f -5 at SSS $ treet.car and went.to the Southern)her-life by placing her hand:over her)charge of the’-churches of Fifth!“a Cools Your |{Cea E a a Drinking Bites station to get a train for|face and keeping the water out until)Creck,Bethesda and Elmwood,all(j ,:es I PN:H tesville,where he intended to pay|she could be removed.She sustain-jin this county.—Mr.Brady will!Food,Cocls |Re .eM oe Water! ‘visit to relatives.However,at that/ed only minor injuries.preach at Elmwood Sunday aftcr-|Hy,Sew pepe ih ) time,several years ago,his parents|In the wreck five others were killed)noon at’3 o'clock.Your i od Rt ‘inl It’s Dangerous were unwilling for him to make the}ond 14 injured.A _two-ton-auto truck Rev.Legh Scott,who was licensed!rR ol 7 |ie : trip and he was taken back home!was carrying the Mozart Choral club|the same time as’Mr.Brady,will (f Drinking %hs Thoth Uh ea ce id And with the promise that he might go on|of Dallas from an orphans’.home,|have charge of the Second Presbyte-|;z ELLY =i . Jong journey when he grew up.|where they had given a concert...In|rian church of Danville,Va.,thts |~~Water },|‘3 ;.Unnecessary§ae DM we . 70 BOY AN.AUTOMATICeeeyaes a “4 jw that.he’s grown up,he has!meeting another,machine the driver]summer..Mr.Scott won a_scholar-| started on his journey.”*of the truck turned toa far out and}shi ion T i j :;'i ar Ff ps # :em riee4 4 4 far.g ship at Union Theological Seminary:®.°-};al i ew College President Here the truck plunged over the bank and}and will return there:this fall for ail Without j GOELES ae =Buy An ::.into the ditch,turnin over and pin-|year’s post graduate work.Mr.Scott:9°:Extra Cost...Ee 4 Wa dt 3 Prof.J.M.Moore,the new presi-|ning the occupants under it,.Gaso-|left yesterday for Danville ie FA OSE,Ae ae ae ‘Automatic. ;of Statesville Female-College,line ignited and those who died,died}During the ,sammier.months ser-|@-et one ee Pe as has arrived in Statesville.Until Dr.|of suffocation and.strangulation.vices at Little Jos church,Barium.|§-: Scott vacates the college building,Mr,and Mrs,Corpening had been|will be held at 5:30 Sunda®after-|f Noe } h will be about July 1st,Prof.|to the entertainment but had gone|noons instead of 3:30.Sunday school|You can keep any combination of foods in an Automatic without dan- wre will hoard with the Misses|home ahead of therparty,“Mr.Cor-i;'a eau ...sses|he-party.“Mr.Cor-i at 4 o'clock.ger of flavors mixing.Why?Because of the.Automatic Circulation Phomas on west Broad street.His|Pening is a Statesville boy and his].ThesLandmark again direc j;:ae if Bee ‘ie These La ark again directs atten-|~2 eo firm will join him here later.-Prof,|friends “here’will sympathize with}tion to the fact that Mech CG.Asti ot Cold,Pure Air.See them at our store.“We are always glad to foore says he has not yet completed him,craft,editor of the Monroe Enaui i 3]j i BS;;a :craft,¢t the enquirer,|SI y ;faculty.Hi could have done so!Motor Company's Garage at will speak at the First Baptist check how an AUTOMATIC. thin ten days after being.Ghected ¢:y ”)Sunday morning,and at.a-avnion meet-* president of the college,so far as ap-Newton,;ing of Sunday schools at Broad Street :c;rs f J .Ses os tions i positions go,but he}The building which.is being erected|church Sunday afternoon.Mr.Ash-|raw ord-Bu nch Furniture Company. ‘going slow ih making his se-|at Newton for ‘the Carolina ‘Motor }cratt is a plain man,without frills;!aes THE STORE THAT ALWAYS WELCOMES YOU OA 4 ad *. r Tections,with a viow’to getting the Company’s farageis nearing comple-but he talks fine common sense and|g strongest faculty possible He is in|tion and will soon be ready for oe-what he says will be worth while.|xmapemmuermesmccusn PEE oo bya nontg with several teachers}cupancy.The company will -have|Mr.Ashcraft was mentioned as a ee 7g Saat ability and he and Dr.|nearly as much floor space at New-“plockade preacher’’in the last.issue ,M.Richards of the board of trus-|ton as it has at its main garage in|of The Landmark.He ‘writes that : tees tiavecalled on some of the pros-|Statesville and the,gatage will be only one man in the State has that|@ ‘‘; ee ten in person.Judging|modernly equipped.Mr.Fred Deaton,|“entitlement”and that’man is “Arch|::ae from ‘e numerous inquiries about|who is now with the Motor company Johnson.”.But whatever they call : ‘Next year’s session,Prof.Moore hopes |at Statesville,will go to Newton when}him,Mr.Ashcraft preaches mighty /F :; ‘and_expetts.a large student body-at|the new.garage is opened.Mri Franke}Sound.doctrine...;a.A ; Se = ]college next fall.He will not.be-|Deaton is with the Mooresville branch}Votice of New advent —comets H one canvass for students until his |of the company.,dvertisements. ulty is completed,eineSalata Sol gt paahost see price paid for ‘ gineisSaeco *¢cream;—Carolina Creamery -Compa-t to the Roads Births and Deaths For May.|;P : t Ss.y,Asheville..E 4 t Justice Lazenby yesterday sen-|,The monthly report of Miss Annie Second-hand touring ,cars at a ;ny pare py or Anle me elpgant ine pf 7 Harlee Glover,colored,to 30|Marvin,registrar of births and deaths|bargain—Carolina Motor Co.: n the roads for beating a rid for Statesville ‘township,shows 15|Seconddhand Deering |;.;ic ‘ train.The Glover boy had jon deaths and 31 births in the township|cheap.—J.Re ‘atintacne !reaper Ladies’White,Tan and Gray Wash Skirts eompleted a four-months term in jail during May.Of this number three of}It’s time for an a i rfr’automatic.—Craw- ¥store-breaking..He was sentenced the deaths and 15 of the births were]ford-Bunch Furniture Co.mo x rd ‘;3aitinstructions.from’the}ere the corporate limits of States-|~New wash skirts—Mills &Poston.|AT 50C wf 5 C.AN D $1.00 EACH. urt that he be worked by Jailer Gil-|"Seven of the deaths were col-|June white sald.——Johnston-Belk -ne ey Ua melee during his term he ran rex A ly one negro birthiCompany._|ay ba ig ae ay and on one of these occasions Was’reported.Mis:~Marvin -contem=saby Ben.o-H,BR,i a These irts ar :a st relic ateriFookaride-on a freight —train,plates having some of the colored peo-AL kinds TE G Gadthi ;4 Pee he dee -ue apy ae ea oe oe ee pide id costing him 30 days on Pn for failure to report|er}sivthe:|ie consisting of Piques,Poplins,Indian Head Suitings and Panama. Every’banking accommodation.Gloth.‘tac !Yours truly,;: ~Complaint of |Meat and Milk Inspection-—Lec-Commercial National’Bank. Men's and boy’s work —shocs,—J. eight Rates Dismissed.ture at Court House.M.McKee &Co.6 Inter-State.Commerce Com-|Correspondence of The Landmar Gran¢ening:isple :|I 4 3 ; m has dismissed the complaint |Next Tuesday evening at &Yelock Ly.8:Winton Mile baer Be..%Ss M |i S &P O S T O N »©.Wi Slane:Glass Company,|nt the court h ios :Ta "1@ BH.Shoe Co,today and ton orrow.||Ae RAT9 -%,“has : ‘manufacturers of Statesville;|oo.yrt house,Dr.C.L.Cruse,|Raincoat free ‘the fs it,ee 7 2 x ms i alleged that the rate of $2 per |"sisted by Mr.G.B.Dull,will ae Chautauqua tipkete(ae fale for fit '. on sand in carloads from Mendo-|"milk and meat inspection.The|teen days,beginning .tomorrow Call Virginia,to Statesville,is unren-|'ectvre will be illustrated by steroop-|on F.B,Bunch,7 ble and unduly prejadiced,in that |‘i¢a"views loaned by the government,\¢Bpesaerepe gay mer te a >*¥y _o .T.i Beir | eds;the aggregate Sf the inter.rhe public is cordially invited,ao .bk vagy and Diarrhoea ‘“ti ,j y.‘.:‘ late ,rater.-a ‘mission free,|This is a remedy that every.family shold at ul In uf ni a €hj la S 'R I ediadale sca otal ead oe eae ;amare peter Pure,milk and whole abe provided *wicotahi;;re)muk some meat arct?t.Provided with,And especially durins theblocksofbuildings.on the wa-|of vital importance to the public {tein Te ee sates athe,Pain.and out front of Portland,Oregon,were)health,in=whie'a I fering,that st be!endure /ri ‘ow a ag Seay ;ana ; bdubiay:dasdorm se a ae Ms pee every citizen shotild |cine must be went Pn Hien d wpe ae :;2 i ie Statesville,N.C.,North Center Str eet, i Hligent interest jobtaitied.‘This Femedy ja the ,‘, Pep aiitisintacatiee .CLVIC LEAGUE COMMITTEE et fake ae ee OR nee eke ge ee icipices ee Pee Next Planters’Warehouse. x, able everywhere. ALT Recaro| —>sho danmve tothe buifding since he Damaged ;Jail and Stood Of Ofti- Neighhors. ‘the window weights,one of which he -—the-weight_and brick were taken from ,,where he soon quieted down.’So much Young Men_.Who_ VOL.XL. / !STATESVILLE,N.C,TU ESRES J U NE 15,1915. eee INSANE NEGRO."VIOLENT, cers Until the “Water Cure”) Was Applied,Es ‘George Hotistoh,.the insane negro who gave Sheriff Deaton and Jailer Gilbert such a lively time at the jailabouttwoweeksago,had-anotherspellSundayafternoon,which caus- ed considerable excitement and somedamagetothejail.About 6 o’elockintheafternoonmembersofJailer Gilbert’s family heard a noise on the second floor of the building and in-vestigation reveitled that Houston had torn out the facings of a window ofhiscell,sécuréd the heavy window weights and was rapidly knocking brick from the wall.Mr.Gilbert was away at the time and.Sheriff.Deaton ‘and the police department were no-tified.The sheriff and —Policemen fii Waseon—-respondedpromptly,er the ornnotion~-xbout. the jail soon attracted a large crowd, When ‘the officers went to Hous- ton’s cell he held them-at bay with threw through an opening in the steel door with terrific foree,barely missing Sheriff Deaton’s head.-After disposing of one,of the weights the negro picked up some of the bricks which he had removed from the-wall and hurled these at the door.Neither persuasion nor threats’would ‘induce him to allow the officers to enter the cell.In’an attempt to frighten him Officer Neighbors fired his pistol near the negro’s.head,but this:did~not phaze him.Finally it was decided to try the “water cure”and a line of hose was secured from the fire de- partment and ran from a hydrant on the street into the jail.‘The water was then turned on the negro and al- though its force tore the clothes from his body he still refused to give up, continuing to hold on to a weight with one band and a brick with the other. The force of ._the water naturally weakened him to some extent and af- ter about ten minutes Sheriff Deaton rushed into the cell and caught the negro’s arms before he ‘could strike. Others rushed to the sheriff’s aid and Houston,|,who then said “he ~wonld: “give up.”He was immediately hand-cuffed and placed-in an all-steel cell, “water was thrown on the negro thataconsiderableportionofthejailwas floodedHouston’s ease is unusual.For days he will appear to be improving andattimeshe:will stem perfectly ra-‘tional,Ther’‘middenly “he,becomes raving mad ‘and’with supematural strength will’play havoc with:every--thing in'sight:‘He has,probably done has been'in ‘jail. Cases -in the Courts.” Odell and Henry King,colored, were given a hearing before Justice Lazenby Saturday afternoon on a charge of cursing in.public,having been indicted under a new.statute against that offense.te was found guilty and taxed $3.55;Henry not guilty.The trouble cena at Bel- mont,the colored settlement east of town,several nights ago.2 Hub.McLain,a young white man of Alexander county,appeared before, United States Commissioner Lazen- by Saturday afternoon and gave $300 hond.for his “ppearance at.Federal Court to answer a charge of illfcit distilling.Some time ago officers de- stroyed a distillery in Alexander county which is alleged to have been ‘the property of McLain.Later Mc- ‘Lain was arrested by Deputy Mar- shal Milholland and ‘placed’uwhder bond for his appearance before Com- missioner.Lazenby in Statesville Sat- urday..When he appeared before the commissioner he waived examination wind gave bond for his appearance atFederalcourt.* Messrs.-Dolph —-Gibson---and--Will Smith,the latter of the Oak Forest community,were before the mayor to answer for an affray which took place on the street Saturday evening. Judgment was suspended as to Smith and he was taxed with half the costs, $2.50,which he refused to:pay,tak- img an appeal to Superior Court.Gib- ‘son was fined $5 and half the costs. WillLocate Elsewhere. *Mr John Clark,who ‘recently re- ‘pened to his home here after serving owt.an enlistment in the United States Navy,left Saturday for a visit to relatives at Lenoir,Blowing Roek, tind Old Fort.He will leave OldFort this week for Endicott,Wash.,where he expects to locate pe‘pmanently.He will engage in the grocery business “with -his-uncle,-Mr.—L.R.-Clark of Endicott. “Mr.Hbrace Stikeleather left,Sat- ‘deday for the big fruit farm of Dr. Henry Louis.Smith in Alex:ander county,‘where he hag sécured a posi-tion.-Dr.‘Smith’s son,Mr.Henry Smith,passed through’.Statesville Saturday en route from his home at]: xington,‘Va.,to the Nas farm in Alexander,where he’wilsummes._.Dr.Smith—will_'spend_a portion of the summer at his farm.Mr.Robt.B.tl,who “recently graduated in:medicine at the Univer- sity of Maryland ‘ini Baltimore,is athometo.spend about ten days.Mr.It has beén given an appointment on the surgical staff.of.-the.y Hospital and will returt to Balti-more to take up his new work,Shit ssitlimit clase Mrs.Chas:.MilhoHand,who ‘vtheSanatoritimfortreatment, spend the} ;local association are|je Three Months’¢Collections in Three.Offices.Exceeded the Than $500.. for the three marths ending June 7 the feek collected in the office of Clerk of the Court Hartness aggre- gated $865.72.For March.the ‘col- lections Were $186.45,for April $216.- 90 and for May $462.37.In.the same |period ‘Register of Deeds’Boyd's collections -agsregated $799.70,as follows:For March $259.- 50,Aprit $269.15,May $271.05. For the »same.period Treasurer Sloan handled $5,017.50 of the generalfund,on which under the fee system he would have received 8 per cent—- $150.55;$15,054.39 of school funds on which the commissions would havebeen.2.per-.cent-—$301.09,ind $13,-167.44.of road “fonds;~or whidh....the. commissions would”Wave heen —one- half of one per cent—$197.51.The total is $649.13.: The aggregate amount of fees for the three offices for the three-months is $2,514.55 and the salaries for the threé offices ageregate $1,750.00.De- ducting the salaries leaves a balance from these offices for the three months of $564.55.The salary of the élerk is $250-per,month,the register $208.83 1-3 and the treasurer $125. These.figures.do not take -into_ac- count the sheriff’s office.His salary is $250 per month and.for the three months -$750,--Pedueting this from the $564.55 saved from the other Of- fices would leave the county in a hole $185.45,but this takes no account of the commissions on 1914 taxes collect- ed after the first Monday in Decem- ber,which are in disputes THE’GLORIOUS FOURTH. Programme For the Fourth of July Celebration in States- ville The committee—in_charge has_ar- ranged the following programme for the Fourth of July celebration: 9 a.m.—Band =coneert on the square.(Morganton band). 9:30—Parade,forming~~on---West End avenue,extending west. Line of march—From West End avenue to Broad street;along ProadstreettoDavieavenue;along DevieuvenuetoElmstreetandalongElm to Ueead:street;-along>Broad streettmthesquareandthenover:Ceaterstreettotherailway.station and backtothe-sorare: 11:30-—Band concert on the sqvare. 1a ser:1 o'clock p.m.—Public addiess inChantanaua—Tont by.Prof..M.C,8. Noble of the State University.2 p.mBall game at Ball Park,Statesville ‘vs.Morganton.Twenty- five cénts admission for persons.over14yearsold;all under 14 free. 4 o'clock—Opening performance of Chautauqua.7:30—Evening Chautauqua.Chrome pubtoraphs of parade shown at this performance. ‘9.p.m—Fireworks at corner af Kelly and north Center streets, Sheriff Deaton hasbeen appointed chief marshal for the “day.Assistant marshals have been appointed as fol- lows:L.B.Bristol,Z.V.Long,H. H.Yount,C.V.Henkel,P.Ai Bryant and Edwin Ramsey. Woodmen Unveil Monument. The Statesville camp of Woodmen of,the World unveiled a monument to the late Harry Nicholson -in’‘thegraveyardatHuntingCreekchurch, in the edge of Yadkin county,Sundayafternoon.About’35 of the States- ville Woodmen were present,-making the trip in eight automobiles and a motor truck.A number of the mem-bers of the Hnrmony camp.of Wood-men and.a large crowd of the peopleofthecommunityattended:the ex- ercises.‘Mr.W.L.Cutting was mas- ter of ceremonies,Dr.P.F.Laugen- our was orator and Miss Laguilla Al-len ‘recited the Woodmen poem used on such -occasions.The Statesville delegation was entertained at dinner|¢ by Mrs.Nicholson,the widew,and other.relatives of the “man.to,whom the monument was erected” tion. The building on west Broad street, occupied by Sherrill *&Reece,is to be remodeled -and converted into.a modern dry goods store for.Mills &Poston;‘who will move frotd herr present location on west Broad:Thebuilding,which is the.property:of Mr.B.M.Stephenson,is one of the oldestin ‘the business section and the add to the.appearance of the entirebusinessblock.It is understood thatabout$3,000 will be spent in the im- provements and work will begin just ag Soon as Sherrill &Reece,secure a new location. To "Attend.Meeting:‘Meteharits’ Association. Messrs.A,W.Bunch,R.L.Poston,Q.A.Stevenson,W.KE.Manday,W.Fi Morrison and possibly others:willvotoAshevilletodaytoattend:themeetingoftheNorthCarolinaMer-chants’Association.The gentlemennamedarethe‘official.representativesoftheStatesvilleerejot,Quite anumberofothercud“ot.the to Asheville tomorrow topera tele”)ener we Behegisspecial:train”. EES IN COUNTY OFFICES. +-Salaries of the Officers Moret Mills &Poston to Change.Loca-| Limprovements-to be made on.it--will 4 fing train mot t a ener DEATH MRS.MARY ADAMS, aNoble Woman—.and osPassingof Death of Mrs.Eaton Little Child. Mrs.Mary Elizabeth Aint died Saturday.morning at 12180 o'clock ather.home on Race street.death com- ing after a very exlended he Shehad-been an invalid for 27 months and}often.her condition was critical.are began sinking Wednesday andgraduallygrewworseuntiltheendca. Mrs.Adams was a daughter of th late J.B.Gracey of this county an was born and reared in Cool Sprintownship.She was 88 years ol ingDecember.In.May,1849,she smar- ried Dr.J.R.B.‘Adams of Spring,whopreceded her to thegrave14years-to-the day)The fam moved to Statesville in October,1andMrs.Adams had madeher homeheresincethat—time...Her husbandpractice).medicine at Cool Spring abeut—5)years,but HieetaftercomingtoStatesville.”Sarviv-|ing are five sons and one daughter,viz;Dr.M.R.Adams,Mr.B..Adams and Miss Mary R.Adams.ofStatesville,Mr.W.G.Adams of Nash- ville;Tenn.,Mr.R:Ny Adamsof Tulia, Texas,and Mr.J.T.Adams of Grand- view,Texas.Surviving also ate one brother,Mr.J.B.Gracey,and one sister,Mrs.Addie Womack,both of Covington.Tenn.Mr.W.G.Adams was here for the funeral...Mrs.Adams was a splendid wontan.)a fine ‘type of the Christian wife and mother of the former days,who rear- ed a family in the fear of the Lord. A gentle, man,she had‘many devoted friends who feel a personal-loss in her death,but*who are comforted by the knowl- edge that her life was an example and a blessing to many,and by the blessed rest that remaineth for the people of God. The funeral service of Mrs:‘Adaualt was conducted at the First Presby- terian church Sunday afternoon at’5o'clock:Revs Dr.-€.E>Raynal,tor;Rev.Dr.C.M.Richards of Da-vidson,former pastor,.and Rev.W. M.Walsh participated in the service.The floral tributes were many and beautiful-and..a_latge...congregation attended the service.The intermentwasinOakwood.;Out of town people here for thefuneralwereMr,.and Mrs.B. Bailey of Mocksville,Mr.and,Mrs. Frank Hall and soriof Btlmont,Gas- ton county,Mrs.W.W-Rankin;Miss Grace Rankin and Mr:Z.Xv. Turling-ton 6f Maooresvilte.”EARS Mrs.R.A.Eaton,widow -of thelate::Dr.Samuel,,Eaton of Oleveland, Rowan-.county,died Saturday —night or’Sunday morning at Buie’s Creck,Harnett county,where she had made her home the past féw years.The remains arrived at.Cleveland yester- day morning,accompanied by a par- ty of friends and relatives,and the funeral and burial took place thereyesterdayafternoon.Rev.C.S.Cash-well of Statesville conductéd the fun-eral service and Mrs.E.Swann, Mr.and Mrs.E.V.Swann and MissesLena,Gertrude and Ducie Swann at-tended the funeral.Mrs.Eaton was born Swann,was a native of _thiscounty.and was about 80 years old. She was a sister of Messrs.P.W.and T.B.Swann of Cool Spring township, both of whom attended the funeral.Three children survive,namely.Mrs.A.T:Hord of the vicinity of RaleighandMissLuceyEatonandMr.Fred Eaton of Buie’s,Creek.Leona.Elizabeth Poston,littledaughterof“Mr.and Mrs.Harvey Poston,died late Sunday night-at the home of her parents on Armfieldstreet,death resulting from.acutecolitis.The child was about 18 months old.The funeral and ©burial took place yesterday afternoon. Postoffice Inspéctor®Headauar- ters Coming to.Statesville. The Postoffice Department hag is- sued an ‘order,effective ,about Au- gust ist;removing the headquarters of what is.known as the .Winston- Salem territory from Winston-Salemto-Statesville:and placing InspectorB:-B.Wehb,now at Asheville,incharge.of the:territory..Inspector Webb.will have headquarters in the Federal_building,t=.The territory of which.TaspectorWebbwillhavechargeincludes.thir-teén ey ‘extending from RowantoMcDpwellonthewestand‘from Iredel},to the Virginia line on thenorth:Inspector Q.A,Keen,whowasinchargeoftheWinston-Salem territory,was recently,transferred to Roanoke,‘Va.,and Inspector Geo.W. Ortnow stationed at Hunting-ton,W,Va.,will succeed Inspector‘Webb in the Asheville territory.Friends of Mr,and Mrs.Webb,both of whom are natives of Statesville,will be glad ta know that they are toreturnheretolive;and it is a.pleas-ure to know that Stateeville will beheadquartersforthepostofficeinspec- tor for thisisterritory. Rural Carrier’Schedule Changed. Beginning today,under instructions from.the ©Postoffice .-Department, Statesville’s’five rural mail carriers will not leave the postoffice until 10:10o'clock,instead of 8:35.as heretofore.The change is assumed.to havo.beenmadeaaccountofthediscontinu-ce some tite whe of thé ery thorn-ieefit which cut offearlymail,‘The early.morning iinis expected to be put back Juneand,ithehedute ofbe ao when this isthéachedururalcarriers kind-hearted,motherly wo- assurance that she has entered thats -pas-| BvIToR ASHCRAFT TALKS. Monroe New paper Man Made Two Fine Addresses in States- i"*ville Sunday.~ UThe talk-of-Mr-v B.C.Asheraft,ed- itor of the Monroe Enquirer,at BroadStreetMethodistchurchSundayaf- ternoon,would have been a most fit-ting one for a “Mother’s Day”cele-bration,His subject was <‘Your |Mother,”and he wot only paid beau-tiful tributes to motherhood,but al-$0 hal much to say about the treat- ‘ment the mother should receive from her.children;His:talk was directedtoyoungpeople,particularly theyoungmen,but unfortunately not Many of these were present. Mr.Asheraft based his discourseonincidentsinthelifeofChristand ¥}His mother,No one,but a mother,athe .said,could.understand ‘the story of the flieht of Joseph and Mary withthechildJesusintoEgypt.“When ithwas-revertod-te-Josephthat.tha king, would endeavor to destroy-the-child|™ and that he should flee with the moth-er and child into Egypt,a hostile country,no time was lost in starting on the perilous trip te Egypt,whieh necessitated the hardships.of travel-ing by night and hiding:by day.AndpyetthisexperienceofthechildChrist and his parents is not unlike the sac- rifices made.by’the mothers of today to save their children.None of us realize the great sacrifices and the suffering of our mothers Torus.Any hardship will be endured by the moth- er for her child.The anxiety of the mother of Jesus when the 12-year-old boy was lost inJerusalemwaspicturedbyMr.Ash- eraft and the uselessness of under- taking to console a mother when her ed is missing from the,home roof at ightfall,was emphasized.Agre:s ‘tossson to be drawn from the in- cident is that when the boy ©Christ was.faund,He was in a place where his mother was not ashamed to findhim.If a boy can’t.look his mother square in the eye and tell where hehasficenwithoutablushofshamehe}is not treating his mother right.Thedesireofallmotherhoodtohaveitsyoungsafeathomeatnightfallisillustratedbythepeculiarcalls%of the aré heard in the late evening—acall that is never heard at any other timeofday.This call:should alWays be-re:ponded to, ~Snrist’s first miracle was perform- ed at.a marriage to.which he hadbeenaecormpanied“by j his mother— the'miraele of turning water into was the proudest.person who witness- ed the miraculous:performance:It is natural for the mother to be proud of her son and no one will give'‘more en- couragement to the ambitious |boy than his..mother.,Fortunate is the man who-has a good mother to back him up in life’s battles. The one ray of light in the story of the erucifixion of Christ is the state- ment that “by His cross there stood his.mother.”Though the.mob -was against:her son,the mother did not desert im.She was powerless.to save ‘Him but.she stood by to.show her love and offer her sympathy.If I was to.write your history,said the speaker,I would say that by your cross stood your mother.We.can- not over-estimate the love and >sym- pathy of our mothers.Consideringthispéisitnotuptous'to make moth- er’s life more pleasant,especially in her declining years?This thing of a boy or girl being unkind to..their mother is the most:contemptible and meanest thing at all.-God only knows the saerifices that are made by moth- ers that we might have better advan-tages than they had,and for a boy toheashamedofhismotherandunkindtoherbecausehehashadtheadvan- tnges and is a little better educated, is too contemptible for me to expressmyselfabout.If would not do for me to say i the pulpit whhat I would like to say to such a ‘boy, Mt.Asheraft said that:he coneider: ed Moses the greatest man who hadoverlivedontheearthandthegreat- ct day in)Moses’history was the duy when he learned his true history. The mother of Moses out-generaled the king’s men and saved her baby.Moses ¢tew up as the son of Phar-ovh’s daughter and had every advan- tago..ofthe.palace andthe kingdom. Rut whén he learned his true historyhewasnotashamedofhis-mother, lie recognized the slave-woman as his mother and refused to be cailedthesénOfPharoah’s daughter.Heliterallythrustasideacrown,left thesplendor.of the palace and ‘returned to his mothervand her people.Hisereatdeedsinafterlifeas.the chosen leader of Israel were insignifi-cant compared with the time he de-sorted the palace.I’m not surprised)that God ¢hose him after he’madethatdepartureandshowedthathewasnotashamed-of his mother andherpeople.Neither God nor man can make anything of you ff you are ashamed of your méther,because youareamiserablelittletwo-by-four and will neve?amount,to anything.Thegreatmenwithgreatheartsand great characters were never ashamedoftheirmothers:We owe a’great debt to our mothers.It.is greater than.the debt we owe to:our govern- ment and.the’times.For mother’ssakedoyourbestandleadcleanlives.In ¢losing ,My,Ashcraft advisedyoungladieswhoarebeingwooedbyyoungthentodefer.giving the finalanswertotheonegreatquestionun-til they have found out how.the youngmentreattheirmothers.Just as theyoung’man treats his mother,so willhetrent.his.wife.And before asking Dirds,cattle,and all.animallife which | wine—and™~andoubtedly=-the mother} THE GAME “RAINED “OUT. First Morganton-Statesville Ball Game Today—Baseball News. The ball game &cheduled to be play- ed on the local diamond yesterday af- ternoon between Statesville and Mor- ganton ‘as the opening game of the league season,was rained out.Mor-ganton was hére about 100 strong and there were delegations from othernearbytownswhdhopedtoseea frame.Weather permitting there will be two Statesyille-Morganton gamestoday—ohe at 10_0’clock this:morningandtheotherat4thisafternoon.Gastonia has:decided not to comeintotheleaguetotaketheplaceof Wickory,.as was hoped for,and it now appears that the Western North Carolina League will be composed ‘of only three townsr—Statesville,.Mor-ganton aid Lenoir.The schedulé of games_is being re-arranged. .|Statesville won the second ~gamewithRockwell)Friday afternoon by #seore of 5 to 1.There was not so much batting and scoring in Friday’s game,compared with that of Thurs-day.Moore and Kennedypitched for the home team and Rowe pitehed for the visitors.Statesville-got sevenhitsandRockwellfive.Moore struck seven men during the first seven in-nings.Kennedy.pitched:the last twoinnings.Corneilsonadid the,catching for Rockwell and Bere cana dor Statesville.: New Bank For Cleveland—Rob- bery. Correspondence of The Landmark, Cleveland,June 14.—Miss Annie Lee Kineaid has gone to Salisbury to visit Mrs.J.D,Lawrence for several days. Mr.W.W.Roseman left SaturdayforNewYork,where he has been cashier of a prominent bank for threeyears.He will return to Clevelandwithintwoweeks,and will ‘open abankhere.about the first of July.‘Sunday night W.°W.Roseman &Co.'s _storewas--broken_into—by_rob-.bers.|They made —their entrancethroughawindowfromtherearend of the store,the safe was blown oandallofthemoneystolen.It is supposed they were professional tob- Miss Myrtle Morgan...leaves forGreenshorotoday,where she.will at-tend Summer TeohNormal: PUNE ays agercatty tend Summer School at the #ver- sity. should ascertain whether the young}.lady helps her mother hg the housework,If she iswillig 0 onan her-self from the porchnightsto-gohelp.nthe:‘put away the supper dishes,she is worth hav-ing and worth waiting for.But_ifsherefusestohelpmotherwiththe house work it is better for you,young man,to continue to sew on your own buttons. At the First Baptist church SundaymorningMr.Ashcraft made a splen-did:talk on “The Debt that the Basi-ness World Owes the Church.”Mr.Ashcraft gave as his text the follow-ing:“There is not a spot of land ten miles square on the face.of theearthon.which a man can_rear.hisfamilyindecency;where childhood.isprotectedandwomanhoodrespectedandoldagehonored,where the gospelofChristhasnotgone,where.theChurchofthelivingGodhasnotbeen established and the minister of -Goddoesnotliveanddohiswork.”The text is not in the Bible,explained the speaker,but nevertheless it is true.For that reason the:business.worldowestheChurchagreatdebt.TheChurchcametoteachmen.so.that.they could come to that high planeoflivinginwhichweeanloveour neighbors as Ourselves and do untoothersaswewouldhavé@-them do_un-tous...Thé Chareh is our guardian. angel in the night time:The Churchnotonlydoesallthis,but,it increases the value of our property,and I he-lieve in giving’*the Church,credit for all that it does,Mr.Ashcraft then set.about toprovetheassértionsofhistextandhe.did -so to.the satisfaction of hisaudience,It.was shown that the es-tablishment.of:a church in a com-munity enhanges the value of theproperty;that the man owning prop-erty..near.a_chureh never fails to usethatfactinadvertisingitforsalebecauseherealizesitsvalue;thattheChurchprotectsusbycreatingy| a higher standard of living and sus- taining the laws.We do not think oftheChurchasa.community,builderasweshould.We think of the man who starts a new.enterprise as.agreatblessingto.the community ‘be- ‘cause the enterprise willenhance thevalueofour‘property,.Had you thought about the fact that.the min- ister also enhances the value of prop-erty?There is no man who is add-ing to the sum total value of the com-munity more than the minister..Heearnshissalaryandwhatiscontrib-uted to his support is not a gift.Going into.detail,Mr.Asheraftshowedthatagriculture,_manufac-turing,the doctors,the teachers,thepressandallbusinessisbenefitedbytheChurch,which develops,the com-munity and makes.it a fit place ive,=It is &pleasure to heay-Mr:‘Ashs|¢actaft:He talks in a straightforward|manner without formality and aketno-attempt at.’nee is orale be ealtory...Ne he>sata himself,soe |enotpreacha,set,sermon,nor deliveran.address or a lecture,talks,but he talks. Pig the State the er cate goes toly.5ChapelHilltoday,ae e.will -at-|© shea peer BRIEF ITEMS Locks NEWS. -eauiiaint the:Clio Murkery:‘Ex-hibition at the Theater©Thursdayevening.Programme!on spotar page.—IThe Iredell eounty peustonbosirdisscheduledtomeetatthecourthousethefirstMondayofnextmonth, duly Sth.—Mr.W.M.Barringerbéasts thathehadripetomatoesfromhis4denyesterday—not.one ‘ three,and he saya:hewill ve sone Mer io,didisn Calais aa.ih~—Mr.James Co am us er,of Mr.and Mrs.J.’P.andMissCallieBellTucker,daughter ofMr.and Mrs.A.S.Tucker;weve marriedSaturdayafternoonat.theStatesvillecireuitparsonage,Rev.€. Mills.of Mooresville was rtiallburnedSunday...It ishl he the the -damage-was to-the loss.is covered:by: lige Rome on2Pe!i Abner Rankin and Miss Ola McLeland. creek tomorrow or Thursday,ontdredgeboatisnowinplaceatwoe to.the Holman mill place;a distanceoffivemiles. Mr.G,.E.Dull,scnatausagent,will talk about meatillustraces by.stereopticon views.is free and the public is:miaCourt have.been.sellingiersonhavedec L.McCain officiating.~The residence of Mr.DeW:itt fire originated in“a “stove ‘fluesfurniturewasremoved.and. insuran¢ée,License has been.issuedmarriageofMr.J ! Edith Wilson,Mr.=eeandMissCallieBellTucker,Mr. —Contractor L.0.White.expectstobegintheworkof en’s bridge,in Bethany township.The creek will .be dredged from.this —Under theauspices 0ofthe GivicLeague,Dr.Cruse,ote ns inspection,the talk being,Musiaa house tonight.at 8 o’clock..—Messrs.Smithey~: the Pattmonths,their store in S'Peel and possiblyrenee room now sJerahteTeeofaTonge fof the fine June|"show, ey,from a.visit toneoathistimeeach yearIntRevenueDepartment‘te-ar-rangesi eeeoe employesand.Cols -T°3.wen'we enbout, jittis ifdo thaiage th”asceittleanychangetThecollectoretmuchWashingtonaboutthe.GeraserusSaketionandfoundthegeneralopinionta’be that:war is improbable,-°—Or.H.F.Long and Mr.P.ABryantwenttoGreensboroyesterdayby’ee and returned last:night. Dr.tead a paper on “TTubereuslosis”batons the,State He:icers’.Association in Green.tevening.Dr.‘T.E.Anderson atoGreensborotodaytoattendcaie“sy the -.ModerG an «,Forest.arpenter,.,will also.attend,is chairman ogaomedicaandtherapeuticson.ii Robbery at“atCleveland, The Roseman store at Clgvelancentlyopened,s.enteredpodbersSunday.nig cured from thesafe,wopen,The funds of.2postofficewerekeptinthe safewasrobbed.The safe was Ed.Lene 00 ElmwoodiawanyieledihBhpchesfreightaatRimw.oyandnotifiedthe§pele.that effect.SherieeeandWhitewn oa re 0 §.Man anLingleplace,four.miles:ea teheadedMhiswayafoot,rhrestedandprovedtobeaedforeigner,a typical =the officers were soon:con aehewasnotthesaferoe:slept in a box car,at dod.day night and when he.rrfreighttrainyesterday’morhiconductorput.him off and a aneSaheeeBMboatie : out of I Mooresville‘Pastorle“Pastor Chatiges—Church,News,. Mr,J.)By ‘Armfield will ov“at.sete ana heeengaoaelatpre;ng,ser . hour.|Pa has ar.|tanged to have a eetof ithecoatte2oo Sorte iheevenin:eeeaEee“ehureh|Me ®reat,anos anedone go"Roae Chapel thar Ithat eet question.the young,man sense,ily andis Innere and cs a ete ors RRrenameaged bea ITay tir iittesctanctntlaetoimacsyth yiics cdl {and once more,with solemn ’enigh :PTL cnerecnansoe “+1 818,‘to call the attentionof shelThatisWhatWeContendFor|perial teaseRe,Wein.tbPsacallveresponsyich:‘aoa hs of.the Grace or the United ‘¢on-|cases to be brought by Mrs.MargaretFollowingiFanta)aa ceed Gee jorkente:et era indige |S (of Cline’s township,“Catawba08thefulltexto:re-¢oceurrence,and @:indis.-,‘.ply of the United States to the Ger-Putable principle upon which that os ae st on ng oomannoteofMay28:,°responsibility rests.The government|J:4:Sennour and J.0,Sry Bh Ab Laat tdtheUnitedStatesiscontending|\the sheriff’s bondsmen,for alleged}oT.|for something much greater ‘than|damages for the death of the plain-6)‘amererightsofpropertyorprivilepes|tiff’s son,Eugene Fox,-who died in _2"nagofcommerce.It is contending for|Catawba county jail about two months aonothinglesshighandpeeredthan‘the ago ole Petro a sentence of 30 ‘i ‘Oy !OM4ifity,which ev v-|days for anaffray..idaxp:iteelf a fond ing,In the action against the two offi-ple A tcl Thisrecord for~durability,without leaks,troubles,has attracted many.“CO.HT",don't:let ittionatthetopof Son Died in Jail—Sues Sheriff].and Jailer.>.a the goy-|'Summons has been issued in.twoCHENGLISHFIRST.”he‘the matter of teaching Spanish ‘schools,Mr.Bruce Craven has following in the Charlotte Obser- ‘“The government of the United]ofStatesnoteswithgratificationthefullrecognitionbytheimperial’Germangovernment,in discussing the ‘casesoftheCushingandtheGulflight,oftheprincipleofthefreedomofallpartsoftheopenseatoneutralshipsandthefrankwillingnessoftheim- perial German government ta ac. knowledge and meet its liabilitywherethefactofattackuponneuv- North Carolina is yet near the bot-of the literacy list,and yet infaceofthis,we have the proposi-to teach Spanish in the public‘sehools...We are not able to pro-competent,schools for all the“even through the elementary Only a small percentage of“the total number ever reach the high where the average cost per &IMETAI |SLATE orothercommon:roofingleofferedyoulookelikeforthestampontheRIGHTREG.U.8.PAT. and which no governmentis justified |cials alleged damages will be askedinresigningonbehalfofthoseunder|on the ground of.mental anguish;anditscareandauthority..in the action against:the officers andOnlyheractualresistancetoeap-pe bondsmen alleged damages’will a is now several times as much asthelowergradesthatreachalltheie.Wh already have French andandLatin,cooking,corp m etc.,at great expense for theent:of a few in the high school,we have not been able to pro- ae @ system that will graduate highSthoolstudentswhocanwriteand4theirownlangaagecorrectlyor:know anything about their own‘State.The teacher who would pro- if a set of graduates who are thor-ough in their own language and his- would not make as big a show asaonewhoturnsoutasetwhocan">Speak five languages incorrectly:TheAirstandforemostneedinNorthCar-‘Olina education‘is to develop the com-mon free schools that-reach all thePeople,and there is no reason what- “for denying this need:and-using‘the money to teach a very few to¥and write Spanish,French,Ger-‘man and English with equal inaccur- ~‘pey.It would be much better to have‘thoroughness in a few things than ar-~tifleial-show in many,. +The Landmark is in agreement with _Mr.Craven.It has always opposed ‘tacking on ‘the higher grades in the ‘Public schools,at much greater cost, so long asthe service was inadequate in’the lower grades.-Even-when-the téachers are efficient:~in-the...lower. “grades,they usually have many more Papils than they can properly _in- »struct;and for this reason many pu- pils pass to the higher grades handi- capped by lack of efficient training in the lower grades;and:many who have“to leave school and go to work be- fore they reach the higher grades, Jack the training they should have had,and were entitled to,because of ~+this-system-of-spendingthemoney_on the higher grades for a few instead2thelowergradesfor.7 hy. ‘When the {piblic:schools hay eRoughmoney,which none of them:have,to. “|provide“a sufficient number ‘of effi. +|length|fo, tral ships ‘which have not been guiltyofanyhostileact,’by German air-craft or vessels of war,is satisfac- torily established,and the govern-ment of the United States will in duecourselaybeforétheimperialGer- man government,as it requests,fullinformationconcerning‘the attack onthesteamerCushing, The Falaba.“With regard to the sinking of thesteamerFalaba,by which an Ameri-can citizen lost his life,the 'govern-ment of the United States is surpris- ed to find the imperial German gov-ernment contending that an effort onthepartofamerchantmantoescapecaptureahdsecureassistancealterstheobligationeftheofficerseekingto...make the capture.in gipect ofthesafetyofthelivesofthose’onboard-the-merchantnany,“although the‘vessel had ceased her attempt to es-cape when torpedoed,”These are notnewcircumstances.They have beeninthemindsofstatesmen‘tnd of in-ternational jurists throughout the de-velopment.of naval warfare,and thegovernmentoftheUnitedStatesdoesnotunderstandthattheyhaveeverbeenheldtoaltertheprinciplesofhumanityuponwhichithasinsisted.Nothing but actual forcible resistanceor_continued efforts'to escape _byflightwhenorderedtostopforthepurposeofvisitonthepartofthemerchantman,has-ever been held toforfeitthelivesofherpassengersorcrew,The government of the UnitedStates,however,does not understandthattheimperial.German govern-ment is seeking in this case to re-lieve itself of liability,but ‘only in-tends to set forth the circumstanceswhichledthecommanderofthesub-marine to allow himself to be hurriedinto“the course which he took.The Lusitania Not Armed.“Your Excellency’s note in discuss-ing the loss of American lives result-ing from the sinking of the steam-|ship Lusitagiq adverts:'aff)someiininion|whichthe_imberial German gov trent hagreceivedwithregardtothecharacterand~outfit“of that--vessel,“and YouExcellencyexpressesthefearthat ture or refusal to stop when orderedtodosoforthepurposeofvisitcouldhaveaffordedthecommander.of thesubmarineanyjustification-‘for,#omuchasputtingthelivesofthoseonhoardtheshipinjeopardy.ThisprinciplethegovernmentoftheUni-ted States understands the explicit|&¢instructions issued on August,1914,by the imperial:German admi¥altytoitscommanders:at sea,to haverecognizedandembodied,as do’thenayalcodesofallothernations,anduponiteverytravelerandseamanhada-right to depend.It igs uponthisprincipleofhumanityaswellasuponthelawfoundedupon<this |:erinciple that the United States must|2stand,eo |Re“The government of the ‘UnitedStatesishappytoobservethatYour.Excellency’s note closes with the in- of death of the plaintiff's son. Plowshare.Turned Up Many plowshare ‘upturned a penny.stooped down to pick it up and foundothers, asked for the‘alleged wrongfu) Pennies. While B.B.Melton was plowingMooresboro,Cleveland county,mee This led to a ¢loser scrutinythesoilandhefoundnumbersofthemmjxedinthesoilinawidearea.Boys came to his assistance and hun-dreds of pennies were found,many oftheminclustersof20ormore.Mooresbero posioffice was robbedout10yearsagoand1,800 to 2,000nniescarriedaway.It is believedthattherobbersburiedthepennies,finding them too much of-a burden tocarry. timation that the imperial “Germangovernmentiswilling,now as be-fore,to accept the good offices ofthe.United States in an attempt “tocometoanunderstandingwiththegovernmentofGreatBritainbywhichthecharacterandconditionsof.the war upon the sea may bechanged.The government of theUnitedStateswouldconsideritaprivilegethustoserveitsfriendsandtheworld.It stands ready gt any any intimation or suggestion the oth-|er may be willing to have -it convey,and cordially_invites the imperialGermangovernmenttomakeuseofitsservicesinthiswayatitscon-venience.The whole world is con: about even a.partial accommodationofinterestsorinanywaymitigatetheterrorsofthepresentdistressingconflict.:aMustHaveReparationandAssur:ance.“In the meantime,whatever |ar-rangement may happily be made be-tween the parties to the war andwhatevermayintheopinionof‘theimperialGerman’'povernment hayebeen:the,provocation.or,the circum,stantial justification for the past actsofits,commanders at sea,.ment,of the United States confident. HOW WOMEN the govern;|tors if AVOIDOPERATIONS time to convey to either government |By Taking Lydia E.Pink- ham’s VegetableCompound. Cleveland,Ohio—‘‘My left sidecernedinanythingthatmaybring|Péined me so for several years that Iexpectedtohave.to undergo an opera-tion,but the firstmbottleItookofi)Lydia E.Pinkham’s Vegetable Com-pound relieved meof the pains in my sideand-I--continued its ed several |doc-there;.was.anything..I could "It is put there foryour protection.Use it! ForSale by ¥When the submarines of disease creep up on you tna-wares,assault you amidships,send torpedoes crashingthroughyourengineroomand_ball up your runhinggear,sound the §.O.S.for the doctor,’ 1 He’ll throw you‘a life preserver (that’sa prescription); 1 If you want to make sure it will float you to safety,letusfillitwiththeworld’s finest drugs,each one of 100percentfightingstrength,and guaranteed to annihilateeverygerm‘that comes withinrange.:The Polk D ny.Ry,UE company no t i n OO F 1h SL E 60 Tornadoes Devastate 10,000 Homes in Eight StatesSuchistherecordofoneday’s [fundred years the Hartforddamagedonebytornadoes.|Fire Insurance Company"Youdon’tknow when the thas met everyhonestclaim itornado.may strike:yourtaketohelp.me.and,théey.-said:therawasnothingthatthey:knew of.Iamthankfulforsuch.ia)good medicine andwillalwaysgiveitthejhighestpraise.”-+Mre.C.H.Grirritx,1568 Constant St.,Cleveland,Ohio. telént teachers to take care of theowergrades,thati‘it Wall sigti¢to‘tack on the top whatever they want {ernment of the United States.It is‘ad:cal y for—even law.theology stated in the note that the Lusitania;Pa if the Maa cain aes yyrcoghtedls _equipped with‘and medicine,if they want ‘it,21)!masked guns,‘supplied with trained+fit-is;too;as -Mr:-Craven says,the|gunners-—and~-spevial ammunition,ieee and most important duty of the|transporting aoe saat oareTryingacangonotpermiunderthepublicschools,and all schools for lawn of the United States to a vesge ris I ‘t_matter,to teach the English |aiso carrying Passengers and servingi|5th of May,’and relidsin’these repre:guage and teach it thoroughly.|in virtual effect as an auxiliary tothe sentationa upon’the ‘principles of hws ly,looks to.see the justice andmanity.of the government,of Ger.many,vindicatedin all cases wh eAmericanshave’heen wronged oftheirrightsasneutralsinvaded,~’“The government of the UnitedStates,thereford,.very earnestly andverysolemnly‘renews’the representa-tions’of its hote transmitted:to théimpérial'Getmat government on!‘the promptly.'Buy @ Hartfordproperty,but you'do know #otnadoPolicy toda 7:ItistheOldHartford”protects -'iH8Hé Peng tw comtort*against all loss.For overa ‘when a Tornado Strikes.g ‘ ‘Hanover,Pa.—‘‘I suffered from fe-:1 9 eo e ,;ate tblenhepane wore tad!People’s Loan:&Savings Bank,at timesthat-I could notsit down.*‘The id 3 PosrhopeaatiSpaceeabasStatesville,N.C...|uno eoResident Age 'nea‘|‘cae s ate,'Vegutatie-Ceenpcdid ant cxterionesat President.i sais information may not have beenbrotightWtheattentionofthegov ‘Numerous college graduates whoknowsomethingofFrenchandGreekmdGermanneitherspeaknorwrite correct English,“As to teaching Spanish,The Land-‘mark is hospitable vo that idea,but_ft,has never understood that it wasthepurpose—and it does not favor itiitfs—to make Spanish a part oftthePublicschoolcourse.That wouldbeasunnecessaryas{t is unwise,for tathereisnotandisnotlikely.to be sogreatademandforknowledgeoftheipanishlanguage:But it is this pa-aers idea that the public high schools_‘Which now teach the higher Ian-@aages should,where it is convenient,‘pht on the Spanish along with the‘oth a8 Spanish is likely to be ofMoreimportancetothestudentthanFrenchorGerman.But it will be‘either practicable nor wise for alltheschoolstoattempttoputonthe dcourseand,generally speaking,the‘Spanish will doubtless be best han-bd as a special course,for thosewhowantit,in the colleges or privateachools,;"“"Aa to the cooking and the carpen-‘try,The Landmark favors domesticweienceahdindustrialdepartments,which will be of infinitely more valuet6theaveragepublicschoolpupilShan.the higher languages.But.theidea,in our graded schoolsespecially,fe ‘to tack on the higher branches andmakeashow,as Mr.Craven says,for“the big of the thing.”One schoolwetsthepaceandtheothersthinktheymustfollowsuit,regardiess,ButitisTheLandmark’s private opinion,“Ppblicly expressed,that it and Bro.raven _are wasting time protestingSgainstthesematters,Making a showis‘Benerally more popular than do-ing practical and thorough workwithnoise,> +Approving the advertising beingdonebyBroadStreetMethodistchurch,Statesville,the Lumbertonsays:_They must have killed off all theshperiativelyrighteousandwiseper-;|in the,Statesville church andonlyabunchofsaneChristians"who have no Bense thanto use|alittle common sense in their church ‘Everything says Col.Jo.Reece oft\e Greensboro Record is now in thebaaa|tthe ean aff S ’ to % United0 naval forces of Great Britain.,For-tunately:these are’mattér gchderningwhichthegovernmento_the UnitedStatesisinapositiontogivetheim-perial German government official in-formation.Of the facts alleged inYourExcellency’s note,if true,thegovernmentoftheUnitedStateswouldhavebeenboundtotakeof-ficial cognizance in performing itsrecognizeddutyasaneutralpowerandinenforcingits..national laws,ht was its duty.to see that the Lusi-nia was not armed for offensive ac-tion,that she was not serving as atransport,that she did not carry.-aeargoprohibitedbythestatutesoftheUnitedStatesandthat,if in factshe-was a naval vessel of GreatBritain,she should not receive clear-‘ance as a merchantman;and it per-formed that duty and ‘enforced.itsstatutes_with scrupulous vigilancethroughitsregularlyconstitutedof-ficials.It is able,therefore,to assurethe.imperial German government |that it has been misinformed.If theimperialGermangovernmentshouldleemitselftobeinpossessionofcon-vincing evidence that the officials ofthegovernmentofthe‘United Statesdidnot.perform these duties withthoroughness,the government of theUnitedStatessincerelyhopesthatitwillsubmitthatevidenceforconsid-eration,©Roce eae :“Whatever may be the contentionsoftheimperialGermangovernmentregardingthecarriageofcontrabandofwaronboardtheLusitania’orregardingtheexplosionofthatma-terial’by the torpedo,it need only besaidthatintheviewofthis“povern={-ment these contentions are irrelevahttothequestionofthelegalityofthemethodsusedbythe“German navalauthoritiesinsinkingthevessel.‘The Rights of Humanity.“But the sinking of passenger shipsinvolvesprinciplesofhumanitywhichthrowintothebackgroundanyspe-cial circumstances of detail that maybethoughttoaffect‘the cases;prin-ciples which lift-it;asthe “tmiperialGermangovernmentwill\no doubtbequicktorecognizeandacknow]-edge,out of the class of ordinarysubjectsofdiplomaticdiscussionoyof‘international controversy.What-ever be the other facts regarding theLusitania,the principal fact is that agreatsteamer,primarily and chieflyaconveyanceforpassengers,andcarryingmorethanathousandsoulswhohadnopart—or_lot in the -con-duct of the war,,~was torpedoed andsunk:without so much as a challengeorawarning,and that men,women,and children were sent to their deathincircumstancesunparalieledinmodernwarfare,The fact that morethan100°American citizens wereamong=those’who perished made ittheaofthegovernmentofthetatestospeakofthesethings “L.wan slo for2 mgrwas‘our years with.«tamtrouble,”writes Mrs.Otto Gana,Sanemitiareeadlostweightanareweakthatmostgaveup.hope ing epred.AfriendtoldmeaboutChamberlain's Tablets, {ing of American lives and American manity,the -universally recognizedunderstandings’of:internitional lawandthé°ancient friendship .of theGermannation..i a“The government .of the UnitedStatescannotadmitthattheprocla-mation of a war zone from whichneutralships.have been warned tokeepawaymay.be made to operateasinanydegreeanabbreviation‘oftherights.either of American ship-masters or of American citizensboundonlawfulerrands‘as passen- Pi t relief in a short time,Now I feelike‘a new.person and’can'do a hatd‘day’s work and not mind it:'Whatjoyandhappinessitistobewelloncemore.I am always ready and willing to speak&good word for the Compound.’’—Mra.ADA W127,303WalnutSt.,Hanover,Pa. If there are aay complications youdonotunderstanwritetopatsEnkhamMedicineCo.(confidentialLynu,Mass.Your letter will he openreadandansweredbyawomananheldinstrictconfidence, gers on merchant ships of belliger-ent nationality.It does not under-stand the imperial German govern-ment to question those rights.“It un-derstands it,also,to accept as estabélishedbeyondquestiontheprinciplethatthelivesofnon-combatants cat!not lawfully or rightfully be put “injeopardyby.the capture or destruc-|attionofanunresistingmerchatitmanri,Hnandtorecognizetheobligation'to|”take sufficient precaution.to “ascer-tain whether a suspected:merchant-man is in fact of belligerent nation-ality or is in fact carrying contta-|5bandofwarunderaneutralflag:Thegovernment:of.the United Statesthereforedeemsitreasonableto"ex-SaspectthattheimperialGermangov-66ernmentwilladoptthemeasuresnec-essary to put these principles intopracticeinrespectofthesafeguard-|54 er, real ships and asks for assurances thatthiswillbedone,(Signed)“ROBERT LANSING,Secretary of State,ad Interim.” COMMISSIONER'SLAN BY.VIRTUEof aCourtofIredellcounty,special proceeding wherein Electa F.Coop-|# ner in A,C.grees E.to Tomlin’s line;thence §.66.de-|3greesW.108 feet to the Glover line;thence}# SALED. administratrix of ‘A.D,Cooper,is’plain-tiff,and J.C,Fowler and another defend-ants,the undersigned commissionér will sellpublicauction,to the highest bidder,athousedoorinStatesvilie,-N, MONDAY,JULY 5TH,1915, gourt at the hour of noan,the following described|%1 estate in.the city of Statesville:The :one-half undivided interest of the A.DACooperestate,held in common with Mrs.|3«©,Fowler,in the following land,to-wit:|#3Beginningatacorner;thence N,66 degrees E.226 feet to +24°degrees W.|} atake,T.CG. 12-foot alley;thence N,feet to C.P.Moore's corner:thence 8.degrees W,117 feet to C.Tomlin’s line;thence §.24 de- OF|4 decree of the Superior|rendered in the|} Anderson’s|# P.Moore's cor-|#4 bSoSssaseseresirreeres issstessereces sesisesseesere:feseses eerettes eeSSSEisiesezieiee:eeeriesyri—-HEADQUARTERS,FOR——_,McCormick Binders,| Mowing Machines and { Hay Rakes! C.,: ‘The machines you will want for your harvest this year. Plenty of binder twine and har- vesteroil.Ifyou want repairs for the old Champion Binder,degrees E.212 feet to the beginning,ex-|#cepting a lot of 100 fest front and 212 feet)#deep conveyed to A.Dp,western end of said lot,This lot is sold subject todowerofMrs..Julia Cooper,One-third cash,one-third in six months and|¥one-third in twelve.monty,Resources.of StateDepartment 7 R,.B..MeLaughlin,une 4,1916. of Agriculture. The -financial statement of theStateDepartmentofAgriculture,as set out in the report of Commis-‘|sioner Graham,shows a balance intheTreasuryJune1of$89,294,com,pared with a balance on June 1,19 4,of $77,987,The deposits of the de.partment from December to June agegregated$169,946 and the expenditsuresduringthatperiodwere$127,-220.The fertilizer tag sales uringthesixmonths’period of DecembertoJune1amountedto$115,531,com-pared with $168,457 during the cor-responding period of the previousyear.The income from cotton seed Build with Brick Asap oASgrream ing *.= Build a Brick House or Brick-Veneer|‘your old house,cooler in summer,pines.Has every advantage.Solid Warmer in winter,tliminates frozen under-pinning—under framehousewillhelpsome.FaceBrick,Common Brick,Draia TileStatesvilleBrickCo. meal tags the past six months was|xp$17,600;feed tamps,$13,685;test ifarms,$11,781;hog serum,$6,932;|&seed license,$1,600..The reportshowsthefertilizertonnagedurinthepastsixmonthswas577,657 anduringthecorrespondingperiodlastyear792,288,which is quite a fallingoffincommercialfertilizer, HOW'S THis? One Hi Dol Re-not be cur ae satatch Cure, e,tke undersigned,have known #FJ,oats tre.the last 16bellevehiperfectlyhcnorab}business transacttona 4 aabletocarryoutanyob!msbyhisfirm.Waldingy Kinksolesale We offerwardforan Le t a ek i e t i o n t Se t ly,;mucous 8 5nt and since using two’hott)ofbeenwellwoman.”Obtainablethemfhave »Brugniste, Panes directly uponousofthesystemPahaNFie‘e Dan | Will please those‘who demand theverybest.It is an.var crentflour.Your Grocer knows, Cary (.Boshamer,Local Representative,"Phone 125Black,Ikav, Cooper from the ; the right.of|#Terms of sale—|# |Lazenby-Mo 5- 8 Sl e . 88 . 6 le l RS el el e . el e le el e el l a e el s give us the number of the part wanted and we will get it for tg you.Yours truly, Commissioper.|$4 — CORR To Counties: THE STATESVILLE REALTY&INVESTMENT.COMPANY.itoannouncethattheyhavecompletedarrangements:with .“‘THE.HOME INSURANCE CO.of New York,’’for insuring your growingityoaTobacco,Corn,Cotton and small grain against destruction‘by Hail Storm at the following very low price:j*TOBACCO.CROP.$100 per acre valuation at "75 per acre valuation at;60 per acre valuation atsv"95 per’icre valuation at 7,“COTTON,CORN:AND SMALL GRAIN$40 per acre valuation35peracrevaluation estatesperacrevaluation per acre valuation20peracrevaluationfperacreene -60 per acreperacrevaluation:.40per acre;_DWELLINGS,FURNITURE,BARNS.Me A$100 value fot one year atBe 3 poate nt 60c.,5 years at 90¢,bglatterinsurancecoversalsoagainstlossorlama;bywind in addition to hail,=ee-“REMEMBER—“We instire anything insurable.’_J.F.CARLTON,.Manager = $7.50 per acre'”§.87¢per acre3.75 per atra1.873 per acre CROP,. $1.60 per acre1.40 per acre 1.20 per acre1.00 per acre 80 per acre - Pa e p e r p a t i o n et 2 > <' \ft at]must confess”,ys‘eheiion= ¢x I‘rei mer i:sleepy feelin fa-ne,and ees ‘4 ro have severeon tia mont :acehe Cardui,J"quit spitting,whwit 3 gained1010sofansinap oral den ‘ouare a victim ofanyofthe nuimer-lis so.commonto your sex,itiswrong6aie, hasbeenre-herianHak cee!sete ooteeto ikesucenthousandsofletters,si go ngycppc!ce,year by year. 'S Write-to Wecaecieeeiene:emereye C |ss year teialpsrscrinewrsonecetensemeespei Call ForMe! Eun Fresh Vegetables,Sava Cucumbers,Hi;Bears,Potatoes;Peas,“Lettuce,Toma-toes and what goes with MP odM.P.Alexander &Bro. ¢*PHONE 241 oe oe .m,No.*mmTrsinNo.21 Pp m,Train Nev 96 oaNe,a m.me|Train No.22,|Dp mM.ME\rain Nowia,46 p.m,TrainNo.-i wn1)CHA AND TAYLORSVILLE Office Supplies Transfer Files,_ Blank Books,Box Files, Letterchisel Clips,—Pencils,Wily cna wad Inks,- a wo fom @9aeet ¥.P avrinting 2, hits ish u‘Is Your Liver —se Mint GHG 1,Use the Great,Southern Remedy, makes a healty liver. SOLD BY ALL DRUGDEALERS—25c. Fresh Vegetables ! Fresh Lettuce, Fresh Celery, Fresh Tomatoes, ler MainSapa Co Ge aeFINE CLEANING| AND DYEING —*PHONE 147— Sloan Pressing Club. am,ma. ‘ar.ee re leaves,10:40 a.a16ar.6:20,leaves 6:45.p.operated on Gaudin. Mr.Linney’s Successful Work in a Georgia School. The Willacoochee,Ga.,Record ofrecentdatehas:quite an ‘extended ac-count./of the commencement’of Wil-tacoochee High Schoel,.of |whichProf.James C.Linney,a native of Alexander county and a former res-ident of Statesville,is principal. com=|Mrs.J,C.Linney has charge of the, primary department of the school. The Record compliments the workdoneinthe.school and says: “The universal opinion,expressed in daily comment,is-that our schoolhasjustcompletedthemostsuccess- ful year of its history,..Prof.J.€.Linney and his admirable corps of as- sistants not only:deserve but .have won the.esteem and gratitude of our ,jentire community for the energy they have displayed,the interest and en- thusiasm they have awakened,and the harmony that has prevailedthroughouttheschoolduringtheen- tire year.” Class standings +at ‘West;Point Mil- itary,Academy.show,that,Cadet,W:E.R,Covell of,Washington,D.C.,is Nacsi E.R.Kimble of Texas is No,a q D.Arthur,of.‘South ‘Carolina,isi0.¥ CAROLINA PEOPLE TELL.OF STOMACH REMEDY. Sufferers Find ‘Swift Relief’by...UseofRemarkable’Treatment. Stomach ‘sufferers in ‘the.Southeastand,in fact,all over «the country, have found "remarkable and efficient results from the use of Mayr’s:Won- derful Remedy, Many havetaken this remedy and tell today.of the benefits they receiv- ed.Its effects aquic‘kly—the first.dose..convinces,.,Here,is:what-;-two Sons folks ve written:ee Pam,N)C. hisabe hich-puzzled’Feettors.her oeeptinstemelly’at)oie?‘pth Persia oaths.iO |full.argatment| ct =mee |Winiston-Saténn N.C—fL a isfied .thro rsonaluse’of thi ge a ei at eaiady. yeeay saved my life.” atePe aaaaos ach,liver and iftestinal ailments.t as muchandwhatever:yéu:like.JN6é more dis- y gives pliobider A PRS ted te ortJayer.-Powder.feet 006hoftleof.au emesis now| :“ory Ae}qt satisfactory money will—Mild and gentle.No returned. griping.No nauséa.*Notice to Cr Cleafis the system and .Ceditirs. The creditors of thehe “Merchants &‘Parmers’ Bank of Cleveland,N.G.,will please takenoticeofthefollowingorder: North Carolina,Rowan County, #In the Superior Court,May term,1915.The ‘North Carolina Corporation Commis-sion vs.Merchants &Farmers’Bank,Cleve-land,N.C.ORDER-—It ‘is ordered in this cause thatnoticebegivento_all creditors and partiesholdingclaimsagainsttheMerchants& Farmers’.Bank to prove.the same before ‘thereceiveratStatesville,N.C.,on or beforethefirstdayofSeptember,1915,and that publication.of this notice be made for .threeWeeksinanewspaperpublished‘at Salisbury, N.-C.,and one published ‘at Statesville,N.C.THOS.J.SHAW,Judge Presiding. I shall thank the creditors of said bank tocomplywiththeaboveorderpromptly. ;W.D.TURNER,Receiver. NOTICE OF RECEIVERSHIP. North Carolina,Iredell County.In Superior Court,August Term,1918.R.W.Pou,C.M.°Gilliati,Li.0.Chester, W._L.Chester,J.-S.Fraley,D...A.White,A.F.Hendley,€.F.Shepherd,W.8.Clen-denin,W.W.Bobbitt,C.W.Thompson,and all other stockholders .and creditors who may come in and make themselves party plain-tiffs,vs.Elmwood Mercantile.Company.NOTICE-—All..parties interested.in-theaboveentitled.action--will -hereby~take no-tieo that:whereas His Honor B,F.Long,Resident Judge of ‘the Fifteenth Judicial Dis-trict,on the 5th day of June,1916,appoint-ed D.F:Mayberry temporary reeciver forthedefendantcorporation,the Elmwood Mer- cantile Company,that application will bemadeonthe19thdayofJune,at 10 o'clock,at Statesville,N..€.,before His Honor B.F.Long,Resident Judge of the Fifteenth Ju-dicinl District,to declare and make said re- BURKE,¢eiver NG ¥AttorneyforPlaintiffs. The Sheaffer June 8,1915. "NOTICE! ._#HOLLANDBROS.have.changed4%their ‘phone number from 177to7?:Call No.7 for draying,all gradesbes?coal and wood,ete.Residence 'PLcne 1310. Self.filling Fountain Pen $2.50 to $5.00.: ~Absolute satisfactionguatetieeinOey Shingles For Sale! ‘pen. Allison’s”Book Store, Garfoaa of good No.2 Shingles 7‘at $2.75perthousandatmyze G.H.T‘TURNER, ia vila neotaBa repot, J.S.Fry &Son. Will call for and deliver;if desired;but will allow 10offifworkis‘brought in 3.5,FRY &SON,ShoeCobblers:|é #alled -|Written For The Landmark,| wAP OY,TERRA LT are suffered,‘from ; :|precated otir shoesrcent “GOING TO"‘THE THEATER. TheSinnier’s Visit to NewYork-—Church’s Mistake Condema-ing All Shows—A Sunday Ser-,vice in the Great Metropolis, Reminded the Sinner of the, ’Service Back Home. ni e s SikText:Samuel,Chapter 95,Verse 6:“O,come let us worship!”’The Sinner has formed the habitoftakingatextforhisSundayser-mons,and following up this custom,ne has a-text this morning,But real-his subject.is,“A Trip to NewveeHerefollowssomnethinigofamedley.The.call to the Great MetropoliswasonbusinessandtheSinnerreach-ed there Saturday morning.putNewYorkdownasacitypossessedwiththe“greed of gain,”but it isworthyofnotethatuptheretheytakeahalf-holiday,quit everythingandshut.down at 12 o’cloek.on Sat-urday at noon for the putpose of giv- ing a half day for recreation to whole of Sunday as a holiday.That certainly furnishes a lesson to -usSouthernersfrommany‘standpoints, The Sinner’s buginess was with oneofthebigbusinessconcernsefthe great city—multi-pillionaires,©His conference was with the manager ofthislargeconcernandtheattorneyofthecompany,the-latter being one oftheprominentattorneysofNewYork.Before the business conference w: taken up,there were a few personali-ties.It was found that each ofbigNew.Yorkers owned a little farm to which his heart turned daily.Each had a longing to go out #@ worksomeonhisfarmevery.day.-Thatis-one of the Sinner’s fads.He bas a‘little farm”where he spends %good part of his time and nearly all of his savings,and it is interesting to notethatthecallbacktothe—soil.hadleaughttheearofmeninthemartsoftradeofthegreatcity.Howlike weallare,after all. Saturday night the Sinner went toashow.To many of his readers this will seem a_dreadful __confession— positive proof that he is a sinner in- deed.So let it be.<s Frowever,at the show there w: not a vulgar or indecent expression,nor any exhibition that would haveshockedthe,saintliest saint.T teaching of the play was the trium of right.over wrong and intrigue.In- deed,one of the leading characters,talking of how he had bel neueey, poor,‘deserted orpharr.child,the.beautiful words of the*avioustt“suffer little ‘children to come untomeandforbid’therm nat.”Phe actor:these:-werds:buch’Bedtity’und “effectiveness thbroughttearsto-ohe's!eyes)oF 8°Sdme years:agpa prominent minis-ter preached!im);Charlotte!aisermoninwhich’he!deprétated |ithe:fact that the!Church had:taken.such a strong a4B working~people,besides taking the}), i eaten zB. Movements of People—Neigh-borhood News—A.Death. Corresponderite of The‘The Landmark.Mooresville,R-2,June 11---Thefarmersareverybusynowinthispartof.the OoNntey harvesting, working their crops,etc.Miss Annie Thompson of Mayhew There wag an ice cream supper atthehomeofMr.Chester Wed-nesday night and a large crowd was ‘present.All report a good time. Mrs.spent last’week with her mother, nity.Mr.and Mrs; Sunday with their’father,Mr.Geo. Mayhew,of this place.Messrs.Mi- las Clodfelter a Conrad Freeze ‘took a ‘trip to Concord last Satur-/ day,going on their bicycles.They | returned safely, Mrs,Childers:an’aged lady fivine| near Denver,died Jast ‘week.made her home at.Mr.C.L. near Brawley’s, There is to be a rew they are practicing for Children’s Duy there also.The date for thelatterevent.will be given later. atieeaonaiaretinnaananameaettio rested For Perjury., ‘A Federal grand jury investigationtodeterminewhethertherewasacon- spiracy to “defraud the UnitedStates”in connection with affidavits submitted by the German enibassy to the State Department to prove that Lusitania,was Hamburg-American—Steamship~Line.The first result of the embassy and who closely “associated with Koenig.The warrant on which he was arrested al- leges that he committedperjury,;He was’taken’into custody immediately upon the cénelusion of his testimonyanit-sent-te the “Tombsin-AE ‘of$10,000:‘Stahl,in his ‘affida madébeforeatiotarypublic,‘swite We yisit-th|éd the Lusitania’Abril’30,‘the day ‘beeforeshesailed,arid “daw 6 ns-on.her deck concéitled hy’Teather’covers: The repetition ofthis stety,whenwascalled‘as 4'wittiess in the investi- basis of the jerjury chaige. antonio SNES stand against the theater...This:miti- ister thought that.the drama,petiwas.God-given,.and;.that the Ghorch ,ought tae,have set Bodirgans of.hav-|ing pub,it.under,bang,5 M2 inti-wane ee he:didn’t,#ng to, Ree ,2 ile sin.r ierea ing.of,sermoneH|A aeexon ueral inMeer thurehaedthe’‘sermon.One|of the ieading ae of the church de- ‘strong language the|preaching of that sermon.The Sin-!ner defended the preacher.The dis-|eussion was:waxing warm when the| Sinner asked this question,“Well,sir,|you go to.New York quite frequently.’ ‘do you not sometimes go to the thea-ter there?”The aforesaid accuser of the preacher hummed and hawed a_little,but finally admitted that wheninNewYorkhedidsometimesgoto.see_a first class play!In other words,| the minister in his sermon was butdefendingthisgood’man (for good man he was)and yet the man himselfwascondemningthepreacherforut- tering.words:in his.defense, .Some of the churches class going to.the ‘theater among the so-called “worldly.amusements”.which are sometimes condemned as heing more)heinous than.violations,of the TenCommandments.:| Thereis one “‘high-up”who indulgesinmanyseveredenunciationsofthe| theater,and this same “high-up”is an inveterate user of tobacco,althouch |his.Church.is much opposed to thc| weed.He seems to think he is going|to heaven on a cloud of tobacco smoke| while his theater-going hearers are sinking to hell through :the atmosphereofthedrama...What a travesty!A vulgar‘and obscene play cannot be’‘too.severely.condemned,but inthe.humble opinion.of ‘the Sinner thc Church makes a mistake when it putsallplaysunderban.There are someplaysatleast,such as “The Servant in the House”and “The Passing of the Third Floor Back,”’which no one can attend without coming away with nob-ler and higher resolutions.Chis sermon is aiready too ing,but|reaHyv the text has not been reached.| Qn Sunday morning following,the|Sinner went to church in New:York. the Marble Collegiate Church on Fif th) Avenue.cated on the swellest avente in the| whole country,the congretiation was ple garments..Dr.Burrell preached asermonfulloffervor,simplicity andheartsearchingthoughts.The communion |service-followed.The Sinner.remained in obedience tothecordialinvitationtoallwhodidtrulyandearnestlyrepentoftheir}sins.In the midst of this solenin ser-vice,Dr.Burrell,raising the tune him-self;and.‘without any organ accom-paniment,began to ing,“Alas!And did my Savior Bleed.”‘The whole congregation joined fer-vently in.sin ng two stanzas.TheSinnerclosedhiseyesandalmostim-epeethat,siete of being in one of ‘]DR-0.L,ORUSE Veterinarian.‘ rches in the’GreatMeroeapoyhewasbackinthelittleeeietheclaboeeeatstionofthesLord’$ He heard the celebrated Dr.Borrell at | Although the church is lo-| exceedingly devout and attired in sim-I “British Losses in,the,War... «Prenier.-Asquith.announced -in-the House,of,Gommons that the total,.af“gitieh casualties,fram the,beginningofthe-war;to;May,.3h,,.wags 258,069men‘in killed and swounded And seatsing. Divided.into categories.Uf\killed, wounded and missing,—officers:and men,the list shows the following: |Officers killed,3,327;officers wound- ed,.6,498;missing,1,130.Other ranks}>killed,47,015;147 1482; missing,52,617. wounded, ‘The losses in the naval division are| not included in this list.Mr.-Asquith’s statement of losses was for the Con-/%|tinental and Mediterranean forces of|2 He promised to give the |}|the Empire. losses.in the naval division later.|Neither did the list include the forces f \of Great Britain engaged in the va-rious,smaller wars in Africa and the|} Near.East.Itis nearly two months since Great|%Britain has:issued an_official list.of ‘the total casualties in Europe.“On April.11 H.J..Tennant,-under Secre-||tary,of,War,announced the total of|British losses since the beginning of| the.fighting at 139,347 men...This |was after eight.,months of fighting. The last two months,consequently, |haye resulted in roughly 119,000 cas-|% uatyies,or about.2,000 a day. ‘Used Same Coffee Mill and Cook| Stove Fifty Years. Wilkesboro Patriot. Having used the same cook stove!scontinuouslyfor5tyearsand.a coffee |mill for 61 years is a remarkable rec-|%ord:to:which Miss Ella Blackburn of* Todd,Ashe:county,lays claim.The cook stove,which yet is in good re- pair,was replaced a few days ago by a new,range,but the coffee mill is still doing its daily duties,says Mr.J+ V.Bauguss.The coffee mill,too,was a second-hand affair when Miss Black- burn,‘bought |Pieree’s administration,in:1854,(W| Liandmark.) ppoorwill ‘and c orrespondence of ‘The Landmark, |whippoorwill he will find that |two are quite as ichieken/and a guinea,or alike;as a chick and a goose. |both, ceived from eir name course, is visiting her aunt,Mrs.,McCrary,|¥in Charlotte.Miss vanes “Thompson|# ‘Tvisited,her sister,Mrs.vat Mayhew Sunday. .W.Byers,4 Annie Robinson of Cornelius H Mrs.W.H.Mayhew,in®this-commu-;Homer -May-}# hew of Charlotte spent Saturday and|§ She was better known.as “Aunt| Pop.”: Mrs.Callie Clodfelter™is visiting:§her father-in-law,Mr,Clodfelter,|¥ nion at Mc-|zKindreechapel.the 3d_of July and|% Swore LusitaniaHad Guns—Ar-|# there wereguns aboard the steamship H begun last week in|# New York.“itis specifically directed}}against Paul Koenig,also known as|¥ Stemler,who,according to the Fed-|#eral authorities,is head of a secret |&service department maintained.by the]§ investigation|% as was the arrest for perjury of Gustave|§ Stahl,a German reservist,who made |# one of the affidavits submitted by the|# is alleged to bei § gation_of Koenig’s activities,was'‘the it,duriing President hile this is rather unusual,inthehomes.of many of the old-timers||hot articles can be found thathavebeen’in‘use a half century.—The ~Bullbat Not|§Alike—Belong to Same Family. Hiddenite,June 10.—If Mr.John|¥Moore of Taylorsville will takethettroubletocatchabullbatahd the much alike as a as much Theybelong.however,to a family ofbirdyculled’goatsuckers,which |re-|# in ancient times |§fact that they were often!found at night sitting among thel#sloctng caembiaa aH Mt of| \hy /vagal think they |#Mae Styx to wet tol#is,all,moonshine.|# 88 lots—if.you ¥ Peveetererriereeeessere eeeee rei SSITSLILITITSTIITs We Will Give Five Timesthe Regular| Amount of Booster Coupons.— From Monday,June 7th,to Monday,June:1h,| We shall give five times the regular amount of Boos-ter Coupons for purchases made at our store with ¥eash or produce,or for money deposited with’us,to"#be traded out later.Double coupons in settlementofaccounts.& We give 50 Booster Coupons to,each person®pre-|senting alist of three articles,and‘a 42-piece ‘Dinner’§Set to the one making the most complete list of:arti-#cles we sell,as wellas thousands.of.sooster CoaponiesGetparticularsatourstore.”ar te In order to reward thepersons who have raid’the #:most complete list-of articles in.the Listing Contest;the Booster Journal of Springfield,Ill,will give to"?each of the best.ten,whois not now a Booster,a nitransferablecouponcheckfor500,000 Booster.¢ns.This must be deposited for yourself (im..the §ooster.Club Ballot Box...This check with:otherBooster¢oupons you.cancollect will enable you:to win §one of the premiums that will be given in the Booster)#Club.Who will be the best Booster and ‘witt the :;thirdwatch on Monday,June 21st. ifShe!# May-}§ ew’s for néarly two years,having)§ left there about a year ago ‘or more. pe o e e e s 4 |rf pe v o c e s e e s ‘1 Statesville Drug Comp’vs Quality oe bard1Mares!wot Te saan date ysito. 1 velesigsat jasoiia B obive sil oF et oeer tae ONE)‘ésbory awh ravolbnw a ol}ao do :‘Nice Mules.atbYiposan Sail PTET ITE Th yet bagullhmane Ye cat toad nice’“Mares over.100.)srisivom te aM #6 oot i ak viet toatogqat deom-bna te lls bes bloodoe oildi, dogolcol sadtann Ja gh?ot Dee syargaStockCo." affta fi Mules A egyene Ps FE t Yip ‘tip tea anne1S5‘two car it 4 i it ah avy tein ig jHUTNEE SS 2 att 2 HavEri Seto Sa >a“extra miceones...‘ it to eweal {iy FTO oats} ai iyye |aaa mua5 fal? y ad) *oftan§Favs7ROSSA (ay mt hii aig Live DO YOu BELIEVEIN STATESVILLE? ==THEN BUY —— Ice Madein Statesville! From dedo-wellwatet:distilled and | -germ proof.Fresh ICE,full weight (goes further),is what we have to: offer..We aim to give the best serv-’- ice possible,With your Sane we will succeed.is HEH,Yours for the up-building ofStatevill pe pany,:& f2 Imperial¢Cotton Oil Com -*Phone 205...~ Captal Stock in.“+ Surplus and Profits 31 5.00 Members of Federal Reserve System,eS Your Banking business.solicited ahdeveryaccommodationextendedtode- positoys consistent with epiiniios bank:ing methods.iM Four per cent;paidon time and Savin oyDepositsremainingonGepositthreemonthsorlonger,ats |_OBFICERS: GLARK,EDITOR AND OWNER.SUMtaD TUsaDAY AND FRIDAY,iDTUESDAYAND_FRIDAY /120 WEST BROAD STREET. UBSCRIPTION PRICE: DAY,-°-June 25,1915, a MR.BRYAN’S COURSE. The conservative people of the “eountry,whether they have or have -Mot been supporters of Mr.Bryan, will generally admit that when he ould:not conscientiously agree with President’s coutse in the German Situation,it was proper for him to resign;but there will be general dis- “agreement with Mr.Bryan’s course in placing his own views before the ‘“publie ahd starting,an agitation in opposition to the President.In view of the delicate situation,it is hard to find justification for Mr.Bryan’s seemingly unnecessary,attempt at this time to vindicate himself. A citizen of Wilmington,described by the Star as an “exceedingly well read-and-seholarly”man,“who has been a close student of history for a life-time and who has devoted himself“assidiioustyto international law,moreespeciallyduringtherecentmonths -of the European war,”has written a “personal fetter to Mr.Bryan,which the Star’publishes,and which so con- cisely and conservatively states what The Landmark considers the correct view,that the letter is printed here- with:”:. ’“Hon,Wi J.Bryan,Washington,D--€:_.....*Dear-Sir:—I regret very muchthat-you found it necessary to retirefrom.Mr,Wilson’s cabinet,but since ©you acted on the ground of consciencetherecanbenojustcriticismbecause of your course. _...T_have been a supporter of yourssinceyourfirstcandidacyforthe ©presidency,and -now for the first time find myself in sharp conflict with your position.It is one thing for -you to have retired from the cabinet for con- science sake,but your statement tothepublic,timed to coincide with the note to Germany,raises a very dif- _ferent and far more important ques- *tion,and I cannot see aow you ¢an4reconcileyourselfto—antagonizing *.Mr.Wilson.in the.midst of such a delicate’negotiation as‘he is now car- -rying on with Germany.JI do not be- lieve that the péople will support ‘ _§early followers hope that you willnotpersistinthe.course indicated by.your:public stuteinetts,T anh a,eaeadvocaté,but not for.peace ‘at any“price,and I think.that such an atti- ©tude is in derogation of the publicdignity.gid vation:“I e £onsiderrea.adyanced i ang e@ think:ti have Amer pdssage only in _neutral-destined to enter the ‘so-call-*ed war zones has some plau- .sible merit,1 fail to.see the force ofyourpropositiontoreferthedispute -~between this country and Germany to2acommissionofinvestigation.This would be workable if the cause of ©complaint was not of a continuingcharacter,but sinee-Germany has re- _«fused positively to abate the activity pot her submarine warfare against ©merchant ships,how could this coun- +try consent to a reference of the dis- pute when the cause of offense was -being daily repeated?” President Wilson would no doubt »be glad to agree to Mr.Bryan’s pro- :posal for the-commission of investiga- _@ tion if Germany would agree not to *B repeat the offence until the case is “settled.But who will contend that it is fair to agree to arbitration,con- ip tinuing over a long period,when the -cause of offence is continuing? “®“Yow Farmers Co-operate —and _.Double Profits”is the title of a new *book by Dr.Clarence Poe,editor of “the Progressive Farmer.The book i is pronounced “a practical guide book ,to the whole big subject of rural co- *operation,”full of information and )at the same time as readable as’a novel.It is a book of stories of 4 actual experiences of farmers’co-op- _eyative socicties in the West,South and “ast in our own country and als »8¢in Europe,where the author visited and made a personal study of the 'gehievements:he reports. and failures as well as successes are recorded,so that while heing told how ~to-organize and conduct co-operative ‘societies,the reader is also told what to avoid.Orange Judd Co.,New York,are the publishers,The book is /256°pages,cloth,$1.50,It may also be obtained from the:Progressive -Farmer.‘—cocereesenennenscnennseenstens *¥f Bro Ashcraft of the Monroe En- quirer had entered the ministry the _newspaper profession would have »lost a capital editor,one who hews ‘to the line,the kind that are none too ‘numerous,but the pulpit would haye gaineda fine preacher.The Monroe editor preached too splendid lay ser- mons in Statesyille Sunday.“The Debt.the Business World Owes the “Church”should be heard by every _businéss man,and the talk about“Mother”should be heard by all the _boys and girls and the older people, too,“Both are timely.subjects and Mr.Asheraft’s treatment of them was ‘fine...Those who “heard him~realizehemadegood,as The Landmark Statesville nt.to we hope his: a reer coe‘|T0 ‘TALK MILK AND MEAT IN- SPECTION.; ‘At the court house this evening at 8 o'clock Dr,C.L.Cruse,veterinarian, and Mr,G.EB.Dull,county demon- =}stration agent,will talk about milk and meat inspection,Their remarks will ‘be illustrated by ~stereopticon views provided by the.government. and therefore authentic.:This is a subject in which we are all interested and which should have our attention. It is an established fact that milk and meat,unless well protected,are great sources of disease infection.All good citizens of course want to help to pre- vent all preventable disease_and the first step necessary is to get the in- formation that will show us how. All of us are creatures of habit and we are slow.to.make changes;we have to be shown,In fact we some-\ times resent suggestions that our methods could be improved.--That of course is not the proper spirit.We should have an open’mind and be ready to receive and assimilate new ideas when they.are found to be worth while;and our prejudices against change,or the trouble or-ex- pense that may be involved,should not be allowed -to stend in the way. The guardianship of the —public health is becoming more and more a matter of grave concern as the peo- ple,become better informed with re- spect to it.By and by.one who wil-. fully or negligently refuses to~ob- serve the regulations prescribed,by which refusal the public health‘is en- dangered,will be regarded as ‘a seri- ous offender against the rights of so- clety.cara THE COURSE DOUBTFUL. Just--how-far-.a_prosecuting officer may go in preventing cases.from be- ing brought to.the attention of the -court;The Landmark is not prepared to say.District Attorney Hammer admits that he used his influence to prevent a grand juror presenting a case to the Federal court at Greens- boro because he believed the grand juror,prompted by malice,simply de- sired to use-his:position to punish his enemies,?oni.BS That being so,the case.had no place -in court,but ainder the circum: sand "as"one”-OF your{ittonable”whether”the”district’ator}mThetareteyal-to--the traditions...handed +}ney’s course was the wise“one. grand juroy 4s a Republican and from Mr.’Hammer's cotinty—Randolph. The case he wanted to present was against Democrats for alleged elec- tion frauds.-A-case in-which the Re- ublieans‘tharge theRaridolph Demo-With election |ffauds is,now: pending in the State courts.This Re- publican may have been ‘actuateden- tirely by malice,as Mr.Hammer be- lieves,but the,Republicans will charge that the district attorney was using his official.position to ghield his friends.It would have been better to have allowed the case:to be pre- sented to the court,so that unbiased persons,without any feeling in.the Randolph.controversy;could’have passed on it.Then if it was found to be purely a malicious ‘prosecution, Mr..Hammer and his home people would have been vindicated.As ‘it is, the matter will continue to be cause for “dispute,vs R sr e , Mr.Bryan has issued so many statements since he retired from the office of Secretary of State that it is impossible to keep up with him.His appeal to-the German-Americans and his defence of the administration,a brief ‘summary of which appears.in The Landmark today,is “all to the good.”If that had been ‘his first and last statement he would deserve com-| mendation instead’of criticism.<The Landmark has no harsh criticism for Mr.Bryan.-If his:going out of the cabinet was a matter of conscience, and_his sincerity is not questioned, that is not a matter for criticism. But Mr.Bryan was never noted for sound judgment and many of the things he has said since his retire- pose,should have been‘left unsaid in the present state of ‘public.affairs,———— The Bloodhound Found the Ra- tions. Lumberton Robesonian. The Statesville Landmark,theCharlotteObserverandalltheother scoffers who delight in reflectinguponthehonorablebloodhound,will please observe that when SheriffLewisofRobesontookoneofthelordlyspeciesouttheotherdayto trail thieves who~had stolen a lot of provisions,the bloodhound struck abee-line for 'the rations and led the sheriff to them right off.To ‘be sure the bloodhound lost the —trail not far from the rations;and someungodlyperson.is going to be mean enough to ‘suggest that maybe he lost interest,too,It will be argued that any old flop-eared hound would have found the rations,and these scoffers will.purposely ~fail-to note the fact that.this “highly-intelligentcreaturequiteevidentlyreasonedthewholething‘out and deliberately de- cided that the most important thingtodowasto,find the rations,évenifthat.meant.that the -thieves~mustescape.Sensible dog. = One man was illed and three in- stances The Landmark thinks it q ‘décisié Mr,Bryan Says He is_Notconsistent. denies all allegations munication,and in refusing 1Stherejoindernowbeforethe’Kand‘his government.’as the two first notes he was/that the United States would takstepswhichwouldmakeiteasyforGermanytocomply.The steps hedesiredwereatceptanceofthearbi+ tration plan;agreement to warn American citizens to keep off steam-ers carrying munitions,and sending against her interference.-with~freedom of the seas.He fought for‘those*ideas up to the last,he said,and when they were finally rejectedtherewasnothingforhimtodo,andremainconsistent,but to refuse tosignthefinal‘note.seIncidentallyMr.Bryan:confirmed the report that the latest note,wasmodified.after’he had tendered his the.modifications *were not sufficientforhimtohavewithdrawnhis.res- ignation.:;It is stated by those in position toknowthedetailsthat.not only wasthenoteshowntoMr.Bryan iW itsfinalform,but the President him- self expressed a hope at his farewell meeting with Mr.Bryan,an hour be-fore the note was tabled,“that:some way_could-be found to make unnec- essary the Secretary’s resignation, especially because of.the -possiblemisconstructioninGermanyofthechangeat.this time. Bryan’s.Action Brings Roose-velt to Wilson,ey ‘Former President ‘Theodore Roose-velt,in a signed statement sent from Breton Island,La.,pledges his sup- port to President Wilson in “all thestepswhichhemaytaketoupholdthehonorandtheinterestsof:this great republic.” ment,”Colonel Roosevelt says,“he has left the cabinet because President Wilson,as regards the matters at is-sue with Germany,-refuses-to-followtheprecedentsetinthe30all-inclu- sive arbitration commission treaties recently’negotiated and declines to neutral commission investigates the admitted murder of American men, women and children on the high seas and further declines to forbid Ameri-can citizens to travel on neutral shitinaccordancewiththeconditionsguaranteedtoushyGermanyf ipsinsdlenmtreaty,we“Of.caurge 1 heartily applaudhePresident;and’im‘co: mon with all other Americans io down:-by-the,men,who.served under)Washington,and by «the others whofollowedGrantaiid‘Tie in the days ofLincoln,I.pledge.him’my;heaftisupport.in all the steps he takes, uphold the hofor’and the interests’0 this great»republie;-which -are--bound, up with the maintengnce,of demo- crati¢liberty arid/of-a ‘wise:spirit of humanity,among,pll the nations of mankind!Aa : Brief Statement From the Bat- tle Front._ the Dniester’river heavy ©fighting, continues between the Russians.an Austrians and Germans.The move- ment,forward and backward,.of the battle.lines in the Baltic provinces, is almost continual and each side has at various times héld:the advan-. tage.fighting has changed.The Germans, balked in their effort to reach Lem- berg from the south,have attacked the Russians on the river San north of Przemysl,and alung the Dniester in southeastern Galicia,and in‘their report claim success.in both sections. Simultaneously’the,Germans are proceeding with their attack on the Russian center on the river Rawka, west of Warsaw,where ‘they also have been successful,according to their report.ts In the western zone.artillery en- gagements are in progress from the sea to the Woevre and.even beyond that district,with here and there.in- fantry.fighting.The French’have attempted to farcethe‘Germans.at. gome_points.out of.their strongly en- trenched.positions and the Germans have been endeavoring to recover lost ground.A big German offensive was predicted several days ago,but so far.it has not materialized.” The Italians seem to be making fair progress in their.attacks.on the Estate of a Woman Miser. Recently Miss Ascenith Cox died in Randolph county.She was known as Mistakes ment,no matter howsincerefis pur-,‘a ‘miser,possessed of considerable es- tate,‘and as soon as the administra- tor qualified he hurried to the home of the late Miss Cox and began searching and digging for money that premises. coin,some of which was| English and of other foreign cown- tries.A considerable sum of greei- back and silver was_also found about the premises.About $2,000 was on deposit in an Asheboro bank.But be- fore the administrator could get’to the home after his appointment someyersonsunknown,to the administra-tor had gone to the home and donesomesearching.they found some of the money and got away with it.|...: “There wasalséfound a quantity of gold in bars,worth several hundreddollars.No doubt many of the oldgold.coins found about the place areworthseveraltimestheirintrinsievalue,because they are’rare.Someofthembeardatesofmorethan100years~old.The woman also ownedmorethan500acresofland.Herestateisestimatedtobeworthmorethan’$50,000 ,; Chamberla ra and Diarrhoea be provided with,and especially during thiaummermonths.Think of the pain and safering.that math becinemustbesént:obtained....Thia jured by.the collision of a steamyacht,abd assenger Steamer Sunday ee Former Secretary of State Bryan inconsistent in signing thé.originalnotetoGermany,the Lusitania com-“men He explains that when he signed) of a note.to.Great Britain-protesting resignation,but he explained that’ “According to -Mr.Bryan’satate:| suspended action for a year while a} | In the Baltic provinces and along In Galicia the scene of *the}# |]ments It.is believed that) ;wk.Remedy.‘oa‘his.is “a remedy that.every-family stanld} sale, || | Heft 2 13:73 3 i vitast i PTE id ou i fact aheeseesnenaeeome é@ tH ei ae ae 4 ;‘resie “Seven JoyousDays,’as a We thought there would be no trouble in supplying all the Junior Tickets wanted,and announced the fact.Butthe demand for Junior Tickets is greater than anticipated...We are therefore issuing this stztement to ask that if you want Junior Tickets, please apply to Mr.Bunch for them right away.Any child up to 14 years of age may get a Junior Ticket for One Dollar as long as they last. Hundred of these tickets,and it now appears.that all will be sold by the time that the regular tickets aredisposedof.cee i teniats iitYouReadyFor Chautauqua? Terre us Days,”only three weeks off.Sea-4 son Tickets are going at the rateofnearly athundred ©.- a day.-HAVE YOU:SEGURED YOURS?F.B.Bunch,attheMerchants and Farmers’Bank,is busy Bo handing them out at Two Dollars per Ticket.He == :will hand youyours—if your name is on the list.If it does not there appear,he will be glad to add it to the waiting list,and thote-on this list will be given. “preference in the sale of cancellations.This sale -starts at6 o’clock,p.m.,Saturday,June 26th.Therehayebeen21subscriptionscanceled,but there havebeen19additionalnamesaddedtothewaitinglist,so. _it now appears that we have two’season tickets for : First come,tirst served.||Important News to Juniors! 4 He has just Two 12i,bowroiitjhorsh ;K“SOLES i » é baie pT TES peat bes 3 eA Heo ee .Puffed Rice.We have the goods fresh and ;want your coupons. We are not allowed to -redeem your coupons after June 25th.Be _sure to get them in be- fore that date. Eagle & Milholland. The Fy Harvester! A wonderful andyetsimple con-trivance,that catches flies by themillion.-Simple instructions witheachTrapforbaitingandkilling‘Flies Requires only a few mo-of time and does its workbestwhenplacedinthebackyard‘out of your way.Costs only.$1,Jasts indefinitely.and:catches moreFlies,many times over,than ‘allothermethodscombined;Simplynocomparison,Try one now andbeconvinced.Made and sold by -T.N.BROWN,June 15.’*Phone 433. ca oe »After July ist you will be re- “quired by law to label your butter. :Have us print your name as required by law on our High ’Grade Parchment Paper,It’s an advertisement for your brand. Pile Hate Wrappers! was supposed to be hidden about the|}He found $1,600 in gold{}Spanish,|} Statesville Printing Co. Goite L.Sherrill,M.D., Will answer phone:calls left f ir.Long’s Sanatorium or‘eo.a,Foara’s residence, Bethe pete igphe ce ie ad 18isonCompaity..Pe Stote With the Quick Parcél Post Service. = GO*c * ght 1915,B¥the Wooltex:Tailors,:Ce 0 2c,WhiteGaberdine 25c,| JA special purchase of a lot of.35¢.White Gaberdine,27 inches wide,beautiful.and serviceable for Skirts and Jumper Suits, special 25c.yard.Let us send you sam-: ples.ss130ta 1 »‘Rasbire We're still selling our Suits at.abig.reduction.‘There's , lots of wear for youyet this summer in one of these Suit All reduced one-third. Send us your:mail orders. They'll be filled quicklyand ons fully.Ce é t };THE RAMSEY-BOWLES-MORRISON CO,so ppleedag ON MAIL ORDERS. 1-3 0ff _Phones 84 and 137. rates KG £ be y SR E AT T SS So PE te i served after the game. gi Kerchiefs....Mrs....Davis served i “Mr. A.F.&A.M. _STATESVILLELodgeNo,487 A,:on M,aton!ho'clock in Ma teHall©All mem- bers requestedto be present andvisitingbrethrencordiallyinvit-ed.Regular meeting.Electionofofficers.biiacae — SOME MORE JUNE BRIDES. Brides That Are and Brides.to Be—Social Events. %..Miss Mary Campbell Shuford of\Hickory and Mr.Robert Green Sin-,Bleton Davis of Henderson were mar-',ried Thursday evening at.the homeofthebride’s mother,Mrs.A.A. ‘Shuford,in Hickory.‘The bride wasattendedbyherfourmarriedsistersandsister-in-law—Mrs.James Shu-»ford,Mrs.Hugh D’Anna,Mrs.Chas. Menzies,Mrs.Bascom ©Blackwelder and Mrs.Alex.Shuford—as dames of honor;and by’two nieces,Misses >Maud and Virginia Cilley,as maids -of honor.Master Bame Blackwel-*der,a nephew,was ring-bearer.The ‘‘Personal Mention «of People and einity’ School at the,State Normal College, bride is a.graduate of St.Mary’s, ©Raleigh and ig)a,popular young lady.|y The samg evening Mr.and Mrg.Davis’»left for theWest’on a bridal trip,Mr. -Davis is a ‘prominent young business |city and Jermyn,Pa.,wWiltse Mr. man of Henderson.| :The Bachelor.Belles ¢her home onDavie avenue Thursday Refreshments “were”a} Out-|afternoon. \salad.course and sweet course,of-town guests present were Misses} of Charlotte.|~--Mrs,Jas.W.Wilson ikertalned’ Friday afternoon,in honor of Mrs.! Wm.Goodman of Knoxville,Tenn.,| the guest of Mrs.C.V.Henkel.| Bridge was played and Mrs.Eugene! Davis won the score prize.a box ofhandkerchiefs.Mrs.Goodman was | ‘presented a bunch of sweet peas as| guest of honor.Sandwiches and.ice| tea and orange ice and cake were| +Thursday afternoon Mrs.gl peltviswashostesstotheNeighbor- rs.Goodman of Knoxville and Mrs.| Rs A.Millis of High Point.In ac-! —with the redryfes,noe: BeSpielaMillisa‘box o cehie de chine,fend) punch;sandwiches,ice Se SSS Seems f Statvive po[sata oeanape=a aeCualMeMEEHTadedFdise innal hie have been.receiv ore Mys.,William.J ohn,H nd- man tequest the pleasute’of ott »company at the marriage of their daughter,Mattie Beard,to Dr.Reid Patterson,on Wednesday evening,| June.30th,at 7 o’clock,315 East Sev-| enth stfeet,Charlotte,N.C.”Relatives and friends in Statesville .have ¥eteived cards announcing themarriageofMissHazelWallaceandMr.Harry M.Jacobs of New York, which took place.Thursday at the home of the bride in New York.The marriage was a quiet affair,only theimmediatefamiliesof.the.bridal’ couple witnessing the ceremony,which was performed by Rev.Mr.Harris, a Hewbrew rabbi of ‘New York.Mr.Julius Wallace of Statesville,father. of the bride,attended the marriage.The bride has been living in New .York for some time.Her girlhood »days were spent in.Statesville:and :she ispleasantly remembered here._}>The marriage of Miss Aileen Cor- elli Pitts and Dr.Glenn A,Lazenby,| ka n a which took place in Wesley Memorial .ehurchs igh Point,last ‘Wednesday | ;evening asa brilliant event.The’social ng of thd daily press con-|:tained extended accounts of the elab- orate iorations and the beautifully gowned attendants,too lengthy for The Landmark’s.space.The —cere- 'mony.wasperformed by Rev.Dr.G.\'—.Rowe.The bride is a daughter of'Dr.H,C.Pitts of High Point.The_groom,whois’a~son of Mr,“B.~-T.Lazenby,,of Cool Spring township,has been practicing denistry in High Point for two years.In its account.of the wedding the High Point En-terprise has this to say of the’bride ‘and groom? !“Miss Alleen Pitts is a popular _member of the younger set,belonging -as-she does to a family who have for years been identified.with High Point. ‘Her mother,a Miss Remfrey,and her grandmother,who was a Miss Corelli, were noted for their charm and beauty as young girls,and Miss Pitts hag the family inheritance ina mark- ‘ed degree.Dr.Lazenby is from \Statesville,but during the two yearshehaslivedinHighPointhehas ade many friends,who congratulate“him on his winning so fair.a bride.4Many a resents of silver,cutglass,china and pieces of furniture,attest the esteem and love in which,the,-young couple are held,” The North Carolina Wheat Crop. ._The ebtimates of the Department ofAgricujture.for June 1 give Northooa10,800,000 \bushels of wheateeabushel,which means aboutheP;almost twice_year’s.crop.wasother,words,the Europeaneeareel:farmers to ;were.enter-Lat the latter place,‘tained by Miss Elizabeth Brawleyat|ibly spend two weeks here hefore go- |guest of Misses.Daisy:and Josey| 411 Mra We,J.MeOdin of Greenville.| |visiting relatives in Statesville.|_ Mr.and Mrs.Elbert’Summerville,Miss ‘Hhzeline Summerville and Mr. |visit,relatives. Their Movements, Pe Abernethy of the vi- i ville,has gone tottendtheSummer Miss {Greensboro to Mrs.Wm,Robinett and little son, Master Billie,of Hamlet,who visited {and refreshments will’be Mrs.G,G.White in Statesville,wenttoSalisburyFridaytovisit.Mrs,W.Hi Pace and children ‘of Saluda’are’visiting at ‘the home ofMrs,Pace’s parents,Mr.and Mrs.F.Henry,south ‘of town.Mrs,R.5Dean.and little:daughter,Evelyn,ofCharlotte,‘are-also-guests of Mr.and}Mrs.Henry.Mrs.Sol..Sternberzer of Wilming- ton is the guest of her sister,Mrs.Sig.Wallace: Miss Katie Gray’of Bethany town-ship left Saturday for Bryson City,where she will spend some “time with‘her brother,Mr.J,B.Gray.Mrs.Wi)Wt.White ‘is ‘visiting Mr.gnd,Mrs.LeRoy Witherspoon.‘nearHickory.She‘will te away two orthreeweeks,Mr.‘Gibson Austin:returned Sat- urday from.a visit to Mr.Karl Dur-ham in Salisbury, Mrs.R..Sloan is visiting -Mrs.M.L.Gwaltney in,Taylorsville.Mr.Slean.and Miss Huttie Sloan spentSundayinTaylorsville.;|Miss Elizabeth Carlton went to}Davidson Saturday,ito.visit Mrs.Ida Davis.Mr,Hi.L.lorrison of .Okolona,,Miss.,and hi ‘son,Mr:W.G.Mor- rison,whd been a student at! Davidson College,are visiting Mr. Morrison’s mother,Mrs.Ellen Mor-rison.—Mr.~Morrison.5 affended the General Assembly of Presbyterian Church at’Newport «and then}. |he and his soh wen o New ¥ork Morrison’s sister,Mrs.J.D.Stocker,|They will proba- ing on to Migsissippi.Miss’Attie”Blanton,wh was the, Johnson,left Saturday for her home|Lee of Raleigh and Miss Ruth Link |jn Gaffney,S.C. Mrs,Ernest Waud ‘and three young sons of Chicago;-arrived in}Statesville Saturday.for a visit to| Mrs.Waud’s cousin,Mrs.Jas. Wilson.Mr,and Mrs.W.G.Templeton went}to Asheville Saturday’afternoon to} visit Mr.and Mrs.J.H.Richardson.| Mr.Marshall Fowler’is at-home| from Raleigh,where he is A Manet at a business college. c.,is visiting -his-son,Rev.C.L.Me- Cain.ood Bridge club,complimentary to|Miss Elba Henninger left Satax|well kuows tonic propertiesot Gtk ; day for ‘Washington City,to attend a} summer school.Miss Henninger Ba|fee Miss?agen will leave eek Oty :Phtge |Mr.Robert Wilson of faleise a}\former Statesville boy.has been the| tea;puest of Mr:~Marshalt-Powier since|j sia matey an John M.Sharpe,who spent a! eneee Va.=Raney.5 ing.)Dr,J,JM tf Mahia pes last edit oh |TDARedlherosreturntoLynchbutg,Va..today.}Mr.|Brown expectssto,move hisfamily}feLynchburgnextmonth. Mrs.Clyde §.Alexander and little | gon.Spears,left Sunday afternoon for| a visit to Mrs.Alexander’s mother,|Mrs.J.¥.Kirk,near Albemarle.| Mr.Lee Stikeleather is’at home} Miss Ann Bayne this State,who_spent a few.days with| Mrs.C.Whtkins.left.yesterday. Mr.arfd Mrs. baby,Halbert,went yesterday.to visit Dr.and Mrs,S.T. Crowson, Mr.and Mrs. and two children (Mr.and Mrs,N.A.Bost of Win- ston-Salem passed ‘through States-ville yesterday en-route to their fruitfarmnearTaylorsville;:They will re,turn to Statesville today to visit rel- atives.Misses Lina and:-Johnsisie Deal left yesterday for a.Visit tar)Voodleat and Cooleemee.i }Misses Mabel “and Selma Sides of| Loray passed through Statesville yes- terday en route to Salisbury andj Greensboro,respectively.Miss a4 el svill_visit in Salisbury.and Miss|Selma will attend the summer -school|at the State Normal at:Greénsboro.Mr:Wt -B;Thomas,secretary.and treasurer.of the Dianiond Furniture Co.,left yesterday for a business trip to Raleigh,Durham and Rocky Mount.Mrs:J.W.Ayers and.Miss Etta Ayers spent.yesterday in Salisbury. Mr.“Bascom Barnard,who visitedMr.and Mrs.F.T.Meacham at the State farm.left yesterday for hishomeinAsheville.r.Barnard was a student at Trinity College the past session and stopped‘here ‘en route home.Mrs.Clyde Hildebrand’:and little daughter,Margaret,of Canton,are Henry Saraneene of Charlotte visit-ed Mr.and ‘Mrs.J..L,Kurfees Sun-day,making the trip by,automobile. Miss Edna Tomlin of Hatmony is visiting Miss Mary Colvert and oth-er Statesville friends;and Miss LoisTharpeofHarmony.is:the:guest,ofMissPSallieGaitter,—, Birmingham,Ala,nd .‘McCon-nell of Huntsville,Ala.,10 visitedMrs.FH.0.Steele,have returned totheirhomes.‘ Mr.John.T.Mo eles ;mn |township,will serve |supper |chill7. from Asheville.iofWashington,|§ W.B.Crowson and }% to Taylorsville |§ T.A.M:Stevenson|of Asheville,who |& had been visiting at Mr,Stevenson's |% old home at Loray,passed °,through|Statesville yesterday enroute to Win-|3° ;ston-Salem. ‘Mr.and Mrs.John f..ee of |. atasieend:FOr Benefit”Of Notice of New Aavertlementa.|Vance SundaySchool. Correspondence of The Landmark.—5 Vance Embroidery hi willgiveanentertainmentatVance.ae‘house Saturday evening,19th,ning at 8 o’clock,for the bereliVaneeSundayschool.Anwillbechargedtothe-oncerter80)sale of refreshments to begin at.the afternoon.Following ,is the’gramme of the entertainment:Club Song Written by Mra.R.A.Recitation—-A Naughty Girl's View ofin Miss Marietta Murdock.:Trio-—Marceaux Brilliants.Op.483,Ne.Mra,Wm:.iPaeer,Miss.LottieR.A,-hawery...Oration--Temptalion Carl Cloer,Piano Solo--In ie Hour ofam,Op.466, .Wm.G,Carver.Recitation-the.“Crooked-Mouth ‘Smith ¥Miss Martha Carter,DiaJorue---Cupid’s Capers."Cast-—Chas,Duffer,a lawyer,Hashdock;Jim Duffey,his son,Wade Bell *HGrocer,“You vas bet your life on dot,”"TayMason;Rastus,colored servant,Frank,Prof-fitt;Mrs.Dusenberry,a giddy widow,Mason;Nan,her angel child,Mariettadock;Mrs.McGinnis in the pare hotel, tha Garter:ae ae Trinity Tomato Ciub to Serve Re- ments, Trinity Tomato club,~in Conebrd| ice cream andotherrefreshmentsSaturdaynighi,the 19th of June,at Mr.E.Dud Gib-son’s,near Trinity ehurch,All are| cordially invited. Ice Cream Supper at Stony:il rs n- of on| nthe m| a ‘ ry pily 2 r- Saturday night, |The ladies of :the Methodist ¢¥} of Stony Point will have-an.ice cream The Game Festival. game festival given the Junio: ‘Chautauqua on the coHege*campus |Friday afternoon and an hour of game playing and story telling was ther- oughly enjoyed. were-told-by Misses Love Whikerand | Margaret Turner,and Various games,| sueh as leap frog, ete.,were played by the children,ithe "children were invited to take part in the ames and quite a number of| Cikntauqua members,who had prac-ticed for the festival,also participat- ‘led in the games.<,The Junior Chautauqua will “Bot i hold any more meetings until !the’ /ular Chautauqua opens Monday,Jay5. Whenever You Need a General iJ !Take Grove’sTheOldStandardGrove’s Taste ‘onic is -equally—valuable.-ag}General’‘Tonic because it containg =IRON.Itactson the Liver,SttMalaria,Enriches the Blood!Builds upthe y ent: ife |ol.|ville Printing Co, ya Katrina Stein,servant,Mary Ca Probably 200 childepit qttended the| Entertaining storie:| “skin the a,ine ape Special -lot’white ‘gaberdines.—| Ramsey+Bowles-Morrison Co.At the Crescent this week.Early corn and Trish potatoes for|late -planting.D.J,Kimball,Nice potato slips.-T.M.C, vidsons#¥* Da- J.Burette Houpe has qualified as! le ‘xecutor,of J.W.Houpe. Notice to.creditors of Krider Stock|'Co--J.A.Hartness and R.P. I son, |Are you ready for the chautauqua? Printed.butter wrappers.—States-| ‘The:Hardman Autotone,the pianofallcanplay-—Carlton A.Andrews.ti Bob-o-link friendship bracelet.—R.| Rickert &Son"yt ill’s antiseptic oil heals quickly:The fly”harvester—T.N.Brown. |Bring in your coupons.—Eagle &| |Milholland,Py “Keep Kool”fabries,trunks cadsuitcases-—Johnston-Belk Co.Ice cream and ¢ake to be sold at||Vatice school:house.«(Ont Oren re ame cool,footwear.— ,M.and H.Shoe Co.Daneiag at~old Armory.—Sidney||Alderman Blackmer. weet peas for sale-—Mrs..“E.S. |Tohnio ’ Invigorating to the Pale and Sickly|| )Old.Standard general strengthening tonic,|(ROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC drives outMalaria,enriches the blood,builds up the system,|A truc Tonic,For adults and children,60c. |FOR SALE—Sweet peas,35c.per 100.MRS.|&.S.JOHNSON,520 Tradd street. j June 16-2.aetterSEEDIRISHPOTATOES for late planting at) Db.J.KIMBALL'S,| || |chool.Kouse Saturday.evening,benefit’of Sunday school, o'clock,June 16--2t, PLENTY OF EARLY CORN for your late||planting.“D.a KIMBALL.June 15. I Nic E POTATOSL IPS.‘at 12 1-2 cents a 100.tr.M.Gy-DAVEDSON,June Let. “CAR FOR HIRE—Dayor it.Reasonables.and a reliable driver,ROY HERMAN,June 1 attrateshone169or170, 1 FOR SALE-Indian Motor eycle in good con-dition,Apply -toJd.-H.McELWEE TOBAC-co CO.June 1. SHIP.US YOUR.CREAM. price paid for same.Accurate tests.Every- body gets the same price for butter fat.Ifinterested,wtite CAROLINA.CREAMERYCO.,Asheyille,N.C.June 11--3t* FOR RENT—T-room bungalow ontreet,now occupied by Mr.Myers. Highest.market Mod- Alli-| CREAM AND>CAKE will be sold at Vance| 19th,for} beginning at 5) || || reccemmeanramaraes ee eeeave ;Han! OAN OF.ARC, a mere slip of peasant girl,at the age _of fifteen,led the armies of France and saved a na- || Bae,EN tion, So today the future of a nation depends upon the youth of today,and the home train- i Capital $100,000 4%Paid on Time Deposits. ing-and inspiration they~re- celve now. Teach that boy and ‘girl of yours the’value of money.In- still the incentive to accom- slish something worth while. Prepare them for the battles , ofthe future by laying the foundation today.Teach theni to save. Open an account for ‘ boy or girl here,where~stability,Service and co- operation combine for mut-ual benefit,advancement and growth, STATESVILLE N.C. CN ARNEL.ne May 28|U.S.DEPOSITORY War.¢1_Y{7ILHELM||]New Black and White |New Blackand White} Peace (ILSON Striped Skirts Checked Skirts Lumber .™,48,er 48 to a98.«1"ATKINS a signs are quite unprecedented. For cash price or terms,see.© Carlton A. ;Statesville,N.C. ‘TIL 473 BEAUTY.—The many beautiful and characteristic cass de- Itis thus possible to have an instru- ment outwardlyin harmony with any environment. I ITS MUSICAL Gunite ‘: __—Extraordiiary”fultness and _% *yichnéss of tone combinéd with‘ unusual power. =11 ITS.DURABILITY—The Autotune’s unexcelled durabil- ity is due to the use of only the best materials and most careful workmanship.A piano built »for the future.and not merely ‘for the immediate present. Andrews, Factory Representative. ‘The Latest Novelties iinBelts ak Nokes 2 Johnston-Belk Co. Showing of “Keep Kool”Fabrics, Beautiful Goods atAttractive Prices. 36 inch oniCloth,special :238¢, 36 inch White Gaberdine -25e.One lot Palm Beach Cloth lhe.§ 1,500 yards.Printed Mull.fabric for mid-summer dresses,all colors,infloral,coin dot,stripes,etc.;10¢,and 12 1-2c.value,our price : One lot 86 inch-Dimity,12 1-2c.value,uFpricespecial It will pay you,to investigate our Trunk and SuitCasedepartment.ft a $25 Trunk.The largest linein the city.to pelert,rom,The Store That Sells For‘Less.| Stripe Silk Voile and Rice This is a beautiful - 8 1-2e; 1-2c. Are You Planning a Trip? Anything from a 98¢.:Suit Case Prices are attractive. "PHONE 212. COMFORTABLE and COOL FOOTWEAR profits, iste :Ford carsutceamileto Maggie Watts of ShilohleftlastweekforTu ‘Barringtheunforeseen,eachretail buyer of a new Ford car,between August,1914,and August,1915,will receive from $40 to $60 as a share of the Ford Motor Vompany’8 _-Any one can drive a Ford-it’s so simpleiniconstruction...No complex mechanism to,for business or serve eve body,for 8 ani maintain. :Gar,Couple, These warm days you feel the need of a comfortable pair of Oxfords,Sandals and Pumps. themin White,Palm Beach,Tanand Black. Let us give you the benefit of our experi-—ence in fitting them properly.:: The S.,M.&H.Shoe:Coy Telelalalelelelelelesasalate We have just that kind,Plentyof Yours to serve, The "One Price Cash Shoe Store.Shoes Repaired While You Walt.: AAAIBOROHOBOECEOEIOEEORCCRHE Onn ale: “ARE YOu IN THRESTED?”<IN ‘Bell Phone Wench ds n Slate RoofinGalvanized fect aayPainted?Ice Box or Re ;Tin,or Sheet Metal oreanoyKind?LET us KNO W,IREDELL TIN wo : Sa a te DMARK“June15,1916. “DESTROYS FI IES? That An Insect De- the Flies in Trinidad.” State Board of Health. tate Board of ‘Health is in re- from one of the in health ander the direction of the Inter- 1 Health Commission,at Port inter- situation there, a letterHansnowengaged He wriSpain,Trinidad.ngly on the fly Iam also puzzled by the tion here.The weather you is very hot the year roynd— test period being’during the y séason from Décember.to June. “During the hottest part of the year, or the dry.season;there are no flies all,»When the wet season begins, just as it is now,we have a great “many flies for a’short while—two or ‘three weeks.'Then they suddenly dis- “appear and are seen no more until the ginning.of the “next wet \season. ‘This same phenomenon is ‘seen in De- merara,but of recent years there “have been no flies peersat al erin an rt of the year.I was discuss- oe the very point with Dr.Wise,the surgeon general of Demerara,and it is his opinion that there is some oth- er inséct that is a natural enemy of ‘the fly which destroys them shortly. after the wet season begins.Since it is only in late years that the flies have entirely disappeared from De- merara.it would seem that this ene- my,whatever it is,has greatly in- creased in numbers or has been in- troduced into the country for only a few years.The surgeon general has ef to find this insect,or .whatever ut has been altogether unsuc- up to the:present time.” ill feel’that these people are ;in that they:have flies for a ks only,and then not during est season of the year.If ys:you, a No:Fear of a Party Split. Washington Dispatch to Baltimore Sun.* When the resignation of William J. Bryan as Secretary of State was “first announced a feeling of alarm‘spread through the Democratic ranks, ‘a feeling that a split’in the partystmevitablyfollow-and:with it’a (,of internal dis- NES erasesNEWSITEMSOFINTEREST. Happenings Here and There in *the Country.7 *About.14,000 street car employes inChicagoareonstrikeandnostreet cars were operated yesterday.“ State Senator F,P.Hobgood,Jr, has been appointed a special attor- ney of the Department of Justice at a salary of $7,500 a year.He will be located at Cheyenne,Wyo.Mr.Hob-good lives’at Greensboro.: Henry Lemmons,26 years old,com- mitted suicide at his ‘home in Concord Saturday by drinking carbolic acid,Domestic trouble.His wife had sworn out a warrant-forhim,.for abandon- ment but the magistrate dischargedim.:4 The’United.States.Supreme’Court, without passing on the constitution-ality,of the Webb-Kenyon.law,has aff'rmed-the-decistonof the Kentucky court that the law is not applicable tocases:from that State,where liquor was shipped into “dry territory”for personal-use. At Winsboro,S.C.,yesterday a mob attacked officers in charge of a negro-.charged..with.rape...SheriffHoodwasprobablyfatallywounded and other officers were wounded.’The negro was killed and Clarence Icen- hour,husband of the alleged victim of the negro,was.probably —fatally wounded. The Berlin newspapers can’t un- derstand:Mr.Bryan’s resignation. One of ‘them,voicing.what seems.to -bethe-sentiment--ofthe—others,-says“the former,Secretary seems to have seerapeeteninieneetee eee ne ITEMS.OF CURRENT NEWS. Happenings Here and There ‘in |the State. An automobile:line has been estab-lished between Raleigh and Durham.) Car-each way.every two hours,.°., tion will be in session in Durham ‘te- day,tomorrowand Thursday.Mr.Geo, GC.Goodman:of Mooresville is presi dent.} The State Board of Agriculture has ‘elected oil inspectors.to serve forthe are R.Hemphill,North”Wilkesboro, and ©,R.Warlick,Hickory.Baw beén frequently mentioned in:connee-tion with the Democrazte nominationforGovernor,announces’that’he is not and will rot be a candidate. GQ.L.Kidd,an insurance man:of Greensboro,and Milton High “Point clothing merchant,puted about the Frank case an fought—or rather,the insurance manslappedtheclothingmerchant.. Miss Elizabeth McBee;daughter.ofMrs.Sudie Avery McBee of Charlotte, Avery of Morganton,and Mr.C.M. boro Record,will be married in Char- lotte Saturday,19th. creps in Cleveland county,north and northwest of Shelby.Some farmers will plow up what remains of their eotton and plant corn.Other ¢rops d-orehards were badly damaged-anderewassomedamage‘to’buildings. The State Pharmaceutical Associa-| énsuing year and among those elected| --Gen.J.-S?Carr,whose name has Silver,al tt and granddaughter of the late Judge Waynick,city editor of the Greens-}} Hail,wind and rain badly damaged A This Is acid and POTASH.-ROYSTER’STOP-DRESSERS Top Dresser Year. .f you have fertilized your crops lightly at planting time,or used fertilizer lacking in potash,it is not too late to remedy this,provided you Top or Side dress with a fertilizer contaiging,sufficient proportions of all.threenecessaryelementsofplantfood—Rhosphoric Acid,Ammonia and Potash, Do not make the mistake of using a material that contains Nitrogen (Ammonia)only,such as Nitrate of Soda.‘To get the increase in fruitage, as well as stalk and foliage,use ROYSTER’S TOP DRESSERS,whichnot-only provide ammonia in-quickly available form,but also phosphoric TRADE MARK °GAWs pt oi),SRERSFEREDY heym,rha ; es.that three yard age tore|1é8s ‘confidence than’we:in'the hon-tal ba se Republican organization.est desire of the American:govern-} qi tThe’North’~Wilkesboro Hustler)’mys Sam Lankford..went—into ‘the “wAebt _Pod bapa is “no ge pf ieiotheadministrationJeadersde-.circumstance of vanent,but;they «find comfort in’that his break with the Pres-ame upon’a'question of foreignissuefarremovedfromdo- .the foreign situation,time| rmine it,If’war with.Ger-voided bythe:Wilson line,if peace comes out of thnegotiationswith,Berli wheMr.Bryan’s *wi E itself,The country,withoutmarditopartyorsectionsornodes:laud the administration anfpolicywhichtriumphed.nd will be no ground for the Bryan anda to stand upon.on the other hand,hostilities en- sue,Mr.Bryan must necessarily rushtothe’support of the government.Noiotcoulddoless,‘and least of all2pattiotoftheBryanstamp.It willthenbetoolatetoargueaboutarbi-+tration or about methods of handling negotiations.Hle!_Catranza and Villa Made An- +sweet,=\President Wilson has before himfirstreplytohisrecentstate- BS tt regarding Mexico.It consists0suedtherightoftheConstitutionalistgov- ernment to recognition by the United "States and other foreign powers, Lack of recognition is declared to be thé one.difficulty--remaining—in—the .way of restoring’constitutional gov- -ernment in Mexico and the statement asserts:_-*At this time we believe ourselvesto‘be in a position to overcome thislastdifficultybecausetheConstitu- tional government+is now actually indefinitepossessionofsovereignty,andthelegitimateexercise.of sovereignty is the essential-condition which shouldbe{taken into atcount when deciding recognition of a government.”Villa’s reply has also been receivedinWashingtonbuthasnotbeenmade ‘public.Villa,it is said,expresses a willingness ‘to invite a new union of all Mexicans”to “work together to /jnsure the triumph of the revolution- ary,principles,”and also has dispatch- eda note to General Carranza ‘asking ‘thé latter to agree to a conference ofTeadersinMexico“to-unite .and-re-a. Would Have Them Go After,To- t bacco. At the meeting of the BaptistoungPeople’s Union at Mt.Airy,Prof.W.Bunn Olive of Apex,the “president:of the organization,calledupon‘the young people to.have enough backbone not only to fight the“Mguortraffic,but to start a move- es,eyes the use of tobacco,is very hurtful to young than- Thousands of Baptist deaconsday‘school teachers,he said,ray (the use of tobacco on Sun-yet encourage it six daysweekbyplantingandculti-‘the weed,- rs of Cornand Tomato ;Club Prizes.—~ The national Department of Agri-re has announced the names ofIn.&to and other’and girls’clubs:For Northolina-—corn,Dudley Hall,Rowanity,148.2 bushels an acre,andMay,Lenoir,448.33,Girl ean-gz clubs—.McCullough,nee county,’$148,23"profit onohaansereoftomatoes; Tee aoate‘ ; ea on the A ca hows a gener-|a¥dispositionto tec¢ognize the friend-|} “proclamation to thé people”is-|Villa,it is reported,has agreed to re-by General Carranza,asserting |tire from Mexico if Carrapza will do it)Miss Ivy Ostwalt, ment to arrive at-:apromisewithua?”“en Sections’of’California oil landsfearthétownSof‘McKittrick,Kerncounty,valied at $15,009,000,havebeerdeclated.fraudulently patented by the Southern Pacific Railroad Company in.a decision by JudgeBean,of the United States District Court of‘«This’méans the lands re- mM 3 C yp oF tthdheresn ly tone of the note and the fact that}it’makes further negotiations possi-ble,the press is divided,roughly,into two parties.one digposed to enter in- to negotiations looking to -a compro- mise on a new basis,while the other, by implication or expressly,-rejectsanydeparturefromthecoursehere-tofore followed.: Several weeks probably will be al-lowed to pass before”the UnitedStatestakesanyfurtherstepsinthedevelopmentofitspolicytoward Mexico as announced.by .PresidentWilsoninhisrecentstatementwarn- ing the factional leaders to “accom-modate their differences”and ‘restore|’peace.In the meantime replies fromVillaandCarranza.will *be awaited. the same,which is not probable, ‘Dr.Bernhard Dernberg,formercolonialsecretaryoftheGermanem-pire,who has been termed Emperor William’s ‘unofficial representatives in this country,and whose remarks af-ter the sinking of the Lusitania ren- dered him persona non grata in thiscountry,sailed for home-a few days ago.It was intimated that the gov- ernment might invite him to depart and about that time it was announced that he was going.“Dr.Dernbergsayshisremarksabout,the Lusitania were misunderstood. John Strando,arrested at JohnstonCity,IL,in connectidn with the mur- der of Edward Chapman,a farmer, was taken:from jail by a mob ..and hanged.Several persons were injur-ed in a fight that resulted when Strando’s coyntrymen,members.of aforeign:colony,tried to rescue himafterhehadbeensuspendedseveralminutes.Two men arrested with Strando and the leader of a rescue party,were taken.to jail in another county for safe-keeping.It is charg- ed that the foreizners at Johnston City are guilty of a series of murders and that Strando.confessed. Not Usually Considerate of Oth- ers. Mr.Chas.G.Armfield, Elkin and a son of Mr,and Mrs,R.EB. ‘Armfield \of \Statesville,gives notice in the Elkin Times that the speed reg-ulations for automobiles will be.en- forced in Elkin:In appealing to the auto folks to observe the regulations, Mayor Armfield says:“Please be considerate of the safety of your neighbor,even if you do not regard your own life worth.anything.”That ought to have some effect,but it will not with the class who give most trouble..By no means all auto them show little or no considerationforotherfolks. Farmers’Union to contestants in eachofthetencongressionaldistricts,for munity DevelopedviceW¢this district the prize’winner.was te ‘péaceful com-|} :government,if the decis-|tained.f Berlin.papers |: mayor of|+ drivers-are reckless,but too many of|* —enemmeinmnnemmeneeemes * ~—The prizes “given by -the State} the best paper on “How.Our.Com-|f v Community -Ser-tfeek,”have been awhrded.In|] @d without injury bpt thethebuildingand-contents $1,000:': ®The State Bankers’Association will in,session at,Wrightsville,Beachhursday,Friday ,and.Saturday.tures of--the convention will-bedresses‘by!Wi ‘P..G.)Harding of the}ederal Reserve Board,and:William damage.to is estimated. It is reported from Alleghany thatfohnM:Wagrier,dn attorney of that}eounty,chairman of the Republican @xecutive committee and a formers’ State Senator,has disappeared leav- ing a large amount of indebtedness, The North Wilkesboro Hustler hears that the amount is $10,000 and that forgery is also alleged. There is'talk of an aviation corps for the State troops and Adjutant General Young says if a machine ean be secured,which is improbable, this summer...Meantime the adju-tant’general,“will endeayor to «gettheWar;Department to’“put on the aviation course for State troops. Two milés from Fayetteville A. sement of ;the,office,of,the,Giant})umber;Co.,,,,pwhere ,.gasoline:was)Uh ored,ang struck;a match;He,escap-|: gle,reserye agent,..of <Richmond,|:a.a : it®will be used at the encampment}: W.Davis turned his automobile’sud-|. denly to avoid running on a railroad}: Will stimulate.the laodtt :Norfolk,Va. Spartanburg,8.C. ee the Frye. track in front ‘of a “passing©train:The machine struck the tender of the engine sideways and Eugene:Biggs,14 years old,standing.on the running board of the automobile,was jam- med against the train and fatally.in- jured,dying in a short time.The coroner’s jury exonerated the;rail- road and condemned the auto driver. John Ledford;wanted for assault, highway.robbery,burglary,forgery. and larceny,ten cases in all,was shot ‘and.the doctors say,fatally wounded Triday by ‘Deputy ©Sheriff Reggie Ray of Yancey county.°The shooting occurred two miles south ofPensacola,in «Yaneey..The.officerwastryingtoarrest:Ledford whenthelatter,who had —a-Winchester rifle;resisted.This”information isfromadispatchtothe,CharlotteObserver.: The store of Pearson.Bros..,at:Le- noir,was burned early .Thursday morning with its contents and two aged.The fire originated bales of hay in rear of the store,'thethirdfiretooriginateinthetowninassimilarmannerinafewweeks.The other fires were extinguished.Thebuilding—occupied by—Penarson.Bros,was not insured.The stock was in-sured for $500 and the estimated|value is’$200.eet cies thing for a lady’s or a gentleman’s adjoining dwellings were badly.dam-|,in some f} man government has*informed.the Prussian-American treaty of 1828 to contraband ean be destroyed.‘ment is promised for the destruction, asa logieal inference from the lan- guage of the treaty.in reiterating that she is ready topaydamagesforlossestoAmerican citizens occasioned:by the sinking of the Frye,Germany insists that a prize court must pass on the case..The argument advanced by the United States that-a prize court is unneces- whenever there is a treaty.violation, ing ‘of the-Frye-is still admitted,but; Germany contends the case was<Wiolation”of the treaty.: PINE. AND TIN.i Twelve grades—from $2 00 up. An Alarm Clock that is little but iond.It’s a little Beauty.Just the the waking up foryou,‘BIG BEN if you need to be knocked out. _C,WATKINS. room.It is not su large but does” Jeweler, Sorcererpe ri r eeeong ket withwearingoutyourwhatyouwanttoaottoget you ‘HENclocks andfitting spectacles and.ey no.other conte F. GOOD ¥ The clocks in the-home must be right:pected have meals on time. Y while he is devoting his entite at fhe housekeeper can’t be-ex:m there is no economy it-you can’t depend on.No 0 or clock repaired by BOB.ne to repairing watchesand i nv Deis dlagrowthofyour ufifavorable séasonal ‘conditionsy:olka: blight and shed.isi ass fei PRESTO TOP DRESSER,/3°iny)f-<i.|4ROVSIER'S SPECIAL TOK DRESSER).)<A!-MAGIC TOP’DRESSER —=xan nettRoyster top dressers,like all Royster Fertilizers,are backed by experience:.. “compounded.‘OnSclentifie principles;plant-food)for the plant at just the” proper)time and in right proportions:mechanical condition perfect.” Look for the tradé-mark on'every bag?’©! Send postal for book of Top Dréssing.and name of nearest Royster Dealer. F.S.ROYSTER GUANO COMPANY, Atlanta,Ga.Montgomery,Ala Haggling About the Sinking of |g n't note on the case of the Wil-¢ diam P.Frye,an American ship sunk by.the Prinz Eitel Friedrich,the Ger- United ‘States that it interprets the)€ mean that American vessels carrying !€Pay-|g but the right.to destroy is asserted}sg sary sinee-compensation is promised ;— ig rejected.The liability for the sink-|E "| cor.Shingles|| ae rs crop, ae eo eet aeAe manger ef eater teteraeaiaraennine a so me ee amanBRANDSre os *Available Ammonia’Potash * 2 «ho 4.}Ysa ¢2's0 a . 1 ksebs enonetae Charlotte,N.C.Tarboro,N.C.n,Ga..Baltimore,Md. Columbia,8.C.M.lumbus,Ga. oi can “Why worry where to buy apair.of B)Shoes for that boy of yours that -will let us show you the very best thing ever made for .Boys’feet.-Boys’ Scouts $2.00 and.$2.25 “the pati, Men’s $2.50. ‘a=«Mr.Farmer Friend:,: Try a pair of our $1.50 opener plow shoe—you are sure to get your money’s worth out of each and every pair. ayeee: :Fire,Tornado,Live Stock,Automobile,Liability, Plate Glass,Steam Boiler,Accident ~~and Health or Life Insurance. We solicit.your business for the leading -companies writing the differentlines ‘of. insurance.Full information obtained ‘on request.| increase the yield,overcome byk)the tendency in’¢otton to!Ale eit hil oT Aa AYE j >2 eaeeo RA mean “pa sive him satisfaction?Come in and— ae | Sherrill-White Shoe Company. Men and Boys’Scout Shoes Gre po o s e c c o r e s e s r e e s e s s s be s o r e n n et e ~#MONEY TO LOAN? #No,but this cultivator will save you money and time this busy seasonwhenoldGeneralGreengetsaholdonyourcrop.Heis here and 8 is doing his work...Be on the alert,Farmer,get ahead of him.We#have onlya few left.Terms right. ITHE LANDMARK Mr,Bryan Asksthe Public.1 H|Argument For Peace. jHipublic statement with reference t@ his resignation:Atay Se#|“To the American People:ie Blof the note to Germany-—-the no June 15,1916. ‘Read the German Note 4ThenReadHisReasonsF. Not Signing It—An Eloq) Following .is Mr.Bryan’s second “You now have before you the te which it would have been my officdutytosignhadIremainedSeeretatyofState.I ask you to sit in judgment apon my,decision to resign,ratherthantoshareresponsibilityforit.I am sure you will credit me withhonorablemotives,but that is not |enough.Good intentions could~atone for a mistake at such a time)’on such-a subject and under such cir- cumstances.If your verdict-is against me,I ask no mercy;I desire none if T have acted unwisely.A man inpubliclife.must act according to his zonscierce,but however conscientious- 'y he acts,he must be prepared to accept.without complaing any con-demnation which his own errors maybringuponhim;he must be willingtobearanydeservedpunishmentfrom ~~ slight of that day when ‘swords shall .jmake that honor:ours? memories of an historic friendship,and by a regollection of the innum-erable ties of Eee that,bind thefatherlandtotheUnitedStates.“Some nation must lead the worldoutoftheblacknightofwarintothe be beaten into plowshares’Why not Some day— why not now?The nations will learnthatenduringypeacecannotbebuiltuponfear;that good will does notgrowuponthe,stalks of violence. Some day’the nation will place their |.trugt in love,the weapon for whichthereisnoshield;in love,that suffer- eth-longe--and“is”kind;in love thatisnoteasilyprovoked;that bearethallthings,believeth all things,hopethallthings,endureth all things;in lovewhich,though despised as weakness hy the worshipers of Mars,abideth|when all else fails.(Signed)“W.J.BRYAN.” Appeals to German Americans. Mr.Bryan later,issued an appeal addressed to “The._German-Ameri-cans,”urging them to aid in main-taining peace between the United States and the fatherland by exertingtheirinfluence.with the German gov-ernment,to persuade it not to takeanystepsthatwouldlead..in the.di- rection of war.: Referring to German-Americans as“fellow citizens in whose patriotism I have entire confidence,”Mr..Bryan, |’“The Clutching Hand”| Tredell Hardware Co. pe e s s o s c o o o s o s s c o o o o s s o o s e s s e e s e t t t i i t i CORSA CR SOROSOCICSAOICHO EOLOOOORS Gas Appliances Do not hesitate to give your orders for —gas-appliancesto Mr.and Mrs.Osborne- personally.Mrs.Osborne will call and. instruct everybody how to cook with gas free of charge,where any one de- sires her to demonstrate at their home. ’Phone us for appointments. Statesville Gas Light and Fuel Company. i ae [eee t= {VOU are going to build consider roofing.All kinds metal roofingndfulllinesheetmetalsinstock.A specialty of ridge roll and val-y tin.ri '\ |TIN CO.,H.C.Mohler,Manager."114 East Broad Street.|STATESVILLE BY "PHONE 155. at delivers the least:ice and he will tell you wherever/ there is an Odorless Re-E -frigerator.Why?Because it is constructed different s from the:many so-called Refrigerators and ice box- es.It retains the cold,é keeps the icefrom melting and saves the ice.Saved} ice is saved money. We have them in all sizes,with and without | ‘water coolers. ‘Also White Mountain Ice Cream Freezer,the best freezer in the world.Respectfully, J The Williams Furniture:House. aS Of poverty and want will never grab you if you have an active savings account in a good Bank—this Bank for instance. But you want to start in time.Start now, sep aind start here.A dollar will do to start "with and a hundred dollars wouldn’t stop you,once you realize how important a ’.savings account is. SAFETY—SERVICE—SATISRACTION. Merchants and Farmers’Bank,| Of Statesville, aersons;it is between systems;and |of uny changes she may propose in |oersuasion employs argument,courtS war between the United States and |system—the system that has jcorner stone—war,which,at.its best _¢:is little better than war at its.worst;Bowden killed Henry Pollock.Both}Bowden ‘was’jealous of Pol:f =admit that it is abundantly supported]— Bjby precedents—precedents,written in |idney backache. E characters of blood upon ‘almost every |}Liniment and plasters.may relieve‘Ask the ice man where he#!page of -human-history.-Austriasfur-!jp. -ithe ultimatum against Serbia,which} s|now participating in this unparallelcd| =the war,and it is only charitable that |. =|zood faith.They desired-peace,but)|Mrs,s|they sought it according to therules!Statesville,says: 5/30 clearly revealed as now.The most g\of today and-laying a burden of debt; S|filled the air with thunderbolts more s|Adding fresh fuel to the flame tive cruelties that they seem,for thetimebeing,blind to the stents etme,|.AS usual we shalliralsanddeaftotheappealsofhu.have our splendid of-manity.ee is knownbyits fruit.:.:The war in Europe is.the siperied |ferings for commence-fruit of the old system.ment time,consisting Our Jingoes Have the Rabies. This is what firmnéss,supported of handsomely arrang-by /force,has done in the old world;|ed Baskets,BouquetsshallweinviteittocrosstheAtlan-ifa|tic?Already the jingoes of our own,ete, e|the disease spreads? ‘iting and a,terrible headache,“Take Cham-| besides asking.them to use their in- fluence with the German government, urged: That they forget;never to be re-called,any suspicion of lack of neu-trality or friendship toward the Ger-man people.on the part.of-the Presi-dent of the United States. That they should not attempt to ostracism to execution.But hear me vefore you pass senrence. “The President and I agree in pur- pose;we desire a peaceful solution of | the dispute which has arisen betweentheUnitedStatesandGermany.We not only desire it,but with equal fer-| vor we pray for it;but we differ irre-|concilably as to the means of secur-|ooncct negotiations between theingit.If it were merely-a personal!United States and Germany with lifference it would be a matterof lit-(hoc.between the United States andtlemoment,for all the presumptions (;,..1 Britain because “the cases areareonhisside—the presumptions|jj¢F,.-ent,.”:' that go with power and authority.|‘That Germany should acquiesce inHeisyourPresident;I am a private|jemands that have been made by thecitizenwithoutofficeortitle—but one Wnited States without _condition,of the -hundred-million-of inhabitants.|4).:.+ing the “United States to deal “But the real issue is not between j,..11,with her in the consideration f rely for vindication wholly upon the ;}.j;tcrnational rules that governitrengthofthepositiontaken.__‘the taking of prizes,”growing out ofForceandPersuasion.|submarine warfare.“Among-the influences which gov-|—‘Mr.Bryan declaréd-that-Presidentsrnimentsemployindealingwitheach}Wiicon had been unjustly —criticisedthertheraaretwowhicharepre-||y partisans of both sides in the Eu- eminent and antagonistic—force-and ropean conflict;expressed confidencepersuasion.Force:speaks with firm-that German-Americans would stand1essandactsthroughtheultimatum;},y their adopted country in case_of investigation and depends upon nego-Germany;maintained that killing of‘iation.Force represents the old sys-innocent women:and children,either tem—the system:that must pass by drowning or starving,could not bevway;persuasion represents the new justified,and.suggested a change inbeeniheshippinglawstoexcludepassen-growing,all too slowly,it is true,but gers from ships carrying contraband growing for nineteen hundred years.0;ammiunition. “In the old system war isthe chief At Dover,Craven’county;Perey the new system)“éntemplates a uni-“olored. versal brotherhood established !ock’s attentions to his wife. ce the uplifting power of exam-T=A WAY OUT. “If I correctly interpret the note to $.:; Germany,it conforms to.the stand-|A Resident of Statesville Shaws theard’of the old ‘syStem rather than to||*Way..the rules of the néwyiand I cheerfully fishes the most recent precedent.It 3 7wasAustria’s firmness that dictated|(But they seldom reach:the cause.\)Backache is cause to suspect the Every -ruler|kidneys. flict h I d his d :Doan’s Kidney:Pills are conflict has proclaimed his desire for|ordered kidneys.peace and denied responsibility for|:taney’ set the world at war. for dis- Statesville people back them’up. with;Read a case of it.'i we should credit all of them < 212 Seventh St., “[was in badoftheofdsystem.They believe that)shape from pain across the small offirmnesswouldgivethebestassur-|my back and kidneys.I.couldn’t Reavis, si ance of the maintenance of peace and fleep well and in the morning,I felt |{ ‘My kidneys didn’t actif went so near the fire that they were,/right and I was nervous.and dizzy.|} one after another,sucked into the!Doan’s Kidney Pills,procured from i;contest.Never before have the fricht-|Hall’s Drug Store,made me well.”|} faithfully following precedent,they!all tired out. ful follies of this fatal system been (Statement given March 1,1912.) o cl I On March 6,1915,Mrs.civilized and enlightened—aye,the gdded: most Christianof thenations of Eu-)former endorsement.Whenever myrope—are grappling with each other kidneys cause me any trouble,a fewasifinadeathstruggle. Price 50c,at all dealers. teries and their homes into houses of :;mourning;they are taxing the wealth Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that Mrs.Reavis had.Foster-Milburn.Co.,on the toil of the future;they have Props.,Buffalo;“N.Y. deadly than those of Jove and they have multiplied the perils of the deep. ofhate,they have daily devised newhorrors,until one side is endeavorins, to drown non-combatant men,wo-men and children at sea,while the other side seeks to starve non-com-| batant men,women and children on land.And they are so absorbed in al- ternate retaliations and in compcti-. Flowers For Graduation Day! country have caughttherabies from |[~the dogs of war;shall the opponents|ioforganizedslaugiterbesilentwhile-Roses and Carnations In abundance.Ex-»quisite Flowers from ~our own gardens, “Ais an humble follower:of the|Prince of Peace;as a devoted believ-er\in the prophecy that ‘they thattaketheswordshallperishwiththe| sword,’I beg to be counted amongthosewhoearnestlyurgedtheadop-| tion of a course in this matter which|will leave no doubt of “our govern-|ment’s willingness to continue nego-|>z tiations with Germany until an ami-|V Li dl <Cocableunderstandingisreached,or at|an Nn ey °9 least until;the stress of:war ovér,||*we can appeal from Philip drunk |with carnage to Philip.sobered by the ~FLORISTS 10THE:SOUTH; GREENSBORO,N.©. Polk Gray Drug (o., ‘Bilions Attacks.When you have a bilious attack your liverfailstoperformitafunctions,You become constipated.The food you eat ferments in}your stomach instead of digesting,This in-|flames the stomach and causes nausea,vom-| berlain’s.Tablets,They will tone up yourliver,clean out your stomach and you will “There's one:effective way to relievet Reavis| “I back up every word of my/|f f i They are doses of Doan’s Kidney Pills-give me=\sacrificing the best and bravest of|relief.”‘i=|their ‘sons on,.the battlefield;they are|Don’t}Siconverting their gardens into ceme-{simply ask for a kidney remedy—get |f COOK IN COMFORT THIS SUMMER Ys can make your kitchen’as livable as your living room —if you have a NEW PER-FECT'ON Oil Cookstove.No:wood-box,no ash-pan,no coal-hodtobotherwith.A clean,cool kit-chen,and half the drudgery gone.— The NEW PERFECTION isquickand-handy likea gas stove..It.lights instantly,and gives youa bivolumeofheat,easily regulated -just by raising or lowering thewick.”,,It is easy to operate,easy to clean,* and éasy to re-wick.2,000,000womensayit’s fin stove comfortwith-kerosene oil,”’: Ask your dealer to show you his NEW PERFECTION line—stoves with one,two,three andfour.burners.Note particularly NEW PERFECTION OVENS,especially made for use on-thesestoves.Ideal for roasting andbaking.eee ee , Use Aladdin Security'Oit ©or Diamond White Oiltoobtainthebest:results:in oilStoves,-Heaters’and:Lamps.’ 3 STANDARD OIL COMPANY Washington,D.C.(New Jersey)Charlotte,N.C.: Norfolk,Va.(BALTIMORE)Charleston,WwW.Va. Richmond,Va.;Charleston,S.Cc. |box that will save ice.Ice Cream Freezers.One Use Vudor Shades to Make Sleeping 4] Porches---’Phone For Prices.| ’Vudor Shades and Ham- eet wemmamocks,We make you any be)1G aes size awning.Window“SHADES(7 ae 5 Shades all sizes.Our ]White Mountain Refriger- ators are all stone lined. The-chest with thechill in it. Every Equipped with Vader Safety Wind ‘: Also Iceland Refrigerators,zinc lined—the only ice two,three and four burner Oil Cook Stoves —the stove that willbake,~8 ) CC R C ER $9 Eo ‘vee “The Bank For Your Savings.” yhacal Agents.”fa foon be as well as ever,They only cost a iS quarter,Ob(ainsble everywhere, Nie hast e”(EET. eee ease esses ssessssssSsTsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssrssrsssssesssrseres ~No.277 acres 34 miles east of city..This propertylies on the sand-ef YOUR OPPORTUNITY To Buy a Nice farm and Get Ready for Next Year’s Crop. No.1—845 acres in Elmwood.All school and church conveniences,Strong land,40 acres in bottom,8-room.house,large barn and out houses. clay highway now being constructed by the government.I$ideal for Dairy and Truck farming.No.3--40 acres 1 1-4 miles from nhheng square,Splendidly adaptedforDairypurposes,Live Stock and Poultry.No.4—60 acres in Wilkes county just across Iredell line—a bargain.40 city lots in east Statesville,known as “Park Place’’—$15 down,balance in monthly payments of $5.10 lots in Bloomfield.Terms-easy.Six lotsin south Statessectionfastdeveloping..Several diesheaven and lots,Call on me.and learn what I have.LieW..R.MILLS,-"States ‘PHONE 54.~ /TUBSDAY, «immefor This ¢ 7 “THE WAR OF THE WILD”‘% thriller.Tt beats a circus,THE OLD TUTOR” A splendid ‘‘Big U’’drama.“LOVE AND HANDCUFFS” A touching:story of the country, If some young,good looking,brig’ bill They haven’t time.to talk to you nboys,did you know that it wasDidyouknow tSaythesepeskylitflepests.going to work it:Every boy 1=a ti f h ten cans.How about it, i ee tive then “The ony requirsmentis that they be clean,have no unpleasant odorive.glad to let you have them. ©A two reel “101 Bison”wild animal tt i ag ats “POOR POLICY” mountain 2 Theater and the Mayor will have them hauled away:and destroyed, THE LANDMARK June 15,1915. ==~ THE CAR DOOR FELL OFF. Forcible Mlustration of the Dan- ger of Standing ~Near Run- ‘ning Trains. “.*P néver stand close to a passing train again,”is the decisive state-’ ment of Mr.L.A.Lineberger of the Johnston-Belk Company.Mr.Line-berger is having a .new _residence erected on his farm on the Salisburyroad,about four miles east of town. Thursday afternoon he went down tothe-farm to look after the new build- ing and other matters.His own andotherchildrenwerewithhimina field near the railroad when Mr.Line-berger saw a freighv.train approach- ing.As the train came nearer Mr,Lineberger noticed that_a—door of aboxcarwashanging“loose and astheearrockedthedoorwouldswingoutfromthetrain..Calling to thechildren,*Mr.’Lineberger warned em not to get near the railroad, telling then that the car-doer—mightfaltoffand‘strike them,And sureenough,just as the train reached apointnotfarfromthechildren,thedoor.did break loose and was thrownoutinto‘the corn field.The doorstrucktheproundinanuprightposi-tion atid the rapid motion of the traincausedittoroll.on edge out.into the}field’for 30 or 40 feet,tearing downthecorn‘as it went.Fortunatelyneofthechildren:were in.the,pathdoom)\";*i“That the door-veally fell off just.atitpointwisasmuch‘of a surpriseioMr.Lineberger'as it was to thehildren.‘While he knew there was apossibilityof‘the door:breaking.offfdtokthe.opportunity_to.warn.the.‘hildren of ‘the danger:of ;standingnearthetrackwhen-a train was pass-ing,he’did not expect:it:to happenjustatthattime.earStandingneartherailroadtrackWhenatrainispassingisalwaysdangerous,because there is no.cer-tainty that the train itself will not-Yeave the fails.And certainly oneshouldnotbeverymuthsurprisedataderailmentbétweenStatesvilleandEimwood,a,section of road which hasjuiteanumberofserious.freightwreckstoitsdiscredit. _THE CLIO EXHIBITION. “Exhibition Day at Old Clio’sNurseryintheYear1775”.atfitheTheaterThursdayEve-ning.- 7An important event of the week is “Exhibition Day at Old Clio’s Nursery in the Year 1775,”which will be given at Statesville Theater Thursday eve-er 17th,under the auspices of the tt Dobbs chapter of the.Daughtersof,the Revolution._Programme:Following is ‘the a ART I,finrtet-—Oft in the Stilly Night.psdames M,©,Wood,F.F.Steele,R..B.e MeLaughlin and Miss Martha Simons. loxtie-——-Mr.Dorman’Thompson. ekhibition.Day at Clio’s Nursery,7apy Year 1775. Frecevtor-Rev.James Hall.ye Mr.R.H.Rickert.Yprian's Education--Richare ing.e Mr,J.8.Armfield.Oration—Samuel Pickens, da Dr-T.KB.Anderson.a Hpatin Oration=—John Steere.Ler »Mr.RLM.Gray.i uitation---Moses:Waddell,James MeEwen.“ee Mr.W.D.Turner,Mr.Z.V.Long,‘PART Il. in-the ele,’Miss Martha Simons. *Mrs.Lois Long Hackett.Spelling Bee. tains——Mr.L.B.Bristol,Dr.J.F Cari. ton, programme offers a rare treat. orations and the debate by localwient,representing the more_or.lessmouspupilsofthefamousClioschool,will be worth while;the music“will be a reat and the spelling beeibeaBortofclimax.‘While the entertainmentally. Aronage on iis merit,it should drawpackerhousefortheadditionalrea-son that the Daughters of the Revolu-are endeavoring,in this way,toefindsfora’most laudable pur-the rehabilitation of Old Fortpbs.The general admission is 25cet‘acre net 50 cents.Elec.ric fans 2 provided and theTheater’will be made comfortable.is connection ‘attention is di-“Pair Clio’s Nursery,”ahoftheancientschoolinverse,‘the gifted ‘Mra.W.A.Eliason,ich.is printed today, |Mrs.N,B.Mills has gone to Mt.Airy to visit her daughter,Mrs.'T.G.ites Her Mitle granddaurhter,Is Faweette will be 14 Days “ ZO|You are —troubled..wit orth the_price_and-deserves-pa=|- ,Who wag here,| NEWS.OF .TAYLORSVILLBE. Meetings at Methodist and Pres- byterian Churches—Work Of CountyCommissioners —So- cial and Personal Events. Correspondence of The Landmark. Taylorsville,June 14.-.Mrs.8.T. Crowson most delightfully entertain- ed the Embroidery club and these friends—-Mesdames T.H.Miller,M. L.Gwaltney.C.L.Matheson and Miss.Ada Viele—Wbdnesday after- noon,complimentary to her aunt,Miss Blanche Linney of New York city,at her attractive’home on east Main street.A:lively pame of progressive heart’s dice added much entoyment tothis—-pleasant..meeting.Mrs,_H._T. Kelly madethe,highest score.Music throughout the afternoon was fur-nished by a victrola,The hostess was assisted in entertaining by her mother and’sister,Mrs.W.D,Dealand-Miss’Ruby~Deal.-A delicious -sal- ad course was served by the hostessandMissDeal.: A ten days’revival meeting at the Methodist church closed Wednesday night.The pastor,Rev.R.E.Hunt, pwas-assisted.by Rev.Z.B.Barnhardt,pastor of the Methodist church of ‘Le- noir,who preached-the plain gospeltruthsinanimpressivemanner.There were some fifty conversions and re- clamations.‘‘Mr.:and Mrs,“Ralph (Sloan.of Statesville:were guests Sunday.of Mrs.Sloan’s aunt,Mrs.Lelia.Bogle. The board of county commissioners was in regular’session Monday and Tuesday andthe following is some of the business disposed of:Mr..Thos, Watts,Jr,was given a contract.to screen.thé windows and doors at the county home.Ordered that Register of Deeds W.A.'Barnett let,.the con- tract’for ‘a well:to be drilled on thecourt“house:-square.:-Eix-Sheriff —R: L..Matheson:was instructed to ex-‘tend the:time for selling.land,fortaxesuntilthefirstMondayin.July. Sheriff R.A.Adams -was ordered to grant a°peddlers’-license free of charge to J.H,.Reid on account |of infirmity.On Tuesday and Wednes-day the jury list was revised. Dr.J.M.Grier,pastor of ©FirstPresbyterianchurchofConcord,as-tisted the pastor,Rev.L.I:Moore, in a series of meetings beginning Thursday evening at.the Presbyte- rian-church.Dr.Grier returned homeSaturdayandDr.C;M.Richards: pastor of the Presbyterian church ofDavidsonCollege,filléd the pulpit Sunday.Nine were added to thechurchonprofessionoffaith.Mr.Rowe Campbell,who has been in Dr,Long’s Sanatorium,States-ville,since Wednesday for treat- ment,will return hone today. mother,Mis.Sara Campbell,whohasbeen‘there “with ‘him;will ac- company -him .home.‘Mrs.W.T. Presson and children of ‘Grier,S$.C.,and Mrs.Samuel Pressén of Char-lotte,are guésts'of Mrs:W.T:Press-on’s aunt,Mrs.R.B.Burke. Fine Peaches—Result of Spray- ing.: In presenting The Landmark with a basket of beautiful peaches yester- day Mr.Henry.L.Troutman explain- ed that he was a ¢onvertto.fruit:tree spraying.The treé from which the _|peaches were picked had been:spray-ed twice this season and the fruit was thereby improved.There are some who continue to “hoot”at spray- ing just as other modern methods of agriculture and horticulture are rid- ieuled,but those who “have ‘givensprayingathoroughtestfindthatit makes larger,better colored and bet- ter flavored fruit and gets rid of the worm_and_rot..The State Department of Agriculture estimates that the fruit crop of North Carolina has been increased -in value many thousands of dollars as-the-result of spraying: A basket of peaches,adorned with flowers,also came to The Landmark yesterday from Miss Laura Lazenby. Mr.Reitzel’s Distinction. Statesville friends of ~Mr.Albert Emmett Reitzel,a nephew of Judge Cohte,will be pleased to learn that at the recent commencement of the Iaw School of the National Univer-isity,-at’Washington,D.C.,Mr.Reit- wl received the -degrees of bachelor of laws and master of laws.Out of 75 students receiving either one or the other of these deprces,Mr..Reit-wel was one of eight to receive’both degrees at the same time and was theonlyNorthCarolinian’in thé class.Mr.Reitzel attained this distinction jafter'a course of study of 2 1-2 years,[oyeeos which time he worked eight|hours daily in the offices of the Na-;ional Civil Service Commission. teheronstmnnllssoidaciancaecnighestahesGreatlyBenefitedbyChamberlain's Lidiment.“I have used Chamberlain’s Liniment for|sprains,bruises and.rheumatic.paing,and{the freat.benefit 1 have:received dustifies,myrecoramending:it fn the hirhest “terms,”writes Mrs.Florence Stife,Wabash,Ind.of,.ho rheumatic pains youwillcertainlybeyicased:with the promptréliefwhichChamberlain's.LinObrtantieomaLiniment affords. ~WEDNESDAY |THE HONOROF THE ORMSBYS”---- “A big three reel Imp feature story ..that is full of heart interest, One of those button bustin g L-Ko comedies with Billy Ritchie. ht chap would like to have the name and address of some girls thatdiow,though..See us after the contest is over and we will giettingtimeformosquitosandthatwearegoingtogetridof-all of these old.cans. ld and under that brings us ten of these oldcans any afternoon this week betwetigatebeboys?Let’s get busy and stop these pesky diboutThaw. aa is CNC Ze 2 i ‘:maaan iex ws =‘s ..-rt HAMMER.BLOCKED.WAY.|s His| -|The world what you\know and bestow. ‘Scranton,Pa.;Dr.E.W.Fitch,Dr.Rosalie baseball Ghia how clevi“RACESINTHENit “OVER THEAnotherone ofKocomedies. Grand Juror Says District At- torney Hammer —Prevented His.Presenting a Case to.the Attorney. Greensboro News,11th. A mild sensation was .sprung in United States District Court here yes-terday afternoon when A.B.ColtraneofRandolphcounty,a member of the grand jury,arose in court and ad- dressed Judge James FE.Boyd,The foreman of the jury,K.M.Thompson of Yadkin county,had just reported to the court that all matters before the body had been disposed of,and Judge-Boyd--was about to give the jury its dismissal,when Mr.Coltrane tmade—his—statement._—He—said—-that he had_been attempting to have eer.tain,presentments made to the jury but.had been blocked in his*efforts hy District Attorney W,--C.Hammer, Mr.Hammer immediately arose to defend himself,stating to the court that Mr,Coltrane wished to presentcertainofhisenemieswhoarealleg- ed to be connected with an electionfraud_in.Randolph county;and thathehadobjectedtohavingsuchaction taken inthis court,holding it to be improper,Judge Boyd declared thistobeentirelywithouthis~provineeandproceededtodismissthejury,since there was nothing else présentedonthequestion. iLittle of ‘the inside of the ‘mattercouldbeJearned,everybody connected with it being averse to publicly.dis- cussing ‘it. the ‘difficulty’arose,however,is not new,as action has already been he- gun_in Randolph county by the Re-|> publican organization to oust the Democratic officeholders,the allegas tion being that:there ‘was fraud per- petrated in the’last election.There Have been nod ‘proceedings in the State]!epurt against individuals;and ‘thematterOfthéelectionisatpresentin}: the hands of-a-referee;-Thomas Guthe}tie,of Charlotte,recently named by Judge T.J.Shaw.It is supposed thatMr.Coltrane had endeavored to have some of the men alleged to have.been connected with the efection prosecut-ed in the District court. It is also recalled that Judge-Boyd made.a snecial point-in ‘his charge to the grand jury this week relative toelectionsandtheFederalstatutes pertaining to conspiracy on the part of two or more citizens ‘to prévent another from voting ‘or a conspiracy to,prevent a ballot bem counted af- ter it has been cast. Meeting State Medical Society. At the meeting of the State Medi- sal.Society,in session at Greensboro today,tomorrow and Thursday,out- of-State physicians of national repu- tation on-the programme for address- es'are Dr.J.M.Wainwright Jof 0 Slaughter Morton,Dr. Spears and Dr.Gordon L..Berry,New York;Dr.Albert Carroll}Dr.H, J;Maldeis,‘Dr.T..A.“Ashby,-Balti- more;_Dr.Frederick -M.Hanes,-Dr,Paul V.Andérson,Richmond:.Dr. ,,L,-Lumsden,Public Health.Ser-vieo. Mr.J.W.Bailey of Raleigh.will address the society on “What North Carolina Should Do in the Regulation of the Sale and Use of Narcotics,” Tomorrow there will be a‘symposiumontuberculosis.The State’HealthOfficers’Association met yesterday. Dr.L.B.McBrayer is president oftheSociety.a FAIR CLIO‘S NURSERY. (in Greek”Mythology,Clio Presided “Over History.) Near by the Show Creck’s shimmering sand | Fair Clio’famous Nursery used to:stand;Beneath the fragrant forest.pine boneClio,zreatest of the Muses nine,‘Bravely built her simple,log-house shrine.Within its,seered walls our fathers foundTheirloveoffreedom—long since renowned, They rode upon the wooden horse into thestreets~of Troy; And many a eaper did they cut in followingDido's Punie joy; With “pious Aléneas’”did they wend upon his westward way; And Cicero's orations there were spoken many &day;Serene,they walked the mystic maze of Math; Vor to James Hall that waa an easy path:Chey miensured trees with his own instrament;And ‘neath their shade found deepest heart's content, ‘When,at the troon-hour,they had blentTheancient.theme of pone and pic With their great master’s theology; And then they walked’five Wiles or so Across to Science Hall,you know,To do their Lab.,1 trow, "Twas thus they wrought till Exhibition Day,|When they were Yeady to stand forth and say,“Vale,Clio,Vale!"Their words in beautiful sequence ran sos,“Clio know.6-—ehow 4 +The bleasing of Clio,” The years have drifted,aa years will drift,Like a weaver’s shuttle steady and swift;While that forest nursery thére bernHassrownintotheCollereofPavidson:And thro’our dull sift :Mic ahaThefnightytruthsofHistory?)»“Know Clio!go,show what you know. A ‘is &chance for everytoseehiminactiononthediamondandeveryMoviefanto° An unusual ‘Rex’? ve youa You,the Mayor and the Crescent Court—Malice Says District|| patos are beriniing to}t hi .Te.at their office In Statesville,N.C, res---Our Progra ,"FRIDAY“A PROPHET OF THE HILLS” ~>Frank Lieyd and Hellen 1“=—big two~reel.“Laemmle’’Don’t miss it.It -wilspellbound.“ANIMATED WEEKLY” The most interestingfromalloverthewor! those screaming L-|“SHAVED IN MEXICO” ce”Au L-Ko comedy—always good, / sel “'Gold Seal”vith Christy Math- an actor he is. ”ie & heater have tak os The Same Ice That Cools Your Food,Cools Your Drinking Water Without Extra Cost, in a P i i n g h o e n e a d ia t ti e ia i e e a ee ‘t mind working,we could call off a few in this UNIVEatThere.is still room and the best chance in the worlddidyouknowthataroundeveryhomearehundredsofaletincansthattheHealthOfficerssay are the finest places in the work.en the contract 'toen.3 and 4 o’clock we will five him a tick é brats from bothering us when-we want}to sleep. Get busy now and bring a million if you can, Se ee aa n g | ; [7 Sa TURDAY “UNLIKE OTHER GIRLS”N “Patline Hash 16 a two.teol “Rex”? feature supported by a notable east, einarama.hola.you news:“HfIS NOBS.THE DUKE” ‘A very funny Nestor comedy. 'pictaice RSAL-CANADIAN CONTEST that would fill theforafewmore.,Better call and get your blanks,for breedingclearthetownoftheseoldcans..Here is how we areettoseethepictures,if he brings 100 cans we willIfyoucan’t get’enough ask the neighbors,they.willthemorethemerrier.Pile them up in front of ‘the Rein pe nieiemneeeee AN AUTOMATIC! a,Don’t Put Ice in Your Drinking Water! It’s Dangerous Unnecessary. ‘Buy An s Automatic. dy j i ’ oSq bt , € eG You can keep any combination of foods in an Automgerofflavorsmixing.“of Col&Pure-Air,- be The’question:over which!= ewRRSRSROReonaatenares hsse -pee-them.at_our store,show an AUTOMATIC. Crawford-Bunch Furniture ComTHESTORETHATALWAYSWELCOMESYO atic:without dan-Because of the Automatie CirculationWearealwaysgladto Why? pany. U. ARON Cloth. éCpWehataputbitediebnPlecanitline of |Ladies’White,Tan and Gray Wash Skirts AT 50C.,75C;AND $1.00 EACH. These Skirts are made of the ‘best and most.reliable materials,consisting of Piques,Poplins,Indian Head Suitings and PanamaYourstruly, =SMILLS &POSTON.=o ~Building Materials! C.WATKINS,-Statesville,IN.C.,North Center Street,Next Planters’Warehouse. bs Storm Victims. <)Twelye.persons are reported.dead and 80 injured in’a storm —which swept over weftern Wisconsin and parts of Minnesota and Iowa Sati day..night.Seven lost their lives near lerryville,Wisconsin,and five near_Lansing,lowa,_An-eieht-mile strip near Ferryville -and Seneca was swept.clear and every.farm house -was.wrecked —or —damaged: There was also much storm damageindsmalllossoflifeinPennsylya-nia and Ohio.; *“DANCING!__‘Mr.Sidney Alderman Blackmer. ‘One Steps,Fox Trots,.Waltzes,Monday,Tuesday andWednesday‘of each weelcat 8 p m. OLD ARMORY. ee ee EXECUTOR’S.NOTICK,“Having qualificd as executor of the last wil aad testament of J.W.Houpe,deconsed,kh notefy all persons)having claims against fae «state to present them to me or te omy.Aiterney-on or before June 15;1916,or this pias vili be plead in bar of their reeeovery.Py sh HOULE,Bxtr.of J.W.Foupe, Stateside,£-2,Beoa.B.Armfeld,Atty,Jime 16, te Notice to Creditors, orth Carolina,Iredell County.‘.In thé Superior Court,May Term,1915. .Be Krider et°al,va.Krider Stock,Company. By.virtue”of an)order of”the.Superior ourt made in the above entitled’eause.at“May Term,1915,notice is.hereby vivenallpartiesholdingclaims.owainst the es2téoftheKrider.Stock Co.te make proof of»sane and Me with the undersivned ye-eee oh or befores the.first day of July, By4 { ~Hall's Antiseptic Oil Heals Quickly. An excellent remedy for fresh cuts,burns -and_stings...We believe it _one of the most useful.and impor- tant remedies for every home. Leeeatig AT aie HALL’S DRUG STORE,“-*PHONE 20:.,--Prescriptionists, -If you want to be up to the minute you must have a BOB-O-LINK FRIENDSHIP BRACELET.We have them. And beitow the blessing of Olio!’_.y J MO BL F Vardar of Court.>dy Ay HARTNESS,|Y tp 8 co kh.P,ALLISON,|pe tune Tb,APG Be ny ey Reeoiverss|.* |R.’H.RICKERT.&SON: AIRLINE “jiow Ten ~its late f vertt “in jail. {VOL.XLL STATESVILLE,N.©.,FRIDAY,JUNE 18,1915. Old Board Directors Re-elected—Eighteen Miles of Road Graded —Negotiations For Equipment,‘ The,stockholders of the StatesvilleAir.Line Railroad Company met.inannualsessionatthe’Commercial Club House Wednesday.The meet-ing was void of ‘special:incident,The old hoard of directors was re-clected as follows:J,H.McElwee,W.D.arg Wm.Wallace,D.M.Ausley, Mills of Statesville,Dr.J.-J.Poe ‘of Radford,Va..T,L.Adams of Bethany township,P.CG.Journey of Turnersburg,P..B.Kennedy of EagleMillstownship,J...Jennings —of Union’Grove township,D:M+Reece;F.W.Haynes and 8.Carter WitliameofYadkinville;W.T.Metcher “of Booneville and R,C.:Freeman of Dob- son,Mr.Turner was re--elected pres- ident,Mr.“Wallace vice president,Capt.P.G.Carlton secretary and Mr, Ausley treasurer and general man-aer. Righteen miles of the roadbed have been completed and about 60 per cent of the grading of the 19th and 20th miles has been done.NegotiationstoesecuremoneytolaythetrackareinprogréssandManagerAusleystates.that it looks like the.moneywill/be secured and the work of lay- ing “track can begin at-an early date.But.forthe strained financial condi-tions brought about-by-the European| war it is quite probable that the road would have been ready for operation hetween Statesville-and-Harmony ere this.The stockholders renewed the authority .given the directors a year ago to mortgage the road and issue bonds to an amount not exceeding $1,- 500,000 to secure funds to lay the track and put the road in operation.In addition to the force of 64 State econviets at work on the road,;*therailroadcompanyismaintaininga force of about 40 men and good prog- ress is being made in grading the roadbed,The construction camp is i “nrites= Harmony and the forces are workingonthé19thand20thmilesofthe road between Harmony and Houston- ville.Approximately $200,000 —has been spent up to this time,this amount including $98,000 of stock is-sued to the State forconviet labor, John Sowers in Trouble Again— «Court Notes. Sohn Sowers,.the ahi.mindedwhite:main’ieeeappearance and hab-ate.to.himself..andthetown,was given atearing before‘8 Justied Lazenby’-seitegay for vsing’profane language ‘tn #publie place. A fiit of $25 was impésed.and whenBowersrefusedtopayhewas-placedUnlessthefineispaidtodayMr.Lazenby says he will change the sentence to 30 days on the roads. Sowers was‘eating from a parbawey barrel yesterday morning,as is hiscustom,when Mr.Smith Hallman warned him that what he.was eating would make him sick.Hallman fin- ally covered the barrel in the hope ofkeepingSowers.out of it,whereupon Sowers cursed and abused him,draw- ing his knifein a threatening manner.The matter was reported to the policeandSowerswasarrestedandtaken before the magistrate.It is hoped that some way can:be found to place Sowers in an institution’:where he will be properly cared for at the ex- pense of his estate. Messrs.John‘and Pearl West.are to»have a hearing.in the mayor's court tomorrow afternoon on accountofadifficultythisweek, Bankers’Meetins Not Held— 'Delegates to State Meeting. ‘Mr.J.T.Carson,cashier of a bank at Sparta,and “Mr.W.H.Worth,a banker at Jefferson,came to States- ville Monday afternoon to attend a district meeting of bankers,‘which was expected to be held here Monday night,but the meeting failed to ma- terinlize.At the last State meeting of bankers it was’suggested that meetings be held in each of the con- gressional districts,but there seems te have been some misunderstanding about the meeting for:this district. Only one of the Statesville bankers had been advised that ‘the metting would be held here Monday night and judging from the fact that only two outsiders came for the meeting,it was not generally.known. Mr.Worth of Jefferson went from Statesville to.Wrightsville Beach to attend the State Bankers’Associa- ti6n®Mr.F.B.Bunch,cashier of the}p Merchants &Farmers’Bank |of Statesville,also wens to Writhtsville for the State meeting. Award of Commencement Prizes. Mr.R.M.Gray,county.superin- -e@ived the,se tendent of:schools,announces the fol- lowing additional winnings in the county commencement,contests,someofwhichhayeonlyrecentlybeende- termined:George Houston of Mt.MournewonthedictionaryofferedbytheGoodwillLocalFarmers’.Union ‘for! the best.seyenth gradé examination..Miss Irma Furches of the Lingle school won’a set’of books for thebest.patehing,The school of:District No.8,Falls-town township,.won ¢he $6 gold pieceoffered’by the Wonier’s BettermentAssociationforthehighestpertent-age of mare in ceementparade.District No.6,Olin”twhuthip;re-cond prize for:the,noxt ¢.THE RIVER BRIDGE AGAIN| Southern PowerCompany meet at the ‘dele bridges’‘remain ‘toll bridge >highest per contageof enrecinening:|in meer ‘Further Negotiations Between Iredell and Catawba Commis-sioners and a Suggestion ofFreeBridges~-Sréedell Gets $100,000 Assessment on Pow- er Contpany Property. Chairman’Mills and Messrs.Mathe- son and Little.of the Ircdell commis-sioners,and Chairman Brown and Mr. Holler of the Catawba hoard,were in consultation in Statesville |TuesdaywithMr:N.A.Cock of Charlotte,at-torney for the Southern Power Com-pany,with reference to the tax as-sesgmént of the Power company’spropertyatLookoutShoals. The dividing line between Tredel!and Catawba,whichwas the one diseussedat-the former conference of the Catawha and Jredelk eommis- sioners,was not mentioned at this meeting,~The fredet}folks expect to hold to the é¢enter of.the river.“An assessment of -$100,000-was---agreed a for the porticn ,of the Power eet s dam in Iredell,The prop-erty of the construction company will be assessed by the local assessors. The neat of the Power Company in IredelP will of course be materiallyinereasedwhenthework.at LookoutShoalsisfinished. In the matter of a bridge across the river at Lookout,-it was.agreed thatthecountyengineersforIredelland Catawba..and the engineers.of .the site of the proposed bridge on the 20th,take measurements and estimate the cost.of the bridge,a report of the estimate to be made to the Catawba and Lredell-commissioners,-who-will consider it at their regular meetings on ‘the first Monday in July:and a further conférence betweén the com- missioners of the two ‘counties will be held July 12th,when it is hoped the bridge ‘question can be finally de- termined. Citizens of Mookesville and.south Iredell interested in’the Mooresville river bridge.have’proposed that Ire- ‘and Catawba take“overthe} Mooresville’and Statesville-Buffalo Shoals bridges and make them free bridges (they are now owned by pri- vate parties and are toll bridges),and that the proposed bridge at Lookout be a free bridge.A delegation wasbeforetheTredell:commissioners at their last meeting to urge that this be done.It is understood that the Catawba ‘commissioners favor ©théplan.‘The fredell commissioners have not definitely passed on it,but Chair- man Mills is opposed to it.He doesnotthinkIredellshouldentertainthepropositioninthepresentstateofthecounty’s'findinces,Later jt)might=bedeémed‘advisable.Tf.the present 84..u88)18.more than probable,the proposedbridgeatLookoutwillalsobeatoll bridge to put it on an equality with the others. More Than 100 New Doctors— *~"One.Statesville Man. The total number of applicants for medical license before the State Board of Medical.Examiners was 181.Of these 38 asked for reciproc- ity from other States,Thirty-two were atcepted and six rajécted.Two applied for limited license and were accepted.One hundred and fortycameupforregular.examination. Six were two-year inen taking the primary branches and all.of |these passed,Of the remurning 134,li- cense was,granted to 105 and 29 failed.Following are’the names of some of the successful applicants:Robt.B.Hill;Statesville;Floyd: C.Shugart,Elkini.James A.Mar- tin,East Bend;William’R.Triplett,Purlear,Wilkes county;Robert R. Garvey.Beaver Creek,Ashe county; John M.Pressly,Lincolnton:James W.Choate,Sparta;J,Yates.Ham- rick,Jr,Shelby:J.Alexander Smith,Lexington;Bernard M.Brad- ford;Huntersville;Nicholas KE. Lubchenko,John R Ashe,Robt.M. Gallant,Geo.C.Wingate,Samuel A. Rhyne,Charlotte,, One lady,Margaret Castex Jones of Goldsboro,was among the success”ful applicants. A dozen colored men passed,one of these ‘being Wm.D.Price,of Salis- buty.< C.B.WebbCouncilor of the Na- tional Junior Order. Mr.C.By Webb of Statesville was Wednesday elected councilor of theNationalCounciloftheJuniorOrder of United .American.:Mechanics,..atthemeetingofthatbodyatCedar Point,Ohio. Mr.Webb has been vice councilor of the order and his election to the head of this noted organization is apromotionandanhonorwhichwill be pleasing to his numerous friends in.Statesville and.throughout theState,He is.an enthusiastic Junior and for the past few:years has devot- ed most of his time to the work oftheorder.Itis understood that,Mr,Webb willmaintainanofficeinStatesvilleandniakethistownheadquartersfortheNationalJuniorOrder,Mr.WebbsucceedsA.D.Wilkins of:Pittsburg, Pa.The next meeting of the Nation-al Council,will be,held,in Asheville. Taking mote of Mr.W.M.Bar- ringer’s mewtomatoes,Mr,’W,H,Kimball of Bloomfield telly The Land- mark that he pulled from his gardenfiye‘or,-six tomatoes 4 same dayMr.Barringer found three,and.there were more to follow.i me —Pennants advertising the’Chat-tauqua have been,placed »on ropes. oe ir Is A MOPEL HlHIGHWAY. Federal Post Road.Through Tre-dell Néarly.Complete —AMagnificentRoad, Tredéll's portion of:’the Feiloral- aided.Statesvilla-Mocksville-Winston- Salem highway is nearing completion. The five county road forces’at work on the highway are making “Z90 progress and are expected to ‘eomplet«the job by July 1st,pee and Davie.counties completed their por- tions of the highway some time agoandtheIredell’section Would havebeenfinishedmonthsagobutforthecontroversyovertherouteinthevi-cinity of the South©Yadkin river,which resulted.ina new routeheing.adopted inthat.section_asa_compro-. mise between the two.-‘The three counties traversed by.the|'new highway were fortunate not onlyinsecuringtheappropriationfrom the government to aid in the eongtrue-tion of the road,but alséifseeurin:the services of government engineerstosuperintendthework,in,¢o-oper-ation with the county “engineers androadauthorities.Jt-is’the verdict ofthosewhohave’been over the roadthatitisthebestintheState;onewhichwillserveasamodelforfu- ture road improvement,.Thé govern-ment engineers have wept hb strict ac-count of everything and have im their local office at the court house align-ments and profiles showing the curvesandgradesintheroad.Government’ Engineer Arbenz and his assistant,Enineer H.S.Parry,are completing their maps as the work on the road progresses ard when it is fishedthecompleterecordswillbefiledinthe!&Office of Public Roads and Rural En-|‘ gineering in Washington.Concrete culverts are being placed over the smaller streams along:therouteofthehighwayand:modern steel bridges are used at the larger streams.The river bridge was ¢com- pleted some.time ago.The steel work|< on two small bridges near the DavieHlinewheretheforces-are~now ~atwork,is yet to.be done and ther@ areafowsmallculvertstobebuilt,but this work is not expected to delay theopeningoftheroad..If all goes wel! everything will be:finished early nextmonth..Concrete drinking fountains for man and beast are being placed atanumberoftheclearbranchesalonethehighway.Gravity pipe lines wil!earry the water from ‘some.distarre up the streams to the fountains attheroadside,which will serve notonly.to.furnish:drinking -water fortravelersandlivestock,but will also: be,convenient:.in .case automobiledrivers«should:need water for theif radiators. Flight-of the Pipiena art Express Agent V.°E:Lackey has:received:reports from the HomerpigeonsfromPaterson,N.J.and Wilmington,‘Del,which were releas- ed in Statesville on the morning ofJune6th.The.Paterson’birds en- countered a storm between ,Washing- ton and Paterson and’were so badlydelayed:that they were ruled out of the race.A Wilmington newspaper contained the following report of the birds from that point: “After being held’for nine daysawaitingfavorableweather,87 hom-ing pigeons owned by members ofthe.Diamond State ~Homing Club,tywereliberatedJune6thatStatesville,N.C.The birds made:the 400-mileflyhomeagaifistaheavywindandrain.Only eight birds arrived the same day,the winner being ‘Ty Cobh,’owned by James J.Stafford,of this,city..Mr.Stafford’s birds have won the 200,300 and 400-mile fiys this season.” Several ©Scobhetee pigeonsBrooklyn,N.Y¥.,New York .cityPaterson,N.|J.,are expected from and to ated tomorrowrrow morning.— Shot CausedHim to |to Drop the Jug.; A distillery plant,in.New HopetownshipwasdestroyedTuesday«f- ternoon by a party of officers com-posed of Deputy Collector M.P.Alex- ander,Deputy Sheriff Gilbert and Mr.W.'H,Alexander ot’Statesville,andDeputySheriffJonesofSharpesburg township..When the officers reached the plant they found that the still roper.had been removed. Beginning the search for.the still Mr.Jones saw a man run’off through the bushes with a ‘jug in his hand.Theofficercalled’on the man’to halt,butthedemandwasunheeded;and whentheofieérfiredhispistolinthehone of stopping the fleeing man,this hol no effect further than.to cause him to drop his:jug,which was found tocontain:liquor,He was soon out of sight and madede.good his escape. InvestigatingIFire iin North Ire- dell. Deputy ‘Insurance CommissionersW.A.Scott and Fs M:Jordan wenttothevitinityofHoustonvilleyes-torday.and investigated the,fire which oceurred at Mr.J..S.Mayberry’s June4th.It will be:recalled that Mr.May-berry’s.barn:and its:contents were burned in’the early morning,.shortlyafterMr.Mayberry and some of hishandshad‘started to Statesville withloads:of lumber.The officers:wereunabletosecureanyevidenc@astotheoriginofthefire,Mr.Mayber-ry had-$300 insuranee on:the barnand$300 on the contents.DeputySheriffGilbert’accompanied the in- 3 reach Statesville in time to be libers. ‘Steele and Miss Martha Simons sang WON GAME AT.MORGANTON Statesville Lost Two Games atHomeButHadBetter:Luck Yesterday—Baseball. \Statesyjlle proved a winner at Mor-anton yesterday by a score of 9 to t.in a forenoon game.The States-ville team “went.to Morganton Wed-nesday morning for games there Wednesday afternoon and yesterdayafternoon,but both afternoon’gameswererainedout.The fame yester-day.morning took the place of Wed- nesday afternoon's game.Yesterdayafternoon’s game was lost entirely onaccountoftherain,-In.the game yesterday morning,which proved fa- vorable.to”Statesville,Swann andByrddidStatesville’s catching and Sintterpitched.—Winston..caught_for arcantonandBland and Evans werecedaspitchers,Statesville made hits and6errors and Morganton 11 hits and ®errors.During the gameSwannofStatesvillewasstrugkinthefacewithaballandpainfullyin-jured.It is said that one of .Mor-rrentaey players was also hurt by a sal Statesville will play’Lenoir at Le- noir today and tomorrow.Lenoir and Morganton ‘will play next week,di-viding time between the two towns,thereby eutting’Statesvide out.of league games next week.It is ap ahowever,to fill_in a portion.of nextweckwithgameswithteamsfrom Cooleemee and »other towns...TheweekfollowingMorgantonwillcome to Statesville for three games.andStalecvinewillgotoMorgantonfor three Morganton won both of the hail games in StatesvilleTuesday.—_‘Fhet core of the forenoon game was 3 to 9 in Morganton’s favor and the re- sult of the afternoon game was Statesville 4 and Morganton 9.By agreement,hefvever,the score of the afternoon ga is not to be figuredinthefinalpetcentageoftheteams at the.close of the season,In fact the afternoon game was not a “reg- ular."-Rain-interfered and the play- ers did-not-want-to-play..in.the.mud.J- Finally it was decided to play’fiveinningstosatisfythecrowd’and savethegatereceipts.Quite a number ofMorgantonpeoplehadcomedownforthe'games and:many of these,‘alongwithlocal“fans,”fatter insisted onthegameregardlessofthecondition of the grounds...But the players were not enthusiastic and.they.show-}ed it in their playing.The grounds were slick,the balls and bats wet and nasty,and it was ‘not very pleasant playing.~There was a considerableshowerabout4o’clock,the time:for the.game to have begun,and.somerainfellafterthegamestarted,about5o’clock.:; The forenoon -game:was-a good-one and was enjoyed by a good crowd con- sidering the time of day.Being the first game.between.the two teams, having been deferred from the after- noon previous on.account of rain,there was much ‘interest and enthusi- asm on the part of both players and spectators.As indicated by the score, the game was a hard fought one,and a close shave for Morganton.“Jaynes pitched for Morganton and ‘Winston was behind the bat..Moore.didStatesville’s pitching and Byrd wasinhisplaceascatcher.The feature of the game was two home runs byJaynesofMorganton,.who put the hall over the fence.Miller of States- ville also made a home run; ‘A change of batteries was made for the afternoon game,which was more or less of a “practice”game,‘in that respect:Winston kept his place as catcher for Morganton’and NewmanWasusedaspitcher.Kennedy pitch-ed for Statesville and Swann caught. No official record.of .the.game.waskept,aside from the count of runs. The Clio Exhibition Last Night. ~The Clio Nursery Exhibition at-the ‘|theater:last night was good.Tha at-tendance was fair.The reproduction of the closing of this classical school was of necessity formal and dignified. The prologue by Mr.Dorman Thomp-son.sketched the educational historyoftheearlysettlementsandbrought it down to the log colleges,of whichCliowasone,and introduced Dr.Hall and.his pupils.They were dressedinthecostumesoftheRevolutionaryperiod—knee Drserip buckled shoes,ruffles and wigs.Mr.R.H.RickertpresidedasDr.Hall.Mr.J.By Arm-field,as Richard King,discussed wo-man’s education and Mr.R,M.Gray(John Steele)delivered ‘the Latinoration;.Messrs.W.D.Turner and%.V.Long.(Moses Waddell and James McEwen)discussed the ques-tion whether the Indians should be exterminated in the Carolinas,Dr.T.°FE.Anderson,who was to deliver an oration as Israel Pickens,couldnotbe,present,A spelling.bee was the conclusion. Dre J.-F.Carlton and Mr.LB,Bris-tol were captains and Dr.Hall (Mr.Rickert).gave.out the words fromtheBluebackspeller.“Mr.Bristol’s side.won, The music was a most important}a oe of;.the evening...Mesdames M.G.Wood,R.B.McLaughlin,F.F. sweetly “Oft-in the Stilly Night”and“Robih Adair.”‘There-was a duet by Mesdames Wood and McLaughlin andsolés:by Mrs.Lois Long Hackett:Mra.Hackett’s singing was a delight.Of charming manner and attractive per- sonality,with’a,cultivated Woice of rate richness and sweetness,she sangwithout‘apparent effort.and the au- suratice officers and.assisted.in theinzerblaatorsThe.trip was made byAutomobile,the party returning to across each of the main.streets abinehfiomtheuaRaesid |Statesville,in the-afternoon. dienite showed its appreciation,,“Phe accompanists were Mrs.Eu-gone.Davis and Mrs.R.B.«MeLANEh wee, against ville, clean— fection. was.unfit have it. of plants,anonly.abou mon, The meat, lect:what lin,: often cases of ty: the milk supply. neue number. he pays for.« the The en.” for hogs, are conditions all.possible:While milk:containing 4000..bacteria .to_the cubic.centimeter,‘(a cubic centimeter is one-foteaspoonful)is considered good,milk,|itis possible;by strict:sanitary meth~;ods,to reduce the bacteria to:a much,In some.casesébeen‘Fedkced to 35 to mecentimeter.But it must be remember-|toedinthisconnectionthattheproduc-:er usually gives what he is paid for’and the constimer usually gets what bar-You can’t -get pure,sweet cream for the price of ordinarymilk;and if the ‘dairyman is to go to the expense and trouble to pro-|:duce good,sanitary milk he must|Barrhavemoreforit,-becausemore;and ‘if the production of.sani-}!tary ‘milk is to be encouraged,thedairymanwhoproducesitisentitled to public patronage.An Illinois.man took milk from|'Illibois to Paris and kept it sweetfor20daysbykeepingitat’a low]?!temperature and proper handling.|di At the recent meeting of the LiveStockAssociationinStatesville,Mr: Tull said.samples of,milk weresent} in Monday morning and’opened Wed- nesday evehing.The |samples werefoundinvariousstages,a sure index,of the method of handling the’milk.Some.of it.was good and some of.it CLEANER MEAT.AND)MILK| The DangerofDisease Through.Milk and Fresh Meat and the Necessity For Inspection toCompelBetterSanitaryCon- ditions —Remarks of Mr.Dull,Drs.Cruse and McEl- A respectable audience (in point of numbers;and otherwise’ofheardthetalksonmeatand milk in-|'spection at the court house Tuesdayevening,and it is sufe to say that the appetite for milk and fresh meat wasnotincreasedthereby.importance of meat.and milk inspec-tion,to insure pure food and to guard diseases © through:meat-and:milk,.was-impress- ed on those who heard-and-this-be~ ginning may result in providing for milk.and-meat inspection in States-for.which we will owe thankstotheCivicLeague,which promotedthemeetingandunderwhoseauspicesitwasheld,Mr.G.EB.Dull,county demonstra- tion agent,the first speaker,said thatordinarilylittleattentionispaid’tohealthconditionsinsmalltownsand country.places.the more congested centers of pop-ulation make it necessary.We do notsoreadilyrealize’the necessity in theless_populous.centers. health is accepted by the average in-dividual-as his Ist;Ailing peop only fall short of what they anemight ac-|complish-in-the world but they are asourceofdangertoothers. Dairying in this section is:a new.industry and while the conditions are}'about what.mightbeexpected,said]Mr.Dull,they are not what theyshouldbe.Neither about town what they might be. front yard may be all right,while the}‘back yard;the most important.be-|f thecauseitaffectsthehealth,may be all wrong.The housekeeperkeepthefrontroomsneat,bat it ismoreimportanttohaveaneatand’ course) Instead,‘the|J. transmitted conditions in Good:or bad le-not The ma Unelean—milkis._.the..bakknown,medium of ‘transmitting disease and}oidfeverin towns.Hugheyaretracedbackt6thecountrythrough|°Filkshouldnotonly|-be carefully handled and ‘kept cleanbutkeptatalowtemperature.warmer the milk the more ‘bacteria,|@butkeepingmilkcooldoesnotof}itself remove Peps Tt must <a Wecleanandfree it costs Dr;Cruse,the next speaker,saidthematterofmeatandmilkinspec-tion is of comparatively recent.origin,but now all the larger towns dreadoptingit’and svon all towns’willForsevenyearsnow.gov- 60.per cent ey.wanted. ernment irispectors have examined themeat,at all the packing houses.378,000,000 ‘carcasses three to four million were found un-fit.for food.Asa resultconditionshavegréatlychangedatthepacking’they ‘are kept.clean. Outexamined Butofthemeatanimalsslaughteredforfoodin.thecountryatlargeareinspectedandselling.diseased animals-—for food,where there is no inspection,is com-Sometimes it is knowingly and,wilfully done;sometimes ignorantly;in either.event the health.of.those who eat the meat is endangered. Conditions in Statesville,said Dr.Cruse,are no worse than in any oth-er town where there is no inspection,but a change is needed..The slaugh- ter houses are not {h good condition. There should be an abaztotr where a ianimals.should be.slaughtered.andwheretheycouldbeinspected.is great danger,in the absence.ofin-spection,of selling diseased animalsforfood—hogs with.cholera and comewithtuberculosis,for instance,State institution recently abcowswastestedand56of thewerefoundto-have sara ieimmeatmarketsshouldbein:kept sanitary..Dr.Cruse®that he had seen,in a local’wt colored women.coming in to’buylay-on the counterthesewomen,one after another,ha)died it,a&they looked it over to e. There erd @f nee What theconditionof:their hands or.theirper-|neonsmight)have aoe is left to “ Mrs.WwW.GC.continuesseriouslyhersister,Mrs.P.‘Easle} —License was isaubd Sl sag forthemarriageofMiss_Donald-son and Mr,JaeksonB.races +~Rev:“Ro Smith,a.)byterian minister of.Miss Annie Sloop of| marriéd at Moores’ester Mr.J.A.Hartness has re pointed a delegate totheconventionof"KeiantleSaloonLeagueattlantic| ofJuly6-9. Florence,keeper:“ “Mr."R.H.Rie’C.,is the:new bCarolinaMotorRichey’s wife will join himdirst_ofJuly”ane”they”willStatesvilletheirhome, The lecture on.fliesoersee,of oe Commercialustratedwithsteregpti MW be given at the court cn vr day night,25th:“Dr.Chas.Anwillexplainthe-views. —Drs. R.A.Campbell,Adams,Coite Sherrill,F: and Dr.Bell of MooresvillethemeetingoftheStateMedical SocietyatGreensborothisweek.©) —Mrs,F,B.Sample and Mr.B,.Cowan went to Huntersyille ‘ day to attend the fanersM.Houston,an agedsection,’who dinoon.Mir.Hople’s grandfather. +A.correspondent.ee The celebration to beheld att Mick‘chapel,in Davidson Ltyc ate 8 B.Brows has Breento Mr.Ube.aFthe‘consideratines WelagBrownaemoveveiafa mily & The|buil nett th ania:makingasinotbedoneand These aiabanes?elite trathrough“persons “handlingbywhsanitaryconditi :barns or by.infectiroute.A.fly comingwhereanyof disalongtheaee ag ‘ing on ‘a milkmtthe:disease,—_of using.care.not onty:.milk gets in the bottle,but,until”is delivered.‘Questions brought out theeeordinance=by Stat aldermen several years aga.dairymen who sell.milk in,#1tohavecowstestedfortuber at least once a year.Anothe ttion.brought the.sac ad :casses of diseasedwouldfetest|am +wee,Co}diate "closed the ktwee,Sinsizingthe‘importance of slaughtered ahgald’‘he,thaslaughtered.8!ou‘cows that furnish milk’sho‘pected.’‘The slaughter housesbekept‘cleanand meéat shouldhauled,along the.street,dirty wagonpersons.Milk‘thoroughly ‘wash mals handtinne hesonshandling:should:oe ytaeases,” m,said*Dr.:onatt iiwaton."All dairies,meat.eat stores;restaurants and.‘store .shouheper cehtaSenatepublished,who keeps a dirtyShe the be"ato clean up-orgo 4 of likely to arofes as ther,| imagination...But the meat can.infected by:unclean,han or byaig.eased.persons handling it,and the]reImeatsohandledissoldtothepublic "THE BRITON NEXT. rk has been much in with Senator Smith >of Representative Webb of ‘Carolina’and other Southern samen who haye from time to urged the government to sub- "i some wvemarks to Great;Britain jut the manner in which ‘that coun- ty intefferes with our commerce, ticularly cottun.Shipload on ship- gad of ‘our ‘products sent to neutral ies;and in some cases non-con- band sent to the belligerents,have n held up and delayed unreason- ably,Without attempting to pass on +the matter judicially—for.it lacks knowledge of the facts and the law— “The Landmark has felt that the Brit- eeiah government has been rather high- ;handed in dealing with our commerce +and has depended on our good nature *to “get away with it,” h.This paper does not believe for a >moment,as ‘some of the pro-German element would allege,that the failure Gf Presideht Wilson to take decisive étion in this matter.is through anyritismto.the British government. his been patient -in this case as i. inti * + Hie.was.patient with-Germany —until|. ;Lusitania incident made patience cease to be a virtue;and being in- ved with Germanyover a matter \t takes precedence over property @ was wise not to complicate ,nt by handling both at once.“Rt it is ‘hoped that the German in- ecm will soon reach that stage ,further .immediate attention nay not ‘be necessary;and then it is leped that the President will see his wily,clear to submit some remarks _to,the greedy Briton that will be so plain and so emphatic as to make him not’only,take notice,but speedily ing with American commerce.It’s The Landmark’s opinion that a right good jolt for John Bull is about due -from this side of the water,and that *4 will not only be proper to hand it to4him:but that it will be applauded. a eee}PUT THE RECORDER ON THEBALIST. Your attention is called,ladies andffentlenien,to Tadge T=Co Wooten ort the’reeorder’s'court at Kinston.You‘will do.well:to.put)Judge ‘Wooten onyourlistandrememberhim.,The wapapel te com that‘twoafomindtanengal|@@bin “Winston and locked up,'Sut- ly.morning.Sutton,who ‘is eaaid”Hewspaper’ oF”,“put Mi e”4 rentonaadFatéheuallprominet!young men”were friends of his,or"Deeause“young.mayor”marched to the ‘city hall and ordered tlieir release.The tity jailer,knowing that violators ofthe‘law in Kinston were in the juris-Hon of the recorder,not the mayor, from Missouri on the mayor's or- «Thereupon the mayor proceed- ‘fo take matters in his own handsf‘turned the prisoners out;and eupon the recorder issued a war- hole mayor for releasing the|pBBisoners andthe caseisto be heard “|Wedon't know how the law stands fm this particular case,but Kinston ge well abolish the recorder’sirtifthemayorcantakematters is own hands when he chooses.| mt no matter.how that may be,Re- 7irder.Wooten showed the right sort y spunk;and if in the end the mayor a in jail he will deserve little sym- ye ' "The moir Topic,”says the Pro- -@ressive Farmer,“sets a good ex- iiple for other country papers by printing a list of the members of the boys’corn club in that county.”It might be more accurate to say that _the county demonstration agent,the €ounty superintendent of.schools,or ‘whoever has the roll.of the corn club ‘dys in Caldwell,has set a good ex- _ample to the officials of other coun- ~Més.by furnishing his home paper a ;‘list of the corn club.Doubtless any ¢¥paper would be glad to publish list of corn ¢lub boys,or other sim- lar matter,if it could be obtained. inly The Landmark not only ully publishes all such matter‘asks for it,and it is glad to sayMHgttheIredelldemonstrationagent,Dpll,uses its columns freely to minate practical information fortefarmersofthecounty. 4 tesville is planning to celebrate ‘eountry’s natal day in great style. Fourth falls on Sunday this yearthecelebrationwilloccuronMon-the 5th.--The folks in Iredell and ng counties are invited to y with us,They will be fe glad hand and there will j assortment of attractions Make your spend July 5th in States-8 nd entertain, to )James Topping at Bel-cronies oppingandthefather ah rt county,isdthatMr.of age‘s “North Carolina is‘not.going to!ve a bitter factional.contest over |' ‘time.that he:would like to see nge-some-of hismethodsof deal-|glad. ot _weré —protninent,he |4 ty-stricken,with the result that ex- -|to the loss of life and property caused |CR. torial Contest Not a1°Fight —Senator IT’S'A FREE FOR ALL RAa oeWe Washington Dispatch ‘to CharlotteObserver, the Democratic nomination for Gov-ernor next year:|Senator Simmonswillnottodefeatanycandidate;neither will he’exert himself for one,‘His friends will folluw their own in-clinations..Many of them:will voteforAttorneyGeneralBickett,whileothers‘support Lieutenant /GovernorDavehtridge.Sometime ago it was understoodthatMr.,Simmons would use his in- fluence against Mr.Bickett;‘this.be-lief was without foundation.Thetruthis,Senator Simmons.is veryfriendlytowardMr.Bickett,and hasbeenforyears.;iaAnotherimpression.that becamepopularwasthatMr.Bickett desiredtogetinpositionsothathecould tear out by the root everything insightthatlookedlikeapoliticalor-ganization.Persons close to the At- torney General know that he is ‘not‘an iconoclast,.and that he-realizes that somebody must round up.votesorthepartywillbelicked.He willnotrunamuckifelectea.The gubernatorial‘race seems*to bebetweenMessrs.Bickwtt and Daught-ridge,with A.J.McKinnon of Max-ton as-a-spirited dark horse.Senator Simmons will not discussthesituationintheStatefurtherthantosayhehasnocandidatesfor Governor,and is not in the business of bringing men out,It was an opensecretthathadA.W.McLean en-tered the contest Senator.Simmonswouldhaveexertedallhis'power for him.If Judge William R.Allen hadgoneinto.the ‘fight,©Mr."Simmons would haye helped him. ‘People in the confidence of Sena-tor Simmons have known for someanendtothefactionalstrife‘in the Democratic party in North Carolina.He thinks that the people shouldselecttheirowncandidates.for Gov-ernor without having to line up with one faction or another.He is very“of “the”present——opport rto play hands off and let the contest for Governor drift without any effort.on his part.A leader in the~Farmers’UnionmovementtoldtheObservercorres- pondent that the report that the far-mer’s organization is.behind ‘the Lieutenant Governor is wrong..The Union has no candidate,The mem-bership will split up at the primary.reo enncarreranermeeree]; The West No Longer Hospitable~~"~to Consumptives. Washington Dispatch.)* Ten thousand cdhsuimptives go 4 : Waisttodie,according to the investigation|of ‘Boi \States?Public HealthService|Invaddition,thé tuberéulasisopulation.of Western Texas and.New exico is estimated ‘to exceea 50,000,and from 20 to 60 per cent of thefamilies*have-some:member:who ‘is -orwagInfested...daapaneasluiacst~The statement,g:ven out by theysthatthe ;ming:to showmarkedantagonism‘toward tube8sufferersandoften.it is hard for the latter to secure:hotel and }oatd-ing house accommodations.In mahycases,the 'statemeny ‘says,hospitalcareisdeniedthosewhohaveplentyofmoney.This feeling is manifestedinsomeWesterncitiesforthepur-pose ofridding ‘the community of in-valids..;.So great has the ‘outcry againstconsumptives,grown that the West-ern States have,asked.the Federalgovernmenttohelpcontrolthesitua-tion and lessen the number of suf-ferers migrating:West..Many of the}.tuberculosis sufferers become pover- traordinary demands are made oncharitableorganizations.||—antaccainmmeetmntananGreatBritainBeginning to Pay ‘For Cotton:© Bankers and marine insurance in-terests in New York are gratified bynewsfromLondon‘that the’Britishgovernmenthadpaidan.instalmentofmorethan$300,000 on a cargo ofAmericancottonseizedwhileenroutetoSweden.In March and April GreatBritaindetainedinall26shipscar- rying 200,000 bales of cotton,valued at $12,000,000.Drafts drawn againsttheseshipmentswerediscounted_by banks and trust companies in NewYork.They fall due within a fewdaysandanxietyhadbeenexpressedoverthepossibility’of -losses fromdelayonthepartofGreatBritaininpayingforthecotton.Most of the cotton seized and takentoBritishportswasconsignedtoHolland,Sweden,or Denmark.TheBritishorderincouncildirectedthatitbedisposedofatthecontractprice.‘Notice has been given by the Brit-ish embassy that authority has ‘beengrantedforthesettlementandpay-ment:at the embassy~in-Washington:and at the consulate general in NewYorkoftheclaimsofAmerican.ex- porters on account ofdetentions:andappropriationofcotton.This willgreatlyfacilitatesettlements,SeesSafety.Matches After January Ist. Much has been said and written\as by matches,and Commissioner Younggaysthatforseveralyearshehasen-deavored to have a law passed rogu-lating the use and sale of matchesinthisState.He says that tho lastLegislatureenactedwhatisknownas the “Uniform Match Bill!’This lawhasalready‘been adopted in several States,covering the handling, stor- age,and use of matches,and will pre-vent the use of common matches af-ter January 1,1916.The going intoeffectofthelawwasmadeJanuary1,1916,in order that dealers in thetatemayhaveanopportunity.to getrid‘of the matches on hand,‘such as’are not allowed to be sold ‘underthenewlaw.“Commissioner Young saysitwillbe.well for the dealers in theStateto-bear this in mind in working Simmons Has No “Candidate.| stopping the use 6f nareotics—-whis- of tuberculosis‘is:of “equal import- Lmatter..how.poorly.prepared,..failing | DR.McBRAYER'S A President of State MedicietyMakesSuggesticeerhiNewspapersFor PulPatentMedicineAds.and theDoctorsForNotReporting Tuberculosis Cases. At'the opening meeting of -theStateMedicalSociety,in GreensboroTuesday,the address of the president,Dr.L.B.McBrayer,superintendent oftheStateSanatoriumForthe:ment of Tuberculosis,touched manimportantmatters.Discussing pub-lic health,to which he gave consider-able attention,Dr.McBrayer said:“This Society,and the people of theStateaswell,will no doubt be pleasedtoknowthatNorthCarolinaisbegin-ning to be looked up to by the otherSouthernStatesasaStatewhich leads in public health:work.The plansoftheStateBoardofHealtharewellconsideredandtheirpoliciesarecon- structive,and with Dr.W.8,Ran-kin as executive officer,these plansandpoliciesarewellcarriedout.”On:the control of cancer.the doctorsaid:“The fight resolves itself intoobtainingtheco-operation .of the physicians.in treating the early.mani-festations of cancer and in educatingthepeopletounderstandwhatthesemanifestationsareundwhattheymean.”iFortheconservationofvision.thespeakerrecommendedthattheSocie-ty form’a-committee--to--act.-in-con-junction ‘with the State superintend-ent of the School for thé Blind andhisboardinconductinganeducation- al campaign throughout the State forthepreventionofblindnessandfortheenforcementofthewholesomelawspassedbythelastGeneralAs- sembly.sc Dr.McBrayer spoke in no uncer- tain terms on the subject of narcoticsandpatentmedicine.In part:he said: “The records of our insane’hospitals;show-that 50.percent-of the-patientsthere-are-there.on account of the use of narcotics.We are spending near-ly three quarters of-a million dollars:every-.year—caring_for them.Whenitispostivelyknownthatwe.could save $850,000 annually in the main- tenance_of our insane__hospitals by key,opium,cocaine,etc.,—tt wouldseemthatwewoulddoitasanecon- omic proposition.And it is high time respecting newspapers in our State,cut.themselves loose from the unholyalliancewiththepatent.médicinefrauds,by which alliance they ‘areaidingandabettinginthesaleofliquor,opium,co¢aine,ete.,to the peo- ple of-our:State.”0The‘doctors came in for the nextscore:---On--tubéreulosis..Dr_.M.said:“Unless the <ddctors’in’the:Sthte,;acting {n \’their’‘capacity!aspickets,report the locatidn’of''theenemy,‘we will)énter:the:fight |with a’heavy 'handicap..‘Early diagnosis ance with’the eatly diagnois of ap-pendicitis,and there is;no.excuse,for a physician in North ;Carolina,:no} to make.diagnosis inia ease,of tuber-culosig:.until.alli the people of average symptomse7)fb ani)¥‘Dr MeBrayer--spokeat—leneth onthefavorableattitudeof,the last Gen-\eral Assembly toward medical mat-ters,and on other subjects pertain- ing strictly to the Society.His.ad-dress was forceful and eloquent andwillhaveweightwithhisconfreres. :SeenneninntnenmnnionateSkilledGovernmentEmployes.Lured By Higher Wage. Washington Dispatch to BaltimoreSun. Lured by the promise of greatlyincreased,pay,a large number ofhighlytrainedcivilemployesatgov- ernment arsenals have gone to.privatearmsandammunitionfactoriessince the European war began,it has beenlearned.Several commissioned offi-cers of the army,experts in ordnance manufacture,have resigned from the ¥|tion. that the religious,as all other self-}- intelligence:in’the,neighborhood.have},j|.made the diagnosis,;fromthe general |, -P.Morgan:.of New York,and MissLouiseConverse,daughter of Fred-erick S.Conyerse,a well known com-ysor of Boston,were married at St.aul’s Episcopal:church,Dedham,Mass.,Tuesday...-;({ The first $50 gold piece ever au- thorized by Congress was struck bytheSanFranciscomintTuesday.Thenewcoincommemoratestheexposi-On.its obverse side is stampedtheheadofalaborerandon,the re-verse two dolphins,emblematic of themeetingoftwooceans,a F,Drew Caminetti of San Francis-co,son of Immigration Commissioner ‘Caminetti,lost his appeal in the Unit-ed States Supreme Court.CaminettiwasconvictedinCaliforniaofviolat- ing the Mann white slave act.TheSupremeCourt.refused to review the conviction. The Supreme Court of the United|* States has decided the long standing Virginia-West -Virginia debt case,holding West Virginia.should’pay$12,393,929 as.its net share of theVirginiadebtatthetime.of the par-tition of the States.West VirginiawascreatedaStatein1862,as a req,sult of the war then pending,and thisdebtcontroversyhasbeenpendingsincethecloseofthewar. The United States Supreme Court has refused to-review -the-action~of |+-the Sixth Circuit Court of Appéats’in reversing the conviction of National Cash Register officials of violations oftheShermanlaw.Government offi- cials regarded this case as the mostimportantinstitutedunderthe.crim-inal section of the ©anti-trust law.The court assigned no reason for re-fusing to review the case.A Fifty survivors of ye Lusitania dis- aster,together.with relatives of pas- sengers who lost their lives and aforceof~-privately-retained—lawyers, attended the opening session,in Lon- don Tuesday,of the board of trade inquiry into the destruction of the Lusitania...There was general disap- pointment that no evidence as to theBritishadmiralty’s instructions to theLusitaniawaspermitted. “Miss Genevieve Clark,daughter of |. Speaker Champ Clark of the House of:Congress,and James M.Thomp- son of New Orleans,will bemarriedat“Honeyshuck,”the Clark home at Bowling Green,Mo.,June 80,and thefollowing’general invita-tion has been .issued for Missouri:“As it has been’found utterly im- possible to issue individual .invita-tions,all Missourians are invited.”‘Secretary of the Treasury McAdoo-|Will sound South and Central Ameri-Yer.-can-countries:uper-plans.-for-the-or-|ganization of a gigantic joint.goyern-Ment controlled and financed’steam-ship company to“firnish adequate‘transportution |facilities “between theUnitedStatesandLatinAmerica.Mr.MeAdoo’s move’indicates’thatgarnetownershipofsteamshipieswillagainbéaprominentissueatthe’next session of Congress,’es-pecially if favorable responses are re-‘ceived from other Western’Hemis-phere countries,(0!Vo"rt Bring YourCoupons For Puffed Wheat and Puffed Rice.We have the goods fresh and want your .coupons, We are not allowed to redeem your coupons after June 25th.Be sure to get them in be-fore that date. Eagle &Milholland. service and gone inro.the employ of |: these private manufacturers,as_wellasretiredofficers.The result hasbeen,it is.said,to threaten serious|embarrassment in ~~keeping ©theAmericanarmyproperlysupplied with arms and ammunition..Virtually-the entire force of trainedmeninthemanufactureofotherthan}small arms ammunition and sportingrifleswerein-government employ} when the European war began,it is)said.Several cases of men*who were be-ing paid $5 a day by the governmentandwereofferédashighas$5,000 ayearhavebeenreported.It takes time to train machinists to the special work of gun and ammunition build-ing and the contracts with belliger- ent governments called for speed. \At the beginning of the war the to-tal capacity of small arms ammuni-|.tion plants in the United States was2,000,000 rounds a day,the govern--ment’s-arsenalsrepresenting half thatamount.To what extent the/privateplantshaveincreasedtheirdapacity enormous extension of facilities andthegovernmentmen’weré needed totrain-new—employes.—se i eeltaaniateanieeeneeeiiaimieeeiiamminemmmmaatieanl National Security League WouldPrepareForTroubie. A>resolution introduced by MayorCurleyof\Boston,appealing to~Pres-‘ident:Wilson to call ‘the attention ofCongressto“the pressing need of prompt andefficient action”with re-gard to the national defense,was un-animously adopted by the delegates tothepeaceandpreparednessconfer-ence of the National Security Leagiie,held:in New York.The Massachu-setts delegates at first proposed thataspecialsessionofCongressbede-manded to consider what they term-ed the’unprepared state of the coun- advisable and was abandoned, Restore to Good Health,.“Iwas sick for four years with.stomachtrouble,"writes Mra.Otto Gans,Zanesville,Ohio.“I.Idst weight and felt so weak thatT-almost-gave up hope of being cured.‘A’friend told me about Chamberlain’s Tablets; off their presentstock and:-eontract-ing for new supplies,ur ‘ and since using two.bottles of them Ibeenwellwoman.” Obtainableeverywhere, is not known,but their orders require|! try,but’such action was deemed in- The Fly Harvester! A wonderful and yet simple con-trivance,that catchés flies ‘by the‘million.‘Simple instructions witheachTrapforbaitingandkillingFliesRequiresonlyafewmo-ments of time and does its workbestwhenplacedinthebackyardoutofyourway.Costs only $1, lasts indefinitely and catches moreFlies,many times over,than allothermethodscombined.Simplynocomparison.Try one now andbeconvinced.Made and sold by T.N.BROWN, June 15.Phone 433, Bulid with Brick| ee ae Ot Build a Brick House or Brick-Veneeryouroldhouse.—Warmer in winter,‘cooler in'summer,pliminates frozenpics.Has every advantage.Solidrickunder-pinning under framehousewillhelpsome:FaceBrick,CommonBrick,DraiaTile“Statesville Brick Co. We Cary a Complete Stock —o= Flour,Feed,Groin,Hay and Cotton Seed Products.You will.save.money:by getting our prices before you buy.-- IREDELL FEED.CO., 4ii r.|FEEL BIL Hing it up, BILIOUS?“CLEAN’ Headachy,‘Takea Spoonful Listen to me!take no more sick- ening,salivating calomel when bil- ious or ‘constipated./Don’t lose a day’s work!.|y 5 Calomel is mercury or quicksilverwhichcausesnecrosisofthebones.Calomel,,when it comes into contactwithsour:bile,crashes into it,break-“This is’when you.feelthatawful‘nausea and erzmping.Ifyouaresluggishand’“all knockedout,”if your liver is torpid and bow.els constipated,or you.have head-ache,dizainess,coated tongue,‘ifbreathisbad,or stomach sour,justtakeaspoonfulofharmlessDod-son’s Liver Tone.Here’s my guarantee —Go to anydrugstoreandgeta60-cent bottleofDodson’s Liver Tone,Take a !LEAD LWER Don’t Lose a Day’s.Work! |:Junius Spencer Morgan,son of J. ;months, like its pleasant taste. LS MY ‘WAY“Constipated,Sluggish,—of “Dodson'stiver”‘one’— spoonful tonight and if it deesn'tstraightenyou:right up.andoufeelfineandvigorousby morn-Ang,I want.‘to :ead you go back to thogetyourmoney.Dodson's’Liver Tone is destroying.the sale ofcalomelbecauseitisreallivermedi-:cine;entirely vegetable,therefore itcannotsalivateormakeyousick,I guarantee that one spddnful ofDodson’s Liver Tone will:put.yoursluggishlivertowork‘aint!cleanyourbowelsofthatsourbileand‘constipated waste which is’cloggingyoursystemandmakiyoufeelmiserable.I gustenten Tit a bot-tle of Dodson’s Liver Tono will keepyourentivefamilyfeelingfine,for}Give it to your children,It is harmless;doesn’t gripe and they, a Bob-o-Link!Bob-o-Link! If you want to be you.must have ‘have them. ee =~FRIENDSHIP--BRACELET:-Wwe, R.H.RICKERT &SON. up to the minute a BOB-O-LINK ¢ oz Suchisthe record ofoneday’s_damage done by tornadoes. You don’t know when the:: tornado.may strike you property,but you do know) Statesville,N.C. pssevecrs au 60 Tornadoes Devastate 10,000 Homes in Eight States hundred years the Hartford Fire Insurance Company,. has met every honest.c! uy a HarTérriadoPilitytoday.It is the“Old Hartford”protects ™thenearesrtninytdCoMiiort against all loss.For'overa when a Tornado fier People’s Loan &Savings Bank,Resident Agent.GEO,H,BROWN»Rrojidentis1119/ McCormick Binders, Mowing Machines and | wanted and we you. Hay Rakes! The machines you will want for your harvest this year. Plenty of binder twine and har- vester oil.If you want repairs -for the old Champion Binder, give us the number of the part will get it for Yours truly, Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware Co.| THE STATESVILLE REALTY & NCE CO cro)by $100 per acre valuation at75peracrevaluationat60peracrevaluationat25peracre.valuation at $40 per acre valuation35peracrevaluation30peracrevaluation 23 per acre valuation20peracrevaluation 15 per acre valuation 10 per acre valuation ye in addition-to hail. €.D.MOORE,Prop.. rane‘ *PHONE 54...- "40DWELLINGS,FURNITURE,BARNS,$100value for one year at 30c.,3 years at 60c.,5 years at 90c.Thislatterinsurancecoversalsoagainstlossordamageoccasioned INVESTMENT COMPANY be;to announce that they have completed arrangements with ‘‘T:HOME .of New York,’’forinsurifig your growing” of Tobacco,Corn,Cotton and small grain against:destruction| il Storm at the following very low price: TOBACCO CROP.ia $7.50 per acre5.874 per acre 3.75 per-acre’1,874 per acreCOTTON,CORN AND SMALL GRAIN CROP. $1.60 per acre-1.40 per acre ‘1.20 per acre1.00 per acre 780 per acre-60per acre per acre < MEMBER—‘‘We insure anything insurable,’’J,F,CARLTON, ‘=~Black-Dra Price -ouly.-eee “SERIOUS SICKNESS Tos —rs i Thedford’s amu 42 MeDuit Va.—‘I suffereda”says Mrs.J.B.place,‘with sick hislomachtrouble. years ago a friend ie me‘tonehtid, taker,ani Tease Black-Draught,wandIfoundittobethecineforyoungandold.) 1 keep Black-Draught on handallthetimenow,and when my.children feel aaebad,they ask me aa a dose,anddoesthemmoregoodthananymedicinetheyevertried, We never have a long spell of sick-ness in our family,since we commencedusingBlack-Draught.”” vegetable $s dagbeen Be 1S Deuetyle,an en re;lateae tak stomachs,aid‘di nm,Te=lieve indigestion,colic,wind,nausea,headache,sick stomach,and similatsymptoms,,>. It has been in constant use for:morethan70years,and has benefited morethananpeople. Your druggist sells and fooeinentsGets—ee NRE Call For Me! Nice Fresh Vegetables,Celery,Cucumbers,Squash,Beans,Potatoes,Peas,."luettuce,‘Toma-toes.and what Bye withthem,FMP.Alexander&Bro. "PHONE 241. Office Supplies | Transfer Files, Blank Books,|Box Files, Letter Files, Clips, Pencils, Pens and Inks, 7 Waste Baskets;=a Lotter Baskets, i}ady..YG BAN Ob reGorLEES”HEADADACI Gh mabeua!Neura aiRemedy ea lieves HeadadKe ‘dnd *Néw +H ralgia and nervous.Head. ache.Algo tor héa lacha caused by colds and erippe. "10c.,25c.and 50c. At fountains 5e. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUG<DEALERS, =Vegetables! Fresh Lettuce, Fresh Celery, Fresh Tomatoes, ie ‘Ter-cLain suo Co. FOR FINE CLEANING AND DYEING —'PHONE 147—~ Sloan Pressing Club. NOTICE! HOLLAND.BROS.have changed their ’phone number from 177to7,|Call:No.7 for draying,’all grades ben:coal and wood,ete: .Residence ’Phcne 1310. Shingles For Sale! Carload of good No.2 Shingles at $2.75‘perthousand at myshop. G.TURNER,Near theDepot, Iredell ’Phone No.74,Belk No.7 DR.C.-L.ORUSE. Veterinarian."i dj Train No. Gt his purposes. pdeseri' eee +Turner,Z. and will save youponer. -|FRIDAY,,+)-Tune 18,19) f LOCAL RAILROAD|SCHEDULE. Arita andDevatiurs ofof Traine a6 States. [WESTERN RO.AD,ib,west-bound,due 6:46.«,No.11,west-bound,due 10.05 aNo.21 west-bound,&3:26 p.No.=west-bound,due 10:26 p.No.east-hound,due.10.35 a, SR B E R R E R 16 ‘ar.9.50,24 ar.8.35, From Taylorsville.Train No.28 ar,10:00,leaves 10:40 a mTrain.No.16 ar.6:20,leaves 6:45 p.m,~Wos..23 and 24 sre not operated on Sunday. Planting Bermuda Grass With the Corn. Newton Enterprise to be real stylish on Catawba farms. From being regarded with fear and horror it has progressed until it iswell‘established in the affections of the up-to-date farmer,,and he no longer fights it.but makes it serve sample of’the way it is usedis given by Mr.Enloe YoderofJacob’s Fork.Last week while working out a’field of corn,he plant- ed the grass joints between the hillsofcorn.-BY the time the corn is.laid by,the grass will cover the ground, and next year the field will be a pas- ture de luxe.After it has.thoroughly matted:andfurr’horizontalty~antit-it has covered the Surface,“Tt begins togrowstraightup.Mr.Yoder.got his joints from a neighbor who was plow- ing up a pasture to put,it in corn,andafterhis‘corn crop 4s over,he,t00, will -have a fine pasture. City Tax Sale! 1a By ordér of “the Board.of Aileciaan of thecityofStatesvilleandpursuanttothelawofNertirCarolina,SP will sell ate public auc-tion,tothe highest —b'for cash,on MONDAY,JULY 5,1955,dt the court,house door in(Statesville,N.C.,beginning at 1@,ipelock a,,the followingbed=tracts of land»abe city lots for un-paid taxes for the year 1WwW,L,NEELY, ‘City Tax.Collector. Carporations.| Compress Pad &Saddle Co.,Center St. one lotAlexander,Mrs. enug,one —lotAnderson,L..A.,Caldwell St,one lot Bass,Dr.R.A.,Fourth St.,one lot .. Beaver,W.P.,Fourth St.,one fot.... Bost,D.O.,Caldwell St.,one lotBrown,T.N.,Stockton.St.,ome Jot ..Carter,J.L.,Seventh St.,one lot ..Carter Bros.,Armfield St.,one lot...Cashion,A.’D.,Fourth St.one lot ”..Clinard,J.M..Fourth St,one,lot .. Cline,RF,bail St.,asto tot Davidson:FyDotson,Geo.re ikFront ahradem,Jy Ge High AveBacherort2gettsaatake httRFR ReeSt.,nee eTFrentS$;lot PRsFacies 1 cesiy t.,test:gh Harbin,»I i jAle enHarbin,ames.eran hy rons iat! Harwell,Cc hie a one”lotfienelot 13.54 Hubbard,s “T:,estate, Jacks,M21.Povey oseJohngon,,A.C,ayKestler,J.B.,tiie ve.,one s-fi lot Kyles,-W.-L.;th St,o;Lippard,A.P“>enth ain id’.baie 4 6.334seriSeve:nen St.,two lots:ons,Biss Connetia ifth St.,one lot 4.89 June.4,“19it® “Reltie,Highland ave- 4.05 9.51 11.44 8.05 27.09 4.03 24.73 8.08 7.8215.35 43.70 13.8626.65 28.62, 11.50 16.86 25.96 87.38 4.03 6.93 qaaelt 232-es 17.3434.4721.8517.9718.1413.56.3.748.0519.524.50 Ht)St,one lot...metexAdhd torane:St.,one lot..Morgan,Will,Seventh St.,one nsaeMorrison,J.C.,Highland Ave.forrison,C.B.Front >.itOrr,R,W..Front,St.,lots<2Phifer,E.L.,Front setb Tot.2...Pope,P:-S.,Mesting St,one jot .... Pratt,J.S.,Boteyard St,,one lot ...Reavis,J.D.,Armfield St.,one let... Seago,D.R.,Center St,,.two lots ..Sills,John,Fifth St.,one lot Shaver,C.F.,Boulevard St.,one lot ,.Shaver,John F.,Boulevard St,one lotShook,J.M.,Caldwell St.,fwo lots..Simons,Lee,.Eighth St.,one lot ..Sessons,Mr.,S.Statesville,one lot .Somers,"W.V.»,estate,Front St:,three lotsSowers,G.H.,Caldwell 8t.,°two lots Summers,H:C.,Park place,one lotTrevepauzh,JvH.,Seventh St.,one lotTharpe,L.,E.,Park place,two lots.. Troutman,Clayton,Boulevard St.,one 13.80-522.88 10.3510.748.254.221141 lotTroutman,MarcusLs.Ball St.,one lotTurner,W.E.,Davie Ave.,one lot..E.,Davie Ave.,one lot .. Turner,C.H.,nnai:one lotWilliams,W.*‘L.>St.,one lot .., Sctiganil White. Allison,Will,Race St.,one lotBean,A.A.,Seventh St.one lot ..Collie,Miss BE.L.,Boulevard St.,one‘totDixon;James,estate,Center St.,one JotErvine,I.RY Charlotte Road,one lot Fesperman,Rev.J.H.,Fourth St.,one TotFoushee,W.W.,Center St.,one lot ..Kyles,.C.-H.,Race St.,one lot 2.30Levan,Elihu,Seventh St.,one lot ....2.80Mills,G.N.and J.M.,Caldwell St.,one ; lot :4.60Sowers,John,Tradd St.,one lot 14.38Sowers,R..L,,Mills St.,one lot 7.48Colo Allison,Caesar,Gréen St.,one lot 2°Allison,Emma,Tradd St.,one lot ... Adams,Henry,Harrison St.,one lot Bailey,R.-D.,-Center-St.,-one lot.Riddings,T.G.,.Chambers St,one lotBurton,Ashley,Green St.,“one lotChambers,F.F.,Tradd St.,one lot:..Gowan;M.L:,Front St.,one lot ..-. re)an,Mansfield,South Statesville,one lotCowan,H.C.,Walker St.,lone lot... 9.92 20.44 16.43 9.20461.77 3874.03 4.60 5.47 ‘1.15 Davidson,Magic,Chambers St;,-one tot Gray,John H.,Sharp St.,,one lot ....Green,Margaret,Garfield St,one lotHoupe,Grace,Garficld St,one lot ..Kerr,Henrietta,West End Aves Oh Garfield St.,/one lot ... 3 C;Greeh St.‘oné lot ..Moyer,Rev.H.C.,Green:8t.,one lotMurdock,Ed.,Chambers St,‘one lotSherrill,John “Ai,Watker St:,,three lotsSpann,Luther,Walker,St.,one lot .Steele,George,Elm Sti,-one—lot—..-Stewart,Walker,Walisér Sti,one lot Thomas,Ed.,Garfield St.,,one lot .. Thomas,Janette,Sharp St.,one lot Webb,Ray,Harrison.St.,°one lot.White,Clyde,Garfield St.,one lot ..White,Jo.,Tradd St:,‘one totWoods,R.B.,Garfield 8t.j:one lot Woods &Carson,Elm.St.,/.one lot..Woods,Vina,Walker St.,one lot .:.Woods,David,Garfield St.,one lot .. Delinquent,Colored. Clark,Agnes,Garfield St.one lot ..Davidson,Cato,Green St.,one lot 1... Dean,Sallie,“Green*St.,“one totFraley,Press,Green St.,one lot ....°Hynter,Hattie,Tradd St.,one lot ...Nicholson,Josephine,Tradd’St.,one lotPearson,Jeanie,Garfield St,one lot ,Seahorne,Clara,Green St,one lot .Simonton,Sam,Garfi Sti,one lot...Stevensony John,Chambers -St.,one lot RUBBER.TIRE! Season is here:We use best rub-ber made—Firestone and ee set hot or cold.Quick§You THE LANDMARK| Planting Bermuda grass is.getting| 19.19 ¢ 35+6+66.30 Trivett,S,.A.,..Highland.Ave.,.ane lot 2.an hsSAN aEORTTRTY"Wee +R Faldo Beeecone.totes:ene}gi 17,02, iti Marten Olkainaihe New Bible For Shiloh chareh. Correspondence of The Landmark.|:_Statesville,R-1,June!#.—FridayafternoonMr.Forrest Ward,’°rura!mail carrier on Statesville,1)was‘writing a money order for Mr,.Q.'L.Freeze,While the writing was.inprogressMr.Whrd’s horse was fight-ing flies and caught the bridle reinonahookabouttheharness,whichresultedinthrowingthehorseand‘|breaking the left shaft of the ve-hicle.Messrs.Ward and Freeze un-hitched the horse and it escaped fromthemandran,across the:woods aboutahalfor:three quarters of a mile,but after the race and a short delayMr,Ward was able to finis his roundincafety..We hope our goed carrier wil}meet rlo-more guch luck.-In jpoine to Statesville Srfardsy.Mr.A.C.Plyler was driving @ wild mite to a buggy snd.in’meeting an-other vehicle Mr.Plyler’s mule be-came fractious and broke a shaft.No one was hurt:Edward.D.Plyler had two.“raceslastweekwithamulewhenit,broke the bridle as a result of a fright,first at a motorcycle and again at a bicy- cle.No one was hurt,but it pays tobecareful.>»Mrs.Mary Goodman.and son _ofWinston-Salem,and daughter,Mrs.Linwood Brown,who lives in.States-ville,purchased ‘a nree church Bibleandpiresented-it to Shiloh’‘Methodis church last Sunday.‘Thiswill Be-appreciatedbytheentiresceateameo: and will be received by ‘the orwithmanythanks.Mr.’:and~Mrs.Brown.and children have joined ‘our Sunday school.We-are glad to wetheirhelp,for they prove faithful workers.One day last,.week Mrs. Betti-Freeze,a lady of 60 odd years,¢limb- ed on a barn loft and fell,receiving sone very painful bruises;but Notserious, Some days ago Everette,the gon of Mr.and Mrs.Will Perry,wasplay-ing and-in.some nanner hurt’hisarmandshoulder,“It is hoped that it is not serious.Mrs,A.P.Plylér*is*oir the sick:listthisweek.Misses Elsie andAlice Plyler spent Saturday night swithfriendsinTroutman.They.retuttned ~iF ‘thome Sunday. On aceount of wet weather farm-ers are very much delayed with their work,especially in.bottom land. Crops .look well,it Ostwalt Betterment,Society— ®Tee Cream Supper 19th.a torr hee of The Lan Batepviit FRe4,i fieear ou re berg i£8,utLfwalta hat menue aSaSaturdayadternionlh, and was pleased to have TS,I. t- ate Phe he Laugenour and Mrs,,Keiger presetp4but.sorry,Mrs.R.W.,Orr couldn’t ate) tend.on account.of being sick.‘Most of;oun members...wereentandgooepapers,were,read. ter. presAf» way-to-the-'vrductyMrs.aAtt caerat Ti ‘clhbreaaSitanaoe:19th,abut 3 o’clock,at the residence oY tirs.U. A.Ostwalt.Saturday night,1th, the Tomato club will have an_ice cream supper at Ostwalt school house, beginning about.7 o’clock,for tiebenefit’of club.Public cordially in- vited.Rey.Jno.Wi)Jones,visited Mrs.Elizabeth Troutman,who is in a seri- ous condition,yesterday.MWirs.Flake Murdock visited her mother,Mrs.U. A.Ostwalt,who continues to improvesince.her.aperation 4at.Long’s Sana- torium. Inspector Webb HasMade Goad. Taking note ofthe order of .the ostofiige.Department,changing the‘headquarters of Poscoffice Inspector Braxton.B...Webb.from.-Asheville toStatesville,effective about~August Ist,reported in the last issuc of,TheLandmark,the oes tle Citizen te-fers ‘to ‘Inspector Webb as “one of the ‘saccéssful officials’ef the service,” and further:“Inspector Webb came toAsheville as the successor,of G..M.Setzer,who resigned to £0.to,Charlotte,where he accepted a position with a cotton firmatthatcity.During Inspector Webb’sresidenceatAsheville,he has,mademanyfriendsat.this city who will learn:with regret that hé is to leaveAsheville,but who will wish for him5.;much success in his new field of laborHbhasmade-a ereditable record in:the performance.of.his duties at this city and throughout ‘the territory ¢m-braced in this district.StatesvilleihisformerhomeanditisMiderstood .|that_he was.transferred,-at_his own;|request,in order.that he might main= tain headquarters at.the city-at whie hheformerlyjresided.”\ AaSendTheminEarly. The tomato’club girls,the hotter: ment societies and ail-others who de+|'sire announcements ‘of any characterinTheLandmark,are urged to sendtheminearly.Don’t.wait until thedaybeforeThe»Landmark is publish?ed.’News matter:is given preferenceonMondaysand,Thursdays,and an-$|nountements that reach.ys on those days,especially-on Monday or ‘thursdayafternoonorevening,take long chances on missing’hextday’s paper.Live news.ratter usually runs heavy, the day:before’publication and eyen advertising,which pays good money,has to stand aside for news when the advertising.comes in late.When you have something for thepaper.don’t wait until the last mo- ent to send itin;or if you do,qn’t eel aggrieved if‘it doesn’t.show ‘up jnext day.eee ener Bilious Attacks.‘ When you hive a bilfous attack your vetfailsto:perform {ts funetions..You become constipated.-‘Phe food you eat ferments’inyourstomachinsteadofdigesting.This insflathestomachandcausesnatisea,von-end a terrible headache,Take Cham’berlain’s ‘Tabh iis,They.will tone up your,clean Out your stomach And you,willever.‘They only,cont *everywhere. —an—ice—cream—supver} .|NEWS FROMABOUT STATE. Accidents Crimesimes and Other In-cidentsof Life in NorthCaro-if «lina.} The Ginners’“Association.vinners)will meetin Raleigh July|f 29. Zora Davis,a.white youth,18|years.old,peddling peaches at Salu- da,was struck by a train and killed.| hauled to the Mooresville ¢reamery| for Rowan..It is probable that one|will be established—at Salisbury orsomeotherpointinthecounty. ville and well.known as-a detective,| died a few.days azo at the home of| his daughter in Kast Spencer,He} was a soldier of the Union army and}was buried in the Federal cemetery inf Salisbury.The Hustler says that J.N.Wad-)| dell,whose wife conducted a boards | ing house at North Wilkesboro,has money she has earned; another:woman, There.seems to be-some effort to|enforee the chicken law at Newton.| The record,of the county court in| the News shows that two persons arraigned for allowing chickens to} run at large were ullowed to go on}the payment.of the costs. crat-court-to-three-monthsin-Guilford| him to the Federal prison in Atlanta, Atlanta prison to.three -months in!Greensboro‘jail.He was accommo-| dated. There is a big fight on over the es- tate of Miss Cox,the miserly old lady who died recently in Randolph coun- ty and left so much |money buriedabout_the’premises.Administrators have qualified and been removed,one man shows a will and deeds to part of|the land;and the lawyers will prob- ably get the estate. Dh Paul V.Anderson of Westbrook inatorium,Richmond,Va.,formerly arasletant physician at the State Hos- pital at.Morganton,.-lectured..at-Gas- ionia Friday night under the auspices lof the sanitation committee of the |Woman’s Betterment.Association of jthat town.His subject was “The |Mental and Physical Development of |the Child.” |Of the 69 candidates who took the}j recent examination before the State {Board of Pharmacy,-only 39,passed. |Five of the successful candidates:are colored.,Among those.who -passed were,Chas:bp.Porter,;of Corycord;|Richard H.;Ingle andi Hand of )Charlotte,Geo.kat ofWeaBeach0 of}tion oe pt i ,Uiekory,.and,eta |Morganten,x,+The:Southern)Newspaper .palda erst:Alssodiation,.conrposdd of;.editors andi publishers,off Southern:daily +pa- pers,invsession in Asheville two days|" vthis »week,selected:the mountain eity|’ asa ‘permanent meeting:place,|W:ACT.Anderson of Micon,Gai;was elect- manager sof othe Gitizen,:ws Adiheville,’H was!olutted vice prbsidentyigi!!oici LSNakehotttefARGHScontrOrelsy,between Judge R.B.Pei bles!HHA“C,‘Aand G.W.Brown,editors and pab-ishers:of the Gold&borbd ‘Recordl,’is sét for a ival,when the editors will’be t suit instituted by the case was brought in but a change of venue was asked by the defendants and removal was granted to Hhlifax. Prof,J.Allen Holy,one of.the Holt brothers who so long managed the judge.The county,died at Oak Ridge Tuesday 62.He was for more than 40 years Senate,was a member of the county board of education and.a trustee of M.dren survive.His brother,Hi “Hplt,died a year or two ago, Ask State Fuands_Spring School. Raleigh,News and Observer. -UPtof.Blackwell Lunsford and Mr.J,C.Henley ‘of Cool Spring,Iredell with the State Department:of Educa; tion in the interest of a State appro- ance of the Cool Spring High School. Already the fund available for State appropriation to high schoolshasbeenallotted.But at”the last General Assembly additional require- ptents were specified for State aid and it.is thought when those schoolswhich‘are not able to meet the re- quirements_are._climinated_from the fund there may be enough left to ac- commodate the Cool Spring School. Mix-Up |of Auto and Buggy. ‘About 11 o’clock Sunday night,says Charlotte Observer,Mack Melchor and Clyde Deal,were returning fromMount.Ulla.in Mr.Melchor’s,machine and about two miles from Mooresvilletheyranpell-mell into a buggy oc- cupied.by_George Hudspeth and Mackdwards.The buggy was totally de-molished and the men were knocked from .the vehicle.Clyde Deal wasthrownover\the wind-shield some distance in,front of the machine,while the machine turned |ovér onMelchor.Nowever,no one was hurt seriously.Melchor did not receive a «seratch..-. Tomato Club Girls to ‘Serve Re- freshments at Rocky Branch, Odrreapondence of The Landmark. The Rocky |Branch.Tomato.elubfirlswillsellrefreshmentsatRockyBranghschoolhouseSaturdayeve- ning,June.19,beginning at 7 o'clock.Public cordially invited. eraln’s Liniment.‘a |Liniment..forGreatlyBenefitedbyCha*T have used,Chamberlaaprains,.bruises and rheumatic ‘pains,andthegreatbenefit’1 have received justifies:my Hr said he preferred a year.in the/f (cotton | ,Much milk from Rowan county ist and an agitation is on for a creamery| W.EK.Deaver,formerly of Ashe-|ff deserted,the woman after collecting |and:itis be-| lieved that.Waddell ran ‘away with| A prisoner sentenced from the Fed=|| i | i WHEN YOU.GO county jail asked dude Boyd to send|i - Sou at 0 FOR AN.OUryvotneR w KS F see aysSIDE”.PRICE WGHPaUsroneneeTSway GO OUTERS Ae paereare TER rateyou weie i i>c ON Sloan Clothing Compan efendants in a damage |g Northampton |# noted.Oak Ridge school in Guilford| evening after a lingering illness,aged |§ one of the principals of Oak Ridge y Institute,had served in .the ‘State}‘ the University.Wife and:three chil- For Cool!} county,were here Monday conferring | priation for the support and mainten-|} JML McKEE &COMPAN: Call your special attention this week to new dress materials. Lace.Cloth, ~36inch figu Just received ver special, red oiles and Rice Cloth,; for 25¢e.the pee aaite.te U.dnes ed JOG ou aei ayard.Another lot of yard widefigured Dine oe=ftiesandLaceClothat-19¢.yard.These are *@justaboutuptotheregular2c.lines.All —come in a beautiful range of colors.much wanted Gaberdine Cloth,price 25c..yard.Other good lines.at 10c.,12 1-2¢,and 15¢.ante cre our,bargain.te they are pargams.worth M ning 4dn mer week v tig?7h KER SiftsJM:McKeeMeAN,West Broad,lianeHstiern, i OR a Sb forget.to see Sule hs€want-youda-8eeq he nt | ed'president andi RicS.Joneslbusiness|sec a oO TicotO Ts Le Also the’*a f vtae &Comprterai ae &4 \OMD A thHall's Drug:Store «andihazeRaware,Store:joy sbi iitPhone Tr Prices at PORCH iseWaray.i oc ee TP hs Bete 5| iva PAT Dee cl Ee yOrat:.ahit meee‘Vudor Shndesvand Ham- iit White eens ators are all stone”Fine ta ‘ove os ag salt? TENS,Also IcelandRefrigerators,es ae }box that will save.ice,Tce.Cream Freezers... I two,three and four burner Oil Cook Stoves—the st v }thatwill bake,Piiereta a.Mooresville correspondent of the| tecommending jt-in the ,highest terms,”writes Mray>Plorenes Slife,Wabash,you,are troubled with rheumatic pains youcertainly.be:-pleased with the .promptwhichChamberlain's Liniment affords,ene everywhere,¢, Tha,“Tf |; _OF STATESVILLE,N.©ito.gt Captal Stock Paid iin Surplus and Profits Your B ing methods.:a 1 eeeres 3 aH6ti00.Sith etatai-a 4nae a co ' anete dik ginde soliek Bara: ‘every accommodation extended:to:de- positors consistent with ae bank- Four per cent,paid on time ‘and Suviian. Deposits-remaining on:deposit three months Ww.D.‘TURNER, #,MORRISONON =D,.M,AU@ or longer. OF FICERS:, cl GHEY,-Absistant Me ahdPee: —_—__——= ,DITO TUESDAY AND FRIDAY WATERLOO CENTENNIAL. 48th of June,1815,just 100 ago.today,was fought one of famous battles of history and its lt ended for all time the career ne of the ‘great.military figures, he orld’s military genius who lost was Na- on Boneparte:It was Monaparte’s’ “eome back,”-as-we would and he falled utterly.To “meeting your Waterloo” means meeting defeat,although ‘that Whterloo of 100 years ago was a attempt to itish general.who commanded:the “allied forces ‘against Napoleon.For Wellington Waterloo meant victory and a gr¢at place in history. Defeated by.Wellington a littJe ore than a year before,Napoleon allowed the sovercignty of the sland ‘of Elba.Escaping from there ten months later,he was joined by a large part of the French army and triumphantly marched into Paris.The allied’armies again marched on Frghco and’Napoleon marched into um to meet them,On.the 16th he defeated'Blucher at Ligny, his great licutenant,Marshal sheld-the-British—in—check_at- tre-Bas.Wellington fell back on Merloo,a villageof Belgium,ten miles from Brassels,There on’the 18th the great battle was fought,that resulted in the total.defeat.of the ‘French.1 ‘Each army had probably 70,000 “men.The troops of Napoleon were “for the most.part veterans,while “Wellington’s army was composed of ‘troops of varioys nationalities—Bel- gians,Brunswickers,Hanoveriahs, ~Nassauerg—that had never fought to- gether and a,great part of his British troops were raw levies.The French began the batile about:noon.Na-bleon’s-purpose was:to _force.the emy to retreat before the Prus- _sians,who he knew ,were coming up,“chatd iy5y997 Wonetbrteprrort st®hold his ground until the Prus- -$iins arrived,and he succeeded,The Bttle rag@@Yuriously until eyening, e 1@,"Piissians arrived,“!Theiraeielotible 8 eff a9 e I id of Wrance,held in reserve until that yme,made a final attempt.Welling- ni’s line charged them at the point he bafenet nd’the Guard:wavered then began a retreat,in which it ‘was followed by the whole French army,andthe retreat soon developed intoa route.»The British left the pursuit to the Prussians,they French ‘army was:dispersed and disabled,its artillery and baggage captured,and he allied forces marched unopposed te Paris.The French Jost in killed, wounded and prisonecs,40,000 to 50,- 000.The allied loss was about 23,000 in killed and wounded,7 Napoleon ‘was banished to the is- of St..Helena,where hé died in ‘May,1821.He was buried there,butin’1840 his remains were taken to is,; “TheLandma ér of Col.Brayan in the days public sentiment was with him; sequently it has no dirt to eat now. While this paper always tried to be just to Mr.Bryan,it has felt’con- ‘Strained on occasion to differ with him,and in the days when he was a popular idol!any criticism of Mr. ryan was treason tb some of his ad- mirers.Nowwhen puviic sentiment not with him The Landmark has no sition.to criticise him.harshly. thasnopatiepce with those who}. “oy dated the former Secretary as a itor,for it does not believe he |that;on the contrary it believes im an honest and patriotie,though staken,man..But we have lived to see the day when some of those who formerly hailed Mr,Bryan)with glad -ac¢laim,are now in the forefront of thé}mob that shouts “Crucify him!” ever thus.»:Vas Davie county took a long step for- “when it voted bonds for good ads;and as one improvement is early always followed by another, that county is now.¢o have a Com- ity Building,about the second esate to haye a building *Pollowing the ex- the ladies of Mocks- persuaded the coun- jonersto give them the +house for.a Community and.the Record says.the .|who is mere deserving of public hon- -0t }ors,A successful business man,one Phe Landmark commends: §.Carr for his refusal to be a candi- date for Governor."That this paper would delight to see him honored,he knows full well,The State has"no more loyal and patriotic son,nor one who has generously given of his means to help the needy,to advance the!public welfare and.upbuild the 3tate—and-as:noble-hearted as he is yenerous—in honoring him the people would have honored themselves,But Gen.Carr is not a politician.He has loyally supported his party “and |giv- on-his-time and méans to insure’its success.He has helped others to pub- lie place,but ,it is not given.to him to be so honored,“Che Landmark re-| grets that the fates have -so deéreed,’ but Gen,Carr’s name will be remem- bered when many who have for a lit- tle while filled publie ates be forgotten.The highest ‘horfors his State could give him would,not ‘add to the esteem in whieh his»friends hold him,iy A few years ago The ‘Landmark suggested the idea of having two Sundays a week;vhat the regular Sabbath be observed for —religious duties and that Wednesday -be made a sort of secular Sunday,or,general holiday.The proposition was not hospitably received,,Dr.Archibald Johnson,we reévall,was somewhat se- vere in denouncing the plan,This is called to ‘mind by tne agreement of the:Greensboro grocerymen,to close their places of business during June, July,and August ay 1 o’clock ‘each Wednesday.The Weekly half holiday Hs-a-regular-institution-in-many-eom- munities_of the -North._It-not-being convenient for the stores to close on Saturday,the Greensboro people have selected Wednesday instead.The idea is'a good one for the summer.sea- ‘son,and it will be more generally ob- served as time passes.If all business could suspend for a few weeks in midsummer,when business is dull, all of us would probably be much benefited physically and mentally and may be financially,too. 7T.R.Lamm died recently at Wil- son and it was found that he had left an estate of more than $50,000 that had.been escaping .taxes...The county commissioners took action and pro- |ceeded ..to assess taxes for the,,past ve afehrsiiatidvthe aferegate of back taxés for the State and county was }more*than $4,000,With city taxes stor.‘He would ‘go for you with,glovés}: off iF Sou MopT ISH t apd,then j¢om-|bd added the aggregate will be about $7,-| “Recent court decisions ha’ ‘tathey favorable to the free passage of the “oil of joy”and the unregen. erate doubtless have hopes that the drought.will not be so badafter all, Judges Webb and Ferguson ‘of,this State have held that a citizen ean) bring into the State,for his own use, any amount of liquor—but he mut satisfy the court that it is for his:pe sonal use.This does not affect the,hquart law shipments.It applies-onty. where the citizen goes out of the State and brings the stuff in himself, The United-States Supreme:Court-hag alse given the Webb-Kenyon law,in- tended to prohibit the shipment of liquer into prohivition territory, something of a jolt.Without saying the law is unconstitutional,the court has held that it does not apply ‘to’ shipments of liquor for personal use, ‘As the State Press Association!is to:meet ‘at Montreat,a religiougire- sort,The Landmark makes -bdld to suggest to President |Hammer and Secretary Sherrill that an.“annual sermon”by one of the preéacher-edi- tors be a feature of the occasion.Ki- ther Dr..Archibald Johnson or Editor, Ashcraft of the Monroe’.Enquirér could preach a*sermon that would be worth while.:: Erte cag nrent renee areaie abe? All the news anent our situation with Germany is encouraging,Both the.news from Germany and from Washington indicates that a peaceful solution of the differences is,highly probable,wa Why Mr.Caldwell Was Great—____His Breadth, Wilmington Star.é ~—~fhat-is-the-reason-we-all-took-upon Jo,Caldwell as—great—hecause his broadness,Maghanimity and justnéss made him great.He fed all men.outofthesamespoon,whether they were his friends or his enemies.He had hislikesanddislikes,as other men,but he would have felt humiliated to-have used his paper and his position to.be unfair or unjust to any man. Mr.Caldwell would-readily give to come back at it in its own columns, hé aimed at be those of his countty and justice.‘ Most’of us fall far short —ofsbeing: FP.Caldwell,and he.was so different, from most.editors that with common:Lconsent,we rank ;him 7¥s;a’eveat,'eni- Videsmendyouhextday“if commendation’were dye._pway ‘to’ad he considered it a duty instead‘of a privilege.: os would brush the cobwebs from our Lown.eyes-and.sit squarely on:the ‘tris: 000.There ig*mugh propérty in every eounty int a Be ome more and som ,that 4 Under our methods of levying and collecting taxes the “titizen-Who doesn’t ,ghoose to render to the tax- Mister ‘an account ‘Of lalWe has,can ‘keep back “a part with little danger of being troubled about it.The pub- lic officials who find:the shirkers and compel them to come to taw are sim- ply doing their duty;and a public sentiment needs to be arouged that wijl compel a more accurate account- ing in this matter. The tribute of .President Wilson to “the great multitude of ‘unknown men”.who constitute the body of:the nation,in his Flag Day address in Washington,was fine.‘You do notcreatethemeaningofanationallife by any literary exposition of it,”says the President,“but by the actual daily endeavors.of s gteat people to do the tasks of the day and live up to the ideals of honesty and_righte- ousness and just conauct.”The “voice- less mass“of men who merely go about their daily-tasks,try to be hon- communities to might,”says the President.That is not the flattery of a demagogue.It is the utterance of a great truth. ¢Be.2 eee sR It seems to be pretty clear now that the past alignment of political factions will not count. mons people,who control the party hand,but Senator Simmons fas pass- ed out the word that sie is playing no |favorites and it is intimated that he! would prefer to see the’factional con-|i The State’is to be con-/%tests pass. gratulated if the,contest for State al bitterness of past Years,Not only gainer if the candidates who enter the race are considered on their merits ‘and untramméled. lost his life defending a negro pris- oner did)his duty bravely and well Attacked by a mob in the court house yard,the brave ©sheriff,—mortally wounded,suéceeded in landing the prisoner in :the court house,as was his purpose.The prisoner’dropped dead.almost.immediately .and apes taxation.| that the gubernatorial contest is to/4 be a free-for-all without favors and|% The Sim-|% organization,were expected to take a\% offices is to.be free from the faction-| ‘the party but thes State will be the/% and_the:voters make selections free|% The South Carolina.sheriff’who|% and his memory should be honored.|% the’ -od with the balances held on:a level weighed fox vw,ey are worth.Saitor nda aA Phe giving a square deal to any man,tichor.poor,whgte or black.,Do.all.of us do that,orto we think we do some- thing even half way like it?ved Zeppelins in England and,Aero- .planes in Germany. Zeppelins-flew over the northeast coast of England 'Tuesday night and Wednesday 15 persons were ©found dead from their misses and as manymorewounded.This is the third air attack in a little over two weeks.May81wasthedateofthefirstattack on London from the clouds with four persons killed,and°on June 6 the eastcoastofEnglandwasthesceneofattack,with five fatalities.‘Nineteen persons were killed and 14 seriously wounded while many otherswereslightlyhurtduring’the attack on Karlsruhe,Germany,early Tues- day morning,by a fleet of French aer-‘planes.A’French statement says the attack on Karlsruhe was made by Shel _Clearing:the {9°}|. space to the Observer’s bitterest foe) He “toted fair”and let all the ends|: 4s.broad-minded and just°a%*Joseph} He,would not go out,ofhisitybutweMastMeadtiser {We might;all follow:his exanible ifgpeadway. i sl ®_of his way Piro oud Hdganeadah kha sanka ‘tiie German Rush ta-GtheWayto Attnc rushTheAustro-German Mosciska,east of Przemysl, contention the Russians sian counter-attacks haye been pulsed with gains for” Bessarabia,the Germans say, attempt to clear Galicia of the Italy.The fighting is growing harder assume that Poland,Belgium and France. each other.On the whole,it is’be- lieved that the advantage has been with the French. siege operations in.the Dardanelles is indicated in an official statement just tedious trench warfare, Forward-on Russian Line. has been,heavy fighting over a com- paratively extensive line of the Brit~ hich front in Belgium and France.Ber- Freverses in Galicia.To win a mile of experience of the British”Tuesday nicht near Festubert.In a statement, frank:if brief,Field Marshal French records this incident,but does not Pstate the losses,which must have een heavy on both sides. The Germans are as frank in -con- ceding the:loss of ground near Ypres, Lbut.do :not.mention having .been, “forced,even temporarily,«91 yield a), smile of their;Festubert stronghold, 'dn.the:Hast.the,Austro-Germgn,ads}j vance continues.tox swing.,ferward with’the ‘exception’of;the,section;be- tween :ithe:Dniesten.;,marches jand “Zuvawna,.where;the.fiassiany holding the.-bridgeheads:,.are maxing ,.some 7)General von.Mackensen,according to dispatches,has given himself *.a fortnight -in which to-capture.-Lem- pecan tratehisandco-ordinate ces going forward,eae Aicsunt c ifthe Rusgians are unable towe”A)Pulte,apainegFy Fheyareshowingnow. tions. So many the Inter-State Commerce Commis- sion over the checking of baggage since the Cummings amendment —to the inter-State commerce act ‘wentintoeffectJune°,that the commis- sion has made public several’letters written recently.dealing with the subject. one person’s baggage,no matterhowmanypieces,and that each pas- lowance of.baggage belonginghimself,5 * The commission has held that rail- ‘wodds have a right to charge an ad- oxdinary liability carriers. orable,try to serve the people they}¢ love,try to live worthy of the great}; which they belong,Bs these are,the breath of the nation’s|% nostrils;these are the sinew of its a Two and ‘Three Compart-— ments. Ten Sizes. Roasts, Separate lids|for each compartment, steam valve,water sealed top,pure ¢ aluminum ~ lining, seamless cookingcompartm’nts, pure alumi-num utensils, specialformula, “strata-laid insulation,beauifullyfinishedvulcanized solid oakcabinet... Fireless to convietion.skeptical. We want to’ folks their attention ‘Tdeal’’‘she is ‘sheriff died a few hours later. Bakes,Steams,,Stews,Fries,Boils,' OMEN who.have never believed in the whom we especially want to show the “‘Ideal.’”’ Broad-minded,sensible women who are open We.admire the woman who does notgetallherconvictionsfromsomeoaeelsewhothinksforherself.: ‘Ideal’*convert,they willdo more to make salesforusthanahalfdozenofthenegativekindofDoyouknowanhaven’t a good fireless coo Every day that any.woman does without an household convenience of the age. Fireless Cook Ok Stove idea are the women-to We don't blame them for being talk ‘to that kind,because,once an of that kind whostove?If sv,call to this advertisement. depriving herself of the,greatest *i ‘Far off as this front is from Eng-|# Jand.and France,it is being watched|# more closely than the western front,§ because it would appear that these)# operations are being pressed in.an|#us-|# sians,preparatory to a breathing spell ; in the Bast,which is likely to ‘be fol-}# lowed by a crushing blow aimed at)# Of the fighting in.France around)# Arras,the Gérman and French offi-|§ cinl communications flatly .contradict| (That England is prepared for long Hi Rritish’Win-and -Lose+Germans--Go;4 “For the first time in wecks there ; “lin:describes it as an Anglo-French : movementsynchronizing with Russian;# ‘front,and then,to lose it before ter-!§ Hsific German.counter-attacks,was’the|# ig on again,Both Berlin andVienna’H clitim pregress along virtually’the) ‘entire.southeastern front and Lem-|# ber again appears to be in Sanat Has|# beer captured by the _Austro-Ger-| jhans and_according to the German)§a sro Zalliog H back..south-of the railroad:connect-|# jng Przemys!and Lemberg,All Rus-|§re+|%the Teutons|# from a point north of Przemysl into}#Children:Do You Know Why Your Mother Tradesat the Booster Club Store?—re Ask her and write us‘letter.‘The boy ee girl under 12 years of age who writes.us a letter on why his or #her mother does or ought to tradeat the Booster Club |# #Store and presents it to us,we s iN * daily along the Italian-Austrian fron-|#%~pr :»W hall give a Soda tier.and,in view of.past’perform-|% ances,it is considered reasonable to|¥Germany.will throw a|% great mass of troops on this frontand|} endeavor to sweep into Italy and hold| ground there just as she has done in|¥ Check and 50 coupous free,which may be voted for’§ any Booster,and the one who writes the best letter i will be given a REXALL FOUNTAIN PEN,The. letters will be judged by a local committee of disin- terested persons.: This letter contest closes on Saturday,July 10th.The premium will be awarded the following week.The letters will be put on display in our store for every-.¥ body to see.We want every boy and girl within ten:.‘7 issued ‘explaining the nature of -the|¥miles to-write us a letter. although as-|% serting that’the Turkish offensive is|§ +ot-so-sharp-as-it:-was-formerly.; Thousands of coupons may be secured by the specialoffersthisweek._See the posters at our Store. What Booster-will win the watch Monday,June 21st. Remember 50 votes with every 5c.Soda or Cigar. Statesville Drug Comp’y, Quality Prescriptionists. € ekg enna ‘;Wew Baggage Law’Regula- inquiries have reached| The letters make clear that’one|~ declaration of value is ‘sufficient for |. senger is ‘entitled to check without}:extra charge the maximum free al-|. ditional sum where the_true value of |; baggage is declared and-is-above the }- accepted by the].. ‘ Barring the unforeseen,each retail buyer of a new Ford car,between August,1914, and August,1915,willreceive from $40.to $60 as ashare of the Ford Motor Company’s profits.: For strength,light weight and dependable‘ power,the Ford car is.without a peer.” Economical,too,averaging two cents a mile | for operation and maintenance. Runabout,$440;Touring Car,$490;Coupelet,$750;f o,b.Detroit with all equipment, On display and Sale at Carolina Motor Co’s. Statesville,Newton and Mooresville. a hin! |[[sherrill-white Shoe Company.||Great Line Tennis Oxfords Tennis Oxfords,black and white,¥50c.pair. Tennis Oxfords,black and white,65c.pair. Tennis Oxfords,black and white,75c.pair. ‘Baby Footery. Yes,.we remembered the babies,and call at- tention to our excellent line of Baby Footery. Soft sole Shoes,white,pink,blue and tan, 50c,the paijr. Soft sole Shoes,white,pink,blue and tan, 25e..the pair.Ae ee Complete line of Infants’Moccasins,white,_pins,blue and tan,25c,the pair. \ * SHERRILL-WHITE SHOECO. a“42 18 WORTH WHILE (0 STUDY THE ADS, glean TELEPHONE NO.14. ee REA «»«June 18,1915, ALF.GA.M. mere reACR ANNETTE OTE STATESVILLELodgeNo.487 A.,¥.&A.Mo meetstonightat8:00o'clock in MasonicHall:~~All’mem-uestedto be present and bersvisiting brethren cortiaity in vit-ed.Cajled meeting.Workthefirstdegree..:.in HARRIS.-MILLS.WEDDING A Pretty Nuptial Event at Sto-ny:Point, Correspondence of The Landmark.i On Tuesday morning,June 15th,the marriage ‘ceremony was beauti-fully solemnized at the home’of Mr.and Mrs.H.M,.Harris at.Stony Point,when Zula Belle,became the happy bride of Mr.James Neil Mills. The bride is one of our most popu-lar young ladies,having many friends among the people of her home town,especially among her former school- umates.These friends rejoice in her happiness,not having forgotten their interest’in her,even though she has been separated from tuem during the past three or four years on account ofherconnectionwithamillineryes-tablishment in Statesville. ‘The groom,the con of Mr,and Mrs. R.M.Mills of Statesville,until.re- cently was a resident of Statesville,where heis well known and highly re- spected among his many friends. —present-he-—is-engaged--in—business—in+— Salisbury,where—the home ofthe couple will -be-made.The ceremony was.per formed in a room artistically decurated with Ene- lish ivy intertwined with daisies.In one corner a chancel wus effectively| improvised “by-the-use-of-a~bank-of; candle-besprinkled maiden-hair fern, at each side of which stood a white pedestal gracefully decorated with) ivy and daisies and surmounted by a candelabrum.As the guests were as-! sembling for the ceremony,Miss! Margaret Overeash rendered the | “Humoresque,”after which MissJanieMillersang“O Promise Me.”This was followed by Lohengrin’s|“Bridal_Chorus,”at.the first strpins: of which Rev.J.H.Pressly:entered and took hie.positionbbefore thi cel.Mi ames Glenn,of|\ant ’yesterday.’Mr,Crawley is’here with:the bri i “Wednesday|his wife:Mr:Crawley was.formerly|1 .i = as byes with ae |cityengineér'for Statesville and Mrs.|Oil Engine andPlow,on &dressed ing?ereuth;“Me Mite E.W.)Crawley,’who’'wal’Miss:Martha Oli+'Baly,andj ¢mek Ye ¢6 Miss tiery ver of Stokes'tounty,visited Mr.and farm of J.W.Hatchett.maiden-Peeceded thehappy |Culbreth and is Wellec in!Mya!°I.’M.Gerddn’when ‘the latter: couple.Bre b ith ch Reaping on the arm Statesville.her She|were residents of Statesville.Since of the groom,‘was.dressed iin a grayijhas lived in Texas since |hers’marri-|their marriage some time ago. ‘and Mrs.Crawley have been.living in|traveling suif ‘and carried a bouquet /GLIMPSE PASSING THRONG. AY.|Personal Mention of People and]. weeks with a house party in Raleigh. their daughter,Miss| Athinome in Morganton. ‘Their Movements. Young Miss Mary and MasterDavidThomaghavereturnedfromaiateatseveralweekswithrelativesRaleigh,Franklinton,‘LouisburgohdMoncure.Miss Mary spent two ‘Mr.W.E.Nattress,director ofathleticsandpublicityattheHornerMilitarySchoolatCharlotte,has beenathishome/here for several days.HewillleavetodayforCampWonder-land at Black Mountain,where hewillbelocateduntilSeptember.Mr.W.B.Gibson,who is a memberoftheauditingcommittee.of theStateFarmers’;Union,left:Wednes-day for Aberdeen,where he and:oth-er members of the’committee ~willauditthebooksoftheStatesecre- ta:Mies Gertrude Edwards,who taughtin the Cool Spring High Schoolthepastsession,left ‘Wednesday.forCanton,where she will spend her va- cation.‘Misses Mamie and Olive Gray.went to Mooresville Wednesday to visitMrs.Geo.C.Goodman.Miss Hattie Sloan will return today from a visit to Mrs.W.G.Blythe at Huntersville. Misses Katherine and Belle Coch-rane and Miss Sallic sillis are spend- ing a few days in Asheville. Miss Lessie Weisner,who returned a few days ago from Oklahoma and visited relatives at Olin,left yester- day for Hampton,Va.,where she will nurse in the National Soldiers’Home hospital. Miss Altie-Corpening is spendinga month in Waynesville. torium nursing force;went to Lenoir Weditesday afternoon to ‘nurse,Mrs. Thos.Newland.Master Edwin Battle,who.visited|~ his sister,Mrs.A.C,Blgkeley,re-turned Wednesday afterni6on—to—his Mrs.red—Garner<and-—-two—_little| daughters:Misses Frances and—Mar- i earet;—of —Greensboro,—arrived——in Statesville Wednesday afternoon. They are guests of Mrs.J.M.Cun- |ningham. Miss Arleene Gilmer spent Wednes- day~afternoon and yesterday in Win- ston-Salem with Dr.and Mrs.H.K. Boyer. Miss Mary Kennedy of Houston- ‘ville was in Statesville Wednesday | en route to Chapel Hill to attend the| summer school.Miss Kennedy is al teacher in the Harmeay High School.| |Miss Helen Moore.who visited her ‘sister,Mrs.O.D,Phillips,returned| |Wednesday to her home in Reidsville.| She--was accom:Tips.and two.children?’“Mrs.B.-W.-Jones: atavo,_little! age several years ago...' ‘church Tuesday evening. Miss Victoria Byerly of the Sana-}, Social Items.|ee eee The First Baptist Baraca tats was |in social and business session at the The semi-arinual election was held and the fol-lowing class:officers Were elected odsixmonthsbeginningwithJuly:E.Keiger president,Frank aivicepresident,C,E.Sloan’secretaryandartist,T.L.Dysard assistant sec-retary,E.V.Swann treasurer,OwenW.Leonard press reporter,Brown librarian,R.T.Weatherman|—first teacher,C.E.Echerd and Me B.Reece second and third teachers.Gen-eral Sunday school and class workwerediscussed.It was viruuaily de-cided to organize @ missionary work-ers’-team-in-the-class,the membershotwhichwillpreparetalksondif-‘ferent phases.of mission work to be|‘;,..delivered at missionary rallies to be held at Baptist churches in thecoun-ty.Ice cream cones and lemonade |; were served. The ,Up-to-Date club was enter-tained by little Miss Katherine Braw-ley Saturday afternoon at the homeandMrs.R.V.of her parents,Mr.In.addi-Brawley,on Davie avenue.tion to club members a number tdotherguestswerepresent,includMargaretMellonofCharlotte.Afteraseasonofsewingasaladcourseoul sweets were served, Notice’of New Advertisements. Fresh Jersey oe rehogs owvith bath forandpigs.—J.Bi Six-room fdtent.—-Miss “Annie Marvin.Good farms for sale or lease.—J. A.Stewart,Story Point,R-1,' Ten ‘waitresses Spencer,Blowing Rock,N.C. Duisy flowers,dry, Wallace Bros.Co. a. Fifty coupons with a soda or cig- ar.—Statesville Drug.Co.Great line tennis oxfords and babyfootery.—Sherrill-White Shoe Co.)Ideal fireless cook stove.ea Craw, ford-Bunch Furniture Co.New dress materials this week.—J.M.McKee &Co. _*features opening Chautauqua - a Broad:Street Methodist church next Sunday. Outing elothes at “inside” —floan Clothing Co.Purse containing money and car ticket lost.Reward.See the 8-16 Mogul Tractor on the. Hatchett farm.—Pat.Leinster. Mrs.Crawley Had Appendicitis, Mrs.R.L.Crawley of Memphis, nied by,Mrs.Phil-|‘Tenn.underwent an —operation for = appendicitis at the’Sanatorium:this! Her condition:was favorable!week. wanted-0.WW. wanted iby! Jersey bull ready.for service for|sale.—W.F.Millsaps,Statesville R-| fe an War ILHELM prices.|]Peace ;ILSON1Lumber.ATKINS Ma {cone Mills to Skut Down’For Lack of Dyes. Julius Cone of the management of the Cone Cotton’Mills at Greens- Proximity,huge denims manufac-tories,will have to shut down August1forlackofdyestuffsforwhichthe mills are dependent upon Germany.The shut-down will deprive severalthousandpeopleoftheirsoyrceof livelihood, CARD OF THANKS. Since death has come sto our home andclaimedforhisownourdearbaby,Elizabeth,we wish to thank our friends and neighbors for the many deeds of kindness shown as ‘inthissadhour,May God bless therh all. MR.‘and MRS.AARRY POSTON. LOST—ON Turnersburg road,.purse comtaiine ahout $11 in money and a car ticket,Liberal reward for return to.The Land- mark office.June 18-~1t® FOR SALE—Fresh Jersey ‘cow.Also Duree hows and pigs.J.B.Houpe..June 18--1t* FOR.RENT—Six-room house with bath,249castBroadStreet.Apply to MISS ANNIE MARVIN.dune:18-—1t? GOOD FARM—For gale orPlease.L A.Stewart,Stony Point,N,C.,R-1, June 18--2t, WANTED—Ten waitresses for Green Park Hotel,“Address QO,W.Spencer,Blowing Reck,N.C.f sung 18-—3t. FOR SALE—Fine young Jersey bull, for serviee.W.FP.MiuLLSAPS,R-2.dune 18— readyStatesville,it* povener,flewers,June 18 ~4f. WANTED—§,000Ibs. _dry._WALLACE BRO! E.8.JOHNSON,520 Tradd strect. June 15—2t. CREAM AND ‘CAKE will be sold at Vance school house Saturday evening,19th,for benefit;of Sunday school,beginning at 56 o'clock.dune 15--2t. i FOR SALE—Indian Motor cycle in good con-dition.Apply to J.H.MeELWEE TOBAC-co CO.June 1. SHIP US YQUR.CREAM.—Highest market price paid for same.Accurate tests.Every-bedy yets the same price for butter fat.Ifinterested,write.CAROLINA CREAMERY co.,Asheville,N.GC. FOR RENT—7-room panactio on Race strcet,now occupied by Mr.Myers.Mod-ernly equipped.Possession”given”July 1. |smhE. The 8-16 Mogul Tractor a «“PAT LEINSTER. ofheddabeggnes ancl maiden Aix.fern.,...Mr.and.Mas...WG.Morrison,re-||Monee“Traumerk=Daye during.cently.married.visitedMrs.Mor |=——senipntenththe.¢.hon #1 setts parewts,Mr and?Mrs.3.W wedding march”was the recessional.|Ward this week.They were en rou =| ii@ecape the ordeal of numerous to Wilkesboro from’points in’|¢"Phones:8and 137. cou lations,the laughing.bride:South;-where-they-spens-their nn trivey gracefully Ee the eee moon.|and titsed her bri “*boquet ube »Migs,Fan ppsof Ports mt , the ‘ad@iring crowd below.)brid:aathyVa.,is ex Pe orn Monday to, party escaped the customary fice and!}.e the house,gu nt of Mrs.Eugene| old shoes by a fiurried departure for Statesville,where they took the train for Asheville and ocher-points in western North Carolina. These young people have the.loveandbestwishesofalltheirfriends, as was evidenced by the bourtifully laden gift tables.May all of their future days be as bright and happyastheunusuallybeautifuldayof their union.SCHOOLMATES. Meeting Embroidery Club— Harmony News. Cotvalicetilinad of The Landmark. Harmony,June 16.—The Harmony}Embroidery club was delightfully en-tertained by Miss Cecil Paris at her home in west’Harmony Wednesday afternoon.The house was beautifully| decorated with field daisies.After! spending some time embroidering,re-|.freshments.were served by the hos-tess,The next meeting will be heldwithMissesRuthandMonaGaither. Miss Fern Tharpe,who has been visiting friends and:relatives in Win- ston,has.returned to her home_nearHarmony.Mr.Wood Powell and sis- ter,Nannie,left Harmony Monday for school.Mr.Powell will go to Chapel Hill to take «course in law. Miss Powell has gone°to Charlotte totakeabusinesscourse.Miss.MaryKennedy-has_gone to Chapel Hill toattendsummerschool.Mr.and-Mrs.VanHoy of North Wilkesboro have been visiting their daughter,Mrs.D. T.Trivette,at Williamsburg.Mr. Tal Stafford’s mother,sister and niece,who have been visiting him-for the past week,will return to.their home tomorrow. 'The Harmony centrals wish to thank their friends for nice fruit and vegetables they have received nd thank all for the kindness they have shown in the last sx months. ‘ClevelandPersonals. Correspondence of The Landmark. €leveland,June 17.-=Miss |RuthSoleft"Tuesday night for Brook- nea’house party,for two weeks.Mr. *Arthur Brown of Ivanhoe spent sev-eral days in Cleveland —visiting,hisbrother,Mr.’C.A.Brown.Mrs.A.Ti Hord of Method isdaughter,me Everett B.Davis.Mrs.W.A.Thompson and children of Salisbury’“spent the week-end with her parents,Mr.and Mrs.R.B.Frar-ris.Mesdames W.P,Fleming and|will go from,Washington to Lynch-W.R.Little left today for Raleigh|burg,Va.,resume his position and will spend several days with their|there.brothers,Messrs.Worth and Beal}Mr.Gus,Lewin.returned yester- Plyler.Mr...Fred Eaton of Buie’sCreekisspendingseveraldays.inCleveland.Mrs.W.F.Chenault isvisitingrelativesinCharlotte. —Mr.C.D.Crouch of Oak Forest,found the other day a twig from awalnuttreethathad.on it a growththatveryeecereastwosnall Va.,where she will attend ‘a visiting her Norfleet'Davis.“Miss Capps is a} sister of C.’R.Capps,vice president} of the Seaboard Air Line railroad.| |Civil Engineer Greenlee,who was \here for a few.days,doing some work for the city,returned yesterday to Gastonia. Mrs.S.C..Miller and Mr.A.&.! Carson returned to Statesville this| wee from Sparta,where Mrs.Miller visited relatives and Mr.Carson vis-| ited his family. Mr.Marshall Barber’of Biltmore | is visiting Mr.and Mrs.Fred.Sloan.| |Mrs.Clement Byrd of Biltmore,who |visited Mrs.Sloan,has returned to| her home. Mr.and Mrs.’R.¥.Northey Salisbury ‘are visiting at:the home! of Mrs.Northey’s father,Mr.S.°D. Chipley. Miss Jessie Setzer.left Tuesday »for an extended Western trip.She |will visit relatives in Oakland,Cal, and in Nebraska and will take inthe exposition at San Francisco and the Yellowstone Park. Mrs..R.C..Gouger,who _visited Statesville.relatives.feft this week for Charlotte ant-Gastonia,.where she will visit bef going on to her home at_Timmonsville,.S.C. Mrs.J.C.French is “expected to arrive in Statesville this evening Mr.G.E.French. Dr.Weaver of Asheville,who at-. tended the meeting of the State Med- ical Societv in Greensboro,stopped in Statesville t6 visit friends.Supt.R.M.Gray-has-returned from Wadesboro,where “he attended the:West Central District meeting of county superintendentg)of schools.Mayor ‘Chas.G.Armfield of Elkin passed through Statesville yester- day en route to Asheville ‘to attend ‘the meeting of the State Associa- tion of Municipal Officers,Miss Allen Palmer House,who was the guest of Miss Lois Love,left yesterday forher home in Nashville, Tenn.‘Master Gordon Wallace isvisiting in “Morganton. Mr.J.N.Morgan “went \to Marion yesterday to visit Mr.and Mrs.Geo, A.Banner. Mrs.M.L.Detrick.whe visited her daughter,Mrs.W.B.Brown,re- turned yesterday to,-her home in Washington.She’was accompanied by her son-in-law,Mr.Brown,who day from a visit to his “sister,Mrs.H.A.Millis,in High!Point,Mrs.Mary Efird and daughters,Pr visited Rev.and Mrs.’W.. home.in Winston-Salem. of |F from New Orleans to visit her_son,|! oaran Phone taand 11 ea The StoreWith the Quick Parcel Post Service: Gaberdine,27 inches _ples. 1-30 SILK‘WOOL oe 67 6 Io oe 62 * s ' s 5 They De.WhiteGaberdine 25c, A special purchase of alot of 35c.White . Serviceable for Skirts and Jumper Suits, special 25c.yard.Let us send you sam- We're still selling our Suits} at abig reduction... lots of Wear for you yet this summer in one of these Suits. All reduced one-third. Send.us your mail ee p e r e v e n i e r l i o s wide,beautiful and boro,announces that White Oak and}: dune 11—3t*|. “How wonderful are the cities that man hath builded;they are the workof small,patient ngers; their strength isin the hand of man;he hath woven hisflesh and blood into their glory.""HTtt5oeaiaae on ROWTH of a com- munity means greater wealth and credit for | its people and;its indus- tries. The first step in the growthofacityisthemakingofmoneybyitspeople.‘Andmakingmemeanssav-ing money,Saving meansgrowthto’you and yours, We solicit your “account.Our facilities are the bestforgivingyou,your family,your business and our com-munity the co-operation in+banking which U cireros demands.- Our reputation is yourguar- “Tie instNAnONaL BANK _ STATESVILLE N.C.oeCaal$100.000 4%pe ae alFadorTime.Deposits New Black and White ©Checked Skirts $1.48 to +4.98. New Black and White Striped Skirts $1.48. The Latest Novelties in Bells and Neckwear,- Beautiful Goods at Attractive Prices,: 36 inch Avhing Stripe .Silk Voile ane Rie,Cloth,special 36 inch White Gaberdine care reOnelotPalmBeachClothi 1,500 yards Printed Mull.This is a beautifulfabricformid-summer dresses,all colors,infloral,coin dot,stripes,etc.,10c,and 12 eevalue,our price 81-20. One lot 36-inch Dimity,12 1-2c.value,|‘our ftpricespecial81-2¢,f ANDSUITS 1-30 AreYou Planning a Trip? Tt will pay you to investigate our Trunk sad ‘Suit_Case department.—Anything from a 98¢:Suit’Case ©to.a $25 Trunk.The largest linein the city toselectfrom.Prices are attractive. “I he:Store That Sells For Less "PHONEE212.. There's «> orders. ‘ll be filled quickly and care- {When the submarines of disease creep up on you una-: wares,assault you amidships,send torpedoes crashing through your engine room and ball up your running__gear,sound the §,O.S.for the doctor.eae {He’ll throw you a life preserver (that’sa7pteseription). {If you want to make sure it will float you tosafety,let. us fill it with the world’s finest drugs,each oneof 100 per cent fighting strength,and guaranteed to —,every germ’that comes within range. CO C E C E R E C E C EC H R EO C es 5 ¥ EC E utz,returned’yesverday to ‘their |. Mrs.Jas.F.Kelly.of Charlotte isvisitingherfather,mtD.CC.i fully. The PolkcPolk Gray,Drug Company Hi Ne eT eee?1 gaatfw 4 hate eeres\-VICTIM OF” Constantly Obsessed By Doc- -°trines Which the Majority of »His Fellow Countrymen Can't *Accept at the Time. _+Baltimore Sun. -»William Jennings Bryan has ever “m the victim of his own ideals. ee vicciy obsessed by.doctrines which the majority of his fellow-coun- trymen have been unable at the time ~~to hecept,he has tuo’often.occupied the melancholy.position of a guide- ‘post,pointing toward a narrow path, the.while the American pedple have swept.by upon the broader road. +Defeated on his free silver propa- 4 nda;defeated.on his anti-imperial- »jsm platform,defeated on his stand of ~“Advanced radicalism,his.public,own- ership ideas ignored,he has ¢onsist- ently failed to.interpret the American sentiment ef the moment.— -tA big man—a very big °man—he has not been able to rise above a sort of paradoxically unselfish egotism, whose convictions loom so large as to hide the other side of the question. |Hp has hdisted his fag again and gain,only to see it torn to pieces by he blast.of criticism and ridicule,and then,with a sublime faith.in the light as it.has been revealed to him,has raised another.and -yet*anothér,only to see them meet the same fate. ‘-Jt is impossible not to admire the courage of the’man and his pertinac- ‘ity in the face of successive defeats, just as it is impossible to doubt ‘his sincerity,wrong-headed _though _we .believe it to,be;his conscientiousness, jhis real Christianity...Bryan has not peer a failure in.public life,for he Hhas been a xemarkable power _for ‘good,in spite of his conspicuous fail- __4 ures,Manyofhis_ideashaveborne~—--$fruit when-cultivated by another hand, and above all he has tet the light in on dark places;he has revealed evils :which ‘it:has not fallen to his lot to ee ;He has been in advance of his .time,and,although his mightiest ef- forts have not succeeded in.pulling ‘thetime up.to himself,he has drawn -‘ys @ little farther along the road of -¥national righteousness than we would ‘otherwise have advanced. -.-But Bryan’s action in the.present ®instance has been typical of the man. He has not acted as many of his’most _pwadtions§admirérs.would have liked to ‘see him act.He has not been big »enough to sacrifice his own point of*view or to keep silent:rather thanembarrassorhinder~his —~country’s ‘spokesman in this grave ‘crisis.He omight have risked stultification in f minds of the unthinking,but heave‘risen above ‘himself and ? Ny would has lost antReetestedaYaIAe Personal ftems. %pondence of The en fark oe ttae <Troitnan;R-1,«June ~16.—MissOphelia’Gant returned to her ‘homeCOROEaourssates$nearRichmond,-Va.,.on_bus-“iness.Messrs.peel Bisvenean andJimHubbard,’who ave been!work-}.“ing on the.dredge boat,also,hayegonetotheirhomesinGreensboro.‘Little Miss)Mary Bell McLean,who has.been visiting her .little friends,Sarah and’Vivian’Johnson,returnedtoherhoreinMooresvillelastweek.“Mr,and Mrs;J,P.,Babington and lit- ‘tle daughter,Cora May,returned to“their home in Taylorsville last week>Jafter visiting their daughter,Mrs.,D._-¥.Simpsong,Little Misses Mamieand.Tonimy *Nesbit of Statesville are guests of their grandparents,Mr.andMrs.John Neill.Mr.Thomas Smithof‘Taylorsville was:the guest of Mr.D,.F.Simpson Sabbath, .Mr.Webb Simpson,who has:beensickfor.the.past:two weeks with-asthma,.does not seem to improve.:;;k German,Reception.of.Americani:*,.,-Note. American Ambassador Gerard has ‘cabled from Berlin to Washington his first informal report’on how the last“American note to Germany was re- ceived by official Berlin.He spoke ofitsreceptionasfriendlyandcourte-_ous,-and said.the unanimous “opinion>seemed to-be that the document:af- _forded a basis for diplomatic nego-‘tiation and settlement.The ambassa-‘dor had no intimation as to when a --¥eply would be received or what its specific character would be. Officials in ‘Washington have “been ‘much encouraged by the manner inwhichtheGermanpressandofficials have regarded the American commun- ieation and believe the way toward an understanding is much clearerthanithasbeen. % Big Law.Suit Ended. The case of W.H.Clark vs.the»Yadkin-River--Power which the plaintiff was asking for‘damages in the sum of $15,000 ‘alleg- ed to have been sustained by him by reason of the maintenance of the de-*fendant’s dam at Blewitt Falls,An- agon county,was coneluded in’Anson“Superior Court.this*week.The juryRavetheplaintiff$1,400.An appealwastaken.7The“case was a noted one.Many eminent lawyers appeared and among e°witnesses who testified were Gen. .©.Gorgas and\Dr.R.A.Garter+of the United States.Public Health \Service;J.A.LePrince,.United_States sanitary.engineer,and ‘a num-of prominent~physicians.of theState,including Dr.W.S.Rankin oftheStateBoardofHealth.by Dr.“John Young Templeton.of son of Mr.J.Y,‘©Templeton of Mooresville,and Miss of Mr.andMrs.T.J.Williams of Mooresville,will be married in Center Presbyte- Portsmouth,Va., Mary Williams,daughter rian church July 29.' George Houston,the insane ne-gro who made things lively about the7.jnil_on Sever'al-oceasions,was taken:Hypspital at Goldsboroternoonby.Deputy Sheriff.the “Stwte of Troutman, Seerreser Mee ee Comreany,‘in’ aan nee ~:eeE eae Festa teaTHEINCREASEINEXPORTS x 6SA rye e 1ItisVeryLatgeinFoodand Materials Required For War Washington “Dispatch to Baltimore Un.8 vat i ,:Warring Europe’s,purchasesfoodsupplies:and munitions of war intheUnitedStatesduringthefirst raging on that continent have .to-taléd nearly.a billion dollars.Anideaofthestupendoussizeofthese purchases can be gathered from.the fact that they represent.an increaseof$635,000,000 over the normal ex-portations of the same months of the previous year,when peace prevailed. Figures furnished the Sun corres- pondent.by the Bureau ‘of ForeignandDomesti¢Commerce show that the exportation of munitions of warand-articles ‘that.go.into their man-|ufacture from the:United States to-taled at:the endef April the sum of /$381.504,000,an increase of $138,- 025,000 over,the corresponding pe-riod of the previous:year.»The .ex- portation of foodsiuffs has.reached $657.402,000,an increase of $396,- 416,000.:, These’figures.represent.only the actual exportations,Other large’pur- chases have been made,which.havenotyet.been delivered.Officials atthe.Department of Commerce de- glare that they believe exportationsofwarmaterialsand.food supplieswillincrease’rather than diminishwiththeentranceofItaly.into thestruggle,and on account of the dif-ficulty the allies.have in.manufac- turing war,.munitions,The value’of the horses exported has jumped:from $2,918,000.to,$47,-784,000 ‘and,the value of mules—has increased:ftom $614,986 ».to $7,478,- 000.The exports of explosives.haveadvancedfrom,$5,471,000.to’$21,163,-000,while harness and’saddles have teaped from:$1:571,000--to—-$10;769;= 9972.-The -total_exports.of leather goods have increased from $17,787,- 000 to $44,129,875,:‘ jAn enormous gain in zine exportshas-also been made..Last_year these totaled only $827,702,but sinee the war began:they have reached $15,- 799,867;-Last-year no -pig lead was exported at all,but :this year the exports have reached $6,153,474. Barbed wire has.jumped from $3,- 424.721 to $5,187,898.} The exports of wearing apparel, knit’goods,cotton cloths.and yarns also have increiised enormously.The total.wearing apparel exports,rep- resenting clothing,has jumped from $8,790,000'to $24,953,000,while knitgoods,have 7inereased.from.$2,136,- 147 to $10,476,864,yarn from,.$583,- 120:;to $1,233,882.and .yarn _panu-factured products from $4,790,372agesbaEL$6(359)589;9.1 »bap,2%4 automobiles are t' ~-@Gommercial~ ~tsé‘madhines,tétal:toad ha $194,-jumped to $23,977,968.Onl000inAevSplahes“and parts “sf aero- planes.were:exported last:year,butthis:year:the ‘value:of these:exportshas:reached $874,773...it“*ps,bar cy ‘platyepaasithis:ye Me b be |,ing.$12,154,254,The.oxportation 9frs,Wagons and carriages has =it ‘eréased |$10/000,000,‘thefvalue so far this fiscal year being,$52,644,000. Firearms have jumped from $3,012,- 237 to $7,459,078,cartridges from $3,028.3815 to:$12,218,744,gunpowder from $236,738 to $808,386 and all oth- er explosives from $795,800 to $7,- 395,399.Horseshoes have jumpedfrom.$86,862 to $1,404,275. The biggest jump has:been made in breadstuffs,which have leapedfrom$188,891,000 to %496,640,000duringthelast10months,while meat products have increased from$122,054,000 to $160,821,000.Copper and copper-manufactured products have fallen off.Last year the val- ues of.these exports was $122,928,- 000,against $80,344,110,despite the demand for copper for shells.;One of the curious features of the comparative:exports is the decrease in dynamite,which has fallen from$1,415,000 to.$740,000, eee Sree a Mr.Steele aHelper at‘the Or- oe phanage. Our Fatherless:Ones. -Qur good friend,Mr.J,C.Steele ef Statesville,is-one -of the-staunch- est helpers the orphanage has.Hegivesmuchofhisvaluabletimein assisting in any possible way with any building that:is going.on in the Heme and often eliminates problems that~-arise.He staucs ready at all time to give the Home the.benefit of his.experience with machinery,and not only this,but in nny.way whereshecanlendahelpinghand-to forward the interests of the Orphans’Home. The other day Mr.Steele was downhereandsawourboysworkingwith a dise harrow that was not doing theworksatisfactorily,so he gave us a splendid clod crusher which will be»very,useful..on.the.farm....It_isone of |the best to be had,as is all the ma- chinery that comes fro:tne foundry of J.C.Steele &Sons.Weare very grateful to Mr.Steele for this gift. Catawba Farmer-—-Killed —By _Lightning. William”Johnson “was struck and killed by lightning Monday afternoon about 2 o’clock at his barn at his farm neat Hbnry,in the extreme western part of Catawba county.He had been|working inthe fields and had just |reached the stable with.his horsewhenthebolt.strucy the barn.Thehorsewaskilled. Johnson was 45 years old,and issurvivedbyafamily. {TRAN Miss Lucy Culbertson,for some |years’a teacher in the Statesville graded school,and Mr.Charles FloydMelchor,assistant cashier of theFirstNationalBankofMooresville,were married Wednesday afternoonatthehomeof.the bride’s parents,Rev.and’Mrs.'R.W.Culbertson,atPoplarTent;Cabarrus county, The State Medical Society,in segs-sion at Greensboro,elected Dr.M.H.Fletcher of Asheville president .and of| nine months of the titanic conflict, eér.settler,Daniel Boone,at::Cumber- Jand Gap,Tenn.on!Jone 380.00 4), consigtied “t6”purchases’in’Getmaniy He“MEMORIES,” To M. Don’t you remember the staunchly supported our gral And don’t you remember the sh Where the wild birds usec to sing?. And have yoy forgotten the old log stood way over across the hil? i :d oy big oak tres?thata:4 ms flutter mill?Gare And don’t you reraember the wild plum,trees, that grew by the streamlet’s brink,°°)* Their fragrant blossoms dotting “the>pool, owhere the horses”used to drink Ts MTTa And don’t you hear the cow hells,“sistep;.and the ery of the whippoorwill ?wee Hear ‘the songs of the frogs inthe Theadow land at the foot of the olf Home BUY | And don't-you smell the wild white ash,that ‘grew in front of our cottage door?‘ And don't yoy see our big old B With its great fire place and its bare white floor?; And ¢an’t you rest in our trundle bed,where three of us lay in the land of ,dreams,or wateked the shadows on the white-washed walls ack With its wide planks and.its heavy beams? And don’t you remember the romps and plays : "Neath the.elm,white ping and the higkory trees?'x And the autumn nights and the summer days ‘And the sigh of the pine in the.whispering breeze? And have you forgotten that summer night, When the hoot ow!sat on our.window ledge —: And plumed his feathers in the morn’s bright light,.Then’flew to his mate over the privet hedge? And.don’t you remember the dear old songs; And the great big brother who sang so well? And’the way he carried us,round the house, And the storigs he used to tell?¥ “AIP gone!”you say.-“All gone!”97Ah,"no, Our beautiful past is with us still,—. Come dream with me in the trundle help me to play with our flutter Come swing with me in the grape vine swing, And play with me the childish plays,and )ging the songs we used to sing ‘ In the olden,golden days. Our dreams will earry us back once’moré! To the paths where wé used to.roam);} ‘Neath the old oak trees and the whispering, vineThatgheltered our childhood home,ELLA HALYBURTON LA Hamlet,N.C. bed,¢ome,mill;” vt 4 CKEY: .eg ee ITEMS OF.ALL SORTS...| Chester,S.C.,banks have adopted new hours of business—9 to,2 p..m,35-to-6-p:—m,;;—Satwreays—exeepted, These hours will be tried out.untitSeptemberIstandiffoundsatisfac- tory will be continued, The North Carolina Pharmaceuti- eal Association,_in-session at Durham this week,decided to hold its next meeting at Wrightsville Beach. E. L.Tarkenton of Wilson yas elected president.eeTheNorthCarolinaVeterinary Medical’Association will be in session in Asheville June 22-24.The Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners will on the 22d.ee The Inter-State Boone Trail Com- mittee of North’Caxotina,Tennessee, Virginia,Kentucky*and.the Daygh+ ters of the American Revolutiohi:will unveil a monument to the great pion- “More:thin'100;000'bales “of ‘ebtton, titid ‘Austria!hive been“seized by the Ttalian ‘zovernmeént “sinte’Italy eriter-ed’the Etiropean'conflict.The’‘Amer-|ican shippers have’evoked the assist)anee of the State Department’'to'sé) cure the release of the cotton:It is be-)lieved that.Italy2:Wwill:net:consent its:réléase'the'cotton unlesb the shippéragreds‘to takevit(iome’.and ‘not for- ward \itto Italy's)enemies:WO HFTheState-MereHants’Association,in session im)Asheville ‘this “week.heard addresses by John’F.Bruton of Wilson,‘director*in Federal ReserveBankatRichmond;Mr.John ‘Sprunt, Hill of Durham,who talked on rural credits;Congressman Britt of Ashe-ville,who urged merchants to make optimism the keynote,and —others, The delegates and their wives ,werehandsomelyentertained. Mr,Bryan is now.issuing a serial story.The first section of his.state- ment on’“The Causeless War”was issued Wednesday.and’he prophesied that the greatest’peace-making op- portunity in all history is certain to come to the United States,and de- clared there would be:a demand foraninternationalconferencewith,the return of peace to change the rules ofinternational,law,which ‘seem..to have:been.made:for the.nations at war rather than for the nations:at peace.”Two more statements on the same subject:will be issued.1 Villa Seeks An Agreement With Carranza., Gen.Villa has asked,Gen..Carran- za for a conference looking to theestablishment.of peace and constitu- tional government in Mexico:This is the first tangible development ofPresidentWilson’s ‘warning to the), Mexican.factions that something must be done.In his message to Carranzh Villa.says,touching Presiden son’s declaration:cog ad “In our opinion,this declaration in- volves two perils which may frustraietheends.of the revolution.and_im- pair our sovereignty.First,the Cien- tificos,with any other group,might again.enthrone..themselves with Am- erican assistance.Second,should th people not submit to this the Ameri-can government might have recoursete--armed intervention:---In--the~ of these two imminent dangers,a without recognizing the right of + American government to intervene in our affairs,we think that we shouseekmeansthatwouldpermitthe.r stitutional party,even though it indispensable “to~make sacrificesself-estiéim.We believe also that thiswhatpatriotism.and the —futute welfare of our country require of r “In such sense,we propose to y that we‘take under —considecrati President Wilson’s note and’that, you are so disposed,as we oursel¥ are,you advise us that we may dis-cuss and:agree at -once upon--tHe form and terms of procedure in stitutional government.”é How's THIS?We offer One Hundred Dollars RdwardforanofOatarrhthatcan-aot be cured b ‘alls Catarrh Cure,|ee B &CO.,Toledo,oO.)We,the undersigned,have known F,‘,Cheney for the last 16 zoers,andbelievehiperfectlyhcnorabledinbusinesstransactions(and _financtal!able to carry out.any obligationsbyhisaWalding,Kinna:nolaeale gists,‘To eahCureiatakeninternal-*otlhy Uben the bloodt‘lals sent ree.$.Tas bak poe € decided to hold its next meeti iDurhaminApril,1916...’et vn :Take Ball's e iT And the two big rocks in the clear ‘swift ' stream,where we used to play with oul: meet at the Langren Hotel,Asheville,|| better ibe sconsulted.not night,to appreciate the righness and beauty ofthis;the mogt favored! t Wilk|,co OS union and reorganivation of the Corf-|i re-organization of the national don : a a THE GREAT AMERICAN PLAY:WILL BE PRESENTED ON OUR CHAUTAUQUA BY A STRONG CAST. Leon Wilson,and arrangements have been made*to have this production given on our Chautauqua platform on thé last-night,‘The play wii be given by the Avon Players,a strong organizationy and all of the cos- tuming and various effects have been carefully provided for. “The Man From Home”tells a story that appeals strongly to Americans,and it is difficult to conceive of a more admirable character than Daniel Voorhees Pike of Kokomo,Ind.,who is “the man from home.”The scene is laid abroad,and the play deals with a fortune hunting.pobleman.For days after this production “Sweet Genevieve” willbe-whistied and-sung everywhere in this community.Why?You will understand after you have seen this play. .O°of the most successful plays of recent years is “The Man From Home,”by Booth Tarkington and Harry Looks Good in fredell,Rowan and Catawba. Salisbury,Post. Get:on a Western.train and ride through.Rowan,Iredell:and.Cataav- ba.counties..Watch:vneifields,of .rip- the cotton and corn gettany wader way for’ai growing seashtr.’ Tf this:does-not:lookpiness‘and ‘prosperity ton.you spme- thing is:wrong*and)'a physician hadYoursystem:is of.all.favored lands.it rinktions pf other <cquaties pear more,intelligently .ancultivatedthannow--and.the,resylt people.‘ Trains are going back,travel picking up nicely,a bountiful harvestisjustaheadanditnowbehoovesall of us to sing a song of cheer and driveon.in full confidence and appreciation of this great land in which we-live. Printed Butte After July ist you will be re- quired by law to label your butter. oe. Have us print your name as ,required by law on our High Grade Parchment Paper..It’s an advertisement for your brand, Statesville Printing Co. CYPRESSgis Shingles Twelve grades—from $2.00 up.-©.WATKINS.© esA The Sheaffer Self.filling Fountain Pen $2.50to$5.00. Absolute satisfactionguaranteedineverypen.| Allison’s Book Store. J °S.-Fry &Son. Will call for and deliver your shoesifdesired,bit will .allow 10.per centoffifwork:for.or J,,8.FRY &SON,Shoe Cobblers. PINECEDAR ' ‘Coite.L.Sherrill,M.D., Will answer.’phone «calls.left 4 V'for constipation,| is; ening.grain ans lso,take»notice of}: likelife,hap-| Rowamn,,Iredell),Gatawba,and ..sec>fiby..are |.the fairest of,a,faix seation and:these |-| fertile hills and.yalloys,were never 4|,diligently| gives,promise,.of adding no little,to the.,prosperity and happiness ,of the}, Wrappers!| | Phe omen 2.eens neem cEemnern ene SfHall's Antiseptic Oil Heals Quickly. OF SIFADIRG T9D9TEremedyforfreshcuts,eye: _.burns ‘and stings...We.believe Jit.one of the most.useful and impor-»yyneseptremediesfor‘every home.,c# vtgene AP : HALL’S:..DRUG STORE,_i 991 BANE 20...i531,Prescriptionists. “ Se tinat ne i Mules ‘and:Mare!*Nice Two car loads Mules and bud car load nice Mares~over 100 extra nice ones. Henkel-Craig Live Stock Co. i tea.Pear pana i:= |PHONE 23. Fire,Tornado,Live Stock,Automobile,Liabitity, “Platé.Glass,Steam Boiler,Accident — and Health or Life Insurance ‘We solicit your business for the leading companies writing the different lines ofinsurance.Full information’obtainedonrequest.ge ERNEST.6. “GENERAL £NSURANCE,RENT-'WALA ALS AND.REAL ESTATE,-<*-OFFICE NO.1,MILLS BUILDING. “BABY BEN An Alarm Clock that is little but loud,It’sa little Beauty,Just the thing for a lady’s or a gentleman’s room.It is not su large but does ~the waking up for you.BIG BEN‘if you need to be knocked out. Hi.B.WOODWARD,crv!Jeweler. brought in.and:called|= }{4 clocksand fitting spectacles and GOOD TIME! H.The clocks in the home-must be:right or ‘the housekeeper.can’t beex:pected to plan and have meals,on time.Then there is.no economy inwearingoutyourpocketwith’a watch that you can’t ‘depend on..No,whataor want to do is to.get zo watch or cluck repaired by BOB:HENRY while he is devoting entire-tims to.repairing watches and’eye-glasses,ne aE owedHENRY,» ere To ennacama oe |ira *YOU aregoin to build consider roofing,All kinds metal’roofinafullline8.metals in stock.A specialty of easel and val- "STATESVILLE TIN.CO.,H.C.Mohler,Manager.épeRee155.114 eee of l S ener ieee iGas Appliances Do not hesitate to give your orders for gas appliances to Mr,and Mrs.Osborne personally.Mrs,Osborne will call and “instruct everybody how to cook with gas free of charge,where any one de- /sires her to:demonstrate at their home, ’*Phone us for appointments, ~Statesville Gas Light and Fuel Company. a .f MONEY TO LOAN? B No,but this cultivator will save you money andtime this busy season when old General Green gets a hold on your crop.He is here and—#is doing his work.Be on the alert,Farmer,get ahead of him.We#have only a few left..-Termsright. PS e e s s s e s s e s e s s s s t s s s s s e o s s s s o s s s s e s o s s s e s s Ask theice man where h delivers the least ice and? there is an Odorless met frigerator.Why?Because? it is constructed different — Refrigerators and ice box- es.It retains the cold, keeps the ice from melting :=|never forgot the vision which it saw Saved E E|\that will |and saves the ice. _ice is saved money. We have them in all sizes,with and without water coolers. Also White Mountain Ice Cream Freezer,the “best freezer in the world.Respectfully, The Williams Furniture House. Of poverty and want will never grab you if you have an active savings account in a good-Bank—this Bank for instance. But you want to start in time.Startnow, and start here.A dollar will do to start with and a hundred dollars wouldn’t stop you,onee you realize how iapOrKans a savings‘accountis,\ __SAFETY —SEVICE-+SATISFACTION, L-|-vestgenerously in community \wel- s |heart e|ing an influence for ill,and ;=of such a day.im from the many.so-called to ‘5; ¢|interpret them for me. |: THE|LANDMARK FRIDAY,j _June 18,19915, Pn Femeo MASS OF THE UNKNOWN. The Great.Multitude of Un-known Men,Trying to DoTheirDaily.Duty;Are the Life of the Nation,”“Says”the President. \A tribute to “the great multitude ofunknownmen”why ¢onstitute thebodyofthenation,and an appeal for|Wpatriotismineverydaylife,instead of on special.occasions only,marked a speech-by President Wilson at FlagDayexercisesinWashingtohMon-day.The Presiden:spoke from thestepsoftheTreasurybuilding.WhilehemadenodirectreferencetotheEuropeanwarorinternationalques-tions his every word about.Americanpatriotismandwhatitmearisinthese.times was greeted ‘with enthusiasticandprolongedappl In introducing Mf.‘Wilson Secre- tary McAdoo said the meeting .washeldtopayhomageto“the flag of our country at a time when it has a deeper significance than ever before in the world’s history;when it is the hope of civilization.Pe “Yor me,”said:the President,“the flag does not express“mere body:ofvaguesentiments.It is the embodi- ment,not of a.sentiment,but of a his- tory,and no man can rightly serve under that flag who has not caughtsomeofthemeaningofthathistory.“You do not create the meaning ofanationallifebyanyliterary.ex-|dosition of it,but by the actual daily endeavors of a great people to do the ideals of honesty and righteousnessandjustconduct.And as we think of these things,our tribute is to those men who have created this experi- ence.Of these men we feel that they save shown us the way.They have not been afraid to go before. have known that they.were speaking the thoughts_of_a_great_people-when they led that great people along the vaths of achievement.There was not t single swash-buckler among them.| Chey were ..men of sober,quiet |thought,the more effective because] there was no bluster in’it. were men who thought along mes lines of duty,-not along the lines of| self-agg randizement.They were men,in short,who thought of the people whom they served and not of them-selves. “But while we think of them andlohonortothemandtothosewho have shown -us-the way,let—us_not forget that the real experience and life of a nation lies with the greatmultitudeof.unknown men.Theyconstitutethebody.of the nation. This flag is the essence of their daily endeavors.The flag does not express |any more than what they:are and}-si |what they desire to be;and as !think of the life of «this great nation it seems to me that we sometimes look to the wrong places for its sources, “We look to the noisy places,where men are talking in the market place;! we look to ‘where men are expressine yttheir individual opinion;..we look s|where partisans aré expressing pas- sion;instead of trying to attune our ;to that voiceless mass of menwhomerelygoabouttheirdailytasks.ltry.to be honorable,try to serve the |people they love,try ‘to live worthy’ of the great communities to which they belong...These are the brerih of the nation’s nostrils;these are the sinew of its might. “There are no days of special pa- triotism.“There are no days when you should be more patriotic than on other days. “T am.solemnized in the.presence I would not undertaketospeakyourthoughts.You must But I do feelthatbacknotonlyofeverypublicof-ficial,but of every.man ‘and womanEloftheUnitedStates,there marches that great hostwhich has brought ustothepresentday;the host that has at the birth of the nation;the host of humanity.and of liberty:the host always —constitute the strength ‘and’the great body of friends of every man who does his‘B/duty to the United States. “Tam:sorry that you do not wearsialittleflagoftheUnioneveryday g|instead of some days;and I can only ask you,if you lose the physical g emblem,to be sure that you wear it in your heart,and the heart of America shall interpret the heart of, the world.” The Greatness of a City Not Its Size. Salisbury Post. The greatness of a city does notdependonitssize.Athens in the days of Pericles was not a big city. gibut it was a great city. Chapel Hill is not:likely ever tobeabigcity,but it can be great in understanding and vision,It can in- fare and well-being—whichofthe News Letter. “If every”town”aiid” is the matter.—University “commiinity=—would get this thought well fixed inmind—tiot how large and how many,but how good and how.valuable.There are big cities that are exert- smallonesthatarehappyandprosperous|s|and exerting most helpful influence.| iscassseaeennaaaeiinntinneemneemnmmeneiee ‘Stealing Washington Relics. A silver.pew.plate bearing the autograph-.of George’Washington has}been stolen from Christ church at Al-|jexandria,Va.,of which Washington |was.a member during his residence at|Mount Vernon.It is suspected a|tourist,.was the thief.The plate wasfacsimilecopyoftheoriginalused rly after the which was stolenhortly:after the ‘CivilWar.as been taken out ofBib,Masonic altar ofiinwasa Diarrhoca family should “Ter ‘asks of the day and‘live up to the They! oa etna RE Sheriff,Prisoner aland Leader of}Mob Killed—Others May Die)—South Carolina Tragedy. A.D.Hood,‘sheriif of Fairfield county.S.€.,andeJules Smith,a ne- gro who was to have been tried atWinnsboro,..on-a.charge-of attempt!ed assault,wore killed and eight oth-men were more or less:seriouslywoundedasaresultofanattack’up-on the sheriff's party as the negroyasbeingtakenintecourtatWinns-|hboro mapas morning.|Clyde Isenhour,alleged leader of|the mob,and a relative of thé woman|Smith was charged with attacking,Ernest Isemhoar.his brother,William|Morrison,a brother-in-law,and James | Rawls,were the same day indicted on,the charge of murder as the result of|the attack,Clyde Isenhour was shot |a number of times and’died Tuesday |night in a hospital at Chester. J.OR.Boulware,a deputy sheriff,| received a bullet in his stomach and| is expected to die.Of the six others!wounded,Earle Stevenson,a young |deputy sheriff,reeeived two bullets | throurh the left arm,one severing an|{ artery.jSmithwasarrestedinApriland| the Winnsboro officials,fearing an at-tempt at lynching,placed the ‘negro |in the State,penitentiary at Colum-pia oa safe-keeping until time for Is tria Sheriff Hood and his deputies,with Smith under close guard,had reached the court house at Winnsboro Monday morning when a mob ap proximating | 100 armed men attempted to seize the| ‘prisoner.The sheriff warned the mob| to desist,but his order was ‘disre-| varded and some one fired a shotat | the negro,The firing immediately| became general and lasted for about | 10 minutes. ‘spite his weakened condition |j from the hajf-dozen bullets in his} body.Sheriff Hood led the prisoner | up the stairs inte the court room.| -The—negro—drepped—dead—beside—the| dock,and Sheriff Hood staggered on | to the bar where a court official cased| him to the floor;He was taken to} at mbia for treatment and died that nignt. |rin;al Test For.‘Sherman Law. Washington Dispatch. Reviewing 25 years of “trust”ste ecutions and of Federal Court inter-|pretations of the Sherman anti-trust}law,Department of Justice officials reached the conclusion that the!ultimate usefulness of that statute to| regulate business would be determin-| ed by the United’States Supreme! Court,probably within the next few} months, A long.series of victories for the| government,for the most part in the | cxforeement of the civil side of the}has heen.followedinthe last few} Teutka by several defeats hoth.in|minor courts,.and.in ithe.Supreme! Court.So far-as the.civil section.of| the law is concerned .the.government||looks upon the suit.to dissolve the In-) iernational Harvester Company as af\ [MOB ATTACKED OFFICERS.le *UST Rubber and Can-ontopmach.faaPh ok, airt'? So thinks the Tire User whobuysPneumatics‘Blind,’with-out comparison after thorough énwestigation.So thinks the Car Owner ' who buys from the Cut Price Dealer,the ‘‘just as good’?‘TireonwhichthatDealerquotes aet Night!” him the biggest discount off a Price List>SeesiaMweprinted up forthatSotinksthesiMauwhosefoes fe bitaveragesnearlyhalfofhisentireSeason'srunningExpense,when it need not aver-age one-fourth,if he would only ‘Workhishead’’and,once for all,arn theTireGame4; HERE are Ca¥Owner tho reg|ularly get 25%to50 Se MORMileage,per Dollar investedinTires,than do the Owners of otherCarsdrivenwithequalcare,under equiva-letit road conditions, The latter type of Owneris apttoconcludedofthc(front his owt ex ence)that all Tires mustbe Short-livedandUnsatisfactory.Now thisis to tell him that:thereis as much difference vetween the MileageandResiliencecf.different brands of Tires,‘when the fuels arc investigated,and proven through actual Service,as there is differenet -between_the-ColorCats—when viewed by Daylight. Thisis toinform him that threeRub- ber Factories using precisely the‘sameguantityandqualityofMaterialsmight, and sometimes do,produce (through the difference in their Rubber EXPERIENCEaudeifictencymethods).Tires of suchwidelydifferentMileage-Result asto aver- age 3000 Miles,4000 Miles,and 5000Miles-re spectively—under porallel roadconditions.o o OST of production is thereforeCcnosureguidetotheMileage and Resilience which canpntintosuch2subtleand‘ mental’?product as the Rubber in a Preum atie Tire, And,thorgh The B,F.Goodrich Co. put the most Mileage per-d by thereed.Tircs why they should_herge a higheorprice,.te include—an “‘Adjustment Rasis’’beyond the safe and reasonable minimum that Bad Roadsand | M4 BSE FyCarelessDrivingmakeneBecauseofitsM surance Premium which would placeothe.: oa ee - Sommers jser,into Good-, a,they do not in-:/ Advant:ages,its Precision Meth-|”ods,and Waste-reducing Proc-Only 5%Plus for this esses-(resulting from its 45.years’ EXPERIENCE in the workingBestNon-Skid of Rubber),The B.¥.Goodrich.|Co.cana ord to ard does,offer Note following comparative rices,“A,”|the greatest Mileage-in-“Pires-at<7.“B,”“C”and “Db”represent four Widely-Sold |the lowest price per Mile,‘Non-Skid Tircs:It sellsthe Koders grade ofGoodrich=RAKNS Goodrich Safety Tires at 10%toSize[sy —en a eer 30%lower als than other eeTread|WA”|SBP RS SD"|ckid brands which “Guarantee”30x3 [5 9.45/510.55/$10.95/$16.25|618.10]greater Mileage but cansot prove30x3'}12.20}13.38}14.20}21.70}23.60}-delixcry of greater Mileage in 932x31]14.00]15.40]16,36]22.55]75.30}actual use.3424 |20.35}22.30}23.80)21.5)33.55,Why pay MOREforany Tire?-3624}28.70}32.15}33.60]41.85}41.40 37x5 ast?39.vi 41,89 sone $2.05 THE @.anedin OO;si3h ihe.utmost importance.This case is | in the hands.of tke Supreme Court.)The principal cag involving the erim=|inal end ‘of the Sherman law -before|the courts is that against:officers and; directors of the New.York,New Ha-}ven &Hartford-railroad:_. If the Harvester suit finally is lost it,was admitted.the Sherman luw | virtually would become a dead Tétter,|| and the government in the future| must depend on the Clayton anti-| trust act.to curb unlawret practices| ih business. YOUR HAIR NEEDS |;PARISIAN SAGE Now that Parisian Sage—anines: pensive preparation that supplies ev- ery hair and scalp need—ean be ba from the Statesville Drug Cainpany;|it is.certainly needless ta have thin,| brittle,matted,stringy or faded hair: No matter how unsightly your hair,/ a2 These -warm dis you teat the ‘pal:of a. comfortable pair of Oxfords,Sandals and Pumps.‘We havej them in White,Paly Let us give you theenceinfittingthem ust that kind,Plenty:of n Beach,Tan and Black. benefit of our experi-properly.‘$Yous to serve,The,S.,M,&H.Shoe Co, ‘The One Price Cash Shoe Store.. 0 0 Stes ei hile +04 wae how badly it is falling,or how much| dandruff,Parisian Sage is all that is needed.Every trace ot Ganaruir 1s removed with one application,the}: hair roots are nourished and stimu-|3 lated to grow new hait,itching scalpandfallinghaircease.g Parisian Sage is certainly one of| the most invigorating tonics,and % will surely make your.hair soft,|zabundantan@radiant.with life .and|§beauty. Flowers For Graduation.Day ! As usual we shall |/2 have our splendid of-|): feringsfor commence- __Ment time,consisting ||&of handsomely arrang- ed Baskets,Bouquets,|#ete,| DO yOu BELIEVE NSTATESVILLE? From deep-well germ proof,Fr =THEN BUY lee Made in Statesville! <cchaatniadaniesiibeuii dina water,distilled and esh ICE,full weight (goes further),is what we have to offer. we will succeed. Yoursfor the up-building of Statesville,- Imperial Cotton-Oil Comparry,- *Pho We aim to give the best serv- ice possible,‘With your co-operation- ne 205. Roses and Carnations in abundance.Ex- ‘quisite Flowers from Our own gardens. A Van Lindley (Co., cohdngamg No.1—345 acres in Elmwood. Strong land,40 acres in; and out houses,No.2—77 acres’3}miles east ofclayhighwaynowbeing ponutractedby the government.IsidealforDairyandTruNo.3—40 acres 1 1-4 miles from ublicsquare.Splendidly adaptedforDairypurposes,Live Stock andPoultry.No,4—-60 acres in Wilkes county just across nea line—a bargain,.40 city lots in east Statesville,known as_“Park P|ce”—$15 down,balance in month paymentsof $5.10lots in Bloomfield.Terms *PHONE 54. section fast developing.Severalnice houses andlots *sell.;all on me and what IW.R,MILLS,~ All school and church conveniences:‘bottom,8-room house,large barn city.Thisproperty ies on the sand- meklots iin.south Stateavitle, “YOUR OPPORTUNITY | To Buy a Nice Farm and GetReady for Next Year’s Crop.‘ There will be something doing all the ti7,000 out-of-town people will be here.to say nothing of the decorated floats,tent will be up and all-ready for the crowds.FIVE | 2.~o’cloc AR PERNganton,at Ball P 9 Dunbar Soiree Singers,Admission 25e. NIGHT PROGRARatuWinbeeAMM ER Woods,Parade shown on .There’s our Billof Fare.Cothers,and all Crops —Screens and ,Stovewood:—Boy Hurt — Exchange of Visits. Correspondence of The Landmark.; .Statesville;“R38,June.16°—Thewarm,humid atmosphere of the pastweekhascertainlybeenconducivetothegrowthofeverythingintheveg-etable kingdom,and nature is assist-‘ing man’s labor in the production of-a bountiful crop.The wheat andoatsharvestisonandthehumof‘the binders:is heard on all sides.heat is extra good in the head andoatsarefinealso.The ‘se of the bind-er in the place of the old-time cradleha’dispelled much of the toil anddreadofharvest.Another -evidence—oferpastconditions is the _wellenedfarm-houses and.stacks ofdy-split stove-wood,both of whichareadelighttothehousewives.>Phe harvesting.of crimson cloverseedhasprovidedallthefarmersinthissectionwithaliberalsupplyof‘se Owing to the inventive.mindsofMessrs:P.W.Suther and EdgarTroutman,a device was ©gotien upthat.made the gathering:of.the seed/an easy problem:‘Vastine,the 5-year-old son of Mr.J.M.Lippard,was seriously injuredVastSunday.afternoon by a log fall-‘ing on him.He is recovering fromtheinjury,with apparently no bad ef-fect.- _The canning club of this communitywillserveicecreamat-the OstwaltSthoolhousenextSazurday-nicht,»Mr.J.8.Leonard will bevin a sing“ing school at the Clark school house26th.+3 :;Wie were much grieved overdeathofMissLenaHoupe,as she ‘tadvancement the wasm.fayaritesaleslady with all.country, The time for the sumnier visitér ishere,but for the farm women therelittlechanceforaresto¢change ofmeandsurroundings.‘We are Wor-n_the women in the townstogotothecountryfor$if it ever oteurs toemthewomeninthecountrymightnjoy‘a few days’visit.in town dur-ing the leisure months or winter asthexchangeofhospitality,,and thechancetoenjoysomeofthepleasuresoftownlife, 4st iinetResidenceBurnedTuesday. The homeofMr.B.F.Harmon,atoryframedwellingneartheesternrailroad,‘southwest of town,Was completely destroyed by firePuesdayafternoonabout2o'clock,@ fire ‘started in the roof and had}gained considerable headway.beforebeingdiscovered.Most of ‘the fur-nishings were saved,The fire do-‘partment was notified and.‘the moiortruckwentto.the fire,but the houseWasconsiderablybeyondthecorpor-limits and out of reach of the wi-r eupply.Some:chémicals |wereised,but availed nothing,,as theMousewasdoomedbeforethefiremen alte MME: the sereen.Admission 35c. atronize...Mooresville..ery—«~Personal Mention: |Corres,ndence,of ‘The Landmark. Bethany “Tayaship,Junc 1?.—Mesy+Whhop'Who -reséhitly_undorweMperation..at.the»Charlotté..Santorium,was able to comhe home Sun-day.She spent.a few days with hersister,Mrs.W.H.Williams,while inCharlotte. Mr.W.A.Privette,who taughtschoolinBeaufortcounty,Spent afewdays‘with his parents,Mr,andMrs.C.Privette,the first of thismonth.Mr.Privette then went on toBoonetoattendtheteachers’sum-mer school.He made the trip acrossthemountainsonfootandreportsapleasantjourney, ‘Mr,Clay Grose returned SaturdaynightfromabriefstayinWashing-ton,D,C.°He had a fine time andvisitedmany.places of interest.Mr,Milton Campbell of Grayson county,Virginia,is'visiting relatives here thisweek,.*t spent yesterday in Statesville andnorth:Iredell in.the.interest of.theMooresvillecreamery.The farmersofthissectionhavebeenshippingtotheCatawbacreameryatHickory,but itis hoped that in the future theywillshiptotheMooresvillecreameryandthuspatronizeahomeindustry,Thé Mooresville creamery is makingasuccess.It is paying the top ofthemarketforcreamandisgetting12largetradeforitsproduct.Bailey Bros.have completed a largestock.barn on their’farm near theWilkesbororoad,in north Iredell,Material is being placed on thegroundto’repair.and coverchurch.Mr.E.°$.Morrison hasenthecontracttodothework, Tin Cans By Wagon Yoads-—In-dustrious Boys See Pictures. —"Phe-ereat pile-of-eld—tin—eans iyfront.of the Crescent therter on westBroadstreetisthedirectresponsetoManager.Flanigan’s advertisemort jnTheLandmarkofTuesdaymorning,offering a free ticket to the Crescentforeverytencansdeliveredbyboysof12yearsand-under,any afternoonthisweek. As soon as The Landmark was outthenewsgotabroadamongtheboysandtheygotbusy.Tin cans begancominginby1o'clock Tuesday andthepilehasinctéaseddailysinec.Thenumberyesterdayafternoonwas.15,-000, "That's the best ‘direct response toanadvertisementIeversaw,”said abusinessmanashesawthecahspil-ing up.Major Flanizan has encour-aged the boys to do a good work bycleaningthetownofahuisaneéandtheindustriousboysare€njoying thepicturesintheCreseent=—et on mon-ey they heeged from :.parentsfromwhattheyearnedinthesweatoftheirfagege.i Little Nancy Grey,daughter ofDr,and Mrs,W.R.Grey of Davidson,was brought to the Sanatorium’Wed.nesday and oporated:on for anpendi-citis,= tak- , arrived,Mes Narmsee had #600 insuranceonthehouseand$250 on the‘furniture,- Statesville,at-Ball'Park,Admission 25e. OON PROGRAMME:ark,Admission 25c,,all under’1 7:30.o’el ream- usd Mr.J.Bo Stewart of Mooresville! ‘|indeed tHere is a bexter Cliolh but), Va ay Ove r bu o'clock,Band Concerton the 4 free;4:0’clock,Opening ? ome and jain the Big Procession.for only Two Dollars—if you hold a Season Ticket.write to him,enclosing check,money order or a’Two Dollar Bill.-HAT'S STATESVILLE CHAUTAU. ine tribute ..to.NativeSectStatesville Raleigh Timesn:gy e .=}In She i of 1962 Victor!Lee‘Stephenson or learned how to set type in The land-mark.office,entered the University ofNorthCarolina.He.secured a posi-tion’in the printing office then.con:ducted by the University and earnedpracticallyallofhisexpenses.dur-ing his four years’of college,Young Stephenson attained the rudi.ments of printing at Statesville for2.purpose,and that was to make itpossiblefor‘him to secure an educn-tion.His four-year average at col-lege was more than 90—and hemadethePhiBetaKappa,a societyinwhichtonemayentenunlesshehasmade,high grades.Stephensontookaninterestindebating,andmadegood;he was president of hisliterarysociety,and in.his senioryearwaseditor-in-chief of The TarHeel,‘the college publication.These incidents are recalled by the tained since.he delivered the orationonMay10atCharlotte.Already hisabilitywasappreciatedbyhisfriendsbutheissuchamotlestyoungfellowthathewouldnevertoothisownhorn,wh ‘e_he must:listen to themusicasr@nderedbyhiredmen.In the winter of 1906 Mr.Stephen-son went with the Oharlotte Obser-ver,on which paper his work haebeen.of:the highest class,He has’abetterjobnowthanreporting,if “job on anyPaperthanthat,and is coming intois_ewn.A good head,honesty,sobricty,grit,perseverance and.tactareMr,Stephenson’s chief assets. Church News. eran:church-this-evening-at-8-o'clock.Communion,service Sunday at 11o'clock...° St.Paul's church Sunday at 11 o'clockandatAmity.at 8 in the afternoon:'Miss’Christine Henkel”will singtheoffertorysolo.Sunday morningsatBroadStreetMethodistchurch. of music at both evening.services, Communion ©services the morning at.Pabor tory service tomorrow night at 8o'clock,f at il a,m,by Rev.EB.BE.Kidd._There will be preaching at Rethes-(a,Sunday morning at.11.o'clock, aticaetna tense,Oy‘Made Whiskey:For MedicinesPreacherBackedHim. Greensboro:Record: Conscience and law,are notbedfellows.This week’a,gounty man told the Federal court hellmadea:little whiskey to bathe his|Wife in,’Fuithermore he had hispreacheronthestandtotestifythathecalledonhimforspiritualadviee(2nd was told that it might be.iHemal|but hot morally wrong to make thejthepurpose,‘The preacher lways ,Juice’for!backed his attitude up under oath,~ “a ele me,every minute of the day. egies and wagons and those on foot.And the big IG FEATURES“ THE MORGANTON BAND---Two Open-air Concerts.eeeFIREWORKS---Wonderful Pyrotechnic Display of Two Hours.MAMMOTH PARADE---Two Miles L ::HsBASEBALL---Morning and Afternoon Games.CHAUTAUQUA---Two Great Programmes.HERE1STHE.BILL OF FARR._ MORNING PROGRAMME:Square;9:30 o'clock,Mammoth Parade,forming on West End*Avek,Baseball;Moreanton-vs,,all'under14 free;11:30 o’clock,Band Concert on the Square.+-o’cloek,Address,Prof M-C—S.Noble;at Chautauqua-Tent ock,Evening Chautauqua Programme—Concert;Dunbar Soiree Sin’Chauncey J.Hawkins,Chronophotographs,‘Look at Yourself as OtNineo’clock,Fire Works—Won VI $atosvitle,who had} Prominence this young man:has at-| Preparatory services ‘at.the.Luth-| a Reve C...Norman will preach at! This church:makes _a_specialfoature | and |: church Sunday at 11 a.m.Prepara-|" Preaching ab New Stirling Sabbath} Yadkin } Sheriff Deaton aay BG200automobileswillbeinlineintheparade, ong. nue;11 tatesville vs.Mor-Ida B.Cole,Concert, ;2-0’clock,Baseball;StatesvProgrammeofChautauqua—Series Lecture,Mrs. gers,Illustrated “Lecture,“BrighthersSeeyou.”,Pictyres of Morning:>;fderfulPicturesWritteninKire, ? That’s on ly one-day:There-are-sixSeeF.B..Bunch for “yours,or *ws .yy rG Do You Know David the Poet? That Men’s Bible Glass is also the-best place te learn the Songs of theHebrewpoets.°David was as’eminent in song as in story.Unlike .some of the Moderns,he doesnot run to seed in slushy sentimentalism,Dorman Thompson is as interesting in teaching a psalm as in the de-scription of a battle.And the class discussion goes at no snail’s pace,It takes a man of’Dorman’s avoirdupois to hold those men down.There’s nothing slow in that class.::Next Sunday,too,each member of the class roposes to bring one newmember.A good slogan for the week,maybe for the year,“EachOneBringOne,”Mey ces =EVENING SERVICE AT 8 O'CLOCK.That’s fine,considering the JuheTheattendanceattheeveninghourkeepsup.Despite the heat,the rain aud the storms,.there.is no lack of interest.But the cungregationstaysonly60minutes,all told,and every minute is made interesting and helpful.Mr.Kirk’ssubjectfornextSundaynightis:“THE SABBATH REST.”*Everybody invited to cone,jyBroadStreetMethodistChurch.New Wash Skirtsnenanneemeinmaporetrceneee weather. -We-have put on sale an elegant line of Ladies’White,Tan and Gray Wash Skirts- AT 50€.,joc.AND 51.00 EACH. 4 “f~These Skirts are madé of the best”consisting of Piques,PoplinsCloth. and most reliable materials,~-~~,Indian Head Suitings and PanamaYourstruly, &POSTON.-=S MILLS ziee ‘’ss vlaait \ <<onaryeeeet ee asRembmngiessandsoe— A ‘North Genter Street,Warchouse. Building Materia C.WATKINS,;Statesville,NN.G., Next Planters’ *Belk «Bros;of Charlotte,who are].The weather forecast for,the week |fFinterestedinachainoftenstoresin}beginning last Whilhesday is for mene|this State and>Souta Corolina,have}erully,unsettled “weather,.showers:MdecidedtoOpenva’store in Raleigh,!and témperatire above the scagonal|t.Which will be the eleventh.average,mie He eed“The Seaut.says the stockholders of!Tho 14,000 street car employes of}the Bank of Alexander at Taylors:Chieago,‘Who went on -~sttike Monetvillehavedecided16icresisethe/day,returned to work Tuesday,hay-JH DANCING!~‘Sidney Alderman Blackmer,One Steps,Fox Trots,Waltzes,Monday,Tuesday and Wednesdayofeachweekat8p.m,OLD ARMORY.| pak sap capital stock to $20,000,.‘ing.agreed to arbitrate.{ jig STATESVILLE,N.C. TUESDAY,JONE 22,1915. DRIVING THE "RUSSIANS, Victorious Advance of the‘Koi tro -German Forces —The Kaiser in Command—Other “War News. After seven weeks’batteringacrossGalicia,during which the’Rus-sians have been thrown back morethan15miles,the Austro-Germans,says the London report,are as closetoLembergasweretheGermansto Paris last fall.Never perhaps sincebeforethebattleoftheMarnehavethe.Teutonic allies appeared:so,con-fident of success.Having failed intheiroriginal--plan of crushingFranceandthenreturningtoRus-vega they-bave.reversed the order of ‘their strategy and now,judging by the expenditure of life and ammuni-tion in Galicia,they have pinnedtheirwholefaithonparalyzingthe Russian army,to permit the throw- ing of a tremendous weight.of men and metal into the West,there eith- er to break through the Franco-Brit- ish line or force an interminable pe-riod of sanguinary warfgre. A dispatch from Copenhagen saysthattheGermanemperorhimself has ‘taken supreme command of the Galician campaign,establishing his headquarters in Silesia,as near to the-front-as—practicable.-Meanwhile the German official communication”reports the further _progress of the German-Austrian“troopstoward—Lemberg;—It--elaimsaswellthattheRussianshavebeen cleared from parts of the Dneister to the south.The question England and her al- ties~are-asking~is-whether—-Grand} Duke Nicholas can emulate Joffre’s tacties of last faJ]and check the Aus- tro-Germans at the gates of Lem- berg.Optimists point out that the Grand Duke checked them almost at the gates of Warsaw just as Gener-al Joffre stopped the Germans be- fore Paris and Yield Marshal Sir »-John-French.stopped..them _beforeDunkirkandCalais,It is arguedfurtherthatevenshouldLemberg ‘fall;the Russians can drop back toequallyformidablepositions,utiliz-“ing the rivers and swamps,and it is the’British contention that they thus could:hold out for months,England and France in the meantime sendingtotheiraidmenandmunitions,ifnecessary.© Both.French and British in the western war zone are on the offen-sive.and -heavy artillery engage- ments,with numerous fierce attacks, have been in progress continuouslyin’the’regidns of Horta Arras ‘in Lorraine and ‘thé Bosges..As ‘usual; the.,German’and*French‘war_officesaresebvariancewstotheresiilts-at~ tained.‘The allies are ‘making little if any pregress at:the Dardanelles.‘Moscow,says a réport ‘from Pe- trograd,suffered damage to the amount of $20,000,000 during the re- cent anti-German demonstrations,inwhichnearly500storesandfacto- ries.and more than 200 private lodg- 'ings,property.of German citizens or occupied by them,were wrecked and burned.Number of fatalities notstated. .Mrs.A.B.Johnson Dead. Mrs.Johnson,wife.of Mr.A. Johnson of the Johnson-Belk Co.,died this morning at the Sanatorium about 2:45 o’clock..She had been.in.feeblehealthforayearortwoandrecently ~her condition became ¢ritical. Mrs.‘Johnson was about 30.years old and is survived by her husband and three young children.,She came to Statesville from Charlotte a few years ago,when her.husband engag- ed in_business here.The remains willbe.taken ©to Charlotte tomorrow morning for interment in the country near Charlotte. Thirteen Wagon Loads of Cans. Thirteen wagon loads.of old _tincanswerehauledfromthefrontof the Crescent Theater Saturday eve- ning,as the result of Managér Flani- gan’s week of tin can admissions to the picture show.There were be- tween 35,000 and 40,000 of the cans, enough to have filled a freight:car,The cans were placed in a gulley east of town and will be covered over with dirt so that there will be no danger their holding water and _furnish- ing breeding places for mosquitoes. Millionaire Marriage.- The marriage of Miss Mary ‘Duke, daughter of Mr.B.N.Dyke,former- ly of Durham,N.C.,now of New York,and A.J.D.Biddle,Jr.,of Bhila- “delphia,ttook place on the 16th at the country place of J.B.Duke,uncle of the bride,at Somerville,N.J.The bride’s wedding gifts amounted to $300,000 or more and young Biddle’s 'father gave him a check for $200,000. Many.Drowned While Bathing,| Seven persons.were drowned Sun- day while bathing at Atlantic City,N. J.,and seores of others were draggedtothebeachinanunconsciouscondi- tion after life guards and other bath- ers.had battled desperately to savetheir‘lives.The drowning of ten oth-er bathers is,also reported from points in the yw of New YorkandPhiladel Ex-Secretaty'of State aiid Mrs.W.J.Bryan passed up the Western roadesterday,going to Asheville.Mr.ryan will return to Washington to-morrow.. The reomorrowand Lekistature.meets to- B.|Trio;evening,Crawford Adams Trio, |-was.elected *president, pana erator neg |DEATH DR.W.wW.WILHELM, Passed Away SunSunday Morning _at the.Sanatorium—Other Deaths. Dr.W.W.Wilhelm died at theSanatoriumStndaymorningat8:30, following ‘an operation for intestinal trouble,which.was |erformedon Sat-urday.Dr.Wilhelm was taken sickMondayoflastweek,at his farm about five or six miles east of town. He was pranght .to the Sanatorium Friday, The funeral’services will be con- ducted frém the residence of Mr.Eu-gene Morrison,north Center street,this afternoon at 3 o'clock.The ser-viceswill he conducted by Rev.J. ‘Meck--White,-pastor—of.PerthAsso- ciate church,of which Dr.Wilhelm was a member,and the interment will be in Oakwood cemetery. William Whitford Wilhelm was a son of the late Mr.and Mrs.Aaron Wilhelm and was 65 years old.He was born and reared in this county. He graduated from the Universiy.of Pennsylvania Medical School and for years practiced medicine.For a time; several years ago,he was located inStatesvilleforthepracticeofhispro- fession.For years,except the time spent in Statesville,his home had been on his farm near Eufola.In-re-eent years he had not practiced medi- cine regularly but gave much atten- tion to his farming operations,lum- bering,ete.“He was athrifty busi- ness man and owned much vatuableproperty.iDr.Wilhelm was never married.He is survived by two brothers,Messrs. J,_M.Wilhelm_of Rosman,Transyl- vania county,and Mr.B.M.WilhelmofMiami,Fla.Mr.and Mrs.:J.M. Wilhelm arrived -yesterday to attend the funeral and Mr.B.M..Wilhelm will arrive today. :°*f Ruby Cain,baby daughter of Mr. and Mrs.“Anse”Cain of Eagle Mills township,aged about two years,diedSunday“of bleed-poison—.and_...was buried yesterday at Sandy Springs church.Last winter the baby was slightly burned and recently it be- came infected as a result of the burn. CHAUTAUQUA PROGRAMME. An Idea of What Will Be Offered the First.Week in July.° Following is the programme of,the Statesville Chauteugea,which em-braces July 5-11.The Junior Chau-tauqua will meet each morning at 9eclock.The afternoon sessions of|;the regular Chautauqua will becin at2:20 and the evening sessions at 7:30.».Monday—Afternoon.session,serieslectureonthehomebytheChautat- qua superintendent,Mrs.Ida B,Cole,and a concert by the Dainbar Soirée Singers;Dunbarevening—session, Soiree Singers and illustrated lecture entitled “Bright Eyes and WildHeartsofOurNorthernWoods,”by Chaucey J.Hawkins. Tuesday—Afternoon,series lecture by-superintendent and magic —and music by the Springer and Chautau-qua Entertainers;evening,magic andmusicbySpringerandChautauquaEntertainersandmotionpictures. Wednesday—Afternoon,series lec- ture and concert by Crawford Adams lecture 6n “Modern:Babylon”by Dr. S.Parkes Cadman and motion pic- tures.Thursday—Afternoon,Series lec- ture and-concert —by —.Colangelo’s Italian band;evening,band concert and motion.pictures. Friday—Afternoon,series lecture and.concert iby Boston Oratorio Ar- tists;evening,concert by Oratorio Artists and_lecture,“Rebuilding theTemple,”by Montaville Flowers;mo- tion pictures. -Saturday—Afterrioon,concert.by Varkony-Hines Company and lecture on “Friends:of.Yesterday”by Mrs. LaSalle Corbell:Pickett;evening,con- cert by Varkony-Hines Compnny and “The Man From Hone,”presented by the Avon Players. A ‘special programme for Sunday afternoon will be arranged. Cficers Ministerial ‘Aasdciation —Church News. Whe Statesville Ministerial Asso- ciation,in session yesterday,held an Rev.W.M.WalshRey.C,M.-White.vice president.and.Dr.Charles. Anderson.secretary.<A.resolution adopted expressed appreciation of the faithful service of the retiring offi- cers—-Rev.W.A.Laitz,who has been president for eight years;Rev.J.H.Pressly vice president for ten,yearsand-Rev.J.FF.Kirk decretiry for two years.The ministe?s agreed to continue their \regular Sunday evening ser- vices during July.Union services will beheld in August.‘Dr.Ji A.Scott.preached at_Thya- tira JPresbyterian church,Rowan edunty,.Sanday.Rev.J.S.Cornell will preach:thiseveningat8:30 o'clock at the oldPresbyterian:church in Troutman. change of officers. John Sowers,who refused to‘pay a fine of $25 imposed by Justice La- zenby for using profane language in roads to serve a eh térm,the sen-tence of the court having been chang- ‘the fine. In’the,rere court Baturday af.‘terninon ‘v.Hy and ‘est.pleaguiltyofanonJudgmentwassuspendedonthePayneothalf:the election--which—resulted—in—an -entire }—— public,was ‘yesterday sent ‘to the|+ Led on'.account of nS refusal’to pay} ————_______— HURT "PRIVATE ,.“OWNERS. Jounty Should Take Over Pres-ent Briges if It is to BecomeaStockholderin.the Power *Company Bridge.- Talking about the proposition for the counties of Catawba and Trelell to join with the Southern Power Company and help:build’a™bridge across the river at the Power com- pany’s plant,a Statesville.man who |,bore much of the heat and*burden.ofthedayingettingthe,Statesville-Buffalo Shoals bridge built,submits some observations.that,demand se- rious consideration.First,he:says,the “bridge at thePowercompan—should;be-“built;it is needed and he is in favor ofre- moving all possible obstructions to the free.intercourse between neigh-bor counties,so the people can come and go at.will,But;when -the .-Mooresville:andStatesville-Buffalo.Shoals bridgeswerebuiltthecountiesofIredellandCatawbacouldn’t contribute a dollar. Private individuals had to go down in their pockets and “put up the cash tobuildthesebridges,for the public benefit,with practically no hepe orexpectationofevergettinganydirectreturns,__Now—-when_it-is_proposed to build a third —bridge .the counties seem ready to take a handand be-|come -etockholders.~That_is._to-say,the-commissioners-of_Iredell-and_Ca-tawba,awould take the money‘of thetaxpayers,fneluding..the men.who put up the money for the bridges al-ready built,and help to build a thirdbridgeto—compete with=-‘the:‘other two.For even if the bridge at the Power company plant is made a toll bridge,as proposed,it will seriouslyaffectthereceiptsoftheStatesyille- Buffalo Shoals bridge and.doubtless cut the receipts of.the Mooresville bridge.It will provide a direct lineviaHickorytoAshevilleandBlow- ing Rock and for the tourist ‘travel will..mean..a_considerable.saving in distance.The sum and substance of the whole business,then,is that the counties in their .corporate capacity would take away from the private citizens’what they invested in these other bridgesatatimewhenthecountieswouldin- vest nothing. This does not mean that the aa bridge should not be built,says+gentleman quoted.‘It should ‘be mic But if Iredell county is now ready to go.into:bridge.building,..it-should take over the holdings of its citizensintheseotherbridges!re it uses their ‘money ‘and_the’Money of othertaxpayers*to build’another bridve totake*away~or depreciate‘their hold= ings,.The stockholders in the pres-ent.bridges have.received no divi- dends and»would doubtless be gladtogettheirmoneybackwithoutin- terest., The point made is a strong one.The Landmark wants the Power companybridge.built,as does the gentlemanquoted.But it must be admitted that it is not ‘exactly a sqaare deal for the county to take a hand now in bridgebuildingand.leave private citizens to suffer loss for what they.have donetohelpthepublicwhenthecountycouldn’t..It is hoped the matter canheadjustedsatisfactorilyandthenewbuilt. Ball.Games at Lenoir—Proba-bly a Game This Week. -Statesville and Lenoir Givided hon- ors in the games at Lehoir FridayandSaturday:Friday’s;game was ‘won by Statesville by a score of 8 to 7 and Saturday’s game was a notable vietory for Lenoir,the score being Lenoir 6 “and Statesville 0.Quite a number of Statesville people,in ad-dition to the players.were at Lenoirforthegames.‘The loss of the gameSaturdayisclaimedtohavebeendueina-measure to rulings.of “the um-pire.The.feature of the game.how-ever,was the pitching of Alvares, ‘Lenoir’s Cuban player,st balls“couldn't be found”by the ‘States- ville batters;In Friday’s game Ka- nipe pitched for ©Statesville andThompsoncaught,while Wilkinson pitched for Lenoir with Stuart behind the bat..Saturday Sindler did States- ville’s—pitching and-Byrd was in hisplaceascatcher,and Alvarez pitchedforLenoirwithStuartascatcher Statesville —willhave——no leanegamesthis'week,but Cooleemee has Eremised.to.come here for _a_game -Friday—afternoon.An.-effort—_.wasmadetosecureadatewithSalisburyforthisweek,but the Salisbury team*phoned yesterday that it could notcome. Shepherd Home |at Elmwood Burned.7 The Shepherd residence at Ftm- wood;for many years-the hospitable home.of the late George IF,Shepherd,Esq.,was totally.destroyed by fireabout6o’clock yesterday mor ningThehousewasoccupiedby\Mr.C.Shepherd,The origin of the fire isunknown...Mr.E.L.Long of FE Im- wood noticed smoke coming from the Jreof-and gave the alarm.It was found}‘that.the fire was‘making headway inthe‘garrét and realizing that the building was doomed,there being nofireprotectio#,the occiipants and heir neighbors immediately.beganfistthefurnishings,practically g,a large frame structure contain- ifg nine or ten rooms,was soon com- pletely consumed.~The ,loss_is par- dj tilly covered by $1,500 insurance on ‘house. “Mrs Geo,hyars reports new corn ai costseach.bgt, ronjner.n>on the 20th, ratternoon,Henry Coffey,a young re- rgro from Lenoir,was thrown:to the it of which was saved.The build-}4 \believed,will apply to “grandfather THEY TRIEDTOTO SAW OUT. Young Men inJail.Jail For Shooting James Harbin Serapped-and Also Tried to’Break Out— Young Harbin ie smigathead to His Home.. Young James Harbin,who had han at the Sanatorium since his spinal cord was severed by a bullet four or five weeks ago,was Saturday after- noon.removed tothe home of his father,Mr.Robt.J.Harbin,on Alex-ander street..The youth is still in a hopeless’condition.He “may live for weeks,but°the physicians do not éx- pect him to recover. John Moore and*George Munday,who were in a buggy with Harbin the light he was-shot,are-still-being-heldinjail,and’Clyde Heath;the fourth inember of the party,is under bond for his appearance at a .magistrate’s hearing .to be.held at some futuredate.Harbin says that he does not know who shot him,as previously stated,,and he believed that he was rhot aceidentally.When the.hearing is held his companions will be charged with carrying concealed |weapons, pointing a weapon,loud swearing, cte.,whether or not the actual ‘shoot- ing figures. Munday and Moore engaged in a fight in their cell at the jail Saturday afternoon as the’.resylt of eachaccusingtheotherofhaving.firedthe|shot which wounded Harbin.Jailer Gilbert heard the conimotion and call«ed a halt before any serious damage was done.Yesterday Mr.Gilbert se-cured from the cell of the two men a small hack saw which he knew they had had in their possession for two or three days,but had not been able to get hold of it,the prisoners having kept it concealed.They had made ef- forts to saw the bars of the cell,but they were confined in the tool-proof cells and their saw hdd.no effect.Mr. Gilbert.realized this and had.given the prisoners’an opportunity to “try out”their saw,keeping a watch onthem.The prisoners would not tell box the saw was smpggted™into the}* jai Frank’s LifeLife Saved. Gov...Slaton:of Georgia yesterdaycommuted‘to life imprisonment thedeathseritenceofLeo.M.Frank ofAtlanta,who Was to have been exe- cuted today for the murder of Mary Phagan,a young girl. e case attracted the attention of the country,There was some doubt as to Frank’s:guilt;and’the«feeling against him at'the)time of his trial was,80 strong it,was.not believed,he had*a fair trial.Petitions and let- ters,asking for.the:commutation weresenttheGovernorfromalloverthe, country,many prominent men:takinganactivepart.Legislatures passed resolutions favoring the commutation and delegations from various States visited Georgia in that behalf.Thecommutationwasalsoopposedby many Georgia people. ‘Gov.Slaton said he found,in:review- ing the case,reasonable —doubt of Frank’s.guilt.and‘feeling .as_he did about it “I would ‘be a murderer to allow this man to hang.”There was considerable excitement in Atlanta.A mass.meeting was held on the capitol grounds and sev-eral speakers took exceptions to,the Governor’s action. Advertising the Fourth-—As-‘sistant Marshals.fi Sheriff Deaton,who will.be chiefmarshal.of the Fourth of.July cele-bration,has been traveling about thecounty.distributing ‘advertising.mat- ter and “drumming up a crowd”for the celebration.People in all ssetions:of .the-county assured him that theywould.be here in large.numbers forthe“glorious.”The sheriff thinks.it would be a fine’day for north Tredel] and south Iredell to.meet in States- ville,the half-way ground,.and get better acquainted with each other.Sheriff.Deaton has appointed:addi-tional assistant marshals as.follows:W.A.Colvert and J..L..Turner of East Monbo,J.N.Barron and R.F.Gaither of Harmony,A..Wi HattandLeRoySteeleofTurnersburg,C R,Johnson,C.C.Johnson,WhareyFreezeandJ.A.Harrell of “Moores-|; ville. ‘Attempteded to §Swing Train and “Came to Grief. In attempting to swing a freight trainon the,Statesville.yards Sunday round with such force that his left knee cap’was crushed...The,accident occurted near the Meeting street crossing.Railway Surgeon Andersondressedthenegro’s wound-and-he wassenttohishomeatLenoir.by therailwaypeople.The negro said that7had.been in Salisbury and was try-to beat his way back to Lenoir. ‘he train he wanted to board was going faster than he thought,‘and when he attempted to swing it he was thrown. Oklahoma Grandfather Clause eiige Annulled. The “erandfather clause,”restrict-ing the negro vote in the State of Oklahoma,hasbeen geclared uncon-stitutional by the Supreme Court.of the United States.Chief Justice White announced theecision,which,was unanimous,hald-ing that it was a violation of the 15th amendment to’selecs ification of voters..The decision,it is as by God-in’the bepinning and |vice. “Peourt.- an arbitrary’date,such as 1866,in fixing the qual}. TALK ON SOCIAL SERVICE. Mr.Armfield Discussed the Re- lation of the Church to SocialServiceandMr.French Sup: ented.His Remarks— Transportation For the Visit- ing Nurse. ‘The ¢ongregation which attended the Sunday evening service at the First Baptist church enjoyed a verypracticalandhelpfultalk.by Mr.J. B.Armfield,a well known citizen andlawyerofthetownand'a deacon of the church in which he spoke.Mr,Armfield’s subject.was “The RelationoftheChurchtoSocialService,”and was founded on the commandment, “Thou shalt love they neighbor asthyself,”arid"the parable of the goodSamaritan.Pastor Charles Anderson réad the parable and the command-ment as it appears in.both the old and the New Testament.In present-ing Mr.Armfield:Dr,Anderson ex-plained that the idea of such a ser- vice .was suggestedin an article which appeared in The Landmark during thediscussionoftheattendanceatthe Sunday night services and that heexpectedtohavelaymendelivermes- sages from his pulpit from time to time: a love our neighbors as ourselves, .Armfield’mentioned that it was was_—again_given.by Christ,The commandment has,never changed,but the question of “Who is my neigh-bor?”has changed.’Proof that theworldisgrowingbetteristhefactthat—it is_giving a better answer_tothisquestion.The lawyer who askedChristthequestionwasaJew,andtheJewshatedeverybodyexceptthemselves.Christ taught him.that the Samaritan was the real neighbortothemanwho.fell among thieves. Today we are realizing,this and hu-man sympathy.is broadening.GodandHismessagearenotchangedbut mons appreciation of it has chang-The.old idea.was thatto be good |See was all thatChristianity de)manded.But today it is realized thatChristianity,means’social service}!that it demands that ‘we do good toothers.It is only within thedred.years that men have awak- hundred years ago the death penaieyapplied.to.150.crimes,.but today itis’administered for only four.Christ went about cial service—healing the sick,feedingthehungry,.ete,The church.‘that:isnotgoingaboutdoinggood’is not atruechurch,6f,Christ.Social serviceisnotthe-most impertant part of the}©Christian.religion,however.“Christ’s message was mainly aspiritual:mes-|%sage,but He taught fundamental les-sons which would in time correcteveryhumanillandeveryhumanin-justice.The man whose only motiveistosavehimselfisamanwithaselfishmotive.oaDeclaringthat he belieyed theChurchoughttobeinterestedineverythingthatstandsforthebet-terment of mankind and should en-gage in all sources of social service,Mr.Armfield mentioned some of the things he considered real social ser-vice...First is.the orphanage work,the results of which aregenerallyknown.‘An act of social’service onthepartoflocalministers‘was theeetablishinentofaChautauquaforStatesville.It has.been called the“preachers”carnival,”©but.that’s allright,because it is educationalhelpfulandissocial©service.Church should support —ever:that makes for good but should oeendHintopolitics;shouldnotsupport abecauseheisachurchman.It shouldsupportmeasuresbutnotmen.Any-[thing ‘that tends.to better educationissocialservice.Some day thechurcheswill,establish a library Statesville,‘because reading eaodbooksareboundtohelpmen.ThetimewillalsocomewhenwewillhavearealpublichospitalinStatesville;operated on business.principles,whereallthosefatealiecannothelpthemselveswillbehelpedbythetown,We now*|have the.Tilike nlirse and.I hopesheisapermanentinstitution.Sheisdoinga“wonderful work for hu-manity and in supporting her the peo-ple of the town are doing social ser-Her.efficien¢y could be doubled if she had some means of transporta-tion..She has too much territory tocover-to make her rounds..afoot-and|class,shouldhavea machineor ahorse andbuggyatherdisposal.The Baptistswilldotheirparttoward‘providing a means of ttansportion for the visitingnurseifthe,other churches will do their part,This would be social ser- vice-and-something-practical. talks to you it usually costs.you some- yers in Statesville.recorder’s court,If you ever have achance,he said,vote for a recorder's makes court:procedure «speedierworthyourattention.thé ‘Church not take a hand in the:matters,that make:fortions?Why care for eriticlbie ‘gn ‘human neéd.When Mr.AFhindd .consiudh Ay Anderson told of the sneloged Discussing ‘the divine command that} sine i thing.There aré some things,how,-|Ww.ever,that would help to abolish law-};One of ‘theseis a1s Anything that cheapens ong Why ee are doing something that.will’upl yhumanity?The mission of the Churchistoministertothesoul.‘and every BRIEF ITEMSis JOCAL NEW:8. +—Hear dhoatit Hiea at ‘thie:court house Friday.evening... —Mr.Robt."L,Wassonhasaccept-ed a position with Mr,G..vateathislumberyard.‘ —fhe:Civie league’m thisternoonat4:30'o’clockpets te stoftheCommercialclub,=-=)’—Old folks’araSpringschureh,in athefourthSundayinthis ~The,singingorphanagewill give a¢Monogram school house,LoneTs Monday,July.5,at-8 p.m..fe —Mr.Perey:Grier,who:hen:theoappointed.an.assistant in the.“ment fish laboratory at Beaufort,leftyesterday.afternoon:for Bea'take up.-his.work, —Mr.M.E.aretunedfromWashington,have an artificial f made to”ctheplace’of the 1whichwasamputatedsome,time” —(Hub,Bailey,a ‘negro wainterTaylorsvilletoanswerachbastardy,was arrested StFriday.by .Deputy.Sheriff |Sheriff.Adams.of Taylorsville:after him.wyxtittle oat Me ae m=ing,rural mail:carrier’on 1|from Hamptonville,Yadkin Hs awasthrownfromws:wagon,.a oe-days-age,-by—a-collar bone broken.: —About'a thousandHomer nigfromclubs.and associations atark,Paterson,ee id Jersey City,:N.Ts and New Yi ity wereleasedatsunriseSaturday‘wordinar by Express Agent ete ca 3 —KE.Fitz Fredericks,acatorofMooresville,haw’That ap~pointed by Supennientie Ji :a th ner to conductthecoloredteachersof ParStatesville,beginning 4 is the longest ‘minuteslongerthanwas14hours.and 26 idday’s length will continueand26minutesglaweekgrowshorter. ened to what social service is.”Aj) E |Miss,ing good,and ;26 of.His recorded-miracles:were .so-| —The,,a,Recentwill,give ‘aomeof,Mr.Bfritaee,‘trots tio. wits from Mr.G. latter’s vacant ‘opertWilkesbororoad|adjoining thegty:bought.by Mr.W,B.Brown.Mrs.GdiatelyerectamodernPropertyondaenerenee yc ead T.0.burg and U.¢.are here to be reMarvin:Ha :phoid fever at| eremyBi vei aeverwhileatBig’SicametoStatesville to” people.while.i—Mrs,and Mrs,have”been.the’ Lto,their home at yton,gummet.Later it,is theircometo.Statesville “thahome,Mrs,SmithWilliams~Ne j Dr.Dull min eee feat t"talks atwalt.school:house Sennenthe23d,;Either‘Dr.‘county physician,or.Mrs...JStatesville,rial tapresent.and wii Sieg ;same subject.The talka.trated by ‘stereopticonSitiospeopleofthecommunity§aiattend.- —The Odd.Fellows’.‘Ortsingingclassgaveits.annual at the court house ‘last.night.programme,always entertaining,sistedofpean iebee daieciarge eirts.arid six biJ.C,Walker.andMWhileineete of the local Odd Feto.Hickory.today« Mr.Armfield said ‘that by hisPa ;ing money for a means of transporta-|:tion for the visiting nurse his audi,|iencehad.found that when a lawyer]! :ve,i ;‘innovation.;in’_the.way comman Ree; ogreat need.of&éonveyance for the.Mr |and commended..Mr, dlause”legislation in many’neve:i bringing thematter t.it.will, onalasivewraliae forforforfandtherebyinublic,Vand Atciknd,fin. nae aintUNERieterroe mm cate ee aldM "OREN neato ae cau at SeTHEMEXICANDIGNITY,|NEWS FROM ABOUT STATE Striking An Average Fot a Ver es;|diet Stand’;o>"vice Is All Right But Pres-|Accidents Crimes andOther In-|.Btandi |o,MFO LE C00 :00 |sureOr Threat Would Be Re-cidentof Life in North:Gare Se er vatrecceeicr ate.CO |RTAB .and OL F TWEAR #oleh sham ae f é Co ally by striki a of the amount{f ae re a ra a i-Ex-Governor and Use-ay alee .States government}Considerable damage from blight to ofmoney reach woul award,is inad-;These warm days you feel the need of aeeaManPassesatHis}4s informed by:Francisco Charazo,|the apple industry in Wautauga¢oun-meine Oe:aS ‘comfortablepair of Oxfords,Sandals and ‘ey Presidentof the Villa-Zapata con-|tyis expected,*wording ayy AatGreenville.vention in Mexico City,that if Presy|Umder the salary system in Ca-pe a eagle ta Pumps.We have just that kind,Plenty ofenedbymonthsof:illness,}ident Wilson’s recent warning.to]tawh,ty the net saving for |We , Thom Fariek Jarvis,for six}Mexican factions to compose—their aussie dust‘eniied was about $256."""bourne of Marion,who sued D.J.Me-|them inWhite,Palm Beach,Tan and Black,;differences should signify “pressurej —mj,toh]Donald of Illinois for legal services.|;enGovernoroftheState,ministeF/or threat’the Convention govern-|whic fell outsnd wate hoe Bank ae Often when’jurors can’t agree on|{Let us give you the benefit of UF experi:razil and United States Senator,|ment “till harboring the consciéhce and promises good service hereafter,|tie amount they should avwkrd,in|t enceé in fitting them pro erly.lied.i i i ‘rifics i intai damage suits and obher cases where!sdied:Thursday night at his home at]of its sacrifices;will maintain the Tab awh onthe.‘Stnlehousnetak oe Be ‘vitd Ie cate ter ae ours toserve,Green an |dignity ‘of the Mexiean people.”’y FoeLsac—si ati in Filing The’communication,transmitted Raleigh th ..aera ee ek,on Ret together by striking an average.|{JStal,mon ms by the Brazilian;minjster at Mexico|account of the degth o mer Gov-"The legality of this procedure has-of-4 e Ss M &H Shhealth,but during the past few weeks|;:‘“|ernor Jarvis,Ciatiniend bet Haaiaat os i ‘6 <a :had rallied and there was hope that sc pees nee that,the con The twelfth \eating MEG og ee et he ele Th 3 Pp *%4 ;vention “continues to conjecture e twe annual meeting @}to this time been’tested.e Su-|®8 ‘..he might regain his strength.that.the main idea of the govern-|North Carolina Building &~Loan|preme Court,however,has held that of Sho One rice Cash Shoe Store.iThomasJ.Jarvis was ‘born “ati ment of the United States is to help|league will be held in Asheville today |it -will pass ‘and this settles it.To(t Shoes Repaired:Whilelarvisburg,rodney oe na us in’a friendly way to bring te an|and tomorrow...{hold otherwise,said Justice Lamar,yBeaeihemn.0 abies fuk4 tone end ovr fratricidal struggle,which}The eighteenth annual convention of|Speaking for the court,would be-torererepelColorsin1860,join.|WOUld be for the greatest good of|the North Carolina Association of|subject jurors to all sorts of effortsgeateoePatathecountry.’as Insurance Agents will be held in ito.obtain evidence te set aside ver- 1861.as a privele and fought his way|_“tter declaring’a willingness —to|Asheville June 24-25.diets. to the rank of a captain,and stayed make pores with the Carr ariae fac:Jo.Williams of Sampson countytthefrontuntilhisrightarmwas|“0M:the note ‘says in part:"1 struck his.brother-in-law,Curtis Lee;;ai tv a bullet Wk 1aRk “The Conventionist Government}Wii,4 plow:point,killing him:in-Exered by a bullet in ‘does not.see,does aot wish to see.|tantly,Had a row..” __He was a member of the State con-in the substance of the declarations 'ae ae ;oe Ee y >haypoponeSousatoeofiaangmadebyPresidentWilson,anything Fire sid tags thousand dethies 1875,Ty Raine Ae fon Coe ae more than an advice,a friendly sug-rie aes oe ae Sar aaa ()R c ;eau Oe Beiwho|were regenerating ne!gestion to induce the contending|Laundry of Rocky Mount Friday.j p SHINGLES |Bmmonwealth.He was admitted groups to wipe out their differences|Started from dil used to start fire,;rr Sonennpeneinne ner ne Lgltothebarin1868andatoncebegan:M "ilt ;*.‘3 2 :grace oh rotenone ct eaeacc ok tees Rale|By Lydia E,Pinkham’s Veg-|[|The fou deiga o Cont Moc!Sts show sho weBeemertaewe”ee:ee ing to the declaration”that if we srenkig-sasetings,atsahich matters of “table Compound and Wants—_|.---#;eereefallomingWA se:Mexicans ‘cannot settle our.differ-|benefit to their’work will be discuss-.RP pe :Stamped “Fin-plate-and-paint ‘ed,SS ieGeneralAssemblyand—served!ices within 4 very short time thefed..'OtherSufferingWomen 1 2.Stamped fromTeoplainandpiedGreen.ope ne eae+‘throughout the terms of 1868-69 and .:v ‘aN Kn I {G government of the American Union|Mr;Chas.F.Tomlinson of High °ow it.i J.i ipping870-71,and during:the last term will find itself constrained to decide|Point “was elected president of tra ;Stenapeed fromTin-alate and Galvanizedby a hand-dipping process.Be ee Gore asia ie Be as to what means it«shall use to|Trayelers’Protective Association of,Murfreesboro,Tenn.—“I have .oe noe special tight-coatedGalvanized Sheets,ereepent spore.Ge v ~|bring it ‘about,the Conventionist]America at the annual meeting at|wantedto writeto you fora long time Each and every genuine Cortright MetalShingle is embossed wath thoestedtotheSenatein1879,He|Zovernment cannot understand.how|Omaha,Neb.totell you what your Trade-mark,“Cortright Reg.U.S.Pat.Of.”ees a Ee wonee nm ae :President Wilson previously declares!bridge across the Yadkin viver|fa wonderful remedies|™}Pot Sale buaandserveduntil1885.From|itt the same note that the United|s+Crutchfield will be built by Yadkin}have done forme.I ahem1885until1889hewaswilalataerstoStatesdoesnotdesireorclaimanyandSurrycountiesjointlyandYad-Sea)was asufferer from LAZENBY-MONTGOMERY ARDWARE (0.,Statesville,N.C.2)right to settle the affairs of Mexico|};:a ,—_—_—__—Brazil.On the death .of —Senator oo,kin will levy a tax of 5 cents on the)[{U#female weakness a ee reoeeeeot,é :and more to the same effect.The $100 to pay.for her art,Bh -and dis’lacement_Vanee in 1894,Gov.Jarvis was ap-|samechief ofthe #merican_nation Pay.pare SG eT anaes si hPointedbyGov.Carr to fill the ‘va-|made—at—Indianapolis—the follawing|There are twenty women in Bun-!|:tecancyintheSenate.In the election|(otacorieal declarations:combe jajl—the largest number of [4 suchtired;worn out_that year the Populists and Repub-|~««t am proud to belong to a pow-|Women in that institution at one time.|Fa feelings,sick head-es ee er ns re erful nation which-says-that—Mexice-Eleven are colored,and_nine_white,|;rj aches and dizzyvis“was Succeeded in the Senate by}which we cduld crush,will enjoy the|most all of them for vagrancy.-|Be |f |Spells.Doctors didJeterC.Pritchard.same liberty in the management of Safe crackers of evidently profes-!'f f meno goodsoI tried‘Since his retirement from the,Sen-lits affairs as we enjoy.’If I am|sional’accomplishments,says the!the Lydia E,Pink-ate <ee Aner.Rad_not,lied public strong I should be ashanted to dic-News,sain Pe Jove office andplant|ham Remedies —Vegetable.Compoundovr~,{tate to the weak in the measure of [0 e Texas Oil Company—in-Char-|andSanativeWash.1.am now well andtheupbuildingoftheStateandits|1y strength.My pride consists ‘in|lotte on the night of the 16th,cracked|strongandcando all my own work.IPeople.He gave special attention to|,eoning my strength free and not in|the safe and got a little over $52.owe it all to Lydia E,Pinkham’s Vege-eos <4een ae ae oppressing another people with it.’The board of aldermen of Lexing-|table Compound and want other suffer:that the Want Coccling Treating “If contrary to the interpretation|ton Thursday night repealed a law/|ing women to know about it.’’—'Mrs,Rckbal for Teachera was eatabliched “hia Rc aniguacdhinst ag =oe they ae yeas the omay night |H.E.MaBen,211 8.Spring,St.,Mur- ‘at Greenville.‘on Preahdent.Wilson’s declarations,aoa uae ene ee restaur-|freesboro,Tenn.go 4:0 son’8,,ete,on Sunday.It created so!:#8 pet s ®«December 23,:1874,Gov.Jarvis|ini,closing part should signify a de-|much talk that the ffSeal’follawed c This famous remedy,"the medicinal Devastate 10,000 Homes in Right States ;married ag ite Woodson,aie nial of the instinctive sympathy gen-Becly -Wrldhy-hornirig ys ,ingredients of which are derived from i1ethipn|pos :fee erously demonstrated to the Mexi-|supposed to be experienced ones,BION forty genre pecved to be ¢matt nearly Suchistherecordofoneday’s hundred years the Hartford|)meen i CaN revolt 1 ane ‘i Ah },oe a :FOR PROMOTION OF PEACE,|‘i#nify pressure or threat,the fe é ei ereot ee tol ble tonicand invigoratorofthefemale damage done by tornadoes.Fire Insurance Company->.pesranist Soveesengne exit ae ni Spencer.”They were trighthned away,wriling tee ees SUE ATS a ““You don’t know when the---has-métevery.honest.’:A in e conscience of its sacrifices,sie heat i e wonderful vir-;SuiLeagueOrganizedWithMr.Taft ie ‘ie"*the beforé finishing their intended ‘loot.|,|tae-of Lyin i Piukbain'sVegetable ‘tornado may strike your.promptly.Buy a Hartfo hoy ¥+:té‘ Pea ae ‘\will maintain ‘the dignity ;i Vy ‘>’‘as President.\le.|We eanti jow-'|.:,They're,preparing to.build some ;A ie aTBehntngnepenenctt,ever Zojpiure thatthe ei |foed roth Mp Yadkin angie gem]COMP |.Broperty,but youdo know"Tornado Policy sedaye TRhiladelphia,Thursday—the anniver-|idea of the Gaver of the i oierences oth ne eeenon.pe ee No Woman ‘suffering'from‘any form the “Old Hartford”protects’_the nearest thing tocomfort,y of the,Battle of Bunker,Hill|cd States.is to help us ina friendly e ae mood |of femal blesist h -airis .i ,seit an ee ED way to bring’to an’end il fiattlek ly appears in any.county where good|til she hes ‘given ve .Pidkham’s “;:a eh 208,Over,”wine,p Rornadgiptrikes.yFigenae:,jtoads are built and personal and por ):jose object will be to promgte the|dal struggle,which would be for the litical influence often counts’mote,Vegetable Compoundafair trial.treationof#leagueof nations witha}greatest:good “ofthe country:.The :m os P :|9 L °(Flew to preventing wars gr atleast.|government is ready to bring about than the tight ih such matters,|,A yon want spectal advice writeto,‘EeOpleS LOAN Ww Savings bank,i te Deere ai spodbilility,of armed}by jall'means.consistent,with its dig-|Seven youths,of Raleigh,members}aa tial)ivan Wake een :N i aotRiehoodae-the}nity’‘the’mee eee ee ponte oie d with “ict in Khoo tere |he opened,read ‘and answered by a Statesville,.Cc,.:Resident Agent,organization after some débate was|ing groups,to ‘initiate a e dc0-with,“riot”.i ston,They!Pe "vg tie;Orsetiy“League to-Enforte Peace,Americah|nomic,politicak and ¢Social Seti were recognized on Ue.personal Woman ahd held in‘'strict eonfldence,;GEO.H,BROWN.President.’})!!'Branch,”’a '*.3 Maimed at by the ‘revolution and'to|recognizance to appear .in.Kinston!g —ote ———~———————_—_—_—-j_William.Howard Taft was clected|establish a strong,stable govern.|to answer a charge of disorderly con-i e;:j ::.331 ;3presidentandalonglistofrepre-|ment-with which all tendencies andjduct in south Kinston.They failed Bring YourCoupons es,eSisentativecitizenswerenamedas|all legitimate interests -will.find ‘the|.to appear according to promise,and raat :.¥permanent vice presidents.:A perma-|fullest favor and.enjoy the ryaran-the Kinston authorities sent to Ral--nent executive committee also was se-|tees which our fundamental law pro-|eigh after them.é :|e ;e.:aoe fe ee te '£the -c.a Mr.Samuel J.Smitherman,the!’For PuffedWheat and }fEe.¢conference was not an as*is note from phe Convention)largest property ‘owner and th i :»Bemblage of what one participant|government was drafted after con-|wealthiest citizen of Mont gowier}Puffed Rice.We have d ; +‘“ termed “pure peace”men,but aj ferences with:the Zapata —leaders.|county,died suddenly at his h the goo fgatheringofthosewhoforthemost|The,State Department —previously Troy The the riathine’“Of the d7th:8 ds fresh.andbelieve=ering to bring about nee —a —of ae on vane:aged 61.He owned 12,000 acres off Want your coupons,Peaceeven though they have to force,|eral character from enerat Villa.)jand and was interested in 4 ¢-Following is the platform of the)which,while denying the right of|mills and other industries.Estate _We are not allowed to M wi M hi idneworganization:the United States to intervene in}valued at a half million.Wife and/#.redeem your coupons O ing ac ines an“We,therefore,believe it be de-|Mexico,said that the suggestion for!twelve children survive.~—,sirable for the United States to join|a unification of the.factions should|”Gyartio Soll a Suis man 60 Ek after June 25th.Be ;gp league of ition:hoaity the ete yet coined ee Bae township,Wilkes county,was killed|{sure to get them in’be-,actKinet:All justiciable questions|as yet no definite word has been re-|jcme i¥®280 by a tree te oe fore that date.y akes ;‘arisingbetween the signatory powers,|ceived from General Carranza as to]saw jogs when the accident hanpenot :Bee iret to,wemeeiation,anal ai209 Aeee Hall's father,Bart Hall,was killed Eagle & Milholland ._heating and Sodginntbothwpen tee|Bryan Coming to Asheville ‘me month ago by gan-abot wound oe ——B merits an,pa.ss:Sante as to its|Washington Dispatch to Greensboro]Charlie Hall was suspected of being The machines you will want forjuriedeet‘ews.connected with his father’s death.©;ae ;__“Second:All non-justiciable ques-}\°William Jennings.Bryan,former]4.apa ae ‘‘i©tions arising between the signatories|premier of President Wilson’s cabinet,|Lumen zone elles:who ert TheFly Harvester!rs your harvest this =-andnot,settled by negotiations,shall|will leave here this week for Ashe-C :i ky hotie e o Tri to Nort A *He aes >be submitted to a council of concilia-|ville,whete he hopes to be able to tec a a as ee os oO pemnity,Col-,;ce Plenty of binder twine and _har-,tion for hearing,consideration and|spend the major part of the summer.tig Chavlotie aaa oor his fentie A wonderful and yetsimplecon-||#es:en corey:thall|eaEetleMtone offie)hove.‘Tho change.is guade for cor |p teivace,that catches flies by the vester oil.If you want repairsagues:thee aniit B'iP ;sf her|Venience of location in connection with{|Million.Simple instructions with ioe j eli teebsyseSchGea.to arent and probe er her his present duties.Bishop Kilgo|}each Trap for baiting and killing for the old Champion Binder+,prevent anyoneof their number from|daughters,will accompany the com-aed :i i :?|Zoing to war,or committing acts of monet to westernNorthCarolina,One rating ¢"Gy where te Aiea ae Ineats of fue aa Mees ie eek :give us the number of the I arthostility,against another of the sig-|thing is certain,Asheville ‘will be one ber of the faculty of Trinity College.|{best when placed in the back yard _Pnatoriesbeforeanyquestionarising|of.Mr...Bryan’s permanent places b a ;:spcshallbesubmittedasprovidedin|where he will spend his vacations,The Carolina Municipal Association ||Out of your way.‘Costs only $1,wanted and we will get it fortheforegoing:Sitting on the large front;porch of|®djourned its eighth annual.session}}lasts indefinitely and catches more ‘&:.>\“Fourth:Conference between the|the old General Logan.home,which]t Asheville Friday to-meet next year|}Flies,many times over,than all you.Yours tralsignatorypowersshallbeheldfrom|has been the residence’of the Bryan’s|in Kinston.Mayor T.J.Murphy of|}other methods combined.Simply |]#y,time to time to formulate and codify|since the Nebrasken became Secre-|Greensboro was elected president and/|{No comparison.Try one now and_Fules of international law,which un-|tary of State,Mr.Bryan said it had|©.G.Armfield of Elkin third.vice|f be convinced.Made and sold by-less some signatoryshall signify its|given him pleasure to know that he|President,The office of treasurer was T.N.BROWN,|dissent within judicial tribunal men-|would soon be in Asheville,where he|¢reated and Fred.I.Sutton of Kin-Janse "Phone 498:one 433. 4 tioned in article one.”could enjoy himself as he was unable|Ston was elected to it,,Resolutionsne—_—_—_—_—to do elsewhere,were adopted endorsing the Wilson ET rin ceesatnn lacesBritish“Spoil a"Geri Story.|-Aeee rer ee Melee ROT ET aaa gs salienceAstatementissuedbytheGerman|2?Will in the near future erect a aig a arr Sc end eas he einen reae —-adtairalty at Berlin,to the effect|handsome home on his land on Sun-|Vanderbilt University Now Non-3:]dG bala)3}a ._thatthe German submarine U.25 haa [getmosntain,Planefor the balding,"Sectarian.eda ALS||To the Farmers of Iredell and Other Counties:tank steamer after the hansaee hes ranged,but there is little doubt that|The opening of the summer school»’:abeenorderedtostop,is expected to|te commoner looks.forward with of Vanderbilt:University,Nashwille,|Builda Brick Houseor Brick-Veneer {HE STATESVILLE REALTY &INVESTMENT COME AN,:Be ia Wipirtant beac,Pp the |Pleasure to the time when he can view Tenn.,marked»the formal transition your old house.Warmer in wint to announce that.they have completed arrangements with ‘THin-American negotiatic ae “|the surrounding country from his|°!the University into a non-sectar-ler in summ limi fos fone HOME INSURANCE CO,of New York,”for insuring your growingoeathepublicwi|front door step of his recently acquir-|ian and’independent ‘school of relig-|Cooler in summer,oliminates frozen|™oro 8 of Tobacco,Corn,Cotton aud small grain against destructiongeaghenpateoner(ta OEL ate emmn e E neaera Gack ew BRGE amesCE ell]by Hal Slorm ete folowing very op \*i i nding in »Va i ts 4 :‘;man submarines to treat merchant-|!°%ing Asheville|versity has:bakn conducted an a the-house will help some._TOBACCO CROP.:“4 3_.$100 per acre valuation at $7.50 per acremeninthewayrequestedbythe‘ostin 1 $15 «ological ‘coll f the Methodi ‘.aUnitedStates,or to take steps to as-War C ec $15,000,feceoat Church,South:At a By Face Brick,Common Brick,DraiaTile 75 per acre valuation at ‘5.87)per acrecertainthenationalityofshipsdis-::3 7 x *:;“playing mentee face in the wie Lone,credit ot 3000010 toa teu Ce itation UhG dae it Statesville Brick Co.on on veveieeton vr :Lertae ade‘tong as British captains adhere to ey p ~de|sion as to the control of the instity-z -COTTON,CORN AND SMALL GRAIN CROP,he rules laid,down by the admiralty,|200,000)informed the members.of |:“deel :“which is that voto aLA ac attenng the eri Senne a penenans ey leeaostymutian econ tare }#0 per-acte onion $1.60 per acreramthesubmarineswheexpendituresinthenextthree|y.,).:;W f f |t St k er acre vatuation “4 ‘eb m .when stopped months would be not less than $15,-Biblical department *of the.Univer-|i 6 ally a Omp 8 e 0¢30 284 acre valuation ¢1 Yanioepithem.:OF 25 per acre valuation .1.00 per acre - ‘r sity,leaving the latter free-to en-(fhe British government,however,|999,000 daily.The House of Com-‘age in no iK;er,4 m-sectarian work.Hence-‘led the story.An official|™ons voted the amount asked,making forth the faculty of the University t¢‘y 20 per acre valuation -80 per acre16peracrevaluation.60 per acre statement says the German subma-|With previous sums a total of 862,-|107)>;aie therineU-29,commanded by Captain 000,000"pounds,or.$4,310,000,000.ai-nominations <1 Methodiet Bape set,Veet,eat HAY iat 10 per acre valuation 40 per acrePieWeatger,aweatzored re ready ppp al nd gy Episcopalian,Christian,Presbyterian,Cotton Seed Products.You DWELLINGS,FURNITURE,BARNS,:ae aaval’vos a ind hot i .ar Chamberlain’s Colic,Cholera and Diarrhoea United States andPresbyterian,é will.save monéy by getting $100value for one year at 80c.,3 yearsat60e.,5 ears at90c,This«wd :hipseals his i nes Mie akc latter insurance covers also against loss or damage occasioned. ,Restore to Good Health,:our prices before you buy.—:b:ibeprovidedWith,and especially during the “y sick for f atoma:ye A aby es Baattian te an 1 rummer months,Tink of thePain andout wonbl writ Mentionee pa .:maa .REMEMBER—“‘We insure anything insurable,’eet heeinemust-be sent for or before.relief ean be}1 inhian coe os Gibaae rine ak we TIREDELL FEED Co.,:J F ,ARLTON M aabl“Atk anyone’who’hat elit Obisagheed toc oe haatcaambernn’s oui CD,MOORE,Pro}~SpHONE eA.pti ekcableerieoiosaa0aiatatatADRancaeMiesPHONE‘54,'ae ‘STATESVILLE,Ne-Ce-*othe ue 1118 yw $4 . 0 0a s - 55 ¢ . en Mt.Airy,N.C.—Mrs.Sarah M.2 of this oeho “1 suffered foiveyearswithwomantoypunsalsd‘stomach troubles,and im unishment‘was more than any onecou tell I tried most every kind of medicine,but none did me any good.J read One day about Cardul,the woman’s tonic,and 1 decided to try ithadnottakenbutaboutsixbottlesun’§was almost cured.It did me more‘ood than all the other I hadied,put together,_ me why [My friends began askin“ity so well,and [told themaboutCardui.Several are now taking,‘nn ‘Do you,lady reader,suffer from anyoftheThitmhentsduetowomanlytrouble,such as headache,backache,sideache,ne and that everlastinglytiredelinitso“tet us.urge to give Cardui aeieelconfidentitwillhelpyou,has a million.0other women inhalfcentury. aking Cardui to-day.‘won’regret it.All druggists Write te:Chetransoah,intitle Ladiesfearonaries(ateai em You SuLamateiT Call For Me! ‘Nice Fresh Vegetables,Celery,Cucumbers, Squash,Beans,Potatoes,Peas,Lettuce,-Toma-toes and what goes ‘with them.see bMP.Alexander &Bro.PRON 241. Office Supplies »Transfer Files,-Blank Books,Box-Files, Letter Files, Clips, Pencils,-PensandInks,Waste Baskets,-Pye‘Letter Baskets,”etc,Brady Printing Co. <bén +4tyrty;¥> +3 MyT3715 “Tg ¥y fats grt Is:¥our:shiver Lay? Use the:GreatSouthern Remedy, Burduco5 Liver,Powder. “Mid and "RRL,No * griping.“No ‘nausea. Cleans the systemandy makes @ healty’sliver. én SOLD BY.ALL DRUGDEALERS—25¢. Fresh Vegetables! Fresh Lettuce, Fresh Celery, Fresh Tomatoes, :Yer-MelainSup Oo. |FOR FINE CLEANING AND DYEING —’PHONE 147— Sloan Pressing.Club. NOTICE! HOLLAND BROS.have changed theif ’phone number from 177to7.(all No.7 for draying,all gradesbes:coal and’wood,etc.~Residence ’Phene 1310, TUESDAY)©204 ~June 22;1915,|Bi '“us. Arrival and Departure vt Trains ofadel wy ee WESTERN ROAD.Train No.15,west-bound,due 6:No,11,-wet-bound,due 10.05No.Pa west-bound, ‘No,22,east-bound,due 1TraisNo,12,east-bouna,due 6:48TrainNo,16,east-hound,due 10.50 CHARLOTTE AND TAYLORSV:From CharlotfrainNo/16 ar.9.50,leaves 10.36 a SE R E S E E E oe.OF YADKIN NEWS. Train No,2 $.35,leaves 8.35 p.Taylorsville. Train No,23°ar,10:00,leaves 10:40 a Train No,16 ar,6:20,leaves 6:45 p,Nos.23 and 24 are not operated on Sunday.33 BB Samuel Reid have gone jchét of Wilke sboro,Knox.: Mrs,Sloan,is visiting Mrs.Canter.)wore off ‘She enjoyede the-oceasion..to..-After the crowd °’ Shingles For Sale! Carload of good No:‘2 Shingles at $2.75perthousandatmy8 PpsG.H.TURNER,Near the Depot.Iredell Phone No.74,Bell No.7. |deep conyeyed to Gone to.Sunimer School—Cool Spring Personals. Yorrespontence of The Landmark. Cocl Spring,June,16.—Misses Wucy and Laura,Niblock and Addie Phifer have gone to Greensboro to attend the summer school at the State/ Normal College.Mr.John Wesley Foster and Mr. to Chapel‘Hill to.attend the summer school attheState.University.Mies,Gertrude:Edwards left Wed- nesday for the.mountains...Miss KateLouSteelwillleavesoon.for the mountains to teach.Miss Bell Baity of Davie is visiting her sister,Mrs.J. Pf.Mitchell.Prof.Lunsford and family are visiting at Loray. Mrs.J.H,Knox’s sister,Mrs.Bur- is visiting Mra.Canter’s mother, Mrs.ROE Miss Lois Holland is home from the Sanatorium.She is on mend we are glad to note,hope she will soon be herself again. T.B.Charles,was.fined $100 inSpartanburg,8.C.,Friday for an al- leged insult to a young lady of the towh!“He was charged with sending a note to the young lady asking her lwas a great surprise to oe rthday.Celebration and’Events of Neighborhood |Tn. *terest.it Yortespondence of ‘The ‘Piadnite wy ‘Hamptonville,“Rez;June 14.—Wheat harvest is here.Wheat is:n- ening very fast.Mr.Marcus Allred lost a “fine horse recently,.«The township,Sunday school eonyentionwillbeheldatSt.Paul M.E.church the third Sunday in July.|Mrs.Lillie.Denny,who has aca confined to her ‘room with rheuma-| tism for some time,is improving.'Mr,Arthur Campbell.came»verynearlosinghishouse‘by fire last Sat-urday.discovered but the flames were-#000 | extinguished.Robert.the little son of Mr..and} Mrs.J.R.Cook,is right sigk at:this writing. Mersrs...Chas.anc Thoman Aasey| ond familiés of Salisbury.and Arthur|n@ Wade Casey ef‘Winsor spent Mrs.J.M.Casey..Cherries are not so ‘plentiful |§ community as they were last y | ‘Several people of this.commun!my| June 13th,given in ‘honor of M A.G.Myers’65th birthday.Mrs.ayer: lives near Windsor’s Cross Roads,—1tasshe did not.know anything abo the crowd began to arrive.Ft had, been planned by herdeus Miss|| Sallie ‘Myers and Mrs,:(Nevertheless-—when the.excitement. J .+ the fullest extent.had gathered and exchanged greetiny a long table.was erected —under the er has never.beheld a more’‘pheautiful|table.,After the ladies had spread the table Mr.T.H.Cooper a thanks to Him who giveth usbounties,then all were invited to par- ¥Make an automobile ride:Charles his sister, WILLISTON,N MAN.RESTOR- ED TO HEALTH. Mr.Wade Thankful He Read About|Wonderful’\Remedy.— EE.T-Wade of Williston,N.C.>wasthevietimofstomach-disorders.Hetriedmanyremediesandtookagreat leal of medicine and treatments.Re- lief seemed a long time coming. Remedy,took adose—and found relief it once.He told his opinion of the remedy in a letsaaan which he said! —-Yonr-medicine~ders.I feel’se ‘mitch better.I amthankfulto,you,.Tadeed,for<advertis..,ing your wonderful remedyin the pa-}hers,as otherwise hr might anever;haveknownof.it.”7Remedy LivedMayr’s WontlerfylHMhermarientrésultsfor stomach,)liver and.intestinal ailments.Eat as much‘and whatever you like.No"mote dis- tress after eating,pressure of gas in the,stomach’and arou the heart.Get,one bottle af your druggist now and tryit on an absolute guarantee if not satinfabtory;snemey:willbeggturned;if EXECUTOR’S NOTICE. _Maying..auslifie Mi,executor of”the lag SiN aad eo gf ME,Hou pie>sieetbens4not:fy—kt #Etpons—Saving claims-—a:“ant otate tol present thenmr to me or TafattorneyonorbeforeJune15,1916,ath notwe vill be plead in bar of their robe ry.}141 aWULE HOUPE,\Extr,of)ow.Héape,Statesville,1-2 Je B.Armfield,Atty. Notice to Creditors. North Carolina,Itedell County.In the Superior Court,May Term,’1915. D.B.Krider et al,va,Krider Stock Company, By virtue of an order of"the SuperiorCourtmadeintheaboveentitledcauseattheMayTerm,1915,notice,is hereby given to all parties holding claims against the es- tate of the Krider Stock ‘Co.to make proof ofthesaneandfilewiththeundersignedre-ecivere on or before the first day of July, 1915,at their office in Statesville,N.-C.By ‘June 15. order of Court,J.A.HARTNESS,R.P.ALLISON,June 15,8915--3t.Receivers. Notice to Creditors. The.creditors.of the Merchants -&Farmers’ Bank of Cleveland,N.C.,will .please takenoticeefthefollowingerder:North Carolina,Rowan County, *“In the Superior Court,May term,1915,The North Carolina Corporation Commis- aién vs.Merchants.&Farmers’Bank,Cleve- land,N.C.ORDER--It is,ordered in this cause that notice be given to all creditors and partiesholdingclaimsagainsttheMerchants&4+Farmers’Bank to prove the same before the: receiver at Statesville,N.,C.,on or before the first day of.September,1915,and that publieation of this notice be made for three weeks in nA newspaper published at Salisbury, N.C.,and one published at Statesville,N.CTHOS.J.SHAW,Judge Presiding. I shall thank the creditors of said bank to comply with the above order promptly.W.D.TURNER,Receiver. Or dune 8,1915. COMMISSIONER’SLAND SALE BY VIRTUE of a decree’of the SuperiorCourt.of Iredell county,rendered in the special proceeding wherein Electa F.Coop- er,administratrix of A.D.Cooper,is.plain-tiff,and J.‘C.Fowler and another.defend-ants,the undersigned contmissioner will,Sell at public auction,to the highest.bidder,’atthecourthousedoor‘in.Statesville,N,C.,on MONDAY, nt the hour of noon,therealestateinthecity of Statesville:Theone-half undivided interest of the A.D.Cooper estate,-held-in--common with Mrs,J,C,Powler,in the following.land,to-wit:Beginning at a stake,T.©,Andergon’scorner;thenee N..66 degrees Ei,226 feet toa.12-foot alley;thenee N.24 degrees.W.246 feet to C.P.Moore's corner;thenee 8.66 dogrees W.117 feet’to C.P.Moore's cor-ner in A.C.Tomlin's line;thence §.24 de-grees E,to Tomlin’s line;thence 8.66.da- urees W,108°feet.to the Glover line;theneé24degreesEB.212 feet to.the beginning,ex-eepting a lot of 100 feet.front and 212 feet A,LW.Cooper from.the JULY 5TH,1915, following deseribed western’ertd ofsaid lot,This lot is sold subject to the right ofdowerofMrs.Julia @oper.Terms of sale—One-third cash,one-third in six months,and‘one third in twelve monthR.B,McLaughlin, Jtine 4,1915.Commissiorer.4 Then he found Mayr’s Wonderful| —-werked—wen-}- ee e s h “jin his exuberance of.joy as he take of the elevant dinner:Afterall, i veranda and young people— ‘singing with Miss Mamie Myers ‘or-| vanict.Late in the’afternoon’’the crowd began to disperse,all saying they had a pleasant day.;eaeEVIDENCE CONVICTS HIM. 'T.E.A.Went tontto Headquarters About Evidence on _the Tre Didn’t Want. T,E.A.,who recently contendéd inTheLandmark,in.the face of adVetse contentions,that a limb grows fup| with the tree and doesn’t always ‘re-‘main the game ‘height from:‘the! eht ofs:-Agticalturpy,burzaa}of ‘plant.industry,for “informations got what)hé)didn’t:wanty but eae‘of:suppressing,the.evidenebrave:enough,to.give it.to ‘The.Bap : mark for-publication..Here it,18;“Dear Sir:—In.answer.to. query regarding what becomes 6ra510honetreés,would ur the}! nfaswhen,te ing “in com petition cee ce é TOWE®Tiina--branches die;a If theplant,however,is "Lo grows: without”ofA terahereto insShadesby.saa nifan,it]is dnsHop.he nye 3 hes:willnowanumofinstantes"oars trees’which have been care- fully protected fram injury to thelowerbranchesinwhichtheyarewell}preserved down to the grass linc.“This is specially true of beech and certain forms of|oak.Maple,haw- ever,has a greater tendency,because of its dense foliage,to naturallysmother,the lower and less advan- tageously located branches.The rais- ing of the head of trees is due to com-petition with neighbors,to the brows-ing of cattle or ‘wild animals,or to pruning by man.A branch originat- ing at six inches from the ground up- on an oak or maple will always re- ‘nain at that height:“Very truly yours,“J.-C,CORBETT,\iforticulturist in Charge.”—_—_———— STATESVILLE THE TOWN. The Monroe Enquirer Man Comes,Sees and Finds.It So. Monroe Enquirer.ae “Statesville;the bést town in North Carolina.”Captain Tom Rowland, conductor on the.Southern betweenCharlotteand.-Baylorsville,has saidthatsooften,has so frequently madethewindows.of his train rattle with it ap-proaches Statesville that he believes he is telling the truth.Those who keep their seats and pass.on thinkthatCaptainTomisjustjollying,but if you get off at Statesville,go up town,mingle with the folks thereseewhattheyaredoingandfindou :how well they treat the stran within their gates,if you are not fromMonroe the great truth of Cap'n Tom’s ‘announcement.will be forced upon you,df you.are from MonroeyouAvillbeistruckatoncewiththefactthattheaforesaidCap’n Tommisseditbyjustore.°*Cap’n ‘TomRowlandisnotputtingupabioff when he brags on Statesville,for derson,’Vanee Henkle and a lot of others whé have niade things come to pass there,would pull out..Yes,Statesville is a good town.Good streets,well lighted;good busiiess houses;gQgod schools and churchesvaried>manufacturing —industries; good homes and in them about all that'.you find advertised in the back pages of the magazines.Cap’n TomRowlandcanbackuphisclaim‘pretty ‘tolerably well,:-You need not stop to argue with him about’Statesville be- ing the best town in North Carolina.He will either prove it or give you |DR.C.L.CRUSE. ‘,6 Veterinarian. Office rear PolkGray Drag Co, RUBBER TIRE! Season is here.”Wé use best rub-ber-made=Firestone and Kelly—and will save you ayeey.Enressethotorcold.Quick service.© Offi 'Phonece’P a threshing. Greatly Benefitedby Chamberlain's Liniment. “]have used Chamberlain's Liniment |forsprains,bruises and.rheumatie pains,iancthegreat!benefit IT have received justities!myfecommendingitinthehighest—terms,”writesMra,Fidretice Slife,Wabash,Ind.Ifyouaretroubledwithrheumaticpains_youwill’certainly be pleased with the prampt ea which ante lain'a Liniment.aif¢rds.“Ot "r nah altér i % |SHOOTS BROTHER DEAD.| merer)W.M."Furr:Of.Stanley County,‘Kills Brother Ephraim WhoHadShotHim. Albemarle Dispatch,18th,| An awful tragedy occurred about| three miles west of’Big Lick in this}county this.morningabgut 8 o'clock| when W.M.Furr it is alleged shot!and killed his brother,Ephraim Furr.!It seems that there had been some}trouble between.the brothers forometimeover:their father’s estate.|The stepmother of these brothers was| The roof was burning when| beautiful oaks on the lawn.:The writ-| erburid)‘wrote’the United States:Dc-| Satesville is all right,if it were nov!‘.so Judge R.R.Clark,Uncle Jim An-!Mferehants to Meet Next in Win- led, |zone to Albemarle but that Ephraim! |Curr was there Sunday with their parents,’Mrsvand|, attended the birthday dinner,ee | |tried to'prevent trouble but Ephraim’ it until |” |proceedings had been taken by W.M. |F irr to get possession»,of the land.It \seems that Ephriam Furr had taken the part of the stepmother. This morning when W.M.Furr and lhis son,L.M.Furr,went to.the field } near the-house-where:the.widow.liv-they found that the widow si about’the house.) Ephriam Furr ordered W.-M.Furr} ind his son’off the premises.He told}hem that unless they got off he} would kill them.They ‘did not g0.| |Ephraim Furr went to the house and|/ ccured his shotgun and returned And) rain ordered his brother away.The| on remonstrated with his uncle,and} r drew his shotgun and shot his} !other,a number of the shots tak-! effect in his limbs and different) its of his body.Ephriam it seems| then got down behind the road bank! | jand proceeded to take out the empty | | favorably.known.throughout’the ‘county.Their brother,R.N..Furr,is |rounty treasurer,ye _Stanly county, t €|hock to the people of the entire coun- Limbs and Got What He|:y as these men had connections and| [ i -lapportioned $129.80. ;At weeat a cash market vale : Persie WM, had satisfied the inner man and chat-|Prt 18 signed. claims thatthe note-was-intended for |ted and.rested awhile,the organ Was 2 \taken from.the parlor to.the qaree|| hell and-undertake to.reload,and-on| (ol,he dying almost instantly.-— After the shooting W.M..Furr, |came immediately to Albemarle to}rive himself up to the officer and have his wounds dressed.‘ Honeycutt,coroner,immedi-| ae summoned a jury and the jury. has returned a:verdiet.of justifiable} homicide and W.M.Furr has haeg re-| leased,or will be as soon as the re- .J. W.-M,Furr—is—about—56_years_old! and his brothe:was perhaps two ‘or| three ~years~his senior,—~“They-aremembersofalargeand—prominent fomily and both men were well and and their brother,Cc...Furr, hants of the.county. The tragedy has caused a severe friends throughout the county.The deceased had-a famisy-of-eight-or-ten} jh dren some of whom are grown. Marriage of Miss:.Culbertson’and Mr.Meichor::*tJ) The Landmark mentioned,‘briefly,in}, Missi. a Tuey Corbertson”rr FEteva “Mal> its last issue the marriage of chor:Mise Cuthertsst wis’for ‘som,years ‘ane ‘ip tb)the sTose “of |ion last spring?’al‘tehcher®theStafésvillegraded‘schvol.THe:‘eventpeettredtheafternoonofthe16thin he Presbyterian parsonage at Pop-lar Tent,Cabarrus,county.aooreay ie Enterprise!says ee rome eaibriiony ‘took!‘place?in the“oad of ‘the matse@?Rev’ROW.Cule‘bettSon,'fatheYof the “ride,ofMicint-|f ing.Only members of the family were} The young ‘couple!left ‘for|# the marriage and! hoarded No.12,going for a stay of }§ten days in the mountains.of North present.‘Concord after Carolina and Tennessee. “Mrs.Meichor is well known here, having lived here for a number ofyears, |living on the land of W.M.Furr and } M,-FPurrshot-him.aeith-.a tt The light,stioey durable,dependable Fordappealstoyouonthematchlessstrengthofitsrecordforservicegivento:i than750,000.0wners,The Ford is a utiliteveryhumanactivity,and it is wonder tallyHy.”lowin upkeep—averaging two cents a aleto.run and maintain,feBarringtheunforesecen,egih biyetne a AWnewFordcaratretailbetween:Au1914,and August,1915,will receive._$40°to $60 as 4 share-of the Ford.en~—Company’s profits.tanyey Runabout,$440;Touring Car,$490;Coupel$750;£0.b.Detroit with all equipment.’peli iisOndispiayandsaleatee ‘Carolina Motor Co’S;oh ,Statesville,Newton and Mooresville. his of |“Uakboro,is one of ie leading mer- He ses-: The}? ‘of the She is the.daughter of Rev.|# WY °.o e :a «isoHall’s Antiseptic Oil Heals Quickly, An excellent remedy forfresh cuts, burns and stings.\We believe it one-of the most useful and impor- tant remedies for every home. SgeeenDeeBitesra:ae “HALLS.“DRUG “SORBeotRHONE20.ee tis}Ewe ue iow ha :eee 1SEITTE “TseVador:Shades triton TT “iBaorchits.ry ai $04,"03 STs ae and Mrs.R.W.Culbertson,the for-|4. mer having been pastor of Center and/{ Prospect churches..Mr.Melchor is wassistant cashier of the First Nation-|} al Bank and is ‘a son of Mr.and Mrs.|} Charles K.Melchor.They will make their home in Mooresville and will}J live with the groom's \parents on!) Statesville avenue.” STATA RE SNE Cash Distributed By Mooresville Creamery. Mooresville Enterprise.i On Tuesday,June 15,Mr.iJ.F.Dorroh,recently elected seceretary and treasurer of the Mooresville}} creamery,to succeed Eugene John-|} ‘Vston,issued cheeks to of the various cream routes to’thelfThiswasfor|}cream furnished during’the month of }famountof$5,931.98. May.In addition to the above,the earriers were paid $461.55 for gather- ing up the cream.and delivering same at the creamery.The farmers fur- nished during the month 21,475 pounds of butter fat at 28 and 29 cents per pound. J.S.Archer,one of the,dairymenofthis.vicinity,furnished —during the month of May 447.60 pounds andreceivedashisportionof,the money W..A.Sloop,a citizen of Moores- rlville,Who milks only one cow,fur- nished during May _53.30_pounds of butter fat at 28 cents,and was ten-téred a check for $15.04,Mr.Sloop has an extra fine cow. There are many other instances of profit to the cream |producers, and there are ‘something like five hundred people.sending their cream tothe ‘local institution. “ston—Officers Re-Elected. Winston-Salem was selected:as the next meeting place of the North Car-| olina’Merchants’Association,which was in gession in AshevNle last week. All.the officers were re-elected as fol- lows:President,Luther B.Markham,Durham;vice president,R.L.Poston, Statesville;secretary,M.E.Newsom,Jr Durham;treasurer,Samvyel P.Burton,Asheville. Resolutions were adopted con-demning what the merchants desig- nate as the -coupon evil,wh eee cou-pons,are given with cash purchase; asking the noxt session of.the Gen-eral.Assembly to tha ke an appropria- tion forthe advertisement of the ins dustries of North Carolina and theirdevelopments;endorsing the.ruralcredit,sehr:recommending —that legislation be enacted making it bind- the’patrons |f Shades all.sizes.Our l]White Mountain Refriger- ators are all stone lined, The chest:with the chill in it: Every Shade Easpyed i Vd Selet Wid Dy Also Iteland Refrigerators,zinc "ined the only’‘ee 3 box that.will save ice.Ice Cream Freezers,One, two,three and four burner Oil Cook Stoves —the sto that will bake.Wika att “aon Statesville Housefurnishing.Ca. i ing upon tax assessdis.to.agsess all SST TTITTTTTTIeesettrIei pp o v e s e s e r e s r e s s oui 31 500.00 -Members of Federal Reserve System. Captal ar,Paid in eet:and Profits -“ Your Banking business solicited and every accommodation exténded to de-positors consistent with prudent Beall ing methods. Four per-cent.paid on time and Sivines Deposits’remaining:ony deposit ‘three “months or longer. OFFICERS: W,D.TURNER,Ki,MORRISON,D,M.AUSLEY, G,KB HUGHEY,- PO S S 86 SS S SO S S P S S SS PS S S T SO T T O So oe Oe ee e ee e ee s t i ii i r s st Pa S S SP C C OS S PO S S OS S SS C S CS O SOS Assistant rtstetereteretesssereres: Tp camry at 1 depen eT ENT a |CLARK,EDITORANDOWNER. |prevents war, ¥{WHEREIN MR.BRYAN PREACH-_Es SOUND DOCTRINE.’. Whatever else may be said about his views,Mr.Biyan~-is eternallyrightinhis:contention that prepared- ness for war provokes rather than That has been demon- 1,00|strated beyond any question of doubt June 22,1915. GOV.JARVIS. Full ~of “years ‘and honors,ex-Gov:Phos:J.Jarvis has passed to his re- ward.For more than a generation he was conspicuous.in the service of the State.He was not a brilliant ‘man,but he was an able,wise and conservative leader and he rendered notable public service.a Coming out of the Confederate army with a fine record as a soldier, Gov.Jarvis:entered public life in the *days of reconstruction.He was prom- inent'as a member of the Legislature, was Speitker .of the House,’and also a member of the constitutional con- ventions,Elected Lieutenant Govern- -or onthe ticket with Vance in 1876, Jarvis became’Governor in 1878, when Vance was elected.to the Sen- ate.When he had served the unex- Pired term of two years he was a candidate for the full.term to suc- ceed himself and won the nominationafterabitterfight.The late Judge Fowle was his opponent.’While fill- ing Vance’s unexpired term’Gov.Jar- “wis had an offer for the sale of the‘Western North.Garolina railroad, _then owned ‘by the State.He callédthe:Legislature in extra,session and‘the road”was sold.There was some}opposition to the sale and this wasused"in ‘the “fight agamst ~him,—butGoy,Jarvis won what no other Lieu-tenant Governor.has won since,thongh several have tried’it—a full ager ae >“term:as Governor. Soon after his term as Governorexpired,Gov.Jarvis was appointed minister to Brazil by President Cleve- land and served four years.In 1892, ‘when Eljas Carr of Edgecombe,a far- :|in the present:8o plain that,as The Landmark.sodsropeanconflict,it is ity itis heyond-the pale of argument.It isillustrated in the daily life of the individual,"The average man,un- less it is forced on him,will avoid a personal difficulty if he feels that the other fellow hag the advantage in preparedness;and.the average man will find cause for offence,more rsad- Hy,if-he thinks he has the advantage. A “pistol in the pocket has.brought on.Many a disturbance where there would have been none had there been no pistol, And Mr.Bryan is also.right in his contention that the European war is the result of the fundamental preceptthat“might makes right.”The gov- ernments of Europe ‘have been’con- ducted on.that false philosophy,that comes from barbarians,since the be- ginning.In the conduct of Europeanaffairswehave'seen instance after in- stance,in recent years,of the strong oppressing ‘the weak simply because the strong had the power.Japan’srecentactioninChitaisanexample. Paradoxical as it.may‘appear,all ofthisdoesnotmeanthatwe‘should dispérse,our army and abolish ournavy,So long as the ideas mentioned prevail,we must.be in a position todefendourselvesortoenforceourrightsifthenecessity.arises.“Butweshouldlimitournaval’equipmentand-our-army..ta the lowest possible limit consistent with reasonable safe- ty,not considering imaginary dan-gers;and we should continue;by pre-cept and example,to contend againsttheideathat“might makes right,,”for once that is eliminated the necessity for burdening the peoplewithimmensearmiesand:navies willhavelargely.passed, mer,was nominated for Governor by the Democrats,Gov.Jarvis accom- panied Mr,Carr,who was nota‘Speaker,on the campaign and made’ canvass for him.When Senator Da Ral i ir.8- tothe “western section ‘of State.Senator Vance.lived in west and’was felt that his suc-' r should have come from_thisiSenatorRansom,then in thelate,Wali"Gronm the.east,‘and’‘the | ppointment of Jarvis gave the east.Yboth Senators.When the next eam-‘spaign began Gov.Jarvis-announcedBiithewouldnatbe.a candidate for |:the short term to fill out the remain’_Sing two years of Senator Vance’s“term,which he was then filling by ap-Doin t,but would be a candidate e long term to succeed Senator “No man had more devoted riends than Senator Ransom and «these waged a bitter fight on Gov._Jarvis.In the end neither won.ThesPopulistsandRepublicanscarriedtheesStatethatyear.Marion Butler wasjpeleetedto.succeed Senator Ransom“Band Jeter Pritchard succeeded Gov.““S Jarvis. _*While he retired from:the Senateandneveragainheldoffice;Gov.Jar-vis’“public 'Sérvice’did not cease,In:*matters of party management,in leg-{,islation’and,in all that looked to the“advancement of the public welfare, ;his wise counsel was often sought andfreelygivenandhecontinuedactivein.service until disabled by old -age>and feebleyhealth, He served his day and generationeaeGodresthim! i Goy,‘air rewar,candle One way for people to help in thei‘cleaner city”movement,observes,the Winston-Salem Sentinel,i8-to re-®train from throwing paper or other_trash on the streets.“This may seemtobeaverysmallmatterbut_if“every:person would make it a point4toaidinthiswaytheimprovementof.appearances in the city would indeedbenoticeable.”It would indeed;and.the people who refuse to help in this“way-should be made to help.In‘Statesville,for instance,garbage cansareplacedalongthestrectsinthe~business section for the collection ofwaste;and yet.much waste paper isconstantlythrownonthestreets,This‘not only renders the streets unsightlybutitmakescontinuoustheclean-upworkandthenitisimpossibletokeepthestreetsa8cleanasthey*should be.There is no necessity forthrowing‘waste paper,or any sort ofwaste,on the streets.It is donethoughtlesslyin.many cases,and with*wilful negligence in .others.Afterduewarningpeoplewhopersistinthatsortofthingshouldbehandled,"An ordinance prohibits the scatter-©ing of waste and it should be enfore- ed.It is not only:proper to enforce the law but it is unfair to be com- &. Gov.|148 to pieces"a Zeppelin overwaskilledaybythe* :ronal be piloting su a Aviator Who Destroyed theZep-'pelin Meets Death. Ijeut.Reginald A.J.Warneford,who gained fame recently by.blow-fp anJmant e@ machine,which had as ~a-~passenger HentyBeachNeedham,an American writer,whoalso!was killed.),;::,%Lieutenant Warneford and Need-ham fell:froma:height of 500 feet,The lieutenant had been spending afow.days in Panis,where he.went af-ter his Zeppelin exploit to receive.hisdecorationoftheLegionofhonor. ‘Thu Ited-froman explosion in.mid-airwhichcausedLieutenantWarneford0.lose control,the machine erashing:to earth,EaNeedhamhadbeeninEuropeaboutfourmonthsactingascorrespondentofmagazinesandaNewYorknews-pager. Reginald A.J.Warneford,a youngCanadiansub-lieutenant in the Eng-lish navy,suddenty~acquired -world-wide renown by destroying a ZeppelinoverBelgiumJune7%,this being thefirsttimeonrecordthataZeppelinhadbeenwreckedbyanaviatorinanaeroplane.By a brilliant flight Lieu-tenant Warneford obtained a positionabovetheZeppelinanddroppedbombsonit.The dirigible crashedtothegroundandburned,The 28meninthecrewwere.killed.For.this feat Ligutenant _Warne-ford was decorated with the VictoriaCrossandtheCross.of the Legion ofHonor.“5 LS 4SixtyHealthExhibitsPlanned'For State. Sixty ‘complete health exhibits forcirculationbyparcel,post among theschoolsoftheStatewillbeconstruct-ed during the summer by the StateBoardof*Health,following —theemphasiswhichwillbeplacedonpublichealthbytheteachers’.insti-tute conductors in the institutes overtheState.-Thus far the State Board has notattemptedanythingg0;extensive inthisline.The exhibit are to be basedontuberculosis,typhoid and.-otherpreventablediseases—sind--will--go-di-rect to the schools.Here the teacherswillhavechargeofmakingthemuseffectiveaspossible.For the service of the institute con-ductors a leaflet has been preparedinformingthe,teachers precisely whattheStateboardisproparedtofur-nish in the way of health literatureandhealthexhibitsandhowfartheStateboardisabletoGo-operate withthe“local communities.Additionalnumbersoflanternsandslideswhichmaybesentbyparcel:post uicklyandeasilyandthesesixtyexibits,all going directly to the school,areregardedasalongforwardstepintoprogressivehealthworkbythephy-sicians of the State, Refused Contract For War Mu-.nitions,‘Contending that the manufactureofmunitionsofwarbyanAmericanfirm:for-foreign warring nations isadirectviolationoftheprinciplesofneutrality,the Aldrich Manufactur-ing Company of Buffalo,N.Y.,hasrefusedtoaccept-an order from repre-sentatives of the allies for 800,600,000brassshells,which would.cost $5,-000,000.One-fourth of the contractpricewouldhavebeenpaidincashimmediately, _pelled to pay out money cleaning up after folks who wilfully disobey thelaw,Rsee Gov.Craig has pardoned Jacobvner,convicted of manslaughter and sentenced to 14 months “Ill not help prolong the war,”|said J,A.Aldvich,president of itheconcern,to a British agent, Dr.Hy %./Clarkson,a.well-knownsurgeonwhoserved.with distinctionin.the Confedérate army,died thepastweekat.his’home,Haymarket, enrrenencercnertaenesnneneivISMIGHT MAKES RIGHT, coorditia tbfreport,the accident re-}° Mr.Bryan Contends ‘That Pre-»«Paredness For War Provokes‘Rather Than Prevents Way, Asserting ‘that national prepared.ness provokes rather than preVentswarandthattheupheavalinEurope is the result of a false philosophythat “might makes.right,”former ecre-tary Bryan,in-=the second “of higthreestatementson“The CauselessWar,”submits an argument-againmilitarypreparationbytheUnited"States and praises the course of Pres.ilent Wilson in the present interna. tional emergency.9“If any nation is without exeuse forenteringintoamadrivalrywiththebelligerentnationsinpreparationforwaritistheUnitedStates,”says:Mr,Bryan.“We are protected on eithersidebythousandsofmiles’of ovenandthisprotectionisworthmoretousthananynumberofbattleships. “We have additional protection tythefact.known to every one,that we have the men with whom to form an army of defense if:we are ever at- tacked,and it is known also that we would have the money,too—moremoneythanwewouldhavehadifallthesurplusearningsofthepeople had been invested in armament.We not only do not need additional pre- paration,but we are fortunate in nothavingit,since it seems impossible for a nation to have:what is calledpreparednesswithouthavingalong with it a disposition to use its pre-paredness on the slightest’provoca-tion.: “The leading part:cipants in the present war are the nations that were best prepared,and I fear it wouldhavebeendifficultforustokeepoutofthiswarifwehadbeenaswell‘prepared as they.;‘Happy for our nation that we haveinthe.White House at this time aPresident_who_believes_in setting theOld.World a good example instead offollowingthebadexamplewhichit sets in this matter.What an unspeak-able-misfortune.it would;have.been ifinsuchanhourasthis.the nationhadbeenundertheleadershipof..a President inflamed by the false phitos=’ophy which has plunged Europe into the abyss of war.”iaIndiscussingthecauseoftheEuro-pean conflict Mr.Bryan,in a lengthy analysis,argues that it is not'a war result of-a-false_philosophy,the fun-damental precept of which is “might makes right.”: escorts SN ‘ GOCD PROGRESS IN WILKES. County Moving Alon2z. Wilkes:Patriot..suv'Prof.€.©.Wright):while:‘in Ral-eigh a few days’ago,‘safd ‘of ‘his work as superintendent,of;schools in this county,‘that.he has just com- pleted an_educational —survey of,Wilkes county that shows remarkablefeatures...There.were..77.school.dis- tricts involved in the survey,these’Being distributed”over the ok:‘|sth twayias icakegthe cp opfthecounty5FowpingetaUTveyae84)of people A er own omesytlTe:igs jcentofthefamiliesusetheschod)’Hibraries;.54 per cent favor.a reason-' of race,religion or family,but is the + Prof.)Wright’s.Survey Shows |.Was elected:president,of the associa- President Cooper of State Bank-ers’Asseciation Thinks Some-thing’Should Be Done, Wrightsville Beach Dispatch,18th.!-»Today’s sessions of the nineteenthannualconventionoftheStateBank-‘ers Association have been featured bythereportsofPresidentThomasE,Cooper of Wilmington and SecretaryW.A.Hunt of Henderson and thepaddressofW\P.G.Harding of theFederalReserveBoard,the real sen- sation—if one can call the propositionofalevel-headed business.man a sen-sation—heing President Cooper’s pro-nosal for a land bank of:North Caro-tina,/Examination into’rural conditions and credit needs of the farmers has,declared Mr.Cooper,shown »thatsomethingmust:be done to see thatthefarmersgetmoreand.‘easiermoney.To meet the demand createdbysuchcondition.he said that heendorsed,offered to the considerationoftheassociationandwouldadvo-‘cate before the State Legislature at FAVORS FARM LAND BANK. its next session a bank with a eapi- tal of $500,000,stock to be pro-ratedamongthecountiesoftheState,to benon-taxable and to pay somethinglikefivepercentdividends,thesur-|plus until it reaches 20 per cent to be!held as a reserve fund to take care ofanylossesofthecapital,the remain-der of the:profits.reverting to theState..The bank would lend its ‘money to}farmers for 20 to 30 years at.a rate|not in excess of 6 per cent.for the!vurpose of improving their farms,but|before making a loan :would require|the:borrower to place his real estate|under the Torrens system.—Interest:as well as curtailments would be col-;lected by county sheriff or treasurer |and remitted-to the State Treasurer,|who would algo be custodian of allinotes-and—mortgages,--}When.the.bank should have loaneout_its capital it would then issuefarmlandbondsexemptfromtaxa-.tion-and--a—lawful “investment forfiduciaryandtrustfunds,these at no-time..to_execed 10 times,the capitalofthebank.”‘The State Would guar-antee the intérest on the bonds.The bank would be officered asotherbanksandhaveaboardofdi-rectors,half appoinved by the State,jhalf elected by the stockholders of theyank.No loans would be’made inexcessof50per-cent of the-appraisalvalueofthepropertyandtheearning-apacity of the farm would be taken‘Shto 'consideration end a maximumamountfixedbeyondwhichnoone.rson could’borrow. Mr.J.L.Armfield of Thomasville tion and Mr,.James,A,Gray,Jr,ofWinston-Salem secretary ‘and treas-urer,SBIHT BWOR i: Peter Weyman ‘atid wifg,an aedcoupleandwealthy,were shot todeathin‘bed at their-home in SantaRosesoundSection,Florida,the pastwreek.;ET AOL ytp abletax’for roads such as is neees- tenance of sand clay roads;-54 percent.take the local.papers;and 52percent’take ‘agricultural papers#52 per cent of the farmers boughcornJastyearorfalledtoraiseam =ple home supplies.:Amother feature of the.Wilkesschooldevelopmentwasthattherehasbeensetupaspecificstandardofex-cellence that specifies what shall con-stitute “A-1”school conditions andrecordsandthepast.year there werefifteenschoolsthatmeasuredup‘tothestandard.requirements.Some ofthespecialrequirementsareLrop-erly designed and equipped ‘houses.and an enrollment of 90 per cent oftheschoolpopulationand80percentattendance. ng Automobile Li-cense, ‘Automobile owners in North Caro-lina are not responding heartily tothelawrequiring:a -renewal-of.licensetooperatecarbeforethefirst’of July_for next fiscal year.accordingtoinformationgiven:out in the -officeoftheSecretaryofState.Littlemorethanforty-five hundred licenseshavebeensentoutsincethefirstofJune.,It was stated that although blankapplicationsforrenewaloflicense.were sent out to every automobileownerintheState.on the first ofdune;fess than-one-third of them hadappliedforlicenseforthefiscalyearbeginningJulyfirst.Delay in-applying for—registrationuntilthelastfewdaysofJunecauses»congestion both in the office of theSecretaryofState,and in the post-office,and applicants.who wait untilthelastminutewillsufferthein-convenience of being without the owsoftheirmachinesuntillicenseisre-ceived,as it will be the duty of allofficerstoarrestanypersonafterJulyfirstwhoattemptstooperat¢amachinewithoutdisplayingthennumber.éApplicationsshouldbe.sent in atonce,in order that licenses may besentouttoreachtheapplicants.be.fore that date. Dead ‘Sheriff Once Convicted,Monroe Journal,” Sheriff Hood,who was-killed atWinnsboro,8.C.,last M day,anaceountofwhichappearedJournalTuesday,had an experienceinthiscountyseveralyearsago,Hecameuphereinsearchofanescap-|ed prisoner,a negro named Johnsom:who had.been located near Union-:ville,The man ‘resisted arrest awas.killed...Hood...and his deputy.were tried here and found guilty-ofmanslaughterandsentencedtofour‘months on the chain gang,they were at once pardonedernorGlenn, Slow Renewi However,by Goy- :xGetthehighestmarketpriceYoryour‘produce at Iredell Prod :b in thes Don’t Forget to.Read the Book ef: sary for the construction and maiz: ‘Phones84and137,hones84and137Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison Company.°The Store With the Quick ParcelPost Service,ilk Shirt Sale! Today we're selling a novelty Silk Shirt—SilkfrontandcuffsinabeautifulqualitywashSilkwithhackandsleevesofMadrastomatchineraeeeeeisonly.red Yougetashirtwi@appearanceofa$4 par-ment for only $1.50,dives 14 to 16.: Semactiertemctarnesen n Shirts$1.50t0 $5 The best.known.BothstiffandFrénchcuffs,white and colors,cot-ton and silk.All the wanted Bizes,a4}Men’s Furnishings and Luggage. Everything you need for-travel in -our Trunk4nd’Bag department.Buy from us when you.,'-@an,-but whén you buy—buy at home.—A.»LOGS $1.50'to $5 Manhatta Known as the bést. ~~RAMSEY-BOWLES MORRISON 60,"THE:STORK THAT PAYS ‘THE POSTAGE ON MAIL ORDERS. ‘*Phones 84 and 137.*Phones 84 and 137 Statesville,N.C,July 5th tothe 11th HOW DID YOU LIKE THE-Photo-Story Booklet, and the Complete Programme of Chau- tauqua Week printed in this issue ofTheLandmark? E Seven Joyous Days” provided and every day chock-full of good things.Look again on page 15 of your Photo-Story Booklet,and read again the full list of talent as there listedandfullydescribedo the booklet. ‘ it Buy Your. _Merchants &Farmers’Bank. \ n the other pages of | Season Tickets of F.B.Bunch, ¥; .June 22,1916, Mss AYERS’EN(ENGAGEMENT. ‘Groom:ComesFronFrom High Pointbeat_—Marrlages,Social Gatherings. The Brevard News reports the mar- ~~riage of Miss Bettie Armfield of Bre-‘vard and -Mr,Wi.E,MePofiald ofGulfport,Miss.,which took place intheMethodistchurchatHeaderson-ville on the 9th...Mr.and Mrs,Me-Donald will live.in.Brevard..TheiNbrideiswellrememberedbytheolderesyresidentsofStatesville.She was ame;tachi and formerly made her home in Statesville with her aunts,theMissesBelk,who lived on Mulberrystreet,in what is now the home of.Mr,W,;:E,Nattress..Miss Armfield spent:most of her time out of town teaching but spent her vacations inStatesvilleandtaughtoneormore schools here.Mr.and Mrs.J.W.Ayers -an- nounce the engagement —of their :daughter,Miss Etta Adell,to Mr..\Urbie Greer of High Point.The wed-‘ding “willtake place in July.Miss Elmina Mills entertained herfellow-members of the Why Not club at,a moving ‘picture theater party Thursday afternoon.In addition”to secing the “movies,”Miss Mills and cher.guests enjoyed refreshments.at the Statesville Drug store,where ta- btés had been arranged especially for ithe party.,Dr.and,Mrs,E.M.Yount of States-ville attended "the marriage:of Dr. my Yount’s sister,Miss ‘Miriam Yount;and Mr.William Scholtz of Cleveland, :Ohio,which took place Thursday eve-,ning_at the home of the bride'smoth-:‘er,Mrs.MeD.Yount,at Conover.The GLIMPSE PASSING THRONG. uDAY.|Personal Mentionof People andth»Their Movements. atives in Cha Inn afe hereto CMissFlow visiting Mrs.Dale’s sister,Mrs,C.N. er_residents of Statesville,were here cinity of Stony Point. Miss Ryth Moss leon if visiting rel- Mrs.Carrie Neil and Mr.BurenNeill,who have been visiting relativesinthevicinityofMooresvilleandinCatawbacountysincetheygaveup the mana ent of the Statesvillemonthsago,-visited.inStatesvillelastweelsandwentfromwba,~atcompanied —byeill,They will leave Ca- tawha’this week for Tama,..Iowa,where fey expect to locate. Mrs.T..M.Dale and two children,|* Miss a.and Master Thomas,are Sulljet at Hendersonville. ys.©.G,Prosperi and baby have goneto onsie to spend the summer, ond Rev.Mr.Prosperi left SundayniehtforpointsinVirginiaand Washington City,He will be away several weeks. Miss:Winona Leonard of Catawba, who was the guest of Mrs.H.B. Woodward-the past week,has.gone to Mt.Ulla to spend a week with Mrs. J.C.Wilkerson.and.babyMrs.Sherman.RamseywenttoCharlotteFriday to visitfriendsandrelatives.Miss RuthLink‘of Charlotte,who was here onavisittoMrs:Ramsey,returned ‘to Charlotte with her. Miss ‘Lucy.Eaton,who spent sever-al days at the home of her aunt,Mrs, M.E.Swann,on Euclid avenue,has returned to Buie’s Creck, Miss Elva Hartness went toWaynesvilleSaturdayfora.few days’stay.Mrs.W.H.McKay and little daugh- ter,Miss Johnsie,of Charlotte,form- Saturday on their way to Alexander | county to visit relatives in the vi- Mrs.Ralph Sharpe und little daugh- ceremony was performed.by Rev.Walter O.Bischoff.There were a“number of attendants,Mrs,Yount of|Statesville being dame of honor.A}reception followed the marriage.The bride has visited in Statesville fre- 'quently,and is well known here. Mr:Jame’Amos Sharpe of Olin and Mrs.Pearl Fleming of Troutman | were married Saturday afternoon at! the Statesville circuit parsonage,Rev. C.,L.McCain officiating. Notice ofNewy Advertisements.| County commissioners and the pen-|sion board will mect Tuesday,July 6,instead of Monday,July 5.*Mare and ood:buggy for sale.—- i Dr.C.L.Cruse. »Buggy and.one-horse wagon ’ *sale,—B.F.Long. Lady’s gray coat lost.£ula Eid-| -tates R-4. j‘for | es dy week with 4 feats picture today. hite by.heds/\a etCrawford-Bunch Furniture CxImportantequipmenttobeadded | -to Harman-upright pianos—Caslton |BiBAndrews > - :ar eran,/ ‘Summer-FaeoSeth pak’Boston.; Hnve you Drug Co. Notice to creditors—D.F. berry,receiver. Colored Baptist Church Big In-' crease. The colored Baptist,church on} south Green street,adjoining the col-" ored graded school,is being consider- ably enlarged and_“tmproved.The front of the building has-been torn} away and a new brick auditorium is being erected in its place.The seat- ‘ing capacity.will be more than dou-‘bled by the enlargement.‘The growthof.the membership of the church hasbeen.so.rapid that it hadoutgrownthe-church building,SinceRev.0.J,Allen:has been pastor“the church,a period of 15.“months, the membership has~increased from“910 to 522,a gain of 312.The con- “.gregation will use the auditorium of Sthe Billingsley .Memorial Academy.while the wérk on‘the church build-ing is in progress. ‘The improvements to be made on-the church will cost about $2,500.Of ‘this amount $1,573.27 is in sight,$1,- 033.27 having been ‘raised at rallies held Sunday morning and evening,and $540 previous to that time. ’ ,today.—Rapagy | k—J yg Sel 1+ey “dtatestille | seen May-| Headquarters National Junior Order in Statesville. ek Mr.and=Mrs:CG.B;Webb have re- turned to their home in Statesville. Mrs.Webb,who was visiting in Phil- adelphia,joined Mr.“Webb in-Ohio last week,and after the meeting of the national council -of the Junior \Order at Cedar Point,Ohio,at which :Mr.Webb was placed at the head of ‘the order,they went to Niagara Falls <and came from there to Statesville. ,©Mr..Webb.will have an office in *Statesville and will make his home ‘town the headquarters of the national 'eouncil of the Junior Order during his term of.office.He will continue to :travel some in the interest of the or-%der but hopes to spend about half his f time here. Meetings For BetterHealth |Be- ing Held.© *A “better health ‘amtoat washeldattheWesternAvenueBap-tist church last night.Mrs.Vera B Jones,the visiting ‘nurse,Dr.C.L.\'JCruse and Demonstration Agent}#Dull.were the speakers;.Lantern‘¥glides were used to illustrate thesubjectsdiscussed.‘Similar meetings will be held asfollows:In Front Street Baptist}*church at Bloomfield this evening atBo'clock;at Ostwalt:school houseayeveningat8o’clock and.ite”schoul house Thiraday |fei Hives;_Mr.Sharpe_will join them in a HOCH laoC aR BAT entirely |. of|adelphia and to,Buffalo,N.Y.Capt. Carlton went north after he attended|§ ter,“Mary:of Bladen”county,were in Statesville Saturday ‘en route to Hiddenite to vicit Mr.Sharpe’s rela- short time.Mr.Sharpe formerly lived at Barium. Mrs.A,V.Bennett and Mrs.Elma Rowland and son.Master.Bennett+ Rowland,of Charlovte,who visited i relatives in Statesville.have gone to |Boone to visit Mrs,Winkler. Miss Bernice Turner is.at home from Asheville,where she taught in the graded school. Mr,and Mrs.C.H.Turner return- ed Sunday afternoon from a visit to; Te and Mrs.Gérdon Finger in Char-| lotte,making the trip by automobile.|i 4They.were accompanied hy Master| Turner Finger. Mrs.R.K.|who visited 'Capt.and Mrsi'W.H.F |Sremcry:have returned to,their hom eee day k|who ig Gregory’and chisldrerf | Mr..W.d,Cliffe an uehter, Miss Annie Biased at aaa ia,were guests of Mr.and Mrs;Hy W,Clifford from Friday to yesterday. “Mr.and’MESS.HY Whiterand “baby :ee —MissMande -Moores, ile spent Sunday in Statesville with| er sister,Mrs.Lula Rogers. Mrs.Bg Keg ce.apd at gas a amevilleto‘enend.avportion3agmerwithMrs:Echerd’s | land Mrs.J.L.Gwaltney. spent Sunday at Taylorsville. ‘| Dr.G.A.Roberts,head of the vet-| torinary department of ‘the A.&M.) |College at Raleigh,spent Saturday lin Statesville with Dr.C.L.Cruse,go-| ing from here to Asheville to attend| the State Veterinary Association this| week.Dr.Cruse will also.attend the association.- Miss Cilla Summers,matron of the | State Hbspital at Morganton,is| spending two’weeks’vaéation-with) relatives in town and county. Misses Annie and Estelle Carlton| and Mpster Charles Carlton visited: relatives in Charlotte Iast week. Cant.P.C.Carlton returned yester- day from a visit to .his “son.in ’Phil- the reunion in Richmond. here with Mrs.Land,who is visiting her..parents,Judge and Mrs. at Goldsboro.Mrs.J.A Conner and.baby,John a week or longer.Mr.J.DeWitt ‘Ramsey yesterday from Russellville:Ky.Mrs. sey’s home people. urday.Mr.J.Forney Mills,who was the guest of relatives here for a month, returned yesterday to Shreveport,La. reunion»in Richmond,*and visited points,North,have been visiting rela-tives in Rowan and Statesville.They were guests of Mr.and Mrs.J.E.Sloop Sunday and yesterday.’Today they will leave for.their home inTexas.~Mr.Wm.L.Allison,who has beeti spending several days here with rel- atives,leaves today for his home in Chicago.Mr.D.F.Mayberry returned yes- ‘|people in’Charlotte. from Blowing Rock to Davidson,’Messrs.E.G.Gaither and R,O. At Jamestown,N.Y.,Friday,,FredShaverKilledhisfathér,‘stepmotherandapolicemanandwaslater:him-self killed by a nba drat Lrugated more or less when it gets old. ‘at Cliffside; Wnston-Salem visited Statesville? :Runde (Mr.E.M.Land,who spent Sunday} B.F.B Long,returned yesterday to his home!§ A.,-Jr.,are at Davis Sprisge to-spend returned |} Ramsey.and baby will spend the sum-|# mer at Russellville with Mrs.Ram-/% Mrs.B..L.Ashworthof Marion was i the guest of Mrs.D.-S.“Thomas Sat-| Mrs.R.k Neville and Mrs.Knolle|% of Houston,Texas,who attended the} terday froma brief visit to his homé i ’Mrs.W..J.Martin spent yesterday }with Mrs.L.White.She was en route|§ Self returned yesterday,-afternoon |# from a two days’stay ih’Greensboro.|%1 ;ore ae tsSomeFurtherRemarksAbout:the Tree Limbs. To the Editor of The Landmark:In answertoT.BE.A,1 will say I have always uiiderstood it was!the eustom of surveyors in establishing land Wines to hack the young ordium-aged and vigorous trees,if irectlyinline,instead pf the older trees which would not live so long.In.passing through the forests onewillobservemanydeadandknotson,the trees.These never getany_higher,as by the Jaws of naturethegrowthandvigorpassesonupthetreeandleavestheselower.andshadedlimbetodie.Of course this is sad,but it is according to nature’slawasitcamefromthehandof.theGreatCreator.T.E.A.is surprisedthatIrefertocorn,“not in the sameclasswiththetree.”‘While ¢orn isquiteephemeral:in its.nature,when compared with the tree of a century,I only referred to-corn because thelawofgrowthissoeasilyseeninit,and if one will watch its growth andthatofthetreehewilleasilyobserve that the law of.growth and develop-ment (in the two)is identically:the same,from the inside upward,andbyexpansionoutward;and it is the same with the old oak "with its corru-guted bark,or the maple with its smooth bark,which also becomes ¢or-. “A SUBSCRIBER.(“Subscriber”will take notice,from an article in another column,that T.E.A.“got his,’to use the language of the street,from the scientists in Washington.—/The Landmark.) Death of Mrs.Lackey, Hiddenite. Correspondence of The Landmark. Saturday morning at 7:80 otelodk,|at her home near Hiddenite,Mrs.J.|H.Lackey ‘died of heart dropsy.Sheissurvivedbyahusbandandeight children—Mrs.John Fox,who.lives“Mr.Webb Lackeyof. Gaffney,S:C.;MroJ>E.rot Fort Lawn,S.C.;Mrs.Mary HouseofNewLisbon,Ind.;Mrs,Jane Ab- ernathy and Mrs.€atherine-ear who live near the old home,andAdeliaLackeyandMrs.Icy Childers.|, Mrs.Lackey-is alsosurvived.by..44grandchildren’and four great grand-children.Mrs.Lackey has.been:aconsecratedmemberofLibertyM.,E. church,near Hiddenite,for 42°years.She will be missedby a large circle of: friends and relatives. Near Ice Cream Suppers.| The ice cream supper which was.tp! have been given by the.Bette t ;Association at Seott’s Saturday-1 1he19th,was postponed are next|Saturday night,the 26th.§<iTheTomatoclubgirls.will.serve éveam and.othér ‘refreshments iy‘Bethlehen ‘schooF Saturday evenitjovidbceatester-noe,HOwW’Ss.THIS?Ft“rh fFWeOtienetnnensieeennetDollarsRe-ward for4;Catarrh.that ean-not’be cure by aires’s Catarrh Cure.F,J.CHENEY &GO..Toledo,;OA|We,the ndenaeed.haye:known..K.J,Cheney for the last years,and |™belleve him perfectly hcnorable in ailbusinesstransactionsand_financiallvableto|by MMs firm. madeding,Kinnan Marvin,| ly,aching directly.upon©mucous ces”nials sent:free,peold by all |that Lile Marriage — Mt.Mourne Items. Correspondence of The Landmark. Mt.Mourne,,June 21.—The mem-|”’bers of the Mt.Mourne tomato elub will serve ice ¢ream at the Mt. Mourne school house.next Saturdaynight,June 26th.,This will,be for the benefit of the tomato club.Everybody invited, Miss Grace Donaldson and Mr. Jackson Hager were married at thehomeof"Squire Avery Isenhour Sun-day evening,Esq.Isenhour-officiat- ing. Mr.Harry Alexander spent partoflastweekinAsheville.Mr.OlianCaldwellofCharlottespentSaturday night and Sunday at home with his thother and family. Services at Center church Sunday afternoon.The new pastor,Rev.Mr. West,was installed..Dr.Wilson of Mooresville and’Rey.Jas.Grier’of Back Creek conducted the service. Mins Clara Culbertson visited Mrs. B.Templeton lasv week.Mr,andMrs"Ernest Cowan and family of Fayettevtile aré visiting relatives -in and near Mt,Mourne.‘ The people are very busy at pres- ent harvesting grain and workingtheircrops.We lave been having good rains. Swap’your file.eggs andbutterforcashatIredellProduceCo. —ad. FOR SALE—1,300 pound mare,cheap.Also sqad buggy.DR,-C.UL.CRUSE. Junc 22—-2t. FOR SALE—Oné buggy and a one-horsewagon,cheap.B.F.LONG,728 N.Mul- berry Street.June 22—4t. LOST\—At dy's gray eoat. Cool Spring commencement,la-EULA EIDSON,§States- ville R-4.June 22-1At,C? {FOR SALE—Deering.mowing machine ‘andrake,slightly used One season,cain.H.O.MORRISON,Caldwell)street, June 22—2t*,4 5 ¢ saaaiai amFORSALE—Indian Motor eycle in.good con-dition.Apply to J.H.McELWEE TOBAC. CO CO.--dune_1. Notice to Creditors. North Carolina,IredellCounty:KR.W.Pou,et als ys.Elmwood sasieniita Company,All creditors holding”elatms against the de- fendant corporation,the Elmwood Mercantile Company,are hereby notified to present andmakeproofofsaidclaims‘within thirty daysfromdate;and those failing to so present and make proof of their respective claims ‘within above named time,are hereby notified they will be debarred from participatingthedistribution.of the assets of the said ndant eorporation,tue Elmwood Mercan- Company. Given by order of court,this the 19th dayofdyne,1915.D.F.MAYBERRY,June 22,1926.Receiver. NOTICE TO COMMISSIONERS, tee,Tie) As July 5,the tate Monday in ‘Tuly,will lébecelebratedasFourth.of ‘July,’the.bodfd |.,to |B. transact pager business,but...will.,adjourn a of cousytys {commisaionerif/will.not{try} until,the,Mowing-“Tucsday-—fot theransaétion’of“YegulAl'business. ~The6th.instead of ~*~June,22.NB.YP litus’Brinn, Pastor Installed— A,bar- “Leonomy wakes Boerne homes and sound nafiors-attil.it deep’—George Wrahin ton,OVERNED by a sense of duty to his peopleand de- votion te his ideals,Wash- ‘ington —was big enough hs when he had the destiny of the Colonies in.his hands,to turn his back up- ONe selfish ambitions. ~Self Denialis’Strength. You have the making of your futurein your hands.Be bi enough to sacrifice all slik desires that have to do only © with the present,and ark now for the future. Economy and shila i denying yourself the many little extrava-_gances and pleasures of thepresent, will make~you-strongerin mind,purpose and.character and ulti-mately lead you to the full enjoy-ment.of all the good that yourener- “>gy andsavingswillbring.———__.. STATESVILLE N.C.Capital 100 000 Aa Paid ondon Tine Deposits War”4LHELMfick=C WessATKINS, isees Mr.‘echerd,|i : at. makes dand presents. you. se s e s s c e s Se s e e s r e d e p e r e s o v e s e e s s o e s It surelyis 00d to look Perfect Pleasing to the eye.It IS GREAT TO OWN. ‘Come,let us show it to ‘The Rexall Store. in form. y..prizes_or wer seesreres: is responsible._ Statesville Drug Comp’y anists. Pension!eee will)niso waitl ‘July a. “ae —=White. _to.a$25 Trunk.|ot : eee ere,ees ‘Sherrill-White Shoe ‘Company.; soar fe ARN iat shea ley yaaa pees raeTennisOxfords;black and:white,Eve ae ‘Tennis Oxfords;black and white,65¢.pair. Tennis ‘Oxfords,black andwhite,tbo. BRE Te tu fe saksi»Baby:Footery..”" Yeses,wedé réitieinBahed thebabies,ond eall ate v0tentiontoourexcelleritlineof‘Baby Footery.: Soft soleShoes,white,pink,blue and tan,50c.the pair.:: Soft sole Shoes,white,pink,blue and,tan,25c.the pair. Complete line of Infants’Moccasins,white,BS blue andtan,25c.the pair.- SHERRILL-WHITE SHOE CO. New”Black aeWw:Checked Skirts:$1.48to$4.98.Striped Skirts $1,48, 36 inch.AwninCloth,special - 36 inch White Gaberdine Onelot Palm Beach Cloth 1,500 yards Printed Mull.This is a beautifulfabricformid-summer dresses,all colors,infloral,coin dot,stripes,ete,,10.and 12 120.ae value,our price fy,Ores One lot’86 inch Dimity,12 Ide,ae ourpriceoral;812 Stripe ‘silk.Voile and a d.,an a 98¢.nklineinthecity to Po OFFICERS,/OLD -TIME _REVIY:Says They Should Do More To|John Wesley;Whitfie7=|Suppress Illicit Distilling,|wrightand Others St}SING VERSATILE MAN,Raleigh News and Observer.|People in Other Daya,-ie ot tas Stat Collector J.W,Bailey -yesterday New.York Worldy ponte A!Appointed Secretary State phe Ma .statement in which he jPi .ivate followed the paniies)’of}ualifica-las Interesting said that he didn’t see why the al tee Minds dlseerse dnc ossDeNoweoftheStatedonotdemandgrea°F hard times of 1875.aeHcl te,intme Robert Lans-/activity of the sheriffs in the matter ‘Dr.J,Wilbur:Chapman and’Chas.e appointment of Rober of the suppression ‘of illicit distilling,M.Alexander,in Boston,during 971.&counselor of the State Depart- int Secretary off:He called attentan to the fact that!deve in’Januaty-Pebruaty:4909.Helt,to the position of Secretary the Federal Court recently in session|‘ys J ry:seatainterimbringstotheim+u t nearly a thousand meetings,oe A nities of premier of the}here sentenced twenty-eight men to ta nearly 750,000 people and made}merican government a man whol the United States prison at Atlanta,more than 30,000 converts,nissesses-many interesting qualifica-eo terms ee ey soeg tet oe sch wae De Cheiiiay who id’:i ;t inter-|three “years,and tha ree other ly Sunday on his career,and w CyByNakonly,ts D6 8,geen were sentenced to fie Wake county y :y ~_+June 22,1915,—_{_—_{_$_$_$$ ‘i i =f you have fertilized your crops lightly at planting time,or used fertilizerlackinginpotash,it is not too late to remedy this,provided you Top orSideheswithafertilizercontainingsufficientproportionsofallthree jonal lawyer,but he is probably aes vergatile citizen than any man‘who has preceded him in the position,®To begin.with,Mr.Lansing has “had long experience in internationalaffairs.He has.represented’the Unit- ed “States in more international ar-.bitrations than any:living American.He has appeared more frequently.be- fore international tribunals than.anylivingJawyer..He is a writer of ‘books,and is an editor of the Ameri-! ean Journal of International Law;to“whieh he has contributed many edi- torials,articles and book reviews.Heisanindefatigableworker.: Outside.of office hours Mr,Lansingisapainter,a draftsman.of great ability,a writer of exquisite verse,‘an ardent fisherman,a good golf player and an enthagsiastic baseball fan.All of thesé things keep Mr.Lan- sing.very busy,but it is one of the eharasteristics of the new Secretarythatheis’never too busy to smile, never too busy to be courteous andaffable.There have been in publiclifémenwhose.smiles have made them famous,but it is doubtful if‘there ever has been one who had a more engaging smile than Robert Lansing.The new Secretary smileswithhiseyesaswellashislips.Hemaysmilewithhiseyesandnotwith his lips,but he never reverses the r ‘Another thing about the new Sec-retary which|onspicuous in thesestrenuoustimesishisremarkableself-possession.He is always coolandunruffled,almost to the point of_imperturbabiliTtisacuri“when James°G-Blaine resigned from‘the office of Secretary of State in thecabinetofPresident“Harrison,23irsago,he was succeeded by Gen.Jott Wh Poster,thé father-in-law ofMr.Lansing,‘who.now succeeds.Mr.‘es and Mrs,’Lansing havecelebratedtheirsilverweddingan-niversary since coming to the StateDepartment.<e eR ; :MEXICO’S.DESTRUCTION M :Hope For the Worst Spot Europe Than For Mexico: Review ofReviews.1 iat _‘Gerrifying as some,aspects of the fic ca hive Sheen}‘thereothinginthewholeworldsofor-as the plight of Mexico,!and no wc so enshrouded in gloom.Thereopeintheworstcornerofninthebrightestspotof,In”the,period of oee\ance our authorities “At eegeenpinnedtheirfaith.uponRa.He seemed ~of the peoif‘prospect of leadingthe way.tospeateandregeneration.Later on.thejadministrationwasobliged.to”.give!tp arvana as wholly disappointing,and to make Villa,with his well-re-‘garded assistant,General Angelea, the object of their prayers and hopes.General Obregon has of late seemedtoholdthecenter.of the lurid stage,|'and he is in the-field while his chtef,Carranza,lingers at Vera Cruz.Ahigh‘authority at “Washington.-re-marked in private confidence the oth-er day that a.»vigorous Americanleadercouldtakealargetrainloador_two of provisions and a milliondollarsinGash,and march straight totheCityofMexicowith200,000 loy-al Mexican:troops,,who.would begladtoservehimfordailybread’and-&small regular wage,Mexico today;i an.anarchy,‘hot an organized po-iitical sovereignty.»A military dic-tatorship doubtless will establish it-self upon the ruins,It is a.thousandpitiesthatresponsibleMexicanciti-zens who have property and lawfulinterestsinthatcountryaresolack-ing in wisdom and common sensethattheydonoturgetheUnitedStatesgovertimenttotakeup.‘thetaskofreorganizingMexicoin.-analtruisticandneighborlyspirit. THE CONFEDERATE WAY. Action of Confederate Cruiser*Contrasted With Lusitania‘Case,.Ocala,Fla.,Star. The sinking of -the Lusitania re-~ealls-an-almost-forgotten chapter,in»history.In December,1862,the Ari-el,a large passenger steamer,own-ed by Vanderbilt’s grandfather,Conm-modore Vanderbilt,was overhauledbytheCénfederatecruiserAlabama-off the coast of Cuba..The Aric]hadonboard140Federalofficersand_men,a battalion of mariyes on theirweytothePacificstation.She alsohadonboardover300otherpassen-gers,many of .them women and chil-‘dren.Of course,it was not possiblefortheAlabamatotakethepassen-ers off the Ariel,which was a largeandvaluableship,and the propertyofabitterenemyoftheSouth,butitneveroccurredtotheConfederatecommander,«Raphael Semmes,tosinktheVessel,He sent one of hisOfficerstoreassurethewomenanditdren‘who were expecting dreadfulthingsfromthe“pirate.”Not an ar-ticle belonging ‘to any passenger wasuched.The soltivrs were paroled,the ship placed under bond (a bondt.Commodore §Vanderbilt neverdtheAlabatnasteamedstrongerfoes,Thehutinwithpowerful“48 shut in,and the)ed in defeat’as Ger.Probably will be,but,defeatedvictorious,Germany —can never. consideration for the weak,pled with unsurpassed courage,tis the imperishable heritage of *coincidence that]: oy dnatohavea} jail.Practically everyone of thesemenweresentenced:for the crime ofillicitdistillingcontrarytotherev-enue statutes of the United States,Mr.Bailey pointed out.“I do not think,”said he,“that thesuppression,of illicit distilling shouldfall.so.completely upon the.Federalauthorities.Each sheriff has a num-ber of deputies and anly one countyto(operate in.A ¢ollector hasonlynineor’ten deputies and 56countiestooperatein.Moreover,thecolle¢tor’s office is’concerned with atreatmanymattersother.than thesuppressionofillicitdistilling,andeverydeputycollectorhasmanyotherdutiesthanthatofraiding.Further-more,the dignity of the State de-mands that it enforce .its own crimi-nal statutes rather than depend upontheUnitedStatestodoso.” Mr.Bailey’added that the recentmovementtoreducethenumber.ofdeputiesinthisdistricthaditsorigininthefactthataccurdingtothere-cords at Washington,North Carolinahasmore:than her share,apparently,of deputies.The commissioner,how-|ever,Mr.Bailey ‘stated,agreed towithdraw--his—recommendatien,—_be-cause it was shown that if he did,il-licit distilling would .be likely togreatlyincreaseinthisState. “¥believe,”-the-coHeector-continued,+“that if.the government finds thattheStateisrelyinguponthegovern-ment for the enforcement of Statelaws,the gavernment will find somemeanstoputtheresponsibilitybackupontheState.”:Mr.Bailey said that as long as hewascollector-he~would--recquire--theFederal:deputies to do all in theirowertoputdownillicitdistilling,but.he appeared ‘thoroughly.convinc-ed that it is.up-to the county officerstodomorethantheyaredoing. MOVEMENT TO AID JEWS. |Will Seek to Permanently Es-tablish Civil and —PoliticaRights.iNewYorkDispatch,18th.is What is ‘intended asia nation-widemoyement.for the amelioration of thiTithotaeolf5icpnfutonofthe’Jews all over ¢world,{ditienlatly those in the bel ‘erent European nations,.was inag-gurated today with the formal organ-ization here of the International Jew.ish Emancipation Committee.Champirk,Speaker of the House of Rep-Rentatives,was elected its presgi-ae iAmmovement..was started‘eminent Ws “in.thiscitytheinfluence‘and aid of representjtivemen.in-education and politie‘citclés was solicited.Hundreds |letters from prominent men,expressingsympathywiththeproposédmovement,-have been received byBenryGreen,executive secretary ofthecommittee..‘It.is the belief of those interestedinthemovementthatthequestionofpermanentlyestablishingthecivilandpoliticalrightsof»Jews:throughouttheworldcanbesettledforalltimethroughtheinfluencethattheUnitedStateswillexerciseattheconclusionoftheEuropean.war.;‘Speaker Clarkin a recent letter tothecommitteesaid:“I will be glad to do what I caninaidingtheJewstogetafavorableinternational.agreement.”thers elected officers of-the com-mittee include the following:‘Arthur Capper,Governor of Kan-eas;Samuel McCormick,ChancelloroftheUniversityofPittsburg;Sena-tor Kern of Indiana;Bishop DavidH.Greer,New York,and GovernorHannaofNorthNakota;treasurer,William B.Joyce,New York;execu-tive secretary,Henry Green,NewYork;financial secretary,HenryBerlin,New ork;executive com-mittee,Judge Gustave Hartman’fin-ance committee,-Senator Ogden L.Miller;organization committee,Gus-tave A.Rogers;general committee,George T.Montgomery;committee offoreignaffairs,Louis.D.Brandeis;ad-visory committee,William Wirt Mills. Cleveland \Personals,Correspondence:of The.Landmark.Cleveland,June 21..Miss WinnieHarrisleavestodayforanextendedvisittoMissColleenGarrissofGolds-yboro.Miss Harris.will spend severaldaysinRaleighbeforegoingtoGolds-boro.Mrs.W.F.Chenault returnedSaturdayfromCharlotte.Mrs,BeulahMooreofSalisburywastheguestofMrs.C.J.Fleming Sunday.Mr.Gus Allison and daughter,MissAnnie,of Mocksville,spent SundaywithMrs.W.A.Luekey,Mr.R.Hi.Foard left Monday for ShenandoghValley,Va.Mr.and Mrs.H,L.Kin-caid of Statesville Spent Sunday withMrs.C.J.Fleming.|*Mr.and >Mrs,Foard Shepherd,whose home at Elmwood was.burnedthismorning,will stop here with Mr.Shepherd’s sister,Mrs.W.-F.Che-nault,for the present, :Rey,W.W;Putman of Ranger,Ga.,is in jail:at Calhoun,Ga,,to,answerforkitingHomerTaylor,a youngmarriedmanofRanger,Putman’sdaughterisinvolved. The Ola 5tavetheshiningrecord.forchivaleyl Gen out Majaria; Southern Cofifederacy, }}ished, Was almost afraid,sixthat“Billy will not live more’thanfiveyearsmore;his fevered energyisjustburning.him up,”vaneJohn’Wesley —traveled.270,000miles,preached 40,000 sermons tindwrotemanybooks.Hanae epAfterGeorgeWhitefield’s *firstsermonasapastoroftheChurchofEngland,it was complained to.hisbishopthathedrove15ofhisheapersmad.‘This was in the earlyteenthcentury,“I hope,”said’thebishoy,“the madness will not “beforgottenbeforenext‘Sunddy.’?/)°Peter Cartwright,preacher,”who started the,revival prayed adancingparty into such a state onewightthat32conversionsresulted, revivalist,inventediousseat,”in a meeting at Rochesterinthethirties. “T want you,” years alo, Gigh-|} “the backwoods | of 1800 in ‘ennessee and Kentucky,||rough “mountain men’s}/ Charles G.Finney,an American||the term .“‘anx.|-! said Dwight ©1.)| (Ammonia)only acid and POTASH. i who had just sung,“There”isFoundation.”“You must give upyourbusinessand»come.with me:”The man was Ira-D.Sankey,Moody’s’sWeet-singing comrade for years.7Spurgeon,the reat:’London’preacher;once had an auetence’of24,000 at the Crystal Palace, the bar. “Gipsy”Smith is really a Gypsy—ta full-bloded Romany.He neversleptinabeduntilhewas17.‘Billy-Sunday’s~platform gymnuge’tics have never surpassed the pulpitathieti¢s “of T.DeWitt:TalmagesiivAs.for revivalslang,it was theRev,Len.Broughton of Georgia whoinBrooklyn15yearsagodeclaredthatPeter“slipped his trolley”intheattempttowalktheSeaofGal-ilee, ITEMS OF ALL SORTS. Robt...Wall,who killed Martin!Moretz in Watauga county last year,has been sentenced to three and ahalfyearsintheStateprison,IERhefinststonefor,the constructionofCape,Lookout,breakwater,was ‘tohavebeenDlseodSaturday,wilh someceremony.and at Simmons.thecentralqrareryt called off on ‘dacvount 6f a rough sea.Balisbury,graded"schodl allow: taught in the.tenth.and — tional.,toile:goad ;tNear,Warsaw,Duplin-coWagstaffheardablowonhouse‘door about 2morning...Mr.Wagstaff opened.finewithhisshotgun.He heard some oneery“O Lord!”and next morning ‘sawatraceofblood,but the thief gotaway.E nty,J.Hy passengers)between Salisbury.andSpencerhadtogooutofbusinessbe- taxes required of aldermen,The car.business Spencer. The first issue of the Herald,thenewpaperpublishedatLexington,appeared Friday.It is issued semiweekly,is the same size.as The Land-mark,and is neatly printed and_welledited.”The paper is published by astockcompanyandMr,M.L°Misen-heimer‘is editor,:iItisreportedthatHon.R.*.Doughton of Alleghany,who has beenfrequentlymentionedfortheDemo-cratic nomination for Attorney Gen-eral,will soon announce his eandiddacy;and that Mr.J.W.Bailey,men.tioned in the same connection,willnotbeacandidateifMr.Doughtonentersthe.race.:; NEW CANCER BULLETIN.State BoardofHealth Tells Peo.ple Things They ShouldKnow.:Cancer is on the increase.TheBoardof-Health realizing the timely:importance of checking this increas:ing disease among our People hasjustpreparedandissued50,000 copies4ageaea‘the subject of“Cancer an at You Shouldarraneuld Know Largely because ofanceandneglect them by SalisburyJitneyshurt.the streetbetweenSalisburyand State public ignor-cancer now proyfatalinover.90 per cent of the nettacks,whereas 90.per cent could becuredthroughearlyrecognitionandpromptremoval.Herein lies hope for the control ofcancer.It is at this point’the peoplemustbeinformedandmadetoknow disease,They musti know that it iglargelypreventable,‘Cancer is believed ‘to bemostgenerallybytheconstanttionofsomelocaltissue,to be more prevalent,inedpeople,It is evident that thesepredisposingcausescanbecontrolledthereforeitissafetosay.that cancer.1s preventable,By avoiding contin.ued irritation as the pressure of igbipestemonthetongueortheJipsop4corsetstayon‘the breast.and hyavoidingovernutrition,Predispogi.tion to cancer:can be greatly dimjn. It is knownovernourish- The Board.issuesamessageofhopeto inform ‘theplethatiftakenintimethe_of .the s£ases of cancer are Chrablethat.in early operation lies.the onlyhopeofcure.For this free leaflet.on\ >Deo-Majority Builds up the Canter,write to:th rd of Moody,in Indianapolis,to the man|| ‘Sam-Jones,the “mountain<4 Caigelist,”was educated originally for!: ut he affair had to be|2 points to high school’pupils’for’#aeehsordsmailé'at’Sunday*séhool:and!éstenography.and |typewriting .wilh be fheeleventh|2#rades of School;the tourse beilig op:1% is smoke-|& clock ‘in thet® Jitney cars (automobiles hauling |% cause fo the heavy bonds and license}; the nature and facts concerning the} caused [irritas } the pamphlet ag}wm ‘Will stimulate theunfavorableseasonblightandshed. MAGIC TO Norfolk,Va.partanburg,8,C, necessary elements of plant food—t!Do not make the mistake of usin,such as Nitrate of Soda.Toaswellasstalkandfoliage,use ROYSTER’not only provide ammonia in quickly available form;but also phosphoric growth of your crop,al conditions,and check the tendencyin cotton to PRESTO TOP_DRESSER,——-__.-_..ROYSTER’S SPECIAL TOP DRESSER,P DRESSER... Royster top dressers,like all Royster Fertilizers,compounded on scientific principles:proper time and in right proportiLookforthetrade-mark on every bag.Ce Atlanta, Montgomery,Ala *hosphoric Acid,Ammonia and Potash,g 4 material that contains NitrogengettheincreaseinfruitaSTOPDRESSERS,which ROYSTER’S ~~TOP-DRESSERS TRADE MARK es .°REGISTERED, increase the yield,overcome BRANDS ae Available Ammonia10 7.50 | Potash |4.—250°4.~ are backed by experience:plant-food:for the plant at just theos:mechanical condition°perfect, Sendpostal for book on Top Dressing and name of nearestRoyster Dealer.F.S.ROYSTER GUANO COMPANY, Charlotte,N,GC,Tarboro,N,C,Ga.Macon,(a. Baltimore,Md, Columbia,8 C,Columbus,Ga, /Will.pléase those,«Who,détidnd |the*very besty«Itsis-an 8extraordinaryflour;'Your Grocer knows... j Cary.C.Boshamer,Local Represéitative,‘’Phone 125 Black.Itaw.| Printed utter Wrappers! After July 1st you will be -re- ~quired by law to label your butter. Have us print your name as required by law on our High Grade Parchment Paper.‘It's ,an advertisement for your _ ~brand. PINECEDAR |Statesville Printing Co. ‘CYPRESSBs.Shingles ‘Twelve grades—from $2.00 up; |YOURO BORER *So Bay.a'Nice Farm and Get Ready for Next Year’s Erop.:No {+$4 acresiin Eimwoods-All gchoot-find church:convertiehces:-#ae ~Stron anc,40 acres in ,bottom,8-room -house,large barnandouthouses.2 :cle ee fNo.2-77 acres 33 miles east of city.This propertylies on the sand-clay-highway now being constructed by the g6véen nent.Is1)ovo idesttue DairyandPrack farming.——:No,3—40 acres 1-1-4 miles from public square.Splendidly adapted |(Las %>:fér Dairy purposes,Live Stock and Poultry.:esNo.4—60 acres in Wilkes county just across Iredell line—a bargain.,40 city Jots in east Statesville,known 45 “Park Place”’—$15 down,balance in monthly payments of $35"°suena uu10lotsinBloomfield.Terms easy.Six lots in south Statesville.asectionfastdeveloping.Several nice houses and lars to sell.Call on me and learn what I have.‘ Statesville,N.C. 547 Center Street‘PHONE 54..CECABISA CALE OY. Nice Mules and Mares!.| Two car loads Mules and one car load nice Mares—over 100 extra nice ones. _C.WATKINS,_ The Sheaffer _Self.filling Fountain Pen:$2.50 to $5.00. Absolute satisfactionguaranteedineverypen. Allison’s Book Store. ‘J.S.Fry &Son.wit call for ind difdesired,but will allow 10offifworkigbroughtinan .J.S.FRY &SON,_Shoe Cobblers. er cent called snp tn —“ain eliver your shoes},=e Coite L.Sherrill,M.D., Will answer *phone calls:left.at Dr.Long's Sanatorium or e StHealth,Raleigh,’08 |woiag)*fe eehs _Geo,M.Foard’sresidence. Henkel-Craig.Live Stock Co. RAL ITseoFire,Tornado,Live Stock,Automobile,Liability,:Plate Glass,Steam Boiler,Accident and Health or Life Insurance Wesolicit your business for the leadingcompanies.writing the different lines ofinsurance.Full information obtainedonrequest.: ERNEST G.GAITHER,OS AND ‘RearoeREN’PHONE 23,OFFICE NO,1,MILLS BUILDING.age GOOD TIME ! The clocks in the home must be right = or the.housekeeper can’t be ex-pected to plan and have meals on time.Then there ig eon iAwearingoutyourpocketwith&watch,that you can't depend ‘on..No,what you want to do is to get your .watch or clock repaired by BOBHENRYwhileheisdevotinghisentire-time to repairing watches andclocksandfittingspectaclesandeye-glasses,¢iR.F.HENRY,‘Jeweler. |.THE ADVERTISER ASKS FOR YOUR BUSINESS. hele ih _{When the submarines of disease creep up'on you una- wares,assault you amidships,send torpedoes crashing through your engine room:and:ball up your running gear,sound the S,O.S.for the doctor. 1He’Il throw you alife nrosarver(that's @ prescription), 4 If you want'to make sure it will float youtosafety,let us fill it with the world’s finest drugs,each one of 100 per cent fighting strength,and guaranteed to annihilate every germ that comes within range. The Polk Gray Drug Company.ON THE SQUARE. 2ObrO GOIIR ATARI CETFOI CACECRCEORORCAD Try —e TF ~eenagnaeeo YOU are going to build consider roofing,All kinds metal roofingaefulllinesheetmetalsinstock.A specialty of ridge roll and val- ey tin.STATESVILLE TIN Co.,Hi.¢.Mohler,Manager.*PHONE 165.“114 East Broad Street. SOAR AO TIRADE AEE EERE EY Mi third and concluding section of-h Sito conference; June 22,1915. This Is Suggestion Of Former ,Secretary of State In»cluding Paper On Causeless War. Former ee s Secretary Bryan Age“the statement on “The Causeless War” suggests mediation as “the way out.” As a preventive of war,,Mr.Bryan proposes universal extension of his4|investigation commission peace treaty 7 |plan. “Mediation,”the statement says,|' “is the means provided by interna- belligerent nations can be brought in future wars’can be averted,and the cultivation of oa $$Saar :THTE LANDMARK’MEXICAN’S BREAD LINE. —————————_—_—_ 4|MEDIATION THE WAY OuT. Con-poor ins alive. until.two in thé afternoon they bear|/ tional agreement,through which the time for investigation ¥}of all disputes is the mean’by which international friend4||fon Stand Starving.In.Line ForDays.Waiting For’:Corn. Mexico Dispateh,18th,’ From 12900 to ‘20,000 of the city’s have been standing.in_line at the food distributing station from 3 o'clock in the morning until long af- ter-dark—for~-the last seven days inanefforttogetenoughcorntokeepFrom.eight--in-the morning the hot rays:of a tropical sun and from the latter hour until dark they stand in downpours of rain,for the Wet season has begun. On some.days as many as two hundred have been carried away onstretchersby:Red Cross attendants. Theee have dropped from weakness due to lack of food,from being over- come by the sun’s rays,or from suf-focation.So desperate have -therushesfor¢orn become at‘times that‘aldicrs guarding the lines in the ef- ‘mediation jointly and severally;that G ship is the means by which the desire!°?"'to »maintain a semblance of or-|dna tone ean be:Pact Gace der have had to fire over the heads| In elaborating his plan for,restaradt’the hungry thrange,While these| tion of peace Mr.Bryan urges:»|scenes were being enacted on the That neutral nations in.advocating)*to°'s in various sections of the! neace grystalize sentiment in favor of an delegations ‘to.the National| peace!into a-coercive force and offer onvention wee quarreling oxerwhetherGeneralGonzalesGarzaor}cu.Manuet Palafox should be nam-|ed Chief Executive.“At times the|debate became so fierce as to cause weapons to be drawn.f One of these passages was inter- ae that a.world-wide ‘edueational paeted by a mob of Peligecug whe movement te cultivate a spirit of le od.the chernber wits "gh ofbrotherhoodamongthenationsbeune),°°US Com.rnere-is little corn|lertake nas the final task of the ad-fo rive.an allotment.of two quarts! the warring nations join in a.treaty to provide for investigation “by a nermanent international commission of every dispute that may arise,no matter what.its character or nature,” orates of peace.cing the maximum allowed to any) ““Great nations cannot be extermi-!‘“9 ae the ciekeahnting :ut legates,whelated,”saya Mr.“Bryan..“Predictions|‘d vite cece mined oS made at the beginning of the warj©'‘ere Sd off ee N:P a ote| have not been fulfilled.The British,|precedence add office-cseeking,devote}time to passing laws such aslidnotdestroytheGerman®fleet in}Hi i Ithe filling of alt-v 4month,aejermany cid not take Paris|o compel the tiling of a va-| wo months,and the Russian army,°°"lots,though seed corn for plant-| ha not eat C hris mas dinner in Ber-}'inc and water for irrigation are lack) ‘in.But even if:extermination were||"id bills to lower the price of MONEY TO LOAN? No,but this cultivator will save you money andtime this busy season when old General Green gets a ho!d on your crop.Heis here and is doing his work.Be op the alert,Farmer,get ahead of him.We have only a few left.Terms right. OSL £0 -delivers’the least ice andj he will tell you wherever there is an Odorless Re-é, it is constructed different =Istime for investigation and report,and St from the many so-called | Refrigerators and ice box-& es.It retains the cold, keeps the ice from melting | and saves the ice.Savedé ice is saved money. We have them in allsizes,with and without water coolers.: Also White Mountain Ice Cream Freezer,the best freezer in the world.Respectfully, Of poverty and want willnever grabyou i if you have an active savings account in a good Bank—this Bank for instance. But you want to start in time.Startnow,: and start here.A dollar will do to start _ _with and a hundred dollars wouldn’t stop;§ ‘you,once you realize how important a Savings accountis. Saver —dain -SATSPACO. -Merchants and Farmers’Bank, Of Statesville,-¥ pee rhe Beak oe Your Savings.”Me /1igree to peace;then if an agreement | $of the war will be “upon those w '| *United:States,the largest ofthe neu-. B the.war berad, ettion from acting»;-Thisis nofja tim? Bi country for ‘amy’reason—tto ‘matter glad to.lea h lief .“1 i what the reason be-—isi in =a gma sbodabeuaki aitAsktheicemanwherehep)a 2 Faryate urges that his plan of devgsti- =i lution of almost every difficulty.Doc =|between Austria and Servia?”sssiaiaenieseieatienimmnaunicsnoniine ficommissioners of agriculture of the =various States in the interest of a =|just tariff on cotton bagging and tics “|Major Graham hasBjmendedtotheSecretary of Agricul-'Doan’s Kidney Pills.- =/iure the calling of an intérnational =convention to-consider the standard- Fs ization of cotton bagging and tics. E |Graham,the weight of a bale of cot- cotton bagging and ties then as now =pounds.=|therefore,as the tare. 7\time,the:bale of cotton has been in- ti}tare remains the same six per cent. e |now deducted as the tare,just eights|nounds above the correct weight.As usual we shall.Whe plan of an international con-:arose,tp consides the proposition ha:have our splendid of- #\already been indorsed by the South-+“£,ern Agricultural Workers and by the’ferings for commence-=|Asociation of Commissioners of the ment time,consisting Southern States.Sl ,_of handsomely arrang- Miserly.Old Woman and Her ed Baskets,BouquetsMoney.atc ,, =|Newton Enterprise. =|miserly old soul,and died worth thou- 2 tempting.lot of gold and silver mon- te conmmit: “When,can peace be restor- .d?.Any time now,if.the partich:|. yoants are really weary of thig:war land ready forrit to end.If any na-tion is not ready,let its_ruler state in |Mother Died ‘Trying to Save Ba- sleay,distinct and ¢efinite terms by. |sonditions upon which it is willing t6) ,,ly on:the*morning of the 16th "hong occupied by Mr.and Mrs.@ an‘s not reached,blame for continu Weg EEd.Waatson,five miles from Scotland x *k was.discovered to be on fire. ‘Watson and his wife,trying to ex-~at proposing mediation,the former,ee an &; Secretary points out that The Hagué tn ae i tes a ome oe osnventios expressly declares an ered |ee eee f nations could afford*#especially the rich men. is first assistant to a cab- { | }4 minister. [rv on all, Chwa man ”,nake unusual demands. .heard within the burning house,Both!af mediation:shall not be consider aie es burl donen’med.the ¥soon.came out with the child, st burned to death,but the wo- as overcome Dy heat and smoke an unfriendly act,and adda:i jrus “The duty of offering |may seem to rest primarily upon the mediatia f n sral nations and the one most inti-|mately bound “by ‘ties of -blead'to all,* the belligerents...The United States)if |did,make an,Ske immediate]aftertwhynotagdinand again untilofr ‘offer or some oth {offer is accepted?. +“But our action or failure to “act necd.not deter any other neutral so badly burned it may die;and t lives it will be blind. GooD NEWS. re Many Statesville Readers Have Heard i It and Profited.Thereby. sto stand on.ceremony;if any.other -bad back,sufferers.in Statesville,are in a bet-maybe iter position than we,,.to..tender ;found.‘Many'a ‘lame,weak aril ach- |ment.” To assure permanent peace,Our citizens are|“Mr.Dean’s Kidney Pills. telling the good news of their experi-cation treaties be adopted by:the wa Herevingnations.enee with this tested remedy. “A treaty such as those which now j,an example worth redding: pretect the peace of the United =States,”he says,“would give a year’s Mrs.C.B.Morrison,739 W.Front Statesville,says:“I tried in vainwho:doubts that a:year’s time would :to get something that would cure mebesufficienttoreachanamicableso- iny one suppose that thapresent war a would have begun if a year’s time had had bothered me for years.Finally, Seen taken to investigate the difpute I used Doan’s Kidney Pills and they a made a great,improvement.I had ta- Tare On Cotton ken them only 4 short time before I Bales.was in good health and best of all,I Commissioner W.A.Graham is haven’t been bothered by my kidneys preparing to communicate with all the.isince.’ Price 50c,at all Don’t simply.ask for a kidney remedy—set the:same that Mrs.Morrison had.Foster-Milburn Co.,Props.,Buffalo,N.Y. To Reduce dealers. already recom- Prior to 1865,avcording to Major at srcals hough little is to be had|osaibie,ft would-be-a-erime-poorbn|»_alt E ' vilization which no nation or group)&7 ta price."One Srivcien |portashed in the flames,The child) --“Good news.travels.fast,”cand the|d ;zood offices,it~should:not-delay:a-mo-ing back ig bad no more,thanks;to; >of backache and kidney trouble.that noo BETTER COOKING ~ ES Tam doing all my baking in a NEW PERFECTION Oven on aNEWPERFECTIONOilCook-stove this summer.”’ “Tt bakes bread so richly browned—suchdeliciousbiscuits—such light,fluffy cake,”’ The secret is the current of fresh hot air _passing continually over and under the,food—drying out the steam and preven-ting sogginess,an-exclusive-advantage—__+} of the NEW PERFECTION Oven. With a NEW PERFECTION Oil -_Cookstoveanda NEW PERFECTIONOvenyoucanhaveacool,clean kitchen allsummer.No wood to cut;no eoal to carry;no smoke or ashes. The NEW.PERFECTION is likea ~~ s stove,Itis ready daay or night,‘Needs no priming.__Made'in't,2,3 and 4 burner sizes.Hardwaredealers and general stores everywhere.y.t pif .>."Use Aladdin.Security,OF [oea oF,Diamon:hite.Gee abibiettoobtaintheoNresults:-iner oils 7 si)at»Stoves,Heaters»and beara.obs edidievty STANDARD OIL COMPANY Washington,D.C.(New Jersey)—Charlotte,N.C. Norfolk,Va.(BALTIMORE)Charleston,W.Va. Richmond,Va.Charleston,S.C. Bob-o-Link!Bob-o-Link!)| If you want to be up to the minute me you must have a BOB-O-LINK,”—| FRIENDSHIP BRACELET.We “have them.—nn R.H.RICKERT.&SON. ton was generally 350 pounds.The Flowers For Graduation Day !|: weighed .twenty-one ‘orSixpercent wasSince twenty-two fixed, that creased to.five hundred pounds.The As a result,about thirty pounds arc The papers have told an interesting story of.an old woman in Grant town-ship.”Randolph county,Miss As-cenith Cox,who lived:alone,was!a’ Roses and Carnations in abundance.Ex- -quisite Flowers from ~our own gardens.sands.on was a distant relative ofMr.F.Cox of Newton and.lived)about a ate from his old home.It; is estimated she was worth $50,000,a ey and gold bars,foreign money,etc..being found in her home.It is saidthatseveralyearsagoshemovedall] her specie from the bank,and there|was so much weight to it they usedaoné-horse wagon.Nobody has everknown;what became of.it.She wouldhavenothingbutspecieintrading. Her timbered lands ure very valuable and she would never sell a tree,tell-|ing buyers that she wanted the“an-, cient Yandmarks to stand.” bonvvs-vsmoneratnona~pongaernsgenmcma ‘ae somewenraven coed Invigorating to the Pale and Sickly| id Standard eee strengthening tonic,| Van Lindley (o., 'FLORISTS 10 THE SOUTH,’ GREENSBORO,¥.©. Polk Gray Drug Co., Lacal Agents, DO YOU BELIEVE INSTATESVILLE?4 =THEN BUY = Ice Made iin Statesville 4 From deep-well water,distilled and _ germ proof,Fresh ICE,full weight: (goes’further),is what we have to offer.We aim to give the best serv- ice possible..With your co-operation.if ey we will succeed. Yours for the up-building of Statesville, Imperial Cotton Oil Company, ‘Phone 205.son SAILEL EL ELL TTERTPL APLT PLL EEL oolPOACCOCRCECETITASATESTATRTRRRakboketohahSaneteRaeea Ice Box or Refrigerator Lin AlE YOU INTERESTE D?”- Tin or Sheet Metal Work aNCy Kind?LET US KNOW. TheLhove TASni $8 chill FON i nkobse -(Mala fl 8 system,”or vsduite and children,B0c, Galvanized Bell *Phone 98.Independent "Phone ;IN GatvantizodShog eat pot Painted?—CaN |IREDELL TIN WORKS. We Show the “Universal Pictures,”the Pictures That Give the Greatest Pleasureto the Greatest Number—Our Programme for This Week:oo se |PRIDAYTUESDAY...|LWEDNESDAY |_|THURSDAY:~~TCSTHE LITTLE GIRE OF THE ATTIC”“NAB?Fae |ree vito tine war.|PAHOFMR es UHRS”“Bison,”featuring Fran-woreel ‘‘Victor’’featuring War-Renee Ne ;:DAO FOC ee ete T Axl A realistes three reel drama of the ee ore WO.ReetcisFordandGraceCunard.An in-ren Kerrigan and Vera Sisson A tensely interesting picture taken love story in which Warrie is,sim-Ghett0 featuring-Cl eo:Madison,Joe “BATHER WAS NEUTRAL?’ King and Murdock McQuarrie. A screaming L-Ko Comedy. 1 iences.ly immense.ynN E ts experiences.ore P PAGE” “CAUGHT BYA THREAD”“ANIMATED WEEKLY”Anotherone of those clean laugha-ema —Oe he ward in “COUNTING OUT THE COUNT” SATURDAY“RENE HAGGARD JOURNEYS ON”“A two reel “Rex’t with Ben Wilson _=go peas Phillips.Drakiisisastrangestage’story wit!heart throb in aratan apne “ROSES AND THORNS”— +A splendid “Big U”’story. d A touching little ‘story founded on A splendid ‘Imp”’picture. bleNestor Comedies..pictures.A laughable Sterling Comedy. an incident of the Civil War.:“CHE WINKED” “HERFRIEND THE MILKMAN”One of those funny ‘Joker’?come- moved out of town Saturday?Over 18 two-horse wagon loads,pretty close to 40,000 old cans.Think of the mosquitos thatIfthisbunchofkidsandtheCrescentTheaterhadbeenonthe‘ab in the days of Heracles,cleani A splendid Nestor Comedy.dies that will make you scream. Did you see that pile of cans the kids 4kof will put out of business for the summer, have been a summer-afternoon’s picnic. on the job.It’s getting close now and *miss that Feature PictureSay,donThursdaywith Cleo Madison an THE LANDMARK TUESDAY,June.22,1915. DEATH OF .MRS.ROWLAND. Sudden Passing of the Wife of a Popular Railroad)Man— Visitors at Taylorsville, Correspondence ‘of The Landmark. Taylorsville,June 21—The news of the death of ‘Mrs.Isabella Thompson Rowland,wife of Capt.W.T..Row- Jand,Friday morning at 7:45 o'clock, at their home on east Main street, as a¢great shock to—-her relatives elsewhere in.this State--.and.South “Carolina,where she was so_widely known and highly esteemed.Althouchshehad:been in failing health for some years,she was in her usualhealthuntil.about 10 o’clock Thurs- day night,when she became violently Mrs.Rowland was.a daughter of~~.-the-late.Col,Robert A.and Malinda = N ‘the m6i Starrett Thompson ofWalhatta,—S: ©.-She was born there May 22,1871,and lived there until her marriage in 1891,Since-then Capt.and Mrs.Row-land have made their home in Char-lotte and Statesville,moving here“from Statesville about eight years]th ago.Surviving Mrs..Rowland areher.husband ‘and -adopted daughter,‘Miss:Winnie May Rowland;.a_sister,Migs Hadie,Thompson,of Walhalla,$)0Cy and three,»brothers-——Messrs, «Robert (S..Thompson of.Anderson,§,“C.;Charles ‘Si:Tho mpson,of CharlotteandPiekensRus}son of.Enoreg,$C.Mrs.Rowland jour kotha ressbyterian“Church in.early childhoodandin’1892 she united with the Meth-dist:Church tive ingil-church,work,.as her healthwould:permits::She,was a woman offinemindandcharmingpersonality and will,be greatly.missed @mongher’many--friends -here,The funeral was conducted at,the,MethodistchurchSaturday.morning at 11o'clock by her pastor,Rev.,R.E.Hunt,assisted by Rey.L.L.Moore,pastorofthePresbyterianchurch,and the interment was in the town cemetery.The many and beautiful floral designserethopopularity‘of the deceas- The out-of-town refatives here for,the funeral were Miss Hadie’Thomp- son and nephew,Mr.Joel Kevs,of Walhalla,8.C.;Mr.and Mrs.’Charles S.Thompson of Charlotte;Mrs.Adam Fisher,cousin of ‘deceased,of Char- _lotte;>Capt..Rowlands mother andbrothers,Virs.C.V.Rowland,Messrs. Clinton and James Rowland,all of Central,S.C.,.and these friends:Messrs.H.J.Brown of Davidson Col-Yege and W.D.Troutman of :Trout-man.All returned.to .their homes Saturday evening except Mrs.Row-land,who will spend.some time here with Capt.Rowland.. Mrs.S.J.Hunt of Greensboro.is here to spend some’wecks at the homeofherson,Rev.R.BH.Hunt.Rev.J. G,Garth,pastor of.the Presbyterian church at Hickory,is a guest at All+Healing Springs.Miss Suma’Hollar of Hickory is visiting Miss Espy Lit- tle.Mrs.W.A:Stevenson of States-ville spent Thursday here with rela- tives.Mr.and Mrs.Chas,E.Echerd and baby daughter of Statesville ar- rived Saturday night.Mr,Echerd re- turned home ‘Sunday and Mrs.Ech- erd and baby will spend some weeks here at the home of Mrs.Echerd’s_parents.Mr.and Mrs,J.LL.Gwalt- ney.Mrs.Rebecca Caldwell,of Su- gar Creck community,Mecklenburg,«will spend some time at the home of Misses Polly and Amanda Matheson. Mr.and Mrs.W.B..Crowson “and baby,who spent a few days here at the home of Mr.Crowson’s brother, Dr.S.T.Crowson,and at All Heal- ing Springs,returned to their home in Statesville Saturday evening. The Taylorsville ball team played the Stony Point ball team Saturday afternoon at Stony -Poitit.“The score was'9 to 0 in favor of Taylorsville, A Case of Waste. Progressive:Farmer.When we buy at 25 cents a pound a strip.of bacon or a ham that we_might raise at home for 10°cents a pound,what goes with the 15 cents al f.pound difference?The man who grew meat and the middle man get.it,‘you say.Quite true,but in so»far as you-and I are concerned,does'not this 15 cents a pound representwaste?Might we not as well throw4meyinthefireandbedonewithit?Then how about the fellow who!buys canned stuff instead of getting|it from his own garden and orchard; who buys corn, gven butter? chant-and the farmers of the North and West.:i Iredell Produce Company wants topaycashfor10,000 1bs,,butter.-—ad. ¥ d her numérous~friends~here—and] South,with her husband,- «and was-acloyal;member,and as.ac- THE ‘TYPHOID.VACCINE. Adjutant General Young Tells What it Did For the State Troops. Bulletin State Board;of Health. “IT am a firm believer in “typhoid vaccine as a preventive:of typhoidfever,”said Adjutant,General L.W. Young.‘ “What makes you so strong for it,general?”he was queried. “I know how it prevents,”said he. “Last year there were about 1,700 of- ficers and enlitted men in the NorthCarolinaNational-Guard—who_took [this anti-typhoid—treatment—and—not one had fever.“There were afew who did not take ‘it,who would not -take=it;-and--the-result—was—that_sev- eral of those took the disease that summer and a number died,while not one of the 1,700 had a symptom.”“I see why you believe in it so strongly,general.It-is a great thing. There’s no doubt about it.” “Yes,indeed’asserted General-Young;-as~-he-continued..“Last sum-mer there was a very spectacular] case,and a sad case it was,down at Camp Glenn,There was a young fel- low who ‘had not been vaccinatedagainst’typhoid and at that timeerewereanumberofcasesinandaroundMorehead.He was advisedbyhisfriendsand,different ones of.his.contpany,the officers especially, to take the treatment...He would not,howeyer,and.said he was not afraldofhaving,fever;besid¢s,that ‘he didn’t.believe,in such foolishness, Well,before -encampment broke,that fellow..was.down with typhoid fever and.in less than three wecks,he wasunderthesod.”.., ~“And-vaccination-is-not-¢ompulsory then in:the North Carolina militia?” “No,it.is.not,but,we want it wellunderstood.,that.those:who have notalreadytakenthetreatment’and whoarenot.willing to take.it,are unde-sirable;They are-not the -men~wewant,Plans are now on foot to’im-munize the 1,500 newly enlisted menanditishopedthattherewillnotbe an unvaccinated man in the Statemilitiathissummer.It.is also hoped that there will not be a single case of typhoid,and if each man will do his part,there will.not be.”ee (As an anti-typhoid campaign.will in the near future be conducted in Iredell county,in which.vaccination against.typhoid will be free,The Landmark invites the attention of thehomepeople.especially to the abovestatement.)Bh 'MATTERS OF NEWS. Seventeen lives were lost,a score ofpersons’‘were injured.And_property damage.estimated.a quarter of a million dollars was done by a ‘wind, hail and.electrical storm which cen-tered:in Missouri and Kansas Thurs- day night.and early Friday./ The largest contingent of.surgeonsandnursesyettogototheEuro- pean.battlefields from the UnitedStatessailedfrom:-New York last, week,Thirty-two surgeons and 75nurseswereintheparty,which was in charge of Dr.G,G.Davis,of thePresbyterianHospital,Chicago. The Kentucky Gourt of Appeals hasaffirmedtheconstitutionalityofthe Louisville (Ky.)segregation ordin- ance,designed to ‘prevent people of either the white or nero race occu- pying for a home or as a place.of pub- lie-assemblage a’building located in ablock;-a-majority~-of-whose residents are of the other race. 'The New York Court of Appeals has denied the application of Chas. Becker,former policeman,for a_re- argument on its decision affirming his death sentence for conspiracy in con- nection with the murder of Herman Rosenthal.Becker’s only hope now is Gov.Whitman,who prosecuted himbeforehewaselectedGovernor. Mr.Bryan,addressing a peace la-; bor meeting in New York Saturday night,attacked former Presidents Roosevelt and Taft as leading spon- sors of organizations which stood for fairs.The peace organization which Mr.Taft is promoting would,Mr. Bryan contends,keep the peace byoree. The new battleship..Arizona was Saturday.The Arizona’shares with her sister ship,the Pennsylvania,re- cently launched at Newport News,the honor of being the world’s largestbattleship.Miss Esther Ross’of Prescott,Arizona,christened theshipbybreakingtwobottlesof:wine}on her bow,:|emanates|- y,lard,syrup and/To Drive Out Malariaisispitifulwaste| _=sbvaste that has too long held the,South in bondage to the supply-mer- Atid Bulld Up The System[xake the Ol4 Standard GROVE’S|TASTELESS chill TONIC.You know |What you are taking,as the formula is|printed on every label,showing it is ro and Iton in a tasteless form.he Quinixe drives out malatia,the today with:Francis-Ford.and.Grace d Joe King.They are great pictures.~~ ‘|partment of Education,and the coun-, ty.superintendents in.arousing com-} the use of force in international af-| launched at the Brooklyn Navy Yard |~ ISONG TO THE BLACKBERRY And Especially to the Blackber- by Pie,Cut Into Wedge-Shap-ed Pieces. Monroe Enjuirer. Blackberry pie time!Blessings’on that good woman who started thecustomofcuttingblackberrypieintowedge-shape pieces.‘When a_black-berry pie is cut that way it is so easy cue in your face.A great high monu- ment ought to be erected to the wo-man who started that way of cuttingablackberrypie,Did you ever go to a you_a little bit of a square cut piece of blackberry pie on a_saucer-likedishandbroughtaforkalongforyou o eat it with?If you were ever upagainstthatkindofblackberry‘pie eating,the essence of the whole thing was lost..Eating blackberry pie withafork.No red-blooded American cit- izen wants to eat it that way. The only real way to eat blackberrypieistotakeupthewedge-shaped ‘quarter section ofa pie and shove it hind and then repeat that operation three or four times.The good Lordgave-the Hebrews manna—and_those We are living in better times than was;that of the days.when:manna rained.Along.the fence.rows,the ditch ‘banks,the ‘old fields—every-where throurhout this’good land ofours—the,blackberries.are,ripening.Blackberry,pie.time is here,What.apityitis,,that.blackberries do notgrowwherethe,armies of Europe areentrenchedandmenareshoot down their fellowmen with relentlesscruelty...Every,.man.who_has-feasted:on,blackberry.pie isan advocaté ofeace.June.is the,month of blackerrypieand,that’s what.makes that to drive it into that.biggest opening |* sort of tony place,where they brought| into your face’with your good Fight} samée Hebrews complained of thé fare.+ There was a lot more hard work done last.week,too.Those young ladies in that Universal Canathetimeisgettingshortandthatgreattripisgettingmoreinterestingeveryday.We're constantly adding new features to it.‘Cunard;that one tomorrow with Warren Kerrigan and that Great Three Reel Picture SUMMER-TIME BARGAINS ng the Augean stables wouldiancontest.were certainly AT Mills &Poston’s Store. Over 1,000 yards of Cool Dress Materials‘now on sale.Figured Lawns,Crepes,Voiles,Batiste,Chiffon Cloths and White Goods in all that*#-desirable.-GABARDINE SKIRTINGS,.PIQUES, VELVET CORDUROYS,ORGANDIES,-FLAXONS,LYKE-_ LINENS,VOILES and CREPES.We have many specials to of- fer for the hot-summer time trade..Yours truly, ==MILLS &POSTON. = £30 98§&1734 _Safety same month the month of marriagesandroses..., Would’Build Up Community Uplift Work Among.Negroes. Raleigh News and Observer, A movement is now on foot.th:ti may mean much to the negro schools of North Carolina,Berry O’Kelly, president of the Berry O’Kelly Train- ing School,returned yesterday fromWinston-Salem,where he went in be- half of educational spit among his race in the State.e plan now onfootistoraiseamongthenegroes! funds enough to hire a competent ne- gro supervisor who.will co-operate Newbold and Sams,of the State De- munity interest and the betterment ofindustrialconditions“through theschools,.:4InWinston-Salem Messrs.Newbold rand:Samg co-operated with O’Kellyinarousinginterest.The plan also‘has the sanction of Superintendent Joyner.It is proposed to hire an’all- round good man who will go to thedifferentcounties,get in touch withthesuperintendentandgooutanddo personal work among.the-.negroschoolsandcommunities.He would start boys to growing cotton and corn.in the most improved fashion and show girls how to better do thethingsthatfallintheirsphere.In co-operation with the health officers of the counties and towns,this officer would also teach negro families the value of cleanliness around the homeandhelpputintoeffectsanitation. LLETCCILTLD Rocky Mount put in a gas plant last year and after six months’of op-eration thinks the municipal owner- ship of gas is a paying proposition. The State meeting of Elks will be held in Charlotte Sunday. Messrs.BR A,Cooper and J...W. Hatchett,of Statesville,are the for- tunate possessors of an international Harvester 816 Mogul tractor recent. ly purchased from Ay M.Leinster...This useful little machine has be-'come widely known as the ‘small+farm tractor for all farm -work.”Ttisatractorofthe4-wheel,general [Iron builds up the system,50.centa purpose type,which can be used for! ie « throughout:the -State.with Messrs.}’ | ___Cribs. 8 ecg®.4 esb»Ae 4}de ite fron Baby Beds and Cribs. icin Ug Cool, & (a Sa nitary. :iw 4 $2 % t We are showing this week splendid values in Baby Beds and Cribs. Prices $5.00,$6.50,$9.00 and $12.50,: Crawford-Bunch Furniture Company THE STORE THAT ALWAYS WELCOMES YOU.: Building Materials!‘C.WATKINS,Statesville,IN.C.,.North Center Street, Next Planters’Warehouse. Barefoot Boy.Objects to Wash- ing Feet. Monroe Enquirer. Why is it that the barefoot boyneverwantstowashhisfeetatbed time?The boy who loved to wash his:feet after going barefooted alldaylivedinaatorybook.He nevergotoutintoreallife.Some philoso- ‘pher has observed that there is hope for the boy who has to be driven to the bath tub,but absolutely none for the éne who.has to be chased away from the mirror. The Quinine That Does Not Affect The HeadBecauseofitstonicandlaxativeeffect,LAXA-TIVE BROMO QUININE js better than ordinary Quinine and does not cause nervousness norringinginhead.Remember the full name andlookforthesiguatureofE.W.GROVE,25e- and for the runhing of all.suching,: el nes as ensilage cutters,huskers per shredders,feed grinders,-and} ‘other power machines in general use on North Carolina farms.: ‘The owners:expect-to use it for all “hese purposes and to.do with it,in the course of-@-year,a great deal of tie work for which ‘at present they are using horses.tig all plowing,seeding,harvesting,haul- —Vow —-s Fret,Sweat or Worry! S|———GET———|A Gas Range A GAS WATER HEATER. SEE.THE GAS COMPANY. ore Announcement To the world’s most eminent experts and to all others 3 who are interested in HIGH GRADE PIANOS:\ The makers of the Hardman Piano have decided to equip all UPRIGHT PIANOS with the Sostenuto-Pedal..This pedal was made originally for.and is now used almost exclusively in Grand Pianos.Notwithstanding the considerable cost of “this addition to the value and attractiveness of the Hardman Uprights,>change in price will be made. Carlton A.Andrews, Statesville,N.C.Manufacturer’s Agent. i soepenieebincenmmernaremensntcbest ty ee ee te eetWarealeorlease,J.A.(FOR RENT+7-room .bungalow on,Race ype diy oaag Saag G.,Rel,{atrect,now ‘occupied by Mr.Myers..Mod-Tullo 182th t ernly equipped,“Possession given duly.1y:Se ee 6.-V,HENKEL.May ifreanen for Green Fa ;Fe tsa 0:W..-Spencer,Blowing |WANTED6,008 Geen:; 22 Iba.ox-cye-datay.Rock,N June 18—Be |dey,CE BROS,000 J [Howers,| ”VOL.XLI. NOW LEMBERG IS TAKEN.|SHEEP AT IREDELL FARM, Flock .For Experimental Pur- poses—Mempbers Board of Ag- riculture Inspect Farm. The Iredell Test Farm underwentofficialinepectionWednesdayandwas found to be “in‘good shape,”with the prospects for fine crops very good.The inspection was made by Dr.B.Wi Kilgore of Raleigh,director ofState.Test Farms;R.W.Collett o Raleigh,assistant director;C,€ ‘Driving Russians From Galicia —Other War News, ‘With the capture of Lemberg the Austro-German armies,which have driven the Russians back from the Carpathian mountaing for more.than 150 miles,have,accomplished the ob- ject of their great drive,begun ecar-ly in May.‘The Austro-Germans un-doubtedly now will direct their ef-forts towards the complete clearanceofGaliciaoftheRussianinvaders.The second Austrian army under General von Boehm-Ermolli entered Lemberg Tuesday afternoon.after~~-Ganguinary.fighting.“According —tounofficialreports,Lowever,tiuch”of the Russian artillery had-been re- moved,and it is considered probable that a great part of the Russian ar- my of defense was in retreat before the works were stormed,Russia_of- ficially confirms the evacuation /of Lemberg by the Russian troops and their retreat on a new front.h, The.Russians alsu are in retreat, ‘Vienna states,near Zolkiew and Rawa Ruska,northwest of Lemberg, between the San and Vistula rivers, and in the vicinity of Kielee,across*-the border in Russian Poland. The German Emperor is believed tohave been at the front at the tak- ing of Lemberg.and word comes from Petrograd that Emperor Nich= olas has.started for the Russianfront,doubtlers to inspire his soldiérsbyhispresence., {Heavy fighting onthe -Gallipoli peninsula hag ended with success for -the allies along almost the —entire ‘line. *As to the fighting along the Aus- tro-Italian front,Italy claims to have occupied Austrian positions along a front of 500 miles.The Austrian war off’e says.that.the Austrian troops maintain the positions they have held on or near.the:frontier..sinee,thecommencement of the war.There appearsto be tittle change-in the clash between the Germans.and the allies in France,but the fighting is fierce.! The fall of Lemberg is being fol- lowed,according to Berlin advices,by a general Russian retreat over a widefront.In the Lemberg.district .the victorious Austro-German armies are. said to.be driving the Russians east- ward,while to the west the armies ofEmperorNicholasarefalling—back pono fvom.the country .northwest --Przemysl near the Russian borderandasfarriorthasthedistrictof Kielce,Russian Poland,about .100milessouthofWarsaw. .THE ‘BALL GAMES. ‘StatesviNe Defeats Spencer .and Tiylorsville—Will_Play.Coo- leemee Today—Lenoir to Play Here Next Week.* Statesville and Taylorsvillé played a close game of ball on the States- ville grounds yesterday afternoon.The score was 2 to 1 in.favor of Statesville.This afternoon there will be a game on the home grounds between States- ville and Cooleemeec,and tomorrow Statesville will go to Cooleemee for a game.Lenoir.will como to States- ville next week for league games Monday,Tuesday and Wednesday. There is some talk of Salisbury en- tering the Western North Carolina League,but up to yesterday nothing definite had been-done: Statesville won two games from Spencer -on the home grounds _this week.Tuesday afternoon the Vvisit- ing team was ‘completely shut out,the score being Statesville .15.and Spencer 0.For the second game Wrdnesday afternoon:Spencer intro-duced.some new blood into-her:team and gave the —Statesville players something ‘to do,the visitors beingwellintheleaduptothesixthinning,when Statesville “began to score in earnest.The final result was favora-ble to Statesville by a score of 9 to 7.In Tuesday’s game Sigmon pitchedforSpencerand.Corneilson,caught,while Foley put the ball over the plate for Statesville and Swann handled it behind.the bat..Wednesday afternoonKanipeandSindlerwereused“as pitchers by the home team and Swann was in his place as catcher)Barnes pitched for Spencer and.Sink caught. The feature-of the games was Foley’s pitching Tuesday.He allowed the »visitors only.one hit.Spencer had plenty of good rooters here for both games,quite a party of Salisbury and Spencer fans coming up each day. Vehicle Turned)Over and One Hurt. Near Turnersburg yesterday a mule attached to a carriage was frightened by an automobile,ran“into a ditch and turned over.the carriage.Mr. Willie Jacks,who was’driving themule,and a number,of women and \children who were \in the carriagewerethrownout,but all eseaped in- jury except Mr,dacks,.whose backwaswrenched.Mr.Rowell MorrisonofStatesville,who was ‘driving theautomobile;secured 3.pliysician forMr.Jacks,who is not thought to ‘beseriouslyhurt.:ae ; c, Wright of Wilkes county,A.CannonofFlorseshoe,Hendergon county,andW.J.Shuford of Bivxory,members of theState Board:of Agriculture com- posing the committee on Test Farm inspeection....Accompanying the com- mittee were -Major-W....A...Graham, Commissionér of Agriculture;C.B. Williams,director of State experi- ment stations,and Col.John S,Cun- ningham.of Person county,a nationalagricultural.statistician.The.party spent Wednesday at the Iredell farm with Supt.Meacham and left Wednes- day afternoon for Swannanoa to in-spect the Swannanoa Test Farm. The agriculturists were very much eratified with the experimental work being carried on at the Iredell farm, especially’in grain and grass.crops. The upland alfalfa field on the-farm is declared to be the finest ever seen in this section of-the country and the wheat,oats and rye crops are turningout.fine.The first cutting of the alfalfa ran about 1.700 pounds to the acre and the second cutting for this season,which has just been,made, averaged about two tons to the acre: The live stock division experts have decided to add a flock of sheep to the Iredell Test Farm’s live stock depart- ment for experimental purposes.Ihesheepwillbesenterewithinthe next 60 days.They will be placed in the dairy pasture,it having been found that sheep are very valuable in clearing dairy pastures of wild onions and other .obnoxious weeds.The usual custom of stall-feeding steers for the-beef-market..will_be .carried out this season at the Iredell farm, where feeding experiments-—will —be continued.Two cars of steers willheshippedfromthemountainsfor this purpose.THE MUSCA DOMESTICA. Otherwise the House Fly,Will _Be Introduced at the CourtHouseThis,Evening. “At the court house this evening at&o'elock,under the auspices of the}Commercial club,there will be a talkabout:flies,the common.house fly— museca domestica.Stereopticon views will illustrate the subject.under .con-sidération and Dr.Chas.Anderson, |pastor of the First.Baptist,.church,will ‘elucidate. The reason folks generally go on enduring flies and the consequences that enduring them entail,is becausetheyhavealwaysbeenusedtothese filthy pests and have never given them sufficient theught or study toknowwhattheyare. The purpose of the gathering this evening,ladies and gentlemen,is tointroduceyoutothefly;to give you a more intimate acjusintance with his manners and habits,which will give you.an idea of what intimate associa- tion with him may mean for you.The subject isn't a nice one;it isn’t an agreeable feast to which you are in- vited;‘but the information you willgatherwillbeoftheutmostimport- ance.The fly will continue his inti-mate association with.you unless heisdrivenout.and his”habitation.de- stroyed.Ignorance of the danger may give you a little more peace of mind,but it increases the danger ofphysicalillsandalltheyentail.Mostpeoplewouldbehorrifiedandfeel utterly disgraced to have a buzzardinthe-house;and yet a buzzard would probably be less dangerous to thehouseholdthanthefliesthatswarm about the average home.Attend!the meeting,this evening and get information for self-protec- tion;take an interest and help on the movement to make Statesville aflylesstown—not as a fad but for the protection of the community,especial- ly the children.Where flies swarm disease spreads.That is admitted;it can’t be denied.It is an insult to in- telligence to talk about the danger of disease and the necessity for prevent- inig it. “Then get busy about the’flies;and begin to get busy by absorbing some information that.will help-you. Senators LaFollette and Over-man Coming: The local Chautauqua —manage-ment was notified yesterday-thatSenatorRobt..M.LaFollette of Wis-consin,the-noted reformer,—‘‘Bat- tling Bob,”will be a Chautauqua at-traction in Statesville July.5th. Senator LaFoHette has a national reputation in public life and on theChautauqua.platform..and,his:com-ingto ‘Statesville will\be not only anattractionfortheChautauquabutia drawing card.for the telébration on the date named—July.5th.Senator Lee S,Overman has.alsoagreed-to.come__to Statesville.July5thtospeakto.the Juniors.This.en-gagement was arranged:byyMr.Z.V.Long,,district deputy of the Juniors,While he comes ‘to speak especiallyto.the Juniors,the Senator’s °visitwill.add.much interest to States-ville’s great day.for.Senator,Overmanbeannouncedlater. es * ‘iiti ——¢i-~-An Associate Reformed,Presby-terian..church»has “been —or-,ganized at Shepherd’s with 40members...The.officers are:Elders—A,M.Johnson’and ete 3 On ed Ay)Aas deacons=Hugh Cook,G.- J.and Ju Cc.Collin to Speakwi Be tatesville,recent’“and costs if dileod at Mooresvil S one topeforehemovededn one lo,where he’lived!to“Biatesvile ‘temporary secretary-treasurer. time.and placeie1|Atizeles and San.Diego,Cal.En route _Mr.R.M.Knox,formerly of|Bouldin’Young,coloredywas fined|stNarRorytaalHOEOCercaveTaJuatleescamwaneet a enantt e--::aad THE CREAMERY MANAGERS Met in Statesville and Formed Yemporary Organization.| Creamery managers of North and South Carolina”met in Statesville Wednesday and formed a temporary organization to further the creameryinterestsofthesetwoStates.In’ad-dition to those directly interested,in the organization,there were creamery perts from Washington and RaleighandrepresentativesoftheSouthern Railway.Co.,‘ The ‘meeting was held in the courthousewithMr.A,J.Reed of Raleigh chairman and Mr.°W.W.Fitzpatrick of Clemson College,§,.C.,secretary. After spending-a few.hours in_a.gen-|eral discussion”of aspects creamery business,Messrs..A...d-Reed,W.J.Shuford,Wm.Linebur- ger,John Robinson,J.F.‘Darroh.Ry C..Potts and H.-F.Meyer were sp-pointed a committee on organization.The committee retired for consider-ation and brought in »the‘following report,which was udopted: That a central marketing Associa- tion.be established by the ‘ereameries tion employ a business’:manager to have charge of the selling of the but- ter.for the association;that .suffi- cient business be developed at Char- leston,S.C..Savannah,Ga.and‘Jacksonville,Fla.,to justify the op-ération of a pick-up package deliveryrefrigerator.car over.the Southernrailwaytothesepoints;that thebut-ter-marketed thropzh the association| be handled in the association’s brand; that the details of the business.or- ganization of the central marketing association be left to a board of di- rectors;that the association shall be organized as a co-operative associa- tion with a membership ‘fee of,not less than $25;that the further de-tails of financing the association belefttotheboardofdirectorsof:the association;that the creamery —men present who approve and ere in favor of the ‘orvanization~of—-the-—central marketing association take steps at this ‘meeting toward.temporary or- ganization of the association,*Following the report temporary di-rectors were.elected—Messrs.W.J.Shuford.J.F.Darroh,Wi.Linebar-ger,A.J.Reed and W.W.Fitzpatrick.They in turn elected’Mr.Shufordtemporary.president and Mr..Reed Je;°They,are to go further in the matterof ‘de-tails of organization and report to a later meeting.: Those in,attendance:here:Wednes-day were Messrs.Wm RixGamp andAlvinJ.Reed,Raleigh;We J.Shvu-ford and J.,W.;Robinson,Hickory:(. &.Dull,.Statesyille;Chass F.Bald- win,Hpndersonville;’J.FL Darroh, Mooresville;Stanley Combs.West Raleigh,S,C.Thompson,R.C:;Potts, H.F.Meyer,Howell Peeples,T.Fs Powell.Washington,.D.C.;)W.XN. Long,Wl W.Fitzpatrick,Clemeon College,S..C.;A,F.Howard,B.!.. Pureell,Riehmond,Va.;W.G. Hughes,Chattanosge,©Tenn.,Fred Driver,Waynesboro,Va..Wm.Line-burger,Shelby,Noel Negley,Auburn,Ala.,W.M.Brown,Charlotte. Mr.Camp is in charge of the mar- ket division of.the State DepartmentofAgricultureandMr.Reed is the State dairy agent.- Improvements at Long’Island Mill. At a special meeting of the LoneIslandCottonMillstockholders,held in Statesville Tuesday,it was decid- ed to expend about $20,000 in increas-ing the water power at the mill,am! other improvements.iByenlargingtheheddof the race the mill will get a sufficient supply of water to inetease its capacity 7 horse!power;and ‘with:this power the manufacture of rope will be inaugur-ated and the capacity of the coiton gin greatly enlarged. For the purpose of making thes: improvements the’common stock oftheLongIslandcorporationwas1n-creased to $60,000 and some preferre:|stock issued.-The common stock taken by.Mr.Sherman.Ramsey Statesville,who:will-become one 0! the active managers of the mill.Thepreferredstockwastakenbytheoth- er owners of thé corporation—Mrs.J.S.Ramsey and Mr.Geo.H.Brown ofStatesville,and Mr.Osborne Brown|of Long Island.= The,Long Island Mill Company,'n addition to its holdings at the mil! plant,owns the Buffalo Shoals an’!other valuable riparian rights alony the river above the mill. of PechenegsMrs.Colyert Returns From Ex- tended Trip. Mrs.A.A.Colvert has returnedfromanextendedvisittopointsintheWestandNorthwest. Leavine Statesville 18 manths ago,Mrs.Col-vert first visited her niece,Mrs.Chas. Guyer,in’St.Paul,Minn.She thenspentseveral\months with her broth- er,Mr.James Hale,at Sturgis,South Dakota.From Sturgis Mrs.Colvertandhersister-in-law,Mrs.Hale,tooka.trip further west.and up into Can-ada,yisiting friends and relatives in the State of Washington and in Van- couver and.Victoria,British Colum-bia,“Before returning to the home ofMrs.Hnle at Sturgis,Mrs.ColvertandMrs.Hale took in the expositionatSanFranciscoandalsovisitedLos a home Mrs.Celvert visited Denver, Col.,.atid Salt Lake City,Utah,andedforawhileinIllinoiswithanMrs.“Colvert ‘says the most STATESVILLE,N.C.,| men from Virginia and Alabama,ex-|5° of theta) taking membership;that the associa-h |persons DEATHS AND FUNERALS. Death of Mr.Smith in:Concord —lunerals of Mrs.*Johnson and Dr.Wilhelm,-Mv.J.M.Smith,father of Mrs.W. Kr.Coley of Statesville,died early Tuesday morning at his home in Con- cord,aged 69 years..Mr.and.Mrs. Coley and children were called.toConcordSundayonaccountof*Mr. ith’s eritieal iWness.Mr.Coley red home Monday and was call-hack to Goneerd.Tuesday’.by aagetellingofMr.Smith’s death. funeral,and interment were at ord Wednesday., esville relatives have been ad- of the death of Mrs.MargaretcyKirk,which occurred someagoatherhometearMeadville;The funeral and burial”took -at Auburn,UL,her former iome.She was 42 years old and isurvivedbyherhusband,Mr.W.H. Kirk,and one child.Surviving alsoarehermother,Mrs.Sarah A.Ram- sey of Auburn,Il,and a number ofbrothersandSisters,Mrs.Kirk was born and reared in this county and isrelatedtotheRamseysofthissection, ing a niece of Messrs.W.M.andM.E.Ramsey.The family moved to Nitnvis years ago. The remains of Mrs.A.B.Johnson,who died Tuesday morning,were tak- en to Paw Creek,Mecklenburg coun- ty,Wednesday andthe fimeral andburialtookplacethereWednesdayafternoon.Brief services were con-ducted at the residence on east front street by Rev.Dr.-C.-E.Raynal,thefatiilypastor,prior to the departure for Paw Creek.Mrs,Johnson was Miss Banner Shelby and lived in the vicinity of Charlotte before her mar- riage.She was in.the 380th year of her age.Surviving besides her husband and three children areonebrother,Mr.Jo.Shelby of Char- lotte,and a sister,Mrs.J.L.GribbleofDallas,Gaston county.Mr.’andMrs.Shelby and Mr.and Mrs.Grib-hle came to Statesville in response tothedeathmessage.Mr/and Mrs.E. 0.Johnston of Charlotte,parénts “ofMr.A.B,Johnson,and Miss SarahJohnsonofCharlottewerealsohere,and aecompani¢d the remains to PawCreel,;‘. Dr.W.W.Wilhelm YY ret ed me Th Co The funeral -of,was conducted from the residence -ofMr.Eugene Morrison Tuesday,after-noon @t 3 o’clock.and the burial wasinOakwood:cemetery.The.servicewasconductedbyRev.J.MéekWhite,| assisted by Rev.J.Hi’Pressly.A numberof out of town people were} here for the funeral;‘including Mrs.W.C..Alexander:of ©Charlotte;Mr-and Mrs..J//L.Harris,Mr.Sherwood Harris,Miss Garey Wilson end Mr.’W.E.Sherrill of Mooresville. NEW RAILROAD SCHEDULE. Nos.15 and 16 Go on Sunday— Changes in Schedule. Passenger trains Nos.15 and 16,which were discontinued .‘between Statesville and Hickory a few months ago,will resume their .former runs next Sunday,the 27th,with a change of schedule.The trains have con- tinued operation between Hickory and Asheville all along,and beginning next Sunday they.will operate be- tween Salisbury and Asheville.No. 15 will leave Salisbury at 6:30 in the morning,pass Statesville at 7:24 andarriveinAshevilleat11:50.No.16willleaveA’sheville in the afternoonat6:45,nass Statesville at-10:50 and reach Salisbury at-11:50;making con- nection with No,30,the main linetraintoWashingtonandNewYork. Both trains will earry’Pullmans.It will be noted that No.15 will arriveinStatesvilleconsiderablyJaterthan formerly..Under the old schedule itleftSalisburyat5o’clock and passed Statesville at 5:50.;. Effective next Sunday also,~the schedule of the night train from Char- latte to Taylorsville,No,24,will bechanged,so that it will hot leave Charlotte -until 7:20,arriving in Statesville at 9:10 iastead of 8:35. The schedule of this train is always changed in the summer in order that for the west arriving ‘in Charlotte on the train from Columbia may make connection at Charlotte forStatesville,reaching -here in time forNo.35,the west-bound train due in Statesville at 10:20. Begining next Sunday trains Nos. 21 and 22 will be extended from Ashe- ville to Whynesville,operating be- tween Goldsboro and Waynesville.Pullman chair cars will be added to these trains for the summer, Civic LeagueandSanitation— Police Asked to Help.‘ By special invitation of.the ladies, Policeman Chas.Fulp,who is sani- tary officer for the town,met withtheCivicLeagueTuesday’afternoon to discuss sanitary conditions.The League asked Mr.Iulp to strictly en-force the sanitary laws and Mr,Fulp assured the League that he would doso.to the utmost of his ‘ability andauthority.In.fact die has already en-tered,actively into the campaign for cleanliness,which was begun by Po-liceman Kerr,before the latter wasmadechiefofpolice.Mr.Fulp sayshehasbeensurprised'to find so muchfilth.on the premises of some citizenswhoareknownas“good citizens.”Mrs.Vera-B.Jones,the’visitingnurse,made her monthly report to theLeague.About the usual number,ofvisitshadbeenmadeduringthepastmonth..Mrs.Jones is gratified tofindsanitaryandhealthconditionsimproving.She believes that the ‘in-terést that is being aroused alongthislinewillresultinhettercordi- ‘RIDAY,JUNE 25,1915. — THE “EYE”CHILDREN GONE Family of Mendicants Sent toDanville—Husband Had De-serted Wife and Children. Mrs.Emmétt Anderson .and _her four children,ranging in age fromthreeweekstosevenoreightyears, who had.been living on Front street, in rear of the Federal building;leftStatesvilleWednesdayforDanville, Va.i :Mrs,Anderson:and.children.weredesertedbythehusbandandfather several weeks:ago and had since that time been objects of charity.Mrs.Anderson claimed that’.she.had a brother in Danville:who will take care of -her-and money.was ‘collected bypolicemen.to wsend-her and the fourchildrento”Danville:-Fhe-three olderchildren|were“Statesviltte’s —-street waifs,having lived on the street since the family:appeared -here some monthe ago.They are bright littlefolks,but their chances for useful- ness in life-were being destroyed by living.onthe street and coming in contact with all kinds of.associates and conditions.The oldest child.isanattractivelittlegirlandthetwo younger ones are.boys.The little girl was known as “Good Eye,”the older boy as “Bad Eye”and the younger boy as ‘Beauty:Eye.”Thechildrencalledeachotherthese On the eve of their departure from Statesville The Landmark man asked Mrs.Anderson the real names of the ldren.She caid the little girl was Daisy,”-the—oldest boy “Bad Eye.” the younger boy ‘“Beaut”or “Beauty Eye.”She declared that the —child called “Bad Eye”had never beenknownbyany.other name. “Bay.Eye”and his father called him“Bud.”The.woman had named hernew-born baby Frank. While.here Anderson,the father of do well and his family was not prop-erly provided .for.Finally he.lefttown.leaving his family,practically seen his baby son. ed.on one or more charges.It thought that he ville, re.inia,ks,w:for a.time eee aiefrom‘a wagon,driving a little f:Vvirepole ‘tors.Greensboro News. Soutlyafter,July 1.isrecords.and inknown:as the cause a walk out. en.the this ¢ strike. tary of State. -Jennings.Bryan. faction in the national capital.Mr cials as with his colleagues.— /ployes. 12,000 postal employes in differen parts of the ¢ountry will be authorizedbythe Postoffice DepartmenJuly1,despite the failure of Con provide for the promotion of the postmasters,clerks and ¢arriers who,un entitled to advancement. May Return to Live. Mrs.W,©.Alexander,who wahereforthefuneralofDr.W.Wilhelm,.returned ,yesterday to hehomeinCharlotte. helm of ‘Rosman,who.willfewdays,with her,Mr,Wilhelm contemplateStatesvilleto,live inBen.Wilhelm of Miami, ‘eat thing she saw while away. we:fine une tet len at Los Angeles, fy tions throughout the county.will remain in Sta ue names and the publicaccepted‘them.| The boy] himself said his mother called him, the “Eye”children,never seemed to penniless,and:untess~-he~-had.-slipped|wherintotownunobservedhehadnever,If he returns to! Statesville he will probably be ae §left Statesville:through fear of being arrested andwillprobablyjoinhisfamilyatDan-'The family is said to have! ‘mule,It is hoped that,,the;family}will be cared for .at Danville in amannerthatwillgivethechildrena,charice to develop.into goad.citizens, Threatened StrikeofConduc- There is a possibility,not consider- ed altogether remote,that there willbeastrikebytheconductorsonthehgsnrailwaysystemon,or short-On that ‘date theretogointoeffectanewsystemofctionofconductors,te system;and themembersoftheOrder.of .RailwayConductorsarevoicinganobjectiontoitthatifnotheededislikelyto:Thereis a com- mittee of 20,representing:the OrderSouthernsystem,.now.-inWashingtontolay-their case before President’Fairfax Harrison;and onference,it is stated,dependstheoutcomeofthematter.If the re-quest of the conductors that the sys-tem.be abandoned is refused,it ispredictedthatthemenwillvotea Mr.Lansing Appointed Secre- Robert Lansing,who as counselorofthe.State Department.has advisedPresidentWilsoninlawand’prece- dent in the policy pursued by ‘the United States toward belligerent na-tions since the outbreak of the Eu-ropean war,has been appointed Sec-yetary.of State to succeed William Few appointments in recent yearshavegivensuch‘widespread —satis- Lansing is a life-long Democrat,buthehasdevotedhistimetointerna- tional law and diplomacy and is aspopularwithformerRepublicanoffi- Em- Yearly promotions for more than gress at its last scssion to pass thepostalappropriationbil,First.-As-|ham,.Ala.,wherehebas A pésition’ sistant Postmaster General Roper|electrician,atid had intended return- says an ,unexpected balance in _the]jing to ’funds of his office will be utilized to der the salary classification law,are Statesville to She was accom panied by Mr,and Mrs..Jas,ee8a‘ne ‘Mrs;returning to@eeMr; 4.who wasfilledtoStatesvillebyhisbrother'sdid:not reach Statesville un-til.after Dr,Wilhelm’s funeral,Hatesvilleforatime, ee oePRESSTIMEHOUR:LATER.On account-of ehange-in-RailroadandRuralRoutulesTheLandmarkwill,be-ginning next Tuesday-and until further notice,go to.pressaboutonehourlater.At pres-ent papers beein coming from the press about 7.20 eachTuesdayandFridaymorning.Hereafter it is hoped to beginissuingat8.20 to 8.30.~ trons served by city carriers:and persons.who call at the -office will take notice that thepaperwillbeissuedaboutone ,hour later.Other mails notaffected.‘The change is ’tem-porary.:; cf * - .ee e eR e HE H HE T EE E HE E ee ee ee **BRIEF ITEMS LOCAL NEWS.—* —The.Landmark is indebted te Mr.W.L.Benfield of the vicinity ofStatesvillefora.basket of very fine peaches.!LEAR Lt—Chief-Marshal Deaton has ap-pointed Mr.C.C.Munday of Taylors-ville assistant marshal for the Fourthcelebration.3 3 —Miss Martha Cloyd of Lenoir en-tered the Sanatorium for treatment|yesterday.Miss Cloyd is a sister ‘ofMrs.We Hi Adderholdt of Statesville. —The model 1916 Overland:car is oe having quite-a run;‘TheCarolina:tor Company will receive three carloads--of-these machines thisweek.-—__- —Miss Leila Pope,who has for sev-eral weeks been seriously ill at thehomeofherparents,Mr.and Mrs.‘P.S.Pope,on Meeting street,does notimprove.a ae —Mr,E.O.Shaver asks TheLandmarktoannouncethathe‘wiil ©sing at Fifth Street church this eve-— hing;and Sunday afternoon at 8 o’clock he ‘will sing at the countyhome.ei ee Al construction force which hadbeendoingroad®work in.Linéolwcounty.passed through Statesv county, RE yesterday en*route to’Surrywhereable|work isto be done.ao -aB.Ci Talley‘of the vStatesvillepassedtheebeforetheStateboardf°ener in espanasnowalicensed’veteriofthefourteencatheexaminationpassed, Fen€cia at sthen.hi ve “aeveral loca) made~SES.'Toaded"almost daiville:rai we te iy ville Female College,.hahie,family collbuildingto'his residence on Mulberrystreet,known as the Pegram resi-dance,et a M..Moore,i=ta :college president,will move his fam‘Beauf G.,,“nexly‘here from -*month and occupy the college‘pi Rail tached to passenger trainNo.1h The ?ched to passenger tram No,Tl,:;car,which is a wonderful deviequipped.with apparatus whichcordsthetonnagewhichisbeingpuledbythelocomotive,the amorsteamrequiredtopullit,”of the engine,ete..makingtinct,/records regarding the operatiorutSteaantowhichitisattached,Sev men are necessal jthemachineryofthe: whom’sits in the cab :gineer and’gives,signals by means oféablestellingjustwherethrottleoftheengineisstanding:times,etc.Most of:the1 smadeautomatically’on’a roll of:per as it passes through the’nerywhilethetrainisinmotion.. Hurt While Playing Ball.» Mr.J.Dh Cochrane,Jr,eae‘hurt at the ball :park recently is ;to be out on cru ae :yers..Mr. 4, practicing .with ball pla ;Cochrane fell and injured ‘his—knee.At the time of the accidént theinjurywasthoughttobevery1andMr.Cochrane area Pe a ‘to use the injured limb within a fewdays.However,the attending Brbicianfoundthatthetendonstheknéecap.had been broken,andwillprobablybe‘weeks before Mr.Cochrane can walk,The injury ig as’bad or probably worse than the 1‘ing’of a bone.Mr.Cochrahe ‘hadcomehomeona.visit ftom Birm t t irmingham a week ago.. Flight of the Pigeons. ‘Last Saturday ‘morning |at 4:40.o’clock Mr.V.E.Lackey libera ;jigeons for the fullorigsi as ~“ 4 homing S.clubs:Jersey City Racing §Pigéonclub,|derséy.City,.N.J,Wil-Bokye ON Ye Brooklynsrooklyn,. Y.;~Brooklyn ¢cotirsé club,Brooklyn,N.Y.86n:Homing’Pigeon club,J.‘The first pigeon of the Jersey; club.reached heme at °4,04.40; ‘of the Williamsburg club at 4:16first,of the Brooklyn Con at 4:20,and the first attson,club at 3:56 p.m.,Tune “Ohas,B.Troll, harlotte,under s r ez >been materially a rete ge ————————————— ‘ORE CORN NEEDED. attention of.the farmer readers. inVited to the facts about corn pro-|’ action in the State,published in The}: mark today,The figures are on the 1910 census,and while wn production has since increased, has not kept up with the increase inpopulation.In 1910 theproduction was less than half the amount needed for home consumption,the total de- ficit being more than 34,000,000 bush- els.The production has increased girice 1910 but is yet many million bushels short.In Iredell county the production was 463,332 bushels short of actual home needs in 1910.It has 4ncreased since’then,but while the ‘actual figures are not in hand we can be assured that the deficit has not reduced...We can grow the corn in Iredell for home needs and it requires no argument to prove that we ought to do it.Think for a moment what it would mean to keep at home the money we send away each year for 300,000 to 400,- 000.bushels of eorn. K |corn SHQRTAGE,IN STATE. .|Production Many Million Bush-els’Short of Amount NeededForHome—Production-—Ire-dell’s Shortage Near Half Mil- lion. C.-M.Moore of the University ofNorthCarolitiapublishesintheUni-versity News Letter some interestingfacts‘about corn production in theState,the figures being based on the1910census,He says:zt“The per capita consumption of cornintheUnitedStatesisaround31bushelsperyear.This amount isneédedeachyeartofurnishfoodfor man,feed for beasts,and to supply the various manufacturing require-ments of the nation—corn starch,glucose.distillation of spirits and thelike,When more than this per capi-ta amount is produced we have corn to export,and when less,corn to im- port.iat “North Carolina in her earlier daysmadeamuchbetterrecordthanatpresent.In 1850 she produced 34 bushels for each man,woman and child in the State.Only,one county produced a greater ~yield than this ‘in1909—-Htyde with a record of 42 bush- els per annum,;‘The thirteenth census furthershowsthattherewereonlytwocoun- ties in the State which:raised a suffi- cient ‘supply of “corn—Hyde and -Claywithrecordsof42and32bushels,re-The--government estimate for.the!snectively, 1915 wheat crop in North Carolina is 10,800,000 bushels,which is three and a half million bushels more than last year and nearly twice our five-year ‘average since the census year.The average consumption of wheat in the South is around 4 bushels per capita, ‘and the -prospect is that ‘we will have wheat enough for home needs in ‘North Carolina this year and some ‘to spare,That is a great advanceforourwheatproduction;we can do “The highest record.in total pro-duction in 1909 was made by Robeson, which raised:1,042,060 bushels.Yet Robeson ranks twenty-second in per capita yield—producing only 20 bush-els,and therefore needing 11 bushels more per inhabitant than it produced. “Johnston came next with a total of951,431.bushels,and with a record of 23 bushels ranked eleventh in per capita yield.New Hnnover’rankedlowest:of all the counties of the State, vroducing™slightly more than onebushelperinhabitant._Sh Se“Our production.decreased from 34bushelsperinhabitantin1850to20 MOB AFTER — v4 Soldiers Called to DisperseCrowdWereAttacked,; Geor,had commuted the.deathneeofLeoM.Frank of Atlan.ta to life imprisonment,a crowd ofseveral,hundred ‘men:and:boys weeredatthe.Governor’s country home,in'the vicinity of Atlanta,late’Mon-day night.As a result of the mob clamoring to enter the Governor’sfrontgates,which had been barri- éaded,and threatening.to overpower 20 county policemen,Governor Sla-‘ton called upon the militia to protecthishome.Upon arrival of four com-‘panies of militia,who had been heldunder“arms and rushed to the Goy-ernor’s country home in automobiles.he proclaimed martial law in a dis-trict extending half a,mile back andforadistanceofaboutaquarterof a mile on either side.;‘\When the soldiers lined ‘up with stones,bricks and bottles werethrownatthem.A_brick struckLieut,Arnold Parker and renderedhim:unconscious for a short while.The commanding officer,Majob Ca- tron,was struck by a stone,as Were several of the men.: ‘Late Monday the ‘crowds that had been demonstrating in Atlanta on ac- count of the Frank commutation had disappeared,but shortly after darkthemainbusinessthoroughfaresbe-came thronged.The police had dif-ficulty in keeping down rowdyism. “*Tiensed because Gov.Slaton.of} fixed bayonets to disperse the crowd,|'° 4 One hundred and twenty-eight menhavebeenindictedbytheceungrandityatIndianapolis,Ind.,charged with a,conspiracy to com-mit felonies +defined by the electionlaws,of Indiana and the laws againstbriberyardblackmail.Among those indicted were ThomasTaggart,Democratic:national com-mitteeman of Indiana and:former’chairman of the Democratic nationalcommittee;Joseph.Bell,mayor ofIndianapolis;Samuel V,.Perrott,chiefofpolice;and Robert W.Metzger,Re»publican member of the board of pub-lic safety.Those who,surrendered to the officers gave bonds ranging from$2,000 to $10,000.,The indictment charges that.theconspiracy”began’with the primaofMay5,1914,and extended throug’the election,on November 3,1914.Italleges.illegal voting,intimidationandfalseregistrationamongotherillegalacts.No date for the arraign-ment has been set.Both Taggart and Bell said they were innocent of the charges.; Only 5%PLUS for the - Best “Non-Skid” PpRACTICALLY all Non-Skid i ‘Tires that make serious claims to non-skid efficiency cost you to Governor Slaton’s home,four;miles from the center of the city,| was.accepted by men and boys. It .was reported ‘at the Governor’s home that the crowd was on its way|and he immediately got in .touch!+-with—Sheriff -Mangum—and—State—mi-/The sheriff arrived |litia ~officers. Finally the proposal that they march} several hundred \| 10%to 30%more than Plain Tread Tires of same brand and material, Goodrich Safety Tread ‘Tires.costyouonly5%more than ~--plain tread tires. Here’s how and Why! e &@WVORTY-FIVE yearsofRubbernorking(in what_is now the |CALOMEL WHEN BACTS the Best Liver and Bowel Stop using calomel.:It makes yousick.Don’t lose a day’s work,If youfeellazy,sluggish,bilious or consti- Calomel :is mercury’or quicksil-ver which causes necrosis of thebones,Calomel,-when \it comes intocontactwith’sour bile crashes into it,|breaking it up,‘This-is when you feelthatawfulnauseaandcramping.If}.you are “all knocked out,”if yourliveristorpidandbowlesconstipat-ed or you ‘have headache,dizziness,coatel.tongue,if breath is bad orstomachsourjusttryaspoonfulofharmlessBedson’s Liver Tone.Here’s’my guarantee—Go to anydrugstoreandgeta50centbottleofDodson’s Liver Tone.Take a spoon-ful’tonight and if it doesn’t straight- BILIOUS?NO!STOP!) Se cicls ‘LIKE DYNAMITE ON LIVER.: Guarantee ‘‘Dodson’s Liver “Tone”Will Give You Cleansing You Ever.Had,en you right up and make you feelfineandabymo.1 wantyoutogobacktothestoreandgetyourmoney.Dodson’s Liver Tone isdestroyingthe.sale of calomel be-cause it is real liver,medicine;en-ytirelyvegetable,thetefore it can notsalivateormake’you.sick,a guarantee that one spoonful of sluggish liver.to work and clean yourbowelsofthatsourbileandconsti-pated waste which is clogging yoursystemandmakingyoufeelmiserg-ble.I guarantee that a Wottle ofDodson’s Liver Tone will keep yourentirefamilyfeelingfineformonths.Give it to your children.’It is harm-less;doesn’t gripe and they like itspleasanttaste.me ,jiees Sherrill-White Shoe Company. Great Line Tennis Oxfords Tennis Oxfords,black Tennis Oxfords,black Tennis Oxfords,black andwhite,§50c.pair. and white,65c.pair, and white,75¢c.pair. Baby Footery. Yes,we remembered the babies,and call at-tention to our excellent line of Baby Footery. Soft sole Shoes,white,_50c,the pair,Soft sole Shoes;white, pink,blue and tan, pink,blue and tan,— ion’s Liver Tone will put your — the-same-thing-in-corn if we-will. "EXCHANGE VISITS. The wife of a farmer,writing to soon after and swore in as special) deputies each of the Governor's|friends who had._.gone to his home| to aid in any emergency that mightarise. 25c.the pair.bushels in 1880,and to 15 bushels in .5 ‘Complete line of Infants’Moccasins,white,1909;but in 1914 the yield rose to 24bushelsperinhabitant.ee : “The corn deficit for the entire World’s dargest Rubber Fac- }tory)-has-taught us a few Kinks’and |Short-cugsthatare not common to theTheLandmarkrecently,remarked _that the time for the summer visitor ‘is at hand but that the farm women have little opportunity for rest and ~change of scene and_surroundings; -women plan to ge to the country for]: and it was suggested that.when town _a good time it might occur to them “that the country woman would enjoy a visit in tgwn during’the leisure ...months of winter,ay an exchange of(hospitality and’an opportunity to en- 4 joy some of the pleasures of town life. 'The poingis well en and*The _.|Landmark is directing attention -to it. Town folks like to visit in the country, especially in summer;many.of them iseek the opportunity to make—such visits,and they are cordially received|_-and-—-handsomely-entertained.Thevisitsusually‘mean more work for :{the farm women;but if the extra |work in entertaining visitors is given -a thought i would be forgotten if ‘there was reciprocity.To many of the farm women an opportunity to spend a few days in town,and enjoy some of the pleasures of ‘town life would be a rare treat;would be en- joyed as much as the town dwellers enjoy visits to the country.Why not _cultivate the exchange basis,not from \sordid motives but for the pleasure each would give the other?_A better “acquaintance,a better idea of the.lifeintownandcountryandabetterun- iderstanding of each other,would be -@ material part of the°value of such *exchange visits.-_ The meeting to.be held in Raleigh on the 29th,mentioned in the news -columns of The Landmark.today,:is -one of great importance and it is‘hoped that Statesville and Iredell and.‘this section of the State will be rep-“resented.The purpose is to form an ;organization to thoroughly advertiseatheState’s resources;to show whatWehave;to convince our home folks that there are as good,and better, “Opportunities at home as «an be found elsewhere;te show them thegreatopportunitiesthathavebeenOverlooked;and to show outsiderswhoare’looking for a change of lo-cation what we have to offer.NoiStateintheUnionoffersbetterad-‘vantages than North Carolina;fewofferequalopportunities.If we ean“get our home folks and others to ap-_Preciate the opportunities in North.,Carolina,few will go out and “manywillcomein. QWatch-the dailies every Mondayduringthesummerandseeifmany‘More drownings are reported as oc-_curring on Sunday than on any other‘day.Eight persons were drownedatAtlanticCitylast.Sunday.—Bibli-eal Recorder.- ~The Landmark has for years takennoteofthefactthattherearemoredrowningsonSundaythanonanyotherday;and it has a curiosity to“know whether Dr.Moore believes thelargernumberoffatalitiesonSundayebecauseoftheday‘or simply be- eatise more people engage in bathing and boating on Sunday than on other: days.Seu 1 The latest figures gathered wy theDepartmentofAgriculturerevealthatthe11SouthernStatesimport41,305,00 tons of hay,valued at $17,-626,000,every year,or ‘one-fifth oftheirtotal.consumption.©The Agri-cultural Department.officials pointthisconditionasalessonwhichdurgetheSouthernfarmers.toice.enough hay at least.fo State‘in 1880 was:18,758,000 bushels, in 1909 it was 34,831,000 bushels,in 1914 it was 23,339,000 bushels.“From 1880-to the last census year our population increased 65.per cent, while the increase in corn production was only 86 per cent.” A table published in connection with the above shows the per capita pro-duction of-corn-in-each-eounty-and-the total deficit for home needs in eachcounty.. Iredell county.which ranks _thirty- first‘in the list;-has-a per capita pro- duction..of 18 bushels—13 bushelsshortof‘the estimate—and a total de ficit.463,332 bushels.That is to say,we need to.grow in the county nearahalfmillionmorebushelsofcorn simply to supply home demand andbeforewewillhaveanytoselltoout- siders:’*There is yet time to plant a late corn crop,and seeing the néeditmightbewelltoutilizeanysparegroundforthatpurpose.: Alexander county,eleventh in thelist,produces’28 bushels of corn per capita “and is short 89,987 bushels;Yadkin 25.bushels,deficit 109,345 bushels;Alleghany 24 busliels,deficit50.429;Wilkes 20 bushels,deficit 330,- 076;Burke 19 bushels,deficit 269.553; Cleveland 19,deficit'449,865;Davie19,deficit 158,644;Lincoln 18,deficit 225,692;Caldwell 17,deficit:282,811; Davidson 17,deficit 404,147;Cataw-ba 16,deficit 416.603;Wataffa 16, deficit 202,225;Rowan 15,deficit 609,660;Cabarrus 14,deficit 457,790;Forsyth 8,deficit 1,071,990;Mecklen- burg 7,deficit 1,600,076;Durham 6,deficit 892.255, Japan Stood Off at a Hint From oot Us. A dispatch from The Hague says the HBandelsblad,a newspaper pub- lished there,asserts that Japan was prevented from sending 300,000 troops to Europe by an unofficial hinttoGreatBritainfromWashingtonthatsuchanexpeditionwouldbeun- desirable.;:SyThenewspaperdeclaresthata Japanese army of that strength was landed in Manchuria,where it was exercising preparatory »to departure for the European battlefield,but that Great Britain,after receiving the in-timation from the United States,in-formed Tokio that she was sorry,but under American pressure must re- quest that the Japanese government do nothing further concerning the dispatch.of an expeditionary corps to Europe.” This story was received inWashing- ton without comment..-It was gener-ally understood that the Japanese army in Manchuria was for the effectonChinaduring.recent negotiationsbetweenJapanandChina. Investigating Alleged Neutrality Violations. ‘Seven men who are alleged to have enlisted at San Francisco as British veterans were arrested in New York Tuesday byspecial agents of the De- partment.of Justice.They were enroutetoEngland,An investigation of alleged breaches of neutrality isin-progress in San Francisco and themenarrestedinNewYorkarewantedaswitnesses.The order of detention was madein.accordance with the Federal ¢crim-inal code,which declares it to be un-lawful for’any one in the UnitedStatestoenlistorinduceanothertogobeyondthejurisdictionofthiscountryforserviceasasoldier,sail-or,marine or as a_privateer.Themaximumpunishmentforsuchanoffenseisafineof$1,000 ~or threeyears’imprisonment,or both.: HOW’S THI8?We offer One Hundred Dollars Re-ward for any case of Catarrh that can-hot be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure.F.J.CHENEY&CO.,Toledo,0.We,the undersigned,have kriown F,J.Cheney for the last 15 ~ears,andbellevehimperfectlyhenorableinailbusinesstransactionsdfinanciallyabletocarry_out any.obligattbyhisfirm,Walding Ki “&Marvin,WwHall's Catarrh cly,acting directlymucoussurfacesof i.by atone‘yaTakeHall's F,*© ‘ure ~Tee invernalpo;1 anthe:ayatern.Testimoties.ihc,per bottle.A,Pil:for constipation, Before the soldiers arrived the! crowd had ended its long march and| was becoming threatening at the en-) trance to the Governor’s &pacfous| grounds.They were prevented to entering by several strands of barb- ed-wire stretched between huge pil- lars at the gateway.Behind —the: barbed wire stood several county po-licemen.As the crowd’became loud-er all lights in the Governor’s,home, about 200 yards from the gates,wereextinguished.Hjs friends sat on theporch,rifles in hands,and all seem-ed_relieved.when.several:automobiles loaded with.soldiers,arrived,.at th gates.,era ry_{fhose,:on.the.-Governor’s porchcouldnot.see that.the'crowd .was throwing missiles,at the soldiers,andacallforrestorativesforLieuten-ant Parker 'came as a surprise,.to,those’at the house,.The missileswerehurledjustasthesoldierswere first line marched ,out of.the gateandthecrowdbegan.to fall back.It other line.The soldiers.surroundedabout20mennearthegateandor- dered ‘them to get into automobilesandreturntothecity.The crowdsdispersedreluctantlybut.within.anhourtheroadinfrontoftheGov- ernor’s estate had-practically been cleared.é a Gov.Slaton spent severa]hours at tending to official business.A police-man accompanied him to and from his heme.There was no demonstra-tion.The Governor said the crowd that visited his home Monday night was not composedof the best citizensofAtlanta;that he had “received tel- egrams from hundreds‘of people =in Georgia and throughout the country congratulating me upon my action in this case.”6 Frank Taken Seeretly to the State -_Prison, Frank was secretly removed fromtheFultoncountyjail.in Atlanta be- tween midnight and day Monday ‘morning,and delivered at the State|-prison farm at Milledgeville;Ga,,at4:30,before the Governor’s announce- ment appeared.When the Governor’s action and the transfer of the prisoner became known in Atlanta crowds began to gather on street corners.Within four hours their demonstrations had re- sulted in calling out two-thirds of thepoliceforceandanorderfollowedclosingallnear-beer.saloons ‘andclubs.where liquor ‘could be obtained. About noon a crowd’estimated at2,500 gatheted on the Capitol groundsandlistened_to_several speakers whol denounced the Governor’s action.Most of this throng later took charge. tatives,where several speakers saidtheydoubtedFrankhadbeenremov- ed from Atlanta,4A:committee of five was selected tvisitthejail.They reported that Frank was not there.Then SheriffMangum,who with deputies took theprisonertoMilledgeville,assured thecrowdhehaddeliveredFrankatthe prison,The throng,which packedthefloorandgalleries,next marchedto“Five Points,”in the centre of ‘the the city hall.As this had been thesceneofademonstrationearlierinthedaythepolicetook’stern meas-ures to suppress the disorder andthereweremany‘arrests, At Marietta,20 miles away,theformerhomeofMaryPhagan,Gov-ernor Slaton was hanged in effiry.Anincriptiononthedummyread:“JohnSlaton,Georgia’s traitor’Goyernor.” At Newnan,Ga.,thé Governor wasalsohangedineffigy.Attorney Dor-sey,who prosecuted Frank,gave outastatementsevérelycondemning.theGovernor’s action:ps Chamberlain’s Colic,Cholera and Diarr'Remedy.;This is @ remedy that every family shouldbeprovidedwith,and especially during’thesummermonths,Think of the pain and suf-fering that must be endured when .medi-cine must-be sent for or.before relief ‘ein be obtained.This remedy is thoroughly .rellytains drawn up to disperse the crowd.The!~ was followed in a few minutes by an-| his office in the capitol Tuesday at-|' of thehall of the House-of_Represen-| business sections,and later went.to| Trade. One of these now comes to the help of your Pocket-book.° Through the’simple.process of Thinking Hard (and being Candidwithourselves)we.have found a Short- Cut to make the dest Safety Tread ever put ona Tire cost_us only-about:5.%-+ more than it costs to make the Plain- Tread of chmilar quality. i i l 3 i +Troad Tires et you only 5%|tae Sie?Of >thes plain ‘roadtirce,| iN Nowing table cfcomperative price |fantactiiuree CobcechendedAt Bee |ind *D”represent four highly ecvertised tirecs OTHER MAKES “a7 |spe |“oe|“Dp” $10.55|$20.95/$16.35/§18.10]|13.35]14.20)21.76)23.60}| |Size 23 |12:«3's.<3x4x4x5 %te 33.90|39.80)41.80) By testing out ‘these.Goodrich Safety-Tread Tires Oma large numberof‘Taxicabs (where they could be competitively observed and carefully checked up at the.cnd:of cach day’suse)-and by comparingtheir actual per- formance with that of our own,and other Plain-Treads,of much.hifherprice,we have had this fact forceduponus—|*Viz:®o —That there is SURPRISINGLY moreMileage,in Goodrich Safety Tread ‘Tires, than in our own,or any ot/er,make of Plain- Tread Tires. So MUCH more Mileage,for only,5%more Cost looked so good to us that we de- cided to give Car Owners the benefit. Here’s what we riowoffer you! The best Non-Skid Safety Tread ever put on the market,and it costs you only §%more than our best plain tread tire, The B.F.Goodrich Company oeee EMA ued Build a Brick HouseorBrick-Veneer your old house.Warmer in winter, cooler in summer,climinates frozen pines:Has every advantage.Solidrick‘under-pinning under’framehousewillhelpsome. Face Brick,Common Brick,Drain Tile~Statesville Brick Co. The Fly Harvester! A wonderful and yet simple con-trivance,that.catches flies by themillion.Simple iastructions witheachTrapforbaitingandkillingFlies.Requires only a few mo-ments of time and does its workbestwhenplacedinthebackyardoutofyourway._Costs ‘only $1,lasts indefinitely and catches more.‘Flies;many times over,than allothermethodscombiried:Simply‘no comparison,_Try one now and be convinced.Made and sold by June 16... able.Ask anyone who has used it.Obableeveryw!i é Perse -'T.N.BROWN,~ ne pins,blue-and tan,25c.the pair. SHERRILL-WHITE SHOECO. *FOR SATURDAYOnecaseshortlength Ginghams 3,1-2c..o) One case 36.inch’Sea | Island Domestic 5 Cents. Aébn)uf The Latest.Novelties in Belts and Neckwear. ~Showingof “Kee Beautiful Goods at 86 inch AwningCloth,specia 36 inch White Gaberdine One lot Palm Beach Cloth 1,500 yards Printed Mull. ene Silk Voile ‘and Rice vid ooulypKool”Fabries, Attractive Prices. 238e. :cages ~15e. This is a beautifalfabricformid-summer dresses;all colors,‘if floral,coin dot,stripes,etc.,10c.and 12 1-2c.value,our price One lot 36 inch Dimity,price special 8 1-2c, 12 1-2c.value,.our 8 1-2c.‘Ae You Planning a Trip? Itwillpay.you to.investigate our Trunk and Suit Case department.Anything from a 98c.Suit Casetoa.$25 Trunk._The largest line in the city to selectfrom.Prices are attractive. "The Store That Sells For Less. "PHONE 212. Al '60"Fornadoes Devastate 10,000 Homes in Eight States | Such is the record ofoneday’s ’ .damage done by tornadoes, You don’t know when the tornado may strike your property,but you do know the “Old Hartford”protectsagainstallloss.For over a ‘ Statesville,N.C. en erwont _People’s Loan &Savings Bank,— GEO.H.BROWN.President, ~~ hundred'years the HartfordFireInsuranceCompany 'has meteveryhonest ‘claim. promptly.Buy a HartfordTornadoidoPolicytoday.Itisthenearestthingtocomfort’"when a Tornado strikes.g Resident ‘Agent. ties * ‘Sener ete et 80eons peere,Tit thet aboutiui.Several ace now ‘ain it.’”“Do reader,suffer from-anofihemimentedaetowomanlytrou,i ‘5 a x SE eeeared Philadelphia surgeon. ling?::f |Wilkespestoftice at Mor:avian Patt ilkes county,has been advanced to ine pontineOe eeeou,the previdential class and the salary-ee a million other women in |of the postmaster inercased to $1,200. past halfSee Under instructions from,Judge Rountree,the grand jury of NewingCarduieesYauponepafatesAlldruggists# Write to:Chattanooga MedicineCo.,Ladies’visory Tenn.,for 5 ictalageveHco.iad (Call For Me! Nice Fresh Vegetables,Celery,Cucumbers,Squash,Beans,Potatoes,|Peas,Lettuce,Toma-1 toes and what goes with val primary and election in Wilming- _eidents of Lifein North Caro-|' ~Jina.:|Foothills Sanatorium at Lenoir.) which has been closed for ¢ame time {ta tha s to be reopened by Dr.Sturgis,.a probing munici- Hanover Superior Court is charges of corruption in the ton, The State Council of the Farmers’ Union will meet.for the regular quar- terly session in Raleigh on the 20th. The time and plece for the State meeting of the Union will.be fixed at this meeting. At Laurinburg Tuesday night W. RN.Benton noticed that a wire had | up.The wire was heavily charged | with electricity inet Mr.Benton was instantly:killed.x | Miss Vistula Brittain,daughter of them.M.P.Alexander &Bro. *PHONE 241. 2 ap ae pane leche Seenewe meme Office Supplies Transfer Files,Books,Box Files,ite Files, PiPeetePehsand Inks, _..Waste Baskets,*.Letter Baskets,etc. rady Printing Co.— ti ee Be cetenene ie penetinederasesSaaepeppenaenenanetepeabamat,wr. Is YourLiverLayy? |Use.the GestSouthera dy9 Roht.Brittain,a farmer of the Weav- erville section of Buncombe county. fell from a cherry tree while gather t ing cherries,sufferedconcussion of the|t spine and is in a very serious condi- tion.At Sunburst.Haywood county,| Monday,John H.Peebles,the rail- way station agent,shot A.M.Ben-| nett,a business man of that place, from the effects of which Sennett | died.in.an.Asheville hospital next)day.Péebles is in jail.He says the| shooting was accide:tal.| ““Eix-State Senator Jo.Brown of| Columbus county announces that he} will be a candidate for the,.Demo-| 1] eratic’sere sional eeheythesixth’distriet,!This!ins fo | avowed —candidates...others.pel z |Congressman Godwin of Harne +| Werbert MeClammy and JosephEEUMELST 8? nection with a¥ranged | The pene ate Go Burduco Liver Powder griping.No nausea. Cleans the soeopety!fis makes a healty SOLD BY ALL DRUGDEALERS2c. Fresh Vegetables! Fresh Lettuce, Fresh Celery, Fresh Tomatoes. {& Mi Ter Mela Supply Co. FOR-FINE CLEANING _AND-DYEING—'PHONE 147— Sloart Pressing Club. OTICE! vena BROS.have changed their phone number from 177to7. Call Nos?fordraying,all grades bes:coakandwood,eResifeneePhone$310. Shingles For Sale! 4 d of good No.a 1 i eles ot $2.75ousandfatmy u.TURNER,Near theDe ot. ‘ernor of Rhode Island is expected, atEC en Vio(i 4 for that day. ibe Nyof the speakers of the occasi"ed On SEDONACohaen3htconnwiththeDemocraticguber says his attitude;He ad- tion - torial nomination,is one of “watchful waitiggmitsthat:he would like ithe G or but for the present has not:de- termined whether .he will or will not be a candidate._Urder no conditions, he cays,will he enter the race if it “means a ‘fierce and strenuous con- test.” Cc.L.Murray of Clevéland,9.,ar- rived in Asheville Monday on a mo- toreyele.on which he made the -trip from his’home to that city without changing tires,suffering a puncture or suffering an injury to his machine in any other manner.The record is regarded as a remarkable one. rider weighs 112 pounds and he car- ried luggage which weighs 103.Themachine’s weight .s 406..Twelve gal- lons of gasoiineé and four quarts ofoilwereusedinmakingthetrip. s Shingles "onina aly Koel $2 00 up. ©;oeIKXINS. The©Sheaffer Self.filling Fountain Pen~_$2.50:to $5.00, Absolute satisfaction“guaranteed in everypen.- Allison’sBook ‘Store. j.S.Fry &Son. Will call for and deliver your shoes if desired,but will allow.10 per cent qyott if work isbrought in and.called for.*J.8.FRY&SON, _Shoe Cobblers,: ” CEDARRhee Coite L.Sherrill,M.Ds, ‘Willanswer okone calls left «at Dr.Long’s Sanatorium,orGeo.M,Foard’s residence. increase in umber as compared with those now served by the slower mov-| ny I *| sovern-| The | h The nurhber of families to ~be or"ved by each of the routes cleetedryrfromJto270and.aceordin itis ostimat**.willThiswillheamaterial nis verage 900, ine vehicles and is expected by.pos-| tal officials to result in a reduetion | of expense to the government as well |) as an advantage to the people.The first dispateh of rural mails by’) auto will be made ‘July 1.Two pio- neer routes radiating from.Quarrv-| 55.1 miles and the oth-|'ville,Pa.,one it zo into bpers ||er 56.8 miles long,W ation on that date. route,is created by a combivasinn of |” two mail wagon routes.Thesrural) carriers nrust provide the motorcar,| and get $1,500 to $1,800 a year,ac-| cording to ‘conditions of travel.The| waron carrier’gets $1,200 a year. The Postoffice Department.believes that within a few vears the bulk wa : fallen near:his “ore ‘and picked it)the rural mail delivery will be by}! motorears,which will |greatly les:| sen the cos sections whieh have|'long.Only thase +food roads willget ant delivery. The~-Landmark-hopes that the;au-, tomobile mail gerviee can.‘by and-by,|xe extended to this section.It -is; very mnch needed in Iredell county || —rspecially in—the-northern ‘section.| If mail could be «ent from States-|°° ville to north Iredell by automobile it eould be distributed from points in that locality by roral carrier the:| snme day,whereas now it is delay-_ ed 24 hours.Wherever the roaqs'! will admit of the service,the auto-, mobiles should be put on to serve nection.Routes that run out.from) railredd points can be served by the|horse drawn yehicles;.that makg..the! rounds in aa day,but points ‘remote'eed the |ee fo: lwa t of this service,The idea |< is to tablish routes about.60 miles|. sections remote,from—railread-‘some 7 THELANDMARK MOTOR CAR MAIL SERVICE KEEP THE WORK GOING. FRIDAY,“9 >~~dune 25,1945,Government’Win’Try It Out in Betterment "Societies Should =Some States—Needed in Ire-}Not Lag During the Summer wel ihme dell.—The Teachers Should Be| ,Arenal _¥"‘st State |Tt is announced by the soueandl the Leaders.iF th WESTERN Ro Department that,automobile —rural|‘To the Editor of ‘The Landmark:® in by’Cardui,PorineNo.3b.No.11,tee ‘as ik ‘=mail delivery routes will be estabs(Evry one who.is”yinterested in} a Train,No.21 west-bound,due 3:25 p.m.|lished in many parts of the coupW¥!ihe cducation and the general wel-|¢ |Train’No.85,west-bound,due 10:26 p,m |beginning August 2.Already some fare of the people of North Barclinia | Train No.86,east-bound,tut 20.35 &ml carriers are using automobiles,on)vitae ,”mene at Me iN.C te pee ee oeDon a aae eae a ™/their routes,Under.the new plan|is in leed gratified to see the rapid) one an omaniy “1 Train Ke 16,eastbound,due 10.50 p.’vm.|routes designated as,avtomeyt strides which are being made for the/ AND SAYLORSVILLM,routes will be longer than the Old)potterment of ou rural communi-| Charlo i **| wore mes andy nih Trata Ne 18 ar.9,50,°leaves 10.85 a,m.Se oesroutes.and the!+...There ig not a person in the| ,8.36 f eat “,as Mc ae ___.I tried most every kind of medicine,Tee From Taylorsvilla.mer Of the routes golected to ‘date for ptate of North Carolina who has the | i!butnone did me any gocd,Train No,23°ax;10+ofr lene 10:40-a-m-baytomobile delivery 44 are in Okla-real spirit of the sociologist,but is| ¥I readoneday about oe Tom ba.teen a Gpisheed onGates:homa.28 in Georgia,19 in Califor.a paisa a high degree a en-|§ oa a i Re‘bat ret nia,8 in Texas,3 in Plorida,2 in wit whi h re pra yp Pete hpi A ulsix i 4 which ¢zaple are grasping} a 1 wasalmost cured,It did me.more NEWS FROM ABOUT STATE.Lectinarlvanis 2nd ae urea pie vlutions by which we:hope ~to; *ieee other medicines ,si the for|®0lve our social problems in’our ru-|pa ogee Accidents Crimesand Other Ins fronds,end are the few pe Fal’conten? There are many things being done,| bul there are more things to do be-! v we can ever haope to see the be- ginning of -the -realization of our! hivrh ideals,4 oné thing which retards our progress more than anything the failure of those who are ition to lead their communi-,do their part,We ‘ean never, to have the people fengake the}ind traditions’of their fathers,!we can prove to them that the now thing is goine to be superior to} oe which has been handed to then as a.sort of sacred heritage of|! ic race.Therefore we see thag the| and fundamental principle of; olution must be education. /Wh eannot make light of the thines| of the present active generation,for; have certainly given us many , idvantages over the things of even! ent years..But I do believe that) i preatest hope of the State lies! he boys and girls who are to be!the future citizens of the State.We! cannot hépe to see our ideals of ‘san-| Wien and social conditions realized} he very near future,but if we all} } in Lic hoy +}thing t thee dom part_ye_can leave a legacy |} wo!thy of transmission to our poster |it | “ot course the teacher should be| the leader in the things for the gen-|ad hetterment -of the community;|ind Lavant to plead with ‘the teach-| Iredell county to .study ‘the} ns and needs of your commu-! and try to right’every wrong} xt year that is in your,power to} right.And right now is the time)to begin to study and plan for your! n year’s work,for,you should} the things most needed in or-| to get them. I know that there is a bendéiey| anto ne our teachers to want to have}said’“that they sure Knew’‘afl; ‘ On Ona nities thout the text books that he'tavrht.”|‘ nt T woul much’rather Have it ati | hy it’they®“eeyvainly:helndd’‘£6!make Pe”1 commlibity battery?thHH te RAY P? {eft atfew figures and technical fabits |f iin the mids of possibly *dt’dozer chil-| Mrs.Lewis H.Meador,Jr.,of Prov-|c pon i ‘dven./acts’ard’all Mehty ‘and °"in|idence,R.L,a limeal descendant of|*}}iddenite.”R-2.is.fret ‘hate is what we aye°after:but|series Nathaniel Gregne,wi bnvg!|Harvey ckey ‘ied e thée/ffiest desired facts are not to be|we memorial ee nt .eneral |nop eee ite,Satur “She votten*from text’books.| sari fr generals At had”been,ste!for.same ¥né-aad her ‘Pam sorrythat many of,opr com-|Gu Ba ran ay in cOn-|légth was ¢ae v ‘tmnittees¢eem.to think:“that ‘the hef-| lw ad em:'termerit’Bpelotics.area ‘thing’that!|yeare and (should é[o8e When the “schools:cloges if >|never:oa Aves a “for they‘ate.the of t groatcct com-}|husban«‘The Siihnity HeHlaers’that “Wh?have.and! ‘burial wat Sales4 ¢Spp-‘Should,t racer to do the Bext Wolk,|iday,afternoon at.?o'clock.“he Rept ‘eoing for twelve months in JBive:af,Mor,“OME “tines?”chiltren every ¥ear and-as many yvedts as,the. have fever.”Little Verna is serious. Hy siek.Miss Willie Lackey,..who’)spent some time ‘with her cousins,Miss:: Nora and Zora’Lee Sharpe,hos re- turned to her home at-Steny Poin'. Mrs.R.D.Lackey and Mr.Nesbit Lackey are on the sick list. Sunday was communien day at Sul-phur Springs.The ‘Baptists orga:ed-a-chureh-at Hiddenite Sunday af- ternoon, Saturday and Sunday,June 24 27,is the quarterly meeting at Roc! |Springs. |Harvest.is most over and the farnn- ers are glad to get back to their oth- er crops.-Plenty of beans,potatecs. eabbage,.beet —pickle,and someehertypie.: mn Play By‘Lenoir “Colleze Stu- dents—A Marriage. Correspondence of The Landmark. Barium.Sorings,June 22 urday evening,19th,Mrs. Dingler “Fleming of this:place Mr.Amos Sharpe,son of Mr.Som ‘nel Sharpe of.north Iredell,quit’: |drove to the home of Rev.C.L.Me-Cain in Statesville and were unite!~in marriage.They are both inte!!! went ‘and.energetic young people. Mr.Hj).I.Lippard is.stoppine his -home here while arranging “The Hoodoo,”a society come! which will be piven at the State ville Theater Saturday evening,Jui26th.Mr...Lippard has been as! dent—of Lonoir-College,Hiekory.1+the past two years and is excecdins ly fortunate.in.being chosen ag mon‘ager for this comedy,which will !|nlayed at a number.of towns in thi State:This play furnishes ai go! clean performance.Tt’is oneWalterBen-Hare’s:best productio:and has been immensely enjoyed |: ire audiences who.have geen here are 25 characters,16,of whoo are graduates of cxpression and misieatLenoirCollege,and _refle iserediton$number of Iredell st dents, Another ~Hearing Thaw, Barry K.Thaw’s seventh attempttoainhisfreedomsince:his Arrestnineyearsagoforthemurderof Stanford White,was begun in.NewYorkthisweekwiththe.selection of Sat Po iv] For Harry court has the power to accept or re-ject the verdict of the jury.If theverdictisfavorableto‘Thaw and is accepted ‘Thaw will.be released,Ifthecourtrejectstheverdictoritis, Iredelt eeNo.74,Bell Nos _ae UDBER.TIRE!is here,We use best rub- en at ard unfavorable to Thaw,he can be ré-turned to the Matteawan criminal in-sane asylum,whore he was confined|prior to his escape a,yea or so ago.-—reemeenerreneenareen*em term “‘MeLendon.of Ansonwillsail’from New York +to- beter Serbia,where he «wil .if we can’t keep up the good.work -not. stead those things which.tendto build yess ‘Jar in this modern day,” d.clay; a jury to inquire as to hig sanity.The!"i ty or State must he fed by the small) surgeon in me Red Cross world shall stand.Good women of} “Tedell.'don’t let them lag this sum-} wer.Te your president is too fat to} he agreeable with the:summer.heat.| jivst put the vice president in and go: right ahead,for we ought,-by means to keep them going.Let's ste where it is and start it where_it’s Remember that in’mingling and talking over the needs of your community with.your neighbor you may eradicate low ‘morals,insanita- ry conditions,etc.,and place in their up a great community. if.CLYDE PRIVETTE, Statesville,June 19, Wants Cross -Country Roads Improved. A,citizen of Concord township files with The Landmark a complaint about ,the condition of the eross- country.roads...He.says he knows knockers and kiekers are not popu- but he in- sists that the rural reads are~not retting a square deal,and.he wants|‘o know of the county,authorities | how much longer the folks:interest-;din.these -roads.will ‘have {to wait| fer patience to become a_virtue. “Tam a scrubby farmer,”says the writer,“toiling to support.my fam- ily and pay taxes.I am:very much delighted to travel over one end ofour,beautiful bond —road across Concord township to our thriving little vUlage of Stony Point, all} AllPattern fits,some that formerly sold|for $8.50, will be found on tables marked $2.98.This priceis ' less than-one-half'first cost. will be found on tables marked 98c.,$1.49 and $1.98). Untrimmed-Shapes will go-at 49c., few finer shapes at $1.49. Children’s Hats that sold for 50c. 89.and 69c. Girdle and Hair Ribbons about half price, Baby Caps at cost. _Every one iscordially invited to call and inspect.my stock and get prices before buying. Hrs.‘J.M MeKee will on FRIDAY MORNING,JUNE25th, placeon sale some of the greatest Millinery Bargains, ever‘shown j in Statesvil MRS.J.M:McKEE, .Between weeeipy Montgomery ®and Halls=Drug’Pure POO aps7iioisons a eee \ lp // Other-trimmed.Hats.3 79¢,and 98¢e.,A’ and $1,50,now ‘# All.Flowers at half price. Resspectfull Y; leading| where I ean work my little lots and) sée the dust and hear the roar and hastle of the automobile as_it-leaves ‘te streak alone the beautiful sand- and the train speeding its way along.the all Way track:of the ereat day Rut alas! in which we live. farm,traveling over publie high- ways for which we pay ample taxes, under:the new law,to keep them in -.good-condition,we think of equaliza- tien of property taxation,but an equal distribution of taxes after they ane @oblected,in filline up some.of the’puveed places along.ourt rural highways,ire neni be a vir- tue, “With all good humor.and respect | io everybody,I hope to see better rural rohd improvement in the nearfuture.The real growth of a coun- rivulets’that flow from different di- tetions to swell the veean.tide,” Fair and Warm Weather, Fair,hot weather will predominate ‘during tho coming week aver the |southeast,the wenther lurean.pre-}) |digted:forthe week borinning Wed- Lnesday,.“Acperiod of showers be- }|ginning Friday or Saturday,however,|# isthe forecast for the middle At-|¢ lantic Coast and ‘Tennessee. and T think || |‘ ‘Phones 84 and 137.oe "Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison Company. The Phones’84 and 137°}, Store With the Quick Parcel Post Service. Silk Shirt § Today we're selling a novelty Silk Shirt Sikfrontandcuffsinabeautifulqualityw Silk with backin.design,and the price is only $1.50.Yougetashirtwith.thementforonly$1.50. $1.50-to $5 ManhattanShirts $1 50 to $5, Known as the best.stiff and French cuffs,white and-colors,:cot- ton and silk.All the wanted sizes.ov Men’s Furnishings and.Luggage. Everything you need for travelin our Trunk~and Bag department.‘can,but when you buy--buy at home. oe and sleeves of Madras to match.- appearance of a $4 gar- Sizes 14 to 16. “Feet Wot bak yhinliycod eh alt Lo afaoe Yor «i Jaivg oT. aaah ai ApihAgd i ih alot «ai? ne ea patty sali i y“iisueu HP ail eto ti abhiowe ideo eh “ie tit old ue? iov .43 OF The best knewn.Both { Buy from us when you *| Phones 84 and 137. RAMSEY-BOWLES-MORRISON 00, THE + STORE ‘THAT PAYS THE POSTAGE ‘ON MAIL ORDERS. *Phones 84 and B37. ?oy3$ As I leave my little vil-1 _Inge home and return to my rural! yo ce a e s a n p e c e r s e te t a s eT e e S S E E E S e I E E E T E R S SE T S IS I E : po e s v e ge y s e r ce r e rr e r r Ti s ; “OF STATESVILLE,N.C. si s i Captal Steck Paid in Surplus and Profits W.D es,D.M.A USLEY, esteererasesiteititieeteeseeteetet: $100,000.00 31,500.00: Members of Federal Reserve System. bE S 5 9 5 5 4 3 0 9 4 9 5 0 0 6 0 9 0 S 28 0 0 0 6 0 9 5 8S S PS S 00 8 0 8 0 0 8 oe ee ee e eb sb e s s e e s Your Banking business solicited andeveryaccommodationextended\.to de- positors consistent with prudent bank- ing methods.be Four per cent,aid on time and Savings Deposits “remaining on deposit three ‘months or longer. OFFICERS: »TURNER, MORRISON, shy &HUGHBY ae “GLARK,EDITOR AND OWNER June2B,“1915, The conduct of the Georgia mobswho:threatened the Governor with /personal violence and burned him in effigy because of the decision in the Frank case,is of course a disgrace ‘to Georgia and the South,No mat ter what one’s opinion of Frank’s :guilt or innocence,it was a matter for the-Governor to decide,and that his action was the result of consei- entious conviction is not to be ques- tioned.He knew his course would not “meet with popular.favor in Atlanta, ‘or in Georgia;and had he not had very grave doubts of Frank’s guilt ‘and the courage to follow his convic- tions,he “would not have given the prisoner the benefit of the doubt.A +man_of convictions and the courage of his convictions is always entitled to respect,no matter how wrong we may think he is;and a demonstration against a Governor,or one-in author- ity ¢harged with a similar duty,be- eause his view does not accord with ours,is indefensible.It was the ex- hibition of the mob spirit at the Frank trial that aroused so much in-, terest in his behalf throughout the ‘eduntry,for many people who didnot: attemptto-pass onthe man’sguilt,or -who believed him guilty,did not.think he ‘had a fair trial because of the manifest feeling against him at.the time of his trial;and thus the mobhelpedtodefeatattheoutsettheir purpose.; The Landmark didn’t follow the Frank case and has no opinion based on its.own information;but from the opinions of others who followed the trial,this paper inclines to the belief that Frank is guilty.Because of the doubt involved,however,it believes the Georgia Governor did right. The Landmark has had no patience “THE MOBS AND FRANK. it.That paper says: summoned from an adjoining ‘coun-ty when requested,is a good one. for the swaying,of juries and thisplanpracticallyavoidssuchacondi- hon,evaTtisagoodJaw,Its author is Mr. Victor §.Bryant’of Durham,who secured its enactment while he was in’the State Senate a few years ago. So far as we can recall,this is thesecondtimethelawhasbeeninvolved since it was enacted,but as it be- comes better understvod its value will be appreciated and it will be more frequently used in cases where local feeling would play an important part. Not only are jurors from other coun- ties more unbiased because they are unfamiliar with local conditions,but the new arrangement prevents law- yers selecting ‘jurors for ‘personal reasons.Very often a lawyer de- pends for his success.in.winning a case on selecting jurors who will take his side regardless. A DEVICE THAT:FAILED. Grandfather Clause to RestricttheNeeré:Vote Won’t Hold. Says Court of Last Resort. By its decision in what are known as the “grandfather clause cases,” the”Supreme "Court of the United-—-States---annulled-the -Ok- lahoma constitutional:|amendmentandtheAnnapolis,Md.,voters’qual-ifieation law restricting.the suffragerightsofthosewhocouldnot’voteor__whoseancastors could.not vote prior to the ratification of the fif: teenth amendment.to the Federalconstitution. The Ansonian believes that the re- cent law which allows a jury.to.be Local influences are often responsible are Se _Shr “At the recent trial of a big damage TO ADVERTISE ‘THE STATE. suit in-Anson county the jury was}‘Reet MeatydrawnfromUnioncounty;as is per- missible under a law enacted #fow years’ago,and the Wadesboro.An- *|30nian,having seen the plan in op- eration,is favorably impressed.with .to Form Org sirable-citizens maybe latent resources. ed hy 26 business men living in dif-ferent sections of the State.AmongthesignersareAlex.Webb ‘andClarencePoe,Raleigh;A.W.Me.Lean,Lumberton;J.Elwood:Cox,Hégh:Point;J.F.Hurley,Salisbury;H.B,Varner,Lexington; H, H.Caine,Asheville..The call says: Why Organization is Needed, “Hundreds of thousands of,ourbest.citizens have:left.North Caro-lina for locations not offering the advantages we possess.We need anorganizationtoconvincethesepeo-ple that their best opportunity is inNorth@arolina.7 “Millions of good citizens haveemigratedfromthethickly-settled,high-priced lands of Northern StatestotheCanadiannorthwest,out ownnorthwest,west and southwest,at-traeted by intelligently conductedadvertisingcampaigns,Many wouldhavecometoNorthCarolina’hadtheyknownthefactsaboutourState.;“Millions of other good |citizerisarelookingfornewhomes. “We need and can get them ‘if weconvincethem—that our climate.isunexcelled?widely varying from themountainstothecea,but never rip-orous,% factory.:ee“That lands are cheap in Priceonly,nm“That our lands will grow any others,and will grow more cropseach_year.;“That our lands will produce moredollarsperacrethanlandsfarthernorth.« Chief Justice White,a native Of theSouth,and a former Confederate sol-dier,announced the court’s decision.which was unanimous except thatJusticeMcReynoldstooknopart’inthecase.-- By holding that conditions that ex-isted before the fifteenth amendment—which provides that the right,:to with the hysterical folks and news-| ver the country whotook}bholonoesTed “ist in North Carolina because of ‘a similar enactment in this .State, adopted in 1900.It was the purpose.of all these enactments to practically 'eliminate the negro vote and at the Same time save the ignorant white man.So the North Carolina enact-~ment,while providing for an educa-ie qualification for voters,“also fovided that wbersons who were a ‘Rpters in 1867,or the lineal descend-*“ants of such voters,would.be per-+mittedto exercise the frimchise with-“out reference to the educational qual-j{ffication,provided their:names were~9 entered on’a permanent,registration,fell prior to November 1,1908;toallvoterscomingof:age after that+date the,educational qualification ap-plies with equal foree—when it is en- #iforced,ve'This arrangement dodged the fif-2 teenth amendment to the Federal con-»Stitution because,while its:practical application was to eliminate the ne- few—were descendants of persons ”‘thereto.While the Supreme Court_.Says this provision is unconstitution- al,the decision cannot affect the work-»ing of the North Carolina constitu-tion-as-it is now,for since December¥,1908,the educational qualification applies to all voters whose names“Were not.entered on the permanentregistrationrollspriortoNovember1,1908.If jhe permanent registra-tion rolls.are climinated—as they,@pparently will be under the decision—and the educational test enforced,the illiterate whites who registered under that provision will be disquali-“fied: North Carolina lawyers have de-clined to give an opinion until theycanstudythefulltextoftheSu-preme Court's decision,but the gen<ral opinion seems to be that the de-~cision will have little material effectinthisState: The Landmark 1s grieved to hearofthecontinuedindispositionofEd-itor Reece of the Greensboro Record,_Some time ago he went to Baltimore+for treatment put returned home’un-improved,Mr.Reece is one of the"veterans of the State press and one of the most popular members of the-fraternity.It is sineerely hoped that he will soon be able to return to his work,where ‘he is so -much missed. It is deniéd in Berlin thatan order we merit has-been conferred on on aecount of race,color,or previous On te Wgtandiather |clase”legisla-‘of sSoythern States::*; |conviction of.two 'officials ‘who denied negeves therighttovoteinacompressional”slectiqn,and...<e award.three. :‘:Fegisterthem.The court held —t at.theseelectionofficialscouldnotbrethepotency.of the fifteenth améndmentinwipingoutofStateconstitutionstheword“white”as a qualificationforvoting.In the Marvland case,the court’s decision established thepointthatthefifteenthamendmentappliesaliketomunicipalaswellastoFederalelections. Chief Justice:White said the suffrageamendment.to the State constitution then followed it with a provision cre-ating a standard based upon the con-dition existing January 1,1863,prior amendment,and eliminated thosecomingunder.that standard:from the action of the State recreated and per- the fifteenth amendment was intend-ed to destroy.than the language usedin-the amendment. Justice,“that it,contains no expressgroes,a few negro voters—a_very |-words of _an-exclusion from.thestandardwhichitestablishesofany,Who were voters in 1867 or’-prior/P&?S9n.on account:of race,color or:previous ‘condition of servitude pro-hibited by the.fifteenth amendment, since it is based purely upon a pe-riod of time before the enactment ofthe_fifteenth amendment and-makes vote shall not be denied or abridged ron of servitude—could not pe‘DO¥eR do present day’!lingard.nie self-executing(as generally believedthe-e Wenta long way to-invalidatine much:of the so- -«Pher immediate“effect »of thecourt’s decisfon.{Wento uphold the “i homa election Discussing the Oklahoma cases. first“fixed ‘a literacy.standard and to the adoption of the fifteenth inclusion in the literacy test.The court -had difficulty,he said,in finding words to mbre-clearlydemonstraté'its conviction.that this petuated the very conditions which “Tt,is.true,”continued the Chief but the staridard itself inherentlybringsthat.result into existence, that.period the controlling and.dom-inant test of the right:of suffrage. Earth Shocks in California.- A dispatch from.El Centro,Cal,says sharp earth shocks WhdnesdaycenteredtheanxietyofImperialValleysettlersontheheadgatesofthegreatirrigationsystemwhich-hadtransformednearly250,000 acres ofdesert,although no serious damagewas.done in that.locality.Engineers reported.that.anothershockrockedthelittleclusteroftownsinthevalleyandcost‘half adozenor:more lives in the MexicanbordertownofMexicali.Scientists appear:to agree thattheshockslayalongthelineofwhatigknownastheSanAndreasFaultintheearth’s formation which ©wasinvolvedinthenorthcentralCalifor-nia earthquake of 1906,Damage estimated at $400,000 wasdoneinthedistrictextendingrough-ly from the shoulder of the CocopahmountainsofLowerCaliforniatoSanBernardinoandNeedles,Cal.on the north,Yuma on the east and|/San Diego on the west, “Higher business,influences,”saysadispatchfromBerlin,discussing theGermanattitudetowardtherecentAmerican‘note,“continue to be exert-ed in favor of a peaceful settlementwiththeUnitedStates.A number ofindustrialandcommercial.leadershaveappeared:in Berlin ‘during the of the Odd Fellows’?Home for Chils “That we have manyindustrial pp-portunities awaiting development.°“We need an organization to ‘telltheworldthetruthaboutNoriCarolina.Most of the informationreachinggoodcitizensofthenorth|is exaggerated reports.of undegira.ble things.ts cof“The movement has been endofsed;by many of -the newspapers,cpm-;mercial organizations,and progrpss-ive citizens,also jby.the leading fail-roads of tite!Stata)’who:will be.resented at)the:mketiia|,Ener fants eat into jtheStateis‘worth'mdre;fo the merchpnhsmanufacturer,{banker,or—professionaalman.than to the.railroad orestateman.We are all intereweshouldallhelp.Yama te“This invitation is intendedfor ev! eeting in Raleigh on the.29thmnsanonesnevertisetheState’s Resources, ‘A meeting has lwencalled to ag. semble in Raleigh nest Tyesday, 29th,at 11 a,m.to create a Stateorganizationforthepurposeof.gath-ering information ‘regarding the,re.sources of North Carolina,and to 80 distribute.this information that'de.eacr a North Carolina “and help develop its The call for this meeting ig signs A,Page,Aberdeen;FY.L.Seely and J: —“That—living—conditions—are~satis={¢ Fs = crop grown farther north.and,.sdme i Senator Robt.M.LaFollette Coming July5 Through the efforts of the local committee’_and through the extreme generosityof Dr,.PaulM.Pearson to the Statesville Chautau-qua patrons,Robert M.LaFollette,United»=|.States Senator from Wisconsin,is to appear »in one of hisgreat lectures on our Chautau-” qua platform at the opening performance,,.Monday afternoon,July 5th.ek: This arrangement was made only at the:last minute,and we hasten to tell the good hews to our patrons., h.| enator LaFollette July 5 So ee $25 IN GOLD PRIZES $ aE reoeSe5 ery citizen.4atheState;were itic to :. sibleye co ould ¢a SedHOae“Beet fick |COURR—OF-EASE—RESORT. Opinions By ‘the Supretie ‘Cot®of the United States. ’Reversing its own action pfrayweprevious,the United States dup eCourthasdecided+o teview thé con-viction of F.Drew Caminetti of San Francisco,facing prison sentence forviolationofthewhiteslavelaw.Atthesametimeitagreedtoreviewtheconviction.of Maury I.Diggs,‘con-victed with Caminetti of the same of-'fence. foremost of all the government’s an-ti-trust prosecutions now in the Su-preme Court,has been reopened foranewargumentatthefallterm,be-ginning in October.Neither the goy-ernment nor the company had askedarehearing;the court’s ‘action wasacompletesurprisetoattorneysforbothsidesandwasannouncedwith-out ‘explanation.The:Harvester.caseissimilarto,the Stee!corporationease,which the government recentlyost.The court dismissed for want ofjurisdictionthecaseofFrederickBrown,a negro resisting extraditionfromPennsylvaniatoSouthCarolinatoanswerto‘a homicide charge.Brown contended that as a negro hecouldnotgetafair.trial in SouthCarolina.”The mandate of the SouthCarolinacourtscondemningtodeathT.U.Vaughn,former superintendent dren at Greenville,8.C.,on a chargeofgrossimmoralityinconnectionwiththechildrenoftheHome,wasaffirmed, The title of the United States to5,000 acres of timber land in’Claycounty,North:Carolina,contested iby!the Hiawassee Lumber Company,wai t —THE STATESILLE FLOUR MILLS CO.makes two brands of flour -—“PALACE”and “SAVE TROUBLE,”It gives flour in,exchange’for wheatand buys great quantities of whéat besides.”Now,$15 IN...GOLD.will be:given forthe best:argument,.and,¢10 IN’GOLD for’««Segondbest argumentitanswer tothe following questions:sso.3.5.“in-Why,Should the People of Statesville and Iredali'county:| “Why Should’Local.Whéat Growers sell:their Wheat to___the Statesville Flour:MillsGo?-a = yea With.the Statesville Flour Mills-Co,,for its'Flour?:””:Hh reeySere N.C.Do mot Sen your name'to paper*but enclose name ofi,,’separate’“slip.Papers wil if ol sity -Why Shéuld Local Wheat Growers exchangetheir wheat Oo sividtestisopen’iow atid will ‘close JULY¥15+just:20 ‘days:stig inkandmailtoStatesvilleFigurMills’Go:,“Statesville,.ici. ytbe’‘numbered'and turried over 'to’a:committee of-three who will decide the winners as quickly as possible ‘after July 15.The committee will not be connected with the mill and will not knowthenameofcontestant._Statesville Flour Mills Company.| epee The International Harvester case,| upheld by the court.A lower court|' The Church Bulletin. :ai The Broad Street Bulletin for the third quarter will be issued the first of July.Those whi’are in arrears,in order to get ere credits in this.issue of the Bulletin,must drop theamountsforwhichtheydesireto1theamounttothechristreasurer,Mr.F.B.Bunch,by Monday night,June 28th. \i *.‘The Local Workers’Society will give an interesting programme of music,recitations,etc.,atéresidenceofMrs.R.‘A:Cooper on Walout Street,this evening (Friday),8:30 to 11'0clockAnopportunitytomakeafree-will offering.of a modest sum will be given by the young ladiesNuothercharge.Refreshments served after the programme.-Avpleasantsocialhourpromised,All invited.ie ;,DON’T FORGET THE REGULAR SERVICES. The Sunday School is still growing,the Mornin Preaching Hour is well attended,and the’Evening Crowds much larger thanbefore the ublicity Campaign.Bible Study Hour eachWednesdayat8p.m.subi RBroadStreet th at the door. yyy———E_——E——EE——— eredited in the plate at next Sunday’s services,or hand? a.—a'SILVER TEA.sm cn lect of next Sunday Evening Talk:eaching for the Mark.’” Methodist Churc he had held the government’s -claim_in-|; valid because of irregularities of regeistration.;:The court decided against the ned ernment in the suit to have déclariforfeitedtoit:the-unsold-portiontheOregonandCalifornia’railroadlandgrants,amounting to some 2,-300,000-—acres valued at more than$30,000,000.,The railroad was enjoin-ed,however,from future saleg*in’vio-lation of the conditions,of \the grant,and until Congréss ‘has ‘reasonable.time to act.7.Bae « Lackawanna and Western Railroad A contract by which the Delaware,lf. .Are at the Farmers’vee ve‘also the highest\grade cans..*.Also canning outfit.FARMERS’ 7 ,-‘re MAKE MONEY ANNIN G :fe ee £put up fruits,ete.,WY txSha ae San aren a tee,oasis Pag ]arn ‘ie only ner heatii side,there- 4 .up.ealgmanufacturetheContin: “}IOME CANNER MYG.COMPANY, money selling —alwa;Goverae t Axente and Tomato Club Membere endorseWiredmofamaorsousHeating,Copping ©|-~-seals cans quicker, HICKORY,N.¢. Prices$3.. rehous?.today and tomorrow.Callus up for'we have the right-ftice,The price will soon advance on eans.Now is the time to buy your,cans. NION WAREHOUSE 6O.,Statesville,N.C. Company sold in 1909 the annual out-put of 7,000,000 tons,from its ‘an-thracite coal mines to the Delaware,Lackawanna and Western Coal Com-pany,which it had just organized,was annulled by the court as a.vio-lation.both of the commodities clause}of the Hepburn rate law and ‘of theShermananti-trust.law.2 Aas 7 sore cnroemn a ET D ‘Peace1Lumber ILHELMILSON*¥ATKINS ,i ‘oP ETOAnAlarmClockthatislittlebutloud.It’sa little Beauty!“Just thethingforalady’s ofa gentleman’s room.It is not sy large bit does Bilious Attacks.. When you have'n bilious attack your tivor|fails’to perform its functions,You becomeconstipated.The foodyourstomachinsteadof digesting,.This insflamesthestomach-and.-causes.nai “vormeitingandaterrihleheadache,e.Cham-lain’s .Tablets.They.will tone up your German submatine commander ‘who;piitthnha personally to.this end”... last few days to use théir influénce soon be as well as ever, quarter,M Oblainable.. iver,clean ont your’stomach and you.They only cost you eat fermenta-in}° GOOD FARM—Forsale or lease,J.A.Dewars Stony Point,N.-C.,R-1,:June 18—2t, ¥for Green,Park)WANTED—Ten Sipe isine aboete -<June-18-3t.. e-dainy flowersy|eleSo.june22——At. AddN.C "the waking up for you.BIG BEN if you need to be!ed:out,#H.B.WOODWARD,Jeweler, 4} , ' ‘ ' é wd Be e n e ¢ 7 ) ¥ a _PRIDAN ;4 June 26,1915. .*home of the Woodhouse family~at Old ‘.Mrs.Ramsey and little daughter at- RS T IE We He ee LANDMARK eeINTHESOCIAL,REALM, |Some June Weddings. The Merrymakers met with Miss-es Elizabeth and Matgaret Brawleyonthe17th,Miss Elizabeth BlackofConeordwasanout-of-town guest.A salad and sweet course were sery- ed.On June 19th little Mildred,daugh-ter of Mr.and Mrs.V,G,Saunders, on Oakland avenue,entertained her little friends on her fourth birthday. The afternoon was spent.playing games,and after a treat of ice cream andcate,-all enjoyed an automobile ride.¢‘ Mr.Henry Sudderth of Caldwell county ‘and Miss Fannie Hedrick of’ Loray were married in Statesville Wednesday.morning at 10:30 o'clock | at the Home of the officiating minis- ter,Rev:J.H..Pressley.: Rev.W.M.Walsh went to Old Fort yesterday to officiate at the mar- riage of Rev.Walter H.Goodman and Miss Margaret “Woodhouse of Con- cord,which took place yesterday af- ternoon at 5 o’clock at the summer Fort.Rev.Mr.Goodman is a son of Mr.John,T.Goodman of Mt,.Ulla. He is pastor of.the Presbyterian church Old Fort.te : The Neighborhood Bridge Club was entertained Tuesday night by Mrs.R. S.McElwee at her apartments on Center street.In accordance with the rules of the club no prizes were awarded the winners in the game: Following the game refreshments were served.‘; Mrs.tEugene Davis was hostess to a tew wf —her—friend :Wednesday. morning,‘complimenta to her guest, Miss Fannie Capps of ~Portsmovth, Va.Bridge was played and Mrs.A. P.Steelewon the score prize,a’box of handkerchiefs.All the guests cut) ©=*¢or the consolation,which “went to| Mrs.Garner of .Greensboro.| Miss pps was given a box’of cor-) respondence cards as guest of honor.| Two courses“of refreshments were} “served “at the close of the game."| Al heart’party wee given by Mrs.| J.M.Cunningham Tuesday afternoon| at her home on West End avenue,in| honor of her guest.Mrs.Fred Garner | of Greensboro.Hearts was played | at eight tables and Mrs.T._D,Webb|}won the:score a,linen table,run-| ner.ices Beatie,a’.crocheted hair receiver,went to Mris.-‘€:;,@;| Phillips.guest,of-honoroneGeMae oh beautift ter,|pierR-ie.s heart.| idea was cea!Bata hoe ments of ice cream and «a Each| of the guests was given{%jbunth;of | sweet peas as a favor.} Mrs.C.V.Henkel gave an informal| party-to-a-_few_friends Tuesday morn-| ing complimentaryto her)diveds,Mrs,| prize| Wadswo'lotte ; Rhyne of ie any,4 oe eron of their parents,Mr,anc s.L.PeHenkel,-Pind Lmatias!devoted te! socinl copversation,|‘Sandwiches,bens ice cream and cantaloype were serv:*| The G.’G.G.Gub'was entertained| by ’Miss Mande!Nicholson Wetines- day afternoon at her home jon Front street.The only guests in addition to club members were Mrs.T..D.Webb| and her guest,Miss Arleen Lewis of | Hendersonville.A game.of 'hearts was the principal source of entertein- ment,ut!no prizes were,awarded. The usual club literary programme -was itted..Refreshments were served.in two courses.* Mis,rances Averley Russell and Mr.Robert Oliver Colt,both of Char- lotte.were married at-the-home-of the bri in Cha Colt is ‘&brother of Mrs.J.Sherman Ramseyof Statesville,-and-Mr.and tended-the marriage. Notice,of New Advertisements.|. Second-hand motorcycleat a.bar- gain.—{Carolina Motor Co.. Storehouse and stock of merchan- dise at a bargain—Trivette &Triv- ette,rmony. Purgé found.—J.P.Murphy. Senator ‘LaFollette of —Wisconsin will be an attraction of the Chautau- qua July 5.:Full line of seasonable goods.— Eagle &Milholland.—Notice“of:civil action J.-A.Hart- ness,clerk. Last,.call for Chautauqua tickets,‘ —Millinery reduction sale.—Mrs.__J. M.McKee.>Screen your house.—«Lazenby-Mont- goméry Hardware ‘Co. Get*right.—Polk Gray Drug Co. Sample wash dresses and skirts.— J.M."McKee &’Co.’‘> ..TheStatesville Flour Mills Co.is ~offering,$25 in cash prizes.‘Read terms ih-advertisement in this issue. Broad treet ‘Methodist churth bul- letin.Make money season canning.—Farmers’ ‘Union.Warehouse Ce.‘ Cards'-+-StatesvillePrinting Go. Sp for tomorrow.—Johnston- Belk Co. Rattlesnakes and Flies. Correspbnilénce of The Landmark.': If we knew that certain locationsgoodtown.were breeding places for rattlesnakes’we would bely:up’in’arms,‘and stamp,out -t peste.ey ae|AB ter,of fact we are harbor;beeeding places for insects’just as f f to.our lives as these rep-tiles Would be,and are taking nopreventivemeasuresaganist.them.Mea be.stamped.out,other towns in this imm ing dan ae lone so,and why should we not0night! ote pennete ak “Mise Emma Lewis >left Tuesday J evening for Camden,8.C.,where she formerly of Statesville,spent Tues- ons,Club Meetings and|trom hereto-Charlo‘te Tuesday eve- ‘and,Mrs.+herare’fuests+to: .father,Mr.H.~G.Link,| tte Whdnesday evening.Mr: dut.to the court house’to-a fetack <<learn’how it is:one,and then let every:one to«workatid’make this ath tiaieee,AL CLUB, GLIMPSE PASSENG.THRONG.|—_,Taylorsville Items.‘|Death of Mr.C ndift—News of Si a Correspondence.of ‘The Landniark.,;Elkin. lentionofPeople andeirMovements. has secured a position as nurse in the Camden Hospital.; Mr.John H.Shaw of High Point, day afternoon in Statesville,going ning:t d’Mr.Allen Turner has gone toRidgecresttospendseveralweekswithMr.David Harris.Mrs.T.T..Lucas of Charlotte istheguestofMrs.R.L.Poston.Mr.and Mrs.W.E.Webb and lit-tle daughter and Miss Rebekah Flem-ing have réturnhed#{rom a visit to rel-atives.at Franklin,‘Tenn.Miss Arleene Gilmer left Wednes-day for Waynesviile,where she.willspendceveralweekswithhercousin,|< Miss Josephine’Gilmer.é tMr.W.F:Erwin,who visited his|! nephew,Mr.J.E.Sloop,left.Wednes- 1 Mr.Erwin’s.first visit to his.native]; State in 25 years.He is originallyfromRowancountybuthecouldhardlyrecognizehisoldhomesur- roundings on account of the changes which had taken place during his ab-sence of a quarter century.Misses Grace and Ina Anderson areattendingthe‘summer:school at the Umversity of Virginia at Charlottes- ville,Rev.and Mrs.Jas.Willson,who visited Mr.and Mrs.C.M.-Steele,have returned to their home in Win- ston-Salem.°Mr,and ,Mrs-C.E,Lazenby.leftWednesdayafternoon’for Mocksville. where Mr.Lazenby will be employed for a time.eee:éMr.L.L.Leary,who visited:hisbrother-in-law and sister,Rev.and Mrs.C.S.Cashwell,left Wednesday for his home at.Morehead City.Migs Hattie Fowler -ig visiting her aime Mrs.Grant Daniel,in Mocks- ville,kMr..and.Mrs.A.A.Fisher,whospenttheirhoneymoonin‘the North, returned to.Statesville Wednesday for a visit to Mrs.Fisher's parents, Mr.and-Mrs:J:-B,-Glover.s«.They—will ri Cline of Ellendale townshipbas been ‘appointed mail carrivr on riral’route o.1 to succeed Mr.L.5.Ingram,resigned,and begun work Mo:éwsMooresvilleWednesdaytovisither gon,Mr.W.L.Matheson.Mrs.W. P.Hedrick and son and iter, Master Mack andlittle Miss Eligabth Hedrick,of)Nashville,Tenn.,here Wednesday to visit /relatives. Mrs.B.D.Hulick and children Charlotte,are visiting Mrs.Hulick’s parents,Mr.and Mes.J.M.Me hie- 80! chased ‘about an acre andcoiningthecemeteryfrom My.R. day for his home in Texas.This was .the lot between Mr. Ed.C.Campbell is erecting on:Main| street.from’his brother.Dr.J.P.Matheson of Charlotte.This lot wasformerlyownedbytheMasons. Still Looking For His Cane. and while canvassing for thecateMr.Willson was keeping aoutforatreasuredwalking :which he lost in Stafesyille some!Miss Clara .Belle Hzyes. ‘time ago.} which was engraved the.init#ls,* B.We";will yet run acrosg that cane.‘He| thinks he lost it about the Starailwaystation.- Vance Embroidery Club-Fater-! |pay .Taylorsville,June.24,—Mr.A.C Mrs.W.B.Matheson 1 to ved of n.The board of aldermen has Spur- nd ahalf lot| atheson,to enlarge the cem vy.| Mr.A.L:.Beam’s house on igh- and caught fire.from a .defeetive|stove flue Tuesday about 1 o’elock but|t was soon extinguished and ittle damage was done.5 Mr.R.L.Matheson haw purchased | R:K. Moose’s | ewelry store and the ©building Mr.' very‘| Rev.James Willson,who ‘was in‘town this week,was representing theNorthCarolina,Christian he Al ‘O-~|k-|fane| Mr.Willson once advertised in/TheLandmarkbut,contrary to the -rule| in such:cases,the.cane was nof re-turned,either because it was buried,was found by somebody who -€an’t,Thejlost,read or who had use for.it. cane,which Mr.Willson treasure cause it belonged ‘to his was a haw stick with a bade ,On| be-!grandfather,|W Mr.Willson:ho}¢ wille edv he FOR SALE—1,300 pound mare,cheap. Correspondence of The Landmark, »Elkin,June 22.—Mr.W.M.CundiffofthistowndiedinahospitalatWinston-Salem this morning at 7:15. He had an operation some days agoandtookpneumonia.The burial will be at the town cemetery tomorrow. He was 66 years old and had been married -about-35-years.._He-marriedaMissPoisidexter,sister to Messrs.Robt.and Van Poindexter,who sur-vives him.He had long been a mem-ber,of the M.BE.Church.He was aquiet,Christian gentleman in the fullest sense and was esteemed by all who knew him.The sympathy of the town is for the bereaved widow. Mr.and Mrs.J.M.Crater were intowntodaygettingcanstecantheir garden beans,which is the wise thing to do when:the market is overstocked, as it is now.Eat all’the beans youcanandeanwhatyoucan’t,to sell next spring.We have been having plenty of rain and gardens are doing |well this spring. Quite a crowd went to the depot to- day to see the minstrel show arrive. Harmony Embroidery Club Correspondence of The Landmark. The Harmony Embroidery club metwithMissesRuthandMonaGaither at their home Wednesday afternoon. The house was beautifully decoratedandafterspendingsometimesew-ing refreshments were served by the hostesses. The next meeting will be held with FOR SALE—Second-hand motorcycle at abargain.CAROLINA MOTOR CO.June 25-~2t FOR SALE—Storehouse and {ot with first-class stock of general merchandise.Ex-cellent stand.A bargain.TRIVETTE &TRIVETTE,Harmony,N.C.June 26—-10t. =r ihinhagh tan edgnenoesaetioine FOUND—On street,purse with sum of mon-ey.‘Describe property and pay for this ad. J.P.MURPHY.June 25—1t* Also xood buggy.DR.June 22—2t.- FOR SALE—On’”buggy ~and-»-a --one-horsewagon,cheap.B.F,LONG,728 N.Mul- berry Street.June 22-——3t. ¥OR SALE“Indian Motor cycle in good con- C.-L,CRUSE. spend some days here,and -will visit tainment.dition.’Apply to J.H.McELWEE TOBAC- Asheville and other ints.in the!Correspondence of The Landmark,{co CO.June 1, mountains before .taking’up their]gtatesville,R-4,June.28.—At#the|— residence in Baltimore.”.7 -|_|Vance Embroidery club entertainghent I Miss Clyde -Fow]er is visiting)Saturday night the net r pts! friends and relatives in Hickory.|amounted to $14—#10.50:for entrance| Mrs.A.S.Webb of)Warren Plains,!fees and.$3.50 from anle of eetaend-|;d ere coors,arrpyed,in Statesville;ments,Members of’the club wish to Wednesday afternoon for _a@ visit to}thank all who helped in any,,waygend|-( her son,Mr.bf B.Webb.eb ey especially those who helped wit the|—A FULL LINE OF— Miss,Troy Yount of Salis ty iS|programme;and we are very ggpte-|‘M J the guest of Misses Ollie’and’fthel #3)for the patronage,and good deder||)ason Jars, Arthurs ‘on (West.End-avenne.(()'°.\durintr thd exdreises.)too Jer Caps,78 Mr.Batigdee Pail,of Raleieh Be hss ag ager call AW sitar rR 7 <j visiting at the Breas ot rs.We R/S Mi Se PE Sigmon of —SIBlob Jar Hubert iu ebeoy nbr (wast [..Ba,§..Fer CT}gd townsbi rk ord a (ylasses,boron br i)ae ‘Jt LPPSepitiace?pobora Tues}raventeretd tamara hae rogs’in yank Daley ‘P awide diy Acom ‘New Yorks ahd otherpains gars.*ew gorn on the P2d.fioie rying,Powders, Ne ©and G *.|oF ee ~Ayersof.Statesvils as Peg oi ly Pp To lor ry egsrs.Hyk.and,W,-G.«Morrison,|2head 0 im..He new cor@idn|f 1%%,,ii one dined hte!av tothe 2 eee are steno,EnBect Powders. t to ;at olona,!\) *——__——_4turietheir/fiome,al Hl age Gon,Hint of Mooresfitle|},..Manyotheragaapnable ©Miss:Belle Waddell,who was.with,is.sick at,the homeo mothers|f i,woods. sists,Mrs.TA,hott,hns gone)Sirs Hold Ghattes,in-3 Hey or Eagle’“~~Mite Ilan 1. Ex ueut BI ey ERdo Jfred!pany’wantg to},ux LACUE..:10,000 phe.master —a +geccaennegnd nema anat enorempnpaeent and Mri J.oW.Blege-of (Ma on weran in town for.a short time Tuesday.|Mr.oe Cates)bf the ‘Statesville| Star staff;went.to,Durham,yesterday | to spend the remainder,of the week)§ with his family.5 yesterday in town. Mrs.J.L.Palmer and Miss Eliza- beth Austin,who visited Rev. to their home in Albemarle. ’Mr.and Mrs.Harry Cunningham Mrs.J..M.Cunningham.Mrs.Gar- ner and two.little.daughters,who turned to Greensboro yesterday. to Loray yesterday to be with her ill.. from Mt.Airy,where she spent sev~ G,Faweette. spending a.few “days.here with ‘rela- tives.° Marriages News. Correspondence of The Landmark. Shiloh Township, Archie Brady,and Mr.Jo. Taylorsville~officiating:— will make their home.| Murdock,both of,Shiloh,township, were married yestetcay afternoon at i iE,BrownyeisSodavahtor of Mr.Gas..Lackey..the:groom a son of Esq.Jo.Murdock. (Miss.Lillian.Brady,\..daughter of Mr.Chas.Brady,has:been sick forsometimeand:her’¢ondition does not improve.|The wheat iscropseems:to be good. Mr,Webb’s Fresh Vegetables. the manse at ‘Loray,‘Reofficiating.The -bride a party on the streets yesterday andbetwecouldn’t guess what:hehad fordinner.Noone.could.“I had beans, lettuce.and other vegetables aingly,”continued ‘Webb.‘ord-Mr.is’ was.about two:hoursafter:Mr.Webb'smealtimeand”he was’then leisurélydispensingwithaquartofpopd¢orn.Mr.Webb’s garden p are ofthe“onsatisfying”(byte |geees Mrs.E.0.Goodrum of Cornelius,al : former resident of Statesville,spent $i and |# Mrs.J.-F.Kirk,returned yesterday|§ of Greensboro are guests of Mr.and|§ were guests of Mrs.Cunningham,re-3 Mrs.George Woodward of Davie)} county,who spent a ‘few days in|®- Statesville with Mr.Woodward,went)4 father,Mr.L.F.Stevenson,who is ie Mrs.N.B.Mills 'returns-tomorrow|# eral.days with her daughter,Mrs.T.is Dr,T.Grier Miller and bride.are in _Shiloh—Other |# June 24.—Miss'§ Maude:Brady,daughter of the late § Young were married yesterday afternoon at|# the home of the bride’s mother in!§ this township,Rev.L..L,Moore of |HMr.Young,/# who is fromthis township,has been}# living in California for the past two/% years and he and ‘his bride left this |% morning for’California,where " Miss Florence Lackéyatid Mr.Will | about all’cut and thelff Mr.W.E..Webb sauntered up to | “cucumbers,tomatoes,’cétn, squabs,|f at i While climbing the house, tirely too cheap for of flies per day... have-not already done so,screen your Screen doors and wire are en on the health of yourself and your fam- ily,by allowing flies to come into your homes Join the great army,not tofighttheGermans,but the flies._ The medical profession is in agreement ° that flies are common carriers of dis- ease.This being true,it behooves every good citizen to be diligent in season and out of season to get rid of the flies.~ We are headquarters for Screen Doors, Window Screens and Screen Wire,Fly. Swatters and Fly Traps.celebrated Henry Heinzerling Fly Trap,: one that is capable of catching a gallon a. of big of “June hill,”if you you to take chances We sell the =—is i | -good _Another.shipmen Cloth, For Women and Children.$1.50 values,sample price 98c.kind for 79c.,50c.sellers for 39c.A specially child’s dress for.25c,These are all ingoodconditionandcomeingoodpatterns,_ pa t of summer dress and skirt materials expected during the week. _»Among it willbesome very.~Cloth,Rice Cloth,new:_erdine Cloth for Skirts,-coming to McKee’s and. _We wantachanceto letyou see what we do nd how very reasonable our prices SampleWash Dresses and Skits} Good $1.25 toThe$1 selling pretty figured Laceinens,Silk Foile,Gab-‘ete.Get the habit ofdoingyourshopping. are. ;,* Store and Laze:ome “PHONE 281, 29 9 9 9 9 5 0 9 OS OS S SE D PO S OO S O S S O S O S S I S CS S OS So o o ee ee ee e ee s ti s s s t s s e s s s ¢Company.|) HE Pyramids,theold- est known work of man,have withstoodtheshocksoftheages,a monument to the patience and enterprise of their builders. Building a fortune requires a fixed purpose,patience and enterprise.Enterprise is sys- tem,and systematic saving wil! place you in a position to de- velop as you wish,secure against the reverses and the changes of time. _Let us be’your banker.Ourcapitalandsurplus,and our able officers insure stability and se-curity.Our co-operation will en- able you to benefit by the assist- ance of every department.of _ our organization, “Your account is invited and#assured appreciative attention,&A regardless of ‘the amount ofyourdeposits,i ~STATESVILLEN.C.Capital $100.000 AZ Paid on Time Deposils _ U.S.DEPOSITORY if} t 5 il Poe a sememeraewameeenenia In city or country,for business or’pleasure,.under all conditions,the mechanical perfec-tion,Siena light vee and simplicity¢of the Ford car make it the people’s utility.And they average only about two cents amiletooperateandmaintain, Barring the unforeseen,every retail buyer —of a new Ford car between August,1914,‘and August,1915,will receive from $40to”fi]$60 as a share of the Ford Motor Company’s filprofits,|te ees Runabout,$440;Touri ;.let,$750;f rd Detroitwith ich ee aeOndisplayandsaleatqoae Carolina Motor Co’s: Statesville,Newton and Mooresville, T Use Vudor Vudor Shades and Ham- t— nee d PORCH SHADES AIjf||White Mountain Refriger-,ators are.all stone lined, Ecuipped with Vader Safety WindDesig see Say a ~Also Iceland Refrigerators,zine lined—the only i box that will save ice.Ice Cream Fr ecabeul two,three and four burner Oil Cook Stoves—;th EveryShade ‘June 25,1915.MARGARINE FRAUDS ament Has Lost MillionsDollarsin’Taxes Bat the)7olatorsAreBeingBrought Taw. hington Dispatch.pw violators 9f/the oleomargar-law have defrauded the govern-ent out of dt least $27,000,000 due stamps and special taxes is.re-vealed by Secretary McAtloo in a statement based oh a preliminary re- port on a sweeping investigation con-ducted by-Commissioner Osborn of the internal revenue bureau., rauds committed as long ago as1902,immediately after the enact- ment,of the law,have been uncover-ed.The commissioner began his in-“qniry some months ago and since then unpaid taxes aggregating $851,-5 have been recovered and depos-ited in the Treasury “with the pros-et of further large —collections,”$Ry.two violators of the law have~been convicted-since.the first of Jan-wary and 29 of these have been giv- “en prison sentences.Fines |aggre- gating $148,000 have been assessed,in:addition ‘to the recoveries actual- ly made,atid the announcement .de- elares the investigation will be,con- tinued.The announcement shows thatsince1902morethan200,000,000 pounds of colored oleomargarinehavebeenmanufacturedandfraudu-lently sold as uncolored.'“This amount,”it says,“repre- sents more than twice the average“yearly consumption of both’colored and uncolored oleomargarine by the people of the United States since thepresentlawwentintoeffect.5““Approximately 185,000,000 poundsofthis200,000,000 pounds were sold~by oleomargarine manufacturers ~to dealers as ungglored oleomargarineandtheninma@hygasessoldtotheultimateconsumerasbutter.The remaining 15,000,000 pounds weremadebybuttermanufacturersandsoldasbutterwithoutthepaymentofany’tax.;“The law imposes-a—tax:of 10 cents a pound on colored oleomargar-ine and one-quarter of a cent apoundontheuncoloredproduct.In|perpetrating these frauds the oleo-margarine manufacturers have paidonly.the one-quarter eent when theyshouldhavepaidtencents,”. !anouncement says that 6,000fraudshavebeendetectedin.twoyearsandthatasaconsequence:oftheactivityoftheinternalrevenueesAnebythedepartnient©ofjustice,'teceipts’under the ‘oleomar~rine'law ‘in #9194)and'°1915 have -}formed the United States that-under FROM OVER THE COUNTRY, \dy)(eerie +Items of Interest About Various"8 ‘Matters.ae “Captain John Winship,aged 83,oneoftheoriginalmanufacturersof‘cot-‘ton gins,died this week at Tyler,‘exas.Capt.Winship:was born inGeorgia.Gen,Venustiano Carranza-has-in- no’circumstances.will he treat’withGeneralVillaandthathewillcon-tinge his military campaign to crushhisadversariesinMexico.« terial for Russia have been cancelledbyAmericanmfnufacturerswhoare said to be unable to obtain cash pay- ae er That.large shipments of war ma-} Would Unload on Uniele Sam,Senator Lewis and Ajfred ‘Reieg,|°>)Government,State’s attorney of Randolph cowity,|_The national .reservation commis-Mlinois,:saw Assistant peopetany Os-j sion has added’97,888 acres to theborneoftheStateDepartment‘in|National Forest holdings of |‘theWashingtonthisweektorequesthd‘United States in.New England anditheFederalgovernmentassumefin-|the South.The pu 'ancial responsibility for the shoo will involve the expendjture of $380,-fof Alfred za,an Italian,by a 000.or about $3.88an “acre,/in:Hilinois “last October.Under =“Th‘inois--law~the family ‘of a”mah}purchase,which starts under Blow-lynched may sue the county in eee ing Rock and lies in’Caldwell.aitdhewaskilledfoythesumof$b,‘Avery counties,in this State.ItTheItalianconsulatsc86,386 acres,which the own-gun proceedings to collect this’sitn:|ers agree to sell for-$1.90 an acre,‘Taking the ground that in the noted}"The other North Carolina purchas-New Orleans case,where°sever ‘@s,,are 626 acres at $5.55 an acre inItalianswerelynchedbFederalgovernmentpaidan’indem-‘$7.28 an acre in the Nantahala area. ments for their products,is the report that comes from Seattle,Wash. Material and supplies are being landed and wagon roads built prepar-atory to beginning the construction of the railroad in Alaska,which is tobebuilt.by the government.A forceof2,000 men will be employed as soonastheworkgetsunderway. Further representations are to be made to:Great Britain by the United States government on misuse of the American flag:by British merchant ships,These representations will beincludedin‘the new note .to”Great Britain now-being prepared,relating to interruptions to neutral commerce. Jas.M.Sullivan,American,minis- ter to the Dominican republic,is held to be temperamentally unfit for.his office by the report of Senator Phe- lan,who conducted an investigation into charges against Sullivan.It is understood the report,however,finds the minister is not guilty.of any il-legal or dishonest ‘acts. Gen.Christian De Wet,one of the leaders of.the South African rebellion against the British government,hasbeenconvictedof<treason.|De Wetwascommander-in-chief of FreeStateforces’in the Boer war.He headed a rebellion against:the British government last year.He was:sen- tenced to six_years in prison. President Wilson has .announcedthatalltheoffersafmediationinEu-rope which the United States has made,publiély or semi-publicly,‘havebeendisclosed,-and that at present no new efforts are being made.Foreign governments,he said,are generally|aware of the desire ofthe UnitedStatestodo.anything possible to as- sist in bringing about peace. Frank O’Leary,one of five men in- dicted at Marshall,Texas,for murder at that place in February of:William Black,an anti-Catholic lecturer,wasacquittedthisweekunderinstructionsof.the judge.The State sought to}. nity,the Randolph -county —officialy|The.Savannah tract is in Macon,inwant‘the Federal government to take!thethesameactioninthePiazzacase.-larea is in Becretary of Commerce Redfield re-|ported at the cabinet meeting |thisweekthatthe:total trade balance:in con arid:Swain.: 18 was $976,000,000.He predicted|10.that the balance,for the fiscal year}upon any official estimate from Ber-ending July 1 would be in excess of2billiondollars, the engagements of the Kaiser,« Oe eT .Lm dismiss the case becausé the evidence &against.O’Leary ‘was not sufficient;toconvict,but)the devenceringistedjoni243per)cent.of ithe totak’coltec:|'a ae ne Ng;date;has,beenmssince1902.Total collections1902.to 1913 were ARE eyilein1914.and 4915 .$8scollected.Violators of the law resorted —toignominiousschemestoavoidpay-Ment ofthe tax.in many instancestheypurchasedpalmoil!with’which|color their product,imported it to oP ycirevitous—rontes|of theingredientstoButterman-‘ladle —but-tine oil,coloring|5 per cenresulting,product.and,putting ‘itithe-market-as’butter.ooWhiletherewasatotalofapprox-mately $27,000,000 in taxes:due tothegovernmentfromthedargerof-fenders,”continues the announce-nt,“only.$4,650,000 was withinassessableperiodoftwoyearstedbythestatutes,the remaining;being unassessable and recov-=only by suit.‘Steps.will bewento:recover this balance,Fromme‘manufacturer.alone it is beliey-ed that the total collections will ul-timately reach $1,150,000.These.re:coveries represent the seizure ofnts,assessment of evaded ‘taxesnegotiationstosettlecivilJia-Biity ener_STEELERRSETCU TEESE «-Religion and Business. Collier’s Weekly. ,Bome.two years ago J.P.Morgantestified‘that to him character wasthebottomfactinbusiness;that heimustedaman‘and dealt with himPrimarilyonthatbasis.This aroused-aigteat deal of carping comment,buta.seemed plain to—us thatorganknewwhathewassaying.and now we find the Wall StreetJournalpredictingthecomingofagreatreligiousrevivalasoneresult@>of,the European war,and insisting|.thatthis‘possibility is of infinite con.to business men.The Journalbelievesthatnine-tenths of the evilsfomwhichbusinesssufferscan-beibyreligiousfeeling,though be-ad the reach of law,Religious faitha“better remedy and a_bettermiseforfuturebusinessmanagedunderthebeststandardsofhonorandumanitythananythingCongresscan@nactortheDepartment,of Justiceenforce.”This.is the.final truthboutourtradeandindustry,and‘is most clearly seen and surely heldthosewhoknowmostaboutbusi-Bs _The proposition to remove the Al-marle Normal and Industrial Insti-ite from Albemarle to Salisbury hasrejectedbythetrusteesofthehoolandRev.Geo.H.Atkinson,thepresident,has resigned.President Wilson left WashingtonWednesdaynight-on a trip to Roslyn,Y¥.,and Cornish,N.H.,intending_be away from Washington untiluly6. .Robt.Muller,who was convictedn.London June 4 of being a Germanpy,was execated Wednesday.Mull-“er once lived in Boston. Col.’L.S.Williams died yesterdayOmorninginCiiarlotte,aged about 90rs...He was the father of Mrs,;Caldwell” +The Enterprise says Mies MarypthelWhiteandMr.Edgar McNeelyrungasurpriseontheirfriendsatAooresvilleWednesdayafternoonbyyoingtoCharlotteandgettingmar-ried.‘The bride is the “daughter:ofandtheandMrs.Mi W.Whi fixed for the trial of;four other,pe-BEdmen. acting‘for’the French government and .the BankofFrance,as well as a syn-}s ers,‘Dr.8."dicate of French,bankers.The amountNodsaeThe|eres eidaa but’it is inti-ey Tot likely to‘at approximatelyaxumately For the’patpose of”rapidly train-ing.officers’and-men “for ‘service on delphia will shortly be placed inColumbia,now in reserve at Phila-‘commission as a’school ship for the‘Atlantic submarine flotilla.Twelveoftheseunderwatercraftareex-peeted to be turned ‘over to the de-partment by the contractors withinthenextfewweeks. tion did not.seem to be any élearer as optimistic as he was a between the.factions.States has made it-clear,however,that it will give ever its recently announced policy. ing a merchant murine, ton this week,developed overwhelm-ing opposition to government pur-chase,charter or operation of shipsand8.correspondingly overwhelm-ing sentiment for subsidy to effect thedifferenceincostofoperationsbe-tween American and foreign flags. ‘d.P,Morgan.&Co.,.the New York}.bankate oie hee the virtual comple-|:tion of a on¢-year loan to the Paris}branch of the Rothschilds,the latter} the new submarines.now ‘building for ‘the United.States navy,’the:eruiser|'season ticket President Wilson indicated to call-|¥ers this week that.the Mexican situa-|% ‘than it had been and that:hegwak not |%ek ago|®about possibilities of an:agreement|#The United/# opportunity|for a settlement by the factions be-|%fore deciding on the second step in|® ‘The referendum conducted by thechamberofcommerceoftheUnited|%States on various means of develop-(8 results of |®which were announced—in Washing-1% en ant ee Pipe entit Sdt ter etDRL.BARKS CADMAN,On Wednesday evening’‘of’gtaudua week Statesville‘ounty is to have the privilege of ‘ing’one of the world’s greatest preach-nike dman,the’rdted Blenote lyn,divine.’This’‘h teyWardBeecher;possessing’the ‘saine Eliethie h Gilt at s.ane,He sdwie.br bad SYM,vives!td ‘hid lcbtue fdr thisyea?i)“Modded BabyBn®Ay ne L he tt He ‘pip,ieninttats vitil ‘mesiages*it ‘the truest cand bis appesraned dnnyChatitauquaplatintsAfdvehtotmarkedfippyessecitiranity0fortunateastosecurehim.He’is Taagnetic in’personality,thorovi#hlyeh-rtaining’at all times;and his Tecta¥e !alone ‘Will be Worth the price of 'y Bees Fe Get Right! Any Doctor will tell you we have just passed through a very.unhealthy season. It has been too much for even thestrong ones.Wouldn’t it be a:good idea to get straightened out and fecl‘fit for the hot daysto come?-‘If you want the BEST for the liver we eandeliverthe BEST,If you'll bring us the RIGHT prescription we'll bring abouttheRIGHTresults,aad do‘it promptly.with the very bestdrugsmade.:.cra HE MORE OF QUALITYRememberinTakingMedicine1aeLESSOFQUANTITY.The Polk Gra ‘Drug Company. Announcement i}‘The largest parcel is-in-the Boone} a mob,the)the Savannah area;1,651"acres -at i highlands,andthe Nantahala |; State Department officials do not if expect a reply from Germany.to the|President’s recent note on Germany’s \ffavoroftheUnitedStatesonJune}submarine warfare until about July }This information is based not \f lin,but upon reports which deal ‘with and ‘Iredell|& y | G @y %‘,—=:ee aaa ey|by | xchases approved |#- igi FIX UP NOW .| ae a RAN EARATE:.OUTING YOU WON'T BE.“INTT”S YO!RES Bm STYee |on ena :|MARK OUR CLOTHES.THAT'S WAY WE DOBUSINESS |BOT Ca COP ULLGREEEDSA GOO | |Sloan Clothing Company.| Hall’s Antiseptic Oil HealsQuickly, An excellent remedy for fresh cuts,.burns and stings.We believe itoneofthemostusefulandimpor-tant remedies for every home, HALL’S DRUG STORE,"PHONE 20,Prescriptionists. To Buya Nice Farm andGet Ready for Next Year's Crop.-No 1-48 rh hit Etniwood.*All'school_and eichtonvchtefl cbs,4 t$‘niu;40 acces in ibottod,}8-raom ;house,Jarg@ barn :No.2-77 acres 3}miles eastofcity.“This property lies oi hesand-:clay highway now being constructed by the government:IsidealforDairyandTruckfarming.neSplendidly#adaptedNbSTonoAcreeT1242miles£ublic square.for.Dairy purposes,Live Stock andPoultry.}INS:45°60deres in Wilkes ‘county just across Iredell line—a bargain.|:40 city ire eastStatesville,known as ‘Park Place’’—$t down,"9°33 Balance in monthly paymentsof $5.’”faot niet10.lots in Bloomfield!”Terms easy.Six lots in ‘south Statesville.a:section fast developing..Several nice houses and lots to sell.¢~~Call on me and tearn what I have.ie R.MI LLS,og Statesville,NC. 547.CenterStreet if*PHONE 54.| CACY ni he Nice Mules.and Mares! Two car loads Mules and one cut load nice ‘Marés—over 100 extra nice ones. y Henkel-Craig Live Stock ‘Co. I Notice of Civil Action. North Carolina,In Superior Céurt.Iredell Couvty,Before the Judge.J.D.Elliott,executor of J.F.againstTheheirsandnextofkin of Rufus Wood-riug,of Lawson Woodring,of SoloinonMcCall,deceased,of the widow of LawsonWoodring;the next or kin of J.F.Me-Lean,deceased,of Daniel Shook,decensed,of Nancy McCall,of Margaret McCall,ofDanielWoodring,of Jacob Woodring;andthefollowingnameddefendants,viz.:Mrs,Sadie Debardelaben and husband EL.Debardelaben,John P,Elliott,Mra,May Win-ston and husband Burt Winston,James M.Eutott,Alexander Eliott,|Willie Miller,Thomas Miller,Grover Miller,George Miller,Jacob L.Woodring,Emaline’Mast andhusband————Mast,Daniel Woodring, McLean, wwe Walker,A,Bass and husband ———and husband -husband ~ Daniel ©Woodring, M.Woodring,Sophia~~Bass,Eliza Lisk Walter Woodring, ring and others, effect of the will of J.F.,and of ascertaining who are the’next,of kin| distributees,to the personal Property.of his itled to in the promises, at the court house of Iredell J.B.Armfield,:Atty. a0m the son of Mr,and Mra,C,K. Jr,Mary Woodring Walker and husband}* ——~Lisk,Belle Detby and]®-Dolby,Charlie Woodring,|?i Lon}£Woodring,Ada Woodring and Toby Wood-|% _The defendants above named will take no-|§tice that an ‘aetion.entitled as’above has|$been commenced in the uperior Court of Ire-|%dell county for the burpose of asking the ad-|%&vice of the court as to the meaning and legal|9McLean,decensed,|® of J.-F.-MeLean,deceased,and entitled,as & estate,and for such other and further relief |B on the fifth Monday|%before the first Monday in September,the|®same being the second day of Angust,1915,| To the world’s most eminent experts and to all otherswhoareinterestedinHIGHGRADEPIANOS: The makersof the Hardman Piano have decided to equip allUPRIGHTPIANOSwiththeSdstenutoPedal.‘This pedalwasmadeoriginallyforandishowusedalmostxclusivelyinGrandPianos.Notwithstanding the considerable cost ofthisadditiontothevalueandattractivenessoftheHardmanUprights,no change in price will be made. Carlton A.Andrews,|Statesville,N.CG.»‘Manufacturer’s Agent, COOL FOOTWEAR | These warm days you feel the need of acomfortablepairofOxfords,Sandals -andPumps.,We have just,that kind,Plenty oftheminWhite,Palm Beach,Tan and Black.Let us give you the benefit of our experi-ence in fitting them prpperly.=¥gjurs to serve, S.,M. The One PriceCash Shoe Store. COMFORTABLE a Bune 26,1914~4tw, Shoes Repaired Vhile You Wait. % .ShoeCo. WA TTSe™ Fire,Tornado,Live Stock,Automobile,Liability,Plate Glass,Steam Boiler,Accident ~and Health or Life Insurance We solicit-your-business for the leadingcompanieswritingthedifferentlinesofinsurance.Full information obtainedonrequest. 7”¢GAITHER,GENERAL INSURANCE,RENT-6 ALS AND REAL ESTATE.PHONE 23.OFFICE NO.1,MILLS BUILDING. GOOD TIME!The clocks in the home must be right ‘or the housekeeper can’t be ex-pected to plan and have meals on'time,Then there is no economy inwearingoutyourpocketwithawatchthatyoucan’t depend on.0,what an want to do is to get your watch or clock .Tepaired by BOBHENRYwhileheisdevotinghisentiretimetorepairingwatchesandclocksandfittingspectaclesandeye-glasses,Tf fRF,HENRY,-Jeweler. on c eR NO I R ia t it em a k e 7g ae ge t s oc dr e n ee e sp ee <— i |Fret,Sweat or Worry! ——GET———-‘I a<. 2 AND A’GAS.WATER HEATER.- Per aan erates Commissioner Sells,an ideal man for!$RIDAN,co 50 ;1916.RIDAW June,26,the place.The governing beard,or|# LAND [A RK b fi bo t forty oe Id,an ia 8 THE LANDM Sake “oleCarlisle,and,according to|f TO HELP OUR CHEROKI Indian Commissioner,Sells Vis- ited the Cherokees in West- ern-North Carolina —Will Help Them to Better ‘Their Condition.aa THY Washington;Star.‘Ris“Two thousand Cherokee Indians, for the most part full ‘bloods,are living today in a corner of the North Carolina mountains,forgotten by the people of thd east.These Indians, who are a remnant ofthe Cherokee tribe:which many years ago was moved by the United States govern- ment to the old Indian Territory. SEE THE GAS COMPANY. now part of Oklahoma,own 63.000 PT rota rr ee —_aad |i 1 ~~ :YOU are goiny to build consider roofing,All kinds ©metal roofing =sg line sheet metals in stock.A specialty of ridge roll and yal- ey tin.;ih or geses aeres in Swaih county.N.C.They hought these lands with money allot- ted to them by the government years ato,refused to go West and have a community of ‘their own.Commissioner Cato Sells’of the In-) dian.bureau.has visited these In- dians in-reeent-wecks and has plan- STATESVILLE TIN CO.,H.C.Mohler,Manager. ‘ned the establishment—of new.indus;iries among them:for their-own_im-) _.“O~PHONE 1565,”114 East BroadStreet. -a ——- ~MONEY TO LOAN? No,but this cultivator will save you moneyandtime this busy season when old General Green gets a hold on your crop.He is Here and is doing his work.Be on the alert,Farmer,get anead of him.We have only a few left.“‘Terms right. OTRO 7—ee Shae Qdorless Refi igerators! AYA -ice is saved money. We have them in all sizes,with and without water ‘coolers. Also White Mountain Ice Cream Freezer,the best freezer in the world.,Respectfully, |The Williams Furniture House. f :“The Clutching Hand” Of poverty and want will never grab you ..if you have an active savings account in |a good Bank—this Bank for instance.| But you want to start in time.Start now, and:start here.A dollar will do to start 4 with.and-a hundred dollars wouldn’t stop “you,once you realize how important a e~gavings account is,eng ohoarngnit _SARETY—SERVICE —SATISRACTION. i ve a fe ae a.pi e :ve et ri ie Blof land,it is not all tillable,by any yrovement and development.It is said thet he is the first Indian com- missioner to inspect personally the reservation and to discuss:with theCherokees.themselves _their »prob-tems,5CherokeestoRaiseApples.”. While the Indians hold 63,000 acres Ri means.Located ina beautiful moun- Bltain country,much of .the land :isrugzed.Commissioner Sells learn-Hi cd that the-conditions there are ideal Bifor apple growing.And’right then|H |he developed the’first of his ideas for’Hl aiding the Indians.Much of the, land owned by the Indianscould be| Hi used for apple orchards;a splendid | H;market for the apples lies not more) Hithan 150 miles away,at Atlanta,Ga: }'So Commissioner Sells got into com-| A Agriculture and-made—arrangements Ri vie orchards.It is estimated that the council,consisting of nine men,ischoseneverytwoyears,, the white mountaineers of the South-|#ern mountains,lead primitive lives in!# manyacross their streams,forthoughtheyhavethe:old-fashioned| swinging foot bridges \ing developed to help the Indians to) lcrops;he planned fora more mod-‘ern dairy and for a new henner and munication with the Department of; Hi ty kave the Indians supplied with a,Committe on Refo Hi creat quantity of seedlings for ‘an-! '.ei Indians,like}#The North Carolina They have no bridges)wagons,ways. v that...sway|with every step a person «takes.| Fords are being used for the wagons.| And their hauling and farming is}done not with horses but with oxen,| just as in the ease with many of the} white mountaineers in that section.| Help at Little Cost.| Commissioner Sells commented on) the fact that’the plans which are be-| outlay of money on the part of the government;in fact,the expense at-/}tached.to them will be practically| nothing.On the government reser-|vation itself Mr.Sells also planned) a number ‘of needed ‘improvements|in conjunction with the:superintend- ént.Hp is-anxious to have the res-|ervation produce all the butter and) egzs-end vegetables which are need-ed to feed the 160 or more “Indiarr;children who attend the school there, and finding that it does not,Mr.Sellsmappedoutaplanforclearingsome of the timber to make more land for better things do not mean a eee | PP P P O T O E T OP E S SC S O CC S T OT e ee e oe ee e is e c e e s a a e e e e s for a duck farm.A new hospital to care for the Indians also.has been! planned by the commissioner. Mr.Sells spent hours talking overhisplanswiththe<Indians —them-selves.“They are intelligent and dignified,and I found that they wereeagertocarryoutplansforthebet-!%terment of the tribe,”said Mr.Sells.|§At present the numbers of the tribe)§remain about the same,changing lit-| of the Indians go away to seek aliy-|ing in other parts of the country.SS ‘tle from vear to year,though some |# 5 Procedure Makes Plans.| 'Raleigh News and Observer. YE L S SE S S S S S S S S S OO S SC S ee ee t te e e e rm in Court # 3 H Indiens on the land which now is mot,The-committee on Reform in Court| H |of much use to them can reap large)Procedure met _Monday morning,in eo from the prospective apple'the Supreme Court building,map- |orchards..2%|ped out the course of the matter com-a $woesngsy H|Much of the Indians’land is wood- Hied.The Indians in most cases are living today.in log houses.|It! curred”to “Commissioner this condition could be betlaborwasat_hand,the”mateygrywingonthehillsidesforlumber,S>he suggested to the Indians’titwould-be a good plan to”’|poréahle saw rhill,whichH|moved.‘readily fro “ke,the In tito build. nore habit:{The-:fattheid E +specially assigned part and submit it eto the committee-at the next mect- mediately and agreed to cut the tim to be mailed to the leading citizens) build of Ahe State,asking their,views on} among the members of the commit-} 1, It surely is good tolook at. :1S GRE AT.10 OWN.a tend? Perfect in form.— Pleasing to the eye.It makes dandy prizes or presents. # Come,let us show it to you. The Rexall Store.— i mitted to it and‘divided it,by topics) | Statesville Drug Comp’y, Quality Prescriptionists.© peseoeees LIETIIITIFIIIIIIIITISF Each will make a report on his;|tee, inc.Then a full report will be draft- and:submitted to ~citizens-of-the} tate.for criticism or suggestion be-}fore it is turned over to_the Govern-| ,or.‘¢ The.committee jexp ts.to ‘geeure| nformation from leading J the|tates|tate and literature from::+where‘the,matter hag 5 i consideraey for a longer.he present,a letter. to; "Ask the ice man.where he? delivers the least ice andy | he will tell you.wherever} there is an Odorless Re-} frigerator.Why?Because itis constructed different ® from the many so-calledE ‘)Refrigerators and ice box- es.It retains the cold,/ keeps the icefrom meltingf and saves the ice.Saved ; eae TR TTL TT NUT VRRORELURE {y neuer Merchants and Farmers’Bank, ber and operate the mill aid new houses if the.commissioner.the-matter and,suggestions,as would see that a saw mill was pro-|proper reform.After the report is vided,This will be done at a cost}formulated,the same ,¢itizens _will ,of-$2,000,which the Indians_will pay)receive copies with requests for fur- =tback to ‘the Aapor ined This was|ther crifigism,and amendments....\, Ei the second of Mr.Sells’ideas forthe’‘Among the subjects discussed were 4 improvement of.the,Indians’living|those of.abolition of rotating system ecaditions.."7 S Sof judges;uniformity of jurisdiction -—--Stock Streams With Fish.of_recorders’courts,with a limit as to Through the valieys of the Ipdianj the nymber —of such courts;yerdict the mountains.3 F :.as crystal,but they are almost de-}@ verdict by eleven jurors in misde- void of fish.The government is}MYeanors,retaining the unanimous constantly stocking streams in va-|Verdict only in capital case;and the rious jarts of the country with fich,|ple obtaining in many States of the F |and (ummissioner.Sells called upon)8xing of sentences by the jurors rath- 2 the Unitede States fish+commission-|€F than the judge.ue er and learned that these streams,ae ee s;running through the Indians’lands Suggestion About the Picnic. could ‘be cared for along with the;he picnic reason is near at hand Eiother streams at a minimum cost.|and the following suggestion from the Steps are now ‘being taken to have Monroe Journal is as sensible as it is =|\the rireams stocked,‘timely:The fourth big plan for the bene-._“Goto the-picnics,but don’t forget fit of the Indians developed by Mr.the baskets.It is no longer consid- Sells cn his trip to North Carolina;ered a privilege for the ladies to is to teach the Indian women and steam ‘themselves over hot stoves.to girls lace making.They are very,prepare dainties for anybody who just clever at making baskets and weav-happens along.Go to the —picnics ing some kinds of-cloth.So Mr.Sells'and enjoy them,but do your part of B took up the question of lace making:the preparation.” z |with a wealthy woman in New York Sartore ‘te tied”Maahic FS jand she has agreed to provide ay was sick,for four years with stomach s\teacher for the Indiansat her OWN ¢youble,”writes Mrs.Otto Gans,Zanesville, =/oxpense,who will give them instruc-Ohio.“I lost weigtit and felt so weak that =ition fi hi ‘»same I almost gave up hope of being cured.Aeaanvaydaysane-the s ri friend told me about Chamberlain's Tablets,2 |mstruct some of the gov and since using two bottles of them I have BE ment teachers on the Indian rescr-been a well woman.”Obtainable everywhere. =|vation,who.will be able to carry on lahds run broad streams,fed from|by nine jurors in civil actions after} The waters are clear/a certain time of disagreement,and! ‘HOME THE STATESVILLE REALTY.&INVESTMENT COMPANY1to’anounce that they kave completed arrangements.with ‘* ‘“erops af Tobatco,Corn,Cotton'and small grain a “by Hail Storm’at the followitig'verylowprice:inte ctr! $100 per acre valuation at7peracrevaluationat 5.874 per acré ; 50 per acre valuation at |,”3.75 peracte 25 per acre.valuation at a .,.1,873 per acre ~~COTTON,CORN AND SMALL GRAIN CROP. __$40_per acre valuation_35 per.acre valuation pe_,.80 per acre valuation 3 «2o,per acre valuation...etal20peracrevaluation_15.per acre valuation-\0-pér-acre valuation $100 value for one year at 30c.;3 years at 60c.,.5 years at 90c.This = latter insurance covers also against loss or damage occasioned - by wind in addition to hail..feast ay REMEMBER—“‘We insure anything insurable,”’=’= Ah re T nes a INSURANOE CO.of New York.’’forinsuring your growing.::@.inst destruction .o% Moin ORE TOB Xe 68)CR iP;Sig aera SOR aft c ;SOEs gh sdiperiiive URNITURE,BARNS...DWELLINGS, ,F.CARLTON,Manager, PHONE 54.STATESVILLE,NC. Bob-o-Link!Bob-o-Link!|| R. If you want to be up to the minute you must have a BOB-O-LINK — FRIENDSHIP BRACELET.We have them, =the instruction of the Indians in ihe =|The Indians living in North Caro- Bi lina vte “good citizens,”according to|Mr.Sells.“I didn’t see a blanket In- =idian among them,”he said.“They lnearly all speak English,though theCherokeetongueisincommonuse., Qae thing which struck ‘me is that: \there are no missionaries among the(Indians,They are Christians an‘! =practically all members of the Bap- |tist church.They have preachers of | itaeir own who preach’to them in the |Indian language.hey are peacca- |ble end crime is at a.minimum amon them.”Indian Schools. ~Flowers For — Graduation Day! As usual we shall have our splendid of- ferings for commence- ment time,consisting =|:The government owns sore 700 or of handsomely arrang- ¢/800 acres of land which isthe Indian ed Baskets Bouquets B |reservation adjoining the property if ? =\held by the \Indians.themselves.0”ete. eithe reservation are located schools )ju sr e\for the boys and girls and for the oe ‘i @|young men ant wouing “women.The Roses and Carnations s i.nder-,.*uperintendent 18 ames enc in abundance.:Ex- quisite Flowers from.:son,who hails;from the adjoining! county,Haywood,and is of Scotch-! our own gardens.Trish descent,himself\a hill man.Mr. Henderson,who has proved hiniself, a capable superintendent,.was the’ first:superintendent of an Indian res-|Ei ervation appointed by’Commission-| er Sells after:he came into”office 8 [===? 2!yeor-and a half ago.:|When the Cherokees purchased|,- their land in North Carolina back inj,all cy 1842 the deal’was accomplished ‘°°”? through W.H.Thomas,who had long) been a trader among the Indfans 1”) na followed,and.the Indians’prop-é olk Gray:Drug Co ‘indians.themselves*is the governing)P i G ay g ane ‘that part of the country.Incorpora-|“FLORISTS TO THE SOUTH, ‘allotted by them .to the members of | stant chief.The pres?a.ea H.RICKERT &SON.| |DO - ROBCECEORCCECEEE Ice Made in Statesville!| Imperial Cotton Oil Company,| YOU BELIEVE IN STATESVILL =THEN BUY From jeopwalt water,distilled and germ proof.Fresh ICH,full weight (goes further),is what we have to offer.Weaim to give thebest serv-© ice possible.With your co-operation _ we will succeed. Yours for the up-building ofStatesville,- Ladiahen,iA*Phone 205. ¥ pnEET ETERS IN erty became a communal affair,to be body,and they also choose’a tribal ‘Local Agents, hief’and:assi :gral Agente, tion’under the laws of North Caroli-'GREENSBORO,N.OG. the tribe,Ai-council elected by the Saunooke,,a full blood 't. “ARE YOU INTERES Bell "Phone98, TED?” Slate Roofing?Tin Roofing?:Galvanized Shingle Reofing?Roof Painted?. Ice Box or Refrigerator Lined?ete Tin or Sheet Metal Work of any Kind?LET US KNOW. IREDELL TIN WORK:3 Independent ain __tickets will be-sold_te-all-children-un= LE LAN IMARK es s.4 )June 26,/194Ri WE FINALTICKET CALL, Bubseribers “to Chautauqua Tickets Who Fail to Call ForThemBy6O'clock TomorrowEveningWillBeLeft. the Editor of The Landmark: As chairman of the committee —of mutauqua caarantors,it 1s butProperthatIexpressthecordialan-Preciation of the committee,to thefeneralpublicforitsloyalapd en- husiastic support for the present Season.Other than two or three’no- tices made through the local papers, the committee has put forth no ef- ‘fort whatsoever to sell season tick-! “ets Yor this year’s Chautauqua.yet“the committee finds the allotted “number _over-subseribed by more ‘than one hundred. Some of these,who have volunta- »wily come forward to.ask for tick-| “ets,may fail to secure them.The committec,if it had the right to do “80,would supply.gladly every sub-| seriber with a season’ticket.But |our committee is strictly limited to | “the sale of 750 tickets.The original |“subscribers for these 750:tickets will he given until tomorrow night either ~~te«-eall on,B>-Bunch-at—the Mer- ehants and.Farmers”Bank”and~-eet- the tickets reserved,or ‘fo call up Mr, Bunch personally and make snecial arrangement to have these tickets laid beck and marked “sold.”“After tomorrow night,we are go- ing to Jet in these one hundred peo-ple on the Waiting List,and they will have thé opportunity of buying any of the 790 left in the hands of Mr..Bonch not marked “sold.”This is to sive ample notice to subserib- ers,who hue rendered such,loyal “Support to the comnattee,that ©they “May get their tickets before the hour of general sale—6 o’clock tomorrow night.We appeal to vou to get your*tickets while they are being held for “_you?:if you neglect.this-notice,the failure to vet tickets will be yours. We also desire to add a word of ex- hortation to the Juniors.Junior a der 14 years of age at $1 each up tothenumberof200,without reference! to whether they have subscribed for~tickets or not.Callon Mr.Bunch fortheJuniortickets.They admit hold-er to all performances under the ‘bigtent;also to the six sessions of Jun-ior Chautauqua held during themorninghoursofeachweékdayofChautauqua,—-. son has just written thecommittedaTetter-of--congratulation|on the wav tickets are being disposedofhere,We give you'a ©quotationfromtheclosingwordsoftheletter:“Towish every town of the circuit wasaStatesville,You’certainly"dothingswell.”e “4 $“Yours ‘for “Seven Joyous Davs,’):JNO.FY KIRK,MARCH OF PROHIBITION, The Legalized -Liquor...TrafficStedadilyontheWare.‘ A canvass by the A'sso¢iated Pressof“lerislative “activity ‘this year inthe’State law-making bodies of thecountry.most of avhich have adjourn-“ol for the summer.chows that amorethesubjedtswhich‘réceived notableattentionwasthatofthevrohibitionoOregulationoftheliquor‘traf.‘fie,1TheLegislatuzesof.two States en-‘acted statutory prohibitions to.be-come effective this year,and eightvotedtosubmitthequestionofState-_wide prohibition to a referendum ofpepeople,Of the latter,two estab-Hished statutory prohibition to be-Lome effective in the meantime.Four‘States where prohibition is alreadyeffective>passed ‘additional —rastric--tive Jaws and two of the five Stateswhere,under _constitutional amend-ment,prohibition is to go ‘into ef-fect next -year,cnacted necessaryStatutesforitsenforcement,In six“of the so-called “wet”States State-wide proposals met defeat.In oth-ere questions of local option,trans-portation and lieeasing were actedupon. The two States where direct pro-hibition laws were rassed are Flori-~da and Alabama:Those:whose Leg-islatures voted to submit the ques-tion to the people are Idaho,Iowa,_Montana,-“South Carolina.South Da.kota,Utah,Vermont and the Terri-fory of Alaska.In Iowa,the legis-dative resolution,according to theStateconstitution,must be passedby.the next succeeding Legislatureeforethepeoplecanvoteonit,butheStatereturnedtostatutorypro-hibition meanwhile,through the re-Peal of the so-called mulet law.Ida-ho was also,made “dry”meanwhile“through ~rtatutory enactment.In“Utah the bill was vetoed by the Gov-ernor after the Levislature adjourn-ed.In South Carolina,the vote willhetakenattheelectionthisyear;inMontana,South Dakota,VermontadAlaskain1916;Idaho in 1916.ft will be thus seen that as meas-tire of the progress of the cause ofprohibitionthe15Statesalreadyinherankshavethisvearbeenre-inforced by four and the legislativeayclearedforfourothers,includ.ng Alaska,to join,In —the latter wy Mthe whites.helped te found the color- Many years ago, ‘then-she--went-forward-and wass yeror re parnsspeenesios ov ~rt "’ITEMS OF CURRENT }Happehings Here ‘andeeetheStates .The ‘case against Mayor’Sutto,Kinston,for releasing prisonenolprossed,the prisoners having:beenrequitted.,a) Senator James Hamilton.Lewis ofUlinoiswilladdresstheStateBarAssociationatitsmeeting,in Asha.ville in August.‘ Mr.and Mrs,W,J.Bryan;who fiwenttwodaysinAsheville,return.|ed to Washington’Wednesday.My.|@Bryansayshe’will build a sunimerhomeinAshevillebutwillretainhigcitizenshipatLincoln,Neb,a Sheriff D.B.Stafford of GuilfordcountyandMissMinnieBenbow.of |Oak:Ridge,Guilford,were marriedintBaltimorethisweek.Miss Behbow |fhadDeenteachinginProvidence,R.L.,-and met the sheriffin Baltimore. Definite announcement has been |made.from the departmental head.|§quarters at Washington that,effective!_June.30,the parcel post terminals atiRaleighdndSalisburywillhediseon-|§tinued,“This will leave Greensboro |with the only terminal in the State. At the mecting ‘of the North -Caro-|link Building and.Loan League ~inwinter‘and spring.~Last-Sunday-she|Asheville this week EL L.Keesler of 8attended..church and.handed.in-her|Charlotte.was elected president “and |{eregular~contribution..for the church.}|Wy E,Webb-ef-Statesville a member|She was faithful in her attendance |of the @xeeutieer*committear—-G:—-R-|on church services and contributed to}Woolen of Hickory is third vice pres-|fitscauses.Monday evening she suf-|ident,/igferedastrokeofparalysiswhichren-The meeting of the States.Veteri-|dered her helpless.f «|nary Medical Association,-in Ashe-|BAuntJenniewas76yearsold:She ville this week,selected Wrightsville |was born in Meeklenbure county and as the next place of meeting,Dr.J./BcametoStatesvilletolivewhenshe},Hypndley of Charlotte wag’elected|married Sidney Murdock of this com-president and Dr,C.b,Cruse.of|munity.Both-of them belonged to the!Statesville second vice president,iBwhiteMethodistchurchofStatesville.|a 3 te iiSidneyMurdock,who was prominent |The State Department of Agricul.|§among his people and.respected by|ture has received from the United |-.|States.Department five thousand|ed,Methodist church in Statesville,|posters showing how farmers Tose |now known as Cenfer street church,|$45,000,000 annually from bad meth-|after the War Between the States.He|ods of producing and handling eges.§gave the land on-which-the—chureh|One-third of this loss is_preventable,|was built,was a local preacher and|says the poster,and points out the |factiveinthechurehuntilhisdeath,|way.The posters ufe to be distribut-|His family attend-|ed to the farmers of the State.|ed the colored church after it~was _founded.Atunt Jennie wes a member a T S 1thereforatimebutshelatorreturn-4 ity ax ale !|ed to her “old home church,”as she |———{ralled the white church,ant eontined |2 grrofte HerofAtcrmenof the}of North Carolina,I will sell at publie aue-|old |tion,to the hizhest bidder for cash,on ' there,The particular gorner in which church and after the new church «was|MONDAY,JULY 5,19165, AUNT JENNIE MURDOCK. Death of An Old Colored Woman oWas,a Member of Broad}Street Church and Her Fun:eral Will Take Place’There This Morning at 10:30-—LastColored‘Member’of WhiteChurch. The death of Aunt Jennie Murdock, as she was known to her white friends,an old-time colored resident of the town,marks the passing of the last colored member of a white churchin,Statesville.Aunt Jennie had been a-member of “the white Methodist church in Statesville,now Broad |street church,since the days of slav-ery.”Fer funeral will take place,inBroadStreet.church this morning:at10380,conducted by the pastor,Rev. J.I.Kirk,and the pall-bearers will be selected’from’the stewards >and: other.officers.of the.church..The main auditorium of the church will be reserved for colored people,theSundayschooldenaitmentforwhites The interment will be in the coloredcemetery, Aunt Jennie died Wednesday after-noon at 6 o'clock,at her home,cornerof“Broad and Salisbury streets.Shehadbeen,feeble in recent years andhadbeenoutlittledurine=the past ¥ she had her seat,beth in the built,was recornized as ‘hers and,she|#t the court house door“in Statesville,NL 6..§comnized as rs ¢if5 {beginning at 10 0’cloek a.m.,the followingwasalwayswelcome.On COMMUNION|desevibed tracts of land and etty lots for un-occasions Aunt Jennie waited until)paid tuxes~forthe-year eo :sa AEqaltarand!ae RLY,the white people left the altar oe City Tax Collector: ed.In manner and bearing she was!ianaristocrat.Trained in the days Of |Compress Pad &Saddle Co.,Center St;slavery,she was always deférentin]to |one lot ;white péople and they respected her.[eect tue eeeThatewas’never ‘any friction.|Anderson,Li ‘Al;Caldwell St.one lot‘The last-colored’’member of |a!Bass,Dr.’R.A.,Fourth St,one Jot .’,Statésville white church prior to this |Heaver,nd <:aes Sar Pinesi7‘allen:*aprtene2.)Bost,D.O.,Ca eH St,one jowasAuntPeggyWalker,who retain-|nrown,T.N Btockton ‘Steedhermembership‘in the First Pres Carter;J.L.,Seventh St,byterian church until her death,whicoccurred30yearsagoormore.Ann Sune’4,191:|Corporations. 80.50Highlandave- een emeprernSpeeneAARASNarjennnapa You Have Only 36 Hours to Get Your Season Tickets two Different and Separate0ReserveTicketstotheTotaldthemforTWOWEEKSac-For two weeks these tickets Four Hundred and ‘Twenty.Individuals asked Mr.KirktNunberof750.He hashetcordingfoannouncement.have beenon sale. Other just t people are clamoring for.them.It would not be0holdthembeyondSaturdaynight, So_at six-o'clock Saturday afternoon ALL TICKETS WILL.BE RELEASED for General Sale,erie If subscribers will call on F:B.Banch today or tomorrowtheycangettheticketssubscribedfor.After that timeanyonewithTwoDollarscangetaticket,so long as theylast,Preference being given to those whose names ap-pear on the WAITING LIST. COME TODAY,|COME SATURDAY,_.AFTERWARD TOO LATE JOHN F.KIRK,Chairman of Chautauqua.Guarantors, Last Call Season Tickéts eetTe te:oe ee ee pa arter Bros.,Armfield St.,onehion,A.D.,Fourth St,one-.Clinard,JM:Fourth St.,one ‘Perry’s funeral was conducted in the |cine,R.F.,Fourth St.,‘ie OE 8Schurch‘Ky her vastor,the late Rev.|Davidson;J.A.Broad St,one lot...Dr.W)'A.Wood.;|Dotham,J,/0.,Highland Ave,one lot:.dasle .PLS Ke Sts aeAuntJenniewasthemotheroftein|Bales)4 -Ta kee 5 eechildtenand81x‘sut'vive.A son,Tohn |wiason;W._A.,Sharp Sti,two lots .mt Murdock,is a Minister of the col-|Fry,TE.Front St;nue lot eredfeba!ay dried |Gunn,J.A,Cemetery St.two lots ..a dhiMethodist .Chureh,Mare iad}Harbin,Ro;Alexander Ste-ene-iot-..aughters ‘live’in Philadelphia’and |Harbin,dames E.,Tradd St.one lotNew.York and three in.Statesville|fanvell,b.©,Walnut St,ene lotthewivesofJ.P,Murphy,John Roh-{Hubbard,J.T.,estate,Tradd St.,one lot 28.4215a)e |1:3626!i Birth Announcements,Acknowledgements, Thereisnot any dowb about our having the newest and imostieStatesville.“Remember that,you can always buy an®artistic;Us-that is appropriate whatever oecasion Birthday Cards. memory cardfromdemandsit.¢~Statesville Printing Co, inson .and John’Chambers,Al the /3*nee ae oe ct acechildrenwereherefortheirmother’s|Koestler,,_Winston Ave.,one lotfuneral.|Kyles,W.L.,Fifth St,one lot |Lippard,A.B.,Seventh St.,ene lot.. J;ty Seventh St.,two lots...Miss‘Cornelia,Fifth St,ene let7\M »W.M.Caldwell St,one lot |.ini Minish,J.J.,Seventh 8t.,one lot ..reimia Lmdare,V.B.,Bell St.one Jot a)Moose,T.Clyde,Front St,one lot..'Morgan,Will,Seventh St,one lot ..|Morrison,J.C.,Highland Ave.,one Jot GOVERNOR'S (rESTAMENT,, Gov.Hatfield of West ViChargedaManWith©Steal-ing His New Testament andNowFacesaDamageSuit.||Morrison,C.B.Front St.,one lot ..|R.W.,Front St,three lotsSuithasbeenenteredintheUnit-|Phiten BE.L.,Front’St.,one lot...’.ed States court at Charleston.W.Va.,[pope P.8.,.Meeting Stone,lot...against Gov.Hntfield of West’Vir-frat,8;BooleanGt.one tt.gina for $10,000 damages,The |Seago,D.RR.Center St,two Tots ..complainant is William.L,Abbott,|Sills,“John,‘Fifth St,one lotJr.,a traveling salesman,who al-|Sheyer,CG,PR.BoulevardSt,one lot ..leges false imprisonment.Abhott is woe!jar Gates ne cesararesidentofPhiladelphiaandiscm:/Simons,Jee’Euchih St’on yeeployedbytheMidvaleSteeMr.,§.Statesville,one lot.pany.T ate,Front St.,threeThesuit.is the outgrowth of an in-!s,cident dt Point Pleasant in «March,|when thé Governor,on the way tO lanParkersburgto.attend a religious |promeeting,lost his New Testament,|the gift of a friend,and found it in :the possession of George Hy,Raush,|puipner e.4 4 er,another Philadelphian traveling with|‘turnAbbott.Both salesnien were detain-.)Willia »Race St,one lot...ed at Point Pleasant by the.logal |_Delinquents,White.authorities,it ig claimed,under:in-|Allison,Will,Race’St.,one totstructionsfromtheGovernor,and ;pean.a wenth,Bt.,one lat aise os8Werenotreleaseduntiltheyhadpaid|pp.im,ie ste’Getter St inte oy “fines .and costs amounting to $48 on!Keviney LR,Chovlotte Road,one lot |charges of petit lareeny.|Fesperman,Rey,J.H.,.Fourth St,oneAninvestigationintothecharge|,i°tagainstAbbottand.Rayth is said tol Kyhavebeenmadeby’the Midvale Stee]|LevarCompany.It ig Statad that the Gov-!MillsernorlefttheNew‘Testament in the goo:buffet car and,that Raush picked ‘up |Sows‘the book along with a magazine he|had left on the same table.The Goy-|Allison,Cacsar,ernor afterward found tho volute:in|Allison,Emma,the possession of Raush and al-aoe erlegedtohavecuffedhimintheface,|hiddinvs,‘T.G.,Cha St,one TotAbbott,according to reports,pro-|Burton,Ashley,+One JottestedagainstRaush’s arrest and Chambers,FL Ps Pra one lot...was also.taken into eu ody.They |Cowan,M.Li;Front St.,one lot...wi i soy 2 |Cowan,Mansficld,South Statesville,opeere—held—in—Mason—county fait loon ‘ttesville,ope *y Mr,|WwW.V.;| |two lots pluce,one JotSeventhSt,one tot plice,two lots..Boulevard St.,one »Bell St.one lot aivie Ave,one lot...%..Davie Ave.one lot...»Best St.,one lot John,Tradd St..6ne.lot L.,Mills St..one lot ...., Colored. r St.,one Jot ..St.one-let oy. 8 »one lot one lot .... is 6.3%22.46i418) ent nearly half the country willveplacedthebanontheliquorraffic, Whe new Florida law £feet October 1 and prohitofalcoholicbeveragesexcept in sea)-packages of less than one-half pint"ach,nor ean liquor be drunk on the |;i where ‘sold.This applies|“hotels and clubs as men emcmaeCmaey*uthority of a recent act of theennessesLegislature,hee!a in that State,for August16,to fe the.question of calling ||9es into ef- its the sale #eonvention to frame a’new constj-|on,Henry Siegel,once a millionaireandpeerofNewYork’s mercantilebarons,this week began ‘a service oftenmonthsinjai)for violating thebankinglaws,90°".a TTS 4Getthe.highest market price forourproduceatIredellProduceCo.eS an election hag} lot‘yart of the day and rel eased when Cowan,H.©.,Walker &t.,one lot...they pleaded guilty of petit larceny |Davidson,Magwie,Chambers St.,one lotandpaidfines,:Le lot tray,John H.,Sharp St.,one fotR®|Sween,Margaret,Garfield St.oneRaush,according:to his attorneys,|Héure,Grace,Garfield 8t one lot.will bying two suits alleging assault pee Henrletta,,West End -Ave.,one©en ;»}T viedandfalseimprisonment.Garfield ‘St,one lo Green Bt,one lotMoyer,Rev.H.Cy,Green St,one lotMurdock,Ea.,Chambers 8t.,one\Sherri,John A.,Walker St.Spann,Luther,Watker St.,one,George;Elm Stone lot...Walker,Walker St.one lotad.,Carfield St...one Jot ‘ette,Sharp St.one TotHarrison,St one totJo.,Pred.i aWoods,RB.Garfield.St.,|Woods &Carson,‘RimTe}Woods,Vina,Walker St.one lot “> a0,Gs,Absence of Body Mors Import-ant in Case of Danger. Pat_and_a-friend wore readin?an)Account of a shipwreck in «which they}|were greatly interested,;aH“Pat”said his friend,“in ease |)of a shipwreck,presence’of mind iswortheverythingelse,”'Net‘Prisince of moitiu,ve sny? |SUMMER-TIME BARGAINS: _,Crawford-Buinch Fin ef oe AT Mills &Poston’s Store, Over 1,000 yards of Cool Dress Materials now on sale.FiguredLawns,Crepes,Voiles,Batiste,Chiffon Cloths and White Goods.in all that’s desirable.‘(GABARDINE SKIRTINGS,PIQUES,VELVET.CORDUROYS,ORGANDIES,FLAXONS,LYKE-LINENS,VOILES and CREPES.We have many specials to of-‘fer for the hot summer time trade.Yours truly, a ILLS &POSTON. E:RTEteronBaby Bods and CribsShameawere Safety Cool, Cribs.Sanitary. We are showing this week splendid valuesPrices$5.00,$6.50,$9.00 and $12.50, niture ComYSWELCOMESYOU t in Baby Beds and Cribs, we ° THE STORE THAT ALWA laborate line of these.ever rowpt-to ng 4 oe pany 1 |plied Pat.“Faith ‘and I don’t(wid ye.In toi|Sence of ‘bodyjanceth Agree!Woods,David,Garfield St,one lob),ime of shipwreck,ah-!Delinquent,Colored,is of far more import:|ciark,Agnes,Garfield Sti,one lot :;an prisence of mind,”|Davidson,Cato,Green.St.,one Tobe 66AareeReneRRNeRtem i Dean,Sallie,Greer St,one lotFraloy,Presa,Greyn Bt,“one lobo...Hunter,Hattie,'Tradd8t,-one lot vex¢Nicholson,Josephine,,Trada St,one lotautomobiletitesand.al]|Pearson,Jennie,Garfield St.,one lot ,:|Sealorne,Cl Gree éysDeintyy7s,+Clara,Green’St,”one lok.rubber.Tredel]Produce isinonton,Sam,Garfteld St,one St ; BR A S BR A D S |.Boys get busy and mnke-.moriey,|‘Will swap cash for all old overshoes,|i bieyele and[kinds of oldCcL10,-~A¢if TaaR eS woet Ri ng SR S Pe ge by oe te Building Materials! Statesville,IN.C.,North Center Street, Stevenson,John,Chanibers St,one lot “= ___Next Planters’Warehouise.{ a. 2 VOL.KEL ae ne STATESVILLE,N.©,TUE SDAY,JUNE 29,1915. GEN.HUERTA ARRESTED. Former Mexican Dictator Tak-«en Into Custody and Placed_Under Bond at El Paso—Be- lieved to Have Been on His Way to Mexieo’to Start a Counter Revolution, Charges:of conspiring to incite arevolutionagainstafriendlycountry were filed at El Paso,Texas,SundayagainstGen.Victoriano.Huerta,for- mer President of Mexico,who wasplacedunderarrestatNewman,N.M.,by Federal authorities.Similarcharges‘were at the same time:filedagainstGen.Paseual Orozco,whowasalsoarrested.They were .re- leased on $15,000 and $7,500.bonds, respectively.isUnitedStatescavalrymen met thé.._Hiherta party at Newman and-escort-ed them to El Paso.Gen.Orozco-andGen.Fuentes,the latter a son-in-law of ‘Gen.Huerta,had gone to New-man by automobile to meet Huerta. Fuentes and Victor Huerta,a son of the gencral,were not placed under ar-r . A public demonstration in Juarez, Mexico,about the hour Huerta’s train was due to reach Ef Paso.ended assuddenlyasitbegan,There were hurried conferences’among MexicanleadersonbothsidesoftheRioGrande.Many guardedly -admitted,that _Huerta’sdetention..was ofthe utmost importance,but none would comment on its possible.effect on-Mexico..,For several days there have been persistent reports that June 28 hasbeenfixedforthedateoffar-reach- ing developmentsin Juarez in connec- tion with the so-called revolutionarymovement.Some observers pro- fessed to see a close relation between this movement and the arrival of Gen- eral.Huerta.They expressed theopinionthathisdetentionhadpre-vented such a consummation hy re- moving the possibility of GeneraiHuerta’s participation in sucha movement,despite his declaration that he had no intention of attempt- _ing to cross into Mexico.The accused men were’taken™be-] fore George Oliver,United States commissioner,and their bond ap- proved and the date for their hear- ing fixed..Huerta:denied that he had intendedto’enter Mexico at this time.He hadplanned.to.leave the train at New-man and’motor 20°miles to El Paso,accompanied »by:Major Luis Fuentes,his.son-in-law,and;.Orozco,who:had been.eng,of hig most,active |.commanders.That Por Hon,of,his plan,was carried yt,but his j artyAebythe’addition of the| Federal officials and the cavalrymen,ee Babueday night Federal officialslearnedoftheexpected‘arrival _of Huerta at Newman and arranged to meet the party. After he gave bond Huerta went to the home of his son-in-law in EP Paso. He said his purpose was to visit them and that he was ea.route to the ex- position at San Francisco.Asked if it were true that he was one of the leaders of the new Mexican revolu- tionary movement,he shook his head and responded:: “Absolutely,no!I will never en- ter Mexico at the head of an armed force.I have retired from the fieldasasoldierunlessmycountryshould need my services against a foreign foe.I am asked to return to Mexico. It is my home but I will never returnuntilafterpeaceisestablishedThismaytakefiveorsixyears.” A dispatch from Washington says detention of the former Mexican dic- tator,with General Orozco,followed nearly three_months.of espionage by government agents.The Department of Justice instructed’United StatesAttorneyCampofthewesterndis-trict.of Texas to take into custody these men,who seemingly were ‘en- gaged in violations of American neu-trality laws which forbid the recruit-ing of men,purchase,of supplies therefor,and the organizing.of amilitaryexpeditiononthesoiloftheUnitedStates.to be used in opera- tions against a people with which this country is at peace.The evidence will be laid before .a Federal grand jury.The representative-of-Gen..Carran-za at Washington issued the follow- ing statement:The detention of Victoriano Huer-ta,Orozco and their accomplices at El Paso is an act of:justice on thepartoftheUnitedStates.govern-ment..The maze of.machinations conducted in secrecy against thepeaceofMexico,by well-known reac-tionaries,has culminated in this at- tempt at the inauguration of a coun- ter-revolution....It.gives PresidentWilson’s-administration opportunityto:express definitely its adherence to-the principles..of liberal and demo- cratic government as opposed to the government of the reactionary ele-ment.It has frustrated a_seditious plot.“Huerta’s aims are not the better- ment of the Mexicgn people but.thegratificationofhisownselfishends.His movementigheaded by the sameman.who bears the guilt of the mur-ders of President.Madero and.VicePresident,Pino.Suarez.”©«EnriqueC.Lforente;WashingtonagentofGeneral:Villa,also declar-ed his»gratification that GeneralHuertahadbeendetained.. —~Miss “Toby”Turner is under treatment.atthe Sanatorium.SheunderwentanoperationPridayand: W.A.Sloan:bas.beenmentatee 4 hey.condition is encouraging.|Mra,|. [PUSHING RUSSIANS BACK. Germans Forcini2 Further Re- Realizes ThatBeLong. The Russians again are retreating in Galicia,both north and xouth of Lemberg,and in Poland the GermanshavelaunchedanotherattackagainstWarsawintheformofadrivefromthenorththroughPrzasnysz.The Germans claim the Teutonic forces have crossed the Dniester northwest of Halicz and have driventheRussianssomemilesintothehills, Not since the war began has.the English public,.savs the London re- vort,been so convinced that it would be #long one.Those who took thisview-months-ago_were called pessi-mists”but-now -it—is—generally_admit-ted that the Russian armies must fight for months to come under tre- mendous disadvantages and that in the meantime the much heralded big general movement on the’westernfrontmustbeindefinitely®postponed,while the entente powers thoroughly reorganized their methods. While the campaign for munitionsinGreatBritainisat,its height itmustbeassumedthatGermanyis straining every fiber to the same end and calling into play her inventive skill_soas_to_increase the _deadly: mechanisms of war to offset the in-evitable and terrible ‘drain on hermen.The present consensus of opinion among military.writers in London is that Germany intends further ~to press her easterri victories with.an- other battering ram stroke toward Warsaw in an endeavor to seize that city and the whole line of the Vistula.The line of offensive now directed from the Przasnysz regions is along the valleys of the Omulew and Orzye trilutaries of the river Narew,whichflowsacrossNorthPolandand‘joins the bend of the Vistula above War-saw. A report from Paris says a_terrvific battle was fought Saturday night bythe--French..and..Germans,..with hand grenades as weapons,in the vicinity of:Quennevieres,and near the recent-ly captured German.positions cailed “the labyrinth.”The report ‘adds a German surprise attack on Arra-court,néar the Lorraine border,fail-ed,and that French aviators dropped20bombs-on-the Douai_and.neighbaor- ing railway stations... Further Russian Retirement.|... Berlin.reports the fall..of the.Ga- liclah “town of /Halicz and says the -Atistro-Germans—have ¢rossed =the! Dniester river,-which means that the five days’desperate rearguard action by the Russians has ended in their retirement. the War is to Favorable German Reply Expected. Favorable reply by Germany |to the last American note concerning submarine werfare and the sinking of the Lusitania’was predicted in an official dispatch from “AmbassadorGerardatBerlinyesterday. More Graded School Teachers Elected. A dispatch from Mt.Vernon,.IIl., under date of June 12,printed in the St.Louis Republic of June 13,gives an account of the celebration of.the seventicth anniversary of the marri- age of Mr.and Mrs.David Gray,who live seven miles fram Mt.Vernon. The part of the announcement of lo-eal interest is that Mr.and =Mrs.Gray were married in North Carolina.They located in Jefferson county,IIL, soon after their marriage.and havelivedonthefarmwheretheyarenowlocatedformorethan50years.Mr.Gray is 89.years old and Mrs. Gray 87.Nine of their twelve chil- dren survive and there are 42 prand- children and,38 great grandchildren. Speaking of their unusually long married life,Mr.Gray.said:“TI and my wife fully expect to live five years at least and expect to celebrate ourseventy-fifth wedding.anniversary onthisfarm.”Mr.Gray says that he has chewed tobacco since youth and up until a few years ago would occasionally drink stimulants,but never nothing strong- er than mild wine.Several hundred people called at their home on their wedding anniversary. Along with the account of the cel-~ebration are pictures of Mr.:and Mrs, Gray.“Anybody in Iredell,or in theState,know of these people? Sullivan Place to Be Improved. Mr.and Mrs:R.°T.Holbrook and daughter,Mary Dauson,and Mrs,Holbrook’s mother,Mrs.J.C.Sulli-van,who visited.Mr.and Mrs.J..W. Fowler,returned yesterday in_theirtouringcartothéirhome.in Win-ston-Salem,Mr.Sullivan.will remainhereforafewdayslookingafterex-tensive improvements which,he willhavemadeon.the,.residenoe-on hisfarmon,the:Turnersburgroad,justoutsidethecorporate—limits.,Thehousewill.be remodeled:and.waterandlightswillbeinstalled,Mr.Fow-’ler,who has had,the Sullivan placerented:for several years,has leased:it forva considerable.period:and.when}the improvements on the house are}completed he will move.“hig:faifrom,their residence on street to tho Sullivan property:and. A i i for seven ont treat in Galicia —England}. ‘ganton, east Broad |™* DEAD MAN WASN'T THERE: Engineer Thought He Saw a Dead Negro By the Track and ‘None Could Be Found—Re-minder of a Similar Incidént. When a west-boundfreight train ar-rived.in.Statesville Saturday,morningabout5o’clockthe engineer reportedtothelocalrailwaytelegraph.operater that he had seen.a dead negro lyingbesidetherailroadtrackabout,fourmileseastofStatesville;The engin-eer was confident that the man hadbeenknockedfromthetrackandkill- ed by a train,or had met.foyl playduringthenight,and asked that theofficersbenotified,”Aceordingly theoperatorcalled‘up Sheriff Deaton,who hastened by automobile to.the point designated.The officer walkedupanddownthe-track-for a-mile ormore,--but..no_sign of a dead~mancoultbefound:-He-enqui speo-ple living in the neighborhood.and learned that an aged negro man jad passed along the track early in}the morning.lt is __believed! that this was the man.whowasseenbytheengineerjthat“hewasasleepbeside‘the track when theengineersawhim,but the passing ofthetrainwokehim..and caused.himtomoveon.Be this as it may,nodeadorinjuredmancould:be found beside the track.i KeThisexperienceremindeda ilrailroadmanofanexperienceofthecrew-of No.16,the late night train from Asheville.one night.somemonths:ago..The ‘Statesville manwasapassenger.on the train,whichwasspeedingalongthissideofMor- Suddenly the emergencybrakeswereapplicdandthetreinstépped.The conductor and other trainmen came through the passen- ger coaches with ianterns in handandpullingontheirovercoatsasthey walked.Excited questions of the pas- sengers as to the cause of the sud- den stop were answered with thestatementthatthetrainhadrunoveraSaneTheanewbroughtshrieks of horror from the female rsandcausedthemaletraveleraadriseinabodyandfollowthetrainmenin--théir---search..for.the.dead <body.With lanterns in hand the trainmen and.passengers marched up and downthetrack,searching among thebushésbesidethetrackandalongthe foot of an embankment,down which y Was Victim of Apoplexy—Death of Miss Lois Holland and Others. ‘Mr.A.J.-Bass of ChambersburgtownshipdiedSundayeveningabout8o'clock at the home of his son-in-law.Mr.Quince Miadock,at Cleve- land.death resulting from apoplexy,Mr.Bass was-strieken about 2 o’clockSaturdayafternoon.while fishing incompanywithMr.Lee Moose at Ba-ker's pond.near Cleveland.He was taken to the home.of his‘son-in-law, where he died without rallying from the shock,The remains were taken from Cleveland.to his home in Cham-bershurg,where the funeral wag heldyesterday,conducted by Rev.Mr.Aus-tin of Mooresville.The intermentwasinShadyGrovegraveyard. Andrew Jackson Bass:was a son ofJordanBass-of theTroutman com- munity,who died in the Confederatearmy.during”the War “Between theStates.He was 58 years old.He married Miss Hoover of:this .coun- ty and his wife and eight —children survive.His mother and four broth- ers and sisters also survive.Mr.Bassagood’man and had manyfriends.He was an active member’ofShadyGreveBaptistchurehandhad aided materially in building up his home community.wee Miss Loi#Holland died Sunday morning at 1:o'clock at the homegf her uncle and’aunt,Mr.and.)Mrs, John T,Holland,in-Cool-Spring tewn-ship,with whom she made her home. Six weeks ago Miss Holland under-went an operation for a serious inter- nal trouble.She improved for atime but for the past week she was not so well.Her condition became critical quite suddenly Saturday evening anddeathfollowedin2fewhours.Thefuneralandburialtookplace.yester-day morning at Providence Methodistchurch,of which Miss Holland was amember.Rev.J.J.Edwards con-ducted the funeral.Miss.Holland was a daughter of the late Mr.andMrs.Thomas Holland ‘and ‘was .17 years old;She hadlived with heruncleandauntsinceasmal!child.She was an excellent young lady andwasverypopularwithherfriends.Rath,the ‘two-year-old’daughter ofMr.and Mrs.W.A,“Mooré:of CoolSpringtownship,died’earty'"Sunday morning.{he intermeritwas at NewSalemgraveyardSundad#fternoon. tec the engineer was sure the man musthavebeenknocked.when:struck..Af-ter the searc¥had continued for some minutes.a travel-stained man wasfoundsittingashortdistancefromthe’point where the engineer’saw hissupposedvictim.As the.erowd ap-proached the tramp:he.immediately began -explaining-that “it wasn’t-me, eap’n.”Question after question wasfiredatthetremblingpieceofhu- manity until he finally admitted that he was the supposed “dead man.”He had dropped off to sleep while sitting on the end of a cross tie and wokejustintime,to roll off the track be-fore the pilot of the locomotive struck him.Aster being convinced that there wag no ‘dead man”the train- men and passengers,who were both disappointed and.¢ratified,returnedtothetrain,calmed:the women withassurancesthatitwasallamistake and the train rolled on,with thetrainmengrumblingaboutthedelay. Chautauqua Tickets Sold Rapid- Chairman:Bunch.of the ticket-sell-ing committee of the'Chautauqua had a “good run”on the'sale of seasonticketsSaturday,600 of.the 750 sca- son tiekets open for sale having beenbought,before the time limitwof re- servation for subscribers expired Sat- urday evening.Yesterday the tickets were being sold to all who came,re-gardless.of whether they.had sub-scribed for them,and Mr.-Bunch re- ceived many ’phone calls and mes- sages from persons who feared they were “too late”to get the tickets sub-scribed for.Only 86 tickets were leftyesterdayffternoon.Up to yester- day 94 Junior tickets:had been sold. Circle Round Sun. A large ‘circle around the sunSaturdayattractedtheattentionofmanyStatesvillepeople.Some in- sisted they had never seen anythinjustlikethat,and:they were some-what anxious about it;while others said circles around the sun are com- mon and mean nothing.The anxiousonescontendedthateircles:about themoonarecommon.but that a circle like that about the sun Saturday wasuncommonenoughtocauseconcern: and the question is yet unsettled.But the wotld had’not-come to anendnoranythingspeciallyalarming happened.up to the hour of going to press;and we have hope that the cir- cle didn’t foretell disaster. Preparing For Drainage Dis- ‘tricts.; Petitions for drainage districts onSnowcreek,in Sharpesburg town-ship,and Rocky.creek,in Olin town-ship,were heard by Clerk of Court Hartness.Saturday,|Messrs.“A.N.Hollard and--A,-R,Bowles wore ap-pointed viewers and Mr.Wm,Alex-ander,of Mecklenburg;county,sur-“Stow Creek,to proceedreparationsfortheestab-he drainage district on;ereek.The Rocky ereek viewers“Surveyors had not been agreed on Maia iicieatlieblidapliigead |’' ee.good friends ‘Ret ‘peaches are x favor-ae toin tities The last.con-1 was @ la basket of fine _.¢Thes..McCoy.Arrested.¢ ‘A dispatch from Fort Smith,‘Ark., says Thomas McCoy,formerly ofthey North Carolina internal revenue di:vision,was.arrested;yesterday at Asheville,ona conspirac¥’*indict- ment returned by the Fedéral grand jury at Fort Smith last week-in ceon- nection with the government’s inves- tigation of the operation of -alleged illegal distilleries. McCoy was,released on $25,000 bond.He resigned from the govern- ment service five years ago.He is the sixth former government officialthusfarincustodyinthecase. Court Notes. Rouldin Young,the negro who was fined $2.50 by Justice Lazenby for asimpleassaultonJamesColey,a white boy,failed to pay the fine and was sent to the roads for 30 days.Messrs,Clyde:Little “and HarveyBost,who operate a store in rear ofHpnkel-Craig Live:Stock Company’sstables,have been.placed undér:bond to appear before Mayor Caldwell next Saturday to answer a charge of hav-: ing sold intoxicating liquor er some other beverage which causes intoxica-tion.It is alleged that.a “soft drink” which has ‘been dispensed from the Little store has caused a number ofdrunksandtheofficersdecidedto have an investigation. Mr,Wilhelm Will Bring—His Family Here From Florida. Mr.B.M.Withelm of Miami;Fla.,has decided to move his family to Statesville immediately and againriakehishomehere.Mr.Wilhelmhasbeenheresincethedeathofhisbrother,Dr.W.W.Wilhelm,lookingafterthelatter’s estate.»He will go to Miami in a few days to bring Mrs. Withelm nd two daughters,RenaandKatherine,to Statesville.“ Ags stated in Friday’s Landmark,Mr..J.M.Wilhelm of Rosman has al- so decided to return to Statesville to live and will probably move here inthefall, Mules.. ‘Messrs.J.A.Nowell and |W.‘Garrison,members of the board.ofcountycommissionersofMecklenburgcounty,were here Saturday looking at some of Iredell’s big mules which have been used on the county’s road construction work..When.the -work on the Federal-aided highway is com-pleted,which will be only a few days, the county commissioners purposesellingaportionoftheroad-building equipment and the Mecklenburg com-missioners are considering the pur-chase of some of the mules. Mile and Buggy Disappeared.‘Mr;J:M.Hudspeth of the vicinityof.Mooresville was in Statesville yes-térday.afternoon looking.for a.muleandbuggywhichweretakenfronyabackJot..in Mooresville Saturd:ynight.Mr;Hudspeth left his mul:and buggy in the lot while he waslookingaftervariousmatters©inMooresville’and wher he-was readytostarthomethe|conveyance |wasmissing,The team was.evidently Mr.W.5.Davidson of a SUDDEN DEATH MR.BASS,POLICEMAN FOUND FIRE, Was Soon Extinguished With-out’(General ©Alarm—DogArousedCol.Bristol. The value of the night policemen as a safeguard against loss by fireaswellasburglary,was forcibly dem-onstrated about 2 o’clock.yesterday morning when Policeman’Wasson, who was making his rounds through the back Jot’,discovered a blaze in asmallbuildinginrearofMiller-Mc- Lain store,used as a vehicle house.The fire had gained but little head-way when discovered,.and realizing that it.could--be “nipped’in the bud” hy prompt actior on the part of thefiremen,Mr.Wasson ran.to the fire station and gave.the alarm.He ex-plained the situation to the firemen and it was agreed,that general alarm was not necessaty. Accordingly-themotor.fire truck was run to the’scene-of -the -fire.as-noiseleasly as passible. and chemicals were quickly applied.Within.a few minutes the flames had been quenched and a serious fire prob- ably prevented,due to.fhe vigilanceofthepolicemanandthepromptness of the firemen,; The fire was an exceedingly quiet affair.The only.person’there’be- sidés the two night policemen and the three firemen on duty was Col.L,B. Bristol.The firemen.appologized to Cot.Bristol:for having awakened him,but the colonel was aroused byanalarmgivewin—his own home—the Cowles home at the corner:of Meeting and Broad streets,only a few steps from the scene of the fire.Col.Bristo}’s—mother-in-law,-Mrs.Cowles,has a little rat terrier and it was the!little dog that alarmed Col.Bristol. The animal came from.the second floor of the.dwelling and going to Col.Bristol’s room on the lower floor aroused -him.Col.Bristol ‘at.first tried to get the dog to leave hig bed,but its actjons soon convinced him that something was wrong:somewhere and when he got out of.bed.he saw the light of the fire.Going to thetelephoneCol.Bristol called the fire department and learned that the fire-men were already “on the job.”“It’s remarkable how nicely the po-lice--and.firemen managed the fire,”said Col.Bristol yesterday,in talkitothenewspaperman,“and they de-serve to .have a bouquet thrown atthem.When they need:knocking knock them,and when they deserve a littlepraise,-give :it.”_.The origin ofthe fire-is unknown,though it is believed that it startedfromacigarettestuboramatchcare-lessly ‘thrown intdé’the building -by some one who was prowling about thehaekjot.The very fact that,the fire Ball Games This Week—States- '.Ville Won Yesterday. The first game.between Statesville}and Lenoir yesterday afternoon was avictoryforStatesvillebyascoreof 5 to 2.It was a good game and wasenjoyedbyalargecrowdoffans,quite a number of Lenoir people beingheretoroot.for their team.Sindler pitched for Statesville and Swanncaught,while McKeithian pitched forLenoir,with Futrelle behind the bat.Statesville got 7 nits and Lenoir 5,and the two broke even on errors—2each.‘A!home run by Porkorney ofStatesvillewasthefeatureofthegame.“Old John”Fox umpired. Statesville and Lenoir will play two more ‘games here-—this afternoon andtomorrowafternoon—andthen States*ville will go to Lenoir for threegamesthere. Statesville was an easy winner in the..games with Cooleemee last week,In Friday’s.game here the score.was 13 to 3 in Statesville’s favor and at Cooleemee Saturday it wag States- ville 10 and Cooleemee 5,‘ Following is the new schedule oftheLeaguegamesfortherestoftheseason:‘ July 1,2,3—Statesville at Lenoir.aut 5,6,7—Morganton.at-States-ville.~July 8,9,10-—Statesville at Mor- ganton.: July 12,13,14—Lenoir at Morgan-ton. July 15, noir. aay 19,20,21—Lenoir at States:ville.|July 22,28,24—Statesville at Le-noir. ‘:uly 26,27,28—-Morganton at States-ville, July 29,80,31-—Satesville at Mor- ganton. Married in North Carolina 70.Nears Ago,*° The graded school board has ecom-pleted its list of teachers for nextterm,as follows:,:Mr..M.EB.Yount of Hickory has been elected principal to succeed MrvHarry,who,declined re-election.Mr. Yount.has:had four:years’:experience in’teaching,ieThefolloWingadditionalteachershavealso‘been elected:‘Miss ‘ClydeFieldsofAmelia,Alleghany county}Miss Margaret:Willis of Mt.-Airy},Miss Mamie Baton of Garland,Samp-'son county;and Miss Jo.Dunn of Albemarle.:mksTheadditionoffourteachers to 16,17—Morganton at:Le- » the Statesville school gives a teach-ing.force of 19 and the’superintend-'ent,makes an even score,9 4 Mrs.C.V.>Henkel’wand sHlen and it is thougnt that the.thiefAzoveinthedirectionofStatesville, vee ‘ate at Wrightsville Beach, church tomorrow evening at 8’o’cloek, in company:with Mrs.of Bi column.« ports made to her. Conference at Black Mountain.Smith isMiriamsociety of the First.terian church and Mr.:sents.the Covenanterschurch, cause a rush to the Henkel,wh Blowing 1Henkel,who were at.alast:week,‘found.fires -ncomfort..Sunday’s temperature was‘an indication,however,‘that the sum-mer may not pass without a reminder -of the torrid zones. of _Statesville“hocked”—his coat 3 urday ‘to get a the express office,‘and when hetankedupheassaulteda,negro man,for whiahhe landed in:from there.was county roads to serve a’term-days, Merchants &Farmers’Bank,has 2%turned from an extended trip:Bunch attended ‘the annual meeting:otheNorthCarolinaBankers’‘Associa-tion at Wrightsville Beach.there:he went to Wil a boat to New York city.P|pBaltimoreand‘Washington were” visited.Sh to greatly increase his floral2newftreenhousewhichismargpurchased‘a few |willBeshippedtoStatesville:“immediately.The ‘new -house will be 45 ff :and 16 wide‘and will besidetheBarringerresidenceEnd_avenue.~ chant.ofbankruptedStates ~case referred'to Morganton,ae nuk rupicy was volunta 5persietheproceedingsfiledhigFederalcourtclerk’s office here show.abilities to the amount:of $2andussetsaggregating$2,980. mento,Cal.,1 Statesville relatives.route to Alexander counparents,Mr.and nander.whom he had not seen ot‘left for the West.18‘ing his absence }eoast States,young find so much improvemedaughters,Misses Virginia -hila,|tive State during the »Ms ecaamiad NT —The presentation of “The Hoo-doo,”advertised for S a ter Saturdaynight,failedtomateria ize.‘ree Se—-Miss Siddie Edria Vanderford andMr.Lester James Sloop,a M *ville conple,were 4 at thecourthouseSaturdayafternoonby Justice W.C.Moore,§0—Capt,W.H.H.Gregory,who isgatheringmanufacturing’statisforthegovernment,‘has’finished|work in Alexander ¢ounty atid’is nowoperatinginCatawba.See —A\train load of war horses—27 .cars loaded with horses consigned tooneoftheEuropeangovéernments—-passed through Statesville retafternoonenroutefromthe‘West’the Atlantic coast.-re —An_additional.feature of the _Fourth celebration next iday will.hea hose:wagon’race"bythe”volunteer fire conypany.The racetakeplaceonwestFront‘streeto’clock in the afternoon;: Willie,the '10-year-ald son ofDeputySheriffJonesofSharpesburg,3wasengaged.inthe goodold-fashion-~~ed pastime of “skinning the cat,”lastThursday,when he fell.and broke both bones of hig left arm.a awe or more ran “women canvass Statesville .recently.ging for orphanges?The fact—there are so many solicitors for:orphanages causes one to.have doub'of the genuineness oftheir claims,”foftheJunior OnderWilthaveaoroeJunior.er,‘eanofficewithMr.-We E.Webb,in theMutualBuilding:and Loan office,and-has appointed Mr.W.E.Webb bisdeputy.The office will be remodeledand.enlarged.Meee: 4 Per-r-Wm.G:Sayad of Uremiah,sia,a student in this country,willlecture’at the First Presb BRIEF ee igi ts at’6 he He will talk about Persia andthe'op-portunities for mission wé6rk-there.-The public is invitedtohearhim. -—Mr.J.D.Wott of Shiloh 4shipwenttoRitherfordton:Fridayresponsetomessagestellinghieilinessofhis‘son,Mr.who is ill ih a ho-:Young : ploye of the Clinchfi d —Little Miss Mary Sharpe aden county,- visit.to.Mr.:Sh relatives a4ii4‘Ss e p,ie Serielaw Sha and:not herdenseinThe’'La dccurred is evidence of the da ,of a +—Deputy ‘Sheri CE.taintaining openframe ‘buildingsso{i#registrar of vital “stagesilyaccessibletothecarelesseeeeoeyesAs.night prowlers.for the ny ion nig:of the . Ive near Miss Goodnight.Burin fLENOIRvs.STATESVILLE.raite siny be securedfrom her and —Misses Mildred Smith ; representative from ‘the’ repre-)“the sanie fe ,—{The weather has been £00 cool to W.A.Thomas: Ap ke eae rThe’Post says acolored citizeomenot ;alisbury of ‘liquor fr *transported . “the»—Mr..F.B.Bunch,cashier of Mr. —Mr.W.M.Barringer is er than the one henow has:waadaysago‘and: erected along- “on Weat: ge eetel cde cg '—Shaheén Daybes,a retail mer-fewton,been ‘adju istini nd, n ys e Hod of de Unetart,andW.S.titionol. pe iirilyfiled.© nc.4 Mr.Ed.\L.‘Alexanden of spent” Heto f was Mrs. Mt,Alemanyat-variou! ay Ba ab iLL BADGER SLATON. orgia Mob Hisses and Threat-/ens Ex-Governor—Home Still Guarded.; During the,inaugural ceremonies in othe State capitol in Atlanta,Ga.,Sat- urday,when Gov.Slaton approached successor,Gov.Harris,to deliver him the great seal ofthe State,a hisses were heard .from the rowded gallery.President G,Ogden ersons,of the State Senate,rapped arply with his gavel. continued and Governor Slaten paus- ed,President Persons rapped again land the hissing ceased.He warned e ‘spectators that unless they were jn order the*galleries would be clear- ed.Instantly there was a tumult of “applause.After it subsided Governor Slaton turned to the new Governor ‘and said,‘presenting the seal: “Governor Harris,}-knew-that dur-ing my term of office this great.seal of State has not been .dishonored.”| ‘His words were greeted by another The hisses | GOV.JARVIS A POOR:MAN. Estate Worth About $10,000—-His Will Characteristic of the »Man ;Gov.Jarvis,who died the other day, Was not a wealihy man,as was gen-erally known..His estate doésn’t to- this was in life’insurance policies,His other personal estate consisted of solvent.credits ‘and his library,bothnot.exceeding $5,000 in value,Hiswife.is named as sole executor andwithoutbond.The will,made in Oc-tober,1912,is as follows:I;Thomas Jordan Jarvis,of the State of North Carolina,do make,de-clare and publish this,my last willandtestament,in matter,manner andformasfollows,hereby revoking allothersheretoforemadebyme,~that is to say;Item 1.Trusting in the merits and blood of a crucified and risen Saviour,IT commit my soul to my HeavenlyFather,believing.all will be well. Item 2.I have.tived a plain andsimplelifeandIdesiretheservices at my funeral shall also be plain andsimple.-tsItem8.The péople of North Caro- *prolonged outburst.,of applause. Leaving the capitol the crowd surg-| ed in on the former Governor and had|“to be held back by the militia.Hisses| and shouts preeted his ears.Some| one yelled “traitor”and another call-| ed him “King of the Jews.”Govern-| or Slaton hurried:to his automobile,|companied by.his:successor.Later,‘at a.luncheon’ii”Gov.Harris’honor, “Gov.Slaton referred to the ¢ommu- tation of the sentence of Leo M. “Frank,the cause of the demonstra- “tions against him,and.said: “Honest people may disagree with | --me,an honest man,but-we realize| -that we must be measured by our -eonscience.Two thousand years ago‘another Goverhor -washed his handsofacaseandturnedoveraJewto eS mob.For 2,000!years that Govern- “or’s name has been accursed.If.to-;Phy another Jew weré lying in his grave because I had failed to-do my. duty,I would ‘all through life find his blood,on.my hands and would con- sider myself an:assassin through_lcowardice.”‘ Goy.Slaton’s suburban home is still ‘guarded by ‘troops.‘Twenty-six per-: -sons were arrested Saturday for try-ing to enter his premises.The Gov- ernor said he would ask that they be‘not prosecuted.He said he and his“wife had purposed to go away on a ‘trip when his term expired but he ‘would not:go in the face of the dem--onstrations—would not-+run.under fire.i ‘Pledging Teachers For Moon- :light Schools.|"Raleigh News and Observer.4.To...pledge.the.North Carolinachoolteacherstotheorganization8 fand < »Month’ing school ‘year,his the object.of pledge cards ‘now,be-ing printed-for-the State Department of-Educ tion.‘These.will be ynailedta..the county superintendent,whoSwillin-torn distribute’them®to’theschoolteachersofthecounty.The ard rendrermvennmtame we ome wero “As a.smali payment,.on,the large 5debtiawetthena¢sing genération for sehieGhaton:advantages:provite Forme,I hereby express my hearty approval of the crusade te wipe outultilliteracyinthe‘State,pledge my services in organizing and conducting a Moonlight School dur-‘ing:‘Moonlight ‘School Month,’in the idistrict where I shall teach in the daytschool.”es.It has been demonstrated in Ken-tucky and in North Carolina’counties‘that old men and women ean be lifted fout of the class of illiteracy in as *short a.time as thirteen days on the “average.There are 8,344 rural school ‘teachers or more,and over 1,738 cityschoolteachers,and the total nativewhiteilliteratesinNorthCaronina ‘of a voting age are 49,619.To make“a clean sweep each teacher would ‘average forty.pupils or more.hut with‘anything like co-operation between ‘the State Department of Education and the teachers in the counties,it‘is estimated that a material reduc- ‘tion can be made in the percentage ‘of voting illiterates now standing at“14.1, Amporters.Press.For Action ;Against Britain. ;Twenty members of a committee ‘appointed by more than 1,000 Amer- ‘ican importers have laid before Sec- ‘retary Lansing and other State De- artment officials a petition settingforththatGreatBritainhas“studi-ously avoided”answering the Ameri- ean note of March 30;that in themeantimevaluabletimehasbeenlost in preparing for future business,and that the general effect had been harm- ful to’the “long established trade ofthiscountry.” ‘The importers pleaded for “an un-interrupted supply of American-own- ed merchandise,whether the same;been paid for,contracted for,‘orybecontractedfor,”and the un- restricted right to ship non-contra- band goods through neutral countriestoorfromGermany._,In a statement issued by the im- ‘porters after their conference,it was revealed that _SecretaryLansing-had“expressed 4 determination on thepartofboththePresidentandhim-_self to do all in their power to aid the‘importers\in securing the rights to‘which they are entitled to:under theJawsofnationsandbytreatyobli-ations.”-ucseeaieneeeenesaaspasenensnan Anti-Typhoid Campaigns Popu-lar. North Carolina’s Laboratory ——ofHygiene,runningits manufactory ofthetyphoidvaccineatitsheight,issupplyingan.uncommon campaign~‘against fever and now is able to put 'up 30,000 injections weekly.'At the present rate the =State is|treating pretty nearly 18,000 patients»‘weekly.The campaign in half a doz-en or more counties is developing an ‘ ‘mnexpected cordiality of co-operationsreethescientistsandthepeople, eea SeatsPllCareain6to14 Days Y-where situated:or.found,subject only Fear epe,rogermeee Ue. ofthe approac lina have greatly honored me and Idesiretoleaveonrecordthisfinal declaration.of my everlasting grat-itude to them and to make this last plea for the education of their chil- dren.Intelligence and virtue markthestandingofanypeopleinState and:nation and I would therefore urgethe“péople to préss the education:of- heretofore attempted. Item 4.While I love my relatives with a‘singere love,my dear wife, with whom 1 have’lived in —perfect happiness:since--our-marriage,and. who has been my constant companion, is the chief object of my affection,and it is tor her welfare I am chiefly concerned.I therefore give,deviseandbequeathtomybelovedwife, Mary Woodson Jarvis,:all my estate, of any and every kind;no matter ‘to the”payment of’my jus ful debts.‘: Item 5,‘And finally,I wish to say to-relatives and friends,they can not remember me in any way half -so pleasing to me as to be good to’my dear wife. Item 6.“I hereby nominate and ap-point my dear wife,Mary W.Jarvis, my sole executor to carry out this mylastywillandtestament,and I requestthatsheshallbeallowedtoqualify as executor and administer my estatewithoutgivingbond. t and law- Information About Work in theGrainFieldsoftheWest.; When the harvest season ison inthe.West—and the time is now.nearathand—there is great deniand f ployment and de Beformationofanywhomay have this in mind,the Division of InformationoftheBureauofImmigration,Unit- edStates Department of Labor,hasbeen“advised hy-the»State Commis- sioner‘of Labor and Industry,Topeka,Kane that:ove a cme000menwillbeneededthissea-for:the “grain shar'vest,)but that‘arecoming rapidly and that those fromdistanceshouldnotstarttoKansaswithoutfirst’communicating with the Commissioner of Labor and Industry, Topeka,Kans.Harvest work is heavy,and only strong,able-bodied~men should apply.Wages will average about $2.50 a day and board. It will be necessary for all per-sons desiring this harvest work todefraytheir.own expenses.to andfromtheplaceofemployment. Mr.C.L.Green,general inspector in charge.of employment and dis- tribution work,tepresenting theUnitedStatesDepartment.of Labor, will be stationed during the harvestseasonatRoom212,Postoffice Build- ing,Kansas City,Mo..It is suggest-ed that harvest -hhands who can do so.without extra expense purchase tick- ets to destination by way of Kansas City,Mo.,with stopover.privilege, for the purpose of calling ‘on Mr.Green for detailed information.Theservices‘of Mr.Green and of.the State officials are free. Galicia Rich in Oil. The oil fields of Galicia,which have been alternately in the possession of the Austrians and the Russians since the war’s outbreak,and which arenowagainunderAustriancontrol, are among the most.important pe- troleum sources of the world,”says a bulletin issued by the National Geo- graphic ‘Society at “Washington. “These oil fields,situated in the north- ern foothills _of the Carpathians, within southern central -Galicia,-and lying some distance’below and to the east of the Austrian fortress, Przemysl,produce about five —per cent of the world’s total annual out- put of petroleum,coming thus,fourth on the list.of the most importantsourcesofthisfuel,The United States leads all countries by a mag-nificent margin in the production of oil,turning out 24,500,000 metric tons of the world’s total petroleum pro- duction in normal times of 46,500,000metrictons.The United States. therefore,has to its credit nearly 61 per cent of the gotal output.ThiscountryisfollowedbyRussia,Mexico, and then Galicia.”, Rae \ Chatham Record. Before ony meal at the Exline hotel at this place a large bell is rung tong and loud,and at once every dog in the ‘neighborhood «begins to howl and continues until the ringing ceases. We cannot say whether it is a howlofjoyattheprospectof-getting something good to eat or.whether it is because they may not get any ofthemeal.i ee(Mr.John McElwee.of Statesvilleformerlyownedadogthatwaswon'ttosetupafearful-wail-whenever thechurchbellsrung.—ffhe Landmark) Invigorating to the Pale and SicklyTheOldStandardgeneralstrenheningtonic,GROVE’S TASTELESS chill ICdrives out four druggist will refundiN’M7 ‘falletocure a Ppa etme,Bleedia ie in Gto14days,|eet a aud Rete Be Malaria,enriches the blood,builds up the system, Sa a EN tal more than $10,000 and half of. their children far beyond ‘anything’ inté—the--State-very+ Dogs Howl When Bell Rings.| eeINOCAUSEFORCOMPLAINT,Great Britain Surprised Phat‘America is Dissatisfied WiththeTreatmentofNeytral*Commerce."eee: \Great Britain,in a memorandy:‘transmitted to the United States,re-eites at length its efforts to minimizeinconveniencetoneutralcommereere-:sulting from the order-in-eounci)against/trade with Germany,Austria and Turkey,and asserts that Amer-ican citizens have no just grounds for complaint on accounb of the,treat-. ment accorded:theircargoes,>)No attempt is made to answer theprinciplesassertedintheAmerican note of March 1 protesting againsttheorder-in-council and insisting up-on the right of neutrals to carry on’legitimate commerce with each otherandtotradeinnon-contraband with civilians in belligerent countries.In transmitting the memorandum Am- bassador Page said it was “merely an explanation of concrete cases and theregulationsunderwhich—they.are dealt.with.”vy Another.note to Great Britain isnowincourseofpreparationatthe State Department and is expected tobedispatchedassoonasthenegotia- tions with Germany over.submarine|warfare have been cleared:up.While| this communication probably will)make reference to the latest memo-|randum,it is understood that’the, manner of-enforcing the order-in-council will not be treated as ‘rele-jvantto.the question at_issue—wheth-|er there is any warrant in interna.|tional.law for the powers that Gréat | Britaingandher‘allies have assumed|to exercise over the commerce ofthe | world,"In its memorandum the British*for: eign ‘office emphasizes the “various| special concessions made in favor of|the United States citizens”in ‘setting| forth that.all British.‘officials have|acted in every case “with the utmost |M&spatch consistent with the object in| view and ‘of showing in every ease|such consideration for neutrals as)might be compatible with the object, namely,to prevent vessels from ear~ rying goods for,or comin enemy’s.territory.”j i Arrangements for buying.American | cotton detained and for permitting| the passage of goods bought:in Gér-.| many by Americans,before thé date} of order-in-council are outlined and| promise that.consideration will be; riven to special cases of this kind in| the future.c | According to a summary of ships) detained there are 27 vessels which| cleared from.the United States,now|held in ports of the United Kingdom.|Of these eight are said to be untoad-'ing cotton which Great Britain has) agreed,to,purchase,sevenwill,be al.’ their eargo placed,in,.a,prize.court!have -becn discharged,and the other|12--three,,of,them:American,.ships-—are the subject .of investigations not!yet completed.‘| NE oR TTNOI CNM +7 r ae feeListenedtoPeaceTalkBut} Made No.Promises.: ¢fxm ‘Sentiment ‘prevails''in All|‘nations thit:the war|mum F Dushiedto ‘a decisive ‘victory,|according’to Miss Jane Addatns,’'who|has’just returned ‘to London,‘from’a} visit,to the warring countries ‘on ‘the} continent.Seat iInaninterviewMissAddamstold) of seeing the heads of the various} belligerent.governments,who,.while;taking note of the efforts of the Wwo-| men of America and other nations for} mediation,actually held out no hope |that ‘they would be successful.| In every country.visited Miss!Addams said she found the high au-| thorities willing enough to listen to! any peace proposal that might.be| made,but no indication was ;given | that any movement in that direction would be of avail.‘‘Miss Addams and.Miss HamiltonbothofHullHouse,Chicago,and hal?a dozen women from Holland,:all ofwhom’were ‘delegates to the recent}; women’s peace congress at Hague,were graciously.received,she the government heads that the work} though at this time misdirected. ally did not-try to force peace talk in turmoil a caller would attempt.to give advice.But our mission in going our peace egorts,We met with no mo- lestation anywhere;in fact,we found the officials ready to help us:along. sympathized with the idea of.bring- ing abouta—speedy peace,.for—they.expressed only the opinion that the war must be pushed to a decisive end. SouthernTrains Mostlyon Time in May. Because trains are so often off schedule the average individual thinksthey’re-nearly always behind.ThefollowingrecordoftheSouthernrail- way for May tells 4 different story: During the month of May the Southern railway operated 13,803 reg- ular passenger trainy of which 12,-532,or 91 per cent,made schedule time.The number leaving and arriv~ ing all,points on time was 12,103,or 88 per cent,eAEspeciallygoodtime was made in handling the 11,695 local trains run during the month,10,824,or 93 percent,having ‘made schedule’time and 10,467 or 89 per cent,being on time-at all-stations.—_-—-—'Of the 2,108 limited trains,nearly|all of which are long distance trains with one or both terniini beyond the rails of Southern railway,1,798,or85percent,made schedule time while on Southern railway,and 1,638,or 78percent,were on time at all stations. ET TT ;; Bilious Attacks, When*you have a bilious attack your liverfailstoperforniitsfunctions.You becomeconstipated,The food;you eat ferments.inyourstomachinsteadofdigesting.This in-flames the stomach and causes nausea,vom- iting and.a terrible headache.Take Cham-« mM)American Medical Association.The .gomery,is not founded on fact.Lep- F. g from the|p ' lowed,.¢ai.depart..as.-soon.as .ikems jof | The}? said,and were assured by most of a they were doing “was admirable,al-|%# “In going into the belligerent coun-| tries,”said Miss Addams,“we natur-}? any more than in going into a home|3 to the continent was apparently well ¥ known,and the talk drifted easily to/8 Cary C.-Boshamer,#“That-does not-mean that.the offi-/%,cials“give the impression that they}§ = Leprosy Not SoBad.# Horror“of,leprosy is an inheritance|from the middle ages and is notjustifiedbythefactg,said Dr.DouglassW,Montgomery,of San Fran-|‘cisco,in a paper.présented before the |sixty-sixth.annual session -of the repulsive’appearance .of leprosy andthefearofitsextremecontagion,dugtomisunderstandingofthenatureofleprosyasmentionedintheBible, have.createdmindthatleprosy is extremely con-tagious.This belief,says,Dr.Mont- rosy is very.slightly contagious and is a slowly progresseive:disease,muchlessdangeroustothecommunityortotheindividualthan‘smallpox,tu-berculosis and many other diseases, The Salisbury Post is advised of thedeathofJohnY.Barber at Coiumbia, S.GC.last week.His remains wereburiedatWaynesville.Mr.BarberformerlylivedatBarber,in Rowan,ard in Salisbury.He was three times |married.‘WOMEN CANHARDLYBELIEVE How Mrs.Hurley Was Re-stored to Health by Lydi~E.Pinkham’sVegetableCompound. Eldon,Mo.—‘I was troubled with |&displacement,inflammation and female |3weakness,For two (8itiyearsIcouldnot| stand on my feet| long at a time andI |5 could not walk two | ‘\blocks without en- during—cutting and ‘4 drawing pains down |2 “|my right side which | increased every. inthe faceand would walk the floor.I could not lie down or’|sit still sometimes for a day and a night |3 at atime;I was nervous,and had very.| little appetite,no ambition,melancholy,|2 and often felt as though I had not a'sfriendintheworld..After I had triedmosteveryfemaleremedywithoutsuc-|3cess,my mother-in-law advised me to |&take Lydia E.Pinkham’s Vegetable 8. gained in [3strengtheveryday.I have now no trou-|&Compound.I did so and ble in ‘any way and highly praise your meshrine:At advertises itsel 8.HURLEY,Eldon,.M i Suri.3H Compound.’For'sale:everywhere.«:10! Ithas helped thousahds of womenwhohavebeentroubledwithdisplace- ‘ments,inflammation,ulceration,tumors,irregularitics,periodicpains,backache,Sat Dearing conn Selig,indigesinn,and nervous Pepsteton,alte all othermeanshavefailed.Why,don’t youit?.LydiaB,Pinkham Medicin1a, YAR, He Carry aComplete Stock Flour,Feed,Grain,Hay and Cotton Seed.Products.You will save money by.getting our prices before you buy. IREDELL FEED CO., C.D,MOORE,Prop. =eeDan_Valley Will.please thosewhodemandtheverybest.Itis anextraordinaryflour.Your Grocer knows. Local Representative,%;"Phone 125 Black.It.aw.% CARE Cn Build a Brick House‘or Brick-Veneeryouroldhouse.Warmer in winter, cooler in summer,climinates frozenipes.Has every advantage,Solidrick—under-pinning—under-—framehousewillhélpsome. Face Brick,Common Brick,Draia Tile Statesville Brick Co.. The Fly Harvester! A wonderful and yet simple con-trivance,that catches flies:by themillion.Simple instructions witheachTrapforbaitingandkillingFliesequiresonlyafewmo-ments of time and does its workbestwhenplacedinthebackyardoutofyourway.Costs only $1,lasts indefinitely and catches moreFlies,many times over,than all‘other methods combined,Simplyocomparison.Try one now andbeconvinced.”Made and sold by a berlain’s.Tablets,..They will .tone ap.yourliver,elean out your stomach and you will A true Tonic,For adults and children,©60¢, 800)as well as.ever...'They.only s¢ost’eatin Obfainable wverrwhire :omen ’. June 16.|’Phone 433. if month.—Thave been |& at that time purple | £'—Mrs.|g Remember,i.the:remedy:nwhich i-did +#this wes Lydia E..Pinkham’s'Vegatable |£ Cos.| belief in the public)# oseSHINGLES eea Se "i 4Wh Make the roofFIREPROOFinstead of FIRE-that will oe van from all repair expense,and last as :ce For Sale by —.LAZENBY-MONTGOMERY HARDWARE (0.,Statésville,N.C. Sherrill-White “CompanyéGreatLineTennisOxfords “Tennis Oxfords,hlack and white,*50e.pair. Tennis Oxfords,black and white,65¢.pair. Tennis Oxfords,black and white,75c.pair. Baby Footery. Yes,we remembered the babies,and call at- tention to our excellent line of Baby Footery. Soft sole Shoes,white,pink,blue and_tan,50¢.the pair. Soft sole Shoes,white, 25c.the pair. _,Complete line of Infants’Moccasins,white,ree ~~pina;-blue and-tari,-25¢,the pairs: pink,blue and_tan, moo AN GAL wo;Pad ip de phy 1 C.QO °|SHERRILL-WHITESHOE *To the Farmers of Iredell Con THE STATESVILLE REALTY:&INVESTMENT COMPANY begi to.announce that they bave completed ‘arrangements with “THE ©HOME INSURANCE.CO.of New:York,”’forinsuring your growingcropsofTobacco,Cerm,Cotton and small grain against destructionbyHailStormatthefollowingverylowprice: :TOBACCO CROP.$100 per acre valuation at75peracrevaluationat 60 per acre valuation at 3.75 per acre_25 per.acie valuation at 1.873 per acre COTTON,CORN AND SMALL GRAIN CROP. $40 per acré valuation -«$1.60 per acre35.per acre valuation *1.40 pet acre 30 per acre valuation 1.2()per acre25peracrevaluation1.00 per acre.20 per acre valuation .80 per acre15peracrevaluation-60 per acre 10 per acre valuation ~~40 per acre:DWELLINGS,FURNITURE,BARNS., This$100 value for one year at 30c.,3 years at 60c.,5 years at 90c. gainst loss or damage occasioned : $7.50 per acre5.874 per acre latter insurance covers also a by wind in addition to hail. -REMEMBER—“We insure anything insurable.’”’_J.F.CARLTON,Manager, ’PHONE 54.STATESVILLE,N C., -.60 Tornadoes Devastate 10,000 Homes in Eight States; hundred yearsthe:Hartford , Fire Insurance Company has met every honest claim = promptly.Buy a Hartford | ‘Tornado Policy today.Itis '.the nearest thing to‘comfort | when a Tornado strikes. AE PB R Such is the record ofoneday’s damage done by tornadoes, -~¥ou don’t know when the tornado may strike your property,but you do know the “Old Hartford”.protects against all loss.For over a -People’s Loan &Savings Bank, Statesville,N.C.—“Resident AGEO.H.BROWN.President,gent. 4 -‘An Alarm Clock that is little but loud,It’s a little Beauty,Just thethingforalady’sor a gentleman’s room.It is.not su large but doesthewakingupforyou.._BIG BEN if you need to be knocked out.--H.B.WOODWARD,Jeweler.’ x ‘ vege SHESDAUGHTER hist Mabe wo Dae Pi ed »Ky owt | semont verioraeMe.Laura Bratchen‘was down in bed for threemonths”;cannot andihow I suffered Sdithnervousnessandfaradoctortoldmcouldnotdomeanatastogiveitup;Webuthedidnothelp me,At last,my mother advised me to takeCardui,‘the’woman's tonic.1 thoughtvolesovcaiaeettaiodomeanAeeandor{am ableallofmyworkandmyOwn “think Cardui besttheworld,stY tacieen ‘iand,Ilook thepictureofhealth ;: a THE LAN DMARK LOCAL AD BCHROULE. .ville,eee?D,Train No.‘weat-bound,due 6145 #,m.Train No,11,weat-bound,due 10.05 a m.,Train No.21 west-bound,due 3:26 p.‘m.TrainNo.86,west-bound,due10:25p.modo|Train,No.96,enst-hound,due 10.35 «,m.‘Train.No.22,east-bound,due1,15 p.m,Train No,12,east-bound,tue €:45 p,m.Train No.16,east-bound,due 10.50 p.mm.t AND ‘TAYLORSVILLE.> ar.10:00,leaves 10:40 a m.Train No,15 ar,6:20,leaves 6:46 p,m.Nos,23 and 24ste not operatedon Sunday. OPPORTUNITY, They do me wrong who say I come no more When once I knioeked and fail to find you in;For every day J stand outside your door,And oA you wake,and rise to fight and) Wail Nor for the precious chances away,Weep not for golden ages on the wane! Bach night I burn the records of the day—-At sunrise every soul is born ugain.¢ Laugh like a boy at svlerndors that have sped,To vanished joys be blind and deaf and passed| If.you suffer from any of the saci durabmonetgetapatieotCorda4Myjadaments seal the,dead “past “with its 1 PerOUs..as ibok neverbind“a mnt yet to barestezee Pe #pat See 00 Thou deep i.Mntees*Mirine Tot youl hetds in thepast50 years.I lend ee ares to all who say “I cant’Atalea are‘Bawt,“atnseonotiens ne if pose W HAVE. LL LINE or— hae Jars, Jar Caps, Jar Rubbers,Jelly Glasses, Preserving Powders,Fly Paper, Insect Powders. Many naerecaroneble Bagle’&”Milhollana. Call For Me!! Nice Fresh Vegetables,. oi l i n g Celery,Cucumbers,~Squash,Beans,Potatoes,Peas,ttuep,Toma.ithwhatsvenive — ‘The Sheaffer Self.filling Fountain Pen $2.50 to $5.00. ‘Absolute satisfactionguaranteedineverypen. Allison’s Book Store. LES “HEADACHE “LANDS Neuralgia Remedy “Safely and Quickly Re- lieves Headache and Neu- ralpia and nervous Head.| ache,Also for headache caused by colds and grippe. 10¢., 25c.and 50c. At fountains Se. FOR SALE BY ALL.DRUG DEALERS. No shame-faced onteast ever sank so deepButyetmightriseandbeagain’a mantDostthoubeholdthylostyouthallaghast?_Dost xgel from __righteous —_Retribation'sceiMEEt:ta! Then turn from blotted archives of the ‘pastAndfindthefuture's:pages white as snow, Art thou a mourner?Rouse thee from thyspell; Art thou a sinner?Sins may.be forgiven; Each sooentes gives thee wings to fice from 1Eachnight a star to guide thy feet toheaven, *~-Walter Malone. WINSTON-SALEM MANSAVEDFROM DEATH.wwttieiceen : ‘J.-E.Erwin Says Wonderful Remedy Brought Him Astonishing Relief.J,E,Erwin of Winston-Salem,N. C.,was for a long time the victim of serious disorders of the-stomach.He tried all kinds of treatment and had many doctors. One day he took a dose of Mayr'’s \Wonderful Remedy and was astonish-ed at the results.The help he sought had come.He wrote: “IT am satisfied through personal use of the life-saving powers of your Wonderful Remedy.You have saved my life.I coutd have lived but a few wecks more had ‘it*not been for your remedy;-.1am inelosing a list of friend sufferers who ought to have some of your remedy.” Mayy’s Wonderful Remedy givespermanentresultsfor'stomach,liverJintestinal:ailments,;Kat-as~muchliateveryoulike.No more dis- ase.after eating,pressure of gas ‘in the stomach and around the heart. Get one bottle Ke your druggist.nowandtryit,onan ‘absolute!guarantee —if—not-—satisfactory money will be returned, R>We Pou,et abs vs.Elmwoodvol |Company.All creditors holding claimsagainst the de- Roth Gerolina,heuerEM auifl! |te ndant corporation,the Elmwood MercantileCompany,are hereby notified to present and make proof of said claims within thirty gaysfromdate;and those failing to so presentaridmakeproofoftheirrespectiveclaimswithinabovenamedtime;are hereby notified that they will be debarred from participatinginthedistributionofthe,assets of the saiddefendantcorporation,tue Elmwood Merean- ile Company.Given by order of court,this the 198th dayofJune,1915,D.F.MAYBERRY,dune 22,1915, Notice to Creditors. The creditors of the Merchants &Fariners’Bank of Cleveland,N.C.,will please takenotice.of theo following order:North Carolina,Rowan County, In the Superior Court,May term,1915.The North Carolina.Corporation Commis-sion vs.Merchants &Farmers’Bank,Cleve-fand,N.C.ORDER-—It is ordered in this cause thatnotice.be.given to all creditors and partiesholdingclaimsagainsttheMerchants& Farmers’Bank to prove the same before thereceiver.at Statesville,N.C.,on or beforethefirstdayofSeptember,1915,and thatpublicationofthisnoticebe.made for threeweeksinanewspaperpublishedatSalisbury, N.C.,and one published at Statesville,N.C.THOS.J.SHAW,Judge Presiding. I shall thank the creditors of said bank tocomplywiththeaboveorderpromptly.;W.D.TURNER,June’8,1916.Receiver. SXECUTOR’S NOTICE. Having qualified as exceutor of the last will,and tecument of J.W.-Houpe,deceased,1 not:!y alt persons having .claims ayainstsac)c4tute to present them to me or to »myattorney:on or before June 1),1926,or thisnotevillbepleadinbaroftheirreceovery.JOVA KETTE HOUPE,Extr,of J.W.Houpe, Etatess Lie,ReJ.B.Avmield,Atty. June 15. AND DYEING —'PHONE 147— Sloan Pressing Club, “NOTICE! HOLLAND BROS.have changedtheir’phoné number from 177to 7.Call No.7 for draying,all gradesbes:coal and wood,etc.Residence ’Plcne 1310. Shingles For Sale! Carload ofgood No.2 ghingtes at $2.75perthousandatmyshop...C,H.”TURNER, ‘.Near the Depot.Iredell Phone No.74,Bell No.:7. |DR.C.1.CRUSE. Veterinarian, 4 Office »ean Polk Gray Drug Co, FOR FINE CLEANING]Notice to Creditors. North Carolina,Iredell Gounty. In the Superior Court,May Term,1915.D.B.Krider et al,vs.Krider Stock Company. By virtue of an order of the SuperiorCourtmadeintheaboveentitiedcauseat the May Term,1915,notice is hereby giventoallpartiesholdingclaimsasrainstthees- tate of the Krider Stock Co.to make proof ofthesameandfilewiththeundersignedre- ceivers on or before the first day of July,1915,at their office in Statesville,N.C,order of Court.J.A.HARTNESS,R.P.ALLISON,—June15,1915-34 ‘=Receivers. CYPRESSHit.,Shingles Twelve grades—from $2 00 up.-Se a Coite L.Sherrill,M.D., Willanswér’phone ‘alls leftatDr.Long’s Sanatorium orGed..M.Foard’s residence. RUBBER TIRE! Season is here..We use best rub-ber made~Firestorfe and Kelly—’andwill save you money.set,hot or cold.Seis service, CEDAR 4 ay Arrival end Departure of Trains af States |. Receiver.‘ ’land the blight is the worst TRIP THROUGH THE WEST. Many Sections of the CountryFlooded Correspondence of The Landmark.-, Woodward,Oklahoma,June 21-—After a most delightful pears ofthreedaysfromWashington,D.©,I arrived safely in Woodward.I pass-ed through the mining regions ofWestVirginiaandwesternMaryland.and the mining and coke section ofPennsylvania,which proved to.beveryinteresting.Leaving the:moun-tains of Pennsylvania,I entered the great corn belt of big Indiana andHilinois.Next I cametothe greatfMissouriandTowa,upon!plains of Missouri a tae ree and Mrs..T.U.-Elliott-was killed,a |which were to be seen thousansheep.Because of ~the er |heavy rains that has eansed,MissouriandKansastobefloodedfor‘the pastitwo'weeks,I was told.just before|leaving Kansas City Siahday morn-jing,at 10:45,that I would by givenlabeatrideonthesteamcarsbefore|‘onching Queriemo,Kansas;771d sure |anotigh,just 17 miles southwest ofithecitythetrainbeganplaniec through water about 12 inehesthetrack,for a distance of a meamile.For a distance of sone a halfmileoneachsideof.the track noth- ing was to be seen except ‘water.And in many places in the State only the tops of the fence posts could be seen,and not all of them,In manyofthelarge--wheat fields only —theheadsof-the wheat were visible.Near ‘Attawa,Kansas,a.great.many_peo- ‘ple were to be seen moving furniturefromtheirhomesinrowboats.Look- ing upon that scene would almostleadanyonetobelievethatthehand| of Almighty God was against’those| people. In the extreme southern Kansas,and here;in western Oklahoma,Itoldthattherehas:been no ‘rain fortwoweeks.This is a rich and “beauti-ful section of the country and Ff think I will like to live here.‘ Justa word’to correspondingfriends:I have just received orders to go to Mooreland,Oklahoma;where I will be stationed for a month per- haps.My address there will be Fry Hotel,Mooreland,Oklahoma. wishes for the good ald Landmaark,|and all its see P.E,HEFNER, CLIMATE NOT SURE-CURE. Proper Treatment and Nursing More Important in Consump- tion Than Climate.| Bulletin State Board of Health. ‘Climate in itself has very little to do with the cure of consumption.It}is generally believed by”consump-|tives,however,that certain ¢limates o> * | ‘Thave all Yhat is’neéessary for'a cure land that:alt!ithey need is-torge:there.Frequently ini making.the!trip 4+'alongdistance,.perhaps)more.;,than| half across,the continent—they,useuptheirstrerigthandagreater‘partoftheirmeans,and__have nothingwithwhichtoemploymedicalat-tendance or the fae care rit necdafter‘arriving.In ‘f thanhalf’of “the”peoy eefiomesforthesresort:epibbs ‘Wouldhave”:better eff;more’¢omfort- able;more>contented;-have-had-a better-chance.to-live,-had |) they stayed at home. The facts in the/caze are moré orlessthese.The chances of cure inresortclimatesmaynotbesogreat.but even these should be given fair tests.Lack of means that forbidtheservicesofequippedphysiciansandnurses,restlessness and discon-|tent,are serious handicaps which,more than offset the advantages tobederivedfromtheclimate.Acci-dents and ‘inconveniences in.trave!-ing should be taken into considera-tion,but more than these,the staveofthediseaseshouldbeconsidered. The advanced-case should by nomeansleavehometoseekacureindistantpartsofthecountry.What one should do,however.is to go early to.some sanatorium ancthereputhimselfintothehandsof physicians and nurses.“In otherwords,‘he should seek the cure insomesanatoriumrather.than in somefar-away climate.He should spendhismoneytohavegoodnursingand a physician’s care rather than in awildgoose:chase.on.the railroad. Fortunate are North CaroliniansinhavingtheStateSanatorium,«!Sanatorium,N.C.,:for thé treatment| of ‘tuberculosis.Sor $1 per day,whichis for board,patients may take| treatment there and,as it has been|}done for others,may be restored to |health,‘without the great sacrifice|and the delusion that going away to|a different climate usually ‘involves. CANT Crops and Fruit—Death of Mrs. *‘Hollar, Correspondence of The Landmark.| New Hope,R-1,June 22.—Harvestisoninthispart..Some wheatis very good and some!very).sorry;sprint:sown oats are looking fine.Corn i:growing fast since the weather otwarm.Not much cotton planted thisyear.Apple fruit will be searce this time ever. Peaches are very good and.blackber- ries—will -be_plentiful,-but the people are disappointed because there willnotbeasreadysaleforthemaswasbefore,Vitginia_went dry. Mrs,’Myrtie Lowe dnd children ofsouthIredellarespendingsometime with ‘Mrs,Lowe’4s,Mother,|Mrs.Blanche Thompson of Mooresville is vighibe her mother.;Wash.Hollar,aged about 70yeaa,"formerly of this part,late ofYadkin,died’last week.and.wasbroughttoTaylorSpringsforburial.The pastor,Rev.R.N.Garner,con-ducted the funeral service.Survivingbesidesherhusbandarefivesonsand ne daughter,several grandchildienandtwosisters,She was‘an aunt ofMessrs.Sherman and Lée Shoemaker of.Statesville, Whenever bo Need a GeneralToaleTake Grove's »The ota Standard Grove’s mastelesdchillToni¢e is equally valuable as a‘General Tonic because it cotitains theofQUININ knowntonicpropertiesON,ts on theLiver,DriinsteviaItactsonceives _—penneat NSoeee trees until the animals,“thinking bet- [E ver since the depression began last ‘fall,this road has operated no trains i manslaughter at the recent term of |Watauga Superior Court,and sen- |prison,was teleased on a bond of '$5,- —and——would {making ‘abominable prostitution of the:lan- ‘the other day told us it was in com- |posed to be cultured gives sanction to| liese in NEWs FROM ABOUT STATE.) ‘Accident Crimesand Other In-| cidents of Life in North Caro-) lina. August 12 is named as the day fer!the annual Confederate reunion,and| picnic at Newton.| ‘Stokes county has’let the contract|for a new eounty home.It will be}equipped with ‘modern conveniences| and will cost $20,000. It is stated that the depot at Wood-leaf,Rowan,;-—-wiltbe—closed.The;Southern claims there is not sufficient|business to keep the place open. The.foursyear-old’daughter of Mr.; son six years old was badly cut on the|head,two other children badly injur-| ed and Mr.and Mrs.Eliot slightly| hurt,when a Southern railway train| struck a covered wagon in which they| were riding,at a ‘railway.crossing‘in|Oxford Thursday. While the State Highway Commis:' sion has been in existence but a very) short time it has,in its supervisoryFcapacity,taken charge of road workin14or15counties.,The engincer of|the commission,Mr.W..S.Faltis,di-|rects this wotk with the assistance of other engineers dalled into’service astheoccasiondemands,| Sanford Express:Some of the dew-| berry growers of this’county are| plowing up their vines and putting|the land in corn.They have-decid=| ed that they can get a greater profitfromthelandbyraisingcornorsome other crop than by continuing to cul- tivate dewberries...Little profit was) |realized from the dewberry crop this| }year.| tAreport‘comes from Beaufort county that ten bears {it may havebeenonlysix)made a raid on thehogsofafarmernamedJackson.Two men who saw the bears fired on them with bird shot.The bird shot ‘only; “stung”the bears into action.The men were compelled to take td the ter”of it,took to the woods. The Carolina &Northwestern an- nounces the restoration of its Sunday {passenger and mail trains July 4. on Sunday between Chester and Hick- ory,but has run a “short dog”totakecareoftheSundaymailbetween Hickory and Lenoir.This will be cut off when the -regular trains are put back. Robt.Wall,who was convicted of tenced to ‘three years in*the State 000,the condition-ef the bond”beingthatWallisto.surrender:himself ‘at the State’prison in 90 daysi'“This ar-rangenient ‘was’tade'to allow Walltimetoatfange:his’private “affairsbeforehegocstotheStateprison. ne Ate Express says Miss Es- acrme ee teJJe en,19 year-old daughter of?Mr:and ‘Mrs.T.M.Allen,who moved from Yadkin county:to the:Carbonton section of,Lee county,last,fall,com-ynitted sujeide on Sunday... wning in Deep river,a’[ow@redyardsfrom.her home..,WhilepreparationtogatoaSun- y.,school rehearsal foryexercises,her body was later found in the river.No cause assigned. GOINGAFTERTHESLANG. Dr.Johnson Can't.Abide “Fine || and Dandy”—Use of Slangij Among Educated People De-|f plored. Charity and Children.+ “How are you.today?”“Fine and dandy.”Have you heard that ex- pression within recent months? you see any sense in it?Is it not rather a fool expression that has.no basis of reason?We have had no more guage within recent years,and we are ‘calling the attention of our readers |{to it now’so that if they have fallen/fntothehabitofusingittheywill/fquititonthespot.For we are sure jfthatwhentheygiveitamoment’s re-|f ~ flection they will see its want of sense. It is strange how reatlily we see ex- pressions that.are..meaningless andadoptthemjustbecauseotherpeople do.'Slang,like ‘certain -diseases, contagious and before you know it a |whole neighborhood is infected and |fitrunsitscourselikesmallpox.The use of “fine and dandy”is by)} no means confined to the ignorant‘ahd ‘provincial.A college.president mon use among the students.of hisinstitutionandhedeploreditfromthebottomofhisheart.The use offoolishslangbypeoplewhoaresup- the evil among those who are depend-ent upon educated people for their in- formation.Tnere is therefore a gréatresponsibilityresting@ponthosewhoknowbetterbutwholetthemselves down in the use of inelegant andsenselesslanguage.People who have had the advastage of education oughttosetthepaceofaccuracyandcor- rectness of speech.‘‘his is one oftheusesandaverypracticaluseof education.If our college people fall in with the unlettered in the use oftheslangyphrasesoftheday~when will the average man ever learn tousecorrect‘English?It is just as easy to use proper as it is to use -im+proper language.In fact to thosewhoknowitiscasier.It requiressomeeffortforareasonablyintelli-gent man to answer the enquiry as to}#the state of his health that-it is “fine}§ ani dandy,”and it is discreditable to|#the college where ‘he was educatedandtohisowngoodcommon‘sense, ene rere etcTN How’s THIS?Wo offer One Hundred piles Re-ward re any oanreof C h.that can-ot oS Si by a8‘eat ibEN+he Sander aba,“five known F,|nent for,the jast 15 years,and |bark bly perfectly hcnora in alt abenateSleeoa aan piigattfons¢out any obligaisfirm,Walding,Kinnan &Mnanatesatecons.sts,Loledo,O,a taken Internalsthe.bi “eeteew mad th,by “hun: Children’s , she disappeared and |# Doiff is|# _PAGR THREE ; Phones 84 wid137.*‘Phones 84 eat37Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison ae The StoreWith the Quick roe Post Service. Ree Patterns For July and August are on sale now at the Pattern Counter.The summer Fash- ion Book costs you only 10c. when purchased with a 15c. pattern. vee Black and WhiteStripedVoiles. We’re showing today a new lot of these awning” stripe Voiles and Organ-dies.See them for they are beautiful,or if you can’t come send forsam- ples.The prices ©are.20c.and’25¢.‘the yard. Next week we will have’ several "¢Chautauqua Specials.”i ‘wt Look forouradi!ee ‘A ate:ob eS ~st DEER SS7 tr putoa"RAMSEY-BOWLES MORRISON.00,| THE STORE THAT PAYS THE POSTAGE ‘ONMAIL ORDERS.” "Phones 84 and 137,_,Phones 84 ‘and 137. deineit - €mete are “tr “Taare| Ba itd mg"Use Vador Shades to Make ‘Skeping Porches---’Phone For Prices.* ” Vudor Shades and ‘haw mocks.We make you any ‘size awning.Window Shades all sizes.Our [if]White Mountain Refriger- fr ators are all stone lined, The chest with the ohh!in’ ‘it. 'Reenfarcsetae Every Equipped with Vell.Safety Wind Also Iceland Refrigerators,zinc lined—the only ice box that will save ice.Ice Cream Freezers.’One, two,three and four burner Oil weed Stoves —the stove that will bake. Statesville Housefurnishing Co, Hyanetatty flearvin,(34 0 ee e ee e SE S S PO S T S IS CS T D OS TS T IS ST O O SO OT e eTe e ES essessees sess esserersiiserersrtiestererssesrrssteseceesccsscscesoccsssccess: Commercial National Ba OF STATESVILLE,N.C. $100,000.00 31,500.00 ah ager ae Members of FederalReserve System, \ Your Banking bunineag aulieited a every accommodation extended to,de- positors consistent with )alk bank- ing-methods,ia -Four per cent,paigon:time and Savings Deposits remaining on deposit three . months or longer, OFFIC ERs: W.D.TURNER,K,MORRISON,D,M.AUSLEY,QB,HUGHbY, Captal Stock Paid in —Surplus and Profits eretetciecomenoaeas7,ANDMARgrep (CR:120 WEST BROAD STREET. “=SUBSCRIPTION PRICE:YEAR ....ae -That is a good idea suggested by *the boosters of the celebration of In- “dependence Day in Statesville—that the people of the north end and south end of the county should meet in Statesville,on middle ground,and getacquainted.-The people ,of the diff- -erent sectians of the county should become better acquainted,Iredell is ‘a big county;it’s a long way from «the northern to the southern ‘order; and the people on the north having -been somewhat isolated in past years ,for lack of transportation facilities, couldn’t et about very well.Now *good roads penetrate almost every section,automobiles are commpn,and one can.get ‘over the county easily and quickly.”That being so,Iredell ‘©folks should mix more.They should get together whenever offers:The.big day ‘in Statesville July 5th is an ideal place and occasion4 'for a county muster,and they’ll come ‘by the thousands.We want them all to come,‘make themselves at home and enjoy the day.os But ‘at‘other times and on other oc- .@asions Iredell citizens should ©visit _©the:different sections of the county, _*see the folks and sec how other parts of the county are coming on.They’ _haye a big picnic at Mooresville,as _they do every year,the latter part _of next month.The folks from_north Tredell and“east and -west .Iredell! should go to that picnic in large num- bers.Those who have never visited |the southern end of the county should embrace this occasion for a.trip. They'll have a pleasarit day atid see a fine country and fine folks;and those who have been should go again.: ~Latercon*they’ll be Having.picnics or other public.gatherings in north oll in-west|sandWRedeondehaddbake}n visit.Once these visits be-_gin “they'l be keptup,for bdsts lanih!=guests wilk find it pleasant.South|\Tredell people:who ‘have never visited -*morth Iredell will be pleased with that :section and the people.Fhey will3‘fine folks.“While,for reasonsi The -special commission provided for by the last,Legislature,and ap- /pointed by Gov.Craig,to take up the |revision.of.our:coirt procedure,is planning its work,An appeal will first be miade to.citizens to sigegest needed reforms in court procedure. It is said that two special things to be aimed at by the commission:will be elimination of the present rotation system of judges and thie increase of the number of Superior Court judges by one dozen—from 20°to 82.That our court proceduie is greatly in need of revision:Will,we believe,be admitted by any unbiased student of judicial methods in North Carolina; and it is hoped,titat the commission can suggest.a plan—its work is purely suggestive—that will meet popular favor,But ‘when it is pro- posed to add a dozen Superior Court judges to the score we now have,it is probable that a good mahy people eree ‘At the latest.of the -numerous ‘hearing’s in behalf of «the infamous Harry Thaw,now in progress.in New York city,numerous witnesses ,are produced to show that Thaw is sane. Nine years ago*when Thaw killed opportunity ,Stanford White,the effort to show that,he was irresponsible —insane—. was successful.Now that freedom is.desired,testimony |is”abundant that he is normal and sane.It is possible,of course,for one to be in- sane when a crime is.committed and recover afterward,but most of .the insanity pleas in behalf of criminals are great humbugs,And that isn’t a new idea,either;it is the repeti- tion-of a patent fact.. The grand jury investigating vio- lation of city and State election laws in Wilmington.handed in a number of__presentments,which will _be—con- sidered by the next grand jury. Judge Rountree,who was presiding and who is expected to preside at next term,has expressed a purpose to make vote-buying a thing-of the past in Wilmington;and all good citizens will not only wish Judge Rountree success in this effort in Wilmington,but that similar success-ee"EP SS BE ortState’/ The war news the past weit isveryunfavorabletotheallies!!TheGernian‘success ‘fin Galicia,it i$:said, has at last convineed the people of England that the.war’is to be a long one,‘Thatis the disturbing feature ..|steam.pipe_in a hospital at.Milwau- FROM OVER THE COUNTRY.ere oe aay Items of Interest About Various ‘Matters °°") The’French chamber’of og‘has passed the bill appropriating:$1,-120,000,000 to cover government,penses.for,the three .months beginingJuly1.;3 Senator John W.Kern of ana,Democratic leader of the Senate, wants to be appointed judge of the Federal Circuit Court of Appeals tosucceedJudgeGrosscup,retired..< A suit attacking the validity ofthe Federal income tax law,ich is\re: garded as a case of importance,has been filed in Washington by counsel} for John F,and Horace E.ge of|‘Detroit.—HeSyd.Jones,hanged in’the county.jail yard at Birmingham,Ala,,left a;note in his cell in which he confessed responsibility for 13 murders.“Twoofhisvictimswerewhitemen,Jones,who was serving a term in _prison,killed a fellow convict,Ng eeiea a Plans have been completed for’a’memorial monument at the grave’ofMrs.Mary Baker G.Eddy,founder6ftheChristianScienceChurch,intheMountAuburncemetery,Cam- bridge.Mass.A fund ‘of $110,000 hasbeenraisedforthemonument,pes Kansas winter wheat probably ‘willyield188,000,000 bushels this year,oraverageacreyieldof16.3 bushels,ac- cording to the monthly crop report issued by the Kansas Department of, Agriculture.This is 2,100,000 bush-cls more thanthe May forecast... ‘A Memphis court has held ungon- stitutional Tennessee’s new.lockerclublaw,prohibiting storage of liquorforindividualuseinsocialand’fra- ternal clubs.The law was,effective June ist.The decision will ef coursebethreshedoutinthehigher’édurts, The Rev.Frank Westcott,56 years} old,an author of Skaneateles,N.Y, was—found dead___hanging from a In8 kee,Wis.,where he was undergoingtreatment.He was a brother df Ed-ward Noyes Westcott,author«of“David Harum.” Rafael Joseffy,well known through-|' out the country asa concert pianist.|§ and a former pupil of Liszt andTausig,died at his home in New.Yorkonthe25th.He was born in Hun- gary in 1850.For the past five yearshehadbeenengagedinthearrange- ment of classical music., At Burlington,Ia.,,Sunday a:base- ball game between-two league teamsendedatthecloseofthe22dinning|§without’a score—breaking the recon, The game wascalled,on accountdarknessz*The:longest previousscorelessgamewas;38 jnniney,in,the ‘Pacific (Coast League/in 1910.|spe npeoria.of the United Statesspend‘Nearly,°$600,000,0p0 anyuallyformusic;aceording to statistics pre,sented td the’National Federation:ofMusical‘chibs.in session at Log Angeles,Cal.Delegates were of aeopinionthat:part ofthis sum should) "Everybody Com _Chautauqua and LaFollette.~~ ing for First Big Day And It’s Only Six Days Away.,,- j { ee ree It Starts off with the Brass Band Monday morning at nine;thirty minutes Jater and the Big Parade ‘begins to move;at’eleven Baseball at the League Park,followed by dinner.Then Prot,Noble’s speech at the Chautauqua Tent opposite»the Postoffice,at one o’clock;one hour later and we havethesecondswatfestatLeaguePark,with Statesville againstMorganton.At four promptly the Opening Gun is fired atCheutauquaTent,Dunbar Soiree Singers and LaFollette(that is no small item,mark it with a red _pencil,:please);atfive-thirty Senator Overman is to speak to the Junior Order_boys and the general public under the Chautauqua tent.HoseReelRacesonFrontstreetat6.0’clock.After that you hur-ry off for supper and back to the Chautauqua tent for theeveningnumber,Dunbar Soiree Singers and Hawkinspromptlyatseven-thirty,in order to get through with thispartintimefortheFireWorksatnineo’clockhoursofcontinuousfunandhiinstruction. Fourteenghclassentertainmentand Ten Thousand for.Monday and 400 ~~Automobiles is What We Want. IMPORTANT NOTE—Mr.F.B.Bunch reports that a doz- en or so of those who subscribed for tickets did not call for _them Saturday.These will be held a day or two longer for them.He says,too,that there were about twenty.cancella-tions Friday and‘Saturday,and that,he has that ‘number of ES Season:Tickets forsale,“odtoud tama 4odtsathe6eu 33 et VvKhSeLaa srtt=4e ¥.oH. a | )EeeETbe SEs P5eHGChautauquaWeek:Jultant»Tao asid uh do fi Thefirst to call,for ‘them’will get -¥atl* Kereta ey BYecsahCi(At}odd Ja soalle moontodtr eyhé dtvw m cnitewieno levels vod ; ae wut re oePoaEe aiSaye Py anye |i ‘ee i:ripiwansy sis AS ast Ie eee eiinl a Sdippys aaw ical educa- won.by |Mrs Serer Little Rock,ee‘ele-Orb?4 dy ed,the north ‘end of the —absolutely ‘nothing in sight on De-éounty18 not:80 well ‘developed’nor’which‘to ‘base athope for the ebsothickly“popiiliiéed‘ns the southern !thb ‘war in the near future.Gi i poi De reaee 7 “Ohok #Hive jdbegJ jf Seva y ance geen ea teeA"$1,000 a Sareea neta ete aAdelia’P.Danaher oft|Ark.,from:the.Southwestern i al.'LerToter DES ?“HET"fone of the best,farming.in Ire:|succdss..ig_not.itaken..to_mean:Wis done in th e north end of the ‘county;and there are many undevel-|possible;but it does mean an indefi-|“oped opportunities awaiting the in- ‘vestor in that coming section—one of the best to be found anywhere. »»We are all proud of Iredell county. Germany will.win-+that.seems?| nite protraction of the war. Gen.Huerta,who was driven out of Mexico ‘through the influence of We can say,without boasting,that it|the United States,had his nerve with’ is one,of the best auc most progres- sive counties in the State.It is _<right up-in:the front:rank among the leading counties in the matter of progress,and when any of us go ‘away from home we're proud to say we're from Iredell...Thevcitizenship “ghave made the county what it is,ofcourse,and the people are just.be- ginning to show what they can do. Our development is in its infancy. The past decade has wrought a great change.By 1926,if we don’t weary in well doing—and we.won’t—the changes will be more marked.And all the development and all the prog- ress will be helped on if our folks -get better acquainted,become more neighborly and a‘more homogeneous people.-Then .we can back —Iredell against the world._——-.The’purpose to put in aq flock of sheep,at the Iredell Test Farm ‘forexperimentalpurposesiscausefor gratification.Many people believe “that sheep can be profitably grown in’ ~western.North Carolina.For many Teasons the industry has beer un-profitable in recent years.In formeryearstherewasasmallflockofsheep on almost every farm,They were kept for home use,the main ideabe-| ing to get the wool for clothing and~blankets,iThere Was comparativelyJittleuspofsheep..for commercial purposes;and with the changed con---ditions the ‘sheep passed out.Nowitigbelievedthatgrowingsheepfor ‘commercial purposes will be profit-‘able in this ‘section and the Test Farm +make the experiment and give) farmers and stock growers the information thus gained.Of course any:general profitable growing”-of Sheep pre-supposes \that there is to a better regulation of dogs;butthatiscofning: That is a suit out of the common that has’been bégun so place the city of Nashville,Tenn.,in the hands of a receiver,the allegation being that city records have been stolen and ‘money embezzled.‘If all the.cities i country were overhauled anddtopstrictaccountability,many|ould be in the hands-of re-8,of out of business,so far as‘ir financial management is ..con- a him when he came back to the Unit- ed States from Spain and endeavored to begin operations in Mexico from this’country:What has happened to him is what he might have expected. a ROSETTATNS The lawless element about Atlanta continues to make a spectacle ‘of it- self and discredit Georgia and the South. MATTERS OF NEWS. Ex-Secretary Bryan has denied the report that after the first American note.was ,sent to Germany he gave Dr.Dumba,the Aystrian ambassador,the impression that the insistent toneofthecommunicationwas‘not to betakenseriously. Creation of the “Secretary’s Ad- visory Council”in’the Navy Depart- ment,to include the assistant secre-tary,the chief of operations,‘the bu- reau heads and other naval officers,isannouncedbySecretaryDaniels.Atthe‘same time the Secretary madeknownhisintention’to-discontinue the system of aides originated by his im-mediate predecessor,Mr.Meyer. Knox ‘Booth,former-agent.of -the government internal revenue~district of Tennessee and.Alabama,~withheadquarters.at Nashville,Tenn.;John L.Casper,a Kansas City dis-tiller,formerly of North Carolina,and 10 other men were indicted by a Fed- eral grand jury at Fort Smith,Ark., last week,for alleged eonspiracy todefraudthegovernment..of revenue. City Treasurer Charles Myers of Nashville,Tenn.,arrested Friday night ona ‘warrant sworn out byCityComptrollerBurns,who charges the treasurer with fraudulent breach of trust in that he has collected largesumsofinterestfrombankson_city deposits which have never been prop- erly credited to the city..Suit .to throw the city into the hands of re-ceivers has been filed by the comp-troller,, David A.—-Gates,deputy internalrevenuecollector,announces thatKnox.Booth,former internal revenue agent for Tennessee and Alabama, has laid bare the details of the al-leged.“moonshine”.whiskey frauds|which Federal officials assert cheated|the government of many thousands of|doHars in taxes.Gates says’Boothjadmitsreceivingnearly$12,000 _in|bribes from distillers, isination of Gates,‘|AUTOMOBILE |OWNERS—Read;what Barney Oldfield.Lincoln Beachyand.Louis Disbrow have ‘to say aboutTexacoMotorOilandGasoline“inanothercolumn—of thi %Be RAVILLES OIL,MPANY.. 0 t A.part of the!seheme,it is said,involved’the assas-| COMPANY,—}]. ‘fr ‘phone Company,/fors cutt herBenataratehenaorLiftanerearsinherbill,was set aside by,the Supreme Court of the Unite ates, The court held it is a reasonaDle reg-ulation for a telephone company to cut off service for arrearage.%- A general shutdown of Chi¢ago’s building industry,which it is‘)saidwill.throw out of employment ‘morethan200,000.workers,was effective Saturday.The shutdown is theFesult of a strike of 160,000 carpenters, which has betn’in progress since April 30.The carpenters asked.an increase of from 65 to ‘70 cents anhouravid:-refused_offers_of-.arbitra-tion.PiSecretaryoftheTreasuryMcAdoohasannouncedadditional_appoint-ments to the committee ‘in:charge of. arrangements for the visit of Unit- ciers ‘to South and Central Anereteproposedasareturncourtesytdth republics represented at the recentPan-American Financial .Congress,in Washington.D.Cooper ofNorthCarolina,recent president oftheStateBankers’.Association,is amemberofthecommittee..F ETLTTIATamberlain’s “Lintihent |. rlain’s Liniment,.f Greatly Benefited by :“I have used Chamsprains,bruises and.rheumatic pains,andthegreatbenefitIhavereceivedjustifiesmyrecommendingitinthehighestterms,”writes Mrs.Florence Slife,Wabash,Ind.Ifyouaretroubledwithrheumaticpajnsyou‘will certainly be pleased with”the promptreliefwhichChamberlain’s Liniment ‘affords,Obtainable eve~xwhere.; Beh States business ‘°men’and “What |h** TO CHS SA:SED TPSEY|~heTsCpeotChicago,MM,8 entlemen:Ibeg to edvise you ‘andwhomeveritmayconcern,that Mr. Beachy and myself used your TexacoGasolineinourexhibitions_here to- day.The purity and high grade ‘quality assisted us greatly,especially in view of the high altitude.You know us,(Signed)BARNEY OLDFIELD, Oct.9,1914 LINCOLN BEACHY, The Mark ofQUALITY. This isthe”GASOLINE:and MOTDR OM:that had been adopted by Glenn Curtis for the thing machine Amer- ica in his flight across the Atlantic Ocean.The light was abandoned atthe outbreak of war. GENTLEMEN:As you have The Texas Company,Oklahoma City,Okla. on the half-mile track at the Fair Grounds; with Texaco Motor Oil and burning Texaco Gasoline. -me-to attain this record,as it is a knowa facfastworkwhichIdo. Oct.33,1914... their (Signed) In such cases 4s shown above,which involve not only such extraordinary.efforts,but even life and death,every care is used to secure the most perfect equipment perhaps read,I established a new world's record yesterday The car used wis the Simplex ‘‘Zip,’’lubricated perior to them all. ‘obtainable,irrespective of cost;and that these men,who stand at the very topprofession,did select and still adhere to these TEXACO products is the best I feel safe in saying that Texaco enabledtthatfmusthaveanoilofaveryhighbodyfortheIhaveusedinmyracingcareerpracticallyalltheoilsonthemarketandamfrankinsayingthattheTexacoisfarsuYoursvery.truly,.LOUIS DISBROW. of ‘evidence that‘TEXACO STANDS FOR QUALITY.Don’t be satisfied with any-thing just as good,ask for the best—and insist on getting it.reSTATESVILLEOILCOMPANY. ILHELMILSON |iVVATKINS War Peace Lumber (. +is Plant Wood’s Seed Potatoes In June and July For Fall Crop. Potatoes planted now|mature in the cool weatheroftheFallwhenMeecanbe}ested to best advantage‘for use or sale during thewinter,Wood’s Seed Potatoes arechoiceselectedseed,put|in cold storage early in theseason,so as to keep in first,}:|:class,vigorous condition for 'late planting. -_Write for “Wood's Cron’Spectal,”’giving prices and infor-mation about Potatoes for late| ‘SUMMER-TIME BARG! _(Wholesale Distributors.) Mills &P emma eee tees AT oston’s Store. —aisomee pat Over 1,000 yards of Cool Dress'Materials now on sale.Figured Lawns,Crepes,Voiles,Batiste,Chiffon Cloths and White Goods |in all that’s desirable.GABARDINE SKIRTINGS,.PIQUES,” VELVET CORDUROYS,ORGANDIES,FLAXONS,LYKE-”*: LINENS,VOILES and CREPES.We have many specials to of-fer for the hot summer time trade.~-Yours truly,7 5 MILLS &POSTON.= parte .Cow Peas,Soja Beans,itet,Crimson Clover,ete.|-T.w.WOOD &SONS, SEE) There is not any doubt about our having the newest and most elaborate'lineof these»ever brought toStatesville.Rememéer that you can always buy-an artistic eee ikea.A ieee per cet from us that is appropriate,whatever occasion).- paleseee ce a neeS | ae - PE S te n e s Ka ‘he er ne eS é Mocksyille Postoffice Burglarized -ville,postoffice has been robbed in 20 -|Greensboro’News. in.Atlanta.- “By establishing a~fatse-rating with A.F.&A.M. RRO aanpre STATESVILLE‘LodgeNo,487 A.,Fy &A.M.meetstonightat8:00o'clock in Masonic'*Hall All mom-bers requestedto be present and>brethren cordially invit- the Jeweler’s Board of Credit,Robert L,Vannoy of Vannoy,Wilkes county, was adjudged guilty of _usine —the mails with intent to defraud and Sat- urday sentenced to serve a term of two years in the Federal prison.at Atlanta,the trial fieine held atWilkerhoro.‘Postoffice Inspector R.Ws Hodgin gave a,very interesting account of the scheme used by Van- noy to defraud a NewYork coneern out of diamonds valued at more than $2,000 and by his act becoming en- tangled in the meshes of the law.In- .Ca meeting.¥InstallationofOfficcrs. spector Hodgin worked up the case WEEK'S SOCIALEVENTS. Mrs.Wallace Entertains in Hon- or ‘of Her *Nooe’s Class. «.The girls of Mrs.R.E.Nooe’s Sun-day schoo)class of the First Baptistchurch’were entertained by theirteacheratherhomgonCenterstreetWednesdayafternoonsVariousout door games were played on the frontlawnandthegirlstookturnsat swinging in a big swing in the back yard.The exercise caused them to thoroughly.enjoy the refreshmentsofcreamandcake.Her guests de-clared Mrs.Nooe to be not only amodelSundayschoolteacher,but a “grand”hostess as well,Mrs.Irvin Steele left.Friday forLynchburg,Va.,where she will bedameofhonoratthemarriageofMissElizabethEvansandDr.Roy Joy Holden of Blacksburg,Va.,whichtakesplacetoday.Miss Evans for- merly lived in Stateaville.»Mrs.Ws.H.H.Cowles,Miss SarahCowlesandMr.Stewart Cowles ex- pect to leave Thursday by automobilefortheirsummerhomenearWilkes-boro,where they will spend the re-mainder of the summer,Miss Mary—Loretz_-Cowles_is_visiting her sister,Mrs.Sidney Bost,in Durham. Reported For The Landmark. ‘Thursday afternoon Mrs.Wm. Wallace was the charming hostess to}thirty guests ‘at an informal tea inhonorofhermother,Mrs.A.Whit- lock.Mrs.Wallace.gowned in whitecrepedechine,received her guests onthespaciousporchofKerhandsomehomeandintroducedthemtohermother,who wore grey crepe de chine.The ladies spent a pleasant hour in conversation,during which music was.furnished BYavictréla!"Leiter in‘t afternoon Mrs.Dorman Thompson,with Mrs,Wallace at the piano,sang in her usual charming manner.‘Day-att ante a (3¢is oBst Cor.at ’Asw the dining room and music room. was exquisite—a large.oblone baskpt|pram dieeirat get diagonally on the table.In the musie¢ room were quantities of nasturtiums,and the porch was very attractive initsdecorationofeutflowersandnumerouspottedplants. Notice of New Advertisements. .Senator Overman speaks in Chau-tauqua tent Monday afternoon at 5.-80.o'clock to the Juniors.,Eugene Morrison and B.M.Wil-hlem have qualified as administra- tors of Dr.Wilhelm.‘A’good cook and white help want- ed.—Rev.A.8S.Caldwell,Barium Springs,N.C.: Testimonials to quality of Barium water.—Barium Springs Co.Rubber and steel tire buggies at cost.-J.M.Miller &Watts,StonyPoint,N.C.:The’Chautau grand_style..'Summer attractions.for Chautau- qua ‘week,—Johnston-Belk.Co.’.Everybody invited to big FourthofJulycelebration:Monday.Texaco,the mark of quality.—Statesville Oil Co. Special-prices on baby__carriages,—Crawford-Gunch:Furniture Co.. The Sure-Catch fly trap catclidsthem.—Henry Heinzerling. New Pictorial review patterns now on sales —Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison qua opens Monday in 0.Butter wrappers.—Brady Print-ing Co.:Sold:exclusively.by Miller-McLainGo.a __Limited_number_of boys wanted totoachforcollege.Address ‘370 Wal- nut street. ee Again. At Moocksville early Friday morn- ing burglars blew open the safe in the Mocksville postoffice,.They en- red the postofficebuilding by prizingopen‘the double doors and the.safe was blown open by the use of nitro- glycerine.Mrs.Blackwood,who con-ducts a hoarding hotwse across thestreet,saw the flash and heard theexplosion,and she aroused DeputySheriffJamesHarbin,who fired onthemen—said to be three in number—as\they escaped ih.a Ford automobileAdrawerinthepostofficesafewas opened:but only a few:pennies weresecured:«.>.._“Officers.who went.out from Win-ston-Salem_on’a motorcycle to lookfortherobbersfoundamanworkingonan‘automobile.tire and he fled asthey.approached and.escaped in thewoods...In the car were two.suitcasesfilledwithclothing,some tools,nitro-glycerineand other things.A.mail bag-found near the car.contained'$15-worth:of stamps.This«is.the third time the Mocks- years, *AUTOMOBILE:OWNERS—Readwhat’Barney Oldficid.Lincoln BeachyndLouisDisbrowhavetosayabout » Mother—Mrs- ‘|miles from Wilkesboro. |fe He for,the government,with some as-sistance,ard was-a witness at thetrial.‘ According to the inspector,,Van- noy formerly conducted a countrystoreatVannoy,a village about 18 He also wassecretarytoaCongressmanfromthatdistrictandlivedforatimeinWash-ington,where,according to the in-epector,he got his first taste of highlifewhich,in order to-continue,caus-ed him to adopt the scheme that ul-timately proved his undoing.SincereturningtohishomeVannoyhas,or had until his arrest some few months ago,been working around thepostofficeinthetownbearinghis name,either as a clerk or postmaster.Vannoy had a rather novel schemefiguredout.He had prepared somefinestationerywhichwasembossed and bore the legend of “Robert L.Vannoy,Dealer in Precious Stones,Vannoy,N.C.”He wrote a wholesalejeweleryconcernaskingthemforprices‘and this concern referred thecommunicationtotheboardoftrade maintained by the jewelers country,An inquiry was sent to—aprominentman‘at .Vannoy and theschemersecuredthisandfilleditouttosuithimself.An inquiry also cameatthesametimeconcerninganotherrezidentandbusinessmanofthetown-and-Vannoy_did not hesitate toSayeverythinghecouldagainsttheotherperson.winding up his opinionbywritingthat“Robert L..Vannoywastheonlyjewelerinthecitywhowasworthyofcreditandthathewasworthatleast$50,000,"more inquiries concerning Vannoywerereceived,one addressed"to ajusticeof.the peace,who happenedtobeno.less a personage than Van-noy’s father.This was;turned.oyer himself. pe Die was given a very gond report of hisfinancialconditionandabilitytomeetboardoftradeon dn March,1914,diamonds worth in;Er Lcely:yl annoy,-who,-after-keepine4 sree “wel “—den4witheen::Visit =une .C.Jurney,2v:ying the i forma-,ising.Ew?and.three voungy'!.meMeh aria Sta wean sons.who visited;Mr.and Mrs:Jas.Saded ley thadirs eee W.Wilson,-yesterday aftcrndonacheLideeaeonesD?ltonaheir homidin Chikapolin)|oTthoughth¢would be able to use them x Aelater.,A Be Restore to Good’Heatth: ed his undoing,although the preciousstoneshavenotyetbeenrecovered,occurred in July,1914.He wrote thesamewholesalehouse..and requestedthatdiamondsfrom-one,to three car-ats be sent ‘him.Accordingly,inviewoftheapparentstraightforwarddealingsoftheconsignee.in the pth-er transaction,diamonds worth $2.-777 were sent by revistéred ‘mail.Vannoy claimed to have opened thepackageinthepresenceofotherper-sons and that the package wag foundtocontainnothing. This set the inspector and.assist-ants to work,with the result that theinquiryblankssentoutbytheJew- elers’Credit Board.were all discover-ed tobe filled out in the same hand- writing.-On the’witness stand —inWilkesboro,Vannoy admitted that he had forged every blank,but did not relate any information concerningthemissingstones.°He even admit-ted that the statement.of the “other persons”concerning the emptiness of the package containing the diamondswasaforgery.The New York con-cern will probably lose the worth of the diamonds and the inspector is of the opinion that Vannoy can satisfyhistasteforhighlifeafterhefinish- es his term at the Atlanta institu- tion,he feeling that the diamonds have either been sold or are hiddenaway.Mr.Hodgin stated:that--Van-noy had.made several trips to Wash- ington since the “empty package”| showed up and that it.is very proba-ble that the stones have already beenmarketed. Service. Correspondence of ‘The Landmark.; _Hiddenite,R-1,June .24.—-We are now having nice days for farm work and the farmers are pushing along. Harvesting is in*progress and somearedone.Wheat.seems,to be ‘very.good.;eSMissLesterMcCurdyisveryillwithtonsilitisbutisalittlebetteratthiswriting.Mrs.Loria Mayberry,who has been very sick,has about re-covered,\a.‘‘«Rev.W.T.Comer filled his‘usualappointmentatPilgrimSundayand conducted communion ‘service,assist-ed by Rev.Messrs.Williams andFelts.! Old Fiddlers at Harmony. Gorrespondence of The Landmark. Old.Fiddlers’convention.at Har- mony:Saturday night,July 3d.Doorsopenat8o'clock.©Small admission 2,u ‘Baseball game in.the afternoon.Refreshments served.during the’af-ternoon and_evening,all for the ben-efit of,the Harmony High School.Messrs,C.B.Webb and Z.V.Longwill.speak for the Juniors at 11@.m, Smithey.&Fraley will have anoth- of thes; Finally two} to se who filled:it”out 0°ait ‘fiend Vannoy had?’Whiilth fo(MH3 obligations by th Peck Stay:accfunt the forged Aft eatin he en f <at Fee 9 Mil- then a rating ot }se :,¢a Mee BEL Agity 43 gt ffromtomod.“Fdays in Bett te a A The big deal and the one that proy-: Farm.Work,the Sick,Chureh |i Miss Kate Finley of Chart amemberoftheStatesvilleded school faculty,is here to be th¢guest of Miss Liey Rice ~~until 3 theFourthcelebration.The Misses Lee of Ralei who day for Hendersonville,whewill)spend the sumn---. Mr,and Mrs,H.L.Trout: days with Mrs.Troutman’s Mr.J.M.Hollar.. Mrs.C.8. daughter,Dr.and Mrs.A.J.IinAgworth,Ga.: Ledbetter's parents,Mr.anWim.Ledbetter,expect to} day.f ’Mr.and Mrs,Jo.Bost of Gon visited Statesville.relatives nday;Mr.and Mrs.Neill Sharpe have re- turned from a visit tao Mr.and Mrs. J.-P.Upghey at North Wilkesboro.Mra.W..W.Rankin of MooresvilleistheguestofMrs.W:F.Hall.Mr,and Mrs.J.B,Reece and’little son.John Cochrane,visited relatives in-Newton Sunday and attended the exercises incident to the laying ‘of thecorner church at Newton.iiMiss.Kathleen.Stimson wént toMooresvilleyesterdaytoattend‘theWlarriageofhercousin,Miss |MaryWilliams,and Mr.John Young Tem-pleton,which’takes place this eve- ning.,:eeMrs.Geo.M.Foard returned yes-terday’from a visit to relatives inLenoir.ty aeMissIreneClementand-Mr.BaileyClementof‘Mocksville were guests of Mr.and Mrs.R.P.Allison Saffirday and Sunday.Mr.and Mrs.M.‘W.Shook?child of Lincolnton are visiting:homefolksinStatesville.*oeMissHelenHoyleofCharlotfe is a guest of Miss Lucy Rice.Mrs.D.Matt Thompson,whip:has heén under treatment at WestbrookSanatoriumatRichmondforseveral cord and S.H.WILEY of Salisbury says Barium Water stone of the new Baptist}, recover and remodel our building and have ne other Yoom,or’we could not make suchlow‘pricesns we aye"offering,If you are soing to buy a bumgey it,will pay you toeswhitethesepricestast)—Jd.—-M.—-YELLLER&WATTS,Stony Point,N.C,June 29---3t* WANTED—A good cook,/white or colored.Also white help for dining room.Rev.A. 8.N.¢,3 CALDWELLL, June 29-—~2t. DR.JNO.BR.URWIN OF CHARLOTTE,N.C.,preseribes Barium Weter fer Eczema,Rheumatism and Stomach troubles.We shipped 800 gallons te Charlotte thismonth.How much to Statesville?June 29: Barium Springs, PEOPLE in New York,Massachusetts,Flor-ida?"Georgia,South Carolina and Virginiause.Barium water,How about the busi- nest men of Stateaville:who preach.pa- tronizing.home Industries so earnestly? is any other.water he has tried.much better for aim than Shivars or dune 29," JNO.R.PHARE of Charlotte says Barium Water is the best in the world.e nowdeliverasix-galion case in Statesville for75cents.'Phote Barium Lodge,8-J-1,andyouwillgetit,BARIUM SPRINGS CO. FOR SALE—Second-hand motorcycle.at &bargain.CAROLINA MOTOR CO. June 25--2t , WANTED-~5,000 Ths.ox-eye-daisy flowers,dry.WALLACE BROS.CO.June 22-4t. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Having qualified as administrators of thetateofDr.W.W.Wilhelm,deceased,thisistonotifyallpersonshavingclaimsagainst the estate to present them to the undersigned en or before.June 29,1916;and all persons indebted to the estate must make prompt pay- ment. EUGENE MORRISON, B.M,WILHELM,Administrators, Sure-Catch Fly Trap. There are other fly traps but none just like this one.It is the only trap that opens from top;it is bet: ter constructed than any other dol- lar trap and is made from more durable-wood.Can be seen and bought for $1 at Lazenby-Mont- June 29,1915, “weeks,-will_return—-heme-tomorrow or'|Thursday.Prof.Thompson wentto | Richmond ‘yesterday to accompany|her home.Mrs.Thompson’s condition| is considerably improved.|Mrs.J.M.Brownof Youngaville,|Pa.,is.visiting her parents,Mr,and|Mrs,E,W.Culbreth.Mrs...Brown was accompanied here byher litticniece,Annie Eugenia Culb:|who|spent a year in.Pennsylvania.¢Mri)S.L.Rhyne and little dayghter|of Newton are guests of Dr.and;Mrs.|R.t Adame;Mr.Rhyne is:Mrs.|Adams’brother.i |Mrs:J.HyMiller and her sister-in- law,Miss Pearl Miller,left vesterd:y ive y=} Miss Eva-Jurney of -Mt.-0} gomeryHardware Co,: Henry Heinzerling. DIFFERENT FROM THE REST. VANNOY CAME TO GRIEF.|GLIMPSE PASSING THRONG.Gear fog lite deta suncter Sout|iNace|Wilkes Man Defrauded Diamond|Personal Mention of People and openers |Dealers dnd Gets Two Years Their Movements.“rubber ‘and.ated!tire buneen We hus}rd ned |IVING in abject poverty fsr.years, Morse never gave uptheideathatfinallymade electricity our Mercury,annihilating time and space in the transmission of news., ‘The story of the world’s renowned inventors warns to- day’s men of accomplishment of the need of adequate finan- cial and credit backing in or- der to be.able to meet the opportunities for advance- ment,or to overcome the emergencies of the future. We invite the savings of salaried men who:desire se- eurity for their funds,andwelcometheaccountsofbus- itess men who appreciatesafe and conservative bankingmethodscombinedwithex-perienced assistance and cour- teous co-operation, STATESVILLE N.C.Capital 100.000 .4%aid on TimeU.S.DEPOSITORY _: eit. Deposits Phil Vk RSE OW athe aA peaoi--Sold exclusively:by-——-es “I was sick for four years with stomachtrouble,”writes Mrs.Otto Gans,Zanesville,Ohio,“I lost weitht and.felt so weak that {almost gave up hope of being cured.AfriendtoldmeaboutChamberlain's Tablets,and since using two bottles of them |havebeenawellwoman.”Obtainable everywhere. FOR SALE—Storchouse and Jot with,finst- class stock of general merchandis Eex-ecllent stand.A bargain.TRIVETTE @&TRIVETTE,Harmony,N.GC.°June 25-106, FOR SALE—One buggy and a one-hotbewagon,cheap.B.F.LONG,728 N.Mal-berry,Street.June 22 --3th FOR’RENT—7-room’bungalow on *Racestreet,now occupied by Mr.Mycrs.Mod- ernly equipped.Possession given Joly p41.Cc.V.HENKEL.:May.28. .Reduce the High Cost’’ of.Dressing. |Mler-McLain Supply Co, Butter Wrappers!| We have the very best Parchment Butter.Paper, and can print your.nameandbrandonsame.Let ushaveyourorderforany f without price the Chautauqua tent;.and all MondayOTERpaehg “Lak Sepak oe EE eas ee, 5 CA ne teen .a (5TH):.) dt oni)oi Eat te oral it DM a to oeSenator.Lee S..Overman:will speak forthe veauseofJuniorismMonday,5th,at the Chautauqua tent“at 5:30 o’clock.The local managers of thé Chautau-qua have very courteously and generously,grantedus”,this favorable,hour for Senator Overman.to speak...— »\Now while We ee eee ee high 7"}“legabsolutelywithoutconsideration,let us not for--get that thosewhohaveso kindly grantedus thisavor-have a weighty financial neeforeleteveryJuniorturnoutan statesman,Senator LaFollette,who speakso’clock.It only costs 25 cents. Senator Overman’s speech is free to all. Zeb.V. br onsibility;there-hear the greaat4 quantity you want.See us.Prices reasonable. Brady Printing Co. ;Buy From the Store That Sells For Less. Offer. This store will feature Something new.arriving er”ae ri as ei Besure'and pay them Johnston- Moy Suininer AttractionsForChautauquaWeek.~ trade attractions throughout every department. :Ready-to-wear section brim full of suStunningSummerFrocks $3.95 _New Summer Piece Goods.» 36 inch Awning Stripe Silk Voiles 28,New printed Mulls,10c.and 124c.value,ourprice‘-She,36 inch Silk Poplin,75c.value,50c,40 inch Silk Poplin,$1 value,89e,36 inch CrepeDe Chine,$1.25 value,98c.Cheaper grade ie 37c. Gents Clothing and Furnishing Department full of Bargains—aBigLine to Select from, Small.W; andy Belk Co. the week by offering | mmer bargains. ‘daily in Notions andfares, er r s ie e e s e e e e e e e e e e e et e e en c e ne s e ho Se e s re t e ee e ee e ee e oo o tF R S PO P S PS S P S E OD D S SS O P SS OG S ells For Less, *eke It surelyis good to look ee at.Perfect in form. makes dandyprizes or Pleasing to the eye. &presents. IT IS GREAT TO OW Gens ‘Come,let us show it to ‘you, ~The Rexall Store. oé Py- Jute 29,1915, ONS IN GERMANY. ‘Country By No Means at End off Its Resources. on =Correspondence Associat- Aimerican,tbanker,who has re-d from -Bérlin,talked with a of English newspaper men onwrivalin,London,He gave themadifferentideaofthestateAifairsinBerlinthanthatcon-sd by most of the English news-*comment.’He’said:fou English should not be de-d by newspaper statementsingyoufromvariousContinen-Points to the effect that Germa-s on the brink of starvation.I f@ just closed my.house in thehionableresidentialpartofBer- My household budget “was notthan.25 per.cent.higher oneh10than,it was a year ago. ious staple articles of food cost—as they do in London—butWyoneisbeyondthereachofordinarymiddle-class household-r even of the humbler classes.ybody must have a bread tick-d there is no shortage’of bread. amily of four and two.séry-ts never used the whole of ourficketsfortheweek.The potato-bread is only slightly less pal-than the .old-time wheaten present no German is.capableofdreamingofthepossibility eat.find also a vast amount of fool- misapprehension in EnglandindustrialconditionsinGer-.Trade does not seem to me tobeenmateriallydislocated.The8appeartohavetheirregularofcustomers,The coffee hous-the restaurants,the theaters,thehalls,the -picture —palaces,other establishnients”dependent:blie patronage,seem to be do-well as eight months©ago.offee houses which have.caba-‘are always crammed.~*~ ‘it—generally—understood heret-Germany:i$at the moment shortofartisanlabet.Unemployment is‘almost non-existent,,Wages are;A skilled-man who used to getF$1 or $1.26 a day can now earn0or$3.“Everything connectedwiththeoutpatofmunitions.isWorkingat.utmost capacity day andSundays-‘and holidays,|with-‘cessation.New factories ,havenguplikemushrooms’to ;pro-4,goods heretofore imported!inte +vy.German friend of mine whoetomakeceang.foun Husiness tempora’shelved hywarisnowmaking;sheaiphébl“@ugieying women andi;irls,in.placefemenwhoeee"gone ie the is also wrong to conclude,as IHimesreadintheEnglishnews-1,is,that Germany is so near thehofherrésourcesthatboyrebeingdragbonedintothejifothingoft..A:GiladofmyacetHicfellow.ofmamnoned;-althou STATE NEWS Whe eighth annual convention —of.the North Carolina Qptometric So-ciety is to be héld at*Salisbury July,5 and.6.:7 A meetiNorthCarville:Sunday andaganizationeffected.', ‘At Kannapolis one.Jones walked it of.editors of *easterhihawasvheldatGreen- permanent or- ond story window of_his .boardinghouse.Hjs ankle was broken andbackhurt,ret The Salisbury golfcemen got busywiththeirstop-watches rounding ‘up,automobile speeders and ©caughtJudge:Carlton,of ‘the ‘county court.in the bunch,|. In .the Weleome neighborhood,Davidson county,lightning struck anddestroyedthebarn.of ©,C.Pickett. A horse,‘some grain and farm ‘imple-ments were burned with the building, dudge Frank Carter,who.recentlyannouncedhiscandidacyforAttorney General,has.established*‘campaignheadquartersin‘Asheville with J.W. Haynes of Asheville campaign man- ager, The North Carolina Press Associa-tion will,meet at Montreat tomorrow evening and will continue in sessionThursdaygand:Friday.W.C.Ham- mer,editor of the Asheboro Courier,is.president. Three times within three years lightning has struck’the.FruitlandBaptistchurch,at Fruitland Bun- combe county.The last bolt struckthechurchlastweek‘and the.build- ing was badly damaged. athé eighth annual convention oftheSouthernTextileAssociation,insessioninAghevillelast.week,decid-: eee sneer teen eoreeees (To.Prevent Tampering his sleep ‘and went through the sec-!g ao on 8 MI oo beeComplaintsthatcensorstamper with neutral mail passing throughGreatBritainhasresultedintheigs Sue of an order by the Postoffice Detpartnient,directing that all mail fromtheUnitedStatesforNorway,Swes4 den,Denmark ang the Netherlandsbedispatchedonsteamerssailingirect.ne .This is the remedy suggested \by.the Swedish minister,who recentby,filed with the State Department evildencethatmailfromtheUnited‘States had been censored in England,As the countries in which mails :onig- will affect only outgoing.mail,It is. expected,however,that similar,steps soon will be taken by at least Some of the European neutrals.., Suit For Recovery of ‘Letters, Suit for the recovery of 19 letterssaidtohavebeenwrittenbyKridx Booth,former.chief of the Tennessée4internalrevenuedivision,has been filed in Federal court at Fort Smith,4 -|Ark.,by John L.Casper,a;distiller of;Kansas City and Fort Smith,whomFederalofficialschargewithbeing the government of hundreds of thousands of internal.revenue taxes, The letters were seized by gover’ment’officials when -Casper’s officeswereratded,Be James Morrison are in the prison at Columbia,S.C.,.under.ine:dictment for the murder of Sheriff:Hood of Fairfield county,S.C.,and’ his:prisoner,Utes Smith,a negro,at ed to hold its next session at Green-ville,S.C.W).M.Sherrod of Wil- liamston,S.C.,was elected presi- dent. While in Wilkesboro.last week.ex-{Lieut...Gaov...R,..A..Doughton,..who.has-been mentioned as a probable candi- date for.Attorney.General,said he had not decided whether he ‘would,en-terthe race but that he would—de- cide within a~week.Pe ea ORT Re As a.result of a dispute between two negroes,accompanied by two co}- men,in.Asheville Sunday night,Clifton Davis,colored,was probably fatally shot and.Herbert .Carland,E:‘V.Benson and Elmer Suther,white;are under arrest.: ‘DARK .DAYS FOR |ALLIES. Recapture of Lemberg.a Master ored womén.and three white young!* boro.The prisoners have engaged ‘ex-:Gov.Cole Blease to defend them.”»: A!dispatch from Gettysburg,Pa., Says six persons were killed‘andfrom12to14injuredinahead-on’ gollision-between the Blue»MountainspecialandalocaltrainontheWest-'ern Maryland railroad,in the vicinityofGettysburg,Thursday night. ~Five cakes laundrysoap at’Smith- iporting the tour,Admiral)Howard|¥#aid that with the soldiers on guard,| iwive’ng more trouble, ::at Guaymas.inate ‘control.the routing,the order}. ‘trouble to’Americans in that loeality.pres ,j ‘Aron builds up the system.50 cents| "COMMISSIONER'S the head of a conspiracy to defraud}.”'p efpeelal proceeding wherein Electa F. eeeen enna 6 cht‘Ernest Isenhour,Jesse Rawls andy),State}: the time of the recent riot at Winns-4: —}dower-of-Mrs Julia ep Sr)are Reto e eee ee ere come All Quiet ‘in,the Yaqui ~Officers ‘from “American warships|f off the west const of Mexico haye| made an automobile trip through |# Yaqui Valley,finding alt quiet,with }# ened by raiding Indians garrisoned by |#Sondra (Mexico)State troops.In al#message to the Nayy Department,re- crops harvested and the rainy seasonnettingin,the Indians probably wouldItwasex-|plained that,the officers went on the|trip as guests of,a commercial sasha H s |Raiding Indians in this section ofMexicorecently.threatened serious! To'Drive Out Malaria jBsAndBuildUpTheSystem |Dake the Old Standard GROVE’S|TASTELESS chill TONIC,You know|.what-you are taking,as the formulais |inted on every label,showing it.is|#Duinine and Tron in a tasteless form.|®The;Quinine drives out malaria,the| SALE OF, | ,L BY VIRTUE of a decree of the Superior|rendered in the}Coop-|er,administratrix of A.D.Cooper,is plain-|¥tiff,und J.C.Fowler and another defend-| Court of Iredell county, “Hants,the undersigned commissioner -will sell|at ‘jublic auction,to the highest bidder,at|the court house door in Statesville,Wi..C.,4A'MONDAY,JULY 5TH,1915,& wt the hour of noon,the following described|weal estute in the city of Statesville:The %jone-half undivided interest of the A.RjQooperestate,held in common:with Mrs.J.C.Fowler,in the following land,to-wit:/dBeginningatastake,T.©,Anderson's |&corner;'thence N.66 degrees EB.225 feet toa12-foot alley;thence N,.24 deitrees *W.| the American ranches recently threat-|">— “Valley,|gets f While climbing the “June hill,”‘if youhavenotalreadydoneso,screen yourhouse.Screen doors and wire are en-tirely too cheap for you to take chancesonthehealthofyourselfandyourfam-ily,by allowing flies to come into yourhome.Join the great army,not tofighttheGermans,but the flies, The medical profession.is in agreementthatfliesarecommoncarriersofdis-ease.This being true,it behooves every‘good citizen to be diligent in season andoutofseasontogetridoftheflies, We are headquarters for Screen Doors,Window Screens and Screen Wire,Fly.Swatters and.F'ly Traps.-We sell thecelebratedHenryHeinzerlingFlyTrap,one that is capable of catching a gallonoffliesperday. reCo ‘246 feet to C.P.Moore's corner;thence 8.|66,dexvees W.117 fect to C.P.Moore's cor-|mner'in A.C,Tomlin’s line;thence.S.24 de-|grees’E.to Tomlin’s line;thence S.66 de-!grees W,108 feet to the Glover line:thence|24.dexrees E.212 feet to the beginning,ex-|cepting a Tot of 100 feet front and 212 Feet?deep conveyed to.A.D.-Cooper.from the!western end of.said lot,iThislotissoldsubjecttotheright.of|‘Gooper:Termsof;sate—+One-third cash,one-third in six months and!one-third in twelve,month,}*R.-B.McLaugilin,| ey &Fraley’s this week for 10 cents. —ad,;os : Stroke By the Pameee—CojectureAstotheFuture.| HrwdSunoel)Wheesmard Gark days for the allihandtheypare!-now at the crisistheirfortunes...The situation has ne looked so ‘black for them since the German armies seemed about to caehoia east,either as.military achievements dune 4,1925.Commissiorer.|eo =| Hall's Antiseptic Oil Heals Quickly. An excellent remedyfor fresh ‘cuts,_burns and.stings.We believe itoneofthemostusefulandimpor-tant remedies for every home. ——2ic.AT——— HALL’S.DRUG STORE."PHONE 20.Preseriptionists. 4 ,No 1-345 ae ch No.2—77 acres 34 miles easgof city::.This propertylies on thesand~ To Buy-a Nice Farm and GetReady for-Next Year's Urop.es,In Elmwood.AJl gchool and church conveni :eae land;4Qaarestipy,pi Brooat dppse,‘pte bdenandouthouses. by the government.Isygclayhighwaynowbeingconstructed_idealforDaity and Truek farming.)(05)067 |:No.3-40 acres 1 1-4 miles from public square.Splendidly adaptedndereDairypur,Live Stock and FapltyNo.4—60 acres in Wilkes county just across ell line—a bargain. sae oe Nl.yas Malate 3Barringtheunforeseén,every retail buyer sulted in the recapture of Lember of a new Fort car.between August,1914,was masterly in Concentiak and exe and August,1915,will :receive from $40 tocution,and will go down in military $60 as a share'of the Ford Motor Company’s 40 city lots in east Statesville,known as ‘‘Park Place’”’—$15 down,balance in monthly payments of $5.:10 lots in Bloomfield.Terms easy.Six lots in south Statesville.asectionfastdeveloping.SeveralCallonmeandlearnwhatIhave. any is’on the yerge of a.fameither’men,provisions,muni--money.The.plentifulness ofomyisalmost.the only ‘bluff’thatemManyisputtingup.The money or as mora)influences.The campaign which has just.re- nice houses and lots to sell.iplentifully’in circulation is pa- Beurrency of value as low as 25 js ‘Imperial he “Germans in.my judgment,s to far-sighted precautionaryuresandnatuialfrugality,canbeparesintosurrender.can be“ifconvenienced —theyiw—but that is a.different DRS DIVIDING FEES. is Criminal Dishonesty,De-clares Tennessee -Physician."The secret division of fees between ysicians and surgeons is “criminalshonesty,”said Dr,William D.Hag-;Of Nashville,Tenn.,who ad-sed'a mecting of the Fellows ofAmericanCollegeofSurgeonsatnFrancisco,“fee-splitting;”Dr.Haggard de-tlared,“is criminal because it leadsfitounnecessaryoperations;nd,to incompetent work result- m unnecessary death;and third,&constant lowering of the moraldprofessionalstandardsinmedi-e.The practice has all ‘throughtheelementof,the :Vhen a~pliysicifini refers a pa-to a surgeon under an agree-that the surgeon later is to di-e with him the fee collected,therimeisnotprimarilyone‘againstpocketbookjofthepatient.It iscrimeagainstthehealthorlifeofpatient.This practice meanshatthephysicianauctionsoffhisstienttothe|highest bidder,whourallyisthemostincompetentandupuloussurgeonavailable.Another evil is that the surgeonunderobligationto_accept theosisofthephysiciantooper-whether or not on examinationgreeswiththediagnosis’of theiIfhedoesnotoperateineaseshediscreditstheabilityofphysicianand‘loses further bDusi-with him,Thus is perpetrated»meanest of crimes,an unneces.Ty surgical operation.“The soveréign remedy for sion.giving by surgeons andtakingbyphysiciansispub-If we don’t cure the evil bypublicwilldoitjandtheeliminationofi¢unfit...The physician’who diag-4 ¢ase.is quite as much entitied mpensation as is the.surgeon,it separate bills should be rendered1thephysicianandthesurgeontoipatient.In-other words,the pa-wt should always know what.he ising.for.’To stamp this.practicetheprofessionofaiseftasksoftheAmeri-‘Surgeons com- annals as a magnificent demonstra-tion of strategy as well as of or- ganization.As to what will happen next.onlookers can only’speculate.Warsaw,for which the Germans have been hungering since the beginning of the war,will,1t is intimated,bethenextpointofattack;and-it-wouldnotbe.surprising if the Polish city, which has several times ‘seemed al-most.within their grasp,‘should atlengthfallinto‘their.hands.:But.will the Teutonie forces.besatisfiedwithdrivingtheRussiansoutofGaliciaandwiththeoccupation, of Warsaw?Will they press their ad- vantage against the Russians whilethelatter-are still more or less de-moralized and carry the war into theCzar’s own country,with the purposeofforcinghimtoconcludeaseparate.peace?Or will they be content.to to hold him in check,‘and transfer ahugearmytothewestandattemptasmashingblowinFrarce’and Bel-gium?Or will they first settle their little affair with Italy?In a short time we will know whichitistabe,but whichever it is,the a considerable degree of -misgiving,no matter wh i ; |essecnssnnansertewnernnenmsmarnmnmeremsnnr]ae Death of a Little Child. Correspondence-of -The-Landmark. Stony Point,June 28,—Nellie Etta,infant daughter of Mr.and Mrs.&,§,Combs,died very suddenly’Thursday|evening,the 24th;had not been sick|but three days when the death angel ||called her home to livé with Him that||gave,for it is said,“Suffer little chil-|dren to come unto me and forbid them}|not,for of such is the kingdom of|jheaven.”‘She was a bright little|flower,only one year,6 months and27daysofage.The sympathy of thetowngoesouttothegrief-stricken|family.A FRIEND. { This is a remedy that every family should }¥{be provided with,and especially.during the a|summer months.Think of the pain and suf- |cine_mugt be sent for or before ‘elief can be|obtained.This remedy is thoroughly reli-able, able everywhere.‘ reached sucha point that-the Unit-ed States is considering~seriously theformationofanentirelynewpolicytowardthelittleislandrepublic. keep a sufficient force on his borders}- allies cannot but await the onset with'|! |Chamberlain’s Colic,‘Cholera and DiarrhocaRemedy,‘a fering that must be endured when medi-|2 Ask anyone who has used it,Obtain-ch Turbulent conditions in Haiti haves profits. TheFord car is everybody’s utility,becauseitiseasilyadaptabletoeverybody’s work or it saves money—ancentsamiletooperate and maintain, Runabout,$440;Touring Car,$490;Coupelet,$750;f 0.b.Detroit with all equipment. On display and sale at); Carolina Motor Co’s.~Statesville,Newton and Mooresville,yo ane lay.It is reliable;serves every one and_brings pleasure to ail. W.R.MILLS,’PHONE 54.Statesville,N.C._647 Center Street An economy.becauseavéragecostoftwo Nice Mules and Mares! oe Two cat loads utes and one car load-nice Mares—over 100 extra nice ones, Henkel-Craig Live Stock Co. et Right! justpassed.through a veryAnyDoctorwilltellyouwehaveunhealthyseason.t,JIthasbeentoo’much for even the gtrong ones, Wouldn't it bea good idea to get straightened out and feelfitforthehotdaystocome? ‘If you want the BE3T for the liver we can deliverthe BEST.Tf you'll bring us the RIGHT prescription we'll bring abouttheRIGHTresults,aad do it promptly with the very best /drugs made.;‘‘is THE MORE O LITYRememberinTakingMedicine}THELESS OF QUANTITY. The’Polk Gray Drug Company.ON THE SQUARE...__ oe Be e CE C E OO O ET |lecRoeTROECACasnOAAcRSRERCacOHORCRT:SreiBlecSis eieinie@lelelelacaietalerelereialelnietelminle{elet a:® / These warm days you _them in White,Palm The One PriceYi ___.Shoes Repaired comfortable pair of Oxfords,Sandals ‘andPumps.We havé‘just that kind.Plenty of Let us give you the bénefit of our.experi-ence in fitting them Prepv6 The S.,.M.&: “feel the need of a ~~PHONE 23. ‘insurance;Full information obtained. “on reqiest...“ T Gi.GAITHER,GENERAL INSURANCE,RENT- 1 —=\YIritTrse Fire,Tornado,Live Stock,Automobile,Liability,Plate Glass,Steam Boiler,Accident _and Health or Life Insurance We solicit your.business for the leading companies writing the different lines of each,Tan and Black. erly.BO ve ORG,..Shoe Go.,.ash Shoe Store.You Wait,~ OR O ie 1 wh ons ttoHENwsand GOOD TIME!The clocks in the home must be right or the housekeeper caa’t be ex-pected to plan and have meals on time.Then there is no economy inwearingoutyourigiwithawatchthatyoucan’t depend on.No‘todo is ne your watch or clock,repaired by BOBileheisdevotinghisentiretimetorepairingwatchesandttingspectaclesand.eye-glasses.;..eeF.HENRY,-Jeweler... enna armament agreapomarssrnacenentire Staa ~Ask the ice man where he _delivers the least ice and 3 jhe will tell you wherever there is an Odorless Re- frigerator.Why?Because itis constructed different from the many so-called Refrigerators andice box- es.It retains the cold, keeps the icefrom melting and saves the ice.Saved ice is saved money. ’- We have them in all sizes,with and without water coolers, Also White Mountain Ice Cream Freezer,the best Freazer in the world.tespe:tfully, —— Of poverty and want will never grab you if you have an active savings account in a good--Bank—this_Bank for instance. But you want to startin time.Start now,| and start here.A dollar will do to start with and a hundred dollars wouldn’t stop you,once:you realize how important a savings account.is, ry iy SERIEEATSFACTION, +& a enerinkiamlbernt cbt a6%heeyArrow ie taecman |Merchants and Fearmers’Bank, Of Statesville, _The Bank For Your Savings.”és i SSio e e s e S e e e e e ee e ee e ee ok e e ee e ee e ee e e ee e ee t 808 8 8 0 0 8 8 8 0 2 0 88 S 0S SE R S ~ Th e e MONEY TO LOAN? No,but this cultivator willsave you morey and time this busy seasonwhenoldGeneralGreengets.a-hold on-your crop._Heis here andisdoinghiswork.Be op the alert,Farmer,get ahead of him.We SP e v e e e s s o o o s e e s have only a few left._Terms right. Iredell |Hardware Co. pP S B s o o n c o s o o c o o e s _eet.DON'T dite _Fret,Sweat or Worry! =GET——— A Gas Range ‘a ——-AND——ae a A GAS WATER HEATER. SEE THE ea COMPANxe Sennen ——1k — sed met consider roofing,All.kinds oumetalsinstock.Afi seneety ofridge + \y 7 ~ 4),YOUarego1andfullie iTUESDAY,| |Paris Dispatch.t (17,resulting in-the-conguest by ‘the! |trenches which the soldiers call the (ener, 5 | 3 waiting,fun in hand and the unceas- 3 ing fall of shells, 3 fichting men munitions and food and H |progress,indicated by a cloud of dust #ithe attack.Despite the nature of the #{ground and™the organizéd defenses; $i which had been H|lery,8 |quick-firers,we remained the victors.” H|the Confederacy set the standard of] H |civilized warfare,being moved to the |UnitedStates in the—South: |sromed The fighting from May 80 to June|\ French of the system of works rnevy General’s decision and the ulation®of a general olicy by} the department.Ordinarily this ques-|tion,frequently raised in the navy as |a result of.offers from shipbuilding:| |companies to young constructors,| ey .THE LANDM ARK |WOuLD TAKE BETTER ‘ous) June 29,1915.)Army Officers8Leaving the Ser-|vice For Better Pay in Priyate|TAKING THE LABYRINTH.)prpjoy.Pd iA Sample of thethe Fighting in the|Washington Dispatch.| EuropeanWar.Offers of big salaries to expert}ordnance offi¢erS of the army by pri vate manufacturers of war A let[h ave created guch a serious problem|in the War’Department.that Secre-| \tary Garrison has called-on Attorney ||Gregory for an ovinion as to}i*Labyrinth,”is described in a dis-|whether an sea Miser hasan “in-|'patch from an official observer attthe |alienable’right”to resign his com-| front.The “Labyrinth,”lying be-|mission i time of peace, tween Neuville St,Vaast and Beuri,i |Your such resignations have been}formed a salient of the German line|.cepted but two others recently ten- and its position,a strong one,Was)deredgreatlyreinforcedfromtimetotime.|a ¢;,“French attacks on May 9 and days|¢,,.,,thereafter failed to modify the situa-|tion,”the observer wrves...“At the)end of May the French decided to)finish things,and the order was given| to take the ‘Labyrinth’inch by inch.|gives the army little t#huble.Few “This meant’an operatiqn of WO)oficers have been anxious to abandon|principal phasesof different nature.It |\‘their -qnilitarwciekreeks and.the niswasnecessaryfirst,by well prepared ‘tainty of retired pay for life to ac- and vigorous assaults,to get a fo0t-|ont ‘such inducaiants aa ‘usually are| ing-in the enemy organjzation and },.14 gut,and when an occasional res:then to progress to'the interior of the!j,...1\0n'has been tendered actentancesommunicatingtrenchesinrepulsing|has followed as’watter ot course. i the enemy step by step.show ow?)Now,however.*the tremendous and |operations.lasted mor our three growing demands of the warring Eu-;weeks and resulted in ‘eomplete suc-6 5o.n powers for arms and ammuni-|cess.jtionshas made it well worth while to‘The debouch must have been:diffi-Privaate manufacturers to pay hand-cult,numerous German batteries com- ..,,,,=noted of 77-millimetré ‘guns,the "150,|ee salaries to attract ordnance ex 210,280 and even 305-millimetre Sep |High concentrated their fire on us..They|reluctwerestationedat|Givenchy,at ba)nations under such circumstances andFolie,at Thelus,Farbus and Beav-|...,are inclinall te couxider It“une rains,south of Arras.Nevertheless,.triotie for officers to quit,the’ser. ;our men understood and proposed tO |vice for more monev.Apparently, |Jo their duty.It was May 30 that jy.ver,the legal authorities serious-the assaults began,our regiments ly doubt that any law.can be.foand marching out from different points.1,)cop an officer tithe army epainst Their ardor was admirable.his will,particularly if He has served “Everywhere,except on the right.‘en BOnE :we captured the first:lines-cféamird|a reasonable number of years after government officials areanttopermitwholesaleresig- ithis were a great number of barri-_receiving his edueation,at the Mili-) j cades and“‘fortlets.We oats ame ©¥tary Academy. ithese,while othersstopped us.thundred_and.fifty prisoners,serectaes |Would Pay State Debt For Lin their holes by the furious charge|Liquor-License: lof the French infantry,felt into our ;oeomauelriWalker,one of the,wealthiest iquor—men—in——southern‘From this moment the warof the w,.+Virginia,has made a /proposi-'communicating trenches.began.“se tion to the,State overnment tote|were the trenches of Von Kluck,of 4),state debt of $12.3393,929.59,wih 'Eulenburg,and of the Salle des Fetes,5).4o;¢5st,in the next ten years,and at|without counting innumerable num-;),same’time to set aside $500,000joeredworks,giving a feeling of un-:...,year to be used by the State in‘hesrd-of-difienltieswhichjour troops permanent ungreveant,if he can|hada a May 20.‘have the’ j ithout a stop,from ay liquor i S ©Iune_17,they fought on:this ground.|‘He,in West Vireioca bond of $2,lal of big holes and filled wsaa '000,000,immediately,guaranteeing|The combat never ceased,“either day |().faithful carr 8yingout.of his con-jor night.The attacking’|tracts.The State debt he offers,to as- {fought bareheaded andiin,their.shir, t ‘sleeves. “On each fthese bloody -dayethere:sae were ‘acts of incomparable heroism.| }From three sides ata time we attain- fed way.Seige the Germans had dug, ans EXPE- 7 A ‘STATESVILLE®.._RIEN Results Tell the Tale. levery|blow from the _pi¢kax wouldisinterabody,one ‘can prepare but}slowly the deep shelters which the situation demands. “We lost many men,but the moraleoftheotherswasunshaken.The menaskedonlyonething—to go forwardandfightwithgrenades,instead of HS."Siroud,229 Boulevard©St., Statesville,says:“I was in pretty bad shape with kidivéy and bladder trouble.I could hardly get around from the awful misery in my.back. couldn’t straighten after stooping. “They were hard days,and it was|Mornings I couldn’tgetout of bed.Mynecessaryconstantlytocarrytothe ney secretions scanty and unnatural. I never experienced such misery in my life as when the kidney secre- tions were passing.~Doctors~didn’t seem able to help me and I kept get- ting worse.I was advised to try Doan’s Kidney -Pills and I did.After T ‘had taken one box,I was perma- nently cured of kidney trouble.”. Price’50c;at all dealers.Don’t simply ask for a kidney remedy—get Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same.that Mr.Stroud had.Foster-Milbifrn Co., Props.,Byffato,N.Y. aspecially water.Everybody did his best and we con-tinued our success.Little by little ovr resulting from the:combat of the grenades,brought us to an extremityaorthofthe‘Labyrinth,’The fieht-ing continued in the Eulenburg andothertrenchesdailyandultimatelythe‘labyrinth’belonged to -us. “The Germans ‘lost an entire reci- ment,We took 1,000 prisoners.Therestwerekilled.A Bevarian re¢i-ment also was decimated.“Our losses were 2.000 men,amongwhommanywereslightlywounded. “The resistance was.as.fierce as in preparation for seven months,and despite.the artil-the bomb-throwers and the Flowers For Graduation Day!OT ERENCE TT Confederate Standard of Civil- ized Warfare. Greensboro.News. The Columbia State remarks that As usual we shall have our splendid of-feringsfor commence- ment time,consisting observation by the fact that North-ern critics of Germany always statethatincomparisonwiththeGerman campaign in Belgium Sherman in Georgia was zentle,and Sheridan inthevalleyofVirginiahumane.Inotherwords,about the.worst thing .of handsomely arrang- that people who don’t ‘like Germany can say is that her conduct has been ed Baskets,Bouquets,worse than that of the armies of the ete, On the other hand,about the mostcomplimentarything’that Germany’sfriends-can say about her great ficldmarshalisthatHindenburgisan-other Jackson.The South has reas-on for pride,indeed,in.that her sol-diers are the standard by which:themostefficientofarmiesintheerentwaris.judgéd;but more reas-on for doe in’the fact that Lee’s‘march-throughPennsylvania_did_notevengiverisetoachargeofatroci-ties,much less to their substantia-ca In fact,the only:piece of fic-tion that remains asa souvenir ofthatneyaignisthetraditionoftheat’the commander himselfeddeathtoanywhoshouldaretolayhandsonanoldwoman :who was flaunting *fag,in his} Roses and Carnations‘in’abundance.Ex- quisite Flowers \from \ our own gardens. VanVos S are being held up pending the}.. _..Selling|_ |zonstantly renewed,crushed»wicoeakysiamabemiaaleneiu%na ‘matter of Mispute pene mn nano tgenades |4 het wane est)Vir ein ‘and rina|molished their iparth barricad s.TherTe for many years,“Wek;thie Usps beet oe an hy iatea been or an der States Supreme Cough,ly Ae-| 3tant of repose,nder (4 eer i sun so hot inethe resches that they ided that West Virginja mu y it 410 mi underground,formidable Can you doubt the evidence offitt , |shelt@r *the enémyacattilery conse.eee |tinued firing on ovr oui in]aEjterruption.Our resey uffereforinthis.upturned~earth,”wher My back was so weak and stiff that I}. kidneys were sluggish and the kid-|= CE C EC O CE C E EE E EC R A DE C eo ee eg i b i o t i e gt lg bi n h i g te e ig ti e h t y bi e ) neoe BETTER COOKING— _NO MORE DRUDGERY EW PERFECTION Ol :Cookstoves have made cook-ing easier and kitchenscleanerfor2,000,000 housewives.No more drud,gery—no morewood-boxes,coal-scuttles,and ash-pans.. The NEW PERFECTION lights.instantly like gas,and regulateshighorlowbymerelyraisingorloweringthewick.You can doall:your-cooking on the NEWPERFECTION—just as cheaplyandtwice~as-convenientlyas-onyourcoalrange. Ask your dealer to show you the NEW PERFECTION No.7 withthenewoventhatbecomesafire-less cooker merely by.pulling a ~damper.Also the PERFECTIONWATERHEATER.Itmakes you |independent of your coal range—~~gives you plenty:of hot:running water.was Mis Fart jd {WAP Aid 49 'Use.Aladdin:Security.Oil...or Diamond White Oils:to obtain ‘the best results’in''sil”Stoves,Heaters and Lamps. * La STANDARD OIL COMPANY | Washington,D.C.(New Jersey)Charlotte,N.C. Norfolk,Va.(BALTIMORE)Charleston,W.Va, Richmond,Va.Charleston,S.c. /Bob-o-Link!Bob-o-Link!| If.you want to be up to the minute: you must have a BOB-O-LINK FRIENDSHIP BRACELET.We have them. R.H.RICKERT &SON DO You BELIEVE IN STATESVILLE?|THEN BUY ey Ice Made in Statesville! From deep-well water,distilled and germ proof.Fresh ICH,full -weight (goes further),is what we have to | offer.”We aim to give the best-serv+— ice possible.With your et io we will succeed. Yours for the up-building ofStatesville, Imperial Cotton,OilCompany,‘‘Phone 49m “ARE You INTERESTED?” IN Slate Roofing?Tiniynnized&ingle ai onePainted? ce Box or Re'He polloTinorSheetMetal.Work a itKind?LET UsIREDELLTIN"WORK Bell "Pho 698. sa seats ns tasasetonortenicctat This is Ever meet South fr ’s Day.All Iredell county iss expected i ie here.,and South Iredell wants to meet East Iredell,and East Iredell wants to North Iredell wants to. meet West iredelh and,hereis the chance for every one to meet every one else andall haveagoodtimetogether.SIX BIG FEATURES 4" MAMMOTH PARADE---Two Miles Long. MORGANTON.BAND.---Two_Concertson the Square. BASEBALL---Morning and Afternoon Games.— PATRIOTIC SPEAKING---Under the Big Tent; FIRE WORKS---Pyrotechnic Display. CHAUTAUQUA--Two Great Programmes.i\ There will be 4 000 out-of-town people present,over 200 Automobilesin the BigParade,not to mention the ‘decorated Fiowti.Wagons,Buggies and those on foot.Itis estimated that it will take two hours for the parade to pass the square. ‘The Chautauqua for this year is to be as good as lastyear,and thatis as great praise as we know how to give. The Strongest Teams of the League are opposed to each otherin two games—Statesville vs.Morganton. =>THE CAROLINA MOTOR CO.Offers to the Best Docorated Automobiles the Fallowing Prizes:<< First Prize:$15 Electric Horn.Second Prize:$12 Bumper.Third Prize:$4.Hand Horn. Every one--who-drives an automobile may apnter his car in the big betade for this contestwithnoentryfee..:I Everybody Come.to.t1c AYrn =p _gdune 29,“1915. ME FLY I8 EXPOSED. »Breeding and‘and Habits Of theMuscaDomesticaShownUp at the Court House:Friday.Night—How to Get Rid of the Pests. ..The fly.was:exposed in all its hide- Gusness at the court house Fridayvening;and while those who saw and fer went away with an uncomfort-able fecling at the,stomach,there also a grim.determination |to fivoid flies as a pestilence and to drive‘them out of the community.~The subject was not a pleasant one,and:there was no attempt to make‘it pleasant.The lantefn slides show- ;where the fly comes’from—bornwebredinfilth;how it thrives on th:and distributes the filth to food drink—a carrier of disease wher- wer itis allowed to go;and Dr.Chas. derson,who explained the.slides, ed the plain language laid down forhiminthepreparedlecture.Noth- @ good can be said for the fly and1¢@ only way to arouse the public todangerofitspresenceandthene- tessity for ridding the community of thepests,is to show folksin languagethat:can’t “be misunderstood,what he fly is and what it.does. “In addition to showing where.theflycomesfrom,how it lives and rives and what it does to —folks, imens of sanitary closets,screensandflytrapsandothermethods.of ghting flies and protection against ies,“were.shown--on the slides and unceasing.Allthis means ,gome trouble,.andwotkand/d*little“expense.But one who *stops to ‘haggle about.that in the presetice of the dangér, should be dealt.with as an undesirable citizen;"as “a mennce to himself “and the’community.One who can.study the story of the flies—can see where they come from and what they revel in,and realize that they are deposit- ing that filth on our “vittles”wher- ever they get to them:are putting it on the baby’s food and.in the haby’s mouth,which means the dissemina- tion of deadly diseases—when one ean see that.-and remain.un- disturbed about the flies and unwilling to do whatever is necessary to protect himself and his neighbors from them,heis almost past hope. Few people will be gnwilling to be activein the anti-fly campaign if they are thoroughly aroused to the.un- speakabloness of the flies,To arouse them a campaign of education is nec- essary—such an exhibition.as that-at the court house Friday night.It’s a pity so few people saw that exhibi- tion;that more:did not take an ‘in- terest in so important a,matter.If all Statesville could have seen the fly as it was portrayed at this show- ing,this town would very soon be a flyless town.But those who did see and those who are impressed must be the more active until a sentiment is ereated that will make it as disgrace- ful to have flies in the house as to have bedbugs and lousy.children; and neither of these pests are asdangerousasflies. Funeral of.Aunt Jennie Mur-dock. Lo ies eidbebcnbeal aus wadacupabnoaeatas ata élean up and keep clean—should beLANDMARK Happenings ere and There in) §.Ale State. The State Association of Elks, which was in session in Charlotte for two-days-last.week;~chose -Washing- ton (N.C.)as the meeting place for1916,Jos.T,Tayloe of Washington was elected president of the associa- tion. Another “blockade preacher” amgng the newspaper men.Mr.W. T.Bost,the Raleigh newspaper.cor- respondent,occupied «the.pulpit.of Pullen Memorial Baptist.church,Ral-eigh,last Sunday morning and ‘eye- ning. colina Osteopathic Society met —atWrightsvillelastweek.Six of eightapplicantsforlicensepassedtheex- mrpetic.Next meeting in Salisbury. a elected presideny. ‘Asheville is investigating the social evil and a vice commission has:found that 225 women in that.city sl?pros-titutes—nnd it,is doubtful -*the census is complete.‘What to Md with the women is a problem.One sug- gestion is that the city and countyjointlybuildahouseofrefuge, Spanish will be one of the new stu-dies in the Durham.high.school next year.The school authorities decided that of all the modern languages that are now being taught in Ameri- can schools,the younger ‘people would Spanish ‘than any other language. The next meeting of the North Car- olina.Dental Society.will be held-inAsheville,Dr.I iT plained;-and--thore-owere prea4ionsforpoisoningflies,suggestions‘for.the treatment and ‘screening of shorse manure,where nearly ‘all flies fare bred,etc. After Dr.Anderson had concluded ‘there were calls for volunteer.talksandremarkswere.made by Mr.'G.E.‘French and others,all approving the ‘anti-fly campaign and suggesting ac-tivity to that end. Big fly traps are sold-in Statesville Ahat,catch flies by the million;nearly W homes and business plaees where|‘ he pests may congregate are sereen- ds all:sorts —of-——exterminators *are sod and the protection againet fliesddeffortstokillthemarebecoming re and more-common.~While all His is necessary and\proner,the mostmportant©part should not be plected.We may increase the otection against flies and the “ing of destroying them withoutit,but so long as the breeding andingplacesremaintheplaguewill he with atet9-torment—and endanger; “Phe stables,or wherever manure is sited,especially horse manure,ould receive first attention.It hasn.shown that.manvre ¢an “he“sprinkled with borax or treated withothersolutionsthatwillnot,destroythefertilizingqualitiesofthema-Sire but will,prevent.the flies ger-minating.Manure should also.beceptinséreenedpensandhauledayfrequently.Then,only the san-'¥privies chould be allowed where is bO sewer connection;and thetoclearawayaridkeepaway The funeral services of Aunt Jen- nie Murdock,colored,who died Wed- nesday afternoon,were held Friday mornine at.10;80 o’clock in Broad Street Methodist church,conducted by the -pastor,Rev.J.F.Kirk,-assisted by the paster of the colored Metho- dist church,Rey.D.E.Thompson.In- terment was.in the colored cemetery. About 100 colored people and 60 or 70.whites attended the serviées.‘The musie was by the regular choir,which sang “Asleep in Jesus,”“Abide With| Me”and Rock of Ages.”Rey.Mri Kirk—read_a-sketch-of Aunt Jennie’s life and paid high tribute to theChristianlifethatshelead, The pall-bearers.were Diek-Woods, Rufe Bailey,J.D.Williams,.Bob!Woods,Frank Chambers.andGaither.colored,Messrs.W.R.Sloan,NP.Watt and J.G.Colvert and Dr, T.BE.Anderson were honorary pall-bearers from the ‘board of.stewards! of Broad Street Methodist.church,of| which church decensed was -a—mem-ber for more,than 40 yonrs, Secretary of the Treasurys McAdoo‘ihas promised,Senator Overman to|ms ike~wan ddrase al aomeeting to beiheld.incheensboro.August.4,to fos«ter tradeYbetween this country andSouthAmerica...“Romulo .8S.Naon,ambassador from Argentina.to theUnitedStates,is “expected tb attendthemeeting,“} You should be.sure and visit thestoveof.Smithey &Wraley this week,They have the:preatést:bargains ‘for pasa see ct of wed on ' this Aveek they have ever anere,awe Alex ford was elected president’at the meeting held at Wrightsville Beach last week.The association requested Gov.Craig to appoint’a dentist a member of the State Board of Wealth. _A couple who.registered ‘at the Yar- borough in Raleigh as “Mr.and Mrs. W.i.Avery,”said be from Char- ‘lotte,were arrested”for retailing. |They had much liquor in their roomandthepolice‘think they.had ©sold'much before their.fame was discover- ed.The woman gave bond and the |man went to jail. t—The-mill building of the —Azalea Woodworking Company,at’Azalea station,on the Western railréad;sev- en miles from Asheville,was burned /early Sunday.morning by a fire of unknown origin,The loss is estimat- jed at’$40,000 to.$50,000,‘with insur- ance of,$20,000,A stock of lumber lon the yard,not reached by the flames, fis valued.at $65,000.Facts from the Asheville Citizen. W.A.Myers,an aged man of GoldWill,was awarded $210 for personal injuries.Some weeks ago Mr..MyerswasstruckbyWalterGeorgeNew- assault.Mr.Newman was fined a tew |pumadaysaftertheoccurrence.Mr.Myersclaimsthathewasbadlyhurtand brought.suit for-damagos...Newmandidnot.oppose the suit and was.notpresentatthetrial. CT Good sheeting at’Smithey &Pra-ley’s at 3 cents yard for this Week,Other goods just’as cheap,—ad” ITEMS ene ai Attended by 40 or 50 members,the}! annual convention of the North Car-|# .W.E.Crutchfield of Greensboro in all probability have more need for = In.Rowan’county court last weak : man,the mine magnate,and for Chis|sect THE STATESILLE FLOUR MILLS CO.makes two brands of flour —“PALACE”and ‘SAVE TROUBLE.”It gives flour in exchange_for wheat and buys great quantities of wheat besides.Now,$15 INGOLDwillbegivenforthebestargument,and $10 IN GOLD forsecondbestargumentinanswertothefollowingquestions: Why Should the People of Statesviile and Iredell CountyuseflourmadebytheStatesvilleFlourMillsCo? Why Should.Local Wheat Growers sell their Wheat totheStatesvilleFlourMillsCo? Why Should Local Wheat Growers exchange their wheat ©with the Statesville Flour Mills Co.forits Flour? The contestis open now and will close J ULY 15-just 20 days of it.Write your paper and mail to Statesville Flour Mills Co.,'Statesville,N.C.Do not sign your name to paper but enclose name on separateslip.Paperswill be numbered and ‘turned over to a ‘committee ofthreewhowilldecidethewinnersasquicklyaspossibleafterJuly15.The committee will not be connected aes the mill and will'’not knowthenameofcontestant. Statesville Flour Mills Company.. Dart Tage This is a High Grade Car- riage. Fitted with Roller Bearing “Axles. Former price $12.50,NOW $11.Brin baby with you and see the nice Car-riages,Go-Carts and Sulkies we are ‘8 owing.Special pices on our entirestockofBabyVehicles, Crawtford-Bunch|urniture pempanyaerete:THAT A WAYS WELCOMES YO Tee et SIT Cc.WATKINS : ~Building Materials! “Statesville,w.C.,North enter |Street,|;Next Planters’Warehouse.