HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Landmark, July 1915 sangx ‘/we Poston nevinoar.of $1,673,824.97. ~“and the ‘exact “date ‘of the heginning _.the.Methodist.church at_Troutman. VOL.XL. FIFTH DISTRICT REVENUE. Collector Watts’CollectionsShowBigIncreaseForJune and For Fiscal Year.~ For the month of June Collector Watts of this district collected inter- nal revenue taxes amounting to $990,- 573.91,as follows: Tobaceo (all forms)Incomes ances at ee en $820,474.31.163,046.25 Liquor .lieenses 961.26Oleomargarine.licenses 50.50FinesandPenalties........64,06 weeney (war)MAxes gereerece 16,138.44Nareotictaxes§.2..0.0 eenscess ~44.09Thisisbyfarthelargestamcuntevercollected.in one month in the dis- trict,‘exceeding March,1915..thelargestpreviousmonth,by $187,756.- 22,and June,1914,by $298.068.92.For:the fiseal year ended June.30,Collector Watts has.collected $8,174.-"622.67,being an increase over Jast The taxes are as follows:Mptebed sess ecco she ENE S EAS $7,824,629.82232,290.08 Liquor licenses 2,720.51 .Oleomarxarine licenses,......264.00 Fines and penalties ..........2,257.46 Emergency (war)taxes (new)...119,235.67Nareotietaxes(mew)....-:.%2,016.13 Last vear the total collections were $6,500,797.70,as:follows: OOD oo eck hob cca kere atioces $6,294,065.24Lnae,ELEC Eee +.179,049.00 Liquor licenses ......2,443.42 191,00 5,296.12 Oleomargarine licenses +; Fines and Penalties ..,. Tax.on distilled spirits 19,752.92 Tobacco shows on increase .thisyearoverlastof$1.530,564.538;in- comes $53,341.08;liouor licenses $286.09;oleomargarine licenses:373.4 00;emergency taxes (new)$110,235.- 67;and narcotic taxes (new)$2 016.- 13;while’fines and:penalties de- creased $2,788.66;and distilled spirits $19,752.92.The taxes collected on .dietilled spirits last year was on whis- key stored in bonded warchouses and the last’of it was tax-paid in Feb- ruary,1914.(A.few days ato the internal rev- enue bureau estimated a decrease in revenues from tobacco in the coun- try from last ‘year of $8,000,000.00, This district shows an increase of $1,- 630,564.58 on tobacco,and pays ‘norethanone-tenth of the entire totacco tax of the United”States;It is ‘safe to’say that,deducting the emerzency ‘taxes,this district shows a’greaterinereasethananyotherintheentire country. For the fiscal year ended June 30. 1903,the last year of.unrestriztedliquormanufactureinNorthCarolina of the enforcement of the Watts law,which abolished most of the.dictil-' Jeries,the -¢eallections of this district,from,all»\sourees’were?$2,212,918.04,The anotmous ani dortinued increase]in_collections from that time has beencaused.by the wonderful expansioninthemanofacture.of tebacco.whichhas,placed |North Carolina ‘first’among the Statts in this industry and is rapidly increasing her lead.Liquor, tobaeco and all other subjects of in- ~ternal revenue taxation paid $2,212,- 918.04 into the national treasury in 1903,while tobacco alone paid $7,- $24.629.82 in 1915.-The following table shows the totalcollectionsofthedistrictfor.each fiscal year since 1903./ TPO 5 ho Gs ee hg ba ase $2,212,918.04 1904...une «2,410,405.021995-2,445,815.18WPOGwheeceGiedsae++2,684,403.2% WOOT aero de ace ace seenshe «++2,988,292.97WORcecenedseeeecokesee2,798,055.80WOODcivisawdeeesca+2,789,124.571910«3,264,452.5819113,496,944.6419124,628,738.741913+$259,129.151914.6,500,797.70TONG.veel cddin's Ko gvew togeed 8,174,622.67 Sone of the collectors reported to the commissioner that they would not have their reports ready on time butnotsowithCol.Watts...He had hisready.and wired it-in Wednesday af- ternoon at 4-o’clock. Interesting Lecture By Persian —Other Church News. ‘Statesville District Methdilist Con- fetence will meet in Statesville July 28th at Broad Street churelh.- A good congregaton heard |the mis-sionary address at the First’Presbyte- rian chureh Wednesday night by Mr. Si ALE ; -< MONDAY TO BE BUSY DAY. Statesville.Celebration of FourthWillDrawLarge‘Crowds. ‘Statesville’s Fourth of July cele- bration Monday promises to be one of the “biggest”events in the ‘history of the county.A programme which “fills”the day and runs into the night has been arrms.ed and the in- dications are that a record-breakingcrowdwillbeheretoenioyit.EverynookandcornerofIredellisexpect- ed to he represented and —reports from adipining counties indicAte that rood delegations ftom outside Ire-dell’s borders will be our guests for the day.Chief Marshal Deaton andthecommitteeonarrangementshave made some slicht changes in the pro- gramme for the day,Following isthe_corrected_programme:_ Poradestarts~at 9.80 o’clock with the head at the First Presbyterian church on Whst End avenue.Order of march-—Band,mi'itia.fire denart- ment,Junior -Order,Junior float, commercial floats,decorated automo- biles.Line of march—West End av- enue to Broad strevt,Broad street to Davie avenue,Davie avenue to Elm street,Elm to Broad street.Broad to Center street.Center to railway sta- tion.from railway ‘station back topublicsquare,from squard along west Broad street to Meeting street Meeting to Front strect,Front toRace‘street,Race ‘to Western Ave- nue,Western Avenue to Mulberry street,Mulberry 1o Front street, Front-to—Center,Center-to square, 12.45 o’clock—Open air band con- cert on square. 1.20 o’clock—Address by Prof.M. C.S.Noble in Chautauqua tent. 2 o’clock—Ball.game at League Park, 4 o’clock—Opening of Chautauqua. Concert by Dunbar Soiree SingersandanaddressbyHon.R..M.LaFol- lette.,.e 5.30 o’clock—Addriss to Junior Or- der and public by Hon.Lee:S.Over- man.;J 7 o’clock—Band concert on square. 7:30 o’clock—Evening programmeofChautauqua.Concert by.DunbarSingersandillustrated:lecture by} Chauncey J)Hawkins. ®o’clock—Fire works on vacant lotatcornerofKellyandCenterstreets. “Many attractive’floats”are being prenared for the parade and there will be decorated automobiles ..ga-lore.””Mooresville expects.to havenearlyahundredmvchines’in théparade.All the business houses areexpectedto<be in,gala;day attire. Seme have alre ady begun decorating. i}fePassingofaHospitableHome,| The burning of the.Shepherd resi- dence at Elmwood a few days ago'was a sad reminder to many States- ville people and others of pleasant hours passed in that hospitable home. The late Geo.F.Shepherd lived alone in the large house for many years,af-ter the death of his wife.and thepassingofhischildrenfromthe.pa- rental roof.For some years*it was his custom—on the Fourth.of July, at Thanksgiving,Christmas,or some other convenient occ:sion,to gather anumberofhisfriendsthereforadin- ner or to spend the night.On these occasions it was not.unusual for him to entertain a dozen or more friends over night.The guests were alwayshandsomelyentertained,the events greatly enjoyed and those who werehonoredwithinvitations,to thesegatheringsesteemedthemselvesfor- tunate.:The Shepherd residence was built36vearsago.At that time Mr.Shep- herd was living at Cool Spring,where he wag-for years engaged in business:and when the new home at Elmwood was built it was one of the largest and “handsomest in all the country-side.Now,like ‘the-mortal remains of its owner,the home is inashesandsomeofthosewhospentpleasanthoursunderitshospitablereofhavealsopassedtothe.othershore, Mills &Poston ToStay WhereTheyAre. find respect of the senior physicians‘at Bellevue and was one ofthe:most DRE.A.SHERRILL DEAD. Popular Young Physician Suc- cambs to Fatal Malady——Fun-eral This Morning.re After making a brave fight againstadreaded’malady recogniezd asusually’fatal,Dr.Everette A.Sher-rill died yesterday morning at 7:45o’clock at the home of his parents, Mr.and Mrs.F.A.Sherrill,on Davieavenue.”Dr.Sherrill had been itsince,the 26th of January,1914.Atthat‘time he was «member ‘of the staff of Bellevue Hospital,New York city.Realizing that ne had an inter- nal trouble he was examined iy ‘anumberofprominent’physicians ofthemetropolis,butythe cause of hisillnesswasnotdiscovered.Dr,Sher-rill then detected himself that he hadatubercularaffectionononelungand his case was immediately brought totheattentionofthemostnotedphysi- cians of that city,he himself becom-ing a patient of the hospital in whichhehad.been ministering to.others.Pneumonia,bronchitis and pleurisydevelopedandtheyoung‘physiian was soon ina very serious condition. After undergoing trentment at Belle-vue for 14 or 15 weeks he was taken to a sanatarium at Saranac,N.Y,,where he remained —for 18 months, and then after a brief visit t6 his home people here he entered a sana< tarium iat Black Mountain,where hewasundertreatmentuntil:afew weeks ago,when hie was broughthometospendhislast”days”with loved ones.His.condition hecamecritical.Monday —and_his death -was hourly expected aftcy’that time.:The fact that Dr.Sherrill was still) a young man and had just taken up his life’s work,for which h>was thoroughly prépared,makes his death unusually sad.Few young physicians had begun their work under such fa-vorable auspices.Burn and reared in Statesville.Dr.Shervill first’wentthroughthepublicschool,receivinghisdiplomaasa“graduate of theStatesvillegradedschools.Then he entered Oak Ridge Institute and:zom-pleted the course ~~there.DavidsonCollegewasthe'next source of educa-tion and after receiving his diplomathereheenteredthemedicaldepart+ment of the University of MaryiandatBaltimorefromwhich-he graduat-ed a few years ago.Because vf hiséxcellent_standing—at_the Universi Dr.per Bian aren a etmenttoBayviewHospitalof,Balti-more,and’further aateinniten camewhenhewasappointeda.member of the staff of Bellevue.Hospital,New York.city...Byfaithfulnessand -efi-ciency be soon:gained:Pheieénfidencc popular.young mciabers.of.the:staffwhenstrickenwiththefataldisease. During his college days Dr.Sher- rill took a prominent part in athletics and was one of the best baseball men of those days..While in-school henlayedonthecollegeteamsanddur-ing vacation he played =on leagic‘teams.He was a catcher of «bility and became widely known as “Dusty”Sherrill.the man behind the bat. Dr.Sherrill was if many respects a model young:mar.He was popu- lar with his associaies and his pass-ing will be mourned by many friends. He was a member of the First Pres-byterian.church and his ©funeral,which will be conducted from the resi- dence this morning sit 10:30 o’ctock, will be conducted by his pastor,Rev.C.KE.Raynal,assisted by other min- isters.The interment will be in Oak-wood cemetery.:“Dr.Sherrill was 28 years old and is survived by his parcntsand the fol- lowing named:brothers and sisters:Mrs.8.L.Cushing of Tryon,Messrs.Fred—and Karl Sherrill and MissesLouise,Elizabeth and Gladys.SherrillofStatesville.Mrs.Cushing had een here for some time on account of herbrother’s illness and all the membersofthefamilywerewithhimwhen the end came. Movements of People On Trout-man Route—Wheat Harvest. Correspondence of The:Landmark: Troutmans,R-1,June 30.—Mrs.9. EW John x 0 J]0 5 Sayad told of his native land,the ens+ toms of his people,the mission work there,etc.,illustrating hs lecture with stereopticon views.He is in this coun- try obtaning an education with a view of doing medical mission work in Persia on his return home,A_collection was taken to aid in defraying his expenses as a student of Davidson College.On account of the European war Mr.Say- ad is cut off from communication withhishomepeopleinPersia.we Dr.Chas.Anderson will preach Sunday afternoon at 8:30 o’clock in Banks Pay Dividends. ’Statesville banks have declaredtheirustialsemi-annual dividends as follows:>First National Bank 5 per cent,Commercial National Bank 4 percent,Merchants &Farmers’Bank4percent,The total amount paid inthedividendswas$10,000,the capialstockof,each of.the national banks being,$100,000 and that of the Mer-chants &Farmers’Bank $25,000.,ThedirectorsofthePéople’s Loan &.Sav-ings Bank,Statesville’s fourth bank-ing institution,hela a meéting andwentoveritsfirstyear’s business.Itwasshownbythereportsoftheof-ficers that the bank now has-undivid-ed profits less expensés to the amountof$2,896.60,but it was decided not todeclareadividendatthistime. —Mowers.Perry Guy.and LathanMills,the Intter ‘ftom Mooresville,are bs Messrs.Mills &Poston,who had ex- pected to move their store from the present loextion to the building now oe-cupied by Messrs,Sherrill &Reece, have decided to remain at teir present established tsand,The plan was to hvae the Sherrill &Reece store remodeled and|converted into a modern.dry goods store.Now that Mills-&Poston have decided not to change —locations, Messrs.Sherrill]&Reece have arranged with Mr.B.M.Stephenson,the owner of the building,to remodel and improve it for them.Sherrill &Reece will move into temporary quarters about the -first of August to give opportunity for the improvements on the store.A new frontwillbeinstalled,the floor will be low- ered and other improvements made,af- ter which it’will be.re-oecupied™by them. On a Long.Auto Trip. "Messrs:Jas.M.and.J.ShermanRamsey,L.A.Thompson,StewartCorriherandEd.Alexander,who are on an.extended:automobile trip inMr.Alexander's car,are expected tobeinDetroit,Mich.,today:SineéleavingStatesvilleseveraldaysagothe‘party has visited Richmond,Washington,Atlantic City,Philadel-phia,New York and other cities,TheobjectivepointsofthetripareTol-|edo,Ohio,and Detroit,Michigan.Mr,Thompson,who is head machinist fortheCarolinaMotorCompany;is to gothroughtheOverlandautomobilefac-tory ¢it.Toledo and the Ford facto: Elizabeth,returned to her home it: Steel Creek this week ‘after spetdireseveraldays.with her parents here,Mr,and Mrs.A:M.Johnson.Mr: Clyde’Mayhew and children are vis’!ing her parents.Mr.and Mrs.F.K.Ostwalt,a ‘Mr.Loyd Cope will return to hishomeinHarrisburgthis.week after spending several ‘weeks with his aur ?, Mrs.M.A.Spears,Miss Grace Johnson was the cuc t of her sistét,Mrs.R.L.MeLean,in Mooresville last week.,Mr.and-Mrs.Norman Kirkman aidittlesonreturnedtotheirhomeinGreensboroMonday.Mr.Kirkman has been workingon the dredgé bo. here..Miss Jessi¢Ostwalt is spending tnelatterpartofthe.week with relativesin’.Mooresville.:fMrs.John Neill retutned home Sun-day after visiting her daughter,Mis.Ebbie Nesbit,in.Statesville,Miss Annet May Huffman of nearMooresvilleWastheguestofhercousifi,,Miss Mabel Johnson,lastweek.i "Wheat threshing.is on and thewheatofthisvicinityseemstohevery:good. -—Thée ladies of Race Street churchwillserveJunchesandrefreshmentson the éourt houséJawn Motiday,:begin-ning at 10-0°¢loek: Chas.Jackson,four years oldy wasFin.oVeF aid:Groshed to death by a STATESVILLE,N.©.FRIDAY, <= JULY 2; LOCAL BASE K.ALL GAMES. Statesville Takes Two Of Three With Lenoir On Local Dia- mond, Statesville was victorious in two ofthethreeballgameswithLenoironthehomediamondthisweek.Mon-day the score was 5 to 3 in States-ville’s favor,Tuesday Lenoir won byascoreof4to.3,aid WednesdayStatesvillewonagainwithascoreof 2 to 1.Statesville having’won thefirstandLenoirthesecond,there wasnaturdllymuchinterestinthethird game Wednesday.A large and en- thusiastie crowd of fans were -in the rrand stand,the ‘players of each ofthecontestingteamswereingoodtrimanddeterminedtowin.and thefamewasspiritedandinteresting, Statesville introduced her new pitch- er,young Wilson of Taylorsville,and he proved the star of the oceasion.Ifis pitching was the real feature of the ganie. The game looked like a “shut out” for Lenoir up to the ninth |inning.Statesville got her first run in thefourthinningandthegamerockedalonguntiltheninthwithouteitherteam‘scoring Then Lenoir sentWelshtothebatas«pinch hitter and he knocked a home run.©Statesville also scored again in the ninth,making the final score 2 to 1 in her favar. Statesville’s battery “vas Wilson and‘Swann.Alvarez —did—Lenoir’s —piteh-ing and Futrelle and’Stewart.caught.Statesville made_10 hits and 2 errors and Lenoir made 7 hits and no er-EOFS. The score Tuesday afternoon ‘wasLenoir4,Statesville 3.Statesvillemade9hitsand5errorsandLenoit 8 hits and 2 errors.Foley:did the pitching for Statesville and Swannwasinhisplaceascatcher,.while Le- noir used both Adams and McKeithanaspitcherswithStewartbehindthe bat.Neither team scored until thesixthinning.when Lenoir made her'| first run.The feature of the gamewasasensationalcatchbyBreaux,who was playing center field,for Le- noir..aeThe.Statesville team,went to Le-noir yesterday*for three games.Mor-fanton eo}te,Statesyille next week for thrée games.feStatesville.proved a winner at Le- noir yesterday af arnoon,by a_‘scoreoi2--to1.~Sindler did:the.pitching fpr.Statesville.and Swann ‘tatight, th Pitrelle behind the bat.States-ville made 9 hits anew no errors;Le-nojr ft hit an 2 errdrg.’ NO BOND ISSUE RIGHT NOW ee Bit SS iButTreasuryOfficialsUnable To Say What Deficit Will Be.. Washington,Dispatch.June 30th. The business of the Federal zov- ernment for the fiscal year came to an end tonight with Treasury officials stil unable to determine how muchofadeficittheaccountsofreceipts and expenditures for the last 12 months would show.Internal.revonue cfficers throughout the country tele- craphed that figures on the last day’sreturnswouldnotbeavailableuntil tomorrow.The deficit today,exclus- ive of.disbursements on account ofthePanamaCanal.was’well.over$75,000,000,but officials were confi- dent that figure -wiil be materiallyreduced.The incom?tax up unti:to- day had produced only about $40.900,-100,but estimates of the total return from'this source hive »greed on sume- thing over $80,000,690. Congress amended the law so thatpersonsorcorporationswhodenot pay until July 10 are not subiect.to penalty,and there 1s no way of.tell- ing-how many are waiting untit the last moment to pay.. Estimates of the Treasury deficittodayvariedbetween$40,000.000 and$60,000,000.Receints in the last few days.however,have -made it aprar- ent there will be no present need for «bond issue,looked upon as a prob- ability a few.months ago.4 One act that officials do not.ovér- look in considering tne present.condi- tioh of the Treasury is that the Post-office Department has run behindsomewherebetween$10,000,000 ~ant815,000,000.Many reasgns ‘are given for this dévelopment.among them the condition of business during:the first few months of the war,the clys- ing Of stock exchanves for a Idng pe- riod.and the falling c¥in foreig¢r:bus-iness.se os Custom.receifits of the goverriment arparently have not heen far underwhatwisexpectedhyofficialsafewmonths‘ago.Seerct:-ry MeAdoo esti-mated that customs would bring in about $240,000,000 and it seemed probable tonight that the total would not be below $210,000,000.From all information available nowtheemergencytaxlawhasnotbeena$good ‘a reveniie producer as was cxpetted.’The internal revenue.bu-reaw has,not diviccd receipts fromthis:source from those from ordinaryinternalrevenuetaxes,but it is pret-ty well ‘understood that the law ‘hasnotliveduptoexpe-tations.Receipts from.whiskey taxes in particularhave:shown a falling off. Death of Miss Brady of Shiloh. Miss Lillian Brady,daughter of Mr. und Mrs,’©.A.Bradyof Shiloh town- ship,died yesterday.aft@phooh at Bil- lingsley,Hospital,doath roailting from pellagra.°Miss Brady.was in a hopélessconditionwhenbroughttothehospitalseveraldaysago:She was.about 19 yeats old,The remains were taken tothehomeofherparentslastnight.The new ae Retie Gray Drug Com-| as the:représentative o lumber’wagon in Rocky Mount.Tues-day.afterioon,7 MeKeithlan pitched for Lenoir,week. 1915. (DEATHS IN ALEXANDER. Mrs.Eche Mrs.Payne and from town’on the Wilkesboro road,death resulting from tuberculcsis.Mrs,Echerd was a daughtér of the late’Alfred Echerd of this county and is survived by her-husband,fourdauchtersandoneseh,two brothers—JMessrs.J.P.Eeherd of Taylors-ville and Jerome Echerd;who lives near here —and a sister,Mrs.Alon- zo Johnson.of the county.She was 62 vears of age.,Mrs.Elizabeth Oliver ‘Payne,wifeofMr.John Payne.died of paralysisSaturdaynightatkerhome‘in LittleRivertownship,in the 67th year ofherage.Her husband and a son syr- vive her;also two brothers,Messrs. Wesley and Sidney Oliver.and three sisters,Merdames ‘Tilman Fox and J,Brown,all of this countv.and Re-becca Manley of Wilkes.The funer- al and burial services of Mrs.Echerd and Mrs.Payne were conducted byRev,L.P.Gwaltney,assisted by Rev. W.J.Bumgarner and Rev.J.W.Watts at Three Forks:Baptist.church Monday morning at 11 o'clock.Rev.Archibald M.Pennell died Tuesday morning att o’clock at hishomeinEllendaletownship,after a few days’illness.Der2ased was a Con- federate veteran ani was 73 years old,Surviving him are his secondwife,two ‘sons and four daughters?all of the county.Ae ,had servedDoverandPorularBaptistchurchesasnasterinthiscountyandLittleRockchurchin.Wilkes county,but gave up his work some time ago on account of failing health.The fu- neral and burial services were .,con-ducted Wednesday morning .at 11 o'clock by Rev.L.P.Gwaltney,as-sisted by Rev.G.Z.Bumgarner ahdRev.J.W.°Watts. Miss Elsie Allen.is visiting herLcousin,Miss “Pearl”Davis,in Novtt eson,.who.has been:visiting:his “pa- rents,Mr,and Mrs,J.Mi Matheson,will_return to Wilkesboro,today..Mts:Laura.Gladden,whe was.-ca herebytheillnessofherbrother’s child,Mr.Clark Thomoson’s,will returntoherhome.in Chester,S..C.,this-Phe~-child-dees :not’inprove. COTTON AREA ‘Government Report Shows’5,- their cotton plantings in view of the stagnation in the markct ¢aused bythewarhasresulted.inya‘reduction acreage which would,according to last year’s yield reduce cotton pro-duction avproximately 2,454,078 bales of 500 pounds each. A total area of 95,535,000 acres of cotton is under cultivation in the United States,according to the pre- liminary ‘estimate of the department of agriculture annonnced yesterday.That compares wiih ©7,406,000:acres, the revised estimate of acreage under cultivation a year ago 36,832,000 acrés picked last year,37,089,000 in 1913)and 34,283,000 acres Abandonment of acreage during theseasonlastyearamountedto1.5 per past five years it has averaged 1.8 per cent-of the area planted.: The condition of the growing.crop‘on June 25 was 80.3 pet cent of a nor- mal.as compared with 80.0 per centonMay25,this year,79.6 per cent,onJune25lastyear,and -79.9 per centtheten‘year Average on June 25.The average change in condition from May 25 to June.25 during the past ten years has been an increase of 0:4 per cent.‘:The area planted and under culti-vation in North Caarolina at the end of:June was 1,338,000 acres comparedwith1,550,000 acres at the same timelast.year.Condition of North Caro-lina crop-on June 25,was_.79 per cent Mt.Mourne Social and PersonalIteins. Correspondence of The Landmark.Mt.Mourne,July 1—Miss Mary Wil- liams of Mooresville and Dr.JohnYoungTempletonofVirginia,formerlyofMooresville,were mirtied last Tues- (day évening at 7.50 o’¢lock in Center church.There was a large crowd pres-ént and the church was very handsomeé- ly decorated.They left that night for Richmond,Va,,where they were going to stay awhile,then visit other points,I hope they tiay both have a lotig andveryhappylife.Eve Thére was a very enjoyable rook’pat- ty at the home of Mrs.Eliziteth NeillinhonotoftheTomatothib’Tuesday night of last week.There Was a goodcrowdat.the Tomato club lawn party some fine music.by a string band.Miss Myrtle Hairston:of Davidson spent last weok with Misses Lanelle andTrene-Gudger.Mrs.Sallie Jackins of Sharlotte visited her brother in Mt, Mourne last week,t } Mr.and Mrs.Bfnest Cowan,wlio hitvebeenvisitingMy.Cowan’s sisters andbrotlors;loft:Tuesday for their honidinFayetteville. Wheat Harvest is about over it this section and ¢orn is looking fine at pros: ont.We are beginning to need rain in this section again.lish Supt;R.M.Gray will con etpublicexaminationsforwhite‘schoolteachéts‘Thursday’and Friday,July funeral ani burial will take place today at ew Stirling ehureh,x 8th and 9th,and for colored teachersMoridayandTuesdayfollowing. ™mREDUCED.| turned of §,871.000 acres trom last year’s} ago. cent of the planted »rea and for the!Wednesd lotte.w last Saturday night in Mt.Mourne,Hade BRIEF ITEMS LOCAL —(Scotts BettermentRev,Mr.Pennell Answer Call he inest.Salanaa 10th,with Miss—Personal Items.earl Morrisom.jy sgn vice Taylorsville,July 1—Mrs.Martha Bettie eee a art Malinda Echerd,wife of Mr.George obits Katan late Mo f Echerd,‘died Suntlay morning at 11 Which the will sell ape from welock at their home three miles}nents,y er ;réfresh- —Mr.L.0.White of Statesville,who:is.doing much -Work,has been awarded the ¢dredge ten miles of Withers ereek inRowancounty.::—iMrs.F.C.March of ]inore ishereonaccount‘of thé sofinedaughter,Mrs.R.0.rbin.rs.Harbin was very ill for a time,butwasreportedimprovedyesterday.—~—Foy Lackey,two-year-old son ofMr.and Mrs.Robt.Lackey:diedlastnightat9:15o’clock at their:home inBloomfield.Pisgah church today or tomorrow... Mrs.F,H.Adden went to:Hick-ory Wednesday.afternoonMr.Adden,who Has takenaninsuranceagencythere.Mr.aiidMrs.Adden will makeHickory. —The rural carriers will not maketheirroundsMondayonaccountof ‘célebrating the Fourth,Atthe post-office the general de'ivery.and car-riers windows will bzto12-o’clock. -—Mr.and Mrs.C.BE.have oo fretting atour’s since they moved to State yAfromHighPointthefirstofthe9ent,this week began house!ing in.apartment of the Nooe flat on Centerstreet.a ike ONE—Mr.H.Campbell ofWasoperatedon.for apPortland,Ore.,a few days ago.andgettingon-all right;He was.ria.i the Ewiattack,.Cargpbell-iebrotherofMrs.J Balle aStatesville. —~A couple of Mleft_home Wednesda‘out..parental permission,nee.Wilkesboro.Mr.William Hl.Math-liy officers at Hickory: Masons were in aed | 871,000 Less Acres Planted.|Wfugh.B .Repeat Is...by they “Ah ;dotthe Boutherer farmers:be retiurs eter : Sister,Mr,.ahd:Mrs,Jas,B..’ee nagen As her —Mr, a ~iMr.C.C.Tharpe yiMillstownship,was in States:lay én route home from |here he had heenMr.Tharpe made’thelotteb notice of throad. and Statesville than the ir geeTredellandMeckisububyGuais Mr.Miller Mooresville Enterprise.-‘The resignatioh of Mr..H:'Mills as cashier of the Merchants@Farmers’Bank of this.etaccepted:by the:board been contemplated.bseveral’months,At a meetiigof —the directors yesterday Mr..RobdrtO.Miller,of Statesville,was electedtofillthevacancyand’will assume —the duties as cashieron’the‘day ofretirement:of 3.Miller is #sén of MrT,D.ler of Statesville,and has been.en-gaged in thSeeofCs ev.étal yeats”klahoma,Bat:reeent-ly returned to his tative Stabs,veeifwillbepleasingtouMmerousfoe»_baciogrhe ta know thateiscominghome,having been bornatCoddleCreek.Honechild.’| Monument to aye JjP.Cold.well,The Nort Caton Press Associ#- is holding its annual meet-ontreat,yes detion,whingin a resolutionto.erect.a monument,Caldwell anda committedpointedtotakethework A billion dollar trade’batatiegreatestinAmieritanh.year,which has sewn coffipressedby11months’of_a comme pel regs d tes.a centhadebebetheDeyofCommerce‘with the:the fiscal-year atainthatthebillionbeenpassed, +Cs.1 cee W.L.Keller is under treat:ment at the Sanatoriim.»He tunder-went a minor operation a few daysMissEstherMerecentlyunderwentan:optheSanatorium,’.is imA.B.Lineberger undérweationTuesdayeveningnendicitis.Her conditionin1912,}b ,; y automobile and:tooke@growingcropsHesaysthatthemuchbettetr-in the vicinityvilléandalongtheroad y x Ee 4 .ae baohition1Hitt Interment.will.be at charne.of their home in open from 1) Belton;S.Cs.licith a : ition~when sense ntine of eetleRilo eRe Vv P,P.pw , who Mine ;ac ts :ts taverns 2oy: rareNet Cashier.MooresvilleBank. ‘of directoris“Ste'Mr.Mills’for. Mr:-Mills.iMil- banking: He _ ;adeTeeeh to.his numerous He has «witeand oy yesterday:adopte:,yenterday.adopted a)the fs in ahaa ne a er taarsnsaata{COTTON GOODS «EXPORT.|FROM OYER THE ©More Talk to”Germany About}UGH!CALOMEL MAKES YOU SICK!.. —_-Loe4ERSDaat.Sx.te Ppamparge pes Tae Ae FR a ._CLEAN LIVER AND BOWELS.MY WAYIncreasethePast.Year and,Ex-|Items of Interest About Various fas aataaehk Wik the Bea hie.'=i MOR’gccenee tmporis For.the Cecand)i.+Matters.|ssn office,the State Department has|SU8tOnce!Try “Dodson’s Liver Tone’’WhenBilious,-eresRUNG INSANE)|Time in History.i Passenger Engineer W.P.Gillispie}made public the text of the note"tent|Constipated,Headachy—Don’t a Day’s Work,—Requires Huspital Attend-!Washington Dispatch.of Tuscaloosa,Als,is dead and a on June 24 by the United States,ask-Liven up your sluggish liver!Feel)my.personal Monéy-béck’wisrantes|score injured as the result of a head.|A new high record in the shipment inj bine fiy tal recahsidar har ves f dl ;:ts to Be Sent After Insane and sale abroad of American cotton-|on collision between a aan atrain Pak rman by arwn diplomatic ne-|ne and eheerful;make your work a Facan ine es wit clone ponePersonsButCountiesMustmanufacturedgoodswillbeeatablish-|and a awitch engine cawieg Mia ANd)otiations instead of by.prize cuurt|Pleasuré:be vigorous-and full at AM~|;acty calomel and that gets ak ;Pay Expenses.,jed during the fiscal year of 1915,ac-|Ohio railroad,near y,Ala.proceedings,the elaim presented on|bition.But take no nasty,dangerous you sick.*/ne,.i é cording to a Department of Com-|‘The Maritime Association of.the behalf of the captain and owners of :ee Seymesoftheteelapsemercestatement.For the second /Port of New York,numbering 800)in,ase ship William P.Frye tee oe okieators a sick iwoaaes Con ane ;_ane liver isthehpitalforthemanefeti¢|time in the history of this country’s representatives of domestic and for-|nk with her cargo of wheat by th Calomel is mereury or quicksilver|ing because you wt.wsk ro feeling :uly ee rua tolone ee oe will xceoed se iinports a ss ig abn AR st a tePrgecemmnnnce ewes ae ae cia which causes necrosis of the ‘bones.|fine,your ‘ter »willbee Sperknan7!;;xports.will exceed theimports,Here-.|port,is preparing-an ap eal to Pres.rich.~The American:government -dé-Cal lel h TORE Bt.paene iver:¥“gi“Section 1,That whenever any in-Sai with the exception of 1905 the|jdent Wilson for a special session of :atomel lashes into sour bile like ly-|headache and dizziness gone:stom.‘BBne pers i United ,fi ‘lares that.inasmuch as Germany has des ban icve A That's wh "a :on shall be entitled to ad->tation “of:fore peal the new seaman’s Care ee haat ;eer namite,breaking it up.That’s when|ach will be\sweet and”bowels regu-ethes into any of the.hospitals of a ant ik exceeded e meerene 50 2600 admitted liability for the sinking of|vow feel that awful nausea and}lar. ait :ves .he Frye under the treaty of -1828,|°;gre.State,the clerk of the .Superior|tne annual exportations of.‘aimilar The scandal at Annapolis,wherein|‘ize court proceedings-are naneces ti ee:ent ature yw nd nach AML,Soa Fam #1280800]wamero miehinien around tm|2S goa Hing ep the Ul ok,fu ant toen-|egw”therfore "hale atreebyi-n tne to $38,100,000.‘This:fiscal year,ac-vestigation for cheating on examina-States.:at elaxnate ts 7 er.=~oo on t Million ee ive it be your chil..nance Y ~s sek :esac cording to the department statement,|tions,is further augmented _by the \Aside from the question of how the nit take -"a eens ‘eos eo Dee s areusingwillhecmelcandfateaenchmeenaitRee‘axobed the imports eee nes of aes ner indemnity should 2 nal,i ue odson’s Liver.Tone tonight,Your!gerous.calomel now ‘Your draseteets::OO IUD :sodes,Conditions a *|brings out clear e.refusal.of the ::rate a #9 f:a E ‘duty oe ae —or ere Estimates by the De;artment of emy are evidently in need of thorough et x A Btates a coat te eontek ieee oe eye 1 a ayeans en no:eee wee of calomelPerens.th rig,[Commerce place the cotton goods ex-|renovation.—,ee tion that Germany hag a right to stop ene Uae Lig“aimiost stopped entirely.hare,fy.the superintendent of such hospit-ports this fiscal year at $75,000 900,|.A slide on the west side of the Cul-the.carrying of contraband by Amer-}gususuummmuneumcn.,ee bi Faas Mere ea ee ;en a,wha tee tiie cr sind and poe Bp sod at ee ebra cut section of the Panama eanal|j.gy ships “by the destruction ef the Lag.;e department statement adds:thi I i SIS ante)LHHMGaPARSEy ened STL TA NAAN COOH INA ts...|has closed the channel to ships,.with traband and the ship carrying it.’°*“Superintendent to send an attendant “In the .10 months+of.the cur-|a draft ‘of more than 26 feet.The Whilepou rantion a Pketaring wate te Sherril]-hite Shoe Company. s Dodson’s Liver.Tone ig entirely " ont hat on een ian rent fiscal year down to May 1,the|slide.though temporary,is reganded fare was made in erifer the last Ger-;e ..:exports of cotton .manufactures,|as the forerunner of an important)man note or the present.reply,oe¢-}4 ae!;:mre all ee ane M aanat to amounting to $57,900,000,have al-|earth movement,along the entire west|casion was taken to’deny.this right!&rea Ine ennis Xx 0eeee%jready exceeded by $4,000,000.“the (bank for a distance of 4,000 feet.because.of a belief that admission of . oer?such insane person té the hos-highest record of any complete ficcal Ex-Gov.and Mrs.John M.Slaton]it now might in the future be used “See.2,That upon the arrival of poeeionty a oe _et OTe.of Georgia left Atianta Monday eve-|as a justification for submarine at-:such insane person to the hospital the Pr ng ¥3 eee highest level |ine for the rae ca by way =tacks on American ships,Pokies cotmclacionees ofthe Cooney TR MEO 1h TOE nt eae a en eee eabestan|Men ‘raced a the A cae Wh Calinecboardofcommissionersofthecounty|he culminating year of the big ex-stationed at the Slaton suburban|Me mire fae BOM AB,lege:|&in which such insane person had aj joy movement,when China was tak.("ome|.since the demonstrations In this time of industrial opportu-|4settlement,a bill covering the costs r unusually large quantities of |222inst the commutation of Leo 'M.|nity,it is gratifying to see what a/®5 ae eee y Be ue Frank’s death sentence began June|firm grasp the men trained at the Ap.|BofconveyingsuchinsanepersontoAjeancotton-gocds unow the re:c }d g :an hospital,including any fees that |sooning of her ciate at tha close of |22 Was withdrawn,ricultural and Mechanical College are|-would now be allowed an officer,and|the Russo.Tn Warning that the United-States|taking on the industrial life of the/é:;»-Japanese war,rs ;:3itshallbethedutyofsaidboardof:-|Would not recognize any agreement}State.These men not only know how |—|.UP-t0.the’present the cottea,man between China and Japan which im-|to do things,but they are doing them |:paired American rights in China or}with credit to themselves and to their|#endangered the “open door”policy.|college.They are making over old/#was conveyed to the governments of|farms and dairies.Many of them are 4bothChinaandJapaninanidentiéal}directing cotton mills.On -our rail-|§works the bones intended ar expect 6208 00.00 in 1800 to fosn.Qno natefon Waaninstn which was de|was,and highways you‘indthem flmf.Of course’inane.people should|tat Sass toeiceuet Hom Meat:The British steamship Indrani 3,-}by men who need draughtsmen and|_not be handled'as criminals and Pub=999 to $33,400,000,Imported cotton|600 tons gross and the-British bark machinists,Young ten who art:am—lic_sentiment has become soenlight-|roods,however,did not fully partici-|Dumfriesshire,2.565 tons gross,have bitious 7 determined tg make head-|ened that there is little complaint on /pate in the increased consumption,|been.sunk by.German submarines,rey Since “thcin ae eh tht eau 4thatscorenow.While sheriffs or their|since they only rose from $29,900,000 |The Indrani was sent.down Sunday|Pers eee "fan to_t!18 OUsy |S_deputies are usually assigned.'to take!jn 1890 to $66,500,000 in 1910,with a}southwest of Tuskar,Ireland,’Her}institution,e fall.announcement|3t Tennis Oxfords,black,and white,§50c.pair.Tennis Oxfords,black and white,65c.pair. Tennis Oxfords,black and white,75c.pair. Baby Footery. Yes,we remembered the babies,and call at-tention to our excellent,line of Baby Footery. Soft sole Shoes,-white,pink,blue and tan,50c,the pair, Soft sole Shoes,white,pink,blue and_tan,25¢c.the pair.instit Complete line of Infants’Moceasins,white,insane persons to the hospitals,the|subsequent decline to about $50,000,-/crew was saved.The bark was tor-inthis PARSE he interest scores _of|5 pms,blue and tan,25c.the pair.officers are generally accompanied by 000 in the current year.;redoed Monday and her crew landed|Youngs men.——ad,H“some member of _the family of the}“The decrease in imports of cotton lat Milfordhaven,.Wales.|=ceepatient.or by a friend,if the family|goods in the 10 months of this,fiscal!At Montgomery,Ala.,the jury’in j‘and friends so desire.In fact it is)yoar was $21,600,000 and the increase |the case of the State of’Alabama a2 Y :3commonforrelativesorfriendsto}in exports of that group was $14,600,-|against the Montgomery Saving Bank War (;Witton 8 SHERR LL-WHITE SHOE CO. e td ty =Lbiasred re it aed alt et 1 tilbas bth uber TL. commissioners forthwith to repay te ofacturine 4 .-nt g industry of the “Wnitedsuchhospitaltheamountofsaidbill”)states has been chiefly -oceupied in ———:i ee /meeting the requirements of the homeThislawwasdesignedfora8004|market,’Thus,.while the productionpurpose,but it is-questioned if.it)of cotton manufactures rose from Sa d i s t . 2 Ti a n ma e ae 4takepatientstothehospitals,without|000,conipared with alike period of |for $110,000,brought in a verdict of Peac ILSON is“an officer accompanying,and this ar-}the fiscal year 1914,Ten months’in|one cent in favor of the State.The anbie:ATKINS (!‘kerangementandoubtlessbeeffected:ports of European ‘laces aggregated|State was suing for $110,000,alleged To the Farmers of Iredell and Other Counties: wheneverit is desired.;'$18,000,000,a decrease of $12,000,000;/to have been paid out to Theo.Lagy,j When patients are accompanied by |of European cloths,$6,000,000,a de-jnow serving a prison term for the.de- THE STATESVILLE REALTY &INVESTMENT COMPANY begtoannouncethattheyhavecompletedarrangementswith“THE :tives or friends they will of |crease ef $4,000,000,and .wearing ap-/faleation of State convict departmentcoursebehandled_as considerately_as!parel.$4,000,000,a cherbase of $1 |fonda:' HOME INSUKANGE:CO.of New York.”forinsuring your growingcropsofTobacco,Corn,Cotton and small grain against:destruction Ahey could be by a hospital attend-|900,000,Ten months’exports of wear|In the District Supreme ‘Court’at by Hail Storm at théfollowing very low price: TOBACGO CROP. tant.In some cases the hospital at-/ing apparel amounted!to $25,000.000,|;‘{B tt W p !sas :say |7 vee et ae ustice McCoy has post-oe omenight Srettet an ee Sale OF EER O0GIHN for the periods |one.anti “Detter his Mdcéision ir Du er Tap ers.:Dessetae Fopiinellt notcount nal rey males of Europe.||the suit of the Riggs Natiofial Bank r es aeuchasmightbeimaginedinear-|McCoy Formerlyi 4|to enjoin”Seeretary\/MeAdbo.and f We *buve’the oie besteae‘McCoy Formertv in Revenue!C,.iptroller 'Williams'from retaining Parchinest Butter “Paper,© $100 peracre’valuation at75peracrevaluationat60peracrevaluationat25peracrevaluationat ti 1.87)per acre Msticst te mc OT T EI RR L RI B S eptibe nTadent ee i|>.Service in Statesville.$5,000 held ‘in the Treasury from the|4 and eanprint-your name B‘can handle him better than aistrang-|Thomas C.MeCoy,who was’ars)bank’s interest on _government‘bonds,And brand op.game..Let us 4)-even though the stranger,rested in|Asheville Monday on 4/88 4 fine a not sealing cotmeie jhave your order for any-"be a hospital attendant.After the|charge of conspiracy to defraud.the|$Pecta:reports.::‘quantity you want.See us.‘patient is in the hospital and his case |government,as a result of an indict-},The British government ‘has -an Prices reasonable.studied it is.different,‘ment:returned by the United:.atetet Wrashiast through its snndee a :wee “y ‘The most jobjectayable:feature of!grand,jury at Fort Smith,Ark.,ashington.an agreement wi €inti fe)the old law aethe female patients|was tie mentioned in the lastist Swedish’Spinners’Association _for Brady Printing Ov anwereoftensenttoHospitals‘accom-|sue!of The (Landmark,is well known |unrestricte Swc-|agaceeiedonlyhywien.This.should not to-many;Statesville-and-Iredell dead?10:00:balaal ioficotteneadh| $7.50 per acre 5.874 per acre3.75 per acre gh}5 COTTON,CORN AND SMALL GRAIN CROP;$40 per acre valuation ee “"$1.60 per acre35peracrevaluation|1.40 per acre30peracrevaluation’=)FD er Acre29per.acre valuation 3,|=”..el herbs;for a time stationed -in’“Statesville,tion.“That amount is said to be more Ms y 3 2ion ty pg peittedexcept.where the hus-|ple.Several years ago:MéGoy ‘was|month,if.consigned to the associa-Notice of Gil Action:.accompanies the wife.The new‘law.however,does not remedy thi‘It does not’require that a female a-stendant shall be sent from the hospit-als for a female patient.Superin-Atendents ‘of hopitals would doubtless-be disposed to do that anyway,not-_withstanding the law does not require“it,except that it would not be advis-able to send a femaie attendant alone,It would be necessary to send two,to“insure the safe conduct of the patient“as well as the safety of the attend-ants,or the attendant would.have.toSummonhelp:if it was found neces-“Sary,as it would be in tiany cases.The law provides that attendants,in transporting patients,shall havetheSamerightsasofficers,which meansthattheywillnotonlybeallowedex-penses and fees,but will have.theighttosummonwhateverhelpthey‘deem neceesary,and the help will“have to be paid,as the other expense,‘by the counties sending the patients.The Landmark is making an ex-planation of the Jaw to prevent anymisapprehensionor’disappointmentas_to its working,It is well for coun-ty authorities to understand,too,thatwhilelocalofficersarerelievedofthe‘duty of transporting these patientsthecountiesarenotrelievedoftheexpenseandtheexpensemaybein-creased rather than diminighed.Whilethecountiespaythetransportationexpensesandthefeesthatwouldbeallowedofficers,the expense of.theillalso_be-increasedbythe}-INdaw,as the hospitals will have to keep_extra help to send for patients.Theregularforceisalwaysoceupiedanditwillbenecessary,it would seem,to put on an extra employe or twoforthisservice.‘It should be understood,however,that friends and relatives’can con-tinue to take patients to the hospitaliftheyprefer,and they will probablyrefertodosoinmost¢ases.Theospitalswillnotsendforpatientsunlessrequestedtodosoandthere while‘in the revenue service,and op- erated in this section. ~-When arrested in Asheville McCoy gave bond in the sum of $25,000 for his appearance at the Federal.courtinAshevilleAugust3.The Federal grand jury at Fort Smith,Ark.,hasindictedadozenofmorepersons,in- cluding distillers,revenue officials and former revenue officials,who are al- leged to be parties to a gigantic con- spiracy that has resulted in defraud- ing the government of hundredsofthousands’of dollars.John L.Cas-per,a liquor dealer,formerly of Win- ston-Salem,is one of the men involv- ed;and Knox Booth,internal revenueagentforTennessceand.Alabama,is another.Booth is alleged to haveconfessedhisshareintheconspiracyandit.is said he admitted receiving$12,000 bribe money.:Baoth has visited Statesville in his official capacity in years past but was never stationed here, Ex-District Attornéy~Holton andHon.Thos.Settle are counsel for Mc-\Coy.Holton:is.also counsel for Cas-rer. Head Almost Cat Off,But Ask- ed For Cigarette. A serious and nearly fatal cutting scrape occurred at Graham Saturday night,says_a-special tothe Greens- boro News,when John Wright and Harrison Stevens got into a row-and head from his.body.He used hisknife-so—well-that--he-cut_from—thebackofStevens’neck to the windpipeinfront,severing two of the veins.Another slash made a six-inch gash inhislefisioulderandanotheralmostcutoffhislefthand.Dr.W.°E.Walker attended Stevens and dressedhiswounds,expecting him to die atanytime,but Sunday morning he wassittingupandaskingforacigarette.He had once before beeh carved inmuchthesamemannerbyhisbroth- Linn and Linn.of Salisbury,.repre-senting the creditors,have been press-|apply to the court for’the religt dem dedTHBTora”permanent”witty ri watecompete:Ae ivietn mal 8 Senator Swanson of Virginia,who}"“withother Senators—and—membersof Wright=came~near-”“Stevens”: than twice the normal consumption of Swedish cotton mills.; Jose Zozaya,a wealthy resident of North Carolina,In Superior Court. Iredell County,Before the Judge.|J.D.Elliott,executor of J.-F.’McLean,against }EI Paso,Texas,has been arrested on The heirs and next of kin of Rufus Wood-|charges of conspiring to set on foot a military expedition against 2 friendly country,Mexico.He was released on $7,500 bond for hearing yesterday.The charges agains‘him are similar to those made againstVictorianoHuertaand-Pascual.Droz- co.Additional specific accusations against Zdzaya are the purchase of guns and ammunition.: Guzgenheims Looking at Gold Hill Mine. Wachington Dispatch to Greensboro News.; The American Smelting Company, which is controlled by the Guggen-heims,it is understood;is consider- ring,of Lawson Woodring,of Solomon?McCall,deceased,of the widow of Lawson|Woodring;the next os kin of J,F.Me-!Lean,deceased,of Daniel Shook,deceased.|of Nancy McCa)l,of Margaret MeCall,of | Daniel Woodring,of Jacob Woodring;and;the following named defendants,viz.:Mrs. Sadie Debuardelaben’and husband E.L..De-|bardelaben,John P.Elliott,Mrs.May Win- -Use Vudor Shades to Make Sleeping Porches---’Phone For Prices. Eljiott,Alexander ENiott,.Willie Miller,Thomas Miller,Grover Miller,GeorgeMiller,|Jacob L.Woodring,Emaline’Mast and |husband ——-—-—~-Mast,Daniel Woodring,|Jr,Mary Woodring Walker and husband aoe Walker,A.M.Woddring;Sophia |Bass and hushand -—---———Bass,Eliza Liskandhusband-—---_Lisk,Belle Dolby and«husband.—-Dolby,Charlie Woodring,Daniel,Woodring,Walter Woodring,LonWoodring,’Ada Woodring and Toby Wood-| ring and others. .The defendants above named will take no-tice’that an action entitled as above hasingapropositiontoleasetheGold]yoo commenced in the Superior Court of Ire-Will gold and copper mine which has}dell county for the purpose of asking the udebeen-operated_under the management|vice of the court as to the meaning and lezal“sfféct of ‘the will of J.¥.McLean,decensed,of Walter George Newman and oth-and of ascertaining who are the next of kinersforsometimepast.The Gug-|of a.m)McLean,deceased,and entitled,asnheims,according to the —report:|distributees,—to—the—personal -property of hia /genhe mM <B estate,and for such other and™further relief18plaintiffmaybeentitledtointhepremises.have sent mining experts to Gold Hill to-make-an-investigation.ese: The owners:of a majority of the Said--defendants will further take...noticehatthey,and each of them,are required to!stock have asked for time—until Jaly|appear at the term of the Superior Court ofsaidcountytobeheldonthefifthMonday /}}©11—in which to make the lease.The ‘yefore the first Monday.in September,theGoldHillcompanyisinthehands]same being the second day of August,1915,of a-temporary-receiver and Messrs.|at the court house of.Iredell county,in Congress is financially interested:inthemine,asked for time to turn:the Statesville,N.C.,and answer or demur to thecomplaintinsaidaction,or the plaintiff will enprmcntinn aromas Clerk SuperiorJ.B.Armfield,Atty.June 26,1914—dtw. tig Sanyalve |ee apeiewoktheifmine«at ST CERO aEvantage,f i Death of a Noted Irishman: Jeremiah O'Donovan,better known as O’Donovan Rossa,Irish patriot andreyolutionist,died in-St.Vincent’s ‘Build a Brick Houseor Brick-Veneer |}your old house.=Warmer in winter,cooler in summer,climinates frozen 26 per acre valuation15peracrevaluation 10 per acre valuationDWELLINGS,FU $100 value for one’year at 30c., latter insurance covers alsbywindinadditiontohail REMEMBER—“We insare anything insurable.’’J.F.CARLTON,Manager,*PHONE 54. RNITURE,BARNS. 3.years at 60c.,5 yearsdt90c..This0againstlossordamageoccasioned 8Dper-acre-60 peracre _, .40per acre: STATESVILLE,N°C. STUY ‘Vudor Shades and Ham- f=4 mocks,We make you any ff size awning...Window } Shades all sizes.Our |White Mountain Refriger-| torsare all stone lined.| Every Shade with Vador Safety Wind ‘|Also Iceland Refrigerators,zinc lined—the only ice } Ice Cream Freezers.One,{ two,threeand four burner Oil Cook Stoves—the stove { that will bake.: box.that will save ice. PE nomming in the law to prevent hospital,Staten Island,N.Y.,Tues-|Pipes.“Has every advantage.Solid :i ‘‘‘4riends-and_relatives performing the o Weight got a few slashes from Ste:ea He had—-been-ill for many.brick under planing under ‘frame|f Statesville Housefurnishing Co,gmervice.ae vens,but they were not serious..He|months.house will help some.;‘Measured Distance From States-EN:ville to Mocksville. Mocksville’Record. ~For some time past there has beenmuchargumentamongthecitizens is in jail awaiting the”result ofStevens’injuries. Cotton ShowsFalling,Of. The per centage conditions\of.cot-ton on the average date of June 24, O’Donovan Rossa,Irish patriot and FaceBrick,CommonBrick,DrainTilerevolutionist,spent .the last half.of his:life in the United States,20 yearsofwhichwerepassedunderanedict Statesville Brick Co. of banishment from Great Britain and any of her possessions,Though grants a a eSyeTS:::by Queen .Victoria :fndcountyasascompiledfromtherepliesofspe.|¢@ 2,full pardon vy 1 eae Th |i tioo.Omaa eric ts pehilvaeg cial correspondents of the New wie ent db peat aor in e y arves er,eville.Tosettle the question the edi-|Journal of Commerce,was 79.7 per t oy ab che "en ROAR YEE OF 8 ConetoraccompaniedI.P.Foster to|cent,a decline of 0.7 per cent,from vuny ee ;the:en See Awonderful andyetsimplecon-‘Statesville Friday and measured the|the previous month,when the condj-|'¢™ained tothe end an uncompromis-trivance,that catches flies by theCarolinaPostRoadfromthe)tion was 80.4 per cent.This*com-|'"£_foe to British rute,=illion.Simple instructions withsquare,at Statesville toCraw.|Pares with 78.6 per cent.last year,|England has proclaimed’waé|}™hTrap forbaiting and.kilnlord’s drug store,on the gquare here,|80-9 per cent.in 1910,and against a |®&%inst me,”he vowed,“and so help Files ‘Rentilies conte f &‘The distanceis éxactly 20omiles and|10-yeat average per cent.in 1911/™@ God,L will wage war against her A time and dose he Workactualrunningtimeonehourand15/24 80.1 per cerit.in 1910,and against Hi Fie eyao We ata a beatwhanninses inthe back yardésea10-7 we }utes.This road is one of the fin-|*#10-year average of 80,2 per.cent.out of your way.Costs only $I,Deteriorati ;‘—:tin the State,exonat'Lotininns ane Pasian ae ther and Higher Tem-||Jasts indefinitely and catches more|D BY CHAMBERLAIN’S LiNi.|4°Increase of 3.6 per cent,and 2.3 (=®perature,a ‘Flies,aay times ae an allMENT:per cent.,respectively,took place.The weather forecast for the week|}other ota 7 Ort oe esBEAUTYMORETHANSKINpuup.|peeiming Wetlnesday.promised show}RES DAC Son:ae ong sora k:“ER ers Lon she Pal Lo or.three days and|{b@ convinced.Made and sold:byA.beautiful-woman always has good di-eathier”with tempera led 7 N.BROWN epee’o £Ne x 9. gestion.If your digestion ia faulty,Gham-generally fairherlain’s Tatlets will ao ;Obtaina«}ture tending:upward,for the rema:’“iaeratefom:Seok -OUhalaeey OOS na ie :,em)a June lb..\. -*Phone 493, Fire,Tornado,Live Stock,Automobile,Liability,Plate Glass,Steam Boiler,Accident —and Health or Life Insurance We solicit your business for the leadingcompanieswritingthedifferentlinesofinsurance.Full*information obtainedonrequest,> ERNEST 6.-GAITHER,“i545 INSURANCE,RENT-PHONE23,”BNO.1,MILLS BUILDING. winter I used Chamberlain's Lini-for...att 4 in did me moregood thancines|hadtaken, lieving woniats'$=sulternweakwonien 4t should surely help you,asit hasmillionothers.fing iGl on ChattanoogaAdvisoryDopt.,Chattanooga‘Trosimentfor“Womecase andand 64+“page book,“Homeeatmentfor %‘apér,N.C.—Mrs,the a rs HelenDalton,of Cardu id th IeSaa ee ®goodBeer *wn ane pe aeeR NY net a ee ce,says:“1 suffered for yearswithpainsin-my left ae and woftenalmostsmothertodeath,Medicines patched me.i as awhileAhenILoeetworsedecidedheMantedohmeneByCard,me a bottle-andtheeee$tonic,$0 I haye induced many of my.friends tohaveneverIBssienovewillbe,a panrewithCardui.1believeit ismedicineforallwomanlytrou- Cartulfsa been r6-and buildinguptohealthandstrength, If you area woman,give ita ~mr For.over50years, ~Get abottle of Cardui fo-day, Medicine Co.,Larties’Tenn.,for SpecialWriteto: "inplain wrapper.B64126 Don’t leave homewithoutasupply.Something new in thisline.I may have your plate.’Phone 210.° Allison’s Book Store. WE HAVE. ~A FULL LINE OF+ Mason Jars,Jar CapiJarRubbers,JellyGlasses;''Preserving Powders, }1 4 j{ i | | }Bly Pay tInseet-Powders.-:tie Many other seasonable |) t goods.Kagle”&Mitbolland. Call:For Me | Nice fresh:Vegetables,Celery,Cucumbers;'’Squash,Beans,Potatoes,Peas,Lettuce,Toma-toes and what goes with them.M.P.Alexander &Bro. «PHONE 241. 1 -| { 4 Use the Great Southern Remedy, Is Your Liver Lazy? Burduco Liver Powder Mild and gentle.No griping.-No nausea. Cleans the system and. makes a _healty liver. SOLD BY ALL DRUGDEALERS—25c. Leounty,was driving a-team of mules Riraved Cards tf. Brown:T.N.,Stockton St.,one lot 27.09 Carter,J.V.,Seventh St.,one lot 4.03Carter_Bros.,Armfield St.one lot 24.78 Cashion,A,D.,Fourth St.one lot 8.08Clinard,J.M.,Fourth St.one lot TBECline;,--F.,.Fourth.St.,onetot-....—15.86Davidson,J,A.,Broad St.,one lot 43.70Durham,J.C.,Highland Ave,one lot 13.86Easley,Dr.P..S.,Kelly St.,one lot...26.65FBidson;A.€.,Park place,one lot .,35Elinson,W.A.;Sharp 8t.,two lots .66.30~iFry,T.E.,Front St.,one lot ........28.6%Gum,Jd>A.,Cemetery St,two tots ~. Harhin,James F.,Tradd §t.one lot 2Harwell,U.C.,Walnut St,one lotHubbard,J,T.,estate,Tradd St,,one lot Jacks,M.L.,Fourth St,one lot ....6.93 iJohnson,A.C.,Bost St.,one lot ..13.64 Kestler,J.B.,*Winston Ave.,one lot 6.99|Kyles,W.L.,Fifth St,one lot ......5.59 Lippard,A.B.,Seventh St.one lot.,6.05 |Lippard,J.L.,Seventh 8t.,.two lots..6.33 |Lyons,Misa Cornelia,Fifth St,one lot 4.89 |Simons,Lee,Eighth St,one lot ..Seasons,Mr.,’S8.Statédville,one lot .2Somers,W.V.,.estate,Front St.threefoteeorecalndesecementtenes 10.35Sowers,Ck HE;Caldwell St.two lots 10:74 |Summers,Hi.CG.Park place,one lot =3.'Trevepaugh,J.H.,Seventh St.,one lot °.7. iTharpe,L.Ey Patk on two lots..11, rien leas -Boulevard.-St.,one bot ovens ib paphe ys perp ange Bs svene 9, Troutman,Mare L.,Bell St,one lot 20. Turner,W.Ey vie Ave.,/one lot....22.Turner,Z E,Davie Ave.,one lot ..12.Turner,Cs H.,Bost St.,one lot .....55.68Williams,W.L.Race,St.,ane lot ../16.48 Delinquents,White. Allison,Will,Race St.,one lot .......9.20 Bean,A.A,,ar St,one lot ....A6Collie,Mias E.Boulevard St.,one lot 17.77.|Dixon,James,“othe Center St.one lot .87|Ervine,I.R.,Charlotte Road,.one lot 4.03 |Fesperman,Rev.J.H.,Fourth St.,one iS ee EERE CPT SE TETeeEeeT Te 4.60 Foushee,W.W.,Ceonter St.,one dot ..-5.47Kyles,C.H.,Race St.,one lot .......2.30 Levan,Elihu,Seventh St.,one lot ...2.30Mills,G.N.and J.M.,Caldwell St,ontBIEcectagsoenavossesccaOdowades 4. Sowers,John,Pradd St.,one lot .ofGAS ele aireetaerate FRIDAY,.«-=-July 2,1915. LOCAL RAILROAD SCHEDULE. |Areival and ‘ef Traiue of Ginter IN ROAD. Train No.15,westbound,due 7.24 a.m.Train Ne.11,west-bound,due 10.05 a,m. Train.ae 4 west-bound,=3:26.yp.m,ine ie mameseene ous 10:25 p.owrainNo.ne oe Ly me a.mutwe ae ae tionee te @ a herrTrainNo.16,‘enst-bound,due 10.50 op.CRABLOTTS AND TAYLORSVILLE.From‘Train No.16 ar.9.60,leaves 10.26 a, Train No.24 ary”9.20,;“leaves 9.20 -~p,From Taylorsville.Train No.28 ar.10:00,leaves 10:40& Train No,15 ar,6:20,leaves 6:45 p,Nos.23 and 24 are not operated on Sundayfe oD jClaude.Burns,a—youth-~of “Anson and struck them with the whip:Arivetinthelashofthewhipstruck Burns in the eye,so badly injuring it that it had to be removed.. The next meeting of the State con vention ef the Farmers’Union will be held at Durham.November 16th,17th and 18th. City Tax Sale! By order of the Board of Aldermen’of the |city of Statesville and,pursuant to the law lof Nerth Carolina,I will sell at public ane-tion,to the highest bidder for cash,on MONDAY,JULY 5,1915,at the court house door in’Statesville,Nv C., beginning at 10 o’cloek a,m.,the followingdescribedtractsoflandandcitylotsforultpaid‘taxes;for the year 1914.—W._L,NEELY,City Tax.Collector...wis Corporations. Compress Pad &Sai Co.,Center St. one tot md Alexander,Mrs,Bettie, enue,one —lot Anderson,L.A., Fine”it, Mrs.Bettie,Highland ave-9.95 4.05CaldwellSt.,”anetot Bases,Dr.R.A.,Fourth St.,one lot ..O.5LReaver;W.P.,Fourth St.one lot....1144 Bost,D.O.,Caldwell St.,one lot .....8.06 Harbin,R.J.,Alexander St.,one lot .. i Mills,W.M.Caldwell St.,one lot ..5.76 |Minish,J.dJ.,Seventh St¢@dne lot ..1.79 Moore,V..B.,Bell St.one Jot _....9.26 |Moose,-T.-€tyde,Front St.one bot,>11-40 Morvan,Will,Seventh St.,one jot .))7Morrison,J,C..Hizhland Ave,one lotMorrison,G.Ba Front St,.one lot... (Otr,RB.W.,Front St,three lots ..,.Paifer,EF.Li Front Sti(one lat7 dei 17 Rove.:By.S|Mooking-Stes-wmie lott7 18.Pratt,J,8.,Boulevard 8St.,onelot setcisReavis,4.D.,Armficld St.,one lot ...°3.Senep,Ds,KR,Center St,two lots ..8.Silis,John,Fifth St,one lot........19.Shaver,C.F.,Boulevard St.,one lot ..4 Shaver,John Fj Bowlevard St.one lot 17. Shook,J.-M.,Caidwell,St.twe lots..13. R.i Mills St.,one lot Colored. Sowers, Allison,Caesar,Green St.one lot ..9 1.15Allison,Emma,Tradd St.,one lot...2.60 Adams,Henry,Harrison.St,one lot .__4.28 Bailey,R.-D.,Center St.,one lot.....12.65)Biddings,T.G.,Chambers St.,.one lot 2.30Burton,Ashley,Green 8t.,one lot 6.35Chambers,F.F.,TraddSt,on@lot ..22.46Cowan,M.L.,Front St.,one lob.7.48Cowan,pe pe in South Statesville,oneWeePieBieSigseaslsMpeiainsCowan,H’C.,Walker ‘Sty one.‘lot odyDavidson,Massie,Chambeys St.one lot 58 3.30 1.73Gray,John H.,Sharp St.,one lot .....8.65Green,Margaret,Garfield St,one lot.2.30 Houpe,Grace,Garfield.St,one lot ...87 Kerr,Henrictta,West End “Ave.,one WAG he So rharks otc ree ate ORES a8 Sof 2.80Martin,L.O.,Garfield St.,one lot ...—6.07 MeKey,“G.-C.,Green St.,one lot’..6.93Moyer,Rev,H.C.,Green’St,one lot 6.43 Murdock,Ed.,Chambers St,one lotSherrill,John A.,Walker St.,1.738threelots12.82Spann,Luther,Walker St,one Igt .6.35Steele,George,Elm St.,one lot 7...69Stewart,Walker,Walker St.,one lot 5.18Thomas,Ed.,Garfield St.,one’lot ..0 1.15Thomas,Janette,Sharp St.,one lot 4Webb,Ray, FOR FINE CLEANING AND DYEING —'PHONE 147—- Sloan,Pressing Club. .NOTICE! HOLLAND.BROS.have changed their ’phone number from 177 to7.Call No,7 for draying,.all grades| bes?coal and wood,etc:Residence Phiene 1310. Shingles.For Sale! Iredell "Phone No.74,Bell No.7, Cosioad of.good No. pet thts at $2.75thousand_at.myefop. -C,H.TURNER,Near the Depot. 4 4¢ia |pR.C.L.CRU SE. Veterinarian, Office vei ‘Polk.Gray.Drug Co. 3.45HarrisonSt.,one lot 8.94White,Jo.,Tradd St"one lot...eetWoods,R.B.,Garfield St...one lot 1.73 Woods &Carson,Elm’St.,one _lot,.23 Woods,Vinn,Walker St.,one lot....92Woods,David,Garfield St.,one lot ..88 Delinquent,Colored. Clark,Agnes,Garfield St,one lot ., Davidson,Cato,Green St.,one lot ....Dean,Sallie,Green St.,one lotFraley,Press,Greeh St.,one lot... Hunter,Hattie,Tradd St.,one lot ...Nicholson,Josephine,Tradd St.,one lotPenrson,Jcnnic,Garfield St.,one lot .Seahorne,Clara,Green St.,one lot. Simonton,Sam,Garfield St.,one lot .Steyénson,John,Chambers St,,one lot i2. 2.304.633.451.443.222.881,48 3.455.78 1.44 PINECEDARCYPRESSeek.Shingles |Twelve grades—from $2 00 up.C.ee [Goite L:Shetil M.D., ni i n -[DALLAS.(CHAPMAN:DEAD: ¥Former AlexaInder Citizen’Diesin,Oklahoma—+Tarloenviltews.|i Correspondence “of TheTandab,” Taylorsville,June |28.—RelativesherehavebeenadvisedofthedofMr.Dallas Chapman at his.horatAddington,Okla.,on the 22d.Mr.Chapman was a son,of Mr.E.!Chapman,who lives nearTaylorsville, and is survived by his wife,father,five sisters and four,broth ‘Mes-dames J.N.Campbell,Chas Brook-shire and Chas.Wilson of this place,“land L.C.Bostian of the eounty;MissMamieChapman,Messrs.Carl andJonesChapman,who live with their father;Mr.Polycarp’Cam bell of theLcounty-and Mro"Jay Chapman 0lowa.-Deceased “went “West ‘eight vears ago and marvied there.He wae 4!yoars of age and was a memoftheBaptistchurch..The inter+ mertwas At Addington.—. Miss Yhez LeGette has gone to Cor-orm.Cal.to sperd tome monthsvithherbrother.Mr.Wilbur Le-Gette.Mr.and Mrs.W.D.Deal anddaughters,Mrs.S,T..Crowson andMissRubyDeal,and Mrs.Crowson’slittlegon,William Deal,went to Spen-eer Saturday and spent.Sunday.withMrs..Deal’s sister,Mrs.James Dorsett,making the’trip in their au- tomobile.Lawyer and Mrs.F.A.Linney andchildrenofBoone,arrived Saturdayafternoon.by_automobile-and--will behereuntilWednesdayatthehomeofMrs,-Linney’s”mother,Mrs.Matheson.“Mr.and--Mrs.Linney, Mrs.H.:©.Payne and Mr.Re L. Matheson went to Mooresville Sun- day morning in Mr.Linney’s automo- bile to spend the day with their moth-er,Mrs.-W.-B;Matheson,at the home of her son,Mr.W.L.Matheson:This was’Mrs.Matheson’s 74th birthdayandallofherchildrenwerevithher except-a son,Mr.J.A.Matheson “of Greensboro.Mrs.J.Frank Clement has gone ‘totheSanatoriumatCharlotte’fortreatment.:: Mrs.H.C.Payne was the gracioushostesstotheEmbroideryelubFri-day ‘afternoon .at her home on eastMain‘street.Mesdames D.T.Me- Carty,LL,L.Moore,D.Co Henley,M. ee |U.Gwaltney,W..D.Deal,J..H.Burka. C.L.Matheson,H.P.Feimster,J.D. Herman and>R.L.Matheson,andMisses’Lily.Tidball,Grace Feimster. Rebecea Caldwell of the vicinity of Charlotte,Ruby Deal,Marguerite Burke and Ada Vicle were’special guests at.this most enjoyable meet- ing.After a time spent in pe tion a progressive button”stri eéntest was engaged ih.Mis Feimster succeeded:in stringi! rgest ‘number of;buttons wihandandwasawardedthe’pfixautifulbasket.of:nasturtioms. cious ide cream and cake perp serv-ied by.Misses Irene LeQuenx and MetueriteBurke. ecnaenemenne ecemeantingessau nite Wheat and Other CropesNews of Clarksbury Community.: rrespondence of The Landmark.Harmony,R-i,June 29.—The rush é of h dy Bhe 80arian 1thepat ter ani whi heard:in “thedemise 222ie whenwrDyuetaeceresonlyanSeer | acerrings h Oe od. Crops are Yering trom rou and} if it doesn’t.soon rain early eédrn will | he cut short.Cotton is very small. the crop is at least two weeks late and the cool nights.cause rust and poor stands, The Clarksbury*singing-class_will| sing at Society church next Sunday| evening at 3 o’clock.This’class is getting a reputation for singing the! best of any class in this ‘section.A few of the young people of the.community’gathered at the’homeof |Miss Belle Albea last Saturday eve- All reported a nice time. The Post highway from Mocksville| will be completed by the 4th if thebridgematerialcomes.It is quthor- itatively given out that work will be-gin on the road from Harmony toconnectwiththePosthighwayfrom|Statesville to Mocksvillé.Work wascommencedonthis-road.and the force of this section splendid road facilities—fomething that:we so.much need. Mrs.J.L.Heath of the Clarksbury| orn has been visiting herdaughter,Mrs.L.W,.Gaither,in|Statesville. Quite a number of our peoplepectto:celebrate the Fourth Monday in Statesville, ex- next, Lccrasnsasssoneneronen nomerarteeaaenerenel Brady-Young Marriage. Correspondence of The Landmark. «At the home of Mrs.A,Brady inafte noon,June 28d,a beautiful “daremony| was-solemnized-in-the presence of a number of relatives and friends,when her daughter,Miss Maud,became th: happy bride-of Mr.Joseph F.-Yong.The,ceremony was performed by Rev.:L.L.Moore’of Taylorsville,Mr,Joseph F.Young is the sonof |Mr.Ed.Poung,a former resident of|Iredell:county.Mr.Joseph was a but has spent the past two years inHammonton,Cal.Early Thursday|morning -the happy ‘couple took atrainfortheitnewhomethatawaits them in “Beautiful California.”It is the sincere wish of the many|friends of this:happy couple.that) they ‘may:he given.the best«in life,and that their lives will be as beauti-ful as.their honeymoon.trip esothe!Rockies.|.ONE:PRESEN LAEET $100 REWAR",$100.The readers of this paper.will be Will answer ‘phone calls.leftatDr.Long’s.Sanatorium’orGeo.M,Foard’s residence.. Season is here..We use best rub-ber made—ree and:Kell;and:withot orcold.Quick RUBBER TIRE Neton.a ‘plearedwaded”divepostareere is at eastat‘sclénce jiasioiauateinaftstégos,and that|:i's Catarrh:Cure 14 rewoenowknownto*rrh beink a oa julres a const!*Hats Catarrh ‘Cureingdirectlyupoh onlyohio pnutionkttutional r lat the upMatetieehae iw;doin, to cure.Send f Pp the con- j andred.Dollars fmt B to cure 0 atGraeSur a ing the founda- have s0 mu &€o.,Tole- iving the pa- oa ers that thay i 7,eonstivation, D.for ’ ning,where fee cream ‘was|served.| ‘|Mii Shaver ‘had a pretty large ciass taken to the highway,When this| road is completed it -will give people| resident of ‘Davidson for some years| any case | ROOSTER A $7rAR BOARDER| Should Be ae of After ,HatchingSe How Some. of the Loss.on Eggs Can Be& Saved.®:i Correspondence of ‘The Landmark.| Attention is being turned more and!more toward the preventién of thesmallerlosses,yet little has been done| a9 yet to chéck the enormous loss that|is annually sustained by the poultry|industry in its.method of maintaining a number of star boarders on every| We ¢elebrate the 4th of July gn Monday.While the Bank will not be open for business,the-doors-will be— CO R E farm.ene the hatching season is|s eae et over thé rooster proves not only a “;ees ‘ star boarder because of his useless-|e oper to evden:and SHSLAM eases who ie invited.‘gness,but an absolute-loss on account.%-to-make ‘tite Bank their headquarters,aoeofthefeedheconsumes‘wild’thegreat|et.number of eggs that-are spoiled be 8causetheyarefertile.igThe,poultrymen of the Unitéd |States lose annually $45,000,000,from| Will open Tuesday morning to receive deposits Four per cent interest paid on Time and Savings de-AC E O bad methods.of producing.and hand-.Money loanec he leg:ie ling eggs,At least.one+third of this posits .oyEne d at the legal rate,6 per,ent.loss is preventable,beeause it is due &This Bank will serve its customers and thé ¢okona to the partial hatching of fertile eggs,which have been allowed to become!% warm enough to begin toe.incubate.|Fertile eggs are incubated whenever|they are kept at a temperature above 70 degrees.It.is almost impossible for the farmer to keep his eggs be- low this temperature.which accounts| the fact.that chickens are fre-| quently hatehed in the egg case dur-ing the process of ©transportation.| Egys kept at a temperature.of 90 de-| grees will incubate one-half as fast as if placed under-a-hen;~Frequently!during the summer ~sé¢ason the tem-|{ perature is above this point and in-|cubation is mueh more rapid.The only practical remedy’is to|“swat the rooster.”He does not help|the hen to lay...He only-fertilizes the| serm of the egg.The fertile germ} ‘n hot weather quickly becomes |a} blood ring,whieh spoils the egg for | food and for market.The fertile ceg| if kept at_a_temperature of 103-de-4ereesfor36hourshasthebloodring formed and-is-unfit for food.At 72 hours the blood vessels of the embryochickare_clearly marked,.The infer- tile egg kept at the same tempera-|ture will still -be-asable-for-food=at} the close of the seventh day,or if}me cool will still-be in perfect con- dition, After the hatching ‘season cook, scll or pen your roosters,Your hens not running with male bird.will then vroduce infertile eggs which will kee;and market best.If every farm+ er ina community were to sell only infertile eggs and tend to.gathering them daily,the retail dealer in that community would ke enabled to pay more for them, If.the farmers would follow.the -imple_rules-given helow,-which-cost nothing but a,.small amount.of time and thought,they eould__add-...manydollars:to"their peultry:yard returns;1.Keep,the.nests.clean;;provide pne nest,forvevery,four.hens,;,,,.:, 2...Gather.the-egns twiee:daily. nity in every way consistent with sound andéconsery- ative business methods,=ce OR C A OR O Business in all lines solicited. prompt attention given to your wants. GEO.H.BROWN, President. Cour teous,and. dat 0.1iCaere ar e K s CO O R E C AC C O R Phones 84.and 137.é oe rie. Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison Company.» The Store With the Quick Parcel Post Service.ah t Half-Price} 1-20ff Monday1morning we héeia sell-}, jag,Suits:at ‘half prices Every “{Sutt inthefhouse:to be soldand eval fosbusd oop Re tid 9289:Ae 3.ikeep them.in.a col,\dxy,,room sold:at ‘apr ice.Look’them,aver or cellar.«41 Menke the ehes at least twice q 204 0 see thespecial values:,eeweek,5.Sell,kill,or confine.all male ff |birds as,soon as the hatching,season [iB over,,,Ge BE,DULL,»Gounty,Agent. ~$30.00 gaits “Fine25.00 oid}!1»20.00 |sonstABSuiteeduane 2 wiih ee eee rgcmeemooe) |Siepritite.ati:the «County:Home, Le f Re |Correandndence:of The Landmark.#te 71 208]©his §set ot at (county.“Home,June ”29.—The vat uit‘ummer not ended,but .the/pruer o®mi aed Suit |harvest is iasen so far as the wheat \*hep-is'eoncerned.The County Home |sidan crop has been harvested in |ood condition;and I presume it will not be long till the hum of the thresh- ‘t will be heard in the land. Mr.Ei.O.Shaver’s singing,an- ‘@unced -in’The Landmark,brought a very large crowd here on Sunday af- |ternoon.If I knew a secret that I |didnot want everybédy to know,‘IT would certainly want to keen it out of the -eolumns of The Landmark. 12.50 Suit Sil Shirt Waist Sal 9 For Chautauqua Week.Awning oa Striped Waists,the newest things]- in Waists;:special:values,50c. and $1.00. 1-20ff of singers and theycertainly gave us /some excellent music.I enjoyed it{more-than I can tell and I think all here enjoyed the smging very much.“Divine music must be allowed by all |who practice in it to be an emenation|from the Deity.”I am stre that Mr. Shaver recognizes that fact. Mr,Perry,who always seems ready to.do anything for the benefit and [nleasure of.those here,sent his car to‘town for Mr.Shaver and.others to |-ome,and also sent them back home. ||Sincercly hope Mr.Shaver will come /again and sing for us..I am sure Mr.|Parry will send for him any time he|will come.I am indebted to a lady in’States- |vile ‘for a package of reading matter.|She also.sent me a note directed to |The:-Landmark-correspondent:—(she lid not.know my name)requestingmetotalktoacertaindarkev‘here SAaTVAtio hourfeeling:unworthy,I talked to him.He seemed ‘to-be-very ignorant.: Mrs.J.E.Colvert and her young laughter were visitors here Yastweek.® Mrs.Waugh’s Birthday Celebra- tion.. ‘orrespondence of The Landmark. Saturday,June 26,a crowd gather-dat the home of Mr.Samuel Waugh to ¢elébrate Mrs.Wauch’s 65th birth-day.‘The company of 76 souls was ‘composed of friends,neighbors,brath-. ors,sistersy.sons and sons-in-law, |laughters’and daughters-in-law,and crandehildren,bringing well.filled baskets.‘The table was loaded down ‘with,good ‘things to cat and~.drinkandallenjoyedthedayfine;Afterilliadeatento.theirs satisfaction i\theré were as many baskets of frag- New Awning Striped ihatlite and] Voiles,all colors,20c..and 25e.} theyard.’Send for samples. THE STORE THAT PAYS THE POSTAGE on Hal,ORD Phones 84 and 137.; ' 2 Captal Stock Paid in SurplusandProfits | .Your Ban ine basta saliibead aoeveryaccommodationextendedtode- ments left-as there were when our positors consistent with uae bank |Lord fed the 5,000.‘After dinner ‘the in m th d‘company gathered for an_old-time ig §etnoas,, |singing“and.we sigh, |Backward,turn backward, flight;P yAAnd make us A child again just,for.to-|night.’’ After the singing was over therewasiceereamandthefriendswent aways oO.D.8. rere ener, DIARRHOBA QUICKLY CURRED. “About.twoyycara ago Thad &severe atstackofMarrhoesnwhichlastedforoveraveo“writes W.©.Jones,Buford.Ne oD, {“b heenine Bo.wenk that t-could’not Atandupright,A draggist recommended:OhameberialTeCholera.and.Diarrhoen..em--first dose rolieved me and withinFeWaliaswellasever, Obtain-able ‘Senrehe PS E SS I SS SS S SP S TS F LO S CS S Oe ee OS E OS T eS PL O T S TP T PI E S LT S SP P SI SS O IE T S SS S I OS SS TO O GO M Four per cent,paid on time and 8avingsDeposits.remaining on deport three ;months or longer, O FIC ERs: “W.D.TURNER,—K.MORRISON,|<D,M,AUSLEY, oh ‘time in thy < PS e s b s P a s S S T E C E SE S S SS E SO S O O O O T S exports of,this class of ‘goods 7 ——==wre RK,EDITOR AND OWN " SPAY AND FRIDAY. -.eENGLAND’S CREED.— “When one analyzes the Ameri-jean sympathy for,the allies,”says the Greensboro Record,“he finds ithat it is extendcd to France,Bel- gium and Serbia rather than to Eng- land or Russia.”That is true.The reason.for.the distrimination,con-=thfues the’Record,so far as Great Serer eee.INTERESTING FACTS. ‘That is a most interesting state- ment of the Department of Com- meree,as,t0,the exports of cotton, goods during the past fiscal year.The figures for ten months of the year ‘show thatthe exports of cotton goods had exceeded by $4,000,000 the >vecords of all previous years and for thesecond time’in the country’s his- tory the exports of these goods,will exceed the imports—this year,by “about.$25,000,000,it.is estimated. Only once before,in 1905,have.the ex- eeeded “the imports,Usually—-the amount of ©foreign-made cotton goods coming into this country is in excess of.the similar goods going out,to the -yalue of $17,000,000 ‘to $33,000,000 annually.This year_the value of cotton goods exported is ext pected to reach $75,000,000 while the imports are estimated at $50,000,000, Whe highest value of cotton goods ex- ports prior to this time was $53,700,- @00 in 1913.The production of cot- ton manufactures increased from $268,000,000 in 1890 to $628,400,000 in 4910,while in the same period ex- ports increased from $10,000,000 to $33,400,000.:Ass These figures indicate that there should be no depression in the cot-a-.ten manufacturing industry so far as|4 the export or import trade are con- cerned.The sale of our goods abroad Britain—is--concerned,is”the attitude ef the British government toward American commerce.It is a fact that there.is in this country a strong feeling that.England is treating America very unjustly in this.mat- ter;that in addition to stopping our exports to belligerent countries and largely to,neutral countries on:the pretence that our goods will go through the neutrals.to.belligerents, Great Britain has prevented our get- thing things we need—such as dyes from -Germany —-through neutral countries,while at;the same time that country is taking care of her own needs through the channels de- nied to.us,The feeling against Eng- land is increasing and a note from President Wilson,stating emphati- cally that we will kold that country to strict accountability for any fur- ther interference with our rights on the sea,would:make ‘the President even more popular,in some’sections at least,than his note to Germany. RegimentStood in Water—How'Germans Fought Russians. How General Von ©Linsingen’s troops under almost impossible con-ditions forecd a passage across theDniesterrivernéar.Bukascowice,inGalicia,and*drove back the desper-ately battling Russians along a frontseveral.miles wide -on ‘the morning of June25,is told by Richard Schott, correspondent of the Tages Zeitung.The Germans,the writer says,had to ford the deep,swift river under merciless sharpshocter and machine havegreatly:increased while imports|gunfire,storm abrupt—elay_cliffs and have decreased.The Republicans who have always maintained that a,re-duction of the tariff would flood this country with cheap foreign ‘goods that would undersell and destroy the >homeindustry;and who have main-| tained that the industrial depression the war'but is due to the Democratic_tariff bill,might,digest these figures with profit—but:they won't.Also the protective tariff Democrats,especis the cotton mill men_.w 1 nithattheDemn¢ ‘ruin’theplain™*hor figures...x4. 5 T it ebce the Harry Thaw hear- kgDr.Charles P. >of the New Hamp- “Hespital for the Insane -|WiissojourninNewHampshire,! -said emphatically that in his opinion: Thaw is sane now and has _always _been sane;that ‘his killing of Stan- ford White was prompted by jealousy and.was not ‘the delusion .of a para- noiac,Dr.Bancroft further said:* -“Another reason for my belief is that.Thaw expressed regret for his-deed;“A’-parangiac never ‘expresses régret,He continually tries to jus-tify the deed and no amount of per-spasion ‘can convince him he has done .Wrong.”: JA large number of people will ac- cept the doctor’s diagnosis as:the correct one.It is apparent that Thaw’s place’was either the electric @hair or a.life term in State prison, instead of the mad house to which “his.mother’s’money sent him and from which the Thaw money_will proctre his release.By the way,it might be well to remember what the doctor said about the paranoiac— that a genuine paranoiac never ex- presses regret for crime but con- stantly justifies it and can’t be con- vineed that he has done wrong.Thefellowwhoclaimstobeaparanoiac and at the same time expresses re- Pre 0 ims 0 ‘The “organization to advertise North Carolina,formed in Raleigh Tuesdayy has,a rather long name but its ‘plans and purposes are all right and it is to be hoped that practical methods of carrying them into effect ¢an he devised,=|on Neither School Nor Chu '..Cape Lookout. orehead City Coaster. ‘There is one point in Carteret coun- “ty which has never had a school,thisbeingCapeLookout,where there are 11 families,these having on.an aver-‘age three children under 15 years ofwe,mone of.whom..can read ‘andwrite,while of the 25 adults onlyaboutthreecanreadandwrite.Thereneverhasbeenaschoolatthe:Capeforthepublic.Once there was a school for the children of the keeper rch at ae the light house but it was entirelyprivate.The settlement at the Capereallyexistednomorethana years,when the moving sandordunesbegantooverwhelmthelittlehamletofDiamondCityandneotherchorSundayschool settlement. le out from the’east side pe across the bay-or bightppresentlocation.There are noch:facilities.Diamond City went out of ex-some of its residents movedrker’s Island and the remaindere|The people it a school.In.a-few.daysbecomeapostofficefor;“resident ‘ig a then charge for a mile across open meadows against the Russians who were ensconced in the deep wooded heights.After days of fighting the Germans had the Russians in flightandhadcapturedthousandsofthem. “The German troops crossed in thedarkness.Fog’from the meadowscametotheiraidandbeforedaybreak “=o the past year is not the result of}the first lines were on the opposite bank of the stream and had begun anadvaneetowardthewoods.__‘ *Our.opponents were able to checktheatbaekonlyatthesteepestrivetpis,..One_West Prussian regimentdaybreastdeepin3©°ain order to ehoot ;ed outof the water bj standing flan ig .sfires this troopemergéd.“and:*finally “With deliberation,andasifontheparadeground,the gi+gantic-movement.made*fire Ss,un+til the city of Bukaseo b Finntsh,ere taken and ‘the line. Cumberland Gap. :Cumberland”Gap.theopeningin’the tains,where the States of ate the Boone trail,and was the cul- mination of a successful effort on the ean Revolution .in’North Carolina, exploration.,of _the Continent. tioned. ‘The’ecremony broughtmany.prominent’men .and sented. pal.speaker. can Revolution. sisted of Mrs. pating were:Miss Lida Roadman, North Carolina;-Mrs.James Maupin,irginia;Mrs.George White Bar- ter.Tennessee,and Mrs.W.S.Klore,Kifitucky.\Mrs.William ReynoldsofNorthCarolina‘wes chairman ofthe-invitation commitiee. Reasons For Believing Eve WasNotaGoodLooker, Everything.‘ Eve,our first mother,must ‘nothavebeenabeautifulwoman.had she been beautiful she would been perpetuated. only time that.a\woman gave a will- suit or a murder didn’t follow.AndhadEvebeenastunnersuchasthe have killed the deyil—and then wewouldhavebeenfreeofallthissin We read now-a-days..But it seems that’Eve was not agoodlooker—and yet she wore.ballet girl’s.costumd—a p he could:come backovernooeilhe itl m these difficulties were]swever,.and —notwith-|= fi reached and!¥stormed the énemy’s chief position.|#calmness # ice and sub-|# Russians}|‘soon|#were rétreating along the dntire|# Boone Trail Marker Unveiled at westward|§Curaberland moun-|§ Ten-|#nessee,.Virginia.and Carolina cor~|§ ner,was the scene of a notable cere-|% mony Wednesday —the unveiling of|# 2 monument.erectci to commemor-|# part of the Daughters of the Ameri-|§ Tennessee,Virginia and Kentucky.to|# properly mark the route of Daniel|§Boone when.he blazed the way in tap He|route of the famous hunter has been| marked’with bronze tablets,set in|} cliffs:of rock all the way along the|#trail through the four States men-|§ together|#women|3 ° from the four States,many of the|% chapters of the Daughters of.the!# American Revolution being repre-|¥Gov.Tom.C.Rye of Ten-|# nessee was announced as the princi-|# The ceremony was car-|# ried out,with due dignity.The In-|§ter -State Boone Trail Committee|# was in charge of tne ceremonies and ; Lwas,assisted bythe.Stateregents/—and by the regents of various chap-|ters of the Daughters of the Ameri-|#Thy comniittee con-|§Lindsay Patterson,|# North Carolina,chairman;Miss Ma-|%ry Temple.Tennesse;Mrs.Robert |#Gray,Virginia;Miss Erma Watson,|#Kentucky.The State regents partici-|# [Received at McKee &Co's Blse |} have eloped with the devil—left Adam |}} stranded and alone—a widow man,|} and the human race would not have|ff That Garden of Edenepisode is the |] ing ear to the devil,that a divorce |] latter day chorus girl—Adam might|} which smears itself upon the papers |i the ||1 nd.Adam -re-|4mained:and reared:his familyand if}it |} ‘|MORE AMERICANS KILLED.seiner eS eeGermanSubmarineTorpedoes Mule Ship On ,Which"AreAmericans.Pate The Dominion freight liner Armenian,,‘and flying the British ‘flagy and ¢ar-rying mules from Newport News,'Va.,to England,was borpedoes and.sunkMondaynight.by,the German submia- rine U-38 off Cornwall,Eng,and r- ly a seore of American muleteers aboard are reported lost,according to messages to the State Department from John 8, Armstrong,Jr.,consul at Bristol.Twen- ty-nine men in all were lost and 10 in- jured,From the messages received it‘appears that in addition to the torpedo at least one shot was fired from a disappearing rifle..The consul’s report said the wire- less housé was ‘‘taken by second shot,’’ It was not made.clear whether the Armenian first was ordered to halt and resisted capture,requiring a second shot or whether the submarine attacked| without warning.The fact that”the}number of the’submarine was given in-| dieated that she had come to the sitrface | to make the attack. ‘Mules are contraband of war,aceord-| ing to all the lists of the belligerents,x0 |there éan be no doubt as to the contra:| band character of the Armenian’s ¢ar-| go,Officials will make an effort to learn,however,whether the vessel was armed and whether she was a part of| the British naval forees before the| pinion of the State Department on the) case will be disclosed.{ The British steamer Armenian e¢arried | besides her regular crew,106 Americans| who were signed aboard here.to attend| rying for use in the French army.Nine- teen of the muleteers were white men, while the rmaining 87 were negroes. The Armenian was the first ship of the many carrying livestock from New- port News to the war zone to be attack- ed by a German submarine.The man- ifest filed at the customs house showsthather’cargo was valued at $290,400, The marriage of Miss .Gencvieye Clark,daughter cf Speaker~Caamp Clark,and Mr.J.M.Thompson wascelebratedinfine,style Wednesday ‘attheClarkhomeinBowlingGreen, Mo.The couple steed under a per- gola in the yard while the ceremony was—perfumed.__A_general invitation had been issued to the people (ofMissouriandtheywerethereingréatnumbersandstyleandtheevent‘is gaid to have had the appearane?ofabigcountyfair.i Beginning next week employes of| the Southern’s shops at Spence?willworkthreedays”a week.This‘is!aconsiderableincreaseoverwhathasbeen.*4Of149lawyers.admitted..to thepractice.in the District of.Columbiathisweek,three are Nort Copint 3—Herbert!0.Sink,‘John 4 Péley adJamesT.Howard,;M Reuche,aged? ¥niehi i A the 1,422 mules whieh the ship was.ecar-)% Chicago churehes “Eamercialismandreligion.religious work. not use the neinthenameof C Broad Street + really wants to be on the firinpapers,‘and should pay for it”SUNDAY EVENING SERVICE AT 8 O'CLOCK. Those splendid Sunday evening talks by nday,June 20th,"45 ableaud thinkchofthempreach‘They also told of the powerof r.Truman A.De Wesse,ditector of publicity,Shredded WheatCo.,Niagara Falls,said ihisaddaess:“Why should a chuich which cost :pers to make the pubristandintheinterest of decency:and religicus conduct?A church that.g line,and not a receptacle for fossils,should take space in.th yeen showing the connection’RUTH akinadvertisingand’its helpfulness G00 have empty pews on Sunday morning?Why: ic familiar with all,the agencies that are.maintained:- @. vty stor,Mr Kirk,are becoming an institution in BroadourpzStreetChurch.‘The Statesville people knowMr.Kirk is a real red blooded man,anx‘ous and réadytohelpeveryoneSPIRITUALLYorOTHERWISE.The subject next Sunday night is “THE CHRIS-TIAN’S TALISMAN.”Come Sunday evening and enjoy the service with us.T’officers extend you the glad hand of welcome.The service lasts just GO minutes.Methodist Church. he congregation and, rtising”ea filed the pulpits of rep tive *@ adve ng m ©pulpits of representative i _Birth Announcements,Acknowledgements,Birthday Cards.:~ There is not any doubt about oyrhaving the newest and most elaborate line of these ever brotght toStatesville. demands it. WANTED—Limited itabaecoachforcollegeduringAddress370Walnut.street. summer months,June 29-2t* FOR SALE AT COST—Our entire stock ofrubberandsteeltirebuggies..We mustrecoverandremodelourbuildingandhavenootherroom,or we could not make suchlowpricesas‘we are Olfering..If you aregoingtobuyabuggyitwillpayyoutoseeus.while these prices last.J.M.MIL-»-LER:.&WATTS,Stony Point,N.C,June 29-—3t* THE NORTH CAROLINA College of AgricultureAndMechantcArts" Young men seeking to equip them-selves for practical life in Axgricul-ture and all-its allied branches;in Civil,Electrical and Mechanical En- gineering;in Chemistry and Dyeing; in Textile Industry,and in Agricul- tural-Teaching will find--excellentprovisionfortheirchosencareersattheState’s Industrial College.ThisCollegefitsmenforlife,Faculty for ‘the coming year of 65 men;767students;25-_buildings.Admirably equipped laboratotiés ‘in’etch ‘depart.ment.’Coufty’éxamingtions ‘at ‘¢dchéountyseaton’‘July '8the eoForcatalogue}write 1°} sl of boys to! Stove. No.12 Style *‘A’’ 0 COOK alSeparatelids(seem im}foreach compartment, steam valve, water sealed top,pure’aluminum ‘lining, seamlesscookingcompartm’nts, pure alumi-num utensils,specialformula,strata-laid:insulation, beautifully vulcanizedsolidoak=fcabinet. ing,seamle to find-itreadyto me Yet thor “yy ~you—what we plest thing in the world. To lock up an entire,uncooked .neal in shin--$spure aluminum ‘wells,forget all ¥ about it for hours,and when meal time comes,% ow.y’ :Registrar,"whois watBoleigh,N.C... CACRCECECECECECEOECEO Made in‘”# One,Two.#and Three»:§ Ten Sizes. Roasts" Bakes. Steams Stews Fries Boils srrrlt |your meals without fire maysibletoyou.But it’s the sim- Hot,deliciouslysavory and tasty,©e,may seem likea fairy tale.— “of women:are cooking thisway.They shop,read,visit or sew—whatever fancy dictates—while other women stand over hotstoves,with faces red as beets, basting,frying,buv'ned,fuel bills run up,nerves are on edge.These women are continually fagged out and be-_come prematurely old and gray. stirring,turning, asted,oftenetc.The foodisw: ,ook stove,come.in.$at the **will do Torguaranteeitwilldo.Cook thenew,easy,better way and save time and money. Crawford-Bunch Furniture Company.: DRESSES,priced less thathem. A LOT,of Sample Summerinprice.2 Cloth,ete.You will finworthwhileconsidering; J.M.McKeeNo,112 a =Street, |Big Shipment of women’s and children’s SAMPLE H ousEn-material would cost to make | Underwear at.a big saving | REMEMBER our Bargain Counter.of Shoes ahd Slip-pers.‘Lots of extra special bargains in these,One lot fchildren’s at:one-third to half the regular price. SOMETHING NEW conting almost everydmaterials,Lace Cloths a stripe.Voiles, ay in dress |s,Gaberdine |hat our spot cash prices areEryIt.Very Respt. &Company.1 Hall’s Store ‘and.Lazenby:ears Soe”ABMONE 28h é #> Remember that you ¢an always buy an artistic | memory card from us that is appropriate,whatever ‘occasion "SMITHEY &FRALEY, _The ReakBargain Givers,. ExtraSpeci ixtraSpecialJulyBargains Buying as-we do from bankrupt and receiv- ers’forced sales,we have an accumulation of-good seasonable and dependable merchan- dise that we have to sell ata great sacrifice in order to move the goods quick.We offer these unmatchable bargains while they last. You should be sure and visit the:store at .your earliest possible convenience before the |pick is gone.Here we mention onlya few’* ns awaiting:you.We...bs» 4 oF th Thai.bapajhaveealCnicisda big lot odnd$25 Seite weare gometo cl $600 Pants ~:Pants ay"2.00 Patits “4‘00 Pants’)28"1vy.00 and $1.50 Shirts for‘0c.Shirts for.scp gy ing 28‘$1.00 Underwear formen <))“'"50c..Underwear-for men._BOTANY25¢.iUnderwear for.men,.“s')Boys’Coats.at -r»‘$3 GO FountainiPRens aGoodSheetingat ,All Linens at half price.$1.00 Hand Bags at hie jiew Another big lot Roasted Coffee at Five cakes Laundry Sozp Five boxes Cigarettes forFourplugsTobaccofor 25 cents worth of Cigars for Other goeds-just as cheap.SMITHEY &FRAL The Real Bargain Givers. men’s!$20:svi ose out at $82.9" pabwatfe”bol00at$3,oo wT i su ;a EY, ‘Statesville Printing Co. | Setnmeerermegetengeerrn Johnston -Belk Co.) |Thecitizens of -town'and county 7} reed”abroad.aren66Ay;Uleae neeteuwu mostcordially invited tomake the Johnston-Belk Co.Store the head- quarters during the coming week. ;Help us tocelebrate Monday,5th,: and the entire Chantauqua Week:: ‘Tee water all the time,Polite aitention most of the time, The Store That Sells For Less. air 'SON Le _ t |FRIDAY, Neereadeeiecmerttereateeterteens~_HOFEMANN-KAUFMAN.— Aditi cs bsapgae te.sag ST July 2,1915, Announced at..Beawtiful Party—Marriage of Miss:Hyndman and Dr.Reid Patterson—Other Social,'Reported'¥or The Landmark, -Wednesday afternoon Mrs.Wil- liam Wallace charr-ingly entert1nedthemembersoftheWhyNotcluband a few other friends ccmplimentary toherniege,Miss Amelia Hoffmann.Mrs.Wallace,gowned in white lace,received her guests.and presented'them to’Miss Hoffmann,who wore a .<orated,,Quantiti gown of ‘pink taffela with a corsagebouquetofsweetpeas,The entireWallacehomewaseautifully deec- of _roses,sweetpeas,nasturtiums,and smilax beingartisticallyused.Just before goingintothe.dining room cach guest re-ceived a wreath of,flowers for thehair.Migs Hoffmann.entered the'dining room last,wearing a wreath 'and dra of orange blossoms,to which was at-tached a tulle veil,These ocangeblossomswerethesameoneswyHoffmann’s mother wore.when shewasabride.The nature of the party|was.now evident,for suspended at*one side of the room were the wordsHioffmann—Kaufmar,formed of ox-eye daisies..The table was.exauisitely beautiful.,The center piece was an oblong ma- hogany basket filled with sweet pedswith’maliné.A flowér*eovered pole was in the center from .holding _sweet peas which was suspended pastel-shadedribbonstoeachofwhichakewpiewasattached.Tiny hand painted baskets of sweetpeasmarkedeachplace.The nlace cards were hearts containing the fol- lowing original and delicious menu: Mitaloune Hymen salad aux tumate oes,*PassionadeLovedarts Ally wafersEmbracedrollsWarmedhearticeSweetheartcakes Cupid,erips.As president of the Why Not club >Miss Hoffmann gave them her mes- _ > Se Re e Methodist.chur sage.In-this very clever president’s| message she announced to her friends| her engagement to Mr.Louis Kauf- man,of Danville,Va.-She-was thenshoweredwithgoodwishes.The pres- ence of Miss Corinne Clarke,former- ly of Statesville but now of Richmond,Va.,added much to the pleasure:of the afternoon,—fy.55)Mrs.W.piace's party Was prénounc-| ed one ‘df/the most delightful’‘cveri given if)Rtatesyille,,‘tol fd Yesterddy's}\Oharlatte,0 published the following account,0 the marfinge of Dr.Reid Pattersdn of Statesville and Miss Hyndman of Charlotte:{Phe wedding of Miss Mattie Beard Hyndman:and ‘Dr,.Reid .Patterson took ‘plaee)Jjast evening at 7 o’cJock at the hamte of the bride’s parents, Mr.and\Mrs.W.J.Hyndman.315 East Sevgpth street.Rev.Dr.VP.K. MecLarty,;-pastop ;—of Tryon.--S*reet Ch.officiated. The vows were spoken in the par- lor in front ofa group of palms, ferns and Easter lilies...Prior to the ceremony.Miss.Maiti:MeNinca,wio has a soprano voice cf rare sweetness, rendered ‘effectively “I Love You Truly.”;,She was artistically accom- panied by Miss Annie Young on the piano.When Miss Young sounded the notes of Mendelssohn’s wedding march Mrs.E.C.Hood,sister of the bridevand:dame of honor,entered. Mrs.Haod was gowned in pink -har- meuse en train richly trimmed in pearls and real lace.She carried an armful.of.pink carnations and.ferns tied with pink maline,The brjde wore a Belgium blue traveling suit with.white Georgetfe crepe waist and tailored hat and carried a .shower bouquet.of Bride roses and’lilies of >the valley.She entered with her fa- ©ther,Mr.W.J.Hyndman,and was °man. -Tannhauser. ‘lightful_reception atd:later ak PS met’at;the altar ‘by the bridégroom, Dr.Reid Patterson,who.was accom- panied—by Dr.Oren..Moore as_best The impressive ring service was used and during the ceremony Miss Young rendercd “O.Thou Sub- lime Sweet Evening Star,”from At the conchision she played the bridal music from Lohen- grin.- The;wedding was followed by a de-Doctor Patterson and bride left for a trip to -Washington,New York and At'antic *City.adMrs.E.N.Clemence’welcomed the -guests-in-the hall-which was decorat- =ed »parlor were »Mr..and Mrs.Hyndman and the brite and Wridegroom.Mr. with nasturtiums:Receiving:in-the and Mrs.E.C.Hood,Mrs.P.R.Pat- ‘terson and Miss Mary Patterson of Statesville,mother and sister of the bridegroom,Mrs.J..E.Parker —of Chester.S.C.,sister of Mrs.Hynd- man,Miss Annie Young and Dr. Oren Moore.ee» Miss Evelyn Lyneh of Rutherford- ton presided over the register.The -dining-room-table-wus covered with a :beth Long,Elizabeth.Beard,‘ eluny lace cloth and in the center was *@ beautiful basket of pink and white sweetpeas.Crystal candlesticks ‘heldvinkcandles’with pivk.shades.An ice course,cake ‘and .mints wereserved.Receiving in the dining roomwereMisses’Mary Patterson,Eliza-runs and Mell .The bride:was educated at *liza-beth College-and js #bright and-ac-complished young Woman and talent-ed.musically.‘She>is.prominent.inChurchandSundayschool:work andis,recording secretary’of.the,.StateBaraca-Philathea Union and presdentofthecityPhilatheaUnion.Mrs,Pat-térson possesses those qualities that *-<>makean efficient and popular leader,~~A wide circle of friends admire herforhersunnydispositionandsinceri-|og, ¥f'manner, hehas a large andmar|He is a‘lability and s|regard by a aroee eens Laer serceme growing practice, young man of.exceptionalihisfriend:predict for himasplendidsuccess,He is held in high{wide circle of friendsbothinthiscityantStatesville.OntheirreturntothecityDoctorPat-terson and bride wilk make theirhomeforthe.present with Mrs.Pat-*erson’s parents,My.and’Mrs.Aynd- man,yOut-of-town guests at the weddingwereMrs,R..Patterson and MissMarvPattersonofStatesville.Mrs.J.®.Parker of Chester.S.C.,MissEvelynLynchof.Rutherfordton and Mise Etta Skipper of Lancaster,§..C.At Center church,near Mt.Mourne:Tuesday ¢vening at 7.30,says the Mooresville correspondent.of —theCharlotteObserver,in a ceremonycharacterizedbysimplicity,MissMaryWilliamswasmarriedtoMr. John Young Templeton,Jr.,of Ports- mouth.Va.Preceding the ceremonyMiss:Margaret Join of Smithfieldsang“O.Perfect Love.”and Mr’D.M.Creswell of Charlotte followedwith“All for.You,”5UsherswereMessrs.R.B,John-ston and S.Clay Williams of Greens-boro,Dr,C..U..Voils and Mr.R.B. Templeton,Messrs.I.B..Williams.and H,M.Ulmer of Lexington.Miss Lillian Williams,sisicr of the bride,was maid of:honor,Miss Minnie Tem- vleton,sister of the bridegroom,bridesmaid.Little Miss Lillie Parker Norman was/flower girl.The bestmeanwasDr.W.D.McLelland.|The bride was given awny by her father, Mr.T.J.Williams.Rev.We E,West.pastor of Center.church,performed the ceremony,immediately afterwhich.a reception -vas.tendered the bridal.party at the home of thebride’s parents!*\, Mrs.Templeton ‘is the younsardaughterofMf,and Mrs.T.J.Wil- liams of Mooresville and is one ofmost’popular girls in her set.Shegraduatedfromthe.State Normal, has strength of character and an at- tractive’personality.Doctor Temple- ton-is-the-son-of -Mr.J.-¥.Temple- ton also of Mooresv:ile..He graduat- ed from Davidson College and laterfromtheJeffersonMedicalCollegeandstands-high in his profession.He} and Mrs.Templeton left by automo- bile for Charlotte.After a few days they will be at home in Portsmouth. Mrs:R.L.Poston entertained a few friends yesterday morning in honor of her guest,Mrs.T.T.Lucas of Charlotte,the affair being in the nature of a sewing party.In addi- tion to sewing the pucsts engaged in a:word contest,in which Mrs.Z.V. Long won the prize,a work bag.The guest of honor received a hand-em- broidered case for silver.A pleasing, feature of:the amyl A pms vogal gelections .by.Mrs.,Jf.Q.Steele.The Houne area ane decora Pink‘roees'tind‘sveeb peas were uged in,the,pamlpyy-cannas!and daisies the hall and nastuiiiums in the brary.A salad course;was served. Mrs.Hargetteof -Philadelphia,who is visiting her :deughter,Mrs.R.E. Clapp,was an,out-of-town guest. ‘Mrs.J:¥F.'"Carlton gave a card party Thursday evening-in honor ‘of. Miss ‘Canps of Portsmouth,the guest; of Mrs!Euwend Davis.‘The game wag plagedatthree!-rtdbles!’Noprizewasawarded.‘YMiss Capps was: honor.A salad.course.}was ser : Mrs,A.P.Steele entertained ‘at one table of bridge Monday .compli- mentary to Miss Capps.An em-broidered card table cover was pre- sented to the guest of honor. Mr.Charles Kine Bryant of Pe-tersburg,Va..and Miss Lela.Miller were married Wednesday at the home of the bride in Rowen county,a few miles from.Salisbury..The couple éame from Salisbury ‘to Statesvilleyesterdayandwentfromhereto Sharpesburg township to__visit_the groom’s parents,Mr.and Mrs.R -Brvant.: Mrs.T.Foy White will entertain this afternoon in:honor of-her guest,Mrs.Bradham of Manning,-.S.C. given a ‘jiairof silk hose as ere shina:fNotice:of New “Advertisements. _Fresh vorunel init,ebvis,for sale.|JW,PF.Millsaps!6 8.0 0MortgagesaleofIandMonday.Au- Co.,assignee.R.-B.McLaughlin has qualified as administrator of A J.Bass. Mortgage sale of real estate——~A. G.Click,administrator.na Buffalo Shoals bridge stock at auction.—Osborne .Brown,secretaryandtreasurer.Strictly cash for }locks..—States- ville Lumber Co.Thoroughbred stalion at Henkel- Grhig Live Stock.Co.’s-stables .bth and 6th._Seven-room.cotta;ze for. G.Gaither.Plenty of good honey.—.J.M. Mitchell.R.T.Weatherman and D.F.May- berry,commissioners,will -sell landJuly20..“ Idea)fireless cook stove.—Craw- ford-Bunch Furniture Co...»Specials at#McKee &Co.'s...Engraved cards.-R.P.Allison. Are you at work ‘on the proposi-tion of the Statesville Flour Mills Cou?*. Meét your friends st the fountainofquality.—Statesville Drug.Co. —rent.—E. The advantages of Lenoir College,|}ickory.|All,Healing Spriugs,near Taylors-ville,}is shiehly recommended forwhat’s ‘wrong with you.*°,Extra special |July -bargains,— [Smithey &Fraley.2 You are cordially,invited to makethestoreofthe Jchnston-Beik Go,your headquarters next week.~ Half-price ~suit sale.—Ramsey- Bowles-Morrison Co,6 GeThePeople’s.Luan and SavingsBank‘welcomes:you Monday.-A week’of special offerings. -&:-Poston,}Pi sagaleat A.\'the kind of] Segre: oust 2.—Henkel -Craig Live Stock|{ ~ERVIN-WHITEHURST: ov, ;ait Pag MeLadyatCatawba,~~ Yorrespondence of The Landmark.‘ Catawba,R-1,July 1,—Wedne:morning,June 30th,at her h “The Hills,”near Catawba,MissgaretEdnaErvin,daughter ofandMrs.4,T,Ervin,becamebrideofMr.Robert Emmet Wiiite- hurst of.New Berne;’2TheLomewasbeautifullydecor:for the occasion with ferns,pink ro es scheme of green and pink.4MissEthelBrownofUongIslandvresidedatthepianoandgaveashortmusicalprogramme.Tofamiliarweddingmarch,Miss Blizabeth. Mr.T:Baynard Whitehurst of New colored silk and carried a bouquet’of bride’s roses,shower. the yalley. mony,performed by Dr.Charley An-derson of to the dining room,where refresh-ments were served.The happy cou- North Carolina,where they will, spend several weeks before going ito heir home in New Berne..yr |Mrs.Whitehurst is a graduste ofMeredithcollegeandisayoungwo- man of charming personality anc rare intellectual gifts.sAmongthelargenumber.of.pres- ents indicating the high esteem ,in which these young people are heldwasachestofhandsomesilverpre- sented by the New Berne har,of which the groom is a member. To_the_Editor_of ‘The Landmark: Will‘some reader of The Landmark give the name of a bird that builds in our yard.every spring?The male is of a—brilliant—red;—the female some--what sparrow colored with breast and sides inclined to yellow.The eggs are redish brown speckled.This is theonlyspeciesofredbirdin.this naigh-'borhood except the.old-field redhizd 6r_ cardinal.“Some people call it the Baltimore oriole,but I do not think any of the orioles arc red.|I would like to hear,from the editor or any one else who is a student,ofbirds.;ior a fYoursverytruly,5)|J,H.Mc ALN ,|_Biddenite,N.C.cas(Mr,McLain’s description ig,not as full as it should be to place cenard,jput,jt i¢.most likely. the summer tanagcr,gol gn Ty we \ NOTICES:ar net iL AF *on Molise autvenca?cece:eed“fiona.STATESVILLE LUMBER CO.”duly.25-4”;ite a4 “|HONEY~-Plegty.of good honey,15 cents x| pound,_J..MITCHELL,July 24541 &9-sy FOR sald taebr three fresh young milkcomps,WyF;MIYLSALS,R-5.July 2 a i NOTICE;-Onr.“terms for blocks trictlycashFragMidivorea,We ein cas a coertions.STATESVILLE LUMBER CQ.”~~Auly (2+At ‘er J.A.RROWN of.Sharpesburg township ha. bought from:Pat.Leinster 2 baling presstooperateinconnictionwithhisthresher.July 2. ‘REUBEN HOLMES’thoroughbred stallion;will be at the stables of the’Henkel-Crai: Livestock Co.,Statesyiile,for service July5and6th.July 2-it. and sweet.peas,carrying out the cdlor| the|strains of Mendelssolin’s| Tpov-| ‘ll of Mt,Airy.maid of)honor,fe Berne,.groomsman,entered.followed |— by the bride and groom.The (bride , wore a handsome coat suit of sand-| ed with lillies /of| ;cellent stand,During.the impressive ring c¢re-} Statesville,Miss .Brown|vlayed the “Love Sovz~from Sam-|son and Delilah.”At the close of the|ceremony the guests were ushered in-| tle then left for points in western! Probably the Summer Tanager.: ‘,Washerwomén niust )have licensesignedhythhealthofficerof.theNewBerneLawyerWedsYoung|city of Asheville befcre they éan op-erate.More than 200 have register- ed under the new law... Col.C.Hy,Jones,for 18 years-tay- jcollector of the city of Wlimineton, has resigned on account of ill health. ‘TRAVELING MAN'S EXPERIENCE. “In the summes of 1883 I had-a very’se- vere altsack of cholera morkus.‘Two vhyst- fans worked overme from 4a,m.to 6.p.m, without ‘giving me any relief and thin told’aTinc they did not expect me.to live;that I Tnstead I gave the hotel porter fifty|and told him to by me a bo'tle of |Chamberlain's Colie,Cholera and Diurrhoew j Remedy,and take no substitute:I :ook a jdouble dese according to the directions andwenttosleepafter“the second dose.At 6thenextmorningI>was eatied by my order and took’a train for mg nextstopping,point,a well)man.but teefinghershakyfromtheseyerityoftheat-*writes H.W.Ireland,Louisvili:.Ky,tainable everywhere.r jhad best telegraph for my family, of doing so, cents Vcoek i OF FOR REN®-Modern Walnut _streét.-GAITHER.it. POR SALE—Storehouse and lot with first- class stock of general merchandise.Ex-‘A bargain.”TRIVETTE & rRIVETTE,Harmony,N.C.June 25—-10t.|cehenieslethaponsintSalat eetie Driver tert piaae WANTED—A_good cook;white or golored. \iso white help for dining room.Rev.A. CALDWELLL,Barium:Springs,N.C. June 29—-2t. Dk.JNO.R.IRWIN OF CHARLOTTE,N.C.,preseribes Barium Water for Eczema,Rheumatism and Stamagh ‘troubles,Weshipped800,gallons ‘to Charlotte —thismonth,«How mueh to Statesyille?June-29.Aoaii einemeierpenernitobeeioney j-room CottaxePossessionAugust1. duly 2 on PEOPLE in New York,Missachusetts,Flor- ila,Georgia,‘South Carolina and VirginiauseBariumwater.How about the busi- y men of.Statesville who preach pa- tronizing heme industries so earnestly? 5.H.WILEY of Salisbury says Barium WatermuchbetterforhimthanShivarsor any other water he has tried.June 29%. JNO.R.PHARR of Charlotte says Barium Water is the hegt in the world.We now delive&a six-gallon,ease in Statesville for75énts.’Phone Barium~Lodge,8-J-1,and i will get it)BARIUM SPRINGS CO. WANTED—5,000°Ibs.os.ehecdaisy flowers, dry...WALLACE BROS..CO,June 22—4t. Sure-Catch Fly_Trap. There-are other-fly traps but none just like this one.It is the only trap that opens from top;it is bet- ter constructed than any vther dol- lar trap.and is made from more durable wood.Can be seen andj bought for $1 at Lazenby-Mont- gomery-Hardware Co. Henry Heinzerling. DIFFERENT FROM THE REST. se e t e a a e r ah es c e a e e 23 s t "~—Sold exclusively by—* M"ler-McLain Supply Co. All Healing Springs Hotel, HS Then get out into the country,a mosphereis invigorating and bracin Come to AllHealing Springs,si bles and fruits always in profusion. Rates $6.00 to $8.00 per week. water baths.Write for booklet. /,»Taylorsvi TAYLORSVILLE,N.C. Doyouneedhealth?“Do you need rest and recreation under con- ditions that will make for belter health.and a stronger constitution? away from cares and perplexities and’get up near the mountains where the air is pure,where the sunshine is:brighter,up where the very at- situated in the foothills of the mountains,1,300 feet above sea level, where the climate,coupled with the will make:a different man ora different woman of you. Thewater Bs Hae ‘tonic,greatly benefiting rheumatism,kidney troubles,indiges ton,and niost ills to which humanity is heir. Come and stroll over the mountaiag,sit under the shade of the trees on the lawn,drink in the breez-s from the broad verandas,and there in the very heart of nature you will enjoy the fried chicken, country ham and fresh milk-and butter right from the farm.Vegeta- Auto service from Taylorsville,N.C.,only ?5c.~Long distance ’phone in hotel.50-room capacity,acetylene lighted.Sewerage and mineral ® way from the hustle of ‘the town, ge att cee HE flying machine is a i.|reality.Inventors are nowiconcentratingtheireffortstodevelopstabilitywhichwill ~,mean safety in flight. In all things further.develop-,ment and stability come outyafterabeginninghasbeenmade. In business,in the home and inthegeneralcommunitygrowth depends upon the stability,thefixedidealofitspeopleandits industrial facilities. Your individual advancement—and that means all that peace,happiness, comfort,nioney and health-bring—be- gins when you decide to save.And your further progress is governed only by the increased effort you make to earn more.Saving is security for you and yours.:‘ Arrange your afiaizs upon a sound finan- ©cial footing by doing your banking here.~ =Stability,safety andservicemakethisyour— logical banking center.;\cs i — :STATESVILLE N.C.:Capital $100,000 _4%Paid onTime Deposits U.S:DEPOSITORY © SL eos Sera gpl ag CAS bare rod -Half the joy of motoring,either for businessorPercomesfromdependablesetviceandFordeconomy,gnd_explains ‘why -halfthecarownerstodaydrive.Ford cars..Anaveragecostoftwocentsamileforrunning‘and maintenance,ie Barring the unforeseen,each retail buyerofanewFordcarbetweenAugust,1914,and August,1915,will receive from $40 to.$60as a share of the Ford Motor Company’s —profits,op Runabout,$440;Touring Car,;ee$750;fo.©Sune wit ait Lae re On dispiay and sale at 5 -Carolina Motor Co’s.— Statesville,Newton and Mooresville, ' X miles west of Taylorsville,N.C., curative \propérties.of the water Children under 12 years,half price. "fe Respectfully, Springs Co., " “Ttisnot su large But does | eed to knocked out. Fi ,*.1 rn ||HALL’S —D Co-Education under the best conditions and management.A real)Christian,|)College,but not sectarian,Our A.-B.graduates epter Graduate Department—in our State University and other universities and attain the A.M,'degree inoneyear,ay A bi)Five Modern buildings,steam heat,électrie:lights,city water,and gas.NewYoderScienceBuilding,with up-to-date laboratories for Chemistry,Physics and|-Biology.Library.and ‘Reading Room.Clean Athletics.Splendid “Dormitories.”GOOD BOARD AT COST for young men last.session,.$9.20 a month;for young ~women,$9.00 a month;room rent $1.50 a month,;3Departments:Literary,Music,(Piano,Voice,Violin),Expression,Art, Busi~ ness,Domestic Science and Domestic Arts,and Preparatory.”:GENUINE COLLEGH ADVANTAGES WITHIN REACH OFTHE PEOPLE!©Write for Catalogue,:om Hr ee = N.Cc.AeR;L.FRITZ,President,-Hickory, -Hall's Antiseptic Oil Heals Quickly.| An excellent remedy forfresh cuts,”burns and stings.We believe it —“one of the most useful and impor-~tant remedies for every home. RUG. z ak rR Se ever ORY OF|A YEAR OF WAR. sine of the Events and Re- ults of the Corflagrationin Europe That Begun a Year “June 28,1914,the Austrian Arch- duke,Francis Ferdinand,and his wife weré shot:and killed in the little nian town of:Serajevo by Garvio inzip.It was the act of Prinzip,a r student,which ultimately result- ‘in 11 nations going to war.These ations are,on one hand,Great,Brit- a a pn,France,Russia,Serbia,Japan, gium,Italy and Montenegro,ind “on the other Germany,Austria and Turkey.The war to date,according to.conservative estimates compl from the best available reports,has caused a loss tothe various belliger- ents.of more than 6,000,000 men, dead,wounded and prisoners, more than 500 ships.Of these a 120.were war vessels, ‘The outstanding results on land are these::‘3 y ‘The greater portion of Belgium is under the control of Germany. Germany has been driven from the Far East.a A part of the Dardanelles is in the possession of the allied troops.| ‘Portions of France and Russia are in the possession of German troops. A strip of Alsace has been taken from Germany.; On the continent of Africa parts of territorial possessions have been lost by.both sides. “NMarious island possessions of Ger- many have been taken by the forces of the allies...:: Italian troops are in.possessi a strip’of Austrian.territory. ndreds of Vessels Sunk. The outstanding results at sea are 5 perdi and Austrian mercantile shipping has been driven from all theopenseas... German and Austrian war vessels having a total ‘displacement of ap- proximately :257,000 tons have beendestroyed.; War vessels of.the allied”nationshavinga,total displacement of ap-proximately 192,000.tons have been a.the bottom.: andbout on of if e greater portions of the German‘and allied fleets in the North Sea _re-main ‘intact...:Except for communication throughlandand.the.,Scandinavian,_.na-tions Germany is cut off from the restoftheworld..‘Efforts on the part of the Germans+the British in a similar ib **1 i mri tp neutral nations. €hun»of 'The sinking in this manner of the~~Cunard liner Lusitania,with the.loss‘qf;more than 10).,American,.Jjves,precipitated a request upon’the partoftheUnitedStates:that such prac- s in so,far as <hey might menaceHpercansbestopildl.juvycs.cilPrinzip’s crime was committed.one28.An investigation disclosed t was alleged to be proof that thein-was.the tool of_a_group_ofrbians.On July 28,after consider —able.correspondence and__negotia-tigns,an ultimatum was sent to Ser-bia by the Austro-ingarian govern-Wat:whici Serbia-declined to meet. 6f|Russian troops along the Germanborderwas-ordered,and the fallowingoy,eerman declared war on.Russia.news of that.event was followedinafewhqursbytheannouncementthatagentralymohilizationhadbeenorderédbytheFrenchcabinet. '.,’War,Moyes Came Quickly. ./0n August 2'German troops.enter-ved.Luxemburg and Germany de-manded free passape through Bel-gium to thée-French frontier.This wasvokasedandtwodayslaterGreat|Britain dispatched to Germany an ul-timatum demanding that the neutrali-;9 of,Belgium be:maintained.The-ultimatum rejected,German forcesattackedLiege.Gn the same dayPresident.Wilson issued a proclama-tion of néutrality.-The following day saw the dectara-_tion by Great Britain of a ‘state of“war with Germany,and two days la~|r the Germans entered Liege as theFienchinvadedSouthernAlsace.,These events were quickly follow-ed by an affirmation-on the part ofItalyofherneutrality,by an Aus-an invasion of Serbia and by theendingbyJapanofanultimatumtoGermany.This liad,to do with thermanpossessionofKiaochau,of/which Tsingtau was the port.Augist 17 the first British expedi-tionary force had completed its land-ing’in France and on that day therebeganalsoqfiercebattleontheJa-betweenthe Anstrian-and Serbianoops.Vietory was with the Serbian arms after five days of fighting andtheAustrianswererouted.‘dn the meanwhile the battle of Lor-raine had opened and the German troops had entered Brugsels,the Bel-¥,gian capital. .A few days later,August 23,the victorious _Germans_entered.Namur‘and began an attack on Mons,defend-ed principally by the first British ex-itionary force.,The next day theitishtroopsbeganaretreatfromitpositionandfromthenuntiltember12theGerman_troops_\.drove throuzh France under the lead-ership of’Generalvon Kluck.Yep-pane bombarded.Antwerp:...theenchwereforcedtoevacuateMul-hausen;the Germans took and sweptoverLongwyand_reached Senlis/30milesfromParis,where the columns‘swung to the eastward.The Frenchgovernment‘fled to Bordeaux.In the meanwhile German and Aus-trian troops had met the Russians.AvietoryatKransnikwasannouncedbytheAustriangovernmentonAu-+28,while on August 29 the Ger. jan army under General von Hinden-g defeated another Russian force _a battle at Tanneturg,which last-0 three days.Louvain ‘was burnedytheGermansonthesamedaJapaneséblockadeofbegun,"The blockadé wasMgrtwo.mo Tio ac =|Two,days after the French yvern-{mentmoved to,Bordeaux,tha atteapnewasbegun,a few hours ed|that city to Ostend, week later a general mobilization|., thatTsingtauamain-tae Tsingtan surrendéred. of ‘thehefore.Russian,trodps’;succeeded inoccupyingLemberg,the capital.ofGalicia,:y.Before the French and British troops,the Germans in:France wereforcedtoretreatasfarastheAisne.Events /of the next few days includ-ed the bombardment of Rheims by the Germans,and the sinking by a Ger-man submarine of the British cruisersAboukir,Cressy.and Hogue.On thesame:day.the Beinn troops attackedPrzemsyland.took,Jaroslay. landed from transports at MarseillesonSeptember26.and were immediate-ly.dispatched to the northward,Be-fore their arrival at their destinationthe.Germans had inaugurated a siegeofAntwerp,which resulted’in.the Belgium government moving fromTwodayslater the bombardment ofAntwerp began.The Belgian government remainedatOstendforabout’a week ‘and then re-moved to Havre,France,.Forty-eight hours later the Germans ¢aptur- ed Ostend..Meanwhile the.allied troops occupied Ypres,ania desper-ate battle.had begun:on “the Vis- tula river.German ‘assaults upon the allied lines between Ypres andNieuportcontinued.for a week and}then weakened.:‘ Germans’Checked at Warsaw. The Germans.operating:in Russia meahtime had been defeated after a10days’battle hefore Warsaw.In Africa revolt and niutiny brokeout,These disorders:were headed bytheBoerleader,General de Wet,Gen- eral Beyers,Colonel Maritz and oth- ers.Colonel Maritz was driven:from Cape Colony,General Beyers was killed ‘at.Vaal river and»General de Wpt was captured after’he had.been in the field for.more.than,.a month. Native troops.in-the African ‘pro- vinces belonging to.Germany,GreatBritainandFrancewerelineduponthebordersof‘the respective —pro-vinces.-Fighting was general..During.the latter part of.OctobertheBritishdreadnaughtAudacious sians successfully attacked Lodz and Radom,driving out the invading Ger-mans.Turkey joined the war at that juncture by naval operations ,in the! lack Sea,Odessa wag attacked.November opened with ,a German naval victory.over a British squadronoffthecoastofChileand’the Turkishwarships.borbarded.Sebastopol.Two days later.German,warships venturedfromtheiranchoragebeHindthena- val,base at Helgoland and bombard-ed the British’coast ii th vicinity of Yarmouth.On November.5.GreatBritainandFraneddeclared..war oh Turkey and the.forts gua ding the entrance &+Dardanellep 4|werebocetofAllglish|and’#1 hips.|Ow orth } the RiBsians.reoccupied Jaroslay af- ter several days of ferocious fighting.German.-crusiers-which —had_been stationed in foreign waters at theopenirig:of the’war ‘had by.that time given a good account of themselves. The Emden,operating in the Indianea)idrsFasemote than a score of mer- oor ships belonging to the nationsalli was than a score of ships. Intrenched:For Winter. tions for the winter months.Activi-ties from November 11, vek,Lopno and Kutno.The battle in Flanders progressed at intervals,vig- ed or wounded. selves principallpositionsthey had gained, ly winter months.’|The. their-own territory: there was severe fighting,in the wounded and captured.The German armies operating in East Prussia held back well into its own territory. which was victorious off.Chile. land Islands. barded Hartlepool and -the German--armored erating there. winter.months, ships and merchantmen. ment of British _reprisal battle in France.pee British troops in Fran came active,making a etrated the Dukla Pass;and‘enteredHtingary.April saw the beginningofviolentassaultsupontheGerman|lines by the French cast’of Verdun|and the Meuse.The French stormed | British troops.from India were} was sunk off the Irish coast;theRus-|| adjacent ‘waters,overtook |# On land.the'armies of the belliger-| ents.settled down to hold their.posi-|} rom,Ne when the/|#German forces captured Dixmude,re-|#sulted in Russian.defeats at Vlotsla-|# orousactions taking place and thou-|#sands of men on both sides being.kill-|#Intrenched for the|% winter,the armies contented them-|%with holding the/%In the}¥Serbian-Austrian campaign there was|#considerable activity during the ear-|#Austrions!%occupied Belgrade,the Serbian capi-|¥ tal,on December 2,and retained it!# until.December 15,when,after the!#Serbians had captured large forces of |#Austrians,they were driven back.into|# In East Prussia during the winter! ]resulting|¥loss of many men—dead,3 off and dispatched a Russian army.of Fvast’proportions,finally —driving it}# On the-sea a British squadron sig-)# nally defeated the German squadron!% This|engagement-_took—place.off the Falk-|§German cruisers bom-|#and ‘Scarborough|$G cruiser|Bluecher was sunk”in the North Sea!#by a section of the British fleet op-|#German submarines |}became especially active during the/|#sinking many war-/# March opened with>an announce-|#Y measures|¥against the Germansfor the subma-}# riné warfare and the development of|# ce again be-|/#‘notable ad-}%vance at Neuve Chapelle.By the end|#of March the Russian troops had pen-| Fifty thousand’prisoneited,were taken.ane \,Russian Retreat Begins. “(Around ‘Ypres the Britjsh ~lost.ground and were finally for ‘evacuate an especially stron ers,it wad eal treat.from the Carpathian.passwhilethiswasinprogressthe Cun;ard liner Lusitania,bound fromYork.to Liverpool,was sent,to.bottom bya torpedo fired:by rmansubmarine,Approximately,1200liveswerelostinthedisaster,The loss of Americans in.the TLusi-tania and other.vessels which werevictimsofGermany’s submarine warfareresultedinPresidentWilsonpro- testing against a continuance.ofsych*tactics.iOnMay23Italydeclared.war onAustria-Hungary,after.having de-nounced eaflyin the:month.the.TripleAlliance.treaty.-The declaration ofwarwasGuicklyfollowedDyraidsup-on the Italian coast.cities by Aus-;trian.aeroplanes.The Italian armystruckacrosstheberderintoAustria,with.Tri¢ste“and Trent as objectives, ” een nettmanentatonementTheoutputofbituminous coal in the United States for the’figst.six months of 1915 is estimated by ©.EB. Lesher,of the United States geologis cal survey;to be between:180,010,000 and 190,000,000 short tons,the rate of production having heen.from 85::to'90 per cent of the average forthe previous ‘year,’Thus the bituminous coal.production during this.sixmonths,period has been.considerablylessthanforthecorresponding‘period’ in 1914,and is little.if any.greaterthan.the output during the last hal’ of that.year.MinentSansnes’Pone,white.Forest Reece and James Pope,white,escaped.from the jail ht Newton Tues- day night but were recaptured in a short |,time.They prized out some bars. ‘Dan ‘Whitehead,colored,44 years in the employ of the Atlantic Coast Line to they had gained at anslavatio denignatedasHillNo.60.Almost sim,‘ultaneously the Russians began a ree6,ando verted ‘to the irs.Menace=—Mrs. Correspondence of ‘The’Landmark, and by the’yse of the laneere AV |‘the anatomy ‘and habits of the fly Wa ‘a timely warning of this.menace to thout rural sections as well a» tions around.the ‘ives for community.betterment,«and ‘sister,Mrs,.E,.M.Troutman.- suffering from the infirmities of ape and heart trouble,The condition:of -Mrs.Elizabeth Troutman continues ‘to -grow worst. At her request,°a number of the old- er.people.of this’neighborhood met at her home last Sunday afternnon and sang the old soul-sirring mé.odies from the Christian Harmony.The singing was conducted.by Mr.D..L gifted singer,and the singers were ‘passed the meridian and are traveling down the slope to life’s sunset,but in full and strong,and .still retain:mu:h of their youthful charm.The singing of these old.songs.awdkened.men ories of long ago.and of “the touch of a hand that is vanished and.the sound of a voice that is still.” Mr.C.M,Yoder of Jacob’s Fork township,Catawba county,has lost.a tha.past few weeks. ‘from the day the horse was bitten by a Railroad Company,‘died.at...Rocky Mount this week,8 os RE be »do you think,for a week's:mailiar:with the:propos.omWOE RetoA Morph vise yi 'S od [bind oy Wb ition look up| rabid dég until the horse went mad. Did you read in Friday’sor Tuesday’s Landmark theofferoftheStatesvilleFlourMillsCo.,and are you at work on the proposition?.It is a splendid chance. to win $15 or $10,arid'EH¥t wouldn’t be bad wages,work?f-you ‘are not fa»:alti ‘ Ser Lasts Fo eit4 salylia id a kot ed against.Germany before.she [#''wis finally itun ‘down and.destroyed }3"'off Cocos Island.In the Atlantic the |}Karlsruhe and a number of,auxiliary |# cruisers performed similar -duties.They,too,sent to the bottom more/% i hing_Somet 2 time. tatesville Flo ‘The Fountain of Quality Monday,July oth ; doing all daylong.Wewillgive you the glad hand,assure you a watm welcome and guaranteeyou a big — agus pe e s e t r e s e r e s s s s s r i s s s e r e t e c s pt c e s e s s o c e s : et e s s e s s o c c o s s s » Se s s s s t e s e s s s s s e s e s i e t e r e s s s s c o s o c c o s p e s s e c c c c c o e s 4 po s e s s o c c o c e s e o o s s s ; States I Quality Pr tEX 2B escriptionists.Al LL STORE.¥ 1 j the German position at Lea Eparges;and.about the same time it was offi-totals announced/that:the total ofBritishcasuhlitiestothatdatewas139,347,Ry the middle of April the}Russians had penetrated Hungary to|a point 20 miles over the border,and|the Germang had begun.a successfulassault.upon the allied —lines ‘nearYpres.For several .weeks the armies|struggled back and forth,losing thou-|sands of.men,gaining ground one day! positions the next.“In Galicia,duriig|the “first three:days of May the Ger-man-Austrian forces’:broke throughtheRussianlinesandforcedaretr and ‘being forced\to,evacuate their|! Bob-o-Link Uy you must ‘have FRIENDSHIP. iBob-o-Linvtie If you want t6'belup.to-the minute BRACELET:We kt) lar BOB-O-LINK have them.ie p Lig i 0R.H.RIGKERT& .-—¥Lae bp -~~Bah seth a INTEREST AGAINST PLY.|8pedgHPAthPTneis:St SIR_|People’of Ostwatt School Con-|# Troutman’s Condition “Worse.a |.Statesville,..R-8,Sune 80-—The lec-|f‘ture at,the Ostwalt;school house last |}Wednesday night was.well attended|§ exposed.in.all its repuisiveness."Ewas |} health and liyes of the people in|§our|#towns,and many farmers,were con-|'verts to this.new theory and to the]# importance’of bette:sanitary vondi-|%barns,and homes.|¥ Ostwalts is.one amongthe,progress- is making decided improvement along|#this line,if we do suy it,as shouldn’t.|#Mrs.Jason Hoover and child:en of /#Statesville are visiting Mrs.Ho-ver’s|§ (Mrs.Daniel Clodfelter,an aged la-|¥dy of this vicinity is in bad health; Troutman,the»,neighborhood’s most!§ mostly men and women,who =have)/# spite of that fact,their voices were |} eow and horse from hydrophobia within | It was 59 days) i||WAEN YOUGO FORAN OUTING You WON'T BE ~L HENTER COLOR AN,OUTING YOU WON'T BF ailiOTDRESS¥mek ‘KEEP RIGftUPTOTHELAK'CL LES,F Wie irerat “INSIDE™re HEN[sesigectietseone sar iceearonerin:vor WiLL GO OUT WELL DRESSED AND HA|MONEY LEFT.|is ger{Sloan Clothing Company. oo >. ¢»f,$; ys 4h yegterterty ‘While climbing the ‘June hill,”if you have not already done so,s¢reen your house.Screen doors and wire are -en+i __tikely too cheap for you to take chances. on the health of yourself-and your fam- ily,by allowing flies to come into your home.Join the great army,’not.-tofight-the Germaris,Walt the flies. The medical profession is in agreementthatfliesarecommoncarriersofdis-ease.This being true,it behooves everygoodcitizentobediligentinseasonandoutofseasontogetridoftheflies, We are headquarters for Screen Doors,Window Screens and Screen Wire,FlySwattersandFlyTraps.We sell thecelebratedHenryHeinzerlingFlyTrap,one that is capable of catching a gallonoffliesperday.-/ Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware Co.§ ec ee eg ne Oe esi ‘ = | FIX UP NOW ‘C BRATE BG =PET Ee ee ee reapYOUROPPORTUNITY To Buy a Nice Farm and Get Ready for Next Year’s Crop. -No 1345 acres in Elmwood,All School and church convénicnces. Strong Jand,40 acres in bottom,8-room house,large barnandouthouses..«:nd77acres34mileseastofcity..This propertylies on the sand-clay highway now being constructed by the government..-IsidealforDairyandTruckfarming.Ws Fe ‘iNo.3-40 acres,i 1-4 miles from pablic square,Splendidly adapted,for Dairy.purposes,Live Stock and.Poultry.,,No.4—60 acres in Wilkes county.just across Iredell line—a bargain.40 city lots in east Statesville,known as “‘Park Place’’—$15 down,-balanee-in_monthly_pay.ments cf $5.Jo eS10lotsinBloomfield.Terms eazy.Six lots:in south-Statesville.a section tast developing.Several nice houses and lots to sell.‘-Callon me and learn what I havo.Sead W.R.MILLS ‘Statesville,N.C. ZsLidbedabeeStreet :"PHONE 54.750" PECECRORCEROO CECE EEO LOE LOL OLE LE wseletst9.arele.e: No.2— at r i a l ea et a t i e t e t e t s 9. CR O R E S 30 2B RB S t Right! Any Doetor will tell you we have just passed through @ very .unhealthy season.,.”; It has been too much for even the strong ones. Wouldn’t it bea good idea to get straightened out and feelfitforthehotdaystocome?; Af you-want the BEST-for-the liver we can deliver the.BEST.Nyyou’ll-bring-us-the-RIGHT--preseription we'll bring-abouttheRIGHTresults,aad do,it promptly with.the.very best drugs made.ne o :+s THE MORE OF QUALITYRememberinTakingMedicinejTHEAaOFauANTITY. The Polk Gray Drug Company. pi ONE SQUARE 2 et in @ CECI ORCI EEO 4 ran i P|©GOOD TIME! The clocks in the home must be right or the housekeeper can’t be ex-pected {o plan and have meals on time...Then there is no economy inwearingoutyourpocketwithawatchthatyoucan’t depend:on.No.what you want to do is to.get your watch or clock repaired by BOB: HENRY ‘while hie is devoting his entire time to repairing watches and:clocks and fitting spectacles and eye-glasses,Se eetR.FENRY,-, NielSN Gece Jeweler.| VERTISBR water coolers, ice is saved money. We have them in all sizes,with and without a Also White Mountain Ice CreamFreezer,the ° best freezer in the world!Respe:tfully, Ask the ice man where he delivers the least ice and} he will tell.you wherever ‘there is an Odorless Re-f frigerator.Why?Because} it is constructed different} i from the many so-called? Refrigerators and ice box-} “es.It retains the cold,§ keeps the icefrom melting} and saves the ice.Saved# 7 THE LANDMARK FRIDAY,duly the State;- nead the “also spoke,” The news comes champion.checker-player loving’cup.been halted to receive this and breathe more.freezy. giizen of Cabarrus Mt.Pleasant for burial. his wife and nine children. Mr.Fred.Hink)-- auto wreck some ‘nights ago: Hinkle,driving his companied by seveval _a good Bank—this savings account is, ‘i 4 41Ays+»wh &' Me VE TAU-v*The No,but thiscultivator will save when old General Green gets a have only a few left. Of poverty and want will never grab youifyouhave-an-active-savings—account.in._ ‘Merchants and Farmers’Ban __-Of Statesville,fBankForYourSavings.” ous ::The Clutching Hand” o Bank for instance.But you want to start in time.Start now,and sta¥t here..A dollar will do to start ~with and a hundred dollars wouldn’t stopyou,once you.realize how important.a ¥- \ SAFETY—SERVICE SATISFACTION. \)|sgl ? MONEY TO LOAN? you moneyand time this busy seasonholdonyourcrop.Heis here andisdoinghiswork.Be on thé alert,Farmer,get ahead of him.WeTermsright. e.F machine was badly bunged. Returning from an inspection State Test Farms in Iredell,E,}combe and Transylvania i |gratifying. |cron is decidedly.j best that the Statejed. Ei his horse toak him home. B\not serious, gan be assigned.:hh Y E Price of Re Further,Reduced. |»Some,years ago t |tant price.of-$2.per dere to a‘which he felt the F'could afford’to uso it. of Nor e their farmers also* cember,thus effecting a direét savintothefarmersoftheStateofover ;and the season has hardly|The commissioner ‘feels,H |that the time has come to make an-other eut.in ‘the price,and he‘plans to.reduce the cost price of the'materia]from 50 éents an acre to 40\cents an acre,beginning Julw 1.1915. JAS.CL.BURGESS,State Agronomist. ‘OrganizationtoAdvertise theState. The North Carolina Bureau of days,says a dispatch to the Greens-jboro News.The main purposes ofltheorganizationaretoad¥ertise the|State,secure settlers,industries,prevent exorbitant prices for farmlands,and ‘otherwise to open the B knock.Dr..Edward K,Graham,|president of the University of North|Carolina,was called to the chair,and#John C.Forester,secretary of the|Greensboro chamber of “commerce,|Stated the objects of the meeting.A3goodrepresentation’was present.Officers were elected as follows:| |AGas _Fret,Sweat. ——GET=— or Worry! Range ——AND—— A GAS WATER HEATER, President Henry A.Page,..Aberdeen;vice presidents,Prof.E.G:‘Branson,| F.-R.Hewitt,Asheville;Clarence|Poe,Raleigh;O.LL.Joyner,..Green-|ville;A.W.McLean,.Lumberton;|secretary,John C,Forester.Greens-boro;treasurer,‘Alf,A.Thompson,Raleigh.-—aesTheofficerswillconstitute the ex-ecutive committee,and the board ofdirectors~will -be-composed of notmorethanthreemembersfromcachcongressional.district;to be.electedbyloca)organizations,Initiation willbeaminimumof$10,and the direc-tors.can make the fee higher forbusinessinstitutions."""", ‘Watch For ~American Ships. '.The United States government hasadoptedtheleeofnotifyingthe SEETHE GAS COMPANY. admerardof the time of departureGermanad)iaity through Ambassa- {ol ger Sailing unden SVILL NH ST: 2 ae Ik ~~YOUategolng to buildconsiderroofing Alt:kinds 4_andtl line sheet metals in stock,"A specialty of sige’ley Bec ea Bee =|of ‘and approximately»whic 43 will.pass 1915. ITEMS OF CURRENT NEWS. Happenings Here and There in W.E.Avery and wife,said nowtebefromAtlantainsteadofCharlotte,who stopped at the Yarborough inRaleighandweredispensing,boozethroughthebellboys’when arrested;were fined $100 and $25,respectively. Seeretary of the Navy’Daniels willbethechiefspeakerataFourthofJulycelebrationtobeheldatMore- City.tomorrow.Senators Sim-mons,Congressman Hood and Attor-ney General Bickett will be among from SalisburythatR.B.Wbod has been declared the of Rowancountyandhasbeenawardedasilver The 'procession having}tions importantinformetion,can now move forward MW,As Moser,Esq.,a prominent cit-:county.for twoe|vears a resident of Louisiana,diedinLouisianaTuesday.and his remains were brought.to his former home.at Mr.Moser=was 63 years old and is survived by of “Lexington. who is well known here,was in Mi r handsome’new Paige,was.enroute to Charlotte,ac- friends.In-stead of making a curve in the roadeihedroveontherailroadtrack.Noneofthe,occupants were injured but the ofBun- counties,g|Commissioner of Agriculture Gra- ;|4am says he not only found the work /on the farms satisfactory but found ‘rop conditions everywhere he.went Thé wheat and the ryejeropsarefine,he -says,-and=the-oats the biggest andhaseverharvést- ti John Wolfe,a well known,young |Wayne county farmer residing seven,Pmiles-west.af,Mt,Olive,was shot Sat- ei tirday night about 10°o’cléék*“while gidriving along the public road;nearsibishome,returning from Mt.Olive.e|Wolfe fell forward in the buggy and}:He was Be /struck by 19 shot but his condition ‘is No clue to the perpetra-=tor of the deed and it said no motive Inocuiating Material F hg Commissioner‘af Agriculture drew a-bill,which was=|dhanimoustyy,pas’bys the Legisla-|tare,to Redugeph RBdbere in-dgulating niaterfat ‘from the exbrbi-prige a io_conquer the whole Ante cneee ork d-unfavorably affected.American =this bill,was to_reduce the price of |ed this material.not only to the farmers| E TM Ga pes entire} Southvast well,“andi n r of the=mi h Since fol-|=lowed the lead of North Carolina in5|Teducing-the-price-of +this-materia}to! tard \both At first the~commissioner placed3}a cost of 50 cents an acre on the ma-Hiterial with the determination to re-duce the price lower and lower :<the demand.increased.During 1914|the department.distributed nearly 8,-900 acre bottles from August to De- |$10,000:in less than four months.Dur-\ing the past six months the distribu-|tion has reached:around 1,200 zercs opened. therefore, now |Publicity for Agriculture and Indus-: itry_is the name selected forthe or-|i Bee A :=everywhere.;};ganization formed in Raleigh Tues-eee ner a to! (door of opportunity for all who will Chapel Hill;.A.E.Tate,High Point;| Dr.Meyer-Gerbard Tells theGermans.That They andtheAmericansMisunderstand Each Other. TELLING THE HOME FOLKS,|p=————me een :{Dependability ——versus_——___ who was sent from-the-United StatestoBerlinbytheGermanambassador,Count von Bernstorif,to explain theviewsoftheUnitedStatesregardingtheLusitaniacase,has published an in which he says his experiences.con-vinced him that othe .two countriesmisunderstoodeachotner. hard,“thatthe American press,withsomelaudableexceptions,especiallytheGerman-American papers,havenotsuceeededinremainingneutral,but the influence of the press uponpublicopinionissometimesrreatlyoverestimated.Doubtless large sec- of the American’people are|friendly towards Germany.whose ef-|ficient organization’is daily winningnewfriendsandarousinginterest.inthingsGerman.ae“One excellent.effect of the war isGerman-Americans.who with-out sderifice of their loyalty to theiradoptedcountryhaveshownstrongremembranceoftheir.descent,theireducationandtheirculture.them,on the other side of the ocean,there are wide circles who sympa-thize with Gérmany.’*Alluding to the diseussion over theammunitionquestionDr.Meyer-Ger-hard says: munition orders for filled orders. ing big wark factories.into ammunition .This is regrettable, considerable majority.againstpractice,Germans must discriminatebetweenbusiness \lived hitherto in peace and friendship, and is no real reason for antagonism ex-isting between them.” In the course of Meyer-Gerard spoke which,he said hadmany’s former friendly feeling to-. his article Dr, of the ‘causes tion tawards {England:and|munitioalesinAmerica.Germany on thaotherhand,he said,was reproachewithviplegtBelgian.neptrality ancdevoting4hetomilitarism>ia orderworld.ThtdeathstofAmericansontheLusitania ntiment towards Germany,he add- tm between.Germé@ny’and:eclared Di é :Ger-valuable °Bian |for:and itis Hile to take care that it be saved to both.” Cc ‘FrienddeG was drowned Sunday in Tar river. GOOD TREATMENT.ee FOR OILY SCALPS Men and women whose hair and) in the warmer months than at anyothertime.The summer’s dust and|dirt mingle with dandruff,cling to!the oily hair and scalp,clog the sealp|pores,stifle the hair roots and make)proper*cleansing almost impossible.|Parisian Sage is an ideal treatment |for this trouble:Wash the hair not}oftener than once a week,but use!Parisian Sage twicc,daily,pouringalittleintothepartedhairandrub-|bing briskly right into the scalp with}the finger tips.It drives.out °dan-|druff,dissolve the stimulates -the sealp into healthy,|nermal action.Sold by the States-|ville Drug Co.and leading druggists |et excess «oil and | Flowers For Graduation Day! SBE As usual we=shall. -have our splendid of- feringsfor commence- ment time,consisting of handsomely arrang- ed Baskets,Bouquets,ete, Roses and Carnations in abundance,—Ex-quisite Flowers from our own gardens. |Dr.Anton Meyer-Gerhard,the at-tache of the German--colonial office,| article on “Germany and America,”| “It is true”says Dr.Meyer-Ger-| Beside| “Germans often ‘mistake large am-/ To)a large extent such orders are chang-| but the!wiiter is convineed that large partsoftheAmericanpeopledisapproveofit.A popular vote would show a)! tite | men accepting or-| should continue so to live.There | { || weakened.Ger-) ward America,citing them as abothealludedtoasthelatter’s inclina+y 4 ,,Pierce,‘14-year-old son of | Willidm Pierce of Edgecombe county,| sealp are excessively oily suffermore||COMFORTABLE and 2 +Imperial Bell "Phone 98. Hee Qe 8 em.|:-Ingenious Claims |*ipso |}A ,:."tbyOREthati75Concernsnow.We believe that many more|ae Pannfatter]“FA eays seer scaree moft “Break-at-the:Bead"than|We believe that everyone UE'AE Che”Ritts ee sens conniofthesemakes‘as qood ‘Yires as he oS}knows how,at the rete Cost ue Hix-tia hittke wat:|sricnee,Equipment and Methods make velieve tha ulatchaadsi,at ber Riveting ‘Systempossible.}:|;We believe that.the average Tire of attachingthe Tread|Manufactureris Juirin histreatment of to the Carcass (by means of a{Adjustments,and that few deliberately loosely woven fabric,which per-|misrepresent their product,either ver-mits theraw Rubber to-percolate-through its meshes and then Vul-canize to Carcass and pre)pre-vents,toa large extent,Tread- Separation,;}aeWehavelongusedthisin.“Goodrich”‘Tires,as a Common!piace part of our Precision ‘policy,ut without laying any particularStressuponft,”8 SE a. We believe that the ‘Donble-'_Cure’’process,common with agreatmanyTireManufacturers- under different names,adds un-7necessaryetpenseto‘Tite Cost,which expense the Methods of theGoodrichFactoryeliminatethroughitsPrecision‘‘Single-Cure.’’bhiWebelievethatthecuttingoutofneedlessexpenseslikethis. (which our Precision Methods save)constitutes one of .thestrongestreasonswhythelargestRubberFactoryintheWorld (Ours)produces ,the greatestMileage—per Dollar of Cost—in «its Tires,tAnd— sik }bally or in Print. |We believe that no Tire Manufact- urer can afford to make statements in ‘print about his product,whicl:state-ments cannot be borne out by the per- Jormaance of his Tires,in,actual use. {We believe that the Tire has never {been made which will not ‘‘Rim-Cut’’{if run ‘‘flat’’for any considerable dis- tance,and that many makers,including ourselves,have always produced Tires}that would not otherwise ‘*Rim-Cut’”’ } j{ } || "The PROOP of the TiremaOP:j isin the Mileage thereof,’”Only 5%Plus for this o Best Non-Skid Wiss that the House which stickstotheZruthinitsAdvertising,is reasonably stire tosticktotheFactsinits’Selling. prices.“‘A,’’Widely-Sola Note following comparative“B,”“C”and “D”represcat four}Nen-Skid Tires: j dick You have never,yet founddersandthegreatmass’of the Amer-|Size }Safety a rere =]g anythingin Goodrich Advertisingaracan;:‘|Tread |“A”|“eB”|“Cc”|“D'which was not in the Govds it ad-“Equa there are Americans w oO}9 10:55 }$10,951516,.351$18.10}4 -vertised.-i,GamacondemnlolationofBelgianneu-"qex3-18-2.48 ra re "21.70 See ~y Hence you-may-pitt-your_faith 9tralityandthesinking.of the Lusi-;3223%)14.00]15.40}16:30}22.85}25,.30}}to tlic following statement:>Sytania,and are unable to understand |34x4 |20.35]22.30)23.80/.32.181 3355)Goodrich,Safety -TreadtheGermanideaoftherealcondi-|364)28.70}32.15}33.6¢°41-85]41-40})Tircs gives*with “most UNI-tions,while Germans are unable to}[37x5 [33.90]39.80]41.80)49.85]$2.05 AO tera eeteasandorsks.vat i 3H,an esilience,at the -understand how Americans could Made 03 always,—the samereliableCon-|est Cosi per MILE,to Tire Users,°’travel on an ammunition ship.struction,thosamedependable Service-with-Test th 1 sce!“—Beth—peoples.are..laboring under out anything whatever taken out of Quality,}*of ent and.see!:entircly different opinions.Both hava fpr -what myreductionsinLievermade.Da trees |THE B.F.GOODRICH CO.a ss FAIR-LISTEDGOODRICH i ;‘i p 4 ;ve oo vik}Te ,Nice Mules.and Mares} ‘Two car Joads Mules and One:fo car load nice Mares—over 100":ar ipotreeones ||Henkel-Craig Live Stock Go. GEE R eracecronoacenacacect These warm days you feel the need of ‘acomfortablepairofOxfords,Sandals ‘ard:Pumps.We have just that kind,Plenty of_them in White,Palm Beach,Tan and Black,,Let us give you the benefit of our -experi-;ence in fitting them properly.aN~--Yours to serve, The S.,M.&H.Shoe Go.,The One Price Cash Shoe Store.|fe.Shoes RepairedWhile You Wait,=; THEN BUY Ice Made in Statesville!| From deep-well water,distilled and |_germ proof.Fresh ICE,full weight(goes further),is what we have to —offer.We aim to give the best'serv-ice possible,With your co-operationwewillsucceed." \Yours for the up-building of Statesville, Cotton Oil Company..$~"Phone 208,if ied. #. "l e l a al a e le el e s el el l e le l a “ARE YOU INTERESTED? Slate ne Tin Roofing?>ar it_Galvanized Shingle Raofing?’Roof Painted?fi‘¥Ice Box or Refrigerator Lined?ee ae ae..Tinor SheetMetal Work of any Kind?LET US KNO’ IREDELL TIN WORKS %Be i Z Se RARE RE URESSE yh :Having decided to pat:on sale some special offe At Mills &Poston’s Store.¥ Ladies’Parasols,Slippers,Shirt Waists,Dress Skirts,Silk Petticoats,Suits and Coats, Royal Muslin Underwear—‘owns,Skirts,Chemise,Corset Covers,Drawers and.Combination Smts,__ ‘Big line Fancy Lawns,Voiles,Batiste and many other summer fabrics will go in this sale for Chautauqua Week. Millinery—Trimmed Hats,Shapes,Flowers and Ornaments will be sold at one-third to one-half off and -Don’t fail to visit our store—genuine bargains will be on sale.MILLS g&POSTON, “THE LANDMARK FRIDAY,-;July 2,1915; GLIMPSE PASSING THRONG. Personal Mention of People and Their Movements. Mr.R.B.Culp,who has been spend- ing several weeks at his old home at Mooresville,will leave today for his home in New York.:an Miss Fannie Capps,who visited Mrs.Eugene Davis,left Wednesday for her home in Portsmouth,Va.: Mr.J.R.Foster.of Richmond is visiting his mother,Mrs.J.8.Foster. &Miss Leila Corpening left Wednes- day for a visit to he:brother,Mr.A. G.Corpening,in.Rockingham.She "was accompanied by’Master Arthur G.Corpening,Jr.,who had been here for’three weeks. Mr.and Mrs.Chas,S.Somers and baby of Augusta,Ga;are visiting _Mr.Somers’home people here.They expect to spend a month or so in Wilkes county before,returning to Georgia. Mrs.C.S.Tomlin,who lef:this week for a visit to her daughter, -Mrs._A.J.Durham in Acworth,Ga., was accompanied by ‘her-little grand- daughter,Miss Catherine Neely. Miss Annie Brown,daughter cf Mr. J;A.Brown of Sharpesburg town- ship,returned Wednesday afternoon from a visit to relatives in High Point.«Miss Elsie Horn of Maeevile is visiting her sister,Mrs.Ross Mulls. Misses,Rae Gill,Lois Steele and Blise Weedon,Messts.Maurice-Dun— lap and Dalton,Kennedy composed a party,to Wowite Rock”Wednesday by automobile.-$ Mrs.A.A.Dobbin’‘will go.to Summerfield today ‘o visit in the »homeof Rev.T.B.Johnson.: _|Mrs.B.L.Short went to Asheville meetenda 80.x18)daughter,Mrs. .Harvey,Howell....q :Miss ila.Hefner,of the Sanato- _xium.nursing force,went to Lenoiryesterdaytospendafewdayswith]: her.brother,Mr.Arthur Hefner. Miss Corrinne Clarke of Richmond is the guest of Miss Amelia Hoff- mann. Mr.and Mrs.Ralph Sharpe,who had been at Hidderite,are spending a few days with Mr.Sharpe’s States- ville relatives.They will also visit in Charlotte before returning to their home at.Rosindale.°: Mr.John McDonald of.Raleigh spent yesterday ir Statesville with his sister,Mrs.R.M.Gray.* ‘Mrs.Herman Bradham and children of Manning,$.C.,are guests of Mrs. T,Foy White._ Mr.Dick White is at home from’ Hot:Springs,Ark. Editor R.R.Clark of The Land- mark went to Montreat Wednesday afternoon to’attend:the annual meet- ing of the North Carolina Press As-|-sociation.Messrs.J.A.Brady andG.E.French left vesterday after- noon for Montreat to join the editors on their trip’to Mt.Mitchell today. “Mrs.G.L,Chilaress of Danville, Va.,arrived yesterday for a visit to her brother,Mr.W.J.Poston. Mr.John M.Sharge of Radford, Va.,was in town this week on busi- ness, Rev.J.Eldred Flow.of Marietta. Okla.,and)Mrs.‘Saylor Black,of Barstow,Texas,are expeeted to ar- tive tonight to be at the:bedside of their sister,Mrs.W.C.C.Foster ofDavidson,who is critically.ill with-heart’s disease at the home.of her sister,Mrs.Philip uasley.»Mrs,A.N.Wilson and daughter,Miss Florence Wilson,of Elon Col- lege,are guests of Mrs.R.W.Orr.Miss Wélson ts a former teacher of<Btatesville college. Changes In Buildings and RealEstateatStonyPoint—Concert. Correspondence of The Landmark.,Stony Point,July 1—Mr.J.M.Miller is moving out the cotton and seed houses of the old cotton gin formerly owned by Harris &Miller and converting them -into-a warehouse.We understand that fie will repair his store building on the corner opposite the Watt-White Compia-‘my and add another story. “The Southern railway has a erew ofmenherethisweekbuildingatrestle for the unloading of coal at-the cotton mill.,:Some real estate deals have been maiein our,village recently.Dr.T.D. Orouch has purchased of Mr,R&R..8, ">>Moore.his residence on Main street and“Mr,Moore has purchased a tot of Mr.J,W.Hager,we understand,where he ex- pects to ervet a new residence in the USEFUL PRESENT RUINED. It Had Served the Family For *a Long Time. Youth’s Companion.5 When Miss Ann Pycxett dropped in on ‘her neighbor,Mrs.Spicer,and found her mopping over the frag- ments of a gilt vase,Miss Ann sym- pathized generously.“It must have been quite a costly vase,”she said, looking admiringly at the pieces. “No,it only cost six bits,”Mrs. Spicer acknowledged.“‘Tain’t.that I feel so bad about.” “Maybe it was a gift that you prized because—of assodiations—?”* Mrs.Spicer shook her head.“Jim and I bought it over in Thompkins- ville a long time ago.I prized it be- cause dt was such a saving to the family.The first year we had it I kept it on the front shelf for a gen- eral ornament;then when Jim’s birth- day came and I hadn’t anything else handy to give.I gave him the vase for his own.Next Christmas instead of paying out good money to buy something new,he gave it back to me for a Christmas present;then I gave it to Jim Junivr,on his birth- day,and he gave it to Sue Belle on hers... a birthday party for old Aunt Sally Spicer,and.we took her the vase;af- ter she’d kep’it a goad bit,she gave it to Jim’s sister Jane for a wedding present,and afterwards Jane give it to me and:Jim.when.we had,our chi- na wedding.’I was counting on giv- ing it to Jim again on his next birth- dayi-and—now-here itis,smashed to flinders,...—“1-tell-'you,Miss ‘Ann,it most makes me ery to think ofilosing such a useful.family .article —so near Jim’s birthday,too!” —Their Awful Destruction. Warsaw:Gorrespondence Associated Press.|:iSeven-eighths of the wounds in the Galacian ‘fighting:were caused by shells,half of which were fired from big calibre guns,according to Sur- geon Major Lesghintseff,just back from the front.“Bullets play no part now,”he continued,“and the infantryman’s rifle is a toy..Infantry merely oc- cupies the trenches the ¢annon have won.”Most devastating of all are the new Skoda shells of the Germanic allies,which are 17 inches in diameter.and weight 2,800 pounds.*The Skoda howitzer shoots at a high angle,anditsshell-penetrates 20 -feet into soft earth before exploding two secbnds after striking.These howitzers do; not resemble ‘the Krupp mortars of the same calibre,to which they»are said to be superior in every way. When a Skoda shell hits,it meansdeathtoeverythingwithinaradius of 150 yards and even farther off. The.mere pressure of its gas rips open the bomb.proof shelters and,catches those who escape the metal) fragment and flying debris.Thisgasentersthebodycavitiesandtears flesh asunder,.sometimes stripping the men of their clothes.Of course the men in the immediate neighbor-hood of the explosion:are annihi-; lated.So.fierce is the heat of theexplosion.of.the .shell that it melts rifle barrels as if they had been struck by lightning. What is Social Service. W.T.Ellis. A worse case of confusion of labels than the misuse and misunderstand- ing of “Social Service”can scarcely be imagined.On the one hand,a small but vocal number of persons are as meaning adhesiun to the latest fad for social amelioration.Often these ardent radicals confound an interest in the thing which they call “Social Service”with the real.doing of so- cial service for their fellow men. These are the ones who _have brought the phrase into a measure ‘of disrepute.' On the other hand,there are a host of earnest Christians who look ask- ance at “Social Service”as something modern and almost pagan.They do hot see that social service is merely more of what the Church of Christ has -been doing -throughout--all—the ages,making ovef the:order /6f hu- man society,to conform more ¢loselytothestandardssetbyJesus..Help- ing the man who.has fallen among near future. .Rev.L.2,Gwaltney was.called to yo to Davis chureh,Wednesday to conduct »the funeral of Rev,A.M.Petinell. ‘The Oxford Orphanage Binging Class will he here under the waspices of StonyPointLodgeNo.593 Saturday night,anil on give an éntertainment at theMethodistchurch.Admission Mr.Josiph M.Reece,editor ofpthe»Greensboro,Record,is desperately _illdhotexpectedto-recover.His ill-‘is-hardening of the arteries. i te nae! «|lowing the example of Jesus among 15 and fi thieves is social service;visiting the sick and the prisoner and the father- less is social service.Offering a cupofcoldwaterissocialservice.Fol- men’is social’service.Farning the|“Inasmuch”is social service.And social service is also Christian pa-triotism.,_Doing.what Jesus.avould doorourcountryandcountrymenmaybecalledbymanynames;but it is’)the essence of loyalty .to «national|j ideals, The-next_spring’“all theckinfolk-got4. Big Part Shells Playin the War |. Bridge Stock ‘at ‘Auction. exploiting the term “Social Service,”j 27 Threshitg~on In--Alexander— News Items of Interest. Correspondence of The Landmark. Stony Point,R-2,June 30,—Farm-ers_are busy cultivating their cropsandsomehavebegunlayingbycorn. Cotton is small for the time of year, Miss Annie Brown is expected hometodayfromHighPoint,where she has been visiting -her grand parents, Mr.and Mrs.William Myers,|and other relatives.Mr.H.T.Myers<ofHickoryspentafewdayswithhis sister,Mrs.J,A.Brown,last.week. He was a welcome visitor at:Pisgah Sunday school Sunday afternoon and conducted prayer meeting for us Sun- day night.He is a great Churenworkerandgaveussomégoodad- vite.Mr:Elmer”Miller’s-little girl -is very:sick,also the baby,but it isimprovingsome.* Miss Tillie Lackey,an aged woman was taken suddenly ill last Friday morning but her condition is some im- proved. There seems to have been some ex- citement about the circle around the sun last Saturday..It is said there was one around it the 20th of.May, and-some say there was one around itjust.before the.Civil War.Mx...Daily Elliott started-his thresh- ing machine yesterday evenings~Mr, A.P.Head will also start his in a few days.Whenever the threshets start the people begin to get in:a hurrry.‘ —The Southern will give reduced’ rates,for Btateaxie’s,Fourth of July édebration.©Tickets on‘saleg3dy 4th and 5th,good to return up,to duly Sth. NOTIGE—TO -CREDITORS. Having qualified”a’ad-cinistrator of theestateofA.J.Bags,deceased,I heteby notiy fy all persons having claims against anid oe tate to prevent the same (whether they “bematter,of record’or not)to the updersigned r before the 2nd day of July,1916,Thoseindeébtedk‘to (the.estate are x ted to settle. eae RB.MeLAUGHLIN,191d."Administrator,duly.2, By virtue of the prov'sions contained inrection1170,chapter 21 of The’Revisal of f1905ofthelawsofNorchCarolina,the un- dersigned will sell at public auction ‘to thehighest-bidder for cash at the court house door in Statesville,N.C.,onMONDAY,AUGUST 2d,1915,at 12 o'clock,m:,two shares’of stock in theStatésville-Buffalo Shoals Bridge Co at the par value of $100 each,beéause the delinquentownersthereof.have faildd to pay their as- sessments thereon in fu'l. OSBORNE BROWN,S cretary and Treas-urer,Statesville-Buffalo Shoals Bridge Co. R,B.-McLaughlin,Atty. duly 2,1915. MORTGAGE SALE OF LAND. _By virtue of the powers contained in amortgagedecdexecutedtyLonMorrisonandMagiieMorrisontothelateMrs.W.~Waterhouse,the undersiyned:administrator oftheestateofthesaid“Mrs.W.E.Water- house,will sell at public auction to thehighest-bidder.for cash at the court house door in Statesville,N.C.on “ MONDAY,AUGUST 2,1915,at 12 o’¢lotk,m.,the following deseribedy tract of land in Shiloh tcwnship,to-wit:Be-sinning at a stone Stewart's new -corner inLolar’s line,running north 8 3-4 degrees:east i#6 poles toa stone in Mrs.Sallie Stewart’sJline,thenee north 86 1-2 degrees west 42 3-4 poles ‘to a stone near new Bethany church,”thence south3 8-4 degrees’west 189 poles te a stone,thence cast 42 3-4 poles to the besginning.Containing 0 acres more or less, exeepting a small corner conveyed to new Bethany church,A.G.CLICK,Administrator Mrs,W.KE.Waterhouse Mortgagee,apR.B.McLaughlin,Aity. July 2d,1915. MORTGAGE SALE OF LAND. BY VIRTUE of power of sale.contained inmortgagedecd,executed ty J.E.Westmore-land to Z%.B.Buchanan,and recorded in office of the register of deeds of Iredell county, book 26,page 631,the undersigned will.sell at public outery,to the.hiwhest bidder,at thecourthousedoorinStatesville,N.C.,ori MONDAY,AUGUST 2,1915.at 12 o'clock,m.,Lot No.10,Oakview -addi+ tion to the city of Statesville,N.C.Seemaprecordedinregisterofdeeds’offiee,Book +page 601,‘4%.B.“BUCHANAN,Mortgareec,HENKEL-CRAIG LIVE £TOCK CO,,Assignee. duly 2,1916.At same time and place we will sell JotNo.11 in Oakview suburban addition,by vit- tue of ‘powers of sale contained \in mortageexecutedbyE.L.Branen,recorded in regix-ter's office,Book 26,pute 255.:_%B.BUCHANAN,Mortiasres.| HENKEL-CRAIG LIVE.STOCK.C.,Assignee. July 2,ib. ~COMMISSIONERS’.SALE. Under and by.virtue of the decree of théSuperiorCourtofTredcllcounty,in the spe- cial proceciing entitled,“J.-M.Cass ct als,yersus Mery A,Lane,et al,"the anders sigticd commissioners,onTUESDAY,JULY 20,1915,yonit12o'clock,will sell’at publie auction,to the hichest bidder,at the court house door of,lredell county,the following describedtrhet’or pareel of Wand,waiver:Ae ing in Union Grove township, Lying andfthenaforesainwthelandsof R..-W,Windsor,J.‘T.Camp-bell.and déthers,and miore particulariy de seribed as follows:Beginning at a blackjackbash,running west 66 rods to »rockin4,Mullis’,old Had thence north 12 42rods«vith ‘the Meeting House Jine to a tedl®,oak,the corner of said Meeting House Tot}thence eaxt 66 rods;thence south 14 B-4rodstothebeginning,containing 6 2-8acres,more or ;Said jands are -peing sold for partition,and termi of sale will be as follows:third of purehase priceto be paid oh consfirmationofeale,one-third in six months,and onoithird fnojtwelve months,with inetrentondeferredBodri ed ‘4 WRATHERMAN, |Subscribe for THE LANDMARK, D.2,MAYBERRY,July.2-dte -Commissioners,” Yours truly, less. ,Bradt - “eit yneb cane rings during Chantauqua Week,July-5 to 11,the following lines will besold at greatly reduced prices:| ss Statesville,N.C. 74 1 ~St ptittoray |Chautauqua Opens Monday And continues through the week,with two strong pro- grzmmes each day,afternoon and night.Five Strong Lec- turers,led by LaFollette on Monday ‘afternoon,and:Dr.S. Parkes Cadman on Wednesday night.Strong musical at- tractions at each of.the fifteen performances.Among the most popular numbers may be mentioned The Crawford Adams Trio,Colangelo’s Band,Boston Oratorio Artists, Dunbar Soiree Singers and the Varkoney-Hines Company. On Saturday evening we are to have the Avon Players in “The Man From Home.*’—In addition-the above substantials weoffer quite a number of appetizers -on-.our..menu,..Magic and Motion Pictures,Fun and Frolic from time to time.- Not the least important is the play-paygeant to be given by:TThfjew bays qnd sits gitke Junior G a| If you are the fortunate person who ., holdsa Season Ticket.There are still a few of these desirables left with F.B. Bunch.He will let you have one for the price while they last. ‘Chautauqua and Celebration Day July5 RyRy For Two.Dollars OLIPT "2an Dp , x rs The Texas Company,Chicago,Il.Gentlemen:Ibeg to advise you and_.whontever it may concern,that ‘Mr.|,Beachy and myself used your Texaco-Gasoline in our exhibitions here to-day.The purity and high grade|quality assisted us greatly,especiallyinviewofthehighaltitude...|You Knowus;(Signed)BARNEY OLDFIELD,- Oct.9,1914 LINCOLN BEACHY, |‘The Mark of QUALITY. This is the GASOLINE and MOTOR OIL that had been adoptedby Glenn Curtis for the flying.machine Amer- ica in his flight across the Atlantic Ccean.—The flight was-abandoned at the outbreak of wer. State.and ,county,adjoins} ne-|e. me-to attain this record,fast-work which Ido. Oct.3,1914.\\ ;but even life and death,every care is u |obtainable,irrespective of cost;and th.their profession,did select and stillSTANDSFOR QFevidencethatTEXACO_thing just.as good,ask on the half-mile track at the Fair Grounds,with:Texaco Motor Oil and burning Texacoasitisaknowafac Lhave used in my racing career prac am franx in saying that the Texaco is far superior to them all, (Signed) In such ¢ases as shown above,which involve not only such extraordinary efforts,; sed to secure the most perfect equipment The Texas Company,Oklahoma City,Okla. GENTLEMEN:As you have perhaps read,I established a new world’s resord yesterday The car used wis:the Simplex ‘“‘Zip,’’lubricated [feel safe in saying that Texaco enabled that [must have an oil of a very high body for thetically.alf the oils on the market’and Gasoline, (Wholesale Distributors. At these men,who stand at the very to adhere to these TEXACO products is the best UALITY.Don’tbe satisfied with any- for the best~-and insist on getting it.--STATESVILLE OIL COMPANY. Yours very truly,— LOUIS DISBROW. of 3e x mm id,ng - A flaterials! yg .‘h ;I ’‘C,,S ;|Cy WALKING,Seer NG Nore Goer bae,, a WAS A FINE DAY ANYHOW. .,feature of the day icok place at 1:30, _.Streets as a result of the rain. “a number of floats and decorated au- _the Junior Order float were nearly ;200 Juniors wearit:;badges and car: prying flags. shorses from the State Farm. ,doing ager eemodern ny of the. VOL.XL. — i id STATESVILLE,N.©,TUESDAY,JULY 6,1915.aie, Rain Yesterdayay Disatranged the Pr Events Were Put on—A Big Crowd and a Fine Day. While the rain of Sunday night and yesterdayagainstStatesville’s ‘celebration |ofIndependenceDay,yesterday,theeventwasasuccessdespite—theweather.‘The rain cept —thousandsfromcomipgtothecelebrationandoeeechangesandcurtailment of the :programme,but there was alarge.crowd notwithstunding and it was “a big day in Statesville,”Mor- ganton sent a good delegation andthore-were-visitors.from other towns.There was a “let up”in the show- ers about’10 o’clock and the Morgan-ton.band,which had been engagedfortheday,began its concert on theequare.Little showers chased ebandindoorsanditcontinueditscon- eert on the second story veranda ofHotelIredell:By noon the sky began to clear and it was decided to have the parade at 1 o’clock,and this big ‘In the afternoon at 4 o'clock the Chautauqua opened in the tent rear of the People’s Loan &Savings Bankandtheballgamebet.veen Statesville and Morganton was called.at the game time at Learue Park,withlargecrowdspresentateachplace.The ball game resulted in a victoryforStatesvillebyareoreof4to0.Morganton’s battery was Jaynes andWinston.while Sincfer.~pitched:forStatesvilleandSwanncaught.The closing features were the Chautauquaprogrammelastnightandthefire works. Senator Overman,who was to havedelivereda.special oddress to the Junior Order .yecierday afternoon, wired before noon that he could not be here.The hose wagon race plan- ned for the afternoon was called off on account of the condition of the “The Patade. Notwithstanding the weather kept tomobiles from —participating,theradewasthebigfeatureoftheday. ie was.beautiful to Inok upon,educa- tional in nature and a fine advertise-ment:for the town aad community aswell.Never before has there beensuchanelaboratedisplayofthekindinStatesville.The parade formed on north Center street ‘and paraded Center street from the square to thedepotantreturn,passed down’eastFrond,to,Tradd,back to’the square a west,broad 40 Meeting,along north...Meeting and.outa»West ~End avenue,to.Race..strect.south along: Raceafreet to.Fror4 street,and:east afong ‘ront to.Conia,The ‘streets in.the business distr’ct were crowd- ed with people and the scene was very similar to the “old cirrus days”when the whole countryside turned out to see the circus parader. The parade was headed by Chief. Marshal Deaton and his lady and gen- tlemen assistant marshals on horse- back.Next came the Morganton band with its attractive costumes and ex-cellent.music headed by the director, Mr.T.J.Robertson.The Iredell Blues,about 36 streng,came next, and following were the floats and dec- orated automobiles.Marching behind Following is a list of the floats anddecoratedautomobiles.In addition to the elaborately decorated automobiles there were 50 or more which bore some bunting and flazs but were not classed as decorated machines.These brought up the rear cf the parade. ~~Lazenby -Montgomery “Hardware Co.—Large frame covered with bunt- ing and flags built on a.motor truck, the interior of which represented a kitchen.In the kitchen was a large range and representing the busy cooks were a couple of young ladies.Iredell Tin Works —Miniaturé bat- tleship rocking in imitation ocean waves while smoke came from _the}; stacks and occasional explosions rep: yesented cannon fire. Sloan Pressing Club—an.attractive air ship built on a conple of bicycles. Tredell Test Farm—A.large.float representing the o°]and the new methods in farming,the product of Mrs.F.T.Meacham.wife of Supt. Meacham of the Farm.The float was a large room built o a wagon and drawn by two of tho big Percheron The room was surrounded by flags and bunting and at each corner was a large stalk of corn,The roof was made of wheat,oats,eta,just as it me from the field."The old and the new ways of doing things on the farm ‘were demonstrated by 15°boys and girls in charge,of Miss _Hilda Meacham,the lady of.the house,‘all the ocdupants being in appropriateeostumeandplacardsexplained.theirmission.One old lacy was darningandanotherwaspiecing’a quilt,while beside these yas a modern ladyfaney“embroidery work.A ‘pare- foot.boy.operated an old-fashionedchurnwhile.a girl -was._beside himmakingbutterin&modern churn.Afarmerwithawoodenforkworking:i inhaycontaining’many ‘weeds,repre-senting the farmer who reads no pa-pers.and attends ‘no:on =erwhilethemodernfarmerBonhimwithhisalfalfahay,‘his’feniee Pe newspapers ete. ramme But About All the}: morning tion etl Another”boy was|. {LaFOLLETTE LONG TALK. Wisconsin Senator Under the Chautaviqua Tent—Prof.No-ble Crowded Out. The Chautauqua programme be-wan yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clockenRev.J.F.Kirk introduced.to the audience Mrs.Ida B.Cole,Chau-tauqua suverintendent.She spokebrieflyofChautauouaworkandintro- duced the Dunbar Sciree Singers,whoentertainedtheaudienceuntil4:45 a’¢lock,when Hon.W.D.Turner in- troduced.Senator Robt:M.LaFolletteofWisconin,who snoke nearly two hours end ‘a half. Senator Lafolttette. Mr,LaFollette spoke regarding the Americangovernment-and-its futare, He began with the Declaration of In-dependence 139,yeais ago and fol- lowed it until the present time..He told of the seven years’fight for lib- erty 139 years ago.how the country Was poor,no treasury nor purse.to draw from and or!y-3,000,000 to 4,-000,000 people.Waeshington’s’armyhadonlyonemuskeitoeveryseven men and the rest fought,almost naked .and starving.with whatever’ weapons they could get.They fought that their.children might.have liber-y.Then came the problem of how to establish governmert to secure it, It.was to be a perfected democracy. Each man was to have the ballot to elect some one to represent him. That was all ‘right until something came between the representative and the people he was to represent.For the first 50 years this plan worked fine but before another 50 years in- fluence to corrupt hbefan to appear. Corporation influence began to be felt on legislation.‘ne people’s rep- resentatives were noc approached in the open but the corrupt influence was brought abovt in,committee rooms and hotel rooms.There is enough loyalty among the people now to fight an open foe out it is the se- o jcret foe they can not get at.This cor- rupt..influence runs all through local as well as'national legislation. »For 75 or 80 yeurs after the gov- ernment was established business was transacted by individvals or partner- ship.Mines of coal,copper and iron were found.Individuals and partner- ships could not finance the onening of these storehouses of wealth.Anewwaytodothishadtobefound. So eorperations sprangy up and this was the greatest thing that ever han-pened for materia}Jevelopment.In a material way we -progressed byleapsandbounds.‘ndividuals and partners never had’to appeal to Leg-iplatures.and lobbies nut corporationsdid.,This was all right until corpora- tions;saw.that #f they could get otherlegislationit.would he of great’befit-fit to them and so on until we have the evil influence cf legislation todealwith. Until 1898 supply,demand and competition fixed prices.Since then combinations of the same _line-of manufacture fix them and the neces-saries of life have about doubled,inprice.The cost of nanufacture bymachineryislessthanbyhandbut the price of .products is higher,The people have stood foe this heretofore because theirs is a !and of plenty but they are going to rebel before many yeats and bring the governmert backtothepeople.Where we had 1,200 competing lines -of railroad in theUnitedStateswenavenowsixsys- tems owned by 8 men.Every hoursince1898freightrates.have .gone higher when naturarty they should have gone lower.In 1901 there were 149 unlawful combinations,8.664 in1904,10,020 in 190&‘There will nev- er be a free government as long.as the people do not contro!their own markets.Great corporations are con- trolling our natural resources.The Senator spoke of +he—vast—savine—to the people of Wisconsin by the State regulating the public service corpora- tions,If they will ot stand for reg- ulation he favors the government owning and operating public service corporations.Bring competition back is the best regulation of prices.This is a very incomplete summary of -Senator —Lalo!ette’s address,which was listened to attentively by a good audience,Prof.Noble Crowded Out. (Last night the Dunbar Soiree Sing-ers and an address by Chaucey J. Fawkins were the attractions.Senator Overman,booked =for aspeechtotheJuniorOrder.United American Mechanics,did not come on account of sickness:Prof.M.‘C.S. Noble.who was to have made the Fourth of July speech,was.side-tracked by circumstances..He wasbookedfor1:20 o’clock but the Larade was moved up to that hour,He wasnextscheduledtofollowMr.Lal*ol-lette but the latter Ieft_m6 time be-tween the afternoon ‘and:ernie pro-gramme.The Fireworks.:Last night a great crowd gatheredonnorthCenterstreettowitnessthe fireworks display,which began about 9:30 and continued for an exhibition ‘was good. ‘Baseball Today ind Rimorcowet row afternoon,‘ville defeated M our.The ‘Morganton aid Statesville will play |/#boutball.again this afternoon and tomor-|mem‘The fact that States-| sn MORGAN ‘SHOT BY “CRANK. Frank Holt Wanted to Force Morgan to Stop the European War—Helt Also:Set Off a‘Bomb in the.Capitol at Wash- ington —Morgan’s Wounds Not Fatal. J.P.Morgan,head of the banking house of J.P.Morgan &Co.,was shotSaturdayathiscountryhomenear Glen Cove,N.Y.,by Frank Holt,a native American,a former standinstructoratCcrnellpolewhowastohavebetomethehsathedepartmentof.French geSouthwestern—Methodist Univeat:Dallas,Tex.,next fall..<iThefirst.renorts,said Mor n wasshottwice,both bail takinghiship:A report from lorgan’sbedsideon.Sunday,however,said|bullet did not enter the abdomen:that:no bones.were broken and financier was resting easily.mention was made of a second bullet.The wounds are not believed to be fatal.Holt called at the Morgan home:at 9 o’clock while Mr,and Mrs:neganwereatbreakfast.Fiske.. butler.answered Holt’s ring at thaidoor..Holt handed the butler his card,telling him to inform Mr.Morgan itwas.ftom a friend.As.the.butler,started back throuzh the hallway,Holt -slipped_a piste!from his pocketandpressed>it against.the©‘butler’s stomach."See this gun,””fhe demanded,oyhaveanotherone.’:The butler,acolo by.the muzzleoftheweapon.backed,into the hall-way,Holt following.As the front,door closed behind them,.the butler|realized the determination of the as- assin and spoke in a loud voice,so}that Mr.Morgan night hear,“Mr. Morgan is in the library.”Holt was not diverted by this,but|t continued to press the butler back- ward down the hallway toward~thediningroom.Ae they neared thedining-room~door;the~butler--spokeagain.‘ “Upstairs,Mr.Morgan,up stairs,”he shanted.Alarmed.by the shout,Mr.Mot-gan and his,wife left.the dining‘com by.another door,entered —a rear hallway.and went uv Stairs.They found nothing amiss thére and way...,Unwittingly they »walkedmostinto.the assascin’s arms.Mre. Morgan saw.him first,sereamed ancdrewback.Holt turned and firedticebeforeMr,Movgan could seize him,Fiske,,-no.Jonger:menaced bythepistal,grasped Holt’s right hand, Morgan_.threw..-himself -.on :the manandthethree,went to:the floor in a struggle,which.was shorts:‘The pis-tol was.torn from Holt’s fingers and he was beaten ‘by.the butler -and oth-er servants,who came running at the sound of the shots,uniil he offered.nofurtherresistance.Then the Glen Cove police and a physician weresummonedandHoltwaslacedin one of the Morgan automobiles and taken to jail at Glen Cove.Sir CecilSpring-Rice.British ambassador to the United States,an overnight guest at the Morgan home,was with Mr. and Mrs.Mogan at the breakfastta-ble when t entefcd the horfse.For a time Hol€refused to talk,buthelatersaid.he did:not intend to shoot Morgan but that it was his pur-pose to force him to stop the war inEurope.»He expressed .regret thatMorgan’s family was disturbed.Themanhaddynamiteinhissuitcase and he said his plan was to make theMorganfamilyprisonersinthehouse twhile he sent Mory-2n -out to confer with his associates in busihess:andsecureanagreementtostoptheex- portation of munitious of war,whichwas_his.plan.to stp the European struggle.He was sure Morgan’could bring about the cessation of these ex-ports if he ‘would and if he refusedtoagreetotheplanHoltproposedit! was the latter’s puryoce,he said,tosetoffthedynamite. Holt also confessed that he had onFridaynight.placed the bomb whichwreckedtheinterioofthereception|some in the Senate wing of the capi-ol,The mah is ‘evidently off on the sub-ject of the European war.In unfold-ing the unusual story of bomb plac- ing and attempted..assassination,hetalked,coolly,and with,dramatic|frankness.fe is an American.citi-zen,nativebobeens about 85 years oldand:educated far above the averare. He had been a student at Cornell,hesaid,and later an instructor there in|French.Records show ‘he taught German instead.‘Next autumn hehadexpectedtobetheheadofthedepartment—of-French at-the South-Sette Methodist University at Dal- hlas,Texas.His wife,a daughter ofrRev.__0,Fy baugh,presiding el-der of the Dallasdistrict of the’Mcth-odist..Episcopal,Church,,South,iswithherfatherinattaToherhefatingberthatelegrainaehisarrest,e)er peer’ed.butod.disisposed,Parashiddinger to beeeThe.pallea have.“many ‘theoriesHolt,They think he may be acistseetombethat or nt renninfour,to nothing,wallare additionainteresttothegame.toda: y. oa.ani “pnight about 10,15°o'clock at his home *No| started -hack,using he front heap.| ere Ne eee VETERAN OFFICER “DEAD, Mr.John N.Morgan,Long Time Member ~*Statesyille Police Force,Answers the Call—Oth- er Deaths. Mr.J.N.Morgan died.Friday on West End avenue.While he hadbeeninfailinghealthalongtime and had been confined at home muchofhistimerecently,,Mr.Morgan did not become critically il until.Thurs- day night..He was on the streetsWednesday..Few.pecple knew of his condition.and the announcement of this death came as a.surprise.-Thefuneralservicewas.held Saturdayafternoon-at-6.30-o’elock atthe First rPreshyterian™chureh,“of “whith the deceased was a membor,and the -in- pennant was in Oakwood |cemetery, Cv.ev.C,E.Raynal cendueted the ser- vice,. John “Nicholson Morgan was_born January 31,1834,near Rocky Rivérchurch,Cabarrus couyty—son_of John Wilson Morgan and Tirzah |HarrisMcLcllandMorgan.He remained at the home of the farm until 1858,when he moved to.Bowie “county,Texas. where he farmed one year.In 1859 he moved to Jackson county,Arkan- sas,remaining there until the startofthecivilwar,when he:joined the First Arkansas Rifiemen.who wenttoMissouri.He remained in the armyfin.Missouri and Arkansas a year. Suffering an.attack of pneumonia in 1862 he was sent to a hospital in Ar- kansas.He left the hospital to en-.ter the fight at Shiloh,.Tenn,,but suf- fered a relapse at Fort Pillow,Tenn., and was in a hospital two or three months.He again entered his com- mand in Mississippi but his ‘healthwassopoorthathewasdischarged in 1863,but later joined the brigade as a sutler.He came to Wilming- on,N.C.,in 1862 and took a posi- tion as forage master'of Clingman’s brigade.The next day he went to Sullivan’s Island,Charleston,S. C..remaining.about:six -months -be- fore returning to Wilmington..He went in camp at Petersburg,Va.,in winter of 1864,_He was furlough-ed and married Misg:-Sallie,BE.Gra-ham.near Cleveland.Rowan,county, April,1864;.:-After his marriage hereturnedtothearmyandremainedwithituntilhewassurrenderednearGreensboro.After the war Mr.Morgan lived on tke farm in Rowan county until 1886,when,he locuted in Statesvitieandbecame:a member of the police.force.He served the city!in somecapacity;almost’.continuotsly untilhisdeath,For nine 'yédts ‘he ‘wasnightpolicemanand‘was’’also for!alongtime’sanitary policeman.Several years ago he was retired from’active service as an officer and given lightwork;and for some years his almost sole -"duty had been %collect.the electric light bills for the city.Mr. Morgan was a faithful official.He had the courage to do his duty and he was always firm in its discharge. Mr.Morgan is survived by twodaughters—Mrs.Ges.A.Banner ofMarionandMissBarrMorgatiofStatesville.re! Mr.enper Knox Eliott,son of Mr. and Mrs,J.D.Ellictt of Shiloh.town-ship,‘ied.‘Friday in a hospital at Rutherfordton,where he had been ill with typhoid fever’tor two or threeweeks..The_remains:were.brought toStatesvilleSaturdayandtakentoNew.Stirling church,where the fun- eral and burial -took place Saturdayafternoon.Rev.L.L.Moore of Tay-lorsville and Rev.E.D..Brown of Lo- ray conducted the,fimeral.Mr.El- liott was 24 years old and is.survivedby.his_parents,_a number of brothers| and a sister,He was in the railway service.when he became ill at Ruther-fordton and entered the hospital for treatment. rious:about ten days.ago-and hisfatherwent,to Rutherfordton to be with him. Mrs.Maggie Flow Foster of Da- vidson died yesterday -morning-at 2|elock at the.home.of.her.brother-in-law and sister,Dr.and Mrs.P.8.Fasley,on Kelly street.Mrs.Fosterwasavictimofheart.disease.She came to Statesville six weeks agofortreatment.She was at the Sana-torium.for two wee!:3 and since then‘has-been at the home of Dr..and Mrs, 'Rasley.Mrs.Foster was 47 years old and a native of Mecklenburg county.,Sheissurvivedbyherhusvand,Rev.W. C.Foster,a Presl-yterian minister,|ea thrée children.The remains were |taken to Davidson yesterday and the funeral and interment-will take place, |there thismorning. Mr.Milton Clreshire,an aged diti- zen.of Gool Spring township,prob- ably 75 years old,died suddenly Sat-urday night.Mr.and Mrs.Cheshire were alone :when the summons cameto.the former..and the latter,was themessengerthatwenttotheneighbors for aid.Interment,ol.'Tabor church. _Mr,Cheshire is survived by threenda.daughter--Mr.Columbus'Norfolk,Va,;Mr.ae e of Wavie eounty,Mr.ire of Charlotte a Mrs-Cool Spring township.pe of Mr.and.Mrs.To.aged 18 months,died Sun-at,the home of its grand)’M.A.flartline,.on the"The funeral and:t Buriatyesterdayafternoon. :OfDr.‘Everette ‘Ayrridaymorninthe.residence.of,-Mrs.Sh sian “will fave t6“pive up “Wareaw His condition became se-}. Jfrom.rising until Mr. i cemetery. ese eoen THE GERMAN*ADVANCE, Driving a “Wedge |Into Russian Territory at the Rate all FiveMiles.a.Day. At-a rate:estimated at Ayo!milesaday,General.von Mackensen’s Ger- man forees.are still swinging north-ward in Galicia and Poland.in.a co-lossal'and daring erdeavor to drive awedgeinto,the Russian.center.dis-lodge the,,Russians from the Vistulariverand.force ther back over theBug,thus splitting.the Grand Duke’s|pforcesintotwo.sectiens,with thous-/ands of acres of swamp and marshlandbetweenthem.if the Austro-Germans can contin- ue their progress anather week,eventheBritishpressadmits-the:Rus- and with it.the Whose line.while the Germans are massifig,moretroopsintheBalticprovincesand the.recent encounter in the /‘Balticseemstosuggestthatthey‘¢ontem-plate co-ordinate naval action,butis.possible that the sea operation only were a feint. An the southeast Calicia the!Rus- sians are fighting tenaciously/andhavetheadvantageofaremarkable series ofpparallel rivers bey:ind:thGnilaLipaandtheAustro-ie advance is likely to be costly:wings )Mean-~ Thus,on¢their twc extreme):the Russians appear to be’firm pntwheretheyareretreating,it still isclaimed,their retirement is or =and accompanied,by vigorouguardoperations.The Aust i -Ger-|88 mans advancing in the center,more- over,are getting deeper into a coun- try eovered with forests and streams and barren of railways,bet een the advantages to the Russians.|| The German official account of ‘tlenavalbattle:off the Swedish islandof:Gothland admits the loss of only. the.German mine iayer Albatross.Mhe Russians claim.that a big Ger- man battleship was sunk.. FOR.BETTERSERSANITATION, Aldermen Will ReqRequire Connec- Sanitary Closefs—‘For Street to BeCondemned.The board,of alde in sésgion’ toward—better sanitation in’States:vile.Dr.M.R,-Adams,city hysi-- eian,called the attention of the’to the fact that there are a number of and about.100 withm the corporatelimits:That these «re a’meniAce alethe,health of the:conmaiunity wiiemphasizedbythephysi¢ian’’“Arter |some--diseussion the .oard..ordered}; that.the;‘ordinance passed some timeago,requiring that a'l persons livinonstreetsservedbysewersmakecon} nection with the sewer line and.abol-ish surface ‘closets,August\Ist\being fixed as the time liraic for mpliancewiththeordinance.Another \ordi-nance was passed requiring that whatisknownas“sanitavy”.surface los- ets be used where a sewer linesie|nat accessible,éAnordinancewas passed condemn:ing the property neccessary to openHillstreet,the city and the propetyownershavingfailedtoagreeohthematter.°A:request for a street light atNikcornerofRaleighavenueand:Fourthstreetwasreferredtothetight-com- mittee. The board agreed to iokrove theBoulevardfromtheoverheadbridgestoNewBerneavenue,Evans having agreed to furnish the top soil.for this work. The’sum of $200 was appropriated ta the firemen to defray.their ex-penses to the State tournament atGreensboro. Buggy Overturned and Ladies| Hurt.i A buggy occupied by Mrs,J Paul Miss Ducie Swann was turned over]Leonard,Miss Mariaddie Turner andonDavieavenueyesterdayafternoon,All_three_of the ladies were moreorlessbruisedandecratched,:but for-tunately neither of them.was‘serious-ly.hurt.The horse ‘was sfrigntenedbyadecoratedautemobile—in .thestreet_and jumped to one side so_sud- denly that the buggy was turned overinthesideditch.The horse fell tothegroundand.became entangled intheharness,Mr.ired Deaton,whohadjustpassedthebuggyinanan-tomobile,heard the crash and rushed}, to the aid of.the ladies,Realizingthat,if the horse yot on its feet itwouldrunawayandthusendanger the lives of the ladies,Mr.Deaton satonthehorse’s head and prevented itJ.E.Colvertfromthebugrywhich|they hadbeencaught.,All the ladies wereabletowalktotheir_homes.a short distancé awey.Mrs.Leonardand_,Miss ,Turner’.both .receivedwounds.on.the face and.‘body andMissSwann’was,bruised,bones.were broken, freed the tadies top,beneath the horse escaped :njury.Ss are visiting Statesville relatives. hear Senator Lalollette. tor,Rev.C,H.Raynal assistedRev.W.M.Walsh,A large ieandfrfends,4 of t of town peooeeas‘onesanePhedep usually:large: rear|Some one entered:the middle Vistula and the Bont avenul Landmark. (McNeely of ChambeLsent.in a bloom:-heritareisey Petar tion With Sewer Lines and|Aveust 11. ‘of.Kenl rmen,:Friday night,took decisive steps ie surface closets within the fire;limits|p; &mony Saturday. Alderman)° but no} The buggy was} wrecked and the harness broken,but pa Mrs.J.‘L.Davis and little daugh-tet,Miss’Frances,of Columbia,S,C.,‘ Editor Hurley of the Salisbury Post|at th‘was in’town yester'lay afternoon lger trainnin Ne -NOQ.98, i———— BRIEF ITEMSiS LOCAL,NEWS. —[he Girls’Tomataelub will serveicecreamatMidwayiesSaturdaynight,July 10th.Ao ~The annual picnicwillbeheldThuaain:manypleton’s grove at}resville,.- While the rain marred theaol:bration ‘somewhat,it wee indeed ead was a great:benefit.tothe eropa.: —Interested parties willWeet Bat-urday morning at Bethel church,nearEastMonbo,to eleny.off tne aetery.5 Save —4A kitten born at.che Kooieof,Mr.W.P.Sharpe,in Shiloh bg hi had:two mouths,-two noses and threeeyes.It lived but.a short time.°'pees ¢Ande Baehae ‘i Sunday.and—0 y Barnwas.buried.yesterday..theere be-ing held inPa Syee eeMethodistehureh,—Carpenters andpissin”aswieatStatesville,collegethebuildinginfirstclass leeConsiderableimvroyenentsaretobemade‘before the fall term openg...«.._ —License has ‘been issued for the -marriage of.Mr.\Espy N.-Ketchie |and Miss Valla May Litton,Mri:VanHelmsandMissHattieKyMann,—‘Mr.Luther Franklin and:Miss hed nie Baker.+éCee,eeeeyaam)Mills township were awayte and_ran-._it.The:only things.miseingresugarandcoffee,6 BO ee Mri R.E:Hoke,who ‘lives.Shiloh township.rear.Bratfords,reports the first cotton:bloom to TheHefoundthe:bloom‘ea sterdaymorning.Yesterday.See —Farmers_Institutes:will tinIredellasfollows:“At wi be aonthe30th;State Farm,Vithe31st,and Linwood ePitywialg’te elt Pylones“at crvilleAugust2danidatUla |The Ralei News.ana’‘citizens—Mft,y,JohnsW.J.Rossvest an Seek:Ome Tuniors at,ie SMP.Wy G.Hall’aud family havenovafrothNorth.prea taStatesvilleandexpect|home here..They -are neeresidenceofthelatoMrs.heams.on Race street.Mr,Hall is «twin cro of we A.B,ere ae u a photograp gallery:Statesville some years agar)6s, =-Many of the lecaly fahaulingtheirwheatdirect fromthreshertomarket,snd some ofwcropwheathas“soi wett.”rmer-received $1.25 thebushelhiscropofover400bushels,: prevailing ‘price fornewever,is $1.15,Old wheat wasing$1,35 when thenew wheatonthemarket. —A.Civil.service examination ‘will i be held at the Federal‘urday,10th,’by.Mr.Jas.r.the local.civil service .s :examine applicants.for the positi‘of rural letter earrier:The|oat-|purpose.of the examinationcureaneligiblelistfrom ‘appointment may?be,madeto.vacancy on a Mooresville pes ee -—~Atthecourt house Saturday whatis-known.as the Troy Clark|propertyinMooresville,owned |bySmithand.MeLain,«was sold eee:mortgage to:Mr.©.G,Smith$1,700.At)the sanweand-lot-in-Mooresville der ertgage..onend was...bought —Moerenville Mr..C._V. $255,: |{fhe Statesville pee mailrierswill-resume ‘their;: ule this morning,leaving:Sta: at 8:80 o’clock..On.ateount:ofdiscontinuanceofthaeafly:.train the schedule}wasthat.the carriers dad:hot-er until 10:10 ofclogk;:¥ the Charlotte’trnin’s:mail.-that the.early,.morning:train|hacesumedoperationtheschedule 'of the mail,wiltbe sagem : 7 tireSC ce erroneesacmanannassbrosves asa wi emacsTEIAANDMARK TUESDAY,--July,6,1916,ane ecHERINGOfEDITORS. of Events of the Meeting of the State Press Association at Montreat Last Week. The gathering of the editorial fra- ity at Montreat last week was t so largely attended as usual,but the features of the meeting in the er of papers and addresses were Piove the average;and the meeting With a score or more of South Caro- e editors who cameto,visit their forth Carolina brethren,a trip to t.Mitchell and a barbecue at Black ountain Saturday made the meeting n all respects a most pleasant one, *Outsiders who addvessed the meet- ng.were Prof.Branson of the Uni- versity,who told of the University extension work,a most valuable and ‘portant part of the State’s educa- ional activities;and.Dr.J.Y.Joy- er,State Superintendent of Public struction,who made an earnest ‘hnd impressive plea ‘for.the State’s literates.Pr...Joyner ‘announced at the State Department of Educa- on —is ~~planning-for ..moonlight “$ehools to teach adu't illiterates to -read..and..write.A LAgt of the-plan 4s to prepare lessu:s for these ilit- ‘erates,and send them to the county papers for publication,a copy of the japer with each lesson published to 2 sent to the address of each illit- ‘erate in each county.The idea —is that an illiterate would take more _pleasure in learning tu read from his county paper and learning to read ‘the paper,than he would in learning ’from a:primer.The idea seems to tbe a good one and the editors endors- ed it.; ‘The papers before the association were in the main with reference to subjects.pertinent to the craft,but4most_of them:were of more or.less ‘interest to the public.They cannot ‘all be~discussed at present,but~itmaybesaidin..passing that the “papers by two lady members—Miss Jaen of the Raleigh Times and Miss Mae Lucile Smith,editor of the Sky- Jand Magazine,were most excellent ‘ones.Miss;Iden discussed woman’s “place in journalism.She showed that there is a:place for women in news- -peper work and a.place they can fill -better than the men.“Made in North Carolina”was Miss Smith’s subject, ‘which she illustrate,so to speak,by appearing dressed in a costume made “Gn North Carolina,Miss Smith’s pa-‘per was bi Waluable collection of data“of what’the State is—déing:indus-. _“trially and agriculturally.‘ The annual oration by Edi-r Martin of the Winston -Sa- lem--Journal was'--:r splendid ~effort: ’he subject ae was:fine ee pe Pyyanora¥_for’vee ai better .,for the.country,chil-‘dren,Pectinid anhtr‘the!exeel- deat |hha h!“propagatida being con- ected vy.the State Roard of Health>of land-taxes:-that-‘will prevent the land passing into the ~hands of the few. eral r Pg ev a The association adopted the follow-ing by arising vote:4s“The North Carolina’Press’Asso- ciation would send tiken’to Wood- row Wilson,Presiden’of all the peo- 'ple,of its unqualified approval of thewisdomandcouragehehasdisplayedin’his position in the administrativepoliciesinconnectionwiththeEuro- pean war.It would make record ofitsadmirationforcnc.exercise of *gtatesmanship through which he has «been able to measure up to the vary- ing situations of the recent eventful past,and for..the manifestation ofthatsterlingpatriotism’which has in-«-spired the country with confidence in©“theraibitity ‘of his heat to Girect-and‘his hand to’guide it to a safe and anhonorabledeliverance.'“So far as this acsociation is col- lectively representative of prevailing sentiment,it.feels justified in extend- ing to President Wilson not only a vote of faith and confidence,but an.assurance of whole hearted supportandanupholdingofhishandstothe finish of this.crucial period in.the~eountry’s:history..#The South Carolina,Press,Associa- tion,meeting jointly with the North Carolina editors,desires to add to these expressions of confidence and support,its hearty und unreserved concurrence.”j _The Montreat people were courte- us and ,consideraie of the comfort pleasure of the editors.Thurs-lay evening there was a most excel-flent musical prograrime by a large ir“under ‘the direction of Mr. dams and two splendid recitations‘by one of the lady members of the@hoir.Thursday afternoon there wasaninformalrecepticnfortheeditors -.Jat the home of Rev.and Mrs.R.C.+Anderson and the visit to this beauti--ful home,built of the native woods‘with chimneys of native stone,occu- pying a beautiful site commandingfineviews,was a treat.Mr.Ander-gon is the président of the Montreat ssociation and has successfully man-“aged its affairs.The busitiess of the Press Associa-tion was concluded Thursday evening.That morning the officers were elect-ed for the ensuing year:President,as.‘H,Cowan of the Wilmingtonispatch;vice presidents,EditorsBrittonoftheRaleighNews.and Ob-server,Martin of the Winston-Salem‘ournal and Harker of the ScottishChief;secretary and treasurer,J.FB.Sherrill of the Coacord Times and‘Tribune;poet,Wm.Laurie Hill,nowtheProgressiveFarmer;orator,London of the Siler City Grit; historian,Editor.Thompson bf the1HillNews. executive committce.The trip to Mt.Mitchell on Friday‘was a great treat.A railroad,builtbyalumbercompanyforaloggingroad,runs from the Western,road atpointbetweenRidgecrestandBlacknapthroughthemountains:fan 20 miles and it Chape Executive com-mittee,H!A.London,T.J.Lassiter,‘H,B,Varner,J.H.Caine and R.R.Clark.time and place for thenextmeetingwillbenamedbythe is being extended further as.the tim- ber is being taken up along the route. ‘Heretofore the road has carried pas- sengers only for accummodation but |hereafter its business as a passen- ger line in the summer season will doubtless be a feature,for as a sceniclineitcanhardlybesurpassed.The road bed Was blasted out along:themountainside,Dynamite was a most important part of the expense ofbuilding,700 tons being used.Thecostofgradingwasabout$5,000 per mile and total,-cost of ‘grading and equipment about $10,000 per mile.The road is built on the switchbackplanandeacainisoperatedbytwolargeengifig@sspeciallyconstruct- ed for the purpose.The trip overthelineismosthever-changing panorama of mountainseeneryismagnificent.But there isone‘serious blot,Oo the mountain sides hundreds and hundreds of acreshaveheendenudedoftimber.Thatisbadenough,but the torch followedtheaxeofthewoodmanand_the mountain sides where the’timber hadbeentakenoffwereburnedover,the young growth destroyed and a black- ened unsightly waste left.Reforest- ing will come-in time,but for gener- ations the bare monntain:sides will bear witness ‘to our prodigal waste ofnature’s.bounty and our criminal negligence ‘in permitting the wantondestructionofourforests.PTtisaboutZOmilestothepomt-on. the line where the passenger leaves the railroad and hegins afoot thefinalascenttoMt.Mitchell.~The dis- tance is a mile and one-eighth fromtherailroadlineandtheelevationfromtherailroadtothecrest.of “Mt.Mitchell is about 900°feet.The to-tal elevation of Mt.Mitchell is 6,711 feet.Portions of ‘the trail through the dense forest..re’like a swamp, The ‘trail is -rather @ough.in places,but not.had;as’-mountain trails go,and only apart of it is uncomfortably sieep.#Once on the summit,however,the tired-traveler-isgladhehascome.’The view is.allthatcouldbedesired.The lonely: grave of Dr.Elishe’Mitchell,who lost his life in exploring the mountain and for whom it was named,is anobjectofinterest.A rude pile of stones marks the piace.The monumenterectedbyhis,daughters,the late Mrs,Grant and Miss M.E. Mitchell of Statesville,was blown down and wrecked last winter. One who has an opportunity.tomakethis-trip to Mt,Mitchell should not miss it.It is 10t~a hard one.On this océasion few of the visitor’ were used to mountain climbing,.but they made the trip yary.comfortably.«Moving.picture men were ‘along andtookviewsofthetrain,the party oFMt.Mitchell and dlong the trail,an later these pictures will be on exhiSieteeetaeeee| i #|W NDITIONS.| Federal Reserve Agents Make Report.OfDistricts.aie Information about.business condi- tions throughout the ¢ountry in June as reported by Federal reserve agentshasbeenyaade.public by the Federal, oar ee .i {Feported.retail trade:e of the-cotton mills,theageitintohemakirigmon-ey,but *robablo,that“most ofthemaresatisfiedwithnominal’prof-its.3 ; JA steady.and sound improvement intheeconomicsituaticnwithconserva- tism as the'dominant,feature was an-nounced from the Atlanta district. From :Boston came,the news thatweatherconditionsandawaveof economy,which is.affecting all class-es,probably had been important fac- tors in the general business situation. From New York bankers through- out the State weré quoted as report- ing that crops In general had a goodstartandthatinereasedactivityundbetteremploymentfor,labor in manyindustrieswgreshown. Business.in the Philadelphia dis-trict was reported stil!below normal: Cleveland reported ‘:usiness in some large industrial plants with:special lines.as booming,with general busi-ness “only fair.” Chieago reported a steady,but slow progress —in — troubles still!in the building tradesanddistributors.St.Louis reported that the output of manufacturers whohaveno_products available for Eu-rope.still was below normal although the jobbing trade’was somewhat more. active.The cotton outlook was fa-vorable.”:~Minneapolis-said weather conditionshad.damaged the Northwestern corncrop...Wheat:was in excellent condi- tion.Business had jresponded to promises ¥a good year in agricultur-fee .with retail.trade activeand-eolleetions good.» Crop and financial conditions in theKansasCitydistrictwerereported excellent,7Dallasreportedthat the Southern and Central Texas nat crop would be the largest.yield known.Corn was in a favorable condition but the condi-tion of cotton was vot entirely satis- factory.San Francisco reported thelumberindustry“very depressed”and said that lack of ships-hampered ex- ports.Business.canditions—-in -the Northwest cannot be ood,it was de-clared,until lumber’and shingles can be marketed at a profit. Kngland Beginning to\Realize _Seriousness of the War. “There are’manifold ~indicationa throughout the United Kingdom,says ja:London dispatch,that the people of England only now,after nearly ayear,fully sense the seriousness ofthewar.Only a few months alo theboastwas“business is as ‘usual,’theater ‘patronage undiminished arid the restaurant trade normal.(The cab-inet ministers now are urging thenecessity‘of the most rigid economybyindividuals,and school childrenare’being besought t>invest in thewarloan.."The newspapers daily arecarryingfullpageadvertisementsofthewarloansu¢Teutonic successes in Galicia,theslownessof‘the -Dardanelles.opera-tions,and the failure of the vallies~toinauguratethemuchdiscussedoffen-sive in the West,are-responsible forthischangeinpublizdemeanor, interesting.The’ the black earth being full ef water.| business,__with—_labor| [had put in that amo.mnt.~Here’s .the THE STATE'S COTTON ¢While Growing Much CottonWeAreSendingMillionstoOtherStatesForFood.Hae In a study of cotton production.intheState,W.Rea Parker of the Whyne County Club of the State /Uni- versity,says:ris Laas “North Carolina docs not ramorecottonthananyother’State,butleavingoutCaliforn:a.and Missawhichproduce.less than a hund thousand bales all told,North Caroli-na produces more cotton per acrethananyotherState-in-the-cotton belt.“sro a “Our nearly four million spindles now consume all the raw cot the State’produces from year to year,around 850,000 bales.We lead the South in the consumptidn of cottonandinthe.value of |manufacturedgoods,Which means that North Car- olina ought always.tc,grow’cotton, end in greater quantities,as our.cot-ton mills increase in number and ea-pacity.: ode A Foolish Policy. “But our farmers will be foolish tofoonraisingcottonunless-.theirbarnsandbins,pantries,cribs and smokehouses are filled.with home-raised food and feed stuffs during the growing and markéting season.et “Our ten leading ‘cotton counties |eannot.aftord to send to food farmers|in the Middle West nearly”twenty | million dollars,as they did in -the|census year.‘a“The supply merchants:gnd the|bankers may.accumulate w€alth |in these counties,under this system,and|they do;but not the farmers,sand|they don’t.| The Penalties:We Pay.‘| “Our 68 cotton,gréwing counties!sent out ofthe State ninety-seven||million dollars in.i910 for bread and| meat,hay and forage::i “Tf this vast sum could ‘be. kept at home by a system’of live-| at -home farming,the accumulat-| ed farm wealth weuld be more thandoubledinthenext‘ive vears,.These| amazing facts are based-on 1916 ¢en-|sus figures.| “Since 1850 our tobacco crop has| increased 1,300 per cent,anc our cot-} ton crop.2,300 per cent;but our per, capita production of corn,wheat,| cats,peas and beans,potatoes,beef,| pork and mutton is less than it was)65.years ago.{As a result our cotton.and tobacco, erops failed to pay our bill for im- ported bread and meat in the census| year by forty-five million dollars!Thebalanceisonthewrongsideofthe’ledger.”patra | IncreaseandDecrease of CottonPro-|t )-duction.Oy | This statement is followed by’b |table showihg'the per centagedf ih-|eréaséiahd deé¢reasé'”in.‘the-‘cottongrowing*edunties of thé”State ‘since |1909,bdsed'‘on the!’*prodietioh in| 1914.During ‘this five-year’period}twelve counties more than doubled}their total yield of cotton,’in ‘ratios’! ranging ‘from 101 ‘per ‘cent’in!and Bertie to 162 per cent in’Gates;while «seven counties.decreased,in| ‘natios.ranging from thirty-two hun- -dredths:iof::one.per bent)in:Alamance|}t0::67“Woo pericent:in sHiyde:and Iredell.:'|beson::county led ‘in!the ‘number | of:bales”last:year-+74;168——but..the per centage of jincrense(in five’years was ,only::13.Johnston:was second with 54,838 bales and’an increase.ih five years {57 per cent,and!Wayne was third with 40,527 bales,‘an in- erease of 65 per cent.Mecklenburghad26,118 bales,=decrease of:4.9 per cent;Iredell,11,610:bales,a de- crease of 67 per cent;Gaston,9,795 bales,a decrease of 20 per cent, Davidson,Polk,Granville and Hyde, which grow less than 2,000 bales each, also show decreases, Wabarrus,with 13,137 —bales,in-creased 35 per cent;Rutherford,13,- 090 bales,73 per cent increase;Ca- tawba,9,958 bales,—f per cent de- erease;~Lincoln,8,782 bales,36-per| cent increase;Rowan,8,731 bales;9.7 per cent increase;Alexander,’2170 bales,105°per cent increase;Davie,1,711 bales,30 per cent.increase.’’'” Paid Interest On Back Subscrip- ;tion,pet Morganton -News-Heruald,:ahif£-Diogenes.had tived in Burke county in the present time instead.of in Athens centuries ago,the News-Herald could:direct him to a_.truly honest man and he would have-to.use no lantern searching for him..If any one.doubts this assertion-let him here- by be convinced.A certain good old friend of the paper sent in his sub- scription the other day,two dollars,a dollar for the past year and one forayearinadvance.ere.were sixcentsintheenvelopeandbeforeread-ing his letter we wondered why he reason his letter gave-—that six centswasinterestonthedellarhehadbeeninarrears.No one in the office hasbeenabletorecallthatsuchathingeverhappenedbefore.Of course,in’the strictést sense of right:the oldgentleman’was exactly right,but how)many are there in the world who everthink\of paying interest on,a smalldebt;-especially for,one’year’s news- paper subscription.:1t’s being so un-usual is the reason we mention it,and we,wonder if any of our newspaperfriends.have ever had a similar ex- ample of honesty...;‘ \°\Horse Did Not:Die. East Bend Pilot. Mr;D?G.Martin discovered thathishorsehadthecolicTuesdaywhileworkingoutonthe‘river.Mr.Martinandothersdidalltheycouldforthe|'horse,but it seemed‘as if.the animalwoulddieanyway.So Mr..Martinleadtimoffit.an old hollow where itwouldbeoutofthewayafterdeath,The horse got worse and Mr,Martin,not wanting to see Lim die,left forhomeherein‘East Bend,afoot..AfterMr.Martin.left the horse soon got better.and he,too,set out for home.The.horsé ov@rtook Mr.Martin and80.they came home together, BENEFITED BY.CHAMBERLAIN’S LINI;MENT,3“Last winter I.used Chamberlain's -Linkmentfor:rheumatic paina,stiffness andsorenessof..the knees,and can i |HORSES FOR WAR COUNTRY ise|folk,Va.,where they are turned over |eertain.-they.--will not if.they are I ehoir'# Notice of Civil Action. Woodring,Ada Woodring and Toby Wood- |best when placed in the back yard Many Car Loads Passing FromTheWesttoNorfolk. Salisbury Post,Ist.°©Coming down the Western ‘roadyesterdayafternoon.were fifty-fivecarloadofhorsestrompointswestandwhichwerebeingtakentoNor- to agents of the British Sree, placed upon ‘transperts.and shipped to Europe ‘for service in the terrible}:war now raging-ttere.It may bethattheywillneverreachport;it js sighted _by.a German submarine andsenttothebottomasthetransportlondedwithmuleswasWednesday.(his shipment going through yes-terday was only one of the many.They ‘Have been passing for monthsandnotonlyNorfolkandNewport News but other s@anort points havebeenseeingthemsailawaytoEuropeandthousandsofhorsesandmuleshavegoneovertobeslaughtered,The life of one of these-animals af-ter being put into service there —is gaid ‘to be:twenty days,so if those passing through.yesterday reachtheirdestinationsafelytheywillbedeadwithinthenextfewweeksand others will be following to t#ke theirplaces.Looks just @ little like cruel-ty to animals on samebody’s part.It is said that the grade of-animals now going to Europe those first shipped over. war opened.agentscountriesintheUnited,States ac-cepted nothing ‘but,the best of ani- mals and these were plentiful. ever,the number Wihen the horse or mule ‘is bought for \%Ca aS Me “t Shiu [_GALVANIZED A By|SIsPaiS25 Ris ae one LAZENBY.MONTGOMERY HARDWARE £0,Statesville,N.C. no.me“Means long is far below| of the fighting | How-| of these are de-|@ creasing and now it is said almost)& anything.on four legs and called a E the|3deathhopperontheEuropeanbattle-|Z field.‘ the mother df 21 calves.years old and has a young calf,||—————j BEAUTY MORE THAN SKIN DEEP.is A beautiful woman always has good di-|® gestion.If your digestion is,faulty,Cham-|3berlain’s Tablets will do you good.Obtainz-!& ble,everywhere,j 2 ILHELM]©(Witson©TV ATKINS| War Peace Lumber Butter Wrappers! Wei have’'the Wwety~best: Parchineit Butter Paper,|” ,and can print your,name /and brand on same,Let ushave’.your order.for anyquantityyouwant.See us.. Prices reasonable. iB Brady.Printing CO { North.Carolina,In Superior Court. Iredell Couuty,Before the Judge. J.D.Elliott,executor of J,F.MeLean,f against fTheheirsandnextofkinofRufusWood-ring,of Lawson Woodring,of Soloinon McCall,deceased,of the widow of LawsonWoodring;the next or kin of J.F.Me- ‘Lean,decensed,of Daniel Shook,decensed,sof Nancy McCall,of Margaret McCall,ofDaniel.Woodring,of.Jacoh Woodring;andthefollowingnameddefendants,-viz.:Mrs.‘Badie Debardelaben and ‘hushand E.L.De-~bardelabefi,,John P,Elliott,Mrs.May Win-ston and husband Burt Winston,James M.“EBlliott,.Alexander -Elliott,Willie Miller,Thomas Miller,Grover Miller,George Miller,Jasob”L.Woodring,gimaline Mast and husband.—-——--Mast,Daniel Woodring,Jr,,Mary Woodring Walker and’,husband————-Walker,A.M.Woodring,Sophia‘Bass and husband -—-—-——Bass,Eliza.Lisktandhusband~--———-Lisk,Belle Dolby and Ahusband ——-———Dolby,Charlle Woodring,Daniel .Woodring,Walter Woodring,Lon “ring and.others.The defendants above named will take no-tice that an action ,entitled’as above ‘hasbéen'commenced in the Superior Court’of.Ire-dell ‘county for the purpose of asking the ad-vice 6f-the court as to the meaning and legaleffectofthewillofJ.F.McLean,deceased,and of ascertaining who are the next of kinof-J.-Fi McLean,deceased,jand-entitled,—as distributees,to the personal’property of hisestate,and for such other and further relief as plaintiff may be entitled to in the premises.Said defendants will further take noticethatthey,and each of them,are required to appear at the term of the Superior Court of said county to be held on the fifth Mondaybefore.the first Monday in September,thegamebeingtheseconddayofAugust,1915,at the court house of Iredell county,inStatesville,N.C.,and answer or demur to thecomplaintinsaidaction,or the plaintiff willapplytothecourtforthereliefdemandedinsaidcomplaint.J.A.HARTNESS,Ry:‘Clerk Superior Court.J.B,Armfield,Atty,June 26,1914—4tw. seat ild with Brick Build a Brick House‘or Brick-Veneeryouroldhouse.Warmer in winter, cooler in summer,tliminates frozenpies.Has every advantage.Solidrickunder-pinning under framehousewillhelpsome.\FaceBrick,Common Brick,Drain Tile~Statesville Brick Co. The Fly Harvester! A wonderful and yetsimple con=' ion.Simple instructions witheachTrapforbaitingandkillingFliesRequiresonlyafewmo-ments of time and.does its work out of your way.Costs only $1,‘lasts indefinitely and catches moreFlies,many times over,‘than allothermethodscombined.»Simplynocomparison,Try one now andbeconvinced.Made and sold by. One of the Monroe papers says that,|%Lawrence Lemmona of Vance town-!& ship,Union county,has a cow thatis |2 She is 24/3 Sherrill-White Company.i Great Line Tennis Oxfords Tennis Oxfords,black and white,§50c.pair. Tennis Oxfords,black and white,65c.pair. Tennis Oxfords,black and white,75c.pair. Baby Footery. Yes,we remembered the babies,and call at-tention to our excellent line of Baby Footery,. Soft.sole Shoes,white;pink,blue and_tan,50e.the pair. Soft sole Shoes,white,:pink,blue and tan,25c.the pair. Complete line of Infants’Moccasins,white,pins,blue and tan,25c.the pair. SHERRILL-WHITE SHOECO. To the Farmers of Iredell and Other Counties: .THE STATESVILLE REALTY &INVESTMENT.COMPANY.beg to announce that they -bave completed arrangements with “THE HOME INSURANCE CO.of New York,’’forinsuring your growing crops of Tobacco,Cern,Cotton and small grain.against destruction,,by Hail Storm at the following very low price:~a Hl -dBS realtek tices “and AAO ORO asoy.$100 per.acre valuation at,|$7:50 per aere75peracrevaluationatif&87}peraere 50 per acre valuation at 3.75 per acre. 25 per acre valuation at ft 1,87)per acre '/ COTTON,CORN AND SMALL GRAIN>CROP. $10 per-acre valuation aera $1.60 per acre35peracrevaluationDULSIAGTL91.40 peracneSf.30 per acre valuation :aa racre-259 re valuatipn.ame Oo parare ausbokepeeertyNATEears cys iC)Opertakas h.}415peracrevaluation 10 per acre valuation .iDWELLINGS,FURNITURE,BARNS. $100 value for oné year at 30c.,3 years at 60c.,5 years at 90c.This latter insurance covers also’against loss or damage occasioned by wind in addition to hail.REMEMBER—‘‘We insure anything insurable.”’J.F.CARLTON,Manager, *PHONE 54.STATESVILLE,N C. Use Vador Shades to Make Sleeping Porches---Phone For Prices. ’ Vudor Shades and Ham- Imocks.We make you any size awning.Window Shades all sizes.Our White Mountain Refriger- ,ators are all stone lined. ReetiforcedeesSeeeo)ay a. EveryShadeEquipped with Vuder Safety WindDevice Also Iceland Refrigerators,zinc lined—the only ice box that will save ice.Ice Cream Freezers.One, two,three and four burner Oil Cook Stoves —the stove that will bake. 4 Statesville Housefurnishing Co. ears that catches flies by:the.) tiously say.that I never used.anything thatdidmeso:much rr .faestood,“iad Craft;Elba, =\QIriTse ‘Fire,Tornado,Live Stock,Automobile,Liability, ‘Plate Glass,Steam Boiler,AccidentandHealthorLifeInsurance We solicit your business for the leading companies writing the different-lines ofinsurance.Full information obtained on’request.eee ”_ GATTHER,SoS RS_._»OFFICE NO.1,MILLS BUILDING._ ERNEST 6.~PHONE 23.x —usin;cue?i all <!time,and oa *-Beforewouldspit up overrtin I ale Sa ae hardl around,wouldhaveseverehee con- eki )b-haveentirelyt's:meariteecai I eat.and T tarepainedaaweenhave Saakawimncntia numer-ee eeSrnegtssuffer,- For halfa ,Cardu ‘has been fe-lieving ust such ills,as is proven by thi;of letters,similartoihe above,wh into puroffice,year by year.is buccessful because ifiscom-EeeOtingredients whichact specificallyaetution,and helotgansbacktohealth Catepeneped others,andeyYou Te repel YYourfae Untacin stile anCards! Train No,16 ar,eae leaves 10.36 a,m.Train No.24 ar.9.20,leavesFromTaylorsville.28 Noa,23and 24 are not operated on Sunday. Toe LAN DMARK 9.20 p.m, ar.10:00,leaves 10:40 a m. re ‘PAGETHREE THEY WANT DIVIDENDS.)Hickory Men Bring’‘Suit~to5;July 6,1915.”*-‘orce Mills ‘a Them -Sac ute SCHEDULE |end.oree Df Arsivel aad Departareof Traine of State),petition |of Wade’H.Shuford ee ae WESTERN ut.ake aa sot om.A.’Martin of aeNojwest-bound,due 17,udge Harding 0amRe.Wt westbouna due 10-05 &™|chambersat Black Mountain Wednes: Tain Ne.94,seathond,due 10:25yp.m |day,appointed W.D.Turner of oo No.86,bound,due 10,85 =m.|Statesville referee in a suit betweenEyejusjug&B\the two men named and the Brook-|) in Ne ie oe oe 10.50 p.m.|ford Cotton Mills,incorporated, *CHARLOTER AND TAYLORSVILLE,Hickory,in whicg the ntiffs al-leged that they hoid 236 shares,ormorethan20per.cent,of the com-mon stock of the mills,and that forover10yearstheyhavereceivednodividend.Mr.Turner is to hold ahearingAugust5aytheroomsofthe out. Newton Enterprise. ed of late about hew longtakethelaketobeimpounded have been guessed. low lands.It will be “some”pond, boating should become great when the thing is finished. The postoffices at ed salary. The Lake to Be Made at Leok- Mighty discussions have been’wag- it would by the Southern Power dam at Lookout tofillup.From three days to two weeks The dam will beuptowards90feethigh.dnd will back water up the river for 10 to 15_miles,out into all ravines and over.all the The water will not ve shut off all atoncebythedambutgraduallyuntil the lake is filled..Fishine ane motor- sport Asheboro and Marion have been advanced from the third to the second class,which means that business has been increased andthepostmasterswillgetanincreas- Chamber.of Commerce at Hickwithfullpowerstoinvestigate:thefairsofthecompany,end the Connanyiscitedtoanpearand’.8causeWhyitshouldaotbedijoThesuitwasstartedsometimea to.throw the mill io recel-orship,on the ground that the,plaintiffs held10percentofthecommonstock./andthemillshad.not paid dividendswithin10years,Judge Hardinganorder.which ‘was.later vacated ontechnicality,and a new.order was is.sued citing the company to file an‘in- ventory.with the clerk of CatawhaSuperiorCourt.This was done andtheplaintiffstookexceptionstoit,and by agreement,Mr.Turner wasnamedreferee,with full powers to in-vestigate the business.The complaint sets:forth that the|‘mill has been a goin concern for 15 years,that -it-is worth $500.000:that A.J.Juilliard &Co.,of 70 Worth street,New York,operate the busi-ness so as to prevent holders of -com- Don’t leave homewithoutasupply.Something new in thisJine.I may have your‘plate.’Phone 210, Allison’s Book Store. WE HAVE —A‘EULL LINE OF— Mason Jars, Jarsae,Jar Rubbers,: i Jelly Glasses, ~ Preserving Powders,Fly RaInsect ‘owders. Many otherseasonable goods;’Eagle.&Milholland.B19 WHT moe PE SWE 1 US.Call’For Me! Nice Fresh Vegetables,Celery,Cucumbers, Squash,Beans,Poiatoes,Peas,‘Lettuce,Toma-vocesand what goes with itad M.Bieee &Bro. LEE’S HEADA HE ———AND—— Neuralgia Remedy ‘Safely and Quickly Re- lieves.Headache and Neu- ralgia and nervous Head- ache.Also tor headache eaused-by colds and grippe. 10c,,25e.and 56ce. At fountains.Se.FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGDEALERS. FOR FINE CLEANING AND DYEING -—’PHONE 147— Sloan Pressing Club. ’NOTICE! Roe aNe BROS.have changed{heir 2hone number from 177to7.all NB .7 for anying,all grades bes:7 ‘anid wood,‘ete.:Residence "Phcne 1310.Sr Shingles For Sale!}* Cafload of good No. 2 Shingles at-$2.75 °—'per thousand at my.Coite L.Sherrill,M.D., shop._will answer *phone calls leftCc.H.TURNER,at Dr.Long’s Sanatorium orNeartheDepot.Geo.M.Foard's residence. ane Phone No,74,Bell No.7. i mon stock from securing dividends on ‘PARKER,N.C..MANGETSQUICK RELIEF. Dose of Remedy. W.R.Davehport of Parker,N.C., of the stomach. with but little relief. hope. benefit.and found immediate wrote: disease which puzzled doctors. I would never get well. of your remedy. instant relief. a new map.Your full,treatments has,about cured me,;Sey.eral of my friends have aye cured,”Mayr's ‘Wonderful’Remedy *‘piv per;an inte inl’ailmierits.Fat-as mu tress after eating pressure of gasthestomach‘and around”the returned, W..R.Davenport Better After.First long suffered from a peculiar malady He sought treatment At times it seemed that he would have to give up He took Mayr’s Wonderful Reedy6 “For years I have suffered from aThey |‘ termed it ¢atarrh of the stomach,say-ing the only hope would-be a changeofclimate,and thatin all probabilityThenIheard One pottie gave me It made me.<eel likecourseof ent results for stomach,livér and ‘whatéver yd like.No more’dik- heart. Get one bottle of your:druggist nowandtryitonanabsoluteguarantee}; —if not satisfactory.money will be same.It is alleged that this company is the sole creditor of the mills,andthatamajorityofthedirectorsof the mills are financialiy interested intheJuilliardconcern.H.J..Hotbrooksissecretaryandtreasurer,at Hick-ory,E.W.Holbrooks of New’York isKpresident,and 'P,A.Redmond of Ara- gon,Gas is vice president. A CLUE TOTHEROBBERS. Detectives at Work On Mocks- ville Case and Have Slight Clue. -Notice to Creditors.| North Gardin‘Iredell Gants ‘RR.W..Pou,et als ys.Elmwood Mercan’Company.me Alb creditors holding claims against,the* fendant corporation,the El wood Mercant from date; defendant corporation,the Elmwood!Merean- Lile Company. of June,1915.June 22,1915,RRY, Company,are hereby notified to present andmakeproofofsaidclaimswithinthirtydaysandthosefailingtosopresent and make proof of their respective claimswithinabovenamedtime,are hereby notifiedthattheywillbedebarredfromparticipatinginthedistributionoftheassetsofthesaid Given by order of ~—a ‘the 19th day .MAYBE!Receiver. pdzureof Winston Sentinel.‘ The apprehension___of.__the partieswhorecentlyattemutedto.rob thepostofiiceatMocksvilleisinthehandsofpostofficeinspectors,eit eederstood,are making.‘and belive that thov ook eae Frail will lead:ta :the "getseatischine,eid 1a aeOfficersafterthe-robbersty,ear)Sides’;Mill on ee night oftobbery,was parHy ie,Monta arage in this ¢fur?Bs or mo!ays before!’‘the sibhery oceurr Persons in the garage,however;kn of only one person who was interestintheé¢ar.”The man in charge of the| machine registered at the garage.but|as yet the officers haye been unable toHocatetheae:Se,possible ; the that | ae er cathas stated th vd on the rear of the machine a eygus register number,but a search of the lieved toyhe the bora fide number sc- The officers believe that thev havc sufficient evidence te warrant the ar- rest of persons whom they have been suspecting.for many months,and er or later. persons.believed to.have committed We Cany a Complete Stock Flour,Feed,Grain,Hay and Cotton Seed Products:You will save money.by.getting our prices before you buy... the robbery at’Mocksville are not na-tives of North Carolina,and their scope of oneration is possiblynation-wide.—Their operation car when the officers came upon themanrepairingthemachineonthemorningoftheroiberynearSides’ Mill suggests.that tney have more or less experience in safe-blow- ing and the government hopes tosolvethemysteryofseveralrobberies after the perpetrators;of the Mocks- IREDELL FEED CO., ville affairare'taken. (eee cerned HearingAgainst Mexicans Post- C.D.MOORE,Prop.poned Until July 12. Dan Valley| Will please those who demand the It is an flour. ‘very best. extraordinar Your Grocer knows. Local Representative, “Blthe neutrality of the United States,#came up today for a preliminary hear- Ehone 125 Black.It.aw.3 El Paso,Tex.,.Dispatch,1st,With Gen.Victoriano Hmerta and+;his five co-defendants at liberty underbond,Departments of Justice officials¥tonight redoubled their efforts to col- lect evidence ‘against the defendantssitobeproducedattheirhearingscttiforJuly12byGeorgeB.Oliver,4 United States Commissioner.‘Huerta ..and his.co -defendants charged with cons _to—violate ing..__-The government’s5askedforadditionaltime to collectevidenceand=suipoena ‘witnesses,who are scattered from New YorkitoLosAngelesandthecommission-|Cary C.Boshamer,§er approved the request,out of court.3;Bonds.of the;deftndants were re- §|newed.Huerta bistell whether it.wouldbenecessaryfor~to”remain inELPaso.~The)commissioner replied ‘PINECEDAR’heya..Shingles oe Tia ne $2.00 up.©.WATKINS.-- that.it would not ‘be,provided hebeonhartidforthehéaring.’TonightHuertaremainedatthehomeofhisdaughter.here. Reading School ‘f Two Associa-| >tions.« Correapondence of The Landmark. > ‘Creek and!| lexa Associations |will be held:with Vishing €reck Bap-!.Hat“1h I Poh Anteohuetary,by.‘DW. j DR:©.L.CRUSE | ae ‘Veterinerian.a et IBBER,CLE| ear afterwards revealed what is be-| creted under the cushion of the seat.: think that they will.<ocate them soon-'It is understood that the| that | at.Mocksville and the tool kit left in the| had, attorneys |} The :Reading School for the Brier - Wilkes county,peeeeine|i pew win eee “THIRTY -FIVE MILLION. End of’Second Year Adminis- tration Shows Deficit Of Over $35,000,000 But Big Balance In Treasury. +|Washington Dispatch,Ist. The second business year of the present administration shows a $35,-864,381 deficit compared with a sur- plus for the year ending June 30,/1914,of $84,418,677.Official explanations.will not be is-sued until the figures for the year areanalyzedbySeeretaryMcAdoobutonthefaceoftherecordsitisapparent that receipts were much smaller,anenormousreductionincustomsrev-enues resulting from.the war,and that —disbursements..were much “|greater.‘Notwithstanding tae deficit on theyear’s business the Treasury now has | an actual net balance of $82,025,716.|With every prospect that this balance|will be increased by pessibly $10,000,-|000 in the next 10 days,it’s evident| there will be no bend issue to re-} plenish the coffers for many monthstocome,if at all.Customs receipts for the last fiscal year amounted to $209,268,107,about $11,000,000 under.estimates made bySecretaryMeAdooseyerglmonths’af-ter the war began and $82,000,000 be-low the amount from this source in 1914.With the end of the war ap- parently remote,many Treasury offi-cials are convinced it will be.neces-sary for Congress to restore the olddutyonsugar,which is ‘to become free next year.Sus,ar has produced about $60,000,000.revenue a year. The income tax proved the big pro- ducer the Jast 12 months.Total re-' ceipts up to the close of business last night were $79,82:28,675 of which $36.- 303,525 came in June 30.This _is more than $8,500,009.above the total received from the tax last year and there remain 10 days in which it may be pai Officials _believe $6,000,000 will r¢during that time,bringing the t $ estimated. 5,000,000 above the amount It was said tonight that the person- al income.tax proved a surprise this year.Last year it brought in only about $28,000,000 bné up to date this year it has producea more than $41,- 900,000 and that probably will be augmented by several millions.The evident intention of officials to prose- cute tax dodgers probably helped.toswellthistotal-as the number of tax-ables remain about the same..The corporation income tax ,apparently will he about the,same as last year’s. Contrary to.current_reports,.it_now‘ap |jlevclops that the emergency tax law has proved a better,revenue producer. than expected,Despite,this,.however,interna]revenue receipts for,the year,$335,828,877,were.only,about $27,- 1 000,000 in excess.of.last.year’s.Onecontributing.fact,is that..whiskey ts not paying the revenue it used to prv- iduce by some $16,000,000 or.$20,000,- 00.a year.Another:thing.pointed out tonight by Treasury.officials was that thePostoffice.Department.usually self- sustaining,has run.behind:this year, cand.has’received ad:yances'.from the!| ’|Treasury!amounting::toi.more \than’aah+$6,000,000;:The.‘Tre=sury-hampaid:Tout| on account of the Ponama Canal ‘dur-‘ing:the year more than $29,000,000'whieh though reimbursable,'..is notlikely.-to be rembursed,°unlessthrotighabondissuc,for many years ,to_come.::.Including the Panama Canal expen- \ditures but deductins;the amount ad- vanced the Postoflice.the account shows a net excess of all disburse- ments for the year over all the re- ceints of about $57.500,000. Total expenditures for the yea were $731,527,572.comparec with $700,559,248 last year. Courts Must HaveHelp From Homes. ‘A dispatch from Hickory.says:thatthecityauthoritieshaveabout’-fin-ished.rounding up the poker players,only a few more remaining to be prosecuted...When.a bunch.of —nine yaung.men were arraigned before therecorderon.this charge C.L. Whitener,representing the boys,ad- ‘dressed some pointed remarks.to the|‘court..He declared that if the boys| and young men were cver saved from the-curse,the reformation must.begin in’the homes,in high life,and in.theChurches.He went on to state that as long asméthersallowedgamestobeplay-| ed in their parlors before their boys and girls,as long as the ladies in their sotiety gatherings —-vlay~cards for prigés,as.long as Sunday papers.pub-lish aecounts of thes::games and pub-lisH the names of the winners and aslongastheministerskeép'theirmouthsshut,and retain card.players, not only as Churcn members,—buthonorthemintheChurchserviceand Synday school.work,the courts..will hé ‘powerless to create that.moral at:mosphere worthy of a city that boasts |;of its.schools and.Churches. Helped a Neighbor in Need— Personal Items. Cottestondence of The Landmark. 'Hiddonite,.R-2, fine-rain-last evening, which--was much needed,Ther:had been verylittlestubblebroken.Myr.Oltie-Hines’:children,who have fever,ard ‘all improving:More than is sit.en ~Mry Fred of Bryn mather,Mrs.T.Gy Wi |ite ;Little Miss Mary .Years6 on Buaecouht July.1.—We had-a 4 |30 of his neighbors met there one day |#and ‘worked out his crop,put up his|#aoe ete.‘There were 19 plows,and| Mra.Sallie Mays of Hiddenite came |# oD tn 0 for the quarterly meet-|8 es hds ‘been we i al-|%innie Loach of Hidden-|#i ‘days with Miss ie : ee #0T had a severe at-18hoea.which lasted for uver ie $ oi aed 1137."eee Bowles-Morrison Company. The Store With the Quick Parcel Post Service. -EE ee TN- "Phones $4and 137 Ke Chautauqua Specials Suit Sale All This Week. Any garment in the house while they last 50c.and $1 Shirt Waists 50c.and $1 Special values inthe new awning striped Another shipment just here."The newest and nobbiest thingsin Waists,The prices are 50c.and $1. —SpecialEvery Day This Week. at just halt price: $27.50 Suit 25.00 Suit 20.00 Suit 17.50 Suit 15.00 Suit 12.50 Suit” 10.00 Suit8.50 Suit7.50 Suit All the Palm Beach Suits included in sale. No Suit charged at extra. Waist. $13.7512.5010.00.8.757.506. sale price.Alterations i ~RAMSEY-BOWLESMORRISON.OO, THESTORE’THAT PAYS:THE POSTAGE:ONMalt.ORDERS..."Phones:‘84-and137. dh mt Suchisthe record ofoneday’s__hundred years the Hartford damage done by tornadoes.Fire Insurance Company -You don’tknow when the has met every honest claim tornado may strike your property,but you do knowthe“Old Hartford”protects out all loss.Por overa People’sLoan&Savings Bank, Statesville,N.C. GEO.H.BROWN,President, 60 Tornadoes. Devastate 10,000 Homesin EightStates promptly.Buy aHartford i Tornado Policy today.Itis, the nearest thing to comfort' when a oe strikes.° Resident Agent. Se e s or e s es e re ee re rs e e oe e e e e ss al pevesecoes eTPTS TTTTS ee TTT eee ree isiiiisleesseeeteeeeseeseoebeeeeeeeteeeeeeseneel Chidvercial Nationa Bank OF STATESVILLE,N.© 4 bED.‘TURNER, Captal StockPaid ‘Surplus and Profits Members of Federal Reserve System. Your Bankine business solicited and every accommodation extended to de- positors consistent with prudent bank- ing methods. Four per cent.paid on time and Savings Deposits remaining on deposit :three months or longer. OFF .MORRISON,2D,M.AUSLEY,.@.K.=UGHRY,* in $100,000.00 31,500.00 ICERS: Presidents~Vice a eesettecsccsercecoceerer ters! July 6,1915. It is a matter for surprige that the Ee:excitement and ‘stress incident to the ‘Buropean war had not ere this pro- .duced a crank who,would attempt a déed of yiolence..Mr.Morgan,on ac- count of his,prominence and wealth, was a shining mark for that class; and the.wonder is that an.at- tempt has not been made on the life of the President:The worst thing about these incidents,however,.is _that there is no effectual war to’pat an end to them. Eo ‘ 'Tt was recently decided.that the report of the destruction by dynamite of the monument to Dr.Elisha Mitch- ell,on Mt.Mitchell Jast winter,was an error;that the monument,a hol- low metal shaft,had been gradually weakened by the elements and final- ly collapsed.Members of the State Press Association who visited Mt. ,Mitchell’last.Friday:examined the pieces of the monument and are of the opinion that the last theory is correct.The character of the monu- ment was such that it is a surprise that it stood so long in’the fierce gales that’blow on Mt.Mitchell. A former member of theColorado _Legislature was indicted for perjury, it “heing alleged that he gave false “testimony before a grand jury,When the case came to trial the judge or- dered an acquittal,upholding.the contention.of!the.defendant that a false statement before a grand jury did not constitute perjury.There may be something unoxplained in the press dispatches,which makes this »decision technically correct.-Certain- ly it would -seem-that-a-witness should be held to as strict an account for statements before a grand jury as for his evidence at the regular trial,But there if no accounting for the things that are diesivercd in law courts. Fc rf is ‘helng made byNorth:Carotir|e a.ceincbnee and)ode e H f-conve Gaed internally for indigestion and mental.depression.Observation.;of the action of the alfalfa tincture on 17 persons in a Chicago hospital last; year,says the docter,showed that the patients “grew so hungry they could hardly wait for their meals,”.their “minds were clear and —bright,all bodily functions were stimulated and it was.impossible to have the blues.”1 If the doctor has his facts down right there should be a great demand for on alfalfa.tincture, Dr.Campbell had a laugh over.averbatimreport,of .a veteran’s de-scription of ‘the revent.reunion |inRichmond,the soldiér “iran”thse“Tsawold’men with one leg’dr_week the doctor ran across a a Fa bull in the Youth’s Companion’.andhephoneditin.An officer was ad-vertising the fact that“he had beenucted_to-enforce-the law-against“chickens running ai latge and ridingbicyclesonthesidewalks.”—NewtonEnterprise..@Which is evidence that Dr.‘Camp- bell of Newton is akin to Dr.Reuben A.Campbell of Statesville.The Statesville doctor is always seeing such things in print and.he enjoys em,To this day he laughs when recalls an account of the death of a citizen,which he readin a paper near a score of years,ago,in which it.‘was said that the departed “was stricken with the disease of which he died:a year ago.”‘But if the Doctors Campbell had to write for newspapers they wouid doubtless get ehught some time, _|The corporation commission,“in its capacity as State tax commission,has appointed three traveling auditors who will go into’each-county in the State ahd look after the tax returns. Their special business,it is said,will he to look after the license taxes,in- come and inheritance taxes and oth- -er sources of taxation that might oth- escape.The Landmark is.of >hap that.these traveling.audi- tors,if they are fit for their jobs— id it is understood they were selecta ed “with special.reference to their fit- ness—-are going to put on the tax books much taxable property that has estaped.Under the system’of leav- ing these matters tc county officials, it is often the case that through in- competence,fear or favor,many peo- @ escape taxes,“These auditors1notberesponsibletolocalauthor- andwill Hot "be subject to local in= :a:as local influence regina pnd a “account ofgha war theskorts ‘ood products from this country past year almost doubled the mount:for the preceding year. ‘will.be.‘noticed that the exports ofttondre”less than a million bales mder the amount for.the preVious year,but on aécount of the deceaseiin’ price the value’of the cotton exported is $231,855,000 less.It is well to keep that in -mind.+ It wass briefly “mentioned in.the Jast issue of The Lan‘mark that the State Press Association,at.Montréat last.week,endorsed a:proposition for the erection of a monument to the late J:-P,Caldweli,long’time edi- tor of The Landmark and the Char- lotte Observer.‘A committee com- posed of Editors Archibald Johnson of ‘Charity and’Children,H.B:Var- ner of the Lexingtow'!Dispatch,Wade .|H.Harris of the Charlotte Observer, Jas.H.Caine of the Asheville Citizen and R,R,Clark of The Landmark was appointed to take the matter in hand and arrange the details.Until this committee can meet and arrange its plans,no author‘zed.statement can be made as to procedure,but it can be said that the idea is to offer the friends .and “admirers of Mr. Caldwell an opportunity to contribute|. to a memorial to-be erected to his memory,as it is known that he had many friends who desire this.privi- lege.The form of the memorial will of course be determined ‘after the necessary’funds aré raised. ENORMOUSFOOD EXPORTS. Great_Increase Over Last Year -—Value of Cotton Exported Fell Off More Than $2,000,- 000. The share of the United States infeedingtheworld,a task vastly in- creased.by the European war,is dis-closed in statistics of the Depart-ment of Commerce.Foodstuffs val- ued at $724,000,000 were exported during the 11 months ending June 1.This was the principal factor in thenation’s billion-dollue foraign trade balance.:The effect of the war is:'seen intheenormousincresseinthevalue ‘of foodstuff exports compared withthe‘figures:for the same 11 months ayearago,Whén tho total was $448,t000,000...Wheat-formed the biggest i in foodstuffs<sent abroad.Ieaebushals--were export‘of .164}000,000 bush} :aia ou eta the ‘Previouss}Ticoastos,00,oe oa oerprevious.perl:Corn. “waseplael atoatait000,07 “an increase of $174 000.Fresh’beef exports'were 121 A874,000 pounds,an __increagse...of almost1116,000,000 pounds;canned beef 65,-$59,000 pounds,an ‘increase of 61,-000,000;pickled beef 28,622,000,.anincreaseof7,000,000.The total valueofthebeefexportswas$29,275,000, and of this amount $25,819,000 wasanincreaseoverlastyear. Exports of cottonseed oil extensive- y used as a foodstuif amounted to $19,903,000,an increase $6,643,000. Cotton exports ‘were 8,103,097bales,or 766,394 ba’es less than the previous year,but their value,$360,-870,000,showed a decrease of $231;- 355,000. The imports”‘of meat and dairyproductsinto.the United”States inthe10monthspreceding.May 1 lastwerethreetimesthe’value of thoseforalikeperiod:tvvo-years:‘ago andseventimesthose.of the entire fiscal.year.1905,aggregating $38,000,000.Our imports of meat are mainly |‘sup-plied by Argentina,The United States still exports farmore-meats than-it imports,for--al-though —there have “been.record-breaking arrivals in the last twoyearsexportshavebeeneveniarger. Famished Peopleof Luxemburg at Last Relieved: The arrival of the first consignmentfromSwitzerlandoffoodstuffstobe supplied to Luxemburg until the har- vest.is reaped caused the greatest re-joicing in’the Grand Duchy,says a dispatch from Paris.The situation in.the Grand Duchy’has been desperate for some time.AttheendofMarchthepopulational- ready has been given bread ay limiting the consumption of Bienensevenouncesdaily,and later\this amount was reduced’to four ounces. The Luxemburg government sought relief through the American Commit-|; tee for Reliefin Belgium,which,how-ever,was powerless or act,asit lack-ed the co-operationof Great Britain and.Germany.The.British govern-ment claimed that as Germany hadforciblyoegoriedtheGrandDuchyshe‘must feed the papeietiee.This Germany formally used to do,whereupon Great Britain declined to permit the passage by way of Hol-land of foodstuffs destined for theGrand--Duchy: France,however,slwage sympa- thetic:toward her French-speaking neighbor.and grateful for the gener-ous assistance fendered.to French refugees in the’northern departments|? by the Luxemburgers,readily con-sented to supply the needs of the peo-ple by way of Switzerland.underproperguarantees.These now havebeenfurnishedinthepersonof Swiss officers,who accompany everytrainandwhoarechargedwiththecontrolanddisonttionoftheflour and with “th er okt to inspect ware-houses, Cores O14 Soros,Othor Remedies Won'tTheworstcases,tio matter of how Jon standing,old reliable ‘ate cured by the wonderfi erter’s Antiseptic Ol._relieve Tey: He $3 9,961,000,Tor Mt FROM OVER THE COUNTRY. Items of Interest About Various Matters.OES “For the second time a State-widel : prohibition law prevails in Alabama, It was effective on the Ist,|vy"A Chas.Becker,.the foriier'NewYorkpoliceofficeundersentence’ofdéathformurder,has been reprleveduntilJuly26. Plans are being made ‘in Washine- ton for a building fok the American,Federation of Labor,The building will cost about $150,000,; President Wilson has denied.the application for voluntary retirement of 20 commanders and Heutenantcommandersofthenavywho'sought to leave the active list-under the aw which permits such retirements’, der certain -conditions,Ne President Wilson is.advised:liGermany’s reply to che last Ametiten| note on submarine warfare may be expected about July 8 and he inggnds to return to Washington from Cor- nish,N.his summer home,July 9 or 10.to.‘consider the note. The dead bodies of Mack and Epps Melton,brothers,and J:8S.Leak, were found in the Chattahoochee |: river,near West Point,Ga. dence of fouls:play and an inquestwastohavebeenheldyesterday. Epps Melton was recently acquitted of a charge of murder.* W.W.Howland,expelled from th Colorado Legislature,was acquitted. in a ‘Denver court last.week of achargeofperjury.The court upheldthecontentionsofthedefendant, that alleged false.statements.beforeagrandjurydidnot.constitute ‘per- jury,and ordered an acquittal, A verdict of gui!ty was returned in the case of Geo.Smith,on trial inLondonforthemurderofthreeofhis wives,and he was sentenced to death. The case was known as the “bath tubmurdercase.”Each of ‘the Avomenwasfounddead-in 2 bath tub andSmithhadcollectedinsuranceontheir lives. John L.Casper,charged with ‘oth- ers with conspiracy against the gov-ernment and violation of the internal revenue laws,who his been in custo- dy at Fort Smith,Ark.,was releasedFridayonabondof$35,000.He for-merly was head of the Rush DistillingcompanyofFortSraithandKansas City. Rudolph—Malik,an_Austrian,has been indicted in New York for mail- ing to President Wilson a-letter inwhichhethreatened.the.Presidentwith“a political crime”non mePresidentrefusetopayhi0."Th monéyy it’was charged.Wab aemastd- ed as an indemnity,for!Malik’s):cinta- bility to return_to his pa inAus- triavritivssnish!4 UES jA,mar ble slab,marking the grave7Phagan,”Tor”whose “murder},frank‘was convicted ‘and is,serving a life sentence’at the!Georgia, State prison farm,was unveiléd pi Marietta,Ga.,last ‘week.e excises.were conducted .by the|camp -of Jnited Confederate Vetar- j/ans,iwho.eallected aunfor ‘the me-; Baers,aeeden,New York,Whose image adorhs'one sidé:dfithe ‘nickel,has been kill 1buthis(massive head ‘will be'/preseedandmounted:The animal has been’the model for many,sculptors and}painters,He was bokn.-in taptivity19yearsagoand.was.sold:for foodbecausehehadoutlived:his useful-|ness. It is announced from London.thatKingGeorgehasplacedtheChapelRoyalofSt.James palace at the dis- posal ~of Walter Hines Page,the American ambassador,for the mar- riage of the ambassador’s daughter,Miss-Katherine Pagc,to~Charles—G. Loring of Boston...he-couple_will_be married in August.And thus a North Carolina girl—or at least a girl of North Caroliva parentage—'will be married under royal auspices, so to speak.i The Liberty Bell,precious relic of the American Revolution,started yes- ney from Philadelphia since it was)first hung in the oli State House’of],the Province of Pennsylvania in 1752. national-Exposition’and before it is returned:to its big glass case in In-dependence Hail next November or December.it will have traveled morethantenthousandmiicsandwillhave>|been seen by millions ‘of people, Report reaching New Orleans says that after 10 days iehting |in a,= fort._to__rececupy..Mexico City,-C:ranza troops under General PabloGonzalesareretreatingandreports are ‘current that.Carranza’s hope to- regain the capital has been checked for at least another month,if he takes the city at alh It is reportedthatthereisgreatscarcityoffood rectly and indire¢tly.of starvation, and that practically a state of an: sod exists. aperent presentment .condemn-acs recent manifestations ofmobviolence”in’Atlanta and Fulton‘county,Ga,,and declaring it to bethedutyofthecourtstobe“activeandunrelentingagainsttheoffend-ers and punish then to the limit,” was submitted to the Superior Court in Atlanta Friday ‘and the presidingjudgesaidheconcurredinwhatthegrandjury.said.'°The presentment refers:to the demonstration againstGov.Slaton on account of the Frank¢ase,”Twenty-six men are under in- dictment on ‘charges of riot. TNLEON $100 REWARY.$100,The readers of this|paper will bepleanedtolearnthat,there ts at leastpeeqiadeddiseasenasciencehagletoeWeeentsisieCatereh,I'a CatarrhCure is theonlypositiveoueknowknowntothemedicalfraternity,Catarrh being a constitutionaldisease,requires a.ao ute.tutional treatment,Hall's Catarrh(a taken internally,acting directlyuponthebloodandmuccussurfacesof—thsystem,thereby raetionofthedisease tient strength by building up the eon-stitution and assisting nature in doing\ts work.The proprietors have so muefaithin-fts curative powers oeoffernsaerated.eysao ay local,is La 12-foot alley; terday on its eighth and longest jour-|. It_goes to the Panama-Pacifie:Inter-,|; in Mexico Gity,Shuudreds dying di-} stages,My that| e|ng the founda.giving the:pa-|) 2 olga foray,| ARMENIAN’S__S._RESISTANCE. British Steamer-merDid Not Give 4 »Up Until It Had To. Captain Trickey,of the’British steamer Armenian,‘in’an interview said he surrendered:to the German stibmarine only when his ship wasafireinthreeplaces,her engines wereoutofaction,and a dozen of the},erew had been killed by shrapnel fire.Most of the members of the crewwhoperished,Captain Trickey said, were Americans;“The submarine as a signal for ustostop,”said Captain Trieckey,“first put a couple of shots over bows whenwewerefourmilesoff.I put my‘stern to him and ran for it.“The submarine then began to shell‘us in earnest,the shrapnel bursting|all about us,killing several of thecrewandknockingothers,overboard.T soon realized that’the enemy was}gaining on us,but 1 did not propose’ to surrender without a struggle,but my steering gear wes soon hit,andplacedoutofcommizsion.Then a shell féll into the engine room and an-other carried the Marconi house away.Still another cut down the funnel anddisabledthestokers, “-“By this time the ship was on fire Evieyfin three places and I decided to sur- render.We had resisted the enemyforanhour,and 12 or,13 men laydead.on the deck.“The submarine commander then‘thad «to clear ship and at seven min- utes past eight the Armenian went down shattered by two torpedoes.“J must’say that the submarine commander:showed us every fairness after we had given:up,picking up many of the crew,who,because of a damaged boat,had fallen ‘into the water.” TRAVELING MAN'S.EXPERIENCE. “In the summer of,1888 I bad a very se-eye attack of .choleca morbus.Two physi-|clans worked-over me fiom 4 a.m.to 6.p.m,without giving me any relief and then told}me they didnot expect me to-tive;-that-1hadbesttelegraphformyfamily,of doing so,I.gave the hotel porter fiftycentsandtoldhimtobuymeahbo'tle of|# Chamberlain’s Colic,Cholera and Diarrhoea|#took 2/3 double dose according to the directions and;%Remedy,and take no substitute.I went to sleep after the second dose.At 5o'clock the next morning I was,called bymy’order and took a train for my next)stopping point,a well ~“man~but =tedling rather shaky:from.the severity of the at-tack,”writes H.W.‘Ireland,Louisvil's Ky. Obtainable everywhere. EXECUTOR’S NOTICE...Having qualified ‘as _exeeutor of the last will aad teinment of J.W.Houpe,deceased,1 not:fy all persons having claims againstsac«state to present them tO.me or to my rattorney.on or before June 15,1916,or:this : noice vil)be plead in bar of their receovery.J.DUKKTLE HOUPE,Extr.of J..'W:+Houpe,, PRratestles IN-2.)dB.Armfield,Atty tj)35 NOTICE ‘TO CREDITORS. estate of Dr.is to notify all lettbine”having Calis Haying gualifies we'gWipRlee decreesof tneeq,this ; An erenicct remedy for freshcuts. burns and stings.We believe:it one ofthé most useful’and_impor- tanh remedies for every home. hae BRe.AT-——~— HALL’S DRUG STORE, ‘PHONE 20,Preseriptionists,as sbi sete hendea sacansSrmameienanaamae. it 2 HAVE you read in.The -Landmark ‘the offer of the Statesville Flour Mills Co.,and ate ‘you at work on the proposition?It is a splendid chance to win $15 or $10,and that wouldn’t be bad.wages, do you think,for a week’s work?If you are not fa- “miliar with the proposition look up The Landmark. Statesville FlourMills Co. Instead|3 Fireless ot Jane.15,iS : “Ideal” and ThreeCompart- ments. Ten Sizes. Roasts Bakes Steams Stews Fries Cook Ta HOittes Mader Ege the estate to (presenti them to‘the undersigned}ff”on or before June 28,1916;and jall pertensindebtedtotheestatemustmakepromptpay-!# ment.’EUGENE MORRISON,s B.M;WILHELM,’ June 29,1915.°2, COMMISSIONER'SLANDar SALE Xe of}rear BY’VIRTUE of ld didecreerorCourt.of.Iredelhy:a aes j(Coop,special;proceeding phere.Elgrts, Ts,%plain-.er,administratrix of A..tiff,‘and J.C.Fowler'dea aieants}!the undersigned commissivne: the:court house door in Statesville,N.C., on ‘MONDAY,JULY 5TH,1915, at the hour of noon,the following described 3estateinthecityofStatesville:The |}realone-half undivided interest of the A.D..Covper.estate,held in common with Mrs.|# J.C.Fowler,in the following land,to-wit:|#T.C.Anderson's|3thenceN.66 degrecs E.225 feet to)%Beginning at,a ‘stake,corner.;thence.N.24 degrees.W.246 feet to C.P.Moore's corner;thence.S.66 degrees W.117 feet to°C.P,Moore's cor-ner in A,grees E,to Tomlin’s line;grees-W.108 feet.to the Glover line;thence 24 degrees E.eepting a lot of 100 feet front and 212:feetdeepconveyedto.A.DL.Cooper from thewesternendofsaid:lot. fdministrators.5 oF og14. hi{'Gompartm’nts,f detend {ae ce ‘i will:sell| ‘gti ‘public auction,to the hiihest..Widder,at C.Tomlin’s line;thence 8.24 de-|¥thence S.66 do-|} 212 feet to the beginning,ex-|% mg to atl rote ‘tneae-WHt fire may"fiTESeaeletoyou!”dit ee aieplestthingintheworld.’i ais neta ‘To lock uparientire,"wbécokedd neal’in shin-~~% 4 “ing,merce pure aluminum oe forget all.’ ,about it for hours,meal ti 4wiisartethonllHypage,may stem vi <s by tenaay 3etthonshridsofwomen‘apebt icine“whey shop,read,visit or,sew-—whatever aes,‘dictates~while ather::women,stand:over.hot:stoves,with faces red-as beets,’stirring,turning;basting,frying,etc.The foodis wasted,often’:‘bu.ned,fuel bills run tp,nerves are on "edge.These women are continually fagged out and be- come prematurely old and gray. If you haven’t a fireless cook:stove,come inandletusshowyouwhatthe*‘Ideal’’will do foryou—what we guarantee it will do.Cook the*new,easy,better way and save time and money. Seite Tita: for each \compartment,. steam valve, water sealed top,pure!aluminum::ii ‘lining;Yatseamless!bi "cooking~ “pure ‘alunitenumutensils,9" special forraula,strata-laidinsulation,beautifully finishedJvulcanized solid oakcabinet. iThis lot is sold subject to the right of|—-Sa RRERREERRE ENE dower of Mrs.Julia Cooper.‘Terms of saleOne-third cash,one-third in six months and}§@‘}one-third in twelve monte.R.B..McLaughlin,‘June 4,1915.-Commissiorer. THE.NORTH CAROLINA » “College of Agriculture And Mechanic Arts” Young men seeking to equip them- selves.for practical.life in.Ayricul-jf ture and all its altied branches;in Civil,Electrical-and Mechanical En-|§gineering;in Chemistry and Dyeing;in Textile Industry,and ‘in -Aericul-‘tural Teaching will find ~excellentprovisionfortheirchosencareersattheState’s Industrial College.ThisCollegefitsmenforlife. students;25.buildings.Admirably fequipped laboratories in each depart-ment...County examinations at éach‘¢ounty seat on July 8th. For ee nes writeE.B.OWEN,bn aneWestRaleigh,N. _Plant'Wood’s Seed Potatoes In June and July For Fall Crop. Potatoes planted now of the Fall when the:Harvested to tae a uae eforuseorsaleduringthe’winter. Wood’s Seed Potatoes arechoiceselectedseed,put season,80 as to keep in first-class,vigorous condition forlateplanting.for “Wood's Crop ence bout Potatoes for late _CHENDY&0.‘To Faculty:ér--the“coming year_of-65-men;—767+ 4mature in the cool oe in cold storage earlyin the | WriteSpectel’atgiving prices and infor-] The cited of town and county ‘and the “dispersed”abroad are most cordially invited to make the Johnston-Belk Co.Store the head- quarters during the coming week, ,Help us to celebrate Monday,5th,| and the entire ‘Chautanqua Week.: ‘ee water.all the time.Polite ) attention most of the time, GLIMPSE PASSING THRONG. Personal Mentioh of People and »--Their Movements. Miss Cilla Summers,who visitedrelativesinStatesvilleandthecoun-ty,returned to Morg:nton Friday.af-ternoon.feMr.Ay M.Smith and little grand-dauchter,Miss Virginia Pope,wenttoMarionFridayafternoontoVisitMr,Smith’s daughters,MesdamesMecPetersandGray. Mrs.M.'T.Pettit Joft Saturday forAsheville,where she will spendaboutamonth.Miss Grace Shepherd has returnedfromavisittoWiaston-Salem and 4 .-TELBPHONE NO.14 _USNOESDAY,July 6,1915,Bee:amen xBeiSOMEEVENTSINSOCIETY, ‘Mrs,Stevenson Entertains inAtlanta,Mrs.White in States-™ville—In Honor of Miss Hart- “ness at Waynes:‘lle. The Atlanta Constitution of recent date has the following,which will beofinteresttotheStatesvillefriends .of Mrs,Stevenson:Elkin.':,y a A Mr.and Mrs.A,;°L.Vickery of“Mrs.D.EF.Stevenson entertained Ralishury:Md,“pacsed throughSaturdayeveninginaonorofthenewmembersofherbusiness,music and.literary.schools,inviting more than9200-of.her former szudents..A ‘de-lightful musical programme was ren-,dered,consisting of vocal solos by »Miss Leila Ballentine,niano selections by Miss Angie Newton,Miss Lena-Ballentine,Miss Titman,Miss ©Orr’and Mrs.Cowan,of Machen.Theviolinnumbers,contributed by Mr.Frank Harwell of taGrange,were*very much enjoyed,aud the reader of.the evening,Miss,Elizabeth Spence ’of Camilla,was.heartily applauded.”:..'T.,Foy White entertained a*few of her friends at her home.onDavieavenueFridayafternooncom- ',plimentary to her guest,Mrs.HermanBradhamofManninz,S.C.Theguestsweregreetedatthedoorby.Mrs.R.M.Gray.She receiving line *was composed of “Mrs.White,Mrs. ;Bradham,Mrs.Eugene Crocker,Mrs. ,Sherman Ramsey and Miss Mary +Lawrence,the latier of Charlotte.“Miss Cranor and Mrs._H,R.Cowles“ushered and Mrs.D.8.’Thomas re- ceived in the dining room,where tea ‘was poured by Mesdames J.C.-DyeandW,A.Bristol.Tea,wafers and mints were served by Misses Mar- ~garet-Sloan,Mary.Thomas and-Mary.Gus Laugenour.A pleasing musicalprogrammewasrendered_by —Mes- dames R,E.Clapp ind Eugene’Crock- er and Misses Martha Simons,-Char- lye Tomlin and Marion Yount,Num-erous .¢ut flowers were used in thedecorations.The color scheme in| the dining room wes pink and the dining table center piece was a largebouquetofpinkrosestiedwithpinkmaline.“Pink roses were used in theparlorandnasturtiumsinthehall. Miss Elva Hartness of Statesville “was the guest of Miss-Jessie-RogersinWaynesvillelastweekandthefol=| Statesville Saturday en route to Lo-ray,-where they aic guests of Mr. Viekery’s home.peopre. ‘Miss Lelia Blue of Raleigh spentFridayafternoonsndnightinStates-ville with Miss Edna Gray,leavingSaturdayforAsheville.Mr.Jonas Gulbreth is at:homefromFlorida., Mrs.Chas.Fulp und two children iandMrs.W.A.Bumegarner,in Tay-lorsville.' Mr.F.Stikeleather,Jr.,and fami- ly.of Asheville,arrived in.States- ville Saturday for a visit to relatives in the town and county. Mr.J.A.Hartness attended the meeting of the Stale Press Associa- tion at Montreat last week. Mr.Frank L.Jenkins of the South- ern railway passenger service,head- quarters at Washington,spent,Sun- day with his parents;.Mr..and Mrs,D.F.Jenkins. Mre.J.H.White of Greensboro.istheguestof-her sister;Mrs.Geo.M.Foard. Miss Azile Davidson,who has been spending some time at Black Moun- tain,has been at .the home of her father,Capt.T.M.C.Davidson,for a few days.She expects to return toBlackMountaintoday.Mrs.C.P. Crawford and tittle —daughter,-Vir- ginia,who were at Black Mountain for a visit with Miss Davidson,re-turned home Friday.:Mr.W.C.-MeLain of Columbia,8S. C.,is visiting his.parents,Mr.andMrs.W.P.McLain.ae Mrs.W.E.Anderson,who spent a few weeks in Chariotte and kept house for Mr.and Mrs.E..O.Ander- son while they were cn-a Northernitrip,returned home.Sunday.morning. Mr.and:Mrs.Anderson and little son lowing is -from the.»Waynesville |accompanied her home and spent theCourier:“Mrs:Charles.BE:Quinlan}day here...Mr,Frank Anderson isathomefromCharlotieandMr.W.E.Anderson,Jr.,is here ftom Lin-‘eolnton,§,ifMr.Paul Lofland of Chicago,whoadbeenvisitinghissister,Mrs.0.W.Elam,a Tuesday,left Sunday,for,noke,Vp.,to visit his parents,alPe raf:Frank ‘Lofland,HewasattompaniedbyMrs’Elam andhertwoyoungestchildren,Mary andPaul,Elam.-46d irastile SheMr.and Mrs.J.Es Murphy of Jacksonville,Fla.,Mrscand Mrs.F,D.Barkley and little daughter andissBlancheGrayofGastonia,aretiests‘of Mr.and “Mrs.iC.,W.Bos- ,AT.5 i 4 FspagesTG.-Mooss----and—baby.cof Salisbury,are wvisiting home,folks*anStatesville.Mr.Moose was —here Sunday,Mrs.Maggie Turner Grisham ¢of New Berne,Tenn..arrived’yester-day for a visit to Mr.E.G.GaitherinStatesvilleandMrs.M.E,Gaither near Harmony..: Rev.J.H.Pressly went to Char-lotte yesterday to attend a meetingoftheAssociateReformedPresbyte-rian Home Mission Board.Mr.and Mrs.Jas.G.Gray~and lit- tle daughter,Miss Mary Lee,return- ed yesterday from a visito to Mr.andMrs.-Wm.Gray in Marion.. Mr.-S.-W.Hoffmann:is-—at—homefromKirksville,Mo:,where he.is a student in osteopathy. Mr.C.C..Phillips of Albany,Ga.,who spent a few days in Statesviile with.Mrs.Philips.left yesterday.He will return to:Statesville:the lat-ter part of the montlt,to spend:two -}:delightfully -entertained®on Monday:if afternoon.in,honyr’"of.Miss:Elva'Hortness of Statesville,who is the 4}guest of Miss Jesste eae:Ag@“Wednesday afternoon Miss Jessie 4 ae entertained a,lwo tin hon- 'orf,her,gue:(Miss.Elva riness-,of “Stal meeeOt and Miss _Mun-‘ford of Savannah,Ga.At the con- --elusion of the game aad the awarding3oftheprizes.refrcshments ;-wereserved,”.{. AST ie ik iTSet ed éPelgois,Nama seein Eventsujat,Cleveland. . Correapondence of ‘The Landmark.Clévelaia,Jay 5Miss Estelle:Mor:+gan 4é'dt hore froth Durham,white she hal been’in training in’Watts hospital #for the past two years.Miss.Morgan|graduates in March.'”Mesdames W.R.Little and W.P. Fleming returned from Tarboro last week,where they have heen visitingtheirbrother,Mr.Clarence Johnson,}Mrs.W.T.Kineaid of Statesvillo spent the week-end with.Mrs.C.J.Fleming. Miss Ora Phifer of Wilmington is visit- ing her brother,Mr.A.L,Phifer.Miss Lizzie Wells Thompson returned Friday night from a visit to Miss Katherine ,Kineaid,in Statesville.Miss Annic Barber is visiting relatives in Winston. Misses?Edna -Brown ‘and Lottie Har- ris of China Grove are the guests ofMissLottieBarber.-Mr.J.8.Foardleft’Thursday for ee in Virginia.Mr.Ralph Plyler,who is attending the“University ‘Summer.School,spent Sun- day with his mother,Mrs.M.A.Plyler. *‘The Ladies’Aid Society ofthe Pres-,byterian church last Thursday eveninggavea.silver tea at the home of Mrs.|weeks:‘:RB.M:Rosebro.The’home was beauti-|Capt.P,C.Carlton’went.to Atlan- ~fully decoratedwithroses;sweet-peas tqSaturday to_spendsome days with,-and Queen Anne lace.Punch was serv-|f,,and Mrs.C.B.:Mott.ee -ed on the front porch by Misses Mary)Miss Teresa Bristol of MorgantonLuckeyand”Mildred Kincaid.”The|j,tyo guest of Miss Margaret Flani- $9 punch bow!was artistically banked ganwyithrosesandivy.At the front door S sstdailispbaopie Misses Mary.Rosebro,Annie Lee and Good Crops Mil!Again in Op- Clarissa Kincaid received the free-will offering.The guests were ushered intothediningroombyMissMargaret.Car- ter and Mesdames Allison and Scott, where they enjoyed delightful refresh- “ments.During.the evening music,both instrumental and vocal,was rendered by Misses Kincaid,Thompson and Rose- bro.n ‘Bh Ns Rev.W.T.Walker Has Fever—.:Barium items.~Correspondence of The Landmark.es Barium,July 5—Rev,W,T.Walker, superintendent.Presbyterian Orphans’ Home,is seriouslyaill with typhoid fe-ver.:‘Miss Lelia Gregory of Lancaster,8, C.,has been a guest of her sister,Mrs. \J.F,Smith.Mr.and Mrs.Smith ac-eee her home.Miss Virgie Lowrance -of-Catawba-isvisitingMissLinnieParks.Miss Ma- ry Lowrance froth Mooresville is isitingherbrother,Mr.J..H.Lowrance,Mr. and Mrs.J.B.Ross of Charlotte areguestsattheLodge.Mr.and Mrs.R. ¢,D.MeLaughlin and.W.F.Cowan made a trip to Catawba by auto Saturday.Miss Lottie,Hart is ‘visiting |friends»and .relativesin .Charlotte....Mr.-W...B. Blount of Charlotte spent Friday witb. his brother;Mr.Me,M.Blount.“Mr.J.W.Cloer spent'the week-end at hishomeinTaylorsville;Miss HeppieGrierwillspendamonthwithrelatives in Charlotte,her former home, >,Mr.H.A.Howard of Hamlet is vis-‘iting his mother,Mrs,M.C.Howard,ofthisplace,Miss Allie Mae Arey is withhersister,Mrs.W.‘T.Walker,during“Mr.Walker’s illness:Miss:Emma.\Witherspoon.from Davidson,Megara.-Mercer and Thests of Charlotte,areguestsattheLodge..pa aMissAnnieAlexanderisvisitingtel-atives in Waynesville,N.C.a eration. Correspondente.of The Landmark. Turnersburg,July.:5 —.,Threshing wheat season is on,the good women are having atime and the poor-chickens are in the lead,helping to make a delicious meal for the threshing crew,which is talways ready.to_cat_at any time.Ev- erybody-seems to have plenty of all kinds of vegetables in’the gardens.Fruit is fast coming in—suclias peach- es,apples,plums,ete.,to take the place of the cherries and mulberries.“Wheat is a very good yield and most of it agood,plump grain.. Turnersburg Roller Mills resumed work Thursday and the mastor -steelovershotwaterwheelisrunningtoper- fection and is right smart of a show. Miss Ev@ Jurney is visiting at the home of-Dr.-and-Mrs,-P.-C..Jurney_and. Mr,and Mrs.L,T.Stimpson. The weather is dry and a good rain is needed Corn is not looking the best and a good shower would do much good. All crops are in good shape and clean. We have some’practical farmers in this séction..Just.pass;through on our gooil roads and it will make your heart jump SOR IOV ec i i ‘A good many,‘people from here were present at the fiddlers’convention,which met-at Harmony Saturday night, and ‘all present had/the night of their lives,.Mr.Blankenship of Alexandercountywasthebossdogoffallandherenderedsomegoodmusic,*as well assoinegoodsinging, Miss Margaret Metiwether”andMr.R.R.Williams,..both of ~Ashe-ville,were married last.WednesdayatSanDiego,Cal.They willbe athomeinAsheville.the latter part ofthismonth._Mr.Williams is a na- “a b e ¥ ark tive of Newton.; are visiting Mrs.Fulp’s parents,Mr.t" -|to teach next term.We are not author. |tet,Mrs,H.-Ev Lewis.“Mr.T,M.Ste-ve it THE SILVER WEDDING DAY.Notice of New Advertisements. Mr.and Mrs,While’s Anniv r- sary—Mr.Kerr Visits His Old, ers and College Boys. Correspondence of The Landmark,||| ‘Troutman,July S—Rev,J.Meck! White,pastor of New.Perth’and>pas: tor de facto of the new organization,|known now as Salem,near,Shepherd’s,|and his son dames left MonSharonandHickoryGrove,8..C.Mrs.| since June 11th,We understand Grier| has improved rapidly since he went| away,having gained already,about,20Ibs.Near Sharon,23 years ago today,Mr,White,then of Hickory Grove,anil Miss Mary Elizabeth Seott of Sharon,| were married by Dr.R.A,Ross,pastor Mr.and Mrs.White have been‘at marriage.Tomorrow.they go to ©Mr.Whito’s father,Mr.Hickory Grove,for:dinner.On Thurs-Say Mr.and Mrs,White and Edith will |eturn to their home here,where some pleasant surprises await them,’James and Grier will remain in York eounty for some weeks yet.fee iMr.W.A.Kerr of Coddle Creek|brought his granddaughter,Miss Emma| Witherspoon,-to Barium SpringsSaturday,where she has aécepted a po--sition for the summer,’On»Sabbath|Mr.Kerr.worshipped at.New Perth,hisoldhomechurch,in which,he for years was a ruling elder before moving to!Coddle Creek.It is.hig uniferm ¢us- tom to worship here when in,the ¢om- munity over Sabbath and the pastor andhispeoplearedelightedto‘have him| as 2 worshiper.the Rev.J.Meek White filled his reg-ular .appointment.at Belleville,_Hesreaakedto4largeaudienceandthe; people were well pleased with’his ger-| mon.After the sermon Mr.Kerr made some remarks that were very pathetic,referring to his advaneed ageand\ad- monishing all to prepare to meet-God in peace,and closed with prayer.Then a most tender and affectionate part of thisservicewashadinwhichMr,Whitesaidinsubstance,‘‘I desire $d.grasp the hand of each of you and all of,you|who realize that you have bedn benefit- ed by my preaching here.’’.Practically everybody ‘*moéved out’’and gave thisfaithfulservant‘of God the’glad hand and in many eyes tears were seen.’Af- ter this Old Happy Day,known,to “A. R.P.’s in their evangelistic song book as-‘*Lead _MeHome,’’-was-sung-by _ev- erybody practically,the pastor leading. Then Mr.Kerr made his final*remark,referring to the:possibility of-bis-not being privileged to meet wth jthis:peo ple agan,intimating that he was.ex- pecting a ¢allSeon God)to,come home.‘This éntiré sérviée will linger long withsomeofUsWhOhavewitnessed‘for Goy! ‘and.Christ “in the world,°°It is understood:here.that Miss Loi: ‘Sharpe of Stony Point,who has ‘taught successfully for two years in our high school and was re-clected,is not goin; ized to make public her ‘reasons for notacceptingafterleadiagourpeopleto -believe she ,would,,but it is no secret wish:her well in ‘the.future,)whether she teaches ne'or:more.Our school committee is “in linchighesthonorwithourpeoplenow becausetheyhavejusthadadeepwelt) drilled in the school house yard.This| will add much to the convenience of the;children daily and of the public gener:| ally.No announcements in regard to} teachers for next year have been madc'tpubliehere..However jt is thought that | Misses Rowe,Reid and Smith will he | in charge of their work again.We «ill|hope for a good,successful year in our| school.:Mr.Herman Brown has:beeome ‘‘a}son of the’grip’’sinee returning from|college and-is meeting with success in| this new line of endeavor.His territory otsi inches Virginia=and-North Carolina:|All our other college boys aro helping| with farm work,and this is certainly|good for them,if it is hard work,and) regarded by some people as slaving,be-| college life. more honorable than pure,down lazi curt reply,‘‘I was born tired,”or (‘my are the builders,the others are “‘drones.’’‘*God_helps-thosehelpthemselves," The Late A.J.Bass—Visitors— The Dredge Boat.| Correspondence of ‘The Landmark.| who tiful shower.this morning.—has freshed everything and “cropslookingfine,Some farmers have laid,by their corn and others will soon.,| re-| ed —last-—Sunday—ni«ht—whenheardofthedeathofMr.A.J.Bass. He had many friends and will and church.He wus always -willingandreadytodoanythingjnhispowerforthe: church and on preaching days he was always found at this.church readytogreetallwithawarm.hand shake. The large crowd that attended hisfuneralandthemanybeautiful.flow-ers that were brought and laid on hisgaveshowwithwhat.respect he was|held in his community.The family|have a host of friends to sympathizewiththemintheir,bereavement.‘Mrs.W.O.Murph and children arevisiting..Mrs..Murnh’s’parents,Mr.and,Mrs.J.H.Brown.Mrs.G.W. Templeton is spending some,time withhersonandwife,My.and Mrs.J.C.Templeton.A\fhe dredge bo2t on Withrow’screek.is ‘working day and night. Loray Items. Qorrespondence of The kandmark. ~Loray,July 5—Mr,and Mrs.A.L. Vitkery of Salisbury,Md.,aro ‘visitingMr.Vickery ’s parents,Mr.and Mrs.‘. W.Vickery.Mrs.B.©,Cook ‘and.chil- dren of Charlote are visiting Mrs. Margaret Cook.‘Miss Eulalia MeLelland is spendingafewdaysinStatesvillewithhersis- wen &Montreat Thursday to Piles Cured in &to 14 Daysrag.ty it P his aunt,Mrs.W.F.ws i are!7 |.Eugene Morrison wants honestjmantotellhimof:his raincoat.Report of condition of First Na-Home Church—School Peeen*tional Bank,»Commcreial ‘an |Bank June 23. National ,and People’s oan &Savings Ideal:Wireless eoe--stove—Craw- |ford-Bunch Furniture (Co.An unusual bargain.—Mills &Pos- ton. Ch: Ch At Ka |To Drive Out Malaria T,ke th ake,th SS chill TONIC,You knowofSharon,assisted by the Rev.J.C.|what.you are taking,as the formula isGalloway,then.pastor at Yorkville,but printed on every label,showing it is now of Gastoniu.’This is the first a 'Quittine and Iron in a tasteless form.he;The Quinize drives out malaria,the old home on the anniversary-of their Iron builds up the system.50 cents ey autauqua speciuls,—Ramsey-y for)Bowles-Morrison Co..arming:gladiolas——Van LindleyWhiteandtwooftheirchildren,Grier |Co.,Greensboro,Po:k Gray Drug’Co.,and Edith,have been in South Carolina local azents,j the Crescent ‘fleater this week.rm wanted._-J.W.Poole, And Bulld Up The System Old Standard GROVE’S J.W.July 6--1t* Moses White of WANTED—To buy from owner,5.farm.Givedese,ription,loeation and>lowest cash price. R-5.POOLE,Hickory,N.C., WANTED—An honest man.If the partywho,carried away my raincoat from the Com amercial elub will kindly inform mewhereitisIwillsendandgetsameandwillnotprosecute.EU'GENE MORRISON, July 6-H. rub! last |FOR SALE AT COST—Oar entire stock ofberandsteeltirebuggies.We mustrecoverandremodelourbuildingandhaveno low goin“peeLER other rdom,or we could not make such prices as we are offering.If you arengtobuyabuggyit.will pay you touswhilethesepriceslast.J.M.MIL-&WATTS,Stony Point,N.C,_Nune 29-—3t* FOR j7 cellent ‘stand,A bargain.On Sabbath afternoon!‘TRIVETTE,Harmony,N.C. eush tionJuly 2-—4t. |HONEY- pou duly 2-—at. ASS, arene egiincarte eaanniatereitERRCTE ALE--Storehouse and lot with first-stock of general merchandise.Ex-TRIVETTE &June 25-—~10t. 5 'NOritE—Our)terms fcr blocks are strictly 1)when delivered.We make no excep-STATESVILLE...LUMBER CO.a. Plenty of good honey,16 cénts a J.M.MITOHELL.nd.we. Ny nyeanUREOnee »WI Ss, aD B ISMARCK,the giant inthediplomaticringof |»the past,profited by the ffaith.of the peoplein his integ-rity and strength of purpose. Their confidence and the re- sources of united effort made fftheGerman:{impire possible. ¢Faith comes through stability In business,personal or commun- ity growth these forces are the *foundation for every onward step. They establish credit,which in turn supplies the resources for in- dustrial and social expansion. This bank has grown becauseit has the confidence of the people. Make your advancementa reality bysharing this confidence with us, Open an account here,Efficient service and a whole-hearted desire to co-operate,dominate every effort NOTI cashtiondulysobevihnd Sure-Catch Fly Trap. CE—Our terms for blocks are-strictly |,»when!delivered._We make sno excep-3.ae LUMBER CO.dt. jus ter lar rw trap that opens from top;it is bet- durable wood.Can be seen and bought for $1 at Lazenby-Mont- gomery:HardwareCo. re are other fly traps but none like this one.It is the only constructed-than any vther dol- trap and is made from more he Henry Heinzerling. 4 t |en \ __DIFFERENT FROMTHE REST. to some of her friends here.We all}( meSold exclusively by —— pore 'ler-McLain Supply Co. |MORTGAGE SALE OFLAND. By. mo|Magic Morrison to the late Mrs.W. highnéss,WEich suggest to some people the 2%}i Statesville,-N-Con|at,12 virtue of the powers contained in aedeedexecuted|,Lon Morrison andE. alg ee JC”|Waterhouse,the undersigned administrator ofneaththedignityofonefamiliarwith|the/estate of the said Mrs.W.5.Water-Any legitimate work is far|houge,will scll_at -public to thehouseauction, it-bidder for cash at the court MONDAY,AUGUST 2,1915, p’clock,m.,the 186 poles to a stone in Mrs.Sallie Stewart'sline,_thence north 861-2.derrees west 42 8-4 to a stone near néw Bethany church,noles Benes south 3 3-4 degrees’west 189 polés to Bethany church, A. ‘a,stone,thence east 42 8-4 poles to the be-(ginning,«Containing 50 acres more or less,cepting a small corner conveyed to new G.CLICK,Administrator Mrs.W.E.Troutman,R-2,July,3.—The béau-|Watpebouse Mortragee.B.MeLaughlin,Aity.Jitly 2d,1916,; BY hook at’12éUtion to the city of Statesville,N.©,$ick.He was a consistent |map recorded in register of deeds’office,BookmemberofShadyGroveBaptist°7,page 60 VIRTUE of power of sale contained inThecommunitywesgreatlyshock-'mortgage deed,executed.ty J.-E.-Westmore- they-Jand-to-Z.B.-Bachanan,and_recorded _in_office. .of the register of deeds of Iredell county, 26,page ‘531,the undersigned will sell F hs 6 ¢be at public outcry,to the highest bidder,at thegreatlymissed-in-his neighgorhood |court house door in Statesville,NG,on MONDAY,AUGUST 2,1915,-o'clock,m.,Lot No.10,Oakview addi-See 1%.B.BUCHANAN,Mortgagee.HENKEL-CRAIG LIVE £TOCK CO.,Assignee. July 2,1916.xXAtsametimeandplace,we will sell lotNo.11 in Oakview suburban addition,by vir-tue of powers of sale contained’in mortrage HENKEL-CRAIG LIVE STOCK ©.,Assignee.I executedby:-E,—L._Branen,_recorded.in_regis-|ter’s office,Book 26,pute 255,‘%.,Bi,BUCUANAN,Mortragee. July 2,1016. COMMISSIONERS’SALE, Under and by virtue of ‘the decree of theSuperiorCourtofIredellcounty,in’the spe-cial proceeding entitled,“YJ."M.\Cass ct als, versus Mary A,Lane,et al.,”’the ynder-signed commissioners, at 12 onTUESDAY,}ULY 20,1916,‘ o'clock,will sell at public auction,tothehighest.bidder,at the court house doorofIredellcounty, tract the following.described or parcel of land,wows:Lying and being in Union Grove vownshiisftheaforesaidStateandcounty,adjoin-ing the lands of R.W.Windsor,J.T.Camp-bell and others,and more particularty de- seri jackin.B,rodsoaks,© thence east 66 rods;rods idhes, ania tan athirdtrata as follows:Beginning at a —blackbush,running west.66 rods.to a rockMullis’old line;thence north 12 1-2withtheMeetingHouselinetoared}the corner of said Meeting House lot;thence south 14 4 to.the beginning,.containing.5 (2-8Moréorless. of’sale will be as follows:One- of +one-third in.twelve.months,with indatéetedkpayments,; e following described|father taught me to work but hedlid not tract.of land in Shiloh wrnbhigy:Ne-wit,Be- tteach--me—to tove—it:??—-The workers #inning,ata -stone-Stewart's-new—corner~inthefollar's line,running north 3 3-4 degrees east ds are peing sold.for partition,|: purchase price to be paid_oy con<|nN of sale,one-third in six.months,|” to bring to you the prestige in fin- ancial-_and—social circles which‘ monetary stability insures. AxThid on’Time DepositsZidonTimeDepositsSTATESVILLEN.C. U-S.DE :Capital $100,000 Established 1808 4 -EGE FOR GIRLS RP Las NNT C01)PeLeneOa OO Sg ECOFaculty:of 33}497]Students,from’20'StatesAcereditedbyVirginiaStateBoardofEduca-_tion.Hundreds of graduates’now teaching.. $160 per year in Academic Depf.;$200 per year in College Dept._The Leading Training School for Girls in Virginia Where .can ‘parenis find a College with as -fine a record,with as experienced management, at such moderate cost?For catalogue addressG.P,ADAMS,Secretary,-BLACKSTONE,VA; Spee “:‘ Half the joy of motoring,eitherfor business-or pe comes from.dependable service—and Ford economy,and explains why half —the car owners today drive Ford cars.Anaveragecostoftwocentsamileforrunning —and maintenance.plays Barring the unforeseen,each retail buyer —of a newFord car between August,1914)and August,1915,will receive from $40.to~$60.asa share ofthe Ford Motor Company’s__profits,oe $490;Coupelet,ee Runabout,$440;Touring Car,$750;-f -o.-b.Detroit-with all equipment.~—Or display aie pale,8h,. Carolina MotorCo's. Statesville,Newton and Mooresville. bi-be right o#the housekeeper‘pected to plan and have mealson-tinte.Thenthere is mwearingoutyourpocketwithawatchthatyoucanwhatyouwant-to do is to getyour watch.or clockHENRYwhilehesdovotinghisentiretI and eye-g! -clocksand fitting spectacles ere ee erect ae ery es es ‘aa Ch at eee =—vee Te =-Rt FROM ABOUT STATE.TEMS OF ALL SORTS,|REPORT ada +erage oak Be Re ea ee —1p.|‘The doctors say tht J,P<Mor-}si mathe ot Shatanvl Accidents Serer ms a gan,who was shoy pani Rode ee Wieioe gees of af Staigerilias oer Life r es jean a danger...._..|_the Close of Business June23,015. tia min ilding at Albe-|killed Farmingdule,N.J.‘a :ee nt tains ot sits kind.in the their antonictle:whe nek by a eee oe ee sroeebdooutaay eB = State,was dedicated last week.Jersey Southern railroad train last)Preciralts weneenies :65 ‘ive |Saturday.fey Asad te (The New Berne Svn,a very livel""me United States courthas -nphild seomare,Slinelnnay 20 pvrties mE RPE ee /i Pr value)sep er eck nase ++$100,000.00” we ae ee ag the collector at Portland,Me.,in his|v.8 i orts and exports at the port of|newsparer.ctecndlgengafig oo ire vies)40,000.00 Mington decreased from $24,934)"The Fourth owes celebrated at)i ought into ‘this country for éxhibis)Total U.3.bo Bee in.000,00 |8 year to $18,786.85 this year.,|Graham.Saturday and Junge Boyd,;cgi PeielGeA,oma aly sts:ve 00 | hospital for infants forthe sum-|a.vative of Alamance county,delv-itish wkaamemescall Federal Reserve bank 7,600.00 : femonths will be established in|ered tho address.tin Taglemoor"qnd,.Wellutyeehedestee’teh aia)inrek «oe ifington by private contributions,|Mrs.J.A.Claywell,Sr,died Sat-|hark Sardozne antl the schooner’Ly}.ture and fixtures,$3,117.94 28,956.64 ice the attack on J..P,Morgan|urddy at her home at Morganton,!C,Tower were sunk last week «by }Pue from Federal Reserve Bank .,14,226.64 idnal guards have.been «placed aged 8).She was Miss’Sarah Grant,|German submarines in the vieinity ny Troms aparaesd ae ; force guarding,President|a native of Davie,county.of the Scilly:Islands and off south]York 1,872.43 0 ae -Wive white men evnavicted at the,Ireland.|,[Due from,.appreved re- i sbury will vote August Yona recent term of the Federal court at Right persons wer?killed and AW oes ra fn they 6,271.11 8,063.64“bond issue of $200,000 fora new wa-|Wilkesboro were token to the Federalinjured as.a result of Fourth of July pue tether ace ter plant,new school buildings,sew-|prison in Atlanta last week.celebrations ‘throughout the ccuntty)|than included in 8 or ¥)10,651,562 er eRtension and street work.—“At Waynesville Saturday.night|according to figures compiled by the pGhecksof aeee Oe Oe ae Mis,Addie Julian,wife of the late|Carl Miller’stabbed and _seriously|Chicago Tribune.Last year the 4a-|Outside checks and other .; Johny M.Julian,apypuler newspaper |wounded .Thad.Burwell,Miller is/tal number.of victirzs was nine kill.)cash items 11,576.85 -man-of Salisbury,has been appointed |held without bond pending the result/ed and 601 injured.rapin pPrectigpal enmmeners WIR:=oe'as inearaal @ clerk.in the Salishury postoffice.“./of Burwell’s injuries.|Vice.President Marshall says hefnotes ‘of other national bunks ...."500.00 ‘Machinery and Hardware Co.|'The annual cqnvention of the North)has been theatened with .death ©in'|Tetal coin and certificain 17,494.50 |§ of Forest’suffered a fire dam-|Carolina Associatio.of Postoffice|more than a dozen anonymous lottars it eo eee es a Feeans 2,611.00)& re $20,000 Wednesday night.The|Clerks,City Letter Cazriers and iiur-|received in the past six weeks.Being}rer (not more then 5 per cent Raleip graded school building in|gl Free Deli Let‘er Carriers was|more or less.of a fatalist,the Vice|on circulation)5,000.00 $3 -®.e damayed $8,000 the in os Che ;i {President said he did not notify.the:ie Something doing all the Rak was :‘Total :$708,189.43|# same:night.At Vanceboro,Craven county,:on secret service department,cy LIABILITIES.} “©.Bost,proprictor of a negro|the ist,William Hoell put the barrel],The World Conyeation of the So:]Se wo :ci’.Pi barber shop in Salisbury,is under|of a shotgun under ‘iis chin and shot|ciety of Christian EnJeavor will meet)Barplus gpeet re-000-00|week,Wewill give you pond charged with setting fire ‘to his{off nearly all his head,Insane.Was|in eae pemorean and contrat Pedividds peohite cas }3 ; shop.a few nights ugo.A white fam-|ab 50 ld and leav.fami-|Session through Smivtay.-is ex-current .6x 13 : iy a pt on the secund floor and this wae chai te sonia pected that 15,000.delegates,repre-Ate deg ed paid 18,675.56 sbeahe ne }the glad hand,assure makes the crime more serious,Having the material on the ground,arene:mee evangelical Comer hed epenaves reserve agents in 8 Commissioner of Agriculture Gra-75 to 100 men met Saturday.and prac-|revehou e world,wi Mats}.New Yo ,3,878,07 :+ue ham has appointed Miss Alma I./tically built in one day a chureh for]*tendance.io ane om wind eae ee on 175,909.80 4 you a warm welcome Stohe of Chapel Hill assistant botan-|Oak Forest Putindeee:calieepearh ree tene a vuhiels ui ee nan Sedaye 25,058.76 :‘Jeg ist in the Department of Agriculture.|the church being lozat between the}COFP?a y 1)in less than ye ..25,558.7)3 me s _Miss:Stone is a graduate of Meredith|town of Morganton and the State the income Ba lowe ie oer oe ye wf .i and guarantee you a big Collée and the University of North}Hospital.©-‘cal year ending June 30,New Yorkoiyritoa states deposits”.40,000.00 212,625.53|# ;:‘f tion}State:paid -$27,658,786.17 or $19,801.|f deposit d ©3 ; a pee Ms roughly quaint pine mene °pigee echans 264.08 more than Pennsylvania,|the}.after 30 igs eo tee 130,215.31 ;time.* second largest contributor.North }Rediscounts with Federal Reserve es.achaias;:railroad were hurt last.week by al[*°fOh 4 eg Havas 7 bank Fagaident Wilaon hak jsaued a pro-premature explosicn.of dynamite.Carolina paid $257,005.38 corporation hist,"payable,including obligations pepebice calling une sebt ie to Foreman Brown-of the force was se-tax and $128,473.96.income tax,«“fi representing money borrowed ... cere a i i bout the face and precag are emericr gma se aE :7 434-.position to be held in Richmond,Va.,riously mutilated a :?7 :Total $708,139.43.3weto28anddesignedtoshowthe|™ay lose the sight of an eye,if he Gen.Green’s Statue Unveiled on.Stateof North Carolina,county of Iredell,8s; “progress of the nego race from an |TCcovers::Guilford Battle Ground."1."'R.A.|Cooper,president of ‘the “above | industrial standpoiic.Congress made}A.party of Albemarle citizens,tak-|“Many thousands of people witness-nuns sted tas teate shebaste ab -5 — an appropriation of $55,000 for this|ing a:pleasure ride in an automobile,|ed the unveiling of the equestrian|knowledge and belief.R.A.COOPER,|#%6 '°. ountion.ran up behind a wagon and were.as-|statue of Gen.ze atianiel-Greens.st dias ree tatesvl1 e D r ug Co p "yThebarn-of -D.A.Bridges of the|tonished to see the driver abandon|Guilford Battle Grouad,near Greens-|,ee ear eB ee er Pe ete a m 9 Boiling:Springs.community,Cleve-his team and take:to the woods.In-|boro,Saturday.The staute was erect-.,tan Netare Poe TER ere ee Quality.Prescriptionists, land ‘county,was burned last week spection of the wagon revealed a lot een the eo at a ae a)r Onrrent—Atte ON ;eaeae Ayyed fitte of 1 ey ssp (of liquor and implements for manu-|$30,000.eceding the unveiling ad-.oss RON,oe f Ih :Fi 7 nie cae ea rr facturing.same.”dresses were made by representatives ee Oe:Meee.H THE REXALL STORE. and @ horse,about 200 bushels of|Capt.*William’“RB.Ferguson of oe aga lh he origing!thirteen ||suty 6,1915.-Directors|en sssggnnesssszicd enemas wheat and oats,‘a quantity of feed North Carolina;who has beeninthe)"cir iind at Guilford Court-|REPORT OF THE CONDITION in session in Charlotte yesterday.-, ‘ 60,000.00|3Py+3 anda buggy and wagon.“Loss esti-United States navy for 15 years and at Go;pa .:house,”George R.Gaither.of Balti-.;theatedawhifmuraneis@notedtolcosawant’nearer Taal Comer Naina Banko Staten Coins cosloner ofCharicditnne of Ala:up watil the Attorney General de-j BlueHen’s Chickens’in the Southern "ville,in the State of North Caro- lost -his.suit.»for|$26,900}Cides whether the department is com}.”Judge Henry C,.Contad.}'lina,”at’the Close of Business, ist the ruplisners for |SMO Tpelled to accept it.an Gres al Got iver oi Jymk,PR AONB.ak aa e :to Greene,’asa Citizen .of'y (Ala.)altCaptain.Kolb|’!{hel State!Tax Coxnission has a ee ie SHAD AZ oat ates co | n the eorse that the soareare pointed three ene S Fen@ dent ais dg P a ft ¢y FG :ta ; bation of proceedi of,the|ner ©eigh,Ard.’“Hauser offuoatih Gabblina’ai"North Carolin:og O85 68 ©gi 1g:ny F pimtive inst esentfie rt Fchlegsblere oh Cc.RB.in ~Ceuta tab ha eae eceeny ereeulestens ;SVAE thas 9a ,HT ATCT Ae Gate.ie 6th brought a like]againgt,kis Maznesti %a g bite Gat sound teniant Governor Bethea,of South}i While climbing the ‘‘June hill,”1f you tie s ec oneeces.Pe int delle dak hn dlls:Ws gate.ta:Say Wh STS 8 A *: ss Raleich nagro went |Feturns —especially license,income}oes wa,Lighthorse "Harty’Lee!cioscription)ta stock of have not already done so,screen your 0 ook se)3 hua dan aLi }and inheritance taxes.rand welee See ee |Federal Reserve Bank ..7,500.00,h 28 a mee ad went home -:5 #valuti id...8,769,750.0 3 f - Hligious.He carried his feelings|,The State Board of Dental exam-ArthurB.Glarke.Viren MC Bee,Seek ere ae Hee rea jouse.Screen doors and wire are en- Awith him and ‘undertook to give s has licensed 49 new.dentists,/eral Nathaniel Greene,’‘ax-¢ieuten:een fatures,OE POR-DA,41;SSOUP HEE y J tite O,cheap for you take chanees |.M +prayer,his first ef n ers the following:E.Litant!Governor,,Roswelh;Bui Burchardvof|Due from apprevéabelern 7 e*at iealth of :i :dvo far Savi line.Ochers'present ange f Sparta,k.G.‘Salmons off Rhode Island.atl aft ENB RB I gol)2 e _on the health ot yoursell and your am- po tin at DE ceecitei the epperaaion |6f:fhe scldrenel [eae One en at tised ocktth ily,by allowin?!Rie 'té cone into your ‘andk t,1 cr w y,thilithd prodcessio “Lieitenant.Henry rear het,tes eens Hite,ORS eee :ay ee CeeTab eored men werf#G.Banks ‘and Lieutenant’J.Walten#marco apeowtin ieaner 7 aig sasllos RC home#2J6itetheOpt tlarmy,abt“to “licenséd,"éné.from WilmingtongMills of,the:Barnum Continentals,a|.regia cities oo 3-4 Anf96-80)RoROF |Be fight the Germans,but the flies.CRRA Ye:Ah 4 ia i oe ‘6 ee é aa "geal ol military organization of East Green.|.0¥¢{rm banks eng peers ee qstynoe [eg sn gi ee ‘*Judge Conner of the Superior t ibert ‘Woods,9-year-old inmate{wich,R.I,of which General Greene|Gneckaon;banks ‘in the same city 0 a icg i i agr has ordered stricken from record of of the.Odd Fellows’Orphans’Home|was a’charter member in’1774,'at'the|.town as reporting bank ye 2,008.16|f my pp edical profession 48 40 renen t Craven county Superior Court all the|at Goldsboro,was run over and killed}head,moyed across the battlefield ‘to }Outside checks and other t at flies are common Xarriers of dis- entries in the famous controversy be-|last week by an automobile.The ‘the monument drap:d in American ‘Muumaatcocriaes Sp ease.This being true,1t hooves every *tween Solicitor Abernethy and Judge boy was picking huckleberries with|flags.The monument was unveiled]‘ele and cents YG 182.06 555:47 d iti ti dili ti d rter except the fact that Judge |other children and did not see the ma-|by two lineal descendants of ‘General|Notes of other national banks ....720,00 ts good citizen to 1 igen inseason an arter adjudged the solicitor guilty|chine when he started across the|Greene,Mrs.Anna Clarke Meadow Hostal,Revere .notes mae *“out of season to get rid of the flies.Lawful,money reserve in QPP Ie of contempt and fined him.Entries road.The car was ‘iriven by B..F.|of Providence,R.I.,and G.W.Greene]“bank:-¢3 , made ‘by.udge‘Carter were consider-|Dixon of Goldsboro.The boy’s home|Carpenter of Boston.©-|}otal-coin and certificates 10,027.50 i We are headquarters for Screen Doors, ed ‘reflections’on Abernethy and he|was at’East.Durham.The monument was presented by|Leaal tender notes,---os 11,027.60 Wind S a8 Wi Fl ’ sought their removal..An automobile driven by a young|Senator Overman and accepted by Maret (not ies tha b-ber Cnt 0’:maow.SER ang ACToPn,WITS,y ;The Fedsral reserve board has de-|man’named Hatley of Spencer,in Senne ph reel circulation)4,000,00 |#See Fly Traps.ete the “cided to take ever}possible precgu-|which rode his two brothers and two|toeps from Fort Caswell and many}yay |caiktai celebrated Henry Heinzerling Fly Trap a ean ita Td +HTocal organizations tock’part.—.‘Total $588,061.52 |§i 3 oeontopreventarecurreneenextfall]Widenhouse children of —Concord.me one that is capable of catching a gallon of conditions ‘such-as confronted the|was overturned five miles south of ee ree chee fo,JAAey ;}t South last year as a result of the un-|Salisbury Sunday afternoon,when Huerta Arrested For Second atom "hed mee Me retinets :of flies per day ° ually large cotton crop and the|the machine ran into a mud hole.All Time—Is in Jail.Undivided ©profits $15,064.01 :4 ‘ utting off of a large part of the|were moré of less hurt,two of,the Victoriano »Huerta,former.presi-|,Les#current expenses,Were “|; ropean market...The board has|Hatleys seriously.‘The hip,of one|dént of Mexico,who was under bond,sttialin ‘noees BOE BOTS.ae a pointed a committee,with W.P,G.|was mashed‘and his Jeg broken .in|to answer for an attempt to violate}Dud’to banks and bankers (otner Lee larding as chairthan,to ‘determine |Several places.The other was badly|the neutrality of the United States,,|,than included in 6 or 6)9,449.98 the best way in which the coming|bruised and may be hurt internally.|was arrested Saturday for the sec-,Reptatia ae 464.97 crop-may-be-taken--care-of,----|The damage suitofMissLouRiley|0"d time,on similar_charges,and in|eee -§The ‘Federal.court -for eastern|of Sanford against the Ellis-Stone default of a second $15,000 bond was L ;:518,11 132,182.38 mnsylvania -hasdecided.that the|Company of Greensboro ‘was ...con-placed in jail at El eso,Texas.Five pCoritcates ofOeaasa 19,872.03 eading group of corporations —the |cluded:in.Chatham county.Superior other Mexicans:arrested with Huer-:tpcnosits subject to Mor.Se : antral Railroad Company”of “New |Court’Saturday wilit'a verdict of $1,-ta were also placed in jail.Five oth-|move days’notice ....6,137.34.76,009.37 |a are ‘poe Jesey,Lehigh Coel and Navigation |000 for the”plaintiff,which Judge es are out on.bond and one of these,’Ragosounis with Federal Reserve si é : Company and subsidiary and allied|Bond promptly set aside and ex-Gen.Orozco,has disappeared.It is sitizsd ,Ol R OR I [I i aumvanien—are not leagued togeth-|pressed the ape that the case had peliered be eran oe nae —Bills pavanin,including |obligations :z , dnvan unlawful com ination;-and}no merit.aintiff’s counsel @ .¢1 en|,;representing:money.borrowed ..11,600.00|§1 5 " Siratare do.wot unduly restrain{a warm protest against the ae arrested the second time.He semtya|aot To Buya Nice Farm and Get Ready for Next Year’s Crop . to.5 the production,saleor(rematks.~Appeal:taken.While em-Fingal ta Giiet 4 oeWhee |State of North Carolina,County of Iredell,ss:1%5 No.1—9345 acres in Elmwood.All school and church conveniences. eapor ation--of anthracite coal.|ployed ‘as.“a saleswoman for -the prem i i Heed D.M.Ausley,Cashier’of the above-Strong land,40 acres in bottom,,8-room house,large barn poereseseesocesesesetit:+ He government brows it:j i!:;complaining -that..he was age ed hank,do solemnly swear that the|%fe roueht suit to dis-|Greensboro’concern Miss Riley was os Te A,aunce atatement fe true.to tho beat of melt -and out houses. aa them and:will appeal the phage ised ye 7 or employ-mandi cpa eclginad bitterly jnowledue and belief.D.M.AUSLEY,|9 No.2—77.acres 3}miles castof city.This propertylies on the sand- ~}Through the efforts of the 'Hicko “taequtttod:‘and’she brow ae puete ‘of_his ‘treatmentatthe hands~of|”subscritied and sworn.to.before ireths (Sh clay highway now being constructed by the government.Ig Ghamber of Comancrs ib 1 ~i "Y |$15,000 damages._.Tl Federal Deputy Marshal Bryant.He |i day of July,1916.J.H.HOFFMANN,|ideal for Dairy and Truck farming.—-—3 oe arce liberal reduc-.said he was mortified and his family |Portect—Attest:Notary Public.|No.3~40 acres 1 1-4 miles from public square.Splendidly adapted _tions have been made ‘in freight rates N.B.MILLS,“18 for Dairy purposes,Live Stock and Poultry. from.the Cle ie ‘:Statesv a _|shamed and_that_under-other cireum-|).__.Wo_D.-TURNE f p ; ;e Cleveland-Detroit territory|Statesville Ice and Fuel Com-|iio nces he would have shot Bryant.=mOknione”$No.460 acres in Wilkes county just across Iredell line—a bargain. 0 Hickory.-ing S pe prety Acooaine ha 6 etter Pa ee ;The publishers of «Spanish paper|;July 6 1915.Directors,40city lots in east Statesville,knownas “Park Place’’—$15 down, Metis (Conmnission,ieee ;areal The Statesville Ice &Fuel,Com-|at-El Paso have been arrested on},EPORT O ,balance in monthly payments of $5.\ fanige in reduction from 14 cents.to uithorteed ee oe cone an|the charge of attempting to start a ee rer ng eee %10 lots in-Bloomfield.Terms easy.Six lots in south Statesville,‘a tw fh ap of $25,000,of|revolution in Mexico.They were re-'Peoble’s Loan and Savings Bank,at section fast developing.Several nice houses and lots to sell. ©cents,the largest reduction be-|which $18,500 has oe id-i apesingonclassonefreightandthelow-content vill attic take oe jensed 00 aan *Statesville,in the State of North|9 Call on me and learn what Ihave..j ést on classes A and B.The reduc-|the ice and fuel business of the Im-THE AMERICAN FLAG.Terre Ab iae Clone ot ,Roainess 3 W R MILLS ns :Statesville N ¢,«°9 g 4Ne SO E OE E LE E R Sl e le l al e le e {a l e el e el el e le e : tions will affect the rates from all i ‘oy,t perial Cotton Oil Company.|When Freedom from he tain hei ,dune,23,1915,. “paints which?base-on—the —Virginia |cers “of the new conipany sre SE Unhrit Mi tte medeat rer es Sms mome i ee 547 Center Street ‘cities combination,Cowan president,J.A.Conner.vice|anicet the sare of alorsth “iipans anid -Gissounts $101,482.56 POE SETHE +Chatham Record:i 2 ce]And set the stars of glory there.Deativattes cunescored me LOR be m_Record:,Mesgrs.James president and P,P.Purnell secretary]she mingled with its gorgeous’dyes Banking’Houses,$12,452.94; furrii-; and John Burns of tnis county,arcjand treasurer..The board of direc-|The milky baldric of the skies;Ct $4,094.95 .....16,487.89 twins and are probably the oldest|tors is composed of Messrs.C.M.|4nd.striped its:pure,celestial white,100.00 twins’in the State,being over seven-|Steele,J.L.Cowan,R.L.Poston,J With strenkings:06 the morning.iets.pe reerte seven years.old.\They.recently|A..Conner)Hi C.Wilson,P.P.Pur.|Pie of the free heart’s hope and home!’’ -I .Si a\,B .Pb.Pur-\Wie Gold,Coim wises ido gai Rei tees 282.22 had.their,ppopieraphs:taken togeth-nell and KE..W,Brawley,the latter of thy stant bote Ohi eho welne aban Silver colt,including all minor coin ; forthe ‘first time in their long|Mooresville.The neav company will|And all thy hues were born jn heaven,currency ida 1,754.89 oon They were both brave Confed-|continue the operation of the.ice|Forever’float that ‘standard’sheet!ae wank.nates:and otter US.8190.00seeaiiree,one serving in Co.D|plant at the present location.|WHCit oe an seeee a Sing oN.C.-regiment;h ;§r,m's soil beneath our feet,(oe yBaaeetyeePraalac;And Freedom's banner streaming dos us2}SH!°°"iyapacitieg728 about a quarter of »mile of each oth-i hs kes ‘.meter see |Capital:stock patd in $60,000,00 er,At our!Confederate reunions they wis,aBabebenkeey crvelldie nah ve mn .ie |}Undivided ee:fers current ex igths often ‘sing together some or their old |died Friday in Paris,Hause whale bie astidontee of dipenll.+s...42:404.30warsongs,"he has :lived ina ‘ile sifice he was|ever receive the proper balanceot foodFaring:Fons icehnondmeaearag gyTt—_—_—_—_—ovced ta fener Vi.|SavleaveMexico.His remains|to sufficiently nourish.both bod Cashier's checks outstaadi ,"Il bri Two Prisoners Escaped.were buried in’France.brain during the growing eet whoa Certified Cheeks Gy It td it re al s igo Fomedacwn Neg nag oe:DE 3 d (Cert!CE ve the RIGHT results,aad doit promptly.with the very best. "wo:prisoners,a iife:man and,a iaz was born in Mexico in 1830,|nature's demands are.non por NS petal.2.‘drugs made ;} ;pe _\...|He.was_a__soldier of fortune”and|mature life,Thies 4s shown in ao!sikny bdtateof North Garclims:County of Teedell,»a es } 15-year man,both colored,escaped |fought his way:to the head of the pale faces,lean bodies,frequent colds,{*"{;0,L.Turner,Cashierpf the above-named Remember in Taking Medicine THE MORE:OF QUALITY.. oom government..Nominally”.president,and lack of ambition,:.spends Go soleainly Bwead That thie above state:>THE LESS OF QUANTITY. @ Was in lit dicta :F 11 ‘such childre:s nent ig true to the best.of my knowledge a.t ‘t ie ah tae ht esmifaictcHsalSyM|ponancgenten:ay ea ae ie”ae |The Polk Gray Drug Company.| oh@.. M Any Doctor will tell you we have just passed through a very ° unhealthy season.‘at It has been too much for éven the strong ones. Wonldn’t it bea good idea to get straightened out and feel: fit for the hot days to Come?ie If you want the BEST for the liver we candeliverthe BEST,' OO O O OE eo -sthe did more for the country th Scott’s Emulsion,and need it now.b Sabseribed n 4man-who has been at the ay “he pees in concentrated:form ‘the p cof rye ie,htSRATHERMAN,ele THE SQU government,;ood elements to enrich their blood,‘1t /Oorrapt—Attest:“Notary Public,Pr ::ek “Ask the'ice man-where he -delivers the least ice and he will tell you wherever there ig an Odurless Re- frigerator.Why?Because it is constructed different from thé many so-called Refrigerators and ice box- es.It retains the cold, keeps the icefrom melting and saves the ice.Saved ice issaved money. "We have themin all sizes,with and without water coolers. Also White Mountain Ice Cream Prosser.the best freezerin the world.Respectfully, The Williams Furniture House. Armenian ShipipRefused toHalt -Of poverty and want will.never grab you if you have an active savings account in a~-good-Bank-—this..Bank.forinstance. .But you want to start in time.Start now, and start here.A dollar will do to start with and a hundred dollars wouldn’t stop ‘you,once you.fealine how important a savings account is,”-RR ee _SAFETY—SERVICE—SATISFACTION. Merchant and Farmers’Bank, avy ota ee Statesyille,,sresthic set “The Bank For.Haws Sovings.aed ary MONEY TO LOAN? No,but this cultivator will save you money and time this busy seasonwhenoldGeneralGreengetsaholdonyourcrop.Heis here and is doing his work.Be on the alert,Farmer,get ahead of him.We;have only a few left.Terms right. _Iredell Hardware Co. 4|vas definitely known, || |;‘rom the United’Stutes without vio- 2 |“ederal courts in which this ¢=arose and it had becn ruled that the |0 |‘onsul for his government to trans- E||ot constitute a vivlation of Federal S|nowever,the Unite:States has ruled/, )By shine of war. Slorent control was overshadowed by }ihe county home is quite afromherewecanhearthemusic al-|.Rumost.every evening,and they have]nore.than,fifty-fine selections,ok a iwill have little conncetion E\over submarine warfare, Bion the standard grades of 3|which is in connection with his work sias cotton technologist. B|To Round Up Bold Bad Man. 8 iolina since the Grier Fret Sweat orWorry a Pie .AGas Range epeeNDese8 A GAS WATER HEATER. SEE THE a COMPANY.|planning at an earl =eclecimcsbninne oer —IF ~~ ~YOU areatttase to build kinds metal eetmetalsin ic :y he ity ofdge roll anda tries. "General optimistic reports on the “|nation’s mineral industries,showing -and Sinking Justified. Washington.Dispatch.Ist.‘ ‘Official information.on-whieh.to base an accurate judgment ofcireum- stances.under which -the British steamer.Armenian,was destroyed,with the loss of Ambrican lives,waslackingtodayanduntildetailsareavailableSecretaryLansingsaidthepositionoftheUnitedStatescould not be determined.From news dispatches.however,and a closer reading of,official re-ports,«officials wer inclined to theviewthatastheAimenianapparent-ly refused to halt at the command oftheGermansubmarine,according tointernationallawthesinkingofthe vessel was justified even though non-¢ombatants were on hoard,‘It was admitted that if official re-ports bore out press dispatches therewasnolikelihoodthatanynewcause} of complaint would bé added to.issuesvendingbetweentheUnitedStates and Germany. One or two officials suggested that ince Germany had given warningthatenemyshipswouldbétorpedoed without~warning,«merchantmanearryingcontrabandmight.be justi- fied in:attempting to escape. The only fact of importance re-eived officially by the State Depart-ment came in a repcrt from Ambas-sador Page.who said the British ad- niralty had informed him the Arme-/>; nian was “engaged ‘in admiralty busi-ness.”Department «fficials declaredthequestionofwhetherashipsoen-gaged should be treated by hostile yessels as a ship of war or a defense-}.fess merchantman was “a close ques- tion of international law,”and ar ypinion could not be given until thé loxtent of the belligerent govern- |ment’s control over the ship When it was suggested to officials hat if the Armenian were a public|ship of war she con!d not have sailed ‘ating neutrality,it was pointed out‘hat there had been cases before the point }ehartering..of..a.vessel by a foreign ,ort munitions of war or supplies did statutes.In the ease of vessels load- «1 to supply a belligerent fleet at sea. that such ships must be treated »as The question of charter and’bellig- oress dispatches teliing of the des ate attempts of the Armenian t cape,and if officisi+reports»hear out these acccunts the fi ndcrew |¢o- they are prosperous and enjoying aTevivalofactivedevelopment,weremadétoSecretaryLaneintheGeol-ogical Survey’s mul-year review of mining conditions,“These reports are significant-and assuring to all who desire the indus-trial advancement of theStates,”said Secretary.Lane com- menting on the reperv.This general mining advance’hasbeenstimulatedbytheUnitedStatesheingthrownuponitsownresourcesformineralproducts,the enormousordersforwarsuppliesforEurope and comparative freedom from for- eign competition.Enlargement and extensions at ironandsicelplantsfurnishunmistakableevidenceofreturningbusinesscon- fidence,the report says: ‘Loss of bunker coal trade at.At- lantic points has been partially off- set hy increasing coal exports.Coke production.has .increased:consider- ably.Production of;netroleum is be- period, LATS Provisions of New,Insurance Laws. To facilitate the observance of;the which went into effeet July 1,Com- missioner of Insurance James R.+Young ‘has issued novices to all thefireinsurancecompaniesdndtheir agents in the State giving the chiefvrovisionsofthenewlawsandcall- ing attention by.comments to thesame. According to the new laws,therershallbeprinted,stamped.or writtenoncachfirepolicyiszuedinthisState the basis rate,deficiency charge,credit far improvements,and the rate at which written,with the re- quirement of 2’full statement of.anychiangeofrateandfullinspectionbe-é At the same time the reauiring it to be stamped on the hack when used with the words “Co- insurance Contract,”and likewise re-quiring request for sueh contract to be in writing. Orphans Enjoy It,Too. ur Fatherless Ones. The liberally inclined citizens of Tredell recently contributed thoney:to |buy a graphorhene for the unfortu-nate old people at he county home. This was a very commendable deed,and those who contributed should be vell repaid in knowing that the in- mates of the Home enjoy,it immense- ly and many a lonely hour.is,madegladbythisinstrument.Althoughdistance iWOMEN ONLY KNEW. American negotiations with Gt Two Appointments.To ‘North Carolinians. +J.S.P.Carpenter,q graduate of ithe textile départinent of the A.and, iM.college and now superintendent.of the Melville Manufacturing Company,8iCherryville,has beca appointed quar-antine inspector for the Federal hor- ticultural board.This position hasibeencreatedasaresultofthede- Histructive cotton pest,the pink bol!worm,and the determination of theH|United States government to protectithecotton.industiy fiom this insect. Sonferences have been held betweenBithecottonmanufacturerswhouse8eyptiancottonandtheFederalhor- ‘ieultural board,at.which various suggestions have been made to elimi- nate this pest.Cne of the sugges- titions was that all picker-waste shoul:8 ibe burned and other erecautions tak-H |on: Hiassist in other directions,#|!penter has been appointed. and to direet this work and to Mr.Gar- Another recent aytointment -by ihe3|Secretary of Agricu.ture is.an cxam- Siner for the purpose of hearing dis-Hinutes in accordance with the United States cotton futures act,this ap- ointment going to W.S.Dean,of |Oxford.Mr.Dean is a graduate of) S ithe textile department at A.and M.. Hiand since graduating has had consid-EB ierable experience botk in the Biand as a cotion grader and classer. mill| He is at present making experiments, cotton, Greensboro Special to Raleigh News and Observer.| The office of Colonic]Chapman,rev- ;enue agent with headquarters here,Hlis advised that:there is a large’ being carried of North Car- anti-jug lawwentintoeffect.Some of these com- plaints have come from lumber com- panies,that are suffering because of| the dispensing of inicxicants to their employes’by’a man named Orr,who|has gained for himself a reputation|as a “bad man.”1+is said by the one that-this -man-carries-an/armed:guard with him and visits the! lumber camps on pay days,distribut-|ing his supply of liquor.While he;is making sales his guard stands in|the outskirts of the camp to see that)no revenue officer interferes with him.|Orr has long been known to.the of-|ficers.and has been in Many an es-capade,©His wun carries”severalnotchesforthosewhohave.interfer-ed with his unlawful business.Eventherevenuemenaresaidtofearhim,bold as they.are usually.ColonelChapman,a Contederste veteran,.isdatetoroundup”man and his pacty and give themareceptionthatwillondina:trial in‘the Federal court:in.this.district. amount of blockading on,in the western par ;wae:4x Heap of Happiness it WouldBringtoStatesvilleHomes. ‘Hardsto:\do housework bwithe an ath f ing back, Brings.your hours of misery at let sure or:at work...: If.women only knew.the cause— that Backache pains often come from weak kidneys, ’Twould save much needless woe. Doan’s Kidney Pills are for weak kidneys. Read what a says: Mrs.Eugene Fesperman,328 W.Bell St.Statesville,says:“I had sharp*pains across my kidneys and rheumatic twinges in my limbs and shoulders.One of the family advisedmetotryDoan’s Kidney,Pills and.I got a supply from the StatesvilleDrugCo.After taking a few doses, L was relieved of the pain in my backandtherheumatic:twinges disappear- ed,Whenever.I have any.sign of kidney trouble now,I use Doan’s Kid-ney Pills and they do me good,” Price 50c,at all dealers.Don’t Statesville citizen Good Reparte Of Mineral tidax. United|, lieved to exceed “that of ast year’s | provisions of the new insurance laws| _MAKE THEKITCHEN — ON’T swelter overahotcoalstovethissummer.The NEW.PERFECTION Oil Cook-stove keeps your kitchen.cool ‘and clean and doesawaywithalltheash-pan,‘coal-hod drudgery of the coal range. The NEW PERFECTIONlightslikegas,regulates like gas,andcookslikegas.It’s gas stove com- fort with kerosene oil. Something New.An oven that be-:comes a fireless cooker merely bypullingadamper.Ask your dealer“to show you the NEW-PERFEG-.TION No.7,with fireless cook-ing oven;also the PERFECTIONWATERHEATER.It gives youplentyofhotwater;yet leaves youindependentofthehot,sooty.Coal. range.Pitep eh Wee.Aladdin’‘Security.oiorDiamondWhite:Oil to obtain the best results in oil ‘Stoves,Heaters and Lamps = STANDARD OIL COMPANY Washington,D.C.(New Jersey)Charlotte,N.C. Norfolk,Va.(BALTIMORE)Charleston,W.Va.. Richmond,Va.CharlestonS.C.| Lenoir College,Hickory,N.C Co-Edueation under the’,best eénditions .and management.A real ChristianCollege,but not sectarian.Our A.B.graduates enter Graduate D tmentinour.State University and other universities and attain,the A.M.oer in one ‘year.Five Modern buildings,steam heat,electric lights,city ‘water;and gas,New”i:“Yoder Science.Building,with’up-to-date laboratories for Chemistry,Physics ri aaBiolory.Library and,Reading Room.Clean Athletics.Splendid Dorm:tories.GOOD BOARD-AT COST for young.men.Iast-session,$9.20-a month;for youngwomen,$9.00 x month;room rent $1.50 «month.Departments:Literary;Music,(Piano,Voice,Violin),Expression,Art,}Busi~sf ness,Domestic Science and Domestic Arts,and Preparatory.GENUINE COLLEGE ADVANTAGES WITHIN REACH OF ‘THE PEOPLE! _Write for Catalogue. simply ask for a kidney remedy—get Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that Mrs.Fesperman had.Foster-Milburn COs,ee Buffalo,N.Y- _R.L.FRITZ,President,.-Hickory,N,C. oe Gladiolas! _Of the enormous num- ber of ©attractive | blooms in evidence at this time,probably none of the Flowers aire more charmingthan,Gladiolas.'We always have a variety of the handsomest Flowers grown today. Van Lindley Co, -_RUORIsts TO THE SOUTH, aR N.0. Nice Mules and Mares!|) _Two car loads Mules and one car load nice Mares—over 100 extra nice ones. Henkel-Craig Live Stock Go.|| COMFORTABLE and COOL FOOTWEAR These warm days you.feel the need of acomfortablepairofOxfords,Sandals and Pumps.We have just that kind.Plenty of “themin White,Palm Beach,Tan and Black. Let us give you the’benefit,of our experi-ence in noHng.them pro erly...ours to serve,The S.,M.&H.Shoe Gc The"One Price Cash Shoe Store.ShoesReRepaired While’fol Wait. Every One:©oe ear eae FRIDAY'_.SATU A :hee "TBE DANGER "|Two-reel Sterling.7"|oe Three.reel Gold Seal.-One-reel RexDrama,Take ead CELESTE"a One-reel Big U Drama. ve Will Delight_ASpecial Programme T ab.WEDNESDAY:~ “BABY?”,Md Two2reel Victor Comedy. “DESTINY TRUMP CARD” -One-reel Imp Drama. “WHEN CUPID CROSSED THE BAR” One-reel Nestor Comedy. _puESDAY“THE JUNGLE QUEEN’? Two-reel Wild Animal Feature.., “PRAMED”%if ** One-reel Powers, “A STRANGER IN CAMP”One-reel'Victor Comedy.. Two-reel Lammelle. “LOVEAND.SOUR NOTES”es One-reel L-Ko Comedy.“A DAY AT SAN DIEGO FAIR”One-reel Joker Comedy. 6“ANIMATED WEEKLY”* sestly sorry that-we have some of the pictures on our programme this week.§With so much doing in town weare afraid that some of our patrons will ssiea taeeeaioe Et you can’t see them all please see ‘‘BABY”on Wednesda,,“THE DANCER,’with Cleo adison and Joe King,on Friday and “THE BATTLE ~ OF RUNNING BULL”on Saturday.If you don’t think ‘‘Baby”and ‘The Battle of Running Bull”are two of the Funniest pictures you ever saw we Will own Up » -that we don’t know a funny one when we seeit.‘“The Dancer”with Miss Madison and Joe King needs no comment.-You never see them in a badspicture.-Hon- estly THE CSESCENT THEATER has the strongest programme this week that it has'ever shown.You will not be disappointed in a single picture. ‘See the Lithograph display of our week’s programme just across the street from the Theater.:,eee ae = leone .ee[WAs A FINE DAY ANYHOW. cleaner.The modern farm,office in the center of the ficat contained desk with telephone and typewriter,books, county papers,farm papers,national ed touring car occupied by young 8 2 Deaton and ladies.y W.H.McElwec—Touring.car at- tractively decorated and oceupied by McElwee children. R.V.Brawley—Beautifully deeor- THE LANDMARK TUBSDAY,<>July 6,"1006. EXPLOSION AT.CAPITOL. r a 4 ciapsastaat .Bomb Set Off in Senate Recep- tion Room Wreeked the.Inte- rior. The public reeeption room in the Senate.wing of the Capitol building at Washington was wrecked just before midnight Friday ‘night,by an explos- jon,apparently a bomb set for the pur- pose. No one was hurt and so far as Wash- ington is concerned there is only one -elueto the perpetrator—a letter which was received by the Washington Times; an evening newspaper,bearing‘a post- mark timed shortly before the explosion took place and announcing that it would occur.The letter,although,writ+ ten June 1,was mailed dt 10 o’elock _Friday night,about two hours before the explosion.It was signed by ‘‘R. Pearce,’’was typewritten,part being written with a pen,and mdicated thatthewriterhadwaitedsometimeforan opportunity tocarry out his plan,which 4fexclamation point of -my-earcer.’’*Next day,after Frank Hojt was ar- rested for an attempt on the life of J. P.Morgan,he confessed he set the bomb at Washingtqn’and so far there is no evidence to the contrary.,According to Holt’s ‘confession,hewenttoWashingtonfromNewYorkFriday,arriving there about noon.Hewent!to the cipitol:and set the bomb *At!4o’eloeks Ho had timed,the.blastatmidnight.After setting the explos- ive he strolled about Washington for}, sévyeral hours.In:the evening he,went to the Wwnion’station,a few blocks from --the:¢apitol,and waited ‘for the noiseofthe‘explosion.‘ :47 had two 6r three sticks of -dyna- “mite left over that I didn’t need on theWashingtonjob,?**he explained,‘‘so J brought them along tq ;Glen Cove:au intended to.use:them here if 1 had to,’’2 When asked-why,he set-off the bombatthecapitol,Holt said:/‘1 thought that was a good way to bring the at- tention of the Americ¢an people to the oe murders being committed in Buarope.But what do you want to ask me that for?,1 explained the wholethinginmylettertotheeditorofthe‘Washington Times.<I understand my letter was printed.My reasons are all in that letter.’”i 4 'The hayoe wrought by the bomb atthecapitolwasterrific.In the reeep-tion room teleplione booths lined the wall near the window where the bomb wag placed Vehind a serephone switch-be!The frame work around—this window was of_iron.and was shatteredbytheconcussion.The ~telephone booths were.blown into splinters and bits of metal were imbedded in’the on gathered ‘up by the investiga-rs,. Directly in front of the switchboard,vestige of which could be found save few picees of the metal,was a mantel n which stood a large gilt-framed mir-ror,admired by capitol visitors foryears, ft pieces and sonvenir hunters,seeking these fragments,had to be restrained by the police while the inquiry into the axplosion progressed.«An onyx clock,afixtureofthereceptionroomfor20 years,was ground almost into powder. Experts declared that the destruction would have been more complete had the ¥eception room been entirely elosed,but a window was open and at the opposite end of the room is an arch leading to the Senate hallway.Notwithstanding this outlet for the foree of the explos- ion,it wrécked a portion of the arch- ed ceiling.The doors leading to the ~~wattice of the Senate were wrecked and doors tothe office of the.Vice President were sproug from their hinges.The floor of the room was sprinkled~with hits of glass from the great chandeliers, The damage to these will be diffieult torepair.eee serenemace New Board of Fducation. Supt.R.M.Gray and the membersofthecountyboardpfeducationyes-terday took the oxuth of office for the +mew term,which began July 1st.-TheHouris.composed of Dr.Rell Gaither of Harmony,Mr.D.W.Lowrance ofMooresvilleandMr.J.H.Hill ‘ofStatesville...Messre.Gaither.‘and\Lewratiee are new ‘nembers,\having‘heen elected to take the places of ‘Dr,W.G.Nicholson dnd Mr.J.L.Brad-ley,who were not candidates for re-@lection last fall.On account of thelebrationthebeardpostponedthe It was shattered into thousands |: and State bulletiris,«te.table was’a crate cf peaches proper: ly packed.he placard Man.” float’containing a bigsurroundedby’walnutstringsofbutterboxes,with Mr.H, H.Blaylock,proprietor of the farm, in the driver’s seat.:; Holland Bros.—Il.arge white room on_wheels containiny a coal heaterandquantitiesof<oal,representingthefirm’s fuel business.Crawford-Buneh Furniture Co.—Attractive sanitary kitchen with mod-ern kitchen furniture and \occupied by a number of ladies 2nd.children.Star ©Milling Co —Kitchen rounded by sheayes of ‘wheat Jersey bull sur- and ing bread.‘iCocaColaCompany—Truck bear-jing cakes of ice in which were frozenbottleddrinks.":yoJuniorOrder—A miniature school house occupied by schvol children and Junior officials.*Statesville Housefurnishing Co— Kitchen featuring a range sold by thecompany.:_a.K.Morrison Grocery &ProduceCompany—Wagon containing a pyra-mjd of a specjal brand of high grade figur sold by the company,=°~Ballance-Sull wan’Company—jAt-ittive room with fable at which anumber‘of young ladies were drink- ing grape juice.©: Broad Street’Méthodist “SundaySchool—®laborate.float containingSundayschoolpupilswithbannersin-viting others to go to Sunday school,Williams Furniture House—A pret-iaebed on Wwhevls drawn by aWhitehorse,driven by a little boy.Statesville’Drug’Company—Hugewhitefloatcontainiagyoungladiesandgentlemen.k Daughters of.Revolution—Colonialladiesandgentlemenoperatingspin- ning wheels,etc.Iredell Hardware Company=—Largebattleshipmadeofarticlesofhard- ware and drawn by a motor truck con-taining a gasoline engine,milk sepa- rator,:ete. Tharpe’s Five and Ten Cent Store—Toys and children attractively dis- played.;:United Daughters of Confederacy—Float decorated in Confederate col-ors and occupied by-Confederate,-vet- erans in uniform. Jack Srance—An advertisement oftheSaturdayEveningPostandoth-er publications sold by him:Mills &Poston—Mcautifully.decor-ated landeau occupied by ladies.‘Statesville Oil Company —Tank}wagon covered vith bunting and flags. dJohnston-Belk Company —Hugewhite’float occupied by members oftheWhyNotclub.at ‘Harness Vehicle &Supply Co—Handsome new bugry mounted.on platform wagon surrounded by.flags,People’s Loan &Savings Bank—Mass of flags and buncing amid which were Miss McBride Jenkins,assistant cashier.of the bank.representing “Miss Columbia,”©Miss Elizabeth Nattress representing “Goddess ofLiberty”and thirteen little girls rep- resenting the 18 original colonies. Poplar Camp Wvuodmen of the World—Big poplar biock in center of large’white float,oat and some of the Woodmen,_ Statesville Housefurnishing Com-pany-—Music room occupied by num- ber of young ladies enjoying music from a Victrola, Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison Company—Handsome enclogeri float featuring Queen Quality shoes,xccompanied.byLouisBowlesandBarnett_Adams riding ponies,: 5..J.Holland’s Livery.—Decoratedlandeau. 1.H.Tomlinson’s Plumbing Es- tablishment—Sanitary plumbing -fix- turés.; Long Meadow Farm,W..N.White proprietor-—Big Joad of.newly alfalfa hay.Bristol’s Cotton Gin—Wagon’load- oxen and occupied 4 Oakland.Heights ‘“Parm,Mitchell Beneath the above theoccupantoftheoMcebore,‘fEvery- hody works at my house,but My Old Walnut Grove Farim—aAn attractive trees and bags of flour,with a cook busy mak-|’ cut |bis Spniatetce in the mayor’s court Led with bales of cotvon drawn vy fourasitingband! ated touring car occupied by™the Misses Brawley and others. Carolina Motor Company—tImita- tion motor boat ocevsxed by’Mr.H.R, Yount and young ladies. To say which of the floats.werebestwouldbeunfairandit.couldhardlybesaid,All were’very cred- itable,and the varicty of design madetheparadeallthemoreinteresting and attractive.The only prizes given Company for decorated automobiles. Mr.W._B.Thomas won first prize, Mr.RR.V.-Brawley second and.Mr.W.H.McElwee third.; NEWS OF TAYLORSVILLE. Visitors,Business Changes ‘and Other Items of Interest. Correspondence of The Landmark, Taylorsville,July 5—Mr.and Mrs. Gilbright James of Springfield,Til., arrived Friday nigh:to visit relativesintheeounty.They were reared_in and this is their firs:visit here sincetheywentWest23yearsago.Mrs, James’mother;Mrs.Sallie.Bumgar-ner,is'very ill at the home of:her son-in-law.and.daughter,Mr-,andMrs.J.G.Harrington,aePoliceman:J,;D..Smith,who wascalledtoLexingtonMonday.morningbythedeathofhissis were offered by tho Carolina Motor |; Little Rive¥township,“this ~county;;~~ »Mrs.Fan (he Lat j ies’Fine Shirt Waists An Unusual Bargain. Five dozen.assorted Voile and OrgandyWaists,Embroidered and semi-embroid-‘..ered,all new and up-to-date,$1.25 value."Our price while they last 88c. Yours truly, sana :deca iSGGb nie Swicegood,:retur/, nesday:night),4 o0c6.05 s AMr.U.P.Wilson'has sold hissof:groceries to Mr.“Wy A.Smith.2thelatterwill_continue-tne,puaine in the same building, home Woodruff of Mocksville,and his sons, Messrs,Ci G,Woodruff.of |Mocks- ville and Ky H.Woodruff of Gadsden, Ala.were:guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs:Hy Ti Kelly:over Sunday,Mr.James Watts.has.purchased:a five-passenger 1916 automobile from tlie Carolina Motor Co.,Statesville.(i Capt..W.T.Rowland and daugh- ter,Miss Winnie Mae Rowland,re-turned’Friday nignt from a visit to Capt.Rowland’s mother at Central,S.C.They went to Winston-SalemSaturdaymorningtoplaceWinnie Mae in the Methodist ‘Home there. Capt.Rowland.returnéd Saturdaynight.: ‘Mr.C.L,Everhart of Newton cameoverSaturdaytojoinMrs.Everhartatthehomeofherparents,Mr.and Mrs.Thomas Watts.Mrs.Ida Car-son and Miss Grace Ingram will gojtoStatesvillethismorning,where they will be guests of Miss Ingram’ssister,Mrs.Jo Lackey,.and willattendtheChawtaucqua.MissIrene Le-Queux will go t morning to spend the.week with Mrs. Emma Guy and other friends and at-tend the Chautauqua.Miss Mabel ‘Cooper,who has been visiting -her aunt,Mrs.“Young Compton and oth- er relatives at Ridgeville,Prospect Hill,Durham and other points,sincehergraduationattheStateNormal College,Greensboro,in May,arrived mother,Mrs.E.A,Cooper. Court Notes. Htib.Redman,a young negro who figures in the court frequently,was placed under bon yesterday byMayorCaldwellfo*his“appearanceatSuperiorCouittoanswera charge of”retailing. “Will Marshail,white, { was taxed for being drunk and disorderly.Jacob Helpler of Union Grove township,was arrested Friday byDeputyMarshal.Milholland and Deputy Sheriff Jones and placed un-der $300 bord for his appearance be-fore United States Commissioner La-zenby of Statesville Saturday,17th,to answer a charge cf.distilling,ete. A.A.Gibson Was artested ‘yester-day on.a warrant charging him withtheTarcenyofaquart.of cider and some bananas belon:iag to Mr.J.Little..He was released’on bond for today, Mrs,J.0,Purnell of Franklintonisaguestatthehoreofherbroth- er-inlaw,Mr.P,P.Purnell,Mr.Pur- nell Was here Sunday and yesterday. Mrs.H.T..Kelly’s uncle;Mr.gs"Aah BS" model Overland} Statesville this} Friday to spend the summer with her Py et =SMILLS &POSTON.= BirthAnnouncements,Acknowledgements,Birthday Cards. There is not any doubt about our having the newest and most elaborate line of these ever brought to|Statesville,Rememperthat you can always buy anfrom.us that is appropriate,whatever ek®tcFE 3[eee dsoakEe “ice Statesville Printing Co, 7“en va The Texas Company, ._>whomever in view of the high altitude./You know as -..(Signed),BARNEY OLDFIELD,Oct.9,1914 LINCOLN BEACHY, amen:[beg to 2dvise you andperetaittoemyseitusedyourLexacoGasolinefroarexiibitiocskoreto-|-day.Tie parity and high grade quality assisted us,greatly,especially 4 Was Fe rit g streee This is the GASOLINE and MOTOR OIL that had been adopted by GlennHORETEXACO Curtis.for-the flying machineAmer-_ ican his WightacrossThe”Allantie™ Ccean,-The flight was shendened at the outbreak of wer.| fast workwhich I do: Oct.3,1914, - —The Texas Company,Oklahoma City,Okla.GENTLEMEN:As you have perhaps read,J established a new world’s record yesterdaonthehalf-mile track at the Fair Grounds,‘The car used was the Simplex ‘‘Zio,’’lubricatewithTexacoMotorOilandburningTexaco.Gasoline.me to attain this record,as it is a known fact that {must have an oil of a very high body for the :L have used in my racing career practically all the oils on the market andamfrankinsayingthattheTexacoisfarsuperiortothemall. *(Signed)... In such gases as shown above,which involve not only such extraordinary’efforts,_but even life and death,every care isused to secure the:most perfect equipmentobtainable,irrespective of cost;and that these men,who stand at.the very fon of-their profession,did select and still-adhere to these TEXACO products is the bestevidencethatTEXACOSTANDSFORQUALITY.Don’t be satisfied with any-_thing just as good,ask for the best—and insist.on getting it.STATESVILLE OIL C I feel safe in saying that Texaco enabled Yours very truly,LOUIS DISBROW. OMPANY.(Wholesale Distributors.) _Building Materials!| Statesville,WN.C.,North Center.Street,Next Planters’-Warehouse.-al Having:qualified’as administrator of theestateofA,J.Bass,decensed,I hereby noti-fy all persons having claims agatwat said os-tate to prevent the same (whether they be matter of record or hot)to the undersignedonorbeforethe2nddayofJuly,1916,Thoseindebtedtotheextatearerequestedtosettle.-R.B.MeLAUGHLIN,July.2,1916,Administrator. Bridge Stock at Auction. By virtue of the provisions contained tn«ection 4170,chapter 21 of The.Revisal of 1905 of the laws of Norch Carolina,—the un-dersizned will sell at piblic auction,to thehivhest-bidder for cash at ‘the |court housedoorin’8!wille,No Gy,onMiAY,AUGUST 2d,1915, at 12 o'clock,m.,two shares of stock in,theStatcsville-Buifalo Shonls Bridge Co at theparvalueof$100 cach,because the delinquentowriert‘thereof have failed to pay their as- NOTICE TO CREDITORS,—4- |C.WATKINS,_ $3.10 in the mayor’s court yesterday |= Bob-o-Link!Bob-o-Link! If you want to be up to the minute you mist have a BOB-O-LINK: FRIENDSHIP BRACELET.We have them.a\“ \ R.H.RICKERT &SON.‘,ilo . Orr.proprietor—Larg.dairy cow on ::platform surrounded,by milk maids,ete,,and accompanioti by farm handsafoot.‘©.Watkins,builtling materials—Ahouseoywheels.ae Fred Deaton—Striped.yellow Ford:ener:Cc.B.waite of Mooresvitte wares decorated in yellow and fing?will preach.at’the’Presbyterian|White.-Slate Roofing?Tin Roofing?church at ‘Troutman ‘Saturday oan W.B.Thomas—Touring ear.cover-i ;*10th,at 8:30,Subject,“The Prodigal |¢d.with white crimped paper mounte|Father,”;sf ed with white doves and occupied by a GalvanizedShingle Re ge Painted?: Ice Box or Refrigerator:IS3 ou .R --the.owner dnd a nur ber of young |*Tin or SheetMetalWor PanyKind?LET.US KNOW. “Party whe changed-hats.with me ladies,ie ;+e ren?Iza:_an Foster's restaurant Monday will B.Brown-—Touring ear ut :IREDELL a WORKS. lease return my ‘hat.—-W.G.Bark-|With insurance advertisements.Bell Phone 98.a perident.ret |,Jodependent "Phone 197.*| tesville,adiekiieaacel Gus Deaton—Attractively decorat-,-. gessments thereon in full,OSBORNE BROWN,§cretary.and Treas:| urer,Statesville-Buffalo Shoals.Bridgo Co, ft.B.)MeLaughlin,Atty:‘July 2,1005.»AG Madonh My.©."C.Moore and Miss DaisyMooreofCharlotta.and Miss’Chris-tine Rutledge of Mt,Holly are guestsofMr,and Mrs.W.P.Moore. “ARE YOU INTERESTED?” hess a business till next Mon-y.i -pear aoa reenact ‘oF nd bi i ”é .ae .3 s An ‘Alarm Glock that is little but loud.It’s-a little Beauty.Just the thing for a lady’s or a gen{leman’s room.It is not sv large but does. the waking up for you.BIG BEN if you need to be knocked out.H.B.WOODWARD,Jeweler. pe.Church News. .Mr.E.8.Millsaps will speak at theFirstBaptistchurchnextSundayeve-ning, eee ote ae an / VOL.XLI. "STATESVILLE,N.©,FRIDAY,JULY9,1915, “BAD FIGHT OF KINSMEN,|THE SEVEN JOYOUS DAYS.RUSSIANS HAVE TURNED.IRCAD REPAIR WORK NOW.|/DATES FOR VACCINATION.|BRIEF ITEMSLOCAL NEWS Brothers-in-Lawin.Turers-|The ChautauduaFurnishes Ex-|Have Stopped Thetr Retreat |Federal Post itoad Complete and|Places WhereAnti-Typhoid j :burg Township Fight.Over Frivolous:Matter-—-One —Bad- ly Cut. Messrs.W.Andrew ‘Windsor andEd.Tolbert,farmers of Turnersburg township,‘engaged in a ‘desperatefightWednesdaynoonat’the home ofWindsor..Windsor received an uglygashacrosshisbreastandTolbert has a number of scalp.wounds.«,Windsor and Tolbert are brothers.in-law,Tolbert having married a sis-ter-of Windsor,....Tolhert..is a tenant,on.Windsor’s fatm and it is said thatthefightwastheresultofaquarrel over watering a horse which the menhadbeenworkinginthefield.Wind- sor,it.is said,told Tolbert to waterthehorseatacertainplacein.abranchandTolbert.the aay goes,took the horse to another point of hisown.choosing.Some words passed in the field,it is said,and the fight oc- curred after the men had gone to thebarn.‘Tolbert used a knife on Wind-gor and Windsor struck Tolbert overtheheadwithabridle.Thrusting the knife into Windsor’s left side underhisarm,Tolbert drew it:across hisbreastjustabovetheheart,making a gach nine inches ‘in length.ThewoundbledprofuselyandWindsor came near bleeding to death before a physician could be secured.”The bitsofthebridlewith,which WindsorstruckTolbertinflictedanumberof scalp wounds on the latter’s head,but there are not serious.The attend- ing physician stated that if Windsor’s wound had been a little lower down death would have been certain.As it:is he is expected to recover. Sheriff Deaton was notified of thefightearlyintheafternoonandheandotherofficerswent.to the scenebyautomobile.Both Windmr and Tolbert were placed under arrest,‘Tolbert was unable to give bond andwasbroughttojailtoawaitapre-liminary hearing,which will be held ‘as soon.as Windsor is able to attend.A heart-rending scene was created byTolbert’s wife and children:when they realized that the husband and father must.go to jail.Tolbert:claims ‘that Windsor struckhimwiththebridlebeforeheusedhisknifeon‘Windsor,and WindsoralthatTolbert|attacked himrst.Hi Role eae Death of Miss Gillespie in Wyo- ming—Other Deaths, Friends,ee.Mrs.er White Gil-lespie of oming,will,regret to},learn ©f the.des am ‘of hen,daughter;Miss.thite .Gillespie..which.occurted Ai the ome of drs..GillespicinLarainte.Wyoming,.at 2.o'clock Sunday morning.Miss Gillespie.was 17 yéjts old.Four weeks .ago she was injured by a fall from a horse and since then her condition,had been critical.The deceased was a granddaughterofDr.E.A.Hall of Bethany and is related to a number of people inStatesvilleandthe’county,where she has visited.Floyd Johnson,the year-old.son of Mr.and Mrs.R..E.Johnson of Beth-|any township,died Tuesday.TheburialwasatSouthRiverchurch Wednesday.The funeral of Mr.Milton Cheshire, whose suddén death:at his home’in Cool Spring township Saturday night was reported in the last issue of The Landmark,was ‘conducted -at the Cheshire residence _Monday morningbyRev.J.J.Edwards and the _re-mains ‘were interred at Tabor church.-Mr.Cheshire was 66.years old.The funeral service of the little.“childof-Mire-and Mrs.Jo.—Hartline} was conducted by Rev.C.M.Camp-bell,Monday.afternoon at 5 o’clock,at the home of Mr.and Mra.M.A. Hartline,on the Boulevard,and the interment was at’Oakwood,“The babywassevenmonthsoldanddiedSyn-day at 1:30. ‘The College. President J.M.Moore ‘announces that Mrs.J.C.Wakefield,who hasbeeninchargeoftheartdepartmentofStatesvillecollege,will be con-tinued in that capacity.This depart- ment will be further-strengthened-by a course of lectures on art by.Mr.MeKendree R.Long of Statesville,a portrait painter of unusual ability. The remainder of the faculty will be announced later.Announcement has.been issued ofwhatthecollegeoffers,requirementsforentrance,etc.Thorough college courses will be given,leading to A.B.,B.S.and B.L.degtees.The college ©building is beingthoroughlyrgnovated,repaired _and repainted throyghout. Boy Seriously Hurtin a Runa-way. In Alexander.coutty last wake theteamof.Mr.ew Fox ran.away}!and Mr.Fox and his son David,9yearsold,were thrown from the wag-on and the boy dangerously hurt.Hesufferedwhatthedoctors:call a “com-minuted fracture of the head of thehumerus,"whith.translatedmeansthatthened‘of the dig Pederbonewas.shattered,.ThewasbroughttotheSanatorium Kedayhewashurt,a weok ago yester-day,and today an operation wil beperformedforhis‘relief,Mr.Fox was somewhat bruised bybeingthrownfromotsweenmaewas_not.seriously hurt. Sait.Clement ofSalsbury wi cellent and Wholesome Enter- tainment—Summary of the ‘Programme Features TodayandTomorrow. Statesville and Iredell people are enjoying the “Seven Joyous Days’of Statesville Chautauqua,the big Chau- tauqua tent at the rear of:the Peo- tile’s Loan &Savings Bank,beingswellfilledduringalmosteveryper-formange,Each day brings two good programmes of wholesome entertain-ment.and an éxtfa dne especially forthechildren.In addition to the regu-lar afternoon and evening _pro- grammes,the Junior Chautauqua for the children meets"each morning. While the programmes thus far have been very good,it is promised that some of the best is yet to come.The ‘Boston Oratorio Artists and Mr.Montaville Flowers,noted singersand,celebrated lecturer,will be the features today.The Oratorio artists will give a varied programme this af- ternoon and evening end the eveningconcertwillbefollowédbyMr.Flow- ers’lecture on “Rebuildirfy ‘the Tem-ple.”The Granville-Hines Company will give concerts tomorrow afternoon and evening;Mrs.LaSalle Corbell Pickett will give her lecture on “Friends of Yesterday”tomorrow afternoon and the Avon Players will present “The Man from Home”-tomorrow night.The Chatttatqua will close with a re- ligious programme Sunday afternoon at 4 o’elock,to which there will beno.admission fee:Mrs:Ida B.Cole, the Chautauqua superintendent,wil! deliver an address,Mr.C.N.Gran- ville will,sing and Mr.Gabriel Hineswillgiverianoselections. As-had-been predicted--through the advance press notices,every form ofhigh¢lass-platform..gntertainmenthasbeenfurnished.by fthe Chautauqua.Tuesday’s Landmark told of Mon- day’s programme.Tuesday.afternoon and evening there were excellent pro-gramme’s ‘by the Chautauqua ‘enter-tainers,viz:Miss Elsie Mae Gordon, an unusually ‘clever.reader;MissJudith‘Hampton Lyndon,who singsSouthernnegromelédies.with banjoeeeWaino|Kauppi,theboycornetist,andMr.Charles ClarkFuller,a talented pianist.Miss Gor-don’s impersonations o ue a andherrecitationsinthe:ian dialectwereprobablytheRealna.heardhere.“Miss Lyndon,a Southern lady reared on ‘a Jarge plantation wheretherearemanynegro.families,has the gift ‘of!‘being able to perfectly re-Lproduce-the songs of the old South asSung:by the negroes.'She has a very, sweet voice and*her banjo accompani-};ments’add to het’singing.Miss,Gor- don and Miss Lyndon sang a.numberofselectionstogether,one of which, the negro campmeeting “shouting song,”simply “took down the house.’ The voung cornetist,who is a Finn, and the pianist’both play well. Tn addition to the Chautauqua En-tertainers’programme Tuesday eve- ning;Mr.Bennett Springer,the cele- brated magician,gaye a finé exhibi- tion of his skill in sleight-of-hand work and other mystifying |stunts.The small boys,some of whom were used in the “tricks,”weré-kept in a:turmoil and a roar all during the per- formance.‘The Crawford--Adams Trio rendered. pleasing /programmes Wednesday af- ternoon and evening,and in addition to the musical programme Dr.8. Parkes.Cadman of Brooklyn,-N..Y.,one of the world’s great preachers and platform orators,—delivered.hisbrilliantlectureon“A Modern eeeTon,”AnyattemptatdescribiCadman’s wonderful production,reimpressivelyandeloquentlydelivered,would be a failure,He has a vital message full of truth,but it is themanferinwhichhepresentsit.thatesraptureshishearers.He said that|New York.city and.London are thebestexampleofthe‘Modern Baby- Ton”.and his ee of “life inthesetwogreatestofcitiesandthe Iéssons drawn therefrom were exceed- ingly interesting..Dr.Cadman is a native of England.The Adams trio is composed of [Mr.Elmer Crawford Adams,famous as “The Wizard of the Violin;”Miss Blanche Maguire,a dramatic sopra- no who sings English,Scotch and Trish ballads,and My,Rollo ‘Hadson,a skillful pianist who has specializedasanaccompanist.Mr.Adams is the only person on this year’s programmewhowasherelastyear.By specialrequestoftheChautauquapatrons last year he was again placed on this circuit for this year.He is a masteroftheviolin*and-plays in a-charmingmanner.Any.selection called for bytheaudienceisplayedjustasreadily as the eet of_his vegular pro-grammColangela’s Italian Band was thechiéfattractionyesterdayafternoon ‘and evening.Everybody enjoys goodband.musi¢and yesterday’s crowdswereaboutthelargestever.SignorLuigiColangeloisoneoftheyoung- S “| est and ablest band direttors nowtouringAmericaandhisorganizationssuperb.In addition to the regular],band selections,a string orchestrafromthecompanyrenderedselections'|tand Miss Ruth Elliott,Joist’with an unusualty.ihe aie|elear ‘voice.captured “thewithmefirstaeisekeesgave&»fine 8 -afterna ‘|destroyed. and Are Now:Fighting—The War Story.| By the employment of ctnohiuliteforcements,the Russians,Lemieeneslyatleast,have ‘checked the A)German advance toward.the Lurailway,which if successful would imperilWarsaw.The Russians ohaseriousdefeatfortheAustro-Ger-man army in the region of Krasnik,south of that railway,while the Aus-trians state that the battle wasinvigoratedby...the PORE R NT strong Russian’reserves;--->- So.far as communications are con:cerned the Russians now “have the‘advantage of positions,as they have a splendid system.of railways behindthembywhichtheycanquicklymove troops and guns to the threatenedareas,aThisbattle,one of many since’theAustro-Germans commenced.theirdrivethroughGalicia,has just com-menced,but according to.dispatchesreceivedinGenevafromAustriansourcestheRussians.thus far have had the best of it.The,heralded German.onslaught.intheWesthas.been confined.to,_theWoevreregion,where the army of the German.Crown Prince is trying to re-gain ground lost in April,when the|°French attempted to force the with-drawal of what.is known as the St. Michiel wedge.The Germans havewonsometrenchesatthetipofthe wedge,but at other points,theFrench.claim,they..were nepulaedwithheavylosses.ee o Artillery’combats~.continue tromArtastotheseaanditisstated.thatasaresultofGermanbombardmentArrasisinflamesanditscathedralTheGermansalsoclaimtohavere-taken trenches lost:to the British north of Ypres.However,the heavy..fighting here appears to. desultory despite reports of the aré rival of large German reinforcementsforanothertryatCalais.On the Gallipoli,Peninsula SundaytheTurksmadetheirthirdegywithinaweektoregainground.the’allies took .in their last attack...Thisoffensive,like others,resulted accord-ing to British and French reports.in.the complete discomfiture |ofTurks.who are said to have suffered |:severely. With their eyes on Trieste the}Italians the ‘past few days have beenengagedinaseriesofdesperate,ac- tions along the Isonzo front. Bishow:Kilgo to Be the’Oratorco|a Meokesville.Bishop John ;Ga Kilgo willbethe‘sneaker at,the ium orphanage pic- nic at Mooresville on the 29th.BishopKilgoisnotonlyanablemanbutisamostinteresting,platform ‘speaker. and he should be a drawing eard fortheMooresyillepicnic. —The date of.the annual:soldicrsreunionandpicnieatStonyPointisfixedforAugust4th. heads of the homes...She is a womanoffineintellect,a good speaker andherlectureshavebeenveryinterest- ing and helpful.Such subjects as “Women the World Over,”“WomenLandEducation,’sete.,are~discussed.Mrs.Cole is field secretary of the Chautauqua Literary and =Scientific Cirele.At the opening”of Tuesday after- noon’s programme Mr.Simeon Jester gave a Victrola recital and explaincdthenumberof.selections which weregiven...The JuniorChautauqua isin charge{of Miss Marguerite Bye,assisted by<-|Miss Marion E.Munee.:The children of the Junior Chautauqua meet each morning to-play—games,-hear—storiestoldbytheleaders,etc.’They are al* so training for a pageant ‘of “AverageTown,”which they will give in con-nection with tomorfow afternoon’s programme.as.“Citizens-of.Junior Town.” Mr.*Raymond T.Bye is captain ofthetentcrew:and Messrs.Walter H.Mohr and Clifford T.Weiman are hisassistants.At the close of each eve- ning programme moving pictures areshownbyMr.Bye and hisassistants|for the pleasuré of those who care.toremainforthem: Confederate veterans will -be—ad-mitted to.Mrs.Pickett’s lecture to-morrow afternoon free of charge.The season tickets for.next.years’Chautauqua were placed.on’sale ycs-terday afternoon and a large number were sold.Only 750 ‘senior seasonticketswillbesold.It was‘stated byMr.Kirk that only 750 .StatesvilleChautauquaseasontieketswhich.did Chautauqua season tickets Sars soldthisyear,and in addition ‘tothese,five.season tickets which did not belong in Statesville were sold.The sale of these five was detectedandtheyweretakenupandthemon-ey refunded those who had boughtthem,These tickets had not been,soldimecnelMaPein«gr yp and the ¢o)not responsibleforthem..veLastyearsomeof the Chautauquaguarantors,ex;'@ desire for re- seryed, a soprano so- of rouil construction.inthe.State. -peontruction ofthe -read-has-been -up- thé}ame as that of Monday or Tuesday tand-struck—Miss—P: County Roads:to Be Repaired. With the exception of the.briageoverlittleDutchmancreek,work on Tredell’s portion of the Federal-aidedhizhwayhasbeencompleted.When e ith work on’the bridge is finished,Which will.be within a few days,the highway will be ‘complete from PSiaie:ville to Winston-Salem,givingtoIredell,Davie and Forsyth counties one of the finest roads in the country, which will serve as a model for futureThe der the direét supervision of nationalgovernmentengineers.and was cor-structed in compliance:with the rac.ommendations of.the national sood toads offiee...The-expense of building the road was borne jointly |by the three counties and the government, the county road forces being’employ-ed. Now that thegrading of the hizh-way or post road has been completed, the county road forces which..hav been at work on.it will.immediaielyxre-organized and take .up.otherwork.The chain gang foree will build the spur read.from.the hgihway to Rayerhill and the other forces will bedividedintothreerepairforces,each of which will have about ten men and 15 mules.—A-force-under Foreman W:C..Rrawley will repair the roads in the western part of thé+county,Fore. Man Hartsell-will take a.foree_tosouthIredelltorepairtheroads.of that-section and Foreman S,.D.Chip- Tey will be in charge of the forcewhichwillgointonorthIredell. It is the purpose of the county commissioners and Engineer Roachto pui all of the roady in good repair during the summer. Ball Games. In.the.Jast..of..the.series..of..games. with Morganton on the local diamond this week,played Wednesday after- noon,Morganton scored 8 and’States-ville 4.Tuesday Statesville scored 5andMorganton3;Monday.Statesville4..Moxganton:0,‘Statesville getting two out’of thé three games.The attendance’at.Wednesday'sgamewaslarge)It was not as_good a and neither team acquitted itself with any.particular glory.Each side knock-«ball over the fence and the score’of cach:team ‘was hélped two runs there-by.The batteries for Statesville was Moore ‘and Swann,for MorgantonWinstonandBland.Afterja few in’nings Morganton.substituted EvansforBland,pitcher.° Yesterday,*today”and “tomorrow Statesville.and Morganton ‘are 'play- ing on Morganton’s diamond.’Thefirst.three.days of next week Lenoir and Morganton are at Morganton, In the:game at Morganton yester-day:Morganton scored 6 and States- _|ville 2 runs.Morganton’s ‘battery was Jaynes and Winston,Stategville’sSindlerand‘Swann. Miss ‘Payne of Taylorsville Ac- cidentally Shot. Miss Hessie Mae Payne,18-year-olddaughter‘of Mr.J..R.Payne,wasaccidentallyshotatherhome:in Tay- lorsville_about—7_o’clock-lastevening,and.dangerously,if not fatally,wounded.She was brought toe the Sanatorium.last.night for treatment.Particulars of the.accident aremanger,Itis learned that Mr.Paynehad,a 22-caliber rifle,watching for acat.that had been ©killing;chickens. The weapon was accidentally ~dis- charged and:.the-ball went through a dish pan,struck the oor,glancedeyect| in the.abdomen.The young wo, man was brought to Statesville in anautomobileandattheSanatoriumitwasfoundthatthewoundisverydangerous.The intestines are per- forated.which makes recovery very doubtful.‘ae Cyclone “Damage in Missouri and IHinois. A.tornado and cloudburst.whichsweptSt.Louis and St,Charles coyn- ties,Mo.,late .Wednesday,caused]+idamage-which may agzregate half amilliondollars,isolated several small] towns,blew half a passenger train off the tracks and deluged parts oftheaffecteddistrictwithfour,inchesofraininhalfanhour,Five persons are believed to havebeenkilledduringthestorm‘and 2 woman and child who entered a chureh at.St.Charles just before.it was demolished had not been aecount- ed for at midnight. ‘Two.persons,were reported killed at Lawrenceville,HtThepropertydamagegreat’at the points named.Later figures report more than 50personskilledinthestorm,«whichextendedfrom.Nebraska to,Ohio,atAtmericannaval~officers ‘have tak-en charge of the powerful wirelessplantoftheAtlanticCommunida-tionCane,at Sayville,Lo)L,whieh 1 be operated by the gov-ernment until,the close of the,Euro-r to insure Against’violationsThisisoneofthetwotheUnitedStates‘main-¢communication with 3 was ny ull the tsdiment obtained“by hiss brother,Mr.H,Statesville—$3,693.33-4ofarecent’land suit, .persons are deapro!ag!fa andot noon,August 4, o’elock.—use—Thursdaforenoon,August 5,12 and 4,sJA :p.m.aBryantsville—Thursdayafternoon,at August 7,14 and 21,.9 to1 p.m gust 7,14 and 21,2 to 5. 23,30 and Sept. gust 24, State.convict force”at:-work-on theStatesvilleAirLinerailroadin.north caught:hearwatchingthe road for he escapes.cap~tured them as they ‘were ,walkingalongtheroad. 'The Vaccine Will Be Administers ed iw Iredell For Six ‘Weeks. Mr.Warren H,Booker of the State Board:of Health,Raleigh;was intownthisweekandhe:and Dr.R.S. McElwee,county physician,arrangeddatesfortheanti-typhoid fever cam-paign to be conducted in Iredell forsixweeks,beginning August 2d.The campaign.will be managed by physi- ciansgent.by the State’Board.ofHealth.with -the-assistance -of Dr.McTiwee,and these will -visit-differ-ent stations’in the county daily forthepurposeofadministeringtheanti- typhoid vaccine,free of charge,to all who will apply.Under the plans made the vaccinewillbeadministereddailyin.States-ville and.Mooresville during the en-tire.period—from.August 2 to Sep- tember 11.This ‘arrangement,how-ever,is contingent upon the agree-ment of the aldermen of StatesvilleandMooresvilletocontributeasuffi- eient amount to cover the actual cost]; of keeping open.stations in these places during the entire period.Un- less the towns will agree to meet’the extra cost it will be necessary to limit them as to time,after the samé mah-ner as.the country places.The ideaofthewhole-time service in_towns is,of course,to take care of the ex- tra population and for the -conven-ierice of country people who may pre-fer to go to town take the treat-|? ment,Outside of Mooreavitle and States- ville,appointments for the countyhavebeenarrangedasfollows:W.H..H.Summers’store—Monday forenoon,August 2,9 and 16,9 o'clock to.1 p.mHarmony —Afternoon of Monday, {August 2,9 and 16.-2-to 5-o’clock. Houstonville —Tuesday forenoon,August 3,-10-and.17,:9.to.1.p..m...Athens School House—Wednesday forenoon,August 4,11 and 18,9 to1p.m. Jennings’Store—Wednesday after- Al and 18,.2 to 5 Trinity |Schooli Ho 1 August’5,12 and 19,2 to 5 o'clock.New _Hope—Thursday,12 and 19,4 to 6 o'clock p.m.Loray—Friday ‘orenoon,6,13 and 20,9 to1p.m.Bradford’s Cross, Sticpt Goo!’Sprina—aturday.,foswaeneg ElmWood—Satardayafternoon,An.with forenoon,August»9 to 1 p.m.Troutman—Monday afternoon,Au- AN ee gust 23,30.ae 2 to5.artes no forenoon,Au- 9 to 1 p.m. ‘Mayh awares:afternoon,Au-gust 24,31,Sept.7,2 to 5. Mt...Mourne—Wednesday forenoon, August 25,Sept.1 and 8,9 to 1 p.m.oeTheremainingunassignedportionsofthelastthree’weeks.will he:de- voted to immunizing.special mill andfactorygroupsbymentwiththecountyphysician... Convicts Escaped and Were special appoint- Soon Captured. Late:Monday”evening,while -thel Iredell was’being brought from work to.eamp,two of.the convicts,negroes, jreports a fine yield of -\by the city and county. August Roads—Friday ;‘Afternoon,August 6,13 and 20;.2 to-5}o’elock sete, ‘ithe entry of the _Meeting of ike“Tredell pauaeUniesstthecourt”houlie ‘tomorrew- at 10.30 —TLicense was a ternoon for theDella.Westmoreland ond.Alexander Hartsoe.ae omsbh —4Philip Alvarez,player;a memberofthe ene:batteam,who has attained eatin~a pitcher,and Miss Belle. were married in Hickory evening:: (Mr,Hugh Cobb,a.salesman,has rhoved—higtersfromTarborotoSta’Cobb formerly,made ihere,moving ‘to Tarboro months ago. ev,Te y. church of Mooresville to ese —The SocrerietaWeston.ofLorayhastothepastorateofthe C.B.Austin,who will go to WakeForestCollegenextfall. -4The board of education lein.session next Monday,12th,forthetransactionofregularbseertes *was postponed from Iast Monday:Colored school.teachers—be-ex-amined Monday and Tu —Mr,C.M.Summe of.Brier:township reports that mot 2ofcanswerebrought.to sata this season for canning etables in the .county. amount.-to about 20,000 gallonsisabigincreaseouryomyear._‘ —iMayor L:G.Caldwell,~isa giingconsiderablehepypeeae“ongheera“milesFourthcreekfarm,about fourcastoftown:Thirty-seven bushels —of seed wheat were sown on about S0 °°~acres of land andthe rau ace turn-ed out 500 bushels.cai —/The ‘county oNwere..postponed from.eount of the holiday.to|lector Neely hadue aaSheriff.Deaton hadandyesterday.property offered for itar“forees:.An effort is bei:‘aatorent.equipment ta do Sle—(The R.V.Brawley ~autamohile Mics i the.wane Nenday was”machines in pa Merryi ‘:rial club of which. club,who dehonsbad fexpenseandenteredit:contest.eno —Miss —Vernie_Goodman,daughter of Mr.J.A.B.€ tion.is:favorable.of Mooresville also as aaerationforappendicitisat.thetoriumTuesday, jumped into the creek and made theireseapeforthetime,Yesterday morn-ing about 4 -—0’eloek--the men—-were}'Mocksville..Searchers The men_-were Dennis Hoskins ofWinston-Salem,sentence 16.years,and Arthur Johnson from the easternpartoftheState,serving life term.Wednesday.evening two other-col-ored convicts made a dash for liber-ty while being brought from work tothecamp,_but_SeRG about an hour later. Train From Statesville to Char- lotte Derailed. Train No.15,from Statesville toCharlotte,Engineer Fetner and.Con-ductor.Claude Morrison,was.derailedin.North.Charlotte.Wednesday.eve-ning at 8:57,The engine and fourearsleftthetrackandran::for a short.distance,but no cars.were over-turnedand=no-one-was hurt.-;The railroad people say the derail-ment,wascaused.by the.disconnectionoftheswitch;this.being done:by someunknown:person.|Passengers weretransferredandtaken.into Charlotteandthosewhodidn’t care to:waitwalkedin.The track was cleared dur-ing the night Increase-‘For Rural Mail Car- #3riers.1 rural mail catriers througholt thecour_Will veceive —inc daryforvereoneeatlength--is $100 per’month.carriers will:be paid acpording tolengthof.their routes.StateavilroutesNos.3,4,5,and 6°are.rd routes and the carriersentitledto$1,200 per annum,whpomIncreaseineachinstance. |nounced the parade in Stat -jon.the north side of ‘town, fDatingsoilJulyIst,most.of the AY.1 a miles,or:more.in} <=Mr,-€--€-Moore,clerk ofthe SuperiorCourtofMeextenre|who.delivered an:addressbrationatMcKendreechapesontownship,on-the 3d.and.was preli- ent at the celebration in S$Monday,the guest of his son,Mr.P.Moore,“was:delighted -wievidence.of progress in Iredell,the Charlotte ‘Observer,and highly .creditable.affair,”;they all.MaKe Between the “FresNaney bees hn?‘and the Statesville Air Line rai ternoon,an automobile ranMr.Carl Stone of Concord %who was driving 4 mule‘to‘The auto driver tooted his:the mule jumped and.turned:the.mygyvover,but made no a 4afterthevehiclewasoverturbuggywassomewhat’far as could be learned,cee ecuatin’suffered no ‘injuries of eee ;ormerretnoeearennntneaie Mr.C)Be”bag ni at red ns for apereeMrs.Jno.i. will build on:the W ncohare ‘aknorth‘Statesville,‘on:the:vacant R f ‘ “President Hammer of the State Press Association,in his address bé-) ‘fore that body last week,made this timely observation:' _Withall our progress art improve- 'gnent in education,the reason we can’|* ag get competent boys and girls from “public schools is because yee ‘many subjects are undertaken, thorough grounding in none.One excellent quality of the old-fashioned log school house.was a curriculum t yestricted to few subjects.arid “the fashion of the day was to be thorough in all that was taught.How can we expect.thoroughness when teachers 4 «ncourage a vast number of subjects and run in a gallop over what they {attempt to teach?There should hea ‘different curriculum.The elementary ©branches should be more.thoroughly| 4 taught,and ‘especially should the 3 perils *he drilled and perfected intive | R’s. nia will appeal’mightily to any) parent who has children in a modern city school,where the studies ar sv} "numerous that no child of ordinary,. intellect can be well grounded in any) ;of them;and so many books have 19) be bought that their weight is a positive burden,if not a physical in-| a jury,to many of ‘the children who} heve to carry them to and fron:| school;and the cost of the books is| *a heavy burden to many parents and| beyond the reach of.others.In the} ‘average graded school the number of| studies could be reduced from:25 to) $3 1-8 per cent to the lasting benefit | of the pupil.. _-And-hete is something from South} .»Bend,Ind.: School ghildren of this city no morewillhavéfo’ponder over cube root,! -‘greatest common denominator,Troy! ~.weight and the like,ifthe recommen- >dation of a committee,of eight public}school principals are apcepted.This} *~committee,which reported to Super- intendent of Schools,L.J.Montgoni- ery,declared that this work is waste| of time and offers as substitutes suchpracticaltestsasthefollowing:| Working out problems in city zov- ernment;figuring estimates on city!4 improvements;compilation of bud-! gets and measuring of the city’s area.| “=“4Phe “committee -also-.recomm *that “stage money,”check books and|*®cash registers be used in the city! schools.The report adds that by thoeliminationofuselessworkandthe.nathor“substitution “or”pose rath et SFthe:ortoseusonaea © 3, { j | } j »in~algebra,-trigoriometry—geometry *sand the like,which they will,never understandAand which will never be} worth sol to them,_Unilgss a child istor trained for a teacher, sion:these problems’fignire,”*puch’ studies are a waste of ‘time!‘fone wants and ig to get a finished educa- Nasa why alk the studies must be put ‘Butthose whose trme is limited jsold at prices from.$5 to $150. =a aesjah’: (iJdren who,het:NO:oa fon;re:forced to put in mucn| ‘time and‘niehtal ‘effort on problems| for civil engineering.¢oF “some:prafes-ns harbor.Ao x (CHRISTIANS|“BUTCHERED.| A Horrible Story of Persecu-tion Comes,From Persia. Davidson CorrespondenceNewsandObserver, Rey,Isaac.ah,Persia,I known to this com- a friend in this country bearing dateofApril26;in which he gives a viv-id account‘Nestorian Christians living in Uru- been subjected.He says:*All their villages,about 150 innumber.‘have been destroyed,all thehousesandchurches.burned,every- thing has-been pillaged,nothing lefttoliveon,all-were driven away fromtheirhomesinthedeepsnow-andseverecold,More than 2,000 of themjhavebeenkilled,some shot,’-somelerucified,some burned alive,)hanged,some while alive have had |their ‘tongues,lips,‘ears,fingers orhandscutoff.Some have been.muti-\luted,and their heads crushed.Others have “been thrown into wells and ‘pits,and others still have:been beheaded.“To most of these victims —-the |Moslems offered protection and prom-ised to sparethem if only:they would}?‘deny Jesus Christ,but theChristinnsrefusedandsealedtheirfaithwiththeirblood,20th century martyrs; “More than 300 girls.from four years and up’were taken captive and Averygreatnumberofthe~women have been violated, F About 15,000 persons,most of \them women and children,fled to the American mission yard in the ¢ity |(Urumiah).But even ‘this place was ‘attacked often and some of.the tef-urees taken away and ‘hanged,and jothers fined heavily are still in dan- iper of being massacred.“Up to this time more than 2.000oftherefugeeshavediedfromsick-inéss,fear and other causes. “At the beginning of the trouble ‘four months ‘ago it seemed that there jwas immediate danger to some prom-inent Christians {9 Urumiah.Upon ithe repeated advice of friends andofmyfamilyI,with some others,left‘Urumiah,thinking my absence was. to be only for a few days.‘But to our’igreat dismay soon the Turks and |Kurds advanced against Urumiah, massacres began,the roads were blocked,vall-communications was*-cut ioff.Ever since then I have been a wanderer and a lonely exile.I have ‘hot heard from.my family directly,{but “indireet-information is!to:the -ef- ifeet that they are rerugees in ‘the American mission yard.I do ‘ot |know Sos they are alive or dead, they...are....starving....or ot) e got abl ~AEE noe British ‘Steamer ‘Esedped Sub- Marine.—‘Captain Killed. Queenstown.Dispatch, With nine dead sailors stretched on: ie deck,sett men lying bag ns 2€dy her iddled with shotaoaeedtenbatdedeSteamshipAnn. ‘Telo-Californian.steamed into Queens-) ‘morning after of a Ger- man su e ship’sescapeframreeceoeaccom;plished with no.other means of de- fence than the indomitable spirit ofhercaptainandcrew,combined.withmasterlyseamanship,which enabled i eae yee who must stop with the high|her to frustrate the efforts of her as- school or before they reach it--by far the greater:part of.the whole— and go out and battle for bread,nesd to be taught the most practicable things that will help them in that pat- tle;and the teacher who:doesn’t.learn ~that fact and doesn’t give the children the advantage of it,is sinning agaist them.The time and money thatis| wasted on studies that are of no pra<- ©jeal value in after life,is enormous. ‘it should be the business of the pub- -tie school,beyond :which comparative- ly few children°can go,to teach the __.things of most.practicable’value_and leave the trimmings and the fancyworkfortheprivateschoolsand.the colleges. Talking to newspaper men from “a cell in the El Paso ~(Texas)jail,ex- President Hherta of Mexico weptwhenjereferredtothe‘deep hurt”which he said he had received froratheUnited-States.The old man con- plained:that his word:did not carrygreaterweight,.“I gave them my|-word of honor that I would ‘not at-temptto Jeave El-Pzso,”he ‘said,yet“Iam forced to occupy this cell,’Huerta is sure,he says,that no onecansayhehaseverbrokenhisword.May be not;but the siexican gentle-;man may find out that his reputationinthiscountryisnotsuchastoguar-artee that his word would be as goodashisbond.::Moreover,the_folks-who-“are most sensitive about their honoz,who-make a great show of their dig-'nity and are deeply wounded if adoubtoftheirintegrityisintimated,i are atten least deserving of trust,neeInSouthDakotawhenane makesanefforttoshakeoffthedyinkhahjtthelawstepsinandbackshimup.Alaw.effective July 1st provides thatwhena:South Dakota citizen takes:a “drink ‘eure”one is liable to a fineoefrom$10 to $50,with imprison-ment until.paid,if he Rives:or-sellsauchcitiesfSolicitshimto‘_Intoxicants »‘are bnd offence the@jailsentence uld help the in-ken the “drink straight and ‘some,Cases ithe‘would lane sailant to torpedo her.The story of how Capt.Parslow|G® stood on the bridge of the Anglo- Californian amidst a tain of shot and calmly directed the movements.of his ship until he was killed by a shell,and.how his place.was taken by “his son’until British destroyersappearedandcompelledthesubma-co to flee,was told by the surviv- “The _Anglo-Californian left Montre-al for the British Isles on June 24.The submarine.was sighted at-8 o’clock Sunday morning.Capt.Par-slow ordered ‘full)steam ahead andwirelesscallsforeeainteneeweresent), out. ~The-sulimarine onthe:‘porta:prov> ed to bea far speedier craft than the steamer and rapidly overhauled ‘her,meanwhile deluging her with shells. One shot.put the wireless apparatusontheAnglo-Californian.out “of ac- tion.Finding he could not escape by running for it,Capt.Parslow devoted ali his attention to maneuvering his ship so‘as-to prevent the submarinefromusingtorpedoes.effectively. y._Sehr ETENEETe T, Railroads Would Increase Pas-senger Rates. The Western passenger rate héar- ing.in which 46 Western railroadshopetoprovethatpresentrates should be advanced,began in Chicago Tuescay before Examiner Thurtell,of the Inter-State Commerce Com-mission. “The carriers,”said C.C.Wright, who made the opening statement for the railroads,“expect to show that the net operating income of the roadsinvolvedduringthelastsevenyearshasbeenmaterially.less than it,was| for the seven years ‘immediately prior to that period.It will be shown that this is true notwithstanding the fact. ‘that there has been an increase in the volume.of -business and*an:in-crease in the property investment.“The explanationis that it is large: ly due to increases in the cost of la- bor and for taxes,and that the econc-mies which have been effected by the carriers,and the increased volume of business,have not been sufficient to.meet they increased .cost of opera- tion.” TRAVELING MAN'S EXPERIENCE. “In the summer of 1888 I had a very se- clans worked over me fiom 4 a.m,to.6.p.m.without giving me any relief and then toldmetheydidnotexpectmetoliveythatIAdbest“telegraph for my,family.Insteadofdoingso,1 gave the hotel.porter fifty |.cents and told him to bay me a bottle ofChamberlain's Colic,Tholera..and DiarrhoeaRemedy,and take to substitute.I~100k adoubledoseaccording,to the directions -went to sleep after,the second dose.atso'clock the next morning1 allmyorderandtookvar:maetraininepoint,ashaky.fro : oo iat ie Raleigh .Yohannon of Urunis munity through other.relatives avidson,who was a_student of Davidsonyears-ago,has written a letter to tho horrors to ,whieh miah,some 40,000 in number,have some 4 ee hie vere attack of “cholera morbus,.Two physi-|’ Submits Suggestions That,winNotBeAvcepted, Washington Dispatch.; Carnany has submitted informal- ly to!the United States through Am- bissador Gerard in Berlin a \tentative 9 which asked ‘for,assurances thet American ‘rights on the high:seas would not be further violated by Ger-|; man submarine commanders,After~careful examination’of‘the contents of the proposed note as out-lined by Ambassador Gerard,“whichcoincides.with Berlin press dispatches of the last few days,high officials aye,practically agreed that.the UnitedStates¢annot without sacrificing.ita- portant neutral rights express its’ah-proval of the German proposals intheirpresentform. The draft was-shown to Aitiands.dor Gerard with the ivea of ‘eliciting from him an expression of opinion, and he promptly asked for instruc-tions from Washington as to whethertheUnitedStatescouldmake ¢on-cessions,Present,Wilson has beenadvised/of ‘the Situation in messages,senti Le hik summer.residence at Cor- nish,N .and the impressién 6b-. thinsthat the American governmentvery.probably would’matructits”Ibassadortodeclinetoexpressanviewuntilaftertheformalreplyjs delivered to him. >»Just what Germany.pronosed “has not”been’officially divulged..Secre- tary Lansing took the position’that it would not be proper for him —to disclose Germany’s position as ”it-formally;reported.by Mr.|Gerardwithout;authorization from the:Ber- lin goyarnment.He stated merely that’there ‘had been no exchange of views.Of,informal.negotiations —be-tween Genmfny and the United Statesanddeclinedtopredictwhether‘there iwould he?’From Berlin dispatches and au-thoritative)sources it is learned.how-ore that the!rote as drafted by the an foreign,office;with Em- peor William’s subsequent approval,would.give assurances that Ameri- tans might travel with safety on the s nosed by Germany,such as the mark- ing of |belligerent vessels carryingAmericans,notification bythe Unite)States to (Germany of the date of!denartute and character of such ves: selsi and.an’inspection insuring their]non-carriage,of munitions of war. ‘What Miss Addams —‘Learned (Abroad:= %Jan Addams,.ypresitiene ofnityfiver:who has,returnedWioman’s,Peace Conterence TheYanee and AWS to.the cap-ne heveral,of.th ‘helligerent leountrics.in the interest.of peace,| the| i ? tions,are in a mord.to consider,peacé terms,;‘but that:negotiations’mustcomefromneutrals-and the’‘léongetthey.were delayed thé harder would’be the task. ~’®The nations|‘at “war,”Says’MissRadnins|“have ‘nb choice”'but “to go}on:negotiation |tah be romhered.by,1 of thém'now.‘Withoutingtheappearance’of Wedkness,aad none of the’nations ‘as yet feels inthe‘slightest but that its cause can und must\succeed,\“In every country at war there are two parties,civil and military.Meni-bers of tne civil party are.patriotic. and,mee litary party naturally is in Geta ~~is some feeling in Belgium might begiv.iwe in nists for concessions of terr tory |ihn the Congo.In.Francethereisthedesirefortherestoration of Alsace ‘and Lorraine,but with a feeling that concessions be granted in other|ways,All this,however,isunofficial,‘and so far as I could ‘see,{{ SeGERMANYFEELSTHE.WAY, draft of its reply to_the note of June high seas on certain conditions im-!| says the people of the warriig na-| J TELL 7M WHATYou.THINK, Commission “Asks”Opinions:As to Court Procedure, th Public:Pe is a nation-wide Wickas has been brought into almost all other ,departments of activity sha'lLheappliedtotheadministration~ofjustice.To this end our State,likemanyothers,has’ereated a.com-mission to recommend such changesintheorganizationandinthepro-cedure of the courts as shall.elimi-nate the delays and s6ther “defectscomplainedof,and the éxpenses in-cident thereto as far as practical,and shall make the courts more business-like in every ‘respect,TheGovernorhasappointedthe under-signed members ‘of .the commission for this State. We feel unable to grasp fully so vast a subject and to recommend allthemeasuresthataredesirablewithouttheaidoftheintelligence) and publie spirit of the people them-eclves.We therefore request those-who feel an interest in this matter and have suggestions make that,in their opinion,will aidinmakingeffectivethepurpose.fo: which this’commission was created, will send in~their suggestions to some member of the:committee,or Wilson,Raleigh,N.C. “While lawyers and judges feel a natural interest in this matter,theyarenotthosesolelyinterested. they are merely the -agents of eourts. and tions and sugrestions,not only fro: the bar and bench but from any.o*our fellow citizens in every walk hetterment of the courts. I.ADAMS,Wt P.BYNUM.ZL.”¥.ASSETT,W.A.GRAHAM.} ored.Woman. has awarded a silver medal of.honor et 7, from C., drowningDecembereuingawoman |Fort Caswell,|1914.\ N. that the increased efficency which}. to!® ~reterably-to—the secretary,Mr.Wey for |® the|3publicintheadministrationofthe}% We request and.will value|3 heartily weleome recommends-|® of |alife,who shall feel an interest in the#all matters affecting| WALTER CLARK,Chairman;W.)@ Secretary of the Treasury McAdoo a to Private William E.Donald,Thirty-|4 first Company Coast-Artillery,in rec-|= ognition of his gallant conduct in res-|2 A negro woman employed at!#ithe army post fell from a dock and |e|was being rapidly carried out by the! i tide when Private Donald dived over-|% heard in the darkness and swamthroughtheicywatertoherassist-' ence.--By--the-.time:-he:..succeeded in| bringing the unconscious:woman into scious condition from:his:rare:| BEAUTY “MORE,THAN:SKIN-DEER. A béautiful woman alweys has good aie!gesti If your digestion is faulty,Cham-~ hetlain’s Tablets will do you:good,Obtaina-ble everywhere, “College of Agriculture:And.Medhante.Arts “Young men peor to eae selves for practical’site an zrical- ture and all its allied’branches;inCivil,Electrical and Mechanical.En-gineering;in Cheniistry and Dyeing; in,Textile Industry,and in Avricul-tural Teaching will find excellentprovisionfortheirchosencareersattheState’s Industrial College. College fits men for life.Faeultyforthecomingyearof65men;767 students;25 buildings. equipped laboratories in each depart- ment.County examinations at each county seat.on July 8th. ,For catalogue,write :E.B,OWEN,Registrar,West Raleigh,N.C.-. { shallow water:he «was:inoancuncon-| Cc Don’t Losea Day’s Wo!~Bowels Constipated Take Dodson’8 Liver’ sluggish! allknocked out.-Your.head-is--dull, your tongue is coated;breath bad; stomach ‘sour.and bowels constipat: ed. mel.lose a which canes necrdsis of the bones.Calomel crashes into «sour bite iike dynamite,breaking it’when you feel that awful nausea andcramping, gentlest liver and bowel cleansingyou4ver*xperienced,just takespoonfulofharmlessDodson’s Liver Tone tonight. dealer’sells ‘yo 9°50 cent bottle of:Dodson’s Liver Tone under my pore that|tc Soutien:et Medal For Saving Life of 2 Col-4 : screenees ALOMEL 1S MERGURY,IT SICKENCLEANLIVERAND_BOWELS ‘GENTLY !If YourLiveris S$sh orone.” Faeaaygate)money.=‘back ieitad ‘Anateach“spoon ul will clean your slug-gish liver better thana dose of nas-—ty calomel and thatit won't makeyousick.Dedson’s Liver Tone~is”‘real livermedicine,You'll know it next morn-ing,because you will wake up feel-ing fine,’iv ur liver will he,working,your headache and dizziness.gone,ae stomach will be sweet and yourwelsregular.You will feel “likeworking;you'll be eheekinh;full.ofvigorandambition. Dodson's.Liver Tone is.entirelyvegetable,therefore harmless,and cannot’salivate.Give it tos yourchildren.Millions.of.people are.us-ing -Dodson’s’Liver ‘Tone instead of .dangerous calomel now.Your drug-grist.will tell you that the Sale of cal-emma!is aroant stopped ey here, You're bilious!Your liver,is -You feel lazy,dizzy and But don’t take salivating calo-It makes -oe sick,you may "ss work.“Calomel is’mercury.or quicksilver up,That’s If you want to enjoy the nicest, a Your druggist or Sherrill-White Shoe Company. Great Line Tennis es Tennis:Oxfords,black and white (60s.pair. Tennis Oxfords,black and white,65c.pair. Tennis Oxfords,black and white,75c.pat: Baby Footery. Yes,we remembered the babies,and call at-tention -to our excellent line of Baby Footery: Soft.sole Shoes,white,pink,blue and tan,50c.the pair. Soft sole Shoes,white,pink,blue and tan,25¢e.the pair. Completetine of ogi c Moccasins,white,pins,blue and tan,2 .the pair ee SHERRILL-WHITE:SHOE CO. ays xt“Lenoir Goll eve,Hicker,N. * Co-Rdueetion under,the,Dest,conditions and perenne A et ChrvitasColicge,but”not keéthrian:Oar AEB.gradug ayes Depa in our State U iverpity ‘and?Jotiter iversifies ja A Me one yer {boacyed Five.Modern buildings.nnn hen jYoder‘Seience Building,"alt up-t .sadeBiology.Library and Reading Room...Clean Athlctics.Splerulid..Dorms:toxies... GOOD BOARD AT COST for young men last session,$9.20 a month;for young fwomen,;$9.00 a-months-room rent $1.50 &ghonth. Departments:Literary,Music,(Piano,Votce,Violin),twrecsions!cha Busi-ness;Domestic Science and Domestic Arts,and Preparntor GENUINE COLLEGE er WITHIN REACH OF THE PROVE! Write,for Catalogue. °ent,.-Hickory,N.G.R.t.ER esPresi them-i ee This |" Admirably |' ‘P #y Ta rr ’TyGOODTIME!)| The clocks in the honie mast be right or the housekeeper.can't beek- pected to plan and have meals on time.Then there is no economy inwearingoutyourpocketwithawatchthat,you can't depend on,No, what you want to dois to get your watch or cluck repaired by BOB HENRY while heis devoting his entire time to repairing watches andclocksandfittingspectaclesandeye-glasses. R.F.ee RY,Jeweler. Tse Vador Shadesto Make Slecning pears!‘terms and conditions are as yetuta.matter of speculation.’.‘The peoplein all the countries are beginning,to realize the frightfulnessoftheslaughter.” ognized asthe strongest neutral,inGermany‘there was resentment ow-ing to the sale of arms to the alfidd.In France she said_she fotind ‘resent-ment .because the United States had not made formal protest over’the in- vasion of Belgium.In “Germany,however,she found ‘among officialsanacknowledgmentthattheUnited States was acting wholly within het rights.Minister von’Jagow himself the United.States had a legal as well...}as a moral right to sell arms and am-‘}munition to.whom it chose. in Mexico—Anarchy-and Starvation. Reports from Mexico indicate aterribleconditionofaffairs,which continue to grow worse.Almost astateofanarchyexistsinMexico City.There is little security for lifeorpropertyandtheshortageoffood is so serious that rioting -has beea suppressed only by the presence cf troops.nae &A report from Puebla,the thirdlargestcityintherepublic,says’an investigation of food conditions in ‘theinteriorofMexico,outside of Mexico City,indicates that while people aronotactuallystarvingingreat)num- bers,many thousands are living ,onalmostfaminerationsandthemiselyofthepoorerclassesisperhapsmore Distress ‘intense tharf ever ‘before.in the his-tory of the republic.©Villages,‘and in some instances cities,are cut off from supplies,Starvation is reported amoti¢‘theroorwomen:and children herded inthecities,and hundreds of thousanda of families are living on .as little asapoundofcorn‘or beans distributedtothemnotoftenerthanonce‘in three days.The principal reasons.for damningconditions.throughout southern Mex-ico are: Railroad transportation.everywhere.is demoralized,neither the CarranzaortheZapataforcesbeingabletoeontrol--trafiie,-—-Farms,large and small,are ruinedandtherearepracticallyhocrops: While America,‘she said,was rec-| told her,Miss.Addams declared,that’ $rN fiRUBBERTIRE! Season is here.We use best rub- ber made—Firestone-and-Kelly—and will save you money._Tiressethotorcold.Quick service.Yoursto serve,TROUTMAN &SUTHER. Butter Wrappers!: >We have the very best | ‘Parchment Butter Paper, and can print.your nameandbrand-on same.Let uf_.have.your order for anyquantityyouwant.See us.Prices reasonable. Brady Printing Co. Build with Brick Build a Brick House or Brick-Veneer |fyouroldhouse.Warmer in winter,|| cooler in summier,sliminates frozenpipesHaséveryadvantige.Solidrickunder-pinning “under framehousewillhelpsomeFaceBrick,Common Brick,DraiaTileStatesvilleBrickCo. The Fly Harvester! Awonderful and yotsimpleeon:trivance,that catches flies by.themillion,are instructions witheachTrapforpaneandkilling|Flies “Requires on y a few.mo-mentsof time and:does its workaowhenplacedinthebackyardoutof.your way.Costs.only.$1,ye poetiong andpoe ge lies,many es over,than“other methods combined.Simply Porches---’Phone For Prices. Vudor Shades and Ham- mocks;.We make you any size awning.Window Shades all sizes,Our i White Mountain Refriger- >ators are all “stone lined. The chestwith the oni in nye):10)7 ialSana feey “ShadeEesoped with Voder Safety Wind Sets Also Iceland Refrigerators,zine lined—the only ice box that will save ice.Ice Cream Freezers.One, two,three and four burner Ou Cook Stoves —the stove I that will bake. Statesville Housefurnishing Co. as neal 4d idace as| ;arison,’one now and: oe ed,Madyend:“sold:byDY =Le DOSS.— Fire,Tornado,Live Stock,Automobile,Liability, ‘Plate Glass,Steam Boiler,Accident and Health or Life Insurance- |We solicit:your business for the leading companies writing the different lines of ‘insurance.Full information obtained on request, RNS,4.CAT,GENERALaoeit ive“OFFICE NNO.A ‘MILLS B Soe et ETTALwa:ee sai Mrs.ackae = 1 hl g g e s i e e i 2 ORYi mena {TrainThedford’s Black-Draught. Va.—'E putfered for sev ‘|Train No.16, ha aa PagandIfoundit|cine for Toute dal énI Keepieee id d alta little bad,the:ask for a a nddoesthempalegoodthananwidicine,,everviteaa neverhave a-Jong spell of sick.tessnes i trr family,since w PoseenceaDraught.”'$Black-Draught is pure!"ingots Ba been found topredlateweakstomachs,aid digestion,re-a8 indigestion,colic,wind,matsea,sick ‘stomach,and similas5. 5benefited:more| sie and recommendsPriceonly25¢c.Geta NGia MELROSE FLOUR. Nice Fresh Meats. M.P.Alexander &Bro. *PHONE 241. Engraved Cards! “Don’r leave homewithoutasupply.sige,ames new inthis’a ese ogate..210. “ee§Book Store. eS WE HAVE |8 UEL LINE or 2 eefJarC»Jar Ru|Jelly Glasses,.Preserving Powders,‘Fly.Paper, ofbers,z Insect Powders. Many vei satonsble eagle t Mihoand Is Your Liver Lazy? Use the Great Southern Remedy, Burduco Liver Powder Mild and gentle.No griping..No nausea._Cleans the system andmakesahealtyliver. SOLD BY ALL DRUGDEALERS—25c. FOR FINE Cc LEANING AND DYEING —’PHONE 147— Sloan Pressing Club. NOTICE!FHOLLAND.BROS.have.chanjgéd. their "plioné humber from 177to7.Call No:7 for draying,”all gradesbes:and wood,etc._,-ARE nce ‘Phene J310.7 Shingles For Sale Carload of good No.2 Shingles at $2.75perthousandatmy .shop. CG.it TURNER,Near the Depot.Iredell ‘Phone No.74,Bell Mee ‘ |DR..C.ate ymptoms,tan 10 Yearbeen -.constant use for more :are ;jvillle with ili ams are missing some Sees._preach- if thdse who ate’in ‘schcol do not attend they will miss « {preach1yy ‘| jand we extend a-cordial.invitationitoallschoolsofthe‘di ferentdenomi- THE LANDMARK IDAY,of ay duly 9,1915, {hosp scHeDULE Areal and Departureof Tralas ot Siates western ROAD,16,west-bound,due 7.1,west-bound,due 10,21 west-bound,due a ©Teain Nox Se k me—ae \P r e s e s e a e ‘Train #?BRan ee e 6radue10.50CHARLOTTEoie neFromlotte.fratn Nov 1@-ar,9.60,leaves 10.36.08. Train No.24 ar,9:20,"leaves,9.20 p,From Taylorsville.‘Train No.23.ar.10:00,leaves 10:40 a,Train.No.16 ar.6:20,leaves 6:45 p.‘Nos,23.and24arenot operatedon Sunday. A LODGE OF THE WOODMEN, 4 Some Fever’Casés——A Singing School. Correspondence of The Landmark. Jennings,July 6.-—-There has been|¢quite a lot of sickness in this see-tion,Mr.Rome York has been veryjowwithtyphoidfever,but was im- proving the last we heard from him.There are several cases of fever about.| People are being vacrinated pretty generally through this section against fever.Wr think that it-is the-wice-thing for them to do,ton. for a bad case of typheid fever is dangerous and also very expensive.Rev.J.G,Weatherman and wife arc spending a few days in States- their.son,Mr.R.T. Weatherman.They also took in the Fourth of July,I.suppose. Mr.Lester York came in from Roanoke,Va.,to spend a few days with relatives.The threshers ‘are beginning to blow their whistles around.Wheat bread and blackberry pie will be on iiand*soon.Wheat is not threshing out very well. Rey.J.W.Rash of Statesville has been up with us getting up a camp of -the Modern Woodmen of Ameri- ca.He was successful in getting up several more than it takes to organ- ize.The lodge will be Jocated afGrassyKnobchurch.I believe‘that this is a good order-and I am glad to know that the boys are joining it. 'The boys have a_good,strong,|. thrifty Junior Order Over at Eupep-| tic Springs under the management of Rev.Mr.Matheson.Rev.Mr.Williams ‘filled his _ap-pointment at Union Grove Sunday. Those who are not hearing Bro.Wil- BR R RA B E S i “E B ER ing. We ar&ding da 2a on days’ ditgihe ae SPs Grove cburch,feciaen &on pee ‘the26th.Mr.Mansfield Privette wil heourteacher...Mr:Privette is on the best singers in this:section Lo reach of this rare treat.It will be so cheap.everv- body can go,Wp want.to:build up a good choir at this church’and stimu- iate those of adjoining .churches.|Did you know thst good ‘singing js}the lif ‘of any<;church or Sunday schoo]?*Tt helps tthe preacher’tohehasa“good,strong choir:conta bo ir _ man yyand wet his mind off of wthdatesdndtroublesandgivehan aforetasteofthatcternalbliss.whichwecanhaveifwewillchooseit,like cood singing.Did you know that there ig more music,‘more-—spiri’, more feeling,more good,oldtime religion in the .old-songs that .our, fathers and mothers used to,sing than there is in most of the new jigs they sing now?There will be a Children’s Day .at Union .Grove the second Sunday in} August.‘ —jSunday School Rally Snow Creek. Correspondence of The Landmark. The annual Sunday school rally day at Snow Creek church:will embracethe7th.of August-—Satutday before|! the second Sunday.All schools on| this charge are requested:to be pres-| ent with an interesting programme, Day at nations.COM.4 C.WATKINS FOR Everything .to Pi with.FullFoe.lowest ee Shingles,Lumber,Doors,Windows,Ceiling, Flooring,Siding,Boxing,:Mould-ing,Laths,Lime,Cement,,etc.,Next Planters’Wh Statesville. _DIFFERENT FROM THE REST. | —-—Sold exclusively.by-——,»:‘Ter-McLain Supply Co. CYPRESS@s,Shingles a wing gradés—from$2,00 up.Lc:nacemgedkaleteelee EEBAR eete Weterinartane- ivisiting telatives, ae JURORS FOR NEXT COURT. Business “Téadascto By”the County Commissioners.‘On aceblint of the —,the| county.¢onimissioners deferred their regular monthly meeting from 1daytoTuesday.In additiontoFou- fine business jurors for the August term of Iredell Superior Court,were drawn as follows: First week—K...3Moor;EeeBrawley,Wy KE.penee James Lor-tin.GST.“MeLelland,HL D.Crawford,W.E.Smith,Ho C.Wilson,Ts.| Fleming,P.A.Kelly,J.N.Baroness"|J.T.Holland,W.M.Gu amsWilliams,E.B.Campbell,K.Goodin,Julius Wallace,T.Wr’ave,J.PF,Bass,Di I,TroutmanV. C.Montgomery,J.D,Collins.Frank| Steele,J,P.Williams,F.G.Deaton, Fred.Mayhew,R,P.Allison,J.W.,Albea,PF.RB.Phifer,W-P.MeLain,Robt.A,Morrison.4,(>Cewwford,E..Brown.D,M.Whitlock,V..W. ie,C.M.Alexander.Second week—W.S.Page,J.ARenegar,E.L.Rufty,J.B,vgder,N.J.Gaither,Milton aaT.Stikeleather,J.J.Campbell,J Lentz,W..H.Johnson,C.W.Sa,Rk.E.Fry,R.J.Sloan,Wi D.Sharpe, W.A.Overeash,’M,M.Morrison,H.R:Cowles,A,.C.Saunders,F.A:Shoe-maker,R.P.Cutting,John A.heuhW.Dy .Atwell,G.A.Eagle,dD.£ Mitchell. Claims against the county were or- dered paid.as follows:County Home—W.C.Perry,salary as superintendent,$40;R.Li Freeze, salary as farm manager,$35;LewisLucky.and wife,servants,$20;Hay-wood Turner,farm hand,$14;M.PD. Goodman,for cutting 24 aeres.cf wheat,$12;J.BE.Sloop 75 conte PolxGrayDrugCo:25 cents,Iredefl'Hard-ware Co.-$17.82,Sloan’Clothing o. $6.55,Lazneby-Montgomery “Hard-ware Co.$29.99,—Statesville House- furnishing Co.$56.17,all for supplies; Heme Electric Co.$9.40,W.H.Ding-ler $11.20,for work;C.M.Summers,|canning outfit and cans,$47.75;Bugic, &Milholland $55.18.Smith &"Brown | $85.04,H.B.Ostwalt $7,all for sup-|: plies;Barium Orphans’Home,lights for one year,$156.92. Jail—C.L.Gilbert,jailer,$106.75 city of Statesville,lights,$4.50;.Fred B.Phifer,supplies,$2.05.‘Miscellaneous—Deputy Sheriff C. L.Gilbert,destroying distillery,:$20;arrest-and-conveyanctetO jailofinsanenegro,$3;Dr.R.S.McElwee,salaryascounty.physician,$50;J.Mc Mificr&-Watts.burial expenses of.ohn Ei- liett:-a Confederate veteran.$20;.R.P.-Allison,supplies for clerk's offiec,$2.50;city of Statesville.watler!for ee avid court:house,$29.77;Edward; ourhton-37;-Statesville Printing:%Heaa for supplies;G.)Li‘‘Hovs- on,replacing bridge,$6.95;H.Cennett,buyial’@xpenses of Mré.Re-Jbeeca Salmons,widow of Contentssoldier,$20;Brady Printing -Go.,vliés’for clerk’s’office;$17:20;I.We Nicholson &Co.,coffin ier Pauper, $3;city of oe lights!for courshouse,,$31.74;W.Sinvluety drug$7402.Dip /Pert (odiey|supplic:forclerk’s.and register’s offices,$6.5StatesvilleRealty-&‘Trivestment Pikbriteoncourt|“house insurancepolicy,$42.,James Russéll and John Keatonwere‘placed on the pauper’list at St a month;Wesley Redman’s allowance as a pauper was increased to $2 a month;.P.W.Benfield -received $2 for temporary relief,and WalterMooreof‘New Hope township was exempted from poll.tax until revoked by the board, Commissioners received compen si-tion for extra services’as follows:\ B.Mills .$15,.W.L.Matheson $10.5), R.C.Little.$10.80. Laying By Crops —Birthdey Dinner. Correspondence of ‘The Landmark. :Statesville,R-3,July:5—Most of the farmers in this section are almo-t!through laying by despite the over nlus of rain which fell during harve.,t. Once.more harvest is over and ihe hum of the threshing machine heard.The wheat in this section 1sverygood,although some of it wa:very thin on the ig :AYiumber of ‘Mrs.R.Q.Troutman's friends,with well «‘filled basketsgatheredatherhomeonthéfirstd:Wy of July and gave her a kind of sur- prise birthday dinner,Everybod#re- ported &good dinner and a fine time.Mrs,W.H,Kimball and son Huospentthe.weekend in this vicinityMrs.Arthur Clinciseesometimewithhermoth- er,Mrs.Q..Troutman,on 2° 1s jcount of the illness of her baby. Mr.Carrol N.Yount of Hickory ‘: on his rotnd.canvassing the your’)lveople in the interest of Lenoir Col-| \lege—the young ladies especially.Mv.Yount was a member of the graduat-ing class at Lenoir this spring. eee eer Picnic to Celebrate the Fourth. Jorrespondence of The ‘Landmark. Kufola,July 5.jAbout 85 of vsmetatMr.Pervy Guy’s Saturday,34.to celebrate the 4th,Talk about agoodtimeandgoodthingstoeat—-we on both:Mr.Guy has a nice springithplentyofgoodwaterandalong:|haiulled gourd to dip it.Theriswherewehad-our dinner and the|table was loaded with fried:chicken, hom,pies of various.kinds,cake,fru'-.ive cream,lemonade,etc.We hope tomeetatee.wee next year. Fair Weather and Showers. The weather forecast for the weekbeginning:Wednesday.says::“South .Atlantic and East Guif!Stated—Pair weather with normaltemperatures’dhring|the first foury.shdéwers on the,Unsettled withblyshowersaterthe10th. clit Annual Singing at Provi- _dence. ae Landmark. ie ‘sol;2 singing at}ne veh h.:.i¢is, a ips | a"+ chp 2to, fast! arts wa aah me year | ‘CHAMPIONS THE SLANG TE Billy”Dock’Stands Up For|t “Fine and Dandy”and Oth- er Similar Expressions. |Correspondence @f The Landmark. In a recept issue of The Landmark I tioticee where Dr.Jolinson jumps on |the use of slang,and on the use of “fine and dandy”in particular. 1 am_an.advocate of:the lise of.pete nig—so--called—4as itis very ex- tpressive.Take the “fine.and dan- dy”the doctor.objects to so verymuch.It would be very hard to find a more expressive way to state ex-jactly what oné meant.when he says he is feeling’“fine and dandy.”"|Instead of being senseless,as the'\doctor seems to think,it is the es- sence of common sense.One might say that he was “feeling fine,”but it |would not express the degree of “fine- iness.”It would be tame .languagecomparedto“fine and dandy”as ex- pressing an idea,’And expressing an idea is what language is for,I take it. “She’s a péach,”“He’s a hot pota- and.such like..expressions are slang, If the doctor will examine a littlemoreelosely-into such things,he will: find that the slang—<o-called—nf to- day becomes the good English of to- morrow, I might add that while I don’t use ‘much slang in talking,as I talk verylittle,I still advoeate the use of such slang ‘as.the doetor deplores.I canscenousein‘condemning language that expresses exactly what one means.Let the doctor jump on things thatcount.I noticed ‘the other day thatthebabyofMrs.John Jacob Astor—the baby of the Astor that was drown- led in the Titantie wreck—required thirty thousand dollars.a year to sup- port it,.What does the ddttor thinkofthat?BILLY DOCK. ;Richmond,Va,,= |Buried the Wrong Dog. Wadesboro Ansonian. Mr.J.A.Crowder,one of An- ‘son’s beloved ex--sheriffs,had a peeu-: liar experience a fow days ago.Sat-urday morning “Trip,”a.little dogwhichhasbeena.pet with him and lis good wife,failed to appear for its morning meal.Afte:calling it vain- ly for some time,Mrs.Crawias began looking around the premises and found the dog under the front steps,stiff in death’s-cold grasp.The deathofthelittlepetcausedthekeenest yrief.'in the home and~soon funeral |arrangements were under way.Mr. Crowder carefully prey,ared a,grave}: and ‘wrapping the’Tittle ‘cor ig in an,appropriate shtond,he laiditto''rest;suitable cérémoniey df cbursé.‘Bes fore the perioi of ref’had’expired,or,to be Gxact,abbat 10.o’tlock 'in'theday,“Trip”appeartd at the ‘batk'doorand,demanded in no uncertain ‘termsatKebeservedhisbelatedbreak- ‘Now,Mr.ond Mrs,Crowder do.not believe in the return of the spirits of dead dogs to this vale of.{tears,and they were not prepared for had paid a call at his home and was there when the stranzer was bein®so tenderly laid to rest. to say that one pet dog in Wadesboro is now being treated extra well. The ‘Stanly Community Build-ing. The Stanly Community Building at ‘|Albemarle is a large two-story brick building located in the heart of the business section of the city,where it will be-of most convenience to the out-of-town shoppers and visitors.On the first floor adjoining the street is a large rest room furnished with ta- bles;wall benches and rockers;with large eélectroliers for.lighting...Just through this room and beyond it are private rooms.furnished with ¢com- fortable seats,cribs andwherewomenWithchildren may restrandhaveabsoluteprivacyfromthefront,br main rest toom.Adjoining!- this—tadies’—private-rest—room—is a toilet.room furnished with all modern conveniences,On the second floor are .|two rooms,one a large assembly hall where the women’s clibs can meet itg.The assembly hall is furnishedthroughoutwithchairs,desks and tables.-It is.intended principally for the use of the women’s clubs of the county,girls’tomato clubs and simi- lar organizations,and will be fur- nished with an excellent library. LL CELT |ropdse.Government Aid to Buy ©Land. ‘An inter-departmental committeeinamedbySecretaryoftheInteri¢r |Lane and Secretary of Labor Wilsen ‘is working on a plan to relieve un-‘a@mployment under which the Federal ‘government would finance workersdesiringtotakeupfarmland,4 complete,programme with prelimi- hary drafts of necessary legislationistobeframedbeforeCongressmectsLin-December,tobe proposed.in con-‘nection with a rura)credits bill. e.plin contemplates a system offarmcreditsoperatingthrough.theDepartmentofLabor,which wouldenablereaincongestedcitiesto take wp africultural land on govern-\ment réclamation projects,or public‘lands,on easy payment,loans.we | ‘Power Liné Between SalisburyandStatesville. ‘Salisbtty Post. A force of eighty,men,forming a constriction gang for the Southern Poyer Company,are here and will at chee begin thé building of the power line “between Salisbury and States- ville.|This will be a steel tower liné\and willPequire sortie time to put up.| Ie bolapiics 6od that as sdon as thistheworkofrebuildinisNinlinbetweenSalisburyandChar:Hotte will bepin,On this line the oldden.Will he:taken.down,and ea I suppose,but they express/‘exactly what the user means. eect beheld with their eer 3c ey,received “Trip”on susandmystery.was ¢]red up when}Mr.Crowder’s son,Mr.W.W.Crow-| dér,.peer the family that the pett}:’ It is:needless|- lounges.|. and a (small committee room adjoin-| .ee steel |its & Any garment in the house while they last at just halt price: ,x,$27.50 Suit $13.75 |25.00 Suit 12.5020:00 Suit 10.0017.50 Suit 8.7515.00 Suit 7.5012.50 Suit Suit ~5.008.50 Suit 4.257.50 Suit 3.75 All the Palm Beach Suits included’in»‘sale. No Suit charged at sale price.Alterations extra,ol 50c.and $1 Shirt Waists soe.and $1 | Special values inthe new awning striped Waist.Another shipment just here.The newest and nobbiest thingsinWaists.The~ prices are 50c.and $1. Something sc Every Day This Week.| RAMSEY:ORL HORASON 0.5 THE STORETWAT PAYS THE POSTAGE ONMAME”"Phones:S4oand:137.9:‘Phones.8 fia 1 aN KSTO. JAMES ‘CA Faculty of 33;49 Stude ‘StateAccreditedbyVirginiaStateBoardofBauen‘tion.Hundreds ofgraduates now teaching.$160 per year in Academic Dept.;$200per yearin Gollege Dept,The Leading Training SchoolforGirlsin Virginia Where ean parents find a College.with ag fine.a.record,with.as experienced management, at such moderate,cost?For catalogue address: IN Slate Roofing?Tin Roofing? Tin or Sheet Metal Work of any Kind?LET US:KNOW. G.P.ADAMS;Secretary,‘BLACKSTONE,vA “ARE YOU INTERESTED?” bs)pia vee eat So el aaa IREDELL TIN WORKS.: ad "Phone 98.:Independent ’Phone 197. > Commerc jal Nation OF STATESVILLE,N,©. Captal Stock Paid in -$100 -Surplas and Profits SL Members of Federal ReserveSystem. Your Bankin bitte sotitited indeveryaccommodationextendedtode- positors consistent with»oe bank- ing methods, _Four per cent.paid on time ti SavingsDepositsremainingondeposit’three months or longer,_ OFFICERS: W.D.TURN"eae_D.M.ony | Four = ANDMARK3 area a »The town of Maxton,advertiace in =|ihe daily papers for ‘a competent|chief of police and tax collector,”‘fosendawayfromhoniefor@manio office would haye been cou- ort:‘of treason in for- ‘ner days,“Now it is becoming a cus: 0/tom’to get the best man for the job, no matter wh re he’comes,from,Ii) has been ment ned that in Germany, She SUBJECT BEING SONG, A few Sundays ago,in one of,the tesville church,all the seats in the choir were filled and the singing ‘was noticeably improved.“That was good singing,”‘said a gentleman ner nt,who was for years a choir sing: ‘et himself-and knows good musi¢c when he hears it.“The solos and <he duets and quartettes are all >very "well,”he continued,“but they can’t beat the old English style of chorus singing.”The same gentleman Turther remarked:that ona recent visit to New York he heard a cheir of 40 voices in a New York chureh.. and is of the opinion that there is:no finer singing in heaven than that New York choir did that day. All of whichis preliminary to in- troducing the following from the Asheville Gazette-News: Up in Rochester,N.Y.,somebody eoneeived the idea that any one who wished to sing could do so,and .an enterprising individual undertook the organization of what is now known as the “Community Chorus of Roches-ter.”As its name implies,this asso- -gation is purely.democratic;thereare,no personal jealousies or petty pickerings ‘toymar.the success of anassociation’which is at once a credittoRochesterandto.its people. _-$t_ig_relateduthat carly.in 1914 a mall,hedy of ‘men.and women,callthemidealistsifyouwish,set to workonthethedgythatanyoneinsoundhealth,and,With a clean conscience,could sing in’a chorus.Q@nly two of them were musicians,but-that did not dampen .their ardor in:the least,andtheysettoworkwithawill_to earn_en immortal name for.Rochester intheworld:of music.One of the musi- cians was.Harry Barnhardt,whocouldboastofawideexperiencein the circles of musical art,so the bat- —ance of the:company decided to ask»him andhis family to make Rochestertheirhome,in order to bring thedreamsofthese‘idealists to fruition| a.big community nday_.band -concert..(music is.notinRochester).end during anrmissionheaskedthehugeaudi-a there gathered to sing “Ameri- i”And how they sang!They say‘the 44 auditorium’fairly,shook,E that thttinderous ‘volume ofsouhdrolledoverthecity.making mengratefulforthejoyofliving.The meh and women.who sang]sere as:1¢,ed at their own ability,and it|”pthen that the idea toek root that aatine could sing.Then Mr.Barr- haidt.made an impassioned appeal to the ee for the.formation of atychorus,urging them to “singforRochester,”And they sang so-well thatin less than two weeks’time the membership ran into the hun:reds,and now it is nearly five hun-The fame of the CommunitycntrusofRochesterspreadthrough- outethe country and Invitations wer’showered upon it.Incidentally,the -director was paid no salary,no oneraidduesandtherewasnotrying|ofvoicespreparatorytogamingmem-bership.‘Anybody who wished to sing,or even thought he could sirg, just,sniled in and sang to beat thehand.It is recorded that.early last vear,after only two months of re- hearsal.the first free concert was giv- en in a public park.-And truly.the ‘singers sang for Rochester.”Men“who are in a position to know.saythat:never.has sucha mighty chorus heen heardiin that section.Now near- “ly:everybody in “Rochester is music maal,and membership of the Com-munity Chorus is growing by leapsengbounds.What isn’t an idle dream.People. aos den’t know a note can catch the| air and the tune of songs that appeal| “and under the;leadership:of a few capable singers a CommunityChorus | could be organized“in every town and every:country district...And -what! grand singing it would be!Possibly| it,would jar on the ears of the musical _erities,but it would appeal mightily to the masses,’‘Many people who| “never dreamed they could sing would! find themselves singing,and many| .good ‘voices wuld be discovered.And| where the science of ,municipal gov- arnment is made.By study,mayors are. men trained in the practical knowl- odge of municipal government and they.are secured ‘wherever the best man can be obtained,the mayor,in} uch’cases being simply:a municipal ‘administrator,one who is:trainedto|‘ manage the business of the corpora- tion (the town)to get best.results, ‘American municipalities:are gradua!-' ly coming to the samé idea through the commission form of governmeni, business managers,ete.By ‘and by, when the practical value of the plan thoroughly goenetrates .the brains of}. the .voters,they will select.the men who are to manage their business af- fairs because of their fitness for’the job,their capacity to make good,and not because they are good fellows who deserve to be honored or who want to be honored;or are men who.need the job for a living. Holt,alias.Muenter,the man .who set off the bomb ‘in the*capitol at Washington and later attempted the life of J.P.Morgan,went the suicide route andit’s just as well.The.coun- try is saved the spectacle’of a sensa- tional trial and a crazy man playing the role of hero and inciting ‘other crazy people to possible «deeds of vio- lence.Holt,or Muenter,as he is be- lieved to be,was undoubtedly erazy. His friends and associates had noted his peculiarities but ascribed them to hard study,for he was by all accounts a diligent student..He married the daughter of a Methodist’minister and leaves a wife and,two little children to share his disgrace.It is said that Holt was.a devoted and.considerate husband-and father,which “is _the as some believe,for Muenter ‘was charged withMac ail,Maathis wife. me ipodof reactpro:heemat aam itol Li A Fefyoneahi was launched at the meeting—of-the State:Fess Associa- tion last week,the Charlotte _Obser- ver says when the fact was mention- ed to Gov.Craig,the Governor saia’ »,“I do not believe there}¢yer lived amaninNorthCarolina:whose memory the people.oe i State ‘would:takeGateoiTiithonoringthanJo, ib ayserver.thinks this statement ot oe Governor *‘indicatiWe of the sentiment of the State and forecast- ing an easy and acceptal:le accomplishment”by the commit- tee appointed to take charge of.the work “of the labor of love to which it is to address itself.” Speed UpMovement For Ne- tional Prohibition. Action to hurry along the move- ment for national prohibition by amending of the Federal constitution was taken by business.men conneci-ed with the Anti-Saloon League ofAmerica,which opened its sixteent! annual convention at Atlantic CityTuesdaynight.It was planned to appoint a committee of 100.men, prominent in business and manufac- turing,for the purpose of raisingfundsandotherwisetofurtherthe movement for the adoption of theHobson-Sheppard amendment. Thirty-five States,it was -announe- ed,were represented at.the luncheon where this action was taken. The Rev.P.A.Baker,general su-perintendent ~~of —the ~~Anti-Saloon |League,said the league’aimed to’jhave the prohibition amendment in- serted in the national constitution bo- |fore the next -congressional —appor- jtionment is made,following the cen-sus of 1920,as there will be an in-jcrease-in the membership of the ;House of Representatives and much lof the increase will’come from theiIargercitieswhereprohibitionisnot so strong as it-is-in less—populatedcommunities. ‘German NavalOfficer_ His Countrymen. Admiral Oscar~von Truppel of the Warns they would all be better for joining |Seren navy,at one time governor -in a great chorus of uplifting song.| A correspondent of The Landmark,| f Kiao Chow,warns his compatriots lin an article in Der Tag,a Berlin jnewspaper,not to underestimate thentioningasingingschoolinnorthdangerofabreachwith‘the UnitedIl,has a good word to say for |States,He asks careful considera- ig.Thereought to be a singing ition ~~whether~the value “of Ger-*imany’s submarine warfafe is greatschoolineveryschooldistrictin‘the|‘enough to justify -its continuance atcountythissummerandtwoorthree|ithe expense of such a rupture. towns.Organize a great’cho-|Tus andsing,It will remind the ola? timers of the days’of congregational | singing and the singing at the camp-‘ties might exercise,but also as a con-All |Whe article is:regardedas remark- able not only for its own statement iregarding thefar-reaching effect-par- \tribution from ‘a’naval .officer. more remarkable if he was Muenter,|~ \ticipation of America in the)hostili- HOLT KILLED HIMSELJ J.P.Morgan’sAssailant ‘Com- Two Attempts.: Frank Holt,the Cornell:‘Univensity professor.who shot J.P.,Morgan ia ‘his:home .near Glen Cove,N.vo lat, 'Saturday,committed suicide ‘in oe jail at Mineola,N.Y.,Tuesday nighThere.were several conflictingset]ports as to the manner of the man’sdeath,but the jail physician sai’death resulted from a fractured skuil, Jeremiah O’Ryan,the keeper de.| tuiled to watch Holt,said he was15 feet away from the -when.he}lheard a loud.report.He looked in 'the direction of the Silt ut it wasldark,Entering he found Holt’s hody. in,a pool of blood in the corner.A: thorouch examination of the cell fail.ed,according to the jail authorities,|:to disclose any weapon or implements.of any kind whieh Holt could haye’ used to kill himself.The final statement was.that Holtmethisdeathbyclimbinguponthebarsofhiscellandjumpingoff,a.distance of 18 feet,which resultedinthefractureofhisskull,Holt had attempted suicide eatly cil,with which he attempted to sever,an artery.He had asked.for penciltowriteanote.With his teeth mee extracted the rubber and battered themetalontheendofthepencil.With this he attempted to.sever an artery. He failed to reach the artery but didcutaveinwhichresultedinconsider- wble loss of blood.After his death,search of.Hoit’s,cell brought to light a note which he had written,it is supnosed.before ho made the attempt.on hislife with the pencil.The note was addressed “To My Dears,”and was as follows:“T-must write once more.ThemoreIthinkaboutitthemoreI’See the uselessness of living under ‘cit- cumstances such as_these.Bring.upthedearbabiesintheloveofGod and man.God bless you my sweet. Affectionately,Frank. “Pp,§.All please pardon me.foralltheheartacheIhavebrought:you. Pray with me that the slaughter will sten,My heart breaks.Good-bye.” Holt had admitted to detectives early Tuesdav night that he lied when he said that he made the capitol bomb out of sulphuric”acid and match-. heads and said also that he did nit tell the’truth about his movements in Washington and New York.He: gave no reasen for the misstatements.Holt made ‘these admissions ,,when]! confronted by evidence tending «:to noe that He made the capitol bombmabungalowwhichherented.eat Gqlen:Gove:about,.10 days ago.followed thepositive identification ay*.|Iewis ‘Ott Of Holt!as,the man whoarented).the..bungalow.and.wha,faund numerous|bottles!with corks puncttired'in ‘the.center,‘small ‘vials and pictures of a dozen nublie byild- ines throughout the country,three of Which were marked.~ A trunk containing 134 stick ‘ofdynamitewithfusesattached;was found:by the aoe late Tuesday:nighti2eestree:eens”.tantaNeontran ditivered.iy.ew York .transfer company:the bill bflading was.made out tinenameofFrankHolt.It was four:d!tonthetopfloorofafive-story build: ing,Besides the dynamite’the trunk contained a number of tin cans,-a box of blasting caps.-and powder,somesulphuricacidandand‘matches, Holt WasM.Muenter, Holt was identified two or three persons as Frankwithpoisoninghis wife at HarvardUniversity.Muenter came to Har-vard in 1904 with a degree from the’University of Chicago and a recordofserviceasaninstructorinthe.Un iversity of Kansas.Entered atvardasacandidateforthe’advanced,degree of doctor of philosophy;he’ received an appointment as instructor in the elementary German courses.He was accompanied by his wife,former- lv Leone Krembs.of -Chicayo,andtheirone-year-old daughter.In 1906| Mrs.Muenter died wneer suspicious circumstances.While her stomach|f was.being-examined-for traces--of|© poison.Muenter took the remains to!© Chicago and disappeared.Poison was found.in his wife’s stomach and he was officially charged with her death. Two.months!later .Muenter’s _col- leagues at Harvard received a pamph-‘let from him in which.he’pro-tested against the charge.brought aerainst him and threatened revenge.The pamphlet was printed at New Orleans.but.outside of that Muenterwasneverheardfrom..._ Had Threatened to:Blow Up Vessels, In a letter to his wife at Dallas, Texas,which was’forwarded:to theStateDepartment.at Washington by Mrs.Holt’s attorney.Holt left theim- pression that he had arranged to de- stroy a vessel.The letter read: '“A steamer leaving New.York forLiverpoolshouldsink,God willing,on the seventh.Itis the Philadelphia a2 West.Thirty:New York city..The not sure,4s these’left.‘on_the setond: or.third.” On the margin of the letter waswritten:‘Tear this off uftil afterthishappens.” Radio messages immediately weresenttothecommanders‘ofthe twovessels,by the Navy Department.andofficialsofthelinesinNewYorkwerenotified.Both vessefs answered that mitted Suicide in Jail After Tuesday morning by using a leadpor Takeranepak Miuenter,charged |; at have, or the Saxony (Saxonia)but I “anv was born ‘in.Wisconsin,butshe was|i hunable:to give the name of the place;| this parents died before she mar- locatioMrs,"Holts father,Mr:Sensebatity, they lived in Fort.Worth,Tex. mille,N.Golorado he years, born in’Durango,’Colorado. dds.were considered Peeplinehe.himeelf eccentrie. Matters. $11,000,000 for the new steps. In explanation of the part J.P. the war began. ‘At Macon,Ga., ‘divorcee from ~R.W, not talking to her. to commit.suicide. from a score of reservists, cials and Arizona,charging them with vio-lating the neutrality laws-by enlisi- ing recruits for the Montenegrin army. ‘An ap peal will be United States Supreme the Court of Appeals of Kentucky ir the segregation case in made to land.The property owners h‘districts affected by.the new orai- nance are contesting its legality. .On ‘his’coronation day,November serited a Bible,racers in Eel ihbound!in.ornate whit eathfirstEnglishcag2tisathiveentered!theJapan.“It is’td me ae 4,000)Japanes¢.ahemnbechurchesin aeeried ‘aid wilt carry that will esteem und affection. “\‘dynantite bomb was police Featipartary.A ks :tetid a nueyoeit FO,%rive’ plkce where the ‘bo a fe aie of their:cell. livery, |to Secretary of State Lansing byRpresentativeBuchananandformer vie Fane 8 Fowler of =Ifinvis, ney General ‘membership is said to be ations. Cotton ‘and Corn Increase Un- :der Demonstration Methods. me igh News and Observer.he result of demonstration work‘int North Carolina since 1910 for -cot-toh and corn has just been given out ‘fin;a réport submitted by Mr.Brad- fof Knapp,special agent in charyef,Farm Demonstration:in the South.. Chhitarative tables.are arranged inwhichareshowntheproductionperacreunderdemonstrationandtheproductionperacrenotunderdemon-stjation.Thé average number of pounds of cotton per acre increased frcm 1332.70 in 1915 under:demon- styation to.1452.8 in 1914...The num- ber of pounds per acre in the acreage without demonstration show an.in-crease from 681 to 849 pounds.Inlikemanner,the numberofbushels cfcornunderdemonstrationperacrein- creased from 438.4 in 1910 to 45.9 in1914;while the acreage not.under demonstration produced an averageof18.6 bushels in 1919 and increasedto20.8 in 1914,From this,it is ar-gued that the demonstration methods in fact,exercised ‘influenceapart:from ‘the land”directly underdemonstration...The whole realm of pacar and‘corn growing has felt the’oft ie work, ‘Studying the Son.” Washington Star.“You are careful to set an exam- ple for your son?” 9ee replied -the serious man,“but now Istudyhim©attentively to ‘ascertainwhatkindofclothesIloughttowear Have)him and he has ao near relatives,),i _only relative she could recall was|# a.cotton,buyer in North Carolina and|% agould not recall his name or his]§ said Holt came into the life’of tho|#Sensabaugh family first in 1908,i ; TruebaughwasrearedinWaynes-|}haloN ¢,he said,and has lived in|#Mrs.Holt was}# \It is stated that Holt was an in-|# ‘atructor in French and Latin at'Em-|#ory,and Henry College,Virginia,1}# 1912-13,and that his ‘teaching men Hand|# FROM,OVER THE COUNTRY. Items of Interestrest AboutVarious New:steps are to replace the worn ;and broken ones that have been in use|§at the national capitol in Washing-|%ton since the administration of An-|¥'Tdrew Jackson.Congress appropriated |# ‘Morgan &Co,has taken in the fur-/|#inishing for the European .nations at|%war it is stated nuthoratively that!#the firm had handled more than $500,-|#000,000 worth of contracts for the/# account of foreign governments:since ; Mrs.Evelyn Cun-|3ningham'Cobb has brought.suit for iCobb.on the}# ground that he treated her cruelly by| She alleges that|#when he failed to speak a word to her|#for two weeks she collapsed and tried ; As a result of information gathered |}United|3 States secret service men have ar-|# rested a member of Montenegrin off-/} in Chicago,New York,Oregon $ American Fiber Furniture is built for com- fort;is very.adaptable furniture for the Porch,for the Summer Cottage,Bungalows, etc,[vis Ideal Furniture for the Living Room,theLibrary or Den,the Reception Hall,the Bed Room or the Sun Parlor, SEE IT AT——— Crawford-Bunch Furniture Company, a:or oa Always WelcomesYou. the ¢ Court:from)#9 Louisville,|& Ky.The city ordinance segregating|% negroes will be the first to be pass-|¥ed upon by the highest court in’the!®in the}3} 40,the Emperor.of Japan will beee? A oY q ian|® ‘Ice.“Made. ‘explored|%Mon:day night in an areaway outside|% the’detective bureau at New vane os ae Bn. aga 8 sell,20 lee,peer i ai inscription expressing“their hign!'S WioeofoRMeethe!& No eelne;!but|& police suggest attempt at.jail de-|§ ‘The Wnited States is urged to re-!|® wa clearance to any ships carrying|¥ war munitions,in a petition preseni-ot d Frank S.Monnett,former At- of Ohio,who ‘were/%acting in behalf of the National La-|%or Peace Council.The organization’:|%made up|%Fmpinty of members of labor organ-|% “Slightly beyond the city “limits 48 an ICE FAGTORY— AEE he |Ht 2 tuto a 1 i)lo wipes HrodeA otf to Hininty Ha ere ae Yeu cal mt it |ual,Weight and Service . iwod 316%De Bey ARO©GUKRANTBED,©es Pont et od aria cepa eal u Seems good—we will show you. —’PHONE;°205-— “6 ' yirinh Yein’Statesville: eer trai teh Stateville Tee &Fuel sane J.L.COWANrEP.FURR.President. Sec.and Treas. BA C O N ps e e a o a a a t e c s a c e s Ca s pj hans Pegs A ead ay Jap “T used to try to set an example,” ’ ae ‘NewArriving Every Week. Special this week 2,000 yards Valenciennes,'Z Fillet and Round Thread Laces and Inser- tions,~values-84e,,—10¢e.-and 124c.-Our.. ‘price :5c." White Goods. ‘"19¢, 15e.' 19¢.. ~12he. 36 inch Gaberdine,special 36 inch Palm Beach Cloth,wer 40-inch Faney Crepes,-special 27 inch Silk Voile,special | -Ready-to-Wears.oa a leg ‘meetings,Wherever an attempti3|no hombs were found aboard.and the style of conversation that isermalvalbliyo4madetoconducta,big-tevival ofre |heard Won “hehe Horoted their ener-|It’is believed that Holt wrote the CAEN aeRre,"All Silk and Wool Spring Suits half price, _For.Saturday. One case 36in.Bleach Dotestie:spacial The.One case Dress Ginghams,‘Apecial.i Bee, One case Apron Checks,special OS |The Store That Sells For Less se ligion;Bes singing is the first consid-|gies to accelerating neple'>letter to his wife just before he made}$100 REWARD.$100.;pinion} eration.‘A choit is trained and as |against any modification of the sub.itd attack pn Morgan.on ‘the sey ploaned to fesrn that.there’te aEhttpeopléaspossibleputintoit,marine campaign,Holt Has Relative in North Bee,eteener Saal testagesRoo a94 at‘‘the;singing is a most spiral q It Would.::Carolina?wate eaalitte.cute br oe %t ®:y‘any religious service.The!‘Raleigh Visitor.‘There‘seems to be a good deal of stitutto ayentelige. Pecttie ca tatewentpreacherintheworld+aes mystery about the early life of Fran}}‘4 Le whighty’bis t monument to the late J.P.Cald-|Holt,who on the 3d attempted the‘olks”gnty burst!well,the foremost editor of North life ft J.P.MThereasonreligionisn'i 39!‘Carolina,would-do;eredit to thi aad,“Hplt riaried Kk anuahiee eymodernbrethrenofthepress,Rev.0.F,Beneabangh,a presidin gsaletaalbie‘orthree ee me ee elder of the M.B.a ‘South,nowbeca,rner,a farmer:of Jonesdothe.singing and they|jeounty,Ga.,'was.shot Sunday b un-|Hoe ne a freerOnan And:Mey‘olf.and children were with her.fath:in is neither known parties.Infuriated friends ¢Dalles =tie |Turner Killed two negroes.who,alwane iske B STiBe WAG canofficia'ape \ipahing to do with /Washington.Dispatch. sterner reenter ae ssmvcasnns 4 -July 9,1916.MISS EVANS MARRIAGE. Event at Lynchburg,Va.and -One in Statesville—Social.Events.!Om, The f ig account of the mar-riage Miss Elizabeth Evans,daughterjof Mr.and Mrs:A.J,Evans,from a burg (Va.)paper,is ofspecialimacinStatesville,where:Miss Evats’girlhood was spent:Miss Elizabeth V.Evans and Mr.Roy Jay Holden of Sheboygan,Wis.,were -married Fpeaday adbernoan:June 29,at 6 o’clock,at the home ofthebride,at.518 Madison street,Lynchburg,”Va.’The wedding wasavery.quiet one,owing to a recertbereavementinthebride’s family.The ceremony was performed by Rev.0.E.Sams;/pastor.of Rivermont Bap-itst.church,amid a scene of simple beauty,‘the altar being composed ofhugeferns‘on pedestals and daisies entwined with emilax;large candele-Vee eile the foliage furnished the ights,The dining room,where the numer-|! ous.gifts were displayed,was.deco- rated with pink sweet peas and smi-lax.The wedding purty consisted ofMrs.Wz Irvin Steele of Statesville,N.C.,dame of honor,who came first tothe.strains of the bridal chorus fromLohengrin,played’by Miss Evelyn_Martin.broidered lace gown over pink satinand.carried a colonial bouquet of pink’ sweet peas.Miss Gertrude Diuguid, cousin of the bride,as maid of honor, was.gowned in pink crepe de chineandpis1beroses,The gr “entered.with his best man,Mr:Claude Donald Evans of Iridianapolis,and was~joined by<higbride,who entered with her father.'The bride was lovely in an exquisite!gown of white pussy willow taffeta. She carried a shower bouquet ofmerosga-and lilies of the -val-ey.‘ Mr.anti’Mrs.Holden left on the Memphis epecial for an extended triptoNorthern‘cities and through theGreatLakes.”;oy The bride is the only daughter ofMr.‘and Mrs.A.‘J,Evans of Lynch-burg and is brilliant and vivacious. Mr.Holden,a graduate of the Uni-versity of Wisconsin,‘has’been pro- fessor of.geology at the B.P.I.for ten years.He:is.a man of ability, having written several:treatises oy Wpey,which are accepted as au- thofities.if iss Annie Spears of Ostwalt com- mufiity and Mr.Robert’Vance Mc- Lait of ,vicinity of emeyaeswermarsplepda4oenJat er.‘States renit a ej a. »McCain officiating.: ‘About 30 couples participated in adancewhichwashelde3Mondaynight.A"Salldbery fates.tra ‘furnished music.:Chas.A,Turner gave a bridgeluncheon’yesterday at hame,onWrstEndavenuecomptbubathcdtoMrs;Hal.Cowles of New York andMissJeanieKluttzofSalisbury. Bridge was played at six tables andMr: prize.Prizes were also presented to the.guests of honor.Following thegameadeliciousluncheonwasserv-ed. Notice of New Advertisements, Rev.A. S.Caldwell,BariumSprings,has lost bag black peas. Seven-room house on Sharpe strectforrent.~,W.‘A.Eliason.Pocketbook containing sum _of money and Chautauquaticket:Return to The Landmark.~~‘ It is cheaper to buy a.Hardman even if it costs a little more:—Carl- ton A.Andrews.:,.Good variety and -good ‘stock .ofgood-vehicles:and harness.—Hurness-Vehicle &Supply Co.” Quality,weight and:service:in-theiceSbusiness.guaranteed.—StuatesvilleIces&Fuel*Co.¢American’fiber furniture.-{Craw--ford-Bunch Furniture Co.Gomething new every week.— Johuston-Belk-Co.a iisolade,king of:fountain.drinks.I’s Drug Store.‘ay rham’s,sterling and plated:ware.—R;H.Rickert &Son.: Ladies’wool skirts—J.M.McKee &Co.i Sixth anniversary.next Sunday.— Broad Street Methodist .church.Melrose flour and nice fresh meats.~—M.P.Alexander &Bro.Beginning Monday J.W.Hager willclose:out his Clio store.DEG fgFlowersfor-the porch.—W.M.Bar-ringer. Ci.Watkins for everything to.buildwith. ‘Land in sight of State Highway,forsale.—J.S.Leonard.Notice to land.owners of FifthCreék:Drainage District. Immigration Lower Than For 16 ee ‘Years. Immigration during the last fiscalyear:dropped to its fowest mark for 16.years...The total.number.of.for-eigners.seeking American shores lastyearwas456,887,against 1,435,310duringtheprecedingyear..More than 27,000 were refused ad-mission,reducing the number of ad- mittted aliens to less than 430,000.The'increase in population due talienswasestimatedat55,000,where-_as the year before it was placed at770,000.»‘The number,of .departingalienslastyéagwasequaltothenum-ber arriving..ee iDTheEuropeanwarisresponsiblefor’the dropping off of immigration,as the number of peans.arriving.fell from 1,119,699 in the 1914 ‘fiscalyear’to approximately 250,000fiscalyearjustclosed. >ia th pn Anamanchigmdetadengresnairedeelei intima,ieaPemleigsseitBENEFITEDBYCHAMBERLAIN'S LINI- :|Personal Mentionof People and Mrs.Steele wore an em-/ W.‘A.Bristol won the!/scére}: GLIMPSE PASSING THRONG. Their Movements. Mrs.J.M.Walker and little son,Master Calvin,went to AshevilleWednesdayto.visit Mrs.Walker'sfather,Mr..Ay Hamner.Mr,Samuel Walker is at home from Wit-mington.itt :‘iss Jessie Joy,who was the guestofMissOllieStone,returned Wed.nésday to her home in Hickory. Mrs.i.L.Lipe and two children ofKannapolisaf@heretospendseveralweekswiththeMissesMontgomeryoneastBroadstreet.Miss Rosa Ratchford of (Carlisle,8.C..is the:guest of .Miss WilliéNicholson.Conductor*.N.A.Bost of Winston-Salem:was in Statesville.Wednesday,enroute to Asheville. Mrs.L.J.Freel:has returned fromavisittoherhomepeopleinOhio.Miss Nanette Campbell of Belton,§.C.,is visiting her sister,Mrs.J.A.Ballentine.:: ‘Miss Elia Hill Swann of AshevillevisitedtheMissegSwannofStates-ville this week.She was en route to Cool Spring township to visit at thehomeofherfather.Mr.P.W.Swann.‘Miss Lois Connelly of Winston-Sa- lem arrived in Statesville last night.She is the guest of Miss Bessie Fow-er.cs Miss Stella Mize is at home fromEmporia.Va. Mr.R.B.Cloer.has returned to Statesville from High Point. Mr.H.E.Olive of Clayton was the guest of Mr.V.B.Jurney from Wed- nesday to.yesterday.He was en route home from Mars Hill,where he at- tended summer school. Mrs.S.L.Cushing,who spent a few weeks here with relatives.return- ed yesterday.to her home in Tryon.- Dr.and Mrs.H.C.Cowles of New York are visiting.relatives here.Miss Jeanie Kiuttz of Salisbury istheguestofMrs.L.Ash.Mrs.T.G.Faweette of Mt.Airy arrives this week to visit her parents, Home Coming at McKendree—Death of Mr.Robinson,Correspondence of The Landmark, ee seem to be progressing nicelyiththeirwork.We had arain-Monday,which was neededmuch,,%The threshers haye begun -work. Mr.George Robinson of Moores-ville died and was buried Jane 27thatMcKendree,Funeral was conded:by the pastor,Rev.J.Ty Ratledge.~The home coming (which was men-tioned in this paper)was at MeKen-dree church,on the Mooresville cir-cuit,Saturday,3d.A large erewd was present,an elegant dinner wasservedandallseemedtoenjoytheoccasion.The speakers were Mesara:C.C.Moore of Charlotte.John W. Jones and M.W.White of.Mooresvilleandothers;and we would not forgettocommendthecrowdforitsgood behavior.eeMrs.C.C;Freeze of Troutman isspendingseveraldayswithhermoth-er,Mrs..T.P.Thompson of Mayhew.Mr.Jo,Atwell.of —Salisbury.is at:home with-his father,Mr.J.B.At-well,Mrs.D.C.Thompson returnedlast.week froma trip to the tains,where she had been.visiting rel- atives and friends,Mr..Burgess Jones of Greenshero is visiting his.mother-in-law,rs.Holtshouser ofMayhew.;Rev.D.C.Thompson will preach at very cireuit,next Sunday at 11 o’clock,andatWesleychapelat3:30 in the after-noon.a ‘fiChildren’s Day will be held at.Me-andres church the third Sunday inuly. Death of a Little Child—Meet ing at South River. Correspondence of The Landmark.ti Statesville,R-2.July 4—Arech AJ- len.the 14-months-old child of Mr. and Mrs.Arthur White,died Satur- day afternoon of meningitis,|The. little-one had never been=strong:and death came as a relief.Funeral ser- Mr.and Mrs.N.BY Mills.Miss Camilla:Rhyne,whe.was the) guest of Miss Sarah Adams,return-!}ed Tuesday to her home at Newton.|Capt.T.A.Mott and family of De-| troit,Mich.,are spending awhile at) Blowing Rock.Cant.Mott srent two}days here this week.|Miss Luna Thompson of Salisbury}arrives today to spend a few days| with Mrs.Pegram A.Bryant.| Mrs.G.M.Finger,who spent a few days here with relatives,went to! Montreat Tuesday to attend the meeét-' ing of the State Forestry Aissociation.| Mr.B.W.Steele and family of}Bloomington;I,,are;jyisiting rela-)tives here and in the county.".1 isg ,“Rae Gil],left.yesterday —for|Ww albite wih “he Will spend a} portion of the summer. Mrs.R.R.Reid and Miss Irby Reid of Charlotte were in,Statesville ves- terday en route,*Olin township, where they ie Visiting irelatives..~Mr.°C.B.Webb.national councilor of the Junior Order,left yesterday for:Philadelphia .to steraLe:meetingoftheboardof:national)Janior offi- cers.~agen Mr.Lewis Poston went to Waynes- vile tgrda.spend —severalPeITROSY _Mrs.U.T.Bowden,who visited Mrs.G,A.Critcher,returned yester- day to her home in Charlotte. Capt.and Mrs.P.:M.Mull of New- ten are visiting Mr.and Mrs,H.A.|Yount.Mrs.Mull is Mr.Yount’s sis- ter.* Mrs..W..H.Pressnell,Miss Lillie Presnelli and two younger childrenleftyesterdayforSeagrove,Randolph county. Mrs.M.L.Gwaltney of Taylors-ville is the guest of Mrs.'C..R.Sloan.«Mr.R.F.Henry attended the meet-ing of the State Association of Op- tometrists in Salisbury Tuesday.Mr.C.L.«Whitener of Hickorypaseedthroughtown.‘yesterday en route to.Troutman to join Mrs.White- ner,who is visiting there. Mrs.D.I’.McKinne and son,Mas- ter Clarence,of Louisburg,arrived in Statesville yesterday afternoon.and are guests of Mr.and Mrs,Clarence Stimpson..They will go to Turners- burg today to’visit -_Mrs..McKinne’s home people,Ba eo Mrs.J.M.Davis returned Wednes- day from Catawba.where she spent two weeks with her daughter,Mrs, F.¥.Long.Mrs.-Long accompanied her home and will spend a week here. Judge Neal Brings Suit Against Laurinburg Editor. Laurinburg Dispatch to Charlotte Ob-server,Alleging .a conspiracy for the de- famation of his character,Judge W.H.Neal has started vroceedings against E.J.Tillman,editor of the Laurinburg ‘News,and J.L.James. Papers have,been served. The action of the judge grows outofanarticleinlastweek’s News inwhich:Mr.Tillman questioned the motives of the jurist in.some litiga-tion both were interested in;and also rromised to devote some space in his next issue to an article dealing with the manner in which some of.the for- mer judge’s property was acquired. This article,says Mr.Tillman,in no -way-concerns Mr.James.and-further.than that the latter is a friend,thenewspapermanisatalosstoknowwhy_he_is included inthe action. For some short time past the law-yer and the editor have been at onts. }} { jt a-press ofthe newspaper man;and “Neal and Nealism.” °|The Blind inthe United States.|| The blind population of the Unit-|ed States in 1910 numbered 57,=}tal | Blindness is |ilesscommoninAmericathaninmost|}iothercountries;it has apparently de-|}asses||of the population._in the-last-halftf or 62.8 to each 100,000 of thepopulationinthatyear. creased among the youngest century;it is more prevalent amongmenthanamongwomen;it isauchmorep'and side “tales winter.I.used Chatiiberlain’s Lint.aiiong amo aoe) f freeMi en The judge,so the story goes,attached |} the editor attacked what he.termed|f virevalentamonginaconsiderably~more!a vices and burial took place at TrinitySundayafternoon,service conductedbyRev.C.L.McCain.The bereavedfamilyhavethe,tender sympathy of their many friends.Jessie,Mr.and Mrs.White’s oldest little girl.and one of the little boysarerightsick.We hope that they may soon be well.5 Misses Gladys.Privette and Ethel Grose spent Saturday night and Sun- day visiting friends at Stony Point.r,E.L.Weston and family,.fromthecasternpartoftheState,and Mr. Westor’s mother,of Loray,.,spentSunday;with Mrs.Aminda.Weston.Mr.(Hf.C.,,Privette made ;trip,t.Greensboro Friday;had,impo mae pasiness there.JA Sunbeam,Band was org:nized atSout‘iver,Sunday with,gleyen ianrs,...We hope that every child,oftecommunitywilljoin.cael e protracted meeting.will beginatSouthRiveronSaturday.before:the fourth Sunday in July,“at 11oelock,The pastor requests all whorossiblycantobethereonSaturday.‘All who are interested in the churchateaskedtomeetnext.Saturday toeleanoffthegraveyarot,grounds. Movements of”People ‘About“as ye dit.Mourne. Correspondence.of The Landmark. Mt.Mourne,July 8.—Mrs.B.S. Templeton visited relatives in States- ville this week.She came home Wed- nesday,Miss Lillian Houston of Dza-vidson visited relatives.in and near Mt.Mourne this week.Mr.and Mrs.Jim Whitlow of Charlotte visited Mr.Whitlow’s mother and father receni-ly.Messrs.Troy Sherrill and.FredNantzwenttoStatesvilleMondayfor the celebration. Misses Mary Octa and Karene Bo-lick of Denver.have.been "visiting their aunt,Mrs.Tom Christie,of Mt. Mourne:Miss Janie Kelley and Wal-ter Kelley of Mt.Mourne visited their aunt,Mrs.L.T,Kelley of Denver,the first.of the week.iWrhavehadsomefinerains re-cently,which we were very.glad in-| deed to see..Aas-Rev.Mr.West,the Center pastor, preached at-Oak Grove.school.houseSunday-afternoon.——_+—__— “Iredell Men Chosen Officers. At the meeting of the North Caro- .Mooresville,R-2,July 7-—The far+| Vanderburg church,on’the Troutman); ‘|FOR Pritt Bel: me latter Increase and Decrease in Sala- ries of Postmasters. have received increased salaries,dat- ing from July Ist,as a result of in- creased business in their offices.Sal- ‘jaries at the following offices;among others,have been increased: Asheboro from $1,900 to $2,000; Asheville,$3,300 to $3,400;|Black Mountain,$1,600 to $1.700;ChapelHill,$2,200 to $2,300;Durham,$3,10¢to $3,200;Elkin $1,600 to $1,700; Kannapolis,$1,300 to $1,400;Marion. $1,900 to $2,000;Old Fort,$1,200 to$1.500;Raleigh,$3,400 to,$3,500. Salaries have been some Offices on account of decrease of business—the following among oth- ers:Biltmore,$1,600 to $1.500;Le- nair,$2,200 to $2,100;North »Chai- lotte,$1,600 to $1,500;Norwood §1,-100 to $1,000;Reidsville,$2,500 to $2,400. LOST—Pocketbook containing small amotntchangeandChauthuquaticket.Return to Landmark,;duly 9—1t* LOST—Between.Statesville and Barium,asackofblaekpeas,Finder will.please no- tify,Rev.A.’8.CALDWELL,\BariumSprings,Ni>Cj duly 9—It, REV.C.M.-RICHARDS,D.D.,says hewasastonishedatthequickcureofRev.J.C. Kennedy's Eezema by Barium Springs water.Bix Sam Presson of Charlotte says use wa- ter like Barium for Eezema,as it cured his wife of a bad case.Good also for all stom-ach,kidney and blood troubles."Phone$-J-1bracaseofsixgallonMr.M.H.MeBride spent three weeks at the Lodge reeently and went home happy over cure of a sore hand—#ore for 41 years. July 9—2t, on Sharpeduly9.FOR RENT—Seven-room —house‘street.W.AY ELIASON, west of Statesville,in-sight of State High- way.J.&.LEONARD,duly 9-~tt, SALE—Storehouse and let with first-class stock of general.merchandise.Ex- cellent stand,A bargain.TRIVETTE,Harmony,N.C. June 25-—-10t. NOTICE—Our terms fcr blocks are strictlycashwhendelivered.We,make no excep-STATESVILLE LUMBER ~CO- 2-4. tions. July HONEY Plenty of good honey,15 cents apound,J.M,MITCHELL. July 2—4t.w*. NOTICE--Our terms for blocks are strictly cash when delivered.We make no excep- tic STATESVILLE LUMBER.CO, 2—~4t. ms. July ‘NoticetoLand Owners. North Carolina,Iredell Copifity.iInthematteroftheFffthCreekDrainaxeDistrict.4/persons owning lafids ~in~the Fifth Cre Pthat th e Commissioners of said District pco- cent infercst)and shall be paid:im ten equalinstallments,the first.maturing,at:the ,ex-piration,of three years.from;;date of,isiaadoneeachstiecéedinkyearfornine@itional’years..Atry Jandowner.desiring”+ fds so,imay:!pay inte!the Treasurer,of ttdgounty,the amount assessed against his lan|s, days,after”the’publication of this notice,ahdthereliyYeleasesuchlandsfromliabilityfo payment of bonds.${HE BQARD.OF .DRAINAGE COMMIS-SIONERS.of Pifth,-Creek District. \D.PF.Mayberry,Atty.duly:%3tw. Closing Out Sale! BEGINNING MONDAY,JULY 12TH, I will close out my stock ofgoodsattheCliostoreatand © below cost. L also offer the stock .for sale asa whole and will rent the store. J.W.HAGE R.a July 9—1t.*< Flowers! For the Porch:| NORFOLK ISLAND PINES, Many North Carolina postmasters} decreased at}. FARM FOR SALE—85 acres 7 miles south-|: TRIVETTE &|, T¥airlage District are’hereby notified |@ pose to,issue bonds to the amount of Eight|&‘Thousand Dollars to defray the cost of dred::-|5¢Fifth creek.Said bonds will bear Six per!é in said district,at any time within fiftern|: SUPREMACY VICTORY does not come to the weakling— muscles and brains arenotdevelopedbyidlingand rp indefinite purpose aS oe ae wy _The great athletes brought‘honor to themselves through_strength of purpose,andby con-.centrating all their abilities up.*on the desire to excel.e Steadfast purpose in business— the development ofall your facul-ties and the constant improving of yourselt—and the concentra-tion of all your ca-pacities on your line will bring you suc- cess.And insistent saving will ‘enableyouandyourstoen-joy the fruits ofyourlaborandpre- pare you for greaterthingsahead. _We welcome theaccountsofmen who ‘are of win- ing caliber. The STATES Noe“Capital $100,006 4%Pai a me < -ie 1s pesos ne Deposits |We Are Well Stocked on a Good Variety. nei Reseed ) Harness,ete,: The Famous Hackney,High Point and — Oxford Buggies and other makes that we have always carried. A good stock of HARNESS of our own make.a Everything in our-line at right prices,_ Always see us before you buy.It will Pe e pay you.oe§ “RUBBER PLANTS,DRACENAS,PALMS, lina Association of Postoffice Clerks and City Letter Carriers,in Charloti>|Monday,it-was decided to hold the! next.meeting in Asheville.Mr.I./ Stikeleather,Jr.,of Asheville,a na-|tive’of Iredell and who is now visitinghisfather,Mr.T.M.Stikeleather,at| Turnersburg,was re-elected presi-|dent_of the Association of City Let-|ter Carriers and Mr,J.D.Daywalt of |Statesville was elected’sergeant-:xt-|arms of the organization.»~~~The postoffice clerks elected.W..1..Walters of Gastonia president andtheR.F.D.Carriers chose D2.!Honeycutt of Raleigh president.Thelatterorganizationwillholdits.nextmeeting.in Greensboro. ire erpeeene entree || FERNS...-~ ‘For Porch Boxes: FUSCHIAS,GERANIUMS,COLEUS,SALVIAS. CUT FLOWERS and DESIGNS. W.M.BARRINGER,GREENHOUSE. ’Phone 57.356 West End Ave., July 9—2t.Statesville N.C. : Lacie’Wool Skits! _dren’s and odd sizes at For immediate use in the new Fall Patterns.In-order to-introduce this:new line we are~ showing in Black,Navy and Copenhagen Blue, we are giving very.special inducements inprice—$2.98,$3.98,$5.00 and $5.50. “New Awning Stripe’Voiles in Blue and Black. ss REDUCED PRICES on many lines of PumpsandSlippers...Don’t forget,ourtable:of_chil-.. just.about half price.'Very truly,& ress,Vehicle &Statesville,N.C. eH The Ha SUVOUTDE EAMES TELTETGNE HTH Itisagreat mistake to decide upon anyinstrumentmerelybecausethepriceisafewdollarslower.thansomeotherthatpleasesaswellorbetter.A Pianomaybecheapat$400,or it may be dear at $200,__Seventy-eight years’experience has madeit imipos-‘sible to be mistaken whén you decide on a Hardman.The Piano that pleases better and is cheap at’the ©price.Mae ~~~Carlton A.Andrews,Statesville,N,G23:Manufacturer’s Agen‘ |COCOL Seeeea:7 ieee SIMPLE ©THINGS.|by gin the fact that e oT ‘|town,whoge income is now 80 laggely ’2takenuptopayrent,would not have Plead Guilty hous i: to pay soca and could hayd:c Seven of the 182 men’who are fac-)} that money to buy more of the thifigs!ing‘charges of election frauds in.they fprekahaa(gem weetvopiatration Bruiiary Ani cebetton fie 2 ¢will «¢yah t i014,in’Indianapolis,Ind,pleaded |i” aeRie ces ae evil MeasaOH ailty whenarraigned in criminal‘sourt at Indianapolis ee One |#‘inelosstotheowners.”’Oh,no,it.wou I;ec!~\Wundred and thirteen others,‘includ-|%.not be.It would stop,the speculators |;iyecThomas ‘Taggart,Demoeratic na- from making monéy,but At land mere rial committeeman,Joseph E,Bell, infPart of the Tndianapois,Crowal iHiy—eee eT Sey —_ LANDMARK |SEEING F cw 1915,|People Want.to.Be |Mystified a —ae and What Should Be Plain isisOFC:A |Jumbled to Their Hurt—The Happenings ‘Here and There in Price of Lund and the Adyan- the State.tage of Making All Land Gastonia has passed an /ordinanze}«Cheap. ibiting ‘peanut’roasters on the Monroé Journal.: ain thoroughfares in the center of PP te difficultDidyouevernoticehow t city..Will Bell,a negro who killed B.'N. ann’at Durham last winter,for the rpose of robbery,was électrocuted t the State prison yesterday. “The Rex Spinning Company will ild a new cotton mill at Gastonia, the mill to béin®work with 12,0¢0 spindles.C.M.Dunn will be manag- er.ky SAt the mécting:of the State Council the Farmers’Union—in.Raleigh rham was.selected as the place of e next State meeting and,November>6,17 and 18 as the dates. *<The.North Carolina Optometri¢So-ogiety,in.session in Salisbury Tues- day,selected High Point as the nextplaceofmeeting.W.H.Leonard of Salisbury was ré-elected president, .Miss Ida Mae Munday of Denver,‘Lincoln county,a former teacher ineNewtongradédschools,and Mr. hos.GC.Clifton,assistant cashier oftheShufordNationalBankatNew-»ton,were married at the home of thebrideTuesday.morning.»- *Rowah county commissioners re-gard alto speeding in that couaty sufficiently serious to call on the may-érs of towns and the sheriff of thecountytoenforcethelaw.Less tatkandmoreactionwouldhelpmuch‘itallmattersoflawenforcement. .Petitions calling for an election for$250,000 of bonds for ood roads are Geing cireilated in Catawba countyAnditissaid)the prospect is good forsecuringsufficientsignaturestowar-?ant the commissioners in calling theelection;-which-would-beheld-sometime‘this:summer.” ,Geo,Hix;“about.21 years old,son of Rey.Mr.Hix,a MethodistministerOf‘Durham,was killed inanautomobjiléaccidentnear-Southll,Virginia,Sunday —morning.Young Hix lived at Durham.He wasenroutétoNorfolkwithapartywhenthémachineturnedoverand“he was killed.Fe nas-A charter:has been issued for the’John Paul:Jones Association (inc,)of Halifax,to restore and preserve““Grove House,”the colonial home ofthefamousnavalhero,and take stepsortheprocurementoftheestablish-ment ofa national military,‘collegerindustrialschoolthere.|‘is:2t ong.,the,incorra rs a tion that. This:is’anoftheDaughtersof,the Bevohi it is for people to ,nderstand simplethings?Once an old gentleman went to hear a gréat man speak.The speechwasspsimple,clear and great thatthe‘old gentleman thoroughly enjoy-ed it.But on meeting a_neighborwhoaskedwhathéthoughtofthegfeat”man,he replied:“Well,they say.he is a great man,bu-I doubt it.Why,I am not educated at all and Iunderstood.everything ‘he ,said.” Some smart fellow said:that thepurposeoflanguageistoconceal thought,,‘Ai simple and plain trith is oftennotaccepted-because it.is plain andeasilyunderstood.Yet the»whole tendency toward perfection in every- thing is toward simplicity.All thegreatinventions.which are stmple and easily understood today ‘were at.first so bunglesome that they would hard- y work.j :Gt hePlainreligionisobscured”by thewrangle‘of theology.This is whySamJonésoncesaidthatheJoved religion but hated theology. Men have the idea that educationisforthepurposeofenablingoneto get out of work,whereas’it “shouldbetoendblémenandwomentoworkmoreéfficiently."Statesmen.obscure and bungle the function of government by trying todivorceitfromtheplain«dictates ofcommonsenseand-régarding it as sométhing Separate and apart-fromoureverydaylife.:The doctors:have built up a compli- cated and learned system for curingdisease,whereas the simple’ China- man--has-known for.thousands ofyearsthattheimportantthingisto keep from getting sick.-In short,like the oldman whoheardthespeech,people are dlwaysinclinedtofollow’after the man whocanconfusethemratherthantopur-Sue the paths of simplicity.“Nowhere-is_this tendency ‘so:mark-ed as in the realms>of_finance andeconomics.‘“We start outcapital”supports labor, whereas,-¢apital-is the absolute creat- ure of labor and would ‘pass _into nothingness in a,few mon if laborweretocease,"Tis true that the sur-plus which labor ‘has.“created has passed’out‘‘of!its:hands ‘ard thas bescome:b0 able!tof ddnttol thet of}ities’fo¥"labop'that)Mor |i! id “daughter.Poa esas,“years ;ttelesPicochetee tedaTOHeSyegre.and-.a—~man-hastened to at eagerheSo :reene 1,penaule ahd Wrenn,who had bedaenvictedincourtofaminoroffence)yas hired to Foster by;the countyommissioners., Don’t Want the Ignorant Ne-/@roes to Vote,Says Mr.Linney.i Mr.Frank A.Linney,chairman oftheRepublicanStatecommittee,hasssuedastatementinwhichhesayspheRepublicansinthisStatewillnotattempttotakeadvantageoftheSu-qpreme Court decision as to theaoeGrandfatherClause”in,the constitu- ie at "Dr ‘want.it distinctly understood,”aid Mr.Linney,“that I do not want_Wo see the ignorant negro a voter inNrthCarolinaagain,and,so far asThavevoiceintheRepublicanpar-‘ty.he shall not have that right re-stored to him.The educational’testsandthepoll‘tax provision are Suffi-lent Protection against this vote.-Supreme-Court-decision-in-the,Lg case,”declared Mr.Linney,4 Was’not a surpriseto any lawyer‘who has studied similar sravinienk Ty.the various:-amendments of the South-States to their constitutions.Weallunderstoodthataneducationalestionwasto’apply to all;and‘hat an effort to exempt a class wouldnot‘pass the courts,vA great many who were not Re-Publicans,as well as many Republi-‘ans in-the State,refusedto vote-foroursuffrageamendmentbecausethey‘believed it in-violation of expressed_-Provisions-of-the Federalconstitution,|After it was once a law of our State,no Republican wanted it tested,be-Cause it-effecttially removed the ne-‘gro from the field of politics in theState,and every effort to test it was‘discouraged by the leaders of the par-ity_in.North Carolina.“Before its enactment the Demo-cratic party received a majority of‘the negro:vote and the Republican‘party received the odium.”..The latter assertion Mr.Linney.at-empts to prove by citing the-vete-forGovernorfeforeandafterthe,adop-On..of .th stitutional amendment, Big Corn and Wheat Crop.+Prospects of a_billion_-bushel whéat‘this year were increased ‘duriniatrein gdastmonth.Basing its estimate onuly1cropconditions,the nationalDepartmentofAgriculturehasplaced|reasonable price,the prospective total roducti 4Wi,000 busliéls...contipared’witcompared>with,000°bushels.éstimated ©ftomé@1cropconditidns.estimate for the a 9a é 10W_maa‘ger than the man,whereas the natur-|* al ‘and “hie: loutof use~for spect cori crop.favorable conditions.continue, tih the attitide gf'strtendér|seaSLMYata (tes betasts,'*The ‘doll g’shotild be that1:the manis the bigs ticians are,now talking.much aboutheeaeeeriebySEacalledfural‘credits.This“ts ha a thing {sounds big apa complig tedy j “the “State 3 a land bank,to lend money to’farm:ers at 6 per‘cent.He prdposes sSchemeasmistyaSthémilkyway. That will catch a good many peoplewho‘never/use their think tanks.Why do we hear so much of.this talk?Simply because our presentlaws’are'driving men from the land.We want to hire them to stay with-out removing the simple cause that is driving them away.The situation is like that of our lack of shipping.Our foolish laws,made in the interest of special fa-vorites,have:driven or merchantmarinefromtheseas.We are try- ing to hire it to come back by a com-plicated System of subsidies thatwouldentailataxuponallthepeo-ple.If we would simply remove the cause that has destroyed it,itwouldcomebackofits:own accord.’ policy of permitting land to be heldulationhasmade on the foolish assump-| tek Fi_Statesmen.andfinaicichs and poli-4 ‘ers’,Assopiation proposes to.establis to:go down to a dollar an acre tomor-row the country would be just as,well off onthe whole as it is today.Wewouldhave.exactly the same landthat:we have,‘The difference wouldbethatthemanwhoiswillingtogooutandworkandsweatand.makethingsonthelandwouldhavemore}and the speculators sitting in)>theshadewouldhaveless,ie'We are for the man who works andfeédsus.‘Yet this propositidn isso simple that the majorityof péoplataketheotherside,’They want ¢on,,fusion and less to eat,We want simeplicityandabundanceandno‘empty.stomachs.Yet there are plenty,.of men in high office today because theystandforthatwhichmakesoneset,of men rich’as Dives and another set as poor as Lazarus.FE aieg nessi eitoea ehcercmeDeservesaMonument..);,,.. Lumberton Robesonian,be The movement by the North Caro-lina’Press Association at its mect- ing at Montreat last week to erect a monument to the memory of the,late Joseph P.Caldwell will -méet, with hearty approval.If ever anewspapermandeservedamont- ment,that prince’among editors i$ the man. Newton Enterprise:J.H.Pitts,business man.of Catawba,has torn!away a wooden store building in-that: town and is arranging to replace it' avith two brick business houses.: 4 $60 as a shareprofits. On dispiay and sale at. The same is true of the farms.The|.- land so,high that men cannot buy it apa ake a living by.using it.Hence, the prices.The question is,do they want||to help the farmer or are they merely| werking to help the:speculators get their rake off?Hnlf the farmers of the South are now renters,and more of them be- come renters every year.‘At the same time there are more than three! hundred million acres of land in the South held out of use for no other |purposethan to push the price up.The higher the price climbs the fas-ter the farmers become tenants._ Now,if we would just-simply make it unprofitable to hold.land without working it this would do more goodto.the farmers,than all the land banks in creation.It would put the price down so low that men could buy itastheyusedtodoandfinditprofit- able to live upon it and work it. Land banks for the purpose of lend- ing farmers money to buy land would simply run-up:the prica tothe spec- ulators and again get ‘it out of reach of the workers.The workers wouldstillybeoutoflandexceptintare instances...But_if land-were-taxed-atitssalepricethosewho,are holding market and it would ‘stay.cheap till|every man who wanted to actually!use -the land could get it at a! because.theremorevacant.than used land in theSouth.This ‘would also keep to work it.This is so simple that a child ought 2814,000,000-bush2,672,80,000 ‘last a Margaret Flanigan entertain- els.compared.1o-see—it-»-Cheap land makes ‘cheap rent.This if for the simple reason that where men can get land of theitowntheywillnotpayhighrents, it out of use would throw it upon thé? is| }the| price from going up,because no man|would want land’unless he:expected}| “ecee-ae|All Healing Springs Hotel, change of venue from Judge James A. ‘|board. An average cost of two'centsa mile provides._for operating and'maintaining a Ford gar..:Mh sRbId After Sebvice for Fortowners”assures the continuous use’of V6“every contingency.there’sia::Ford ;dealer:si|.near by,witha complete stock ‘of parts: Barring ‘the unforeseen,each retail buyerofanewFordcar’between August,1914,and August,1915,will receive from $40 to*of the Ford Motor Company’s Runabout,$440;Touring :Car,$490;Coupelet,$750;f 0.b.Detroit with all equipment. Carolina Motor Co’s.Statesville,Newton and Mooresville. i a mayor of Indianapolis,and SamuelPerrott,chief of police,asked.for a Collins.;Of the other defendants,some are |i inv prison,some ~sick andhaven’t been arrested.i@udge Collths told those who askedforachangeofvenuethathewould select five members from the Marion county bar,from which list one wouldbechosen,today,to try the cases. Besides the 120 wno.were arraign-éd;eight have not been arrested.Twoarein’prison,one is out of.the State but has promised to return,and theétherfive’are believed to have beendesignatedinthewrongnanies.Three others have been others given additional time to study the in-|#dictment before pleading. *.Charles Inman was killed and Miss Addie Inman,Henry Inman and W.J. Griffin were wounded in a pistol bat- tle at Griffin’s home near Waycross, Ga.,Wednesday.,Miss Inman was staying at Griffin’s home and the In-mans.trigd to get her to leave when| the.shooting.-began,man,19 years old,is expected to die.| Griffin fled after the shooting. “Durham county commissioners havepracticallydecidedtobuildanew court house,to cost $150,000.Col.G.|# W,,Flowers,formerly of Taylorsville, is.chairman..of the Durham 2 mt ede.)fn!" 'l'country ham and fresh milk a Rates Auto sérvii .00 to $8.00 per wee TAYLORSVILLE,N.C. =ze cal ow : 'a : --Do you need health?Do you need rest and recreation under con- ditions that will make for belter bealth and a stronger constitution? Then get out into the country,away from the hustle of the town, away from cares and perplexities and get up near the mountains where |-the air is-pure,where the synshine is brighter,up where the _very.at-_ ‘mosphere is invigorating and brading..nies ~Cometo.All Healing Springs,-six miles west of Taylorsville,N.C., ~-gituated in the foothills of the mountains,1,300 feet above sea level, _.where the climate,coupled withthe curative propertiesof the water will make a different man or adifferent woman of you. The water is a fine tonic,greatly benefiting rheumatism,kidney truubles,indigestion,and most ills to which humanity is heir. Come and stfoll over the mountains,sit under the shade,of the trees on theJawn,drink in the breezes from the broad verandas,and there in the very heart of nature,2nd’butter right from the farm.Vegeta- bles and fruits always in profasion.’’wi 4 you will enjoy the fried.chicken, ‘ettf ildren under 12 years,half price. indictment.by |# The young wo-|} county |% Something doing all the. week.Wewill give you ‘the glad hand,assure: you a warm welcome ‘and guarantee you a'big. time.es |Statesville Drug Conifty,~~.Quality Prescriptionists.% THE REXALL STORE.&OI Your House! hada.z II insti }yourel ryz2 raeeyor dt oben l awed jab goy dod viroqord‘While climbing the ‘June hill,”if ME ate 4__have not already done .so,§creen,your... house;.Sereen doors and wire are en- ;Pee cheap for you to take chances Wasi ire(oy iat aot obsmriel sep ena arenete+ae tiOFF home,Join the great army,not to), §ne ‘fight,the {ermans;but;the flies.;: The medical profession is in agreementthatfliesarecommoncarriersofdis- ease,This being true,it behooves everygoodcitizentobediligentinseasonand ..out of season.to get rid of the flies. We are headquarters for Screen Doors,Window Screens and Screen Wire,FlySwattersandFlyTraps.We sell the_celebrated Henry Heinzerling Fly Trap,one that is capable of catcHing a gallonoffliesper-day.- |W.R.MILLS,|- YOUR OPPORTUNITY| To Buy a Nice Karmand Get Ready for Next Year's Crop No‘1—345 acres in Elmwood.All school and church conveniences,*#Strong Jand,40 acres in bottom,8-room house,large barn % and out houses,nieNo.2-77 acres 3}miles cast of city.This propertylies on thé sand- clay highway now being constructed by the governinent.Isideal'for Dairy and Truck farming.iNo.3~40 acres f 1-4 miles from public square.Splendidly adapted for Dairy putposes,Live Stock and Poultry.No.4—60 acres jn Wilkes county just across Iredell line—a bargain.,%40 city Jots'in east Statesville,known as “Park Place’’—-$15.down,“%balance'in monthly payments of $5.:10 lots in:Bloomfield.Terms easy.Six lots in south Statésvillé.a section fast developing.Several nice houses and lots to sell,Call on mé and learn what I have.ve on vr ryStatesville,N.C.'#—4PHONE 64.547 Ce OC C SO S C R C R C E C EC E Any Doctor will tell you we have just passed through avery:tis unhealthy season.ie It;has been too much for even the strong ones.| Wouldn’t it Bea good’idea to get straightened out and feg]fit for the hot days to come?*‘° f you want the BEST for the liver,we can deliver the BEST._f you'll bring us the RIGHT prescription we'll bring attheRIGHTresults,aad do it promptly with the:very.best be drugs made.from Taylorsville,N,C.,only.75c.Long distance ‘phone lene lighted.Sewerage and minera bis iy Respectfully,: This policy would double the wealthofthe-South in ten years,because |men who have to-use all their capitalimsecuringlandtobegintoworkonwouldhavemuchbftheircapitaltoinvest.in improving and operatingtheirfarms.«__The same |de: Remember in Taking Medicine }Tre fiesceGay.|The Polk eae south emre ~ed Von ‘her young friends,yesterday afternoon,at the home ofMayorCaldwell,“insTeresaBris- in hotel’50‘room -capacity,acetwaterbaths.Write for booklet,All Healiii SS S Se r t a LNG Ore Be INSRWAY;THE clPRIBaanMAKETACINSIDE:a ianWAY¢DUR CusUS IK UP NOW “TO CELEBRATE pus eau N OUTING YOU WON'T BE “IN}SUE KEEP RIGHTCKINSTYLES.| Ce SAD WE FIR T i admitte the hospital.In bo SES~THAT'S WHY WE DoBUSINESS Bie Uiccaes:wee obviously cubitsOMERSGREREPEATERS.COM5YORoFILLGOOUTWELLDRESSEDANDHAVE | Sloan Clothing Company.| :Suchisthe record ofoneday’s.hundred; u damage done by tornadoes.«Fire In i -You don’tknow when the tornado may strike your property,but you do knowthe“Old Hartford”protects ‘Vecuueaon gages For overa w }a -=44 Statesville,N:-C:" ar 60 Tornadoes Devastate 10,000 Homesin Eight States ars the Hartford ance Company. has met every honest claim promptly.Buy a Hartford Tornado Policy today.Itis the nearest thing to comfort when a Tornado strikes. :People s Loan&SavingsBank, Resident Agent.GEO.H.BROWN,President.:+ “The Gutching Hand” Of poverty and wafit will never grab you _if you have an-active savings account in a good Bank—this Bank for instance. But you want to start in time.Start now, and start here.A dollar will do to start with and a hundred dollars wouldn’t stop you,once you realize how savings account is, important a SAVETY—-SERVICE—SATISFACTION. Of Statesville, “The Bank For Your Savings.” Merchants and Farmers’Bank, ee Oe Oe Fret,Sweat or.Worry! A Gas Range ie ———AND———= A GAS WATER HEATER. SEE THE GAS ee ee HP RIDAY, |Bulletin State Board of Health. 4 |The letter |cases of typhoid fever last year-—1914 H\not yet available for.publication, i}phoid»vaccine as a preventive of:ty- |phoid fever. -\ures to be had concerning the use of}| EB railways.=|der construction on January 1 only) =\ing built entirely of steel and s|\vere of steel under-frame type. g building of steel passenger cars and) INETTE TEAsaareenenauancese,ameseessmoas3THELANDMARK “duly 9,1915. MORE PROOF IS OFFERED. BMficiency of ,Anti-“Anti-Typhoid Vac-cine—Will Svon Be Offered Free in Iredell.)| *--&letter just received by the StateRoardofHealthfromtheofficethesurgeongenieoftheWarDe-partment at ashington _makes’known the latestvite and figures},concerning the use.of anti-typhoidvaecineintheafmyfortheyear.1914.ys»:“There were seven with three deaths,none of whomhadreceivedthecompleteimmuniza-tion againct typhoid.”Further infor-mation or the complete statistics forthelastyear,the general states,areT The recérd for 1918 is other ‘proof positive for the syecess of |anti-ty- “For the calendar year, 1913,"he writes,“three cases.of ty-phoid.fever—(officers “and enlisted men)occurred-in-the-army..stationedwithinthegedgraphicallimitsoftheUnitedStates.Two of these caseswereinrecentlyenlistedrecruits,who were admitted:to the hospital on thefourthandsixthdaysofservice.Thelattercasehadnotreceivedthefirst dose of the typhcid prophylactic when the disease was obviously contractedpriortoenlistment.In the third cas¢the prophylactic was employed for more than a year previous.to the.at- tack,but the soldier stated that he'had received only one injection.e Allthepatientsrecovered.”For a number of years the’army has.furnished the most reliable fig-7. this typhoid preventive.In fact it has given us about the only authorita- tive we have,as it was in the army the-treatment-was-made-compulsoryandaccuraterecordswerekept.Each year has furnished the same convinc- ing story,that anti-typhoid vaccine,when.administered properly-in thrée separate doses,is efficient as a pre- entive of typhoid fever:it is to‘be noted that only the un-vaccinated men and officers ‘of ‘the army had typhoid during the year|1912,1918 and-1914.It is further to be noted that accurate observationslxecordedinhundredsofthousandsof|'leases leave no doubt as-to-the--pre-|._ |ventive powers of anti-typhoid vac- |cination in all but a-relative insigni- ficant few,and in these it strikingty’|decrennas the morbidity and.the mor-}: |tality (In the counties in this State where anti-typhoid campaigns are -being ‘|condugted and this typhoid vaccineia |bebar ‘administered free,people ate-dagerlyjoftheopportunityeksecure cme A Gace |trom this.most dreaded of diseases. little:later this campaign ‘will bejinIredellandallIredellpegple..w |have the same opportunity. |Landmark is now calling their atten-|ition to what isofferedso ae will be {repiye for it.)bk |WOODEN CARS GOING OUT., |Steel RailroadCars Rapidly Re- t placing Wood. te =|Chicago Dispatch. That the wooden passenger car is A rapidly becoming.a relic of the aEon 2/by the results of an inquiry just tom-American railways is ~indicated| pleted:by a spécial committee of the Of 956 passenger cars un three were wood;while 725 were be-|228| To ascertain the progress of the the cost of replacing with steel the [present wooden equipment,this com-,‘|Mittee issued a circular letter to theBirailwaysofthecountry,and the re-plies show that the steel cars are re- placing wood about as fast as_thebuilderscanturnthem:out.-Of the:=/4,495 ears acquired by the railways a of the United States during=/3,355 were all steel,940 were steel :underframe and-only.200 were wood-, =/en cars,while for the past five years Bimost of the new cars have been of 1914, In 1909 ‘there were only 629flall-steel cars.in service,and of the=|new cars acquired in that year only26.per cent.were all-steel,but,in fithe five years beginning with 1910s|the proportion of all-steel cars add- ed each year has ranged from 55.4!sito 74.6 per cent..while that of steels|underframe cars has increased from2'14.8 to 20.9 and the per centage ofwoodencarshasidroppedfrom29.8to4.5,The per centage of wooden cars under construction .on January 1 was only .3.Over Half of the sleeping .cars_inthecountryarenowofstecl.ThePullman.company has been buildingsteelcarsexclusively,for its ownsleepingcarserviceforthepast three or four years and on January)1 it had 2,400 all-steel cars and 1.- 239 steel underframe cars,as against 3.835 wooden cars.The total number of passenger |cars in-serviceintheUnited States’on January 1 was 62,112,of which12,900 were all-steel,5,700 steel un-derframe and 43 412 wood,the.in-erase of_steel cars—over-1909:being 1,951 per cent eel reeeerenAEteERERNE Casualties on the Fourth. Nineteen persons dead and 903 in-|jured was the nation’s sacrifice to tic|two days’celebration.of Fourth of)July,according to corrected figurescompiledbytheChicagoune,.These figures show an increase over the totals of 1914,when there were12°persons killed and 879 injured.A meaeeecnen ns ——earn f _large:-also--was-shown.in:theforthisyearbeing YOUarego pasar Tr Sa going to build consider roofing.’“All kinds metaleslfulllinesheetmeiinok:ALee fadridge coll and :ahi at am |fire loss,|$239,325, of|liberally,and the statistics give little: fox 1AMERICAN.:DRINK BILL.| Alcoholic and Non-Alcoholic! Beverages Amount to $20 Per Capita. Philadelphia Record. Once a year the American Grocer tells us what we drank the previous’12 months.We drink a lot,We!don’t drink quite so much as some) other peoples,but we drink pretty| indie ation of the tidal wave of total: sbstinence.that is supposed to be,sweening over the country.In-fact, the tidal wave seems to be beer,withalittlewhiskeyandwineontheside,| Last year the American Grocer; computes that we spent a little more}than a billie dollars for.beer,$609,-60.000 for ‘distilled drinks and $128,000,000 for wines.The sum of ‘he three items is just under a bil-4hlion.and three-quarters.In,.1913| the sum spent was a little greater,|’hut not mueh importance can be at-| tached to a decrease of 2.3 per cent.|There are always small fluctuations| from year to year. The tea,coffee and cocoa cost about|1 quartgy of a billion.In‘round fig-ures we spend about two.billions a) is for aleoholic beverages and”one-eighth for cups which cheer but donotinebriate.The cost comes about $20 a year.for each person, male and female,old and young,and|a?the adult males do-most-of the al-|coholic drinking and a good many of them drink nothing,or very spars ingly,it is not an unreasonable in-! ference that a great many men drink| very much more than is good for)them.‘|The economic significance of the| figures is about as)important as the|moral significance.Of the two bil-| lie ns a year it is not unreasonable to |sume that one billion and a half is}the cost of drinks that are of little | or no food.value,and that are not! éven food relishes,taken-with meats. veay-for.dvinks,.of which seven-sights ; |to}J “All Cats look ae UST Rubber and Can-ha full ofor So thinks the Tire User who‘buys Pneumatics ‘‘Blind,’’with-out comparison after thorough investigation.$0 thinks the’Car OwnerwhobuysfromtheCutPrice Dealer,the**just as food’’Tire on which that Dealer quotes An expenditure of $100 a year per!§ fs sally far the greater part of which|§ is merely the ssgenes of an appe-| ‘ite,has a very cofisiderable bearing| en the material welfare of the coun-: try. { Differences Among the_Allies. The first official indication of lack| of complete harmony among the al-|ves beeame evident recently when} laly -pretested to England,France} ond Russia against a continuation of| the Slay invasion of Albania.The | Protest “has “not™stopped:the-Servian{. and Montenegrin campaign against| the anarchic Albanians.If the two | Slav nationalities succeed in dominat-| ing Albania,Italy will be’cheekmated | in her efforts to turn theAdriatic 4 | ‘o an'Italian lake.Albania forms the sothecten|chore of the.Adriatic,for which rea-| son .Italys yit,.to fall within her‘phere of influenee at the end of he |war...At the same time,Italy desites| ke from Austro-Hungary part of| rand the province of Istria,|The 20 make her hold on tne Adriatic still| mere secure.The Dalmatian and rae territories have a population’“a £half.million slaves,Russia doesn’tMaesthesemembers.of her own race| {to pass*under~Italian’sovereignty.\She.wants.them to_be:indenendent:ortobe.annexed.by the Balkan Slavs.But the Czar cannot,openly protest betause he necds Italy’s military as- sistance.Russia .undoubtedly is.en- eouraging Servia and Montenegro to invade Albania and thus exercise aSlavonierestraintonItaly. GOOD TREATMENT~FOR OILY SCALPS Men:and women ‘whose hair and 'sealp are excessively oily suffer more ‘in-the warmer months than at any ‘other time.The summer’s.dust and dirt mingle with dandruff,cling to the oily hfir and scalp,clog the scalp pores,stifle the hair roots and make proper cleansing almost impossible. ‘Parisian Sage is an ideal treatment'f6¥°this’trouble.Wash the hair not ofténer than once a weck,but use Parisian Sage twice daily,pouring’alittle into the parted hair and rub- hing briskly right into the scalp with thefinger_tips.—It__drives—out-—dan- draff,dissolve the -excess oil andstimulatesthescalpinto’healthy, normal action.Sold by the States- ville Drug Co.and leading druggists everywhere. Gladiolas! Of the enormous num- ber of —attractive blooms in evidence at this time,probably none of the Flowers ~are more charming: than Gladiolas.We. \always have a variety of the —handsomest Flowers grown today. oy him the biggest discount we ‘Pee Listspecially.printed wpfor thatSothinkstheManpee:soTire billaveragesnearlyhalfofhisentireSeason’srunningExpense,when it neednot aver-’age one-fourth,if he would Work."his head’*.and,once for all;;the. Tire Game 1 hagoBe ite TERE are Coe tore MORTLartyget25%to 50%.MO,Mileage,per Dollar i in Tires,than do the Owners of:Cars driven with equalcare,under equiva-lent road conditions:;The latter type of Owneris apttoconchideoffhand(from his own exence)that all ‘Tires must be Short-lived , and Unsatisfactory.Now this is to tell him that there is as much difference between the MileageandResilienceofdifferentbrandsof Tires,when the facts are investigated,and proven through actual Service,asthereisdifferencebetweentheColorPs Cats—when viewed by Daylight?’Thisis toinform him that three Rub-—: ‘ber Factor sing precisélytite”same~quantity and quality of Materials might,and sometimes do,produce (through thedifferenceintheirRubberEXPERIENCE and efficiency methods)Tirés of suchwidelydifferentMileuge-Result asto a ave 000 Miles,4000 Miles,and S000Milesréspectively—under parallel road conditions.a @ OST of production istherefore : C no sure guide to the and Resilience which canputintosucha.cubtle and,*tempera-mental’?product as the Rubber in’a Pneumatic Tire.;And,though The B,F,Goodrich Co. can,and does,put the most Mileage perDollarliveoutenl:tet the User,oncorichSafety-Tread ‘Tires ,they ido:not in=“terpret this as a reason whythey should =charge a higher price,to incade an In-surance Premium which wonld plage their“Adjustment Basis’?beyond the safe ardreasonableminimumthatBadRoadsand Careless Driving make necessary,Because ofita Manufacturing To ‘the ayof Iredell and Other Coutiee: “THE STATESVILLE REALTY &INVESTMENT COMPANY |to announce that they have completed ‘arrangements with*‘ Advantages,its i Meth-r e ods,and Waste-reducing Proe-Only 5%Plus for this esses (resulting from its45 years’°EXPERIENCE in the!working”.Best Non-Skid of Rubber),The B.¥*.GoodrichCo.can afford to and dees,offer. efo!lowing es.“A,”|the greatest Mileage in»Tires at "BrNasi dD representnoteoyMe -Scid |the lowest.‘price per Mile,Non-Skid Tires:It sells the standardgradeof -!cyretEss MAKES |Goodrich Safety Tires:at10%to...sine |icy SST aL ee |30%lowerprices than other non-i.BPC"|UP"|skid brands which ‘‘Guarantee”30x3 [$9.451$10.551$10.95|$16.35 ea greater Mileage but cannot proy:30x3%)12.20]13.35}14,20)21.70 ¢23.60 oka of greater Mileage 32x3}]14.00 3<r 16:20)22.85);25.30)Ise,,134x4,|20.35 ae a ‘ass aoe,,|36x44)23,70 =|.41,’T fj 'R.37x5|33.90]a 41.80 42st Se 1 BudeSe ROUDRGH ©" GOODRIC _SAFETY-TREAD HOME INSURANCE CO.of New York,”forinsuring your taveingcropsofTobacco,Corn,Cotton and small grain against enbyHailStormatthefollowingverylowprice: TOBACCO CROP.: $100 per acre valuation at75peracrevaluationat 50 per acre valuation at 25 per acre valuation at $7.50 per acre5.874 per acrei3.75 per acre V:1,873 per acre COTTON,CORN AND SMALL GRAIN CROP, $40 per acre valuation 35 per acre valuation 30 per acre valuation 235 per acre valuation20peracrevaluation15peracrevaluation 10 per acre valuationDWELLINGS,FURNITURE,BARNS. $100 value for one year at 30c., latter,insurance coversalso against lossor $1.60 per acre ©1.40per acre . 1,20 per acre1.00 per acre .80 per acrepree40peracre 3 years at G0c.,5 =at 90c.otlamageoccasloned by windin addition to hail.REMEMBER—‘‘We insure anything insurable.’’J.F.C RLTON,“Manage” *PHONE 54,~STATESVILLE,} Li iae a as HAVE -you™ read- aewy in The _Landmark-— offer of the Statesville Flour Mills Co.,and are you— at work on the proposition?Itis a splendid.‘chance| to win $15 or $10,and that wouldn’t be badwages, do you think,for a week’s work?If you are not fa- miliar with theproposition look up The Landmark. Statesville Flour Mills Co ; Ce C e EE Ee ee ot et n gt i e t i o t i e t i e ti n t ke l “These warm days you:feel the en acomfortablepairofOxfords,Sandals and —tham in We have just that kind.Plenty of. see Ssi isn ana ansn ncn esanaee Bast AL)‘men control them,Every hour since1898fehcwtrateshavebeengoinghigher.The cost to railroads of op-eration has decreased and rates would)©have gone on down yt for this com-|.bination.‘Sinve 1898 the volume’ofhusinesshasbeenrevolutionizedandfacilityforhandlingitchanged, Unlawful Combinations, In 1901 there were 149 unlawfulcombinationswithacapitalof$3,- 784,000,000.in 1904,8,664 with $20,- MARK x».>July 9,1916, Reriemnencnesneerestnee DES OF THE PEOPLE, ator LaFollette Tells How resentatives of the People ‘Have Reen Corruptly Influenc- ed and How Combinations :ve Oppressed the Masses. BE LAND ¥ lorsville News. Correspondence of The Landmark,Taylorsville,July 8—The county,board.of education was in sessionMondayandfollowingissomeof‘the business transacted:has ¥apne Just sixyears ago next Sunday,on July 11,1909,the congrega-4 as,tion of Broad Street moved into its new Chur i “TeFSenatorLaFollette|000,000,000;1908,10,020,with $31,-||Mr.A.F.Sharpe of Stony Point}$e ),chBuildi ng.It was !| Barret gare lone review ;000,000,000,-The Sherman law has/Was ‘re-elected county superintendent a great day in the history of the Church.;' vever been enforced,My.LaFollette;of public schools for two years. “could be given in Tuesday's oT ne would have enforced this law|is to give his full time to the work—;dimark:It was-a-severe.arraign-or fired every distriet attornéy in the|the:first-time the county has required,We want to celebrate this day in the Sunday School next oa ;ant of present conditions and =a& warning of even greater dangers to i government.:Senator LaFollette’s subject was Phe Gevernment and Its Future.” ‘Let’s turn back,”said the speaker, finto the presence of 139 years ago. bells are ringing out the new in- ‘nendence and the people discussing -There is a little band of men,the Santry is poor,no national treasury, no purse to draw from,and only 8,-| 000,000 to 4,000,000.Every man who| it or paid a salary forhis,full’time.Prof.Sharpe has servéd the .county |suceessfully in this capacity for.Ri years and the fact that he has beenelectedagainshowstheconfidence}thev have in Bale ability.9°.Committeemenand attendance.offi- cers were also appointed,8 The good roads commission met}Wednesday but no bids for the bonds)were presented to them and no bust./ness of interest was transacted,—\4;number of our people are at- iending the Chautaigua in Statpsvillethisweek,Sofas |e ‘Dr.R.L.Carr of Rose “HIN,who}?spent Sunday at the home’of his}; father-in-law,Mr.G,Wi,Patterson,accompanied his threé small ‘sons, |United States.”‘Roosevelt prosecuted at the rate of seven’a:year and newoneswerehatchedoutattherateof thousands a year.Enforcing ‘theShermanlawwasnojobforaBull Moose,the speaker declared.Therewill.be no free government as long: as people’s nharkets are not con-trolled by them.Mr.LaFollette told of being in Hopkinsville,Ky.,a few weeks agoandmadehsspeechwipes,thet mane ;local people came and talked to himheDeclarationreadytogo}aie .ont Gnd fight for liberty.They facie[ee nee emia Fa cee tes seven years to get it,nearly twice as|oy 3 eng ,a4 hauted “as the Civil war lasted.Wiash-fee as int >ye pe ‘os o 1 ions army,had about one musket |!""0 marke .Th ne oot :easee-men-and..the others cents a potind,ey complamed totoeachsevenmenthe-buyers-but-they told them to take day morning.We want evéry one Whose name is on any class roll to be present.We would like eve‘y member of the Home: Department that can possibly do so to come for this one Sundaythisyear.We invite all of the congregation who aré not mem-.bers-of the Sunday School to’come. Let Everybody Come.to Sunday School Next Sunday.| had whatever weapors~they---could ‘Hat or haat-it-back-home...The.huy-;who had -spent-a few days here withfet.Almost pro ene aon ers had formed ‘a ‘combination and thelr grandparents,“inare “Morayeydidthisthat\their ¢fixed prices.The farmers were so en-|¢vening.Miss Elizabeth Moore and»might have liberty.3 Established New Government:»: neices,little Miss Margaret GibbonSmithandMaryThomasSmith,and raged that they got together and shot up the town.Similar incidents will. pe en came problem of how to es-|follow similar treatment,nephew,Master Samuel.Smith .of -; ae uae i ho ee to insure it.It|Corporations Control in this State.|Charlotte,arrived Tuesday to.spend ‘o a .,acy—!}is i iti in|the remainder of the summer.at ‘the!:Swas.to be a ech payil SeM STACY page ‘a Pineda een in havee ak Mise Motre’s fachees ae U l ; ev n to have his share init.Tojyour State,declarec e speaker.Ss 6 .i A B Ey ose given a ballot that he might|Great corporations are ©controlling|John W.Moore,Mr.D,T.McCarty n husua argain.of Fort Pierce,Fla.,has joined:his|family here at the home of Mrs.Me-|.Carty’s father,Mr,John W.Moore, Mrs.Lelia Bogle and daughter,Mrs, M.L.Gwaltney,and Mrs.W.P,Hyd-|: riek,were guests of Mrs,Hedrick’s sister,Mrs.Ralph Sloan,in-.States-ville this week:Miss Luey Campbellhas-returned_from_a_visit-to Miss Ma.|bel,Hendren in Wilkesboro,Misses:Eva and Bessie Gladden of Chester, S.C.,are guests at the homes of their aunts,Mesdames W.J.Allen and A.M.Matheson,Mr.Murray Viele of Altoona,Pa.,is spending a week withhisparents,Mayor and Mrs.C.G, Viele.: What is doing in Church. Rev.G.E.Kidd has recently taken 8 charge,temporarily,of the pastorate}-— of Elk Shoal,Amity arfd New Stir- ling Associate Reformed Presbyterian churches.”Mr.Kidd makes headquar- ters at Stony Point.Rev.W..¥.Loveof--Statesville,..former pastor of.Bikt give up his your natural resources—-waterpowers.(At this point Mr.LaFollette digress-;ed to say that he wouldn’t mind be-ing President a bit,and that the hon- or of having been.connected with the independent movement in the ¢ountrycouldnotbetakenawayfromhim.) There are two kinds of the monster corporations—the public service and the private,One gas company ownspracticallyallthegasplantsintheUnitedStates.Same as to streetrailways.He told of what had beendoneinWisconsintoregulatethepubli¢service corporations.Tk rail- roads have been going wrong to longtocheckthemwouldbearatherse- vere shock.It would not do to squeeze them too tightly—all the wa-ter would run out of the stock ‘and food.the country.The people ofWisconsinhavebeensaved$386,000,-060:in lower-rates since 1905 as aresultofregulation:If railways andotherpublicutilitycorporationswillnotacceptregulationthegovernment send a representative.This arange- ment was all right until something eame between him and his representa- -tive,There were those abroad who ~~gaid the representative government a Bia not ‘succeed,but.it went right‘on:—-After-50-years.of ita foremost authority on-government.came over ere.to.examine its operation,He Hiowed the trail for corruption but und ‘none.Returning to Paris hepiherthatheneverheardofa Five dozen assorted Voile and OrgandyWaists,Embroidered and semi-embroid-ered,all new and up-to-date,$1.25 value.Our'price while they last 88c.3Yourstruly, an hére who,would spend money to rrapt government.Before another 50 years had rolled around another student and investigator,able and im-rtial,came over.He went backatidreportedtheinfluenceofcorpora- tions on government.He was sur- rised to find that there were many est’men representing the peopleCongress.A little more than 100“years after the establishment:of the_fovernment a member of the United‘States Supreme Court warned-against “Power of Corporations on Legis- ==>MILLS &POSTON.=i Birth Announcements,Acknowledgements,Birthday Cards. ~--—Phere-fs not any.doubt about our havingthe ewest and most elaborate line of these ever brought to 4 mee and Fork churches.ves The ‘colored Baptists,whose ‘church building on Greene street is being re- ‘tqwn.y and State governments.tosBeseeioenaisoad.“"'[Records of Births and Deaths. “Per?75 or 80 years.after the estab-|. P“Gentlemen:Ibeg to 2dvise you andwhomeveritmayconcern,that Mr.OIL that had been adoptedby Glenn jon.”Corporations are.-holding|shotld take hold.‘In the line of pri-|Shoal and Amity,had t =:newest an t elalacenIfrailroads,water-|vate corporations the United stew!work on accotint of his health.Statesville.Remember that you caa always buy an artisti¢a fe eerie 5"power and ‘other corporations would |Trust’was referred to and the Speak-|Dr.Chatles Anderson returned ‘yes-memory ay from us.thatis appropriate,whatever occasion ~*~Statesville.Printing Co. Weide“on your representatives in the cr ‘said a big‘bulk of its ‘capital ‘was|terday from Mocksyilte,where he at-demandsit,.;Eaters MMe ¢iyou‘could ‘know,hut it is in the}water anda ‘lie!’ss “)doe or)fended a.pastors”missionary confer-.eeeeeapnaioaenssensohe Lid i Ps ma :\4 *.Petirement of the,committee.room|Bring competition!back is the best |ence.,After the conferencethe pas-ee es he ae a satand‘in hotel Anois Rhargin ehonah teeta of Ree Get an value et pa Rapiat cuveches x -SE he Te .“oes SaaS ' To ito iris and,repel the open!of corporations,|én their books|Davie county,two ministers going to)widooaek:,Renae Betouae seit tssecret i that hurts.|and “ascertain”“their profits.,Give|cach church,in the interest of mis-etd TheTexas Company,-This is the.GASOLINE and MOT!;same evil influence is at work in|them a fair profit ahd no more.sions.,Dr.Anderson was at Coolee:=Chicago,Ili.|apne TTherecordsofMissAnnieMarvin, ACO .lishntentoof;the government all busi-|?egisttarofbirths ind deaths for |modeled and enlarged,will hold|{Beachy and myself used your Texaco ..hiriesheanspntet:hy indivichualsStatesville township,show!21 births pperial nprNicas,in Ppptesville Theater 1B)cs vling in aur exhibitions here to-—Curtis for the dying machine Amex-eeavidpartnerships...The capital was |jand’14 deaths during the month of|84 rept morhing,afternoon and |f*eee PianSe Be ee ey :eaeeeossarilysmall.Population was in-|Jund.‘Twoofthe births and five of Pight,«The_services will”he’inthe _day,_The:purity cand chigh-grade deities epA eee pons ae cain his flight acrossthe~Attantie—=ieFensingphenomenally.Mountains |the deaths were colored people.’Dur-|interestof the bailding’fund.Dr.qualityassistedus greatly,especially]me bap eM rneRinc Arana o ,ar if@fcoal,copper and irom were heing jing the six months ending with!Jane Charles,Anderson of the First Bap-j§3°"){the hish altitud The Mark of Seno siampenan adatt '‘covered.Individuals and partners |Miss Marvin registered 178 births and|ist church will speak at ‘the after-|f°In WieW ot igh artitude.CoP ‘Ccean.The flight;.was.abandonednoonservice,Seats will:be reserved for white speople,who are invited’to attend all the services.4 You know us (Signed)BARNEY OLDFIELD, »Oct.9,1914 LINCOLN BEACHY, 79 deaths.Forty-five of the deaths occurred outside the corporate limits.Not all of the 178 births have occur- red this year. Under the law Miss Marvin is.per-mitted to register births of all chil- dren born sinee~October 1st,1913,)which have not already heen register- ea.A few days ago she drove over ‘@ouldn't opén these store houses ofwealth.It took millions,of dollarsandthousapdsofmen.They said we fiave to have a new way of ‘doingthings,so decided on 4 representative‘he directors.This was the QUALITY. The Texas Company,Oklahoma City,Okla,GENTLEMEN:As you have perhaps read,I established'a new world’s yecord yesterdayonthehalf-mile track at the Fair Grounds:The car used was the Simplex ‘‘Zip,’”’lubricated with Texaco Motor Oil and burning Texaco Gasoline.‘I feel safe in saying that Texaco enabled me to attain this record,as itis‘a known fast that I must have an oil of a very high body for thefastworkwhichIdo.have used in my racing career practically all the oils on the market and am frank in saying that the Texaco is far superior to them all.Yours very traly, at the outbreak,of wer. Changes in the Revenue Service. Some.changds have been |madeamongtheappointecsintherevenuc{#,service,effective this month.R.B.|FBoger,deputy collector at Morganton,a portion of tha township looking|has resigned and is succeeded by C.for “unregistered babies”comingz{P.Neely of Guilford county.-Mr./fwithintheagelimitandfound36,six;Boger is appointed a special employe}of whom:were ‘white,the remainder jin the service.r worth so much to material deyelop-nent.We went by leaps and béunds,going ahead of any nation on earth,The individual or partnership never went to the Legislature or lobby forhelp.‘The corporation—-was started be dealt with, by the Legislature—created by it.Allveryood,but the corporation soonkaw:that if it could get other legisla-tion,although not needed.it wouldbebenefited.Now the evil influencetofcorporationsonlegislation’has:to ~This country was in better position heing colored:*’When Miss Marvin entered ‘one negro hopie and beganaskingquestionsaboutthebabythe mother became alarmed and hid herchild.“After Miss Marvin explainedthatshedidnotwanttotakethebaby away but.simply desired to know:itsname,date of birth,parentage,etc., E,L.Hedrick of 'Taylorsville,‘aspecialemploye,has:been appointedadeputycollectorandJohnF.Cabe of Haywood county succeeds Mr.Hed- rick as special employe. G.R.Rhyne of Gastonia,a deputy’collector,becomes a special employeandJ.A.Galloway.ef.Transylvanian Oct.3,1914,4 (Signed)---LOUIS DISBROW. _._In such cases as shown above,which involve not only such.extraordinary efforts,but even life and death,every care is used to secure the most perfect equipment_obtainable,irrespective of cost;and that these men,who stand at-the very totheirprofession,did select and still adhere to these TEXACO products is the bestof “t have oa perfected democracy than“any other country..In the old world “people were hampered bythe}ruins of other governments and the favironments of its people:In’this -eountry the conditions were different:_They had the beginning of a govern- ,=They came with the desire for»They had the right princi- 1 the right kind of people.For fe generations we have been hav- the mother:brought the.child forth:and gave the ‘desired information. Doctors,midwives and parents who do not report births are liable to in-dictment.i ‘; Pension Applications Passed. The Iredell county pension.board,in session Tuesday,approved appli-cations for pensions of one widow andeightsoldiers,namely:Mrs..S.3. county becomés ‘deputy collector.The special employes are’appoint: ed by the-Commissioner—of Internal Revenue and the deputy collectors by,Collector Whtts,ie 4The‘above simply means transfersintheservice.None of the men are}f new appointees.j IHicit Distillery Put Out of Busi-|; ness. -evidencethat TEXACO STANDS FOR QUALITY.Don’t be satisfied with any- “thing just as good,ask for the best —and insist on getting it.tT oGa-STATESVILLE OIL-COMPANY. (Wholesale Distributors.) a @ same material,the same -peo-“with the same desire for liborty, Competition.Destroyed. Horton and Messrs,R.A.Montgom- ery,David Clodfelter,Julius A.Me)- chor,J.H,Fesperman,A,L.Barrin- Sheriff Deaton and Deputies Gil- bert and Jones found another distil-lery in Union Grove township yester-Building Materials!_ C.‘WATKINS,+Statesville,N.C.,North Center Street, Next Planters’Warehouse.| ser.Milas.Hteks,J.J,Rhyne and Beiday.The plant was ‘located nearC.Deaton.fence Grassy Knob church and had evident-The fact that the applications have|{y been in operation up to Wednesday.been approved by the county boat!wo men who were on the premisesdoesnatguarantéethatthepensions{when the officers tame in sight madewillbegrantedbytheStateboarc,|their escape.The plant was equippedwhichisyettopassonthem.Thelwith a copper still and worm,eightcountyboardwillmeetagainMon-|fermenters,a’doubling keg,cte.,andday,19th,to pass on further applicn*|there was eight gallons of Whiskeytions.Only two members of ‘thojand about 2400 gallons of beer onboard—Capt.T.M.€.Davidson aodihand..The still and worm were.plac-Mr.W.FF.Sharpe—twere ‘present ot|od on the sheriff’s automobile andFuesday’s meeting.The third mem-|brought into town and the remainderber,Mr,J.O.Neel,was confined at log the equipment was destroyed,whilehomewithillness.,|the beer and liquor was poured out,-Horse DiedSuddenly. A horse belonging to Mr.H.‘Et. Blaylock,who—lives—-nerth of town, In the beginning supply,demand -.and competition fixed prices.In 1898-something happened.The president‘of a great woolen mill called the pres-idents of nine other great woolen--gnills-together,These mills were put-ting 23 percent,wool in their prod-‘ucts.The president issuing the callfortheotherpresidentsreasonedwiththemaboutasfollows:“You all are doing just as well as Iam.But weallcandobetter—make more money.“Competition makes us make genuine articles and charge reasonable prices.“We can put in 10 per cent wool andpercentshoddyandwecanmake more out of it if we will all do if.”They joined him with the result that-*goods were adulterated and the prices ea Gorham’s Sterling and PlatedWare : We have just opened up a big lot.of Gor-ham goods in both Sterling and Plate.We~have-Knives,Forks and—Spoons:in-sets and |. the Fancy Pieces from’85e.up.’Nothing Hearing Election Cases in Ran- dolph County. The contested election casés in Randolph ‘county are being heard by T.C.Guthrieef Charlotte,referee, in this case the Republican candidateforclerkoftheSuperiorCourt,FrankM.Wright;the candidate for sheriff,John_Hyghes,and one candidateforcommissioner,W,L.Ward,allegetheywereelectedtotheirrespective offices but.by reason of fraud,both Last winter Mr.H.L.Hallyburton, formerly of Statesville,now.of] *?fixed.“Other lines’of industries fol-|died suddenly Monday —night:--Mr.|-Mosiet,Oregon,-sent The.Landmark }in the casting of votes and the count,better.than Gorham’s goods canbe.bought.lowed suit.:|Giaylock heard a noise.at the barn|n mammoth Irish potato;the kiid|they were deprived of their offices.e We will be glad to show you.reThiswasin1898.Things have/and when he went to investigate he|they-grow.in Oregon.While mucvh “About 2,000 witnesses \have been aA found the horse in-a dying condition:Death occurred»within a few min:utes and before anything:could be done for the animal.The horse,which was a good farm animal,was.anpar-éntly in its usval heblth’when Mr.Blaylock fed it a short time beforeitdied.The cause of its sudden deathisnot‘known. Court Notes,” iThe ease of Clyde Little,charged “people,si with retailing,was given a hearing“Hpnesty in polities return certain jin the mayor’s‘eourt Tuesday and thaaeward,because it is somewhat of a\defendant was required to give $100‘>parity.9.(bond for his ‘appearance at Superior*7)From the puff of the first railway Court,|»fsa subpoenaed and the taking of —the testimony promises to be long drawn qut. larger than -our.-potatoes,.the Oregon specimen was ‘not solid.It was plage.od -Pa”ot the office and My.DD.J.Williams,who.saw.it,proposed}.a ‘%:to plant it.The potato had 9b “ayes,”To Consider the Bridge.all of which were ¢ut out and planted;"SA committee of the’Catawba coun-reeRandafewsdaysagoMr.Williams ty board of commissioners and rep-gathered an even bushel}of fine,large,|Ph ¢the South P :sound potatoes from the planting or Poseutatives 0 Fs ORES AOE 7 i ae f i i".. {that one potato;and The Landinark ebmpany are Scheduled to meet in BB.A BB x r 'IS Eo ]NJ ,a4 ceanvet I Stiare ie terraahie ook Ee ee eee aoe ited.a the variety [mittee of the Ired Sai db Asbkded ewe ok ARR 5 8 bats ile nr de dae 3,“patat Vue ee An Alarm Clock:thatis-little but loud.It’sa little Beauty.Just the thing for a lady’s ora gentleman’s room._It'isnot su.large but does.the waking up for you.BIGBEN if you need to be knocked out, of potato is not known.pissioners to further discuss and con- -H.B,WOODWARD —__Jeweler, N.a ‘on until the necesearies of life ve,about donbled ‘in price to whattheywerethen.-Wo are using a smallper‘cent of hand labor.Machinery“has made it possible to produce every-thing so much cheaper and “every-thing is going higher.Amer-can peo-ele have stood this paticntly becausetlandhasbeenoneofplenty.Let _people be made poor and a rey-in will follow.In 15 or 20 years®@government will:be returned to R.H.RICKERT&SO ¥, ~sider the proposed bridge across the acaba river.at Lookout Shoals.itis hoped that the bridge matter ihe be in’shape for final actién hy anetteLightadditionalrooms are beingaddedtoRowancountyjailbutitisexplainedthattheyateforinsaneundtubercularprisoners. 8am,W.zine it De anpebiepostmasteratLexingtontosucceet ‘ until 1897 competition lower-|A.AL Gibson was found guilty ofHe;.There were 1,200 cursing on the #treet and was fined“pailronds:in the United!$5 and costs.Hy was found not guiltyystems,alljof the chargeoflarceny which had“eight been preferred against him...Bh a yt 3 Ce . i commissioners of the two coun,‘ties at.their next regular”monthlymeeting,Estimates on the sot ot wil raed D.F.Conrad,whose term expiresnextmonth..ao |aSetheasNieav ere are six &a =find salt , spererrceeerarenrorern owWOL,XL wy oa -PHE SHOOTING WAS FATAL: Miss Payne of Taylorsville Died ‘From:the Effects of the-Wound Accidentally Inflicted. Miss Hessie May Payne of Tay-lorsville,who was injured by the ac-eldental discharge of a rifle Thurs-day evening,as told in Friday’s Land-thark,diéd Friday night about 10,o'clock at the Sanatorium,where she~was taken for treatment a few hours after the distressing accident.Theremains,were taken to her home atTaylorsvilleSaturdayand.the funeral‘and burial took place Saturday after- noon at Liberty church.‘The ~bullet which caused Miss ~Payne’s death came from a rifle in the hands of her father,Mr.Jas.R.~~Payne--Mr,Payne was.séated dn.thebackporchofhishomewatchingfora-cat which he desired to kill be- eause of its depredation among thepoultry.He had a 22-caliber rifle with which he hoped to shoot the cat,and while waiting for the animal’s appearancejie laid the gun across hislap...While he sat thus the weapon Was <discharged..After passing through two tin pans the bullet en- tered the abdomen of Miss Payne,who was seated on the porch a few feet ‘away,engaged in stringing beans. and when-it was found that.Miss.Payne-was-dangerously—wounded—it- wee ecided to bring her to the San-'atorium.The trip was made by au- tomobile,the party reaching States- yille late in the night.At the Sana-Atorium the bullet was located by the use of an X-Ray and an_operationwasimmediatelyperformed.It wasfoundthattheintestineshadbeenbadlyperforatedandMissPayne’s condition Was so very critical that it was decided to give all attention totheintestineswithouttrying‘to _re-move the ball,with the hope of.sav- ing her life,which was in immediate danger.She rallied from the opera- tion,but the physicians realized that the chances were against her.and_death was not.unexpected.‘Phe shooting and its fatal resultwasagreatshocktothefamilyoftheyounglady,especially the father,’Mr.Payne says he doesn’t know whatcausedthedischargeoftherifle.thought he had placed it ‘‘on sazetv”and-did not have his hands about.thetriegeratthetimeitfired.Besides her parents Miss Payne issurvivedbyninebrothersandsisters,all of whom live in;Taylorsville. Child’s Presence of Mind Doubt-Jess,Averted:Serious Injury. Everybody Kkriows that”water,“quenches:fire,but’this Tact is usually forgotton by the person’whose clothespetafire,Not’so ‘with Miss Dorothy Henkel.the’7-year-old ‘daughter ofMr.and Mrs.C.V.Henkel.While at play in a room on the second floor of the Henkel home Friday Dorothy, child-like,decided to play with somematches.As the result her clothes were vet afire.Without becomingterror-stricken or screaming for help,the child showed unusual prasence ofmindhyrunningtoanearby bath-room.jumping into the tub and turn- ing the water on herself.Other mem-bers of the family did not know of her experience until after she had drown- ed the flames and left the bath room.Her shoulder and back were painfully burned,but’the injuries are not seri-O15.“+ It was the purpose of Mr.and Mrs.Henkel -and children to leave Satur-day for Blowing Rock to spend the remainder of the summer,but on ac-count.of Miss Dorothy’s injuries the trip was deferred until some time this -4veek, Big Mail Robbery.in Alabama. Bandits held up the New York-NewOrleansLimitedonthe-.Louisville and Nashville railroad near Greenville, Ala.,early Saturday morning.Onereportis«that they.obtained a big sum.of money,$50,000 or more.-Chief Clerk Mills of the mail ear*gnid that two of the robbers made himStandwithhishandsupagainst:thesideofthecar.The robber guardinghimtoldhimthatunlesshetoldwheretheViluablemailwasthatthey would plant him‘in a little grave withwhitestonesonit.They did not bind or gag the man but left him on his char..The bandits cut the locomotivefromthetrainafterholdingitupand ran the locomotive some distanceaway.“After securing.their plundertheyescapedinanautomobile. Conductor McRae died:of heart.failure,due to excitement,while.therobbérywasinprogress. >Germans Defeat French,> By a savage attack in’the west the Germans have wrested from the French the ‘Souchez cemetery,“seven miles north of Atras.|THé_battlewas~one of,the severest of the war. The cemetery was:taken after a gas -attaek;--followed ~by —-hand-to-handfightingwithbomband.bayonet. The French admit the loss and arefighting‘to regain the ground,whichthey,had Won at a heavy’cost. (The Salisbury,Post says awhosenamewasgivenas“W.i ‘Westmoreland,alias,J.H.Moore,”-—-gaid—to-be from--the-Mooresville—sec- tion of.this:county,was arrested inSalisburySaturday‘night and placedunder’$400 bond ‘to answer for issu-ing bogus chécks,aka Thomas A,Edison has accepted aninvitationfromSecretary:Daniels toheat“an advisory “beard 6 een'“fnventors for°a buread:of,»inventioind-development to be created “in.theNavyDepartmenti2 man A local physician was.called He} Closing Events .of the Chau- {} | } taugqua of Last Week. ‘.»Whe velosing event of Joyous Days”of the 1915 Statesville! Chautauqua was a union service heldatBroad.Street |Methodist -church;Sunday afternoon,the feature.of:which was a talk by Mrs.Ida B.Cole,|the Chautauqua superintendent.Mrs.! Cole is an exceptionally good speaker and was heard with pleasure.|HersubjectwastheChautauquaanditspurposes.It is the purpose ‘of theChautauquaAssociationtogivéthejtownsofitscircuitsseven’days of jreal joy once a year—a programmelorenjoyable-entertainment which ig educational-and-inspiring to sachde= gree that it will create new ideas, stimulate the community spirit,lift {the standard of,living,cause’.a morejcheerfulcommunitylife,ete.’Mrs. Cole told ‘of the origin of the Chau-jtauqua movement and of the benefit, itt has been to the country,giving in- cidents of changes .brought about in towns as a direct result of the Chan- taugqua,She congratulated States- ville on the fine community spirit so evident here and the unexeelled e9-operation between the ministers, churches and the town.She defined her idea of the Christian life;which is a life of usefulness and cheerful-ness. Rey.J.F.Kirk presided over the meeting and the Chautauqua vesper lservice was used.Mr.Gabriel Hines, pianist,and Mr..C.N.Granville,so- loist,both,rendered pleasing sele¢- jtions.A ‘collection for Chautauqua purposes was taken. The 1916 Chautauqaa for States- ville is assured,A large number of jguarantors have signed the contract jand more than 500 of -the-season.tick-;ets for next year have been subscrib- ed for.a The Saturday afternoon session ofthe:Chautauqua opened with the pag- Chautauqua members.The exerciseswereveryinteresting,but unfortu- nately a shower of rain came just,at the time the children were doing most of their talking and the sound of the rain on the tent drowned the voicesofthechildrenandfewcould.hearwhatwaesaid..A character repre- senting “Avérage Town”appeared onthestageaccompaniedbysomeofthecitizensofthetownandallwent-tosleep.“Wake Up”and “Clean Up” came along and endeavored to wakeup’and’clean up Average.Town,buttheofficialsofthetown.objected.“pray”arrived:shortly and ~immedi-ately interested the children of the town in a cleanup campaign which soon'put the fly and mosquito out of business by destroying their breed- ing places,After cleaning up the town the childten enzaged in various games,which:had been taught them by the Junior Chautauqua leaders. The games’and “stunts”included “skin the snake.”building.human; pyramids,ete.The pyramid building was .especiall}?good.*| Following the presentation of Average Town a pleasing programmewasrenderedbyMr.Granville,solo- ist,and Mr.Hines,pianist,who com- pose the Granville-Hines.Co.Mr. Granville pesesses a fine baritonevoiceand:Mr.Hines’is a pianist.and musical composer of unusual.talent.Their programme is.varied.and wholesome .to music:lovers.The feature of the afternoon ses-sion was.the lecture on “Friends ofYeterday”by Mrs.La Salle CorbeliPickett,widow of General Pickett of\Confederate fame.Mrs.—Pickett-was/ a mere girl when,in 1863—during the war-——she married General GeorgeE.Pickett and became famous”as the“child wife of the Confederacy.”Theprominenceofherhusbandasamil- itary man and his friendship with theleadingmenofthecountryatthattimebroughtherincontactandasso- ciation with both political and mili-tary leaders of the day.She was per-sonally acquainted‘with,General Lee, Stonewall Jackson,Jefferson Davisand.other prominent .Confederates during the war,and after the ‘surren- ‘der-she became intimately acquainted with President Lincoln and General Grant,her.husband having been aboyhoodfriendof,Lincoln before thewar.Through her acquaintance with these great characters Mrs.Pickett,can give first hand information.of many interesting.incidents’of theirlivesnotrecorded.in history,She is‘awomanofcharmingpersonality,andpossessingastrongclearvoicesheisenabled.to speak in a distinct .and|highly ‘entertaining manner."It wasarealtreattphearher,and a’pleas-ure to know the “other side’:of the life of the gréat \warriors of the 60s. Quite a company of Confederateeteransoccupiedseatswhichwere reserved,for them as guests \of theChautauquaassociationfortheaf-ternoon.Daughters--of-the--Confeder-acy ‘also attended,in a body and Mrs.M.R,Adams,president of)the localchapter,introduced.Mrs.Piekett .to the audience..;The presentation of.“The Man From|Home”by the Avon Players Satur-‘day night:was worth theprice ‘of theseasonticket.It is "a play whichthrillsthesoulsofealAmericans jfrom start to finish,he playing waserygood,especially “The Man FromvHome.” .Preceding the play,Messrs.Gran- ille and Hines gave -several selec-stone.: ‘ | ‘Very pleasing and diversified pro-grammes wére ari by the Bos-m OFAtorts AFtista@n thelk --voea oon and eye- COMING AGAIN NEXT YEAR.|MR.BRYA Another Chautauqua Assured—|Not a Sierifice of eant:.of “Average Town”by the Jr.be ieee wc STATESVILLE,N.C,TUESDAY,JULY 18,1916. N’S OPINION : Avoid Unnecessary.Risks, jRemarking on the newspaper com~ the “Seven'ment he.has read on the German note,Mr.Bryan is of the opinion that itrepresentsthe:extreme of sentiment,he says:i“To illustrate what I mean—fif youwillreadthepaperswhichstronglsympathizewiththeallies,you willfindthat,either intentionally or un- intentionally,they.urge our govern-ment to pursue a course which wouldbehelpfultothealliesandinjurious to Germany.’The*papers that strong* ly sympathize with Germany.on theotherhand,urge’a course:whi would be hetpful,to Germany .andhurtfultotheallies.”Hach side,“in-fluenced quite naturally by tis sym-pathies,so defines national honor as to carry out its views.ie“The mass of the American people, if I know their sentiments,are “in-terested solely in protecting Ameri.can rights and in preserving neutral-ity.The pro-ally papers want thisgovernmenttostopthesubmarinewarfareandthepro-Geriian paperswantus-to—put-an-embargo on arms and ammunition;but-as a nefftral na-tion we have no more rightto in-terfere in the interest of the \alliesthanwehave’to interfere in the in- terest-of Germany.a“Each individual may have hisopinionas:to the inhumanity ©ofdrowningorstarvingnon-combat- ants,but it is.not.our business as a neutral nation to attempt to regulate the methods employed by the bellig~ erents in dealing with each other,ex- cept in so far as we find it necessarytodosotoprotect:American rights or can,by our:good offices,influence;them to moderate their conduct to-wardeach other.oad‘Y believe that a targe majorityof the people will heartily approve-of any step that the President’may seefittotaketokeepAmericansoutof.the danger zone or separate Ppassen-gers ftom contraband,especially frommanure2itisnota”saerifiee ofrightstoavoidunnecessaryrisks.” Ball Games.athe A ball game between StatesvilleandGraniteQuarryteams,played on the local grounds yesterday -after-noon,resulted in avictory for thevisitingteambyascoreof7‘to 3.The Statesville team was not com-posed of the regular players,onlythreeoftheleagueplayers.partici-pating..It'is probable’that there willbe:games’between the same teamsthis:aftergoon and.tomorrow.after-noon.:e ;Gastonia”has.decided to enter theleaguewithStatesville,MorgantonandLenoir.: The Statesvilleteamsevidentlypla home diamonds,-an and.Morganton best on theirtheyare.run-ning a “neck and hetk”race.States-|ville won two of the three games played’in Statesville the first halfofthepastweekandMorgantonwon two of the three games at Morgan-ton the latter half of the week. ganton’s favor,Friday's game was 2victory‘for Statesville by a score of3_to 2,and Saturday's score-was-3-to 2 in Morganton’s favor.The score stood 2 and 2 in the ninth inning of Saturday’s game and a tenth inningwasplayed.to break the tie. Dr.Robt.L.Patterson,pastor ofUnion.Lutheran church,near Salis-bury,has received a call to the pas- jtorate of St.’Mark’s church at Atchi-son,Kansas.He has the call underadvisement.ee ning.The,afternoon programme in- eluded some of the most noted short oratorios,which were rendered in amannerwhichconvincedtheaudience as indicated by their company name:The evening concert was given prin- cipally to “songs our grandmotherssang,”all of which.were very enter- taining and some of which are decid-edly,more beautiful than ~modernmusic. df the American period of 1850 to bein-keeping ©with their songs. Oratorio ‘company is composed of Miss Ena Swasey pianist,Mr.Fred-erick Kerinedy.tenor,Miss MargucriteNeckampsoprano,Mr.Herbert W.Smith baritone,Madam Cara Sapiiicontralto,While Madam ©Sapin is the most widely known of the sing-ers,having been with two famous grand opera companies,it must beadmittedthat’Miss Neekamp has thesweetestandleastaffectedvoiceofthecompany.“She sings naturallyandwithout.effort;ae“Rebuilding the’Temple of Civiliz- ation,”the lecture by Mr,MontavillciFlowersFridaynight,was a masterpiecebothastoliterary’production and information embraced,The lcc-ture deals with world subjects,prin-cipally the causes.of warts between nations,ete.,and ig.a very timely oneonaccountofthegreatEuropeanwar,Mr.Flowers gave as‘the,threegréatcauses.of:war,viz:The divinerighttorule,secret.diplomacy,the ast ownership,of munition.plants meaning.word,pation Seu,ang,elaborated .on.each,ItwasShownthat,the ‘building of greatempiresandthemixingofthebloodofthedifferentracesalwaysresultsdisastrously.No one man has ‘thedivinerighttoryleanation.Thepeopleshould,rule themselves and:tho = government..should own all munitionplants.so that war.may not be.pro-_through.the.influence.of.thefacturersofammunitionfor ence Rights to The singers wore costumes; The! visit»relatives, TOLBERT HAS GIVEN BOND, Arrested For Blockading—Court Items.; Milton Rash was arrested at —his home in New Hope township Sunday by Sheriff Deaton and Deputies Gil- bert and Jones and was brought toStatesvilleandplacedinjailtoawait trial on e¢harges of blockading.Rash and his son,Isaac Rash.are charged with having operated the distillerywhichwas:found near their -home Thutsday,as told in Friday’s Land- mark.Both men were placed underarrestSunday,but the younger man plipped away while the officers were engaged ina search for some liquorwhichtheybelievedwas:about the premises.He is ‘expected to sur-render to.the..offieers..within..a.fewdays.‘On a former oceasion whenwantedonasimilarcharge‘young Rash evaded arrest for a time andthensurrenderedandgavebond.Apreliminaryhearing’of “the case is scheduled to be held:today.Wiley Blackburn and Mart Black,both colored,were given a hearing in the mayor’s court Saturday for.an affray which occurred at the negro jdance hall’Thursday night.It was in evidence that Blacknurn attemptedtocutBlackwithaknifeandhewas accordingly requived .to agive $100 Court to answer a charge of assaultwithadeadlyweapon.Black was discharged. Id.Tolbert,the Turnersburg town- ship farmer who engaged in a fight with his —brother-in-law,Andrew Windsor,as told in’Friday’s Land-mark,gave $150 bond Saturday andwasreleasedfromjail.The prelimi- ynary hearing of the -ase will be held in Statesville on the 19th if Windsor,who was seriously cut,is able to be present.< Paul Wiliams—and—Buster~Hauser, negro boys,were taxed with the cost¢in a case-of.tresspass in Justice La- zenby’s court.The charges were pre- ferred by the North State Veneer Co. D.R.Bailey was fined$5 and‘costsinthemyor’s court’‘yesterday forbeingdrunkanddisorderly. Death of ‘Miss :KaneeChildrenDead. The year-old daughter of Mr.and Mrs.Walter Cutting died this morn-rig at 3 o’clock after a few days’ill-ness. |A little son of Mr.and Mrs,E.O. Stafford,aged between one and twoyears,died Saturday morning at.thehomeof.his parents on Western.Ave-nue.The temains were taken by.au- tomobile tothe old-home of Mrs;Staf= rTwo -{ford near Kernersville,Forsyth coun- ty,where ‘the funeral and burial took place Suriday. Miss Mary J.Kaneer,sister of Mr. J.W.:Kaneer,superintendent.of the4 |Statesville Cotton Mill,died Thurs- iday at the Presbyterian Hospital in Charlotte.Miss Kaneer had until re-cently made her home in Statesville ;with her brother and was at the home‘of her sister,Mrs.E.B.McCall,inCharlotte.when she became ill.When i\her condition became serious she was ,Thursday’s score was 6 to'2 in Mor-!removed from the home of her sis- jter to the hospital,where:she died. |The funeral and burial took placeiFriday—at—Pineville,the-old--home-of|the family.Miss ‘Kaneer was 46'vears old.Surviving in.addition.to ithe brother and sister named,is her mother,Mrs.S.Al Kaneer,who di-ivides her time between her son in |Statesville and her daughter in Char- ilotte,Mr.Kaneer and family attend-ied the funeral,returning to.States- ville Friday night.o ‘ /New—Rural—Carriers—Appli-| cants Examined.| |“Mr Percy Heinzerling “has been ‘appointed carrier for rural.route No.\2 from Statesville as successor to that,the singers “were real “artists;Miss Nicholson,who gaVe up the po-¢\P‘sition a’few months ago when —she‘married.“Young Mr.Wooten of‘Bethany township has been—substi- ‘tute carrier since Miss Nicholson’sivetirement.Mr.Heinzerling will go:‘on duty next Monday.He passed the ‘civil.service examination’©some/months.ago, |“Fwenty-four applicants —for —the} position of rural carrier atteniledthepublicexaminationconductedatitheFederalbuildingSaturday“byiMrv-Jas,F.Harbin,local secretary ‘ofthe:Civil.Service Commission.The ‘examination was.‘held primarily —tofilavacancyatMooresville. |Board of Education. |An adjourned mecting of the coun- ity board’of education was held yes-terday,_The-time was consumed.prin-cipally in going over various mattersfortheinformationofMessrs.Gaith-er and Lowrance,the new members of the board,hearing petitions fornew“houses,changes of location ofhouses,,et¢.,but no definite actionwagtakenonanyofthepetitions.Df.WooOG.Nicholson,a retiring mem-ber of ‘the board,was appointed a|Harmony High School committee-;man, Gone to Oharleston. Mr.B,I,Rugsell’of the IredellHardwareCompanyandMr.L.K. Lazenby of the Lazenby-Montgom:= cry Hatdware Company,left yester-day for Charleston,S.C.,to attend the.meeting of the Carolina Hard-waregAssociation.Mr.W.L.Gil-bert,who is freight claim ajrent for the association,‘expects to go toCeacay:Mr.ree: was,accompan y.-Mrs.Russelland~after attending the associationthey:Will go to.Williamston,8.G.,to ity Sistah :Z hit oo toe Sa te My bond for his appearance at.Superior}. reeseracine saNEWSITEMS OF INTEREST, Happenings Here and There in a the.Country. Roy Plymouth,aged 22,was Killed at London,Ohio,Sunday when a bat-ted ball:struck him behind the ear. Four men of Bedford,Ia.,and vi- cinity,have been arrested for a mur- der alleged to have been committed in 1866.The silver name plate*takeh sevefal months ‘ago from the George Wash-ington pew in Christ church,Alexan- dria,Va.,was returned by mail from Cleveland,Ohio, On Mine Fork creek,in Yancey county,Deputy Sheriff Jo.Hensleyat- tempted to arrest Grady Petersonwhenthelattershottheofficerand inflicted:a-dangerous-wound: ‘The remains of Frank «Holt,the man who attempted the life of J.P. Morgan and later committed suicide while in jail,wete taken to Dallas, Texas,the home of his wife,for burial, The interment was private. A general investigation of the rates and practices of all common carriers in the United States in connection with transportation —oflumberandlumberproducts,is..an- nounced by the Inter-State Com- merce Commission._., Of the $11,000,000 increase in the export trade for last May over May, 1914,$10,274,000 -was due to the ex- ports of horses and mules.For the 11 months ending May 381 the value ‘of the Horses and mules exported to Eu- rope amounted to $55,953,000. Mexico City has been evacuated by the Zapata forces and the Carranza, or constitutionalist,forces are occi- pying the capital and arranging ‘tosetupa,civil administration.This change is expected to give some re- ‘Hief in the food supply at the capital: Gen.Botha,who suppressed the-re-bellion against Great Britain in South Africa and then invaded the German territory in Séuthwest Afriea,has se-cured the surrender of that territory,eomprising ‘about ‘322,450 squaremiles,and it will probably revert to Great Britain.os ee The last hope’for Chas.Becker,for- sentence to die on the 26th,appéarstobegone.Justice Charles E.Hugheshasrefusedtheapplication.for a writ Court,made’in behalf of Becker,andGov.Whitman has refused:commuta- tion.The American people worship,thegods’of wealth,fashion;fame,phys-, ieals comfort,trayel,pee eanddrink,declared Will JenningsBryan‘in an address before a_jointmeetingoftheBaptistYoungPeo-|ple’s ‘Union of North America andtheNationalEducationalAssociationatOakland,Gal. »Mhe compromise of the carpenter's reopening of building material plantsemploying150,000 persons and is ex-pected to result in a building boom inChicago.In the past 60 days per- mits had been issued for building tocost$16,000,000 but work could notbeginbecaugeof‘the strike, Geo.M.Ray,editor and publisherofaDemocraticweeklypaperat.In- dianapolis,Ind.,is under sentence topayafineof$25 and spend 30 daysin.jail for contempt of court.-Raycommented‘on ‘the activities of thegrand.jury which indicted about 130indianapoliscitizensforelectionfrauds.The case was appealed.| In the belligerent countries of Eu-rope women are being put at all sortsofoccupationshitherto’pursued byimen.__In=jon_u schoolhasbeen}established to train women as groceryclerks.Women,says a dispatch fromBerlin,have gradually replaced menontheGermanrailroadsas_ticket choppers at the.stations,as.guards,etc.,and are now being.installed bythemanagement:of-the.Brombergrailroadassectionhands.~ac Gen.Victoriano Huerta,the Mex-ican ex-President,charged with,con-spiracy to violate the nentr sy laveoftheUnitedStates,waived éxami-nation at El Paso,Texas,held in-a bond of $15,000 for the Fed- feral grand jury at San Antonio,Tex- as,.December 20..:Huerta refused tofurnishbondandwassentto.Fort‘Bliss,where he will be guarded.FiveassociatesofHuerta,arrested on sim- ilar charges,also waivedtion,but all save one gave bond. Recommendations As tq theBridge. Committees of the Iredell and Ca-tawba--county commissioners _met—at.'the--courthouse-yesterday—afternoontoconsiderthematterofabridgeattheSouthernPower.Company's de-velopment at Island Ford,on the Ca-tawba river.No representsative of the Power company was.present.Thecommitteedéacidedtorecommendtothetwoatofcommissionersthatthebridgebe.built provided the Pow- a third each,Itwas,also agreed’thatif.the new bridge is’built it shall -bemadéatollbridge,and jit is recom-mended that after the new bridge isbuiléthat“the Statesville-BuffaloShoalsbridgeandthetollbridgenearMooresvillebetakenoverbythetwocountiesand.operated as toll bridgeuntilthetollsofthethreehave.paidforthetwolattey,thee shall be frée bridges,eers estimate that thebridgewillcostfrom:$16 2 tdEn Hollar |represented _ mer New York police officer,under}spr of error to the United States Supreme!®oP% chance; strike in Chicago carries with it the|PF nd was], examina-|" er company will pay a third of thel§cost,each of the two counties to pay} after which all}rs na_Mebsrs,Osborne Brown and J.Py BRIEF ITEMS LOCALNEWS.License a hoon nai for gatas a Miss Nacewes for the and Mr.Calvin W.ae +Mi Mattie E.Jones and Mr,:WeeClodfelter.I i aS '—The Iredell Blues -“i ;Morehead next Monday for ‘their ;nual encampment with the other com:panies..of the First Regimentof the North Carolina National Guard.—°._The walls.of the ‘newigraded—school building are compl eee snorthroofisaon..‘The residenceof Dr.Hi F.Long,ony Center street,is also under oO “% —Mrs.A.A,Fisher,nee ‘Miss Ma-ry Austin Glover,who fas millforafewweeksatthehomeof‘herparents,Mr.and Mrs.J.-B Glover,is improving -and.is able:to *a—Messrs.A.Cooper and J.Fy .ley recently bought the ‘store of Mr,J.Rowan Davis,.on the Boulevard,and are jin charge .of .the business,Mr.Davis.will not engage in:-busi- ah,ness until fall.‘Mr.J.E.Orr of An ,is a member of the Sout railwaylocalswitchingcrew,has,moved iis)—family,to Statesville andwill make _his home here.They have:r swith —Mr.and Mrs.John A.7 on.Sharpe street:Egat Page ieisThetenperatureindicatesthatthe“good old summer time”jis swithus-at last:.Sunday and yihiotwee:‘keptotweather.is 2 night was the first reaofthesummeranduptheaverageThepptadthesoneps iThere.was littl To adayin:the condition of Rev.W.T.Walker,superintendent of the monOrphans’Home,who-has been a#it-ically ill of typhoid fever for.a week,-His condition .is still very critical but > his friends are more hope Fae ry~--Several ayilleLutherancongregationHickeryyesterdaytoattedaySchool.Normal atdelegation.from Winsten-ed through yesterday in au ohmnroutetoHickorytoattend the —Mr:W.F: |sey’s red and.usedby threeofPythiandistrictyinthe ‘Sta ec~Ten of the coun’used in road building wereweekto.Rowan »the.price of the ten being.$2. ;ak booki is an averageofmore than $2ecgcounty,.whi ,pected to buy some of otmules,has pu elsewhere._ —\long the new route to H yepartiallyares|the State h +‘thecropprospectsareoesaidDr.W.G,Nicholsonof Harmonintownyesterday,The corn.fitheCrawfordborhoanytownship,continuedlooklikethecornfieldsof—The ee commissioners..yesterday as the county boarequalizationtoreceivethetaxfrom.the list-takers,audit # and endeavor to ize valuaOnlyaportionofthebookswere goneoverandtheboard-adjourned to meagaintomorrowto,completei granddaughter,Miss Cath inly,who were visiting Mrs,A. Hue in Acworth,Ga.,werehomelastweekoe ~ness of little jam LiJr.,son of Mr.and Mrs:W.1.Wiy.The baby was very ill for aaysbuthassinceimproved,| Mrs.P.B.Key's carriagehorse,which had long been in ere higthefamilyandwas-one ofthe 1familiarhorsesabouttown,died Fri-—aged between 28 and 30 yearsDeathresultedfromcolic,V:time of eneot rse Wasstrongandydespiteits.adyanced age,was in regular servpeFarmers’UnionnicatScott’s Next ¥ Only routi t \ Mnion a re ing Saturday,Road otterswerediscussed,but notakenwithregardtothe Crop ‘con ition’weree. except as.ta ;It was)decided to hold the annnieatStott's August 6th,= 1 hgha ohlotteSaturday,fatherof }issee ;itted ‘suicide:ooting hintself,.«Bank's ©affairs ge he rk ted‘game of ballBono’dafeatd Terrell »Southern railyAirywas,ght,The safndstolen,-A ee of.the.fran Mt.na PAGE TWO PT July 13,1915. ecidents Crimes and Other In- cidents of Life in North Caro- 7S FROM ABOUT STATE,| PASTURES AND HAY CROPS, Crimson Clover,Alfalfa,Ete.—Mr.Dull Talks*of ‘the Advan-tages of These Crops and TellsHow‘They May Be Success:|.fully Grown—Spme “Good “Al- ‘falfa Crops Near Statesville. Correspondence of ‘he Landmark.’ ‘For some -time farmers of the South have been advised to keep morelivestockandsomeresponsehas been .obtained,but very preat prog- ress cannot be made in this line until better pasture-and hay ¢rops are se-cured.The concentrated feeds and grains are too expensive in both mon-ey.and labor,either to buy or raise,and to feed to produce.live stock attheprevailing‘prices.There*is nofeedthatwillproduce:as.economicalgrowthinlivestockasthegreenpas-tures of the summer season.For the winter one may use some silage butthemainvartofthefeedwillhavetocamefromthecuredleavesand stems of the grasses.Horses,cattle’ and sheep require a certain.percent-age of their feed in the form of roughage and even hogs and chickens unless it would be on afield thathas had a rank growth of peas turned un-|der,The application of.about!200poundsofacidphosphatemayalsobe advisable at the time of ding,_«Inoculation Necessary,' Inoculation is necessary,either»oftheseedorofthesoil,and-usuallythefirstisthemosteasilyandcheap-ly accomplished,This .is done with a’liquid culture furnished hy.the de-partment,just preceding sthe seeding, |Care must be taken to sow the inocu-jlated seed and.harrow it in rapidlytopreventexposureto.the sun’s rays, which.would kill the inoculation,Seeding may‘well take place:betweenthe25thofAugustandthe:15th,of September,owing to.the weather con-ditions.Later seeding maybe.sue- cessful but is attended with a great deal more risk of loss.The earlierseedingshouldallow.a chance for a ranker growth before the.freezing and thawing of winter sets in and al-so make it able to take an:earlier start in the spring,enabling it to keep ahead‘of the weeds better.The sow- ing of from 20 to 25 pounds of igood, clean seed is recommended in insure wetting a full stand,as it does not thicken up like bluegrass but grad- ly Slight Decrease in Farm CropebCRMMGachee Prices paid farmers for.the big crops grown this.year decreased Jabout 5.6 per cent’duting June,ac-|# cording tothe estimate of the moet is|# brings the price to the fatmer’“helow|# the 7-year average for July by one-|§|‘The Fountain of Qualityal‘Department of Agriculture. tenth per cent,although the Tevel is1percenthigherthanayearagoand18.2 per cent higher than two years ago.Record-breaking is regarded as the cause, ‘The composite condition of all crops } on July 1 was 2.8 per cent above the|# 10-year average and 1.6 per centabovetheaverageonJune10this year.While‘crop quotations were going|#down the price of meat animals to|#producers inerease eight-tenths per)# zent from May 15 to June 15. Catawba Man Said to Have Per-|#|Statesville Drug Comp’ished in Cincinnati Storm. Thirty-two lives’were lost in a storm.that visited Cincinnati on the9th..In addition’a hundred or more|¥# acreage and|#the good condition of crops generally|§ me Richard J.Jones of Wilmington Thos.H.Sanford of McLeansville (found dead in bed.He was 78 years gro barber shop in Salishury,who *could ‘not be sustained, ,,10,900,000 bushels—the State has *Whe Ghautauqua tent at High Point «Chautauqua were under it but crawled|amount of it.’ *{An ordinance is “being passed in}it is a fact.generally known that the Spielers havebeen announcingthrough/and developing of the animal,Not sentertainments,etc. Thursday night’for the sixtieth ‘was installed grand treasurer of Odd ‘Fellows ‘of North Carolina. ae Sign to bed Wednesday night feel- fng unwell.Next morning:he was old,‘ j E.C.Bost,the proprietor of a ne- was arrested on suspicion of incen- idiarism,was released.The charge According to the estimates of thewheatcropintheStatethisyear— for the first time since 1960 produced “enough again to feed the population.; *was blown down Thursday afternoon aby the storm.Members of the Junior|wil)consume a surprisingly’large out without hurt except they were!The choice of a Grow Par thie:pur rain drenched.pose will vary with the condition,but “Asheville to eliminate the megaphone leguminous crons make a feed that is{from the advertising field in Asheville.|more highly adapted to the growing i megaphones the advent of bargains,|only is it a richer feed,but the grow-ing of this class of crops adds to the At Rich Fork church,Davidson county,between Lexington and Thomasville,on the 9th,Masons un-{veiled a tablet to John H.Mills,foun- der of the Oxford Orphanage and ‘the Baptist Orphanage at Thomas-“ville,:: ‘The Wilmington chamber.of.com- ymerce has adopted resolutions urging| =President Wilson,so far as consistent ‘with the rights of this country,to “bring about a speedy conclusion.oftermswherebytheexporting.of cot- ten to.neutral countries may contin- ue unimpeded:~*~The Salishtry”Wateinnar says-thety-two a o a cow belonging.to*John .Louis Holtshouser,who.lives near Rockwell,swallowed an umbrel-la rib.'Twd weeks later the cowdiedandthe’'umbrella rib was found~with one end in the stomach and the,other had cut through the liver. “4 (he engagement of Miss Lena --Eeverettof Rockingham—-county—and \Editor Isaac M.London of the Siler_City Grit,is announced,the wedding“to take place in November.:Editor,London’is one of ‘the,popylar.youngeditorsoftheStateandthisan-nouncement will be.heard with inter-est.:-iitie-Wheeler,J#,5-ef:Franklin-coun-}bl olenty }s yea!<on M e brbeds.Bryant over the head with a stick so severfly that he died in a few,hours:Wheeler gave $500 bond for his ap-pedraite “dt next term of Franklin ~Following-a-heavy-rainstorm.whichturnedabigditchinGoldsbor#,intont,the 2-year-old gon ofhn-Edwards -fell-into@child’s mother saw his danger but he fell in béfore she couldreachhim.‘She plunged inafter himandbrought,him safely ‘out,‘withoutdamageofconsequencetoeither!| In Obids township,Ashe county,onthe3d,Matthew Parsons,19 years old,ss his ‘brother-in-law,Ben Severt,23 years old.They quarreled a a frivolous matter and foughtandSevertreceivedablowonthehead’which caused his death a fewhours.later.Parsons is in ‘jail.Sev-ert’s widow is his sister..Facts’fromJeffersonRecorder.. Gov.Craig has pardoned Junius*Bowman of Catdwha county,who hadservedfiveyearsofa7-year sentence for manslaughter.At a chicken fight ‘itv Alexander.county John Hafer,sonofPolyHafer,was killed.Bowman and Frank Propst were ;both sent upforthetrouble,but Propst-was par-doned about a year ago.Gov.CraighadtwicerefusedtopardonBowman, ~Will Bell,the negro electrocuted ih Be So a z “week for the murder of a .Durham 'eitizen,had requested that his funer-~f-al be held in‘the court house at Dur-ham,as an object lesson and a warn- i fing to others.Permission was given*to hold the funeral in’the court*house yard,but this was subsequent--#ly withdrawn on account:of protests,,and the funeral was held at a negro ‘church,©.“ ‘H,U.Oakes of High Point fears»that the Oakes reported drowned when the British ship Armenian, loaded with.mules,was sunk by a~German submarine;is his brother, Charles Cotton Oakes,who left hometenmonthsago.The missing man is ~a nephew.of the late Sheriff:W.A.Bailey of Davie and of R.Lee“Wright of Salisbury.His father,P.-©,Oakes,was.killed while on duty as chief of police of Raeford. Recluse.Probably Murdered For‘His Money. -it ‘Murder for the-purpose of -robbery 4s believed-to:account for the death ofCharlesB.Abt,whose body was .found:in his home in Raleigh Thurs-day,with indications that he had beendeadaweek.i Abt was,known to’have\$6,000 or ae derived fromthe\sale o farm ~lands‘and other property inherited‘from his father’s estate.At least $3;-~000 was drawn out of his bank aboutdJuly"1.In the house where the bodyofthedeadmanwasfoundoldtrunks“had been opened and tne contents of’the place stirred.‘ Abt was a bachelor 56 years old_and lived alone.His neighbors had_..¢ometo_paynospecial attention tohismovements,which were always‘ot an eccentric sort.He had this.Thursda ead body. rihons keeping thesoilfull gf huDatenite productivity“of the land by increas-ing its nitrogen content and a general bettering of its physical condition.This latter point is probably the one in which our land has its greatest de- ficiency, Value of Red Clover. Of the leguminous.crops red.clover is the most.common:because’of.the ease with which it may be started.Ithasbecomeadaptedtogrowingonasoil.that is not entirely free from acid,is suitable for either meadow.or pasture,and by continued ~growing}has so inoculated the soil that it maybeeasily..started almost anywhere.Ofourhighproteinroughagesitis.next below cowpeas and alfalfa, Crimson clover is no doubt the premier clover.of the South.because of the ease with which it may be started,its ability to produce a late fall and an early.spring growth—thus | preventing the leaching.of the plant) food already in the soil--and becauseofitsvalueasagreenmanureand soiling crop.‘A field may producecornyearafter.year,without deplet- ing if it is seeded to crimson cloverafterthe.last--cultivation.and this turned under the next spring bef irevlanting.the following crop of cofn.|This.is.themost.practical.method jofmus,which the waternofthe Soil,No farmer.should be withoutatleast\a part of hisjeorn fields seed-ed.to this valuable clover.i Alfalfa:Most:Valuable: Of.all .the.,legumes...thers--is,none with.the.soil-building power,the high feed value and the long years of use-ful sgessed+by alfalfa.It,howeveraenopae.easly “started-as the. others in this section,and hence not#o,.common...Gértain..artificial condi-tiohs must be developed before suc-cess can..be attained./*Thesability toproducethesemarksthecarefulfar-mer.Alfalfa,like all other lezumes, owes its great value to the fact tha eertain bacteria work on its roots,fixing the nitrogen of the air withinthenoduleswhich-form on them. However,the bacteria common to al- falfa are more particular than thoseofotherlegumesabouttheamountof acid which the soil contains.To over- necessary to use lime,which may be secured at-moderate cast-in the form of finely ground limestone. Preparing the Land. The preparation of the land is of so great importance that I believe if maybesafelysaidthatabout90percentofthefailureswithalfalfaaredueto a lack of thoroughness of prepara-tion.Any small seeded plant willstartbestinafriendly,pulverized, _-4n the State prison at_Raleighlastfirmly compact soil.Too many thinkthefieldshouldbefreshlyplowedtoanunusualdepth.This cuts the seedandyoungplant.off-from the-under- ground supply of water,which is:itsmainsourceofnourishment. While I believe that a great part of our land that has good drainage.will produce alfalfa profitably,theselectionofaloamvsoilwillbead-visable until we become well acquaint-ed with the conditions and require-ments.If the field chosen for seed- ing has been»well:broken the pastfallandseededtowheat,it may bequicklyandeasilyput—in—condition by frequent thorough diskings,be- ginning soon after the grain has beenremovedandcontinuinguntiltimeforthexseeding.Lime must be ap- plied to the soil to reduce its acidityandshouldbeappliedsometimebe- fore.seeding if possible,preferablybeforethediskingbegins.Ground limestone should be applied at the rate of.two or three tons per acre,oriftheburntlimeisusedonlyonehalf_as-much will be required.Thegroundlimestonewill“beithe cheaper,as it may be secured for $2 or less per ton F.O,B.Statesville,in carloadlots.Three or four farmers mayeasilyordera30toncarloadtogeth-er andobtain ‘these rates.The use ofthelimestoneisnot‘only necessaryforthesuccessfulgrowingoflegumesbutaidsingrowingbetterlivestock. _Best Soil For Alfalfa. While wheat land is spoken of aslikelytofurnishthe_best physicalconditionofthesoil,other crops may supply.almost equally good condi-|tions.If corn is to be retnoved earlyjandthefieldhasbeenkeptfreefrom|weeds “and in good tilth,it will supply not|®g00d seed bed provided enoughgeenabouttheplaceforsever-|More fertilizer is applied to make upaldays,but no thought was given tof that just removed from the soilbadodorswerede-|by the corn.the house and in- ‘Peas,if sown early inithespring,may be well disked intotorgroundashorttimebeforethe\fall seeding,giving a coat.of green Affect The Head manure that should start the alfalfahas mor off well before the winter comes,Theapplicationoffrom.4 to 6 loads of ’Hf)bheenentiiaimanietictiemmamitinter 4;Compromise in Randolph Case| +clerk,of,the,courts to,.m0.to,Frank: Kliff,the only other contested position. come:this acid.condition.it will be’ stable manure pe will aid great.|Hovey.saythat.1-never.used anythin ,J be |lid uch good."--Bdward Craf Ts rT CH \te land wy,0 eee NY !AU ee houses were demolished and otheruallybecomesthinnerastheweaker fs AT Mint Lime-Ade _ Charley Chaplin/Sundae Nabisco Nut Sundae. ‘Rube Wilson Sundae. SESTIELTESLELEI Teireristreeeeeersrrisesissrisiiisieisririrerereresesreeececeecerececeeeceeverese erste ieKEEPCOOL ' Quality Prescriptionists. rf1+: Y>}473:1 buildings damaged,while telephone,light and trolley wires were put out of:business.;A telegram received at Newton says that A.E.Cline,son of J.J.Cline of Catawba county,was one ofthe,victims,of the sturm.Young Cline had left Catawba some time ago un- der charges of retailing. plants die out.aff; Alfalfa Successfully Grown .Near:Statesvilte.; ‘A number of small -fields «aboutStatesvillehavebeenseededtoalfalfathepastyearortwoandallareproy- ing successful.By the time you readthisallwillhavebeencuttwice,That sown sby Dr.Yount,although not put in until the 10th of October,managed to live through the winter-and gave ti METAL ROOFING.<= Have eee stopped to think you can get one of the best ‘FINROO. market.‘Tin aud State best roofing everput on3putonatlesspricethananyother,roofing on-the— STATESVILLE TIN CO.,H.C.Mohler,Manager.‘PHONE 55.114 East Broad Street. .£. a first cutting of one ton per:acre, which sold readily for $24 per ton as soon as cut and baled.The second.eut- ting is now ready -and promises.as rood a return.That sown by W.N.White on the Mocksville road is equal- ly as good and others have’also:dem- onstrated their ability to grow it.sue- cessfully._Dr.Yount intends to seedalargertractthisfallandagoodnumberofotherswillmakeabegin- ning.‘ Are you planning to build up:your farm,keep more live stock ahd lessen the drudgery.of hand labor?All|these and more.too,will be accom-| plished if you take to growing lezumeand.pasture crops and to rotate jin vouf cropping .system,Better ‘join|the progressives.lime and nrepare COULD NOTSTANDON FEET‘Mrs,Baker So Weak—Could) Not Do Her Work—Found _ Relief In Novel Way. Adrian,Mich,—‘‘I suffered terribly | with female weakness‘and backacheand | got.so weak that I}7 could hardly do my| work,When I)|washed my dishesI | had to sit down and |j when I would sweep | Gorham’s Sterling and Plated.Ware ! We have just opened up a big ‘lot of Gor- 5 ham gnats in both Sterling and Plate,We:*7 have Knives,Forks and Spoons in sets andtheFancyPiecesfrom85c.up.Nothing _better,than Gorham’s goods can be bought.We will be glad to show you. R.H.RICKERT &SON. the soil thoroughly,inoculate the seed and sow in time to expect the plants| to make a vigorous growth and vull| throurh-the-winter-readv—to_preduce_|a crop the like of which you never’ saw-on your farm before.All-assist-‘|ance possible will be given in sedur-dusting I would have.ing good™seed:lime and”inaéeulation|'to lie down.‘T-gotand'in preparing and —seedint’the|80 poorly that myfolks ‘thoughtI wasfield!)408 GEE?DULL,|going into consumption.One’day I)ve Goods son's County ‘Agent.found a'plece'of paper blowing around;|the yardandI idan reddit.pmpromi andoiph:|JE said.“S ea m,the Grave,’andRepublicansTwo,DémocratsOne’told What Lol i gr orpSlahenabaes ‘Asheboro Dispatch,9th,.to Greens-|bleCompound ne s0k women.+) ‘boro Daily News.1s Beal |showed it to my husbandandhe said,An agreement was reachedat dD hatton Th ee oa ne20o’clock tonight between the .Re-)&fter'l ‘had:taken-7 pe .publicans and the Democrats.in the,|'better and I saidtomy iene Masfamous.Randolph,.county ,election |need eeeaap ~—gritossaawee ,gontest:aw :>of}8 .RUSS,SARS RSEREY RG:ice soe se T took HE OE’tetee.month-end Bob}well ‘and “Strong.?=Mrs:Atonzo'8.”"Baker,9 ‘TecuinsthSt,’Adrian,Mich. so weak that I wouldhavetogetadrink sy every few minutes, and before I did my | oe M,Rice.the Republican who contest-ed for the seat of John M.Caviness,|aR,St?,Adrian,MiaDemocrat,.andthe,chairmanship of ke Not*Well Enoughto"Work,the..board,of.county.commissioners |In these words is hidden the tragedy goes to,Wiley L.,.Ward,Republican,of many a woman,housekeeper orwageoverW.J..Scarboro,Democrat...The’)earner who supports herself and'is often |!Democrats retain the office of sher-sysige ig le te wn on meagrewages.Whether in house,office,fac-|. tory;shop,store or kitchen,woman‘should remember that there is one tried‘and true remedy for the ills to which all ‘women are prone,and that is Lydia E.|.Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound.It |;promotes that vigor which makes workfeasy.The Lydia E.Pinkham MedicinaCo.,Lynn,Mass. Sheriff J.W.Birkhead,Democrat,.it was admitted.had a clear majority of 39 over John F.Hughes,Republi-can.for this office.4Eachparty,by the terms of the agreement.are to-pay their witness- es and their part of the referee’s.and stenographer’s expenses. the floor I would get|— HARDMAN PIANOS! , It'is'a great mistake to decide upon any”instrumentmerelybeansthepriceigafewdollarslower’than#‘.some other that pleases ag well or,better,A Piano“may be cheap at $400,orit may be déitratQB0O)"& Seventy-ei ears’experiéicehasmadeiteimpos™sible to el asian when you decidé on a Hardman:The Piano.that pleases better and is cheap “at”the -"price,g0 res reYCarltonA.Andrews sosStatesville,N.C.|Manuf turer's ‘Agent. ght ? AESTADILATEIALTANTILLES mate a==ee GOOD TIME! The'clocks in the home must be right or the housekeeper can’t be ex- pected to plan and have meals on time.Then there is no economy inwearingoutyourpocketwithawatchthatyoucan't depend on.No, what you want to do is to get your watch or cluck repaired by BOB HENRY while he is devoting his entire time to repairing watches and clocks and fitting spectacles and eye-glasses.;. There is tobe no.disturbance.of |'the emoluments of the offices which are to change hands.The Democrats will retain what fees have accrued todateandtheincomingRepublicanswilltakethefeesandsalariesfrom now on to the end of the terms.It is understood that.the offer,of compromise came from the Dem-ocrats.it being understood that theDemocraticclerkdidnotparticular-ly care for the salary and the Dem-locraticincumbentofthechairman-|ship of the board did-not carefor,theoffice.From.the Republican—side—it is understood the.compromise.was acceptable because of the long delayinfinallysettlingthelitigation, which would probably take the time beyond the length of office -for-which they were contending.-It is.also.understood that the agreement does not estop any crimi- nal prosecutions that may be brought|- for alleged illegal voting.A RUBBER TIRE!Explosion on _Minnehaha—Was Season is here.We use best rub*Holt Responsible?fe de.Fired Steel ‘A’bomb|placed aboard’the.Atlan-Dee eee as:OntictransportlinerMinnefiaha,prob-and will save you money,”Tiressethotorcold.Quick service.ey wai she i at a“pier He px Yours tu serve \ew York,caused an explosion.an }TROUTMAN &SUTHER. “College of Agriculture-And Mechante Arts Young men seeking to equip them-|§sélves for prattical life in Ayricul-|{ ture and all its allied:branches;in Civil,Electrical and Mechanica!En- gineering;in Cheniistry and Dyeing;in:Textile Industry,and:in Agricul-jtural Teaching will findprovisionfortheirchosen careers at|f the State’s Industrial College.This| College fits:men for life.©Faculty.for the coming year of 65 men;767students;25 buildings.Admirably| equipped laboratories in each depart-ment...County examinations at eachcountyseatonJuly8th.‘iForcatalogue,write . E.B.OWEN,.Registrar,|West Raleigh,N.C... fire at sea,which forced the steam-er to put in at Halifax,Nova Scotia,’ for examination.* The explosion shook the vesselfromstemtostern.Those of thecrew.forward at the time were stun- rs! We have the very best -Parchment -Butter.Paper, ned-and-two-sailors-were hurled-bsd-+ily into the air.Flames followed quickly and for two days and nights the crew battled to save:the ship,=| excellent | 'i te G ,EveryShadeEquippedwith VudorSafetyWind Device : |box that will save ice.Ice Cream’Freezers. |two,three and four burner Oil Cook Stoves—the stove that will bake. |Statesville Housefurnishing Co. _R.F,HENRY,_-__Jeweler. Use Vudor Shades to Make Sleeping x Porches---’Phone For Prices. mocks,We make you any =size awning.-Window Shades all sizes.Our |l White Mountain Refriger- me ators are all stone lined. },The chest with the chill in it. the only ice One, ~Also IcelandRefrigergtors,zinc.lined— pa The ship’s officers do not doubtthatErichMuenter,alias Frank Holt,or confederates,were respongi-ble for the explosion,which occurredonthe,afternoon of July 7,the dateonwhichMuenterpredj:ted...that some vessel,the name of which .he—uncertain,would be destroy-ted,;The plans were frustrated by the.fact that his weapon of ‘destructionwasplacedwithmiscellaneousfreightforwardandwasnot...nearanenormouscargoofammunition:While the sailors fought the.fire,Captain Claret headed:for Halifaxandbroughtthevesselsafelythrough a gale and a fog to anchorage.Thefire.was-extinguished,: and can print your nameandbrandonsame.Let us have your order for anyquantityyouwant.See us.g Prices reasonable. :Brady Printing Co. Build a Brick House or Brick-Veneeroldhouse.Warmer in winter,0:r-in summer,tliminates.frozen|tec Has every advantage.SolidBENEFITED.BY CHAMBERLAIN'S LINI-‘“under-pinning under-frame;.|house will help,some. a “fast winter I~ased Chamberlain's Linmentfor.rheumatic.pains,stiffness andsorenessoftheknees,and can ‘consé DrainTe SYyrerSse Fire,Tornado,Live Stock,Automobile,Liability,“Plate Glass,Steam Boiler,~Accident_and Health or Life Insurance We solicit -your-business for the leading companies ‘writing the different.lines of‘insurance.Full information obtained’ on request. FAMILY AVOIDSSERIOUSSICKNESS i i’Constantly Supplied With he ord’s Black-Draught. McDutt,Va.—‘'l suffered for several says -Mrs.-}.-B;-Whittaker,“olyPlace,‘with sick headache,‘andPetrouble. “1 years ago a friendtold me toTheil’Black-Draught,:which |and|foundittobethe wont metecineforyoungandold. I keep Black-Draught on hand all thetimeandwhenmychildrenfeelalittlebad.’theyask me fora dose,andifdoesthemmoregoodthananymedicintheyevertried. We never'have a long spell of sick-ness in our family,since we commencedusingBlack-Draught. Thedford’s Black Dra .purelyvegetable,ai n found to regu-aie weak stomachs,aid ‘digestion,re-)fieve ind ,colic,wind,nausea,Reatiche bak stomach,.similassymptoms.# It has beenin constant_useformore10.1 and-has benefited moreanpeople. Your d ft sells and recommendsBlack-Dratight.Price only 25c.GetaGackageto-day.NGIa MELROSE FLOUR. Nice Fresh Meats. M.P.Alexander &Bre "PHONE 241. Engraved Cards! Don’t leave -homewithout-a ~‘supply. Something’newdi thistline:-I-may have your»asplate.».’Phone.210.. WE HAVE. ok put,LiNe:i to m . Fh e nw o aa TUESDAY,9 LOCAL RAILROAD SCHEDULE. Arrival ond Departureof Trains atBates N ROAD,—‘WESTERN.Train No,16,west-bound,due 7.24 a,No,nd,due 10.06 a, 5 due 10:25 p.;east-bound,due 10.36.a,No,22,enst-bound,due 1.15 p.Train No,12,east-bound,du@ 6:46 p.-Train No.16,east-bound,due 10.560 p.ANDPOs OREYILLE. Train ‘No.16 ar.-9.60,leaves 10.35 “aTrainNo.24 ar.9.20,leaves 9.20 p,From Taylorsville.Train No,23 ar.10:00,leaves 10:40 aTrainNo.15.ar.6:20,leaves 6:45 p,Nos.28atid 24 are not operated on Sunday. July 13,1915. -S U R B R E R S SE E BE Free Typhoid Vaccination a Good Investment. Progressive Farmer. It’s good to learn that many counties in the South are making ap- propriations to provide typhoid vacci- nation free for all citizens.It’s good investment..Enough lives will be sayed and human efficiency will be increased greatly enough to insure that the money spent will come’back to the county.It will come back in incyeased property value and conse-quently increased revenues.No:Pro- gressive Farmer reader should.go through this summer unprotected against typhoid.Get vaccinated. £9 ‘Reidsville is to have city delivery of mails,beginning October 1. CAROLINA PEOPLE TELLOFSTOMACHREMEDY. Sufferers Find.Swift Relief by Use of Remarkable Treatment. Stomach sufferers in the Southeastand,in fact,all over the country, have found remarkable and efficient results from the use of Mayr’s Won- ‘derful Remedy. Many have taken this remedy and tell today of the benefits they receiv- ed.Its effects come quickly—the,first dose convinces.Here is what two Carolina folks have written:W.R.DAVENPORT,Parker,N.C. —*For years I have suffered from a disease which puzzled doctors. heard of your remedy and one bottle grave me relief.Your full treatment has about cured me.” J.T.ERWIN,Winston-Salem,N- CI am satisfied through personal use of the powers of your remedy.You have saved my life.” Mayr’s Wonderful«Remedy givespemanent,resalts,for.stomach,liver eeturned. Notice toCreditors. North Carolina,Iredell County,RW.Pou,et als vs.Elmwood Mereamtile,Comma ttox lghord bokiiag Aclaims against the; 7 2)W,McLain; THE SCHOOL CCCOMMITTEES. And AttendancenceOllicers in Alex- Correspondence of The Landmark.» Taylorsville—At the recent.méet- ing of the Alexander county.schoo!|board,school ¢ommitteemen and at- tendance officers were appoints ay follows:Miller’s Tcnesieil KocahaleinaoeienDistrict.No.1,Corban Goble;‘No.2J.C.Bell;No.3,$.M.Anse:No.4,sh.Be every We ‘6,G.-S.;Elliott;No.1,colored,Lee Little;No.2,colored,Wash;Flowers,‘Attend.|ance officer,L.M.Alexander.Sharpe’s Township —Committee-men:District No.1,8:N.Rafty;No.2,G.W.w Warren:No.3,H. P.Thomas:No.45.Carson Elder:No.6 D.W.Martin;\No.1.colored,Larriean,Lackey;No.| 19:colored,M.Smith,en | ‘Rd.Linney.Attendance‘officer,M-R. Pritchard.Cwaltney’e—"optiftangnens .| \4 wat.No.1.BE.C.Mahaffey:“No,2,W (No,4,W.M.Gwaltney;No.5,W.M|Cook:No.6,P.H.Mason;No.7.3.A P.Miller;No.1,colored,J.L,Smith; No.2,colored,J.8.Lowrance.tendance officer,N.A.Woodfin.Sugar Loaf—-Committee:District welder.Attendance biece,E.C.Har- Johnson;No.3.J.;W.McLeod;-Ne.4,!R.A.Pennell;No.5,O.WaQaborne,| M.L.Barkley;No.6,J.A..Cline,Ni7,R.C.Bowman;‘No.1,colored,Den-nis Pool.Attendance officer,“Arthur Echerd. trict No.1,C.L.Steele;No.2,Wal-ter C.Robeson;No.3,John Smith;|No.4,G.B.Austin;No.5,J.L.Cline; No.6.D.W.Moret;No.7,M.A.Dun-can;No.8,W..A.Austin._Attend- Taylorsville—Committeemen:—‘Dis-trict No.1,W.DeDeal;No.2,W.R.Wilson,W.R.Chatham;No.3,D.W.Hammer:No.4,D.A.Little;No.5,S.T.Little.E.F.Huffman;No.6.) Tl ance offcer.A.W.Robinson. John Pool;No.7,E.M.Wike;No.8S.F.Watts;No.9.E.Bow No.1,colored,ei <Fineat ‘Hip) school -committee,Taylorsville.-.Oj intestinal ailments.Eat as much} ee whatever you likes;No,vg S-ee er,otere she tress after eatin ressureo in}|the Stomach ‘dine Ramat the (he eee oe geomet Stony pet one ‘bottle:af’a druggist wy)_x ;ee aad Ory,it on an,absolute guarang <>ry ays\Friday evening November .26,.last!day of the session.of..the North Car holina Teachers’.Assembly.in;Raleigh,|will be:North Carolina:Day;-aecord-ling to Mr.E..E.Sams,.seeretary -«ithe.Assembly.—has.completed{this.phase.of the:mme.:This ranlons corporkati the,Elmwood Merca ine wasenasmnopsl1mt eee of theC:otified “to atmakeproofotsaidstnwithinMal.a aA,cone a on ae poco eeeMP RBON PALSY:es par cipeent |DT TNieionan,0 valbempseess a vivake protoof-their -respeetive<clokan |the Rr aa .and Dr. ara ed’Bruce Payne of the Peabddy Memo-i at the be debarred f >|Yar Rubens,/lence toric ton melamine ey Payng the Pent Mone Jelly Glasses defendant corporation,the Elmwood Mercan-|concen Daniels will be the speakers Pr i P d , Givea by Soden of ont es the 19th day |?n the occasion.‘©Poot owders,of June,1916.MAYBERRY,"The idea before the programmeFlyPaJune22,1915.Receiver,|makers.of.the ee was to have sec at the time of the meeting some of In t owders.‘the leading North Carolinians who are now doing work in other States.Many otherseasonable |i}We Canty a Complete Stock |(“tvom ¢'to's stock on the even Eagle &‘Milholland. LEE’S HEADACHE -—-—AND———- Neuralgia Remedy rf —— Flour,Feed,Grain,Hay and Cotton Seed Products.You will save money by.getting our prices before you buy. IREDELL FEED.CO., C.D.MOORE,Prop. Safely and Quickly Re- *|__lievea Headache and Nev-| ‘ralgia and nervous Head- '|ache.Also tor headache _caused by colds and grippe. #0¢.,25c.and 50c. Atfountains —5e. ie SALE BY ALL DRUGDEALERS.., 4, if POR.FINE CLEANING AND DYEING —’PHONE 147— Sloan Pressing Club. Will -please those who demand theverybest.Itis an extraordinary flour.Your Grocer knows. &Cary (.Boshamer, 3 Local Representative,;ans 125 Black.It.aw. NOTICE! HOLL ND BROS.have changed,their,’e@ number from 177to7.Call .pe draying,all grades bes:Goal and wood,etc.©":»Residence 'Phcne 1310, ‘Shiningles _For Sale! Carload of good No.2 Shingles at $2.75perthousandatmybop.CG.H.TURNER,— Iredell *Phone No.74,Bell No.7; Ee e ——Sold exclusively be 'of November:26,:the alumni of the |various colleges of the State and per-ihaps the Peabody Normal will:have get-together dinnérs of the reunionnature.»At 8 o'clock:all will assem- ble in the Raleigh auditorium to hear the main speeches of the evening.The other parte.of the programmeloftheassemblywhichmeetsonNo-| ivember 24 have not been completed| jas yet.Great effort will-be taken hy ’the officers of the assembly to makc|‘North Carolina night one of the bic,occasions in.the pase of the organ- lization.—ead 5 |Sinkingng of|Ships|Goes On.|The Italian navy has’suffered its s be serious*loss,an Austrian subma- $rine having torpedoed the-cruis«com in the Adriatic.yy icrew were saved. Most of the This is the second —allied.warship, ha fall victim to an Austrian under-y|water craft.The French —cruise: As an offset,it’is claimed that a4/French warship has sunk a ~German‘submarine.in.the.channel,while the ?|British admiralty ausounced that it'was a British’submarine which tor-ipedoed a German warship.in.the Bal-itic recently,although no details arc 3 added to.the brief statement. |‘All the belligerents —are rapidly and it is re-has nine at PotabuildingsubmarinesportedthatAustriaalone. Second Child’Dies.Within a Weeh..Correnpondenee of ‘The Lanitmark. *Statesville,R-4;-July 9 —Again’ Thursda afternoon the death angelvisitedthehomeofMr.and Mrs.Ar-thur White,claiming this time Glenn,who was:about two _.and one-halfyearsold.He was laid to’rest Friday after-noon in Trinity graveyard by thesideofhislittlebrother,who wasburiedlast‘Sindy.‘Services were conducted by.Rew.C.-L.McCain.The’broken-hearted .parentsrelativeshavenesympathyof, and the BXPERIENCK.“of 1888.1 had a.very sc-mérbus.Two physi-FP m.to 6,p.m.me any relief and then told |wt te me to live;thatformyfamily,[nstead [pR-c.2.CRUSE |p Veterinar of doing 80,1 os“theshe porter itymeabo'tle o att and,taker im substitute,I took a’“necording to.the directions and ,hesecond dose.Mie tak ant “waa enlidd by;for my ne‘:Hut 166theia ander County.me,| ‘|anything-~done “about good reads-the V.H.Lackey;No.| No.3,J.B.Mayberry:| No.1,Peter Daniels;No.2,EB.J.Hendren:No,3.M.K.Deal;No.4LloydKerley;No.5.Vanee —Black- st )=6Mr. Wittenbere-——Committeemen:.—Dis-, -who.are not helping.at all,and to of{be ‘tufmed away.Will ,,held before an:answer is’giver colle,Te and.Dinerhoen | Ak 5 Chil tae LY ADKIN'S$ROAD TROUBLES. May Not HaveJe But One Mile This:¥ear Way Things Look.. Yadkinville.Ripple. The prospects:of a good road toYadkinvillearesodimone’has :to ‘look through a strong field glass three|times before he can imagine it is com- ‘ing.It seems that every time-there’18 prospects of getting them po farther and farther away.At the regular meeting ofthe coun- {ty commissioners Monday,they de- icided to accept.the offer of —Sidney\Spitzer &Co.to take forty thousand{dollars of the good roads bond issye.This clears up that part of the trans-action exeept the remaining $20,000,land they think they will have no trou-|ble in selling this amount..The truth‘is the bond market is bad and they){don’t want more bonds,is why they)|went back:on their.contract.The -question which arose sometimeagoaboutwhohadthepowertosaywherethegoodroad:should-be |built was again brought up Monday,| ‘and Benbow &Hanes,attorneys for| |the commissioners,told the commis-| isioners they had the right to build the}‘road where they wanted to.«If,this)is right the road will hardly be built! 1s it has been surveyed but it’will! ,pvrobably be taken to the.courts before|finally decided who has the power.It!will almost,certainly.be this way if}rington,the commissioners undertake’+6 sae Rives Coathigtetane 2,J.jy(change the route of the road,’fromAPennell,Na.i tale Pennell Pat what it has been surveyed.In fact) N.Barnes;No..4,We.A.memati ve ,|Cvery Geran yeasl egle Solipul1.colored.Ed.Parsons.Attendance hupe that iti mieertale,wastherSNtar.Mullin Becomes?we will get any more than one mile of| Bileadate Canalerehnelon ¢F ristrict |ane roads built during this year or} yj not.§yNo.1,C.W.Reése;«Nox 43 I Graham,the contractor,‘is | ;work now on the road at the Yadkin{ river,and he has instructions to work°-'to Enon,a distance of one mile,and wait for further-orders.--This is the!lone mile.we:refer to above,and this |cannot be used until bridge acrosstheriveriscompleted,which will be about December 1.\ BOOST SUPPORT|.FUND. Urgent Needs of |Orphange Weighing On Mr.Walker’sMind. Our Fatherless Ones.: A word about our support!fund is needed just now.We cannot and do not_ask-our_regular helpers to do|more.‘|They ‘have been faithful and} 1 liberal,but there are so many Sab- +i bath schools,churches .and,,.societies unos we appeal for nelp.Dear :read- .is,your;Sabbath school,church land a mae ee Tttoad oe among the Babbat Ate,i like ee or bath pe es‘society might ive one Sabi fering a month to God’s'needy,fath- erless ones.This:would save us from ‘warit and enable us to take thé many TE R E ae aT.=_—Bowles Morison( peracpt fiw , applying for help who are having to you do it?Thén act at once,before,you forgetit.Bring’‘the matter to the attentionofthe's¢hool,church or ay ‘and enlist:.as!’a regular helper.of your,Orphans”Hnme. One ‘of ‘the utipleasant features of orphanave work is that:of raising‘funds |for the support of ‘the Home. It.is ‘the source of constant worry forthosewhohavethematterincharge: At the time Supt.Walker became ill he was worrying about the small amount of money coming in.,Now when he is delirious he often com- plains:“We are getting behind.The funds for support «re falling off. Urge the people to send forward their contributions.”Friends,©let ‘us all hope and pray that Mr.Walker will recover and above all else we must fot let him find the Home-in debt and ‘Have him shoulder again the burdenthatwasweighingsoheavilyonhis shoulders when he became sick.Let’s boost the support fund.now., SS ‘England Wants to Know ‘About Velunteers. Sir Cecil Spring-Rice,British am- \hassador at Washington,has formal-ly applied—to—the—State—ifor a definition of the American ZOv-ernment’s view as-to whether English| patriotic societies or other unofficial agencies violate neutrality laws in sending British subjects from.the United States to.volunteer in the Britizh army.—: Conferences between “the Depart- ments of State and Justice will beA serious diplomatic controversy maydevélop.The practice of returning ‘tment+* a a de S scale and they are) 25c.the mi ones, ment ‘on Wewill f Yesterday’s,express brought us about 200. and you’ll/find almost any color you would’ want—lots of the black and white,blue and white,rose andwhite and some of the. all white. There’s‘another lot of the better,ones,as- _sorted colors and stripes,that we’re sellingand,too,there cre a great many white Jap.Silk ones shownin thenew styles and-the price is only $1.00.:; AwningStriped Voiles and Batistes aree'the proper things now for midsummer dresses here for you at I5e.,20c.‘andd We have adew Spring Suits that are at half price.Some Silk and PalmYou,could get the worth of the gar-a trip to the mountains. eH THE STORE THAT Past‘POSTAGE ON MAIL oan Phones:84 and.BZ e WAISTS Why would rein worry about makin Waist when you can come here and aoneofthesebeautifulawningstripedOnes — for 50c.?oa you any of these Waists and | Suits on approval and if they are not toyoureyyousiiny,fetyees an ;HORROAO 4 egy| ares maton i ne cn Sat Shae ee mi Phones84and 137 | sos irs IN BiW a Cute 12 .OLLE Bell ’Phone 98. Waa: J Le. JAMES..CANNON,a D.; Faculty’.of 33;4 mae inAcademic Dept.;$200 with 28 (2s sapien “ARE YOU INTERESTED?” Slate Roofing ?-Tin Roofing?Galvanized Ice Box or Refrigerator Lined?Tin orSheet Metal Work of any Kind?IREDELL TIN WORKS.+Independent "Phone 197. :Students,from States.Aceredited by Virginia State Board of Educa-tion.‘Hundreds of graduates now teaching.. $160 per yearTheLeading Training SchoolforWhereéanparentsfindaCollege _with as : Shingle Reofing?Roof Painted? per year in allege Dept.Girlsin \' iit LET US KNOW. volunteers to England has prevailed|77>sinee the begirining of the European|war,and it is said the British gov- ernment is prepared to register ‘an emphatic protest if the United States takes the position that it is illegal.The return of indictments at San Francisco against five versons charg- ed with enlisting recruits for the Brit- ish.army is understood to have pre- cipitated the ambassador’s.action. Urge That National ?rohibition |..Be Submitted to.People. The National convention of the 'Anti-Saloon League of America,insessionat.Atlantic City,unanimouslyadoptedresolutions.urging Congressto:submit the question of national prohibition to the people in the formofaconstitutionalamendment.,{Congress also is urged to bar in- toxicants from inter-State commerceand:to prohibit use of the mails for transporting liquors and carrying liquor advertisements into dry terri- ee ‘A.Baker,general,superintendent ofthe Anti-Saloon League,issued anarpafo“‘the people of the country”ichhe urges every effort to de-teat candidates for Congress ‘and theUnited.States Senate who do not fa-'vor submitting national prohibition to ;ithe people, hel ieit onto ta eave te mally valuablé as a PP O SPS S SO C ET S 8 Se PO S S PS OS S OSO T TO P P A SP O S TT PS O E SS OS SO O SS T TS T OS D ‘Whenever You Noed «doneral Tonle’‘ Grove’s Tasteless |i:W.D,_TUR Tonle.Pecahse it contains the|#-tiesofQUININE (§ PTIVT TT eTeTTTT eeeeressssrs) Commercial National OF STATESVILLE,N.C. se s c e s e s e e e s e e c os e Captal Stock Paid in. Surplus and Profits Members of Federal Reserve System. Your Hasithip.business solicited.andeveryaccommodationextendedtode-positors consistent with ‘prudent bank- ing.methods, Four per cent.paidon time and Savings _Deposits-remaining:on deposit three tmonthsorlonger.-PEETCENS: cNOR, $100,000.00“HS '.andfor other feasons.Ri =WEST BROAD "STREET. “PRICE :“SUBSCRIPTION ::$2.00el July 13,.1916. MORE HELP NEEDED. The Landmark a few years ago submitted some remarks on the fail- ure of the Presbyterians’to properly support their orphanage at Barium and to provide the comforts and con- veniences demanded.Those .same re- ‘marks started a controversy which attracted the attention of the State, but a controversy which The Land- mark believes—without claiming:any special eredit for itself—resulted in great and lasting good to the orphan- “age,by arousitig those who did not know the situation,and by shaming those who.did know,to greater ac- tivity in behalf,of the orphanage. 4All this is preliminary to saying that The Landmark has no purpose to start another contyoversy,but in ~the interest of the orphanage and the work it is doing,it is directing the at- tention of those who feel an interest -GERMANY’S ANSWER. xthe ‘German reply tothe American note isdisappointing.The reader will Hind the note on another page of The: Landmark today,: Germany proposes,‘it will i seen, 9Ito guarantee that‘American ships will =|not be hinderedin the prosecution of jagithioate shipping and that the lives of American citizens on neutral .ves- sels shall not be placed in jeopardy. German submarine commanders.will be instructed to permit,the safe pas- sage of American steamers and neu- tral steamers under the American flag if they aremade ‘recognizable by special markings and advance notifi- cation of sailing is given,It is also proposed that if a sufficient number of American and neutral ships can’t be provided to take care of American travel under the conditions ‘named, the German government will offer no objection to placing the American flag on “four enemy passenger steam- ers.for’passenger traffic.between North America and England.”As- surance must be given that no contra- band will be carried on the vessels we are>permitted to sail under the conditions named.: That is what Germany proposes in jn the Baritm institution to some re- marks from”Our Fatherless Ones,the | orphanage paper,which are printed today.That paper says the support ‘fund is falling:behind;more help is’ »needed;that,Supt.Walker was wor- tie matter when he was ous.ifIness and in the y illness he is constant- ly talkingabodt the failure of the; support fund and urging that the peo-! ple be asked’to pend:ih their contribu-tions.Re 4 ‘.That is a Hitveosing situation and one the Presbyterians should not per- mit.It need not exist except through failure to give the orphanage the at- :tention it deserves. COMFORTING CROP REPORTS. -The July_cropreport of the nation- al Department of Agriculture|esti- --mates corn production:for-North Car- -oliha at 54,100,000 ‘bushel {against 57)50,000 last,year;wheat .crop*at|eisai fas ange the corn crop estimate amore substance.\The only reference to the Lusitania,it will be observed,is a ‘further attempt to justify the sinking|. of that vessel and the:loss of life by charging in,effect that but for the ex- plosives carried .on.the*Lusitania there would jlave ‘been ample time for the passengers to take to theboats before the vessel sank.There is no disavowal of any purpose to take American life by sinking the Lusi- tania and no offer to make repara- tion.On the contrary it is asserted that American citizens:cannot pro- tect “an enemy ship by their mere presence on board.” ‘President.Wilson and the Secretary for a week or.ten days—after ma- ture consideration.It is admitted that the situation is grave. but:itiis evident that*thére must bé ics pees on one side ythe other,beBea rhctvtfe Tt is“the “sdituon,jtreuble ~eoyld:be:-mare-..easily «and)or dle: 3 estimate,it will be noticed,is abdut three and a half million bushels under last year,but at the same time s noted,with gratification,that the’‘wheat crop—which has been shar; and the estimate should be a) safe one—is abst’three ‘and a’ |promptly settled if our’government would proceed against »England for interference with our commerce.That has been ‘the purpose all‘along,but it jas,been,eld up un Germany’s case is settl Hon.Hannis Taylor.of "Alwbamd,(ministerto /Spain during Snillion:bushels more than ~tast’ithe Cleveland..administration,and.an year;and for the first time'in more than 50 years the State has raised enough wheat for.bread for its own population. :oe estimate for the Kat crop is 080,000 bushels against 4,375,000 t'year;tobacco 178 000,000.pounds casio 172,250,000 last:year;pota- (Irish)2,910,000 bushels against 716,000 last year;sweet potatoes, 4 90,000 bushels ©against 6,840,000 lagt.year. ‘he fruit’crop,especially apples, _will be short on account of ‘the blight i ‘The.estimate is!for 5,130,000 bushels of apples against 9,000,000 last year—a:little re than a half crop.Peaches are estimated at nearly a full crop—1,- 780,000 bushels‘against:1,868,000 last infernational lawyer,of,renown,”| quoted as saying in an address,Fei ‘fore the Alabama Bar Association at Montgomery,a few days ago,that “Congress should meet immediately and plan measures which would force Great Britain to discontinue her il- legal blockade and in this way only can the dispute with aeRmeny be set- tled.” It,is hoped that the matter can be Congress;but it is clear that pres- sure for action against England,|not, on account of a settlement with Ger- land is doing us,is becoming stronger and stronger.2 PERCENTAGEOFILLITERATES. linasmuch as a special effort is to _year. Again the Chautauqua has with us and it has beex a great treat. Through;the C autauqua the people oft Statesville and the county have been privileged to hear,at.moderate cost,noted musicians ana platform speakers of national reputation,peo- 'ple whom the residents of the smaller towns could not hope to hear other- wise.‘The.,gntertainment furnished has not only been delightful but the educational.yalue has been great. Speakers who are studying the prob- lems of the age have presented new and interesting thought and have giv- _gf us information of value.The com- munity is not only to be congratu- on having the Chautauqua,but a be congratulated on the inter- »it has shown.The ~comiiunity eis being educated to appreciate enjoy the higher class of enter- “Why not a “community chorus to ‘sing for Statesville?”A Statesville man who is a singer and-knows musi¢ been| is’much pleased with the idea men- ioned in the last issue-of The Land- rk,suggested by the community chorus of Rochester,N..Y.Under the‘direction of competent leaders,any- body who has a voice for singing can soon be trained in chorus singing, all adult illiterates to read and write, information as_to the number.of these people is timely.There are in round numbers 50,000 white voters in the State who can neither read nor write and the total _number —of illiterate adults is more than double that. the voting population the percentage of illiterates to the whole number of voters ranges from 8 in New Han- over county to 26 in Stokes,Iredell stands ninth inthe list of counties, with 9.1 per cent,which isn’t so bad, but is much.worse than it shouldbe. There should be no illiterates in this good county.Mecklenburg is second, with only.4.4 per cent.In Rowan 8 per cent of the white voters can neith- er read nor write;in Guilford 9.6 per cent,Buncombe 10.1 per cent,Alle- ghany 11.2 per cent,Cabarrus and Forsyth 12 per cent,McDowell 12.1, Catawba~12.5;Randolph 12.9,Lincoln 14.8,Davidson:15.2,Cleveland 15.4, ander 17.5,\Ashe 17.6,Burke 18.2, Caldwell 18,8,Davie 19.6,Yadkin 20.1, Wilkes 22.7,Surry 23.2."Mitchell and Avery rank next to Stokes,the highest,with 24.1 and 24.5 per cent., respectively,, {he Southern Railway Company is! warning drivers of motor cars’.to says the Statesville man;and’as he believes that chorus singing is the est “of “singing -he~would-be-glad*to: ‘see a great community chorus organ-| Aued-to sing for.Sp n ”Dh'esser,~brother of|‘North and South Carolina,Tennessee George Ww.Vanierbilt “of Bilt-‘and Virginia.As a result’69 automo-N.©.,committed sui inYorkSaturdait~| “Stop!Look and Listen!”when they: |approach railway grade~crossings. |For the year ended June 80 the South- jern’says there were 69 collisionswith | automobiles’at railway crossings in! te States of Alabama,Georgia,| ‘biles were damaged o demolished,12 ipersons were fatally ee and .68 others.moreoF les injured,- Pred that the German : Siig some decisive engagement.: adjusted without’an extra ‘session of |.. many but because of the wrong Eng-|= In|. Rutherford 16.1,Watauga 16.3,Alex-|— eneraete“THE CALDWELL MONUMENT, f The general hearty endorsementby movement to erect a ‘monument to thé late Editor J.P.Caldwéll,inau:|f wurated at the recent meeting of:‘tite II State’Press «Association,**is very gratifying.It is hoped that the committee appointed to plans for the work;can-get together in the near future and decide on thé details to put.the work under ~~ Meantime a few erroneous imp sions’should be corrected:. by the’members of the State Press A’ssociation.The purpose to build ‘such a monument was endorsed‘by the association;and it is expected and believed that not only the mem- bers of the association but all the editors in the State,will give their hearty co-operation to the ‘work,—# But it is the purpose also to ask the aid and co-operation ofall ‘friends and admirers of Mr.Caldwell!every- where;or at least xo give all his; an opportunity to have a share.in this memorial to his memory.Al- ready friends outside the State’have: asked this privilege. «The form of the memorial and the place of its location is a matter for future determination.Already there are suggestions as to the location,It is hoped that this matter will not be agitated until the funds for the work are provided.The collection of the money for a fitting memorialis the first and most important considera- tion.While the preference of:the editor of The Landmark as to the lo- ‘cation will be understood,his desire to see a memorial worthy of the man is far greater than-his desire:to have it located at any particular place. Meager Reports From War Zone. The check the Russians have im-posed on the German army in South-of State are giving consideration to/ern Poland and the additional strain the note.An answer will not be made/jthis has placed.on the German armyto.the right,has’postponed,military experts in London belive,the threat-ened German offensive in=the WestThe/and there is a possibility that:the: Landmark does.not_.expect_a--break allies wlil ;take:the offensive.io Weiin.“support™“of this it is poin dui at attacks by the German Crown rMan..press..-annaunced.wasnimencententofageneral»pprWward;have ceased,‘atid what fight- $18 going on along.’‘the Westernfront.consists of artillery .engage-, ments and a few isolated infantry at- tacks and“!counter-attacks,“whitmakelittleornodifferencein,th positions of the opposing forces.TheFrenchahdGermanreports,however,re co}redictory:etre‘So,far,as the -Germans,..are;con-rned,military observers-assert theye‘weeds oe(ndtryiiout theix offen’ve against the Russians until*there }Reports from ‘neutral sourcés ‘arethatto.make good their efforts, against the Russians the Germans:are moving troops intended for the 'West to the East. Rear Admiral Walter C.Cowles oftheUnitedStatesNavyhasbeen placed on the’retired list,having reached the legal age.He was incommandoftheAsiatic.fleet at the time of his retirement, The Old Standard general strengthening tonic,GROVE’S TASTELESS chill TONICdrives outMalaria,enriches the blood,builds up the system, the newspapers “of the State of ‘the BE formulate]. The monument is not»to:bebuilt|ee friends,in the State and out of it, ring ¢:atmy inthe Woeyre,wee ; Inyigorating |tothe Pale andSickly, ~Building C.WATKINS "Matera ie Statesville,N.C.Were Center Street, Next Planters’Warehouse. — — 7 Statesville.0 memory card ~.demands it. f SN SE 4 od hi a ;m fom ferren —tb —e toute_Birth Announcements,Acknowledgements,Birthday Cards. Be btThereisnotcergateOne i ee ann snost elaborate line of these ever brought to from us thatis appropriate,whatever occasion Statesville Printing Co Raleigh News and Observer,8th, Gwner’s best friend, canine ways.der the passen illustration of.the affection its.owner. ket was the body of a French poodledog.It was being shipped by express from SalisbursenderwasSalisbury,and.“the consignee Mrs,James M.Allen..The burial certifi- to the casket and it stated the cause signing the paper:beitig Dr.W.Ragland.Whe reasons why» was,sent.to learned. The North Carolina Retail Jewelers’ day.LT?ATT, DIARRHOEA QUICKLY CURED. tack ot diarrhoeaweek,”writes W.C..Jones,Buford,N.D. upright.herlain’s Colic,sltwo days I was asableeverywhere.well.as ever.” C.WATKINS for - “Everything to Build With.”~ FULLSTOCK,LOWEST PRICES Shingles,Doors,Windows,Ceiling, flooring,Seek Boxing,,Moule.ng,La me,Cement,etc.,.et P iHei Statesville, eke Tt Tt ToOs ebIrahaiW ixi ‘For the Porch: NORFOLK:ISLAND,PINES,|:RUBBER PLANAS;,921s: »ofl vik rit>|DRACENAS,°°:six PALMS;|FERNS.* For Porch Boxes:‘ "FUSCHIAS,:GERANIUMS,COLEUS,_SALVIAS. CUT FLOWERSand DESIGNS, ‘W.M.BARRINGER, GREENHOUSE. ’Phone 57.356 West End Ave., Boni!ty A true Tonic.For adults and children.0c. July 9—2t.Statesville N.C. be_made thisfall_and-winter to_teach|— Mr.A..R..Bowles of Statesville is the fortunate possessor of ‘an Inter- national--Harvester -8-16 Mogul trac- tor recently purchased from A.M. Leinster._ This useful little machine has be- come widely known as_the“oe farm tractor for all farm work,” is a tractor of the 4-wheel,cena purpose type,which can be used for all plowing,seeding,harvesting,haul- ‘The 8-16 Mogul Oil Tractor Engine and plow may be seen on the follow- ing farms:J.W.s Hatchett,A.R. ing and for the running of all such machines as ensilage cutters,huskers and shredders,feed.grinders,and other power machines in general use on North Carolina farms, ‘Mr.Bowles expects to use it for all hese purposes and to do with it,in he course of a’year,a great deal of the work for which at present he is using horses.‘ ‘Bowles,Dr.EB.M.Yount,Todd.A.Summers.For any further informa-' Ton ‘write or call on Pat Leinster,ere:ix on a long asastherwhowills that we go evercounty.to read.We. last will give themfree to all p at our bank and securethem.These articles are instructive and~will amplyrepay you f Fyour trouble..FIRST NATIONAL BANK,:Statesville NC¥ TO oURmie TaePRUENDS The Currentissue of the Country Gentle-man contains two.articles about NorthCarolinaFarmimnefarmerinIredel ’haveprocured.a numberof.copies and as— DeadDogShipped By Express.|pcs It has been said that a dog is its|§ The faithfulness #of the little animal has often been|# hoted by thosé who have observed the}%An incident noted:un-|%er shed of the Union| Station yesterday was an interesting |$which} even a dog can inspire in ihe heart of|§ Carefully laid away in a little cas-19 .to:Louisburg.The|®R.'L.Bernhard of}% eate,the same as if the corpse had|%been that of a human,was,attached}% of death as gastritis,the physician efIAG the dog’s body i Louisburg were not/# Association will meet in.Durham to-i “About two years ago°I had a.severe at-!9whichlastedforoveral “I became so weak thet I “could not stand|¥A druggist xecommended -Cham-|%Cholera_and Diarrhoea Rem-|¥%The first dose relieved me and within|% Obtain-|2 FUEL Wood All Kinds We Sell Them All! ; Penn.Anthracite Coal for Stove and Furnace.Virginia Blue Gem Coal for use anywhere.Genuine Jellico Block Coal if you prefer it. Wood—Pine and Oak. i ——’PHONE 205—— Statesville Ice &—Fuel Company. THEY WILL.TELL.YOU.THEY ALSO SELL ICE. a ne Hitpvoval-asod:oe i : et LAWN.MOWERS!.-| ree isrioththg about the home more beautiful or that damoreto’your satisfaction and pleasure than a well kep The thing most necessary for this is a good Lawn Mower. ¥ The aoutis kept smooth dnd even and the weeds cannot grow.Ourlawnmowersmaketheworkapleasureratherthanatask.They have all the latest improvements,run easy and smoothly,are durable and make very little noise..We guarantee every one to give perfect: satisfaction.When such a small expense means a beautiful lawnforyearstocomeyoucannotaffordto-be without one. The Best Hardware Housein Our Town. _ITredell-‘Hardware Co. wielelulalels:e ECECECROECCACECICACA EIR IARC Coal All Kinds | PRO T O ek he l i o ie bi e t i e t a ne t i tn ti g e n ti g t i g ti t i ki g t n e t in ti e t i c h i t at i n g tit ig h i t i e t i t t a t h e ta t e s CH O R O R I E C R O R C R C E C R O O R O R RO C C O OO O O ER LE L EL E TS OO O ee rs a ti e ) be a e =Ethel A.Church, Educational Promoter of Gas Range Cookery,will be here from Atlan- ta,on MONDAY,JULY 19TH, to give Publieand Private Demon- strations.Watch the papers and Movie Slides for future -announce- ments. Statesville ames and Fuel— r 1 No gun brings down the bird unless.it’s loaded!- {No prescription brings relief until it’s filled.eT {Even then,it must be er ee with drugs of the:highest:character,otherwise it omes a mere ‘scrap of ©paper’ ¥Let us make that prescription of the highesttoyoubyfillingitwithdrugs.Shar,-accomtoeoetedofthen pli .PURITY PRECISION PROMPTNESS,The PolkSeay Dang Compacy tpossible valug’exietly avhat.-_§ fe Co. what.youare July 18,1915. GE AT HICKORY, Iiedell’Man the Groom—Social 3 Events. ios.L.Ash entertained Satur- day morning at her home ‘on Walnut‘gtgeet in honor of Mrs.H.C.Cowles,Jr,of New York and Miss.Jeanie‘Kluttz ‘of Salisbury.Bridge wasplayedat..six tables arranged in’thehall,library and den,.Which werethrowntogetherasonc’room.Mrs.F.F,Steele won the high scoreprizéandeachoftheguestsofhon-or received prizes.The house wasattractivéldecoratedwithpinkroses.and Yakitate:.Fruit saladandorangewinewasserved.‘Miss Margaret ‘Flanigan gave aporchpartyThursdayafternoonat)the‘home of her grandfather,Mayor|Caldwell,on Center street,compli-' mentary to her guest,Miss Theresa)Bristol of Morganton.Rook and-dominos were played,but no prizeswereawarded.Following the seasonof‘game playing refreshments wereserved.The porch was attractivelydecoratedwithpottedplantsand)flowers.About two dozen of her.girl)friends enjoyed Miss.Flanigan’s hos-pitality. {Mr.J.Henry Hill,son of Mr.J.Phill of Sharpesburg township,iiacounty,and Miss Sadie Bfyan Salyo;were married at the home of.the! bride in Hickory Thursday’evening,Rey.J.D.Harte,pastor of the Bap- tist church,officiating.”The announce-}ment of the marriage says: “The bride is a*daughter of Mrs,8S.‘F.Salvo and the late Prof.Theo.A.Salvo,is attractive and has many) friends.She has for -the past sev-| éralyearsheld~a~position with theHickoryDemocrat.Mr.Hill is en-j gaged in traveling for a Roanoke, Vai,hide,fur and wool house,with}headquarters at Hamlet.”~ Notice of New Advertisements.’ A farm to exchange for automo-!bile.Apply to F.,care The Landmark. Notice of lost.note.—C.H,Lester.)Four-foot pine’wood for sale.—R. L.‘Morrison,Loray.Lady’s -hat:found.Apply to TheLandmark:Valuable’real estate offered ati pri-vate sale.—C.H,Brown,executor, oP t Thursday.at the.court ageLENS This week at the CrescentTheater,|-p thé House Beautiful.Nowrmchiian xeturned to Charlotte yes-qfhe 58th series of the First Build-|¢, i f &Loan Association of Statesville uel roe all kinds.—Statesville Ice&Fuel Co.‘Shirt waists at 50 cents.—Ramsey-| Bowles-Morrison Co.| Lawn mowers,~—lIredell Hardware! Big towel sale.—Mills &Poston, Metal roofing.—Statesville Tin Co.Two special.iron bed values.—Crawford-Bunch Furniture Co.North Carolina headquarters’forKnahbe,Chickering and Ivers &Pond pianos and pianola player pianos.—Parker-Gardner Co.,Charlotte.The Sherrill-White “Shoe Co.will); have something interesting to tell you!in ‘Friday’s Landmark. The Current issue of Country Gen- tleman free to farmers who will stop at the First National Bank for-it. ;ville News. Cobvdaponifente of The Landmark. Taylorsville,July 12.—The remainsof“Miss “Hessie Payne,who died at Lohg’s Satatorium,Statesville,Thurs- Mina |Payne’s.Funeral—Taylors- ‘day night;as the result of injuries re- ceivedby fhe accidental discharge ofagunrédayevening,were buried at°Liberty Methodist church:Satur- day afternoon,services conducted byRey.R.E.Hlunt.Miss Payne was 18 years old and jis survived by fourbrothersandfivesisters.(Mr.William P.Allen,who has beeniththeBrownLumberCompanyat Ivanhoe,Sampson county,for the past two years,arrived last week tospendsometimeherewithhispa-rents,Mr.and Mrs.W.J.Allen.ony,Superintendent)A.F.~~of Stony Point was here.sev- days last week giving examina- tiden for high school. Ministers Endorse Anti-Typhoid',,..Campaign.: ai:the ‘members of.the Ministe-rif Association of.Statesville,desire to"place ourselves on record as heart-ily:endorsing the movement of theStateBoardofHealthtogivefreevaccination‘in prevention of typhoidfever.'We‘hereby pledge our strong-be oe su fficer,Dr.S.McElwee,in hissi,and efforts to stamp out thisscourgefromIredellcounty.We urge upon all our public spirited citizens te ae the.same support pledge here- Wi.M.Walsh,president;Charles An-derson,secretary;C.M,White,vicepresident}:Ww.AA.Lutz,S.pe Had-~don,-G.--Ma-hee ‘Press-ae Jno.F.Kirk,Charles'E.Ray sprain! To Drive Out MalariaAndBulld Up The STakethe/Oid Binders GR veeTASTELESSchillTONIC..You knowking,as the formula is|y label ng.ft is. T n.vol,Lexi f tengton0meeting.Serid_your nameBndownersalong’Morrison cred!iM hore Suriday and.yesterday Dat:B.B.’Cain,,Caria,a NC.Ae tomati seale, 2.44 Detroit .ee?ce)finite and§eep ioe a Linwood ff)omeei.0, yell ansiat Speci ealblin.|are comers chee SaneATHs eeeat’the Central Fai eiBelk"Co a to our local health| |GLIMPSE PASSING THRONG. Personal.Mention«of People andTheirMovements.« Mrs.J.W.Vickery and Mrs.W.B. ‘Orawford.and two young sons,JohnWilliam,and Frank,left Friday forYanceycountytovisitMrs.M..E.Bradshaw,who is a daughter of Mrs.Vickery, Will Be Held atat Scott's’‘NextMonth—DatesFor Farmers’| Institutes, Correspondence’of ‘The Laiidmark:y At the county meeting of the Fmers’Union Saturday it was decided|to hold their annual picnic as usual.A.committee composed of Poe bury and Morganton ¢riends,and willbeawayfourorfivewecks. Miss:Ada Bell Barringér.is visitingMissMaryAlexanderofCharlotteat the home of the latter’s grandfather, Mr.A.D.Brown,in Wilmington,Miss Helen Warlick,who visited the Misses Mann,has returned to herhomeatPineville. preparationg.At a meeting of thecommitteeintheafternoonitwasde-cided to hold the picnic on the Scott’s High’School grounds,Friday,August|}fith..Good speakers will and all are invited to come:prepared|‘to assist in enioying a good,old-fash>|~joned.basket dinner,whether you are|a member of the Farmers’Union or, Mr,ae Wallace spent Saturdayinct.‘Further announcements of)and Sunddy in Asheville.speakers will be made later.. |.Mrs.J.P.Cathey and son,Master Cc The dates for.the Farmers’Titeei-|tute have been .set for Iredell eounty|;as follows;Farm Life School.Har-| mony,July 30;Test Farm,States- ville,July 31;‘Linwood School,near Mooresville,August 10. |Vernon,who visited Mr:and Mrs.V. /E,Lackey,have returned to their home in Salisbury. ‘Miss Iris Cashwell of Lumberton, 'who had been «at Black Mountain, ispent Saturday and Sunday in States-ville with Misses Bertha and Claudia|Cashwell,leaving yesterday for herjed to have one more institute than j heme.before but it was found necessary to Mr.¢nd Mrs,W:M.<Harris of|reduce the number instead,owing to a |Goldsboro are guests of Miss.Willie Mae Houpe.|4Mr.J.C.Somers and family of Heaeerite Fla.,visited Mr.and rs.W.H.Coffey in:Olin.township |last week.Mrs.Somers and children ‘went to Salisbury Sunday to visit and Mr.Somers went to.Wilkes county.|The trip from Jacksonville to States- |Ville was made by automobile. shortage of funds cansed by the de- creased use of fertilizer. At each —place.separate -pro- grammes will be given for the menandthewomen..These are»to be) more complete than.usual and as.newandinterestingaspossible.If youareinterestedinbetterfarmingmethodscomeandhelpwithyourex- }perience and learn from the experi-|(Mr.and Mrs.S.J.Weilman of |ence of others.Watch.these columns |Richmond,Va.,are visiting Mrs./for more complete announcement next |Weilman’s parents,Mr.and Mrs.N./week. Harrison.,Meeting of Missionary Correspondence of The Landmark. Mrs.A.G,Click returned to herjhomeatElkinSaturday.She spent ja week here with Mr.and Mrs.D,J.|\The Woman’s Missionary Union,i Kimball.auxiliary to the South Yadkin.Asso-Dr.and Mrs.Charles Anderson and|ciation,will hold its twelfth annual ison,Master Percy;left yesterday for |session with Eaton’s church,in Davie in visit to home people in Nashville,;county,beginning July 21st at 3 p.Tenn.,and.Warrenburg,Mo...They;m.,and continuing through.Thursday.will be away two or three weeks.|This promises to.be the most interest- Conductor-and Mrs.-N.A.Rost_of}ing —and—instructive meeting’s—-the|Winston-Salem were here Saturday)Union has ever held.Rev.D.Wi.Her- jto see Mr.Rost’s sister,Miss Lyn-|jring and wife,returned missionaries jwood Bost,whois urder-treatment at}jfrom China,will be with us.We also ithe Sanatorium:jexpected Miss Briggs of Raleigh,our: Mr.and Mrs.N.W.Fowler and lit-|Sunbeam leader,and Mrs.Mason of itle daughter,Louise,visited relatives |Charlotte,our Y.W.A.secretary.jat_Pilot|Mountain last:week.| |Mr.Floyd C.Barnes or Jackson-vites a large Site?Delegates ville,Fla,,is the guest of Mr.J.Paul |going by railroad will.t . |Leonard.|Mocksville and conveyed -©the placMes. 1 S..-D,Swaim Se sect men namin bis oent.o£the.<garioue Meera:Aner, FARMERS?.‘UNION PICNIC. ,Miss Carrie Hoffmann left Satur-|Meacham,C.M.Wagner,C.L.M day morning for a ‘visit to the Exposi-saps,W.C,Wooten,Gay pate.tion at San Francisco.She is mak-|G.EB,Dull and J.L:Ballard ap-|,ing the trip in company with Salis-|pointed to make all arrange’and secured)’1, Kennedy’s Eezema by Barium Springs water. Bix Sam.Presson of.Charlotte says use.wa-ter like Barium for Eezema,as it cured hiswifeofabadease.Good also for all stom- ach,kidney and blood troubles.‘Phone8-J-1 It was hop-}- Union.|. The entertainment ___committee-in-}-— The annual.reunion of the Reform-ed Church will be held at.the orph-anage of that Church at Crescent,Rowan county,August5th. WANTED—To exchange fms for automobile.Apply to ¥,,care the Landmark.July 18—2t. LOS8T—Note given by C.he“Lester and wiletoAlfredSherrillfor$100 due June °10,1915,Person.having thig note will presenttoW.J.Lazenby or The Landmark withiatwentydaysorthisnoticewillbepleadinbarofpaymentofgidnote.C..H.LES- TER,wduly 138.Seis ssidearciciapdesinicnabrecnicegaotioimett For SAL!E—Large quantity four-foot pine wood, Seoti’s. duly 18 Will deliver at railroad station at R.L.MORRISON,Loray,R-1,at?noenireciaesnenealtmmeacincetntpseeeta ‘Fou ND—Lady’s hat.Owner can have samedescribingandpayingforthisad. duly 18. REV.G M.RICHARDS,D.D.,says hewas.astonished at the quick cure of Rev.J.-C. for a case.of six gallonsMr.M.H.MeBride spent three weeks attheLodgereeentlyandwenthomehappyover ture of a sore hand—sore for 41 yeart duly 9—2t.; FOR RENT—Seven-reoom house on Sharpestrect.W,A.ELIASON,July 9, FOR SALE—Storehouse and lot with first-class stock of.general merchandise,Ex- cellent stand.A bargain.TRIVETTE.&TRIVETTE,Harmony,N.C.June 256—10t NOTICE—Our |terms for blocks are strictlycashwhendelivered.We make no excep- tions.STATESVILLE LUMBER CO. July 2-—4t, HONEY Plenty of good honey, pound,J.M.MITCHELL, July 2—4t.ow 15 cents a NOTICE-—Our terms for blecks are strictlycashwhendelivered.We make no excep-tions.STATESVILLE LUMBER CO.: July 2-i MEETING OFLANDOWNERS. The landowners on —the Morrison Mill feereck(prong of Fourth ereek)are called tomectutthecourthouseinStatesvilleThurs-day,15th,at 2 o’elock p.m,to take actionwithreferenceto,drainage. July 13,191s. VALUABLE LAND AT PRIVATE SALE. Under the terms of the will of Mrs.Har-rict Clark,deceased,the \wndersigned executor|4offersut”private sale a>valuable tract of land lying on the Catawba river*in-Catawba }- eotnty,N.C.,containing 151 acres more or less and known as the Alexander Clark place.‘The tract contains 60 acres of original forestand40aeresofriverbottomlands.The estate|-also ‘offers a house and lot in Troutman andanislandof10aeresintaeCatawbariver. For terms apply toC.H,BROWN,Executdr, ROTECTION was yesterday just aname symbolized by the an-cients in a stone sphinx. Today it is an active force in the hands of living.men and resourceful banking oreganizations.° Protection is the result ofstability.Stability is thebasisoconfidence,With- out confidence advance- ment,for either the indi- vidual or ,the organization,is not possible, Careful management of yourearningsshowsstability.Sys- tematic saving,no matterhowsmalltheamount,in- spires confidence in you. onfidence is mecomary foeyoursuccess. Begin to deposit pour sur-__plus funds here.We en-deavor to give you real liv-ing protection and co-operation.é ThE First STATESVILLEN.C.Ca al $100,000 “AL Paid 0}:pu ta oson Time,Deposits : R.B.McLaughlin,Atty.Troutman,N,€.|" j duly 13,;1915. Stree erro N OTICE OF SALE Yonder and “by virtue,of the power:BPinedin’a’conditional sale’executed’by Provect ‘Sheep EreLeonard eg WES ned coe spe er,Mrs.J r.ard |Mrs. Ts.Cheets and Mr.| Mr.W..C.°Stikeleather,who visit-|ed =the home.of.his.father,.Mr.| Stikleather,in Turnersburg| jand at the Iredell Test Farm to pro- jtect the-sheep/on these farms front!’\the attacks of dogs,The corrals arc |built of woven wire in ‘such a’nner|ber t.any farmer can provide them onownfarmiand!feel ‘sure’.that:his| -Harper Brady and _his}Bt ry.M..arYosip of Ken-p are safewhen/patih bértals | tp eaten yesterday |lat]night.The office pretCattle|>fan Sheep Investigationswillbe glad15.aa Cool sai ng.ohfurnish-detailed-information—in—re-:take yesterday,tO'sard to the construction of these en-ist Missionary iclosures,and »spédieaillb ;iiss,ChiitlinsRutleaa wos wa ‘will be furnished on request.2 vésterday for her home at Mt.Hol-|The first bale of new crop ,cotton jreached Houston,Texas,fromLyford, |Texas,Friday .It weighed 506 pounds ‘and sold for 31 .32 per pound.The bale;was shipped by express to New Yorkforresaleonthe,cotton exchangethere.The cotton was classed mid- dling fair. BEAUTY MORE THAN SKIN DEEP. A_beautiful -woman’always -has~good di-gestion.If your direstion is faulty,Cham-herlnin’s Tablets.will do you good,Obtaina-|| | oor.and Mrs.R.F.Northey return-| ed yesterday to their.home in Salis- bury after a visit’to Mrs.Northey’s |, father,Mr.S.PD.Chipley. Miss Hattie Ward left yesterday for Laurinburg to visit Mrs.H.M. Eubanks. ‘Mrs.Lucia Parks Sterhens of Costs cord visited in Statesville from Fri- dav to yesterday. Mra.A.M..Turner of.Mooresville fieations ‘for them i the guest of Mrs.Walter More,left |‘First BaleNew Crop Cotton.: ‘county the amount assessed against his lan ts er &!Gaither to ‘the Detroit Autothattt:ScaloMOo,reeorded,:ig,the office af theo Register;of;Toeds (of |Ingdgll,copnty,in,Book 53,page,hil®secure the payment’of the purchase priee|a pair’of Automatié'Beales sdld!the said|Turner &4 Gaither;abd default beiyx madex ep the payment of sale,the undersigned will|u re auction,atthe court house door eval county,on the 2d day of August,L at 12 o'clock,for cash,the following wets articles of personal property,to-wit:Qne Automatic Scale,manufactured _by the |Detroit Automatic Scale Co.DETROIT AUTOMATIC SCALE ‘Go.atD.F.‘Mayberry,’Atty.’July,18a W ‘Notice to Land Owners,«iE rth--Carolina,Iredell._Conntise In,the matter of the Fifth Creek Drainasetrict.al persons owning lands in ©the Fifth“Dyainage District are hereby notified tete Commissioners of said District pro-to issue bonds to the amount of RightThousandDollarstodefraythecostofdred::- ing Fifth creek.Said bonds will bear six per cent interest,and shall be paid in ten equalenethefirstmaturingattheex- piration of three years from date of issue,|fv and’one each succeeding year for nine.ad-ditional years.Any landowner desiring iod@‘$0,may pay into the Treasurer of tne in said district,ut any time within fifteen days after the publication of this notice,andtherebyreleasesuchandsfromliabilityfoz. abycae PIANOLA:PLAYER PIANOS)- ,ie WE AREN.Carolin eenme: pate i WIE rey 4 On tA isFOR. ey 5BsiitesKNABEPIANOS:jodie gd uae le Cee i TY TOECHICKERINGPIANOS...nei.iid Bre “IVERS &POND.PIANOS BA iftoudy aye “ALE fire lie 1)2B shy, iid OTR hy “ni eins weeklies For’the ratiability!of.our:gnstnutiete and.ourselves.pewecanreferyoutoscoresofreligiousandeducation-—al institutions as well as prominent individuals’inyourcommunity. Let us send you catalogues;glad quote you liberal| Address:: CHARLOTTE, N.Cc. r Glub Pianos and ClubPlayer Piano,PARKER-GARDNER (0,our terms,and give you interesting information about:|: |payment of bonds. THE,BOARD OF DRAINAGE ~COMMIS: iSIONERS of Fifth Creek District.aeD,.¥.Mayberry,Atty. —ae—Sa ET eT Sener nen is visiting at the home of her father-|—————————————in-law,Mr.W.W.Turner.©. Misses Margaret Turner and Mag- gie Parks left yesterday for Char- lotte to join the Gattis party on a trip to the exposition at San Fran-|cisco and other points of interest intheWest.‘Mrs A.A.Sherrill leavestoday forAtlanta,where she will visit her gon, Mr.Otis Lyons.Mr.Eugene Culbreth vf.Raleigh | spent Sunday here with home folks.| Mrs.J.T..Montgomery and Miss} Melissa Warlick will leave Thursday| for Fairmount,Ga.,for —a visit _to Mrs.Montgomery’s relatives.Mrs.Gertrude Hayes and son,Mas- ter Lindley,of Denton,Texas,are cuests of Mrs.Hyyes’:cousin,Miss Mary Turner.They will also visit rel- atives in the country. ‘Mr.and Mrs.J.Kaufman,Miss Babette Kaufman and Messrs.LouisandClarenceKaufmanofDanville, Va,.were guests at the home of Mr. J.H.Bioffmann Sunday,leaving yes- terday for their home.The trip was made by automobile. Miss Louise Culley ~has arrived from Pittsburg,.Pa.,,to spend the summer with her motHer;Mrs.J.L. Culley.Miss Culley is a member oftheseniorclassoftheUniversityof Pittsburg.Mr,-and Mrs,Fred--Anderson-and|fiy child,who have been living at Max-|#. ton,are here to spend a few days atMr.J.Henry Hall’s. Wealthy Colored Man Dead, Isaac’Sntith,a wealthy colored citi- zen of New Berne,died at his home in that city:last week.Smith had represented Craven county in the Legislature in the days of negro dom-|ination ‘and formerly Teceived much notoriety on account of his activity inpolitics.Smith’s estate,says the New BerneSun,is.valued_at_.$110,000--i$100,000|of this being real estate...He leftsumsofmoneytovariouslacesandchurches,He gave Shaw UniversityandtheNationalReligiousTrainingtem|School,both at Raleigh,$500 each.Most of the property is to.be’heldintrust-until-theyoungest.child is 21>) Oe atetnnner614Days mestic 71-2c. pink and blue,special and pink,special White we have made on ‘this vestigating. *Waists and Underwea $1.25 and $1.98. _Please. othe Store Thay ble everywhere,‘July,9-—8tw. VERY SPECIAL |=SPECIAL 36 inch Bleached Do-36:inch Sea Island Do- mestic 5c. Awning Striped Lawns and Voiles, 36 inch Awning Stripe Lawn,black,navy,. 36 inch Awning Stripe Voile,black,blue Our showing of plain and fancy White’Goodsis large and varied...At the prices ‘Ready-to-Wears. Don’t fail to visit this départment.bargains to be had in oat Suits,Skirts, Beautiful White Skirts in Gaberdine id Corduroy.Special 98c., Always.something newand at pices to n-Belk Co. 10e. ittBuiding and Loan Assocation The Fifty-Highth Series OF THE! Will Open Saturday,Angust 7th,1915. H.V.FURCHES,Secretary-Treasurer. 15c. Goods. line will beworth iin- Many IB Sa y e r r of all kinds. Sells Hor Less. In Friday's Issue,the 16th Watch For OurAd. ¥ Something Real Interesting To Tell You.— ___-assassin..and 3 PAGE SIX ‘ie 4 LANDMARK July 18,1945, rEre Devistated By War‘and Peo- GING OF MRS.SURRATT Put to Death For the Lit-|- In Assassitation—Anniver*|; Bary Recalls Great Tragedy. hington Dispatch.btae Old Washingtonians recalled Wed- “nesday,7th,that-was the anniversary ofithe execution of the four persons condemned to-death for complicity in thé assassination of President Lincoln. Most conspicuots.of the four,was Mts.Mary &.Surratt,who was gen- erally.regarded as J.Wilkes Booth’s most trusted lieutenant in the assas- sination plot.,‘ \Mingled with the country-wide cry for vengeance that followed the as- sassination of the President,was a feeling of sympathy for Mrs.Surratt and for.her young daughter,to whom she was devoted,A few-hours before the execution was timed to take place a last effort was made to “save the woman from the gallows through habeas corpus proceedings. A judge of the District of Columbia court issued a writ directing General Hangock,commander of the military depattment embracing Washington, -to produce the body of Mrs.Surratt in-court.When General Hancock ap- pearéd in court he was accompanied by the Attorney General of the Unit-ed States,who placed in the hands of the judge an executive order fresh- ly signed by President Johnson,sus- pendine the writ.Thus ended thelast‘effort to save the woman fromthegallows.ee execution ‘took place in yardofthe old prison on thebankofthePotemacat1.25 p.m.The three men who died on the scaf-jold with Mrs.Surratt were David E.Harold,the youth who accompanied im his flight;ieorge E.Atzer- -_odt,the tittle German ._to whom.had been dssigned the task of killing An-drew.Johnson,but whose nerve hadfailedhimwhenthetime‘came to per-‘form the deed.and Lewis Powell,alias Payne,who had attempted tokillSecretaryofStateSewardatthesentwhenBoothfiredtheshots % moment ’that.killed Lincoln.-:“These fourwere the only livés,be-sidgs that of Booth,taken to-satisfythepublic¢ry for vengeance on the i his —associates..__Four men,Dr.Mudd,Arnold,O’LauthlinandSpangler,were transported to theDry‘Tortugas,the first three undergentence,the last for six years. (REN YEARS ¢ Prophet Joies ‘tn ‘Wash-|bn Takes Gloomy View. ipton Special to Charlotte Ob- Jones—Rev.Andrew’here and in :Baltimor rtif-h 5 of Uncle Sam’s domain aredeadagainstwar.Bs ‘’“Great buildings..shall be thrown-as if by cyclones or earth-and ‘there shall come neither nor prosperity .for 16 years,”‘arson Jones.~ee } “The present war,”declared he,“will continue until men are few inmbers,There will be great con-sion.in Washington and _otherrtsofArherica:The spirit toldeto.come here and say to the peo-le of this city that they will notvepeaceorbeprosperousagainin‘years.Washington is to be oneffourgreatcitiesterriblyafflicteddrichmenaretobedraggéddownpoverty.by continuous war.” .Jones said that he read in Isaiah,ird chanter,that the men of Eu- rope would be thinned out—almost_@literated—by war.*The negro prophet came week ago to sound his note of.warn-ing.He goes-from here:to Philadel-phia and thence to St.Louis to warnthepeople,af hose cittes. “ft have Known of the approach ofwarinEuropesince1883,”said|™mans for strategical reasons and@all}S.C.,had a battle with a vicious bull “T gave the people of the UnitedStatestheirfirst.solemn warning ‘of ‘if,April 14,1904,when I said,“Therellbewaracrossthewaterthatthis untry will:bo drawn.into until bloodchesblood.’Nig 1884 I have traveled the ntry to warn the people.I havewalkedfour.times from Richmond t@ Washington and once from NewYorktoBostononthismission.”Jones claims «that he predicted in1902thegreatfirethatsweptoverBaltimorein1904.He saw in avisiontheSanFranciscoearthquake. TERN TE Ae INfighwaymen«Operate in Yel- ’lowstone Park. oi e lea e Left to Their Fate. people in.Po-ug are ¢so .stupendouslyrom’day to day that,with communi-cation demoralized,it is becoming in-crédsingly difficult to gathe?anythinglikeacomprehensivesummaryofthehaveewhichthewariscausing.It isevidentfromfacts:now at hand thatofalltheregionssuffering’from thecombat,Poland not only is the worstsuffereratpresent,but:that it willrequiremore’time than any’othercountry.to recover from the effects of the war.page 2ThecaseoftheBelgians is plainlynotsobadasthecaseofthePoland-ers,which as yet has not been.un- derstood so thoroughly by the outsideworldandwhichhasnotattractedthe interest that was aroused by .theplightofBelgium.In ¢émparison,however,the Belgians had-an~easy time in escaping the horrors of the war by flight to England and France, but with the Polanders it has been a ease of facing a gun,no ‘matter;inwhichdirectionits’distressed might turn.In the case w?Belgium the sweep of war,was swift.&nd_final;while with the Polanders’it has beenandstillisamatterofbeingswept into.oné direction and then the other. The area and population affected,inPolandaréalsomorethan10timesthat.of Belgium,|considering boththéKingdomofPolandinRussia,and Galicia (Austrian-Poland.) While at least three large commit-tees are at.work in the relief of theconditionsiniPoland,they have been handicapped by the fact.that the war hasbeen waged actively there eyersince_the European conflict—_began, and that it is even more fierce today. In attempting a summary of.thesituationtheAssociatedPresshas been given access to some of the re- ports made by the Central Citizens’Committee in Warsaw,the CommitteefortheReliefoftheKingdomofPo- land,and the General Relief Com- mittee for Poland,in Geneva,Swit- zerland;and a mass of private corres-pondence,covering mainly the periodbetweenthe1stofJanuaryandthe15th-of April.It-appears from these that out of the 11 provinces or Governments of the Kingdom of Po-land only oné,the Province of Siedlce,has eseaped invasion.The devastated territory of the kingdom amounts to more than 40,000 square miles,inwhich200citiesandtownsand:9,000e,bean partly or entirely o(Railtoadstracks *for a dista44.000.tiles havesbeen torn up. the plain soil has been renderedoragriculturalpurposesbyinningbletrenchesandbigholesboredintoytheprojectilesofheavyartil-‘The agricultural production.<oftofPoland,representing!a"af $500.000,000 a vear,has beenalylack‘of funds,fands iG ttle.oe 0 population oie rvifig.The e the The fate of cities and industrial ‘re-gions is no better.Somé of them suf- fered depopulation,some~were flood- ed by a tremendous wave of refugeeswhohaddesertedthefightingzone.Eighty.per cent of this class of refu#gees are Jews.—Bs (The City of Kalisz,which before the.war had a.population of nearly80,000,numbers now 10.000 inhabi-tants.Warsaw,the capital of thekingdom,twice as large as Brussels,harbors at the present~time morethan200,000 refugees. tants),the center of the great Polish textile industry,twice captured bytheRussianandGermanyarmies, looks like a cemétery.Important in- dustrial ‘centers like Censtochowa,Sosnowiee and the coal-basin of Dom-browa have shared the same fate.Theindustrialoutnutofthekingdom.ofherea|Poland,valued at $400,000,000 ayear,|“"0rtt have the youth released.Ar~has been annihilated.‘Three millions of people earning their daily.bread in factories and mines aré starving.The coal mines,though not in the fighting zone,have been flooded by the ‘Ger- the costly machinery destroved.All commerce of the kingdom ‘with the Russian Empire has been.practically stopped.These commercial transac-tions amounted for tne year preced-ing’the war to $500,000,000.The total of material losses in mov-able and immovable properties >isvaluedat$700,000,000.: On all sides there is hunger,dis-ease and ruin.Out of a total of 1,-500,000 horses in this part of Poland800.000 have been requisitioned bybothfightingarmies.Not less than2.000,000 cattle have beén confiscated,Milk is rare and the mortality amonginfantsshowsaterrificincrease,Sani-tary conditions are worse than deplor-able.Insufficient’nourishment,a [AMID RUINS OF POLAND. Forty-Thiowsand Square Miles and the The City of Lodz (500,000 inhabi-| stroyed.The.loss will he greatlyoatifthereportsthatthe» sian Army-in retreat has set:fird t the Carpathian oil wells prove true, .Cities like Tarnopol,Tarnow,Brod,fyNisko,-Stryj,Kolomea;Seantatat ate ha’Praemys!-are-but heaps of ruins,’Cracow.was not immediatelytouchedbythewar,but its inhabi- to take refuge ip Austrian -Silesia; Vienna or Bohemia.More than 1,000,- 000 Galicians are.actually living ‘as!refligees in various parts of AustriawHlungaryand.are suffering:)thereseverely.payInthecountiesofPrzemysl,Rzes-zow and Jroslaw people .are.dyingfromhungerbythehundreds.ThecountiesofCieszanowand‘DowromilinEasternGaliciaandthoseofLan-'cut,Przeworsk,Nisko.Tarnobraeg,Jaslo and Krosno in Western Galiciaaresothoroughlydevastatedthattheylookasiftheyhadbeendestroy> vated fields. Among heaps of ruins dogs ‘are running wild with hunger and flocks of crows and rayens in search ofifoodarediggingoutwiththeirbeaksthe)shallow graves of Russian and »Téu- tonic soldiers.:ti Frequently these are the graves ofPolishbrothersthat-killed oné»an-other,having been forced into.thetwoopposedarmiesbytheinvaders,Out of the total area of Galicia onlysevenpercenthasbeenuntouchedby the war,23 per cent has been partial-. ly and 70 per cent,totally .ruined, transformed into a vast cemetery. Conditions prevailing among pro-{fessional men-is_particularly.distress- ing.Men possessing college and*uni- versity education and degrees,offi- cials,teachers,writers,ete.,-have-no means whatever to earn their daily bread and are facing starvation, In the mining region of Dombrowa typhoid fever,and hunger-typhus arespreadingrapidly.In the beginningtheGermanstriedtoovercome|the epidemic.But having in that région only two military surgeons,they soondroppedeveryeffortinthatlineand left the unfortunate population’totheirfate.; The devastation of Poland is worstbetweenLodzandWarsaw.Everyhousethatforsometreasonorchance’has been left intact by the Germans is being razed to.the ground by theRussians“for strategical reasons.”,,An army officer enters a village afdinformsitsinhabitantsthathe.givesthem30.minutes,to evacuate ‘their’homes,Panic stricken,every,oneseizeswhathecan.They flee,carty-ing infants in their arms,Meanwhilethe‘solder’|ave already begun with,mort at aertiteniom On the tarseoPp. the hearby ri ne me bundimirapeovteTp“abr the,fates ‘Ne a tbe thaairatGreensborolastwhe0 to ommcers were re-elected—/Wi‘ord Hants were ordered to leave and had} ed by some.terrific earthquake.“No}°human-dwellings,no roads,no culti-" ‘At the ann q orth Carolina rail, ‘ ual meeting of the stock-| Wood of Charlotte president,J,P,‘Cook of Concord seere and treas-SEE PreTEOAPIOk pe e Mount expert,\Phe North Carolina |Good.RoadsAssociation,H.B.Varner president,‘will be in session in Asheville tomor-row and Thursday,““The Mainten-hinee of Good Roads”is the most im-rportant subject for discussion ‘Phurs- day. EXECUTOR’S NOTICE. ')Mavine qualified as executor of the lastwvillaadtetiumentofJ,W.Houpe,deceased,1 notify all Lersons haying claims againstSaic«state to present them to me or to my‘attorney on or before June 16,1916,or thisnolice.wil)be plead in bar of their receovery. edi BL KLITE HOUPE,Extr,of J.W.Houpe,Ptatesite,1-2,- J.B.Armfield,Atty.June 15. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Haying’qualified as administrators of theW.W.Wilhelm,deceased,this estate of Dr.is to notify all persons having claims against the estate to present them to the undersigned‘on or before June 29,1916}and.all persons indebted to the estate must make prompt pay- pment.;EUGENE MORRISON,;M.WILHELM, June 29,1916.Administrators. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Having qualified ‘as adainistrator of theestateofA.J.Bass,deceased,I hereby.noti-fy all persons haying claims “against said es- tate to prevent the same,(whether they bematterofrecordornot)to the undersignedonorbeforethe2nddayofJuly,1916.Thoseindebtedto‘the estate ate requested to settle.|R.B.MeLAUGHLIN,|Administrator. 'fe July 2,1915, Bridge Stock at Auction.| By virtue of the”provisions contained in|section 1170,chapter 21 of The Revisal,of|1905 of the laws of Norch Carolina,the un-)dersianed Will sell at publie auction to the)highest-bidder for cash at the court house} door in Statesville,N.C.,,on | ;MONDAY,AUGUST 2d,1915,|at’12 o'clock,m.,two shares of stock in the| Statesville-Buffalo Shoals Bridge Co at.the}. par value -of-$100-each,-because-the delinquent| sessments thereon in full.iOSBORNEBROWN,§eretary.and Treas-|urer,Statesville-Buffalo Shoals.Bridge Co.|'R._B.MéLaughlin,Atty.I July 2,1916.teeMORIGAGE SALE OF LAND. -By—-virtue--of.-the_powers..contained ina.mortgage deed executed ty;Lon Morrison and}Maggie Morrison to the Inte Mrs.W. E.| Waterhouse,the-undersi¢ned-administrator—of+the estate of the said Mra.W.E’Water-house,will.sell at public.auction to thehirtiest-bidder ‘for cash at the court house| door in Statesville,N.©...on iMONDAY,AUGUST 2,1915,| at 12,o'¢lock,m.,the following describedtractoflandinShilohtcwnahip,to-wit:|ginniny &t @ ‘stone Stewart's néw eérnér’-in|Lollat!s lime;:running nérth9 24 ylegtces east186,poles :to:.a stone;in:Mrgy Sallie,St wart's Poh}aline,thence north 86 1-2 de Fees Wes 2)84poles’to ‘a ‘stdhe ‘heat Hew 'Bedlidhy lttthétice‘south O¢@$e_degrees!wes0 1891;sold)th,stone,sthenee eng 42 394 pale to,the ber }signing,;;Contyining|20,.acrcs gmore or lesd,| ig a Ss cHvae When.his house‘is burnt.down'the! peasant returns to the ruins ang hides|among them.At night,whe no sens tinel can see him,he creeps to the! weeping.williows:that stand:mournipony.the:ure wl the nearby river|and chews their bark or,roots to stay|the hunger that erawe Hi”But they |are‘shooting at’night}tea:And:thisis;how.it happens that,when the!sunhagrisen,..bodies of...peasants,arefoundlyingonthevastPolish,plain,, ‘Sobers'to Find Himself in’Brit-' Washington Special to’Raleigh News and Observer.'t Steve D.'Teffier,a Louisiana youth less than 19 years old,arrived in;England some time ago on a cattle boat and proceeded to celebrate.He was arrested by the British police on a charge of drunkenness and sobered up as a recruit ‘in the British armiy.Now he is.a member of the awkward squad and is being.drilled prepara- tory to service at the front,in spite, of the fact that he is an unwilliigmemberofthearmy.'This is the statement on which F.’ M.Teffier,of.Franklin,an”‘older brother of Steve,has appealed to Sam! L,Rogers,Director of the Census,to:intereede for the youth at the StateDepartment.The case will be taken up with the British government,in.an cording to his representation he wasconscripted.Rea Os LLLETTI TTSRE ETT Fate of Vicious Bull. Mr,.Henry Seegers,of Jefferson, 71 a few days ago in which it was.“nip and tuck”for the mastery..Mr.See-gers went to his pasture anda bull which before that .time had beendocilebecame;enraged and=made-forMr.Seegers,knocking him down andtramplinghim.Mr.Seegers caught hold of the animal and managed to keep him from goring him.and gotouthispocketknifeandsucceededinstickingthebladeintoeacheyeof the bull,totally blinding him.The wounds the bull récéived enraged him all the more and his efforts to.fight were frantic.Before the fight:was over Mr.Seegers succeeded in climb- killed to get hit out of his misery. ish Army,°°!"¢*°‘imap iithence east 66 ing on the bull’s:back.The bull was]. excoptin rn “eotiveyed ‘to -!tew | Bethany’church.Ei yenae $bay ir *Mortgagec.WwW.baer’|kt.B..McLanghlin,Aity.if duly 28)W162errripe aa en|MORTGAGE SALE OF LAND.| BY VIRTUE of powers?‘sale contained:ispeaenheeyacresonJyPetahhCr,and to Z.B.Bue!apy cor in office of the register he ere of Tradl county,book 26,aint ge dethigardd will sell|at-public outery,.to;the,bighest bidder,atthe |court outa:‘door th ites the,We ott0”MONDAY,‘AUGUST 2,190nt312/o’elock,m.,Lot:Moe.10)Oakview nadi-|tion to,the.city of ,Statesville;N.,C,aan Z.B.BUCHANAN,Mortgaree. recorded in register of deeds‘office,Boo | HENKEL-CRAIG LIVE,£TOCK.CO.,Senos| sc |} 3%,page 60 1, -duly 2¢1915.j t same time and*place we will sell lot | No.11 in Oakview suburban addition,by vit-tue of powers of sale contained in morteugeexecutedbyE.L.Branco,recorded in regis- ter’s office,Book 26,pare 255.ZL.B.BUCHANAN,Mortgagce.HENKEL:CRAIG LIVE STOCK C.,Assignee. July 2,1915.COMMISSIONERS’SALE. Under and by virtue of the decrée of the Superior.Court,of Iredell county,in.the spe-ciel proceeding’entitled,“J.M.Cass ct als.versus Mary A.Lane,et al.,”.the undersignedcommissioners;on*TUBSDAY,JULY 20,1915,et 12.o'clock,will,sell at public auction,tymehishest,bidder,at.the.court house doorofIredellcounty,the following describedtract:or parcél of land,vowrr:Lying and being in Union Grove township,{,the aforesaid State and county,adjoin- ihe the lands of R.W.Windsor,J.T.Camp-pel and others,and moreparticulary —de-} scribed’as followse Beginning at a black jack bush,running west 66 rods to a.rockin.B..Mullis’old line;thence north 12 1-2rodswiththeMeetingHouselinetoaredoak,the corner of said Meeting Hous lot;;thence south 14 8-4rodstothebeginning,containing 5 2-3eres,More or less.Said lands are peing sold for partition,and terms of sale will be as follows:One-third -of purehase price to be paid on con-firmation of sale,one-third in six months,and one-third in twelve months,with in-terest on.deferred payments. R.T..WEATHERMAN, D.F.-MAYBERRY,Commissioners,July 2—At, Notice ofCivil Action. North Carolina,In Superior Court, Iredell County,Before the Judge. J.D.Elliott,executor of J.F.°McLean,againstTheheirsandnextofkin of Rufus Wood-ring,of Lawson“Woodring,‘of’SoloinonMcCall,deceased,of the widow of LawsonWoodring;the next or kin of J.F.Me-Lean,deceased,of.Daniel Shook,deceased,of Nancy,McCall,of Margaret McCall,ofDanielWoodring,of Jacob Woodring;andthefollowingnameddefendants,viz.:Mrs. counsel;‘Tl,M.Arrimgton -of Rocky cf owners thereof have failed to pay their as-|' |7 AS iQ ~ae Oo,NOY.HAMILTON,GAN, z Readily adaptableto“all situations,with its”nee to meet and overcome thé unusual,|the Ford is the car for your tours and camp- ing:expeditions,aswell as being a genuineutility‘in the demands of everyday life.Averaging about two cents per mile to op-erate and_maintain.‘i P Barring the unforeseéh,each retail buyerofanewFordcarbetweenAugust,1914, and August,1915,will réceivefront$40 to~$60.as a share of the Ford Motor Company’sprofits. Runabout,$440;Touring Car,$490;Coupelet,$750;f o.b..Detroit with all equipment.On display ani ‘gale at Carolina Motor Co’s. Statesville,Newton and Mooresville ‘| a. y A.GrOLIOK,Administrator Mrs,W.E.| hil@climbing the “Juneshill,""if you ‘havenot already done’*goj,Sereen your “house.Screen doors and wire are en- tirely too cheap for you to take chances on the health of yourself and your fam-ily,by allowing flies to come into-your home.Join the great army,not tofighttheGermans,but the flies. The medical profession is in agreementthatflies-are common carriers of dis--ease.This being true,it behooves everygoodcitizentobediligentinseasonandoutofseasontogetridoftheflies. ,We are headquarters for Screen Doors,Window Screens and Screen Wire,Fly~~§watters and Fly Traps.We.sell thecelebratedHenryHeinzerlingFlyTrap, one that is capable of catching a gallonoffliesperday. oe x ©fit ryaia a“aie Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware :Co. YOUR OPPORTUNIT _To Buy a Nice #arm and Get Ready for Next Year’s Crop. No.1—345 acres in Elmwood.All school and church conveniences.Strong land,40 acres in ,bottom,8-room house,large barnandouthouses.No.2—77 acres 3}miles east 0 f city.This propertylies on the sand- DOT COE Stent Tr 9stt Oe ee r es Is®A.dispatch from Livingston,Mont.,|fatal congestion of population in cer-|,.The Marshall Field Company of]:.gadie Debardelaben and husband EB.I.De.clay highway now being constructed by the government. Idaho,was held up in Park Friday by three highwaymen,,4A’New Yorker “ow lowing ¢oaches,“Rice flattened against a rock, ‘fled into the woods,“The hold-up’~took place -eoach—was-not-molested and those ittliesecondvehiclethoughttheproceedingajoke. oom their money and valuables afeetofthe.robbers.ic e coach.halted and.th Et named Rice’wasfiredatwhenhejumpeddownfromaStagecoachandranbacktowardthefThebulletfiredat,Rice!on and the bandits,realising that|sound of the shot would‘act as an ;15 milesifromYellowstone.In a heavily wood-ed section the men stepped out and_stopped ‘the second coach.The first| They were convincedtheirerroronlywhenforcedto Thus each tain cities reputed to be safe from im-ys.a party of 25 tourists,including fited’Statds’.Senator Brady)of mediate war dangers.(in.some tem- Yellowstone porary asylums in Warsaw 60 peoplesleep,in rooms 40x80),and a lack ofmedicalhelpaggravatedailytheevilconditions,In the country they arestillworse,the proximity of shallowgravesinfectingtheairandthewa-ter ,of wells with poisonous germs.The conditions in Galicia may bestillworse. Embracing 82 counties,Galicia:hasanareaof32,000 square miles and apopulationofmorethan8,000,000.All its immediate vicinity,has —suffered:The.country.for a distance of 450mileshasbeendestroyedbyfireandcannon,..Many places.were subjectedtotheseinvasionsasmanyassevenaeiand6,000 villages suffered cruelly;2,500 villages have virtually:Absence:ed from sight.Kieht hSetune@ undréd thou- been taken~{well as-almost.all-: The total agriey 1 provisions. ||| t e@ of her territory,except Cracow and A.hundred citiesand.towns}1 and 1,500,000:cattle haveawaybythearmies,ag Chicago,which controls*considerable|textile interests:at Spray,-Rocking-|hamcounty,’will invest a half mil+!lion additional capital at that placefortheerectionofableachery,fine arts gingham mills and an.addition’ to make bed sheets and pillow.cases. Quincy A.Myers,formér State Supreme Court judge of Indiana,’ has been agréed on as special judge!to try the big bunch of Indianapolis’citizens indicted for election frauds.: HAVE YOU BEEN SICK? Then you realize the utter weakness| that robs ambition,destroys appetite,’and makes work a burden,y Torestérethat strength andstaminathat|8 80essential,othi has ever equaled|or compared with Scott’s Emulsion;cause ite st saustaining nourish| be-|8? pardtlaben,John P.Elliot ston and husband Burt Winston,dames M.Elliott,Alexander Elliott,Willie Miller, Thomas Miller,Grover Miller,George Miller,Jacob I,Woodring,Kmaline Mast andhusband——--Mast,Daniel Woodring,dy,’Mary.Woodring Walker and husband:alker,A,M.Woodring,SophiausbandEliza.isk,and husband -—-~Lisk,Belle Dolby and°htisband by,Charlie Woodring,Daniel Woodring,Walter:Woodring,LonWoodring,Ada Woodring and Toby ‘Wood-xing and.others,*‘The defendants above named will take no-tice that.an action entitled as above hasbeencominainthé,Superior Court of Ire- dell.county for the purpose of asking the ad- lass ‘bad h ‘vice of the courtas,to the meaning and legal|™effect of the will of J)F.MeLean,deceased,“and ene who are the next of kinoeideceased,ond entitled,astributeed,to the personal property of hisestate,and for such other and farther reliefasplaintiff,may be entitled to in the premises,Said :defendants will further take notice‘hat.they,and each of them,are required toattheterm:of the Superior Court ofsaddsounteto.be held eh ees nen Monday| mae Ienty, Mi®.May Win-|§ideal for Dairy-and Truck farming.No.3~—40 acres 1 1-4 miles from public square.Splendidty ‘adaptedforDairypurposes,Live Stock and Poultry. M 4—60 acres in Wilkes county just across Iredell lincitylotsineastStatesvilleonthlypaymentsof$5.Six lots in.south Statesville.a a bargain. f lance in10JotsinBloomfield.‘Terms easy.section fast developing.Call on me and Jearn what I have.W.R.MILLS,Sate PHONE 54.laste 7 Center § ,known as.“Park Place’~-$15 down;° everal nice houses and lots to sell. Statesville,N.C.# Ca r t i e r Sr e e ss An Alarm Clock that is little but lotid,It’s a little Beauty.Just the-thing for a lady’s or a genileman’s room.-It is not su large but dées_the waking up.for you.BIG BEN if you need to be knocked out,TOODWARD- gunaing METAL SHINGLES_ “We donthave toworry”edpetd geen For ‘Sale by LAZENBY-MONTGOMERY HARDWARE iD9.Statesville,N.¢. (THE ILANDMARK eceenrenentreper ene ee en =‘COCOLADE!NACE arte Cool and Fefreshing, King of Fountain Drinks. hee AT——— "PHONE 20.Prescriptionists.: _jeontrary —to —all-—international law.|' enced ete TUESDAY,~~.duly GERMANY MAKES ANSWER. Again Justifiesfies the Course inSubmarine)Warfare But Promises Protection.to Amer- ican Ships and Makes Sugges- tions About Trans-Atlantic Travel. .duly 18,1915, {o American note of July 10..Di- vested of all preliminary expressions of good will and good intentions and the claim that Germany has done ev- erything right and nothing wrong, the note says:o “On November 3,1914,England declared the North Sea a war area, and by planting poorly anchoredminesandbythestoppageandcap- ture of vessels,made passage ex- tremely dangerous und difficult for neutral ¢hipping,so thereby actually plockading neutral coasts’and ports, ber of neutral steamers under ~theponerioanflag,the exact number’to©agreed upon under the same condi-=|tion as the above-mentioned Ameri- can steamers.“The imperial government’believes jt can assume that in this manner ade- quate facilities for travel across the Atlantie Ocean ean be afforded,Ameri- ean citizens,There would,therefore, appear to be no compelling necessity for American citizens.to travel to Eu- rope in time of war on ships carryingenenemyflag.The German government ba replied |.,“In particular the imperial govern- ment is unable to admit that Ameri- ean citizens can protect an enemy ship through the mere fact of their presence on board.+“Germany merely followed Eng-Jand’s example when she.declared part of the high sea an area of war. Consequently,aceidents suffered byneutralsonenemyshipsinthisarea of war cannot well be judged differ- ently from.aecidents to which neu- trals are at all times exposed at the ceat of war on land when ‘they.be- take themselves.within dangerous lo-calities in spite of previous warnings. ‘If,however,it should not be pos-sible for the American government to Long before “the *bevimmme-of--sub-, marine war England practically com-) Acquire an.adequate’numberof neu-tral passenger steamers,the imperial pletely intercepted legitimate’neutral |fovcrnment is prepared to interpose navigation to Germany also:Thus /"9 objections to the placing ‘under theGermanywasdriventoasubmarine|American flag by:the American gov-war‘on trade.On November 14,1914,jernment ‘of four enemy °passenger HALL’S DRUG STORE, =o To the Farmers of Iredell and Other Re THE STATESVILLE REALTY &INVESTMENT COMPANY begtoannouncethattheyhavecompletedarrangemen's:with ‘‘THE“HOME INSURANCE CO.of New York,’’forinsuring your growing:crops of Tobacco,Corn,Cotton aad small grain against destructionbyHailStormatthefollowingverylowprice: TOBACCO CROP.’$100 per acre valuation at -75 per acre valuation at 60 per acre valuation at 3.75 per acre 5 per-acre.valuation.at 1.874 per acre _COTTON,CORN AND SMALL GRAIN CROP: $40 per acre valuation $1.60 per acre35peracrevaluation1.40 per acre 30 per acre valuation 1.2))per acre25peracrevaluation1.00 per acre $7.50 per acre5.874 per acre 20 per acre valuation .80 peracre§per acre valuation -60 per acre10peracrevaluation40peracreDWELLINGS,'FURNITURE,BARNS. ;teetaARR ACANSE coversalso against loss or.damage occasione:in-addition to hail,=a EMEMBER—“Weinsure anything:insurable.” J.F.CARLTON,Manager, "PHONE 54.STATESVILLE,&C. ports.Since March 1 England has; been taking from neutral ships with-out further formality all merchahdise| proceeding to Germany,as well.as all) ‘nerchandise coming’from Germany,|even when neutral proverty.°Just as man people is now to.be given the! choice of perishing from starvation|\with its women and children or of jrelinquishing its independence,’ |While our .enemies thus loudly and openly proclaime-without mercy id value for one year at 30c.,3 years at 60c.,5 years at 90c.Tig 15 our utter desstruction,we.were jconducting a war in self-defense for) our national existence and for the:Isake of peace of an assured per-| ener:We-have been obliged to! adopt a submarine warfare to meet! \the declared intentions of our ene-; |nfs and the methods of warfaré |‘adopted by them in contravention of! international law.+With-all_its efforts in principle to; jnrotect neutral life and propertyfrom damage as much as nessible,the Ger- }man government recognized unre-mnjcervedly,in its memorandum of Feb-|ruary 4,that the interests of neutrals|| jmight suffer from the submarine war-) fare,However,the American gov-| |“rnment will alsa understand and ap-|\nreciate thatin the fight for existence; jerinien has béen forced upon Germany! hy its adversaries and announced-by ‘them.it is.the sacred duty of the im- jperiat government to do all.within} ‘ts power to protect and save the lives of German gubjects.If the ini-’ \nerial government were,derélict in|these its duties it would be guilty he- ifere God and history of the ‘vidlation Ba—— S t r ps 60 Tornadoes — ~Devastate 10,000 Homes in Eight States Such isthe recordofoneday’s hundred years the Hartford damage done by tornadoes.Fire Insurance Company You don’t know when the -has met every honest claim tornado may strike your promptly.Buy a Hartford property,but you do know Tornado Policy today.Itis the“Old Hartford”protects the nearest thing to comfort _______,againstallloss.For overa—_when_a Tornado strikes. People’s Loan&SavingsBank, Statesville,N.C.Resident Agent. .\.GEO,H.BROWN,President. “The Clutching Hand” Of poverty and want will never grab you | if you have an active savings account in a good Bank—this Bank for instance. But you want to start in time.Start now, _‘and start here.A dollar will do to start ‘..with and a hundred dollars wouldnt stop, you,once you realize how important a savings accountis, %» SAVETY—SERVICE—SATISFACTION. OF,Statesville,he a “The Bank For YourSavings”? S|i ——jof those principles af highest hu-'jmanity which are’the foundation of every national existence:Case of,the.Lusitania. y “The-case—of—the Lusitania shows lwith horrible ~chenrness to (whatlieopardizingofhumanlivestheman- iner of conducting war employed hy our adversaries leads.In the most direct’contradietion of international Haws all distinctions between mer- jehantmen and war vessels have been jobliterated by the order to.British|merchantmen to arm themselves and ite ram submarines,and the promise iof rewards therefor,and neutrals who I,nse merchantmen as travelers thereby have been exnosed in an increasing degree to all the dangers of war.‘Tf the commanderof.the German submarine which destroyed the-Twusi- tania had caused the crew and pas- cengers to take to the boats before firing a torpedo,this .would —havemeantthesuredestructionofhisownvessel..,After the experiences in sink- ing much smaller and less seaworthyvessels.it was to be expected that a-mighty ship like the Lusitania would.remain above water longeonughevenafterthetorpedoineto nermitpassengerstoenter the ship's boats.|Circumstances of a very pecuilar kind,especially the presence on board of large quantities of,highlv explosive materials (word omitted, vossibly ‘dissipated’)this expectation.In addition it may be pointed outthatiftheLusitaniahadbeenspared thousands of cases:of munitions would have been sent to Germany's enemies and thereby thousands ofGermanmothersandchildrenrobbed } =(of breadwinners, ’What Germany Will Do. *“In the’spirit of friendship where- with the German nation has been |imbued towards the Union and its &inhabitants since the earliest days of E its existence,the imperial govern-ment will always be ready to do allz\it can during the present war also sito prevent the jeopardizing of lives sjof American citizens.The imperial =|igovernment therefore repeats the as-E|surance that American ships will not be hindered in the.prosecution ofs\legitimate shipping and the lives of American citizens in neutral vesselsBishallnotbeplacedinjeopardy.“In order to exelyde any unfore-seen dangers to American passengersteamers,made possible in view of!the conduct of maritime war by.Ger-Mmany’s adversaries,Gernian _jsub-marines will be:in structed to permitthefreeandsafepassageofsuchpassengersteamers’when made recog-nizable by special markings and noti-fied a reasonable time in advance.Theimperialgovernment,however,con-hopes.the American gov-will e toguarantegvesselsnocontraband it was also with the Boers,the Ger-| the English premier declared in the|steamers for passenger...traffic _be-House of Commons that it was one}tvccn North America and.England.of England’s principal.tasks to pre-|As:surances of ‘free and safe’passage vent food for the German population |for American passenger steamers from reaching Germany via neutral|”vould extend to’apply under theidenticalpro-econditions to these for-tme YY hostile passenger steamers. The President of the United States has deelared his readiness,in {a way deserving of thanks,to com-|munic ate and suggest proposal to the government of Great Britain with particular reference tothe alteration of maritime war.The imperial gov-ernment will always be glad to make luse of the good offices of the Presi- de nt and hopes that his efforts in the ipresent.case,as well-as in the diree- Lion of the lofty ideal of the freedom jof the seas,will lead to an.under- standing.” What the Invitation Means. |Progressive Farmer. Tor a given quantity,you pay no more.as a rule,for advertised mer- |chandise than for—unknown_brands,}- and you are much more likely to re- +ceive—a.better-quality,.1 _hy?Because the advertiser who}invites you to purchase his goods is¢some sort of a promise,ex- pre:ssed or implied,that you will find ;mak j.ation. Please remember this,in choosingmerchandise—the man,who has _ex- jtended you an invitation‘is,more like- ly to.sell you a full measure of ser-,vice all around than the man who has not given you an invitation. HEED THE WARNING. Meny Statesville People Have DoneSo, should ‘not be ignored..::By examin- ine—the-urine--and-treating—thekid- neys upon the first,sign,of.disorder, many days of suffering may be saved, Weak kidneys usually expel’a dark, ill-smelling urine,full of.“brickdust” sediment and painful in passage. Slnggish kidneys often’cause a dull pain in the small of the back,head- athes,dizzy spells,tired,languid feel- ings and frequent rheumatic twinges. Doan’s Kidney Pills are for the kidneys only.There is no better rec- ommended remedy. Statesville ‘people endorse Doan’s Kidney Pills. Mrs.C.A.‘Kyles,210 Bell ‘St., Statesville,says:“About two years ago,my back was very lame and sore. I.-began taking Doan’s Kidney Pills and a few doses made*my back stron¢e as ever.I haven’t had any trouble since.” Price 50c,at all dealers.Don’t simply ask for a kidney remedy—zet Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that) Mrs.Kyles had.Foster-Milburn Co., Props.,Buffalo,N.Y. Giladiolas! Of the enormous num- ber of blooms in evidence at this time,probably none of the Flowers ~“are more charming than Gladiolas.We always have a variety “Of the handsomest — ||Flowers grown today. attractive NEW PERFECTION GIRL You'll see her in the windowsandonthecountersofhardware,,..,furniture and department.stores, everywhere.; She stands for the NEW | PERFECTION OIL COQK-STOVE—the simplest,most efficient.Oil Cookstove.ma Already it has made coukineeasierandkitchenscleanerforover2,000,000 housewives. Made in 1,2,3 and 4 burner ~sizes;also NEW PERFECTION -stoves with fireless cooking oven attached.em better.That is part of his invi-| When.the kidneys are weak they: give.unmistakable.warnings.,,that, STANDARD OIL COMPANY — Washington,D.C.(Now Jersey)Charlotte,N.C.Nosfolk,Va.(BALTIMORE)_Charleston,W.Va.! ——-Va.Charleston,S.C.:ob: Ponoie Gallese.Hickory,N.C.” Co-Edueation under the best conditions and management.A real ChristianCollege,but not sectarian.Our A.B.graduates enter Graduate Depa:tmentinourStateUniversityandotheruniversities.and attain the A.M.cathe in Five.Modern buildings,steam heat,electric lights,city water,andgas,Ne Yoder’Science Building,with:up-to-date laboratories for Chemistry,Physics an JLibraryandReadingRoom.Clean’Athletics.Splendid Dorm‘tories.GOOD BOARD AT COST for-young men last session,$9.20:a month;for youngwomen,$9.00 a month;room rent $1.50 a month.iDepartments:Literary,Music,(Piano,Voice,Violin),Expression,Art,Busi-vrness,Domestic Science and..Domestie Arts,and Preparatory.GENUINE COLLEGE ADVANTAGES WITHIN —OF THE PEOPLE!_Write for Catalogue.‘ Now Serving2,000000 Homes” b LOOK FOR THIS | Use_Aladdi ty Ol 7 eeor,Diamon Pine ‘OR ts to obtain.the!est results inoil)rofeotl‘Stoves,’wi gacets aad,hamntol:)weasel ae eeaiderma + R.L.FRITZ,President,a Hickory,N.iC.= HAVE you read in The offer of the Statesville Flour Mills Co,,and are’you at work on the proposition?Itisa splendid chance..'f to win $15 or $10,and that wouldn’t be bad wages, do you think,for a week’s work?If you are not fa- miliar with the proposition look up The Landmark. Statesville FlourMills Co.. fe oa Landmark °the : COMFORTABLE and COOLFOOTWEAR| These warm days you feel the need of a comfortable pair of Oxfords,Sandals and,Pumps.We have just that kind.Plenty of them‘in White,Palm Beach,Tan and Black. _*Let us give you the benefit.ie our oneenceinfittingthempro:j a o The S.,M,&H.ShoeG The One Price veh Shoe Store_.Shées RepairedV ours:We serve, While You GE BIGHT)~~ maps= That Give the GreatestPleasure to the ae i t F TUESDAY “WHEN LOVE IS LOVE” A charming two-reel Photo plawithPaulineBushandWm.Clifford“DIAMONDS OF FATE” A Powers Drama. “THEY WERE HEROES” Nestor Comedy. »“WEDNESDAY |||“THB OLD boctOR”:"Murdock MacQuarrie.enacts stellaroleinthistwo-reel feature drama,BIRTY-PURTY”A splendid ‘Imp’picture.withKingNIEBTAPEConey Greatest Nunber.'Our Programme For This Week. THURSDAY “SHATTERED MEMORIES” A three-reel ipiitiotic drama with? Ella Hall and Robert Leonard. “WHEN HER IDOL FELL” SATURDAY “THE WITCH OF SALEM TOWN? FRIDAY-~|-“STRANGLERS QF PARIS”. This is a dramitization of:Belot's fa- mous novel by David Belasco,Amer-°A Hy fiiea's foremost playright.It is a Benen.fine plate wlth masterpiece in six parts with James Gordon:as theStrangler, that splendid little actress,Mary Fuller.Splendid NestorComedy. Hereafter,till the Big Universal-Canadian Contest closes,we will make TuEspay and Fribay of each week ee Sights.On these special nights each 10c.ticketwillcount200votesfor down'the Continent,byathirdthedistancearound the world,the winner of the Universal-Canadian Con to any exposition.This trip,tak pele pleasure.Yo |and lose yourselfinitstabarynthof laughter.DE etn t is BigProgramme you'll find plenty you'll want to se2!On F ridaywe Paris.”Six reels of thrilling adventures that will give you a bigger insight into t could ever afford you. THE LANDMARK ‘PUESDAY,July 13,1915. ~fiGHESt DEATH RATE. aVital Statistics For 1914 IssuedRyStateBoardofHealth. Whe first annual report,which isfortheyear1914ofthevitalstatis- * ‘of Health,has just been issued.The “mortality statistics for the towns hav-ing @ population of 5,000 or over are interesting and:enlightening.For in-stahice,Fayetteville is found ‘to havehadlastyearthehighestdeathrate_from both typhoid fever and tubercu- »losis and she is only fourth from thetopinthe.number of baby deathsfromdiarrhoealdiseases.Her rates per 100,000 population are:Typhoid, 148.0;Tuberculosis,~487:7;" Diar-rhoeal diseases,244.5,The average’“death rates—of-the..registration area’of the United States for these threediseasesareper100,000 population;!Typhoid,17.9;Tuberculosis,147.6;Diarrhoeal Diseases,75.2._-*Goldsboro plays Fayetteville a closesecondwithtyphoid:rate of 132.9 andWith’a tuberculosis rate of 388.6;Her rate for diarrhoeal.diseases -is:230.9.|Blizabeth:City had according to herri,pulation the preatest.number pfBafydeathslastyear.Her -rate forhediarrhoeal=disenses .was.361.2.Win Salem followed with a.rateof273.3)svhile Rocky Mount.’wasnextwith:a irateiof 272.6.,iym-Salem ;:follews..Fayette-5.haying:the next highest:ty-hertulosis vate,whichis 468.4,while‘y Mount was second with 360.5bethCitythirdwitha’rate “These three diseases cause a largepercent:of’all the ‘deaths in.NorthCarolinaeveryyear,and yet they arepreventable.Typhoid and the diar-rhoeal diseases are spread mainly byflies;therefore the fly control in any town will be largely the.control of these ‘two.diseases in that town.Tu-erculosis is also spread by flies”butmostlySirona“igneratrice and.care-ssness.Perhaps the most.feasible_-means of controlling tuberculosis willWpthroughagreateducationalcam- hign that teaches .prevention .and early cu ;’4 |Meeting at Harmony—Church a News.¥ Rev.Z.V.Arthurs of Misenheimer,nly county,arrived in Statesville Mpturday and.went out to HarmonytOassistRey.W.J.Plint in a meeting“the.Harmony Methodist church.In his talk at the First.Baptisturch“Sunday evening Mr.E.°§,if}—told —of—_the—tremendousfealthoftheUnitedStates,particu-rly the wealth of the South,asshownbygovernmentstatistics,andathequestion:What are’we go- to do with it?Bible ‘incidentsierelatedtoshowthedangerof re. ¥ ‘misuse of wealth and some.inter-,ting lessons from these and modern sonditions were presented.Mr.Mill- 8 was the second of a number of en who are expected to occupy ©pulpit of.the church at.Sundayningsetvicesdevotedtothedis-Ussion of practical subjects by the 4Mr.Geo.Hindson,son of a mission-ify to China,will speak at Concord ghirch Loray,'tomorrow night™at £16.o'clock.-*Rev.G.H.Church of Western Ave- ‘nue Baptist church.will begin open ir services.near the Statesville Cot-h Mill this evening at-7:15 ‘6’clock. ore Threats of Bombs on Ships——Echo of the Holt Affair. »A written threat.to assassinate J.ypont.Morgan,Sir Cecil Spring- ice,British ambassador to the Unit- -ed States,and to destroy “by bombs ‘cain ports,was received ?Sunday byaNewOrleang\newspaper:from a 'pereon who signed himse}f as TORE.‘’Pearce declared that he had come to New Orleans’to eomplete plans for 4 ee of British mule trans- »ports sailing from that port and said-a steamers Howth Head and Baronpier,which Cleared from New Or-Wane on the 8th for Dublin and Rel-| be heard;again.“Warning to look out for bombs ¢oncealed aboard was flashed thesevesselsSundaynightfromthewire-eas naval station at Arlington..“Pearce,the letter:writer,proftss-ed to tie eh Associnteof Holt andhewouldcompletetheworkHolt ‘at,probably would not tics department “of the State Board) our candidate instead of 100. oth rail and water,in the most luxurious style, .. u can help your can ‘ou'll find it pays 109 aa ts al o i itsURue CALL TO ‘AID THE STATE.|be held on the first Tuesday in Octor;wae eat ber,are:Henry A.Page,Aberdeen, Plans and Purposes of the Or-!president;E.C.Branson,Chapel Hill, ganization to Advertise the|A.E.Tate,High Point,F.R.Hewitt, *Pa igs Asheville,Clarence Poe,Raleigh,A. ‘State—Corpperation Asked.W.MeLean,—Lumberton,and 0,T,.Greensboro,—The North Carolina!Joyner,’Greenville,vice presidents; a meeting of some 70 of the State’s|tary.Upon these men rests the gi- ment of thinking mén in-every part of)salvation~of North Carolina,agricul-North Carolina,evidenced in expres-|turally and industrially,and ‘they dividuals.This endorsement is given}man in the State who has hopes:for tion as published from:Raleigh fol-|order that the movement may_prove‘a success commensurate with its ob-lowing the meeting—to set on foot a,acampaignofpublicitythatwillplaceject.this aid and co-operation is of -before-the _people-of the outside-world_vital importance. A true representation of this State's matchless resources and advantages,|agriculturally and industrially,to the| settler and invester.Tt is believed that.a_still stronger endorsement willbegivenwhenthefullimportofthis tnst-week-a-eonference..was_held -be~ work is understood.The object.of tween Federal and State forestny:of- Fire Protection For Forests. the State Bureau,as set forth in full fejals,owners of.timber and.railroad 4ii!the plan.of organization,fallows:llands \iand....municipal wateraheda.tIst,To’study:the needs,resources which Dr,Joseph Hyde Pratt,State and community;progress)of the,State|ceologist,thinks:is certain,to.bring|by ‘sections.j ;.(“2nds"PTo secure and ~ereate such oquipment of a numberof areds of publicity ias will promote the develop-|forest for fire protection through the |ment of North Carolina by bringing|appointment of wardens and patrol-ipeople-of thrift and industry to us,|men and erection of lookout.stations,'especially to our agricultural lands.;This is to be through the use of the!Bd.To acquaint people in one sec-§20,000 that the Federal government|tion of the State with advantages and has allotted to this State and.addi-: progress in other,seetions.{tional contributions:provided by the‘ath.i©?To:aid inveffering homes,at!ownersof the forest:that,willbe in-fait’and reasonable ‘prices -and pro-'cluded*ini these protected areas.Hetect‘prospective settlers:from “unjust expects:one:that.willinchide Mountspeculators‘and fals«representations.|Mitchell:to-consist-of 400,000-or more bth.To assist each section..in se-\acves.|'Thero-will be others as smal]curing the’class of:settlers suitable to as 10,000 or 20,000.acres cach.. that locality.‘:\‘6th,To ¢6-operaté with:local.com-munity organization and civic organ-izations,railroads and other organiz-:yations;corporation or individuals in-from Statesville,Gastonia and Dur-terested in —promoting the purpose ham will go to All Healing Springs set forth.;today for a week’s house party.The The 70 men who formulated this party will include Mr.and Mrs.W.aA.broad object represented 23 counties of Bristol and Messrs.Ben..and MariusStateandeverycongressionaldistrictCooper,Walker MeLain.and =John gave one.The one congressional dis-|Lewis of Statesville,Miss Elizabeth ig trict not represented is known to have Jones of Durham,Miss Mamie Gregg |}many strong men within its borders of Salisbury,Miss Torrence and oth-who heartily approve ‘thismovernent,|ers of Gastonia.and were doubtless’prevented from;The ,‘As You Please club,”compos-being present by.the press of other ed of young ladies and gentlemen of]!engagements,or by illness.Many of ,“Statesville’s.younger.set”expect.to the State’s best known progressive go to All Healing Springs Thursday men,in fact,were unable to be pres-'@bout 25 strong,for a weox"s stay.ent becatfse of sich reasons;but wrote Mr.:and Mrs.I,J.Axley-will chap-,letters explaining their inability to erone the party,7 j attend and.pledging their earnestsupport.Strong men were in attend-.Personal Mention. ance from Alsheville in the west,to Correspondence of The Landmark.Wilmington in theeast.‘The four}‘Statesville,R-2,July_12.—Missealleadingrailroads"were ‘represented;Ada Weston and Gladys Privette went}. State Publicity Bureau,temporary|Alf A.Thompson,Raleigh,treasurer;|% organization’of -which was:effected at and J.C.Forester,Greensboro,secre-|§ ‘most progressive men at Raleigh June|gantic task of perfecting the ‘organ-i 29th;is receiving the Strong endorse-{ization,that it is hoped will mean theif sions of the press and letters from in-|seck the aid and co-operation of every |f on:the general plan:of the organiza-|a greater future for his State,and in|® ‘At the meeting of the North Garo-/§ doraement:will lina Forestry.Association at Montreat| ‘Pleasure Parties to All Healing.\@ A yarty of 15 or 20 young people}“ae It gives her a chance to‘double her speed on that big 8,66Mostpeotest i a abont within (afew:months complete # 2-inch continuousinchfillerrods.QAnyfinish:Special price $6.00 ‘ le are satisfied to see one Exposition on aseestwobigexpositions,to say nothing of ing in the interesting sights of two countries,is a geographical education of a lifetime condensed ididatetotiiswonde-ful opportunity simply by enjoying soe poe more is required.Come to the New Crescent,he House Beautiful of the State,and spend unlimited nee hours watchin nie ¢the ae nee in the pr ession. re puttingon oneofDavid Belasco’s he criminal adeptness of the much read of ‘‘APACHES” le-tour,which runs not only across,but up andpitsbut,in addition to traveling overniversalCity,which in itself is equalintoonemonthofdelightfuland Always a’good comedy in which you can most-eminent~successes,“The~Stran glers~ofthanbooksornewspapers Two Special TronBed Values| ON SALE TODAY. Choice of the following finishes:White Enamel,Bine Enamel,Oxidized Copper or Vernis Martin: ?$7507 -~ 2-inch continuous post,has five seven-eighth inch fillers.Single or fullsize.-Choice of finishes,$7.50Specialprice| bed don’t let this opportunity pass | $6.00 ost,.three-eighthSingleoffullsize. If you are.in need,of an extra irontosupplyyourneed,Crawford-BunchFurniture CompanyTHESTORETHATALWAYSWELCOMESYOU.. ce ear wane errBigTowel :==ATS —=MILLS &POSTON’S STORE. NEXT WEDNESDAY MORNING WE WILL PUT ON SALE 50 Dozen Special Bath Towels’at $1.25 Per Dozen. and it is believed that with such co-operative effort as indicated in.the beginning,this organization will ac-complish somethine’worth while ih placing North Carolina where she’be- lones—on a plane with her resources. The earnestness:with which theproblemoftheState’s future was de- stability and broad business.experi-ence of the men participating in these discussions,and the character of the men selected to guide the destinies of the organization through the dan- gerous shoals to a permanent organ- ization,all combine to assure the re-spect,-and-co-operation of every -citi-zen who has the welfare of his State at heart for the work.now in’hand; and there is oxisterit a feeling that every public spirited citizen,as many of them have already done,will rally to the support of these men,who are attempting a great altruistic work forNorthCarolinathatwill.prove of at least indirect interest--to every)manwomanand‘child’within her borders, bated at the Raleigh gathering,the; ;formerly of Villa’s army,isin Ashe- to Cleveland Thursday to attend.the)annual-convention--of the--Woman’s!Missionary Society,which was held in the Baptist church at that place. ,.*Miss Mary Belle King,who.has (been visiting -her -parents,Mr.and Mrs.Ti.-S.-King,returns to-Charlotte}‘today.i : Messrs.T.R.Summers.and A.R.,;Bowles have purchased kerosene trac- tors from A.M.Leinster.They are ‘going to use them in preparing the land for the fall grain crops. Misses Carrie and Sarah Sharpe of |Radford,Va.,are guests at the home of their grandmother,Mrs.S.A. |Sharpe.i Mrs.Jas.Mac.Connelly and chil- rdren have.returned.from Roek Hill, te C.They were accompanied ‘home \by Mrs."Connelly’s sister,Miss Louise Flowers,and Miss Marie Steele.Pinkibihuasabestbaite Dr.Ureelay,a Mexican refugee, ville and he finds that it costs him Also a wide range of Huck ‘Towels from $1.00 dozen up.Wealsohave.on sale that-invigorating ‘‘Athletie,”or ‘Baseball Towel,which gives that delightful after glow.Yours truly, MILLS &POSTON.= __The Texas Company, Chicago,TH. Cientlemen:I beg io zdvise you and whomever it may concern,that Mr. “Beachy and myself used your TexacoGasolineinourexhibitionshereto- day.The purity and high gradequalityassistedusgreatly,especiallyinviewofthehighaltitude,You know us. TEXACO OIL that had heen-adopted by Glenn f\ ,The Mark of Curtis for the flying machine Amer- ica in his flight across the Atlantic @cean.The flight was abandoned This is the GASOLINE and MOTOR }- s_clearing fré-Ameri-4 This work itis.conceded,will event-|?1000 per month to get on in «theuallymeanabigger,better and more Mountain city,as his Mexican moneyprosperousNorthCarolina.Thorefore,|!8"'t worth but 8 cents on the dollarit-is_argued.every_citizenshould_feel of our ners :it a personal privilege to lend his aid,|At Mt.Airy Thos.Walker,18 yearsTheyareaskednot.to wait for per-old and colored,was handling a shotsonalinvitation,but to encourage the @un when the weapon was accidental-men who-have been gelected as,offi-jly discharged and a chole torn:incersofthetemporaryotganization’Walker’s -head,’He died instantly.by writing them and-offering “suchsuggestionsaSmayseemgood,and], offering assistance in the undertaking, The plan of organization,in brief, is aniexecutive committee consisting of the president,six vice presidents, jtreasurer and seeretary...clected by $100 REWAR,$100. The readers of this paper will be|Dleasel to Jearn that there is at least|one dreaded disease that science hasbeenabletocureinallitsstages;and thatisCatarrh,Hall's Caterrh Cure.iy theonlypositivecurenowImowntothemedicalfraternity,*h-being-a con? (Signed)BARNEY OLDFIELD,Oct.9,1914 LINCOLN BEACHY QUALITY.at theoutbreak of wer. rn Set on the half-mile track at the Fair Grounds. :_‘The Texas Company,Oklahoma City,Okla.~+GENTLEMEN:As you have perhaps read,I established a new,world’s secord yesterdayThecarusedwa8theSimplex“Zip,”lubricatedwithTexacoMotorOilandburningTexacoGasoline.I feel safe in saying that Texaco enabled me to attain this record,as itis a knowa fact thit [must havean oil of a very high body for thettewhichIdo..TF have used oa.racing et peasy all the oe onespans andamfrankinsayingthattheTexacoisfarsuperior,to them all.3 very truly,"Oot 8 1914,Signed)‘ae LOUIS DISBROW. In such cases as shown above,which involve not only such extraordinary efforts, stitutional diséage,|requires a consti+tutional treatment.‘Hall’s Catarrh Cureiatakeninternally,acting directly upontheblood=and mucous surfaces of theSystem,thereby destroying the founda-tion of the disease,and xiving the pa-tient strength by.building ap the con-stitution and assisting nature th,doin;its work,The proprietors have so muc! the board of direétoré:The board ofidirectorsistoconsistofnot.to.ex-jceeding”three members ‘from.cachjcongressionaldistriet,these .to beiselectedbythemembersinsuchdis-life from among their own “number.|By this means the oreanization:will -but-even-life-and death,every care-is used to secure the most perfect equipment_obtainable,irrespective of cost;and that these men,who stand at the very top oftheirprofession,did select and still adhere to these THXACO.produets is the best fatth in’its curative powers that theyoffer,One Mundred Dollars for-any.casethat.it fails 40°cure,Send for dat ot}testimonials,‘gAGdrena.W.J,CHRNEY &©O.,Tole, sold Hn ij 1 ‘5 Family Billa ate * jhe truly representative of the entireStateandbe,ih Tact,a State-wide or:ganization,:The officers eleeted to serve untilfirstannual.lich jis a) bet | L mH ‘e ‘ M qvidenes Hat TEXACO STANDS FOR QUALITY.Don’t be:satisfied with any-»thi ng just as good,ask for the best and insist on getting it.STATESVILLE OIL COMPANY.eee RNS Lass Distributors)Fat a lg a Heke # es -~geetion of Iredell county.The:Land- VOL SEs. A VERY SKILLFUL FORGER One Westmoreland,Arrested in Salisbury For Passing Forg- ed Checks,Believed to Be Re- sponsible For Forged Paper}: Passed:in.Statesville.» The.man Westmoreland,arrestedinSalisburycoursnightfor passing forged checks,is believed tohavehadsoméconnectionwithforg-ed cheeks passed’in Statesville afewmonthsago.»‘An item in the last issue of The Landmark.mentioned ‘that “W.M.,Westmoreland,alias J.-H.Moore,’ was urtler arrestin -Salisbury forpassing’forged checks and that he was said to be from.the Mooresville mark tearns that the man’s-name-is-W.Y.Westmoreland and’that”hishomejsnearOstwalt’s,this county.He is still in jail-in Salisbury.Hepassed.a number of checks on mer- chants there for various amounts,in each ca8e making a purchase and get- ting the remainder of the checks in cach..At one place he was told to get some one to identify him and heleftbutdidnotreturn.When ar-rested he had a number of-checkson-his-person,some-csigned,others blank.On two of the checks was the forged signature of T.G.Furr,coun- ty attorney,and on two others theforgedsignatureofJ.Hi Moyle,a retired business man. In.March of this vear three,forgedchecksontheMerchantsandFarm- ers’.Bank of Statesville,aggregating $113.23,were cashed by Statesville |® merchants,~One check for —$38.64, payable to J.E.Brown,and another for*$38.24,payable to J.B.Brown, bore the forged signature of Ost- walt,Mills &Co.,merehants on Troutman,R.F.Dv The third check was $36.35,payable to M.E.-Trout- man,and to this the signature of F. K.Ostwalt of Ostwalt,was forged.The first check was-cashed-by Smith- ey &Fraley and the others by the Jghnston-Belk Go.The signatures ~—were-splendid.imitationsof the gen- uine an dthe forgeries were not dis- covered until the cancelled cliecks .went.to the parties whose names were forged Early in April two checks on the, Commercial National Bank for 350each.payable to.J.J.“Follett,to which the signature of Thos.J.Con- ger was forged,were cashed _inStatesville,One check was taken byMr.N.Harrison.The party passingitbourhtasuitofclothes.Mr.“Har- rison gave him part cash in change and a check.on the First NationalBank,for.$22.50...The latter checkwas,cashed:the same day at thestoreofRamsey:-Bowles -=~Morrison Co.The second check for $50,was eashed at the”Commercial National Bank,on which it was drawn. Mr.Conger’s writing is unusual but it was so cleverly imitated by the forger that it was not discovered un- til Mr.Conger received his cancel- ed checks from the bank,a month after the forged checks were cashed. Then his attention was attracted to the check not by the signature butbythesizeofthecheck,which wassmallerthanthoseinhischeekbook, and contained no_printing. The Landmark had knowledge ofthese’forgeries soon after they oc- curred but the matter was not madepublicinthe»hope that the forger could be caught,Investigations were put on.foot and Westmoreland wa8$; under strong suspicion when he wasarrestedinSalisbury.Sheriff Deat- on and Messrs.D.M.Ausley,cashier of the Commercial National |Bank,.F.B.Bunch of the Merchants and »*Farmers’and Jo.Harrison went to‘'Salisbury Wednesday .to look West-—moreland-over,Mr.Hiarrison,who-re- membered.the |party.who.got the check cashed at his father’s store,did not recognize Westmoreland and _it is not believed that he passed the forged checks in Statesville..It is ‘believed,however,that he perpetrat- ed the forgeries.Whoever did the work is a dangérous man,for he is After he was arrested in Salis-bury Westmoreland claimed that he sold a horse,or a mule,which he rode to Salisbury to J.H.Moore and that he got the checks he passed in Salis-bury from Moore.This ‘story,how- ever,enuentt to have.no.basis in fact,as J.H.Moore can’t be found. Near-Auto“Collision. To avoid a collision on CenterstreetTuesdayafterngonMr.Kent Greer of High Point ran his automo- bile across the curbing onto the side- walk,resulting in minor damage to the car,but no injury to its occu- -pant.Mr.Greer,who was here for -his brother’s-marriage,was driving “a:Maxwell racer.Coming into Cen- ter street from east .Front,-he -turn-ed to the left and found himself fac- ing Mr.J.R.Alexander,who was coming up Center on the right side of’the street in a Ford touring car. For an instant a collision seemed in- evitable,.but Mr.Greer quickly steer- ed toward the ‘sidewalk and-~after crosing the curbing managed |tobriighiseartoastandstillandalsthesametimemissedtheother.car. Jury Says Thaw is Not Insane. After hearing testimony for nearly_three weeks a New York jury has de~clared Harry Thaw ‘sane.JusticeHendrick,“before:whom:the case:wastried,will announce his decision to-day.The decision of the jury is nothindingon’the judge,but as he asked.for a jury to help him reach’a con STATESV;DLE RECEIVERS.A PPOINTE D. Receivers For the Hardwood Company as ResultofDisputedClaims. On Monday at Marion Jud, ing placed the Piedmont Company.in the hands of Messrs...W, E.Webb of Statesville and W.K.N. Some two years ago the Piedmont Hardwood Company . timber on about 4,000 acres of:land in MeDowelt county fr om the Durham.Since that time the Hard- wood:company has been engaged in converting the timber into lumber. Carolina Bessemer Company brought siiit on the note given to secure the balanee of the purchase price. Piedmont Hardwood swered,claiming that ‘the Padeames company had permitted tredpasserstogoon-the land and carry off a Jarge amount of the timber,so that sustained was greater due on the”note. the ‘damage than the amountTheamountclaimed by the mer Company waswhiletheHardwood Company_is de- manding damages in the sum of $21,- Judge Harding granted an injunc- tion to prevent further cutting a|timber until the final hearing and ap-pointed-the-above -named-—parties—as receivers of the company to take in charge the large amount of manu- factured Jumber on hand and other “The principal stockholders of the Hardwood company are Messrs.Eu, gene Morrison,.Salley and B. R,Thurman of Statesville. rison is secretary and treasurer the company,owning the-controlling interest,and the office of the compa- ny is in Statesville. JOHNSTON’S INJURY. Hurt By a Jump—Death of a Child—Mooresville Teachers~—Personal Items,© Correspondence of The Wandmark. (Mooresville,July 16.—Carl, vear-old son of Mr.and Mrs. Naty,died at the home of his pa- rents on Monday morning from peri- niti Funeral services were.con- ducted by Rev.F.A.Barnes Mondayafternoon,Interment in the city cem- while practicing with the fire depart- Johnston jumped the hose wagon,which was:poing’atfullspeed,and.in doing so straining his ankle and bruising.his His injuries,while pain- ful,are not serious. ‘At a recent meeting of the board of trustees of the graded school the following corps of teachers was elect-ed for the ensuing school year:W.C. Ariail superintendent,C.C.Ward, Belvidere,N.C.,inci i i Hattie Williams, grade,Mrs.Margaret Vance of Con- i ,Miss Mary .Shoaf; fifth grade,Misses Janie Tillett and Winona Hethcox;fourth grade.Miss Minnie Best Dail and Neely Smoot; second grade,Mrs.Lula P.and Miss Beulah Johnston;firstgrade, Misses Maude Lentz,Leorie Robirison, Ruth Brawley and “Mrs.Knight.The schools will resume work on Monday,September 13. :E.W.Brawley and thildren left Monday for Waynesville,wheretheywillspendseveralweeks. Turner is in Charleston,S.attending a meeting of the hardware|E.Long and Mr. Pp.N.“Barger left Tuesday for Hick- ory to attend.a Sunday—-School_Nor- mal of the-Lutheran Church.Mrs.G.M.Kipka and children have returnedfromaweek's visit Washington,D.C.wand,Carolyn Booth of.Catawba are a:skillful.forger 8 nethy.of Mr.and Mrs.R.M.Aber- Dale of Chester,S. eoactiod to ‘the congregation of the zeR.P.church Sunday night.ServicesattheFirstPresbyterianpuureh.Sun- day were conducted by Dr. a i of Davidson College. B.PD.Graham and shar: Miss “Myrtle,left.Monday.for Ashe- Extensive”preparationsmadéforthepicnic,which is just twoBishopJno.C.Kilgo of; Charlotte will be the speaker of the oecasion,and doubtless a very large crowd “will hear him,Mr.P..8.Boyd.left Tuesday forRaleighto:attend a meeting of thetrusteesofA.&M.College.MissesMargaret.and-.Elizabeth Rankin are visiting friends in Hickory.Mrs.W. Ww.Rankin is spending several days at “Misses “Gazelle Kennett and Mary Johnston,Messrs.Frank Deaton.and g for Statesville to join a par- ra camping:tour at Alkalithia Dr.Carpenter 16Provide Rooms For His Patients. Dr,I.A,Carpenter,eye,ear,nose‘and throat specialist,occupying rooms}over the Polk Gray Drug Co.,k remodeling.his quarters, He will refurnish and equip his offices{80 a8 to take care of—his jwhiletheyareundergoingtreat‘He:oe provide several’beds and : These conveniences-are]. clusion hé will:ae ly accept:ba__verdict. Belg ne ert aR [was FOUND.DEAD.IN BED. -Newton—Other.Deaths. nesday morning.Mrs.Deal was the|widow of the late Sylvanus Deal ani|was 66:years old June 24th,Jast..All, with her daughter,Mrs.Chas.H.| her condition.was not considered -sc- rious.She retired at her ‘usual time} ing and John Wagner,Newton;Mrs. son,Mr.Melton.Deal,Newton. Miss Lily Cook ‘died»Wednesday street,death resulting.from tubercu-tosis.The funeral service was ton- ducted at the residence vesterday «f-ternoon by her pastor,Rev.G.—H. Chureh of Western Avenue Baptist church,and the burial was in Oak-wood cemetery.Miss Cook was 2) rents is survived by the following), named brothers and sisters:.“Messrs. R.P.,Thos.and J.W.Cook and Mrs. Will Deaton,who are full brothers and Mr.J.H.Cook,who are half brother and sister,The last named |‘ lives in Catawba.county.The year-old daughter of Mr.and Mrs.Walter Cutting,who died Tues- day morning,was buried Tuesday af-ternoon in Oakwood cemetery,fol- at 6.-o’elock-by Rev.S.°W.'Haddon.Hyiddenite,.R-1,carrespondenceTaylorsvilleScout:Mrs.Hmttie Lack-ey Mchain died at her home lastTharsday,8th,of heart’disease.She was a2 daughter of Mr.Watson.Lack-ey of:this community.Her father, three sisters,one brother,her hus- band and five children;survive her.The funeral and burial were at?Lin-ney’s Grove church,of which she was a consistent member.Rev.We EF. Linney conducted the funeral servi-|’ces. MILTON RASH GIVES BOND. Moore and Munday Sent Back 'to Jail to Await "Trial—Court Cases., Milton”Rash of New Hope township, who was arrested Sunday’on a charge of’illicit distilling,was.given a pre- liminary hearing Tuesday before Jus- tice Lazenby,who required $500 bondforhisappearanceatSuperiorCourt. The bond was given and Rash was re-leased from jail.John Moore and George Mundaytheyoungwhitemenwhohavebeen held in jail since the injury of young James Harbin near Harmony several weeks ago,were given a hearing be- fore Justice Lazenby Wednesday.«It will be remembered-that =[arbin,Clyde Heath and Munday and Moorewereallridingin-the same =buvgywhenHarbinwasshotintheback,the.bullet severing his spinal cordandinflictinganinjurywhichisex-pected to’prove fatal..Munday and Moore are both charged with havingpistols’in the buggy ahd:there hadbeensome.shooting from the bucgy before Harbin was shot.Heath,Moore“and Munday were.all arrested at thetime,but Heath was released on bondwithinafewdays.:As the result ofring’Wednesday Moore and} Munday were remanded to jail in de- fault of bond to:await trial in Su-perior Court on charges of carrying @ concealed weapon,assault with a dead- ly weapon and loud swearing on apublichighway.Heath was contin-ued under bond asaj witness,there be-ing no~charge against..him..YoungHarbin.is in:a eritical condition and could not,of course,be at the hear- ever,that he believes he was shot ac- cidentally. |Two Wrecks Vesterday. The locomotive and baggage car of west-bound’passenger train No.15weredeérailed:at’‘Newton yeste:day; morning.The locomotive turned cross-ways on the track before <top-pings No one was hurt.When east-bound train No,86 reached the scene of the derailment an exehanye ofpassengerswasmadeandNo.36 re-turned to.Asheville,while the pas- back to Salisbuty<by a freight en-'gine,thus avoiding serious delay topassengertraffic.The Spencer der-rick replaced the derailed locomotive and car on the track later in the day.It.was reported that No.22,thecastboundtrain’due heré at 1:20,waswreckedhtGlen.Alpine and somepersonsinjured,but:no details wereobtainable. Churth Items. Mr.FE,“a Shaver will sing at Vifth Street M.‘EB.church Sunday at 3 p.m..“The Christian Harmony”book}Will be)used andehe requests that ev-|,ery:ones having”a’copy ‘come =anding:thelr “hook:-Alk Jovers-of —old-sine:singing invited to be:eri co « )Rev.L.Moore will preach at|Shiloh Potten church.Sunday{afternoon at /4o'clock, ‘Mr.J.dy .Lackey of Coneord essary “by ee ee SOME AVERAGE VALUES. Mother of Mrs.€.¢.i.Turner of|Average Tax Assessment ofStatesvilleDiesSuddefly«(|i Land and Farm Animals Mrs.Jane Deal was:foundgiead |County.Absessor M.A.FeimsterinbedatherhomeinNewtonWrd-hag been:n.gathering some figures asitotheaveragevalue,of real ard per-sonal property in each township in,the county,under the assessment thisoflastweekshespentinStatesville[yeaar,with the following result:' Turner,She went home throuzh acres of land,’valued at $160,119,or the country Sunday afternoon.While|.average of $8.66 per acre. ¢,she had complained :some ‘recently|averaie value of farm animals Barringer is asfollows:} 43,mules $74.12,cows$18.74,hp 8 “Tuesday night and when she failed 99,goatsa dogs area:.to respond the next-‘morning:When!ave value of the dogs,it will be ob-she was ealled investigation Provedjsshewasdead.It-is presumed death |(aes resulted from a~stroke~of-paralysis.| Mrs.Deal is survived by.Boe |valued at.$148,265,andaughters—Mesdames Ralph Carper.| is greater than that.of the Bethany has 16,515 acres of land, Average value of farm _ani- .Horses $69.27,mulesChas.H,Turner,Statesville—and one)cows gig.88,hogs $4.68,sheep $2.‘50,goats 72 cents and dogs $18.33.'Bethany the dogs range,above the {cows,' Chambersburg has 28,064 acres of .Valued at $257,430,an averageFarmanimals, Horses $84.02,mules $74.-3,cows $18.33,hogs $5,sheep $2.22, Toate $1.12,dogs $3.25,- Concord has 21,917 9-10 acres of land,valued at $199,178,or $9.08 per >Farm Sits average:-ere "$4.71,sheep $1.07, noon at the home.of her parents,Mr.|and Mrs.E.T.Cook,on’Armfield’), of $9.17 per acre. years old and in addition to her pa-: Cool Spring has 48,992 acres and sister,and*Mrs.W..A.Evans of _valued at $146,427,an AVETARY. Horses $80.96,mules $79,97, cows $13.56,hogs $4,shéep andgoats $1 each,dogs $6.11, Davidson has $1,404 acres of land. valued ‘at $272,165,or an average of $5.66 per acre.Farm animals,ee Horses’$71.52, cows $15.60,hogs $3.58. sheep,goats and dogs. Eagle Mills has lowing funeral services at the home |*” 23.217 acres of land,valued ‘at $145,800,an average of $6.28 per ‘acre.Farm.animals Horses $76.94,mules $88.48, cows $14.86,hogs:$3,92,.sheeh,ay goats $l.each..Nota Fallstown-—21,230 acresvaluedat$198,246,or $9.23 per acre. Farm animals,average:Horses $75.- 29,mules $78.45;‘cows $19.44,hogs$5.17,sheep $2,goats $1,dogs $15.15. New-Hope—19,264 acres valued at’ $72,055,-or an average of $3.98 per ‘Farm animals: mules $61.89,cows $12.37,hogs $3.48, sheep $1.goats $1,dogs $4.94.Olin—19:503 acres of land,‘valued at $152,898,average $7.84 per acre. Farm-animals,-average:—Horses--$84,-4 »mules $83.42;cows $15.31,hogs $4.53,goats $1,dogs.$2.71. Sharpesburg—22,929 acres of land, valued at $159,315, $6.90 per acre. Horses $73,mules “$80,cows sheep $1.03,goats They sure have Horses $60.60, Farm animals,aver- $14.53,hogs $4.31, 70 cents,dogs $100. some valuable dogs in Sharpesburg. i 4 1-2 acres of valued at $382,022, $11.90 per acre. Farm.animals;aver- $85.47,mules $77.37, jacks $50,cows $16.49,hogs sheep $1,goats $1.25,dogs $9.50..The high average for land in Shiloh is due to the Southern Power Co,de-The average outside of this is only $8.73. ‘Statesville (outside Statesville)—21,336 acres valued at $477,429.or an average of 22.37 per acre.Farm animals,aver- jacks $300,cows $19.41,hogs $5.24, sheep $1.64,goats $1.31,dogs $22.88, The average value of the dogs in this|bailiwitkis more than — cows’and slightly.in excess of.the average of land per acre,Union Grove-=-22,262>1-2 acres of avice at $101,237,an -average Farm animals, Horses $63,mules $67.79, jacks $75,cows $11,hogs $3.12, $1,dogs $5.33.Reports from Coddle. Turnersburg have not:come in.The Landmark was under the im-pression—and it thinks the public.wasalso-4that much improved stock,espe-cially cows,had been brought into the county in recent.years. returns don’t.show it. cow sells around $50,but,the average taxable value ranges from $19.44 inhighest—to $11 The average value of hogs is also astonishingly low.’Anordinarypigsellsforthevalue,fixed on all the hogs for how much land can anybody ‘buy in Tredell for twice the assessed value? Dogs range high for that few dogs are returned for taxa- tion,these ‘being the ‘most valuable ones,and thus the township. ing Wednesday.He has stated,how-|- An ordinary Fallstown—theUnionGrove. senger coaehes-of No.th-were drawnt average is very Better Conditions in Mexico ‘Advices \eeteived frém Mexico CityWellleauer,he ed the capital quiet with ‘order pre- vailing atid trains arriving ftom VeraCruz.with food supplies.banks had not been re-opened pend-ing arrangements.for currency cireu- Communicationand‘Vera’Cruz~by»rail-andoracontinuedandtheCarranzasfovernment.departments.were-said_tol,.be under process of organization asrapidlyaspossible. Mayor Caldwell of Statesville will speak at a township Sunday.sehool Association meeting at Back Creek toWnship rep that he raised 56 1-2bushelwheatonzaraacres, lehtirch,meres county,on the28thlathe!ad an enforugale tet FiLN,C,FREDAY,J ULY 16,1915.k SEonneereemene saeereceene THE.BASEBALL GAMES. League Re-organized and theNewSchedule. Mr,L:BY Bristol,’president,and Mr.R.M.Gray,‘secretary and treas- urer of the local baseball association, went to Morganton Wednesday and made an arrangement by which Gas-tonia becomes.a member of the West- ern North Carolina League.Gastonia,Morganton,Lenoir’and.Statesville now-constitute the league.Each team or member of the.league now:fur- nishes a bond of $500,which is to-be _|forefeited to the other members in case”they “fly the schedule.”:Gameswhichhavebeen.played and will be played between now and the 26th will not count on the per centage but games beginning the 26th will.Mor- ganton and Statesville.tied the first half of theseries and will play _itsoffat.the end of the series and the win-ner of the second half will play win-ner of the first half, ‘Monday,Tuesday and Wednesday of next week Morganton and States- ville will play here and Lenoir and Gastonia at Gastonia;Thursday,Fri- day and Saturday Gastonia nd Mor- gnton at Morganton;Statesville and Lenoir at Lenoir.As stated above these games next week will not countonthepercentage.The real sched-|ule~for—the—remainder_of the season will be as’follows:July '26-27-28—Statesville at Mor-|ganton;Gastonia at Lenoir.July 29-30-31—Lenoir at States- ville;Morganton at Gastonia. Aueust 2-3-4—Lenoir at Morgan- ton;Statesville at Gastonia,August 6-6-7—Gastonia at —States- ville;Morganton at Lenoir. August 9-10-11—Gastonia at Mor- ganton;Statesville at Lenoir. ‘August ._12-13-14—Morganton._at}Statesville;Lenoir at Gastonia. August..16-17-18—Statesville.at: .|Morganton:Gastonia at Lenoir.August 19-20-21-Lenoir at States-: ville;Morganton at Gastonia. August 23-24-25—-Lenoir at Mor- ganton;Statesville at Gastonia.August 26-27-28-—Gastonia at”|Statesville;Morganton at Lenoir.All teams are“enthusiastic overthehewarrangementand©promise,|good™ball.Statesville is strengthen- ‘ying her team and feels ‘sure‘of ‘win- ning more than.her part from:nowon.All the team asks is that.thepeoplegetierallygooutandlendtheir support,financially and.»by_theirpresence,It will be noted from:the schedulethatStatesvillewillhaveballeverySaturdayduring.the series,,,‘Underthenewarrangementthere,will be agamesomewhereeverydayandthere will be no more playing.outside the league,In order to keep:the recded full,,itisherebyrevordedthatlastSatur-day at Loray the Lovay baseball teambeattheBristolteam12to9. The Hamptonville and Jennings} ball teams.will play at.Jennings to- morrow afternoon at 2 o'clock.Statesville played another,game{with Granite Quarry on the home di-¢}amond Wednesday afternoon;The re-sult.was a victory for the visitors byascoreof13to8.The local team ,|was a “made-up”one,only a few of"\the regular players participating,andall.these played,“out of position.” TOWNSHIP>COMMITTEES. School Committees ‘Will Be Ap-|.pointed By _Township Instead of By Districts. The county.board of:education will ;jmeet again next Monday to appointschoolcommitteeten.A year ago theboarddecidedto-abandon the plan ofacommitteeofthreeforeachdistrict that_of_the|and adoptthe township committee|plan—a committee of three for each township,the township committee tohavechargeofalltheschoolsintheThenewmembers.of theschoolboarddecided.to put the planintoeffectandatthemeetingnext Monday a committee of three will beappointedforeachtownship..and—inaddition‘Separate committees will beappointedforeachlocaltaxdistrict.|A’district that has voted’a special school tax is entitled to-a committee of its own, ‘The board at its meeting this week instructed Supt.-Gray to write State Superintendent Joyner with reference to the claim of the Mooresville grad-ed-school for an-additional appropria-| tion.For some yéars public schoolmoneyhasbeenapportioned,accord-ing to the number of teachers in aschoolandnotaccordingtothenum-ber of children in the district,the for- mer custom,Objection has been madetothissystemofapportionmentandtheschoolboardhasdecidedtore-adopt.the per capita basis.’The Mooresville.school /board,Jowevtr,6claimsthatundértheteacherappor-tionment the Mooresville ‘school hasreceivélmuchlessthanitwouldhavereceived.on the basis of the numberofpupils,and has asked the county Wasschool“beard to make up this de¢-ficiency for two years past,which the attorney for the Mooresville boardsayswillamount:to $800.or $900.The ners Interpretation of the law anditsduty:in the.premises,Prof.J.H.\HEL was re-electedchairman‘of th board, ae ‘an offic ‘Yomimunication sent};Washington,—Germany—admits:that the Americair’steamie Nebrag- jkan was torpedoed by a Gane oemarineatid‘expresses:fr willingness ‘to makerepation:aaraassures:ms thé “ited ‘States|attack “wad not.meaAlmeri¢an flag but.is: ::os “NO 101.: pope collet a tiers: BRIEF ITEMSiS LOCAL NEWS. —Messrsi ©,Tee“Webb”and “Geb,Long will meet with the HarmonycounciloftheJunioren Mrs.L.€.Lewis has beensickforseveralveee was thought,to.be this:morning. —The condition of oeWalker:of Barium was Thou eheashade.better yesterday.”tiestillcriticallyi, -~The next term of thadel)rior Court begins ‘on the’first:day in August—ithe 2d,SodgeP.Lane will preside,>’.‘ —Mr.Carl White”of Statesville,who ran as express on betweenSalisburyandNorwood,is now.run-Taylors- ning between Charlotte and —At the Sanatorium°Tuesday:ev e-Ball underwent:anoperation.for,appendicitis.The casewasanunusuallyseriousone‘but Mer.Ball's condition is hopeful, —~Mr.Julian Ross of the.Gaveling Motor .Company,who was_transfer-red.to the company’s branch.aarngeatNewton,has moved his fiNewtonandwill ning ‘Mr..Vance rake hae Capt,P.Ci Carlton,‘Lrigadier--general--of the-:veterans,has zeeeived-his ‘pay.mrattendingthe:recent -re'Rich:mond.The pay was a $50bill—Con-federate money. §.Leonardis’critsillatherhomeonStocktonMr.and Mrs.John.B,Leonard-of.ston have arrived.to be/at hersideandotherout-of-town :of.the family have been —License’hasmarriageofDr. "toon emu tothe‘CrotchanMissLouise.T.Summers,daughterofMr,N,T.:of Stony.It is understood that ..themarriage”“wilt take place téday. )—For information “to®Totalpers,freight to go out the samecannotbehchaoe!ater 9 a. schedule the change ii ateaha ‘and a‘also: anlar.iman,:died’at.his home.in)Ne afternoon in.the iry Was aemployedinthatca ‘ rcssp of iylimbs | se gustATheWerkrevision,of Mr,R, is an improvement,too close,to the’e ““is in Iredell ‘and in company tion.agent,is visiting today,arousingpsandae vo equalisatione and ot meeorertyinonetownship—'where an.increase was‘other 15 LOWnsiDk.are sioners were.engaged.inmentwithSheriffici the 4pecdarvelr:of‘the.works and it is¢:the reservoir:to a or.its present capacity.The: now holds 400,000 to seod:y and there.is pumped.into’townabout400,000 gallons,°It is hopmakethereservoirlargeenoholdtwo:or three days’supply.: —Automobile:drivers telllyofahabitamongsectionsto“swing”passing The.childrenwho:take iseeanautomobilecomiitheroadandwhenthuptoavoiddanger¢them,they try to eli a and one that will evén ;them to sorrow.’For thetandmaterher?be mM good.alltts mat, hewed i aa f heeshow:aight 0 beng:county sehodl board awaits Supt.Joy-theftnde *AS Ni Mi Lavina TempletonbeenatSeasideuesinStatesvillelast‘ntoJennings,in north, Prot.and~teaBSson,Halbert,of eeodtodaytoamf ef jabbed a male. *and Fire Commissioner John M OVER THE COUNTRY, of Interest About Various 4 Matters. ‘Harry Watson and Mrs.|Minnie win of Lynchburg,Va.,and James Cochran of Norfolk,were drowned ih the James river at Lynchburg Tuesday when their rowboat over- turned.; »Dallas,Texas,is bidding for the next session of the national Demo- cratic convention.’The city»offers $100,000 in cash,pledges a coliseum seating 25,000 persons and adequate ©accommodations for both |delegates -and visitors.: _Loss of many lives:as the result of unprecedented floods in the provinces of Kwangtung and Kwangsi,China, is announced in a dispatch “to the State Department at.Washington from:Consul General Cheshire at Can- ‘ton.Aid is asked from this country. A strike of nearly 5,000 lead and zinc miners which began in the Jop- lin (Mo)district two weeks ago,end- ed Monday when every mine -in the _district resumed operations...There was no settlement.The men went back to the mines ‘and asked for their places at the old wage scale. ‘At Richmond,Va.,Tuesday night Thomas.H.Pegram,chauffeur,waskilled,and Fire Chicf W.H.aeann, |Jr.,were injured when,in answeringanalarm,the chief’s car,to avoid collision with a jitney bus,was runintoanironpoleandcutintwo. Four negro survivor of the Brit- ish mule ship Armenia,sunk by a German ‘submarine June 28,reach- ed Newport News this week from ~England.The negrves asserted thatwhentheyattemptedtoscrambleaboardthesubmarinetheywerekick- ed off by German saflors,who laugh-ed at their cries of agony. Postmaster General Burleson hasorderedthatthesizelimitofpack-~ages for parcel post shipment be—in-} to a combined length:andgirthof84inches.This will permit mailing stamdard sized fruit andcrates.Mr.Burleson also au-|thorized establishment of a receipt eee® 7 eession’“contract-from: |House *).Congress are called for the same time*and place. i be system for parcel post packages sim- ilar to that...employed by express companies.| The Southern railway has started| work on electric automatic block sig-| nals covering 775 miles.of the! Washington -Atlanta line,as fol-| lows:Orange and Arrowhead,Va.,! 36 miles,Elma and Amberst,:Va.,; °185 miles,WHittle and Danville,:VAi,!23 miles:All ef:thisiis for double; track nearing completion except nine) miles of single:track between WhittleandDryFork. »With a fertilizer famine threaten-‘ing American farmers as aresult’ofcuttingoffsuppliesofGermanpotash,State and Commerce Department of-)fieials have undertaken to arrangeforthedevelopmentbyAmericancapitalofapotash”idiscoveredin’southern ' government already hasbeen Iaid beforeinterestedfirms. Gov.Manning of South Carolina has issued a proclamation calling ontheGovernorsofthe13.Southern States to attend a méeting of theofSouthernGovernorsat Charleston during the assembling of _the Southern Commercial Cangress in that city December 13 to 17 in-clusive.Meetings of the ©CottonGrowers’Congress and the SouthernsectionoftheNationalDrainage Elihu Root is apparently the firstchoiceofleadingRépublicansofthecountryforthenominationforPres-ident in 1916.Senator John W.Weeks of -Massachusetts,and for-me?Senator Theodore E:Burton ofOhio,have country-wide support’andnext*to Senator Root are highest infavorwithRepublicanpdliticians.This information is gained from re-plies to more than 500 letters sentfromWashington.'to Rapublicans NEWS FROM ABOUT STATE.| Accidents Crimes and Other In-cidents ‘of Life in North Caro-lina.’ Greensboro has voted a $60,000bondissueforpublicschoolbuildings. The Uplift'says the Jackson Train-ing School at Concord now has itsfullcapacity—93 boys—and all appli-cations have to be turned down. In Silver Creek township,Burke county,Saturday night,CharlesSmalleyandTomGalliardfoughtand|Galliard died Monday of:his’wounds. jSmalley’is in jail.Whiskey.; Wpayland Vickery,the three-year- old son of Mr,and Mrs.Henry Vick- ery,was almost instantly killed,at Davis Mills,Guilford county,when a gun in the hands of his 7-year-old sis- ter was discharged.:3 The Mocksville Record is 16 years old and-has been under the manage- ment of the present editor—C.Frank Stroud—-for eight years.It is a livepaperanddeservestheSupportof its constituency; The Mocksville Record’complainsthatautomobiledriverswhopass through Mocksville and Davie—and |there are many since the new high- |ways are completed—pay no atten-|tion to speed laws.The Record saysitheofficershavecopiesofthelawand will enforce it.. The commissioners of Wake coun- ty and the State have offered a re-|ward’of $200 for the murderers of |Chas.Abt.the recluse found dead in |his heme in Raleigh last week,and rel-;atives have offered an additional $100. |Abt kept much.money about-his!jhome and it is believed that robbery|was the motive for the murder. ;An automobile containing Deputy.| |Sheriff Stockard and a ‘negro driver overturned as it was:entering,Bur- ilingten Tuesday afternoon:and:seri-\ously injured the occupants.Attempt-}jed to take a curve at too high speed.| |Stockard was badly bruised~aboutitheheadandchestandthenegro) |was so:badly hurt he was’unable to|walk,2 i.At Snow.Hill,Greene county,Sat- jurday night,Sam Overby.and Blar-| 'ney Mooring,young white men,were| /shot,by,a negro,Horace.Busbee.||Overby,who had a difficulty with Bus-| rhe toppy red bag,Sc way as the other! (bee,was dangerously if not fatally| ;wounded.Mooring was shot:in the| jleg when he attempted..te prevent Busbee.getting away.’The negro es- caped..aoe Ceid At Kinston the Free Press has been|going after the fee system and Solic-| itor’Shaw,who felt personally af-} fronted on account thereof,made a)hitter attack on that;paper’Editor Braxton .says he.will continue$!his |war,on fees,Glory to him.He tnayexpect,officials who jprofit by«feds to!’resent.his interference,but he is doing}'a publice service.i| Will Lilly,a colored citizen of High | Point,attempted to take and carry away a fowl that belongéd not to him.Now the aforesaid William is doingroadworkundera60-day‘contractandthewhilefinds:it necessary to take ‘his:meals’standing because’oftheeffect.of certain)shot’whichithe In the plain langu ——~ 4.renemerrainaerrant =Sa into his anatomy by,means of agun,as Shield for Submarine.Near Dunn,Harnett’county,JimMesser,wantonly and»wilfully,“ac- “Spanish jrate owner-bf-the aforesaid.fowl-fent American,Vessel.Forced to exalt ' }ie How an American ship was used as|the old Shuford Farm ages ee aa or ee oo such good tobacco you feel like_justeat thesmoke!=. Yes,sir,P.A.puts a razor edge on your smoke-appetite-division that’s nobby enough to.be photographed!“No other pipe and ciga--"rette tobacco can be likePrinceAlbert,becausenoothertobaccocan be made like Prince Albert.The patented process fixes that—and removes the tongue-bite and throat parch!Let that digest!| And that line of conver- sation is 24 kt.,whether you play P.A.in your old jimmy pipe or roll it -into a makin’s cigarette. For you can put your little old blue-pencil _O.K.right here that Prince Albert is a regular double-header for a single admission —as joyus to your tongue and taste one Will the “rollers”kindly step forward for a spell and get some of this listen into their systems?Because Prince Albert certain and sure jams more joy into a makin’s paper than ever before was figured up on two hands! age of the hills,you can’t any more resist such makin’s tobacco than a “bullfrog can pass up a piece of red flannel!Because|P.,A.hands to you everything any-- cigarette roller ever dreamed-out—rare flavor,and aroma,and mildness,and body; absolutely the best bet-—the best smoke R.J.REYNOLDS,TOBACCO Copyright1915byR.J.Reynolds TebaccoCo,| The,Shuford Reunion, Correspondence -of-The-—Landmark.—+--+The Shuford reunion will,be held on in Catawba county—now the home of Mr.,R.lL. COMPANY,Winston-Salem,N.C. cording te the.story,shot and serious-ly wounded his wife,“a young and at- tractive woman,the mother of three children.”“Mrs.Messer started to town,two miles away,for help and fainted by the way,where a good Samaritan found her and took her tothehospital.If the story is correcttheycan’t do enough to Jim. The annual campmeeting at RockSpring,Lincoln county,will beginAugust2d..This time the meetingwasagreedtobythequarterlycon-ference of Rock Spring circuit.Fortwoyearspastthemajorityoftheofficialboardofthecircuitwantedtecutoutthemeetingandrefuseditofficialrecognition,whereat there wasmuchcontention,but”the meetingwasheldwithoutofficialsanction. The remains of Albert EugeneCline‘of Catawba county,who waskilledina-cyclone in Cincinnati on *:shield bya “German submarine tee Shuford—on Thursday,August 12th,sinking another vessel,isthe -story|1915..All the family and their con-of the crew of the American bark|nections are most cordially invited to Normandy,at Liverpool,-England,|be present.A very interesting pro-Gulfport,Miss.The story is that.the}gramme is arranged by the Shuford Normandy was stopped by the Ger-!Historical Assdciation of North Car- man off the Irish coast Friday night.olina and some fine speakers are ex-The captain was called aboard the]pected on this occasion. submarine,where his papers werefoundtoshowthattheshipwascnar-tered by an American firm. The captain,it is asserted,was!county.allowed to return to the Normandy,couldn’t. but under the threzt that his ship |:{THE NORTH CAROLINAerse;destroyed ae he peat4obeyedorders.ese order's,College of Agriculture And Mechanic Arts © Two small negro boys were drovmn- They went in.to swim and t ,me it was stated,were that he was to act as a shield for the submarine,which lay around ‘the side of —the ed Monday in a pond in Alamance, bark,hiding itself from an approach-ing vessel.2o4Thisvesselwasthe Russian steam-er Leo.Presently the submarine sub- merged .and proceeded around.the fp peretory McAdoo.to Cut the thas: #%Senate and House,when he announced + course when the facts ‘Are understood. throughout the country. Public Building Waste. Washington Dispatch to GreensboroNews. ‘Secretary of the Treasury-McAdoothrowndownthe-gage”of~battletothe“pork barrel”members of the _that in the future expenditures’intheerection.of public buildings will «beimitedtotheactualpresentandBPpepectiveneedsoftheservice,wT é purpose of the order is to getidoftheold“hit and miss”systemwhichhasbeeninvogueformany,years and has cost the governmentmillionsofdollars.Mr.McAdoo iswarethatthismovewillproveveryill,but he‘cheerfully announced that he was’con-‘fident the public will approve his cer old aystem buildingsconstructedtofit”the appropri-tions provided for them.in the eeture,and this will apply to buildingsreadyauthorizedbutnotyetreach-‘ed by the supervising architect,build-ings ee be constructed to fit theneedao}the particular locality.«Thepectation‘is that.in this Way cost-and elaborate stone structures willenotbeerectedinsmalltownswheretheyarenotneededandinmanyin-)ptanees never will be.It is oe out that the law doesotprohibitthe’step proposed bySecretary.McAdoo,but merely pro-.vides in every instance that “not toexceed”o specified amount shall bepie-a eevee =a designated -»Y applying the new systeny.fo ¢ystempumore—th500,000"has been saved SStwoyears,_ A QUICKLY CURED.“years ago I @ severe at.a which for vyer awritesW:*C.:Jones,Buford,N.D.“0,weak that I could not’standAdruggistrecommendedCham: fhe « during the|* the night of the 7th,were brought.tohishomeinConoverSundayeveningandinterredMondayatSt.John’schurch,near Conover.Cline-was 40yearsoldandissurvivedbyhiswifeandsixchildren,his parents and sev-eral brothers and sisters.He was‘|killed by the collapse of a three-storybuildinginCincinnati. Roosevelt Very Sore About Wil- son.,Leaving for California Sunday.night,Col.Roosevelt made clearthatheregardsthecountryinsuchaserioussituationthroughthemis-takes of President Wilson’s admin-istration that he will support anydecentRepublicanwhorunsagainsthim—by which is meant a Republi-can whose reactionary taint and ten-dency is not.of the ultimate or thepenultimatedegree,The colonel has not ‘gone back.totheRepublicanparty.He -resentsthatmisinterpretationofhisatti-tude,|He believes that -it--is -not-atimeformentoworryabout.politi-cal ties.At the same time he re-gards it as not impossible that theRepublicanpartymaymakethemis-take of putting up some man of.sopecs-pretaerat that,it wouldbeimpossiblefor;hi éRepublican.Sua ideas neButifthe the mistake who is millions who Roosevelt willtletoousttheondBuchanan, of putting up some mar voted for him _in-1942,gladly joisa in the vat.man he calls the sec- _enn memnneramtnateteee :TRAVELING MAN‘;“In the summer of 1.2888 ”vere attack of cholecs morby PERIENCE. had a very se- 1s.Two Whysi- Pp;that I »I gave the hotel '».biemepindtoldhimtobuyshacboitigctshamberlain’s €olic,Cholera and Dinrrhooa©substitute.1 took1¢directions andconddose.At &my order «anstoppingpojr rather eS man bat,ek,’”a y toe 3 the:severity of the. bow_of the Normandy,-se—the storywent,and 10 minutes later the crewof.the Normandy saw the Leo blownup.Twenty-five persons were on board Young men seeking to equip them- selves for practical life in Ayricul- ture and all its allied branches;‘in Civil,Electrical and Mechanical ‘En-|gineering;in Cheniistry.and Dyeing; you could © you or any other man ever did roll and putthefireto!Men,we tell you to wise up. P.A.is crimp cut and stays put—which means rolling P.A.is as easy as falling offalog.And it’s good to remember P.A:is putupinthetoppyredbagespeciallyforyou“rollers.”Sells for the price of a jitney ride,5c. Now,will the “pipers”kindly open both ears? Here’s tobacco that has made it possible forthreemento.smoke pipes where oneBookedbere .Any way you hook it up,Prince Albert is tobacco insurance!Yes,sir,it guaranteesyourfutureaswellasyourpresentsmok-ings!And just makes your tongue so jimmypipejoy’us that your -smoke appetite growswhoppingbig.You men who “dassn’t,”we say you go to P.A.,natural-like!Because there isn’t-a bite ina barrel of this national joy smoke.” Unlimber your old jim-my pipe!Dig it out of the dark corner,jam it brimful of P.A.~And make fire with a match!Me-o-my! You get acquainted with Pa¢nce Albert inthe foory ved bag,Sc;oF sity fen tin,10c,but yes gesteback-action-jo:a crystal~°mee_.pound.huinidor.And thensiyoatreset!You see,it has the sponge-moistener'top and keeps POA.at the highest top-notch point. of perfection.Prince Albert isalso sold in pound and halfhumidors. ° Thetidyredtin,10¢ }Aon —+ tee METAT ROOK UNG,~<deie— Have you stopped to¢hink you can get one of the best TIN ROOFS put on at less price than any other roofing on the market.Tin and Slate best roofing ever put on STATESVILLE TIN CO.,H.C.Mohler,Manager. ’PHONE 55.114 East Broad Street. Gorham’s Sterling and Plated War e! We have just opened up a big lot of Gor-ham goods in both Sterling and Plate.We have Knives,Forks and Spoons in sets and the Fancy Pieces from 85c.up.Nothingbetter.than Gorham’s goods can be bought.We will be glad to show you. R.H.RICKERT &SON. in Textile Industfy,and in Agricul- tural Teaching will find This excellent|_provision for their chosen careers at;‘the State’s Industrial College,College fits men for life.Faculty for the.coming year of 65 men;767 students;25 buildings.-Admirably equipped laboratories in each depart:-ment.County examinations at eachcountyseatonJuly8th. For catalogue,write ;E.B,OWEN,Registrar,West Raleigh,N.C... .eRRUBBER TIRE! Season is here.We use best rub- ber made=Firestone and Kelly— and will save you money.Tiressethotorcold.Quick service.Yours tv serve,TROUTMAN &SUTHER. the Kussian.‘of whom 11 were drowned,including three stebward-esses.Those ¢aved included...threeAmericans,one of whom was WalterErneryfrom(North Carolina,and: these Americans,it is asserted,con- firm the story told, The Leo was bound from.Philadel- phia for Manchester with a general cargo.The Normandy’s captain toldthesurvivorshewouldhavelikedto have signalled their danger ta-them,but that he dared not to do iso be-cause his ‘uninsured ‘ship would thenhavebeen:sunk.: Will ‘Try toGet Dyes Through Switzerland. Negotiations hawe ‘been begun|#: through.the trade advisors in the State Department ‘at Washington and the bureau of foreign and domestic commerce,for co-operation betweendyemanufacturersoftheUnited States and Switzerland to meet se- riov.s scarcity.of dyestuffs resultingfromtheeuttingoffofGermancoal-tar dyes...NV Neg-American’‘fnanufacturers Yseck We have the.very best Parchment Butter Paper, ,and can print your name to and brarid on same.Let tis’ &‘atilize the d é andiRepublicansdofotmake!Swiss dye works pending a slap in the face ‘at the for \h ®lis by.the bureau of foreign and|mestic have your order for any quantity you want.See us.°Prices reasonable.“Brady Printing Co. the development .of the industry.intheUnitedStates.The Swiss plants ave received from Germany sup- plies of go +galled “intermediate”:coal-tar..products,to be converted)into the finished dyes.Germany now GOOD TIME! Theclocks in the home must be right or the housekeeper can’t be ex- pected to plan ‘and have meals on time.Then there is no economy in wearing out your pocket with a watch that you can’t depend on.O, what you want to do is to get bad watch or cluck repaired by BO HENRY while he is devoting his entire time to repairing watches and_ clocks and fitting spectacles and eye-glasses. R.F.HENRY,-Jeweler. Use Vudor Shades to Make Sleeping |_Porches---’Phone For Prices.| Vudor Shades and Ham-| amocks.We make you any size awning.Window ‘Shades _all ~sizes.Our White Mountain Refriger- all stone lined.|with the chill in PORCHESPN) ators aré|The chest threatens to cut off this supply.onthe‘vround that the finished prod-ucts are being exported by Switzer-land to France and England.stThenewAmericandyestuffindus-try,fostered by.the Department ofCommercesince.the beginning.oftheEuropeanwar,is now in a posi+tion.to furnish substantial quanti>ties of “intermediates”and the plan_to have this product’shipped toSwitzerlandforthe-finishing process,A.statement of the situation issued do- 8 every advantage. housewill help some.’renBrick, asserts —that effectsPrpicighsaid ae Nr Build a Brick House/orBrick-Veneeryouroldhouse.Warmer in winter,cooler in summer,?kiminates Teaconea under-pinning ‘under frame DrainTile it. Every ShadeEquippedwh:Vodr Saety WidDevic _Also Iceland Refrigerators,zinc lined—the only ice 1 box that will save ice.Ice Cream Freezers.One, two,three and four burner Oil Cook Stoves—the stove }that will bake. 5 Bi Vk Re re Pons,eT mae "*eer _oa reer :aSEVEREPUNSHMENT(EB-LANDMARK|svxns—onpem Us;no.nec pememrerereer preAsmshunted1aeeraoecroreetereterNommenncegretee)and Gay Kann 0 vresville,|i ‘s Bh try Vy aoe ye Marae renee era FRIDAY,.=.+July 16,1915.‘Marriage Wednesday,After-|Messrs.Robt.Ridenhour of Concord,eee i S ne dati ia ee,Seems :noon——Reception in Honor of Wm.Johnson of Mooresville,John 1,000 yas.>in.Bleach 36 inch Sea ea ED r no ae pe.ee LOCAL RAILROAD 6CHEDULE.Bridal P Other Social Martin»Barringer,Irvin Tomlin,Domestic 7 1-2c.oy mesti ;at OfMrs.Chappell,Of Five Years”\Arrtval and Departure of Trains of States et a i.i |eee ‘Nicholson,Jack Dome Ba OP stl Ae j ‘ah sy :ville,US.Bela iaink Deaton and Milton Cunnfig-We ee ‘a RO f ‘x {‘cae Standing ee ly «cas Miss Etta Adell Ayers and Mr.ham of Statesville.Misses Rebecea a »RelievedbyCardui.Trala Nov 1 ere =it rari Erbie Greer of:High Point were mar-/ind Hassie Miller aid their guests,: 4 cocecviensas Train No,r)westbound,due 3:25 p.m.|tied Wednesday afternoon at),2.30 Misses Hazel’Swanson and Ethel + en ae Foner mgtie nd.od ae.»me o'clock at he Demne 8 4bride’pe es Oes of Gadsden,Ala.,Mary Phil-om "Mt.Airy,N.C.—Sarah Train No.22,.rents,Mr.and’Mrs,John W.Ayers,lips of.Louisville,Ga.and Edna a Hl of this eee oe rr ho Train Na i ne me Pr x ~on Center street.The ceremonywas Miliken of Greensboro,will join the!|],’:,id /Rye years with womanly trou also|Trin No.16,ser Saeed,Soe,RSV ive m.|performed by.the ag ot onal party today.Mrs.R.°L/Poston*and /gm Me he \ ado stomach troubles,d ;Rev.J.F..Kirk’of road’/Street Mr.FP.J;Axley ‘are chaperones for /°’‘ei FL :paintp ent Sharlotte,Methodist church,ity the presence of the party.‘f i Another lot of Ladies’White Waists,Noile andwasmorethananyonécouldtell, I tried ‘most every kind of medicine,but none did me any good, i read one day about Cardui,the wo-man’s tonic,and |decided to try it.Ihadnottakenbutaboutsixbottiesuntitfi‘ne ane ce,It did me-more gion.the Fee ceremony ay pee NEWs “OR TAYLORSVILLE 1 AN 0 a e other medicines ‘.i Vollowin the ceremon Yr.anc ‘<;hi . fica,put together.i oeRar Generate.Mrs.Gres left on the 8.25 train for |sa cits a a :Special :98e.,$1.25 and $1.98 y friends began.asking me why J ::ee “it et ’|Asheville,and other points in the Socia vents an ersonal|@,;.:A moked so well,and |told ‘them about eaten tale ie,AMES eee eee |monntains,where they will spend Mention.°Keep Kool]Mater ial dui,Several are now taking it.”” 'Do you,lady reader,suffer from 1oftheailmentsdueto.womanly frouble,such as headache,backache,‘sideachesleeplessness,and that everlastingly tirfeeling? If so,let us urgetrial.Wi ro century. Begin faking Cardui to-day.Yaudruggists. aiicite to:Chattanooga MedicinevisoryDept..‘Tenn.,cial |frarractlonronjourcarea64pacebok,Heme| ‘won't regret it.All Go.,for |MELROSE FLOUR. *PHONE 241, Nice Fresh Meats. M.P.Alexander&Bro. plate.”Allison’s,B line.I may have yournonea10.By State. _—A FULL‘LINE-OF— you to give Cardui aVefeelconfidentitwillhelpyou,as it has 4 million other women inpasthalt mart |Campbell,and a sister who died eight —----~ily roses and potted plants. Engraved Cards! Train No,16 ar,9.60,leaves 10.86 aTrainNos24‘er.9.20,leaves,9.20°p,MWayloreville.Train No,(28 ar.10:00,leaves 10:40 aTrainNo.16 ar.6:20,leaves 6:45 p.*Nos,23 and 24are notoperatedon Sanda Death of Miss Campbell—Home ee 5B < Campbell,aged.91 years.Funeral and ‘interment.on the 13th at New Hope‘Baptist church,of which deceased had long been a faithful ,and consistent member.Surviving are two sisters, Miss Mary E.Campbell at the oldhome,and Mrs.Esther H.Horn of Mocksville,and one brother,T.B, Campbell of County Line,and many nephews and nieces and great-great nephews and nieces. The deceased,her sister,Mary years ago,owned and lived on a part of the lands bought by their grand- :|father,Enas Campbell,in 1780 and 1784,and owned subsequently by their|father.Thomas Campbell,who reared \11 children,the three sisters among N.J.GAITHER.SN Embroidery Club at Harmony. |Correspondence of The Landmark. The regular meeting—of the Har- mony”Embroidery .club was _held 'with Miss Lois Tharpe at her attrac- itive new home in west Harmony on [Wednesday afternoon.The house iwas_artistically decorated with love-The club ‘indulged in fancy work and pleasant ‘conversation until the hostess,assist- |his death, |ncss meeting was then held,in which twas much lively diseussion.: |The next meeting will be held withitheMissesPowell.at their home in|Harmony,where the ‘elub will en-ltertain a numberof outside”friends,ton next.Wednesday evening.© {Fatal Accident at”Asheville. iste McCain,employed.,as a witehman -bysthe,Southern railway in Acheville;had:both legs severed from| 4jhis body as a result of being run over| iby a switch engine at the Southern ;\freight yards jn Asheville early Tues-, dav morning,says “the Citizen.|in which ALBERT. a house full of guésts.The bridal|pair stood in front of ~a:beautiful, green and whitealtar;arrangec ina} ;téorner of the parlor;while they took the vows which united.their desti- the'r honeymoon. The Ayers home was attrastively decorated,and ‘the marriage Was a very pretty one.The parlor was in green and white,the room to the rear of the parlor wag in pink and.white and the gift.room,where the hand- some wedding gifts were displayed,’ was in pink and green.©The \.mar- riage altar was artistically arranged. having an arch from which a wed- ding bell was suspended.“Mrs.Eu- gene Davis presided at the piano, which was-in-a-corner of the parlor To the strains of the wedding march played by Mrs.’Davis,the bridal par- ty entered from two doors,the bride’s maids coming from.the hall and the groom’s men from the room’rear of the parlor.The bride’s maids were John H.Burgess of High Point,The dame of honor,Mrs.-E.A.Welborne, sister of the bride,preceded.the bride and groom,who entered the ‘oom together.'The bride was’very attractive in a handsome blue,coat suit with corresponding.accessorics. She carried a shower of ‘sweet peas. Thedameof_honor ‘wore pinkcrepe de chine and carried Killarney roses.| Miss Greer was gownedin .pink taf-| feta and Miss Foust ‘wore green taf- feta,and each carried a basket of sweet.peas. Out-of-town people here for the; marriage were Mr.and Mrs.-M.A. Stewart of Charlotte,Mr.Geo.M.! McCarn of Lexington:Messrs.C,N. Greer,Kent Greer,Wilty.Hedrick, Jo;Stravhorn,Robt.McCarn.Walter. S.Roval and W.J.McAnnally snd! Mrs.W)F)Taylor,‘all of High Point.| ‘te and Mrs!A)Be Weithirné/enter-| ‘tdined Tuesday evening’at their home arogie en Tradd street comvlimentary to Miss Ayers and Mr.Greer and their wedding party.Receiving with the host “and,hostess were the ened,pF8K.honor and Mr.and Mrs.Jame Messrs..Walter...Culbreth,LonnieMilts;~€artton”“Andrews (and.EartAxleyare’at All Healing Springs at- tending the house party headed byMr.and Mrs.Wi A.Bristol. Correspondence of ‘The Landmark, Taylorsville,July 15:—Mrs.M.L.Gwaltney and Miss Sue Hedrick de-lightfully entertained a number of theyoungpeopleatalawnparty’at the home of Mrs.Gwaltney Tuesday eve- ning,complimentary to the Misses Miller of Mocksville,who are-guests of their cousin,Mrs.H,T.Kelly.Thelawnwas.lighted by Japanese.lan-terns and progressive hearts-dice was payed at eight tables.Mr.Clyde Campbell and Miss Mabel Cooper won the prizes.Some amusing stunts byseveraloftheyoungmenaddedmer- riment to the evening.Delicious icecreamandcakewereserved,\Miss Grace Feimster,who hasbeenthepopularsalesladyattheBee Miss Edmonia Butler,of Charlotte,who was the guest of Misses Mar- gvuerité Burke and Pink Houston at the home of Mrs.R.B.Burke,has re-turned home.Miss.Sard Burke,whowasamilliner.with Mrs.Mary Sims. Statesville,this season.has -returned to her home here..She expects to leave Saturday for Grover,5.€.,-to visit her cousin,Mrs.Wjarren Presson. Mr,Simeon.Matheson of Gaston, Oregon,is visiting at the home of his brother and_brother-in-law,“Messrs. ied by her mother,Mrs.Elias Tharpe,:.4 yh.Ae M.-Mathesciuaed >:P.-Babington.+7 ssa aaa lserved to.the guests most delicious ane bie le the younge ee Messrs.Chas.Robinett,M. R._In-SE E 0080 ’hares oki ts guests were usher rronme is a soh Gf Br,Ts es th :Mathassa baa go a ets f r ?:#tter s the guests were Usher |uj Point.The ill -make their,“200°:;fats 1H :Don T leave home led inte the parlor,where several_pi-High Os Doink.wdoen Mr.Pmt trip to Blowing Rock,Linville City|§., without a supply.jano selections were rendered by Miss|;.-in business.Their friends wich xand—other—points—inthe—mountains.|#> Something new in this ‘Ruth Gaither.An important busi-them inuich happiness.Mrs.C.P.McNeely of Mooresville isaguestforafewdaysatthehomeofherbrother,Dr.Asa Thurston, MISS GILLESPIE’S DEATH.| Sad Death of .a Young Girl in Wyoming—Related.to Many/#'iiteeeIredell‘People:The Landmark-a:week ago publish-|3edabriefnoticeofthedeathofMiss}#19-year-old|§Gillespie,¥thedaughterofMrs.Maggie White Gil- lespie,which occurred notice of this young girl’s death,from if she had told.she was sick and gone “Orgafidies,the dollar kind.Our price while they,Male 2 /last 48c.ApWhite Skirts For Summer Frocks,Awning Stripe Voile 15c,Awning Stripe Lawn 15c.Printed Mull 8 1-2e.| Silk Hose A good line to select from.All good shades,25,35, »A8 and 98e. Ready to Wear Dresses,all reduced,now is your opportunity tomakeasaving.y oes All Spring Coat Suits at Half Price. |them,who never lived away from/yijcceg Lida Greer and?Viola.Foust Hive’for several years,has resigned ‘ ‘their birthplace.On this farm also|je Wieh Point.he groom’s men '¢r position there and is taking a li Ww a their father Thos.Campbell was bornaf Hah Bont ane oe Fecese ail vacation._After September.first she Mus n Under ear ae and reared and lived from his birth to will.be with Carson.Bros, At Prices that will Please. Come and see us.Your dollar counts moreanywhertelse.< The Store That Sells For Less.| :‘PHONE 212., here than . at Laramie,|$ Wyo.,Sunday morning,July 4th.The]{Garantie Republican had an extended}§ 1“The Markof Quality.) Tbe Texas Company,St.Louis,Mow.:.ial GENTLEMEN:'J,like’the public in general,am:not much).3:; ‘inclined té'tell’a manufacturer what I think,of his Ee aE‘unless it is'something disagreable,but,Lhadirecently suehe °\* a marked experieice,with your TEXACO!Gasoline:that:Pi! "can’t restrain myself,from acquainting you with:whatit ae+)!os complished.}eet ath.Dae “You doubtléss know I own :the motor:speed:boat ‘'Go- Cart,’a_craft of some sight local:fame.In last season's.2°" regatta it appeareu I had little chance to attainmylaure)s as |” I was pitted against:much more powerful ‘and_costly . Following the accident,iVharpe.F the hall the cuésts :1 }i Tn Mason Jars,‘both limbs were severed at the knes,|wars shown to.the‘tuanett room.w Here which the following.extracts are tak-Fortunatelyafriend induced me touse your,TEXACO f sagen +-—~Jar-Caps,;McCain,.although suffering _intense),delicious ;bevergre,.was served bY!”Gone of the saddest and mosth 4 oline and do you know that during the entire.»WICK,Be betsy]Cc DEL Pping temverpyly saved ‘his lif@ by |Miss Frances Présly.and ‘from there jy wating denihe that’ha:Pee eet by the way,was undsuaily severe,I was the.only.cuntestant .....B ye!LO}si having the ‘fdrtitudéand-presence of |;ant 1.where|preaking ‘deaths that “has:beer’noted |#'ito hi noicarburetor trouble,in,tac ine,:a©|hey went to the dining room,whe ‘:‘o have noicd e,in >ming,was,|ONLY,wy me vdelly,Glasses,<~---v yoo (gained to tie tightly around both limbs|ice ‘cream.cake and mints were serv-|Ue QReane Snerun aes oe #boat that completed all the laps without a break-downand.it yn 3 'Preserving Powders,..}\twe handkerchiefs.At the time?the ‘ed hy little Misses Violet Fry.Gladys ss Maggie Gillespie,which_oc-|is thig remarkable result that compels ine to.speak sohighly...)# .*Flaeeident oecurred there Was no |One Welborne’‘atid Elizdbeth Allen.)A curred at 4:30 Sunday ‘morning,at!of TEXAGO Gasoli Yo trul ae Fly Pa r,Inear Who ‘saw it,it 8 Sdid.Later he!feature of the evening wan the eut-the Grand Avenue’“hospital.Four Your aso ine,“CHARLES GODLOVE,many Insect’Powders.iwas discovered by 'féllow.employes ting of.the wedding cake.Mr.Greer,weeks ago that day a horse fell with :ae ‘ANKLES ee a 'land removed to the hospital,where hejihe groom-elect,received the ring.her and injured her,which,with other |i 'A .:7 — Manyotherseasonable _|died.Me.Tharpe the dime,Mrs,‘Thatye|oem@Plications that arose later,caused Texaco Motor Oil and Ga ine Spx |the thimble and Mrs.Annie Bailey er math or one week after she |oi ACV EEREVe |THERE IS REAL SATISF SCHON th button.Beautifal summer flow-pag nytt me conbinned 7 rigs nase j :elt ee |JN EVERY PUFF OF PRINC |rere Need by Mrs.Welborne infoack every day,and it is he ieved that |¥:a BEG z g \Gesorntiig Her home for the recep:The next time you need oil and gas,get 'TEXACO,#x 8. Eagle &Milholland. Mild and gentle, Is Your Liver Lazy? Use the Great Southern Remedy, No griping.No nausea. Cleans the systemand — r~makes a healty liver, SOLD BY ALL DRUGDEALERS-=-25c. =ibert tobaced in a pipe or rolled into : Every time you smoké Prince Al! a cigarette you will like it better.You will like its flavor,and you will}Hike its wholesome aroma;you will) particularly like it because it will not ibite your tongue or parch your throat.|”Prince Albert is the kind of a{smoke men have sought for years. |The patented process by which this | |Don’t lose any time getting Prince |Albert,for it will give you more to- ibacco satisfaction than you have everbeforehacad..You cansmoke it —att lday and your tongue will not be sore. 1 The whole thing is to know for yourself just how good Prince.Al- bert really is.*Sooner you buy a tin ifor 10 cents,the sooner you will un-iderstand that “Prince Albert will‘make your pipe and Cigarette smok- ling.more enjoyable than any other AND DYEING =jtobacco you can buy. FOR FINE CLEANING ¢ |To smoke all you want all day;to}get real tobacco satisfaction without a sore tongue is just what you needintobaceo.,Prince Albert will prove jearried out in the refreshments.The (hostessonWalnutstreet,where Te- decorating her home for the recep- tion.The dining toom was in pink and white,the color scheme being dining.table center piece was pink roses and sweet peas,The parlor was in pink and white,*nasturtiumsandfernswereusedin.the punch room and ‘green was the prevailingcolorinthehall.oh Frank Summers of Jacksonville,Ila. After seeing the “movies”the young veople returned to the home of the *Abeenavoided. 23d,she dronped off tofromthenuntilherdeath her mind was.never perfectly clear.‘On the 29th she had a critical sinking spellandfromthattimeonghehasnever uttered a word <inripatbitly she wasinadeepsleep.Death came to her day morning,when she departed at the break of day.she was-as pure and innocent:as°a babe.“Miss Gillespie was born on the 2d iV ibrand is made has revolutionized|Miss Dorothy Gill gave'a motion :-‘Ly Burduco Liver Powder ipipe and cigarette tobacco.No other picture Genter cast?Toesday ova very.quietly and,without Hees ital SS,,pee ‘tobaceo ever was,or can be,like,jing.complimentary to Misses Rebec-Ane Was 0 2 PAULI yy oh yaw >WC TAOS ieee iPrince Albert.ih:caeide,Katharine Summers ang|@ardcters,that ever.lived).and “Sun-"ARE YOU IN TERESTE 2”er to bed,her fatal illness might have!# *On June 21st}¥ she began to’grow unconscious at|¥times.Early Wednesday morning,the|#sleep,and|% Watch it carefully—make your.own comparisons,: That is the thing which brings our‘steady growth—§ COMPARISON—we thrive on it.ei a Te Statesville Oil Company, (Wholesale Distributors.) Slate Roofing?Tin Roofing?Galvanized Shingle Roofing?Roof Painted? freshments were served. Miss Willie’Nicholson.entertained’Wednesday afternoon in honor of hereuest.Miss Rosa Ratchford of SouthCarolina.Hearts was played at sev-eral ‘tables.but.no score prize wasawarded.“Miss Ratchford was vivena_box of correspondence cards as suest of honor.Two courses of re- freshments were served.‘A delightful:party was given by Mesdames Fred.Slane and |.EF. Tharpe Wednesday morning,at the of March,1899,on.the Gillespie ranch,near Lookout,Wyo.She spent her life at the Gillespie ranch,at Tone Lake,where she was born,and perhaps her greatest pleasure was riding her little gray horse,‘‘Bullet.” with horses in the Gillespie family that she had worried,thinking she might have to give up horseback rid- ing,and this is.why,it is believed.she never mentioned feeling badly from her fall until ten days later,when her sister,Mrs.Eades,brought her to ::EDThere.has.been:..so..‘many.accidents|==:7 I lee Box_or Refr nee etelo *™Tin or Sheet Metal Work of any Kind?LET US KNOW.IREDELL.TIN WORKS. Bell ’Phone 98.Independent ’Phone 197," i * ec ee Ws py eeCommercialNationalBank true to every statement made about)home of Mrs.Slane on Front street,OF STATESVILLE,N.C.2 Og Laramie and placed—her—under-ther—’PHONE 147—it.“In 5-cent bags and 10 cent tins atj}in honor of Miss Thelma Winneskie stores.that sell tobaccos.lof’Héch Point-and Miss Virginia Ree- -_itor of Richmond.The guests nar- Sloan Pressing Club. |ticinated in a game of rook and Miss NOTICE! |bes:coal and ‘wood,etc. Residence ’PlL.cne 1310. HOLLAND BROS.have changed |their ‘phone number from 177 to 7.Call No.7 for draying,all grades ‘Mabel Guy won the high score prize.DIFFERENT FROM THE REST. | Shingles For Sale! ~\2 Shingles atCarloadofgood NS per thousand at my«shop. Cc.H.TURNER,Near the Depot.Iredell Phone No.74,Bell No.7. "gold exttusively by-—— DR.C.L.CRUSE.“Veterinarian.© Office 72a Polk Gray Drug Co, Office PineResidence ~ay a 1 8 my"Phone -108-Green, M"ler-McLain Supply €o, Coite-L.Sherrill,M.Hears atAt|"8.Goo,M.Foara’s residence. 7 in,few of her friends:at..a |theater party Tuesday evening. Ae Stor+[}spend most’of tinne Mortison,Ruth Gill, Lawehtin and”Bertha Cooper Following the game ice tea and sand- wiches were served.Miss Christine Henkel :entertained picture Theguestsgathered.at the ‘home of thehostessoneast.Broad stréct and went.to the picture show in a body. After the reels had told their story the party returned to the home ofthehostessandenjoyed—refresh- ments.:_Mrs.T.Foy.White entertained a number of young people at a dance Tyesday night at her home on Da-vie avenue.The event was in honor of Misses Marie Steele and LouiseFlowersofRockHill,S.C..who are the guests of Mrs.Jas.Mac.Con- nelly,i Quite a party of young people Icft yesterday bv daitorieulté,motor truck and ‘train for All Healing Springs to attend the “As You Please Club” house party.“The party.took a com- ec outfit.and_.expect._to qd the time in the open. Tneludedin the party are Misses Cor- MarthaAxley,i oO nhingham,Lois Beatrice|m care of Dr.McCollim.She complain- ed of a severe headache a week after she was hurt.Her sisters,with, whom she was visiting,thought herheadachewascausedfromhereyes. Her glasses were broken when she fell and she had very weak eyes. “Last year she entered High Schoolinthiscitybutowingto»her weak eyes she was forced to leave school,but continued her music.,She was avery—capable.musician and_her ambi- tion was to he a music teacher.“The famity left to mourn her death are her mother,Mrs.Maggie Gillespie,her brothers,Jo,Gillespie of Wilmington,California;A.S,andSamuelGillespieofLookout;sisters,Mrs.E..L.McNurlen of Morgan, Mrs.E.A,»Eades of Rock River,andMissMahelGillespieofLookout.AllwerewithherwhentheendcameexeptherbrotherJo.,who is in Cali- ornia,“The funeral was held from.the Presbyterian church,with services byRev.C.A.Wright,the pastor of theMethodistcliurch.A iatge number offriends‘attending the,obsequies.”.eieateriteaiiennaainasicaiaiie BENEFITED “BY ~ae ¥BERLATN'S LINT4 atesville,Misses Jennie HolmesGeeaeos INT.“Last winter Lauded Chamberlain's Ltni-|t for ~rhelitwatic .pnins,stiffness and,sesh of The Hnces,ond can ecouseien-|tionsly any tha never used anything that)did me:so mul a."-Fidward Crafty Etba,|WN.Y.>Obt everywhere.ie Captal Stock Paid in -$100,000.00 ae Surplus and Profits 31 500.00 whet? Members of Federal ReserveSystem. Your Banking business:solicited andeveryaccommodationextendedto/de- positors consistent with prudent bank-. ing methods..Pi Four per cent.paid on time and Savings Deposits.remaining on deposit.three f months or longer.;ieOFFICERS:;. Wy Dh TURNi.MORRISON,=-Vice|D.M.AUSLEY,-.- ~Cashier,G.8,HUGHEY,-Assistant Cashier, ‘s NEWS ITEMS OF INTEREST. 'r ‘s +...wy 5 ndHappeningsHereandTherein the Country.A A Chinese steamship line.to /op- evate from southern China,ae to (Sie |SENATOR SMITH'S VIEW. The following statement”with.ref+ ceo:erence to the German note,from DAY’AND_FRIDAY,'Senator Hoke Smith of Georgia,ap-|, )WEST BROAD:.peals to The Landmark: The German note should not:be considered disappointing..It opens the way for safe trayel to American ='citizens even if it continues inter- ‘ree-with some”Of “their legal SSeT Onseee Te i ile our governmen TO MR,McADOO.~Pern ane right te Germany etary ‘McAdoo deserves the United,States is about,to tablished to compete with Japanese Vines which dominate the trans-Pa~ cific trade.i ee yAugustus Kuhs,a member ofthe St.Louis school board,became inter- ested in the sale of land/for a school building,As a result -he was onsted ‘from the school board and made to ‘ |20Si 6,4 -A Real Hot Weather Necessity.” No hot Kitchen Simply Put.Methetochangetheruleastostopping thanks of the country for his pur-and searching vessels,patriotic citi- pose to cut out waste in public build- ings.For years Congress has wasted lions annually by authorizing the erection of public buildings where they.are not needed,and more ex- ‘pensive buildings than ‘necessary..In pases too numerous to mention $50,- €00 to:$100,000 has been spent for buildings where,if a building was to ‘be erected at fll}one-fourth,one- third,or one-half the amount,would zens will avoid routes which might bring international complications.NothoughtfulpersonshouldexpectGer; many to abandon submarine attacks on British commerce while.Great ‘Britain continues to violate Germanrightsofecommercewith|neutrals. The conduct of Germany and Great er, jcorrespondence with England in 1811.The course.being pursued France refund $11,500 he was alleged to have made in.the deal.; The British steamer Howth Head, bound from New Orleans te,Dublin and Belfast,arrived at Norfolk Wed- nesday,all unconscious of the alarni:as a result of the New Orleans story’that bombs had been vlaced aboard! if you Use an —‘Tdeal” Fireless Your Food in -and Leave Britain should be considered togeth-|Similar questions were so treat-led by our government:in diplomatic by|further known searched and no bombs found,. A dispatch from Jtmea and)iveather is unusually warm.inAlaska ||.90 to 100 degrees—and when it is that the the ship to destroy it.The vessel way! says the, sun now Cookstove. { it Alone, i ;itain i injurious |shine ns he 24 hoursin’ildi ,h |Great.Britain is far more injurious!shines for 20 gut of t 5it pave a Ap:&PUTAS ree et to citizens of the United States than!that country,it may be assumed that:-and fine enough to take care 0 s “ithe ‘course’proposed by Germany.|Alaska is a warm country rather tha government's business «for all time;|Germany would limit the:character|the frozen country it is reputed to be.* All Sizes Carried in Stock, ‘and’in cities where the’expenditures| ranges from’$250,000 on up,the same} ‘ratio of reduction would apply. “Everybody is familiar with the | method.Each Conyressman wants | to get something for his district.The!{people have been educated to believe | |Britain illegally seizes vessels | of vessel’on which Americans safely travel in a’war zone. con- taining cargoes ‘owned by our.citi-!of killing three white men near Coeh-|zens,and cuts off their with half of Europe. Each proceeds in violation of es- tablished rules of international law. The illegal conduct of Germany can commerce can|\A ‘posse of citizens and county of- Great fi¢ers shot and killed Peter Jackson,:ia negro farm hand,who was aceused jran,Ga.The negro had barricadedjhimselfinhishomeanddefiedthe ;posse,who,according to reports ‘re- leeived here,blew up the house with dynamite. The “IDEAL”will Steam,Stew,Bake and Boil,better than anymethodofcookingbecausethereisnoevaporation,and it retainsthewholeflavor,and saves 80 per ‘cent.of the fuel bill.The“IDEAL”is a Food Saver,4s well as a Labor Savor.Let us dem-onstrate its merits to you at our store,any time.We are always’glad to’show you an “‘Ideal.” that a Congressman is-worth nothing |be avoided by the individual:citizen.| unless he can get appropriation to|The individual ‘cannot protect him-|ore expected to go on strike ester. build postoffices,dredge the creeks,|cel!from {pe Hemel capaci Siren day,thea cortailing the coal yb, or for some similar purpose in his |e rendered pie Ge country by |{or English naval yomnela:18 Preven district.Naturally the Congressman|forcing Great Britain to cease ille-the strike the.British goer oe wants to please his folks and about|gally interfering with our commerce he cach etaine eeery:ere all of.them being affected the same|than by securing unrestricted boat)oy tho miners subject.to.severe fines if they strike. The coal miners in South Wales Crawford-Bunch Furniture Company *-THE STORE THAT ALWAYS WELCOMES YOU. .,selection for travelers.way,they.unite and divide the spoils,| the public building method being a favorite one.Towns that haven’t got a building costing over $15,000 —to $20,000 will demand that the govern- ment spend $50,000 to $100,000 for a' ~building in which to do business ag- gregating a few thousand—and for} the reasonsstated they get the mon-} ey.np a :| -Mr.MeAdoo-deserves-credit:for his: ‘attempt to stop this waste.The fear| is that.he will not succeed,for the. practice of buying public favor with! government money has a strong hold | on Congress.But the honest public} “sentiment of the country should make?_itself heard in behalf of Mr.McAdoo.||}' } lotte papers correctly~there*is “sphymenthagisacsa Clee sc SOMOnt aR ABO.ce Wagicl Sii,adh ‘¥SM Sa etTERRESLOWABthewas:ill-and-the latest -infor-t-thé location of a school house. wi building shall school.purposes orsis ‘fitten”toed.A building that has’been used to school is condemned by some—wi j Prefer ther building =asfiollyunfit,is es maintainthat‘the bu isall xight.They're alike—the people are—in_rural! strict”or city mart;and a row in Charlotte is the same‘dsya)school row in Gum-Swamp:dis- ‘triet,except that it makes 4 bigger noise in Charlotte,where there are more folks and the newspapers to give publicity to’the talk..The mags meeting and resolution stage has been reached in Charlotte and if it isn’t.too late The Landmark would _tender the good offices.of Statesville to-arbitrate differences in the hope -4preventing:hostilities. or|}be -used for;j{be} LOELLTETTTI t Gol.Roosevelt thinks Mr.Wilson is "a Ysecond Buchanan”;that the admin- ibtration’s attitude on foreign mat- ters is “inconceivable”—to Roosevelt —-and that the President has nate sO many mistakes that the preservation of"the country.demands his defeat next year.Quite natural.The colonel _tilide Mr.Taft,President and yet the work of -his-own_hands-was-so_unsatis- lit is the purpose of Secretary Dan-|about 56 miles and between land technical experts to If the future is jwill not be difficult to adju isitania catastrophe,“ provided —for,itsttheLu=|‘Phe “Georgia railroad commission-|hag authorized the issuance of $3,500,-1000 bends by the Southern.railway ~Building Materials! |The selectionof Thomas A.Edison,company for the purpose of.double the great inventor,as the head of the!tracking its line between Splartan-Kegs ‘|burg and Central,S.C.,and New Hol-civilian advisory board of -the navyy'tand and Cornelia,Ga.The distance }C.WATKINS,Statesville,\V.C.,North Center Street, Next,Planters’Warehouse. meets with general approbation;and;between Spartanburg and Central is Sonate =aeNew idla -to--have<other<noted inventors|Holland and Cornelia,about 21 miles. assist in|Secretary Daniels has aecepted thebsoi«resignations —of——Naval--Constructors: working out naval problems.The wijjjam B.Ferguson and John E,Ot- practical experience of .these ex-.terson,both of whom.are-said-te-havet perts should be,and doubtless will)been offered positions with private bo,of great advantage to the navy |Shipbuilding companies at salaries far d ::_.7exceeding their pay as navy officers,and the action of Secretary Daniels ||opal experts decided that the Presi- Statesville. demands it. Birth Announcements,Acknowledgements,Birthday Cards. -Fhere is not any doubt about our having the newest and most elaborate line of these ever brought toRenremberthatyoucanalways:buy an_artistic !memory-eard from-us that-is appropriate,whatever ceeasion Statesville Printin ZCo. is of far-reaching importance.—ident*could use his discretion —in_ac-| :icepting or rejecting resignations..and For.months the bright editorial|Secretary Daniels decided to let those paragraphs of Editor Jo.King have!two go.-Ferguson is from North Car-}- been absent from”the DurhamHer-|oHina.eer eamemeenecnneneecaret UGRaET atl ~htthiseotime-swemwistert”*our »‘Sie ‘jthanks and appreciation to our friends whomationabouthisconditionisthat).kindly helped during the sickness of,our it is unchanged.He is suffering little boy and for the floral offerings which aa: fgete es nah ©lwere sentyafter -his ths,‘£,from a complication of ‘diseases,it}MR.ANT MRS.0,E,STAFFORD A is said,the principal trouble;being ‘ rheumatisni..This.issad¢news and a-{FOR SALE.—Two fresh Milch Cows “an AMILY The Landm rk h PeS;,in common}some nice.Pigs."Phone 347 «with thrgnxef the State press,| F iJuly16,(2936..°-:veiwriteJ.ARBY,Stfitesville Ras.|«ge Pics |y 1 Tanai bgaarc..atdi King’s “Health “wlil_soon.-“ be restored.£OUSTATENEWS ue.:|LOST TOLEN.—_Bicych ;. Mrs.J.W.Maynard,44 years old,oe :-ae the wife ofa ‘section master,was.fa-! tally injured by a train:at-Merry Oaks,Chatham county.She died while being «taken to a hospital at Sanford.f Trouble at the Henderson -county convict camp Sunday morning result-ed in the fatal shooting‘of Lon Bryan;|,. a negro.convict,and Worley Hoover,|a guard,was committed to jail pend- —1915 Declamation Medal...Ownercanget,ity hy ppayingjfor rthis ad.<THEnk.eb 3 +Aenith cases of 1 Ay satan set remonmiee ore mer mY July AGp—Ate fy ICE BOXES.—Lot on hand to.closé ont.at |)wholesale price or ,less.OVERCASHBROS.July 16—2tw. FOUND.—A_Pig,Owner may have samebycallingatW.A.EVANS’Store,de- scribing and paying for ad.July :16“1ta Don't Forget The Big Towel Sale now onMILLS&POSTON'’S Store. WAITRESSES,-—Girls~wanted table ate HOTEL TREDELL. to wait.on Apply *to y Voiles,Organdie “WE HAVE SECUREDA BEAUTIFUL*LINE OF THE “ 89 to 40 inches widd,They are on sale-“at 10¢.,Azad /15¢.and20c,per yard.These are special prices.nity of buying a stylish dress cheap. 7 a s and Lace’Aoths. WANTED” -d'Dress Materials”Stripeacesse Don’t miss the opportu- Yours truly, MILLS &POSTON. ing an investigation, Bert and Bruce Hess,.Salisburyyouthsaged19and20,who accom- panied a shipload of horses to Eng- land and who jeined the army whileinthatcountry,have written home| that their company has orders to go! to the front next month.The pa-!rents.of the boys are trying to get them released.: D.Kiser,a young farmer of For- syth county,went into a tailor shopinWinstonwherethefiremenwere firhtine a fire.The floor was coy. MRS.JNO.H.GRAY. FOR RENT—Seven-room house street.W.A.ELIASON. July 16. WANTED—To exchange farm for autor“Apply to F.,care the Landmark.on Sharpe dtly 13—-2t.tJuly9. FOR (BALE Large quantity four-foot "pinevyiliveratrailroadstation=a!C.WATKINS for \icott's.It.L.MORRISON,Loray,el..:pT duly 138—-4t*‘Everything to Build With.”ee epyi}eFULLSFOUK-LowEST PRICES FOS Phuc"grrimetani.StShingles,Doors,Windows,Ceiling,|}i)cellent -stand.A.bargain.TRIVETTE &Flooring,Siding,Boxing,{Mould-{|}:-TRIVETTE.Harmony,N.C.dune 26~—Lot.ing,Laths,Lime,Cement,etc,,HONEY--Plenty of ood honey,15 cents aNextPlanters’Wh.Statesville, %pound.J.M.MITCHELL. fattory to him that he entered the field himself,at.the end of.four ’years to.undo that work.That iE 80,it.is hardly to be expected t:Mr,Wilson’would meet the col- ~@nel’s approval.In fact,it maybe _doubted if.any living man—except “July 2—4t.w*. ered with water and standing in the water Kiser picked up an‘electric iron and ‘received an electric shock which resulted in his:death soon after- ward.‘ Arthur Barrett,a white man giv-) ing Shelby as his home and_cotton| mill work as his occupation,was ar- CECECECECECECECECECE ECE II ROE ECECECECACECE EECCA BCRCECACECEEEL.Coal All Kinds|4 |Wood All Kinds Mg.Roosevelt—could fill the presi- dency satisfactorily to Mr.Roosevelt. dudge Elbert Gary,chairman of the board of directors of the United States Steel Corporation,predicts quick ending of the war and un- precedented prosperity in this coun-| try.Judge Gary’s prediction has at- tracted attention because of his rep- -utation for.sound judgment,and it is said that at the outbreak of the trou- »he predicted with accuracy.the uration of the war ty date and the “AI signs fail in dry.weath- and all prophecies may fail in }of war,but here’s hoping Judge ity May prove a true prophet. TRLERT Explaining what he meant by: “unnecessary risk”—in German note,Meg,Bryan figerent ship,knowinetto--attack by a country “is avoid risks =whic}itriotism tomightinvolvehis country in.a war,” And there is no answer to that% 'toffice near Wilmington in May. commenting | iy traveler takes “Poecossary States.:en he oes in a War zone’on! it’is|announcing his-new policy that rep-|submarines,eler also takes unnecessary’en he rides on a neutral ship|fied person may be.ablengmunitions.If patriotism re-|irregularities where themantoriskhislifeforhisFen-in war,it,seems-the part of '.{Germany will “be considered. rested in Salishury this-week for ho- jboing and while under arrest Bar-! jrett told that ‘he hélped rob a post-| On|& |Commissioner Osborne Puts on a} ithis.statement he was held under a}f.j PRiy ee We Sell Them All! |Flying Squad. : {bond of $1,000 for the Federal court} |;(|A “flying squad”of special internal |% |nevenue agents has been organized by}# jat Wilmington. ;\Commissioner Osborn of the internal||Penn.Anthracite Coal for Stoverevenuebureau,to uncover frauds}.‘and increase the efficiency of the ser-|and Furnace.Virginia Blue Gem|vice.The number of men in the,squad is to be kept secret,but they)iwilloperateinanyrevenueCoalforuseanywhere.Genuine‘lection district in.the United States!%Jellicn Block Coal if you prefer it,|where the commissioner has:reason| ‘Wood—Pine and Oak. ito believe their activities are needed.|It is through the work of sucht ; |special agents that the $27,000,000 | {frauds against the oleomargarine law|%were uncovered,It is\understood the?i will give some at-!% recently discovered y frauds in many _Southern! flying ‘squad” tention to the |whiske The commissioner .pointed’out in ——’PHONE 205— {xularrevenueofficersareknown.in,their districts and that an unidenti- to detect! local manwouldfail, President ‘Wilson,who is.still at his\summet-home at Cornish,N.H.,isexpectedtoreturntoWashingtoninjtimeforthe¢abinet meeting next!|Tuesday,when drafts of the reply to}i 1 THEY WILL TELL YOU._THEY ALSO SELL ICE. eo.otegE 1 bile. We have just received from the factory a wonderfullynicelineofLadiesWoolSkirts,made up in the latestadvancefallstyles‘in Serges,Voiles and Crepes.TheAccordianPleatedonesareespeciallyattractive.”Thricesarealsoveryreasonable,$2.98,$3.98,$4.50,Fr 00.and $5.50.—_Let-us show-you these. Reductions Now On many lines of Suppo and Pumps.Bargain Coun-|ter of Women’s.and children’s at one half price. The Popular Striped Voiles. 40-inch wide,price 10 12 1-2 and 18c.the yard.Wehaveabigrangeofmid-summer dress fabrics from 5c.yard up.- When you call on us.We'll be glad.toshowyou.ery Respectfully, J.M.McKee &Company. No.112 West Broad Street,between Hall’s Drag Store and Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware Store "PHONE 281. go out sopping, [ook at These =eet eee moet agreeame es oe The Fifty -Eighth ‘Series “OF THE) |Statesville Ice ‘&.Fuel Company./ ‘First Building and Loan Association. |Hiv.FOR HES,Secretary-Treas / urer.| }ioH BE-|i!T.KNOWING HOW|]A WANTING TO STAY IN} -y |ATONfi: r*YuLISHED TURSDAY AND i)WRICE;120 WEST,BROAD “STREET.SesTELEPHONENO.walt SSaly116,1916.FRIDAY,/-+ GL Hof Misses Maggie and Mamie Mont- Bristol |womery.Messrs.L.B.and CowleslandR.M.Gray went to Morganton|* |Wednesday to take in the ball game. Mrs.Ellen Morrison went to Char-jlotte Wednesday —to spend several|‘days with her son,Capt.C.S.Mor-| rison.(Mr.Daniel L.Bell of Chapel Hill, who was the guest of Cowles Bris-| tol,left Wednesday for Asheville.: (Mrs.H.Lee Lazenby of Salisbury spent.Tuesday here with relatives. Miss Mallie Watts of Itaska,Tex.,| Ing at the home of their, randmoth- er,Mrs,M,fuclid ave-nue.2 z Lg ie hie to gh Mr,Jack Wyckoff left yesterday for caeWyo.,where he will proba- EK.Swann,on bly locate.Mrs,Gy ‘Bradshaw of Charlotte is visiting bes ents,Mr.and Mrs,=|4.S.Alexander:a Miss Bell.Kirk of Albemarle ar-|tived yesterday to be the guest of |Personal Mentionof People anal:Clyde S$.Alexander for.several‘{days Their Movements.is Jeanie Kluttz,who visited}|Me.R.0,Selfis spending the week!Mrs,L.Ash,reutrned yesterday to 4H,with relatives in the western part of her home.in Salisbury.theState,Mr.«T,L.Ress and family and WH)Mrs.G.Faweette “and little)Mrs.Paul.Moose of Albemarle _are {nue,who were with Mrs.Maw-!@vco's of Rev.and Mrs.J,F.Kirk, ti gette’a parents,Mr.-and Mrs:—N.BL.Miss Jrene ‘Templeton and.Master)Mills,have pone to.Alk.Healing!Frank Templeton,who visited at the 1 ee to spend awhile.~|Home of Mr and:Mrs,D.A.Morri-"Mrs.Parks Kirkpatrick and two 'gon,returned yesterday to.their di children of Charlotte are gacsts of home in Charlotte.They were ac- (Mr,and’Mrs.R.M.Gray.|Com panied by.Mrs.Morrison and ‘Misees)Mamie Montgomery and,Bette oe pa Cree:a?whenasse*a uests|.‘'r.and 2D YS.©.dy e an, Ola Massey of the.county ate inte Mrs.Weilman’s home people, pave returned to Richmond. irs.J.E.Summers and.daughters, Misses Mary and Ethel,went to |Mooresville yesterday to.visit. Mrs.’T.J,Allison is visiting hersisters,the Misses Chunn,in,Salis- bury.Mr.Allison,who accompaniediher’to Salisbury,returned last eve- te nged Miss Flora Leak,who was the fed to her home in Winston-Salem. Betterment Aanecis tion. |Mecting Scott's |gue t of Mrs.R.M.Gray,has return- EOPLE Jaughed scorn- IPRAG RESS “IS-THE-LAW-0 LIFE~MAN+IS*NOT+-+MAN-AS*YE'Ts+ fully when “Wikies first _endeavored to drive a boat ‘under its own.steam. Yet through his tireless en- ergy he enabled us to.defy the hurricane and reduce the ocean to a ferry. Progress Is Labor The easiest is not the surestway. Progress is the result of labor. 0 WE SELL.BECAUS COUNT.ON MAK-Hiis the guest of her brother,Mr,E.|Correspondence of ‘The Landmark.Fulton Jacked the confidence I:PONE WHO DEALS WITH US ONCE A CUS-h\B.Watts.Saturday afternoon.Scott’s _Better-of the people and the resource Ht:enFEAR LIFE.H;(Mr.and Mrs.D.J.Craig and their inent association had a very pleasant it brings.He won both in his | :ii guest,Miss Sara Mellon |of Char-|and profitable meeting at the home .} ,:i lotte,spent Wednesday in’Asheville.'of Mrs.Lee'Morrow.After the de-own way. 4 ‘iéan ot ing ompan y.}Mrs.J.H.McCall and Miss Bliza-|votional exercises and reports of —Your’odviscoueas:ste coos ty ibeth McCall have gone to Pisgah’secretary and treasurer,we plannex :' nen Forest,Transylvania’county,where for a picnic at Sulphur Springs on certain and-your pleasure and satia-etennemesrererciteie =:——they will spend the summer.©July 24th.BB faction increased if you make :-|Miss Eulalia Turner of Mra G8 me ieee eee by Mrs.eer =financial preparation now.It willvilleisvisitingherfather,Mr smith,served delicious cream.an =he make you strong in character and,YOU HAD BETTER ‘Turner.Mr.W.L.Hill of Towa is ale cake.~The next meeting will be with Zz peithel poorbd -Gace Sou &ic i a poe Mr.ee leigh {Mrs,T;V Bailey Thursday,22d.BZ build a greater future for yourselfDr.B Kilgore aleigh spen ‘Sites Webber Entertains.Zz Tuesday night with Supt.Meacham at)Correspondence of The Laddmark.Worthwhile men and women save.LetltheIredellTestFarm.Scott’s—An attractive social event ihaotae ees|Miss Margaret Sanburn,who.speht of Saturdav evening was a rook party |’us demonstrate what systematic saving ‘several weeks with her sister,Mrs.T.at which Miss~Pearl Webber delight-me canaccomplish for you,> :;iS.Coffey,has returned to her home fully entertained a few of her friends.Before Miss Churchgets here,so that [Mt Brena Vista,Vie case larice places bed beam found:thie:“The i she can show you how to get the best idren ‘went to Blowing Rock Wiedlnee-|£"casing gate We puree ioe ae IRST waar Ran:==.day to spend the summer.They made Keen zest and enjoyment and playeresultswithit.The public gemonstra-the trip by automobile.plc jwith unflagwing onthushaxm:Ueguaps STATESVILLE N.C.;...TTT i Mr.Frank Robbins of Salisbury 0!the evening.tionswill start at ouroffiee LY 19th.iwes a Statesville visitor yesterday!The serving of delicious cream and Ca ital $100 000 Ay Raid on Thee De D0sits iakeSieon’“Mek 3:U.S.DEPOSITORY.-|__Mr._Q.A.Stephenson,-Mrs.-d,—L.cake was a charming finale_to_this_de--ota :x i ¥ae 7 .Everybody,welcome.Good thingsto at {Culley and Miss Louise Culley went ligshtful evening.In serving the hos-an ——$$: ito Black Mountain yesterday and.will te’s was assisted by Misses Dessie|The North Carolina Retail Jewelers’North Wilkesboro has voted,by amakethetripup-to—Mt.-Mitchell to-Webber and-Bessie Smith.St te ille Gaslig ht a id F Io ?_—-.Association,in session at Durham this’majority of 15,to increase school ~aesvl é an ue mpany.day.y ‘i a?i:ts i?cginning this evening at 7,week,named Greensboro as the next)taxes from 80 cents to 45 cents,thisLittlelissesAudreyaneMAEGlockladiesofPresslyMemorialplaceofmeeting.Frank M.Jolly was/being necessary to get enough oe=Ruth eath of.:Greqnsboro-Pres yistt-trhv rch-will-sell -ice~-cream:re-cleetedy prensa tto run the schools,}; ne x ~£3 se es x A ans ere Site oe eet peters eet ;> 3 4 -t mv by {#‘4 ‘|‘:e $e . Several Bankrupt Stocks Here and in T ‘ransit. R ea d Ev ery Word and Everybodyis coming to a for THE_BIGGEST MERCHANDISE EVENT of 1915..°A stupendous ClearanceSale of all seasonableMerchandise,without regard to the original cost or valuc.We pffer a mammoth assortment of desirable,dependable,stylish,and well-made Merchandise at far below theProfit.Below we men-cost of production.Comein-person and help io make this sale a record-breaker for us and profits for yourselves.The aim of this saleis to give our friends..and customers Bargains right at the time that Sommer Weight Merchandiseis in the greatest demand.An equal chance to sharein these great savings.TootionOnlyaFewPrices,much cannot be said about’our wonderful bargains.-The buying power of this store has-been a source:of wonderment for years ‘and a saving of thousandsThdfhdofdollarstotheconsumingpublic.Remember that never before and possibly never again will you have the opportunity to buy the necessities of life ]ousand O ot er Zoo S at such a saving,A comprehensive assortment to select from.An array of Merchandise Bargains unequalledin Iredell county,at unmatched prices.AJustascheapro.aa fairisons A clean sweep!No limitedapa to rina Remember,a dollar spent at this saleis worth two dollars to you!‘Sale Terms|yp.trictly Cash!o_goodsdelivered:or sent_out-on--approva e Store-will_be-closed-an MONDAYto-mark-down-all g thestock.i : ‘SPECIAL BARGAINS._IN—DRESS t jet Dress Duck,former price d5e,——zing Shoes,for $1.25 10¢,Enameled Pippers,5e.SPECIAL BARGAINS IN MEN'SGOODSDEPARTMENT.yd.,to closeout at only Se.yd,et Aot $3.00 Ladies’,Shoes.Sizes 10c.Enameled Cups,Se.SHIRTS,ETC.¥i ss 1 lot Cheese Cloth,only Me,yd.to 314,only 75e.50e.Enameled Coffee Pots,Be $1.50.Men’s.Extra Fine DressAIF10and12%e.Dress and Apron 1 lot yard wide Bleaching,only 6c.yd.1 Jot $4.00 to $5.0 Men’s Oxfords:lOc,Tin Wash Pans,»Be,Shirts,only -WheGinghsSB:Pale De only i op.yd.1 lot Heather Voile,only 5e.yd._Bale price,$1.75 Se.Tin Wash Pans,2 for Se.$1,00:°Men’s©Extra Fine -Dress a 1ane Erench..Crepe,_10e..nactite "yd 1-lot Parra Suitiig,only Seoyd:Alt other Shoes at yreatly reduced “TWher Carter Thk,:2 for Se.~~Bhirts,only B0e.);7c.Va.»Shoe Poli T for fa fa irts.”omOnelotcorictinemerdorizt,tie."ARE,MADIES'HATS sacRIFIoRD.©PE ie hoe ala 7p Stor ee ae ne a eevalue,only ‘hee:ya.‘1-jot genuine Panama Hats,easily SPECIAL BARGAINS IN GROCERY 50c.sled Dish Pans 20.She cd nie Nonutiag betef:we zg ’:¢c.Hnameled Dish Pans,20e.25c.and 50c.Neckties,only 1e,1 lot 25e.Silks.Sale price,12%e.yd.worth $3.00,Closing out.price DEPARTMENT.10¢.Men’s Handkerehi fs,only Be.P X~tot 50e.°Ai Woot Bitek”Drews $1.50,1 lot Toilet Soap.|Cakes for Se TREMENDOUS BARGAINS IN be Ladies’Handkerchieter 3 fe @e Goods.Sale.Beton one.me pee ya.“1 lot Ladies ‘‘0c.and T5e,Sailor 6 packages Arbuckles2 Coffee for #100 MEN’S HATS,De,“Men?'s Beupaateric:f "10e.1 ehgains ea ve ae par aus Cigeue out sale price only 1 act extra good loose poeed ce i 43.00 Men ’s Hats,only p00.UNMATCHABLE BARGAINS IN .t 7 77 Ge ey e.each,2e ,2e.Ib.a aes yNteRoc ®van ieonly5c.per yd.A clean sweep.of the remainder of bbs?owes Landes Soap “he $2.50 Men’s Hats,onty Me.$2 eae.Ane aa *ene1lot20c.White Dress and Waist A:Mon's,Ladies’and>Bova’“4 Plugs eood.Chi ge To hacke Oe.$1.50 Men’s Hats,only He.$25 .er 3 Mine suits, Goods,assorted —designs.Sale Straw Hats,while they last,at 5 Fens Gs varette oe weaned l0e.50e.and.75c.Men’s Caps,only —25¢.$18.00 Mon’s Extra Fine sat #10 price,10¢,yd.only .,100,each,;Bie.“worth of Cirnrs,1 1 lot Spool Thread,3 spools for om :only ee ganene oa "h7 501htShepherdPlaids,Sale Hees :All Flowers,former price 15e.to lhe.Taleum Powder Du {es Pocket Knives,closing out aa $7.00"Raincoats,only 00onlyfacesyd.50 cents a Btnel ‘lose out 0c.worth of Matches,250 aed :de 6.rah 'e Mxtia Puc 7"lot 15e,Chambray.Sale price,Sale See eee ie.ee Sain Matehes "ha 25¢.Poeket Knives,closing out arn a See nue SS ro aonlyGe.per yd.1 lot Ladies’Skirts,Dresses,Mid.3 Se.Packages Smoking Tobaceo,Sc.price,ue $1.00.Mon's Panta,Ben)1 i 12%ec,Outings.Sale ne dy Blouses.No fair offer refus-3 be.tikes Sei ‘ane la Baby Soah,Be ona pacers,Oty a oe Wiles.Ovemnite aeonlycayarad.o Cy aie Toilet So ,ne $1,azor Hones,(Bes ea ,. “D lot 20¢e,Tan Linen.Sale price,}1 hig lot 15 and 20c.Towels.Sale waren tie Toilet Soap,.\*HOSIERY BAR Wore tiae aienc value Ladies’iainonlyYe.ya.rice ,BASEMENT BARGAINS.ERY BARGAINS.;‘:ee ee ;price,Wi Se.*Coats to close out fo ronly le.+etot Heather Voil Loe.“er -t-tot-15-cent—“Curtain’—Drapery —~“tot 35¢.Coal Hols,onty Ihe,75e,Pure Silk Hosiery,only 35e.pi I Tot $6,00 a Children?’s Rain |rob Stat aa *thableaphad Sheet.yas Goods...Bale price,8e.ya.20e.Galvanized Water Buckets,Xe,50e.Pure Silk “Hosiery,only 20e,pre,Coats,only $1.50iarc}ff ad Pheet-:re Bl mm OV Erey kets ‘Re 7 ‘m 4 ‘4 iu.Bpacial price;Bily evi EXTRAORDINARY VALUES IN Faen Fin Cov re ee:ne Ape eon Bl eee dag a .pr 1 lot $7.00 value Boys’Suits,$2.50 her 18 Se.ya,SHOES,Rane ta -Cos aban O°foree.:;“ns eeoeneiceva11tina%-Gallon Tin-Covered Buckets,2 forse.Hose for MISCELLANEOUS BARGAINS,;25e.Corduroy,2Mhe.vil.ot Ladies’$3.00 New Style ;|Men’s 25¢.Shaw Knit.Half.25¢.Suitings,\10¢,yd.Pimps.fre 2 ¢6 3%ony UMBRELLA BARGAINS.oa Eee gene 10«¢,”os o Pout Felons \ba“1 lot Brocaded Pongee,worth 20e,Closing out price,:75c,and $1.00 $1.50 Umbrellas aud Parasols,only 50c.1 lot Children 's 15ce.Lace Hose to close 10e.Lemon xtract,'Se.yd.,losing out price only 8c.1 lot ae s and Boys’$2.50 Out-$3.00 value Umbrellas,$1.25.two pairs for de.Ho.Agsorted ibag (.2 for 5e Let Nothing Keep You Away from This.the Greatest of all Sales.e Know the Lossis . to us,but We Mak the Sacrifice sO You can Profit.It Pays to trade at. ¥ THERE are 1,923,951 Automobiles now State-licens- ed,and running,in.the United States, Of these,1,803,951 are Pleasure Cars—i.e.,exclusiveofTrucks,ete. More than 90.per cent of them,or about 1,623,555,use Pneumatic Tires. -Hach car will wear out and replace,on average,aboutoneSetofFourTiresperyear. Therefore,the interests of-each Car-Owner as well aseachCar-Manufacturer,each Car-Dealer,and Salesman,is vitally and personally.affected by the price of Tires toConsumers.;Because-—Tires and Gasoline are the two big items ofconsumptionintheoperationofMotorCars.The Owner who used his Car 1,000 Miles less peryear,than he would have done,because of “the high-priceofTiresandGasoline,”received that much less returnfromhisentireinvestment.in the Car proper.The potential,or prospective,Car-Owner who fails tobuyaCarbecauseof“the high cost of Tires and Gaso-line,”—he who sells his Car and does not buy again be-cause of “the high cost of Tires and Gasoline”—or hewho,for the same.reason,stores his Car and does notrunitduringaconsiderablepartoftheyear,is a directlossto a ioe Be s s Se eh , Se m m e s ** ig Pr e n a t & ——1st—Automobile Manufacturers,as-a_elass.«~—2d-——Automobile -Dealers,as’a class.—8d—Garage Owners as a Class.i.—4'th—Dubrication &Gasoline Manpfacturers,asaayaclass. But—he is a greater loss to TIRE Manufacturers, and Dealers,as a class,than to any others. Recause—“e -—Gasoline and Lubricants,‘for instance,can be sold *to the Owners of Motor.Boats,Stationary,and other Mo- tor‘g. ©But—Automobile Tires can’only be sold,in the ulti- But’all ‘the Salesmanship,anda fhe Advertising,under the Sun,eoilénot increase,by a single Tire,the total sales‘of Tires beyond the number of Cars owned by.v0 Gongumers,andthe number of Miles each Consumer runs ad’hig:ak yeairly.:,A esi seld Aatow's LESTE BEEKMinuitPH!MiiFket for’Tires igtherefore Yinited inflexibly;ei 40,the tinber of’Cars runing,and the’Mileage’which: 2 SS a NE No to *"’each Owner is,induced to FWUVORV sinios oetker setTherefore;we opine:that-to-promote greater Sales,und greater use,‘of''Automobiles,few bette incentivescan.be offered than markedly-lowered cost,TO CON-‘SUMERS,for Tires and Gasoline. Just as we recognize that the only legitimate expan-sion open to the Tire Industry,as a whole,would be due-to the Saleofmore Automobiles each year to Consumers, Sr SOCORROORR nnAESTTTTTAaRRTOOShootStraight! 1 No gun brings down the bird unless it’s loaded!fa 4 No prescription brings relief until it’s filled, 41 Even then,it must’be properly:filled with drugs of thehighestcharacter,otherwise it.becomes a mere “scrap ofpaper.” ~~‘Let us make that prescriptionofthehighest possible valuetoyoubyfillingitwithdrugsthataccomplishexactlywhatisexpectedofthem.5 ot|PURITY PRECISION PROMPTNESS ;The Polk Gray Drug Company. ON THE SQUARE, |__Bstablished 1894 JAMES CANNON,Jr., Faculty of 33 A.M.,D.O.,President.Ba ;427 Students,from 20 States.ae Accredited by Virginia State Board of Educa-Sve tion.Hundreds of graduates now teaching.$160 per year in Academic Dept.;$200per year in College Dept. Goodrich ‘Fair-I ‘Prop: _Now Saves Gar-owners Yearly » Over $25,000,000 On ‘Tires.. i me to the man who OWNS a Car,and who Wears out Bs ee ame a Ban &s ¥»YER Yo amite’that ‘each Automobilebil yuns,means an;i)f S augiinahie Spleof Tires torreplace dhat mileagewith hew?' a 3 Ti a 1 ty ERLE Ce neegern Pe!on a6 May 4 i :FRIDAY, |THE NEWS OF TROUTMAN. HA Picnic Party,a New Resi: 3 Correspondence-of The Landmark. M|Cole White of 4|Miss Lillian Crow of Blacksburg,’S. %|Miss Estelle Brown.Thesesareallpupilsof4)|Miss Nellie Booker of Durham is yis-iting her.sister,Mrs. iting his cousin,Mrs.C.TL,Clark, ~+our—little village went—to~the-river ‘ee with a greater average Mileage USE,per year,of each Car by each Owner.-a ‘‘ _.That is why we favor the.lowest possible price for Tires—to Consumers,consistent with maintenance of “high quality and a fair profit to Dealer and Mfr.~~So'this,then,is a leading reason why WE initiated,and propagated,that Goodrich “Fair-List”’ which we publicly announcéd'in the press on January:31,1915,and which caused practically every Pneumatic Tire Manufacturer in this Country to follow our lead and bring his prices down to'a fairer level. This is also the reason why some Tire Manufactur-ers,who could not,or would not,“meet”our BASICpricesforPneumatic‘Tires (even though our “Fair-List”Propaganda obliged them to make heavy reductionsofftheirformerLists)‘might erroneously suppose that“Goodrich”Tires have been.¢heapened in Quality,as wellasinprice.se Hence this explanation.(to the Public,to Car-Manu- facturers,Dealers,Car-Salesmen,Garages,and Tire Dealers generally)that we'deem it “good.business”to sell the best Goodrich Tires;\of.fabric construction)we have ever made,at the fairest price possjble for such quality.x Hence,too,the following TEST offer _to_Consumers. —-We will cheerfully..pay for any Goodrich Safety“Non-Skid”Tire,sold since our “Fair-List”price-reduc-tion (announced on January’31,1915),which when cutopenshowsanyreductioninquality,in number of layers:of Canvas,in thickness,or quality-of Rubber,when com-pared with any other Goodrich Safety “Non-Skid”madebyusandsoldatourhigherpricescurrent.before theGoodrich“Fair-List”Movement.;And—thisis further-to authorize any ‘Tire-UsertoextendthisOffer(at our expense)to any.Tire Dealer;©or Manufacturer._ _We ask Car-Owners,'and Tire ‘Consumers,in theirown,interest,to see that,no,“implication”of lowered we have ‘protected their'interests,“for otir’own!‘sake,’ Vi SME Ter Leth Pad tyes“through ‘our “Fair-List”'Propaganda,|)"(8 fle" PUPONS Vv; _ganda,every Car-Owner who now.buys any make ofTiresized37x5,now,saves,on each set of 4,Tires,anaverageofabout$46,27,.°....«:‘i :Every Car-Owner ‘who ‘tises '84x4 Tires,.of anymake,now'saves,thraugh the Goodrich “Fair-List”,Pro-paganda.an-average-of about $26.15 per,set.of.4,Tires,aud P—Bweryr,GarOwner jwhp ‘uses 30x3 12)Tires,‘now _average of about $14.70 per Set of 4 Tires,-Other sizes in proportion.1 ifThe1,623,555 State-licensed’Car-Owners who usePneumaticTiresnowsaveabout20percentofwhattheylastyearpaidforANYmakeandsize,whether they be_Goodrich or competing brands-~equal to more than $25,- saves,through the Goodrich ‘“Fair-Hist”Propaganda,an i 000,000 per year. building.They expect a RE 5 et July 16,1915. Correspondence of The Landmark. dence,Etc.—Mr.White's Meetings.«<Vday morning before and Troutman,July 15 —Miss Sara Chester,S.C.and C.,ara visiting Miss Lois White.MissFayeKiddofPawCreekisvisiting visitors Lord’s ‘Linwood College:Ae need®Buppor C.Le.Clark.Frank Durham of Chapel-Hill is vis- and acting as chauffeur for Mr.Clark,who has “jined”the Ford andishighlypleased:-Watch’our towngrow,will you?‘A party of ten young people from at Shiloh. nounced later. bridge at Buffalo Shoals on the Ca-tawba yesterday and spent the day.They made the trip:in a wagon:andreportthat’they had a delightfultimeandagooddinner.4MissAlthea’Scroggs.is having a}Spring News.real nice home erected in our town.|correspondence of The LandmarkIt_is an eight-room,two-story house,|pwithbrickfoundationand°modern|roofing.Mr.Zel.Brown is the con-!tractor and at the rate he is.now (Troutman,July 15. Hope >church {church Tuesday at 2.p.be ready for occupancy.Miss Scroggs (Campbell was 92 years old.next-door neighbor will be Mr.W.T.Allison.:The ‘new well at our high schoolhasbeencompletedandthewateris! The Leading Training School for Girls in Virginiawee fy J Where can parents find a College with asStfinearecord,with as experiented management,|is ™“at such moderate cost?i.For catalogue address |a Apes Secretary,BLACKSTONK,VA.| ~~,Gen.Carranza,who seems:to have!Will “Win aca tr‘;’ill Willis and Ernest MoortheupperhandinMéxicojustnow,|pret:SORE wo]|white men-of Charlotte;are held in|says he will issue an amnesty procla-\Concord on a chargé of highway rob.mations |naive;ibery,.inyraeeti-*/*Your attention is called to the ad.;‘of Smithey &Fraley.They are of-fering!the best bargains you.haveeverseen—ad;Lee BEAUTYMORETHANSKIN DiRp.|A.beautiful woman “always has xood dic!westion,Vf your digestion is faulty,Cham.herlain’s Tablets will do you good._Obtaina-ble everywhere, ;Sabbath school closes, :ie ~3.{ston-Salem Sunday.Dr.W.H.GritzaoeieSaidbeeneat:This.i (ee Walnut Cove is spending awhileFRetheeOOF.BEMOQLe iwith his sister,Mrs.W.C.Blaylock.(Rev.J.Meek White.will preach;at Ostwalt school house next Sabbath |Miss iaafternoon,immediately after ‘the The publie iscordiallyinvitedtoattendthisger-vice,0 ON y's tearsEarlyinthemonthofWuguittheRey.E.G.Carson of Charlotte willassist.Mr.White in a meeting)t thenew‘organization near plerr{’s:As this congregation has no houseofworshipyet,it is hoped that)asuitabletentcanbesecuredforthisspecialmeeting.”It is hoped greatinterest”will be manifested in spir-itual things’-during this meet ne steps mm,the immediate ~future to,»idethemselveswith.a.suitable heaie Ee rents,Mr.and Mrs.P.W.S tomobile,’ oe attend the sale, This congregation will take Movement quality in.Goodrich:Tires.goes’unchallenged—just «as.j tes gaty pet eter ‘tha f t a4 ‘i ilBECAUSEofthat:GOODRICH “Fair-List”:Propa- Made as Always. ---The,same Reliable:| Construction.The same dependable :Sery- ice.Nothing whatev- er taken out of materials |: or quality,no matter |: what reductions in List- Price are ever made._ nieertinaracc to havenewchurchreadytoopenforpublicworshipbeforetheendofthisyear. Meetings on Troutman Circuit. ‘Rev.Lee.T.,Mann,presiding elder,will preach at Knox’chapel on’thethirdSundaymorningandonSatur-hold ourthi'd quarterly conference on Satur-day afternoon:Dinner on the grounds.This with preaching as usual,by the Owners was never mentioned fo the Public by other Tire Manufacturing Concerns until the Goodrich “Fair-List” Propaganda made it imperative that they extend the Saving to Consumers on their Tires,or lose business totheGoodrichCo. But,notwithstanding all this—the fact which should ,|loani Jargest to TIRE-USERS is the contrast of 10 per cent:to:40 per cent in prices,that still exists between thelowpriceofthebestNon-Skid Tires (ofvfabriesconstruc- tidn)that'money can buy,or the largestyRubber)Factoryin’the’World produce-—(to wit,GOODRICH Nbh-SkidTires),and all other “responsible”Tires In thefipld.iy * s Compare’prices and see! _Then,if you are notalready a Goodrich User,do yourself (and us),the justice to buy at least one sOOr-RICH-SNéa-Skid”Tire.EF Es ES iLestthatout$d ileages atid.ResiliencewaasagiethenenndlekisAt,,‘»,Mileage ‘os é~against any other.Tire, using.;7 ee he result of such Yost wiftiuse you to wonder whyyoueverpaidmoreforMaxiniimQuality,Mileage,andResiliencethan‘the Basie priee’of Goodrich Non-SkidTires?« THE’B.F.GOODRIGH CO.,Akron;0. i ~~cnt antes And,don’t #rget that this giant ‘saving to Car. at-any price,which-you are now.§ the \he Sige wre heioirCollHickory,N.€enoir College,Hickory,N.¢. ‘Co-Educaiion under the best conditions and management.A real Caristian College,but not sectarian.Our A.BG.graduates enter Graduate Dr par tanentinourStateUniversityandotheruniversitiesandattaintheA.M.devrce inoneyear.: Vive Modern buildings,steam heat,clectric lights,city water,and was;Ne> Yoder Science Building,with up-to-date laberatories for,Chemistry,Physies and Bislory..Library and Reading Ieom.Clean’Athletics.Splendid Dorm tories.GOOD BOARD AT COST for young men last session,$9.20.a month;for youngwomen,$9.00 a month;room rent .$1.50 a month. Departments:Literary,Music,(Piano,Voice,Violin),Expression,Art,Busi- ness,Domestic Science and Domestic Arts,and Preparatory. GENUINE COLLEGE ADVANTAGES WITHIN REACH OF ‘THE PEDVLB!Write for Catalogue. m. |pastor,—on—the—fourth—Sunday—morn-/f{-—ing,and at Shiloh in the.afternoon.The services onthe fourth Sundaywillbefollowedbythesacramentof The.protracted meetings will begin!§as follows:On the first Sunday «in|August at~-Froutman,‘on the thirdSundayinAugustatRockyMount,on the fifth Sunday at Knox’Chapel,on the second Sunday in September| These with the meetings for Van-derburg and Wesley’s chapel to be an- The public is most cordially invited |%to attend all of these’services,JOSEPH J.EADS,Pastor, ‘Death ofMiss Campbell—Cool Cool Spring,July 14,—Miss EmilyCampbelldiedatherhomeinNew.y :community Monday:|night,and was.buried-at-New-Hopepushingthe;work-the-home will soon!Miss Miss Helen Holland,who spent two;weeks with Mr.and Mrs.J.T.Hol-jland,returned to her home at Win- Swann of Ashevilleispendingseveralweekswithher -pa-wann.»Protraeted meeting at Cool Springthisweek.Rev.C.S.Cashwell is bo- ing assisted in the meeting bMr.Staly of ,Winston-Salem./Mrs.‘1.B.Swann spent last weekin--Winsten-Salem-—with_her brother,|#-Mr,Baton.The trip was made by au# y Rey. You will find many thousands of ex-|# traordinary.bargains:not advertised|on account of small lots that will be|# sold ab\your own price.Don’t fail to Smithey &Fraley,the great bargain givers—ad. i)“4 * \ > Sereen Your House! While climbing the “June hill,”if you have not already done so,screen your house.Screen doors and wire are en-= tirely too cheap for you to take chances on the health of yourself and your fam- ily,by allowing flies to come into your home.Join the great army,not to fight the Germans,but the flies.- Themedical profession is in agreementthatfliesarecommoncarriersofdis-ease,This being true,it behooves everygoodcitizentobediligentinseasonandoutofseasontogetridoftheflies, We are headquarters for Screen Doors,_«Window Screens and Screen /Wire,-Fly.Swatters and Fly Trapy We sell thecelebratedHenryHeinzerlingFlyTrap,one that is capable of catching a gallonoffliesperday. is ee s e S S S S S S S s s e e e s s s e e e s e s re e s e se t e e e e s cs c s : Hardwar BY TRA biNG Witt me MO“HELP T Uses ° ee e e s e e s S t s t i t r e e e t e c s e se c cc c o s s s : ee e ee s ss e ss o ie se e s bo o te s e s e e r 0 ‘ c e s 0 e s 9 0 9 9 0 4 0 0 0 : —a ms 4 ‘ ae ec horrible! \gerous drug tonight and tomorrow §you may lose a day’s work. alomel is mercury’orwhichcausesnecrosisof the bones,|_Calomel,when it comes into coatact|with sour bile,crashes into’it,you sick.breaking it up.This is when you}I guarantee that one spoonfulfeelthatawfulnauseaandc'amp-|Dodgdn’s Liver Tone will puting.If you are’sluggish and “ali sluggish liver to work ‘and liver.medicine; headache,dizziness,coated tongug,!your system and mekirg youifbreathisbadorstomach—seur,|miserable. e -son's Liver Tone tonight.}your entire family feeliry fine ‘drug store and get a 60-cent tottic)of Dodson’s Liver Tone.Take a}like its pleasant taste. to the store and get your money.Dodwon’s Liver Tone is destroyinguicksilver|the ‘sale of Calomel because it is real entirely.Vegetable,therefore it cannot salivate or make knocked out,”if your liver is torpid|your bowels of that sour bile and maris did,cy a sew See ee -wdandbowelsnstipated<he ivonstipated waste which is cl epging |e young Lippar oys iRicereliedharenOEeel(put a little piece in The Landmark)0’ Gasoline and~Good Roads. Correspondence of ‘The Landmark. e Troutman,July 18-4A few weeksagoCousinJohnCollinstoldmetostickalittlepieceinTheLandmarkoftelling‘the;friends that Grandmother},your|Lippard was to celebrate her birth- clean |day as usual.I did and The band |since its creation by.Congress in 1910.| UGH!CALOMEL IS HORRIBLE!IT |THE LANDMARK |PR.sos.A.HOLMES DEAD.aR --f .;;in :oe YOUR LIVERa BILIOUS FRIDAY,°0 July 16,1918.picad of the Eegeet,of Riese |o Bi ree4CalomelSickens!Don’t Lose a Day’s Work!CleanCALLANOTHER BIRTHDAY.|[ormerly State Geologist o rH =’Your Liver and Bowels With ‘‘Dodson’s Liver Tone.”“ALY eee a eae Oe Shs Co Np e IC QS all a >!7 Wght Calomel makes you-sick.vs|spoonful and if it doesn’t straivhten Grandmother Lippard Reaches!)"..Joseph Av mings |eee otTakeeadreethepaleyon,right Op:and nike “yor feel ‘bas «Another Mile PM ost—What Mr,oh -widely‘omen apelin died "aa ==<=srabemerreeos sapere ;And vigorous,want you to go back}"Troutman Saw.in”Salem!Denver Col:;"Paesdayof-tuberculosis,|.akIfehad“been-in-poor health for sev-eral months and went to Denver four|months ago in the hope that thecli-| mate might benefit him.He was’55)iyears of age anCarolina, the bureau of mines at Washington; |Previously he was chief of the tech-| nicological braneh “ef the C | d a,native of South|§ Dr.Holmes had been director of |& United |3 +Bilis te We Are Well Stocked on a Good Varietyof | Vehicles,Harness,ete,ys I guarantee that a hot-|telling of the grandmather's Deny“just t harmles 4 Dodson’s Liver ‘T it}keen)Why my boy,”said I,“I havealreadyjust‘try a spoonful of harmless Dod-'tle of Dolson’x Liver Tone wi aC veel A note of that.”“Gohan wet Here’s Iny guarantee —Go to any |imonths.Give it to your children.Ti ihe,“that has been a year ago and thijisharmless;doesn’t gripe and vhey|! a ge :is thanotherbirthdayslippedaround.”||So I began to cogitate a little and jin :atigureenoughithadbeenayear.I per-; angers +1 COCO Cool and Fefreshing. King of Fountain Drinks. -Sc.AT———~ -.§HALL’S-DRUG STORE,*PHONE 20.Prescriptionists, To the Farmers of Iredell and Other Counties: THE STATESVILLE REALTY &INVESTMENT COMPANY beg to-announce that they—have-completed-arrangemen's with “THEHOMEINSURANCECO,of New York,”forinstriny your growingcropsofTobacco,Cern,Cotton and small grain against destructionbyHailStormatthefollowingverylow-price: att TOBACCO:GROP,—.$100 per acre valuation at75-per-acre-valuation at 60 per acre valuation at 3 75 per acre25peracrevaluationat1.874 per acre COTTON,CORN AND SMALL GRAIN CROP$40 per acre valuation $1.60 per acre 35 per acre valuation 1.40 per acre30peracrevaluation1.20 per acre25peracrevaluation1.00 per acre20peracrevaluation-80 per acre:16 per acre!valuation .60,per acre10-per acre valuation .40 per acreDWELLINGS,FURNITURE,BARNS. $100 value for one year at 30c.,3 years at 60c.,5 years at 90c.Thislatterinsurancecoversalsoagainstlossordamage.occasionedbywindinadditiontohail. REMEMBER—“We insure anything insurable.’’J.F.CARLTON,Manager,_.PHONE 54.STATESVILLE,N.C. wo : ~$7.50 per acre5,874 per acrea . Ne Iis % So n e ™ i .60 Tornadoes Devastate 10,000 Homes in Eight States .Such isthe recordofoneday’s hundred years the Hartford.damage done by tornadoes.Fire Insurance CompanyYoudon’t know when the has met every honest claimtornadomaystrikeyourpromptly.Buy a Hartfordproperty,butyou do know TornadoPolicy today.Itis~the“Old Hartford”protects the nearest thing to comfort=againstall loss.For overa when a Tornado strikes.g =People’s Loan&SavingsBank, Statesville,N.C.Resident Agent.GEO.H.BROWN,President. LADE!| OH WLLae than half a century’ago. ‘mitted my fingers to slide:gently up|,, jalong my temples and,yes,there was,janother little crowsfoot there.The}\years,beloved,are getting greasy,oratleasttheyslideawayagoeddeal‘slicker than onee they did. jbig number of years I have told an-| nually of the foregathering of the}Lippard clan,to celebrate the moth-H|ler’s,the grandmother’s, |si aS the great,igrandmother’s and ‘the great-great),grandmother's birthday.Ninety-two,jof the birthdays will have slipped by jnext Saturday. |A few years ago the Charlotte Ob-)server took me to task and they said,|) i*See here,old man,haven’t you got!yy, \that great-great grandmother spiel]||\down wrong?”JT began to count gen-|)jerations.There was Sister Collins.| iShe says “mother:*~-There was Sister) {Ostwalt,who says “grandma.”Then! {Mrs.Flake Murdock says “great iyrandma,”and her little ones were: the children of the fourth generation. iFriends and countrymen,come again ;next Saturday to “Mr.Big Jake-Lip-; jpard’s”to the big celebration,/Tis| time now for a little relaxation and}. iyour friends will be there.You can! itake your dinner and eat it with your|many.friends under the shade of theq \big trees.There’ll be nothing formal!*nor elaborate,but just:a day to catch} bt H«sa forth e was 3 |natyral history’at the State Univer-|@ ¥or iname i lives tates geological survey in charge of|He had been in the|@oftheFederalgovernmentisince1904,when he took charge of!% ine accidents, rvice er s of fuels and structural materials St.Louis,izDr..Holmes was well known in| For several years|3 and|& Carolina, professor of —-geology ty and for a time State geologistFora/4,“idow and four children survive.|3 |Holmes was regarded by.his|# associates in the government.service |3 the father of the bureau of mines.|zalsowasaccreditedwithmaking|@ Dr. afety first’a national movement. e took it for the slogan of the mine irean’s work and it spread to all anches of industrial activity. “The ‘saddest part of it all,”said Van.Hl.Manning,acting director of e mines bureau,“is that.Dr: Imes was a victim of overwork,| ud his devotion to his duties in be- lf of the safety of the million iners in the United States.His eon- tir hi ual insistence on going only where| s trained rescue crews should go, aring the dangers that should have gone only to more robust men,seri- ously affected his health.Dr.Imes was a martyr to the cause of fety among theis reau rescuers who gave to the cause.” up their hould Put Signboardson the/@ New Road.la long breath and swap neighborhood|Mocksville Record.saews~with-your-neighbors,t“A>party “of~gentlemen..took a trip|syjinthejitneytoWinftton-Salem a few!s; laps ago. one of the party.He hadn’t been to!ro Salem-—since 1863.While walking e uong the classical plaza of Salem he aboutizawonthelawnofoneofthethen' magnificent estates jwas a greyhound.He was a chit ofa boy then.just big enough to bear a thrifleforthe,eause..-On his last trip to road should see that neat guide posts|Salem,.meandering along the ‘thickly sre erected at all cross roads and|jnopulated residence section,he sud--forks,so that travelers can find their\denly grasped one the boys by thé’way’without wasting so much time in-rm and said,“Yonder,Brown,is the;quiring the way and the distance tosameolddogandthesame.old tion|certain places.The commissioners of\whichI saw here in sixty-three.”Sure!th enough,there were the same statucs}threstinginthesamepositionofmore Myr.C.A..Grose of Harmony spentSunday.-night—here..Harmony -used ;—~- ito be about forty mies from States-|iville in the winter,when the roads|the country,forecast by the national|were full of mlud,but sinee the roads|Weather bureau for the week begin-|iwere graded and gasoline got to fig-|ning Wednesday,are as follows: juring,Harmony is now one of thevrettylittlesuburbs:-of Statesville,|St(forty minutes out.Gasoline and good)C@Pt,probably scattered thundershow-ging everything close|°FS..jroads’are brin [Fair and The —-Record er this ate post road from Winston to in the State.$s far as we can e there is but one thing this road,and _that ans ome neat sign boards at street cor-|% a Statue)of a!pers ‘ion.Just above this on anotherter-know,there is not a sign on this road!vaee rested a dog in a crouching posi;¢xcent two or three in this city,all|%tion;and further up near the mansion of which have the distances to vari-|@&ous towns put down wrong.Each of|% and’cross roads.So far ‘as we c three counties traversed by the e three counties.should look after is matter at their August meeting. Warm and Thunder _..__Showers."co Weather conditions for this part of “South Atlantic and East -Gulf ates:Gengraliy fair and warm ex- geological laboratorx for the test-| miners and his!§added to the honor roll of}% editor has traveled}$ Salem €sville;a distance of 54-5-8-miles,3Mr.A.1).Troutman was’and believes it to be ene of the’finest lacking} The Famous Hackney,High Point and Oxford Buggies and other makes that we have always carried. A good stock of HARNESS of our own make, Everything in our line at right prices. It will Always see us before you buy. pay you. y The Harness,Vehicle &Supply Co,Statesville,N.C. Ce i Lo MOWERS!@ "THERE is nothing about the home more beautiful or that addsmore-to1 your satisfaction and pleasure than a~well kept lawn,The thing most necessary for this is a good Lawn Mower. er a s |}SU I M O W NM V T LA W N MO W E R S \:The lawn is kept smooth and even and the weeds cannot grow.Ourlawnmowersmaketheworkapleasureratherthatra‘:task.':Thehaveallthelatestimprovements,ran easy and smoothly,are durabl'¢;and make very little noise...We guarantee every one to giveper\satisfaction.When such a small expense means a beautiful law§for years to come you cannot affordto be withoutone._.The Best Hardware House in Our Town.Ay GR : a ea n | ware Co. itogether. |The melon crop.bids fair.tq be ex- jira fine this year.There are an un-|lnsval number of fine.melon fields| |hereabout.Down on ‘the creek,where!|the dredgeboat dredged,the melons} jare growing as large as the ones you|read about but never yet haye seen. |‘Miss Althea Scroggs is having!anlerectedanelegantlittleseven-room da{house on one of her choicest lots in|/treatment is not a mere “hair tonic.”jthe southern portion of “the village.It|Mr.M..M.Early,who has been run-'rodts and it is simply wonderful what|jning a-big lumber camp.in South an (Carolina,has discontinued his oper-we jations there and has brought his herd anofmules.to Statesville.business is rather on a d 4Mr..Early_willdeyote histime exclus-jively to specific,lumber,which ibetterdemand, REETCWIA Judge Peebles Holds Quart Law pits Unconstitutional. ‘HAIR AND SCALP izNEEDDAILYCARE jhair you should treat your scalp as joften and well as you brush your teeth The logging delightfully cool and pleasant to theragnowandscalpandtakesoutthedull,lifeless‘look-in-the-hair,making it_soft,fluffy,|!S in'glossy and beautiful. ‘applications remove every trace of}|dandruff, 'Co.and Jeailing druggists everywhere. If you value the appearance of your d rub into the scalp pores twiceilyalittleParisianSage.This is bottled nourishment for the hair improvement its use for even ackwillmakeintheappearanceof yone’s hair.It never injures,is Two or three nd daily ese will prevent return.)Sold by Statesville Drug Judge Peebles,sitting in Wake Su-perior Court,told the grand jury not}to present cases where citizens —re-7]\ceive ‘shipments of whiskey for pri-| {vate or personal use in:violation of,ithe North Carolina “quart shipment”;law passed by the last Legislature.The judge bases his ruling on the de-| “The Clutching Hand” Of poverty and want will never grab you if you have an active savings account in a good Bank—this Bank for instance. But you want to start in time,Startnow, and start here:A dollar will do to start: with and a hundred dollars wouldn’t stop you,once -you realize how important a- Savings account is,: __SAVETY—SERVICE—SATISFACTION. B |Supreme Court.to test the law. iscieiaeiieieleeetimeneeteemeeebeeeeese -preparing to thresh wheat Gladiolas' cision of the United States Supreme,|Court in the Kentucky cases,The =burden is on the person receiving theshipment,however,to show:whether|\it is,for personal use.“For personaljuseonecangetalltheliquorhewants,if Judge Peebles’decision.ishould hold.|A*case is now pending in the State! Farm.Work—Personal. =|Correspondence of The Landmark.iLoray,July 14.—Farmers are very|e|busy laying by crops,and _sowing!s|peas.We had a nice rain yesterday|B\afternoon,Most of the-people are} Miss Lucy Gantte,a nurse at theState.Hospital ‘at.Morganton,who|gihas been home on her vacation,left|this morning for Morganton to takc' eiup her work. annemtees - Of the enormous num- ber of attractive blooms in evidence at this time,probably none of the Flowers are more charming than Gladiolas.We always have a variety of the handsomest Flowers grown today. Bie.i's Catarrh;sure is the‘@ cure no known to the*w OOnconst)-i eee requ aal"Hall 3,hcNalconintactingdrrectlyuponypetsurfacesufthe ©disease,and giving th ta GREENSBORO,¥.0. ee Syasseesteserseeerceee: O OL ; ‘3 .ey?*; |ws }}~«CSF |The Fountain of Quality. __Mint Lime-Ade negCharleyChaplinSundae Nabisco Nut Sundae RubeWilson Sundae. f, — aey, Statesville Drug Comp’ Quality Prescriptionists, S3tss3e:S333 pesseesenes ys OLECOMFORTABLEand COOL FOO These warm days you feel the need comfortable pair of Oxfords,Sandals Pumps.-We have just that kind.Plenty 68theminWhite,Palm Beach,Tan and Black.—Let us give you'the benefit of our experi-se 0: 4 ence in fitting thest-argnetty ae ours to serve,The S.,M..&H.Shoe GCTheOnePriceCashShoeStore.Shoes Repaired While Yo Y ;- EELELLELLL ee ae ‘WLoRISTS To THE SoUmt, An Alarm Glock thatis little but loud,“It’s a little Beauty.Just_thing for a lady’s or a gentleman’s room.It is not su lange b thewaking upfor you.BIG BENif youneed tobeknocked oy ,_;_%“ity c vs ACT FIGHT ||Begins Saturday, ksSaray,July2, We will put on sale for'ohe week,beginning Saturday,the 17th,akaclosing Saturday,the 24th,our eritire line ot Spring and Summer LowFootwear,which includes low Footwear of every description for men,women and children. Our line of low Footwearis practically all this season’s product. footwear manufacturersin the United States:such as James A.Banister Co.,Selby Shoe Co.,Zeigler Bros,,etc. Footwear into cash,rather than keep our money in them until end of season,we will have one week of genuine bargain giving.Our loss will be your gain.At least a 20 per cent reduction will be made on all low Footwear and from 25 to 33 1-3 on others.~ New and desirable Footwear of merit made for us by some of the very:-best if i) ‘ In order to convert our low For Men 20 Per Cent Reduction. ’Banister’s $6 Oxfords, Sale Price $4,80 . Bostonian $5 Oxfords, Sale Price $4.00 © Bostonian $4.50 Ox- fords,.Sale Price $3.40Bostonian$4 Oxfords, \Sale Price $3.20 \Bostonian $3.50 Ox-£ fords,Sale Price $2.80 \ugiuees Selby and Leigler Linesfor Women 20 .°Reduction. $4.00 Oxfords and Pumps,sale price $3.20}3.50 Oxfords and Pumps,sale price 2.803.00 Oxfords and Pumps,sale price 2,40 2.50.Oxfords and Pumps,sale price 2,00 Men’s and Boys’Caps $1.00 quality,sale price ‘_50c.quality,sale price o Sle. 48e,Kon 25 Per Cent Reduction on all White Goods $2.00 grades,sale price 1.75 grades,sale price 1.50 grades;-sale price 1.25 grades,sale price 25Per Cent Reducton on all Sandals Men’s $3.00 grades,sale price -~Men’s $2.50 grades,sale price Women’s $2.50 grades,saleprice ~~Women’8 $1.75 grades,sale price— No goods charged during this sale—nothing sent out on approval.Remember the date—JULY 17th.through the 24th.»-SHERRILL-WHITE SHOE COMPANY. Store closed FRIDAY,16th,for re-arranging and re-marking stock. $1.50 1.31 1,21 94 $2,25 1.87 1.87 _.1.31 $5.00 Panama,saleprice.3.00 Straws,‘sale price2.50 Straws,sale price 2 00 Straws,sale price Women’s$1.00 Silk Hose, Women’s 50c.Silk Hose,s Women’s 25c.LisleHose, 50c.quality,saleprice” 25c,quality,sale price15c.quality,sale price _ 33 1-3 °)Reduction on Panama and Straw Hats Women’s Hosiery Men’s Half Hose. It will pay you to see us. Xo Welt g'sSasMen’s Kclipse Shirts 2.001.67 «One lot.$1,50 quali1.33 ne lot-$1 quality salepriceOnelot$1 quality,saleprice 98c, 69e,75e, 438e, 21c. sale price ale price sale price ie3ie SHIRTS Neckwear. One lot 50c.Neckwear;sale price --48¢, One lot 25c.Neckwear,_Sale price te.' 43¢, 2le. lle. Money cheerfully refunded if not satisfied. *Phones 84 and 137 és-Morrison Company;~ _The Store ms QuickParcelPost Service \AreYouGoing Away? Vacation season is here and when you alight fromthe train one these days at some summer _ resort mm want to have :The Correct -Luggage.| A good Bag or Suit Case is a good introduc- tion,so we would suggest your coming here and -seeing-our-big-assortment - Bags,Suit Cases,Trunks and Steamers OE eR We can supply almost any reasonable want from this department.i] Striped Voiles,Rice Cloth. Another lot of these popular mid-summer. fabrics and 35¢e.'Send for samples, for the asking, “priced reasonably at 15¢e,,20c.,25e. They'll be sent ~RAMSEY.BOWLES.MORRISON 0, THE STORE THAT PAYS THE POSTAGE ON MAIL ORDERS.“Phan had 137,"Phones 84 and-137 > Dog da lieu Monday,the .You be sure and attend the Great12th,according to Blam’s almanac,Moncy-Saying sale of Smithey &Ira.and as it rained on that day it will ley.Yhey make #specialty of baik- a rainy season throughout,so the!rupt stocks.‘ard ean give you bar-old.sign runs,jSains that others eannot,—ad, on SEAN BOOKLET | =THE LANDMARK ‘FRIDAY,July 16,1916, SSUED. Commercial Chairs |Second Book-let Treats of Manufacturing and Farming—A Companion Piece to Attractive Statesville. “Statesville,North Carolina,Manu- ‘facturing and Farming,”is the title ‘of a handsome 836-page booklet issued by the Commercial club of Statesville, ins -a~ecompanion-piece to “Attractive Statesville,”a booklet issued by the ‘elub last winter, The present booklet,as its title in- ‘dicates,deals with the manufacturing land farming interests of Statesville ‘andthe county.The covers show -handsome photographs of the Monbo ‘Cotton Mills,on the Catawba river, ‘and of a field white with cotton, |The book opens with a prediction imade by the late J.P.Caldwell in'1890—when he was editor of The 'Landmark.Addressing Statesville’s first chamber of ‘commerce.of which he was president and which he help- ke - || ficd-found,Mr.Caldwell said:+—“With-the marked impulse which} chas recently been given to all of our interests of every kind,and with the bepinming of what is surely a new epoch in Statesville’s history,new re- sponsibilities rest upon the chamber af commerce and new work ‘presents itself,: “Ttewill be the daly “of his.body to foster and“éneourasre by every means \within_its.power the industries start- ‘ing and soon.to.start,’as well as to stand by those already established. “The work before us is that of at-'tracting yet.more population,and ofstimulatingstillfurtherthemanufac- turing interests upon which despend’ the growth of both.city and county.’ The work begun by that first cham-|her:of commerce of ‘Statesville,ofwhichMr.Caldwell.spoke a quarter ‘ofa century ago,is being carried on; ‘by the Commercial elub,and to show ithe world what Statesville and.the. county have in farming and manufac-; turing and the opportunities offered; this booklet is printed. The iltustrations show manufactur- ing plants in Statesville,scenes attheSouthernPowerCompanydeyel-opment onthe Catawba river,farm buildings,river ‘s¢énés,stretches.of pood roads,fields of corn,cotton, wheat,ete,One page shows an idéai country.scene—an attractive’farm home,modern barn,pasture with ¢at-tle,and a church and school house near by, The reading ‘matter of the booklet iets forth concisely facets aboutSouthern‘industries’and the oppor- ti Inities offered here for the establish- ment of various industries,as well astacts-about.the industries we.have, arming and country life also receive lextended notice,and whatdoneandtheopportunities offered in { ‘are attractively _set forth,‘roads,schools.and churchescounty,population,valuepropertyandproduetsand much oth-er information of.intétest is containsedin-the concluding purer, The book is a most valuable’ in ‘the jo it is being ‘farming,’stck raising,dairying;ete.,|Good of Carmtel tisement for Statesville and the coun- ty,;one*of which our citizenship gen-erally should be proud.The Com- ;mercial club is to be congratulated on| |the,suceess of its work.Both the}‘booklets.ig8ucd By he clb Were 'prin’ ed by the ‘Brady’PAntingscane:any @Statesville:under the sttpepvision of, Mr.GvE.French,who has given mue h} time to the selection and arrange-| ment of the material and ‘whose un-| tiring efforts have in large part made possible the handssome.publications. Sy TE Tse Hire;Tornado,Live stock,Automobile,Liability, Plate Glass,Steam Boiler,Accident, and Health or Life Insurance We solicit your business for the leading companies writing the different lines ofNoticeof‘New Advertisements. ‘Bicycle missing from office Tredell| Telephone Co.Reward for”return,Ice boxes to close out at.whole- sale prices.—Overcaish Bros. \Pig found.Apply at W.A.Ev- ans’store. Don’t forget hig Mills &Poston’s. Girls:wanted at Hotel Tredell. Declamation medal.found..Apply ~Fnsurance. on request. ERNEST G.GAITHER,PHONE 23. Full information obtained GENERAL INSURANCE,RENT-ALS AND REAL ESTATE.OFFICE NO.1,MILLS BUILDING. towel sale at to The Landmark. Fresh milch rows sale.—J.M.Arey. Correct luggage for that summertrip.—Ramsey -Bowles -Morrison; Company.:‘‘Real hot weather —necessity.—~) Crawford-Bunch.Furniture Co. July clearance sale=begins tomor=/) row.—Sherrill-White Shoe Co. _New awning —stripes.—Mills Poston.: ‘Texaco,the mark Statesville ‘Oil Co, Demonstrations of gas ranges hastginstoday.+Statesville Gas dishts and Fuel <Go. Better goods’for Sloan Clothing Co.Keep Kool.material.—4 Johnston- Belk Co.Reductions.J.M.McKee &Co. Great money-saying _sale-—Smith-ey &Fraley. Mea and pigs for YOUR OPPORTUNITY To Buy a NiceMarm-and Get Ready for Next Year’s Crop.ag __No._1—345 acres in Elmwood.All school_andchurchconveniences,~:Strong land,40 acresin .bottom,8-room house,large barn t and out houses.No.2—77 acres 3}miles east of city.This propertylies on the sand- clay:highway now being constructed by the government.IsidealforDairyandTruckfarming. No.3—40 atres 1 1-4 miles from public square.Splendidly adaptedforDairypurposes,Live Stock and.Poultry.No,4-60 acres in Wilkes county just across Iredell line—a.bargain,- 40 city lotsin east Statesville,known as ‘Park Place’’—-$15 down,balance in monthly payments of $5. 10 lotsin Bloomfield.Terms easy:Sixiotsin south Statesville.a section fast developing.Several nice houses and lots to sell.Call on me and Jearn whatI have.; *W.R.MILLS,:Statesville,N.C. oo a Street of —quality.— Tess money.— i ||iL 4 f Cal at Packers After Great Brit-. ain. Dee 5S American meat packers appealed to! ithe State Department Wednesday to} ‘demand that Great Britain stop in- terfering with ‘cargoes Consignedis to |‘neutral ports and vettle for $14,000,- 1000 worth of their products now held| iin prize courts..They charge _the'British government with destruction of commerce in food products between the United States and other neutral! wnations. ‘After two conferences hetween the packerg and Chandler Andersen,spe-| tial counselor.of the State enart- ment,it was.announced the.depart- nent:would make representations toGreatBritain.a (we WE ARK=—et>--— N.Carolina eadumrieed, FOR KNABE PIANOSCHICKERINGPIANOS IVERS &'POND PIANOSPIANOLA®|PLAYER PIANOS -—-Mr.J.S.Ratledge,a good citizen of Calahalh ‘community,Davie coun=ty,who called at ‘The Landmark of- ficeyesterday,says more rain is needs ed in his section;that while they.have showers they are very light and there is not.a sufficiencyof moisture,Gen-erally there has been raih in abund-atice,but the Calahaln section is an exception, For the reliability:of our instruments and ourselveswecanreferyoutoscoresofreligiousandeducation-al institutions as well°as prominent individuals.in_your community. ‘Let us send you catalogues;also quote you liberalterms,and give you interesting intormation aboutourClubPianosandClubPlayerPiano,-Address:. <PARKER-GARDNER C0.CHARLOTTE,| No such bargains have ever heen‘ered before.A complete ‘sacrifice-ofsummer-weight-merchandise;.to-gother with several bankrupt stocksintransit..Read ad in this —paper.Smithey &‘Fealey,the money-saving‘tpeople you.want to see——~ad,« N.C. ________Belton _C.Shuford,manager ofthe et -Shuford,;-Miss-Bettie ——hle_listthe appointment being un- ===— VOL.XLL @ nme TUESDAY,JULY 20,1915. he a H ¥Msc penaa ae pic fy oa-NO 102.:—f ;e/ee i AIR LINE TO ISSUE BONDS. Mercantile Trust Company ofRaltimoreisTrustee—Pro ceeds to Be Used to EquiptheRoadFromStatesvilleto Harmony. ‘As the result.of:the passed py the:stockholders’of Statesville Air Line:Railroad Com resolution the grees with Changes Made By and Tells Why. Sitting as a board of equalizationlastweek,the county commissioners,as was mentioned in the last issueofTheLandmark,passed on the as-pany,in annual session here last}sessments in one township ——Turmonth,authorizing the directors tojnersburg —and if there is as muchissuebondsto’an amount rot ex- ceeding $1,250,000 to secure funds tocompletethe’read and put it in op- eration,the.officers of the Tailroac company.have .arranged with company in the handling of and the purchasers of bonds the rail road company is executing a deed oftrustormortgagefor$1,250,000 on all its holdings in the three counties to be traversed by the road,via:Ire-dell,Yadkin and Surry.The deed of trust or mortgage is now being offi-cially’registered in the three coun.ties named. After the deed of trust hag been le- gally executed and all preliminaries amount of issuedbytheMercantileTrustCompanyas trustee for the road and placed.on onthe-strength-of the -completion—-of-the roadbed between Statesville and Har-mony,a distance of 16 miles,and ititisprovidedinthedeedoftrust arranged,bonds to the $250,000 will be immediately sale:—-These bonds”willbe issue that as ‘each additional mile of road is completed and authoritative certif-ication to that effect is made by the officers of the railroad company the Trust Company,$20,000 addition-al bonds shall be released for sale.Tt is believed that the first $250,000bondstobeissuedwillfindreadysale,and with this amount the com- pany can immediately lay ‘track andputtheroadinoperationbetweenStatesvilleandHarmony,and employ more labor and equipment to supple- ment the State convict and free laborforcesin.the construction of the re-mainder of the road.And as_theroadis.completed the issuance of theadditionalbondsandthesalethereofwill make further extensions from timeto.time-yntil the road will be -in .op- eration all the way from StatesvilletoMt.Airy.The plan has been care-fully worked dut™by ‘Genéral Mani:ger D.M.Ausley andthe other offi-cers of the road and the indicationsarethatifwillbecarriedontwithoutahitch.‘Negotiations so far hayeheen‘very satisfactory, “Fhe deed “of tHist—or-—mortzage,which séts'forth 'the plan for issuingthebonds’ete.)und takes in all thepropertyoftherailroadcompany,is armassive document,making a book of 60 typewritten pages.The regis-tration fee in Iredell is £20 and the fee in Surry county $15.25.As set forth in the deed of trust the bonds will be issued in denominations of $200,$500 and $1,000 and will bearinterest—at-the rate:of -¢per-—cent. Bonds of $260 denomination will beissuedtotheamountof$100,000,of$500 denomination to.the amount of$500,000 and of $1,000 denominationtotheamount.of $650,000.The dates of maturity run from 1920 to 1945, TWO CHILDRENKILLED. ''yain Struck Auto at:Crossing Near Hickory —Mr.B.C. Shuford Badly Injured and His Two Children Killed. Hickory:Dispatch,18th,to CharlotteObserver.. Brookford Cotton.Mill store,was se-riously injured,and his two children,‘Carl aged five and Ruth aged-three, were killed outright “this eveningwhenpassengertrainNo.12 strucktheirautomobileatacrossinginLongview,just west of Hickory.Mrs.Hollyard--and+Miss Lola’Mundav,other ceeupants of the car,were slightly injured.Mr. Shuford’s injuries are right leg crtsh-ed and head bruised.He is now in a hospital here.The body of~the boy was found on the pilot of the engine,with—one leg cut off,when_the-train was brought to a stop. Conductor Hanger was in.chargeofthetrain.—_Engineer W.-W.Pittswasatthethrottleand‘was greatlyaffected..The accident happened at4curveintheroad.Mr.Shuford haddrivenuponthetrackwhenhesaw the train coming.He stopped andhadgotnearlybackoffwhentheen- gine struck them.Two of.‘the ladiesjumpedandwereslightlybruisedbythe-car_striking them. Mr.Miller Goes to Mooresville. Mr.R,O.Miller,who was recentlyelectedcashieroftheMerchants.&Farmers’Bank at Mooresville,leftyesterdayforMooresville.to make!arrangements.preliminary to takinguphisnewwork.He will return toStatesvilleSaturdaytospendSun-day and beginning next week will bepermanentlylocatedinMooresville.He expects to move his family toMooresvillethefirst’of.next month.Mr,Miller's resignation as messen-ger at the internal revenue.office is!effective Thursday.Collector Wattshasaskedfornamesfrom.the ligi- d¢r.civil ‘servicesfrom which to se-lect his successor.Three names willbefurnishedthe’collector and he canchoosebetween’the three,, the Mercantile “frust Company of Balti- more,Md.,to act as trustee for 94 bonds.To secure the Trust Company to supply funds with which ©to" ranges are “served to-callers--at—theywest-Gas Company’s office and show room|hea difference of opinion about the othertownshipsasthereisaboutTurners:burg,it will take some time to settlethematterofPropertyassessmentsinIredell,and something “may \bestartedinthemeantime.‘The local.assessors for Turners-burg,Messrs.Jo.Whtts and LeeKinder,made considerable increasein’the value of real estate in thetownshipand.their assessments,ex-cept in a few instances,were confirm-ed by .the county assessor,Mr.M,A,Feimster.As was natural,manyTurnersburgfolkswhoseassessmentwasincreasedmadecomplaint.Thecommissionerswentoverthereturnsandmadeincreases~in some casesandreductionsinothers.They woundupwithanetgain.but County.As-sessor Feimster,who.dissents fromnearlyallthechangesmadebythecommissioners,says that in nearly ev-ery case the decrease was made onthe’more valuable property—and—theincreaseonthelessvaluable.T°be-gin with,Mr.Feimster Says,thecommissionerssetasidethelocalas-sessors,Messrs,Watts and Kinder,who had examined the Property andmadetheassessment,and called intwonewmen—Messrs.J.B.ParksandR.F,Gaither—who were consult-ed.Mr.Feimster points out on thebooksanumberoftractsoflandonWhichtherewereincreasesandde-creases,and he insists that in near-ly every case the decrease was madeonthelargertracts-and-the more val-uable property,while the increasewasmadeonthesmallerandlessvaluabletracts. One item about which there is dis-pute is the Turnersburg‘mill proper-ty.which.includes the cotton mill,roller mill,tenant houses,ete.ThePropertywasassessedheretoforefor|$10,000.The assessors increased it:to $20,000.Mr.Feimster confirmedtheassessment.He holds that thevreviousassessment.was entirely toolow,that ..considerable imprevementhasbeenmade:and that $20,000 is nottoohigh._The commissioners redue.-ed the -assessment to $16,000.Mr.Feimster says he will not agree.tothe..reduction and that if ‘it stands hewilltakethecasetothecorporationcommission,~~~---Piao')Thelconditions probably.not :tet siph tinTurnersburg‘aremateriallydifferentfromtheconditions.in other town-ships.There is always more or lessdisagreementaboutthevalueofproperty,especially when it is to beassessedfortaxation.Without pass-jing on the Turnersburg case,ofwhichithasnopersonalknowledge,The Landmark will repeat.what ithas—-often-said—p fact—patent_to_ev.,erybody who looks into it—that injassessmentsfortaxation—and:thisistrueinothereountiesaswellasinTredell—some property is assess-ed at 50 to 75 and 90 per cent.of itsvalue.while other vroperty is as-sessed_at from 10 to 50 per cent.,andnearlyalwaysthemorevajuabletheproperty.the less the assessmentinproportiontoitsvalue;while thecheaperthebropertythegreatertheassessmentinproportionto|value.Of course this.cannot be defendedbutbecatiseithasbeenacustomitishardtochange.Whether propertyisassessedat10percent.or 90 percent._ofitsvalue,the per.-eentage—on}all should be the same,or as nearthesameasitispossibleforhumanjudgmenttofixit,and our methodofassessmentwillheatravestyonjusticeuntilthatisdone. Power Company AssessmentBeforeCorporationCommission Chairman N.B.Mills of the boardofcountycommissionershasreceiv~ed notice from the Corporation Com-mission that a hearing will be heldbeforethecommission’August 4th the County Commissioners stein ‘Concord—C.C.-Hartness,W:—H.Hunter,Hi.L.Stevenson.Cool String—W.S.Page,Q.RReid,C.Hi Knox,..iDavidson—wJ.B.Flouston,©:H.Cornelius.Dr.J.T.Moore.Eagle Miils—c:Cc.Tharpe,M.W.Smith.G.W.Baity.;Falistown—J.L.Turner,‘J.T. attend odist Rev. First relative to the assessment.of theSouthernPoweratthesceneof pany having requested the hearing.he hearing is the “result of Aleéx-.ander.county having decided that itisentitledtosometaxes.from thePowercompany.It is understoodthat.inasmuch.as'the water of the bigpondtobecreatedbythePowercompany’s dam will back up.intoAleXandercounty,that county willclaimthatithas-a right to make anassessment.against —the company’splant.The dam proper and theplant,however,are on the river be-tween Iredell and Catawba counties,the Alexander line being some dis:tance above the dam, Cooking With-Gas. Miss,Eethel A,.Church,an expert:cooking demonstrator,is .with —theStatesvilleGasLightandFuelCom-tany this week “showing the ladieshowtocookwithgas.”Demonstraytions,will be held alt this week ‘intheforenoonat10o’clock:and in the prepared by Miss Church on the on.Center.street.The.|: {was favored with.a beautifully’“ated handiwork ©“ehe condition ofMrs.J,S,Leoh-|Onerdcontinuesverycritical,==,”Ieafedeton k }a a line eae afternoon at 2.80.Excellent menus § Tredell Smith,J.A.Collins,:New Hone—R.M.Myers,Je P. Union’Grove—J.P,Howard,F.E.Robertson,W.M.BoThefirstnamedin each instanceisapvointedforthreeyears,the sec-ond for two years and the third foroneyear. District:Conference —ChurchNews. Rev.and Mrs.D.W.Herring.Bap-tist.missionaries to China,will visitStatesvilleThursdayandMr.Herring!will deliver a missionary address at}the Blomfield Baptist:church Thurs-day evening.At the same time Mrs.Herring will deliver an address attheFirstBaptistchurch.Mrs.Her-ring will talk especially to the la-dies and all ladies of the tawn arecordialyinvited:to hear her.The ex-ercises'will begin at 8 o'clock.Many delegates are expected District’Methodist Conference,whichit-be-_held-wi church ~next week—beginningWednesdayandcontinuing—throughFriday,tained by the local Methodists.ThiswillbethefirstMeetingofthe[Dis-trict Conference ‘heldinseveralyears. the First PresbyterianCharlotte,preached at Front StreetchurchSundaymorningandatthe evening.Dr,Ralston is a preacher ofnnaabbeyand_hisCompany’s property,Were heard with interest.its developnient on{/ton went fromtheCatawbariver,the Power.com-|tteat.The annual protracted meeting willbeginatSouthRiverBaptistchurchSaturday,24th,Song service at 9.20a.m.,preaching at 11-a,m.,and songserviceintheafternoonat2o'clock.The public invited. Mr.Nattress the Author. In mentioning.the Statesville andmanufacturing|and farming,in theTheLandmark,it should have beenstated.that the copy.for this booklet was prepared by Mr.W.B.NattressofStatesville,who also wrote thecopyforMr,Nattress did the work well,as areading.of both bookisnowdoingsimilarwork for Blow-ing Roek and the Blowing Rock peo-e can’be‘be well Skull Fractured By Mule’s Kick. ASSESSMENT DISPUTES.|SCHOOL COMMETTEEMEN County Assessor Feimster Disa-Appointed By ‘Board of.Educa-toin Yesterday —Stock ForHarmonyFarmSchool. In special session yesterdaycountyboardofeducationappoiiicdtownshipschoolcommitteemen“whotaketheplacesofthedistrictéom-mitteemen,as stated in:thesueofTheLandmark.‘District ¢om-mitteemen will be appointed for thespecialtaxdistricts,but instancesthetownshypcommitteemen|f:will have entire charge of the schoolsoftheirtowhship.The boardedanorderthatthetownship ¢om-mitteemen shall not employ personscloselyrelatedtothemas‘teachersintheirtownship. The board decided to -buy twobroodmares,a Jersey cow and a Hol- th cow for the Harmiony StatFarmLifeSchool,in accordance withtherequirementsoftheStateboard.The horses and céw:ed by Prof.J.C.McNutt of the A.&M.College.An apropriationof $150 was madebythecountyboardtowardthesal-ary of an industrial instructor.for thecoloredschoolsofthecounty,provid-ed the State board shall appropriate$300 for this purpose.board is now working.out a plan bywhichithopestobeabletoappro-priate $200 to each county which willraise~half that amount—for-the-em-ployment of an industrial:instructorforthenegroschoolchildren,and iftheplanmaterializesIredellwill.becertaintoshareitsbenefits._‘Following is’the lisy~or townshipcommitteemenappointed:Township Committeemen,Barringer—4J,WillH.Houston,P.B.Smith,©‘Bethany—Neill Blackwelder,L.R.Deal,John—R:—Morrison-:Chambersburg—B.C.Howard;W...Webb,R.W.Pou..(Coddle Creek—J},_L.Brantley,LD.Harris,J.L.Ballard.. s will be select The.Stat £gs. tothemeetingofStatesville The visitors willbe enter- in Statesville Dr.D.-H.Ralston;pastor ofchurchof Presbyterian church’Sunday discourses Dr.Rals- Statesville to Mon- booklet,on oflast.issue “Attractive Statesville.” lets shows.He assured that the story will written?ny ; the 5-year-otsoh of Mr.W.who lives on the Duke farm Aylorsvillé road,two miles7seville,was kicked-on theSuriday‘evenitig,and e@ last.is pass- Templeton,S. J. The,child’s.skull]!Was brought to} Court. e hy -|ch er in-|ville. A e e river, The were yard C. ing Mills .|Brigh taken Holly Playi Theon-th man place. fifth iscore Lynch States the se Blues The FlanigandLL second conditi om tion'anoperatioTieconditionisfa- ee Jacob’Helplertownshipwasgiven a hearing beforeUnited$tates Commissioner Lazen-at the court house Saturday onaargeofillicitdistilling.He gave£300 bond for his appearance at thenexttermofFederalcourtatStates-Hplpler also gave $200 bondxhisappearanceatSuperiorCourttoanswerchargesofillicitdistilling,He was under bond for his appearsaceatthelast.term.of SuperiorCourt,but failed to appear.Coit Pee,alias Coit Grant,a ne-rro who is charged with retailingyingaconcealedweaponatsheville,was arrested in StatesvilleFridaybyOfficersKerrandGilbert.Policeman T..R.Parker of AshevillecameafterhimSaturday.Lola Brown,a negro woman,wasyorFridaychargedwithcarryingaconcealedweapon.It wasinevidencethatthewomanhadthePossessiononlytempo-he real owner,a negroman,was doing some shopping,thecouple-having come into town’fromtheHardawaycampontheCatawbaThemancouldnotbefoundandthewomanwasreleasedonherownrecognizancefiat-Superior~Court:‘Tod Clark,a young white man,wasarrestedby.Deputy.Sheriff.GilbertyesterdayafternoonandplacedderbondforhisappearancebeforeLazenby-Saturday after-noon to answer a charge of disordér-The alleged offense oc-curred at.Bloomfield yesterday. and carr before the ma p.stol in her rarily,while t Justice ly conduct. W.-A.Lutz and day night. Winston cau ed for ed her runs in Gastonia’s favor,that Statesville’s teamganized,”a-number of theplayersbeingoutonaccount of ill-ness,Then,too,the scores ‘of thesegameswillnotfigureinthefinal.percentageoftheteamsoftheLeague,as stated last.week. Westmoreland,ning about 60 stron City to:attend thementoftheFirst Regiment of theNorthCarolinaNationalGuard,the”party in addition to the BlueswereMajorsJ.E.Deitz and R.L.R.A.Camphell of Union or her appearance un Death Record. taken to St. for interment. street.deatht’s disease. Springs:church,Mary,the two-year-old childMr.and Mrs.Walter Ross,who liveonnorthMulberrystreet,‘died Sun-The funeral and burialtookplaceyesterdayafternoon. ng Ball. Statesville - e local diamo pitched for '‘An_infant-of—Mr.-and—Mrs.O.—A;Hartline,who live on Fourth street,died Friday.Funeral services wereconductedattheresidencebyRev.J.H,Pressly and th -|Mrs.Eliza Haithcox,”wife.of Mr.C.Haithcox,died Sunday morn-at’9.30 o’clock at her home onresulting:fromFuneral.serviceswereconductedat:the residence yes-terday morning at 10 o'clock by Rev.the remains weretoSt.Paul’s graveyard,east Hayes of Eagle Mills township diedFridayandwasburiedSaturdayat Morganton gamendyesterdayaf-ternoon resulted in a victory for thehometeambyascoreof9.to 1.New-Morgantonght,while Sindler pitch-Statesville,with Swann in hisbehindthe nnings,an until é first,second and Morganton did notafterthefifthinning. ihe Statesville scor- of Statesville featured with a ville at ore Saturday was It 0 ff to Encampment. home run,with three men on bases.Statesville and Morganton play herewithBroadStroet—M eth=|Seain —this—afternoon—and—temorrow-afternoon. Gastonia won both games Gastonia lastFriday’s game was 4Gastoniabya with week.victory forscoreof5to3and $,to 6 inis” was”“disor- regular’ explained Tredel]Blues,headed by Capt.left g.for an,Surgeon yesterday eve- Morehead annual encamp- In ieut.C.H.Turner.Mrs.Tur- No.12. Mr.Walker Very Low. Rev.W.T.Walker,superintendentof,the Barium Orphans’Home,was very low at 6.20 this morning.‘His ion became worse ‘Alabama Legislature Astitutionality, ident:Wilson.returnedyesterdayfromhis mm at Cornish,N,H, ner atid Miss Jénnie Morrison accom-panied Lieut.Turner and Mrs.DeitzandlittledaughteraccompaniedMaj.Deitz.The party left ona specialtrainfromAsheville,which ran as yesterday morning andyhe has been sinking since then. assed arohibitingthegivirgoftipsores,but the Governor vetoed.it»Rround ‘that he didn’t believeidbeenforcedandhequestioned to Wash- summer Grove Saturday e remains Michael’s grave- of and The following changes have beenmadeinruralmailroutesNow2andAugustIst:‘Route No.2—Starting at the post-office,the carrier will go north onCenterstreettotheWilkesbororoadandnorthweston forks;north on 5,effective Creek lodge, raigned for ight it out rifriends.”vr-“Shucks!”said the other one,“It’stoohot.to fight.Let’swithoutfighting,”and they did.Bquire-Helms thinks that the war-ring nations might do something likethisifthey.would.onlyenoughtothinkaboutit, HELPLER CALLED TO TAW.|RURAL ROUTE ‘CHANGES Gave Bond to’Answer For Illic-Some Changes in Two and Five,it Distilling—Other Cases in Effective 5 corner, are On the 3d of February Dr.Geo,W.Long was carried to the Stokes.Whhitehea§Sanatorium, After being there under treatmentaboutsixweeks,he was carried.tatheJohnsHopkinshospital,more,for an operation.The doctorreturnedhomeThursday,after an ab-sence of five and a half months.Heislookingremarkablywell,but hasnotyetfullyrecovered’from the op-eration.The treatment has been longandtediousandattendedwithmuchdiscomfortandsuffering.It is grat-ifying and delightful to see the doc-dtorhomewithfamilyand.friendsagain,and it is hothewillbehisfor(Dr.Long has Statesville who will be interested inthisreportofhiscondition.He is thefather‘of Mrs.B.HibrotherofJudge |foo Hot to Fight —and—They|Made Friends. Monroe Journal.: Squire Sam Helms was telling theJournalthestoryoftwomenheonceknewwho.were at “loggerheads”foralongtime.One day one of themdecided”thatthe ‘matter had best be‘settled and done with,as it was onhismindtoomuch.So he weyt over toseethe-other one;whom he’foynd-inthefieldplowingcorn.neighbor,”he said,“we've beeningaroundlongenough,and I havecomeovertosettleit.We'll justghtnowandthenmake Negotiations to bring about a set-tlement of the difficulties bétween the|™.machinists of BridgeportRemingtohArms&Ammunition Co.,engaged on a gigantic seale inmanufactureofwarmunitionsthe‘allied armies,have failed.Theworkersareexpectedtostriketoday, President Wilson and-SecretaryLansingpreparedyesterdaythedraftof:note.on ‘submarine warfare ta besubmittedtothecabinettodayaid;to be sent to Germany probably be-fore the end of the present week, et tnt eetItisoffitiallyreported from.Vien.na that an Austrian submarine sunktheItalianwarship,Giuseppe Gara-baldi,‘in the Adriatic sea,2s -The-Post-says a severe storm ©jpSalisburyaboutnoonsontédamage. .Cooper Hill,a farmer of.Lenoirfee:is,in.jail charged,with.kill-ie eee, graded road to Sum-mers place on the old Georgia road;southwest on old Georgyn roadHager’s store;retrace northeast tonewgradédroad;southerly and south-easterly on new graded road direct toStatesvillepostoffice, Route No.mers’where connectionmadewithrouteNo.2;thence easttoRobertson’s store,circling north-erly by Holland’s to Journey’s;horth-westerly to Douglas’corner,south-west on graded road to Dr.King’s;northwest to Davis’corner;to Ham Creek church,angling wester-ly to Wilson’s corner;north to Snow west to ford acrossSnowcreek,southwest to Sloan’s cor-her,easterly to Bryant’s store.south-east and south to Henry King’s well;retrace to old Wassoneasterly,on settlement road part theway,to Sumniers’corner,place”ofstarting.RitPatronsofTheLandmark whomaybeaffectedbythesechangesareaskedtonotifytheofficebyAu-gust Ist.so that there will be no de-lay in forwarding the papers,- Blind Tigers Bad in Asheville, Judge Long stirred up the boys ‘inBuncombeSuperiorCourtlastweek, When twelve blind tigers were ar- sentence Judge Long said-it-appeared-to-him-from-the way,“bootleggers”at Asheville there must be a whis-key—-trust—or—seeret—organizationexistencethere.Continuing he said:“These.people seem to have no re-gard for the law whatever.use for you attorneys to ask me toplaceafine.on a manretailing.In .the facehappenedIwouldbetittleacriminalifIshouldthesedefendants,Ifenoughtodo.such aneverhaldanotherterm of:court inBuncombe‘county.”i mer self, Léng.) August Ist.© same to.Bradléy’s to Starting at Sum-|, is southerly place,angling t violating the law in It is no charged withofwhathasbetterthanaeafine. thing,I would Salisbury. Balti-8 fi ped that ere long many friends ‘in Adams and the sl“Look here, pout- make.friends el,Stop_long and the thefor M yesterday did ae the marriage of MissRose Hob! couple, tract of land in.Turnersburg:town-ship to Mr.N.W.Fowler for a house.and Iot on Elm street,-fis ocak dent of Statesville Femalehasmovedhis.family from BeaufortS.C.,to,Statesville.They haveinthecollegebuilding.. garb,who plays,the bagpipe for ad-.vertising purposes,was a.visitor .inStatesvilleSaturday,He was :hereafewmonthsago, ville has secured a position as traveelingsalesmanforW..SRichmondmeatpacker.ito:will.be North and South Carolina, were engaged last week.in going over ©the list of insolvents’i in.bthesheriff,will meet ain tomor-row to take up the sethe-sheriff._-aos makes his home with his grandf,Mr.“A.C.McHargue,« ter street,fell fromfew at the élbow. Charlotte.who will dofortheRocky and went out to the creek to bework, en teachersto.thetheS fates Iiment.Guilfordhad 80,arger enrollment.Guilford |Rockingham 30 and Randolph 22, participatein.some weheldatNew dies should have many guests.. morning 4 negrointoMr.R.]nesultinginafallfor:light damage to his |€boy was not:hurt and of courseFordanditsoceupedjury...ie well as for other The Landmark a to we:pound and.11 1-2 ounces,!lay Mr, mato that weighed &@ pound.ounces—a@ half ounce’more.than:Eagle's,‘ti ‘sion yesterday,passed on.aofappli proved those of.thesoldiersandwidows tie White,J.i Redman.-— ungertrainNo.22 at Slee:ene was due to the 0 the-locomotive:of.ewhichtadnotclearedthe 7trackataswitch.Both:enginehtly:damaged andthe.firemanoeofthemwasslightlyinjured. andhavedecidedto:tithissummer.Theytheirresidence.on Davié avenueMr.Wodward’s farm near Mormill,on the Wilkesboro.road,they will spend the.summer,»Woodward drives to and from.his Friday night with Mrs.at her,home.on Stockwereenroutetownshipfrom“Sanatoritcounty,where Mrs.Rhyn :der.treatment for sev a estheStateSanatorium.‘Mr.went to Sanatorium last w:company herconditionis.i has bougpe oonngeen,Teplac by.granite.pwill use the slabs in ‘a.sunken.den at his country place. down to CAPE titan Ma acc saeuslinfoathofofficeanddeliveredtheirina |Augural addresses. arrived in Statesville JastvisitMrs.EB.B,ter-street, =Sa.BRIEF ITEMS LOCAL NEWS,— —A Sunday school pienie will beheldSatufdayatNéw.I y Bap+tist church,Shiloh ‘township. ee for —License was issued: Mr.Carl Torrence,a Mooresvil —Mr,W.F.Reech has trated a —Prof.J.M.Moore,thé new prési- * o1 3 .—The Scotchman rigged in native ~-Mr.Carey Boshamer of .States- ~Forbes,’aHisterrito +-The county commissioners,who | ent, +JMaster Fred.Burgess,|wha father, ;on south Cabarnloftdaysagoandbrokehjsleftarm Civil Engineer Creekrict,arrived in.Statesville —redell county te Normal College,Greens-ly three counties had a _ —Mr.J.C.Duke reports that bushels of wheat and,oats we e taedonhisfa‘y | i Berne are g tatWilliams,J.Lo Reid,ou lot town,for.interment,the deceased}Some of:the:defendants»appealed}fitemen’s “tournament :(Olin—W,W.Holland,Claude Tom-jhaving been a member of St.Paul’s|from road.sentences but his honor Md ePiss nic ad i.prepelin,J.J.Robertson,.Lutheran church.Mrs.Haithcox was gave notice that he would require a}ae ree HEESharpesburg—C.S.King,H.§,|64 years old and is survived by her|$1,000 jusitfied bond ineach case,|¢ral afternoons each weeGoodnipht,C...T:Rickert.husband and the ‘following ‘namedjand the appeals:were probably ‘dtop-|'‘Shiloh—A..W..Stevenson,H.°L.|children:Mrs.M.M.Lanier,Mrs.EF.bed.SR |Gilbert,W.H.Glark..L.Dixon,Mrs.Roy MeCoy,Misses!Met sae 9 this_Statesyille--F.(B.-Sample,R.-B:}Mary~Bell’“and~-Annie’Haitheox -and|Dr:Lone Returns to Graham=<!noo ginnin,o'clock;LighKestler,Bob.Henry.Messrs.W,H.and C.S.Haithcox,all His Long Mlness.ents will’be ..served,Tirnersburg—Ed,.-Massey,T.L,|jof this county.:Graham Gleaner:*charge will be made ‘but a.“silSteele,W..B.Campbell.!An infant of Mr.and Mrs.A.’C.i offering”will be accepted.The. ~—On.West End avenue .:boy Har, R.Ht yele,:.theing: panifontomo 88S.P.Eagle |.P.Eagle —A_fine season eld crops,Mr, _The,Mc.R.Long bro a 7 eaeek aa —The county pension board,in cations for pensionsafollowingMessrs.*oie E. Downum ce Oli!Stimpson,and Mesdames.Mp:8.Foster and —-The delay of east- the.passenger tr:in sii —{Mr,and Mrs,Hi B::dyson,Master ea ry,“country°have moved whe ty store each day.;—iMr.and Mrs.D...C.Hn to thelr J 2 :ne eek to ac-home..Mrs.oie The Old Capitol Steps.«John “R.MeLean,the’publisher, ught.the front hich the which:will+Mr. the old steps Lincoln,GaKinleyandallthelaterPWoodrow 1 i (Mrs.B.L.Phillips of Quinn,on », 6 aged Iowa men, bed for a murder alleged n committed 40 years ago,were lismissed when the case was called :court.; M OVER THE COUNTRY. of Interest About Various Matters. recently ar-to have to June .30. —_Mra nen-eee nt NEWS FROM ABOUT STATE.|FOR MOONLIGHT.SCHOOLS Accidents Crimes and Other In-/The Campaign Against Mlliter« cidents of Life in North Caro-|,acy and Who is Pledgedto Its Jina.Support.re ae WN The J-months-old child of Mr.and,A bulletin on adult illiteracyin the Mrs,Ed.Boone of,Lumberton was)State and’plans for its elimination; suffoeated by a pillow falling on its/has been issued by the State Depart- r uae in Wael ship,Bare Men arene ee8eownship,1)gg .ry “county,wilvote ona $80,000 siattice Contaifed.im.the.bulletinbond:issue for good roads.Five Sur-|i)convince any patni6tic citizen of ‘North Carolina that adult illiteracy,isrytownshipshavealreadyvoted good road bonds,lone of the most serious problems now i os Pereaage nine ‘boats,aggregated 125,000 tons, ca +a Aah -—Small Lossof Life,A dispatch from ‘a Berlin news agency says?..~met ee -«During the month of June 29 Brit-ish,three French,one Belgian andRussianmerchantmen_were sunk by German submarines.ThetotallossoftheEntenteAlliesby submarines,including fishing steam- ers,which mostly were armed patrol vatThe,loss of human life was.re-markably small,the submarines usingeveryprecautionandgivingample Ss,**e igs +3,a ao foeT ep$.|Loss of Boats By Submarines} WEAR |N.Carolina Headquarters ge BRODIE cic :Knabe Pianos ~Chickering Pianos “From Augist”tst-tast : ig year automobiles,—automobile parts and tires shipped abroad, rough the port of New York alone, egated $41,000,000 in value. The Liberty Bell,which has been making the journey,from Philadel- “phia to the San Francisco erposi- “tion,reached the latter place Friday night and was received with great enthusiasm.aeg Cotton and cotton ‘goods on hand uly 1,in foreign countries,were +lees than on that date a year ago,1s ‘shown by the Department of Com- merce’s first monthly report:on cot- ‘ton stocks and consumption abroad. warning and time for crews to leavetheir~ships if..no—resistance.were.at- tempted?—-2--Shak Maar SA “Mr,John W.Lambeth of Thomas-|]. aus teva i hie oe pein cae”f easoe that 80.is wheat cro),38%*a ste .tuahels—n.Statesville for $1.22.For the reliability of our instruments and ourselves The woodworking 'plant recently |We can refer you to scores of religiousand education-burned at Azalea,Bungombe county,|al institutions as well as prominent individuals in your community.will be:rebuilt.' Let us send you catalogues;also quote you liberal “THOUGHT SHE )|terms,and give you.interesting information about |our Club Pianos and Club Player Piano.-Address: Besieged by a band‘of women suf-estroye ;|COULD NOT LIVE the heart of the business section.Loss|,eration “sith the >Conimittae |:CHARLOTTE, fragists in a hotel ebby in San Fran-| PARKER-GARDNER :*N.C. f ‘|aatimated at $100,000,much of it cov-|oe t ..a“eisco,Speaker Chainp Clark.pledged}Community Servies of the Conference Den lanHealth by Lydia ear Megiance to their-eause._He said he|ered by insurance.Origin of the fire!>).Social service,with the assistance SSegTSSELUSESET TTTTT SEBSTETIIIIITTTT II _E.Pinkham’s Vegetable —_#|E FE FE P »Barnett.Brody,21 ‘years old,“sea-|confronting : man on the Clyde line steamer Nava-~/Yy,Joyner.“With-12.3@er.centofthe hoe,im.‘port at Wilmington,was total white population over ten years aoe Friday while bathing in the!of age and 14 Her cat of the white ape Kear river,male population of voting age illit- ‘Andrew Copening,‘colored,wanted erate;with most of these ‘over 21 in nderson county:for the killing years of age and beyond the reach of Tm Collins,colored,about onejof the regular public schools,the year ago,was.arrested in Asheville moral’civic,’Christian educational Saturday morning.‘duty.of finding and putting into suc- The North Garolina Good Roads cessful execution some effective means Association,which held’its:annual outside of the regular public schools, meeting in Asheville last week,re-,but in co-operation as far as possible elected H.-B.Varner:president and)With them,for reaching and teaching Dr.Joseph Hyde Pratt secretary.|these ,Re and ee ae Rise lat Mendarson ‘Pelday wight (Out Of Meir darknen ee SS eee practically destroyed four stores qu intelligenen:ee aa aes nee. our says Dr,J,Ivers &Pond Pianos ~Pianola PlayerPianos. L. “eyATEE The Fountain of Quality Mint Lime-Ade os Charley Chaplin Sundae , Nabisco Nut Sundae Rube Wilson Sundae. frage State and that he would help}Under the employes’‘liability aatltrsi Ss oard ofa ‘make it one.Mrs.Mary E,Heilig of Raleigh pad cn And the hobs hi i eel “fhe Hardware Association of the|filed suit in Wake Superior Court|most of the funds for the employ- Carolinas,in session at Charleston against the Southern railroad for $75,-|ment of a secretary and the other Jast week,decided to hold next meet-}000 damages for the death of her!expenses for the preparation of the ing in Chattanooga.H,E.Reid of husband,a locomotive engineer.necessary bulletins and the organiza- Lincolnton,N.C.,was elected.pres-|Thus far the Secretary of ‘State |tion and direction of the work in con- dent.T.W.Dixon of Charlotte,N.©,./has issued license for 16,450 automo-j junction with the State Department :out holdi o1 1 is secretary and treasurer.ibiles ahd motorcycles.Last year the|of Education;with the assurance of||Dee ne -John L.Beverly,a coal miner,en-|total number was:16,305.With the|the hearty co-operation and active |nerv .Il i 8 raged because his wife had left him,license yet to be issued,the number jassistance of all the organizations,a spells and| shot and killed herom another gree le year will far surpass that ange,social,and educee one and all y fingers would ‘man at.Bridgeport,W.Va.Beverly lust.year.—.\the benevolent orders .mentioned in|f then wounded two other persons.and|Burch Morgan,.a.Montgomery this bulletin,and with the confident |>&| =finally shot himself when he found|county convict who escaped ‘from “y expectation of the “heartiest-co-opera=}:couldnot speak,nor |# he was about to be arrested.He died/;ajiroad camp.near Enfield in 1912,tion of the press-of the State,-and all sleepto ddanygood,18 later in a hospital.while serving a life sentence for first other agencies,organizations and|had no appetite,and | Thirteen thousand dollars of ‘ap-|Gegree murder,was arrested in South citizens working for the improvement|everyone thought I | proximately $20,000 stolen fromthe’Carolina last week and has been ye-|of our citizenship and the betterment;;would not live.| Wallace,Idaho,postoffice in Decem-turned to the State prison.Phd ta the Stee ee ot in se oes a =take aeie | is i h of Federal ..|Education has issuec is bulletin of}ie Compound.#3 mae,19)){6 in the hands of F |W.P.Taylor,a leading business j\¢y.mation to be followed later by |taken so much medicine and my doctor|postal inspectors and Clarence Me-|man of Murfreesboro,a -Confederat .;;Reale s formes clerk an the olflce,|crteram and @ ree ener ahtheit bulletin of plans and suggestions |said he could do menogoodsoI told myusbandhemightgetmeabottleandI |4s under arrest at San Francisco,/Legislature from Hertford county,for teacher and workers.P having confessed the,theft.iwho died a few days ago,left Chowan tic rhe erate Deraree of Eevee |world try it.By.thetime I hadtaken ~The British»embassy at Washing-College $4,000 and the Baptist Or-ive ctahente ae "the aie daelonr.sn s oaseever en OarsBae 2 7 a eggs eae ane senate mt Aaa ae STIS §1,00.iments of education,the county supér-lent have ciara Sonsini | ok :hs e te The taxable values -in Durham|intendents,the county public:schoo!>dick .I your | <kmerican-cotton cargoes,the own-county this-year-show-an—increase—of teachers,and—others;-in <o-operatitn eer neme over sincex ‘Was 80 wonder-| ership of which has been satisfacto-|41,723,491 over what was turned in/withall’these other agencies,will ir fully benefitted by it and I hope this rily established.The first payment,/for taxation last year.A million and)=f letter will be the means of saving.some| a partial one for a cargo at,the rate other poor woman from suffering.”—|a half of this increase came f in |atizurate and push with .as «mneh’»m Yr bart .’tance ; .4f{10 cents a pound,was about $250,-vigor and enthusiasm as possible.|pig.Marrua Seavey,Box 1144,| Unionville,Missouri.isrealproperty,‘there being a decrease|this movement for the reduction:and “The makers of Lydia E:‘Pinkham’s~'000.ee in the value of the-personal-property.final-elimination..of adult.illiteracy in| ue of nearly $75,000,alec eoun-)thel’and’Ben _Leary,two i of (known.a8’*Moonlight Schools,found|Vegetable Compound have thousandsof al *suf.nknown f the North Carolina Far mers:expected Missouri to become a suf-|u Cc cetera d oem 2 0 =ens :Phe teben Unionville,Mo,—‘‘I suffered from a|female trouble aftd I got so weak that'l | samme could hardly walk |# across the floor with-| Statesville Drug Comp’y, Quality Prescriptionists. 3 ‘70 a *-Per cumini %,An Alarm Clock’that is little ba@Todd’?TPS o fittle HenityFastthe thing for a lady’s or a genlerman’s Foom.It is not su large but ddes the waking up for you..BIG BEN ff you néed to be’Knocked'but.|H.B.WOODWARD...Jewelet. Gorham’s Sterling and PlatedWare! We have just opened up a big lot of Gor- ham goods in both Sterling and Plate.We have Knives,Forks and Spoons in sets and the Fancy Pieces from 85¢.up.Nothing better than Gorham’s goods can be bought. We will be glad to Show you. R.H.RICKERT &SON. GOOD TIME! The clocks in the home must betight or the housekeeper can’t be ex- pected to plan and have meals on time.Then there is no ecnnamny,i wearing out your pocket-with a watch that you can’t depend on.No, _what you want to do is to get your watch or cluck repaired by BOB HENRY while he is devoting his entire time to repairing watches and clocks and fitting spectacles and ‘eye-glasses. Rk.F.HENRY, 4 J eweler. Use Vudor Shades to Make Sleeping | Porches-=-’Phone For Prices.: Vudor Shades and Ham-| mocks.We make you any} ‘size awning.Window| Shades all\.sizes.Our White Mountain Refriger-| ators are all stone lined.|“The chest with the chill in=p=it.. EveryShadeEquipped with Vodor Safety WindDevice Also Iceland Refrigerators,zine lined—the only ice |boxthat will save ice,~-Iee “Cream Freezers.One, two,three and four burner Oil Cook Stoves—the stove Butter Wrappers! We have the very best _Parchment.Butter Paper, and ‘can’print your name me PORCHSHADESRs)FiNr } Counterfeit money with a A-report from New Berne sayg La-|North Carolina;through the means terfeit’Minnesota ‘State.bonds'run-!ihe Goose Oreék Island’sectior;are/effective in 'K Leth ning up»to $25,000)and anoutfit used/shorg”sake ‘thousand Anllaes the And anal oe:fie vcbocathteh Gia toateof ner attain 'by aogangof)counierftiters believed{eaving bf.a lifetime,which they Wad{will:be ‘seen’from this bulletin,in !'¢btai ad for tot oy rae eo ges neets to have operated on a largescale,fell Yeeked iniasafeinititheir home and/number of counties:in.this State dat ete ts ee brit he aleeteemieShe:hande ee Chicago.police which was stolen:.while they were year.’These schools are simply night|test for Sa ger A Lae,§the | a few days ago.Five men were ar-'aksent.'ischools toe teach illiterates,conducted}.It there ae pst eg 8 pli ifo ;.i |."That the.late blight of tomatoes in most instances in the public school!mpiications you | ‘The European war has nearly/and Irish potatoes has made its ap-buildings ‘by’volunteer teachers ov ptakban Mediel Tot votdentiaddoubledAmericanexportsofmedi-|pearance in the mountainous section others,,preferably during moonlight'pyow Mass:¥."tet +oanstove | are RACY ine The of this State is the.information con-nights,for the greater convenience ae tea kewesos by &woman oak j;r Ba re :burea'of Joragn ang Homestic com-|{ained in,ah,article,In the current is-|0f the country)people.”held in strict co |“ENTE :;1g ‘; pee eta oe ae aeeu auc of Farm.Ext nsion News,the!Comparison of Pereentages.“|~sn sae ft cc ME TAL ROOFIN GC. :sat ahiniie oS ni cae ae rte ea eee en Loa TONES CLERC YEnl :ty ;‘|Fassel iosletresmn AeA bartaa™Mal,One he ey Ue ot te NOTICHOR SALE |”fayetteitspachaynoperol oton4cull,1 ‘4}ib iving the compari-eer ;Buel é :compared With $9916.00 the Pre)‘Ae yok fry in Franklin edpnty,‘son of the,member of ifiteete white li",SorhulaPals mreitgeny Foc||”cmankek ‘Fin aud Slate edt roofing ever put one | :;|while e guests were seated inivoterg of a number of Souther ir &Gaither,to.the Detrolt Automatic,Seale|;*( yg a Pale McKelway.editor of |groups awaiting dinner,a dead pine |States.It reads:Oy aeF 8 Galt ee aestk fries op ean STATESVILLE TIN co.,i.¢.Mohfer,Manager.X o i ayy peeic.ied Pyiday at tree fell across the lap of Mrs.Krath-|North Carolina,14 per cent;Ten-/Déed®of Iredell county,in Book 8,naufe 149.PHONE.55..,14 East BroadStreet. :ae Pegteeiialaet)@ er of Philadelphia.She was badly jnessee,11.3 per cent;South Carolina,|2 me cf Aocmatic:Beales vockd nts,eee | et en oF se was @ NA-bruised.a tooth was knocked out and/10.8.per cent;Alabama,10.6 per |Turner &Gaither aera Soret teline made &bg coe 18 he ae ora,pa od was rendered unconscious,but her cent;Virginia,9.7 per cent;Georgia,in,the Daye nbetion ab te ne eee | é A |‘i ss :|1 3 .6 (wll a ”,a e court house door TT sac adwittedto the bar in New|uuries are not dangerous.Be 8.7 per‘cent;United States,3.5 per)Sr tredell.county,on the 2d day of ne aie Work.He had been editor-in-chief of |Mrs.E.C.Wémple of Fayetteville |cent.:|1915,at 12°o’elock,for:cash,the following| Pig th B kl Fagl .1885 ‘and M.L.Woodward of Wilmington,}.°ith the sametable goes a diagram |deseribed.articles of personal property,to-wit : 4 e Brooklyn Eagle since 1885.\had 3 eg -’|\showine th .Win |One Automatic Scale,manufactured by the! A Washi di h ‘had narrow escapes from dréwning in|Showing the comparison.of illiterate|pitoit Automatic Scale Co :ashington dispatch says Amer-|surf at Wrightsville Beach on:the;white voters in a group of.the New|DETROIT AUTOMATIC SC , ican packers,seeking relief from Brit-|:al :oe Santi ae |ish etantion a Gant cartoee bevel nee of ee a Mr.Woodward i geeek Sentee.pRAtraneettt 0.7;D.P..Maybefry,Atty.July 13--3tw.| r ’;was exhaus while trying to save|Per cent;Connecticut,0.9 per cent;|9 7 . asi Saree Rapccae ate of cot”!Mrs,Wemple and she was rescued|Rhode Island,1.5 per cent;New)THE NORTH CAROLINA Bee taney ane ettg Bolts [OY ctners after considerable dificnlty,rene te ae oer em’College of Agriculture:::ON S|Suspecting that whiskey had been per cent;Vermont,2.9 per cant.:and other American business.inter In th t f > -ests affected by the war,to join in q|‘nloaded and carried into,the Eagles’a Ate Pereancen’.oF literate,Sait And Mechanic Arts :‘general conference .to *fomnulate a\club at Winston-Salem,officers made ete by Counties the first ‘ten coane 4";.Fa 19 ne (4)search at 2 o'clock ‘in the morning ties are:New Hanover,Mecklenburg,}Young men seeking to equip them- proposal for a special session of Con-|Washington,Dare,Pasquotank,R 7 i eM ard gress to deal with the rights of nev-|204 found ten gallons of booze stor-an,Cri Vv.,Grah ed ee pensions Bie.ti Aurea_trals.j ie ina coftinosthe wespene apertiGne ey and ‘re-/ture and all its allied branches;,in, PRS:a vikkdaliy Undki pote tel e paraphernalia ofthe club.The Ray Civil,.Eiectrical and Mechanical.‘En- bill vf vivhts be cuentiia at the ‘New|owners of the booze doubtless thought |..ne ‘ten ee pee up the gineering;in Gheniistry and Dyeing;| "ark State_constitutionaleonventicn|it Would be safe in_the coffin,but (yey or eee rom.the lowest up:|jn Textile Industry,and in Agricul- decided against proposals to abolish)‘4t's where they were mistaken.ei Wilkes,MaSatag poi beds ent Temching Wee Sait,aces tesrthedeathpenalty“b Mitationat |-/fhte--vieen Aa ilkes,Cherokee,Yancey,Madison,}provision for their chosen careers atthepybyconstitutional|e victim:of the recent homicide !Columbus,Yadkin and Davie.S ’s Ind ial hi amendment.The committee was|in Burké county was Tom Gallian,?“Who can helnv eliminate adult il-the ‘State's “Industria College.-_‘This :ghd divided oe proposal to per-|who was killed by his nephew Hor-literacy?”asks Mr,A.E.MeAlister,oe:ae ae a ermitjuries,i st |s :“a:Serr Aon mea,ae OS an eee ea ar.i : coal ;Fee ae ee aensoon |the eeley ie on ne lived.|president of the North Carolina Con-}gtudents;25 buildings.Admirably ment without commutation or satdon |the meh wore“atinkiog and trot faraloree a gating orn ane ek equipped nine as ht epee -except inthe -case-of established in-row.Gallian hit.Smalley with a Jan-}a The important Teen Zfind the —County examinations st oath RPT TT seceammancanmsocitensmchabias See and Beales patiacked Gaitian jagencies that can be used for the wip-orien catalogue in eitrereiore oe hhaa ROL ee ‘ith an axe,inflicting fatal wounds,ing out’of adult illiteracy andto.set j ae tiles in Shoes Barred.)Smalley is held without bail for trial.|them moving.Every anency in ex-mee West Kalen NC :..et *3 .e .=ie ->*eeeTeecientmeineaeeREGRALtdefremrifee—t eeting |pregence.is wife,while they were ©eresEBeceanalShiceRe:seated at a lonely spot in.the middie [Ves aeoae ae a hand.In the very RUBBER TIRE! aid Shoe Manufacturers’canatlidion of oe renee eee at midnight,ate the Gn ee Oy eee me ee Season is here.We use best rub-.|/ff rs .ner »|Parmelee,Martin county,i -|2 :5 —Fi H the National Shoa Wholesalers’Asso-|stances of the death of.CA.Train.School teachers,will contribute more|ber made—Firestone and Kelly}ciation and the National Last Associ to th h and will save you mone TiresDankksecreewaa’thaued 9cl-|ham,aged 25 years,chief of the wire|t the cause than anybody else.That t hot a>ick vs the so-called freaki As wey against|maintenance of the Western Union)i®Where the great burden of the work wenn Tee "t Rilo SEVIScadregireakishstylesofw0-|Telegraph company for eastern North|S ing to fall,but their work can Yours tu serve, The manufacture of shoes of odd PRESENT:Chee pemened:ghd Be peeny other 7 ease ae meeeeregeinneeres colors,lacing at the side and back,Moving picture actors are making ‘To hese ko.andecthe.charch the. was disapproved,and it.was agreed to headquarters at Elkin for.theproduc-Sunday school,womens clubs "civic E_return to the more conservative fash-tion of a five-reel ‘moving picture Jeagues social welfare organizationsSieduringthecomingseason.Age ie Whe “Hh a play as tak-chambers of commerce,Y M.C A.--Women’s.shoes -for—ordinary—en.from.the “Heart of the Blue]tree Se a “will be black,with cloth uppers,and|dee,”a ‘book recently written by The deoie Feraen’™Walon th h to be proper the cloth also must be |D-Waldron Bailey,a former resi-jits president.Dr:H.Q.Ale aes—Perforations’and other decor-eee of aie sy scenes in the'the Junior Order of American Mieationswerefrownedupon.This was|COOK were laid-in the country.around|chanj izati ot described by the spokesman of the Stone Mountain,Trap Hill and‘Roar-|siedeet a glad organizations have ‘conference a return to “normal and|!"®Gap.a eaineeCiieeiaey:ee Sapa Bnd Drdnd.cn game.LAE ya,gane lines.”=~In Craven county Jos.Tingle went|Po re have your order for any Men's shoes are to remain conserv-|before the board of commissioners to}The Mooresville Enterprise says quantity you want,See us. hg in design,and either black or Ce -rota of his prop-|Dr.CG.G.Cress’wheat crop this sea-Pricesreasonable. ;,erty for taxation and got “into words”|s0n amounted’to 548 bushels—an ‘Det gs ue(seamen .on whet t H § -$100 REWARD.$100.with Commissioner Holton.When average of 70 bushels per acre,°;Brady Printing Co. ..Tingle intimated that the comimis-|:The readers of this paper will bo)«::|Pecataldal ttt idles "At easly,words passed to bows,‘the’WHY YOU ARE NERVOUS mnascienceag|1€SSly,S pass Oo OwWs.e|‘j A ! eg ee ie rn ate ea.and that |sheriff separated “the belligerents and| 9 itive cure now known to.the|they appeared before a ’squire and|The nervoussystemisthealarm system |M4 th ‘Sa,Seracepad the cos fe SA5vonsti-eye |w itreatment.Hall's Catarrh Cure}A commissioner of New Hanover|we have &petwork of eevee.bat wait ; Build a Brick House orBrick-Veneer your old house,Warmer in winter, cooler in sumnfer,climinates frozen a.Satingt directly upon ean,says-there are 80,000 acres of tealth is ebbing,when strength is declin-neo ing “the founda-|and in the county not listed for tax-|ing,the same nervous’system gives thegivingthepa-jation.He says a calculation of the|alarm in headaches,tiredness,dreamfulareaofthecountyshows30,000 more ne irritability and unless corrected,‘acres in the boundary than fre on|Jeads straight toa breakdown,ay ace uae tiesnean,Decks Sarah Has every advantage.Solidipes. Prick under-pinning under framhavesomucLieSupativebowersthatthey|the tax lists and ‘accounts for it by|er gore Gee parent he tant aN deeds are ee for:Send s “more or less;”.+i@,CHENEY &CO,,Tole-}returns are made by the Nantber otacresnamedinthedeedwhiletheactualboundaryjs.usually more, bys,th Nene |sion is exactly what-yon should take;itsrichnutrimentgetsintotheblood:andrichbloodfeedsthetiny.nerve-cells while the whole system responds to its refreah- house will help some.Face Brick,Common Brick,Drain Tile!) that will bake.aes s ing tonic force,It is free froin alcohol,-:Boot&Bowne,Bloomfield,N.J.a Statesville ‘Housefurnishing Co.- lot Mother no Doubt Pre _VentsDaughter’s Untimely End. Ky.—'I was not able to dontlonnearlysixmonths,”’writes1s.Laura Bratcher,of this place,“andwasdowninbedforthreemonths.si :Gea tellee ‘I suffered withandwithnervousnessao‘troubles,4urfamilydoctortoldmyhusbaneemet,do eX,any 90d,therdgaa heu¢trie er r,but he did i help me,”~asAtlast,my mother advised ine to takeCardui,the woman's tonic,I thougwasnotsefor1wasnearlydeadannothingseemedtodomeanygood.I took eleven bottles,andnow |aim abletodoallofmyworkandmyown|washing. ..I think Cardui is the best medicine.intheworld.My weight has increased,and I look thepicture of health,”” If you suffer from any of the ailments'pes to women,get a bottle of Carduiloday.Delay is dangerous,We knowitwillhelpyou,for.it has helped somanythousandsofotherweakwomen.in the past 50 years. Atall druggists. Write ta:soatiagons Medicine Co.,Ladies’Chattanooga,Tenn.,for ayesAdvisoryDert.,oe.emerieer ekeMELROSEFLOUR.| Nice Fresh Meats. M.P.Alexander &Bro. ,WILLISTON,N.G., *PHONE 241. 3 _ Engraved Cards! Don’t leave homewithoutasupply.‘Something new in this line;iB haveyourplate.Phone" Alison's:Book.StoraSetreebechamene Tee bvnnvnthdddeS ahade! GD TE Pere.4«DIFFERENT,FROM THE REST. ——Sold wiclastvely-by-——Me‘ler-McLain SupplyCo. July 20,1915. asiLeoabscuRDULE Arrival,and Departure of ‘Traineof Mtntes- ‘Wearekn’ROAD,‘Train No,16,west-bound,due 7.24‘Train a 11,west-bound,due 10,06TrainNo,21 west-bound,due 3:26TrainNo.86,west-bound,due 10:25TrainNo,36,east-bound,due 10.35TrainNo,22,east-bound,due 1.15‘Train No,12,east-bouna,due 6:46TrainNo,16,east-bound,due 10,50 p.CHARLOTTE AND TAYLORSVILLE,‘Charlotte,‘Train No,16 ar.9.50,leaves 10.85 a,Train No,24°ar,9.20,leaves 9.20 psyBromTaylorsvilleTrainNo.“28 ar.10:00,leaves 10:40 aTrainNo,15 ar.6:20,leaves 6:45 p.Nos,23 and 24 are not operated on Sunday. PS P y r e e SE E R R E E S SE B Thousands Vaccinated Against’ Typhoid Fever.| During a campaign of three weeks in five counties of the State 19,000; lnergons were’vaccinated against ty-|' '|phoid fever.‘In the three weeks:8,-" A93 persons were vaccinated in Wake,}) 4,832 in Northampton,»2,418 in| Cumberland,1,756.in Buncombe,1,-| 643.in Henderson. In one day in Fayetteville the doc- ‘tors vaccinated 1,410 people;three men vaccinated 1,540 people .in Ral- eigh in one day.When this anti-typhoid.campafgn starts in,.Iredell next month the folks should keep the doctors busy.The treatment costs nothing. MAN RESTOR-ED'TO HEALTH. Mr.Wade Thankful He Read About Wonderful Remedy. E.T.Wade of Williston,N.C.,was the victim of stomach disorders.He tried many remedies and.took a great deal of medicine and treatments.Re- lief seemed a Jong time coming. Then he found Mayr’s Wonderful Remedy,took adose—and found relief at once.He told his opinion of the remedy ina.letter in which he said: “Your medicine has ~worked-wen- ders.I feel so much better.I am thankful to you,indeed,for advertis- ing your wonderful remedy in-the pa- pers,as otherwise I might never have known of it.” Mayr’s Wonderful Remedy givespermanentresultsforstomach,liver and intestinal ailments.Eat as much and whatever you like.No more dis- }tress after eating,pressure of.gas in ithe stomach and around the.heart. |Get one bottle of your druggist now| pand try it-on-an absolute guarantee} |—if not satisfactory money will be! |returned.ies “COMMISSIONERS SALE.‘ i,adeh.andby “drtusd al decree of the‘Superior.Court..of ritple y,in thie spe- cial proceeding entitled,“J.M.,Cass ‘et abs;[vers Mary,A.)Lang,,et al.,"’.the wrdex; ‘signed commissioners,on a if.TURSDAY,sULY:20,1915,»‘t,12 o'clock,will sell at public au tothe’highest bMder,at the court housg door| of Iredell county,the following deScribed|Wagt of parte!)of Jand,-eowres \¢the.aforesaid..State--and.county, adjoin-ling the lands of RW.Windsor,J.T.Camp-|%sell.and others,.and..more.particulary de-| ;erate with:the Meeting House line to ‘a ‘rdd/ Renée east 66 rods;thence south 14 i Said)Jan are”bring sold for pastition.4 and terms of sale will be as follows;third of purchase price to be paid on¢on-!firmation of sale,one-third in six months,|and one-third in’twelve months,with in- terest on deferred payments. k.T,WEATHERMAN, July 2—4t Commissioners. a_MORTGAGE SALE_OF LAND. BY VIRTUE of power“of sale contained in! mortgage deed,executed ty J.E.Westmore-| LEE’S HEADACHE i ANDA Neuralgia Remedy Safely and Quickly Re- -lieves Headache and Neu- land to Z%.B.Buchanan,and recorded in office | jof the register of deeds of Iredell county,| book 26,page 531,the undersigned will sell pat public eutery,to the highest bidder,at theJeourthousedoorinStatesville,N.C.,0 MONDAY,AUGUST 2,191.at 12 o'clock,m.,Lot No.-10,Oakview_addi-! tion to the city of Statesville,N.C. map recorded in register of deeds’office,Book; si,page 601.Z.B.BUCHANAN,Mortgagee,| HENKEL-CRAIG LIVE STOCK co.,Assignee.| daly:2,1915.At same time and place we will sell let| No.iM in Onkview suburban addition,by vir-} tue of powers of sale contained in mortgage| executed by E.L,Branen,recorded in regis| ter'’s office,Book 26,pugwe 255.Z%.B.BUCHANAN,Mortgagce.| :TH |LANDMARK.WALKING ABOUT THE-TOWN (A.WEDDING AN!"ANNIVERSARY|" TUESDAY,>> ‘They have granted every request we called, Heig babe,ele an dd ide be pot thousand of our citizens does not:pre-|of J.W.Lawrence’on:July 15,°1890. ‘h B.Mullis”Old’line:thence north 42 “12 (vent due ‘considerationbeing given the Bright and vivacious as.a.girl,broad!§ sk,the corner of said_Meeting Houq-Jot35 j 3-4! D.F.MAYBERRY,IREDELL CORN CLUB BOYS. 'T.E.Brown,State agent of corn club friends’or make to|Mr.and Mrs.J.W.Lawrence IFCelebrateTheirSilverWed-|f ding—The Lawrence Home| Written For The Landmark,©~and,Those ‘Whe Have Dis- The second Chautauqua season clos-|‘pensed Hospitality There.ed with the launching of.full-ricxed |yo the Editor of‘The Landmark: plans for the third.The,tepribe7 of}ast Thursday,the 15th,the writ-this great community enterp:gives lof attended a moest delightful reun-occasion for several remarks that ion of friends and relatives at the!feel compelled to make,,old Lawrence homestead in Olin’ First of all,it took a great deal of township,the occasion being the!work to plan for and earry out all twenty -fifth anniversary of _the,the details of our local organization.qarriage of Mr.and Mrs.J,W.LawSomeoneputtime,andthought,andi rence.All the children were aebusiness-like thoroughness into this|except Mr.Boger Lawrence of New- matter for us and we owe that “some port News,Va.Among those fromone”our hearty thanks.Of eourse|,distance was Mr.L.C.Lawrenee,| he had good help when he called for!ojdest son,‘and family from Henri-|it,and he is.so modest about such |ets,ithires’that he would -give all the It was a joyous occasion.Those of| ‘redit.to his supporters;but it is the “sere and yellow leaf”;those in|‘true nevertheless that one men did|the full flower of manhood and wo-! nearly all the work.Here,gentlemen,manhood,and others of life’s’bud-!is wv citizen of the best tyme.Me has ding time,all met together under the| abored unselfishly for the ood of shade of the venerable trees that had!his town.He is a builder.Hats off <9 often looked down’in.days —of!to John F.Kirk.jyore upon many a home gathering) ‘The helpers referred to above—that,jand many a delightful social scene—|is the helpers that have really work-|these all blending.their voices to-| ed—deserve our acknowledgements.It|cether,with ever and anon an over-may very well be said that the Junior|jow of youthful merriment.in hap-| Chautauqua js the most important py picnic fashion,whiled the hours!single department of our organization |w.‘ay.{and Mrs.Charles ‘Anderson has done ‘But to many the crowning feature)its work in a spirit that is beyond of the day was the feast of good| praise.It must be remembered that '(hings spread on a long ‘table under!this department is kept going 4ll the|the trees on the lawn.There was'|year round.In thanking her we must!ham and chicken,pies and pickles,|hold this in mind,for patience andicakes and cookies,real old-fashioned| faithfulness have been added to ability pound eake and many other delicious| in carrying out this work.'dainties,the making of which was.Gilbert of the Commercial club and /|not learned in schools of domestic!Bunch at the Receipt:of Customs |science,but made from recipes hand-' have served well and thé Lewis boys |cd down from.the grandmothersof | have the record on ticket selling.“ve olden time,”and the product of | The next ‘important matter I have which might’worthily rival the best|on my consejerce is the thanks we!productions of a professional in culi-owe the Chautauqua association.nary art.These Swarthmore Quakers are liv-|But to revert to the Lawrence| ing up to their fine traditions,for they bond.It-was but fitting that there} have given us far more than our mon-|should be such a gathering there,|ey’s worth.I am convinced that .ince from its earliest.establishment|Statesville is signed up with the best/it has ever been noted for its true company operating outside »of Lake wid-time Southern hospitality.SomeChautauqua’Conference itself,and)vears prior to the civil war the late after a careful study of the plans and|Robt.S.Lawrence bought from Bel- ideals of Bishop Vincent,I am pre-|va King the land which,with later pared to say that we are here carry-\additions,became known as_the ing them out.The very charter and,Lawrence estate.Here he.lived,hav- The Chautauqua —Thanks:the Local Workers and the Swathmore Association.' _SPECIAL 1,000 yds.36in.BleachRescate71-2c. Johnston- Another lot of Ladies’.White Waists,Noile aidsOrgandies,the dollar kind.last 48c.Our price while.they White Skirts Special For Summer Frocks, A good line to select from. 98¢.,$1.25 and $1.98 Keep Kool Material. Awning StriAwningStripeLawn15¢.Printed Silk Hose 48 and 98e. Dresses,all reduced,now is your opportunity to All good shades,25;85, Ready to Wear make a saving. All Spring Coat Suits at Half Price.”If Muslin:Underwear At Prices that will Please. Come and see us.Yourdollar re more’here thananywhereelse. The Store That Sells For Less. "PHONE 212, Voile be.ull 8 1-2e,« ’hs constitution of the Swarthmore Asso-ingciationgiveusassuranceofthis,for all the company’s earnings above ex-penses have to go to the:-improve- ment of the institution.There is here “no element of private.profit.” of Allen Gill and granddaughter of here “Aunt Christine”and “Miss!}¥ Caroline”(mother-in-law and daugh-|# ‘ter-in-law),as they were familiarly : dispensed hospitality in sim-|% have made.and have given,at their ple taste,and according to the boun-|§ own expense,such extra numbers as|ty and whole-hearted generosity of|#Bryan and LaFollette.“T can’t takejits proprietor.Later,these ‘having! all I.got last week without ‘being||passed away,the present owner re-|} grateful for jt and’soI proposea note|turned to the parental ‘roof with his of thanks to President Rant pon and,motherless children,and jhere,for alhis.Quakers.\time that rare personality,Miss.,Em-|§Finally,.it,seems to.me ‘that our}ma Lawrence,later,Mrs.R.:E.¢King,Chautauqua ‘shows.how.,Statesville)|whose name was a synonym for,.sun-H¢an>get together and.keep together.|shine,and sweet,charity,reigned,,with|# Some one:has said that ‘Chautauqua a,queenly grace,..and.exercised al¥is the most democratic thing.in Amer-|mother’s care.over her.brother’s -chil-|§ i and we vindicate that ravi here dren. y.giving every one his ‘fair ‘vote im};That_bringsus_to the —present_re-;ying and being in Waion-Grove township,feat conduct’of ‘our institution.The |eime —-that of Miss Florence King,i] ¢lorious support and approyal |of:nine|daughter of Jocl B.King and:Adline| jhundred and ninety.njne out ofevery Bennett ing,who became the bride ; onsand man when ej exercises hisjand sympathetic as a woman,with\# indlichable tight ‘toiobject td some-|ingularly good sense and an ,abun-|§ A coda +0 >the --heginnine:--eentaining 15 23 thing But the fine.outstanding fact|dant store of energy,for quarter of|4 - 4 |eres,mop or,1 ;about it all'is that Wweare getting t6-|a ¢entury she has gone in and~out}¢ igether—keéeping together —working|of the Lawrence home,looking well|%‘One-|together “The old order changes—|to the ways of her household and eat- giving place to the new,”and we may/ing not the bread of idleness;seldom|§ {well thank God for that.too busy to turn aside from her|#daily .round of duties to list to the|#call of need,even though to do so in-|# iiahiro volves some sacrifice —realizing that|} ‘List of Future Prominent Far-true:happiness after all lies in.-the|%‘mers of the County.jov of unselfish service to others;|# taking an active interest in the prog-|#Mr.R.M.Gray,county superintend-|pess of the day,she keeps her heart!# ent of schools,has received from Mr.|yveung and never forgets to entertain}# those around her|}'_|feel her thoughtful interest in them,|%work,a list of the corn club boys en ahd’so the latch-ateing “Wall hangs rolled in Tredell,which has been fur-joutside the door at the LawrencenishedTheLandmarkforpublication.|home. 'The list sefit out from Raleigh con-{1 would commend these ancestral |tained 62,names but as two of thejgqualities to the very interesting fam- names—John Milholland,Loray,No./ily of °children and grandchildren 1,and Lawrence Dagenhardt,Eufola,/crowing up like olive branches 8 married Caroline Gill,daughter|—— William.Gill of the Revolution,and %p “The Mark.of Quality.”Pains! .GENTLEMEN:, :inclined to tela manufacturer what!think:of “his:unless it is something disagreable,but,I'had-recently a marked experieace with your’‘TEXACO Gasolinethat I of can't restrain myself from acquainting you with what itac-ind complished.You doubtless know I own the motor sCart,’’a craft of some slight ‘local fame.regatta it appeareu I had lit'le chance to attain my.laurels asIwaspittedaote ws The.Texas Competin St.Louis,Mo.1,like the public in general,amSeaktastaekn 3 ainst much more powerful and ¢oFortunatelyafriendindyinducedmefouseyoolineanddoyouknow.that during the entire rabytheway,was unusualtohavenocarburetortrouble,in.fact,mine wag.boat that-completed all the laps without a break-dowisthisremarkableresultthatcompelsinacote so eeofyourTEXACOGasoline. y severe,I was the o Yours CHARLES¢GOD vsuch ©! pend bintséason’s ee hy Aei fin boat Gow!ghee 0 si The next time you need oil otgas,-ae TEXACO.Watch it carefully—-make your own compari :Thatis the thing which brings our ee ro re ¥ COMPARISON ~—we thrive on it.- Statesville Oil Company. (Wholesale Distributors.) CROECECACECRORCRCACEOD)telaisletalaiuim:slate?@lelelela: No.1,appear twice,the correct list}around their board.appears’to be 60.There are also}Finally,may Mr:and Mrs.Law- ferrors.in the names,and _probably |;ence live to see many happy returns other errors as to postoffices.forlof their wedding day and may the ralgia and nervous Head- ache.Also for headache — caused by colds and grippe. 10c.,25c.and 50e. Atfountains =~5e: FOR SALE BY ALL DRUG ,DEALERS, AND DYEING —’PHONE 147— Sloan Pressing Club. NOTICE! HOLLAND BROS.have changed ed "phone number from 177to7. bes:coal and wood,etc. FOR FINE CLEANING | allNo,-7-for_draying,all grades. Residence ’PLene 1310.: } x |Dan Valley Will please thosewhodemandtheverybest.Itis an extraordinary flour. Your Grocer,knows. Car7 (C.Boshamer, Local Representative, enone I125 Biers lt.aw. ox | t Pr a s {We Cay a Cpe Stock| Shingles For Sale! Carload of good No,2 Shingles at $2.75perthousandatmyshop. Cc.H.TURNER,Near the Depot.|— Flour,reeds ale Hay and Cotton Seed’Products.vo will save money by getting our prices:‘hefore you buy. IREDELL FEED.CO.,C.D..MOORE,Prop. Iredell ’Phone No.74;Bell’No.7 Coite L.Sherrill,M.D., -Will answer ‘phone calls leftatDr.Long’s Sanatorium orGeo.M.Foard’'s residence. + oT } zh a |. at t 2ci t P= *Wadabinatthey é Office -eai1 Polk Gray Drug Co, Office Picne .~109.Residence ’Phone-~198 Green, which neither Mr.Gray nor The}old_home for many years to come iy2191 C.Assignee.‘Tandmark are responsible.be a landmark inviting those who2|While-the listis a creditable one,it!pass that way to stop and “bide & PAO ;Should -e-much-larger.—Following|wee,”A FRIEND. 3 of the boys: Linker;Mooresville,R-2—Charlie|will be the usual discussions of farm Sherrill,Oren Wilhelm;Mooresville,operations —silos,crops,live stock, ‘R-3 —Onlan Templeton,Thomas!marketing,ete—by A.L.French ofiDavis.Rockingham county;W.-F.~Pate, |Loray--Sharpe Browning,Iewey|ment station,county demonstrators!#/R.Woodside;Loray,R-2--lydeland others.Special emphasis will be Douglas,John =Milholland;lLoray,given to diversification of crops,live| |Stevenson. %dently an/error.No office named Rae-)/county and it ity -)vited to attend and join in the discus- |—Tawrence Dagenhardt.Blake are the names:and postoffice address eeeeceeraneesneFarmers’Institutes in Iredell. At the Farmers’Institutes in Ire-dell—Harmony July 30,State Farm Blackwelder, Honeycutt; Mooresville —Oates Marvin.Brown,Carby “ARE YOU.INTERESTED?” fing?Tin Roofing?IN Slate Re GalvaniIceBox or Refrigerator Lined?: Tin or Sheet Metal Work of any Kind?LET US-KNOW. IREDELL TIN WORKS...“Independent Phone 19197.Bell ’Phone 98,° ACOCROORCRCROECECECE Sons, Mooresville,R-1-——Ervin FE.Alexan-!July 81 and Linwood school house, ider,Roy Coone,Mason‘Kistler, Shepherd’s—Elmore Bailey.agronomist and soils,State experi- } (R-1-40..Moore,Roy..Moore,o88|stock,ete.|-At the same time and place a wo-|Mt,Mourne—F¥ed Caldwell.-“}man’s institute will be conducted Hy}Raeford—Ernest B.Campbell.(Mvi-/Mrs.John W.Robinson of Catawba|Mrs.Henry Slagle of| i ford hereabouts,It is in Hoke coun-}Macon county.The women.are in- Eufola—iAtbert Clark;Eufola,R+1/sion of subjects pertaining to house-|# Deal,|hold economics,home conveniences,|# health in the home,the education ofSmileyDeal,James Goble.#4 $ Watt;/children and other topics of interest |}Statesville,ees Statesville,R-1—Robt.©Millsaps}|to mothers and home-makers,|Statesville,R-3—Floyd Massey,Cul:|All persons requested to take lunch‘len Lentz;|Statesville,R-4—Clyd@!and go prepared to spend the day at|#|Yates;.Statesville,R-5—Roy Davis,'the jnstitutes.A ‘question.box will‘Richard:King,Freden’Leach,Wad@jhe opened in ‘the afternoon and a/#|A.ISoan,James Tomlin;Statesvillé,/round table discussion will follow.H/R-6—Bayne Caudill,Durant Deal.Farmers generally and all others!Harmony——Robert Foster,The0.|jnterested in farm work are urged to|#Wetmore;Harmony,R-1—Dewey C.\attend the institutes,:Harreleon,Lee Keller;Harmony R-2/,nr reared ‘—Russell L.Renegar,Dave H.Stack,|)TRAVELING MAN'S EXPERIENCE. Homer Paris.“<“In.the suminer of 1888 I had a very se-"vere.attack’of chole'a morbus.Two nhysi-| RdGane Harwell Mills;Troutman,‘glans’worked over me f.om 4 a,m.to 6 p.m,|: an Zar arwe without ‘giving me any relief and then,told)% Elmwood,R-1-Clyde Howard.me.they did.not expect me to live;that 1/8”had best telegraph for my fantily.'nstead|#Davidson,R-25—Walter Hudspeth.6f doing so,I gave the hotel port 4 _Stony...Point,..R-1—Howard—Patter=\sents and told him to buy mea bo!son,Wyn..M,-Pressly;Stony Point,/Chamberiain's Colic,Cholera,and Dinrrhoes Ne,iller,|Remedy,and take no substitute.1 took a)%R-2 ‘Marchel Price,Willie M double dose according to the,direttions ana)#John ‘Kerr.wenty to sleep after ‘he second ‘dosh.At 5)$QOlin—Floyd Walker;©Olin R-1—/o'etockta next morning I was.caited’by!# py order and took a train for my hext #stopping point,a well man but teeling #rather shaky from the severity of the at«}thek,”Wiiter MH We-ireland;~-Loulavila,Kye]Obtainable.everywhere.\ Walter.White,Glenn Madison.Seott’s—-Charlie Moore.New Hope,R-1—George Shaver:Mt,Ulla,R-2—George Ueright. James |near Mooresville,August 10 —there!(oessssesSUSSSSSIBRIIBFIo 333733 essCommercial National BanOFSTATESVILLE,N.C. we _Captal Stock Paid in _Surplus and Profits Your Banking business bolictbede and every accommodation extended to de-positors consistent,with prudent bank- ing methods, Four per cent.paid on time and Savings:Deposits remaining ‘on deposit three °A months or longer. OFFICERS: TURNER,«©K,MORRISON,+-.D.M.AUSLEY,’- SEITIITT TTT »G,K.HUGHRY,- Assistant C ~31,5000 Members of Federal Reserve System. -Viee pesacher who preaches in’be- of common honesty and tells s who don't pay their debts that ey dre dishonest,is not only pro- Cateing practical religion ‘but the uine‘article’as well.Unfortunate- there is .too little if this sort of ching —-doubtless due to the ;that there are in every congre- ion people who neglect the pay- ment of debt’and the preacher is »afraid they will be personally af- )fronted;and also the.further fact that some of the preachers are care- about puch matters and can’t preachto others:what they don’t practice themselves. All this is preliminary.to tioning an incident in which _Mr. Ham,an evangelist.who holds meet- ings about the State,figured at New Berne.Mr.Ham was going after the ‘merchants who sell “dope drops”— ‘whatever they are—which he claims is worse than liquor,when a mer3 chant wrote’a letter to the New ‘Berne Journal to the effect that the merchants could afford to quit sell- x “dope”if the Church members would pay their debts,and he cited one case whete.a Church.member ‘owed him $40.Mr.Ham’answeredifthemerchantwouldgivehim| -name_of ‘the delinquent Church nember ‘he would see that he paid the bill or was turned out of the Church.Subsequent proceedings not reported,but itis ‘The .Landmarks nion that Mr.Ham is taking on a bigger contract than he can —carry ‘out. ~The “Asheville Citizen,reporting a ‘sermon of Rev.J.M.Bass in North A o-Methodist church,the sub- ject being sHonesty,’had this para- ‘graph:\ The speaker pointed out’that re- ligiow:professed by a person:who’ t rthis ae was shamretae titton,tc Tote af fe led (ieeBasswas sraclatinely Glory.tothe preachers who plainly about the|¢ommon |; men- ast s nerve,but it’s ‘the preacher’s and he fails if he sidesteps to tramping on s ébody’s toes.ck of nerve to talk plainly ngs Has {resulted in wrongs becoming so common tha =almost cease to be regard- ed as apy Fpilure to pay,debts,|., for"Fastancel li a -much:*greater|: )me of the things weear_vehemently.denounced,and:yet _deadteat:is So common that ap- tly,in“many.cases,he neither. loses standingin Church:nor society. ‘Arthur MacLennan,managing ed-itor of the Denver (Col.)Times,hasbeenfined$250 and costs for con-mpt of-court-in refusing to divulge‘information to a recent county grandjury,The contempt.proceedings fol-ed an incident in the Coloradogislaturelastwinter,when a pack-‘age of currency was delivered to Rep-resentative,W.W.Holland on theflooroftheHouse.The Times print-‘an account of the affair.MacLen-nan,when ordered by the grand jurytorevealthesourceofthepaper's iorma sed, that’the infarmation.:reached him inconfidentialcommunication.Editor:MacLennan has maintained the tradition.of the craft”and news- 'paper men generally will applaud him. “course*there are cases~in which a ‘man’s duty to_the public would be‘far greater than his,obliga- tion to the individual.But the news- _paperman who Has a proper concep- tion of his:duty:will not allow him- ‘self to become the repository of guil- ty secrets.‘But when he receives in- -formation ich he agrees to hold gacred he should keep his word;and this is so thoroughly understood that “a secret is_genetally safer with “A “newspaper man than anywhere else. ENR OL TRLTN ETT When Cashier Miller of the Bank of Oriental,Pamlico county,shot and killed himself!a week ago yes- terday..it ‘wag promptly {announced that there was no known cause for the suicide;that his accounts were all right.A bank examiner took gharge of the bank and now it is an- nounced that a receiver will be ap- pointed;that “the examination shows no.material shoftage in Cashier Mil- Ter’s accounts,-but generally bad nking ‘eonditions which’necessitate its going into liquidation.”So.It is just as well,when one holding ‘a po- ~pition:of trust puts:himself out of Way,to wait until his accounts|areexamined before announcing that aintaining | A YEAR OF PLENTY. t this timLaseeteeatoiSis aebeansol,After the first early beans were=|gone this summer,thebest price wasne40and50cents,ane not longsomeToneaefivebushelsfortencentsperManyhavenotbeenshFigarsaa“ee at all,‘and have stopped picking them.Peo-=|ple with 1 sare invitinglarge:neighbors ‘to come and Dick |ce———what |‘they want.‘The situation will|Deenot.improve,as cornfield beans areaecoming.in-~-sAaheville Gazette-Ne.The season being Anes:all sorts of vegetables are plentiful;all the town folks who have agarden patch have vegetables,the market is dull and the truckers.are discouraged. The Enquirer recently told of a Mon- xoe man who.offered to give his neighbors beans ifthey would pick them.None accepted his offer.The|° beans were plentiful and the Monroe man ‘then offered to pick them and carry them .to his neighbors.if’.they would accept them,and this offer found no takers,‘Determined to give ‘the beans away,the Monroe citizen then offered to throw in a piece ‘of meat to cook the beans,but at last account even this ‘generous offer fougd no takers because everybody had more beans:than they;wanted: (However,one need.not.throw) away.green beans,Left alone they will mature and dried beans are usu- ally in demand at a.good price. ‘But:speaking of beans and things, this is a year of plenty.|Business may be dull,but garden ‘truck is abundant~-and field ;crops~-are——-most promising.Certainly.there is great cause for thanksgiving. Chas.Stewartt of Asheville evident- ly believes that it is meet “and:"proper: that one should attend §divine wor- ship;or at least one:would judge so by the statement of Mrs.Stewart, who testified under oath in Buncombe Superior Court that her husband shot her because she refused to go to church with him.An unfeeling jury found Stewart guilty of assault with a deadly weapon and Judge Long, who is evidently notin sympathy with enforced Church attendance,sent Stewart to the ‘chain gang for two monthsin excess of 4 year and.a half. {All Blame roslameFor,the »Lities).vi re on the f atch.moe-APorpedoes firedofGermannationality”caused the]y oss of the steamship Lusitania and its passengers,accorcing to:the:find- ings of the court of inquiry appoint- ed to investigate the disaster.Theéourtheld.that no blame attachedeithertoCaptainTurner,commanderof.reer?or the:Cunard line,its|mownTn‘opinion of the court’the actwasdone.not,merely)with the inten-tion,of ‘sinking the ship but also withtheintentionofdestroyingthelivesofthepeopleonboard,”the opinion Othe |‘court:held that the ‘life’boatandlifebeltfacilitieswereadequate;that the demeanor of the crew was above all pike,and that the conductofthepassengers,barring a slight panic ‘when the steerage passengerscameon.deck,was praiseworthy.:The coyrt also found that the shipwasunarmedandthatthecargowas a general one,the ammunition aboardconsistingonlyof5,000.cases of car-tridges,'from which there was no ex-| plosion. Frank Attacked1By | Prisoner.| Leo M.Frank,serving a life termintheGeorgiaStateprisonforthe murder of Mary Phagan,was attack-ed Saturday night by William,Creen,a fellow prisoner,also serving a lifetermformurder,and seriously Fellow chance to recover,the doctors say. The attack was mbde at.11 o'clockatnight.Creen,who had procuredaknifebysomemeans,srieaked-toFrank’s bunk and slashed “the pris-oner’s throat.Frank’s’cries broughthelpandPrDipesooaid.Creen expressed roy.the’at-]tack after’he had’m:t=“He said no.other persons were involved.in the attack.It is probable that Creen’s attack on Frank was prompt- ed by the demonstrations againstthelatterandhemayhavethoughtthathewouldbegivencreditforkillingFrank.it is probable also that he was put up to the job by en-emies of Frank. Thaw Released. In New York.Friday Harry Thawwasadmittedto$35,000 bail after Justice Hendrick had upheld ‘the de-cision -of the jury which declared himsane,The court's decision releasedThawfromcustodyforthefirsttimesincehekilledStanfordWhite,nineyéarsago..The State appealed fromthedecisionandforthisreasonThaw was required to give the $35,000bond.After.Thaw’s release “admiringthrongs,”we are told,followed.and applauded,Newspaper men follow-ed him in automobiles and crowds gathered wherever he stopped, TTL IE LETTCTE, Screen Story Not True. Denial of published reports that aGermansubmarineusedtheAmeéri-'can bark ‘Normandy as a screen fromwhichtosinktheRussiansteamer\LeLeo;has been cabled the State De-partment._bythe-American.consul-atLiverpool.The eaptain of the Nor-mandy specifically denied the.report. The bark was stopped by the subma-‘NNERWaynesvilleMountaineer says tine but allowed to proceedwith somepees,who ‘lived in the |of the Leo's crew.Haywood county,was!:part ofale‘to his door and shot,day 'e died|told his family that he |ZYour dru "Luster Brown and eeePliesCuredin6to14Days ML tanswill refund.acne.it PAzO Sind,mieeaiensfalls to curePLSeesey.case of eying:{The ret coatsapplicationcues ase neeandRest, Be United |States and.the.allies.In ee~&-submarine+jeg ef—Hig¢hiand,——whichéastoftheHickory Chair Manufac- “jtack of diarrhoea which lasted for uver a Troops ifAustrianandGermanPierceRussianLines.* The eastern front,running fromtheBalticinthenorthto,Bessaray,bia in the south,a distance of neaeea”thousand miles,is being subjectedtoviolentattacksbytheGermans,and Austrians and in places has,ac-contin to the German official report,pierced.Ta the Baltic provinces Gen.-von Buelow,who is using,large forces’0cavalry,has crossed the Windau riv- er and is moving toward Riga.In thePrzasnyszdistrictFieldMarshalvonHindenburg,who is making a fourthattempt’to reach Wersaw,has twicebroken:the Russian’lines and com-velled the defenders to retire towardthe’Narew river. In-southern Poland,after a periodofinactivity,Field Marshal vonMackensenisagainonthe:move andclaimstohavecapturedsomeRus-sian ‘advanced positions which.stood between him and:his objective,the Lublin.-Cholm railway.Simultane-ously with these attacks,which are}the main ones,the Austro --Germanarmies.are on the offensive west oftheVistulariver,in central Poland, Tip along the,Dniester river in Ga- icia,}The probability of the Russians having to evacuate Wafsaw,which is threatened by von Hindenburg in,the north and.von Mackensen in the south,is being seriously discussed, The possibility of a further retreat,however;is being calmly considered in Russia,where the old ‘theory that the further the enemy is drawn into the country the worse it is for him, buoys up their hopes of:final victory.For the present..Berlin is the onlycapitalcelebratingandagainFieldMarshalvonHindenburg,.whose suc- cess-in—the Przasnysz district:isthe cause of it,is being lauded. With the enormous number of Ger- man troops being used tor me_offen-sive in the east —the greatest move-ment of the kind ever.undertaken inthehistory-of ---war-—-.the._military}critics in London do not look for any,|) events of outstanding importance in the west for some time to come. Complaints of Shipment -of Arms. ‘Austro-Hungary recently officiallycomplainedtotheUnitedStatesthat extensive shipments of war supplies from this country to the allies are“not in consonance with the definition of neutrality.”It:is understood that Turkey will make similar FEPresen tatiofis. ‘Germany repeatedly has.laid ‘em:phasis on the,trade in arms between, rote replying to representationsromtheAmericangovernment..onihenewlyproclaimed.war zone,the1.xight..of .the.citizens of,thenited.States,to,trade_in..ayms,wag.ebeia:but it was argued that.it, was equally right of neutrals “to stop. trade in contraband,especially the}trade in arms,with Germany’s ene-mies,”because of violations of other. neutral rights by,,Great.‘Britain.cio from Count:Bernstorff, +German ‘ambassador,dated:‘April:was devoted entirely to the dis- cusgion.of the alleged:toleration ‘by:the{United States of infractions of ‘in«terHational law by Great Britain and|fpointed:out that it was necessary:in connection with shipments of arms to take into consideration “not onlytheformalaspectofthecase,\butalsothespiritinwhichtheneutrality is carried out.”| The Austrian note,extracts of| which have—-appeared—in_dispatches| from Amsterdam,points out that the American.government would be en-titled to prohibit the export of war material,if the trade is contraband “takes the form or dimensions where-by the neutralityof the country will be endangered.” The United States will soon make formal reply to.these,complaints. aenenERneeetaemeD Attempted to Assassinate “Mayor? Hickory Dispatch,16th,to Charlotte Observer.The home of Mayor ,W.S.StanleyJocated—iustis— the y Alpe Sieencceee ‘AGAIN GERMANS.ADVANGE] ‘Have’you -been 4 one of the many hundreds —who have taken ad- vantage of.the rare bargains which.we are offering during this »Clearaice Sale.if not you are missing a golden opportunity in sharing in this weck’s exceptionally rare bargain giving.Ourloss iis your gain. Only Four More Days Of this Wonderfal Clearance Sale: Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Scene Ab LC é 4 oa=z ‘Sherrill--V ie Aint ont|hite Shoe Go:4 + ie"Building Materials! -C AE.Next Planters”Warehouse.:ors iia} 'Statesville,1:G.North CenterSuet 4wae ey are cence demands it. ~Birth Announcements,“Icknoviedgeniaats “Birthday Cards, ee!is-not any.doubt about our having the-newest-and most ‘elaborate line of these ever brought to”Statesville.Remember that you can always buy an artistic -memory card from us thatis appropriate,whatever occasion ——Printing ~| Pastor Resigns—Church Split. Reformed church,Saliskury,for a strong sermon on turing Company in that town,wasfiredintowithapistolbysomeun- to|known:person this morning about 1 o'clock and the mayor and his wifenarrowlyescapedbeingkilledwhile asleep in bed.‘Two shots were fired,both throughanopenwindow,by which the bed inwhichMayorStanleyandhis were sleeping stood,one shot strik-ing the headboard of the bed about 12-or-—15-inches over Mr.Stanley’sheadandtheothergoingdiagonally. across the room and out of another window.‘From the manner in which the bullets ranged,one of the shots could not possibly have missed Mrs.Stanley more than five inches.andtherecoilofthepistol,which nat- urally threw the weapon upwards when it was discharged,probably saved their lives.It is sajd that Mayor Stanley has a number of enemies in Highland and there has been much -controversyfrom’the time he entered the race for mayor until the present day.OnthenightofJuly3heandPoliceman erspoon on.the other,figured in an affray when the two former menwenttoWitherspodn’s house late at night and attempted to arrest him. The ‘cases against the former twowerenon-suited in Recorder Camp-bell’s court recently and Witherspoonwastaxedwiththecosts, EES Dr.Geo.T.Wénstonof.Asheville,former president of the UniversityandtheA,and M.College,has been the late Dy A :Tompkins ‘of,Char-lotte.} DIARRHOFA QUIGKLY CURED. “About two years ago I had a severe at- re "writes W.-C,6 Buford,“NN. T became so weak that I could not standuptight.A druggist recomme:Ccberlain’s:Colic;Cholera andFiggcong a rereThefirstdose D, wife}: Mingus on one side and C.BE.With-|,7* selected to ord:the_biography——of |} edy,relieved me and wisntwodaysIwaaaawell,aa’ever.’able everywhere. the members of his church. of the pastor’s resignation precipitat-ed the withdrawal of 45 of his sym-pathizerg from membership’in figers,.2. a+Ford Owners to Get Refund. “The Ford Automobile mobiles.who have purchased August 1,.1914,thenounced=thatweresoldduring the ensuing:year, euch purchaser would receive a re~ cy’of the company. The worst cases,no matter:of how Jong stahding, ‘Porter's Antiseptic Healing Oil.ipa eandl Heals at the same time. ‘Dr.W.B.Duttera,pastor of Faith|¢15/8 years,Sunday announced to his con-e grégation that he had resigned,the}® resignation effective August ‘Ist.This}§ announcement was accompanied.by|%“Hypocritical|4 Living,”which the -pastor admitted]?. was meant especially for some of|$ ‘There seems ‘to be a split-in-the}# congregation,as thei \announcement|% the|¥ ¢ehurch,including any half the of-{% Company |} anriounces a refund of approximately|%$15,000,000 to owners of Ford auto-1% their|# machines sinte August 1,-1914.On|%company an-|3%if 300,000 machines}% fund of from $40 to $60.The 300,000)%mark was reached Friday.The com-|% pany says the refund.is_strictly in|the’nature of the profit-sharing poli-|% Cores Old Sores,Other RemediesWon't Core i are cured by the wonderful,old -reliable--Dr.|4It.relieves|9Be,0c,$1.00,| GiveUs Your Orders FOR——— *Pure Apple VinegarWhiteWineVinegar, Malt Vinegar-C Pickling Spices Pure Extracts . Preserving Powders :='Phone us your wants— Bagle &_Milholland. Why should Sammie”be dependent upon ‘‘Wilm”for so many things?-For instance,Dye Stuffs?Why don’t ‘‘Sam” teach his children to live at-home? ‘‘Sam”is alright—we look up to him as a great fellow;so is the O.K.attached to Statesville. Some excusefor.the'United States buy- ing Dye Stuffs from Germany,but how about *‘The Best Town in North Caro- lina”buying ICE from Salisbury or some other town? Patronize us—we deliver the stuff ihe ‘‘Made In Statesville.” Statesville Ice &Fuel Company. ICE-COAL—WOOD. Either or All,‘We Tell the Terms. eatee Ca t fe e po le R.L,FLOWERS, FOUNDED IN 1838 ~°CHARTERED 1859-..“TRINITY COLLEGEisDURHAM,N.C. A Southern College of liberal arts with an established national reputation forhigh‘standards,’noble traditions,and progressive policies.iis targe endowmentfundmakespossibleitsfirst-class.equipment and large faculty of well traiandcarefully¢hosen teachers...Studeht.fees.-low.Comfortable,‘inexpensivetoomsincarefullysupervisedhygienicdormitories.Classical ‘and’scientific courses leading to the bachelor’s:degree:Graduate.courses in all departments.©Schools:of Boeineertit,lucation,and Law.=_For eatalogue ahd illustrated booklet address ¥—ecretary to theCorporation {GLIMPSE PASSING THRON y|Personal |Their M é eir Movements.° ing the week at Montreat, ‘Marfiase®,Club Meetings,Re-ceptions.and So On.‘Miss Rebecca ‘Miller ‘entertainedtheBachelorBellesThursdayafter-hoon’in honor of her guests,MissMillikenofGreensboro,.Miss’CrossofAlabamaandMissPhilipsofGeor-gia.“Sewing and conversation occu-nied:the time.Two courses of©re-freshments were served,ss,Mrs.M.C.Wood entertained «atfour*tables of “auction bridge’Wed--mesday afternoon at:her home onWrst.End avenue.“The high *scoreprize,a pair of silk hose.was won byMrs.Chas.A;Turner.Following thegameanicecoursewasserved.Bowlsofbeautifulflowers‘were Mrs.Wood's only.decorations.Out-of-townguestsWereMrs.Hal.C.Cowles ofNewYorkandMissJeanieKluttzofSalisbury. Mrs.J.C.Fowler gave a heart party Friday afternoonat her hometn’Sharpe street.complimentary toherguest,Mrs.A,G.Ogden of Bal-timore,The game ‘was:‘played atfourtables.Mrs.Hal.Cowles madethehighestscoreandwasawarded«a hand-embroidered handkerchief.Anicecreamcourseandpunchwereserved. wer,en route from SalisburyJohnsonCity,faken a positiddiers’Home. ‘Messrs.D.J.Kimball and §, 8,.C.,last week, ander have returned from an vile trip to the mountains, L,Love,at Sylvia, Murphy and other points in Lackey,at Black.Mountain. Saturday to visit Miss Linda Kno‘Mr.and Mrs..L.C.1twochildren,who visited turned to Henrietta. ere Santee of People and Mr.J,Thad Montgomery is spend- ‘Miss Norma V.Conger,graduatenurse,spent Friday night in States-ville withher father,Mr.T.J.Con- Ppi where she.has‘at the National Sol- Tomlin visited Mr.Kimball’s broth-er,Mr.8.J.Kimball,at Rock Hill, Messrs,Neil and Ross AlexanderandMissesFlorenceandLoraAlex-automo; ‘Mr.and Mrs.VW.E.Lackey will re-7turntodayfromavisittoAsheville,|¢r?’wives know _the|Spread them.out in bount amountains.They left Saturday and fusion,and everybody can eat towereaccompaniedasfarasBlack|their éntire satisfaction by paying aMountainbyMr,Lackey’s.mother,/8™4 :,Mrs,J.Wash.Lackey of Hiddenite,money twice here;you get the worthwhoigvisitingherson.Mt.Marvin Of it in the best rations you ever atethentheproceedsofthedinnerMissesMattieandInaMorrisonof8°to the orphans,This is just onethevicinityofStatesvilleanaMiss|feature of it.There will be goodRosaGuy.of Eufola.went to Mt.Ulla|Speeches,interesting’songs,refresh- mountain air and awrence and|P ;‘ at the home The older Law-} G. _Storm Dama Etc, Correspondence ot The Landmark. Jennings,July 19 —.Mr.t to other ailmentsbetter. Posey Bridges,who have beenNew’Jersey during the sumhavereturned‘homp./ 8, annual Masonic_picnic afford to miss it,There will beMrs.M.P.Alexander is spending |public dinner for the benefit of thetwo.weeks with her sister,Mrs,D.‘orphans,and the good ladies all overIthesectionaroundGrassyKnobswillbringoutjustsuchrationsasfarm-how to cook andyandpro- | jand x.{Ments,good,coolure,fresh water. LesterTempleton,who has been “almost atthe.point of death with fever and ,Seems to be getting .Messrs.Leonard |Templeton a mer, Saturday,August 7th,will be the at GrassyKnobs.This is an event that we allwanttorememberbecausewecan’t fee.You get the good of your Mr.Cleve Lonsford and wife haveofMr.Lawrence’s father,Mr.J.W.|been-in a short while visiting theirLawrence,in Olin township,have re-|Telativesand friends.The Hamptonville ball team came Another party of ladies were en-|¢randparents in OlitertainedSaturdayafternoonbyMrs.Fowler in honor of Mrs.Ogden.Mr,and Mrs.grandchildren, the summer.Little Billie.McElwee,|Millsaps insonofMr.and Mrs.W.H.McElwee,.is with them for the present.MandMrs.D.S.Thomas,Mr.and Mrs. W.Ht McElwee and children,Dr.Mrs.»Ross McElwee and baby Mr.and Mrs.Sig.Wallace and dren spent Sunday at Eupeptic.Méssrs.Scarr and Eugene Morri-son entertained a number of young|S people at their-home on north CentestreetFridaynight.The evening was|in of Mooresville andpleagantly,,spent in social conversa-|Alexa’. served. Mrs.W.H.McElwee entertained few friends and their puests atporchpartyThursdaymorning.The |neopleout-of-town guests were Mrs.OpdeofBaltimore. vhia,who is visiting her dautehter,urdav for a visit to Judson Evans in The farmers have worked hard"thisMrs.gR.E.Clapp;Mrs.Parks Kirk.|Lynchburg.Va..|summer and -have made fairly.goodvatr@kofCharlotte,the:guest.of!Mr.C.W.Rankin of Graham,wi eeaaer ertioo teas o a family.Mrs.@R.M.Gray,and Miss Edith Cra-|has heen.the..guest of .Mr..and Mrs.jSummer outings aah ieee eenor@Wiikesboro;-whorts visiting her EG:White “fora fewdays,expects;Whorethey ean Gat -aiicay.Tratit theirsiste™,the hos today..».1.on ng ¢che e bmg pienic,ds,|Mise Gill Forgery6 ee ee evide Cee es whe hey tableile,Charlgtte,\WilléeB@acho"+%©land’tava®gobds ti ‘goodfollowingisfromtheChar-|bserver.of Saturday:aor : daughter of Mr.and Mrs.Joseph Gra-|ham jGillespie of Statesville,and Mr.| Perry Fant Gilder were qu tly,mar-|Neil's s.BMr.Mrs.Geo.|‘i ;+SpesUpgage Gee iS Sean eTat9fo’clock at the wo :4 ;2BMrs.3J.L.Moore.in Co landw.,ta¥Washin My ie ckty,“Newtor,wants totorffPontyMePhGIALEchun for the--ceremony.+<There)we:no d and.the..wedding...waswitnessedbythreeor.four.intimatefriends “Mr.Gilder and bride left imrecdy.| ately for Newberry,S.C.,to spend | two weeks visiting Mr,Gilder’s pa-! is ‘a prominent physician and widely known in South|Carolina.On théir return to the city |Mr.and Mrs,Gilder will make their! y King’s,on South’ rents,His father »home at Miss DaisTryon.street, executive ability.She is a blonde,petite ‘arid attractive, a wide circle of friefids “in this citand,Statesville.Mrs.:Gilder woretravelingsuitofblackandwhi with «black trimmings and.corsagebouquetofrosegandlilies.of the val-ley.-ss “Mr.Gilder‘is a native of Newber-|ry,S..C.,but -has made his home inthiscityforthepasttwo’years ormore.‘He holds an important positionintheofficesofMr.-Hugh McAdenRose.plant.accountant of the BellTelephoneCompany.Mr.Gilder is ayoung.man of splendid business abil-ity and is held in high esteem by the members of his company.He has apleasingaddressandcommandstheaffectionofhostsoffriendsintheCarolinas.” The:parents of the bride,who liveonthecornerof.Mulberry and Bell‘streets,have issued the following an-nouncements: “Mr.and Mrs.Joseph Graham Gil- lespie announce the marriage of their daughter,Mary Louise,to Mr.PerryFantGilder,on Friday,July the.six-teenth,nineteen hundred and fifteen,Charlotte,North Carolina.” Miss Louise Summers and Dr.T.D.Crouch,both of Stony.Point,weremarried~Thursday evening about 8/o'clock at €Hé home ofthe officiatingminister,Rev,E.Di Brown,at Loray. ”ettMeetingofCollege Alumnae.Correspondence of The Landmark,‘An:enthusiastic meeting of theAlumnae°of-Statesville College.washeldinthelectureroomoftheFirstPresbyterianchurchFriday.after-noon.Plans.were discussed’and.‘itwasdecidedtoholdanothermeeting.in the near future,to elect new off.cers_and_appoint committeesto:car-|.ry on the work of.this loyal’body.It is hoped that every mieniben in thecitywillbepresentatthenextmeet-ing,the date of which will be ©an-nounced.later.a Remember the da Fraley’s Great Money-Begins.July 20th aad “10.days J.H.McElwee and/summer with her daughter,Mrs.RMissMaryandMas-|E.Bowles.ter David Thomas,are at Eureptic!Springs to spend the remainder.of|who visited at tion...Seagonable refreshments were |Sund the guest-of Mrs.J.-C.Thursday.Fowler;Mrs.Hargette of.Philadel-| sae! “The bride has made her home inthiscityforthe’past four years.She!held.the:position of supervisor inthe! jong distance office of the Bell Tel-ephone Company.She is a prettywomanofbrightmindand,marked prettywithwinningmanners.She is admiredby, Vii te |Miss Naomi Bailey.e |*shepherd’s plaid with shoes and para-|sol to:match.She wore a Milan hat |lv of Morganton.and Zula Sherrill of tra sales’f t 1teofSmithe>&|Plenty.0 Ge ‘©handle the; Saving ‘Sale!continues for {here rence children are still n, |ville to spend the remainder “of the|Vor.of Hamptonville. irassed on ‘the first.:wo endings,anMissesMabelandEllen Sharpesburg township,|d9ing so well that there seemed t r.|Asheville. ;with”Asheville as-their—destination,|™en-|Miss Marion Yount went to Davis|back.vrings Saturday in company with;We had-a local.rainr|Misses Margaret and E |AiMaryStewart|80me straw stacks,quite a number onderof—Charlotte,poeaywithMrs,W.W.Rankin,|Quite a lot of corn was blown|Messrs.P.D.Kennedy,H.J..|.Mr.J.T.Jennings and son\wena|Crouch,Frank .Armfield and G.&./t0,Boone Friday after his daua}Gates };at All Healing Springs.Satur-|been attending the sudexpecttobethere.until teachers-at—Boone.».|.We have been having some _hotRichardMcLaughlin,Jr.,,left Sat-|Sultry weather for a few days, mmer sclnidayan Mr.and Mrs.Zeb.White of Roan-(ie mother oo aeoteopwanes.204 hom in:one wesyourean™“|.Mrs.R.A.MeNeill.and.children.ofWashingtonCity.are ..yisiting Mrs.} Miss-Anne Ferguson returnedaydyeningsifrem:,ay,visit tain.* N-rent a farm: ew £4.(few-days in-Statesvilles-returned yes-4|terday.to his home at Sovruce Pine.Mrs.€.-C.-Willis and--Mrs.R.E. |Five-room cottage for rent.—MrstNROSPURREETEeee |.Gentle ‘pony for sale.—J.M.Walk-j|Bowles of Asheville,who were guests |°"’;5iofMrs.W.M.Cooper for‘a’few days,|pop nie eee Renee apa Barnes:returned home Saturday.|Collie shepherd pups.F.Pat-Catt.P.C.Carlton and Messrs,G.}P ERR on HsB.Hughey,Moss Salley,R.|V.|*erson-i 4Tharpe-and-Oscar-Marvin-are-among fea aang ne -—powders.—;:agle &Milholland,ue Ake:erty ef Statéaville A week of exceptionally rare bar-a ealing springs.|gains.—Sherrill-White Shoe Company.Miss Bessie Love of Selma.Ala.,|A.jis the ruest of Mrs,C.W.Boshamer.|g fhe okie pee erawtord |(Dr.J.P.McAuley of Chattanoo-|Reduction in’price of ticketsjga,Tenn.,is expected in Statesville ..’ithe latter part of the week to vieit|Creme Theater.This weekpeWwW.i ue h Bnd Shite |Ramsey -Bowles -Morrison Co.’s[ee ese Puchanan Bad ‘little!tsarance:als begins Thursday and;daughter,who visited Mrs.Buchan-|°ial reduet fferedlos.|Special reductions are offered.j\an’s‘parents.Mr.and Mrs.W.F.Bai-|Live at home.—Statesville Icejley,returned yesterday to their home|eer:by iF Co.:n Winston-Salem,accompanied by {‘Baseball today and tomorrow at lo-ical park. |fee of the Statesville Gas Light & people |E at S$pro- &‘Miss Lila White left yesterday for a_visit to friends in Garland,Samp- son-.county,and elsewhere.‘Fuel.CoMissMaryColvertwenttoLinwood|Ba ‘i ¢_|Saturday evening for a brief visit t0i Carolina M atone eos hand.cars.|her brother,Mr.J.C.Colvert.| |Visitors to the Rock. | and Mrs.M.R.Adams,leaving yes-|Mr.David J.Craig and family andterdayforNewton.Prof.Weaver|Mr.L.P.Henkel and family havesangatbothservicesattheFirst/gone to Blowing Rock to spend the:Presbyterian church.4 jremainder of the summer.Mr.andMrs.W.W.Hhnks and little son,|Mrs.John H.Gray and Mrs.Gray’sofCharlotte,are guests of Mrs./guest,Mrs.Jones of Washington,Hanks’parents,Mr.and Mrs.D.F,jand Mr.W.°A,Thomas,who made aJenkins.*|trip to Blowing Rock in Mr.Gray’sMr.and Mrs.F.H.Andrews ae returned Sunday.evening.Sher-|son,Mr.William Andrews,of Char-|iff Deaton and three children,Gus.,lotte,spent the past week in States-|Martha Neal and:Mary Bell,also re-ville and Iredell,Wintie here they turned Sunday ,evening from an.au-jWere guests at the home of Dr.J.jtomobile trip to Blowing Rock,andiF.Carlton.Mr.Isidore Wallace,Mrs.J.H.Hoff-Miss Elizabeth Bowles and Master|mann and Miss Amelia Hoffman leftLouisBowlesarevisiting’at the|yesterday in Mr.Wallace's ear forhome.of their uncle ‘and aunt,Mr.|‘“the Rock.”The two —ladies willandMrs,C.E.Wilkins,in Golds-|spend -some time there.boro.pk Sheriff Deaton says there has beenMisses.Blanche and Hessie Connel-|a great ismprovement in the roads be-;tween Statesville and Blowing Rock:since’last summer,”| Prof.and Mrs.W,F.Weaver of |Philadelphia spent Sunday with Dr.| s Catawba ‘are guésts of relatives andfriendshereandinthecounty.Sear aan |‘Mr.A,B..Johnson,who:spent his|Mrs.Plyler Improving —~Per-|vacation at Charlottajand All Heal-sonal Items.|ing Springs,returned home yester-\Correspondence:of\‘The Latidmarks :‘Statesville,R-i,July 17 —Mrs.Laura Plyler,who}Some|days agounderwentanoperationfor \day.Mrs.M.E.Cornelius has returned}from.a visit to her son-in-law anddaughter,Mr.and Mrs.J.E.appen-|ae )dicitis,is getting on ”hicel HerScroggs,in Lenoir.::y-’po sctatedcisicredes many friends“hope for a speedy re-!The:Landmark is asked.to say share :f tethatallpersonsinterestedareaskedtomeetat.New Salem church.nextThursdaymorning,22d,to help cleanthecemeterygrounds,‘Keo!---Those_interested.in:Gay’s,chapelgraveyardwillmeetthereFridaymorningto:clean it off.beed be at «Mr.and ’Mrs.Will Per:dren went’to.Troutman16th,for the birthday ceMr.Perry’s father,Mr.Dan.Perry,Mr,and-Mrs.J.-G.-Plyter-and-othersofCooleemeespentmetedayatthe.0.DL iadisahares ty and chil-j ‘yesterday,|ebration of Remember —Wehave made.arrangements for the big sale, home of Mr.and Mibout: 1C@ |W:ou!center your -tradin LSat opRewai peli haeFRALUY,‘The ;jir|Over and played Jennings .as an-“We |romnced.They only played five end-Mrs.M.J.Drake has gone to A’she-/ings,which resulted in 6 to 15 in fa-The Jenning:,|team seemed to be somewhat embar- Foister,|here is where they:Jost out,for athehomieofMr.W.F,the end of the five endings they were ¥y he .in|come a lonelyfeeling over the Hamp-jreturned Saturday to ‘their home in|tonville boys and this feeling became Messrs.Alan Anderson and Jack,/8°strong that no kind of _persua-and|Wallace left Saturday for Bridgewa-|8ion would make them play any more.and/ter,from whence they expected to/8®they went home.They behavedchil-}take-a tramp through the mountains/Mighty nice and_acted like-gentle-We hope that.they.will come and windlizabethRank-|Storm here Friday that blew over to spend;trees and did some other damage.own. ters,joined the party of Statesvilo|Misses~Winnie and~Clyde,who Pereolfor hildren deserve a |Notice of New Advertisements. to Blacle}oe :1st,who penefeRadeo it ag Pe 13} &) Cooking demonstrations at the of-_ jan island of 10 acres in the Catawba river, PICN Ic AT“GRASSYKNOB:The '‘Crops—Old-Time .Singings Date is August 7th —Somege—Ball Games, Mrs.Riddle’s Condition. Correspondence of The Landmark, Statesville,R-5,July 1 —The far-mers ‘ard about done their crops andthreshingwheatistheorder:of.thedaf.The next few days will end thethreshingseason,which used to belookedforwardtoasagoodtimeforneighborstomingleandhaveagood,lively,sociable time.Not so now.Selfishness has stepped in and.tooltheplaceofthatgoodoldtimeandthespiritof/love and sociability’is’athingofthepast.What a pity!Some wheat is good and some notsovood;‘all said a fair’crop.Oatszood-——a little above the average.The outlook now for a ‘large corn cropisgood,.Cotton is small and is notblotmingmuch,obaceo looks fair-ly well,but owing to dry weather ithasbuttonedontrather.low on oldJand.‘All garden truck:plentiful.Mr.R.C.Bowles and Capt..R.P.McLean gave an old Christian.Har-mony singing at the home of Mr.J.D.Hartness Sunday “afternoon,llth.The singing was a igrenountain n The |Sunday «school atViewM.E.chureh gives an old-timesingingeveryfourthSunday,whichhazbeenagreathelptothe»schoolandchurch.The great need of moreof‘the churches is more old-timesingingand.old-time’religion.'Mrs.Kate Riddle,who underwentan’operation at Dr.Long’s Sanato-rium the 3d-day of June,for sciatica,is not any better.She has been in acriticalconditionsincelastNovem- er,Protracted meeting atthefirstSundayinAugust.Damascus ~|The Lippard Birthday Celebration.Correspondence of The Landmark. In response to a personal invita-tion as well as to the reminder ofthe’appointment mentioned in thelastissueof~The Landmark,yourcorrespondenttodayattendedtheso-cial party at Mr.Jake Lippard’s,nearBariumSprings,to celebrate —hismother’s birthday.We /~were not dis-appointed in having «happy day.There was fine weather,a large gath-ering of all ages up to more than 90years,and a big table full of choicediet.Three addresses were .given:One by Rev.Clarence E.Norman ontrainingchildren,then by Rev.W.A.Lutz on ‘the observance of the Sab-bath,and the Sunday:difference.be-tween a garage and a_blacksmitha.and another by Rev.“W._D.Haftiwanger~on™the”mother’s influ-cence,giving as_examples the moth-ers:of the Church fathers,Gregory,Augustine and Chrysostom,5Mr.Jake Lippard’s son,Van Frank, id o f t * y\‘Save,to become respectasle and“f)tp\respected.e'sthe quickest and2surestwaptosuccess”*;7 Franklin (THE fad who walked the (streetsofPhiladelphiawith his clothes underhis arm, munching a dry roll was destined to be the ‘one man whose sterling char-acter obtained for thestrickenColonists.theconfidenceandsupport of France. Personal AffluenceAniteneininiammnaeree The characteristics thatmarkedtheeventfullife of Franklin’were his capable économies,his strength and honesty of urpose,and his confi- Beene in himself. You can be a Franklin in your own individual way. Make use of your capabili-. ties —~build confidence in yourself and exercise pure ~/— poseful economies. Profit by Franklin’s ex-5ample.Let us talk over 4yourfinancialproblemsé {with you. Capitat 100.000 _4%Paid on Time Deposits jU.S.DEPOSITORY.: oeme and wife.of ‘Washington,Dz.C.,are visiting “here.He)took 'several 'ko-|Nak snaps’for fature reference.°ws ‘Se Ve ity 5 b is aTheGreatMéney:Saving‘Sale "or!Smjthey &"Fraléy’opens today’and} Btatesville;"Faly 17,“eon! tthe Real Bargain Givers.—ad. I|MONEY TO LOAN—$2,500 to loan tor “one,|tu and three years,,on real estate vor)personal ‘security,Adoress Ha care THELANDMARKss,Spy,20-1, WANTED—1)want:to)rent:g00d 2)6t S-honie}j,farm....gopd,-hyildings,,,W..j Newton,N.C.wit’ “WANTED.-SHousekeeperteedbpply,to-MBS.JNO..H.GRAY, | aly,20, for Hotdl ‘Irédelt. the prospects are godd’for 2°large}tive_it_te|crowd\owing to the unusual bargains|censebnoreuaballdect people*knowing that they arc| Gu ns LACKEY,Hoi pole oe :‘; Tyut§j ;y:Y to ribi aedATTHEGASOFFICEALLTHIS _MORNING LESSON10 A.¥EVENING’LESSON8P.M, ws ms Ftgo0 of)do wotiqo ond al tty tntiin,Everybody welcome:Liots of goodoilosgakeraehhteAMAReee i na emtWEEK 0A.M.High ay ibe f Ae yh gy OF Bw teeaeMREaree me2 +b aao fis ¥tt ; saad‘Statesville GasightandFuelompany,|| de ae July 20. ‘RENT—Five-room cottage onWebb|street.MRS.N.R.TUNSTALL.jJuly20.esFORSALE-—Gentle,thoroughly brokén po.|ny.Children can ride and drive.J.M.|WALKER.July 20—1t,| FOR.SALE—Shetland pony,buzey and:har-|;Regs.S.R.BROWN,July 20—2t,| | }PATTERSON,Statesville R-3.July 20—1t. FOR SALE—Collie shepherd,pups.©.F. ‘FOR.SALE—Large quantity four-foot pinewood.Will detiver at railroad station at|Scott’s.R.L.MORRISON,Loray,R-1.duly 18—4t* 1 FOR SALE—Storehouse and lot,with Grat.|class stock of general merchandise. Ex-/cellent stand.A bargain.TRIVETTE &TRIVETTS,Harmony,N.©..June 25—10t. HONEY—Pienty of good honey,:»15.cents ajpound.J.M.MITCHELL.|July 2—4t.w*,|FOR SALE.—Two fresh Milch Cows and|some.nice Pigs."Phone 347 Blue, to wait on | write J.M.AREY,Statesville R-3.duly 16—2t. WAITRESSES.--Girls wanted SAE. We how have in stock several good vahiesinsecond-hand Roadsters and TouringCarswhichwewilldisposeofatasacri-fice in order to make room for our 1916:models.They are REAL BARGAINS.Come and see for yourself. e ¥ he ; Carolina Motor Com’y table at HOTEL IREDELL.Apply _to}=MRS,JNO.H.GRAY.July:16.é:—SennenFOR.RENT—Seven-room house on Sharpe|S3383333e331 eessSSSBsteseiesrtesseerete rerrcecerereseessesccccocessce:street.W.A,ELIASON.duly 9.§ LOST—Note given by C.H.Lester and wifeto.Alfred Sherrill!for $100 due June 10,1915.Person having this note will present.to W.J.Lazenby or The Landmark withintwenty.days or this notice will be lead.in_bar of payment of said note.OPH.LES-TER.»Jualy 18. VALUABLE LAND AT PRIVATE SALE.sstinbomioenicatUnder:the terms of the will of Mrs:Har-viet Clark,deceased,the undersigned executeroffers’at private sale a valuable.tract ofandlyingontheCatawbariverinCatawbacounty,Ne C.,containing 151 acres more orlessandknownastheAlexanderClarkplace.The tract contains 50 acres of original forestand40a@resofriverbottomlands,The estatealso,offers &house and lot in Troutman and >*.+4Pf. rf+ry+. PyPy For termsapply to C.H.BROWN,Executor,k.Be MeLaughlin,Atty.="‘Troutman,No C.Julys18,19165. Sa b ba e e e e ee e ee te a s e ee e er Bridge:Stock at’Auction.ik i , By \virtue of the prov‘sions contained insection..1170,chapter 21 of The Revisal of1905ofthedawsofNorchCarolina,the un-dersignéed wWillsell'at public auction to’thehizhest-bidder:for cash at the court hotisedoorinStatesville,N.(.,oniONDAY,AUGUST 2d,1915,at 12.0’clock;m.,two'shares of stock in thestatesville-Buffalo Shoals Bridge Co,at thearalteof$100 @ach,because the delinquentwnersthereofhavefailed\to pay -their as-|#sore thereon in full.’ 0 BROWN,S cretary and.Treas-uredeee Shoals Bridge Co,;Bu MeLaughlin,Atty.‘sity %,15.; _C.WATKINS for eonrarything to Build With ee e ee e sr e se e s li e ti e r er o ec c e s o c e c o s e e s : Screen 5 Your House!| While climbing the ‘June hill,”if -youhavenotalreadydoneso,screen yourhouse.Screen doors and wire are en-tirely too cheap for you to take chancesonthehealthofyourselfandyourfaim-iFily,by allowing flies”tocomeintoyourhome.Join the great army,not to ~~fight the Germans,but the flies,Sas The medical profession isin agreementthatfliesare‘common carriers of dis.\\|ease,This being true,it behooves every ~good citizen to be diligent in.season andoutofseasontogetrid-of the flies,We aré headquarters for Sereen Doors,Window Sereens and Sereen Wire,Fly |Swatters and Fly Traps.We sell theeelebrated-Henry Heinzerling Fly-Trap,one that'is capable of catching a gallon;of flies perday,eu Elana aa HOUS Roker, *ARRY and Rose aresickof boardingTheyinvitea“few relations”to a come “and bring their friends.Grandpa has the gout and hisfootisalwaysgettingintotrouble.Finally when and home and with relatives sleeping everywhere from the top (f tha stove to the bath,Harry and his message for their friends, THURSDAY. Also ‘‘The Alibi,”drama, E ah RELATIONS eeetellsNerlifestory TwaaCconsayGOLDSEAL2 ree! Picture The first episode of BAe (dail riacael aes eataial‘re Ua a eeeile 80 napok‘ntohousekeeping.-Theyall eaten out of house rage wife sneak ofinfhe night leaving a who *+}he and ‘Heart and-Clubs,”Com.eg ESE magnificent Orlental pictures are id.They>of the gorgeous pageant of the East.tell in thrilling episodes of the love,mar- disillusionment and escape from thie ‘)Harem of an American girl (Ola Humphrey), has ‘lately returned to this country.No,‘doseription can give an idea of these superb/miasterpleces of photographic art,» FRIDAY. Als o ‘The Force of Example” ‘‘Animated Weekly” abee\ayer RPIEC ca | ee Pi ) DeodinadEN EQ |awa Na aay oe Laemmie 41 ‘onl Areerai CREERY,thrilling story of love,~:hypnotism,jealousyand crime. A clever and Sete oaiies doctor ; useshis occult power to cause trouble and death in a:paacotal Houses ’hold.He is finally foiled and brought toaccount through the clever-4nessofabrilliantyounglawyer. SATURDAY. The “UNDER THE CRESCENT”Series which will start with ‘‘THE PURPLE IRIS”on Friday*is the most sédsational,exclusive and unique series of pictures ever produced by any Film company. THIS SERIES OF PICTURES IS FOUNDED ON ACTUAL FACTS—PRINCESS HASSAN,who was Miss OlasonoftheSultanofE VERSAL FILM CO.byt and next heir to the throne of the Pharoahs,She soon discovered her’rhistake and after numerous attempt exclusive rights ts reproduce her marvelous storyin al!of its Oriental Splendor. H2mphrey of Los Angeles,Cal.,was married under the most romantic circumstances to the eldestsatlastescapedandmadeherwayhometoAmerica.She'has given the UNI- --There will be two reels of this picture each Friday,forming a complete featurein itself,in additionto two other good reels of Comedy orDrand Reductionin the Price of Tickets.From.now until the close of the UNIVERSAL-CANADIAN’CONTEST we will give you 12 ticketsin.each golly book of tickets and60 tickets iin each $5.00 book. BUY YOUR TICKETS BY THE BOOK.HELP YOUR FAVORITE IN THE CONTEST AND SAVE MO NEY. THE LANDMARK RUESDAY,July 20,1915. SERVICE AT STCSTONY.POINT. Marriage of MissSummers and «Dr.Crouch—Personal-.Items. Gorrespondence..of The Landmark. ~-(Stony Point,-duly--19—Rev,Gebrge Pladson.a ministerial student at DaVidsonCollege,who Was “born and reared on.the mission fields of China,delivered a lecture in ‘the Presbyte-n church here Sunday night to a audience,on Chinese,their customs:and,theircarefully -farge and appreciative \His lecture.was‘and well delivered.Floyd Fry of Mcksville iésistingPastoritOey0eBaptist.church here!‘this’Weeaseriesofrevival‘Servides.\THer epaRi a:Vrs.CB.Morrison of:StatesvillbentSundayimtown,visiting Mr. -d Mrs:Millers’Mr.and Mrs.Si p Mourhe sire 'ing relatives.Mrs.J.Ni/ little dau;rs,Taand | ‘Wf former times inPorterHarrisand thites Chester,8.C.,are visitiis’father,Mr.D.F.HammaseSof:Snow Crick spendirs.J,L.*Teague, i Mr.C.H.Gry ler of Nashti spent Sunday in town.rs,M.K.,,Steele and daughter,Mrs, 7G Jurney~of Turnersburg,have ing several days in towneen siti2.Thurs iss is©avin in aeZ the roa rand Mrs.N.F.Steele. mise ‘Summers took Lor; 4 next day it was »that Dr:Crouch and «Miss *most deserving and.popular people. ‘here about’four.years,is a noble ;Young man,prompt and careful the practige of “his,profession, -Sommer the daughter of Mr: Summers,has24Blyvee é a place which she filled:most accept- “ably.It is with the deepest regre%eet we give her up now. LE IE, Cleveland Items. Correspondence of The Landmark. Clevelan}?July (15 —~Miss:Ruth Barber has returned from Brookneal, Va.,where she has been visiting for several weeks.Mrs.W.H.Kirkpat- rick 4d children of Memphis.Tenn., are visiting atthe home —of —Mrs. Kirkpatrick’s parents,Mr.and .Mrs. R.M.Rosebro,Mr.and-Mrs.W.W. Rosebro and children,of Greensboro -are also visiting their parents,Mr. />and Mrs.Rosebro. Miss Annie Lee Kincaid has gone}, ».to Greensboro,where she is attend- “jing the -Teachers’~Institute “at theyStataNormal.Mrs.Worth Plyler of Salisbury is.visiting Mrs..M.A. Plyler.Mrs.Hi A.-Scott and son, bes of Mebane,are visiting Mrsott’s son,Mr.O.J.Scott.‘The Junior Miriarns,met Wednes- day’aftetnéon with little MissGraceAllen.*! The Meeting at Shady Grove. *@Gorrespondence of The Landmark. Troutman,July 17—The protract- “ed meeting will begin at Shady Grove‘the third Sunday in August.The pas- tor;Rev.W.A.Wilcox,will be as-sisted by Rev,W._W,.Rimmer of *Maiden.~Everybody interested in the grave-yard,at Shady Grove is requested to--&meet there the 30th of this montn to*elean it.off.D.R.HOWAD. Quiaine WhatDoes Not Affect The Head| DATQUENTNEIebettershenordinaryirdoesnot.mudoiakeesars|:usethe full name and~f BR,W.GROVE.25, ’ head,thesignat “STATE NEWSClayCountyManKillsHimself] Don E.Herbert,28-year-old son of State Senator J.C.Herbert,,of Hayesville,Clay county,died in.the vicinity of Asheville.Thursday night |, as a result of a bullet sent crashing through his head.The shooting oc- curred on the Swannanoa road,in thevicinityofAsheville. Near of a freight train left the track.and were badly damaged. The:usual Labor Day celebration at .Spencer—the first Monday in'Sep-tember-will be omitted \this'“year. nt Hillsboro Saturday:13.cars 4Homeswithhimaldo,.Rev.Mr.Myers,hom we are glad to have with us. ‘a week in:with her sister, ay eve Dr.T.D.Crouch and a little he doctor’s automobile,down ,and ‘came back to,Surprise their,fr énds;but they were 4 $0 closely watched that they could‘not Keep their secret long,for early, ‘genérally .,known | Louise |§were married,All their friends join; in wishing them well,‘These are twoyoung} Dr.Crouch has been located | in} and;liked’by?all “who .know him.|Miss and, lived inaboutsixyearsandhas!: +had charge ‘of the primary work of| the Stony,’Point school four years,' Miss Arey Watkins of“Andrews and‘Herman Owenby,an Asheville chauf- feur,were laced under arrest follow- ing Miss Whtkins’statement thattheywerewithHerbertwhenhecom- mitted suicide...Miss Watkins told the Asheville Citizen she had known Herbert for:‘years..She said:“He has,heen threatening allday].to kiN himself.“He ‘told me jjghat e{tuere was nothing for him tolive or,t ody ed for him.Hejgaid xIfos raid to die.'|d(SWE dane ‘to Asheville Tuésilay from Andrews;'where I live.He hasabrother-there,Wednesday night:we!spent_the whole night.riding ar nd |! ‘ina machine.Tonight’we were eine! back home.s “After we had driven around awhile’ igfit,the machine broke win‘while the chauffeur was i road,Don theneddain’t ¢himself and} ore is ied to grab_ithimand,in the struggle we fellWhilewe'wore sitting there I triéd to, ‘get it again,but he held both ofmy; e e a aC 188}arms with one of his-and withthe Siother put the pistol to his right tem-j ple and shot himselfin the head.” 'The coroner’s jury returned a:ver- dict of suicide and Miss Watkins:was} released. Notice to British AboutRights of Americans.e Secretary of State Lansing has, made public a paraphrase of the note} presented to the British governmentJuly14toconservetherightsof; American citizens in British prize)courts,It has-no relation,he said,| to.the forthcoming general note on’ contraband,The paraphrase follows:| “In view.of.differences which ‘are understood to exist between the two! governments as.to the principles of. law applicable in prize courts pro-| ceedings in cases involving American|interests;‘and in order to avoid any, misunderstanding.as to the attitude. lof the.United States in regard to any fsuch proceedings,the government:of|the United States informs the Brit-)ish government that,jg so far as ‘the| interests of ‘American izens are con-} cerned,it will insist upon their rights funder ‘the principles.and rules-of in- \ternational law as hitherto establish- ed,governing neutral trade in time | t ) ‘who made cartoons Garland Travis,who broke,jailat!jNewtonJune9th,was arrested Sat- urday_at.the.home of his mother’inNorthNewton...! Newton has an gpidemic of’‘rob: beries,«Four stores were entered ,in that town last week but*the amount of loss.:was’.small.f$.4 Spanish will be an elective stuily in the Winston -Salem high’schodl,@hattotté!and!Salisbury ‘tured down:the proposition to teach’‘Spanish in ‘their sehodls:)°" “pohn Metntyré;"14 years old,dived:into a pond.near.Asheville,‘Sunday, his head struck a,rock and “he was so badly hurt that he died soon aft terward.att A white man,said|to be an Aus, ;trian,serving a term on the Rowan‘eounty roads for beating a train,at- tempted to \esvape last week and ‘was ‘shot by a guard.jand seriously:wound- a} r idanirtt20-months-old “child”of -H,L.)add to,the ravages,of the.disaster,! Efird,Southern railway agent at Lan- dis,RoWan county,was badly scald: ed by overturning a tub of hot water.‘May:not.live. Dr.Jos.McConnaughey of Salis- bury,an,aged and well known citi- zen,died last week from an attack of acute indigestion.Buried at.Thyati- ra—Presbyterian church—Sunday. R.L.Patton,sJr.,.of Morganton, for the State Board of Health to urge folks to vaccinate against typhoid fever,is ‘down with the disease.He failed to\pr actice what he helped urge on oth-ers. When automobile folks are’hauled jup for overspeeding they’,usually.claim they’didn’t.In Asheville Jast iweek the negro driver’of “a motor truck was arrested,charged with idriving at the rate of 25 miles anhour.He plead guilty but just then the owner of the machine,Frank Hoffmann,appeared _and—said_if —it (could -be demonstrated that.the ma- chine could be driven 25.miles an thour “he would give it to the city. The police judge sent two officers out to try it.The first heat was 25 milesanhour,the second 29 mites,_Hoff- mann made his word good and eave up his machine.» A dispatch from London:says!the «|passengers,and a-full-cargo,part of | '+Goddu Sons Metal of ‘war,without Jimitation or impair- ment by.orders in council or othermunicipallegislationbytheBritish government,and will not recognize the.yalidity of prize—court.pro¢eed- ings taken.under.restraints imposed| by British municipal law in derogation| of.the rights ef American | under international.law.” British government wopes very (soon |to limit the export of cotton ‘to’neéu- itral_éguntries to the precise-amount jof notin:need, It is said that Germany will pro- ‘hibit the export of beer.Getting! even with her enemies. imapeeieictiteschatteasianoa 5 |To Drive Out Malaria }Flood Danger in the West.And Build Up The Systém|Kansas City Dispatch |Take the Old Standard GROVH’S |Two hours after the Missouri and,TASTELESS chill TONIC.You knowKansasrivershadceasedrisingSun-|What you are taking,as the formulajisdaybecauseofheavy-rains last week,|printed on every label,showingit \is|“terrific rain and windstorm—swept|Quinine and Jron_in_a tasteless form.eastern Kansas,”western ~Missouri ae Quinine drives out malaria, and southern Nebraska and fenewed |70?auilds “up the syaten,fears of a disastrous flood.The local 50--cents | NEWS ITEMS OF INTEREST. Happenings Here and There in the Country. Harry Thaw announces that he will divorce his wife,Evelyn Nesbit. Two of a kind.The strike of coal miners in Wales} is—on-and the strikers will-probably: be tried for violating the “no strike} act.”This act was -applied ©to con telnet on_account of the war, The-Panama Canal was used last. tleships of the United States Navy }whenxthe Missouri,Ohio and Wiscon;| sin,carrying naval cadets from Ana} napolis..to San .Franeiseo,,made thé §(trip from,the Atlanise ta,he ack Lic. AB &h mantenkion “againgt aaunéhfrom:submazines;,a shelter of,san |filled bags-was piled along the decks; steamshi fromofthe,White Star.Line Baltic,,;that .sailed.Thursday «New:York for ,Liverpool with.314 which,consisted of..ammunition and) War supplies.Tensat ORRATES of natives are,estimated eyhehave been ,drowned,by-jthe floods “the Chinese provine es of |Kwantung,Kwangs)end,Kiar To! ifre broke out.in the,flood--swept areaandthousandsofhouses,were,burn-ed,The désolation in the devastated districts is terrible.according to the latest reports reaching Miongkong. ’The funeral of Dr.J.A. director of the bureau of mines,who died in Denver.Col.,a week ago,took place in Washington Saturday and the interment ‘was in Rock Creek cemetery,in that city.Cabinet.offi- eers and *others prominent in the of- ficial life of Washington were hon- orary,pall -bearers and mining in- dustries throughout the country naidtributebysuspending during the service. With the exception of and ‘Russia,from which figures are not.available,reports show that the wheat acreaga”in’European countries this year'is in excess of last,the war er_efforts.-It is.believed that acreage in both Germany.and Russia wat increased,For some years Rus- sia’s acreage has averaged $0,000,000. 417,000 acres,an increase of -per cent,over last year. Phe decision of United States Dis- ‘trict Court in favor of the defend-ants in the suit of the trustees of| piny of Portland,Me.,against the} United Shoe Machinery Company|(called the shoe trust)for $2,000,000 ‘damages under the anti-trust law, was affirmed by the Circuit Court of |{ |Appeals at Boston.The plaintiff | |claimed that the defendant corpora-} tion had formed a combination and| {had driven it’out of business. ssiaetaetatieeenaninneeeannnemeniebieaaieuniinal Whenever You Need a General Tonic|Take Grove’s The Old Standard Grove’s‘Tasteless| chill Tonic is equally valuable as 4}General.-Tonic.because it contains the xvell known tonic properties of QUININEandIRON,It acts on the Liver,Drives out.Malaria,Enriches the,Biood andBuilds.up thebicnavtedSysteni.50 cents.’ weather bureau immediately issued a general warning to the residents and business firms in the east and west bottoms ‘of Kansas,City that.anoth-er serious.rise in the Missouri and Kansas rivers might be expected.The Missouri reached a crest at Kansas City Sunday of 28 feet,which, with two exceptions,was a foot high- er than any.previous mark.Severalblocksoftheresidencedistrict-and a large part of the industrial territor| of the east bottoms were under wa- ter but as the rise was gradual thelamagewasnotgreat,—} OF ’ i*.¥i - One ofthe big features of Tho:Big Sale.of Smithey:&Fraley is 75 dozenmen’s fine dress shirts,such brands as Monarch,Savoy,Halmark,custom made,Picked up .from bankrupt stocks and just think,the prices will be only 50c,,a saving’of .half or ‘more!“Suapply’yourself with “shirts ‘The F ty Eighth Neries First Building and Loan Association Wil Open Saturday,August 7th,1915. THE’ before the pick is,gone.—ad, AL V.FURCHES,Secretary-Treasurer.| the week for the first time by large bat-| Holmes,| operations | Germany! having spurred the farmers to great-)the| The United States is second with 59,-! Fastening Com-{ ae Seer a MORGANTON AND STATESVILLE At Statesville Ball Park mp ODAY AN D rT OMORROW. |SOROQOIOUOCHOUDOOOOLEE SILLShootStraights {No gun brings down the bird unless it’s loaded!‘’ *|_No prescription brings relief until i’filled. CR O R O R C R O R S e 4°Even then,it must be properly filled with drugs of the- Whighest ‘character,otherwise it betomeswt mere,“scrapeurepaper’ ~Let us make that prescription of the highest possible value Tae)Nigaxedofthem,?“~~:4 :URITY *PRECISION PR iV PINES re te $e Oem . The Polk Gray DDrie Company.5 ON THE SOURRE |Qepseepeorecnse ce eemene FOO CHERRAR OOOOORT Ce e \ NYP Teno College,Hickory,NC Co-Education under the best conditions and management.A.real Christian College,but not-,seetarian,Our A.33.graduates enter Gradygate Department in our Slate University and other universities and attain the A.Moodeseve inoneyear.\’ Five Modern buildings,steam hent,electric lights, Yoder Science Bui r,With up-to-date laboratories for Chemistry,Physic Biology.Library and Reading Room.Clean Athletics.Splendid Dots t 3.GOOD BOARD AT COST for young men Inet session,$9.20 a month;for young women,$2.00 a month;room rent $3.50 2 month, Departments witerary,Musie,(Piano,Voice,Violin), ness,Domestic Seien and Demestic Arts,and Preparatory. GENUINE COLLEGE ADVANTAGES WITHIN REACH OF Write for Catalogue. R.L.FRITZ,Eronident,Hickory,N.C. city water,and fas. Expression,Art,Busi- THE PEOVLE! ToSoSSSS ESSSESSR SST SSSSSASSDESESEDESSDOS$4DORSETS TSS SSSESESDSESSSSESese Se SEES SSS eeeeeEeesesensposeeeseey “YOUR OPPORTUNITY “To Buy a Nice farm and Get Ready for Next Year's Crop No -1—345 acres in Elmwood.All school and church conveniences. Strong land,40 acres in .bottom,8-room house,large barn and out houses. No.2—77 acros 3}miles east of city..This propertylies on the sand- clay highway now being constructed by the government:Is_ideal for Dairy and Truck farming.= No..3—40.a¢res.1-1-4 miles from.public square.Splendidly adapted:#8. for Dairy purposes,Live Stock.and Poultry.: No.4—60 acres in Wilkes county just across Iredell line—a bargain.”9 40city lotsin east Statesville,known as-‘Park.Place’’—$15 doe 3 balance in monthly payments of $5.: 10 lots iin Bloomfield.Terms easy.Six lotsin south Statesville.a section fast developing.Several nice houses and lots to sell. ‘Call on me and learn what I have.i PWN R.MILLS,Statesville,N.C.| 547.Center Strect ~9‘PHONE 54.ESASITB OTBBIT CBOE =Irirsc™ Fire,Tornado,Live Stock,Automobile,Liability,: Plate.Glass,Steam Boiler,Accident and Health or Life Insurance Wesolicit’your business for.the leading © companies writingthe different lines ofinsurance.[ull information obtained _y+on request. ERNEST.¢.GAITHER,° ERNEST 23. | i}{ | | if 16 { | |i |{ F GENERAL INSURANCE RENT.ALS AND REAL ete : s ol a at .Merchants and Farmers’Bank, masnner tatsorasaaa 4 i)ey ead,using reproof,storm:=durable roofing.Lastds long as the building_and neverneedrepairs.|©x Se «5 La ol HARDWARE (€0.,Statesville,N.C. E! LAZENBY-MONTGOMERY RT COCOLAD Cool,and Fefreshing. King of Fountain Drinks. ——_——fe,AT -———~ HALL’S DRUG.STORE,’"PHONE 20.Prescriptionists. Reman wensseereiisEeae To the Farmers.of Iredell and Other Counties: THE STATESVILLE REALTY &INVESTMENT.COMPANY begtoannouncethattheybavecompletedarrangemen!s with ‘THEHOMEINSURANCECO.of New York,”forinsuring your growing crops of Tobacco,Cern,Cotton and small grain-against destruction by Hail Storm at the following very low price: TOBACCO CROP.’:$100 per acre valuation at $7.50 per-acre 75 per acre valuation at 5.874 per acre50peracrevaluationat3.75 per acre 25 per acre valuation at T-87)per acre COTTON,.CORN AND SMALL GRAIN CROP $40 per acre valuation $1.60 per acre 35 per acre valuation 1-40per acre = 30:per acre valuation 1.2it per acre 25 per acre valuation 1.00 per acre20peracrevaluation.80 per acre 15 per acre valuation .60 per acre10peracre-valuation -40 per acre,vy,“y \DWELLINGS,FURNITURE,BARNS.yp $100 Value fot one year at 30c.,3 years at 60c.,5 years at 90e,This $3e latter ‘inshrarice covers also“igainst loss or damage.occasionedbywindinaddifiontohail. .REMEMBER—‘‘We insure anything insurable.’’ J.F.CARLTON,Manager, STATESVILLE,NC.»PHONE 54, Ie 60 Tornadoes Devastate 10,000 Homes in Eight States Such is the record ofoneday’s damage done by tornadoes. You don’t know when the tornado may strike your property,but you do know the“Old Hartford”protects against all loss.For over a hundred years the Hartford Fire Insurance Company has met every honest claim promptly.Buy.a Hartford Tornado Policy today.Itisthenearestthingtocomfort when a Tornado strikes.g People’s Loan&SavingsBank, Seat OEO.He BROWN,Braiieat — tty ena Bh SAT TMM RR TIRE AHHHTR TUM ARTE Tt TH MIG TTT THT Of poverty and want will never grab you if you have an active savings account in a good-Bank—this Bank for instance. But you want to in time.Startnow,~ and start here.will do to start with and a hun ars wouldn’t stop ‘you,once you realize how important a F savings account is. Pr—SARETY—SHRVICE—SAYISFACTION. sped is —es Of Statesville,- “The Bank For Your Savings.”$ (HE =|ot rather go two and a half miles io! \a sure-enough school than to go to! +|I hope to see the time when ther ay (cdemand’for them. iraised by the hundreds. |“The Clutching Hand”:| sior hybrid—which are ill and cross— aiwhich are not,ill. =and it’s also good on the side of peach-sipie or hot buttered bread.«| B ready. Eiswarmed twice. jjthat the colonies from which ‘thesc| |honey extra, 4/$5.75 per colony.This is interest on2\$96 at 6 per cent. ‘\the bees had about all got out of this s\be interesting and timely. LANDMARKS™The.Caldwell Monument: ,;=~~|Greensboro News.i TUESDAY,July,20,1915,It is well that thePress associatioSESShastak€this time the steCONSOLIDATESCHOOLS.taken at this e the steps preliminarytoraisingamonument.to 'Things Necessary For ‘the Bet-the memory of Joseph P.Caldwell.This memorial will pe built throughtermentoftheSchoolsinIre-dell, the efforts of the newspapers of the Correspondence of ‘The Landmark.© State.Arid it will be,most of all,an ‘expression of the Bere renet esteem i hich Mr.Caldwell was held by|The people of the South are waking ew ;;,are mae ithe membe 8 feentothefast.that our #i sys:¢members of his own.profession tem of education is very“mefficientandthatsomethingmustbedoneto -~ who,of the,citizenship of.the.State, improve it.:I feel sure that the people of Iredell judgeof-his work.and merits.Although it is already long since he ue quit the field,there still remain a hostcountyhavebeguntocatchthespirit!of men who were his co-workers in it,of the new era,and have begun 0/411 to whom his memory is a prizedaskthemeslves,what can J do to WM individual possession,.Mr.CaldwellprovetheeducationaladvantagesOf}....man of industry,talent at la-imy boys and pirls?Of course there!)»poad.thinker,blessed with ajaremanythingsthatcanbegiveninwonderfuland-delightful facility ofansweringthisquestion,but 1 want expression;yet is it not a fact thattoeallattentiontoafewofthethings|iho..with whom he came in contactwhicharebeingchargedagainstthe)ostocmmod the man more thanpresent‘system.‘id 1 work2 3 ,1Bt.Our present system is charged |Rich,individuality,-magnetic .per-with being impractical because of the |sonality,sterling,adamantine in thefactthatithasatendencytoeducatesfityofhisregard,he was.acompellerourboysandgirlsfor:the universities|,.¢men’s hearts.’This great and im-and colleges instead of training them!pressive character,impressive with-for life;2d,that.our:school houses |.¢pomposity,dignified in simplicity,are too small and improperly coM-)5))j0¢-our profession of the.Fourthstructed;8d,that the ‘schools :are state;and to him we.should raisecrowdedandtheteachercannet—give.,fitting memorial,He adorned theithechildrentheproperamountofate!tizenship of North Carolina,jandjtention;4th,that we have too Many goud citizens ‘should seek to have aane-teacher schools.lshare in that memorial.!Can these.charges he preferred acaanney Bathing Suits at Morehead At-against the schools ofFredely cousty ¥ i]fa:h .ats }|’jl fear that the facts are aghinst us,|tract Attention::: The following is an advertisement and that we are guilty.‘So then it) \for Morehead: behooves us as citizens to try to find) some remedy.for these evils, The first’and most practical solu-|.“Visitors to the bathing beachesitioninmyopinionistheeonsolida-'ncar Morehead City are this seasonjtionofourschools,for if we can get being regaled with something new inmoreofourpeoplegroupedtogetherthelineofbathingsuitsand;-aceord-in larerer districts I feel sure that-we)ing to the version of some,that is ican give them better advantagesthan one reason that such large crowds arejarenowoffered.»flocking to that-watering place.Staid|If we could do away with at leastjold Morehead City is,copying after40percentofthepresent““school'thc more fashionable?places,such ashousesinthecountyandproperlyto-|Atlantic City,“Coney Island and otherjeatetheremainder,it appears to me iiecsorts,and in consequence the rai-that we would be in,much better con-,ment of some of the fair bathersjdition,because we can never honeto!would make Solomon in all of.-hisimakethegreatnumberofschools)vlory turn green.with envy.One‘which we now have measure up to the young woman a few days ago appear-itandard of the modern school.I be-/ed on the beach in a salmon-colored\lieve that a practical consolidation of creation made of silk.Now©silkfourschoolswouldclearupmostofdoesn’t act very well after being wetthechargesagainstthem,because we and while the young woman attractedcouldthenhaveatleastthreeteach-considerable attention beforetaking a\ers in every school;have the schools (ip in the briny,it is said.that therehettergraded,and have four or five:was a regular riot after she had madejacresofIandforeachschoolsite,to or three .flunges beneath _the H+altaral experiment station for~the a stm bath.boys of the district.ae PeeJustaswehveputawaythe,!"the vicinity of Mt.Alky Thurs-“Dixie”:plow for the modern:plow,,02Y night an automobile occupied by‘so we must put away the old-time )'.Sam Irvin,”Graham,Harrison |’jone-teacher'school for ‘the new cons “|Jeffrey Smith,Jr.,turned over\solidated school.The present school"!two of the occupants.were.se:leyetem is far more’inadequate to"sly injured,the doctor’s injuries train the boys and girls than are the,’'"s slight.“Tixie”plews to’plow our tand.'jin two places.In order to consolidate the schools,- ‘of the Sout we are going to hive to ‘put some of the people a little farther _.‘away from the ont house’than'they The Proof Is Here the Same As Ev- ire now,but pray tell me who would|erywhere. NO.DIFFERENCE. For those who seek relief from kidney backache,weak kidneys,blad- offe r ;one f th ~“teacher |;.: |schools st.thihe oop atid trate he der ills,Doan’s Kidney Pillsyounglife,a8 comparéd to the great hope of relief and the proof is here|.,(sdvantagesofthe modern school?|in Statesville,the same as every-I suppose that one of the veryst where.Statesville people have used‘hardest things that any man cvei Udants and:Statesv;eoitriedtodowas‘to locate a school Doan's and Statesville people recom- |house to suit everyhody.So if you mend Doan’s,the kidney remedyjfind.that there isto be opposition,used-in America for fifty years.Whydon’t be discouraged.Those people suffer? who can never see any farther than e17 wet ro |ithemselves,and have never been °°is fatal Bright’s|known to do anything for the better.disease?Here’s Statesville proof, iment of their -communities,—areal-Investigate it. jways the ones who try to do the most,Mrs,-0O.L.Leagan,215 Boulevardjtodefeatyourplans.The proper street,Statesville,says:-“Four years‘way to consolidate two or more dis-ago,I suffered a great deal\tricts is to have the bo:' ‘2.committee to locate “the house and |eouldn’t then stick to the loeattor. gerous kidney do my house work and I My head ached and I had dizzy spells, when I couldn’t keep from falling.'Doan’s Kidney Pills were recom- mended so highly that I began.tak- lehall not be a rural school in thjeountybutwhichhasatleastthreoiteachers,then we can have agricul- iture,domestic science,manual -arts,ing them.The first box brought melete.,taught-as they should be.Then relicf.and the second did me a worldiwewill:be starting.on the road which of:good.My back got stronger and‘will lead us to the great realization my kidneys normal.”s\of our educational dreams.i i.CLYDE PRIVETTE. Statesville,-N.CG:—- Bee Loreanl Honey. iW.D.Troutman of Troutman, |Progressive Farmer. ;~The State is getting full of bees.|The Progressive Farmer should setapartapageforbee-lore.Why doesn’!| jsome one advertise good Italian iQueen bees?There would be a big Queen bees are r Of course lin.queen-breeding it.is absolutelyjnecessarytohaveneighborhoodco-‘operation in order to control the idrones.It is not a difficult matter toichangeinashorttimefromtheblack Price 50c.,at all dealers.Don’t sim- ply ask for a kidney ‘remedy'—get ||||Mrs.—Leagan—had. in!Co.,Props.,Buffalo:N.Y. Gladiolas! Of the enormous num- ber of attractive blooms in evidence at this:time,probably none of the Flowers are more charming than,Gladiolas..We. always have.a variety give 25 pounds of|of the handsomest Counting two\swarms!‘yeat$1 each and 25 piunte of honey at)Flowers grown today.15 cents a pound,thus amounts to} lto the large,hard -working Italian, Hpney is a good money -side-line, Mr.Daniel Clodfelter has*20 or 30coloniesofbees—jjust common oldblackbees.The-hives are all full of| honey and_have_all swarmed once al- Half a dozen of them have;When the new swarms|settle,he sells them at.$1 each;thebuyersfurnishingthehives.I-judge! swarms came will A few years ‘ago vicinity.Now practically every farm-house has half a dozen or a dozenwell-filled hives.More bee-lore would Van Lindley (o., FLORISTS 10 THE SOUTH, GRRENSHORO,N.6. Polk Gray Drug Co., "Two men were killed and five oth- ers seriously injured in a collision be-tween a railway.motorcar and ‘aswitchengine,Sunday morning,nearValparaiso,Ind. Invigoratingto.the Pale and Sickly Old Standard general strengthening tonic, knew him best,and-were best,able to |. his | +which-coukt be-usec as asort of agri-waves and returned to the beach for! Smith’s seg was broken| Why run the risk of dan-| 18-¢from |}to appoint pains across my back ‘and shoulders.|{ felt—tired-and languid—all-the-time-|* ;Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that/% Foster--—Milburn| SY I M O W NA V I i MEALS ARE NEVER LATE HEN you're behind with |. your work,with only a few minutes in which to get a supper —then the handy NEW— PERFECTION Oil Cookstove helps you to hurry. It lights at the touch of a match,. -and cooks rapidly like a gas stove. It regulates high or low,merely by raising or lowering the wick:It is easy to operate,easy to clean, easy to re-wick. Sold in 1,2,3 and 4 burner sizes by hardware,furniture and depart- ment stores everywhere.3 NEW PERFECTION OVENS bake better because a current of” fresh hot air passes continually overandunder*the fooddrying out |“the steam,‘and preventing soggi- ness..‘This.is an exclusive NEW. PERFECTION advantage. Use Aladdin Security Oil.or Diamond.White Oil...to obtain the best results.in ‘oiStoves,Heaters and Lamps. Washington,D.C._(New Jersey)Charlotte,N.Cc Norfolk,Va.(BALTIMORE)»Charleston,W.Va. Richmond,Va.Charleston,S.C. 5 a 9COOTERCECHCEC LCE _LAWN MOWERS! HERE is nothing about the home more beautiful or that addsmoretoyoursatisfactionandpleasurethanawellkeptlawn.The thing most necessary for this is a good Lawn Mower. CECE ECROCCEes > ‘L A W N MO W E R S > The lawn is kept-smooth-and-even and the weeds cannot grow.—_Owlawnmowersmaketheworkapleasureratherthanatask,Theyhaveallthelatestimprovements,run easy and smoothly,are durable and make very little noise.We guarantee every one to give pg foe :satisfaction.When such a small expense means a beautiful lawn.# for years to come you cannot afford to be without one,- The Best Hardware House in Our Town. Iredeil Hardware - BR ROR CECB ORCC RECEEE CRC ACCEL OC ROE EO EELOOo je 8 ee e Se , Br a S E t a s a s a s e a The GROVES TASTELESS chill TO IC,drives:-outMalaria,enri:Poiana os sewer:seeForwineand These warm days you feel the need of a ;comfortable pair of Oxfords,.Sandals andPumps.We haye just that kind,Plenty of‘them in White,Palm Beach,Tan and Black.Let us give you the’benefit of our experi-_ ence in fitting them properly,:ours to serve, TheS.,M.&H.Shoe Ga The OnePrice Cash Shoe Store,Shoes Repaired While You Wait. pace nichr..>. ny =Srna mao ner Pee aN)= -*PHONES 84 and 137. — WILL BEGIN|THURSDAY,JULY 22d,and Run Through SATURDAY,31st ey-Bowles-Morrison Co's [ etait.FOURTEENTH SE MI-ANNUALtA Te ,is to be sold at liberal reductions. af -.This will be a genuine saving event for our many patrons during which time not a few items but everything,with theexceptionofPictorialPatternsandSpoolCottontyTherewillbe,throughout the store, SPECIAL REDUCTIONS On many Summer lines such as Ladies’Ready-to-Wears,Summer Silks,Coverings and Draperies.Lawns and Organdies,Neckwear,Laces,Floor ———__=‘ ™ OUR REMNANT COUNTERS Will attract as usual,as here we will have all the short ends gleane *Twould not be possible to enumoftheoriginalmarkedprices.attending our reduction sales know that {t’s worth your while to d from the different departments and_sold at a fractionerateWerealltheattractions,but you who have beencome.3 Watch this space and read the other papers for additional information while the sale is in progress, Mail orders will be filled at sales prices when money is accompanied with same and sent prepaid as usual. Will be of the best while sale is on. convenience while shopping. OUR STORE SERVICE Competent sales people to serve you and everything done for your comfort and Don’t forget that next Thursday,the 22d,is the day we begin and Saturday,the 31st,will be the last day.|Yours For-The Biggest and Best Sale Yet, ‘1.SPHONES84and137 | ce edadst E-LANDMARK 3 SDAY,#&wy:July 20,1915.iS PT There in, nn ETE ore fa Oe Mates.i €XVEDOMESTICTROUBLE.In Ralei turday nig ts ‘.ward Faison was struck by a street a arminiyof rte ne car and both legs broken,He was a .also injured internally,it is feared,,Differences Which Are Aired but is expected to recover. in Buncombe Court.‘O.D.Wheeler of.Charlotte Mr.and Mrs.R.A.Gaither,for- merly residents of Statesville,whosometimeagolocatedinBuncombe-_ounty,near Asheville,where theyconductedadairyfarm,have haddomesticdifficultieswhicharebeingaired,in Buncombe Superior Court,as reported by the Asheville papers.Mrs.Gaither’s home was in Bun-tombe before she was married andherrelativeslivethere.Mr.Gaither is an Iredell man. *Bome weeks ago Mr..Gaither wasarrestedona.warrant sworn out.byMrs.Gaither,who alleged that herhusbandhadattemptedtoassaulther:with a ‘knife.Mr.Gaither “deniedthechargeandthecasewasdismiss- ed after a hearing before an Ashe-ville magistrate,but Mr.Gaither was required to give bond to keepthepeace.The date of the allegedassaultwassometimepriortothe foul play is suspected,asning of the warrant..4AtthetimeMr.Gaither was ar-|.R-Martin Allison,70 years —old,rested at his home on the assault!Who lived in the Huntersville .oercharge,“a small multitude of his|tion of Mecklenburg county,died inwife’s relatives,”says the Asheville)?hospital in Charlotte last week asCitizen,appeared at the Gaither|the result of an injury sustained Happenings was olina Architects Association.at the meeting at Wrightsville Beach lastweek.Next meeting in Charlotte in January.2 Bam McClure,colored,employed on the Southern Power Company works on the Catawba river,near Mt.Holly,fell into the river Satur- day;or was pushed in,.and was drowned, Miss Mayme Grier,daughter of Mr,and Mrs:§.R.Grier of -Mat-thews,Mecklenburg.county,and Mr, T.J.Osborne of Canton,Haywood county,were married Thursday.They will live at Canton.; The charred remains of a woman, identified as the wife of John Brit- ton,a negro,were found in the ruins county.Britton has disappeared and e with a van to move the furnj-|“hen struck-on the-head by a pulley; the Catawbature,Mr.Gaither forbade them to|®t Moore’s ferry,onenterthepremisesbuttheydisre-|?'Ve?.garded his warning and ‘loaded up}At Newton court last.week Jamesthehouseholdeffectsand©carried)Hefner and Russel Lail were convict-them away.It was intimated by thej¢d of larceny.They entereddefencethattheassaultchargewas|store of J..H.C.Hewitt &Sons atpreferredtogetMr.Gaither out of |Claremont and carried off goods,Thethewaywhilethefurniturewag/sentence of the ‘court.was eightmoved.ati months each on the roads of GastonAftertheassaultchargewasdis-|county.missed Mr.Gaither had a warrant}Col.Jack Faw was killed by anistuedforhiswife’s relatives for explosion in a mine in Ashe countytrespass.This case was heard by an/on the 14th.He was 60 years old andAshevillemagistrateandthechargeinearlylifehewaganewspaperpub-dismissed,There.was contention)lisher at Bristol,Tenn.,and promi-about the ownership.of the property,|nent in Tennessee polities.In.laterreeeeclaimingthatitbe-|years he was identified with mining‘onged to her.mF operations.:~s>bast week Mr,Gaither filed-a—ha->ilber :heas corpus petition with Judge Long fuiiner ae AS oe Well knewAtHuhcombeSupetiorCourtaskingyoungmanofWilmington,is undereee!.NF arrest in Sz io,Tes Ip-forthe possession of -his children,Bling.oe Prearet 8m ek telegirlnineyearsoldandababythree]some weeks ago He skip ed_a $400Weeksold.The Gaithers have two hond.Another’“mari aceusat of a_other children but the Asheville Cit-|part in the robbery ig in jail:at Wil-coo Misodd int alte Senne,fer POS-imington andHfourth is out on bond.>tw amed,:a .~At the Same time counsel for the}a Signion,@ Ind of about 16,wife's relatives instituted proceedings|¥2%burned to death at vlarembet,he for th an iwhile sleeping -in the shack whereinthecourtforthepossessionofthe1ilhand7Apiryfarmandthepersonalproper-|'#@,Tailroad hands who work at.thehichtheyallerc‘they shy coal shute sleep.‘Suit was broughttywhiyallepetheybought)"h a1 .from Mr.Gaither,The’pronerty |jg/*#2inst the railroad company for $3,-°C00 and the jury decided in favor ois giving the plaintiff no-valued at about $2,000.Judge ‘Long :signed an order directing Gaither to |fe railroad,‘appear in court today and show cause|tne:“why &receiver should-not-be-appoint-\—when you -buy_merchdndise-_from:|\Smithey &Fraley you can be assur-ed for the property, [<gaveriresBY CHAMBERLAIW'S iwi e4 that you have got a bargain,for5MENT.regular goods at regular prices find:no room at the store of the GreateeSoeaeaseeBtBargainGivers!You should by ail tionsly.gay that 1 never used anything that |MANS visit Phe Spore during the bigdid,me 80 tmuch good,"—-Rdward Craft,Elba,S2le beginning Jufy 20th and contin.¥,everywhere,juing for 10 days.—-ad. “Last winter LT used Chamberlain's Lini- ITEMS OF CURRENT NEWS. d=] elected president of the North Car-| of a house near Aurora,Beaufort: the; oe »,Americans Abroad. PV The,Cunard4ingr;’s,Orduna,from Taverpoot*nN Phi “with,a2passengers,”incuding 22 “Aniericansywasattackedmwithoutwarning‘by a German submarine on the morning of July 9,it was reported when the ves- sel arrived at New York Saturday} Twenty miles from the graveyar of the Lusitania,off Old Head-of Kin- isale,so the story goes,the Orduna escaped the Lusitania’s.fate by one- half a second of time or 10 feet of space,the German torpedo churning the water that distance behind the liner's rudder,Then the Orduna sped away.She was followed by the submarine,which rose to 'the sur- face,manned a gun and shelled’the fleeing steamer. The attack.took place at 10 min- utes.to 6 o’clock in the morning, when all but a few of her passengers were asleep.Aroused by stewards,the passengers dressed hurriedly andwentto'the upper deck;where they donned _life belts and took theirplacesatthelifeboats.“If the reports that the attempt to torpedo the vessel.was made without warning are verified,the incident mayjaddtothedifferencesalreadypegd-!ling between the United States avd Germany.od | Monument on Mitchell. Gov.Craig visited Mt.Mitchell| last--week and asa result—of_his vis-4 Another he will name a'commission to have! erected at the summit of Mount! Mitchell a_fitting monument.to the |memory of Prof.Mitchell,the noted;lexplorer who lost his lifé in the ex-| ploration of the highest:peak east) of the Rocky mountains,this to bedonewhen:the State acquires a por- tion-of the mountain fora _parkwAr- rangements for the State to purchase about 600 acres of land:on Mt. Mitchellare now in progress. Gov.Craig,says the Citizen,dé.clared that the monument should’be and should be constructed in suchformastopermittravelerstoascendtothetopofitand,‘standing above the surrounding timber,command aviewoftheWholehorizonofvastand lofty mountain ranges.The Govern- or favors a monument:of granite; Floods in Ohio, Four.dead,|seores .injured.and‘more than two million dollars’worthofpropertydamagewasthetollof{floods ‘Thursday night and Friday in|central Ohio,Hundreds of-acres’~6,} \imperiled.by ‘weak levees and|bankments,em- |In Columbus both tne Scvito ‘and|Olentangy.rivers flooded a larga gee}|jtion of thgusity.Other towns flood-led were ‘Kenton:Foraker,Mount{Vernon,Gancaster-and—Lima,-At_the |.latter city three persons perished andpropertydamagewasestimatedatahalfmillion.¥ |BEAUTY MORE THAN SKIN “Diter, A.beautiful woman always tas good (dikwestion,Jf your divestion is faulty,Cham-herlain’s.Tablets will do you good.Obtaina-ble everywhere.: Attempt to Torpedo Orduna—4 heave it he told the A’sheville Citizen that| ag perpetual “as*the mountain itself! ‘land are under water and vast seth oeeen NEW AWNINGSTRIPES _.Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison Go.) “YoucCan,Haye Delicious Tee ‘PHONES6reee ot Bs etn If You Use SNOW BALL FRE \: Steel Frame, :Triple Motton, Cedar Bucket. =IN THREE MINUTES : EZER © Tall,Slender Can Makes QuickFreezing. "Phone us the size you want and it will be delivered at once. PRICES One Quart $1.50TwoQuart2.00ThreeQuart2.75FourQuart(PHONE 400)3.25 _Crawford-Bunch Furniture Company Voiles,Organdies and Lace Cloths.— WE HAVE SECURED A BEAUTIFUL LINE OF THE “MUCH WANTED” “Awning Striped Dress Materials” << denen — 3THESTORETHATALWAYS WELCOMES YOU.~ *Sane. 39 to 40 inches wide,They are on sale at 10¢.,124¢.,15¢.and ‘20c.per yard,These are special prices..Don’t miss the opportu-nity of buying a stylish dress cheap.Yours truly,: MILLS &POSTON,= _,»READ WHAT STATESVILLE BUSINESS MEN OFFER.e 4 '§njured when a train struck his auto- ty,while in a dee ig. 5 .is critical. ~Jast winter,held a meeting,at Mon- -being made to build a tabernacle,to -seat 5,000,for the Asneville meeting. »jes in May and June was much larg- cers alone.! 'bration at Thyatira church,Rowan y gon,among others,the Lingles being ee$* :.building at Winston-Salem has “been ‘i.cH a 3 FROM ABOUT STATE. dents Crimes and Other In- ents of Life in North Caro- ‘The f the State pri fi BS erected to yield 35,000 bush- Halifax county a negro ‘boy,18=“old,deliberately shot nad kilted 's father while‘the latter was asleep «3 ae 4°.Graham and Thompson townships, renee county,have voted $50,000 bonds for the Alamance,Durham and Orange railroad. ‘Jonas Jones,a colored citizen of lames City,near New Berne,sought shelter under a tree during,a storm ‘with.the usual result—he was’killed “by lightning.} Miss Julia Stinson and Mr.Walter §$.Pharr,both of Charlotte,were married in Charlotte last evening at ‘the home of.the bride’s brother,Mr. J.W.Stinson. Rev.G.Wilbur Shipley,pastor of the Presbyterian church at Albemarle, has been elected president of the Al- bemarle Normal and Industrial In- stitute to succeed Rev.Geo,H.Att- ‘kinson,resigned.5 Mr.Zebulon Judd,professor of Ru- ‘yal Education at the University of North Carolina,has accepted the headship of the department of educa- tion at the:Alabama Polytechnic In- stitute,Auburn,Ala.s B.C.Shuford,who was seriously mobile near Hickory Sunday after- noon and killed his two children,will recover.His most ‘serious injury is a leg broken in two places. Cooper Hill,30 years old,attacked his wife with a club,at their home in Lenoir county,and inflicted wounds from which she died.He made no at- ~zempt to escape and professes no re- *morse-forthe crime.Supposed to be insane, Willard Elkins,.10-year-old son of Lat.Elkins,was drowned near his home at Democrat,Buncombe coun- swimming hole in Big Ivy creek.An older brother madeadesperateefforttosavetheboybut_without avail, :“MAs a result.of-the bursting of aeeJ,A.Cline and J.Smathers,“employes of the Champion Fiber Co,. at Canton,Haywood county,were; seriously scalded Tuesday.They were ‘brought to an Asheville hospital, says the Citizen,and Cline’s condition The Chapman -Alexander party, which held a meeting in:Charlotte treat last.week;and .arrangements ‘are being made to hold,a meeting inAshevillein.November...Plans are The internal revenue agent’s-of-fice at Greensboro reports that the‘destruction of illicit liquor’distiller-| er than in previous months,May be-jing a record-breaker;and in™the enumeration is not:included ,plantsdestroyed‘by State and ‘county offi- {On August 27th and 28th there willbeahome-coming and historical cele- county.Addresses will be made by Rev.Dr.Walter L.Lingle of Rich-mond and Dr,T.Wi Lingle of David- sons of that church.Thyatira church ‘was organized in 1753. ‘The trouble in the Bhnk of Orien- tal,Pamlico county,resulted fromchangedbusinessconditions,so thatthebank’s business fell off and much paper held by it,good when accept-ed,was uncollectable.Cashier Miller was so depressed by this turn of af-fairs that he committed.suicide.Hispersonalaccountswerestraight. The handsome /$250,000 Federal completed and the postoffice wasmoyedinthisweek.Years ago a.Federal building was erected at Win-ston but it was a small and cheap af-fair and neither conformed to the city’s needs or deserts.The presentbuildingtakestheplaceoftheoldone.¥ The Sanford Express says that M.J.Riddle,who died in Lee county a few days ago at the age of 54,lived ‘loan of -ghell”reposes;'.> And mounds of Mother E With simple marker, Us see who sleeps so pe “A monument for me,myyouY And of the wond .distraught;, How,many had gone forth tained; care and wisest;|Yet always the same cry,‘.one more?” So many in our county ja Until too late to escape a Because there is.no room rades, No marble nor an Give what you give to p Now to his comrades of the Mass al]your forces. A living monument thereby Give it the name all love so The Caldwell Memorial! E’en-worthy of the name! "Twill shut,you from heaven Leaving (like him)your resting sea.” A LIVING MONUMENT.* Beneath the sweet,green Mother Barth his “outworn bearing name and date,he bids acefully—'tisall he wishes, Could he but speak,no doubt he'd say, comrades,? Then in his own bright,courtly way he’d turn to tell Of how the Board had met at Morganton, rous work there wrought In ‘helping those who bear as sane as any man; Others,out in “God’s great open,”| Mow grass,reap fields—themselves becoming And how the hopeless cases there receive the tenderest Then in his easy,gracious way,‘Ap’you love me,com- y granite shaft for me— Make room for many more, Carved from dark minds:into a.crystal clear. “A stately mansion,O good souls, Till you at length are free, arth outlast the Pyramids. How very kind of life’s:handicap-—a mind make flowers grow, self-con-_ “Ig there not room for just ils who ‘have to wait fate so desolate for any more. oor humanity.” Press I pass the score: you'll rear well— with a dome more vast outgrown shells by life’s un- idestined to Cotton Will Be Resisted. It is.annouhced from London that la large part of the .abipments of ‘American cotton held up by England probably will be condemned by ‘the prize court,is indicated a,ruling made by the government,This rulin is announced by the British Board.o Trade,which holds that the owner- ship of cotton shipped under’the agreement with American exporters passes from the American shipper to an enemy of Great Britain and will not be purchased by the British gov- ernment under the terms of the agreement.,® rh dispatch from Washington says that any British prize court decision that would confiscate without pay- ment cotton of American ownership a neutral country,or even to private consignees in Germa- ny,Austria or Turkey,will be con- tested by the United States govern- ment.Cotton not having been so far declared ‘to be contraband of war,the State Department holds that under international law it is not subject to confiscation without compensation, oe NR nN.i ia Ministry Concerned About Sab- bath Desecration.: In response to a call to the minis- ters of Catawba ‘county to consider Sabbath observance,a number of ministers met in Newton on the 19th and adopted resolutions on the sub- ject,it is learned from the Enter- prise.The resolutions depl inroads .on the religious life e the the people and the churches are sol- emnly warned “against the sin breaking the Sabbath by business or ship on the Sabbath,and urge that dividual,and all employers and em- bility for this matter.” matters goon as~they ~are —M.H.'E. Matters. personal property left by him is timated at $1,500.He,however,left $41-000-in life insurancepolicies,pay- able to the widow. Russian torpedo -boat destroyers in-the Black Sea have sunk a fleet_of 59 Turkish sailing vessels bearing eargoes of war materials for the Turkish army~in ‘the Caucasus,~ac- cording.to a news agency dispatch from Sebastopol.n From 80,000 to 100,000 lives “have been,lost:in.the floods in the vicini- ty of Canton,China,accordingto a cablegram to the’State Department from Peking.Consul General Cheshire has appealed for all the assistance that can be rendered’by the Navy Department. A body.supposed to be that of Lin- don W.Bates,Jr.,of New York,who lost his ife on the Lusitania,was washed ashore on the Limerick coast ai few days ago,It was stated.that a.match and cigarette case marked with,My:~~Bates’monogram +were- fourid on the;body.|; ‘A severe.wind-storm.wrecked a chautauqua tent at Dallastown,Pa., Monday,killing two persons and in- juring 15 others.More than 700 were under the canvas when the —storm broke:Most of those hurt,including men,women and children,|were All the.injured are expected to-re- cover.‘‘ A bill providing f8r another war 150,000,000 pounds—$750,- 000,000—has been presented in the British House of Commons. will bring the.sum actually appropri- ated by the British Parliament for war expenditures to the total of 650,- 000,000 pounds.sterling ($3,250,000 000.) ‘An ‘arrangement being negotiated between Great’Britain and the Stan- dard Oil:Company is expected to save the company’s ships.from seizure and detention.Under .the plan the ¢com-pany will agree to limit.the amount of the shipments to.neutral Euro- pean.countries to the figures shown by_the statistics of the period before the war.to be the normal consump- ‘in three miles of Sanford but hadnevervisitedthetown.It is said hewaskeptawaybyadream.He was-amechanicand—an industrious and good citizen,but he stayed close.at home.He did not visit neighborswholivedwithinamileofhishome. :Frank Propst,who lived in the vi- einity of Hickory,died Sunday night ,in Baltimore,where he had been-—taken—for—an—abseess-on the brain- tion.: An experiment to determine the ef- fect of the explosion of a combustible, equivalent -in energy to that.of the ordinary.torpedo,upon ~a_caissonbuiltexactlyasisasectionofthelowerhullofamoderndreadnought. was-made at Norfolk,’Va._Those who witnessed the test were convincedthatbattleshiphullsasnow_—con- Items of Interest About Various trampled in the panic that ensued.! Thisy FROM OVER THE COUNTRY.|ReductioninFertilizer Sales. Washington Dispatch. Use of commercial fertilizer for cotton as reflected in the sales of in- Dr.Joseph A.Holmes,who died in|spection tags to June 25,°compared|), Denver last week,left no will,The;with sales to that sdate last.year,| es-/in the’South,showed a decrease of 59 Creek iper cent.”The Department of Agri- culture,announces that the tonnagetoJune25thisyearwas2,636,000, against 4,431,000 last year. i “The -reduction in the iquantity of commercial jused,”says department, absolute “dogs;not {measure full extent of the loss in the; productive powers of the plant,from the lack of this usual supply.of nour- lishment and stimulation.The»qual-lity;of.the fertilizer sold is,much in- iferior to last year’s.supply becauseiferilofthelackofavailablesuppliesof ferior composition.While the tonnage:sold in South Carolina,for.instances,|has dropped to 55 per ‘cent.of last) year,the value is said to have fallen jto less than 30 per,cent.|ers appear this year to have exerted)themselves to a hitherto unknown ex-tent in the utilization of -home-pro-+ duced composts and natural manures.|“The use of.commercial fertilizers is practically unknown in the great;,Texas and Oklahoma cotton area and};in the rich delta sections along the!,Mississippi river anda reduction in|sales of this commodity in those dis-|tricts would have no appreciable.in-| fluence on the cotton crop there.” EE AEETS OTT |4 Activity of ‘German Sympathiz- ers in America. At the instance of the British gov-,ernment the State Department..has|ealled upon the Department of Jus-tice td “investigate the activities ofcertainGermansympathizersintheUnitedStateswhoarealleged’to have been employing unlawful means to strike at Great Britain and her allies.|Until inquiry has developed wheth-‘er there is sufficient evidence to.war- rant prosecutions no names will be made public:and officials of the de-} partments as.well as those of the) British embassy are reticent about) discussing the matter.It is known, however,thatinformation_has reach- ed the embassy concerning all.kinds/ of plots,ranging from schemes to ‘wreck bridges over which,railroad trains were carrying volunteers to;the_British_army-to_the incitement of strikes at.American industrial plantsmakingwarsuppliesforthe.allies. One Child Killed—Three Others Hurt. .jcent interest,and 5s fertilizer a, potash.This is.reflected in the low-){!°'9 Sts:| ‘er price .of,the fertilizer this.yeay,,iwhich is due in large part to its in-! etspreadthroughoutourland.” Notice to Land Owners. North Carolina,Tredel!County. |In the matter of the Fifth Creek Drainage| istrict.All persons,owning lands in.the Fifth} sinage District are hereby notified| \that the mmissioners of said District pro-| } fine Fifti creek.Said bonds will bear six per}Il be paid in ten equal | iments,the fir8t maturing at the ex|| ;7;~¥!ia yne each succeeding year for nine 2/-! ‘ditional years.Any*landowner desiring io} jeounty the amount assessed against his lands |in said district,at any time within fifteen| ‘days after the publication of this notice,and |jthereby release such lands from liability.for| payment of:bonds.sehTHEBOARDOF,DRAINAGE CpOMMis-SIONERS of Fifth Creck District.|D.T.Mayberry,Atty? MORTGAGE SALE OF LAND. Sn‘Ry virtue of the powers contained in a rtgage-deéd executed |};Lon Morrison andMeggieMorrisontothelate.Mrs.W,E.Waterhouse,the undersiyned administrator oftheestateofthesaid‘Mrs.W.EB.Water-house,will sell at public “auction to the door in Statesville,N..onMONDAY,AUGUST 2,'1915,\ at 12 o'clock,m.,the following.describedtractoflandin:Shiloh.%&wnship,to-wit:BesginningatastoneStewart's new corner ir Lollar’s line,running north 3 3-4 degrees east186.poles.to a stone-itt Mrs.Sallie Stewart's| |Proposal to Condemn American) of|& recreation or engaging in anything|§ that takes the place of rest and wor-|@ each head of a family and each in-|{ ployes,feel the individual responsi-|g It is also further asserted that “if 4catas-|& trophes and calamities.:.are sure to)g ‘befall our homes and communities,ir-|& \yeligion and __infidelity_are sure"-to!# of three years from date of isste,|g com-|} munities by Sabbath desecration and}; a SLT = jose to issue bonds to the amount of Eight |2‘Thousand Dollars to defray the cost of dred:-|z do so,may;pay into the Treasurer of the!& EA R S a ee Mi a h Time,thence north 86 1-2 degrees west 42 3-4!} poles to a stone near new Bethany.church,thence south3 3-4 degrecs west 189 poles to a&stone,thence cast 42 3-4 poles to the be-ginning.Containing 49 acres more or less, excepting a small ¢orner conveyed to new Bethany church.:A.G..CRICK,Administrator Mrs.W.,E. Waterhouse Mortgagee.R._B.MeLaughlin,Aity.duly 2d,1915:- THE NORTH CAROLINA’College of AgricultureAndMechanreArts Young men secking to equip them- selves for practical life in Axgricul- ture -and all its allied branches;in gineering;in Chenistry and Dyeing; in Textile Industry,and in Agricul- tural Teaching will findprovisionfortheirchosen careers attheState’s Industrial College.ThisCollegefitsmenforlife.Faculty for the coming year of 65 men;767students;25 buildings.Admirablyequippedlaboratoriesineachdepart- ment.County examinations at eachcountyseatonJuly8th. For catalogue,write E.B.OWEN,Registrar,_West Raleigh,N.C... RUBBER TIRE! Season is here.We use best rub-ber made—Firestone and Kelly— At Lenoir.Tuesday afternoon the .Propst was one of two men sent.toStateprisonforthekillingofJohnHaferata-cock-fight-in Alexander county six years ago,but had been out of the penitentiary about a year.| ,He was about 40 years of age andhasafamily.; rs.Etta Holder Stone has filed:ade at Durham against her husband for alimony,and.divorce.i The com-|:agg alleges thatj Stone deserted wife while she was recuperatingfromanervousbreakdowninHot ee Ark.,and left here with arlemploye.Stone is president of! of |Durham and is'a wealthy and promi-|the Chatham Knitting Mills Co. ment citizen.He some time ago con- verted much of his property into cash)combatants i iBsndlettDedtaihanescpatantsinMexico were hopeless} is said his’present whereabouts at@ unknown. Rev.Mr.Caudle,assistant to Rev. John W.Ham,an evangelist who isholdingmeetingsatNewBerne,sleptare held.Aroused by an_intruder,Caudle switched on the lights,so thestorythetent.Taking his trusty gun.from_betieathhispillow,Caudle.foreeertoreturnandheldhim for go,This is Caudle’s story.But whwasthepreacherarmedwithaweam?Doesn't"He trust thecareforhim?i structed are _inefficient_against___the modern torpedo. It is announced that George East- man,president of the Eastman Ko- dak Company,is to .build for the city of Rochester,N.Y., $300,000,.a free dental Wispensary;and that in addition Mr.‘Eastman will provide $30,000°a year for’,its maintenance for five years and at the end of.that time will provide arf,en- dowment fund of $750,000,if the in- stitution proves a_success. ‘Brigadier General Devol,‘general jmanager of the American Red Cross Society,has returned.to -WiashingtonfromtheTexasborderwiththe—an- {nouncement that attempts to relieve \famine and.suffering among non- junder present conditions.\General |Devol was thoroughly discouraged /by \the failure of the Mexican factional leaders to co-operate in relief work. The.British governmen sterling.($3,500,000).on jgoes,25 cotton car- jarrangement.with American \made in the British Parliament y|solely or partly of cotton,which had,in New York last week hp-jbeen diverted to.ports of the United]edt ,ke expect teLord.to|Kingdom since March 11,was 49,and|2 ore oe oetoother‘British ports 11. t a cost of; }since in the tent where the meetings |March 11 .-has paid 70,000”pounds t shipments of which —haye,and saw a man leaving been purchased in pursuance of the I /cotton|the}shippers.--When-this—statement was pny itanhourwhilehepreachedaper-|was announced that the total ;,g num- sonal sermon to him;then let him)ber of vessels with cargoes made up clothing workers who went on a 14-year-old ‘son of S.Wynn Hayes was driving a wagon loaded _with, shingle blocks,and.on the wagon}with him were four small children,| his brothers and sisters.Driving down a steep hill a part of the load of shingle blocks slipped off and car- ried the children with them.One,a boy four years old,was crushed _to death;another suffered a broken legandotherinjuries,a third was se-riously hurt and a fourth escapedwithslight.injuries.: Will Take His Cow to School. Virgil Gardner,a farm.boy living in the vicinity of Shelby,will/take acowtoschool<with him this fall andkeepherthereallduringtheses-ion.The cow will not attend classes s10n,.|with him,but furnish milk for Vir-| gil,with which he will pay his way through the institution.Young Gard-ner’s parents are patrons of the|Mooresbor@®creamery and from themhegottheideaofthevalueofcows.By waiting on the table in the high ;school dining room,milking his cowand‘selling her milk during his spare moments,he will earn his high schooleducation.:! the 21,000 strike Thirteen thousand of are expected toreturn.Wages were advanced 12 to jp Set hot or-cold.__Quick service. ‘and will save you money.Tires Civil,Electrical and Mechanica!En-|¥ excellent|3 Chickering Pianos ‘Ivers &Pond Pianos Pianola Player Pianos. For the reliability of our instruments and ourselveswecanreferyoutoscoresofreligiousandeducation-al institutions as well as prominent individuals in,your community.‘Let us send you catalogues;also quote you liberalterms,and give you interesting information aboutourClubPianosandClubPlayerPiano,Address:PARKER-GARDNER (0,“HAKOT? \N.C. Qo Se Vehicles an Harness We Are Well Stocked on a Good Variety of : Vehicles,Harness,etc. The Famous Hackney,High Point and Oxford Buggies and other makes that we have always carried. A good stock of HARNESS of our own make.pte Everything in our line at right prices. Always see us before you buy.It will pay you.yee tthe The Harness,Vehicle &Supply Co, Statesville,N.-C. igsF i “On the other hand,Southern farm:|highest-bidder..for sysh:at the,court -house saa i ayAT ~The Fountain of Quality Mint Lime-Ade Charley Chaplin Sundae ’Nabisco Nut Sundae Rube Wilson Sundae. o« Fo s s s ce s s ee e se e e s ee e se e s ee Ce O Pe S I O S S S S S A S E PS O E PO EI S O D HO O T TO O T : €. Statesville Drug Comp’y, Quality Prescriptionists,- 5bs So t s e p e c s e s s c s e s s s e s e s Gorham’s Sterling and Plated Ware! We have just opened up a big lot of Gor- Yours tu serve, TROUTMAN &SUTHER. Butter Wrappers! We have the very best Parchment Butter Paper, and can print.your.name and brand on same.Let us have your order for any quantity you want.See us.Prices reasonable. Brady Printing Co. Build with Brick Build a Brick House or Brick-Veneer your old house.‘Warmer in winter, cooler in summer,climinates-frozen ipes.,Has.every advantage.Solid brick ‘Uhder-pinning under frame house will help some, Face Brick,CommonBrick,Drain Tile |15 per cent.|Statesville Brick:Co. ham goods in both Sterling and Plate.We Ave ETRVER.Forks and-Spoonsinsets-and———|+] the Fancy Pieces from 85c.‘up.Nothing better than Gorham’s goods can be bought.- We will be glad to show you. R.H.RICKERT &SON. my TE Tis eo Fire,Tornado,Live Stock,Automobile,Liability, Plate Glass,Steam Boiler,Accident * and Health or Life Insurance ~ .We solicit your.business for the leading cotapanies writing the different lines of insurance.Full information obtained on request.EW OI FE ERNEST6.PHONE 23. GENERAL INSURANCE,RENT-ALS AND.REAL ES .OFFICE.NO,1,MILLS BUILDING. say neae ‘ ‘ay RS Fee |THE LANDMARK duly 23,1915, Much TravelOver the New Road 'To Begin in Iredell the First PRIDAX, HERING Medicines patched me up for awhilebutthen|woudBet worseSabin,Final Train No.16 ar,6:20,leaves =—_SCHEDULE. Arrival andDepartureot Trains of States eer ROAY,16,westbound,due 7.24 Nos,23 and 24 are not operated on Sunday. Between Statesville and Win-Week in August—Take the:ston-Salem,Serum and Become Immune|the opening of the NorthCarolina toa Dreadful Disease;Post Road,the Federal-aided high-0°0 008 ak sas sabecdce4‘train No..m,|way between Statesville and Winston-“°”,,:iButHasbandWithAidofCardui,‘rain No 1,westbound,due 10.06 a,-Salem,is heartil’welcomed not only ‘The greatest.health measure,in|’Train No,21 \west-bound,due 2:26 p.m.‘by the people living in close proxim-the history of+Iredell county is to!Effects Her Deli Bam Neh cattant Sc Meas b Sty to the vend,but by the:Rulon:stare August 2d.and.run’for"|er Deliverance.x os "|bile Il.«Already the weeks.ederainNo.22,east-bound,due 1.15 p.m.{bile tourists as ‘well.:een Be aAiaralaeiypesthound,feo v-m road is bringing many long-distance The board of Be ite»eee TT RECSAe ee Be Ml thoton travelers.throusli:Statesville,©'s have appropriated $350 for this:Pea t,N.C.—Mrs.Helen Dalton,of CHARLOTESAND TAYLORGVILIM.baKtice Gf tourtate tein a.distance Work and it is their wish that the’th €,says:“I sulfered for around Train No.16 dr.9.50,leaves 10.85 «m.(passing over the new road a@lmast People will avail themselves of |this |ee eae ma,a os gang would |‘train No.oie aoe leaves 9.20 -p.-m,daily:And because it is-a new road opportunity to become immune to}smother to death,Riis aae aa ee Heer tg 10:40 a m.{and one of the best in.the country,this awful.disease—typhoid fever.| m,'yphoid fever,as is well known,is|the more local motorists,—especially ‘‘"|{ue to a specific’organism.‘This or-| 6:45 p., those of the towns of this section of ly,my husband decided he wanted me to try Cardui,the weman’s tonic,so heboughtmeabottleand|began using it.It did me’more good thanall the medi-cinesI had taken.:iIhaveinducedmanyofmyfriendsto| For over50years,Cardui has been re-capable officers —:Mrs lieving woman's sufferings and buildin;weak women up to health and strength. If you area woman,give it a fair trial,It should surely help you,asit has a isilliod others.f Card if da lis invited to come, Get abottie o til 10-day.ichildren,as their help willWriteto;Chattanooga Medicine Go.Ladies’jin the programme forDept.,Chattanooga,Tenn,for Srecial |Day.whi :7..fearactlnt Teast and BA peasbeck,Heist.\Day.which will be held r VANCE SUNDAY SCHOOL. Preparing For Children’s Day—Meeting Embroidery Club, Whiting su-perintendent,Mr.Frank Proffitt sec-jretary;and Mrs.Wm.G.Carter pian-‘ist is indeed a great help.The Sun-day school will be carried through the‘third’quarter at least and everybody especiall for Women,”inplainwrapper,NG.156 |the last of August or the first of vanism gains entrance into the body}through a poluted water or milk sup-|ply,by the careless handling of a pa-tient’with the disease,or by flies.| With proper,care and precaution all} the State,are making runs over it just for the pleasure of riding on“a real road.”Several parties fromWinston-Salem,Greenshore,HighPointand.other towns —hove made trips over the road within the past the avenues of this disease can be!Deen bematiied bri aah ete ore ~_crue Game.Landeuark :|saveral days,coming to Stafesvijic blocked.But to do this means an|has hieem,ahd Mover will bel ©medicine espondence of The Lan merk and returning over the samA road,outlay of much money and it takes|to compare with Cardui.1believe it is|,,Statesville,Re4,July 20th —The!ryos6 and long-distance tourists time.By having a pure water and)a food medicine for all womanly trou-|Vance Sunday sehool is progressifig!trom the North and the South who milk supply,sanitary closets and’our.bles.”:nicely under the.supervision of its |\\ye passed over the road do.not houses screened,we are not only pro-!tected from.typhoid fever;but manyotherdiseases.All of these precau-tions should be instituted in everyhomeassoonaspossible. As I said above,it takes time andmoneytedothiswork,so do not take hesitate to say that it is one,of thefinesthighwaysinthe:country. When the presence and quality of the Post read becomes generz}ly known among the long -distance au-tomobile drivers,certain seetions of ™wor :the National Highway and the Stat:chances on having’typhoid —fever Central Highway will certainly b«While*you are getting in shape toabandonedandthenewhighway™ake your home sanitary,but be at! adopted.Already parties travelin,‘he nearest dis@tnsary at the hourovertherouteoftheNationalHigh.@med ard take the typhoid serum.| the be wanted Children’s some time vm mee .|September.Notice will be given way have come this way,having Ic/t 't is this serum that is going to be}&later..Se the National at Greensboro,switch-“iven free of all charges.It is giv-0)EF FLOUR.|Members of Vance Embroideryled across to Winston >Salem to ©"hypodermiecally once every seven.club and others were entertained byliake the new road to Statesville;from days for three doses.-It gives but! Nice Fresh Meats. ward, |Whiting.M.P.Alexander &Bro. "PHONE 241,Saturc (mond Hill ground es ingon,17th. ifested,this being the first mateh|ville and Iredell the post road is help.!t will mean that you have a filthy‘game for either ‘side this season.ing advertise the town and country,home.Fn raved Cards!Diamond Hill came.off_victorious—8]and the town is reaping some mato-R.S.McELWER,e to 13..They will be expected to play|yjal benefit from it.The local hotc!s County Physician.2 with Vance right soon on Vance are finding the highway.beneficia)in,.nn eee,ground.<.that it brings additional “stop-over After Mr.Claxton About His!Don’t leave home f ee paelegt os -A.ro and|guests,”and the local garages are Flag Talke::a y spe Saturday and Sunday in)<ing it i sale)+‘7 =—without a supply.Ching fron:YM sharing benefits from it in the sal A_resolution_that—President-WilsonSomethingnewinthisline.I may have yourplate.’Phone 210. Allison’s Book Store.Milholland and M 1 brook Sanatorium) jspending their vacation DIFFERENT FROM THE REST.che visited relatives. "are =:iter visiting friends in‘Me iguests of Mrs.Howard. gi Mr,R.,A.Milholland’s.‘Morrison PS C.iy Figone toMocksyille tow, gestion. ible evePywhere. |Miss Bona Carter,“at a porch party,jat her,home in the eastern suburb— iserved by the hostes-,assisted by herjsisters,,Mis®Martha Carter and Mrs.|J.H.Johnson,and Miss Mary Wood-| The club will be entertainedjsometimeduringthisweekbyMrs. The Vance baseball team played agamewithDiamondHil!at the Dia- Much interest was man- RR EE OR a SncEVisitorsinDunlapCommunity.|'** ‘Correspondence of The Landmark:tDunlap,July 20 —Misses Bessie!nortion is just now being completed,artha Fox,who are!taking a course in nursing at”West-|Richmond, jfolks.Miss Katie Gray has returned’<ide wjfromBrysonCityandMarion, |Miss Mary Dunlap is at home af-' sdames +,:S..McRorie.and W. B.!near which they are located byybuiid-j|Brown spent.the week-end with Mrs.ingBelleHoward.Mrs.J.G.{little daughter,Mary Lee,are |Milholland is.spending this wee j:..Mr,..Bradley nish clear..water for the.automobile,is at home from G ClatenceOMerrison k. REAUTY MORE.THANSKIN DHE.|A_beautiful woman always has good dIfyourdigestionisfaulty,Cham-,Herlain’s Tablets will do you good.Obtaina- little inconvenience and does not in-whence they drove over the good rond !ittl ) terfere with your work.from Statesville to Charlotte,where ||Diamond Hil}—Saturday afternoon.!they resumed the route.of the Na-We want every woman,man and!1th.‘After an hour or so of social!tional.Likewise with the State Cen-child in Iredell county:.to take this||conversation refreshments were€'tral Highway.Parties.headed for Preventive serum,except those who!have taken it within the last three}years;or thosé who have had typhoid|fever in recent years.Jf the people| thé mountains of western North Car- olina are now deserting the regular route at Greensboro,fram ‘whencetheyjourneytoWinston-Salem and will take advantage of this pportu-|take the new road to Statesville,"ity we can in a few years have a!where they resume the designate county free from this disease.Many!lives will be saved,and much suf-}fering avoided,But a few more years and it will)be a disgrace to have typhoid fever.| route of the Central highway,thu: avoiding unimproved sections of roadinDavidsonandRowancounties.In diverting travel through States. lay after- ‘of gasoline and supplies tgthe ‘tour:be—asked to.dismiss—P.P.Claxton,United States Commissioner of Edu-!cation,becatse of sentiment,deroga-tory to the United States flag he wasreportedtohaveexpressedina) 8.5 While the Post read has been open (for some ‘days,the-work-on-Tredctt's The grading,top soiling and:bridgeworkwascompletedJastweekandare|}this week the concrete headwallswithhomearoundthedrainagepipes;the roadatertroughs,ete care -being ed a commotion at the’first sessionofthetwenty-sixth annual Congress.of the Sons of ‘the Ameéricat Revolue*v4.Hon,‘in!Portland,Ore.,Moriday.where finished.There are.three of the wa-'aa t 5;)*ter troughs in Iredell.).The trouvhs rhe resolution”was introduced’bya:i Christopher Wy Horr’of Seattle,Itaremadeofconcreteand.are sup-*a‘with Wases't PStatesville.plied with water from the’branches 8S erected’with hisses ut was final-ly referred to the’resolution commit-small dams some distance tp the,te Without debate.I_his Peaandbranchesandpipingthewatertothe/SP¢ech Commissioner.Claxton _the troughs.The troughs are conven.|2¢cording to an excerpt read in the;Mrs.€.E.ient to:the read’and will serve as convention:'{k at!drinking pttices for’live stock and fur-|,“After all the people of the world|care very little what flag they_liveney,radiators.ee under,A ‘flag,means nothing.It.is!has!"The road hasbeen’built under the,"4,reality.They can live ‘unden//irect "supervision of governmentone com ination of ‘colors as well ashighwayengineersandinaccordanee|Uder another,”————,.{with the methods recommended for,,Mt.Claxton has denied t_(highway construction by the Nation-|He SByYs:.al Good Roads Office in Washington,|,“Five or six years ago in Boston IWorkonTrédell’s portion of the road delivered a lecture in which,among} Gray he story. ---—-Sald exclusively by——M"ler-McLain Supply Co. Is Your Liver Lazy? C.WATKINS for _“Everything to Build With.”FULL STO°K--LOWEST PRICESShingles,Doors,Windows,Ceiling,Flooring,Siding,Boxing,*Mould-ing,Laths,Lime,Cemént,etc.,Next Planters!Wh.Statesville. was begun last August and would Other things,I said:‘In modern timesshavebeencompletedmonthsagobuttheflagmuststandforlargerthingsforthedelaycausedbythecontro-,than it did for the ancients.Peopleiversyoveraportionoffheroutein|2?drawn from all corners of thethevicinityoftheSouthYadkinriy-,carth to live together,they areler.Forsyth and Davie ccunties com-/00rm in one place,live in another, Arbenz the ideal of the universal fatherhood°Siof God and brotherhood of man,and,in this connection,the flag,in the Government Engineer H.L. of Wheeling,W.Va.,was in charge jof the construction of Iredell’s por- Use the Great Southerm Remedy, we Barduco Liver Powder ‘Mild and.gentle.No griping,No nausea. Cleans the system and makes a healty liver. SOLD BY ‘ALL DRUGDEALERS—25c. Malt Vinegar Pickling Spices Pure Extracts ’ FOR FINE CLEANING {GiveUs Your Orders ~—_FOoR—— Pure Apple Vinegar White Wine Vinegar Preserving Powders Phone us your wants— Gagle &.Milholland.|‘: -ition,assisted by Engineer H.g,|broader sense,must serve all.The Peary of Philadelphia,also a mem-|!!™e has come when men_do-not <‘her of the government enginceriny Vere the flag alone for its materialcorns.These gentlemen had charge."combination of ,colors,but :for‘of both the engineering and cons!cuc.|What it symbolizes,’I never said a‘ion work,with the co-operation of G¢rogatory word about the flag —in| [TRAVEL OVER POST ROAD.ANTI -TYPHOID CAMPAIGN speech two years ago in Beéston,caiis-| i|fiig nleted their portions some tim:ago |'ravel.much-and thus come nearer to!§ on Ky -oy naar 7 *statetat SEPCECEOROECECIECEOECECHOEGOR,BORCR ECE CHORE ER POE." For Our Big Ad. ‘ NEXT WEEK!©" JohnstonBelk Co. The Store That -Sells For |Eéhe SEES IO IRBOTTI IIRTEXAC oh?08 9 >be hy Reis aiulmiulaly “The Mark of Qualit a "The Texas Company,St.Louis,Moss doiiwGENTLEMEN:I,like the pliblie in general,am hof'much featinclinedtotellamanufacturerwhatIthink‘of anee hort it ya unless it.i3 something‘disagreable,but,I had re Heh 935amarkedexperiéacewithyourTEXACO'Gasoline’tha Tekcan’t lesen myieit from “acquainting you with wh titReecomplished,big~*~You doubtless know Lown the motor’speed boat “Go-|Cart,”a craft of some.slight local fame.’In last season’s©4)regatta it appeared‘!had little.chance to attain my lauréls as’‘**I was pitted against much more powerful and:costly craft.Fortunately a friend induced me to use your TEXACO,Gas-.?oline and do you know that during the!entire:race,.whieh:iisbytheway,was unusually sévere,I was the-only contestant):si:to have no carburetor trouble,in fact,mine was th®renly 19‘boat ‘that completed all the laps withouta break-downand if):is this remarkable result that compels me to speak.so highly 3 40 ~ofyour TEXACO Gasoline.*>Yours verytruly;5 :(ces _CHARLES GODLOVE.»'4/\, ~—_—i wane web ae roe Therese anneit~tenet-‘Texaco Motor Oil and Gasoline. The next time you need oiltand gas,get TEXACO,Watch it-carefully—make your.own comparisons.That is the thing which brings our steady growth—COMPARISON—we thrive on it.Ay Statesville Oil Company.: (WholesaleDistributors.) aseleleleielelacs a ae ”the county engineer.The actual con-/™Y life.!|struetion work was done by the coun-!.aetyforeesunderthedirectionoftheMayBringInSwiss Dye-Mak-;sovernment engineers.A strict ac-|ers.,count of everything has been kept bi)Washington ‘Dispatch.:‘the government engineers.’who have!Importation of a corps of Swisshadanofficeatthecourthouseince|\dyestuff chemists to aid in develop-ithe work began,and complete mans ment of the new American coal tarofeveryfootofthe-road have heenidye industry—is the latest project_ofjmade,The maps show the orivinal the bureau of foreign and domestic,arades of.the route,the fivi-herl|commerce in its éffort to meet the;erades,the amount of earth moved.)American dyestuff famine resultingthepropertylinesandnameso!all!from the cutting off of the German)persons living alone the route the |supply,|jouildings within a short distance of}14 combination of Swiss technical|‘the road,ete.The maximum erade)skill,American capital and the vast |is 4 1-2.per cent.,with one cxcep-|American supply of coal tar would be!The exception.is “red hill”of “untold value”in developing the!(near the county line,where it was new American industry,according to; |Having qualified as executorJ,W. _AND DYEING_—’PHONE 147— vill aad testament of |||} NOTICE!Statesvite,BEJ.D.Armfield,Atty. EX ECUTOR'S NOTICE. Houpe,decens nuttee vili be plead in bar of their receovery. ‘J ht white HOUPE,Extr.of J.W.Houpe, —found that too much expense would/a statement by Dr.Thomas H.Nor-|te entailedingradingdown to 4 {-2\ton,of the bureau.Dt.Norton_as-|per re anda 5-per cent grads was)serts that the plan,which already hasused,Iredell’s portion of the at been successfully tried by Russia, of the Ia es e e r s e s s s s s e s s s z e r t e n .Sloan Pressing Club.it motity all vernon.having.claims againht ‘is a littie more tan 15 mil In;would be the logical development of |4 Rac estate O presen vent o me or oO ny *.a ’.we ;.attorney on or before June 15,1916,or this leneth,The entire leneth o!the the present schome,under which |highway,from:Statesville to Wins-|Umited States coal tars are to be ex-!ton-Salem,is between 51 and 52\norted to Switzerland.manufactured |‘miles.It is’a half hundred miles of into dyes and returned to this eoun-/dune 15. HOLLAND BROS.have changed1) their phone number from 177 to 7.|Call No.7 for draying,all gradesbes:coal and wood,ete. Having qualified as{estate of Dr.W.W.W NOTICE TO CREDITORS. administrators of the Vilhelm,deceased,this listo notify all persons having Claims against|Oj 4os by .Statpeyi |‘‘$65Residence’Picne 1310.ithe catate to picennt thera to thé.undersigned|_E ener Arbenz left Stat ,ile jof plants in this country.ngage oft gn or before June 29,1916;and all persons SOMC CAYS aro for “Bastville.Va,|‘i eeSlitsocietiesindebtedtotheestatemustmakepromptpay-|where he will look after some.\ork |Fair eather and Thunder |x he !jon EUGENE Morrison,|(10 be done by the sovernmen'.Mr.)Storms.hattemgiesoraieBM.WILHELM,|Peary will |remain “here until tho!Soathor forecast Pée Ea weal§':*)June 29,1915,Administrators.road is a “finished product”and «all!The weather forecast for the wee.=|the mans,ete,have been comleted,beginning last Wednesday promises fine road with moéern bridges,cul-/try,Two Swiss dye dhemists,|jverts,ete,which is-intended by the through the bureau,already have be-‘sovernment..to serve as a mod!injgun.negotiations with —AmerieanfutureroadconstructionintheSiate./firms to undertake the establishment Carload of good No.2 Shingles at $2.75perthousandatmy:shop.era Cc.H.TURNER,.Near the Depot. estaté of A.J.Bass,deceased;I tate on or before the 2nd day of July, ,Sly,2,1916. NOTICE TO CREDITORS.! Havines qualified a8 .adninistrator of the fy all persons having claims arainst said es-to prevent the same (whether.they bematterofreeordornot)te the undersigned indebted to the estate ars requested.to.settle,R.B..McLAUGHLIN,Administrator, after which he will join Mr.Arbong,|fair weather except seattered thun-Iredell’s portion of the highway has |der showers.The bulletin”says:heen built at a cost of between $22,-|.“Middle Atlantic States:Generally000and$28,000.The government |fair with moderate temperatures.appropriationto thb county was $5,-|Probably warmer toward the end of052:94 and up to yesterday the coun-|the eektyhadspent$17,106.22,according to|,“South 1 .Treasurer Sloan’s records.There are|States:Generally fair with normal hereby noti- 1916.’Those Atlantic and east Gulf a few more vouchers:for work to be|t@mperatures except local —thunder- Iredell.’PhoneNo.74,Bell No,7. Coite L.Sherrill,M.D., Win answer "phone ‘calls left.Long'ssraeterine or © Veterinarian. Office’Phune DR.C.Li CRUSE| |Office sea:Polk Gray Drug Co,109.Green, paid.The original amount set aside Showers are probable along the coastsbytheraufortheroadwas$14 [8nd in A :548,and the government was expect-:*.2 BENEPITED BY CRAMBERLAIN’S LINT-ed to appropriate $7,000 or more.MENT “Last winter 1 used.Chamberlain's Linis Ment for “rheumatic pains,stiffness and!japaoe of the knees,and ;can conana‘tlougly say that I never used anything tliatevening,Wife and did me so much yood,"---Rdward Craft,Etba, a ha Mr.Clarence R,Cockerham,arominentcitizenofElkin,45 years d,died.Tuesday at Dr.Gio.M..Foard’s res dence. eee Ss ‘Residence ’Phone 198 t AEE i tet bie se N,¥.Obtainable everywhere,children survive.”°LSo s s o e s e t e c a s e e a s e e e e b e e e e e e e ee t e ee t Tet e ee e ee ee Te Ek a 8PO T D?”. Slate Roofing? IREDELL TIN WORKS. ?Bat OkGalvanizedShingleReofing?-Roof Painted? Bell ’Phone 98,Independent ‘Phone 197. “ARE YOU INTERESTE :‘Tin Roofing? IN Ice Box or Refrigerator Lined?Tin or Sheet Metat Work of any Kind?LET US KNOW. sindinanianiag eeeSSSSSTSTTTeBSTTToTsesresiersisesressretreriserrserecrererorecerisecereressCommercialNational Ban! t Captal Stock Paid in $100,000.00. Surplus and Profits 31,500.00 Members of Federal ReserveSystem, tid! Your Banking business solicited and every accommodation extended to de.positors consistent with prudent bank- _ing methods.By Four per cent.paidon time and Savings’: Deposits remaining on deposit three months or longer, W.D.TURNER,K.MORRISON,D.M.AUSLEY,@,B,HUGHEY, eeeeeeaeeeeieee erie ctrteretes: ray a ee “Cas~Assistant Cashier,_ rites:Liepereetererts pong hat suggestion in verse of the proper,form of memorial for J.P. Caldwell—“A Living Monument!”— which The Landmark is printing to- ‘|day,is a charming portrayal of the =}man and what he would prefer.It is beautifully done.,Our loéal read- ers\know the writer but the desire =|ikat others should know the name of ~~COURTING DEATH. ‘Where are two towns—in especial that we think.of—in North Carolina ‘connected by a fair automobile.road that crosses the railroad no fewer than 15 times,at grade.On_this road many automobiles race trains—automobiles,.even,with wo- men and children in them.An engin- ‘eer on this line said that just the oth- er day he closed his eyes,when he epctéd to kill a car full of people at one of these crossings.‘The people, ‘however,mana to “escape.The engineer goes along,watching these racing cars;now they “flash across before him,yonder they dash toward another crossing,and the engineer watches to see who will get’there -first,and whether they wil!both try the crossing at the same time.When they do,something has got to give.. And it will not be the locomotive. How would you like to be the en- gineer? -The above appeared in the Greens- boro.News a few days ago-~before the tragedy at Hickory.It is hoped that’the lives of the two childern sac- rificed at Hickory.will not have been lost in vain;that others may be warned by that awful tragedy to be moré careful.Speaking of the strain on the.nerves of the engineer when he sees people taking chances at grade.crossings,calls attention to the ‘distress of Engineer Pitts,in charge ‘of the engine that ran into the ‘automobile at Hickory.The-big strong man,with tender heart,wept for the lives of the children his en- gine had ‘killed.Hie was helpless to gave them,but the horror of that day will doubtlesslong be with him.Yes, the engineman,to whom little thought is given except to blame him °for what he can’t-prevent,is often_more ~t6 be ‘pitied than’censured. saat locate tia Aerabemuabaneiin lt ace When the government was_send- ing money and ships for the relief of Americans stranded in Europe at ‘the war,the service ny:people supposed. the the author is our reason for taking “ithe liberty of giving her name here— Mrs,Minnie pton Eliason.‘The form of.the Caldwell memorial.is to be determined and its character will naturally be determined by the amount of the free will offering for the:purpose.That such.’offering would be sufficient to do what the writer suggests is:not to be expect- ed.”But the idea is a beautiful and appropriate one and is so delightful- ly expressed that we are glad it was suggested,even if it be found im- possible of attainment. erataieaan AAI NAAat »It is stated that President Wilson is being annoyed by an organized at- tempt to force him to call Congress in extra session to ‘consider.the proposition of putting an embargo on arms and munitions of war to retali- ate against England.While it may be necessary to take decisive action to teach England that our rights in he matter of commerce must be re- spected,The Landmark is of the opinion that an extra session of Con- gress is not ‘needed—for:the present pt least.Better let the President handle the situation.Senators Over-man and Simmons of North Carolina both oppose an extra session,They think the President ¢an take care of developments.‘ and Alexander are quarreling over a division of the “spoils”in the.way oftaxmoneythatistobeassessed against the Southern Power Com- pany on its power plant now -being|completed on the Catawba _river.—|Charlotte Observer, Error as to Iredell.This county has no quarrel ith the Southern Power Co.or.anybody about the _as- sessment..__The-assessment...made...by Tredell was acceptable to the South- ern-Power Company-ana-there—is—no dispute so far as Iredell is concerned. —_—_—_—_—_—_—_—_—_———_*Mr.Marshall E.Ramsey of States- ville has handed’The~“%andmark a to’Europe on:2|copthibiition for the :tudnument to J,|2 largéitract _vere,supposed to be .Caldwellk ..thé?government:{for epyilteh era when they couldn’t/contribution for this purpose,and the Some of them have le others,apparently able to do so,have'refused.The latter:haveidea,all too preva- .‘Sphortaitiity to beat the nment shol ‘not ‘be neglected. etary McAddo,however,is not to let the deadbeats escape Mout at least showing them™up, ehe has asked the Department of fice to bring suit.It is to:he hop- ed that the folks able to pay who are trying to dodge this just obliga- tion to the government,will be made to pay in full and all costs;and they would get their just deserts if they were sent to jail for a season. ”~‘We don’t know,that it will do any good to correct:the error,but atten- tion is ‘again called to the fact that the’monument erected on Mt.Mitch- ell to Prof.Elisha Mitchell was erected by funds provided by _his daughters,Mrs.E.N.Grant and Miss Margaret Mitchell.‘It was not erect- ed by the alumni of the University, gS,was stated by a writer in the Asheville Citizen a few days ago, -and-as has been so often erroneously statéd since the monument was de- stroyed last -winter.Mrs.Grant, who was for some years principal -of Statesville college,who died ‘in Statesville about 1883 and was bur- jed here,provided in her will that a certain amount.of money should be expended for a monument to.be erected at her father’s grave on Mt. ‘Mitchell.The sum was not sufficient and the additional cost was paid by Miss Margaret Mitchell,also a resi- dent of Statesville,who died ‘here *about ten years ago. Whether Harry Thaw is sane or insane,whether he is guilty of mur- der or not guilty,he is certainly not “anJobject of admiration;and it:is not pleasant to know,as has been in vidence the past week,that there are-so many people who will run af- ter,‘applaud and endeavor to make a hero of a man of the Thaw type.But it,takes all sorts of folks to make a world,-and if.Thaw’s .liberation means his effacement—that he will disappear from public view from _henceforth—sensible people can affordtoforgetthedegenerateandhisad- “‘mirers.The most painful fact in all |the.Thaw mess,however,is the for- cible illustration -of,the power of mney.The Thaw money bought and bribed.and.bulldozed.until Thaw.was ‘at liberty.It was a victory for mon- ey.The question of right and jus- tice was not determined. _"The Sons of the Revolution who waited for two years to complain of alleged’rembrk of Philander foa8. Mt.Raimbey istherst vr Iredely man #6 make a gift is one of affection and esteem. a sesainsi VS v=TSR ei a aaa ea A number of Yocal people have notified }¥ The Landmark that they want to con-14 tribute to this fund,which they will|% ae ee|NEWS ITEMS OF INTEREST, Happenings Here and There in ;the Country.. |‘The total casualties of the Dar- \danelles éxpeditionary.force.to date in killed,wounded and missing have been 42,484 officers and men,The total includes both naval and military branches of the service’Out of an aggregate of 8,084 casualties amon officers,the killed’numbered -1,9838,.~ tities in’dry territory —such as a is making it more expensive.to han- dle.the express:companies complain, and they want to increase _their charges so that it will cost 35 cents to get a bottle of the>“eritter”by ex- jpress, (President Wilson has been told.by Miss Jane Addams,representing the; Women’s Peace Conference,that she saw no possibility for peace in Bnu- ropé in the immediate future.Miss Addams spent more than an hour! with the President Wednesday and gave him a détailed account of con- ifidential talks she had had with high officials in Europe.: Occupation of the,Mexican side of the town of Naco,on the Mexico- Arizona border by Carranza forces,was brought to the attention ofthe State Department by Secretary of War Garrison,wit&the recommenda- tion that the Carranza commander be jrequested to withdraw in accord withtheagreementmadelastwinterthat there should be no fighting there.« James,Percy and Brady Roberts, ibrothers,have been sentenced to death at Milton,Fla.,for the murder of Mr,land Mrs.Peter Weimann,shot’toideathamonth:ago while asleep.in \their cottage near there.Weimann jwas 82 years old and his wife 80,Robbery is believed to have been.themotiveforthecrime.“Two other men are to be tried in connection with the killing. Suits are about to be brought by the governmént against American citizens,who,though apparently:abletodoso,refuse to repay money ex-pended for their relief when they were stranded in Europe at the out- break of the war.Many of those aided have reimbursed the govern- ment,but Secretary McAdoo says there have been a number of refusals and that he would ask the Depart- ment of Justice to institute suits, ‘The Eddystone Munitions Company will_be—incorporated.at Philadelphia to handle war orders totaling $97,-000,000 received_by-the Baldwin descomotiveWorkssincethestartofthe war.Work will be.commencedatonceunder,the direction of the newcorporationohnewbuildingsatEildy- stone,where the Baldwin Works ownland?Warorders fi¥e+ ME ling three magazines for $1.25 a year Delivering whiskey in small quan.ed quart at a time in North Carolina—}, Happenings Here and There in}the State.; The child of H.L.Efird,the South-ern railway agent at “Landis,Rowancounty,who was scalded a few days by pulliitself,died of its.injuries.» The fellow who goes around offer- working to get an education—work-Raleigh recently.He called him-self J.D.Lee while there,; ‘The 87th annual Masonic picnic atMocksville’will be held August 12th.Mr,Tasker Polk of Warrenton willtbetheorator.Concert by a class ofchildrenfromtheorphanage. Mr,Clinton Blanton,of the ShilohsectionofRutherfordcounty,was killed by lightning ‘Tuesday,standing by a window in his homewheblightningstruckanéarbytree. ..My.L,W.Kimpall,the Iredell manwhoresigned:from the’Winston-Sa/lem police force to visit.thé Panama exposition and relatives in the West,has returned home and is-back on hisoldjob.Seige : The engine of a passenger train on the’Carolina and Northwestern rail- road was derailed near Maiden Wed- nesday morning No one hurt ‘The only damage was.to/the track andengine.‘f John L.Casper,the liquor.distil- ler who is under a big bond for alleged frauds against the government,com- mitted in his distillery establishment at Fort Smith,Ark.,has returned to Winston-Salem,his former home. The barn of Emmet Hiatt,in the Midway section of Davidson county, was struck by lightning and”burned Tuesday.A horse and cow anda quantity of feed were burned with the building..The Ford automobile was saved. ‘A dispatch from Washington (N.C.)says that Peter White,an aged negre of that vicinity,recently prophesied the day and hour of his death and he missed it by only 20 minutes—dying 20 minutes after thehournamed.: Friends of William E.Breese ofBrevard,who is serving a term intheFederalprisonatAtlantaforhis part in the FirstNational Bank af- fair at Asheville nearly 20 years ago, ‘are trying to have him paroled The petition for a parole will be taken up in--Washington August 1st In Asheville Whrdnesday morning‘Ward W.Turnbull was attacked by rman-Walker,colored,who_cut_theiteman-With a razor,inflicting a dangerous’wound.Walker was:ar-ery?after ,he had made an attempt‘toi dommit sticide,and;the police”had leave 3 the premises 4 negro,at i -ree RahE gea6Reaceeeyetfof 0 as-seon as the plans are formu- Gémans Still.Pressing Russians, “The “seemingly irresistible marchoftheAustro-German armies’|i sand-mile.battle front in the East. to.Berlin and Vienna. Georgievsk,19 miles.northwest of ing columns, the’Austro-Germans are ing back.Where resistance,the by the Teutons.- ern Russia,the capture of trenches by them in’the Suwalki region and lines on the right bank of the Bug. Farming Book. Charlotte Observer,The Commercial club of Statesvillehaspublishedabookdevotedtothe manufacturing and farming interestsofStatesvilleandIredellcounty.Its purpose in placing before the coun- passibilities is.accomplished in a telligent compilation of facts,backed by.a well-selected line\of tions,The exhibit “of Statesville’s line of factories indicates rapid ad- to “broaden the public’s information as to the number and diversification of these enterprises in operation. that town:The agricultural features of Iredell.are finely presented and the book carries a full page cut of |what,the Qbserver regardsbestcotton-field scene azine or paper,Whoever it was thatproducedtheStatesvillebookon “Manufacturing and Farming,”knew his business.é News.comes from Idaho Falls,Idaho,that-.-A.Empey,a wealthy rancher.living in.that vicinity,was tly Claxton about the flag cer- did not actin haste,; winning for them town after town in}? Russian Poland and in other térrito-|%ry through which stretches the thou-|? Two pivotal points in their drive|%in Poland have been turned by the/% Teutonic allies.Ostralenka,a strong-|%hold on the Narew river,70 miles} northeast of Warsaw,and Radom,57/%miles to the southof that town,and|%80 miles from Ivangorod,another of}%the great fortresses which girdle the|%Polish capital,have fallen,according }% jHow close the advance guards of \#the Austro -Germans have pressed:%toward Warsaw is indicated by the|%Russian official statement,‘which says|%the guns of the fortress of Nowo|% the capital,have shelled the advanc-|$ All along the line from the Bal-|%tic to.the region of Sokal in Galicia|&advancing|2andthoughthefightingisseverethe|%Russians almost eyerywhere are fall-|%they are offering|% Germans and Aus-|%trians assert,they are suffering de-|% feat and thousands of prisoners and|¥%numerous guns have been captured/ Petrograd admits further advance!for Russia’s adversaries in the re-|$gion of Riga and Shavli,northwest-|% try the advantages of Statesville.as a/B manufacturing point and of Iredell| asa county of great agricultural|f most satisfactory way through an in-|f illustra-|f vance in recent years and will serve| in|f a tub of ‘hot water on} was} |’PHONES ‘||.84nd 137 | Cs “PHONES$4 and 137. pi hy Our Clearance :on and the crowds are here, Special Attractions In. ’-Silks, Parasols, Muslin Underwear, Remnants, .Laces and White Goods. The time is limited—only nine days in which to make your purchases at these special prices. Come often and see what |is going on.a -RAMSEY-BOWLES-MORRISON C0,," ccyil i>q ‘PHONES.“||.84.and 137"PHONES »84 and 137 pk upon ‘‘Wilm”for so teach his children. ‘toStatesville. ’Some excuse for the ing Dye Stuffs from some other town? -Rither or AIL the extension of the Austro-German|J _ IVE AT HOME!} Why should “Sammie”.be’dependent many things?For instance,Dye Stuffs?Why don’t ‘‘Sam” to live at home? “Sam”is alright—we look up to him as a great fellow;sois the O.K.attached United States buy- Germany,but how about *‘The Best Town:in North Caro- lina”buying ICE..from.Salisbury.or i} Patronize us—wedeliver the stuff that’s‘Made In Statesville.” Statesville Ice &Fuel Company. |ICE-COAL-WOOD. ‘We Tell the Terms. |Look at These!| Accordian Pleated ones are ter of gry are also very reasonable,“$2.98,$3.98$5.00 and $5.50.Let us show you these. Reductions Now .| | We have just received from the factory a wonderfully jjnicelineofLadiesWoolSkirts,made up in the latest |advance fall styles in Serges,Voiles and Crepes.The }!=The |. ’$4.50,i! éspecially attractive. On many lines of Slippers and Pumps.Bargain Coun-omen’s and children’s at one half price. The New Garland Combination Range, WOOD AND GAS.|. A Cool Kitchen in Summer. A Warm Kitchen in Winter. Statesville Housefurnishing Co. » Lenoir College,Hickory,N.C. Co-Education under the best conditions and management.A real Christian ~College,but not sectarian.Our A.B.graduates enter Graduate DepartmentinourStateUniversityandotheruniversitiesandattaintheA.M.degree in ohe year.Five Modern buildings,steam heat,electric lights,city water,and gas,NewYoderScienceBuilding,with up-to-date laboratories for Chemistry,Physics and Biology.Library and.Reading Room,Clean Athletics.Splendid Dorm’tories.GOOD BOARD AT COST for young menlast’session,$9.20 a month;for young women,$9.00 a month;room rent $1.50 a month.Departments:Literary,Music,(Piano,Voice,Violin),Expression,Art,Bust- ness,Domestic Science and Domestic Arts,and Preparatory.GENUINE COLLEGE ADVANTAGES WITHIN REACH OF THE PEOPLE! Write for Catalogue.i as the}it has ever|ffoundinanypublication—book,mag-|f kidnapped ‘and held for $6,000 ransom |} The Popular Striped Voiles 40-inch wide,price 10 12 1-2 and 18c.the yard.We}|oe a big range of mid-summer dress fabrics from 5e,up. When you go out shoppin1showyou.,re %call on us.We'll be glad to |ery Respectfully, J.M.McKee :&Company. pay the ransom, + and that his relatives had decided to ||ta No.112 West Broad Street,bet Hall's Drug Store and Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware Store.'PHONE281. R.L.FRITZ,President,-Hickory,N.C..-- = You positively mustseeHARRYMYERS “oNandROSEMARYTHEBY% @ REEL N. Teale exeuanne WA VICTOR come Tee aieNanile]1000 »Weenes \ om ,on PMARK|GLIMPSE PASSINGTHRONG. «PUBLISHED —AY AND FRIDAY.Pernod one of pease andmS;-"TS Their Movements.'i WEST 8BSeanaene:Mrs.G,BE,French and ‘children,TELEPHONE NO.14;Mrs.J.&non and abildren and;iMrs.A.G,Ogden,the latter of Bal-FRIDAY,-_-July:23,soo tHmore,Tett Aeneasy fer Beck Moun-;’tain,where will spend a portionKAUFMANN-HOFFMANN,‘2:*summer.a asefBeemoerTehetagoeMr./and Mrs.H.C.Evang;‘andEngagementofMissKaufmannaijrenofRaleigh,who visited atofDanvilleandMr.Hoffmann the home of Mrs.Evans’parents,of Statesville—Social Gather-|Capt.and Mrs.W.H.H.Gregory,ings,=left Tuesday for Asheville.::Mrs.S.W.Hpddon has gone toMrs.D.S.Thomas entertained at!Cornelia,Ga.to spend a few weeksrupperMondayeveninginhonor.of i with her son,Mr.A.N.Haddon,Mrs.Zeb,White of,Roanoke,Va.|Mrs,S.C.Walker is spending twoMrs.Ogden.of .Baltimore,Misses|weeks with her daughter,Mrs.A.M,Flowers and Steele of Rock Hill,S,Brawley,at Cleveland..C.,Mrs.Kirkpatrick of Charlotte and Mrs.G.L.Childers,who:visitedMissCranorofWilkesboro,visitors;her brother,Mr.W.J.Poston,hasintown.Fourteen guests’enjoyed|returned to her home in Danville,Va.the supper.-|Mrs.W.R.MeLelland —returnedMr,and Mrs.Julius Kaufmann of'Tuesday from a visit in Newton,.Danville,Va,anounce the engage-|Miss Elizabeth Orr is visiting thement.of their daughter,Miss Babette|family of Dr.C.M.Richards at Da-Strauss Kaufmann,to Mr.William!vidson.Herbert Hoffmann of Statesville.The}Mr,C.D.Moore has’returned fromdatefortheweddingisnot.given.'a trip to Ashe county.‘Miss Kaufmann has visited in States-|Mrs.W.B.Wood has gone to Ral-ville on.several occasions and is very \eigh to spend four or five weeks withfavorablyKnownhere.The engage-'her.daughter,Mrs.H.L:Meacham.ment of Wer brother,Mr.Kaufmann|Miss Arleene Gilmer returned Tues.of Danville,to Miss Amelia Hoffmann,'day night from a visit to Waynes-a sister of Mr.Hoffmann,was re-'ville and Montreat.;cently announced.Mr,J.’L.Sloan left Wednesday forMrs.H,O.Steele entertained atia pleasure trip to Battle Creek,four tables of auction bridge Tues-|Mich.:day evening at her home on Mulber-|Miss Ruth Foard js visiting rela-ry ‘street.In the game Mrs.L.W./tives in Lenoir.MacKesson won the ladies’score;Miss Edna Gray left Wednesdayprize,a fan,and Dr.Ross McElwee for a visit:to her brother,Mr.O.S.won the gentleman’s prize,a deck of Gray,in Hendersonvile.cards.Mrs.Hal.C.Cowles of New|Mr,‘McGilvary Orr of Goldsboro isYorkandMissLunaThompsonof!visiting his parents,Mr.and Mrs.RSalisburywereeachgivenafanasa;W.Orr,at their home near town.guést-of-honor prize,An ice course!Mrg,J.W.Gray and Mrs.R.E.was served.Victrola music was heard|Armfield left Wednesday for Detroit,all during the game.|Mich.,to visit their granddaughterAnenjoyablebridgepartywasanddaughter,vespectivély,Mrs,C.H.given by Mrs.B.F.Long Tuesday |Weedon.morning at her home on Mulberry;Miss Susie:Brady,who was thestreet.The game was played at five|puest of.Miss Margaret Brady,re-tables and Mrs.L.Asn won thescore;turned Wednesday~teo-—her..home atprize.Mrs.-Cowles of New.York,-who!Davidson.was the guest of honor,was also giv-|Mrs.€.Watkins,Miss Margaretenaprize.A salad course was serv-'Brady and Mrs.Watkins’guest,Missedattheconclusionofthegame.|Minnie Sparrow of Raleigh,©spentReportedForTheLandmark.;Wednesday at_Davis Springs.;eee ‘|Mr.N.B.Lockwood,who spentMissBessieSimondelightfullyen-'“tertained the Merry-Makers’club at several weeks in Statesville,returned‘thi ina.He wil‘her home on Walnut streetWednes-{is ¥~esau Gerolita.Ho.willdayafternoon.In a game contest)Rev.M.MarYosip of Shelbyville,Miss--Ethel-—Cross,the-guest—of Miss,ei eHassieMiller,won.the yirize,a lovely |KY who was the guest of Rev.Har box of writing paper.In cutting for visit.the visitors’prize Miss Mary Philips}Miss Addie Alexander of Stony dared send such damaging news with- fathers and other relatives (and)picp, for real wrongs done but because|Eros.some one who loved sensationalism ———and ‘notoriety had defamed the wood)¥ANTED.Housekeeper for Bosal Iredell. name of those they loved..Social}/+|standing should never enter in when:aan nt —one’s good name is to suffer;for the POR RENT—Five-room .cottage on Webb Misses Shepherd,has.returned to Rel hereafter by me,home in Mocksville.Sui’B87 BAKERY FOR SALE! jper Brady,has.gone.to Davidson tot CARD FROM MR.SAUNDERS.(Jn Training For Nurses—Cleve-ee land Personals.A Protest Concerning a Publi-‘Corréépondence of The Landmark.©cation in the Charlotte Ob-|Cleveland,July 22-~Miss Estelleserver,;Morgan left Thursday for Durham,Ta the Editor of ‘The Landmark:,?|Where she will resume her work atPleasegivemespaceinyourpa-Watts:hospital,Miss Mildred Kin-per,to.say a word in defense of my-}¢id has gone to Wilmington,where self and family.I have reference to\she will enter training at HarperthenewssentfromStatesvilletothe|hospital.:Charlotte.Observer,1/do not know].Mrs.Hatchett,guest of Mrs.W.F.whether.this is a regular correspond-}Thompson for several days,left Tues-ent to that paper or not,but ¥wish day for her home.in Atlanta,Ga.Mr.to ask him to please get facts in the J.-A.Lyerly is spending several days future if he has occasion to write of in the westernepart of the State.Missmeormine.Facts in this case were Emma Graham has gone to Statesvilleobtainablefromthewriter;and‘thie’to be the guest of her niece,Mrs.J.E.young men he refers to as being in,Sloop,for some time.Elkin jail on a charge of burglary) .OR §Lwere-at Statesville ‘about 7 o'clock agr SALE—13 shares Statesville Cottonstockat65centsonthedollar.Foronthe’evening of the 20th,The writ-{-fuitner information apply to \MRS.MIN-er has a *phone in his residence and NIE CANNON,Marion,N.C.,R-3,Boxcouldhavegivenfactsinthecase|*°July 28-6,and have avoided the slander that LOST—Purse containing sum of money.Re-has been sent broadcast over.the|tum to THE LANDMARK.‘July 23——1t*. country.'vet Goop a wr eemlamenneeitain prerechepenty a :OG IES—If you want home-made goodies There was a time when an Qbserv-for your Sunday dinner look for them to-er correspondent would not have|morrow in J.F.HENNINGER'S.window. July 23-—1t. out some reliable evidence,whiehy];wanrep—Pew salesmen for new.sub-soilamsurethiswriterdidnothave,a@$|attachment.W.A.OVERCASH.future facts will prove.Would that July 23-—1t* we had more editors like the late Mr.\10s1—Raincoat..Return te A.J.SALLEY.|Caldwell,who was said never’to let)Juiy 22.a_correspondent even send in sensa-!——~he acationalnews.unless they were sure Far Oa ee Soe Lorietheyhadfacts.If all editors would!landmark.July 23—~It.do this there would be fewer heart-|—-— aches and mothers’tears,and many |ANTED—Bey with wheel wented.ApplytoWESTERNUNIONTELEGRAPHOF-July 23..:BapeveridrsateiCReeeefriendswouldnotbe’made to feeti ce joxes i on hand.to close out allikebowingtheirheadsinshame,fot OVERCASH duly 16-—-2tw- wholesale price or eas. Apply to MRS.JNO.H.GRAY.July 20. epersecirpiventanie dectiashertnitnoiiticnnLostingMchineks |street.MRS.N.R.TUNSTALL.poor should stand on equal grounds,July 20.owiththerich;but in other matters it;—does.not.differ so much.DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP:‘Respectfully yours,...|iW.L.SA ~1.The partnership heretofore existing —be-—-mptcies 8 UNDERS |tween W.A,and RG.Frazier,trading aeFo:‘sete @iFrazier Bros.has been dissolved -by mutuaMissBonnieBrown,who visited OOF consent and the business will be conducted W.‘A.FRAZIER. T HAVE just recently completed the equipment of my modernBakery,and it is in fine shape,turning out one hundred dol-lars worth of gonds daily.Any one wishinga purchase of this received two embroidered handker-'point’was in Statesville Wednesdaychiefs.The guests were invited int len route to Jobnson,City,and Morris-thq diningtoom,where''a jsalad:and town Tenn.sweet coprse’was!setved.!Phé color!”yy and Mrs.BR.Fi Ruswall saturn.|scheme was pink and green.MissPilips’played several lovely selec-ed Tuesday night from a visit to Mr. tions onthe piano while.Miss bate nn none rere 2 eesag)very sweet.bie added much!afy5 Ross Mills is visiti ijtoilepleadusé“0fWik afternoon:--—-4 Mrs.Ross Mills is visiting.her pad Protracted Meetings and Picnies|Vie Personal Items:- Correspondence ‘of The Landmark.—|week’s stay in “Asheville and”Hender-Elmwood,R-1,July 21—Phe-farm-|zonville.::ers are all about:through laying:by.|in Mrs.F..F...Steele -have Thay are looking.forward to their.va-Jj nding-seme days at Wrights-|@eafign,protracted;Ptings and.;3 Peis)oa She 3MigRpreyeEESDeetcramemebentyAyAewFisher,_Wwhouwas here]@ ©e prétracted—-meeting ih tegin)with Mra 218 of ‘on &’businessatGav's chanel Baptist church Sun-triv ye a |teen 1)4B:d the 25th.Phe -pastor,..Rev...Lb...Dt._an rs.HC.Cowles,Mrs.|Ballard,will be.assis M:'E.ch day in Avgust.days.The Sunday school picnic at New|Mrs.W.FE.Munday and-children|Salem church~-will be August —12th.-are visiting Mrs,Munday’s home peo-Everybody is invited to come and en-|ple in Norwood.joy the day. will have their annual picnic August/weck for a visit “to —Nashville—and5th,and of course all the Juniors and/|Spring Hill,Tenn.,and Tulia,Texas.their friends are expecting a grand;Mrs.J.B.Roberts of Cynthiana,Ky.,time anda good dinner.arrived in-Statesville yesterday forMessrs.Archie Crouch,Flake andja visit to her brothers;Messrs.W.ARaymondShumaker,Misses Mary|J.O.and L.K.Overeash.Bobbit and Emma and Jettie Shu-;|Mr.T.J.Conger went to All Heal-|=maker spent Saturday night and ing Springs yesterday to spend aSundayinWinston-Salem with ajweek.Mrs.Conger and children arebrotheroftheMissesShumaker,all|visiting.Mrs.Congei’s mother,Mrs.returning home Sunday night except|Lee Rankin,at Bell’s Cross RoadsMr.Raymond Shumaker.’He expects|while Mr.Conger.is away.to:visit ‘relatives in Greensboro and)Mrs.R.A.Cooper and Miss MarySalisburybeforereturninghome.The|Crater left yesterday for a visit to{nip was made in Mr.Crouch’sauto,|Hendersonville and Brevard.Masters Everette Vance and Glen;Mrs.Belle Carlton went toWaynes-Howard are spending the week with!ville yesterday to spend two.weeks.their uncle,Mr.R,C.Deal,at Brad-|Mr.Noell K.Reid,who visited inford’s.|Statesville and the county,return-The new road between Oak Forest|ed yesterday to his home in Char-and Elmwood has been started,and|lotte.the work is progressing nicely._Mrs.Ear]Moser is at All Hraling;Ronse Sele i prings.:Notice of New Advertisements.|Mrs.Jeff.E.Ingram and baby,“‘Few-salesmen wanted by W:;A.|-Rose,left yesterday for Taylorsville,Overcash.to spend some time with Mr.Ingram’sA.J.Salley has lost a raincoat.home.people.Two-horse farm,suitable for dairy-;Mr.L.W.MacKesson went to San-ing.wanted.Ask The Landmark.atorium yesterday to visit his broth-Twenty-fifth annual clearance sale|¢r-in-law,Dr.Frank Carlton,who isofshoes.—Mills &Poston,under treatment there..se-Boy--with _wheel—wanted._Apply_to/__Mrs.W.°A.Lawrence.Miss WillicWesternUnionTelegraphoffice.Kate Lawrence and!little ©NancyDon’t:fail to patronize the concert;Lawrence of Charlotte are guests ofatthecourthousenextTuesdayeve-|Mrs.W.L.Gilbert.;ning by the Oxford Orphans.«jy Mr.W.E.Colvard and son,Rufus,“C.Watkins for everything to build/of Wilkesboro,spent a few days inwith..eae this week with Mr.SamOliv:illed ows.—Lazenby-|Brown.Monnkice Write ce ee Mrs.F.L,Fithian of Haddonfield,.,Smithey &Fraley’s sale of sum-|N.J.,is the cuest'of her —sisters,mer-weight merchandise.Mesdames L.White and D.A.Miller.‘Watch for big ad of Johnston-Belk}Tomorrow Mesdames White.MillerCo.next ‘week,°°jand Fithian leave for Black MountainSpecial...attractions.—Ramsey-|to svend awhile.—Fs wenaBowles:Morrison Co.:Miss Lucile Kiriball is.visiting.inSpecialsfortomorrow.—Sherrill-|Elkin and Winston-Salem,:White:Qo;Miss Mary Shoaf_‘of MooresvilleNew.Garland combination range.—|spent’vesterday in Statesville,theStatesvilleHouscfurnishingCo.guost’of Mr.and Mrs.S..B.Miller.Home Steam.Bakery plant for sale.|She was en route home.from Black—W,,,8.Bohnson,|:.Mountain,we.‘Sta eswille Cotton’Mill.stock.at 65 $100 REWARD,°$100.cents:on”‘the dollar—_jMrs.“Minnic|pe readers of this r will beCannon,Marion.ney ppleanedtolearn that,therd twat least Purse lost.Return to The Land.beenable to cureinall its and thatmark.{¢Catarrh,Hall's Catarrh Cure iu thejavoodi:.|only.positive cure ‘now known to.the‘Home-made goodies for.your Sun veabiaet trees Neo)Calirre ween \ morrow tutional treatment,— ~lrents,Mr.and Mrs.Horn,in Mocks-|2 t +>Misses.Tossie Phifer and Jessie |4|Knox returned”last “evening from a|% +3 |Mr .Ross Bunch of the:Crawford-aTheJuniorOrderofOakForest|Bunch ‘Furniture Company,left this |Z kind will do well to see me. W.S.JOHNSON,Prop,Home Steam Bakery. LLsW ae: by “Rev.Mr.Chas.Turner and Cowles and Juliette|a *H <The meeting at Néw Salem)Bristol’returned last’night from 3urchwillbeginthe-first-Sun-|Blowing Rock,where they spent two ~One lot Women’s Patent Pumps,Gray quarters,$4.00 grades,sale price.$2.79 One lot Women’s Patent Pumps,Putty quarters,$4.00 grades,sale price $2.79 Smithey &.Fraley’s. Comprehensive Profit-Sharing,Money-Saving Sale of’All Summer _Weight Merchandise Grows with interest as the days go by.The storehasbeenpackedtoitsfullcapacityfromthebegin-ning of the sale,and to say the least every one hasgoneawaymorethanpleased.For the remainder oftheweek-end we have added additional help to ouraeeyefficientforcesoastomaketradingeasy.We have opened the basement where it is cool dndthebargainsgalore.We have hundreds of bargainsinthebasementnotadvertisedandyoushouldbesureandvisitthisdepartment.On.the balcony we offer the following extraordi-nary bargains and you'll miss a lot if you don’t visitthisdepartment:One lot Ladies’$1 Gowns only 50c.One lot Ladies’$1 Petticoats only 50¢.‘One lot Ladies’$1 and $1.50 Shirt Waists 50c.One lot Ladies’.75c.Gowns only 25¢,One lot Ladies’new style Dress,various-kinds,-worth double and treble the price,50 oo.The former prices were $4.98._Be sure and goup on the balcony. day dinner at J,F.Henninger’s to-stitutional.disease,,requires ete savingisenormou 5 gir Rainy 8.rthFrazier.Bros.have dissolved part-ihe ied kak ates pe bte ae annership.eo :tees »,|gyatem .the ae.[iss eeenenenammetememmememmeninenesesenaati a +-DIARRHOBA QUICKLY CURED. of the diseare giving+tent strength by bullding up,the cony“About two years ago I had a severe ntn|stltuth aah iit ree ee :ic 60.weal “I cotild pot’at undred Dollars.aprisht.ea ee recommenda Chain -thoesn'a Bi era,Via«i ihe fet Save aleve‘me.andLwo..days .BW a ee ‘“I S t or batilyarrivalofnewandseasonablemérchandiseankrup‘stockswill mé the greatest of vay,itpays to come, _July 28,1916.0 renner gr cme.ihn Capital $100,000 _4%Paid on Time Deposils [%every land and up- on every sea great fortresses stand guard over the honor,wealth and progress of the.nations. Just as a nation’s force of arins and character bring the respect and confidence of other countries,so does a man’s strength of characterandfinancialstabilityenhancethe respect and faith of his fellow men in him. Saving builds confi- dence and character. This bank has grown becauseithasthefaithandconfi-dence of the people of thiscommunity.Grow with it byheingoneofitsdepositors. Do your banking here where seaaccurateand'safe service enab leus.to okrendertangiblebankingassistance.Eee | .STATESVILLE N.C. U.S.DEPOSITORY ve sennaee 4 "MAKE 1 DOUBLY HASY FOR YOUR HORSESANDDO BaTTES~_'‘WORK THAN YOU EVER DID BEFORE BY USINGTHR”OLIVER CHILLED PLOWS — keg EP a ;“y Because of the eas?scourin insured by theLIVER’Coe ee ee eects ae aeOLIVERCHILLEDPLOWSarewithout:exception theLightestDraft:Plows Made |Fither YOU KNOW from actual expericnes whatthe OLIVERPLOWSwilldooryoukaveheatdyousponeNetearpethisthem,©Why.Not.Getin,Line:NOW.?_ Seg PAGE SHERRILL-WHITESHOECO.{|} Lazenby-Montgomery HardwareCompany, Statesville,N.C. BARGAINS! “We how have in stock several good values :Th Carolina Motor Com’y.Ah in second-hand Roadsters and TouringCarswhichwewilldisposeofatasacri-fice in order to make room for our 1916 _models.They are REAL BARGAINS. Come and see for yourself. oe :DSSS aSSSSSSESSSEESSEELeeLee eeeeeeTeeeeelettreteteeiriessYOUROPPORTUNIT To Buy-a Nice Farm and Get Ready for Next Year’s Crop.No.1-345 acres in Elmwood.All school and church conveniences. No.2-77 acres 34 miles east’of city. No,3~—40 acres 1 1-4 miles from-public square. No.4—60 acres in 38 Iredel’40 city lots in east Statesville,known as ‘Park Place OS C R C EC E RC E EC C T CR E E L CE E 10 ots in Bloomfield.Terms easy.Six lotsin “south IW.R.MILLS,-PRONEBh = Strong land,40 acres in (bottom,8-room house,large barn and out houses,fae Big Mee This propertyliesonthesand-clay highway now beingconstructedby the oreuneont,IgidealforDairyandTruckfarming.SEASreeSplendtily.adapted. li ea. for Dairy purposes,Live Stock and Poul: ilkes county just across balance in monthly payments of $5, section fast developing:Several nice housesand lots toCallonmeandJearnwhatIhave.| tr oe oe 'HERE are 1,923,951.Automobiles _now +State-f licensed,and running,in the United States,Of these,1,803,951 are Pleasure Cars—i.c., -exclusive of Trucks,etc.“4 More than 90%of them,or about 1,623,555,use Pneu- \ynatic Tires.+Each car will wear out and replace,on average,about one Set of Four Tires per year.Therefore,the interestS of each Car-Owner as well.as‘each Car-Manufacturer,each Car-Dealer,and.Salesman,is »vitally and personally affected by the price of Tires to Con- sumers.4 Because,—Tires and Gasoline are the two big items of ' consumption in the operation of Motor Cars.j The Owner who used his Car 1,000 Miles fess per year, .-jthan he would have done,because of.“‘the high-price of Tires ~and Gasoline,”-received that much less redurn from his entire */investment-in the Car proper,-i ; ,The potential,or prospective,Car-Owner Whofails to |buy a Car because of “‘the high cost of Tires and Gasoline,”— ‘lhe who sells his Car and does not buy again because of “‘the--+high cost of Tires and Gasoline”—orhe who,forthe came «.#yeason,stores his Car and does not run it during a considerable __.partof the year,is a direct lossto :?«—1lst —Automobile Manufacturers,as a class,{—2d —Automobile Dealers,as a class.--$d —Garage Owners,as a class.\—4th—Lubrication &Gasoline Manufacturers,as a class.j But,—he is a greater loss to TIRE Manufacturers,and .Dealers;as a class,than to any others. = use,—age -—Gasoline and Lubricants,for instance,can be sold.to __the Owners ofMotor Boais,Stationary,and other Motors.-But,—Automobile Tires can only be sold,in the ultimate,.to the man who OWNS2 Car,and who wears out Tires through erentrN = a :f3°3 ‘eyiarfiethatead,Alitamobile runs,means an ‘“Gulomaiic Sale of Tires to replace that mileage with “7 few Tires.”;But,all the Salesmanship,and all the Advertising,"under the Sun,could not increase,by a single Tire,the ¢otal,sales of Tires beyond the number of Cars owned by Con---3-gumers,and the number of Miles each Consumer runs his Caryearly.MA GI Poh aM HYTheMarkctforTiresisthereforelimited inflexibly,tothenumberof‘Cars running,and the ‘Mileagé which eachOwnerisinducedtorunyearly.;Therefore,we opine that to promote greater Seles,and |greater use,of Automobiles,few better incentives can beofferedthanmarkedly-iowered cost,TO CONSUMERS,for +»Tires and Gasoline.;Just as we recognize that the only legitimate expansion’open to the Tire Industry,as a whole,would be duc to the SaleofmoreAutomobileseachyeartoConsumers,with a greater+average Mileage USE,per year,of each Car by each Owner.t_is why we favor the lowest possible price for~Tires,—to Consumers,consistent with maintenance of highqualityandafeirprofittoDealerandMir.;- eon aQoe3 ‘THE LANDMARK]—Marrers or News. FRIDAY,July 23,1915. Cool Spring News Items. Correspondence of The Landmark. Cool Spring,July 21.—Mr.and|Mrs.Eunice.Swann of Beaufort are |)spending this week with Mr.Swann’sparents,Mr.and Mrs,°T.B,Swann. Mrs.Gertrude Hill.Hayes and son, Lindley,of:Texas,are visiting rela-tives.in this,Community.Miss Ger- trude Edwards,who -spent severalweeksinCanton,.has returned to herhome-at Cool Spring...Mr.Noel Hol- land of Wjnston-Salem spent SundaywithMr.and Mrs.‘J:'F..Holland.Mr.and Mrs.Blondee Steele are spending awhile with Mr.and Mrs.Tom Steele.We are glad to say Miss Katie Lou| Steele is getting along nicely.She! thad an attack of appendicitis.‘Several persons from New HopechurchandCoolSpringBaptist—-ehurch~are vattending the—missjonary, meeting at Eaton’s this week. The meeting at Cool Spring closed, «Sunday with 12 additions to the* ©church,| Messrs.Carl Holland and Ralph Abernathy purchased a new thresh- ing machine this spring and are do- ing good work. is improving and is expected tocoyer.‘Eleanor:Sherman Thackara, a few days ago.Mrs.Thackara civil war,fame.Ex-Gov.Blease of South Caro State,says that unless ernor of South Carolina in the mary next summer.‘ of .the Standard OilBayonne,N.J., which a striker was killed,a p Company 100 strikers were injured. Official reports of the fire on act cause a mystery.The Navy Sonsiderable damage was done. i Remember the Farmers’Insti-. tutes. eGorrespondence of The Landmark. Don't forget.the Farmers’Insti-|charge.He will recover.4 tutes—July,30th at Harmony,July’.The strike of the coal miners now saves Leo.M.Frank,who was stabbed and dangerously wounded by a fellow prisoner,in the Georgia State prison, of Alexander M,Thackara,American!Burleson,57 years old,oneconsul.general at Paris,died in Paris,;most prominent farmers —A-strike of “workers atthe plant}ed,gored-the —-defenseless:-man-—and precipitated riots in - inspector,four policemen and nearly ‘dreadnaught-Oklahoma,in the-ship-}—Trustees—of-Harmony—High—Sehool: yard at Camden,N.J.,leave the ex-met Wednesday and elected the fol- partment believes it was the result of| careless workmen dropping matches.pine,principal;Miss Claudia Tharpe Declaring that he would rather die Miss Rebecea Rollins of Harmony,in-|than disgrace his parents by being termediate ‘grades;Miss Jettie White sent to prison,I.C.Davis,22 years of Olin,primary department. old,cut hi®throat with a safety ra-yor blade in Superior/Court at Macon,|tember 14. Ga.,after he had been sentenced to ‘°15 months’imprisonment on a forgery the Farm Life School.~The domestic $25,00 4 ~So this,then,is a leadingreasonwhyWEinitiated,arid.. propagated,that Goodrich.“Fair;List”Movement which we pub-..licly announced in the press-on, Jan.31,1915,and_which causedpracticallyeveryPneumaticTireManufacturerinthisCountrytofollowourleadandbringhispricesdown-to a fairer level. o a a .NHIS is also the reason*why some Tire Manu- .facturers,who could not,or would not,‘‘meet’’ourBASICpricesforPneumatic’Tires (even though ‘our “Fair-9°ffList”Propaganda obliged them if ‘to make heavy reductions off h \their former Lists)might errone-W at_ously suppose that ‘Goodrich’eeTireshavebeencheapenedinQuality,as well as in price. Hence this explanation (tothePublic,to Car-Manufacturers, Dealers,Car-Salesmen,Garages,and Tire Dealers generally)that we deem it “good business’to ;sell“the best Goodrich Tires (of fabric construction)}-we have"ever made,at the fairest price possible for'such quality, Hence,too,the following TEST offer to Consumers, —We will cheerfully,pay for any Goodrich Safety“Non-Skid”Tire,sold since our “F'air-List’’price-reduction(announced on Janucry:31,1915),which when cutopen shows‘eny rcduction.in quality,im-number of layers:of Canvas;in’thickness,or quettty ‘ci Rubber,when.‘tompared,with anygtherGoodhehhSafetySTWon-Siad’"made by.us,and .salé atourhighcrpricesqiurrcatBefoye“the.Goodrich “Fair-List,”Movement.ee ‘é'wi And,—this is further to’¢ténerize any Tire-User toextendthisOffer(at our cxpenec)teeny Tire Dealer,or Manu- facturer.We ask Car-Owners,and:Tire Consumers’‘in their own...interest,to see!that’no:timpiication’”of ldwered.quality_dmGoodrich“Tires goes unchailenged—jusi 2s we have protectedtheirinicté8ts,“for Our “oOwn sake,through our “Pair-List’”Propaganda, B ganda,every Car-Owner who now buys any make:of Tire sized 37x 5,now saves on each set of 4.Tires,an average of about $46.27.;ae—Every Car-Owner who uses 34x4 Tires,of anymake,now saves,through the Goodrich “Fair-List’?Propagandaanaverageofabout$26.15 per Sct of 4 Tires. o 8 a ECAUSE of that GOODRICH “Fair-List’”Propa- Gored to Death By a Ball. Asheviile Citizen.: Gored in the abdomen and tossed on the horns of an angry,and vicious ‘the Government. re- Made as always —The same —Nothing whatever ‘taken materials or fi reliable Construction. ,,—The same dependable Service. -out.of, Quality,¥no ®matter | reductions in List-Price are. ever made. --Every Car-Owner who uses 30x 314 Tires;now saves,”through _the-Goodrich “Fair-List’-Propaganda,—an-average ofabout$14.70 per Set of 4 Tires. Preumatic 1pal competing,braric,And,de faginkucrmeniioncd-to t "But,vey Other si n proportion.The 7,62 BS»Jpo State-licensed Car-Owners who use 3 now save about 20%of what they last year,ake size,whether they be Goodrich or»7-equal to more than,$25,000,000 per year.,,forget that this giant,saving to Car-OwnarshePublicbyother‘Tire Manuiactur-2 “Pair-List”Propaganda madeevicndtheSavingtoConsumersontotheGoodrichCo.:&all this,—the fact which should m6CiscLANY rt 1ths 3,OF 1080.1K notwithstanlargectto‘PIRE-USERS is the controst’of'10%to 40%, orth TareGOODRICH /-No;:Tirts in the Hema. self (and us),“Non-Skid”Tire, any other Tire,at any price,w _you_ever paid more for Maximum Quality,-Milea eye xists Betvveen the low price of the best ~id Tires (of ial ;f tak struction)that money can buy.ee Rubher Baktecyin thé,World producé,—(to wit,aige ‘and-all ‘other.“resp ya &*aake!“aPoe.“7 _.i hyeCompareprieesandsee!:peeThen,if you are not alréady a Goodrich User,do_your-ne justice to buy at least “one GOODRICH Test that out for Quality,Mileage andResilience against hich you are now using.The resujt of such Test will cause you to wonder why>vanResiliencethantheBesicpriceofGoodrichNon-Skid ‘Tires? South to Make Ammunition For |The demand for war munitions in ‘Europe is so great,and the big con- ‘bull which he’had folloWed into the:cerns in this country have their hands_-|stable on his farm on the Cane Riv-jso-full.with European contracts thatwife'er road near Barnardsville,Barney |the modest demands of the home grov-of the,ernment.can’t be met. wasicombe county, South.makinganditis said that a Hickory A Raleigh concernflictedbytheinfuriatedanimal.lina,!Mr.Burleson had succeeded in get- pri-|the animal whirled,lowered its horns;Statesville has a This situation of °Bun-'has led to placing orders for Uneledied“Monday after-|Sam with manufacturing plants in the a_daughter ofsGen.W.T.Sherman of,noon as.a result of the injuries in-is now shells for the government; THE B.F.GOODRICH CO.,Akron,O. |FOUNDED IN 18331-TRINITY COLLEGE,DURHAM,N.¢.or al arts wilh on established national reputation for e policies,its tarire endowment akes ‘possible its {»,und lurge facuity of well trained marefully chosen t Student fGes.low.“Comfortable,incxpensive rooms in carefylly:supervised hygienic dormitories:fangs Classical und ;leading to the bachelor's degree.Graduate courses i rt tovincering,Edueation,and Law.~ Vor catalague and illust|R.L.FLOWERS, _CHARTERED 1859 seientifie Ckrated RAR I TOMA OTE AE RE I oe ENconcern|— jwho is stoppingat Hot,Springs,this ting the bull,which belonged toa will get a contract and that possibly conditions colored resident of that section,into Charlotte may enter the same line of jchange he will be a candidate for Gov-!one of the stalls of the barn,swhenjbusiness. manufacturingandbeforetheattackcouldbeavoid-plant—J.-C.Steele &Sons—that eould at |tossed him.to the loft of the’barn. material. olice Teachers Elected For ‘Harmony-School. the|Correspondence of The Landmark.i De-lowing teaehers:jProf:R:H-Lankford of’Glen Als undertheCarranzaarmyGonzales. Zapata officials were resumed full control of ‘from which they were driven lof Harmony,(assistant principal; School will open on Tuesday,Sep-an advancing Villa force. Prof,Tal.H.‘Stafford,principal of ‘as a surprise to officials, science teacher to be elected later. in a “A charter has been issued doubtless—do-some business"if ,Unele Sam is’pressed,for a supply of war Zapata Again.in Mexico City. Dispatches to the State Department from Mexico City announce.that Za- pata forces re-oceupied the capital Sunday,following the evacuation General said to havethecity, 10 days ago by.Gonzales,who now has gone: northward with his troops to meéct This unexpected development came Charter For Cleveland Bank. for the by]: ©ieiapes es An Alarm Clock (hat is litle but loud.It’sa little Beauty.Just the thing for a lady’s or a gentleman’s room.It is not su large but does the waking up for you.BIG BEN if you need to.be knocked out: H.B.WOODWARD Jewcler. Mal Ta ;.cent METAL ROOELN G.~decim—— Have you stopped to think you can get one of the best TIN ROOFS put onat less price than any other roofing on the market..Tin aid Slate best roofing ever put on STATESVILLE TIN CO.,H.C.Mohler,Manager. ‘PHONE 55.:114 East Broad Street. SOO -Bist-at»the Test Farm and-August-South Wales came to an.end-Wednes-Personal.Mention.©10th atthe Linwood school,near: fooresville.Your presence will addtothelifeoftheifstitute,especially|in the mines has been résumed and |night and went out to Chambersifyouhavesomequestionstoaskor day with the acceptance by the min- ers of the terms agreed upon.Work} both sides have profised the govern-| Mr.W..E.Clark of Pee Dee,Anson county,atrived\in ‘Statesville lastburg township,te visit his uncle,Mr,DL.“experiences of interest to relate.Any|;ment to exert every effort.to make)Webb,*good stock or produce you may care! =to bring will:also be appreciated.«The.institute party.will consist.of“Mr,A.L.French,stockman and far-«mer;Mr,Wi.F.Pate of the Experi- ‘-ment Stations whose specialty is soils and:fertilizers,,and a lady whose~name has not -been—tmade—known,-toconductthewoman’s institute.These_»will,be assisted by.local talent.and©the old-fashioned cut and dried pro- grammes will be avoided,i ches In Buncombe Superior Court last|my order and.took a train for my next Trinity church,Concord,townshweekamagistratewasconvictedof»failure to list.his taxes and was fin- ed $10 and costs,: up for the week of idleness.|eetneeeenaeeeteceeerosnemeniteme TRAVELING MAN’S EXPERIENCE,|“In the summer of 1888 I had a very se-|vere attack:of cholera morbus.Two physi-|cians worked over me fiom 4 a.m,.to 6.%p.m.|without giving me any relief and then told! me they did not expect me to live;that 1) had best telegraph for my family..fostead| of doing #0,~1--gave*the —hotel--_porter—fifty. eents and told him to bay me a_bo'tle of|Chamberlain's Golie,Cholera and,DiarrhoeaRemody,and take no~-substitute,I-t00k <adoubledoseaccordingtothedirectionsand went to'sleep after the second dose.At 6 o'clock the next morning I was called by stopping poirit,,a well man°but.deeling rather shaky from the severity of the at-tack,”writes MH,W.‘Ireland,Louigvilre,Ky,Obtainable everywhere. ‘Mrs.Eva Ford and_children’‘ofDennison,Texas,are visiting at MrT:J.Murdock’s,a few miles east of town, Miss Altie Corpening from Asheville last evening.Rev,M.L.Kesler visited hig oldhome_in Cool Spring township _yes- terday,returning to Thomasville last returned \night. —Next Wiednesday,the 28th,is thedayforcleaning..the grayeyaril atandall.persons:interested are asked |toreportonthatday’and help with the work,|:4 “|Citizens’Bank of Cleveland,Rowan county.Capital.$10,000;‘authorized,and $5,000 subscribed by,W.W..Rose-|man,W.FE.Thompson,J..A.Lyerly and G,A,Brown,of Clevéland;J.D. Norwood,W.T.Bailey and John Me- Canlass of Salisbury,E.J.RosemanofBarberandJ.G.Hudson of Spen-cer,and’others;The charter author- izes a general’commercial and sav- ings banking business. 4,'TL : MA score or more’of the grocery) stores.in High Point have agreed to close at 1 o'clock everyThursdayn=;ti}September Ist,thus giving a-half holiday once a week, A.‘strike which was called at the} Remington Arms and AmmunitionCo's establishment at,Bridgeport,Cont,a few days ago,hds been call- ed off, Shoot S ht! :1:Nogun brings down the bird unless it’s loaded!- {No prescription brings relief until it’s filled. {Even then,it must’be properly filled with drugs of the highest character,otherwise it becomesa mere “scrap.of paper”‘picid Let us make that prescription of the highest possible valueLsyfillingitwithdrugsthataccomplishexactlywhat to you by hisexpectedofthem,_)PURITY PRECISION PROMPTNESS The Polk Gray Drug Company.res 2,QNPHE SQUARE,cc De 4 SOOO E OBOEOE CECE BOE OE EOE OREO ahah ew Vi RNA Bek \ OMEL SICKENS!IT's HO}RIBLE!“DON’T STAY BILIOUS,CONSTIPATED I Guarantee “‘Dodson’s Liver Tone’Will Give YoutheBestLiverandBowelCleansingYouEverHad. -Calomel makes you sick;you loseaday’s:work,Calomel is quicksil-ver and it salivates;calomel injuresyourliver.°,:.Jf you are biliovs;feel lazy,slug.gish and ull knocded out,if yourbowelsareconstipated..and yourheadachesorstomachis‘sour,just|that each spoonful will start your take a spoonfyl of harmless Dod-jliver,,clean .your bowels andson’s Liver Tone instead ‘of using)straighten you up by morning or yousickening,salivating calomel..Dod-|/get your money back.Children glad-son’s Liver Tone is real liver medi-{ly take Dodson’s Liver ‘Tone becausecine.You'll know it next.morning/it is pleasant tasting and doesn’t because you will wake up feeling|gripe or cramp,or make them sick:fine,your liver will be working,your|.I am selling millions of bottles of headache and dizziness gone,.your Dedson’s Liver Tone to peopic who Stomach will be sweet and bowcls|have found that this pleasant,vege- regular.You will feel like work-/table,liver medicine takes the place ing.|You'll be cheerful;full of vig-|cf dangerous calomel.Buy one bot- or and ambition.tle on my.sound,reliable guarantee.Your druggist or dealer sells you{Ask your druggist about,me. CAL a 5Ocent bottle of Dodson’s LiverToneundermypersonalguarantee that it will clean your sluggish liver make you sick and you can eat any- thing you want without being sali.vated.‘Your.drugist guarantees #2|COCOLADE! - Cool and Fefreshing. King of Fountain Drinks. ——fe,AT—— HALL’S DRUG STORE,.’PHONE 20.Prescriptionists. 2 To the Farmers of Iredell and Other Counties: THE STATESVILLE REALTY &INVESTMENT COMPANY begtoannouncethattheyhavecompletedarrangementswith‘‘THE_-HOME INSURANCE CO.of New York.’’for insutiny your growingcropsofTobacco,Cern,Cotton and small grain against destructionbyHailStormatthefollowingverylowprice: TOBACCO CROP..$100 per acre valuation at75peracrevaluationat 60.per acre valuation at 3.75 per-acre25peracrevaluationat.1.874 per acre COTTON,CORN AND SMALL GRAIN CROP. $40 per acre valuation $1.60 per acre35peracrevaluation1.40 per acre30peracrevaluation1.2!per acre25peracrevaluation1.00 per acree.20 per acre valuation .80 per acre15peracrevaluation..60 per acre10peracrevaluation.40 per acre:DWELLINGS,FURNITURE,BARNS. $100 value for one year at 30c.,3 years at 60c.,5 years at 90c.This: »latter insurance eovers also against loss or damage occasioned‘by wind in addition to hail.REMEMBER—“‘We insure anything insurable.”’J.F.CARLTON,Manager, *PHONE 54.STATESVILLE,N C: $7.50 per acre5.874 per acre Devastate 10,000 Homes in Eight States -Suchis the record ofoneday’s:-hundred years the Hartford damage done by tornadoes.Fire Insurance Company You don’t know when the has met every honest claim - tornado may strike your property,but you do knowthe“Old Hartford”protects against all loss.For over a promptly.Buy a Hartford Tornado Policy today.Itis the nearest thing to comfort when a Tornado strikes.g ~People’s Loan&SavingsBank, Statesville,N.C.Resident Agent. GEO.H.BROWN,Ptesident. va ri Gai ATL URERUGA EET:1 SUUGE ECTS HEL PRT SPAT|The Clutching EE Ee rE Ta ae ea aR I €=Of poverty and'want will never grab you if you have an active savings account.in a good Bank—this Bank for instance. But you want to start in time.Start now, _and start here.A dollar will do to start with and a hundred dollars wouldn’t stop you,once you realize how:important Boas savings account is,\\ SAFETY—SERVICE—SATISFACTION.° *; ’| _f-Merchants and Farmers’BankG5OFStatesville,oe“The Bank For Your Savings.”” ‘THE LANDMARK bétter than nasty calomel;it won't! “a will be quoted,the p buildings are properly rodded.fm ware of fakers and frauds.” 8 the following in a recentyUniversityNewsLetrer:hele j iracts the lightning,and.thig-has been!preached for the #is quite true that barns are more like- aj Southern Killed But One Pas- E injury to a passenger while on.2 #\a car platform in direct violation of gin the official figures given out,indi- S| Do A man who signed himself “J.S. mopman poe on tabaeete THE SUNDAY SCHOOL WORK! Sunday School Conference atMooresville—Personal Items.|Correspondence of ‘The Landmark. Mooresville,July 224A SabbathSchoolConference,representing sey-bog pra churches of the First EpepytoryJro-jof the Associated Reformed Presby-||aie @ Very Great F terian Church,was held in the A.R.}be eas,:»//*R,church here Wednesday.A large|Years ago lightning rods were com-'delegation was present and the con-jmon on houses and barns,They were|fererce was instructive and helpful in,|supposed to protect the buildings every way.The general theme for.jfrom lightning,,Then,the idea be-discussion was “Growth.”,The first’\came prevalent that there was no Vir-|sneaker wasjtuein’them and few were sold.In|Chartotte,who.spoke on “The Spirit-||fuet,so strong has the opinion.be-\come that the lightning rod is a fake, en e July 23,19165, t\Fake Rods a Source of Danger,|But the “Genuine,Properly tions of Growth.”-The next speaker|ithat a lightning rod peddler is nowjwas Rev,J.M.’Bigham of Hunters-|jrare and when.he goes into a county'ville,whose subject was “The Bigness|he travels the back ways.With this!of the Sabbath School Enterprise.”|idea in mind The Landmark’was sur-|Rey.R.L.Robbinson,D.D.,presidentprisedrecentlytoseea‘good word of the Due West Female College,Due|for the lightning rod in Farm’and West,S.C.,made a very fine talk onHome,a prominent agricultural pa-|Growth Through Better Teaching,”rer.It follows:So 0"The hour for dinner having arrived,“About one-third of the losses.of the congregation was invited to the)farm buildings by-fire are due to!church lawn,where a most excellent| ‘lightning.Where such buildings are picnic dinner was served by the ladies||properly rodded,the danger of being/of the church,At 2:o’clock the con-|ietruck by lightning is only one-tenth |ference re-assembled and.the follow-|jae great as in the case of an equal ing programme’was carried out:}number ef farm buildings not rodded.|Exercises by local’school;“Growth“In other words,actual experience Jntensive—Every.Member of theofvariousinsurancecompaniesfora/Church a Member of Sabbath School,”period of years past,given the editor/Mr.Leon.A.Brown,Troutman;of Farm.and Home,has furnished |“Growth Threugh Better Organiza-proof that proper rodding so reduces jtion,”Rev.E.G.Carson,Charlotte.the risk of fire from lightning that |The last speaker of the afternoon wasaninereasing™number of insurance|Rey.W.W.Orr,D.D.,of Charlotte,;companies now make a lower rate for whose subject was “Growth Extensivejinsuranceonroddedbuildingsthan!—i:whing the Unchurched and En-for writing a policy on farmbuildings |tcrinz New Fields.”There was ngt athatarenotrodded.idull moment throughout the entire|“This reduction on rates varies from\conference and the delegates were in-|five per cent to ten per cent.and/decd fortunate in securing the speak-scmetimes even more.Over 100 farm’for this oceasion.No doubt thosejmutualinsurancecompanieswith!who were present Wednesday return-|mote than 400,000 buildings insuredied home with the.determination to doididnotloseone-buildingor |have one|creator things for theirdamagedbylightningthatwasSebhathschools.||equipped with a lightning rod,|Rains continue m and around)“Befoye the lower rate of insurance|Mooresville and prospects for fine}:insurance com-|crops have not been brighter in many|‘Panies and underwriters’laboratories|\rars.Cotton has grown wonderfully |must be satisfied by careful inspee-|duringe the past ten days and corn}rtion that the rods used are so put up,iwvas never finer.{jof such quality and so insulated as to}Rev,W.E.Furr and wife of Char-|be of merit.If any lightning rodjlotte are visiting the parents of the!‘agent wants to rod your building,let former:Miss Beatriee Hall has gone!ihim prove by official documents:that;to 'Nckory to visit Miss Lily Kate]bis rod and its insulation complies McConnell.Mrs.J.E.Long,and|with the new rules..Make him pro-||itile daughter left -Thursday for|duce an officially signed letter from)Cherleston,They will spend a month!a responsible insurance company that with Mrs.Long’s yarents-at Mt.)it will reduce its rate to you if your!Pleasint.Mr.Mack Deaton of Rox-|Be-horo is here on #visit to his parents,| |Mr.and Mrs.E.C..Deaton.Mr.|oil :\Frontis Lentz of Charlotte is spend-|\»The Landmark might have hought'ing his vacation with his parents,Mr.!the above an advertisement for.the!and Mrs.W\M.Lentz.iiightningrodfolksifithadnotread)W.M.Freeze was hostess to}issue of the the Wednesday afternoon Sewing Cir-|liver Vata Th Wednesday afternoon.i .“It is‘a common belief that hay at-!Dr.1.T.Mann of Statesville! Methodist congrega- 1 on last Sunday evening.| wiTs, held to be the reason why.barns are!s0 likely to be struck by lightning.It d Tuesday night in Mooresville. 'v objects of a destructive stroke,but.; fit is now quite certain that the hay)Richar sKept the |yin the barn has nothing to do :nee de Pledgeindowithit.1,ee te barnfilled with hay is in’am Col.Richard Ragland,who sworeexposedposition,it stands a Od).tap fiylag’down hia aims’ats Aw-|chance of being struck.If this came yomattox that he would never hit!earn were empty,however,.the ¥Siiok Tee Rte eck tchancesof#8 Beis ‘‘another lick of work,arid who has,cnances of its being struck would be been true-to his word,has been spend-|precisely the same,(forthe same un-ing the past.few days im towr |‘derlying ceuse that’makes’the light-,°&,se RAK SW Cava iy ”ning select the barn!as the object offitswrathstill”renidins—mamely.‘a\good substantial “ground”resulting\from the drainage from the live st idsville Review.| the wholesale jewelers of the country “to remove the popular impression}“rn “*:Shat jewelry is a luxury.”Naturally;:“That more barns and other bul the man who sells jewelry considers|ings sre not protected against dam-::¢i .it a necessity.1ageordestructionbylightningisdu:7baignsanumberofyeeee:HAIR AND SCALP | “NEED DAILY CARE charlatan ‘lightning doctors’who left,on the farmer’s hands a lot of junkonwhichthelatterpaidexorbitantprofits.Not only that,but-most—ofthelightningrodsthatweregoldforabsoluteprotectionwerereallyposi-tive sources of danger,and instead oprotectingactuallyincreasedthed ::|hair you should treat vour sealp as!often and well as you brush your teeth) and rub”into the sealp pores twice dsaily-a little Parisian Sage.This'iger,as the farmers in most treatment is not a mere “hair tonic.” (soon “found out.it 1s bottled nourishment for the hair)|“Properly installed lightning rods T0ots and it is simply wonderful what | jactually do reduce the chance of se-;2 improvement its use for even a} ‘rious damage to a very small percent week will make in the appearance of | jage.It has been so proved by the anyone’s hair.It never injures,is| jcareful analysis of fire insurance re.delightfully cool and pleasant to the,jports all over the country.In fact,5¢2!p and takes out the dull,lifelessiproperreddingisalmostcertainpro.look in the hair,making it soft,fluffy,|jtectién against total destruction.Fur.£/088y and beautiful.Two or three ||thermore,this insurance can be ob-applications remove every’trace ofjtainedataveryreasonable¢ost,vary-dandruff,and daily ase will prevent‘ing from about $10 to.$20,depending its return...Sold by Statesville Drug. on the size and shape.of the build-jin cases White,Pink and | Lavender Aster| g.-“The Department of Electrical En-ineering at the University will be glad\to aid in reducing the lightning bill of\the State.For information and ad-vice write to Professor P.H.Dag-igett,Chapel Hill”~~a { senger. _More than sixteen and a half mil-lion passengers —«a number greaterthan-the-combined-poputationofVir 4 The Carnation season “plenty of beautiful2ginia,North Carolina,South Caroli ..1Sena,Georgia,Alabama,Tennessee white,pink and laven-|jand Kentucky—were transported by der Aster which splen-|jthe Southern railway during the yearjendedJune30,with only one fata’didly take the placeofCarnations.throughthesummer. ithe company’s rules.Of this grea!|jpumber of passengers,not one was}AJ]orders have atten-|);killed in a train:accident.|iThis excellent record was shown tion the moment re-. ceived.Beautiful de-signs for all purposes |charmingly arrangedbyourexperts., \. jtrain,and that one was standing’on ;cating the high degree of safety that‘has been attained in the handling of|\Southern railway passenger trains. Bomb Fakers Working Overtime iK.”wrote to the Chicago Daily News‘that he had placed explosives aboard|the Lusitania before that.vessel sail-|ed on her ‘fatal.vane”,The writersaidthathewasa‘member of an or-|ganization but ‘had become disgusted|fe éwithit,He added that he would be’in Lake.Michigan before the) penthne artery orer YOUAGET.LOTS OF Rev.E,.G.Carson of ual Atmospheré of Church as Condi-|| "iW CHANGE: THE GOOGINGEVERYTOMERFOR LIFE. Sloan Clothing Company, =x=oom F~ * a)===Sa Sc2a respective ; The Fifty-Eighth Series ————eeee «(OF THE’ Ka g e be otFirstBuildingandLoanAssociation| Will Open Saturday,August 7th,1915, . H.V.FURCHES,Secretary-Treasurer, Dr,Geo.W.Taylor spent Tuesday t A>movement has-been lanunehed-by)¢ Cooking Demonstrations : AT THE GAS OFFICE ALL THIS WEEK, MORNING LESSON 10A,Mp on JeEVENING,LESSON-8-P.Mas ors oo} Lots of to.eat. Everybody welcome.wood things |CRORE Ietez EOCENEIf_you-value the appearance of-your:SEERA ETE ; Co.and leading druggists everywhere.| isover,but we have | ‘The S.,M.&H.Shoe( Statesville Gaslight and Fuel Company. LAWN MOWERS! HERE is nothing about the home more beautiful or that addsmoreto,your satisfaction and pleasure than a well kept lawn ¥&The thing m6st necessary for this is a good Lawir Mower.eee a SU A M O K NA V T LA W N MO W E R S The lawn is kept smooth and even and the weeds cannot grow.Our lawn mowers make the work a pleasure rather than a task,Theyhaveallthelatestimprovements,run easy andsmoothly,are durableand_make very_little-noise._-We guarantee every one_to-give-_perfect—} satisfaction.When such a small expense means a beautiful lawnforyearstocomeyoucannotaffordtobewithoutone. The Best Hardware House in Our Town. Iredell CACAO ROCHA EOS OEE RORCECRCRCECRORYCOMFORTABLEandCOOLFOOTWEAR These warm days you féel .the need ofacomfortablepairofOxfords,Sandals and Pumps.We have just that kind.Plenty of ~them in White,Palm Beach,Tan and Black.: Let us give you the benefit of our experi-ence in fitting them properly.aecineYourstoserve,~ OSCECECECEECE ORCA ORO Hardware Co. The One Price Cash Shoe Store.|Shoes Repaired While You Wai rts pA ferred with the races planned.for Lodiy e North Center Street Be BROUGHT STATE SVILmirenBUILDAHOUSE}!NGLOWESTPRICES—FULL ST¢ eaLLE LOW-PRICED SHINGLESRYTHINGTOBUILDWITH,”OK.»|,-Next to Planter’s Warehouse. ™ ae 8 Seee Soa ee eee ae the Court House Tuesday Evening,July 27th,at 8:30 O'clock. The Oxford Orphan Asylum was Organized in 1872 by theMasons of North Carolina to Aid Destitute Children of the State—aGreatandNobleWork—and Should be Liberally Patronized by AIL —-Sore ehpe $2 Patent Mary Jane Pump,sale $2.50 Oxfords,Patent Tip, SHAQ.eS SSeS ee STC THE LANDMARK -FRIDAY,.-July 28,1915. NEWS OF TAYLORSVILLE. Everybody’s.Days —Business and Social Item:at jpondence of The Landmark.” Taylorsville,July.22.-Large‘drowds were here Fridayand Satur-day for Everybody’s Days.A°vaude-ville show was here for the week and there was a merry-go-round and a few other attractions,chief amongthembeingaballoonascensioneachafternoon.A)-shower of rain inter- Saturday afternoon..J.W.Cloer,who spent a fewmonthsatBariumSprings,working-in the dairy.has returned to his homehere.Miss Elizabeth Lindsay has_re- turned from a visit to her grandmoth-~er,Mrs,Cameron Witherspoon,Ker-nersville,and relatives at other points.Misses Carolyn and Willie: «Miller of _Mocksville,who spent aweekherewiththeircousin,Mrs.H.T..Kelly,returned)home |Saturday.’Mrs.T.F.Stevenson and son anddaughter,Mr.C.L.Stevenson:andlittleMissMaryEstherStevenson.of Hickory,spent Sunday with |Mrs, Stevenson’s:father,Mr.A.H.Mathe- son.Misses Laura Hedrick,MaryTeagueandMr.Connolly Gwaltney, who have been attending the Appa- lachian Training School,Boone,return-ed to their homes here Friday by au- tomobile.-,: Mr.George Hudson,son of Rev. W._H.Hudson.missionary to Kash- ing,China,and himself a volunteer for China,will lecture in the !Presby- terian church here Wednesday eve- ning at 8 o’clock. Mr.J.C.Hedrick of Stony.PointhaspurchasedMr.E.C.York’s stock,of groceries and will continue thebusinessinthesamebuildingonMain| street.Mr.Hedrick will not move his family here for the present. The county board of education has been in session this week,making the annual settlement.with the coun-ty treasurer.:Miss Margaret Feimster of New- ton,is visiting her grandmother,Mrs. Sarah Feimster.Her father and Brother,Lawyer W.C.Feimster andMasterMarshallFeimster,who ac- companied her here,have returnedhome. Mr.Oscar Goble of the county and Miss Dallie A.Warren,daughter of}Mr.J.E.Warren.of tne county,were ‘matried in the clerk’s office At the court house Friday evening.Magis-trate W.F.Patterson performed.the!eeremony.‘ »Miss Rosa Guy of Eufola.is a guest TWENTY-FIFTH A ‘finetionsofthe season’was* Se ————(Men’s,Women’s and artis nem em atTAL CLEARANCE,SALE |(—_—)-AN ENJOYABLE EVENING FOR ALL!<< =inn serene stfpraveetrerer a EN yr Children’s Shoes,Oxfords &Pumps "AT MILLS &POSTON’S -Saturday,July 24th,to Saturday,31st: This is the chance you have been waiting for.Only Shoes of Standard Merit offered here. $1.50 2.00 | 3.00 Oxfords,Patent.Tip Welt 2.50 3.50 and $4 Patent Pump 2 85 1.00 Child two-strap Dong.Pump .75 price 1.25 Misses two-strap Dong.Pump .95]|Keith &Pratt Oxfords in black,tan2.00 Misses Mary Jane Pump1.50 Boys Oxfords3.00 Boys Patent Shoes2.50 and $3 Ladies’Shoes in 23,3,34 and 4 forLookyourfootover and see if they fit. 1.501.452.25 75e, and Patent Leather,$3.50 and #4values,for $2.75$3.00 M.&P.Oxfords for 2.40BiglotofMen’s %3 and $3.50 Shoes, sizes 54 to 74,for $1.50Don’t miss this chance for Shoes.. No Approvals,No Charges.CASH TO ALL. YOURS FOR COMFORT AND SERVICE,_MILLS &POSTON. tt 2bye!: \Mrs.W,A.Stevenson and.mother,'!THE Mrs.J.P..Matheson,of Statesville, who.are.spending.awhile.with Mrs. Matheson’s.daughter,,Mrs.R..L. Davis,at Davis Springs,Hiddenite, spent Tuesday and «Wednesday here with relatives.~“One of the most ‘Committees of Statesville Ladies |.Appointed to Solicit For the Event at Mooresville Nex Thursday.' The following named ladies —haveenjoyablesocial’,”ertRey heen apeH./contributions:forthe Barium~orphan- age picnic dinner at Mooresville Thursday,29th: party at the home of Mr.and Mrs.H.} T:Kelly Thursday evelang:given to a large number of their friends com-A jiplimentarytotheirguests,Misses’Mrss D.S.Thomas,chairman;Mrs.Miller of Mocksville.Soon.after the L.W.MacKesson,Mrs,Pegramarrivaloftheguests,they were in-|Bryant,Miss Elmina Mills,Mrs.J..GvitedtotheGypsytentonthelawn,|Fowler,Mrs.H.R.Cowles,Mrs.B. to have their palms read.Miss Irene'A.Cowan,Mrs.Sam Carson,Mrs.R.LeQuenx,our gifted poetess,was H.Rickert,Miss Stanley,Mrs.rT.M.dressed as a’Gypsy and told the for-|Dale,Mrs.J.M.Deaton,Miss Rebec- tunes in original rhyme.These were ¢@ Stimson,Mrs.Oscar Steele,Mrs.well “suitedto each guest-and-were-Ihad__Montgomery,Miss Virginiaveryinteresting.Other entertaining Stecle,Miss Sara Steele,Miss’Willieout-door games were played.’Delic-Poston,Mrs.James Tharpe,Mrs.J.J. ious.seasonable refreshments were Brawley,Mrs.L,K,Overcash,Miss served by the hostess assisted by Cree Phifer,Mrs.W.B.Gibson,Mrs. Mesdames -M.:L.Gwaltney,H..G,Everette Phifer,Mrs,C,B,Morrison,Payne and Miss Lula Matheson.|iMrs.S.P.Eagle,Miss Pearl Wiley, Miss Louw~Campbell,Miss —Cardelia; THE COLLEGE FACULTY.ee Mrs.W.M.Walsh,ra,W.F.Hall,Mrs.M.GC.’Wood,Miss,Teachers:Selected For the Next Mamie Gray,Mrs.RB.B.McLaughlin,|Session of the College.|Mrs.W.R.McLelland,Mrs.B.F.!The trustees of Statesville.Female Long,Mrs.Zeb.V.Long,Mrs.R.L.:College,in session .Wednesday,en-'Poston,Mrs.J.§.-McRorie;Miss dorsed the faculty selected for the Sarah Adams,Mrs.S.B.Miller,Mrs.| next session.The faculty is consti-|R.E.Clapp,Miss Emma Kerr,Miss!tuted as follows:Kathleen Stimson,Mrs.T.Aj.Me-' J.M.-Moore,A.M.(Davidson Col-|Dougald,Mrs.H.F.Long,Mrs.R.R.| lege),president;professor of Bible;Clark,Miss Mamie McElwee,Mrs.0.} and philosophy.i |W.Elam,Mrs.‘T.Foy White,Mrs.R,}Miss Eloise Foster,Az B.(Winthrop M.Gray,Mrs.J.-F.-Carlton,Mrs,_W.College and University of Virginia),;T.Kincaid,Mrs.H,L.Kincaid,Mrs. lady_principal;professor of ‘mathe-J.C.Irvin,Miss Louise Sherrill,Miss fatics.|Edith McLaughlin,Mrs.W.L.Neely,Mrs.J.C.Wakefield,A.B.(Pea-!Mrs.J.R.Hill,Mrs.W.F.Bailey, body Normal),dean;professor Bible and art.[Mrs.G.W.Taylor,Mrs.W.P.Knox. Miss Eleanor Moore Reid,A.B.|Jontributions of prepared food are} (Erskine College and Winthrop Col-desired for the dinner and The Land- lege),English and expression.mark is authorized to say that they Miss Sadie E.Richards,A.B.imay be sent to the home (Winthrop College),science and his-|Thomas,chairman of the committee, tory:pag jon’Water_street,or Jf moreconven- “ORPHANAGE PICNIC.|i ‘appointed w*eemniittee ‘to solieit | next eee 1 of Mrs.W.P:Moore,-Mrs.-L.-P.Henkel} of.Mrs.t, RTE RENTS RD re ¥ You Can Have Delicious Ice Cream IN THREE MINUTESTfYouUseSNOWBALLFREEZER— Steel Frame,‘Tall,Slender ____Triple Motion,Can Makes Cedar Bucket.Quick Freezing. nM Phone us.the size you want and it will be delivered at once. PRICESpg£ $1.502.902.753.25 One Quart Two Quart‘Three QuartFourQuart (PHONE 400) Crawford-Bunch Furniture Company :THE STORE THAT ALWAYS WELCOMES YOU.. Miss Ruth Todd,A.B.(Due West ient,to the office of the Brady Print- College for Women and Erskine Col-\ing €o,,and they should be sent in lege),languages.lon Wednesday afternoon. Miss Katherine H\Kirkpatrick,A.|This picnic,as is well known,is:for| B.(Winthrap College,Klindworth-|the,benefit of the Barium Orphans’ Schanwenka Conservatory,Berlin,pu-|Home.Food for the dinner is contrib- pil of Burmeister,Jonas and Leichen-,uted by friends of the orphanage and tritt of Germany,and of Virgil,Mo-|then a charge made for the dinner:krejs and Malkin of the Institute of In this way several hundred dollars music,piano,harmony and theory.year.aMissIsabelle.Fewell (Winthrop by the institution just now and it.is College,The American Institute of hoped that contributions for the din-Applied Music,Columbif University),|ner will be Jarge and that the.picnic voice culture,chorus,organ.{patronage will.be large.Statesville Miss Hallie Covington,A.B.(Col-{should contribute ‘liberally for this lege for Women,Columbia,S.C.),event,for contributions can be madeheadofpreparatorydepartment.to.no mote.deserving.cause.Persons Miss Laura Lazenby (Statesville;who desire.to contribute can’notify Female College and.Thomasville Fe-/any member of the committee without male College).primary department.|waiting to be solicited.The Moores- nt the home_of Rev.and Mrs.L.tL.Moore\for a few days.Dr.and Mrs.8.“'T,Crowsonandlittle son,William Deal Crowson,and Mrs.Crowson’s mother, Mrs.We D,Deal,left Tuésday morn- ing for.Boone by automobile,where|they will be gilests at the,home of| Mrs.Deal’s brother,Lawyer F,Linney,for a few days:Mr RL.Smith.accomipanied hiswifetoDr.Long’s Sanatorium,States-ville,Monday,where she underwentanoperationforappendicitis.Herconditionigfavorableforanearlyre- covery. 1| 5 Miss Lina.V.Lyon (formerly of ville people,whose efforts are freely Presbyterian Orphans’Home,Barium given,bear the brunt of the work for Springs),matron and ‘housekeeper.this:pieni¢and it should be ‘a pleas- The faculty has heen.selected With ure for Statesville people to help,care and.is believed to be an unusyal-|In addition to the contributions,the ly strong one.\[people of ‘Statesville and all sections|jof the county should attend the pic- inie in large numbers.A special traintowillleaveStatesvilleforMooresville |Thursday.morning—picnie —day——at /8 o'clock,~; Mr.P..C.Gray left yesterday “af- iternoon for ‘the Atlantic coast pretd his vacation. ;You should:anticipate your sents pre tibia nsPci:ip|Smithey “raley are offering(and investigate the many urmatch-|unusual bargains’in Valises Musical Art,New York),director of are realized for the orphanage each):The money is greatly needed |. BuildingC.WATKINS, "a fMaterials! Statesville,iN.C.,North Center Street, NextPlanters’‘Warehouse.. — Birth Announcements,Acknowledgements,Birthday Cards. There is not any doubt about our having the newest and most elaborate line of these ever brought.to Statesville.Remember that you cau always buy an artistic aStatesvillePrinting Co. memory,card from us that is appropriate,whatever occasion demands‘it.;,; FOR SALE—Shetland pony,buggy and.har-|ness.S.R.BROWN.July,20-20.| FOR SALE—Large quantity four-foot pine |wood,Will deliver at railroad.station at { GOOD TIME! The clocks in the home must be.right or the housekeeper can’t be'ex- pected to plan and have meals on time,Then thereis’no bape wearing out your pocket with a watch that you can’t depend on.No, what you want to do is to getyous watch or cluck repaired by BOB HENRY while he is devoting his entire time to.repairing watches,and clocks and fitting spectacles and eye-glasses.’, R.FS-HENRY,>Jeweler. Seott’s..R.L,MORRISON,Loray,R-1. July 19--4t* FOR SALE—Storehouse “and fot with firat- class stock of general merchandise.Ex-| cellent stand,A bargain.TRIVETTE & TRIVETTE,Harmony,N.C..June 25-106. to wait oni Po - Apply to}July 16,| WAITRESSES.--Girls wanted table “at HOTEL .IREDELL, wits.JNO.H.GRAY, FOR RENT.Seven-room.house on*Sharpe| able and sensatiohal bargains offered some yhySmithey&Fraley,The Great Bar-|during The Big Sale.You should be .sure to see them.—ad.eaegain.Giyers,—ad,|ktrect,W.A.ELIASON,July %|THE LANDMARK'S ADVERTISERS.ARE UP.:TO-DATE. VOL.XLI.STATESVILLE,N.©.TUESDAY,JULY 27,1915. 8 Siac eerie aATHOUSAND ~Excursion Steamer Overturned at the Dock in Chicago—Aw- ful Disaster Probably Result of Criminal.Negligence. -Iw Chicago Saturday morning.about 1,000 persons,most’of them women *and children,were.drowned within a_few.feet.of land by the capsizing of,°the steel steamer Eastland,as it “wasabouttoleaveitswharfintheChica- go river with 2,500friendsofemployes of the WesternElectricCompany,for an excursion “across Lakerolledoveron its side in 25 feet ofwaterwithinfiveminutesafteritbe- Up to Sunday night 901 bodies had been recovered and it is believed ssibly 100 more are mud of the river under the steamer. There were 2,408 persons on boat when it turned over andjof these 1,002 had registered as savedSundayevening.It is believed,how- ever,that possibly 475 survivors,in-cluding the crew of 72,had failed macnnaeeaecea OFFENDERS.IN Some Go Free and Some Go to Jail—Fines For Others. J.Hugh Grier,colored,was ar- raigned in the mayor’s court yester- day on a charge of larceny and indefaultof$100 bond was sent to jailtoawaitSuperiorCourt.|Grier 'charged with sf¥ealing $13 or $14 from Will Tomlin,colored. Frank Cornelius,colored,was tax-ed $3.10 for being drunk and down.Morris Jurney of north Iredell wasfined$2.50 and costs in the mayor'scourtSaturdayafternoonforasimple assault on Will Ward. Lester Jones and Will Harris,bothcolored,were before Justice Lazenby} Saturday afternoon to answer for afightwhichoccurredafewdays.pre- vious.Each was required to give bondforhisappearanceatSuperiorCourt to answer a charge of assault with a In.the fight Harris struck Jones on the head with a rock, inflicting an.ugly wound,and Jones drew a gun on Harris.In Justice Lazenby’s court Satur- day’Todd Clark was acquitted of a charge of disorderly conduct. Laura Morrow,4 negro girl who had run away from her home at Hun- tersville,was arrested in Statesville Saturday evening by Policeman Wind-|}wayward boys in sor of Huntersville,who came.here gangs,in the penitentiaries and s0-in search of her,and was taken back}called—houses of correction with har-to Huntersville by the officer.There'dened criminals.from whom.the boyswasnocriminalchargeagainstthe girl.She had simply left home with- out her mother’s consent and the lat- ter sent the officer.after her. Richard Williams, tried before Justice Lazenby yester- day afternoon for securing money un- JOHN W.VANSTORY DEAD. Prominent Citizenof Olin.Pe ed Last Night--Other Deaths. Mr.John W..Vanstory,a promi-nent and'well known citizen of Olin township,died last night at 9:30.HehadbeenillsinceFriday.Mr.-Van-story is survived by his wife, daughters and two.sons,lives in Texas. ~DISTRICT CONFERENCE. Session Begins at Broad StreetChurchThisEvening—Feat- 1*ures of the Meeting—SundaySchoolInstitute‘Tomorrow. The Statesville District Conference will open at Broad Street Methodistchurchthiseveningat8o’elock,withasermonbyRev.J.T.Ratledge.ofTomorrowmorningat 10 HELP WAYWARD BOYS, Juyenile Protective AssociationOrganized—Mr.Jackson's LIVES LOST, The Juvenile Protective Association: of Statesville and Iredell.was organ-Broad Street Methodist church Sunday night following anaddress’by Rey.Crawford Jackson,the general secretary of the Juvenile All the other childrenliveinthisState.One daughter,Mrs.G.:F.Siceloff,lives in Statesville.-Mary Whitemonths-old daughter of Mr,and Mrs. J.M.Johnson,died Sunday eveningatthehomeofherparentson.Race Funeral services.were con-ducted from the residence yesterdayafternoonbyRev.J.H.Pressly andRev.C.M.Campbell and the burialwasinOakwoodcemetery.The childhadneverbeenstrongandhercondi- tion was serious for some days.beforedeath,Her twin brother is critically regular programmeOfficersofthelocalassociationwete/iin je opened:with a tanday.Gehl elected as follows: ly of Statesville president,Mr.J:E. of Mooresvillepresident,Rev.Dr.Chas.Anderson ofStatesvillesecondvicepresident,Mr.W.L.Gilbert of Statesville secre-tary and treasurer..Mr.|Turner was elected chief probationOfficerforStatesvilleandasimilarofficeristobeselectedat.Mooresville. Representatives H.P.G ;WN.Hall and Senator Dorman Thomp, son were named.as relatives and Rev.J.H,Press- and evening sessions will be devotedvariousphasesAddresstomorroweve-ning at 8 o’clock by Bishop Atkins. The subject of missions will have‘lan important place in Thursday andFriday's discussions.The questions ofchurchfinance,evangelism,the prop-er care of church property,educa- tion and young people’s come up for consideration.ill.-‘Among the matters of greatesticinterestmaybementionedtheonoffourlaydelegates.to rep-resent the district in the Annual Con- ference that meets in Reidsville the aa second week in November, work of granting licensemenwhoareapplicantsfor license to The election of delegates to the Annual Conference will take placeattheFridayafternoohsessionandthe-young -men--who are.applicants licensed Thursday deadly weapon. the legi ., .ecialgtn Charles,the 10-months old son of Mr.and Mrs.W.C.Moore,died ear-ly Sunday morning at the home of his parents on west Front after a long illness.burial took place yesterday morning,')‘Rev.Messrs.J.H.Pressly and C.'E.|'¥Raynal conducting the services.Miss Bettie Penick,a sister of thelateRev.P.T.Penick,pastor of the erian church of Mooresville, hursday at the home of_her sis- ter,Mrs,Baumann,in.Raleigh.De-ceased was an aunt of Mrs.J.H.Reid In his address Mr.Jackson made @strongappealihtheinterestofwaywardor“delinquent”boys of 4countryandcondemnedthepresentmethodsofpunishingchildrenunHedeclaredthattheStateiseriminalizingitsyouthby-placi Five large lake steamers had been The funeral and drawn up to the dock to take out the-erowd of excursionists,estimated.at7,000.The Eastland was the first toJoadandwhenthesteamer’s engines~were started the-boat-did-not_budge. ‘Instead it wavered sidewise,leaningfirsttowardstheriverstartlingthat learn to be still worse will probably be The speaker believes that ifChristwasonearthtodayand.was asked which is the greatest problemoftheday,He would point to the wayward child. r ‘blind,the dumb and the afflicted chil-der promise to work and then failing dren are cared for by the State,buttodothework.Williams was-work-jno provision is made for the child ing at the Coley barber shop and pre-|who has not had a chance because of vailed on Mr.Coley to advance himjits birth and home life—the misdi-rected child.The child is naturallyan—imitator and_if it grows up_with}. degenerates and criminals it will beHiscasewastried|like al under a statute giving the magis-|chance and get it to imitating mentratejurisdictionandJusticeLazenby,who are doing things and there will sent him,to the chain gang for 20;be no trouble about his work.A sonwillimitatehisfatherandnomatter how eareful the father may ~cover.up his sins,the child will kgthemandimitatethem..He is 4tedthroughimitationand it|/@™is no fault ,of his if he becomes a D.Dwaywardboyandgetsintothecourts,The State has,ichahcelessboysan placing them with hardened eriminals.They should be:givén a chanee to de-lyvelop into better meniCourt‘is the solution.of the!wayward because:it givés the boy‘a chance!It’s the courtoafter’God'sownheart‘when rightfully organizedand‘conducted. The’witk of the Juvenile.Protec-tive Association‘is the building and equipping of the Junior State,:at Cen-ter,Ga.,and like institutions in other |¢StheestablishmentofJuvenile|!*Courts and the probation system,pro-tecting and properly placing neglect-ed children and‘advocating adequate,State legislation.in the States whereneeded.Mr.Jackson told of his be- ginning in the work 13 years ago andtheprogresswhich-has .been made.Instances of boys who were savedfromjail‘and ‘developed into lurch was 80 passengers joined :course already on the river side of heeléd back. steadily toward Children .clutched theskirtsofmothersdndsisterstokeepfromfalling...The whole cargo wasimpelledtowardsthefallingsideoftheship.Water began to enter low- er portholes and the .hawsers tore~out the piles to which the vessel -was tied.Screams from passengers at- tracted the attention of fellow cursionists.on the dock awaiting the next steamer.Wharfmen and picnick- ers soon lined the edge of the em- bankment,reaching out helplessly to- wards the wavering steamer.-For nearly five minutes the turned ‘before it finally dived under the swift current of the river.During the mighty turning of the ship with ~jtg cargo of humanity, chairs and other There will be a sermon or an ad- dress each day of the.Conference atFLo’clock in the morning and one at 8 o’clock at night.Among the names of prominent Church appear on the programme are: Bishop James Waynesville;Rev.F.S.Parker,D.D., Trinity College,Durham;Rev.E.H. Rawlings,D.D..Missionary §secre- tary,Nashville,Tenn.; ;DD.Publishing ~House,Richmond,Va.;Rey..T.N.Ivey,D.,editor Christian,Advocate,._Nash- ville.Tenn.;,and the following from within the bounds of Western North England Makes Answer. Great Britain’s reply to the Amer- ican}note of March against,enforcement of the orders in council.which restrict merce,was received in WashingtonItholds‘that the ordersarewithininternationallawalthoughtheymayinvolveanewapplicationofprinciples,and argues that it is}:proper to await a judicial interpre- (The ship never turned slowly butitsleftside. The orphans,leaders that neutral com- $5.50.After getting the money Wil- lianig-went-to-Hickory_and_did_not_re- turn until Deputywentafterhim. The note,in courteous lanholds.that.Great Britain’s action isW.|justified by decisions:of the United..|States Supreme Court in cases arising:-|during the civil war.Any differences!with the United States over what istermedthenewapplication.of princi-ples are held to be proper for sumissiontojudicialsettlement, License on Automobiles For American Steamer“Sunk By German Submarines. A dispatch from ‘London.yesterdaystatedthattheAmericansteamship Leelanaw,from Archangel,.July 8, a cargo of flax,wasaGermansubmarineoffthenorthwestcoastofScotland.,All the members of the crew of the Leelanaw were saved.They werebroughtinto.Kirkw: .|West,Walter.Thompson,»A,Cole,Rev.H,M.Blair, The following representatives of he Churchsgolleges ae acces to 24 oer the doping’sunkSunday ning them by the "passengers ‘to-rentine,D.D.,GreensboroforWomen;Rev.James B.Craven, Davenport College;Rev.W.A.New-ell,Weaver College;Rev.M.'T.‘Hin- shaw,Rutherford:|.College;PresidentTrowbridgeofBrevardS¢hool, floors,crushingwardstherisingwas_a_plungéwitH''a sigh of air es- eagping from the hold,mingled with—erying-of-childnen.and shrieks:of wo-|boa List-takers whose,business it to see that all persons liable for taxes}!make.due.report,are concerned aboutthe,folks,who.let The Juvenile alfin their ownae obiles for’hire.that.there are well.as in:the towns—ines.on occasion—manyof 'them making it a regularbusiness.The State levies a tax o$5 per annum on ail persons,who letautomobilesforhireandall.thosewoulddowelltomake:report to alist-taker,‘lest a worse thing comeuponthem.The Sete comer Stitement ‘provesto be~cor!rect:it-adds much to the ‘seriousnessofthesituationwith:Germany.Flax, however,is contraband of war. men andthe,ship waoftheriver.#..+Many persons sank ,enta:clothing and byndles and did not’rise, but.hundreds.came-to-the surface and seized floating chairs and other ob- jects.Those on shore.threw ‘out ropes-and-dragged-in those who could hold,these life lines.commission firms alongthrewcrates,chicken coops and other ‘floatable things into the current,but ‘most of these were swept away by the stream,which runs five miles an svenothe:bottom venport.College.This is the fourth year of Rev:L.'T.Mann’s administration of the affairsoftheStatesvilleDistrict,and he is pecially gratified that the quadren- 1 conference of his presiding elder-ship -should be held at Broad Street church,the premier charge About 150 delegates are ex- pected to bein attendance.: in’August the county as who.hire their The next General Conference of the Methodist Episcopal...Church,South,will be held in Atlanta in 1918. Employes of against the lace.of her holiday:gown.passed througti crowd as word came from the steam- er that a girl baby had been-foundaliveamongthehundredsofdeadintheship.The child was discovered in a Starboard stateroom,where she hadbeenheldpeoFeet:eae at jammed against ‘the berth.@!citizens were given.baby only half awakened as it was t sialeete earried to land. ers whose busin all persoss liable for special taxes,and a good many hheendodgingtaxesofthatcharacteraregoingtobecalledtotaw. Ball This Week. The teams of the WesternLeaguebegantheirregular scheduleofgamesyesterday,with Statesville at Morganton and Gastonia at Le-noir,for the first three days of theweek.Lenoir will come.to States- ville for the:last half of the week and Morganton will:go to Gastenia.This will give Statesville three games this week—Thursday, Union'ServicesChurchNews. at Shiloh Presbyterian church begins tomorrow night,28th, at 8 o’clock,and will continue st people who have Boats put out,tugs rushed to the scene with shrieking ‘whistles many_men—snatched_off shoes and sprang into the river toaidthedrowning.With thousands of spectators ready to.aid and,thewharfwithingrasp,hundreds went to death despite every effort at res- cue.One mother grasped her.two children in her arms as she slipped {tom the steamer into theowater.One child was torn from her but she and the other were saved.Fathers weredrownedafteraidingtheirwivesand.children to safety. ism were almost as numerous as.thenumberofpersonsonthe In an hour the water was cleared Those:who had notbeentakentolandhad,sunk or.were swirling down the river towards the dramage canal locks at Lockport,Til, many,miles away.The locks were raised:to stop the current and ar- rangements were made to take bod- jes from the river ‘along its course through the southwest part of ‘Chi- ‘At the conclusion of the addressItsmothercouldnottheJuvenileProtectiveTwowomenwerefound!movement was endorsed by.the au-dience with a rising vote.Pledge ecards for contributions to the workwerethendistributedandtheorgan-ization of the local association fol-lowed.The officers elected had been agreed on at a conference of minis-ters and other interested’citizens heldduringtheafternoonandwererec-ommended for election,iMavor~L.C.Caléwell introducedMr.Jackson and-‘acted”as’chairmanofthebusinesssessionwhichfollow-Other chtrehes hadomitted.their evening servicesin the) union meeting ateet_and the pastulpitwiththespeaker andtookpartinthedevotionalexercises.The contributions and’pledges re- ceived Sunday night,supplemented byotherssecured.by ‘ terday,amounted to about $75. Suit Against the Cashier For Moore,will have the assistance~of Rev.F.A.Barnes of Mooresville.Rev.D.W.Herring,missionary.to China,spoke .atBaptist.church Thursday.evening intheinterestofmissiorisandat)the:same time Mrs.:Herring delivered aspecialmessagetoladiesat.the First thiigs about the Chinese and the mis- sion work in China were told andleasforamoreliberalsupportoftheworkweremade.‘Fierring’went from here to Ridge- alive in another stateroom in.a’pro-truding side of the Eastland.~ Identifications was slow and scenes at ‘the morgues were as.affecting asthoseattheriver.when the steamercapsized.Mothers fell acrossbiers.of children whom they hadsent-away a few ‘hours before on Instances of.hero-what was intended to be a day of :j ee the game at Mor- anton yesterday by.a.score of 7 to6...Lenoir won over:Gastonia at Le-~i noir by a score of 7 to 5.: Statesville lost two of the threeLénoirlastweek,losing PT?Thursday and.Saturday and winning: Friday.Inasmuch as these games do not.count in the League percentage W.|there was little interest in them Mr.Harris,Confederate Scout, Statesville won arious theories as tothecauseoftheaccident,Those most!discussed are four: was overloaded;that it was not prop-erly ballasted;that_a tug that madefasttowarptheEastlandfromthe docks started pwlling too soon;that congestion of passengers rushing .to the port side,attracted by.some pass-ing sensation,tipped th over.There is a fixed belief that theaccidentwasduetocriminal”negli-gence and.investigations are now inprogressbytheFederal,State authorities to fix There are -v: of excursionists.That the Peeeiee the address.aoe . Association hasadoptedthefollowing.schedule for. union Sunday~-evening -services.for: the month of August: August 1,Rev.J.F.Kirk at FirstBaptistchurch;August 8,Rev..Lutz ‘at First Associate Reform- ed Presbyterian church;August .15,Rev.©.E.Raynal at.Broad StreetMethodist.church;—August—22,—_Rev.}- Chas.Anderson at First Presbyterian church;August 29,Rev.J.H.Press-ly at First Baptist church,—f The -association.deciministerondutyfor these appoint;ments provide an outsider to preach and ow his failure to do so he is to preach.himself. interest of the Mr.Jackson.yes- Effortstoresuscitate-those—taken: from the river were generally.unsuc- cessful.Scores of,those rescued alive: were injured and they were taken to hakespeare Harris of”=| rus county,a noted scout of the Con-federate army,is spending a few days tin Statesville,the guest of his friend, Capt.P.C.Carlton,“Saturday Capt.Carlton and Mr.Harris visitedWi.P.Parks at Olin.arwithMr.Harris on scout duty in theConfederateserviceandthetwohadnotmetsincethattime—more tha 50 ‘years.ago. Hon.W,D.Turner,receiver of the Bank of Cleveland,which failed somemonthsago,recently instituted suit “A fund of $200,000 will be raised;in Rowan Superior Court against J.for the relief..of the families .of thedead‘and injured Land the Electric Company -will provide an .ad- ditional.$100,000.from:its employes’insurance fund..Relief funds will.bedistributedbytheRed*Cross,Sunday was a day of mourning inThroughoutthecitypray-ers were offered in churches for the steamer -was improperly constructedisinconsterna-hte:wiole:city |was ‘and was regarded unsafe.tion over the catastrophe..News of the accident spread rapidly and to the thousands already at or near the wharf,other thousands added them- The Clark street bridge near the wharf.was crowdedthreatenedfocollapse. to be cleared;by the’police to,allowofambulances. ness men sent their automobiles andmotortruckstohelpaidtheinjuredandcarryawaythedead.\Flags ‘onpublicbuildingswereplacedathalf;places were:draped Baseball games’were postponed and febtivities largely ceas- Dr.Parks.was T.Williamson,‘Jr.,cashierbankatthetimeofthefailure,for$10,000,the amount.Williamson is al-leged to be due thewasbroughtinarrest and bail’pro-Leeedings--and.Williamson,—-w now living.at Lexington,his home,was required to.give bond in the ‘sum t on behalf of;bank and Mr.f f Statesville,at-the directors,isereceiverinbeha =Sunday Mr,Harris}’ and Gapt.Carlton were at all Heal-ing:Springs,returning yesterday.Mr.Harris is an interesting /per-|sonality and his stories of his experi-duty for the Confed- erlite army are very interesting.’\ al Taxes Must Be Paid.\Collector Watts a notice a internal revenue special taxes mus crossinghepaidforthesimonthsfromJuly|"‘ ist to December 3ist,’on or before $1,which is next Saturday,orjville last evening to Visit Mrs...Oy penalties will:be added.»|Turbyville.:ites These special taxes are levied’on ] ‘aetured tobacco’whose}vi g Mrs.G. or more;thea-|‘brokers,pawn-|tives in’the coun brokers,bowling alleysy pool and:bil-/his home at:De liard saloons,dealers in leaf tobac bank.The suit\Col.Cameron and theMemorial ‘Mr.Benéham Cameron of Durhamstoppedin.Statesville one day lastwecktoseeamemorialwindowinTrinity“Episcopal church which —hedonatedtothechurchyearsagoas&. thank offering:from.the Bostian:bridge.wreck:Mr. Camerom Wasa passenger:on the ill- fated train’which plunged.from ge,two,milesear,24,years ago—Aus -resulting in the: ences on scou The action is‘brou was in San Francisco to help \ecle-|the stockholders of t brateIllinois ‘Day at the exposition |R.today,left for home at.once.Num-erous messages of condolence .weresenttothecity,including one fromPresidentWilson,who ordered an in-vestigation ‘by the Federal authori-|’or= OSe..F0 2)‘Other Similar Disasters.I In the sinking of the Titanic off aes‘ shed;1,100.lives|fat mast and “many with mourning. While those_on land.were dispos-ing of the dead,injured and rescued, the divers in the heart of the sunken vegsel sent up an ‘almost constantcorpses.from’the sub- merged decks.First it was a girl inherteenswho.‘had ‘been caught,be- tween.a pile of chairs and a tabi wall,Next it‘ered from thefondfather,who had clu ffspring even in.death,’can “old.woman,Wwe,ship to.wat e.d 1 lyearly.sales are $200Meathhe-sent money’tors and picture.shows,-pay for a memoriaiscopalchurch,He Sladen until last!atessedthroughStates-mobile en-route home’ Newfoundland Gan1,592 persons.peri were lost when the Lusitania was tor. 01 |A definite,a dahanectnadiianienoid Senator Overman will be the o at the annual.reunion.of cans of x Ai typhoid:feverhteeiad.it de epidemic.ison in: BRIEF ITEMS LOCAL NEWS. imMeeting of Civic League ab)the Commercial Club House ‘thisnoonat4:30.CAE es=—The condition.of Rev."W.T,Walker-of Barium,which was:sl yimproved,was not good.last eve-— ning.4 a easeTheevent’of the week is thepic- nic at Mooresville Thursday.ea 4 train.from,Statesville at ‘8 0 Rayredey recryne:iy si dis :~The electric »power »d ¥and next day we're held.bp.while-the jgasfolkscatchup.modern ‘con,«‘veniences are all right while te ~—Mr,Weston:Taylor of Hickory,isanew.bookkeeperattheFirst,Nation-—al Bank,succeeding Mr.Geo.W..King of Charlotte;who.was‘hereforafewmonths.eine aes—Remember the concert at “the:court house this evening by the Ox-ford orphanage class.The ¢cancerttsworthwhileandthecauseitrepre-sents should appeal to us.=—The Alumnae Association ofStatesvilleCoffewillmeet“inShearerHall,at thecollege,‘tomor-raw afternoon at 5 o’elock.‘All themembersareurgedtoattendprompt- —~E.Mack Deaton of ‘Roxboro,‘son.of Mr.E,C,Deaton’of Mooresville,-underwent a serious operation forpendicitisin‘Salisburya few+:ago.His condition.at last untreeesbegheanacoat : A large sea turtle,weighing 7.pounds,arrived in Statesville Satur-day for Dr.F..L.Sharpe,having ‘beensentfromMoreheadCitybyMr.R.A.Cooper,who is there with the Ire-dell Blues.The tart ene trip as a passenger 0:express)car,having been gent alive ‘without ‘beincrated,the express.tag’his leg,.He was:displayed bySharpeatthePolk.Gray Drug Com:pany’s store.‘"i When i & of f a " B Y s for the Confederate veterans,recent-|.ly sent.Capt.P.C.-:t for:his’ Confederate bill in.services:in steadingtbeSono.WalaawroteGen...Willianbeat‘paid as a colon‘was entitled to :ing a brigadier.Gimtional$100 ( sent an.adbill.and with it a letterCarltonhighly.prizes.. rive in.Statesvilldecided’to begin:givin¢icination ‘im ;4Thevaccination¥at the courthouse th6to7o’elock.—it will be adminiathouseeverymorning frlandeveryeveningfr LsattheBoulevard:store of the ville Drug Co.,every ito7.The free vaceeterpointinthe¢ aken up later int accordanceitinerarypublishedinThe’ The work is in charge’of Ddams,city physician,andilwee,county physician.—a aa Dr.Johnson Will Join the _ Charity and Children. ‘:The Statesville Landmark is.to start a movement ivor. time singing schoolsadlinginsteadofmusic:oat a a dozennanunknown tongue.with the Judge,and|hgrowwearyinwellduptheagitationuntilscomplished.The LandmarkperpapertoleadtitisnextdoorneighborwhereJ.P.Caldwell usedeverymancould.make peandsingbynote.aS The Forsyth Marder Case.~‘At the present term of ForsythSupériorCourt,which began yes‘day,the trial of Mrs.fda!‘Waren,Clifton Stonestreet and ieChristy,charged’with the murder of |Mrs.Watren’s husband,G:J.% ren,is Seanad to So oe Wer : it ha be’recalteren’s.dead body,walfound in a creek near.Salém;and it was months:7.remains were identified.The case:has attracted much attention. While re is &@ compara’in the fighting in southen:land;there has been’no dimirtheGerman.attacks .to,the:of Warsaw and northwardgionoverthePolish”hate . governess fc.ovno and:€Despite the tinate \NetheRosbia\the Ger .nsftheNarew Miss Annie Moore went to:I Co Mrs.J.H.Owens.G.)A.Critcheri:.Floyd “Ford,who eator|United Staten te oesday.by the a ently been there a long time. ‘/*vas’known to be ”y Lire erie . irtehnaph <stemiarerntie hah nee etre areennameacoesesae{|r18 A.FINAL.WARNING.pip,|The Governmentof the Unit |FROM ABOUTSTATE. “Accidents Crimes and Other In- >eidents of Life inNorth ‘8.W.Finch has been @ ‘e Burlington is to have city deliveryahmallsebectiveOctoberIst... "Rey.Walter Holcomb,a well knownevangelist,is conducting a meetingatRed’Springs. Gastonia Gazette:.A Gastonia firm,the Cocker Machine &Foundry Com-pany,has been awarded a contract forthemanufactureanddelivery.of 4,000steelcasings.for five-inch shrapnel,the order being in the nature of a sub-contract.:‘ While playing bear at thehome of, their parents,Mr.and Mrs.Mann:Barrett,five miles from Shelby,Curtis Barrett,seven years old,shotandinstantlykilledhisbrother,Clyde Barrett,12 years old.They thoughttheyhadanunloadedgun.— \'C,Ed.Taylor of Wilmington,rid- ing in an’automobile in a.driving rainstorm,was rendered unconscious and his machine stopped.Taylor was later found by friends,He thinks hewasunconsciousforhalfan,hour andthatlightningdidthework. Whe Seaboard;Air Line RailroadGompanyhasfiled.with the-corpora-:tion potoiesion exceptions M ihevaluation..placed.on its.property fortaxationThecasewillbeheardAu-gust 12th..The Laurinburg andSouthernRailroadCo.has also filed ex¢eptions to its assessment. The Review says a couple of Reids-ville lawyers,P.T.Stiers and E.-H. Wrenn,Jr.,“fout”on the streets of Reidsville a few days ago but media- tors managed to get them separated before any lasting injury was done.‘Wrenn,who was the aggressor,wasfined.$5.and-cost-in the recorder’s court. J.S,Bandy,a former revenue of-ficer and ‘well known citizen of Cataw-ba county,died Monday night of lastweekathishomepearBall’s Creekcampground,Mr.Bandy died while a severe storm was in progress.He‘was a sufferer from heart disease andit‘is ‘believed’the excitement on ac-count of the storm caused his.death, “C..M.Hawkins was arrested inMarionafewdaysagoforalleged —eomplicity inthe illicit liquor-—fraudsatFort’Smith,Ark.Hejwa:willon$5,000 ‘bond.Tie saeday WillmithwasarrestedatiFortSmith, Ark.,on a similar charge.The ar-t of the two makes a total of 18ted:for Nuor frauds at Fortith. Capt.F.C.;ins,80 interest maa I It illiterates an hour a night,:twoightsaweek,thé class to begin inptemer,when the“nights are long-‘-Robbins,who -is_a ,lawyeridaiin&nt:.citizen of yee beig'a brother of the late Major W.M.bins of Statesville.The Reidsville Review:is’informediBatwhenbees.were ‘seen at work.be+een thous ia uanibemtantatLocustHill¢hurch,’Rocking-mm.county,an examination disclosedagréatmassofhoneystoredbetweentheweatherboardingandceilingofthechurch.Some of it:had are r.Felix Miles tells the Review that 1,500 pounds of honey was taken out. ~The amount seems a trifle largé..-~ Mrs.Lou Burleyson,who.died‘at {Lexington’moonlight. -her home in Stanly county recently,a Hoarder of money and she was supposed.to have sev eral ie dollars in gold secretedaboutremises.When her execu-"tor took’eharge of het effectshe!found only $55,and itis feared themoney-the old lady was ‘supposed to“have was stolen or that she hid it soearefullyitcan’t be found..Possibly_the amount of her savings was exag--gerated.. Will Hep After Great Britain. Senator Overman last week sent.a_.telegram to President.Wilson urging,hat the United States.take immedi-ate action with Great:Britain so ‘that~‘the order-in-council ‘may be modified to the British government in i Cans’ to allow.cotton to go through to ‘the :neutral ports.of .northern:Europe‘without regard to ultimate destina-tion if that.destination is not.reach---ed all by ‘water..-The Senator has re-ceived the following letter in reply:‘My Dear Senator:I have your tel- egram of yesterday.You may restassuredthatthoughwehavenotbeentalkingaboutitinpublic,no-_thing ‘has-been omitted by way ofconstantandurgent--representations matter you spoke of,and we ghall notneanyeffortofanykind.Inas’“Cordially and sincerely yours,“WOODROW WILSON,” ATTT_To Ask About the OrdunayTheUnitedStateswillmakedmaticinquiriesofGermanyrépard-ing the submarine attack on the Cu-nafd liner Orduna,at a time:whenshewasbringingascore.of'Ameri-.home.“report _of.an-investigation con-ducted by Customs Collector Malone“at New York,presented to the StateDepartment,embracing affidavits of8,ckeW and passengers on theliner,contains the sworn.statementof.at least ‘one American’passengerthattheshipwasattackedwithout‘warning.||TRAVELING MAN'S EXPERIENCE.“In,the summer of 1888 I had a very severeattackofcholeramorbus.Two nphysi-worked overmé from 4 a.m.to 6.p.m.without giving me any relief and then toldme‘theydid notexpect ive;that Iibest_te!for my family.—tostendgavethehotelporterfiftyhimtobuymea_bo'tle ofColic,Cholera and Diurrhovaéno.substitute.I took aaecordingtothedirectionsandleepafter.thaamecond dose.At 5“T waa -calted by ointed“postmaster at Lexington.)=“ *|unsatisfactory, the of States.Gives Germany Em--phatic Warning—The RightsofNeutralsMustBeRegard-i.oe Following is the official text of thelast.American note to:Germany;|‘The note.‘of the imperial GermangovernmenesPaarofJuly,1915,has/received the careful consid-eration of the «government of the United States and it regrets'to be ob-liged to say that it has found it verybecauseitfailstomeettherealdifferencesbetweenthetwoernmentsahd:indicates no‘wa iewhich the accepted principles of law and humanity may be applied but proposes,on the’.contrary,,ar- rangements for 4 partial suspensionofthoseprinciples.which virtuallysetthemaside.—SassThe’government.of)thé United imperial German government recog-nizés without reservation the validity of the principle insisted on in the sev-eral communications.whith this gov-ernment has addressed to the’impe- rial German government with regard to its’announcement of a war zoneandtheuse“of submarines againstmerchantmen.on the high seas—the principle that the seas are free,thatthecharacterandcargoofamer-ehantman must first be ascertainedbeforeshecanlawfullybeseizedordestroyed,and that’the lives of non-conibatants may in no case be put-in jeopardy unless the vessel resists orseeksto:escape after being summon-.ed to submit to examination,for a’belligerent act of retaliation is.per!se an act ‘beyond the law,and the de- fense of an act»as retaliatory is an admission that it is illegal.? The government ©of--.the..'United ‘States is,however,keenly disappoint-ed to find thatythe imperial German \vovernment regards.itself as’in largedegreeexemptfromtheobligationto observe these principres,even where neutral vessels -are concerned,~by what it believes the policy and prac- tice of the government of Great Brit- ain to be in the present war with re- gard to neutral commerce.The im- perial German.government will read- ily understand that the governmetit of the United’States cannot discuss ee policy ‘of the government ‘of steat Britain with regard to peutraltradeexceptwiththat.government it- self,and that it must regard the con-duct of other “belligerent goyern- ments as!irrelevant)to;any discussion with the’imperial.*German ©govern-ment of what this government re- gards as ‘grave and unjustifiable vio- lations ‘of the rights of Ameés#ican citi-zens hy.German naval icommanders. Tilegal and inh n acts;*-however,justifiable they may -be thought to be,ageinst-any enemy who is believed to have acted -in¢outravention of law and humanity,ate manifestly inde-fensible _when y deprive neutralsoftheiracknzedrights,particu- larly when they violate the:right tolifeitself.If a belligerent cannot re- taliate against an enemy without in- jaring the lives of neutrals,as’wellastheiAPLMSngs?E as wellas’cha aridue rege d fér'itheignity.of neutral,powers,shauld.dic-ate that thie ete s sha Naie:continued.*/If ‘persisted ‘in tie Gould insuchcircumstancesconstituteanun-pardonable offense against the sover-eignty of thé neutral nation affected.The government:ofthe United Statesisnotunmindfuloftheextraordi-nary condition created by this.war,of the radiéal.alterations of circum- stances”and method of attack~—pro-duced by the use of instrumentali-ties of naval warfare/which the na-tions of the world cannot have hadinviewwhentheexistin&rules of in-ternational law were formulated,anditisreadytomakeevery:reasonableallowanceforthesenovelandunex-pected aspects of war bt sea;but:itcannot.consent to abate any essentialorfundamentalrightofitspeoplebe-cause of a.mere alteration of circum-stance,The rights of neutrals in timeofwararebased.jupon principle,‘notupon,expediency,*and”the principlesare’immutable.”It is the duty andobligationofbelligerentsto‘find awaytoadaptthenewcircumstancestothem.weg The:events of the past two monthshayeclearlyindicatedthat:itis pos-sible and practicable to conduct suchsubmarineoperationsashavecharac-terized the activity of the imperialGermannavywithintheso-calledwarzone’in -substantial--accord—withthe"accepted practices of regulatedwarfare.The whole world has look-ed with interest and increasing satis-faction.at’the demonstration.of ‘thatpossibilitybyGermannavalcom~manders.It~is manifestly possible,|therefore,to ‘lift the whole practicefsubmarineattackabovehecriti-cism-which ‘it has aroused and.re-move the chief cause of offense,In view of the admission of ille-gality made by the imperial govern-menj when it pleaded the right oftaliationindefengeof-its acts,andviewofthemanifestpossibilityof‘jeonforming:to the established~rules-/Of naval warfare,the government oftheUnitedStatescannotbelieve‘that‘the imperial German governmentwilllongerrefrain’from disavowingthewantonactofitsnavalcom.mander in.sinkingthe Lusitania,oy,from offering reparation for Amer-ican ‘ives lost,so far as repara-on can be made for a needless de-ereuetinn of{:human life by an illegalact.’The government of,the UnitedStates,whilé not indifferent to.thefriendlyspiritinwhichitismade,carinot accept the suggestion of theimperialGermangovernmentthat’certain vessels he designated ‘and the seas now illegally prescribed.Theveryagreementwould,by implica-tion,subject _other—vessels—to--iHegat-attack and.would be a curtailmentsnd,therefor 4,an wnbandonment oftheprinciples‘for wich this govern-ment contends and which in times ofcalmercounselseverynationwouldngcoeasofcourse...-e government of the ~UnitStatesandtheimperialGermana ernment are contendiug forthe samegreatobject,have long stood togeth- in the grave matter in controversy, States notes with satisfaction that the}. agreed upon which shall be free on| er in urging the very pr nhichthegovernmentofStates»now,solarebothcontending.the seas,The ¥mnfreed jtend for that freedom erquarterviolated,without compromiseand’at any cost,It.invites “prac:|tical co-operation of the .imperial!German government at)this’ree when co-operation ma.scent!0)8neandthisgreatobject‘be/moststrikinglyandeffectivetyacpleved,|THe imperial German ernment|expresses the hope”that’this objectmaybein‘some méasure’aceomplish-|ed eveh -before the present war ‘ends.|It can be.The government of.theUnitedStatesfeelsobligedtoinsistuponit,by whomsoever violated:or|ignored,‘in.the protection of.its own’citizens,but it is:also.deeply ‘inter-|jested in seeing it made practicable| und holds itgelf ready at any:time to’act.as the common friend who may| be privileged to suggest a way,Tn the meantime the very value)which this ‘government ‘sets upon the!Jong and-unbroken friendship —be- tween the people and government of)the United States and the people and| government of the Germanimpels:it to press very soleabity upon| the.imperial German government! the necessity for u serupulous ob-|servance of neutral rights -in ©this| critical matter.Friendship ‘itself|prompts it to say to the ©imperial|government -that repetition by —the |commanders of German naval vessels |of acts in contravention of’those|rights must-be-regarded by the gov-|ernment of the United States,when‘) liberately unfriendly. Sorenmantirinmetnr an aennnamees eaten ti bieNEWSITEMSOFINTEREST. Happenings Here ‘and:'There in the Country.© Col.Roosevelt announcedFranciscothathefavoredGov,John-| son.of California for President next:year.-:} William M.Ivins,'a prominent New| York lawyer,died in New York)city |on the 23d,~aged 64.He.Was.the leading counsel for William.Barnes!lin the latter’s recent libel suit against| \Col.Roosevelt. Grief over the death of her husband,George-L.Vernon,a film manufactur-|er,who lost his life on the Lusitdnia, is believed to be responsible’for ‘the| suicide of Mrs.Inez Vernon,who shot| herself-to-death in-New York a few!days afro,ia rf Rw.F.Haynesworth,:president.)of | the ational:bank -at-Sumter,$:1:C.;:)died:jin:the..union passenger-station| at:Birmingham,:Ala.,on!thei 23d,He| te-his:brother|at Shreveport;La.,and \became ill on the train:(i pane 4 ‘Former Representative Al Mitehell |Palmer ‘of Pennsylvania,‘whom Pres:| ident Wilson appointed last spring as’ a judge of the United States‘Court'of ) ‘Claims’and who the‘public "supposed was on the job long ago,has decide mot to aecept the position.*re, Forrfation ‘of a great American cot-nm pool to hanile ‘exports to Europenderan‘agreement’with “the ‘Britishovertimént;has ‘been’proposed’'in-riaityto*the-State Department“as‘heats’!of ‘dquitably”distributing ‘trade as Great Britain tind.héy'alffés'| permit to be carried on with ‘neutral|countries.Pee : James M.Sullivan,American min- ister to the Dominican republic,hastenderedhisresignationtd.President‘Wilson_and_it has been -acdepted. Sullivan’s resignation is the ©¢onse- quence of an\investigation conductedbytheStateDepartment.through Senatpr Phelan sof California,intothemipister’s fitness for the.office:The findings were unavorable to.Sul-ivan,t ; As a protest against the removal of W.T.Vernon,formerly register ofthe United States Treasury;from ‘the presidency of Campbell’s “College,a negro institution at Jackson,Miss.,Bishop J..M.Connor of.the AfricanMethodist‘Episcopal Church,wasburnedineffigy.by ‘several hundrednegroesatthe’conclusion ‘of a”mass| meeting.Connor is president of theboardoftrusteesofthecollege. /William B.Tanner,‘chief clerk oftheminorcoindivisionintheUnitedStatessub-treasury.in .Wallstreet,New -York,has been —ar-rested,charged with embezzlinggovernmentchargedwithembezzlinggovernmentfunds.He was held in$7,500 bail to await the action of theFederalgrandjury.Tanner,accord-ing to government officers,is chargedwiththelarcenyof$3,920,which it ischargedheappropriatedbysubstitut-ing pennies for five-cent pieces in coin“intended:for:deliveryto Panama Canal’s Finances. Counting only the costof.opera-tion of civil government,—sanitary work and!administration,and the handling of ships,the Panama canal now is on a paying basis,according to official reports.bs Receipts’for May not.only wipedoutthedeficitof$39,480 which -had|grown up sincethe opening up of thecanaltrade,but left ©a:balance’of$177,799,which works out a profit of4.79 per cent on the expenditure,This,however,makes no allowatice for in-terest on the vast sumof money.ex-pendedin the construction of ©thecanalandfrom;that point of view thereceiptsfromtollshavenotyet,equal-,ed the.expenses.;HAVE YOUWEAK LUNGS? Do colds settle on your chest or in yourbronchialtubes?Do coughs hang on,orareyousubjecttothroattroubles?(/: treatment with the strengthening powersofScott’s Emulsion.to consumption which so easily follows,”Scott’s Emulsion containsoilwhichpeculiarly.stren,piratorytractand im:thequality oftheblood;the glycerine in it soothesandhealsthetendermembranesofthethroat._..Scott's is bed by the ~ ecod liver |,ensthe res- of |e government of.the the principal’express esUnitedStateswillcontinM-the Gaited Staton ave ian Nation,|‘ they.affect American citizens,as de-|5 in.San|ff was #eturningto Sumter from a wisit| |ulceration,tumors,irregularities,~etc. among’the ‘producers “such otton|Megs banks.7| Such troubles should ‘have immediate}vs ::;Build a BrickHouse orBrick-Veneer'‘|your old house.Warmer in winter,‘cooler in summer,climinates frozen. _The Inter-State Commerce Commis:sion has decided that the revenues oanil*)quate athecommissionhasmodifiedits’for-,mer order so as to allow an increaseintheratesof’the companies that |estimated to increase the revenues '3.86.per cent,’The commission's”re-|”rt shows that the net operating rev-cate of the four big companies havedecreasedtoadeficitof$1,132,811-intheyear1914-1915 and in:the sameperiodoperatingincomedecreased$2,449,863.‘While the financial con-dition’of certaitof the petitioners ismorefavorablethanthatofothers,”says the ‘report,“it clearly appearsthat'as a whole they are operating atalogs.”tS NI)|Near New,Berne two negro boys| between the)belligerents’themselves,'were riding thules.A bolt of light;ning killed beth mules and one of theboys.The other hoy escaped. IN SUCH PAINWOMANCRIED Suffered Everything Until Re-stored to Health by Lydia. E.Pinkham’s Vegeta-.ble Compound. Florence,So,Dakota.—"I used ta be }.very..sick..every*month with bearingdownpainsandbackache,and hadheadacheagooddealofthetimeandveryjittleappetite. The pains were sobadthatIusedtositrightdownonthefloorandcry,be-31 cause it hurt me soandIcouldnotdoanyworkatthosetimes.An old wo--man advised me to try Lydia E.Pink- ham’s Vegetable Compound and I got abottle,i felt better the next month soItookthreemorebottlesofitandgot |weli so I could work all the time.IhopeeverywomanwhosufférslikeIdidwilltryLydiaE.Pinkham’s VegetableCompound,’’—Mrs,P.W.LANSENG,Box8,Allyn,Wash. Why wili women continue to suffer dayinandday-out or drag out a sickly,half-hearted existence,missing three-fourths|when they can find |of the ae of living,:health in Lydia iE.Pinkham’s;‘egetable | Compound?.,.abinie’” For thitty years it has beenthestand-'ard remedy for female ills;and’has:re~*stored the health of thousands of womenwho-have been troubled with such ail-ments as displacements,inflammation, If,you want special advice write toLydiaE.Pinkham Medicine Co.(eonfi-dential)Lynn,Mass,Your letter will be..opened,read and,answered,by awoman.and held in strict.confldence...MORTGAGE SALE OF LAND.’ rt Ty tthai moyteage deed executed I+),Lon Morrison andie,Morrison to the late Mrs.W.._E.Waterhouse,the undersisiiedmeet strator ofthe’dstate ‘of the said Mrs.W.E.Water-|hovsé,will sell at.public.anction -to thehighest-bidder for -cash at’the court house |door in.Statesville,N.G..onMONDAY,AUGUST 2,1915,at 12 o'clock,m.,‘the following descrihed tract of land in Shiloh tc wnship,to-wit:Be- ginning at a stone Stewart’s new corner inLollar's-tine,running ‘norh 3 $-4 degrees east186polestoa.stone in Mrs,Sallie Stewart's line,thence north 86 1-2 degrees west 42 3-4polestoastonenearnew.Bethany church, thence south3 8-4 degrees west 189 poles to ginning.excepting “a small corner’eonveyed to.newBethanychurch.“AL G, Waterhouse Mortgagee.R,B.McLaughlin,Aity.July 2d,1915. THE NORTH CAROLINACollege‘of AgricultureAndMechan‘e Arts Young men seeking to equip them+ ture and all its allied branches;in Civil,Electrical and:Mechanical En- in’Textile Industry,andtural.Teaching wilf —find the State’s Industrial’College.College fits men.for life.for the comingstudents;.-25equippedlaboratories in each depart-ment.County examinations at each ear of 65 men;767 ~By “Virtue of the ‘(powers ‘contained ih a)* $"ETHUSALEH lived nine hundred’and sixty-nine ‘M years and wrote all his letters as his fathers did,-Why shoulda’t ke?~He had plenty of time.With himit,wasn’t a case of saving time but of killing time. But we don’t live eo long nowadays and most of us have ;gotten over the Methusaleh idea in the last thirty years.We ¢have found that the time saved ahd the debor saved by the writing machine is worth saving by everyone,who has writing to do. Typewriting is two or édrce:times faster than pen writing,it is easter:and less fatiguing,it Loks beter,and itis the up-to-date way to: write.Reasons a-plenty for buying a typewriter;don’t you think? ()*The typewriter for which YOU and most people have been Waiting is the new ;‘Remington JUNIOR‘Typewriter +Think of it!Here isa first-class typewriter,a genvine Reming-ton,carryitg the iron-clad Remington guarantee and ombady .ing just the qualities youd need, ©The price of the Remington Junior is $50.00,cash with order.How does it differ frorn the standard tundred-deoilarRemingtons?Only smadér,and Aghter,with fever porte—just the machine you need for the simpler uses,such as manuscript and letter writing.. :For $55.00 we will sell you a Remington Junior on termsof$5.00 down and $5.00 a month, Better seize this opportunity and buy now.Cut out theattachedcouponandsendittouswith$5.00 ia cach,checkormoneyorder,-and we will send the machine. {Incorperated} -Remington Typewriter Co. South Tryon St ,Charlotte,N.C. Sebel Printing Co.,Local Dealers,. oo If I retainthe ine agree toforitanadditionalsumo!in monthlypaymentsof $5.00 ee ‘’ ss —~ i n h m c n e m m a m e i m e c e e e e n . ca n e s , EE E AT St i 7%Y [KEEP C a stone,thence east 42 8-4 poles to the be-|4Containing40.acrea_more or less,|3 CLICK,Administrator Mrs.W.FE.13 selves:for practical life in Avricul-|% gineering;in Chemistry and Dyeing;|#in:Asricul-|-# excellent |#provision:for their chosen carcers at}#This|3Faculty|# uildings.Admirably oe nnn nee WwwATa TheFountain of Quality Mint Lime-Ade : “Charley Chaplin Sundae Nabisco Nut Sundae Rube Wilson Sundae. te eeaoe ‘Statesville Drug Comp’y,|Quality Prescriptionists. SSLTITTITITIessessssesessesccesesees pesoccsovocessceseesesossettseteer county seat-on July 8th,if For catalogue,write i ,Registrar,WestRaleigh,N.C... RUBBER TIRE! Season is here.We use best rub-ber made—Firestone and Kelly—and will save you money.Tiressethotorcold.Quick service. Yours tu serve, LenoirCollege,Hickory,N.C.| Co-Education:under the best conditions and management.A_real ChristianCollege,but not sectarian.Our A.B.graduates enter Graduate Depa)tment ainourStateUniversityandotheruniversitiesand\‘attain the A.dM.degree in ‘one year.5 b 'Five Modern buildings,steam heat,electric lights,city water,and gas.New.Yoder Science Building,-with up-to-date lmboratories for Chemistry,‘Physics andBiology,Library.and Reading Room.Clean Athletics.”Splendid ‘Dorm:tovies,*GOOD BOARD AT COST for young men last session,$9.20 a month;for young‘women,$9.00 a month;room rent $1.50 a month.er "Departments:Literary,Music,(Fiand,Veloe,Hiolin),Expression,Art,Busi-ness,Domestic Science and Domest ,and Preparatory.‘, GENUINE COULEGE ADVANTAGES WITHIN REACH OF THE PEOPLE! Write ‘for Catal he ; .‘TROUTMAN &SUTHER. ButterWrappers! We have the very best Parchment Butter Paper,‘ and can print your name_and.brand on same.Let us“have.your order for any.‘quantity you want.See us.»Prices reasonable.‘Brady Printing Co. .Has every advantage.~Solider-pinning under framehousewillhelpsome,ag DraiaTile R.L.FRITZ,President,-Hickory,N.C.| Scott&Bowne,Bloomfield,N.J,“ists,Wad tae peel Uh cay dee ae|Statesville Brick Co, Ne AE I See Fire,Tornado,Live Stock,Automobile,Liability, Plate Glass,Steam Boiler,Accident ~and Health or Life Insurance — ___._.We solicit your businessforthe leading -.companiés writing the different lines of ._ insurance. on request. ERNEST G._PHONE23. Full information obtained REAL.3OFFICENO.1,PSs betips Ala "1 must confess,’we Mae Reid,of this place,i Swine-‘Diesdeor ‘gach May Demonstrate in Iredell) Modern Methods ofMarket-| ing Hogs.;‘Kredell’will probably be selected “4 one of several counties in which’‘the North Carolina Swine Breeders’As- sociation will endeavor to \demon- _S O R P E R E E . ne yom 8 tonic ie mi f Cagee5.OP Soe Trala i ;=gis strate modern methods of marketing ~petore Cardul,1)°"*Cuapeorrssear amine.ILLE hogs.At a meeting of the officers of epi upieverytiy I ate.|hada yan Maite the association,held in Charlotte y feel ail the tise;and wes ‘Train No,16 ar.9.0),leaves 10.35a.m.}py),da h .keti f hi as Deol tehard}around sree tae Be Ge Sadi Taira B28:pe me |horney wie MAEROEe'©ognisisteeeaseeatBATESensOa“an.2 ves s ee Cardui,Train ‘Mo,15 a an ae leaves 6:45 bm.Tnonld aire suecial qnphesie this spittin an what ITeer ereeaten:Nee.74 and Mastin eer sthe swine eee oe .ithe coming yéar is the purposea23csadehand7‘nave Young.Wore Destroy ed the!ite selectA umber |of oan infon: ;'State where there is su ent inter- Pilyou area veinofany of the at hace Springs,Alleghany Co,,Cor-'est in hog raising and endeavor.to torong to sili,ae apo ex,:pepoens Winston-Salem Joube |Geapogearcate,“tne ow,never eS ‘of ;marketing the porkers in large lots.’ sn st ce!Cardu has beenre-Not many days since a genuine|The plan is to organize the farmers pL myheyverbeha iprovenbythe|id-fashioned blockade still,pouring|in clubs or community eroups,,with ig pour io ot Office,year by vent out unadulterated booze as clear as/|the understanding and agreementthat successful because it is com-ee ingredients whichwhichact specificallywormanlypowoarheeakenedorgansatetSakeotie aby anh others,and will hiKtapebottleereYouWontregetYourdruggistselispeSeee"case andGt-page book,’”Home and MELROSE LOU ‘No Fresh Meats. M.P.Alexander &Bro. *PHONE 241. Engraved Cards Don’t.leave homewithcubasupply.Bhs an in'thisaveyourZe210. -——Sold exclusively by——|Mer-MeLain SupplyCo.| E ‘|LEES.HEADACH AND——— Neuralgia Remedy +Safely and Quickly Re. ~lieves Headache and.New: ’palgia and‘nervous .Head-ache.Also tor headache~eaused by-coldsand grippe. —10e.,,25e.and 50c. _AtJountains 5e. ‘FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGDEAALERS.er crystal,was found in’a dense woods |near Ore Knob,and when this infor-|mation reached the earsBerthaThompsonand Lellege Lee,they promptly moved to the scene ofaction.and_uged the hatchet and axewiththeskillanddexterityofoldandexperienced’raiders. young ladies of ¢haracter,moral courage should prove an-inspi- ration to men ‘whose good intentions omen,”sent inplainwrapper.WC120 [are Gérmany,President Wilson return-ed Friday to Cornish,N.H.,tofinish his summer.vacation. Ford’s Opera House in Washington ‘aithetimePresidentLincolnwasshot,died a few~~or ago in Passaic,N.:J. |Wonderful Remedy and was astonish- ofist not’patitactory,5peney will be each member of the club or group eHall “finish”his hogs for market at the same time.At an appoin time every member shall take his hogs to the shipping station,whereall»will be loaded in-the same.car, each man being given credit for the number of pounds contributed to the ear,and the whole lot will be shipped to one of the-big-markets,where_ar- rangements will have been made through an agent for the .club orgrouptodisposeofthehogsatAnti highest market price.This method of marketing hogs, beef,etc.,has been carriéd.on;cessfully for years in the WesStates,and North Carolina live,stockproducershavesufferedforalackofit:-In fact co-operative marketingoffarmproductshasbeenfound profitable in every instance where ithasbeengiven:a fair trial.The best example of it in this section is theco-operative creamery.--The SwineBreeders’.Association hopes that its first demonstrations.of the co-opera- tive method of marketing pork will prove so.successful in the counties to be selected that all the counties will adopt the method.__It—is®purely_a: matter of organization and concerted action.The lone farmer does not have a sufficient number of hogs tojustifyshippingtoadistantmarket, but all the farmers of the community do have a sufficient number,and if allwill“fatten-and-finish”-their hogs att the same time itis a very simple mat-ter to weigh each separately,load:‘allinthesame‘car,and'ship to market.‘The work fo’be ‘undertaken by’ swine breeders’organization is" meéndablejand:it:is'hopes that:Tredéll will;be,eclected ns.one,ofthe!counties in.which:it:shall.be done. Ttiis the purpose.to,Carry,On,the.work ini ¢9-,operation with the county demonstra-tion agents.The meeting at Char of Misses These are whose never carried out for the:lack ofluck,een Having“disposed of the note to H.Clay Ford):resident iitia see of WINSTON-SALEM MAN~~$AVED_FROM DEATH.Leesan J.FE.Erwin Says)Wonderful Remedy stonishing Relief.Brought HimJ.E.Erwin of Winston-Salem,N. C.,was for along time the victim of serious disorders of the stomach.He tried all kinds of treatment and had many.doctors.One day he took a dose of Mayr’s ed at the results.The help he sought had come.He wrote: “Tam satisfied through personal use of the life-saving powers of your |Bender’Remedy.You have saved|my life could have fived but afew);tweeks more had’it théen for your remedy.I am inclosing a/list of frend _suffétars:~who ought to hav y-”Remedy:el jémdnent results sp Hat os liver}ra Eat,2s muchNo.more dis-eating F oteiniies of gas in ted|M. ris. ‘dock,W.F.Reynolds;No.5 1-2,‘J. ool Committeemen Appoint:|ed.For Special Tax Districts,| “When the announcement was made | ofthe appointment of township school committees,it was stated that,_Bepar- ate committeemen would be.appoint- ed for the special school’tax districts in the county,as under the law each | district voting an extra school tax| is entitled to a separate committee.| The county board of education:has, therefore,appointed ‘the following lgommittees for each of the twenty-nm .,special school..tax districts dn ell:- Barringer township-—Distriet No.1, A.F.Craven,«McConnell,J.| J.A.Chandler,WFuk.Ostwalt,J.£Kennerly.P. Smith. F.Spéars;No.oe J.ieH,R.W. §.Clendenin,W.'W.Bobbitt,Webb;No.3,V.G.Ellis,Furches,J.A.Reavis;are 4,Pou,J.W.Atwell,J.“A.Arey. Coddle Creek-—District No.2,A. Gabriel,R.F;Brantley,©.Sherrill;No.3,W.B.Carrigan,W. W,Lowrance.‘W:R.Young;No..4, J.-A.Brown,E.C.Johnson,LD.Har- 8,H.-L.\8Concord—District .No. Stevenson,D.B.Morfison,A.M. Deal;No.4)BE.L,Rufty,Bob:Mur- Brown,R.R.Combs.Cool Spring —Dfstrict ‘No.1,’D.A. Guffey,J.C.Henley,W.S.Page. Davidson—District No.1,J. Hobbs,W.L.Jones,J:B,Houston; Na:5,Sid Morrizon,G.F.Neel,W. M.Watt;No.8 1-2;.D.S.Williamson. iR'allstown—-District;No.|4,%T. Smith,W.D.Troutman,Cc!M.Wag- ner;No.7,J.M.Lippard,A.L.Col- lins,A.C.Rumple.New Hope—Distriet No.2,W..M.Williams,R “Le Shoemaker J.P.Wil- liams.af‘Shiloh—Distriet No.7.J.A.Mor- row,Edgar Absher,J.W.Nash. Statesville—WDistrict No.,2,W.H. Brooksher,Fred H,Conger,F.B. Sample;No.6,W.D.Turner,J.A. Hartness,M.A.Feimster;No.7,R. L.Bussell,S.P.Mayhew,R.H. Henry.-Tprnersburg—District,No.1,R.F.Gaither,H.P.Lazenby,W.G)Nichol- son. D. Aerial Torpedo Boat--Planned, An aerial torpedo beat for attack on ships in protected harbors is pro- ajdected in patents:just issued ito:Rear} ©)Admiral Bradley A.Fiske,‘«now:|at- tached to.the:Naval ©Wari College, but:formerly :aids for anevatints ‘to Secretary Daniels. The plan;contemplates,equipping’ia mon ster aeroplane similar to a num- ber,now..under construction in+>this conntry;for,the British government, lotte last week:was attended by Mr. wv Oe ave See wart Edgar B.Moore of Chatlotte,”aoe on ah aeeclite pack ates!ident of the association,Mr. aUaTS be Gray of Raleirh,secretary,aeif ei ithe vice presidente ot waceecencn; } oe | eneMr?Wy Di °'Tfowtman’ CARE ROBERTS ROERIOE EOE ‘Trou is county:P a |Millsape:of ee setsBegagus ‘s lof the Skea!Co-operative Haren.+stration..work,.was ‘also:present.Mr.lGray spent a short timein Statesville *aAiEricer en route from Charlotte to i |Swannanoa.Heis of the opinion that. ‘a ithe planiof the association will meetzie,approval’and he thinks Iredeii istands a good chance to be one of theo‘counties where the work is to be uni2|dertaken this year.Mr.Gray ischiefMioftheDivision.of Animal Industry;lof the State Department’of Agricul- Siture and is an authority on hogs andSiotherlivestock.He.was one of the 8 principal speakers at the State Live Stock meeting held in Statesville last winter and has spoken at farmers’in- stitutes in the county.,The Swine Breeders’Association 3ialso decided at the Charlotte meeting SCEOECE |to have a big auction sale of blooded,swine at the meeting of the State LiveStockAssociationtobeheldinSalis- bury next January.atseaeTaylorsvilleItems. Correspondence of The Landmark. Taylorsville,July 26.—Miss Lena Mae Lefler of Gooleemee is the.guest of her friend,Miss Sue Campbell. Mrs.J.Frank Clement,who has beenundertreatment.in©the ©CharlotteSanatoriumforsometime,spent.the past week with her mother,Mrs. Philip Hanes,in Mocksville,and _re-‘turned home*Saturday.“Her~littledaughter,Blariche :ede Clement,who has been with relatives in Mocks-==(|ville while her mother was away,and ther sister,Mrs.R.D.W.Connor.of:|Raleigh,accompanied her home.Miss’iMabel Cooper and Master Carl Mathe-" Jan Valley. Will please.thosewhodemandthe very best..Itis an phe it”flour.~ Your Grocer knows. ON CR 2: Cary.C..Boshamer, ~Local Representative,*Phone 125 Black.It.aw. We Cany a Compl Stock Flour,Feed,Grain,Hay and €otton Seed Products.You -will save money by getting our pricesbefore you buy. IREDELL FEED CO., C.D.nae Prop. CC:“WATKINS for 4 ‘FOR FINE CLEANING AND DYEING: _*—'PHONE'147— Sloan Pressing Glub. we ~NOTIGE! HOLLAND.BROS.have changedtheir’pho r.from 177 to%,Call No,7 for a,all gradesbes:coal:pos »etc.:Residence.cne 1310. Shingles’For Sale! Carload of good No.2 Shingles at $2.75perthousandatmyshop. GC.H.TURNER,Near the Depot. Iredell Phone Ne.74,Bell No.7. ‘Coite L.Sherrill,M.D., > “Ryverything to Build Wi th.;SOn ACC ti Stevenson- FULLS 1OcK-LOWEST PRICES Tits HickorySaturday towa a a weckiwiththeiraunt,Mrs.T.Stevenson.Shingles,Doors,Windows,Ceiling, Flooring,Siding,Boxing;Mould-ing,Laths,Lime,Cement,etc., Neict Planters®Wh.Statesville, /Mesdames T.Ww.Wilson ‘of Glenwood,|(Albert Grayson and Ellen CrawfordofMarion,and R.-P.Mortis of SugarHill,are vag s at the home of.Dr. |tion type. with,.a«Whitehead torpedo of regula- Swooping down ata distance of five sea,miles from the object of;attack, the air craft.would ,drop,its deadly.f passenger,into,the,water,just.as.\it-would.have been launched from.a:de-|jstroyer..The impact.sets,the tonpeda’s |:machinery.jn motion and jt.is.off,,at speed of -more-than 40 knots.an-hours,Tat the enemy ship.Admiral Fiske believes that thefly-ing torpedoboat would make it possi- ble to attack a fleet even without a land-locker harbor.The range of the ‘newest navy torpedoes is 10,000reap ‘and even the older types will be fective at 7,000 yards. TAX °COMMITTEES.| Will Templeton;"No.3,8.H.Houston,|& Chambersburg—Distriet No.1,W.|! An exceptionally good assortment of young Men’s and Boys’Caps.Newest shapes and patterns ——50e.and $1.00 ae ‘Sport Shirts. Yes,we have |one of the very best at’only. $1.00.Good assortment of patterns.— ef<]' “4Wiot goes into the stomach either ‘benefits or injures.Pure food ‘ in the United States.Now,whether ‘this milk is harmful or bene- cial and aids health.Why and how he does it will be explained - cro system,when you want.pure and Look Well to.What a fitn: is an aid to health but impure destroys it.One-half pint pera ed ficial depends upon its purity andcleanliness. from time to time.DAIRY,the dairy with the Da- home. Your Stomach! the averege amoun$of milk drunkby,every man,woman and {THE PAINE VIEW DAIRYis ee the milk that is benefi-x {.Phone 347 Black,PAINE VIEW clean milk delivered at rene -Knabe Phils. “Chickering abe: Wvers &Pond Piasos,= PianolaPlayer Piands.: *ee oe a Ee »For the roliabahty.ofourA ranaeehand‘ourselves ‘we'can refer you to scoresof religiousand eajualsin al institutions.aswell asprominentindi your community.”PCa RINE ORuotevont fiberalLetussendyoucatalogues;also |abouterms,and give you interesting information,abo our Club Pianos and ClubPlayer Pe ;RLOTTE,éPARKER-GARDNER C0.,“ONES. TTT ID, Mr.Stevenson Will Practice Law at Florence—Loray Items. Correspondehece of The Landmark. Loray,July 26.—«Misses Jettie and Estelle.Woodside entertained a fewfriendsFridaynight.-Games”were played on the lawn,and every one present report a nice time. Mr.and Mrs.A..L.“Vickery,who ‘cpent.some time here with relatives, left Saturday for thetr home in Salis- ‘bury,Md...Miss Selma_Sides;whoattendedthesummerséhoolat.theState..Normal,Greensboro,returned home Saturday:)Mr.T..M.Stevenson will .leaveTuesdaymorningforFlorence,S.C.,where he will locate for the practice of lawsMr,Will Cook of:Charlotte spent Sunday here with home folks, A ball.game.between the Loray and Bristol teams was played on the Loray.grounds.Saturday.afternoon,resulting with a score-of 9.to 14 in favor,of Loray. TT The Blind in the State. The tensus,of 1910,according tofiguresissuedBY‘Director Samuet GL.rth--Carolin:Rovers,a) had 1,562 blind stack,796 of whom were males and 767 females,”OF STATESVILLE;N.CG.; Of the blind 931 were white,and}=}= 632 eolored..of the colored —blind}g 623 were negroes and-nine “other.col- ‘ored peoples,” ———and Mrs.A,M.Edwards,|Two..of the white _blind_:persons oe ®ss s Rev.W.Wr Faris,pastor of the were foreign born.The per,cent of vell Y (0)d Presbyterian church ‘of Miami,Fla.,/hlind persons in North Carolina was q vet S..our r ers who is spending a week at Davis Sul-|hicher than the average for the Unit- ———FOR——— Pure Apple Vinegar White Wine Vinegar Malt Vinegar Pickling Spices : Pure ExtractsPreservingPowders ’*Phone us your jwants— kage &Mibholand DR.O.L.CRUSE. oterinarian.— ue sear Polk Gray Drug Ro... phur-Springs,Hiddenite;filled the pul-ed States,-which was 62.3 per 100,- pit.acceptably.at.the Presbyterian|000.North Carolina _had_70.8 per church here Sunday at 11 o'clock.1100,Op In:1900 North Carolina list- ‘ed 1,788 blind persons,or 94.4 per.Meeting_at“at.Shiloh—Personal 100,000. Correspondence of ‘The:Landmark.Rem,|Considering National Defence. Eufola,July 23=—A.series of mect-!ret Wilson has ae forbh ings will begin at Shiloh Presbyterian ports of the subject of national de-church’Wednesday.evening,July gg,|fense.These’will be made to him iS p.m The pastor,Rev.L.L.Moore,|personally by the heads of the War ‘will be assisted by Rev.F.“A.Barnes #nd Navy...Departments.The —fact ‘of Mooresville,that ‘action ‘had been taken’be- Mfrs.W.E.Sherrill and datighter,|Julia;are visiting.Mrs.Shertill’s|father;Mr...A.Little,at Lenoir,Rev.'laW.D..Haltiwanger.has gone to!South:Carolina to spend’his vacation.Messrs.Jo.Carter and Jo.Elliott|have returned from ‘Alabama,where| ting,to:submarine.warfare. lcame’known after the release of pub-|§ Weeds of the note to Germany re-|% Without regard to present -day)§ scontroversics,.the President,in‘associ-|#ation.with various keads of depart-|% ments<has been giving consideration|# lfor some time to the’preparation of a} The Fifty -Teh OF THE:: peeroororrr Teresieseteee ersiiss:eoer heeomnimercialNational B pe s e e r e s e e o r s Captal Stock Paid in $100,000.00 : :=—and Profits 31,500.00 Members:‘of Federal Reserve System,ny Your inhi’business solicited and every accommodation extended to de- positors consistent with prudent ‘bank- ing methods. Four per cent.paid on time and.Savings: Deposits remaining on deposit,three months or longer.; OFFICERS: pe p e v e s r e r s v e s e e e ee e ee e Tr e ee s , pe e e s po e e e r e e e s e e e e s 9et ont have been A iaTenaNeeve Tonic |gramme which he will Take neve ‘\Congress at\the proper time. -The Old Standard Grove’s Tasteless|eae Hlchill Tonic issguelly,Icon aa Al,enne Beattional eontin Willanswer,‘phone “alls un D ::I tte &Fraley will ENNDrives you to také advantans of our wonIbatgains:they&Fraley,The lrensondible and adequate naval pro-|#propose to!% oney-Saviiit Sale |oem eHOue,the week and:we Baia if W.D.TURNER,-,my,B,MORRISON,-=—=.Vice P D;M.AUSLBEY,;a,K.HyeHi,A Assistant , &usually ignored until TUESDAY,- Information comes from -Berlin that.the German newspapers are much displeased.with the latest Amer- iean note,The note was not intend- ed to please the Germans, The last note to Germany,printed | in full in The Landmark today,is} plain and vigorous.It is courteous ‘but at the same time so emphatic that there can be no misunderstanding. The time for parleying has passed, Germany has had sufficient -oppor- tunity to comply with the demands of our,government,.which it,elected to practically ignore;and under the cir- cumstances the note of finalty in the last--communication..was fully ‘war- ranted, The reports indicate that the disas-. ter at Chicago was the’result-of crim- inal negligence on the part of.some- body;that the steamer Eastland was not in condition to carry the crowd of excursionists that went aboard the vessel.If the investigations now inprogress}can definitdly fix the .re-| }#pensibility and -the guiltyare pun- ‘ished,a great service will have been “Yendered the public,The pity of it is that it takes a calamity to arouse..the public to acts of crintinal negli- ‘gence.So long .as nothing serious‘happens.all sorts of chances are tak- en.The precaution that could have “averted the sacrifice of life,is i ,something ter- _en aelneteeancatentiarneaSaagent_.“<The gnnouncement from the White*House that President Wilson has di-rected.Secretaries Garrison *andDanielstoreporttohimaprogrammeofnationaldefensehascatfsedwide-spread comment.The only explana- tion from the White House is that the *‘,*A)granite wall,about 2high,willy be built around.{puso} tee gt -.July 2%,1945,| were drowned SundayjinthesurfatOceanView, Be a-gfTrinityCollege.The wall wil‘near*a mil¢Jong.Ay xew.millofFloydstice,in Caldwell¢aeSaturday,instantly killing Justiceandinjuringhis‘son,Ralp)aneMax.H.Jordan and Geo,Hollings.worth,two young men os Raleigh,while bathingVa.8.A.Woodward,a lawyer andprominentcitizenofWilson,suffered’a stroke of paralysis a few.days.ago,t condition ‘has improved “tempor-arily.nerMrs.L.W.Robertson of Asheville,31 years old,committed suicide Sat-urday morning by —taking carbolicacid..Survived by husband and:twoehildren,:aeRev.J.M.Rose,D;D.,of Laurin-burg,a Presbyterian ‘minister knowntomanypeopleinthissectionofthete,recently suffered a.slightstrokeofparalysis. The Southern railway will establishMt.Mtichell-station,-between Ridge-crest_and Black Mountain,at.thejunctionoftheMt.Mitchell railroadwiththeSouthern,oeJ.P.Millner,77 years old,\diedFridayathishomeatThomasville.He was a native of Virginia and aformerresidentofTaylorsville,mov-ing from Taylorsville to Thomasvilleabout12yearsago. Elkin.Tribuné:The store heuse,andgoodsofMr.T,L.Swaim near SwanCreekwasdestroyedbyfireTues-day night.It is thought that We fire!was of an incendiary.origin,The}loss on the goods’was about $1,500,with $1,000.insurgnce..There was noinsuranceonthebuilding.j About 200 soldiers -from CampGlenn,at Morehead,were stranded onasandbarnearCapeLookoutat'4:30Friday‘afternoon and after an allnightstayatthecapewithoutsleeptheyreturnedtocampatnoonSatur-day.They had gone on an outingandthe-beat-struck a sandbar.—Af-ter a night at the cape the men wererescuedby.another boat.—_—_—_—_—_—_—FROM OVER THE COUNTRY,|# Poot eeItemsofInterestAbout Various:Matters. ‘A bank at Fort Worth,Texas, President will confer with Secretaries2andGarrison“to formulate. Ouable and practical Pr *‘flational defense.”There for alarm in erdoesnotmeanthatprepihostilitieshasbegon.\Eyer :beginning of the European has been much discussion fof the national defence iat:i or Ay ve about.the“Yack ,preparation for war.in’Ameri View of the continuance of the war ‘3andthestateofourrelationswithGermany,the President has doubtlessthoughtitwiseandpropertolooktothenationaldefenceasamatterof_Precaution.That's.all the announce- ment seems to mean. There has been some.talk aboutflourmillsintheStatepapers.re-cently and a Durham man writes theWilmingtonStarthatDurhamhasthelargestrollerflourmillintheState;that it is the “finest,best equippedflourmill’south of Daitimore,”and«that its output is 250.barrels a day.~The Durham“man wants to learnsomethingaboutNorthCarolinaflourmills.His mill may be a very goodonebutitisababyalongsidethe‘s Statesville Flour Mills:The output‘of the Statesville mill is 650 barrels aday,more than twice the output of cloged its doors and the president,BiE,‘Baldridge,committed ‘suicide hexten,mae SO iaawe}"Bttdls Bo et the strike at}theTidewaterOilGomapany’s plant mt men have been arrested,chargéd withincitingtoriot;Bt hgAfewyearssagothechiefofpoliceofDanville;Va.,known as’R.B.Mor-‘is,identified as Edgar Sapling,escaped from a:Georgiyearsbefore,while a "vonS.ea par-don for “him;two Governors ‘Tefusedthepardon,A few days ago Strip-ling’s 6-year-old daughter ‘made anappealtoGov.:Harris,who has.re-cently taken office,and the pardonwasgranted, American.Red Cross doctors andnurseswillbewithdrawnOctober1fromtheEuropean.battlefields tbe-cause of lack of funds to maintainthem:The two units in gium,where the greatest need exists,maybecontinued,but the other 14 de-tachments will return to the UnitedStates.The Serbian Sanitary.Com-Mission and other work supported byspecialcontribution,-will go-on aslongasthosecontributionsare:avail-able,but the general fund collected intheUnitedStates,“amounting “toeten00,000,will be exhausted October Germans Pressing on Warsaw—~Lose Ground to French. The nature ~of the operations the Durham mill,and ‘its equipmentisentirelyup-to-date and the “equal dofanymill.Furthermore,States-ville has two other flour mills—TheCityFlourMillsandtheStarMillingGo,Thése are not of so great,capacityastheStatesvilleFlourMill,buttheyaremodern,up-to-date and.do‘alargebusiness,In the:manufactureOfflour,“as weil 1otherthing,the “Best Town inNorthCarolina”is right-at-the head of the~Procession.In addition to what States-ville is doing,there are two or moremoderncommercialflourmillsatMooresville,one of them—Temple-‘ton,Williams &Co.—probably _the.Oldest commercial mil)in the county,‘while there are many smaller mills in Saturday,withdent’Wilson,totontorepelwith ere issuedtheapprovalofPresiajorGeneralFunsree,nécessary, ‘m territory »durin &fightingnthe.Mexican factions in boy.(700ertownsand~teGeneral Carthatfact.Ad @ note was dispatched vices from Gen.Car.ranza state that he has instructed his‘forces not to engage “in fighting intowns. -The Landmark isthat“Mr.Gerald Johnson,a tise AM:at the‘tor ArchibaldChildren,at Thomasville.~ed that’the young mati “Asheville Citizeri:D.©.Yates,"s injured‘shortly Betore midnight.Saturday. ;readNea as seriously any firing into Tanza-advising him of pained to hear|Fre 880CiateooSeeneroNewsanda7youngnewspaper’nian,contin.home of his father,Edi.Johnson of Charity and It is hop. may soon:be from.Southernthecar‘on ed around Warsaw indicate the Russianshavenoimmediateintentionofwith-rawing from the Polish capital.“The|Austro-German.pressure from theinorthismakingifselffelt,the Ger-jmans having crossed the Narew riverjonafrontofnearly30miles,”|The fighting.te the east of the|Vistula river’in southeastern Poland|is “not--so.severe.now:.Both BerlinandViennasay_that comparativejcalm“prevails in-that quarter:‘The jtempts,to break the:Austro-Germanjline,but-the -result—is—not definitely|known.&|.In addition to having moved heavyiforeesovertheNarew,the TeutonicjallieshavemadeanadvanceinthedirectionoftheBug,with an im.portant railway as their objective.Some progress also is recorded to theitalgaenpestormingandcap-ture oftwo villages,about 10milessouthofWereksaieSeverefightinghastakenplaceonthewesternlineinthe.Vosages.French troops:have stormed andcarriedstrongGermandefensiveworksbetweenLafonettelleHeightsandthevillageofLaune’s,more than?unwounded Germans being takenprisoner.Berlin admits that theFrenchhaveestablistiedthemselvesinportionsoftheGermantrenchesintheVosages,:.The Germans have resumed theirsubmarinecampaignafteraperiodofinactivityandoneBritish,nch steamer and”four British|trawlers have heen ‘sént to.the.:bot-tom by underwater boats,Four men of the crew of the BritishsteamerFirth.were killed.Ten*menofthecrewofaGrimsbytrawler,which was destroyed by atheir‘tives, DIARRHOEA QUICKLYCURED:° oe the cam-|y to yess;a N:P gchaditailed.:y.%In ‘Piots that,hatet decurred |three men hav@ibeén killed and some =the)-tre-stendowners"in=Snow Creek *Draliagt ‘Russians—here -have-made—several_at-+ One|4 mine,.lost|-8 eaeESRansey-Boiles-Morison, ete ” e Gaither Litigation Still insetheCourts, In Buncombe Superior Court lastkJudge.Long issued~an ;the Asheville Citizen,allow zts.R.A,Gaither to re im custodyjofherfourchildrenuntilAugusa,{without prejudice as to tl ”ghts of cither father or mother in{thematter.In fixing the date for’a further hearing in the habeas»rpuswrocecdings.instituted by R;“LA,Gaither for the possession of his fourchildren,Virginia,seven years:old;Robena,five years old;“two a BetaClearanceSale LENOIR AND ST _THURSDAY,FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. ReATESVILL--.AtStatesville Ball Park Bo ; OED i te years old,and a two-moiiths-old .son,tunnamed,the court directed:at-,forneys for the mother.and fatherpreparetosubmitevidenceastothecharacterof‘both parents bearing up-on their fitness to have custod ofthechildrenin’question.peteTn,respect to the dispute ‘over thePropertyattheGaitherdairy.farmandthefurnitureinpossessionofMrs.Gaither’s relatives,for which +e-ceiverships were asked byGaither andhiswife's relatives,John A;Cham-bers and others,two orders were is-leued by Judge Long.One requiresGaithertogivebondinthesumof$1,200 conditioned upon.the\returnofthepropertytotheplaintiffs:if thecaseisdecidedagainstthedefendantinthisaction...The other order re-uires T,Hardy Chambers and othersbogive.bond in the sum.of $600:forthereturnofthefurnitureremovedfromtheGaitherresidence’at Hawcreek,——$—;Dr.W.Hi D.‘Walker,recently ahospitalsurgeoninSavannah,Ga.,is in jail in Richmond county.to an-swer a charge of bigamy.RapeatlyhemarriedMissLeak,daughter:ofRey.and Mrs.J.W.Leak.of Rocking-ham,.and it later developed that hehadawifeatMiami,Fla. RO Sl Nami pee ——-FOR—— Thursday,Friday - and Saturday The Vance Iron Works,at.Winston-Salemyhas a contract tomanufacture }steel jackets for shrapnel.shells fortheUnitedStatesnavy.é $100:REWARQX,$100,iThereadersofthispaperwillbeDieasad‘to learn that there is at Jeastnedreadeddiseasethatscience:hasbeenabletocureinallitaat:and thatisCatarrh.Hall's Catarrh Cure is theonlypositivecurenowknownto.themedicalfraternity,Catarrh being acon.Stitutional disease,requiresa consti: -Specials ~— . “The Mark 3 of Quality.” TEXACO.GASOLINE. Gasolines are not allalike in their motor value,This statorhent was bardly necessary,Perhaps yourthrottlehastoldyouthesamestorymanytimes.Becausetheyarenotallalikeitisbettertogettheonewhichgivestheservice.TEXACO GASOLINE has been distinguishedfromthebeginningofitsuseforthedeliveryofmorepower.and freedom from impurities,with a highly desirable wni--formity,;:MORE power fromgallon. CLEAN Gasoline means mere efficient carburatiignitionequallyeffectingthemotormiles. UNIFORMITY means the constant delivery of the power,~TEXACO GASOLINE is valuable from all three consider-ations,»Manufactured with care and delivered promptly,itwillkeepyourmotorrunningwithgreaterease,and reduceyourfueltroubles.When you want the “‘power’’gasoline, Statesville Oil Company.(Wholesale Distributors.) _O Robbins Row. gasvline means more motor miles per on and tutional treatment.Hall’s Catarrh Curein‘taken:internally,acting directly uponkebloodandmuccussurfacesofthesystem,thereby destroying the founda-tion of the disease,and givingthe ~pa-tientstrength—by building up the consstitutionand.assisting nature.in-—its work.The proprietors haveea@:-f in its curative rowers that thHundredDollarsforjisto.cure.:Bend /ftest<ee PR oh 7 s=.3.OH .«Tole-AddressF.7 See ee49.5 D.MCL Ts Old;Aloe ‘ VALUABLE:FARM LAND ‘FOR SALE !Te sect ‘Se!fied Farm of 875 acres,lying on both sides ofHuntingcreek..Two sets,of good build ‘some fine bottom lands,a lot af.gootl 7:and pine timber“of the orijsinal growth.Jand will be sold as a whole or divided intotwosiorfoursharésto.suit Sess7furtherinformation:call on J.B.PARKS,iver Hil oM.C2562)wes July 27-160)>vy NOTICE!if PornTe,conatinaticn O pratisrisADIOS)OE DEAK 2IBAy3 :We will.sell Lawns;Crépes,Voiles;“White Goods ‘anil va-|rious ‘fabrics—some worth|iupto35c.,Thursday,Friday’and Saturday,Special-: Di ick will 4 ice.that.the.preliminary foo.yeerite‘Bon or viewers a ha fitea |Tsinmyoffice,in which the viewers t 5 ysthedrainageis.practitabley and /will ence ;the public health,and will be conducive imgthegenermlwelfareofthecommunity;nis court having so found,Saturday Avgi14,1915,at @2 o’élock,has-heen fixed ag thedaywhensaidreport.will be further heardandconsideredandpasseduponbymeatmyofficeinStatesville.J,A,HARTNESS,Muly 27-—2tw.Clerk Superior Court. “NOTICE! In the matter of Little Rocky Creek DrainageDistrict.7 ; In another lot we will ‘have iSilks,Laces,White Goods,|8{Ratines “and”Crepes—some/¥ps for as much,original-esy,as 50c.Thursday,Friday!§and Saturday,Special e y The landowners in the proposed drainage”district above named.will take’notice that thepreliminary:report—of the Board ‘of Viewershasbeen:filed in this court,in’which saidviewersreportthatthedrainageispracticableandthatitwillbenefitthepublic’health andbeconducive‘to the general welfare ofothecommunity,and this court having so found,‘Saturday,the 14th day of August,1915,at ito'clock,a.m.,has been fixed as the day whensaid.report will’be further heard and con=sidered at my office in’Statesville,to teHARTNESS,*«|:;;Clerk Superior Court. i ‘ Statesville Tee &-Fuel Comp edness we eal are :~a)‘yo atte~“Ts a good long::drink,of some..JCE,COE:BEVERAGEon a hot day.Provide”jou?"self with ICE MADE IN STATESVILLE,” and this comfort may be yours., Leen :ib f 5 ST AER) ’ eaudyst SESE tt ref Ie ok +msigeTRa MO “VIG ee {inel ———'PHONE 205 any. -An Authority on .aICE-COAL—WOoD:* » | Our Sale Will.Close Saturday,night and fromthismorninguntilthattimetherewillbespecialinduce-ments made in the different/}fdepartments,Read Friday’s||ad,for additional news for|theffinal clean up. July 27-21.San DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP.« The ee pieretotore |existing —_be- Taaler Bos,hn been’disnived tA d th bi ;t tt tionsentan&busines»n e 1g"es 2 rac 10ncafterbiW.A.FRAZIER...duly 23,1916,ie for the three days will:be theNOTICETOCREDITORS.¥|counter that’wi |have a bigMorvandeecued,thi tsnatty ir yee |LOt Of Fancy Silks,Messa-brwentatine tome nor tetore Say,a|anes,Fancy Crepes,—Foul-ate or this mone will be ee seas of ards;Wash Silks,Moiredstate“Will please make’immedate ‘sede:|POPLINS and imported Em-a ange MARY Sake morcan,_|broidered Swisses,some ofduly2%1916.Adm'x J.N.Morgan.|these tofd for as much asTHISis.the last}$1.50 theRad,and most all|Wt ees of theNation:For $1.All these to o6 inealCurtisContest:f ili Thursd is,d».TodayI am stand-/10r Selling Jhursday,Fridayinginthirdplaceinmyclassinthe|and Saturday,Special :Uniled States.Won't you help megiveStatesvillethenationaladvertia-}ing shewill get ifI lead my class—andthe $100 cash prize.Werbothneedit.Buy a Saturday EveningPostoraCountryGentlémanfromme:this week and help me win..(Country Gentleman preferred as itcountsthemost.)Just your:nickelmaysavethedayforme.Buya half.dozen and send to your friends withyourcompliments.Remember’thisisyourlastchancetohelpme,~—'-!JACK SRONCE. New Hemp Hats! :eas new Hemp Hatsinwhite,black and white andblack,received yesterday,‘to.be sold atgreatreduction,‘Regeularprice$2 each.ecReducedprice.7 9c. i :| “wearing out your pocketfwhaiHEN on Range, WOOD AND GaAs. A CoolKitchen in Summer.aeAWarmKitcheninWinter.vi! The New ae Statesville Housefurnishing ‘Co. beneineeenesmeerehl IEO +-.GOOD TIME!The clocksin the homemustberight or the housekee r canpectedtoplanandhavemgalgontime.Then there oo :ith a watch that you cantzouwanttodoistogetaadwatchordlock reYwhileheisdevotinghisentiretimetorepairing watchesandfittingspectaclesandeye-glasses,eat paR.F. Morag} and ra *of Misses Maude and Mabel Guy and SU R O Ba a r S. OE T A + en co h mt ¥4 }“a KY ti :pe fp oe %eons,“3 i . Pie LY,~~)July 27,1916. WEEK'S SOCIAL EVENTS: .Receptions,Club Meetings and ’-a Dance.Misses Rebekah and Hassie Millerveareceptiontoquitealargemberof‘young people Friday eve-ning,at their home’corner Mulberrystreet’ahd.West End avenue,com- to theEthelCrossofGadsden,Ala,,-andMary‘Phillips’of Louigyille,Gai’Thegueste’were met at the door by Miss State No X|GLIMPSE PASSING THRONG.[routeto.Organ Chureh,Ro Se hou AY Personal Mention of People and}"Miss Barbara Grier of Due West,, Saturday in’Winston-Salem...PUROMNOE 0 iy wih hat a “Little Misses Annie Lesite and|Messrs.J.G.Bheihan ae ae Petes his.parents,\Dr, Margaret’Davis of ‘Morganton |are ville Furniture Company”G.E.\wise Menntet sts at the home of Mr.and Mrs.|Keiger|of the Imperial Furniture from Wpodleaf, Manufacturing Company,have re-time visiting relatives, ;Mr.and,Mrs,George n resident of Statesville and a mem- ber of ‘The Landmark's .mechanical|ufacturers.00 force,spent Friday in town.Mr.a.mo Austin News of Amity Community wi] ty,to visit her homepeople , i r Movements.who visited the Misses Pressly at “Miss Thelma Winneskie,who visit-their home on east Bro:oti hag “ledMr,and Mrs.Fred Slane,has re-{gone to Charlotte.')9 (0turnedtoher’home in High Point.Mrs.Jo C.Wakefield dsat Banner ¥ Rev.W.A.Lutz spent Friday and\Elk to spend the remainder of, > W.MacKessoin.}! Mr ©.R.Austin,for some years{turned from New York,whero they attended a meeting of furniture man-s,lisbury spent the week-end \Mrs,Bakers’parents,Mr.and Mrs. W..A.Luckey.*Mrs.W."c.Gittman lof Columbia,§.C.,is visiting her |father,Mr.AS oe '.The Young Ladies’Missionary So- tended -the summer school at the ‘Troutman,R-2,July 24,—Farmers ciety of the Presbyterian church gave ’College,Greensboro,|are about through laying by.“Next'.lawn party Thursda will be going to the picnies and .pro-)-hurch lawn. has been with the Charlotte Trip to Hickory.©” ~pliméntasy to their’guests,Misses Observer for many yea's-¢.|Correspgndence of ‘The Landmark(Miss.Bertha Abernethy,who at- ‘;:>hi in the vi-Corrinne,Morrisonand Mr.Godfrey|has returned to her poe ltracted meetings,all ¥einity of Statesville..,i eth akidchatin Kimball,6d ase Oe ot ceice a B.H.Adams and son,Master}Mrs.Estelte Horton,who under--Junior Pieni¢at Oak Forest. Barnett,have gone to Graham to went an operation for appendicitis at, Shepherd and.Mr.Frank premen e Baye Billingsley hospital last week,18 get-|rrennendanes OE ae Lemans. Martha Mc shlin and Mr.|spend sevéral weeks with Mrs.Adams’|”;‘ ree ane home people while:Mr,Adams.is ting along nicely and «will soon be |.oe w plenie sat Oak Forest away on a,Southern business trip.able to come home,j were Misses Ruth Gill.and Grace sare sia aethe gusta,ts the,receiving line.e parlor,com- Bedof the hiontensen and the guests OP honot.From the parlor Miss Bride Alexander ushered to the dining room, where Miss Bertha Cooper and Mr. Henry “Nicholson--received..The>din- ing table was beautifully decorated. the center piece being a,large bowl of flowers,while streamers of tulle ran from.each corner to the ‘chan- delier.Leaving the dining room the guests were shown to the porch,where Misses Lois Axley.and\Charley Tom- punch.During the eyening Miss Cross favored the guests with vocal selec- tions and Miss Phillips gave some piano numbers.There was also music by Victrola,Pe e os (Miss Charley:Tomlin.entertained the’Bachelor Belles Friday morning Phillips of Georgia,Miss Cross of | Alabama,Miss’Ruth:Link of Char-| lotte__a Miss Mamie Gregg of. Florence;S.C.,were special guests of the club.A salad course was served,‘ A;dance was given by Mesdames J.| the home of his father,Mr.W.B Gibson,has returned to Washington City. wisited’relatives at Loray anc’in Statesville,left Saturday for Dan- they go to their home in Salisbury, father,Mr.J.A.Lippard at Barium, and’relatives in Statesville,a Sat-f urday for his home in Washington)"“y)"and Mrs.Chas.R.Goodman Rewa and the writer had a pleasant trip to|#*-the Sunday School Normal .at Hick-por SALE—13 shates Statesvilleory.We madethe trip through the|; Mrs.Lippard will remain in States- at her home on Davie avenue.Miss ville and the county for a few weeks. friends at Huntersville. who visited Miss oma Taser Olin township,left.Saturday tor s ‘i Davidson,where “he Will:visit.before worth anyone’s going to see if they going on to her 5 Misses Mary Kennedy of Houston-|,Mr.Clyde Goodman of .Birming- ville and Lois Stcele of Turnersburg ham,Ala.,is visiting “his mother, were members of a party.which left Charlotte Saturday evening for the Exposition at San Francisco.: Mrs.J.T.Goodman.Mr.Oscar Murph of Spartanburg,S.C.,-is visiting Mr. J.H.Brown.His wife and children ‘Mr.I.R.Gibson,who visited at/came several weeks ago, neighborhood,visited friends and rel- Mr.and Mrs.A.L.Vickery,who|atives in Amity community.Mr.Kerr ‘Mx.V.F.Linpard,who visited his hearing. Miss Frances Fleming is _visiting country in an automobile and as.weiaMissKateBeamofRutherfordtom)(oo.‘home.home went out.to sce ome,Miss Law-|¢¥er intend running a dairy. *aneccre W.Guy and E.M.Yount at the home|rence accompanied —her as far 48/To Drive Out Malaria of Mr.and Mrs.C.B.Webb on east Broad street Thursday night,in honor their guest,Miss Lois Long of New-' tons’Punch :was served ‘during the) ebvly part of the evening:an an .ice eream course was tables-arranged on the la dancing ‘continued until 1 o'clhk,a!Victrola fornishing t rie Sharpe of Radford,Va.Miss Phillips’of Georgia and Miss Cross of}who had been in the mountaing;stop-|; Ala ery oe Parsideventy(North Carolinians’at:| tending the summer session of Colum-|bia ‘Univarsity,New York,had a re-| ception,at that ,,institution Monday| evening.of last week ‘and Miss Mattic Lipe of Mooresville was one of the reception committee. i| Mrs.J.F.Carlton entertained atjaway on a pleasure trip to Charlotté,|* ‘four tables..of.bridge Friday night}Norfolk,Va.,and other points. complimentary ©oH.C.oe ork:fJr.,of New Y ‘the game Mr. Pegram-A.Bryant won the ~hi score prize,a deck of cards itpleathercase.Mrs.Cowles was preé- zented with an embrojdered towel as/Mrs.Murp *s sister,Mrs.Fred.H.}§ guest of honor.Af.jee course:was|Conger. served after the game;Miss Luna! Thompson of Salisbury was a special |I.C.Lowe in Charlotte. guest, A few friends were entertained pt|Callie school at Chattanooga,Tenn., n_porch party by Mrs.:R.S.McElwee |and a.prominent educator,was in|§ Thursday afternoon,the gathering} being in-honor-of.-Miss-Minnie.Spar-/of his school and_to visit.one of his; row of Raleigh,the guest of Mrs.C.istudents,Mr.Frank Hall.Dr.“Me-|§ Watkins.:Miss Pauline White,daughter ofMr.and Mrs.-L.O.White,was hostess| ata party.Saturday afternoon.Ice} -—-eream-and-cake were served.[yesterday to spend a week. “Mrs.W.M..Barringer gave an in-| formal sewing’party Saturday morn-| ing in honor of Mrs.Hi.C.Cowles ofA.S.Fuller,returned yesterday to| New York.—|at i¢i business college.Lenoir News:Mr.Arthur Cowles [Sere aN .ifandMiss‘Amelia Houck of the Yad-y.“Sr “have gone to Cleveland”+6 ikinValley,were quietly:married this ici,Mrs.Foard’s father,Mr.W.L./§ morning (23d)at the rectory at Pat-!caison.They were accompanied by|#terson School,Legerwood,Rev,Hugh| A.Dobbin’officiating.‘Miss..Dora Helton .and <Mr...Jo,--Byers«were-married.Saturday eve- nig at the home.of Mr,Ed.Byers,im).vir,and Mrs.Osea Yost of Salis-|# Bloomfield,Rew.A.Hi.Goodin of-/bury were guests of Mr.and Mr.L.i¥ |A.Anderson Sunday.ficiating,: Notice of New Advertisements. New henip hats.-Mrs.J.-M:Mc- ee.}*Jack ‘Sronce wants:help the final 'friends in the county. “week of his contest:- -'*Statesville Female .College “offers at last week in Charlotte.Mastet ¢ .the best of*advantages.wid H ‘At the Crescent.this week.—+———-Specials-for Thursday,-Friday andcere—Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison 0.fsSatisfaction guaranteed.—Mills & Poston.~~ Special prices on wool and fibre art squares”this.week—(Crawford-BunchFurnitureCo. -<'Mhe ‘Paine.View Dairy has the bestinterestofyourstomachatheart.Texaco ‘gasoline the mark of quali-ty.—Statesville Oil Co.Ice,coal.and wood.—Statesville Ice &Fuel Co.“‘Great mid-summer clearance sale“begins tomorrow morning.—Johnston-‘Belk Co.~: Statesville vs.Lenoir Thursday,Friday and Saturday.New ‘arrivals’by express,—Sherrill-White Shoe Co,Berkshire pigs ready Sist.—R.F.nry.‘‘:Pony pugey and harness.-See_W. (Cheap"houses for rent—N.P.Watt.for:return of railroad pass. =W.B.Blackwell,Mi Mary Barr Morgan has quali--Ni Mor- ie—J.G. ‘fied wane istratrix ofJ Mooresville and is’spending a week there. arrived Saturday afternoon from Due West,§.C.,to spend several weeks|printed on every label,showing it is d later at the home of Mrs.Parkinsor’s |Quinine‘and Iron in a tasteless form. ved at|father,Mr.M.E.Ramsey,on Davie m.__The ;avenue, ‘music...Ont-\ton spent from §aturday afternoon ef-guests were Miss Winneskie |till yesterday’.in.tesville with her |; of High Point,“Misses Steele and{brother,Mr.P.P.Purnell,going from Flowers.of Rock Hill,8.C..Miss Car-jhere’to Marion.i McElwee. Ausley and.L.P.Henkel spent Suh-|} day at Blowing Rock with their.fam- ilies.‘, (fers returned to Spartanburg 4 And Build UpThe System Mrs.G.G..Parkinson and children}TASTELESS chill TONIC,You know Clevelfnd Personals. Correspondenee ot The.Landmark. Cleveland,July.26.-—Miss Shepherd of Charlotte,is Visiting her jaunt,Mrs,Wr F.Chenault.Miss Liz-ie Wells Thompson will leave for resville Wednesday,®where she party.Mr.Joseph ee of mbie,§.C.,is visiting jand Mrs.J.E.Lee. 'returned here she spent some the will attenda hoi Baker of y night on_the The Junior Order.of Oak Forest Thursday,August 5th.There will be music and speakers good things to eat and drink.Every- body is invited to come well-filled baskets and we ,make the day an enjoyable one.ick eeabbeanienilaiaielepnine=e BEAUTY MORE THAN SKIN DEEP. A beautiful woman.always has good:di- If your digestion is faulty,Cham- |herlain’s Tablets will do y |ble everywhere.taught several schools ngar Amity in’ and .plenty of hope to ‘Mr.William Kerr and”daughter,|Mrs.Haitheox,of Coddle Creek| ou good,Obtaina- * Mary we with bring his young days and it seems that he por:€th kshi igs.never forgets those who went to ie OA aie F.MEN,‘i 7 i of hence .HENRY. lin and’Mr.Scarr Morrison served|ville and Richmond,from Wiente!1)to him.He has been a man of| Ready «for delivery Bist. boone mind dies SNES a's7 eae eeeyearsold:but does not seem like an!-old man—only alittle defect in his |WAT W.M.BARRINGER...July 27-1" RENT—Some cheap a 2T--8t.* RD—For Feturn of my annual railroad W,B.BLACKWELL.July 27—1t* Mill stock @t 65 cents on the dollar.For further”information.apply to MRS,.MIN-|,Ni ©,-R-8,BoxNIECANNON,July 23—6t. N..P, Cotton Shuford’s*dairy,which would be|:WANTED.—Housekeeper Apply te MRS.JNO.H.GRAY. Hotel Iredell. FOR ‘SALE-—Storehouse and lot with first- class stock of general merchandise.Ex- cellent stand.A bargain. TRIVETTE,Harmony,N.C. what you are taking,as the formmla is |WAITRESSES.—Girls wanted Take the Old Standard GROVE’'S aaecrte ine to wait.on table at HOTEL IREDELL.Appl toMRS.JNO.H.GRAY.aly 16. he Quinine driyes out malaria,the |roR RENT—Sevéen-room house.on.SharpeIronbuildsupthesystem.50 cents|street.W.A.ELIASON.July 9% Miss Florence Purnell 6f Franklin- -Miss Bessie Clayton of Goldsboro,j in Statesville Friday,en:routeome,for a’brief visit to Mra¥R.,.S- tMessrs.3.'H.Hoffmann,D.*'M-}#al and Yeligious activity:uf sports,Thor. Mr.and Mrs:J.Rowan Davis are Mr.V4.O.Murph,who was with For catalog rs,Murph on a visit ta.the fatter’s Statesville Female College A Christian College offering ail the best advantages at low cost.fFor58yearsaleadingfactorintheeducationofSoutheriwomaahhood.+4")Paxticularlylf radedice and-equipment-to-train--young-women {ahi respoetbaty in cbaracler,Beaultuly uated i balWea -ay campus.Out-door | ,re ndard college courses:A B,B.L.and 'S.degrees.Splendidly equipped music department; schools of Domestic Science,Art,Expression,Physical,Culture and,Bi-ble.Safe home life and attractive surroundings.Rates tnusually low,jjandfullinformationwriteie Modern buildings,complete:equipment.gh pable ;instructors. N.C.“al tion~ ._A.M,;Pres.+Statesville, terday.\;Mrs.Murph and little;5... will remain,here fora time withtR Mrs.-Irvin Steele is visiting Mrs. Dr.J.P.McCallie,head ofthe Mc- Statesville a few days’in the interest Callie is spending the summer at Montreat.a +21 § Messrs.W.F.Hall and C.-E./4 Mills went to All Healing Springs)§ a Miss Ellen Fuller,who spent:a few z days with her parents,Mr.and Mrs./|§ Charlotte,where she “is taking a as ore a beerettettt «et peeeeovosseress ress oeserece oer resist -”SPECIAL PRICES ON _ WoolandFiber ArtSquares ———THIS WEEK AT———Crawford-Bunch Furniture Company.: Mrs.Foard’s.sister,Mrs.J.°‘T.Gitt-|RB - man of Columbia.S.C.,who spent|®© last week here With”Mr.and~Mrs./§: Foard.pment Mr.avd Mrs.GC.L..Brown and their|§ son and.daughter,formerly residents|% of Harmony .community,now of) Spartanburg.S..C,ane visiting|8 Mrs.RB.P.Allison spent a portion ; Miller Allison:who.spent several |}weeks with his .aunt..Mrs.W.K.|% Rowan.county,was in town’Sundayafternoonwithhis.sister,Mrs.A.M.|%Coit..Master Howard Summerell isvisitinghisaunt,Mrs,Coit. "he Store That Al 9x12 Wool and Fiber Art'Squares,small figures, .green,tan and brown,eachBrussellsoabytheyard $7.50 50c. _-_$5.00 12.50 B0e. cere near Mocksville,has-return-|§Ingrain Art.Denar:Oxi S ome..we 1 Q 7 yDr.E,M.Summerell of Mill Bridge,|§Tapestry Art Squares,9x12,Linoleums,per square yard, Mrs..E,G.Gilmer went to Concord Saturday to be in:charge of the St. Cloud hotel,while Mr.Gilmer.and jMrs.W.E.White,who visited at Mies Aceon Gime:ge.on+eam"1!Gorhami’s Sterling and Plated Ware!| the homevof her son,.Mr.L.O.White, dren,who visited Mr.and Mrs.C.F, Williams,left last night for the.vi- ther home*in Wilkesboro.=Mrs.M.Lichtenstadth of AtlantaisvisitingMissCyntheliaMills.Miss:Esther Mayberry of Charlotte,sister of “Mf,D."F:Mayberry —ofStatesville,was -hére Friday en-route |}. reat opened up'a big lot of Gor- i and Plate:: oons-in sets and has returned to her home in Alexan- der county.We haMr,and Mrs.J..F.Moore and chil-||°ham goodsin both SterlihaveKnives,Forks and cinity of Hiddénite,where they will|||~the Fancy Pieces from 85c.up. visit ‘relatives before returning to ‘3 -better than Gorham’s,goods can be bought. -We will be glad to show you. N. home from:a stay,in the mountains,> \R.H.RICKERT &SO Miss Ruth Morrison and Miss Etta a “ROUNDED IN 1838 iy a ea Wearn,the latter<of Charlotte,~arévisitingtheiraunt,Mrs.J..M.W:helm,‘at Rosman.“Mr.Alwyn Morri-ison left yesterday for Rosfrianto van rium this ‘sister-and cousin, °-Mrs..T.F.Lippard—ofugh.Statesville A Southern College of | fund makes possible its:first-clas and ‘carefully’chosen.teachers. aanINITYCOLLEGE,| DURHAM,N.C,oewithanestablishednationalreputation for:Its large endowmentrg@efacultyofwelltraineddent’fees low.Comfortable,in carefully eierwed snes dormitories.Merits Boodle iberal arts”high standards,ndble traditions,a "atu inexpensive bachelor's degree,Graduate.eering,Education,and Law.) _OPPORTUNITY - By Walter Malone They do me wrong who say I come no When once I knock and fail to find you in;AForeveryday|stand outside your ddor,)O4REAndhidyouwakeandrisetofightand»GE Watl not for precious chances passed- Weep not for golden ages on the wane;setEachnightIburntherecordsoftheday,\ At sunrtse every soul is born again, MBITION and purpose are.| the keys to the door of =} .hope,to the unfortunate-and fortunatealike.a Se a . —— — =give to one a newer andteroutlook,and to theothertheyencourageaccomplishment, As the Statue of Liberty gives to thealiensanewbornhopefor.betterahead,so will an accountin __|this bank give to you and yours asenséofsecurity,peace,comfort and provision and prepare.you foraricherandnoblerlife.oN bein8sices AZ aid onU.S.DEPOSITORY, Capital$10 WORK THAN YOU EVER DIDOLIVERCHILL -_*Becauseof és ens?ing insuredOLIVER'S CHILLED METAL,theturningqualitiesofthemouldboards,andthe proper OLIVER CHILLED PLOWS ste without:exception,theLightestDraft:Plows Made” er YOU KNOW f actualWSwilldooryouhaveheard youdWhy_Not Get in Line NOW aaet gomery HardwareCo Statesville,N.C. B ARG AIN S l We how have in stock several good values _in—second-hand Roadsters _andTouring Cars which we will dispose of at a sacri- fice in order to make room for our 1916. They are REAL BARGAINS. Come and see for yourself. Lazenby Mont Compan Carolina Motor Com’ peoreressessseeresessttti pessserereeresrs)epesesseersecceseses No.1—345 acres in Elmwood..All school andchurch ¢Strong land,40 acres in ;botto son meeeandouthouses.;No.2—-77 acres 3}miles east of city.This p:ow being ¢perce No.3—40 acres 1 1-4 miles fromforDairypurposes,LiveNo.4—60 acres in:Wilkes:county across:40 city *inre ee abe “Parkbalanceinmonthlypaymentsof10lotsinBloomfleld.Teir.*section fast diCallonmeanW.R.MILLS,_°PHONE Bk m,8-room house,large’ clay highwa nee lee oe ae rm:eis blic square,©SplekandPoult:/ OD E O EE O veral narnwhatIhave.gs om a 8 : on ES rad ~~Last Week oftheBig Universal-Cansal-C ,adian Contest—Speciallyjae we be Wet tl nieie ;«eres *DP weye }i ;est—Fine Programme toWinditUpWith,=© rose candidates are going down the home-stretch now.Thrée of them are running néck and neck.No one can tell which will win,but it will pay you to take =fBithanenumhesofedit,will take to win.In buying a $1 book oa get.two Free Admissions and a chance at the $10*GoldPics:an a.$5 boo ape get TEN | ee admissions and FIVE chances at thegold piece.Tendollars won't buy an acre of Jand,like it used to,but it will come in handy for’a lot of other things.©. Imagine what this big combination tripof pleasure and education would mean to you,and consider that when you help one of these young ladies to secure it,you re aiding in one of thé biggest events of hen le.At the same time,every trip to the CRESCENT is a pleasant event in your day,and one that will help you in the day's ork In this programme you'll findmany delightful hours of recreation:|.»a :: --TYWESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY “HEARTOFCERISE”(three reels)|““SMUGGLER’S LASSIE”(two reels)|rnp naUGHTER OFTHE NILE” ‘Allstar cast.This picture has just "A40 foot drop from cliff into’the TH :me M ,A three reel drama of mystery andreleased,avd presents an ab-“Pacific ocean is one of the many prtiey Sanipteatiog of the famous thrilling features of this drama.romance,with Mary Fuller. “HOW BILLIE GOT BIS RAISE”book,‘The a na Rae inter-|“A JUDGMENT OF MEN”_DOOK,.«asain:atestingstoryoftheFrencg“Victor Dra A Joker Comedy that will raise your spirits 50 per cent, FRIDAY.“UNDER THE CRESCENT”(Bpisode No.2) Into the cage of the golden bars,No one who saw this picture Fridaywillmiss;this second’narrative.Don't forget each episode is.a com-plete picture that will disclose:the‘any mysteries of Eastern’Harem::.“THEIR FRIEND THE BURGLAR”.Alively Nestor Comedy that ‘willstealeve’ERY”you have..°”“ANIMATED ,lly the final spurt that wins the race.The next four days is the time,to help your candidate make the spurt that will land her at the PanamaExposition,ben Diogs Exnasition,Universal City (the magic city of the Continent)and a hundred other celebrated points of interest in America,R,L.FLANIGAN,Mrg. of Oxford Orphanage | SATURDAY | “BILLIE’S BLIGHTED CAREER”— Two reel L-Ko Comedy,with sone-.thing doing every second,and Bil-’:lie Ritchie doing it,Sn “FROM THE SHADOWS” “THE STRUGGLE” Two splendid Dramas, pee “PARK JOHNNIES”ae big.Nestor Comedy with Eddie ene : my ictori ,Lee Moran The fun in this L-Ko Comedy is fast doy Wattenbury,“Nu and furious,with plenty of it.\+and Harry Rattenbury.‘Nuff said”’ \aed y the —inging Claneert at sit a 4 ‘At the Court House Tuesday Evening,July 27th,at 8:30 O'clock.” |‘The O d Orphan Asylum wasOrganized in 1872 by the Masons of North Carolinato Aid Destitute "Children.of the State—ao_o vs ee Great and Noble Work—and Should be Liberally Patronized by All. 3 ‘‘Me-AN ENJOYABLE EVENING FOR ALL! dares tnIREDELL’S GOOD SHOWING. E LANDMARK sAY,,July 27,92915. SPEAKING TALENT. fivantage the Speaker HasfaNon-Speakdi(Mlugtrat-,m the Case of Mu.cBickett.,sing the gubernatorial candi-| d expressing tli¢opinion that General Bickett has a long i the Democratic nomination, roe Journal,published in Mr, ef native county,makes Fer ng observation:deeisSeohatteeBkBr.Daughtridge;who But he lacks one:ess reeeeaesuSeee cent,364 farms;“Creveland,.17 per, "i aleiatced cent,665 farms;eres 17 per oo‘eed—More 485 farms;Stanly,18 per cent,487),Farmery That Bay F rms;Union,18 per cent,879 farms;,Than Three Millions Spent.|p Misi 48 pee cant Pie 4 tT XUN ~roATISHAL‘TION f ;Se OLE ” University News-Letter.,19 per ent!615far &;Davie,21ftishardtobelidvé!“that 76,800 :Hane at ‘dba pike,28 herfarmers,in pores Carolina in the nt,607 'f rms;Alleghany,25,per|densd¥ORES owt feed for their gent,S62 Saris Ge le er |‘farm:animals}(that.three in every|eent,587 farms;Davidson,28 ; ten.of our farmers spent in cold cash tent,992 farms;Catawba,30 per |:for this purpose,on an average $41/¢ent,964 fatms;Ashe,31 per .cent,j,a piece,and all told $3,151,000.|4011 farms;Guilford,31 per cent, _Ip 56 counties the per cent of far-;1174 farms;Buncombe,32°per cent, mers,buying farm feed was beyond 1,028:farms;‘Mecklenburg,’32°per}te average (30 per cent).In gent,1,406-farms;Ayexander}’33 peregrmorethanathirdofthejgent,629.[farms;Coldwigity 4,perBoughtstockfeed;in five,\gent,858 farms;Forsy h;36,per cent,hn ‘half of.them;and in one 2 farms;Watauga,36 per‘cent,828hve®-fpurths of them!farms;Wilkes,!/86 »:per’:ivent,*'1,870.\bi n a thousand;’ cht m feed.In six around 1,500.farmers were rms,HE te ns :Sick 'Folks——Petsonal 'Mention,|. supplying deficiencies in this way.In|Gorrespondence of The.Landmark. obeson the farmers buying farm}:Hiddenite,R-2,4.the ©governorship—speaking feed numbered 1,739;in Wilkes 1,875;threshing is about over. 4 This is very’easy,of explan-|and in Wake 1,965.The ratios ranged |Mr.Monroe Fincannon has fever. H e two men,gr ting them from 9 per cent in Dare to 73 per cent LittleVerna Hines,who was recover-————M I L L ”igh character‘and ability,but in New Hanover;and the sums spent ing from an attack of fever,suffered SSS :{o3 e6beanon-speaking man and for farm:feed averaged all the way a relapse last week.and her:life was tH :‘pepe SS tansOar ee cane gi hg orterafacilespeaker,and the!from $23.15.in_Yancey to $121.90 per despared-of for a time but she is im-2 RE Sere a :%7 ~4 Ins.away.with the other in farm in New Hanover.proving now.Mrs,R.D.Lackey con-|',.of popularity.with the people.Laggard Farmers.tinues right sick,Her daughter,Mrs.)re on oa ais eo ae ee -a-targe 'y due-to-the-fact that he!tm the 1910 census it appears that!Carl Deal-of Mooresville,is-spending :;.aa °1 s ,ene ee&much better opportunityto,184,000 farms in North Carolina grew|some time with her..ft is Bea.Building Materials GC WwW A TKINS Sees W.C.,North Center Street,m where one hears and sees the “NAe YY 9 ext Planters’Warehouse.sumed in the South is.imported,|Messrs.L.M.Davis,D.A.Lackey sccienebila ;;around one and a half billion tons a and ©.Y.Williams took a:.trip to wayear.Our yearly bill”for Western Charlotte this week.They made:the).hay and forage is some seventeen and trip in Mr.Davis’machine,»..a half million dollars.It makes the}Mr.H.C..Patterson’has:bought ‘| ‘with ‘the:®eople and give no hay and forage;that 25,393 farms,|Miss Clara Gilreath,who spenteeecenornntaytogetacquaint-|or ‘one in every ten,grew no corn;some time with her sister,Mrs.Lee Middle ee rears just.that new machine...eemuchricherandleavesus“just so Kidnapped Ranchman GoGat Away Smoke._housés bursting with home-|-“Ernest-A.Empey,a wealthy tanch- and size him up.that nearly 200,000 farms grew no Harrington,has returned to her homegman.is ready on all occas-|oats,and more than.200,000 grew no near Taylorsville.Mr.Ross Miller of much poorer,Barns,bins,cribs ahd raised feed and food supplies mean'er living in the vicinity,of Idahopermanent.farm"prosperity. oftper.) _Men’s;Women’s (RNY Sy and Children’s Shoes and Oxfords AL VERSE s :Se Ban ::)i :ni Has ‘already’ser toyed oux expectations.Piveyrpore days.jn |<7)MichYoucate,ttbd withShoes and.Oxfords.ofmerit,ak do=aw''“Spall cost,’Remember,only Shoes of merit offeredinthisClear-_ "ance Sale.crea.igenger Yourstruly,-*: 7i Peind‘has’a large Df 47baarolinapoliticscanhoJuly26.—Wheat and a thousand;people hear and!wheat,-|Mooresville is visiting relatives‘A fifth of the hay and forage’con-around here.iT er.his advantage Mr.Bickett has totkeddegreeoverhisopponent.ot only a speaker,but one ‘of,.He does.not belong to the re fervid orators,.who,a rhymthic flow”of words g yoice,are enabled:to ge a more or lessletheorationis es pee s = }a ‘Birth Announcements,Acknowledgements,Birthday Cards. Thereis not any doubt about our having the newest and siostelaborate line of these ever brought to«Statesville:Remember that you can always buy_an artisticmemorycardfromusthatis tyappropriate,whatever occasion wo!contrary;.Mr.Bickett’s powerthegift;ofunderstanding theManandpittingthisunder-‘into Words,He is a mantionedtalent,but that tal-the electrification.of the com- st of which we are all madethananattenuatedrefinementdustwhichhastheeffectof y.its:.possessor from the of+men,..Hence he is naturally ’s man,not an affecting onepatronizingone,Added to per-fications is the fact that he the opportunity for wide ac- lance with the people of theItis.no wonder that the 0 feel that he really has noopposition,and that it is pos- his excellent opponent.towithdrawbeforetheday at c Fer Farm Problems. Farmer. ly ‘we ‘heed hardly any-han the general use of an ing practical atteijtionems.It is nothing lesspfultohavethousandsndsofpeeboysyear.af-dying problems in bankie,latitudeand longitude,Brit- ae the metric =eae ofmeasures,‘hile theyVabsolutelynothingabouthowpoundafertilizerformula,es- the values of different gradeslizer,nor have any problemsfFrationsforlivestock.Far-vhere should.make up ds to or raising a per-v about this situation until bargains have ever beenpfore..You should visit theSmithey&Fraley this week. instances even less. or lasting’effects.) at 50c,on,the dol-, erm They Falls,Idaho,kidnapped ‘several:days foint the way to a self-feeding,self-ago by-*a bandit and held for $6,000 financing,self-directing farm democ-|ransom,escaped from his abductorsracy. Making Headway.est rangers.,:North Carolina.is moving toward|'Lee Dean,sheepherder,who admits this ideal.Since 1880 we have nearly {he kidnapped Empey,was capturedquadrupledour‘acreage in hay and by cowboys and is in jail.Dean had forage.We have multiplied our pea-|been formerly employed by Empey.nut acreage eleven-times over since |The latter said Dean kept/him fasten-11880,_We-have-trebled—our-—wheated .to_a_tree but treatedhimkindly,crop in the last five years,and this giving him plenty to eat.The familyyearwe-have a small surplus for ex-/of Empey had raised the money tojport.-We have not done so:well ‘in pay the -ransom-when the latter es-jcorn production,but we have in-¢aped.\“tjereasedthis.crop neatly 60.per cent in the last 15 years.Our oats crop iis 700,000:bushels larger than.lastyearandourpotatoestwoandathird icounty,has been organized by the(million bushels more.Amd on the clection of the following directors:FE.first of last January we had nearly B,Walton.W.R.Little,Wi F..Thomp-300,000 pigs in the State more than gon,J.A.Lyerly,J.D.Norwood,E.J.in 1910.%ae:Roseman;J.-C.Sherrill -and--G.--A.We-are rapidly learning the abc’s Brown.J.D.Norwood was electedoffarm,economy;namely,that the president,W.F.Thompson vice presi-first business.of the farm is to feed|dent and W.W.Roseman’cashier.the fareers family and the farm an-imals,:oeThislesson,well learned.in\the)South,would increase .our *farmwealthatthetateof936milliondol-lars a’year! t New Bank at Cleveland. The new bank at Cleveland,Rowan 2d,‘ In the vicinity of East Spencer, Saturday night,Chas.Caldwell,col-ored,pulled his trusty gin.and shotfourmembersofhisrave.One of the wounded,Bob Lewis,is expectedtodieandCaldwellhadnotbeentak- en at last account. In the table showing the rank ofcounties—the percentage of farmersandthenumberof.farins in the Statebuyingfeed—fredell;firaise be!ranksnext:to-the lowest.Dare is first withonly9‘per cent of the farmers and12farms;Iredell second with 14 percentofthefarmersand649farms.That’s too many,There:should benone.But it is gratifying to -findIredellstandingsowellinthismat-ter,Orange has 14 per cent and 687farms.-jStandingofothercountiesin ‘thissectionoftheState:Lincoln,16.per Piles Cured sn 6 ta 14 Days OINTMENT fatlecocern i's Invigorating to the Pale and Sickly The Old Standard general strengthening tonic,GROVE’S TASTELESS chill TONIC,drives outMalaria,enriches the blood,builds up the system,A true Tonic.For adults and children:60c,taenenaeeeeeEleven*thousand’dozen garmentsofunderwear,a)contract that:totals'$20,900,has been completed for:theBelgiangovertinent.by the:WeldonCottonManufacturingCompany.ofWeldon.:ie eiRas They._-spell economic freedom.|and was found by.government.for-|-._ The bank will begin business August! demandsit,Statesville Printing Co. Baltimore Sun. which.oneé roamed ‘the forests,the‘prairies:and the deserts from Maine‘to;San Diego Bay and from the Great\Lakes to.the Rio Grande,there’were ‘Jeffins4910.only about 265,000.|From decade to decade the Indian ‘has become lesS and less..a factor in}Amerid¢a,and in numbers he has vast- ily:deereased within the last two cen-turies.”It has always been supposedthat“the:noble redskin-is fast -van-lishing ‘from the earth,or at least this part of it,but,according to the cen-sus “returns,he ™been rather bet-ter than holding his own in numbers,at,least‘for thé last forty years.The "Indian Population.—-|peuBABY BEN An Alarin Clock that is:little butJoud.._It’s a little Beauty.-thing for-atady’sor a-gentleman’sroom.—Itisnot-svtarge ‘Of all.the great Indian population), Just the... the waking up for you..BIG BEN if you need to be knocked out. % ~Jeweler, eteMETAL ROOFING.~<t—— Have you stopped to.think you can-get one of the best TIN, IndiarBureau-reports that-there-were;about 1,000 more Indians in the Unit- éd States in‘1910 than in 1870,and,the centits bureau.estimates,-17,000more‘in-1910 than in 1890,This,however,does’not apply:toAlaska,where the population has de- to!a little Above:25,000.in 1910.aa rs i##'rather Curious to find that\Néw York ‘State,with its 6.046 red;mén,and North Carolina,with,7,851,hawe ‘each mre eee ts eranda,Oregon;Wyoming,Utah,Colora-do,f nes or Nebraska,OklahomahasthelargestIndian babel ile=ne re‘)Mr.Ball Home Again.CotredponilenceofTheLandmark.~~~auehside,Statesville—Mr...VanceBalthasreturned’hone ,from 'the gr giag,been sick.but ia better. Cures:018:Sores,Gtner henecieh tort isAreli creased ‘from about,33,000 in 188014 population,|with 74,825,and Arizona is second,|} Sanatorium,where he»was)operated|%appendicitis.Mr.Arch Evans |%- ROOFS.put on at less pricemarket...Tin-and Slatebest.roofingeverthananyother’reofing on the STATESVILLE TIN GO.,Hl.C;Mohler,Manager.PHONE 55._114 East BroadStrect. | em a SS S R TR I M IC T ar aa BORCRORORCRCEDAOCRORCROECHCEEOLLE CELL OO oO aol Oh ol Ob ontook Hoe EE E es t Shoot Straight! 41 No gunbrings down the bird unless it’s loaded!sce {No prescription bringsrelief until it’s filled. paper.’ —--Let-us-make that: is expected of them, {Even then,it must be et filled with drugs of thehighestcharacter,otherwise it becomesa mere ‘‘scrap of -preschiption-of thehighest alte to you by filling it with drugs athataccomplishexactly what |;,’ *-PURITY PRECISION PROMPTNEsS id Ca c e t e t a c e t e t e t e s s ey & HOME-COMING AT ER. Gathering Planned at the OldChurch—Children’s'Day at Fair View—Mt.Mourne Items. Correspondence of The Landmark, “Mt.Mourne,July 28.—A ‘company‘jof Mt.Mourne folks went to.Beat-tie’s Ford on a pienie:A party went thenight before and fished.Mr.JimWhitiowanjlseveralfriendsfromCharlotteandMr.Will Whitlow ofHuntersvillewerewithus:We had| “ARE YOU INTERESTED?” Slate Roofing?Tin Roofing?Galvanized ingle Beene Roof Painted?Ice Box or Refrigerator LinedTinor.Sheet Metal Work of pi Kind?LET US KNOW.IREDELL TIN WORKS. Bell ’Phone 98.Independent ’Phone.197. a nice dinner and all enjoyed the day.Mr.B.D.Kelly of North Wilkes-boro is at home on vacation.~Mrs.C.R.Templeton of Mt.Mourne is visit- "High Praise:ForFor American Doc-| THE AMERICANS DID IT. tors and’Nurses in ..the Ty-|phus Epidemicin Serbia..‘) London Dispateh,»*\ “Miraculous is the only proper,adjective to apply to the work being done by American doctors and nurs-|es in Serbia,”saye Sir Thomas Lip-|ton,after His return from his sec-ond ‘trip to the.near east with thehospitalyachtErin.5 | “As usual,”continued Sir Thomas;| “the Americans excel in ~organiza.) tion and preventive.measures.The)French,and English ynits are doing|good work in the hospitals but con-| duet of the work of sanitation is rap-|idly making typhus a thing of the) past and eredit must go to the Amer-| COCOLADE! Cool and Fefreshing. King of Fountain Drinks, —+——5c.AT-——¥. -HALL’S)DRUG.STORE,*PHONE 20.Prescriptionists.te eG icans,whose magnificent efforts have| made them loved by every Serbian,|from the King to the lowest.peasant, all of whom seem fully.appreciative|of the éfforts of the Red Cross e their behalf, “When I wag in Serbia on my first’trip,”continued Six Thomas,“it was |'unsafe to travel in the country,which| ing her ‘parents néar Charlotte,Miss Blankenship,a ctrained nurse ofStatesville,visited Miss Sallie Hobbs this week.. Farmers of,Mt,Mourne commitinitythreshed,their wheat this.week andthecropturnedout.real.well.Misses.Annie.Mae and —BeulahHobbs,Messrs:Frank Carter and F.W.Whitlow went to Mr..J.:B..Ech-erd’s,in.Alexander ae recentlyandspentafewdays.They made the trip in Mr.Carter’s machine. Miss Cora Bell has beet visttmg thetomatoclubgirlsinthecountyandfoundtheclubin.good condition::Lit-tle Miss Edith’Templeton aeccompa-nied Miss Bell on the trip.Miss Bell is expecting Miss Scott,State ageni°of tomato club work,to_visit _her min as to make*necessary the use of|: antisepties night.and morning.But|on this trip no such precautions were} necessary,thanks to the sanitation| hospitals are now as clean as any to|be found in Europe,while hotels and} dwellings are beginning to observe | sanitary regulations, “At the cheight of the asitherewereprobably300,000 cases of|typhus,-but many typhus hospitals!now have been closed for lack of pa-|tients,At Ghevgheli,where Dr.Jas.| I.Donnelly.now Serbia’s _nationalhero,died;there were’once 1,400 pa-tients in ‘the:American hospital..Now there\are only three suffering from ty-‘phus,” Misses Ruth Newten and May.Kelly are visiting Miss Nan Wilson at Mint‘Hill.Mrs.C.M?’Gouger and =Miss Lizzie Gouger visited Dr.Geo.Gouger this week.He lives near Poplar Tent,Cabarrus county.-Miss Joyce Bratton: of Davidson was a visitor ee To the Farmersof Iredell and Other Counties: THE STATESVILLE REALTY &INVESTMENT COMPANY beg to announce that they have completed arrangements.with “THE ee INSURANCE CO.of New York,’’forinsuring your growing ig oy Tobacco,Corn,Cotton aud:small grain against destructionilStormatthefollowingverylowprice: TOBACCO CROP, $100 per acre valuation at $7.50 per acre 75 per acre valuation at .5.874 per acre50-per-acre valuation at “3.75 per acre25peracrevaluationat‘1,874 per acre COTTON,CORN AND SMALL GRAIN CROP @ .$40 per acre valuation,$k ‘per ac}35 per acré valuation peracre ...=r iére-Valuation:.«*4 1.20 race 5°a valuation ihiy ay Fi,c0 racre §4évaluation*“ayer acre ~~ 15 per acre valuation —-na «00 per acre.30 per acre ‘valuation »40 per acreDWELLINGS,FURNITURE,BARNS. 100 value for one year at 30c.,3 years at 60e:,5-years at 90c=~‘This _latter insurance coversalso against loss or damage|occasioned —by wind in ‘addition to hail.* REMEMBER-—“Weinsure anything insurable.’’ J.F.CARLTON,Mana ger, "PHONE 54...sabye STATESVILLE,&Coe at the home of her sister,Mrs.ifempleton.Mrs.M.O,Colndell re- lcently visited her sister,Mrs.Mary|Watt,who lives near Shepherd’s.;Dr.Reid:Morrison has bought anjautomobile. |Miss Cress Mott entertained:her{Sunday school class at her home onejoveningrecently.Refreshments were served. Wh have had fine rains ane‘erops lare very promising.|.Children’s»Day exercises at Fair View church the first Sunday eyenine in August,beginning at 8 o'clock. 'Everybody invited. The people of Center church expect |to have a “Home-Coming Day”some time in August...The date will beannouncedlater,Plan now for a trip before the sum-{mer is over./Hitch up-the wagon and x0 and spend.a“few ove.—a camp ; nee §been Bought Guns Instead of Plows. Exports,of American agricultural implements during .the—fiseal_year 1915 totaled approximately $10,000,- 000,as against $40,600.000 in.the high-record year 1913,$21,000,000 in 1903,and a.yearly ayerage -ofthan$29,000,000 for thy past ade.This loss of esate fell most heavily upon ‘sales to Europe but there were also smaller though sig- nificant decreases in shipments to Argentina,Canada and various coun- tries of Africa and other sections of| the world.“Cuba and Siberia made gains.Australia barely held its own in the year’s trade,but this is a:goodshowingin-view of the fact that her Wheat crop dropped from.over 100,-600.000 bushels in 1913 to 25,000,000 bhshels last.year. The European war was doubtless was then so badly infested from ver-|° reforms enforced by Americans.The}~ pre ‘ ao dominant factor in the great.fall-|".ipg off in.exports of agricultural im-, Moun-'Hlements,since the decrease’in.sales£0 to Europe was disproportionate.to‘and.spenda.ten days with friends.that in-sales to other sections.fYou will feel better for the trip-andimorelikeworkwhen—return dES BACKACHE WORRY YOU?| ihome,«}oe »,-\Food Situation Abroad —No.‘Bome eiaenribeSoseie Bete eareScarcityinGermany. {)(Ernest,Ps}sell,national direc:tor of the American Red Cross,whoifbasbeendirecting.the .Rockefeller|\'Woundationactivities:throughsut the| iver- |Bitow many ‘pedple suffer from.an. pening back? How few.know.the.cause?| Tf-ithorts to stoop or lift) ~~60 Tornadoes Devastate’10,000 Homes in Eight States Subvh isthe record ofoneday’s hundred years the Hartford damage done by tornadoes.Fire Insurance Company ‘You don’t know when the has met every honest claim tornado may strike your property,but you do-know the “Old Hartford”protects againstall loss,For overa promptly.Buy a Hartford Tornado Policy today.ItisthenearestthingtocomfortwhenaTornadostrikes.gPeople’s bie ene N.C.Resident Agent. GEO.H.penOw President. ~|rior. _..|ropean war.zone’and_has returnied |§ ‘to Washington,says a German inven-! |tory of food supply in Germanysshows |§ no shortage.present or prospective;|— pak in.Serbia.where«there is much |©Watch for nature’s signal. |destitution,there’is considzrable|”The first sign may be headache or i food shortage,but conditions are im-/dizziness, jFroving and the situation is encour-|.Scanty,painful, If.you..suffer sudden,-ins—: If you are weak,lame and tired. _Suspect your kidneyy. or too frequent}joging generally ©pe ashant the wat)urination,jarea,.~age+Nervousness,or—a-constant,dead-}~ “In Belgium,”“said iMr.Bicknell,tired feeling. “every man,woman and child of 7,-‘,-|Avert the serious kidney diseases,000,000 has to be fed from supplies Treat the.weakened kidneys withbroughtimfromother countries.!Doan’s Kidney Pills,3About1,506,are unable to buy}.A!remedy especially for sick kid-}%their supplies,but all others do buy/neys. ~;them—undera.systematic arrange?"Endorsed in Statesville by -your)#ment of distribution *at low prices.|friends:and neighbors, Americans.practically’supporting},Mrs.C.O.Kennerly,348 Western Pf the-Belgian people,“Inv Poland.‘there are no outsidersengagedinreliefwork,but there isalargeamountoffood.being sent in,Distribution to ‘the.needy.populationGermanandAustralianmilitarycom-manders are’supervising through lo-cal committees of the Polish pcople,This ‘food is “oming®only from Ger: many and Austria.Bulgaria and Roumania,by strittgovernment.prohibition,are holding Co.,Props.,Buffalo,N.Y.;all their wheat,looking forward to|—:‘IthePossibly.of “being drawn into the war weden is importing wheat <.;“’White,Pink andLavenderAster Ave.,-Statesville,says:“My backcausedmemisery.After taking a few;doses,of Doan’s Kidney Pills Iwasrelieved.I consider them a finekidneymedicineanddon’t.hesitate to recommend them.” Price 50¢.,at all dealers. simply ask for.a kidney remédy—get from the United States and we have9to‘give a pledge to Great Britain that none of it will go to Germany, Russia has a great deal of wheat.butthesupply.is,11,000,miles in the inte« ——$Curtailing the Briton’s Drink "eC Hai? —Of poverty and want will never grab you if you have an active savings account in a good ~Bank—this-Bank-for—instance.—-— But you want to startin time,Startnow, -and-start here.A dollar will do to start _»with and a hundred dollars wouldn’t stop os you,onee you realize how ipper ane a. savings accountis, ®SAVBTY—SERVICE SATISFACTION. “Merchants:‘and Farmers’Bank, Of Statesville,ae “The Bank For Your Savings.a .|Mr. a iment for darting CE C E Don’t!§ Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that Mrs.Kennerly “had.Foster}Milburn!# | COOK IN courOny..THIS SUMMER”«eh: :‘OU-~can -make.your.kitchenyaslivableasyourlivingroom.—if you have a NEW PER-FECT N Oil Cookstove.Nowood-box,no ash-pan,no coal-héd'-to botk ©with.A cl@an,cool kitchen,and half the drudgerygone. The NEW:PERFECTION isquickandhandylikeagasstove.It.lights instantly,and gives you a bigvolumeofheat,easily regulatejustbyraisingorloweringthewick.-Itis easy.to operate,easy to clean,; and easy to re-wick.2,000,000 LY women say’it’s “‘gas stove ‘comfort o 79withkeroseneoil. Ask your dealer to show you his,NEW PERFECTION line—stoves with one,two,three andfourburners.Note particularly| NEW PERFECTION OVENS,especially made for use on these“stoves.Ideal’‘for roasting and, baiiBg.ri i Jo diioqe any oe in Security 'Oib doa;ee SecurityOH fo 81toobtainthebest‘results in.oil_Stoves,Heaters and:Lamps., STANDARD OIL COMPANY .Washington,D.C.(New Jersey)Charlotte,N.C. Norfolk,Va.(BALTIMORE).Charleston,W.-- Richmond,Va.,mary THERE iis nothing about the home more:beautifal or.Pai“addsmoretoyoursatisfactionandploasure’than a well keptlawn.The thing most necessaryfor thisis a good Lawn ee : The Carnation season — is over,but we have Privilege. In the last ‘conversation with Hins 4nissey—on-the—prohibition question, Dooley observed that they hadsucceededingettingtheKingofEnglandtogodry.When FranceandRussiafounditnecessaryto¢tail the sale of strong drink as a ‘varmeasure,Eygland was.expected totake‘similar action and King Georgesettheexamplebyabolishingintox-icants from .the ‘royal table.Buti}_/Hngland didn’t ‘take kindly to prohi-bition,even the clergy declining tourgeit.Recently,however,the Eng-lish government as found it neces={4sary.to curtail the sale of liquor in| some localities because it impaired,the activity,of workmen engaged inthemanufactureofmunitionsofwar.In the pldces where government reg-ulations ‘are imposed liquor is sold only between the hours.of noon and|} 2.30 p.m.and 6 and 8 p.m.;none}can be carried away to be consumedpaindvegpremises:and none is sold’on i f su Sometimes 'VeryLittle. Greensboro.News, The iceman sometimes.“cuts little ice.” euneet ee CHAMBERLAIN’LINE NT.“Last winter I used Chamberlain's Lint-:TS oak tes,Daine,atiffriess a Soreness.oO!ie can conscien+ee?say.that’I never on anything’|that# Phits,pink and laven-_der Aster which splen-didly take the placeofCarnationsthrough~the summer. tion the moment re-ceived.Beautiful de-signs for all purposes‘charmingly arrangedbyourexperts. Van.Lindley Co., _FLORISTS T0 THE SOUTH, GREENSBORO,Wi.6. Polk sftay Drug (o., (Laeal Agents, CE C E RO C C E EC E plenty”of beautiful} ~Allordershave atten-|| 80 much good,”’»KdwardCraft,Elba,‘presen rm eveeryh i Sy8 lawn mowersmake the work apleastn B ,have all the latest improvements,run eaky and noothiy.aredurable_and.make very little noise.We guarantee every one to give perfectsatisfaction.len such a small expense rueans a beautiful lawnforyearstocomeyoucannotaffordtobewithoutone,‘ The Best Hardware Housein Our ‘live SO R E RE E E C ee e ki t i c t i t p t i n t i n io l These warm days you feel the need of a >comfortable pair of Oxfords,Sandals and.Pumps.We have just that kind.Plenty of themin White,Palm Beach,Tan and Black.~ Let us give you the benefit of our experi-ence in aethem properly.=Yoursto serve, Shea enamels The OnePrice Cash Shoe Store.ene Repaired While You Wait. EPSE a8 Redaction i $50,000 Worth ot“Merchandise. Bargain Days.All Profits Devastated Ten BigbyOurMightiestCyclonicSale Efforts.A Fitting Climax to Four Years Unparalleled Bargain Selling. oors Open Promptly at 9 Oclock uly 28th,and Continues Through BARGAIN SPECIALS Wednesday Morningat 9 O’elock 1,000 yards ‘of 10 cent 36-inch Bleached Domestic,5 cents yard.Limited 10 yards to a customer.© 3 1-2c.,COUNTER FILLED WITH BARGAINS.3 1-2c. “he Women’s 10c.bleached gauze Vests. 9 ‘o'clock Wednesday morning we-will sell.10c,gauze vests for 2 1-2c.each.Four to a custome. BATH TOWELS o'clock ‘Thursday morning and 10 o’clock Saturday we will sell 15c.values in good size Turkish bath towels for iC. »-Women’s 10c.Black Hose. 90relock Wredneddas’morning and 4 o’clock Saturday eve- ng,will sell 10c.black hose one cent each.Two pair to a customer. -WHITE HEM STITCHED HANDKERCHIEFS Wednesday Morning 1c.Each. BIG 5c.COUNTER. *ie Thegreatest bargain of the entire sale will be found on our five cent counter.Merchandise worth up to 15e. 15c.27-inch Dotted Crepe :10c., 15e.27-inch Seed Voile :10e. LONG CLOTH.3 No.225 B B Long Cloth (12 yards)98c. No.800 B-B Long Cloth (12.yards)$1.38 No.350 BB Long Cloth,(12 yards)1.48 85c 27-inch in Birds Eye '69e. PRICES DROP ON CREPE DeCHINE AND ALL SIKS All 36-inch Messalin;$1.00 quality 69e. 36-inch Jap Silk,Spot proof,$1.00 quality,79¢e. 32-inch Wash Silks,fancy:colors,50c quality special 29¢e. 27-inch China Silk,50c¢,quality »39e. 40-inch SilkPoplin all-eolors,$1.00 quality '69e.‘40-inch Silk Poplin all colors,50-and-75¢c_quality.39. 40-inch Crepe DeChine.$1.50 quality $1.24 40-inch @repe DeChine $1.25 quality \-89e.40-inch Crepe DeChine 40c.quality.29c. ATTENTION HOME KEEPERS—NOW IS YOUR OP- PORTUNITY 72-inch All Linen German,Table Damask,beautiful patterns,$1.50 vatue ‘$1.24 72-inch all linen,$1.25 value.Lt 1.0872-inch all linen,$1.00 value De, 56-inch Mercerized cotton,50c,value 29e. ednesday Morning, salurday Night,August 7th $1.50 House.Dresses $1.09 $2.00°House Dresses ™1.48 ‘‘KIMONOS $5.00 Silk Kimonos °$2.95 $2.00 Crepe Kimonos 1.48 $1.50 Crepe Kimonbs :1,24 $1.00 Crepe Kimonos 89c, 75e Lawn 638c. ‘COAT SUITS All Silk and Wool Suits.at half-price and less, SKIRTS.1 Lot,White Ratine and Corduroy Skirts,not the latest style,your choice 50c.I Lot Wool Skirts 98c.to $1.48.Better grade,latest style,all wool,$2.48 to $7.50. *CHILDREN’S DRESSES. At Slaughter Prices,Sizes from 2 to 14 years All 48¢quality 25e. “All $1.00 quality ;76c.Mothers don’t wear your eyes out sewing when youcanbuy-at these prices. SACRIFICE:PRICES ON MUSLIN UNDERWEARMaterial-worth more thanthe price we ask for areadymadegarment.If you:are not sure come and seeand.be-convinced. r yard. Tee.Crepe Gingham Be. |and 1c,40-inch Voile,short lengths,5e. Oc 40-inch White Lawn 5e. 2c.Apron Checks et Bes L0¢.36 inch Bleached Domesti¢{3 i)!Be. l0c,Stra’7,ue Be. 54-inch Mercerized cotton “3 yeah‘TOWELS. 1 Lot Hem Stitched Red border Towels i1LotHerm:Stitched:Red border Towels,10c.vane 1 Lot Turkish,Bath Towels,10¢value Tucked Hem Stitched Children’s drawers 2 to 6 Te,One lot Children’s drawers 6 to 10 “Ile.One lot Children’s drawers 6 to 10 ;18¢,‘»One lot.Ladies Pants °15e.One lot Ladies Pants 19¢.One'lot Ladies Pants 39¢.One lot Ladies Night gowns 19¢,One lot Ladies Night gowns _39e.$1.00 Ladies Night gowns,slightly soiled :69e,DRESS GOODS.e 42-inch Silk and Wool $1.00 value” 69e,42-inch Wool Garberdine,$1.00.value 9e,42-inch Black French Serge,$1.00 value 7196,;36-inch Black and’White Check 50c:value 396Manyotherstylesandqualitiesal]reduced for this n‘G |Be,1 Lot Turkish Bath Towels,15¢.special.i 240918CasiSe“Toweting Be. _©.BARGAINS IN ALL COLORED PIECE’GOODS. 10and12 1-2c 36 inch Percale 8 1-2¢. 1 Lot Turkish Bath Towels,25c.very special Le. 1 Lot Turkish Bath Towels.ces Ta 19¢. CLEARANCE.SALE PRIC =en AL READY-TO-WEARS,FOR LADIES ”CH PUES: Pee and Madras Cloth 10c.50c:Lawn-and Peredle Waist...1)Bie.~ hite Ratine 7 1-2e.$1.00 Voile and segandy.)-‘48c,10¢.$2.00 Crepe DeChine.,‘$1.48”WHITE GOODS.Aeath $2:48 Crepe-DeChine™;align “He ee Shee iy Here you ‘will find the greatest bargains Ever.$3.48"Crepe DeChine°ea *$2.48 15 and 20¢White P.K,and Corduroy .le.DRESSES eh Sale. 40-inch White Crepe ~—15¢.$5.00 to $7.50 Silk Poplin.:$3.95 All goods marked in Plain figures on yellow Spetial5c.27-inch White Crepe 10¢.5e $4.00 and $5.00 Voile,Rice,Clothyand Crepe”2.95 ’Sale Tickets..and 18c.80-inch ae Gown Crepe ie Te. es Ginghamés,Absolutely fast colors 8 1-2c. 0 75¢House Dresses p RBes:It will pay you to come 50 miles to this Sale. Ibe.$1.00 House Dresses _19¢.WANTED—15 Experienced Sales people for this Sale. WHO.THE BELKS ARE. Mr.W.H.Belk of Charlotte and Dr.J.M.Belk of Monroe are thetwobrotherswhoabout25yearsagostartedtheNewYorkRacketStoreatMonroe,N.C..They spent their earlier days on the farm.They got their’first mercantile experience at the Heath Co.of Monroe,working for $5‘per month.They had a very smell store to startwith,but by hard work,being honest and courteous,and ‘selling for,‘cash,giving th tomers good values,Sale will continue ten ie Come every day.You're eae,wel-ovcistanwlite ror G90b0ee vo today oon ‘ome.From Wednesday,July 28th,to Saturdays August 7th,|e,The 1 pee ars |,tte.WH.Belk &Bro.,Monroe.nheard of prices onreliablemerchandise.-Parks-Belk Co.Concord.”RJ.BelkCoe Waster”3 J.M.Belk Co.,Gastonia.Brown-Belk Co.,-No’phone orders filled—no goods on approval.Every purchase Hatry Belk Co,,Salishar.William BelkGo,Santo, guaranteed or your money back.CASH COUNTS.»Johnston-Belk Co.,Statesville.Hudson-Belk Co.,Raleigh. 'MEN’S CLOTHING.',BIG SAVING IN SHIRTS. Kirkpatrick-Belk Co.,Yorkville,S.C. Men’s Suits,$5.00 value,Sale price ©$3.48 We carry a big line of both Dress and Work Shirts, Men’s Wool Suits,$6.50 to $7.50 value,good styles 4.75 50c¢value dress shirts,Ss ;23c. Men’s Wool Suits,$10,$12.50 value,.(195 ‘75e.value dress shirts,59e. Men’s Wool Suits,$12.50,$15.00,value -Kos NO.O5 $1 00 value,dress shirts,4 /69e. -.$5.00-and $6.00 Palm-Beach Suitseg 3.98 Lion and B.B.-brand,white-and faneycoat shirts,full“ $17 Styleplus Suits a ae :13.48 size and well made,$1,$1.25 value,‘7Be.Boys’Suits and Pants at Sale Price.Lion brand,$1.25 value,©89e. “50c.PANTS,50c.-PANTS!—--Keep Kool "Underwear From 10-to-75e. One big counter filled with odds and ends,.some soil-:SHOES,SHOES!° ed,the very thing for work pants.While they.last 50c.Bion EF.Reynolds $5.00.Shoe ..$3.48_A full line of Boys’Pants all go at.Sale prices.Ralston Health.Shoes and Oxfords also included in this_All Boys’Wash mie ae _és.jaanformhig7adi;OVERALLS.—~pee elwyn Shoes and Oxfords $2.48im7)het high,low and medium bust,re 1 Lot Pin cheek 50e.$3.00 Rairmont’é }2.19 “Average figure;—Batiste-and-Coutil=pg _Men’s BlueOveralls with Apron :88c.$2.00 and $2.50-Gun Metal,Viei,Pat;Leather,Tans 1.99. )Medium Stout .,ane ~Men’s B.B.Overalls with Apron,$1.00value —68e,“1 Lot $1.50 shoes and Oxfords,special -~o8e,FF ‘Lace front 89c.BIG SPECIALS IN GENTS’FURNISHINGS."~-*LADIES’SHOES 4apire,all sizes,18 to 36,39¢.From 9:45 to;10 o'clock Wednesday morning wash Dorothy Dodd Shoes and Oxfords all yso in this Sale,:~~BARGAINS IN BLACK SILKS,:ties 3c.each,3.to a customer.From 10:45 to Im o'clock $2.50 and $3.00 Walkin’Oxfords,Pat.Leather,Tan-“ih Wednesday morning 1 lot 50e.dress an 25c.,3 to a cus-and Gun Metal,\$1.98nchSatinDuchess,$1.00 value,\89e.\tomer,fe $2 Lady.Bess,‘Sheek and Oxfords i 1.69wokBessuiy.00 value,‘79e,de.Boys’Suspenders ‘2c.1 Lot Ladies’Shoes and Oxfords,Special 98nehae€:$1.00 value 69c.1 Job lot men and boys’suspenders”Be._All shoes and slippers for childrenwill be included inaChinaSilk,39¢.1 lot’38 and 50c.value,men and Heys’suspenders,—-19¢.thisSale at great reductions. “This is the time to buy your :Hosiery.The best les at tremendously reduced prices.Women’s Seam-Hose in Black,White‘and Tan,15c.value,lic.Wo- men’s boot silk hose,25c.value,19c.Al our Standard Gordon Silk Hose go in this Sale.No.300 $1.00 value .§0c.value 39c.35¢.value29c.~All Gordon ‘round_ et,25.value 19¢. CHILDREN’S FANCY sox be.Value 19¢. 15c value :/11e. 10¢value.8e. W.B.CAN’T RUST CORSETSloF'3 Elastine Reduso $2.48 This Annual Mid-Summer Sale iiS,waited for by hundreds who have rea;ed tremendousharvests in the past:Remember the time and the lace:Wewant to shake hands with every man and wornan jin Iredell county.Extra sales people to wait onyou,_.No goods on approval.A spot cash sale-Bhsone orders taken.Ice water and electric fans to keep you cool.RE CLOSED TUESDAY.arranging andmarkingdown goods,Goods marked-in plain figures on yellow specialsaletickets:This sale continues”~days.“New bargains will be put on sale every day.Everybody come and bring your family.Every.purchase must be satisfactory or money tefunded._JOHNSTON.-BELK CO,Statesville,N.C. *‘mans who were moving swiftly:on -in the destruction of men and in the «sector, - ~—2:hh and reached Statesville ,away nearly 24 hours without food. ‘ticipated...Rey.Legh Scott,his son, «probably fatally wounded;and Albert...Thompson,.shot.through the left, _-Glennie!# 4 “;peg i f eneateesreeneta VOL.XLIL.STATESVILLE,N.©.,FRIDAY,JULY 80,1915._ =O OOO =e SSE —CHECK GERMAN ADVANCE|WORK .OF CONFERENCE.|NEWS OF MOORESVILLE.|MANY TAKE TREATMENT.|FROM OVER THE COUNTRY. Russians Hold Back Austro-Germans —Italians Defeat-|. ed—A Contest of Endurance; The Russians have halted at many| points the advance of ‘the Austro-Ger- Warsaw only a few days’ago.The answer to the German onslaughts hasbeenaseriesofRussiancounter-at-tacks that have’proved effective both maintenance of positions..Field Marshal-von Hindenbure’s troops,who have been strongly press- ing the Russians along the.NarewandthoseoftheAustrianGrandDukeinsoutheast—_Poland,have felt the force of these covnter-attacks.~Berlin and Vienna declarethatthisoffensivehasbeenputdownbut.that the Austro-Germans havemadeonlyslightprogressifany,isnotdenied... The Germans,however,have cap- tured the village of Goworowo,to the east of Rodan,and the village of Pio-runow,some miles west of the War- saw fort line..Except for encounters.in Alsace,where both French and Germansclaimsmal!gains,and to the north- west of Souchez,where trench fight- ing has been going on,relative calmprevailsontheWesternline. The furious battle which has ragedfordaysintheGoriziatheaterofthe Austro-Italian campaigns’has ended in the complete failure of the Italiansto-attain.their-objective.-according to Vienna.In addition,Vienna assertsthatagainsttheItalianattacksonthe entire front in the Isonzo region,the Austrians are holding their own. In.moving an adjournmefit of the British Parliament to September 14,Premier Asquith said the-war had he-come.and.would Jikely continue forsometime,a contest of endurance. The Premier paid high tribute to Rus- sia’s gallantry and expressed the be-lief that the objective of the Italians“in a short time will be within theirreach.” The British minister of munitions, David Lloyd-George,told the Housethat,within a few weeks the supply ofshellswouldbedoubled,“This will,” he added,“not-merély enable us to support our men,but enable them to cleave their way through to victory.” Sixteen munitions.factories,theministerannounced,have heen estab- lished in England and 10 additionalarestilltobebuilt. eteeee Military Return F rom CampoeeATheIredelRlues,Company E.‘of trey teepeeih e. the First,North ,Garolina:Regiment, returned ,Wednestay «morning:frd6m Morehead.ity,where they were ‘en- camped with the other companies of the First.regiment of.the NationalGiardatCampGlennfortendays.The special train carrying the com-panies from this section,of the StateleftMoreheadTuesdayafternoonat at 3 o'clock Wednesday morning.The lo-eal company’s trip to and from More-head and their stay in camp was with- out special incident,but.246 members of Company A.of Hickory,B of Gas-tonia,C of Winston-Salem and D ofCharlottehadanexciting’experience last week.They went to sea on a small,barge carly Friday afternoon, expecting to return during the night,but the barge ran on a sand bar and stuck fast.When it was discovered next morning that the excursion par- ty had not returned there -was“much uneasiness in camp,owing to the fact that the weather was'‘more or less stormy.The matter‘wasreported totheofficeroftheFish*Hawk,a gov-ernment.boat,and the Hawk wentin.search of the missing~barge,lo- cating it within a short time.Pas- sengers were’taken from the barge by the government vessel and.otherboats.about 9 o’clbck and reached camp about:11 o'clock,‘having been he barge was still on the sand bar whenthe :soldiers last heard front it. Dr.Scott’s Serious Injury. _Rev.Dr.J.A.Sé6ttislaid:upfor|several weeks with his left hip.badlybroken.The break is the nesult of anaccidentwhichoccurredaweekagotodayatAspenwall,Va.,where Dr.Scott was ‘spending several days onbusinessandpleasedHewaslook- ing on at a game of tennis betweensome-young people and undertook toreturntheball;—In-some way he fellanddiscoveredthathecouldnotrise.He was removed to the -house and physicians called.After examiningtheinjurytheydidnotthinkthere Was a break.Dr.Scott notified his home people here that.he had had anaccidentbut:nothing serious was an- joined him at Danville,they reached home Tuesday night and \Dr.Scott was taken to the Sanatorium.Wed- nesday an examination of his injurywasmadeanditwasthenlearnedthatDr.Scott:had suffered a,bad break.of the left hip:and ‘one that will keep him.in for some time, Shooting at Hendersonville. Hd Mills,shot in the abdomen and shoulder,was the result of a shodtingaffrayatHendersonyilleWednesdaynight,Millé was ,shot iby Thompson and Thompson’wags shot by one Car- Sunday School Work Empha- sized —Plea For..ChristianEducation—Proteediiigs Dis- trict Conference. Statesville District.Methodist Con- ference,which has been in session at Broad Street Methodist church since Tuesday evening,expects to completeitsworkthisafternoon.The Confer-ence has been well attended and the sessions have been interesting.©In- cluding the pastors,lay delegates.Sunday school superintendents andrepresentativesoftheChurchinstitu-tions,there have been 160 or moreout-of-town ‘people in.attendance. Thése are being entertained by the local Methodists, Yesterday’s sessions of the Con- ferencé were given principally to rou- tine business—-hearing reports of committees,representatives of schools and’other Church interests,commit-tee meetings,etc.The feature of the morning session Was a sermon by Rev. Z,E,Barfihardt of Lenoir,whose strong deliverance on the healing oftheleperwhoreturnedtothank Christ for the healing,was very much enioyed.= Rey.L.B.Abernathy of Cullowhee spoke in the interest of the Southern Assembly at Junalitska Lake;|Rev.W.A.Newell of Waynesville repre- sented Weaver College;Rev.C.H. Trowbridge spoke in the interest of Brevard Institute;*Rev.J.F.Kirk and Mr.Dorman Thompson of Statesville and Rev.J.W.Jones of,Mooresville, reported for the Methodist Mutual In- surance Company and represented its claims on the Conference;and Rev. Dr.F.N.Parker spoke in the inter- est of Trinity College and Emory Un- iversity...... The invitation of the TaylorsvilleMethodists--for—the—next—meetingof the:Conference was accepted.and oninvitationfrom.Sunt.F..T..MeachamoftheIredellTestFarmtovisitthéFarmtodaywasalsoatcepted.The Conference delegates will be taken totheTestFarmbyautomobile|this orning about 10 o'clock and willpendanhourorsolookingovertheFarm. Last night Dr.Ed.L.Cook,‘of Nashville,general missionary secre- tary of the Southern Methodist!Church.delivered a foreeful’address in the interest ‘of missions.speakingnarticularlyofChina,which country he recently visited.‘ Today’s sessions will be given to ;+ .The opening feature ‘of the Con- ference,was:an able sermon by Rev. J.T.Ratledge .of Mooresville Tues- day evening,but the formal openingdidnottakeplaceuntil“Wednesday morning;wher,following «devotional exercises conducted by the presiding officer,Rev.L.T.Mann,the organiz- ation was effected by electing Rev. R.-E.-Hunt_of Taylorsville secretary and Mr,R.L.Snow of Taylorsvilleassistantsecretary.The day’s pro- gramme had been planned as a Sun-day School Institute and the morn- ing session was devoted to an address by Mr.J.M.Way,field secretary of the ,Atlantic Coast Division of the Sunday School,Department of the Southern Methodist Church,who dis-cussed Sunday school organizationandmethods,.: _The afternoon session opened with words of greeting to the ‘visitors.by Rev.C.E.Raynal,pastor of the FirstPresbyterianchurch,on behalf of theorganizedChristianityofStatesville. His"general theme was’progress inunityandhecalledtheChurehbacktothespirit-of fraternity and co-op- eration exhibited by the pioneers.and showed that John Calvin was willingtoco-operate with any ‘Protestant force in.Europe.“Modern churchmen, he said,were prone to follow the pe- culiarities oftheir fathers rather than the great spirit of fraternity andunity.Statesville is rather an ex- ception,however.-Here the relation existing between the pastors is that of brothers and the relation of ‘the churches is one of cordial fraternity.Following Mr.Ra ’s _address| there were talks on phages of Sundayschoolworkbydifferent,speakers. Mr.J.B.:Parks,superintendent of theSunday-—school at-Clarksbury.church,discussed the country Sunday.school and its problems;Rev.J.J.EdwardsofCoolSpringtoldoftheadvantageofhavingasessionoftheSundayschooleverySundayintheyear;Rev: T.J.Ogburn of Cornelius spoke of the need of modern Sunday schoolequipmentinthecountrychurches;Rev.W.M.Biles of Newton diseuss-edthe grading of Sundayschools and] the use of graded lessons;Rev.D.F.Carver of Davidson told of the im-portance of ‘the entire school remain- ing forthe preaching service,-andthesubjectofMr.J.FP.Anderson of Statesville was “The Conversion ofelltheMembersoftheSundaySchool.”‘ A resolution passed by the Confer-ence recommends that the Annual Confertnee employ a:field.secretaryforSundayschoolwork,Hitherto.theSundayschoolworkhasbeencarriedonbythepastorsoftheConferencethroughtheGeneralBoardatNash-ville,but-thereis-a feeling that-there|should be #man inthe field to lookufterthiswork,keeping)in touch withall’the schools in the bounds of the Conference and’stimulating and en- ter,at whose home the shooting oc-curred.The reason for the shootingisamystery.It is said ThompsonwasafterCarter‘and shot Mills bymistake,Carter then shot.Thompson, larging the work wherever possible,The North Carolina Conference nowhas:such a secretary and.the action Becker Electrocuted:Today. Mr.Austin’s Change —Death of a Child—Personal.and cial Items, Correspondence of The Landmark.: Mooresville,July 28.—Rev.€.B.Austin of the Baptist church return-ed last Saturday from a two weeks"stay in Virginia,where he has been’conducting revival services.Mr,Aus-tin is now in Surry county conductingservices,It is a source of regret that he will leave Mooresville in Septem-ber.He goes to Wuke Forest College for a year’s work.While here he hasmademanyfriendsamongalldenomi-+nations and the church has greatlyprosperedunderhis,leadership..i‘Prof.BE.B.Kennedy of ErskineCollegespentlastFridayhereintheinterestofthatinstitution.Miss Liz-zie Wells Thompson of Cleveland:andMissMargaretHallofRowan’countyareguestsofMissesBeatriceandLoisHall. The infant son of Rev.and.Mrs.Cc. §.Kirkpatrick died Sunday evening at~8 o’clock.Funeral ‘services were! conducted at the Methodist parsonage on Monday morning by Rev.J.W.Jones. Miss Mary Johnston has as herguestsatahousepartythisweekMissEvelynWorshamofRuffin,Miss Catherine Beach.of Rock Hill.S.©., y 8.°C.,Miss Mary Yorke Johnston ofCharlotte,and Miss Kate Blue of Rae- ford.Miss Johnston gave a rookpartyin‘honor of her guests.Wednes: day morning.Servieces—in the Methodist church, morning and evening were condu:last Sunday by Rev.J.S..Hunter of Richmond,Va. Mr.and Mrs.S.E,..McNeely,for- merly of this place,but now of Cher-rvville,were visitors here last week, Mr.and Mrs,W.C.Correll of Con-cord are visiting Mr.and Mrs,J.F.McGraw.Mr.Eugene Johnston mo-tored to Ruffin last week and spent several days with.friends.Mrs,E.C.Deaton returned Wed-nesday Afternoon from Statesville, where’she underwent aforappendicitis.; Mr.,Glyde Goodman of Birming- home:“Mrs.Guy’Meétchor of Atlanta,iGa.,is the guest,of Mrs.W.P.Car-penter.Mr.and Mrs.W.L.Mathe- ron left Taylorsville to spend several with Mr.Matheson’s mother.MissesNona.and “Marguerite Brawley jhaveréutinéworkoftheConference.Del-|returned from “a visit to”Mr.~and eghtes to’the Annual Conference will ac a he pramiey ail -{Esemnhoro.the eleuted this afternoon::ostmaster W.'D.Templeton is,ex-:———‘ih pecved Homme"Friday“from -Satisbury,;where he has been in a Sanatoriumforseveral’weeks. Railroad Contractors’Here. Messrs.Doggett,Doughty and Tay-lor,of the Doggett-Doughty Com- pany;railway contractors,were here yesterday looking into the Statesville Air Line railréad situation.The threegentlemenconferredwiththeofficersoftheroadduringtheforenoonand yesterday afternoon they took a tripovertheroadbedfromStatesvilleto Harmony,in:company with Civil En- gineer Greenlee,The —Doggett-Doughty Company.has_recently doneconsiderablerailroadworkinViri-ginia and the members of the firm are familiarizing themselves with theStatesvilleAirLinesituationwithaviewtobidding‘for the contract to lay the eross-ties and rails and com-plete the road .from Statesville toHarmony.whenever the arrangementstofinancetheworkhavebeen:made. North Carolina.Eighth in Cot-ton Production. A:statement_on_cotton.production, issued by the census office,shows thatlast_year’s crop,linters~included,was 678,118 bales larger than the cropof1911,which was the largest in the historyof the -country up to thattime.The North Carolina ¢crop—972,-372 bales—made this the eighth State in cotton production,Texas,Georgia, Alabama,South Carolina,Oklahoma,Mississippi,and Arkansas,in the or-der named,out-ranking this State. Charles Becker,former lieutenant Of police of New York city,under sen-tence -of death-for instigating themurderofHerman”Rosenthal,wasrespitedfromTuesday‘until today,toallowaneponlinforanewtrialto be heard.The application for a newtrialwasrefusedandBeckerwastohavebeenputtodeaththismorning. Chas.and Frank Heath,brothers,of Greene county;fell out about a debtandfrank-cracked-his-brother’s-skullwithanaxe.The wounded man maynotrecover,peat likewise,‘lWkdnesdayeveningthe ConferenceheardanexcellentsermonbyDr.F.N.Parker.He preached on “The Im-mutable Christ,”and took the occas-ion to warn the Chureh against.sec- ularizing edueation.He |showedthattheChurchhadalwaysfosterededucation,and has been.the inspira-tion for the founding of all .thegreateducational-institutions of thiscountty,‘Every great university inAmerica,he declared,is or has been:aChurch,institution...Harvard,Yale,Princeton and others were named ashaving.been founded by the Chifrthandeitherdirectlyorindirectly:con-troliéd by the Church.Dr.Parker wasformerlyamemberofthefaculty:ofTrinityCollege.He was —recently taken ‘Wednesday may result in the:Western Conforence deciding to do, ected ‘a ‘thember of the faciilty.of aA ' geendred and thirty were vaccinated|he first day—Tuesday—283 the sec- Miss Bernice Carpenter of Chester, ham,Ala:,is here on avisitto his old} Wednesday afterfioon for} Hundred’Statesville -‘People...Vaccinated AgainstTyphoidFever—Werk Be-gins in County Next Week. Statesville people were “ready andaire”for the .free».anti-typhoideine.Before the local dispensarieswerereadytoopenthe“typhoid-fear-ng”population was clamoring for opportunity to’be vaceinated.One Several ing ond day and 254 yesterday,making a total of 667.County “Physician”Me-Elwee and CityPhysician Aidams,whoaredoingtheworkinStatesville,arej}yery much gratified with the inter- est shown by the public,It’s evidencethatthepeoplearebecomingeducated to the fact that it is easier to preventthancureoheofthemost-deadly andyettnost.common diseases. The court house dispensary is open- ed daily from’9°to 10 in the forenoon and 6 to 7 in the afternoon,and theulevarddispensary,at the States-ville Drug Company's store.is openfrom7to8eachevening.The name,age.address and “typhoid history”ofeachpersontakingtheinjectionare recorded.The second “dose”should be taken seven days after the first.Few’persons have reported.incon-Yenience or illness on account of theirfirst“dose.”Persons ~who expect to be vaccinated should keep out of thegunandshouldnotexertthemselvesoonpriortotakingthetreatment, nd it is well to keep out of the sun as much as possible the first.24 hourslafterbeingvaccinated,‘If these pre- cautions are taken illness or incon-venience is not:probable,:‘Dr.Sessoms,who is engaged in the anti-typhoid campaign for the State Board of Health,will come to States-ville before Monday and take up the regular appointments:for free vacci-.Hation throughout the county,as eiv-=en below.Dr,Sessoms is at Hen- dersonville this week.; The appointments for the ‘county,which begin ‘next Monday,’*dre as follows:ies Se anit ,W.H,He Sumihers”\store—Mondav forenogn,August 2,9 and 16,9 o’clock to 1 p.m.Migbacs TENT P ete ss ot tie ‘Harmony —iAfternoon of:Monday,August 2,9 and 16.2 to.5,’clork.+Houstonville—‘Tuesday forenoon,neust,%,10 and 17,9 to 1p.m. fin —+Tuesday afternoon,August days\3,10 and 7,2 to 5.o0’clock.|Athens School Hpuse —Wednesday ‘forenoon,August 4,11 and 18,9,to 1 pm pe :FiJennings’Store—Wednesday after- noon,August 4,11 and 18,2,to.5, COR:es Trinity School’House—Thursday forenoon,August 5,12 and 19,9 to 1 »mM ,;Bryantsville —Thursday afternoon,August.56.12 and°19,2 to 5 o’clock.New -Hppe—Thursflav,‘Alugust —6,12 and 19,4 to 6 o’clock p.m. Loray—friday forenoon,August6,13 and 20,9 to 1 fh.m.Bradford’s Cross Roads —Fridav’ afternoon,Aurrust 6,13 and 20,2 to 5o’cloek,|* Cool Spring —Saturday forenoon, August 7,14 and 21,9 to 1 p.m. Elmwood—Saturday afternoon,Au-igust_7,14 and 21,2 to 5. Amity—-Monday forenoon,“August'23.30 and Sept.6.9 to t p.m. Trotman—Monday .afternoon,Au- gust,28,30.Sept.6,:2 to 5.* Shevherd’s—Tuesday forenoon,Au- gust 24,31,Sept.7,9 to 1 p.m. Mavhew—Tuesday afternoon,Au- gust 24,31,Sept.7.2 to #. Mt.Mourne—-Wednesday forenoon, August 25,Sept.1 and 8,9 to 1 p. m i :7RATES RSS etyAA a CFhy eS hresher Broke Relais Engine and:T Through.Steel.Bridge. The engine and trreshing machine of Long &-Dillon-of Elm'wood--wentthroughtheMcHenrybridgeoverThird.creek .Wednesday«afternoon about 4:80. The threshermen had finished:theseason’s work ‘at.Mr.Geo.MeNeely’s, in Amity neighborhood,and were re-turning.to Elmwood.’When the en~gine anf threshing machine went’on the steel crossingthestructure-gave- the heavy machinery was dropped in-to the creek,a distance of about 12feet.The men ih.charge escaped,The bridge has not been long in.use,but-it is said that during a’re-cent freshet a modern bridge from up the creek was washed against the Mc~Henry bridge and damaged it.Any-~way when the engine and threshingmachinewentonthebridgeWednes-day afternoon the beams turned andthemachineryslidintothecreek.Thebridgeshad<preyiously held up aheavierengineandWednesday's ac-cident..is “supposed to be due to somedefect‘since developed.Getting’the\thresher machinery outofthecreekisajobtowhich:thecountytoadenginewillgiveatten-tion today. Visiting Nurse’s Report. The feature of Tuesday’s meetingoftheCivieLeaguewasthemonthlyreport‘of Mrs.Vera B.Jones,thevisitingnurseforthetown.DuringthemonthendingwithJuly24Mrs,Jones Made 135 visits,82 of which were.nursing visits.Illness amongchildrenisuttusuallyprevelantandMrs:Jones had more night work thepast’month than any~other monthsinceshetookup‘her:work here. ‘*“Out Patherless Ones says Drs.Adams “and “McElwee have adminis- 1 ‘mory University of Atlanta.orph.ty tered the anti-typhoid serum to prac-tically all the inmates 8 the Barium severely, bridge at the McHenry -way-and Items of Interest About Various ”Matters.Farmers’institute at TaylorsvilleMonday,August 2d, The latest indications are that theRussianswillevaenateWarsaw. The annual reunion of ConfederateyeteransofMt,Zion Camp will beheldatMt.Zion church,Cornelius,August 5th. Editor Reece of the GreensboroRecordis‘{n the border land,He hasbeenunconsciousforseveraldaysandthereisnohope.for.his.recovery. Dr.Walker,in:jail at.Rockinghamforhavingteomanywives,has beenheldfortrialunderabondof$10,-000,which he was unable to give.The stock—$100,000—has been’sub- scribed for a new cotton mill at Con-cord,C.W.Johnston,a prominentmillmanofCharlotteisinterested. American marines landed at Port au Prince,Haiti,to protect foreign-ers,encountered resistanee whch wasovercoméwithoutcasualtiesamongthesailors. Chas.Conwell,colored,who —shotthreenegroesatEastSpencerSatur-day night and then fled,was capturedMondaybySheriffKriderofRowan.One of Conwell’s vietims,Bob Lewis,died from his wounds. While swimming in a lake on theBiltmoreestate,Miss’Cornelia Van- derbilt,young:daughter of Mrs.Geo,W'.Vanderbilt,ruptured a blood ves-sel and an operation at the Biltmore hospital was necessary. Urgent _répresentations demand-ing in the name*of humanity ‘thatfoodbepermittedtoreachthestarv- ing people of Mexico City,were sent to Generals Carranza,Villa and Za- pata,: ~The grand jury of Forsyth SuperiorCourtyesterdayreturnedtrue_bills Warren,S.P.Christy and CliftonStonestreet,charged with murderofMrs.Warren's husband,:for the trial has not’been set. Gov.Hatfield of West:Virginia ’issued conditional pardons ‘to...former members of the West Virgin-ia Lgislature,who were convicted inAugnst,1913,of having :bribes:to vote for WilliamEdwardsforUnitedStatesThemenweresentencedto termsrangingfromfivetosixyears’im-prisonment and haveyears...f The Ball Games.Gon“he “first -Statesville-Lenoir game’of the régular League schedule,play- ed.on the local diamond yesterday: afternoon,resulted in a victory for Lenoir team ville’s pitching with Swann behind the bat;The.contest between the “twoteamswillbecontinued©this after-noon and tomorrow afternoon:4‘Morganton won the game.withGastoniaatGastoniaaseoreof3to0, ‘games with-Statesvillé at Morganton’this week.Monday’s score was 6 and7inStatesville’s favor;Tuesday’sgamewasashutoutforStatesville, Statesville’.0,and Morganton wonagainWednesdayby&score of 4 to 2,*Pick”Nally of Ohio,one of States-ville’s fielders,was seriously.injuredduringtheTuesdaygame,A batterhadknockedaflyand.while:goingafteritNallyslippedintoahole.inthefieldandfell,wrenching his back+He--came to StatesvilleTuesdayandwastreatedforhiein-jury:He will probably not be able’to play again this season. Court Items. Lester Flow and Noah Watts,young negroes,were before the mayorTuesdayafternoontoanswerforanaffray.It was in evidence that FlowthadstruckWattswithastickandhewasthereforesenttojailindefault Court for an assault with a deadlyweapon. the payment of-the costs inthe cave ~—$2,50.foe :Ophelia Poe,a 12+year-old negro‘girl,was before the mayor .yesterdaychargedwithenteringthehomeofMr.Eugene Munday and‘.stealingfoodstherefrom,She was released onherownrecognizanceforher ap-Pearance in Superior Court .next week,ahsiealcheaalibaneaintoeIncrease—in-Merchant.Marine. Merchant vessels built in the Unit-ed States and officially numbered bythebureauofnayigation,DepartmentofCommerce,coring the fiscal yearendedJune30,1915, 291 of 311,578 gross tons for the fiscal year 1914,During the past ten months,how-ever,under thé ship registry act ofAngust18,1914,to the Almericanmerchantfleet147foreignbuilt:ves- added,making the total for thefrombothsources1,873.vessels744,618 gross tons.~This ton:the largest annual’-addition nageto iAmerican.merchant:fleet.in the his<}withtoryoftheUnitedStates, +—Mr.Owen-Woddsides aLucyBlackofConcordtomarriédyesterdayafte‘a’clock at the 4 ofE, aeoat6 Lora minister,Rev, {sign has been placed on’the: by the State Department last.night!. for murder against Mrs.Ida Belle|M five|¢ accepted|bisaeSenator. served twoj.fepaiiine the visitors by a score of 9 to 6.The}-featired with heavy}batting.Adams pitched for Lenoir]singandWellscaught,Spaid did States- yesterday by] Morgariton won two of the three|€ thé score being’Morganton 4°andj Me: returns today,.. hand,by striking him lar delegate couldlingand-Mr.Hill: Watts was allowed to go on}j (property:on 4 were 1,226 of b215,711 gross ‘tons compared with 1,-|¥ sels of 528,907 gross.tons have.been}: nat}Sta the}Sta omer oe ahs ie ¥—/fhe condition of Rev...aoWalkerofBariumwas4 proyed yesterday...‘kee i 4 saneWorkbegunon@Sodergbtwo-story.residence for Mr.L.A. ”oe * Ervin,on Harrill street...)0. '—Home-grown watermelons...becoming plentiful on.the.Next week being court week,will doubtless comecountryside.in fromall ee etnfayae m. soon corn will be damaged,”.£3 e~ mark often heard from farmers.Oe :casional showers in localities.but.general rain is needed now. eA)metal:“Drive to’.the|iy ae Heed it;andmay it have #batter fete.than the tag Be |bs Fobgyedby.the,heedless WOR Rhus ke~fhe first farmers’institute foecountythisyearisin.progre tte panty iit ane the Stwi:Farm;August 10thatLinwood achohouse,|‘ —iMr.-P.,Steele andmovedintotheirnew| corner Walnut and.gpa (f FDr.P.S.Easley has moved into.residence on Mulberry:street vaibyMr.Steele.;(Cars of a. senger train,hour and a half. Prey ik wide M4 ~++¥o1 yi effort to win aweek“of the vey.Frank Dorris,FydesbodWeiderWood. Superior Court will "\with Judge Lane:on the beach:‘about 80 caseson theket.The most serious casofHenryJohnson,the negro ra striking him on the he#pick.Johnsonwillpléad —Mr,Th ‘Hilleft WforSanFrancises,what.:resent the Phi Kappa AlphiofDavidsonCollegeatameetingofthefraternity.wag alternate to the deleby.the Davidson society.;not go to the f Tom! nesday for’Lynchburg,Sar ake their home,has been located at.several months,havi ghey,‘has ‘bonghe:WilRectstooccupyit,ea eee aJuly“30,“1915, iS OF CURRENT NEWS. nings Hereand There in the State. practically destroyed.the Me- helt Dunn,Harnett county, ‘about $10,000, Geo,West of Duplin ‘count ted suicide by the tn ‘time to save him. A.M.Watson,charged.with rob- bing.the postoffice at Ridgecrest,was tted:after a hearing before a Un eeStates commissioner in Ashe- ville.- Fire originating yed the plant. 0,000 to $50,000, val assessments in Watauga show an increase of about a quarter of atownship— assessed|*million @ollars.In ‘one Cove Creek—the average land value is $17 per acre. J.Albert Harrison,a farmer liv- ing ‘in the vicinity of Salisbury,was ‘found dead in bed Monday morning. “He was in his.63dpyear.‘A widow and _several children—all grown-—survive. By.the accidental discharge of”4" hands of her 10-year-old, of Big Buncombe county,was seriously If she recovers she will m in th enn: Vey,wounded.be:a cripple. iss Josie Smith Judge Oliver H,Allen ha decidedthatDurhamwaterworksbonds,vot-ed at an election held more than a year ago,are invalid because the no-tice of the election was published 20daysinsteadof30days. All the bids for the Federal build-*ing at Charlotte have been rejectedbeasked.Theiescalledformaterialtooexpen-A’delay and new bids will for the appropriation.af several weeks will be caused., Homer L,Ferguson of Waynesyilleilrecentlyaconstructornavy,has,been,elect Co.,to succeed A.L. tion of the Lusitania. It is stated that 132 of the teacherswhoattendedthesummerschoolattheUniversitypledgedthemselvestoworkin,moonlight schools this fallthecyAmongthosewhopledged ment'swerePlatt.Beckham and Miss JanieBogle,Doth of Hiddenite. ‘¥John Ralph Holcomb,son of J.T.comb of Black Mountain,was onethevictimsoftheEastlanddisas-in Chicago Saturday,His hedy‘orHolcombwas21yearsold.andgelyoujby,,.the Western:Elec- ee iand)dant:“home ‘the Company ‘of Chicago. “A.census of dogs in,Greensboro,taken by police officers some time agoabout800dogs. ple.tice.onthe:oer crWwW.Byars,comune farm hele:onstrator for Richmond county,wasarrestedatHamletSundaynightchargedwithembezzlementandfalsejHeischargedwithretdin-ing money appropriated "for fairpretense, prizes and leaving premiums unpaid.He is also charged with false pre-tenseinthat he secured money-on anclaimedHewasautomobileonwhich.he.there’was no encumbrance,.bound to Superior Court. Mentioning the escape of vatients.from the State Hosvital at Raleigh,the correspondent of the GreensboroNewssaysoneoftheescapes—fd-ward Holloway Pass of Davie county—thinks he is a reincarnated Na-poleon Bonaparte;that Pass has es-caped many times and on one occas-jon made a trip to England,where“he tried to convinte the English peo-ple that he is a son of Napoleon andHewantedtocommandan_a fighter.army. ~Pardon"For Gen.Hoke 1Won ByKisses, Judge Geo.P.Pell tells the Raleigh‘News and Observer the story of howPresidentAndrewJohnsonpardonedGen,R.F.Hoke of North Carolina“without Gen.Hoke taking the oath‘prescribed:by law for those who ha@varticipated“in the rebellion.”JudgePellsaysGen.Hoke told him thestoryandhetellsitasheremembersit.The incident occurred when Pres-ident Johnson and Secretary of State attended commencement atSeward|pelHill.soon after the close of_the war.President Johnson was on_the campus with Gen.Hoke,in com- pany with a number of beautiful>young women.Up to that time.Gen.-Hoke had not received a vardon from the Federal government for his part “4n.the Confederacy because he refused-<totake-the oath.Addressing Presi- dent Johnson,one of the group of --young women said:Mr.President,we women of North‘Carolina want to ask of you one fa-yor,and thatis that you pardon Gen-eral Hoke without his having to take~-the oath prescribed.” ‘gaid:“Young ladies,you |all proposition: step up here and give me a kiss,Ivorgrantyourrequest.”—fately each young lady walk-“pe up and kissed the President,whére-‘he.turned around to his Secre-of State and said to him:“Mr,:88 s00n as.we get back toington,help me remember to athavetheproperauthorityfor-once at- ‘temp strychnine route but the doctors got hold of him in.the storage room of the Pitt Lumber and Manu- facturing Co.at Greenville completely:Loss ‘estimated in thepresidentoftheaeNewsSipmanding|andDry.Hop-kins,who lost his life in the destruc- When all re-turns for taxes were inionly 200 dogsearedtobeownedbyGreensboroThe.authorities have served that they mustsby,next Monday or payfine’o's gio,“made ene ‘provided ‘for ‘The President turned around andlookmightyprettytomeanditisvery:not to grant any request you"would make,and I will make you this If each one of youNg the Country, Eight persons were killed.‘and 20 ‘explosion in a mine at Christopher,TL:/ The loss of life in ae China,“due to fire and flood,is estimatedintensofthousands,according ‘to a oerttoWashingtonfrom|AdniiralWinterhalter,So ANENR “yAsiaticfleet, Representatives ‘of labor ‘organiza-tions have decided to make demandforincreasedwagesandeighthoursrerdayfortheemployesofwarmu- Jersey. The Wrst eae:Uslesation in Congress will ask Congress to pay the$13,000,000 judgment which was ren-dered against West Virginia by the. litigation. The gratitude of the German Red Cross for hospital supplies and fourmotorambulances.sent by the Amer- ican Red Cross.is éxpressed ‘in a let-ter receivéd at Red Cross headquar-ters in Washington. The Postmaster General has issuedan-order requiring rural.and staroutemail.carriers to “Yeport forest fires “to Property designated Stateforestry officé?8.“"Insome--localitiesthiswillbeamaterialhelpinsup- pressing forest fires. ‘As a result of fraud and :graft inthemanagementofthemunicipalaf-fairs of Nashville,Tenn.,the city has been placed in the hands of a receiver;the mayor-and two commissioners have been ousted;one commissioner,the city controller,city treasurer and assistant city treasurer are under in-dictment. Charles,Wilson,clerkin the Ameri- can consulate in Berlin,Germany,isinjailinBerlinpending.an investiga-tion into the circumstances of the es- cape of a British resident on an alleg- ed fraudulently obtained American »|passport.‘Wllson is alleged to have an American. Secretary of the Treasury McAdoohas-ordered-the—withdrawal of |$4,- 970,000 from government deposits atnationalbanks,the money to be re- mitted to the Treasury between Au- gust 10 and 25.A similar withdraw- al of $57,000,000 was made some months ago’in line with the depart- policy of reducing these—de-posits to:the amount:necessary.for transaction ve the government’s.busi-ness. In court a Covinetol:Ga.,thisweekRey.W.H.McCart *was ac- quitted of the charge of having mur-dered.Monroe.Smith,a‘neighbor,45 years ago.McCart "fled immediately after the shooting in 1870,and was arrested when turned :from Hpwaii,where he had been a |;Missionary.ness in his’own defense,declaringthatSmithhadstruckhismotherandhadthreatenedtokillhim. A.J.\Martin,former -United States|marshal at Kansas City,Mo.,.a Re-publican,had to take a prisoner,fromKanshs‘City ‘to San Franelsco,“Un-| ‘der the Jaw the marshalwas"allowedanextraguardandhetookhig,wifealongandjchargedthe‘éxpense’ofheroutingtothegovernment.The Comptroller of the Treasury,passing on Martin’s accounts 4 few days ago, decided that it wasnot’proper Forofficial-to-give his.wife a trip at gov-ernment expense and the claim ofMartinwas’refused. Secretary McAdoo has issued anorderprohibitingallpersons con- nected with the Treasury Departmentfromsolicitingorreceiving,direct-‘lv or indirectly,money or any.other thing of value from any one who pays internal revenue to the «government.The order was the result of the dis- covery that an.organization®knownastheNationalFederationofStoreé-keepers,Gaugers and Storekeeper-Gaugers had-aoe @ souvenir:pro-gramme and profited to the extent of$2,198.75 from.advertising —solicitedfromdistillersahdothersengagedintheliquorbusiness. Better Not Make Light of Jonah. In anticipation of the good time the employes of the Western ElectricCompanywere‘expected to:-have-on their steamer-excursion from Chicago Saturday,which occasion was turnedintomourningbytheoverturningofthesteamerEastlandandthelossofabout1,000 lives,the “July Jubilator,”the official newspaper of the employesofthecompany,had been issued ad-vertising the excursion..The ‘paperwasfilledwithjokesandcartoons.In- troducing the front page cartoon was’the caption:Roea“What Ho!Leaders of the Jubila-tor,be Jubilant!Last time it was a submari e.Long ago Jonah tookadipinasubmarine.There is noJonahaboutthis.But it will be awhaleofasuccess.” oo ies of this paper were found on thetims of the Eastland:disaster..AnanonymouscorrespondentofTheLandmarkdirectsattentiontothebrightanticipationsascomparedwiththeawfulresults,and says:“Isn’t this just retribution?Better stop putting things in your paper.det-rimental_to.Dr.Jonah?” The correspondent has The Cassmarkdowneee.This paper hasgreatrespectforJonah. RS Great Britain’s Loss inthe War. The war has been.costly in:men totheBritisharmy‘and navy,~thecasualtiestotalling830,995,according|™to a printed statement issued byPremierAsquith,The casualties in the navy.were 9,106'to July 20,whilethose.of the army to.July..18..-were 821,889.The total’casualties in the severalfollows:ward a full Barty to General Hoke,”|war theaters is given asFrance,11,254 officers and 255,649DIARRHOEAQUICKLYCURED.“About two years ago -E bad a severe at-which lastedfor over awritesW.©.Jones,Buford,N.eeweak.that I could.not stakeded=Cham-and Rem- —or Otani and the men;Dardanelles,2,144 officers and 47,049 men,and other theaters.415 officers and 5,833 men.The total killed was 4,000:officersand57,884 men.The wounded to-talled 8,430.officers and 188,190.men 402:men, 5 NEWS TREMS OFOF ae F Happenings ‘Here and Therein nition factories in New York and Now. Supreme Court in the Virginia debt)’ certified:that he knew the man-to be], recently |. He was the chief wit-| lead bodies of many of the vic-" missing 1,383officers and 62,-| badly burned as the result of a gas)~i so chummy-like, song of the. to the pillow-period! Well,that’s P, your system!You 3 URES Aa ieran m bat,because it’s case-cards information!»-Andhandedouttoyouforpersona/and immediate attention as being about as real and true as you've heard since Hector was a pup! P.A.is sold in+the toppy red bag for the ‘tyenelectedpriceofajitnéyride,5c;tidy red tin,10c; pound and half-pound tin humidors—and—the classy pound crystal-glass,humidor with the sponge-moistener top that’s not.only a joy’us thing’to have at'‘home and at the office,but it keepsPyA.in thehighest state of perfection. R.J.REOTOBACCO CO.,Winston-Salem.N.C. vor start an ai caouee:via a aa or. a makin’s cigarette quick as a flash,as soonasyourealizeit’s a live bet to let your good|money rub up against some Prince Alberttobacco.Why,it’s likebeating back to the bushes for old-home week,P.A.’s so friendly, You see,Prince Albert lets you hear the joy’us jimmy pipe.and the,makin’s cigarette all the day long! patented process takes care of that—and cuts out the bite and parch! The’ he.national j joy eoks just hahds you’home-made questions likeWereyoueverpipe-: happy?Did you..ever hit a brand that’just.pushed pleasure’againstyourpalate?The kind -that sort of teased your smokeappetite:for some more fire-up,then “an- other—and so on,right »A,no matter how you hook it up—pipe or cigarette.It just-jams-joyinto nail that fact hot off the Here is CasimiroTrado,104yearsold,wholives in Watsonville,Cal.He has jaememoryandClear.~,calls the war in™1822,when he was a lad of42summers.Irado has beenaemokerallhislife,and to- day he seeks no dearer,notruerfriendthanhisapa cate in Jimmy pipe.Irado hasamenjbero therinceAlbertold+timejimmy-pipers club.” ‘Russia’8 ‘Shortage \“tion Admitted».'There Ga been:@clean sweep..from.tthe Russian:War-Office.of:the men-res. Isponsible for the shortage in ammu- nition,according to the Petrograd-ecor-respondent of The Daily Mail.,-Thecorrespondentreportsthatthefrankadmissionbytheauthoritiesisnowmadeforthefirsttimepubliclythat no large Russian.counter-offensive is possible until the mobilization of in~ dustry bears.fruit in a largely in- creased supply of munitions,“Now that the war minister,the assistant minister and others responsible fortheshortagehavebeen°dismissed,” feels confident that te terrible mis-'calculations will not he repeated andthatthecountryisputtingitswhole energy into the task ‘of repairingthem.”RENEE ere RTE CTIAnson’s Champién Woman Far- mer. Wadesboro Messenger. There is.a’woman farmer in thiscountywho-kept ten cows this year,sold butter all the winter,raised fourcalves,fed milk to her pigs,then haul-ed 100 loads of:fhanure from the stalls to the land.from which shehopestogatheragoodcropofcotton.She has only bought one ton of fer- tilizer this year. VALUABLE LAND AT PRIVATE SALE. od Under the terms of the will of Mrs.Har-riet Clark,deceased,the undersigned executor offers at private sale a valuable tract oflandlyingontheCatawba:river in Catawbacounty,N.©.,containing 151 acres more or less and known as the Alexander Clark place.fate oot contains 50 acres of original forest;—Fhe-estatealso!offers a house and lottin Troutman andanislandof10acresintheCatawbariver,For terms apply to —©.H.BROWN,Executor,R.B.powenen Atty.Troutman,N.C:July “13,191 Bridge Stock a Auction; By wirtiid of the -proviiions —containedsection1170,chapter 21 of The Revjsat1905ofthelawsofNorthCarolina,t Remun-dersigned will sell at public auction to thehighest-bidder for cash pon the \court housedoorinStatesville,«iN.©.,weMONDAY,AUGUST.2d,1916, Statesville-Baffalo Shoals Bridge Co at ‘theparvalueof$100 each,because the delinquentownersthereofhave-fatled—-to-pay thejr as-sessments thereon in fuil. OSBORNE BROWN,§>vetary and Tteas-urer,Statesville-Buffalo Shoals Bridge’Co.R.B.McLaughlin,Atty.i July 2,1915.: MORTGAGE SALE OF LAND. bl VIRTUE.of powerjer ob sale contained inexecutedLyJ.EB.Wi “of ‘Ainardnts the’correspondent ‘says,“the ‘nation, at-12-0’clock,-m.,two shares of stockinthe} NOTICE :TO,CREDITORS. Havin?qualified:as ;pdministrators of.the:estate of,Dr.W.,,W.Wilhelm,,deceased,this| the-estate-to-present them.to—the-undersigned} oftfor before-June 29,-1916¢-and-alt perdona| indebted ‘to the estate must make prompt pay-) ment..EUGENE MORRISON,iBB.M,WILHELM,I June 29,1915. NOTICE TO CREDITORS.| Having qualified as adninistrator of the!estate of A,J.Bass,deceased,I hereby noti-! fy all persons having claims against said es-! on or before the 2nd day.of July,1916.Thoseindebtedtotheestatearerequestedtosettle. R.B.MecLAUGHLIN,July 2,1915,Administrator, College of AgricultureAndMechanteArts Young men seeking to equip them-selves for practical life in Axgricul- Civil,Electrical and Mechanica!.'En-! tural Teaching will find:excellent the State’s Industrial College. CoHege fits..men-for —life. This, students;25 buildings.‘Admirablyequippedlaboratoriesineachdepart- ment,County:examinations at each éounty seat on.July 8th. For catalogue,writeE.B.OWEN,Registrar,_West.Raleigh,LN.Cs. RUBBER TIRE! Season is-here. is to notify all persons having‘claims aghinst |:# Administrators,|3 tate to prevent the same’(whether they be 3matte?of record or not)to the undersigned] ture*and all its allied branches;in|} gineering;in Chemistry and Dyeing;|: in Textile Industry,and in Asricul-|$ provision for their chosen careers at!} Faculty|%33 for the coming year of 65 men;767)— Mint Lime-Ade Charley Chaplin Sundae Nabisco Nut Sundae Rube Wilson Sundae. Statesville Drug Comp’y, ~Quality ae Ice Box or Refrigerator Lined? TARE You IN 7 E REISTE Dp?” -Tin or Sheet Metal Work of any Kind?L ET US KNOW. TIN Slate Roofing?Tin Roofing? IREDELL TIN WORKS. Galvanized Shingle Roofing?Roof Painted? Bell ’Phone 98,Independent "Phone 197. —We_-use-best-rub-ber made~Firestone and Kelly—and will save you money.Tiressethotorcold.Quick service.Yours tu serve caerTROUTMAN&SUTHER. Butter Wrappers!. "We have the very best ~Parchment “ButterPaper,~ i ag can print your,nameandbrandonsame.Let ushaveyourorderforany quantity you want.See us.Prices reasonable. Brady.Printing Co. age deed,regtoOa B.Buchanan,and recorded in offiteoftheregisterofdeedsofIredell.county,book 26,page 681,the undersigned will)sell court house,door in Statesville,N.C.,onMONDAY,AUGUST 2,1915. at 12 o’cloek,mtionto«the city of Statesville,No C..’Bee map reco!in register of deeds’office,Book‘87,pate.601.Z.B.BUCHANAN,Wortenved:HENKEL-CRAIG LIVESTOCK co.,Assignee.July 2,1915,At same time And place we will sell:lotNo,11 in Oakview suburban addition,by vir-tue of powers:of sale contained inexecutedbyEy.Fster’s office,Book at public outery,to the lighest bidder,at the/| th Lot add,Oukvew weak .Face Brick,Common Brick,Drain i ae Brick Build a Brick House orBrick-Veneeryouroldhouse.-\W: cooler in summer,climinates frozenipes.Has every advantage,Solidprickunder-pinning under framehousewillhelp:some. An Alarm Clock that is little but gud.It’s a littleBeauty.Just the thing for a lady’s or a gentleman’s room.It is not su large but does the wa ing up for you.BIG BEN if you need to be knocked out. H.B.WOODWARD ._._Jeweler, armer in winter,| Bean TE Tres a Tornado,Live Stock,Automobile,Liability, Plate Glass,Steam Boiler,-Accident and Health or Life Insurance We solicit your business for the leading companies writing the different lines of ‘Insurance, oniH Feaueet. See INSURANCE,REIND“REALESTATESeeaeseNO.LMS Fall information.obtained i ideo SuppliedWith ‘Thedford’s Black-Draught. ave me suffered for severalWhittoe,OeeelacePayaeheadache, a venaagoa frafriend ee ony Thedford’s Drauand|found itto be:oe eed x”GLIMPSEOFPAR. Ridgecrest.> Correspondence of The Landmark,.. »“Tacky,”isn’t it ?-—to come only,far ag Ridgecrest and aspire to writof‘my travels for the paper!Buttheholdingrighthereinour,own.be-loved:State,a glory that I class,withthethreegreatnaturalsighta¢of mytripabroad,I feel impelled to try.’Few people know that at Ridge.rest is situated The Great Divide,from which ions the vee i 4 east to the Atlantic and on wes AYE de Aa De Tayloravillen er.he to the"Mississippi.Here the railroad Train No,2%ar.10:00,leaves 10:40 a m.|and the Swannanoa Tunnel and the Train No,16 ar 6:20,leaves 6:45 p.™./notional highway.are wonderful en-Wak Signe 9.See See ee ene igineering feats.These and themigh= ALMIGHTY.VICTORY, BR E P E A S E Train No.16)‘ar.9.60,leaves 10.35 ae. t family medi- 1keepot buttonDeangiit on hand all bytimenow,and when my childrenlittlebad,they ask me for a dose,them more good than any medicinetheyevertried. We never have a long spell of sicksnessinourfamily,since we commencedusingBlack-Draught.Thedford’s Black+Drau is purelvegetable,and has.beenlateweakstomachs,-aid d'to regubindoroarsindigestion,colic,ae nausea,| stomach, asl use for more}has benefited more| he,sicksymptoms.ithes been inthan7,andateaina Buck:Drsora Pie if 25¢.Toe.GetaN,=aie apna or args sare moan eo- “CALL FOR” A bottle of Premier : Mayornaise ~Salad Dressing;only 10c., and the best you have ever tasted. ———PHONE 89,—— kage &Mialland. MELROSE FLOUR, Nice Fresh Meats. M.p.Alscandex &Bro. and ielon|These grim War Lords who,havibg cast the| 'To Whom it-May Concern: |testimonials, ty locomotives,all”works of ae raee in striking contrast to God’aieReportedForTheLandmark,work—the mountains.»And a feelingMakethemquit,Almighty,make them quit!,¢awe makes one.apnreciate.Mrs. lot into the lap,|Wiegs when she said:“A trip is the [Now wreck the peace and commerce of the |randest thingin the world.I ~ant onyworldintfyingto.dispose of itsWhilewomen,children and grandsives citDespairingyhelpless,hopeless,tneonsoled,| In ‘Thy Book thesprophets wrote of old,piisely |N°2hw might nop by power but by My| rit,Byith the Lord of Bost.”iBecause “the whole.disposing’is of Thee, Our souls and ways to Thee’we do com- ione onct.My ma took me through iher to.make ’em set down.”And,it is the view.from one of|these mountains that I rank with theocean,the Alps and Vesuvius.T am. ye And.eset .prime minister from the scenic JananLiteepThySpirit's ‘sword o'er land and fag named this towering height Kit- Cause.war to cémee tazuma,meaning a glimpse into Par-By.penn forth the Prince of Peace—-|adise.Tts trail,made*by the govern-Tis Faith in Him that gives the vigere |ment.is of easy ascent and ta Tavishty |f *._lhedecked-with-ferns—and—flo|piends and I counted over twentydistinekvarietiesoflovely.tlseshaad: Rock Spring campmeeting begins ;From.the summit.-we beheld-a7glort:2° a ‘Rock Spring Camp Meeting. TPMonday night,August 2d,and eloses|0US ranorama of gorgeous sky and ee iat power,regardless of who|§ the possessor may be,but in.this’in-|&iFriday night,August 6th..This is cloud forms;and,on all sides.won- and|90 miles away to the nearerisfinal.“Let all take notice No/elothed in a ‘wealth of foilage.govern themselves accordingly. Sunday in it at all.Let all grumb-|lers stay away and all well wishers|mighty they.and imposing, $100 REWARD,$100,| The readers of this paper will bepleaheltolearnthattheretsatleast|one dreaded disease that arhente det‘hills from whence comethmy,en ableto curein all its steges,an.a ‘“_‘omei4s3Catarrh.Hall's Catarrh Cure is ie |My,help cammeth ee neeonlypositivecurenow.known to the |which made heaven and ea)S“medical fraternity.Catarrh being a con ELIZA LAZENBY.tutiona sease,requires.a consti-.a ‘utional treatment,Hall’s Catarrh Cure.Ridgecrest,N.{a taken Internally,acting dfrectly uponthebloodandmuccussurfacesoftheelaseneroydestroritaegamsenna:|4 ono e sease,an he pa-;Haltuon ent ay baidlng up i cine |nersburg items.tution end assisting nature in doing k.‘its work.The proprietors’have so.mucch |Covretpontense at The.Pandey|faith in its curative powers that they’Turnersburg,\offer One Hundred Dollars for anv case |that it falis to cure.Send for list of | strength also is His..Truly help.” a good rain is greatly needed. _Aaaress F.J,CHENEY :-&CO.,Tote:|©,“Sold by all Drvegista.Te.ithe new crop-is the best it has been Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation|in years,arge as some anticinated. VALUABLE FARM LAND FOR SALE14 Miss Lois Steele has gone to he|Francisco on a visit and will take in |Farm of 815 aéres,éiiying on both sides:of-)ithe exposition.She will be igon ‘sixjHunting.creek...Two sets of good buildings,eeks,,Mx.PNGtinefinedottlands,a lot of ye 4s = Kee oriadwilh:beleela pe 4,whole on divitidd:into|Sitdeles(1)2)3 furiheSee aren eal on pesca Myy Johnson .from.,ngar:,Dar July 27;\churchis conductinga.singin eee saa jat Hebron church this PENG Sep PHONE 241.Wille rtwill be‘be glad to have you| rds!Engraved Ca Don’t orem“homewithouta__supply,Something new in thisline.I may have your plate.’Phone 210, Allison’s:Book Store. aye i DEFER |FROM THE REST. spend this amount with me for}week,one of “Francis Harris’boys was struck:by-a-rock thrown’btheCounttl1wiEbrgecereeaEaimeklittle:brother,whieh ‘inflictedBadinthenation-wide --éontest Seirat tte anadte di ak tnaGrodinof-yaibe sendy in tues cored a doctor.The little fellow inal.“Tfnotiyou get your monéPiback;1 inkat{wanttomakethis closing~waecontestthebiggestthing ;did,, is improv- “ever ia ACK SRONCE. her brother and sister,Mrs.W.R.}Moore and Mr.A.F.Harris.The writer had octasion to make ajtripupin.Surry county last Sundayjandwillsaythatitisa-nice country. i Everything looks good .except --—Sold exclusively.by-—— M'ler-McLain Supply Co. FOR FINE CLEANING AND DYEING ...—'PHONE 147— Sloan Pressing Club. NOTICE! ‘HOLLAND.BROS.have changedtheir'phone number from 177to7.Call ne 7 for dra ing,all gradesPe.coal and w “Residence "Pleno 1910.1 eT Shingles.For Sale! Carload of good No.2 Shingles ‘at $2.75perthousandatmyshop. Cc.H.TURNER, Near-theDepotiIredell’Phone No.74,:Bell No.te 3 crops are burning up for the wantof ;sin a]é ia rain,as it,has not rained:any ineeHiovertwomonths.Corn is cut shorttiandthetobaccocropwillitylit- tle.The grass under shade_trees *|would almost burn.The Flour of Quality.5 The Flood of Laws.©&DAN-VALLEY is milled from}/Asheville-Gazette News. 5 the celebrated wheat grown in &).“I,had a count made not long ago the Shenandoah Valley of Vir-%im the,eo a Conareer,..geys3.5 ,of $ihu “9 e number of la;evr if HAS NO EQUAL.Withat had been passed.in five .yearssMakesbetterbreadand:more ¢ending Decémber 1,1918 I found,of itto the pound than other ¥/that moe cee 62,par yee ae ene i passed by Congress and the State leg-Houy.i is eam $0:ay 4 islatures in this country in_that_five5DANVALLEY.PRY‘ET.'‘%ivears,and 3 found that there had'{been reported during that-five vears.and published in.680 volumes’of re-;Cary.ae Boshamer,ports ofahs courts yh than 65,000 |decisions ‘courts of last-resort in5LocalRepresentative,ithis.country.Now,not even Mr,Cho-ee125 Black,It.aw.&!ate-knows aes all He oe Howeanyoucondyctyourbusinessandkeenoutofjail?”we .How.can any-man,whether in;busi- °!ness or not,keep out of jail,with|t those 62,000 laws and 65,000 courtStop!Took!Listen!decisions.on his trail,re-inforced by-the :on %thousands -of-laws WE buy in car lots.and decisions of other years?Per-WE sellin any quantity.©_][harsthe ronsonisthe ery facthint Medal an Je :i can possi ae ee “<iFen.nybody wou ink that the legal WEee agFeed for Horses profession,in-sheer,despair at trying to keep up with legislation and courtWEoeSweetDaisyFeedfor|decisions,jamie try to curb the out-'t,limiting the sco of le lati WE sll Hay,SinOats and $.caaerttinh eines ti hs aottonSeed-Products.WE SELL FOR:LESS. WE pay CASH for countryCornandOats. Col.Fairbrother’s’Taea of a ‘Va-: cation, Everything.‘WE deliveg in the city.You see ft in the paper most very Tey,FEED co...day that-a dozen-or_so-people-are f0- ing “to the Springs”’--and_they hikeC.D.MOORE,Prop.out in joyful mood,and return in a’ PhoneNo.88.14 EE.BroadBt,week or ten days,very much fatigued.|Lhe Springs habit ‘is ‘a good one,pro- \oan vided people would go and.remainByWATKINSforlonesnore.and’eee nature. *6 a u e majority of the women folk“Everything to Baild.With?”4)want to dike,‘want to dress to kill,FULLS1'O CK--LO WEST PRICES |{and there is no:rest.©5Shingles,Doors,Windows,Ceiling,é man who wanté real’recreationFlooring,Siding,Boxing,{Mould-ing,Laths,Lime,Cement,etc., should go to some wild ,;stretch ofwoods,where a tiver runs,and where Coite L.Sherrill,M.Dy ‘Will answer,’phone calls left—at Dr.Long’s Sanatorium orGeo.Pee residence. Next Planters’Wh.Statesville,he can swim and fish and loaf and»==sh ese fight bugs andother insect “warmits.”ae Ranting.esbe _hungry and re acon an potatoes;DR.©.TGR USE.he,|rekuttrier thin Jiesoorhayy ey ao ane a j nough away’tha pe auf reacOtticerearPolls.Gray Drug Co,[ih or erin find hint...Thirty|like.eet the con-|attr,bed‘Office.Phigne *109.Residence 'Phone.108 Green, he.MountainsRound About!A a@ugurated ‘at the recent meeting of thithemountainsandT¢gried and begged,Ral edt sons,and feeling assured that| not alone in my enthusiasm;for @ the mutual and legal agreement and}\derful peaks,from the grey-blue’eeon But although these:mountains.arelook near,because they are His:and=their “I will.lift up mine eyes unto the ‘Lord |Boy Hurt—Dry Weather—Tur- July 29.—We are cer- tainly having some warm weather and-; ‘Wheat threshing is about over and but the yield was not as Turner.of,ithe Me!e2apingSener:the original growth.fhe {visiting at the _noma ‘of “M Pe ae While playing one evening this perfection.extent me betayating his_memory_should.congrat- -Hhermsclnes in,heing,-privilegedialoe‘BS only to the most be-| fipe and.hia T.Heavener ofe‘Raleigh are visiting atthe home of the|lic schools will be glad to learn that |thousand’”feet.orlongenoughtogethisfaceandhis|snow line is@anproximately the same o-&mMan-more |aged!m Springs—The Washington;officials fire.evident-ly optimists,5 E CALDWELL MEMORIAL.’ “Appreciation of Mr.Caldwell _By One Who Knew Him. *Moore of Staten iP,in Boone “Desmocrit, T'noslee that a moterent was in- the State Press Alsociation to erect ‘monument to the late Editor Ii P.Maldwell.-A committee was appoint-ed to formulate plans and when thiscommitteegetstogetheranddecidesondetailstheworkwilldoubtlessbe By under way. ccording y the Statesville Land- mark the monument is not to be built by thessociation,which merely gave its¢en-| sement.te the movement,and it isthepurposetoasktheaidandco-op- members of the State Press|} eration of ‘all the friends of the lateeditor,everywhere to have a ghare in,this memorial, memory of one of the State’s most! there must be many readers of ‘yourpaperwhowillbegratefulto.know)that they can have a part in this me-morial,I pen the aboye =facts for| their benefit.}The State is justly proud that it)hasgiven birth to such men as Vance,igRansomandAycock,as well as manyfehetdistinguishedsons,but there|=s fever been a-man reared.within| the ‘confines..of North Carolina,who!|was blessed with the delightfulper-} “sonality of J.P.Caldwell.or was his|er in native intellect.We all admire|é stance it wasn’t his great brain that his s 2 to take his place.ome._JIM GRBEN,.{friendly and theirs is an intimate (Pore 1s BOIS nei/:Pastor,|beauty.One feels that the Creator is a a general thing this is true,and|§While as on the stage of action some time.in the distant future.no one of this day ‘and generation will see Mr.Caldwell’s reat pretence ‘at devoutness,still, fronn the very essence of what the word Christianity means.as well as a thief,but it would have been impossible for him to he un- Necessarily impolite to either.Hiswonderfulcordialitvwasasgenuine eoncerned him but rather the well be- ing of his fellow man.While his very nature would have rebelled at such a possibility,had fate so willed that he was to beone of the crowned mon- chs of.Europe,his humblest ac- Hirani ‘would have been just as graciously received at his royal court} ag any prince orpotentate.No,we'll|never see his like again.| HiThe above Himes (dire:fiot intend.| dertake such“a thing,but thought |vouldn't He drtiss to'allude in aOl|piuf why tocalfewof his}many*ir- .|THe ;s,although it is next.to impossi-ust a Nickel!anes is a for oierait tile to de.to such an one,who had,:etmorta ie me kant.biaeSLO ‘lib hear ‘to ‘the dizzy heights}in.‘eulogistic|qnd those taking part in per- loved man dat!yéated inthe State,| but the greatest of the’great as‘an,editor und the truest of‘the true as a ,friends~x ‘Frequent:Changés “of School Books. Presbyterian Standard. The patrons of the Charlotte pub- | the committee of schsol commission- ers have decided to make -very fewchangesinthebookstobeusedthe}, coming year.The many books used and the frequent changes have made the term “free public schools”a mis- nomer in the opinion of the ‘patrons.When a man has to buy ‘an armful of new books-each year,he begins to}!doubt the freeness of the education offered,and for that reason this re-|)>cent decision to make few changes is “'a wise one. As a patron of the college we wishverymuch'that this course would be-come popular in college life also.Ed- ucation:isnecessarily expensivein our}dondddnaptoral schools,but it is of-)ten unnecessarily so,by reason of the! frequent changes of -text-books,thus| preventing one class from using ‘the|hooks.of the previous one,The.book|people find it to their interest to chs inge,and the teachers too~offen| clay inte their hands,because they) wish.something.new;but neither one! ‘thinks of the poor parent who finds| We fate havein stalksaveult ae values |.in second-hand Roadsters and Touring ’Cars which we will dispose offat a saeri-..1 fice in order to make room for our 1916 models:They are REAL BARGAINS.mat Come and see for yourself.; Carolina Motor Com’¥ie This undertaking is most timely,|f havins as its aim the perpetuation ott: @aused the thousands to worship at|®shrine—-it was the man.It has oft/&Been said that no man passes but that!% great editors may come up-!% personality duplicatéd..He made no}; a practical standpoint.he was}, He hated a liar}: ”7 Oe aber gee SHERRILL“WHITE SHOE CO. New Arrivals by Express. ‘Young Men's &Boys’i |‘ An exceptionally good assortment of young Men’s and Boys’Caps.Newest shapes and: patterns —-b0c,and $1.00 grades,aes Sport Shirts.3 Peet dt d otYes,we have one of the very best at only $1.00.Goodassortment of patterns, SHERRILL-WHITE SHOE¢ OE pier as pure gold,for it-wasn’t-self-that} fi as a qulogy,for L.woyldfail shotid|H a NtCarina re See eee chi | i oe FORtylodirioiy:odd Be eh aed?al ow«Knabe Planoge-cvos01 adh )ee daoloh ‘faince~Ccketng PamaéSaisVd Pe Oi ed joxgoad itindodina oll algeofour’aon ee canesIves?1 pan “For the reliabili"we ean refer you to.scoresofreligiousay‘al institutions as well-as prominent individ yourcommunity.Let us send you catalogues;also’terms,and give you interesting infoourClubPianosandClubPlayerPiano..Address:PARKER-GARDNER (0,“#4ieRIOT quo @ you iibe rmation a aeeprenremeeeete See et —re The Fifty -c } it hard enough to meet the”.tuition |’~ bills. This is a case where it would be well to take heed to'the injunction of the Apostle,when he commands ustolooknotuponourownthings,but “upon the things of others, ee SSSSSTISILILITSSS ssss anes National | eee eee e eee eee eeseeess3 Beginning of Timber Line Varies Yorkville (S.C.)Enquirer, While the North and South Caro- lina newspaper parties were explor-ing the top of Mount Mitchell recent-lv,there was question -as to the alti- ‘ude of the “timber line.”No.oneseemédtoknow,not even Mr.August Kohn;who had climbed some of the loftiest peaks of the Alps.Mount Mitchell is 6,711 feet high and is he avily timbered to within a few feetofthe-very-top.‘Ta alt appearancesthetimber«would have’‘continuéd several thousand feet higher if the mountain had risen to that.much higher altitude.We have before usxbulletinfromtheUnitedStatestopographicalsurvey,which —gives the information that the altittde ofthetimBerMinevarieswithlatitude, being gréatest of course within the tropiés,In the Alps the timber?line is generally at an altitude of about6/500.-feet,while in -the.Colorado Rockiés,the average is in the neigh-borhood of 11,500-feet.“tnathe;tropi- eal Andes,the.tirhber line.runs a80higher,The; as the timber,line. Again,there |is talk ofa police éon-ference in Mexico which has’encour-ashingtoh officials,it is:said. pr e r p r o s e c e t v e s e e s t PS S S T OS O S a eee ! LE S S SS S SS C S SS S SS S SE S S SS T PP O OT OS T E O Te PS P SO S SO T T O TC ST S = SS P SE S PO S S E S S SS C S O O P S CSS O *OF STATESVILLE,N.CG. aiWe pier:Captal Stock Paid in -$100,000.00"°3150000.Surplus and Profits ) Members of Federal Reserve stem, Your Banking businesssolicited”and every accommodation extended to de-— positors consistent with prudent’bani ing methods. Four per cent.paidon time and Savings Deposits remaining on er three months or longer, OF FICERS: W.D.TURNER,Ta te e.,"Cashier:LEY ght ;a.KR,see-‘Assistant Cashier. Lilate em ne vere tah hore Rarttn eer een A.‘Three-Year-Old Child”al,‘\PHE BABY.SMOKES CIGARS Siero Prony |artic and a Regular}attieshtethe watt ce —mentswal ?::“ee *Smoker.“oc,bigieles and motorcycles ii-therural!vinvinia and North Carolina it 3 on : oe —heise}king of |:Obata itioo,Accord ee ihc heats mtae che past fiscal year on 102.4 mil |Ra “Br le M .q qieee‘ntile losities,to statemen a‘om YE Sn ena resares8800|i‘weeMr.D.M.Clerkof Greenville e out by the department,there.are|its Atlanta-Washington|line,amsey-ow S-orrison : seeeeseeeeeeeeeeeeeeene eseeee deeeeeeeweseee ,4A;recent report of the Southern Railway Company ‘showed that dur- ing the year ending June”30 a ‘there "were transported over the an »“Fines “ef .the Southern *more! a +.than 16,500,000 passengers;that dur- ing that period only one passenger ‘was Killed,‘and he was standing on _the carplatform,in direct violation of the company’s rules.That is a ::endid record and it shows thatthe fo,thern is giving close attention.to the safety of its passengers.An-. wh < Be the Southern has eliminated 54 of 78 ’_grade crossings,either by building under-passes,overhead bridges,"or by changing the road so.as to make ~@ crossing unnecessary;other cross- ~ings would have been changed but ””for prohibitive damages demanded for abutting property.The Southern is also co-operating with municipal and “eounty authoritiés to cut.out grade erossings on.other lines of the road. This is also to be commended.The average.grade crossing.is:.a death RIDAY,=>July 39,1915.|* E SOUTHERN'S GOOD ae e“at one’down in PitteauntythatIbelievewill,be worthlingyourreadersabout,.-=pang:a8 yago IaHappened.to bereeneofficeinGreenville,|hic.Mrs.E.S,Edwards,of the near-by town of Arthur,came in with herlittleboywhoisnotquitethreeyearsold,‘Having been penetold byseveralpeoplethatwasaninveteratesmoker,and beining ratherskeptical,I.was impelled by —euri«,gsity to wait and watch develaicentaTamygreatsurprisethechild,whocouldscarcelywalk,due to a strokeofparalysissustainedwhen-it.one,year old,draggeditself,up to tsmotherandbegantosay,“‘gar-gar;”whereupon ‘the.mother ~produced acigarandafterlightingithandedit the child,as a matter:of course.he little fellow did not grasp the in a manner that would do credit toaveteransmoker.“To _my:.several.questions.themotherreplied,that the child wasnotquitethreeyearsold,that it wasparalyzed.when about 12 monthsold,and began,smoking’its father’s cigar stumps soon after it was para-lyzed and before it could hold themwell;that it now has to have its cig-ars every day.to keep it quiet,and’that’it will not Smoke a cheroot oranythinglessstrong”than.a goodgradecigar,and that it always smokes the.entire cigar!up,leaving only ashortstumpj~doctor.‘lalsoin- eliminate |forms me’that ‘the child only within Bpproximately 8.000 aewhichbicyclesandmotes9tocarrythemails.Tt is Neydepartmentthatthisilyhicledoesnothayethecarrca-pacity needed for the parcel ser-|vice.The elimination of this,kind ofvehicle,the department says,will alsotendtoequalizetheworking.‘eondi+ injury,which results inpensetothegovernment spassageofalawbyCongress.¢izing the’government to pay eSas|juéy and death to portal employeswhileonduty..Carriers -may use:automobiles:if they want to abanden the.horge-drawn vehicles.*; AEN N NT Sinking of the Leelanaw Not it ex-the ’ complete report of the aimee g.of German submarine,and have begunthepreparationofanotetoGermanyrequestingthepaymentofdamagesonthegroundthatthePrussian- lated.A report from American ConsulDennisonatDundee,Scotland,said)the captain of the Leelanaw attempt.|ed to escape,but submitted to,visit)and search after warning shots.werefired..The right to escape,officials say,is conceded py international law,only repeated attempts to evade cap-| ture or forcible resistance being re- tions,of the carrier force,as Carrierspresmotorcyclesarecrane the relocation or double tracking the American steamer Leelanaw’S a‘ ‘American treaty of 1828 has been vio,| es are fern railway has sae out.¢73 grade crossings.of underpasses 20 we agoverheadbridges19 iaegrectibneatpunshighways1The19whichrinnteare80locaastomaketheireliminationphysilyimpossibleortheyinvveprohib-itive damagey to abutting property.In all construction “work elie a its lines,the fixed policy of SouthRailwayCompany.is to separateimportanthighwayrevisedlinesWearever”Though this poli¢y meanstionalexpense,such extakenasapermanent investment fsafety,Phe Southern railway has al-‘Igo co-operated with municipal and.county authorities in the elimination The note from Great:Britain with |peference to the treatment of.neutral ,Company’S.ay a e@ ondary| of many dangerous crossings on oth-|’‘ commerce,received in -Washingtoh this week,was not made public,request of the British government.|dispatch from London says a new notejinpreparationwillbeanSeaeoejoftheoriginal.It will take up tiquestionswhichhavearisensincé'tfirstnotewasdrafte.Defense of the right of a beliger:.ent to blockade a neutral port throughwhichanenemy,is receiving suppliesorattemptingtomarkethis.own{nreguets is the chief argunient to be Specials For Todayoesotherreportof.the Southern shows:sae aes pene as ~vould |Serious.ers of its lines throughout theSouth,ie expect a child to handle a e,ficialesthatindouble-tracking about 100 4 State Department at wk:° ,miles of its Whshington-Atlanta line antes as ae ae lee’his Cie ington have received a y|Great Brital Prepsring.Anoth:3_and Saturday. % trap andin-its effort to garded as affecting the case.|made in the supplemental note Great - phayid|Une:Sat wont edt ee et ea Under the conditions the American|Gritain is preparing in reply to the>+them thie railroad company :have the co-operation of citizens sey aite eeearalvae:eat dae government can only.make claim:for |American protest against the enforce-“ generally as well as of county and|it will probably become normal,but |¢#mages,as in the case of the Wim,/ment of thefd within weak andih.s a amunicipal’authorities.that he did not attribute its#present|P:Frye.which is so within a wee Krag 28 : ._eetarentoemsiniomtinnmanisdanne or pasteondition to the tobacco habit +a aes ;er“MEN AS WELL AS METHODS.|acquired so young.”——«—=—=—CSC meme meceeneececeececeneceecececennecro sececacacecey e The city,of Nashville,Tenn.,has Pee epee WifeMurder at Rutherfordton.|agedi the hands ofa receiver ireeeeeeeeAtRatherfordtonMonday.night |®as the result of crookedness in the))°°.i5 Glock,J.C.Souther,aifmanagementofmunicipalaffairs./jeweler,shot and killed his wife,|§Nashville has the commission form of shootingher five times with an auto-% government and opponents of modern |matic pistol,killing her instantly.|§ methods in.municipal government|He then tried to kill himself by slash-|§Satie sant nine remem Nae IEerstillaliveat-last ac-status in Nashville as evidence of the count and may recover.+ failure of the commission form to|Souther,was undera suspended sen-|¥‘fraud.It must be(bothe in tence of the Superior Court to theeat.tem of businsi’or chain gang ‘for beating his wife sev-|}a ~ays ae eral.months ago.can evil Is a good longdrink of some ICE COLD- BEVERAGE on‘a hot day.Provide your- -fa iid hi en self with ICE MADE IN STATESVILLE, thatwill:drinkingwhe se com-Sipe canbe eid ty wh aa ga aera and this onnfort maybe yours,}sushidhat “&/veent men es pat in Ses dk ‘ae es be :| j urning he fouhd the| -goramias form,or the businésstiSy 0 if “managet'T @dtnd this wife wo not iD.until he promised that he2ofmunicipalgovern-|wouldgive herhis gun,jwhich he 444,ment,are“simply a to put bus-nromised..In the meantime he asked4“hips.methods into muni¢i overn-for a drink of water,which she,toldhim:he could find on the porch,-After_ment;but the methods nse ves ‘are taking the water he said.“This water*of little value unless they are honest-|is not fit for a dog to drink.”‘Thenly,and tly applied.Under:whe imning to his wife,he shot her.five old syster business éfficiency is?“4!es.As he left the house fr}h 1mostimpossiblebecauseofthexLoe=Se pao Ig"Your! va Sa RE Neditetan dis of not CR C E C E R RA C E CE R O RE ee t ee r i e es ee‘of antiquated and ‘wasteful’meth-|motheris to blame.for:it:oi2”hie said.®ods.*Hence the demand for change—ate ieee be address the the.changes”which ..good,business|Thomasville orp anage ‘ard s iin methods Suggest.It might be said the nature of’a will.It bequeathedhishouseandlottotheorphanage,in hehalf of Nashville,also,that un-providing they would take his chil-|? der,the old system mnicipal graft ts|dren and raise them.He left his not so easily detected.It is at:least jewelry shop to his son.erWhen.arrested Souther deniedatributetothecommissionformthatkillinghiswifeorcuttinghisthroat.the-Nashville-grafters ‘were 80-8001}Mrs,Souther was-due:to become - called to taw.-{mother in a few weeks.arene sereneThecountyschoolboardofHay-|Old Man Activein Face of Death. ‘wood county,it is stated,has order-|Concord Tribune.;. -ed that_cigarette-smokers be not em-|Ai -_bi ee ot Anderson ‘ ployed as teachers iv that county.If|was the victim of a near-fatal acci-|¥cigarette-smoking is harmful,and it dent at .the Reed mine this”week.)7, "PHONE.205 Statesville Ice &Fuel Company. AnAuthority on iis—-COAL—" All our noveltysummer fabrics iin Silks and Cot-as ton materials to goin these fourlots. ER SO R R E L L OO OO a. ‘OOD._tes We have re-arranged and re-marked ‘many lines’ sm||for this two day clean-up sale and the prices will & Needing a windlass he went to an old |; is generally admitted that it is harm-|abandoned shaft to get a pair of|é agreeably surprise you.®fuf for boys,if not for adults,then|standards to make the proper adjust-|§4 Ie :uf ,Aes“the action of the Haywood board|ments.While walking around on/p ===?Tr)YA)top of the heft covering gaveshouldbefollowedbyeverycountywayandhefeldiveheadlongin-- in the State.Recently the Iredell to the water whieh extends to about school board issued an order that /20.feet of the surface,He struck ‘theschoolcommitteemenshouldnotem-|water ye ba ——ere Seeseveralfeeneaesurface,theploymembersoftheirfamilies,.or shaft being about 70 feet deep... :“The Mark-of Quality.a ~'TEXACO GASOLINE.: Gasolinés are not all alikein their ‘motor value. _‘waecine free to all who will call.Three pounding and his ability to climb out‘treatments:on different dates’are nec-jof the shaft,heis unusually active.. TERALTTNRTTITTceessarytorenderoneimmuneanditicespeasewee wr.“Ys.important that 4hose who will take moe rg Past Year the treatment appear promptly on reak Record. the first date.A list of appointments|,~xact figures of the record-break-and the hours for treatmentis printed ing American export commerce of the :NB.)*Sea ‘pt :‘9===BASEBALL!==||_! “near relatives,“asteachers..The wis-}"jwhen Mt.’A ::- of this order is apparent.andjsurface the battle for .life began.At Statesville Ball Park v :“should not only be enforced in Tre:{Time and time again he caught at the|f . ject that:would aid shim in,keepingabovewater.After many vain ef- on in Iredell and the number of peo-/fajien down with him,lodged against z siiplewhohavesofartaken.the treat-ja sill.By a strenuous effort he suc-.5 i *wD ee Ys ae 3 % oY ;i aid shaft until he reached’the axe.He g ‘bots 74lightenedappreciption.of the |pur-then chopped small places in the side S 01]“;‘é ; week the campaign begins in the|and gradually worked his way out.We will sell Val.,‘Torchons and Shadow Laces,county and for six weeks doctors will Mr.-Anderson:is about.85-years of \suecessful fight amid:dangerous-sur-|:'Ae:if as long as they last.Some of these numbers are worth many times the sale price.Special —- "LENOIR AND.STATESVILLE =|]°, nderson came to the dell but in every county An the State.floating debris,only to miss the ob-TODAY,AND TOMORROW.| toe aa cophold are campaign is forts he discovered his axe,which had JS ‘Satuir day at.1 0 Orclock ment in Statesville shows an en-|ceeded in pulling up the sides of the |, "a,Pose-of the-serum-treatment:Nextiof the timbers that lined”the shaft, -visit the stations and administer the |*8e-But as may be supposed by his odd lot Embroideries and Fancy Dress Trimmings _21-2c.theYard.|Bago Le J ee 2 -in The Landmark today,fabude talesce ta favesot toe.Cars tg __,This statement .was hardlytory many ‘Perhaps youraeeeeedStates—the greatest in its histor throttle has toldyou thesame st0 ie eeEo‘The:Pitt county folks who let their|—was $1,094422,792,an increase of they are not all alike it is to get the one which+baby learn to smoke on his daddy's |$628,800,000 over the year:preceding,the service.TEXACO°GAS LINEhas upon distingushedwanstubs;and’who now supply hitn @8d.$428,000,000 more than the best from the beginning ones uge for thedelivery of more power |,\ee ait ta dickes ke ewe Pesach previous record,‘made in 1908.et from bapeinltiesy with a highly desirable —uni-Coe ;4 ’xports totalled $2,768,643,532,Sib Bi eh aeUeolsotcroreaompoeeeot$404,000,000 over the pre MORE,power from gasoline ‘means more motor miles pr =o s y i‘doubti eeded-on the in m we “i i ;-eomaimon among parents,that oti ai 220,740,a decreaseof $219,700 000.ee ‘«Come to our sale today cnd Saturday,:ee ld be The “gold,movement which teflécts _CLEAN Gasolinem ans.‘more efficient carburation:and ;ee etd iPingrencayparecepedatheeffectofthewar,shows imports of |~ignition equally effecting the motor miles.»,r :et i eeRearreSeee|"UNIFORM antintert porn =WP :that.wi n that are gainst $66,538,659 imported,|:ot ailing.But think of letting a ba./and$112,088,520 exported the year Mla on GASOL ae anceSiaromp,i .a iy.leatn to smoke!-i msdto l,R wile S M 4s ‘RRs ‘A.eivions from Berlinssays that up wae Yeubles.‘iheere the “power”wa amsey Bo e OFrison RararcaRPfeaThe:“surprising thing about that|to July 25 German.submarines had y SERRACO Waey ag F ‘2storythattheyoungladiesatChapel|S¥"*in the war zone 229.English -a F eens ~Company.aesecuredapardonfromPresidentneuweteee“oe s ll Oil C pk‘a latter,=*4 : elaneie Gen.Hoke-by kissing the|sage says,were sent to the bette,ms tatesvi e.hoes omp any i e \_President,is that.Gen.Hoke permit-|mistake,Twenty-seven additional Ce (Wholesa :: ted the ee “Out of deterence to|Reutral vessels,the dispatch adds,-'Phone 61.3 3 ;2wereexaminedandsunkbecausecarriedcontraband,on¥ives i ‘if «oe ENMU vite MR Gb.iyeinaRaleatatgk,4ieSaipesGeet i diyaiakhanbh ?the city that once ruled the |world,ts gone,but the Coli- seum still stands as a warn-ing against improvidence and weakness: ; a St a t s Sa t ig l h e Be a i o e > ce s Ra o eh Ee e Life;honor,morals,wealth & and-business-must-be builtuponastaplebasistoinsurefuturegrowth—to preventdecadence.Worthy perman--ence comes only through de-j velopment along natural,con--structive lings, Insure the results of your efforts—your funds,your business,your possessions,your advancement— ,against changes of time.Arrangeyouraffairsuponapermanentbusi- ness basis by letting us co-operate with you in banking matters,andyouwillenjoythatself-satisfiedfeclingwhichcomesthroughworthy iatent and accomplishment., ‘Te instNATIONALSTATESVILLEN.C.Capital 100.000 AZ Raid on TimeU.S,DEPOSITORY Dépgsits MAKE 1ITIFDOURLY BASY Fo!Hoas!YO OR YOUR |sane: "OLIVER CHILLED PLOWS Parties’un AMarriage —So- =<‘cialAffairs.- ban pe =a ait |Mr.Julius H.Whugh of Troutman 2.1 Miss Janneta White of the vicin-ae gs or’offal,or.An’~ity of Mooresville were married Tues-||Old Beck Sweet Feel.10orthless by-products,but.se-||GLIMPSE PASSING ING.day afternoon at the home of Mr./*LitdleNed SweetFeed.teected feedscien-A Peradedi Mentiodof People an d Weurns aes,ae Oscar L.Brown,d in ooresville,¢.ceremony Was) ,Manna-Bi Chick F d,tifieally ble Their Movements.”_performed by Rev.J.S.Connell,pas-|a's a -forresults.‘Miss Gladys sherri ent tol tor of Sisal apie shureh.Fol-| "t mo-){Gen Scratch Feed.by a housewith ae eee MooreFees tored to Statesville and boarded the|‘i 1c e a reputation for Mr.Wallace Hoffmann and Miss |afternoon train for Asheville,where,4 7Dairy Feec.‘integrity.Carrie Clarke,the latter of Richmond,they are visiting Mr.Waugh’s sister,.ie joined other membets of the Hoffmann Mrs.Joh Kale,Later “ae will take| family at Blowing.Rock Tuesday.up elr residence’a toutman,|CeW.BOSHAMER,=Local Representative,|e azrt ikea or hu!aes ohne:7 k.Statesville is expected home.tomor-)'s ather,.Mr.J.B.Waugh.Miss :"Phone 125 Blac row from Hintersville,where she has hie hig reeently been living in ,been visiting relativessinceST Waepday.aE ue .3 SE Mrs.M:Denson ¢child left;A party.of young people enjoyed a:this week for an exten ‘Is to|moonlight picnic:Wednesday right at“ri ae Charlotte and other points,They ex-Dr.BE.M.Yount’s farm,a few miles$: Fipect t&be away until the of cast.of town,The party went out in4‘hurch Is OW UlVIN a September.‘four automobiles,and spread their:':ate sale neces sere have pienic lunches on a pretty-grass plot.5 return rom a stay a prings.There was music by a Victrola and|Mr.M.V.Dunavant ig at home singing by the pienicers.from Virginia.raeDtiMrs.a Dysard ‘and ‘Tittle son,tTuestes.seen Be ee woi‘House-to-House ome rat Ons",Master Hotchin,left Wednesday for!Walsh,i4vialsCeeea.pee iad ‘Mr.and Mrs.Raymond Maiden ofireenup,Ky./Chicago,Z|5 As well as by Appointment.jiPigsewe ee |e anaeste,7 -re j r.an rs.D.F.MeBinne of Onslow county;Miss Willie PostonFreetoEverybody.‘Louisburg,Wbo visited at Turners-and her guest,Miss Sara-.Wall of‘;ve rae ie cee left:abil Lilesville:Miss Graee Eaton and:’ay for Junaluska erniear Waynes-~Messrs.W.G,Thomas and Dick Ram-‘e PHONE,WRITE OR.CALL—ve vase iaay wee ot...‘sey compose a camping party which2r.Guy Eagle,who visit €is spending -ict:pg home of his me par Mr.oe Series,ing:te,week._-at :Eupeptic i }.pe)J.F.Eagle,east of town,ec A number of Statesville people é :Statesville Gaslightand Fuel Company,nesday for his home in Hilisboro,'T!!.’have received invitations to the North |i j \Misses Annie Bell Dagenhardt andCarolina Pan-American dinner,to be|Annie Lou Barkley went to Newton given at’the State Normal and In-'OO OOOO OAD OOO D001)OEE sII sssestuaseseresestteseareststesssectissessesstasszass |V Comeeday to visit.~dustrial College by the GreensboroSiecerecesOECECECRCEOOEOREOE3aeRosaRateliford,who Visit Chamber 6 Commerce.on thé eve- ;TW #lfriends in esville,-le day ‘ning se 4 eee A.I EW aa ;for her hae at Carlisle,‘8.Co Miss MeAdad:Seoretdig vt ee‘Mahcated**%e A Willie Nicholson accompanied Her as \il]be the guest of honor.|a Hifar as Charlotte and spent the day’About.22 young people were en- or @SS e ’gera Ors 3 eee:is .ed Wed tertained by Mr.John Martin Bar-‘.H iss ona.Turner arriv ed--yinger Tuesday night at his home*i :Hinesday night from Florida and is a'.,West End avenue.Dancing wasY;H|cuest at the home of Mr.and Mrs.the feature of the evening.Lunches‘ae :wc 6wea is 1 tae Phil:were served in individual baskets. °3 rs.artin an comer Hidren of Brunswick,Gat,passed Correspondence of The Landmark. *:vou Statesville Wednesday en Saturday evening last;at the home Hiroute to Hickory.After spending ten of os z hi King,=a pe 4 Hidays in Hickory they will come to delightfully,entertained.a few friends 5 u ‘To close out H Statesville to visit Mrs.Martin’s complimentary to her guest,Miss#\nephew,Mr.Earl Moser,and other Lucey Price of Weddington.The southatjustalittleH|relatives..lawn of the King home glowed with B|Mr.A.E.Cline has _returhed to|myriads of Japanese lanterns,|be-|. 7 ae King’s Meanie aftera—brief—vi-it;neath which—was-placed got:for *H to his father,R.F.Cline the,guests.Following an:hour ofoverhalfpriceBH}«Mr.W.B.rawierd ofMisthany pleasant.social conversation,tempt- :township left yesterday’for ayvisit ting refreshments were served by thératherthanto“)#ithe Exposition at San Francisco.héstees,who then invited the guests |!*f H|Miss Laura Moore...has,retyrved|into.the,parlor,where the ©/remain-ifrom Roanoke,Va.,wheré she spent der of thé'evening was’made pleasur?Vo carry them §/a monthwith her sisters,Misses Lucy able with various games and on.Hee Sf#and Mary.Moore.|selections.eSHiCapt.W..H.“y Sag EES CanEoverto.next H |Washington Ey t Bikeytw any Visitors to Winston-Sa-:Hon business.'B aAl em. ':season.‘i Bre alae taunt_we Mae ince the completion of the Federal’ ‘|Glaude Tomlin in Olin “gown ip,have Road,alias aie 4 a en54returnedtotheireatGastorias,way (a name should be agreed:ad le tii pn between Winston-Salem:andH|Miss Bernice T has ‘returned>Bitrom Brevard;w ier assisted ville,Statesville visitors 40teheonductingateacheree|Wlimston-Salem.are-many.Most of}a Bimige for anouting,for she rete :et 3 See aera e edkie a seb tatesville-day-at--Wiisten- ¥x »¥\Statesville to spend.ie weaken int.mong the visitors were Col-~:og ano af *Watts.Sheriff Deaton.Treas:‘ilonger with Mrs.Faweette %pals N.B.Mili3|Mr.and Mrs.N.B.Mills.2%x Sloan,Messrs.N,B.Mills,R.B. STORE. :G% dale and was3Bie.crowd was:“heré for’! Well pleased:.“Just as big”bargais*as’ ever today and all next week.Fifteen cases of assorted piece goods just ar-— t }}{ } Mr.G._B.Gillespieis at home from Anna Marie Key,Fla.Misses Idell Davis and Flora PluntJ'mer,of Salisbury and Béulah Arey of {Durham are guests.of Mrs.B.A. 'Cowan. ':rived. |10¢.Towels For Saturday. :1.Cimitedfour toa customer) rE IVE CENTS BACH. -60ce.Shirts.-25e. 10c.36 inch Bleaching Be. 10c.Ginghams Be. r And thousands of other thingsas cheap. a nCOME,SEEsAND BE CONVINCED. |The Store That Sells Fa‘or Less.,‘|(PHONE 213,03.ier Penal |yOUNDED IN 1838.nay TRINITY ¢COLLEGE “A Southeed Solleee,preetyiemci ‘ation Vt ad(high sfandards,-nobletradrit na progressive policiés,‘ua —Te ie fund makes possible ity firatsclasa equipment.and laseoniaiy:antetgity nlertaape:aoliboie ace reeheSroomsincues:and ‘scientific’roarsallsndtet 4WERS coursesiForR, “CHART RED 1369" { ipect to leave Monday in their‘mobile for their former home at Bel- |with his brother,Mr: Miss ‘Luev Price,wlio was a guest at Dr.J.E.King’s in Sharpesburg township,returned yesterday to her home in_Union county.Mrs.F.B.Edmondson and Mis§Mildred Edmundson of Goldsboro areguestsof“Mrs.-F.E.Sloan on east #|Broad streét,Mrs.Wm.Wallace,Mrs.A.Whit=]lock.Mrs.M,Wi Mever and Misses!Leah Stephany and Mildred WallaceleftyesterdayforBlowingRockJ WeLaughlin,J.E..Boyd,H.P.Grier, John McLaughlin.Frank and ~Gusaton,Mr.and Mrs.R.R.Clark,isses Rosamond and Hope Clark. Mr.John F.-Bowles,who is traveling in that section,was also in Winston-Salem for the day. The trip through the country:is a delightful one.Splendid.road all the way and through a good |country. BENEFITED BY CHAMBERLAIN'S LINI-MENT.~ [ment for -rheumatic pains,‘stiffness andsorenessoftheknees,and can eonscien-‘tiously .say that I never used anything thatdidmesomuchgood.""—Edward Craft,Elba,S.Y. Obtainable everywhere. Mrs.Meyer.who is from Atl:lantayhad’been visiting in Statesville for afewdays. Mr.and Mrs.J:A.Ballentine cx- autos ton,§.C.,where thev will spend aweek”or ten days._They will make stops ata nomber of towns alongtheroute,where Mr.Ballentine will combine business with pleasure.‘Mr.‘and Mrs.Harvey -Green andlittle.daughter,of East Liverpool,Ohio,who visited Mr.and Mrs.J.L.Sherrill,left yesterday.for RockyMounttovisitMr.J.B.Green.TheywereaccompaniedbyMissWinnie Sherrill.L.K,Mrs.erday rest.__Miss Nell Summers’of Wilkesboro is a guest.at the home .of Mr.and Mrs.Lo.Lewis:Mr.A.P.Hall.a traveling sales wenby returned yes- iman who formerly lived in States- jville,is here,to spend a few days Mr:W.G,Hall.Miss Lucy Davidson went to BlackMountainyesterdayandwillmakethetriponMt..Mitchell today.Mr.L,R.Houpe midtored to Win-ston-Salem Tuesday,accompanied.by:Mrs.J.BE.Webb and:nephew,Lloyd Webb,_and.Mr.W.E.Clark.the late}.ter of Lilesville,Mr.and Mrs.DLsWebbofChambersburgtownship,who} had been in:Winston-Salem®*for sev-‘eral days visiting their son-in-law and _B dauehter,Mr.and Mrs;W.P.Shoe-ompanied Mr.Houpe andeeeetripWednesday.maker,apartyon’ cenceenerAmeseilon Elects of- ssociation of States-“|vittalediiag:held a meetingin Shearer petWednesday afternoon.Several |President, received and the} rigthe best turnip seed at D.°J..KIMBALL’S,“amt seen ataotliissaie LOST}—On 1the road,coat containing accountbook,etc.J.C.BROWN. we,iW S FRANKLIN,a cancer doctor,will be atC.“A.Foster's in Statesville,.N,-C.,.Mon-Will be there six days. day,Aug..2,1016.Warts,moles,tumors,ulcers,birthmarks or‘cancers removed,No knife used at all.Ev-erybody come.July 30—1t* FOR RENT—Some_“cheap houses,=-N.P.*WATT.“guly 278t.* FOR SALE—13 shares Statesville CottonMillstockat65centsonthedollar,ForfurtherinformationapplytoMRS.MIN-NIE CANNON,Marion,N.6.,R-3,Box26.July 23—6t. WANTED.—Housekeeper for Hotel.Iredell.Apply to MRS.JNO.H,GRAY.duly 20. WAITRESSES.—Girls * wanted “to Wait on~Apply table at HOTEL TREDELL.~teMRS.JNO.H.GRAY.duly 16. FOR Liaeabteratie house on Sharpestreet.W.,.ELIASON.July 9. LOST—Noté given by ‘C.H.Lester and wifetoAlfredSherrill.for $100 due~June 10,1916.Person:having this note will presenttoW.J.Lazenby or The Landmark withintwentydaysorthisnoticewillbeplead7barofpaymentofsaidnote.””C.H.LES-BR.wavy,18, OldSoldiers’Re-Union &Peni eetaiFAtStony Point,N.C.,August4,1915 ~We want to see your smiling faces‘one more time.Everybody is com-ing to help to make a glad day forthegoodoldgrandfathers‘and moth-ers.All the old soldiers with theirwivesandthewidowsofold.soldiersaeinvitedtobeheresThisisyour‘y.Music will be furnished’byStonyPointernBand,‘prominenters‘will address the Veterans‘the citizens,and dinner will bethenehbuilding.All theeinvited‘to bring baskets W:Sims-f:M.Mil-F.Hines,J.J,baW.Pa A.L.Watts,I ay “Last winter I used Chamberlain's Lint} _duly 30-10"| da i-s ofour| Beeauseofthe scouring insured by the oeooVERSCHILLEDMihapesareesqualitiesoftonto.sorte tiSees ib -OLIVER CHILLED.PLOWS ‘are without:exception théLightestDraft;Plows."Niade . FilbaeSera KNOW f,actual eekS.will do or you baveheardsees ‘ghbeSchteciekheeWhy.Note.Get in,Line:now Bverything Clean at Paine Vie ! {From the first handlihg of milk uatil it is bottledand started tothconsumercleanlinessisthewatchwordatthisdai:the way of straining is done before the milkisrewae iefor;the: Itis also cooled properly before bottling so that it will notspur in thbottle.The last’straining before itis bottled is through absortcotton.As soon as it is bottled itis placed in theice box untfordelivery.-Every bottleis carefully washed,scalded,‘aited ai sunned before using.. -§_THE PAINEVIEWDAIRYissupplying the mcialandaidshealth,«Why and how oe ees it vin ‘be:from time to time. {’Phone 347 Black,PAINE VIEW DAIRY,the dairyisystem,when you want pure and clean milk -deliveome. db I ity of 33 :4 5 ‘omAccreditedbyVirg‘State Board of Educar“tion.Hundreds of graduates.now teaching. es ‘Where es fing a record, “Defects—Men in| ing Armies Killed By Comrades. )France,Dispatch. ©is no doubt that the losses ri;by the attacking armies frotr ‘fire of their own.artillery |: :very heavy in.the,present |Naturally few.references .to wes are found in,the officialbutmenreturningfrom line frequently give ac- apt:fof such accidents,a notablenee,as is well known,being at i@ Chapelle,where in one ati ekaltiesfromthissourceare Dave reached many hundreds. enced military observers de-t such losses must,in the “of things,be frequent in mod- tare.In the old days.when Miniforms were distinctive .and guns was far less than that y eyesight,there was notlikelihood:of.the gunners ning ignorant of .the exact bouts of their own troops.Yet “wars of Napoleon there were such.mistakes.-ern warfare,however,uni-| seldom distinctive exceptfight,and attacking troopseverymeanstomakethem-invisible.When an.attack isgunfireisconcentratedonntdecideduponandiscontin-ad UP.to an agreed hour,when thetrychargesintothegapmadeartillery.Thereupon the rangegunsislengthenedtostrikeenemy's second line.opm the moment the attacking .reaches .the’enemy's.firsttheaitealty.of.accurately increases,and dust hiding ‘of operations even fromaexbplaneobservers.The.gunnerbeabletokeeppartiallyac-wath the situation,through",_bat—almost eet "of ‘the."important-wireDiecotottgtheGeen shall me eGnes, ree ened, SS eel nts at a at which tidy pre-ryartillery fire had failed.to a .,and @ 1e:Sf front complete’success,|. sidAustrians,are~; fsG theie‘tre Sake.ca ,“aatieythayoi i Tit ofeesofmith aerefiningbywhichagreatlyin-.cart of gasoline can be ob-A from a given quantity of crudeDaringthepastyearthetank-n price of ‘gasoline has fallen inlarge.centers,apparently ge‘cause,from 16 ‘cents to 9 1-2Sagallon.There is little doubt:the’price will eventually go stillwiththedevelopment.of thesjust:discovered by Dr.ehainical engineer .of theStatesBureauofMines.The monopoly by one group of e,new ‘process is to beall‘refiners who “will submitin’government»“vegulations. e process of distil- 2 cay of gasdline”isthatwillbe‘accomplished bynew.process,It provides a meansainingfromcrudeoilthe.two8,toluol and benzol,here-obtained from coal tar and pro-Impst.exclusively by .Germanritishmanufacturers.Téluol1areofvitalimportancehipeaceandwar.They formther”substance from whichdyes.are made,and are atitimeindispensableingre-L high explosivesused—in“warfare. 4 Pride in AchievementMeyétepby»standfairmeansony. Pride.in the oinienaie of ahighStandardofQuality—in a repu-tation for:Relialihty—-DL PIN D-ABILIT Y—and “the Square Deal” at all times.The B.F.Goodrich Co.hasbeenmakinghistoryintheRubberIndustry,for more than 45 ycars.“<Tt has always been the Leader!Tt has:almost:sever had a“Boom,”or the rea¢tion that fol-lows:Boom.‘©.Jtthas been Conservative'in all‘its moeves—never Experimenting at its Customers’Expense,yet neverlaggingbehindSarstplacein.the Procession. *It has been the Pioneer ina"nearly all great ae eee madeintheWorkingofAnd,it has’grown steadily,surely,as well as stupendously,untilthedargestRubberFactoryin.thePoeey.is that of The B.F.ich Co.2t Akron,O._The Operations of this Factoryrequire,and utilize,more than 75AcresofFloorSpace,and The B.F.«Goodrich Ce,frequently employsmorethan1B;900 people, ,through frank ;0 other Rubies Factoryhinthe‘World’bitys ‘sograt“Crude.Rubber,ng ag.it floes moreeg ij38plpearec .#fe pays onc-sizxth Pa ol dhe TaxesfeaityofAkron,which City haserConcerns,and moreMPonnlation,:sie ests “Bverydayin the oe aver. ge,fe operationsof The B,FCo.resultin’its receivinmoreuthaa.36,000 pieces of Mail, and more than350 clegrams._It manufactures24Classes ofRubberGoods.Some -of ‘these Classes sub-divide into largé businesses. ©’.Thus it makes 100 kinds of Rubber Hose,11 kinds of Rubber Tubing,8 kinds of Insulated andother.wire,etc:;. ;Every ‘day,on.average,The ._B,F.Goodrich Company Factory-gmanufactures:—' ate 60.Miles cf Insulated Wire. .4-14 Miles of Rubber Hose,“+5Miles of Rubber Belting, REET DNNNATOR ANNE Whose Ox-Is Gored, h ~Robesdnian; ing on’the Jatest Ameri-‘to Germany,which he of:applauds,Mr,A,-W.---Me=Bays:it is astonishing how somewhoareotherwisewell-in-‘and fair contend _that.thedStatesshouldnotsell.-muni-war to England.He callsntothefactthattherightellMunitionsissettledbyinter-nal:law,agreed to By alt—na=as firmly established aspaloflawcouldbeestablish-many -has:followed this-prac-;war the United Statesgagedin.During theerican,.war Spain.pur-and ammunition fromcand©nobody |questionedrighttosell.A year ago,ed like the United Stateswar‘with Mexico and it-to Jund,troops ‘atsGerman,ship attempt- Cruz and dship-léad of munitionsiyAonthemat+po:Darin:ie war be-poe on Fapanpan,4 large2andammunitionEby--both-sides was purchasediGermany.A-Yact to be athatitis.not the fault.of States thatco ey can- sie olanSy account.,i Teihe F tieGerman navy as heen removnavy. °Standing Between *'Two:Ex-|Will Di Parkstn"Sane the 2. MadeaasSelous —the same reli- ableConstruction,the same depend. _able Service— without anything©whatever taken out of Quality,no matter what re- ductions in List- Price are ever ibe + A ricé,you will thén cunder,“seancasppersFee Soot‘Standares”and .12,000Battery JarsforElec-tric Cars;etc.iota ;+-Conveyor Beltstnat inepan.asmuchasAvedeet aontorethan3674’=A.Hard Rubberat.that :aloae employs more than 500 men.Adbthis'inaddition to its otherDépartiientsandthe21kindsofRubber.Tires it makes exc ofod‘Goodrich Safety’?Tread Autoire. oe Volunze of RubberBuying,Manufacturingatidicerewttone a n uction.-o!er-reneee ‘when divided overHsaeclasses,is.whatgives ‘toteGoodrich.Factory the”lowestCostforFireManufacturingofthehighestGrade.=so many oe“The'R tolinesofDelosaeumers,inso.maiiy-lines of Trade,43is’whatmakesit$9 zealousin guarding theGualityandValueofeachProduct that bears the Gaodrich name—soslewtolaunchmewthingsuntilthoroughlytested—so keen to makeSuccesssure.and céntinuous,rather thari dramatic and’transient,°And of all these ‘GoodrichPaoducts,that ey best €xpresses the measure of our capacity,ourExperienceand Good-fai is the ‘ho Gaodrick Safety-Tread Tire.if'**Tedoés this through giving theatesttMileageandResilience’in’the’field,at.the fairest Cost,per a ie;to Users,‘ & GEN you Test theseeeSafety-Treadand:compare=+with ‘others’Off considerably fi her* our dewhich x $inGood- thea eae ev (eee aearo@verjepratedNein:month’s output.The Goodrich —Safety-Tread ~ ee Sererrich a “iy shek for thieBest a\Non-Skid TLire Tire t ‘gives more Mileage thancurown:r aay other)plain-Tread -Tire,With only about 5%more Costto;us and about 5%more price’toyouthanthatofcurPlciaTread. “Naasitblakie ‘comparsidanprices,aA!”wee:”ne Oo >and *D”rdeechese four WdelneselaNorSh iliTiseet This,ia litte with’Goodrich Co. Policy—which iis'to base itscharges only on its,low Manufacturing j OTHER MAKES “pe?:i Size,“<p no materToy much foretiace cou be obtained fcr tho greater efficiency $10.95 |$|21.7046.304 22.3523.20 |31.4523.60|41.85 39x31)Bo30%334i os32x343424],aeKgh a37% $18,10 whose -homet’.» ‘|41.80]49.85. it develops from same materials. ‘Pride which tesukis in this,H concerns YOUR Pocketbook. THE B.F.GCODRICH CO. fikron,Ohio FAIR.LIST! “TTEMS OF ALL:SORTS. -any lof the.foreign—policy—of—the—Wilsen tremes. Philadelphia Record,If the correctness and strict justice administration needed any indorse-ment an excellent.one.might be foundin.the strictures of Messrs...Roose-velt and Bryan,one of whom criticisestheWilsonpolicybecatseithasnot!inyolved us in nore war over mat-ters heyond the pale of,our nationalrights,and the other because it mayinvolve‘us in a war.in,defénse of ‘ournationalrights.Between these twoextremesthereisahappywotyhtycupiedbythePresident,supanoverwhelmingfoaterter0 abidpleandincidentallyapprovedbyanex-President whose patridtism andlevel-headedness are ee ac- knowledged. “In the edge of.Davie,near theYad.J:kin line,revenue officers found that)£steam distillery,gapable of pro-.gucihg 1,000 gallons of booze aweek,d been in operation, ved, The engine had|# when the officers ar- xon,amarinerisatOriental,’Pamlico’county,claims|i have ihvented something:that will|ne orpenens 100-yards from a “boat:rswhich they are fired.Mr.Dixon's} to.stop undersea warfare during.the|Tees,unusual,~.Ch |Bete hard Wort | board present struggle. TT The Mt.‘Ulla 1High |Schoolhaselected*Prof,‘Melvin.Robinson ofAtlantic,principal;Miss Ella.Belle)Shire of Concord,intermediate ide.|©‘partment,and Miss Myrtle Morris.ofAtenic,Erimiar;gcse met. TRAVELING...tAN'S |PERIENCE.“In,the summer;of 1888 1.had a veryvereattackofcholera.ae ah phylaciansworkedoverwithout.wivide imetheydid’not.exhadheat||ily. ping.point,arather|shaky on the severity of the ‘nt.tatk,”writes’|eee:Loeayiy ¥, “ny nl4 a.m.awrelief.and rn‘toll aJive;shat 1 town!near,ane dn eteball.fatle gike Umpire ipsedunition’of his-fair,impar-|:xcellent-umpiring,” ckburna setof gold cuff buttonmat a The» £8,6 Com \s tity,has ended and/all the strik- 1¢ts.‘the strike,there was...considerable | née 0:ie,men and the Anjury of oth- i Hobson Gity,an ‘exclusive eumpire usually,dnd sometimes worse.4/ strike ‘at:‘the Bayonne,N.J.)of the Standard:and Tidewater STATESVILLE TIN CO.,i era —-M ETA L ROOFING:5s Have you stopped to think you can get one ofthe Best “TINROOFSputonatlesspricethanany:other roofing .on ‘the market."Slate -best-roofing ever-_put.on-‘Mohler,Manager.‘ast BroadStreet.’ wal _PHONEbe Pe ee eee 114 panies -and the Eagle Oil) Ay ’s plant atCaven Point,Jer- ve returned to work,During Gorhan'Sterling andPlated Ware | which’resulted in:the.death| negronniston,Ala,,was de-ee week.AY s_arid other.prop- i ain ee ane@loss.nadiode teotheafountain;Tw.abe ar-|)‘een ieswhile the |RARICKERT.&SOON. “We have just opened up a big lot of Gon:s in ‘both Sterliing znd Plate,We —nives;’Forks and Spoons in séts and ietheFancyPieces’from ‘up.Nothing |}...betterthan Gorham’s “goods:can be bought.We wat be glad to showyou REEL BILIOUS?GALOMEL.SICKENS!Loe_(GLEAN LIVER ANDBOWELS MY WA ;Don’t Lose a Day’s Work!If.Headachy,Takea Spoonful of “Dodson’s Liver’ Listen to me!take.no mote sick- ening,salivating calomel when bil-}# jous or constipated.Don’t lose a day's work! —Calomel is mercury or quicksilver,which causes necrosis of the bones: Calomel,when it comes into contact with sour bile,crashes into it,break-ing it up.This is when you feelthatawfulnauseaandcramping..If you are sluggish and “all knockedout,”if your liver is torpid and bow-éls constipated,or you have head-ache,.dizziness,coated tongue,ifbreathisbadorstomachsour,,justtakeaspoonfulofharmlessDod-son’s Liver Tone.‘Here’s my guarantee —-Go to anydrugstoreandgeta50-cent bottleofDagensLaver:cee take a Constipated,Siugaieh on e’’|;+ Hpponial tonight land if it’doosh't,ghten you right upyand makepsonfineandvigorousbymorn-Ang,1 an you to go back 40 the‘atore and get your money.Dodson’sLiverToneis/destroying’the ‘sale’ofcalomelbecauseitisrealliver:medi-cine;entirely vegetable,therefore itcannotsalivateormakeyéusick..I guarantee that one spoonful.ofDodson’s Liver.Tone will put your sluggish liver to work and ‘cleanyourbowelsofthatsourbile“andconstipatedwastewhich.is cloggingyoursystemandmakingyoufeelmiserable.I guarantee that a ‘hot-tle of Dodson’s Liver Tone will keep|inexcusable violations ofyAbtericanyourentirefamily.feeling fine formonths,Give it to your children.Itis harmless;doesn’t.gripe and theyie.ie pied sattaste. mt x masta mIa. ’PHONE 20, to announce that HOME INSURANC $100 per acre valuation at75peracrevaluationat60peracrevaluationat25peracrevaluationat. $40 per acre valuation 35 per acre vattiation 30 per acre valuation25peracrevaluation 20 per acre valuation15peracrevaluation 10 per acre valuation by wind in addition to hail.REMEMBER— et;“PHONE 54.ria) COCOLADE || “held up,are meat shipments-valved atCoolandFefreshing.. -Tothe Farmers of Iredell and Other Counties: THE STATESVILLE.REALTY &INVESTMENT "COMPANY behavecompletedarrangementswith‘THECO.of New York,”’fori‘insuring your growingcropsofTobacco,Cern)Cotton and small grain against GeatrnctionbyHailStormatthefollowingverylowprice: ‘TOBACCO CROP.’ COTTON,CORN AND SMALL GRAIN CROP. DWELLINGS,FURNITURE,BARNS. $100 value for one year at 30c.,3 years at 60c.,5 years at 90c.latter insurance coversalso against lossor damage occasioned ‘Weinsure anything insurable.”éJ.F.CARLTON,Manager, King of Fountain Drinks. octal ie ‘ HALL’S DRUG STORE, Preseriptionists, aerate seramaaceaaemrenaaae $7.50 per acre5.874 per acre3.75 per acre 1.873_per-acre $1.60 per acre -1,40.per acre 1.20 per acreoy...400.per acrome.80 per acreooperacre(0 per acre This aA ABAVILLE,°C. ..60 TornadoesDevastate10,000 Homes in Eight States Such is the record ofoneday’s damage done by tornadoes. You don’t know whert the tornado may strike your property,but you do know the “Old Hartford”protects- __against all loss.For over a -hundred years the Hartford Fire Insurance Company has met every honest claim promptly.Buy a Hartford *Tornado Policy today.Itis the nearest thing to comfort when a Tornado strikes.g People’s Loan &SavingsBank, apes N.C, GEO.+H.5 EO President. Resident Agent. mes a The Clutching Hand”: and start here. Of povérty and want will never grabyou ==| if you have an active savings account in ~ a good Bank—this Bank for instance. But you want to start in time.Start now,A dollar will do to start > with and a hundred dollars wouldn’t stop you,once you realize how important a Savings account is. SAFETY —SERVICE—SATISPAETION. |Merchants and Farmers’ .-Of Statesville,: _“The Bank For Your Sayings.’’ Bank,~ Delays and “Confiscates ; Commeree-and .Ignores,Pro- tests.pret Great,Britain.on account”of:7 interférencemereé,it is stated ‘that tantopossessedbytheStateDepartment actions of Great Britain,~leadsthebeliefthattheprotesttobe:made by the United States will be mere:ly vigorous in tone and caleul for what this government:regards rights.Ry Patt Whe thdividual grievances’have accumulated before and sinee 4British’blockade,order ws into vffectaresaid.to run inta>the’thousands.Aggravating the situathefact-that most of these erihavebeenpendingsincetheBritishprizecourts,contrary to the promisesoftheBritishovernment,have been‘adopting dilatory methods.to with hold settlement.Tnyolved:inthe long:list.of.eases| between’$15,000,000 and $20.000 000, cotton shipments valued at $:i" commodities,including,foodstuffs,.pot.originally specified ascontraband.Agreatmanyoftheseshipments.more-over,were consigned to neutral coun-tries,but were seized in spite ofthe ‘IT JS GOOD-INVESTMENT. _|the United States where any Federal --accomplished,’the ‘|will.Save 300 lives and at least °,000 ‘|porations, American.contention that such ship-’ iments sre not liable to seizure,“and jupon what this government regard:jas the untenable principle that a.Bel- iligerent may question the “ultimatejdestination”of a presumablyneutral jcargo.|-Teritating also to the AmericanjgovernmentisthefactthatGreatiBritainhasiustnowformally.replied‘to the American protest of March.30jagainstthetermsoftheBritishorder\in council,and has continued to carr)jout the procedure against which this igovernment complained..This ©pro- test,which was a lengthy and detailed idiscussion of the order in.council,sci 'forth,among other things,that:“It is confidently assumed that ‘his iMaiesty’s government will not deny. jthat it.is a rule sanctioned by gen-‘cral practice that,even’though +blockade—should exist —ie dor- trine of contraband as thlocke<.ied tefritory be rigidlv Bink éd,inno- cent shipments may be freely Arans-norted,to and from the United Statesthroughjpeutralcountriesto”helliger-anit,territory’.ta; oF} duinition,‘or.enn a obtained by atic nths of4 wer,a Ls :matelyorcargoesnow:“‘Metainedtishports.some offedforEyropeoutbreakofthewar. Cog Uncle.Sam Urges”Federal Em- ployes to Be Vaccinated Against Typhoid. Bulletin.State Board of Health._ "A movementisnow ‘on foot to have all Federal’emp'oves vaccinatedagainsttyphoidfever.’This will bé an army of 400,000 men and women,Secretary of the Treasury,W.G.Mc-Adoo,has.designated.164 stations if employe may be given the treatment ree of all cost. Reckoning the period of immunity for four years and basing the caicu- lation’upon.what has already been Secretary seeswherethecompliance«vith this offer people from ‘periods.of —invalidism,The records show that six Federaemployesdie¢ach month from ty- phoid fever,There:re seventy newvacanciestobefilledeveryyearduétothisonediseasealone,As mostcases.follow:‘the vacation season, special emphasis is given the the vacation season begins.So valuable has.the use of anti- typhoid vaccine proveii,not:only as alifesavefbutasa.time saver as well,that Federal authorities and big cor- B.|One of the Usual Incidents in Our laiti the past few days. tionary movement against President(Guillaume,which first broke out un- “Anent American griebntces agains:mo last March,wag renewed Tuesday.| out of the country last year and re-turned in March,.1915,and was taken prisoner, ps‘mob invaded’the Baminican legation, where.General Oscar took ‘refuge at-3 000 and shipments of various -other.. 2 of the Frengh minister.dragged Pres-| ned or confiscate:d dire |¢ oe artived at Port}au Prinre were landed to.protect,foreigners, “leounty Wednesday Henry EASY WAY TO.MAKE importance of being vaccinated before) REVOLUTION IN HAITI. South América. A state-of anarchy has existed in|# A revolu- ler the leadershipof Dr.Rosalvo Bo- After several hours fighting at.the presidential residence the”Presitont tae" with Amer ”took refuge in.the ‘French legation. Seeing the apparent sguceess of the)= revolutionists,regarding the’hardships imposed.on (¢port au Prince,Haiti,a supporter|&American shippers by the arbitrary 5 prosident Guillayme,caused to be|#°exequted at daybreak.all the political|3prisonérsinthehandsofthegovern-|@ i.incr nt,to the nu 12 bring Great Britain sharply to“ge ed General Oréstes Zamar,a former| BTGenOscar,Governor |é r of About 160 men.|&victims of this massacre inelud-| President of Haiti,who was driven |; When the people of Port au Prince); learned of’this massacre there was a |ea general outbreak of :indignation.A)& ter his unsuccessful defense of the =presidential’palace against the rebels,sobted Oscar and’dragged him before the door of the legation,where he was.promptiv'killed by a fusilade of‘rifle-shots:>‘The mob-then-turned -to; the .Prerich legation and Maeatened |& to invade it to encompass.the enery:|= tion of President Guillaume. ‘Port au Prince was soon in coo = sion of the revolutionists.‘The ae.ment was started by a regiment of|oldiers who had been disbanded by] President Guillaume and who resent-| ,ed this treatment.There has been a| reign of terror in Port au Prince for 10 davs.’On the 17th of.July Presi-|= dent Guillaume’started.on a series of| persecutions.Hp.began..causing the |! ¢Be Ona The Famous Hackney,’High Pointand ke Oxford Buggies and other makes that =~ we ne always carried.: A ona stock of HARNESS of our own - make,=ae| Everything in our line at right prices, Always see-us before you buy.Te-wilk pay you,:toa ue the Harness,‘Vehicle &Supply Co, Statesville,N.C.- arrest of all Haitiens-of any wealth!oe AAA SA or position,without distinction \ ace ‘or sex,and expelling all for-| cigners.Haiten women were arrested on the strects and taken away to pris-on.The prisons of the city were full and the conditions in them were de-|f plorable.Prisoners died daily as aly result’of hunger and the unsanitary conditions ‘in which they ‘were:com-|f pelled to live.,The foreign legations:|fi hold many refugees. Guillaume Murdered—American Ma-} rines Landed.| Wednesday a mob invaded the} “rench legation,despite the protest |1 ident-Guillaume fromthe building and |} shot him to death...His body was mu- ‘tilated,tied to the end of a rope anddraggedthroughthestreetsofthe/fcity..The violence followed,the burial; of 160%olitical prisoners who.were revolution ary outbreak ‘against.Gui}f _atimieglargepart of relatives of the victims:of this wholesale execution.After|} ‘Phe United States cruiser Wash-|]F inigton,commanded by Rear,Admiral} Wednesday'and..,American marings LT |In.the Big Lick section of.Stanly it Shoe,aly farmer,was shot from ambush and?§“|possibly fatally wounded.It is be-|f lieved that Shoe was shot by block- aders,whom he was instrumental int} reporting. HAIR ATTRACTIVE of|se a in.prison,following thes | The!lintob was)composed!)ENT Shows that Guiflavme’s body <.was.dragged|}asels,vearrytiig "mpi tet h the streets it,was abandoned.|aed$6-Gormany!Austria-fag tas later buried by seyeral women;f °,geutral European no lin’a cemetery outside the capital. ity AS WELLaeieNeeNT CCAUSEK-flNGEVERYOONEWHOnoteSWITHnoeBMP:Us ;‘OMER FOR LIF Ladies who find trouble in properly or attractively ar’ranging:and dressingtheirhairshouldtryusingalittle Parisian Sage twice daily for a while|and note the remarkable —improve- ment.Parisian Sage,which can beébtainedfrom’Statesville Drug Com- pany yr any drug counter,makes the hair “Soft,lustrous,fluffy and wavy,\takes:out the dull,lifeless appear-an¢e,dissolves the dandruff and stim-}’ulates the hair roots into healthy andnormalaction...Instead._of .merely sprinkling the hair,it should be rub-Bed right into.the scalp with the fin-er tips.Parisian Sage is a delight- ful treatment for both hair and scalp; cangot possibly.injure the-hair candisveryinexpehsive.: White,Pink and - Particulariy our cottonmillsandlargemanufacturingest:ab-| lishments,are:now vnsidering it a| Lavender Aster besides they areinexpensive and look better than ethers t For Sale by LAZENBY-MONTGOMERY HARDWARE C0.,States c : ave all their-em=+.ployes inoculated .against typhoid.|One of the.first things the Panama-|Pacific International Exposition au-|thorities did Was’tohave all employes|on the grounds jinoculated against ty-Ehoid early in thé™year.This was)done by March ys and the wisdom} of this pr tion is now being felt.| LN You Can-Never “Tell About a; »Jury.— Lumberton Robesonian.i Sometimes_there are “convicting”juries and sometimes there are “‘ac-quitting”juries.It really looks like it goes in waves,and no man maytellwhenthe.convicting wave is go-ing to strike.The jury that aedduringthere¢ent term of Robeson |Superior Court’was ~a “convicting”jury.Mighty few whose cases weresubmittedtothatjurygotoffwith-| Whedbee’s business-like manner of||conducting:court had something todowithit,Which is not saying thatidon’t decide+6n the evidence,| ite’n.Of course they do.But you! n’t get away|from the fact that)when a jury géts started convictingitismightyhard=to stop it.Andthose‘who.appealed:from.recorders’ courts got small comfort at this sametermofcourt.One poor fellow whodegjdedtoappealfromthe«sentenceofthe‘recorder drew just twice asmanymonths‘on the roads as therécordergavehim—12 monthsateadofaeuse,. out:a verdict of guilty.Maybe Judge|f' in-|f The Garnaiion season ||isover,but we haveplentyofbeautifulwhite,pink and laven-der Aster which splen-idly take the placeofCarnationsthroughthesummer.-, “All orders have atten-_ zeLenoirCollege;Hicke Co-Education under the best casdlltone and aku ‘AL realCollege,but not.sectarian.Qur“Ay B.-graduates enter”Graduate.in our State University and other universities and attain the A M. one-year,-Five Modern bulidings,ateane heat,eleetria lights,‘adie.watel;.and-pan,New...Yoder Science.Building,with up-to-date Inboratories.for Cte Physies.and Biology.*Library “and»Reading Room.Clean Athletics:SplendidDorm’tories.GOOD BOARD AT,COST for young men last session,$9.20a -month }for youngWomen,|$9.00..a month;/room ‘rent.$1.50 a month, Departments:Literary,Music,(Piano,Voice,Vidlin),Expressions “Att,Busi.ness,Domestic Science’and Domestic Arts,and Preparatory.GENUINE COLLEGE Clee WITHIN REACH oF THE PEOPLEWritefor.Catalogue, tion the moment.re-ceived.Beautiful de-signs for all purposescharminglyarrangedbyourexperts. Van |Lie C0,, GREENSBORO,.N.0. om Gray Drug Co, Local Agents,, |The $,M.&H.Shoe ( These warm days you feel ry need of acomfortablepairofOxfords,Sandals and Pumps.We have.just thatkind.Plenty.of themin White,Palm Beach,Tan and Black.Let \us give you the:benefit.-ourir experi-| The "One Price Cash Shoe Stae6eeeWhileoe )LANDMARK | July 30,1915. ‘White offCharlotte and Mr. +h of Troutman Married pornenite —Troutman nce of The Landmark. n,~July--29,—Tuesday a Tilady from Charlotte and.a-gen- an from ‘Troutman were married presville.by a preacher from ile.The circumstances,if ‘pardon me,read somewhat ‘Mason Brown rode over to iNe-Tuesday morning in.his g@ car,taking with him his ‘Mr.Julius H.Waugh.On the ival of the noon train from Char- ¢ss Estelle White alighted m and.was met by Mr. .They repaired at once to the of Mr..0.L.Brown and were ied by Rev.Mr.Cornell.They sa some congratulations and a light ieheon,after which they motored 4 more,arriving in Statesville in ‘to catch No.21 for Asheville,|¢ ‘they are to spend two mighty y.,weeks,we are thinking:Mr.wh isa young.business man ‘is place,being the junior member e firm of J.S.Waugh &Co.5 White formerly held a position harlotte,as stenographer for the ‘lotte Casket Co.The position c Wac up to marry Mr.Waugh. augh is preparing to build a 8 on the lot he owns here and isng.the lumber placed now.TheyBarswhiletheirhomeisbeing mnipleted.@ serious illness of Rev.W.T. er has thrown a considerable on.the otherwise good timeOuldhavehadatMooresville ill,not seem like thevillepicnicwithouthim.F.-A.Troutman,who has-been rating a lumber working.)-plant.for several years,is prépating tohismachinerytoKannapolis. inks he will have a more profit-location there.Dr.D.C.Talley,ue ae remdingsometimeherewitis other,wok to Bunnettaville,8:°C., lay with a view of locating therehepracticeofhis:profession. mony Embroidery Club—Apron Hémming Contest. prreape of The Landmark. Sarnony,July 27,—The Embroid.|-ry club which was to meet with the.fisses Powell last Wednesday night,:tponed until Monday night:on “of the ‘protracted meeting.ng Was ‘called ©an’apron“The hostess invited:a‘of!Suitable young ‘men ‘to dori.‘The ‘wprons)'were num-and ven to’‘the‘young’men)totheirpartnér.After all had’foundtructorstheybeganwork,in which was much amusement.After|.Abfons were ee |}{y ‘ollowing i‘Ruth Gaithér,”NellieeeLehaeaeThe was‘given to Mun Rees:“4 Miss Lottie Barron'sChirdprizewasawardedtoMr.Tare rut7 _roe Miss o'cloc.cream,ake;aa ickles arid red_apples,,by.Misses Fern Tharpe,|Gaither,aria and-Mattie Pow- Vs Betterment”‘Association \—Personals\. pondence of The rk, ott’s July 28.—-Scott’s'Bettermenttion:met Thursday afternoonits.T.V.Bailey.‘The only:outside the club were:Misses :and Marion Attoway ofimington,and Mrs.N..F.Steele ofnyPoint.The regular.programmeyutasidefortheafternoonandtimewaspassedpleasantlywith1thecoolattractivelydecorat-rch.Two delightful courses ofQwereserved.Seer Hudson,a student ofllege-spent the week-endhisclassmate,Mr.Hurlee Mor-f Scott's.es Grace Moore and MarionayofWilmington,who have itin relatives at Scott's,re-ed to their home Monday.They.accompanied as far as Char- Rah Moore’s sister,Mrs.ith,and son,Master How- Paul and Miss:Lois White ofspenttheweek-end at theofcoandMrs.W.P.Morri- nce Embroidery Club. nee of The Landmark. Wille,R-4,July 28.—TheimbroideryclubmetSaturday on at 3 o'clock with Mrs.I.H.*This meeting was held forposeofplanningaChildren’sTpicnictobegivenatVanceeinAugust.-fternoon was thoroughly en- the guests declared Mrg,z to be a charming hostess,nts consisting of punch, "eake,temptingly:served hostess ne Miss ‘Mabel Coes ‘of the a ttaknook ‘was \MissdofDenison,Texas,the!of Miss Marietta Murdock.meeting ‘July 31st with Miss| TeAAitdalacliheatinnipiinanctnePicnicatGrassy Knob.| ¢of The Landmark. ‘picnic at Grassy Knob, be way August 7.)%HLA.Gudger of'|and master of the | ddress by Mr: Farmers Have aSo ioe Time Opposed to Change in SchoolCommittees. Gorrespondence of The Landmark, Statesville,,July 28.-Farmers,who have.be working like galley slaves from the rising of the sun to the going down thereof,for the pastthreemonths,are enjoying a relaxa-|(,tion now,and are beginning.to “take|off”-a~day now.and.then to.attend,|Mosomesocial:gathering;and the.timetoenjoythefruitsofsomeoftheirlabor.while sitting in the shade oftheir%wn vine and fig tree, “Happy is the man who lives bythemill”is the opinion of Mr.J.M, Ostwalt,judging by -the amount of grinding he is getting ‘to.do these days,and the clatter of his mill can be heard in.the night as he tries to “eatch up.”Everybody.in his sectionismakingenoughwheattodothem and then some,Mr.and Mrs,D.L.Troutman and children of Jacksonville,Fla.,are visit-ing relatives in this vicinity.Mr,Troutman will leave for.Galveston, Texas,in a day or so,but Mrs.Trout- man will spend the summer heré.Mr.C.E.Troutman of Marion is ‘here foraShortvisitwithhomefolks,_Mr. and Mrs.Roy Suther of Charlotte are Visiting their father,Mr:Wy A. Suther,-Miss.May-Loftin left -yester- day for Davenport,Iowa,where she expects to spend some time. There’is a féeling,strongly akin to indignation,among the people of this section over the appointment oftownshipschoolcommitteesinstead of our ‘time-honored custom of ap- pointing district committees,We are not a grouchy set of citizens,opposedtoprogress,or education,but it,ap- pears that ‘we must abide by the laws made by a “chosen few”instead of be- ing_allowed a _voice:in.a matter.thatconcernsthemasses.of our people.‘We would appreciate the privilege of being Jet alone to enjoy some of ous.changing of,our school law. ete.—J.C.Brown.Turnip seed at D.J,Kimball's. next week. Milholland’s. ‘eed Co, Just a nickel.—fack Sronce, Printing Coj (Hiouse-to-house demonstrations free. fede;Ww.Hostanier,local repre-sentatives ;\ Old shavers and young shavers.— Polk Gray Drug Co,, Reduction sale,—sT,M.McKee &Co. Specials for today and tomorrow.+-Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison Co., The Chattanooga.tdware Co. Williams ‘Furniture House. Poston.Se ee eas ete Some.Boys Are Straight. The conduct of bad boys is always food boys;hence it is natural tothink,sometimes,that all boys arebad,But they’re not.The truth is, the majority of the boys are all rightiftheyaregivenapropershow.- A few nights*ago some boys,play-ing.on the sidewalk,crushed a glassinthefrontwindowofTheLandmarkoffice.They could probably have got- ten away and escaped detection,buttheydidn’t try,‘They called up someofTheLandmarkfolks,reported theincidentandsaidtheywouldmakeitgood,‘Promptly:next morning theycameupandpaidthecostofreplac- ing ‘the glass,The Landmark putstheseboysonitslist,“They arestraightand.square and if they fol-low that path they will make honor-able men.Their names would be pub-lished but they might net care for thepublicity.The Landmark,howevercannotrefrainfrom.publicly ‘com-mending them.They have set an ex-ample to tall boys and |to)Many men. Church News. No services at Fifth Street ¢hurchSunday.The pastor,Rev.°M.White,is attending the District Con-ference at Siloam,Surry county.Rev.a Foster\of ©Winston-Sa-em is holding a meeting at Vanceschoolhouse,Chambersburg town-ship.Preaching every evening at 8o'clock. spending some time in hold services at ternoon,Rev.he Curry.was}transferred from this Presbytery to} was allowed’to reduce’its pastor's |salary,! co,will speak at Pre:church Sunday evening.’The pastor,| i Rev.)S.W.Haddon,will ti hispulpitSundaymorning. Bethlehem Literary Society, |Cotreapondence of ‘The Landmark.The Bethlehem School Literary So-|%leiety,which was recently organized,|will meet regularly ‘on Wednesday,evenings at 8.30 o’clo¢k.‘The young|jpeople of the community are urged |'jto attend,PRESIDENT. Cleaning Burying ‘Grounds,-“4at)organton at 2!(Cotrespondence of ‘The Landmark,-yefreshmenits.,The graveyard cleaning willbe at!Bie:“Ciarch and Masonic Hal)Sharon Lutheran chureh Friday,Au-|wd in case of rain,-COM, prmtreNORETHANai Maescart faulty,oats You ‘stood,oie: a5 t..Ulla, ;eust 6th.All who ‘have relatives ||buried there are requested to come,, bs Wy,EB,Graham,road contractor of |has closed a contract toiuildthe’Yadkin eat roads and”has eres his family to.Yadkin, ks the progress’and improvement that |} has already been made -in-our-sehools,3 without being subjected to a peti:ty Notice of New Advertisements.s Coat:lost;containing account.book,|# Busy days at Johnston-Belk Co.’s cathelvenyeni hens a Paine View 5 plow.—iInedell Few«odorless patvinerdtars cheap,D Ladies’hats sacrificed.—Mills &'i8 Rev.‘CG.G.Prosperi,who has been |:Charlottes-|§ville,Va.;will ‘return tomorrow and/%Trinity Bpiscopal|%chureh.i euatindy iAcalledmeetingofConcordPres-|bytery was held here.it hacstay af-/ig the Presbytery of Macon.Third Creek|ot Rev.J.G,Dale,missionary to Mexi-|% essly Memorial Lueriabbeaned of ‘The Cad -Loray,July 28.4A ‘series.ovices.will begin Monday ee aecorBirchconducted’by the~fepagiatyBe.W..C,Brown ofRae ord,ai ¥P.and Mr.and ets R.BS arpe,°ontgomery,a,vette at the home jof their Popaand‘Mrs.A.C.Sharpe...Mr,eee returned to Montgomery.Miss Annie Lee Bradfordighans‘friends at Hiddenite.Mr,|C.Cook ‘returned today from BlowingRockandwillspendafewdays.wihismotherandfamilybeforeAPtonyingtoCharlotte,Misses.Lucile andEvelynOsborne,who are visitingMissesEloiseandHelenMayes Cornelius,are expected home tomrownight.Mrs.L.C.Stevensonturnedtodayafteraweek’s visit withrelativesinHickory.Mrs.MartineeTexasisvisiting:her.sist ‘Beautiful Hats‘for Summer Plowets $willbe sold att halfprice. \3 50c. Mrs.W.F.Sharpe; Mr.Massey’s Experience in Sell, ing Cream. Correspondence of The Landmark.. As there is much said about ‘cov =5 MILLS &POSTON. and creameries,I will give “to Landmark some facts and figures,3hadfivefreshcowsinshapduring’the month of June,fed thenty eight -bags -of“eotton-seed meal andi]; all the greén clover they could:eat,night and morning.From them 1 got319poundsofcream.Sent it ‘to the Mooresville’Co-operative >Creamery Stationeey:Bargains!.become soiled(Stationery all rig"-good time to get some nice.goods cheap.Statesville Printing C0. q We have a tow packages of niceStationery,the boxes ofthich have)that we are placing onsale at cost.A —and received for it,:after the baggage a awaspaid,$18.48. I am now churning the cream and, get four and a half pounds of butter per day.We use the half pound,sellthefour.At 18 cents the four.Ibs.would be $21.61. Hight.bags of cotton seed meal]$12.00Moneyrealized.ae RSaeEM.“MASSEY. Butola,R-1. ~Building Materials! a.WATKINS,Statesville,W.C.,North Center Street, Next Planters’Warehouse. BRECECRORCECRORCRC RCRA‘Chattanooga “The Dry Weather Plow.” Cancer doctor“at ©.A.'Foster’s|& Call for salad dressing.—Eagle &|§ gar look and listen to the Tredell|2 Dan Valley,the flour of quality.—ag }Cary C::Boshamer, Stationery)bargains:—~Statesville |# Statesville:Gas Light and:Fuel Go;i‘Practice economy and feed mixed|® We have both single and Twit Disein’stock.' hasno Rival.’ é te with yyour ‘stubble neaySs7K <a They : do their work “a comin’anda goin’.”This.Plow Now while you can’t.plow with’‘the _ordinary turn plow get a CHATTANOOGA.and don't more in evidencé than the conduct of| Onall Slippers and ‘Low Shoes,From now on wewil sell all our summer shoes from 25¢.to 50e.a pair less‘than formerprices. One table of small numbers.in women’s,and a lot ofchildren’s Slippers to go in at-half —and less--50e.|to 98¢..a pair.4 New things just come.in inlight summer dress mate-Tials,bought at end of season prices,selling very cheap.i Be.to 8c.a yard gets a nice,‘¢ool,hot weather dress... New lot of Shirt Waists ahd White P.K..and Gaber-|dine Skirts at very special prices.See them.Verytruly, J.M.McKee &eee No.112 West Broad Street,between Hall’s Drug Store:and Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware Store "PHONE81. 9x12 Vool sal Fiber basin srnall figures, ve l e t e ui u l e i a c e t s : pa , RE P E A L RE PR s Linoleums,per squareyard, ~SPECIAL PRICES ONWoolandFiberArtSquares ———THIS WEEK A————Crawford-Bunch FurnitureCompany. SS; $7.5050e.$5.00412.505c. F‘he Store That Always Welcomes You. green,tan and brown,eachBrussellsCarpet.by the yard Ingrain Art quares,9x12,Tapestry Art Squares,9x12, OLD SHAVERS AND YOUNG SHAVERS You men wi a ten yearsoldheat that pulls ae sin—youyoungfelloundertherazor,have you ever.tried an AUTOSTROP? It’s the most-complete,!convenient and cuttingest razor.youaeverraised,It is so good that it sells itself.That's why~,We give you a full month’s free trial before you buy,© If you want to live a clean life,shave with ascientifically_safei sanitery AUTOSTROP while:you.dress.Makes\shaving one of the day’s Pleasures,«, Come right in TODAY and take onéhome with you.You'llbehappyeverafterward.; iL CO CODESCREOCB CECHORCECE ce if ON?£SQUARE The clocks {inthe‘hoi:mist berightpectedtoplanandhavemealsonrecrwearingoutee.on &WatTee‘ou want to do our”NRY while he is dev:oie|acces and fittingspecie and eye: it ifyou.can’t depend on. -Jeweler, with a tea months old fuzz that slides right, The Polk Gray Drug Company. r:he ‘Uiduekoenescaa’tbe ex-‘Then there is no economy-in’ 0,-or clock repaired by BOBtimetorepairingwatchesand The New GarlandConinatonmn Range WOOD AND GA A Cool Kitchen in Sea:A Warm Kitchen in Winter. i\|Statesville Housefurnishing Co.| YOUR OPPORTUNITY To Buy a Nice farm and Get Ready for Next Year’s Crop. No 1 345 acres in Elmwood.:All s¢hool and church conveniences.Strong land,40 acres in bottom,8-room house,large barnandouthouses. No.2-77 acres 3}miles eagt of city.This propertylies on the sand-clay highway,now being constructed by the government.‘IgidealforDairyandTruckfarming.No.3 ~40 acres 1'1-souage eesid ublic oes_for Dairy-tock-and-Poultr0.4—60acres in Wilkes ‘county just across Iredell iipadbargain,/40)eity lots in east Statesville,known ssbree ‘Place’-$15"Pom:balance in monthly payments of10lots.in BloomfielAe.Termseasy.cylotsin south:Statesville,iasectionfastdeveloping.a I nice houses andCajlonmeandlearnwhatIhave,aselW,.R.MILLS,-,“PHONE,54.547 Genter Street. _omenaialy adapted ‘i Statesville,N.C.6 BE AO I 1 ap n a no b se ay r e g e n s