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The Landmark, August 1915
VOL.XL. STATESVILLE,N.©.TUESDAY,AUGUST 3,1915. IT WAS THE FARMER'S DAY. -Whe Institute at the State Farm _What ‘They Talked About. -..The farmer folks were at the Ire-dell Test Farm in great numbers Sat- urday,the eventbeing the amnual-far-“mers’institute—the day when —the -Btate sends some of its best depart-ment men and most successful far--mérs and educators to its Iredellfarm.to ‘dispense information whichwillhelptheruraldwellersintheir every-day life and future develop-ment;and the day when a great mul-’titude gathers for information,pleas-ure,renewal of acquaintances,gos-~siping and a’general day's outing, “There are some who go for cil)Judg- ing from the number who actually take advantage of the excellent talks -faade for their benefit,there are few who gather for the most important purposes——that of gaining informa- tion.Saturday’s crowd was about the usual one both in personnel and num- bers.They were there from all sec- _tions of Iredell and some from adjoin- ing counties,coming by’train,auto- mobile and in the old way.It was in- teresting to note the unusually Jarge number of farmer-owned automobiles-e¢ompared with a few years ago. Mr.French’s Talk. ©Mr.A.L.French,a prominent and ous--farmer._of --Rockingham county,was in charge of the institute party,and in addition to the director the party was composed of Mr.W.N. Hutt,State horticulturist;Mrs.Hutt, who is one of the most capable insti- tute workers in the State;Mr.W.F. Pate,assistant State agronomist;Mr. J.8.Holmes,State forester;Mr.E.S- Millsaps,State demonstration agent, and Mr.R.W.Collett of the State Ex- periment Station.The men’s meet- ings were held in the large open shed built for.that purpose and the Aneet- ings_for.the farm women were held in a large open.tent.: In opening the men’s meeting Mr. French discussed.the need of more grass on the farms anc the manner of getting it.He is an authority on the subject of grass,speaking from his own personal.éxperience on his bie farm in Rockingham county,which has been developed from:a .“starva- .tion”.farm to one of the most pro- ductive and most valuable in the State.Heee ene e ss on the slopes to prevent 501 er it Our efforts at soil building, fie declared,have been largely futile because we havé’allow e soil to wash away;because we have hot sow- ‘ed graes at ad¥.revue Iplates to *nind the soil togetti if preserve it. _He discussedgr’f “as «;pasture. crop anda hay erép’jadiared it to be the best ‘money ‘érdp’that ean be grown in North Carolina today,be- eause of the big price that may be se- evred for good hav and the small cost of producing and handling it., Mr.Pate Talked Soil Improvement. Mr.Pate followed with an able dis- cussion:of soil improvement.Humus and-bacteria are-the blood of tht soil, _-he declared,and are just as essential prospe oF i to the soil as blood to our bodies.Humus is decayed organic matter ‘and’it is.therefore easy to make our lands rich in this by putting organic.mattey into the soil.And.if thesoilisrichin humus which is kent sweet by the use of lime,the bacteria will thrive there'and give the desired combination.But we must.have wa~ ter in the soil.for it is the water with the humic acid which makes the.solu- tion to feed the plant,and the way to have the water is to prepare our Jands in such a manner that they will hold water._A.deep:soil:full of hu- mus will hold water.It has been found that the soil of Illinois,which contains 6 per cent of humus,will hold three times_as_much_water.as the cecil clay soil of this.section, which has only 4.5 per cenit of humus; therefore we should getiour land to the 5 per cent state.The cheapest and.most economjcal way to.make more crops to the acre is to put.more humus into the soil.Lime makes the land sanitary and gives.the bacteria a good place to thrive.The quickest way to get bacteria into the soil is to.plow in stable.manure,and the manure should beplowed in just as fast.as itis:made.e longer the mantire stands the less valuable it.is to the soil,and the liquid.pottion of the manure is the most valuable por- tion._Stablesshould be well:littered to preserve the liquid portion.Raw rock lime-—crushed Hmestone—is now go chéap that any farmer can afford to use it in large quantities. State Forester Holmes. 'State Forester Holmes emphasized the value of the woodland as a part of the farm.Maty farmers do not look on the woodland.as_a_-part_of their crop,and yet it is a very important)nig in Stgtesville college.°part,The 1910 census ‘showed that)‘phe judifes who passed on the pa-moré than half of the area of Tredell pers for the Society of the:Sons of county was im woodland,and it is up to the farmers of Iredell.to preserve this woodland’and ‘makeprofitable,Gare should be taken when timber is being cut.not to allow the large-trees to crush too many of the smaller ones in falling,and a large tree of the.best type.and ,variety should be ‘left standing here and\there through’the forest or ere Sernd.yeseeding the land with its +ves-shoyld-he-kept—from the forests|death——under-—eastbound—passenger}Mmergeney (war)-takes—..17,2294}ny —py as ;.. Bi prevent the destruction of theltrain No.16,Income meee erst ‘q4218.67|10s.P.Summers,died yesterday af=|THs ee MoGraw,wife oflayounggrowth,and woodland should}--Feimster,a young —negro with a ‘Narcoti¢.taxes 2.0.06..6%745.93 |ternoon at 6:20 at her home in/ainy MeCraw of Gliffalde,Rutherford not be used as pasture.Cattle de-|family,lived near the railroad cross-|Liquor license .-.........‘487.50|Sharpesburg township.Funeral to-county,was instantlytilled by light~ stroy the young trees and‘ultimatély ting just east of the station.It is Fines and ‘penalties .2.....-362.15|morrow and Interment |at Snow|ning Sunday as.she gat on the iia the forest.If the land is to be pas-|understood that he caught No.16 at|Oleomargarine ileense ...©29.60!Creek church,.°at her home.i ‘i tured,clear it and put it_in .grass.;the station to ridé to the crossing and.The total.collections for July last}Mrs.Summers was 82 years old and}J,A.Souther;who shot and Killed Grass will not grow in the woods and|when he attempted to jump off helyear were,$535,043.24—.an increase|jg survived:by,her husband and!five|his’wife at “Rutherfordton,has.t¢.a woodland pasture is practically|Was caught under the train and cut|this year of $806,935.50,or .more|childrenthree sons and two daugh<|covered from his attempted suicide~(Continued on page eight.) 2 Me ts *Jip *t _..Saturday—The Speakers and}. it more ““}to pieces. THE AUGUST COURT IS ON. Cases Disposed of at Yester- day’s Sitting.} The August term of Iredell .Su- perior Court always draws 4 goodcrowd,whether important cases are16:be -tried-or not,and this term is not an exception.The court room waswellfilledyesterday,notwithstandingheat.:‘ Judge Henry P.Lane of Rockingham ¢ounty is presiding and Solicitor Clement of Rowan represents the State,Mr.R.P.Allison of States-ville is:foreman of the grand jury.When the State docket was called“alias capias”and “nol pros withleave”were ordered in a number of:€»several persons..under.band. tO appear and show ood behaviour made report and some of them,hav-ing ‘completed their term of proba- tion,were discharged. Cases were disposed of yesterday. as follows:Wiley Blackburn plead guilty of anagsaultwithadeadlyweapon.Fined $5 and cost.Cc.R.Miller,charged with.retail-ing,plead guilty;fined $50 and costandplacedunderbondof$100 to ap- pear at each term for a year and showgoodbehaviour,Whick Kale,charged with assault with a deadly weapon,was acquitted.J.Ro Wyke admitted he was guiltyofcarryingconcealedweaponand Was fined $10.and cost. Andrew Windsor and Ed Carson, affray;plead guilty.Fined $10 each and cost.“This was the famous Tur- nersburg cutting affray,the result of falling out about watering a horse. The defendants are brothers-in-law. Tain Carson plead guilty to earry- ing concealed weapon.Fined $10 and cost.In passing sentence in,this case Judge Lane said folks who carry pistols ought to.be sent to the chain gane,but it was shown that the de- féndant,a young negro,was of good character,and had neyer been in trouble before. Percy Houpe,assault with deadlyweapon;plead guilty;90 days on roads. Lester’Flow,assault with deadlyweapon};plead guilty. W.©.Bentley -appeared and show- ed géod behaviour.|Ty A:Redman,A.M.Mayberry and T.J.Smith,distilling;Redman pleadguilty;nol pros with leave as to oth- Bolin Young,secret assault;pleadguilty;90 days on roads..Hoke Morrow,larceny;on trial. RAN“OFF “EMBANKMENT.Raleigh-Auto-Party in-An Acci-iit oe dent.— ‘A touring car occupied by~Messrs:Clarence Johnson and ‘W.N.H.Smith of Raleigh and members of their fam-ilies,ran off an enbankment at theSalisburybranchbridge,on the North Carolina Post Road,two miles out from ©Statesville,Sunday eveningabout7o’clack and three members ofthepartyreceived~slight injuries. Mrs.Johnson was cut over the eye, Mr.Smith’s knee was hurt and ahandofasonofMr.Smith was cut. The car was headed toward States-ville and was running about 15 milesanhour.when the accident occurred.It was raining and:the road was soslickthatinstead.of ‘rounding’thecurveatthebridgetheweightofthe car carried it over the embankment,regardless of the fact that it-had been steered toward the bridge.The em-bankment-is séveral feet high and thecarlanded.within a few feet of .thebranch.The oceupants were broughtintotowninthecarofMr.P.A.Til-lery,of Raleigh,who;with his family, was in the same party.The injuredweregivenmedicaltreatmentatHo-tel.Iredell,where they stopped forthenight.The car was only slightlydamaged_by its leap over.the.bank.It was pulled back into the road ves- terday morning and after undergoingslightrepairsatalocalgaragewas ready for service.The party Blowing Rock. Miss Rosamond Clark Won theMedal.i has been awarded the glod medal of-fered by the North Carolina.Society best,historical paper on Fort Dobbs. the State,public and.private.When institution éntéred the contest a local 8.C.Bragaw of Washington (N.C.) Statesville Station. at the railroad station deft Statesville.yesterday afternoon for ‘Miss RosamondClarkof-Statesville of the Sons of the Revolution for the ‘The medal was offered to pupils of all colleges and.high schools in more than.one pupil from.the same committee decided on the paper to bepresented,so that in the final contest there was only.one representativefromanyoneinstitution.Miss Clark’spaperwasselected:from-the-contest- the Revolution were Mrs.W.N.Rey-nolds of Wjnston-Salem,Dr.S.Wes-tray Battle of Asheville and:Judge ‘Killed ByaTrain—Fatality at Jake /Feitaster,colored,met death last”nightabout11:20,when he was crushed to eneWORK FOR RURAL CREDITS. Reported For The Landmark,5 |At,the meeting or the Merchants” Association Friday evening,which was well.attended,reports of dele- gates to the State convention at Asheville:were made,all of which praised the hearty weleome given them by the merchants of Asheville. The committee on wide tires asked for more.time. an-acthas passed the Legisiature*to prevent the’use of narrow tired wag- ons on the public roads of Hoke, Richmond and Moore counties;andtheyhope\to secure the passage of an act applying to Iredell county atthenextsession.It is hoped that the farmers and others using wagons will support the committee,as it is afactthatthewidetiresarein.the long tun cheaper than narrow tires.They cost a little more but they last tires and they arelighter draught. A_resolution was passed _endors=ing the Hollis bill,which will come before the next session of Congress. This bill is.to establish a mationalsystemofruralcredits.If it be- comes a law it will establish almost the same system of rural credits as is in-use in every country in Europe.The bill was drawn.by the commit- tee which this government sent .toEuropetostudyruralcredits.This committee visited every country there and found the system in general use by the different:governments .and of the greatest benefit to the farmers.From their report it is’found thatGermanywas‘the first to establish pervision,and at the time the com-mittee was there Germany had 17,-000 rural credit banks.is that farmers ‘can borrow money on a rate of interest from 3 1-2 to 4 per cent.,and this payment of interest also pays off the amount of the loanatmaturity,The effect.is that.the farmers in every country in Europe are more prosperous than the farm-ers of North Carolina North Carolina were not ‘as prosper- ous in.1913.and 1914 as they were10or’20 or even 30 years ago,and that tenaney ig,increasing...‘Thereare75,000‘heads ,of,families:‘ini :thisStatewho:.do not,own land)Statis-tics also,show!that the farm produc-tien:|per:‘acre in,North Carolinaislarger,than’ini most ‘any other Stateinthe.Union;and-they also show-that|-in the State ‘ds a whole $20,000,000worthoffoodstuff‘is brought into the State annually. This is.so radically wrong from an economic standpoint.that the Mer-chants’Association of Statesville hastakenupthematterof‘securing an endorsement of the Hollis bill at the‘next session of Congress,This theyhopetodobytheaidofthepressand working through allt of.the mer-chants’associations-in ‘the State and through the State Association toreachtheassociationsinotherStates.Whis bill is.of the greatest possibleimportanceforthereasonthatunderpresentconditionsthefarmercan-not boYrow money to build up andequiphisbusiness.Statistics showthatinthecottonStatesthefarmeriscompelledto:pay at.the rate of$8 per cent.per annum for his cred-its.They also show that the aver-age rate of interest paid by the farm- er when he does borrow is)18 1-2 pereent..No.business,and especiallyfarming,canbe carriéd-on-success-fully under-such conditions and-it isevidentthat.it is of vital interest toevery.man,woman_and_-childin theState,that this condition be chang-ed at thé earliest time possible.The Thollis bill will,if enacted into law, provide the way.by making it.pos-sible for every worthy farmer,wheth- er a landowner or not,to borrow what morey he properly needs at a rate of 4 to 5 per cent.per annum,which will also pay off his loan atmaturity:—lf{—+made’acquainted wit’the great ben-efits to be derived it.is certain the necessary support will be ‘readily giv- en to the movement. The committee appointed to carryonthisworkisQ.A.Stephenson,R. LL.Poston.W.H.Morrison,Geo.H.Myers,,T.Weatherman.WeearnestlyhopethepressofIredell county ‘will.give us the needed sup- in conditions...This committee.willprepare.and.present ‘a petition in farmer and business man in.the coun- ty be obtained:The ‘petition willthenbeforwardedto“the Congress-man representing this district<in Cgress.SECRETARY Big Increase in Revenue Collec- tions. Watts of the fifth district collected$840,978.74 as follows:Tobacco,nll:forms .. (than 57.per cent, erent It was stated.that |The very much longer than the narrow, rural credits under governmental su- very long.time—20 to 30 years—at| Statistics show that the farmers.of same —ean—be} port to secure this great improvement every part of Iredell county and_it-isdesiredthatthesignaturesofevery: For:the month of July Collector .+.$807 828.05 | cere THE DELEGATES ELECTED, Merchants’Association of|Final Session of the District Statesville Endorses’the Hollis}—Conference—-Mr.Walsh to GoRuralCreditBillandWill}to Texas—Church News. Work For Its Adoption—|Statesville District-Methodist-Con- --Meeting of the Association,ference,in annual session at Broad-|Street Methodist chureh last week,pleted its work Friday noon,ad-journing about 12:30,to meet nextsummeratTaylorsville.The featureofFriday's session was the election of lay delegates from the Districtmferenceto’the Annual’Conference,as follows:Messrs.Dorman Thomp- gon of Statesville,L.H,Phillips ofNewton,Zeb.Deaton of Mooresville‘and Dr.W.H:Nicholson of Hickory. alternates are Mr.M,“A.Aber-‘nathy-ofNewton and Mr.J.L.Nel- gonof Lenoir:Mr.R.L.Snow of Taylorsyille wasunanimouslyelecteddistrictlaylead-er for the coming year.The remainder of the final sessionwasdevotedtohearing.reports of committees,the adoption of ‘resolu- tions,and general routine \.business.Rev.G.W.Fink of Rhodhiss,Cald-well county,conducted”the opening}devotional exercises:Resolutions ex-‘pressing appreciation of the excellentworkofRev.L.T,Mann during his ithe district,were adopted.The nextAnnualConferencewillassignMr.‘Mann to duty..elsewhere,he having reached the time limit as presiding elder of this district.A»resolution was also passed thanking the States-villé:Methodists for their hospitality ‘to the visiting delegates to the Con-ference.The committee on Church property reported that it had drrang- eda plan for paying off during.the next four years,the balance due onthedistrict-parsonage.Under the plan,which was adopted,each chargeofthedistrictwillpayitsproportion- ate part of the.parsonage debt infouryearlypayments._-Only.about 20 of the Conference delegates visited the Iredell Test Farm Friday morning.The outing Was very much enjoyed,the.visitorsfindingtheStatefarm.a source of in-teresting study in agriculttre.~~ Rev.W.M.Walsh,pastor of FrontStreet.Presbyterian:church,iStates-ville,and Little.Jo.’s church ‘at Ba-Yium,;announced to his charges Sun-day that he had decided to accept aeall%o Sherman,Texas,and askedthemto‘unite’with him in a requesttoPresbyterytoaccepthisresigna-tion.The congregations will take av-‘tion next Sunday.::Last spring Mr.Walsh ‘received arcall to Sherman andvisitedthechurchextendingthe:call, but decided to decline.Recently ‘the The effect}Fa: Mr.Walsh has decided to accept ‘it. Rev._€;E.-Raynal -will--go-to*Mon-treat the last of,the week and will de-liver an address there Sunday eve- ning.Next week Mr.Raynal will go to the coast to spend his vacation. The first of the August union ser- vices was held at the First:Baptist church Sunday evening.Rev.L.T. Mann.preached —the-—sermon.NextSundayevening’s service will be held at the First Associate Reformed Pres-byterian church and Rev.W.A.Lutzixscheduledtopreach. There will be no Wednesday nightprayermeeting.services at Broad Street church during this month.Thesacrament:of the Lord’s Supper’willbeadministeredatBroadStreet church Sunday morning.; HundredsTake Typhoid Serum. The first week of the typhoid vac-cination in Statesville ended yester-day with a total of 1,871 vaccinations.‘Dr.Sessoms of the State Board ofHealthfilled,the first two appoint-ments in the county yesterday—at W. H.H.Summers’store and Harmonyandvaccinated268-at-these —places. There were 213 vaccinations in townyesterday:and some outside of the regular appointments in’town andcounty,so that about 500 people took the treatment in-Iredell yesterday. This is a splendid showing for Ire- dell.The people are manifesting anintelligentappreciationaboutthismatterWhichisacauseforpride,Dr.Adams,who is in ‘charge oftheworkintown,urges that all who intend _to—take—the promptly.Three treatments are neces-sary and applicants should call early so that the treatments may ~run_inorder.The same advice applies tocountyappointments.‘Dr.Holiday,the colored physidian, will give free vaccination to coloredpeopleeachnightfrom8to9°o’clockatHiramAllison’s store in Rabit- town.ae : Located aSchool House. In addition to:routine business,thecounty.board of.education,\in-regu- lar monthly session yesterday,tookactiononthelocationforthenewschoolhouse-which ‘is to be built.inBethanytownshipfortheMooreandHampton‘schools;which are to beconsolidated,The site on the Chip-ley Ford.‘road recently decided onmetwithobjeétionandanewsite on the ane lands,selected by Dr.Gaither of the board,was.adoptedyesterday.) Mrs.T.P,Summers Dead, (Mrs Sallie Summers,wife of Mr. ters.Goes 1 4 Pa NN ‘four-year term as presiding elder of. church renewed the -call-and .__serum—come sufficiently to be.sent to:jail. A BALK IN THE PLAYING. Dispute About a Player ResultedinOmissionofFriday’s Game —Lenoir Won—The PlayingThis-Week.) The Statesville -Lenoir ball gamescheduled.for.Friday afternoon was not played,owing te a disagreementbetweentheteamsaboutaplayer.The matter was “patched up”.Fri-day night and Saturday’s game wasplayed’according to schedule.|Theplayerwhobroughton.the contro- versyis one Mr.Bittine,an expertbatterwhocametotheWesternCarolinaLeaguefrom”Charleston.Statesville ¢laims it had made ar- rangements with Bitting to plav on the local team and took him to Mor-ganton for the games there last week.At Morganton the Statesville team was told that Bitting had also heen:negotiating with Gastonia and Lenoir and therefore could not playontheStatesvilleteamuntilitwas.decided to which team he belonged. Ritting left the Statesville team at Morganton,it is alleged,and wenttoLenoir.Lenoir brought him toStatesvilleandplavedhiminThurs-day’s game over the protest of the local team.Friday Lenoir wanted toplayhim-againand-the Statesville team balked,refusing to play untilthematterwasadjustedbvtheof-‘ficials of the League.Mr.Kestler ofMorganton,the president of theLeague,was communicated with andhisrulingwasthatBittingshouldnotbeplayedagainstStatesvilleafter the present series of three games. The local association held a meetingFridavnightandagreedtogoahead with the games according to schedule,a double-header to be played with vp for the game which was lost Fri-day.Bitting played with Lenoir in Saturday’s game,but it is claimedthathedidnotprovetobe».such a“wonder”.after.all.Lenoir was victorious in-Saturday’s fame but eleven innings.were requir-red to decide the contest.At the closeoftheninthmningthescorestood2and2.Neither team scored in the 2.Burg pitched for Lenoir andworkwasafeatureoftheSindlerpitchedforStatesviwasir’s ca’a ylaee behindthe bat for Sta: ville. 4 ‘errors.The Statesville team t to Gas-tonia)yesterday for the first half ofthe’week.and ‘Gastonia,will be here:for the:last'half.Gastonia:‘won over: Mr.Dick Miller ‘has been,electedmanageroftheStatesvilleteam,sne-ceeding Mr.Everette Booe,‘who.de-clined to serve longer in that capac-ity.Mr.Booe will continue as a mem-ber of the team.:Miss Simons Won Trip to Ex- position. Miss Martha Simons was the suc- cessful ‘contestant.in e CrescentTheater’s Universal Panama Exposi-tion and Canadian Tour contest which of the votes Saturday night showedthatMissSimonshadsecured1,067,-850:votes,Miss Elmina Mills 1,054.-200 and Miss Dorothy Gill 854,460.Miss Simons will leave today forCharlottetojointhepartyofsvic-cessful North .Carolina contestants, which will leave this evening in a special car for the Exposition.Twen-ty-two pi¢ture theaters of the StatewhichusetheUniversalFilmser-vice conducted contests and the film company is furnishing,the trip forthe‘suecessful young ladies and chaperones for the party.The triptoSanFranciseowillbemadéoverthe‘extreme southern route and thereturntripwilltakeinpointsinCanada. Co-operation”“to Restore Peace inMexico. The United States has decided toasktheco-operation of South andCentralAmericain,the next step tolrestorepeacetoMéxito.The ambas-| sadors from Argentina,Brazil andChileandtheminister,from Bolivia,Uruguay and Gautemala have beenaskedtoconferwithSecretaryofStateLansinginWashingtonThurs- day. Evacuating Warsaw. Warsaw,nominally in.possession of the Rassians,is apparently:being evacuated and the Germans may beinpossessionbynow: _Hurry L.Wilson of Portland,Ore,,|and.Washington,the.clerk:in theAmericanconsulateinBerlinwhoischargedwithhelpingaBritishsub-ject to obtain an Anferican passport, as.been dismissed.‘ The hearing of protests againstrailroadassessmentsbythecorpor-ation commission begins in Raleighmorrow,when the Southern rail-way will be heard. of death,for 30 days,anda specialcommissionisappontedtopasson Lenoir at:some future date to make}. tenth,but Lenoir got three runs in the}the‘eleventh,making the final score 6 and{p Lenoir made 10 hits and 2 er-}rors and Statesville made 7 hits and ; closed Friday night.‘The final count|mond ,Gov.-Craig has reprieved Chas.|ha*|Trult of Mecklenburg,under sentence| BRIEF ITEMSLOCAL NEW .She 5 CR —The baby son of Mr.and Mrs.J.M.Johnston,whohas.been yery Bis2simproving,i aaae—iAugust 18 is the date forcomingcelebration.at “old ondchurch,near Mt.Mournéy:-)°—Sunday schook picnic at SnowCreekchurchSaturday,7th,Rev.J,F.Kirk of Statesville wills:Paice»—License was issued yest for /the marriage of Miss ©May ©Steele and Mr.Alvin H.Adkins’,.-~Ice cream will be served|chapel’Saturday afternoon,be;ning ‘at 4 o'clock,for the benefit ofthechurch.ee ak—The condition of Rev.W.-'T.Walker of Barium was improved yes-terday.While he is not out of.er.there is now hope for his reco st#¢—Two lots in the Oak View addi-tion.to Statesville—the Allison prop-erty on the east—were sold under mortgage at the court house reasdayandwereboughtbyMr,T.'S.©Coffey at $25 each.:ig fh—)Mr.C.L.Murdock of Modres-vee woe brent een atoriw:aturday night.suffering.from:an.attack of appendicitis.An operation %was performed the same night ‘andMr.Murdock’s condition is:—Mr.J..F,Orren.of ihasbeenoperatingadrillin Cancounty,prospecting for platinum ‘wy *su -fered a severe strain at aecentlyandisnowathishonieatutmanforrestandrraleranareamn.the orator a ie FpieniclastThursday,failed ‘to ajpearandbriefadwere:mabyRev.M.T.Smathers ofand.Rev.J..H.Bradley,thenativeoftheMooresvilles—The Landmark is asthatthefundsoftheBene’Relief Association .are is iyne neand Jaa [: CiteHon ine nosy Regaallsfromthéneedyare candcontributionsfromchurches,so-cieties and individuals will be wel-. TS A mallee Of eines &can Be stated that theheat/in tigoodtownhasbeensomething fletew | “ane |e’teher.and’Swann was}. +’Statesville ‘at|reguGastoniayesterdaybyascoreof2to/and levy,buttheState *—iMr.J|_A.Davidson has boifrom‘Mr.W.©.Moore 220 acres oftimberlandonthebanksoftheCay Fearriver,in.Bladen.county:¥consideration was $4,500.In the trade .jMr.gets 220 re:oy Conger.stable.on Salisbury.street:a “$2000,the romuinder'of the$4600 |being paid in cash.”BBSMr.W.M.-«Nicholstands”T;BE.A.about thelilgrowingupwiththe_tree—h ©way.Mri Nicholson offersineviatreeon.whicha limbgrew outsixfeetfromthegroundandthelimbisnow‘eight feet .fromground..This support.may .co)late,however,to save T;sepenciet had about ‘overwim,eee e:B,B..Wabb,: ~—Mr.and Mrs,have been in Asheville for som 2havereturnedto’Statesvi ive ;they -are—-with —ras ews matees,Mrs.W.Ge Lewis.ey will occupy an apartment|the’Nooe flat.The Landmark inouncedsometimeagothatMr.Webb,who is a postofice inspedtar;would have headquarters in Statea~ ak *Ophelia Poe,the ar-oldvilleafterAugustwg’Po -year-old ne:gro girl who Was last week bound’Superior Court:to answer for havinstele.corde from.the ,residench::r,.Rugene Mu .entered:home of Mrs.Ellen Morrison N|Broad_street-Saturday-afterransacked’several rooms,but aod:nothing.has Heehouse.The girl I bethecourt.this ole ee “TWO ;DS DANY,A .I, “PROVIDE ENTERTAINME}[Tsp “¥The.Mooresville,picnic last week, while.a success as a sort of reunion and in the matter of refreshments, “was short,the two main features of entertainment,through no fault of the -local.management.A ‘classoforphanscouldnotbesentfrom the Barium Home on account of Supt, Walker’s serious illness;and Bishop Kilgo,the orator for the occasion, whose address was anticipated.with, *fnterest and pleasure,failed .to ap- pear,It is supposed the good bishop—made—diligent effort.to.fill.the ap- pointment and that his failure was _not the result of negligence.Some- times public men,especially popular drators like Bishop Kilgo,who have more calls to speak than they can ac-| cept,are a little negligent about fill- -ing appointments;and tlhe failure of a speaker,who is usually the “main guy”of our public gatherings,is a serious matter. But it is not the purpose of these remarks to criticise -eithér the Moores- ville picnic—where the management was not at fault—mor Bishop Kilgo. The idea is to suggest that an effort be made to furnish entertainment for our picnics.At this season of the, year these gatherings are numerous in Iredelland inthe country generally, There are Sunday school picnics,the picnics.of the fraternal orders,sol- diers’reunions,etc.The main fea- ture of intertainment on these occas- ions—in fact about the only feature of entertainment aside from the im- portant matter of eating and drinking —is an address by some speaker.—It is not always possible to get.a speak- er of note to make an address ‘at a neighborhood affair.Sometimes it is hard to ‘get any sort of speaker; and the event lags for lack of enter- tainment.People sit around and talk and feel bored.These picnics M te br: cath of an th co ta of ve W. ty,a s¢ Comm uation in-Catawba ¢ 161,073 against $6,185,547,tobe ex.act.‘‘ shot.himself at his homecreek,Buncombe county,Friday af- Asheville hospital.: old, was.for-a time.in charEmanuel,Statesville,” pastorate of TeGoldsboro. had the same effect on them:it:hashad“on the.‘whites— and_industry. feared that a mule tender hamedOakeswhowasdrownedinthewreck learned that the dead his:relative, Wayne county,Was choked to deathbygettingagreen‘pea hull in its physician:arrived. put_out fire which started-a conflagra-tion that damaged him to the extent Camp and Bald Mountain townships, stroyed,partially orcropsinaterritorya mile wide andsixmiles.long, and Mrs.John Webb of Wilson coun- cidents of Life in North lina.=enTheStateAssociation.of |CountynamonerswillbeinsessionatorehCityonthe’10th,i The Enterprise says property val- aise nearly ast year—$7,- Federal regula ee the Har-rison,anti-drug:law have been’chang-ed to permit registry of osteopaths so|they may administey drugs in those‘States where they are registered bylawaspractitioners,©,ie Edwin A.Moore,formerlya privateintheUnitedStatesarmy,Abot andkilledhis.15-year-old “wife “at ©thehomeofherparents’in Atlanta ‘and.then killed himself.Mrs.Moore re-ently had left her husband after aquarrel.te UE Ns‘A Frenchman who ‘shot his Ger-man wife dead because she persistent-|ly praised Germany—s9 ‘he said—was acquitted by the court martialafter-his-statement-that-the-womandailyridiculedhispatriotismandscoffedattheFrencharmy.- Eight men were killed and12 in-jured at the Patterson mine theUnitedCoal:Companynear’Elizabeth,Pa.,‘when -a ‘cable hauling12.carsupasteepinclinebroke.Among thekilledwasSamuelM,Doughtery,thecoalcompany’s superintendent,FKansasfarmerswillhave115.700,- 000 bushels of winter wheat’this year,according to an estimate basedonconditionsJuly24,inthe July re-port of the Kansas board df‘agricul-ture.Continuous rains and=hail dur-|ing the harvest season cost the State |123,000,000 bushels of wheat,the re- port said,i Pe A:dispatch from Berlin says pro-tracted experiments with the .Japa-nese “soy”or “soja”,bean,out of which,among.other things,Whrces-tershire sauce is.made,are being.con- ducted ‘with a view.to determiningwhetherthisvegetable,which ean.be and is raised in:Germany,cannot be used in the many prison:eamps.| Mrs.James Martin,46 years old.| wife of a lawyer,was beatem and|hacked to death with a hatehet in her|home at Murphysboro,Ti Jo.De-| Berry,a negro house servant;who re-| cently was paroled from the State re-|formatory to Mr.Martin:was:ar-|rested,and it was with diffienlty that|officers saved him from:mobs.1 Uncle Sam has been lodgin®some prisoners,for convenience:in the}Massachusctts —State rison t Charlestown,Mass.The State “prison |board ‘decided to increase‘the’rates| million in excess’‘of. or health,ao “Haw B,F.Smith,who was.in p rnoon antl died ‘that night ‘in.an|‘Was (26 years. Rabbi,Julius “L.Mayerburg,who xe of TempleThursday’cele-ated the 25th anniversary of his.mple Oheb Sholom, | The colored people are taking upnning.“work.fn.Anson county andeWadesboroMessengersaysithas promotes thrift H.U,Oakes of High Point,who the Armenian,was’his brother,has, man was not ‘A~ten-months-old girl baby of Mr.|d'Mrs.James Pridgen of Mt.Olive, roat.The child was dead before a M,L.Latta,a citizen of “Wakeunty,has brought suit against H.Bagwell for $3,000 damages.‘Lat:alleges that ..Bagwell carelessly $3,000. The Boone’Democrat says a se-re hailstorm in portions of Meat atauga county,some days ago,de- entirely.the John Webb,18-year-old son of Mr. ,left home to plow.He was riding mule and.was-later found uncon-idus.in the road,It is supposed he ears:TRANSFORMATION. dell.sonDae,Mt.Earle Godbey of the Greensboro News,an Iredell county man,‘re-' cently.passed over/the new National highway between Statesville and Win-|ston-Salem}‘and while he .confesses doubts as to what that road may ‘be next Ground Hog Day,he frankly ad- in a Section of Ire; mits:that it looks’good now.Hear|| him:;: “This:road Was wrought the finish- ing touch ina magic transformationofwhatusedtobe:a sort of.back-pasture,muddy-lane.desolation,in a/section of Iredell county.A’rolling Hcountry;withno great hills,the long]B inclines,deep sticky clay except dur-|#ing brief favorable’seasons,inter-posed heart-breaking obstacles travel. "Tt is an incident that the'farming H there has progressed from a crudenessalmostprimitive,Having painfulmemoriesofthislandanditsroads under the sternest ‘aspects,perhapswehavefoundacontrastmorevividthaniswarrantedbymerehumatprogress.The road is rarely ‘beauti-ful and the country —beautiful)in ~the rich ripeness of late July.It is one succession of perfect pas- torals.The masterly engineering;in-'#tent only upon attaining a rt ; »has!§at the same time produced a succes-|sion of curves delightful to the eye;|#and every turn of the gentle .grade!# presents another satisfying panel.Six||stout,handsome mules were harnessed |#Aristocratia kine'|# haul per unit of power and time to a road machine.nosed themselves in.cool lands....Gasoline tractors harrowed ‘thé mellow, And all the: their very bes t,’*~ TheBoy Preachers. New Road Wrought the Finish-||| to|# meadow-|#plowed:or |# fertile fields.|3 growing crops looked|%#&*&2{3iF:iS: a 5 loge offering all the’stadpathosyrrtSoLoTafcoogiek:in.my u aa toaacti ty.4 ”f»Modern’cru ‘enable ‘L.and B,S. wc°etn womanhood,__ment to train young womenngefficiencyinsnoladeand.y situated in a town f:1 eyuipment.ely campus..capable instructors,poh1AB,B,.8.degrees,Splendidly equipped music lepartment;Sapa a oe eneneys Arh srupenlcn,yal Culture and Bise.e home life and attractive surrou 3.Rates low.:For catalogue and full in tion write to,een eeJ.M.MOORE.A.M.,Pres.Statesville,N.C._ patentee >optBie ae To close out ° at just a-little over‘half price « rather than ‘< carry them over to next season. Dispatches from Hendersonville ‘to|#the daily papers report .that awakening is the result of his ing. converted and baptized at the age of | 4,He announced that he was.caled} Chas.|3Turner,7-year-old son of Rev.F.M./|#Turner of Orlando,Fla.,is preaching |#in.Hendersonville and that a spiritual 5 ¢preach-|3 The boy’s father says the boy was |i. ‘The Williams Furniture House,Statesville,N.C peteeeteess CACO CHER AORTA education:ff for board and lodging and your Ricle|A Sree a enc tmaaly Peeny Ia e e@ “i es eSuanweauemeessir!Miss Church is Now GivinheMastachunetty.boardinghouse-and i habet.He entered school and in 10}transferred all his folks’quartered |ins made ‘atx gredes.“For three|eenstheretohisownhotelBY’arent |months,he has noe missed preaching|’home’The armored cruiser Tennessee,re-|one sermon a day and’on many days|turned Friday from nearly a.year’s ‘Tie has preached’as high as four ser-.cruisein European waters,relievingisdns and ad’many dé two every ‘Stns|fiAmerican'refugeds'in,the War,Zone.day,Tt is sai’that more than’2,000/f...have©resiiited “from his was thrown from the mule.He diedinashorttime.:,; The aldermen —of Lumberton -havepassedanordinancerequiringthateverycook,‘nursé jor washerwomanemployedinthattownmustlicensed—in other -worda,must shoasatisfactoryhealthxcéttificatebeforeshecanbeemploye The.spread a pellagra+a dangerous.disease t is becoming alarm‘ingly common-4n Bladen *county idcausingconcerff.there,Dr.‘B.*3|Wood,a prominent physician of Wyltjf|mington,hag:¢ressed the opinionamented:The musical talent should |that the spread-of pellagra is cahsedettogebeandorganizeachorus/|by bed bugs.:laskt!i fhe singing<of popular secular;While it was at first.strenuouscaebyaideniedthatMiller,the cashier of thpodchoruswon!dala wach:to hele ae committed oeBSontteests;|Wes Short.in:his acconunts,;and;ty's ehjoyre t.Then aWew:reci ‘bank éxaniiner so eet tt renond’by the ‘girls and.possibly other storyis Goniine’ott,’ThEamoant isimilar.features could be worked in.|W Placed at $2,700 and it is furtheSia:Wives bles “talent tie Gach sceweninit.asserted that Miller had been specuis,Y ating.zcould'he utilized for entertainment;)4 convention of cotton ginners,atorArgoodclassorganizedandprac-|which 1,000 delegates were expected..,ticed could cover a circuit—something should be encouraged.The social fea- ture-is important and the mixing of the people is helpful.”In every neigh- borhood the progressive mén and wo- ‘men—especially the young people 'E-should set themselves to the task of roviding some form of entertainment ‘or these occasions.It is all very ell’to haveignjiddress;but not.al- ays is the speaker inspiring or en- rtainingds:!But'no.matter how im-| rtant the address,it can be supple-| on ; House-to-House Demonstrations The yéssel left New York August 1s Baptanvs!j1914,‘with $5,867,000,in Lilitesld ‘ve.prea brturned:with "$169,000.i The.balance A pemarkableThTurkeyandAsiaMinot"ThaTen(RS,1s,Notforget,Vance Meavner,:}eH 17©"7\a boy preacher12 or 13 yearsold,whonesseeaidedalsoinrescuing’pee als has.been .preaching in Catawba and |e:cianasof renege ¢oe Pion counties.Sa enone‘rman newspaper (name un;)boy is younger,but The Landmark is!sentionable)is publishing é series of|standing by the home product.¢©|:ocuments purporting to be secret)°|imme |:|Belgian.diplomatic,reports,found.in |Statesville GBrusselsbyte-Germans and desopib+:ing intér onal political events from)™:|oF time of the oroccan-crisis-until inethe‘heginiling of the present conflict,The purpose “of their publication is6provethatGermanymaintained’ppeacefulattitude‘throughout.thisperiod.j en During the fiscal year ended June80,Southern railway spent for im- "AS well as by Appointmiintl +f i / Free to Evérybody.“story.But medn- ®“mt andFuelCompany; ‘ij i f ”Aig a bi ead a ‘diocedadeboe -———’PHONE,Wrire or CALL——— aslight PIT EEL POE BLT IX PE 3 :'The Cletk “Guaranteed It.|” ‘ot eiistonier’dame ‘into my ‘store ‘the,otherday‘and said to one tof)imy clerks,have:youanything.that will cure,diarrhoea?’and myclerkwentandgothimabottleofChamber-lain’s Colic,Cholera land’Diarrtioen’Remedy,|und said to him,‘if this:does “not cure you,1millnot-charze you a cent.for jit,’hetookithomeandeamebackInadayortwoondsaidhewascured,”writes J.H,Berry’&Co.,Salt Creek,Va.Obtainable everywhere.| NOTICE TO CREDITORS. jai tt et ee COO Orr)ChattanoogaCERCA el e s e to be.in attendance;€alled to assemblebnthechautauquaorder__in’the |i"Raleigh Thursday.was practically countryside,It wotild require:some.‘littleeffort to get the talent’to prac-tice and prepare a programme,butTheLandmarksuggeststhatitbetried.Certainly.inthe case of Sun-day,school picnics the pupils might be“drilled to entertain _with-songs—and recitations.|_ a ea in MARKETING: ‘The.most.pressing and difficultproblemofthefarmerissatisfactory marketing—to get what he grows to (Market in the best condition,at theproper.time and in such way as tocommandthebestprices.It is a bigproblem,but it is going to be work-ed out,The co-operative _method,which the students of marketing arenowurging,seems to offer the bestsolution.In a recent issue of TheLandmarktheplansandpurposesoftheNorthCarolinaSwineBreeders’Association,with reference to mar-keting hogs,:were set forth.TheplansebmspracticableandTheLand--..__mark hopes thatthe association—will ‘>be encouraged to/give a demonstra-tion in Iredell,as it suggested it maydo.: The first lesson to learn in all mar-keting,whether the product be eggs,butter,a hog,a load of hay or a baleofcotton,‘is to grade the goods andputupgoodmaterialingoodshape._A first grad@ article in an attractivepackagewillbringthetopofthemarket;that fact is being learned bydegrees.It is some trouble to grade~farm products and some work is.re-quired to make the package neat andattractive.But it pays,Recent]The’Landmark was anked to eciel“the grading of hay and corn.If good,bad and indifferent corn or hay arealllumpedtogether,the price will be/made according to the inferior quality.mi the seller hopes to work|bad stuff at a good price by mix-“ingitwith a good article;but usual.ly the buyer fixes the price for all onthelowgrade;‘and this applies to but-ter and.eggs and chickens and water-nelons as well as to hay and cotn and_fotton.Separate and grade the pro- in et te: in80 th m. in te le: awi in: F Ww dib T seller acquires of ‘furnishing first ods -andinthepricehegets tended and nothing was done.It de-veloped ‘that there aré’twoners’associations in the South and byembankmént and overturned.Others Chambliss.their son °and ‘daughter.All were bruised but escaped serious minister and was formerly connectedwiththeCharlotteObserver. Carolina Homemen,which is being erected at Fay- turpose'to dedicate the building aboutOctober15andgetitready:for:o¢cu-pancy in the arly fall.The build- Mountain road Friday afternoon,says driven by E.J.Braswell collided withanothercardrivenby.T.V.Cashen,with considerable shock to the occu-pants and not a little damage to both Mr.and Mrs.Braswell,Mrs.C.Smith—and-Da Concord. Clyde,Hsuicideat Black Mountain by fasten- on the ‘second fldor of Gresham's ho- light Thursday morning.Cathey left explained. July 21st Mr.Mr.and Mrs,Roby Clark and chil:dren,all of Matney,Watauga county, father mountain,where they had beengatheringhuckleberries,riding in atwo-horse wagon.On’the Yonahlosseeroadthey’met an automobile.machine stopped ut one of them managed to get freeofthebridleandassoonashefoundawasfreesta and the dash of th wagon,;wago:duct...It pays in the..réputation-the |y SCR ed,the fleshthem:She ‘diedotherjoceupantsjurybs provements to its roadway and’struc-tures-$8,970,965.50 as ‘against $2,970,-688.09 for the previous year,an in- crease of $6,000,277.41,despite |thefactthatduringthesameperioditsoperatingrevenueshowedadecrease of $8,551,487,or 12.09 per cent,anditsoperatingincomeshowedade- crease of $2,010,903,or 17.85 percent.=-“4 :Cardinal von Hartmann,the arch-bishop of Cologne,Germany,pabligh-ed an order addresséd to-all :'thechurchesofhisdiocese,to hold.spe-cial services and prayers.last.”“Sun- day,thanking the Almighty for the powerful blessing accorded Germanarmsintheirmany:Victorious battlesintheeastandwest,and praying for His assistance in ‘helping to.bringaboutanearlyandlastingvictoriouspeace,*:i Bile.President Samuel Gompers,,,of theAmericanFederationofLabor,hasreiteratedhischargethatforeign;in-fluences ‘has been working to causestrikesintheUnitedStates,He callsupontheworkingmentodiscounten-ance any such attempts.The strikeshaveoccurred.at plants filling con-‘tracts for war munitions for the Eng-lish and French:allies,and are_be-car were |lieved to have /been promoted by.Ger-L.|Man influence.‘ failure,Only’a few persons at- rival gin- ch is blackguarding the:other.: \At Wilson last week a car drivenE.§.Taylor:went over’a 15-foot the car were Rev.and Mrs..T.W jury.Myr.Chambliss is a Baptist The.main:oulldind fof the North Confederate’Wo- teville,will be-completed about Sep-mber 15,it is announced.It is the &will aecommodate about 60ns. Roundinga curve on per- the Black e-Asheville Citizen,an automobile achines.In Braswell’s 40! eounty,N.C.,containing”151 ac:less and known_as the Alexander’Clark—place.The tract contains 60 acres of original forestand40acresofriverbottomlands.also.offers- an island of 10 acres in the Catawbn’river,|? Having qualified as administrators of theestate—of—Dr.-W.—W.-Wilhelm,—|,thisistonotifyallpersonshavingclaimsagainst|the estate to present ‘them’to the undersigned|on or ‘before June 29,1916;and all personsindebtedtotheestatemustmakepromptpay- ment. EUGENE...MORRISON,:B.M.WILHELM,iJune29,1915.Administrators. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Having qualified as,adainistrator of theestateofA.J.Bass,deceased,I hereby noti-fy all persons having claims against said es-tate to pfevent the same {whether they bematterofrécordorn>‘)to the undersignedonorbeforethe2nddayofJuly,1916..Thoseindebtedtotheestatearerequestedtosettle. R.B..MecLAUGHLIN,July 2,1916.*Administrator. VALUABLE LAND AT PRIVATE SALE. Under the Seen the will of Mrs.Har- riet lark,de:inthe undersigned:executorffers_at private sale_a-valuable tract oflandlyingon’the Catawba river in Catawbamore,or. e estatehouseandlotinTroutmanand For terms apply to 3.C.H,BROWN,Executor,R.B.MeLaughlin,Atty.Troutman,N,July 18,1916. RUBBER TIRE! c. ve Eee Statesville Progressive,°Everything.WyeAnotherneatlyandprofusely illus-trated booklet by the Statesville Com-mercial Cluh reaches us—this telling W.S.Cathey,28 years./old,ofaywoodcounty,committed €a rope to the window of his room Season is here.We use best rub- ber made—Firestone and Kelly—and will save you ‘money.Tiressethotorcold.Quick service. in pictures and.figures -what thetownandcountyhasinthewayoffarmingandmanufacturing.|”Statesville’s Commercial Club...has been enterprising and.liberal n,put-ting.out its attractions before’theworld.She spends her money:judi-ciously and the secretary of the club|is tobe congratulated on -knowingwhattodo,and the membership istobecongratulatedonhavimebusinessspirit\to put up the ‘coin to,back the judgment.of thé secretary.Statesville is one of:the best townsin‘the State,and if it-keeps pi thcampaignaeyplike:it’*hasstarveitbeamich.‘bigge oO i‘si 3 i ‘shee 1,placing his neck in the noose and.aping out of the window,about day-7 letter to*his’family faying he‘ould’rather die than live after *do-&what I did,”but the remark is un- ee 3atal“Accident on the Yonah::lossee Road,.\The Boone Democrat says that onandMrs,Eli Tester and \ ere returning from a trip to \Grand-r Yours to serve,TROUTMAN &SUTHER. Butter Wrappers! ___We have the very best ~ Parchment Butter Paper, and can print your name. and brand on same.Let us,have.your order for.any’quantity you want.See us,Prices reasonable.Brady Printing Co.SS Theandthehorsesdn’t_appear.tobe much.frightened,| rted-running.Mr.andrs.Tester were on the front seatehorsethrewMrs,weesterforwardonthehoundsoftheahalfmilerunthearock.Both of!§Tower limbs were crush.being stripped fromin30minutes,Theeseaped‘serious in- t rs,Tester’: Build a’Brick House or Brick-Veneer ;cooler BUouroldhouse.Warmer in winter,oO mmier,olimin Tozen Jer frame “The Dry Weather Plow.”. We have both single ‘and Twin Dise in stock.They do their work ‘‘a comin’and a goin’.”This Plow has no Rival.Now while you can’t plow with theordinaryturnplowgetaCHATTANOOGAand-don’tgetbehind.with your stubble turning. TT T ee e LA L O LE S EE OT Ce Ct e PE t ee k pe t e ee e te e ek e ee MO O R E MR E : x Iredell Hardware Co. SPILT LER LILLE) DE S E C e C R e A a R S A 1] DH S S CE C E RC C EC O S O C OR E =oS 5 An Alarm Clock that is little but loud.It’s.a little Beauty,Just the ffthingforalady’s or a gentleman’s room:‘It is not su large but doesthewakingupforyou.BIG BEN if you need to be knocked out...H.B.WOODWARD _.____Jewele oeReeneeateteasmatteneneeeetnarenesreteset andesSQTse Fire,Tornado,Live Stock,Automobile,Liability,Plate Glass,Steam Boiler,AccidentandHealthorLifeinsurance-We solicit your bysinessage theleading companies writing the different‘lines ofinsurance.“Full information obtained~on request...isis ant he for severdlageeeztsick‘headache, e'tparea0!nd told me it toSeat nan catyoungandof *bkeep Black-Srna on hand allhfandwhenmyae N.C 123" Fowler’s Charges Dismissed. ‘Charges filed by former.Represen- tative Fowler of Tilinois,;counsel fo nt :j request for the names of reserve bankdirectors.alleged to be involved,Fowler charged that $220,000,000 had been .obtained and _$300,000,000 more was to be obtained from reserveandmemberbanksforusein-con-nection with the purchase in theUnitedStatesofwarmaterialsfor A bottle of Premier Mayonnaise Salad Dressing,only 10c., and the best you have ever tasted. ——PHONE 89.—— Rage &MithoRiand. etna |MELROSE FLOUR.| asot CTW JEGONse3D Nice Fresht Meats.'t!seemed that he would have to give u European belligerents. What"CausedtheFever inGreensboro. Tnvestigation of the”epidemic ,of typhoid ‘fever in Greensboro disclosesthatitcame.from_infected milk inonedairy.The milk was handled by 'a man who had typho:a Zever in his family and he infected the,milk.Twenty-eight cases resulted from thissource..There were other cases from other sources,some due to insanita- try surroundings.Dr.Rankin,secre- tary of the State Board of Health, said he found 1,500 surface closets insanitary in construction”and’“a source of infection. PARKER,N.C.,GETSis QUICK RELIEF. “W.R.DavenportBetter After First Dose of appt R \Davenpd ,N.ckaemeeredoarsayePe‘malad \of the stomach.He sought treatmen|with.but),little srelief.At times i MEETING “AT SOUTH RIVER *Many Profess5 Conversiot—The Correspondence of The Landmark. Ss sville,R-2,duly 31 —The’‘pro- t progress,at Sou duc 10.08 a.m.|church for a week,still continues with “There are many’breeds,sizes and nd,due 9:26 p.m.|good results and much’interest.The}eolors of hogs which have been bred pe ice B ™\pastor,Rev,or 8.Coahrel),is assist-|up from the old razorback,or pine- id ‘16 -a ed by Rev.J.D.Moose of “the rooters.to greatly improved stand-| ‘die 6:46 p.m Fork.Institute,Maiden.Mr.nove a growth,size.and fat,from ,due 10.50 p.wu jbelieves*in an old-fashioned hell and:we have nutritive and palatable ;has done his,preaching with all ears fonds in various forms.But have you ol!Train.No,16 veces 10.868 «.m,\vestness and sincerity.The chureh|noticed that while the beg has been|— dj Train No.24.ar.”leaves 9.20 p.m.|has been greatly revived and a great ily improved in many ways he ale as eeTay 10:40 a m (number of conyersions have been |yet-‘Tetains-about the same”instincts} Trala No.15 ar,6:20;leaves 6:45 p.m.made,several uniting with the chureh;|as bis ancestors.He roots up earth, ‘Nos.28 and 24 are not operatedonBunday.|while others will doubtless Join at}s in the mire,squeals when other places. SUSSING HU!HUMAN.HOGS. Gaitheret Comipards:‘the Abits .atid|eéFour-Footed|vittheTwoLeggedKind. ondence of The Landmark.— Henninger-PrivetteMarriage. ich has beBaptistthRivermeeting ased.will lie lengthwise in the|5 Misses Daisy and:Martha Fox,the een fight or push other hogs from former of Statesville and the latter|thertrouch while he greedily tries to|s 2 nurse from Westbrook Sanitad eat.all the swill.It is immaterial |%|Richmond,Va.,.have been.visiting|whether it is a boy or mammy hoe, Announcent The Adda Fall Display of The Globe Tailoring Company,eg Cineinnati,will be held at our store on AUGUST 5th,Gth and 7th. The Complete Line Will Be Shown., In Full Length Drapes.' ip ®Ve ae SHERRILL-WHITE SHOE co. Statesville,N.C. _Globe Expertin arr JOS.P.ALLEN... friends that he was married.Manytswipe breeds.They have quite thewereindoubtandespeciallywerethe|same instincts and disposition as the young ladies averse to the truth.Hejswine.These hogs I will-call human seemed to realize this and to,prove|hogws by redon of their forms.NowKisstatementmethiswife,formerly |let’s:sec if they have the instincts andMiss.Meda:Henninger,of Statesvilles|disposition of the swifte hog.Have on her arrival from the,sum you never met one of them in auto- school at Greengboro Monday,and|modbiles,or had them.to pass you onbroughtherhomewithhim..It,was|dirt ‘roads,and while you pull to onethenwhentheyexplainedtoushow|side of the road or partly out of thetheyweremarriedJuly—4th that,we;|road;run almost against-your vehiclewerereallyconvinced.Mrs Privett :fand scare your team,while there was is one of Iredell’s most.popular -;@n abundance of room on the opposite ers,having had charge of the prima-side of the road for all purnoses?ry department of the Feimster school;}Do you sce the instinct and disposi-last year.Mr.Privette has —been|tion of the swine hog?’Have-youquitesuecessfulintcaching,he being |ever been upon dirt roads in a buggy principal of the Feimster school.Helor wavon and met buggies or wagons, thinks,however,that last session|or desire to pass,going the same di. was the climax of his career.since|tection,and yet have to pull onehewasnot.only able to ,enlighten wheel outside of the road to ass athoseentrustedtohiscare,but also|hog who is holding -his ‘or her half in to dispel doubt,sorrow and despair the middle of:the road with their ve- from his’-own heart.Their many}hiele,while there may be an abund- they ask mepsi a anditthem,more good thanany niedicine eat leh dag oe herp their home people near BGethany|the disposition is the same ‘as ‘the 'y ever tried.:lated through a “conspiracy between i ehor They both leave saon for|razerback or pine-rooter swine..Yet) +We neverhave |‘a Joos,Spell of sick-officials of the Federal reserve banks Richmond,where Miss Martha will}this hog is a very.important factor |% eensce Sey since wi€commenced and agents of Great Brita,France|"sume her position and Miss Daisy in the make-up of our daily rations| Draught.”and Russia,”have been dismissed by,|4!8¢.will become a nurse.‘jand it is a great pity we do not raise! eee Pack Desgnt :purely|the Federal.Réserve Board.The board|.Miss Bertha Abernathy came home}enough of them to produce our own ee cst ts regu|held it was without jurisdiction to try Saturday from the summer school at)meat and some extra for sale. weak.Souciin tig OM,feline case gnd without power under the Greensboro:Mr.Wesley Privette is ut we keep our hogs enclosed and cece Nace 'aomachsale »,NAUSEA,Hw to entce upon Federal reserve expected home today from the Train-are not supposed to give any one and_similat banks the regulations and restrictions|@&School at Boone.Mrs.Jane Aber-|trouble but their owners.We have, ploms *Mr.Fowler requested.:natlv of Hiddenite is.visiting rela-|}however,many other hogs not en- i aebeen in Scistiaat usefor more Fowler's request for a-publie hear-tives in the community.closed by fences,the laws -of the nO ears,and has benefited more);ing onthe charge was-denied and Quite a little stir and exeitement|State or nation,or governed”by the a people.A Governor Hamlin;in a letter to the|Ws aroused when a few days ago Mr,|Golden Rule'God gave us,These hozs :+Your Pace —oa Palen Representative renewed ajClyde Privette.began telling his}eonsist of male and female as do-our|~~~ aly ec!4 BARGAINS! We how have in stock several good values in second-hand ‘Roadsters.and Touring Cars which we will dispose offat a sacri- _ficein order to make room for our 1916 “models,They are REAL BARGAINE.” Come and see for yourself.— Carolina Motor Com’'y. friends heartily wish for them thejance of room on the opposite side for very best.things’which life can af-jall purposes?Can you see any sem- ford.0 of ine icietart ang disposition LS ‘e swine hog in 7,Canning Clubs and Other Mat-|never sec one posite —Tet cutee theters.‘{foad and expect you to drive around Correspondence of The Landmark.ae i.around if you can,or awaitts{the hog’s)motion?Statesville,R-3,,July 31 .—The To-:mato igh Bld most,ath aay "eitg?aaron ahschool,for,sub-agents,,.at Bethleher i holek,an and:Mrs,Sudie Ogtwalt Johnson at-euny male and female,who would| tended,and comes,back to hen Hittle|a whole seat to sit on and ftom ‘elub at Ostwalt much strength one to sometimes tivo extra:‘Seats ‘for and encouraged in.her.new.club Work ; onTt jhtans 28 took ‘Sayi's Wonderful Remedyandcpeeteimmediatebenefit.He!Wr:MF years I have suffered from a |disease which puzzled doctors.They 1M..Alexander &Bro. "PHONE 241. zisPUTTSFlt sae = Dog’‘leave “howithout:a supeSomethingnewinthis|line.I may have your.plate.’Phone 210. Allison’s Book,Soo, sah lillianoh ds het leciesalea |termed it catarrb,of the stomach,say-| po ONE Porte wave Tie"L instant,Pelief,..lk made-.me reellike|la new man.Your.full_course —of treatments has aboitt #ur@d_me.Sev-fe hy.friends have “also ‘been cured.” Mayr’s Wonderful Remedy gives|permanent.results“for stomach,liver and intestinal ailments,.Eat as much ‘and whatever you like.No more dis- ‘tress after eating,pressure of gas in|the-stemach and around the heart. Get one bottle of your druggist now and try it on an absolute guarantee ‘|returned, 2 DIFFERENT FROM:THEREST. ——§$old exclusively by— _P\auting creck. |Mler-McLain Supply Co. VALUABLE‘FARM.LAND FORSALE! Farm of $76 aeres,:ping on both sides:ofTwo:sets of good-buildings,‘some fine bottom lands,a Jot of good oaktdpinetimberoftheoriginalgrowth,Thisand,will be sold asia,whole-pp divided intoteosharesorfourshares‘to shit puréhasers,or further information call on J.B.PARKS,iver Hill,Ne CG.|July 27-16. NOTICE! cin my office,in which the viewers Teport that {the drainage is’practicable;and--wilt benefiti¢public health,and.will be .conducive to the general welfare of the community:and1scourthavingsofound,Saturday,August‘4,1915,at 12 o'clock,has been fixed as theitywhensaidreportwillbe.further heprdjandconsideredandpasseduponbymeatmyoffice:in Statesville.J.A.HARTNESS,.July -27-2tw..Clerk Buperior Court. NOTICE !° In the matter of Little Rocky.Creek Drainage Se aeas —_District. i &the o ope w a change}_smoke instead of going to the’smiok-| ee hnecedv ds that ret hear city nay"ed er plac,iss ‘apartment?Did”you’ever Se6 aj ye would never get well.Then'I heard y.|self-important female hog walk into | ~-if not satisfactory money will be The landowners in Snow Creek DrainageDistrictwilltakenoticethatthepreliminaryireportoftheBoardof-Viewers has been.filed tl their grips,umbrella.and.buridles, Her,club has:alreacy canned about while other passengers s0 far as these | 100‘cans of beans and aims to begi human hogs are concerned may| ‘canning tomatoes soon.The clu d?.Or did you ever see a self-im-| hopes to have their president,Mrs.ang.boy hog take a cigar or cig-| |Flake.Murdock,with them again,‘as|are te and rear hack on the center of ithey all are.so glad her husband tee”seat and perch his feet upon the |convaleseings--He.has-had.typhoid fe-|°°at in’front of him,and puff out,his Gora Bell,:ourvale bee:is:.quite anenthusiaston‘the’'subject of canningfandshe-getsthe,gitle:ee The Ladies’..Betterment.pos Saned ¥their meeting Saturday afternoon on °"48preriative smile or!look?Like| account of a good many members ate |the tas ee dsthe whole troughMr.|as hers if'she could only lie down in tending picnic at New Bethany.Mr.it or fight the others away from ittE.J.Troutman and family attended|"”fron the picnic and made some calls on|Now do you see any of the instincts| old friends of Mrs.Troutman,as that|?"dispositions of the swine in these| was her old home.;human hogs?I suggest that.“Do The Sunday school at Ostwalt ,""t others as you .would have them school house is-growing —in-interest||do unto you”be added to the curric- ‘4 crowded ‘tar and on heing offered a|*|man’s”seat maughtily sit.down.with-|out “go ‘much as “thank you”'OR | we.can referyouttoalinstitutionsaswe. your community.Let us send you catalogues;also ee aaaaiN aMNDNCSAASRIINS WE ARElinaedgar Chickering:Pi~Ivers &Pond Pianos’: Ror thereliability of ott thetibhita aril Satiescoresofreligiousandias:“prominent individuals in. “ae Pianos:ast WE Thay Pianola Player Pinos ote you.liberal FORE ROM saints 1G) Heo SAF BL BEB wota, Ss,How eas BEN0e ode terms,and give-you interesting innformation about our Club Pianos and Club Player Piano,PARKER-GARDNER (0, and attendance.Rev.Meck White|ulum of every college,public and}; preaches occasionally for us.|private,and moonlight school and Mr.J.M.Ostwalt,and family,are lhe impressively taught to every pu- elated over their new 87-foot well that \*il,in the hepe of reducing the great Mr.Owen Setzer has just bored,..or ||number of the uscless human hoes, punched,with his -well-machine,and N.J.GAITHER,they have such a re head 'of water,téo.Mr.Setzer could have made them |a good well out of the old one,at less Murder Trial Begins aat‘Winston-vost,by going deeper,but they want-|Salem Tomorrow.: The trial of Sam P.Christy,a for-ed it.on the opposite:side of ie house.Most farmers are-about through|™°"citizen.of Iredell;Mrs.Ida Belle cultivating the main crops,and lay-|Warren .of Winston-Salem,and Clif- ing-by-ce or ee ig here:—But|ton Stonestreet,formerly—of-Mocks-late patches,and clover to mow:again,|yj}\o,‘will begin in Forsyth Superiorthenearlypreparationofwheatland;|;.ourt at Winston-Salem tomorrow. until the best farmer's vacation time They are indicted for the murder:ofdoesn’t.seem to come,except in win-’~ ter,Nin weather conditions give him Ire .Warren's husband,-G.J.War- some leisure.A jury will be brought from Guil- Piha tao ee rea |ford county to hear the case,Under a. Stnday,August 1st law passed by the Legislature a few This community is tntewated in the |“ears ago,at the instance of Senator farmers”institute,held at State Farm|v ictor Bryant of Durham,juries maylanniually;-thméaveilt he shown by large|>°drawn from other counties instead i ‘ei lof removing the case for trial. attendance Near a year ago—August,25,1914 cker Die -the dead body of a man was found Recker 2 ed Protesting {ano jin Muddy.creek,in the.vicinity of: Cleveland,R-2 aoe FINE CLEANING eet erie of the Board of Viewersthasbeeninthiscourt,in_which said AND:DYEING—'PHONEA47— ‘Sloan Sees Chub. ‘iewers sort that.the drainage.is:practicableJandthutitwillbenefitthepublichealthand|be conducive to the.general Welfare of ihiy)and—thie court -hiving--so--found;|Saturday,thé 14th day of August,1915,at 11ie:felotk,a.m.,has-been fixed as the day.when||id report will be’further heard and ‘ton- sidéréd at my office in Statesville. NOTICE! ben BY ne numberfrom 177“HOLLAND°BROS.bere changed ee oa eS ip J.A.HARTNESS,>:July 27--2tw.Clerk Spperior Court. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. -.Having qualified.as administratrix of J.N,Morgan,deceased,’this to notify’all.per.sons having claims against said estate to‘presentsameto mé on or before July 27,)1916,or’this ‘notice Will.be “p q ber oftheirroeTohwea’a fh idestate(wilt he nen PResidonce.Phen 1810, Carload ofgood.No..,2 Shingles at $2.75.—per thousand at ay. fat “URNER,“Nene ‘the Depot.edell "PhoneNo.4,aNo,7. pete Sent Por Sale! at “MARY,2BARRBMORGAN,July ABs vac ron WATKINS for: “Everything to.Build ¥With.”"|ponstOsos,Windows,Gelngies,Flooring,Siding,Boxing,ing,Laths,Lime,Cement,etc.fou: ‘The Jandowners in the proposed drainagedistrictabovemamed—witttake-noticethatthe} 4 jhaving.tol ICES| x ~-The—bedy-was-a few days later without identifica- tion,but was later disinterred and placed on view in the hope of having ‘it identified.This failing,the re-| ;Chas,Becker,the former NewYork |, police lieutenant,Was —-exécuted —in a Sing Sing:prison,Ossining,N.Y.,Fri-|day morning at 5:45,The condemned |‘man—met-his-death-with:composure, last statements was a tribute to h |Hediedwitha OfHis ¥/pinned on“hie 8 i neeover his heart.Becker was convicted of planning |-\the murdtr of Herman Rosenthal,»2 ¢ionestreet had knowledgegambler,\i years ago,Rosenthal murder.\(ayauthorities hie Beck-|. er was prot ng gamblers for pay.z M iFourciseWeweieesumeletadofcoevtdetee‘of Sincere Mourning. a ihe awhich Becker wasa verything.ted,were exe-Tae sonsome’ae a them’confed, te Warrél ata boarding house kepthotootographofhiswifelMrs. of es said.thethedgameswerecalledofffor two days.brought to getmute:Becker's ‘ahd ocak Wh,States ohvincedi cerely 9 dard.sequalPacanie acts On ‘en,in-emerouicn:gull ‘his body.ina trunk and hauled it to/§ the crreek;and that Mrs.WarrenPhe H the Becatise of the fearful catastrophe|# ths»ago,Three tlin Chi¢ago,where a thousand people}§ ere being exeout-|lost =e in.the chicagy re ;ase ball\# It takes deep gloom to stop a base ; ball gameé+sowe take it Ciieago'ssin-|# PO S t e p e e e es o s le s s ee e ee ee s jmaing were again interred,; rrotesting his innocence fo the last.)[py April this vear,the police hav- His last statement was:“I am not ing secured evidence.Mrs.Warren guilty by deed;or conspiracy,Yor in|.)her s0n-in-law,.Stonestreet,were|#any,other:way of the death of:Rosen-|larrestéd.in Winston-Salem and Chris-% thal.I am sacrificed to,my:riends.”itv was attested’in Texas.-It is}%Becker’s'wife had labored”‘aithful-Fharolae that;Christy,who.had been |ly to save her husb§nd and one of his \intimate with Mrs...Warren,.killed|fe polvabls,as a iteaie:eso 7reéLiver;Drives|# Ahe.Blood The Fitty-‘Big hth First Building aLoan Association 1 Wil Open Saturday,Augst7th,191. cH “Address:ARLOTTE,N.C. OF THE;sincin ; Lh \FURCHES,Secretary-Treasurer, eeeeeseerrearereeeees? OF STATESVILLE,N.0. Captal Stock Paid in Surplus and Profits Members of FederalReserveSystem, $100,000.00. 3150000 Your Bahkitig 'business silicited ae as every accommodation extended to de-,\ pogitors consistent with pet bank- ing methods. wD.K,“MORRISON,7 Dk Four per cent.paidon tim sid SivingsDeposits.remaining on _deposit three months or longer, OF FICERS: TURNER, M.AUSLEY,@ KR.HUGHEY,- _Pivilege of selecting the judges and » a My 4 at Bae which is what all the auditors should "Winston-Salem—an ornament to the «Was occupied,‘the money paid.for rev- “of:the ‘consumérsof the-weed-inal}With the spirit.ofereedparts.of the country at home.and --yers of the State.>Mr.-Calvert-makes are good.But some of the laymen ~—~position-toward-the shipment of -cot=1etrement_from_Warsaw. ____needs. 0mthe:United States.government.if »Greensboro to be in bad Sanitary con- -.that Greensboro was about the clean- oa j Was sUnK in collision withee“thebatt Nebraska,off Cape Cod, BS Ee her =‘plants and lime nitrogen plants,' ‘|.‘he House of the Alabama Legis-|wermthiefora#58|laturehas voted—50to48—to exempt |.F ‘bythe aefromtaxationforaperiodofeste,fuera ie ‘ofcottonmilfs,©pas been approved)<The de.the vessels weil be suggested War. velopments in the Europeai mt oa *idea is of course to encourage the),.UP to this time 839 bodies have APREadhgrenecnaie‘‘f :\heen recovered from the fcirewsecorence)obo |d€Velopment of industries that ‘will the Eastland at Chicsent Geek ii <=give employment to:labor,create newldred and 42 pergons”are ‘still unac-TURSDAY,---August 8,1915. eetNO"PRELIMINARIES IN.-THIS, Anént the address of Secretary Me- Adoo'at the’Pan American dinner.in Greensboro tomorrow evening,which will be the event of the week,Secre- tary Foster of the Greensboro cham- ber of commerce announces: “It’s not going to be an occasion ofnumerousspeeches.Secretary Mc-Adoo is.going to make the main.speech and he will not be preceded by a long:programme of local orators. idea isnotnew.It hag been at-tempted,or practiced,in one torm oranother,by communities for years,We do Not recall that a State:Legis.lature,in the South at least,has up practice State-wide ==Much can be saidin behalf of thismethodofencouragingindustrialde-velopment,but The‘Landmark doesnotbelieveitisjust..Whenever anyGlorytoMr.Foster.and the/interest is exempted from taxation,Greensboro.chamber.of commerce—|NO matter how slaudable the purpose,or whoever is responsible for the ar-|the result is that much additional taxrangement,of the programme.-The levy on otherproperty.Jf manufac-promise that the guests shall hear|‘uring ‘industries,for.instance,areonlySecretaryMcAdoo,whom they |exempted from taxation,the realareinvitedtohear,and that they will hes personal property must make up { not be worn out and bored by local |the deficit;and the real result is,aspeakers.before the Secretary.is put tax levy on oll the People for theon,adds attractiveness to the event;|benefit of the,mariufacturing indus-and under Mr.Foster's promise|Y,which is neither fair nor just,guests may feel assured that the man}The magn who buys:a lot and ‘builds selected to introduce the Secretary |®home in town,the man who buys will not attempt to make his speech |farm and improves it,is each do-for him nor to tell his auditors:what |!ng,in a small ‘way,‘as much as the. business and build up the State,The {Counted for. to this time attempted to make the ..Mexico City has been feoccupied byGen.Gonzales army anditis announc-ed from Gen.Carranza’s headquartersatVeraCruzthatimmediately.ef.forts will be made to sénd.f uffs|by rail to the starving people:of theicapital.eaeThreecompaniesof“State.militia |had to be called “to Festore order |among rioting strikers at.the “plant |of the Aluminum Company.of Ameri-|ca,Massena,N.Y.One man who re.|fused to quit-work was kil}by thestrikers,3 f :The widow of Police LieutenantBecker,who was electroented:inSingSingprisonFridayMorning,hadputonherhusband's.coffin.a silver|plate inscribed,“Murdered.by Gov.|Whitman;”but;she was persuaded to|remove it.Mes ut‘After a session of two |dfys.in|Washington,‘a convention called by |Labor’s National ‘Peace Counsil ‘and |composed of ‘representatives of Organ-|ized farmers and labor bodies;‘adopt-ed a memorial pledging the ‘conven-tion’s.support tothe national ‘adinin-|istration in every.patriotic effort:and}urging that every meansbe!ensployed|to keep the country out of the Euiro-pean war,Sk.«A:dispatch from.London ‘suys*the| they already know.Too ‘often an ,manufacturing industry to ‘build upaudienceiswornoutbythepreludetothecommunityandtheState.Eachthemainshowandlongintroductory|8 creating wealth,But there is nospeechesaretheworstofbores.Col.|Suggestion,’when acity-lot or a farmJimHurleyoftheSalisburyPostiStobeimproved,that the ownertellsofaneventatwhichanhourbeexemptedfromtaxesfora‘fewand.45'minutes were consumed in the |Years on aceount of the improvement.preliminary speeches;that is,.more|On the contrary,‘as soon as the im-time than should have been-used for/Provement is begun the property be-the entire event was consumed before |comes more valuable and the increas-the audience got to hear-what it went /@d value ig taxed at once.Whytohear;and then Col.Jim -didn’t|Should:the.capital invested in mant-hear it.He got up ‘arid ‘went home,‘“pudi lines,ete,be exempted,even for aseason,when it is only doing in a—_—_—_—_—larger way what ‘the private individ-WON’T BEAR ANALYSIS.,;!:ual does ona small scale?The capi-The handsome .public building at/tal invested in big enterprises is notinvestedforphilanthropicpurposes,{t does great good and those enter- prises.that build up the countryshouldbegivenallpossiblelegiti-fue taxes —tobacco stamps/—and |mate Srepuragement.But capital in-postoffice receipts,amounted to|vested in ind idual enterprises is in-g16.46.Hbnee |el /Sdiitige dTat Av ates aOR rs ee othatthe“Winstow &S ‘outip fat.|Witney*:if turn‘41 imp .toahelp the country andnoamounto have done. city—cost Uncle Sam $250,000:-TheSentinelcallsattentiontothefactthatineightdaysafterthebuilding Peis ;ae itis 7 -|President Wilson.The people,gen-BE in eight days.Of course show"that itis just to exempt aggre-|FP s sae aiefe‘kreet bulk of--the money paid}gationg..of.capital invested ‘in indus-7 prs ahd vi vefe week Ae.eh hginte“eight days mentioned:was for:trial enterprises while the ‘holdings of but of way with Germany,‘apd all E =~catiajuestantifaeF_countries.”:Liaw ote Chae @itieand «young talipe forinanufactured to-ithe individual,down to the cabin ‘of facturing industries,railroads,powe|. constituents, crop.”said Mr.Doughton.“Ourbleare'in first class shape?’/4)=4 position.to him had developed.“I havenotheardofany,”said he.“The situ-;a;icang are,not,saying,Specious argument leat he odeeete te wail Sat Leyland liner Yherian has’been gunkbyaGermangubmarine.:Five _mem-ers of the crew were killedj-onébe-|ing an American,‘two.died bitbard arescueboatand61werelandedsafely.|The ‘Tberi}n was’transporting warsuppliesandas.the American wasthereofhisownfreewillthere‘caribenotroubleonhisaccount., sell atretail 300,000 $60 on each car. after August 15,SituationLooks Good to Mr._Doughton:©2°” Washington Dispatch,July 30,toGreensboroNews.ener!Business —is_in-tiptop=shape;the|farmers are getting more money;,for |beef ¢attle than ever before;the haycropisgoodandthepoliticalsituationneverlookedbetterfortheDerno-crats,according to eon ey been most.successful. Doughton,who came to townaftersome.interesting matters:for his ;AEH “We are getting’better prices:forbeefcattle,sheep and wool’than,ever Bi.before,and we are making.a_fine hay |i. 2D~ r.Doughton,was asked if-any op-|#u' polite noth ; eh at sfied w Yat RA i ha:4 RR ‘ and therefore can offer no The following prices f,0:b. Ford Runabout iene Ford Touring Car --~-Ford Town Car setae There can be no assurance given against an sadvancanytime.We guarzntee,however, these prices prior to August 1,1916;* On August 1,1914,we made the announcemFordcays.between AuwewouldshareprofitswiththeretailpureWehavesold‘over 300,000 Fo;and profit-sharing checks of 850 each will be distributed as rapidly as possible1915.»Retail purchasers who have not yetprofit-sharing coupons,properly endorsed,should aH O of tag wAROLINAMOTOR’'CO Statesville,Mooresville and Newton... ‘ . stl,1914,and Ford makes it advisable to J Lei pet man were to make the mong¥'doesn’t edme ipff UP the deficit.fe It comes’out of c meget ace ea ithe’day laborer,are taxed the pockets}‘The Landmark has n to levy excessive’,KES | tions;and especially,ismanifestattimestoward public ser-vice corporations;and it has just asreyenue:to pay for -the building,|!ittle patience ‘with the idea that thesesoundsallright;but it will not bear|industries should be’exempted fromcloseinspection.e taxation,even for a limited period,=on the ground that they build up thecountry.They should be taxed fair-ly.and justly,asthe property of theindividualistaxed.No more shouldbedemandedofthem;less they havenorighttoask.©iceman The Germans ‘at The news from the war zone is thattheGermanoccupationofWarsaw.isat.hand.‘The ‘little information allowed toJeak‘through is tothe’effect that theRussiansforseveraldayshavebeenwithdrawingtotheBrestline,leay-ing small forces to fight rear-gdardactionstoprotectthemainarmiesintheirretreat,The rear-guard actionshavedevelopedafmanyplaces‘into abroad:The ‘statement that Wins-fon-Silem folks putinto‘Unéle’Sam’scoffersineightdaysaboutenough Mr,T.H.Calvert,assistant Attor-ney,General,wants to be a candidatefor“Attorney General,but he wantsfirsttosecuretheapprovalofthelaw- it plain that he thinks the lawyersshouldselecttheAttorneyGeneral.It is natural that Mr.Calvert shoulddesirethathiscandidacyhavethe‘endorsement of his professional breth-ten.“With their approval his chances willdissentfrom the view that it is thepeculiarprovinceofthelawyerstoselectthe~Attorney General,anymorethantheyshould‘be given the ‘Mr.“Dovghton “said”he ‘saw’severalSoneeteress—West |Tee ern pomthem MIBEING.8=|Del,SundayytAtomats who heats him to thebuildingwhenCongress is in session,it is said,is the-watchman.who comesondutyatmidnight. drowned attodaytheDetawa:re- ryin| howned while’+ Doughton.gets there.The only manHouseoffice lain’s Tablets,”writes Mrs.Geo,Hon,Mac-edon,N.Y.“This medicine proved to be theverythingIneeded,as.one day's treatmentrelieved:me greatly.J used two bottles of this.trouble!’Obtainable-everywhere, BRACELET WATCH! Hear how this listens to you.Sounds good?BRACELET Watcu,Filled Bracelet,20-year_~case,T-jewel movement,$11.25.Bracelet“Watch,Solid Gold Bracelet,Solid Gold Case,_15-jewel movement,$2025.The:Watchesare-very small and can be detached from.bracelet and worn as‘ordinary watch.Comeinandseethem.*}¢ fairly large battles,as the RussiansareofferingstubbornresistancetotheGerman:advances and eliyeringpowerfulcounter-attacks.*During the month of July BerlinsaystheGermanscapturedmore:than95,000 ‘Russians between the.PilicaYiverandthe’Baltic.It is not yet certain whether theRussianarmiescanmakegoodtheiragtheft solicitors.“Public officers:who are toservethewholepeoplerather:thananyclassishouldjotbeselectedbyanyparticularclass, JtheLondonSpectator is concernedabouttheattitudeofSoutherncottongrowers’with reference to England’s the Austro-Germans are.doing -theirbesttopreventitandhavemovedupverystrongreinforcementstohastentheirencirclingmovement,‘The ap-pearance of fresh ‘troons also sug-gests that the German staff will notbesatisfiedwiththecaptureofthecityoreventhedestructionofpartoftheRussianarmy,but should thisbeaccomplished,will attack theBrestlineand)endeavor finally to!crush the entire Russian forces, SL LeASE RTT ton.“The pressure,”Says'the Spécta-ter,“which the enormous cotton in-dustry ‘of the Democratic Soith canbringtobearonaDemocraticPresi-dent is indeed the crux of the situa-tion.”The Spectator seems to hehospitabletoasuggestionthattheBritishgovernmentrelievethesitua-tion by buying a portion of the cot-ton-crop in excess of Gritish normal_To what extent the SpectatorrepresentssentimentinEnglandisnotknown,but that paper evidentlyfearstheeffectofSouthernfeeling ‘arty. the cotton blockade continues,which he says: ‘JAn outbreak of typhoid fever shows|months’personal canvass of the tral West anddition,“And we had been thinking say flat-féotedlysttown’in the State,sanitarily jare.going into the.1916 fight as al%eiaing ’party,and to win.i t Sees “Moreover,The bark Mabel 1.Meyers of Rel.{ast;New York city reported thditionsintheynight.in the West,Mics ‘for the next:battle.”haven,Beaufort county,Bes-ead fears old,went on theback|bof her home to-get a)7 @ con- The,bark’s crew were he worst cases,no matter,of howI off ‘the porchdyinginstantly,orter's Antiseptic He ~Vietor:Murdock of Kansas,chair-|¢man of the Progressive national com-|#mittee,has issued,a statement in|9 “1 have just completed a three-|? situa-|?tion with the Progressives in the Gen-|¢on the Pacific coast,|}and after making it I am ready to|%that we Progressives| @ méeting of represen-|%tative Progressives held this’month in|é sam °Bast that I have found fandtheyareliningup|% Gores O1¢Sores,Otner Remedios Won't Core (33intAdiiyandbroke:are tired by the wycdertal.Git talib De OF}ali t :\Pain and Heals at the same time,esB00 $00,CROMECACROR CR YS IR.H.RIGRERT &SON. o “OuncePrevention Worth Pound:Cure”|| t:Milk may leave the dairy perfectly clean and become contamipatedbeforeitreachestheconsumer—itzoey he pee iwith ae erms;ed tp-.along the way.-aine View.y,realmeneitsmilkreachieorisumerclean;has adopted-and ignowusingtacroCrown,With it it is impossible for the bottle -to be opened between dairy and consumer and all danger of contam-ination has been eliminated.si ¢cae NS{THE PAINE VIEW DAI eaipplylag the milk that ‘is benefi-cial andaidshealth.Whyviptow e does it will be explainedfromtimetotime.Oe Reet et eae1inuee347Black,PAINE VIEW DAIRY,the dairy with the Da-cro system,when you want pure and clean milk delivered at yourhome.;;joo *3 pia Ns ey op fa ee ic Shar He SHAVERSAND YOUNG SHAVE You men itha tn veal old beard that pulls likesion”young fellowa with a iths old fuzz.that sliUnder.the razor,havey 9 CEO idesyertriedan,AUTOSTROP?It's the most completa (gonvenient and cuttingest razor yon-ever raised.It is so Athat it sells itself.That's whywegiveyouafullmonth’s free trial before you buy,hPa §If you wanttolive a clean life,shave with a -scientificallyadeandsnitetyAUTOSTRPwhileyoudress;Makes° Come right in TODAY and take one home with you.“Yountbehappyeverafterward.eon ie ea aeThePolkGene BrugCompany. BOO OACRORCORON RO eile eieinie ACK ORCRORCD Fenton’s:nBeach,’across iisepeeHE:°Oe 4 :Se;¢.ne Uh,B Chamberlain's Tablets and they.rid <me_of|4 AD ton,“Ho ;BP EE tis Bibiana tin bere *one of ‘the hardest workers in Con-i Despondency Due to Indiggstion,5Esij‘About three months ago when Iwas auf-8e >iyani,men eaeeel eae tine "trom indir which tuted handCongressmanathisofficebeforeMr.|,c°dmbodanae Neneh tation Cracaeer ia ha r e m p> yo o e e s SS I S 3 9 8 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Mint Lime-Ade asers,to the extentcarsinthe ist No “speedometer included in thisyear’sequipment,Otherwise cars fully equipped Detroit,effective ‘AugustAugust abs, $390.00._440.00, a he 640.00: or¢ ABLS 9 ~ t ¢in these prices that there will be no reduction in at ‘Profit-Sharing With Retail Buyers. ent that.if we could make andAugust1,1915,of from '$40 totime‘specified, mailed us ‘their Charley Chaplin Sundae Nabisco Nut Sundae Rube Wilson Sundae. do so without delay. f ait ie :re Neco hive @4.is He aly,i rol ee isdatoPoh.fitPWS"a 7 tebioenl ol 3 is -2i stievind aMMPANY, th Our plan to profit share’with retail pieehasers of Ford cars,during 1914515 has‘We thoroughlytainty.of conditions general]of future profit-sharing until a later date. believe in it,-but realizing the uncer-"defer any announcement ayif We are,however,confident of our inability to reduce éosts for several months,profit sharing for cars delivered during August,Sep-tember and October,1915..ep A cei Stat «Sofw1B9Y 9 t wo guk¥bal |The Fountain of Quality ESSSSSSSSSS ESLER eee Teens SSSeeesSiseiiiestetes |Statesville Drug CQualityPrescriptionists SSeesReeeeberieetet! omp’y, Sones ete a :Have'you sto.ROOFS eemarket.-Tin aud ut METAL ROOFING., ~~to think you can get one of the best TINSputonatlesspricethananyotherroofing‘on the-Slate best roofing ever put onSTATESVILLETINCO.,H.C.Mohler,Manager. The *PHON®55,114 East Broad Street. oie a ea cane Be eee or ane ere.. patie cee)i Wa i #‘i I Ne ; eee eh i :BG i‘H ele a y 3 4:ay4¢fel TR a nad f ‘4=(#1 s AL2illfednda:ages Atm fa ef =aepalaTR.et asiae.a ;;+ia Ohm hers ee per =elKEESsewed||of tee el;#{i -=): trop New Garland Combination Range,-WOOD AND GAs,”“we A-Cobl Kitchen in Summer.et=altobeAWarmKitcheninWinter. Statesville Housefur iy % nishing ae ir friendship grew into courtship.;Mrs.J..E.McLaughlin and "Miss;‘The Childrén’I be ‘at.U =we reeee eee :,“Mine Henninger had expected to.con-|Esther McLaughlin went to Ridge-chen =ender:TT oe an sneha ae rags hoe aed e i ue teaching next fall and aceord-\crest yesterday to spend .several|going to keep Messrs:.Privette and |tiff,and J.©:Fowler and another defend- :«ly she went to the State Normal/weeks for the benefit”of,Miss Mc-|Jarvis to conduct the music.,}/ants,the undersigned commissioner will.‘sell £-Greenshoro for the summer school.|-Laughlin’s health.We will Rave an interesting short|iat oe deer Seeing C.b*Mr.Privette went to Greensboro to}Mr.W.Grover Morrison of Seat-programme by the children,an ad-)on :2 spend Sunday,the 4th,with her.Af-jtle,Wrsh,.is visiting his parents,\dress at 11 o’clock by Rev,B.F.Rol-MONDAY,SEPT,6TH,1915. i arrival in Greensboro the de-|Mr,and Mys.W.E.Morrison.atilins of Harmony,and some good sing-!*'the hour of noon,the following described t cision to wed was reached and it was oe home-north.of town.Mr.Mor-|ling by everybody.Come,bring your)"al estate in.the city.of Statesville:The 59 ig .one-half-undivided-—.interest._ofthe.A.D. i decided to have the ceremony secret-|rison has been living in the West/dinners and let’s have a raed old |Cooper estate,“held in common with Mrs. iY ly performed,the secret to be kept|for ten years and for the past sev-|sociable time”together.._C.Fowler,‘in the following land,to-wit; 5 until Miss:Henninger completed her|en yeats has resided in’Seattle.He eit nianiotecasntsoheieae *ewinning a oe T.-ane ‘met ste Normal.x Aftay being |Hs,nos *member of the.police force Negro Burned to Death.woe teat “alae thence |N.24.degrées “W. :youn e to!ttle.};nal?M.th s. $Statesville for the Fourth of.Suly|.Mr.icine Bear.of-Wilmington ial Three children of @ family”named a deren.it take CP.Moore's cor: }celebration,which was held on the|the guest of Mr.and Mrs.Sig.Wal-|)Grimes were murdered in’their,home|ner.in A.C.Tomlin’s tine;thence&&&~ ‘6th,and later the bride returned to;‘lace.jat Temple,Texas,last Wednesday recs W.108 feet to the Glover line;thenceFemaadenAeatHayleBiaofRateaeasasmnie4neglehreaeei10ogfumeaejanSs.,:ce es recent close of the school.Miss Leafy}Texas,who visited Dr.and Mrs.P.in ~esi soni ok eri -andi ead at Sed’tee reine assed a bp of Statesville,who attended|S.Easley,’left yesterday fox:thei .od ba lic ¥,we i is sold mansert %the eet of d .J afeereeanelsapeperagePHan.bresbop pe of thousede ef men|cme oa wpe ni5:one-third.int six’mont 4ay2EEaayB©)Roi Be McLaugbliny!bugs wer.Privette|isinn aeof.Mr.‘Charl st pa eerie "When Stanley oh cant into the Ay dy 181ba see 1 Rompesienet:bs h iptrycgledy to pe but a.eeetcoftectank te caTO Vo.AW wads)hel ack Self Long’Meadow Patni Caitaloupes.oe onects lower,me aga rotsof Med glueiling claiming bg wen||My.Long’Meudow Farin,Cantstudyinglawwithythreg.a nl fas on to do the deed)Hethegped to|[loupes are now ready for.the mar-borer up eeOrta EAWG tivormones Thome:kn Ee olbwer |e,Permitted,Wo MVE TONE encuhfo}ket and can be had daily at Miller Mise Henninger is 4 bught youre lady |Flow ish of Greens,|e!about it isalleged admission "McLain Supply Co.,M.P.Alexan-ge ight yi els y ers,“Par nS-,sis.sassaruutsians.alee:Deehr eRceceatul”an {bore ROME:NEHER with:Mr....and|or,tet ae ae,sore der&Bro...oF,W.N,White... teacher.:ve the .begt |Meme:bi i :bs j -w cle ef fridids.6 |Ee Clan aaha .== a ya Finda ot elnave aaAE:me te Pe ee\‘¥.if mpitt’s ‘z eke inIfacecemeeedinsey-Bowlés-MiBenteFridayeveningattheirhomevertae‘Galdwall Bcc and:bfeitat ec =6 ay orieiso 3 Fs Nee a aa peter mise Fane Notwood of South ‘Boston,|}:oC oO an4"Va..,CMs.Milla8Cesta soe yen ares Sue ok eee oe mpany. and Were taken to the Hartness homeinWagons.The plenle lucien werelwinn wir iui ot Mae TheStore With the Quick Parcel EPost Service.. spread.on a long table built “in the |Bristol,went to Charlotte,vesterday ||, grave near the Hartness residence.and will go from ‘there to Baltimore...‘ a ‘Mrs.W.-G,Morrison of Wilkesboro (oe : o Noticeof New Advertisements.is visiting her parents,Mr.iand Mrs.|f-gene i :HE Ee ee -Rev.W.M.Walsh has good horse,'|J-W.Ward.*e ; buggy and harness for sale.Miss Bertha Coover is visiting her F Dry pine wood at $2.25 a cord.—W.sister,Mfs.P.A.Setzer,in Hickory.;= C..Wooten.Mr.Frank Coover has gone to As-; .R.-B,McLaughlin ha4_qualified as{burv Park,N..J.,for:'the summer,3 a administrator of Pinkney “Fomlin.-~Mr.-F,_A.Sherrill is spending aif =a gape Seu : Saturday,August,15,Jas.U.Smith,few days with hig daughter,Mrs.S. administrator of Milton Cheshire,will}L.Cushing.ateTryon.; meen articles*at auction.;Rev.Pg aan who waszat home \ %N,jite’s long meadow canta-|for a few days,.has:return o hiseleisdrenoweyfastoralchargeat’Danville Va.-Prices are continued allthia‘weeks forcash,on p MODY. ¥Quality rockers.—Crawford-Bunch|Miss Marv Lou White is spending slammer lines.Our és cs Furniture a.month ‘with ‘her ®sister,Mrs.Jo. sj Ounce 6 prevention supplied by Saunders.’at Catawba.. ay Paine View Dairy.—Mrs.L.°R.Connolly of Winston-i te i s &Fall display of Globe Tailoring.Co.|Salem is the guest of friends.in town.|f\.:: ei Thursday,Friday and.Saturday.—| Miss--Jane -;Summerell of Mill '° =Sherrill-White Shoe Co..Bridge.is the guest of.her augt,Mrs.’a A.M.Coit. Pat i MONTH.ARRIED NEAR:EARMONTH AGO} Miss Henningerandand Mr.Privette gon.6;*Bai Aug 8,19 el : ctencicrcemecpigeeenes F.&A.-M. "STATESVILLE lally jovi Ree Married'in Greensboro July |!Ath—Social’News. “Miss Meda Henninger and Mr:-H.-ere of Statésville were secret-ene in Greensboro.Sunday,uly 4th.The ceremony was perform-ed:“on.the quiet”at Market ~Street‘Methodist ;church by the pastor,Rev.Dr.C.W.Byrd.Mr.and.Mrs.PrivettejtheirsecretuntillastThursday,cine.rides parents,Mr.andMrs.J.F.Henninger,were told of thege.|The announcement —wasmade“to friends Frigey’and cards}have since been issuedMr.‘Privette and Miss HenningertaughttheschoolattheFeimsterschool,North Statesville,the pastsession,Mr.Privette being principal.and re ener assistant.It wasdaring.their.association_in-work that! Prices.continued this week.—Ram-sey-Bowles-Morrison Co.Reduced ae forJohnston-BelkCoPriceofFordautomobiles reduced.Carolina Motor Co...R.B.McLaughlin,commissioner,wilt*deh land September 6th.Cottare for rent.—G.E.French.Bracelet watches.aR H,Rickert’& final days.— Sén.‘Bungalow for.rent.—N.W.Fowler. Mr,Walker's Conditign—Ba-|_rium‘Items. —- &errant of."The Landmark. ium,Aug,2—The“eondition ofa+Ts ‘Walker is about the same.:other,Dr.John Walker,willlake—for his:home at Lyrich- bulPine (MacRac lof Wil- an n_spent a few days here tast|-rel *Miss Lee.Brantley and Mr,rantley ‘of Mt Ula-are-visiting-|-ister,Mrs,.R.D.te aeJohnB-Ross andtittleCharlotteateguests at™“Lodge..Miss Ellie GarriensofDerita,Mias Esther Lowrance ofCatawba,”Mr,‘James’Garrison ot}Roanoke,vas Mrs.R.-W::Hutchingsand:son;R.W.,Jr,-of Spencer,’were|),gu Lat(Miss*.Maide;‘Parks«..Miss Zora Cox and Miss Hun-‘ter 0 et Pleasant are visiting Miss Ada,Een xeMrJ‘Grier of Charlotte isMissPettieJordan:of|,siting her:eniidren at the @ ties “Miniie Gouger ae’Charlotte, here Friday en route te Montreat.. Mrs.“C. tor Simmons,‘is‘here from Néw Berne Ga.,is spending a week's vacation last+, nd Daphne Ru OfyvisitedaeLoisMor-i rion Friday,ac-ied MissrMorisen:whe is rs,waa B.Nicholson PA littleMasterNoel,have gone toa,to,spend the remainder of R W.Orr and daughter,Miss Elizabeth,have réturned from:a yisit noi a former,resident of Statesville,was C.Mi Richards ‘and childrenfDavidsonpassedthroughStates-ie ‘Friday en route’to Montreat,where ogg will spend several weeks. Mr.'W.W:Leinster,clerk to Sena- to spend-a few weeks with home folks.Mr,C;C,Philips,a,traveling sales- headquarters.at Albany, man with, at home.‘Miss Margaret Harris of AshevilleistheguestofMrs.Zeb.Holcomb.,Messrs.C.C.and Jas.E,Tharpe,the former of Eagle Mills township,returned lastweek from a_businesstriotoBaltimore. ‘. Miss’Eva Wilkinson of Lynchburg,Va.,iis the gues of Miss ‘Ellen Good-man.Dr.and Mrs.id Patterson ;ofCharlottestentSundayinStates-ville with Dr.Patterson's -mother, Mrs.P.R.Patterson,returning.to Charlotte yesterday. t Jennings,Aug. father,Mr.Wi A.Casey. “School and ¢ Sravientetn Aas: iy her Vanhoy of.Contanh is Mr.Posey Bridges.has esd to .New Jersey,where he work. Hayes at Houstonville.We have,been|informed that his sons,ford and John’Myers,the business at the same place,These | and there is no,reason why;:theyshouldn't make a success f ~busi-ness. serjous in this section.jermome-|ter stood at 102 Saturday -mening| for some time,in the s T hayneverseenitwarmber{here I viblievethattheclearing,up Of+80 thuch | land and exposing it to.the direct|-rays of thesun,makes it.both hotter |and dryer here.I think that we aremakingasadmistaketoclearupso timber,when we don’t need to.We!have as'much again land open:mow as|we-are cultivating to advan‘tare lettingit wash away,grow.up in| it is that we are -barely.getting| haul it to market.-The singing school is in‘full blast| at Union Grove.Profs. Privette and Mr.Jarvis are doing fineteachingandsinging.They are hav- ing splendid attendance. .San-|tion will “continue |following much jand and make way with the |FOR RENT—Cottage-on Davie Ave.’ tage.We|FoR Leads cheap Miss Jennie’Louise Wilson’of broomsedge and briars,rui ig over Huntsvillé,Ala.,is-the guest of Miss 2 whole world of it and,moth-|Ola Bovd,at her home a few milesjing off it,till we are making |‘west of to Miss Margaret.Mc-|expenses.SuppoSe the next)genera-|Auley,whe,Wisited Miss Boyd.a-|tion destroys as muchtimber.as this| turnedyesterday to her homé‘in C one has?How much will there be|lotte.left’?And the greatest trouble ab out| enough out of the timber to cut it and W Mansfield |COO AnD | (,|CLEARINGTOO.MUGH LAND::fiche‘uaieaidon the Editor zs Mercantile Yadkinville Ripple.IMS|a.fellows who.will tell a lie for thepriceof@year’s subscription is’2prettysorryinstitution,and is hard.W.|ly fit for the devil or anything else.EeForaSprained Ankle. If you will get @ bottle of Chamberlain’:|Linimentvand observe the directions giveri)accepted |therewith |faithfully,ave will 3 much less timethan is ‘Mr,L.©.Myers hoe heneht out |Minable:sterirymares the mercantile business of:Maiden &|NOTICE—On recover iyusuallyrequired.Ob ‘August 14,1915,awillfellatpublicauebidder,for cash.the rty of the late Miltor his home near CooOnefinemare,} 10 o'clock,@,Mytothehighestpersonal,pro}Cheshire,deceased,Spring postofiice,towit:: are progressive,energeticyoung men }|000 cow and calf,1 hog,2 Wagons,2 bug |xies,corn,wheat,oats,,roughness,al|farming implements and kitchen ‘furnitureJAS.U.SMITH,Administrator.August 8,1915-—4t. The drought is.getting }ewhat |e RENT—New Bangelen on Race strect.Nicely fone See N.W.FOWLERR. Aug.—~2t. :FOR SALE—Good family driving horse,bug.W.M.WALSH.y and harness.,Aug.3--1t.. FOR.OAL ny,‘pine wood at"92.25)a cor¢ ” delivered.W,WOOTEN,Statesville,R-2 |"phone,1-L-1,Aug.3—2t° Large lot with barn.$6.00.per month.Phone G. E.FRENCH.Aug.3--1t, houses.N.P July 27—8t.* \F OR “SALE—18 shares “Btatesville CottonMillstockat65centsonthedollar.ForfurtherinformationapplytoMRS.MIN-NIE CANNON,Marion,N.©,R-3,Box26.quly 23-—-6t. WANTED.—-Housekeeper Apply to MRS,JNO.H.July 20. AITRESSES,Girls GRAY. wanted to wait on table at HOTEL IREDELL.Apply-tMRS.JNO.H.GRAY.July 16. SALE OF BY VIRTUE of a decree of the Superior for Hotel Iredell.| | HE same attrib- utes which spurred |on _the stardy pioneers over the :weary,lonesome wastes,must be present in évery man or woman,‘boy or girl,in order to blaze the trail to their success.©: :No road is too long to those .who advance deliberately and without haste.a The story of the earlier settlersbringshomethelessonofthe |eo of.patience,stability,feysourceandpreparation._ The key to these characterliticsistobefoundinthesecurity which comes through the con- servation of effort and income.- in e =Laboriismoney.To conserveitisto-save it.Saving bringspleasureand-satisfaction, AY o>Sw Start an account here,and share in the growth and advancement which entre-_ prising,co-operative and geo policies bring,.BeiILLE N.CCapital$100, es \) = SS 000-4%aid on TimeDepaU.S.DEPOSITORY aBs ROYonotedH Mr:and ‘Mrs.E.M.Land.of Golds-boro spent Sunday.here with relativesandleftyesterdayforAshevilletoattendameetingoftheStateBar Association.Mr.J.A.Wise returned yesterday)from a visit to Salisbury and otherpointsinRowancounty,Miss Flossie Smith is at home af-ter a visit,to,Kannapolis.Mrs.J.:Wy Bowles,‘who!was hereforabriétvisittoMrs.N.W.Fowler,en foute from Wilkesboro,left yester-daya tarnann,for her home in Hick- Ory.Oe: ?Mr.and MiteEucene Taner,MissClara?Dixfin and Mr.Troy McQuarycomposed.automobile party fromCharlotteStatesvilleen*routetoNorfolk,eo Mrs.J.Le KimballioinedthepgrtyhereandleftwithitforNorfolkyesterdayafternoon. The ‘Mother's:‘PrejudicesFor.the: Boys.*+Dorothy:Mie Be -Atis a strangeperversity of mother love that makes @ womay,willing to ‘sacrifice her daughters to ‘her sons, ‘but:that:appears to’be:the way Anature:built a mother’s heart.a girl goes to work a thinks‘that she should ‘turnenvelopetoher,het ,the house work wheat.home.Pe neverher=n ee is ps Remnant:Counter will gitworth.”These odd lots o. willmove,them. + COUNTERS still «havesattractive bargains and theigiemorethanyourmoney’s be closed ont and the sale:‘prices we continue ,on same NEN FALL G0008. ummer~Merchandise-must- Atanihia.!Min od} geld POLED. iL APM iSS: KEIT DOUPLY EASYFOR YOURHORSESANDWORKTHANYOUEVERDIDBEFOREBYUSING.THEOLIVERCHILLEDeras ; And : « Presets of 2 scourin:{soredSy ;yl ea aisSeitencaepropersct iby OLIVER,CHILLED PLOWS are without:ex ;z hightes:ete Bees ee actual hat‘S.will do or you have heard your neighbor telleboutthem,OWhy.Not Ga in Line.nO ?BEVERAGE on a hot day.Provide youre self with ICE -MADE IN STATESVILLE, and this comfort may be yours,aae Mec y " SO O O C O O O L LE a ee ."PHONE 205 ——:ie Statesville Tce &FuelCotAan1 i aay Authority on % ICE=COAL=7 W 0G THR ianBER15,1915 fion devoted to the spread of g,liberal!culture pnd useful fh.Carolina State Normal and strial!the General Assembly of 1891,and first op- Bed its doors for the reception of students aver 5,1892.‘Purpose. The college is founded upon the idea that, omen are the natural and;inevitable in- ructors of youths.It believes in a sound id liberally educated womanhood,both asnenddesirableinitse%“and =es-sential to.the intelligence and prog- ss of.the race.It “would have ‘very woman in North Carolina educated to e full measure of her responsibilities as cit- en,wife,mother and.teacher.It seeks, erefore, hrough various and liberally planned cours-iS of study to make ample provision for the ucational needs of the women of North olina—to provide an institution of higher ing so thoroughly furnished with every facility for modern education as to render fit good enough for any of its women and so itlosely affiliated with the public schools and®so reasonablein its cost of tuition as to bring its opportunities within the reach of all, Location. &lditoeaahors,the railroad center of North Varolina,is one of the prosperous,thriving cities of the country;combining the charms ndenergy of the new.Situated in the de-Tightful Piedmont section-of North Carolina, its healthfulness is well known and its so-*cial and religious influences are the best.ItsAccessibility,its excellent ‘hotel facilities,its diversified industries and the hospitable and ‘progressive spirit of its people render it the favorite convention city of the State. Equipment. ‘The college owns-about one hundred acres of land,Ten acres,fronting on a paved and Epcadamized thoroughfare,are laid out and Ve fe }0 } owth of rare pee 4sthe private!prop-,of the col is reserved to.its staMaicacysionwhine,THeNsdentsasanopcollegebuildiririeictein“number,"ch been specially designed for’their several rposes.and represent ‘the bestin’material and equipment.The value ofaie plant.is For Catalogu aOthe Information Address JULIUS I.FOUST,President,Grea !Dor ,i lege was established by act of” through proper.-equipment and: -strumental Musie and Household Arts. ed for in accordance with plans of land- e gardeners.A ‘woodland park’of twen-| +five acres,toveréd with a natural forest: CE harces for are chosen with a ew to securing able andprogressiveChristianmen‘and women,free’from sectionalism,intolerance and.bigotry,and thoroughly qualified by character,train- profession.” Sup Courses of Study. The courses of study have been ems to meet the needs of the young women of° North Carolina,Students who.register as candidates foria degree may take any one of‘five general colrses of study leading,gr tively,to the degrees of Bachelor of ArtsBachelorofPedagogy,Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Music and Bachelor-of Science inHomeEcononiies.Each of these courses, though arranged with a.view to proficiency’ ing and scholarship for the betes of their**paying and fee-tuition:students enjoy’simi-«. ar ‘in some one’subject,is liberally construed and.offers insaddition to the traditional col-- “sitdents,except a charge of $6.00:for deen ai -Nasium suit and shoes and $2.00 as a lecture . .and recital fee.‘To those who prefer to pay: tuition the annual chargeis $45.00.Tuition- privileges and opportunities and receive:the same service.By the charter of the:Aine!stitution,board mast be furnished in its dor-|, mitories at actual cost...There is no long list~extra charges and éxpenses—the regularitionfeeoragreementtoteachentitlingthestudents.to the full collegiate courses."*” ‘Tn ‘the boarding,department |the ave“Menues ‘are -made out and the dining rosooiwengbyatraineddietitian.A matre in charge is responsible for the purchase,‘stonage and proper preparation of food ma- The sewerage and water systems,ithe’bath rooms and laveratories,the.heat-lege studies,electives in Pedagogy,Modern.’{86 iahtiog and ventilating machinery and Languages,Manual.Training,Vocal:and In | For students who are not candidates for a degrees special courses are provided in the Commer- cial Department and in.the Departments of Music,,Manual.Training and .DomestieSeiencg..a one “Summer Sessions. “The college is in session during the sum-mer months.,Regular collegiate work+is ‘of-. fered and credit is ee:all degree sub- jects properly comple -Special .courses,also are designed particularly for teachers. and graduates of other colleges who may wish to supplement ‘their previous studies © by additional workin -Pedagogy,School Management,oe Music and Home Economies, The Dormitories. The dormitories have been fitted upby tie State.They.have been constructed<in ‘ac- cordance with modern conceptions of safe- ty and convenience;are supplied with all necessary furniture;‘and are heated -by-steam and lighted:by electricity.Only.single beds are used.Bath and toilet’rooms are con- ted on every.floor and in every”‘séction,andgterilized:drinking:water.is,PTO-, haliwayxs:Those:who board.ines"are!under the direct)care:of!thf,‘thdy,priticipal ‘ahd Wer’as"sistants., i.Expenses.: The college iis maintained by the State as part of its system of public education,A,collegiate education to eyery white,womaninNorthCapolinaisitsideal.Tuition.is freetoallwhoagreetoteachin‘the publi1¢oris-of ‘the State tor At least twoavine!the’college 'The'+tetal ard,laundry,:useoftext-books, tion,heat and lights,is $150.00peryear.Thisiis the total cost to free tuition,., medical at “man!nd undry and.fully inspected,‘All drinking water is thor- d in regard to the milk and butter sup--+i,The college:maintains its own dairy a to theofficial inspection of State of- fice ‘Proper.ventilation of dormitory and onegiti itions rooms is insisted upon;and due»‘care i is taken.to prevent the origin and spreadofinfectiousdiseases.’ cs sterilized’and every precaution is.ex- An experienced ‘woman physician has vocharge of all matters pertaining to health, and her lectnres on sanitary science andt‘sonal hygietie form part of the recived,_course’of ‘study.Trained nurses.are’also- Tegulaily employed..Physicians_and nursesmaybeconsultedday.and night.-The cost‘of.medical consultation and attendanceis in-_cluded in the.annual expenses.* ‘In.this way medical advice is insured at*: the Teast cost,and the dangeris obviated of anysstudent postponing;for economical reas-ons,the needful consultation. “A committee,appointed by the State Board‘ofHealth,visits and inspects the institu-tions gti eid i 5h ne Support.He The college has always had the da oe‘port!of the people of)North)Carofina:‘erally‘mairitained'in the:emcay the oe”mon welfare,j seeks t0to.“Out the purr»‘poses for whichit.was pain shéd and in-‘vites'the continued pas a yf every nen in North Carolina in assist-ing}%perform a widé.and useful service. _Sympath y.and good will have beew freely ac- ‘corded it:from the Deginning,material support has aided:it:injeveryoho.Buildihgs“have:been’erévted):“proved,Tagepartthehite she‘and fellowships:establish‘ed,atid’assembly halls:adorned by.Crete!vality "of:private donors.Bach’sucedediLegislature,has ‘dealt more and more-gene of néed, oat cold storage plants are care-. raries enlarge 8eq valent.to,an endowment .fund of,at,Teast’$2,000,000, Patronage. “The State Neiahas:and Industrialnotforthepooralone,though itsee ;tend to every worthy.girl an ens to.seeure-an education,It is not for the rich©alone,though it endeavors to cade eehestequipment:and service obtainable.It,knows neither geographical,politicai nor re-ligious distinctions,‘but believing in the re-““fpionéf Jesus and the principles of demoe- ‘racy,is-an earnest advocate of universal ed-. ueation.|‘The success of the collegeis due in _lapeé measure to the representative:charac-and spirit of its students,They come ° from all the counties.of the State and are thoroughly representative of the -people-of North Carolina..Many of them.are daugh- ters of wealthy parents and many pay their entire expenses by some form.of manual la-bor.Wéarly.one-third of the students of thepastyear:were self-supporting.’ “Spirit and Service. “The aticnaphire surrounding the students,, s-ong of equality of opportunity.,The com-,Jing-together in’this atmosphere of all classesfrom’all Mba of the State,fosters patriot-. ism and breadth of vision.The tiving togeth-er andWworkitig”reer pin 8wright of.oF ssion and industry gives theoe-rgeeei comprehension of the lifeandidealsof.their State,acquaints .them ‘with ‘its resources and achievements,and inspires them witha laudable ambition to be of some service.The large measure of self-government :accorded develops self-reli- »ante and.a‘sense of individual responsibility.The spirit of the collegeis;therefore,worthy of the State of North Carolina.With 4 se- riousness of purpose nowhere surpassed,and an earnest yet kindly striving for the higherstandardsoflifeandthought,here annually gather,on equal terms,more than six hun- dréd*North Carolina’women:‘Of the total,number enrolled more than.sixty per cent,.neeording to their own written Sea 4 would not have attended any.other,¥arolina college.Two-thirdsof its,as.a nied students and nine-tenths ofvits graduatesteachtithescHddisandcollegesoftheState. No'large.movement for the’uplift of ‘himan:(117 ity fails to receive their sipport:'Ih home, school,church and society their influence for“goodis being oo nf Se taday therei#hot.a county inNorth-link .where‘studen}s:of the pret Norma and TndustrialCollege-are-‘©Ae enemy meer nen sftate proviles for herrn a aug)bor--in ZonLhy of ©:‘religion, |Hopewell,Va. and.Mrs.Kate Kim-f sville left yesterday ininer’s car for Norfolk.-LG.Stimpson.has»beenfewdaysatDavisSprings,Mrs.J,Clyde Turner andHeath.and little daughter “Greetisboro to States-day’jn Mr,Turner’s.cartorelatives.Henley is in Salisburysideofheraunt,Mrs.Bet-who is ¢ritically ill.°a Lazenby is at All Heal- HL Burke.of Taylorsville,;Whitener of Hickory and3flingtonandMorrowof6:Were among the visiting court yesterday.: timate of Cotton C rop. year’s ‘cotton crop.will be ap- hy 11,970,037 equivalent 500 Petersburg,Va. $50 an acre, article in thechanicsMagazine, course of erection. BECAME CITY OVERNIGHT:| Transformed From Flag Station to City. Seven or eight months ago.Hope- well,Va.,was an obscure flag ‘station{is allowed within,the barricade.Theon@branchlineoftheNorfolkandoutputoftheplantis |Western railway,some 15 miles from: Tt was an apéopiod and practically unknown point outi a sleepy stretch of country;”land could’be purchased readily for Today it’is a-eity.probably more than 18,000 persons,wheté small lots ‘are’being sdld-as much’as $3,000 and $4,000:eachandin-some cases rented.fot $200.ormoreamonth.The situation ig.ex- plained in an interesting iNustrated August Popular Me- It ‘says:3+“Hopewell is a raw,wild,excited boom town with ©factories ranhing!day and night,with block after block of dwellings springing up as rapidly as a new street is marked off;with barracks,shacks,and tents évery-where,,and.hundreds more Like Goldfield and a eee won “Every minuteiy the day aa ‘night the factory site is patrolled by sever- al hundred armed guards.No person other than an employe,unless he has a-written permit issued at the main “ico of the company in Delaware, not publiclyknown.Two factories are engaged inhemanufactureofguncottonanda third is producing cordite.”+ TEhate ed—The Stanly Tragedy. Henry Shoe,who.was shot fromambushlast.Wednesday ‘morning, year Big Lick,Stanly county,diedursdaynightaszesult-of wounds. Arch Helms,who liveg near the sceneofthetrouble,and two of-his'sons, Obie‘and Luther,were arrested Thurs- day on suspicion of having shot Shoe.‘Before he died Shoe stated that theFilmsboyswerethe’first to reach of or of them had pistols;and that theirfathercametohimnext.’Dan Hin- re plowing:in a field ‘nearby,who ae the shots and cries for’help,says the Helms boys and their fatherinthe Shoe Dead and Suspects.‘Arrest- him after he was shot and that both]. bales,’compared with 16,184,- ‘last year.That estimate,Ny ealctlated,is Wased on the nent’s condition report,issued*ahd ‘official figures of, -normal yield. Vernment’s report of ‘condi-45,8 per cent,based on.re-July 25,compared with 80.3OnJune25thisyear;76.4 ‘on July 25.last.year,79.6 ft in 1913 and 78.5 per cent, page condition on July 25 for ten years.condition in North Carolina isinst.79 in June and 86 last dson county \farmer—San-if ofen out withguard-his melonaginstaWatchingtill‘tiréed.and having ho visitors,sd home and ‘stopped to talkianeighbor,He put his shotgunOhadhisfoot.and twisted theibdut.He got,off light..Only‘was torn off when the gun R tiesard(6b @itieington saysjin.goyetnment publicationseebeanswouldcurepellagracuredhimsélfofthediseasetingbéans.A ~goverhmentinid“put out the word”Jast‘that_a vegetable diet wouldfo.prevent,pellagra.| -Collins,aged97,droppedhishomeinthevicinitdaysago.He was a n~of; Garyin earlier days,it has dozens of saloons,fiv-infested eating houses and" improvised stores.where a gaudy out- lay of goods is displaved on packingboxesinerude,hurriedly built shacks made of rough lumber.Tts buildings are unscreened:and sanitation is un- known.Garbage is thrown into thestreetsandsewagecarriedoffin.openditches.Drinking water is drawn from shallow wells,Flies swarm in clouds. Yet.in spite of all:this.the town—-which doésn’t even know its real name and is called by a half dozen differentones=is-one of the most interesting in.America.—Its population.six months,or more,from now,it is es:timated,May range between :25,000and35,000, “War orders from Great Britain|and her allies.for ammunition’.and|igh explosives ko completely swamp-eda large Ameri¢an powder companythatitwascompelledtoincreaseitsfactoryfacilities.The city of Hobe-well,Va..is ‘the result.Shortly be-fore the first of this year arents forthecorporationquietlypurchased1,-200 acres of farm land adjacent totheflav’station.This was inclosedbya°10-ft;>barbed-wire barricade.Several hundred men ‘were importedandsettoworkthrowingupbrickandconcretefactorybuildings.On April1theplacehad.a povulation of 500persons.On June 1 about 13,000 em-ployes were listed on the company’see’and a inhabitants ofwell.numberec approximately18,000.Each day these numbers ‘are‘jincreased,.— were with Shoe when he arrived.Search.of the premises .disclosedtwoemptyshellsbyanoldstump,andimprintsindicatedthattheassassinhadcrouchedthere.Further ‘search,it is said@disclosed a double-barrelbreach-loading shotgun buried in thestableofArchHelms,The empty: shells fitted the gun and there wereindicationsthattheweaponhadbeen reently fired. ‘So much indignation developedagainst.the Helms:party that «they asa matter of precaution,enieeeetiereiapinGreatBritain’s-supplemental netsin’reply to,American representationsoninterferencewith’neutral “ehippitairéachedWashington’‘yesterd|will be published tomorrow. The State Bar Association is in ses- ay anc sion in Asheville, a STATE OFLDA GocityTyr 7TOLEDO, Yrank J.ieee rene a oreshetssenseeaeotthe4.Cheney &Co.,doing businessinofToledo,Count Lone ee afore-sald,and that maid thesum’of OND MUN ,oan ured byth ofaaathe1noyth bank on beforeinmBeathieaday”of December,a0,Hall's caters1 re ‘he Fhidod ahd ly,ond acta ah ‘theteinmucousauriieinforheerHFstews *Bold a i iTakeHall's Pemily were removed to an adjoining counity 4 tor |sented his county.in the Legislature.| an He wasa roth gréssman i@ive 7treks.OF ‘CURRENT NEWS. Happenings Hereand There in'¢eo the State.j In Robeson county Friday night Jim\#Byrd shot’Jerty Inman’through the |#hextt,“Rilling.him ‘instantly.By isinfail!’Both colored.iF :b 'The’'Gévernor has.pardoned Bud)#Giles of Rowan,who had served sev-|%“The Mark of Quality.”i err years of:a!10-year ‘sentence for |#arson;“Hé was but 11 years ‘old'¥when convicted:4 Moses «B.-‘Brock,whois charged:# with compliity in the Fort’Smith,/|#Ark.Savhiskey frauds,was arrested }#in Davie county last.week and put!3°under-bond.to_appear in Asheville.STAtWilmingtonSaturdayD.W.T.1Cappa,.was shot by.Melvin,Horne and $f.diedigoon afterward.Horne,-a rela-|3* tive ‘of.Gapps,said,the latter had 5 ruined,‘him.oil feeling of long stand-|§ing.reii4estimatedthatfully500of|}the public school teachers in +thée|¥ State have.volufiteered for .service,|ft.without,pay,‘in the moonlight school|# campaign for the eradication of adult|# iiteraey,tobe launched in the early |§falhi a 4ThebarnofMr.I.He Harkey,a i farmers of Stanly county,was Ne HedFridayand.with it two mules,one}#orse,four hogs,all farm implements,}and..feed.Mr,‘Harkey was away |§from/home and it is thought the fire |¥ was.started by the.children.:Harry Miller,went to Belhaven,|§Beaufort county,and found grace.in|}the,eyes.of Mrs.Minnie Sandlin,who |ghad.sonte mieans,left,byher first hus-j ations, get TEXA out $1,400 of lis wife's:money and will keep youyourfueliy “TEXACO GASOLINE. Gasolines arenotall alikein their motor value, This ,statement.was’hardly necessary.Perhaps youriktrottle’hastold you the same story many-times.they are not all alike it is better to get the one’which:gives“the servicefromthebeginning of its use for the delivery of more powerandfreedomforthity. atone power from gassfine means more motor miles porloti, _..CLRAN Gasoline means.more efficient carburation and ignition equally effecting thémotor miles, UNIFORMITY means the constant delivery of the power. “TEXACO GASOLINE is valuable from all three consider- Because TEXACO.GASOLINE has been.distingtished pe impurities,with a highly desirable uni- Manufactured with care-and delivered promptly,itte.Whrunning withgreater ease,and-reduceWhen.you want me ane or Statesville Oil Company. aoe Distributors.)_OfficeRobbins,Row. ded insult-te-injury by going off insombre|automobile.t : in Bass,a young negro,was.ar-|8an?Wake county a few.days|%.aN‘charged with doping and kid-)8 -ds 16ayeart-old white girl.The} te ,Reeently.Miller departed:withb Waswith him when found.‘Later (¢ eee ‘indicate,that the girl is not|# i io+n ‘a A,Woodward,a priintnent MsandpolititianofWilson,died |%.. attirday from the effects of a stroke|f f pa¥alvsis sustained some days ago: oe ee years old’and had/repre~ erof -ex-Cor “No.4~60 ac Fred:Woodward,who died recently.1t Prof,Wi.M.Cundiff of Elkin,who|# oe recently,’provided that $10,000/¥ §éétate should go.oethe Meth-|®° te %at gene a Veinatene.‘e ein,u eriefanPiet:aaSena|is,understood.t..to ‘the Home in’theeeatheerectionofam eachte intleft home at night and joined him!#To Buy.aNice wel 1-ee Bilinwood.All-school and church|Cquventenices ni°)and but jouses.No,2-477ee3 miles28 at Of city. 3 iafeDy 7 leg trom~40 acNetreDairy.pur eeresin ontyjust a baryai ~40citylotsint @east Stator,a0seron a api Place’’—$16 down,balance ie mon Cai on ine aoaaiw.R.MI 54) State ap-«os Uee ace fot Nextaia 40 acres in.,oe8-room house,“Ta:large barn. 8 propertylies on the iganhddbeingco’rote by the government,Is -and Truck farining.eee eeehach Bplendidly adaptedveStockandPoultiy.saree‘Iredellline—is: paymentsofriseAuslotsin south Statesville,vee fisI nice houses and lots:to selis.T have, DEDIN.1838TAm high standards,noble traditions,and‘fund makes possible its first-class and.carefully’chosen ‘teachers,- courses in all departments.SchoolsForcatalogueandjllustratedbooklet -L.FLOWERS, ‘A Southern College of libers!arts with: ss,Secretarytothe aes pe ener RE Aaarp reenter ;Ae el:f br ede an established national reputation for‘policias,Its large endowmentitlargefacultyofwelltrainedees«Cowfortable,inexpensive bachelor's degree,Graduat~Education,and Law. ;“dobn W Corporation, en { The clocks in the home must besignpectedtoplanandhavemealson:wearing out yourHun‘ou want to do is toYwhileheisdev t your GOOD TIME! me.Then there is no economy in ket with a ee er you can’t depend on. @ his entire time to repairing.watches .andelocksandfittingspectaclesandeye-glasses.' or the houSekeeper can’t be ex- pee tch or clock repaired by BOB Jeweler.- hs “ i PHONE 20, +.eee To the Farmers of Iredell and Other Counties: Cool and Fefreshing. King of Fountain Drinks. ——he,AT——_ -HALL’S DRUG STORE, | m= GHARTERED 6)LLEGE.[meme A Good and Useful death occurred July 26th,was.of John.Henry and Kat day of his death he was old.mére boy, army,in which he served to the end of OCOLADE!| iSusan E.Allison.daughter of Joseph \ehildren—two sons and RK [PRISON CAMPS BAD SHOW. ‘|$tate Board Of Health Finds|"Them Ineanitary—Plans For!|Improvement. a!The State Board of,Health reports) r.|on the findings of a recent inspection| \of ten-of ‘the ‘State’s convict camps.|Of thesé-ten camps the number found} Confederate Seldie oot The Lantaoodson.Hatt whose .Faithful an.|Der without bedbugs,3;-the number| Sot:the |Without furniture,8;the -number| near 68 years|Without furniture 3;«the number)a |Sheets,8;without towels,5.Camps |‘having all the prisoners vaccinated|for smallpox were 2--having all vqc-|cinated for typhoid,2;having tuber-|cular patients in ¢amp,2.Even the}best camps seored only 77 points)while the worst scored 39.3,the aver-|He |ate being 56,The State Farm at Til-| lery showed perhaps the poorest air|conditions,the cubie feet of air space|being at a dangerous minimum.i These facts show mot only the un-|favorable health and sanitary condi-|‘tions that exist In the camps.but:the Bia :urgent need of a more efficient and) were born three daughters—Mrs.(:.sanitary management of the same.}W,SicelotofStatesvilleMrs GW "cher words there most needs be Chandler of Brown Scam Gailford from.@ sanitary “and health point -of| county.His wifé dying,in the early seventies,he removed to Iredell coun ty.and some time thereafter marric: story of Guilford coun In.March,1863,when but and while at school at Monticello,he joined the Confederate the ‘war with the,characteristic valor of the boy soldiersof the Con- federacy,belonging to Company Second .North Carolina Cavalry.| was at Seven Pines,Chaneellorsvillc and fateful Gettysburg,having @ part in numerous engagements,<. Returning from the’war,in 1866 Mr.Vanstory married MaryP.Brown to.“them view, 'prison camps.Consequently there) ;has been made a study of the means| and measures.by which conditions in, |prison_camp may.be:bettered and the| life and health of the prisoners:pro- tected,|‘ To this end a score chart,to be) kept by.:the camp supervisor and to) be reported bi-monthly to the StateBoardofHealth,whereby camps may| be scored and rated according to their|several poinés or units,has been care- and Mary Gill Allison,who survives. From this marriage were”born fivethreedaugh- ters—Mrs.J.A.J,Farrington,now of Spray;Mrs.Jas.Weisner of Olin, Walter Vanstory of Texas.Charlie Vanstory and Mrs.Fannie Feimster, at home.Mr.Vanstory ‘is also sur- Prescriptionists, yvived by two.brothers—-C.M.Van- istory of Greensboro and W.A.Van- jstory of Fayetteville;and two sis- \ters—Miss Mollie Vanstory of States: ville’and Mrs.Louise Feimster of Rutherford College.», The subject of this sketch was in fully worked,out.These units may be mentioned as loc#tion,air construc-tion,water,food,nutrition,clothing, bed,bathing,sewage,vermin,©flies) and mosquitoes,smallpox,typhoid fe- ver,syphilis,tuberevlosis and relig-f “THE STATESVILLE REALTY &to announce that they bave completed arrangements .with “THE“HOME:INSURANCE CO.of New York,’’forinsuring your growingcropsofTobacco,Corn,Cotton and small ‘grain against destruction by Hail Storm at the following very low price:.TOBACCO CROP.’-$100 per acre valuationat 76 per acre valuation at50peracrevaluationat 25 per acre valuation at COTTON,CORN AND S $40 per acre valuation © 35 per acre valuation 30 per acre valuation 25 pér acre valuation20‘per acre valuation 15’per-acre valuation10peracrevaluationDWELLIN , o> by wind in addition to hail. ~ -"PHONE 54. Listcvorte lt 5.40sLINGS,FURNITURE,BARNS.3 $100 value for one year at 30c.,3 years at 60¢.,5 years at 90c.Thislatterinsurancecoversalsoagainstlossordamageoccasioned REMEMBER—“‘We insure anything insurable.’’J.F.CARLTON,Manager, INVESTMENT COMPANY beg $7.50 per acre5.87}per acre .$75 per acre1.874 per acre N CROP . »$1.60 per acre 1.40 per acre1.20 per acre 1.00 per aere,i ©"/80'per acre. 60 per acre MALL GRAIL per acré: ‘STATESVILLE,N C.. Si tion of this that made each of them) ious exercises.Pe ees As this method of scoring pre-sup- poses a-unform system of housing and everv respect a most worthy citizen. jaffable in disposition,intelligent andinrogressive,a-sincere Christian and ©”.lfor 20 years Sundav school superin-equipment for.all State and county ;;vt ifications oftendent-in the Methodist ehureh at comps.plans.and’speci ‘Olin,.He leaves behind him the’rec-several model sanitary camps pare lord of ‘n well spent life.:been’made under the direction of Dr. |Mr.Vanstory was one of a trio’of W.§.Rankin of the State Board of iConfederate veterans—John_F.)Hol-|Health,and-Dyr.Joseph,Hyde.PrattoftheState’Highway Commission. land,Joe Ce —sik,The State Board of Health,at the liands:<adicinth—on Little.‘Roky request of theGovernor,will,within lereek.Olin.township.AGpahtades.the next 60 days,make a tour of in-| }eeeers cy :spection to a number of county con-|neighbors and friends were they.To leach those who knew might poimt and leny.“Behold the upright man!”Mr. Holland passed away last Mareh:so isoon Mr,Vanstory follows...Mr,Sice- iloff Jingers.yet a little while alone. ‘awaiting the,“roll call?Associated’Mr,E.O,Shaver,president of the| \Wwith these,oft it was Re ‘writer's County Singing Association,asks ‘Privilege!te.héar them recount:their|that all interested’in the singing pre- i war experience,and,often :she was pare:to take part:in thé inext:county!) made.to wonder what sustained lcourave in’the fierce conflicts.in the|that special effort be made to.make Hong houts of suspense,.in the cruel ithis the best of all ‘hardships endured;she learned thejings.: iseeret frém their own lips.Ttslay in|¥ ‘that sublimest of all words—uty IT MUST BE TRUE. \deenly nooted in the heart of cvety}oo itrue patriot.It was the lofty contep-|Statesville vict camps to as¢ertain the ‘health|ony sanitary.conditions with which|they are being manitained. kaaNehollcnaRRRERLE The Next County Singing. Readers Must Come,to 1 citi 1 coli That Conelusjon.— nd et ateoe -alerts It'is not the telling of a single case; ‘Suchisthe record ofoneday’sdamagedonebytornadoes. -You don’t know when the tornado may strike your property,but you do know the“Old Hartford”protectsagainstallloss,For over a £ Statesville,N.CG. hundred years the Hartford... Fire Insurance Company has met€very honest claim promptly.Buy a Hartford ‘ Tornado Policy today.Itis the nearest thirig to comfort -when a Tornado strikes.g eople’s Loan&SavingsBank, Resident Agent. eres4 \léablishing homes and’rearing ‘iwell, with the hard lines ‘with Ty”weet face ‘to face if cee}‘ami-|;you -know,bears the stamp’of truth Malet ies in‘tumulttious and poverty-strick- -|eni days of Reconstruction.If sucees®|pia following is one ofthe public\bemeasuredby opportunity,then.may|‘d inot the name of the Confederate sol-}statements made in this dier-be written higher than many oth-|a)004%5 Kidney Pills: jers whose lines have fallen in better’.:a .;J.E.Fry,foreman*‘in furniture‘}times.=. I would weave this chaplet to.the shop,220 E:Bell St.,Statesville,says: *T had lumbago and often such sharp locality about jmemory of the two that have “cross- ed the bar,”I ‘would entwine it as a{garland around the brow of him ‘who lis left behind;and’to the consorts,lof these—the one the young wife wait-‘ing athomethe newsof her husband’s fate;the other the daughter of the -|widowed mother,made_so by War'sruthless-hand;‘and still the other thefaithfulhelpmeetofthereturned,sol- dier—to each of these be all honor in ‘jthat:they have kept their trust so May gentle peace rest like abenedictionuponthem,and when life’swarfareshallbeo’er,may they,too, “lie down to pleasant dreams.” Steamers Admitted to Registry. Washington Dispatch. |Admission to “American registry of 12 foreign steamers purchased for the American Trans-Atrantic CompanywasassuredwhenSecretaryLansingtransmittedtothe.Department «ofCommercea-written memorandum holding that neither international law my back when I stooped,that T could hardly straighten. Kidney Pills highly recommended.I got a supply from ‘the Statesville Drug Co.and began taking them.I was soon relieved.When I notice that my kidneys are not acting just right, T take a few doses of Doan’s Kidney Pills and they put me in good shape.” Price 50c.at all dealers. simply ask’for a kidney remedy—get Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that Props.,Buffalo.N.Y. nor policy stood-in-the way of the e °eemaneSSnitePinkandDespitetheinformation.of the bu-9 reau of navigation that the transac- Cerne nae teeter eats seer ene a are GEO.H.BROWN,President. 1.“The Clutching Hand”| yy Of poverty and want willnever grab you ;if you have an.active Sayings account in .:a good Bank—this Bank for instance. ‘But you want to start in time.Startnow, and start here,“A dollar will do to start with anda hundred dollars wouldn’t stop you,once you realize how important a: savings account is. .SAFETY Sad —SERVICE—SATISFACTION. eceaiecacatermaee Merchants and s itions were.financed:by Hugo Stinnes, Blif the ownership was neutral. E\the vessels were:originally of Dutch; Lavender AsterincapitalistofEssen..Germany,the |without sufficientsir was-6;the-num-.| airemodeling “of “the State's‘: im-Statesville,but.a number of citi, zens_testify:(Endorsement -by-people,. pains caught me across the small of) the county’sing-|||| Seeing Doan’s - their|singing--September .25.Ib.is,urged 1. |:ad ee &Ik ™Ts i a .=e 7 i ;;*‘ri fe as |STANDARD OIL COMPANY © ‘Washington,D.C.,New Jersey),Charlotte,N,C,oe|Nopeve .GaLnmonsy See va.TT Po i .Charleston,$.C-7" BETTER COOKING ons “Yin ‘J art doing all my baking in a NEW PERFECTION Oven on a NEW PERFECTION Oil Cook- stove this summer.” “Tt bakes bread so richly browned—such delicious biscuits —such light,fluffy cake.”ee ; The secret is the current of fresh hot airpassingcontinuallyoverandunderthe .food—drying out the steam and preven- ting sogginess,an exclusive advantage . of the NEW PERFECTION Oven.a With a NEW PERFECTION OilCookstoveandaNEWPERFECTIONOvenyoucanhaveacool,clean kitchenallsimmer.No wood to cut;no coaltocarry;no smoke or ashes. 6 The NEW PERFECTIONis likea |. :gas stove.It is ready day.or night. \:Reeds no priming,-Made,in 1,3,3efi)¥wey,aes -and 4 burner.sizes..Hardware,dealers, 'and general stores everywhere)<0)ou fab ol Mime es bie Ae AGUseAladdinSecurity,,or:Diamond White Oxtogbtainthebest.results in oilStoves,Heaters,and Lamps. San a td Abie2aera Ort =ia Don’t}>— Mr.Fry had.Foster-Milburn Co.,|| @>\METAL SHINGIFaiayetAuk4 LAZENBY-MONTGOMERY HARDWARE CO., *= Statesville,N.C. iState Department took the *position that.neither this government.nor the prize courts of belligerent nations could go behind the bona fide owner-ship of the vessels by an American] company and that a mortgage heldbyacitizenof@belligerentcountryon’a ship would not justify its seizure -The Carnation Season -is over,but we haveplentyofbeautifulwhite,pink and laven--der Aster which splen-didly take the placeofCarnationsthroughthesummer. The 12 vessels have-an agerceate siof 44,241 gross tons and are’valued at upwards of $2,000,000,Eleven’of Norwegian.or Greck.-ownership.7 ExpectingWhat They May Not} vein,Cae Gb.The corporation counsel of Ashe-)ville finds that the ‘Bell .TelephoneCompany.is due that city more taxesthanitis'paying:The franchise pr vides that the tax rate may be in>creased when the telephone rate is in-creased;that the phone rates wereincreasedtwoyearsagobutthe‘aay t is esratewasnot.increased.=;aVanLindley(Co,mated that the incfeased taxes due,the jepunictpallty,by the Bell company i A$1, ‘FLORISTS TO THE SOUTH, _GREENSBORO,5.0.. All orders have atten-tion the moment re-ceived.Beautiful de-signs for all purposescharminglyarrangedbyourexperts. ¢ ‘will amount (00 to $2,500. t be well for Asheville to}fapends ithe.Boll Telyatevineie€ pany probably hag a firme ie State than.any corpor-~‘and:not infrequently it iswhatitwants,and get) Lenoir Coll Hickory,N.oir College,Hickory, Co-Education under the best conditions and management.~A real‘,College,but not sectarian.Our A.B.gradua dnter Graduate’tmentinourStateUniversityandotheruniversitiesandattaintheA.Mi inoneyear.rs asFiveModernbuildings,steam heat,electric lights,city water,and ‘gas,NewYoderScienceBuilding,with up-to-date laboratories for Chemistry,Physics and Biology.Library and Reading,Room,Clean Athletics.‘Splei Dornmitories,..;GOOD.BOARD AT COST for young men last session,$9.20 aseat for youngidee$9.00 a eee room rent,$1.50 a month,~é Sears feepartments:,Literary,Music,(Piano,Voice,Violin),Kixpression;A:Buse ness,Domestic Science and Domesti¢Arts,ann Preparitene,:'~Lg ;GENUINE COLLEGE ADVANTAGES WITHIN REACH OR THE PEOPLE!|_—Write forSCatalogue,i -R.L.FRITZ,President,-Hickory,N.C. RO S C O E et ee tt PS ee ht e ne t et RORCERCECECRCECACECECHGROECECHO OECE CECE CHORE Pa! COMFORTABEE and COOL FOOTW ‘These warm days you feel the need of acomfortablepairofOxferds,Sandals and—Pumps.We'have justthat kind.Plenty of them in White,Palm’Beach,Tan and Black. Let us give you the benefit of our experi-ence in fitting them properly.Pcaee_....Yours to serve,~ The S.,M.&H.S - |‘ang at 99 o'dock 1 ‘phone or mail orders Children’s Dresses Se. Tuesday morning we put on sale 0c,‘Tow- els at ‘5c.Huck Towels 25c.Turkish Towels ‘Coats’Spool Cotton Children’s Dresses Be. 9c. “Ac. NOTIONS. 2 cards 5c.Safety Pins for 2 ‘packages Wire Hair Pins for }Balls Gotton 1 dozen Pearl Buttons A.pasture should jantathighwoods.to furnish a,shadyhecattle.The.’woodlandpreservedtopreventtheadlandswashingawayand t our streams overflowing‘of heavy rains.The leaves.ae forest hold the wa- for cultivation Tredell const to spend ‘sodrher.creeks.is7»days past the uplandHowedto.wash into.the bot-thebottoms filled and ere formed along.theThebottomsandswereclear- mani |‘cotton and:tobacco,graiually washed into-same thing will re-less the woodland is pre-oreof the slopes.are letor-are sowedin grassesmtwashing.‘The State now‘@ stringent law against for- sing a fing of $50 or 30ntforcarelessnessins.The law is‘a good one“enforced ‘by courity au-ery forest fire can’be ‘some one’s.carclessness. .,Millsaps Talks Alfalfa..Millsaps,who has been il.study to the growhg ‘or seven years and has n the Department of Aj-interested ‘in -alfaifa-dem-qn his territory,told the “to successfully grow this and profitable hay crop. guetess of the Rock Hill ‘Was pointed out as beingowingstrictly.the instrue- owing the crop,each‘the clib being under ah 40 follow.instructions,The ‘alfalfa will grow in thisalreadybeenestablished -questior is how to growally.At least three Iredell y.growing it suc- is a trop which requires »time and:expense to getSutthispaysbestintheerlypreparedseedbedis i tand should be plowedinthésdeep..in winter and spring and veretation. @ tons of lime,phosphate and_fivesofstablemanureshould into each.acte of the soil, p gust or first of| ‘ere is a ‘goodthesoi”the land should;latedwith land from.a_field_gtpwn alfalfa’and”25|od ‘own west ofshould“be sowed toiniwiththe‘nextcuttingsofnealfalfale@achseason“and theield’where .these+ean:beenn gattied:out has beenacre’each cutting. ’éaa brin | -loecasions. Thejt ai S5 $22 and $28 per ton,reparing an acre off a $a.Proper Useof ieizers,;Mr.Ri W.Collett,who fs aff.adgalm inthe use of commercial fertilizer,made a brief talk on the proper use of.fertilizers.The’use of fertilizerhasbeenfoundprofitable,he ‘Said, when properly used,but many’far- mers never.-get--the:full.benefit -oftheirfertilizerbecausetheydonot study the needs of their.particular soil,The men mixing the fertilizersmixthem-ageordine to -a—standard,but different”soils ..need differentamountsofcertainingredients. Farm Management. Mr.French made an interesting talk-on farm management,in whichhetoldthefarmersofmethods.ofsavingtimeandtheeconomicalwork- ing of land.The land should be work- ed‘in as large patches as possible tosavétimeinturningattheendoftherows;modern tools should be used to save timé and labor;land shouldbeplowedinwinterbecauseitmakes:¢a better seedbed when allowed.to.freeze after being broken and’be- cause the farmer has more time for plowing ‘in winter than:in summer; poor land should be pastured until it will-produce.a-geod crop.Mr.Frenchalsourgedthefarmerstogivethe boys.a--better chanee:on ‘the farm.Let them have a part of whatis made so that they will not have to ask for money for:personal needs...And let them.exercise their own.judgment onItisoften’better than thatofthefather,When the’boys are made partners in:the business.they: will take a.greater interest in it, Institute For Women, Mr;-and-—Mrs,-Hutt-conducted the institute for the women dutitig the same hours the men were in session. In the forenoon Mrs*Hutt’talked on the relation.of health.to beauty,di- recting her remarks to the young.la- dies,who seemed to be in the ma- jority at the ladies’tent..She ex- plained how even the complexion is dependent on fresh air and the:food we eat,and immunity-from some dis-eases is dependent on how we carryourbodies-in-walking,sitting;ete;-A4girlshouldalwayswalkerectwithshoulders~back.—-Mr;—Hutt-told the farm women-how to have -a gardenalltheyear‘round.He explained.thecareofthepermanentgarden,which’should contain asparagus,strawber-ties,gooseberries,grapes,ete.and}told how to rotate the other garden|crops,which must:be planted fromtimetotime.Mr.Hutt is himselfanexpertgardener.)During the’afternoon,Mrs.Hitt)told ofsome of the practices of.theipast,which have been found uselessandevendetrimentalinthe‘care of|ibabies;and told of the food valuesofthethingsweeat.Some produce}ibone,some heat,someé tissue,ete.Mr:Hutt discussed the farm flower gar-den and Brief talks were made to theladiesbyMr,Holmes and Mr,Pate,|who,tad spoken to the men.in tHeAorenoon,Mr,Holmes urged the ob-|Bervance of arbor day,a day setapartfortheplantingoftrees,and|‘Mr,Pate discussed the care of pn cost ‘of 5e. Pale W ednesday at 9O'clock ee5c.Lace at]Ic.yard. CLOTHING. $5 and ‘$6 PalmBeach Suits --$1 Shirts B.V.D.Union Suits $3.95 75c. 75c. Wednesday ‘morning at 9oclock we sell Ladies’ 10c.Black Hose at Ic. ‘Limited four toapair. cu stomer. Seepreeseae ty ;Dun eye rec‘crowdie dinner):5 cording”to‘thei n seenng ‘in “familiees andmeth Beskere,Sa teenes |Pibfore fone”“had,pleasure of ning”th Supt! and Mrs,F .T.Meacham of the farm,ve a few families who’gpread withthem, appointed the institute committee for next year:Messrs.R:.W.Pou.ofElmwood,W.C*Wooten and J.C. Dunlap of Bethany township,F.T.Meacham.of the State Farm,W.D.Troutman of Troutman,and H.L.Gilbert of Shiloh township.The duty of this committee will be to adver- tise the next.annual institute to ‘beheldattheIredellTest.Farm.. TheStony.Point ,Reunion. Correspondence of The Landmark.: Let me rémind the old vetérans and friends,through the columns of.The Landmark,that you are invited to at-tend the reunion at Stony Point Wed-nesday,August 4th.«if you ever-at-tended one:of the reunions=at etPlacethisnoticeisunnecessary.has.been’my pleasure to visit Avene good.and.veteran-loving peeile for several’years,and whenI.say they have the best reunion {no exception )that it has ever been my._pleasure.toattend,I am only expressing:a truth, which you will endorse after you at- tend:on the 4th." treated well,the veterans come first. There is no graft there.They ap-preciate the trials and heroic deeds ofthosewho:went’out to«battle forhomesandlovedones,and.thoughalostcausewastheresult,these peo- ple hold in their hevrts a feeling of love which:they are endeavoring toshowbytheirgehuinehospitality—by opening their purses and hones to give you pleasure and comfort.Thenoblewomehyotiwillmeet,and to seo their untiringyoupleasureand comfort,together with meeting such ‘men as’Watts, Sims,Summers and all the committee,will reward:you for your.trip.Sogo to’Stony Point:on the 4th.:OLD VETERAN. Col._Fairbrother Gets a New Line About the:Pyramids. Everything:pene We-recently-attended:an iMustrat-|fedlecture-at the Normal College and saw the pictures of the’pyramids,Wie had always understood’that thestonesjin’those ~wonderful tombs were so-large that no known powerjwevhave‘today’could ‘havé movedithem,‘and we have seen able articlés|proying they.were made of somekindof.concrete. |Were others five times as large,used|by builders of that period;that:in’a4jsingle‘pyramid.there were as.maryas.five million stones,'and bigosh;heshowedusthepictureof’em=—andsaiditwasthetruth.”Therefore ‘theimanfromMissouriisaginjustified.FOR mei daaiceton _Bhrectybh od AYeeeShow‘me—should betite int of allmen.y" 59,Gar the |g The following named ‘citizens were| Whhilé scores will be present and‘all efforts -to give]“= This Sale Lasts 4All This a? o3 Back.”»Each Day Something (eee newepaper:a :18c.Wash ‘Ties _10c... 50c.Silk Ties,three for $1.00. ‘Everythingin.our big store has been reducedforthissale. SHOES,SHOES. AU go at sale prices.,- Children’s Hose ghie Ladies’Hose,black and white,- Suit Cases and Trunks all go at sale prices. 10c.and 12 1-2c.ee 8 1-2c, , o 3c. 5c, g] $9.00 A second glance is not necessary to show the value of these Rockers,It’s all there..The curvesaregraceful;the proportions are correct and the finishiis the very best. Our responsibility does not cease’when we have made 5 sale to you _If anything goes wrong withtheseRockers,you will find us reasonable,and standing square,behind our guarantee. Tofully appreciate these values it will benecessary my see these handsome Rockers at our store. -Crawford-Bunch Furniture CompanyoeeeSTORETHATALWAYSWELCOMES,YOU. ey et q We have a few packages ‘of niceStationery,the boxes of which havet):that wevare placing on sale at cost.A ”Stationery parila 3becomesoiled(Stationery all ri good time to get some nice goods cheap.Statesville Printing ¢Co. But the lecturer}Loiwhoillustratedhislecturesaidthere|| estate estate notify ‘alt,persons having?claims.against ht | ‘the ‘ad Ay. ‘Bulging“Materials!e “Statesville,NN.C.,North CenterStreet,Next anova vesreneere: “TO CREDITORS.eee fied as administrator of theofktidyTomlin,degeased,«1 -hereb eee ee IN SlateRooting?Tin Roofing? RB.Met AUGHLIN, t enrasrtatr agony houre —a “Shatpe Sin-or'$héet Metal Work’ofany Kind?LET US KNOW. July%, el ee|The.Quinine ThatDoes NotAffect The Head)’|Because of its tanic aoe laxative effect,|‘TIVE BROMO QUININ iabetter then Salles)(Quinine and does not pee uaness nornameand | a |Bo in ae thre of i We G‘ull ven I Lester and wife'Sherril wr aad due June.10,having this yote will,presentby‘or ‘The isafer Sl within'motion will he‘eaid 4 “ARE You IN TERESTEip ee ea nenPanto (PREDELL TIN WORKS.’Bett Phone 98,f Independent "Phone 197, »plead HH,LESa-1uly18,: Hea vy ign .Money, VOL.XLIL. 7Se marron COURT quir wiWEDNESDAY. Will Begin on1Civil Docket.Mon-day —Cases ou the CriminalDocketandGrandJury’s Re- port, Tredell RipeeGe Court .adjourned Wednesday «evening.until Monday,when the civil docket will be takenupfortrial.Cases on the State dock- et were disposed of as follows:Ed.Hagler and Hoke Morrow,lar-ceny;defendants entered plea of nolo contendere to.charge of obtainingHokeMorrow,was acquitted.Prayer for judgment was continuedincaseofHeglar.Bond of $200. J.Hugh ‘Grier plead guilty of lar- ceny and was sentenced to fourmonthsontheroads.John Moore and George Mundayenteredapleaofguiltytoachargeof carrying concealed weapons and weresenttotheroadsfor90days.These are the young men who have beenheldforshootingyoungJamesHar-bin.A case against these two andClydeHeathfornuisancewasnol prosséed.In a case against MundayundMooreforassault’with deadlyweapon,they plead guilty and prayerforjudgmentwascontinued..Jake.Helpler plead guilty of dis.tilling brandy.Prayer for judgment continued on payment of cost,bond_being fixed at $200.Ophelia Moore plead:guilty of lar- ceny and prayer for judgment was continued. ‘Andy Brown was acquitted”of achargeoflarceny. Clyde Little entered a plea of nolo contendere to a charge of retailing;judgment.continued to October term,bond fixed at $200.In a second case against Little judgement was-suspend-ed on payment of cost.‘Hub Redman:and Sherrill Daltonwerefined$5 each and half the costeachforgambling.-Henry Johnsen,—indieted—for—mur- der,plead guilty of manslaughter. Ten years on the chain gang.John- son,who is colored,killed Tom Rick- ert,also colored,at the Statesvillestationlastspring.M,.D.Woodward and L.N.Scott,assault with deadly weapon;Wood-ward guilty and Scott guilty of sim-ple assault.Fined $10 each.Lestér Jones and Will Harris pieadguiltyofagsaultwithdeadlyweapon;fined $5 each and cost,‘Amos Gregory,charged with nui-sance,admitted hig guilt and was senttotheroadsfourmonths.“Nol,pros with leave’was enteredinthefoollowingcases:Claude Jordan,abandonmént;Geo,and Douglass Mc-Dowell,Lytton and Johnson Conner,affray;,Lizkie Hox.perjury;Laura Gregory,bawdy house:Frank Moore,affray;‘Jim Tilford,larceny |and re- ceiving;Marshall McLelland.carryingconcealédweapén;Rena White and Mary.Ann Carson,affray;-MonroeBelt,assault with deadly weapon and carrying concealed weapon. Roy McLelland,the negro who bought much witch hazel on the credit _of the Commercial barber—shop,—sold _bond for $250 being renewed. *: »iy it and appropriated the money to his own use,plead guilty to a charge of embezzlement and was sent to‘theroadsforfourmonths, Case against R.it.Gant,chargedwith“conspiring to cheat ‘and de- fraud,”was continued to October term, Son Tomlin ‘was acquitted of achargeoflarcenyandreceiving. Bolin Young,who’was sent to the roads for 90 days for secret assault,was also arraigned Tor escaping.Hepleadguiltyandjuntwassus- pended on payment .of the cost.The case of Roe.Campbell for re- moving ‘crop,occupied much.’of thefeaofthecourt.on Wednesday.s-said that about $8.was involvedpeelawyersshoutedand’gesticu-aed and sweat as much as if theamount.had been $3,000.The defend- ant was acquitted. Coit Lynch,charged with larceny and receiving,admitted his guilt and was sent to the roads for 60 days.Lester Flow,who plead guilty of an assault with a deadly.weapon,wassenttotheroadsfortendays. Judgment absolute was entered in sci fa cases.against Claude JordanandJ.A,Davidson,John Hyams and DPD.B.Sterns.John:Frazier,BolinYoung.and C.B.Burgin.In a caseagainstT.E.Redman and D.V.Campbell,defendants were discharg-ed.The grand jury did not returnatruebillagainstAndersonYoung,charged with disposing of mortgaged property,nor against Cute —Little,charged with carrying concealed weap- on,Manly Brown,charged with lar-ceny and housebreaking,admittedguiltandwasassignedtotheroads for 12 months).T:A.Redman,whoplead of distilling,gave bond Ue $200 forhisappearance:at October term of court. A’number ‘of witnesses who.failedtoanswérwhencalledwerefined$40,but,nobody can recall that a fine en- tered in,such cases was'‘ever paid.The’witnesses usually come up’withanexcuseandthelawyersgetthem Grand Jury's’Report.The grand jury,Mr.R,P,Allison, foreman,discharged Wednesday,rec-ommended in its report that.the cellsofthe.jail be whitewashed and the}wlonerpinayaayoh@.bed ng was found to reommendedthatit-be dinptoted asoinenewbedding:putin.”The court house offices are in eubiy "Pannessec, AFIGHTAT STONY POINT. Iredell Man Cut:Alexandrian—Several Persons Involved. In a general fight at Stony PointlateTuesdaynight’“Bud”Hallybur-ton was cut,and dangerously wound.ed by Marehall Price.Price.slashedWallyburtonacross’the left side ofhisfaceandneckwithaknife,pene-trating the jugular vein.Dr.Crouch of Stony Point gave the injured manimmediateattentionandDr.E.M.Yount of Statesville,who.was calledbytelephone,rushed to Stony Pointinhismachineandassistedinsew-ing up the wound.Tt was feared foratimethatadeathwoundhadbeen inflicted,but the victim’s conditionhassincebeenmorefavorable. After cutting Hallyburton young Price fled to his home in Concord township,this county,where he wasarrestedlaterinthenightbyDeputy Sheriff Wpodsides,who took him to Taylorsville and placed him,in jail to await trial.Other arrests in conneé-tion with the fight were expected to be made yesterday.While details oftheactualencountercouldnotbelearned,it seems that the fight was a general one with “Bub”and Frank Hallyburton and their ‘uncle,“Bud” Reynolds,arrayed against Marshall, Charles and Austin Price.Quite anumberofblowswerepassed,it is said,and probably more than oneknifewasputintoplay.Frank Hal- lyburton received a cut on.his hand, but so far as could be learned none of the othe?combatants besides the two Hallyburtons bore marks of the battle.The Price boys are sons of Mr.Gas- ton Price of Concord township and the Hallyburtons are sous of Mr.George Hallyburton of the Steny Point com- munity.They were members of acrowdwhichhadgatheredabouta merry-go-round which had arrived atStonyPointadayortwoinadvance of the old soldiers’reunion,whichtook’placeWednesday.4 THE DEATH RECORD. Funeral of Mrs.Summers— Death of Mr.Kerr and Mrs. .Turner:in.Salisbury.f The funeral of Mrs.Sarah Sum- mers,whose death at her home in Sharpesburg township Monday eve- ning was briefly mentioned in the lastissueofTheLandmark,took place atSnow‘Creek chorch Wednesday at f1o’clock and the interment was inSnow@feckcemetery.The service awas’conducted -hy the family:pastor,Rey.*E..Di Brown of Loray..Mrs: Summers,had been a.»life-long mem-ber.of the .Preshyterian Church:andfor,years.a member of Clio church, in -her community. Mrs.Summers was a:daughter of the late Willis Gray and was the last survivor of her father’s family.She was born and reared in Bethany com-munity and would have been 82 years old on the 27th of this month,In 1858-57 »years ago—she married Thomas P:Summers and they reared a family of five children,who survive -~-Messrs.John,Charlie and Todd Summers,Mrs,N.A,Lewis and Miss Alice Summers,all of this county.‘Mrs.Siummers’illness was short, Her heilth declined recently,the re- sult of the infirmities of age;but her condition did not become serious un- til’Saturday night before her death. Mr,W.A:Kerr died Saturday night at his home in Salisbury after a pro-tracted.illness.He had been -under ireatment:at.Broadoaks.Sanatorium,Morganton,for.some time and retarn-ed to his home in Salisbury Friday.The funeral and interment took place in Salisbury Monday morning,the service being conducted at the First Methodist church by Rev.dno. W. Moore.The Salisbury Post says: “Mr.Kerr was a splendid man,a for- mer employe of the Southern at Spen-cer,and hada host of friends whoaresorrowedoverhisdeath.”‘Mr.Kerr was a native of Iredellcountyandhis.wife,who —surviveswithtwochildren,was Miss Lillie B. Troutman of this county,a.sister ofMr.'R,H.Troutman of Statesville.Mr.and Mrs.Troutman attended the funeral. Mrs.Blizabeth Turner,widow of the.late C.F.Turner,died Weednes-day at her home in Salisbury afteralongillness.The funeral and burial took ,placeat—Salisbury—yesterday.Mrs.Turner was an aunt of Mrs.J. ter had beer at her bedside for sev- eral days before she died. Mrs,M.A,Bass,79 years old,died Monday morning at the county home, Rev.Dn.~Charles Andersor,whohasbéénspendinghisvacationin >;Missouri and) Arkansas,will return home today and,will occupy his pulpit at the FirstBaptistchurchSundaymorning.: the.staircase jn the reat of the lobby.The room used by the grand”jury,says the report,is uncomfortable andunsatisfactoryastoventilation.Hatendcoatracksare:ask 'd for.thegrandjury.‘The buildings and “petite ‘of the!Ncountyhomeareingoodshapeandclean.:No comalaine.from ‘inmates.one fre eight’white gina ag atemales,four nea ene andcinegromen;one W :9 “apa and ‘com shape,says the.Wats but.iefreFecommnethefloorofthe ¥.Henley of Statesville and the lat-{ son ER ateNOBRIDGE AGREEMENT. Catawba Commissioners Make Counter Proposition, The Iredell and Catawbacommis:|sioners are not making much progress|toward “getting together”on the]- question of joint ownership of river}, bridges.When the bridge cooftheCatawbaboardmetwith the]committee of the Iredelllastmonth,the foint agreed to recommend to the se two.boards of commissioners that eachofthecountiespayonethirdofthecostofanewbridgeatIslandFord,pro-vided the Southern Power\Companywould-pay the other third; the.Buffalo Shoals bridgebridgenearMooresville,all three ofthebridgestobeoperatedastoll bridges until the tolls from the.threepayforthetwolatter,after which all three shall be free bridges.The Iredell board is willing to ac-cept the recommendation of the jointcommittee,but the Catawba board,at its meeting Monday,dissented:inameasure.The Catawba board wantsthetwocountiestosharethecostofthebridgesonapopulationbasis;andalsodesiresthatalltaxes:received hy the two counties on the Southern Power Company’s development beappliedtothecostalongwiththe tolls “until the ‘bridges~are> Inasmuch as Iredell has a larger pop- ulation than Catawba,and this coun-ty will also receive a larger amountoftaxesfromthepower.company, this would mean that Iredell wouldpaythemajorportionofthe:cost ofthebridgesunder‘the plan proposed by Catawba. TRAIN SWINGING VICTIM. Jake Feimster Trie‘Tried DangerousProjectOnceTooOften.| Jake Feimster,the negro who was killed on the local railway yards late Monday night,was a victim of a dan-gerous practice,common with the col-ored people living east of the railwaystation.Railroad men have complain-ed of the practice and occasionally:theoffieerscatchanoffenderinetheact}and take himinto court:It is said,however,that Feimister did.not makeahabitof“catching?‘trains.but it isevident,that -cauaht’“one too many.”ByJustasNo.16 left the station|}! Feimster “swung her”at the tender,expecting -to;jump ‘to safety at thecrossingjust.¢ast:of the station and‘walk from thereto hisi heme a.shortdistanceaway.Another coloréd man who was near the crosstng says*Feim- ster was hanging out:from the trainpreparatorytojumpingwhenhisbodystrucktheend6fafreightcar standing on a sidizig,causing him to lose his footing.He clung to thetrainforaninstantwithhishandsandthendroppedtothegroundandrolledbeneaththetrain,where the):wheels cut his body into pieces.:Oncofthetrainmen_in ie baggage carsawFeimsterwhenfellandthetrainwasstopped.The mangled andlifeless-hody was quickly located by |‘ the trainmen and persons who.wereaboutthestationatthetime.Pieces of flesh and clothing.were |strewnalongthetrackforsomelittledis-tance.Officers were called but itwasdecidedunnecessarytoholdaninquestand.ee body:was turned overtoanundprtaker.©Feimster’s’f:had been mashed off and he could tberecognizedonlybyhiselothingandadeformityinonehand,but therewasnodoubtabouthisidenity,anumberofother.negroes having seenhimswingthetrain,and one or.moresawhim-when he fell. Power Co.Force at Work Near Town. One -of the ‘Southern cheer Com- pany’s forces,constructing a power line from Salisbury to the LookoutShoalsdevelopmentontheCatawbariver,has been moved to this end ofthelineandisnowcampedonMr.T. Scott Barkley’s place,east of town.Two other forces are at work near Salisbury.Steel towers to carry theheavilycharged’power lines are beingconstructed.“The local force ‘is com-posed of about 85 men in charge ofMr.F.S.-Neal,Jr--Three or four months will be.rerneea to complete the line. Caesar Comes Back a Preacher. Caesar Allison,Jr.,a colored:youthwhohasbeenliving’in Pennsylvania for three years,is here on a visit tohishome.people.’Sinee ‘leavingStatesvilleCaesarhasdevelopedintoapreacher,and for the past two orthreedayshehasmadetalksonthestreets.He preaches on the-“old campmectin’*style,and as one of his col-{ored friends remarked,“he shore hashisspielwidhim.”Caesar ‘says hewillgotoCharlotte’next week to as- sist in a revival meeting.neaeccamonemsEkeFarmers’.Union’Picnic Today. The annual ee County Farmers’Union picnic to.held at Scott'sHighSchooaeis’expected.todrawalatgecrowd,Prof.M,C.S.Ne.‘of St Patani ookwill,beI‘and his sul ae rho)oi in stop =iz is.morn BD 8th‘4 see of those board early|¢committee }1 and in}.case the new bridge is built the two}!counties go halves in the purchase of|and the }J, yd eee eder Jurors>. STATESVILLE,N.C.PR DAY,AUGUST 6,1915. ry eam tonPit eeWASKILLEDIINCOLORADO. Young AlexanderMan Lost Life|)in Railroad Accident—Alexan- and+Tax Levy—~>Farmers’Institate and Teach- ‘ers’Institut a Pennell,UL. ALS.Lentz,WwW, W.Somers, VEcherd,er, L.Gwaltney..A. J. ‘M. J.R.Carson. Phe followingfor1915: the $100; and 12 pensio' cents 20 ~~cents on $1.43 on poll; ment the school eral fund,25 ce nts on poll. Special ‘school om $100 and 90-¢ cents on poll. appointed Mr.H, tax retorns of fice Us.ie:“week. brother,Lawyer Charlotte:‘&number.oftendedtheold Mrs.Athelia Christine:Alspau Point,and Mrs.S. ite were guests 4sonthisweek. was the guest o D.Lindsay,has Morresvondence of The Landmark, }Taylorsville,Aug.Phe county mmissioners were in Yegular.ses- list their’property ‘with.ligt-takers.Inthe absence |Burke,Register‘of Deeds Wi:A.Bar- [fee will receive! e-——Personals. H.Teague,I,M. .W,D.Harrington.J.J.Looper, .Stikeleather,H.L.Fincannon, .Sicctanee Pennell,J:A.Lowrance, S._Stephenson,.H.A.Childers...J.C,Adams,J.E.Chatham,J.F.Wike,J.Palmer,W.D.Jolly,W.W.Myers,R.L.Herman,J.B.Goforth,D.C.Starnes,M.V. Deal.K.W.York,G.A.Childers,IR.*Millsaps,.D.C.J.W.Robinette,T.P.Walk- C.P.Davidson;second week-—/M. W.Beam,T.-H.Da- genhart,J.L.Herman,Floyd Smith, Duff Watts,G.W.“Stafford,Biff|; Stevenson,W.P.Blankenship,E.P:Danie!s,E.M.Wike,8.D.Gwaltney,J..W.Goodin,J.W.ere.M. berry,W.R.Daniels,H . May- .M.Harris, un:-twey._sennmadel State tax,23 1-8 cents on ns;4 cents on $100 on poll;~schools/ the $100 ©andspecialto‘supple- fund,15 cents on$100 and 45 cents on poll;county:gen- nts_on-$100 and 45 Total forall purposes, 1,02 1-3 on $100 and $2.90 on poll.tax in Taylorsville and Stony Point.districts,30 centsentsonpoll.Hidden- ite district,20 cents on $100 and 60 By special order the commissioners J.Burke to take thethosewhofailedto rularofMr: the returns at his.of- Lawyers Se -H,»Burke and:V.°G.Beckham ee iecourt.at States-Miss’Jennie Smithurnedfromavisit.to herW.M.Smith,in people from:here ‘at- soldiers”.reunion ‘atStonyPointWednesday. Little:-and grand- daughters,Misses Espy Little >and gh,are visiting Mrs: Little’s sister,Mrs.Chas.’Lippard,in Gastonia.Miss Eva Peeler of Salis-bury,Miss Estelle Harris of StonyS.J.Mays of Hidden- Mrs.W.F.Patter- irs.J.A,Neely,whofhersister,Mrs,H.returned to her homeinWinston-Salem.Mrs.E.H.Nor- garet,and son, com,of Columbia,’S.C.,are guefts Mrs.Norcom’s Surke.Mrs.J: her daughter,Mr: D.C.Henley and ‘Baltimore.Mrs. relier,-Miss., Cross,and Mrs. for Bluefield,W. here Sunday mo Mr. Jefferson today ruest of her sii and Mrs. Okla.are mother,Mrs.L.C.White of Phi and Mrs,J.A. Kelly of Salisbu home of her sonTheAlexander of Rockingham stitute... Mrs.Ty L. harlotte today rence,The farmers’ the court house day.—The first I,French,whofarmer,He talment,’His talkvice.Grass’is worth.of hay on Posy of Statesville,who McIntsoh,has returned home. Harry Herman’and’little son,Harry Herman,Jr.,of Biddings, visiting Mr. Moore iss Eliza Gaston Moore.will goto com.and daughter,little Miss Mar-Master Robert .Nor- ofR..B. of sister,Mrs.. ‘M.ArmstrongBelmontisaguestatthehome ofs.D.C.Henley.Capt.daughter,little Miss.Ruth Henley.have returned from atrintoNorfolk,Whshington City andS.E.Cross of Mont- mother of Mr.BugeneU._E.Gross and her children,of Grenada,Miss.,sister of Mrs.Eugene Cross.are guests at.the home of Mr.and-Mrs.Cross.Rey.L.L.Moore left this mornineVa..where he willcecupythepulpitofthePresbyterian church the second and third Sundayswhilehisbrother,the pastor,Rev..S. W.Moore,‘is away on his vacation. Rev.'C,A.Munroe,D.D.,of Hickory,will preach at the Presbyterian church} rning and evening.Ed.©.Campbell will go.tobusiness.Mrs, was theJames§. Mr. on ster,Mrs: Herman’s Herman.Lawyer T, ladelphia is spending his vaeation with his parents,Prof,White.Mrs.M.E.rv is visiting atthe ,Mr.H.T.Kelly.County Teachers’Tn- stitute will begin August 9th at theschoolbuildinghere.Prof.L.v:Bellwillconductthein- and:daughter, to visit Mrs.Moore’sparents,Capt,and\Mrs.R,A.\Tor- institute was ‘held in at Taylorsville Mon- speaker was Mr.A.is a very successful ked of soil improve-was full of good ad-his most’‘profitablecrop,three hands havitig saved $1,000hisfarminoneweek,e|Mr.French was followed by Mr.Pate,who hasized ‘the use of lime,etc.Prof.Holmes came next with a veryfereaetalkon!forest preserva-tion.Last ‘but not least,Mrs.Hutt.+]ive housekeeper inthe county:shone ve heard her'on the prepara-|beentionoffood,etc...which was interest-nd ecrcine It.is ‘to be re-'are ©fanpers do’not at- _}O£f grades to be taught in the new +/to have a complete schoal in the new .“eeeM.M.Blankenship,‘Pinkney|ionficld,D.P,Isenhour,D.P.Jolly, aaenene semana ansmesa.»sesarasetnaraamanasserest GRADES IN NEW BUILDING. Contention That There ShouldBea©te School in the New Buil and the Answer, nearing completion and the number building’has started talk among some adjacent to the building..Some ofthemclaimtheyunderstoodtheywere that all the 11 grades wereughtthere,and now they arecnet“het up”because they learntherewillbebutfourorfivegrades.Somebody is trying to put somethingoveronthem,they say.As a matter of fact The Landmark had never heard of the idea of a com-plete school in the new building until within the past few days and it won-ders on what ground anybody enter-tained the idea..No such promise-las publicly made,so far<as The|ported.Landmark knows,andnobody.had a right to make it privately.The newbuildingwaserectedto,enlarge thefradedschool’s capacity,as an addi-on to the present school,and locatedinanotherpartoftown.as a con- venience to the,terri farthestfremthepresentschool.. was that such grades would be taughtthereashadtobedividedandwould|faceommodate thé smaller children ineastend.Supt..Thompson says the tterhasnotbeendefinitelysett!but that not more than,five,and possiblybutfourgrades,will be taught in thenewbuilding.Grades above the fourth,or fifth at most,gh be taught by oneteacherinthepresentbuilding,and:it.would not be good business policytocutagradé'in two and double thecostofteaching,even if the schoolfundwassufficient;and as the schoolfundisn’t sufficientitcan’tbe done,— Ball Games—Statesville |Won Yesterday. game with Gastonia on the local -dia- Wilson did Statesville’s pitching andhisfineworkwasthefeature-oegame.Hie allowed the tie caefourhits,while Statesville made 9hits...Ma local fans were pleased with his work.Decatur pitched for ,Gastonia ’andMatthewscaught.A”number of fewplayerswhoaresaidtobethebest this afternoon ‘and ‘tomorrow.:The ‘Lenoir-Morganton game yes- noir by a score of 10 to 6. Statesville lost.to’Gastonia,atGas-tonia Tuesday and Wednesday:‘Tues-day's score was 5 to 4 in Gastonia’sfavorandWednesdayitwasGastonia4andStatesville3.This put Gastoniaahead-in-the League.‘At Morganton Tuesday inca wonoverMorgantonwi1,«bus “Morganton turned the tablesWednesday‘and won.from Lenoir:by)to Whi beapgetaaacndbs anionsniall A CALL TO THE MEXICANS. Armed factions in Mexico are to.be given one more opportunity to say],whether they are ready to make anhonesteffortamongthemselves—tocomposetheirdifferencesA’message expressing the-concert-ed demand of North and South Amer-|;ica that there shall be peace and res-toration of constitutional ‘govern-ment,addressed to all the Mexicanpolitical-and military leaders,will probably be sent as a result of.a con- ference in Washington, THE TEUTONS HAVE WARSAW. ‘Warsaw was taken yesterday morning by German ‘troops,accord-ing ‘to official announcement made at’German army headquarters. ‘Wednesday‘and,yesterday BavariantroopsunderthecommandofPrinceLeopold:broke through the forts oftheouterandinnerlinesofthecity’sdefenses,where the rear guards”ofthe’Russian troops made a tenacious: resistance, »Mr.and “Mrs.L.C.Lewis and chil-dren,‘Helen and “Buster,”leave to-day for the Wilkesboros.to zoe aweek. The number of eutoenebibes thoebe:ed‘in this State,for the fiscalbebeganJuly1,has reached 17,500, he revenue to the Stateis more than $105,000. be JSack~Pumn—colored,-of—Winston=Salem,engaged:in,greasing elevatoroewaseoniatwytheelevatorand|ishedtodeath, Garter,45 yebre old,was killea thbya‘train at’a railroad ‘crossing:al FeKernersvilleTuesdaynight.: and-Mrs.Green ‘Barnes of Little ypetownship,was accidentally killed ‘at|above:Fort Collins,Col.Thursday.morn-ing,July:29,at 4-o’clock.:Mr.Barnes}iwasarailroadbrakemanandwaskilled‘in line at etaccompanied:b:an em persot arailroad,night and were taltheparents.Mr.heretheNoihe hee er . from home six The new graded,scheol building is|’ of the folks who live in the territory |. he under-|standing,so far as thispaper heard,| Statesville proved a winner in the]; mond yesterday afternoon,the score)being Statesville 6 and Htaa 3.) Ceaete sae ,catcher,was behind the bat and the obtainable «have:been ‘added to:the}’\>local:team and:Statesville is expected|to!to -win again the games with Gastonia’Me us terday resulted in a victory for Le-}W: a scoreof4to} a score of 5 to 4.Up to WednesLenoirhadbeen’leading ‘in.Oe Rev.8:is ay *visil ‘League,:fatiee’county, Hleave.Sun |participate in so 8 mons +| oe BRIEF ITEMS LOCAL Ni ps se nds acerbereooresvieni¢Orphans’Home at ~ -~Home i ore eemaran’ever befplentifuland‘cheaqf..’""Wateraclonstoo,are.abundant. %fh ‘dap Abundant rains within|:week seem fo haye .been.p aeralover.the ‘county adroughtandfailureofoscornerophaveagainpassed,i cap ht is ne Shuford reunion,gt the old °Farmin Catawba county,on ‘the:208 —The roof of ‘the:“home“of Mr Phipps Lackey at Harmony was:aged by a win bYthatsectionotherherdamagefrommrsstormis bs Mins Lena:Gray;cy eee ship,ea‘brought toto the rayesterdayforanieradicitis.The operati tilt ta bee“performedtoday.Won ith,srs.W.H.Miller:wie W.F.Miller of P ‘the Polktonadachaty oefewdaysagowith Pgautitalof£10,000, —(Dr.a Cooper alley son a late J.S .Talley of-the eis Sateen ta posse ley was formerlya.student.oandM.College is graduatedOhioStateUniversity.| yesteonthe’"lands ofA:F.Tucker,tkeep off.~Judgmentonthepaymentofthe cc+-iEx-State Senator B.Hamptonville,Yadkin’county,‘WwneySseetey®‘to meet his’ the meeting of ‘the =tion at:lew. Statesville: ricomenence,ne Sera brought The Landmark aweighedtwopoundsandthan‘an ounce;and:Mr.€iscarcely left/the house*inger,who ‘lives west’:in with a tomatothat» ‘pounds and three quarter{The Statesville:y seni fotoattendtheState|ment,which opens to'20 members.of jheexpected:oa One of thehose‘wagon.will ch It’s the City:ee the StatesvinwhichMr.R. ris to Mr.3intendedMilling.‘Company,but*year)sometimes ocours-in- work in a ville was is.survived by -his wena‘brothers ‘and 2 sister.was:conieaod ‘by Rev, Seiad,a Little nee 2 TWO ore.Angnot &00h. other day when the case of twocitizens,kinsmen,who had fought, being severely cut,over the im- ant matter of the proper place to‘water a horse,was atred in:Iredell yurt,an attorney appearing in thecaseaskedthecourttodealgently with the defendants.He said it was a family row;that the men had 1ffade friends and desired to wipe out the -score and start afresh,It was sug~- s ;x gested on the side that the defend- ants deserved severe punishment for fighting about so trivial a matter, This was admitted to be true but it was suggested that nearly all fights, many of which lead to homicide,have their origin in some trivial matter— *.matters so puerile that grown men -ghould be ashamed to be involved by ‘them.:: |Now isn’t all that so?Men fall out and fight and.sometimes.dan- gerously wound or kill,and.cause endless sorrow and trouble and some- times.mar.the.-whole_lives.of many. innocent people as well as their own bout such things as where to wa- -ter a horse or other matters of no more importance.Right thinking ‘men are of course heartily ashamed of their conduct in:such Cases after it is all over,when <t is too late to »undo what has been done;but while the blood is hot they are as fierce and determined in contending for things of no earthly importance as if a great principle.was involved;as if their good name or honor were really at stake,when *the truth:is they~are only tarnishing their reputations by contending over trivialities that mightengagechildrenbutofwhichgrown men should be ashamed, _;These remarks are not intended to humiliate the defendants whose case gaverise‘tothem.They are no worse than numerous others who would have done just as they did.But the case __-_is.used as an illustration for the les-son it Should teach all of us who are liable to fall into the same er- ror—and that is to take the -sober second thought when the ‘temper be- ‘gins to rise,and ask,What is it all?Is it worth contending for?) 8 ‘tions in all seri-nit eakestine'to consider,Weitfewoccasionyinwhicha“personal brawl is worth while. ‘Whe truth is,the average individ-wal has a greatly exaggerated and "erroneous idea of what he.thinks ishonor.”Men disagree and often“Phink it is a point of honor to fightaboutthedisagreement,without.con-'‘widering.what is involved.Personal @ourage is a very fine thing but at:deal of what passes for personal‘courage isn’t true bravery.Many“|tien fight because an ungovernable“temper drives them on,It is not asignofcouragetohaveanuncon.trolable temper,It is only,asign ofJackof:self-control,the opposite of’true courage,Others fight becauseofamean,bullying disposition,adesiretohurtsomebody;and suchmenwanttobeconsideredeourage-ous when they don’t know the first"letter of the meaning of true courage.There are times when personal con-flicts ‘are seemingly necessary,butonlythatmanistrulybravewhocon-trols himself and fights only as a last‘resort and only for those things which_true men feel called on to defend.It“takes more’courage sometimes to~btay out of a brawl than to get in_.one;'and it wants to be remembered_always that “he that is slow to an--ger is better than’the mighty;andhethatrulethhisspiritthanhethattakethacity.” Great Britain’s note is on the samejinea8Germany’s.Neither of thesecountriescanseethatwehaveany-thing to ‘complain about.Both stressthefactthatunderthenewandun-usuval-conditions that prevail :in this_war that new interpretations must’beput.on ‘international regulations,“In‘short,the contention of belligerents,>@S-presented-hy Germany and GreatBritain,is Practically to the effectthatneutralnationshaverorights‘which.belligerents are compelled.to_Fespect;and that very attitude mayendinforcingtheUnitedStatestobécomeabelligerent, The-people-of Statesville should not“forget the claims of the BenevolentandReliefAssociation,For manyyearsanumberofgoodwomenhaveBiventimeandefforttorelievingtheworthypoorinthecommunity;to-helping those unable to help.them-‘Relves.They are dependent on the‘public for the means to do the work-~atid seeing that they are willing todothisnecessaryandwork,which involves no little sacri.‘fice on their part,the tieans should‘be furnished without their having to)through the limesto‘beg.Send a contribution to the Be.Mevolent “and-Relief Association. aged 79,a|operator of Pittsburgchauffeur,|when fbacco barn. praiseworthy Carl Wil. i and saidhe &Co, ,ANDMARK|NEWs From anour srare.|ipis|Accidents CrimesandOther In-|{ee‘oatsof Life in North Caro-|Matters. sell |ot the.Mereante Natta Ban ot-he on aA¢o-operative ereamery’is’beingorganizedatLincolnton.*Rana y A fair is to be yee at East Bend,Yadkin county,the comingfalls “Tax valuations in Buncombe countyhaveincreasedthisyearabout$3,000,-000—$2,000,000 of the increase beinginAsheville. A storm at Mt.Gilead,Montgom-ery county,Tuesday,blew down atentinwhichEvangelistRaymondBrowningwasconductinga.meeting.No one hurt.*oe Mr,W..A.Self of Hickory is loom-ing up for the Democratic ‘nomina-tion,for Attorney General.The New-ton Enterprise gives him a handsomeendorsement,3 The State Hospital at Raleich hasattachedadentisttotheHospitalstafftodoregularworkamongthepatients..Dr.E.R:Warren of Cas-wéll county fills the place.ea The name of the postoffice at Holly-wood,Carteret county.where theStatemilitiaencamp,has been per-manently changed to Camp Glenn,thenameoftheencampment,— The Yearly Meeting of Friends{the Quakers)is in progress at Guil-ford College,Guilford county.Themeetingisattendedbyrepresenta-tives from all over the country. Wake 'county’s new court house,costing $225,000 and a very handsome and up-to-date building,has been eom-pleted and will be formally:op-ened soon with appropriate ceremo- nies.‘:; Rover Thomas;2t spars old,tooksickonthe-train'.whilé on the wavfromSalisburytohis/hame in HighPointanddieda-hours afterreachinghome.‘Acute indigestion;the doctors said.Pee E.Carl Duncan,ptominent Repub-lican politician and business man ofRaleizh,who was quite ill some timeegoand:has been under treatment inNewYork,has returned to his home greatly improved in health. Mocksville Record:J.R.WilliamsofForkChurch,one of-the county’s oldest citizens,died,last SaturdayandwasburiedSunday.Mr.Williamshadbeenajusticeofthepeaceforabout60years,‘He was about 88yearsofage. A-Coneregational-church_mav—beorganizedjinSalisbury.Rev.W.H.Hopkins,1D.D.,of Atlanta,generalsuperintendentfor.the South of thehomemissionworkofthatChurch,will hold weekly services in Salisburyforatimetodeterminethematter.©»So many conviets hayes escapedfrom-the ,Buncombe oa *~chaifangthat’the ‘county ‘commissionehave‘givennotice’that a ‘fine of $10willbeleviedonacampsuperintend;‘jent and a fine of $5 on the guard forcachprisonerthatescapes.A fewescapes“will break’the superintend=ents and guards.ot Lowe Daniels,a white man whokilledtwopersonsinRatidolphcoun¢ty,and murderously assaulted others,‘but got off with a;term of 30 yearsintheStateprison,escaped from theStateprisonfarmafewdaysago;!and James Battle,seyving a life termformurder,got away a few days la-)ter..eeeHenryAllen,a young farmer livingnearGreenville,Pitt-county,lost hishome,his barn and tobacco pack andnearlyallthecontentsof.each,by fireafewdaysago.The fire originatedinthedwelling,probably“from thekitehén,while ‘Allen was at his to-He had about:$1,000 in-surance on the property,;Superintendent Albert Anderson oftheStateHospitalatRaleigh,Super-intendent John McCampbell of |theStateHbspitalatMorganton,©andSuperintendentW.W;Faison of theStateHospitalatGoldsboro,are ap-!pointed by Governor Craig as svecialcommissiontoexamineCharlesTrull,now under death sentence from Meck-lenburg ‘county,and to pass on hissanity.;"Me Agee Diver Met Death in a Pipe. Hundreds of persons crowded High-land Park,Pittsburg,Pa.,Mondayafternoon,while a force of Policemen,firemen and divers worked franticallytosaveCharlesCarpenter,a diver,who was lost ina 5l-inch pipe con.necting two reservoirs in the park.Carpenter had:entered the main justbeforenoontoremove.an obstructionandwaseffectivelyimprisonedwhenacablesnappedandtheheavy‘irondoor;deep:in the-water,dropped.be-hind him.Nothing was thought:ofhisabsenceforanhourbutwhenhedidnotrespondtosignalsanotherdiver:went down and found the doorclosed.The air hoseseemedto beintact,and the pumps were kept go-ing while other divers worked to openthedoorand“still others sought forthesecondentrancetothepipe.Justefore5o’clock the door was liftedand.Carpenter's bodywas-_loeated.Hehadbeendeadonlyafewminutes, TLRSPlantSubmergedinQuicksand—Three Lives,Lost.Three men were killed and eight in-Jured,one of whom may die,.when Cement Company at Greenport,halfamileeastofHudson,N.Y.,wassubmergedinaquicksand.Withoutwarning,the plant,together withlandabouttotheextentofthreeacres,caved in to a depth of 30 feet.Officials of the State Geologist’s of.fice believe that the power plant wasbuiltonathinstratumofhardclaywhichrestedonalimestonefounda-tion.Ai small stream known asClaverackcreekranthroughthece-ment company’s grounds and it is be-lieved the water of this creek seeped ne and graduallyturneditinto’a quicksand, The Clerk Guaranteed It,‘da“A customer.came into my store the otherday“andanything that will,cure diarrhoea?and “im:inn’“Coles"Chalces ad pits,of,Chamberandsaidtohim,‘it this does not sewill’not fe you A cent.for.it.’89 hetook.it andcame back in a day or twowascured,”writes J.1H. “expense. noon,August 11 and 18,.2-to.5 o’clock. the power plant of the Knickerbocker |? Said to one Of my clerks;“have you re ~Louis,committedshootinghimself.Bad healthis thereasonsuted.te oyThethirdannualmeéetingoftheSouthernCattlemen’s ~Assoeiationwillbeheld-at Birmingham,Ala.,Au-gust 18,10°and 20.Special reducedpassengerratesfortheroundtrip,More than $1,000,000,000 is ‘thevalueofthegoldandsilverinthe’ints at,Philadelphia.Denver and.San Francisco and in the assay.office’at New York,according to the:an:! nual count just completed by the gov-ernment.Va oceanPresidentHarahanofthe SeaboardAirLinerailroadhas‘denied aireportthat.he had stated that there would earnings of the Seaboard this year.On :the contrat he says hé expects@healthyincrease.Bas “A peaceful rest in the bloodstain-ed soil of their fatherland is wishedforthebraveFrench:warriérs “bytheirGermancomradesoftheLoretteHeights.”This is the inscription ona-monument erected by German gol-diers as_a tribute to their fallen foeswhomtheyburiedafterthe‘terriblestruggleforthepossessionofLeretteHeights.~Experiments on the governmentfarmatBeltsville,Md.,show.that:itcoststhepoultrymen10centstopro:duce oné dozen eggs for the “citymarkets.The’same eggs cost the|city consumer from 25 cents:in thesummerto45and50centsinwinter.|The experiments,which were.made by|the government experts,were with |hens during their first laying season,‘Arrangements:to facilitate Ameri-|can trade with Switzerland through|France are being made byAmerican |commercial and diplomatic officials inFranceattherequestoftheDepart-|ment of Commerce.They are expect.|ed to alleviate the dyestuff “famine|through exportation °of American|crude oil.by-products to -Switedrland | American use.:: Two soldiers and a civilian were!killed at the United States arsenal at}Frankford,Philadelphia,Tuesday.in|an explosion of time fuses.Another|civilian was injured.The men were}working on the firing range some dis-!tance from the main arsenal!build-|ings...They'were unpacking fuses,|withdrawn:from service and sent to}the arsenal to be broken up,-when’ one of the boxes exploded.{ World’s consumption of Aimerican-|grown cotton during the séasoni end-|ed’July 21 amounted to 14,184,000!bales,according to a statement.is:|sted by‘Setretary H...G.Hester ‘of |the’:New Orleans ‘Cotton’Exchange:During:the |preceding sumption |amounted’to 14,541,000bales,”‘The total visible ‘and invisiblesupply‘of:Americ¢an cotton at the|end ‘of the year was c nted as ‘6s;529,000 bales,the lar;on.records Waterworks For.$20;.- University News Letter,An Orange’county’’farmer,Mr.Monroe ‘Smith,in Bingham township,has solved the problem of running wa-{ter for his home,simply and at’small His ram.the necessary plumbing,and the little water-house at.hiskitchendoor,cost,all told,less*than20. If you will write him at Teer,RouteNo.1,he willbe pleased to tell youhowhe-savéd-his-good wife from thebatk-breaking task of carryingwaterdailyfromthefar-away spring.May his tribe increase! Judgé Lindsay Held Guilty of| Contempt.AY Judge Ben B.Lindsey of the Denver,Col.,juvenile court has beenfoundguiltyofcontempt.ofcourt byDistrictJudgeJohnA.Perry.Sen-‘tence was deferred.i-fhe contempt.case resulted «fromthejuvenilecourtjudge’s refusal :torevealonthewitnessstand-what heclaimed.was a.confidential:conversa-tion with Neal Wright,aged 12,whose testimony had much to do withtheacquittalofhismother,Mrs.Berta Wright,charged with the mur-der of her husband,Judge Lindsaywillappeal,ANT-TYPHOIO.TREATMENT Appointments For Anti -TyphoidTreatmentsintheCounty. The appointments for the countyareasfollows: W.H,H.Summers’store—Monday forenoon,August:and 16,9 o’clock to 1 p,m.:A Harmony —Afternoon of Monday, August 9 and 16,2 to 5 o’clock.. ‘Houstonville —Tuesday -forenoon,August 10 and 17,9’to1 p.m. be a material decrease in’the aren for manufacture into aniline dyes for|# Season ¢on-|{ a P :The following prices f.ob.Detroit,effective August August 2,1915. ,Ford Runabout -----$390.00FordTouringCar---- Ford Town Car --.-- No speedometer includedin this year’s 440.00 640.00 - 4 equipment,otherwise cars fully equipped There can be no assurance given against an advance in these prices atanytime.We guar<ntee,however,that there will be no reduction in‘these prices prior to August 1,1916, Profit-Sharing With Retail Buyers. On Augist.1,1914,we madesellatrefail300,000 Ford cars‘between AuwewouldshareprofitswiththeretailpureWehavesoldover'300;000$60 on each car. f ‘\sitheannouncementthatifwecouldmake andst1,1914,and August 1,1915,asers,to the extent of.from $40 toFordcarsinthetimespecified,,and profit-sharing checks of $50 each will be distributed as rapidly as possibleafterAugust15,1915.Retail purchasers who have not’yet mailed us theirprofit-sharing coupons,properly endorsed,should been most successful. of future profit-sharing u “Our plantoprofit Share with retailWethorougtaintyofconditionsgenerally do so without delay. pees of Ford cars during 1914-15 has -ly believe in it,but realizing the uncer-makes it advisable to.defer any announcementntilalaterdate. i We are,however,confident of our inability to reduce costs for several months,and therefore can offer no profit sharing for ears delivered during August,Sep-—y tember and October,1915,' |Ford Motor Company,Detroit.CAROLINA MOTOR COMPANY,,‘i>Statésville,Mooresviile and Newton, é fa >The Holland-American Steamship tates,as a result of the high o¢éanratesduetolaekofshippingfacilities,will be able to declare the biggést div-|idend ‘in its -history during.the first; to the Department of Commerce.Re states that during the first half of the present calendar year the Hiol-|land-America-Company —has——earned+sufficient funds to pay 80 per cent.|which is equivalent to 160 per cent!for ‘the year: new steamers and other been 15 per cent. For a Sprained ‘Ankle. therewith faithfully,much less time thantainableeverywhere.ation you |will less and known as the Alexander Clark place; For terms apply to »CH,BROWN,Executor,R.B,McLaughlin,Atty.Troutman,N.C.July 18,1915. RUBBER.TIRE! Season is here._We use best rub-ber made—Firestone and Kellyandwillsaveyoumoney,-Tiressethotorcold.Quick service,Yours tu serve, Olin —Tuesday afternoon,August10and17,2 to:5 o’clock.’Athens School Hotse-—Wednesdayforenoon,August.11 and 18,9 to 1 Py Mm...4Jennings’store—Wednesday after- Trinity School House —Thursday forenoon,August 12 and 19,9 to 1»™.ee ‘Bryantsville—Thursday ‘afteinoon.August 12 and’19,2 to 5 o'clock.ew Hope—Thursday,August 12and19,4 to 6 o’clock p,m,1Loray+\Friday forenoon,August18and20,9 to 1 p.m.XeBradford’s.Cross.Roads —.Fridaafternoon,August 6,13 and 20,2 too'clock,eeCoolSpring—Saturday forenoon,August 7,14 and 21,9 to 1.p..m.,Elmwood—Saturday afternoon,Au-gust 7,14 and 21,2 to 5. Amity-Monday forenoon,.August23,30 ahd Sept.6,9 to 1 p.m./Troutman-~Monday afternoon,.Au-gust 28,30,"Sept,6,2 to 5,;Shepherd’s—-Tuesday forenoon,Au-gust 24,31,Sept.7,9 to-11 a.m...Linwot School...House-—Tuegdayforenoon,11 to’1 p,m.ge gust 24,81,Sept.7,2 to ‘5 Berry;Va.Obtainable everywhere,EE 1,ee Mayhew——Tuésday afternoon,‘Aus! Mt.‘Mourno—-/Wednesday “forenoon, TROUTMAN &SUTHER.- Butter Wrappers! We have the very.best ,Parchment’Butter Paper, ~and can’print your name_.and brand on same.Let’ushaveyourorderforafy‘quantity you want,See us.Prices reasonable.Brady Printing Co, Build with Brick Build a Brick House orBrick-Veneeryouroldhouse.Warmer in winter,jpodler.tn summer,dliminates frozé will help some. Atigust.25,Sept.1-and’8,9-t0 m,iv i i ivg Sta Siiamer Company Makes Big),Dividends,=+ Line,between Holland and the United!¥ year of the European war,according|%to a report of Consul Frank W.Mahin;# VALUABLELANDAT PRIVATE SALE.| Under,the terms of the will of Mrs.Har-|%riet Clark,deceased,thée~undersigned executor|3%offers.at private sal¢a valuable tract of|%&land lying on the Catawba river in Catawba|®county,N,C.,containing 151 acres more or u The tract contains 50 acres of original forest|0and40acresofriverbottomlands.The estatealsooffersahouseandlotiyTroutmanand|<¢an_island of 10 acres in the Catawba river.|% i x Iredell Hardwar .Has every advantage...Solid:brisk,under inning.under.frame |{} BrickCo..* |Chattanoog -The'Dry Weather Plow.”e g cS‘2 aiQxO6O OO oO O seesCi O GO 0>OIbO Cy505O Cig0ay«exTheteportaddsthat|ithecompanywillputthemoneyintoof improve-|%ments.-The usual annual dividends!%of the Holland!America Line have|% Tf you will get a bottle of Chamberlain’s |Liniment and-observe the directions given}2recover=in}&is usually required.Ob-}& get behind with your stubble turning. Fay ki %ego .= a : do their work ‘a‘comin’and a goin’.”This Plow.5 i has no Riyal.Now while you can’t plow with the |ordinary turn plow get a‘CHATTANOOGA and don’t.: ‘An Alarm Clock that is little but loud.It’sa little Beauty.Just thethingforalady’s or a gentleman’s room.It is not su large but doesthewakingupforyou.~BIG BEN if you need to be knocked ont,H.B.WOODWARD Jeweler, FOUNDED IN 1838 CHARTERED 1859TRINITYCOLLEGE,DURHAM,N.C..A Southern College of liberal arte with an established national ‘reputation for\high standards,noble-traditions,and progressive policies,Its large endowmentZfundmakespossibleitsfirst-class equipment and large faculty of well trainedandcarefullychosenteachers.Student fees low.Comfortable,inexpensiveéroomsincarefullysupervisedhygienicdormitories.Classical and scientific courses leadingto the bachelor’s.deg Gradcoursesinalldepartments.-Schoola.of Engineering,Education,and’Law,tForcatalogueanditustratedbookletaddressR.L,FLOWERS,Secretary to the Corporation. orateeee ; :GOOD TIME!% }The clocks in the home'mustbe right or the housekes,teat be ex-i pected to plan and have meals on ines Then thereis ndeconomrit}Wearing outyour pocket with a watch that you can’t.depend on,No,what yonwant ee om to get rote Ase black,repaired by BOBwhilehevotinghisentiretimeto’repairing wateclocksandfittingspectaclessindeye-glasses,.ee :ie nes aneRR.BVHENRY,”- a op tl e a: SS S RE E AN S ae WN “C-Mes.Sarayeyteusays:rewieesmorethananyone-coulItriedmostevery.kind,of medicine,ofase did me any.go one day about Cardul,thew:’s tonic,ont !decidedsto try itmaBiss,butsiabottlés untilostcuthanallthevalerpiodicioeseeihad me why f t»put together, ly friends beganexsowell,and |aking them aboutSeveralarenowtakin:ing it,” “Do you,lady reader,suffer from anyOfthe‘ailments due to womanly le,ch as headache,backache,‘sideache:oe and that everlastingly red ‘ou to Cardui antitGTbelonnyou,Ifso,letus urgetrial,aWefeelconfiasithasamillion other women inpasthalfcentury. nm taking Cora to-day.Yau.,Won’regretit.relic tenwe tera sea i {forWomen,”in piain weapperSates. CALL FOR” A bottle of Premier Mayonnaise ©Salad “Dressing,only 10c., and the best you have ever tasted. ——PHONE Bo ae .Face &Mitholland. MELROSE FLOUR.| Nice Fresh Meats, M.PX Mexdndet&Bro.*"PHONE 241,f re Engraved ‘Cards! home‘supply.Sarmeabitin new in this without’» line.I may have yourplate.-’Phone 210. Allison’s Book Store. oenl“ta Tite a m *™, rp m@, n=™ as»m.;‘116 pm,Dp mm,>16,enst-bound,due 10.50 p.wmCHARLOTTEANDTAYLORSVILUD.From Charlotte.Train No,16 ar.9.50,leaves 10.36 a.Train No.24 ar,9.20,leaves 9,20 p.From Taylorsville,‘Train,No,28 ar.10:00,leaves 10:40 aalaeNo.16 ar.6:20,leaves’6:45 p.m.Nos,23 and 24 are not on Sanday, PorchParty in .Wilkesboro, ¢THE COUNTY PAYS 8 "Howing clainis’against |ha’ Vi 4 BP r;-To Advertise tamleaadan “JAt.their meeting Monday thé county.ne eee ene on the he and:ordered their payment:County:Home—W..C,.a ee Lk arm manager,;s Lackeywife,servants,0;Noreen:‘Turnfarmhand.$14;J ieW.B.Parks $9.84,a iy&Brov $29.38,J.W.Jolmson-&Sons $1A.Hy Cline $4.30.S.W.Stimsonis,Mills &Poston $10.78,‘Btate illDrugCo.$2.60,Lazerby-Montgome!Hardware Co.$7.96,all for z iJail—C.L,Gilbert,sAltees Mice19.303StatesvilleDrugCompany;drugs,eT a Correspondence,of The Landmark. Wilkesboro,July 31.—Friday morn-!ing one of the most delightful occas- ions of the summer season was a) vorch party given by Mrs.J.RoyJonesatthehomeofherparents.Mr.and Mrs.C,F.Morrison.in honor of|her sister,Mrs.Waverly G.Morri- zon,a bride of a few weeks.The}house and porch was tastefully dec-orated with ferns,palms and cutflowers.The colar scheme of pink and green was carried out in decora-tion and refreshments.Mrs,©.F.Morrison welcomed the<caleth at the door while Mrs.J.Roy Jones and Mrs.’Waverly Morrison re- ceived in the reception hall.‘LittleMissLouiseTatedistributedunique hand-painted.score cards.Progres- sive bunco was played at,seven tables.The honors of the game went to Miss Nettie Smoak,who was presented with a silk erepe de chine handker- chief.The honoree,Mrs.Waverly Morrison,was presented with a pair of handsome gold shirtwaist pins. After the wames the hostess was assisted by Miss’Nell,Rousseau in serving a tempting,salad course.Fol-lowed by pink and!white ‘mints.’ ee as laea Club _Meeting—Personals—Pro- :tracted Meeting. Correspondence of The Landmark. Statesville.R-4,Aug.2.—Miss Eva|N Mason delightfully entértained.the Vv.E.C.elub..Saturday.afternoon. Crochet “stunts”was the feature of the afiernoon,being partiéipated in by the company with much zest.The delicious refreshments were served on the lawn in a unique manfher.Those eresent congratulated Miss Mason japon her way of entertaining,The elub will meet August 7th with Miss |Rosana Mills.Mrs.A.L.Ford and daughter,Miss Hfazel—and—sori,Dale,—of—Denison. {{ |i Texas,who have been visiting Mr.T. J.Murdock and family and other rel- io visit for a few days.“They will re- turn to Statesvilleapapcay ‘dy this week Miss Anhic’Murdock i Keyser.oy vf weeps vit befor, turni keProtractedmeeting“hegan at Néw flewening at 8 Rev.J.F.ae ofboratcevilledeconductineethemecting. reasia ing on a sides ofunofxbuildings, oe Taoak fins#58 3growth. wotshares ot four shares to suit purchasertorfurtherinformationcallonJ.B.PARKS, ,tives,went to Mooresville Thursday Miss Eyar Mason has jas her! Miss Murdock qigg ' ears Salen!yesterday:—Seryices ‘each VALUABLE FARM LAND FOR SALE! and will “be “soled ast ~whole--or divided i | iver Hill,N.C.July 27-168. ENT FROM THE REST.- -Sold exclusively by-—‘MUler-McLaittSupplyCo, Ui ded at %DAN VALLEYismilled from %the celebrated wheat grown in $&the Shenandoah Valley of Vir-$3 ginia.IT HAS NO EQUAL. $Makes better bread and more:¢ 3 of itto the pound than other § ¢fiour.*It’is ‘economy’to.buy’#+DAN PALLEY.TRY IT. Cary (€.Boshamer, Local Representative,’Phone 125Piaeks lt.aw. Stop!Look Listen! AND.DYEING —'PHONE 147— Sloan Pressing Club. FOR FINE CLEANING WE buyin ear lots.WE sell in any quantity.WE sell the celebrated GoldMedalFlour.WE’sell Sweet Feed for Horses_..and.MulesWEsellSweet Daisy Feed forCows. z NOTICE!— HOLLAND:BROS.have changedtheir‘phone number from 177to 7.Call No.7for'draying,all gradesbes:coal and wood,etc..Residence:’PLene 1810. .WE sell Hay,Corn,Oats and ;...Cotton Seed Products.we SELL FOR LESS.Wipe y CASH for courtryornandOats,WE deliverin the city.IREDELL FEED CO.,C.D,MOORE,Prop. Shingles For Sale !/==*Phone No.'88.114 E.Broad St. »2)Woustonville te’Mr,L.C.Myers of §|Union Grove.i will-vo to Statesville to live. 3\der of his last year’s crop. ‘}mother,Mrs. cents;Fred B.Phifer,supplies.iicitylightkeriagescane$5.06. Mis¢ellaneous —H.C.Cook,©‘howse janjtor,$45;city light depamont,lights for court house,$25.74;|Riley W.Windsor,for convevingiteattoStateMoeritalat™oyganiten,$10.15;Brady Printing Co,,supé |plies for register’s.office,’Statesville.Printing Co..supplies ‘fosheriff’s and clerk’s offices,$10.55DeputySheriffC.L.Gilbert,destroy-ing distillery,$20;R.P.Allison,sup lies,for clerk’s office,$5;Waugharringer,coffin for pauper,ut Statesville Drug Co.,drugs,$12.ale Tredell ‘Telephone Go.,rent of telphonein.county offices,$7.99;Metal Co.,filing case for resisteroffice,$88.Members of the board of.“commisesionersreceivedcompensationforextratimeasfollows:.W.L.Mathe-son $14.40,R.C.Little $14.85,W,©: Johnson $10.80,N.B:Mills $10. Township list-takers and assésso' we paid for their work as follows L.C.Stevenson $26.25,J.F.Brawley $148.46.J.A.Black $37.50,oi.Sloop $22.60,C.H.Cornelius $52.72,‘Ws S.Clendenin $25.J.R.Warren$72,J.L.Shepherd $175.30,/gy ieAdoms$46.22.S.A,Padgett $30.10, J.G.Morris $20,A.P.Barron $62.50,W.M.Ramsey $92.50,Jo.M.Watts $12.50,J.T.Smith |$37.50, Young $73.36.P.P.Dulin $93.32, McLelland $34.10.J.A.Chandl $52.60,F.R.Sills $41.40.The board instructed its elerk é ceive notice through advertisementsthehewspapersofthecountythat publication will.be made of the namesofallinsolventswhodonotpaytheirtaxesfortheyears1911and1912.before October Ast. The board passed an order “in- structing the county engineer to havewarrantsissuedforallpersonswho place obstructions in the |water lation of the road law.Obstructionsareknowntonowexistinditchesat various places in the county,and the persons responsible:for these ob structiong:are to be given five dayhoticettdbehavethembefore‘wa‘rants avé issired.’°It is ? to|that the side ditches along the ro importa’ reyent-5 ee pee ic reas +f ER CORN SHUCKING IN’JUL Mvember lst, Jinstrument gives occasion for the sev- 50,1888)observations here made. wiFor years he has labor B\writes &{ful business man who has ‘found in “4|to ‘iform the basis for many.entertain- ditehes—alone the highways,in_-vio+1 Big Pie”i hdoae is‘Building For.Stateaville Col-'lege and a yes TributetothePrincipOn... rrespondence of,The rk,F She great organ be placed in earer Hall at Statesville|Female Ollege will be’ready for use by No-, The installation of this’ First of all this organ Ritests the!jue put upon music by its donor.faithfully to}encourage the appreciation of a great,fart and this gift of his to a music|Hloving comnrunity isthe climax of his!efforts along this line.Tt sometimes| happens that.an act,which at ‘first’jjseems incidental to a ‘man’s:main,swork in life,is really the most char-|acteristic and ‘important,Years of:interest in music or in any great or) beautiful thing must result at last in:the desire to give:itsBaloriee toothers.“was born a man,but I die‘a grocer,’a world-weary ‘Frenchman.|and this form of’memorial is true of|too many disappointed mén.Here,|however,is the example of a sulccess-| music the wider interest that makes|life worth while.Mr.Charles Mills,who is the principal donor of the or |gan and through whose ‘efforts it is| igiven the college,has dond himself“lthe service of expressing what he,finds good in God’s world and,has:done the college,the Presbytery and |the whole community the service of|helping us work.out our salvation,| io,} In the edueation of women music) plays a very large part—not as an ornament merely,but,as one of thegraciousartsbywhichtheymaketheworldabetterplacetolivein.This organ will do great service in mak- Taping it possible,for many young wo- men to return to their homes prepar-ed to serve whole e¢ommunities infurnishingchurchmusic.It will also ments in which the college and-towneanjoininhearingthemastersof this art.Tt may even save us Midas’ indgment of wearing ‘asses’ears orMarsvas’still more terrible nenalty of being flayed by Apollo for not Soving good music and haw our hides hung.in the cave. Among the manv improvements o J“The Hnarar The tired bifitiead man Gia who owns a ‘Hardman (ie Autotone comes home to 7% his concerts instead of }having togoouttothem..He selects his own.pro gramme-—operatic,pop-ular,classic,dance music —whatever his mood su Cipla I}0 egests.Over 16,0 ickchoosefrom,.Every ki every taste. new and old,to satiety: Any one,irtespective of technical knowledg:aor |training to interpret all music,can play the Autotone.rn Carlton A.Andrews,piateeyi te N a 'Manufaeturer’sAgent w cerialeneertawiors We Are Selling Many Odd Pieces andDiscontinued’Patterns me of Furniture.at, -BIG REDUCTIONS—DURING AUGUST— Bedroom,Diningroom and Parlor Furniture-cam-.plete suites and single pieces—in Circassian aeUakand.Mahogany.Every piece GOOD éverybestsenseoftheword,and everypiece ‘a great,big,splendid bargain. Savings of from $7.50 to $20 on single pieces, Savings of:from $250 $175 on complete Suites,Bie ALL SUMMER.FURNITURE 1-3 OFF.eer Telephone and mail orders will receive the very.shagRe:best attention.‘ Write today for cambioslist andfull perdicalans_PARKER-GARDNER C0,angio.|. being made in the college through the generosity of the neople this giftstands.out eminently, details: The ¢ease is to be constructed of ta- tive hardwood of appropriate design; the large metal pines in the front to be decorated in plain dull gold. The entire action,including man- tials,pedals.stop action and couplers. to be tubular pneumatic of,the masta)proved type,igo that.when,all;thecouplers‘are,in.vse.thereris no,addi- ‘tion te the.weight,.af the,touch;f ©.Therseale,ef all pipas:shall -bein ae- der of j.excellence,with the proper volume throughout ae sat Sorrespondence ‘S wm Lanta Houstonville,“AUR.Bee He dreiwas,wetting.serious Hm he |‘tion was burning:and dry’fog!Up.Sun-day we.were blessed with ‘a “refresh-ing rain and crops look different to-|dav.The corn’and ‘tobacco crops| look very promising.Cotton is smallandlatefruiting.Maiden and Hayes have ‘sold theirstoreandstockofmerchandiseat I hear that Mr.Maiden It is a little off the routine to have»Bicorn hnskings at this season of thoyear.This seribbler was at one Sat-Blurdav,July 25th.Mr.A.W.TharpeofJimtownDairyFarminvitedsomeofhisneighborstohusktheremain- It was nretty warm for such work but we4ihuskedabout:100 hushels of corn.Mr.|Tharpe couldn’t add to the menu com- mon -on such oceasions—the good old pompkin pie—but he had the sweet,..9idélicious cantaloupe. 9:Mr.and Mrs,E.-E.Heath of Win-ston-Salem are visiting Mr.Heath’sJ,M.Keller. All.persons $nterested in®cleahing| off the graveyard at ©Holly Sprines. are‘requested to come Saturday be- fore the third Sunday in August."Chas.C.Tharne returned Saturda: from a trip to Washington,.D,C..and: Baltimore.He bought goods in Balti- more and was sight-seeing in Wiash-jineton.He was highly pleased with tg beautiful places he saw. Cavalry Company|Lincolnton Won Prize. North Carolina State .troops—the, companies at Lincolnton ‘and Ashe- ville—have returned from the cav- alry camp at Fort Oglethorpe,Ga.,and Adjutant General Young hasbeennotifiedthat:Troop A’of Lin-colnton;Capt.W.A.Fait,made the best showing in field maneuvers.Thisreport.carries with it thé,prize in theshapeofahandsomesilverbandfitheguidonstaffofthetroop,this be-ing offered by tife inspector-instructorinchargeofthemaneuvers.This prize wag won in competition’ with troops from ‘other.States and is a matter of gratification:not only to Carload of good No.2 Shingles rat $2.75 les ‘WATKINS for “Everything to Build With,”’ the Lincolnton company and.their friénds but to.the State as well. ————LT TTT. STATE OF dfSEX OF TOLEDO,LUCAB:CO J|FULLSTO..K.-LOWEST PRICES ,per thousand at ay Shingles,Doors,Windows,Ceiling,be ta-een i arte,ofthe.firmof fF. shop.-|\Re Sp Boxing,aoe aeJeti Gountee the | G.H.TUR R Next Paascers ry Setevite |;Sane a »Near the |:iat ean Iredell "Phone No.74,Bell Now%s DR,OC.h.CRUSE.Coite L..Sherrill,M.Dy Veterinarian, 11]Office 20a.Egp Orr DragCo, ffiaitDrGO 109, easaipiiton The two cavalry companies of the | a joyful tt The organ -will bea *|tions:} Great Organ.;Name of,Stop,Pitch Material Pipes|#pen Dinpary 8 ft.Metal 61/8‘A lciana..8ft.Metal,61/%elodia ’~S tt.“Wood.61/81Fluted@’Amour 4 ft.Wood &Met.'61\8 ..Swell Organ,9 Vox Celeste 8 ft.Wood 6110Violin’Diapason 8ft.Metal 61“11 Salicional 8 ft.Metal-6112.Stopped Diapason 8ft.Wood 61 13 Flute Harmonic 4ft.Metal 6114.Oboe 8ft.Metal 49 ;Pedal Organ.‘18 Rourdon —;6 ft..Wood 30 19.Lieblich Gedeckt 16 ft.Wood 30The.intervening numbers are theswellsandsuplementalnumbers’car-ry,the total up to 21 units, ~Racing With Death. Salisbury Post. Only.a few days ago a.railroad man.running between Salisbury.andGoldsboro,told .€Post representative thati net only the automobilists were ‘engaged in this practice (racing with trains).but:riders”of.motorcycleswerea@tit,He cited an instance where aman went to his train to seesameladiesoffand.when the train culled out he jumped on a motorey- Je and made a dare-devil ride*to the next ‘station and there greeted his 'ady?friends;and then again darted off Gnanother “exceed the speedrime”and made it to the next station hefore the arrival of the train,and hetween.these stations theroadcrosses.the railroad)several times, Tt_is almost a daily occurrence inthisrailroadcenter+o hear engineers nd.firemen wand other railrozd men oll of the narrow escapes of people vho drive across the track in.frontfapproachingtrains.It may all be port for the fellow doing the driv- ine,but if one could hear the ftrain- man tell of these things and of how '%makes his blood run cold and his heart lean to his throat,it would be realized that it was no fun‘to him, ”Swifts bt By Where Do Chimney i Hide? Exchange. Much has been learned about bird mignaee but much yet remains to learned,and.the following is oneofthemostcuriousandinteresting of the:unsolved problems.The chim-i#swift)is one of,the most’abun-|% dant ‘and ‘best-known birds of east-|§ ine ‘ern United States.With troops of |edit eatchine their winged prey they @o,and lodging by night intallchimneys,the flocks drift slowlyjsouth,joining with-other bands,until|#jon the northern coast of the Gulf of |¥|Mexico:they,become an innumerable.host.Then ORY disappear.Did theyidvopintethewaterorhibernatein“Ithe mud,as waa believed of old:their obliteration:could.not:be more com:plete,In-the last week in Mareh a itering far!overhead an-nounear r return..to.the» coat, For the sake|grates of the initiated we give the following|%» eordanee with the best,standards,and|#fhe voicing shall.he ofthe highest or-|§ =two-manual|# £|instrunient of)the:following:iaiporifics-; public|% Galt §their hiding place during |B Mintbincaae.; Charley Chaplin Stndae : Mabilaco:Nut:Sundae »16 46 i dail »Rube Wilton.Suitsitvaio 4G NgtcR Ro %7 Hes ‘Statesville Drug:Comp’YeatsPr PSSTITSITISELISBTLEIIz ISIS sss t3! ne s Captal Stock et sas Serpits and Profits ‘stoutEN Pp Your olce ‘sulle solicited ‘idl every accommodation extended to de-.’ positors consistentwith prudent bank ing methods. Four per cent.paid on time ne Sao: ‘Deposits remaining on sce three months or longer. OF FICERS: W.D.TURNER,ie»By MORRISON,”Vice-D..M,AUSLEY,- SS OS G te e Fe e Fr e e ee ES S E EF O S S E S H E S SS S SO S O C SE E S SE R S S ES DO E RE E Aig es thethie swift secret.ing «five.months.is.still “Ge,HUGHBY,-Assistant py,SHOULD:BEMANE.{Looking OutFor ForeignTdiaWeateDoakinotentWethinntonDiapstelshelastissueofTheLandmark,|,geoPin¥te Secure TUESDAY AND oe es r3WasbynomeanscreditabletothelheretoforeheldbyEB ope, ; 120 WEST BROAD hHat Too long has the ideapfe-|reau of’foreign and dome: a a SUB:oeceeceeeeesastt.ao},“#iléd With‘us that prisoners deserve/mer utesms.toAeisooaeaeRepeal.little consideration;and that idea has tive investigation of the wearir a a MONTHS oc...sccseseses see SObeen u most so.long that with-este market in’China,Japan.A : |ERDAY,_—_——Aves 6,JOGO engtw do,ne have al Piles ttc aitsoulowed.the’treatment pf convicts,in hind to the.Ji Chin ¢Ferree aged ie)’apanese and >a ULATION ABOUT a ™"|Some instances,to lapse intoa condi.arkets.”sano:on general._-Af-one could believe the statements|tion little short of barbarism.There(tions such as prizes,tariff.charges,of the representatives of the Euro-lis a sentiment growing that goes to|competition and eee aepeancountriesatwar,they are all|the other extreme;that would have ea npn sepucee me ida gpd yn We BEGIN NING SATURDAY,AUGU ST o.‘bakeroff,pe avr adlgei are no anaes 1 aoTcoverall es a mens ron and 7th wewill ut on sale our entire stock ae sie;tha at the beginning,teoee S ‘eee of Summer ootwear and Gents’Fur- ith standing the enormous destruction /the idea that criminals should be pet-|shoes.Deb tite and property,the awful wreck|tal’'aat 4 ad.Violators of the|Japanese merchants already:ar nis ings.~and ruin that war entails.As bluffers law should bepunish ‘their own vantage of the opportunity 0 €‘by He ?.these spokesmen for the belligerents good and the protection |if society./the cutting off of European 3 4 :t Wala!;SHE a 2 ite ; ie She Aone’thelr.work well,‘|The form of punishment usually pro-:report from Consul GeneralGeorge wus cS xX ‘f |.‘Phe German Emperor again pro-|vided is work,But while beirig made val >egal eee Fonts ;.oa .y er y or LY.us :O : -/ laims'that “before God and history |to work they should be treated —hu-t Coe um :: making’vigorous efforts to ,Japanese toys have entirely ‘occupied.My.conscience is clear.J did not will|manely.~~Glean and '‘comfortable|the .market formerly dominated by>the war;”and he is also sure that|quarters and an shanti nce <f whole-PURTiAns.and Germans,Ni :Plenty of (’xford weather ahea d but we. -God is with the German.arms..As|some food should be provided.Jt is Seizure of CaspersPaiPapete ‘Was ,a i ;;ievidencethattheemperor's boasting |not intended as a part of aconvict's |ne ~need the room for our Fall Shoes andoyhasabasis,the German war ministry |punishment that he .shall’be over-m4 é a ae ,i&a.,|submits the following:cider conditions that apa’wfsa08 the scireof corammarcia|_@V@LY pair of low cuts must go.Note~“Germany and Austria-Hungary oe-|under conditions that ‘impair.-his |S@¥8 the.seizure of correspondenceSTotO00enptlometersinBel-|health.That is added punishment,|{T0™the Kansas City office of John,L,_the fo owing Dr.ices we are of ering and gium,21,000 in France,130,000 in not contemplated by law,and those |C®#Pe"former head oftheRush Dis-:me *al +é e Russia and 10,000 in French Alsace,|°7 tilling Company,now.under indict-treat.‘our feet r.ight:Af daeernets of war,taken ip Galicia |i #ubnority.who ‘peruboaeh -ervels|oauent work oeieh ot aeofficers uae -:»now in German camps and hospitals |ties.canhot escape the responsibility.land @mployes of that company —fororemployedasworkers,total 938,-/Most of the cruelties ‘suffered by|violation of the internal revenue law,,ay 869;Seek Saitured in the’campaign convicts are the result of having iwas"declared legal in a decision by BOYDEN.OXFORDS GROVER OXFORDS .GS Federal Judge Frank A,Youmans,$6.00 -»One lot -$3.. 4 3 id @ correspondence is said tofurnishedthe’clews on which the OV-ernment agents searched for evidencefon.which the ‘indictments were re-turned,:i P'last week and on their way to camp :o ‘::t and brutal men in ‘¢harge.Itinumber120,000;prisoners in Aystria-|MOFa™h It}rp,bee Hungary 636,543,making a and to-{is hoped that ‘an.enlightened public 00 “One lot -a 00 -.QOnelot - The government authorities say the 00 _tal of 1,696,422.sentimentewill,create @ change that 6 HESS OXFORDS letters were correspondence between |$6. “Prisoners taken in Russia and|win,ameliorate ‘the.condition of the~now in Germany ‘total 5,600 officers caeand.720,000'non-commissioned offic unfortunates;that‘while no lessen-cers and privates:in Austria 3,190|ing the punishment £gntemplated byofficersand610,000 non-commission-|law.those who pay ithe penalty.of Casper and Knox Booth,former head |HOWARD &FOSTER é -ed officers dnd privates;total 8,790 wrongdoing will ‘be *itimanl.treat-|Of the internal revenue service of Ten-|;"officers 1,330,000 men.d.“It is relied”Bie ile |nessee-.Casper brought suitto regain |$5.00““Gerinan collecting stations receiv-|wine i oe ed that a WEBVEN®lthe \letters,alleging their seizurewas;4.50~ed up to.the middle of June 5,843 cap-|jailer in the long ago told.his prison-ja violation of the Federal constitu-4.00toredfiellgunsand1,556 machine/ers when they,complaitied of the|tion.k‘Buns.any field pieces were not de-food sefved,that a jail”“no plliveredtothesestationsbutwere:4 jait was “no placekeptwiththetroopsandarebeingforpleasure;”and it must be remem-for nlesure"and it must be remen-NOTICE TO INSOLVENTS!..,One Table Ladies’Oxfords and Pumps $175edtheirformers./bered t convict camp isn’t a pic-ee oe ue a ccs : aeeach ures ferenoarate ile ground.Buf thete sc icieacl "The Haard of County Com-|A|One Table Ladies Oxfords and Pumps 1.00itisestimatedthatnearly8,000 guns ground that meets the requirements|missioners as ord that3oeoremachinegunshavebeenofhumanitywithoutrunningtoallinsolventtaxpayersare “SHIRTS UNDERWEAR 1.00 Sir Edward Carson,Great Brit-|either extreme.uired to take notice thati—|$2.00.-$1.35 |$1.50%|$eaor.eontetbearpiag ben TO WORK FOR RURAL CREDITS.vines they appear ‘at th bee -he er ae‘place in the British vocabulary —at dbciua ta tiene aetae"fast r ea aa abefore fata ::;: fe prese’t.H :eoge ,-+“PNY ‘ How lux te war Jast,and An i dil'bp.oibed vb 1 ate ed pay the takes REMEMBER THE DATE—~SATURDAY,AUGUST 7TH¥ill be.the result?Po such ee ,no’due by.them or.the:asset hat ::e is as «these,any.British gub-|next Congress.The-bill.introduced in :pare I ong an repair them for you.. ®ap vite one answer and|the last Congrsn'by:Sens ator 1eat 1912,publication Bringyour old Shoes along and let us rep Reeaisthatthewarwiastunti‘of,New,-Hampshire is \endorged.3 :x peice pita,i i oe catdavalSBbrought'edlabatcchert nue ed Ret Mang abal-chedtatlemes hove ey es rea ype dot be 1 we iE «ys Mi and H.SHOE ’CObenétessary,:ScunnsanieenaaeaenJ.E..BOYD Fe eg etegneeeetenene ee -Kope-and:the.world have been:reliey-/Suggested,but.the:Hollis:bill ‘meets £20 Fey]RORISALE-—Dry pine wood at $2.26 8 coral,Aug.6.1 Clerkto Boatd.’AfsaeiversWw:&Wootks State,ea.[e .ed.from the-ideals involved in the with most favor.’The Landmark does eenei mena amrareersssesion ener ———~,‘L -+“a >.»=BASEBA One lot —3Onelot:2.ve One lot —ue 1 MENIHAN.PUMPS _ 2 we s SS $3.002:505 = ss s $s Ge Ge tke Le“The ‘same cheering note of optim-|with sufficient clearness to undertakeEefy?s©femcomes in one forin or another to give all of them,but a summary.Will be printed’as soon’ag a copy,of LY =eeeaten worl if Ssites ’ _-efgom all,the others.All,deny|that‘they wanted war and all of them thé measure ean be secured.protest that they were forced into}The term “rural credits”is apppedit,Too ball ‘that their strenuous ef-toa measure which would prowidé a|hg 'a en~forts to “keep the peace has resulted}itanto loan money to rural dwellirsf aa We Fee re ieee x!MINN the ea isc ;oe —farmers—on long time and on sy it 5 }a all the war literature obtain-:i J-able—all thie information gathered rn bece 4s ©ea The Store With the Quick Parcel__,from all obtainable sources—opinions not be questioned.Under»i’presentaboutthewararelargelyconjecture.|conditions comparatively few “ruralItisabsolutelynecessarytoputadwellerscanborrowthemoneythey=good.face.on.it —and_some-of the|need and could legitimately use~“to padetan = countries that make the —loudest pensmaseatennssen — WG it fying’wo dhe tac ce evelop their farms;and those who :Na ~“SN ; of fighting 6 18st ditch!do ‘borrow can borrow onl hort as.;ic, pray be in desperate atreite aed:ten time and usually at which rath ae eG):\Practice Economy This (Year!: #0 seize ap.opportunity to quit if a interest.The plan of the Hollis bill|f :oe:eine, Wayoffers to Jet them out short of |;i Feed Ed |Mo |*};Mi d Feed absolute surrender.That may be os eamesae Pee |re :gar-rgan 0 0S Xe ’S. the condition.But so far as appears Bea Te ‘Aggression of Prussian domination,”|no¢recall.the provisions of this bill “GASTONIA AND STATESVILLE Post Servicn’pee ‘AtStatesville Ball Park iy UL:ae -TODAY AND TOMORROW. ’ an by paying interst of 4 to 6 per cent.,j ;3 ag ;oe ‘a ::i Beieet nt Ste beta aa NY by agreed Gace ceo |LPrices ate continued all this week,for cash,on’many Old.Beck Sweet Feed Not screenings or offal,or “mined to erush Germany;Germany,would be’extinguished eitoinatiiels summer lines,-Our.tp tees)*:F Wi °f worthless by-products,but 8e-. fighting for existence,is determined ly—jwouldbe paid off at maturity by|«x Aare Ss .Little.Ned Sweet Feed.‘lected feed scien-: or crushed and sofar has not keeping the interest paid.::eas sao lage epi :aa Chick Feed,"tifically blended iP :yaar ane nin ef Pee |bya.house with(lone -con-|cy i ,*.~iasdsahle“cuhing on hoor esas PatentGoprepare and |Me cA each ta be timewit:;n fa-ack rn :ge tsar “repu 3 ; count.f It -would appear,from this|vor of this bill,and the association es::Gem SweetDairyFeec.inbegrisy :;eee viewpoint,that the war will be a will ask that’similar work be done m4 tae aoe 1.Soha ligt : Wearing”out Process;the commonz:...|by other associations in the State and ff ,i judgment is that im-course of time|that the press of the State lend its|Ei care ,Oe “C.W.BOSHAMER,iy LocalRepresentative. the allies will necessarily wear out linfuence to the work,The Landmark lo.,’*Phone 125 Black. Germany.But if that is Correct it is|directs attention to this effort andapparent.that the wearing process will have moreto say about it,::.“| a will be long drawn out;that the ee ::. Wer,which some of us were deluded}The rains within.the .past.week :; _Shough to believe couldn’t last but a /8¢e™to have been abundant and’gen-":19¢s te months at best,may last for gev.|eT2l-Crops were beginning to suf-4 4 eo ‘Hi eral years "The hope js that it ean |fer.and the voice of the pessimist,who eee ‘.H be ended ‘soon,but The Landmark could see only impending calamity,I E & Confesses‘It sees nothing at present |S heard.Then the Lord opened the :ye : : *4 :99 _on which.to base the hope.windows of heaven and sent abund-:;ee ‘s “The Mark of Suaitty: (amines ant showers that refreshed a thirsty :. Secretary,Foster of the Greensboro !Jand and caused the earth to smileichamber‘of’commerce promised that|with Bladness..Now how Many peo-:‘;E A O GAS O ;INE©.the Pan-American din 1d ‘A :I xX Cc;é L Py oe ey her would not|ple changed the note of complaint to be an occasion of numerous speeches;|a songeor prayer of thanksgiving?If A aoe ;:Gasolinad i torvalue.: that there would be no long pro-'the Almighty were’governed by hu-COUNTERS still have attractive bargains and the Gasolines are not all alike in their motor :,laveatt i wag hardly necessary,..Perhaps your ~ gramme ‘of orators to precede’the |}man feeling He would constantly bi Remnant Counterwill BO eS a ry eye folio haa tldyouThe sa |' ,|ode j ee ;Id you the samestory many.times.Because A main speaker and tire the Audience punishing His children for their in-|t.Worth.(These odd dots of;ummer;Merchandise’must{\¥pape er atike it is betterto wet.the one which gives H out,whereat this Compendium of In-|gratitude, .: be closed out and thesaleprices we continue on same f/f ~the service.TEXACO GASOLIWE has-been.distinguishedi3fromthebeginningofitsuseforthe.deliveryof more power.we aN aoe =8=—Ssaand Apeeias|fronyimpurities,with a highlydesirable.uni- mind or they ran over him,Secretary of@ citizen who “had a narrow squeak }F formity.é fy MeAllon coulan's come and the speak.{fm a serious injury.”‘The Land. '.“MORE power fromgasyline means-more motor milesper YB \ao \Ps {\:en 3-ets at that Greensboro dinner num.(Mark is asking the Drs.Campbell of 'ie »gallon.Sap :; |bered eight,the speaking continuing |Newton and Statesville’to’pass on ::“he CLEANGasoline means more efficient carburation and ‘ .uptil after midnight,‘The next:Leg.that.What is a “narrow squeak ?”¥};®;;ignitionequallyeffecting the motormiles.; formation applauded Secretary Fos.einenter.But Mr.Foster changed his|The Newton Enterprise man tells Batre shold pase &law pron Bariuni Homein De 2 _UNIFORMITY means the constant delivery of the power,ff > ‘yy ingsuch cruelty.‘{Our Path as ee in Debt.Nee raae Pee Ny ‘ee ’Cre EE TEKACO GASOLINE aeons:pesall aehohe j F FE 2)Seeemmeniemaamammammmerammmnmne,‘-s :lak”Gaede 4 ations anufactured with care a:élivered prom ;H The “Zoeal Order of Deadheads”is|,,1¢da tht to be of interest to.the Ginghams,Percales,cote and Novelty Woolens on i ations.”Manat See orca Bromatly,i a &Social organization at Oak Ridge,this‘institution sete dake Swe display now for the benefit of the Early Fall Shoppers,daefuel Doribles,When youwa the “power’’gasoline,:: ;componed ‘Of Indies.Why the name(tent of $2,500,due to falling off of *Shea y \‘;getTEXACO,::e3 ; fomis not vouchsafed,The Contributions to the support fund this —:=‘mad Y ”spring and summer,We have ”'been aren cen i no at Mie xgeMewiinearn,tremely aig Se |Bowles-Morrison Company.Be :Lees ‘al.months we.have ‘:BeileAumbers,in almost any community |at any other ‘time.Almost all the Ramsey:p W.eS:-ISON <mpany.a=POSTAGEON MAIL ORDERS. |StatesvilleOilCompany.|-. «(Wholesale Distributors.)°~Bona"Phone 61.“Ofice RobbinsRow,oo ae ii .{Provisions for our table come ¢,:At :poparentitfed.to.member our garden.and nothing is ought THE.STORE THAT.PAYS.THE.eeiSaeratnepengagthatisnotabsolutelynecessary,oes ~—COCOCROR CECA TE rs ie gS ST ee hi l e A GR SA S reareaeWy;Oe: Paesi y . \f i which was pees by Rev.E eo al 6,1915. eenens.sama ae ; "HamaComte at ‘Center—Per-sonal Mention.’N: |Adirependinae of The Landmark. Mt.Mourne.Aug.4.—Margaret,|;daughter of Mr.an Mrs.2 M.Tem-pleton,who live pear Mt.Mourne,has|"aconfever.condition of Mr.M,Cowan, *O cseBeulahHobbs spent the'énd in Charlotte.Mr.Ralph and:Mabel...Cornelius were recent in oorat’Mt.Mourne.er P.A.Kellinsacmeiitethis,weeksk seryii Sysjuror’,in,court..iheEverybodyinvitedtoattend’thehomesiaatCenterchurchonthe18th.andne well-filled baskets.von oe ’sDay exercises at.FairSandeyeveningwererainedout,be held later.Fidos of the members of the localtomato.clubwere at the farmers’in-stitute at the State Farm Saturday.Corn is looking fine since the rain,Several people from this vicinity at-Sontet Rock Spring campmeeting this wee!Dr,Reid Morrison returned a fewdaysagofromavisittoSouthCaro-lina,Mr.Alphus Neely of Florence,8:C..is:visiting relatives in and nearMt.Mourne,Miss Mamie Wilson ofMintHillspentSundaywithMissMaryKellyatMt.Mourne.Mr.Ansler Dishman of Kinston is at homeonbtsvacation:‘ Black-Woodsides Marriage orl tn Mideksville,Courtney and*else-)AGENTS wanted to diatrib tam.{lowing personal property of the late Milton Meeting at Concord,where.ples and earn.$10."aun.|Cheshire,deceased,at his home’near Cool pe ae *¢tract andsamples.Nwe PatBnnced Co.|Spring postoffice,towit+One fine mare,1) Correspondence ‘ot The Landmark,|”Misses Hessie and Blanche Connel-!tawba,N.C.Ave it>good cow and calf,1 hog,2 wagons,2 bus Loray,Aug.5—The marriage “ofMr.Owen Woodsides and Miss Lucy |Paine at ve home ‘rear town,left on inis Black,which occurred last.Siok Wednesday for their home at "Mor*|Site's.ifMEACHAM,State a ial (ngest 8 88a a nine ins things for‘you =‘29—came asa surprise to some |ganton,Aug.6—2t.:“»mow and in the future., -——It sine the plan of po Seesand ie ere,of PEACHES—I will have some pag aches |Nicely,Sighed.see NW.“POWLEHE.y r.Woodsides and his bride to keep |New ndon vis iss Katherine |*ready for delivery about “Tuésday,"Augus A 3-2. very quiet upon the subject,but.it;Cochrane this week,going from here|.ah pres et Bee.oie Diders!ox i“fa ENT :ee was soon,learned that the marriage |to eesSprings::gtatesvitle.>will dechlva prempt |atten n |WATT he.alec Sie was to take place at the:manse thatafternoon.’Only a few friends andrelativeswitnessedthe.ceremony, Brown,After the “ceremony couple and their friends drove to the home of the groom,where aboutitifulweddingsupperwasawait-ing them.Mr.Woodsides,who is ayoungfarmer,has won for his brideayoungladyofexcellentqualities.They have many friends who wish —much happiness:~'Mrs.Chas.McFarland oe beer the happy daughter,ealaek iting rela’preg indowimprovina.whines conduct a series of ashame hereweek,was-unable..te.2ome...The.serv~ices are being conducted.by our pas-—=~is rr 7 & Notice of New Advertisements. i 7sAfeud,Applytopres Agents wanted.¢.Gena Co.,Catawba.Gend in orders forpeaches for can~ ning.—/State Farm.J.T.Jennings,Jennings,will havefinepeachesnextweek. Closing out work shirts at a price.—J.M,McKee &Today and tomorrow last ‘days of~-Johnston-Belk-Co.’s-sale: It’s like finding money.Statesville Ice &,Fuel Co.pieces and discontinued pat-terns of eeat big reductions.— Parker-GardnerCo.‘The Dacro System at Paine View Dairy.Baseball today and tomorrow.The Hardman,autotone.—CarltonA.Andrews,S.,.M.&Hi Shoe Co.’s annual clear- ance sale begins tomorrow.Insolvent:taxpayers—a notice to ‘pay up.*a &Poston’s remodeling ile. a et ‘.Cleveland ,Social and Personals. Cofréspondence”’of The Landmark,~ ‘Cleveland,Aug.p—Miss:*Annie Garriss of Goldsboro isseme Miss |}Maude Harris.Miss Annie Lee Kin-caid has come home from Greens-boro,where she has been attending the simmer school at the State Nor-mal..Miss Jam Graves of Wake.Forest“is visiting Miss Mary Rose-bro.,and Mrs.W.W.Rosebro‘Jeft inesday for their home in Gree ro.Miss nie ~Harrishasre’iva home after an.extendedvisittoMissColleenGarrisinGolds-boro.Miss Myrtle Morgan has beenvisitinginThomasville.the guest of,the Misses Ellen antMary Barring er.Mesdames S.J.Scott and C.H.* Rosebro,entertained a »number oftheir’frfends in honor of Mrs,W.W. Rosebro of Greensboro.A delight- ful salad course was served. Miss,Margaret Carter and,Mrs. Callie,Brown‘entertained mrahpies on.shee afternoon. The Troutman Reunion: Correspondence of ;The Landmark.\"” The ahnual Troutman reunion willbeheldonFriday;13th,.at the regularméeting‘place,-“The TroutmanGraveyardschoolhouse.”On this datecalltheTroutmansofthisvicinity|Pandelsewherewillbeexpectedtoas--semble,togennér with all relativessodfriendswhowill)come and help..ais-enjoy the day.This meeting is es-pecially important,as this isthe year for the election of officers.pyrene of the secretary,M.F,P.TROUTMAN. srominaiies R.V.Brawley, iteshome Monday night. tawba Springs. aai i .eer at the Iredell Test Farm thisweek.»Miss Ethel Edwards has been the ter,Frances,of Columbia,S.C.,w!visited”here,havea eee to om to visit het ed a summer school in Boston,return-ed home last week. Master Jack and little Miss Martha,are at Black Mountain to spend two Charlotte Wednesday to visit rela-tives. .C.,who was the guest of Mrs.Sher- will go on to her home...Miss Nellie Fowler has returned ly,-;who were D.|'Mrs:R.T.Huggins and children of d-yesterday to.spend a weekvor longer.Migs Emma Kerr and Master.Perry1CoritavisitingatCleveland..+Mr.George Anderson and family |on @ ‘business.trip to V:=‘Sunday in.Seen : Mrs.R.F.Northey has retarned touryafteravisittoherfather,iSaiples..Ee nderson and Mrs,J.J.Hy Jr.,are at Ca- Mrs.8S:E.Maxwell of Raleigh is Aw Supt.and Mrs.F.T.Meacham,t the Iredell Test Path,Mr B.F.Kaupp,State poultryman, < of Miss Eula Peeler in,Salis-es my Ont,‘Tuesday.“ie J LDavis and little daugh-10 Mrs,~Davis’.home to L.H,W:“Miss Elba Henninger.who attend-|ss Mrs.B.L.Sronce and two ehitdven, iMiss Mamie Gregg of Pineelise.8: man Ramsey,went to Salisbury!.Wednesday,and after a visit there from a yisit to friends and relatives the Theyfromthemountains. ed Mrs.iJ. Court J.A.Hartness meeting .of the.State Bargetpetne Mr.and Mrs.terday~afternoon.for.Mt.Airy,accompanied the guest of her brother and sister-in-|,sails who arrMrs.Faw:DaN.B.eae3 garham.Hewill visit elsecashome, tle Miss Mildred and James. Brunt’s ‘Old home atwerein Spring returned vest lay. trip to Linville Palle)7 Georgia about a ménth,<a home tomorrow night.ve needay from an extesister.Mrs.John G. and will spend some time wi iparents,Mr.and Mrs,J.F. FOUND—Sum same by calling atscribingpropertyand paying for FOR SALE—Good family driving Stony Point Items. home Correspondence’of “Fhe Landmark. Mrs,©.Hi Beall of-Colvers this:me here from:Lenoir:Collector A.D;Watts and Ch oSathe She|White:who was on a visit to rela |Gaither,whotwas on a visit to her led to her home in:Charlotte.e Mrs.T.Faweette and i reunion here yesterday he eccasion was well enjoyed.Seasonable rains have visited prother.’Mr. _|tized,eS. |New‘President Railroad. |Gov,Graig has appointed Mr.G.| Mrs.J.Bi.Brunt and ch .,who had been visitinCool is,dént of ‘the Statesville yeste ute to their bovae in Wi“Mr.and Mrs.B €n Carolia rail 4 succeed Warren. isit-|"Stony Point,Aug.5——-Mrs.Ella M, tives here,returned to her home.inFof|Charlotte yesterday..Miss Blanche -)aunt,Mrs.J.A,Hedrick.has return- A big crowd attended the old sol- and; us ;.{this week and crops are looking well.| by Baptist meeting which was in iprogress here closed some days ago,ia and as @ result about 20 were.bap- 't).Carifield of Morehead City presi- Atlantic and North TGay oad vice Thos.D.War- ton-Balem.’ron.Mr,R.A.Nunn of New Berne is 8 Cool appointed ‘a director of the road to i “I consider this among/the nud 4importantactsofmylife—seecond .only to that of signing the DeclarationofIndependence.’ S°said Charles. Carroll—aged 93 —_ when he drove the t Hite °MARKET REPORTS. StatesvilleProduce Mrs.Wy C.Carmicheal n,Billie.who have been-¥ ‘for produce on the local market.Spring.Chicken, l4e,Ber Ib.Hens,10¢.per Ib.Roosters,5c.’perJb. Miss Charlye Frye returned -Wed-oes ‘urner,i Win- or three weeks.Eggs,12 L-2e,per dozen ‘ Mrs,E,L.Fleming and daughter,sccompani Mok Tinie and ¢Biden |Butter,16e.per Tb, Miss Frances Fleming,are visiting)Misses Laura Torrence dnd Mpliza-’Beer er on. Mrs.Fleming's sister,Mrs,C.R.Lee,|eth Wearn of Charlotte of,Hams,18¢,Ber Ib. at Hendersonville.Misses Mamie ahd Elvy eee.|Sides ewesMrs.G.W.Taylor and little grand-|"My.and Mrs.C.L.bheie ign chil-|Red Honey,0c.per ihdaughter;Helen Johnson,went t0|dren of Benid,’Hl.,arrived Anight |Sourwood Honey Comb,18e.per Ib. |‘Grain,|The following prices were paid yesterda for grain,on the local market:Wheat,$1.20 per bushel Corn,$1 per bushelOats,60 eents per bushel. f *ne otTHE Lasgemarh Ang...6. - The following prices wereprema’vederiex spade into the ground forbuildingthefirstrailway. Little did he dream that ‘hisactwasthe’nucleus of a sys-tem that opened up to theUnitedStatesover1‘of theworld’s wealth and now takes — in over }4 of the railway mile-—age of the world, »It’s the crude initial steps of todaythatmakethecolossalenterprisesoftomorrow.Wealth,private and,_commercial,is the result’of smallbeginningspersistentlyencouraged along permanent lines. y i gy and harness.W.M.Walsh.A -\tion to the highest bidder,for*cash, i ‘_igies,corn,Wheat,oats,rye,roughness,2 ests.of Miss May PEACHES—Let your order come in. “|NOTICE—-On Saturday,August 14,1915,at|.10 o'clock,a.m.,1 will sell.at public athe farming implements and.kitchen furniture. 'Wisdom and.economy in |.wyoney matters of magnitude.|are the outgrowth of a saving—f pndennysin little things...) An account hereis thebegin: ‘Mrs.J.S.Alexander has returned from a Vieit to relatives in Moores-} ville and south Iredell. ‘HOLLYBROOK FRUIT FARM,J.%. Jen: nings,proprietor,Jennings,N.C. Greenebore.who svent.a day in town, Aug.6-—It*;:|Bitll ates a”65 cents -the or a :eas ~|furt ti 0 FOR ere a teraen house on ‘Sharpe |NIE “CANNON,pele *N.C.,RB,Box Capital $100 000 As Raid on TieDép i street.W.A.ELIASON,Ad@uly 9.)26,July 23-—6t.U.Ss.S.DEFOBITORY i Be ‘FOR SALE—13shares Statesville Cam STATESVILLE N.C guests of Mrs.P.B.Young,left Wed-nesday evening for Hickory. “Mr.and Mrs.Nathan O’Berry ‘of | Goldsboroarrived in Statesville Mon-| day afternoon in their touring car,| accompanied by Miss Elvy McElwee| of Statesville,who had been visiting |in Goldsboro.After,spending —the|night_with their:daughter;'Mrs.R.S.{McElwee,Mr.O’Berry ec Tuesday |erwth 9 ear for A fle and ed Pee M he ntiains Tha:party.il ae ro.)soaehe ah;e.Park -ly‘Miss Ella Gra ferns s beenvisitingat.her.old home in Rowancounty.is spending a few days inertswithMrs;J.H.Hill.She} m here to Montreat an ing about.a week ere| will leave for San Francisco,if oat| whence she sails ee Korea to >i ssion,wo!s);Gra ioiaoeEielonkrtorKore:fol e eral years and is at home on furlough.| ‘Miss Elizabeth Bowles returned/fWednesdayafternoonfromavisitto} the family of her uncle and-aunt.Mr.; and Mrs.C.E.Wilkins,inGoldsboro.|She wah accompanied home by little! Misses Ruth and Evelyn Wilkins.Miss.Grace.Gaither ‘arrived in Statesville Wednesday afternoon from+Richmond,Va.,and went out to Gool Spring township to spend her vaca-tion at the home of her father,Mr. N.J.Gaither.Miss.Lola Steelman of RockyMount,who was a Sornd -at,the homeofMr.and Mrs.L.Sherrill,leftWednesdayforAsheville.‘Miss Beulah Jenkins and her niece, Miss Virginia Ramsey,are at All Healing Snrings.Miss Bridel“Alexander is visitingMiss.Mary Loretz Cowles at the sum-mer home of,the)Gowles family near Wilkesboro.Mrs.Jas.Bypen 1 ntz and.her sister, Mrs:Morris,of Imore,Ill,“are spending.aj h .with relatives inandaroundStonyPoint.Mr:and Mrs.J.F.Litaker and chil- and’Mr.J.F. Litaker,Sr.,ofsboro,are visiting Mr.and‘Mrs.T,F.Shoemaker at Olin.“‘Bus-ter”Litaker,whé was sick at theSanatorium,is better.st~Miss Altie Corpening leaves to- fmorrow for Waynesville,where shewillspendawhile.Mrs,L.W.MacKesson and children |® went.to ¢Morganto:,‘yesterday —to 500 yards Blue Cham-10 Cent : Turkish Towels*bray,10c.1kind, 5 Cents.for 5 Cents.. d Saturday. “Phe LastDays of ’ operantan«endbiaidsocnsibbeii ieacheiniarienesn ane ORR netmA BelkCo's Great Mid.Sunita Clearance Sale, Full of WonderfulTwoMoreDays For Economy.vero unit 7 ‘Precious Hine for those who care to,andforthosewhohavetomaketheirdol-lars go farthest.;\We are ready to windupandSaturdayshouldbethebiggest»day of all.-Further reductions to com-plete clearance for the final days.. Summer StockMust All Go. Everything Reduced. Ny e4 i ; The Store That Sells For Less. PHONE 212. eae Germanyin time of’peate ie linters at’olié.cent'per poundto make gun cotton...Today.yea ba)selling for four cents per pound—the .llies:Paying.'g the difference.Germany figured oon the future—a :2 Allies on the present!)’-Coalis'selling-at§5.50per ton now,ar eliv-Sv ery,”Price willbe up'ina_short Aine, 8 GERMAN’OR ANane vLt tet spéiid -some time with relatives,Mrs.M.Lichtenstedth,who visitedMissCyntheliaMills,has returned toherhomeinAtlanta.Miss Rae Gill is at Altapass Inn,‘Altapass,Mitchell county,for the}summer.»~Mr.H.P.Rogers of Jacksonville,Fla.is.visiting relatives at Trout- man.Master Lessesne Allisén of theCrescentTheaterleftyesterdayforWrightsville.Beach,where he willspendhisten-days vacation:Mrs.F.,H.Adden,who was.here for a few days,returned to Hickoryyesterday.Mrs.J.C.French and.little grand-daughter,Sarah Mercer.who visitedMrs.French’s.son,Mr,G.E.French;ow yesterday for their home in:Mem-is.{.Hon.R.A.Doucteew:spent Wed-nesday in.Statesville en route fromAsheville,where he attended~~themeetingoftheStateBarAssociation,to his home in BoreEngineerW.Blackwell ‘of theSouthernHiwar'e.local shifter,wenttoAsheville.yesterday to attend ‘anairbrakedemonstration.Misses Viginia Steele -and’LouiseSloanwenttoAllHealingSprings’ grevat AllHealing hp this:week.Williams of ~Mr.and Mrs,W.TRockingham°er Mrs.te Announcement The Annual Fall Display of ‘The Globe ‘Tailoring Company, Cincinnati,will be held at our store onAUGUST5thy6thand7th, “The Complete Line Will Be Shown In Full Length Drapes.' at ei sn a ansehenen epeensnnnes me cate SHERRILL WHITE SHOE CO. pe Statesville,N.C. .Globe Expertiin chatige’:JOS.P.ALLEN, MAKE rr nous They pomYOUR eneWak00wkeshaartrn Beipadi OLIVER CHILLED PLOWtoyDraft.@ Blows"Wide.ither YOU-KNOW fromphpatalyonentk hong oth‘Why.be:Get.in,tine NOW? Ge aeRK|NO DANGER OF SHORTAGE,|an SCHRoe rte y Retire-—Sit- to .be continuingthroughoutthePol- wh Poland the Russians haverrupontheadvanced the fortress at Lomaza,regiments have gainedWriver,crossing in the.vi-of Ostrolenka,after viciousan,which a large number.ofidRussiangunsarede-have been captured.pold ‘of Bavaria is at- fortress of Blonie,to theaw,and’General Woy- red to have captured theoxtion«of the Ivangorodtheleftbank.of the .Vis-Marshal von Hackensen,of Chelm,is.said to havehe.Muscovites .again andHeVistulaandtheBugthefermanforcesarefollowingting.Russions northward,ns Jat all points are‘up strong rear guard actionsharassingtheTeutonsatev- ding the capture by theadvancingthrough'Court-Riga,the important Russianand:naval base on the Bal-vernment institutions,.in-‘the.State.bank,have beentoTotula,south of.Moscow,tions are being made to1°:institutionsBGRhe:been a large 15.|Ameriea Can Spare the War-|=|ting Countries Many.Horees|.But There:May Be a Short:age of Mules,mo Washington ‘Dispatch to Greensboro Europe ‘since the outbreak of the warhascausedmanyAméricanstobelievethattheequinesupplyin,this coun-try might be depleted.officials of theDepartmentofAgricultureassertthefearsaregroundless.Even if theexportscontinueforanotheryear,itwasStated,there is no danger of a@ shortage in work horses,‘ fArmy officers likewise scout thetheorythattherewillnot.he.any trouble in’garnering enough horsesforcavalrypurposesshouldanex-tra supply.be needed here.The ex- portation of mules,however,it is con- ceded,may prove,a more serious.mat-ter,although thé latter are not.be-ing shipped out of the country asfastashorses,’But the mule supply in the United States is.not as greatashorsesandtheincreaseishotsvapid,:4Thenumberofhorsesexportedto Europe from Avgust.1,1914,to duly 1,1915,is 260,791,and the number ofmulesexported.is 61,441,..During thesameperiodthenumberofhorses,ex-ported to Canada was ‘41,260,and the’number of mules Was 24,120.The to-|tal exportation of horses was 302,-651 and the.total exportation of muleawas85.561.The number of horsesexportedduringthefirst11.monthsofthewarwasabout14timesgreat-er than the number ‘exported during the same period of the previous year,while the number of mules.exportedwasnearly20°times greater. Europe has paid about $60,000,000 for horses for war purposes.and ahout$12,000,000 for mules,asarainst $8.-250,000 paid for horses and $650,000 ews,¥a ‘Although the shipment of horses to’‘ i Me “~ '‘ ae ‘ BT ere HE best “PneumaticTireisonlyasstrongasit8weakestpart,..Strengthening its strongestNpisasuselessa3puttinga»fifth Wheel on a Wagon,"et pias.td er done toovide“Selling-feature?’.anPTalkingPoint.’‘aaweakestpartofievePneumaticTireisitsWalsayomnotMegicking”eee@bricor“Stocking,”hot.itsRubber“Sole,”:Faas!\Nopica wouldbetoohightopayforamaterialtivat,re.lacing Cotton im the Walls.ofneumatic.Tires,would Jast asJongastheGoodrichRubberTreadcouldbemadetowear.Neither Silk,nor Linen,noranyothersnownFabricyetis-covered is so good,for‘thipurpose,as Cotton,--and.,choiceong-fibred Cotton is.the.bestmaterialthat’money can byyforTireFabric,Se ee am ad, o 8«@ <ft inheDeacon’s One-Hoss Shay’Me, Madeas tue.;‘ -—the saize reli.ableConstruction,the same depend. able Peawithout iwhatevertakenoutofQuality,tio other,-Fri But,—notwithstanding allthis,—the FABRIC is the part oftheTirewhichgoesfirst,..Because thesédes of the Tiredopeningaaheeene*~bendi stretching.a milliontimesanhour;in scores ofdifferentdirections...*©.This bending of the sides"causes Friction between the layersofCanvasworkingagainsteach‘ictiott.causes Heat—the Heat over-cures and dries outtheRubber:Adhesive betweenlayers,which then.separate fromeachother,in spots,the threads-weakeningor wearingoutchafingagainsteachother.\ »Then you have,in due time,the incipient blow-out,or otherformofTire-Death. coo TUT more layers of Fab-ric than we do in thePiRI¢tor strengthens.~them,and the friction increases,“with Taster”deterioration of’tie “F" the et d the Ger.|Paid for mules dpring the last year ofParspeace,,4ensoeeeItiscomputed.by..the Department~stl he teepu of Agriculture that on January 1.1915, matter what Rs hi.ductions in Liste,‘are p eastwardieDvinsk-Vilna railway line,ure.of.which‘would.severation.from Petrogradto Om.the —a ero.m prevails in Belgium...and.ins,While.along:the Austro-Ital-pes.same)kind of .fightingbeenjnprogressfor«weeks it side of the war ¢to the American &to her previousgof-the Ameri-Frye,laden withEngland,was _justifiableIncontraventionoftheAmericantreatyor.inter- m- "|suance of 4 call tothe Jewso f Am there were approximately 24,000,000horsesintheUnitedStatek,ef whichnumbertherewereapproximately.8.200.000 not on farms,’G.Ay “Bell,senior animal husbandman’of the bu-reau of animal industry,declares thattwo--or-three-timesthe-—-number—ofhorses,already:sold can be exported without.creating any appreciableshortageinthesupplyofworkhorses. NEWS ITEMS OF INTEREST. Happenings Here and There in‘the Country, H.-L.Smith,in jail at Gaffney,s.C...on a charge of arson,killed him-self by severing an artery.in his;leg. rabbis yesterday resulted « ica to fast and pray-next Me an expxession of sorrowtionsiniBuropeandas A sanference of thirty Meratete E use nothing less inGoodrichTires,and¥¥test every foot of itupto380Ibs.to the Square Inch,before we percolate it with theMostadhesiveRubber:ever made for this purpose._We then shape this rulbbér-ized Fabric into.Tires,withScrupulouscaretohavethetensiononeachsquareinchoffabricpreciselythesame,—thattensionbeingcontrolledbyamachineassensitiveastheeye,and:ety more:precise thanthehandworkofthemostskilledOperativecouldmakeit,".Todo this work we haye'themost-highlytrained men in the‘Rubber Industry}+<trained in ‘thé Precision'that practice “and:our Price are:ever”, ce fj Rubber through thegreater:héat:>~engendered, Put fewer layers,and the -walls would not be strong enoughtocarrytheloadoftheCar.So there you are—Mr,;TireUser! Why.put MORE layersofFabric.in the Walls of theTire.than will properly carrytheload,when each additionallayerisonadditional.developerofsinafieWirOhAeis’to Tires t ictoMan? c ::anetea:arai eye »$é sti th 0aeleaaeeainst“this unnecessary.war 45-year ‘EXPERTE,Ma,With “eotton for Ger-§costing the lives of Sormany nen.”|8 |)perteee”AI v I 5_governinen “protest.-the};Nine bunded and 81 pérso ee rich Tite,a carefully:“Which carries with it”the |their lives:in ‘the Eastland d ae px?CS Ss ‘)BALANCED Tite,emulating?’the|ofthe steamer butnot“ofher |#ctording to final figures given out HieM ame Seago yeh Mead ;Perera se.cs ¢.?famougexample of PeenappealwouldbeateChicagobytheWestern:ae eager yee aoe Hh 1 spies Cane BP REE!One doss Sha |.2 NCE «make:HOPNIT GLY 0)pat 414 eH PAT is the reaséne(@ (7 |fo vertna ih the Good::| :a ¥nSétricShay”ifi ‘wh ‘theTheidentifieddead~are y es on ;=3 Sill 5 8 h .38,unidentified dead 2,and’the sien wit ack gialeaite adtal “vider gy fbr si Feriaeh AoA an shinies sit slodpet eee paUst 2S Strongas theWesterna,Werified)|UE.Daal a Nein oS LOM itd aE at 1 Ot Bs this Rest eS PRMNS ane the “Thilts as Stone"of missing igT4T a RSF OTe Manufacturer;©J Oaly Y/O-E1GS FONE pest as the floor.See i bate.Sixty-four <automobile rural ‘deliy-;if he received aptice “Yo 2 Berea ae me wheHe mums .Fabrie:...eferaoyabein,Georgia,13 in Rlarida,|a eee ere rite,Leap SPE ae Non-Skid Tire a ciencyah,FHEN the,rést ofbaMesagteeeareacouldputbetterFabricintothe.,oe ‘sentences .the Tire builtap to that.:Stat week,A total of 208 routes in eight Walls of his Tires,use greater i Note following comparative prices,A)"*B,?al Result,—..eejmnorecans.waload At States have--been authorized,The care,more sensitively adjusted©and “D”represent four Widely-Sold NonSidd Tiedt _~The most:RE TENT3,“walued.at $1,491,580,(TOUteS Vary in length from 50to G4 Tension devices,or more adhe-——OTHER MARES ‘Tire that canbe made with Fab-;an sive Rubber:between each layer Safety”a ri¢Walls,—at the fairestprice perMileofperformance.©- :;miles,and will be operated from 9anincreaseinquantityof,A ;oF =a cgun |ayer“eent.,according-to Charles |‘?12 months a year.of fabric,a0 foyer tania ie eft 3$9.45 51 $10.95 |$16.35 |318.26 Why pay more for any23.60%"Tia? and Woyt §.Gale,of the;4+-Ws Huger,millionaire fertilizerStatesGeological)Survey,|™Manufacturer,in a wil filed for pro-12,20 “14201 24-70“erude bordte material now|bate at.Morn@romery,Ala.,leaves 14.00 16.30{222051 25.30th20.35 23.80 |°°31.15 a AOE is country is:the.mineral|Proverty valued at.$1,000,000 to his part of the Tire,and use it there“The product during|Wife and three children,provided :(aie 28:70 33.60 |43.85 33.90 41.80}49.851 52.05 e ;;‘mn :unsparingly,‘obtained from three mines,|they.continue to live in the South.‘yatherh and southeastern Cale Change.of location’forfeits their|..‘;;it right to the money.Mr.Hluger died '“the United States lead |als Buncombe’county,N.C.,y with approximately|tecently.iputofborates,or boric acid}30.Deberry,.4 negro charged with‘each producing in round|™urdering Mrs.‘Martin,wife of a ompany, ie ne r aob e s e Ma c r a m e de s sp s i n e g e c er ~~Beeause,we-know the vital.importance of THE BEST in this THE B.P-GOODRICH CO. -Akron,O,+3 bout 40,000 to 50,000:me-crude ores,mainly cal-s.Turkey probably.standsofproduction,with aaverageproductionof.14,-reported as boracite;and lawyer at.Murphysboro,Hilyhas con-fessed..Deberry lad been employedintheMartinhomeandwassenttonrisonforstealingaring.)At theinstanceofMrs.Martin,her husbandbecame-surety for the negro and he via,Italy,Argentina,and|Was reinstatedin the Martin home, BITE IAiso.producers.where he killed the.woman. TAA RerrsThejudiciarycommitteeofthe VERS.‘4yphaid-Campaign.Makes}iouse of the Alabama Levislature RIES &Progress.hove oe %rote to the ppine at ioe.é e filing of:articles of impeachment ; age allen gel ohi against John Purifoy.Secretary ofAdintmentsinthecounty.State,on charges of failing to make100.persons.This is|2"8¢counting of $1,000 alleged —tofourdays.At one Sie hve been paid to James H.Nunnellee,rs Heh gs -.$06 persona consideration of Nunnellee’s with-'fh Aedigt of hia appoint.drawal ‘from the race for Secretaryprinted’inThe Landmark.of State Purifov has been an office- tine ‘to.call for the molten tae i ;hetin.Statesville.Yesterday Miss Katherine Alice Page,daugh-treated,the largest.in any|ter of the American Ambassador,andOfthese220tookthefirst|Mrs.Walter,Hines Page,was marriedifand208thesecond,in the!Wednesday.afternoon,at the Chapeldate1,858 persons have been |k°yal,St.James Palace,London,toand-&i the second week of|Charles Greely Loring,son of Generalbegan,Wednesday, 32|Charles Loring of Boston,Members|as have taken second treatment.(of the government,representatives of |ae fe a ied Cant rare ot ‘The Polk Gray Drug Company.i ?diplomats were|;eR Bae BhIfolkaruinGonpresent..The invitations virtually |ON THESQUARE.nd keeping up their rep.|Were,limited to persons in official life Do tae,Ee ae ee oe acronerorcten ‘4 —and.intimate friends of the family,5 Net dt we °!The New Garland Combination Range, Eee mecttiveness.the.guests -nifmbering hardly ~more WOOD ANDGAS.>id ToBuya Nice Farm and Get Ready for Next Year's Gop.8 Dinner at Greens-than ROa aasPaik:ate Sinden Bar’Association Officers, Votre ‘'No.1+345 acres in Elmwood.\All school and church conveniences,,:aein Winder Strong land,40 acres in \bottom,§-room house,largé barn SHA You men with a ten-yearsol beard that pulls like sin—yon:young fellows with a tes months old fazz that slides rightundertherazor,have you ever tried an AUTOSTROP? It’s the ‘most complete,"convenient and cultingest razor you oeverraised.It is so gocd that it sells itself.That's why,eywegiveyouafullmonth’s free trial beforetyou buy.~ig i . Ie | * fa l e | If you want to live a clean life,shave with a scientificallysafeandsaniteryAULOSTROPwhileyoudress.Makes °shaving one of the day’s pleasures,n «Come right in TODAY and take one homewith ¥ou.You'llbehappyeverafterward.: |= |e l e l e ce ae ee ce OCC COC Wednesday “evening the|.The Bar Association,in session at} and out houses,, sistant.‘Secretary of the |Asheville,elected Harry Skinner of i No.2-77 acres3}miles east of city.This propertylies on the sand- w J.Peters;was|Greenville,president and J.Wy Davis.Speaker,Secretary.Mc-|°f Wilmington seeretary and treas- clay highway now being constructed by the government,IsidealforDairyandPruckfarming,ve eing ‘unable tobe present,|vrer-Mr.J.W.Pless of Marion is No,3~40 acres 1 1-4 miles from public ae Splendidly adapted te seven other speakers and |°N¢of the vice presidents,. for Dairy purposes,Live Stock and Pou 4 ig lasted until after mid.|..Senator James Hamilton Lewis.of t e No.4—-60 acres in Wilkes county just across Iredell line—abargain,; Dlinois.delivered the Principal ad-|i ck.Se ie a a ?Statesville -Housefurnishing.Co. 40 city lots in east Statesville,known as Park.Place'’—$15 down, 700 parwors attended the din-|"ess before the association TuesdayStateNormalCollegeby|i¢ls spoke Wednesday nigh balance in monthly payments of $5,» yfar ers have or-|leaf and Miss Ola Isabelle Barkley of neem —_——ae _._——reaching_—at~METAL ROOFING ma,1 anc ved to pay only 40 Mooregville were married Tuesdayerhundi.Picking cotton,|evening at Mooresville,at.the home|H stoppedto’thine aha tihe tb Natrust,b’go:oe lave you ped to think you can get one of the best TI :ROOFS put on at less price than thy other roofing ‘ow the on me and learn what J have, of Rey.R.C.Davidson,the officiating} 1}market.”Tin and Slate best roofing ever put on “WwW.R.MI L a’Webb ‘was the orator|minister.erate reunion.at.Cor-a rt.eae hei bride is a daugh-1rofJ.T.tam poe ’ae STATESVILLE TIN CO.,.C.Mohler,Manager,‘PHONE 54.»PHONESS.)(;UA Bast BroadStreets:pRbeCE enacAcanaR OANA ‘east thas voted to issue!—Hiddenite eu have Reerybeiy's f hich was ‘served in the dining night...Secretary of the Prddd Dan- te Seee 10 lots in Bloomfield,Terms easy.‘Six lots in south Statesville,sectionfeu divaloping,how tal nice houses and lotstosell.The groom is a son of S.h r,otis i‘¥ s for road work...Day on the 20¢ He iamSeei herdWerden opinelt ie ‘i te vnrlod STOP! Pretaterepeernematapcantics See soneeGALOmeL"CHS BILIO $2.NO! “igen “Dodson’s Liver one”Will Give YouBestLiverandBowelCleansingYouEverHad. aaoe using calomel.It makes youjen you right’up and make you feelDon’t lose a day’s work.If you)fine and hd Jin ge by morning I wantalazy,Rugaisty,bilious”or consti-|you to go ack to the store and getpated,listen to me!your money.Dodson's Liver Tone isshawat1is-mereury—or quicksil-;d the sale-;of talomel--“be-Ayer which causes necrosis —of ithemes.Calomel,when it comes intétactwithsour-bile crashes into it,|breaking it up.This is when you feelthatawfulnauseaandcramping.Ifouare“all knocked out,”if your)siveristorpidandbowlesconstipat-ed or you have headache,dizziness,coatel tongue,if -breath is bad orstomachsourjusttryaspoonfulofharmlessDodson’s Liver Tone. Here's my guarantee-—-Go ‘to anydrugstoreandgeta50centbottleof Dodson’s Liver Tone.Take a spoon-|less;,doésn’t.gripe and they like itsfultonightandifitdoesn’t s—pleasant taste.eee eee ieee “yi ‘COCOLADE! ‘cause it is real-liver~medicine;en-tirely,vegetable,therefore it can nop“ree or make/you sick.I guarantee that one spoonful ‘ofRedeas's Liver Tone will put -youruggishlivertoworkandcleanyourbowelsofthatsourbileandconsti-pated.waste which is’clogging yoursystemandmakingyoufeelmisera-ble.I guarantee that a bottle.of Dodson’s Liver Tone will keep,your entire family feeling fine for months.Give it to your children.It is harm- Cool and Fefreshing. King of Fountain Drinks. pie AT erm -g HALL’S DRUG STORE,-’PHONE 20..Prescriptionists. a a a re To the Farmers of Iredell and Other Counties: THE STATESVILLE REALTY &INVESTMENT COMPANY beg to announce that they.bave completed arrangements with “THEHOMEINSURANCECO.of New York,”’forinsuring your-growihg by Hail Tobacco,Corn,Cotton and small grain against destructionStormatthefollowingverylowprice: TOBACCO CROP.:$100 per acre valuation at. 75 per acre valuation at 60 per acre valuation at 3.75 per acre25peracrevaluationat1.87}per acre COTTON,CORN AND SMALL GRAIN CROP: $40 per acre valuation $1.60 per acre 35 per acre valuation 1.40 per acre 30 per acre Valuation .1.20-per acre 25 per acre valuation 1.00 per acre 20 per acre valuation .80 per acre 15 per acre valuation -per acr@ .... per acre valuation 0 pee acreDWELLINGS,FURNITURE,BARNS. lue:for one year at 30c.,'d.years at 60c.,5 years at 90c.Thiserinsurancecoversalsoagainstlossordamageoccasionedwand,in.addition to hail,BER~‘‘We insure anything insurable.”-J.F.CARLTON,ager PHONE 54,STATESVILLE,N C. $7.50 per acre~ 5.874 per acre $100 YNAMITE.ON ‘ee Te eessit ARGUME!NT. The ContentionWith Reference to:Neutral Commerce.| Great Britain's replies to the latest |American ees against in-‘terferences with neutral commerce re-ject entirely the contention thattheordersincouncilareillegalandjusti-| fy the British course as being whollywithininternationallaw.“Unsustainable either in point oflaworuponprinciples©of°interna-| tional equity,”is the British replytotheAmericanprotestagainsttheblockadeofneutralports,with an Bvitation’to stbmit to internationaarbitrationanycasesinwhich,neUnitedStatesisdissatisfiedwiththeactionofBritishprizecourts.Great Britain's reply to two notes,was made public in Wash n Tues-day night,and in London 9 pealously,by agreement between thegernments.With the note.was ieadepublicalsothe.correspondence ‘over|the American steamer Neches;peed iby the British while’en route—Rotterdam to the nited State’ with goods of German origin.Changed conditions of warfare,“the British note eontends,requiré a newapplicationoftheprinciplesofin-ternational law.The advent of thesubmarine,the airship and the*allegedatrocitiesbyGermantroopsinBel-gium.are cited as justification for the exercise of extreme meatures.-|blockade is justified on the eontention|that the universally recognized pandamental:principle of a blockade isthatabelligerentisentitledoicutloff“by effective meansthe sea-borne icommerce of his enemy.”™The note reiterates that Great Brit-ain will continue to apply the orderscomplainedof,although not withouteveryefforttoavoidembarrassment |to neutrals;and observes that theAmerican.statistics show that anylossintradewithGermanyandAus-itria has been more than Svarpelanced1ibytheincreaseofotherindustrialac jtivities due to the war.|In the general reply to the Ameri-{can representations against the or-ders in council,Sir Edward:Grey.the|foreign minister,addressing Ambas- isador Page,begins by expressing thc hope that he may be able t6 convince ithe administgation “nm.Washington‘“that the measures we have announc- ‘ed are not only reasonable and nec-‘essary,in themselves,but constitute ino more’than an adaptation of the jold principles of blockade to the pe-‘culiar circumstances with which.w: jare confronted.” |I need searcely dwell.”‘wrote:Sir|Edward,“on the obligations.incum-jbent upon the<allies*to take every\step in their power to overcome theircommonénemy-in view of the shéck-‘ing:Violation of the recognized rule‘and principles cof civilized warfarclefwhich“he has been euilty.durinzthepresentstfuggle.”Sir Edward refers to.atrocities in|Belgivn.:poisoning of wells in Ger-!iman.Southwest .Africa,.use.of poison- ;ous vases against the allied-troons in|‘Flanders and the sinking of the Lusi- Se Te RE «Lis.thet we should.leave%2nused 60 Tornadoes Devastate 10,000 Homes in Eight States Suchistherecord ofoneday’s hundred years the Hartford damage done by tornadoes.Fire Insyrance Company You don’tknow when the has met.every honest claim tornado may strike your promptly.Buy a Hartfordproperty,but you do know Tornado Policy today.Itisthe"Old Hartford”protects .the nearest thing to comfortagainstallloss,For overa when.a Tornado strikes.g People’s oo. aes N.CG.Resident Agent. GEO.H.BROWN,President. “The Ciutching Hand” “Of poverty and want will never grab you if you have an active savings account.in a good Bank—this Bank for instance.But you want to start in time.Startnow, and start here.A dollar will do to startwithandahundreddollarswouldn’t stop you,once you realize how important a savings account is. SAPETY—SERVICE—SATISPACTION. \ Merchants and Farmers’Bank, Of Statesville, “The aes For Renee: :demonstrate.the =national law and at the same time by =‘in council. githis country last year from different Ejarrangements.to pay the =icompel theni to do ‘so. iain’s Colie;Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy,”rites Sol itania,te show “how+indispensable it no.justifiable method of defending ours selves.”Tn the supplemental note,which‘ds ja reply to the American caveat giv-ling notice that.the United States would not recognize the orders in council in lieu of internation:al law,|Sir Edward Grey writes he does “notunderstandtowhatdivergenceofiviewsastotheprinciplesoflawapy |Plicable in cases before the prize jcourt,the government of the United |States refers,for I am not aware ofjanydifferencesexistingeeewoenthe two couritries'as ‘to the principles of |law applicable in cases before such ieourts.”.bSir-Edward compares the rules igoverning British prize courts,to the’ irules applied by American courts.re-'ferring especially to the AmericanjeaseoftheAmyWarwickbeforethe|United States Supreme Court,where‘it--was held-that “prize courts isubject.to the instructions of their jown sovereign’In the absence of od instructions their.furi diction te ‘jand rules of decision are to beasccr-jbejtainedbyreferencetotheknown powers of such tribunals and the priciplesbywhichtheyaregovernedun-ider the public law and the practice ofji\nations. that the prineiples applied by prize courts of the two countries areidentical.” The supplemental note then pro-jeeeds with a long legal argument to practicability of a iprize court being governed by inter- imunicipal law in the form of orders ‘North ‘Carolinians in the Lot Who Failed to Pay. |Washington’Dispatch to dpepensborg |News,”Unless some 50 or more North Car- olinians who were brought back to parts of Europe ‘make immediate United |States government money,advanced,ithem to return Home,United States Attorneys Hammer and Winston willbeinstructedtobeginproceedsto The law appropriating,the mon- ey for the relief of Americans in Eu-rope provided that the governmentshould,be reimbursed by all Ameri-cans who were able to do so,Atcord- ing to information furnished the De-partment of Justice many people withcomfortableincomes’have either fail-ed or refused to repay Uncle Sam for his kindness.‘The yovernment has decided to compel the able ones to “comeacross”and proceedings will be beguninthecourtsinthenearfutureand public.. Recommends.Chamberlain's Colic,and Diarrhoea Remedy.“I never hesitate,to recommend Chamber. Cholera Williams,merchant,Jesse,Tenn.aie of any prepara-I haye used it my- |crops produced during the year iis’a fact of progress given out and'¢ _farm eithér,but is on ‘his annual earn-|: are lance,dissolves the dandruff and stim-| It would appear.thereforé,|, Son nnreanennrnie mere sean Improvements on North ‘Cate i lina Farms.‘|Raleigh News Observer.The imlowe Ste on the farms of!|North Caroling yalthe ten-year|§period between 1 and 1910 was|é 7 per cent annually of the ane oe at\s vouched for by:Mr,J,M.Johnson of}ithe North Carolina experiment sta- ‘tion,4“According to the census of 1910,”|2 says Mr,John “the value of the|&crops grown in North Carolina during|& the previous year amounted to $142,-|@892,192.The iner in’value of |=farm buildings,ipment and live!#stock on the farms was $102,672.312.|&This amount is 70 per cent of the!# value of the one.year’s crop as given|#above,and if we distribute this per!:cent inerease in value over the ten-|=year period,it/seéms that the farmer!4 has.been able to put at least 7 per|&jcent of the value of his crops into|&better equipment,more and better|@livestockand.Ammproved farmbp: ings. “Putting thismoney into these im-|2 iprovements is.equivalent to.making}=that:much profit above his living ex-!&pense,__Not_only las the farmer bet-tered himself by improving his farm,but his Tand.‘has.increased —invalueduringthesamelengthoftimeabout142.5 per cent of $22,209,105,'so he has the value of this unearned : increment in addition to the other}:profit.Thé other profit of 7 per cent):is not on total capitalization of his|' ”ings. First Year?'s Cost of the War. The first year of the war has cost jthe belligerent governments about $16,500.000,000 in direct expenditures \for military’purposes.Experts agree fairly well on these figures.The Ber- i Vorwaerts finds the total $16,676,-130,000;the French economist Hd- mond 'Thery $17,400,000,0 5 andthe} We Are Wel Stocked onaGood arity of Vehicles,Harness,ote. The Famous Hackney,HighPoint and Oxford Buggies and other makes that | we have always carried, & A good stock of HARNESS of our own ae make,ee, Everything in our line atright prices.—ie Always see us before you buy.{twill pay you. on The Harness,Vehicle -&Supply Co, _Statesville,N.C, statistican,William Michaelis,of Ber- lin $15,240,000;000. Thisis the expense of putting about 9,000,000 men into the field for the|f central.powers,and about 13,000,000 '}for the allies. It does not inélude,however,the'} far greater amount lost through|the destruction of towns and villages,|f the razing of the countryside,the) wrecking of bridges and railroads and} the wholesale sinking of ships,andi} the economic loss through the dimi-|nution in productive industry,the kill-|{ing of the strongest men in the com-'|fi munity and the creation of a class of| -erippjes-and-madmen, The war is now-tosting about $45,-600,000 ‘a day,$2,000,000 an hour and$30,000 aminute.The cost is mount- ing steadily.:2 Beet Seed:From)Germany.| portation of German sugar -beet seed| to plant next will be ‘permitte if Conditional ,assurances hava been}},received’from Great|Britain that im-|f ear’s American cop! as a result of infor-|ff YOU.GET LOTS OF. CHANGE:BACK rh imal negotiations by the State Depart-|1, jment, Each shipment will be corisidesed| iby British officials on its merits,ad;|will not be molested if three coridi-|tions imposed by.Great Britain are)\met.It’must be shows that the seed|is available’for purchase only in Ger-|W «many;shipments must Be made from ‘neutral.ports only,and thére can be}no exchange of.American commodi-'!ties.with the German exporter,Ship-/ments that do not fill all of these con-| ish order in council.é|EASY WAY TO MAKE Ladies who-find trouble in properly | ditions will be stopped under the Brit-|} HAIR:ATTRACTIVE| ‘00 LEE aNatRIGHTWANTINs TCE ANDaha ee AS ay3 FRE GOOCS We SELL.BECAUSE WEaINGEUERYONEWODEALSWITHSeTOMERFORLIFE. their hair should try using a little! Parisian Sage twice daily for a while! and.note the*remarkable improve:| ment.Parisian Sage,which can be} obtained from Statesville Drug Com-| pany or any drug counter,makes the |iresofty lustrous,fluffy and wavy,|takes out the dull,lifeless appear-| ulates the hair roots’into healthy and| norinal action.Instead of merely | sprinkling the hair,it should be rub-)right into the scalp with thefin-| ger tips.Parisian Sage is a delight-|ful treatment for both hair and scalp; cannot possibly injure the:hair andisveryinexpensive.| ther the names ‘of the “delinquent made} White,Pink and or attractively arranging and dressing |= ‘House-to-House:Demonstrations As well as byAppointment, Free to Everybody.fo 7 ——+—’PHONE,Write OR CN ‘Statesville Gaslight‘andFuelCompany. LavenderAster|=| The Carnation season is over,but weaveplenty’of beautifulwhite,pink and lavén-der Aster which splen-didly take the placeofCarnationsthrough thesummer. Alt orders have atten- “LenoirCollege,ilar, Co-Education under the best conditfons and ent.A realCollege,but not sectarian,Our A.B,graduatés enter seinourStateUniversityandother.universities and attain the A Meoneyeur,Phy ie stmentfa, Five Modern buildings,steam heat,electric,lights,city:ehteesYoderScienceBuilding,with up-to-date laboratories for chemist,Biology,Library and Reading Room,Clean Athletics.SplendidGOODBOARDATCOSTforyoungmenlastsession,$9.20 a month;Der aa aewomen,$9.00 a month;room rent $1.50 a month. Departments:Literary,Music,(Piano,Voice,»Violin),_Bapretaton,Art,Busl-‘ness,Domestic Science and Domestic Arts,and PreparatoGENUINECOLLEGEADVANTAGES_WITHINRBACH or THE,PEOPLE!Write for Catalogue. R.L.FRITZ,President,.‘Hickory, tion the moment re-.ceived,Beautiful de-.signs for all purposes‘charmingly arrangedbyourexperts. Van Lindley Co., FLORISTS[0 THE SOUTH, |GREENSBORO,F.©. Poll Gray Drug.Co, nd iC me mare ella thanevertriedforthesame Fire,Tornado,Live Stock,Automobile,Liability,Plate Glass,SteamBoiler,Accident ‘and Health or"life Insurance," We solicit your business for the leadingcompanieswritingthedifferentlinesofinsurance.MEpeeeniation obonrequest, nS Our Entire Stock of Spring andfe Dodane:at GreatlyBadiiced Prices.| This sale will include SILKS,FANCY LINENS;LAWNS,CREPES,WH LIN UNDER-GOWNS,SKIRTS,DRAWERS,CORSET COVERS,SHI ; MILLINERY will go at one half price andless.Parasols,Slippers and Oxfo 1,000 yards GooD QUALITY BLEACHED DoMBSTIO at 5e,yard. Ladies’all wool Suits one-third to one-half price, Big stock fine Voile and Scrim Gurtain materials also includedin thissale at § 10 per cent discount from regular price. All Merchandise sold at cut prices will he for CAS MILLS &POSTON, Don’t forget the date—WEDNES ONLY. DS ”AUGUST 11th,to e [TE GOODS,DRESS SUITINGS,COTTON PANAMAS, WAISTS and KNIT UNDERWEAR.‘for Men and Women. ecial prices. “ROYAL”.MUS-All SUMMER.for Men,Women and Children—-big cutin above lines..—- 1,200 yards Goop GRADE APRON CHECKED GINGHAMat5cAfewfineallwoolSkirtsat$1.50—worth $5,00. New stock of Elkin Blankets will bé gold during this sale atSATURDAY:NIGHT,AUGUST lst,Yours yey truly, Statesville,N.C. 5e,yard, i iE LAN DMARK| D,Y,“+‘August 6,1915, TWO MASONIC LODGES. feceipts From Mooresville Pic- mic Near $1,000—Death of ‘Mrs.Brown—A Marriage— sonal and Social Items. pndence of The Landmark. esville,August 4.—The annual ic last Thursday was attended by ry large crowd from this and sur- nding counties.Under the direc-m of the chairman,Mr,D.E.Tur-_the plans which had been previ- made for caring me ie pm stematically carried ou -Sire fact that Bishop John C.6,who was.the speaker for thesion,missed connection in Char- for the morning train,the largemberofpeoplesaaweregreat- i M.T.Smath-oncard.‘was calle on for aandalthoughshehadbuta“Moment’s notice,he responded ery entertaining and instructiveeageroodthioftheMeniciisisyear,@“eat ‘This has alwaysthe‘drawing features,es-“the -youtiger’.generation. fact’that Superintend- ha ‘condition so i§Were not present iroswas’greatly missed by everyOfdinnertherewasaplenty,COold drinks there was more:thaneeconcessionson.the“to make-the,day‘Several baskets.were‘forSi ag an These by“the wood =jladiest--a liberal donation.of,§received from Desayae‘of the day was perfectthereceiptsamountedtoalmostousanddollars.«It-is stated thatprofitthisyearwillamount.to ?e than it did last:year.ille now bears the distinc-of having two Masonic lodges.Thursday afternoon at 2:30—the‘old-Mt.-rne-lodge,-“No.has been out of existenceg,revived ‘the,old charter n work again.The threeofficerswereelectedassoe ‘White,W.M,;M.T.;;A.W.Colgon,J.-.10th.the officers will be in- y J.‘F.Fairchild,past.mas-Mossville lodge No.496.TheingplaceoftheMt.Mournesbeen,moved)from Mt.‘to Mooresville.and the reg-communications will be held onsecondandfourthTuesdaynightseach’month:The Mooresville lodgeteonthefirstand.third Tuesdayts,The lodges will use the same “Martha Brown,aged 65 years,of the late Francis Brown.diedhearttroubleatthehomeofher-in-law,Mr.Andy ‘Sherrill,Sun-afternoon.The following chil-|®survive her:Messrs.Id.,Miles, “Clarencé,Challie,Mrs,Andy,Mrs.Nannié Lou Moss,Mrs.innic |Whitener.Funetal service ¥mducted at Rehobeth church, county,by Rev,J.H.Green:at.that place.Y William Johnston,son of Mr.!Johnston,was carried to Salis-‘Sunday morning to undergo anionforappendicitis,His con- jis regarded as entirely satis- ry.Mr.B.A.Troutman went Salisbury Monday to.attend.theralofhisbrother-in-law,Au-usKerr,Miss Myrtle Graham to Davidson Monday to attendteachers’institute.at that,place two weeks.Mr.J.M.Kennett“Aast Saturday morning for Ran-in to be with his aged father“mother,both being critically ill..P..N.Barger and Rev.I.E.ded the Northern Confer- the North Carolina Synod)vened at Salem church, ‘county.last week;and Rev.I.“Sh Tuesday for Charleston,he will join Mrs.LongAfter“spending|Renort of Villa’s Strong TalkHedaughter ere,they will go to New- rtwo weeks.Mr.S.J. nston-Salem spent sev-wa here this week.Mrs.W.S.atax hadas her guests recent- e1g ocpocteh riends:,Miss Mar-rady Paar e:Mr.“andikLeak,Mrs,Stancill andand‘Mr,and Mrs.WilliamsM.)m of Winston-Salem,are “npend-|“week here ‘with Mr,and Mrs.Swaim.J.H,Rankin delightfully en-|agent of th p “the Sane Souci club.and the!vis Re rn eereee was afarded{first’prize and Mrs..C, F,Melchor consolation.prize.Misses Clara Mills and>Margaret Rankin served a delicious salad course.(Mrs.J.L.Donald entertained sev-eral of her friends last Friday morn- ing in honor of Miss Evelyn Worsham of Ruffin. Miss Stella LeQueux of this placeandMr..Q.D.Ellis of Charlotte weremarried.in Statesville last.Friday af- ternoon by Rev..W.:M.Watsh.‘Miss LeQueux is the e¥anddaughter of Mr. I.’S.Henderson,with whom she has made her home for several years.Mr.Ellis is connected with the SouthernrailwayatCharlotte.This happy young couplewill make their home inCharlotte. SHERIFF'S |SETTLEMENTS. Closes Account Fer Years 1911 and 1912—Insolvents in the Townships. The county commissioners ‘have completed the tax settlements with|‘ Sheriff Deaton for the years 1911 and1912—-the period beginning .October ist,1911,and ending October st,1913.The official figures are as-fol- lows: CHARGES. Total taxes for 1911,as shown onpartialsettlements;';made Nov,12;'1912 $131,a0.ATotaltaxesfor1912,as shown.on partial settlements made~Nov.lst,1918 181,742.74 Total chargesLess,insolvents and”errorsfor1911 Less insolvents and errors for 1912 656.7Total’insolvents for both years a $263,044.28 i,182.82 fet (Staees PLease ere Ti tay eves 255,911.Ht~CREDITS. By amount paid State as shown onsettlementNovy.13,1912Byamountcommissions allowed by StateBy.amount of Co.Treas.ReceiptsonsettlementNov.12,1912 .... By amount Treas.Receipts for 1911,shown on settlement made Nov.1, $25,389.25) $94.32 70,061.51 1913Byamount State Taxes for i912 asshownonsettlementNoy.1,1913ay,amount’commissions allowed by 21,052.31 26,290.35 891.98ByamountTreas,Receipts for 1912,|as shown on settlement made Nov.Ist,1913Byamount Treas.Receipts for years 1911 and 1912,as shown on settle-/ment made June 25,1914.|By commissions due sheriff,allowedbyState «|By Treas.Receipt to make this set-tlement 76,683.14 28,307.60 7,111.48 1,229.57 Total credits k :$255,911.41 The settlement for,1913 has alsobeenmadebutisnotfinallyclosedforthereasonthatitisbelievedthattheamountnamedforthe:insolventscanbereducedbysomecollections which the sheriff Will endeavor to make.>iTollowingistheamount allowedforerrorsand°insolventsin~~each township: Barringer—1911 $181.27,1912$159.18,_Bethany—1911 $83,09,1912 $139 1912 1911 1912 15 55. $138.31, Chambersburg $438.31. Eagle 1912 "Cool Spring —1911 $49.82, ‘Concord $124.42.. 1911.$149.73, 1912 $158.57,Coddle Creek —.1911 $574.25,1912 Davidson —1911 $152.81, $82.26, $73,10,$57.58. Fallstown—1911 $106.35, Mills—1911, 1912 $87.- ©heir Hope—1911 $129.22,1912 $61. P Otin —-1911 $148.98,1912 $155.- __Sharreshore —1911 $45.49,1912; 40, outside $843.36;inside $500.61,. ‘outside $1,102.11.Be i Turnersburg—1911 $162.49,1912$161.87,tUnionGrove—1911 $49.40,|$58.20, 1912 Denied, It,was reported from El Paso, Texas,a few days ago that Gen.Vil- ila,who was alleved to have confis-cated the stocks of foreign |mer-|ehants at Chihuahua,Mexico,.had: oie the merthants that the’Ameri<:can government could go to the.low- ter regions,This report.is not only denied by by George BE,-Ca¥others,specialStateDepartment,whoaroomadjoiningthatinwhichv2atherhomeonBroad|Villa made his talk to the merchants.ly morning:‘Progres-|7 nelus-lurdock|levied,, The stocks of the merchants were hotconfiscatedbat.an assessment was 1912, Shiloh —1911 $221.89,1912 $301.-| Statesville —1911 inside $364.65,’ ia |Villa’s representatives but is denied, FLOOD DAMAGE AT ERIE.| Many Lives Lost and Much Dam- age to Property—PropertyDamageat,Richmond. Floods at Erie,Pa.,Tuesday -night resulted in’a loss of .27 lives andbuildingswerewreckedforamilein the heart of the city.About 800 houses ‘arid -50-store buildings were demolished and the loss is ‘estimatedat$3,000,000.\Among the freaks of the flood were automobiles resting in treetops ap-parently undamaged;one house wasfoundcastuponthehillsidewith.awallofthediningroommissingand the table.undisturbed.But the power of the waters’onrush with its mass of floating Jogs and debris ahead wasperhapsbestshownwhereheavy stone culverts many feet high werecarriedforawholecityblockdown the ravine. The heavy ‘precipitation cau dams south of the city to burst,flood- ing the main business:streets to a depth of five feet and in some sec- windows of dwellings. {first plants put out of commission was the Erie'\County Electric Company,‘|which ‘supplied the city.with:;light.| Then'the plant’of the Erie Dispatch; a@ morning‘paper,was flooded.-i Damage in Richmond. With ‘a rainfall of more than.three,inches,accompanied by:a high wind, Richmond,’Vay;was storm swept at more than $500,000,.Three build- ings in the ‘business district collapsedand‘a’large:‘namber -of small.dwell- ings in ‘the low ‘grounds:were swept jaway.'Wire:communication.was bad-ly’interfered:with.|} ‘No deaths were reported but there were a'number of herdie rescues from ‘houses in the low ground flooded.by Main street for many squares aroundtheChesapeakeand:Ohio railway sta- tion was under five feet of water and manv stores in this district were uh- |der the flood.2 yee‘Damage at Other Points. ‘AA heavy downpour over the Metro-;politan section of New York Wednes- day morning flooded streets ‘in ~the city and suburbs;crippled surface and elevated traffic,destroyed’“wires, flooded hundreds of cellars and up-rooted trees.’There wits much dam-.age to shipping..The same day there was cbnsiderable damage by storm andpoints in Maryland. The:Stony |PointReunion, In the neighborhood of 200 Con-federate veterans attended the annual re-union of old soldiers at Stony Point Wednesday,including a number ‘from Statesville and Iredell.The.usual large crowd in addition to the veter-ans was also in attendance and the occasion was considered a great suc- cess.Rev.W.A.Lutz of Statesvillewastheprincipalspeaker.Prof.A.F.Sharpe was in charge of the.exer- cises.A very interesting and -pleas- ing,feature of the day was the sing-ing of a number of old,Southern soneseuchas“Dixie,”-“The Southern Girl,” etc..by a choir of veterans,The dinner was an abundant one and of the:best. The trial of Ida Belle Warren,8.P.Christy.and Clifton ‘Stonestreet,forthemurderofMrs.Warren’s husband, G.J.Warren,began in -Wihston-Sa: lem Mphnsding.:psig a Tuesday night and damage estimated| the waters of Shotkoe creek,°which” runs through the center of the:city.;, and flood in Philadelphia,Baltimore |) tions reaching to’the second story}Among the,i SOD.Hd ZPerret Our responsibility does nottheseRockers,you;will A second glance is not necessary to show the value of these Rockers:are graceful;the proportions are correct and the finish is the very best. cease when we have made a sale to you il find us reasonable,and standing square behind our guarantee. To fully appreciate these values it will be necessary to see these headiecnnsRockers at our store. -Grawford-Bunch F urniture Company ~x THE STORE THAT ALWAYS WELCOMES YOU. eneraTee eee eS aerate Quality Rockers Are Most Satisfactory! AMER 1CAN IBER $9.00_ <=rt.tee oo name’TTT It’s all there.The curves Ifanything goes wrong with ”Stationery Bars ains!become soiled (Stationery all rig-good time to get some nice goods _StatesvillePrinting Co... q Wehave a few packages of niceStationery,the boxes of which have)that we-are placing on sale at~cost.A uilding:|Materials [C.WATKINS,promeyue.IN..C.,North CenterStreet, NextPlanters’Warehouse... Major Breese Paroled. The final chapter in the.famous First National bank of Asheville fail-; ure,for which Major W.E.Breose of} Breyard’was sentenced to a’term in| the Atlunta’penitentiary,was iwtit-| ten Tuesday when Attorney General| Gregory ‘signed the parole of |Ma-: jor Breese,allowing him to return to| his home immediately upon receipt | of the Attorney General’s order in, Atlanta.The Asheville bank case figured in| the courts about 15 years.After! Breese had finally.,been convicted! ahd all appeals exhausted,he stood | off the prison sentence for near a!year on account,of illness and was,finally taken on a cot from his home in Brevard to Asheyille,for final sen | ee @ * chetrtrercnsentr neveriet eparrreete eo ‘THE DACRO SYSTEM. {THE PAINE VIEW DAIRY has beea telling users of ilk that bytheDaeroSystemitkeepsmilkfreeofcontaminationuntilitreachesthéconsumer.Now the Dacro Systemisas simple as it can be.Themilkisputinto-a Dacro Bottle and then sealed with a Dacro Crown, A Dacro Crownis simply a metallic.seal lined witha prepared wood .fiber disc...This crown tovers entirely the mouth of the bottle and no dirt can possibly get into the bottle.It cannot be opened until ., it reaches the consumer.--Could you ask for better protection? {THE PAINE ViEW DAIRYis supplying the milk that is benefi-cial and aids health.Why and how he does it will be explaineduetimetotime. {’Phone 347 Black,PAINE VIEW DAIRY,the dairy with the Da- cro,system,when you want pure and clean milk delivered at your }hoine, A McKee Co's All P.K.Cloths at the verythenewfullshapes. |‘For Women-and Children,in$1.25 dress;39c.buys a Bhues and Miliinery. J.M.McKee ‘No.112 West Broad Street,betweenMontgomery Closing outall one Men’s aka Boys’Drdce.aadWork Shirts.aWork $1 Shirts for 752;50-cent ones for 33c.good Work Shirt as low as 38e.. BY EXPRESS T ODAY;: Another shipment of Ladies’wate Skirtsin Gaberdine and :special price of $1.25,made up in |«..WASH DRESSES ‘samples.one. New.Percales and.Colored Shirtings in the -advaner-fallpatterns.See us for what you may need in Dry Goods, rdware cone; A ots you a $1 to 25c. SaAGHET WATCH! Hear how this listens to yee Sounds good?BRACELET WatTcH;Filled Bracelet,20-yearcase,7-jewel movement,$11.25.BraceletWatch,Solid GoldBracelet,Solid Gold Case,15-jewel movement,$20.25,The Watchesareverysmallandcanbedetachedfrombrageletandwornasordinarywatch,Comeinandseethem,R.H..RIGKERT &SON. Oihers i &Comp any. Dri oea ae Wie You INTERESTED?” Slate Roofing?Tin RoofinGalvanizedShsiiteteSte Roof Palated?Ice Box or Refrigerator Lined?‘Tin or Sheet Metal Workof any Kind?)LET -US.KNOW.ne cont TIN WORKS. VOL.XLIL. _STATESVILLE,N.Cs TUESDAY,AUGUST 10,1915.. ReefDROWNED)INCAPE.FEAR. Four Perish inRiver at ©WilmiingtonandOneat.Mason- ‘boro Sound —Dr.Morris .Caldwell and His Brother Vic- tims. At Wilmington Saturday night Dr. ¥ -Morris M.Caldwell,his brother,ClellCaldwellofCabarruspobaty,whowasvisitinghim,Dr.J.H.Borne-mann,and Chief Engineer HarwelloftheGermansteamerNicaria,in-terned at Wilmington,were drownedintheCapeFearriverbythe:over-turning of a small motor boat.They.were crossing the river to’visit thetwointernedGermansteamers,theNicariaandtheKiel,when thé boatcapsizedinmidstream."Chief Engineer Reimers’of thesteamerKiel,the fifth mmber of theperilswastheonlyonetobesaved.Heis a good swimmer and reachedsomepilingwhichheclungtountil Captain Hollasch of the Nicaria,inresponsetocallsforhelp,went tohisassistanceinasmallboat.:Harwell’s body was recovered Sun-day night and the bodies of Dr.Cald-:well and his brother were recoveredyesterday.Doctors Caldwell and BornemannandMr.Caldwell were seated in thesternof‘the boat.The boat was low down in the water and the slightesttiltwouldhavecausedittotakeinwater.It is thought that one of the men faised up,causing the boat todip.‘Owing to the weight of engine‘and emall size of the craft a little a hay -public generally and other water caused it to go to the bottom instantly..Caldwell was a good swimmerandall-round athlete and it is thoughtthathemusthavelosthislifeinanefforttosavehisbrother,who .couldnotswim.Dr.Bornemann also couldswim,bit unless one swims with the current in the Cape Fear it.is impos-sible to’make headway:The:death of Dr.Caldwell willbringsorrowtomanypeopleinthissection.of the State.He was a na- tive of Cabarrus county and a grad-uate of Davidson College.He-was afrequent.visitor to Statesville in hiscollegedaysandwas’known to manyofour‘people.He was a prominent,|W45rrandsuccessfulphysicianatWilmington,where he had practicedforseveralyears.His wife and.twosmallchildrensurvive.Dr.Bornemann was unmarried.He|™ is survived by his parents and several‘brothers and_sisters.Mr.Clell Caldwell leaves:a wifeandtwochildren.Mrs.,Veltpel!waspatLularris,_ni of}:Mr.lige is 0 z Cabarrus.,mn Caldwell'gah ...darris. ie PANES.a.jofates ay)iy Adam F.Wiegand,a,“young.manholding‘‘a position with the ‘AtlanticCoastLinerailroadatWilmington,| was drowned at Masonboro Saund,near Wilmington,at 6 o'clock.Simn-ternoon,in an effort to nave .a herescued.-Wiegand’s body re-mained under water for three-quar-ters of an hour before it was recov-ared,He was from.Wilkesbarre, Pa.;and his remains were sent thereforburial. Sunday School Picnics.© The annual’Sufifay school picnicwillbeheldThursdayatNewSalemchurch,Chambersburg township.The Sundayschoolsespeciallyarecordially‘inyit- nion,Carl.Strunck,who ‘ed.Baskets of dinner also invited. Firemen to New Berne. “000 bond issue+4$126,000 fortdiocamiae Rev.J.F.Kirk,Mr.Dorman Thomp-son and others expected to speak.Sunday’school picnic at St.Paul'schurchnextSaturday,14th..Publicinviteddndbasketsofsupplies.forthedinnertableexpected.-The Sunday school of Shiloh Pres- byterian church will picnic at .thechurchgroundsnext.Saturday,14th.Publi¢.invited.Sunday school .picnic at Chapel Hillchurchtoday.‘Public invited. The following members of theStatesvilleVolunteerFireCompany,headed by Chief Thos.Kerr of thefiredepartment,left Sunday after-hoon for New Berne to attend theStatetournamentwhichbegins to-day:Messrs.Ernest,Plyler,W..L.Neely,Clyde and Ralph Gaither,CG:L.Gilbert,George Ayers,B.M.Gar- rison,Ed.Ozment,Alex.Cooper,EarlMoser,W.A.Evans and Jo.White.“Pat,”one of the fire department’sbegutifulgrayhorses,and the single on were taken along forrecthgruirposes..The company also took its camping.outfit and expects to.“camp out”while at New Berne. Former’Congressman A;Ay 0.Stan-ley,Demoérat;E.P.Morrow,Repub-lican,andFred,J.Drexler,Progress-ive;were nominated for Governor in the State-wide primary for all par-ties held in Kentueky Saturday.Stan-ley was hominated over ‘LieutenantGovernor,Edward J.McDermott andH.V.Me:Chesney.His victory is re-gardédvas a:virtual defeat of State-wide prohibition. ‘English is to be substituted forGermanin‘mostof the,commercialschoolsofRussiaas,one of the,com-ulsory subjects:of the curriculum,This was ordered by the minister of‘finance at.the request of the schoolauthorities,Salisbury Saturday’voted a $200°-new55,000 for schools and }for,sewerg,reéts and 1Obaie whea Sater er emeraeae TWO CONDEMNED TO DIE. Mrs,Warren.vandS.P.Christy. Found Guilty of First DegreeMurder—End of FamousMurder:Trial at Winston-Sa- lem. At 11.50 Saturday night the.jury in the case-of Mrs.Ida Belle Warren, Sam.P!Christy and Clifton Stone- street,on trial in Forsyth Superior Court.forthe:murder of G,J.War- ren,returned a verdict.of first degree murder as to Mrs.Warren and Chris-ty and found Stonestreet guilty as an accessory after the fact.Judge ClineimmediatelysentencedMrs.WarrenandChristytodieSeptember24th.Stonestreet was sentenced to three years in’the State prison,Appeal wag entered in all the cases.The only evidence offered for the defence was that of Mrs,Warren,who said that Warren attacked Chris-ty when he found her in the roomwithChristy.The purport of her testimony was that’.Christy killedWarren-in self-defence.She denied that she had any part in the killing or had planned it,and said Stone-street had nothing to o with it.The trial of Ida Belle.Warren,S.P.Christy and -—Clifton Stonestreet,charged with the murder of 'G.J.Warren,continued Wednesday andThursday,in Forsyth Superior Court, without unusual incident.The State put on witnesses to show strong cir-cumstantial evidence that Warren was killed by Christy;that Mrs.WarrenconspiredwithChristytokillWar- ren,if she did not actually assist,andthatStonestreethadguiltyknowledge of the murder.Statements made byMrs.Warren after her.arrest showedthatChristykilledWarrenagherknowledgeandconsent,put his bodyin,a trunk and hauled it to the creek, where it was found and was.unidenti- fied for a long time. Mrs.Warren Denies It. Friday,when the defence was ¢all- ed on for testimony,there was gen- we the,oe in ae the aa oe er wi risty.enwhetoe1,living at her home inForsy“Christy.deserted his wifeandreninIredell-for the woman.They spree?went to Texas andlivedeeeeewife.There she‘arren,aearn county man, away.sevetal hundredGeltesetof0Christy's money,Christyallegesandthewoman,denies),came to re ck with Warren andmarried©int aa came to Win-n-Salen -1914,...whenaifoysaw,te Hie:came hackinhhiatStonestreet's:ASto test _married Mrs,,Wat?’ren’s iced tate:daughter.)oy ot Mrs.Warren said Christy came:toherboardinghouseonthenightof August 18;about 11:30,and was:as-signed to a room.The witness’saidthatshesleptintheroomwithher.husband,arose about 4:30 o’clock andwentto:the kitchen.About 5 o’clockwhen,the witness was visiting Christyinhisroom,Warren came in and said“What are you doing here?”and call-ed Christy a vile name.Warren look-ed as though he was going to draw agun,tontinued Mrs.Warren;the twomenbeganfightingandsheranout.She saw Christy later and said thatshewasafraidthathehadhurtWar-ren.Mrs.Warren said that she learn-ed later her husband was ‘dead,ShethoughtthatChristyusedawrench.Mrs.Warren declared that she didnotsee’Warren’s ‘body.but thatChristy:told her that it was in atrunk.She saw Christy and a negroloadatrunkonahackanddriveoff.Mrs.Warren denied that she had any part in killing Warren’or thatshehadplannedit.‘Asked.about pre-vious statements,she said the storyshewasthentellingwasthefirstshehadtoldonoathanditwasthefirsttimeshehadtoldthetruth.She said Stonestreet had nothing to do with the murder.The fact was-brought out that un-der Texas law the fact that Mrs.War-ren and Christy livedin that State asmanandwifelegallymadethemman and wife,and that undér.North Caro-lina law the wife’s statement couldnotbeusedagainstherhusband. Mr.Smith Retires as Local Man- ager of Gas Company. .Mr,8.Smith,who has been inchargeofthéStatesvilleGasLightandBuelCompany.for a,year,:.willgiveupthat‘work within the nextweek‘or ten days.He will go fromheretoNewJerseytovisit‘Mrs.Smith and son,who are spéhding thesummerthere,and will‘then give hisattentiontotheconstructionofnewgas‘and.water plants which are ‘toheconstructed:in.Florida and otherStatesby.the Gas Bngineering Com- pany 0 Trenton,N..J.During their Smith have madé many friends whowillregretthattheywillnolongermaketheir.home here.)Mr.Smith'ssuccessorNetshasnotbeennamed, Prize Winners.© The Statesville Flour Mills Co.re-cently offered $15 for the best paperand-$10.for second best paper on whythepeopleofStatesville’and,Iredellcountyshoulduseflourmade:by,‘theStatesvilleFlourMills.Co.,..why thelocal‘wheat growers should sel)theirgyeetotheStatesvilleFlourehneiytheyshouldexch:t-for flour:madé byStatesvilleFlourMillsCo.Mrs.Nola ’ ¥ Sherrilf Carpenter won first prize and]A.Pre A.bkie per:od yale eral surprise when Mrs.Warren went}. desertedeee and left ‘with War-|The residence .in Statesville Mr.and Mrs.|& TALKING WATER SUPPLY. Efforts toKeep Git}City Water,Pt—Sidewalk Improvem yer Green Street to BeBusiness:Before themen. Mayor Caldwell and all ‘the ‘aamenwerepresentatthemonthlymeetingoftheboard«alydermen’Friday night.Various mat- ters pertaining to the ©municipalitywerediscussedand’definite actionwastakeninseveralinstances.—_The city water supply was a sourceofconsiderable|discusdion.analysis of ‘the water shows it ‘to bepureandfreefromdisease-producingelements,but it was decided that ev- that it continues pure.The pietion.of the watershed against question of fencing the streamsto was considered,The matter of foreingtheuseofsanitarypriviwith- in the watershed limits was also ¢on-|" sidered,The entire matter ofthe:pro-|tection of the water supply ©‘was’finally referred to the water commit-tee with power to act.The work“ofenlargingthereservoir‘at the wa- ter station is in progress and wthisworkiscompletedthesousnesofmuddywater.is expected to be per-manently settled.IOrdinanceswerepassedcreatingnumberofnewsidewalkim ment districts,but it is not Ti elythatfurthersidewalkworkwillbeordereduntilthecity’s finances willjustifyit.Concrete walk is.to.‘be street from Center street.to West Water street from Tradd street to!Davie avenue.The walk on the west|side of ‘Tradd street will be ‘contin-|ued to Water street,thus giving con-=erete sidewalk connection withthenew.graded school building.“Con«crete sidewalk was also ordered placedonthewestsideofMulberrystreet er-ha their jon the left bank of the Vieprez ery precaution should be taken to‘see| has become quite ‘a ‘problem and’the tion prevent cows from ‘standing in ‘hom io placed on.the south side of Water!¢ End avenue and on the ‘north side of.th Bahast eased Jysatonie aaatedGERMANDRIVE.eur ON. ton SuccessssContinues in,Po- d and the Baltie Provinces. “The Germans are continuing re- drive against the‘Russians in Poland and in the Baltic Provinces.The Russians nearly ev-erywhere are still giving them battlemstrongrearguard:‘actions and coun- ~attacks.’Petrograd asserts that the Teutonshavebeenheldordrivenbackonsev-feral sectors and that at one place— insoutheastPoland—in the course ofThe@counter-attack,“some hundredsofprisoners”were captured.In ad-dition,near,Riga,on the:Baltic,Pe-rad says the Germans have beenslodgedfrompositionsbetweenthePDvina,Ekua and Aa rivers.‘Berlin's latest official communica-makes ‘no reference to the fight~ing around Riga,and’concerning’thatontheVieprez’merely declares thattheTeutonicrightwingstillisfight- The German war office,however, diports that at Se »near Novo-georgiesk,the Russian forts havebeencaptured;that ‘Seroek,north--of the fortress,has been oceu-,and ‘that advances have beenmadeontheLomza-Ostrov-Wyszkow’Toad between the Narew and the.Bug.‘Farther south,the Germans aresaidto-have.crossed the Vistula:nearWarsaw,putting them iftto |closer|®touch with the garrison of the Polishcapital,while between the VistulaandtheBugtheRussianscontinuetheirretreatnorthwardandeastwardunderthepressureofvonMacken- $en’s forces.Whether the Russians can bring’ir armies intact to their sawine fal;—Military observers in London,however,believe that ‘with’the rail-way in their control,a majority oftheRussianforeeswillreach“theirobjective. ‘Considerable’fighting is in prog- from Walnut to Front street.: ae and:sewer lines were:order-immediatelyfromDavieavenue:to ‘Tradd:sinoerthat.thenew conn ions.‘The sum of.each month tooftheelectric’ $25 “will ‘be~‘allowedTekandpowerititaner8.selection of the coletothe:city electrician;responsible for thé eollections.An:18-inch drain ‘pipe.was‘placed alongside ‘the °Steele &Sons‘on “Mulbe glade |of the present "Jtoosmall.‘The‘city’—eeissmpipé‘and ‘Steele &°‘soni will”ave97 placed.21 The ‘eum:of $46.10 “collected fiomtheVolunteerFireGompany©forelectric‘power furnished one of ‘thecarnivals’which exhibited here undertheauspicesofthefiremen,was or-dered ‘refunded,The colored fire com-pany will be allowed $150 to defrayitsexpensestothe’‘Statetournamentjat’Tarboro..Greene street was gudexsd:extend-ed from,Broad ‘street to Davie ave-nue,passing through the property oftheC.H.Armfield estate and Dr.W.J.Hill.In consideration of ‘the giftofthepropertyforthenewsectionofstreetthecitywillplaceconcretesidewalk.on one side of it without‘cost.to the»Peek ‘property own-ers, Ball.Games —Morganton atBesogeeFriday.andSatur- Lenoir won over Statesville at Le- noir yesterday by a score of 6 to 3.Adams pitched for Lenoir and:Cheney,Statesville’s new player,pitched “forStatesville.Wells ‘eaught for‘LenoirandMarshallwasinhisplacebe-hind the bat for Statesville!Lenoirmade12hitsandtwoerrors,andStatesville:got.6 hits and made 1error, Morganton.shut.out Gastonia atMorrantieyesterdayby@scoreof ane,. Statesville won again’‘in the gamewithGastoniaPriday™afternoon,butJost.Saturday,thusgetting‘only twooftheseriesofthreegames.But in-asmuch as the home team had beenlosing890many’‘games,the local’fansaremuch“hope up”over sir,suc~ cess in taking two om tonia.Friday’s»s¢ore “was.ovidrheiotng Ly.in Statesville’s favor,Statesville haveingmade11runs‘and;ia only2,‘The Saturdayp me Was ‘a ¢loseone,Gastonia storing 4 and -‘States-ville 2.Terry pitched-“visit-‘ors Eridey ‘and '§)id pitched ‘for thelocals.In.Satarday’s.game WhitneywasGastonia’s pitcher and.SindlerpitchedforStatesville.Matthews didGastonia’s tatching in’‘both gamesandMarshall"eatiphe.‘for Statesville.The attendance was large at’both hee We abeeing ih8 Sehicecontinuesiehas:beenillsevenwae»~The'92d birthday of Mr:AndrewCook)6f Amity’Sey Will ‘becelebratednextTuesday,17th.Misses.Mary.Neal and ‘CatherineConnerare:visiting.in,Shelby. “romsntionopatedansnetsieianrondiphaiiyTt.seems to be settledthat,afterernhaltingandhesitating,Hon,R.‘Doughton will be a candidate formivorneyGeneral, laid:on’Water:pet bg ing may:make waler and sower te F y eonene é aae orf Ress in France,and Belgium,on thestro:-Ital n Aes en ‘the surprise attack’neathe cp nersfitsshenalliedtrenches,which were re- “extent recaptured by ‘theayTurks,Heavy fighting and the ‘cap- ture“of positions by,the Turks int the region of Seddul.a slalso-i8|eeeed‘by Constantiple.ie The.Tenttinic,allies ee “SUE the Russians in northwest ©Russia: and in Poland an engagement''to drive’the remaining Russians fromEastGaliciashiastiafiasbegun. J.P.Caldwelldwell Englishish Medal. In memory of her brother,the lateEditorJ...P.Caldwell,_Miss-.JanieCaldwellhasdecidedtoprovideforStatesvilleFemaleCollege“The J.P.Caldwell English .Medal,”to beawardedannuallytothemember‘ofthe‘senior class attaining thehighest distin¢tion in English.This memorial to the distinguished|editor is a peculiarly fitting one,—Ttisgiventothecollegeinhisaetown,which would ‘have pleased him,and ‘at/48 especially fitting that it is to be awarded for proficiencyin Eng-lish.“Enthe:use of the mother tongue:Mr.Caldwell was a master,and ifhehadheenofferinga‘prize for dis-tinction in-any study,he would havechosentheEnglish.°This his devoted|' matter was natural as well as:a mosthappy‘method of perpetuating thememoryoftheState’s first and mines popular:editor.i Bigger Cotton Crop:But “Less Money.For It. Ina ‘final i oat on the cotton cropof1914-15,Hi G.Hester,secretary oftheNew"Orleans Cotton Exchange;shows’‘that while’17;004,000°baleswerefrownthecommercialcropwas only 15,108,111 bales ‘and “that ‘the value ofthe crop,intluding séed,was $749,384,978 as against $1,134 Add;114 for the preceding ‘crop—a shortage of$385,059,136,j At.Glass,ae cat Satur-day night;J:A.Trammell;a mer-chant,shot ‘and killed Luther MeGall,a young white man.of Concord.‘Im-mediately:after the killing Trammell. telephoned the sheriff and surrender-ed.He \said’McGall was ‘trying tobreak.tin:‘the (private rooms in rearofthe;store,where Trammell’:s fami- ly li t —The annual ‘reunion of Confeder-ate veterans at -Newton Thursday,12th,‘will doubtless attract manyplefromYredell.’The programme is eee :elaborate than usual this yearStatesvillearbitoLenoiryeater-|"°efdayforthefirsthalf’the:week.On set dey Be ereectye,Pentre Morganton and Statesville will play ere opeatNe‘Thursday,by invitation,on|Powers of North and South Amer-account of the reunion,and will play!ica already have’agteed ‘on ‘a’definitein,Statesville:Friday.and,Saturday.|plan fot dealing ‘with the Mexicanproblem,:and when the Pan-AmericanGonferenéeisresumedinNewYorktomorrowthe\programme:will be formally,ratified, Mr.and Mrs,Henry Little of Ca-tawba gl were thrown from abugeybyaet,team,aeClaremont’Sunday.r.Little was)brought to the Sanatorium at States: ville fortreatment: Chas.Burgin,colored,was killedWhileplayingbaseballinCatawba county Saturday, ehosen line of defense,still is donbt-}>! e|cessfully their operations «;against}the: sister Knew,and her choosing in the]. FARMERS’UNION PICNIC. The Event of Friday at ‘Scott's —Prof.‘Noble’s Address— Other Talks. The feature of the’anmial-of:the’Iredell County.‘Farmers’at Scott's High’ picnicnion}Friday:was the}address by Prof.M.'C,°S.Noble éftheStateUniversity,onon“Rural De-velopment.”Prof:'Noble,‘who is oneofthe“most entertaining —publicspeakersintheState,becatise of hisuniqnemanner:of’mixitie much origi-nal wit ‘and shumor’with ‘his’sestatementsoffacts;seemed ‘atbestFridayand’it was‘a ‘réal"treattohearhim.“He ‘knew’that’*the pic-nic “otcasion was an ‘event intended principally ‘for entertainment ‘andamusementandhespokeaccordingly.It was a “rambling talk”‘in whicvariousthingswhichhavemarruraldevelopmentwere.meritioned,and included many amusing illustra: tions. Just prior to Prof.Noble’s talkuponhissuggestionthatthereshouldbeSomesinging,a party:of the pu-pils of Scott's High -School sang“America”and a!For Caro-lina.”=‘Theedtheyoung «peaple and anidaioething”i had ‘observeduringthedaywasenicorderwell-behaved manner in which yerespondedtothertfor*veandhewasgladthattheirfirstsong‘was ‘their school ‘song.them to always be loyal to their,school and to believe in it.The‘was a time when the advocacy of alspecialtaxtomaintainabetter.school} times.are hanes and the citizens of:i I en 9 ‘counewillingtotaxvesinorderthattheiraaamay‘havethebestschools.ward-and-are no longer-satheoldlogschoolaortand the oldmethodsof:‘Prof.Noble toldof the dayswhentheoldhymns‘80 generally.‘used incedes|Which the singers asked|"theycedmightbe“nothing”but an{sel,an ormor-bearer,-éte.,but;{sonz ofSoldiers.’v is “OnwarBoot ianenine ehe Wrce tel ‘im today are eather .corn per behind:the molemodern“plow:‘and’b Ward from the eoAmessahadtobesent.by word of mouth—he muAfewyears3 {‘a politician’s chances hadcatedastocklawy,mtetwantsthelaw.ishould:‘quit talldn 00Theyarenot.poor.They pave ohent‘and the way to get more is to go for-pward.Preach the gosnel of-“getting -‘along and doing your best.”The sveaker.co nended the workofthe"Fariners’nion and said he‘helieved in all classes of people hav-ing organizations.He also commend:}}red ‘the annual pichic.occasion,witheUnion,men and theig.familiesSpendadaytogetherinsocialinter-|( he.adyo- tion for the next picnic classes of‘young people arrange to render musi- programme. :Other Talks, Tn the Torment,*sak were brief:talksby.Mr.W.B .|county Gice Mr.F.-T.Meach-am,superintendent of the Iredell: ‘Mr.Gibson ‘spoke:of.the work of ‘the‘county “Union”aiid ‘stressed thefact’that the ‘future success’ofthecountyorgarizutiondependedonthesupportpivenbytheLocalsi}iAmongotherthitigshe‘said the Unionwas'saving*the farmers from.$3:to $5atonontheircommercialfertilizer.(Mr..Meacham,spoke of the value ofthecounty‘picnic as’a day “when ‘theUnionfarmers,and their familiesjfromallsectionsofthecounty;lay|aside all.else and spenda day togeth-},;er in\a social way.“He ‘declared,theUnion‘has’been’success .in Iredell|:because :the ladies are behind it and Union ‘has ‘been one of the ‘greatestagenciesinbringingabout.the-zreat;progressive.«strides which’have:beenmadeby:the farmers of-the county.‘At’the close of Prof.- dress there was a lecture on:daityin: a traveling representative of-a creamPe0-!separator company.i)oe *.CG.see Bethany Hotere ts ship,chairman ©fe picnic ‘co!t-4<over ‘the enteaca and:whichpresented‘the speakers,A wee thenther5,hesgroveinrearofthéschoolbuilding.|.,The picnie dinner,which was a fine}one,was served in.individnal platters].Ropes kept ‘the: 4ee,presided and seats:had:‘heen’arranged froma long:-table;crowd’from the table and.the Inetpassed.out the platters. been ‘at.BridgowateMrsMi"Mills,for some [month. speaker.‘compliment+|' such as the Scott's High School would|have’made*one very’unpopular,buty We are going fot-|jarfeedenthien would.have:ixitled |ftVesaggagleead rcourse.He:suggested thatin’prepara-|: Prof.Noble spoke in the.éfternoon;ter «president of the}: Test Farm,and an active Union meni}: Noble's ads|.“ if ;Mr.High H.Mills came totownyesterdayfromiagernter,wbrother-i Aes Ben Seals at the Sanatori um fefortreat)ys : xo to Florida abqut the!tak next ‘BRIEF ITEMS13 LOCAL Paria insibataseh:;school *house today,.. —Mr.J.G;Brown of&80 years ‘old’Friday but~&day over 605)66 oy: —FheMrs.d.oT.Sti Graveyard © s}and are a Scots street. for ha and other’1oCue ‘Allinterested:asked estates vi —jRev.and’sot J.RY= <—Mr.J.W.an ‘Irddell man,’has ~iMiss Edith Cranor,much.time in’Statueter,Mrs.W.H.Mc moved ‘to Statesville patent ona nchord elect a ‘millinery ee in Shell and)Augnst 20th. Fe virminia ae pike, gerstown,. He’urged|fre erethan did’their fathers,an ;ouaht,to.Get f4 er mae for beating a:b Shabesettledout-of gourty.lM.Ge Be:peo a Point’asks:“The ‘the crowd whenonbutitis‘bentoidthe: cal numbers ae Part of,ne picnic)Ti er Statesville,.peopleRockSpringlast‘week.“Mr.Was as oolahdered ing ‘was cinsi‘Rev.Jim Greene>‘and:'there -were50offaith:in.er day.‘eLIt was?ekseiespre are backing it.up"in its work..Thelod “a by Prof.D,L.Harcourt of Missouri,a A aeep man-‘Greene—who died a few days ago left $5,000 for the support of a fa- ‘vorite dog,the money to be invested |the income to be used.— Four persons—two -negroes and a ‘white man—were Jegally executed in ‘Alabama Friday.At Evergreen two -megroes were hanged,at Cullman a white man and at Birmingham a ne- ‘gro.All convicted of murder. ‘Virtually complete returns from ‘ast week’s Democratic |primary in Mississippi indicate that Theodore G. Bilbo was nominated for“Governor by ‘a majority over the four other aspir- ‘ants which probably.will exceed 5,-000.Bilbo was.Lieutenant.Governor. ‘At Dade City,Fla.,a mob took a from:the county jail and hi whee,Okla.,.a negro charged with “many crimes,the murder of two wo- men among others,was lynched by a Engineer Jo.Kipps and Brakeman -Sizeer Pruett ‘were killed in a wreck ‘-‘Thursday at Swords creek,Va.j'when »q double-header freight traingon'the Norfolk &Western railway,Kipps in charge of the second engine,jumped the track and plunged into.Clinch river. **/ Representatives of American meat packers have renewed.their protests ‘to the State Department against Brit- ish interference with their trade with 1 .Ruropean countries.They asked “representations be made ‘in the forthcoming rejoinder to recent British:notes,which would establish and maintain.their right to engagetnOsbeeeasGermanyhasinformedNorwaythat the sinking of ‘the Norwegian steam- ‘Min “was due to unfortunate circumsta which led the com- mander ‘of ‘the submarine to believe the vessel was British,Germany has expressed deep regret and a.willing-ness to pay.damages.The vessel was‘sunk last May.— A flying squad of government com- mercial s¢eotits will prepare the way -for American invasion of world mar- _kets heretofore dominated by Europe. Under plats perfected by,Dr.E.E,Pratt,chief’of the bureau of foreign and domestic commerce,agents will -be sent to South meets -Africa,‘Australie/and ‘the Far East,caver Ul re camp anak thelineoftheVistulariver.,Ivangorod,the :ern fortress,having.fallenoftheAustro-GermansiansarenowmakingtheBrest- wk the Dah a aedestaofthe,General,Staffvefprsin Novogeor-is announced in Petrograd dis-‘patches,The object is to deprive theGermansoftheuseofrailwaycom-un and of the Vistula river‘for bringing up supplies!for their ~‘Novogeorgievsk is situated at-thejunctionoftheVistula,Narew andWkrariverstothenorthwestofWar-“gaw.It is calculated“by military ob-servers that'an army:corps can holdoutthereformanymonths,as the->camp is protected by massive earth-which.douhtless:’have beenenlarged.and improved since the Rus-»sians were compelled to begin theirretirement::The laying of siege to Novogeor-;“may prove one of the mostinteresting,operations of.the war,asitdoubtlesswillshowshelterearth-‘works are Jess suscentible to the fire:high explosives than are cupola ‘orts.-x The Russians destroyed bridges*over the Vistula and took other means.to place obstacles in the path of theirwursuers,while others of their forcesnuetoofferstubbornresistance‘Germans and Austrians southsorthwhoaretryingtoforgea-‘¥ing around them.i Alleged Blackmailer Arrested in Buncombe. *Receiving a letter to the effect that»the would suffer serious harm if he didnotleave$400 at a place named inthecommunication,D.P.Lance of*Buncombe county turned the~letterovertothesheriffandthelatterplaceddeputiesattheplacemention-ed,who arrested Edward Frady,asonofConstableWilliamFradyof‘Arden,Buncombe county.:The letter'received by Mr,Lance ‘was the second communication of thesorthehad-rectived.The first one-asked ‘that $300°be deposited and-warned the recipient not to refuse to comply’with the demand.He.paid no attention to the request for money,‘but turned the letter over to officers.On the day that he was to have leftthemoneyhiswarehousewasburnedwithalossof$2,000.Miss Myrtle Pressly,16 years old,and Rickman \have been.ar-rested,charged with being implicat-ed with Frady in the offence.They‘were sent to jail in default of bond.———— etaT 10,¢}TOLEDO,cre HIO,Ce OLEDO rank J):ey makesoath that|senior partner of the firmof F,in the the |Waddell, q ,,A nae aNa ee This paper,written by MissRosa-q r tatesville,won the}. gold medal awarded by the North)mond Clark of Oarolina Society of the Sonsof the]Revolution,in a State-wide contest.)It is printed by request of the FortDobbschapteroftheDaughtersof}'the Revolution::s 3 In Iredell county,jupon an emi-nence about two miles north of the town of Statesville,stands a gran-ite boulder which marks the’site ofoldFortDobbs,that place oftotheearlysettlers,in’the dayswhenCherokeesandCatawbasroam-ed unmolested.through the forests ofNorthCarolina.The.only remainingtracesoftheoldfortarethemarksofanexcavation,which show its loca-|.tion,and nearby a depression over~| grown with tangled clumps of bushes,said to*be the site of the old well,th|Truly,it was an excellent site for afort.That fact is still apparent even today,when it is but a quiet spot inthémidst.of cultivated fields,forfromitswallsthe.slopes of the sev-en hills,which surrounded it in the distance,could be plainly seen,andtheapproachoftheenemydetected long before attack was:made,whilewe.can imagine that on ey anightAtslightshoneoutformilesaround,‘a beacon to guide:the set-tlers,fleeing to safety within ~its walls;.On the first day of November,1754,Arthur.Dobbs.of ‘county An-trim.Ireland.was!made Governor ofNorthCarolinatosucceedGabrielJohnston,who.died.in)1752.Govern-or.Dobbs arrived ‘during the FrenchandIndianwar,and finding the col-ony.provided:with,¥erv little meansofdefense,hé.immediately set toworktoremedythis:He was espe-cially interested.in the western.por:tion.of.the province,having.himself received large grants of land betweentheYadkinandCatawba-rivers in1745;and so in.December,1754,hepersuadedtheAssemblytovotemon- ey for the purpdse of equipping acompayoffiftymentodefendtheandassist.in -build-western frontieringafort.tThenewsthata fort was to.bebuiltfortheirprotectionmusthaveheenverywelcomeindeedtotheset-tlers in’those they had been very much annoved bytheIndians,There is a record of a meeting between the settlers and the’Catawba Indians,held:at Salisbury,August 29,1754,at-which numereuschargesworebroughtagainstthehh’ 4and ten afte 17758,and.during dians by the settlers.(Col.Rec,Vol.p.se eter Weve?pinsKingHaglarofthe,8)0 ‘brought ae rereareesagainst:the white’men'‘andniethatnomorestrongdrinkbe sold his warriors.This treatv was¢|closed with protestations of friend-ship on..both:sides,andfurthertroubleuntilSeptember 16th.On.that date a massacre:was commit- John’Gutrey and James Anshers.inwhichseventeenpersonseea randds,reported,Mm i.vétition for aid having.beertoMatthew.Rowan,president! council,he sent supolies of.powderandlead,and:ordered Cols.Smith ofRowanandClarkofAnson‘to see tothewelfareofthesettlersandputthe’Catawba Indians onthe trail ofthemurderers.Lote_In_June,1755,Governor!Dobbs made a journey to the western fron-tier for the purpose of selecting asiteforthefortandinspectinghisclaim.Three companies.of men.un-der the leadership of Captain:HughWaddell.were sent ahead to scoutthecountrytothewestward.In July,1755,there was a meeting betweenthetwopartiesand.the site of thefort.was selected.When the Assem-bly met at New Berne,the 28th day of September Governor Dobbs.“‘rec-ommended the erection of a fort be-tween Third and Fourth creeks,neartheSouth‘Yadkin,inthe county ofRowan(now Tredelfy,a-central spotbetweenthenorthernand.southern-houndaries.of,the province”.-(Mar- tin’s History,Vol.J,pps.82 and 83.)The work of constructing the fortwasbegunintheautumnof1755,and it was completed the followinevear,It was ~constructed -of oaklogsandwas“a good and substan- tial building,53 feet long by 40 feetwide,the opposite angles 24 feet by22feet.In height 24 1-2 feet.It con-tains three floors,and there can bedischargedfromeachflooratoneandthe{same time about one hun-dred muskets.”‘(Cbl..Rec.,Vol.5,».48).The garrison of Fort ‘Dobbs intheyear1756consistedof46men, both officers and seldiers,and was incommandofCapt.:Hugh -Waddell.In:Rebruary.1756,Captain Wad- dell left the fort for a short time, having been’sent out to negotiatetreaties.with the Cherokees and theCatawbas.and ‘in,May,1756,therewasanothercdénfereticebetweentheCatawbaIndiansandtheirwhite brethren at the home of Mr:Peter Arran in Salisbury..The CatawbaswereledbyKingHaelarandChiefJusticeHenleyspokefor‘the settlers. Avtreatv.was negotiated.and the In- the settlers.i Troops appear to have been kept inFortDobbsalmostcontinuouslyfromthetime-of its completion nntil abouttheyear1762.Williamson’s:History,Vol.I;p.83,says that the garrison renerally consisted of shout 40 men,However,in 1757.Waddell ‘and —hiscompanymarchedtothereliefofFortLoudon,a ‘fort situated:‘aboutthirtymilesfromthesiteofKnox-ville,Tennessee;and again in 1758now.Colonel!Waddell,tharched at the héad of three compa-‘nies to take part in the finab exvedi- tion against Fort Duquesne,Theywereabsent.from the fort from theearlysummeruntilthewinterof;that time FortDobbswasleftinchargeoftwomen,Jacob.Franks’and.an.unknown.-as- fistant.4 ‘, -_During the winter.of 1758-69,the ~were be troublous:times,for. AWe, ted by the Cherokees at the homes of of ne dians:pledged ‘undying friendship.to; *nyPOEMoti 3 ae ot 4 | coming -more and more hostile,Agreatnumberofthesettlerslefttheir homes and‘came to dwell inthe fort,The men ‘went ont in armedbands toworkthefieldsandgatherinsup-plies,while the women and childrenremainedinthefortforproteetion.One of these armed bands was.sur,prised and attacked by Indians atthehomeofMosesPotts,about fourmilesnorthofthepresenttownofStatesville.Seven of the band werekilled‘on the spot and tradition:saysthat.others fell on the way to thefort.One of these is said to havefallenandbéenburiedby‘his “‘com-rades in front of the home of Mr, from-the fort.This old house:still stands.,RieTheyear1759foundtheraidsof the.Cherokees incr¢asing,and Hugh Waddell was given power.by the As-sembly to call out the militia of -Or- ange,Rowan and Anson counties in case of need.During the fall and winter of 1759-60,the fort was againusedasaplaceofrefuge,and on the night of ‘Feruary 27th,1760,‘an-at=tack was made by 60 or 70.Indians,This party was met by a party: about 10 men,including the com:manders,Andrew Bailie’and >Hugh-Waiddell,at a distance of:about ‘threehuidredyardsfromthefort.In red eatd to this attack,.Waddell:says;\in his}account:E:hadi given «my sparty ‘orders!‘not::to fire:until!bogavel'the ‘word,which they punctually)observed: buckshot.They ‘had.nothing to;coverthem,;:as:they:were advancing,.¢ithertotomahawk-us;ont make;us pris- i /They)foundithe:fine svery:hot r yi party:t0/retreat,\as:I\foundthe!instant:our,skinmish,began .an«other|,piarty had.attacked.the:«fort, I can confide in,they could not havelessthan_10 or 12 killed and wound+ed,and I believe they have taken sixofmyhorsestocarryofftheirwound-ed...The next.morning we found .agreatdealofbloodandone.dead,whom I suppose they could not:find in the night.On my.side I had.-twomen:wounded,one of .whom [|am other.is in a fair way of recovery;and one boy killed near.the fort,whom .they durst not advance to scalp.paid me another visit last night,astheyattackallfortifications:by.night,but find they did not like theirreception.”-(Col.Ree,Vol...7%)pe.229).-Of the two men,who «are mentioned as having been wounded, one,Robert Campbell,afterward reycovered;but R.Gillespie,Sr.,whewas‘scalped,died of his wounds.There are no further.records of at-tacks against the fort by Indians.During the summer of 1760.the tribeofCatawbaswasalmostannihilatedbyaterriblescourgeof©smallpox,and in.1761 Colonel.Waddell led’anattackagainstthe.Cherokees.TheyweredefeatedinafiercebattlenearthepresnttownofFranklin,peacewasmadeandthesettlerswereoncemoreabletodwellintheirownhomes in peace and:safety.Hugh Waddell,not being longerneededinFortDobbs,was.allowed to retire from active service,and in1762heleftthefortandsettledup- his friend;Edward Mosely.Captain Andrew Bailie and the garrison ofFortDobbs‘left soon after and Wal-ter Lindsay was left.to care for theprovisionsinthefort.iFromthistimeforwardweknow little concerning Fort Dobbs.In Feb-.ruary,1764,the:committee of publicclaimsrecommendedjtothe.Assem-bly that the supplies should be re- moved from.the fort to avoid.furtherpublicexpense.There is a traditionthatthefort,was used for the stor«age of ammunition during ‘the Revo-lutionary War,’and plso that in,1776itwasusedasa WHAT CATARRH IS It has been‘said:that every thitd Science has shown that nasal catarrhoftenindicatesageneralweakness,of the body;and Jocal treatments in:the form of snuffs and vapors do little,if any good,es.To correct catarrh you shonld treat itecausebyenrichingyourbloodwiththeoil-food in Scott’s Rmulsion which de analfoodand.building-tonic,free ronrwee of .great,service to the col-)Hen}for the Cherokeés.w hol or any harmfuldrugs,’Try it, &Bowie,Moonifield,N.J. Mul In additiontothe BeLandmarkwehaveaddeda bdirectfromfactory._—s_.. :64 to 68 inch Bleached Da64to68inchBleachedDamask,from full pieces,at , 64to 68 inch Grey Damask,Unbleached,at 20 centsper yard. |ercerized Napkins,at 50 cents per dozen. Special Prices also on Ginghams and Percales.‘DON’T FORGET! =lot Bleached Alexander,Huggins,a short diatance| We,received:the:Indians’:fire:(When|1 perceived ithey-had almost allfired)!aecconda I ordered my party to fire,which we!|gdid;not furtherthan twelversteps,|each loaded with a.bullet andisevem so small ayfhumber,which a:ond ‘deal confusadzthem.::I then ors)! Upon ‘our re-enforcing.the garrison, the Indians were soonrepulsed,with,IT am sure,a considaxable loss.FronwhatImyselfsaw,as well as those. afraid will die,.as,he is.sealped;the: I expected they would.-have. on ‘a lot-in Wilmington given him by; i fuge by settlers),during a Cherokee uprising.The sto-/% person ‘hascatarrh in some form,.‘ ley runs that it.was finally destroyed'by fire,though probably not until thegreater‘portion ‘of it had’been remov-ted.“The logs which were removed‘are said to have-been used in the con-struction of the “Stevensonsnghouse”on the Adderholdt plantation. Tradition also says that one of Gov- ‘é¢nor Dobbs’cannon was thrown into}!‘a deep.well near.the fort,after ithadceasedtobeusedasastronghold,‘and in 1847 the old well was openedlandexcavatedtoadepthof40feet,but no cannon sas discovered, probable that the cannon was thrownintoanotherwell,the traces of which ;have not been found. ‘How many settlers were shelteredintheoldfortinthosebygonedayswecannottell.It/is.certain that two: children-were in-ividsonin’1758,:and Margaret Lockejin-1776.Imagination draws mary 1 picture ofthe dangers arid hard-Ishivs in the life of the early citizen ‘but the reality of it we may not know.Only a’few brief records,with here and there a-tradition,are left,to remind us of the brave men and ;women who.toiled and struggled for‘existence:in>tha shadow -of old Fort {Dobbs:i Oe ‘It is the purpose of the North Car- olina Daughters of the American Rev-}lolutionto:restore the Old Fort lin’the hear futuro;so:that we:may hope to.see erected’iupon this historic site areproduction:of +Fort oDebbs,:which’ will serve to perpetuete:the memory of the Old Fort and)tHe:brave deedsLof‘its,people }in»the ;heants of their nts,‘4g ‘Gen Benjamin F’.Tracy,who was President Harrison’s Seeretary of the‘Navy,died of paralysis,Friday.at hisPhothe,in New York,,.aged.85. CAROLINA PEOPLE.TPLL. Piitg ,SOTsei one kk‘Bulferers,Find Swift Relief:by Useof;Remarkable.Treatment. ‘Stomach sufferers in the:Southeastand,*in fact,all over the.country,have’fourid remarkable and efficientresultsfromtheuseofMayr’s Won- derful Remedy. Many ‘have taken this remedy:andtelltodayofthebenefitstheyreceiv-ed.Its effaets come quickly—the firstMoseconvinces.Here is what two Carolina folks have written:;W.R.DAVENPORT,Parker,N.C. |—“‘Por years I have suffered from adiseasewhichpuzzleddoctors.Iheardofyourremedyandonebottle gave me relief.Your full tfeatmenthasaboutcuredme.” J.T.ERWIN,Winston-Salem,N.C—*I am satisfied through personal use of thé powers of your remedy.You have saved my life.”Mayr’s Wonderful’Remedy gives and’intestinal ailments.Eat as much returned. Under the terms of the will of Mrs.Har-rietC county,N.C.,containing 151 acres more orlessandknownastheAlexanderClarkplace.iThe tract contains 60 acres of original forest‘and 40 acres of ‘river bottom lands.The estate‘algo.Offers a house and lot in Troutman andanislandof10acresintheCatawbariver.For terms apply.to.:.H,BROWN,Executor,.R.B.McLaughlin,Atty.:July 13,1915. 4 {}} i Butter Wrappers! We have the very best'Parchment Butter Paper, and ‘canHoh your nameandbrandonsame.Let ushaveyourorderfor.anyquantityyouwant.See us.Prices reasonable,. ..Brady Printing Co. Build with Brick Pei ee eral Bais ee ;é ‘Build a Brick House or Brick-Veneeryouroldhouse,.Warmer in winter,cooler in summer,climinates frozenehaaaadunder-pinnin;erhousewillhelpsome..ant BrickCo SALE OPENS Yours truly,ILLS&POSTO "BEGINS TOMORROW,AUGUST 11th,/;':i {7 j ¢many Bargains already mentioned’in |Friday’s ig line of Mercerized Cotton Damask. mask,short lengths,at 25cents peryard.‘ at 35 cents per yard,: TOMORROW! PM pbb ae se ee As a —=TOBACCO .FLUES !-=—— Fi d teady for delivery -’Phone or write us your or- dora Shipment madesame day order received.Extra joints,Ls iwTATESVILLE TIN CO.,H.C.Mohler,Manager, *PHONE 55.»114 East BroadStreet. It is fiPau em ee naperee RO SpE eT Ladies’Hats. At GIVING AWAYPRICES. One lot of ©WHITE:SKIRTS|‘at 50‘cents. 2\.~> a wact ? ;Bae sp, Great Mid-Summer Clearance Sale CLOSED SATURDAY. -It-was a great success.Beyond ‘ourexpectations.We'thank out i|patrons for their liberal patron- ‘rir i}Will continue CLEARIG UP PRICESin.all SUMMER.STOCK during.the.month of August...3 o #1 ; By:_NEXT.WEDNESDAY.|Will.put on sale.a big lot'of REMNANTS,consisting | of Silks,Velvets,Woolens and Colored Dress Goods. This will be an opportunity for a GREAT SAVING, Don’t miss it.*ee : Bargains will be found in ourReady-to-Wear department.¥- it Peek ~The Store That Sells For Less.‘PHONE 212.0 | ‘permanent results.for stomach,-liver 3 and whatever you like,’No more dis-|5tressaftereating,pressure of gas in|¢{the stomach and around the’heart.)1,|Get one bottle of your druggist now)%and try it on an absolute guarantee|2—if not satisfactory money will:be}? VALUABLE LAND AT PRIVATE SALE.| lark,deceased,the undersigned executor|toffersatprivatesaleavaluabletractofland.lying on the Catawba river in Catawha|¢ Troutman;N.C./¥ ta EK ti e d ee OE ee s “Thecl_pected Pace Bre,CommonBric,Drainil Chattanooga_.“The Dry Weather Plow.” I We have both single and Twin Disc in stock.They & do.their work ‘‘a comin’and a goin’,”This Plow § has no Rival.Now whileyou can’t plow with the 4 ordinary turn plow get a CHATTANOOGA and don’t g get behind with your stubbletirning. 3 Iredell.Hardware “GOOD Togksinthehomemustberightor the housekeeper can’t be ex- at J ME !“i oe e..Then there is no econ ithawatchthatyoucan’t depend on..: to plan and havemeee on earing out your pocket witwi}what‘youwanttodois toget your watch or cluck repaired by saeHENYwhilehetedevolloghiséritiretime6is|clotks and fitting spectacles:an tasrepairing watches.anddeye-giasses.™/ ‘On-be K 0.81 i i e tha ay onecdi One day about |sity fiends began,aski theed$0 well,a 0 metSeveralarenow.faicing it,:1 You,lady reader,suffer .oe and that everlastinglynrIfso,let ustrial,“We feel ‘won’ Writes Medicine’Go., el of medicine, asking me why I ig anyailmentsduetowomanlytrouble,h as headache,backache,‘sideache!tired urge you togive Cardul a as it has content i mi pyhismi !ng Cardai ‘to-day.Yau Shetrocces.Mali As rea Le saat ae ke rastt ame ” ’ra ’1Trait®ee ‘Train:No.a 6:0Train’No.15 ar.6:20,»Nos.23 and $4are hot operated bY " (Meeting at Rocky -Springs—aa Personal Items, Serrespondence of The Landmark,Hiddenite,R-1,July 5 —We have‘\been having good >rains.Several ofourfolkstookintheold,soldiers’re-wnion at Stony Point yesterday. My.H.ON.Sharpe attended States-ville Distriet Conference. *|(Miss Mary Miller of Charlotte is‘expected up this week to visit rela-tives.Mrs.W.A.Sharpe and littleson,Horace,.spent some’days.with >\velatives in,Hiddenite receritly,Mrs.Carl Deal,who has spent some weekswithherparents,will leave for‘homethisweek.“Mr..Glenn Murdock ©ofSalisburyisvisitingat:Mr.W.A.arpe’s.Mrs.8.D,Lackey,who”has rheu- CALL.FOR’a ‘Av bottle of»Premier-. ayonnaise’*Salad ressing,only 10c., andthe best you have ever tasted.“"~ oy :+i Eagle &Milholland.ar : a ———— matigm,continues right sick. Springs next Sunday. .'The State Bar Association at Ashe-ville last ‘week adopted a resolutionfavoringtheincrease6f.the.number{of Supremé Court~justicesfrom fivetoseven.Gen.Theo.F.Davidson ofAsheville”opposed thé’ve8ehution. WOMAN COULDNOTSITUP Lydia E.Pinkham’s Vegeta-ble Compound Helped Her. Ironton,Ohio.—‘«I am enjoying bet- —OF— “NOT RG Me yeu Mj P.Alexander &Bro. ‘PHONE 241, +e Ontiiciteaves home”ithout:)ao1bupply.:}omething new.in thisging.T may have your’plate.’Phone 210, Alison's Book Store. Extra Nice Lot h hb 1 Po See se ter health now than I have for twelve}years.When I be-=e take Lydia E.nkham’s Vegeta- ble Compound I could not sit.up.{-had female troubles and was.very "Yous.1 Al -etsod|ate)ies ay. can my |wotthe PkmonthsIhave: worked for other }cs eee.Lcoanes praing eeeinkham’s Vegetabie pound enough |forI i y never Woulld-hadebeen $s |wellif I had taken it and Trecom.|mend it to suffering women.’’ughter Helped Also.ee tsmy,daughter whe she |old.~She was in|Land.was-a-neryous wreck,;son net sle D eben Now she ays0:healthiy even the doctor speaks like.”’—-Mrs.RENA BOwMAN,161 8.10thStreet,Ironton,Ohio,: Why will women continue to sufferdayinanddayoutanddragoutasickly,half-hearted existence,missing three-||fourths of the joy of living;when theycanfindHealthinLydiaBE:Pinkham’s _~Séld exclusively by=2=Mi‘ler-McLain Supply Co. -VegetableCompound?:* FOR FINE CLEANING +AND DyEING—'PHONE 147—Sloan Pressing Club, “NOTICE!HOLLAND BROS.have changedHeir’phone nutnber from 177to 7.No.7 for draying,all gradescoalandwood,etc.': ¢ fdeep conveyed to A If you have the slightest doubtthatLydiaE.Pinkham’s Vegeta-bleCompoundwill help you,writetoLydiaE.Pinkham MeédicineCo.(confidential)Lynn,Mass.,forad-vice.Your letter will be opened,read and answered by a womenandheidinstrictconfidence, VALUABLE FARM LAND FOR SALE! Farm of 375.acres,lying of bath sides.ofHuntingereek,‘Two seis of,-*idings,;ome,fine bottoin.latds,aca ml onkidpinetimber:of the:odgtnhl growth:ThisSndwillBesolda&ay.holeSor divided into“0 Shards or four’shares’to*Suit purchasers.|or further information call en J.B.PARKS,iver Hill,N.C,2 Pe daly 27—16¢.COMMISSIONER'S SALE OF |;burnt LAND. ,BY VIRTUE of a decree of.the SuperiorCourt“pt Iredell county,rendered in theSpecial“proceeding wherein Electa F..Coap- at public auction,to the highest Widder,at |the:court -hoase door in Statesville,N.C.,an nae es : MONDAY,‘SEPT,oT;1915.fab the’bday of noon,the’tallewing describedrealésinthecityofStatesville:Theone-half “undivided interest.of the @A.PD.)Cooper estate,held in’eommon.with Mrs.WLC.Fowler,inthe following land,to-wit:Beginning at a stake,T.©.”Anderson’scorner;thence ‘N.66 dexrees HM.225°fect toa12-foot alley:thence N.24 degrees W.246 feet to CP.Moore's corner;thence S. 1 t d t +|,Biamoton the jwed Protracted meeting begins at Rocky} IN,JyHolly Beach,N-J:,0 the:8spe Comfort,the fam mber-pci a mane,Néefolk,Viritini Bexehi?Oeban'View man expenses ‘for the same time, {Stony Point»Reunion—Resolu- Confederate .veterans:of |Alexander|county,with representatives from oth-|,iercounties,was held at Stony Point |rather below the average for this sea-Anguet 4,ydinnerabundant-and of the éream of|the land,Lutz.was very instructive.The bard!music was byandsomeverywasrenderedby federaté VeteranConcord,N.C...whofthelon the adopted: are due and are surrounding country formannerinwhichtheyentertained us;|the we appreciated more thpromptedit.oe2d.That we thank the hand and |will be Coprespondence of ‘The Landmark,itonville,Aug.3 —Crops.tatoesuffering we trust they will’continue ‘comiuntiltheground’is wet enough toturnwheatJand.PERE Shiloh church Sunday.Rev,W.T.Comer,is»assisted,byRevs.Bryant.and’Thomasson,protracted meeting at St.PaulembracethefourthSundayinmonth.” i been’in’Winston for some time,has|returtied home,Mr.Raymer.Wind-sor,wife and ‘little daughter,Ie i(of Winston,are visiting Mr.| sors qpother’”SS SS eo ae_The atitomobiles are a pren é CON | ivenlénée to the city people who:‘ifoSpend@!day with home folks tin|the.country..Pive cars from’WinstonjcametoShilohSunday,bringing’ajnumber'of young ‘people who oncelivednearandwhoyethaveintheir|4,hearts ‘@ love for Shiloh ‘and her peo-iples 7 ;:oe|Mrs.Matilda Denny is -visiting{friends and ‘relatives in Winston.|“The protracted meeting will beginjatZionBaptistchurchthethirdSun-}sey,in this month.The pastor,Rey. |Revs,A.ley.4 .There will be a Masonic picnic atWindsor’s Cross Roads on SaturdaybeforethefifthSundayinAnitThisisanideallocationforapicnicandtheoneheldlastyearisenoughteconvineethepeoplethattherewillbeplentytoeat.It is renorted thatRevs,L.P.Gwaltney and W.E.’Lin- ney will be the speakers.Let.ev T.Pardue and ‘J,-N.Bink- ~JAn-this issue will.be found an.ad+vertisement..of.the.Souther:yayannualSeashoreexcursiontlantieCity,N,J,Alvalon,Nv J.,Cape May, ~,N.J.,SeaIsle City,N.J.,and Wild-wood.N.J.‘Ticket will be sold onlyforthe.special train.which leavesAsheville2:35.a.m.August 17th,ThespecialtrainwhichwillbeoperatedthroughtoAtlanticCitywillbecom-posed of:standard sleeping cars andvestibuledaycoaches, “Those-who-desireto spend.the twoweeksatsomeotherpointshouldhavetheirticketsvalidatedat.At.lantie City,or at the’other resortsnapeabove,and then deposit theirtickets:at:Philadelphia if going.north)of #hat point.Stop-oversare dlso/al-lo at.Philadelphia,«Baltinvores} ro@te has been:granteien ithi¢excursion;)iv heretofore «:(passengerd:.,havebeenrequiredtogoandreturn:viathasameroute.~“®his year’a specialattractionis’offered ‘and passengersmaygoandreturnall’tail’(samej!route)or go all'rail and return’via)"rail route to Baltitaore’and on a (ONesspeulad Baanamous')did |‘Spportinity!Of viet Old vd t the need of rain bit today the show-}ers are coming very frequently and ten. The protracted meeting beg >alt |Thepastor,stMiss‘Sallie Thomasson,who has this elpea ptoken-of -esteem..and;.appreciation,.of +A_building One member,Mr:J.GC.Collins:hasdonatedThis‘and this work will grow and prosper,the Lord directing us.meeting the ministers visited practi- ee Mligations:to the people for theiree f the tive Southern ies Washington,-Norfolkio’or i Richmond:walisthe:first!time:that.variable Daves GY,Nike ‘the passover,:becausesof agatheringtairstorm./Quite!a !inum-|}; presentteom time:to.time.«In keep-ing ‘withthe pastor’s custom,denom- in..evidenge™or “prominent except ‘in ond goed mMestinp,|unqnestianably,To Ged be au the praises (im , MAINLY ABOUT MEETINGS Drgauization and a;Built—MeetingsmanandPerth? nization near.Shep!eek,j in @ tent ‘which P."s appreciate very greatly theseCourtesies.The pastor in charge of“new organization ——the young- e n is,largely due to his tact,prn-Brepnd promnt,.faithful action..ite preached twice on the firstdayof8memberswerereceivedthatapo.Monday the Rev.E.G.Car-yi Villa Heights,Charlotte,ar-ved!and preached until’¥riday,when he had to return home to con-luet-a funeral,Mr:White preachedthatnightandtwiceonSaturday.Mr Garson returned Saturday night@preacheduntilWednesdaynight, five.From ‘first to Jast the attend- ng service.During the meetingninenames,were added to,Salem andoneconfessedChristwho.will likelyg0.f0'some other Church.The.sing-|#m with!Miss Nannie Brawley and MissoeNeillalternating’as organist.Dr,W.W.Orr’s evangelistic songswereused. Me.At t wurse was presented Mr.Carson,the survostion of the pastor;-as--a his:faithful services, S named|and it is expected that’the ‘newchurchwillsoonbeinconstruction, a lot upon which to build.‘peoplé have a mind to work” During the uly every member of the congrega-ion and were brought under lasting kindness and’hospitality3type.The fel-owship of the-entire occasion was debitfulandGodgrantedrichsbldss-!upon the spbaple...This meetingheaygreenisnot:insour lives:for.Ther:Lord’s iSuppet wast cobs:Sabbath afternoon;dbut>ihas-: in t er of the New Perth people were! no Ca eee nttenelipmepe peta Ps,closed|¥was con-|#was granted|#of charge by the First Metho-|#church of Mooresville,TheVan-|}dérburg .Methodist church at Shep-;erd’s granted the tree use of seats|#their.old’ehureh.The A.R.'% sin our Synod—is Rev.J.MeekBeofTroutman,and the organi-/} the meeting,July 26th,and| He meeting closed.Mr<Carson |}ohed’15 serméns and:the pastor |#ghes..was:good,especially at the eve-|fiRedmond,will be assisted by|Ping core’pie ae ne eve was good and was led by the choir /# The spirit.of unity and|#ony ssemed to pervade the meet-;he outset the pastor asked Htheheartyco-operation of all.Chris-|# at} aeeeecesetiiieiieties: ;fy ‘4bene ae NO CONTEST: %jeer a ,:;h i 4 °*ie pendence of The Landianrkss.1 if :days salen,opewa kr e 6©6'Tuesday Night,August SS e S SC C ST e s e e e s |} |i#out afterwards and.for ment of accounts,Hi aoa pe ss s s i s r s t e s t r s e s e c e sc e : tt e e c o r e : +'z oe e pons.These books can also: PS es o c e r es these|‘rade B 5b youreveraedonbringeeeoreans.In the morning service Wed-|f Trade Books of you ia aketsandspendanenjoyableday._.|Besday prominence was given to tes-(#¢Tre fas !Sateeeeaenyandpracticallyallpresent|B vorite Booster:'RES eeSouthernRailwayExcursionD1gavetestimony.This service was :Po vay ee aaNewJerseyPoints.Soe impressive and’helpful to all.A(§;:f Twelve Times the regularamountofcouponswillbegienwithallcashpurchasesatour |store for one week.Also for §money deposited to be traded Buy the 25,000 Booster TradeBooksandhelpyourfavorite§-Booster get many extra cou-# used in paying accounts...Buy -Quality Prescriptionists, pOSSERESSSSSSESSETITOSSOSLTTEeeeeetatteleTeen “T H y Who-‘owns -a'Hardman|);Autotone comes.home to a-ohis’conterts ‘instead’of ampipeantogooutteesoy‘He selects his own''p national lines were not at’any time he praise service:This?Was 4 ‘great James sand |Grier “White,‘songscort ':8;A ;ang Cape:Henry,.To those who prefer|fr it,You can publish this letterifile thé Richmond trip:the York river line | The fourth annual reunion’of the!| The crowd was large and|* Address by Rev. & the Stony Point band)¢‘excellent vocal ‘music| &ago as they were sung ontentedfield.We have heard noth-ng better.AR LiThefollowing resolutions were |2 Resolved,that our profound thanksherebytendered:to|er,administratrix of A.D.Cooper,is plain-|the committee of arrangements:and |©tiff,and.J.C.Fowler ‘and another defend-|(ie aa):|ants,the undersigned commissioner will soll |©the people’of the noble town and)the splendid | he visiting’choir, id service which they rendered. 66.desrrees:W.117 feet to C.P.Moore's cor-ner in A:C.Tomlin’s line;thence:8)24 de-#rees’EB."to Tomlin’s line;thence §.66 de-sees’Wy 108)feet to the Glover line;thence24desreesB.212 feet to the beginning,ex-}ce lot of 100 feet front and 212 fectooper-from the a Pp western end of said Jot,This lotis gold subject to the right ofdowerofMra,Julia Cooper,Terms of gale ‘Residence 'PLcne 1310,- Shingles For Sale! Carload of good No,2 Shingles:at $2.75perthousand‘at myshop,eh, G.H.‘EFURNER,.Near the Depot.Iredet!’Phone No.74,BellNo.a we # Coite L.Sherrill, Will answer’’phone calla loftatDr..Long's Sanatorium:orGeo.M.Foard's resid ne Dal One-third:cath,one-third in three,months andone-third in six months,° R.B.MeLanghlin, Coriimissioner, GC.WATKINS for “Everything to Build With.”FULLS1T'0 ~K>-LOWEST PRICESShingles,Doors,Windows,Ceiling,Flooring,Siding,Boxing,{Mould.ing,Laths,Lime,Cemen ete.,‘Next Planters’Wh.’Statesville, sean Alig.3,1916, i, EK; i DRC.1CRUSE so.generously done in th More Men and’Machine Guns | That we especially appreciate |he presence of the good ladies,for | their presence and fine spread,noons.At night Mustrated lectures4th.That we ask’The Landmark,|will be given in “regard to the clubnd“Mountain.Seout.to publicly ox-|iwork and Peneral apriculture,The |ress:our appreciation.as,they have |L:e@ pasty:vateSignedinbehalfofthecommittee,|THOS.PF)MURDOCK.||in5jat Sent:to Haiti.eehor‘Ah additional tégiméntof.marines)preparé ‘exhibits,°«hag been ordered to Haiti to reinforceRearAdmiral.Caperto‘mainthinin Ss men nowape.-Haitien sailthe~Whil- g order in! ed base marine:petedinc Rey.and Mts:J -Medk White-return-.}ed from ‘visiting inti York ’courity, home “by their cousins,Jamesofsteamersshould:be used out of and Robert.Lathan White of HickoryBaltimore,-as the same boat does notmake_ae -in ‘Virginia.State-|rooms and meals on steamers are ex-|m ;ot‘;dle this summer..The Whites like totra,but this would be Jess than Pull-have their friends with them when-;ever Convenient and they strive “tomakeeveryonehappyintheirhomejandcommunity.:tion of Thanks |Ourc¢ommunitv.has been wonder-Correspondence of The ‘Landmark.'ea | Groves It ig hardly necessary to say“The ‘White House”thas been.a placeofpleasuretoanumberofyoungpeo- fully ‘blessed with growingandthéprospectforasplendid cornCotton,seems to be!# The stalk is|# crop ‘is.good. doing just fairly well. W.A.|ve the choir of the Con-|Mcthodist church‘Camp,No.212,of ing alt theiOsangthesongs|™ceiing wil\L.Kerr and R.G.j pected to preach about two days each,|The pastor is ahle to preach himself @ spirit which jon thjetthe A.and M.College.Tha toys iaccompaniedbytheéounty|Who came s0 far |demonstration’agents.'for our entertainment,for the splen-|coursejandlive stock’will be.given’the boyseachmorningand.practieal |demon:strations will)be panies Theiwhohas been representing the’Uniti forced to®Carranzay@Corps,jfrom Gu .C.,Sretently)and were accompanied Dale gramme--operatic,pop-|‘ular;classic,danceminie ‘Copyright 1916,Hartinaln,Pookggests..Over,16,000.,Whatever his mood sy«choose from.”Every kin nihew:and:old;- ete SATE dordae)ae:Amwone,irtespectiveaf “technical leno wire na» SE Ee Dy Ta OK seasons on and not well fruited,Our peopleeem'to be happy and contented andiltheymightbe,whén-they con-|§rast Hurope or Mexico with our great|#ountry, Meeting now in progress in —theandMr.Eads is do- Revs.G.}Davidson are ex- he nex:week, nd does it with force,May thesei#[preetiniae be well attended and preatly |3Fbhteaencfit.our people. ‘orn Club Boys in Raleigh NextWeek.Plans are being made to entertain00+corn lub boys in the State,are expected to go to Raleighe17thforastayoffourdays hat much as we enjoyed the spread,|who “A.thorough|#of instruction in.field crops|rf. se e rsacsintheafter- andmark hopes all the Iredell boys|¥ho can will attend,—,Plans will be.matured at this ‘meet@formakingafineexhibitofcorntheState’fair,The express com.have already agreed ‘to hauleexhibits,free of charge and sevealboys"have.already.plained |to \.ait ntenneeBrazilianministertoMexivo, States in’Mexico City,has beencavethatcountrybytheRoveriiment.The ministerfahasalsobeenex- oviet in Guilford coun-|.‘drank disinfectant, Hed, A “Colle,Cholera — = F breaching...New,Perth| So Ce e s re e l s se r es e se e pi e t t e e s o r e r e r e r e r e s stl OeStatesville,. eias Members of Federal |Reserve System, every accommodation extended to de |positors consistent with prudent bank-ing methods,’+os:aeFourpercent.paid on time and Savings +.Vice President,D.M,AUSLEY,ae shier,G,'E,HUGHKY,—Assistant Cashier SADLaARERRRSESATEeeeeeeeTtentft Statesville Drug Comp’ rolls to... Captal Stock Paid in -$100,000.00" elites 4.fod AD 3 2H uk got ie geYourBankmgbusinesssolicitedandee {i ahDeposits.remaining on deposit three Lymonthsorlonger,ey ae OFFICERS:;LgePWD.TURNER,(6)352.)Presigauee'K,MORRISON,-<ue é sy fa seaee ee ”Asus es Spee,Bo) *“August 10,1915, “PRYING TO SHIFT THE BLAME. Noah,not Adam and Eve,brought about.the fall of man,according toatranslationofatabletnowin’the Un- iversity (of Pennsylvania Museum, This is the information sent out from|Ty ‘Philadelphia,which says the tablet inpossession of the museum,written before the days of Abraham andj translated by Dr.Steven Langdon, professor of Assyriology in Oxford University,England,records that ~Noah was ordered not to eat of the Cassia tree in the Garden of Paradise and when ‘he disobéyed the curse its fell upon him,The curse was that he t should have ill health and an early|“ “death instead of living ‘to be 50,000 years old like his ancestors.It is fur- ther cited that Dr.Langdon believes the tablet is at least 1,000:years old-|? er than the Book of ‘Genesis. ‘All of.which is interesting.But ‘itis,The Landmark’s opinion that it ‘is too late in the day to try to shift i the blame for the fall from Adam and jy Eve to Noah,Moreover,Noah had troubles of his own and it’s’hardly i fair to saddle more on him:at this stage of!the world’s history,when he can’t be present:to offer testimony_in his own behalf.Adam and Eve ‘have et the blame for our troubles rs-and-it.won’t hurt their 8,to continue to bear it to publicly:pressed;but.it.isi ello on..Col.Fairbrother.of Every- “s thing;’Who,recently received new light on’the ebhstruction of the pyramids, to,hand ‘down an opinion.. SS_ONE BAD WOMAN. The facts presented in the case of Mrs.Warren and S.P.Christy,con- "yieted of murder atWinston --Salem, indicate iy~7 t is nom r the.SeisLE to be doub! and both of them d rveeteheetheae“is! ea however,that’the’woman will payffer death:Her sex willsaveher.If she escapes the Genth chair ‘this will help to savecoast‘It will be’contended thut9hei@AOdioreguiltythanthe:womiih! that she is really the cause of it all;ddngh it|heed ‘surprise:majone,in)viewtheisentimentagainstcapita)pun- ‘ishment,if.both escape the’extremety.| am e final act in-this drama~in:real life is an awful.illustration of the bad ‘influence of the woman.whose feet take hold-on hell.The woman inthe case,but 36.years old now,departed from.the path of virtue in early:life: For her Christy desertedhis ‘wife’and children,Then she deserted Christy for Warren.Then,Christy .killed Warren——all on account of the wo- -™man.For this woman’one man =is dead,another is under sentence .of death,other lives have been blighted and untold Sorrow and.suffering brought to many innocent people.. ESATANTTTES, That is certainly a fearsome picture ‘Senator Jim Ham Lewis of.ANinois -drew on the Bar Association at Ashe- ville about what may happen to.us. .As the Senator sees it,Wwe have no friend’‘among.the ‘nations of the earth on:whom we can depend.It seems to The Landmark that the fore- cast is one ofpossibilities rather than aatczobab The things suggested m of course,but they are r Beate It is well enough _for,us'to make friends by showing see ‘friendly;and it is proper y undue alarm that 'the nation into an armed uch as Europe has been all then 7 and the result of which we ee 4 nie weeny,We:te Be.ie :este ek of one or more of thete Ebi ; |Spri fine is ki 2,this nation aapeestock.RaaaaeeIt@theUnitedStateshasCe tti:the greatest stock ofnation,modern or ancient,ever could|, eta,i rted,ha:gland,it is reported,has aceum-ulated about.'$800,000,000»ape gald,ifractically the entire»stock the ion United Kingdom,as the petine hasbeenhoardingeons,metalSrntigthepeopletouse:Pace In 1907,when the United Stateshadastockof$1,612,000,000.in gold,’Germany had a stock valued at $1,-044,000,000;France,$906,Russia,$907,000;Great in,$564,000,000;Austria,'$000;Italy,$2:58,000,000.The pregént stock of theUnitedStates,representative of a lossofgoldtothenations:of Europethroughtradebalances,must.easilyequal:the holdings of any two na-tions,if not of any three at the se?ent time. There was never so much gold intheworldas‘at the present day.Theproductionof.gold for thefirst-halfcenturybetween1801and1850,aver-aged only $15,749,000 a year.For thefollowing50years,with the discov-ery of gold in California,the annual production “rose to $124,892,000.TheproductionofallpreviousyearsTorunghouttheworld’s history wasneveranywherenear.such vast amounts, July 1 the gold stock’of the UnitedStateswas$1,993,549,015,showing anaccumulationtoAlugust2ofover$12,000,000,In the treasury.of theUnitedStates,held ‘as assets of the government,there is $226,076,821 in gold,Federal®reserve.banks andagentshold$6,629,902 —as-‘securityagainstFederalnotes;there is $596,-561647 gold in circulation;the bal- bof‘the stockisheldas coin or States, There is $4,009,561,429 of all kindsofmoneyinthe‘United States;of thisamount°$8.568,705,022 is in circula- tion,As thepopulation of continen-ta}United States is estimated at 100,-oes the circulation per capita is TIME ‘FORLEGUME CROP. Land Can Be Inoculatedat oe Cents Per ion _for osceYlov shoul Le BacMaheiD an shot | undér.for for next’own as “green ma-~nuring”and is the most fundamental- ly important operation that any:far-}with!can’perform.Themerpoorlandfarmer.should:always bear in mind|fthatthewintercropshouldbegrowntoProduce:the suimmer crop.Use the |}on aes ape for ithe other. n se sight of thefact”otha che ieAegume!cropsWotwlated|with:the:proper”legume:bacteria before they a satisfactory grwoth’on or collect any moré,nitheairthanryeorbuckwheat.The Commissioner of Agriculture .isdistributing pure cultures of legumebacteriaamongthefarmersoftheState-at 40-cents an acre.These cul-ures are-thesame,except in name,|{)as those advertised under the namesof“Legumogerm,”“Nitragin,”“Far-mogerm,”and soon.Address all or-ders to the Commissioner of Agricul-ture,JAS.L,BURGESS,;‘State Agronomist; *Boy Killed By Automobile, Charles William Durham,12-year-old son of Dr,and Mrs.B.J.Dur-ham,met instant death on the streetinfrontofhishomeatToe3asuburbofAsheville,Sunday.ming,when thebicycle.on.which Me ‘Was "prope f Chambers,&‘Weaver Co.,“ised asa poeservicecar.The drivér was taking J.Locke Erwin of Concord,a promi-nent,cotton millman.of that’city,to a sanitarium.The boy was riding from a drive-way at his father’s home into thestreet...The view was obstructedfromthestreetahdneithertheboyuorthechauffeur*saw each other un-til they were.too close to stop.‘Whenthecollisionoccurred:the boy wasthrownfromthebitycle’‘haar the’car.Two wheels’passed over him, opi his rieck:The chauffeur.was taken into cus-tody but was later released:on bond, Isiaaihceeienaiintasienieibiaaaamintanteiniasienidea’i Cotton Speculator in Trouble. Philip C.Wadsworth of Texas City,Texas,was arfested at a brokerageofficeinNewYorkFriday,chargedwithusingthemailsinaschemetodefraud.Wadsworth in April,1912,promoted the sale of the stock of ‘theeer“Whe Raleigh:News and Observer Cotton Growers’Co-operative Societyosconiplains:‘pf the Bell telephone ser- vicein Raleigh.“The service,”says hearing on.August 26, of Alabama,a $50.000,000 corporation,He wis released on $2,500 bond for aHe.was ar-and Observer,“has become |rested on an ver returned bypoorerandpoorer,during the past|® few months and,unless:there is con+ ‘siderable improvement within a short. time,relief will be asked through of- Possibly the Bell is ene to raise rates in Ral- ficial:channels.” Federal grand ju:The generalgrowers’society were in Atlanta.TheindictmentagainstWadsworthchargesthatthecharterwasfratidu- capital stock of $50,000,000.It furtherilimore,-who ak ani se-oees.that letters mailed at AtlantaJimorawoundedSargGallimore,16]by sworth,who is said to havein),Davidson |controlied:the ‘society,were intendedfcsmelly‘was.sieitan to!tw 0ontheroads,Gallimore wastheshootingwaswithout provo- valde Peart to defraud certain citizens of Georgia. ‘WheneverYcYouou Noed a General Tonic|9 satel ii ean 08 teinun*'|General Tetsue.Pres-|wellknowntonic 4 Malaria,Huriches gold that.any |; chrgnson| en ently obtained;that no part of the/#capital stock was subscribed for at the!#time the application was made.and|3thatitnever‘was intended to have a! mund Harrison,a fi‘farmer,was killed»bonrunningoverhim. In ot Saturday a-ron down by a:ore and severely hur y and for hospitals every arooezonesautomobilesmust“out outthenoise.“John Pell,‘45 years old,was.on a hand-car on the Eastern railrnearMt.Airy,when the car staroadandMr,Pell wasthrownandjandkilledbirTheStarsaysiftheaddchinehasitdownright‘the nivaluation‘of real and ‘persoertyinClevelandcountyAs)junder last year, Palmer.Hall,a 14-year-iid boyemployedtodriveawheal:on:the.Surry county road work,fellofthemachine,was run over andcrushedtodeath. Depositors in the Beck ofof Sven,of which the cashier,J acl nelscommittedsuicideaowewillprobablynotloseanyehihestated,Miller’s eee vi now fig-ured at between $3,000 FG000,At the Yearly Meee ofAatGuilfordCollegetheadvisabilityofaskingthe.Legislature to:abolishcapitalpunishmentwasreferred.to8committee,the committee t6 report<n hence If bc te pret favor-able the request will be presénted.totheLegislatureof1917,,wow ‘The Democrat says the postoffice atpeatWataugacounty,two milesfromBoone,was robbed one night re-cently of $17.85,and-at the rHtimealotof.goods were takenthestoreinwhichtheonesis kept;but the strange part of the piety ethatthethiefleftnearlybanicashboxheattemptedto.:.rob.rob,: 1 The driver of the milk.snilk.Mone the route fore but which are now emthanafullbottleofmilk.ithathehasoar“sterilized. other itis impossibleWhyTheDacroSystem,mi fe .Aean 4,000,,{people would sup ‘Jable,relate ofa ;sitatean embargo =munitions ofwar reflises to recog-| sidering means ,to.res : Mexico adjourned:Friday after ‘oping ‘no‘divergence of opinion:asitsgeneralpurposes,but.‘ea adecidedithe.exactcourse tosued,“It will reassemblein New vertPrtabiethisweek.-Meanwhile the Latin-Americanlomats‘will ‘co.mn enecae aiegovernmentsCaearetanninswiconfer‘withnee Ww:sone..There was-no:changein the firatsteptosend-final presentations_the military leaders,-wpa GiCarranzain‘particular,for the sake of the!milcombatants,that they. government.that can”be: tions,and)the’earid,An alternativeroposestheselectionofastrong0.for President.whom a Ne ofbePetheOnewhonotbeenengagedinthe’ciyil warfarex|would be insisted upon.Involved ineuchaplanaremanyobstacles,but,it was agreed that ey are eenThatthe to any faction whichrefuges nize the new’government isprobable... Mexican dutlaws haveconsiderabletrouble”to”on the Texas-Mexico boarebeingdealtwithbyTexas rang-ers and United.States troops,Anumberofpersonshavebeenkilledandwounded. Jones county—Senator Simnions’home—voted down the stock,law 700to70,And in this age of progress. To Drive Out MalariaAndBulld.UpThe SystemTaketheOldStandardGROVE’STASTELESSchillTONIC:You knowMm)what you are taking,a3 the formula ts er, inted som every label,showing:it iswinineandIronin‘a tasteless form.he Quinine drives out malaria,the*|Iron builds up the system:50‘centann—— ~WHY DACRO SYSTEM? starts out from the dairy with cleanpicksupbottlesthatheleftthedaybe-In h is rouads he has calls for less®pours from a full bottle into the bottleupandwhichhasnotosaibieteteensofmilkfrom-one bottle-to.thpifreeofcoatamination.Thisiina~the ——nia of eee been pruperly cleaned = bottles cannot be oeliminatesdangerof,eeeih W,pany is supplying the:mil that iis,ml 2 gad how betPawH7Black!PAINE VIEW DAIRYWeSomecenrevnm=pure and’cleatmi oes.it be exp iioea3epagive with the Dat’rosin ‘at your” PURPLES Oeie ap hy pe mse a are very.small a in and see them.. -an ear howna laters to ou.ear coll came geSoi eenent"Watch SoG!Br . nd can be detached frombraceletandwornasordinarywatch,ComeRHRICKERT&SON. i ish OF rave eQtii:oF aeGold Casé,*!*The Watches iroanise||and supportedby the Atjerican-na-| ;e 4 *ah Thr va an ¥ |= EG ie +to opitpy eee ~Company.- The Store With the Quick Parcel Post peers: NEW SILK WAIST. os One lot assorted Jap Silk and Crepe de Chine Waists,regular $2.50 val- era sale.Speciel Sk.50 $1 00°SilkWaist -$1.00 Another lot Washable Jap Silk - iba caine embroidéréd.Onsale today at $1.00... 50c.Lingerie Waist 50c. White Organdy and’‘Lawn:Wales, with new.quaker coltats,*,Te ati stet el ae ott"Sect,aig:Distie ott ut bgt OL:eenpationttgolya9i}cca)wagctole “teil Yowie“zai te %i voloHtdegAntony“Coine and see the:new affiv- als for the different departments. eee new Sarsday... arace 198 He bak ws tilehwot Hts URE 4920 *pales ter ast 1a9TS eiderent91 Vag tenryialavevea9a}onary ieninndl.A Romijeny <idpaieedde hh fin MOST ET ioadinonysecaEhsaana. wt based dover 2a" U SH staiatawtos a haaeotonyaaaBowles-Morgison Company. ‘THE STORE THAT PAYS THE POSTAGE ON MAIL ORDERS. TIER eeewy sto tf abe i hiit Men’Ss Straw $3.00 Straws- Z00.=fh ‘2.00 150.4: 66 cash. Shertill-White Shoe Co. Hats 1-2 Off $1.501,251.00 15. These special prices are SHERRILL-WHIT .SHOE co. BORORSIORCRROORO ORR"TAKES THE TEMPER. ‘OUT,OF»THE TEMPERATURE. ‘WhenthesePei pit odspentiaropinaaticAPOLK,GRAY HIGHlowereaetemperate law allows. te SRACY'S”,you backpanttheBESTraePolk richeee a een pisoryanize yourdis "¥ he ‘raise yoursp andLBAraiPaghaveanyother‘kind of - ve you tried our new’Ice Cream? rare —the flavor thatdrives -for eee nen.you ==BASEBALL!== MORGANTON &STATESVILLE :At Statesville BallPark one, yt _BRIDAY AND SATURDAY. =— neem See We Are Selling a Odd ree and Discontinued FeetofFurnitureatBIGREDUCTIONSDURINGAUGUST Bedroom,Diningroom and Parlor Forniture~com-‘plete suites and single pieces—in Circassian Walnut;-Uak and Mahogany.Every piece GOOD in the’very bestsense ofthe word,and:every tie agreat,big,splendid bargain. Savings uf from$7.50 to-$20 on single pieces. Sayings of from $25 to $175 oncomplete Suites,ALL SUMMER FURNITURE 1-3 OFF. Telephone and mail.orders will receive.the very:best attention.re . Writetoday forcomplete list andfull particulars, “ARE YOu INTERESTED?? hanRooting Tin.RoofizeingleRoofi *RootPainted? PARKER GARDNER CO,sarin. i or Refrigerator Lined?IN Tin or Sheet Metal Work of any Kind?LET Us KNOW.ny IREDELL‘TIN.WORKS, Phone 98: ‘of the:mri-|2FaithWas PASSING THRONG, ofPeople andeinements on Yount and he68EfivdofMGekoe 6 Miss|to oh in pa South Boston,Va.,):nd My.Hw Hy ween went to Blow-“Rock.by automobile “Saturday.wa.expected to return home todayseadcMr.and Mrs.H..O.Set ee also motored toBlowingRockSaturdayand’spent ninesae ition F Blizabeth and Addie MaeGreenville,S.C.,spent,theionweekwiththeiraunt,Mrs.R.Re & Ko e i ee e pr e s t o ee ~ 3 TE R ? +e ak * rl te a l a Po r e ae ’ 2h +en e — — m e m m r m m a a i a g i ne e om ee %* i Pe et ag ks “*.80.yearsoldIagt Octoberandwasa "‘sometimes murmur.Mary Soo tod i Phei areeetTeer.Taoks ‘died at<“the! ;Setzer,Hickory R-4, night.—Statesville Drug “SmPollke fray Drug i er‘some.20 years hanes “andwaediedSaturday,7th,at he home of her nephew and niece,Mr.and.Mrs,J,L.-Jaeks,She was|Maude native..and lifelong’resident of this |Cya:ony.The greater part of:her life_at.ee Mills.This.placepgbreeeeeandintancesww.there “were among her mostooanmemories,especially Eagleillsinanewas.a faithful church,*Avhich shemember.Miss Forcum’s life.is *wonderful ch suffering andshewas.pitifullynevergaveupworkasitwaspossibletowork,bat Tova toiled on,for many yearsherselfandheragedmotherwithherownearnings.“About 12 years ago Mr,and Mrs.JL.Jacks brought her to their hometolive.‘A’4 and ‘a half late®afallrendered‘her unable to -walk.Blind,too,the greater part of;thistime,she has been a wonder to allwhosawher.Her cheerfulness,herpatienceandfaithunderallthesetrialsput,to shame those of us wewithmanifoldblessisigs;to enjoy,stilwerethe!jprayerssheofferedforthosewhominizteredto.her needs,and it wasnounusualthingtohearhertryingtosingthegoodoldhymns,even af-ter her ‘voice was so wéak and brok-énthat there was-no-music init.Themusicwasinhersoul.One of a family of 13 children,sheoutlivedthen;all,though so sorely a Today’as we lay her body torestinthechurchyardatTabor,wearemadetofeelthatonlyeternity! grew worse ond oe 3 ean show all the fruits of her well-|spent life;and since she could not}stay with us longer,we rejoice toahake2Zeebantheor est 8)a6 utoh,how she will be eels fro m her|accustomed place in ome,where |sheatcued for wate?”4 bY gp the .kind-nessae fave shown at the timeofhersicknessanddeath.Her death,following ‘so closely that of Ray-mond Jacks,son of Mr.and Mrs.J. hy the othe asholdand young’alike. his parents July 22,at thedgepg21:years.Raymond.too,wasahexampleworthy‘fo follow in the matter of Christian faith and great¢.Throughout the several_mnonths of constant and sometimesen~suffering which.he.bore.heeanneverheardtoutterawordof““eamplaint,He lived the religion heeileheatschoolandathome;and he ae to get well he was,oi Lesyeeesitewlgo.all Yond ofsongonearth.how sweet theenlymusicmustbetohimashisreststhiscalmSabbathdayin-oan ot the Saviour whom hered.He is survived by father,mother and several brothers and sis- ~ters. Notice of New Advertisments: Peaches 75 cents to $1 delivered intown.—F.T.Meacham.|Furnished house 7 rent.Address B.,care The Landmark.¥Ewo-horse-farm wanted.—Y.M. my Dey pine’wood.—J G.Stevenson.tee”..Dearman wants two-horse “The H.L.Morrison residence,nea?Apply to Miss Why the system:—PajneVieweeitup.prices ‘continue.—Jobrenon Balk Bs:Piano contest closes week from to- (Temper ‘taken aottemperature. a a Soir tig:remodelingsale‘begins tomorrow.Something new every day:—Ram-sey*Bowles-Morrison Co..-Men’s straw hats one-half eaeSherrill-White Shoe Co.nual excursion to Atlantic Cityaweekfromtoday.Tip top gas stoves on sale‘today,—Crawford-Bunch Furniture Co.*£.‘nice lot peaches at M,.PAlexaniler-&Bro.Reuters,fechictiy os ‘talonomes te,$y the,best.— You can get.our grinding my same’.dav at Davis’Mills,HiddSTobacco«flues now rex:ye tiibae: ville Tin Co..Household:articles.Walsh. VeereCS"Stony Point Items. ce of The Landmark. act Point,Aug.9.—Mr.EdgarHalyburtonofAtlanta,Ga.,arrived’pr days ago on a visit to "pélatives was a railroad man and ago,by a premature’explosion of dynamite,he lost his eye-a andhis.right arm.’However,i theBosited of manhood atid en-is life withC.Wi$ewe of ‘Lenoir,whoae‘attend.thereunion week,siting selatives here. for sale.—W. Allison.~‘Miss Sarah’Adams and Mr.MinorAdamshavereturnedfromavisittofriéndsinthevicinityofCharlotte.They were accompanied home by Miss.cul Me 8 of Gastonia.Sentman of the Henkel-Live Stock Companyis at Blow- i to spend two weeks,Mrs.W.F.Hall and son,Mr.FrankHall,arevisiting Mrs.J.N.Thomp-son at:DaMissesVirginia Rector of RichmondandCleoTurbyvilleofNorthChar-lotte,who visited Miss BlancheLaugenour,left ‘Saturday for Char-lotte,accompanied 4 Miss Laugen-our.Miss Ruth.Ford is visiting at thehomeofheruncle,Mr.J.B.Ivey,inCharlotte.Mrs James N.Mills of SalisburywasinStatesvilleSaturdayenroute“Stony Point to visit her home peo-plle.Mr.D.R,Beard,who spent a week here with his son-in-law and daugh-ter,Mr.ang Mrs.J.M.Suther,hasfeturned'te’Salisbury. ~Miss Mary ‘Cashwell is visitingfriendsinMéckéville.She will spendtheweekthere.Mr.R.A.Cloyd of the vicinity of ee a"returned from a.visit to “Hig.brother;Wade.Cloyd,ateee,Thet bt.has been very Te.W.F.Williams of .Ports-mouth,Va.,is visiting mer danghter, Mrs.Eugene Davis. Mrs..J.C.:Carpenter sae Mr.c. Jay Carpenter,of Rutherfo penter,visited Dr.and Mrs.Carpen-jter last week at their home on Da- vie avenue.Mrs.Carpenter returnedto:Rutherfordton Friday.Mr.Car- penter will spend a week or two long- ‘er with his brother.Mrs.Prentiss Raeford and daugh-ter,Catherine Haynes Carpenter,ofConcord,sister-in-law and neice of Dr.Carpenter,were his guests last week, Miss Marie Smith,who is visited relatives at Tuscaloo:reesroed home last week by Mrs.Gora Cottingham‘who will;gpend some time’withScir¢id,resident physi-cian of ~St.Olfristoplier's ‘ospital,| cataen at hie Pa.,is spendinghis va- cation,at hisMrs3HJ.Bareayiiss Ella Gra.Rad haw spenteh and Friday | Marion with their cousins,M beats sionuve in Korea.«D.W.dones and little daugh-|ters, hvanees and Sarah Glenn,who!have been visiting Mrs.Jones’pa- rents,Mr.and,Mrs.E.W.Culbreth,leave today.for their home at Ogles-_|by,Texas.Mrs.0.F.Jones and son,O.F.,Jr.,also of Oglesby,Texas,who lem_and at Roaring .River,joinedMrs.D.W.Jones at Mr.Culbreth’syesterdayandwillmakethetripwithhertoTexas.Mr.Ras Stimson of Asheville here on a visit to home folks..r.and Mrs.J,C:Clifford,andchildrenofDunnand.Mrs.”JohnCrimanddaughtersofWinston-Sa-lem,-whd,were herp on a visit to-Mr.and Mrs.H.W.Clifford,returned to Winston -Salem yesterday.The triptoand‘from Statesvillé was made inMr.Clifford’s touring car.Mr.and Mrs.W.E.Outen of is }Chariotte fate Visiting at the homeofMrs.Outer’s father,Mr.W.H.Brookshire,near Statesville.Miss"|Lois Ervin’of RockyMount neigh- borhood is also a guest at Mr.Brookshire’s.Mr.Jo.Harrison has }gone North on.a business«trip.Mrs.W.M.Robéy.‘of CharlotteandMissMatildaBryantofDurhamarevisitingMr,and Mrs.PegramA.Bryant. Mrs.T.:J.Allison,who spent a fewweekswithrelativesin.Salisbury,re-turned home Saturday.«Mr.»Victor L,Stephenson of the‘Charlotte Observer staff is spendingafewdayswithhishomepeople Jr.,and Eugene,~iwho were here,returned to Winston-21 Gale yesterday afternoon.James,Jr.,had been here.for a week or long-er and Mr.§henson and Eugenecameyesterdaymorningtoaccom-pany him home.Mr.A..F.Heath of Greensboro _isspendingafewdays,here with Mrs.Heath and children,who are visitingattheshomeofMrs,roe mother,Mrs..M,E.Swann.Mr.and Mrs.J.B.Moore and chil- Mooré’s parents,Mt.and Mrs.C.P.Moore,on Frorit:street.Miss Anna Blair of.Monroe,whoed.in Soovierilles left yesterday Hendersonville.* of Charlotte,spending’a coupleofdays“at HiHiddeniteWantonALC.Johnson,is visiting in in ion,‘will,return home -iterceetot this week.it ison and Mi agai gieMaat?serio townshi who A.Banner and Miss Barr ngan.|:Miss Graham went from Ma to! Montreat and will go from tHete!to}San Francisco.from which p ‘she!sails on the 25th to resume mis- have been°‘visiting in Winston -Sa-/| here.|Mr.Jas:B.'Stephenson and}+two sons,Janies, dren of Whiteville are ee Mr, Miss BelleGasetan ‘and her guests,|fMisses:Ida “Belle and Johnsie Austin |"August Ridgecrest.}alinaieiyelasteraysandDr,FsEdith.partied:eae daMr.P,PurnellMissA.Porael)ton,Shed me one terddy from Montreat.—Mrs.John’A.Walker,Terry,Miss Aileen eslJo,Terry are at All Healing’to spend ten ‘daysor ‘two0MissNannieMills”‘went to,TD she:ville yesterday tosMissesLucileMatheson and Nellic|Burke ‘of Taylorsville are —of|Mrs.Glen,Holand at her home on Stockton street.They:will,soe the|week here.‘Mrs.J.V.Mize and “ehildreTaylorsvillearevisitingMr.|Mite’$mother,Mrs.Mary Mize,op Stocktonstreet.Mr.Mize was here Sunday.Prof.and Mrs.J.BH.M and|little daughter,Mildred,of Wades-toro,will)arrive tomorrow:to visit |Mrs.Mclver's paretits,Mr.sand Mrs. P.V.Dotson. School TeachersElected —aay lorsville News. Correspondence ct.The committee met Wriday n lorsville State High I,will open September 6th:Prof.W.L.Afiderson of Burlington,and Prof.J. A.C .Payne,teacherof \sixth!andseventhgrades;Miss Lottie KerleyofCharlotte,teacher of fifth grade;Miss Mabel Hendren of Wilkesboro.teacher of fourth grade;Miss SueKerleyofCharlotte,teagher,of,sec- ond and third erades,an iss‘Nettic first grade. Mr.been traveling in the intérest of Da-| vidson College,is the guest:at the|home of his grandfather,Mr.qohn W.Moore.Lawyer.J."Burke is ir ness trip to Winston-Salem. days conducting a meeting.at.An-tioch Baptist church in that vicinity. Sunday,August ist,was the ¢enten-nial anniversary of the organizationofthat.church.Mr.White served the was pastor when the present building was built.Mr.T.J.Smith and Mr.a Gra- ham,Jr..of Charlotte,dayhere.Attorney W.M.St Chlotteisvisitinghis‘br hee shar- *sfs ters,Mr.J.N.Smith and Misses Jen-mieJand Addie:Smith.yciy.g: t tingstalengeEEelitor.Rev.Mr,Wilcox,sill he.assibyRev,W.W.Rimmer of Maiden... erincrams oe ha xt ebters.at ree.weeHam ‘and’|little ditagh a vi hhd Miss ‘Jes- ,sie Belle Arthurs.of:Mooresyille,ae|spending some time =“their),pijents,Mr.and Mrs.®;Arthurs!Misses Huldah and tae Whitley of|Oakboro;who have been the guest of|Misses Ada’and Elsie Howard for|past ten days,have returned home.{Miss Callie Troutman —-has.-returned}-lhome after “an “extended ‘visit 40Statesville:Mrs.°(N.W.Troutman of eyser is visiting home folks.are glad to have her with us.“4 Mr,J.A.B.Goodman of Mooresville’is visiting his old home at Amitv.ItmakesusfeellikeoldtimestohaveMr.Goodman’present.Mr.Troutman is the sper of Mer.Al Hoover. improveménts made on his residenceonCenterstreet,The roof has beenremodeledandotherimprovementswillbemade.‘ee—The Clerk Guaranteed It.“A.customer came into my store the other day and said to one of my clerks,‘have youanythingthatwilleurediarrhoea?’and.my,clerk went and got him a bottle of Chamber-lain’s Colic,Cholera and=Diarrhoea Remedy, and said to him,‘if this does not cure you,Iwillnotchargeyouacentforit.’So he took it home and came back in a day or twoand.said he was cured,”writes J.H.Berry &Co.,Salt Creek,Va.Obtainable everywhere. FOR SALE—Some household ‘articles —Gasolinecookbaeeechinacloset,side-board,ete..WALSH.Aur.10-1. FOR RENT—To a couple.without “children, furnished house with all modern improvesB., 10. ments,near center of town.AddresscareTheLaniAus, WANTED—To rent good two-horseoodtwo-horse: Y.M.SETZER,—Red,Aug,10—1t*); FOR.SALE—Dry pine wood.J.VENSON,|Statesville R-2.Aug.10-—-1t*.: farm, G.STE WANTED—I it .to ‘rent ‘a two-horse Tarm.F.B.DEA oe Troutman R-2.Aug.10—-2¢' PEACHES—Let your order come in now for canning peaches--75 cents to $1.per bugh-el delivered in town.Phone’or writeT.”MEACHAM,State Harm,Auge 6—2t, OR aa hePs c Morrison residence Rear terms,apply to MISSMINNIEMORRISON,Loray,N.C.Aug.10--1t. NOTIGE—On |Satiirday,Atigust14,1916)at10‘o'clock,a,m.,I will sell at public ‘a |~ |.||YourGrinding Gas Day |To the Patrons ofthe Davis Mill: Tayl ille,A 9.~The seshBV:ly U.0‘aylor e.ig.aie | ed the folloying teachers for the Tav-|which | A.White,associate prarionies’Mrs.| Albright of Bustingtops peas of| John Watson Moore,who .has | Wilkesboro on business.-Mr..H-P|Feimster has returned:from:,aybusi-} Rev.J.A.White hasreturnedyfrom| mother and brother of Dr.F.AvCar:{Clover,‘S--€-where-he-spent-sev‘eral foe Ae‘Proteaded Meeting —see 1 git sitive ii ae Lee WY Y gt:} Pootmnnt;.R-2,“hug.9.—The promt us Sumy WOE, We} —iMayor Caldwell is having some p MARKET REPORTS. Statesville Produce Market.The following prices were paid yesterdayeeforprodugeonthelocalmarket.Spring,Chi ‘He.per Ib.Heats een Ss,|Roosters,Ge.per UbeExes,12¢.per dozgn..Rutter,Ibe.per Ib.-{Beeswax,26¢,per Th.Green Hides,Ide per 1b,~Hams,18¢.aeFaSides,18,\ ry ||Shoulders,the,a P 8 ‘Red Honey,10¢,ee 18¢.per Ib.Sourwood Honey |Grain,|The.following prices were paid yesterday|ov grain om local market:Wheat,$1.20 per.bushel,Corn,$1 perOats,50 cents per bushel |Long "Meadow Farm SPECIALS :Are decidedly the best Cantaioupes.'}Can be had daily at Miller-McLain||Supply Co.,ac “a eerypaia &Bro.,or W.NW We have made arrangements io you can get your grinding the same day you come.We have employed a night miller and are running day and night,and withtheuseofourengine,Which:is now in good shape,we will be able to keep ahead of all orders and custom work. Will havea first class iron frameFrenchBurhFeedMillinstalledinafewdays,so as to grind yourfeedquick.So come right on totheDavisMills.We will do.all we can to please you and get youoffquick.We want your wheatandcorntogrind.We are giving.$1.25 per 6ushel for_good wheat in the rough and$1 00 per bushel for corn.Mill pays to patronize The Davis NOTICE TOINSOLVENTS! The BoardofCountCounty Com- missioners has ordered that all insolvent ‘taxpayers are church as pastor for 14 years.and) peer to take notice thatnlessrvappear IE,AVEgltessOl1,and payiithe kti weby«a «th Sund ool at.rs’,fer other cae $ep as;may/t. shSake Be “Ott eggs:duh >|;©Ag @"1 gnineTeann Tt TT Treatmentsin the County. are as follows: to 1 p.m. August 9 and 16,2 to 5 o’clock. Houstonville —Tuesday forenoon,August 10 and 17,9 to 1 p.m. 40 and 17,2 to 5 o'clock,“Athens SchoolMeasvicet,August 11 and 18,:9:to 1 Trinity School House —Thursday eerenpon,August 12 and 19,9 to.1 Bryantsville—Thursday afternoon:August 12 and 19,2 to g o'clock. New Hope—Thursday, and 19,4 to 6 o’clock p.m. 13 and 20,9 to 1 p.m.Bradford’s Cross Roads —Friday afternoon.August 6,18 and 20,2 to 5o'clock,Cool Spring —Saturday forenoon,August 7,14 and 21,9 to 1 p:mElmwood—Saturday afternoon,Au- gust 7,14 and 21,2 to 6,Amity—jMonday forenoon,August23,'80 and Sept.6,9 to 1 p.m Troutman—Monday afternoon,Au- gust 23,30,Sept.6,2 to 5.Shepherd’s—-Tuesday forenoon,Au-gust 24,31,Sept.7,9 to ll a.m,-Linwood.School House:spuueany forenoon,11 to 1 p.Mayhew—Tuesday aeleele,Au- ae 24,81,Sept.7,2 to 5.Mourne—Wednesday forenoon,ants 25,Sept.1 and 8,9 to 1 p.™m, Appointments For Anti -Typhoid!8 The appointments for,the county|§ Harmony —Afternoon of Monday,vs louse —Peremees is «+Mm.Jennings’-store—-Wednesday after-|% noon,August 11 and 18-2 to 5 o’clock. August ,12|¥ re7NSrea Bex Y of effort. square mile gon carried out. of eve dividual Eve i fy1}fy,-eucy.Oz(ia FD). tt=i FFICIENCY is in- tensive-——concentrated —labor.-The secret liesin knowing how to get the maxi- mum results with a minimum Better_an acre well ‘worked than a ¢to weeds © Better.one good idea followed to.a successful conclusion—than sever- al weak ambitions only partly Efficiency the Key This principle furnishes the basissuccessfulenterprise—in- or organization,volves itself around “greater results through saving waste’, ‘lands,products,income or labor. It branch’of our organizationeenequippedtogivétothecertheFffeedegreeofeffici-,The accounts.of farmers,commércial men’and ‘individuals are invited withthe assurance of protection and conservation, de- whether it’s’,§ “Te astNSTATESVILLE N.C,,Cone $100,000 -aePaid ondon TimeDeposit a i ‘Allies on the: 1 Olin —Tuesday afternoon,August et. CE C E Loray —Friday forenoon,August oe oly fens Ey Ss NGdtay Sie To ROR”oe ite wl ie ai eateeie’Mone perpound to make gun selling for.four:cents)nerthedifference.° eset if.:ue.;‘6:60 ery...4GERMANOROR A Coakis-selli W.-H.H.Summers’store—Monday |==> forenoon,August 9 and 16,9 o’clock Statesville Te &‘Fuel Coligan COAL.AND coum DEALERS,OR FUEL ANI phat -Chrinting in time of peace’bought linters at‘one:‘centekelintcotton, pound —th Fey ae‘iguredion the.futurerathe ing short times"ARE-"¥OALY?22 RUBBER TIRE! Season is here.We use best rub-ber made -—Firestone andKelly—and will save you money.|Tiressethotorcold.Quick,s ae keYourstuserve,\ —a 2 the highest:ey ~in iB‘ollowin pebrnel panne,0 late MilfordCheshire,eetok Os hame side BeOnéfine.mare,1 “rye,roughness,allotee,2 wagons,2 bum} |©TROUTMAN &SUTHER. ~~NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Having qualified as.administratrix of J.N.Morgan,deceased,this.isto notify all’per. itake atand hen furnituresTAS.Agar . ae ars ane against said estate tomeonorbeforeJuly27, recovery.All persons indebted to said tie,6or “this Sees will be plead in bar of |. -will please .make enarshesen settle-| WORK.THAN YOU GetD MAKE rr pourLyEASY.TOR YOUR RGEVERDID‘‘OLIVER CHILLED : rere OLIVER CHILLED PLOWS:raft}Plo mstitution devoted to the spread of learning,liberal.culture:pnd useful ship.***;‘ e Nor Carolina State “Normal and trial College was established by aet of “General Assembly of 1891,and first op- id its doors for the réception.of students pber 6,1892.”Purpose,Wises e college is founded upon the idea that men are the natural and inevitable’in- Hetors of youths,It believes in.a sound id liberally educated womanhood,both as nend desirable in itself and es- atial to.the intelligence and —prog- of the race.It: ‘full measure of her responsibilities as cit- wife,mother and teacher,It.seeks, fore,through proper equipment.and gh various and liberally planned cours- ‘study to make ample provision for thetional:needs of the women of’Northlina—to provide an institution of higheringsothoroughlyfurnished,with everypityformoderneducationas,to render food enough for any of its:women and soyaffiliatedwith.the public schools andasonableinitscostoftuitionastobringpportunities‘within.the reach of all,».“SRogation.ireensboro;the railroad center of North plina,is gne of the prosperous,thriving the country,combining the charmsOfthenew.Situated in the de+iedtnont section of North Carolina,salthfulnessis well known and its so-ind religious influences are the best.Itsility,;itsexcellent hotel facilities,itsindustriesaridthe:hospitable andivespiritofitspeoplerenderitthe convention ‘city of ‘the’State.te llegéows about one hundred acresnd.Ten:acres,fronting ‘ona paved and damized.thoroughfare,are laid out and )for’inspeordticn with,plans of land- gardeners.A ‘woodlandhark of twen- ,acres,covered with a natural forest wth of rare beatrhotthecollegejesasanopenaif ation’solegebuildings,thirtéen’in number,haveheenspeciallydesigned‘for''their séverat purposes and represent the best in material ‘and:uipment.The value of the -plant is ,000,and the annual State appropriation000peeM/ wy pe Feolf)medical attentiotTheyperyear.This igthe total cost to free tuition “J Legislature ‘has»-dealt more:and more gen8‘OtherInformation Addre THE 51 would have ~ woman in North Carolina educated to. ig the private prop-iN reserve eaten btcreationgroundsThé: are chosen \progressive Christian men and women,freefromsectionalism,intolerance and bigotry,and thoroughly qualified by character,train- .ing’and scholarship for the ladies of theirprofession,°rage,; tae Courses of Study. -The courses of’study have been arrange to meet the needs of the young women of North Carolina.Students who register as candidates for a degree:maytake any one of five general courses of study leading,respec-’ tively,to.the degrees of Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Pedagogy,Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Musi¢and Bachelor of Science in Home Economics.Each ‘of these courses, though arranged with a view.to -proficiency in some one subject,is liberally ‘construed. and offers in addition to.the traditional col+ lege studies,electives in Pedagogy,ModernLanguages,Manual Training,Vocal and In- strumental Musi¢and Household Arts,For’ students who are not candidates for a degree, especial courses are provided in the Commer- cial Department ‘and in the Departments of Music,Manual.Training and Domestic Science. Summer Sessions. ‘The college is in session during the sum- mer:months.Regular collegiate work.is of- fered-and credit is given for all degree sub- )jeets:sproperly’completed.Special courses also ave.designed particularly for teachers and graduates.of other colleges who may wish to supplement their previous studies by additional work in Pedagogy,School Management,Manual Training,Music and Home Economics.Elgon pane Terni The Dormitories. “The dormitories have been fitted up by the State.They have been.constructed in ac- cordance with modern conceptions of safe- .ty and*conveniencé;are supplied with all necessary furniture,and are heated by steam -and lighted:by electricity.«Only single beds are used._Bath.and toilet rooms are con- vyeniently located on every floor and itt every section,and sterilized.drinking water is pro-.. vided:in-every H@lway.Those who board ino <-dormitories e president,tf ‘gistants.5 hewode ‘eating Expenses,000.262 of to AWA DEG The college is maintained by the Stateas~ing it.soiperform a wide apartofitssystemofpubliceducation.A” collegiate education to every’white wdmar in North Carolina is its ideal,Tuition is free‘to all who agree to teach:in the:public or the:State for:atileast two. ‘the college.The total and féllowships-edtablished;libraries enlarg-—— laundry;use/of tet‘books,- res witha view to securing"able and a ee eet oatlady,principal ahd her as...poses’for which'ity was ‘established: heat and lights,-isi$150.00:''ality of-private,> EGE FOR WOM ae a ‘fee,To those who prefer to pay ts)" _fuition the annual charge is $45.00...Tuition- fea ey fee-tuition students enjoy simt-. 5 a‘privileges and opportunities and receive ‘game service.By the charter of the in- ution,board must be furnished in its dor- es at actual cost,There is no long list ©mutorSian charges and expenses—the regtlartutthestudentstothefullcollegiatecourses.'”lw the’boarding department the daily, méetiues are made out and the dining room _supérvised by a trained dietitian,A matron storage and proper preparation of food.ma- terials.The sewerage and water systems,~thé hath ‘rooms and.lavoratories,the heat- ‘ing,lighting and ventilating machinery and thelaundry and cold storage plants are care-~»fully inspected,All drinking wateris thor-oughly sterilized and every precaution is ex-ercisediin regard to the milk and butter Sup-ply...The college maintains its own dairysubjeattotheofficialinspectionofStateof- fiterss’Proper ventilation of dormitory and‘itations rooms is insisted upon;and due care is taken to prevent the origin and spreadof‘infectious diseases.Rau An.experienced woman.physician’haschargeofallmatterspertainingtohealth, and her lecturés on sanitary science and per-sonal hygiene form part of the requiredcourseofstudy.Trained nurses are also regularly employed.Physicians and nurses may be consulted day and night.of medical consultation and attendance is in-nthe penses,———-—-.— In this way medical advice is’insured a the least cost,and“the danger is obviated of any student postponing,for economical reas- ons,the needful consultation.’A-committee,appointed by the State Board |of Health,visits andj inspects tion.:the institu- Support. saaThe eollege has always had the loyal sup- é¥ally maintainedintheinterestsofth@ com- on welfare,iit:seeksiito earry.out tt d in- tion ‘of fev;ee‘evites ‘the’Goinfiniied:ebenandweefwomapin,Noxth.C Jaseful service. Sympathy and ‘good will havé*been freely ac- Heprie?it from the beginning,and materialsupport,hag aided it in4rBuildings;..hawe,_been,proved).departm grounds im-. jsloan)|unds ced. tsuéquip’d ad,angel,a deDy,theOMOLSsuecee except a charge of $6.00 forgym-2suitandshoesand$2.00asa lecture’” on fee or agreementto.teach entitling« Seee eee /ueation.., in,charge is ‘responsible for the purchase;©; The cost. :port of the people of North Carolina,Lib-»ety pur->. capi sie. eyety hour of.need.’ usly with it and todayits annual”-ap- propriation is equiyalent to an endowmentfundofatleast$2,000,000,-ND ORME RE LE Ra .The State Nornial and Industrial College’is not for the poor.alone,though it seeks to ex- tend to every worthy girl an opportunityto secure an education,,It is not,for’the rich alone,though it éndeavorsto provide -the best equipment.and service obtainable.At knows neither geographical,politicat nor -re- ligious’distinetions,but believingin the re-. ligion-of Jesus and the principles of detnoe, racy,is an earnest advocate of universal ed- n.The success of the college is due-in large measure:to the representative tharae- ter and spirit of its students.’They come from all the counties of the State and are thoroughly representative of,the people of North Carolina,Many of them are daygh- ters of wealthy parents and many pay their entire,expenses by some form of manual la. bor.Nearly one-third of the students of the’ past year were self-supporting.Spirit and Service. The atmosphere surrounding the students is one of equality of opportunity,The:com- ing tegether in this atmosphere of all classes from Aiea’:of the State,fosters patriot- ism and breadth of vision,‘The tiving togeth- ey andeworkingtogether -f,representatives; of every profession and industry gives the oe generawearer comprehension of the tife* and ideals of their State,acquaints them with its resources and achievements,and inspires them with a laudable ambition.to be of some service,The large measure of self-government accorded develops self-reli- ance and a sense of individual responsibility. The spirit of the college is;therefore,worthy of the State of North Carolina.With a se- riousness of purpose nowhere surpassed,and an earnest yet kindly striving for the higher standards of life and thought,here annually gather,on’equal terms,.more than six hun- dréd North Carolina women.Of the total number enrolled more than sixty per cent,, aceording to their own written statement, would:not have attended any’other North * Carolina college.Two-thirds of its register:Yi ed students and nine-tenths of its graduates,(); teach in'the’schools and colleges of the State. Nolarge movement-for,the uplift of.baman-,,'., ity fails to receiver their stpperts:-Inchome, school,church and society theit influence for. good is being constantly felt,and today there si¬ county in North Carolina where “stidents of the State Normal and Industrial College..are.not.actively engaged.in.publicserviee..!. Thus the-State provides-for-her daughters,-—-tig tne"sonpetttern tly ‘ U ‘Atlantic City ||’|Sheriff’ssSettlements in Iredell _,AUGUST 17TH.«OUTHERN RAILWAY, PREMIER CARRIER OF THE SOUTH. _-HIRTEEN DAYS OUTING. UBSDAIP,-=~August 10,1915. ee =and Catawba Compared.- s|To the EAltor of ‘The Landmark:: ej .1 see in your last issue that thee\cheriff has made settlements of the=|1911-and 1912 taxes.If onr county=|commissioners had demanded.and re- sland 1914 taxes,it would not haveeibeennecessarytohaveborroweda =|100,000,and by so doing they would have saved much interest they arepaying._This would have been a=|business course.::The readers of The Landmark can K |News1veMs oF INTEREST.|(— lassassinating.Henry Shoe in Stanly quired prompt settlements of-1913|hai silarge part of the last bond issue of Happenings Here and There in <=;the Country.~ iArch>:c Helms and his .two sons, Obe andsJames Helms,charged with county iabout ten days ago,were iii ess JULIUS I.FOUST,President,Greenshor®,North Can Setanta given a preliminary hearing at Al-iff bemarle Saturday and all were held jf for:trial»without the.privilege of ail.} Almost daily’now trains filled with A} horses and mules for the allies injHg Franee and England are passing down the Western road from the west. They are shipped from ee and Missouri to Newport News,Va., and thence to France:and England. A:trait of 82.cars that:‘passed:last ves Statesville 6.55 P.M. rrive Atlantic City 12:57 noon. Goingandreturning all rail $12.50.a ne.all,rail and earn via the famous.i ike Steamship Line from Baltimore to Nor-ik or Richhiond $14.50.oe a ee Stop-overs returning at Philadelphia,Baltimore,hington,:Norfolk or Richmond within final limit. xno 's must be in Statesville returning be-‘midnight August 3lst,.aes Secure Pullman accommodations without delay:get what you want. _through high class coaches for those who do notiresleepingcars,’Call on the uridersigned for further informationPullmanaccommodations,Al,Neen,J.BWoodDir.Pass.Agent,Asheville,N.G..|: ‘College,Hickory,N:C. the best:conditions and management.A real Christinn:Our A.B.duntas enter "Graduate Depart:State University and other universities and attain the A.M.seers be ve Modern dings,steam heat,electric lights,city water,and gas.NewBu‘with up-to-datelaboratoried a Chemistry,Physics and\is lean eticn.Nplendid Dorm:toriesDARDATCOSTforyoungmenlastsession,$9.20 y for,young$9.00 *sent!anesont bas &month,es,|Literary,Musi ‘iano,ice,Violin),Expréssion,Art,i-.‘and jc Arts,and pumila eeeANTAGRSWITHINREACHOFTHEPROVLE} ‘Blift R.Lee sithis week. county.settles October 1, |insolvents, s\compare and note carefully.the set-tlements of the commissioners and=\sheriff of Catawba county and theaicommissionersandsheriffofIredellcounty,and.decide which is the-bet-ter method.1 attach hereto -com-munication,from.Newton.to.‘theCharlotteObserver,which 1,ask you:to publish:; Newton,June 21 ~~.Former Sher-Hewitt ha’advised the county auditors that he will be readyto.make final,settlement with themInordinarytimes,the hut thisyearthecounty.needs funds and isf}anxious for the finals with the ex-sheriff.The amount of uncollectable tax will be around $1,600,includingerrors,ete.,while theamountthatcanstill.be harvestedwillrangefrom$300,to $500.The=|ex-sheriff will square himself —with=ithe county and go after the balancesjjtoreimbursehimself,thus definitely=|getting out of the offige of sheriff.=|Catawha’s total tax is.around $93,-=|000,” =)(A three-year agreement’providing =\for the return to’work yesterday.of whoIifmonthswas.signed Saturday,©The painterswontheirdemandfora‘closed shop and will get an inerease in wages of21-2.cents an hour during.the third year of the period covered by ~theagreement,The employers gained theinsertionofanarbitrationclausepro- future,digagreements W.W.TURNER.! 10,000 Chieago .union.paintershavebeenonstrikefour viding.thatshallbesettled without strikes. pinned:Cooper anunder=it. ‘In automobile races at Des Moines,Ja.Saturday Jo,Cooper was.killedwhenhiscar'jumped the track and his)mechanicianCooper’s skull was froctur- writer,or were married a few days ago.Mr. Walker was formerly on the staff.of‘1 the.Winston-Salem Journal.Latterly he has been businessSkyland*Magazine. manager ©of commit suicide by shooting herself but the ball.went wild.Business figure, |Seotland Neck about three months. |She has relatives in Charleston,|A mass meeting of Atlanta.citi-zens adopted resolutions asking fortherecallofMayorWoodwardandjsixothermembersofthe.hoard ofpolicecommissionerswho|voted.ta remove James.L.Beaversas,chief,dngod ard has Been electedmayot'of Atlanta:several times.For- leity by public drunkennoss,but.he hf De in.a primary. home!of:{4.Mr.Dennis —Black,Thonfisyille,was,struck by ning preeently. the HousBlack,Jt,also ‘struck,Mr. blue streak all the way down, out.between her toes,tear-ing 4hole in the floor but not.se-riousty damaging the young’lady, The fire started by the lightning avas extinguished.without AGO Bs sone ing?pass week contained,more than.700 mules.|} Miss'Mae Lucile Smith,editor of Skyland"Magazine and -a.well,known |} ind Mr,Richard Barl Walk-|i At ‘Scotland Neck Saturday night rt Miss Augusta Driggers attemnted to 'f worriés and’a love affair’are said to}fMissPriggers*had been at\f revently|¢ merly,he disgraced himself and the -:; has a,pull.on the voters and can gen»3 ‘The’Davideohian tells that.the|%near |%light-|3 The bolt set fire to}‘and severely shocked Mr.}3Black's)& young daughter,singed her hair,ran)9down)her right side and‘limb,‘leav- serious diam-} * A te Apes x ~WOOD AND GAS. A Cool Kitchen in Summer.A Warm Kitchen in.Winter, 10 fots fa Bpomtld ‘Terms easy. eve -W.RMI At No.2--77.acres |Statesville Housefurnishing Co, leona¢PeesreseereteTestes ee:PSLBTITISSTITSsiORTUNITY ~o Buy a Nice Farm and Get Ready for'Next Year's Urop. No-1--345 acres in Elmwood,All school and chureh conveniences. Strong land,40 acres in ‘bottom,8-room house,large barn processes recesyesesseseter reteset \and out houses. clay highway now being constrigted by the government.Ig ideal forDaicy and Truck farming.«* No:3-40 acres.11-4 miles from nebile square,. for Dairy purposes,Live Stock andPoultry. No,4—-60.acresin.Wilkes.county sou sera Iredell linea bargain, 40 city lots in eastbolo ge knowna.‘Park Place’’—$15 down, balance in monthly paymentsof $5...it lots in south Statesville.ani¢e houses and lots to sell, of5 Oi aie and Yearn what 1have.Ws an Ee hdLLS,.-Statesville,N.¢. \«PHONE54 é New Garland Combination Range,| s+Ooox)« Oor} ty5 iC i rior)a9CIf}Oy3}miles east of city-AThis propertylieson the sand- Splendidly adapted.3 Z,,President,-Hickory,N.G. af es a;a Ba i ”mr GRE ed-‘and he died instantly.Two othermenwereseriouslyinjuredby.simi-lar accidents the same-day.One:of the injured may not recover,|.{ ai t|HN ADVERTISERASKS FOR YOUR BU baneide oieieok + gn littleBeauty.<Just the fi:Tt is not su large but doesif'you needto be knocked out,ARD ~a Jeweler, °Bl An Alarnr-Clock thats little but loud.1~Ep thingfor a Jady’s _the waking up for you.BIG-H,B.WOOD TRINITY.CDURHAM,N.C...lege of liberal arts with an established fund makesacicihia iat ectoandearefullychosenfullisedhygienic dormitories‘ully superv:and sgientifie courses and iflustrated book!R.L.FLOWERS, -CHARTERED 1859 national reputation forundprogressivepolicies.Its large endowmentlassequipmentandlargefacultyofwel)trainedlow.Comfortable,inexpensive leading to the bachelor’s degree.GraduateotEngineering,Education,andaddressSecretarytothe‘Corporation.’ BP TUESDAP,---August 1 Senator Lewis Showed theyers.at Asheville How Face the Whole WorldThepredictionthat:Rus:mrany,Japan and China we*time be arrayed inft United States and that thicouldnotlookfordid,from Eng!or,under conditions like those” ers,was made hy Senator State Bar Association in Ashevil e World.Tomorrow.”In preparation for such ah COLADE ! Cool and Fefreshing. King of Fountain Drinks. ' ::C * fc,AT-—_—— HALL’S DRUG.STORE"PHONE 20.Prescriptionists, jthat Russia and Gennany,who said:;;'.“Then both Germany and Rusgihwillbeboundtogetherin(a treatywithanobjectofdominatingAsiafromSiberiaeastward,and then,as‘{joint ‘enemies of the United States.|they will be found in conjunction withJapan.who.now,an ally with Rus-'sja.will present to us the attitude ofonewhohasearnedthefriendshipsofEnglandandRussiainturnfor To the Farmers of Iredell and Other Counties:|}THE STATESVILLE REALTY &INVtoannouncethattheHOMEINSURANCECO.of New York by Hail Storm at the follo ESTMENT COMPANY.be‘arfangement!s with “TH."’for insuringttonandsmallgrain.against destrwingverylowprice: ‘TOBACCO.CROP.’ 'y bave completed your growing $100 per acre valuati 7 per acre valuation at 50 per acre valuation at 25 per acre valuation at COTTON,CORN AND SMALL GRAIN-$40 per acre valuation35peracrevaluation 30 per acre valuation 25 per acre valuation;20 per acre valuation 15 per acre valuation 10 per acre valuationDWELLINGS;FURNITURE;Bvalueforoneyearat30c:;'3 years at 60c.,5rsalsoagainstloss-or $7.50 per acre5.873 per acre 3.75 per acre 1.872 per acre $1.60 per acre 1.40 per acre 1.2)per.acre1,00 per acre ears at 90c.This mage occasioned ything insurable.”F.CARLTON,Manager,HONE ‘64.STATESVILLE,N C.—_—ome8%the possessions at Chatighai arid=Central ‘China.Thus weset too mary latter insurance cove wind in addition to hail.EMEMBER—'‘'We insure an __jthat in any emergency involving het)bed in the morning.At night my 60 Tornad ,Devastate 10,000 Homes in Eight States_Suchistherecord ofoneday’sdamagedonebytornadoes.You don’t know when thetornadomaystrikeyour -property,but you do knowthe“Old Hartford”protectsagainstallloss.‘For overaPeople’sLoan Statesville,N.C;»..GEO.H.BROWN. hundred years the HartfordFire.Insurance Company-has met every honest claimuyHartfordolicytoday.Itis tthing to comfortwhenaTornadostrikes.,: &SavingsBank, »Resident Agent, ~“The Clutching Hand” Of poverty and want will never grab you‘Af you have an active savings account inagoodBank—this Bank for instance. But you want to start in time.Startnow, A dollar will do to startwithandahundreddollarswouldn’t stopyou,once you realize how important a savings account is, mover the Panama canal territory ai :successfully from her war with Rus-=sia.” a picions of our methods,lest it meanconquestundertheguiseoftheMon-E|roe Doctrine;Mexico regarding us as=\disturbers and usurpers;we are at#|once surrounded with enemies,not =conflict arise in the Orient from whichg|it were necessary to defend ourselvesziinAsiaticspheres,we can see that re,and start here s|blown into atoms throngh the opera- git,who would co-operate with our en- SAFETY—SERVICE—SATISFACTION.7 Merchants and Farmers oie OfStatesville,ages“The Bank For Your Savinigs.”” ————be aid Japan is giving these coun-|tries,driving Germany out of Chi-jna.Germany.with little love for Ja-ipan,but with hergrievances againstlus,will be as co-operative with Ja-jban as Russia is today.Then with this situation the concentrated.alliesjwillseizethePhilippines:in retalia-‘tion for our refusing equality of citi- ithe ally of Japan,would seize.herformerpossession.Alaska.To thesejwillbefoundChinaaddingher‘Weight,resénting the grievance of ex-clusion of its people,co-operating|with Japan.South America.with her ;now aroused suspicions of owr ob- jects in that zone,could afford ug:no )protection and from her we wouldjexnectnone,for reasons of her atti-tude of mind caused by misconcep-|tion,of our purposes and drawn,fromitheeventsoftakingthePanamaca-inal and other incidents.Eneland;be-feause of)‘her ‘alliance:with «Japan,}could under,no -cireumstaness,render ug aid,and-has no.fecling towards 4sfromwhichwecouldexpectany.BuijifEnglandcouldrenderusaid#*!'*|*you will not overlook that’Raig-jland,if she dared participate,wold/@rouse Russia.to retaliation..upon.her|Canadian possessions and Japan up- ‘on Bongkong in China,and China up- reasons,of ever;dreaming of:aid.fromanvEuropean.source?<—a|To show.that “these prophecies“}wére.notimprobable!’Senator Lewis|icited historical ‘instances where na-y»,|tions formerly belligerents.—subse-"{ouently became allies,Declawing thatjbothEnglandandGermanyhadjabandonedheretoforeacknowledgedinrinciplesofinternationallawandjthat“for America it is now plain |interests”thereisno law of nations. \that can be relied on for any benefit United States May.linWar ville,charged .with ¢onspiracy to de- He.\arrest and discharged the wWefendant,Ath on the ground that thepresent,from:South eee yl of indictment.presented at.Fortt/Smith,A k.,was i rfect and thatIllinois,in his ‘address before:the|i h,Ar as impe He |denlastweek.His subject was “Ameri-|¢a as the International Lawgiverof *.jon the charges named.even:|:tuality,Senator Lewis proposed call-ing a council of all the governmentsjofSouthAmericaandthenby“alli-ance make common cause for the pro-that a criminal term of court had beenjopal7thewaeWPeinkonaheldatFortSmithwithajudgepre- ,Declaring that:Russia had a griev--jance against this country in connec-tion with the disruption of the com-mercial tréaty wth Russia growing empaneled,out of ‘treatment of the Jews.and “have |that|no quarrel upon governmental prin-|ciples among themselves,”would ad-just their differences,Senator Lewis +the--United—States—Treasury—during ior advantage.”Senator Lewis led up?|to his predictions by endeavoring i«||show that by retaining the Philippine|Islands.the United States had itself! tional laownzone ple and its consequences which is to-|N ‘sh Hcdaythegreatdanger‘of America’s)MY kidneys regular in action.Six..oe "|boxes’of the medicine made.me feel|Previous to entering the Philip-‘like a different person,” republican institutions,”he said.} jpines,he asserted,our right to deny!jthe.right of Chineze and Japanese!\“to enter int.our civilization,”‘w turn to us and’say that by all the| |we take and that as we had come in-| kidneys and nearly took my breathaway.My kidneys didn’t act as they||violated “that prime rule of interna-|Snowld and the kidney secretions were}}the devarture from her|Scenty and unnatural.I was nervous)ed-eatexing that of anoth-/and run down.I finally begantaking |er.__.;Doan’s’Kidney Pills and they reliev-|“It is the violation of this princi-gq ‘the |simply ask for a kidney remedy—getnotdisputed,tut thereafter it was’Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same thatnaturalthat“these Asiatics should)Mrs.Littlejohn had,Foster-Milburn {taws of nations we must give what}oot PODS»Bere zt rae snpe .|Latter is Released on Technical I G u os {In Asheville,Friday Judge Boyd, Sitting in a preliminary hearing in the Lcase of the Unjted.States government against Thomas ©.MeCoy of Ashe- |fraud the United States ii connectione|with the operation of the Casper and|Be other distilleries in Arkansas and||Missouri,dismissed the warrant of record of the government had introduced no evi-ce whatever in its effort to show(cause why the defendant should be|}taken to Fort Smith,Ark.,fo»irial| Judge Boyd held that although thejindictmentagainstMeCoy.was.suffi-icient in form and substance,there|was not certified any record to show siding,that any grand jury had been|Sworn ‘and empaneled,or that -thejindictmenthadeverbeenreturnedtocourtbyagrandjurydulyswornand to.the attorneys for the governmenthewasreadytohearthecase\upen the affidavit and warrant,andthattheymight’introduce any testi-)mMony in their ,possession tending toshowprobablecauseagainstMcCoy|48 to the offenses charged in the copyoftheindictment. The government had résted its caseagainstMcCoybyofferingthebillofindictmentanddeclinedtopresentjanvfurtherevidence.McCoy's arrest followed the re-‘urning of true bills by the FortSmithgrandjurysomeweeksagoagainstalargenumberofdefend-jants in variotis sections of the coun-try,wherein the government allegedthatithad’lost millions of dollarsthroughdistillingfrauds,which evad-ed the payment of taxes. Revenue From National Forests, The national forests turned into the fiscal year ended July 30,1915,nearly $2,500,000,an increase ofmorethan$40,000 over the reeiptsofthepreviousyear,according:to a!statement issued by the Forest Ser- vice,The timber sales,which amountedto-$1,164,000.--yielded;on -aecount--ofthedépressedconditiondfthelum-ber industry about $79,000 less thaninthepreviousyear,but the gain wasmadepossiblebylargerevenuesfromothersources.“The grazing ‘receipts:|!which totaled $1,125,000,inereased ;£127,000 over last year and the wa-ter-power Teceipts.‘whith’amounted?to not quite $90,000,shgwed an.in-crease of nearly $42,000.6 HIMES BOYD RULES FOR Mccoy.| Judge Bovd then stated}. cleaner for 2,000,000 housewives.No more drudgery—no morewood-boxes,coal-scuttles,and ash-pans.ae The NEW PERFECTION leneinstantlylikegas,and ‘reguhighorlowbymerelyraising orloweringthewick.You can do.|all your cooking on the.NEW _PERFECTION —just as cheaplyandtwiceasconvenientlyason.your coal range._.cue Ask yourdealer-toshow you ae)NEW PERFECTION No.7 with’|the new oven that becomes a fire.less cooker merely by pulling a.myedamper.Alsothe PERFECTION.°{WATER HEATER.It makesyou.~~independent of your coal range—ftgivesyouplenty.of.hot running mod‘water.=ute ibe Goraved:lays ALL WRONG. ‘i The Mistake Is Made by Many.States-:ville Citizens.; Look for the Cause of backache, To beseured :youmust know’the } SRE ESOS |SUE oeIf.it’s sweak ‘kidneys:you musts the kidneys )working-right.|(1); A:Statesville resident tells:you how.}/( _MrseD,D.Littlejohn,146 E.Sharp: t.,Statesville,says:“Five years} ago,I was nearly down with kidney|7 frouble.My back pained me so sverelythatIcouldhardlygetouto back felt as though it.was.broken.|Sharp twinges darted through”my)-=== & py et \ti ANDARD OIL.COMPANY — iEy on Ha Mt i oe SutSaget aEmf NO MORE DRUDGERY EW PERFECTION OilCookstoveshavemadecook-.ine easier and kitchens — atte, t dS RO UG CULE MEET:Gee oe 0 UE ae Use Aladdin Security.Gat nO_or Diamond.White,.Oil aodto.obtain;the.best.results.in.,..oilStoves,Heaters and,Lamps, Hae Py ae o ee RE RES a --(New Jersey}Charlotte,N.C.(BALTIMORE).Charleston,WonVa,‘Charleston,S.C. {: Ee ee misery in my back and made| Price 50c.,at all deaiers.Don’t to Asia with our people they had thetighttocomeintoAmerican.terri-‘tory with theirs.”This situation,he|isaid,was the real reason for Presi-|dent Roosevelt's ‘action “in taking f\a time when Japan had just emerge: ;“A moment’s view restores us to a\sense of our veal situation,”he con-jcluded.“With South American sus- because of their enmity,bat becauseoftheirmisunderstandings.Should Bibefore the Atlantic fleet could passthroughthecanal,the canal would be | tion of those nations now bordering emies for the gratification of ‘eal orimaginedgrievances.And all of thisalegitimateinheritancefromthe’vi-|olation by ourselves of,the fundamen-tal.international law that ordained |all republics and the theory of repub-|lics to.their:own.zone.”|dp eitge cometfmn,Crave:ity,a few)days ago.twin saulfoen!wine ter born to|}. White,Pink and s Church is Now Giving L House-to-House Demonstrations | “TF Ayal a8by Appointment,tl StatesvilleGaslight and FuelCompany.;|| ‘ Free‘to Everybody.— ‘PHONE;‘WRITE on CALL——— ! Lavender Aster & The Carnation seasonisover,but we.haveplenty.of-beautiful white,pink and laven-| der Aster which splen-didly take the placeofCarnationsthroughthesummer. All orders have atten. Statesville Female Col A Christian College offering all the best advantages at low‘cost.°58 years a leading factor in the education of Southern womanParticularly‘fitted bv location and equipment to train young womenforsocialanddomesticstationsrequiringefficiencyinknow!els character.‘Beautifully situated in a townof,educa :uildings,complete equipment.Lovel apus.’:©)sports.Thoroughly capable instructors.Standard’collegeA_B.,B.L.andB,S.degrees.Splendidly equipped music)schools of Domestic Science,Art,Safe home life and attractive surroundings.Forcatalogue’and ful!information write toMOORE.A.M.,Pres.,Stat lege ledge and 8 activity. Expression,Physical Cutt tion the moment re-_oy ee de-signs for all.purposes.charmingly arranged’.by our experts.# =TI Fire,Tornado,Live Stock,Plate Glass,Steam:yaad Healther me % ee oie 80 devedueat on ‘the character of the:ol used;that the lackof ”r t from your car is 50 clneely tated to the behavior and One Hion of the cia ate t eel aA Hyhe is.a never-failing sourcee of wonder to the manufactu er.of motor oils,and to theenlightened:motorist.‘es It is the enlightened motorist whose care in the ciate ofmotor:oil has resulted in econo j the operation of his car,who has ‘démonatrated the advantages of using the right,oil, alén.the oil is put into the crank case,it reaches the various parts,and:due to its fine1willdecreaseyourgasconsumptionandgiveyoumoremilesper’When »TEXA103 ee ae parts,’giving them.thorough protestion against wear and.tear of,m -to-metal contact,ene Wie rte re| ting or film on the cylinderwalls,‘and.when the exph :s.the piston down,the film ‘of TEX ACO holds,The “gag”cannot.escape—all.of -it is. san ea suotor,"Wheneach charge ofgaoline does maximum work,you useless “eas”to produce a given,ener“of:power,and your.miles.per gelen increases. i he “gas”from reachingthe crank case and thinning on !the oil,Racing cardrivers-and others willtell youthat TEXACO will not weakenunder strain, ee that eta had a ee ith other oils which cannot hold compression and are “shot to pieces.”What they mean is that the oil mesenyen crnteeenated with gasoline,its post is 80 iaapaired that it “runs out like water,”and loses whatever lubricating quality it onite possessed.;as | h exclusive use in his:record-breaking feats on~LO Is of his experience with TEXACO MOTOR OIL.He lauds its compression holding quality,backing uup his praise wit. -eeaypringonna pega made re the holder of at least seven world’s records,and he Lb)Peringelly adding to.them,’ i t of carbon,but thisis guaranteed to be of a ft,sooty nature,and can bewiped off with a kerosene yaaa rag.It will Sot---cannot—form PEXACDMOTORA ake H amu af head.It prevents.the leakage of the m xture through the exhaust valves,which occurs when hard.carbon is.deposited on the seat. Youare saved from scratched cylinder walls.and:yitted valves and pistons.Ag ; ¥ use #y of the ignition is maintained by.the cidaniaks of spark plugs.No-short ceeiitine:pre-ignition or:“idterference with”the eae spark- Bythe be um =oe pbk OF hie elie a sed.Tach éharge of gasoline is ignited at the right time.You are not mubjected to the ahnoyaye”of oewith the throttle or ‘spark plugs.You enjoy driving with the Rae of the-saving of gasoline.,i.rw ae v wee... .i ;a % ‘d test.It flows freely in the coldest weather.You don’t have to wait for your.engine to warm up.There is ic stiffness,no waste of power. The a seLetared ea they’are within easy reach.HerbertSpencer,the great philosopher.said:“There is aprinciple which is a bar to all information,.proof againsteseareunveete.det pee t-or indifference priorto investigation.”Don’t be'a doubter—be an investigator,there is only discouragement if the former—satisfaction of_ knowing in the latter.Don’t take our word for it—don’t take the other man’s word—give TEXACO MOTOR OILafair trial,watch”it carefully—m ake your own comparisons. If your dealer cannot supply you,write us or call at our office,we will see that you are supplied.a — STATESVILLE,=COMPANY,fare ee Wholesale I {UD le A GaGe :Ke (per.6 bhai i HELE CO SSE yt Boe_eies Dalasi mH AVN cH ei if ;bi ti Office,Robbins Row.;epee | AER LLON Oy se VO Come aK OF t -——eee eT ——————ae= THE HICKORY MILL CASE.|PERTINENTLY PERSONAL.}»oe — oir.|Referee Turner.to.-Name Ex-|Mention of Folks Who Come andj. ==|perts to Examine the Books Go.-Special Sale of TH OF “MRS.‘SUMMERS.|further Hearing October5.|Mrs.Anne Walker is at All Heal-|P sak dea Sa Suddenly FrFrom a Stroke|on.W.D.Turner of Statesville,|i€incl wad a6Jet ot:Fifer ralysis—Other Deaths.|who is referee in the case of James ie comnty is the guest.of Mrs.Martha Lou Ellen Summers]A,Martin and Wade H.Shuford vs./p.Watt.— ‘yesterday morning at 9 o'clock}the Brookford Cotton Mill of -Hickory,|'--Mrs.N.P.Watt returned Saturday ‘her home in Bloomfield,death re-|went to Hickory Thursday to hear)night from |Mecklenburg ‘county,f miting from a stroke of paralysi§|testimony in the case,but on ac-|where that day,at Sugar Creek|} Klen-rs,N. wi h which she be stricken an hour|count of the absence of attorneys,|church,she attended the funeral of revious .Mrs,Summers was en-|who could not be present,“the hear-|her ‘brother,Mr.James Welsh. ag )washing dishes.when -she|ing was continued.until Octpber 5.1 Civil.Engineer R.E.Scroggs,who lyshowed signs of illness and|/In the meantime the books of théjis doing road work in Yadkin coun- ciel on a bed.She immediate-|cotton mill are to be examined and|ty,has been visiting his home:peo- me unconscious and when ‘alaudited by experts,under the instruc-|ple north of town the past few days. pa ian was summoned it was|tions of the reféree,the experts to|He will return to Yadkin today.i found that she had suffered a stroke|report their findings at the hearing}Miss Nola Smith of Greensboro|® is.She died an hour lat-|to be held in Hickory October 5.arrived in Statesville yesterday af- ut Tegaining ‘consciousness.|.The case is one in which the mi-!ternoon for a brief visit to Mrs,C. reunite"will ‘be taken to Stony)nority stockholders of the Brookford|1,Poston. today for burial.Mrs,Sum-|mill are asking that the courts inves-|Asheville. was the widow of June Sum-|tigate the mill’s affairs.and appoint who died many years ago.She /a receiver,on’the’ground that.the nelly Springs yesterday to spend a63yearsoldandis’survived by)mill has.not paid eenq,for ten|week's vacation.ou children,viz:Mr,James Thos.|years,The minoritys olders.al-|(Mr.and Mrs.J..Watt.Gray of H et of north Iredell and Mr.|lege that the Juliard ‘Company,New!Rocky Mount arrivedin.Statesville i Foy?Summers and Miss Nora York brokers,owns a large block”of |yesterday afternoon ‘and ‘went out to mers,who lived with their moth-|the common.stock ofthe;mill.and a ‘the New Stirling neighborhood to vis-er.Mr.Summers of-north Iredell!majority of the preferred stock;that,it at the home of Mr.Gray’s father,|;Saat “;vas visiting at the home of his moth*|the Juliard Company ‘has for ten’Mr.R:HLGray.a,; when she wasystricken.years been the saled'agent:of the en-|Miss Cora Dearman.of Charlotte is f°$20 Stove for $1 5 anett "$3 5 Ra a n gnee forris,the year-old son of Mr.tire products of the mill,and is the/the guest of Mr.and:Mrs,Oscar ¢.j rs.J.M.Johnson,died Friday |™ill’s chief creditor Mills.She will go from here b a .*for ;$28 out 9 o'clock at the home of|.The Juliard Company does not,s¢-|Harmony to visit her father,Mr.C.hsonRacestreet.Funeral riously protest the appointment.of a|A.Dearman. She will leave today ba | ,Miss Irene Scroggs.went to Con- were conducted from the res-|teceiver for the mill,but is resenting}Mr.John.G,Turner,who has been}4 'yr if Saturday’afternoon by Rev.|the investigation of the books on there since Saturday,‘will «return to $30.00 Range for ‘$22.50 apbell.and-the burial was in other phases of the case Winston-Salem today.etery.The child Mrs.W.T.Nicholson .and:Mrs.A.for.18.00° oethelittle daughter of Meeting at Connelly’s Chapel—A.Calvert:returned:yesterday after-|f 25 00 Stove a ;4Soe #and Mrs.Jolinson,who died two}Future of Church at Stake.oo from a visit:in Morganton.Mrs.ago.The two babies had ~-.|J.E.Hennessee of Salisbury is Mrs.)™Tpoen strong and were eriiallyll|"Special revival eevee Nicholson's guest..Rev.W.L.Nich:All Stoves andRanges.connectedfree. time.i.es revival Seay mt ee olson,who spent Sunday here, te-*,at Connely’s chapel Sun nig:u-rturnedtoCharlotteyesterday.;he gs TH RMS ©ASH |ys.Bla \gust 15,and will continue for one]i ayrronmithShopsWack.Bereices every day ot d0s801..Mi and Mrs,Hi OC.‘Privette lefteeeWrMetin,pastor of Prean-(2 <ver¥MEN at 8)apt take this]Rony athe IE eeAl ‘Sale Started Monday Morning at ‘Memorial Associate’Reformed opportunity of saying to the.inikeg who had»been’in -Greensboro for a\@ ferian chureh,was in charge of fs 3 +few days,returned to Statesville yes~ik ebirvics held.Btthe.First tinuing that church,that it will de-het ve Gr wf d-Bunch F CG PPeerschardevreasfagpointedestinworldeiasereeee“Miler she oe K r a or *unc ‘urniture om any i sermon was by Rev.paS‘wha Wiscusted Sehbath ob.ae to.continue .after.this -Con-hens ie ee ee ee :Bee ii:bch STORE THAT ALWAYS,WELCOMES YOU. "|ference year,you must ‘rally to.its jPeatindsherk:“Speak!support and show an interest in its The Overcash ‘Reunion.rowth.Otherwise there is gai-|.The annual Overcash reynion.will}. ere tee ee _oe bility of its being ate tatuta otek be held ‘at Enochville August 12th.EP eanieg Pra ie net ve this year,and if it should be discon-|‘Programme—Mus?e by Kannapolistinued,th ib buhay devotional seapeinee Wee DAL at We have a Te sia niceaneanautomobilegarageclianés,tor.1%,in,the,tier,eeeB shvgraoe}welwa one padreen’by Stationer vy Bari ains!Stationery,the boxes 0 svhiet have + i _Tener of 'Greenish)Se EeMeGAINY Pastor.Baath Siiaeer BaraLiusle,Woman,become soiled (Stationery all right)that we are vill on sale at cost.A8bile:hiotcah is ;Wt‘at the First Baptist church {Civil Cases-on Trial,)address,‘Rev.|”good time toget some niceSine ee:Statesvi ce a neee ec. day *morning.‘Tredell Superior Court ‘resumed its |’ad ‘pends me¢ting was held:at {sitting yesterday for the trial of.civ-Afternoon Ae footie Res Cpt ee ae a a ers Loray,last week,|il\cases.When the dockte was oa Piuline Gvercabh:;—aor ——e .kindly provided the {called a number of cases were fe Baseball at 4 Huei .;’_-D:Brown,with funds oat re compromised and £a vacation at Montreat,|fumber set for trial.Followingis ths he will take advantage of ‘noxt |reault of yesterday's work:_,Rows Pa 1 Patterson ofThisweekRev.Mr.Brown is|‘R.V.Brawley vs;Geo.Wilkins;/divine,has accepted &call to Atchi-a week's meeting at Quaker mee out of:court,;3 a ith a cme ee a tesville,N.C,“North Center Steget,Philip -Boyd Publishing ©son,Kansas.AA A PKR TN™®:"%Taco wlary Society of,John W.Brown ‘et ‘al.;Brown called Brdwh Morrison,ae was "henehii ee ee a mee ey Next ere ae a:Presbyterianng Fro will‘and failed;continued to next term;soeinntecnerores ce =neon . shot by a negro at Rosman,Transyl-the church oe Afternoon ‘at |capias ad testifieandum to UrNon|¥ania:county,wan of his injuries’ 2 x jail.Eas G.Turner vs,Statesville giao fee Se nn ‘is ’(etrai 4Mrs.Mary,LeeHudson,widow:2 Judge Pessieuons aeCompanyindQuaker’City Construc-Lal ad Xin deals ae :Pod :ja this|hac ftudsox,a notedMeth-]has resigned his judgeship _becauseeee‘This action was for $150,-#BROMO.vies : @ ged to be d day”ad i oe Oye ’Sas tale ai at ;‘he worried aboutJedye:on nine |notCause tetas inne eer tict ;werdict for 976.50,re)eae wt york.I be VOL.XL, :'-STATESVILLE,N.©,FRIDAY,AUGUST 13,1915. aie in se THE TURNER.BR CASE AGAIN. Another Trial inIredell Superior Court—Cases on‘Civil Docket.The case of Allen,Turner vs.the’city of Statesville and the,IredellTelephoneCo.,in which the plaintiff“>was suing for $15,000 damages,wasputontrialinTredellSuperiorCourtTuesdaymorningandwasgivento)the jury yesterday morning.The ju- ry had not returned a verdict whenThe’Landmark went to,press at 8o'clock.This case was heard at the last termofcourtandresultedina.mistrial,More than a year ago:Mr.aerners Syoungmanandtheson,of Mr,Z.Turner of Statesville,at the time in’the employ of the telephone compa-ny,was at work on a pole at the cot-ner of Water and.Tradd streets,when he came in contact with a“live”electric.wire owned by thecity.His injuries resulted in thelossofhisleftarmandaportionofhis“toes.The’suit was broughtagainstthecityandthetelephone company jointly.Other cases disposed:of.since.The Landmark’s last report are as fol-lows:~Philip -Boyd Publishing Co.vs. Jno.W.Brown et al.;jury foundthatdefendantswerenotindebtedtotheplaintiff.The court set aside the‘yerdict and ordered a new trial.Augustus WUarper vs,Southern]:Railway Company;jury found that plaintiff was injured by negligence ofthedefendantandallowedhim.$500 «1 Brownsville. oe or RR TT aE TROUBLE ALON G BORDER. Mexican _Outlaws ThreatenAmericans—Uprising .Feared. Dispatches from Brownsville,Tex- as,say that.practically every Ameri-ean citizen in three southernmostcountiesofTexas,Cameron,HidalgoandStarr,were resting under armsWednesdaynightinfearthat—the overwhelming Mexican population:ofthatsection.may break out in a ra-cial fight.The Mexican disturbance spread rapidly westward Wednesday until rumors of trouble developed at Lare: 4+do,200 miles along the border from The disorder ig report- ed to be connected with an attempt to turn part of Texas back to’Mexicanjeontrol--a wild scheme backed by ig- norant Mexicans,escaped —convicts, fugitives from justice on the Ameri-can side and some .Mexican soldiers.The disturbance:has been fanned by some of the bitter disputes ofborderpoliticalconditionswhichin some.instances.kept the Americanresidentsofthatsectionfromreal- izing how strong the undercurrent of Mexican feeling was growing.‘Rangers in Hidalgo county,pursu- ing some of the gang which killed an American trooper near Mercedes Tués- day night,captured a flag bearing in Spanish words:“Army of liberation for Mexicans in Texas.”They:took also some.lit- erature urging Mexicans to revolt.Army and Federal.investigators declared the organizers of the trou- hle—are working 1.the plan of {OPERATIONSIIN WaleaitZONE. The Dardanelles Again Attra Attention—Teutonic ‘Apparently Continues’in” Jand,et The Associated Press summary‘the war story says for the peeri“tention has heen somewhat divertedfromthegreatTeutonic~drive innorthwestRussiaandPolandtothe|Dardanelles,where.the allies’and theTurksare‘at grips in vicious fight- ing on Gallipoli.Claims are at:va-ance but London and Conerevortsbethshowthatsanguifightingistakingplaceandthat eachsidehassufferedheavy,casualties,©General.Sir Ian.Hamilton,British commander,reports that onthesouthernportionofthePeninsu-Ja the allies have trebled the areaofgroundtheypreviouslyheld,and thatontheAsiaticshoreaFrenchswar-ship has put five or six Turkish guns out of action.Constantinople,on the otherhand,declares that in the region of Ari-Burna an allied aftack has’been a pulsed with heavy losses,while in same-region and.near’SaTurkishattackshavenetted.’themalliedtrenches.Aliouch Enver Pasha.the Tarkish|. war minister.admits that”the ilieshavelanded50,000 fresh‘men their new operations,he ’inglyisovtimistic,Two regiments of the newly landed forces,he says,werevirtuallyannihilated. The Germans,_accordi SF _damages.In the case of R..V.Brawley indi-vidyally and as administrator of J. 8S.Kerr,vs,Geo.-Wilkins,which wassettledbycompromise,the defend- ant was allowed $4.000 and interestat6percent.from January 29,1910, subject to a credit of $1,250,If thejudgmentisnotpaidbyNovember Ist,1916,.the lands are-to be sold. Q.A.Stephenson vs,W.W.Carterand:wife;settled out of court,de- fendants paying cost.Little vs,Boyd;jury found thatthe‘plaintiff was not the owner ofthe’property,in.controversy,'whichwasvalued‘at $100.‘Melchor&Hart vs./A.S.McKay.‘Plaintiffsare asking $170 for boring a well for defendant.ae setsupcounterclaim:for $24 SCHOOL FOROR TEACHERS. More Than OneHundred.andFiftyTeachersintheInsti- tute. One hundred and fifty-“Ouies teach-ers are-ehrolled in the droge eelSeacherstTnstitute,“which is.beineconductedatStutesvitieWrermale.Coase‘AccD:‘Allen’of!'BaleCheeMiss:‘Matide*Harris‘Moriing ‘and’aftevhioinSisarebeingheldeachGayandressprovided’by the StateBoard.of Education for the teachers’ institutes is being carried ott in de- tail...The course gives a programmefor-every hour during the two:weeks of,an institute.The institute is a school of mieth-ods of teaching for teachers.MissHarrisisconductingthecourseinpri-mary work and Mr.Allen has thehighergradework:Each county hasaninstituteeverytwoyearsand ever#public school teacher:is requir- ed to attend an institute every two years,While most of the teachers inattendanceontheIredellinstitutearehomepeople,there are.a few out-siders.Mr.E.E.Sams of the State BoardofEducation,who is supérvisor ofoeteachers-training>for-the--State,-and+Supt.Harry Howell of the Ashevilleschools,visited the Iredell ‘instituteyesterdayandspoketotheseachereonsthoolsubjects,‘Prof.J.M.Moore,-president.ofStatesvillecollege,is proving a finehost,for.the.tedchers.Hr is.doingeverythingpossibletomakethein-stitute .a success and his:efforts.areverymuchappreciatedbythebenchers. Ball Games inStatesville—New- ton Game Forfetted.The:Statesville-Mosganton game at Newton yesterday was forfeited to Statesville‘in the sixth inning,andinaccordancewithcamerulesStates-ville gets the benelt of a score of 9to’0.The score stood 4 to 3'in favor_7 of Morganton when a controversy “arose over a decision of the umpire‘when he gave Statesville a fourth oP Morganton...objected seriouslyedecisionandwasgivenfive minutes to decide what course itwouldtake.When the time limit ex- pired the umpire announced the gameaeandforfeitedtoStatesvilleby*seore of.9 to 0.Lowe and Win- fon.composed Morganton’s batteryandSindlerandMarshall.were hand-ithe the ball for Statesville.The .Morganton ‘team came toStatesvillewiththelocalslastnightand:the.two remaining.games of.theserieswillheplayed.on the States-ville,diamond.today and.tomorrow..‘Statesville.won ‘in the.Lenoir-Statesville game Tuesday by a scoreof5to1.“Wednesday's game wasrainedout, At Gastonia yesterday.Gastonia|°won over:Lenoir with A score of 7to 6. aa ee ea Rew.Janke Willson:will spbedch‘in San Diego,which calls for the death every American male over 16.years of age in communities along the Rio Grande and also along the border of New Mexico,Arizona and California. It has been reported-to General Fun- ston that more than 3,000 Mexicans are pledged to this orranization. Federal officials last winter-believ-ed-they nipned-an attemnt to:put this revolution into effect when they ar- rested a Mexean on charges of sedi- tion,discovering in.his possession details of the plan which were pub- lished at the time. There were many vipculte that.offi-cials.on the Mexican side of the river,which is under Carranza control,are}, responsible for some of the troubles on the American side,eithér by lax-ness of discipline or by direct con-mivance...Howeyer,.there:is.no evi-dence that.anyhigh.Mexican.authori- ty is invovied.-Arrival of troops-in foree fromLaredoappearstohave‘caused thebandits..to’shift westward into thelesseerie.eh eeSantPPE ee Weeel wpe Ebeneof.ee rangers and cavalrymen pres$pdi:anebariditsimhardthhat._ssRey ofthemfled’‘atross the’river.Cava:¥-men captured 35 horses from’ band near Mercedes after a chase,Many Mexicans along the Ameri- can side of the border appear._to be entirely innocent of causing trouble,and.hundreds.of Mexican.familiesareseekingtheprotectionofAmeri- ean guards in the towns, ‘Mr.Jones Comes to Statesville Church News. Rev.C.M;Campbell,pastor Race Street Méthodist church,has been elected ‘bursar®of Davenport Collece,Lenoir,and will take up.his:new du- ties next week,He will preach ‘hisfarewell.sermons..Sunday,..BishopWaterhousehasanvointedRev.J.W. Jones of Mooresville pastor .RaceSbrectchutch.to suceedd.|Rey,Mr.Cainpbell.Rev.Mr.Joneswi OoeaytheRaceStreetarenanextweek.He has jany warm friendsin States- ville who.will be pleased to know thatheistomakehis:home here. ‘Rev...J.Harner Brady:is:in Cald- well county this week assisting in a revival meeting at).a PresbyterianchurchnearLenoir.—.Rey.Dr.Charles Anderson,pastoroftheFirstBaptistchurchofStates- Tville,is assisting’Rev.J.S.Connellin&meeting at,Olivett church,Ca- tawba county.this week. Rev.J.Andrew.Smith will vreachattheFirstPresbyterianchurchSun- day. All Healing Springsteto Pass to a Corporation, The All Healine Springs HotelpropertyatAlkalithia,Alexandercounty,‘will on October ‘Ist pass into the hands of a company composed ofMr,Q.BF.Poole of|Taylorsville,att.BE.§.Shuford of Hickory,Mr.’Geo.KE.Ransom of Weldon and Mr.W..A. Bristol of Statesville.in accordancewithatrademadewithMr,Poole,thepresent.owner.Mr.’Poole will con- tinue in charge of the property until October 1st;when the new.companywilltakepossessionand.hegin exten- sive improvements on the hotel.Thecompanywillbeincorporatedwithapaidintcapitef$20,000,the author-ized capital %be $100,600.ed Lost His Lifein.a-Well. ‘Andrew Lazenby,a eolored ~nianprobably55,of 60:years old,lost hiseeMondayinaWellat:the ieHentyJones,.colored,in.Sco’Irish township,Rowan.county.The well was being sunkandLazénby,who was helping tothework,was overcome by foul.e ting Broad Street church Sundayat’11 o'clock...Mr,‘Willson.will’eae the communities:of ‘Snow Crop Olin}tand Turnersburg Monday,“and Wednesdayin the interest¢North Carolina Christian .roca’ when,he went into the well towgealtersbecdmeknown~delay in getting “himrelTheenesent.for |The U-12 was'surk’byan | have occupied Bonjauinow,ofNovogeorgievsk,and officialad-vices say the populace,is beginningtoevacuateDvinsk,an importantrailwayjunctiononthePetrograd-Warsaw line.South of .Lomza theentire’Russian’line is said to be re- treating.and .across the Vistula,be- tween that “fiver and the Bug,Muscovites,according to Vienna,aire still being pushed back..™Little Aging,except artillery |t gazements has been inpBeleig“and:France.«On ‘ohn,tro-Italian«front,Ifulian’attacks:near siireieteshave ‘beer‘vepaléed,Vien: Na says,Disaster ‘i befallen thieatsships—the*’British’‘aoxiliaryRamsey,the)auxiliary:er Me and’e AustrianrineU-12,The Ramse was sunk. the North Sea by the Met vr, !explain .wheth-|¢there is an artificial limb made ofchased:by British cruisers,later was ack ata if Het “how :.eome”.folksabandonedandblownupbyhercrew. jan sub-marine’in ‘the Upper"Adriatic “Two Reiaway”OMr ‘Petiry®Little,Pe FI EL Sas thrown from:his buety ty Wred oasy team, on in,Catawba;ue Monday;‘and,was |SP°brought.tothe Sanatorium for treat-ment,is recovering.Mr.Little wasseverelyhurt.“He suffered a severeeutacrosstheforeheadandwas bruised in a number of places aboutthebody.His skull-was not fractured,as was feared at the time .he washurt,but he was suffering from con-cussion and the skull was trepanned to relieve the pressure.The accident ocenrred near Clare-mont..Mr.and:Mrs.Little and theirsmallsonweredrivinginabuggywhenthedoubleteamtookfrightatacalfintheyardofMr,Chas.Yount,bolted and wrecked the buggy.Mrs.Little’was rendered unconscious whenthrownfromthebuggy.but neithershenortheboywas’seriously hurt.:Mr.Chas.Kennerly,shipping,clerkfor.the Imperial Furniture Company,}was.thrown-from..a-..-wapon+Monday}c27afternoonandsuffered’a broken arm.The bone of the left arm was.brokenintwoplaces,“Mr.Kennerly was onawagonloaded:with furniture whichwas.being placedin.a car onthe rail-way siding near the furniture fac-tory.The horse fo the wagon wasfrightenedbyatrainandranaway,causing Mr.Kennerly to be thrown from the ‘wagon .with ee rableforce.The wagon was.wrecked ‘and some of the furniture was damaged. Special Pullman For Atlantic City Trip.: ‘A special,Pullman ,sleeper is to be provided for the -Statesville party.which.will...take advantage.of the|Southern railway’s annual excursiontoAtlanticCity,N.Jasnext week.Th: Pullman will be set.off here Tuesdayandwillbepickedupbythespecial!excursion ©train ,when “it passe:through ©Statesville late Tuesdayevening..The Statesville party |willincludeMr.and:Mrs.Sig.Wallacc, Mr.and Mrs,F,T,Meacham,Mr.and.Mrs,.D,8.Thomas,‘Mr,Isidore Wallace,.Mr..ie Bd.My MeKee,Messrs.Scarr.and orrigon.eneJr...Mts.Mary She,Misses’Mamic |;and,Annie Alexander..Miss.MaudePatterson‘of .Mooresville and MissHarwellofBast\Monbo have ‘alsomade«reservations!in the Statesville Gar’ “theSerap. Agreeableto.the request of G.B.Halveurton,The Landmark stated in ASS |still they were pretty sure there:wereFicorklegs,because they had heard' eterpareees ———reeseARELEGSMADE.OF CORK? Mr.Marshall“Ramse 's FriendsCompelHimto‘on Prof. LaF.Barringer.to:Rettle the Question... When anindividual so unfortunate as to lose a lower limb supplements the deficiency with a’wooden peg,worn in.plain view as a support,suchasthelateCaptainsJ;M.PattersonandJ.M.Parks wore,it is said “hehasawoodenleg.”But when onewhohas.lost a leg has an artificiallimbfittedmorelikethenaturallimb,and wears his “breechaloons”over the limb,it is said “he has a cork leg.”Some time ago Mr.Marshall Ram- sey found it.necessary to get an arti-ficial limb...He had an idea of a “corkleg”-—one that,he would ‘wear underhispants—and when he explained toadealerin.Washington,where hewenttobefitted,what he wanted,themantoldhimhecouldgivehimwhatkewantedinawoodenlegbutheknewnothingofcorkléps.Mr.Ramseywassurprisedbutacceptedthesituationwithoutquestion.'But when the leg was fitted and Mr.Ramsey started walking around,friends began to ask him about his“cork leg.”He explained to themthattheartificiallimbwasWood,notcork.Most of them expressed sur-prise and wanted to ,know:why he didn’t get a cork leg;and some ofthemintimatedthatthecorklegs were probably too expensive for him. |Wihen_Mr,_Ra: was informed and believed there wasnosuchthingasa“cork.leg,”his:in- quiring and sympathetic friends in- sisted that they knew.better,they had known men who wore them.When Mr.Ramsey asked them if they actually saw the leg and if itwasmade.of cork.they balked,but them ¢alled cork legs. oa Ramsey has grown i offolksakhimwhy-he\higsn’t aaaand.Negri ‘thatthe’didn'thave.the:price;and looking»skepticalwhenhefeltsthentherearend.corklem,as if they thought hechad invent-that),Rates ot he.ape buy ‘one;*to.sé e question he‘|has asked The Landmarktocall on Prof;‘LaF.Barringer,scientist:andresearch,to ¢ thave always.talked about;cork legs.»Prof.Barringer,is recognized.|"): The Asheville Excursion.Lise? Quite ‘a number of,loeal people took advantage “of ‘the Southern railway's ial train and reduced:fates tdAshevillethisweek.The special train through Statesville,about 11.30 Tuesday and the excursion tick-ets are good on any train for the re-turn trip up to tonight.Among thosewhoboardedthetrainatStatesvillewereMr.and Mrs.J.H.West andchildren,Mrs:W.E.Smith and son;Master Harold Smith,Miss Mary Col- vert,‘Miss Nannie Moore,Miss JuliaMeacham,Mrs.Jennie Clark,Mr.N.D;Tomlin and little daughters,ElinorandDorothy.all.of Statesville,andMrs.A.E.Brown,Misses MinnieSmithPsdNonaWallaceandMr.Oscar Fairchild of Mooresyille.|-Some of these have already return- ed and others will remain in Ashevillebeyondthetimelimitoftheexcur-sion tickets.Mrs.Smith and son are visiting Mrs.Smith’s.brother,“Mr.R._F.Cashion,who now lives in Ashe~Ville;Miss*Covertis”the”Puestof)Mr,and Mrs.L.P.Aldrich and:Miss Meacham is visiting relatives:in the “Mountain City.”Others.went ‘just for the trip:through the mouhtains.’”” Our Small Per Capita Wealth. University News Letter. The estimated true value of all’ property and of specified.classes ofproperty.ih North Carolina in.1912wasa..little more.than:one ‘billion,eight:hundred.million,dollars,says a.reéent census bureau bulletin,In.this.particular our rank amongtheStatesoftheUnionis23d;in,the South,tenth...In ‘per capita wealth'North Garolina stands:next te thelastsintheSouthandinthe.UnitedStates:only Mississippi has:a_smal-ler per capita wealth.The.wealth oftheSouthernStatesisasfollows:| Rank ..Total...’Per Capita1Texas$6,859,900,000 $1,697 2 Oklahoma 4,b81,000,000 2,4753‘Georgia:2,382,800,900 8834reneeeaepittee 5 Kentucky 2,267,700,0006Louisiana2.164400,000 17Alabama2,127,000,000 9648.Tennessee 1,920,"300,f 9 ‘Arkansas 1,829,"500,00 1,12010NorthCarolina1"307,400,000.711SouthCarolina1,351,400,000 B69FMississippi1,344 860,000 726 3 Florida:.1 1049,100,000.1,307 The Chatham "Record‘has eritered on “its 38th e MajorCe ished,t!"a ald iB beyaptoon.theera that] Adams had giveh a total of 2,333 :ee beefirsts,1.430 Seebiiie and 0‘aeal th New Building Me Statesville.tion,RealEstate DealsEtc.Dr M.“gandan pf Rate opened ‘Pd.the|Walter of Phe":en all-day,Gispenrary 6h Hoerceviet .;TaylorsviliexS hie.42-Mesare.Monday and has given the:first treat roman-lment to a Jarge-number of.xesidents W.Thomas;Jy 'R.:Goley”=He 4 Iredell Junidrs .will.attend,the State oM <a ORART AGAIN APPEAL TO MEXICO.|BRIEF ITEMS:aROCK,HITS,EN Eis eae 19)me LpMRE8UnitedStatesandSouthAmeri-},An Ol Fiddlers’¢Ww can Diplomats Ask All Fae-|be.held)at ae Spring High.tions to Get Together.a tke Bae,i Secretary Lansing on behalf ‘of oeaN sacsa ot he~United Statesgovernments pr gust:27th.ies e t repr mn ves.iBrazil,ee Apaictinn,Bolivia,—The AStatesville’-Female College®:this morning’at.10,30 tkUruguayandGuatemalaWednesday =. Mrs.M,Re Adams.,Business*aeAgsignedanappealaddressedtotheleadersofallfactionsinMexico,ask- ing them in thé name of humanity|Portance.and national patriotism to cease —iMr?Rowe ‘Connolly,‘sat :their civil,strife and assemble a1.R.Connolly,’f etFie peace conference,ville,|now.of aoe dalyTheaction,taken after a two-hour|gin work Monday for thé Polk,Gray,|.session,was not of a joint character}Drug.Co.’eebutidentical.An informal but unani-}.—Mr,.C..S.Tomlin’s. low on,fei street Iscompleted’within‘two©S..Coffey,‘who’is’ote:ing on wothCenter.street,mt Pa be mous note will be sent expressingtheviewsofthesevengovernmentsthattheconditionsofchaosinMexi-co has injured the prestige of the na- tion abroad.and supplicating the Mr.HRMexicanleadersandgeneralstolmakingmakeasupreme:effort to bring.to-Statesville iegetheralloleroeitsthecreationof|and ‘convert it’into.a provisional government that canbegivenworld-wide recognition.arene ae rie —Beyond this step,the.session didnotgo,reserying until a later dateconsiderationofthesituation.thatmaybecreated.by refusal of any ofthefactionsto.participate ina peaceconference..The communication \willbe-given.widest publicity throughout} Mexico and will be delivered by thediplomaticandconsularagentsofthevariousgovernmentssignatorytoit.Replies are definitely asked for,pene|being expressed that these will .be}received—within—10-—_after—thel<communication reaches the .leadersunlesssomejustcausefordelaypre- sents itself.Ultimately —if all peace plansfail—offeials of the United «Statesrealizethattheinterestsofforeign- ers may require more drastic.steps,but at_-presentit.can be stated author- itatively.that the—plans.under-con-sideration contemplate restoration ofpeaceinMexicobyfriendlymeans,by using thepower of:recognition to ne a eae into,being. veterans went,tatoattendthoe ae up tothe hi v echioal. ts of dence,of ee y the a eer easesi:eratinte:eele:sation " anpleteavielry of"ie.arty.repre-|andsontnggreasecunatlieeandpop-Ss ularity,”which:partyis ofcourse ‘the:Ps Carranza forces.»-3 well as to i )as saying that“sible,just and’acceptalrttombhSeeleaveweriottae Iredell Leadin Treatinent“Adininistered in Town andCounty... Up to the’beginning of this.week,according to a letter’received by Dr.‘E.Ty Sessoms from the:State BoardofHealthatRaleich,Iredell countyheadedthelistof.the five counties inwhich“ariti-typhoid “campaigns“arenowbeing’waged.At the close of the}:past week ‘the number of persons fe--ceivine,the first treatment’of:anti-typhoid ‘vaccitiation:in «Iredell’was4,761,comnaredwith:4,686in Halifax,|V1,299 in Wil n,1,059 in Ed and 986 in e,Of Iredell’s:totaluptoMonday2,182 of the treatmentsittgiven:in.Statesville:by <City]©Physician,Adams:and.County;Pliysi-|villecianMcElwee,the remainder:having}pues‘heen administered by Dr.Sessoms $e yhis‘appointments:in the ‘county::by Dr.Holiday,the colored’ohy Since Monday:Dr.Adams:hasri6YfirsttreatmentsiWStatesville@ewianeeOeae the | an ssoms given a ington.Pifirstmeaeweek.Dri Ses-]rae where tk soms is going o¥er the sameterritorythisweekgivingthe.second treat-ogoek ibeimentsthathetraversed’.last’week}igivingthefirst.Up to last nieht Dr. of that.section.this week,.Armstrong,’binthana eeureswerenotobtained.Dr.ig:.also .continuing -his ciamntalamongthe-colored people’this week.|;A‘large number of people who do notcaretovisitthedispensariesarehay-|,jor.ae treatment.administered irevatelye.letter pevalved by Dr.Sessoms :from the State Board expressed grat-thiificationofthefineprogressmade.intheIredellcampaign..and,‘highlycomplimented.thebhysioian:‘who:arewagingit.'‘ Junior Meeting|in Charlotte.{8 Quite om number of,Statesville and but ‘his.Holiday meeting of the.Junior Order to beheldinCharlotteonweek.Messrs.W.A.Moose,S,’H..Kunkle and WyL.Williams have beenbeen elected.repre:|4.sentatives .from intent’uptown;oe at WA tot soa a nn A PUZZLE.heen ‘Col.Fairbrother has it down right he remarks in his Album.of omy—Everything—that it is the nipie and the delivery that adds to the high cost of living.The rk has discussed both ‘these tutions aforetime and came to the conclusion,The delivery busi- Sness would be all right if it was re- stricted within proper limits,but the unreasonable demand made for de- ‘fiveries that cost much more than the ‘purchasé is worth adds a burden that, as a matter of business,should not be -tolerated;“yt it is ‘strange that busi- ness men who could,by agreement, regulate the system and curfail it to reasonable and ‘proper proportions,do not act.: %Sometimes The Landmark feels sorry for the merchants who lose so ‘much by deadbeats and again it feels that they do not deserve sympathy, Jn:Statesville,and in almost every ‘other town in the State for that mat- ‘ter,the books of the merchants and]; ‘ether business men show each year a ‘large amount of uncollected accounts; and by far the larger part of these -uccounts are made by professional deadbeats—ipeople who are notorious in the community for not paying their debts...One would think,this class would reach the limit after awhile in ‘almost any community,but they rare- dy do.They continue to find folks ‘they can roll.Shut off at one place they go to another,pay cash for a -ittle time and-then work credit-to the “fimit;and after a few years theywill ‘go back and work over again the same “people they have worked.’Agta “people they know will not pay them to ©go in and carry ofttheir:stuff?Why is it they;will ‘credit strangers,about “whose standing they know:nothing? -Usually the stranger who asks for -.credit ut proper credentials will -bear-ing.It-is-all-for lack of ,@ little nerve,They are afraid of making somebody mad;afraid of los- ‘ing five cents in trade.It is better §to have the ill will of a deadbeat than is it'b oe Ye eo 7%-prthay raid»$To majntajh jour historic)> :much,t*not to have s|mission.—fe ees 3 ob business Pete noting:But it is one mysteries that busi- |hess meén generally go on extending iscuous ¢redit and losing money.»When one thinks of thatside ofit he “is not ‘disposed to sympathize’with ;the victim who allows himself to be an easy mark for the deadbeats;and},....WRYAOn of thé pons Fs ne --'imes;who left.Warsaw ©wit!t Support these peo-oenh the ian ¢h ;:ple by payldg &bart of their’billslthe fohowhie trom Petrograd: when one whopays his debts reflects! that he hastohelp’ in ‘extra cost for the things for which i he pays cash ‘or pays bills on presen-tation—well,that sort of “riles”the __-fellow who is trying to-do the square ©thing.‘::;eeMOREPUZZLES. eee “Col.Fairbrother remarks in Every- a thing that the lawyerswould do bet- __ter if they would figure less in poli- ‘tics and devote themselves to their ‘profession.The lawyers of course have the same right"to be in politics bas any other class of men and their g Services are needed.’Col,Fairbrother ~;0f course means that there are too -Many lawyers in politics and with +this statement’most laymen will _o-s gree,But the colonel calls attention | -to one matter that has always puz- (gléd The Landmark—and that is that the lawyers apparently make-no ef- pfort to rule out the shysters who dis- ‘grace the profession.They talk about i theethics of the profession,but when _&lawyer goes wrong it is difficult to +get.one of the profession to prosecute| him;on-the contrary nearly all of _them’will Wolunteer for his,defence. _When a crooked lawyer is exposed ‘and,loses out it is the ‘result of the attitude of the layety,whohave found Shim out,not on account of anything his professional brethren have done.“One on intimate terms with lawyerswillhearthemdiscuss,at times,the shortcomings’of some of their pro-‘fessional’brethren—how they are_guilty of sharp practices,in somecasesofdownrightdishonesty;howtheydothingsthatanhonorablelaw- yer or an honorable man would not_do;and yet these high-toned lawyers(will go.on practicing with one of that_type,treating him as an equal;and/it he is a candidate for office theywill-as a rule,support him.nex‘The lawyers as a class are among-gthe ost useful and hohorable men of“pny of the professions,but their at-»‘titude toward the black sheep in’the‘profession is.a puzzle to the layman »and doubtless always will be. ek LTTEeNee ae At is natural ‘andman~Americans 8sirethevictory’of hould.great ought to object to that,and )not‘But what American deprecateisthatGermans,loudly assertingtheirrighttoAmericancitizenship,should in their furious partisanshoftheKaiserthinkitnecessarytocriticizethiscountry.viciously,at-tribute the basest motives to its offi-cials,and threaten reprisalsat thepollsunlesstheysurto.theGermanviewpointandassistinham-stringing Germany’s.enemies ‘That was the course of the Na-tional German -Ameritan Alliance,in session in San Francisco.It wasreportedthatonedelegatewantedtosendanopenlettertothePresidentwhichwassobitterandinsultingthattheconventionsidetrackedit.It musthavebeen“some letter”if it was any resolutions that were adopted.In effect,the resolutions said that the officials and the.people of thiscountrywere,dominated by GreatBritainandthattheGermanspropos- ed to take a strong hand in changing it,With a sophistry,that has been aTeutoniccharacteristicsincethiswarbegantheyattempttoshifttheissue.They assert that “hundreds”of Amer-icans have been’murdered in Mexicoandthat‘this government.took ‘no ac-tion,and that therefore it ought notto’object if the,German ‘submarinesslewafewbabiesontheLusitaniaorghouldblowup,American ships fromtheairorthewater.¢,90 9.‘They are much shockéd at our “un-moral traffic in‘arms,”but they woulddoubtless.be greatly}ddified by thehighlymoralspectacleoftheKaisermakingaBelgium.of every.countrythatdisputeshisdivinerighttodowithitaspleaseshisimperialwill.They “request”that this govern- in other words break the British blockade of German ports—but they would bar Americans from,travelingonshipsearryingwarmaterial—in other words,give German submarines a free field and no trouble about be-ing careful whom or what they tor- pedo.::And in the same resolutions itis stated—apparentiv without any idea! of joking—that.being Germans and| not subject to English influence,en- abled them “to.champion the absolute independenge of our.gepublic.”and eyof up can,n ,dependence ‘of “oprsafe.‘hake Tipe inpublic”18 “no ace to our safety and independence as a nation was in a decisive German victory.Bi German Success at Warsaw— .Why Russia Failed. ss + ediy represents the greatest German} achievement in the war,and it wouldbestupidtominimizethecharacter the German soldiers whose ‘sacrificesplacedtheminpossessionofthegoalforwhichtheysufferedanproximate-iy-a-million-easualties-in-the space.of.a year.On the other hand it wouldbestupidtoexaggeratetheimpor- tance of Warsaw.;“The city was lost,not ©throughthedefectivegeneralshipor inferi-oritv of the Russian army,but sole-ly through the inal@ffty of Russia toconvertitsvastresourcesquicklytotheuseofwar.‘The evacuation of Wiirsaw was carried-out-from:begin-ning to end without the slightest con-fusion,panic,denioralization or dis-covragement.Fortwo weeks an un-endine train of transports passed:in orderly-processionout:from:the--city,,removing everything which might beofvaluetothe‘Germans.“There was.no storming of ‘thecity.for the Russians Blew up thebridgesat3 o’clock in the afternoonandtheGermansdidnotarriveontheWarsawsideoftheriveruntil6o'clock.©atesecNNTAustria’s Complaint Answered. The United:States government has dispatched to Vienna a reply reject-ing the Austro -’Hungarian views re-cently set forth in a note contendingthatthegreat‘scale on which warmunitionsarebeingexportedfromAmericatoenemiesoftheGerman-ic allies “is.not’in consonance withthedefinitionofneutrality.” ly in tone,is understood to repudiateflatly,the suggestion that the Unit-ed States has permitted violations of neutrality,and to stand firmly upontherightofAmericanexporterstosendwarsuppliestobelligerentsabletovurchaseartdreceivethem.The United States always has heldthatthis.is an°unquestioned rightandhighofficialshavepointedoutthattopreventsuchshipmentstoonecountrybecauseanotherwashot ina position to receive them wouldinitself\violate neutrality.Prece-dents also have been recalled where in previous wars Germany and Aus-tria imported arms extensively.é forth the views of that governmentandsuggestedthattheUnitedStatesmightmakeredressbyinforming Protests against Great Britain's blockade of commerce.is becoming"more dcute.Meetings of business -"men were held in New York and!@ Chicago ‘this week at which actidn ‘was taken urging the administrationtomakeinsistentdemafdonGreat »-»Britain for the-removal of the block-ade,time meetings are being :that «cotton Austria’s enemies that the supply of|foodstuffs and war-material to them|would be suspended unless levitimate|trade “ih these articles _between American and neutral countries was|bermitted. |Despondency Due to Indigestion.|“About three months ago when 1 ahh al;ering from indigestion which caused.heads|che and dizzy spells and made me feel tired|and_despondent,.1 beran taking Chamber-|lain’s:Tablets,"writes Mrs.Geo,Hen,Maceiston,xy,the medicine proved to be theeasoneday's treatmenrelieved‘me greatly,©1 suse “ted : ‘that Ger-|“tise more bitter and offensive than the}. ment take “necessary steps”‘to “‘keep|,Pax keel ;iness_men willpermit!open the Bewe T ‘Some of ps|’ had been thinking that the chief men-'|'” e)ae a ee Moe :;The Honorable.Members-of they He Boardof Cou mty-Com- “The capture of Warsaw undoubt-|. of the campaign or the braverv of} ‘The Austro -Hungarian note set)is the line recently completed connect~|/ itsit their,fatherland|—over its foes,and should feel deeply|on the subject.No reasonable man at Get this USTabout as soon as you try Prince Albert tobacco you'll wiseright up that it was made And that’s no idle dream! * _you prove Sn ee ee e \good-as P.A,”stuff! ‘SPH LAWYERS, Profession “Toleratethe Shy-|igtted 19 (ON)Ironnngr't)’ Everything.eee al If the lawyers of North Carolina would practice their profession and leave politics alone they would standmuchhigherintheestimationofthe-peoyle.Of course many lawyers shun politics as they would shun apesthouse,but it has been stoo long the habit ofthe professional ©po-litical lawyer in North Carolina ©to“hog the game”’—to come in andtakealltheoffices.The ‘Legislature is too often dominated by lawyers.The lawyer is essential—held tobeatleast—but when he multiplies and. 40°appear where ten could:do the business,it naturally falls upon.him,in order to get sufficient sow bosom 29 what ails Line up in the:row with other men; then you'll sure enough wake up tosomepipeandcigarIt’s this way:Costs you adime for atidy Puts the half-Nelson on all pipe andcigarettegrouchesbecauseitcan’t bitetonguesandCan’t parch throats.Andour’say-so!P..A.is made by‘that cuts out the bite ively byus:Rememberthatwhenyou:hear some’of for you! get next and. for your taste!| ette makin’s facts! |N fd tin of P.A.that'll proveinjigtime that you never did get such flavor ‘and fragrance,whether you hit a jimmy pipe_or roll up a delightful makin’s cigarette. the national joy smoke. patented.process is that *‘as Right off the bat you'll getmighty happy if you'll go to Prince Albert like you're on thetrailofabestbet.For you never will get‘honest and,true tobacco,satisfaction till you get chummy withJoysmokel|PrinceAlbert—rhe national Solleeacyohareintopeyred bags,Sq tidy sedtins;10c;also in pound half-pound humidors.} ACCRA iyAa aes er all’insolvent taxpayers’arepeninetotakenoticethatunlesstheyappearattheofficeoftheRegisterofDeedsonorbeforeOctober dve by them for the years1911and1912,publication of their names will be madeasrequiredbylawandsuchotheractiontakenas.mayHenecessary.eeJ.E.BOYD,,Aug.6.Clerk to Board. to ‘sustain life,to “make busi -and often:he isn’t’particular aboutewe-tces vanpetits Fis SRRSe ‘The doctors,when they find a man resorting to things ‘unprofessional,generally kick him out of the socie-:ty——but you never hear,or ‘hardlyeverhear,of the unprofessional law-ver being packed up and censuredforhistrans¢ressions.And we failed. to note anything in all the speeches made at Asheville about,me unpro-fssional lawyer—and the man imag-ines his license is equal to letters ofmarque—giving him.permission*,toplunderhisclients;allowing him,;toworkupcaseswherethereisno.case —putting his neighbors to much trouble,expense and annoyance,andonlyinordertosecureafee,fromthemanhegoldbricks.omePerhapsthatisnotwithin.theThereply,though framed in_diplo-i province of the State Bar Associa-|§matic language and entirely friend-{tion,There is need of sanitary workintheprofession.But perhaps all inallNorthGarolina’s’lawyers rank as a whole.:° Seaboard Acquires New Lines. The Seaboard Air Line RailwayCompany:has:been consolidated with’the Carolina;Atlantic &‘Westernrailroadunderthecorporate:name:oftheSeaboardAirLinerailway.The Carolina,Atlantic &Western ‘railwayisarecentconsolidation.of the ‘North&South Carolina,Charleston,North-ern ‘&South Carolina Western rail-roads,operating a total of 416 miles.The Charleston,Northern.railway ing the North &South Carolina rail-way ‘with the city of Charleston,giv- into Charleston.A’line of 85.milég.istobeconstructedftomCharleston,to trance into.Georgetown,CharlestonandSavannah.©It will also giveSeaboard.two-lines ‘from a ee :G.,“to.Savannah,the other runningviaColumbia.i es:i The home of)Frank.Moody,*miles from’Franklin,Macon cowas.burned with‘its,contentsdaysago.Loss estimated at. Chamberlain’s ‘Tablets ani ey.2thin""trouble:”Obtainable everyahere with the lawyers of any State—taken} ing the Seaboard Air’Line entrance}, Savannah,giving’the Seaboard.en-| Bu “Ne have the very,best )Parchment Butter Paper, and can print your name-and brand on same.Let ushaveyourorderfor’any —.quantity you want.See us.Prices reasonable.-Brady Printing Co. RUBBER TIRE! Season is here.We tse best rub-bermade=Firestoné and Kelly—and will save you money..Tiressethotorcold,Quick service,»Yours tu.serve,TROUTMAN &SUTHER. VALUABLE LAND AT PRIVATE SALE.nfl sshabtecoscsy"Under the terms:of the will ‘of’Mrs.Har-tiet Clark,deceased,the undersigned executoroffersatprivatesaleavaluable‘tract oflandotalontheCatawbariverinCatawbacounty,N..C.,‘containing 151 acres.more orjessandknownastheAlexanderClarkplace.The tract contains 50°acres ‘of original forest‘and 40 acres of river bottom lands,The estatealso‘offers a house and lot in|Troutman andanIslandof10acresintheCatawbariver,For terms apply to ~{BROWN,ter t oO. t Cc.H. R.B.MeLaughlin,Atty.Tr eee etanercept“INOTICETOINSOLVENTS! missioners has.ordered that!# 1;1915,and pay the taxes! ier Wrappers!§] |.»“RJ.REYNOLDS;TOBACCO (CO.,Winston-Salem,N.C. oeibestinnAebtbenoer! ~-DACRO-CROWN COVE {The driver of the milk wagoi a bottle of milk ‘on the porch Zz ‘here it sits until the cook.or someone else gets it and takes,it in 5 ‘But while the milk sits there it is not all alone.The Messrs.Filia congregate in the mouth of the bottle and hold high carnival until) Miss Cat comes along and roots them out until she can lick out the” mouth of the bottle.Then it is not unusual for Miss Catt to have to” stand aside-and give Mr.Dog achance,All this before the milk is --carried’in With the Dacro System the Messrs.Flies,Miss Cat and Mr.Dog and other spreaders of disease germs would starve to death * if their living consisted of licking lips of milk bottles.The Dacro Crown covers the entire top of the bottle : {THE PAINE ae DAIRY’is supplying the milk that is ‘benefi- cial and ‘aids health.Why and how he does it will be explained from time to time. {’Phone 347 Black,PAINE:VIEW DAIRY,the dairy with the Da- ero system,when you want pure and clean milk delivered at your home.‘Pes TR atARC eet ee -~pie a aT at 5 no LeET Winmrerneerbe tage Samet 1 ckPAB ONNT Sone oe iaiemr gPRSP MI “pinaes SraSherrillWhiteShoe Co. % Men’s Straw Hats 1-2 Off $3.00 Straws 2.00 .2.00 1.001.50 as ‘These special prices are cash.gis SHERRILL-WHITE SHOECO. $1.50 1.25 "66 66 July;18,1915. Build with Brick| Build a Brick House orBrick-Veneeryouroldhouse.Warmer in winter,| So"|cooler in summer,Sliminates es ieSa:ill hel I MORGANTON &STATESVILDEAtStatesvilleRallParkysbi ‘TODAY AND TOMORROW.eae stale Hi so m a d i c e s t : : 2 el i t e s 2 PE A S “OF Mes,Chappell,ofFive Yours | nn Gees : Mt.,N.C.—Mrs.Sarah M.Chap a ears ‘tows,‘oe |ection ‘aeswomastomachtroubles,and tyay punishment watice aleve f medicingmostever10!e.Lnone did me argood,.: ‘read oie day about Catdul,the wo- but about six bottlesred.It did me moreothermedicines}-had ¢'s tonic,andl decidedto fry it.1:a ottaken untilasalmost;Rea wae Me icanheals‘aul hy Jmewhy1idetwpakkd9wellandLLieTaegout Doyou,lady Seas te oe artyoftheTiments"die to womanly”oobi,such as headache,backache,he;icing and‘that evetlastinglytired If so ai afri.We feeles conden i &it Salt help you,pst ition otherwomen inpasthalfoneCardui‘to-day,wpuri regretit All ni to-day. Write to: Yau wisory CChauaboons.TantaSiefe SferalPetaruyonourcageeat‘iainwaper.BhG.1ad (ee er “CALL FOR A bottle of Premier Mayonnaise Salad” Dressing,only 10c., and the best you have ever tasted. “imeetine of the’ ,.“ROAD,Train No,1b,west-bound,due 7.24Train.No.11,west-bound,due 10,05Train”a 21)west-bound,due a 25Traindue10:25ae26,east-bound,due 10.85No.2,mene pounesBc 1.15No,'646nae16,Sokeene Fy10,60CHARLOTTEree FS S er o r e r SE S E R E SS FromTrainNo.16 ary 9.60,leaves 10.35 a.m. ar.Tre 24 9.20,leaves 9.20 m.pire Taylorsville.7From'Train No.23>ar.10700,leaves 10:40 a msTrainNo.16 ar,re tea:f ves 6:45 p.22 and 24 arenotoperatedon Sunday. ‘MOORESVILLEFIREMEN. |Attend Tournament vat-New Berne—Mooresville Personal |” and Social:Notes.Correspondence of The Landmark.{ “Mooresville,Aug,Q-The Moores-|ville Volunteer Tiye Department left;Sunday afternodn,for New Berne.where they 29 attend the annualorthCarolinaVolun- teer Firemen’s Aseociation.Those inattendanceareChiefJ...McLelland,W.L.Cook.J.F..Dorrob.Tom Brant- ley,C.A;.Troutman,William Horton,|Vranie Freeze,Oscar and Walter D,|Brown.The members of ‘the,denart-|ment will be away for a week!They| earried with them the horse and hose| wagon and expect to enter the con-| tests for Some of the prizes.\| Miss Clara Mills delightfully ‘en-; tertained ata dinner party last Fri-|day.in.‘honor;of Misses FEvelyn|on iam of Rulfmiand Miss Kathervn|of Rock Pill S,C..MissWil-|ie“Poston and My.'Thomas of States-ville were among the invited.guests,Mire GSO Wi and family at-|tended “the Wiing |reunion pear |Kannapolis ‘hast es i»Mr.and Mrs.GC.Goodman left}last ‘Thursday Yor’Mithevitle,Hender- wnville and other points,in western | North:Carolina,They will he away!for a week or ten’dava.Dr.W.DL Blowing Rock and other points of in-| ~—SPHONE 89.rest;Mra:Sve-Wiltone*has—gone— ito Newton on a visit to her dauchters.| Mr.C.M.Fieldsofgmncard 4is here,an|a visit to his ther,Mrs.BE.Mi.) Fields.Rev.R.A.Goodman of Mt.} rte Eagle é Milholland. ight mt Extra Nice“Lot! ,hale "PHONE i.aoaMOREE: Pleasant.is here on a ‘visit te his pa-| rents,Mr.and Mrs.J.A’B.Good-} man.Mrs.W.D.Gilmore left Fridag| for Salisburv and from there she-will; joo to Mt,Gilead to visit her mother.’|Dr.P.W!Troutman and wife,former jaesidents of Mooresville:are visitingjatthehomeofMr.and Mrs.Lester|Mayhew.Mr,‘and “Mtsi'C.Be Hawithorne,and daughter,Miss.Telle,lefe4% |Tuesday for Norfolk,Ocean View and Virginia’Beach.*)relysoe A large number of “the:Mopresville |7 citizens attended the annnal,Zion.nic-; nic,which was held at Cornelius last Thursday.Rev.N.E.Smith of Rartow;Fila., nreached for the.Ax.Re Leanne|Hon Sunday niekt>F Ni oleave'o “homeenuea“stipply.omething:new in this‘line.Tmay have yourplate.’Phone 210.” Allison’s Book Store. || «DIFFERENT FROM THE REST. fe hy o Se r e oe re Mr.Crater Teaching in ene ee The 5 ‘M.feaer ‘of ‘Olin ‘has SHIA A:pal o 4 B dite VNae gprsRev,WwW,MR.one ‘as assist "Mr Crater is having the latesttendaneein‘the:history of thesch@pl” He has been teaching in.Wilkesthelasttwoyearsand.has,made a record as.teacher.COM. ca s e -C.WATKINS for —“Everythingto Build With,”. FULLSTO.K--LOWEST PRICES Shingles,Roots W acne sailingFlooring,Siding,Boxing,*Mouling,Laths, Next Planters’Lime,Cement,etc.,Wh.|Statesville. ye s i t y ot a , Fe c e s --——Sold exclusively by-—M'ler-McLain Supply Co.a es e |‘The Flour.in (aly }DAN VALLEY“fgshied from '%the celebrated wheat grown in ? y the Shenandoah Valley of Vir-.%3 ginia.IT HAS,NO EQUAL. %Makes befter bread and more % e of itto the pound:than other %flour.It is economy to buy %DAN VALLEY.,TRY IT. FOR FINE CLEANING AND DYEING ~—’PHONE 147—- Cary C..Boshamer,Local Representative,4;“Phone 125 Black..Ataw, Sloan Pressing Club. ‘Shingles For Sale! Se e r Carload of good No.2 Shingles at $2.75perthousandatmyshop, Cc.H,TURNER, Near the ee“fel ‘Phone No.74,Bell No.7 Pe e 1 Stop!Look!Tisten! WEbay!in car lots.WE sellin any quantity... WE:sell the celebrated GoldMedalFlour.WEsell Sweet Feed for.Horses ;and Mules -WE sell ede Daisy Feed for:CowS-WE sell:|Tay,Corn,Oats:and cytes ot flare diedmYdaynightfromtheeffectsof|eration for appendicitis... suit for divorce against land Hospital,Asheville,alleging : m.|years old,was the victim Death 9 af /Copten Tuesday.He lrelatives:there at the time o “his| |night.: a:entSs aptain 0, 7 county camp—so.the.story m)Od8, having.very hot. Oto market.Wie tented,Statesville, Mra.Lydia Carroll Dr.Robt,$.Carroll,aeaM High: fidelity.At.Elizabeth City Robert white,16.years old,was “playing”“unloaded”pistol.Emma Pee: instantaneous., Mr.John L.‘Rendleman ofof Salis.bury and Miss Allie Ware,daughter|of Rey.and Mrs.W.J ieSalisbury,were merried he he,f the bride Tuesday “mornin ey ee gh ed $.Patton.69|y-ars'old,a)|Boston lawyer,died.pear i of Burke ceinty and was t death.may | It is stated that two.cheese Beltonriesin‘Watauga county are tout250poundsofcheesedaily;-it is further stated the two facto:lalone will«turn out more cheese’ {State five years ago, Howard Delap.an 18-y ieee who claims Winston - his home,is in —jail atcharged.with having assaulted M ‘Myrtle Motsinger,wife of Mr.jert Motsinger of Thomasville town- ship,with criminal intent, The North Carolina Firemen’s As-|rociation,which was in |Se at)New Berne this week,decided to)meet in Raleigh next year,-officers were re-elected—Jas,D.Me-Neill of Fayetteville president,A.| H.Boyden of Salisbury wer,ibeai. dent. A shepherd dog from:ein ‘France has won its secondthenewestandmostcoveted of 4 jalem: |MeLelland and sister,Miss May.Mc-|French decorations,hecause’it edn realLelland,left today on a motor triv to worn only by those nrentioned in the Southern railway has awarded theidispatehes.This dog,the’war.office) announced;-served-as—sentry— twice saved an infantry outpost a large band of Germans, Walter Gray Snider,a young ‘onal | who was.seriously injured by an ac-icidental dynamité and powder ‘explos-|‘ion at the Southern railway ballast} ipit near Walnut Cove Monday,lin a hospital in Greensboro.'TMr.Snider was fore!ithe quarry.He is survived’wife and two small cnildren;at Spencer.hae SP EO nsAhegrowhotwascserving!a9 uch averseonlineulddiscover noSfueaphthe Paiyiies)ail chain gang...suynetatendent is codant”minitteidetoescape:iene” Sheson a ns ithe 0)Statearmy,|ro ee nd HndtPictor ofmilitarytactics.andsciehce ef Binc-ham school,Asheville,who attendedtheencampmentoftheStatemilitia |4 at Camp Glenn. Four convicts in the Siekingham' comesfromWentworth—told the guard they were going to leave —and--notwith-. standing his.urgent -insisténce that they remain.they walked:off beforehiseyes.”He followed,further en-treating them to.stop awhile,andwhentheydistegardedHisentreat- ies he adopted more strenuous meth-Three’of the four were shot;down,one is dead and thegothers sc-afi 3 Honty hurt;and one got away. Complaint About Roads, Correspondence of The Landmark.:iNew Hope,R-1,Augy od ar ther.Skeneweeleshe. Spell,which’wasShascutthecorncrop very short.CorrS\improved after the rain set in. sof all kinds very scares, Fruit If we Had a crop of”apples an! neaches the roads are in such bad con-lition it would be-a job to’get them péople ‘of this sectionwantaroad—the Houstonville an: 1 Taylorsville road—leading -from.theSicandiclayroadinnorthIredellto |Hiddenite.re-surveyed,It is the mair road:leading.through a good section 3 of the country and-it.is in such badconditionthat.iteix:impoesible to hau!a load’over.it.>The,people are.en- titled to a good road;as it leads throurh near the center of Gwaltneytownshiv._What has became of thAlexanderbond:issue?The.peoplewanttoknow.and aré “entitled t» know.Can’t the commissioners sel! them,or if they have sold them,can’t they let.a contract and let some oncgothwork?Sortie one ought to investigateand:see where the trojblc is.;Boo |East Monbo Defeats Troutmanand.Statesville... torrespondence of ‘The Landmark. In ‘a poorly played game of ball.Saturday afternoon,Bast Monho de-dfeated Troutman by a &core of 15 to 0.In a game Monday East Monbo de-On the ~latter's Cotton Seed Products. WE SELL:FOR LESS. Coite L.Sherrill,M.e will answer’oar*Dr.Long’s Sanatorium ori0.M ee oat WE pay;Corn.and Oats.WE deliver in thHREDELLoat CO.,C.D.MOORE,Pro ar e peru 5,by. CASH for country |} ne e of20 to 4.Bast Mon rays fool ball:and)aeons hike from orGOM.|. IMMENSE "CROP ON WAY. -|Record Crna:Of Grain and Po-|}wie cnt gard one-half mY hayaplanted 310,546,000 acres,or 10,060,-| Heats 16,000,000 bushels ipods, iD,‘year: «|4,375,000 last year;432,000 bushelsof |§: All the|of tobacco against 172,250,000:last, ‘ast year. Pa Doubje Track. died,ito the Cornell -|Greenville;S-&,,for the double-track-ting:@fithe main line of the ny,6 terhe)6 Bi£,the Guifors nami Sade 2 Wa Thee ale tee,Sere tae eae "Alofthe, liars rks in ‘en- Abs nite afd strani Hf)mee ate me the)ion of Miduble-tewewedl9 A short eovat Sebo }Speaker of the last House and Ist drank nor gambled—had no had hab- i “bushels of oats |e 5 of wheat dre inforoo‘year’s American|harvest.Record ¢rops of rye,Aisweet potatoes,tobaccd,rice and|also.»are.predicted.’Farmers | 00°acres more than last.year,of“\their pringipal preduets,The wheat | crops;the greatest ever grown in any country,will be worth more than $1,-|000;000,000,while the a6)value thay’reach $2,500,j)Estimates of theprincipal crops,|announdéd by the oer PDA ment of ricult!on condi-|tiong of ee Ttahow that all crops |wil be greater than last’year.Corn| |piGshects increased almost‘100,000,-|§000,bushels,Irish potatoes poosiian to exceed|their former record.prodyction by|£\'103,000,000 bushels and sweet pota-| és by 4,000,000 ‘bushels.“Other in-|creases over record crops.indicated|include’tobaeeo 28,00G;pounds;|fiax 4,200,000 bushels;hay 2,400,£000 |and rye 1,800,000 bushels...Corn|f |prospects fall 206,000,000 bushels and| below”the} for North Carolina,based on con-|jone year than was made in the wholeiditions August Ist,the estimate is |ifor 56,400,000 bushels of corn against| ir-old:ne-|5/7,550,000 last year;11,300,000 bush-|jels of wheat against 7,332,000 last 5,200,000:bushels of oats against|# rve against’460,000 last year;2,970,- (000 bushels of Trish potatoes against |1,746,000 last year;7,890,000 bushelslofsweetpotatoesagainst6,840,000 last year;459,000.tons of hay against|368,000 last year;176,000,000 pounds 5,420,000 'bushels|year;of apples against 9,000,000 last year;1,840,000|& bushels of peaches against 1,863,000 Southern —“Lets”Cmtracts For The Charlotte Observer says.the contract to Ht.Hi.‘Thrasher.of Knox- iville,Tenn...for the double -_track-! ling of the last gap of the main linecapturebysignalingtheapproachaf.bet ween Charlotte and Dry Ford,Va.|§ =| of corn,one|# Trish|¥ ssssopema se PSSST:SSUSSIILITTTIIE Iss :PIANi: :: .> pe e s e c s o s o o c e s e c e c s co p s e s e r e s e es s e s ee e pe s v o s r e r e s Pe t t e c e e s re v e s e c e r s e r es Buy the 25,000Booster Trade9kBooksandhelpyourBibbs:: pe s s c c e s c r e c e s s e t e y pe e v e c s r s e s e s e r s e s se e e s e pe v e v e r r o e e s er e e e e s c c e s e s -that from Concord to Rocky river,Bosses: jin Cabarrus county,a stretch of six ‘miles.The approximate amount of ithe contraet is $260,000.|Contraets have also been awarded Young Company —of thern unction ,and fromgilayne or SpartanburgtotheaSinaof17mileto’th .Construction“fon.fromfo,5ee4Ethietwois|approximatély $1717It,is Whe Yurmpspcafuthe Seiodoubletrackallofthe Y and.thathetween ConcordRBicaiaeHonkyegyChanibithondaelantais263mitesicethisigstoeat (ee i ST Pp rerstet reise i:‘Prominent Citizen of J on County Wrecked Financially.i ‘Mr.L.H.Allred,a lawyer of mithfeld,for some years a Repre- dentition in the.Legislature.from county,a candidate for spring elected mayor of.Smithfield,‘is|finaéially ruined:Last Friday nightheresignedtheofficeofmayorand Monday made an\assignment.©His liahilities.are estimated at $25,000, with assets half that amouft,but ‘he |has‘waived the homestead exemptionand-his.wife surrendered,her personalestate—about $8,000—so that it is be-lieved the creditors will receive ncar- ly the full amount of their claims::Jt-is-stated that.Allred neither its.)“Ele,seems to have gotten:incabadwayfinancially,continued to bor- row money and became._more -and seme home,an datsebie and his ex-venses were larger than his ineame. He:save-he.will remain at Smithfield,;'fight,the battle and=‘endeavorsquarehimselfwith-his creditors.| «Caldwell Brothers Buried at .Poplar Tent.The’remains.of Dr.Morris Cald-well and Mr.Clell Caldwell,brothers,who were drowned in Cape Fear river, Wilmington;Saturday night,hrought-to their old home church to Poplar,Tent,Cabarrus“county—and|# interment ‘Tuesday afternoon.The body of Dr.Bornemann of Wil-|#mington,who perished in’the same}¥} ligaster,was recovered Monday after- noon ;‘Mr.and Mrs.children had been spending some timeatWrightsvilleBeachandatthetime of the tragedy were visiting at the|#home of Dr,Caldwell..The brotherswereatthepostoficeinWilmington Saturday night when Dr.Bornemannnagsedandaskedthemtoaccompany hiva to the German vessel,stating that he had several persqns on board |# The invitation was|#Lo be.vacemated.accepted and in.crossing the river the boat capsized and four of the five men } in itperished: narican battleships,.thetheNew.Hampshire, Ladi j saleniRe amee that.his littlenAboats.in Mexican waters |e" Presidentthewarshipssent,ale :siak in.W;shingtonkoNtheyhad.‘dail-n to pdint out 7 §Hitacy activity at this ( y prec oneky Pe BIG RelB were|F Clell Caldwell’and}# _Te ; Waa Sail For Vera Crnz. day night from Newport,|#a ee Mexico,in te-|%mt regtcst from|§ “ManyOdd Pieges and PienaeofFurnitureat UCT “aciegth sHiiunirea ‘andii ema HG _plete suites and single ae ——in Circ-Gak and Mahogany.very ted ee F:i—wwery best sense of aword,‘and’évery piece agreat,‘bigs spleniiid bargain,|!”ipRice a a sate <S54)suite FS pea Vea fs *Savings,vt from,$7.50to $20 on’sitsinghleglebigeer.‘Suites.On ¥op oily J Hy eer VBE ittfone Bn!Te Biow 4 _Savingsof from$25:4018170,on,‘complete Suites,oa nad #8 teadd ALL,a ee ORR «oa} Waghoskels ir‘recaive,‘the ene sare nh ae iho aide i Al ¥"i a Write today for dom plete list and,fullLparlicelnne._PARKER GARDNER 00,Segs Ora iFeedettiertirgn “oldBeck Sweet Feed. Little Ned Sweet:Feed.-Manna-Rico.Ghiels Reed. .Gem,Scrateh,Roel,2) Gem Sweet DaityFeee. ‘paridileae ec butlected.feed seien-,»tifieally.blended.;Made-fornesulis.byagate witht“a reputation for X.Integrity. ¢.W.BOSHAMER,-Local ralinane125Black.* prs a - ee reenact TeeESIESETTLILTIIi:Commercial National B OF STATESVILLE,Ne ©.” SSSSSSIESSSIS BETTI essesesse sressesIz oes Captal Stock Paid in Surplus oe Profits -. Vite Hien ‘business.salicited and?ineveryaccommodationextendédtodey,.positors consistent with prudent,bank;ji ing methods, Four per cent:paidontime and Setinga © Deposits remaining on deposit».threé months or Jonger.ie “Landmark(ohne or board’ofarbitra|be appointed to decide who will candidate for.the Democratic nom vation for Attorney General,One:a lit.is positively asserted,that >Mr.(|Doughton.will’be 9.candidate andthatallotherswill”stand from under.|oi ‘|The same day there is another report|[“4‘\that Dobghton won't tun’but that}f 4 |}Col.Edmund Jones of Lenoir will be % the favored one,.Meantime Mr.SelfOiieeMickocy,Mr.Siverstt Gf Durhase “TheStore atieh theQuick ParcelPast Service. LohertMt Calvert“of Raleigh.and others .mene P-|busband.Others have been:exdeuted |27¢0"the anxious bench.Let’s have . since but none within recent years,|®commission to take testimony and ‘The sentiment.against capital pan ‘decide who's.HO os ae ishment is strong now and®ighwis|.eyes ae strong enough to save a womah;no!Gen,eon oe isa |at«yeligion owe it to the influence of the|win!carry on the business of lending|matter how aggravated her -“guilt;\7.OV EE HORS .,recently sent to Washington,iswomen,This paper has the!money on farm mortgage security,}and The Landmark expects’thatsen-eoettivg Nemeralier 4,Gen,"Goethals “FOR EVERY WEAR,“game opinion still,but it notes with|may be organized by five or more per-timent to save Mrs.Warren.||who was in charge of the building of Already we have quite a variety of newgarments,and if you need a suit you can.purchase with the assurance thatt he style interest and surprise that.Rev.Mr.ls¢ns—not less ‘than five;.the .Farm eb the Panama canal,has been’at Pana- and price are right. 00 Reserve Banks recently.creat have shall,within 90 days ‘after’the only ua it may or ma four credit,but it is a fact’th; August 18,1915 i ‘han one woman has.| “WOMEN AND RELIGION.— he Landmark has always held the point a Farm Loan Co 4 such assistants as he may need;the Farm Loan.Commissioner,shall.res dian,‘whene saat’i Mee port on all farm loan associations and was.hanged:in Burk a te fO-|vears ago,for the murder. —pinic re the country is to be found among|visions of the Hollis ac the women;that but for ‘them.‘and praise’farm lands,prepare ani ir,efforts the majority,of the|lish amortization tables for farm #“Srurches would sdon cease’to exist,loan.associations,ets.2 |. for most of the’men who have any}The farm loan associations,which aS f .°he Clerk Guaranteed It,©2...;ma seven years and considers his work“Gil,a Presbyterian evangelist of {1 oan Commissioner is to decide as to Olasulawease tem Oe tur ec *{there sete ee will tetain his come ‘Charlotte,holds the view that the wo-|the practicability,of the organization,|day and said to one of my clerks,hese mission ss ep army officer, oo are losing interest in religion.|jne community and population to be SUK:Pont wilt fy Seerbote Feand nymy _Hee says that of the -700-converts in}orved,and whether the organization |lain’s Colle,Cholera and’Diarrhoea Remedy 68 ay '.a ©ea and said to him,‘if this does not *paes‘his meetings last year only 65 werejhas a field,The capital stock is to|wilt not charge you a cent for it,Eeke FRALEY’S,where you ean get goodwomen.In the face of these figures be not less than $10,000,divided into teok Sihome and eaine,hawk 189.8a“Pt sarchandiae:#ae only 50c on the dol- -it is not surprising that Mr.Gill is)shares of $25 each;shares may be|&Co.,‘Salt Creek,Va.Obininable rope lar.—ad. ‘disturbed about the attitude of the|paid on the building and loan plan by »Women,but~possibly—where heheld proper agreement,with penalties-for |i" “meetings about ‘all:the sisters were]faijure to pay,ete.,such as forfeiture|% _already in the fold,That is the com-/of stock.At least 50 per cent of the|# (aortink hope,for it’would-be unpleas-capital stock must be paid in cash|} ant'to think of the women as falling|pefore the association can begin busi-3% away from religion.What would this!oss.:.Theremainder may be paid in| _World be without the influence of the first mortgages at the:discretion of |# Christian women?The average.man jineassociation.and at feast 5 percent ny is naturally:bad,.we expect him.to be wie “ badand it is not a surprise when he “i is bad.‘But we expect better things \of the women;and a woman who is eeconenmaeiaaeneti commitment You should by all means.©centerI'your trading point at SMITHEY & alt rene iaicce Suits At $17.50,$20.00,$25.00 and mee {|Middy.Blouses and Skirts i atch,in Tan:and White.$1.00 and0.per garment.‘ The “y dk Tar”Blouse putt ~~Madeof Tan Galatea—piped withandgreenlaces,Plain tailored skirevalue,ve the sa, Novelty Creton Blouse and Skirt, Assorted colors.$3.75 the.suit.Thisis_the most striking Ree of the season,— ‘All it takes to Gaines you that we aregivingExceptionalValuesinOxfords, Pumps,Shirts and.Underwear i is a look.Come with yourfriends.~~ Shoes repalegy wile you wait, S,M.&H. borrow unlessyhe:is a wtgekholder,a owns at least,HD,The capital |%a rnot-pious,or who is indifferent in -re-)-ctock may be‘increased from:dime.to.10 igious matters,seems a-misfit..True jtime -to--provide--additional “cash -for |8. “the hasas much right to be a skeptic|horrowers.Provision is made for the|§ or to be’ifporal asa man,The men|ciection of officers butonemust own| want to’remember’that the women!4+Jeast five shares to be a director;|#vethe kameright to bewickedthat:all officers ‘mustbebona.‘fideresidents |$ they have.But we expect the wo-|of the territory in which the associa- *men to bebetter and we are surprised |tign is organized:a secretary and :when they're not.treasurer may be paid a salary,oth- When Mr.Gill was talking about|ors to servewithout salary except on _the growing indifference of women in approval of the’Farm Loan Commis- “religious:niatters,he made the strong!signers,A fine of $5,000 or imprison-point that the women owe more to|ment of five years is provided for the "eeH.SHOE co, _TheOne Price Cash Shoe Store. % the religion of Jésus than men.Be- ‘fore Christ came women were slaves, ,but He Ponaret ae above men and who paliceiaed the State:Firemen’s Association ‘at ‘New Berrig this iweek, on Tahis “respects to the’Southeast- “what Gilgases;!pnd)freezing out s “competition.Mr.Bryant,who is oneaablestlawyers,in,the,State, n't,talking at random,,He got!, 4s.facts first hand when he,as:a _aémber of the legislative commit- tee,investigated the insurance com- handed methods of doing ‘business. Bot.any attempt:‘to:touchthe insur- ance combination has failed.When :the effort.is made the large interests -it controls directly and indirectly be- gin to cry out that the ‘insurance tompanies will leave the State,and that puerile bluff.frightens’the -weak-kneed.A pitiful exhibition of cowardice when it’isn’t corruption. —aaemanieneriemeearseines“The case of Mr.Allred of ‘Sha ston county seems to be that of ‘“an- 2 othergood--man-gone:wrong.””Ae= cording to the report Mr.Allred was an exemplary citizen,of correct hab- *its and:high standing.But he seems to have lacked:moral stamina.Any- ‘Way he built a fine house,owned au- <)tomobiles..and ©lived beyond his **means.To keep up,according to one report,he used money that didn’t be- long to him and resorted to many Questionable devices.The crash eame —i\as,it always does’in such e eases.Allred’s friends will help him _out and it is said the shortage will->made good.There will be no prose- pie The.man may “come back” “or he may.not,but.the moral.effect i will be very bad.It e@ worse because of his ing.‘When a ~man.who e confidence of his fel- We up bad,it is a terrible}: king a watermelon appears:to he about as serious an offence ‘in South Carolina as kicking the other ‘fellow’s ‘dg.The Veracious news 4)Chronicler at Spartanburg has “put out.the word”that Mrs.oe vis- =the ground.This sort iese contrary to England's ‘oprieties and he said so. gett and the temporary otthe incident found Pad-the hospital,from which he rgea »-and Englandin Beholdhow erent a;matter a firesomone oh misapplication of funds;:; ‘Two members of the oar of direc- tors of the association nd one rout De a2 ed,byifliredtors of odarals z nk,hallita :mini ;a 1 pass on ie slioke offered for theléan,.-@he ‘associations can make loans on»first mortgages.on farm tory,may:buy and ‘sell!these mort- gages,|atc, Taay yun.from.five’to 35:years. rate,‘of.interest,.shall not.ex bd ckthe legal rate ‘current ‘in the 5 eré the ‘Idan igumade,and mortgage be paid at'the option ‘of theborr vary in whole or in ‘part. made for the improvement of farms, edness.The loans can’t exceed 50 per cent of the land mortgaged and25 percent/of the buildings on it.Loans will be made only.to persons who will live on the farms mortgaged and primarily|! engaged.in the ‘cultivation _thereof. Borrowers must keep all taxes paid|# when due and keep buildings insured. Agreement must be made that if alll the conditions prescribed are not kept the mortgage becomes:due and ‘pay- able at once.5 i ‘The act also provides for the-es- tablishment:of Federal Land:Banks}! by the Federal Reserve Board and|| these mayperch se t mortgages of the:farm ‘loan}ions:and these associations shall subscribe for,stock in’the land banks ‘to the extent of $1,000 each.The capital of these Fed- eral Land Banks is to ‘be not less than $500,000,divided into shares of $100 each.If the capital fs not all subscribed the Secretary of the Treas- ury is authorized to subscribe for stock to make up the deficit.The’Fed- eral’Land Banks are not‘allowed to accept deposits from any except their own stockholders nor to transact any thorized by this act.Every Federal Land Bank and every farm loan as- sociation ‘is exempted from all taxa- tion except the taxes on real estate.‘This is a brief summary of the main provisions of the Hollis bill.It provides for the organization of the by the land banks,to make loansto bona fide farmers,for farm improve- ments,to buy farms,or pay indebt- edness on farnis,“the loang to.be madeon:Jong time,on”the <easy payment-plan’and at a low.rate of in- terest.Under government supervis- ion’and restriction as provided,the ,eerietat (Charlotte ‘has been,talking ©army post but it is anounced from:Wasli- be established,[In fact it is stated ed because some town wanted one and had.sufficient political influence + ter of business and economy. The Landmark:is mmaking its n 8 to the Shelby Star.: lands within the “‘association’s,terri-|; .The.mortgages for _ aye 4 3)re,ail, Loatis may -be|! to buy:live stock for equipment,to | paiiles’and learned of their high-purchase farms,to’liquidate indebt-|' banking business not expressly _au-| farm loan.associations,to be backed, plan seems to be.practicable and safe. that’a good many already establish-| get it,should be abolished as a’mat#|| | |cddi. 4 i, cspite rh ni y FE AD gut} 2 aot a ond To™a on “IYi)etal ai Mees oft iby tiw eatta FTTheNewGarland‘Coinhination Range,| !WwooD AND GAS. A Cool Kitchenin Summer: A Warm Kitcheniin Winter. Statesville Housefurnishing Co.| SNreese See it. »hes eit rai te ivuisy|ge ”1 ;“abelRamoiyhrSel~—y. ay TH STORE THAT PAYS fe Posi ov i,dans emma BRACELET-“WATCH? +?”Hear how.this listéns'to:“your!Sounds rerrey,BRACELET Watcu,Filled Bracelet,20-yea¥,”case,7-jewel movement,$11.25.Bracelet «'Watch,Solid Gold Bracelét;Solid Gold Case,15-jewel movement,$20.25.The Watches“arevery small and can be detached frombraceletandwornasoaTewatch.Comeinandseethem,R.ae RIGKER'T &SON. Annual ‘Excursion to Atlantic City |eeAUGUSE 17TH. -~SOUTHERN ‘RAILWAY, PREMIER CARRIER OF THE SOUTH. SOLID THROUGH TRAIN WITHOUT i a FIF’TEEN’DAYS OUTING. ‘Leaves Statesville 6.55 P.M. ArriveAtlantic City 12.57 noon. Going and returning“all rail $12.50. Going all rail.and returnin via the famousChesapealeSteamshipLinefromBaltimoreto-Nor- felk or Richmond $14.50, Stop-overs returning at Philadelphia,Baltimore,‘Washington,Norfolk or Richmond within final limit.Passengers must bein Statesville returning be- and get what you want. fore midnight August 31st. Secure Pullman accommodations without delay ‘Through highclass.coachesfor those who do notdesiresleepingcars. Call on the undersi,med for further informationandPullmanaccommoations,. B.A.Cowan,Agent,‘I H.Wood,Div.Pass.Agent, res,N.C. ington that no more army posts.will]a rhe locks in the home must be“pected to planaridhavemeal _Asheville,N.C. i oe Tha kousal etotiae wnreareteachthereisetNoyigoutyourpocketwithanwnthat0youaaSeanaHaurmnebetseoevoclocksandfitting:sbetaclorand ‘Gime|or clock ired by,BOB:se repairing.pratclen aN leweler, One Case 86 inch Sea Island Domestic Just Arrived,- One lot White~Gaberdine Skirts,]aeSpécial .986... Johnston-Belk ti. Have Some Odds and Ends Of Summer Goods left from Mid-Summer Clearance Sale. |Just a Few More Days Selling Will make a clean sweep — ‘of summer things.> At the Price ‘We:Ask for - It will pay you to buy.© “A few more days and the.fall )goods will begin to arrive.— Our buyers are now inthe east- ern |mafkets looking for the _Newest and Best. The Store That Sells.For Less.t Mea coos 212,| _Silk Remnants. MAMI ost Pe t e a an , > et t e r Te r e aa TE E S oe Sa t a n ef ot th F aeepee Cs pic tA‘for the convenience of the “AN at Fair View)»Home-Coming at Center,Etc.|was Cotrespondence of The Landmark.‘ Mt.”Mourne,Aug.|11-—Mr.iMrs.John Henry and their son r.ne vissting Mr near arsei aareitr.Henry’s aunt,Mrs. mpl ,,and other-relativesolhnourne.They made thetriphereinamotory#Several people of.this communitywereatthefarmers’institute at.Ln wood Tuesday.There will be a Farmers’Union pic-nie at Mt.Mourne y,August 13. Several:good speakers naa agamein’the ‘noon.Everybody come;The Children’s ‘Day.exercises were at Fair View church.last Sundaynight.A large crowd was presentandtheexerciseswereverygood, Mri W..M.Goodson -of*Davidsona-good Sunday school lecture: -aye expecting to have.Mr. Clark.editor of The Landmark,and Dr.McConnell of Davidson to make addresses at Center church Wednes-day,the 18th,the Home-Coming day,|; .and probably others.Mre,P,A.Kelly and Lorene Kelly|Mes:L,:T.Kelly at Denver“lant week../’We had a fine rain.this evenine,which we were glad to see,Ifthegoodseasoncontinuestherewillbe.the largest corn crop made aroundherethathasbeenmadeforyears; and we hope and trust that it may be soMr.Henry.Alexander “and MissSallieHobbs.spent*jast SaturdaynightandSundaywithafriendof Miss Hobbs’near Poplar Tent.‘Mrs.C.R.Templeton and her two children,Bdith and Elizabeth,exnecttomovetoFloridasoontojoinMr._‘Templeton.Miss”Cora’Bel}visited—relatives-in South ae recently. ee empleton,who it was om Leen meena te scarlet.fever,is:better. News of Harmony. Correspondence of The Landmark, 1]|leather. 41 Miss Fannie} Movements,i two weeks.#Irma’Gtaves of Danville,‘the wupet of Mrs:¢.Va.) .W.F.Patterson of TaylorsvillewawasinStatesyilleTuesdayenroute!to”Lancaster county,South Carolina,where he#8 visiting,relatives.Mr.C.T.Hicks’and family left yesterdayintheirtouringcarforavisittorelativesinRichmondcounty.Miss}:Lorene ipleton,who.visited at.thehomeofMr.Hicks?has returned topehome-a ehepiatte.Mr.and*Mrs.Lawrence Little andbabv,Joh Eroianne.went to Cataw-ba’Tue:#to visit Mrs.Little’s pa-rents,Mr.and Mrs.J.F.Hollar.TheywereaccompaniedbyMissAmyStike-Mr.Little and Miss Stike-leather expected to return home to-day.Mrs.Little.will probably remainatCatawbaa-week or longer.Mr.John Sharpe of Union.GrovetownshiphasgonetoCharlottetotakeabusinesscourse.Railway Agent B.A.Cowan isspendinghisvacationin.Asheville.Mrs.Cowan)and little.¢daughters,Misses Bessie Mav and Elizabeth,are visiting Mr.and Mrs.J.K.Cowan-atOldFort.Mr.and Mrs.Locke McKnight andtwochildrenofMooresvillepassedeeebeaven:sueetey oe — ac Q where’Mrs.Me-Kuiight and anthin probably spendseveralweeks:Mr.Mc Knight will re- turn this wentMr.C.Mlexitnder,who visited his home!dione;at‘Stony Point.has returned to Chevy Chase,Md.,°where he has a position in the ‘railway ser-i 3>Dr,R.S.*MeElwee went to Ashe-ville Wedveaday thspend a few dayswith-Mrs.McElwée -and-child,whoarewith.Mrs.McElwee’s .parents.Mr?and ~Mrs:“Nathan -0’Berry-—of;-Goldgboro.at Grove Park Inn.“Mr.and Mrs.R.D.Smith of New-berry,S.C.,are guests of Mr:and Mrs.F.F.Steele.Mrs.Smith is a sister of Mrs.Steele. Shriner’s meeting 2t»Morehead City.Mrs.Kittie Caldwell left -Wednes-‘|day for Newton,where she will spend several weeks.| Rev.B.F,.Hargett was in States- Harmony,Aug:Lou Gaither and little Ruth.of Statesville,who have been visti Miss Lois Tharpe:of Harmony, very well now. [‘Flake inh a yt ad : Grose are attending |the einstitde!lin Statesvifle!{his']week. Miss Grose of Harmony is spendine a few days with her friends near Olin.Messrs.J.N.Barron, John Bagrarly and-dr-h:-Grore who went ‘on ,the.excursion”to Asheville, returned.to their -home.in Harmory{. FiPru haf Purchidodp 4‘4 -“Koon-is erecting anewstor’|tear;bie mill,in,north HaiA ew Wilding ie being planned for the Teachers’Home!on the Har- mony school ground,opposite the.dor- Mr.Reid Barron of Charlotte spent ~Saturday wee arid Sunday at-~his home—Mr..J.N.Barron’s. Rev.B.H.Vestal will becin.a se- ries:of meetings under his tent nearMr...Jim Keller’s,August 13. Birthday Celebration —Sick *People,Etc. Correspondence of:TheLandmark, Statesville,R-7,Aug 11.—On.the afternoon of August 9th the children,friends and neighbors of Mr.and Mrs. ‘Thos;-Williams-met-at There were about 60 present.A ta- ble about.35.feet lonlong aed been erect- ed and after enjoyed a socialhourtheybegan’'to ‘unpack:basketsoeiwelewasladenwith rich v is W!eayeaswellasie2 petite.After.every one had enjoyed Supper Mr:and-Mrs.Williams served ice cream,‘wa-termelon and other refreshments. which were highly enjoyed .by -all),present.May they live to celebrate many more such days.Miss Miller Campbell,who is.seri-‘ously:ill:with typhoid’fever,is re-ported not improved.Wl.are gladtosay:many of our people are takingthetyphoidtreatment.Mrs.N.A.Stine.who.has.‘been in:feeble health,for flie past few months.has gone to*Alexander for her-health.~~Who have friends and’relativesburiedatMt.Bethel are requested tomeetthere.Saturday,August 21st,for the purpose of cleaning the grave-‘yard..Come and bring your dinnersandtoolsandspendthe:ee fi ,News:of Clarksbury.Section. ce of The Landmark. ‘Harmony,R-1,Aug.12 —We arehavinggoodseasonsandarelivingonthe.fat of the land.>,Capt.Henry and.his crowd shaveysbout‘completed rounding.up’.the1arthony'road to the Post highway.The protracted meeting at Clarks-bury.will embrace the fourth Sun-day:ji this month and the Chil-dren's.Day.and picnic will be on Sat-urday.before the fifth Sunday in Anu- This deste has eon away -fromhome?!since the”18th’of July and -now teaching -singing schoolsRowan’county.. ‘Mr,A,F.«York is building an ad-dition’to his.house. “closed Sunday ‘night. e.|home at Pineville,Mecklenbur, oes to their home in Stateovile |ii, bit aiad a few davs here with his ete xatohishome: HG shotsro ME Nebel :their home.to! celebrate Mrs.Williams’52d birthday. beautytothe}in The Holinéas meeting at Harmony ple :Leonard and ville Wiednesdav en route from Lith-j ia Springs...Wilkes...county,to hisqpun- ‘Mr.R.A.Coover left te for Rev.Dr.R.G.Miller.wh T.D.Miller.hap netuatSardis.Mecklenbur?county,° Varina,Wake county,who were hero oan account,of.the.illness.of Mr.Kur- fees’father,Mr.°J.-L: Wednesday ‘afternoon for their ho ‘Miss Corrinne Ingram np Eibctabaeaalet: baie i Saige le a re) went’ewton sday aftiowttond’the Confederate Vetéfans reunion yesterday.He will also visit in Hickory before returning to Elkin. Miss’Delia,Lazenby -has :returned from a,visit to “her brothers,Messrs.A.R..and H.Lee Lazenby,in Salis- bury.Mrs.W.T.Kincaid,who spent afewdavsatClevelandonaccountoftheseriousHinessofher,sister-in- law,Mrs.J.C:‘Fleming,}returnedhomeW!sdnesday afternoon.Mrs.S.P.Chapman of Columbus, Ga:,arrived in Statesville Wednesday and went from here to LongIsland tovisitMr.and Mrs.C.L.Plaster.Mrs.Edwin.Borden and Miss Du-ralde Stockton Borden of “Wilming-ton ate visiting’Mrs.L.Harrill.Miss:Johnsie:;Aoit:-of Salisbury--istheguestof:Mrs;,A-M,Coit.'Mrs..W.M.iy!who was thervestof--Mr.-and=Mrs;-Pegram A. Bryant,returned.esterday to.her a. home iat Charlott ooo rennet byMii“Matildg:rs #Durham,whospentafonebLittleMiiifeisof:Thom. asville will atrive today to visit Miss: Laura Lazenby.Miss Mary.Gus Laugenour,.whospentaweekwithMissSarah‘Hug-gins at Marion,has returned home, accompanied by Miss Gertrude Jonesof‘Marion,who.will’spend awhilehere.Mr.and Mrs.R.Ds Smith of New- Kerry,S.C.,’who have been visitingMr.ard Mrs.F.F,Steele,_return home tomorrow.~~ee Se Miss Rosa Nash of Atlanta,Ga.istheguest.of Mt,and.Mrs.B.F.Rus-sell,Bunt.F.T.Meacham of the:Tre-dell Test:Farm and Mr.and.Mrs.R:W;Collett of Raleigh,who have beenvieytingMr.’and Mrs.Meacham,willleave’today for the western part of the State.where Messrs.Meacham and Collett will be engaged in farm-ers’,institute work for several days.Mr.J.D,Cox went to Newport,8.C.,yesterday.to attend the’funeralofhis:aunt.Mrs..J.S.Wright ofNewport;who died Wednesday eve-ning.‘Mrs.Cox’had been at.Newportwithherauntfprseveral\weeks,Misses Margaret Turner and Mag-gie Parks have returned from a visit to the exposition at San Francisco.Mrs.J.L.Turner.of East.MonbowasinStatesvilleyesterdayonher [wav to Morgantpn to visit relatives.‘Miss May Morrison is spending afewdaysinielgatge>Mr.¢and.Mrs.H.oH.Harbin and,™!Mrs,Hlarbin’s dane ”Miss ‘MaryJohnsonof:Rock Hill,5,C..ate hereon‘a ‘visit to:Mr.Harbin’s Seid Alot Mr.and:Mrs,N.Ay Bost of Wins:ton-Salem_were,here 3 4seeMr.Bost’s:sisters,Mrs.iss:Lynwood ofPeople and »Lawrehce of Raleighfiabrother,Dr.BE.N.Law-this week,going from here to“Healing Hpringe,where -he-will 3 Reiger this week, Mr.T.G.Gaither is attending.the| Mr.F.W.Kurfees and little son of), Kurfees.’left,; ‘eeewake to.¥ er ¥.ee ai dren.ileete:Miss E zabethterMack,of:ile,spent two months in Taylor|vieinity,are in Statesville’toj}a week or longerwith Mr.and:'C.R.Sloan.ieMr,N.Bi Mills,sadn of the, Iredell:board of commi:”*turned yesterday «from,~City,where he attended’the.annual|meeting of the North Carc Asso-\eiation 4 County comer,Mrs.T.A.Pan eee MissSiMepeugald,lett aens ‘for!aynesville,where they’w Spend,two weeks eeMr..D.W.Mayberry was infemtatcs.3villeyesterday.en’route+Soe homeinCharlottefromNewHope’town-anys where he visited,at the home of|Mr.J.P.Williams.7‘Miss Mary Turner will #0toAshe-ville.within the next ee to| ©chil-F Mas.| fh,whoeanc spend a few weeks ‘wi atives.Miss Eulalia Turner-.of-Willewillcomehome’to be with her fa-ther,Mr.J.C.Turner,whileher Sis- ter is away.-Mrs.8.i.Peters and:three chil-dren of Sharcn Hill,Pa.,arrived inStatesvilleyesterdayafternoonvisitMrs.Peters’parents,Mr...and ited relatives at Troutman,‘w “in route to their home in .Mrs.C.Scott of Charlotteig:thevuestofMrs.W,M.Barringer?*-Mr.Eugene Morrison,and son,Mr.Alwyn Morrison,who have been onanautomobiletriptoRaleigh,,Tar- iboro,and other points in eastern Car-olina,are expected home today..Messrs,J.H.be amanWallaceandIrvingBear,tter| of Wilmington.Mrs.M.tT Meyer of|Atlanta and Miss eeeM havereturnedfromBlowing.Kk.Misses|Rose Stephany and Miss he Hoff- week from SanFrancisco.ee Cleveland—Social Marriage at Events. Mrs.1.B.Bristol’entertained Fri- day evening in honor of Miss BordenofWilmington:Hearts was played atfourtables.Miss Ruth Gill.wontheladiés’’prize.-a°box’of Station-ery,and Mr.Carlton Andrews provedwinnerofthegentlemen’s prize,pair_of silk hose.y given a handsome.bi as guest of honor,~¢ake were served, res Ss.C Gm won _the store prize,which was a book.Two|courseg¥of reffes were’serv1d(iss Bordéngies ry Be vton waa an’out-of-townawh.SOREest... Notice of New AdvertiNewAdvertisements. Cottage for sale or rent.—L.& Patterson. Fiddlers’convention at Cool Spri ing, 1 tion,said the»United States is the 8.had not abused China—has not at any to! Mrs.C.B.Webb,and other home people.{Mr.and Mrs.John Kale,bin vis- Statesville yesterday.er enAsheville, mann will-leave today|ye Blowing|Rock.Miss Hoffmann returned i In vat ‘the International haeeaireetie ss at San Fran-iciago,Kee yang,Chinese commis-sioner to the Pariama-Pacitic Exposi- only one of the great Powers which time resorted to methods of bullying,|coercing or’purpose th China forcommercial€commis- sioner di object to theChinesepefasts+which he char-acterized as an unjust law-and abreachoftreaty, QF TOLEDO,XeSTATEaeoecl1GA8’COUNT Frank oath centye&Ps.Chaneypeetntsahtae Sion i F.aaian totem -theleaAcageuyraneeeda: sum of ON OND:LOLLARS ‘fortoreachandanereGatarrhthatcan|ee Pe cured ys gdof iex at. SeventsSin me adsubscribedmmypremenes’tide 6th day of De-near oeD.1886.Aonrs Watery Puvit c.Hall's Catarrh Cure‘s samen internal.ly,end actsdirec blood and,Mucous surfaces the oetem,Send‘or toeeiena 8.We &CO.,Toledo,O.Sold by all druggists.75¢.Take Hall's Family Pills for conatipation, MARKET REPORTS. Statesville Produce Market.The.following prices were paid yesterdayforproduceonthelocalmarket. Spring Chicken,14e.per Ib.Hens,10¢.per IbeRoosters,6¢,per Ib.Eggs,12c.per dozen.Butter,15e,per Jb,Beeswax,25¢.per Ib.Green Hides,14e.per tb.Hams,18¢e.per tb. Sides,1%¢.per Ib.Shoulders,18¢.per Tb.;Red”Honey,10c,per Ib.Sourwood Honey Comb,18c¢.per Ib.erent Grain,The pines prices.were paid pastarday‘or grain on the’local market:Wheat,$1.20°per bushelCorn,$1 per bushelOats,50 cents per bushel. FOR RENT—To a couple without children,furnished house with all modern improve-ments,near center of town.Address B., care The Landmark.Aug,10. helping CMemoneythroughwiseinvest- ment,made personal char- acter the basis of all his loans. Man’s Trust in Manrecentteeteretetacne “Before money or anything else,comes character-—record,”said Mr. Morgan.“A man Icould not trust.’could not get monepfrom me on ithebondsinChristendoma “Ihave known a man to come into.mp office and I have'given him a.check for a million dollarswhen I knew he had noe a cent in theworld.” Wisdom-in finances encourages’foresight,thrift and confidence.”i}.1t-is the lesson of progressive to-day na it applies as much to_the grown ups as it does to the+younger generation. The boy or girl who savesreaches _maturity with habits and quali- ties.of character essential to suc-_ Ss An gota ie for ourself — ANTED—I want to rent a two-horse farm.Fr.B.DEARMAN,Troutman R-2,Aug.10--2t*, Ww NOTICE—On Saturday,August Mo 1915,at| “TE -wiltselt-at-public aue-|——10 o'elock,a.m.;tion to the highest bidder,for cash,thefollowingpersonalpropertyofthelateMilton |’ at his home near Cool |-Cheshire,.deceased, Spring postoflice,towit:One fine mare,}good cow and calf,1 hog,2 wagons,2 bug-gies,corn,wheat,oats,rye,roughness,allfarmingimplements:and kitchen furniture.Lee,U.SMITH,Administrator.© august 3,19t5——4te * ae BENT—Some cheap houses.N.-—P.July 21 Bb 4Tad; ‘FOR RENT—Seven-room hogae..‘atrect Wi TASON.!: 4is.time you are ordering’yourelforwinter,‘The best coal for abuse is our celebrated H ite.i } #Mine Steam Caal... e also handle;Oak yapds Pine¢Wadd,and do all kindgidf auling.‘Movice household goods a special- Holland Bros. Depot ’Phone No.7.Residence *Phone No.310Black. High School tomorrow.night.New fall coat suits.—.Ramsey- Bowles-Morrison Co.4Oddsandendsat.the Johnston-Belk Co.: one ~up prices,—J.M.McKee Clearance sale continues.—S.,M.!&H.Shoe Co.©- Dacro crown covers entire topgesAd: Try Long Meadow Farm CANTALOUPES -And be convinced of their guality.Can 6e had daily at Miller-MsLainSupplyCo.,.M -P.Alexander & Bro.,or W.N.White. Paine View:Dairy...Mills &Poston’s remodelingnow.on in full force.Extra nice lot neaches at M.Alexander &Bro.’s. sade Ppou t taloupe and be convinced of its valué.Gasoline tanks,pumps and aufillingcans,—Statesville Oil CorThebest¢oal—Holland Bros. —J.T.Jennings.-iResidencefor.‘rent.—~Mrs,—Ellen.Morrison.Thos.W.Piares:has appointed iiRPiercetotransacthisbusiness.Sale of personal property Sepfein-ber 1.—R.B, trator of A,J:Bass, You should be ‘sure and visit SMITHEY &FRALEY'S store atyour_earliest—-opportunity,—as they:have the greatestbargains ‘they haveeveroffered.--jad.° |PEACHES —TUESDAYS and THURSDAYSaremarketdaysforHollybrookP:%Leave orders or inquire of BALLSULLIVAN:CO,HOLLYBROOKFARM,J.T,Jennings,Fxop.Aug.18--1t*,nrectnetstat FOR”RENT--Residehee »on weststreet,MRS,ELLEN,MORRISON.Aug.13.acer arteriallena taOLD.FIDDLERS’.CONVENTION.—.At CookSpringHighSchooltomorrownightat$o'ilock,for the benefit of the school.Ads)mission 10;16 and -26c,.Every:musicianand»hiswigard:of the.violin,will beAus.13, FOR RENT OR SALE.—-My _five-room cote}tage on Mulberry street,near Statesville PRute Broad there. .Female College.Also’one vacant lot on)he br duaa dys .B,PATTERSON.Au "NOTICE ihavethisdayAwwant1,cra abd appolttedLe iLarne.et during abse Pierce with jiness matters:‘Notice,ERCE..nat Try the Long Meadow Farm cafi-||k Peaches Tuesdays ‘and Thursda 4 McLaughlin,adminis-|” |August 9.and_16,2 to 5 o’¢lock,- fiddle invited.Rope Billy Hill}: o’clock. 1916—made,A hc x Pierce:will) For Gasoline Storage Tanks os s oo r “your boy”or girk-+is the-founda-~-tion for agreater future. STATESVILLE N.C.Gaia $100)000.4%Be ne jepositsSieeellial?Yack’ eG at),Ies ‘Like Finding Money, aoe)in time of peace bought linters at one.centperpoundtomakegun,cotton,Todaysellingforfour‘cents ‘per ..pound-the..Aédifference.eeAllies.on the.pre iWCoalissellingat§50per ton nowfor’ery.Price will be up ina ‘short’time,—A GERMAN OR AN ALLY?272 Gasoline Pumps,—-Auto Filling ans, Statesville Oil Company,‘*Phone 61.—Office,Robbins Row. ANTI-TYPHOID.TREATMENT, Appointments For Anti-Typhoid~Treatmentsin the County, The appointments for the «countyareasfollows:W.H.H.Summers’store—MondayereAugust9and16,9 o’clocktoIp.m.Harmony —Afternoon of Monday, Hoitistonville ——Tuesday forenoon,August 10 and 17,9 to 1 p:m.; Olin —Tuesday afternoon,August10and17,2 to 5.o’clock,Athens School House —Wednesdayforenoon,’August 11 and 18,9to ‘1Pp.m.Jennings’store—Wednesday after-noon,August 11 and 18,2 to 5 o’clock: Trinity School House —peesforenoon,August 12 and 19,9 to 1p.m,4Bryanteville—ThuFsday Afternoon.st 12.and 19,2 a o'clock,‘ew Ho A Theday,August 12aha19,4:to 6 o’clock p.m.Loray -—Friday favenoon,‘August13and20,9 to1p.m, afternoon,August 6,13 and 20,2:to.5 Cool,Spring —Saturday forenoon,aa 14 and 21,9 to'l p.m,.ee can ey otyafternoon.Au- fren,Au9toLp.m aMoniay,Lae igt Au- Bradford's Cross Roads —~Friday| Statesville ie &‘Buel Compan COAL AND Coup DEALERS,OR FUEL AND ICE. MAKE IT DOUPLY EASYron your flWORKTHANYOUEVERDIDBE t OLIVER ‘CHILLED |Lightest D Row a OWfe :Whee Wea NAN eAEw ca NNO BYRON AIN Par es AN RNA ASCE Ne ‘ ‘The amount of enjoyment you get from your car is so closelyrelated to thebehavior and condition of the motor,and these so dependent on the character of the oil used,that the lack of,. investigation existing in this regard is a never-failing sourcee of wonder to the manufacturer ‘of motor oils,and to the enlightened motorist.§.°q ‘It is the enlightened motorist whose ¢are:in,the,selection ofmotor oil has resulted in economi Tin.the operation of his ear,who has demonstrated the advantages of using the right oil. TEXACO MOTOR OIL will decrease your gas consumption and give you more miles:per gallon,.When the oil is put into the crankcase,it reaches the various parts,and due to its fine tenaciiy,it coats these parts,giving them ‘thorough protection against wear and tear of metal-to-metal contact.©.ere Pee ares or or ness Ke Svs = "TEXACO.MOTOR OIL forms a coating or film on the cylinder walls,and when the explosion forces the piston ‘down,the film of TEXACO holds.“The “gas”cannot escape—all of it is used in driving the motor,When each charge;of gaoline does maximum work,you use less “gas”to produce a given amount of power,and your miles per gallon increases.-s ‘“ 1.TEXACO MOTOR OIL will prevent thé “gas”from reaching the crank case and thinning out the oil.Racing car drivers and others will tell you that TEXACO will not weaken under strain,« and that they’ha've had sad experiences with other oils Which cannot hold compression and are.“shot to pieces.”What they mean is that the oil becomes contaminated with gasoline,its body isso impaired thatit:“runs out like water,”and.loses whatever lubricating quality it onée possessed.’Hie Hr LOUIS DISBROW tells of his experience.with TEXACO MOTOR OIL.He laudsits compression holding quality,backing up his praise with exclusive use in his record-breaking feats on ° the dirt track,which have made him the holder of at least seven World’s records,and he is gontinually adding to them.:oe .*é ;athee ?'Py ;; TEXACO.MOTOR OIL may form a small amount of cafbon,but this is guaranteed to be of a soft;sooty nature,and can be wiped off with.a keresenemoaked rag.«It-will not--cannot-form a hard carbon deposit.It will not hake on the piston head,It Prevents the leakage of the mixture through the exhaust valves,which oceurs when‘hard carbon is deposited on the seat. You are saved from.scratched cylinder walls anid pitted valves and pistons:ran ie .as 4 i bit . By the useof TEXACO MOTOR OIL,the efficiéncyof the ignition is maintained by the cleanness of spark plugs.No short circuiting,pre-ignitiois of interference with the regular perk ingcan be traced to these causes where TAXAGO is used.Each charge of gasoline is ignited at the right time.You are not subjected to the anhoyaiice of fumbling with the throttle or .Spark plugs.|You-enjoy driving with the knowledge of the saving of gasoline.i te ,y BXACO MOTOR OIL has a ZERO cold test.It flows freely in the coldest weather.You déi"t.have to wait for your engine to warm up.There is no stiffness,no waste of power. e are undisputable advantages,and they are within easy reach.Herbert Spencer,the great!philosopher,said:“There is a principle which is a bar to all information,proof against ~ fients..This principle is contempt or indifference prior to investigation.”Don’t be a doubter—be an investigator,there is only discouragement if the former—satisfaction of n the latter.Don’t take our word for it—don’t take the other man’s’word—give TEXACO MOTOR OIL a fair trial,watch it carefully—make your own comparisons, aeyoutdealer cannot supply you,write us oF call at our office,we will see that you are supplied. ¥sue 7 ae Se -Ge ~=%4 Se en e +ign -~ STATESVILLE OIL COMPANY,! Wholesale Distributors. = sy bad ;4 is &OSs a =Co ::a tN :es (hg a eae,1x.ed Sat GatSioAdPykefaaPayeeSha'es fay Sevas NO?sae ee SyPig!Saad Tide Bae o Pe ;inch oN ;2 yr fired :RADSOTsare WW Veh tani)Agee NMedd iy 1 tibet i »fon Lenin.* 7 t"i : TIE Tar aTMAS TERS OFNEWS.ener eo eg peer stoners beet }“et bread:were -arranged:t ‘The mass -of kw oY MA‘worshippers:whe jeame to)Jerusalem},ort to chetth Yor soit V |@puld not.gofurther.thani'the:court~|:.Hiram Sikes,:.servingia:d2-yean senr, omen |i Large.(irc ard-in>which therultariiof.sacrifices [tence in)State prisonfarshooting at;) ND.>I LIVERY.ae Mera igs Aa oes ‘ood.3 dol dotew.»ant Charlette.offieensy attempted to,escano, BBN DANA SES ES |LOE ee eee eee ort |Te ew 008,the Semarmiogs|mnéalt Wednesday:and;was shot and killed. s28Th;{Make {»High ‘{he Temple of Solomon'was'count-oured;into.the Temple!ofSolomon |:Ganadaihas sent.ahout,80,000,sol- CO .livin ed among one of the “seven wonders”|and,lavished.upon its vessels:and dec}ciers to,aid;England:in the Byropean) ost oO ng.:‘of the ancient world,not.on account|¢ations,it_is not surprising that its wan.and?60,000.to 65,000.mope ane /- ling."©.*oT 68 dts size,but.of its magnificence|very magnificence led to its destruc being:trained in camps in Canada,to c |ean figure the fanift and youland perfection of workmanshin.The;tion by the Babylonians.~>tbeowent forward.oe the trust.and you canfig-Bible is very.explicit as to the di-SL fe ee 4°lif.Stonestreet,who was convict- combination—but,you,don’t.|mensions,of the temple,stating that)Millions of British Gold Brought}ed asan accessory after the fact+in the right thing on ‘the cost of |it was60 cubits long,20 cubits wide|”=tg New York.=-the“Warren_murder.caseatWinston-(ft h living unless you take in the/and 30 cubits in height.The cubit es ;Sas Salem,and was sentenced to three |} dbeat and the delivery system.“lis 18 inches,so that would make it}.‘A special train carrying $52,000,000|years on the roads,has begun serving ‘ou go to your grocer and look,50 fect long,30 feet broad and 45}worth of gold and ‘securitiés which|hie sentenge. his books.and you will see that |feet,high,have been shipped.by,the Bank of)Quartermaster George Knox,of the ten to 20 per cent.is ‘loss On|Small as this building seems to us,England from London by way of Hal-|pirct Acroplane Squadron of the Unit- sdeadbeat who never pays 4,ill no less than:seven ‘years were con-ifax,N.S.,arrived in New York ed’States army,was killed ‘and his gets away with the goods.som:sumed.in its construction.The foun-|Wednesday.The train was compos-aide i Sutton fatally injured The Merchants’Association |dation and walls were made of huge ed of several steel cars and was guard,wher the ‘aexoplarie in.which they »him ‘marked;the grocer knows |hewn'stones,‘nine feet thick.Inside ed by 40.armed,men.meake ‘flying collapsed near Fort Sill { ver pays—but somehow he final the walls were covered with cedar,Of ‘the total shipment.$35,000,000 Okla:;? s on the books and before he brought:from the Lebanon mountains,|Was in gold and was believed to be}Ai opder for sugar from Switzer- used:further credit he owes|carved with designs of flowers,palms in'the form of American double ¢a-\4..J4 tas been placed in New York,the! pwhere from ten to a hundred dol-/and cherubim.and overlaid or inlaid|gies.The weight was about 75 tons.)¢.4 ¢ime in the history of the trade |t ore is going to pay next week.with solid gold.“The **déors “were ‘It was said.to be the largest,single that’Switzerland has boucht--sugartf B has all the de luxe hard luck sto-|made of:fitwood,overlaid ‘with gold,shipment of gold ever sent across from.this ‘country.Heretofore pur-|fjesaedreamedofbymortalman.|anid éven:the’floors avere fof.firwood,the Atlantic in one vessel.It was chases have Laas wade from Gee. He has had sickness.He iS just.go-|faced and dined with gold,and the brought over in a British battleship|Voi ,. to get a job;he is going to pay|roof was of cedar,algo,overlaid with|which was conyoyed through the war)feet J.B.and B.N.Duke will im at the month and wants alyold.The.“Holy of..Holies,”,in which}Zone and across the ocean by a cruis-|“20 g95 900 annually to the Metho-a ;2 Seer 4 “accommodation —«and|tht Ark of the Covenant was ept,|er and a flotilla ‘of torpedo boat:de-cet Canlevsness of North Carolina to|ft *bh Pg ie, ean nt gives a ng |and which was.entered.by the high|stroyers to guard against an attack,ha Qppropriated a8 Pelawa:15.0001 ay SoBe Pia ee eae a oO pays ey also pays for|priest only,and that but once a year,|of submarines.The éost of trans:|oo!Church extension $10 000 fordo-Es ‘as.:S FO LESS MONEY.ie © TY Geemerchant.goes|onthe Day of Atonement,was,at the|ferring it from,London to New York]ictie miscions and $10,000 for sup-:AT.KNOWINGA ee RE =“he deadbeat means |far end of the temple.and was 15|was estimated to have been $250,000.Toor of worn-out preachers,Us ;*.WANTING TO STAYI ban eink aor aise one Akko -—Even the nails ae the aebls we that the aaah oe a pk Pracaterceanriaieane i 6 LR AT.Reeser ee <a 1a Thad ;oards in‘position were of fold:tleship brought oyer not only the ie oe Ee Waonn Ba 1 ©iN ;a ae eras 4 re ~ Ee |"Tt is stated that there were 10;000|000,000 in gold and securities for Horse.oe Warde,Haces tit ‘WE SELL ST tf oN auatiry WELL ASA a The jomes the delivery busi-|men employed in Lebanon hewing out}New York.but also a shipment of)|)ew Berne.-Ww.—BUY.U CAN COUNT O ;ie grocer must keep two 6r|the timber.70,000.bearers of bur-|gold destined for Canada,whose|-;"The horse hose-wagon races at the TRE G USE WE COUNT:ON delivery:‘wagons.It is either|dens,20,000 hewers of stone,and 3,-|treasur :i rt “EF nt x bf,BE 1 :‘A>|CHV AT YE:»ns,20;:3,-sury recently sent.gold,atmount-|State firemen’s meeting at.New Berne i *E:a: ry or gasoline and a driyer.|200 overseers,all working during the|ing to $135,000,000 to New York...:took place ‘Wednesday.jin OER ELS ne DE -with Ne mer °“eaThere’were ;Set Eve rpernnmne rushe8 _to}eeven years,so their wage must+have|Secrecy was maintained in’send-|$1 entries.in.this contest and spirited ;fe Reape ae rks y S Ret oek ene eon tk .oe of match-|bheen considerable,¥has been esti-|ing this great shipment and precai-|wivalry was.‘shown,+Five prizes)i wt.gt.te .oft AwmnanKX. atoneRais orcad the five-cent|mated as totaling $69,385.440 (in-|tions ‘were taken to prevent the Ger-|4mounting to $275 .were offered toi}Clothing ompany. 5 ob einte”to eee and.it]eluding.their food),The Bible statesman.secret.service.from.discovering he winhers.Morchead Gity firemen|i}“<7.>Pe eR a a EMR Lt SSE ae : Reatna a it!‘tke it—but |that King David had:-put aside thou-;the plan or route of forwarding it;|took the first and second prizes,Lex-Te eRe SRTOPE 90TORNELEE art a :—customer ‘and sands of talents of gold and silver,J.P.Motgan &Co.were the con-|ington took the third,Caswell team of ‘' ee tes pra i wai er down,Then|which he handed over to Solomon for signees,‘The purpose of ‘the-trans-|Kinston took fourth and Asheville the ,§@ grand rush about.10 in the|the work,and that Solomon added|fer.of gold was understood to be to fifth.The time.made by the variouscockSgtonoeerieolealaetreeeoccnce |Miss Church is Now Giving |ie wand wilt the rest of tha dat that the value of the gold,silver andjimprove the exchange situation as|Mose Company No.1,33;Morehead |},Ih?WRESES ee Ce ee Gk Me ;ee ee ee art oa as ;Raa aE Ae oy et :brass,used in the temple amounted|the English pound sterling has de-|City No.2,30;Lexington,30 1-5;jee i ene on *-The mer~|to $34,399,112,500:The jewels are said|préciated oflite.'The eecairitian are Morehead City No.1,.29 2-5;Gaswell|J X"ie hen nape Re,nen cal aloe,go [arom eS eae ile att|”Mawresvleeanmadea xoed nll HOUse-Ec 2 Demonstrations.ate :ley may be set down at the same|be used as the basis for further ad-*Mooresville team made a good run ouse-to-2 \ pools Seapey nus versie toll great sum.Josephus says.that the|vances to the British government,|butthe jumper failed to get off at.the|}House to House X SIRO ee tand the delivery system coats wet uray net 1h re:‘ey aoa jee hydrant ee make bes rf 3 jo teBahi.‘its)were worth 140,000 talents,or $2,-4 ood run but.faile make,proper|fF Bar ee a ts :as , :rah peore.indeed dollars’|716,481,015.The ‘silver vessels used Work at Gay’s Chapel)id Serauesian at the hydrant,in As well as by App ointment. :ign aa §you consume—and it|1,340,000.talents,of silver,worth $2,-eT of “The “Landviark,,0 eat 5 it.th ee ee sal what|446,720,000.The.silver vestments of oe penele of Tia ape)church!BeautifulTreeSacrificed.|«Free to'Everybody.res *s can be veri-|the priests cost $50,000.Th je|20d community will meet ‘there next)«40 od,oFOftenthemerchantdoesn’t t vy e purple lmiesday to make a.pool anda A pram tree that,stood,onArmfield ; »,Hehardly ever makes more The triyiote aeeeateat ty s.000,the patna sali for Asn tage street,hand,by rhe ansigi moa ate a,Ba ~PHONE,WRITE OR CALL——— ind’sometimes he does-|000 and.the.other.musical,insttn-tising the Sunday.following.Every-|2%was often referred to as “The eat se, in be prosery busi-|ments to $200,000,Bee se eae hody cordially invited. ne per cent.‘i a i tree,in form the prettiest in.all *wae Ce a4 ee ee ‘h .t The stone and timber is estimated|.Tis.Baptising,is the result of a ot :n :ds and fruits =GLAM dE ‘|Statesville,and.it had been photo-|j t {y {;ee eada a rai nit .have cost one-third’of the gold,or er ean aePaka ago by a im and published’as an attrac-|f-‘as es @.yaSl —all .rue as om roe yey m7 ieee CET hs i ide:of Statesville.”It was a beau- .a 1,726,480,000,King Solomon.pre-Pitspo he |nented to ‘the rorlensan over i /oe ae ie ;BURT sandorn a -|above their wages a special gift-when|.Mrs,Mary Haxall Cameron,widowand©dead-|the temnle was dedicated of $33,669,-|0F Col..\Allexander Cameron,million. on.ons’But the beautiful tree is,no more.)¥\ees ch e town wanted to lay»a.cemént :885.Tht total of all these sevarate|#ite tobaceo,manufacturer,died at ”act eer they uate,hone ““ARE YOU IN T ER hie lok Pants ac SMITH.|{¢™S 18 the appalling sum’of $51,-/the family’s summer Home ment "Got-|whe gdiniped jthe tree.would have ,>oT a LEY'S or ly at a 803 OU ENO,.donsville,Va,#blood /poisoning|ans,me pat around if they conld;|[.Y Slate ae :oe Oe Root Painted?nS “and get'a®pair beforelof ‘Satcny Wonder,that the Temple caused by,the bite of a spider,“|pie Bis eoritrol decided.against |)Galvani ngie e Lined PORES 5 eas ,of Solomon was selected as one ‘of os Sn oe re we treesail ‘the axe was laid to the|f)SY.Ice Box or Refrigerator hin _the greatest marvels on earth?Resolutions»praisin Piper ee ined?a ae Soemsecpee ae ne,Ce ae !EAN Tibor Sheet Mot Workofany Kind?LET US KNOW. iri Bhirts wt only 30¢.at|priests votes fe,0F the ailficiating|coaptieationswere4 MT wiiother big lotRoasted Cotte ut|t ERED ELL TIN WOR"FRALEY’S,‘The Real ‘sts were allowed to ‘enter the complications were adopt ad at thea Re Pa Sey ingot gue |HE IR YD -syavG YR:: Givers—ad,‘The Satie ae the vessel ware kept c 1 f the poearnasions|)e P :a 1 LE‘She.Grent Bell E]“i *»“3nd ap nder ’Pt incense and .shew o make rroom tow our Fall|Stock&er Goods at a greatsacrifice. All 35 to ae Fabrics goat BAe 25e.quality go at 19¢.16 and 2c.linesgFo at 124 Special values for 5 and 8c.‘Women’s and ChilIdren’aie y Ceeener 210 98c.—lank thancost of materia *All $1.00 Men’s Union Salts 0600,All 50c.Men’s Union Suits-*Lisle Threadand Porus KnitsSid and Drawers 10c.Ladies’Vests,15 to 25c.grade,12 1-2c.Men’s art ane Dress §gt.OU Shirts 75c.Best 50c:§ea ever saw,39c.A splendid one for 33c.Men’s,Wen and Chiidren’sSlippers”clesed out a big reduction._One lot children’s slipperssacrificed athalf price.Onepesosae $2,00 to$3,00slippers,small size,’ Stoe Othebargains.Come in and see them. J.M.McKee &Company. }No.112 West Broad Street,between Hall’s Drag Store and Lazenby- SS Hardware Store _PHONE 281. Story of theCommizsion’ ——peeredene tae tpmeceee terest pene me ene)escentSears An Alarm Clock that is little but loud.It’s alittle Beauty.Just the ~thing for a lady’s or a gentleman's room.°It is not su large but does the waking up for you.BIG BEN if you neeg to be knocked out. H.B.WOODWARD Jeweler, anger FOUNDED IN 1838:CHARTERED 1859TRINITYCOLLEGE.DURHAM,N.C, ..A Southern College of liberal arts with an established nation=!reputation.forhigh.standards,noble traditions,and-progressive polticics.Its tarre endowmentfundmakespossible"its first-class equipment and large faculty of well trained“and carefully chosen teachers,,Student feex low.Comfortable,inexpensive__rvoms in carefully supervised hygienic dormitories. Classical and scientific courses leading to the bachelor’s degree.Graduatecoursesin‘all departments.Schools of Engineering,Education,and Law.For catalogue and illustrated booklet address_|R.L.FLOWERS,.Secretary to the Corporation. + to Europe and’Wha Found—The Need of.Credit Measure andMayBeObtained. To the Wditor of The Landmark; H|...‘Ai commission consisting of about (100 persons representing 86 States of »,Ault Germany,France,Eneldnid “an ; land;©emall commissions * sent by the main body to Russia,Switzerland, 0 or ‘iland,Denmark,Sweden and Spain. The general plan was to hold pub- lie sessions in the eapital cities ofthe|! various countries for two,or three‘ days,at which sessions public mendeliveredaddressesonthe.subjects|H\wpon'which they were best qualifiedtospeakandwerethereafterques-tioned at great length by the com-; j mission.After securing all the testimonyavailableinthisway,the commission ten persons and traveled by train and|automobile in many directions|; thronghout the various countries,per-sonally meeting the farmers face to face and examined their co-operative banking institutions and.other ¢0-on- erative enterprises.A tremendous volume of very ve!-uable testimony was received.at least$150.000 was expended by this com-mission in collecting this mforma- tion and the European countries prob-ably exnended at least $150,000 to- ward collecting this great amount of|!data from first hand and in the en-itertainment of the commission.jo “These details are given in order that 2 more complete idea of ‘the iwork done by the American:commis3- {sion mav be had.|This large body of representative|Americans,mostly made up of farm- 4h {ers and agriculturists,have contrib- COCOLADE! Cool and Fefreshing. King of Fountain Drinks. ——-—Be,AL HALL’S DRUG.STORE,_.’PHONE 20.~Prescriptionists, 60 oct tiues . “Devastate 10,000 Homesin Right States a ~Suchisthe record ofoneday’s ‘hundredyears the Hartford ‘damage done by tornadoes.Fire Insurance Company You don’tknow when the has met every honest claim. tornado may strike.your property,but you do know the“Old Hartford”protects against all loss,For over‘a promptly.Buy @Hartford: TornadoPolicy?foday.Itis the nearest thiag to comfort when a Tornado strikes.s' People’yea peg Statesville,N.C.Resident Agent. GEO.H.aaa President._,.,t a TheiCutching : _Of poverty and want will never grab you if you have an active savings account in a good,Bank—this Bank for instance. But you want to startin time.Startnow, and start here.A dollar will do to start with and a hundred dollars wouldn’t stop .you,once you realize how important.a- .savings account is. iNT SAFETY—SERVICE—SATISRACTION. |Merchants and Farmers’Bank, Of Statesville, “The Bank For Your Savings.” oO. ‘ iuted very greatly of their timeand of |their money (many of them payingtheirown.expenses during:the en- itire,journey of the commission)for ithe general benefit of our country. They ask and they expect no person:al ireward further than.the conscious- inéss that their investigations in Ev- irepe have contributed greatly to al!,lof this great auantity of information ‘about co-operation.and.will in tim:ihe of vast value in helning A ‘ean farmers to industrialize agricy! iture and bring the production of orrjowncountry.on te the high stand lards of production in European gour tries. All of this great quantity of ee: ‘mation in detail.was.placed hefor ithe jicint committer of the Senat. ‘and the Touse of Congress and nft: jconsidering it for nearly 12 monthsthéHollisbillwaspreparslia%t committee.“It was held.up it i Congress ori political greunds.The (matter is now in the hands of a new);lcommittee:which.it is understood will present itinasomewhatreviced form: and there’is:a‘wood chance to secure! At SUL its passage in:the-next!Session. iit seems ‘to’needi‘is’the unitednortofthefarniersinsomeof the Southern States.Tf it is enacted into paw.it will inaugurate a long period of prosperity,particularly in the |Southern States,such as we have not 'enloyed before... Tt was clearly proven to the com--miscien-—that—in—“practically every. jeountry visited,agriculture was i wmphant,It was found in’France ‘that the farmers own the great bulk \of the government bonds.A com-|narison of the average yield per acreduringthepast10yearsofEurope:nicountrieswitheurcountry.will om-ivhasize this fact:“England rroduced|'83 bushels wheat per acre,German’ 129,France 203,United States 14,(Not only is the yield per acre of ourjeoneeyfarbelowthatofEvroven |countries,but there is a gradual de- icline in ourproductions per acre.Oviaverageproductionofcornperacreiforthreeyearsaround1900was26.7bushels,while the avérage yield dur-jing three yéars around 1910 was only e 8-10 bushels.As a tule the profits of farmers isleftbythelivestockonthe‘arms.The commission found that tri- ithere is almost universal interest in|jraising live stock and the number of| live stock in.practically every Eu-}jropean country is steadily —increas-|“ing,while in our country during the ——--—-‘past 10 years the number of cattle on the farms decreased over 6.000.000.ithe number of hogs decreased.4.500.,-3/000 and the number of sheep 9,500.-/000..Yet in the same.period in the|United States the total number’of;people to be fed increased about 20.-E 000,000 ‘or 2:per.cent.“We are:now slimporting beef from the ArgentinefrepublicandAustraliaand.our ex- e\ports of meat are rapidly declining.When we consider that Louisianasisproducingonly107lbs.of lint.cot- re t has bee bare livusaes jton to the acre,a gross yield of about$11 per acre,whh is below cost of nroduction.and the ‘reat.State ofTexas,with all the rich virgin soil,is eionly producing 154 Ibs lint cotton ner |acre,or a gross yield of $15.40,which | is also below or not far from the|e\cost of production:we are forced to!the conclusion.that.the policy of ourgovernmenthasbeentobuildupcom-merce and industry but agriculture! neglected.The rchants and manufacturershaveorganizations,have presented| their petitions to Congress and have!secured legislation which has fostered|giand built un this interest,and all thewhilethefarmershavesatidly’by)with folded hands,making no effort|to secure legislation which will foster|and build-up ‘their interests.-ThisshowsthatthéAmericanfarmer‘istheonlymanbehindthetimes;or,tperhans the statement so often quot-|ed,“The American farmer is less a)fatmer than a speculator in land,”,is/u|the reagon our production per acre is|ailess than any other country in the|world anid the labors of the average| farmer in Ame’aren bring him onlyhefarmerssox the Union and four pri on ofCan-| Kiada visited Haly,H Belglua,Hol.|‘ divided into groups of from five to, mncri~ sh ois All hea average farmer’‘of North Car-olina gets is aliving.‘He enjoys noneoftheprofitsofhislabors.For thisreasontheMerchants’Association is{making an effort to arouse the far-mers of North earrling to an acyquaintancewiththerealfacts.In-stead of being .behind.every otherPecountryintheworldineveryway,|the North Carolina farmers should beif/the most prosperous and ahead of anyothercountryintheworld;and thiscanbeaccomplishedwithinthenext10yearsifthefarmerswillarouseto its bill.North Carolina has a naturally,bet-ter soil,and climate than any of the |European:countries:and’should stand| James J.Hill in’his great itsz:said,“The final result must be thatwithinacomparativelybriefperiod|this veritable Land of Promise will be ‘hard pressed to feed its own people}‘and the manufactured exports to pay)for imported food will,not be forth-|; or?coming Agriculture,says Mr.Hill,“is emphatically the industry about |which all others revolve.”Senator Julés Meline,successively minister of agriculture,minister of!commeree.and premier “of *France,very graphically says:“The well be- ing of a people is like a tree.Agri-)ulture is ats root,manufacture and‘ommerce are its branches and life.If the root is injured the leavesfall,the branches break away and the ‘tree dies,” Now ask yourself why has agri-culture taken front rank.in the’econo-mie life of Europe and has so fallenbehindinAmerica.It is betause the farmers have not learned how to pro- duce .28.bushels of wheat on one acre instead of 28 bushels on two acres,sothattheotheracrecanbeused.to pasture live stock;and they have made little or no effort to secure leg- islation that will give them.a nation-al system of rural credits as the far-mers of the European countries have done. Is it not high time that the farmers o of North Carolina should unanimous-ly sign the petition to Congress to pass the.Hillis bill at the next ses-sion.whieh is to convene in Decem-/%A!great system of national!ber? credits will do as much for the farm-ers-of North-Carolina_as it-has done for farmers in Europe.It is hoped that if proper publicity is given to this great question (and it is.the:mostimportantquestionbeforethepeople at_this time),become convineed of the wisdom of this legislation and unite with thelé in an en-/¢Association It is thé logical Merchants’lenvor to™secure it. and practical solution of the abnor; um} ox ally high costwef divine.6.A,STEPHENSON, Sec’y Merchants’Assn. Statesville. After Young Cline. fas isha seems to have it in forPaulCline,the 17-year-old son of R.!ne of ‘No.5 township,Cabar-]- jrus Gounty:Last Friday.night he} isaty some one on his father’s vrcmieeandoeerefiréonthe:party ‘as ‘he| ran!away»:Tho unknown visitor res! turned:the *‘fire and a>balksstruck Cline’s watch.fob, Sunday night as Cline was return- ambush,He had just raised his hand to ‘his mouth and the bullet entered his wrist.=MAKES DANDRUFFQUICKLYVANISH. No one likes dandruff,but to get rid of it you must do more than washyourhair.The eause of dandruff liesnotinthehair,but on the sealp and in the hair roots,and just as twice daily you use a germicidal tooth pow- ‘der or erdam to cleanse your teeth!of germs,so you should use Paris- ian Sage twice daily to drivé dan- druff from your scalp,prevent its re- “iturn,protect your hair from falling‘fout-and.nourish its proper growth./@— "Dandruff makes your.hair fall.out. Parisian Sage makes Dandruff fall out and your hair stay.in.A delightfully perfumed hair andscalp’treatment asily applied”at home,very inexpensive and obtaina-ble’from the Statesville DrugCom- pany or at any drug or toilet counter. White,Pink and Lavender Aster The Carnation seasonisover,but we have:plenty of beautifulwhite,pink and laven-der Aster which splen-didly take the place |of Carnations through.the summer. All orders have atten- tion the moment re-.ceived.Beautiful de--.signs for all aeboeecharminglyarranged_by our experts. Van Lindley Co, FLORISTS0THE SOUTH, GREENSBORO,N.0, Polk ‘Gray.the.tn, the situation and unanimously appeal|to Congress for the Hollis rural cred-|br its|= the farmers.will soon |. ing from church.he was fired:on from} af 80 dr of UGH!CALOMEL IS HORRIBI Calomel Sickens!Don’t Your Liver and Bowels With ‘Do horrible! gerous drug tonight and tomarrow! you may Jose’a day’s work. whiten causes neérosis of the bones.|liver medieine;|urea when it.comes into coatact|therefore it’cannot 8 livate,or makewit: feel that awful nausea and cramp:ing.knocked out,”if yout liver is torpid|ydur bowels of that sour bile andfirstinsteadoflastincomparisonwith|2%bowels constipated or you have}cogstipated waste which is clogging ;ebseech before the farmers of Minneso-| |headache,dizziness, just try a spoonful of harmless Dod-|tle of Dodson’s ‘SHOCKS YOUR I Lose a Vgh!Calomel makes you sick.I's!spoonful and Take a dose of the dan.-|YOU,right upjandvigorous, to Dodgon’sCalomelismercuryorquickssilver!the sale of qt Sree‘to. alomelpetted ‘a is.real“entirg vegetable, crashes intoThisiswhensourbile,it,)you siekyeakingitup.|ree I guarantes that.ohDodson’s.Liver Tone will put your if you are sluggish and “ali!sluguish liver to.work and.clean tongue,|your system and making you feel. seur,|inisersble,.I guarantee that.8LiverTonewit!re or coated stomach.: breath is bad or n’s Liver Tone tonight.|Your entire family feelirg fine Here’s my guarantee —Go to any|months.Give it to your children,|. ug store and get a 50-cent tottle|is harmless;dooan’t gripe and vheyDodson’s Liver Tone.Take a|like its ere taste.)mt : | Tv perenne: —TOBACCO,FLU ES — Flues.made up ready for delivery ’Phone or write us your or-.ders.Shipment made same day order received,Extra joints,Is eand flat sheéts for repairs.STATESVILLE TIN CO.,H.C.Mohler,Manager.'"PHONE 55.114 EastBroad Street., p i@ | -gét behirid with-yourtubble.turning. Chattanooga| “The me Weather Plow.”* We have both single and Twin Dise in stock.They do their work ‘‘a comin’.and a goin’.”This Plow % has no Rival.Now while you can’t plow with the § ordinary turn plow get a CHATTANOOGA anddon’t Le oreo Iredell Hardware Co. To the Re tia ‘and’Oth er C THE STATESVILLE REALTY VEST!to announce that they,havecompleted Tikit rr HOME INSURANCE CO,of New York,”for insuring yourcropsofTobacco,Cern,Colton and pier ‘peat ey ‘dest ti‘agabyHailStormatthefollowingveryJowprice:ond TOBACCO CROP.’$100 per acre valuation at 75 per acre valuation at60peracrevaluationat 3.75per acre%per acre valuation at 1.873 per ane ~COTTON,CORN AND SMALL GRAIN-CROP,— $7.50 per:acre5.87%per acre we per acre valuation $1.60 per.acre35peracrevaluation1.40 per acre.30.per acre valuation 1.20peracre 25 per acre valuation 1.00 per acre: 20.per acre valuation .80 per acre . 15 per acre valuation ie peracre © 10 per acre valuation 40 per tiDWELLINGS,FURNITURE,BARNS, $100 value for one year at 30c.,3 years at 60c.,5”Tanagsat 90c.Thislatterinsurancecoversalsoagainstuhoroccasionedby,sida Jp acai to hail,=ER—"We insure anythi‘SE.CARLTON,:Manager ) *PHONE '54.seacincsueeed yiie‘ OO O O OT OT “Plate Glass,Steam eeeteint | and Health or Life Insurance— We solicit your business for the leading ee companies writing the different lines of— insurance.Full information ee on request,: -BRNEST G.GAITHER,SENERAL insu AN PHONE 23.OFFICENO.1,MILLS 8 TAKES THE TEM OUTOFTHETEMPER.: When these sizzling hot da tion—when you fedl Be rdropinandrestunder*POLK UPAY:HIGH nigapurweryourtemperature,We have erdrinkthelawallows.We =Haveyou tried our,ew Ice Cred ?It's “RACY’S'S:fich andrare —theflavorthatdrivesyou~back for ne Call for*“RACY'S”Wwwanttheik' S heetings Tickin‘Pil om gs,|Gthphains,Percales,eae Made |Sheets ands,Tab le ‘Line Ss,poeand Grochet heii . onMILLINERY,Hare ,RIBBONS:AND SHOES. SOLD ™‘REGARDLESS OF oe . Yours:very truly;—=on an ‘‘ teeaK:StamRae amRRRT AOC Toe AitonOye an whence ~STATESVILLE,N ae THE LANDMARK AY,---August 13,1915 :Fm OF CURRENT NEWS. 'Happenings Here and There in the State. The store of Cox Bros.,at.Oakboro,nly county,was burned this weekabigstockofmerchandise. .John A.Lowe of Moravian:Falls township;Wilkes county,died Bepeniany.‘He is survived by nine ‘Wadesboro “Aiisowtant Cotton is opening fast‘in the lower part of the comnts and several hundred bales willsoldonthismarketthismonth. he Hustler says awho.listed ‘his dog for taxation val-ued it at $70 but intimates the hichvaluewastoenablehimtorecoverim‘case anything happens to the dog. Gov.Craig has issued a,requisitionforPaulClark,wanted ‘in Moorecountyforembezzlenientasadminis-rator of ‘the estate of Mary.Shaw.at Mobile,’Ala. premises of the}pied,rs ot ‘family!ofa¢‘at.Davidson;’“wasurnedTuesdayand‘small boys and}}matchesbear the blame.’Loss -abqut 0 J i GeO,Wright of ‘Wilkes dainty ‘has_Tesigned as a.member of the board of“directors._of the National Farmers’i Mr.Wright is ‘courity ‘super- finder ee .deNorfolerateaean rot|efinanaonind‘suéd thefyfor$75,000.‘He obtained adietfor$15,000,’the‘Supreme eae granted a new trial Jand the“next verdict was.for $18,000,whichhasbeenpaid. James Messer of Harnett county,who recently shot his wife,from theeffects:of which she died,is in jail.‘The womanwasfound helpless.on.the.foadside by a rural mail carrier,whookhertoahospitalatDunn,wheredied,The testimény showed thatwasshot,by her husband. J te noted in’connection with the4ingofDr.Morris Catdwell andMr.Clell Caldwell,brothers and sonsCr.R.V.Caldwell of Cabarrus!county,that of the family of eightfourhave.died unnatural deaths.|was kicked by a horse,one ac-ily shot-and-the two drowned. ‘©Edward Frady,Martin |Rickman_Miss Myrtle Pressly,chargedattempt’‘to’blackmail.D,P.ce of Buncombe county.by.writ-‘threatening “letters demandingheleave$400 at a certain spot,|!have been in:jail in Asheville,arefortrialunderbonds.of $2,000ifortheyoungmenand$1,000+othe girl It is believedthe girt,ote the letters.fased to put up his warehouse was e@ Concord Tribune ‘says ilkes man] When Lance re-| Happenings Here.and There in the Country. President Wilson,Who has been atCornish,N.H.,for ‘some time,re- turned to Washington yesterday. Resolutions endorsing the peace conference to be heldin Chicago Sep- tember 5 and 6,and recommendingthatdelegatesbesenttothe’mecting to protest against the shipments of war munitions to Europe;were ‘adopt-|-ed by the National Federation of Ger- man-American Catholic Societies,in}annual convention in Chicago, The Inter-State Commerce Com- mission.has given its decision in the Western freight rate case,allowingadvancesininews——eoal,—-eoke;}—. fruits and vegetables and denying in- creases on grain,live stock,»packing house products,fertilizers and broom corn,The decision allows some oftheincreasesaskedanddeniesal- most an equal number. Fourteen persons were kiliéd and 14 wounded in a raid by German air- ships on the English coast Monday | night.The official statement says}ne of’‘the aifships was damaged.by ck to Ostend.The’‘killed «includenine“women,fout children and ponethan,'Seven’women,two childrenandfivemenwerewounded. The damage done by the éxplosipn in the Senate reception room of thedynamitebombplacedtherebyFrankBoltamountedtoonly$442.Thehasbeencompletely’repaired.)he $442 covers only the cost to Un-iter ‘but ‘it’is probable the lossfered:by the telephone company’it reach’$600.°'Three booths and-ahtelhewerewrecked?sbi iHoltbomb.” Because,he said,ihe sane’‘Of’istdreninthemovingpictureskeptthethoughtofhisowntwolittledaugh-ters always-in his mind,F.-O0.Meyers,alleged to have fled with $12,000.be- longing to the:Aragon Mills,near_Rockmart,Ga.,has ‘returned —homeand.surrendered tothe sheriff.__Hefledwhenhisshortagewasdiscoveredandhadleddetectivesachasethrough:the West.and into Canada, court ‘martial at.Marseilles,France,has sentenced Henri.Racine,a millionaire perfume distilier of |Menlone,to perpetual deportation and payment of costs of the proceeding _for supplying essence’of Neroli and500tonsofoliveoilthroughaLaus-enne firm to a famous.eae ofCologne,“Germai ie surprise inthis.is.that the man’wasn’t sentencedtodeathfortrading’with Germans, The Tréasuty Dépatiment announe-es that’October 1st Seeretary Me-’Adoo will make public ‘the names ofrandtakestepsthisueallpersons-whé-are able to pay,and who.have, failed to pay,advances of.money made by the government.to assisttheminreturninghomefromEuropeattheoutbreakofthewar.’Thesumsstillduefromtoseregardedasabletopayaggregatethousandsof that,dollars. when Coddle creek was drained last |A monument to Alfred G.Vander- ¢Mr.John-Rankin,a prominent ljabarrus farmer,prepared for culti-vation 30 acres of land that had been}for 29 years,covered with bull}ish,for lack of drainage.The land:‘planted in corn and it:is now.és-timated thatthe 30-acres will produce1,200 bushels,an average of 40 bush:!els per acre;Thousands of.acres of‘and,idle for years,are now préduc-ing many thousands bushels of corn +a result of drainage. Indictments on Account of East- land Disaster. I ietments charging.manslaugh- ter and eriminal negligence haye, re returned in the criminal court;‘Ohieugo as a result of the investi-of the Eastland disaster,in near 1,000 persons lost:©theirbyaWesseloverturning. captain and engineer and four érs of the St.Joseph -Chicago “Company,owners’of the set,are named as follows:George“Arti resident;William ©H.nl,vice president and general man-ager;W.©.Steele,secretary -treas- urer;Ray W.Davis,assistant secre-tary-treasurer;Harry Pedersen,cap-,1 of “the Eastland;Joseph M.Pa.engineer.dé were fixed at $20,000 eachgialsand)$10,000 each.for Po-‘Kson.The two last‘with |criminalae‘officials with 8 at only $1.65 for oe9.ths. faa taken the lead bile,who was,lost on the Lusitania,is to be erected in New York,The ‘monument,which will be a drinkingfountainforhorses,dogs -and human beings,will.commemorate “Mr.Van- derbilt’s achievements as:a-horseman,;and the National Horse’Show Ass0- ciation,of which he was president,in raising.theamountnecessaryfortheerectionof the monument, Four million:dollars;this year’s Federal appropriation to aid:the or- ganized militia.has heen apportioned by Secretary Garrison,amount is for actual field seryice andriflepractice,and is)divided among ‘the States according to:congressional representation,Of the $2,000,000,forsuppliesandammunition,$400,000.is)reserved for special emergency:allot- ment,and’the remainder groes to.theStatesonthebasisofefficiencyplansadoptedbytheWarDepartment. The.American reply the lastGermannoteontheWilliamP.Frye|case has been eable¢to Berlin.’Ithasnotbeenmadenubliebut:it sis.reported that while the original no-~sition of the State Department,that the.Prussian «American .treaty of:1828 was violated by the destiuctionlofthevessel,is re-affirmed.the Unit-ed States,agrees,to atcept paymentfortheRryeunderthecondition suggested in the last.German note,Ni an appeal to arbitration atTheHague. Everything at almogt your ownprice,at SMIHEY &FRALEY’S.They are the real Grent Bargain Giv-ers,—ad, NEWS ITEMS OF INTEREST.|I ritish |nergplanes'and ‘was towed]. Half..of the |it.Why Should Local Wheat Growers Bix pore and Half Minutes.- ‘A correspondent of the ‘Adeoobatan kirk,France,by the great Germangunoperatingfrom_Flanders,«per- Dunkirk only four and a half.min-utes out of every five.Only.one gun is being used,theshellscomeregularly.every.five’inin-utes.The people take advantage oftheintervalsbetweentotransact.bus4iness,allowing themselves about halfaminuteto:make for their cellars.In the general postoffice,for in-stanee,four and a half minutes -aftertheexplosionofthefirst.shell,clerksandapplicantsformaildisappearto- gether for the basement.©After the again,and business goes on as usual until it is time to run again to safety. $1.00 Hall:mark Shirts at SMITH-EY &FRALEY’S for only 50c.—ad. WHY SHOULD THE PEOPLE Of.Statesville andand Iredell ‘Coun-| ty Use Flour Made By theStatesville.Flour:Mills.Co?—‘Why''Should Local)Wheat:_Growers Sell Their Wheat totheStatesvilleFlour,Mills Co? Dodge Shells Every Four aya Press says the bombardment.of -Dirmn-} mits the carrying on of business at} |expectedshelléxplodestheycome out|@™> ag ;wihe $ Growers_Exchange SelMeigen MillihBe in muvee to a‘abovey three}rember aeen jNola \Sherri}l ,Car-!vee winner of the ‘first,prizeithA.Turner was the win-)ner of the|‘second.Mrs.Carpetiter’s paper was in substance as follows: i i and Iredell County Use Flour Made. The paramount.reasons,as I seethem,are:They get fall value fortheirmoney—a pure, it possesses as high nutritive valueasanyonthemarket;that they are lished reputation for honesty and in-tegrity;,and that they are ‘patron-} izing a home industry.“Save Trouble”flour is an uniquely preparation,manufactured solely:by this mill,and if the company is.ens ‘Should ‘Local ea Why Should The People ofStatesville}} By the Statesville Flour.Mills Co?| ‘wholesome? flour,which shows on.analysis that} dealing with people with an estab-}; Tip Top‘ON SALETODAY Special Sale of| as |bile _Sosteve for $15 ”$30.00 Rang e“foraemyStovefor. Rives dtidRanges on £ ected free? TERMS GASH —ty salé‘Started |MondayMorning at, _Crawford-Bunch Furniture Company THE STORE ASAE ALWAYS.ee oe Se neared eee Serer ee couraged in the manufacture by @ food.local demand,’ vertise Statesville and .the countys so ‘that with the.mere an’inexperienced:housewife.is able, without even an occasional failure,toImakethemostdeliciousbiscuit-—a decidedadvantage\both economically andin point of pridein one’s food and table.Why:Should,Local Wheat:Growers}.-Sell Their Wheat to the StatesvilleFlourMillsCo? »There.as considerable wheat grown in the country surrounding Statesville and the farmers are;or should be,in-; to further build up ‘an already estab-lished market for what is,or shouldibe,one of theit”chief products;“the manufacture of which into flour in-creases and diversifies the business ofthetown.The presence of this millinStatesvillevhaseitherdirectlyorin-directly benefited every farmer with- in its scone,of influence,and.theyshouldinturnpatronizeandsuppott change Their Wheat’With theStatesvilleFlourMillsGo.For §Its Tour?. The exchange of,wheat’for Aourilis the |farther,because the latter finds)a market for his crop,and the mill amarket:for its goods,as well as fitr- necessary to convert the wheat into flour.and putting their)wages in eir- culation.in town,There is not a ¢ommunity in sant they will have!confidence in its excellence and.ad}, }vertise it.abroad,and in this way ad This flour ‘is scientifically prepared;|addition.of |sweet milk or water and a shortening,| terested:in ‘strengthening andhelping ; to\the advantage of ‘both the mill.and} nishing employment to the operatives}, Sationety Bars ains!~become soiled (Stationery all right)good time to get somienice goon We pees a ‘on pack es of niceStationery,the boxes of which havethatwearesvillonsaleatcost, "Building¢ iors Statesvi eee sr picasa:. aterialé! veefF pieeaville,N.G.,North Center Street, ie eet scams icbates Would “Make Hemand on Eng- land Anent Blockade. WAfter listening’to a speech by Sen-aloe Hoke Smith of Georgia’more than 300 New.York importers Wed- nesday adopted a resolution urging President Wilson to take prompt andenuousactiontorelieveAmetiean!importers of the embz rassments a 3 Great Britain’s refusal to allow Ger man and.Austrian products ta be; shipped from neutral ports to theUnitedStates.Senator Smith declared that the’blockade,as carried out hy Great!Britain,was one of the most flagrant and inexcusable violations of nentralbrights:in’naval:history.“T have determined the only thing to do,”said Sendtor Smith,“is to tellGreatBritaintorevoketheblockadeordér,6r°she ¢an have no ©néutraltradewithus.”©. LL TIE Hiding Their Money. Lexington Dispatch. The Dispatch was.talking to a.manafewdaysagowhaknowsconditionsinDavidson.county,and he renark-ed that,in his .opinion,citizens of‘Davidson county,on account of the war scare,had hidden,away i ‘trunks. county which has not a good road di-’rectly to the mill,which minimithe.expense’and labor of hauling“wheat:and the farmers thus visitinthe‘mill have the satisfaction.ofingthesanitarymannerinwhich{flour,is ‘made and the privilege:tranageting their business in persTheexistencteofAgoodmarket,botcashandéxchatige,for their wwillencourageandstimulatethemerstogrowmorewheat—a dirhenefit,andindirectly they ./will,their land.> and old shocs.and .buried .in.the’ound between.$300,000.and.$500,-in money that ought to be-dépos-in ey banksan ha in cireala- ner sérgeants of the ke:de-tive force,havé beén found guiltycoeticinybribestoprotecterim-als. YOUR OPPORTUNITY To Buy a Nice Farm and Get Ready for Next Year’s Urop. -No-1-345 acres in Elmwood:~All school-and-church conveniences,Strong land,40 acres in bottom,8-room house,‘large barnandouthouses.No.277 adres 3%miles east of city.This property on the ind!clay highway now being constructed by the government.IgidéalforDairyandTruckfarmiog,.No.3-40 acres 1 1-4 miles from:publi¢square,-Splendidly adapted_for Dairy purposes,Live Stock and:PoultiNo.4-60 acres in Wilkes.county just acrossI40citylotsineastStatesville,known <y onbalanceinmonthlypaymentsof"10 lots in Bloomfield.‘Terms ea SixPci in south Statesville.asectionfastdeveloping.t Beveral nice:houses ant,lots tosell,Gallon me and learn what I have.Mi RK.Seek _,Statesville,N.C, ba?bee Street ba ell line—a bargain.lace’$15 down, *)Hess,Domestic +Write:for r Paroir College,Hickory,N.C |Gb-Editention under.the »hest comics and management.A reat ChristianCollexe,but ‘not sectarian.~Our B.graduates enter Graduate “Depitiient:in our State University and otherur esi and attain ahe A,M.degyee inoneyear,Five Modern.buildings,steam heat,electric,lights,city “water,and sas.New.Yeder)-Science Building,.with up-to-date laboratories for.Chemistry,Physics.andBiology.Library and Reading Rodm,Clean Athletics.Nplendith Dorm’torics,GooD BOARD.AT COST for young men Inst Sentony $9.20 0 month;for youngwomen,$9.00 1n en room rent $1.50aTepevitenits|y Music,(Piano,Voice,Yiaithy,[arse Art,Busi-tienes ind Domestic.‘Arts,and Preparatory.; Mater Cathipnvcy ADVANTAGES WITHIN REACH OF THE,PROPLE! ta 1G,7R..Le eer Presidettt,~~!ees N.C.. PinnaLEWON PRIZE, Statesville,Firemen“Took First Money in.Inter-State Contest. \.The Statesville firemen won first]:money in the inter-State hose-wagon,‘yaces at New Berne Friday.mnkingarecordof291-5.seconds.The prizewas$125 and this.amount.was.di-“yided among the eleven Statesvillefiremenpresentatthetournament:The firemen returned home Saturday“morning with their money pinned on-their,clothes.Statesville’s horse did the bestrunningintheStatechampionshipraceWednesday,and the men did-good.-work,but.on.account of a bad],‘nozzte’-the prize—was...lost.Theth¥eads of the nozzle were worn qutandwhenthewaterwasturnedon“the nozzle blew off.In the inter-State race Friday a nozzle was bor- ro’fypm another company and notrouble.was .experienced.FiremanJo,White drove in the successfulrace,Mr-°B.M.Garrison jumped atthehydrant.Mr...William Ozmentjumpedatthebreakofthehose,Mr.George Avers was wrenchman at behydrant,Messrs.Clyde.Gaither 1 Moser pulled slack and Mr.W.L.Neely picked up the dead end of‘the hose.The three judges differed in thir *‘record of the.time in.which States-4 oe made the run and.connectionsthehighestfigure.of the threeagreedon.One judge.declaredthetimewasonly27seconds,thesg.put.the time at 28 and.thethird291-5.Kinston No.2:madethesecondbestrun,its record being 80 seconds.and Burlington made.arecordof.30 1-5.There were 11 con- testants.“Pat,”Statesville’sgrayhorse,won—mucfgBerne.He is probably the fastest fire horse in the State. Officers FoundDistillery on Sun- day. Deputy Collector Alexander,Dep-‘uty Sheriffs Gilbert and Jones,andMr.J.R.Alexander captured anoth-er bisckade distillery plant in NewHopetownshipSunday.After hav-ing.searched .in®the.woods and thick-|gasetsforfour“hours,the party of offi- beautiful big cers found a*branch’on which it was at rs.évident a still was located.Going upthe‘branch a.short...distance theyfound’the branch divided into.two streams.ee.Collector.Alexan- der and Mr.Jones went up one prong the braneh ‘and «Messrs.Gilbert tt mene Sees went up theyigoing.some oe Siti.nM a.me asWHYin sight of a::in Ben =lery,and!as-'t yb me plan,were ll%Yee oars taeaders.immediately coat he he- ficers,,,makine their ‘ehenpe.The]} plant,which -was:in‘opetation,‘was soon.put out of commission by the officers,who reserved the copper still and worm and brought them into téwn in their automobile About 2,- 000 gallons of beer,20 bushels of mash and ten bushéls of meal found at the still were poured out by the of- fieers Two Ladies Hurt in-a Runaway. Mrs.Ora’Mitchell and her:sister, Miss Maggie Sherrill,were injured*in a@ runaway accident which occurred on the Salisbury road near Diamond |* Hill Sunday afternoon The two la- dies were in a buggy with Mr.H.H, ‘Tomlinson when the horse driven by oie train and ran into a field.By 4 sudden turn of the buggy all three decupants were thrown out.Mrs, Mitchell suffered a broken collar bone and a number of bruises and MisseutonthefaceandSherrillwas bruised about.the body,while Mr.Tomlinson escaped injury.After running a short distance the horse stopped,ite ae_busey was not}, »Tharpe and others were passin,inanautomobileatthetimeoftheac-cident and Mrs.Mitchell and’,MissSherrillwereimmediatelytakenin-to.the automobile and hurried to theSanatorium.After receiving medical| attention at the Sanatorium |theywerepompyettotheirhomewestof _town. ae and Salisbury Play Tennis. ‘Messrs.E.Hi.-Harrison and «John ‘fen expert tennis players ofSalisbury,came to Statesville Fri+ day»afternoon and played a gamewithMessrs.W..H.Hoffmann andAlanpiercer.The game was play-ed on the ffmann court at’thecornerofWestEndavenueandRace street and the Statesville playerswerethewinners.The score in thefirst.set was 6-2,Second set 6-2,third8-6,fourth 6-2,Quite a party ofSalisbury.people came to StatesvillewithMessrs:Harrison and Busbee andwitnessed’the game.CEN The tropical’storm now ragingalongthe¢oast covered a large partoftheGulfofMexicoanditseffectsare‘being:feltin-greater or less de-gree from western Florida to eastern.Texas,and ta a&distance:Bt aout 50milesinland. Mrs,M.“G.Deaton eae iiss JessieDeatonofConcordandMrs.R,A,_Goodman of Mt.Pleasant’spent thewéek-end with Sheriff and Mes.Dea-ton.: Our former sensi Me..ds se Turner,who haa -heen locatededford:City,Va.,|for severalyear,has,Perey Belleview,Va. Pg‘GorisBuran}cpio oat-distanéed the of-[, Tomlinsonwas—frightened-by—ay hte 2 Sree street. eTaacaeae eed TURNER GETS DAMAGES.|c Verdict.For ‘$4,375 —Judgment dell Court, The jury in the case of Allen Tur-ner v8.the city of Statesville andtheTredellTelephone:Company ..re- turned.a verdict,Friday morning,awarding the plaintiff $4,375.In an-ewering the issues the jury foundthattheplaintiffwasnotguiltyof contributory negligence and that both defétidants were ‘negligent.So-tice of ‘appeal was given.ethe case of Melchor and HartA.S.McKay,the jury found that the plaintiffs,whe claimed $170,but one the plaintiffs owed defendant "The Battery Park Bank vs.Jos.L. Blair and S.A.Lowrance;judgmentforplaintifffor$1,000 and:interestfromJanuary13,1915,W..W.Rankin Company.vs.How-ard |Hart.Report of Referce John A.Scott confirmed.Plaintiff to re- cover $11.87 and interest from No-vember»24,1913,with interest and cost.Fee of $12.50 for stenographer antl $25 for referee to be equally di-vided between plaintiff and defend- ant, WW.Rankin Co.vs.Will Knox: judgment for plaintiff for .$247.86 and interest from August 3d.1915;W.-W Rankin Co.vs.-J.-G.Bark- ley;judgement for plaintiff for $159.- 25 and interest from August3,1915: Norman Bros,vs.J.B.Lippard;pane took:non-suit. .Plott vs.the board of com-missioners of Iredell county...The findings of the arbitrators,Messrs, J.B.Armfield and Dorman:Thomp-|gon,confirmed.The plaintiff isawarded$2.269.52,wth interest from August 2,1915,and costs..8S.J.Er- vin,referee,was allowed $100 andArmfiehlandThompson$30 —each, those ¢osts to be divided between plaintiff and defendants. Frank D.Moses and others ys. Statesville Gas Company.Report of receiver confirmed as to claims pass-ed on.Further hearing ordered andeaeeeordered.to produce M.Ps‘Morrison vs.D.J.Craig,B.B.Blackwelder and B.B.Blackwelder;settled.out of court;de-|tendants to pay.cost.D,8.Chandler and.others vs.Un-ion Grocery Suply Co,W.A.Bris- tol,supplemental "yanstructedtobringsuitagainstthepersonsinsdebitedtothesompany.AP.“Torrence ys.W.S>Mayhew. ZalesA:hs Jr,appointed:arbitra.ho}tor!to”heai ©case pad separt:find» ‘reeciver ‘ef:‘Sar mpany,iv8.the eaionacn of)Iredell:aea aither,Esq.,of Newton ap- pointed referee,-The Adder achine Co.vs.Loréne Coton &il Mills;judgment forplaintifffor$300.with interest from July.7.1913.subject to credits -of$80.The plaintiff is given possessionofmachinerydescribedin‘complaint,which is to:be sold at auction sandproceeds.applied to debt..G.A.Mor-row anpointed commissioner to makethesale. Bb 8.Alley vs.Barger Bros.;’non- Ballance -Sullivan Co,vs.W.E. Gaither and Boone Turner;judgment for plaintiff for $1.088 and interest from April +29,-1915,and costs.Lizzie Miller was given a divorcefromRobertMiller.‘Allen L,Mills and wife vs,Postal Telegraph and Cable Company;non-suit.penn to pay cost.Mrs.M.A.Honeyeutt vs.S.HH.aston Jury found that.plaintiff war not the owner of the cow:in-con- -troversy,ii International.Harvester Co.vs.ee sha and R.M.Austin;for plaintiffagainstR--M ‘Austin for $565,with interest from June 24,1914. M.Av Feimster,P.V.Dotson:and Cc. other stockholders and creditors.ofthePoston-Wasson Co.vs.the Pos-ton-Wiasson:€o.The-~receivers of‘the comany.W.J|Matheson and J.R.Hill,havine made their final re-port,were discharged.W..Hi.and B.M.Morrison and H.1. Stevenson vs.F..J.Axley.D.0.Bost ‘and.others;H.B..Lewis,com-missioner,reported sale of land and recommended re-sale,which was or- dered. Lucy ©,Chambers:vs.Fred.FF. Chanibers,motion for alimony.Ttwasorderedthatdefendantpayplain-tiff $15 per month,beginning August 2,until the final hearing, J.D.Blliott,executor of J.F.Me:Lain,:vss,Margaret C..Miller andothers.Tt appearine that ‘the lega-cies of $300 to Jog.,Woodring,$100 ,tothewidowofLawsenWoodringand$900 to the heirs of Solomon McCall,deceased,mentioned in the ‘will of 41.\MéLain,are lapsed legacies,all ed that,the legacies ‘mentioned hepaidtothenextofkinanddistrib-uteds.of the estate of J.F.McLain, mentioned in the will:F,H.Conger vs.Stanley:B.Can- gers non-suit,plaintift to pav cost.J.A,Jones and’Bruce Jones vs, J.8S.Mayberry and J,C.Reénegar:verdict for plaintiffs for..$46,24 and interest from April.19,1916)‘This ended the business of the Au-|b:j\gust term of Iredell Superior Court, —The Statesville Grocery Co panyhasmovedintoitshitifonenowquartersintheMottReine; For Plott “Against Commis-|. sioners—-Other Cases in Ire-|~ the “defendant?war-net---indebted.ta the nartiés being dead,it was)order:f to’ro ae a waiting and.anxworldabout.cork legs;as ,which answer is expen to’‘rel ovMr.Marshall Ramsey of the persisent,not to say impertinent,“anetiesofhisfriends,The “Eanwilloccupyafewmomentsof — ringer ponders, were made of bronze,wood and ironasfarbackas300yearsB.C.;artificial feet“and hand ‘orfisteel—hands that held a’ ancient time. close -and--could.grasp.a sword.Jas, Potts made legs which had quiterunatalaterperiod.The MaofAnglesea,who lost a leg at Wa-terloo,was.supplied with one“<they were ever afterwardknown 8 the Anglesea legs,;B.F.Palmer started the artificial limb industry in the United States!in 1846 and later they put out:ber feet and hands.Van P ;a Dutch mechanic,.mgde hands4couldpickupapen,a leaf of ¥ or draw a sword from aArtificialrubberhandsare ninAmericathatwillwrite keys;and ‘artificial legs—of wood—are provided with rubber feet’ can dance,skate,ride a bicycle,el a.ladder,etc. |The Landmark—ean—find,is such~thing as a cork leg mentioned suggested;and how the ideaabroadthattherearecorklegs,is aj* mystery.But Mr.Ramsey's good friends,who comforted‘him with the sugges-tion that he bought the wooden.Jembecausehedidn’t have.the pricen“cork Jeg,”might ask him:why hedidn’t.getia rubber:foot so heeoulddance,skate,real ele oealadder,ae ss * Automobile ‘Kedident *witSeriousDamage.|: An ‘automobile occupied by Messrs.James.Holmes.and “Hal.Hiaynes,Misses Clarabell and Stacey res ofHarmony,and Miss Hortense.ButlerofCharlotte,turned turtle.ry the:Tur- nersburg road,'near the Milebt,Sunday eae “mem-bers:of,.the iparty ‘except|meswerecaughtbeneaththee,:butWere.protected:by!thét a no oneaeseriously:hurt:?Mr.Holmes help-d'Mrs,Hayes to free “himself andfenthetwomehturnedthemachineoverandliberatedtheladies...Theengineofthemachine—it was a Ford—idid not stop running until it wasturnedbackarightandthegascut off..Aside from the rushing of thetop.the miachiat “was only slightlydamaged..The party,which had beentoStatesville,continued on the.return trip.toHarmony in the car,Miss ‘Butler was‘at.the ©steeringwheelof‘the automobile when the ac-cident occurred.:The wheels had got-ten into a;rut and when Mr.HolmesreachedoverandcaughtholdofthesteeringwheeltocigMiss.Butler steer out of the rut.he turned the -+steering wheel too”denily,causingthefront:wheels’oS car to “cutunder,”whergupen the ear «turned|; over. News of,the Churches. Rev.S.Cashwellof Statesville,who |started the work of‘the ‘WestHickory.Baptist,church’and was.the..|first superintendent.of the.Sundayschoolofthechurch)preached thesermonatthe“Home Coming”exer-eises’held:at the=“eve= ning.Sunday.morning Mr..CashwellpreachedattheFirst.Baptist.churchof.Hickory..Mrs.‘Cashwell accompa-|_nied her husband ‘to Hickory to.at-tend the “Home.Coming”exercises.Sunday evening’s-union service washeldat.Broad Street Methodistchurch.|Rey.Jas.Willson of Wins- ton-Salem was.in charge of the :serv-ice and 7 J.A.Smith preached thesermon.A,good congregation was |present,The North Carolina Go ference oftheSeventhDayAdventistsisinses-sion in High Point,holding a tentmeeting,»From ‘ola,this county,there are in attendanee M..E..John-ston,J.O.Johnston,'S.L..StaffordandJ.H,Allrany , Deaths, Mr,.J,F.Kennett,87 rs old, father of ae ‘M.Phen of ooresville,‘died Saturday.‘at:hisUpiasstReenasanetelcoun- ty.$wife about ten days:pre-viously.Four danghters :and,>five ‘sons survive, Mrs.Maggie eshenk -Shives,‘wife of Mr.J.Q.Shives,died:Satur- day.evening:‘at her home in Bethanytownship,aged 86 years,The fun-éral and oe took:place at SouthRiver’¢h Sunday afternoon,Alistachild.-Mr.and Mrs.Shives ot an rs week aro.Y Sadie ‘gon*of:Mraand’Mrs.J.E.ae of the Amity community diedbylle.Ac We at 6 o’eloek.)).Funeral ae re at-Shady Groveandintermentwas r there,©he ¢aat —iLicens has heen issued for thRex!ssued for theon|marriageofof MMiss Lena Gray Still- twell:And Mr.Hee Abonwow ec F.Barringse havi i time of the audience while:Prof.‘Bar- *Artificial limbs,‘according’|t6 ‘therecord,are of ancient origin.*-They. ae a bridle-rein—-were also made in‘that|!The hands ©weighedthreepounds,were made.to opén and All alone ihe.Panter Germanic tempts at sorti Little Belgrade, rtbo Turks... lies, in the latter.zoné the Germans are sed. pen,row a boat or work sate ‘Nowhere in the record,so far as}?urkish—artillery” got lies i important fighting|progress exeept in.the a.althoughtherehasbeena~hand-to-hand©en-fagement near Bagatelle,France,aresumptionofthe’bombardment ofa.counter-artillery attackbytheSerbiansagainstSemlin—andPanscova,and battling on GallipoliPeninsulaandinAsiaticTurkey,with claiming the advantage.in the former region against the and the Russians asserting that .|southeastern.districts,say these’ré-pports.+ ‘ie onstantinople reports that attacks¢jof the allies against their right wing * -|Summary ofLate Bvents in theEuropeanStraggle._| unefront the @ to Ber-jlin,again pe o fan ae againsttheRussiansywhoevebeendrivenbackorrepulsedinat-re have is ‘in Ottomanforceshavebeendefeated.On —theAustro-Italian front no decided gains“qlfor either side are chro|In the Northwest roe of Russianic to have re-sumed the offensive and forced theRussiansbackt@thenortheast:‘AnattemptatasortiefromKoynofail- In Poland a triésth advance:north-Se teast of Warsaw between the NarewandtheBugdiasbeen“made by:the'Teutons,aceording to Berlin,“Novo-Jeeorgievsk has been more closely near Air-Burnu,on Gallipdéli.Penin-/{éula.were put down,and that:the against Anaforta plain and,Seddul- Parton, -]Bahr forced a retirement ofthe al-|.from the former place and de-stroyed their bomb-throwing devices, Hhrrington and Whiteha- ven.in Cumberland,England,on thetrishSea,were bombarded yesterday by a German:submarine.Were caueed:but the.damage wasslightandtherewereno.casualties,according to an official statement:German.‘suecess in‘Poland’eontin-ves,the Rassias:theing’’ ga wile,gPtor iit eG “Bite”the bubble”is“health hint”.fromthe United StatesMarineHospitalService, for tie Tf ingproperly:fountain may he: Some fires uso a hw CH THTHE.“METAL. |aeascock the Mo When “Phe following is of local.interest: the latest The expert}ne Hospital Service says:rly constructed|or!fm-)', used,the.bubbling drinking {> a greater ‘menace!to health than the common drinking’cup,The other day.an,inspector,of theUnitedStatesPublicHealthServicesathesideabubblingdrinkingfoun-tain in a railway station and watch-ed-the.way in which it was used,Forty-seven persons used the bubbling]. fountain.In_almost_every-case the},lips.were placed almost.completelyaround:the the water spurted. metal ball -from ‘which “In using the bubbling fountain’theruleshould-be,‘Bite the Bubble.’Thelipsshouldnotreachanypartof.the}§ fountain.” The Landmark has observed thedrinkingatthestreetfountainsinStatesville.In the great majority of cases-the--drinkers-either wrap*lips.about the metal ball frem whichtheir|- the.water’issues,or allow.their’lipstotouchit;and when you reflect thatyou-wouldn’t think of:drinking fromacupusedbymany’of the people whopatronizethepublicfountain,youwillbedisposedtopassupthe’foun- tein ‘except in case of necessity,Thewaythefountainsareusedtheres practically:no difference,‘so far~ sanitation.is concerned,‘from them and from a common could ieee ing cup, If .the police in’driakine #ythedrinkerskeeptheirlipsoffthemetalandbite:the bubble,”they’would ren der @ publie service,we ce Business Deal at Mooresville. At Mooresville Friday James,,WwW.Brown,principal ‘owner and’manageroftheLorene’Cotton Seed Oil Mills of that place,‘sold te.a_stock compa-the.»buildingsny and machinery,known‘as the Lorene Oil Mill proper- ty,the consideration:being:$30,000,Among the ‘stockholders are Hi.Smith,W,L.Matheson,W:..Cv Johns-ton,Wh B.Harris,G.L.,McKnight, A.F Craven,Lee Overcash,A.W. Colson;James Wi.Brown,Ji:€.Me. Lean,Z,Vi +Turlington,Dr.Gi'P.*‘Carpenter,Taylor,.We all’of}.Mooresville;Lee Smith.Cabarrus;A.Sy Alley.and Brown:-Bros.,Trout: bell."man;BH.T,Kelly ‘and Juling’Camp-faTaylorsville,arid:others:“*The ‘new organization’will be.‘re-chartered atid the name changed:tothat;ef .the \Farmers’ Cotton:S$¢ed Oil Mill. week:to elect.officers: Co-operative‘A meeting of the stockholders will be held .this —Mr,W.A.Thomas will attend themeetii Man Park® of *Southern Furniture |*cturers’Association,at Grove‘Inn,Asheville,this week.|MrThomas,will read.a paper at themeetingonthe«possibilities.of .the 3,000furnituretradeinSouthAmerica. ~|Mise Ethel Boozer:underwent an}:operation’for appendicitis at the San- atoria reported:favorable,.yesterday.Her condition is Rev,'J./.0.Shive of Wilson hag ac-ceptedthe post of field secretary ofDeevores: Wy * }to.bat in the second inning and had }alightly"hort. Ww.We |STATESVILLE WON.GAMES. Ball 'Gamés Last Week ArousedLocal’Interest.Statesville “played some ball”last week,winning one of the two gameswithLenoirduringthe‘first.half ofthe.week and all three of the gameswithMorgantonthe.last half..:Sat-urday’s score was a tie at the:be-ginning of.the meal imning,but be-fore the close Porkorney put the’balloverthefenee.for.Statesville.andmade‘a home ‘run,me put States-ville in the lead,the ‘seore..being.8to7infavorofthelocals...The lo-cal fans were so;elated’over the;win-ning run that.they:showered Porkor-ney with coin.A large crowd attend-ed the game,the fact that:Statesvillehasbecomeawinnerhaving”revivedlocalinterestand.enthusiasm,SpaidpitchedforStatesvilleandSwanncaught,while both Osteen and LowewereusedaspitchersbyMotganton,with Winston on-duty behind the bat.Morganton matle 12.hits and 3°er-rors,while Statesville got enly 4 hits and made 2.errors.The score.Friday.was Morganton4,Statesville 6.’Morganton made 9}¢hits and one error and ‘Statesvillemade8hitsandoneerror.EvanstanpitchedforMorgantonandWinston|;caught,while Wilson did Statesville’spitchingandMarshall:and °Swanncaught.Marshall was struck in |’thfacebyapitchedballwhenhe— vaiverviady's’DaFriday. ~-Old:fiddlers*howse to teh at<Mvented 0 ; 8.30 any ‘time, —The condition of Rev.er of.Barium.continues hohestillhasfever,Re Hae moot feveranoolPierite ay. —Surday’Creek Saturday,“21st,Thompson will “speakSinging,ete.,teethe Pgiemondhospital!HeHe——,there: iss’Ethel’aMr.ae.vas,9 "oan pendicitisHercacti ve :~The taba hay’P.’C.\Carlton oe Rihaa fe ne explain"dont aia“h to retire from the game.Swann took};his-place.Evans_did-some unusually arethwildpitchingandit.was considered“lucky”that other ‘players,in addi-tion to Marshall,were not hurt;Oneotherplayerwasstruck,but only!hort.Marshall's injury wasvery:painful,butbut,not serious, ITEMS OFFALL SORTS. At last Hon."RALA.Doughiton’hasrelievedthesuspense:He will notbeacandidateforAttorneyGeneral. ‘All foreign.exchange went pee rathelowestrecordontheNewmarketyesterdayandthedollarnowtules,George Joseph Smith,who | =aah tae aeze esti;death,Mes._Eaasens who aed er ee Rive re.raed KilledJ Mensa altan,explosion which’blew to pieces.helgelatine“house ofthe Aetna~ive,’Gompany’s’plant at,Grove near Emporium, The remains of Mrs.John DiRockesfeller;buried.in Sleepy Hollow cem-etery.near.Tarrytown,N..Y.,March,have been re-interred:inLake},View.cemetery,Cleveland,0.‘ 'Getman submarines have renewed |their activity,and-in:three daysweektheysunk18vessels,tenwhichwereBritishtrawlersand fourofwhichbelongedtoneutralcoun- “Magistrate ‘Corty of Spartanburg,.C.,Has decided thatplayingon’Sunday does*Nae constitute Hallationofthe:criminal ‘code of‘SouthCarolinawhichprohibits.sports:on the Lord’s day.>Stasenville:tat the first game\Morganton at.Morganton yesterday,|,score.being Morganton 5,Statesville2oaSaneergamegies B ve terday was &Sree or Gastonia ¥|}marks’vallewed to have’hee 8ascoreof4toI4nedetain,Mah se eeoverrdfromtheipNew~The:Johnston -BelkHampshireand|.drowned |Sunday!Statesville;which haswhilethéshipwassailingtheGaltNeda’for home time:|g}hurricane south-of the Florida comat,utores’on’Center.street; No damage to the ship.—‘\chartered with an authorinedFire’at.Concord yesterday:morn-}of $50,000,of.which $16,000 scribed,y Messrs.’and ‘£,tine iodohandsThursday,graveyardand chur—The:ladies ‘a the ing gutted the second r of ‘thestoreofH.L.Parks &The-lossto,stock:by fire and water is:esti-mated at $30,000,«Fhe building;ownedbyR.Fi-P wasalso damaged,Belk of Mon:barepeovened:-‘insurance,at it 100:-Mexicans >un coverofdarknesslastnightfordedtheRio}caY'®"Lando ‘he tions.inthe:Statesville Pulh‘Grande’neat 8,about |80 Atlantic.arexcursion:.ab it = miles up the river from Browrsville,Texas,and partly surrounded 21 menoftheTwelfthUnitedStates:Caval-ry.They killed one trooper and wounded two. A.|FRANK REMOVED FROM PRISONA.dispatteh from.Milledgeville,Ga.,}tReeLeoM.Frank was ‘removed from |éxr:the Georgia’prison farm last’night 25 armed men,who overpowered ,community sends The |rden Smith.ani/Previous to the attack wires lead-twin eeate soe ing to the prison itself had beencut.|iPrankwaitpadtinanssmobilepertindrustedinthedireetionof‘Raton:|th Tt has.not:been iiscertained wheth-l glad:the ‘¢er Frank was lynched or whether the|fact if.iparty’that removed him from Reptison’were:his friends. One of Franee’s War Burdens.day France expended $384,000,000the’first year ofthe war’in teedthewivesandfamilies‘of mo!bitinedgiesceand)workers.thrown out:of emp:loyment,are at’presen jarvans ,000,000 ’pat ‘eceiving allowances tex tent reat mhanyigeis d iseallowancespeer|oo to,claimthem,saint |tl ant easy?ae eefor’to:make,but a8''the arandtheirresources:dimin .were eeeSa Geet he naBeeoanwea thing for théir share of the work: >Most of the matter,the News thinks, “ply to the News.That paper has test.applied to all matter that comes +,is,Is it.worth while as news?or ‘benefit to the people? “people to adopt better sanitary meth- -“mark feels that it would fail in its ‘thing that!will help to arouse 4 sSe day;+o show.them,if it can,the ben- Se _)the technical knowledge,nor the time that the people ought:to know and) al most value.to its readers.It could- ~——~gould.Some of it may be very good “hat it is,helping its readers to learnSeal \‘sioner Graham sends something that.)i ow the::farmers comet akipst if ,Weth@wise bain}or Dr: fzereer sends.som “,that will a t 4 aenermenenn HE VIEW TO TAKE. ‘he Lenoir News eqmplains about bulletins sent it by the State oard of Health,the State Depart- ‘of Education,the State Insur- Department and the State De- tent of Agriculture,which it is requested to jublish “for the benefit the people.”The News admits t the matter is meritorious but is disposed to insist that inasmuch the people who prepare it get pay nd make a reputation by their work; ‘that their matter is worth not ing ‘unless it gets to the people;and "see- ‘ng all these things the News is dis- posed to insist that the newspapers ‘should not be madé to bear all the -burden—that they should get some- and it is papers that * 4s legitimate advertising _disposed to knock the print it free of cost, As The Landmark publishes much “of the State’Health Board matter “and such other of the department “material as it thinks worth while,it “feels called on to say a word in te. “the whole thing down wrong.The: “to.The Landmark seeking publicity ‘does’it contain anything that is of Therefore, ‘when the State Board of Health ‘sends something that will.arouse the -ods;to do something that will pre- vent the spread of disease and im- ‘prove health conditions,The Land- ‘duty if it did not give it publicity; mething ‘for their benefit, Same thing as to all the others. wn Commissioner Young sends some- the -asuto their criminal negli- in case of fire waste,and that be the means of preventing fires dstroy the property of,the in- |Commis-Wat“that :: ‘nocent and guilty alike;if i me t z ahwork,fe information they {ight.on tional:,work Renae pent to prentas zeal -in that line—why The Landmark is glad to print it..That’s.what it’s shere for—to give the people such ruseful information‘as it can.obtain, along with the current news of .the “efit of “adopting different methods from’those in.use;to.exhort and to,dwarn—to help them to a condition that will,make us all.a;-better,hap- ‘pier and a’more prosperous people. “That these State officers get pay ‘for preparing these articles doesn’t ‘figure..The Landmark and theNews ‘eouldn’t prepare them.They haven’t “nor opportunity to gather the facts. «If these State officers,while admin- istering the duties of their offices, prepare and send out information will profit by knowing,they should *-be commended ‘instead _of criticised; _and the newspapers that fail to givethisinformationtothepeoplefailin .their duty.‘ ‘Bear in mind,however,that The Landmark selects out of the mass of matter sent it such as it thinks of n’t print it all:and wouldn’t if it but not of special value to The Land- -mark’s readers and some of it,may -not be worth while.The papers are -asked to print only such of the mat- ter as they think of benefit to their readers. The advertising idea is eliminated -entirely when it is remembered that ate hh N,iereaaah on ‘he Passing -and the Entry of © mans —Russians Carried Off —About Everything Not Nail- ed Down.; A dispatch to ‘the. News from Rotterdam, London.Dailycabledtothe story of the German entry into War- Zeitung and Berliner Mo ost by “a highly-placed officer.”“It confirms in every particular the revorts of the completeness with which.the:Russians removed everything that would be of the slightest use to their enemy,and rovides a telling word picture of Zonditions in the ‘city,immediately after the evacuation.ae Even while the fighting was —pro- ceeding in the.streets the inhabi- tants sipped their coffee stoically at cafes only a few houses away from the barricades.The officer,writes: “Quickly our.car runs along the road of the Russian.retreat.toward Warsaw.Scorched fields and burn- ed farms and villages fly past on both sides of the road.Wrecks of carts, soldiers’coats,cartridgé cases,here and there:boots and bread carts,also many.fresh graves,mark the road along which the Russian army went for its regrouping.'Felled trees plac- ed across the road as obstacles have to be removed by our men. “German soldiers are standing on the green walls of the forts in which was fighting this morning.Then come the walls of the town and the fort- ress itself,earthen walls with anti- quated earthen works.In the sub- urbs there seems no end to the long streams of refugees coming out by the same roads along which the Ger- man troops are marching into the town.Along the high sides of the road thousands of people are stand- ing watching’the’éntrance of the German troops.Then:we go through ah old gate into old Warsaw itself. “Suddenly we come to a plain com- pletely empty ‘of people.The only noise here is the zipping of bullets and explosives from the other side of the river.Fighting is still going on. On this side are the Germans;on the“other the Russans.On~the--othersidearetrenchesandonthissideour men are lying behind street barri- cades and.corners of ‘houses and _fir- ing across the river.The Russians return a lively fire.Machine guns rat- ‘tle from.both sides.Now and then comes a bigger greeting from guns. Here all is the activity of the big town,and scarcely 100.vards away a struggle for life and death.§ordinary scene there of,ug,The Russians posigignsheapposikebankareclearlysvis~:aked eve.”Guns atSs."We and have in from of Hus the life of the bie city.At yonder corner ig a big,cafe.Men and ‘women aré‘sipping their edffee ‘as if_it were. peace times,many of them reading newspapers;and a few houses away death is seeking its prey.On a hal- cony is a lady’with highly painted face and fashonable.dress wth,a ook}in her,”heavily jeweled,haad. ihepyabe casts a glancejjat ie other side’of into the ~~f ,a on °the other, side ‘of the miver:where:the.pte’are Gntinulle tet gent lestrac-tion.The public buildings are emp-‘ty.All furnture,even to spittoons. has gone.There are empty walls and empty rooms,ete.,everywhere.Themeansofcommunicationhasbeencarriedaway.Telephone and _tele-graph apparatus of all kinds is gone.Everywhere,even in private houses. there is a gaping emptiness.TheRussiansfelttheywouldhavetogiveupthisfortressperhapsforever.” RSTTD TELLEIILLALIT Soldiers Stimulated For Bayo-net Charges. ‘Miss Jane Addams of Chicago, speaking on “Peace”.before the Chau-tauqua Assembly.at.Chautauqua,N.Y.,reaffirmed her statement that‘Rurope’s soldiers,in some cases,haveeénstimulatedbyalcoholicsanddrugsforthebayonetcharges.“My informants in England,France and Germany were soldiers,officersandwell-informed civilians,”said MissAddams.I don’t question the soi-.diers’courage,”she continued,“butwhenaprominentofficialinthePariswarofficetellsmehismenaregivenabsinthebefore‘a bayonet charge,Ibelievehim.When a German lieuten-ant tells me his men were given a drug formula;containing .sul-phuric ether,’among other things,tostimulatetheirbloody.bayonét.work, I believe him.And when a big Ox:ford University professor in Englandtellsmehissonand‘nephew weregivenrumtostintulatetheminbattle,believe him, Vistula.;“Thin smoke none of the matter is designed to help -any private’enterprise or individual. The officers who prepare it are not ‘benefited financially,They would get as much pay if not a single news- “paper in’the State printed a line they send out;and as for personal boost- ing,their names can be left out of it entirely. This is more space than it was in- ‘tended ‘to ‘devote to this matter,for “it is no concern of The Landmark what course the News pursues.But that paper has harped on the subject more than’once and as it hag attack- ed the papers who do use the mate- (vial,the impulse to say something*is irresistible.If the News was pub- ‘Jished simply for what it an get out \of the financial side,wthout regard _for the public interest,there would fae tie no argument.But we know ees“surprised at the narrow view he! it isn’t and knowing its editor we are “takes.of the ‘question under consid- -eration..‘eeennadiscoveryofaspecific for cer- :1.tor.of’of is announced|there arane(tke interior, “When common talk in all countriesamongthewomenwhohavehusbandsandsonsandsweetheartsatthefront,tells the same thing,I begin to believethattheaveragesoldierisnotsuffici-ently brutish and beastly to fight with cold steel against his brother men unless primed with drugs or strong drink. :“Every nation ‘sincerely-believes itisfightingforself-protection for righteousness,”declared Miss Add-ams.“Each will holdout to the endofitsstrengthunlesssomeneutralnowerofferseffectiveintervention.Everywhere civilians are dominatedbymilitarists.|America must lead the fight\for peace and disarmament. No European country can solve theriddleandthemuddle.” West India Storm.: ‘A’storm originating in the WestIndies,usually due about this sea-son of the year,has been headed thiswayforseveraldays.Yesterday.itwasexpectedtosfriketheLouisianaandTexascoastandwhenit.getsalongthe’North Carolina coast,,un-less it simmers down,its effect.will)be felt up this way.These storms are often very:‘de:|Structive’on the coast and sometimesheavywindsandrainsin ———_It pays to trade at Smithey &Fra-a!They are the real bargain giv- New York Times,says a remarkable: saw is poeta to ‘the Vossische: maximum price.4 ‘eotton,corn,peas,cane artoes;and when the erop isandthelastfurrow‘is.made,taken to the block and”so)agent of some bldéomin’couisatwar.It looks prettythemuletohave’to:pull.spring.and far into thealandwhoseinhabitants praying for peace and time are sending munitionsbytheshiploadtothe then be taken to the block % as-an “army mule”;and thensentacrossthewatersandhoo to a cannon or supply wago have the.very life’blown ‘owcottonwhichthatsame’mul to make on a farm chognand:away from the sceve ofhis deItsurelydo¢s look tough and‘if ‘the:mule could do as did one of his an-cestors ‘who was ridden by dhe Ba- laam;some years ago,open’‘his mouth and speak,some pointed re- marks might be submitted.~. Cores Old Sores,Other Remedies Won't ery. The worst cases,no matter of how long standing, are cured by the wonderful,Dr.inner apap ng aay a9 WHY SHOULD THE PEOPLE Of Statesville and Iredell Coun-ty Use Flour Made By theStatesvilleFlourMillsCo?—Why Should Local WheatGrowersSellTheirWheattotheStatesvilleFlourMillsCo?—Why Should Local WheatGrowers'Exchange *TheirWheatWiththeStatesvilleFlourMillsCo.for Its Flour? ‘The Statesville Flour Mills Co.of- fered two prizes—$15 in gold ‘and $10: in gold—for.the best and-second-bestpapersinanswertotheabovethreequestions.Mrs.Nola,Sherrill Car- mato ,|hoped ‘|country,‘yn you nonena}pathy.~|“I am sure it would the desire}:the pub-|4 President Wilson ha : Sophia Gompers of Brooklyn,N whose son,William ‘Gompers,@ sailor, killed by.snipers.at Port.au Price,who wrote the Présdient. but| that|9 she was proud that her son had det go n the service of his country, e had been her sole support the government ¢ol The ‘President’s letter given out at the White House,follows:|, .“My Dear Madam:I your letter of Atugust 3 with deep sympathy. ing you on having a son Se ty it,was to die in the service of of everyone connected.wi lic service ‘to see that you did not suffer needlessly because of your son’sdeath.ee Ro“I am -sending.your.lettter to theSecretary.of the Navy to inquire atl and she|%ld help her.|% have read H I.feel like congratulat-}%whose d ni-|% but my heart goes out to)9%the less in profound sym-|# x)rails cantof city.This propertylies on the sand:Ly ng constructed by the government. farm .*%.be ahblicsquare.Splendidly adaptedrrirseee?Live tok and Poultry vi m4No.4—60 acres in Wilkes county just across Iredell linea bargain,§40 city lots in east Statesville,known as ‘Park Place’’--$15 down,}.»balance io menahey Bay cate :10lotsinBloomfield.Term’easy.section fast developing.Several niceCallonme’and learn what I have, ve igjHNos“-oe 11-4 miles from )too ns-Statesville,N.€.. whether there is any.possibility under | the law as it stands of assisting you.|9 consider the matter ver“Cordially and.sincere!Gren“WOODROW.WILSON.” Piles Cured tn 6 to 14 Days Your druggistOINTMENTfails to cure any cane of IBlind,BleedingorProtruding Piles in’6to 14ThefirstapplicationvineaHaseandRest. fully... vs, . Sealing Wax Preserving Powders Jelly Glasses . Apple VinegarJarCapsandRubbers Mason Jers penter was winner of the first prizeandDr.C,A,Turner was the win-ner of the second.Dr.Turner's paper |was as follows::a Why Should The People of Statesville|and Iredell County Use Flour Made |By the Statesyille Flour Mills Co?| Knowing as they do the manage- ment of the Statesville Flour Mills as!men of the highest integrity of pur- pose and business ability.who:con-scientiously strive foy the hichest.ac-complishment in évery detailof pro-diction,the people of Statesville andIredellsonemay‘be |suré “of the|very finest flour ‘that “\éan be made|Sen THEY bast from this’company.and f3t eveiy dollhid the States.ville Flour Mills they will’recéive fullYoo“eehts value and oVer.')°°"2‘In using'the brands of this ¢om- pany,they are not only givine maxi-mum,nourishment to their bodies,but |nourishing ‘the |industrial.‘life’of Statesville and surroundin#'‘countryfromthefact‘that .the ‘Statesville Flour Mills ‘Company.in feeding the?outside’world,is ©building ‘the:re-soiuitees f°Statesville;by drawing:firencial‘nutriment fromthe coutitryatlargesttwopeg‘|In every!purchase’ofa pound’offlotir,they’are ‘strengthening an”in- stitution that’is ‘carrying the -gdodname“of Statesville,thriugh the medium of ‘Statesville goods,into’in+ numerable ‘homes over the country; until eventually,by reason ofits fineflour,the name of Statesville will,in Why Should Local Wheat GrowersSellTheirWheattotheStatesvilleFlourMillsCo?-iInsellingtheirwheattotheStates- ville Flour Mills Company,local wheat growers avoid the uncertainty andliabilitvtolossincidentaltolong.dis-tance..bartering.They may,alwaysbesureofabsolutelysquareandcourteoustreatment.er can carry his product to the States- that at ariy time he will receive,t No matter what the manipulationsofthestockmarketmay.be,he will’always receive every cent his;com- modity is worth—jin no ‘way will,he-deprived of the fruits of his:la-rs.:athInamillwiththeoutputof,,,theStatesvilleFlour.Mills..and_its eon-sequent demand for wheat.he is al-ways certain to find a market,and itistotheinterestofthelocal-farm-er to.foster and in every way possl ble contribute to the success of...anenterprisethat.is 80 clearly a‘con- venience to him in bringing the bestmarketrighttohishand.3 n Why Should Local Wheat Growers Ex-.change Their,Wheat With the:Statesville Flour Mills Co.ForpeItsFlour?:,Many of the reasons already enu-merated in the foregoing answers al-so ‘apply to the third question,’suchassquaredealing,support of localenterprises,ete.jThroughthismethodof exchangehetweenthelocalgrowerand:theStatesvilleFlourMillsCompany,themoneyofthe“flour mill is»heldinStatesvilleinsteadofgoingtoout-side farmers for wheat;:and bringingtheminto’more direct)cempetitionwiththelocalfarmer...’Shunisheld’inThefarmer’s moneyStatesvilleinsteadofdrifting to out-side’mills for’flour.In short,itmakesforreciprocal.prosnerity,,Themillmusthavewheat,the farmermusthaveflour.This method :ofexchange.is the ehort cut to businessaccomplishment,the essence of sith)plicity,eliminating —theroutinenecessitatedinmaking |twotransactions.each with diutside par-ties.when there should be but one.The farmer simply’drives up to.themill,unloads ‘his wheat.takes on hisflour,and the transaction.is com-plete.He is.\assured,|»teueeeesspeaking,of a pound of the BES’flour made,in exchange for a,poundoftheBESTwheatgrown,- a sense,bein-everybody'’s mouth.”| e local grows} ville Flour Mills with the assurance),he}Buil items of |" Spices and Extracts. Ragle & Milholland. missioners has ordered:thatall.insolvent.taxpayers are’required to ‘take’notice that,unless.they.‘appear at’the| 1,1915,and pay.the taxes|dueby them for the years} 1911 ‘and 1912,publication)of their names will be made)as Yequired by law and such |other.action taken as’may'|be-necessaryiiess 2 Hinks ike E,BOYD,!'chug.6.Olerketo:Board. VALUABLE LAND AT PRIVATE SALE. Under the terms of the will of Mrs.Har-|riet Clark,deceased,the undersigned executor |offers at private sale a valuable tract of|land lying on the Catawba river in Catawba |county;N.C.,containing 151°acres’more or|lesa and known as the Alexander Clark place.The tract ‘contains 60 acres of original forest also offers a-house and lot in Troutman ‘andanislandof10acresintheCatawhariver.For terms apply to ‘.H.BROWN,Executor,R.B.McLaughlin,Atty.Troutman,N.C.EBanbaye BNR d with Brick Build a Brick House or Brick-Veneeryouroldhouse.Warmer in winter;cooler in summer,oliminates frozenpHaseveryadvantage.Solidrickoeunderframehousewillhelpsome.Face Brick,Common Brick,DrainTile_Statesville Brick Co.. COMMISSIONER’S SALE~-OFi-LAN BY VIRTUE of a decree of the SuperiorCourt.of Iredell ‘county,rendered in the special.proceeding wherein Electa F.Coo‘et,administratrix:of A.D.Cooper,is-plain-tiff,and J.C..Fowler and another defend-ants,the undersigned commissioner will:sell,at public auction,to ‘the highest.bidder,”atthecourthousedoor‘in Statesville,N.C.,on MONDAY,SEPT.6TH,1916. at the hour of noon,the following déscribedyealestateinthecityofStateaville:Theone-half undivided interest of -the A.D.Cooper estate;held in common with Mrs.J.C.“Fowler,in the following land,to-wit:_Beginning at.a stake,T.Anderaon’scorner;thence N,66 degrees E,226 feet to‘ga 12-foot alley;thence N.24 degrees W.246 feet to C.P.Moore's corner;thence 8.66 di W..117 feet to C.P.Moore's cor- ner A.C.Tomlin’s line;thence 8.24 de-+grees E.to Tomlin's line;thence S.66 de-grees W.108 feet to the Glover line;thence24degreesBE.212 feet to the beginning,ex-cepting a lot of 100 feet front and 212 feet‘deep conveyed to A...Cooper from the western.end of said lot.i “This lot is sold subject to the right ofdowerofMrs.Julia Cooper,Terms of sale— One-third cash,one-third in threemonths andone-third’in six months._Fes siete E .R.B.MeLaughlin,-)Aug,8,1916,Commissioner, ./NOTICE TO.CREDITORS.“Having qualified as administratrix of J.N, Morgan,deceased,this is to notify all per- sone having claims against ‘said estate to present ‘same to.me on or before July 27, 1916,or this notice Will be plead in bar of their:recovery.All ms indebted to said eatate will please make immediate.settle- MARY BARR MORGAN,Adm’x.J,N.Morgan. OE)*July 27,1916. To summarize all three qufrom-amonetarv consideration,it is:simply a caseof tiseall’that? oe from going dd i meh ge August will refund money if PAZO|| “PHONE89FOR”| 1m :Statesyiae officesof |the.‘Registerof(#4 rE Deeds On or before’October! | and 40 acres of river bottom lands,The estate); ‘11 fear there is not,but I am sure the/Secretary of the Navy.will wish td It’s Like Finding Money. Germanyin time of peace bought linters at one centperpoundto.make gun cotton.Today linters aresellingforfourcentsperpound—the Allies payingthedifference.Germany figured on the future—the &Allies on the present.aeCoalissellingat$5.50 per ton now for fall deliv-ery.Price will be up ina short time.ARE YOUAGERMANORANALLY??? Our line is complete.18 NOTICE TO INSOLVENTS!§ The Board of County Com-2 ‘Fuel Company,: OR FUEL.AND.ICK,..ai MAKE IT DOUBLY BASY FOR YOUR HORSESANDDO BRITES ~WORK THAN YOU EVERDID BEPORE BY USINGTHEOLIVERCHILLEDPLOWS wee|it's CHLED Mi AL,thecored chaps an pees OLIVER,CHILLED PLOWS sre without:exception theLightestDraftPlowsMade Rither YOU KNOW from s@tusl experience what OLIVERPLOWSwilldoorSeabewsheardpees‘onghboe Pee them.Why.Not_Get.in,Line,NOW.2? Lazenby-Montgomery HardwareCompany, .Statesville,N.Gc.: }leper et =e Men’s Straw Hats -$3.00 Straws ee:|2.00 1.001.50.ee These special prices are 1-2 Off I $1.50 |1.25 66 66 som, ¥ Is, Se lots in south Statesville,a.3 Sherrill White-Shoe Co. ‘+ SHERRILL-WHITESHOECO.| * FL A S Pi t dt F me Ri e Ne ad La e 4 |—PEACHES -— 4 MP.Alexander &Bro.: ."PHONE 241.ae ie %ea;ba for ee six 2 is downinbedbedtor feessone athe tellane ihhow 1v1 suleedwith a wo hus!oan he ta last,aneadvisedtheoetonic.ne was nearlytoafmeanygimy.work.an athink Cardut isthe best medicineeeeViepiceatoneeeatSycemetioact‘of theriesnahe eae i to do allwashi al We knowpapttdatgrsce.hel sootherweakwomenaitie Medicina Ladies’ ajar ‘fomeALG,Women,”in plain wrapper.128 Extra Nice Lot ot Write to:eo —AT+.5) Highest MarketPricePAIDFOR;GOOD WHEAT STAR MILLING CO. RUBBER TIRE! oat ,leaves 10:40 gm."leaves 6:45 DD m™.Be:SRaead Ad Rees dod opereted ou Beedak: 5.dye Justice Find ‘\eame time to.sentence him.— Thatthe:ookrytics—The Moon EffectsDefenders.nf Lexington”Dispatch. .In SuperiorCourt one fomLong,colored,was tan !at HL,Hedrick.from the chain gang:had been deputizedPagrun."tiThenegrowascowand° MeCrary,who had apparedforboyintherecorder’s court,leave to make a statement.Judge.Justice that the boyhalfidiotandthatMr.Tom lier,foreman of the chain gang, Two “Midshipmen ,Dismissed—Others’Disciplined, Washington Dispatch,Findings of the court of inquirywhichinvestigatedirrezularities‘inexaminationsandrecitationsatthe’Naval Academy,with disciplinary ac- tion approved by Secretary Daniels, ‘jare announced.by.the Navy eement..Two midshipmen,aei"Nelson,Jr.,of New’York aM.Reagleof Ohio,are dismissed ioe the academy.‘Twelve others are or- dered disciplined in varying degrees,one of these being’Leonard P.Wes-|P&°séll of Wilmington,N..C.The court,appointed by SecretaryDanielslastJune,submitted a unan- imous report after a long inquiry.The dismissals were submitted to andapprovedby.President Wilson. Sweeping changes in the methodofconductingexaminations’weresuggested‘by the court and are un- der consideration ‘by.Secretary Dan-’ iels.“Among its recommendationswere:: “That the practice of giving ~ont‘dope’or advance.information should he abolished unless heads of depart+ .,|ments.issue it by memoranda,thusitisuringthatallreceiveitinequal amounts and in the same form. “That examinations should not bemadeso.long or so difficult as tomake“dope”systems necessary fora ereat.proportion df «a class to pass examinations satisfactorily.” n his report before the ingury the neademy suberintendent recommend- ed seven midshipmen for dismissal, ‘and 16 others were brought into the | nroceedings after the court began; hearings.;: It is stated that ‘Miss Emily K.} ~icampaign for woman suffrage. iPerry,a Seuthern woman of intelli-| refinement,”will be:in}jgenée and /North Carolina this week to make a} ivepresents the For Woman Suffrage: berm ree.sWeltibeibest EeneeneaneKelly—andwit dney!:Tires’set hot orelves Quick.service.OO .TROUTMAN.de SUTHER. ForGasoline Ponee Tanks *reinPum FARMER'S WIFE.TOOILLTO WORK: des wid Wrimaraeingles,rs,Windows,Ceiling,lag panre Boxing,:Mould-ing,La Lime;Cement,ete.,—-Next Planters’Wh.:Statesville, DIFFERENT FROM THE REST. wt Sold exclusively by-——-M"ler-McLain Supply Co. FOR FINE CLEANING ‘;AND DYEING:->'PHONE147— Sloan Pressing Club. :Shin les For Sale! -Carload of good No.2,Shingles at $2.75perthousandatmymaser 'tredell badNo:-74,ak Denoae Coite-L.Sherrill,M.D., Will answer ‘phone calls.leftatDr,Long's Sa im or-Geo.M.Foard’s residence,_; oe , A Weak,NervousNervous Sufferer Restoredto'Héalth by Ly- “more for me anything else,at¥had the best physi- fa cian here,«I va 80weakandnervousthatIcould:not domyworkand.suf-fered withpainslowdowninmyrightsideforayearormore,I,took LydiaE.Pinkham’s.Vege- table Compound,and now I feel like adifferentperson.I believe thefe is‘fothing like Lydia E.Pinkham’sVege-table Compound for weak women andyounggirls,‘and I would be glad if Tcouldinfluenceanyonetotrythemedi- cine,for I know it will do-all and muchmorethanitisclaimedtodo.’’—Mrs.Ciara Franks,R.F.D.No,1,Maple- crest Farm,Kasdta,Minn: Women who suffer from those’dis-tressing ills peculiar to their'sex shouldbeconvincedoftheabilityofLydiaE.Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound to,re-store their health by the many genuineand:truthful testimonials we are con-stantly publishing in the newspapers. “If you have the slightest doubtthatLydiaE.Faken 's Vegeta~ble Compound will hel you,writetoLydiaE.Pinkham MedicineCo,(confidential)Lynn,Mass.,for ad-vice.Your letter will be opened,read and answered by a woman,and held in strict confidence,u Why the Bis CracksInyourGeiliagsandFloors?Itis because the lumber wasn’tkilndried.Mineis.CG,WATKINS. 50c.BOOKS 50c. A few of the popular authors:Georgé Barr McCutcheonJohnFox,Jr.C.N.BuckB.M.Bowers aadaneBeratonPorterad 200 re booksto.‘elect from.“RP,Allison’s BookStore' on the changes of the moonjactederazyand‘foolish.ondedthe.statement that “Mr 1inbhf.surerstitious.man.’”).+ey Judge Justice caurht at -laststatementand*.id that Ma Millests statement would not stamp.“superstitious me>.”:for the moondidhavemuchtodowithlunacy.“Why,”said .the judge,“the verywordlunatic’comes from the Latin’word|‘luna,’meaning the ‘mogn,« has been recognized in all ‘ages:thatthe’*moon affected crazy or.foolialtpeople.Every 28 days this balefuleffectisfelt.It is felt.in horses,dogs and other’animals.”He went,on to point out a number of well-es*} tablished facts in regard to the-mooianditseffectanpeople.Long was seit back to ‘therodtoserveouthissentenceandmentwassuspendedastotheshoot, ling case.oe)iJudgeJustice's bymnh kh:‘set oth!ers to:talking about the,monn!end about ‘signs in°"general.Mayon},Charles Young:was outspoken oshisbeliefs,and he is ‘reasonable:er it,too.He said that the most. ed scientists would «tell you’tthemoongovernsther:tidee/jdny!_ocean and he argued that if thewasabletoexertsuchamiPh -fluence on three-fourths of the.rth’ssurface,why-not-on-the re sinineone-fourth.of.the earth?SSA 2 Can you answer that?“2‘The mayor firmly helieves that the moon has much to do with both the | ‘animal and vegetable kingdom and i.fime of the She |country—tmen.whe are.brave enanghCongressional.Union tn stand un for the:rebingeThelea ‘}at enother time didn’t make good. ling the:United ‘States cided.to” is a firm believer in—planting corn, ‘heans and potatoes et the »“rirhtmoon”.and in killingthoes,roofing houses and doing:otherithingsbythemoon, It:is good to.find.that.the moon.has some supporters Jeft in this el gentlemen ipdurState”Hdspitats vaisheoe aeritthat’ehp/abel Rad’dinvitiingttySaleswlthitybapHitsisyafagt; a times5 die r sbante *aoe Py at ci be iimens land bi weypen“wereked,into.it.would,nrobably,;“be: [eth thd moon is the ¢a Se;0%, Judge tice:says. In.the eld davs,whencertaingirts, vlants were sold:ever the counters in:Statesvillg.the police “usedtomain-! =that there wis ae drunkenness| in stare $6 Bgumeesmoon—|mobaliy whveeee,ae moon’as full}that’'an Améitit’of|SoneCae:conti ideation parried| at_one-s would throw.one ot EOPe the moon—;phatthe facts.to prove)it.abn aie connection Peet ia heark!eongratnlates Prof.J.P.Cook;of Ca-|harrus for.taking peloiers of Acri- enlture Hpouston to task for sayine|that.the moon has no effeet on the | Dlantine of erons.Prof.Cook~~as- serts that,he has“the goods”rightimCabarruscountytoshowthatcorn planted at a certain time jin themoonmaderood.while corn plarted At Davidson ©Collere commenc--|mont.this vear Dy:H.1.Smith:ridi-:euledsthe idea that euttine timber inthedarkofthemoonorthelichtof, the moon had anvthing to do with theconditionofthetimber:and he claim- ed he.had proved it did wot by"acti)experiment.”Yet.woadsmen.°*who! Low omar abaut wooderaft Phan Dr. Smith will ever.know,and who have’! demonstrated the theory:himdreds oftimes,will tell him’that timber cut| in.one phaseof the moon will besogeryand’rot.aniekly!cut!at)on- other stave it will be dry and lichtThese‘learned mentlemer:can talk but it’s the actual facts;demonstrat-ed by.experience.that count.Whentheyoungealoredbaywhohadheen to school told his.father that theearthrevolvedonits-axis,the ol/man noked at ohim.with pitv and disgust.To show the boy his ignor- anee he laid a watermelon on thegatepost,maintaining that “if theearthturnedoverinthenightthemelonwouldbehoundto“drap”ofNext.morning:the melon’was.stillonthe’pate post.‘and,triumphzient.the old man leid down the lawthattherewastobe’vio more talk of the earth turning over, Further Restrictions “on Com- merce, Further restrictions on commercewithHollandhayébeenreportedtotheDepartmentofCommercein.Wash-ington “by>:Erwin Wy Thompson,American commercial’attache.assivn-ed:to Berlin,but teniporarily hand- ommerci:ilinterests‘at The Hague.Mr.Thomp-son cabled that the Overseas Trust,which handles ‘all imports’into theNetherlands,©undér an agreementwithGreatBritain-that none of thegoods.will.Geftmany,had de-ue“license only to im-'isfy the trust.that for- porters:to:|mer pe Panag have ‘been.consum-|ed.in Holland, .Datch «it €Swill be Yequiredod-of|‘helt Poods|lediate Supervision |of |!3 form-\:ee purpose.| to Bee to Molla getti ng2Seely T.ER,A.Weald Curtall the Esti- To the Bditor of”cheLédtinkes .{Amount of the’cost’|of’ the ‘mention:a few of the many interest- rH Wyoming ;40.Salt ba a viewing,t ‘Veterans’—Endorse Metts ‘|deptore.the sceming loss’to:us;but a mated Cost ofSolomon’3|Tem- ple:Fe :[i With hesitation almost approach-{ing homility,I rise to ask if you could|not use your good offices with,vour| ald and get him to curtail little| 7 ;$a!re‘emple,‘a description of which _isriveninFriday’s Landmark:The|Herald states that the total cost of|ithe Temple was the “appalling sum||of $51,803,098,840.”1 would like very|\much to“have stricken:off the first| two figures—-at any|vate the last| three,’Also,if Seite:deduct’a©little from the cost of the:timber and|oy.stone used in it,which he states was'| ie $11,726,480,000.Tf*he ebuld drop.off|the five first:figures it would.still) show a fair valuation for these com:|modities,I dislike to ask any con-|cession,a&to the borius which:Solo-|mon gave:his workmen,as this was)so creditable to his heart and hig}brain,but’,$33,669,885 was pretty|reckless expenditure of the public)jrevenues.The purple vestments of) ithe singers at $10,000000 would have|impaired,harmony,it seems to this)age,by their very weight.I would not detragt from this cre-ation after the plan of heavenly archi- tects,though:the third Temple,builthyHerod,B.C:18,is satd to have far exceeded in architectural’splendor the first and second ‘Temples.At anyrate,,.will the editor of the Heraldstandby’his.figures for the silverversely‘used,worth »$2,446,720,0007 as a patron of mine once said.whenaskpdspayformyservices,“T don’tune1owe'-you anything,for J ‘hauled vou at ‘sight of wood’+~two touds,all told.“ede Ay: Statesville,:Ag.14.°, LEED Mr.Hefner's Travels. Correspondenee of The Landmark.Q Freewater;’Oregon,R-1,Aug.7-—As Iam writing to have the addresschangedonmyLandmark;F-wilf ine things that I have seen since left Oklahoma. After a brief stay in Wichita,Kan- sas,|passed through the Arkansas valley,a section of the State that much damage was done by the recent floods.IT saw many acres of wheat that was never cut and principally all the first crop of alfalfa was de- troyed.Next T entered the prairie,region -of..Colorado,making Denvermysecondstorpingpoint.From here T had.a good view of the Rockies. 1 saw Mt.vans,James’Peak,Mt. i Audubon,and many.other famous .;mountain:peaks,Leaving.Denver Iwent.through spme.of thecereal.cane. yons and:gorges of cant.andHerecapitol,Rebats YoungMonumentandthegreatMormonTem< ie my long journey more.ens or Now just one more stop atrooapsil?,Idaho,before.entering the rae section of Idaho,and the ir-Migating,district.of Oregon to Pen-ideton,-where 1 found.myself amongttheIndians—Pendleton,heing,justitwormiles;from one ofthe large,res~eyvations;[spent a:few|Walla.Walla,.,Washington,before coming to Freewater.Freewater;. igcated—in—thefruit.cection..,of.\enisti filo‘Walla,Walla valley,at.,shefgot.of the Blue mountains;and.in i sight.of the Cascades.In about..three ple weeks I,expect to go to British Co-}- lumbia,‘stopping -at.Spokane,.Seat-tle and Everett.From there F will ceturn to Portland,where I will takethe:steamer for San Francisco.BestwishesforthegoodoldLandmark and all its ree .HEPNER. and Appoint Delegates. Correspondence of The Landmark. At a ‘called meeting .of the Reuben ‘Campbell Camp of Confederate Vet-erans,-this,the 14th day of August, 1915,held.to appoint.delegates (as there will be no reunion,this:year in the’State)to go to Raleigh to ‘cast’ their vote for Major General Carr’s duccessor,the following —résola- tiohs ‘were adopted:.Rint Resolved,Ist;-that’while ‘we feelproud.and’fully endorse the justlydeserved‘promotion of our -much-lov- ed:Major General Julian S.Carr.we ‘that in this Joss,we will ‘alwavs be with’him and show:our appreciation of’him;by our endorsement of an¥- thing he may direct;and to.tender to him our heartfelt.thanks and good and:untiring ‘efforts .to’promote our comforts and pleaspres and ask aroodandmercifulFathertoguide| hit in the future as in the past,until he ‘attains .that Heavenly .Home so justly deserved,”; The following delegates cighj'in October next,with inetrue- ‘ions to’dast.their vote for General J. |.Metts:of Wilmington.N.C.,forMajor’General.’commanding the,di- vistoh.of North.Carolina veterans, viz?’General P.-GC.Carlton,Colonel W.H.FE.Gregory.Adjutant W.W.Walton,_9 W..W.WALTON, ey Leuk Adjutant. ane mmmemenmenaeel The Rufty Reunion, cortnpilidinie of The Landmark. Toray,Aug.14.The Rufty.re-unite will bé held in a grove ‘on BE, ufty’s farm,a ‘mile north of<ott’s,Friday,August 20th.On thisdateweshallexpectalltheRuftysofthisVieinityandelsewhereto’assem~ ble,with all relatives’and friends day.* fled:the notthat,is,“big eaters.”CORNELIA RUPTY.cee Ruftys© the D were ap-: pointed to attend the meeting in Ral-| whagwill come and help us enjoy.the |} Please|don’t forget to bring well 3eeeforare|#‘or oe thing especially,and|# ‘|Noed n General Tonle+ ;brother editor of the Louisville Her-|| Going and returning all rail $12.50.|Colne all rail and returning via the.famous tChesapeakeSteamshipLinefromaltimoretochonfelkortRichmond$14.50,; Stop-overs returning at Philadelphia,Baltimore,iWashington,Norfolk.or Richmond within final limit.iPassengersmustbeinStatesvillereturning,be-..‘fore midnight August 31st. Secure Pullman accommodations without delay.and get what you want.— Through high class coaches for those who do notdesiresleepingcars, Call on the undersigned for further information. and:Pullman accommodations. B.A.Cowan,Agent,J.H.Wood,Div.Pass,Agent, Statesville,N,C..Asheville,N.Oy " eomeneeeeetaee days.in =eat 5,ye rs ms a x “Pe *, wt . |s .E ae 6 rh iV re ¥-:ieas):be«fol ‘fe —,=}~2 =|Ml:Me SE.ee«fal F AS r _.ai "5 oll —,>,ey ri 4.%# 2 bei +, ff ee SS at ane a cry vo Hue ::=4 ws A vO ty tesa Se ae on:fay at pee latosd ato AT AL Se Pudi pak Son biwes er ont iy pHAd :we cide ntices f “alimony omeTheNewGarlandCombination“Ra woop AND GAS, va Cool Kitchen’in’Sa aelneie B Sake eae wisest3 |A Wari:‘Kitchen An,Winter.a.St ive 300!K et si “utgdli wore of 9m :ae ‘Statesvil op.be sae Teh ens A Cor le:“Housefurnishing:‘Col]| Write for Catalogue, Hickory,N.C.|Lenoir College, Co-Rdueation under the best condihjone and manageanen oeChrustian 44College,but not sectarian.Omr Aa B.Shilhe te Depart yeinqurStateUniversityandotheruniversitiesandSate:tao “A.M,‘degree‘in|’% one year.Five Modern:buildings,steam heat,electric lights,.city.water,and’gas.NewYoderScienceBuilding,with up-to-date laboratories for Chemistry,PhysicsaniBidlogy.Library and Reading Room,Clean Athletics,Splendid Darn:tarlen,‘GOOD BOARD AT COST,for young men Test’session,$9.20 a month;for youngworten,$9.00.a month;room rent $1.60 a month,tDepartments:Literaty,,Musie,Laie,Voice,Viotin),Expression ‘Art,Bust,Jness,Domestic Science and Domestic Arts,and iGENUINECOLLEGEADVANTAGESWITHINREACHoFTHEPEOPLE?i R.L.FRITZ,President,=_Hickory,N.G.. caer "ARE YOU INTERESTED?—_——-——Soe ee Slate Roofing?’Tin RoofiGalvanizedeorion “Roof Painted?Tee Box or Refrigerator Lined?‘Tin or Sheet Metal Work:of anyKini?LET Us:KNOW.‘IREDELL TIN WORKS.Bell "Phone 98,Independent "Phone 19%. : é4 SS S R I S A S SL O S S SO SS D P OT s po n o e , s st e e e t s e c s s o s r e e s o e n e s wishes for all-of his liberal donations|= peseosterre SSESSSEREBE 8835 230233 eprssesseseeerel Commercial National OF STATESVILLE,N.©.. Capital Stock Paid in ian:saProfits Your Banking business solicited:and:every accommodation extended to.de-positors consistent with prudent bank.i ing methods...Wee ‘Four per cent,paid on time aid Savings haDeposits-remaining on deposit ‘three months:or,longer,”Uae WHY MR.CARTER LOST. §.Bunyan Carter,a candidate for ‘Lieutenant Governor of Mississippi,|. rode an “old gray horse”in his can- vass of the State,saying he was un- pble to pay his fare on the railroads. “He was defeated in the primaries.It ‘js more than probable that Mr,Car- ter thought his style of campaign would appeal to the common pople; “that he was moved to.that course ‘more by the idea of obtaining votes than by his inability to pay railroad fare;in short,Mr.Carter was prob- ably.demagoging and got left at it. ‘The idea that,“playing poor”will ‘:always appeal to folks who have lit- tle themselves is a mistakn one.The people generally expect their.public Officials to live in a style becoming their station.They may object to too “much style,or to a.disposition to ford it over them and put on.airs. But’the candidate who tries to play the “poor man”game is usually siz- ed up for what he is.The people resent that sort of business.They “are.not,fools,even if they do allow themselves td}be imposed on rath- ‘er frequently.The latter facfis more ‘an,evidence of good nature and tol- erange than a lack of knowledge. wor,FE.A.,”who is worried about the cost0f:Solomon’s Temple,is.as- sured that,the cost has all been paid “or the debt wiped out by the statute of limitationion,so he need not fear a “pond issue or an.extra tax levy to take care of any balance.It is pos- sible,however,that the enormous cost “of the ‘Temple,displayed in this ex- travagant age,mgihtsuggest to some- body that.a church or other public et But The ee 6 cic at’ the ‘suggestion that.the.country churehesare in more danger from the|; churches.It:has contemplated .with pleasure the increase in ‘the number|. of ‘automobiles in the rural regions,|, Some.of the country folks may own them’who can’t afford them,just as many town people own them who! ean’t afford them;but the country people have more real use for the machine that town folks,They help the rural dweller to get.outand see things.He can go to church,to pic- nics and public gatherings.-and to town when he.couldn’t go otherwise because the horses were at work;and especially are we gratified to see more and more autos in the rural districts because it means better things for the women and children.It ‘gives them op- portunities to get:about that they did not.have and could not have.The auto being an annihilator of distance, it may mean that the rural.dweller, like his town brother,will go farther|. away from home to ehurch,for the long haul,and neglect his home church;but really ‘we had.thought that autos in the country would mean increased.church attendance in s country. »But Dr.Johnson is right when te says the country church service should be made more attractive;that is a need that must be met.’ :THE MOON. The «semi-humorous,or’semi-seri- ous (whichever you choose),remarks Sunday auto rides than the town} jup August 4,was in.realifisShien4istheriseof$20,Arailroad Shatib in.‘thas notified Church folkshisinterpretationofthelawtherailroadscan’t aceshipment.into Oklahoma any.,be age containing alcohol,which exc wines for sacramental page es sod epeeental‘Returns from re ae : cratic primaries show,it is said,|atprohibitionistswillhaveasaferatityin,both branches of the Legisturetobeelectedthisfall.Thishcausedsomeconcern,‘for while Vir."ginia voted dry last fall:the comingLegislature:will have to«measures making State-wil DecnitbitioneffectiveinNovember,1916...i fthe friends of 8-year-old PaarSwan,of Mount Pleasant,S.opened negotiations with the aegieHeroFundtogethimin¢luded cme that institution’s list wkeetlistsfortherescueofa4-year-col¢ehild from,drowning.The boy,thesofapilotat‘the port of Charlestisafineswimmerandhe*rescu4-year-old boy who fell off the’‘pier, Al dispatch from’Philadelphia a!that.more than $156,000 deve is.)51inggougedfromtheAmericanplebyacornerinthesugar,ma ket {which ‘is alleged to have ‘ef-|fected by a syndicate backed.by C za.!nikow,Rionda -&Co.,of New YoeTThisconditionexistsinspiteofthé:fact that’the sugar surplus in:ae|United States is greater than*:for many.years, The effect of the European war incurtailingexportationofforest.pro-ducts from the United States is de-|tailed’in a‘report of lumber exportsforthefiscalyearendedJune80,pub-islishedinthecurrentissueoftheLum-; ber Trade Journal of New Orleans.Exports of all items under the head ofwoodandits,manufactures decreased | “building be’erected to rival it,in|in The Landmark today’about —the|59 per cent,the value being $49,987,- which event some ‘of us:might get}moon and its effect on people and|653 compared to $108,179,640 the pre: “cin:for extra taxes;‘and from that things,brings to mind a suggestion vious year. viewpoint it.mightbewise 4o appoint a commission,with per:diem andEee»to >.deter: acta}is ne .!‘wed eckone: 0)a redtchow atti:first =¢‘quartery The Landmark heard recently that probably.explains muel of the.be- maan’moon’s | to days agg@ne events by the’moony The peo- {plesknew that wk ‘the mobn was in “ore last jqbarter,or tter pee was fofl,in a certainmonth,that it was time to.plant corn:or kill hogsSages=the:‘Britisisl navy ‘aaa ‘tobe ‘doing and.so on;that timber ‘would.be s 80°little.’U5 Past week's issue of’the “©American Army and Navy Journal as- wat’began ‘and’that’s?‘of these were’ gerts that about 50 German ‘subma-} rines have been.destfoyed"Sifite “thé destroyed bythe British navy;iit that’Great Britain never offi¢iallyan-) sounder if cut at a certain time of the moon in a certain month; Spéopee‘affected,with cer es.would:be.patter,or worse|st cerperiods,qarked,by the movn’s pes,..And 80,.While the mooniin re; had no effect on any,of the! iv onable..A=a ‘mounces her success unless the cap-\the phases of the moon at fixed pe- ture of.survivors makes it necessary.riods simply marked ‘the time when, The Army and Navy Journal is posi-|py virtue of the season,and not on tive.in its assertion and it doubtless account of the moon,certain work has the facts correct;but the state-|should be done.There are fixed pe-"ment that Great Britain has success-|;jods of the year for planting and’ .that are not announced is surpris-|harvesting different crops;there areig: _Britain,it is said,thinks the princi- periods when persons afflicted with certain diseases are better or worse, gte,,etc.;and because the old-timers fixed thoge dates by the moon’s phas- es'the idea became “prevalent that it was the moon that fixed the whole business. The suggestion.Seems to The.Land- mark to be a fair ‘solution of the moon business. o i ooo*(Great Britain intimates that cotton “may be made contraband,which may|* or may not be a bluff.Our govern- merit’will maintain ‘that there is no principle of international law which will.justify placing cotton on theab- solute ‘contraband list;but Great} ple might be waived:if a pooling agreement is made in England to take all the cotton that would be stopped —oe we eap a te owe by the blockade.The United States negro,at Tampa,Fla.,failed to work,will contend,it is said,that such a Buk St was.ot three tinea od out solution cannot be accepted,since it for the condemned.They tried it a Would enable the British pool to con-|rourth time and it worked.This fail-%,nd etcnaey Apion lure of the trapto work will of course Be be taken by the sentimentalists,who We've heard much of prohibition in |have discovered that the State has/no the belligerent countries as a war right to take human life and that cap- measure;that it was absolutely nec-ital punishment is a relic of barbar-essary to restrict or abolish the sale|i8™,as a direct revelation that the of strong drink to keep men fit for Lord is opposed to’capital |punish-war.With that in-mind,Miss Jane |™ent.The fact that the Almighty is Addams’statement,made on:the best |Shown by the ae Bible—to bewathority,that soldiers are stimulat-{#Sttong believer in:capital punish-with aléoholic drinks,or drugs,for |ment makes no difference to the mod-bayonet charges,is rather surprising.|°™?sentimentalist,whose idea is that It seems to bea fact that the sale of:nobody should be punished for any-strong drink has been materially re-|*hing,'in this world or the next. diced in’‘Russia,to some extent in France and to a less extent in Eng- ‘land,but not so much as the public was led to believe. eeIt-is reported that the German Em- peror,in answer to a letter from the Pope of Rome,declared his willing- ‘ness to accept peace negotiations pro- _vided the nations with which Germany ‘was at war ‘made the first overtures, made a similar reply to the+Pope's letter,it wai reported.But it,is stated that the Pope’s letter-was eet.to the governments of the igerentnations;not to individuals, some doubt of the truth mee German em- ‘The Raleigh Times announces that Mr.Sam H.Ferrabee,who has been with that paper for six years as city editor and editor-in-chief,has resigh-. ed to establish a newspaper at Hick- ory.There has been talk of.con- solidating the two papers at Hickory and.publishing a semi-weekly or & daily,but Mr.Ferrabee’s plans are not announced.The,Landmark is pleased to know that hevis coming to paper man but is a most.genial and glad to have him as a neighbor, The North Carolina Christian Ad. vocata expresses the opinion “that \these so-called boy Preachers ere}pooarvinis,assembled in ‘nothing but ecclesiastical mushroomsfor.Italy,to fight for \aind the public needs to be warnedmete”se oceas-|avainst them.”The Landmark holdsng,"shouldall the same-view and is pleased to find _{itself in such good company. Hickory.He is not only a good ‘news-: worthy gentleman,and this paper is} Attorney General Gregory”hasabout! decided that the 3,000.prisoners:‘inthethreeFederalpenitentiaries‘shaihin| ibility in |he put to’‘wotk ‘to making ‘artielés ‘Robert ‘Cecil,-which can be bought by government departments,iineluding the army ‘andnavy.Army ‘tents arid ‘uhiforms ane|:mentionéd'ds articles whith might he|manufactured by.prisoners for direct sale to the War Department.The Attorney General’s plan will’veto eigtopposed’by*or. It has been stated repeated! the:cost:of food in Germanybeen:in¢yexsed on:account of talthough,the,statement!wasigpatgh.,fern“AmsaanUeUnsi British,blockade thea erage Cerneworllaa’s family fast May had .. expend 36.49 marks (about $9)week- ddan that wan,1,c0 reas-.damiGe marks (about $6)in May of 1914. A Missouri law specifying that onlytax-paying voters.shall be eligible:to}* sign saloon ‘petitions,was declated unconstitutional by.Judge -Andersoti at St.Louis.The judge ruled that wo- men taxpayers,though not voters, were eligible to sign saloon license pé-titions and those not signing shouldbecountedagainstthepetition.He’ ruled that the law excluding them was a violation of property rights!|Under the law.an applicant for saloon!license must have the signatures of’x\majority of the taxpayers in.therslockwherehis.eles is locate i “people 0 py were 80 pane: et t..the;solina,to our commander of the Third btless |! nobh papal Ahat;.i ion 2 eo con-traband,ao co the6actlegalandPnenaustified. ly for food,as compared with 24.70; Toathe DearComrades aa Friends of @ re igade,9 , Division of NorthCarol ena and all the’Vannaste,in Ni olina:‘/ ree election.of our.pater com:mander,Major General Jule S.Carr, ‘to the command of the .Army of, Mocthers Virginia,necessitates the ‘election of a,commander for our anh ion;and as:I am informed there will ‘ha no State reunion of our division. this year—no town having the love of is old veterans at heart save the goodfWinston-Salem,where youhospitablyandpleasantlyen-ained in 1913,which lovingly ex- ‘tended ys an invitation to meet there |] pie last year.No other town hav- extended us an. hat no reunion will be held this ar—simply a meeting of delegates rom the eee camps.to meet S leigh;during the State.Fair,to ‘elect a commander of our division. In behalf of a very dear friend and ‘a gallant soldier,1 desire to call the attention of al}the comrades of the First Brigade and of all in North Car- rigade,a.gallant soldier,a gentle- !man in every respect,for the position of commander of the North Carolina “division—General James I,Metts of Wilmington,who will,as he always has «done,uphold the honor of the North Carolina veterans,as ourcandgallantfriendand.former.-com- mander has done.° Iam sure that ‘none .of you will ‘ever regret:having.rven.him your|Support.as commander.of our.divis-Jion,‘and aask.your delegates, ,when selected,to vote for James I. re for Major.General of our divis-oHe was a_brave soldier,beloved his company and regiment,always at his post |of duty,exeept’whenwoundedand’off duty,ready and wil--ling.to'aid and assist his comradeswheninwantordistress,verily “afriendinneed.”Kind,courteous and a gentleman at all times and in allplaces,I know of-no.comrade more worthy to take the place of our form- er (and more than loved)comman- der,than James I.Metts,who I am proud to call my ‘friend,You will make no mistake in select- ing him as our next commander.P.GC,CARLTON, General Fitst Brigade North Carolina Veterans. Statesville,N.GC. LT British Government May Make’Cotton Contraband,|; A diivmebel:from,Londen says Lord,APa#liambntary’Unier:: Setrotary ‘for Pordign "Affairs,‘in theAlccourseof,forma}interview definite|’ Britiah government’s;attitude.in the;,complicated ..cotion ,situation, oak this statement.The,allics must by all,lawful g)prevent.cotton.reaching.their sk lhe it may be considered neces- sa y.fo.make’cotton con ad,” Hr rained re any.hint that thelitywouldbeemBevelfromtheepsiglistattye fattethe;governipeny neutta)sSt]2nrcton.Beaconsumers.y,;how, # His statement,the-first.in behalf of the government outside Parlia+ ment relative to cotton,and comingatatimewhenthepublicisclamor-ing for drastic action to cut off the supply.from Germany,is taken in ome quarters to pressage this step soon.His «statement announcesthat.it describes ,the ©govern-- ment’s position on..cotton “so far as it is at the moment,possible to de- fine.it.”: The QuinineThat:Does NotAffect th Need:Because of ita tonic and laxative effect,LAXA-ne ‘BROMO Seat ter than ordinary fe Rewesabet thethesignatureof-E,W.VE,25e- ECONOMY is. $230x36om has the 15 -gallon reservoir. Burns either wood or coal. ‘asbestos lined body. and.has 6 covers. el Ranges! the Range that Has ‘Fhe top is _ ‘is:-‘best 4 Pie ‘selec .‘Welcomes:Vous invitation to do so} tromHY "The:Store>WiththeQuick ParcelPoPost Service, , NEW FALL COAT suits -FOR EVERY.WEAR. steady we have quite avariety of new:garments,and ifyou need a suit you canpurchase1withtheassurancethatthesyle:and priceare right, ia : Splendidly Tailored Suits.Att $17.50,$20.00,$25.00 and $30.00. Middy Blouses and Skirts To match,in Tan andWhite.$1.00.and.$1,50 per is The“J deck Tar”Blouse Suit Made of Tan Galatea—pi with green and nlaces.Plain tailored skirt.'Special value.$3.00 the Suit “: Novelty Creton Blouse’and Skirt Assorted colors:$3.75 the suit.Thisis se most striking novelty of the season, it. Ramsey bi Hivada ‘Company:{hia imowyenatA BeBovles Morrison it we.yok goin oe ‘Sm mu a oapene,walited.vinnie fl nd vioanetl md BRACELET WATEH! oniiy Oe fiow 'this'tistens:to you:~Goumilasgoel it BRACBLET wane Fille Brag ae i yea” s case,7-jewel movement britWatch,Solid Gold BracehetSolid oa Case;, -15-jewel movement,$20.25...The Watches” are very small and can be detached from bracelet.and worn as ordinary watch.Come— in and see them.R.H.RICKERT &SON. One Case36 inch Sea Island Domestic Just Arrived,One lot WhiteGaberdineSkirts,Special 98c. Johnston-Balk Have Some Odds and Ends Of Summer Goods left from Mid-Summer Clearance Sale. Just a Few More Days Selling Will make a clean Sweep.. of summer things.© At the Price We Ask forThem, It will pay you to ‘buy. A few more days.and the ‘all goods will begin.to arrive.— Our buyers are now inthe east- ern markets looking for the ‘Newest and Best. The Store That Sells For Less. PHONE,212. “Silk Remnants,} te e oe ; SS I Me l a t i oy =e al y TO MB OL .of .Versation. the College—Social Affairs..ee ,,the meetingof the Statesvill‘Female allowsTicstine “Aso Ee.Friday‘special courtesy ginning at 8.30,and promisesialfunction”of sole:a@socorethan’usualinterest.Business men of the townbeor.reception,which have contributed to and.membersof the.tributed to the fattendthealumnaeisalso invited, a uct ae ae an west},Miss Lucile Kimball has returnedFytraeiakon:of her guest;from a visit to relatives in Winston-| Miss Nash of ‘Atlanta,Ga.Salem and Elkin.teRosaMissAllieFreemanofGoldsboro served,Mrs.W.A.Colvert and MissLucy*Rice assisted the hostessehterta“A;he ly meeting jof the Merry-‘Makers’club was held with MissHassieMiller|Saturday afternoon.The time was spent in pleasant con-,rwo courses of refresh-ments were served,—f‘Mrs.Ed.Caudill gave her husbandasurprisebirthdaydinnerSaturdayattheirhomeinShilohtownship,ByrequestofMrs.Caudill,Mr.Caudillwasbroughttotown-Saturday morn-ing by his brother,Mr.S.G.Caudill,ingteGatter’s auto:~and.-de-red in town.until nner _timc.When he arrived home Mr.Caudillwassurprisedtofind30to40ofhisfriendsandneighborsawaitinghimtooffercongratulations‘and enjoyhisbirthdaydinnerwithhim.Some;neighbors,had brought bas- 'kets?with them and the dinner was ii & at. bd &% a s‘ y & A " ft + ¥ - RA P : be "3 . i 4 ©“Misses Annie Love and Summer a-bounteous one.s‘The Get-to-Gether club met with Miss Louise ‘Brady.Friday afternoon.Sewing,crocheting,ete.,occupied theattentionofthemembers.Tea andsandwicheswereserved. Notice of New Advertisements. ‘Cameo pin logt.—Miss dessie“Eda Silda oddLida Nine-room house for rent.—dJ..W. F tye ga yf ®rtPMSA,LWA inky edits THB:empty bottles returned.|.‘Fine calf for sale.-—W.D.Clarke. Bracelet lost.—Miss..Grace Lip-pard,Troutman.;* Sealing wax;¢te¢—Eagle &Milhol- ‘at.50c.aes +ak c Lava ALCEAAT.Thad&© ousec oY +49 —~-Park-Piuce-Greenh"C.“Watkins,{fon idsSln-dried:pio el sete.;ray VG -tGfey si ven Lah © sepa as.a awh Reece for’this,week.Mills .&08P.;No’place for germs in Dacro hot-_tle.—{Paine View Dairv.‘More evidence that Texaco is “themarkofquality.”—Statesville ~Oil The jast day of the piano contest. —Statesville Drug Co.‘Specials for this week at Smithey&Fraley’s.;-‘Highest market price forwheat.—Star Milling.Co. ©.Personal Items. Correspondence of ‘The Landmark. *-Trovgman.R-1,Aug.16.—-Mr.C.N.Sherrill of Charlotte spent last weekwithhisparents.Mr.and Mrs.W!T.Sherrill.Miss Mary —Alexander.-re-turned to her home in’HarrisburgJastweek,‘after visiting friends here.Miss Mattie Wagner is visiting her sister,Mrs.Everett Denny,at Con- cord:”iv By a # good Smith of Huntersville are fuests oftheircousin,Miss Fannie Neill.Lit-tle'Miss Cora May Babington*of Tay-lorsville-is visiting her sister.‘Mrs. DD.F.Simpson..Mr.and Mrs,L..E.Johnson and little daughter,SarahElizabeth,of Steel Creek,are visiting’their parents,Mr.and Mrs.A.: Johnson...Mr:B..Neill of Virginiaistheguestofhiscousin,Mr.TomNeill.>Little Misses,Mamie ©andTomNesbit’of Statesville’aregafewedavswiththeircrand-parents,Mr.and Mrs.John Neill.Mr,-Marvin.-Tucker’s-father --and.sister,from near Statesville,are visiting him.Mr.and -Mrs,J.W.Wallace.ofMooresvillespenttheweekendwiththeirparents,Mr.and Mrs.L..F.Hobbs.-:We are having fine seasons andopelooking’fine.: Mr.Scroggs Killed in Wilkes— .Relatives in Iredell. While eng:in logging,.nearThurmond,Wilkes county,Mr.Robert Sero;-of ¢Moravian Falls,«was’truck by,a limb.and ‘hié skull ‘frac-tured.The accident occurred on theoeWilkesboroPatriot,andMr,Seroges died on the 9th without‘regaining con usness.Hia was 32yongle.ig survived by his wife and‘two:children,his father,Mr.R.i Scroggs,three brothers and a sis-er.ee Mr.Setoggs was a second:cousin‘of the members.of the family of thelateJ.H.Scroggs of:this county,His father,R.L.Scroggs,is a.neph-ew of the late J.H.Scroggs, »Event ForThis Evening at to the teachers in at-|"tendance on the Iredell Teachers’.In-Mistitute,now being held at the col-+was discussed and it was de-eided to give a reception in.of:5 teachers.The‘event will take‘at’the collegethis evening,be- ined’Fri- “Travel”was played at four tables}.and’Miss.Melissa Warlick won .thefirst»prize,a book.The guest.of hon-or jwas given a bouquet of flowers.Tee cream,cake and silted nuts were in wllSOEFoeaS .BT, bs:We Sherrill in Statesville, Mrs.MaaMr.an City.> *rs.y £ visitedwee 7 from.Richmond, ve Ne:fforseveralWadesboro.|Mr.Fred Summers:of Charlottepentthepastweekinwithhismother,Mrs.Thad.Summers,Mizs Beulah Trviette of Winston-Salem is the guest of Mr.and Mrs.Jas.E.Tharpe..° »Mr;Wi J..Orr of Rock Hill,$.C., White,© visited.Miss’week. Mrs.M.W.Meyer,who.visited inStatesville,has returned to her homeinAtlanta. Mr.and Mrs.Wm.Morrisen ‘svent Saturday and Sunday in.Asheville.Misses Vera and\Katje,MillsapswenttoHiddenite:Saturday to ‘spendafewdayswiththeirgrandmother,Mrs.J.C.,Millsaps,,Mr.George Ives is at home fromPhiladelphia.Mr.M.E.Rameey and Mrs,G.G.Parkinson and children are spendingafewdayswithrelativesinthevi-cinity.of Mooresville.Mr.and :Mrs.RR,D.Smith,who visited Mr.and Mrs.F.F..Steele,have returned to their home in New-berry,S.C.:‘Mrs.Jas.Mac.Connelly and chil-dren are at All Healing Springs ©tospendseneralweeks.:Mrs.S.W.Paddon has returnedhgavisittoherson.in«Cornelia,a.Miss Lizzie Fuller of Lendir is aguestatthehomeofMr.and Mrs.Wt.E.Webb. Mr.B,A.Cowan,toca!agent for the Southern Railway Co.attended the annual convention of the compa-ny’s agents inAsheville last week,Mrs.O.D.Phillips and children,who spent several weeks with Mrs,Phillips’home people in Reidsville, aftegnoon.' joined, Leah Stephany last aby |They will go from Asheville td nessée to.visit relatives:ofWAC]HT WMaten|ep totospendthewinier.reMissGoldaHarwellhas returned Ten, people .in tesville 0.0,Miss Jame Mills spent last week iniSalisburywithherbrother,Mr Jas. iN.Mills. visiting4i =Allen,Napneg.Jett Sato noon,for iigecr ,where ipehd.a few.weells’!ith Mr.! Asheville,Mrs. ington,this State,and Mrs.Clarence | Ledford of Winston-Salem are guests|of-Mrs.Short on Race street.| friends,going from here to Ashe-}ville,where she will spend a month’s|vacation with her home:people.| Master Gordon Crymes of Wil-'liamston,8.C.\’is visiting Mr.and Mrs.H,C..Wilson. Mrz.J..O Parchman of Okolona,}Miss.,is visiting her sister,Mrs.E}- len Morrison.;| Mr.and Mrs.W.H,Young and Mr.|and.Mrs.E.J.Caton of Charlotte) snent a couple of -days with Mrs./Thad,Summers the,.past week,mak-|ing the trip’to and from.Statesville|by automobile.*;fe |és Mr,and Mts...M.capa and chil-|dren:returned last week from a visit-to’Mrs.W:J.Maxwell at Florence,S.C.Mrs:Maxwell and two.childrenaccompaniedthemhome..This week|Mr.and Mrs.Ramsey and children|and Mrs.Maxwell and children will|go on an automobile trip to Blowing} Mrs.Paul Means of Oxford is visit-|ing her cousin,Mr.Geo.M.Foard.|Miss Oleta Norman of Hampton-|ville,Yadkin county,‘passed through) Statesville Saturday.on her’way to}Mars Hill,where she will be:in sciooi|this year.iMr.W..C.Weatherman of Jennings|has.returned .ftom a,few days’visit |to Asheville and other points in the}mountains.ats 4 ; ‘Mr.E.G.Gaither returned’yester-|day from ‘Morehead City,where he|attended”the Shriners’meeting.Mr,and.Mrs.Ds Walter Turner|and child,who have been.visiting| Statesville’relatives for a few.days,|will return to Morganton today.Miss McBride.Jenkins returnedyesterdayfromabriefvisittofriendsinLexington4MissesElva,Elizabeth and LindaHartnessareatAllHealingSpringstospendabouttendays.“Mr.and Mrs.J.8,Hent +who |with his son-in-law. hs ake:es he will visit Mr.and azenby in CoolandMr.and Mrs.|W left|Friday,for her home in Laurinburg. Garner Jones,wlio vis-Mrs.John H,Gray,has returned to her home in Washington J.H.Melver of Wadesboro.isher;parents,Mr.and Mrs.P.“Mr.ver,who was here’ days,has returned %County Agent G.E. Statesville is visiting his daughter,Mrs.T,Foy) Hora lakles ittle son |torivim:'N.©.Shé is $nuth'impr védkley,rad Mo J ;:Hin’health.’are a ee f ae1paiPPh1a"fever is rather’prevaléntVeilabci“pr iHORe cABeH HOW!Testes Meavid’is Bnithisterihe the © Sam.Springer of 'treatment.Wilmington,Mr.E.M,Short.of Wash-| Miss Zora Williams of Washing.Deal has returned from a visit to her.ton spent from Sunday morning to|2Unt,Mrs.W.“W.Foushee,in North vesterday:morning with’‘Statesville |Wilkesboro.Miss Holton,of Winston- last S ” —8.C. ospentSunday in’State: Mr.and Mrs.Irvin Steele,ayesterdayforBlowing: who’are there for the stMesdames.8,C.Walker@ county.t who spent the week-end a‘Messrs.Isidore Wal de4Syr,M.E, automobile trip to Henderson’District Agent E..$.°MiiYe day afternoon for Raleigh'to attend ameetingnefarm’=mongagentsandcorn,pig and ‘poi fboystobeheldattheA.&M.Col-lege.A summer school for the clubbovsbeginsatthecollegetodav.‘Mrs.Elbert Summervilleof Char-ilotte,who had been in.Waynesville,arrived in Statesville yesterday af-|ternoon to spend a few days with her sister,Mrs.J.L.Kurfees.RELIGIOUS MEETINGS. Many Down Troutman Way—Personal Mention—Cases ofFever.binge Correspondence of The Landmark.| Troutman,Aug.16--Rev,J.J.Eads ‘has just closed as’successful arevivalashaseverbeen:held,herc— from point of:results..The attend-ance was not unusual and the preach- ing was not :sensational,but the ser-mons were practical and suited to theneedsofthehearers...The meeting at Perth was ‘closedlastnight.The’Sundaysermon wspreachedbyRev.J.-Statesville.1 aRev.M.F.Kester preached yester-day at St.Martin’s.The pastor,Rev.W._D.-Haltiwanger,will this.weekconducttheannualweekofeatecheti-cal instruction to both old and younc. It is the custom of the younger gen-eration of preachers not to preachstrictlydoctrinalsermonsattheSun-day services.A special period is sctapartwhereintheyounginthecon-gregation are duly tutoredinthe doc-trine of the Churchprior’te confirma-tion.oc ia tee‘Mr.T.A.Sherrill of Hickory is here[on a visit to his many ftiefds..Mrs.William Morrison and three:children,arrived here Saturday night to spend;fome time with Mrs.Mortison’s:fath-fer,Mr,A.L.Kennedy.|Hollay and children of Charlotte.areihereoniavisit:to ‘friends:and rela-tives...Mrs.i Ry iA.Goodman jaf Mt. ¥club werk.|,Pleasant,is.spending some,time withfolks:rarerafomefae)Mears.Cecil Lipipard:’|Clayton Perry anil Earle Lippard;tliree of:the also home again.They‘will ‘make antoAshevilleafteravisittoherhomeindefinitevisittotheirhomefolks:of't:|some 15 ‘or‘ing..|.Mrs.J.W.Johnston Was”just ‘#a-turned from a month’s stay*at Sand- 20:years,‘before ‘rétuh-:;a. ‘heed bout.”DeoTalley is handinga “Wakeine treat. Taylorsville Personals. Correspondence of The Landmark. Taylorsville,Aug.16—Miss Ruby. Salem is the guest of Miss MaryFeimster,Mr:Wade Campbell willleavetoday‘to enter college at MarsBill.Mrs.W.M.Woodruff of Mocks-ville is visiting at the home of herson-in-law and daughter,Mr.andMrs,H.T.Kelly.Lawyer J.H.Burke attended.court at Wilkesbor:week.Q :3Rev.Sanruel W,Moore,pastor ofthePresbyterianchurchatBluefield,W.Va.;-who-spent’a*few days here atthehomeofhisfather,Mr.John W:Moore,filled the pu acceptably:-aty the A.R.P.church’day morningandatthe’Presb:nm church Sun=4 day evening. Recommends Chamberlaina.~Colic;Cholera}:and“I never hesitate 46.relain’s Colic,Cholera and’writes.Sol Williams, tions“of like character.éselfandfounditgaveme ‘More relief thax Remedy, ae else I have ‘ever tried for the same‘forenoon,August,12 and 19,9°to 1 ble everywhere:p.m.LOST—-B:Cameo Pin.>Reward +.Bryantsville—Thursday:afternoon.Mie m "EAugust 12 and 19,2 to 5 o'clock,turn to'.Miss JESSIE SireAug:17 —2t,PR ps FOR.SALE.—Extra fine ‘heifer ‘calf.Goodmilkstock.Three’months “ol W.D.CLARKE.eck Aug,ij-—1t*. LOST,—A.bracelet’in:BtutesyilleoF between |>Statesville tke ee Return to Miss,GRACE ‘iPrAan.+,Lrqutman, RETURN BOTTLES—Patrons’of PAINT:|View Dairy will please make.an especia!—een bottles they -have emptied.ug.. Aug. FOR RENT—Nine-room house ‘on East Broadstreet...J.W:FOWLER,Aug..17-+2t*. eee ie a terres Suitabie foward!‘or rel rs._H.McNEILL,atMr.GEO.H.BROWN’S.Aug,17—11. CARNATION PLANTS ~~~Fine fldld-grownaeysaprPaaeahScarlet,light|and dark:pink—PLACE GREEN-HOUSE.‘Phone 285,Black,Aug.17-1. visited Mr.and Mrs.W..T.Nicholson,returned yesterday afternoon to theirhomeimSalisbury,making.the.trip in their touring ‘car.uw Be ‘Mr,and.Mrs.John GC,McDonald ofRaleigh,who have,been guests,“ofMr.and.Mrs.R.M.Gray since’Fri-day,leave today for the mountains.Master McDonald Gray,who visitedrelativesin’Charlotte’and:vicinity i 3 nranrenaenNata,F Ajpeeh ieee teenie te adorns il has returned home ss‘Mrs.Nettie Anderson end ie Gg FOR.RENT—Some cheap houses.N.P.WATT.md duly 27—8t.* FOR.RENT—Res:lence on :t Broadstreet:MRS.ELLEN F iAug,18.05"a FOR RENT OR SALE.My fv ¥cot.tages on’Mulberry street,’titer Blateavilleal“Ale vacant.lot onS.PATEDRSON Ville hter, d left,where ,Craig, ndJenkins’left yesterday foravibit to|Mrs.D.L,Love at Sylvia,Jackson, ‘Miss Margaret Hall of Baxter,i MissRebeccaStimson,returned’home yes- -/Wi Land ‘of Mooresville tenga:Mrs.E.E,Stanly the past iss Eleanor”‘Clark is ‘at home @rday alternods a and}. “being church ‘member: HL “Pressly of! rs.James| ‘nice voung'men who went ‘to.Iowa,arc’! \ j Tb Sig Secu ar ¥+&%Aeris lst dy ‘ent’to ScordsOtHesple.”Many,howe!”var Haley Howard and tamily'"ot (Ohee the writing tor ite county’s free |"! ig| Correapondence of The Landmark. eleven.days,had the |gospel filled with the plain traths of Chris-‘tian living.He is a very able speak-rday.‘7 ‘iMissIrmaGravessaDettewho?#:st vos,(er and preacher and he,with the co-|j visited Mrs,C.Ei.See‘hi i .¥€S-|operation of the Chrsitian people,hasBen,|brought about much and lasting good.| Coope andGeorgeFeildhavereturnedfroman e ithurch membership along spirituallines.has been noted by all attend- The majority of this number8,we,received‘only seven'in the church.These ser-vices.were well.attended.throughout |and much interest manifested.Mr.Eads’preaching was plain and|practical and ‘yet in the profoundestsensewasinaccordancewiththewillofGod,which evidently came fromtheheartofthespeaker,and strongmengavewayunderitsinfluence.|The meeting eame.to a close Wed-nesday night with a general hand-shaking and a testimony meeting,andeverybodywaswellpleasedwiththe|preaching and the good results of themeeting,FE.M.WAGNER, BERMAN KYLES. Troutman,Aug..16, Old-Time Singing at Stony Point Correspondenee.of The Landmark. Stony Point,Aug.16.—The Land-|mark is requested to announce thattheannualsingingfortheoldfolks is scheduled to take place on Friday,August.27th.All who have Christian{Harmony books are requested t ingthem.nt) Twenty years have paxsed since these gatherings were inaugurated atStonyPoint,and as they have beenliberallypartonizedinthepast,we jing, hope to make the coming.event equal |’A cordial?’to any one that has been:invitation is extended to the public.Come prepared to spend the day. AAA sheeting at Smithey &Fra- ley’s at 5c.yard—ad.: MARKET REPORTS. Statesville Produce Market.iThefollowingpriceswerepaidiyesterday,for produce pn,the,lo¢al market.;4SpringChiekemeTe.pér Ib.Hens,10c.per Ib,Roosters,Se.th. Eggs,l4c.-per:“en,Butter,16¢e.per Ib.Beeswax,25¢.per Ib,Green Hides,14c.per Ib,Hams,18.per Ib.Sides,13c.’per Ib.te SH pon ee per =poids af 'te loney,1c.per Ib.,eh AUSourwoodHoneyComb,Me.per ((ibe Graincarifratsb \Thti tatlewing ts;or grain;on the lo market,*Wheat,'$1.20 per Pula”,Corn,-$1 per’bushel *|Oats,’50--eents per bushel. ay ALL MY FLOORING,CEILING_SIDING,BOXING and CASING | -ie GARE KILN’DRIEDI 2!|>"Pe builders.say ty’prices‘are.-oneom: Ter SitterNTONYIN9“NOTICE! T have this -day—August 11,1915—made, constituted and appointed lL.'R.Pierce with |power of attorney.Said L.R.Pierce.will!transact any and all of my business matters|during my absence and unztl further notice.|Aug.13—4iw*.THOS.‘W.PIERCE. tate of A.J.Bass, Chambersburg township, of Grain, ery and Implements,‘Household effects,etc.The sale will commence at 10 o'clock a.m,R.B. MeLAU IN,-Aug.13,1915,Administratorof A.J. Appointments ~For Anti -TyphoidTreatmentsintheCounty. The appointments for the countyareasfollows:- i.Mm. Jennings’store—Wednesday after-‘;noon,August 11 and 18,2 to 5 o’clock.|#.Trinity School House —Thursday »New.Hope—Thursday,August 12and.19;4 to 6 o’clock p.m. *Loray —Friday forenoon,August 13 and 20,9 te 1 p.m.\Bradford’s Cross Roads.—.Friday afternoon.August 6,13 and 20,2 to 5o'clock.4.Cool Spring —Saturday forenoon, August 7,14 and 21,9 to 1p,m.Elmwood—Saturday afternoon.Au-gust 7,14 and 21,2 to 5, Amity—(Monday forenoon,August23,80 and Sept.6,9 to.1 p.m.Troutman—-Monday afternoon,Au- gust 23,30,Sept.6,2 to 5.¥*Shepherd’s—Tuesday forenoon,Au- gust 24,31,Sept.7,9 to 11 a,m.‘Linwood School House—Tuesdayforenoon,11 to 1 p.m,es»Mayhew—Tuesday ~afternoon,Au-gust 24,31,Sept.7,2 to 5. »Mt.Mourne—Wednesday forenoon,August 25,Sept.1 and 8,9 to 1 p. m...ia ‘es Butter.Wrapper We have the very best —Parchment~Butter Paper,—and rint your name.,Dia teudoo wine Lorne ‘our order for anyuwant,Seo us,| The Revival’Meeting at Trout- The protracted meeting which he-ny fan ee?Methodist EpiscopaliD.¥.|church,South,at Troutman on ‘theduitto,frst Sunday morning,came to a closeWednesdaynightoflastweek,lasting 'brought to us in a most forceful way.||Our pastor,Rev.J.J.Eads,did all of|\the preaching and)his sermons were | |We had between forty and fifty con-|versions and a geneial revival of the H Capital $100 -9Qpriceswerdpaid:yesterday| i 'I ath hd eves,sv ine Cortri fet(ff Tekde-mark,“Colt Ree U.S.B Sale of Personal Property The undersigned administrator of the es-/|%will sell at pub-|}jie auction,for cash,at the Bass home in|% on WEDNESDAY,|#SEPTEMBER Ist,1915,all of the personal!#3propertybelongingtosaid‘estate,consisting|}Live Stock,Agricultural Machin-|#3 ANTI-TVPHOID.TREATMENT. »Athens School House —Wednesday seeeoaAugust11and18;9 to 1 | i | |WIRELESS de.f .fies the ‘seas,thewinds,the stormsand"space,and brings a sense of [fFcomfort,relief and securitytothetraveler.oy Shelter In Need oe my and night,in healthandsickness,in prosperityandadversityabankaccount—brings protection,security andpreparation.It also permits ©you and ne to.live in that Jpeaceandhappiness.which-money shelter brings.See | || Here you are offered eve: known facility for wiseandsafebanking.You are assured se-curity,pogethes with »way for the profitable investment of yourfunds,and..our advice and ex- perienced co-operation aid.yourgeneraladvancement,’: ¢ We canhelp yousave.Comein.See how well equippedwearetoserveyou,« ’i UY .P a FirstSTATESVILLE N.C.| fl a000AxigsCae Us.0ePoanony me Deposits ix bey iatoats omit SO 4 ae|The four designs of Cortright Metal Shingh}tnade in anyof the following ways;|1.Sune rom palepnd posed2SatentrentenuenzithpedfromPeae.fea elgg sade Te ae " wi bas yvariAé snatien ee fe?diods She: asf.ay-agetee 3 Shing For Saleby aeLAZENBY-MONTGOMERY HARDWARE CO,Statesville,J ele isemboesedwith this,| “The Mark of Quali MORE EVIDENCE. The Texas Company,*Haverhill,Mae :Gentlemen:.A ;:T write ‘this letter unsolicited but thought it might be:to you.I have always madeapracticeaf testing gasolii#.how many miles I could gei ona gallon,and I want to sajunderthesameconditionsand-on the same piece of road,road from Havephill to Hampton Beach and back by waymacsndAmesbury,I havefe cberes miles to the gallonyourTexacoGasolinethanIhavewithanyother. -Yours truly,J.F..HOWARD,(Owner of MarmonTheTexasCompany,ue hash “i,Lake Charles,La,Pe Gentlemen:z ~Today my Hudson 33 Roadster is three years old,and have never.had the valves ground,or any part of the engine worked on,excepcleaning6fplugsonce.”:ie I have used your Texaco Motor Oil and Gasoline,on thtogether,and have saved an average of ten dollars pergaragebills,and know your oil is the cause of it,...Yours truly,ERNEST,S,WHEN YOU USE TEXACO—YOU GET THEMONEY,TIME AND TROUBLE.Always ask:Statesville Oil Come(Wholesale Distributors.)’Phone 61,Office:Robbins RORORC ROR Aen we No Place For Germs in B {In the ordinary milk bottle there are too )accumulate where it cannot be washed owhichislaidtheordinarypapercap.Did ¥little boys lined up along the banks of asplungeinwhenthesignalisgiven?Just soupalongonthisshelfoftheordinarymilkbthemilkwhenitispouredintothebottl ace Bottle is smooth and.there is”’they can not be washed off. (4 THE PAINE VIEW DAIRY iscialandaidshealth.Why and’hofronrtimetotime,Fut : {'Phone 947 Black,PAINE VIEcro.system,when you want put home,Sa haa eg ‘ Zt ki RAG WEED,GOLDEN RO ‘‘}eeerenenres,ay The Pests "That Inflict Hay Fe-|" re a Oa Sufferers, Bulletin State Board of ea a “Mow the rag weeds a elon on rod to prevent.hay fever,”is the ad- ::vice of.Dr.Scheppegrell,president:of |"? sink at Comer,Ga.,is <u ae Sees Hay Fever Prevention ner cashier—J.L.Rhein-|Aesociation.as aed ence arres charged sae paws Me ‘Dr.Bees go ee eet r $25,000"to $30,of|there is absolutelynoq 1 10 |derate —<Teeg -the pollen.from various weeds,par-|aFe urged to ssist Brig.Gen. ,ticularly,rag weeds and goldenred,By command of being the irritating agent.in nearly}1 }™et h Ake seh ets every case of fall hay fever.‘Forj| a8 ea Andy Crum,who had proof of this claim all that is neces-|©: ai in epanection with the|Sary is to apply-a few particles of the):¥y fF of Sheriff Maulding of Mis-pollen to the nostrils of susceptible : county,Ark persene at ane ete ther year and Paymaster General,has it come,this squaring up,at last— summarily di§-|""),,order,then,to prevent or ‘dimin-This pay day after fifty years foregathered with the past? Vera Cruz from):ve a au de:i ‘j TS ap whe ; r permitting the recent ate re ae wena praee e ceedans Old Time ha’charged them interest,these brave old boys in gray, NS wan San rhould pomnin aay as much |as ae Andall along the debtor years he took their.youth to.Pays, ‘dt i;he om:roads.adioimt ‘4 x Cyt f ea boa ‘ Says an official report.fields sate Paice with ae es and|He’s levied ‘on the swords ey,drew,astd eaten them mie:rust, Donaldson of musard tow golden tod and avoid:neighborhoods And laid ambition’swhite star low ae covered it with dust; “a racing car...which WON)where it is common.$e a oe ee ;} ‘at.Indianapolis ahd)Omaha,Particularly important are the im-He’s,dulled the gleam of.bayonets that vanished with the rest, antly killed in an aetomre mediate surroundings.The...closer And ‘given all the,cannon mouths to Song+birds for a nest,, t Spirit Lake,Ta."Friday.Pls)ch is are to susceptible peonle :Co i cl Wilcox,was probably the snene tikely they will be tn eater So this,Paymaster General,is ‘py day come at last?ty frijured.ahd likewise the farther away:the less Can you give these what we owe them--ran you count it to them:fast? tian i i in|difficulty th will experience.Ac-|A stead Se etiustey in te cauntty ra Dr.Scheppeaeell ie the|Por your treasury is heaping since you made your pede,call, sder of one of.the largest|public becomes ethanInforme in re.|Since the sorting of old relics and Netpemeokes of us all.” J i /lati ip between rag}>pe 28 i Fe at,bik oa ene feb oe ard tas Ofer Call the roll,Paymaster General,ere the sunset shadow chills; mesdalé,Pa.aged 87..He!ver,legislation against bay fever pro-|Pay off each grizzled veteran in old Confederate bills, >this country from France in ducing weeds in the neighborhoods of ‘ Roe residences.and publie roads will meet atch from Warren,Pa.,says|with little opposition.Tey ration.Army -of »America.is|In many:cases,where practical,the ¥ .,assistant.paymastergeneral,is, oted to paymaster general,wi ely enter cS the discharge of gh Confederate currency to pay chmond,reunion oon ea pay. an whopani present in eei" preat gdthering.‘8 and me *.gs commendable work.ENNETTBy YOUNG,|Ba ys General Gommanding: J)WAILLAAM 8.MICKLE,°” nb General and Chief.of Staff. Dont,ge lee “aMages the ON’T swelter over‘a hot coal stove this B_/‘summer.TheNEW PERFECTION Oil Cook-[‘gt APR mee)4 Though they are worthless in the markets,in the vaults with bonds and gold, They.tell,a wondrous’story in each forgotten fold; resOf oil land worth $100. jJarge estates in England, sown,through the death’at, nry Cobham,Relatives, use of small or diminished’quantities of,meats,fish,cheese,milk,peas and ‘beans during and just prior to the hay.fever season,will reduce or pre- For there’s no stain upon them,nor,blood nor children’s tears; But only star-dust sifted through:the grinding of.the years. tj Hy Hii::& Then pay them,all our heroes,in the dréams the Southland nursed— stove keeps your kitchen cool and clean and,does away,with all the,ash-pan,..coal-hod..drudgery.of the. coal,range.ee oeTheNEWPERFECTIONlights like gas,regulates like gas,and ofwill fight the will inthe)vent attacks of the disease. “eh Advertised cures aa remedies for a 1,Va.,|Hay fever are for the most part un- :Soitipimesat _ae reliable and should be used only un-‘Poet Laureate United Confederate Veterans’Assn. s coming om fine.Police-der the direction of a physician.Memphis,Tenn.»y.ity :cures.andpepaehieremedies.contain so-called cures and|i MAN WHO,THREATENS.|A PICTUREOF HILL SIXTY.| rs .;~form:-their ‘ma -weadily.#.eee ——3°53 rs :a:epee9 No y ° Oe the”ee Se (on antag habit or injure the ner-|RecordoftheMellow Who.De-|A Knoll Where the.Opposing Reger oe ence vous system,4...Ree ois nounced the President —is Forces Have’Fiercely.Con-cooks like gas.It’s gas stove com-" Shady.tended and Which They Have):. New York Commercial.‘Alternately:Possessed.j fort with kerosene o Henry Weismann,president.of the |Dubkirk,France,Dispatch.|Something New.An oven thatbe- German-American Alliance,in his ad-‘esi y The present position at Hill 60,)firel ker:ly b Ry:of The United States has for many se ti :Tesuata§Bi ies sie ae comes a tireless COOKCE merely DY ts of Pythias lodge of Mount|years been a debtor nation.That is ee a eted eon Wie a os sath 5 meaty person)pulling a dam er,Ask your dealer Hens Oe wae were rerapoing Sraih |te -ay,:18 the rapid development of |,dupe of Wall Street”and a “polit-ties recently admitted had lapsed back|os Stee os ting pt.Cedar Point,0...toe Some more capital ao ee fe ‘eal bankrupt.”He boldly threatened |Into Gorman perenne is peculiar:to’show you the NEW PERFEC- fo world’s altitude records:were|quired.than our “own peop e ‘cou .wi she ¢¢/and of great interes i :‘‘*. fat Buffalo,N.Y..last week by supply.Therefore recourse was had oe sueof ee oe ale Pha The hill is really nothing but a knoll “TION N Os le with fireless cook- aie Curtiss military:biplane.|to foreign countries,mainly England|.1056 support he has forfeited by:hi of gently,rising.ground that forms)ing oven;also the PERFECTION WATER HEATER...It gives you plenty of hot water,yet leaves youmachineiscapableofearrying|and France.Those countries invest-‘the end ef)the Klein-Zillebeke ride,| unda of,xplosives snitnemek ed Jargely.in our railroad.and'indus-noten,to .the |Gena The German trenches run in a double! independent of,the hot,sootycoal Tange.i :Security|Oil /| But remember,oh!Paymaster,that‘glony paid them first! +-WIRGINIA FRAZER BOYLE, matt : oe oaks ‘ChangeFrom Debtor toCreditor sprerenaue Qhio:Southwests}i¢Nation. ‘gpashed inte a.mee Baltimore Syn. ¥rd ‘6,it carriedwavreadh;trial.stocks and ee annual af ‘the @ man pe tye 2 ene ae =ane slopes. :ines and irdadh:|i pion,*weenere jes;added (to 43,44 the German’vote whi e British trenches form«anit }' |eee er.-adh;the relidond Gy go ries Je acibe net i ection 14 Many al Eagvlar ting:ene the vedere OB ai jee,om bujld-|94 by;t¢nets yabported othe |F oe in’out’history:'a class vote ‘hag|lower slope.The:ermans are at 4 the.ChicagoWa Baie and alway |kept the |;MS erie"4 pees ential candidate Pe the hill,;E apeesoe aoe are: Mount |United Statesin debt to Surope,_iginty yearseoan «Americar lasdl*11°tl Ysco ot the hill presents Use Aladdin 7 Satay year:the-aspect of “in-|.oa"tviedtd dominate,the councils of||The whole:face.of the hill presents),or Diamond White Oil 7 ternational finances hag changed,The|41,4:jation;but the .Know-Nothing a picture of the wildest |:confusion,}er ita Te Dia oe ipa neal,emt 94 Se se cece tailed,”a.have.all otbert eepTae rare are vee crsere,the:75)to.obvain ‘the.hes resales:ta 98 jtourists stays in the ‘United’States!o¢the kind and go it will be with.the}sult of mine explosions on the night ‘Stoves,Heaters and Lamps. a et oe)ware fai iho Feueiey ees >ioe ge ae “a fof the Pee anon Sones gap!Bl &i sitar ears pad Ws “Alliance [ingyaendbags “Bre :seattered in prow)ahnan-American F ee.3 }at.$2,768,648,5382,which is $1,094,-|~:German :i fusion;broken rifles,odds and ends of|; 420,000 nimecenee cecerencenenars leenvberd UP for leaden)ipment of all kinds,smashed barb. nas e-heeddert oni fen fs inl Walaa chant (C2 ee,mate &tans of othehdebris wie ee SG Nga aT ane ii "@alitornia’and ‘He be-|in cbewildering:‘waricty dovns the: ha |in fives:hile hvinein California’and ‘he 5 ;fh;1 nd republic.Rear ‘Admira:ie My sail Laneae al masmbenoftie [stn er wnne nee tetcerte ON ie Pes gue’siffeting for Lael thisgent;i5-F0P8,800.000 Ih fecUnbor ORrhe.ie {hat Stake ee ee ee eet ger er ais ors ik We fis for |Fae shou ota,nt $°8"*ira connectionmthan "he:trenches.twisb hd wind!In_a! ible.)ie pat ee ct er et,to.re da|ing a street ear in San Francisco but Piper Oe an At oe aesisCimpanymalTesHaeastbcentzthecae[wan ect At Hat Be eva rtming om heesa Ties rder,st ::a.saloon-keeper in that.city.::$: an oo annya in ydseeres mn oe ee oe hy the|jearned the baker’s trade in Germany seman me tee ea of te ane 40,000,000 pounds _of|cial i Sirians any foreign finan-|nq after coming to New,York soon |POsiiol,ane cok HB AWOL DART: OF _institutions have -also-sold_their|)ccame seeretary of the Bakers’:Un-plete Baie been.enected,one on the jon.‘After taking a leading part in in¢lish side and one on ihe German securing the passage of the 10-hour side.Here the opposing forees come law he became a lawyer and fought within,six.yards of each other.Be-)=====- the Bakers’Union ina test case which|(ween:the.rival.-barricades _there he ‘won.Having climbed to compara-stretches a short patch of ground shut "S |:(eeti aK":scl Allit‘takes to convince you that we are eiving Exceptional Values:in Oxfords, ‘Pumps,Shirts and Underwear is a look. ‘Come with your friends.: Shoes repaired while you wait. -nr a holdings -America,in order to getitannortsincir-|moneytoinvestin theiat.Wilmington,Del.The “ait eetheorderisestimatedatrto$70,000,000.ue No Exeuse For Mrs.Warren. nstituted authorities ~in,Mexico,:t SO O O te s we franza followers,.are responsible Bryer yPaine:tive affluence on the houliers a iS ante oania ek "ee i r the bandit-dutrages in the lower There is every reason why,if ¢ap-bor he is now a moving spirit in the ‘At one spot a railway bridge spans{|#aran Grande country,according to the|ta!punishment is the law,Mrs.War-|0Pposition to President .Wilson’s|110).British position,and in the ‘eut-1% lictof ‘a committee of’prominent}Te?should be electrocuted.She cer-policy of strict neutrality.._lting beneath it a'Jarge pool of stag-|3 x iis neaded.by Congressman Jonn|t#inly.forfeited ‘her.life in the part]If the German-American Alliance is|1,water has collected.Beyond i "Garner,who made a report to Gov-+She Played in her,husband's trans-to be guided by such a man it will be|otches.the railway line he taille Ferguson of Texas and Maj planting.Even if she didn’t really|Come ®thing Spars fromthe body:of torn:nd twisted and artl eovern). ston-of the United —States|ake a hand in.the exercises,the|the American people.His threats afl iththe weeds aie Cetecen the!# ¢San Antonio,Texas fact that she saw his body thrown|ftont the humblestcitizens as wellas |t5 me tine ee,Mngt be el Ce ee diac the into a:trunk and the trunk carried|the President of the,United States.|4.6 German lines,and to cross it inmounegmentcomesfrom,Germs:|dowm thestairs to be dumped into a)if German Amersans,ite foolish [the open wold mean certain.deoth|i res:ee te “jriver,and she never’batted her eye ug:raise such an.issue it Wi gn ‘eh tt Dy mek a one,fan get on)_twell,that kigd of a woman is very be accepted by all real Americans.If fron.ee ae oe i mags ay .th ence teed dangerous:The further fact.that ee nes we ia oh te earnest,the heeaes a wa or Saree bodies F Cie sranufadtene of.aapieatees ee ee ingly related her life of,however,they ‘would choose 2.mr’\have been lying for some weeks.and} ':ggested that there was no suitable leader.The Alliance is dis-Y pi oe eee ran weap Shame suggested that,Chere vata eredited beyond xecovery by what |0u:"for burial ee ot:affect.Germanysi Me least If Mrs,Warren had been the dupe happened at Utica.:'ne bably ha a Ne”y ‘|of some man;if;in the heat’of an AllredHasDeparted.OS NTT ELE TTT,.=:~~my —{ uncontrolled’passion shé had shot out)Wild Aninials Increase in Gov-, ecbgnition by the United States/the lights of some seducer or some- the government of General Darti-ave,elected President of Haiti, the’National’Assembly,will notconsidereduntilthenewexecutiveasdemonstratedhisabilitytomain- n peace and order.Meantime Amer- naval forces under Rear Admir- perton will remain in control ofSituation.on ,the island.°; Representative bankers from:eight thing of .that .kind,we could havesympathyfor.her,But her.own.tes-timony bore ‘witness that she was awanton|Her character .was'bad—-and if she didn’t take,an active pantin‘the murdering of her husband sheunquestionablyapprovedthepro- seedings.Electrocute her?peely.A.woman is responsible for what she does,and in this case of wanton growing:States,in session.at|and deliberate murder,and worse, eston,Texas,pledged themselvestandsolidlybehindtheproducersnefforttosecure‘a fair jand)uhi- or price for..cotton,and in.this she shuold pay the.pill in full, According to estimates:made _by |the election commissioners of Chi- were.pledzed the support of the)cago,elections in’that city next year Southern,Federal.Reserve Banks.|will,cost.”$2;307,000.“Ifor: War,Department,at the re- of Major ‘General Funston,has dar iment of infantry from ty%Brownsville,Texas,and wetoplane,.a battery .of 4,7 @nd°ia battery of 4.7.howit-to Brownsville from.Fort Sill,This in view of the border trou»which do not seem to be:se y..to.political intrigue -on both. eight months of the year the election ma-chinery will be ‘active and ©polling’places.will be opened 1%times,The |estimate includes the,cost’of regis-' trations,primaries )andproper elections Coor’s brewery,one of the largesteerinColorado,has ceased to make and will make malted milk.)Proba« wave,8.‘ *ernment Reserve. Washington,Dispatch.© The government’s herd of —buffalo on -the:Wichita National Forest:in Oklahoma,‘which is also a Federal game preserve,has been increased by. the arrival of.ten calves,according to a report received by -the Forest ‘Service froti the supervisor in-charge. ‘The herd,..which now comprises 62 specimens of the.almost extinct bis- on,is.in good condition,says the su- pervisor,and promises to continue increasing at a rapid rate.eh ‘Bight of the calves are females, bringing the number of ‘heifers and cows up to 30.The bulls number 32.pa ‘5 “’Three years ago the buffalo:herd on,the Wichita Forest .was little more than half.as large as it‘is now. It is said that,the ‘other game ani- mals inthe preserve,including.the elk and antelope,also are increasing, due .to the protection afforded,not only against hunters, gnimals,which’committed serious dep- ey News says that L..H.Allred,ex- but against |must get into the courts despite the LA Raleighdispatch to the Greens- ayor of Smithfield and former rep-esentative in the Legislature.fromohnstoncounty,has left Smithfield. A lred a week ago went to.smashfinancially,but it was announced thatailbisown.jand his wife’s —estate,|which they would.surrender,with the|elp.of relatives.and, $30,000,and that Allred,a lawyer,would remain in Smithfield and “live; it down.”| ,If he has departed for good,.as the |freports.indicate,it:is supposed to be}through fear of prosecution,notwith-| gtandinig.the payment of the short-' ALE,j ;misuse of the money,’the} covered,says the Raleigh dispatch to, the Greensboro paper,hadno relationJ. to his officeas ‘mayor or.as legislator,| put as attorney,and coming under.the é@ye of a solicitor and a grand jury, it seems inevitable that the trouble’ S.,M.&H.SHOE CO;: ‘Mis :friends,would |}.pay the indebtedness of $25,000°,tol},House forgeries practiced and the fraud dis-|] 2 s Church is Now Giving -to-House Demonstrations As well:as by Appointment.* Free to Everybody. ‘PHONE,WRITE oR CALL———. |Statesville Gaslight and FuelCompany. epeairgrnincinten See et ee 0 'Grande.erent redations from the establishment of }#a2 ne‘tandard_Oi!Com-|#747 9%SND.GATy.gr TOLD,[tbe preeerte In OMG me retece ||FOR MOTH en a si4.@ permanent.conces-|bape .were taken to stop them.In protect-'|;UNw EF a A A pe at :i Wht VN ‘or the development of oil fields |ha tS a or Saree of the dem ok ing the game from predatory animals}qe:rave mistake formothers to neg-a ae ey,di ee ene eee aSaathen sacishoei.rs ern China,is’attracting some |44 Chenioy &Co,,doing business in the|Me wardens.and.fonest officers ate}Ject their aches,and pains and suffer f;B98.¥i ste ing factor in ‘ty OF |ern_womanh:oe ntion,It de belleved that China’s|otk,“aa'tiar aan”“this only leads to chronic sick-|,Particularlyfitted bv location and equipment to train.young women t da 3 le tere f.late ; AD Gh ,and that said firms welll pe ature.|also,promoting mt ret thous|for social and domestic stations requiting efficiency in Knowledge and ‘|respons ility in character...Beautifully situated in a town of education- al sot re ea a ostandinthe|sum of ONK GUN OLE tasHe.|stockmen,who KS "ore thas iif of the hie each and every onne.votCatactn that Ferd sund herd of eattle.on certain allotted % dings,coinplete equipment...Lovely:campus.Qut-door® capable jinstructors,Standard college courses:|- esville Female Collegeandwhicharesaidtobedue|bly taking note:of »the prohibition.wolves,wild cats.and other predatory a that nobody.seems to be ea work is'tiring;if your nerves are;if you,-fecl langnid,weary:oressed,you should.know.that,Scott'ssionOverconiesjustsuchconditions,in concentrited.form thestoinvigoratetheblood,enthe tissues,nourish the nerves Seek China'ts kero.|etre Gure4 OF theUse of Hall's:Ca-|areas withinthe:preserys:,a.K J,CHENEYSworntobefore ee renee NN a At Lexington.Clay,Waitman,lit-|and the developmtent of ex-me and ‘subscribed tle son of C,A:Waitman,was :1 Tt possesse¢E oil fields in China by seein:my meres:igs 6th day of De-C.A: f any other country would lave a (Beal!)9 Me:Ae iyKiadioctin;.effect|yt Phinese-|se aiy bac A.W GUBASON.|stantly killed when he fell/from ig to./com-|ty,we Det en oo taken internal, vernment..mucous peret 2 the aateeennd dal ree, a by “ail lnsthte ee eekeHall's Family Pills for constipation, Lyand,B.$,degrees, Splendidly equipped music im <gehools of Domestic oitane,Art,RatheesLae,aes Culture and hle..Safe homelife and attractive surroundings.Rates unusually low._For catalogueand full information.write to...ok Ws o2 oodsaw wagon driven by his older} rother and.was-caught beneath.Whe ae eta 8g ae|.«Ball’s Creek ¢ampmeeting,Catacounty,begins today. Pipl hi Pieces and Discontinued Patterns-of Furniture at —4»BIGREDUCTIONS |_DURING:AUGUST | roomleteaudsinglepieces—in Circassian Walnut,;Cal and Ha _very piece GOOD in:theverybestsenseoftheword,and everypiece agreat,big,splendid bargain,©=”Savings uf from $7.50to $20-0n single pieces.Savings of from $25 to $175 oncomplete’SuitesALL’SUMMER FURNITURE 1-3 OFF. _egphone and mail orders will receive the veryhesPattention.|Write today for complete list and fil particulars pest ‘ ae * *sae“BABYS BEN. An Alarm Clock that is litfle but loudthingforalady’s or a gen:leman’s room.-the waking up for you..BIG BEN if youH.B.WOODWARD need to be knocked out. Jeweler, PARKER GARDNER C0,SP It's alittle Reaaty.Just theItisnotsulargebutdoes Lh AUTO AND THE SABE) The Mac HyhineisCausing’ Charity,and Children,m ;' Laxness in the observance of We have largel for Sunday thatformer.generation.‘posed to automobiles.The writerlcaughtthefever,and if he had|money to spare would be riding i}| characterized We are not Ford right is doing more than all communities been ly severed,thas come to be the day of joy ri‘and general revelry,>The phage youth;and it must be eo}that some of Yielding ta the temptation. means mist be found toiPresentdangeroustendency.§mnect for the Holy D‘of the past and th or a en =the.deluge.|Concsis—-and if this is true,those of;One thing that wil}help the situation Adam’s<descandants who have been |is the making more attractive the “landered should sue the company.|*me iservice at our country ¢hurehes.Wonderful,wonderful,this|There is really mimad:movement among ourichutchesthaninthoseofthandcities,for it i:that the city chureh ‘has lehurch’in the country = FOUNDED IN 1838 CHARY_.TRINITY COLLE E.DURHAM,N,C.A Southern College of liberal arts with an established national reputation forhighstandards,noble traditions,and .progressive policies.Its large endowmentfundmakespossible:its.first-class equipment and Jarge faculiy of well trainedandearefullychosenteachers.‘Student fees low.Comfortable,tmexpensiveroomsincarefullysupervisedhygienicdormitories,Classical and scientific courses leading to the bachelor’s degree.Graduatecoursesinall’Yepartments.Schools’of Engineering,Edueation,and Law.:addreas » 3 For catalogue and illustrated bookletR.L..FLOWERS, ‘ERED 1859 Secretary to the Corporation, bright s Gradually,but certainly rythaspreachingonceamonthbynweareprogressing,One of thesejan.who lives sometimes 40|miles days and Wall Eyed Science withaway.Its service is often dreary Goggles will make us fetand aghast.and bleak.Its music is of the “rag Vie expect most any_time -to hear|time”isoul, 'woung folks turn|Sunday and let ‘thejArethe’narents ofdoingtheirdnt their children? to the joy ride We doubt it. eee Se a "Cool and Fefreshing: pein Diinkdy 200KW King of Fou 3 2 —-—-+fe.AT—-_—_HALL’S DRUG ‘STORE.‘‘PHONE 20.:Besscriptionists. ee “ras :60 TornadoesDevastate10,000.Homes in Eight States_~Suchistherecordofoneday’s hundred years the Hartforddamagedonebytornadoes.Fire Insurance.CompanyYoudon’t know when the has met every honest:claimtornadomaystrikeyourProperty,but you do knowthe“Old Hartford”protectsagainstallloss.For over a-People’sLoan promptly.Buy a HartfordTornadoPolicytoday.ItisthenearestthingtocomfortwhenaTornadoStrikes,y,é ‘|Sweeping reductions in anthraciteStatesville,N.C.Mesident Agent.—_frieht sates handling60 per cet.a :b ;eductionaebeGEO.H.BROWN,:President.[have been ordered by the Inter-State SavingsBank, |Sabbath revered- ;should he? |seiences of the in the home as 'Well.brethreh.[well face the issne,foe-are constantly ‘boa{fsoueh holds:the purest “tion now esming -aewhich-the Rovernment—raileaad—i-—+“7 gruns is restored:to:the ible do:(FPY a Proclamation of President Wfon.The:boundariesof the forv:t.ig@redrayum by the prelamation.,“ftain anproximetely 5.834000.acy|5.802.000 acres being withdrawn frorithereserve,-j.Forest servies officigis explaineithatthelandwithdrawn.has|found’lacking ‘in timber value“ent-+e warrant Severnmont or|tion.The area retained jcitimbered.itsjestimatedatifeet,|A distatch from Denver,Col.,sayanimmensefortune.in ‘coat 1jholdingsand~another comforta)). eu rotac. Present growth bein: 8,000,000 merchantab\: |fortune in’cash have been ohtaincd|for the United States bylwiththe|Refinine Qo &settlementAmericanSmeltinemueny,partoof the prentiGuerenheimholdines,in a ene whichthasloneheen:pending in.the Unites|States Courts.\The Guerenheim in-\terests paid in cash to-the fovern-|ment.the sum of $H12.766 for eos}ltaken frém mines oni land obtainedhvfraudand3,477 acres of ‘Valuablecoallandswererestoredtothegov-ernment.An Enelich company wa<jeompelled to restore 120 acres ofvaluableeoallandobtainedby.fraud.Lehmann Reduction in CoalRates. an || |“The Giutehing Hand” Of poverty and want will never grab youifyouhaveanactiveSavingsaccountinagoodBank—this Bank for instance.But you want to start in time,Start now,/*arfdstart here.A dollar will do to start~with and a hundred dollars wouldn’t stop“you,onee you realize how important a-*Savings account is.me4 4ee eee| SAPETY—SERVICE—SATISFACTION: uk Eline illegal preferential treatment to B |Sion also required the roads to estah- s|majority decision was inconsistent in=ait of the =rates for practically all.other traffic.|Lsceeeetientiemeienen ene Commerce Commission,in 9 decision|which held the carriers guilty of giv- pjallied coal comtanies.The commis- lish through:routes and Publish:jointithroughratestohepaid:by all ship-pers.The decision’followed threeYearsinvestigationofratesandvrac-tices governing coal transportation.Commissioner Harlan dissented.contending that while modification ofmanypresentrateswagdustfied,the "recent authotization of.orizontal increase of 5 per cent.in Eleven Cent Postage Stamp. An 11-cent postage’stamp will!soon make its appearance.The nowstampwasmadenecessarybypar-cel post,’In the first zones there aro thou-sands of packages upon which the fee,for postage and insurance ‘amountsto11cents,and the Postoffice Depart-ment ¥eached the conclusion that an.Ji-cent ‘stamp would.save ‘time at!the postage-stamn counters,The new|sta pears i the head of Franklin in|profile rom m Houdon’s bust.It.is,he same shane and size of ©othersta“Ordinary stamps now ‘em-|brace hg s from -1 to 12! tion 12)~with,18.cents,20/aS sents and $1.|ned Apatleof“Chambortain’sdirecrectiondgivenrin in TH. Dese-eration of’the Lord’s Day. Lord’s day is the bane of ur time.y lost that reverence now:but the automobile the Sunday|newspapers and the Simday “movies” well nigh comoplete-Sunday,in many.place tempta-ition to sail over the smooth roads athighspeedistoo,much for the aver- the wzray ‘heads ‘are What can be done about i£?Somcheckthe y will bea thine - ore danger in thi: country e:townssourobservation A much a|stronver pull on its people than theVv,and no won- ervice.‘The country church _Nariety and does not gnothe theisit“any”wonder that ‘the church service ¢o? the present timey.in this respect;by Ts the Ry no means.Are the con-Young neople quicken- Ave might;as r it is'wpen ins. ting that theform‘of relix-ony and:pays more homage and xov-Pr rence sto ‘the:\Bible than’any otherSection’of!the world)hut.iH desecrat-ing and.dishénoring the Lord's dayrearemakittelongstridesforward“Yard anléss it is checked.’the reper. i zach,national,forest.Alaslea..thy ouch. heavily yal ere " <MSpeenePLLAadANAM SewerKHEISAFRIENDOFADAM.i overpaintb.Col.Fairbrother Has AlwaysThought)Adam Was Mis-| ‘to Hear That Noah AteForbiddenFruit.4 Re the was Noah.andwhoatetheForbidden Fruit.Gol.|Fairbrother of Bverything remarks:|,the Just as we had éxpected and sus-OP-pected.Often we have defended Old!aa Man Adam.One in this State,ieina monument to Adam,and the scheme.We.insisted then.as wetodesecratethefireedayofthef.:.v6 ever insisted sin¢e,that Oldweek.The attachment to the ehurch Man Adam had gotten the worst ofService,already weak,has:in some it to believe that he.had.borne£, dew years,Noah,who did seandalous thing ally condueted excursion to MArrarat—supposedly —Pilot Mtainin.this State—awas just a d in ‘the Garden of Eden.to Mr.Langdonthisre- nd years oiler than the tion the relie hunters are btous.Only the other day ‘at HE ure « old wa Patterson. antis:+and:when that Continencated,look.out for librariesinformationthatwillmakeugalllike30cents, Italian Reservists Ugly.The assembling1,300 Italian reservists to sailItalywasmarkedbydemonstrati on it of ons(ed and cultivated in the matter ©of against the German..steamships‘keeping the fourth commandment as Amerika and Cincinnati.laid up in|was the ease aforetimé?We trow Poston,as a result.of which several:not. poSai omen were on,the Germlors an.vesselsstruckbystonesandapeRev iynotaycould shots were exchanged acrowdandthe:police,but 1belearnedthatany,tookInanotherdisturbance €which rade of the reservists,rers were injured,one some 25 years ago,we undertook toraiseapopularsubseriptionfor York Sun gave its approval to the but we never had reason.before brant of a falseheod during all these | ter his embarkation from his person-| ount |.= ‘o have reigned and eaten the apple|According|the tablet revealing|startline information is.a thous! Book of! informa-|rining'|Mem-:}Reypt,a temple was uncovered|4evedtobeover8,000 years ofandlastweek,in Sydney,Aus-!%a.a skull said to be 25,000 years|%©discovered and turned’over that divers have found the Lost At-|¥ at Boston Sunday severely.injured. ¥took,effect, veloped about the forthationof a pthree,policbeingstab ni 8treatedandIsn’t Surprised! the)on Taking nete of the reported discov-|ery of a tablet which shows that itnotAdamandEve!) a New the| 8 af. sree GOOD TLTheglocksinthehomemustberightorthepected43planandhaveryeals-on time Thenwearingoutyourpocket‘With a watch that you can’t.what you want to do is to get your watch or ¢lock reHENRYwhileheisdevotinghisentiretimetoclocksandfittingspectaclesandeye-glasses, R.F.HENRY, - arecaen ==BASEB ALL!fe ; LENOIR AND STATESVILLE i 4 At Statesville Ball Park Vanes > THURSDAY,FRIDAY AND SATURDAY._ oun-)} man!TOBACCO |FT,Flues made up ready for delivery ‘Plone or writeus‘your or-ders.Shipment made same day order received.Extra joints,Ls~eeandflatsheetsforrepairs,::dSTATESVILLETINCO.,H.C.Mohler,Manager. ‘PHONE 55.114 East BroadStreet, der.The town church has Preaching to the University of Sydney==(every Sunday.It has-a pastor who If this ‘thing keens un we will soon|&devotes his.whole time.to his’or be in possession of ‘information con-|%neonje,It has srood music and a cerning the Man who t isand feel for de- on will forget tha:&Ten arrests were made,:is a S "ema ra oo nenenneeniae oeeceePp"FACTS AND Fiction./§{Land Restored to Public Dow Heimain,:|Experiences of Statesvifle Citizens!y “ iy Pp ar aTNearlyhalf6fthelandéntheCin}.AT Easily Proven:to:be Facts.'>:|}‘The ire pfrom Statesville people with tes7mohyofstrangerslivingsofaraw:,you cannot ‘investiguve the facts {the case,Many.mere etttzens i Statesville endorse —Doan’s.. Pills, Mrs.D.CG.Cooper,336 Tradd §Statesville,Says:")had < down,I couldn't straighten up, cause me any trouble.”|Price 50c.at.allsimplyaskfor’a kidne Mrs,Cooper *had, White,Pink and _The Carnation seasonIsover,;but we haveplentyofbeautifulwhite,pink and laven-der Aster which splen-ey take the place °of Carnations throughthesummer, All.orders have atten-.tion’the moment re-ceived.Beautiful de-signs for all purposescharminglyarranged.-by our experts, Van Lindley Co, FLORISTS T0 THE SOUTH, ,GREENSBORO,#.o. Polk Gray Drug Co., Mast.suporfieigh investigationaintSEprove:that the Tollowing ‘stawmentfrom‘a resident’of Statesville’, is true.»Read it and compare evidence! -Kidney rheumatic |pains in my limbs ‘and was often so}had with my back that when T got! could hardly turn in bed,my Back!bothered meso:-Afver taking Doan’sKidneyPillsforawhile,my back wasstrengthenedandmykigneys.didn’t} dealers,,Don't|y remedy—get,ioan’s Kidney ‘Pills—the same that Foster-MilburnofGOProps.,Buffalo,N,¥; Lavender Aster sa e ti-| ay| of | of} |} ti. Tj { | “THE STATESVILLE RE Fire,Tornado,Live Stock,Automobile,Liab “The Dry Weather Plow.”; ;-andy ;We have both single and Twin Dise in stock.‘They’§ do their work “‘a comin’and a goin’.”This } has no Rival.Now whileyou: is Plow|can’t plow with theordinaryturnplowgetaCHATTANOOGAanddon’t teaLESC te bain by Otto taynee:64peer | RST en NAR Sone NaN turning, Hardware ‘Co.3“Tredell _bese rs "te eae fs :re U ;lh:a Te :LTY &INVESTMENT.‘COMPANY begthatthey“have completed arrangements with “THE:URANCE CO:of New York,”forinsuring yourgrowing:of Tobacco,Corn,Cotton and Small grain against destructionilStormatthefollowingverylowprice:eee He~~TOBACCO CROP.$100 per acre valuation at7peracrevaluationat50peracrevaluationat~25 per acre-valuation-at— COTTON,CORN AND SMALL GR$40 per acre valuation ee,35 per acre valuation30peracrevaluation25peracrevaluation20peracrevaluation15peracrevaluation “10 per acre vatuation oF ‘éDWELLINGS,FURNITURE,BARNS.$100 value for one year at 80c.,3 years at 60c.,5 ears.a :uslatter_insurance covers-also against loss or.omeREMEMBER—‘'We insure anything insurable.” bywind in addition to hail.aesJ.P.CARLTON,Manag to announce HOME INScropsby 6.874peracre~3.75 per acreae AIN CROP,1 peracre — # "PHONE 54,STATESVILLE, Plate Glass,Steam Boiler,AccidentandHealthorLifeInsuranceae We solicit your business for the leadi \companies writing the different lines ofinsurance...Full information obtained,on request.ON |GENERAL INSALSANDPHONE23;OFFICE NO.1, i BOO When these slealingghotdays ¢anizeeae7shased,frette Toe .AropinandrestunderthecoolbreezesAPOLKGRAY.HIGH BALL will ral your spitisahd _ lower your tem}drink the law allo the flavor that drivesfor“RACY'S”when you ASIGHT-SEEING TRIP} Work at Island Ford—Ae- lental Shooting —_Personal Mexican faction o! State Lansing and the representa tives of the South Anierican -népu sondence of The Landmark. tesvillé,R-3,Aug.1d—iA party ad of a dozen or more farmers air families of this section, that Mecca of sig Hardaway construction Wid Ford——a few days ago,ar beholding the marvelous Inv ‘of the human mind.and ieal manner in which the work igned,,the SecretaUsiiteaStates,te”§extraordinary 5 potentiary of Brazil,Chile and.the envoys.¢:iy d minister plenipotentiary of mah ~|Bolivia,Uruguay and Guatemala, eredited to the.government ‘9 United States of America,acting sev- erally and independently,unanimous: ly send to you the following.commn- is holding everything in verybodv’could only s of that.Orien- “The half had control there,e exclaim in the word tal queen of ages ago, mever been told.” ©Ivy Ostwalt,¢ Ostwalt,who met with week ago,is & ok .the old,old story. un when it was ed by the most sincere sp of American fraternity and conyvin that they rigidly interpre?the earn; est wish of the entire continent,the undersigned,have met informally at the suggestion of the Secretary of State of the United States,to con- ‘sider the Mexican situation and.to ascertain.whether their friendly and disinterested help .could be success-" fully.employed to re-establish peace and constitutional order in ~our:sis- He was carrying’a ¢discharged.‘the foot near the ankle.He anatorium and the was taken to the $ bullet extracted. "Tate Loftin,son of Mr.T.8. tin,was taken to the Sanatorium last night and he.will undergo an.opera- tion for appendicitis today.; M.L.Lentz of Stony Point daughter-in-law, Lentz of Minois,will arrive today to visit Mrs.F.M.Troutman.Mr.Al- bert Johnson left this week for a r of Virzinia.He will ere.Dr.and Mrs,f Hickory are vis- In the heat of the frightful strug- ele.which for so long has steep blood the Mexican soil,doubtless all may well have lost sight of the dis- ig effects of the strife upon the ions of thé national existence.not only upon the life and liberty.of the inhabitants,but ‘on.the prestige and security of the country. We cannot doubt,however,noone can doulit—that-in the presence of a sym-} pathetic appeal from their’brothers of America,recalling to:them these disastrous effects,asking |them ~to save their ane ann from.anae —no one can doubt,we repeat—tha is “le the patriotism of the men)who lead an ordinance proposing a curfew.law, most vital condit prospecting touprobablylocate thPP.W.Troutman o Meeting at Turnersburg—Good Se Correspondence ef The Landmark.( -Tornersburg,Aus.16—We _havelor gid in any way had lots of rain for the last week and)wil]not remain unmoved;no one ¢adj of the streets at night aftera cer-jnct be permanently destroyed. spreading and doubt.that each.and.every one Ceres Jooking well.The good showers are)them, fine on peas and there are many sow-) ‘ed im this section. The protracted meeting yess at Hebron charch the past week dosed Saturday morning at Turners- berg with baptism by Rev.J.G.} "the pastor,assisted by) The church was every meeting hour and much Ginterest was.manifested.Mr.Rinkley is small in stature but he del some.wide-awake bloody:strife corn and cotton is measuring in his.0 his share in the responsibili- ties of past misfortime «and.Jooking forward to his share in the glory.of the pacification and reconstruction of the country,will respond nobly and resolutely to this friendly appeal and ‘give their best efforts to opening the wav to some -saving action. )We,the undersigned,believe th if the men directing the armed move- ments in Mexico.whether political or militarv chiefs,should agree to meet, ‘either:in-percon-or-by-delegates,far from the sound of cannon.and with no other insviration gave the thought of.their afflicted land,there to change ideas and to determine thefateofthecountry—fro Weatherman,Rev.J.N.Binkley. to manypoor,lostwereconvertedand Fourteen were baptized.-ex.|vlove of*the Carolina Power and =Mrs.Pettis:Salmons sister at Hickory last week.Mr.and c ler of Statesville Mic strong and tnyeilding agreement 'rei- to,thé .creation ‘of a 'provision-nment,which ‘should adopt theps,nécessary ‘to’the?eonsti-1 recanstruction’of the:eounrryandtoissue‘the’first and most‘lessential of them ‘all,thecalltogeneral‘electionAnadeauateplacewiicanfrontiers,which for the,purpose:eutralized,hould servethe’conference;andAbout’ oMr,.R.S.Keller,last week,|uis |and!attended:the,me¢tWe:are glad;to sec,he bas juseMof:an operation.|; i pleted in ‘ev-ad i running op fall time.has,purchased’afour..and.one-s will use_it for| thin the Mex- _othergn.purposes.. Singing Sc _Gorresnondence of The Landmark,| Statesville,R-1,Aug,14—/Mr.Mrs.J.R.Plyler and little daughters,Ruth and Grace of Cooleé-visitingat the home of Mr. j yintermediaries‘to!utr-ace ‘and ‘éther’de-'i Conference,if ‘this ae- tion can in any way aid the Mexican ols’—Personal ;; gned-expect a reply tothiscommunicationwithinareason-able time:and consider that such atimewouldbetendaysafterthecom-amunication -i¢—delivered,subject to.prorogation for ‘cause.ae The QuaintVillage of ‘Clemmons Chatity and Children.”Clemmons,formerly called Clem-: country village “yeturneg from Cooling,where she spent some time with her grandparents,Mr.and Mrs.H.-T.Johnson.Mr.and Mrs.W.A.Dearman and son,Master Charle,nd Miss Rejina Bundy have return-from Conéord,where they.spentmetimewithrelatives.‘The Shiloh singing class and teach-Mr.A.L.Sides,gathered at the‘homeof Mr.and Mrs.J.8.A'rthursay‘night and gave a singing initofMrs;Frank Crosby andlaughter,Miss Marie,of Verona,Pa.The writer was present and we allold-time music.,Crosby and daughter will leave Sun-“day.15th,for their home in Verona. Mr.A.LL.Sides-is teaching a sing---ing school at Shiloh and is progress- monsville,is.amilesfromWinston-Salem,incountyofForsvth.Jt is one and aquarter.miles from.the.railroad and)bears the marks of age.'And-it is-old.—It-is one of the old-:towns in.North Carolina.1789 the General Oonference of the Methodist.Church was held at.Clem- mons atid the bishop who presidedrodeonhorsebackfromKentucky.toattendtheConference,the quaint evangelist, law unto himself,and would not begovernedbytherulesandregulationsoftheConference,often.preached .inthevillageandthestoriesthathavebeen,handed down of Lis oddities.and eccentricities.are interesting and hu- enjoyed the Lorenzo Dow,who ‘was a the first three days of the week atWesleychapelandthe’second three should come,for the.school is good._Mr.Harvey Freeland is teaching a*singing school at Bethesda, ‘Would Educate Taxpayers. _An educational movement,nation-. wide in scope,to:acquaint the people~with the fundamental taxation,was “(The Post highway from Winston- Salem to.Statesville passesItisaquaintvillage and must be an interesting place.of the houses jwhosearchitecture,shows that it wasbuiltinthelong”ago,displays the “Ye Olde Tyme Tea What=sortofbeverareis*dispensed within this writerwhilethesignwas an invitation tothethirstythedoorwasclosedand to outward appearances the buildingdeserted—The Landmark.) LEA A TN SC TS principles of urged’by Samuel T. .Howe,vice president of the National-Tax.Association,in-an-address-beforetheninthannualconferenceofthat organization ‘in San Francisco, (Mr.Howe,who is secretary of the-Kansas Tax Commission;pointed out that the average nothing of the facts of taxation.HeassertedalsothatintheUnitedStatesthereisavitalneed ying stress on “prevalent haphazard ethods of.taxation.” “The memberseannualincome olly by.frugal living expenses is!felatively much more heavily taxedwhderpresentconditionsthanis‘thecitizenwhoseincomepermitstheac- Railroads Trying to Increase Rates in the State. North Carolina shippers.who have heretofore been foreed to carry such9burdenbyreasonofthediscrim- ination in freight rates levied against.them by the railroads andvin favor oftheVirginiacities,are now confront- ed by a situation that-anpears to bea)Mr.Howe|almost equally as inimical to their d,“If the ideal of equality of bur-|welfare and future success,says themistoberealizedinanyconsider-|Charlotte Observer.This is a de-i most tax systems must be|termined movement/paper-——on the.part of Mr,Howe Suggested the formation|operating lines in the State to induceofanorganizationineachState‘andthe North Carolina corporation com-the necessary subordinate organiza-|mission to allow them.io.cance:thens,the ‘unit of which shall be the|North Carolina Exception Sheet No.\1 and to apply in lieu thereof theeauee5an\fréight.tra’between points in thisUpTheSystem|State,which would result in a verynereaseinfreightratesin of tax reform, the community —«continues that;week for the past ten:months, the Ratriora (tbls did not.satisfy the “men, inty or.Bome larger district;” cé the Old ‘Stanwoniedyouaretak: dard GROVRH'S|niaterialYouknowthisState ‘and pay a ‘visit.to SmitheyMraley’s store this week.»the jhave the greatest barsentseveroffered,—ad,wut ee hage been appointed por ‘and persHapovercounty00-—-an.“increase ohn P.:McNeill,a prominentmandcitizenofLumbertenhiladelphiahospitalSait,where he was.und treatment.ie Stock™has been subseribed for an-}ax bank and trust -company,©in)Charlotte,capital $100,000.Eix-May-| or Bland'and W.M.Robardslotteare’the promoters.”SStill/Mr,Doughton keeps “em the’family doesn’t —want the =Lieutenant Governorto be a candida’ ‘or Attorney General and theythey’can hold himoff, t a of Wayne county,was killed by anAtlanticCoastLinetrains:two ailsfromGoldsboro,one night last week, y for the crime.a8 a ‘The Kederal,government.wi State militia for the year ending July1,1916,according to:a statement.15-sued by General Mills,head of the mi-litia.division.of the army: on the:head by a pitched ball,in a Thursday,died in a hospital in RaeighFriday..The ball struck the boy sel The city aldermen have turned down whereby all children and youths with- in ‘a certain age limit were to be kept tain,fixed hour.~:ta Arthur.Johnson,a negro hoy ofRaleigh.was arrested in Portsmouth,Va.,a few days ago,on.suspicion ofbeingimplicatedinthemurderof Chas.Abt,the miser'found dead inhishome.in Raleigh several’weeksdeai A school census of Thomasvilleshowsatotalpopulationof4,588-—248 less than last yéar.Thomasvilleistobe*commendedfor telling |thetruth,The average town is all thetimelying:about the increase in pop-ulation."Rey ie Light Co:at Sanford,was killed Sun-day by,coming in contact with a live in,Sanford.The power was,supposed and two small,children, the name of a new concern being or- ganized to build another cotton millatGranite.Falls,Caldwell county,The.incorporators.are J.D,Ellie D.BH.Wiarlick,G.-H.Geitner and othe spindles and the -capital stock ‘is $1400,000..0 1t ; hrose:Cuthherts:emery cous-‘ina,went.home,together from camp-meeting,;pan idle:efited:by,the meeting ,subseqtienteventsfailedto,auarreled;;and .fought—tused ‘knives.Baxter is dead and Ambrose is in the tall timber.©~~:: The Watauga and Yadkin River railroad,the new line running out from.North Wilkesboro,has.heen}. graded.to Darby,Wilkes county,andtherailshavebeenlaidtowithinonemile:of Darby.It’is expected thattrainswillbeinoperationtoDarbybySeptember15,Darby is‘only 15 miles from Blowing Rock.| .The establishment of a cheese fac-tory in Watauga has been mentioned,Col.Fred Olds,who is summering iff the mountains,writes the papers thattwoothercheesefactorieshavebeettestablished—one at‘Whitehead,Alle- ghany county,and -one’at .GrassyGreek,Ashe county,the.latter the largest of the three._ The Montreat “Association,which brought “suit in the Federal court atAsheville.against Dickey &Camp- bell and Perley &Crockett,for $5,-000 damages ‘alleged to have resultedtothelandsoftheplaintiffs.by for- est fires originated’by sparks fromdefendants’locomotives .on the.Mt.Mitchell railroad,were awarded $300. Discussion of the.hanging of wo-men:in.this State brings out-the fact that negro women.have:been.hangedinRockingham,Granville and Pitt)’counties—the last two before the WarBetweentheStates.the first in the early 808.It is also of record that Burke county in 1833 for the murder}of her husband:‘ *‘The “‘Hén.Hamilton”Gladstotie Ew-|¥art,.ex-criminal court and ex-Feder-+al court.judge and ex-Congressman,was,hauled.up in court at Hender-sonville:recently,just like any.com-mort man,for maintaining a nuisancesaidnuisancebeingapondinwhichhisex-honor fished and disported onoceasion.:The suit went off on atechnicalityand,the aforesaid ex,isstill’enjoying his pond.ve A.hundred.skilled employes of theDixie’Furnitire Company .at~Lex-ington went on strike Saturday fol-|owing the announcement aa 10 ‘percent,reduction in wages.The man-agem@nt,offered to guarantee fivedays’work.per week at the new ‘scaleasagainsttwoorthreedaysFo rut when promised a resumption of tholdscalewhensbusinessimproved. A mixup in.which knives and apitolfigured:occurred at Pleasant Hilchurch,.Elk township,Wilkes county,Sunday,8th,presomably~while gervicesWere»in progrss,The Willboro.Patriot.says:Coy Marley ‘andyouhyman’named nn werepitier | against Brasky.and Conrad Cox.antarleyshot‘BalesndCox,was also¢nn |ae,Vite oodanontad shot, Glenn’Cox*in tPagheeCox »crowding of ors,who by’the ‘tacticsnow be-employed would break down thiceofyourcottonandens‘buy.it.to their profit and to yout’,as.they did last year,-“Don’t expect either this fFmentoranyother4abuyyourcot-1§ ing.Hisson tells it in Ralei@h that]2%Hgpiiiey oaronpacy has no enable them]# 3 ‘jy!eit than to buy graink# look for.any.uneconomic and]#ras q.%%wk \‘;y Ree NN ;: OO Votes for Every $5.00 for hogs.Don’t‘timporsible legislation.in»behnt“keotton,,for..most..of the theories ad»Daye Brogden,a ene white man!ganced have bordered on asininity,and]#i Some of them have quite reached thatstage.me a .S ee ‘Bah af Senet or a moment that you Me is charged with the Tesponsi-}¢an barter your:henor and i ;bili /“Vand shape your convictions as to right}#¢Il spend}or wrong in.world affairs for the}% $76,471.87 on the North .Carolina]price of a bale of cotton,:seek to blackmailcountriesbythreatening.retaliation]#because their work ,may:interfere}# with the temporary selling price of]# Ivan,Johnson,16 years old,‘8 your cotton.i ee Don’t.permit politicians or othersupbeforetheworldas accepta.bribe,and toshapeyourjudgmentofright.and over the ear and broke a bloéd ves-|wrong in humanvaffairs by the priceKerlthatthiscountryorthat:might Curfew shall.not ring in.Concord,|willing ‘to:pay for your cotton.}# *Don’t forget that though you have]#raised more cotton than the South}%laught to have produced,there is anintrinsicvalueincotton’which can- Tr adéBooks Can Be Used game at Middlesex,Johnston carina mies a*}willing.to in Paying Accounts. Statesville Drug Gomp’y’::? *Quality Prescriptionists.Ms 4,Don’t forget.that you ean’.carry oN ;years without de-Yevioration,,and that:the time willcome,unless the South continues togrowmorecottenthantheworldde- manda,when every bale of cotton willbeneededatagood:Don’t.defraud your ereditors.by’re-fusing to sell cotton to meetyour ob-ligations,but when vou haveenoughtopayyourdebts,don’t forgetthatthebalanceisyoursteholdan+ til doomsday if you.please.and awaitthetimewhentheworldwillpayyour price for.it. Don’t .aboye a your cotton for pecsecoooeseeses sssisiis For This Week ——AT—— .Smithey &Fraley’s. -Wevhave ,just received one big lot of Ladies"Silk .«Skirts,ranging an;price from $3,00:to;$4.00, To.close out.at only T5e, One lot Ladies’Ready-to-Wear Dresses only 69¢.each.-$1,50 Parasols for Ladies at only 50¢.each. One lot‘White Table Damask at’only 25e:Yard-Wide Dress Ginghamsat 5e,yard. -Yard-Wide Bleached Domestic at de.yardg;(,°Another.BigLot/Men’s Glothing at Half,Price,$1.00 Men’s Hall mark Shirts 50c¢.each,oe50c,Men’s Shirts at onlyr30c.5 |<j py, OCERIES we offer at these p>Very Low Prices: asted Cofree at only 12 1-2c. -Good heavy Meat,packed by Morris &Co.,at 12c.|b. Good Swift Jewel Lard at 10c.pound. 25 pounds Granulated Sugar for only $1.60. Five Cakes Wash Scap only 10c. Two dozen Jar Rubbers for only 5c. ::S)suns |ea ‘Wt else,permit:your-};tee Lonnie Suggs,24 years old,an em-)..1¢to be misled into believing that vour cotton’is worth more than your honor;oa your cotton must 2 nue.Ghel wie while ha.was.at work on a Sine!Ol “aqaggs c+morsiein:Aun te che eat a,Sugas leaves,&wife eatin ee a ihe who,noses.thexHaetheenae ’:«>tthe world.as befgars'asking ‘alins,orFalls;Manufacturing Company;.J8)as:regarding a bale of:‘cotta:‘of,more'valuezthan human life,or’thepound,of cotton more to beconsidered:than.individual|tional honor.is the worst enemy.whichuthhaseyerhadorevercan pricgyof. y 5 the Soers.The mill will contain,5,000 pave, ce ‘county Baxter and AM-|pajtimoresSun.0s a oe Perr eer eh}ae «agitene‘propte of Paris ave-preparing had been ben-‘peculiarly appropriate expression of; v appreciation,for,King Albert.of ‘Bell isclose it,They,‘ium inthe sword of honor whic they are to present to him.Albert fashown‘himself every inch a king inthefaceofnationaldutyandnational disaster.and none of the prominent‘figures in this great drama of.bloodand-agony—approaches him in royal},dignity or moval rreatness. worthy of the heroic nation of which he is the ‘head.ond it,no Jess ‘than lie,commands the admiration as ‘well as the svmpathy of mankind.No matter bow this..war shall end,no matter what the final terms of peacemaybeastotheotherbelligerents.any.termination or any terms whichJeaveBelzium’s wrongs unremediedAltastingblot‘on.in-‘ternational justice.*She is thé victim of national intrigues,which sh¢could not.control,and sheNas‘a higher claim than any other.bel-compensation losses and sufferings. Good roast will ‘constitute a and ambitions IceWater Free for Everybody at all times. Come in andlet us show you our wonderful bargains.—SMITHEY &FRALEY,.The Real Bargain Givers, LEEAATECSNTT The Clerk Guaranteed It.” “A eastomer came into my store’the other day and said to one of my clerks,‘have youanythingthatwillcurédiarrhoea?’and my¢lerk went and ot him a bottle of Chamber-|Jain’s Colic,:'Cholera and.Diarrhoea Remedy.|and said to him,‘if this does not eure you,Iwillnotchargeyouaeentforit.’took it home and came back in a day or two‘and said he was cured,”writes J.H.Berry&Cox Salt Creck,Va.Obtainable everywhere.a Francis Silvér,white,was harfred in),ia -Thomson’s Glove Fitting Corsets. .Broken lines $1.00 quality 50c.: -Broken lines $1.50.oil du Nord Ginoe juality 75c. :Bates Seersuc as 10¢.per yard. inghams.10c.per yard. ?hirt Waists at 38c.,50c._WORTH FROM 75c.TO.$1.50.02200 irRemodelingSaleV°Ty will pay you to visit: and 75c.,, 1,50.,ek ae ie Me,Se +eae von iJ.Close Saturday Night.is sale...Yowrs truly,so. ckages of nicewhichhave our store during th OS’ i 1 We have a fe 7 paELSStationéry,theboxes ofitweareplacirStatesvi ‘on.sale’at cost.ePrinting Co. |foods ‘cheap VOL.XLII. ?;ee Seer re STORM TAKES HEAVY TOLL ‘Many Lives Lost and Much 'Property Damage on .Texas_Coast. ~~The storm which originated in the “West Indices,and which has.been headed this way for several |days, .‘Wrought great damage on the Texas *¢oast,The Associated Press .sam- mary of Wednesday.evening says that with «large ‘sections ‘of the ‘storm-swept Texas coast unheard from the death list from the.tropical hirrivane>has reached....more .than ‘100.The heaviest loss of life was at Virginia Point,opposite Galveston, Total property damage may exceed $30,000,000.-* Aceording to the estimates made at that time the deaths were report- ed as follows: Virginia Point,30;Texas City,18; Galveston,14;Morgan’s Point,11; Hitchcock,7;Laporte,7;Port Ar- thur,4;Lynchburg,3;Sylvan Beach, 3;Seabrook,3;Houston,2. Four United States soldiers were drowned in.Galveston and 10 were lost at Texas City.The Fort Crock- ett and Texas City camps were wip- ed out.and the army transports Mc- Clellan and Poe damaged.| Estimates of property loss follow: Galveston,$15,000,000 or more; Houston,-$2,000,000;Texas City, $400,000;Port Arthur,$200,000;Sea- brook,$100,000;Sabine,$100,000;Sa- bine Pass,$100,000;Kemah,$50,000. In addition there was an enormous loss to ‘cotton growers in the storm belt,some estimates stating that 25 per cent.of the crop of central Tex-as was destroyed and placing thelossat“millions of dollars.”Theoilfieldsalsosufferedseverely,The most.pressing need of Galves-ton,Texas Gity and other coasttowns,Which’facedthe full sweep ofwind.ig drinking water.Galveston’ssupplywasbrougiftfromseveralmilesinlandandthemainswerebrokenbythewavesandstorm-toss-ed vessels. News of the day and early Werd-night was°not entirely rens-su¥ing to marine interests.‘The steamer Arapahoe from Galvestonweathered(the blow and arrived safe-iy at Key West,and a derelict schoon-er,whose.crew had been.rescued|-by STATESVILLE,.N.C.,FRID LEO FRANK WAS LYNCHED|POWER.CO.ASSTakenFromtheStatePrisonFarm,|Carried Milesto Near the Home-ofAllegedVictim, Hanged to a Tree. Marietta,.Ga.,Dispatch,17th. AY,AUGUST 20,1915. ESSMENT.|HOME COMING AT CENTER.(DEATH(Peaera OF MRS.LEONARD. Now With the Corporation Com-|An Interesting Day at An @ld|The End Came Tuesday After aProtracted'Winess —Other ‘South Iredell Church. /The Home.Coming..Celebration at nter church,near ) N was'Jargely attended, notwithstanding the lowering skies of the carly morning...Many mem. rs of Prospect.congregation,near ooresville,which is:sérved by the pastor as Center;ter people and a number of formerCenterpeoplefromfarandnear,andothersfromthecountrysidegatherd the}%enjoy the day.“Enjo:used advisedly-—especialwhoembracedthisopportunity to re-rh-again..to the —o ehandrenewtheac It was about 11:30 when the as-sembly gathered in the historic oldThepastor,Rev.;There was a goodmusicalprogrammewithMrs.J.Reid of Davidson,formerty of Center,at the organ;ahd an interesting partthemusiewassongsbythesmallghildrenoftheSundayschool..Twosonsofthecongregationwhoitwas oped would be present and make ad--~Mr.Rufus Young McPherson {1 eigh and Mr.Sam Clay Wil-}:ms of Greensboro—could not come,and their absence was cause for reé-:The speakers of the occasion‘Were R.R.Clark of Statesville,a na-tive of Center congregation and whoSpenthischildhooddaysthere;and .J.M.McConnell of Davidson. Mr.Thos.J.Williams,a deacon ofthechurch,presented .Mr. Whose talk was largely reminiscent.He spoke of the church,its pastor,officers and Sunday school as he re- called them in the decade of the 70s, when he was a small boy there;paid tribute to the strong men and women who were the leaders in Center.con-time and_theirworkand_influence;and expresed the hope that while the congregation’s.bounds are now smaller that the fieldWouldbemorethoroughlycultivated,that the church.would.be made moreterand;the grounds at- .Dr.MeGonnell.was.presentedRulingElder.F..0..Johnston..;Hav- in-a country:congre-tion he,too,.paid-tribute to.the ienceand.work of the’old.+(ehurchesé ,Dr.Me iy¥iefly,but interestingly,neiples or conditions thatitedStates-a.-great ‘na-tion,and quoted the former..EnglishibassadoratWashington,as—having—referred..y,,as happy.America;alandofopportunity.‘The,thihasized ice creamst Meaul’s.and pel —-The Statesville”+.contest closed ; My til Bumpl tee yee ecleRumplew.Smith's vote Ne te MinsTheIredellCounty’a ihs ennin reetatesvialeBSweeks,will close today,Thetuteexaminationwasheldye~Lieense aoe bot !ymarriageofMr.je he ear Sener and Miss Kiva’®ley,Mr.Edward §S,[GracieMoney. Cool Spring ¢ouncil ofweanaeaoteaaobt.'Bell,the Oak Forest couneil andrepresentedthe It is now.up to the corporationcommissionto.decree just what.ap-[portionment of :the taxes assessedagainsttheSouthrenPowerCompany.on its power plant in the buildingtheCatawhariver: and Catawba county,says a RaleighdispatchtotheCharlotteObserver,shall go te each of three counties lay- ing claim to portions of the tax rey-enue—Catawba,Iredell and Alexgn-der.The commission devoted ©thforenoonofWednesdaytohearingtclaims,of these-.counties |andWhdte“matter of---the-apportionmentrestswiththecommission.Appear-ing before the.eommission were A.A.Whitener for Mrs,J.S.Leonard,whose critical illness has been mentioned from timetotimeinTheLandmark,died.Tues-,day.at 12:20 o’elock.The funeralservicewasheldiattheresidenceonStocktonstreetWednesdayafternoonat3o'clock,conducted by ‘her pastor,Dr.Charles 'Anderson,Rev.G.H.Church,and thwasinQakwoodcemetery.The hymnsusedinthefuneralservice-—‘“Assurance,Jesus is Mine,”and “TaketheNameofJesusWithYou”—wereMrs-FacnaneyLore Serrnne andweresunghyherreques';~Mre:--Leonard was.Miss MjJennieBost,daughter of theHiramA.Bost.of Statesville,andwas59yearsoldthe11thoflastmonth.She was born and reared ee ee tonwasayoungwomananwas edu-cated at Statesville Female.College.|GaitherMarch,1874,she married Josephdofthis.county and -withtheexceptionofashortTroutmanandfouryearsspentin.Wil-they have made their home}Clicktatesville.sinee:their marri;nard was the mother of nineehildren,all of whom,,Survive her,viz:F im of Lexington,Mrs. Lazenby of Salisbury,Messrs.B.Leonard ofA,Leonard of ¢i TredetaurderofMaryPhagan,was ta betwenn earsfromtheStatePrisonFarmatMij-ledgeville last night by a small.bandofdeterminedmen,was broughtwithinafewmilesofthe home in this city at daylight todayandhangedtoatreeonlya-short‘am ‘the Marietta-Milledge-ville highWay,(°°"er onmncar iedThebody,found at 8 o’clock thismorning,dangled from the tree forseveralhourswhileathrongfromthesurroundingcountrysidegather-ed about the scene. the ‘crowd the body was cut downwithoutntutHationandtakenbyau-tomobile to Atlanta,where anotherthrongcongregatedtoviewit..Of-ficials of Cobb county,in which thelynchingoccurred,immediately insti:tuted an investigation.Coroner Boothempanelledajury commssioners hadpoweredhimto counsel.Two witnesses appeared be--fore the jury,which ‘adjournedsessionsforaweekwhileofficialscollect‘evidence. While the identity of the membersofthebandwasnotknowntooffi-cials tonight it was suggestedthefactthatFrankwastaken near-lv 100 miles in an automobile fromtheStateprison,almost to the-out-skirts of Marietta, most of the lyfichers came from this quaintances of for- Catawba,L.for Iredell;Hayden pe Cocke for the Southern Power Co.Speaking for Catawba county,Mr.Whiténer told the commission.that his county was willing for the tax to!be divided equally between Iredell}of and Catawha.If there ‘was to.be anyotherhbasis..of division,he insistedthatifthethreadoftheCatawbariv- er is followed—this.being the statu-. tory dividing line between CatawbaandIredell—Catawba should be ered-ited with two-thirds of the distanceacrossthedamanditsbonded:back- However,most of the power plant machinery.is.on side of the stream.He comp that in the assessment of the de the assessors valued it for taxationatabout$100,000 when $300,000 hadexpended.He.hinted that the machinery on side had been assessed at much near-er its actual cost..All im all,he feltthatanequaldivisionsofaras.the interests of Catawba and Iredell are concerned would be West,presided,Shiloh township,.|family moved to —Mr,J.F.Click of igTelativesothe»who was foriage.|paper busipess iniyvere sayshe i the Nut-Shell.. Mr.Geo.He ;+pepresents:“the...Nor leading agent.ofJulyinamauntof iiiandanexcer.Brown is sent outanceliterature., burg and Mr,::Statesville have returned fj B.and Ralphexas,Rev.Chas.-Laichowfu,China,Mr.John B.Leon-ard of Kinston,Messrs.J.Paul andOwenW.Leonard and Miss JanieLeonardofStatesville.also are the following na Mr.John G.Bost:ofGreenville,Pa.,Mr.C.Huntsville,Ala.,Mr.N.A.Bost ofWinston-Salem and Mrs.’W.F.Mer-i Lynwood Bost ined the First Bap-tatesville soon after Discovery of Frank’s body made this morning by searchers fram several cities started out in automobiles after newsspreadthatFrankhad:ben kidnap-ned from the State prison farm,Thebody,banging from an oak tree,wasfoundclothedonly.in’the silk night-shirt which Frank wore when he wastornfromabedintheprisondor- A white handkerchief coy- ered his face,his feet and legs wereandunderhisjawwastheknotofthehangman’stiedtoproducea Appeal Prevented Mutilation.“News of the discovery of the body spread quickly and a reat crowdhadgatheredbeforethe©arrival nouncementthat,it would ediately.aroused some ob-ere were cries of:Don’t generally satis- The,interest of Alexander county.~Mrs.Leonardentersonthebasisofasmall,por- tion of the back water MANY WOMEN IN. a |ProblemLazenby—Case of:Whipping a Boy.aFemininedefendantshavebeeninthemajorityin...Justicecourtthisweek. tist church ‘ofitsorganization and lived an active taking part.in all,branches of Church work. ple here for theMr.ad Mrs. elons are abundant funeral.-were bed thittren ofCachan aaildren .o!¥.Hy LeeSasehiey nietofSalisbury,Mr.andWinston-Salem, firmly bound noose expertly Jones,all colored,were before Jus-Lazenby’to answer for an affraywhichoccurred’some days ¢‘woman was Ketheothertwopaid$2.5day‘Maude ‘Summiéts, ~steamer,was towed-into.the-—same}jection.port. *RA re 0Itisstated,that 'Galveston’s loss is expat _to reach the proportionsofthestormof1960,when propertyvalued‘at $15,000,000 was swept *g@way.<A thousand fect of the sea- ‘wall was swept away,the causeway\which connects Galveston with theMainlandwas-cut-in two and-the city strewn with the debris of 500 build-ings crushed by the assaults of windandthetidalwaves.Three fires.didmuchdamageandthelosstotheportfacilities:were great.In ©bearingthebruntofthe-storm;GalvestonIslandandBoliverPeninsulaserved as barriers to break the force of the hurricane against the little bay shoretownstothenorth.The bay towns was arraigned before Justicéforanassault‘on Jane‘other colored 'womiin.She:the.¢costs—$3.55.|Justice’Lazenbydoesn’t fancy women in court,“Whatcanyoudowithawomaheaskedyesterday.ZThecaseofAndyDalton,the negromanchargedwithbrutallybeatingaten-year-old colored boy who makeshis-home with him,-was given a-hear-ing Tuesday,but Justice Lazenby hasnotyetrenderedhisdecisioninthecase.The boy,whose name is Gaither,has made his home with Dalton for:{four or five year;There was a moment’s hesitation, then uplifted hands appeared abave the crowd and immediately the body was cut down.‘At first it was placed «Miss,Lizzie:Stewart,an a eeewho‘lived.in the edge of Alexan ;election.county,died»Sunday and was buried}Nashville,Monday at.New Stirli phasized as ;character and |z natgreatwerefreédomoftheindividfree.schools,political freedom andreligiousfreedom.Our freedom wascontrastedwiththerestrictions’in Germany,and ‘in speaking.of the es- tablishment.of our.‘government Dr.McContiell paid tribute to the Scotch-Irish’Presbyterians who bore so im- portant a part in the early strugglesandwholefttheirimpress-on-our-in- maweithe Jew’s body until we shootitfllofholes,”but an appeal:byformerSuperiorCourtJudge-N.A.Morris.of Cobb county quieted’the ng church,in “Let there be ‘no further violence,”n,anyway?“The work of the:mobLeoM.Frank has given his life for the crime he is alleged to have committed, Death of Mrs.J.P.Matheson.eresa Matheson,widow of pruaee aPpFtod|Children’are dailybJPMathesonofTaylorsville,died the streets:there,»this..morning about..1o’clock at.the ihomeofherdaughter,Mrs.H.Lackey,at Hiddenite.FuneralintermentatTaylorsville, Do.__not mutilate |); Let it be sent to his moth- er,I anpeal to your better judgmentandIaskal!-who agree withcourseIsuggesttoraisetheir right The programme in the church con-cluded,the assemblage:was dismissedbythepastorandsoongatheredaboutthelongtableintheyard,which washeavilyJadenwithavariety.of excel- Four persons were kprobably:iniuees wien a heayy Mrs,Matheson made her home Mer be ty veywithherson-in-law and daughter,edMr.and Mrs.Walter Stevenson,North Statesville, That he was tooypunishedcannotbedenied, bly beaten with’a s'blood in.places, train as it pain}tunnel,/‘near Mcomingherefrom‘Taylorsville:last “January,and was]Hiddenite--at-the time-of Full justice was done.to the repastandthenmanylingered’for sometime.on the grounds,renewi _in.but the law saysthatincasesofpunishmentofchil- dren where no.Suffered _heayily,-however.-On-account|heeded toward Marietta,but_officialsofthedemoralized.conditions,Gal-veston was placed under martial law. More Than 100 Dead. A later report says there are 101 dead outside of Galveston.MissingoutsideofGalveston,205.Of the missing list it is feared more than|@ half are dead. ARABIC SUNK BY GERMAN suB-MARINE. The big White Star liner Arabic, permanent-injury is-in-is mio~~crime,lton has the righer,and the boy’s-injuries arenotconsideredpermanent.Dalton saysboyfor’disobedience;:an away from homeafterbeingtoldtostaythere.Theboytestifiedthat him,generally s quaintancesand ~~discussingandits’history.Elder J.W.A:Kerr,the ‘only survivor of the old regime, active for his 80 years,was an inter-esting figure and is an eneyclopaediaofGenter’s history. The day was indeed a pleasant oneanditishopedbymanyofthosewhowereprivilegedtoenjoyitthatthe}8.Home Coming at Center may be anannualevent. ther death.She was 70 years old and sankhadbeenfeebleforsometime.Sur-laterNiving.are three daughters and four |.sons—Mrs.«Lackey”of Hiiddenite,Mrs.Stevenson of Statesville,Mrs.R.L:Davis of DavisMessrs.W.S.°Math who feared that the.crowd might be-come unruly:stopped the.wagon on the outskirts of the town and trans- ferred the body to:an automobile,which hurried ‘to:Atlanta,Excitement.insubsidedafterthe :Several automohiles;howev-er,followed the machine that bore], {the dead victim of the hanging to reared the child Da he punished thethattheboyr; Sulphur Springs,theson of Texas,’J,.."Matheson of ‘Louisiana,’Matheson of Oklahoma and R.Matheson’of-Wisconsin, Double-Header Game Today—Lenoir and Statesville, Lenoir defeated Statesville on the Dalton was good determined,however,a general ¢ht-hour es in a : In San Francisco “Mawardof*Atlanta,©fc Goodman ©and Westmoreland|-Breet,'{Chareh Services. Rev.J.H.West of Asheville willpreachatBroadStreetchurchSundaymorningat11o’clock, The gang that took’,Frank from Some weeks ago mention was madeworkedquietlyandrapidlyafterthey|of.the arrest of John-Goodman andfromLiverpoolforNewYork,was|began their 100-mile automobile ridetorpedoedandsunkbyaGerman{from Milledgeville.The scene of thesubmarine’at 9:15 o’clock yesterday|!ynching was within a few hundredmorningsoutheast.of Fastnet, Bud.Westmoreland,young men ofthiscounty,charged-with ‘complicityinthepassingofforged)checks.al-leged to have been issued *estmoreland,also an ‘Iredell man. local diamond yesterday afternoon byaScoreof4to-2,_Mohart pitched forLenoirandWellscaught,while Sind-ler,and.Marshall composed |States-ville’s battery. Rev.J.H.Pressly,Mrs.guished for i :Kestler,Misses Hassie Milter,,Cath-ering’and Frances Pressly of‘|First.Associate.Reformed.Preshrian¢hureh,and Rev.S..W.Haddon yards of two.farm houses,occupantsofwhichsaidtheynoticed‘nothing The steamer,says a White Star|unusual during the early morningLinestatement,was attacked with-}hours,out warning.and went down in ten|Mile further away said he saw four Minutes.Of the 423 persons on The Salisbury Post of the 18th says:“In the county court yesterday af-Goodman “and.Budtwoof.the defend- even”on hits and-errors,each mak-ing 8 hits and 2 errors. header will be.played-this afternoon,the first game to be called at 2 o’clock of Pressly Memorial church,went to Huntersville.yesterday to representtheirrespectivechurches’in a :meet-ing of the Young People’s Union of One man who lived half a {ment in which;ferrewardasold:and garnulousedhimwith‘sland ternoon,John Westmoreland,ants.in the cases growing out automobiles passing histheydidmotattractunusual .atten-and another ga+;board (181.passengers>and.242.mem-.tion: bers of the crew)32 are believed to the Associate @pectormed Presbyterian Rev,J.F,Kirk of Statesville ig as- me.will be played to-treged conspiracy and-forgery Monee oa i : organton-Gastonia gamnectionwiththepassingofworth- There ‘keemed ever y ifdication that have perished.,Most of those who|the hanging had been carefully plan-have not been accounted,for belong- was rained out,yesterday.Statesville won Tuesday’sMorgantonandlostWedne:"8, sisting Pastor Brittain in a meetingatSnowCreekchurchthisweek.Themeeting’.is hein#well.attended and ned,Difficulties left ‘in the way ofpursversandthesuddendisappear- weeks ago,were discharged,no prob-shown as to them. able cause being ed to the crew.Only six passengers!ance of the band after the lynthingarereportedmissing,’all:pointed to thorough preparation,Whether any of those not accourt-|~After the circulation of reports to-ed for’are Americans has not becn|92¥that several high-powered auto- Another defendant,W.Y.Westmore-land;had waived ‘examination andhiscasegoestotheSuperiorCourt” Old Time Fi Morganton was shut,out Tuesday byascoreof3to0.,Wednesday's score }inwas8to6in-Morganton's:favor. Mrs.Martin a Suicide, considerable interest is manifested.Rev,das.Willson will preach atTurnersburg”Methodist churchdayMorningat11o’clock and ‘at Mt,Bethel church Sunday afternoon at mobiles had left,Marietta early:Mon- determined,but there were only 26 day night,Mayor Dobbs issued thiscitizensoftheUnitedStatesonlstatement:,board,; An old fiddlers’:meet was held atthecourthouseTuesdayeveningforthebenefit:of the Goot ieventtaking Mrs.Maggie Martin,67.years oldlivednear,Hudsoh,county,committed suibyshootingherself, Mrs.J.8S.Nesbit,from Korea,.will address the.ladiesofBethany‘shurch Sunday at 11a; a.missionary ‘J desire in.the interests of jus- vide a week azotShetiedastrin tice and truth to say that the Ma- Secretary Daniels has asked John E.lrietta and Cobb county offielaleRathom,editor of the Providence R./nj ‘knowledge ‘of any,‘automobilesI.Journal,to submit any evidence he leaving ‘Marietta well ‘loaded |last {has to substantiate a published state-ment credited to him that a civil em-ploye of the Navy Department was inthepayoftheGermanpene Dr.David B,Johnson,president ! m.Mrs.Nesbit,it is stated,is an at-tractive speaker,and thurgedtohearher,‘ Steele &Sons Will Not .MakeShellsForGovernment.2 Some weeks ago The Landmark that foundries the one which.spring Saturda’Hill of:Rutherford,College wasthestar‘performer of‘the evening,his violin:numbers being “much en-joyed.Miss Ledbetter of Rutherford-ton was his accompanist.of local musicians were also presentandmadegoodmusic...A feature to the trigger of the shot:gun andj”fastened the other.end,of the strin‘to\the post of an iron bed)and braisingthemuzzleofthegunto‘ther head she pulled the string’fasten-|Gar by theziggerandinthiswaydis-,om which blew the top Te night nor were they apprised of the return of any machines today.Noneoftheofficialshadanyintimationoft.the Jynching until the body was ¢|found.” Winthrop Notmal and ‘Industrial Col-Curious ‘Mob’Demands View of Re:lege of ‘Rock Hill,S:C.,was elected Ill health and depressed. Miss:Lucile Turner and:Mr.Latta of the evenin State had «secured contracts to make4;ae oneaing b shells for the United States govern- mpresidentoftheNationalEducation|Atianta DispatchAssociation,at.Oaklandy Cal.,-yes-terday.3piersagisisTheGovernorofGeorgiaproposestoofferareward:for the lynehers ‘ofFrank,which is mere fort.?Frank’sbadyarrivedinNewYorkyesterday,|\pti The first bale of new crop cottonowassoldatMonroeyesterday,but!tt;to _Price was nine cents,¢ ‘mi sterhermeaPe-ment,that others were endeavoring tosecuresuchcontracts,and it was sug-gested that J,C.Steele &Sons ofStatesvillemight:take care of a con-tract ‘of that-character,Messrs,Steele &Sons wrote ©toWashingtonfortheplansandspecifi-cations for the shells. G.Caldwell,beth of North Wilkes.|42)boro,were married atthe home 6 'the bride in that town early Wednes-day morning and are now ;Mt.Mourne.The bride is a daugofMr.and.Mrs.J,L.Turner andgroomformerlylivedatMooresville. A.C.Walker,driver for a Raleighbeenarrestedcharg- Leo M.Frank’s body,was broughtafternoonand PirgbestdeutbaliecWillMakeCottonContraband, ‘governments -haveagreed«in pele:that cotton is ito Aitlanta’thigeretedinabarn until a crowd seaingfotitthreatenedserioustrouble.T¢then was taken establishmeht where tonight a steadystream‘of :;Phe temper of “The allied an undertaking *announcement”shall beerconsiderationasetails‘connveted with »which they re-After looking them overtheydidnotcareforthe €plans and specifications“the government.so wieother This.statemetheBritishembassy in ice company,ma with caraplit second arrest for the same offence,° é¢upon the lifeless!came from Chesterfield,§.‘C.The!form,but-ey’8se‘Contin.gn were returned.antfied, | “The answer of the United States Austria -Hungary with reference “to the shipment of munitions of wat “to Europe,is expected not only to, make clear to Austria -Hungary.and “Germany the position of the United States—these nations being fully an- -.swered by citing their own records—- (put is also an answer to the criticism -in this country.Many good people who have not looked into the ques- ‘gion and do not understand all that is -fnvolved,think if the United States would stop the export of arms and ‘ammunition the European war would ‘soon cease;and that we are guilty of helping to continue the war by fur- with which to fight..The Newton .Enterprise makes.the clearest and most concise explanation of this “matter The Landmark has ©seen,It follows: The assertion that the shipments of arms and ammunition is immoral is pure sophistry,unless we stop the sale of everything to belligerents. We hear no objection in this country to the shipping of cotton,foodstuffs, shoes,socks and cotton and woolen cloths for clothing the soldiers,yettheseareasusefulandessentialto the men in the fields and trenches,and to the.continuation of the war,as powder and shells.If the bellig-erents who have command of the seas,would be willing that we ship tothem’just such things as we chooseandwithholdothers,and we chose.to-ship only such things as are need- ed to clothe and®feed the armies andcivilianpopulationandinterdictedarmsandammunitiononthe’groundthattheirsaleisimmoral,we wouldputupaclaimforholinessthatnothinkingpeoplewouldadmit.The extent to which we supplied the sol-diers in shoes and socks and shirtswouldreleasetothesameextentmenand‘women in'the factories.makingsuchgoodstoworkinthe-gun andpowdermills.Would we not,justthesame,be contributing guns and‘gun fodder’to the.armies of Eu-rope.If.we wish to pile the grow- ing crop:of cotton up on the farms and shutthe doors of the factories«$n the faces of the men and.womenwhowishandneed’work,‘the quick-est and surest way to accomplish thisistoputanembargoonmunitionsofiFee nishing the belligerents the material| Senne enHOLLISBILL>SYN ~Loans For Farmers on-|Time and at Low Interest—~|:Petition to Be Presented,_To the Editorof ‘The Landmark:“The Federal Farm Loan Act,’known:as the Hollis Rural Credits bill,wasframedbyajointcommitteeoftheSenateandHouseofthety-thirdCongressandistheresultofan”hone.est endeavor to secure a ‘bill whichwouldembraceallofthebest/feat-ures of the legislation enacted by themostprogressivecountriesofEurope;and it can be confidently acceptedandsupportedbythefarmersandbusinessmenofNorthCarolinaasabillwhich,if enacted into law,,will give our people the same assistanceanddevelopmentthat‘similar’actshavegiventothepeopleoftheEu-ropean countries.Following is a sum-mary of the provisions of the,Hollis act;*First.The Federal Farm Loan actshallbeunderthecontrolanddiree-tion of ~the Federal.Reserve."Boardcreatedby“The Federal ©Reserveact.”‘ 94.That within 90 days after thepassageofthe.act the Federal Re-serve Board shall appoint ‘a FarmLoanCommissionerwhoshallbethechiefexecutiveofficerand.the admin-.istration of the act shall be directedbyhim.He shall authorize the for- mation of associations for carryingonthebusinessoflendingmoney:on farm mortgages,tobe known as Na-tional Farm Loan Associations,anddesignatethecountyorcountiesastheoperating:territory of,each asso-ciation.These associations may.be formed by any number of natural farmers,but not less than five,Thearticles.of.association mugt set forththenameoftheassociation,the county or”contiguous counties with-in which its operations are to becarriedon;and the place at which its principal office is to be located;the amount of capital stock and the num-ber of shares‘into which the same istobedivided:the capital stock shall not be less than $10,000.Fifty peréent.of the capital stock of everyFarmLoanAssociationmustbepaidincashbeforeanybusinessmaybe. transacted.(The ownership of fivesharesof:stock,fully paid in,shallqualifyforadirector,and:very se- vere penalties for embezzlement or fraud are provided...An appraisal committee to appraise the land on which loans have been applied for is provided and the duties of the asso- ciation are specified.;‘ePowersoftheAssociation. To make loans of current funds,securedby first mortgages,on.‘farm ate The MeasureThatWill Provide These Raiks will purchasemomiFOGFAsociatiderrulesHana’to which’each association sha each Federalshalluniteto form the Fede: ery Federal’ Reserve’Board.+Bach Farm Loan Assoc stock of the Farm Loan Associationwhichmaybepaid:for ininfarmmortgages. have,before beginning busjness, $500,000,five per cent of whic States.The capital of each Federal Land Bank shall ual,firm or corporationgovernmentofanyStatdUnitedStates, —1$500,000 —shall not.otherwise appropriated; r.:Powers of Federal Land Banks. bonds,and to buy the same for itsownaccountandretirethesameat maturity;to invest such funds.asmaybeinitspossessioninthepur-chase of first mortgages on real es-tate situated within its district.pref- erence being given to mortgagestakenbyFarmLoanAssociations;to accept deposits of securities or of current funds from the stockholders. but to pay no interest.on such ‘de- posits.Restriction. None.but first mortgages.-shall .be aecepted;not permitted .to;transact business.in States:where the»State _|men-who served’on.the comm {|tories all running full tinte a : ers being added,it will seem as if al %‘Every man| should make it his special business}¥ districeralLandBank.The board of directors of’ev-Land Bank shall-consistofninemembers,--three .of whomshall.be appointed by the.Federal dation shal)subscribe for an amountof the eapi- tal stock of the Federal.Land’Bankequalto10percentumofthecapita! cash,or7oe. Every Federal Land Bank shall asubscribedcapitalof.not re haar mustbeinvested.in bonds of the United |be divided intosharesof$100 each and may be sub-seribed for and held by any individ-or by theorOf°the If within 90 days after the openingofbooksofsubscriptionforthestockoftheFederalLandBank.ineachFederalLandBankdistrict,anypartofthe‘minimum capitalizationremain“unsub- scribed,it shall be the duty:of the reply,giving in detail hig’reasons|# Secretary of the Treasury of the|¢.tejecting the conference plan and|#United-States to subscribe the un-subscribed balance of the $500,000. subject to calls in whole or in part.by the board of directors of the Fed-eral Land Bank upon 30 days’no-tice,and the Secretary of the,Treas-ury is authorized by this act to takeoutsuchsharesandtopay.for themoutofanymoneyinthearen suchsharesmaybesoldatnotlessthan 1st.To issue and.to sell farm loan measure,It is the opinion of’ investigation that if put into prac- Moate Ein country it win give uslongperiodofprosy‘perity,exceedanvwehaveheretoforehad.Wtih the farmers able to. the European countries,and new condition had:come,. to place his name on this _petition country.4Q.A.STEPHENSON, Sec’y Merchants’Association, to the Pan-American peace proposaHewillrejectthe west that the conferees use their in- publics. of the:Pan-American |appeal. agents of his cause in.the States. has determined to make a courteous advancing arguments‘in an effort toconvincetheconfereesthatrecogni- establishment of peace in Mexico. peal have reached the State Depart-ment from Mexican leaders,but re-ports have come that the communi-cation had’been delivered virtually throughout Mexico.‘ Villa Will Agree; Gen.’Villa’s reply has’been received | vorable to the peace plan. whole *CY) ness on a ¢ash basis as they arein|our fac-|and oth-|} when it is presented thropghout the |}¢ Said Carranza,Will Reject Peace # Propbsal. According to his friends.here,Car-|$}ranza appreciated the:friendly —aely has consulted his civil and military|¥ associates regarding it'and has com-}%municated with Eliseo Arrendon,‘his!%Washington representative,and other]%United)As a result of these con-|%ferences,it is declared,the general! tion of the Carranza government is/%warranted and necessary,for the re- No formal replies to the peace ap-}< in Washington and is.said.to’be.fa-2 near Pilot Mountain,Tuesday,Isaac|? Lawrence,aged 23,was drowned. Appointments For -Anti -Typhoid| ANTI-TYPHOIO.TREATMENT | Treatments in-the County.| The appointments.for.the county are as follows:|iCoolSpring—Saturday forenoon,f Wks ————|i j Good ICE WEIGHTS and setulae‘liveries.Want some’of that kind of ICE SERVICE?Letus know by any wayyoulike it.“| i oP 4 It is reported in Washington that|#Carranza will in a few days reply.e peace conference i proposal and,it is reported,will sug-|% fluence to:obtain recognition for his|ggovernment.from the respective re-a ———’PHONE 205-——— OR R ee et t ) |Statesville Ice &Fuel Company. ‘ICE AND COAL—WE TELL. /YO OR To Buy a Nice Farm and Get Ready for Next Year’s Crop. No 1—845 acres in‘Elmwood.All school and church conveniences.Strong land,40 acres in bottom,8-room house,large bai and out houses.No.2—77 acres 33 miles éast of city.This propertylies on the sand- clay highway now being constructed by the government.IsidealforDairyandTruckfarming.No.3—40 acres 1-1-4 miles from public square.Splendidly adaptedforDairypurposes,Live Stock and Poultry.No.4—60 acres in Wilkes county just across Iredell line—a bargain.40 city lots in east Statesville,known as ‘‘Park Place’’—$15 down,balance in-monthly payments of $5.: 10 lots in Bloomfield.‘Terms easy.Six lots in south Statesville,asectionfastdeveloping:Several nice houses and lots to sell.Call on me and learn what J have.} ands situated within the Land Bank August.7,'14,and 21,9\to-1 p.m. i The Commission on Industrial Re-,|lations,which investigated the strike of;Standard Oil employes at Bayonne, N.J)‘finds that thé’.company pays wages “too low to maintain a fam- *ily on a comfortable,healthful ba- :sis.”The scale of wages have no re- -,lation to-the-earnings-of ;the compa. ny,which professes..to.fix.them in *accordance with the scale paid by _|“other industrial establishments in ih‘the’same community;but as a:mat- "‘ter of fact the Standard’paid Idwer som wages at Bayonne than:other estab- lishments ‘there;and the facts show that its wage scale is fixed,not with *the highest in the community butwith.the lowest. _Thisisthe style of business ofthe a company controlled by the generous _Mr.’Rockefeller,who gives so many millions to religious and ited oF al causes;and uplift work,for ich he is loudly acclaimed by his bene- ficiaries and others.He grinds the 4.faces.of the poor and robs the labor- er of his hire,while he gives mil- _lions to good causes,.Of course those “>who insist that Mr.Rockefeller can oS do no wrong,will answer this indict- ment by saying,“He does good with his money anyway.”Of course hedoes,but how does he make it?If one gives no consideration to the way the money comes—and some of them frankly say they do not—the Rocke- District in .which such associationshall.be situated;to.buy from any other Farm Loan Association _indprs- éd first,mortgages,or,'to sell to such association’its own’indorsed miort- gages;to buy and sell farm loan bonds authorized by this act;to ac-quire and ‘dispose of a suitable bank-ing house for the transaction of itsbusiness. Cd ~~Restrictions. shall make loans except.on the ‘fol-ronnie prea es ie.Firgt,theloans shall be secured_by| first morttage;send eae gage shall contain an agreement!for the reduction of ‘the face of thé loanssosecuredbyannual,or semi-annual,payments.Every mortgage shall runforaperiodofatleastfiveyearsand not exceeding 35.years;every mort-gage loan made under this act shall provide for its extinguishment at theoptionoftheborrowerinwholeor ment of interest after the date uponwhichthesaidloanwasmade.Therateofinterestshallnotexceedthelegalratecurrent'in the State’inwhichthefarmlandsecuringsuch loan is.situated._ Loans may be made for the follow-ing purposes and for no others: To provide for the improvement of farm lands;to provide’for the pur:chase of “equinment and live stocknecessaryfortheproperandreason- able operation of the farm;to pro-vide for the purchase of a farm home;to pay off the indebtedness’of theownerofthelandmortgaged,exist-ing at the time of the organizationofthefirstFarmLoanAssociation That no Farm Logn™Association} the .payment of.interest»and:for)’ in part.at any date set for the pay-} laws do not fully:protect first,.mort-gages.~sinmeeatn’ ine)Farm:Loan-Bends,..Farm:loan;bonds.shall .be issued‘in denominations:-of $100,$500,and $1,000,;shall run for.specified makxi- mum periods,with interest.couponsattached,payable annually or;semi-annually,and shall be issued..im,seriesofnot,less than $100,000,to beararateof.interest,not to exceed .5 percent,...fos 4 iThebondsshallbe.furnished to the Federal Land;Bank .by,the SecretaryIntereston.suchof.the ,Treasury, Land Bank or ‘Federal,Reserve Bank.Ample,provision ig .made..in.thebill.for its adminiStration ,in detail.covering the issue and redemption:offarmloanbonds,the relation betweentheLoanAssociationandtheFeder-al Land Banks,special ‘reserve funds. general reserve and dividends of saidbanks;general reserve —and-—divi-ddnds “of Farm Loan.,Associations, for defaulted loans,etc.Exemption From Taxation.Every’Federal Land Bank and evy- ery Farm Loan Association,includ- ing the capital stock and reserye orsurplustherein,and the income de-rived.therefrom,shall be exemptfromFederal,State .and.local:taxa- tion,except taxes on real estate.heldortakenbythesaidbankunderthe provisions of this act..ee-First mortgages executed to FarmLoanAssociationsand‘to ‘FederalLandBanksassecurityfortheissueoffarmloanbondsshallbedeemedandheldtobe‘instrumentalities ofthegovernmentoftheUnited’Statesandassuchtheyandtheincome’de-rived therefrom.shall.be exemptfromFederal,State and local taxa- gust 7,14 and.21,2 to 5.4 Amity~Monday,forenoon,August 23,30 and \Sept..6,9 to 1 p.ms 'Troutman—Monday afternoon,An- gust 28,30,Se 6,2.to 5.Shepherd’s— ust 24,.31,,Sept..7,9 to.11a.m.~Linwood.School .House—Tucsdayforenoon,11 to 1 p,m. -Mayhew—Tue:reust 24,31,Sept.7,2 to 5 Elmwood---Saturday.afternoon.‘Aue!:W.R. y-forenoon,Au-| m. August,25,.Sept.;1;and.8,9.to.1:p. bonds-may:be payable at-any-Federal|ep pani Mt.Mourne—;Wednesday:forenoon, Spices and Extracts. 9PHON Sealing Wax Preserving Powders Jelly Glasses Apple Vinegar Jar Caps and Rubbers Mason Jzrs 4 Our line is complete.Eagle -&Milhollan. NOTICE TO INSOLVENTS!|| ~The BoardofCounty Com- 19 F0N] MILLS,-—Statesuille,'N.'G 2 PHONE’64.647 Center.Street: y afternoon,Au-| =S ‘MAKE IT DOUBLYEASYFO HORSESANDDOBETTES YOURWORKTHANYOUEVERDIDBEFOREBYUSING THEOLIVERCHILLEDPLOWS LIVER CHILLED PLOWS ase withqut:exception theNightestDraftPlows.MadeBiasesMaRottenrarerueWhy_Not.Get_inLine_NOW? missioners has ordered that |required to takenove that’Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware Company,required to take notice that _Statesville,N.C. established in:or for the county inwhichthelandmortgagedissituat- ed,or the indebtedness subsequentlyincurredfor’one of the —purposes above named, “No loan shall exceed 50.per cent.of the value of the land mortgaged and 25 per cent.of the value of thebuildingsthereon,and the earning power of the land shall be a principalfactorindeterminingthevalue|of the land.‘ No loan will y made to any per- ‘feller method of grinding the poor auswillnotinterestthem.From the’foregoing synopsis of‘the bill it will be seen that it is averywisemeasureandthatalmost every possible provision is made tosafeguardthefarmerwhoseekgtobetterhisconditionin/an honest,straightforward way,and to protecttheinvestorwhopurchasesthefarmloanbonds..:¢The details governing:the:adminis-tration of the act are voluminous andcannotbepresentedhere,but tharecompleteandprovideasimpleandsystematicmethodofpayingoffmortgagesanytimeafterfiveyears,on regular interest day,at the op- The Fayetteville Observer surmisesthatMrs.Warren,the Forsyth coun-ty Woman sentenced to death for themurderofherhusband,will actuallybeelectrocuted,“as she has few_fri pnd none of any influence,”Probably she will pay the death pen--alty,and at this distance it appearsthatshedeservesit,but ‘it is a sad~state-of affairs in “North Carolina-~—if*a--woman's life depertdsipon thenumber..of friends she has and theirinfluence,Yet who will say that,everything else being equal,the War- unless they appear at theofficeoftheRegisterofDeedsonorbeforeOctober1,°1915,and pay the taxes|#due by'them for the years!1911 and 1912,publication '§of their names will be made|#4as-required by:law and such |¥other action taken as may/# be necessary. son--who is:not-at}the-time,-or-short=tv-to ‘become,a“bona fide resident ‘on’ the farm mortgaged,primarily ©en-gaged in the cultivation thereof. No single loan ‘shall exceed one-ren woman would not stand a far bet-ter chance of eseaping the electricchairifshehadagoodnumberofinfluentialfriends?—Wilmington Star.Nobody can say it with truth.IftheWhrrenwomanhadmoney.andinfluentialfriends,she could probablydefeatjustice.She ¢ouldn’t buy a“court decision nor a pardon from theGovernor,but the influence she couldcommandifshehadthemoney,Aetheinfluentialfriendswithoutthemoney,would fight on until the per-sistence would win.It has always_been so and will probably always be«80,but it isn’t creditable that it is so. “And meantime,”remarks a con-temporary anent the contest for At-torney General,“Judge Carter ig “sawing wood.”It would be ‘a great joke if,after all the labor and talk in the effortJto decide on a candidate_.for Attorney.General,Judge Carter.should walk off with the:prize. ate 770 dog owners inandallsave91havetheirdogs,Cigt fifth of the amount of the capital andsurplus.of the association makingtheloan. rd applicant fora loan.shallstateufideroaththeobjectstowhichtheproceedsofsuchloanaretobeapplied. Every borrower must pay whenduealltaxesonthepropertymort-gaged and keep the buildings there- on insured,. Every borrower shall enter.into anagreement,that if the whole or anypartofhisloan:shall be exnendedforpurposesotherthanspecifiedinhisapplication,or if he shall be indefaultinany‘condition of the mort-gage,the loan shall become due andpayableforthwith. Federal.Land Banks.The ‘Federal Reserve Board shallestablishandannouncedistrictsinjaccordancewith“The Federal -Re-[serve act”and such districts shall be|designated,as Federal Land Bank|Dissrickes the Federal Reserve agentj0feachdistrictshallperform..the|functions assigned to him.for:carry-ig into effect the purposes.of -thisact...*_No Land Bank ghall-contain altionalpartofanyState.The ToL{eral Reserve Board.shall exercise tion of the borrower.The fact thattheloansaremadeto.run fromto35yearsattheoptionofthe bor-rower,and that the loan tion system,mi tem of loans, who was own expenses),that in his op’Germany’s strength in the.present war.is almost.wholly derived fromtheconditionsbroughtaboutby...theestablishmentoftherural loan ‘system in.that empire;and it ishis,opinion that the.adoption of.it inthiscountrywillbeof.as great ‘ben-efit for our people as it has been totheGermanpeople.Mr.Hill studiedthequestionca¥efully and éxhaust-ively and his opinion is valuable.The Merchants’.Association ofStatesvillewill'in“a:few days presenta..pétition to.the.farmers and”busi-. bers -of Congress.to.pass.the-bill at the next session.~~ Such powers ag shall be necessary or "This is ‘the ‘time >to:act:if,sireto have the benefit.of thi five}J..E.BOYD,Aug.6.Clerk to Board. is extin-guished at maturity by the amortiza- sit possible forany‘farmer to ayail himself of the great benefits of the rural credit sys- It is said by Mr.Jolin Sprunt Hill,member:of.the commit-tee which investigated’rural «creditsin‘the European countries:(paid:hisopinion ha k eoheqememen *Under.the terms of the will of Mrs.Har-riet Clark,deceased,the undersigned executoroffersatprivate.sale a valuable tract oflandlyingon’the Catawba river in Catawba {fess and known as the Alexander Clark place.The tract contains 60 acres of original forestwea0acresofriverbottomlands,The estatealso VALUABLE LAND AT PRIVATE SALE.|§ county,N.C.,containing 151 acres more or.|# ffers a house ‘and lot in Troutman and|4anislandof10acresintheCatawbariver.|} R.B.McLaughlin,Atty. Build ri eta Build a Brick Houge or Brick-Veneer|fyouroldhouse,coolerin summer,bomen ro ness men of Iredell:county for their For terms apply:to A :Cc.H.BROWN,Executot,Troutman,July 13,1916,\ armer in winter, ipes,Has every advantage.Sorick:under-pinning.under.fram N.C./8 in|id signatures asking Senators and mem-Hollis we.de-sm house will help some. Statesville BrickinksaResole (in ~>18 “The Mark of Quality.” MORE EVIDENCE. =The Texas Company, ;Haverhill,Mass.‘Gentlemen:f “seIwritethisletterunsolicitedbutthoughtitmight bo of interest * 4 B to you.1 have always made a practice of testing gasoline to seehowmanymiles{could get ona gallon,and I want to say this,thatunderthesameconditionsandonthesamepieceofroad,that is,the #road from’Haverhill to Hampton Beach aad back by way of Merri-°$mac ewer,f rly pot a oH the gallon more on # #\your Texico Gasoline thanI have with any other.\\ ,/Yours truly,|Jd:F:HOWARD,(Owner of Marmon;:Six,) #.The Texas Company,Lake Charles,La...Gentlemen:CS tToday.my Hudson 33 Roadsteris three years old,and have neverhadthe-valves ground,or any part.of the’engine worked on,exceptcleaningofplugsonce.Beis ‘meee =[have used your Texaco.Motor Oil ard Gasoline,on this car,al-=together,and have saved an average of ten dollars per month onBgaragebills,and know your oil is the cause of it,OF ah eee Yours truly,|:-ERNEST S,BEL.HR WHEN YOU USE TEXAGO-YOU GET THE BEST—SAVEiMONEY,TIME AND JUBLE.Always.ask for TEXACO.i Statesville Oil Company.|— eae (Wholesale Distributors.)= -.?Phon /Office;bbins Row. bb abt fe?feeeh*6 r ins left side,tatthpaini'n citsues and ‘“Medicines patctied me up for awhilebutthenioin,t worse,‘4 in,Final~e 7 eee ided he w ME £0 |—om stabsthepeee‘S toad,0 oree aicrecoe res inet the ire indo many of myfryCardui,andthey al $a)i Kinbeenbenefitedbyitsuse.ere.neverhasbeen,and seer will be,a medicine-re with Cardul,“I ibelieve itismedicinefor=ro sia 6 Ph over50lievinwore’amint flding“tenie mona up.fosien an si If you are a-woman,give ita fair frial.It should surely help you,asit has amillionothers.Get a bottle of Cardui fo-day. mavicor Bort.6 aecn ag?tor ‘ome64-pagebookfor¥omen.”in pain wrasber,“hic. Extra,Nice Lot OF- —PEACHES —eh yeapre M.P.Alexander &Bro. ‘PHONE 241. de ng M ar.eeer oe «T .es 9.20oeFrom.‘Tayloreviville »‘Traiy No.2%ar.10:00,leaves 10:40 2TrainNo.Mb ar.6:20,leaves 6:45 p.»Nos,28 and 24 are not operated on Sunday. mn. m. m. m, ”Lax Observance of Vital Statis-ties Law and the Result. Bulletin of State Board of Health: Word has just been received “by;‘the Bureau of Vital Statistics thatNorthGarolinahasbeenrefused#d-)mission.to the registration area oftheUnitedStates.”This comes agtheresult’of .a.fwo months’investi-fe-|@ation made-of the registration workinthisStatehyInspectorCliftonC.Jermane.of the Federal census, The reason the census authorities declined to:accept |North Carolina records was because of the poor workdonebyanumberofthecounties and the consequent large number:of unregistered births and deaths foundjhytheinspector.It was pointed out 26 ‘that undue laxity in the matter of Eo hintateine the law and making prose-jeutions where necéssary was responraieformeeoftheapparentindif-erencain the alter of enforcing this Piportare The : With thissuggestion from the Fed-eral census,the Hureau of vital sta-tistics is making preparations to en- force’the Jaw hr this matter fully letting the *strong.arm of the lawfall.where,it.willy... Investigate Ocean “Transporta- tion.Facilities and Rates, An exhaustive investigution of lecean transportation facilities andlrateswillbemadehytheInter-State Highest Market Price PAID FORGOODWHEATSTARMILLINGCO. 4 South Commerce Commission at the request of President Wflson. and Commerce Departments will.co- operate*in the inquiry.which is:ex- nected to develop.definite material for eontinuing the fight for -enact- chase bill,or similar’levislation. The investigation will eéover all:iphases of our ocean commerce with, i narticular reference to the trade with| RUBBETR TIRE! Beanihe 2,..;We'nse best rub-éneand Kelly— andswilisave::eae money.‘Tires rsetchotorcoldy aon service.«ne P~—-—---¥ours toTROUTMAN &1&SUTHER., im a g e and Central Ameri¢a and the! [principal countries “of Europe. }i= To the Editor éfThe er s The Treasury| mest of the administration ship-pur-| .jease ‘ash wood.” er Gives*the isultofinvestigations, _Shanes for the ee place ores by.my friend The ] ond my old schoolmate,Mr,’MneeTthasbeenitfo: life “to occupy’places ust gonfidence ‘more:thanoffinancialextravaganceoppression,and 1 will try 1a you believe that itis a great”ure to me to be honored with theset-tline of such an important question‘as the composition of -artificial.limbs:To give direct personal.knowledgeoftheanatomyofartificial©‘Timbs,unéxpected difficulties arise.T‘were to attempt vivisection.of such a limb by placing its already.unfor-tanate (or fortunate),owner under’“he influence of ether or ni eeeeeebothofwhicharémadecf.|faith.other dananccotr ‘i added,then again distilled,‘the:Bim of this aleohol might give you a-per-.netual thirst.like ‘the danger of»thefirstdrink,that would be worse n the ignorance of the internal parts of an artificial ‘limb.If you knew that the adn limb}... was cork,a similar trouble -mightstillattend.you,for it is impossibletogetasinglepieceofcorkthickenoughforsomeoftheparts-suchalimb.This would give for gork chips and .once-ustopperstobemouldedwith glue.intopuchpartsanditwouldbe,almostimpossibletokeepoutallpiecesthathadbeensaturatedwith‘whiskey? and according to the great mae |vrinciples of the day,as éxpounde by.famons itinerant lecturers |andtheirlocalfollowers,the presence of that whiskey might make you.a tip- pler that would waste your income: an money orders for .express.heckages.So 1 guess that you will to be content with second-hand ane ‘mation on this subject.‘The Inten@ttional.neyelankaain of Reference,in describing artificial limbs,speaks.of sockets.of leather and metal;of «steel joints,springs. cords,éte.,but does not say to what.|substance they“are attached,Mvheliefisthatcorkwonld“not hold them securely enouch:for the’Weight|. of a man in exercias.-«:|Kank &Waenall’s Standard En- eyclonadia®describes arms,.hands and legs made of “wood”and tn one Cork is not men- § tioned. ~Someting ago.I wrote to an arti- ficial Jimb™mannfactuting “company. ‘for prices of willow wood.T receiveedinreplythestatementthatthey,weintéed only ‘the “Enelich.(weeping, te (Stop!Look!Lien! “WEbuy in car’fots: WE sellin any quantity. WE sell*the celebrated Gold willow:andthat it/shoald be ‘ate Teast;30540112)inchesin:ree and we feet to the ‘first .imbi'Be yory carefulof!iidtchion for gun wonters is aise age”of willows 4 BNET “Lal.14Statesville;has 17,1915;a ARONARMA ARR tisMEETINGSATMcKENDREK And Rocky Mount—Mrs.DeatonVeryM—Plenios,,Excursion Trips,Ete.oNe Corresponitenee“of|The!vdieo z te-|Our Goveruluneont Makes:‘Answer :more. nas ; ret to'Austria+Hungary and. Cites the Record“Yok That Country and Germany. Washington Dispatch to New.York Times, Austria-Hungaty that it will not stop |Europe.In thus “answering the |Austrian representations contained|in.a note of June 29,Secretary Lan-|sing declares that to establish the|principle that neutral nations mustnotsupplybelligerentswitharms|and ammunition would be to leave the |United States at the mercy of a na-| cumulated great quantities of war)supplies in.time of peace.Further-|the.general adovtion of the!principle would ¢ompel every nation| to turn itself into an armed camp at! all times.|The plain-spoken assertions of the government are ‘obviously directed| more to Germany.than to Austria.)In fact,Germany:is.mentioned spe-|‘ifically as having followed the prac-| tice of supplying belligerents with| war munitions,thus adhering to the) methods of which Germany and Avs-! tria now complain.I The inconsistency of the German attitude toward,the shipment of mu-| nitions in the present wat is poin ment that “yet,in.spite of the com- mercial ‘isolation of one belligerent, Germany sold to:Great Britain,other belligerent.hundreds.of thou- cands of kilos’of explosives,gunpow- tov cartvidgor,shot,and weapons. As for Aneeia:Hiingary.‘says Mr. Tansine,.“it is known’that ‘she did the maller quantities.Tablestchodto.the note.showing the amount,of shidments ‘of war muni- from Austro-Hungary and Ger- to Great Britain during the Boer war. “Tf at that time.”savs the Secre- tary of State.“Anstria-Wuneary and her present ‘ally had refused to sell arms and ammunition.to Great Brit- ~in-on-the ground that to do so-wonldviolatevthespiritoftrneneutrality. the ‘imberialiand,royal cevernment micht otteater:force urge its NPT tention.”ronaiae trade lwith:Russia in mil! itary stores’and larms:during the Crimé@an War also isi vitedjas!is Ger-’ many's ‘traffic ‘with:Turkey!!!duringthewarbetween’'Turkaysaind.Italy. The note bristles with frank.state- dentin’the most ‘direct language. obtains additional importance in that “tik intended ds°an'answer to the criticisms of those persons_in’thiscountrywho!are ¢hinavoring td force’the Yoverhmeént to disortinue tiuni-‘Hons shifinietits 6'\Burobe °ahd |will hions many :Mooresville,«R-2,Aug,16bm The | VALUABLE,FARMLAND FOR SALE3 eeee Eg owfloat,joa ‘i €ged for Horses%ot St,acres,lying on both sides of |:i tn Mules.vx.i unting creck,‘Two sets of good’buildings,|err ei ag eit.ioe or at 3 Seat iDaigy'Feed forMMVecoldsasawholeordividedinfoviéfares:four shares to suit.pure!0}>Oats agYosoeeallonJ.ie Rg is tr Sie Coy OntRseeeeeeWESELLFORLESS.ad1WEEayfor¢}My hk band Oats.ta:AATKINSfr WE eliver in the city.B |fo:IREDELL FEED CO.,FUELS SOUK--LOWEST PRICESShingles,Doors;Windows,Ceiling, Flooring,Siding,Boxing,:Mould-ing,Laths,Lime,Cement,etc... Next Planters’Wh.|Statesville. CG.D,MOORE,Prop*PhoneNo.88..114EE Broat’St. et “hegan at Mceker-itpees aT The| ~The-protracted meeting “began at! Rocky Mount.church Sunday,|the|15th,condueted -by.the pastor,Rev.| J.J.Eads. ‘Mrs.Theo,:Deaton,who has been| Sold satay aeMe‘Ter-McLain SuppiyCo.|Sa THE BEST COAL! It-is timeyou are ordering yourfuelforwinters-The best coal for general use is our celebrated Genuine Jelico Powhatan Blue Gem Pennsylvania Anthracite Run of Mine Steam Coal. We alsé‘handle Oak:and PineWood,and do all kinds of hauling.Moving household tee a vee ”Holland Bros. Depot ’Phon No.7. ~.|seriously ill,for.some time,.has not |% unfa- twin! improved...Her ‘condition is vorable,.Her.six-weeks-oldbabiesarealso.very low.The Baptistsfrom Mooresville h:rd a picnic at the Brawley school house Saturday.the:14th,Everybody enjoyed the occasion and had a good dav.A free lunch.was spread.Dr.and:Mrs,J.T.Modre and sis- ter,Mrs.J.W.Byer's,motored.to;bibs gc lastSinday.and__re- nort.a good time.They are alljan- ticipating a trip to BlowingRock.“Mr.F.-P,Thomnson and daheliter,Miss.Grace,and Mr.G.A.MorrowandMrs.PB,D.Atwell spent sovera!days’in Asheville this week.visitine!Mr.Thomvson’s daughter,Mrs.Fred. Smith.“Mr.Theo.Atwell and,fami! from Salisbury,are on a visit to Mr.| Atwell’s father,Mr.J,.B,Atwell,near MooresviNe.Quite a number:-of people from | gHestionze,one-No.310Black.Mooresville and vicinity went on the iG OR BINE CLEANING AND DYEING —PHONE 147—“Sloan Pressing Club:~ Dan Valley : |The Flour of Quality. Shingles For Sale!):+the Shenandoah Valley of Vir- ginia. ‘Carload of good No.“2 Shingles at $2.75perthousandatmy shop. C.H.TURNER, ‘ Near the Depot. Iredell Phone No.74,Bell No.7 fitto the pound than.other .It is economy -to.buyDANVALLEY,TRY IT. 3 0 Cary ¢.Boshamer, ‘Local Reg is‘Phone 1 entative,ack.ltaW. * }DAN VALLEY:is milled from "= *tho celebrated wheat.grown in & IT HAS NO EQUAL,.3 +Makes better bread and more % &London pie excursion to Asheville.Rev:.D.C.Thompson ‘and -wife spent ThursdaynightinAsheville,en’route to Mur-|nhy,where he.will assist in meetinrs.3 |e will be gone eight or ‘ten weeks. The Sloop.reanion was*held on the 11th and was attended by severalhundredpeople.An elegant dinner was spread,as usual,:and everybodyenjoyedtheday.About 250"relativesanswered:the roll-enlt= |Moore were tinited in’matrimonySunday,the 15th.|We wish for them a long.and happy life: LSBritishTrameportSunk —Se- The sinking in the esa sea by4i\a German submarine of the Britist|transport Royal Edward,.with heavylossoflife,thas ‘shattered the proud$i tradition ofthe British navy of hav-ing,transported handreds of —thou-i sands of.men across the seh without;le destruction.of sone laden troon-Y |shin. Goite L.Sherrill,M.D., Will anawot *phone “calls left’at Dr.Long’s Sanatorium.orGeo.M.‘Foard’sresidence, The pense the:Royal Edward is aone this moment;The’t part of a) ere)reinforce-sion on.the news game rc a y,|ful?” MSG Crake“StiRwell and:My.Geo. form the Wnsis'‘of tesistanée “to Anyifttempt:which wey be isdin Con- |spone ext winter toward the’-adop- tion of ‘resohitions for -placing an |Sarbaseaal ‘én munitions exports.‘That°the note is regarded.as a ‘énficient anewer to the contentions a Ajistria is indicated by a sentence inthe concluding paragraph that the government “deems it unnecessary toextend:further—at-thepresent_timal,a ‘consideration.of ..the statement of}: ‘the Austro-Hungarian »government.” Supervisor of Manual:Training jn Winston-Salem Schools. Mr.LL.M.Hahn (Hawn the name lis usually spelled),a former resident| bf Statesville,is supervisor of man- ual ‘training in the city schools’of Winston-Salem.~Remarking”on ~‘Wahn'’s work in Winston-Salem,|‘Journal s@ys he told that paper it was not his.purpose “to.teach themembersoftheclassto.make little (hings of ‘trivial value but to teach‘hem to make.things that are.use- Continuing,the Journal says: “That he will:earry out his pur- pose,no one has any doubt who knows:Mr.Hahn,.for he is one.ofthemost‘skilled workmen in the ‘city in his line.In addition to being a master carpenter,he also knows how to.make.cabinets,chairs,tables andvarious.beautiful articles.“A few years will no.doubt manv beautiful things in the homesinthiscity.made by.the pupils in|§ department —un-|$Fthemanufacturing der the supervision of Mr.Hahn. “Mr.Hahn is employed.for his en-tire ‘time,He has about completed the yepair work at.the —city high chool ‘building,and is now makingcome.needed repairs at.the chool building.He has also re-ar-ranged the system’of call bells at the ‘high s¢ehool.;“The new course in manual train-ing offered at the high school prom- ises to be very popular,and it isthoughtthattherewill.be.many tak-,ing.the course next session,’ tnaera Wanted to Send Husband'snee «oy +By Pareel Post. Washington Dispatch. As “live{babies have been shipped 7 by pareel post,a Colorado woman|§‘thinks Unele.Sam's “pony ‘express|should ‘carry a corpse.The Posto er from a Denver woman in ‘which ishé said het husband had died ‘at Seat-+%logthat the express companies:de-|mianded an “outrageous charge”for ‘wanted a permit to.shiptparcelpost.She conclad hho iadfokoie the Witeetionset=will recover oi In the frankest and)most.direct| {statement it has made on the sub-! :wie the United States has’informed the shipment of munitions of war to ’ tion that practiced’militarism and ac-|+ ed out by reference to her sales oftwarmaterialtotheBritishgovern-| ment during the Beer war,when.theBoerrenublics“were in a.situationalmostidentical,in that respect with that in which Austria-Hungary and Germany find themselves at the pres- ent time.”And Secretary Lansing)+ emphasizes this point by the state-/! the 4h same thine.althoueh)shipping in|f are at- with “greater”consistency:landij Mr}> the |: see|# high |# artment received the other day ;3 orting his body to Denver,i 3 aoewet promptly,My fae:$:eh dead six days.”“)ot yi answer “was .mide,re-)%;Pah dnlcas lo ae ba bottle.of Chamnbeviniva Teriven|® ilk “that.yn dictvae to had been infected by diseased drivers of milk:whiteoe:‘ons.had the-digeas@ himgelf andin banding the millea the dairy the customer:the infection fad been carried into the “milk.thr papér cap or otl.erwise.With the Dacro Crown this is hotasthedrivercannotopenthebottlebetweenthedairy’ sumer and there is no’papet capito absorb the geras ve §THE PAINE VIEW DAIRY is supplying the milk that is.ae ‘cial and aids:health.Why and how he does it will be explained. from time to time, €'Phone $47 Black;PAINE VIEW DAIRY;the dairy with the Da-_ene system,when 8 want pure and clean mille sellin at ee,ome.coed 7 Feed Edgar-Morgan Co’s Mixed Feeds -Not sereenings:or-offal,: Old Beck Sweet Feed.worthless by-products,but se-.Little Ned Sweet Feed.lected feed scien-...eSceestificallyblended,Manna-Rice Chick Feed.forresults.Made -_Scratch Feed.>by a house with}©:a reputation forGemSweetDairy:Feed.integrity.‘ C.W.Pee Local Re *Phone 125Black. a ._a bas eS ;s a AAA :‘V °x uhHie|$m i WATE bp?rr at HEYT||Q ‘i Wale Seated =sH : |Jol!ryp=]Te 'taeeirta:4 OU a as }@ #;Pe fEeeeae iro bh a e one |i7|ftrhoe .‘|;}oR vee ca i Oh SES Py a 7 |a8 erat Ee iPires i OR ; 7 ¢“ait hate vt >Je The New Garland wait -WOOD AND GAS. a A, _A Cool Kitchen’in Summer.Sone oaaatle|A-Warm:Hifchen oeWinter.’aa Side tetjrfua230810998. ono Colless,Hickory, CofRducktion under the best.conditions and management.A ‘real Ctiristian seCollege,“bat not.sectarian.Our A.BB.craduates enter Graduate’DepaitmentinourStateUniversityandotheruniversitiesandattaintheA.M,dervee 5in...one year. Five.Modern buildings;steam,heaty électric lights,¢eity water,and gas.New 3YoderScienceBuilding,.with up-to-date laboratories for Chemistry,Physies and -./Biology.Library and Reading Room,Clean Athletics.Splendid Dorm tories:GoeD BOARD AT.COST for:young men last Session,$9.20 a month;for youngwomen,$9.00 a month;room rent,$1.50 @ montlt, Jepartments#Literary,Music,(Piano,»Voice,:Violin),“Juxpression;Art,Busi-;ness,Domestic Scienee and Domestic Arts,and Preparatory.foe GENUINE COLLEGE ADVANTAGES WITHIN REACH Or THE PROPLE!:Write for Catalozue. R.L.FRITZ,President,-_Hickory,<is Ice.Box or Refrigerator Lined?WETinorSheet Metal Work of any Kind?LET.us Knew. IREDELL TIN WORKS. Beli "Phone 98.Independent ‘Phone 197. ee ‘Slate oeng?Tin Roofing?4 Galvanized Shingle Roofing?RoofPainted?” Capital Stock Paid in Surplus and Profits Members of Federal Reserve Sta at Hevtpit So e c e e r e o o s e ee e ss e e e s e s e s s {oar Bas hinge business solicited ‘euitl every accommodation extended:to detpositorsconsistentwithpridentbank-- ing methods. ‘Four.per cent.paid on time ai SavihaeDeposits’remaining on ee three months or longer, OF B ICBRS: W.D.TURNER,©i,MORRISON,'D,M.AUSLEY,~8,x veltity, ee ec e e p e r s o e s So o o v o c n s c e s s -=m a Vicw é _sistant C i A seemally’vequlted: 4 HEBLANDARE That ‘Gaoeéati“ie ‘CLARK,EDITOR AND OWNER|outrageous assault,obh, TUESDAY AND FRIDAY,(cy.of the law,that has o¢e "=generation,.Theguilt or:120 WESTBROAD cee 1.20 Brant Ja:nota ¥ $2.sie |Sonaeration ‘in’.this.ins Phe yer !question is whether,the ne oe the mob shall be supreme,” - ‘Aupst 20,2015.)the eo triumphed.’ emacs 'Frankcase had beeii ed on b HAVE )THEMSELVES TO BUAME.|\the courts of©last ye ‘and iy ~The Raleigh correspondent ef the |Gover nor,"and the prisoner sent |to Greensboro News,discussing.”the ghe State prison for Hits,a mob.de- Sense of Allred of Johnston,says “the |fies State authority;takes the man bitterest fecling shown:the ‘attorney |from “the State°prison and kills bim. 6).has been found among the.lawyers.!|‘phe supremacy of the law ‘is.a many of them in Raleigh,“who are)i serious’matter in Georgia today,tt ;asking newspaper men if the revward is a’serigus matter in the country at »of the ordinary embe zaler is the pen-‘large hut!ls more acute “in Georgia itentiary and that of the attorney-|jost now because of ‘the ‘mahifesta- Mie )@éfaulter political preferment,”lion of.the mob spirit theres The me The Landmark was discussing in ae last actin the Frank “ease was not .>recent issue the attitude of memb ers y surprise..‘The dermountranionsarinneee a MateriaOr Prope:ere is too"mut e ithe South to spl it ‘Ti land counties and nel; ‘ds {ineffective s' his is theonly ¢bra that has aivihiog.Is thevonly one that canalargeseale,b se ftafford‘to.give theis’the only country in theisnot‘borrowing ‘or ‘derowsai!on a rising Tateest.,It is the only country o first rank that‘has a-freemi rcommoditiésand.securitictheonlypedplewithasuandcredit.eee is cominthelargest’cereal crop theStateshaseverproduced,wyiiumrintheworldoffoodstuffs; have a potentiality in the manturesrequiredbywarthatsofar panybodycanseeisunlimiEpropeowessomuchfoireadybought.or:contracted BURPORIETION PRICE:sone unless it is reece aitsufficientaacenofoeaejust80)a county cannot,economically serve‘its people if it is too.small in size.||.ni The Atlanta eit sosdoes well to|}sound a note of warning against the)multiplication of counties in a Statewhichhasalréadysuffered‘too muchfrom‘this ene ‘Take a{good-sized ‘county and it~areto havero.a whole-time county i be ot‘Ttendent,a whole;countyofficer,a :Hele:‘farm ii 7 “|tion agent,an an ‘efficien road‘su-|§ P Gaiviger,Gut.thie ecouhty,in two and)#’put the people to the expense of sup-|#porting two ‘sets of officers,|4wo sheriffs,two regi ,two elerks|3 —is.very,heat...Be ‘Rickear ¢&SON. ey es ON FANCY GOODS. 7-Bverything Reduced 33 L3 to50 Per.Cent.‘ Big!Bargains:in Amported:and.Do-mestic HandPainted Cina,Sterling -Silver:‘Novelties,Leather Hand Bags and...Leather Novelties,Cut ‘Glass “andBrass. is SaleBegins Wednesday Mo ning at9:30 | Continues Until Friday Night. Three Days Only—Terms Cash. of the legal profession toward the¢oainst the Governor,who had:to he)‘o rehabilitate the pound ster in lof the court,and probably "two useless ; crooked lawyers.‘The facts:show jguarded from the mob because hp!ithid market England sent a basis ui|treasurers where even one.is not . ~that “Jawyers~very-rarely-make any!oyeycised his jtidement in:the dispo-lof gold ‘and.a quantity of lean |needed,two county homes,two.jails,4 t :s the black ‘sheep|.[Securities Tom Threadneedle ©jete.—and the or is that word)§attempt to expose §sition of the Frank case,as he was ito Wall Street via Canadas but'on ‘the |probably goes that the people cannot : among them;and that even when bne|required to de’under the law;and!iday this treasure and.lateral have a wholettine>maperintandstt of |% is exposed,as in Allred’s case,.it is}ip¢murderous assault on Frank bylrived the value of the p ne erling create gh erasing agent : difficult to get Taye,ees fellow prisoner,preparedthe pbtio|folate dcelined Se HOR ea -ppg yee ll re 2 a § while volunteers for the defence are!for what was t6 follow.The ¢asy'..,do not want.We have aire balaries ‘104;qe routine work,and many..)So it would seem that the).cogs to the State prigon obtained|jmore than.we can find use for,Spey,every form’0:ome PrOgress:H feeling of the Raleigh lawyers would ||Ly-the mob indicates that if the an-!i yet for what mt sell »BANS ites handivappe the baehoks ead amrit “ay irecte a are payment in gold or credit’paper;earch to a LS H oe 2 eo thoritiee thele.wero "pet 9:SDH eae.sae pay in others Ne usually befound thataa movement for{profession not.only |thy.with Eheqmoly s purpose,they:at |More gold will come;miore paper ‘will |new county is result of the am-|# many members who are notoriously)lieast took no pains.te prevent’what!he floated here.Baukers warn:each|bition of some little town to become)& unprofessional,but they stand by and happened;and the:wemarks.of the |other against the dangers of inflation the county seat.It is high ‘time for 5 uphold many whom they know to be 'Governon of tahoe take cindiente that and are almost powerless to Brevynt econ:an nee a stand unworthy,,It would be 9 fine thing |,stands in feat.of the mobsentis |That the ciate Wine henbeen con-|Givé us country communities large| if the lawyers would decide|to have)ae:fined to Wall Street speculation,that|enough to support strong schools and}iahouse-cleaning.The great ma jority)The truth!age the,mob hak cern to ga gantin the a Ferran coin ite eee At support 3 1 Sé ar if ‘shows a e country does “kno : :Seen as eeMie;oe the power of the sovereign State offre |its ead,Tt needé to be government agencies that really H murs Se |Georgia,and when’~mob law.tis!on @uard against itself.Temptatio fit the people—efficient officers ito 7andthere“are as few black sheep!umphs.no man safe,-Many!will increase.‘Too much proapanty is ing for better schools,better farming,|# among them,probably,in proportion!{houghtless people;who ._believe,[somenraee WOrseee Bes ioe te ee ea greeeee . -javaid an orgy of inflationinvalues|s es absorbing |§2 “ont on be cag sate Frank ‘guilty,will say that he 20 pee we need to think steadily |all the people’staxes for merely Keep: P 20,DU Tae ae what he deserved and they will con-|je YAK:tasks immediately in hand.|ing the wheels going round.In union}# themselves of class feeling.A man}done if they do not justify the mob’s|The future will capitalize itself,there is strength,In division there is|%who does wrong should not be pro-|act,The Landmark was.disposed ‘to|yeaa It would nop the South a|= tected simply because he,is a preach-|pelieve the man guilty,but the mob/*STILLS.SMASHED ‘IN.JULY.ee beam ee eens : er,alawyer,a doctor or an editor;|spirit was so rampant that he did!Rev-|2 considerable number of churches!# bat:be.should be treated as:ony,*com-|not have a fair tal and the ques-and small counties.,; ‘yon citizen would ‘be treat€d under |tion of his guilt or innocence emamniin ‘Ninety-One Destroyed By. .enue Agents.~ wee Hraciat oro News. . ‘similar ‘conditions.If there is any _difference,a member of ‘a profession,| who by reason of his profession has)j fiesvymore.opportunity.for wroprdoing and greater influence,whose exam- ple.ip capehie of doing more hare thin that"4f“the “private citizeri should receive severer.punishment. Everything -“recently the Charlotte Observer carried box- heads for Sports and Deaths and‘that sometimes these heads got close to- “gether,which =fact eversting! “thought {somewhat ~jneonervous.If! ‘Everything took note of the alee-up| of Sunday’s Raleigh.News ‘passed,getting the heads.of Sports; and Deaths in proximity,’At the head of the column in the News and) Observer,separate and apart from other ads.,was a two-inch ad.of Pe- runa,Following.the Peruna«ad. was a box-head,‘‘At the Churches,yz “whichwas followed by notices of) netad Phe phab mby ‘Wave been,right in this!gyne Shad fay ne and (bt | a ‘server it saw something that far sur-| inot fairly determined.That.being}.Unele'Sam’s_revenue officers-had-a ‘so,Gov.Slaton did the proper thing’thuay.time during “July,91,distilling civ I he Plants either being seized or destro eae mip the Po i ee ied,during t#®month in the sa|doubt.:mi iand fifth collection districts of NorttBut“Suppose Frank was guiltyods!Gakotifia ¥aid the!Oeritira !State!‘of the mob oy thé lasv.to reign?2%Once |South?Choleray “Phis number shows ifet down.the bars and law “ipd’ie a decorate:frenethe “7 |der and civilization are gone,The”whey|eat =orbeeveeput.onso of,decrease,the reve- lease,so far as guilt was concerned,|nuers-afte,dywe Bask:One (is hut it may be wrong in the*next.Do i th:at the zleepless vigilande:with! you who &pprove the action of the pre Bee poate Reset nape imob wint to be governed ~by itS|persons fromafigoing.intobusiness” ljudgments?Do you want iteto pastel.the.bthef,and perhaps better joni charges against you’or those |41supstanbiated eae:peas eel#*epar a nperw 3tom,you are interested?Grist present soaraite es ava y not.Then you can't appyave at Hithte®the!“rite se weewegvlantswere dis- without opening the Weft yoones,of ‘in one wcase covercd Fie he “Afth eptte ,door for all.It is'no ‘answer fo spay thigh of,North “Caroking,Col.‘A D.Wal ane f i lee Watts’,of ornate.ha e law.isn’t.enforcer alc too tet (aig:i the 4onrt |many guilty escape,The Landmark |were put out of business,while ‘in|’ jhas said that often.but the péople|South Carolina,’through ‘either «the lean have law enforced when’they |ability of the operators to hide their’ jkettles,caps and werms,or becausé peat ty,Ee As Mheit dale!if 1fafl§s |not many stills were operated,but’13andwhentheyyield-to the mob tolwere diseovered,Theofficers made a‘, nile of illicit mn dis=}pling:‘males than- oe personal'lts ‘which men ‘aredistrict*2 mines,war and the industries!)o* FACTS ABOUT ‘BLINDNESS. ‘Cause and Cure of Blindness. letin on Shere From,this’North’‘iec‘had‘1,568'8 in 1910;rainae there are, blindness alnessthanNorth “Carolina.“age amount of Poe ry ow ‘the ‘UnitedStatesis62per100population. he United States.’etMere“hppa "Mexico'‘has the highest rate of 169,while’North raté of 6 y2<Wor the’a 10 ook tliéte have Statistical Information and-the arth opalaion asie hthaveSe 7aver-|# Ii’North ‘Carolina’we have 71 blind|¥#persons per 100,000 popiilation.New|% The census bureau has issued‘a bul:. Your opportunity to get High Grade Goods at LOW PRICES ie ae fi 4SORay Fieieee cope Statesville Drie Gotmp’, a HE REXALL STORE,— ss ONeliy Lee ee eae renee esstsesssssseers: Dakota boasts the lowest morebeenfrom'25 0’'83 per ‘cent Phis-is}he’'¢’danger.exposed,Aas.inrrobably’dae’to The!proportional amount ‘of ’blind- ness among negroes is about 55 percentgreaterthanamongthewhites,while among the Indians thereis over five times as much blindness as-amongthewhites.Much of the Indians’ be a mesoltih _Ramsey Bowls MorrisonCompany. eee \do what they should,have done forimany other calls on what appearedfataltobestraightinsideinformationbut jnothingie worth making ‘a ftiss overtwasdiscovered.It is stated that the} i number of stills missed,through one r,Q.'A.Stephenson gives an in-|;eason or another,is almost as large blindness is due -to trachoma,adiseaseof‘the eyes transmittedbvmeansofpusfromInfectedeyes.There ‘are a few cases of trachomaamongourmountainpeople.It is “4.services at’the Raleigh churches.|Folks who looked up the church no-themselves,they display a. tites in Sunday morning’s News’and}|weakness.;sads Observer,to decide where they would |tis _*¢Yan who has the ¢onfidence of his i+ worship,had it suggested to -them!ft Wainy summary of the provisions:that Peruna is d for catarrh.donde tatecasts ceoOosoee lof the Hollis rural credits bill,which Sometinies the newspapers that the Merchants’Association of States-| -boast of their equipment.talk about Ville,and it is expected thea“battery oY linotypes.”A- “bat=;chants’Associations.throughout. nae ig supposed to mean more than |State,will angle the farmers one machine and The’ .Serves notice on the “battery”.offices| that it is now in their class,having |jing system for the farmers-—will be) supplemented iis “Model 8 with a Mod-/el K.While The Landmark is nev-|i8 not only demanded hut it ig.nec-| and} er disposed to boast,it will mention |S88ary and proper,The Hollis bill!London Dispateh.beeoming |#e°ms to be a fair measure and it is | modesty,that with its perfecting eped the people interested will fa- press,infstilled more than a »year'||miliarize themselves ‘with its 'pro-! apo,and “two.linotype machines,the|Msions. paper is well equipped ‘eewaaicully.| Few papers outside of the —larger c dailies are so well equipped.This’, addition of machinery means na (83ie chaiige in the paper “for the present.| A new machine is added to.supe ment~-the~one in-use-and-to-put-thes paper in shape to take care of ‘fu- in this connection,with: ENO TTALINLIM At the Farmers’ Center,Yadkin county,last Satur-| Dr;H.Q.Aléxander;president! of the State Union,was the chief j|speaker and devoted much of his ad-! dress to #demand for rural credit leg-| Hislation.The ‘Winston -Salem.Jour-| tak developihant,nal’s report Says he urged the farm-} siiahadaeclieaihiseaicntiniiianesls i¢rs.to build a fire behind the members Copying what The Landmark had pf Congress and make it so hot fortosayaboutAllred—that when a’‘them they would wot fail to provide ia banking system for the agricultural|fellows falls it is a terrible jolt io |iterests of the nation, one’s faith—the Concord ‘Tribune re. marks:eos We confess to fecling but little! ‘sympathy for Mr.Allred or any man’,American Federation of Labor, who treads the same path, Union picnic \‘rrzsompersWouldInvestigate. Samuel Gompers,president of the} has|He lived ‘issued a-statement urging a diligent} im the Hest style,had three or four inquiry inte charges published by the} 'automobiiles,spent money freely and;New York World that German agents! no doubt for many things he did not in the United States,with the ap-! need,and all the time he knew-a3 no one else did—that he was “splurg-|been:nugmenting Viahe ommoney belonging to some one,Plants makingse,allies, It is hoped that the Tribune did |‘Mr. eer The Landmark’s po-|95sertion ‘that attempts hadi‘:This cusiet os eorey dart made to involve him in schemes ‘call strikes.He id an ©inquiry}any.manwho falls;but itssympathy|would be fruitful e divetied at ‘ef-}does not,extend to:the point of ex-|forts.to corruptly bring about strikes|eusing ore Sondoning such éases as Mong longshoremen and scamen., antennae)at of Allred,-The labor troubles —in yar supplies for the been supetitendents of the te Hospitals,appointed by Gov.| ig to Wmivestigate the sinity of} cettesins threo It is no excuse whatever for hele people of Georgia,but the officiou Jes"E..Bent,convicted of mur: tied who meddied much in the er in the first’‘degree in Moekten:| “in the’attempt td:show|Ue ny hate serbented to death,lave made“their report to.the Gove&,are “probably nob with)oppor.but _the report has not.been Mer-|seesion of the officers, the| Landmark |usiness ‘men to Spreds on Congress.*|the ’still and materials from the nid-A system ‘of rural credits—-a bank-!ing place to where:the‘runs” henienensertnieenroesaenarseecomamneannemnessaed a-live issue in the’next Congress.Iti German Suecess Continues in |Warsaw and Pettograd railway now at} ithe loss of Kovno, ‘proval of high Gérman officials,have| xyompers.reiterated his recent! to; as the numbgr captured and destroy- ed,At bie ted ox and a more or ‘less ldilapidated wagon.are also in.pos-The ox:‘and yvagon were “captured at the sainetimewitha’still in Wilkes €ounty; |evidently having’been used td”haul were imade,hid Russia. Kovno,one.ofthe crucial points,in|;ithe Russian defense in the north,hasfalleriandtheroadto‘the Vilna, Lis.open to.the troops of Emperor }William.©With thé fortress “the ‘Germans‘took more than 400 guns ‘and accord- ling to their,account,"an.enormousiquantity.of war’material,This,-how- lever,is not the most serious part of Besides opening the way.to Vilna,which is an open“town and from which mostof:thein-habitants.have departed.and©from|which everything that might be of luge to the invaders have been re- |moved,the fall of Kovno takes awayithelastprotection,.with the excep-‘tion of-the Russian field-army,to the imain line railway to the capital ane | lalso.places the Germans in afflanksof ate ee|tion..to threaten .the|Russian armies:retiring.to the”Brest- ;Litovsk:line >ang OSE Pei in |Southern Courland.:Grand Deuke-Nicholas epnadeoe\expectad the fall.of:Kovno;;flarmiesarehastening»yey tament.in Poland eastward,-+agitholdtheirowfromonetsaeof»Ossowetz,-but beyond.that’theyjarebeing!pressed.It is the same inithe‘south,Avhere.von Mackensen}.’i finally has driven the Mus¢ovites,in-to their fe positions of.the fort: ress of Brest-Litovsk.>German submarines have sunk|more’véasels,some.of,them-fi neutral flags,while Zeppelins.—ha’linade some "raidyon Bastern England|which resulted’in the dent of ,10civiliansand:oeinjury |Recom ae bes lainbortiia’a Colley:Cholera i thota Remedy.“T never Noathian to recommend Chaiblain’s ‘Colie,,Cholera and Diarrhoea RemwritesSolWilliams,repented Priesse,reeagg spread by dirtw towels,wash basins,using the same.handkerchief,-étc,“Oneof-the most unfortunate,aswellasunnecéssaryformsofblind-ness,"is “infant.blindness,”or baby’s sore eyes.It results from an infec- tion.at~birth.It canbeeasily -pre-vented by-cleansing the eyes.with9orthreedropsofsilvernitratesolutionimmediatelyafterbirth,InNorthCarolinathereisalawrequiringthateveryphysicianandmidwifeusethispreventiveateverybirththeyat-tend:To neglect this simple precav-_|tion iscriminal carelessness for which ‘there is no excuse,The use of wood alcohol /‘incertain‘of our ‘trades and industries is an-other cause for much of opr prevent-able .blindness.Al very large per-centage ofour ~industrial \accidentscausingblindnesscouldbe—easilyavoidedby.a reasonable amount-of.care and:forethought. SEE EERTCEEYTEERORTENTA Carnegie’s Fortune:er Baltimore Sun. When rumors were flashed ;Saag the land.again.one day.recently.that..An-|}. drew Carnegie was:dead the ee oneverybody’s lips was:“How much money did he leave?”-Mr,Carnegie himself made the im-mortal remark that it is a crime to die rich—being one crime which mostofuswillescapewithoutviolent.ef-fort.Bat how much is Carnegie “’Sitice he sold his steel works the in-come’from.the bonds he received inpaymenthasarhountedto$210,000,-000;~Hence the Laird might havespent$5,000,000 a year to maintain,this frugal household ard,have givennway$140,000,000 and still have all ofhisoriginalfortuneintact. Mrs.JulianS.CarrDead.-— Mrs.Nannie Graham Parish tale, y m ‘ tthad heen in declining calth for oestime,Mrs.Carr is eee ‘byhusband,tenth haepar and SeeasisterandabrotHer,ers.MThe numerous friends of Gen.Carr‘throughout:‘the State ‘sympathizewithiminhisee T Rather:than allow ‘her child,léss ‘ithe dfHike eee.I have used itivaneitgavemé-more reef,teeever’for the |oe thore of it than of-any |Bertie ee isummerw Psshan a year old,to.remain in fheyailVie’ $5 Corduroy:Coats! -*Special value at this price. .These Coats have the swagger 1 Belts and Potkets:Just the garment for immediate wear. :Colors Gold,Rose,White and |Tan.Sizes 16 to 40. $5.007 $1Silk Waists.$l Presi.tee 4 SPECTAL y RR ne a! ‘Another lot wide “striped.Silk 1Waists,assorted colors,Organdycollars,unusual values,at $1.00. ‘up é Silk and Wool Sweaters:: ¢ For:Men;Women and Children..New colors,| atte cuts and priced moderately,Get one to wear on that trip to she ee cee i‘RamseyBowes‘Morrison Company. THE STORE IAT ae POSTAGEON All.onDERS. % :‘PHONES84and137 va ‘PHONES~$4.and 137° “TheIeHavteatt ou Mr. f Miss Anne’Eu-ne ox |ete ve“High Point.James P, albrid ny ‘aid of hoiebride’s m onor,Piner,Belle Williamson,mie NeneVivian’Henry,Ola os ?"WM WalshDy,ea,W Play 4 e bribyautom Cowan .and Mar-.Fobengein'ssxran aie aries af eet ae the Pilerinn's*are rin,sea ly ate:eeonBisandsMrsevville ray left on $:25 train for i“oxaway,Wwhere they will’spend a ~The mar of these youn anil‘was of espécial interest to all.thoseconnectedwiththeBariumHome,both the bride and Gray.‘graduated ©fro’ing ‘been reared in the me |ome.m theschoolaféwyearsagoand hotapraia:or with thea printing of- wd ? and haswork.IL A.¥the vicinity Moorville,Hi bie”was a miaatae ofyear’s graduatiandtheyoung ted made editorjas"Homhehe OneOur Fatherless‘Onea'{t_guite successful in his}‘a son’of the late Capt. class at the,Homeladieswhoservedasherweddingattendantswereschool-mates,She~is an excellent young mother.lives at lady andis popularin the Home cir-gle and-the-community,Hertwalt,this county.Little Jo.’s church was attractivelydecoratedforthemarriage,a colorschemeofwhiteandgreenbeingar-tistieally carried out.The bride andall.her.attendan wore white.All,the orphanage children and othersconnected,with the institution,andfriendsofthecommunityatténdedthemarriage. The reception at the college Tues-day evening,Seven by.the StatesvilleFemaleCollege _most leagant,time. we MIE Alumnae Mr. vad eke Associationtotheteachersattending‘the IredellTeachers’Institute,had a large at-tendancé’and the teachers report aDorman |°ion welcomed the teachers on}net of the cityna Prof.eetidcakewereoesMinsMaty;_a gh having ausenearonaterstteetweek:Mlsbea:tt ClonhinpaegoeCharlotteandJosephine“’SByrd -and:Gertrade“Jones “wt Marion)’have already arrived to attend the ie QeCowan Wilkins of Goldsboro. :Harare eoee esMisseset eee of Caroline--Yancey of Ma-ome. hoett will entertain|ftrhoror of Miss Ruth Wretch Henninger’'srowforbreadandcakes.Cottage for rent.—Mrs. Miller,House for rent—L,K.~Overeash. Notice’of New Atrstgments.72 window tomor-|! D.>A. Young couple want board in’pri-vate family,AddressGandmark.neni book lost.rk. Typewriters and typewriter R., plies.—Statesville Printing Co.«All aboutWith.”—C.Watkins.Round dining table.Bunch Furniture Co. “Everything.to Bui eare The Leave ‘with The sup- ld —*Crawford- Dining chairs at 50c.each.—Wil-liams*Furniture House. .¥Morrison Co,,:Corduroy coats.—Ramsey-Bowles-, Me Deaeee cleaisince sale—Statés-'ville.DruStageett?Ie“Flour Mills ‘Co.’flourbestfor.everything.‘Advice’to the’hard:-ups =MutualBuilding&Loan Association:Neckwear,caps arid “shirts.—Sher+e ;rill-White Shoe Co.New fall goods arriving deilyasJohnaton-Belk Co.Paine View Dairy heads’off ee ease germs.-Final-clean-up sale today and tes morr ——Mills &Poston.*i Stritesville'Ice &Fuel Co.is at,your service, @- Piano,—CarltonRogers’.goods“Rickert &Son. Mr. Pe m e r g r Ps re s Why the Hardman is the chokerrews. in,..sets;—R...H., Enroute to Visit Fiance,Killed By Automobile. Williams,a popular youngacaigyat.Spray,was killed be-‘Ridegway and MartinsvlileSundaymorningbyhisautomobileturningover‘and pinning him.be-.fracturedfsHisskullwasoliféwasextincf’when he*wasataken.from beneath the car,e'was driving the car himselfandlost.control-of the machine while on 4 curve. He ‘ran back’to Hartree seabouterePs:qed‘to be marriéd toyoungaeee-ao en route:toaskilled, A’negro boy with him wasthrownabout80feetdownanem-bankment,but was only slightlyhurt.Ridgeway,three’miles,to get.help.Mr,Williams “was a native ofoyabot,23:years old.and,Spray nearly e-was engag-a. y date and wasfiance’when rtinsville ev iis,body was ¢arried tosvilleandembalmed‘afd ship-‘“nedson No./88 Sunday nigh to”neMaryland‘hone Site Johnson whe was me|orton Wa and ne ‘ iters,Misses! -}oeaaren ‘of Taraingha,Ala.,who jease,the importance-of whi .Pai ewipit fed hissoit,Mrs.R.Q.home.a ahs thiles coy and y .nightwhermother,WwW.G.Pend ltt"uesday forLenoir tovisitforawhile.Fa A.Bryant:a toisburyyesterdaytobetheguestdaysJeuThompsonforseveral Mr Mrs.Ay A:Nee nsng»for 0 a,Sahat live-temporayily.McElwee rabiindd"he fom “shed where sh spent sev-' Wells of Parkersburg,.and Mrs,runt her school at Ne- hr a Va.,isthe guest ofn6.H,.bo opens.«Mr,Wi H:Morrison is in the North-ern ‘Markets for.the Ramsey-Bowles-orrison.Co,'eae”Kate Dillard of Ridgethe’guest -zs,8.-C.,.who aepeNeillSharpefora few aSanesawhileatNevisSulphur prings'/.Mrs.J.M.Suther and little son,Al-‘Ven,leave todatoday *for ‘Charlotte tovisitacre‘Dr.bit Martin and,two daugh- Wes a and Eva,froma.,are guests of Mrs.PM Furch-Miss eae Kincaid ‘went:to4Wayneeville!Weinesday to visit heraunt,Mrs.J.P.Knox. ‘Misses’Loui ‘Brady!and Mildred Smith are visiting.in Davidson.Mrs.L.W.MacKesson tak chil- dren retyrned yesterday from Mor- ow where they spent -several Mrs.T.E.Bowman of New Or- leans,La.,is visiting Mr.Bowman’s|; parents,Mr.and Mrs..J_L Bowman, in Cool Spring township,©:Mr.and Mrs.A:M.Harrelson of St Louis,Mo.,arrivedjjast.evening to visit Mr.and Mrs.Ir Steéle,Mr.Harrelson will be here two days andMrs.Hnrrelson will remain a few weeks.Mrs.Harrelson willbe —re-membered here as Miss.McCallum.‘Mr.and Mrs..d.L.anandtwochildrenpassedthrotgh‘townyesterdayinawagonenroto Blowing Rock,where they wil spend a week.Misses:Maude-and eetreturpeyesterdayafter‘om ‘a sgt ytNCWod as ids fallgearsister,Mrs.J.L.Atkinson,avid 1pefield,a will spend,several weeks here.‘Mrs.P.T.Pettit has returned fropeerwherefhe,spent doverdihoes; Miss’Bessie Fowler is visitingMissLoiseaein.ee eee lem.2 =Wednesday n er ea Miss Ev lyn :resoytetian ¢h ordan —ad- ti visittage ae Bonnie Bro dressed.wien"thSRcemaren Sir.Es Demet,)pascal aioe ct behometoday,accompani ,|well,de ne MANNE,iy : Browt""portance.of their’taking the treat- Mrs.J,H.Miller and Miss Pearl Miller have aoe stone Flag,D1,and other.points,;: Further Action in Vive Chee: On its face,dealing with a single~eoubemeasuredinacomparativély-smallnumberofdollars,the’American note’to’‘the German foreign office inregardtothedestructionofthesail-ing.ship Willigam..P.Frye by the Prinz:Eitel Friedrich,may have re-sults most important in their bear-ing on the whole questién§of the ‘treatment of neutral commerce bytheEuropeanbelligerents.The United States acquiesces in theGerman’proposal ‘a joint boardofexpertsfixthéYalneoftheFrye, which will he A the German..# the bob ge This wasicanproposition.oF hing effect of theiitsaccéptanceoftheeeofferto‘arbitrate,“the ques-ion ‘of legal-Bugicatton:»for theinkingofthe’Frye,.in-so far asthatinvolvestheinterpretationofthe’existing treaties with Germany. If the German government agrees toarbitration,in the “form suggested, it is believed here the American’gov-ernment ‘will be in a*position to ad-dress itself to.Great Britain «withgreaterforcethanheretofore‘in ad- vocacy of the general,freedom of 1e-gitimate.neutral “commerce on’thehighseas.In’the State Depart-ment’s view this will be particularlytrueifGermanyacceptsa_sugges-tion.in.the Frye.note that,she..sus- pend during the arbitration,at least,her policy of destroying Americanshipscarryingcontraband. Government Medical Expert to Work ‘in Catawha, Dr.George W.Shirip,county super- intendent:of health’of wha coun- ty,has presented -‘the County Med- ical Society a sition from theStateBoard0:Health offering toHsecure’‘the ‘services .pf,a medical”ex-pért.fromthe Public Health.Serviceof-the ‘Federal anes and put him to work in Catawba for a periodof12months,to.deal with the intes-tinal disorders which afflict childrenSthreeyears‘of age,disordersichshowthoatsdlveemostlyinthe babies...i)“The éourty’(doctors ‘offered|co-op- sist.in the work:will:be the first ec left "Wedties:ae T;malin’and Mele.Son, the thought no more of the matter summer and work havoc among the : eration andpledged oobe ite to as-bre THE DEATHOFMOFMRS.SHIVES Sick.Péople Improving —Per:|sonalItems—Programme atSouthRiverChurch. _paign.peesCorrespondenceofThe,Landmark. Mooresville,-Amg.19 —-Mre J.M.|Kennett was calls‘Saturday.t)Ran- dieman by‘news ofage death ofhis) aged father,Mr.J,F.Kennett,whose|ite preceded him to the grave only “few days.-;coer Bub Wecsbtelacat John Good- man,two young.ted i here,who were:the county| court at:Gellcnaeee?yy,were re-|They were ed.by Mr. url ington.eae Cc.8 Cripatridl «pastor oftheMethodistchurch,has been grant- ed a vacation by the board fei Ne ards “for as long as he des Mr.Kirkpatrick has gone.to a Cree k| campmeeting,Catawba ne wherehe’will assist in the preaching’forseveral;days,At the conclusionthemeetinghewilljoin’Mrs.Kirk-patrick.and children,who have goneto’Laké Junaliska;Mr.Kirkpatrick|and family will be away about three weeks,gull.E.8.Turlington of Benson,Lee F.Turlington of Birming-!bo)Ala.,and Prof,Ira Ty Turling- ton and wife of Mt.Airy.iy JacentguestsofMr.andTurlington.MissVirginia Ree ufRichmond,Va.,is visiti oe and Mrs.J.A.Harrill.MroL CombsandwifeleftlastFridayforehdays’ yisit to Olney.Il ,Mr.R.O.Miller,<a of the| Farmers and Mere re-turned Monday fromom Stopes.ac-companied by Mrs.er.and littleson,T.D.For the present:Mr.and!Mrs.Miller are at the Commercialhotel,but they expect to go to housc-; keeping in the near futuee(Miss Mary Stewart A exander ofCharlotte.who has.been itingMissesMargaretandedRankin;has returned home._.Mr.J.L.Donald:is spending the -week in Chattanoega,Tenn.Dr.Fred.Rank-in of Baltimore arrived Tuesday andwillspendseveraldaysherewith his mother,.Mrs.W.W..Rankin.Miss Louise Steck.of Greénsboro, who has been visiting Miss GayzelleKennett,left Monday .fer /Moore Springs,Mrs.Geo.C,Beach of RockHill,S.C..is here on a visit to herdaughter.Mrs.J..L.Donald.a = C;Atwell has_returned frotendedvisitto.Durham,Rell Sprines and Dillon,S.C.kan Mc-Telland has Oe to ure;| Key tto;visit,..Mav!Hand eft.*Tyatsaay?‘Tor.@visit|ndg.in.nil ;ewton.|aeony re genetdan“of,eplteigh te m ns,;tithe greatt|stiecess,here.dntto the;present 1.-!600 people,“have taken the first treat, ment.first treatmen has constinuedinto,the second,and)iabout800,people have taken ‘te thisweek,The,soleret people:have -notresponded,a,.freglys.asvdesired.and ment.It is the:belief that a muchgreaterinterest‘in.the ‘matter willbemanifestedDr.Jordan hac beensecuredtomakeahealthtalkinthe Methodist church Sunday.evening intheabsenceofthepastor,Rev.C.&Kirkpatrick.‘ LETTER LONG DELAYED. Written in 1862,BBeing Return-ed From Brazil. Rew :Journal, Some time during the month ofMarch,in‘the -year 1862,Miss Sudie* Gardener,then a,young woman,wrote a letter to her father,who wastheninthe$of Florida,En route to post.thesomewhere.on’the.streets and,_al-though making,diligent search .foritafterthelosswasdiscovered,shefailedo*it.Fifty-three years have sped y*since the day that thelittlegirllost.the letter to her dadandduringthistimethelittlegirlgrewtowomanhoodandmarried+aRichardsonand,is now residing onGeorgestreetin:this city.In a fewdaysMrs.Richardson will again see that letter,for it has been sent toPostmasterL.G.Daniely by the man who found it and who is now livinginBrazil.This gentleman was aGonféderatesoldierandwasinNewBerneonthedaythat.the communi- cation was lost and picked it up onthestreet.Sticking it in his pocket and it remained with him until aftthewar.and was then laid away wi‘th there ever since.A week or®moreagohe,while looking over.some old {documents,ran across.the:letter hehad-found in.New Berne-more thathalfacenturyagoand,thinking thatthewritermightstillbealiveandinthecity,he forwarded it to Postmas-4terDanielswitha\request that heturnit,over to the owner if shecouldbefound.After.making in-+;quiry Mr,Daniels found the partydesiredandassheisnowoutofthecity,he will place the letter in herhandsassoonasshereturnshomé:This little incident shows that theworld.is not_such a o old place afi}ter ally)> .Home Coming.at Thyatira. An elaborate pro ree has beenentalfortheHomeComingcele-fatira church,Rowan e |$0,enjoy”such is ry|tional government.1teasereienthe *|Correspondence.of ‘The’ Statesville,R-2,Aug.18 —\Mrs. of|from Washington, ssive she dropped it}; other papers.*In..the meantime.this}... j}man went to’Brazil and has.resided ,power of attorney.7 oo.any)and all 4 my business matter: Landmark. |Maggie Honeycutt’Shives,wife of}Mr,J.C.Shives,died at ‘her home|in Bethany township Saturday after-|noon.This was the.sécond death}‘inthe family within ten days—a lit-|tle child Reaching its mother.Mrs.|Shives leaves husband and©six‘children,a father and several broth-!ers and sisters..Much sympathy is| ithe children,Miss Susie Clodfelter is improving.|Miss Ethel Grose underwent an‘op-eration at Long’s Sanatorium Satur-day for appendicitis andis doing fine.Miss Leu Gibson’is having a newcottageerectedonherfarm.|,Miss Ada Weston and =Messrs.Flake and Clay Groge are.attending|‘the Teachers’Institute in Statesville. Mr,C.Privette returned last week N.C.,where he,and Mrs.Privette visited their ‘son, Prof,W..G,Privette of ‘that place.Mrs.Privette.will remain a few|weeks nee in Washington..Mr.;and Mrs.V.McLain have return-led from aco Bi days’stay with rela-|tives and.friends at WinstoneSalem|and Clemmons.Mrs;Ralph ScroggsofWashington.D C.,and children, are visiting Mr.Seroggs’parents,|Mr.and Mrs,Manley Scroggs,‘Miss-es Esther and Vallie Cross and Miss Tela Beanblogsoms from High Rock, Davidson county,are guests of Miss- es Pearl and Bertha Abernethy.Miss Esther Cross expects to teach inTredellthisyear. The Ladies’Missionary Society ..of |South River church met last.Sunday and enjoyed a very profitable pro- gramme-—‘The Development of*Paul as a Missionary.’The .Sunbeamswillmeetthe’first Sunday in Sép- tember,Preaching:next Saturday and Sunday at the usual hours.Serv- ices at Trinity M.E.church Sunday *night. Neat 100.of the pe in eur;.com- |munity have taken the typhoid’vac- cine,which is being given at feb school house._ Ice Cree.at Bethichem. Jorrespondence .of The Landmark, There will betan ice cream supper at Bethlehem church,Shiloh township, Tuesday.night,August 24th.Public cordially invited.Proceeds’for thebenefitofthechurch.Those inter-\ested bring milks +MEMBER, |STATE,OF OHIO,CITY TOLEDO,LUCAS COUNTY. * Frank.J.Cheney makes oath eeneieiseelorpartnerofthefirmofF.ney &Co.,doing business in thetity‘ot Toledo,County end State afure-said,and that said firm will thesum‘of ONE TIUNDRED LO foreachandeverycaseofHazenare, oe gdoe bongs Pay faa:subscribedreSPempence,sember;A.D.an ©.(Real.):G SON,Notary Public.‘Halt’s Catarrh Cure is taken internal-oeend acts directly on the’blood andeaeeens ti surfaces,of.thetorfrtestimonials,tree.iJ.CHENEY &co!Toledo,‘o.Sold.be all,drugegists..7; | living near felt“for the family and especially for }| }{|| | roa ’oy the'uaonet alls Se"|pcwe@use0}‘se 3FRANK.J,ENEY, <.BP ODAY-1S+}NOTALTOGETHE R-FCR*TO-DAY: HIS-FOR-AVAST-E Pos*ALEO~ Bue abhi spite: which prompted Florence— Nightingale to give her — fortune and her life’s effort‘fortherelief of suffering,has-developed into the great uni- A.versal-order of Red Cross. 5Be icnss AND RELIEF J ‘It emphasizes the bond of § brotherhoodwhich links man-&kind not onlyin times of dis- aster,but serves as a basis ofindividualbetterment,andcommunitygrowth, Saving fortifies you against needless’guffering,and makes you fit to take advantage of every opportunity your progress opens up. Save here.Learn wliat modern:servite really cando-in-benefiting you and through you|benefit the wholehen YYwe at=)terest A PME Grate © STATESVILLE N Racre$100,000 4%Raid orsU.S.DEPOSITOR Why the Hardman.is the Chosen Piano._ ot : Se.oo Take Hali’s Family,Pills for constipation.‘ MARKET REPORTS. Statesville Produes‘Produce Market. ,The following prices’were paid yesterdayforproduceonthelocal:market.{Spring Chicken,13¢.per Ib. Hens,10c.per Ib, Roosters,5c.per 1b,Eggs,I5c.per dozen.~Watter,-15e.per ib.Beeswax,25c.per Ib.Green Hides,14¢.per ‘lb,Hams,’18¢.-,per Hb..Sides,13c.per Ib. Shoulders,1c.per Ib. Red Honey,10c.per tb; Sourwood-Honey Corns,18¢.De Ih. Grain,The following prices were paid yesterday‘or grain on,the local market:Wheat,$1.20 to $1.25 per bushel. Corn,$1 per bushelOats,50c.to 55e.per bushel. r tk, r WATCH.HENNINGER’S WINDOW Satur-day for Salt Rising Bréad,Beaten His.cenit,Brown _Bread,Cheése Straws andCakes.Aug.20—1t. FOR.RENT-—Cottage on “Race street whichRev.W...M.Walsh is just leaving:,MRS."'D.A.,MILLER.Atiz..20--4t. FOR RENT -Eight-room508WestFront‘street.CASH. two-story house,IK.”OVERAug,20. WANTED —Young couple without |children want board in private family,Referencesexchanged.Address R.,care The Land.mark,Aug.20—2t*. ‘LOST—Pocketbook _contatning-.sum-of mon-ey..Leave at LANDMARK OFEICE. Aug.20.i LOST—Brown Cameo Pin,Reward for returntoMissJESSIESErzmR.Aug.17—2t. Lost.—A bracelet in Statesville or betweenStatesvilleandTroutman.Return to MissGRACEEIPPARD,kee Atigi 19-—Dtys 0 Phe piaiieteis FOR RENT—Nine-room’house on East Broadstreet..J.W.‘FOWLER.Aug.Uin-2t*, oarsaoe cheap houses.-N,”P, July 27%—8t.* FOR RENT OR SALE.—My five-room’cot-tage on Mulberry street,neat StatesvilkFemaleCollege.Also one vacant lot onCherrystreet..L.B..PATTERSON.a 13.3 SATURDAY acustomer from Hun-}tersville,after securingmy prices:on Shingles,Doors,Windows andMantels,2 they were lower than“he secured in Charlotte. Cc.WATKINS,Next Planter’s Warehouse, ie Gh | <I have this day-—-August 11,1915-—made.constituted and sores _-Lege Aesjerce.W :ce al ace further.notice.“Ta-dttw*W.PIERCE, fPersonal Property nderaigmed “administrator of.the -es “4.Bass,deceased,will sell at pubon,for cash,at the Bass‘home irrietownship,’on.WEDNESDAYoR.ist,eae oe neesyeetoesiconsisting,"Bock,Agricultural taeay qt Or the purely musical cnialttieds TON Biis thesale :important.tiful and exquisitely even and ‘well-balaneed :throughout its entirerange. ~Touch,durability and ayortantfactorsiinthebuil fie of an artisticheHardmanisthecombinationofallthese qual-i ities because,the minutest detailsare PLANNEDs.experts of lonAecutedbyskilled artisans. —— mph te The Hardman Toneisuniformly,beau- pearance ‘are icSino.: byandsuccessfu)experience ondOX: “Carlton A.“Andie Manufacturer’s Agent. a, « Finishedin Golden Oak,Fumed ‘Oak ie or Early English.Choice of finish,© eae?$20.00 i BAB An Alarm Clock that is littlebutloud,It’s a little Beauty thing for a lady’s ora genileman’s room.It is not suthewateupfor10ieee:‘BEN t you need to be kn t ener e Seenie ae rly.Contended, ,That the Sta- “Be Made Con- Be g,of precedents—-and is’the case of cotton. es be declared hile the war with Japan was| ought:Very eloquently an y,the ‘British ambassador atcase Tt.was a :ussian foreign office thatheRie‘spe utilized:for explosives would pie te in comparison with the cotton exported from pan for peaceful purpos- totreat harmless,cargoes of uncondi- ‘gontraband would be to sub- atersburg presented’the for ‘his government. htitv.of .raw cotton 0aged ‘escription as ft *bennch of innocent commerce “most unwarrantable igterfer- wan bé little doubt that Great then had the best of the.ar- Thete is not only the cot- ice?‘to consider,‘but ther ill ‘evervwhere that uses ‘th product.If mills cannot ge they rust ‘close,and this, ‘turn,throws men and women out yinent.And men and women;ores ent. when’they do not,hav derived from ‘consciousnesntingthecaseto doing more purposes, Russia;but infinitely:greater inwill’he:done the ‘people of the‘States if England-now.doe Cwhat ‘Bnpland déclared Russia agitivmdwasrightthen.®is doubly.it do.If the position taken ‘now,fortified as it is by “preceant!”dnd in!View.of the programmehtheworldhasmade:commerriThepeopleofthevariousna ms are more dependent upon onemotherintheselatterdays,for their,pmmercial well being:It is very doubtful1ehettinr the alwill:he able to°injore>Germanycotton, ‘to some ‘extent is used in mak-‘The Germins claim “have:invented machinery for put-ion to he -much by ‘keeping’out vex; ily into coriditi aT th cotton,and there.is;~Will.invent ‘some=ise if-this:does not work.Onhand.it is not ia doubtfulgythattwillbe«done the South,met been done sthe SouthchecourseadoptedbyGreatBrit-out the formality of declarCattoncontraband:England:»the South much harm in hand with het she once vameeSage the Highways —Impor tant Matter to Travelers,the.Rditor of "Phe Landmark:©se eall the attention of everyinthisStatetoevery of,all public roads or high-ily ‘marked,so as°to show they fo and-how far to such ding ‘newspaperbeimportance-of having A point.sav (Charlotte $7)means tarlotte37miles,ete’A wayfar-man.cannot.take ‘time to-read a.page of advertisement ona sign-is sosome‘place ‘where you want to 90, rd,just to know that ity‘miles to Charlotte or pass.I have lost many.miletravelunnecessarilybyhavingnboardsontheway,-“have the same.experience,some.candidate:for the Legis-2 insert’a plank in his platformaimmortalizehimselfbyintro-ig a billrequiring ‘all publi3tobeplainlymarkedsothat],s can ‘be read ata glance fromtmobileorotherprivateconvey~ This matter has ‘babes before.the blic recently;but has not receivedI.findinuthCarolina,and that many-peo+ have-beer led-out-of:the right I haveenputtoalotoftroublerepeated-in*both of thege States,and I be- ittention that it deserves.at the same ‘condition exists y from thé same -cause, ave it is of enough importance +»Idoked after earnestly.~Yours Truly, ted Money _‘Paid For Quart. exington Dis}'here are all sorts of fakes.there were more in town tha.they<had “all sorts gs.‘One “man had ‘been blow JC.8, an explosion in Cuba.Another ae his *speech and hearing from the WO aking of .them—“fn is spe g otic policy of Great.Britain has at ‘cotton should under no ¢ir- contraband,| took this position while our| the sections:was under way.| “The British ambassa- Giondon therefore had the sat- “uprese Rus- the ne he did,he was servingthants;is OF ‘an “English ge‘Sirc.Hardinge,who 1 ral suasion to bea would now present the‘or the regpla of the South,and the people ‘who buy our cotton peaceful Injury would ‘been*done the peovle of India cotton.been declared ‘contraband has and many ’For~“Church, Last of oant gue )story is old ofParson.‘Me: Corquodale,one of the old-fashioned preachers’in the early days of NorthCarolina,“He lived in Chatham ‘couns)ty.»At one of ‘his appointments wasabig,bufley biuffa,named ‘Sandy Murchison,who;for some cause,hadsaidthatheintendedtothrash’the preacher when he put in’his appear-ance at this ticular place.‘Parson. McCorquodale came and began his‘services.In the middle of the exer-|cises ‘the:preacher,in’a deep,sonor-|ous youve,without the least sign ‘of‘“embtion,saidy ‘Brother Murphy,williyoupleaselineout’.hymn,while I4)80 out and whip big Sandy Murchi- }son;Don’t let the congregation bedisturbedintheleast.”They began to sing with a hearti-ness “marked with “‘nusnal enthusi-asm.*The parson walked out,sing-ing as he ‘went,and finding his |man.lét into Murchison with a vim andvigorthatwoundupin’his giving thebullyasoundandgenteel.thrashing. All the -time he was putting in hislicks,like beating iron on an anvil(for ‘he Was once 2 blacksmith)theparson‘was.singing;“An’He RolledontheCloud,Hallelujah.”“The ser-vices went on as if nothing had hap- pened and the parson preached a’eer‘erful sermon on,“Sure,We:Must Fight.If We Would Win.”This isnojoke.It is truce.Old citizens ofChathamcountyapna’of:it ‘in these days.The above is:taken from Every- thing of last week «nd as the occur- rence,or happening Above related is misleading as to.the persons engag- ing in the fisticuff we ask permissionto:correct the facts or rather offerthéstory-as it really happened,whichJiBi:Currie gives us,the facts ofwhichareknownandtoldbymany of the older people._."MeCorquodale was an.old-fashioned Methodist minister.;who preached.inthiscounty.sometime about 1840 or1848,living here and supplying thechurcheshere.and at.Union “andCenter.He would preach at Garth- age inthe morning!sing an’Enplish sermon,and‘go.to Union in the after-noon and preach in Gaélic for the old‘Scotch so thickly settled down there, and at other points on other occasions, sometimes at an old «church rear wherethe present church-stands atWhiteHillandatCentre.Mrs.McCorquodale came to’this country from Scotland and his.first work was\driving 9 stage on the oldstageroadwhichtan‘from Charles-ton,S.C.,to Petersburg,Va.,andwhiehassedjust:east:of town sandalongthesideofwhatisnowknownastheBarrettOldField.This oldStagelinewasmaintainedandoper- ated by Colonel Jonn McLean,wholivednearLaurelHill,now in Scot-land “county,and.which ®was aban- doned soon after the plank road.wasbuilt,and it was while:McCorquodalewasdrivingthestagethathepecans meaunique character and became‘veryfondofMr,Alexander C.Currie,,the e e ie t e 8 r 8 ” + er preacher he came:vicat religion he could best any man_he _\¢le the writer says that ‘he whi pped Sandy.Murchison,a hig,‘burley:Blut. {fer,~which-was a mistake as regard-ing old man Sandy,for we are told that Sandy was.an excellent man and tion.He was-a consin of Kenneth lived in Moore county,Dunean Murchi-son.being sheriff and member of the here in Modre :ounty,He.was)}ee father of Mr.J.-B.Currie,with whom}he would often talk,telling’of his}prowess and how hefore he professed } ever saw cursing.In the above arti-}||" one’of .the best men of the-sec-|, and Duncan Murchison,both of whom’ laswartsville sensmiles:east of Laurinburmanteaamotherhadsupposedlydied‘ia‘been buried.a“The story cia tong ‘been ‘told;‘anmanystrangerswhocametothis.BOCs)tion and first heard the strange.sto-|!ty;would hear it with that look ofdoubtthatisalwaysapparent,when arseeminglyimnossible.gtories are ;Tt-is sone of those strange,unreason:able stories,one that:you would,@x,pect.some one to tell when it wiunderstoodthatjokeswere©told.It.is nevertheless ‘said to :true,and the writer has heard it of-|?ten repeated,and has’seen folks ‘whhaveneverheardthestory;aetheirheadsindoubtandwalkoff,’asmuchastosay,‘‘that’s a lie,”“We gate not swearing to the absolutruthofit,but from the timewere‘a kid,it has.been ‘told and wehaveseensomefolksintimespastthatseemedtobesureenoughofthefaéts*to make oath to them..There is buried in’the cemeteryaRev.Mr.Lindsay,who was a Pearbyterianpreacher,and it is’about},him that the story is teld.It is said!®that his mother became ill and ap-parently died.So ‘sure that she wasreallydead,her loved ones followed!her to the grave and she ‘was buried:With.her was buried’a number of ‘yaluable rings,In the evening ‘after examination,sepeniniiy:of the ‘eyes,the body was buried that afternoon;-'s..teeth ‘and throats of all the persons wanting to secure thevalua-pich dren where there “is the possibil- his’!ble’jewelry dug up the body.»They ss tanga te fgiew a0 sgl mere |could not remove the rings from the edurse.The ‘teachers of the ‘schools fingers and.attempted to cut the fin-|vit he called in to assist the inspec-gers off.As ‘soon as the fingerswerecut’the woman snoke and of tor,in:insisting’»upon parents course the would-be robbers fled,She children found to possess physical de- then-.walked home and called her fects be treated.aca!ar be} f every examination and —ithusband’to help her to the house.MsHe 0 Years aftér this child was born,and bee he followed ap with heretic ofitwasnoneétherthantheRev.fy ropriaté kind with an “aim of ed-| Lindsay,who sleens:in old Stewar iting pupils,for the prevention of} ville cemetery,Mr.Lindsay preach={ailments common_tb_school_children.|ed_through ‘this:“section years apo.ae he eee pi a of|school grounds —and ‘house,This‘strange incident is recalled-by ition enitatians Seti,yathefactthatanassuciationhasbeen:disposal and ‘other details of sanita-_ formed ‘and incorporated whose pur-|ry "arrangements,One day will be|thira hr ig pr eetraee and beautify)<otayart in thé school as health daythishistoricburyingground.anda special ‘programme will be ar-, i¥Yanged to ‘suit.the occasion.This! iwill he followed by a public meeting | in the evening with a health lecture,Peecratee with lantern shades. Despondency Dug to Indizestion.*:|THE FREIGH“About three months ago when 1 was ‘suf.|ering from.indigestion .which.caused head,che and dizzy spells and made _mé.feel tired |nd despondent,TI began taking,Chamber-lain’s Tablets,”writes Mrs.Geo.Hon,Mac-’don,N.Y¥.-Phie-medicine ‘proved to be theverythingI.needed,as,ord day's trentment|relieved ‘me greatly,”I used two pepe of|Chamberlain's Tablets ‘and’they’hi me ofthistrouble.”eee_Sereehers,|— fae ae ee Taataccepted ate:Board of d under appropriations made by ie,,county.As a new feature©“ot th five’coun’ he preventi typhfive‘other.Wiuties well under|}‘to a sudvessful completion,thed:enters this new.field with reas-'}Beahie’agsurance:of reaching ahigh:| er ‘state’of éfieiéney than ever be-|},|fore.What it.proposes.is ‘simply|is:in those counties there is naifwholetimehealth“officer,‘the ‘State |Board of Health takes over the workwhichwouldordinarilybedonevhy)this health agent“and \performsundercontract.with the tounty,-“At the rate of.ten dollars nty haveratis-gcheduled ‘to,begin.on No-)ber Ist. inspector make a thorough physical Hz B..Varner of.Lexington’was}elected secretary of®the North Cato-; lina Motion ‘Picture .Exhibitors | Leagtie and Mr.Otto Haas of Char- lotte--was elected treasurer. on a thous-J)and feet of}my Kiln “dried Tumber,from the [ long leaf pine forests,is Tess than ‘|’the cost of hailing 4 thousand feetofroughfumberfrom,four ies-out of State Mee ‘A reason.for |-Jowest prices.tkins. — “That petal for $1.00 each. You can get themwhile they last at 50c.each,CASH. Get thém quick;peed won’t “Tastlong. The Williams Furniture boii Legislature,while Kenneth ’was a,lawyer and ‘lived with Duncan downonthePocket,now Lee county,onfarmwhereJ.-H.Henley lives,butwholaterwenttoTexasandaeout.-there.- e fight referred ite ibove ‘tookplaceatCentrechurchdownon.the;old.Gulf plank ‘road where.McCor-)quodale was preachingand Ahe ma’whom he whipped was the late Henry Clay Armstrong,who ‘lived at théGraham.toll.house.onthe old plank road,Armstrong was a good ‘liver,had plenty of money..rather promj- Oo he 8 0 fault,and that was he would drinktoo:much whitey at times and:be-cause of whic at some.timeoffendedthe=old piatiae,bringingabout.some remark which Armstrong4‘did’not.like and he swore he would.whip old McCorquodale’on_first sight.Passing the church one daywhileunderthteinfluenceofhiswhis-, key ‘he.dismounted and going”intothechurchbecameratherboisterous‘and refusing to sit down andbe quiet c the congregation to sing some hymnandgoingdown,from the pulpitHEseized.Armstrong and leading himfrom‘thechurch -he administered asoundthrashing,after which ‘he.re:turned and finished his.sermon,anditissaid.that the two}fast friends after this.|Uncle:Jack o |= nent in his:community,but.had one it is related that Mc Corquodale asked} men became|} says he heard Captain John Cole, ald,the last two his uncles,both ofwhommarriedhisfather’s sikters;tell of the occurrence many \a timefortheywerepresentandsawit,all. ey n n James Graham and Charlie McDon-} Our Deve aisNew i in:New York Selecting the Newest and Best, New Fall Goods Arivng Daily. ialot.Ladies New Fall Suits just ~~atrived,Black,Navy.and Copen. We wilt offer many “Specials for Saturday:and Monday. New Goods arriving in our Gents’ Furnishing Department.One lot of -Styleplus Suits just in. 9 \pos tS per |}Bchool the contracts with’Alamance|} been signed.wp..The )} he plan is to ‘have a competent |{ 4 1 | 8 | it | the Saco ae oe 1 oeHealthtothisendand}6,work will be done by,the State |} tivity in North —Carolina ae%fete ‘counties will be entered ||};;State One ty,| ne st S|aecompletedthespuntycampaignIPfever|} 0TOME!FOR Cif E.rs that|earsa ea s j Si n a oe m me n n e n me n +2}J.M:McKee.'&:'Company [Sloan Clothing Comey mre Cees CLEAN UP PRICES! To make room for gur Fall Stock we will sell all Sum-~—"“mer Goods at a great sacrifice. All 35 1o:40c.Fabrics go at 24c, 25c.quality go at 19¢.15and2)c.lines go at 12 1-2c:.Special values for 5 and 8c. Women’s and Children’s Wash te 25 to 98e.—less than cost of material.at $1,00 Men's Union Suits 69¢,All Sif,Men’s Union Suits 39c.List read and Porus Knit Shirts and Drawers.19c.Ladies’Vests,15 to 25c.grade,12 1-2c..Meh’s Work and Dress Shirts,$1.00 Shirts 75c,+Best b0e Shirt youever-saw,39c.—A-splendid one for-33c.Mee8,Bee $and Children’s Slippersabigreduction.onTeaeiinns'$slippers sacrificed at half price.One lo:ladies"$2.00 to $3.00 slippers,small sizes, choice 59ec.We have other bargains. % : t *ow + Come in And see them. |No.112 West Broad Street,between Hall’s Drag Store and Lazenby-‘| Montgomery.Hardware Store PHONE 281, ,“A ities ifn tite poe Wak ywe aregivingExceptionalValuesinOxfords, Pumps,Shirts.and Underwearis a look. peewith “your eae wre S,M.&Hi.‘SHOE co, The One Price Cast Shoe Store. Mis Church ISNow Giving Sila: House:to-House ‘Demonstrations ™~ aSFR _As wel)as by Appointment, -Free to Everybody.cM PHONE,WRITE oR CALL——— :StatesvilleGaslightand FuelCompaay. ae anee eae Snes ro SRW AGIIIS ti eae A aI ME Lae Ts TE Poi Statesville Female College | ‘Yor social and domestic stations requiring ;schools of Doinestic Science,Art, A Christian College offering all the best advantages at Jow cost.For 58 years‘a leading factor in the education of Southern womanhood., Particularly fitted by location and equipment to train young women}, éfficiencyin knowledge and}, responsibility in character.ee situated in a town of education-) al and religious activity.? ‘Modern buildings,complete equipment...Lovely campus."Out-door]j soe Thorough.‘capable instructors.Standard college courses: A.B,,BL,and:B,8,degrees. Splendidly cine musi¢depurtment;|Expression,Physical Culture and Bt ble.Safe home life and attractiveSireemiinian Rates unusually lov ‘In an_investigation -by the police and fire commission of Durham’intochargesof“the mismanagement oftheDurhamfiredepartmentbyChiefDennisChristian,the‘chief:was offi-cially reprimanded,“He was esper!cially reprimanded for.his failure to}investigate to ascertain the quality |of hose recently purchased by the}city. mp attack of typhoid and wag outigeingmoneytosendhimself.topokeoolfortheDeafandrgantontolearnthe x My t it remained fori‘colored woman to pull off the big- ‘Take ofall Saturday afternoon. “circulated”around °on Mainfor-an hour or longer,beggingeyforachirch.“Mister,please }¢me aylittle money on my card,”|Richard Watts,12-year-old son of|her appeal,Many gave.There Mr.R.A.Watts,+a Goldsboro jewel- ¢no large contributions,mostly er,attempted to board a flat car at-ickles and dimes,A little later in|‘#ched to the yard engine of the At-“ke afternoon that same woman was|/@ntic Coast Line at Goldsboro,andMmedupalong’the counter at the|#t 4 foot cut off. Pouthern “Express Company's -office,Tn south Wadesboro about 4 o'locitingforherquart,and:she-paid |Sunday morning Mr J.C..Steen and}ges ih*pons and.dimes.”his three-year-old daughter were shot!,by unknown parties and+Mr,SteenHELANDMARK.was dangerously wounded, -For catalogue and full information write'to J.M.MOORE./A:=Pres.,pene N.C,STETSON HATS. Call and select ‘your Fall Hat now. We ate showingall *new shapes and colors.we ie —ae<<eeertpenreee oeSS 7 FOUNDED IN,1838 )CHARTEREDoRRINITY.‘COLLEGE.DURHAM,N..G, A ‘Sout!herh/Qollexe of liberal atts with an establish fiathotal pation for: high standards,noble.traditions,and progresdive policies..Its large endowment furid makes “possible its first-class equipment and large faculty of well trained and,carefully chosen teachers.Student fers low,Cotifortable,inexpensive “eee“earefullysupervised hygienic:dormitories. and\Seieareies,courses leading.to,the bachelor’s.’degree:Graditite:“ein “Ail departments.Schools of Enaidecring,Eduention,and Law.2 For eats and illdstrated booklet address R.Le LOWERS itSecretary to ‘the Corporation, es Me :all knocked out,: a son’s Liver Tone.” ~back’guarantee sluggish!You feel lazy,aay‘at é Your head.is dull, ee tongue is coated}.ee Lon mach sour and boweels consted;But don’ttake salivating mata:mel,.It-yousick,you “mayoseaday’swork.*Calomel is mereury or Giieaclinces ing fine,your hei ‘Calomel crashes into sdur bile like |,dynamite,breaking it up..That’senyoufeelthatawfulnauseaand a.and ambition. Is regular.You will\feel ‘efamping.;5 4 Liver Tone”is entirelyIfyouwanttoenjoy.the nicest,ee therefore harmless,andgentlestlivérandwelcleansing}cannot salivate.Give it to youryoueverexperiencjusttakeachildren,Millions of people are us- spoonful ofTonetonight.dealer sells you a 50 cent bottle ofDean’Liver Tone ee my Ee omel is almost stopped,entirely here. Your druggist or|dangerons calomel now.Your drug irerts Slugeish.or money thataeulwillcleanyoursiug/ac liver better than a dose of nas-ty area that,it,won't make iver Tone i@ real iver '‘ov'll know it next morn-ing,Deeadle vou syill wake up feel-our liver will be working,ache and dizziness gone,which causes necrosis of the bones.yaaa stomach:will be sweet and yourlike,|working;you'll be cheerful;full of ‘tion. armless Dodson’s Liver|ing Dodson’s Liver Tone instead of grist;will tell you that the sale of ae [We Are Selling |: 2 ey Odd Pieces and Discontinued PatternsofFurnitureat BIG REDUCTIONSDURINGAUGUST .Bedroom,Diningroom and Parlor Furniture-com-plete suites and single pieces—in Circassian Walnut,Uak and Mahogany.Every piece GOOD in theverybestsenseof.the word,and every bieos agreat,big,splendid bargain. ”Savings uffrom $7,50 to $20 on single pieces, Savings of.from $25 to $175 on complete Suites ALL SUMMER FURNITURE 1-3 OFF. Telephone and mail orderswill‘receive the very Write today for complete list and full parliculars. a not i POUSNAS: owe ourselves end responsible bas and ¥ho are: |curity Py j princinls la fort her duty to thitrary Hiemsjneighbers it ihe -cenvieted -ovt—of_oaur own mou lend by our ee exampleof ar -PARKER-GARDNER €0.,°H4LOT™® a oe :Het &COCOLADE ! Cool and Fefreshing.ae King of Fountain Drinks, gates A ToscoHALL’S.DRUG STORE,"PHONE 20,|.'Prescriptionists. 60 Tornadoes.” Devastate 10,000 Homes in Fight States : Such isthe record ofoneday’s hundred yearstheHartford damage done by tornadoes.Fire Insurance CompanyYoudon’tknow when the hasmet every honest claim tornado may’strike your property,but you do know the “Old Hartford”protects against all loss.For overa promptly..Buy a Hartford Tornado Policy today.Itis the nearest thing to comfort when a Tornado strikes.»’ People’s Loan&ope Statesville,N.G.Resident Agent.GEO,H.come President. “ldent adenten his aan SRSSONA acaaGSAS CAS RSID RIBAS OESOO eon ern Of poverty and want will never grab you if you have an active savings account in -a good Bank—this Bank for instance. ‘Bub you want to start in time.Start now, oo here.A dollar will do to startwith'and a hundred dollars wouldn’t stop you,once you realize how proietant a eevee,secounttis, _SAMETY—SR SATISFACTION. ” Guns at Mott’s- 2 _Litizen Lost One, :|Newton Enterprise, =|Mott’s.Grove =we4s very well:behaved,but doult!oss E |there would have TR A tt e ed i elfolr guns.one of therh.a bic, elaffair of the Colt=long.steel bullets.of $2 ‘calibre,This s|came off’n Thomas Norman. Hany Sh oe p19ib. REASON FOR #: We Owe Something‘to ProfesscdIdealsandPrinciplesinDeal.ing With Mexito,| Balthnare Sun yest While the new communication just| sent to the Mexican leadeng issaid to)° thave “shocked”by its mildness @ good| tidustriterStandardOil Company, .The report of George P,West: .T,Chenery,who “investigated the|| day,1915,strike of Standard’Oj)” 1m any ees at Bayonne,Ne Commission Goes Af- or the >United States.Commis-aiion on Industrial’Relations has beon |made publie,fter setting férth that thewad,against the Standard Oil Com-| The report said in part,’ strike! many Washington officials’whg had |°any of New Jersey:been hoping fcr sterner,things,2:id|“The company is the most impor- while a great manyepersons outside |tant of the Standard Oi)group,and over our delay in faking poitshouldnogheassumed:that | public:opinion is all one way with r<gard to the prover poli¢y to persue. Washington are Pe oy that this final mission of.the dove |"of peace is not dietated by wise in ree considerations.we get wt all,and the circumstances |théer which we act,when we do ect are subjects of very grave immoartancetobedetermined‘by has nee,os exico and the United States andEuronesrenottheonlypartiesthi(terest.We could very easily gustif ito ’ot reelves end to Eurane the tich: af forcible interference,WandEuropeaverydet Inite duty in the premises,and.yn ithe Monroe Doctrine:Burope,but f her own war,wevld haye probe)! jinsissted before this that we.should something more than soft)words + lyr ard the revolutionists who are > venting the re-establiahment of n° covernment in.Mei keening life prenerty in a state of terror and i: Be it we also owe a dut?+ own.ideals and nrofe: »gvat rovernment,ont we« ward all the ''ot! mtr on this continent.Wh. conden the high-handed and » methods of military.‘desnnoahroadindealing“with:we would be untéeennat®te rd av isive and hasty action against MAX:’after Shae of patient effortssuspicionand.prefudi ited States in.Sou! |American minae do wea want too” '{hrow at a si blow the:w! [structure «f confi:e which we bh: cared with so.piles:pains. tt Sh hecause ha recognized 1+ jduty fo ourselves and this drty to - [A merican neiehbors that.the Prcnelicy-of watch! |waiting in’the becinningwand hag ::'- hered to it eo lone.And it,fs | jcanse he desires to nut onr-mot lend our artion hevond eavil or,q ‘ition that he called into counsel|Sou th Airseriern gov ernments,and | aoindd with them inthis final ap:Ito MéSican patriotish.rather 1! ntter tha"peremptory and warlike i mand.fay Awbich-many nersangvay> wishiteoe.Wo dre not senehine a ta the reavits.brt we helteve thie-Coviage at eonciliation wilt cert wutt our.South:American rcitths +23sails s with the Mexic inyep-in’cae bed pyrBes pliimatelyforeedtomateateabbugsasSh iG ”in thieh.we:eanseonfid thoean “I =e +nealio the -reeord-of-our-forontonee:emeeinipcagiaeetiam ‘Signing Petitions to Pre About Cotton. |Washington Dispatch.to Chas tatte +.Observer.‘ |President:Wilson ‘told.Rev:nie ;tive Levér of South Carolinafisgoingtotrytohelpmove thousands of Southern:people.©‘ersssmerchants and others,are |indyeed to sign petitions to the ¢ dient’urving “him to chanee his for-|, eien policy.2It is thaveed “by New ernment is behind these petitic:toithePresident.‘The cirevlar po.tien has this paragraph in it: ~“We are entitled to demand «roat- ér consideration and more bach!one from our government in tréeatine the English;and this petition i: sented for your honorahle consid rar|. tion,as’we know:that if apsarenottaken’by:our eovernm nr!ef ijthe United States of America to “e- 7 lieve.the situation onr people wi!he in a worse!shane this comin:‘all than thev were last.”.. -One_of these.petitions:has me ifFom every Sdéuthern’State.A »m- |her of North Carolinians signed un. ehcehideiaiebiabbaiaaaedaaaiaiael Grove—Iredell of.negroes ateampmestingSunlayThehugecrowd = en plenty doinghadnotanumberofwhite©oficorsbeenon.the groun,keeping their eves peeled for trouble. Sheriff Isenhdur,Jgilor Gilbert andSpecialOfficerTomGabrielharve:te Ugly pattern.shooting an Tres dell negro,who cameé over to see whathe¢ould see.He gave bond. John Steckton’yielded another gunafterbeingchasedintothepreachers’tent and showing fight.Norman of-e\fered slight resistance but cuickly‘quieted down when Officer “Gabviel|f“Bicameto Sheriff Isenhour’s.assistance:Two other negroes,seeing the of¢ sficets approach,dropped their gunsJand.fled,e guns were kept but|\the men got away.One of these drop-edaRage,of whiskey in his flight. |onneneeemrenmeneenmamenemeel The Clerk Guaranteed Tt.Pas quatomar enme into my store the othertoone4fmy*clerks,‘have youtwillcurediarvhoca?pnd myand.got him a bottle of ChambersCholer®and Diarrhoea Remedy, him,‘if this does not ere you,t charge you a cent.for it. Cr ek,V ideinapie’everywhe Wrheth :|m Vew su od‘z bor man,’and¢ Newton Mr.*Francis Abernethy of States-| ville.brother of Rev.M,A.Akernethy! place,tells a Newton man of} te ister7in,ng Ria RE whiskey.q bemathine| 04cba in Staitesville, «s} of this 4*tae ee in Toe”re] ito makestleat!edly:The ¢d_it,in.tin impeticnt |‘his group ie the prineipal contribut- sitive ac.)°F to the wealth,prestige and pow- r of the largest estate in ‘the coun,rv,ifvnot.in the world,that of Mr. Jcohn D,Rockefeller,Sr.,and his im- icdiate family. s the |company’sist,therefore,be regarded as ofcialsignificangebecause’of the rentendous power wielded by —the‘oup af-men who control.industrywd.beeause of their announced —in- ntion to enter the fleld of industriallationswith@view.to‘their influence and ating what they deem to.he the propershould govern the relations.between| mnployer and ‘employe.’ The following findings >be considered in the light of the eg oie: (The Standard Oil Jersey,although conducting an!rrenormouslyprofitable ‘The ‘farts regard-labor policies yy actively propa- theories and:principles’that warsres, “tt fixés wages not with relations|| »the earnines of the,company,but \f vy taking Into ‘consideration s id by other companies in the same}es a ility and ‘then\fixing the wage as| 2g or lower than the prevailing’) rages in that locality. “In Bayonne it paid common labor:| s less than those of two companies h ose pl ants Wages adjoin its The statement of wages constitutes,in effect,an ad-} mission that the company combines| ith the poorest and least.generous cniplayers to ‘fix.the ‘wage rates...| ‘TT a settledfusingtodealwithany! ‘professional | even refuses to per-!ait those employes who.cannot speek ‘ompany maintains organization or sh intelligently to”‘enikagre an entative,’wiaie ,|Stiatesville’Man’Found Seat thing New in Liquor. Enterprise. pouring avd it.was corn,decidmanexplainedthat.thist# i was the nev Ly!he Alexander moon 4}8 i shiners hat ‘their product—seal-!“ Be Se E.LEN kk x LE NOI R AND STATESVILLE “At Statesville Ball Park a THURSDAY,FRIDAY AND ab ke widening! of fact.art! ’¥iCompanyof|6 cic RDBCEORLECHORCECEROOCHOETTIOEDCSCICBCRSEHRNE‘Chattanooga “TheDiy Weather Plow.’* enterprise,|Stoo’low to maintain 2)3 fam ly on a comfortable,tlmet fs refineries,| ;is in direct contradiction to the e'nims ie the-company.in_a statem i 26 Broadway that it always! Ala the”preyatiling wage or bet-| the general! manager of the company that ‘the in-| ferests of other companies in’the same}ality are considered in,the fixing | orney as et,spokesman and rep- 1% "Flues.made up ready for deliveryers. and flat sheets for repairs.STATE SVILLE TIN COD HL.c Mohler,Manager. 114 East Broad Street..*PHONE5 We have both singlé and Twin Dise in stock.They do their work ‘a comin’“and:a goin’.”This Plo hae)noRival. dod in the ‘Sania sina be right orothedtoplanandhavemealsontime.Then”Fenine out your pocket with a watch that you¢what you want to do is to get.your watch or MeHENRYwhileheisdevotinghisentiretimetooui watches andclocksandfittingspectacles‘and eye-gleASSES. ee daiee ot ee =7 OBA CCO'F LU ES —~ Phone or write us youror-Shipment made same day order received.Extra,joints,Ls© 3 at s | pe s c a c o c oo n me e ] i ° ing Just like fruit,and! shld at:six bits the can. York”paners ‘that the Germ=>t6v-) Parisian "|2 MAKES DANDRUFFitonevon.this fall.Hy swwill poo is _jA!note:to Great Pritain aeain”the —QUICKLY VANISH.|jin terference“with chipments of rat : jton.to neutral nations,and mav fa-|>x4 one likes de indruff,but to get!||vor a pian to)send a.commicsi:pt wid of it you must-do more than wash |gjcottonmentoEnelandtecoroeyourhair.The cause of dandruff lies|}[ye eae sang and eaten =)not in tiee hair,but on the scalp andiqaeaplanstomovetCM-lin the hair roots,and ie cot twice !§ ;daily Ne ute a germicida toot owTtWasbecomeknownherohat!doy”Por¢ream to cleanse your teeth! easily very White Pink and Lavender Aster As it wast The Carnation seasonis.over,.but.we haye-plenty of ‘beautifulwhite,pink and laven-der Aster which splen-'didly take the place~of Carnations throughthesummer. All orders have attén-tion the moment re-ecived.Beautiful de-signs for all purposescharminglyarrangedbyourexperts, so you should use Paris-j8 twice daily to drive dan-|4 Truff fro om your sealp,prevent its re-|i suit prétect:your hair from falling 9 fout-and nouriish its.proper.growth,|#Dandruff’makes your hair fall out.|§Sage makes Dandruff fall)3 out and your hair stay in.3 A ‘delightfully perfumed.hair scalp treatment home, and! applied at!inexpensive and obtdina-| TRE ‘STATE SVILLERE:ty &&:INVESTMENT.COMPANY.to‘announce that they bavé compléted arrangements ‘with“HOME INSURANCE CO.of New:York,”forinsuring your growingcropsofTobacco,Corn,Cotton arid small grain against elebyHailSOREatthe-following very lowprice: TOBACCO CRUE ;$100 per acre valuation at 75 per acre valuation at_$0 per acre valuation at .25 per acre valuation at $40 per acre valuation_35 per acre valuation30peracrevaluation25peracrevaluation20peracrevaluation15peracrevaluation10peracrevaluationDWELLINGS,FURNITURE,BARNS. $100 value for one year at 30c.,.3 years at 60c.,5 years:at900,“aigalatterinsurancecoversalsoagainstlossordamagecc’ by wind-in-addition:te hail,REMEMBER-~''Weinsure anything insurable:feJ.F.CARLTON,Mana:STATESVILLE,‘PHONE 54.0 0°" ithe ible ‘from the Statesville Drug Com+|===*peany orrat;any drug.or toiletcounter, insurance, on request. "$7.50 per acre5.874 per acre3.75 per acre.taj:,“1.87%peracre. “COTTON,CORN “AND.‘SMALL GRAIN CROP.: $l.60 per acre e hag be ere Fire,Tornado,LiveStock,Automobile,Liability,Plate Glass,Steam Boiler,Accident—and Health or Life Insurance»ohe :companies writing the differentlinesof ©Full information obtainsne ERNEST G.GAITHER,O&84,‘REAL BUILDINGOFFICENO.1,MILLSPHONE23. |TAKES THE TEMPER OUT OFTHETEMPERATURE Van Lindley Co, Bo hg and:ane back an a ay ee ‘ perry Polk”Gray Drug Co,, FLORISTS 10 THE SOUTH, GREENSBORO,4.9, an e CO R O EC E OE Ee OS Ss af a c e . al el me s e s el e Whenhese sizzling oa sy disor,aoe Be‘tion—when you feelfaaneinandrestunderthe oral breezes ofourbig far_A POLK GRAY HIGH BALL will raise your spiritsanloweryourtemperature,.We have any other kind «drink the law allows--. you back for more,.want the BEST. nize your dis Have you tried our new Ice Cream?‘It's “RACY'S’,rich an@ rare—the flavor:thatCa'l for “RACY’S”when The-Polk,Gray Drug ConHESQUARE, EIGH ANDMARK ‘‘August 20,1915. ‘RANK WAS LYNCHED nally assure themselves that it +was the body of Frank. #y policemen.were on guard at ndertaker’s establishment and wa.that blocked traffic for more a block stood for hours in front ‘place.The body was shown as it had been cut down from e at Marietta this morning. gements were made.to place andy on fn train leaving at mid- tonight for the homeof Frank’s nts in Brooklyn..It will be ac- nied:by,Mrs.Frank,Mrs, ’s brother,A.E,Marcus,Da- A.Alexander and Mr.I.Marx,H. hhortly after 7 o'clock tonight the lértaking establishment was clos- ‘and a cordon of police stationed it.No ene was allowed to ap- h within 50 feet of the building. n and boys did a thriving business n the streets here tonght selling post- ard photographs of Frank's body as St swung from the tree to which it Swas found hanging near Marietta. The body of Leo M.Frank,under heavy police guard,was placed hoard a Southern railway train, “which departed at 12:01 o'clock this norning.The funeral party,includ- “Mrs.Frank and_several Atlanta ends of the family who will ac- apany the body to Brooklyn,was arded carefully.by the police until he train left the station.: Mrs.Frank appeared at the train gsisted and showed no serious ef- of her ordeal.Several police ‘urrounded her and her friends and ‘refused to allow any one to converse :them.The body was taken “from ‘the undertaking establishment wander guard by 30 policemen.The “police guarded the wagon bearing it until “it.was placed on the train and ‘then watched the car until the train mn Officials Deny Responsibility. illedgeville,.Ga.,Dspatch,17th. >Prison officials here are held to be thout blame for the situation:aris- ing from.the-removal of|Leo ‘Frank.from,the State prison farm, gn a statementgiven out tonight by E.Davidson,chairman of the te Prison Commission.Mr.Da- -vidson,with the other two members ‘of the body,Commissioners Rainey and Patterson,were here to inspect farm when Frank was taken %] way.i ,Mr.Davidson ts nccredited with the statement that the mob worked oD quickly and was so well ,organ- nd immediately upon its arri- ‘thé!prison so contpletely con- i the sitaation that “no respon- *vested ‘upon ‘either:the com-anybody at the farm.” Some comment was heard here to- “fayas‘to why the mob had to deal ‘with:only ‘five men—the warden,the perintendent,two rds and a rusty”in«eharge dt ‘a gate * +Warden'J T.Smith and Su- ent J.M.Burke were.pow-h’’facilities ».they atewthe:mob arrivedis not ed here.Burke ‘says the mob “ts work in’five minutes; iys’five!or’six minutes.t;'hN!wires were cut at.theTherWardenSmithwasaleprisonerbyapartofthemob,hile.another —squad .handcuffedurkeandledhimtothegatetheyhedtoenter.A command to the sty”to open the gate was.de- murred.to,but a threat to:kill him fit was not-——opened---immediatelyhuicklygavethemobeasyaccess‘toieinside.As the gate was opened,!guard came up.He was overpow-pred.Another guard was encounter-‘but soon was at the mercy of theyb.Frank was grabbed by five,according to most’reports,hur-outside and thrust into the ton-u of an automobile along with amezropethatwasdangledinfronthiseyes., Goy.Slaton’s View. Franciseo Dispatch,17th. “in an address today to theFranciscoCenteroftheCalifornia“Civic League,former Gov.John M.‘Slaton of Georgia,who commutedsentenceofLieo’M:Frank from San leath to life imprisonment,declaredthewouldprefertohaveFranklynch--amob than to have him hang-by judicial mistake,’because “onehedthesoulof‘civilization;themerelyreachedthebody.” '/Mr.Slatori’s address,devoted al-‘most entirely to discussion of ‘the :k case,was delivered in ‘the sence of a maiority of mgmbers the California Supreme Court anderprominentpersons,membersf,the league.-“There*were many good people— good as I—iwho disagreed witherniedhey.said T set.aside,theerdictofajury,”said’Mr,Slaton. ’d interfered with the functions ofFdulyexercisedcourtoflaw.ButyhenthesepeoplefindoutthetruthwftheFrankcase,their general con-lemnation of me will turn to gener-1 approval and they will know that I Mj freedom)repose,refreshment;vislon.|. -GOINGHOME.wk The Home Call That Comes at ’the End of the Day’s La’ The Outlook,»; There is no picture which tofiches the hearts of men more closely than goingThefierce heat of the sum has nassed, the’intense high light of midday has softened into a restful glow,_the strain of effort is over and the’pas- sion of work has given place to the peace of deserted fields and streets, It was a normal instinct Which sent the worker forth,eager and alert,in the morning;it is the response to a deep craving which sends him home at nightfall,The reward of labor,is the rest which it achieves and the joy.of rest is the sense that it has been earned,*The alternation of day and night isa'symbol'of the order of life in which work and rest succeed one andther,in a beautiful and health-giving rhythm. The worker goes out of himself when he takes up his tools;he rpturns to himself ‘when he lays them down at the.end of the day...He pours out his vitality as the water pours out of a hidden spring;if he is a real workerandnotameredrudge,he gives him- self in the toil of his hand and his brain,and when night falls his weari- ness is not mere fatigue of»body,it is depletion of vitality..Before he can give himself?again he must find himself;and when one,goes:home he finds himself.*A To a vast multitude of men.the thourht of going home makes the heaviest burdens bearable,the most crushing responsibilities a spur to ef- fort,thé most complete surrender of ease and pleasuré not a sacrifice,but a price gladly paid for a happiness which is beyond price.The strain of the day is forgotten at the door which opens into the peace of perfect under- standing,the pressure of hours and tasks.is relaxed by the sound of a. voice which is musical with love and faith and peace.In.such a home- coming there is not only the supreme reward for the work .of the day thatisended;there is also the renewal of strength and courage for the day that is to bring new strife and toil.. The joy of going home is not in the éase and comfort that are waiting there.It is in the peace that flows from love,the stillness that follows in the tumult of storm,the clear at-mosphere in-which the dust —of the highway is laid and the worker sees again the ends for which he is striv- ing;in the quietness of such a homethetoiloflifeisnotonlysweetened but its spiritual meaning:shines clear again after the confusion of detailshasvansihed.Under the heat)and bu¥den*of the day:the strongest:man sometimes:wonders if life means anv- thing but ‘prolonged strain of muscle and’brainy in the stilmess of home its blurred’ends,its’ultimate achieve- ments,shine like the stars above thehighwaywhenthedusthasbeenlaid: The home is not primarilv a place for work,but for life;work lies belowandbeyondit,but fhe ¢ompanionshipwhich:transforms a house into:a‘home if ‘a sharing of the:rewards:of\work; There’are houses full of conveniencesandAixuriesin)which no onesis:at home;the men:and women who live inthemarehomeless©To such «menandwomen,as to the men and womentowhommarriageisameresocialcontractandthefamilyameresocial arrangement,there is no going home.no refuge for the spirit,no place ofunderstandingandvision...There arenomorepatheticfiguresintheworldoftodaythanthesehomelessmenand women;restless,discontented,©and unhappy and utterly blind to thetragedyofalifeinwhichthereis no going homie. ELI ALEXANDERISDEAD. Aged Colored Blacksmith and One of the Early Citizens of Mooresville. The Enterpris¢last ‘week re¢orded the death of El Alaxander,an aged colored resident’of Mooresville.Eli was one of the pioneer citi-zens of Mooresville.He was a black-smith and soon:after the town ‘wasstartedhéestablishedhisshophard by,a white oak tree,and the tree still stands on one of the main streets ofthetown.He was the “village blacksmith”until near the time whenMooresvilleceasedtobéavillage; and continued to work:at his tradein.the town and nearby points for years—probably as long as he was able to--work.. Eli was a local preacher as well as a blacksmith and a Jeader among hispeopleintheearlydaysofMoores- ville.He bore a good character andhadtherespectandtonfidence.ofthe~-community,~One~fact-iHustrateshowhisgoodcharacterstood,him ingoodsteadinanhour‘of trial.Near Christmas,1878,Mr.Fowler,a mer- chant of Mooresville,going home from his ‘store one evening after dark. was assaulted and robbed.It was Eli Alexander who found Mr.Fowler as wed the State from a stain which,ver.could have been eradicated.”*“The former Governor said he ex-pectedto return to Georgia in aort,time. Will Try to Do Something.nta Dispateh,18th.: "Plaris ‘for investigating theiandlynchingofLeo M.Prank’went.forward steadily today.ernor:Harris announced a_thor- lay helpless and uncons¢ious in Wiel streets and he gave the alarm. !Mr,Fowler died without’regaining|consciousness.|| ab- 8 There.was intense feeling and many negroes .were ar- rested on suspiciofi...But .notwith- standing Eli was the first to find Mr. Fowler he was never suspected.His |good,reputation ‘saved him..The «mur- \derous assailants were found.They |were Julius Dayidson..alias Rhodes,‘and Jo.Gillespie.They confessedjand«Julius was the and What a Real Home Means.|) the figure of the tired -man-or-womany: Rone:atthe -end~of the>day.tT:re Niblock,nan,Concord,and:Miss Caldwell were married Tuesday‘at ‘the home of the bride’s,mother Concord,AyWillBurnam,colored,of Ash‘undertook to make a little money.o1hisownaccoynt,but his app 0forediningquarterswerecapi and Will is in jail,” In:Burke Superior Court:this:Horace Smalley was acquittedof #murder of ‘Tom,Gallion,,,The killingoccurredintheByindletownactionat10 Burke county July 10.40 gen ie Officers recently found in Caldwellcountyablockadedistillery»uthit in which two containers of the,Ga! tawba credmery—a_five-gallon.iaten-gallon can,were rigged up forthestill.vie ALTON Mr.Sanford L.Rotter,a -newspa-per man who has been with the Ral, eigh Times,has “chucked”.the news- paper job and ‘gone to Alexandr Va.,to study for the ministry ofEpiscopalChurch...:/ It is reported that one of the tenenlistedmenoftheregulararmywholosttheirlivesatTexasCity,Texas,in the..tropical hurricanewhichswepttheGulfcoast Thomas A.Whitson Of Carthage,thisState,a private’in the Twenty-third Infantry.‘ The employes of the Dixie Furni-ture Company -of _Lexington,‘who went on strike when wages were re- duced 10 per cent,thought better of agement agreed to restore the old wage scale just as soon as businesswouldjustifyit. At the meeting of the State counciloftheJuniorOrder,in Charlotte thisweek,Mr.W.A.-Cooper.of RaleighowaselectedcouncilorandMr,Chas.F, Alexander of Charlotte vice councilor.Mr.Sam F.Vance of WinstomSalemwasre-elected secretary.Next moeet- ing will be held in Goldsboro.Con- gressman Burnett of Alabama ©ad- dressed the meeting. Gov.Craig has issued a requisition for Vance Hicks,who is wanted in Warren county om the charge of the murder of Robert Henderson,ntar Norlina last December.Hicks is saidtohavehadasaccomplicesSam Hatchett and another negro.Hicks is being held in Philadelphia,TheHatchettnegroisalsoinPhiladelphia, but is serving a term therefor a felony:ue *i In Starily county Sunday.the sheriff and a posse found:Albert Burris,Fet-zer.Burleyson.and Locke ,.Mauldenmakingwhile,corn liquor/in,the,home of Maulden...They had set up.a cop-per still in the cook room and «the smoke went out at the stove flue,The and.sentenced to,.a.year each on theroads,Burleyson appealed and gavebond:The others.plead guilty. The State Board of Examiners.au-thorized:the issuance.of.,over.fivehandredcertificates1to;teachers over{ North Carolina:About.two,hundred of these certificates were issued with- out examination,the applicant hav- ing.qualified by.college training.Ex-aminations were held in the various counties some time ago for these cer-tificates and since then the members of the board have.been gradingthepapers.$ “Folks up in this end of the Statehaveheardlittleof‘the Farmers’Al- liance for years,but that organization ins never entirely passed out in North‘arolina.Last week the Allianceheldits29thannualmeetinginHills- boro and the reports showed a gaininmembershipthepast.year.Fifteencountieswererepresented—Ala- mance,-Bertie,Columbus,Cumber- land,-Edgecombe,Guilford;Harnett, Johnson.Lenoir,Martin,Orange;Wake,Wayne,Wilson and Warren. aneeneenneneeeeenemeeemnnatenn al WHERE SOUTH WAS FIRST, Remembered. The following facts have been pub- lished,but many who™knew.them have’forgotten and others,especiillyvyoungerpeople,never knew them.A“eultured woman recently groupedthemfortheNashvilleChristianAd-vocate:Vy saa“Mt,Holydke hasthe reputation of being the pioneer in the higher educa- tion of women,but the first woman’s college in.the .-whole.world is’*inGeorgia.Of scientists,who rank above Audubon.LeConte,and Maury? The latter is called by one the great- est of Americans,honored by every country save his own.: A.Southern---ddetor._-first usedchloroform;a Southern dottor found- ed the New York Polyclinic;a SouthCarolina.doctor,Marion Sims,built the’first woman’s hospital;a South-ern doctor (MeGuire of Virginis)firstproposedthat’doctors be regarded asnon-belligerents,free to’serve thewoundedonbothsides,forerunner oftheRedCrossdoctoroftoday.Dr, Kinlock of Charleston,in 1862 operiedtheabdomenof‘a wounded Con-féderate soldier and remedied thetrouble;the patient recovered.The later the same operation »was per-formed by.a Swiss doctor,a.fewnionthslaterstillbyaNewYorkdoc- WAS| it and returned to work,The man-|. ‘the motoring tourist is ‘Eastern America with Mount Miteh- fell,now opened ‘to eae,4rive \4 men were tried in the county court pitighest pea Historie Facts That Should Be! account is buried in a medieal history|of\the war\and:is seen only by antoccasionalstudent.Twenty-one years) All ValLace and Insertion up to ‘Le.yard,‘today cand ‘Sa Lingerie Waists up to $1.50for Choice of all short sleeve $1 Gowns,today and S "Big lot of Ladies’$2.50 and : One case Bleach Domestic }--.DON’T MISS THIS: ibunday3ée.yard. “Tbe. “Te. ,Te. a af e Be. TERS COMING MONDAY. :aturdayfor 50 and $3 Shoes,size 24,3 and 34, CHANCE.CARPEN ea e en e ar e ee re See eee—---TYPEWRI -WORK ON TOUR BOOK. Dr.Pratt Will Begin Logging Roads Within a Few Days. ‘Asheville Citizen.; ‘Dr.Joseph Hyde Pratt,State geol- ogist,who was at Asheville last night,said that he expected to begin work logging roads for the road map and-tour.book of western North Car- will give a map of all roads that-can be traversed with automobiles so that any one with the books can read- liy read,mileage and distances with or without a speedometer,and with any kind of.vehicle,or.afoot.Dr. Pratt stated that the’State Highway} the plans of the book and had unani- North Caroling Good Ronds Associ- ation and the Asheville board of needed ih this section of| to,which the attention .of being cealled by..reason of*the splendid highways 4brouch the mountains.The »fact, too,that this se¢tion”is becoming’ knownas:the high‘altitude area’of very much the:State, by rail and that motorists ‘can their cars from any ‘point in the United States to within almost a, dezen:miles of the summit ‘of the tithe kK cast of the Roekies,has been of splendid advertising value. Pr.Pratt said it was his expectation “}to have the book ready for idelivery|s on or before January.1° T TERS!Have a feposes.RIBBONS,CARBON Papers and all Typewriter SuppLips.Come to us with your Typewriter troubles, olina within the next ten days..This} Commission had carefully:gone into iJ mously agreed to co-operate with thel# trade in getting out this book.Tb isiy New or Re-Built ewriters sold: machines for Rental Pur- Statesville Printing Co. Se eee ees ee eet Spe eee -Advice to the Hard-Ups You’ve had hard lines recently—been pinched— haven’t you?You were dead broke and -didn’t see just how you’d make it?House rent came due mighty often and it just took an outrageous amount of money for things that were absolutely necessary, somuch more,it seemed,than it ever had taken? You probably looked at the other fellow who was not so hard up and thought he hadn’t given you an exactly square deal?Yes,you were in just an aw- ful fix and thought,‘really,what’s the-use?” Yes,we know just how you felt and what was wrong with you and let’s talk it over in THe Banp- MARK;,We-will.haveour nextsay in Tuesday’s pa- per.’:oa eo by ‘‘x Mutual Building and Loan-Association, Statesville,N:C. Dr.Pratt ’stated thet he is ‘ranging with-oneof_the Jarge mov-| ing picture concerns’to make ascen- ie film of the Ceutral Highway from|} Morehead:City through »Greensboro, Asheville ‘and to the Carolina -‘Ten- nessee line,using the points of greatest interest,the most beautiful seanery and typical scenes.en route. Dr.Henderson Thinks _PeaceProspectsEncouraging Asheville Citizen. Dr.Archibaid Henderson,“of the State University,speaking to a Cit- izen representative,said that he thought that the outlook for an ear- ly peace in Europe was brighter now than it has been for months.“Gere many recognizes ‘that her.greatest strength consists in widening her houndaries.as far as possible,”said Wr.Henderson,“and when she:has reached the point where she is hold- ing as ‘much new territory as the im- erial government regards it as pos- sible for the German armies to take, and hold successfully against her ad- yersaties,she will make in all di+ rections’tentative proposals:looking toward peace,It seems to be real- ized by the German government.that marked.success and progress -along the’western battle line is virtually restopped.‘They recent rumor that Germany,through the King of Den- mark,Has submitted proposals to the Czar of Russia looking toward peace, is significant as an indication of her ar-|.~~Best For Rolls,Pies,t Custards and Cakes.4 In deciding what flour to buy one should want.the flounthat will bestserve all the purposes for which— flour is made.In writing of the flour made by.the Statesville Flour Mills Co.one lady,who is using flour made by this mill,says: “For Rolls it makes the whitest and best—equal to any from a bakeshop.| “Tor Cakes this flour is so white and so fine that you feel sure before it is put in the oven thatyouwillgetthebestresults. “ForPies and Custards this flour’makes such a nice smooth-dough that it is especially good for pies and custards..nee ,Son *T have been cooking for 22 years and was.never out of fidur a day during that time and have used»flourfrom 28 different mills and can truthfully sathattheflourmadebytheSTATESVIELEFLOUMILLSCO.is the best I have used in all my experi-ence.”ree ee 5 ee Haat ee future policy,“Despite.the recent phenomenal suceess of German arms on the east- ern battle front,it is stareely open}, to question that as time goes on Ger- many must.inevitably weaken and Great’Britain and -her-allies -inevita~ in munitions of war.” The w knocked it througha plate glass win- dow.Th¢owner of the store asked the’city to pay.the damage.’The bly strengthen,both in tumbers ands [Sherrill-WhiteShoeCo.| heel of a passing.automobile |einGreensboro-picked up a jrock and}é request was ne down.” “WE BUYIN QUANTITIES.°| J.B;Watkins,Henderson;’W.C.Watkins.Roxboro;J.B.Watkins,Jn;Reidsville;C.Watkins,States-.ville...Watkins—Lowest Prices. ”ag at aps “, nae Satta emer settee teen ereteenteabe cate nne ae mee tee ———— We call special attention to our special assortment.of Neckwear just received by express,all the new shapes, _in the most attractive patterns,50.and 25c.grades,| -Men’s and Boys’Caps.— ‘A new linejust received.The Jockey cap,just the t ae inquiry would be made,and that lynched neardswouldbeofferedforthear-| a,so niger edge of the town,Jo.’s ¢ase owascoviieiad“hanged “him ear |woved to Alexander county for trialShigetenonvietedandhanged”at.:pbk ;tet was|“1am inexpressibly shocked,”said |")Orville:Governor,“This affair has placed| sryyiingto Sue at thing you have been looking for,in new,nobby pat-| |terns,$1.00 and 50c.qualities. -Sport Shirts. We have quite a good assortment in both the $1.00eandes;and an exceptionally good valuein | tor,and heralded to the world:“The first sewing machine,cotton],gin and steamboat belong.to theySouth;the first railroad.@o.,South?Carolina,yet Southerners.were saidtobepork“anid unbusiness-like.|}The.first itonclad battleship ‘was al)Southern invention and was first used}by Confederates.The first submarine}torpedo boat,the first ironclad ‘bat-ree,f ngteries,floating and stationaly,were and can.print your name ”the’50c.grades. bujlt and used in defense of Charles-i -and brand on ‘same.Letus Bilge re og ton harbor.‘The:‘ill-fated United Mi have your order for anyStatessubmarinerecallsthebrave/#‘quantity'you want.See us.men of the David who”blew up.the}|ie Prices reasonable.SHERRILL-WHITE SHOECO.i Hossa ite not heing known aReady:Prindng Co.AD RR until aftor,the war,Would vate teacl j a dy:Eas ae &Se)the youth,of today finer things ? ‘diet ead opal \if;(The boys who went to school atblotupon.the fair name of our State:old North Bend school house when t can never be wiped out.The |the town.tof Mooresville was justhingwillbe:prot 1 to thebottom |f2™ing into existence,will retnem-‘and every effort within my power will ber Bhi Alexander and:his blacksmith be made to bring the guilty members |Shop under the white oak tree,in the mob to justice,At the,proper sight of the school house.The En-ie I will offer rewards for the ar-terprise says Hli was,an honotary and conviction of the.men and I|member of the local hand of Confed-arg the j age,the solicitor and {erate veterans of ~Mooresyille’and nesting oe Senatediligent efforts to}met With them eath “year.He was Batter Wrappers: bs ‘We have the very best“Parchment Butter Paper,0c.grad Amae a slave of Hon.S.By Alexander ofMecklenburgbefore“the War Be,tween the States,oe ee eng apegiageet anosbete nese oheectieeonnscioe“READ WHAT STATESVILLE BUSINESS NDMARK,| i ts SINKING OF THE -ARABIC. 'Thirty-Nine Lives Lost—Two Americans—Vessel Torpedoed |’Without Warning It is Claim- ington AwaitsInfor- Up to yesterday few details hadbeengivenoutofthesinkin be wagedinWhiteStarlinerArabic,which wastorpedoedbyaG Lusitania went down,last’Thursday. For.some reason the Eng-aie aoe withheld 1arenes _...The last«report was’9 per-sons losttheir lives.-It-is-stated that: 12 cabin passengers,six steerage pas-sengérs and 21 members of the crewcannotbeountedferandmustbe There were‘about 25 Americans on the boat and of these two are reportedJosephineBruNewYorkandDr,EdmundMrs.Bruguiere was thrown into the‘water and was kept afloat for someherson,Louis,who was forcedtorelinquishhisholdwhenhewas struck by ’a piece of wreckage.Noth- 1 Dr.Woods after the ubmarine off of organization. ing was seen of steamer was struck. Captain Figch and the other officersoftheArabicassertthatthesub-marine gave them no warning.Theydeclarethetorpedowasfiredasthey were going to the rescue steamer Dunsley,which had just been lina this fall are taking definite shape.The object of the movement is to teacheverymanandwomantoreadandwrite,thereby removing the stigma of ignorance which,rests upon our i woman’s department of is headed by Mrs,T.‘Lingle,“resident of the Federation ofWomen’s Clubs.”A committee-of-100.public spirited women from al!partsoftheStatewillassistinthework It vill be the dutyofthecommitteetosupportthework in.their own localities,to enlist sym- pathy and interest in the whole move« ment,and to work actively for the success of the local and neighboringmoonlight©schools.special lessons for use in these adultschoolswillbeissuedthefirstofSep-|thtemberbytheStateBoardofEduca- Mrs.B.¥.Long of Sthatesville has been appointed a member of the com-mittee of 100 from.this:locality.Shewillbegladtocommunicatewithany who are willing to enlist as volunteer helpers,either as teachers or in theworkoforganization.A night school has rtorpedoed,presumably by the same ~~That-the-loss-oftife-was—not-muchheavier-was due to the preparations y the officers in view of the possi- bility of an attack while passingthroughthe“war zone,”.to the fine weather which prevailed and to the splendid discipline maintained by thecrew.Lifeboats had ben placed onthedecksandthelifeboatsswungout. As soon as the ship was struck raftswereflungovertheside.Many of the passengers and crew who were thrownintowaterclimbedonboardthese rafts-or were dragged:aboard by—per-sons already upon them.Americans who reached Queens- town were cared for by the United Basmeconax thmanyof thém wore bor-eens until the consul had The Arabic carried 2,813 bags ofmostlyfortheUnitedStates.mail.included several .hundredfromSweden,Norway,Hitzerland,Spain,and other coun- tri :A ling onytain“Finch of tingat:Queenston.|verpool at 2:34 p.mM.on:board 423soulsalktold,:incliding!261 membersof:the..enew.);Aab vents well with!us lost all their rowed.clothinled of gambling. Cap-Arabic .Friday After the ball game Saturday af- ternoon three negroes—Jim Watts, Harvey Lee Houston and-NormanCopell—-went under the grandstandattheball‘park to play.a game ofChiefofPoliceKerrfoundthem‘in the act”and in accordancewithhisdutyasanofficerhetookthembeforethemayor‘on a charge They ‘could not givebondfortheirappearanceatSuperiorCourtandwerethereforecommitted ow,really,what is the differenceander.the law and morally—+e-tween.those negroes playing a of “skin”urider théograndstand”a‘the fellows:who :/oceupyon.our,way,down:the ichannel.until~-$:80-a,mi Thursday;when-the-shipRRedoed.:,.There.was.a north-easterly wind,andslightswellon.Therefore,before werpedoedweweregoingat.16 Asked as to whether any warninghadbeengivenbytheCapt.Finch said emphatically:|“No;we were torpedoed without re- ceiving any warning whatever.I was on the bridge at the time,and hadnmonthebridgeallthewaydownThefirstindicationIhadthat’we were attacked or of the presence of a submarine at all in our vicinity was when I saw the torpedocomingtowardtheshipatadistanceofabout300feet.That was the very first I saw of it.It approached us atrightangles,coming toward us fromthenorthandstrikingusonthestar-board ‘side‘at a point some ninety or a hundred feet,I should say,from theenthetorpedostruckus losion,so loud Mr.P.S.PopeSouthernrailwaytelegraph operator, has been notified by Texas”railwayofficialsthathisbrother,Mr,RR.E. Pope of Cherryville,is in a hospitalatDelrio,Texas,suffering’from in-juries received in a railwa’ last Tuesday. there was a terrible ethatIhadneverhear.You ean imagine how terriblewaswhenItellyouitshookthewhofromstemtostern.” pt.Finch says the Arabi¢sunk in ten minutes after being struck. Washington Awaits Full Details.ere is considerable tension ‘in government circles at Washington,asthesinkingoftheArabicmaypre- ‘eipitate trouble with Germany,the actapparentlybeingonewhichourgov- ernment recently warned Germanyheconsidered“deliberately un-President Wilson,however,is awaiting full deails before taking Th biStarliner Arabic.had atonnage.of ~15,801 pross and 10,06260:feet long,65 feet beamand47°feet in depth;had been icommission‘since 1902.‘Once before gince the beginning ofthewartheArabichadaclosecall,A cable message from London onMarch27saidthesteamshiphadbeenpursuedbyaGermansubmarineintheIrishSea,on the voyage which ended.on that day.According to thisaccount,a periscope wa s sighted as:the steamship went iin from St. stati cand bet ‘onthe game,Whichis*¢ommion,according ‘tore art pdmblers,’’hd the‘only’apparent};differenced is“at!the”‘officers:“rundown”the negroes’and latid them in jail while no effort is madé to geteasesagainstthebaseballgamblers. When the question was put to the police yesterday afternoon the an- ewer was that most of the so-calledgamblingonballgamesissimplytalkTheofficerssaythatthere little actual betting on the games; that very little money is being “put up”on them But the fans,on the]Drquiet,are said to tell another story. Mr.Pope’s.Brother Hurt in of Statesville, No particulars weregiveninthemessagesreceivedfromtherailroadpeopleandMr.Pope has been unable to secure any informa- tion of consequence. Cherryville Sunday:a week ago forRedBluff,Cal.,to visit another broth-er,and it is believed that he was a passenger on one of the trains whichwerewreckedduringthestormonthe last account Mr, Pope's wife at Cherryville had receiv-ed no information about her husband.It is feared that he.was badly injur- ed and that the name and address ofhisbrotherhere:was taken from anenvelopeinhis message from the railroad people inTexasstatedthatfurther-develop- ments.would be_reported. Dr.Geo.W.Long Comes toStatesville. Mrs.B..H.Adams and son,MasterBarnett,who.spentwithMrs.Adams’parents,Dr.Mrs.Geo,W.Long,in Graham, turned home last week.Dr.Long,who has been in bad health a longtimeandhasspentmuchtimeinhos- His brother left pocket. several pitals,accompanied Mrs.orge’s Channel,and it soon becameviousthatahostilesubmarinewasinpursuit.The Arabic put.on’fullsteamandoutdistancedthesubma-|(heir home with nm her recent trips the Arabic had assengers than in ere were 105 numerous sandbags asagainstgunfire.en as an indication that in case sheweresightedbyaUboatthebiglinerintendedtotakeachagettingaway,trusting to her speedebnsistedofaboutIlFinchcommand- ff which the liner wentdown,lies close to the lane ofshiptrafficbetweenWngland —It is about 40‘of Old’Head:of-Kin:the,”Lusitania’.submarines:havesincethe: times of peace.the cabin,of whom five’were Ameri-nd 80 in the steer: ¢had:been utilized to ecat-ry great quantities’of war munitions)purchased in the United States ‘forGreatBritain, 260 men.Capt. Oné-of the few largesselsremainingintheservice,when she sail-ed from New York-on Ju»had aboard approximate!of cargo—almost ‘all o:phlies.Aeroplanes and:autosrvabilontiagesapeportionof,»the cargo.Attack by a Germanmarine:apparent ed,. Statesville and is now a patient attheSanatorium...Mrs:Long will join,him’here later‘and they will maker,and Mrs.Adams. Steepnmin aetna seaemeeeeeeet 4ponmagiaarcadiatester cd ga lakNO8. tie tee Maes BRIEF ITEMS: —The Civie Léa;club rooms this 4 t5 —Mr.Jo.T.Ba OFthenewmiller-forthe StCompany,sueccéeding Mr.ley,who is.now n 1StatesvilleFlourMil.— t hip has bought mownshi0Lapahaet15acresoftheJ, a tract ‘already owned by—Mr.J.F.Henninger hstockofgents’furnishin, Smithey &Fraley,whothegoodstotheirWil Mr.Henninger is leg tate Pond:Motor Geabiiaity—iThe “Mol :j :to be:mailing out purchasera*sharing checks at the ratethousanda’day.is the first local Fordortacheck,The j 0, STATESVILLE,N.C,,TUESDAY,AUGUST 24,1915. TO WAR ON.ILLITERACY For’the MoonlighttoTeachIlliterateAdultstoReadandWrite—Mrs,B.F.Long a Member oftheCommittee. Plans for the illiterac ITALY TO WAR ON TURKEY. And This May Move the BalkanStatestoGoin‘and ¢Share of the Spoils, Italy.has declared war ‘a:and the Htalian ambassadorhasleftConstantinople.MarquisItalianambassadortoSaturdayhandedtotheP.declaring that Italy consselfinastateanddemandedhisreasons:given.in the no’declaration of war were the ¢given by Turkey to the revolt in IlepreventionofthedepaofItalian-residents-fromAlthoughItaly--decla on.Austria on May 24 and hostilities be-tween the two powers.began imme-diately,there has nevet*been any dec-laration of war between|Italy andGermany,while until now ITurkeynominallyhavebeenat peace.Friction between Turkey and Italy;however,has been in.evidence’sishortlyafterthelatter’s entry intoinJunethereweretalianconsuls»gradually leavingeTurkey and thatAmericanofficialsweretakingover!RethetaskoflookingoutforItalianLaterchargesweremade}that the Ottoman government wastheseconsulsfrom‘feay-t similar.coercion was be-civilians who) THE BALL GAMES. The Winnersae Losers of the EVENTS INTHE CHURCHES.| Organization of Young People— |Sunday’s CharchpiateevioeandOther Statesville went to ”Gastonia yes- terday for three games,and Gastonia will be here the last half ofYesterday’s game was a victory forseoreof4to2>The Representatives of.the Young Peo-e's’Unions of the Associate.Re-rmed Presbyterian churchesNorthCarolina,in session at Hun-sville last week,effected an organ- tion which is ex:factor in building up the work of the-a Frank W.Orr 0’“1 te waselected preside nejorganization,Miss Josephine Miller of‘Sardis secretary,Mr.rd Gastoncounty,treasurer.igham of “Huntersyille,Rev.J.H.Pressly of Statesvile andRev.G.L.Kerr of King’s Mountain,were elected directors and they willgenera]direction of the work. of the new organi- in Statesville.rominent ‘speakers at meetin’were by Morganton witd2Lenoirwonthefirstthree out ofthefourgameswithStatesvilleonthelocaldiamondlast°week, Statesville gave the visitors a wal-loping’in the last ‘game Saturday.Statesville got a majority of ten runsSaturday,the score being 13 to 3.Lenoir used four pitéhers in“the-last of war with Turkey to be a strong te for Italy's}Gy, nt of the new routhers,.while Wells and ‘Bernsenwereusedascatchers.SforStatesvilleandMarshall was inhisplacebehindthebat.There were Rey,|four home runs during the game—three by Statesville players and onebyaLenoirplayer.. Twelve innings were necessary ‘toshowthewinnerinthefirstgameofthedouble-header. Statesville 3,but in the ninth Pork-orney of Statesville made a hrunandtiedthescore,Neither team ‘The next meetin vation will be he! oewasfor —Those who undertook to cleanBethanygraveyardthe19th,wererainedoutandallinterestedare.in-vited to meet here tomorrow,if it is raining tomorrow to comeday.Ladies are asked to attendprovideluncheon.ay—There will be a “misai -pics:nie”at Concord church,Dr.Homer Me Atlanta will’speak in the forenoonandMrs.J.S.Nesbit of Korea in the grounds and the public on +-Mr.and Mrs.Fred.Slane havereturnedfrom‘Grafton,W.spent a few days atofMrSlane’s mother,Mrs.John,who.is.ill with fever.Mr.W.Slane is now with hisMrs.Slane’s condition was —iAs a result of a meetingdayofpartiesinterestedin FolaCottonMills,arrangements:weremadebywhichthemillwillbe-start--xeedjust~soon-hag i ma eae got er.‘The mill |ear on account of depress.ions.Bae ©Huntersviller.G.G.Parkinson of Erskine Theo-gical Seminary,Due West,8, were}Rev.J.W.Carson,secretary of YoungPeople’s Work in ‘the denomination;v.Dr.W.W.Orr of Charlotte,Rev.J.G.Dale,missionary.to Mexico.A number of excellent:papers were read.‘eon Up to,the ninth The North Carolina’Conference oftheTennesseeLutheranSynodmeetsEeenrrow,at os fee tasecounty,fiye miles from xin,aRev.W.A.Lutz,pastor of St:‘Jobn’surch,Statesville,will leave Thurs- day to attend the conference.i -West of AshevillepreachedatBroadStreetchurchSun-day morning.At the close of hissermonMr.West presented the needsoftheChildren’s Home at Winston-Salem,the orphanage of the WesternNorthCarolinaMethodistConference,andaspecial callection was taken for Mr.West said theHomeisnow:caring for 135 childrenon.the waiting list applica- ing exerted over ItalianwishedtoquitTurkishItaly’s declaration of war agaiTurkeyisexpectedtohaveanalmotimmediateeffectontheBalkanStates,which still are debating which side‘they will take in the conflict.tions between Italy.and RoumaniaJonghavebeenintimateanditispre-dicted that,especialy in viewof:thethreateningattitudeoftheGermanicpowersbecauseofRoumania’s refus-to.allow ammunition to —passthreughherterritory,Roumania’willjointheQuadrupleEntente.‘Bulga-ria is waiting for Serbia’s reply tothe_suggestions ef—the Entente min-isters that Serbia cede Macedonia to both got’two runs each in eleventh, bringing the score to another tie of In the twelfth inning ‘Le-noir scored again,thus winning and closing the game.By/jagreement only seven innings in ‘the second game,which was won by Lenoir on a scoreStatesvillescoredthefirstruninthesecondinningandLenoirgotherfirstinthefourth,when Bit-bat and knocked aNeitherteam<scored in thefifth,but when Bitting came to batagaininthesixthhemadeatwo-The next man to bat madeahitwhichputhimsafeonfirst,andat.the same time Bitting ran’basesandscored.Bitting thus scoredrunsforLenoir,and Bitting ismanwhowasresponsiblefor shedouble-header.ItthatLenoirandStatesville ‘squabbloverBittingafewweeksago:missed a ‘game ‘thereby,It be played to make up for thegame,but Bitting should not belowedtoplaybutonemE~ rand ‘hedid‘all ‘the «e{- pitehed for Statesville|”through the eleventh:inningfirst,game of the double-header anithetwelfthby.)€itchers the tes.and «Men ecently beenplanned_forthe Bloomfield mill.sec« auspices of thesocialservicecommitteeoftheCivicLeague,and two of our ablest teachers havevolunteeredtheirservices.that schools may be started in o sections of the town and county.No more important work has ever been undertaken in our State and by united effort it can.be made.a success.LetugseetoitthatStatesvilleandIredell county come up tothe full measureoftheiropportunity. Aambling—What’s —the Differ- inner‘on the —_is invited... ting went to the institution. Sunday —evening’swasheldattheFirst.PresbyterianchurchandwasattendedbyalargeThesermonwas‘bDr;Charles Anderson of ‘the Fi»Whose subject wasermon,which With inclusion of Italy amongkey’s opponents in theformer’s well.known dipansionintheNearEas’ them to.enterashareofwhat falls to thejp.It is for them to'de-)cide whieh side is likely to win. ‘Colored ie a in Session in war and the }¢ongregation. Baptist church,“Making a Li ‘Was a strong one,was basedvieto-fMion’s experiments in searchPines,ete.Special musi¢.tydeeeaninspiring’feature of the serv- }’Next Sunda’ which évening’s union serv-1 First Baptist«H.Pressly is sched- G.G.\Parkinson of Due West,visiting:.in Statesville;preach-edbat the First,Associate’Reformed LePresbyterianchurchSunday’morn-i ise ht Beg ew aan tid abel 0.“Mrs.John.S.:Nesbit,missionary toorea,spoke to,the ladies of:FrontStreetPresbyterianchurchSaturda:afternoon and at Sunday afternoon.went to Mooresville to fill an appont-ment and from there she goes to BackCreek,Bethesda and other Presbyte-rian churches.Mrs.Nesbit,who.isan_entertaining.speaker,talks inter-.estingly of conditions in Korea andthemissionworkthere.Mrs.NesbitwastheguestofMrs.Robt.Y:Me-Neely while in Statesville,|J.,W..Jones ‘of Mooresville,recently appointed pastor of RaceStreet:church,has taken charge oftheworkandwillfillhisappoint-He.will ngt movetothe‘parsonage for the ‘present,asMrs.Jones is at the springs. Merchants’Association €oersLiveTopics.: At the regular meeting of the Mer-chants’Association,held in the Com-mercial club rooms Friday‘evening,thecpmmitteeappointedtoprepareanditionsinIredellcount:é Hollis rural credits bilreportedthatthepetitionswillbeout’within a few days.The committee on wide tires and im:proved roads:will present at the nextmeetingadraftofabilltoedtothenextLegislatureThetreasureroftheFourthofJulcommitteemadehisreport,whicshowedthatallbillshadbeenbutthatnotenoughmoneyhadcollectedtocovertheexpensesofthecelebration,the balance being advane-ed by the Merchants’.Association.Persons who have not paid their sub-scriptions ‘to this fund will be asked to ehureh,Rev.JThe49thannualconventionof?the uled to preachBaptist.Association,whichinsessionatithelocal¢o!-t.church.on’Greenistrectince}ay,Closed.Sunday’eve-ig.The,association ‘embraces!the¢d°Baptist churchesor quiteer)of :counties ind'61-ofhes.were:représented’inThe200°delegatés wereentertainedbyPasterO.J.Allen andthemembersofthelocalchurch.ThelocalBaptistswereproudofthefactthat.they.could entertain the asso-ciation in their rebuilt ehurch,whichismuchlargerandagreatimprove-ment over the old edifice.The sessions of the association arereportedasharmoniousandhelpful..G.O,,Bullock Of Winston-Salemwasmoderator,Rev.J.W.HarristonofSpencerwassecretaryandLay-man J.Hi.Owens of Reidsville wasThereports:of the dele-gatés showedmembershipduring the past year,butthere“was little or no increase in thefinancesduringtheyear.During thesessionsoftheassociation,however,a total of $1,511.88 was |raised forA.thousand -dol-lars of this amount will be used to-ward the purchase of 188 acres oflandatWhitney,where the coloredBaptistswill.establysh ‘a’denomina-All thé old officers oftheassociation.were.re-elected foranotheryearandMt.Zion church ofSalisburywasvotedthenextmeeting was pevianed in vand »than}a Bs gaseht —The ie irs ame PrestheaacueeeghtforStatesvillein= ‘or Lenoir durin;Bernsen.caught Yesterday!she Graded School Opens September13—The New Building. The Statesville graded schools will: open for the fall session Monday,Sep- tember 13th.It was the purpose to have the opening Mond:it has been found thatbuildingineastStatesville will not beroccupancythatearly.Thefinishingtouches:are.now being |on the new building and the ya:Only five:class’roomswill.be finished at presenmeansythatnotmorethanwillbetaughth.at the East End school,the coming session.the school board tells The Landmark’ that he is in favor.of completinnewschooluptothehighschool de-partment as soon as the school funds and enrollment will justify it, WILL DEPOSIT GOLD FOR COT-TON. —Mr.D.F,Jenkins.is.arrangingtoerecta:brick building cehislotonCenter.str :gk ag OilMr.J.P.iyenkinsownstheproptee-Mills -propertyhethaserectiepeopleonanalley onlot,adjoining the M ~The doctors engagedhoidcampaignare s'istering the vaccine.Fewmentsarenowbeinggiven,:1ismuchsecondandthird,treatmswork.After today the :riod for vaccination at the court homitted.The’eve- tka ect of the eavioalenMEmeeendofthecampaign.Up.,terda:ns had..,4,Bytheir“arst rat inents at the free dia-bensaries in town and county. Belongedtothe ChurchtoHideHisQuart.Atthe local express office the other‘day several colored citizens ect,fortheCompany(Texaco),— ts regularly.ments.regularly.the. ouse for the The chairman ofchurchpurposes. tional schéol. ‘dispensary will2hingperiodwiSecretaryMcAdooannouncedlast night that in view of the action of the allies in putting cotton ‘on the contraband list he would,if,it became necessary,deposit $30,000,000 or mare in gold in the Federal Reserve Banks} at Atlanta,Dallas and Richmond for the purpose of enabling the reserve} banks ‘to re-discount loans on.cotton secured by warehouse receipts made by national banks and State banks be- ossagusSevereCyclone—Mr.Hoover's Messrs.W.B.and I,D:Harris ofsouthIredell,who were in town Sat-urday,told The Landmark of a cy-clone in.their neighborhood Fridaynight,which greatly damaged Mr.Gray Hoover,who lives near CoddleCreekchurch,about six miles t_confined to the coletionbyanymeansbuttheythemainbodyofa“¢yclone “was practically con-occasion:)One offinedtoMr..Hoover’s farm.ered a space about 200:yardsacrosshisfarm:and in that area laid everything “in waste,barn was blown down,two fine mulesandaregisteredGuernseycowkilled,a horse and other cattle crippled,other buildings .damagedcropsinthepathofthe cyclone de- Holland Bros.were elected mem-bers of the Association. Automobile Aceidents. As the number of automobiles andspeedersincreasesthenumberofac-likewise increasing.AmachinetanffanembankmentoftheNorthCarolinaPostRoad,séver-al miles out,from Statesville,Thurs-day evening,and the occupant,‘a manwhosenamecouldnotbelearned,was hurt about the face,while hismachine:was ‘slightly damaged.An-other machine pulled the crippled one EARLY MORNING MARRIAGE. L.C.Johnson.and Miss Fannie Ab-ernethy of the Catawba section,weremarriedattheofficeoftheregisterof}th, deeds at Newton.at 1 o’clock yester-day morning.Had been at Ball'sCreekcampmeeting,decided to ‘wededforthwith. WAITING FOR FACTS. It was:announced at”the House yesterday that as soon as the facts regarding the sinking.of.the went outside.trouble in doingéebystanderssaid him:* inyer han’. ‘I b’longs ter de church an’ft don’wan't er cause talk,”said hetryingtoconceal Mr.Hoover's Little damage of Consequence wasdonein:the neighborhood outside of’s farm,but his loss is but the fellow who was This,also,was sale; 5 ‘ back,into the road and \after minorrepairsitproceededonitsjourney.In searching for information aboutabove-mentioned —accidentnewspaperreporterheardthat aracingmachinehadleapedfrombridgenearLongIslandFriday.In-quiry revealed that this machine wasaSalisbury,man,who es-caped injury.He,too,got his carbackInto.the road and went his way. —Licénse was issued yesterday af-terndon for the marriage of MissLiteGabrielandMr.Thomas Jef-ilkerson,both of Davidson -~~Mé.-C,“A,Grose’of Harmony re- Ss .'new corn bread”—bread madefromthisyear's crop of corn, eeeitcrack a Arabic are:ascertained the govern-nd keeping down talk wasment’s course of action will be deter-REM oa cee Not EnoughWater to Bite Bub-|bl a serious matter to. g about “biting the bubble”atpfountainsandkeepingthelipsoffthemetalforsan-y reasons,a Statesville man saysbleinthistownisthat.the]‘itt the fountains doesn’t shoot fier,ayoung ady»Miss Minnie Frag’at Hotel Irédell,was:¢ Gov.Craig,who spent the sum-mer in Asheville,has returned to Ral-eigh and will tomorrow.case of Chas.Trull ofTrullisundefsentence othe‘insanity plea has been.invoked, télling of the ‘su Four of the five convicts employedontheNewtontownship,C:Pcounty,road repair force,made a get+away yesterdawhiteman-—Jim 1,ughter of Mrs.Pais Wnetal:.if saving theofthetream shouhy oid fever SaturdaylundayatTaborchurch.‘Miss Dora Baker,a yo‘this 2 o'elo —The Sunday schoo!)hurch will picnic atursday,.26th, oh .Die vitaeVIDUALS. A good many people and néewspa-|NR “pers are constantly saying what The Uplift says in the following:: If we really wish the terrible war!””o stop,thereby restorin gente oS of the South’s greates production;and if we really want,Bu- rope to have peace,we should first of ,‘alt quit’selling the Europeans arms ‘and ammunitions with which to con- tinue fighting one another.are ae 2 we claim to be,then we will stop creating and furnishing the .engines of destruction to our neighbors across the water.fThatisthenatural thing to say and on its face it sounds well.,When two individuals.get into a scrap it is, considered proper for bystanders to stop them by force,if it can be done; and if they can’t be stopped the next thing considered proper is to keep all weapons out of reach,so that the least possible injury’may be done. It’s a pity.this rule isn’t recognized among nations,but it isn’t.When ©two nations go to fighting the custom ~sognd-the-practice is..so.well récog- nized that it has the force of inter- national law if it isn’t actually inter- national law—is for all nations not ‘taking part in the fight to stand aside and declare their neutrality—that is to say,to profess that they don’t care wheih side whips—that they have “no ruthers,”as the late Billy Miller of Statesville said about a fight between two individuals,neither of whom he admired.Not only do the nations do that,but it is a part of the custom ana the practice to supply the bel- ligerents such supplies.as they want to buy and can pay for—munitions of war and food and clothing.Some- times this.gives one belligerent an advantage ovér another,because ‘one may be so situated that it can get supplies from neighbors and the oth- er may be so situated that it can’t. That is the case now in the European war.England and France can get *supplies from the United States,but ~Germany is so situated that her en- __emies have practically shut her out of ~the markets of this country.In the case of the individual scrap,the real neutral,if called on for ‘any f sort of ‘help by either-of the combat~ants,would consider tatittwagsteutrahelpneither;‘batai»hie would hel who was get e argument.But thisbBgcaseofnations,It iascsidecod ts RnneutralBG: ve ides—if th $0 sell to one while it sold to another, |“put.it would cease to be neutral when%"it did so and would become a party “'“to the dispute.ne ;; >i It would have been a fine thing if all the neutral countries of the world had,at the outset of the European war,notified the belligerents that they could get nothing from them. But it would have paralyzed com- merce.As the Newton Enterprise has so forcibly pointed out,we could- n’t stop selling arms and ammunition “and go on selling food and.clothes for __,the armies in the field,unless we want ke “et‘a to lay ourselves liable to the chargeofhypocrisy..We couldn't pose as holier-than-thou and refuse :them weapons with which to fight,while we sold them food and clothes to keep them fit to fight.The only course, then,would be to stop all sales what- ever;and nobody who is demanding that:the sale of arms and ammuni- tion be stopped has,so far as we are “advised,proposed that we go to that extreme.In fact most of those who denounce as inhumane the sale of in- struments of death to the belliger- ents,would doubtless say it was in-’ humane to refuse to sell them food and clothes.|ve It is useless to say that things should be this way.or that,It.is.a ,condition and not a theory that con-fronts us,and we must be governed by the customs and practices of na- tions as they are,rather than as theyshouldbe,unless we want to take ahand.And we must remember,whatMostofthosewhodemand.the cessa-tion’of the sale of munitions of warseemtoforget—that we may be introublesometimeourselves.Thetimemaycome—and soon—although we pray it may never come,when wewouldwanttobuyarmsandammu- nition,abroad;when it would be neéces-sary,for our preservation,that weeouldbuythesethingsfromother..”countries.If we had repudiated this ;ie practice ‘we could not demand that webeaccommodatedbecauseconditionshadchanged;and if we only had re-pudiated the practice,our enemiescouldgetalltheyneeded,while we _could get none,which would be de- ¢idedly to our disadvantage. When this cruel war is over— If we{to4 ly,and truly.the peacemakers |» -The Seaboard Air Line railwaywillerectTee‘at Portsmouth,Va.,to cost ,000 and the force ofmethanics.will be ‘increased from 700 The ‘Rubsian 2 Sy,announcesthatbydecreeoftheEmperoryounmenoftheclassof1916havebeencalledtothecolors,dating from!Au-gust 20,No exemptions:whateverbyreasonoffamilyconnectionsorofstudyabroad‘will be allowed.° In Boston jail sentences varying inlengthfromthreeto$8 months wereimposedonfourmenconvictedof.as-saulting policemen and rioting inconnectionwith-the d ure of sev-eral hundred -Italian»reservists:forItaly.Got.what they deserved:andgotofflight.;oAuthorizationtostrikeif necessarytogain'an eight-hour day and im-proved working conditions was givento15,000 machinists in four NewYorkandNew.England cities by theexecutiveboardof>the-International Association of Machinists;“in”sessioninWashingtonlastweek, The board of directors of the At-lanta chamber of commerce _have ‘unanimously adopted resolutions de-nouncing the lynching of Leo Frank and urging the:Governor and other State ~officials:to -exert--every.-efforttoapprehendandconvictthelynch- ers,who are,denOunced as a secret, oath-bound organization.; The home ofSidne Allen,one of the participants in noted court housetragedyatHillsville,Va.,consistingof400acresofland,has been sold to. satisfy judgments for attorneys’feesandcourtcostsandforagreedjudg- ments for damages in suits brought by relatives of the murdered court’ officials,The judgments ‘to be satis- fied aggregate*about.$12,000.: A breach of promise suit for $75,-) 000 has been brought against RobertS.Gaskill,-a wealthy retired lawyer,by 17-year-old Catharine Abrams ofRedLion,N.J.Mr.Gaskill is 58 years old.The girl alleges Gaskill started courting her when she was but 14 and while his wife was still liv- ing.They were to have been mar-ried_last.September,she—alleges: Ten men were-killed by .WilliamMcGriffe,a negro legally hangedThursdayatMoultrie,Ga.,accordingessionhemade.on t:se d for t °ton,A”ere‘me a eat ghe told on the ion to these heedthreemen’in north AlabaHinsouthesoneinLouisiana,and an officer in Tallahassee,Fla.l:““ht-a meeting of the American BarAssociationatSaltLakeGity,Utah,sb week,ex-Senator ElihuRoot 9Kvprésident,boro, ‘a,two iDby..amob.vidlence, n “ind accomplished’in iaspiritofsavage,remorseless cruelty unworthy of our age and time.”The question of admitting women to mem-bership:in the association was againdeferred.: Mr.Bickett_a Business Man as Well as Lawyer and Orator. Louisburg.Times. So much has been said in the.pub-lic press about the oratory of.our countyman,the Hon.T.W.Bickett,that there is danger that the realstrengthofMr.Bickett may be ob-secured;For 15 years before he waseverheardofinthisStateasanor-ator,Mr.Bickett was a hard-work-ing office lawyer and during theseearshelaidthesurefoundation.ofisSuccess.To this day,here’in his own county,he is valued’not somuch'on account of his power as ‘a speaker,as on atount.of:his.judg-ment and common:sense in advisinhisclientsabout’their.business af- fairs.As:a prominent citizen ex-pressed it the other day,‘Bickett’sofficehasaelearinghousefor the troubles of the unfortunate,and a conversation with him is well-nigh an inspiration to a man in financialdistress.”Something has been said about.abusinessGovernor.If this means amanwhohaskeensympathywith the business life of ‘the State,and has the ability to comprehend a.busi-ness situation,then Franklin’coun- ty,with a knowledge born of expe-rience,presents Mr.-Bickett asbusinessGovernor:i IatnenaeneainaadaeneaaiaeiieinnanieniaiiaeeeelBoysandGirlsWillSaState.. In the opinion of Lieutenant Gov-ernor Daughtridge the boys’corn, pig and poultry clubs and the girls’pouty and tomato clubs that haveeenorganizedthroughouttheStategivepromiseofquicklyrelievingthe State of the drain of $40,000,000 to$50,000,000 that now go out of theStateyearlyforsuppliesthatshouldberaisedathome,The Lieutenant Governor was.inRaleightoaddressthemeetingofcorn¢lub boys and farm demonstra-tors last week.He’said he feels surethatthismovementforenthusing,thecountryboysandgirlsintheclubworkwilldevelopinthemostrapidway.possible the production of homésuppliesandendthedrainontheStatethathasinthepasttakenaboutthefullmoneyvalueofthecot-ton grown as the money crop.Heexpectstheseboys’clubs to bring uptheproductionofcornandmeatandthecanningclubstohavetheeffectofSavingfromwastevastquantitiesoffruitsandvegetablesthathave|heretofore’been left to decay in thefieldsorgotowasteinotherways. ‘|Recommends Chamberlain's ColiHi|and Diarrhoea Remedy.mee ieee ve the ‘of:id's Bi in’thé /GonceTonge a mals and.guiding.the boat: inion.’purotens in NoandWantstoTmarkWiththe| _|Byerything.»”Because we happen tomanthanJudge{ville ‘Landmark,«thatcallsuponustohand.down a.leed:opinion.concerning:claim.'re-cantly set up,.and apparently proven,by fabricated blocks .of retehieroglyphics—-to the effect that OldMan‘Noah,and not-»Man.as.had been generally .ed,the direct cause of dithehumanrace—that Qld Man.ate the forbiddenfruit,and:preablydied,instead of personally,con-ducting his exeursion’to Mount Ar-rarat.Of course we ,are’willing:tostraightenoutanyofthesetangledskeins;willing to assist them and whocravesinformation;willing to relievethegreattensionthestatementoftheexplorershasae.fearthat.we must disappoint thse whowanttoseetheidolsof.centuriessweptaside+-and false gods placedxcsoohistory‘of the makingof the world.Ga ages 0aStrange,and passing strange it,that these scientific men delve deepintoburiedcenturiesandexhiumethedocumentsgrayeninstonetoprovethatGenesis.and...geology.will’notdovetail;that»Moses—at--best..only.wrote a history as old as time};thattheantediluvian.patriarchs of whomhespokefamiliarlywereof.recentorigin—and that far back in thé twi-light of history—in the aneworld’s.dawn-—there had~béen menand.women with.loves .and “hates-——there had been great empires.andvastconcernssuteaatng,by|fiftythousand—-aye,,by a.millién’Years, the simple annals of theBook ofGenesis.>eae These.mer in goggles;these s0-called archaeologists—these is, who throw ‘their legerdemain:and‘prove that now you see i ad nowyoudon’t—take a lot of;wretched pic-tures of horses and:meén and dragonsyandsnakesandbirdsand‘worms—and tell you thatthe translation.of this picture of a zoological.denreadssoandso—and,we the _be-nighted,in holy -horror.exclaim,’!Isittrue”—and the professor says it is. These translators of languages,i languages they are,set up their con- clusions and arrive at whatever suits their fancy,and we reverently aeceptitas-a truth.The North American mens..of art—covered js,buffalol-:|;0hes pwith these rude,caricatyres—and yet.no North American,Indian ev-er professed togu z ee ro ,Beientific Chaps \cduld3aeteftlanslate‘ithepicturé¥layd.prove'to'us that Colonel Als.Watts,was divinely inspired:to fire the proprietor of the,StatesvillePanatariamwho‘conducted.,businessin,the Federal building.Absolute-ly prove it,and the jury‘would,Bringinaverdictofguilty,from¢m the paint-edBie ak without leavirig the-box.yAeisgtieeYoNoahtdHttag’thensgTaceahand”his jag {dite’comfilie in’at this"late “day ‘amdela$e,pee @ Oldguiltlessof!th Ro bakén.WegtY_Adam—and ‘havebeenparticularlystruckwithhisre-|mark,because’it was from’that thatwomengotthecue,when hé told GodthatheheardHisvoiceintheGar-den,but he didn’t respond because hedidn’t have Seer to wear.Eve hearing this plausible excuse took it of;the | ‘search-|ers in the dark rooms:of antiquity;these word.ebnjurers these fellows| Indian with his red crayon,drew.pic-tures of animals—the ago ec.|Maw an Adant;yee he made: Ve:By[PHONE&9 FOR”| In suits filed sim Se:Big Federal courts at Little.aod Memphis,’Tenn.,- ged destructionof w:and sew-aloged deste andronan glystreets,,highways and bridges insissippiriver‘fiheagtionsare directed —againstinsboatofdirectorsofthe.4FrancisLeveeDistrictofArkansas, the Kansas the dikes constructedby «the defendantsontheArkansasside_of at Memphis more than 11 feét.Claims also areees,which have strength with the natural flow of th the stream which have overflowedlargeportionofNorthMemphis.MOTHER OFSCHOOL CI stored Her Daugh- ter’s Health. my 13 year old ‘4 about it and they did not help her any. Lydia E.Pinkham’s fF “pound had been of } | |come right...She was so poorly and |weak.that I often had to help her dressthergelf,but.now-she_is-regular-and-is-;growing strong and healthy.’’—~Mrs. TIN,HELVIG,Plover,Towa. Hundreds.of ‘such letters expressing|| |plished aré*donstantly:béing reveived;' i itt eee al Pie aNS iit|‘yf you dre ill do not drag along and ‘continue to suffer day in and day out but‘at once take Lydia E:Pinkham’s Vege- table Compound,‘womian’s ils, LydiaFE.Pinkham ‘Medicine €o.(confl-dential)Lynn,Mags,‘Your letterbeopened,|readand answered Ly a Les tiie errant Sealing Wax Preserving Powders up,and from that day every woman:we have ever known has been :in-’sisting that she didn’t have ‘anythingtowear.Old Man Adam received hissentencefor.a life time on ‘the roadwithnobittercomplainings;he tookhismedicinelikeaman—and walkedoutoftheGardenofEdenandwenttoit—earning his bread in the sweat of his _face—and-never suggesting..a Progressive party to right the wrongsofman.i pi The only presumptive proof that weseeipthe‘whole’business to’prove that:Noah was really the offender.and:held out in,the Garden of Eden.isthefaetthatineatingthefruitit.isstatedbyEvethataserpentbeguiledher..Knowing Old)Man’Noah’sweaknessforwineandrecallingtheonerecordedjagmight,suggest thathesaw.-snakes—-but’itman,as the latter record tuns,who!dealt with the serpent,and this ofcoursemakesNoah’s case weak,;- But in:order that Judge Clark;mayproceedwithanysupplementary.tes-timony or opinion,we hold that ‘the Original Story,asit appears in Gen-esis,is the true one;that Old Man Eve suggested to him:to share herhame—and that she was the vietim:of the beguiling serpent:which eatedher:when-she did eat;That OldManNoahhadaboutallhe:could do in his personally conducted excursiontoMountArraratinfeedingtheani- f And we further -find that Old ManNoahisentitledtopunitivedamagesina’sum not less than fifty thousanddollarsfordefamationofcharacter,and that Judge Clark of the States-ville Landmark pay the costs of this.intetrogatory proceeding.—eo Mr.Daughtridge Doesn’t Think .the Contest Settled,Asked about his campaign for theDemocratic_gubernatorial —_nomina-tion,in Raleigh last.week,Lieut.Gov.Daughtridge declared,that \de~velopments to his (advantage havemorethan.fulfilled his ‘expectationsthusfarandthatasmattersnowstandhewillcertainlybeinthecon-test to the cote and with a fine pros-pect for w ing the nomination.He says that in spite of sp a of his opponent,Attorney meralBickett,to have a following assuredthatgiveshimthenomination,hebelievesthatthere-has really beennocrystalizationofopinionordefinitelining-up of forces on which estimatesthatreally.mean’anythibased,an:hg can.behebelievesthat.the sober.and final thought of the folk out intheStatewill Jay was the wor-|. Adam ate of the forbidden fruit;that, Jelly Glasses Apple Vinegar Jar Caps and Rubbers Mason Jers Spices and Extracts. hee. Our line is complete.-Eagle &Mitholland. NOTICE TO INSOLVENTS! missioners has ordered thatallinsolvent,taxpayers are required to take notice thatunlesstheyappearattheofficeoftheRegisterofDeedsonorbeforeOctober1,1915,and pay the taxesduebythem~-for the years1911and1912,publicationoftheirnameswillbemadeasrequiredbylawandsuch J.E..BOYD, - as Aug.6.Clerk to Board. ‘|VALUABLE LAND ATPRIVATE SALE. oo he der the terms of the Will of Mrs.Har-rietoffers at private sale,a valuable ‘tract of county,N, For terms apply to :Cc,H.BROWN,Executor,R.B.McLaughlin,Atty,July 13,1916. Build with Brick your old house.Warmer in winter,coolér in summer,dliminates frozen}every advantage.Solid ee at ane Cyard nese 5BridgeCompanyanereceiversof|#c St.Eoute and San Francisco rail-|d.k ¢mertis:alleged that ‘the levees and|¢ the river|%from Point Pleasant,Mo.,to Helena,|Ark.,have‘increased the.high waters|} made that.the lev-|been ened|and made higher,since 1910,interfere|4riverin|its high-water course,resulting in un-|§natural floods on the Memphis side of| aid ‘Tells How Lydia E.Pinkham Vegetable Compound Re-| %¥Plover,lowa.—*+From ‘a small child /#daughter had female|4weakness.I spoke| mito three doctors}? Vegetable Com-|§ uid great benefit to me,|% ay 50.Idecidedto have |; |cordingtodirections on the bottle and |i|she is cured of this trouble.‘She was'%|all run down when she started taking |% |the Compound and ‘her periodsdjdnot|¥ |gratitude forthe good\Lydia E;‘Pink-v@.,a written lan-|ham’s Vegetable Compound hak accomi-:| provingthe'reliability of ‘this grafd old| @ Woman’s remedy for| The Board of County Com- other action taken as mayesibenecessary.i lark,deceased,the undersigned executor| land lying on the Catawba river in Catawba|#C.containing 151 acres more or|#less and known as the Alexander Olark place.|}(he tract contains 50 acres of ofiginal forest|}and 40 acres of river ‘bottom lands.The estate \¥‘offers a house and lot ij Troutman and |#ari_island of 10.acres in the Catawba river.|# Troutman,N,C./# Build a Brick House or Brick-Veneer |f ~Good ICE WEIGHTS and punctual de: .”“Scliveries,Want some of that kindof ICE SERVICE?Let us know by any way you like it.; Te l e l a ST S lS SL E S SL EL S ee Se l e ee SL E Sl e e le e ee y , Statesville Ice &Fuel Company. ICE AND COAL—WE TELL. ‘as %% PRsPHONE 205——— |YOUR OPPORTUNITY | ~—To Buy a Nice farm and Get Ready for Next Year’s Crop. ‘No 1-345 acres in Elmwood.All school and church conveniences. Strong land,40 acres in ,bottom,8-roam house,large barnandouthouses.:éNo.2—77 acres 34 miles east of city.This propertylies on the sand-clay highway now being constructed by the government.IsidealforDairyandTruckfarming.©~~//5No.3 +40 acres 1 1-4 miles from public square.Splendidly.adapted for Dairy purposes,Live Stock and Poultry.No.4—60 acres in Wilkes county just across Iredell line—a bargain."40 city lots in east Statesville,known as ‘Park Place’—$15 down,balance in monthly payments of $5.__10 lots in Bloomfield.Terms ey:Six-lots in.south Statesville.a--section fast developing.““Severat nice houses-and LCallonmeandlearnwhatIhave. es’ {af you want special advice.write to;= woman‘and:held in strict confidence. aS R YOUR HORSESANDDOSETTESMAKEITDOUBLYEASYPOR°WORK THAN YOU EVER DID BEFORE BY USING THEOLIVERCHILLEDPLOWS Gives CHILLED METAL:thecartedshagecnt pelea‘turning qualitiesof the mouldbuards,aad thepropersetofthe an ‘OLIVER (CHILLED PLOWS ase without:exception the -Lightest Draft ‘Plows Made Either YOU KNOWfi adusl experience whattheOLIVERPLOWSwilldoofyouhavehenedpoorneighboreellaboutthem.Why.Not,Get'in Lines,NOW2? Fata e i Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware Com Statesville,N.C. pany, oR I“The Mark of Quality.” MORE EVIDEN +The Texas Company,j Haverhill,Mass.:men;write this letter unsolicited but.thought it might be of interest #to you.I have always made a practiceof testingeanolin®to seehowmanymilesIcouldpetonagallon,andI want to say this,that+under the same conditions and on the same piece of road,that is,the:5roadfromHaverhilltoHamptonBeachaudbackbywayof-Merri-,$mac snd Amesbury,re ot age on mae gallon more onourTexacoGasolinethan[have with any other.has ni WG Yours truly,J,F..HOWARD,:ip (Owner of Marmon S$ CE. Gent %ix,)#The Texas;Company,..Lake Charles,La. Today my Hudson 33 Roadster is three yearsold,and liaVe never=had the valves ground,or any part of the engine worked on,except)cleaning of plugs once..~Se viaiy ;have used your Texaco,Motor Oil and Gasolitie,on this car,al-4 ae ae ah saved an Peeof een per month gnFand-knowyour 0 cause 0 4S ‘Uggs Yours trly,ERNESTS.:BEL..2 WHEN ‘YOU USE TEXACO—YOU GET’THE BEST—SAVE#MONEY,TIMEAND TROUBLE.—AlwaysaskforTEXACO,« which ‘we devoutly hope will be soon it is possible that the nations of the ~~earth may.enter into “bareements which willtendtoprevent hostilities “in the future,But \,I.never.hesitate to recommend Chamber-an oe ee:vejlain’s Colic,Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy,”jwrites Sol Williams,merchant,Jesde;Tenn,\“I sell more of it than of any other prepara-tions of like.character...shave:used it mye The:jself arid found it gave me more relief than|GI:anythi Ise Ifratisdoneaing have ever tried for the ame, na ving frame i Statesville Oil Company.Sere.(WholesaleDistributors.)..nes?Phone’61,Office;Robbins Ro etd eae |9leeverywhere, aa ROLLS OF Saaeeete Geeteae gen i ein f ‘*|Roster Companies €Cheshire,J.C ald,J.B..Cum- re ‘of c mings,J.N:Cummings,B..M.Cur-|»[of the Fourth Regi ol yer ‘Dingleriand|."M.B.DeFoe,M.M,ler,-noneof au E.Dilton,W.3 Ditton,Ww.mia poeeri7Jon,0bom,9 A ie *Confederate veterans “have|asked gon,J.A.Duman ee *|ee re B |The Landmark to print the of).Farr,Jos.Karr,John Farr,B.W.|(Oo ies.A,C and H of te eee 'Forcum,’T.Foreiiny 8.Frazier,W.|Ala."munt‘confess’Train North Carolina Raglets Gaither,B.C.Gaither,W.Forcum,| Nias Reid,of etplace,“snbas ate army,_these rie ‘pelts J,W.Foy,t.“Furehes,T.W.Gaith- es)Nn hae rede care.Goro e W.8 ey eee Ry |eo 1 Gofort .8 reenwood,J.«|The officers of the ern.Groce,D.A.H ,T.R.Harman,|ise,He A had a:Colapelcem Bu Ae “ieu-19D)ixoath,A.W.i th,NM.Har-|Train No,16;ax,9.50,leaves 10.85 ».m|tenant,colonel,J,A.Y¥:Ee man N.ard,T.Heath,H,Hicks,|Ve PY,Heel ic time,and wat Tran No.24 af,9.20,leaves 9.209.m,;;Sule hare drag around,|Taylorsville *™|Bryan Grimes;coma,I.M.Jones,A.B.Howard,D.M.| would iossevere’a ‘con-Trois Me.$3.9 jn iaaver 10:40 8 <a gy ns 'vingt Blount;chaplain Bex.4B.Jutney,T.L.qerney,|gam &iy.in ar.}leaves 6:45 p.m.dy FE A.sou i urney,°_Noa,28 and 24 are notoperatedopSunday.|Rev.W.A.Wood;adju Ww.J J..R.Kinder,|“gut poking Carte E bee entirely z Perry;commissary aoeb M.‘Klde,‘L.“tit J.Lemmon,|coat steOeeal algeat.t and’t bave Birthday peer cree tects Dougherty strane tet tesnaeen Asie .McHargu ai.Le Menarese,ta | ¢ou e *ar c orefie;:gained10 pounds 1 ie at Rocky prings .eee aoe Armstron adgeat|Mitchell ra _“Bag oy Rel | \Ifyouare a victim of any of the numer.|Correspondence of ‘The’Landmark Morvan,Dr Move,&.MOMise,8.|iss ousills $0 common.1 yout ee aL Danity Tee he 20-—-Weditem Cticik itera *Ai ‘Simonton;oreén,aeeee A.ih Mayes,2 wrong day,August,18th,the friends of Mr.|first Heatenant,W..A.Bii “sece|§McDaniel L.G,Morris,J.L.Pad-Forhalf century,Card has betn re:L.M.Davis gathered at the home of|ond,L.Davidson;eee G.|cette,J.C.Padgette,J.G.Powell,M. -Heving fuieuch IK proven b‘ce alore:pMr,.D,A.Lackey to celebrate Mr.Da-|Falls;ig ret eereeant,Fe Simon:arker,J.C,Privette.W.P,Patter- fs Setonponteiia ante soar by Yet.ao ee amenet atinsergeanty W.FM Rorlrie third hon,B.N.Bieta,eemecame.=.t for a su or her father,serg e Rash,B,Rash,J.W.4)issuccessful Because ités com-|who lives near her,and he did not|sergeant,E Morrisons &h 8€F-}Robertson,A.M.Richardson,NI ao nits ich act specifically know anything ‘about it until the Pot W.L.‘Shutords Rives,J.Bovis,e Shaw,J.Shaw,F. ly:constitution,and guests began to arrive.A large Cowan;first aet ~C.B.Sprinkle,J Spicer,E.ny ik Buildthe ed organs backto th|crowd wasan precent end.a fine dinnge Neslys third corporal W afMeN,ai 2 Dz Seal vii.Sprinkle,G ;¥: A was enjoy ya usic was fur-ves orpe,J.Thor e Carl hashed other,ad jnished by a graphophone and Mr,fourth corporal,E.C.Rumple.W.Simmons,N Tomlinson,ii ’you,too.Get a bottle fod ‘ou |Lackey took the children automobile| Privates—W.L.Allen,W.Thomas,Ji.f Weisoner,M.H.Weis- :‘won'tregretit.Yoo sete helding.Then they served watermel-|T-A.Bailey,S.M.Barnes,E.G.oner,M.H.Walker,J.L.Walker:P.tons and everybody went home after|H.A.Brawley,R.M.Breviw.|Wooten,T.Wooten,A.Wooten,F.cna |ja.|baving spent a pleasant day,A}r@ os ,ood,ey,De nae tenet-Home Suber of relatives 9c Stony.Point5.Tat3.8.9D.A Be Bo ompanies A,©and H of the reireclnomen,”sant ta painwrapper ae were there.It is a pleasure to meet J.S.Anglin,W.F.ra G iment.were from Tredell;B on K. oyi ia ag ae a coy Re Br Clack 7.L,Wwian J.Y.CoCoan|om Rawent N,from Davie.(1: j x ’essrs.1.A.Waiden,W.A.an tome af ’valance.of the regiment was trom>1Do You Know |bye.*ny }|A.Sharpe,G.8,and {f.B.-Murdock BB,Coenen A crite,&Gris~|the castern part of the State.fs 4 a Juméer aha took in the Mocksville:picnic.Vays a .oe The offioae ofcompany B were: %north Center street,next to.The.protracted meeting at Rocky Foraker,D C.sick Captain Jas.Wood;first lieuten- ee ter's warehouse,“EVERYTHING||Springs closed last Saturday.There|W.-L.Gillan,I.whe Hal,Pi ant THC Wiehe:‘second lieutenant, a <TO BUILD WITH?”’*Phone 43,||were a number of conversions and L,Hardin,E.Harris,CG.8.Stancill;third lieutenant,J.RB. ie ....f or drivein and loadup,It’s ready,several accessions to the church,->ae SHep Hi.D iar.aa ee ak ie SP enceenaneteanemnnaatesttreett y «Pes ial "®is *EA -ree ere ae t Watkins Hunter,E.D.C.Harris,Mi1.Hail,|,Gere fe ata Kelly;aeMoonSignstheStuff.|f y;tenant,y3a1;J.Hern,J.A.Ingram,J.7G.I~!514 \ieutenant,T.J.Brown;third eee an ere ‘wi c=J.0A Johns J.G.0.ae 'sae lieutenant,S.Davis. j e have long been a moonist.We|Johnson,ohnson,A.F,“4 0 K--Ca ,FMS Me-BIg Bean Nice Lot have always.contended that the moon/F.Kerr,G.W.Kerr,D..Kies,Neelys feat nt ec Donuee :‘had much to do with.things on this|Lampie,R:S.Lazenby,W.AcjLem=|nour:second lieutenant,a Hoff-ee ee ee ae old crust,and the man ‘who—doesn’t |ley,J.-S.er A.Leaner 19s!man:third Heutenant,H,C.Long. ee ej believe “it doesn’t have.to.believe it.|Magsey,J..C.McMasters,C e-|The Fourth.regiment was muster- <But.to know that the question is -be-ven,J.B.Morgan,J.W.Morris,Béiod into service by J..G.Martin,At-ing agitated is to thegpustard.The|A.Morris,¥Morrison,torney General,at Camp Hill,July 2d,Ae PE ACHES eee is veortainly good for some-Morrison,et!a“Murdock,-‘p.Mtur-1861.The first .colonel was Geo.Breing,and if it isn’t to assist grow-.M,ayhew,R.C.yhew,|Anderson,th dB Gri i :ing ovr te neve os the moon Pi Be sage pF +se |the third J.H.Wood bad “the fourth ey ’is right,t else can be its mis-|Plyler,J.er,W.DP Smit EF.A.Osk Rev.E.A.Os-i :-—AT—sion?Certainly the moon governs|A,Shaver,Ww.P.ener P,Smith,borne:an’Rpisespal.miniater of nee upon a time,when we person-son,.sti ,J.T brigad d M.P.Alexander &Bro.ally conducted the famous Yam Farm |W.R.Simmer,J.Stikeleather,:3.Gen.Featharetiea’tens Gem ‘coesnearDurham,we-planted potatoes in|W.Brees,ae ae a.R.|derson,-Gen.S._D,Ramseur,Gen,W."PHONE 241.<}ithe dark of the moon and in the light pene ¢weeace,Jd L..Wale R.Cox;The major _generals.wereofthemoon.The rows were togeth-|lace,Walken .AwWhite,M.D.H.Hill,:JRoades,Bryan i “eSa cea Se ¢r,and those planted in one phase all eee J.a Glasscock,re ae |Grimes;lieutenant porte t J.a went to tops—-those-in another,gave!Rumple|W:»MeLellandy wW.s ‘well,&D BE TIRE!¥goodly:yield."They ree Or eee Naren,WoT,Rickert.es tonewall)Figgsista he gril,Yoni¥y wr eiv!wT 5 i herals,Jos."a RU TEE cas beat roe HT TE wpfeonelinted Th rotae “fnath the Jolinetory,i E.ei Re ASQUS 3 |oon si u ed cnet A x Penne and Kelly—|could guide us on,Se ‘way.So HRPM nd overnmentt Agents -VilueingBe.upp money...Tires,:thowe eho were filed atsasoA Railroad Lines. Yours ¢ty.serve,TROUTMAN &SUTHER. ae ae ie (ear o call on J..B..PARKS,July 27-—16t. “Everythingto Build Wit FULLSTO:K--LOWEST PRICES Shingles,Doors,Windows,Ceiling, neSee Ronee:‘Mould-ing,Laths,Wht ete., Next Renter Statesville. ee ecnesonras DIFFERENT FROM THE REST. wee gold exclusively see ®M"ler-McLain Supply Co. A #+FOR FINE,CLEANING*|%AND DYEING @ ™~PHONE 147— Sloan Pressing Chub.-- 4 ters. LISTON,N.C..-MAN RESTOR-“ED TO HEALTH.hes Mr.Wade Thankful He Read AboutWonderfulcRemedy.wan Ee 1‘Wadowot Williston,N.C.;was disorders.He Remed ka it ong®.?ren in A. bee Our’ici .I feel so much better.“1 amthankfultoyou,indeed,for advertis-ing yourwonderful remedy in the pa-’ pers,as otherwise I might never have known of it.” Mayr’s Wonderful Remedy gives |Mpermanentresultsfor’stomach;liverandintestinalailments."Eat as much and whatever you like.No more dis- tress after eating,pressure of gas inthestomachahdaroundtheheart.)w Get one bottle of your druggist now and try it on .absolute guaranteea—if not satisfactory money will bereturned. NOTICE._TO CREDITORS. Having qualified as’administratrix of J.N. Morgan,deceased,this is to notify all per-sons having ‘claims against.sail estate toFresent.same to me on or ‘hefore ‘July 27,116,or this notice will be plead in bar oftheirrecovery.All persons’iridebted to saidstatewill“please make immediate settle-ment.:‘4 MISS MARY BARR MORGAN,July 27,1925,Adm'x J..N..Morgan. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Having qualified as administrator of thepstateofPinkneyTomlin,deceased,I hereby‘notify all persons having claims against his sit to present same on or beforethe$4 day of August,1916.R.B.McLAUGHLIN, Atigust 3,1915.Administrator. COMMISSIONER’S ’LA SALE.OF BY VIRTUE of a decree of the SuperiorCourtofIredellcounty,rendered in thespecial”proceeding wherein’Blecta F.Coop-er,administratrix of A.D.per,.is plain-tiff;and J.C.Fowler and another defend-ants,the undersigned commissioner will sellatpublicauction,to the highest bidder,atthecourthousedoorinStatesville,N.C., on.t_MORDAY,SEPT,6TH,1915. AA S Shingles For Sale! Carload ofgood No.2 Shingles at $2.75perthousandatmy:shop. C.H.TURNER,Near the Depot.tredetl ’Phone No.bd Bell.No.7. ‘|grees EB.to Tomlin’é linés thence 8.0 66 de- at the hour of noon,the following describedrealestateinthecityofStatesville:Theone-half ‘undivided interest of the A.D.Cooper.estate,held in common with Mrs,.©,Fowler,in the following land;to-wit:Beginning at ‘”‘stake,T.:C.Anderson'scorner;thence N.66 degrets E.225 feet toa12-foot,alley;.thence \N,}24 °degrees.W.246 feet to.C,P.Moore’a corner;thence.8.66 degrees W.117 feet to C,P,Moore's cor-nerin A,C.Tomlin’s line;(thence 8,24,de- a grees W.108 feet to the Glover line;Tete24degreesB.212 feet to the beginning,.ex-cepting a lot of 1 ae front ‘and 212 feetdeep’conveyed.to As.:D.Cooper from:thewesternendofridigpi.‘This:lot.is ‘sold |subject “to thedowerofMrs,.Julia aioe,Terms.o!SatOne-third cash,one-third in three months andone-third in ‘six months,: Coite L.Sherrill,M.D.,| wil answer hea ae i “i TW.SF ficérs;aretho’ nn pe 1 [POLISHES- Feeding Germs:Custor {:While sitting in aponder scare!in the State a few_itvsagewewatchedtheclerkopeningmilkforhiscustomers..+jam his thumb down on the paper cap of the bottte and ie wouddownintothemilkandthenfishthecapout..Every poycollectedonthataywaswashedintothemilkandfeoetomer.A big lot of disease germs are thus fed to SaniaDACROCROWNthiscouldnotbe.x {THE PAINE VIEW DAIRYis supplying the milk that or benef 4 cial and aids health.warsand how he does it will be :from time to times Boleas Phone 347 Black,PAINE VIEW DAIRY,the:dairywiththe Da- cro system,when you want pure and clean milk delivered at your home. t tobe correct with Not Wilkesboro Hustler!the exception that Captain Simontonhadbeenpromotedtomajorofthe|Davidson.wasregiment,and..W.L.,captain at the time the roll was.chaale: Companme Andrews;tet leuienahty J.J.ace J..Rufus Reiddecond, strong, oe BustleNaot noy,H.A. ter,mi soi *A. fourth.SerpePrivatesoe as.Me Rrawiey ;Ma6Avge:* RniGe:{White;ers;sec-wsy thirdfourth rSergeant, ey A. ee Dobbins; F.Arm- ¥hee Cc.Alexan-Ww.Braay,Jas. herion,JHB.Capea!1D.A ey,FRlobson.R.P,chit Wey.B Chambers,N.ywell,S.A.Claywell Brawley,H.1. tle,S.CotepetCamCurrie,J.M.Ca-W.perpen | ’B.Cook,W.ae FE.J.Fisher,J S.Fej Feimster,J.Gooditan,VWe ‘Goodman, Goodman,A.Hgc .F.Gibson, J.Harkness,G.W.Hendren,i.Holmes,.R..M..Holmes,R.A.Hall,E.A.Hall,R.O.Hair,S.A.Hoover, M. -Holtshouser,J;A.Houpe,A.Turner,C.-T.Johnston;:C.:Kerr,D.| L..Brandon,Bowles,J. a W.-Broc Ee here: dock, A.Reid , Compa:Camp7,1861. Jno.T. Stevenson, McCoy,J W: E. R. P. k,R.8...Lollar,:0.Léinster,W.oes gh sitiMurdock:Ge N,Mille,A.8.Mills,©J.R.MeLelland,J, Parker,e ‘ oeYates,W.D.bony C‘oan bell,HyLaditHarbin,W. Patterson,J.C.Reamer,J.Nat.Ray-|mer,J.iRickert,aC.me W.D.Reamer,R.A.Sharce.Thos.Summers, Ji Scroggs,N.C.Summers,T.Blin,W.H.Hollen J.G.Turner. any GC was mustered ance,near Statesville,The following joined company —oo 1862;«We James,T.oe ©.L.Tohnston,L.8.Poets 2.:: Swann,A. inger,M.ett,osBockntricn,|.Kerr,A.F.penis, F.x A.Mur-| Moose,Mi.Miller,.M.Moose,J.Revis,- T.B.Sum-|9.L.Summers,Summers,A.T. S.Tom- in at) June Claywell,—F. Sle . e‘Loe 3HeA.Shuford,W r,J.CN,Mike. SAVED |pA,oe Kerr;| A.| A.|} F.| "|.President 7|Philadelphia_in a motor car to visit the g_,was.found,°Death ofMr.D.R.Moore in Ca-|f ,Geo:gga |fe 1 er,A +4 aDaniel Rhyne Moore,one of the |#;oldest and:best known’men in the aty,died.at his chome on the |# .E.Bright and his party of elev-ren Fading men,onitars,got’into .North Wilkesbere uesday,making headquarters here is’week,taking the physical valu-ation of ‘the Southern railroad,and;‘the ‘Watauga’s-bed for thegovern-sie Ist,fs ms ‘other:parties;at such work-vever dif-ferent parts of the United States,areemployedby.the.Inter-State Com- merce .Commission.+‘The Inter -State Commerce Com- mhission divides the railroads in’theUnitedStatesintofivedistricts.Mr.Bright’s party belongs to the South- ern district and there are 11 other rties in this.same district._He hasbeenoutontheworksincelastFeh-ruary a year ago,living in two cars. |The railroad:company furnishes an-other car,as a pilot,with W.W.Wil-/gon along.He is employed by thetailroadcompanytopointoutthe ‘}company’s property to the party,T.whieh is divided in three squads— |track and roadway squads,and what |they call a “classifying.and condition” (squad.One squad was seven miles ,below North Wilkesboro,measuring |the grading,another measuring the |track.They count the_ties,rails,plates,joints.and spikes in one- fourth of every mile of track,evencastawaystuff..on the side of thelpoadiscountedandestimated,and is |noted.whether it.is an old tie once used or a new _tie thrown aside— and thus taken into the count of valu- ation. ‘President Breaking ‘Precedents. Wilson.slipped away \from the White House soon after 6 o'clock Friday morning and _before Washington was.awake was off |to } an oculist.He returned that evening by train,after having broken some presidential precedents...He hadbeenlostontheroad,had lIunchedunannouncedinthepublicdining room of a Philadelphia hotel,strolled ‘through the streets of the business section of Philadelphia,rode back:toWashingtoninapublicrailroadcaranddrovetotheWhiteHouseina hired automobile,«In Baltimore the presidential:par- ty turned the wrong way and had toseekdirectionbeforePhiladelphia |tawba. ’|eo Correspondence y ol.eeit.mtyee recor he|== their two regular |" acor ne to an.act,of Congress | This eeut ‘eleven men,and the}! the |‘ Newton |§ eaupis i4 ic _Thisrecord for durability,withouti ha voakieothercommon has attracted many imitators.If the;leofferedeter common rat pe ‘CORT IGHT”,don’t let it go at that,but fook?for the stamponthe tion at the top of the shingle—“CORTRIGHT ‘REG..U.‘shou OFFIFFICE.”—It ‘is put there for your protection.Use it!aN For Sale by _LAZENBY-MONTGOMERY HARDWARE ¢O-.Statesville N “WOOD AND GAS. A Cool KitchenSin Summer.A WarmKitchen jin Winter,© % Statesville Housefurnishing “Co. Se TS Te IN Slate Roofing?Tin Roofing wee -"-Tin'or Sheet Metal Work of any Kind?LET us NOW. 7rR rE YouIN TERESSTED? Galvanized Shingle eatin.Roof Painted? Ice’Box or Refrigerator Lined?. IREDELL TIN WORKS.* Bell Phone 98.Independent:Phone 197. peceseoeoosrooooorsoresTesiTToeeeeiilasseseeeseeeeeeeeeees Commercial NationalJ Capital Stock Paid in =$100,00010031,sm000SurplusandProfits Members of Federal ReserveSytem, Your Banking “business solicited.adeveryaccommodationextendedtode-positors consistent with prudent bari ing methods.es ~Four per'cent,paid on ‘tine and Savings 7Depositsremaining.on deposit,three» months or longer:' iHl PyGu pe r e e s e e v e s s e c r r y re e r ee or ee r e s e e s AUSrei. »»that.kind in the |TROUBLE COMI {moreacute ‘by the of|bic last Thursday andthe Joss of=|American lives. ‘The relations between reyBeryriyndered sinking of the Ara- . To all appearancefrominformationathand,the act wasdeliberateandanansweron.the pi|of Germany to this statement in the ~OBJECTING TO THE JUDGE,_ i That.was ‘an’unusual ‘incidentin the Federal court at Asheville,when, a ‘motion “was made before Judge Boyd,asking his honor to stand aside and.allow another judge to try the casé of Gilbert ,vs:Hopkins,on the ground that the court was biased 4n favor of the defence and the plain- tiff could not get justice.The attor- ney for the plaintiff not only made the motion,but he submitted affidavits -fo support it,It is common in mag- istrates’courts to remove cases on the ground of bias—and the removal is always permitted when asked for 'eobut itsis.uncommon in the higher ‘gourts.It seems to be permissible in.the Federal courts but not in our .'State courts—at least we do not re- -eall ever having heard of a case of North Carolina courts.Telling a judge te his face that-he can’t be fair in a trial would.Beem to be a last resort,It comes dangerously--nearcontempt,.and_one. thight expect that if the judge had‘mot been biased before he ‘would be :biased after that.against the.side making the motion;for judges are‘only human and are subject.to feel-ing like the rest of us, Judge Boyd denied the tion,,which was-natural.No judge @ants|toaidmit that he.can’t be fair.‘JudgePeeblesfoundinthecontemptcase~against the Goldsboro editors;that hewasentirelycompetenttopasson"@ case in which he was personally in--.terested.There is'of course morethen.one side to a case like this.Ifanyplaintiffordefendant’had a'aight to stand a judge aside simplybysayinghedidnotbelievehecouldgetafeirtrialinthatcourt,some~of the judges would -get little to-do,and all of them would be subject tofrequentchange,for many litigaants*Beowouldoffersuch:an extuse -to ‘delay for him,he wilt the trial and.te escape what theyHewthey-deseryed.yy.mY hand,if b party ‘tpfp8¥thinks the court hasit ‘in Wicd i_he loseo-his case’4William °loses “his Judgeam‘J.Montgomery’once said in‘an important icase in Iredell ‘SuperiorCourt,thf;the!mexti best|thing:‘to“giving one a fair trial was to makehimbelievehe-was getting a fair)7}Byom:that.viewpoint a judgepuldpiitonacasewhenHBIdinjadvancethat‘pp¢}side.has’denice in his fairness:but it.would not.do,for the reasonshereinbeforestated,to.allow litigantstheprivilegeofstandingasidejudgesastheydojurors.The orderly ‘pro-“@edure cof the court could ‘not bemaintained,‘There is no doubt thatin:some~instances a °judge shouldPraseatand.aside of his own Motion,but fi ee #s 4ta Si ws 4 aes he ‘must be the judge of the circum- 2 stances,| Aieut..Gov.Daughtridge has tcorrectideaabouttheboys’comhclubs,the poultry and pig clubs,andthe.-girls’canning -clubs.In themThe‘Landmark.sees’the hope of theState‘for Home supplies.The clubseengtheboyshowtogrow’More corn,more and better pigs andpoultry,’while the canning clubs,asMr.'Daughtridge says,are convert-ing into home supplies the immensequantitiesoffruitandvegetablesthathavebeengoingtowaste.Wewondersometimesifthepeoplegen-erally realize-the great importance ofthclubsandwhattheymeantothefutureoftheState,.-The boysandgirlsshouldbegiveneveryen-couragement in the work.”They arenot.only learning most valuable andusefulhabitsofindustry—how to doSomethingthatmeanscreatingWealth-but they are doing the workthat‘will help fo revolutionize the ag-Ticultural industry of the State.Gloryto:the ‘boys and girls!and may they“not°weary in’the greatdoing’for themselves and the peopleofthe:State,4:*SS econEverythingSuggeststhatan Irish-Tan from Cork,Ireland,attained dis-tinction in the manufacture of arti-ficial limbs ‘and hence the term—corklegs.One of the Sunday papers car-ried a picture of a gun factory ‘andjalongWiththeshowofgunswere&®lot of ‘well-shaped legs,the pic-tare carryingthis label:“The KruppGunWorks,the Greatest in the World.Cork Legs to Take the Place of ThoseShotOff.bytheGuns.”Bat nowhereWasthere.any.information about“dork leg.”;So The,Landmark jg ay 9 when ponies under.|the;|,¢it 4 the!be punished,but it is only necessary work they are |** last American note sent to’Germany:“Friendship itself:prompts.it’(theUnitedStatesgovernment).to say toimperial.government :that repe-:t ‘by the commanders of Germanhavalvesselsofactsin-contraventionofthoserightsmustdereled™bygardthegovernmentoftheUnitedStates,when they affect American citizens,as deliberately unfriendly,”:We have taken the position thatAmericancitizens,traveling in themerchantshipsofbelligerents,are en-titled to the old rule of.internationallaw,which required an enemy.to as-certain first the character and cargoofamerchantmanbeforedestroyingher,.and to provide for the safety ofpassengersandcrew,except in thecaseofflight,or resistance on thepartofthevessel.Germany seemstohaveabsolutelydisregardedthatanddefiedusinsinkingtheArabic,One could wish that:Ameriéan citi-zens would not take the risk of involy-ing the country in war by:going onsuchships,as Mr.Bryan so emphatic-ally insists.It seems absurd ito ‘go to}war because a few of our people.in-sist-on-taking unnecessary risks.Butthatistheold.rule and’we haveelectedtoinsistonitsapplication.There may explanations whichwillchangethesituation.We all hopetherewillbe.’In any event,we maybesurethatPresident.Wilson.willofferwaronlyasalastresort.Wemayfinditnecessarytoseverdiplo- cease commercial latter is very little now.But that,un-der the circumstatices,may not meanwar,and we trust it will not,But weseemtobeverymuchnearertroubletodaythanever.before.SEENOTHINGWILLBEDONE. The Governor of Georgia has offeredarewardforthelynchersofFrank.and law.officers have promised investiga-tions,but nothing wil come of it.Theinfluenceinfavorofthelynchersistoostrongtoovercome,‘They boast bre’t th rerespectablecitizens,Chyrchmenibers;y GidhSwear ac Frank nor mal+treat ‘him;did nothing to him ékcenttotakehislife,23 the law reqttired;that they did nét allow,the ruff-raff,the eommon ‘herd ‘usually so conspien-ous on such occasions,to have a handinit!“Of courséd these men are guilty miiSfor;them—in GeorgfeastSieacitherDeae|Atoaiemeeting of pronti York the other day,plans were adoptedtoraisefundsandco-operate ‘with theGeorgiacitizensinapprehendingthelynchersofFrank.Dr.Cyrus Adler,&prominent Jew,declined to aid,say-ing it was a matter for the people ofGeorgia.And in this Dr.Adler.show-ed himself the most sensible man intheparty,Frank’s lynchers will not for outsiders,especially from theNorth,to butt in to give theGeorgiaauthoritiesahexcusetodonothing.’Somuchofficiousmeddlingfromoutside!doubtless tended to provoke the lynch-ing.It°is well enough tosay thatitisprovincialtoresentoutsidecrit-icism and that sensible people shouldnotobjecttohavingtheirfaultspoint-ed out;but human nature must be}taken into acount and it is human na-ture to resent such interference, The Landmark gives notice of ap-peal from the judgment rendered inCol.Fairbrother’s court,that it paythecostsinthecase’of Noah ‘vs.Adam.It is in agreement with thefindingsofthecourtthatAdamwastheoriginalsinnerandthattherec-ord should not be disturbed at thisday,but:it»takes the privilege oflodgingamotionthatthecostsbetaxedagainsttheWall-Eyed Scien-tists:who brought on all the talk. Can’t Stall the Deadbeat.Prpething.f xTheStatesvilleLandmarkwantsthe.preachers to.tell the deadbeatsthattheywillhavenoplacebeyondthegates.:Judge Clark:thinks ‘the man whodoesn’t pay his debts is the worstkindof.a sinner,and he~wants theministertoremindthedeadbeat,zifanysuchtheremightbeinthecon-regation,that if he-doesn’t pay heloesn’t ride,=This is good‘advice,but the déad-tis 'a free passenger,always.Heisanartistinhisline,and he has theknowledge.He comes in with asmileandabluff,‘ff,and he says he willattendtoit,He finally is chased offthepremises,but’finds another placetolight.He is known to every gro- ee8;|Hon.W.J,Bryan [how ead the editorial’opinion-"T/haveread’the "al:op 8‘oncerning th sinking ithe Arabic matic relations with Germany and|yjintercourge—the|d, al af murder,no.matter,what excuse’they.1 Sapp Jews “and ‘Christians,held in “New: lar: 4 t0"-$4,840,000,000, Saadhas issuedllowingstatement: as those pinion were TepriSunday.morning.papers,seem to me to avoidportantquestion,The ‘real quiisnotwhetherAmerigancitizenhave,under international law,a rightotravelthroughthedanzoneonthe'ships of belligerent n i.is admitted.The question just:ntiswhetheranAmericancitizen:shguldputhisconvenienceorevenhisrightsabovehisnation’s welfare.IfAleancitizensrefusetoconsiderrer it own safety,or the safety of thtion,then a penne question arises,|‘whethenainely,r the gov ;should permita few persons to Fthecountryintothis unparallelwar.:QE os its"Our.government has madeprotestandthreeisno‘doubt ‘that the}question .taken is abundantly 'sup- n {80 short a period,was more a week e admiralty rep with a total grosstonnage.of 47,698 by German submarines.This toll, n as.that levied by un-artin the preceding w:ncenonAw.ing Au twice as tivity be;: Bt B2970"wore seni 1h1tonna,:were sun)ofshen reflecb's craft and twobymines.,This makes a total knownJoss,of 70,668 tons of ‘shippingin nineave.:;. n of the vessels sunk in two dayslastweak.iiaratny and Friday—were,British,three comaaige andone’Spanish,The ~total nnageknowntohavebeen’lost oe was26,674 ‘and.Thursday it was.21,024.ne largest:vessel’whose lossbeenconfirmedwastheArabic of ported by precedent,but,that dbésnotmeraymeanyiwe“aregoingtowar,plomacy ot yetconcludeditswork,and even i BeMe.matic efforts fail,we have sorted to in case of disputes with 16,801 ‘tons.,aUnderwatercrdfttorpedoedonFri- Baron Eslkine,City of New ,York,Samara,Gladiator,Bittern and theBenBrachie,with a total of 22,729tens,The Norwegian steamers:Sver-resborg.and Bras and’the Spanish to the treaty plan,which must Great,Britain,France,Italy and Rys-sia,and should be resorted to’beforegoingtowarwithanyotherbel-ligerent,nation,oT iy“Tf the treaty plan fails,we stil)have a:choice.between entering thiswarandthepostponementoffinal,settlement until ‘peace is restored.Yhthemeantimeitwillbewell.to thinkofthethousands,or possibly,the hon-dreds of thousands,’who ‘would he.sacrificed if we enter this war;these|brave men are certainly entitled,toconsiderationaswellasthefew‘who,by deliberately incurringunnecessarysksbringharmuponthemselvesand |,anger to their country.et“It\is time for unneutral:portion,ofthepressoftheUnitedStatesto,layasideitsbiasandunite.in helping:thePresidenttokeepthecountry:out.ofAvar.ea ese “The pro-ally papers are insistinguponwarwithGermany,for the béne- fit of the allies,and the pro-Germanpapersareinsistinguponanembargoon-arms and ‘ammunition for)thebenefitofGermany.If these ‘two groups of.papers would join together and urge measures to restrainAmet-ican citizens from going into the dan-ger zone on belligerent ships,and pro- from carrying arms and,ammunitiona5]a would,do,this,,,they.wouldin,preventing .War,and in resery-ing for,-opr,.nation,the priceless op,portunity,tojact,as.peacsmaker whpn.the,time.for ‘peace arrives.”1 38MONEYTOFINANCECROPS, Comptroller Williams.2pleCoinisinSight...:12/4Comptrollerofthe.Currency.Wil-. Pfolsing capactay oF mationningcapactio:pervined ee suiethal4if that they carrjg™out,decent!y and in|bibiting;,American:eh ~Ships|Germ:ah Fleet Defeated Neorder,serised which th ald, troller referred to the*prospect |ERPunusualdemandsforfunds,particy- larly in the event cotton is eclaredcontrabandbythe.European bellig-.erents;and it was statedthat.theconditionofthenationalandreservebankswasdistinctlyaureaaeNeverbefore,Mr.Williams said, oughly prepared to handle any prob-lem that might be presented to thetéfiguresshow“that the nationalbanksof.this .country’.and the 12Federalreserve,banks,exclusive oftheStatebanksaiidtrustcompanies,have at this time an unemployed,loaning capacity sufficient to enablethem;if-need.be,to.carry at.marketvaluetheentire-cotton:crop,»whichitis:not,of course,conceivable thattheywillbeaskedtodo,and alsofinance,Poi :piaceaPecopayusingoldorits,equiv;8thousandmilliondollarsorso.of Qe {ports of foodstuffs’or,manufacturedproducts¢o be shipped to the rest oftheworld.TET 2 pte ot i“It is ‘far better.for the .bankstoemploytheirsurplusfundsin,mak-in staple commoditiesloans_onwheretheycan relieve congestion ‘or:Promote legitimate commercial -trans-actions,than to!permit these fundstobe°used for the inflation of thestock‘markets,where speculation ‘insecuritiesalsohasreachedapoint}which invites caution,~’tae“The actual reserves of the nation4albankson.June 23,{915,are far‘inexcessofthelargestreserveseverheldatanyonetime'in the past his-tory of ‘the country.They amounted000,or $78,000,000.more thah the amount which the fattionalbanksare‘required to hold,”LTTT PyMadeByaManNamedCork:or~in County Cork...‘4TotheEditorofTheLandmark;|< ready more or.less misty mass offormation’surrounding .the reason limbs.when in reality.they have:nocorkaboutthem,I have always heardthatamannamedCorkeitherinvent-ed them or,80 improved them thattheytherebyeameintopopular‘use;This is merely hearsay,and there-fore not.vouched.for.:.,..T.-M.STEVENSON,Florence,§.-C.-:(A.friend of The Landmark re- NN ei A desperate..ba: andthe Niemen and Berliti tlai@antesarebeing’made by the Ger- the banks been so strong and bo thor-| the German.destroyer [men in the water with machine guns 'Asa further contribution to te Fito: why artificial limbs are,called|cork }S steamer Peria Castillo also were sunk,making a grand total of 26,674 tons,‘The vessels sunk Thursday «werethe‘Arabic,15,801 tons;the Grodno,1,955 tons;Shes Rechine,2,205.tons;the Magda,1,068 tons,a total of 21,-024.All these were of British reg-istry except thé Magda,Norwegian.Another ineident of the day uponwhiskaawritten=eete aoe aeofseahistorywasthelossofaishsubmariteinTheSoundwith15membersofhercrew.London claimstheboatranagroundwhileBerlinas-serts it was.“destroyed.” Reports from the war.zone Friday—ftom Berlin—reported the fall ofthe:fortress-_-of—-Nayogeor;ewheretheMuscovitesmaderlaststandin,Poland;with,the loss of 85,-000 prisoners,including six generals.The bag of et at this pointbroughtupto700thetotalofgunscapturedbytheTeutonicalliesinre-cent,operations.*:e forces of Grand Duke Nicholas,Berlin claims,have been pushed backtoKoterkakulva,southwest of Brest-Litovsk,while they are being pursuedeastofKovnoandhavelostroundsouthoftheBugontheBrest-Litovskline. Ht of tthe naval baleInhe tight3tTeRavalbattlein,the Gulf;igain"revaltag 5 ANG withdrawaloftheGerman,;oata Be loss ofthebattlecruiserMshreg.other oboats,‘we-+ ing.t aM eredited,to theian.Duma.|NopresidentoftheRussian.DmentionofRussianlossesis made‘in§,Am-|th ’Ber tort thee’ SMvetor fortress 7Russian, @ announcement.A German —re-the Russianssmallwarships. has entered the ‘captured stronghold iv Polandfie last An Associated Presssummary of|fFridayeveningapys.14 -steameré,|}. had been sunk inthe~last 48.hours) which eStablishes’a record for soif “erty,righton th y.If ‘August Sot,you will feel vad satCity a a part. day the British steamer Restormel,|} ~man’s door once.’. +bhe,same thin ee LYSame,lofat.the same timer:Come;-hear th armony,N.ne‘The Harmon Depot will be located right at thi <thea highway.al eirttehemainHarmony.hag’State'Farm School,whichwill be worth thi ds.dollars to the town.Thereisabuilding being erenearthepotfortwobig’Cotton,Ging,Saw ‘Gn ‘andPlaningMi»alsoa big store is being built near-thedepot.Harmony has one of the best.Ro let Mills.intheo&you buy a lot at this sale Thursday,inting.andbuilding of this mrownrich e :by the enhancementroadtrackwillbelaidin’a.fewmonthstoHarmony,and pro will be worth twicewhatitistoday.member—this ‘property is ‘hear‘the depot and the most.valuable:Rementhars-thetyoumake‘the price when you bid.Get in.on the‘ground floor”and be thefirst.one to ‘make moneyout,of real estate in Harmony.|Bhis is the best.propertyeverofferedforsaleatauctionontheStatesville.Air -Line.ya ates eg at.10Tuesday,August al,O'clock.Terms:1-4 Cash;Balance Easy PaymentsSaleRainorShine—Valuable PrizesSakAway—Music by Brass Band.This rty is nicely located and this will bea chanceofaRfetimetobuylotsataoeprice:as'they-aregoingtobesoldtothehighestbidder.The money-maker says,Do it now,pportunity knocks at every Given DON'T FAIL TO HEAR THE DOUBLE AUCTIONEERS.These auctioneers hold the world’s record for sellinglots,.and it will be-worthyour timé'to witnessthissale.The auctionesria speakathe same.time,~sayang A n Cal sé e 1 <“tol e.,'the-samebid-at)the sametment ut 0 saoaae &Le sieht mi “i i ae ‘Miki sad’So mated 6 (2s 100 at hac 'i ?Eer7.ae iin, William,with Several of |; ¥ Greensboro,Nortly|arolina.39 hes ce Sie yeas METAS (53 hh feaght along the Kovno-Vila’dway8ad-. Mans.Pe adsays,however,thattheentirerailwaylineremainsinthehandsoftheRussians.‘The same au-thority says the Russian Black Seafleethas.sunk over 100 Turkishboats. Protests From’Other CountriesAgainstGermanSubmarines. Along with interest'in America.onaccountofthesinkingoftheArabic,there is much indignation’in DenmarkandthewholeofScandinavéaastheresultoftheattackbyGermande-stroyers on:the British submarineooshestrandedonaDanishsland.'“According to.the British.official ac-count and reports from Copenhagen,the E-18 ‘went’aground Thursdaymorning.The officers and crew werebusytryingtorefloatherunderor-ers from the Danish naval authori-ties;who had given them 24 hours toaccomplish‘the task.,when Germandestroyers&ppeared’on —the scene,One of them,‘after firing a torpedowhichmissedits‘mark,is reported.to have opened fire with her guns,even after the crew had abandonedthesubmarine,which was.afre.:(Phe British officiat account saysfiredat.the and shrapnel.Not until after Dan-th destroyers got between the Ger-‘thans'.and their.prey did_they.ceasefiring,the report:says.=Half of the 30 members of the sub-marine’crew were killed and theirbodieswillbesent.home in a Danishwarship.Those who éscaned will beinterned.in Denmark.The DanishSovernmenthasprotestedto.Germa-ny,soils ithé pressiof all ”Scan-dinavian countries expresses its con-tern at the violation of neutral ter-ry.he *"The activity of German submarinesalsohascbroweleaptotest*from thespanishsoyernniced‘a claim:for’steamer.Isidor,e “accident.”ish.8 elaim will be\filed, +$o97 HE IN jet eager t,which has.lodg-‘sinking of -the n ambas-,sador expressed:hig regret at theSincethenanotherSpan-'|!er,the Peria Castillo,©hasbeensunkanditisexpectedanotherke "ud 4GLiteaorta:-Ramsey-Bow!zezeirtert't Bees-Morrison’Company, ¢= between well-dressed women and otherswhospendasmuchmoney.with less effect,often lies in their taste in shoes._F.ootwearthatisbeautifulinitself,harmonious with.the costume,andvibrant with the latest met-‘ropolitan style,distinguishes the first class.Usually they buy our COUSINS SHO _,Made in New York — FOR WOMEN ~ Our Trunk and Bag department has'just-\been:replenished with goodssuitable for all’‘demand.Now is the time for “those goingawaytoCollegetomakeaselection,|Lee ,SenerRunAgainstScytheand WasiKilledLyecerandeverygrocershudderstoseeimcomein—but ‘the grocer lacksthenervetotakehimbytheslackofthepantaloonsandthrowhim/intothestreet,digas shThedeadbeatisnomoretoblamethanthemerchantwhoallowshim.self to be gold bricked,There aredeadbeatsinallcommunities.Theyareknown,and strange as it mayappear,they seem to get along aboutaswellasthepunctualman—the hon-est_man who pays..the debts of thedishonest‘man,=|” Damage by cyclone at ~Hanover,i Friday ‘night,is estimated «at*250,000.No lives peported lost,. ports that -he has read.somewherethata.popular brand of limbs 'were;ree in ‘county Cork,,Ifeland,and iniswaytookthenameofCork,TheLandmarkisinclined:to believe thatthereasongivenoRMr.Stevenson,orthecountyktheory,jaccounts.forthe“cork leg”).hice |Wesley Rigsbeé,colored,of Durhamgounty,‘riding a:bicycle along —th‘road,attempted to pass.another hed"0 Who was walking and carrying aongscytheblade“on his should i‘The bicycle rider,ran intothe ‘ayiablade,which struck him ‘Under thechinandnearlycuthisheadoff.Heaa;‘toa poms 08 Eremedention,-bu noo xShorttime.AP he{Rios 01 tren,eterReneder eet GereenTheworsttees,tomatter ofhowlong standing,cured “by the “wonderful,old rettable Dr,‘Berar abet anata aa _>SEE WINDOW DISPLAY.©_Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison Company.(TR STORK THAT PAYS THR POSTAGE:ON MAIL onbs,PHONESSand137 “Newhere the records,so fay un.earthed,show that any sort of arti-~ficial limb‘was ever Manufactured ofagork,Ifthename didn’t come fromSask;Ireland it was probably in. ..entedby-some fellow who wanted toyemake?that he had something fancy than’wood. ?Jolias W a Sampson county|negro charged:wi tcrimina]assault| red.white fidow,was acquittedohinBapnon‘Superior Cote Still fromm”Missouri on the cork legs.Nowhere at Gainey,a mid-| 9 “x po d e ! Se y CE Re e Ss oe we ee el ea s e is e oe e ac a i al t a Ml : pn e i ee e : "number:of his’friends at a -water- ¥ | their home ’ Mrs,We: se e ans Morrison of 6 ‘werepasoftheMr,Hrsibon tet yemerday:for sympathy,of the entire community.. ~sick list”We hope she will soon be ;Ce.of the best meetings ever heldatHi 106,nae tine—W'PThe.lated ie“Mtationery at R P.Allison’s.Dee B.Ce.eeea sunhciberaneal sala of odd.pin;jure -Crawford-Banch rere Po i Halling poo Loan Association..; eS,onitt,Harmony next Tuesday. ‘Misses Ina and Mattie Morrison‘entertained a number of their friendsat«supper Friday evening at —theirhomethreemilesnorth:'of town,,com-plimentary to their brother,Mr.Gro---ver Morrison of.Seattle,Wash.,who_was:.home on.a visit.Mr.and Mrs. :Mrs.Blake iy rae Reve>or Tearat SiFAnpasiGowenencescengiholeSi Ape gown¢eriedsFidesBeeedieMoats as theparty given pe in honor”aneshouse ona ‘tnd do ones*rioneonofChar-Natage entire Thomas home on Wa-was throwh open to theyoung”eee shatand there was contin-—pegeenie Sethroughout the oreaine:*games we yeabutnoDees“wre awake 1 4cream,cake‘a Taty were nerMissesKatherineKincaidandMargar-et Slo assisted the hostess in en- Mr.M.W.Falinite entertained a melon feast,at his home.on.northCenterstreet,Friday evening.‘Themelonswereabundant.and fine ‘andtheguestsenjoyedthetreat. Cool Spring Ttema.’Correspondence of The Landmark.:Cool*erie AsAug. 23—Mrs,.Ger- trude Hayes and have been*visiting relatives in this’neighborhood ‘for several weeks,leaveforStatesville.this week,‘and after&few days’visit there they.leave foratDenton,Texas..-Mrs.’Reuben Graham of.Ashevilleis:ertaes this week to ne Mr.andMrs.N.C.Summers..Dr.and Mrs,GA.enby of:High Point ‘andW..Sherrill and little daugh-ter,Evelyn,of Statesville,are visit-#‘at’the home.of Mr.and Mrs.EB.‘Lazenby.Miss Gladys Beecher of“Jerusalem,Daviesear,is visitingher:grandfather,Mr.A.R.ReeceMrs.Robert Lazenby is.at thepointofdeath.The family have the Mrs.J..J.Edwards is also on’the’ well ‘again e-church closed last Fri-day:TheBD:Wi*Pool,y@ church./ Mr..Walley /Aiproves ‘SlowlySeeNewsofeae.: Correspondence.of The Landmark.; 238—Rev,.W..T.Waltbessatln continues to.im-9 Prine min‘Blount of Fayettevillecomecer.ther,Mr.A.McM,Hid Mr.Mrs,J.P.GrayhaveFaerie‘ation spending a fewdaysinAsheville.Misses Clara Hen-ry-and Ada Craven of Concord areguestsattheLodgethisweek:Mr.and Mrs.=eoe ere and little daugh-ter,Hi ville,spent thei've Pope's’‘uncle,Mr. rs,hin;d son,Rob-ae eee neprtatHuntersvillethiss“Maude a former re of New ie past’week.ks,©sister of Mrs,themrn um.onncer,y ere ‘she will “of New a able cook ‘wanted,"Address:P, Dane for cordwood >m _capage for rent.R. announcement of ~The Lyrie ane to Build Vee ‘Wat- eee will.increase your mile-@ 26 ;rat eetea ‘per gallon of gaso- hasstoreofthe *Newsfall coat’suite—Milt &Pos- nity..—Mutual of residence and busi- fran os 4 pyle dere ae ‘a son,Lindsay,whod, stor was assisted by;Rev.|- Hemet hs ~J,Williamsmeevi! ag Poto visit.issAda Connell of Mt,was the°guest of Mrs.L.bad 50msome -Thomasville to visit.r.son,on "Mecklenburg county,Bug visitors.at’the home of by mivived Friday from Roanoke,Va.their touring car, ’g son,in Statesville.- Anderson.panied by.their4twoaM several weeks, relatives in Statesville,has returnedtohishomeinRichmond. Mr.and Mrs.J.T.Davis and chil-dren.are apending a week with Mr.and Mrs.C.P.Mow:Dowell county. Mrs.S.J.Asbury of Charlotte,who was a guest at,the home of Prof.at Mrs.D.Matt.hen ea left }on,~ errMie Bide TippedofinSttitdsville|Baturday er’erdmoht;to :visit’|Miss)KorenMiG‘May Mordnd i Viittine Ming ary Yountin ickory,j cfiftdrens whe«De Siaiieda ue deathofMrs.Swaim’s mot s a. i leave todaymn...Mr.eghenard,will ac-om home anand will spend |} :Wi & «|their home inardandMiss. a rom mity,where theyayYee. ill:andand~two.daughters,and Mary)Hill,of Ar-kansas,are visiting relatives in thecounty.Mr.Hill,who was born andrearedinBethany‘township,located|in the West about 50 years ago afidthisishisfirstvisittohisativecoun-.ty in 25 yearseMrs.J.“Alexander and:grand-daughter,*Sarah!Deitz,havebeeninSalisburyforseveraldaysvis-tiing Mrs.Alexander's sof and daugh- ter-in-law,Mr.and Mrs.J.-E.Alex-ander.Miss Laura Lazenby’4g the guest of Mrs.John R.Meyers in’Thomasville.Mr.and Mrs..-A.H.Harrelson andchildofSt.Louis,‘who came to States-villé Jast week with theexpectation ofspendingtwoweekswith’Mr.and Mrs.Irvin Steele;left Saturday afternoon. for St.Louis.”The early departurewasdueto”‘ness of the baby.*Mr.and;Graham =PattersonareathomefromCharlottesville,Va.Dr.Chapman of Cedartown,Ga.,who lived in Statesville when a boy Col,H.Chapman,revenue agent, nowPies at Greensboro.Mr,and Mrs.J.P:Cook of Concord urs in Statesville yes-nt a few toMy: iss Marcellus Hallman of Atlantaisthe/guest of Miss Louise Sherrill.Mrs.S.B.Miller and‘c’n,whospent‘he summer at Elkiif Spar-ta,have returned home.r.MillerwenttoElkinlastweektoaccompa-ny then home,Mr.and Mrs..W,.P.Shoemaker,who visited Mrs.Shoemaker’Ss parents,4 Mr.and Mrs,D.L.Webb,in ‘Cham- day afternoon to.their home in Win& Stony Point yesterday to visit herparents,Mr.and Mrs,T.V.Bailey.Mr.and Mrs..T.J.Allison’andeonMarianna,William, irginia“.and Thornton Long,wenttoMorganton‘yesterday for a visit tofriends. ‘Miss Mary Willie Ivey of LenoirarrivedinStatesvilleaeaeandisthe:guest of Miss Ru*Missés Sadie and Willie 1RobinetteendBeatriceWattsofTaylorsville, who Wérepeace of!M#st'G..G;White,returned’ieneoesterday.r.and Mrs,©‘oore return-ed veaterde faeavisit to Mr,and|GMrs.Noah Somers in Winston-Salem.Mr.Wilfred Young left yesterday’,,for Denver,Col.He Sree to.gofromDenvertoLaramie,Wyo.,wherehemeprobablylocate.:Mr,and Mrs.E.G;White returnedstnfroma.visit:atthe home of0.T.Rankin in Rowan county.Mrg EB.D,J:yner,who Visit hernone’‘peo le if Statesville,returnedtoColumbia,8.C.,yesterday.Mrs.AB.Lineberger and son,Master yack,accompanied ‘her as far as Charlotteandsensey“eof there, vi in iedge,who lgandgaime0:Holy returned to their home Prank man"und baby areFigtemen's home people "hie WWillan Jenkine of Gastonia,inStatesville,went to Taylorsville Fri- iL Tharpe, J.Bustle and young grand- have r.and Mrs.J.H:Cornell and ba- for a visit toisCornell’s ‘parents,Mr.and Mrs. They were accom-Miss.Margaret Brady,who est at Roanoke forrPerryCornellhasbeenherewithhisgrandparentsfor re at Sevier,Mc- ieiyetringLieoe‘an &:appealed to his sénse of luxury.’ af :wersigor amastfew.daysa aa gz,butspite:$yorable weather there and was in school here,spent Sunday}in tap Dr.Chapman:is a son of fia bersburg township,returned.yester-|5. ton-Salem.Mrs.J.E.Webb went to/ Montreat, Capt.and Mrs.N.Aston-Salem were here Sun is serious vié county. Richardson of Lilesvitle:af Mrs.W.H,Allison.Mrs.Frank Culbrethis’visvatsisterinAsheville.Mesdame:WilliamMf ceWhitlock,Miss’Hose.StetrugMissMildredWallaceedThursdayeveningfromRock,and Misses Carrie and”Hoffmann cee from “The jek” +yesterday afternoon.Misses Maggie ana Ida Mebelland |have.returned+from Sharpesburg |township,whete they spent their ya-cation at the home of theirbrother,Mr.W.B.MecLelland.iMr.and Mrs.Ross Eagle and tro|sons,who have been visitingMr.and|Mrs,J.F.Eagle east of »will|pleased for years,oarSaturday’7.7 ween Chan leave today for their home in/Mlinois.“tnade”Yd Stateovill Flour’Mills lotte:a ¥to yesterday in rr deitecrenle erie etoeeasiase“:701AGO.ix J P.A.SOME DAMAGE _BY RM..man iano good“enough for ud Martin and two daugh-ai:OASIS nit Ted Mec leah ae Pity Nightseae le‘H.Allen,Cleveland,has seed mand Mra.D,L.Ray-r,Suther’s mye Fis3:ssfor sale.Wichita alls,Texas,‘Before tone|Ride on a Train,Se“*A -f The "Landmark.wet;‘HL.Morrison residence,|ing to.Statesvile Judge Martin and|Sfrespondence opeeeas:os.rt.Minnie Mor-|daughters visited in Judge Martin’s|_Statesville,R-3,ha ha eg Be astjnoteeinWilkescoun,|Indies,storm that’has aE+_Miss-leming’music ay beetles the Gulf coast seems to’‘i "Mr,and/Mys.E,.D!BradyofShiloh 9 section last nig’ght wt:a$ns Gries.Benes:-l Vibtiee:township returned“Saturday from |#bated fury.The rain fel ini4.Morrison .Co.tage ‘where they spent several ten thn cee cake inte ;e4->.Paine View Dair.does not feed|days,é ¥*pertos tos customers.@ feu “Mrs.N.Brawley:and children,that has fallen this summer,A yorrr£4 tions.—Polk -s Blidabett,Margaret and Kath-|tion of Mr.J.M.Ostwalt’s mill‘Precise ©prescrip’z hed hesid 4 Gray Drag Co.Poitoie s.i and R.Vests ate goes.the mill Agaccling a ne ipee<prinGoesbargains,—Jolinsten'--Belk Mise’A AA.(Sherri and daughter,vey teRives he mill until the dam/8*iss Flossi ie landisicae‘and:boosdel shoes at half price,atives fn Catawhacounty.visiting re soaked now and ready for the .failio+s they.&Fraley...Mr.Horry “Githetwho spent a few Pe ObiwaleChalieiaan‘.ee!t!é rs.Daisy Ostwa 04SomeoftheSocialEventsofthesister,Mr.ant Mar Wane L one/|/underwent ‘an:operation at the /San*>Week.a ie fey,in Olin township,and also inne atorium last Wednesday,and has heen80criticallyill,is now thought.to,bebetter.Mr.Clodfelter has been at hex bedside ever since she was’taken.totheSanatorium.Mr.Clauzelle Suther returned HomefromtheSanatoriumafewdaysago.|His foot was caughtin a movchinesickleandsobadlycut *Hh aon MTunara ie. Bot a isit ae i OF the oreex-‘iefiendsgintiteat‘train.wa.oneof?nese fitters?aewie ‘Hive atHone‘atia Weard at’thé'same”,but'‘the idéa“of ‘traveling ‘had’fheve: PoinRevivalMeetings”in ‘Alexander.| Morrespondence of The-Lan sip aenitan R-1,.Aug a eehate]ne ht nienentiogmeeting! mine Eto ig assisted bY Mr«i Linney:-:returned to het home ‘at:Nort:Wilkesboroyesterday,20th,and Rev, -Weatherman arrived and ‘is doing|some good preaching.The meeting at im closed Sat-\urday,14th,with baptizing,It wasa.very2 oeeeting and muchgood@pastor,Rev.Mrz: Garner. several others)’receivedchurch,Misses Pearl and Maud Propst |ofHickory.arg .visiting relatives 109friendsinthisneighborhood.Mrs.C.Ww.Mayberry and children of HickoryhavebeenvisitingatMrs.Maybcr- ry’s father’s,Mr.J.B.Mayberry. Mrs.Myrtle Lowe and children of|Cornelius are spending the summeri into the. months-with-:Lowe's...mother,Mrs.Matilda.Mayberry. Personal _ MeetSorrespondenceof°Te ei. Stony Point,R-2,,Aug.21.—We arehavingfinerainsandcropsare.looking Miss Jessie Cecil of art Point inf visiting her aunt,Mrs..Brown. Mr.and Mrs.Henr Till .“HickoryarevisitinbatHill's parents,MriandMrs.Aull.Mr.Moyer.El+liott of Grscniia 8.C.,-visiting hisarents,Mr.and Mrs. e was accompanied by wis friend,Mr.Kerley McKinney.Misses Grace HillandEvaBruce,who have been at- tending the’teachers’‘institute indStatesville,have returned home.Afew friends and visitors.of thecommuhity.be,’entertained at a.socials at the home of Mr.and Mrs.‘Bruce-tonight:The protracted meeting which’wastebeginatPisgahchurchslastSundeay|Was postponed until the thirdSundayiinSeptember.The protracted.meeingwillbeginatPleasantGroveBaptistchatthefourthSundayinSepteni-er nemesisCotton.Oil Mill Company Organ- ized.A meeting of the stackholders ofthe.Farmers’Co-operative Oil Mill,which recently took over the ‘businessoftheLoreneOilMillatMooresville,was held Friday and.the féllowingaeelected:A.Smith,W.L.Matheson,W.Go voltae Z,V,Turlington,H.T. ed yesterday from aweek's stay at 7 Win- ,to BeeMissLynwood‘Bost,whose,condition Mr.W.'P.Merrill is visiting|inDi. Mrs.Williams and MissSadie Wallavguasts af y |bors-decided_to-.givehim.a—birthday -jhim in eating tLis birthday dinner. lace,”|Matt.,2Kileao‘hath’pit}upd’the’pone otlendethuntotheLordandthatwhich|% ‘The pas-|| Revgid.and bi.+PesGwaltney and Revekeysand:fom : Comer.was assisted by Rev.Robt. ‘Beeswax,25¢.per.Ib."Green Hides,14¢.per Ib,~ams,18c,per Ib. ‘Bides,13c.per Ib.*Thirteen were baptized and,2 “Items.—Protracted ck Y.Elliott.{: owant*-board-in “private family.References De mark, vyheres "te nangofPeopleandfyeineildand:Migs,Fannie |Feastion,and),:|Feasting.Movemer -*aa “at Ail’Boeing.ip _|Land-—ProtaendsayPattersonofWinston:|a WaceaveWilder,ri visited Mr.Salen spent,imme,hartaS ad yp :aneAP.1,1 eeF for Char-a rs,;CorresponieBaepon.Ni reiute to Mees,G.Powell is visiting rela-|Jennings,Aug...tives in gir Carolina,‘a showers with’cool,refreis.spending a)«Rev,EB.D.Brown of Loray return-|are making us feel The farmer retosomeextent,for a whilesittingaroundinthecoohshgood,ripe,mellow fruits,plump watermelons,feasting on lus-cious,tender grapes and drinkinggood,juicy apple cider,The farmersoftengetsblueandgloomyandthinks‘he has’the hardest time of anybody, but itareed not be so ee for ifheis‘industrious and thrifty he canhavealmostallthegoodthingsofthislife.Ifshe is a good farmer he canbeindependentandliveaboutthehappiestlifeofanybodyintheworld.They have.just closed a very inter-esting meeting at Smith chapel.There were quite a number of conversionsduringthemeeting,Rev.Mr.Pendly of Asheville assisted Mr.Matheson inthemeetifig,and did ~some able|preaching,L am informed. |.The protracted meeting at Grassy|Knob will be on this week.|_Prof.Mansfield Privette and Mr. |Jarvis are teaching a singing school at Eupeptic Springs.Miss Pattie Jennings left recentlyforBoone,where she will be in school |this.winter.:|It did the writer good to see betwen|three and four hundred people takethevaccinationforfeveratJennings. (It shows that they are wide awake totheirtatinterests.We believe’that |Dr.Ly P.Somers is the great mo-i aed that has stirred thepeople up om thie subject,in this section?eM Hiram,Sharpe,who has beenanenaewith.fever is improving. Celebration..of Mr,Lippard’s Birthday. |Correspondence’of Tha Landmark. Mr.Peter Lippard,who lives withLatsonyThad,on Eighth stree Statesville,was the recipient of manytokensofloveonSunday.It was his83dbirthdayandhis‘friends and neigh- dinner and have a religious service at 1 p,m.a table 32 feet long had:been °|prepared under the shade of trees in| “|the yard..This was with proluunu the yard.This was filled with pro-; visions furnished by 16 neighbors and. friends,It was indeed a rich table.The old father was taken out of his bed,placed in a roller-chair and con- veyed to the table.After an invocation of .God’s blessing,75 persons joined All,were satisfied and much was left |on the table.All then-returned to the*héme and the writer fead'the Psalms At dnd #1,which’was followed by splendid siing‘and’prayérsi®'"Wikosodver:“sha of ‘my ‘disciples,in’the’name’ofa dissciple,Shay |not lose‘his?réward.?.~ ei given will the Lord’pay ‘him-Psalms,19:17,ag Hv po A.LUTZ, mea meethefull a;animignateteofB-W-jGROV MARKET REPORTS, yop Statesville ProducProduce Market, for produce on the local market.Spring Chicken,13c.per Ib.Eggs,i6c.per dozen.“Roosters,5c.per Ib.~Eggs,15c.:per dozen. Butter,15c..per Ib. Shoulders,14c.per Jb;Red Honey,10c.per Ib.Sourwood Honey Comb,18¢.per Ib. Grain,©The following prices were paid yesterdaywgrainon.the local market:Wheat,$1.20 to $1.25 per bushel.Corn,$1 per bushelOats,52¢.to 55¢e,per bushel. SEED WHEAT-—First class seed wheat forsale,eer:nightsa H.ALLEN,Cleveland, 44N<ca “Aug.24—2t* FOR RENT—The H.L.Morrison residence,‘partly furnished,during,the term of Scott'sHigh.School:::Addressy:)MISS.MINNIEMORRISON,Loray,No Ce “Aur.26. MUSIC—Will ‘begin’class inSeptember§.MISS FRA “ING,423 Walnut’street. ie Monday,CES F Aug.24—1t*. ;WANTED---Reliable cook.Address P.O. Box 105,Statesyille,,N.©.Aug,24. FOR SALE—Pigs antl.tordwaod;Ready now.’Phone E.D.BRADY.Aug.pi—2t. FOR RENT—At once,nice six-room cottage,with ‘all modern conveniences,located on “Elm street.J.R.HILEK Aug.24, FOR RENT—Cottaze on Race street .whichRev.W..M.Walsh is just leaving.MRS.D.A.MILLER.“Aug...20-—4t, FOR RENT—Right-room two-story “house,“608 West Front street:“L. K. OVER-.CASH,Aug.20; WANTED —Young couple without children exohanged.°Address R.,care The Land- Ang.20—2¢*, tage on Mulberry street,near StatesvilleFemale.College.Also ‘one vacant lot on’Cherry street.B.PATTERSON. Aug.uate e ‘EXPECTED THIS WEEK; One‘car Pine Shingles.One'¢ar Cypress Shingles:)One car Weather Boarding.One cai Cedar Shingles and Laths. L, ree at Galina:"Cy,,Casing.tines.G.Watkins of Taylorsville,Henry Brown Kellye routman;A.’L,Deal of Rowan.Mr,Johnston resigned immediately |}asa director and the board.electedA.Sy Alley of IN ape to fill thevacancy.Hamilton »Smith wasmadepresidentandweIeMathesonifoneyeutandtreasurer,James.L.a “was eltoted _Superintend- Te Drive Out Malaria.And Baild Up Pe System GROVE’S -‘Automobile Owners! GASO-TONIC will increase -yourmileage25percent.per gallonGasoline,{It will.clear your en- ie.big. ron RENT OR SALEMy five-room eot-|# i eyZivébuta’cup of cold?witerite one |e Quinine.ThatDoes,Not Affect.The,Heid jours adax ARA SysenigunNGatepS;Be MeshRa have a'B (The:following prices were paid yesterday ‘a M-}3 Py e s e e r e s e r e v o c e r e y Pe e e e v e s e r e r s e s pr o p e r y rs :° 4 pe p e c e r e s v e c e s e s PP e e s e r o c e s s e s s c v e c e c e an inspiration to all DEVOTION mankind,McKinley’sA’ *devotion to his,invalid wife will live for Bey DE T You men and women of family think of those you love.You desire to have them enjoy only the best you can give then.Are you going aboutit the right way? Will their future be one of peace andcomfort?Will your children be equipped to make a markinlifeandsorealizethatwhichhas been your dearest wish? WI T T I L E T T L R A L E , Le Ni YA ny Save regrets.andtemorseby act- ing now.A few dollarsin the bank today forms the nucleus of an independent future:and pro-- vides your-children-with the in-~ centive for advancement, “lestSTATESVILLE N.C.se $100.000 4%Raid on TimeDepsi_U.S.DEPOSITORY eSSSesSsSSieressstissessrrreceteterrceceseeceses ‘Hardnan.Gosaree2ey} "FOR*Heey [?4 possesses peebeseseeeeeeeetes: po gi (atad teh da ot eater BE OT a ie7ohaMcCorA a:on Knowaz ae.~vine Singer,.Saye:About the pate a My enthusiasm for your magnificent +t oesghLita 8unbounded...Phetoueh®is-exquisite’aridethégasisfullDe-F should‘h on feat a (ehthan the:Hattie “taut abia‘Thesaine'thin said in'-vatious’Ways:"tore thanra hun hed other eminentmusicians.Carlton A.Andrews,_en lerte:8 Agent ee sSsstsss Seeseertronsesene BORER ON FANCY GOODS. Everything Reduced 33 1-3.to 50 Per Cent, Big Bargains in Imported and Do- mestic Hand Painted China,Sterling Silver Novelties,Leather HandBags. and Leather Novelties,Cut.Glass’ andBrass. Sale Begins Wednesday Morningat 430 i Continues Until Friday.Night, Three Days’Only-—Terms Cash : Your opportunity to get Highoe Goods at LOW.ee Statesville Drug €Comp"ySBEBEXALEBeeea catbon.It willincrease the pow-} Take the ord StandarTASTELESSpeedhak You know|inerthefotimulaiseveryIe form oo ty showin,it,is’‘taste!asteleshtmalaria,the er-of your engine.I have tried ittycar.For farther informa- address W,-P.KNOX,a,N.C,_Agent. ‘gine and spark plugs of smut and ||-— —>TOBACCO “FLUES by Flues made up ready for del "Phone or write:ders.Shipment madé.same Oe cal received,Extiandflatsheetsforrepairs,enSTATESVILLETIN60.1ROA .“PHONE 65,© zii »on the,country roads. #eee Mow “prisoners rather than -Bhe ‘received jelear that Frank had not been re- prisoncorridor after they*had ‘taken ay _-Frank’s confinement had *Wento death almost within view of roat,Frank was dragged from‘place by four men,In their WHE REWARD IS OFFERED, Bovernor of Georgia Offers $1,- 50 For the Apprehension of the Frank Lynchers. Gov.Nat.E.Harris of Georgia,af- a consultation with members ‘of State Prison Commission Thurs- y night,issued in the form of ap sterview a statement on the lynching Leo M,Frank.The Governor ‘de- sred he would do all in his power to ring ~to justice the perpetrators of e “unfortunate occurrence.”The tement points out the fact that Ye State prison farm at Millédge- @ was not parma a :eer ithatanding an a rr Sie “The (eon was intended for sick or feeble convicts una- do work with the chain gangs There is)no fe about the farm and the only ‘astion froin without the build- }is a wire fence.tn , .question of |providing addi- ‘tional guards at ‘the prison after ink was sent there had been.con- with the prison commission, ite i ot rk eld,but the idea in mind sted to protect Frank from his fel-om an ie attack.The danger’of such <grattack,it is stated,was thought ety after the first month of aly,sto assed. “&month ago Governor Harris said :‘@ secret message to the ‘ect that an attack was to:be made n the prison farm on a given night; was the time when he ordered ‘company of militia held at Mil- geville armory.The Governor de- res his Resi Pe that ‘time,ough it brou;censure upo arinin Creriet.“postponed:the ching for a month.”The censure said by the Governor to have comeompersonswhothoughtthe‘Goy-or’s action a reflection upon them it is said’an indignation meet-was plannéd at Marietta.tsarris’statement makes_it al- him ’d from fhe hospital when he wasnudedIthad-been supposed heleepingwiththeotherprisonersinoneofthebigdormitorieswhenheawakenedbymembersofthebandwhichafterwardsput *the-Phagan:home.Still wounded in they let the prisoner fall in the of which he was -/Abraham Ruef,once @ San Francisco politics,se year sentence for offering a” a San Francisco supervisor,| paroled.He had been imprisol two or three years.a Artons Johnson sed A.Cc)Wale arrested on’suspicion 0:mp cated in the murder of Chas.Abt,thi eccentric Raleigh ‘miser,were’ dis- charged;no evidence of consequence being developed.against,them.- Monday evening of last week the Wilkes Commercial club gave a ban- quet in honor of Mr.Wade'H.Harris, editor of the Charlotte Observer,who was in Wilkes to take’an observation trip over the Watauga railroad, -Greenville,S$.C.,und vicinity were visited Friday by a cyclone which de- molished a number of houses and de- stroyed everythingin its path,about 200 yards wide.One negro caught in the ruins of his house was killed. J.Charlie Haar,secretary and manager of:the People’s Supply Co., retail grocers of Wilmington,drown- ed himself in the Cape Fear,river at Wilmington Thursday morning.~De- spondent..Was.44 years old andunmarried. A contract has been awarded —the Elliott Building Company of Hicko-ry for the building of the big dam for the Morganton Light &,Power Co.across the Catawba river,at ‘aj =The\contract.price!;point near Nebo. is $110,000.aeMiss‘Cornelia Vanderbilt,young daughter of Mrs.Geo.W. Vanderbilt,who was recently serious- ly injured.while swimming inapondontheBiltmore.estate,has been.dis-charged from ‘the hospital and willsoon,be fully restored.: The funeral of Mrs..oe $.Carr,|} who died last Wednesday,was held attheCarrhomeinDurhamSaturdayafternoon.Mrs.Carr's’four ‘son and two nephews:were pall-bearers:Business houses were closed whiletheprocessionpassedthroughthe|¥city’s streets. Forcing their victimstheirstomachsandkicking them iftheyprotested,five masked bandits in the vicinity of Butte,Mont.,heldupnineautomobilesandgotaway with $2,500.in cash,and jewelry esti-|%mated to be worth $2,500. Miss Grace C.Strachen,who was ‘defeated for,the presidency of the National Education Association,in session at Oakland,Cal.,by Dr.Da-vid B.~Johnson of “Rock Hill,8.C.,after abitter fight,resigned from the e sole t.--Later thocethey.eeged him bumping down!mensistepsoftheinstitutionandhorledjShimintooneofthaawaitingautomo-Pj statement Gov.jj#@ biles.\BR In addition to hy1Hisigned.a profarewardof$1,500ersonsconvicted oflingofKpsstte lamation offering rticipation ite) sbeen ©ged if some quartersBrecently,however,that the lynchersmayhavestrangledFrankfurtherdowntheroadtoward«Milledgevilleindsavedthebodyforfinaldisposi-+tion until they were well within theieoteline.It was in CobbitythatthePhagansformerlylivedandit:isgenerally accepted that.;the lynching plans were laid there.e in-wiew-of--the-doubt>asto the ex-act location of Frank's death,the re-e ward proclamation is made-to readthattheprisonerwas“violently takenxfromthehospitaloftheStatepeni-etentiaryinBaldwin county and foundfydeadinthecountyofCobbonthe~morning of August 17,1915;havingmethisdeathatthemendofun-»known ae.“2 Proceeding.the proclamation ‘saysh¢persons “engaged in the transac-Ba,ANE mah eh own,.and.,..unap-mended.The act of the armedngis.descrjbed_in _the .proclama- #8,an “attack upon our civiliza-besides"being a gross:violationelaw;which the dignity of the»otate and good name of Lex peo-ple require to,be fully.investigateda,ie,affenders brought to punish- MATTERSOFNEWS. +CoRiley of Concord and“4Mrs.Joseph Call of Asheville were{slightly injured Saturday nightwientheautomobileinwhichthey‘e riding went over a 40-foo -tbankment..«,:S id Le=A buggy occupied by Luther Stone,wife and two children,was struckatrainat.a crossing near Kittrell,nee county.The mother and baby»were killed;husband seriously injur-ed and 3-year-old son slightly hurt.#ohn Greene was arrested in Boonewlastweek,charged.with trying to killpugTittle.stepchild.He is said to havehrownthe’child*against the wall andbokenitsthighandtohaveattempt-ed a poison it with carbolic acid; @ grand jury of Johnston count:Superior Court’-has’returnedindiet-iments for embezzlement,»false pre-price and forgery against L.H.All-the lawyer legislator of Smith.el who.recently went to the bad,d ‘disappeared some days ago.ininwél)te Farmers’Conven-ns he A.and M.College,~The farmers’wivesnddaughters,as well as the farm-eeuae interest in this event) J :i week,and is ‘of greataonallytothosewhoat-5 eight steamer,was sunk by a Ger-n submarine a icy days ago.Heeesterandstewardshellsfiredbytheabepursuitoffourhoursrsofthecrewwhodrowned. .my store the othereclerks,‘have you ,terhoes?’.and mytleof.Chambers the first three fri association,;claiming thy erection was ‘days ago,Mr.8.stent SA.im disappéar supposed hewee did not come to :Lawrence |was day—Saturdayobject.to“h 2 pelledzobservethefirstdaytheChristianSabbath.nt, ‘Trustees of the American MedicineGoldMedalAwardhaveunanimouslyselectedSurgeon-.General Blue,ofthePublic‘Hyalth Service,as the American physician who has dénemostforhumanityin*the domain ofmedicineduring.1914.The gold med- al for that year has been awardedtohimforhisworkinnationalhealthandsanitation. er ofthe yellow fever mosquito theo-ry,died in Havana,Cuba,last week, Puerto Principe.He me .fa-mous as the discoveyer of the yellowfevermosquitotheory,which for.a became prominent in.1911. soon.as arangements ean he made foritstransportation,a heautifuly.-rnicutedlife-sized statue of irginDare,the work of Miss'Louisa Lander.of Washington City.”This’fact was made known at the’anniversary ofVirginiaDare’s birthday,held at Fort Raleigh on the 48th by the RoanokeColonyMemorialAssociation, Trying to save his pet dog from death,Mr.Robert Waldrop,a farmeroftheCathey’s creek section of ‘Tran-sylvania county,was killed bya trainandhisdogwasalsokilled.Walk- ing on ee railroad track,his dog fol- lowing,Mr._Waldrop stepped aside to let a freight train pass.Seeinghisdogonthetrackandindangerof | death,Mr.Waldrop attempted to res- eae and both man and dog wereiled. Mr.Hayden’Clement of Salisbury,solicitor of this district,is suggestedforAttorney.General..Mr.Clement says he is not considering,becominga.candidate for any office.He wasassistantAttorneyGeneralprior.to1908andacandidatefor.the office that year,but Mr.T,)W.Bickett’sspeechnominatingAshleyHorneforGovernorintheStateconventionthatyear,won the latter:the’nominationforAttorney.General.’ ‘Germany faces the necéssity of re-ducing the meat consumption.of hercivil<pop lation 40°or 50°per cent,,’according to a report sent “by the’American Association.of CommerceandTradeinBerlintotheDepart-ment.of Commerce in Washington.The report says,however,that the|bread card system has resulted in.npsurplusofwheatandryeflourwhichwillmakeposableanincreaseinthe|bread allowante,., Personal Mention. Mr,and Mrs.T,8>Coffey and chil-dren went to Hickory*yesterday af-ternoon by automobile;Mrs.CoffeyandchildrenwillependaweektherendMr.Coffey will visit Lenoir andBlgwingRock.: a iss Ada Canter,who nt a fdayswith,Miss Jamie Atwell.has aturnedto‘her.home in’Cool Spring. nied by her-sister,lit-Canter,0.visited She was accomtleMissEdith, ‘pleasure resorts,¢ of its banks Sunday,swept away .|to treetops. ‘to He ©on|f Dr.Charles J.Finlay,the discovers at the age of 82...Dr.Finlay was a}! native of Cuba,where he was born in || time was.not.regareed seriously,but |< North Carolina.-is:t6/:receive,—as || ay Bryan Reece rid:Mrs,Hughi |eeetheriverwas1eweptane! the Des Peres.river.Eleveeiatevoey‘ten"bu Ah s,and several large’fetheriverwerebadlylam: =The /Meramee _river,lined.wi uses# mer cottages,went several Park,wi thalfmileswide,AtMerameethousands‘housed in churches,hotels andjiebuildings,: ;‘traffic narrowsection ‘af a 7 Railroad s}under water.‘ of ‘these buildings and increasedto 20,it is reported,the ee ve oN if :ry Tost in St.Louis county,as a arattheflood,—~Py |rlotte,and Lieut,:viet nited $s army,will-Phe Meramee’s rise was so sudde of the:United:Satna:axay. that hundreds had time only to elTheriverSundaynightpassedastagefivefeethigher’thaneverbeforeinitshistory.)«..°. Hundreds of persons had been ma- rooned.in clubhouses and cottages Aesalongtheriverbythefirstrise.sen-fait, eral days ago,folowing a 40-hayur|sum of ON UND rain-fall,and hundreds of others wenttotheriverSunday,hoping it would};recede and permit them to rescue rel+}*):atives,friends’and water-soaked"be-..longings.agenAppealsforhelpweresentto”St.Louis Sunday night and hundreds of} volunteers responded.Strong motor- boats attempted to enter the Meraniée from the Mississippi river,but wereblocked-by the high waters,which :& pning. cere a aeitvank:J.>is.senior Hall's Catarrh Cure,is Peat aceite aesTr \for tony.CHENEY &CO,,Toledo,0."gota by all druggists,”75 Tabe Hall's. Steere ee "*ee 93.4 Do,you lack,in,animation;i.Are,you sore-onal!‘treation;Is your,livér,on a strike;Are you off,in appetite? Is your circulation,sluggish;Is your system full.ef rubbish;” Is your backbene full of cricks?* See a Doctor—yow'are sick!,And when he inditates with skill “Your need of some’particular pill,Don’t forget the n¢ed of care—‘Better’get it “On the Square!”The Polk Gray Prug Company. _.Precise Prescriptionists . woand a/—h\the mouth of theofpeople‘were| f has’been at all 4 standstill since Friday and thousands ‘lof acres.of corn along the:rivors are * Red t Nae iedh..Miss Mary.Osborne,daughter of is sae ane Mrs,Frank I,Osborne of»A.Capron: poanried in.Charlotte Thursday.eve- STATE OF OHIO,CITY OF TOLEDO,Liga Poin oitat¥. the: Gatarehithal canohandredbythetfMSGa. seen to before wie and.ou xigins6thaus“of pont en,end acts directly on the blood andouthesayatema,.Send c,fFamilyPills‘for constipation.| Seize thé %ts LST Wr.(On)bili jo)2ST BDIDABY “TIO:FIO Ri ribet ir ta Hadelwiped 57a ow Suiie site a ae [daitn'=tlc aT serieDid,you ever have the toothache’"long fn.the.,.wee:,“hours of the night.and:vow:thatwhen’the tomorrow’, *oamé'you would fave,it treated?.But when the to-1morrowcamethetoothwasedsyandyouputit-offandforgotituntilthoselitthe“devils”began toprance in the tooth again?You just»knew for certain then. ““eHat Veuawould have it attendedto the nextiday?:And soon,antil-you'd suffted,"irifinitely,mdte,with: ‘toothache’than’you ‘would have had “you had: tooth,treated at first?,,|Sah roel Ny AOR,666 Jy Exactly?You arein hard lines today ‘Simply "pee cause you have resolved‘in hard'times that if easy times came again you would get yourself in shape for hard times and wheneasy times came you would passup the opportunity.“Let’s go deeper into the matter in Friday’s paper. Mutual Building sutton Association, “>Statesville,N.Cr OF pcan geethaes Mart och?ae Find of tesnyolqme 2svty fist ———~Sr ee ea Men’s andBoys Shoes_and Low Cuts -Are Only:Half Price.NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY |SMITHEY &FRALEY The People You Want to See We offer the remanider.of our SummerWeightMerchandise'at -your own price.Study your wants and give:the store a care- ful perusal.It Pays.)ogi»_SMITHEY&FRALEY,-:The Real Bargain Givers.oe We were fortunate the past week to buy twostocksofGeneralMerchandise,und wish to say that the bargains will be bigger and bet-| ter thail'ever before and we advise you to visit the store before the pickis gone.The time will surely be well spent.Remember the place—Next door below Merchants &. ez ce ‘Farmers’Bank. rceciniemnoacieeDon't ForgetThat All | 1]—House-to-House Demonstrations 4 a aye .,For the month of August;:/ Don’t miss them.: ~ New Goods Arriving Daily !'The Store That Sells For Less. PHONE 212. Me 100 Dini sCh irs: That retail ‘for $1.00 each. 4 \:iX0wi¢anget them-while they )last at-50c.each,CASH. Get them quick—they won’t last:long.*»‘: ~~NECKWEAR. We call special attention to our special assortment of"f Neckwear just received by express,all the new shapes, in the most attractive patterns,50c.and 25c.grades. Men’s and Boys’Caps.- A new.line just received.The Jockey ‘cap,just-the. .thing-you have been looking for,in new,nobby pat- terns,$1.00 and 50c.qualities.oo “Sport Shirts. We haye quite a good assortment in both the $1.00 and.50c.grades;and an exceptionally good valug:in the 50¢,grades,pu thee ee SHERRILL-WHITE SHOE CO. is OhurchisNowGiving | ‘As well as by Appointment. |Free to Everybody.2 'iy ‘ :(PHONE,Write OR,CALL-——-— wht Vie ry FOUNDED IN.1888 |Statesville Gaslight and Fuel Company. erirarents apie sre a wi |.CHARTERED 185 y .,se 4 >,¥a peTRINITYCOLLEGE.bite DURHAM,N.C,retthernCollege6fliber&l arts withan established.nath high Hakeem,noel traditions,and Seeareteypoli -i a ondermsat p fund ‘inakes possible its ‘firs eauipthent and large faculty of Well trained °©i carefully chosen rs,Student fees’,low.’ortable,'inexpensive |©,pd inycarefilly'ay’‘hygienic Warinitories,9 aad we“Ol nial and “scienti ae oeBet the’yg deares,‘Gedloasi.courses a ian i ustrated booklet addrele ing,em i,~Ay * y Secreta “ RG es Se mh te TS ‘nC that is little but.igs ora etAt is GOOD TIME! wearing out-your pocket with a watch a you oe depend icawhayonwanttodoaoerwatchorclockrepairedbHENRYwhileheisdevotclocksandfittingspectaclesSikOTe: Ret.F.HENRY,<=:ere The clocks in the home must be right or the housekeeper can’t bepectedtoplanandhavemealsontime,Then there is.no econdm} y BOisentiretimetorepairingwatchesand a B '|Rev,Neill E.Pressly,"D,ID:»,of Tam-ed Bieber nestlal 0 cane apicesCambetiana asBlheavePearstSoetaeaeeetry,that the ation to give otal.price,“ee ee eee |4 ure.Each locality has a O88 *1.9 cents.» Se Se pee tone =o & Many Odd Pieces andDiscontinued Patterns*~of Furniture at" BIG REDUCTIONSDURINGAUGUST ‘Bedroom;Diningroom and Parlor Furnifure .ccm-plete suites and single pieces—in Circassian Walnut,Oak and Mahogany.Every piece GOOD in theverybestsenseoftheword,and every piece_agreat,big,splendid bargain. é Savings uf from $7.50 to $20 on single pieces. ;Savings of from $25,te $175 on complete Suites’ r ALL SUMMER FURNITURE 1-3 OFF. Telephone and mail.orders will receive the very best attention., Write today for complete list‘and full particulars. ee 5 aa 2 Pe [We Are Selling PARKER-GARDNER C0,"S82" SOCOLADE ,Cool and.Fefreshing.Bain si t e al e n t a ts\lt ing ate Drinks.*.A 53 ;}?Rit -f 4 a .tceleeAT——I:HALLS DRUG STORE, Prescriptionists. 60 Tornadoes picture of theactual f: story of its own and reportsdifferentsectionsarepeculiar’ta,‘epe-\cial places or territory. ive information by wcthecountryasawhole 3wariipiencorrectly.A~exico ‘City would present,@‘pictureofpoverty,distress,want arfering,that only eye-wibelieve,and’it would not,’fale tojudgethewholecountry.e -condi-tions there.While this is true,there |are other places where the inhumani-|ty to man is even worse than might|be reported from .Mexico aresso |from Torreon.One concrete will ‘explain.In Tantima,one of our ‘gtationsmanwhohadbeenanofficeraEte | ’ ‘municipalit‘a had.written orders forarrestsandmadehimselfobnoxioustotheopposingvergemeinto‘the|hands.of his enemies,Aaken|to:his:office and a rite te |between the five pnan |cut through and.bones on both nie aahagivenhimtosignree for the -rest of his per:Then thefleshwascutfrom,‘hettons of hisfeetandfoes,and he was made towalkonthestreets,goaded by bayo-nets.Women.and children.oebeenruthlesslybutcheredand_their|homes burned and the bodies char-|red in the funeral pyre,The bar-:barities that are practiced:in’»the|stricken,devastated country are only| |exceeded by the human heart.|The scene of actual struggle,aberoarofcannonandtherattleofrap id-firing guns and musketry,"thetrainloadsofmangledbodies,‘thesufferinganddying,and the battle-fe -lif ceee mode.ae = shi rom this port and s - ings;but the curtain hag od adropped.No,the frightful gar isgoingonanddistressinglyrealin other parts;yet this is only a part of The oifing y eshasbeen a the bitter cup that is being’pressed: jto the lips of the country,sie Here in Tampico’provisions are|sufficient for the demands at~high|prices;there are sufferings)WW but_not like it;was:some the withdraw:{ and gives eat to mehnum- |tion.to.the cheapness..of|the||As’far as I'am inform ,this is the|)only industry that is being oyeagi :fin the country to any advantage “t helps to relieve the condition:&es?{hundreds of the employes ar.show;“jing emselves ungrateful.re is|no demand for any of therefined prq-4 duets,and if there was there ismeans‘of ‘distributing the output,all|ration being.out a commissio’andas only he a Ys in demand, ‘on (plage co beldbe aay,eepabarers-ents Devastate 10,000 Homesin Eight States Such isthe record ofoneday’s hundred years the Hartford ,.damage done by tornadoes.Fire Insurance Company->You don’tknow'when the _has met every honest claim «. tornado may strike your promptly.Buy a Hartford *.property,but you do know Tornado Policy today.Itis _.the“Old Hartford”protects the nearest thing to comfort =‘against all loss.For overa when a Tornado Strikes. ~People’sLoan&SavingsBank, Statesville,N.C.‘Resident Agent.wo GEO.H.BROWN,President. t as\a matter of charity the full.1 quota of:laborers been carried :i along as in normal times. en Ba Furniture Men Consider South: American Trade. The Southern Furniture Manufac- !Asheville last "week,decided to hold ‘|their next meeting in Greensboro andjthesecondWednesdayinNovember |was fixed as the-time.Foreign trade”development was the |chief phase of:the furniture industry \to:which the members gave their at-|tention and ea projects of-magni-i tude ey is Subject are to be|given consideratién between now and|the time’of the Greensboro meetingin,order that action may.be’takeriduringthelatterpartofthe-year. The manufacturers will consider.the};‘advisability of establishing a sellingagency.in South a-prepared:to quote’pricesshyt South American)Lmoney to the buyers and in a posi-"tion*to name the selling figures onboard:the cars a uth Americanstations...They will also.consider ‘the:establishment:of.branch’plants:inSouth‘America’to’utilize timbe?ofthatcountryandtomanufacturetheSouthAmericanoutput.Trade conditionsin South Americaf* were discussed by tro:men who havejustreturnédfromSouthAmerican9|trips—W.A.Thomas of”StatesvilleandHughMeéCollumGurranoftheUnitedStatesforestryBervice.Bothhandledtheirsubjectsinsuchaman-ner as to call to the attention of the y Of poverty and want will nevér grab you «if you have an active savings account in a good Bank-—this Bank for instance. ..But you want to start in time.Start now, and start here.A dollar will do:to start with and a hundreddollars wouldn’t stop (:)you,once you “realize how important:a Savings acount 5Me ia .fs é ‘ He SABETY SERVICE —SATISFACTION. ae ‘9 Of Statesville,~*~“Phe Bank For Your Savings.” i "Merchants and Farmers’Bank, f |“The Clutching Hand” ,(furniture makers the vast possibili-ties for foreign trade expansion,pro-vided the task is°ee in awore,Manner,, “While the’Pan-American’ei ees await further replies to theirpeaceappealtoMexicanleaders,the stage iar ih is being set for a ‘de-cisive battle between Carranza |andVillainGentralMexico,-Meantime.jt was,anfiounced ‘a.fewdaysagothatCarranza,who has not als,would leave Vera:Cruz,re-estal=lish his government at México City|and demandrr cognition for it fromtheUnitedStatesButitisemphati-cally asseFted that he will not acceptthepeaceproposals. Salesoof Leaf For a Year. The’annualiréeport of sales on theyettobaccomarketsinthisStateortheyearending’‘August.1,showsris‘es nds ‘first hand for 904,444 pounds,7 in-ding ene for dealers and ware-houses,total’sales were 189,-643,316 pounds.Wilson led with 23,-508,unds first hand and 30,- a 011 ene see oe. Was second wit 748,614 seas first chand and 27,491 631,in- a |cluding’resales,at Statesville first hand werepounds. sara wife of Senator $s,underwent.an.-operation indelphifew‘days ane and is [Low Coat.‘ofa -Antl-TypholdTrea915.|Bulletin State ealth, The ana 1 figuresa aes tea anti-ty-| :phoid campaign ntly_conducted in}Dr:Neill PresslyMentions aFew|0.537"people tookaelee “complcte|nr x ent 26,537 peop comple inethePreyinTha Unhap-treatm at a ‘cost of $3,761.- py Country.87 to the copntion,or 14.2 cents perpersattimmunized,Northampton| f T ico will ‘NOt|complete treatment,it woreinlormintiewhichconditionscouthem$39,800,whereas by the) S'to bring out other ca [bere The ET ak3fompenies.oo |turers?Association,in.session in|. yet made answer to the peace propos-| ead in point of low per capita cost.| erland was! -’ve GASTONIA AND“STATESVILLE At Statesville Ball Bark Sa ahah eee 4 THURSDAY;FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. sien iw has been.estimated that had | eemoeaeecennras thes 26,587.people paid the usual | price of 50 cents per dose or o50 per|uld have} method adopted the counties saved | over $36,000,©The total loss from typhoid dever! saved to these five counties on ac-@anj}count,of the anti-typhoid treatmentduringthé,next five years is assum-ing a sa¥ing of 113,deaths and 1,130casesand,estimating a life saved tobeworth$1,700 and the cost of a caseoftyphoidat$200,shows a saving of $418,000, "NC harge ThatBoyd is Biased.Claiming that Judge James E.Boyd of Greensboro,Peg at the Rogers’Goods in Sets. We have a few sets of Rogers’goods made up»of 6 Knives,6 Forks,6 Tablespoons,6 Teaspoons,a Spoon and 1 Butter Knifein a chest for $10.We also have Rogers Ice Teaspoons 6 for $1.The pat- ternis very neat.R.H.RICKERT &SON, term of the,United States District Court in.Asheville,is prejudiced and biased in favor’of the defense jn the|—celebrated ease of Gilbert versus Hop- |kins,.attorneys:for the plaintiff filed |}an affidavit asking that the action be|% Rh tried before:anotbar judge.Present-|§ting the affidavit corftaining the alle-|%gation a Jadthe intiff cannot get a\/%fair trig ogee ng H.Merrimon| declan is no course for |}Judge tee ives other ;than to|&order that the case be heard before|¢some other presiding officer.fCounseleeJuigeresistedthe|:motion,wi e Boyd overruled,|%and oa there e case be docket-|ed for trial before‘him at the Novem-|ber.term of the District Court.He|{ said that he has been engaged in the trial of“cases for the past 15 years|¥and asserted that if he is capable of |}vias and prejudice in a‘case he is not qualifiéd for the position which he|#holds.An exception to his order was|taken by the plaintiff.The action involves the.ownership of 30,000 acres of timber lands in Graham B giving Exceptional Values iin Oxfords, Clearance Sale Continnes!i All it takes to:convince you that we are Pumps,Shirts and Underwear iis a look.’f ogComewithyourfriends.cao are Shoes-repaired while you wait.; Hive!S,M:&H.SHOE GO.) yey The ‘One Price Cash Shoe Store. SELLETITIIDIRERTT eee county and has.been in the FederalCourtformorethan15years. pc nasseroeneasnss-einsnenenneneeioeemeten] Mr.Self a Candidate For Attor-ney General. Mr.'W.A.Self of.Hickory has|&er his hat into the ring andis now|4full-fledged candidate for Attorney|4Generakcording.to:Ahnouncem wnt|£made fre Newton,thi expects ndidates forsameoffice,who a baer debatithestecryfy.iMeant progress of ‘events. eitoeoDIRE’DISTRESS. It is Near at Hand to Hundreds }f‘+’¢Statesville’Readers.) Don’t.neglect an ‘aching:back. Backache is,often the,kidneys’. Tor help.. Neglect hurryiig’to thie!kidney ifaid.1BMeansthaturinarytroublesmay8 follow: Or danger of worse itdney trouble. "Here’s Statesville testimony. Mrs.L,A.Lineberger,304 Bell St., Statesville,says:‘About.six=months|-4 ago,I was in misery from a dull Ne across my kidneys and pain between my shoulder blades,‘I couldn’t rest|} t’night and the hidney secretions! Mere irregular’in action and lf ‘health was all run down.Reading so OO O es SC R E EC E E C E O E L E C EL E EE E EE E much about Doan’s Kidney Pills;I GEOPCACECESEECRCACBOACR ACR ECE SBR Chattanooga“The Dry WeatherPlow.” Mog)HoTnbbs vig.Bhat gisWONAateDiews esis + We have both single kind Twin’Dise iin ‘stock,ace }do their work ‘‘a comin’and a goin’.”This .Plow. |has no Rival.Now while youcan’t plow with decided to try them and got a supply from Stimson &Son’s Drug Store. ‘After taking them a few:days,my back felt easier and one box of the médicirte cured me;My kidneys.haye been normatl,ever since.”* Price 50c,at jall dealers.”Don’t simply.ask forarkid praety wet Doan’s KidneyPiHite the same ‘thatMrs.-Lineberger had.Foster:MilbomCo.,sae ‘ite Buffalo,N.Y. White,Pink andLavenderAster The Carnation seasonisover,hut we have’-.plenty -of.beautifulwhite,pink and laven-derAster which splen-_didly take the placeofCarnationsthroughfthesummer. To the Farmers of Iredell andOther THE STATESVILLE REALTY &INVESTMENT COMPAtoannouncethattheyhavecompletedarrangementsROMEINSURANCECO.of Newfoe ieaaaofTobacco,Corn,Cotton and small again by.il-Storm at the following very low a TOBACCO CRO. $100 per acre valuation at:$7.50 per acre.7%per acre valuation at 5.873 per acre50peracrevaluationat.4 3.75 per acre25peracrevaluationat1.873 per acre COTTON,CORN.AND SMALL GRAIN CROP, $40 per acre valuation35peracrevaluation 30 per acre valuation i25peracrevaluation20peracrevaluation15peracrevaluation 10 per acre valuationDWELLINGS,FURNITURE,BARNS. _$100 value for one yearat ie 3 years at 60c.,5latterinsurancecoversalso‘against lossor mage cocislonedbywindinadditiontohail.REMEMBER—“‘We insure anything insurable.’J.F.CARLTON,Manager,—’PHONE 54.STATESVILLE, ‘ae :All orders have atten-tion the moment.re-eeived.Beautifulde-ffsignsforall\purposes,charmingly arrangedbyourexperts, Van Lindley Co., FLORISTS 70 THE souTH, GREENSBORO,8.0, Polk Saal Beie Plate ie Steam Boiler,‘Accident and Health or LifeInsurance We solicit your business forthe leading -companieswriting the different lines of -insurance.Full information obtain on request. and most talk .Janis in “Betty.in 1 World Feature.Thursday Orrin Johnson in “Satan Baby,”a Paramount Feature.Morday Betty Nansen in Celebra' Attend regularly so you won't miss such pictures as we are showing this week. / about photoplays everSearchofaThrill,”a stars than you can‘Thursday thereafter,» produce e¢here €2 The LYRIC THEATER has rable arrangements to sinw METRO FEATURES as show anybetter plays rior more Oo Thursday and you won't miss a uickly'as the Sie falenned:Broadway can’t ~RES..By“all ‘means see’the first of theseinMETRO'FEAT Ve'veacquired a reputation among garticular.peoplefor giving the best .The programme for this week is simply great..We are showing Tuesday Elsie Paramownt Feature,‘Wednesday Robert Warlick in “The Man Who Found Himself,”a Sanderson,”the first of the Metro Features.“The Celebrated Scandal,”’a Fox Feature.oFriday All StarCast in “Bootle’s ®Fee. { if LANDMARK GIVE OUT A STATEMENT. Members of the Committee That Lynched Frank Tell:About It TUESDAY,.--.Angust 24,1916. BOYS AND SLING-SHOT:Ss. ‘oungsters Said to Be Making ‘Life a Burden in-Some Parts )of Town." i)They insist on maxing The Land+ mark a sort of clearing house for lo-: cal troubles at times,and this paper ig asked to say a word about boys and.slingshots.It seems’that’in seme parts of town the boys and ‘their catapults are making life'a bur- Hor ome ‘of the residents,A ‘phones that the boys kill and le ‘the birds,leaving the crip- irds to.suffer;that it is really ous to sit om piazzas on ac-‘ef the promiscuous shooting; Yn one instance it is said a pet hiss,in%cage on the piazza of a widence,“was an object of attack, a@mbers of Congregatfon Emanuel that the boys have not’con- their attacks to birds but have en 40-odd window panes in their ue, at ature for boys to throwes-and shoot at birds;that is:in-n in almost all.boys.-But’theyildhave4,lesson about cruelty tocreatures;and it is especiallyortantthattheyhave’a:lessonbowttherightsofothérpéople’anderty.It’s all veryvs‘will be boys”wed ‘to have ae rights i Por start that he|agathe,eouttsyna.HORS,hb ?Fea em Be are AG ier eet Tp are sMagribresbordintareeft,unrestrained.’a excourseitisamatterforparentsdealwiththeboys.Nobody wantssecutethemincourtexcéptas -ale‘SHARP AFTER BASEBALL. Reavis Considers It Wholly ad and Wants the ChurchestoGoAfterIt.fo the Editor of ‘The Landmark:°have just returned from preach-and our preacher condemned some|in.this town.He vee myntssoforciblythatIwishIbuldfindwordstoexpresswhatIhinkofatownoritsrulersthatper- ni ings that go on in this town.the baseball first.This is whatchersarecondemning.Nowsltoourleaders,do you thinkbaseballyardwill‘civilize:andalanizetheboys,or will it leadéoars“I know boys,atid menfamilies,who work in the shops,“who go and pay 26 cents to see oneofthesefantsplayed.No.wonder theoftownhaven’t got anything“and are hard to control.I ask youers,do you believe that God is leas with such carrying on?1thinkthechurchesoughttopraythat“this evil with many others,may besweptfromthistownforthegoodofThereis:alwayséthinginthis.town.to geparateyoungfromtheirhardearnings. ey ought to be protected by theAinsteadofleadoffbythem.pity the town and leaders.Thisdone-invell:good yoru‘EAVIS.|*—Statesville,Aug.22.‘;eeBatted te bebeb *rep portage od:in.baseball to discuss thismatterwithMr.Reavis,but considersoper’to say that,in its opinion,baseball is harmless enough of itself;ut,like many other things;harm can \Be,and is,made out ofit.If,however,the churches are to be asked to go af-ter the:games.in Statesville,they+will have to begin with some of:the}preachers,as some of the clergy notRgpatronizethegamebut.are ratherusiasticfans.) Anti-Typhoid Treatment—Fif-»4..<teenPersons.Baptized.(Correspondence of The Landmark. loh Township,Aug. oms of the State Board ofmade.his third round Sun-giving the anti-typhoid “treat-»Vatgine ran short and he’was toytomeettheotherBradford’s art'a.‘At these three placestookthetreatment.Rev.Mr:Austin has been’holding‘meeting at Beulah for ‘about ten%As a result 15 persons wereod.this morhing in a branch a day.making it necessary ents —Loray, + .Bob:Deal's.° Ky PinetoNorthpalf,of Ne egal jhanging,”3 bvrey BathsrosopFh9flange;fi 23 —Dr. ,who _recent-Carolina to workwomansoffrage,is:hold-)in ‘Asheville—speaking But Keep Their Identity Con-cealed. ‘An Associated Press dispatch from Atlanta sdys that organization hasreceivedthe‘story of ‘all that trans-ired,in ‘the “lynching of Leo y “rank in Cobb county,Ga.,last.Tues-day morning;that the story didn’tcomesecondorthirdhandbut.thatthenarratorwillnotbe9witnessbe-fore a grand jury.This—indicatesthattheAssociatedPressreceivedthestoryofthelynchingfromamem-ber of the lynching party;under pledge of secrecy.The story is in substance as follows:First,Frank did not”confess,Hetwicewasaskedifhehadanythingtosay,but on each occasion a .“no.”Asked pointedly if hd killed thePhagangirl,he is said to have made no reply whatever.i Pn igSecond.No attempt was*made toforceaconfession.Frank’s statement is wife and mother better than he did his life;-eame unexpectedly:and=with- out questioning.Third.Frank was not maltreated in any way prior-to the-actual lynching.Stories that he might*have met.vio-lent death before he was hanged arewithoutfoundation.:;Fourth.Frank walked a distance of ea yards,fro,sre aptameute fe.theaathtree,Wi .@ faltering step;without.a sigh aa blanee of a pro-testo,Hearing,perhaps,_hat...hishody,a ht neyer reach his relatives,Me cad PareMoe tar il 4 rinbe.deliv,(0 a newspahakewiththetsolemnpromisechat it would be turned over to his ‘wife.That wish was carried out,’Fifth.Frank.was told from the‘was to be ‘executed”s had directed,and everymadebythe s0-committee”to pee,that the committees)are said to resenanyintimationthat:Frank:was “mal-treated”while in their custody.They assert he was given exactly the sameconsiderationusuallygiventoacon-demned man on the.day of his exe-cution.The rough handling of the body after it was cut down was a mat-ter concerning which members of the “committee”feel.they were not re- sponsible,.t.Sixth.The members of the “‘vigi-lance committee”felt they had a ‘‘sa- cred duty”to perform in “carryingoutthemandateofthecourtsoftheStateandoftheUnited’States.”There was no mob’spirit;no demon-stration,and there is:said to ‘havebeen‘no idea of hanging Frank in thepublicsquareatMariettaorinthecemetery.where Mary Phagan:liesburied.-There was,however,a de-termination:that:-the execution ‘shouldtakeplaceinCobbcounty...Inasmuchasallthemembersof:the \‘‘commit-tee”are said to be residents of Cobbcounty,the reason for this is ob-vious.83 : Seven automobiles were required to transport the “vigilance committee”from ‘Marietta to Milledgeville.Only four returned,including the ¢ar inwhichFrankrode.All of the ma-chines were small cars’of a popularmake,These cars were specially se- lected because of the difficulty in iden- tifying.them.No car of conspicuous¢olor or design was wanted,aTherewereprobably28meninthe lynching party.This is followed by a detailed story.of the kidnapping of Frank at theStateprisonfarmatMilledgevilleandtherideof.-seven hours to Marietta.It is said that only one oath was sworn by a member of the commit-tee and that was at the prison whenatrustyblewout’‘the light}that Frank made no protest—did not resist nor.beg;that he was not dragged down the prison steps nor mistreated: that he only uttered two words on the way tothe place of execution,and that was to answer ‘‘no”to.questionsaskedhim—if he had anything to say. j During the storm Friday night the home of Dan.Cannon,colored,onMr.John Rankin’s farm,in:No.3township,Cabarrus’county,was struck by.lightning,“Cannon’s 10- year-old daughter killed,and Cannonshocked.The lightning struck thechimnéyandthegirlwas‘sleepingonthefloornearthechimney,A a sleeping by her side was noturt. TLLLLIOTE This week's Special Basement Bar-gains:50c.enameléd coffee pots,re-duced to‘only 20¢.;10c;enameled dip-pers,reduced’to only 5e.;°Be.—tindippers,2 for 5¢.;one-half gallon:tincoffeepots,2 for 5c.;75c,farm shov- els for 40¢.;one lot.shovel plows atyourown.price;10c.flavoring ex.tracts for be.}:5e.flavoring extracts,2 for 5e,;be,celluloid starch,2 for 5e,}Se,package sulphur,2 for 5e,;one lotboy’s summer odd coats,the,and Visit the basement;git,pays.SMITHEY &FRALEY,the'sGreatBargainGiver's,—ad, just prior to his death that he loved. the so-called} ,Galveston. eight,hours. COTTON NOW CONTRABAND. Great Britain and France PlaceSouthernStapleonContra-band List.| ‘Cotton has been ‘declared absolutecontrabandby:Gréat Britain .and.France.The announcementof §the British.government follows:«‘His majesty’s ‘government .“havedeclaredcottonabsolute’contraband.While the.circumstances might have.justified ‘stich action at’an earlier pe~ riod,his majesty’s government ‘aregladtothinkthatIveal;conditions ofAmericaninterestslikelytobeaffect-ed are more favorable for stieh a’ step than they were a year ago,and moreover His majesty’s government contemplate initiation.of --measures:to ‘relieve as far as.possible any ab-normal depression which might tem- porarily disturb market conTheroyalproclamationsays:| “Now,therefore,..we do hereby,de-clare,by and with the advice of ourprivy.council,that during the contin- nance of the war,or until we do give articles will be treated “as absolute‘contraband in addition to thase®set out in our royal proclamations:afore-mentioned:Fae teats“Raw cotton,cotton linters,votton waste and icotton—yarn.-ee ions.”0 further public notice,the following) “LYRIC THEATER;R.V Barkley,Manager. Reet \ mi‘Se ee Of Odd Pieces of Furniture ce August 28th to September 4th. 'Crawford-Bunch Furniture Company | It is necessary at this season of the year to offer at greatly reduc-edonan all odd pieces of furniture.-These odd pieces consist ofDRESSERS,BEDS,DINING TABLES,BUFFETS,CHIFFO-NIERS,WASHSTANDS,ROCKERS,RUGS,ETC. These oddpiecds must.be sold.Every piece a bargain..Ourreducedpriceswillenableyoutogetseveralpiecesattheoriginalpriceofonearticle.TERMS CASH, that?this,our”royal “proclashalltake’effect:from’the date’of.itspublication‘in ‘the’London’“Gazette.”/\Atmounheément that!cotton ‘had beendécharedabsdlute|toritraband “of warby,Great ‘Britain’cani¢'\as.no”sur.prise ‘to ‘officials in ‘Washington’'/The‘United States,it is wnderstood;will protest.against the British’action,citing the previous .censistent prlicy. of Great Britain in holding —ecotten free of restraint.“The result,it)is expected,‘will be to draw out a fulléxplanation:of the reasons:behindtheBritish!chatige of polity.’“A longyovbse“Of ‘dinldiiatic interéhanges-un-doubtedty‘willf6llow!befory'an agree:ment can be reathed,di the questionpossibly“sabmitted”to arbitration,*'Phei'first direct “effect of thé “Brit-ish announcement will be to:simplify thé discussion over the orders in coun-cil:now in progress. have formed a large per centage ofthetotalnumberofcraftheldupun-der the orders,each case involvingmuchinformal’debate over arrange- “And we dovhereby futther deélare|'ion,|’ Cotton ships }] THE STORE THAT ALWAYS WELCOMES YOU. »COAT SUITS! on display some splendid valuesAhWe»p ‘and.Popli ~buyerisnowon the Northern-mar looking after the interest of the firm. Te beA ¥ ’ Nehave ziB ‘ets ments:for payment by Great Britainforthecargoesseized,Each case al-so became an additional factor in the governments,the United ‘Stites hav- ing “steadily *maintained that GreatBritainwasviolntingthe’accepted rules of international law’in.haltingcommercebetweenneutrals,more es-pecially commerce in non-corntraband goods.‘It is understood the British plan is! be commissioned to keep the commod-'ity above a fixed’minimum 4Cropconditionsthisyear.it is said, will make it easier to:maintain prices:begause open markets unaffected bythe‘allies’action’atw more ‘than able),to absorb the entire’production.% _Cr EYRE TREATS More:Than 200 es Lost in:Texas Coast’Storm. A total of’256 known dead amongtheresidentsof‘southeast Texas coastpointsand'*crews of wrecked craft,with a damage to ..crops,buildings, railroads,shipping,live Stock,and ather.property.aggregating .close to $50,000,000,was .the —toll.of =the storm in that section last Monday.and Tuesday..In addition 65 are stillmissing.Sixy-two of the dead weredrownedwhenthevesselsthey the property loss’is estimated at Bimillionandthelossoflifeat.Gal-veston is reported at eight in the cityand25in‘the low sections on the}.western portion of the island.hyGov.Ferguson:has issued an oertocitizens.of Texas to raise a relief }fund for.flood sufferers outside’of} included,as the Governor:;was relief work.Large quantities 6ffoodandclothingareneeded,’The work of restoration’has’begunatGalveston.It is agreed that .theseverityofthestormanditsdura- 1900,In this storm the wind blewcontinuouslyfor36:*hours while |in.1900 it was al}over in between six toJspitethegreaterse-verity of this year’s storm,the ‘loss formal discussion between’the twoj¥: to'steady the cotton market through|-actual.purchases if that becomes nec-1f); essary.Probably ¢otton’factors will) price.” _Yours very truly, MILLS &POSTON. 4 :Se —<————oncaeid rngie eee ‘en —_ TYPEWRITERS! New>or Re-Built “Typewriters.sold. ¢s 4 4 4 LMS Have afew machines for Rental Pur- poses.-RIBBONS,CARBON PAPERS and all TYPEWRITER SUPPLIES.Come to uswithyourTypewritertroubles.Statesville Printing Co. ees ‘Flour Thal Has Please lor Years p—_—_———i :ieeeSrerate:a |put lumber withIfYoudarkmoldedspotsundstreaksinyourhousethespots and streaks will show throtigh the’varnish,All my matched lumber‘is bright and the prices lowest.aa C.WATKINS, os |Headquarters Statesville Drug Co. ere|aboard sank..Galveszon’s ghese be The island city was:not}in-|;formed that it is«conducting,its own |™# 8 R.P.Allison’s Book Store tion was much more intense than in|. itransact any and all af my business matters‘during my absence:and:uncil further notice, ei-DR.-B.C.TALLEY,.©VETERINARIAN.NS THE STATESVILLE FLOUR MILLS CO.hasbeenmanufacturing-flour for many years.Ithasconvertedthousandsofbushelsofwheatinto |-flour,It has always sold its flour throughoutthecountryandthosewhoboughtoncé‘haveboughttwice,three times,four times,etc.Many_housewives have used.flour made by the States-.ville Flour Mills Co,for more.than.ten years andwillhavenootherkind.—, What better testimony could yow ask?Butdon’t take the other fellow’s word for it—just_.try it once and then‘you will join.the hundreds. who are now,using it and who are pleased. Office PhoneResidence’Phone 307 Black. eea one— st whe ‘See the LatestéSYNsake _»Anitial Stationery,_,Correspondence Cards,*Box Paper and Tablets,~~PoundPaper and Envelopes, eaeAT , . x eee Seance tere nenenneenreretietr nterernenmmerncnempeete :ign Be o te ?‘7 ;Statesville Female College A.Christian College’offering all the best advantages at low cost.For:58 years a leading factor in the educat on of Southern womanhood.Particularly fitted bv location and.equipment fo train young womenfor’social and domestic stations requiring éfficiency in knowledge and“responsibility incharacter.Beautifully situated in a town of education-al and religious activity,a o ~NOTICE!T have this day-:August 21,1915--made,.eonstituted and appointed Li ‘Ry.Pierce:withpowerofattorney.Said TL.‘R.Pierce.will a Aug,1-4tw*,‘THOS;|W.PIERCE. was small compared with the 1900disaster.ae 3 it Despondency Due to Indigestion. “About ‘three:montha ago when I waseringfrom|thdi jChamberlain’s Tablets ‘and they rid me. nd despondent,I)began’taking ©ChanbersInin's:Tablets,’writes’Mra,Geo.‘Hon,’™Be sure}don,N.Y.“This medicine proved to be theverythingTneeded,as one day's treatinentyellevedmegrently.I used two bottles is trouble,"Obtainable everywhere, ‘Sale of Personal Property tionb which catised ena ie duntion for ‘eash xtwhichcatid-%i". che and digsy spells and made me feel csieeeaie township, ¥belongingerat,Live Stock, a Modern anes complete equipment.Lovely campus.Out-doorsports.Thorov y capable .instructors.Standard college courses:A.Bi,B hee B.S.degrees.»Splendidly equipped music department;schools of Domestic Science,Art,Expression,Physical,Culture:and Bi-bile.Safe home life and’attractive surroundings.‘Kates unusually low.For catalogue and full.information write toM..MOORE.A.M.,Pres.,Statesville,N.G.@) rator of the es-ed,wilt sell at pubs“the Bass:home inonWEDNESDAY,SEPTEMBER.1et;.-1915,all of the personai“to quid estate,’consistingAgriculturalMachin-and Imylements,Hovischold effcets,be.“The sale willcommence -at 10 o'elock:a.m:Son’RR.Boo MeLAUGHLIN,18,1016,Administrator of A.J. fe undersigned.admin’fateof A.J.Bass,di eee ae inetfaeriea————sae ADVERTISER ASKS FOR YOUR BUSINESS.” VOL.XLII. STATESVILLE,N. Ae ee —— ©.FRIDAY,AUGUST 27,1915. IS IN STATESVILLE JAIL. Mecklenburg Negro Who.At- _tempted Criminal Assault Brought.to Statesville For Safekeeping.Loin Wylie Brice,a negro who attemptedtocriminally:assault Mary GordonQuery,the six-year-old,daughter ofDr.and Mrs.R.Z.Query of Berry-hill township, Wednesday morning was brought to Statesville.jail Wednesday eveningforsafekeeping.The-attack on the child —occurred and the negro wascaptureda fewhours later..Many citizens of Mecklenburghadarmedthemselvesto,aid,in thesearchforthenegroandafterhisar-rest.there was talk of a lynching anditwasdetidedtoremovetheprisonerfromCharlotte.It‘was given out in-Charlotte that he would be taken toSalisbury,but instead he was brought to Statesville,arriving here by auto- mobile about 6 o’clock,in the custody of Deputy Sheriff Fesperman of Char- lotte,. The fact that the negro had been brought to Statesville became known in Charlotte during the evening and about 9:30 o’clock Sheriff Deaton’re- ceived a message to the effect that a mob.was being organized to come to Statesville after the negro.As a pre- caution the sheriff,accompanied byhistwosons,Messrs.Fred and FrankDeaton,took Brice from the jail be- fore midnight and kept him out-in an automobile all night,returning him to the jail yesterday morning.The expected mob did not come to States- .Ville,and so far as known none start- ed toward Statesville from Mecklen- burg.The negro -has shown little signs of fear.He went to sleep soon after being placed in jail Wednesday ‘evening and Jailer Gilbert and Sheriff Deaton had some difficulty in arousing him and getting him ready for hismidnightridewhenitwasdecidedtotakehimawayforthenight..heCrimes The Observer’s report crime was committed about 10 0’clock Wednesday morning.Dr.Query,who is a-prominent physician,lives on oneofthemainpublicroadsofthecoun- ty,near ‘Steele Creek church.Mrs.Query sent her little daughter to the mail box,about a stone’s throw fromthehouse..When the child reached the road she was confronted by thé negro,who asked her about a roadleadingto.a:house in the ncighbor-hood.She pointed out the~road but the negro asked that she show it tohim.Inher ‘innocence the Jittle girl «Started..to comply “but had walked monly xa few steps when the -negreqCaught-hersand ¢hoked her into in- sonepribility.He dragged her’into the+nea away)by the ‘approach of people on the road.The little girl quickly re- covered,told what had happened and ,.gave a description of her assailant. She said he was wearing hlue oven- alls and a blue cap,was barefooted and was carrying a coat and a bueketunderhisarm.This description coin-cided_identically with-that_ofone-of the neighbors,who saw and spoke tothesamenegroonlyashorttimepre-vious. The alarm was given and officers and citizens in all the countryside joined in the search.The hegro waseasilytracedandat1:40 o'clock he _Wwas arrested,while making his waytoCharlotte,He was found to be Whey Brice,a resident of the county. He answered the description in-every particular and when charged with thecrimeadmitted;it but said he had only choked the little girl. Brice was at once taken to jail inCharlottebut.a little later it was de- cided,as a matter.of safety,that he should be removed and he was broughttoStatesville.The Observer’saystherewasnoturbulentdemonstra-tion in the section where the crimeoccurredbuttherewasofcoursegreatexcitementanditwaspossible,if not probable,that a demonstration might be made,hence it was decided the partof:wisdom to remove the prisoner toanothercounty. Officer Hurt. En route to Statesville the car in‘which,the officers and negro were rid- ing turned ‘over between Huntersville and Cornelius,the result of a tire°bursting.Officer J.D.Johnson was ‘the only member of the party hurt, his collar bone being broken.Anoth- er car was.secured and the remainder of the trip made without incident, Chas.Trull Must Die. Charles Trull,the young white man condemned to.die for the murder androbberyofSidneySwain,an aged merchant of Charlotte,has lost his last.fight:for life.Gov.Craig,after hearing the arguments of the young man’s‘attorneys,and the appeal of hismother,declined to interfere with the operation of the law.The date for the execution was set for Friday,September 3d. The annountement of .Governor Craig followed a full investigation in-to the facts of the case as well as intothementalconditionofthecondemn-ed man.A commission composed ofthesuperintendentsofthethree-StatehospitalswasappointedtoexamineintoTrull’s mental condition.Theydecidedthatwhileheisofalowor-der of intellect and a degenerate,thatheissane. Miss Mary Richards,who.spent.sev-eral,days with Statesville friends,left yesterday for her home at :Da-vidson,:es * &b ;~opinenaetnaphaanchlo"The:government:report on.the cot-ton erop will be made Monday atnooninstead’of Tuesday, ideSpions ae See ee Baers Mecklenburg county, Wednesday forenoon} says the rhv-but-—was—frightened Four Members of a Family Mur-dered in Graham County and Desperate Attempt to Capture»Murderers, P.-L,Phillips,a Graham farmer,living five countymilesfromTopton,on the Murphy branch of the South- ern railway,was shot and almost in-stantly killed Monday ‘morning ‘nearhishome.He was shot from am- bush,.his assassin making good_his escape. Last>May--Phillips’wife,-son—and daughter were killed in their home by Ed,Williams,a son-in-law of Phil-lips,who escaped,and Williams is be- lieved to have killed Phillips.Williams is said to be oneof’themostdesperatemeandthetroublewhnofthemountainsichstartedbetween him and the Phillips family is said to be the result of information he believ- ed the Phillips’family gave United States officers regarding illicit 'stills, which it is claimed operating in that years.May 1 latt Williams had been section for many Williams is said to have entered the home of his father- in-law and.killed his mother-in-law, Mrs.Nancy Phillips,his sister-in-law,Miss Mary Phillivs.and his brother- in-law,Charles Phillips.The killing stirred that section of the State more nverhaps than any other killing that has ever occurred there,Rewards ag- gregating $500,$300 by Gov.Craig and $200 by P.L,Phillips,were atonce—offered for the arrest of Wil- liams and since that day he has been hunted,but without avail. After the murder of Phillips the whole country was aroused and ac- tive search was made, hounds,for the blood- Hardy with murderer. Wiggins and Merritt A.Miller have been -arrested and county jail,and at was being made for Tom Jordan and Jim Nebon, are in Graham last account search Ed.Williams, all’of whom are thourht to be implicatedinthecrime.Jordan —and-Williams are also wanted fences,Jordan is for additional of- alleged to have killed a boy in Graham county about two,years ago and with killing a man Nebon is charged in Clay county.The three are desperate men and iffoundby.the posseer. ample supply of gu being provided, This.has been prepared for.a battle is expect- n n#and ammunition Many.Converts at Ball’s CreekCampmeeting. The campmeetin g at Ball’s Creek, Catawha county,which closed Mondaynight,was not only largely attendedbutresnltedina.great spiritual awak- ening,according to to the.Charlotte’Observer. the Newton report Rey..M.Ti Smathers’af Concord and?Revs €: S.Kirkpatrick of Mooresville.had the meeting in charge, The réport says assisted by ‘thers, that Bud ‘Lippard, who attained considerable distinction as a blockader and bad citizen,in Ca- tawba,Alexander and Iredell counties, and who professed religion at a bigmeetingheldinCatawbacountysome time ago,was—at campmeeting andtookaleadingpart,holding prayer- meetings,exhortin g and praying in public in a way that surprised those who knew him of old. Monday evening just before the reg- ular services began Alley Gabriel,a man of some prominence in Catawbacounty,a school teacher for manyyears,and a leader in his.section, though never a religious man,called about 200 of his old students around him and ‘held a prayermeeting.Hetoldthemthatwhenheusedtoteachthemhecouldnever‘read the Bible and pray as a’teather should,though he taught them to do right as best he knew;but.now he’could pray with them and for them More ‘than 200 conversions are re- ported at the ‘meeting. WAR SHADOW PASSES. Two developments in relations withGermanyhavefurtherreducedtension and were taken tolarationfromBerl warfare which wosourceofdiscord.Count Bernstorff,bassador,called on foreshadow a dec- in on submarine uld eliminate that the German am-Secretary Lansingandinformedhim.that the statementpresentedTuesdaybydirectionofBer-lin,saying there was no intent tocauselos’of American lives when the White Star liner-Arabic-was-destroy-ed,was intended to imply that Ger- man submarine commanders had been ordered ‘to attack no more merchant-men without warning. Ignorance as An Excuse.mayorC.W.Spell,of Godwin,Cumberlatd county,was indicted forsellingsuppliestothetown.He pleadignoranceofthelawandjudgmentwassuspendedonpaymentofcosts.Ignorance of the law is not a legal ex-cuse and it is less an excuse for anadministratorofthelawthanthepri-vate individual, John B.West,Jr.,city treasurerofNashville,Tenn.,who disappearedsometimeago,was under a charge of stealing and destroying public rec-ords,has returned gave bond in the sum ofappearfortrial,: Customs officials Va.,refused to to Nashville and $10,000 to at,Newport News,rant clearance pa-pers to the British steamer Waima-na,from Marseilles to Buenos Ayres,after it was discovered the steamercarrieda4-inch rifle mounted on hermaindeck, Baswell_Askew,,74 years old,wholivedatTrenton,Jones county,wasfounddwith~spe throat ‘coroner decided, in a room at New rhecut,Suicide,©the A WRECK. Runaway Freight Cars and aFomengerTrainAlmostCol-«lide.: What.might have proved a seouswreckontheStatesvilleyarwasnarrowlyavertedWednevening.A freight train had baekitsstringofcarsuptheTvillroadtoalloweast-bound passengertrainNo.12 to pass.After placingthecars.on the Taylorsville track thelocomotivewastakentotheeastendoftheyardsto-do some.shifting,‘The «» end and could not get back to thestringofcarsonaccountofthepa: senger train having the right of way. In the meantime air escaped from air brakes of the freight carsjustasNo,12 came around the curve at the overhead bridge the brakes ofthefreightcarsweakenedahdthecarsstarteddownthegradeandranontothemainline‘track ahead dfthepassengertrain.Fortunately tdengineerofthepassengertrainsa the freight cars as soon as hecameinsightandheimmediatelyapplihisemergencybrakesandmanagedtobringhistraintoastopjustbe-fore it reached the runaway cars.Thefactthatthepassengertrainwas slowing down for the station is allthatmadeitpossibletostepitbe- fore the collision,occurred.(The runaway cars went down:the main line toward the passenger sta- tion at a considerable rate of speed. A couple of trainmen-who-were near- by “swung”the runaways,appliedthebrakesbyhand,and succeeded instoppingthecarsabuutthetimethey reached the.passenger -station..Theincidentcausedconsiderableexcite- ment about the ‘station until it WasascertainedthatNo.12 had succeed-ed in stopping without striking thrunawaycars.: To Control Haiti’s Finances. Turbulent Haiti’s.new governmenthasbeen-asked_by the United Statestoapproveaconvention_under whichfor10yearstheAmericangovern-ment would administer the |finances and supervise the policing of.the is-land.republic.i ‘A draft of the proposed treaty isnowbeforethe.Huitien Congress,sit-ting at Port au Prince,where Ameri-can marines haye been maintainingordersincetherecentkillingofPres-ident Guilliaume by revolutionistg,The Congress was given ontil Jast night to answer.(In explanation,of the».proposition of the Untied,States,.Seeretary of State Lansing.said.the Washington government was.acting from wholly disinterested motives;to save the lit-tle Republic from ruin:through never-|ending:activities of so-called revolu-tionists.for whom the country’s rev-enues offered spoils,The Secretary declared there was no foundation for reports that the proposed conventionwouldgivetheUnitedStatesMole St.Nicholas as a naval base.‘While Mr.Lansing would not discuss thetreaty,it is known that it.providesforAmericanagentsinchargeofthe 10 customs houses,three of which, those at Port au.Prince,Cape HaitienandSt..Marc,already have been tak-en over by Rear Admiral Caperton. Later—-The time for action in HaitiwasextendedtoSeptember17. Gasoline Exploded—Car Wreck- A Ford touring car owned by theAlexanderLiveryCo.of Stony Point and driven by Mr.Clarence Moore,theproprietorofthécompany,wag wreck-ed by fire in the public road near StonyPointabout9o’clock Tuesday night.Mr.Moore was en route from StonyPointtothehomeofhismother,»fewmilesaway,and his mother and two other ladies were in the machine with him,The engine “went dead”andwhenMr.Moore got out to investi-gate the trouble he noticed flames under the car.Realizing that an ex- plosion of gasoline was likely to oc-cur at any time he hurriedly aidedtheladiesingettingfromthecarand escorted them a safe distance.Mrs.Moore wanted to return -to the ma-chine to get some baggage but hersonrestrainedher.Shortly after thecarwasdesertedthegasolinetankexploded,throwing burning liquid alloverthecar,and when the fire dieddownthe.car was a hopeless wreck. Only_.a.fewdays_before Mr.Moorehadhadthecarworked.over.and re-paired at considerable cost.The lossistotal,there being no insurance. |Anti-Typhoid:Campaign NearingEnd. Dr.Sessoms,who is doing:the gen- eral anti-typhoid vaccination work inthecounty’s campaign,is at Dr.Mc-Elwee’s office today and:tomorrow andall.-persons who have not.completedtheirtreatmentaréaskedtocallandget.thoir last “doses.”Dr.Sessomswillfihisregularappointmentsinthecountythefirstofnextweekahdwill)be at Dr.MeBlwee’s officeThursday,Friday and)Saturday of next week.Persons who have startedthetreatmentareurgedtocompleteit.Three injections of the vaccinearenecessarytoremovedangeroftyphoid, Murder in Alleghany..— A.report to the ‘Winston-SalemJournalsaysthedeadbodyofanoldwoman,name not given,was foundinadesertedhousenearSparta,Al-leghany county,a few days ago.Thewoman's.throat was cut,.The win-Ser cacy..all indications po:to:murder.Thewoman had been dead some days, as her’remains were foundby the buz-shot Ryne week the house,ne Spore ae er mon 8FOURKILLEDINGRAHAM.|CLOSE CALL FOR locomotive was delayed onthe.east DRAINAGE LAW CRIPPLED. Error in Number of Amendment Passed By the Last isla- tua Practically:Nullified the saw. The-misnumbering of an amend-ment tacked onto the drainage lawbythelastLegislaturetookthevitalsoutofthelaw,according to the viewofMr.J.B.Armfield,who discoveredtheamendment,and the case seemsplainenough.Applications for three new drainage districts in Iredell are now -pending before the clerk of theSuperiorCourt,and the result ofthiserroroftheLegislatureprobablymeansthatnonewdrainagedistricts can be established in this’or any oth-er county until the Legislature meets~a year from next January—andamendsthelaw. It is understood that the purpose oftheamendment,which is found inchapter238,page 314,of the PublicLawsof1915,was.to strike out sec-tion 11 of the drainage law,which is chapter 442 of the Public Laws of 1909.Section 11 is unimportant andhaditbeen-stricken out the drain-axe act would havé remained in:fullforceandeffect,But by an.errortheamendmentpassedprovided.that section 2 of chapter 442 of the PublicLawsof1909shouldbestrickenout. Section 2 is a most important partofthedrainageactandinstrikingitouttheLegislature,Mr.Armfieldcays,has rendered the law practically null and.void.,While the-error~was—of—eourse—itissttpposed—aunintentionally madeitseffectisnonethelessserious.The people have become much interested in’drainage,They have seen the greatbeneficialeffectsoftheworkin-im- proving health conditions and reclaim- ing land,and many new drainage dis- tricts were being projected in this sec-tion and throughout the State.‘It’s a great pity this good work must behalted,even temporarily.| News of the Churches. Rev.J.H,Pressly,Miss Mabel Pos-ton and Mr.Clyde S.Alexander havebeen~at_Linwood College,in»Gastoncounty,thisweek attending an Associ-ate Reformed Presbyteriap-missionaryconference,”Mr.Pressly)will.returnhomethiseveningandwillfillhisap-pointments Sunday.”}(Rev.S.W.°Haddon will preach at Pressly Memorial church Sundaymorningat11o’clock.No eveningServices. Rev.W.A.Lutz will preach at Ba-rium,Sunday afternoon at 3 o’clock.Services at St.Michael’s church, Troutman,Sunday morning.Sermonat11.0’elock by Rev.R.'A.)Goodman,and Holy Commanion.»PreparatoryservicesSaturdayafternoon.at 3:30piek Sunday school at Bethesda at 10 o’cloek Sunday morning and preach- ing at 11 o'clock.Sunday school at Elmwood at 2 o’clock and preachingat.3.0’clock. The South Yadkin Baptist Associa-tion meets in annual session in Mooresville next:week.Messrs.W.F.Merrill,J.B.Armfield,C.&.EcherdandJ.M.Davis are the delegatesfromtheFirstBaptistchurch.©* An Old Tax Receipt. Mrs.R.W.Holland of ‘Wilson,for-merly of Olin,this ¢ounty,sends TheLandmarkanoldtaxreceipt,whichreadsasfollows: “Received,this 14 day of July,1826, from Basie]Holland,one dollar and 27 1-2 cents,in full of his Public,County and Poor Taxes,for the yearonethousandeighthundredandtwen- ty-five (1825).~“Pp,CALDWELL,Sheriff.”Basiel Holland was the grandfatherofthehusbandofMrs.Holland,the late Remus Holland,and the great grandfather of Mr.Walter W.Hol-land of Olin,Sheriff Pinkney Cald- well was an uncle of the late Jos.P.Caldwell and Capt.Pinkney:Caldwell Carlton of Statesville was named for the sheriff.The tax receipt is partly printed and partly written,the names,dates and -amount of the taxbeingwrittenintheblankspaces.Taxes,it will be noticed,were not quite so high in Iredell in 1825 as.theyarenow,‘ Meeting Civic League. Most of Tuesday’s meeting of theCivicLeaguewasdevotedtoadis- cussion of the moonlight school work,which is to be undertaken by theLeague?“A*school will -he established at Bloomfield,but the arrangementshavenotbeenperfected.Mr.J.P-Sumter has offered the second flooroffisstorehousefortheschoolroom,Mrs.Vera B.Jones,the League’svisitingnurse,.was not present atTuesday’s meeting.She is spending her vacation period in Richmondmaking:a study of social service worktobetterfitherselfforherworkhere. Runaway—Horse Hurt,BuggyDamaged. A.horse belonging to Mr,Jervey Heupe was frightened.by a train at the railway station Wednesday after- noon and ran away.The unoccupied buggy to which it was attached wasbadlywreckedbycomingincontact with,a telephone pole and the animalwasinjuredaboutthelegs.The horsehadbeendriventothestationbyMr, T..R,Clark,who left it hitched to apostwhilehewentintoMr.C,H,Turner’s.shop. ‘Miss Mary Lee Austin,who spenttwoweeksorlongeratMarsHill,re-ty yesterday afternoon.-argaret Turner returned is[from ‘Montreat yesterday afternoon. {ducted at }secured.from the Radcliffe Bureau in RATTLER’S.BITE |FATAL, Mrs.Frazier Was the Rattle-snake’s Victim-—News of Tay-lorsville. Correspondence of The Landmark. Taylorsville,Aug.26—Rev.L.L:Moore returned Tuesday from a stay and other points and left Wednesday afternoon to begin a series of servicesatNewSalemchurch.He will.beassistedinthesemeetingsbyRev.C,C.Myers,pastor of the Presbyterian church of Kannapolis.Mrs.D.T.:MeCarty and children and niece;little-Miss.Margaret Sam-ple,who spent the summer.at thehomeofMrs.MeCarty’s father,Mr.J.W.Moore,left Wednesday morningfortheirhomeinFortPierce,Fla. Mr.Moore accompanied them toStatesvilleandspentthedaywithRev.W.Y.Love.Dr.and Mrs.N.G.Moore and children of Mooresvillevisitedatthehome.of Dr,Moore’s father,Mr.‘J;W.Moore,returninghomeWednesdayafternoon.|Mrs. Laura Gladden and daughter,|MissRoweGladden,of Chester,S.(.,areguestsofMrs.Gladden’s sisters,Mes-dames W.P.Allen and A.M,Mathe- son.Lawyers.J.Hi Burke andj.A,C.Payne attended court:at Lenoir this week.| Mrs.Martha Frazier,wife of Mr.John Frazier,was picking uppeaches Saturday afternoon about 300)yardsfromtheirhome,near,Kilby Gap,in the edge of Wilkes county,and was This occurred about 3 o’clock.and shediedtwohoursandahalflater.Arattlesnakewaskilledwithinaboutfivefeetoftheplace\Sunday and itissupposeditwastheonethatbit her.Deceased was 67 years of ageandissurvivedbyherhusbandand eight children,two daughters and a‘son living with their parents.The funeral and burial services were con-Walnut Grovechurch,of which deéeased had been aconsistentmemberforyears,at 11o’clock Monday morning,by Rev.Er-nest V.Bumgarner.Mrs.Frazier wasa.sister-in-law of our townsman,,Mr,C.G.Frazier,and Mr.Frazier andfamilyattendedthefuneral.;Mrs.Nesbit,a missionary to Korea,will address the ies and children:at the Presbyterian church Friday be here fn.the interest of the youngpeople’s work.‘Rev.S.W.Moore of Bluefield,W.Va.,will deliver a temperancedressattheMethodistchurchWed-nesday evening,September Ist,at 8 o’clock, WILL HAVE CHAUTAUQUA. :te i Event at Mooresville Next Month Presbyterians Call Pastor—Baptist Association._ Correspondence of.The Landmark. Mooresville,Aug.26 —Extensiveplansandpreparationsarebeingmadeforthebig,Bovster Club Chau-tauqua which is to be held in Moores-ville.beginning September 11th,andcontinuingthroughSeptember14th.Six splendid attractions.have |been Washington.It is hoped that everysectionof.the county will be repre-sented at this event.,The next annual session of the South Yadkin Baptist Associationwillmeet.withchurchhere,September 2d,3d and4th.An interesting programme hag heen arranfed and:the pastor,Rev. C.B.Austin,is expecting —a;-largedelegation.;ijAtacongregational:meeting.held in the First Presbyterian church last,Sunday morning,a unanimous.-callwasextendedtoDr,Jas.L.Bell,pas,tor of the First Presbyterian churchofMilford,Texas.id Mrs.Jno.H.Rankin delightfullyentertainedseveralfriendsatherhomeonBroadstreetWednesdayaf~- ternoon.in honor of her guest,MissFloraCorneliusofCharlotte.Pro- gressive rook was.played and re-freshments were served.Mrs.C.U.Voils has gone to Ches-ter.S.C.,ona visit to her parents.Rev.L.N.Weston of Danbury suc- ceeds Rev.C.B,Alustin as pastor of the First Baptist church.Mr.andMrs.Weston are temporarily locatedwithMr.and Mrs.D.’F.Moore,Mr. Austin’s:pastorate expires SeptemberIst,after which.he..will.leave .forWakeForestCollege. The War Story.. Brest _-Litovsk,the main Russian fortress and concentration center for the Bug river line of defenses,was occupied by the Austro-Germans yes- terday. Both Berlin,and Vienna report steady progress in the investment ofBrest-Litovsk,the great Russian for-tress which was \to form the strong-est.link in.the Muscovites’new lineofdefense,The Germans have made no.claimsforsevera)days of material progressintheRigadistrict.Petrograd hascontendedthatsolongastheRus-sians.were able to hold’their ownthere,Petrograd was in no danger and the escape of the main Russian armiescouldnotbecutoff.N and in.the Ttalian war’theater areconfinedchieflytoartilleryengage-ments,itInspiteofFrench and Britishclaimsofimportantprogresson,the in Bluefield,Wi Va.,Craigsville,Va.,/ bitten-by-a-snake-on-the middle finger.|this Baptist} afternoon at 3:30.o’clock.Miss Ma-imieMcElwee,of Statesville will also} the.First Baptist} Activities on the Western fron 1 BRIEF ITEMS LOCAL NEWS, —Old folks"singing at Stony Point today.3 :we im —The eondition of Rev.W. T.Walker of Bariumcontinues serious.It is fearedhehasasecondoftyphoid,site shalt 5—License was issued pete William ternoon for the marriage of MisszonaBlankenshipandMr,Walter Johnson.Sire oi—The Carolina Motor Co.has addedanotherexperienced,man to its.repairdepartment.”He is Mr.W.L.Still of ;Rock Hill,§.C.ae—Some Iredell farmers sowed:wheatlastspringand‘it was.predicted ‘bymanythatno.crop couldbe harvestfromspring-sown wheat.Howtheexperimentpanout?eres —In attempting to crank ansautormobileWednesdayafternoonMr.W, M.Westmoreland was “kicked”by theengineandthelargeboneofhisarmwasbrokenoewrthofSite—Mr.Jas.F.derson of’Stvillewaspresentattheounce attheRamseurconnection,in’Lineoth .county,Wednesday,and.made a.bitalk.Mr.Anderson’smother waga Ramseur.fe ee eal a—The steam roller used,in.streetworkcrushedagas.uae ‘on West,Broad street Tuesday afternoonensusersontheaaa dirt ing one,were pu -businggs:for two or three hours.)=~=")! -—Rev.and Mrs.W.M.Walsh,te weekfor Char _to|few dayswith Mew ish’s mo :ore leaving forwhereMr.Walsh has accepted fpastorateofaPresbyterianchurch, —One of the best,if not:the’best,yields of wheat heard of this season —is that of Mr.Jno.K.Goodmanof .Mount Ulla.He sowed’5 3-4 acresandharvested280.31)bushels,or aitaverageof483-4 bushels to the acre.—Mr.T.P.Osborne,who visitedthehomeeoG.A.Watts in. any .towns!returned ’yesterdayhishome‘at |Huntersville:Mr,borne is nursing:a |leg as.result of a fall from,:Watts’some,weeks —Dr.Neal Stirewalt,who'livéed’in.Statesville when a boy and is’thegrandsonofthelateChas.BL.Sum-mers of Statesville,is in:town this’week in the interest of the Jefferson -Standard Life Insurance Company,ofGreensboro,with which he is connect-ed_as_a_medical man.: —Yesterday was a.day for picnic:The Sunday School of Pressly Memerialchurch,pieniced at ‘the State arm,the st.Presbyterian eeschoolatFifthCreekchurch,CoolSpringtownship,and there eesrch,for ity missionary picnic at ConcordLoray.The weather wa.idealthepicnics.PERN Rae Miss.Lillian Williams,daughterofMr.and Mrs.T.J...Wi a:of,Mooresville,was broughttothe ;atorium Wednesday.evening anc‘derwent an operation yesappendicitis..Mr.and Mrs.Wwhowere‘here yesterday,home last evening,as,condition is favorable,¥ —-The Landmark has rece’Mr.D.J.craigbookletsetting fo 1of“Blowing Rock Country-wassah-—the Land.of God.”booklet contains some beautifiofmountain.scenery,roan ©(and hotels at Blowing Ri “a.well-written description of this fa.—mous resort.‘The work was done:by —Mr.W.E,Nattressof Statesville.aniswelldone.i Statesville and Gas Statesville was defenatGastoniaTuesda, fics and megae febitsandmade3emade15hitsandScerepitched:for:the.visicaught,while S)noeposedthelocal ; etween the teams ¥ChaKeketiteaeliceaenSarCoacene ternoon.are BY 3 i Will Play Tennis,in GreenshMetiva.Tome en ettWallace,what ate galaiig:distas.tennis ers,expect toGreensboroytocontestatheGateCity’s expert players, and.defeaMessrsi ieSsrs.fabee,and their friend&areoetowinthematchat aville players went:to(8.2 ons, | Gallipoli Peninsula the Turks arateIeaereesreversesontheDardanelesront,;:so ov a Ss MERCHANTS FOR RURAL CRED ‘ITs BILL.©: Dr.Alexander,president of the State Farmers Union,in his addresses throughout the State,at the Farmers’ Unionpicnicsand other gatherings,isurgingthefarmerstogetaktheir members of uild’a fire un-_.der théni;"as"he-expressed it in his Yadkin county address—and.demand '.enactment of a rural credits bill—a banking ‘system for the farmers,that will give them an opportunity to bor- row money at a low rate of interest ‘andon longtime.i '..The Merchants’Association of Statesville,as has been mentioned,has endorsed the Hollis rura)¢redits bill and will circulate petitions in Iredell, asking the farmers and business men to petition Congress to pass this bill ..at the coming session;the Statesville -Merchants’Association will also, _*working through other local associa- ‘tions and the State Association,en- *deavor to have these petitions circu- ~Yated throughout this and_other 4 States,in the hope that the demand on -Congress will be so urgent and back- ,ed by such,numbers,that the pas- |yy sage of the’Hollis bill or some simi- *lar measure,may be secured.It will berseen therefore that the organized +.merchants of North Carolina,on the .initiative of the Statesville merchants, 2 are working for the measure which the. *.head of the State Farmers’Union is i urging the farmers to demand,and 1,their welfare.: It will be admitted,by anyone who! i has given the subject thought,that * -&farms and to enable.non-land-holding we 4 farmers to buy land.Few of the -present conditions,and the few who *can borrow usually have to pay high :'\interest rates on short time loans. ..The Hollis bill has been thoroughly #fexplained in The Landmark by Mr.Q. _A.Stephenson,the secretary of the Statesville Merchants’Association, «and those who have read his articles ~‘should have'a fair understanding of its ‘merits.Several features of the bill i e-.Landmark.‘It pro- 4 ‘oo.armer and shuts out the specula- ee or peso who’would use _the Farm Loan Associations’to’bor- ,Tow money for other purposes than to, 4)peage inde»to provid -.ments will be included‘a sum_-to be paid _on the principal,so that at the endoftheperiodforwhichtheloanis ..Made the last payment of interest.will off at any.time desired. on the ground that it is class legisla- tion—that the requirément that the Secretary of the Treasury shall buy,at his discretion,as many as $50,000,- 000of the bonds yearly,means that the government will be using its re--;-Bources to help one class—the farmers.,It could besaid’that many times gov-_ernment aid has been .given the in-|dustrial and commercial classes and _these interests have so often askedforandreceivedhelpthatithasbe-come to be accepted more or less as a matter of course that they shall have it,and by.the same token it is timejthefarmersreceivedthesame-con-sideration.But,as Mr.Stephenson...Points out.in his article today,thegovernmentkeeps‘many millions de-““posited in’bariks throughout the coun-try on which it formerly received no*interest and now only 2 per cent,andthismoney}invested in the bonds,,;would bring the government 4 1-2 per»,cent.That would seem to be a good*business proposition for.the govern-»ment.Moreover,when the farmer38helpedallofusarehelpedanda Pia #is necessary,in his favor would come-,nearer benefiting all the people than©help for any other class. Two officers testified at the coroner’s+inquest into the Frank lynching,atyiMarietta,Ga.,that they were “work-ing hard”on the case but had beenESSunabletofindanyevidencetoidentifyithemembersofthelynchingparty.It+is to be hoped that the Georgia offi-cials won’t over-exert themselves in«their strenuous efforts to discover the lynchers, +»lynching simply made a spe mer August 27,1915,| eontrary to our inte2,tions. of:'the affidavits of Americanom(0's.has been cabled,i @)The -texts'of the -affidavits have}. {been “mailed.“In connection:with,the |’ fo cullitce cc pay off mort-j Lusitania had been.sent to the bot- little apparent discrimination,if any _—__C4°The Boston firm which refused to©sell the city of Atlanta—a regular ~~-eustomer—goods because of the Frankgtaala:ofitself;and it is fool exhibitions like ~this by outsiders that will cause re- :re sentment in the South and tend to pre-=yent the lesson of the Frank lynching |P°#*s definitely'aving the effect it should have.| lities | Asks American Government Not to Take,Action on Sinking ofArabicUntilGermanyCan Report in Detail. Count Bernstorff,the German am-bassador to the United States,Tues-day communicated to the State De- partment instructions from Berlin ex-pressing.regret if.Americans losttheirlivesinthesinkingofthelinerArabic,‘and asking/that the United States delay taking a definite’standinthecaseuntilGermanycouldre-port in more detail, ficial German source concerning the Arabic,on which two Americans per- ished,Its receipt was followed byanevidentrelaxationoftension among officials.No attempt ‘wasmade,however,either at the State De-partment or the White House to in-terpret the ambaskador’s domimuni- cation.Officials -merely said the! American government’of |coursewould.await the German explana- tion.Seen Count Bernstorff telegraphed fromNewYorkthetextofhisinstructionsfromBerlinasfollows:”“So far no official informationavailableconcerning.the sinking oftheArabic.The.German governmenttruststhattheAmericangovernntentwillnottakeadefinitestandathear- ing only the reports of one side,which in the opinion of the Imperialgovernment:cannot correspond with given to Germany to be héard equal- ly.Although the Imperial govern-ment does not doubt the good faith of the witnesses whose statements are reported by the newspapers inEurope,it.should,be borne in mindthatthesestatementsarenaturallymade.under“exetiement which might}._which he insists is so necessary to|easily produce wrong impressions.IfAmericansshouldhaveactuallylost their lives this would naturally be The Ger- man government would :deeply ‘re-»;some system is greatly needed that/gret the fact,and begs to tender sin- +will furnish to farmers,on reasonable|cerest sympathies to the American +terms,the money—to-improve their Sovernment,Secretary Lansing indicated he didnotintendtoreplyatthistime.Heagreedtopublicationoftheambas-“small farmers,whose needs are great-|sador’s statement but said he had no~.e8t,are able to borrow money under|comment to make. It may be a week or more before Germany is heard from further.Thereportofthesubmarinecommander must be awaited,and it is known 10 days or more sometimes elapse before the underwater crafi return to their base and seommunieate with the ad- miralty.The State Department.will continue compiling the evidence for- warded by Ambassador Page and the consular officers at Liverpool -j and Queenstown,So far only a syngpsis sutviv- ambassador’s. communica-tion it was recalled that three daysaftertheLusitaniawassunktheom-hassador -presented a note.expressing Germany’s sympathy and regrét fortheloss.of American lives.There wasno.attempt.however,to deny that the ness;etc.Thebill seems} umiple safeguards,the __rate_of inPerel _is.not..to exceed the legal rate—6:per cent in this State— taybeless,and the amortization |‘plan provided for the extinguishment ‘of the loan as the interest is paid— tom.-without.warning,and blame rfthedisasterwasplacedupon‘the British government which permitted a°vessel”carrying contraba met getwithpassengers,including,-weutrals.on Editor Jos.M.Reece is.Dead. Mr.Jos.M.Reece,editor of thethatistosay,with the interest pay-|Greensboro Record,died at his,home|Tuesday,that Frank came to his death| in Greensboro Tuesday morning-afteralongillness.Some years ago Mr. Reece’s leg was hurt.by.a fall.The injury grew worse and about two months ago he went to Baltimore topaythedebt.Loans may also be paid|consult specialists.He returned.home|but so far their efforts had been of| without relief and for the last ten Objection has been made to the bill|Weeks had been ill,much of the time|things are kept ‘pretty close and are| unconscious and_his -eondition:hope-less.Arterio sclerosis was the cause of death. ‘Mr.Reece was born in Jamestown, Guilford county,June 11,1848.When a boy he entered the office of the Greensboro Patriot and learned theprinter’s trade and for years workedonthatpaperandtheNorth:State,anether weekly paper}published inGreensboro,Later he ¢ngaged,in job printing,formed 4 partnership withHarperJ.Elam and the two:estab- lished the Daily Recora,the first suc-cessful daily in Greensboro,Novem-ber,1890.Mr.Reece bought Mr.Etam’s interest in 1901.He was an industrious and suecessful business man and the paper grew and thrivedunderhis:management and editorship.Mr.Reece is survived by his wife,to whom he.was married in 1878.They had no children but reared three or-phan children of relatives.The fun- eral service took place at the First Presbyterian church of Greensboro, of which Mr.Reece was a member,Wednesday afternoon at 4’o’clock. German Naval Defeat Imperils ~“Advance in Russia. -The German “naval”defeat in the Gulf of Riga,where,the Russians say, the Teutons suffered the loss or crip- pling of three battle cruisers and important for the.strategic effect’on possibly irreparably defeated, Hindenburg’s forces in the north The result of’thé naval battle ap German objective,accordin loss of the vo the ulf and ‘th~|val base of Riga still Soe een further:advance toward Petrograd, This was the first word from an of-s the facts,but that a chance will be|© eight-torpedoboats,is regarded chiefly the land operations in the German sweep eastward toward Petrograd, which English military observers nowconsiderashaving‘been checked and The German center has pressed for-ward steadily ‘ntil Prince LeopoldisneartheRussiannewlineofde-fense,but the military observers say the entire campaign hinged on -thevastenvelopingmovementofvon They had succeeded in pushing far beyond Riga,to Jacobstadt on the Qvina,but the Russians hold on theGulfofRigaandofthegreatnaval base of Riga was a continual menace in their rear.This led to the shiftingof-a number of German ships,includ:ing the Moltke,from:the:North SeatotheBaltic;with the ‘purpose’ofcontrolling.Riga and thus protectingaGermanlandadvanceonPetrograd. to have defeated the to the ob-|*,servers,who say that aside from the are in RussianhandsandmenacevonHindenburg’s iGERMANY ASKS FOR DELAY.a ia r just passed thGireitlyisqhe of those gran men who has come to this ripe age with the joys of hia friendly jimmy pice fresh in Ais mind each morning. Hoe has alwaya Leen a liberal émoker, Prince Albert is sold averyohere Becwnsp s You uncork that. sunshine tank = rette,for you nevergotsuch fun outoftobacco .inall your life. Get that P.A,flayor?Get that P.A.aroma? Go to it mighty cheerful,because P,A.can’t bite!Puff away like you hit perpetual motion .imthe first round!And keep fired-up till the. cows come home.For it’s surefacts Prince .Albertnevergrouchedanyother man’s tongue and won’t grouch yours! Get P.A,jimmypipejoy’us andcigarette makin’s happy, then you'll personally un- .derstand that no other pipe and cigarette tobacco ever was or ever can be like Prince Albert.The patented process” fixes that—and cuts out the:bite and the. *parch,That’s why pipe peaceful andcigarettepeacefulmencall } You be asport and take a chanceonthis say-so,because you've no idea of thebully goodness,of the joy’us satisfaction,of the contentment and restfulness and that sort of thing,that hits every man who gets ' chummy with P,A. Hammer this home for what ails your smokeappetite, _cbecause you've no-time.td lose getting introduced to this‘real and true man*tobacco that’s ace-high and a‘|yard ‘wide no mattér how you.swing on it,jimmythedemandforitispetreye happen to run short jast dropin the ca e ndliest shop that sells Fp ro foe pipe or makin’s cigarette! toppy red bag for ajitney piece,Sc;ti red ba tin,10¢;handsomepoundand hatf-pound ;tin humidors;and that classy crystal-glass pound hutmidar with spongée-moistenertop. CametoHis Death at the HandsAofPersonsUnknown, Without’being able to elicit from| any one of-the.eleven witnesses a.sin-/) gle cléw as to ‘the identity ~of—any: person connected with,the lynching | of Leo..M.:Frank,thé coroner’s jury|empaneled:to inquire into:the matter | rendered a verdict,at..Marietta,Ga., by hanging at the hands of parties| unknown.City and county officials —tethattheyhadendeavored-diligently+ to get at the facts of the lynching,| testified | no avail.“Of course you know these| Automobile Owners! GASO-TONIC will ‘ittcrease yourmileage25pércent.per gallon of Gasoline.{t will clear your en- gine and spark plugs of smut andcarbon.t willincrease the pow- in my car.For farther informa- ‘tion address W..P.KNOX,Statesville,N.C,‘Agent. hard to find out,”said Mayor E.P,| Dobbs of Marietta.' Deputy Sheriff Hicks and City Mar- shal Looney stated they were working!hard on the case,but at this’time! could throw no light on the identity of the persons who participated in the lynching:Cees The nearest disclosure as to what happened in the oak grove near the Frey gin came from J.A.Benson,a}Marietta merchant,who drove by the!place soon after the lynching party had parked its automobiles by the roadside and had led Frank to the tree where death awaited him,fe -Mr.Benson said he had a “pretty good suspicion”as to what was going on,but he did not stop to see it andhedidnotrecognizeanybodyintheparty. Spraying With Crude Oil De- “PHONE 89 FOR” Sealing Wax Preserving Powders Jelly Glasses Apple Vinegar Jar Caps and Rubbers Mason Jzrs Spices and Extracts. Our line is complete. fagle &Milholland. stroys Wild Onions. It was recently published that Mr. Jos.Chapman,a Tennessee ,farmer, had successfully.destroyed wild on- ions by the use of fuel ‘oil,or crudeoil,As the wild,onion is much of.a pest The Landmark is asked to pub- lish'the remedy.for their destruction.Mr,Chapman,it,is said,has,givenweoilathoroughtestandentirely. estroyed all the wild onions on his farm.The fuel or crude oil is applied with a spray,and the labor incident to the application is not great nor.is the cost:very much,considering the splen-did results that are achieved.The best results are obtained before the plant is fully.matured,but Mr.Chap- man has found’but fewof ‘the onions at any stage of their life that can re-sist the application of the oil. No details are given except thestatementthattheoilisappliedwith! a spray.It is said that Mr.Chap-man first took up with the United -|States Department of Agriculture and other authorities on ‘farming —the question of the eradication of wild ment.In fact,he was told.in effectthatpractically‘all remedies tried in had been failures.cerry The rem-‘edy ‘whith it is claimed ‘is a suqces$‘was discovered by accident, NR A OTS ORTOEFITS«my The Clerk Guaranteed,It,.|.“A -eustomer came yinto my stove the otherdayandsaid‘to one of my clerks,‘have younythingthatwillcurediarrhoea?’and’my.jerk went and got him ‘a bottle of Chamber- lain’s Colic,Cholera ‘and Diarrhoea Remedy,.|nd said to him,‘if this does not cure a I»hewillnotchargeyouaéentforit.’ook it home and came back if_a day or twoand‘said he was cured,’writes J.HL onions and received little encourage-|- this country and in France,for aj, The Board of County Com- missioners has ordered thatallinsolventtaxpayersare required to take-notice that unless they appear at the office of the Register.of Deeds on or before October 1,1915,and pay the taxes due by them for the years 1911 and 1912,publication of their names will be madeasrequiredbylawandsuch other action taken as may be.necessary.\oo J.E.BOYD,: Aug.6.Clerk to Board: Build with Brick your old house..Warmer in winter, ipes..Has every advantage.Solid house will help some. er of your engine.I have tried it |: John McCormack,a Well KnownSinger,Says About the Hardman: “My enthusiasm for your magnificent piano is unbounded.The-touch is-exquisite-and the tone quality is fully satisfying.I should never care to have a BETTER PIANO than the Hardman.” The same thing is being said in various ways by more than a hundred other eminent musicians. Carlton A.Andrews, Manufacturer’s Agent. CR O R E RO E EE L EE E EE U U bt e b be n t bb e ? The clocks in the home must be right or the housekeeper caa’t be ex-pected to plan and have meals on time.|Then there.is:'norapes Nag wearing out your pocket with a watch that you can’t depend on.No, what you want to do is to get your watch or clock repaired by BOB HENRY whil€he is devoting his entire time to repairing watches and clocks and fitting spectacles and eye-glasses. Jeweler. NOTICE TO INSOLVENTS!i i had the valves ground,or any part of the engine worked on,exceptcleaningofplugsonce.:,;y#together,and have saved an average of ten dollars per month on Build a Brick House or Brick-Veneer H#WHEN YOU “USE TEXACO—YOU GET THE BEST—SAVEcoolerinsummer,climinates frozen)§ ck under-pinning under.frame i "Co.y Balt Oreck,Va,Obtainable fi dyide everywhere. R.F.HENRY,- “The Mark of Quality.”|MORE EVIDENCE. The Texas Company, Haverhill,Mass.Gentlemen::*I write this letter unsolicited but thought it might bo of interest- to you.f have always madea practice of testing gasolineto see’#how many miles I could get on a galton,andI want to say this,that § under the same conditions and onthe same piece of road,that is,the: road from Haverhill to Hampton Beach aud back by way of Merri- mac and Amesbury,I have got three miles to the gallon more onyourTexicoGasolinethan[have with any other.%Yours truly,J.F,HOWARD, VINER (Owner of Marmon Six.) The Texas Company,‘Lake Charles,La.- Gentlemen:' Today my Hudson 33 Roadster is three years old,and have never. I have used your Texaco Motor Oil and Gasoline,on this car,al- garagebills,and know your oil is the cause of it.naar Yours truly,_-ERNEST S.BEL. MONEY,TIME AND TROUBLE.Always ask for TEXACO.Statesville Oil Company. ‘+.(Wholesale Distributors.)Pes"Phone61;~Office: OOOO Hn i Ni * SO E 4 "SERIOUS SICKNESS By Being Constantly Supplied With !haa nee McDuif,Va.—“1 ‘suffered for severalrs,’’,says Mrs,J.B.Whittaker,offiaplace,“with sick headache,andstomachtrouble,Ten years ago a friend told me to trThediord’s Black-Draught,which 1 did,and |found it to be.the best family medi-cine for young and old,, I keep Black-Draught on hand all thetimenow,and when my.children feel alittlebad,they ask me for a dose,and itdoesthemmoregoodthananymedicinetheyevertried.-We never have a long spéll of sick-ness in our family,since we commencedusingBlack-~Draught,’”’ Thedford’s Black-Draught is purelyvegetable,and has been found to regu-late weak.stomachs,aid digestion,re-lieve indigestion,colic,wind,nausea,headache,sick stomach,and similassymptoms..::It has.been in constant use for morethan70aigandhasbenefitedmorethanamillionpeople.Your druBlack-Drapackage t sells and recommendsPriceonly25c..GetaeGO08t. DR.B.G.TALLEY, VETERINARIAN. Headquarters Statesville Drug Co. Office ’Phone 80 Residence *Phone 307 Black. Extra Nice ‘Lot q M.P.Alexander &Bro.| *PHONE 241.{ {j a | x x yy |RUBBER:TIRE!) Season is here.We use best rub-||ber made—Firestone and.Kelly—|! and wiligave you .monegy,.Tires set bat or Id.|Quick service.nS OM “0'serve,AS6HROUTMANS&SUTBER....} VALUABLE FARMLAND FOR SALE i Farm of 376 acres,lying on both sides of|unting,creak...Two sets ofomefinebottomlands,a Wt of wodd ‘ank |nd pine timber of the original.growth.This|and willbe sold as a whole or.divided into 4 wo shares or -fourshares to suit.purchasers.| bon JoeB,PARKorfherinfo:ive:;5NAC4G rations, 7 .% aSao “Everythingto Build With.”FULL STO \K-LOWEST PRICESShingles,Doors,Windows,Ceiling,Flooring,Siding,Boxing,‘Mould- ing,Laths,Lime,Cement,etc., Next Planters’Wh.Statesville. i im _|PRIDAY, OF |motingthome production of vast quan- ibe a by Dr.Thomas H,Norton,}{chemical expe—PEACHES —|;Norton says the "United States has prod ;ildings,Hee eee etna gern jy mere eea August 27,1015, “LOCAL RAILROAD BEHEDULE, md De of Trains af States WESTERN ROAD,No.15,west-bound,due 7.24 a,No,11,.west-bound,due 10.05 a,No,21)westbound,due 3:25 p, lina, Leigh Diggs of Asheville has beenappointedconfidentialclerktoSena- tor Overman, The first bale of new cr ‘TrainTrainTrain North SS H R S E E S ‘Train No.:16,east-hound,dae 10.50.The Cleveland _township.(RowanCHARLOTTEAND.TAYLORSVILLE,rlotte.yTrainNo,16 ar.9.50.be heldwill in.the Now.283 and 24 are not operated on Sunday.NEWS ITEMS OF INTEREST. Happenings Here and There in the Country: the heme of Mr.0.J,Wood,at #Plains,Wilkes county,was destr@byfireearlyMondaymorning,#along with the house the granary,:124 bushels of buckwheat and vevortionofthehouseholdgoods”saved, The total value of British contribu-|.Mr.B.Cy.Price of Poor's Biagb,or anit,etatentie Shortly inttionstowarcharitiesduringthefirst|Wilkes county,is suceesefully rows.they moved the deceased suffered ayearofwarisestimatedat$125,009,.|“Iberta peaches in’Wilkes.?©GRU slight stroke of paralysis and was!:900.The gifts made through agencies |the North Wilkesboro Hustler’"|@itically ill for some time.She was is ag ¢*taintheBritishpossessions‘would per-|four to five bushels per tree ye in her usual health the day before she |’Big Bargains in Imported and Do-“4hansbringthistotaluptonearly|#athered from trees three 2 Sra passed.away and the relatives sup-ea ops 7 pee ae$175,000,000.Australian contributions |¥e4"®ld.which,he says,-{Posed that she had’another’stroke,|mestic Hand Painted China,Sterling owlinmoney.alone exceeded $15,000,000,yield of 500 bushels per acre,©+.|which caused her.death.‘She died be-|3 i ‘The G :At Durham Jo.McAllister,colored,fore a physician could reach her.|Silver Novelties,Leather Hand Bags ash ©ne,TeNER government has ex-j was caught robbing the.office of)»\.Deceased was 71 years of age this}®Bat heeeriejomacttorthetorpedoingand|MeGhee.Mr.McGhee,who madetite|month The members of the family §and.Leather Novelties,Cut Glass oeteDaateeetnBeeeyvediscovery,called 0.C.Bright to help|here for the funeral were Rev.and.erenounceditswillingnesstopaycom-pensation,It is claimed by GermanythatthesubmarinecommanderfailedtoseethemarkdenotingDanishna-tionality on the steamer. A’Boston firm which for the pasttwoyearshasfurnishedthecityofAtlantawith-caulkiny yarn and toolshasrefugedtohave.further dealingsyiththemunicipalauthoritiesynti}action is taken by the State of Geor.-gia in connection with the lynchingofLeoM.Frank.A letter from theBostonconcerh,signed by the presi-|from the main plant at-dent,“arinoungeg this fact.-‘|put together there,Investigation ‘with a view to pro-|: be ealled. ously wounded Mr.Brightandedinjail. mobiles would establish an :auxiliar | etteville and son of Major’E.J,United States:minister to.GogdiedTuesday ville,awed 45, titiesaf chémicals now imported will) rt of the bureau of for-t He was for a timesignanddomesticcommerce,Doctor IREDELL FEED CO.,C.D.MOORE,Prop."Phone No.88.114 E.Broad St. ‘Statement issued.by the British em-jbassy in Washington.|“It-is a misapprehension to sup-}pose that the declaration:of cotton DIFFERENT FROM THE.REST. Sold exclusively by-——M"ler-McLain Supply Co.| Wood,and do all kinds of hauling. =to-be-eontraband will further restrict.those consignments of cotton to neu-|tral countries which are proved to!he exclusively destined for the nor-mal consumption of those countrics.”jsaid.the statement.“The embassy,has no atthority,however,to give/any assurance as to the immunity ofparticularshipments,but ‘under the|procedyre of international law rela-iting to absolute contraband,evidence TE BEST QOAL It is time you are ordering yourfuelforwinter.The best coal forgeneraluseisourcelebrated Genuine Jelico LANDMARK|NEWS FRom auour stare.|AccidentsCrimesandOtherIn- cidents of Life in North ny Train No.85,west-bound,due 10:26 p,Carolina cotton was sold on the 20thoeong=rs ae ne a.at Morven,Anson county..The priceraeast-bo ¢116 p,ts ,whTraimNo.12,east-bound,due 6:45 p,was 8 3-4 cents. county)Sunday School Conventiontrianleaves10.356 a.m rsTrainNo,’24°ar.9.20,leaves 9.20 p,m.|church at Cleveland next 1 af-‘oe Serornsitie,‘ternoon.GoTrainNo.ar,00,leaves 10:40 a m.‘i ea ane‘Train No,15 ar.6:20,leaves 6:46 py.m,}The North Wilkesboro Hustler’vied 4 |80n passed awa guard the negro until the police could |Mrs.R,L. There has been talk for months thatthemanufacturersoftheFordauto- vilant in this State—possibly in Char-lotte.The Observer says buildingshavebeenleasedinCharlotteforan|“assembling plant”for the Ferd:peo-|ple—that is to say.the parts of themachineswillbeshippedtoCharlotteDetroitand| Louis B.Hale,postmaster at Fay-Hale, Riga,|hathishomeinKayette- \ MRS.MATHESON’S FUNERAL Moonlight Schoolg—Taylors-ville News,4 Correspondese of The Landmark. Taylorsville,,Aug,23.—The funeralofMrs.J at 1 o'clock,was ‘held at the.Presby-terian church here Saturday afternoon|at 2 o’¢lock.Ve }pastor of the Baptist church,conduct-| «|Matheson in March,1861.They mov-/#in the spring of 1865 and had \§ir home here until Mr.Mathe- ‘his death Mrs. Davis and Mrs.H. iter of Statesville,and Mr.{Matheson of Fayetteville. friends here, ber volunteered to teach moonlightschoolstohel ‘in the State.Dr.and Mrs.A.M.Herman,whoavebeenvisitingDr.Herman’s moth-er,Mrs.L.Herman,returned.to theirfen-|home in Cleveland,Ohio.,Monday.gaged in newspaper work on the Fay-)|etteville Observer,the paper owned on Mr.Ed.C,Campbell has begun worktheexcavationforaone-story brick uality Prescriptioniststavailablerawmaterialforfully75)by his father,and was also fora time,building on his lot on.Main street—the|Q ee »: —AT—.|per cent of the $95,000,000 worth of |private secretary.to.Congressman lot he purchased from Mrs.Lelia Bo-|t42tsstestsssstssesssesesceessstetesezrsstrssesteesessecresenetesesessseessesseees ttchemicalsimportedannually.|Godwin of the sixth district.He was “le.The building will be used for}oo a eT ar a roe ReneeChargeshavebeenfiledbyGeorge|unmarried.a garage.se lider ethS$.Shepherd,an attorney of Portland,;In Burke county Tuesday Roland i an ee ith hie’tee ve L paterOre.,with Senator George E.Cham-|Winkler was fired on from ambush _-en li Cay te wee th rhe oa ct dL aiifelberlain,chairman of the Senate mili-/and received 32 shot in his back and };.Teather in katy ee A C Die .;.oP :a ‘gbtaryaffairscommittee,against Capt,|/neck.Wounds not very serious.an Hickory \delivered two ‘intovestind A a :5Leonard.T..Waldron,in command of |Winkler says he saw June.Wilson and instructive:lectures-on the work :!Soke @ fftheNinety-third Coast Artillery,sta-!running away after the shot ..was j,Africa at the Presbyterian churéeh ===i eetionedatFortStevens,Ore.and/fired and as the two had a fight the Sunday.Mr.Crane is ‘a very attrac-Lee ae VU beLieut.Harold L,Gardiner,of the night before,in which Winkleris said tive speaker.wes ayysamecompany.The officers are charg-!to have worsted Wilson,the latter is|Mr.'T..4.Smith of Charlotte is ’ak af:6edwithdrinkingatoast-to the Ger-|suppdsed to have sought that-method shending‘a week with his children at!ser ~gatos:eR al ih.mans,!which they dény..ers!jof revenge...;7 Oe the home of ‘hig:father-intlaw,Mr.Jib We TEE SOR whe .es|Hiram Hurst,a Bincombe-eounty W.Moore.Mrs,J.W.Zirmerman of eho,f;se eta \farmer,was.found dead néar his Charlotte:i§the:guest of her sister,‘eStop!Look!I:ste !|home about 20,miles from Asheville,Mrs.L.b.~Moore.~Mr.4.T.Kelly,wf ff 4D:ue IS nh o Pat a Jate hoik Monday night;dnd evi-has returned from a husiness trip.to fel}-freon tre iene by:officers ‘led.to 2 Grpuesin,Mion ae ue NigA ae rT A hee atoiSearch’for"Sam Carson,a-tenant on CTenada,Ses r §Tamily a3 RE Oe ie match |——aanwebayincarlots,|Hurst's property,who.is cha¥zed wit)2¢the home of his’Poche,Mr.Eu-.Pty ‘JEWEL IC edeositng.WE sell in any quantity.ithe.;-hot |2088.Gross.”Miss Lucy Hodgin Booe td BONS eg Ty wf pee WE sell jthe killing.The deceased was shot iEsellthecelebratedGoldthroughtheabdomenwithashotyun,|0f Walkertown,who has been visitingMedalFlour.le as as :pi her-cousin,Mrs.J.Frank Clement,s :WEsell Sweet Feed for Horses fee i inhib Yat oe ‘will!retutni home today,.o.Mri J,)B,b eaee.and Mules |Cisapneared :ine had had jtrouble Robinette has j returned}from Rich;aay ms rH bor sgemWEsfsweetDaisyFeedfor:||eats Anse _Hm Va.,ware he attended ie “Taye kes!‘Rides ie Mele!ote MS sity La Itvorg)oii.a e's ies ~Ne ayia _|Merchants’Association and ‘bought|{}-1 ir Pet MONE RENEE es eM oy ec aa si to:atan®WE Cons |"Gorn,Ome andet |Nentrale:Masi Recetngy the Nor-Foods:ue 8.eran returned ie yikes ease one ee saa,tier a bees’”é j al Cor iption 7Or.Cotton,«|from a ‘trip to Atlantic City,°ew|f ;.pion eu *nt ;aNAveSELFOILESS"|,Revesrance to.ttn hips|York snd Balimor,The New Garland Combination’.re *~#ithat their cargoes for netftrals wi!Ope eaee ee bit §pares)f VEIT AOC,BE fWEPoronenoecountryinot‘be confiscated ‘under the contra-Planning 'Trade Agreements ee eg ee faeWEdeliverinthecity.|band order if they come within the/With South and Central America.WOOD:AND GAS.©ajnormalconsumption,is given in al.President Wilson has directed the ;Federal Trade Commission to under-take a searching investigation of thetarifflawsandcustomsregulations|of the countries-of-Gentral-_andSouth{America for the purpose of pavingthewayforarapiddevelopmentof‘reciprocal.trade between the UnitedStatesandLatinAmerica,As soon astheinvestigationiscompleted.thecommissionwillsubmitrecommenda-tions to the President for the removal,by trade agreements or otherwise,oftheobstaclesnow.existing by reasonofconflictingandadversestatutes |of ultimate enemy destination will,{be necessary to the condemnation of |jcotton as a lawful prize.”*>*||The-embassy’s declination to give|iany pledge as to what will:be done |jwith any,particular —cotton ship-|iments,is understood to be based on | Powhatan Blue GemPennsylvaniaAnthracite‘Run of Mine Steam Coal, We also handle Oak and Pine authority to determine what is the|normal consumption of the neutral!;country _to which cotton Moving housekold goods a special- y. Holland Bros.signed.Warships probably will con-.Depot ’Phone No.7.jtinue fo stop cotton ships to makeResidence’Phone No.310Black.}{sure of the neutral destination ofithecargoes,4nd their cases may be FOR FINE CLEANING ~AND.DYEING_—'PHONE 147— Sloan Pressing Club. Butter Wrappers! We have the very best Parchment.Butter Paper, and.can print your nameandbrandonsame.Let ushaveyour‘order for any quantity you want.See us.Prices reasonable.Brady Printing Co. Coite'L.Sherrill,M.D., Will answer ’phone ‘calls leftatDr.Long’s Sanatorium ‘orGeo,M.Foard’s residence. DR.C.L.CRUSE._..Veterinarian,os Office sear Polk Gray Drug Co, Office Phone 10Residence"Plon e198 SRO BIRT E ORICAIO )The Flour of Quality. Shingles ’jsent to the prize court. “4|Storm -Damage.in Cabarrus.:an a é Rowan and Iredell.}:The storm which last Friday night:did so much damage on Mr.Gray|Hoover’s farm in south Iredell,nea)m the Cabarrus line and in the vicinityofCoddleCreek.church,as told in the\last-issue“of The Landmark,also did{3 DAN VALLEY is milled from {considerable damage in portions of3thecelebratedwheatgrownin}}Rowan and Cabarrus in'the vicinity o/3 the Shenandoah Valley of Vir-%ginia,IT HAS NO EQUAL.¥Makes better bread and more3ofittothepoundthanother3flour.It is economy to buyDANVALLEY,TRY IT. \the stricken Iredell section,The Con-jcord Tribune says at the Mack Rog-Siers place,in Rowan,the storm de-istroyed the corn crop—or a good parilofit—-took off part of the roof of his|house and.destroyed outbuildings.At|the McLean place it took off most ofithehouseroofanddestroyed:all out-%\buildings At Everett.Brown’s placeYoitblewabarncompletelyaway,scat-Si tering it over the place.<A large3sillofthebarnwascarriedabout30 Cary C.Boshamer,Local Representative,hone 126 Black.It.aw. lyards Fortunately there were no;stock in the barn at the time. Leeteieeteeentnetee TT "LEe8 STATE OF OHIO,CITY OF TOLEDO,LUCAS CO ¥.\Brank J.Cheney makes ‘oath .thatheissenior:partner ‘of the firm of F.J.Ch &@ business in thea,0)sal or Sale! Carload of goodNo.2 Shingles at $2.75 egeh and every case ofCatarrh that canhotbecuredtheuseofHall's Ca4Cure.a J,CHENEY.worn to before and subserihedAnmaya00,this 6th ‘day of.De- ‘ er thousand at my -.my aaa |Bios.ue ee ~“eal re WGLEASON,Fags Do cece cm Hall's Catarch Cure.is ken Internat,||.G.H.TURNER,orfasesof the ‘sucnin pena | &00.Toledo,0.No.74,Belt |the fact that it will be for the home is con-|° and regulations.The plan of investigation contem-tlates,among other things,such modi-fications of.the Underwood tariff actaswillmakepossiblemutualprefer-ential customs arrangements.betweentheUnitedStatesandthesecountries. OC TET TS Cereal Crops ThroughouttheWorld.—| Larger harvests of cereals.than last year are forecast for the world’s| principal producing countries,in.a/| Large bes Teachers VolunteerFor Work in|t .P.Matheson,who died at!;the home of her daughter,Mrs.H.L.|#Lackey,at Hiddenite,Friday morning |# L,P.Gwaltney,!# ed the service in the absence of the|pastor,Rev.LU;L.Moore.'Mrs.Mathe-|# son was Miss *Theresa McGinnis of |}“|Watauga county and married Myr.'!# five years ago.AfterMathesoncontinuedto|ive at her home here-—her'son-in-law|»iand daughter,Mr.and Mrs.W.A.|§Stevenson,making their home.with # L.;Objecting to the forcible |Lackey and children of Hiddenite;Mr.|#restraint McAllister shot and’seri-|and Mrs.W.A.Stevenson and daugh-|#t,but he was R.M.;|Mrs.||Matheson wasfor’years a loyal mem-‘ber of the Presbyterian church here|and will be very much missed by her | The Alexander County Teachers’In-|stitute,conducted by Prof.[i Bell of|3RockinghamandMrs.Fuller of Lenoir,|3iclusedFridayafternoonwithanen-!/joyable entertainment.There were 160|teachers enrolled and 145 of the num-| p eradicate the illiteracy |# ' _This is the Last Day ai OP ee Clear ance Sale! ON FANCY GOODS,| Everything Reduced 331-3 to 50.PerCant.'* >> rrry 3 and Brass. Your opportunity to get High Grade “ay.Goods at LOW PRICES.a |TERMS CASH;| 4 Statesville Drug Conip’y,||THE REXALL STORE):oo 8. peifayty| ria A Cool Kitchen in Summer.A Warm Kitchen in Winter. Statesville Housefurnishing Co , Pace neeeineee Statesville Female Collegseerhetae ‘3.ee =oe ve Particularly.fitted by location and equipment ta train:young women eeforsocialaydomestic.stations requiring efficiency in knowledge and |responsibility in character...Beautifully situate 2 in a townof education;falandreligiousactivity.Modern buildings,complete:equipment.Lovely campus.Out-dSports.Thoroughly,capable-instructors.Standard ‘College courses:©A.B.,BL.arid B.8.degrees.Splendidly equipped musi¢department;1schoolsofDomesticScience,Art,Expression,Physical Culture and Bi-|.»ble.Safe home life and.attractive surroundings,Rates unusually low.~ report by the International InstituteofAgricultureatRome,sent to Wash- ington.Rye production in Spain,Tre- land,Italy,European Russia,Swit-zerland and the United States aggre- gates 1,029,000,000 bushels,an in-crease of 18.7 per cent over 1914: Qats production in:those countries are England,Scotland and the United States aggregates 2,648,000,000 bush-'# els,an increase of 24.1 per cent;eiBarleyproductionin’these nations and”Japan’aggregates 967,000,000bushels,an increase of 17 per cent.Wheat production in the 10 coun-tries named and India and.the winterwheatofCanadaaggregate2,583,000,-000 bushels,an increase of 17.9.percent. Kodak’Company a_Monopoly. The Eastman Kodak Company ofRochester,N.Y.,has been declared amonopolyinviolation-of the Shermanlaw,in-a decision by Judge R,HazeloftheFederalcourt,sitting at Buffalo,N.Y.The decision grants the com-|pany.an opportunity to present a plan!“for the abrogation of ‘the illegalmonopoly”on the first day of theNovemberterm. The courts’quoted the gains and‘profits of the company for 1912,which|3amountedto$15,633,551.33,or aboutof.re ledo,County and State afore;tt no (171 per cent on total sales of $24,-and ti fala firm 1sumofONEDREDBot:hs ‘tor |763,407.65 It is undisputed,the court |Hheld,that the Eastman Company coh-trolted:approximately 75 ~per cent)ov 80 per cent of the entire trade andhadobtainedamonopoly. lanateteeneaanentenmmmmemiatmemenmnennen’4 A report from Tokio says thatJapanhasdecidedtoemployallavail-|Besablegovernmentalandprivatere- sourees.for.increasing the output of ; For catalogue and foll information.write to ae Uo tJ.M.MOORE.A.M.,Pres.,Statesville, —=— Ia IS ESTs ssIrssLswsziesetseeettserzereece:Commercial National I OF STATESVILLE,<6:% Capital Stock Paid in ~~$100,000,00°- Surplus dnd Profits =-31,5000 Members of Federal Reserve System..§ Your Banking business solicited andeveryaccommodationextendedtode--positors consistent with prudent bank-ing methods,es as Four per cent.paid on time and SavingsDepositsremainingondepositthree osmonthsorlonger,See ei OFFICERS: W.D,TURNER,K,MORRISON, D,M,AUSLEY, SBBssrsressestesseereseteesrs ‘ t Be t e $ + i.~ ~Vice. * —a 4 7 :4127Pf53+ *:*+rfty.:Pg°44 2344:347Py 74 >+5.yPY+:74Y,* 1oT 4r2727.rf-.:774Pa °‘:r:$. 7; P‘, ’]P> .77rC7py ~rirs we ray munitions for the allies,particularly/4¢:EI ol ca seoniption.B CaG.B,HUGHEY,-Assistant Cashi¢ eeseteerestees ini?ne THENEEDLESS RISK.(THE MOUNTAIN RAILROADS ADS.FROM OVERTHE COUNTRY.|==!Ge asks that we hold up onth Nea "Dromeat con a resent q i.‘Arabjeuntilitcanget fhe facts and|Development Present and:Pros-|items of Interest About Various|hhaveaword.Therequestis reasona-p-Boone’Has Matters....|ble and it means.that no.action will sc and Watauga May|The quantity of crude iron ore|fs=|be taken by our government with ref-|.road mined in the United States in 1014 ire 25aascheArabicforsome;weeks.Get a Rail .By Building=jamounted to 41,439,761 long tons,as|f}”;—00 Only two Americans lost their lives}00d County Roads.od eefests pe en re fans We have addedaline of Ladies’Ready-to-Wears for thisontheArabic,but if their lives were or ae =pial oo ee ae ws Ohta pen Halos -8¥ason and are nowshowing our first shipment,Every) needlessly sacrificed by the’,German |Observer re yn eeeST Shas Bokate of the Alabama Legis-|I)..garment is of this season’s productions.No old styles.to=|submarine,in violationofinternational -spe i Fee cee ie Co lature has voted -to exempt shipbuild.|}}show you.‘We represent someofthebest manufacturersCONTRABANDCOTTON.regulations and defiance of the warn-|T#ilroad developm tae Bateman ing concerns in Alabama from tax-|f .in the business,Goods all Sponged and shrunk before.Having deglared cotton contraband,|ing by the United States that a repeti-|brospective.aroeiwin cal one ation for a period of 10 years.Ex-making-up and perfectly tailored..We want to show youa“ly kindli oven ere oe a hes ers cis e not be railroad connection with charlotte,Sireaine cae coat one ae sor line before you buy your Suit Yor fall,Prices range‘will.be no interference.wi |tolerated,the principleis of course}and a line frox ,coun.2 Th “from $10 to $25.2 Suit.You will find :‘shipped to neutral countries,“exclu-|the same as if 2,000 “had Rerished.are Wieenete,to Charlotte.8 eePl“sageBela My has Cer vn Pea Te our intermediatesivelydestinedforthenarmelcon-/Mr,Bryan,however,makes this Very lthe proposed -conection Would |ot Federal and State authorities are Oar 8 th : sumption of those countries,That strong point in his statement issued|course mean building a line from |endeaviring to establish a motive for ur buyer is now in the Northern markets selecting fallistosay,it is for England to decide,|jast Sunday:Oo ea Wilkesboro *pert wa eethe mean OFRev,suas (Rayaee,Rocks ven oe 8,at pone disposal.ane us.for Ease eh tton which may!«tas oh ‘been exploited from timetotime,and|pastor of St.James’vangelical Lu-school dresses and for early fall goods -of all inds.scheme’Tolland,Bwisearioen -Naategn citer fave ee tent which would gtve connection With |theran church of Tolleston,Ind.,.a/}member we sell for cash but curnrisae are different.oeapmfoeshether|national law,a righttotravel through|Statesville and Charlotte,'<,{suburb of Gary,Ind.,who ‘was shot Very truly, Home other neutral country,whether|i™danger zone on the ships of bel-Bie.Bi ~»land killed in his home Tuesday night |}Aintheamountofcottonwearesendingligerentnations.That is’admitted.|Remarking that “Boone seems ‘to|by several’persons,who bound ‘his 7 I there is in excess of the “normal The question just now.is whether an |be the aoe point in the mountain body with cord and left it in a nearby|M ;McKee &Com anPéeds”of those countries,or whether|American citizen should put his:con-reirped deve’eat at a:rie)lot.ewe .;LY.agme of the cotton is really passing ae ca ae ——ane BR meaiietlo proposition”made op the|“Gustav Kopsch,a.young German|ff No.112 West Broad Street,between Hall’s Drug Store and Lazetiby-.t destination to ;Watau ople.Hesays: ,,''/employed as an instrument-maker by Montgomery Hardware Stor "PHONE 28 _fhrough its apparen refuse to consider their own safety or ga peop Vi Hele Ca,tit ‘Washing ry re Store 1. ..Germiany and Austria.©»the safety of the nation,then a sec-|“The builders of the Virginia-Caro-|the Carnegie institution at Washing-——neneeaneNNE :Moe taf (9 :tton |ond questions’arises namely,whether |lina railroad,which has now pene-|ton,has been arrested by agents of cere eetForthisrelief(2)American cotton the a coramahon should permit-a few (trated to Todd (Ashe county),have|the Department of Justice,chargedwerswillhardlypassavoteoft;is |Proposed to the people of Watauga}with violating the Federal law for/,a lines a hemaSoaks.It amounts to nothing.Neith-ahi Ah a Geaniry ie isle county that they will build $100|protection of the national defense by YOUWil I BUYWHEN ershould any dependence be placed on f the American people were not|Wworth of railroad for every $50 |making pictures of military reserva-‘4 See ,.inci.|Worth of good roads the county may |tions.Kopsch is said to have had in»Great Britain's announced eeonriee fully aware,before the Lusitania inci.|Wort!of good roads Watauga toun-|his possession a number of photo:OUR CLOTHES;buy cotton or in some way assist the/dent,of the danger of traveling on |ty is to invest $150,000 in building|graphs of fortifications and guns.en ulmh‘ket.so.that the placing of the ships of belligerents,especially ships ood,dance <2 ce “ae pad A,dispatch from’°Hartford,Ky.,ANDstapleonthecontrabandlistmaynot!carrying munitions of war,that.trag-Wren ce,Ww Raita C €Norto j7/8ay8 the long struggte of the author-~work undue hardship in America.Our|edy ‘and what has happengd since build the cahnns from ‘Tega nt ities with lawlessness in that portiondependenceinthecottonsituationis|leaves them ,without exeuse.The|Boone,including a spur from Boone sa Cu are jn‘imon ourselves.How much the price|passengers ‘on the Arabic’knew full!to Foscoe,where the development of |e Cire at that place Wed-¢may be iced on account of the!well sig risk incurred,If only their|the Whisng farnber.Ooepyars ae ie ee nat ee ean afideetcactontclkiste,yet re but}own lives egybeen Hains ie net pape Bs fee D reticent ceamenalinn placed:on hig i alleged participa-|!depression’may expected,Mvery-|ter was one for the ‘individual,But |'The Significance of this offer would|tion.in night riding outrages.Whenthingpossible,even in normal times,is|when,in risking their,own lives they|be apparent at a glance of the country|court adjourned for the day’two.menzWariablysBizedupontodepressthe|also risked involving’their country in through which the railroad passes.had ot aay ,nine others were_price of cotton.Be it understood that |,war which might‘cost hundreds of :Fnote ek $e taone |e aeaance pe an wero awaiting a hear-England had the right to declare cot-|thousands of lives of innocent persons,ord to reath Boone the railroad|+;~~monotAa;3 i ‘y W.P.G.Harding of the Federal‘ton ry but that in so declar-|besides other untold disaster,they ex-|would have to wind and twist to the|peserve Boasd told the Alahatha Bae:ig the ‘British government reversed|ceeded their moral rights,no matter {extent of 20 miles of track.At chants’Association _at BirminghamSite‘attitude,for it has consistantly|how well they werg within,their legal Re be cementsae ee that the placing of cotton on the con-‘argued ani maintained in the past rights.It was-stated in a State news-building of good roads would bring traband list by the allies did notthatcottonshouldnotbesddeclared.|paper a few days ago,that a man from|the people and the freight to the |C"eate a desperate situation but rath-r;.::A Ning:for intelligent leader-k doesn’t.want to wish|K ,N.G ;had|line from all parts of.the county and |¢r one camapsmersatyaaealgeeePeaeane:the railroad would find its ‘trade|shiv.He urged Southern bankers toanybodyjus”written home to friends that he ready to hand.The people of Wa-|make concessions to finance the cropwishesthatconditionswouldarisethat|would “assert his rights as an Amer-|tauga were quick to see the benefits |@nd predicted there would be inter-would compel Great Britain to pay/ican citizen by coming home on ‘alof the plan and the chances are that|national competition for the Ameri-;about two prices for the cotton it gets|ship that did not fly the American|they will vote the money and proceed |can crop despite the-fact that it was;”:{to put.Watauga in the list’of good|contraband.oom Pee flag;”that is to say,he would de road counties.”Boone appears to bée|4 memorial to ‘Dr.Joseph A.fc RONSRNTerra aeear liberately invite dan r,not to him-;;::Recently the Twin City Daily Sen-y Be reasonably FUTE.of this railroad Holmes,late chief of the Bureau of‘self alone but to some millions of his ::et ‘:tinel called attention to the fact that countrymen,sort of for “the big of|“Boone’s next immediate chance is Mines;wi be erected by mining men THIS PICTURE TELLS IT ALL,government revenue collected in|Countrymen,sortof for fej |i the coming of the Watauga &Yad.|°f eter Doe a7ane,soety:;the thing”—the privilege ‘of doing|;.:~{completed include the esta’ishmentston-Salem ina week or ten days,aa |...»'|kin River railroad from North Wilkes-i cmp fel,WE WANT IS FOR YOUTO SEE OUR CLOT|(heady,eaflcient:to.pay’fox the|Mat heyhid a right;to dolhut which |boro."This road is new completed toy orcate and rarmes.Professors TaN OUR PRIC "YOULL BUY.”mo he OTAES j ‘ee :{Ship of safety ‘and efficiency.ngineer~ae hort BPRS ey ‘st {Comm Sense;reason and a'tegard for}Darby (Wilkes county,from.North |S?9 nis ey ANRnE arse ;:||new government building,which cost ,‘:i Wilkesboro);‘Phe grading.is finis ing”'in_the Colérado Schoal_of Mines igre :i.*i \|beet anita gana vinta ro a ak Soe ee and the rails are being Jaid,the ware at Golden,Col.the erection.of a»»¥Q0 KNOW A GOOD THING WHEN You ‘SEE tt.'ed that the Winston-Salem folks running’to'&point within sight of the ener)tablet ‘in’the new $500.000|H >New FALL Goods “ARRIVING.DAILY.“aiet wai'jn|Survivors of the Arabic voiced the town.From’Darby-the,Watauga &|Buréau of Mines building now.hejngpaid:for a aus7 fsame feeling when he.asserted that|Yadkin Mtiver will strike across the|constructed in Pittsburg,arid.,the COME NOW.«Ws aewe tae cn all Seer the government should protect him in |ridge for Boone,The distance is 22 hanging of a portrait of Dr.-Holmes nut Yebasgry’ e:business or convenience called him.hree-+ls,the survey-makes SnotchewingtobaccomanufacturedatPclude.three-tunnels,y :sneha||Winston-Salem who were:doing the|i/"es?,People who are talking 80|possible tiltthal sr ber cont at)Will Make Amends if Command-fi aok’s ‘ig |Miles,and’while part of the construc:{in the Washington office of the Bu-.the country-who were smoking and his right to travel,when or where his tion work will be heavy and will iv}(reaw’of’Mines.Sloa n Cloth ing’Co bh ir “ri ‘the||Paying,not.Winston-Salem folks.The|“Bout their “rights”ne af)Scotia the}.-€Y Exceeded Instructions.|Sentinel did not reply but the Repub-|"body but themselves andMr."Bryan t'pointtoBlowitig’Rock,Where|\The following?)story:is’sent’from;lieqn had a word.That paper’s comy well says it should be well onsidered,‘Blowing “Roek!‘Junction may ‘be}Berlin bythe AssociatedPress:“!PHONES}ntAvad mhiblgiad orit wouldhave had whether:the government shiuld Rer-|established,will be'gever?miles,From}“If!the comifander’ofa Gérman|fp)a "earlier.‘The.Re entinars mit a few ‘of this class to’drag.the Boone the western objective of this submarine ‘exceeded his instructions ,‘84 and 137,|Wants fi a if The Haale country into war,“American and,oth-Metta Watenen a eaden ices is Gorman ak a ent willaeici”ee : ‘:-s v.Ladki ‘overnmen Ive fu la 4 ‘:C attsHeed"ene”es "leethe enyatneng [te ee Sal aoe bt atta ethane ae eeeat;,p cellor’von Bethmann-Hollweg inform-oe Bas a the ocean.Then traveling on British exaggerated idea of the one <ed the Associated Press serveahond.Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison Compan ® ewe tee ee liners carrying munitions of war isn’t|this aid.In the construction of t Sent.The imperial chancellor madeManufactures‘a product sold all over j i in.{tine to Darby the company has ex-the following statement of Germany'sthecountry,which not only pays much |"°°es#ary.There might be some "|pended $850,000.It has paid $25,000 paitio the sinking of the Arabic:aiesidiibent revenue ‘but does so much|°oPvenience and delay in waiting for|for convict aid.The road is splendid-|Postion on the sinking of the Arabic:6d ..ni ree eee :withgone:“As.long as the cireumstances_sur-for Winston-Salem?The Landmark |°t#er ships,but what should that ia alg -eercd ae re rounding the sinking of the Arabicpi;:.|count,considering what is“involved?|P :ave not been fully cleared up it isiteeeeeTheLandmarkconfessesthatithasosAthsTeackeneisenntySaeeimpossibleformetomakeadefiniteidolehesald.have made Winston.|2°little patience with the people who Darby in the direction of Boone...Deve tatcet hone ne mare napeteaeeseS.};i a ?.Oo aSalem.“They first had to make the resaw sig Se *So ae “Boone’s third prospect is in the ex-|not even know whether the sinkingproductbeforepeoplecouldbuyit,but|y eG y tension of the Carolina &North-|of the ship was caused by a mine oriftherewerenoconsumersthebusi-|ives were the forfeit,it would shed no|Western from:Edgemont.The tap-|by a torpedo,fired from a Germanfesswould’stop and other business|*8*S for them when they perish.ping of Boone by the Norfolk &{|«nbmarine.nor do we know whethereSdependtonitldperish.It’s th But “international.regulations and|Western will impose upon this road|in this latter case the Arabic herselfadamantetok:BS pers Rut the customs and practices of inter-the necessity of “going onto that may not by her actions,nerhaps,havecobelJ’z .joe as :course between nations,as this paper oon tar aking,ork ce:at the cominS2549,Editor Jos.M.Reece ofthe Greens-|has ‘remarked,are not changed in a ‘wn the Watan-|.«on}ft Il these:cj taboroDailyRecord,who had lingered|day.Under the old rule of interna-|ga river to Shull’s Mills,ther tp Liniclehtkd ao ie ne ®:¥teck Shull’s -t *lhave been cleared up it will be pos-7 A ’y .(on the borderland for weeks,has an+jtional law,before destroying a mer-oo ee re is =ae and sible.to say whether the commander a :Difte ence _Bweredthefinal summons.He was one|chant’ship ‘theenemywas required,tareigh ‘the Wdpemnces.acl sine talk of one of our submarines went.he-ff ox I an ; tT diti Ls of the few old-time editor-printers in|in'the event the ship did not try to’get|is connection with the Norfolk South-he taupe eee ee aotactiveserviceandhisdeath,while ex-|away or offer resistance,to first as-|ern.The mountain people have’the hesitate to give ‘such complete satis-pected,brings sorrow to the mem-|certain the character of the cargo and {idea that this road must push /on faction to the United States as wouldaofthenewspaperfraternityin|then,in case the vessel was to be Sater hare aot the cenit we conform to the friendly relations ex-between well-dressed women and othersravenre,knew him personally |destroyed,to give’passengers.and|gether of thin reek fod eee listing between koeh ee h d h ith less effect {through his paper,as well as to|crew timetoescape and helptoprovide|&North-Western is productive of 7 ;who spénd as much money wi ess €’«a wide.circle of more intimate friends #@ way of escape,This is under the some interesting speculations.Notice to the Stockholders,Credit-on et ",ies in their taste in shoes.Footwear .Gand acquaintances in his home town.|idea that citizens of a neutral coun-hier eee ne oe antee ors,Debtors and Others Inter-often lies m theSatbisnoktphpornectarageoem[Tz nave he Tight to travel on the [Faivondy but they ase omy the meee ested in the Piedmont.”that is beautiful in itself,harmonious withai,ef his newpaper brethren;as he stuck high seas on legitimate business,even|anxious to have the way opened into Hardwood Company:a ‘‘$s iytepany:the costume,and vibrant with the latest met- lose to his job and rarely left his|on ships of belligerents;and that|North Carolina,instead of into Ten-Miquaintance held him in sincere esteem|in that right.That is the eietaa break down the barriers that have so|the following summons,watcn +3 an action ropolitan style,distinguishes the first class. “home ave who enjoyed his ac-|their government should protect them|/essee and Virginia.They want-to|You ana,each of nag en hea gtalongmadé~them natural.annexes to|wherein Receivers were appointedwandaffectionandhewaspoularwith|on which the United States is stand-|those States,and when it comes to|Piedmont “Hardwood §Company.‘The next U llv:th b aWy se Hie wee 1 be held WN.C,.besin-sua they buy our_=Mewspaper men generally on account|ing and is demanding that Germany|building $50 worth of good roads for|Curt eptember20,19th then acd:tens ty roeOfhisgoodnatureandjovialdisposi-|respect ‘the rights ofjts citizens un-|Cvery,$100 worth.of ‘railroads that |vou ean appear,intervene and ‘become here ie .Ss HOES 0 a 1 ies thereto,tion.Mr.Reece was true blue.Helder the circumstances.The right ofve on eee why,they are Medowell‘Gounty—In Superior Court,eigen CO SINS S“stood fast for those things.which he|the United States in the matter is cna North,Ga ‘tte’teses CS Pon:ane :Vhelieved and he was not afraid to|admitted even by Germany,but Ger-|Increasing pritiah Army in voration aeninat Piedmont Hardened Gon:Made in New YorkSpeakhismind.He was an industrious|many claims that the peculiar cir-‘rance,gl testbed Weekes tele,OsuntyGnber.;and Successful publisher and.labored |cumstances makes different action nec-|Paris Dispatch,Wer een :FOR WOMENearnestlyfortheupbuildingoftheessary.The Landmark is in sympathy The.Petit Parisien states that the igPitan takerstke and.“Ee,State.He wrought well and we hope|with the stand our government.has ho ae -Nosthern France and Morrison,the defendants shove named.ifandbelievehehasenteredintoresttaken,but it-has little sympathy for|landers has lengthened to more heyrid (Ome haeed age enti ggyhelat Molt run 4S an1,the people who‘ebedlagtig cas wn:sateiles.“Formerly it was only 40|2vpee tefore the Judee,of our,|SupertoréGourt,at a Court to be held for the Countymileslong.ly take risks that may drag the es long.,The total number .of |n¢McDowell,at the Coan Huose in Marion,country into war,i _‘Made desperate by fear that he may|800,000 NY.On the firing MMR Reolember Re tame eine ike ||Our.Trunk’and:Bag department kas just‘not one altondra om ——meom the sea southward the.Srmtttepyef which wil bec Te been replenished with goods suitable for allFresid|Roo 7 Governors Pledge President Sup-|army is now the Belgian;then comes|.t the Chak ot the Superior Court for said ::f h : opportunity in denunciation of the for-port.the French army,and next the rst ;rm within the first three’-of,‘said demand.Now 1s the time for those goingeignpolicyoftheadministration.Ad..|English army.Then comes ano Wen baat te a i:the military instruction Sint Whee Bek ene:French army,with the new Brith within that.time,the vlaintifts.will.apely AWAY to,College to make a selection.7p at Plattsburg,N.Y.,he:asked |Tuesday by Governors of nearly:a mati ceee at oeSeinwinigk ee fe ee SEE,WINDOW DISPLAY. ‘° ors not to applaud unless /score of States:attending the annual tends this front wea tities tae Hereof fail not,and of this summons‘fel >7 *‘/,.pmake due return,RiceIt“a burning sense of shame |Conference of Governors in B eg ield Marshal Sir John French \is|-*Given:under my hané and seal of said:.These resolutions,introduced by Gov-+we ;}: ‘use the United States has not aid:|20 50 well satisfied with the training {Court this 2ist day of June,1916,‘\R -Bo ]-MSiewataayeehisannecetteGovernofthetreatagesarmyiTecivingnoel“he awe vaktenaetne.,.|Ramsey-Bowles Morrison Company.y oe oi ae aay had cite or esiatod Papa Thy being drafted for the trenches straight THE STORE THAT PAYS THE POSTAGE ON MAIL ORDERS.oe Set ssc see ae therm the craneports "IL UNLOADING?3®:™Pi8e,ce-||.eeerion,1.-Pres-:———eeneeeeee 5 ra OeIetobatheaantofit.He oP”oopinternational gence,oxy "comments ChakeaineCalls,Chloe Shingles this and next week.My {|1{-PHONES .‘PHONESis80belligerentthatonewonders|i assure.you of the readiness to fol.|,\"I_never hesitate to.recommend Chamber,cee are bo low.that It ig hard to fit 5”84 and 137°ia 84 and 137 fF he doesnotgoto Europe and enlist.|iow your leadership in.all iain’Colic,Cholera and Diarrhoea .’'|keep stocked;but believe I canapesAlienbaciwholyousmaydeembeetcyorometncemoreotfttheaohenotoLenpplyyournoed¢”at.$1.30.per-|\I.TEX-Goy.Bi of South Carolina|the honor and maintain the peace Itione of like eharacter.I have used it:thys|i aud:up.:“Everything to ..has inced that we will be a can-|and welfare of the nation and the ansaid found it gave me more.relief.that With.”reWatkins,W,GenterforWholepeoplebalesflatsettlfrthecae]Ba Wit.”(.Watkins,cea Nas ra AT STATESVILLE BUSINE:ma 5 a4 i ‘ ‘ gis { I o a i WEE ceptions,Etc.Mrs.M.,C.Wood gave an informalporchdanceTuesdayeveningather home on West End avenue in honorofMissesNaomiand.Isabel FithiaofHaddonfield,N.J.,and Miss Mar-'LeonardWhite,Jr.The evening was thorough-*ly’enjoyed by.the young people,PunchWasservedallduring.the evening byMissesWinnifredandBlancheWood.An ice cream course was also served.Miss’Ruth Gill was hostess to theWednesdayMorningBridgeclubthis tha MeLaughlin and Mr. week.A number of outsiders werguestsoftheclub.The of cards,was won by Mrs.Richey.Miss,Lila White entertained the‘ot club members and a num-Whbee of other guests Tuesday after-noon at her home:on East -Broad.stfeet.In a game of hearts MissAnneBellWaltonwonthe_prize.Qut-of-town .guests present:wereMisses‘Louise Roach and Addie MayThomasofMississippi,who areguests:of Mrs.J.B.Roach,and MissBessieLawrenceofCharlotte,who isviensMrs,H,R.Cowles.large party of ests:met at home of Miss Mar-|Mr.and Mrs;T,J.Conger havehauand.were taken from|been in Charlot e past few days.there to the.Orr home!Miss Edun left Wednesdaynoreretheyplayed|for Nebo,McDopypll county,to takegamesand;fe id ‘on watermelons.|up her avork aa,Jeacher in the NeboLater~in the ¢vening the ride was|High School,i :¢ontinned.©".Nae ae Misses.Grace and.Nettie Watts andThe‘Night?ge Club met with|Miriam Lois McOall-are visitingMrsiL.)'W..MucKesson Wednesday|in Winston-Salem.night.After the game a salad course |Mr.and Mrs.W.G.Blaylock of*was served by the hostess. ; + } A straw ride and moonlight picnicwas-given-by-some-of-the-boys-of-thetownMondaynightcomplimentarytoMigsMaryThomas’house party~guesteMisses Sarah Hudgins,Jose- and Gertrude Jones ofMarionandClaudiaMorrisonofChar- The boys and girls met.ut thehomeof:Master Gordon Wallace on|Walnut street,where they embarked in .the:“straw-filled”wagons.They were}driven to the State Farm,where the |position as milliner,pieni¢lunches were served on the! phine Byrd lotte. lawn in the beautiful moonlight. "WEEK'S SOCIAL.EVENTS.fi.4 Feelin =);Club Meetings,Straw Rides,Re- he’s f rize,a'deck young peoplewereguestsofMr.Mitchel!Orr on a K |GLIMPSE PASSING THRONG. Personal Mention of People and.Their Movements. day from:his vacation, Mrs.J.C.Irvin and Miss Julia Fow- visit relatives.They were accompa-nied by:Margaret Bridges of Tarbo-ro and Elizabeth Fowler of Charlotte,who John “and George Fowler have re-turned from a visit to relatives at7SouthRiver. son,Dr.Fawcette,in Asheville.Mr.Robt.M.Rickert has returnedfromthe.vicinity of Huntersville,where he attended a house erty at thehomeofMr.and Mrs,A.M.Hender-son.Dr.J,B:Shearer and Mrs.Minter ofDavidsonwereguestsofMr.and Mrs. W.E.Webb Wednesday.Miss Inez Gray went to MooresvilleWednesdaytovisithersister,Mrs.R.A.Lowrance..Miss Harriet Godfrey of Cheraw,8. C.,who had been at Waynesville,spentTuesdaytoWednesdaywithMrs.CG.8S.Alexander,en route e ome, Miss Elizabeth Lazenby,who visit-ed .relatives in Statesville and ithe county,has returned to her home in Salisbury..Mr.Jo.M.Watts of the Turners- burg community was in StatesvilleWednesdayenroutehomefromAlex-ander county,where he visited in hisoldhomecommunity. Coo]Spring:township and Mrs.Blay-lock’s sister,Mrs.W.P.CarmichaelofThomasville,went to BakersvilleWednesdaytovisitMr.and Mrs.W.L.Lambert.Mrs.Lambert is a sisterofMesdamesBlaylockandCarmichael.Miss Margaret Flanigan will re-turn tonight from Charlotte,where}she has been visiting her aunt,Mrs.|E.P.Clampitt,for ten days.Miss Stella Mize left a few days\ago for Baltimore,from whence shewillgotoEmporia,Va.,to resume her Rev.©.Ey Raynal returned Tues-which.wasspentinSouthCarolinaandelsewhere. ler went to South River Tuesday to been visiting relatives here, Mrs,J.P.Burke is visiting her jj, |Mrs,C|Sherrill says helikes this.‘county and ex ts to bi ec-{°ninger's window,tomorrow, caxes ;andMr.George Montgomery of Win-|tion %he ean talk eee ¥breed os “Aug.27.ston-Salemvisited relatives in Cool!”Mr,ofit Hampton of Charles post-|¥OR SALE $550 buys almost new avtoSpringtownshipthisweek.office has a position in the roller mills|‘uck.that cost $1,100.W.L.SMITH,at this place. Feimster is very low at this LOOKING,FOR WILL MOORE. Ro the Editor of ‘The Landmark: ‘Indianapolis;Inds,Aug.23,1895.—- I am on the lookeut for my husband,Will Moore,as he has been gone forSeveralyears,and 1 would be.obliged if’you would kee for a week,ETTIE MOORE,_....Indianapolis,Ind.946 N,Meridian St.--advt. MARKET REPORTS.sevice Statesville P.Market.The following prices were paid yesterdayforproduceon,the local market.Spring Chicken,18¢.per Ib,Hens,10¢.per Ib.Roosters,be.per Ib. Exes,d7e.per dozen.Kutter,15¢,per Ib,Beeswax,26¢.per Ib. Green Hides,14e.per Ib,Hams,18¢.per 1b,Sides,13¢,-per Ib, Shoulders,14¢,per Ab.Red Honey,10¢.pér th. Sourwood Honey Comb,I8¢.per Ib. :Grain,The following prices were’paid yesterday vy grain on the local market:: .Wheat,$1.20 to $1.25 per bushel.‘Corn,.$1 per bushelOats,60e.per bushel. TURNERSBURG COUNTRY.”| Farm Work—Church Services— |Correspondence of The Landmark.”Turnersburg,Aug.26.—After riautifulspellofweather’ihefarmers"are very busy breaking ‘land wheat.;Cotton is beginning 16 ‘openinsome.places,Saving...roughness very good this year.catesMr.J.-E.Hendren,ard daughter. trip,visiting relatives at Ashyyilie,At- laces.They will return home.atter part of this week.ty a tee jlast Sunday morning ing’\'P.H.Brittain,the pastor,.who “was revival meeting.Rev.Willson @éliv-ered a strong sermon,which a _.Personal Items. Bey.ing so much rain we are again havi and pr@paring for~another erp of time is here and the rough feed.will be Miss Muriel,are off on an ntic City,Lexington »o¢herretheRev.James Willson of Wihston-Sa-|lem’preached at Turnersbur,ehh“of Rev. |at Snow Creek,where he is holding a good one and was enjoyed by-all prey). ent.«Mr.James Sherril]of Loray visitedatthehomesofMr,W.R.Moore and-A.Moore on last weelty M My.part of the;CAKES AND BREAD—You will find in Hen. ‘phone.358 Red,Aug.27---2t*. |WANTED--At ance,six table boarders at $3perweek.Good board,close in and niceLumbermustbeindemand,as location—802 Center street."Phone 128, ng.ere!oc :is lots of it being hauled into an Red.MRS.M.W.JOHNSON.Aug.27. ville by here.They are hauling day WANTEE—-Roomers and boarders.‘Phoneandnight.I guess that they are ship-|292 Black.Aug,27—2t.pingit to Germany.If so it.willbe |ror SALE—87-nere farm seven miles fromsubmarinedinthewarzone,:.Btatesville,aspsenlie ro Blate Hiekes?.SPPanaEn et ;J.So LE .27-—8t*.Sent to Jail on Peace MNO oat gina ae ks aFamilyReunion,erate flag and my name.¥.C.CARLTON.Correspondence of The Landmark:)—AFF +iStonyPoint,Aug.26.—At the old |POR ME dP GURKE ae eehomeofthelateJamesMiller,in Mil-|——rane peerler's township,Alexander comgly,She |on Prienouting’for ee tae aeMillerconnectionsmetyesterdayforvowerengineonwheels,or will buy.see-a@ reunion.About 75 persons were |VIDSON etntes ale ~~4p i PieLSON,;BT,present,.a fine dinner was spread an itheday.was-an-enjoyable-occasion“to|all who were present.Turner Woodward,an edcentricyoungmanwholivesnearSulphur|Springs, The little son of Mr.and Mrs. Aug. pound and fresh KIMBALL’S,seeded-raisins at D.J.:.Aug.27. ber of Piano pupils,Apply at once.or became unbalanced and:en-|‘phone 474 BLACK.Aug.27~2t.raged a few days ago and destroyed |-————___—_—______afurnitureandthreatenedhismother’s *"=?weet eee eeelifHbi.os e,price right.i.-,evelan *ife.©was so boisterous that com- N.Cc.Aug. 24—2t* FOR RENT.The H.L.‘Morrison residence,partly furnished,during the term of Scott's plaint was made to a magistrate,apeacewarrantwasissuedandabondof$300 required.As a result he’was| Mr.G.E.Dull,county demonstra-Af-tion agent,has returned from Raleigh,|ter a season of merry-making at the where ‘he spent severa]days attend-|Farm,the young folks were brought |ing various agricultural!meetings.itotowninthewagonsand“dis-|Mr.and Mrs.Parks L.Wooten ent|ted”among -therr’respective |to Marion Wednedday;afters |to}homes.“Miss Elvy McElwee-and Mr.}visit Mesdames 2 €!GF ohdi wsbysectetppaionesaeBary damark.a x 4 ker:feritertaindy’Wea:Not! nesday morning in honor of -her guest,| Miss Elizabeth Hines of Kinston,oe e~ lightful,drinks,with nabikcos::Rooka‘at sixAaBlea?this Rome/»@xee.having won -the..bighest acon lovely chine handkerchief—to-Miss- Reported For The Mrs.J.V.Murp arrival the guests were,served was @ thepresented prize—a od ¢Pressly and Hattie Fowler.| Notice of New Advertisements. others interested in the PiedmontHardwoodCo.Sate ,,|Lelland,has gone to Newton;and|»Cakes and bread in Henninger’s |Mixa Emma King,lady principal ofwindowtomorrow.|the State Normal College at Greens-|Almost new auto truck cheap.—W.iboro,who was the guest of Mrs.Me-|E.oe :wanted.-Mrs.M.W,|L@lland,has returned to her home at}tae arders wanted.—Mrs.M.*/High Point.Ot .is |\ot :t rs.-D.Saulpaw an ittleeeene<wanted—|daughter of Calhoun,Tenn.,are visit-']- Eighty-seven acre farm for sdte.—J.8.Leonard.Sleeve link lost.—P.C.Carlton.Burke cottage for rent—Mrs.J.P.urke.J.A.Davidson wants,*"to .trade traction engine.ae ae The-guest of honor!a a dainty hadkerchief,|weeks.jPorethy~Gill. rize ‘‘Mae €.D.Moore cretufted Wefities-|he ;were’served a delicious!fra ,rea!ome iodieoiirde by Misses Kath-j2¥ftom Whightsville Hagch.|Mrs.| Notice.to.stockholders,creditors.and { Ae McPetfy.pysea ome reset Cf|Mrs.W.EB.\Andersoq)is at hdmejfromCatawbaSprings.;{|Mrs.F.-L.Fithian and daughters,||Misses Naomi and.[sabe],pf Haddon-| field;No J, Wood: Mr.Lewis Poston 1s at home from}‘Wavnésvitte are guests of .M.| ;ile,where he”spent several | pa nd two ‘children;“Eva|Ralph,‘will_remain—at.ddsaleenel|s9me weeks ‘for the benefit of |Eva’s health. |Miss May McLelland of Mooresville,|who was a guest of Mrs.W.R.Mc-| ndj ‘or Miss ling Mrs.Saulpaw’s sister,Mrs.J.F.||Henninger._ |Miss Elmina Mills has returned}from visiting relatives .in Mount Airy.| Rev.C.-G,Prosperihas gone to|Patterson,Caldwell.eounty,to join! Mrs.._Prosperi.They’will return| lams_and fresh seeded _raisins.—D.|home in_a week.(Me 5J.‘Kimball ts |.Miss Elizabeth,MtCall ‘left yester-|Miss Mary Scott wishes a limited {day for Lowe re she will teach:number ofpian pupils.‘\.\tduging the.comaipsschool termYourdollaris'ag gogd as ‘anybody's!Mr.and MM hE.Scroggs ofLe-}¢at C.Watkins”=>tA ir.were Ti Statesville yesterday en| ‘} ae Some new arrivals of fashionablefallmerchandise.—Johmston-Belk Co.Two carloads of Fords next week.—Carolina Motor Co.-:You'll buy from Sloan Clothing Co.New fall coat suits.—J.M.McKee &Co. Better values.—Mills &Poston.Try the Statesville Flour.Mills Co.;flour on its merit. 4 : *mony next Tuesday. :t on 0;Statesville Drug Co. nt ?| ow Oe we 4 Mid-summer clearance sale of oddiecesoffurniture—Crawford-BunchurnitureReasonsforhardlines.—MutualBuilding&Loan Association. An apology.—Paine View Dairy.Remember the auction sale at Har- Hall's elegant line of stationery, clearance ‘sale.— ‘le Birthday Celebration. Correspondence.of The Landmark, m Tuesday of this week relativesandfriends.gathered at the home ofMr.Sidney Patterson,who lives aboutfivemilesnorthwestofStatesville,tocelebratethebirthdayofhis.goodwife,Quite a number were there fromAléxandercounty,and some from agiereatState;and by the time theinnerhourarrivedtherewere116tpresent\to partake of the bountiful .all present and we ,'terson see no reason why you should v ,ter.your.trading p vith ;dinner spread on a table under.the ,trees,}'Rev.E.D.Brown,pastor at Loray,was present and by request conductedashortserviceinthegrove‘just be-fore dinner.,‘The afternoon was spent by the‘young people in singing and playing,Various.games,while the older ones‘spent'hodse and in the grove,telling jokes,,renewing.acquaintance, the time very pleasantly in’the ete,Alto-gether’it was a very pleasant day forpethatMrs,Pat-may have many more.birth- aenotsThe.ry toute to.the Stony ‘Point.vicinity to}visit M®-Scroggs’relatives.moMr.and Mrs.H.L.Bell and baby,!who.visited in the Oak Forest com-! munity,returned yesterday to their|home in Charlotte. Miss Barr Morgan,who is making |her home in Marion with her sister,| Mrs.Banner,passedthrough States-| ville yesterday en route to Charlotte.| She returned to Statesville last nicht|and is the guest of Mrs.J.H:Hill.| Miss Bertha Cashwell left yester-| day for Bryson City.where she is|a teacher in the graded school..She |Was -accompanied -py Miss Zulia!Ketchie of “Mt.Ula.who also teach-/es in the Bryson City school.+Mrs...W..P...Hedrick:and children,|who visited Mrs.C.R.Sloan,left | yesterday for their home in Nash-|ville,Tenn.*} Mrs.J.O.Parchman,who visited | relatives and friends in.Statesvilleandthecounty,left yesterday forCharlotte,from whence she will gotoherhomeinOkolona,Miss.ShewasaccompaniedtoCharlottebyhersister,Mrs.W..H,Crawford of Beth- any township. Mrs..Charles.Anderson and_son,eee Percy,have teturned from avisitofseveralweeks:to Mrs.Ah- hos disc y!WA spent devs |Be yard;,one lot yalises only.half-sone,lot the best,50c...work;i: | i od.High School.Address,MISS MINNIEcommittedtojail. this in your paper :pinil atrhe war in giiptsinnlionifak-bdie joriattietictesdorama HETHEVERYFINESTHAMSfor.20 cents per MISS MARY SCOTT wishes a limited num,|~ | || pay the Lz Le s —7 eT ew e >ny we e rs ts + cess here. MORRISON,Loray,N.Cc.Aug.26: WANTED—Reliable cook.Address P.OBox,105,Statesville,N,C.Aug.24. A child of Mr.Charles Childers,who livés above’Hiddenite,died :Sun-day and was buried at White!Plains i - grims in their ideals that gavethemtthesenseofsecurity,free-dom and relief, .It is faith in ones self whichmakeseveryworthwhileac.complishment possible. Saving is the Beginning of Faith.«,. It insures security and prepar-¥"9ationforthe ure;Tobilityand greater incentive for’f.fiirther growth,To youths,it"builds purpose—strengthens char-high,-#eterand instiils nobler ideals,—ae f Saye—and_have ‘those whése suc:*: hearted desire to accommodate,andafencinghumaninterestaboutthisankthatyouwillappreciate. Capital $1000 ITH the unknown onallsides—with only thetreesforshelter,it was ¢unbounded faith of the Pil- x present and fute’own-ups it gives sta-|- is dear to you open an accountThereisaspiritofservice—a whole —_ . AIESVILLEN.C.O Azfrid on 00TimeDepositsU.S.DEPOSITORY =’oe -SS Monday.isting FOR SALE-—-Pigs and cordwood.‘Ready|ane ee oh now."Phone “EL Dd.BRADY.Aug!24--2t7‘£0 %Tyas a.¢ee otekExtraSpecial:Bargains—One:7lot’FOR’RENT—At once,nice ix-room ‘cottage,‘20¢.'curtain drapery £0 close out,only!with all 'modérn convenientes,located atyaril;‘one Jot Ie.curtain,seridt?2!strat baRoWILE oortimuee Bho de ;all times’yard;wide,bleaching,;redueed lol te towSeu prices to eGonelot Jian.a and-prices.lowest.i;.|, _C.WATKINS,.., re are,DME ZOU Ti urtain,8to.close out;only 4¢Yd!one.].Be.|p IT--Gotta «Race.sire ichFineoneey,SC)yard;one lot 15¢.ror RENT Race,.fancy’drapery to dose gut,only:Be ‘Rev,W,,Mw walsh ‘A ise igeving ‘inCteCaeeaAeanmlar:|DA Mae 18 TR Rae,Betreonly,75e.;one lot ladies’white FOR,RENT—Eight-room ..,twowtory house,|nen skirts,only 50¢.;|ane.508.West,Front street...K.OVER.|crepe dresses,‘only 69c.;one Jot Jinpn,GASH...Aug.20,|dreaeol,all.colors,only.$2.75;all 20¢.1.white:¢reduced to 8c.yard;ail ~~his)wae d||Hoe:iceda ep meritsvedic tall 36,PATTERNS.of.-Mould |Secyard;tone:wt Wood gtiigha i gue a pee Tlreduced:to;Se.;vards quesdot oa uns,Newels,Brackets,StairandJmuslin,rediged nha Bes:PorchRall.Full.stock,at |ahirts only <i0c.»SMITHE ees , have to #. yp i Y &FRALEY.—advisih |Lwo Car Loadsof Fo :Thefirst ‘arrive two car loads Of FORD TOURING CARS. |.\Garolina Motor Com*y,:Newton,Statesville,Mooresville, i. rds!bd JETS YDS Eiri 7 >de a.TEE TIS& ont Sukh he’ k we will sa TUT t ‘MES Piet Fatah 4MEXtWee bogeitodaas et hiag dU ar oe estidtgnd nt ATA ei bib Taitese é atte] Try It On Its Merit . While the STATESVILLE.FLOUR MILLS CO.isahomeenterprise,financed and operated by homepeople,it does not consider its products should beusedbyhomepeopleforthisreasonalone.But if inadditiontothisitsflourisofashighqualityandisaslowinprice’as to merit your patronageit believesitshouldhaveit._It uses good wheat and it is madeintoflourbymenwhoknowtheirbusiness.The re-sult is bound to be a:good product,~oeAfteruainsthisflour.12 years one housekeepersaysshecouldnotbeindutedt6changetoanyother~—Its qualities for working into dough and oecouldnotbeimprovedupon:‘Once you have useaeTROUBLE”brand you will like it and havenoother, . OLIVER Because ofthe |scouriOLIVER'S svi LS METALthe eeeae,Foturningqualittesofthemouldboards,and the propersetofthe EAS 7 ie eee.AP ttsYFORYOURHORSESANDDOSETTERS,¥YOU EVERDip BEFOREBYUSING ; CHILLED PLOWS ;!GLIVER CHILLED PLOWS are without:exception the ||;I Lightest Draft:Plows e..AL Be co PU WS iu dhoryou have eal easrcans rhe he,OLIVER hii“i ;Why.Not Get in,LinesNOW.? {Asa result of the increase in the business of the PAINE VIEW ;"rads RSDAIRYandadelayinthearrivalofDACROBOTLLESsomepaperaeecapshavetobeused.More Dacro Bottles are expected every day [y+~'rbirnacceinleini mies eaeien Png Site_and will be put into use.is :s mn a1THEPAINE:VIEW DAIRY is supplying the milk that is benefi-Lazenby-Montgomery HardwareCompan ;cial and aids health:=Why and how he does it will be explainedt zi aye:Lee !from time to time,Statesville,N.C.See§’Phone 347Black,PAINE VIEW DAIRY,the dairy with the Da-aa boty teeheecrosystem,when you want pure and'clean,milk delivered at yourhome,©\b Sateen ee derson’s.home people in.Nashville, Tenn.( Dr.E.”M.Yount and Messrs.H.H.:Yount and Clifton Munday,the latterofTaylorsville,will leave tomorrowforavisit,to the Exposition at -San Francisco :aMissKatherinearcaneofChar-lotte.and.,Miss Willie’Barrett ofMatthewsareguestsofMrs,R.M.Gray.,Miss McDonald has recentlyreturnedfromatripto.the SanFrancisco:exposition.~_heed tion Sale| Resident Lots, N.C, RemembertheAuctind Business “Messrs.A..W.Gree’River and ,at 10 O'clock. y paymetits,Sale rain or-hy brass band. Practice Economy This Year!— Feed Edgar-MorganCo's Mixed Feeds. Old Beck Sweet Feed. Little Ned Sweet Feed.lected.feed 3 Manna-Rice Chick Feed,.tically.blended ‘Gem Scratch Feed. Gem Sweet Dairy Feed. Not screenings of offal,orworthlessby-products,b forresults,Madebyahousewith_&reputation for.integrity eater ~Greenaboro,a.Sa N,1 2 ty ie ms fe "fs eavefeet ieee We tannin me ‘a TEMS OF CURRENT NEWS.|The Law’s Technicalities—Tot)-|Jidicially Decided Phat @ Tome-rucHappeningsHereand‘There in|,f00lery,Not Common Senyg,,|to is Fruit,Not Vegetable.|pHappetheState.Anderson (8.C.)Mail,=;|Brooklyn,N.Y,Dispatch...7 ‘i ©State kite *1,Thereis'an impression abroad,pret-|After more than two months the |IMANY’S FIGHTING MEN,isin playing.a Rare ao ty,wide spread,tHat there is a nk in|Brooklyn courts have finally wean 2 aeaie8penei;iver in evil Ben ty iMesacsraisonoBusaestaeanealPaesNetowmcanniMwtrahetut”Thepole+000,a Loss of $1,500,000 Dur-|in oere oe oe dele LGA eteroa wbrna foreign patents,wastthat’it wis a vegetable,despite the |BingtheYear,fire “destryoed the cotton gin,grist|halted while the complaint was hate attempt of Eva Schechter,of 222 a eh sth iaeAeormanyonJuly31had:1,800,000'iy soa aes mill of M.Si Hei hrey,|to send to Europe to get affidavits'to|'Throop avenue,to correct its infor-|®‘iainunre,.|Prove that there is really a war over|mation.However,the Court of Spe-|Men on the western battle front and}foe.ss about $5,000,half covered by,in hore,;d i:|clal Season dadided it ts a fruit 5 -Good ICE WEIGHTS and punctual de-‘21,400,000 in;the east-—a ee Sys oe 8°Cate wis died heal wkade Last week an-ap alwan led with The Spnirewerey,weariee..dane 3,'eBrea)the ectunl,Renting.VO le ehabe lake parece amees cae 14 that’the highest eeerwinie:NataHie lf age yct a Oe a gyana|;liveries,Want some of that kind ofeneeeekcours:‘The|wed at more than $1,000/000.,By.wall d ‘on Patrolman Groll for selling a vegr|Me Reg araoed thatthe spaned!Tiilepa By ble om Sunday,a clear violation of|#ICE SERVICE?=Let us know by any Authoritative British source.The)tri.4.tert to Gen.Care duringmepemmentivesGerman”lopecs |ifs and after that ia to be divided|that ‘t}urder was committed sin'|the Sunday closing Jaw.Miss Schech-|%einsKilled,wounded and missing upto!one the Care.children,i:“1903 gist eee o declared she had sold no vegeta-|way you like it,mae.s tahini,ted do not|Members of Rowan conity Farm-|“in Chicago the prosecutionef liquor|bles,only a tomato,Groll persisted|#¢ene 8,200,000 men conn .,n,|@s’Union will aid farmers in their!seiters for serving drinks to minors|that a tomato was a vegetable.|include a large number in garrison,county who recently suffered storm|was halted for some time by the con-|-Magistrate Geismar,of _the Gates |is¢)Seemmications and on lines.of Com-|a)age,«Two days vweresset aside |tention of anattorney ‘that the oom |Avene Court.a reed with the pa-|&Munication.‘It is asserted bss ‘cr.|{08 the receipt of contributions and plainants had not tasted nor smelied |trolman,and held Miss Schechter to|in 1,120,000 Austrians:in actual ser-)|mittee has the matter in charge.|what the youths were drinking ana |General Sessions.Ganka soe 8feeagainstRussia.at The King’s Mountain Herald re-|that all that could be proven was that |.The magistrate waenot wholly.sat-|anus 38 impossible to say,”the state:ports ‘that Mrs.Oliver MeSwain was|they were consuming “something that hefied,Ree —SH 300 oon a SBarecatstelnhsethandeaten|stem,a0:the pain by a aaae Mantes DeleaRete BOE keke reee,CRMe oe,bate eh.of00avebee°wes ;ened to have r labels *evant f mee.oe fact that the total number of san ae i.oe :Nee aC Perhaps the finer technicalities:of Botany,”he found’that a tomafp is| ;the two fronts is only 3,200,-ing |the law will ever remain a’deep ‘and|a'first cousin to the persimmon,.the’é*400 appears to show that this is about |could ae eens ey:oe SYaLith,[hidden mystery to the teyman hag at|grape,the gooseberry and the curs|§|the largest number the Germans are|#nd ‘the case baffled medical skill,times he cannot help,showing histip-|tant,;hin di he‘able to put fully equipped into the}E.Ait Edmondson,a former banker|norance of these sacred processes|_He made known is discovery to the!5tingline.of Greenville,was'eres 8 a wishing pat common saesot al tee eretaee eaters The }Pie ;t date shortly |days ago on.serious’charges made ter into the case.«Just e cost-|Miss aig ie iDaegCote“he war ie by Miss Eulalia Dudley,a young wo-ly processes of an appeal to the na-|looked eh the book and discharged the |5“plied the losses in their first line and/man,who alleges violation .of —the |tion’s ene ee =ee fruit dealer,:fs iseseondandjwhiteslaveact.Edmondson gave on such flimsy preterise loo im }\)Se ere sary 8obtenthethirdtinewithanissafe|}bond in the sum ‘of $1,000 and ‘the|like plain tomfoolery.ae One lot rare aps Nidpectio “%;Atewegard all the German troops in the preliminary héaring is set for Septem-|A Judge be spatoea ee grant’an |cree aehep teat at te 1 t "PHONE 205Re:a on such grounds may or 22 .-iamting ling as,of ae _rat re Fannie E.Heck of Raleich,aot he justified’according Ai legal |weight men’s and boys’clothing half-.3oo,in the first few months)o Gly 0 vcore mivaiddnt of the Wo-|Procedure,but he’would have ..e,price and less,SMITHEY &FRA-|by war,yeiy issi i »1 support of a great many -LEY,the Real Bargain Givers.—advt,|as,: ‘Tt i he first line!man’s Missionary Soviety »ef’the}Mora bs z ialgllengoeedonbarity"a North Carolina Baptist Seek CH See aeeet .resident ‘att it a eSV1 ce ue om an e‘casualti ‘ves about 25/vention and for 20 years president 6 ,+08 woe atacatechaiFairmaekespytheWoman’s Missionary Society of So Oo ie ae ee ee |NO DISCOUNTS TO ANYBODY as ICE ND co AL—WE T ELL.:precruits frov se 1914 class and frém|the .Southern Baptist -Convention,casionally.|tt ety KSesothercatego!and reformed units,|fied at her home in Raleigh Wednes-Sembiaentiaieaaercg ges |ATC.WATKINS’Lumber Yard,|Benn enatiinieineniborians a_including the 1915 class of reertits,’";dav after‘aj protracted illness.We have just received a big’lot of '=Pree teen #“Since then they have again lost|}'Grover C,-West,shot.probably ribbons and flowers and the prices are}!next to Planters’Warehouse.Yourabout50percentincasualties,‘so?fatally,F.J.Meyers on the street at so low that you can’t hardly ‘believe |:,‘eb “<7 ror Mmm Dp ware 699 yyProbably there remains only.about 25|LaGrange,.Lenoir,county,Tuesday your awn eyes.SMITHEY &FRA.||‘ollar is as good as anybody’s.AR 7 ¥OU INT ERES TED?cent of the original first line|afternoon,the.ball entering the pit LEY.—advt.j cmd atteattnl ponvuceei/troops,to which must be added the!of the stomach.Meyers.and West sacs d See eemeceprinntncttthn eink ee Sta pofing?Pe ential yak oetemenslightlywoundedwhohavere-weit ar ang the oe is -.gt Ge vani ed Bhiagie Reoing?eoturn2ingline,jorted to have been caused by so’;;2&Be eine Hoe:in killed,family difference.Meyers is ae ‘‘Tin or Sheet Metal Work of any Kind?LET US KNOW.“wounded and missing reported to June|to have struck West and cursed him O El Iinetoeatiod1,627,444 an of whom|before the latter shot him..Ais .ur e ant ine |IREDELL TIN WORKS.Sanand 4028 etter neeabn |ha et legs tham 24 hours after he)=or ‘|]Bell Phone 98.Independent Phone 197.ease,and.540/723 either are missing or|had séunded a word of warning from|oftprisonersoraresoseriouslywounded|his pulpit to his congregation on the}.As t6 put them out’of action for the danger’of automobiles and the pro-|:‘remainder of the war.Since June 30)miscuous use of signals,.Rev.R.C.a ]O n e C__there has been heavy fighting,prob-|Craven,pastor of the First Methodist -ajably b ue the-tetal loss up to 2,-church of Rocky Mount,whs xan000,000 fog.the year.down and injured in a collision of his :e ““heauaiietther half a million men bicycle and an automobile..A rib WILL PLEASE YOU.Were only minis mnie and ~was broken and knee peers.:}:covered,ective loss is assum:Reports come from Leaksville that a ;14 :;és am_to amount to 1,000,000,in addition to lin Heckinpham county a few days ago Tablets and Knvélopes to match.Do you lack in noreatiaes ‘a Probably halfia million men are Geo.Shackelford,49 years old anda {Are you sore on all creation; i }>.e . who are ‘absent from the lerchant,had a diffeulty with Roger vd “s ‘as ;Is your liver ona strike;on leave in ital,makes the /Sams,22 years oldj and that later:HALE’S.sr DRUG 3 STORE,oe Bed _Are you offiin appetite?~Stotal net loss for theyear pH ed 20 _; ms lay in wait for Shackelford:and|Ns Bad eT wratiTy id .¥y.Is;your cinculation glu gish; whom from 400,000_i nee inflicting:a terrible wound;‘ch Bo u Preseriptionists,‘t }Pit)0 gt Lyatert fall of Fubbish:pare killed.a “.be {that Sams held at bay persons who ties BEDI gf 1 iia R waht att 4]Is your backbone full)of ericks?.,ake en.i nul ab)tried.to-go to Shackelford’s assistance 2 aie See a Doctor—you are sick!,3 inning of +votiPthe latter bled to death,and then |=Tee,ROOT SR OR TN Tr ee ee Tee TYSerer eT reer ett aed!.And when he indicates with.skill000mentgimerformilitar%made his escape.Shackelford leaves ::irs iYr,Rt Your necd of some particular pill, Ijon’t forget the need of ‘care—.Better get it “On.the Square!”‘‘_The Polk Gray Drug Company.| —that a.wife and three children.|“by a milMaced ean of military,age gave his|HEALTH FOR THE STUDENT.:Some New:Ar.VePhe only —pi ii one Ee eee aef;.‘;yi iy atishes t Fy .$etl pening tori it gear coneagce en . _She Germain have nig eee GaePate Sel iene yoo OF ———,Precise Prescriptionists .-«iin the fig!ss at they are un-rtant.et a Niaipanaiael 9 to.supply more than that number|P®: Paden ; ble wf “sf ;a 5 ey |a)1%oF oti:,’iO with.;t.-From the total ofj Bulletin State Board—of ‘Health..‘nar rh |re saci ee ee ae ”: :roan)A ODO.00B to 9.000.000 men must |Thousands of boys and.girld 7 AN “7 Ve leet bowser ay Lge Ay sy She deducted the 1,500,000.net loss of |be leaving home next week and the ,RA ,et a ‘aS WY =L ”pee (ey *the year and the same number of men|?ext to enter school and college.’Some ’TAG ts :bs lg ~herr =ute 0Q 0: : é \§E i yf e required for making arms and am.|Will be leaving at a sacrifice,but with tivals *munition.”ambition and determination,whileeeeotherswillbeleavinglight-heartedNorthCarolina’s Gold Produc-|204.buoyant,thinking only of the as-mewn Digeen.cgeetoneswai Fall Coat Suits $12.50 to $25.00 [4 NECKWEAR,—_ yas :their material'North Carolina easily retained first |welfare for another year..Theirrankingoldoutputamongtheeast-{trunks will be filled with new clothes_fmm or Appalachian States in 1914,/and there will be included room com-The new’designs are very.graceful and the’Fall |g We call special attention to our specialassortment,oftheyieldhavingbeenthdlarg-|forts and accessories.°:=ea eae ats ew shapes ="yield t sing heen the apeond Bee Fete ie only the student's |Materials extremely pleasing.q Neckwear just received by express,all the new ;production of gold.in 1914 amounted|greatest preparation has not been (~$a in the most attractive patterns,50c.and 25¢.grades..to,,6,343.94 fine ounces,against 6,116.-eee ed _entering college Roldan 0 ;5 :92 ounces in 1913.In 1914 the value|What is likely to be a serious handi-e '‘\@ »’(Of the North Carolina gold yield was (cap.His health has not been looked.B f ,1 F ll D a Bo Ss Ca Ss:Te of a total of $173,589for all er and oe the eghir fac-eautl u ,a rs resses &Men S and y p £_the eastern States,:or:determining his @uccess.Ine or :Me amp tN a ‘“"The gold oe obtained from twelve|two defective teeth:Have been known A-new line just received.The Jockey cap,just theeraloftheginedeepmines,but sev.te have blighted.the,entire college They are most unu |for the very moderate prices 7 2¢R&W 76 he ing for,.i -nobby pat-‘eral of the mines made ‘ner amall|Year of igi students.y st unusual f ry Pp thing:you ‘have been looking for,:in new;n yp I {preduction,The largest producing|Byes that needed’only to have glasses asked for them.Crepe Kimonas,$1.25 value,for 98c.4 terns,1,00:and 50c.qualities,: ‘Placer was the Riggerstaff,in Ruther.|fitted have been means of failurefordcounty.’The Tola mine,in Mont-}to many boys anfears‘county,had the largest yield|Structions.that meen ae Tail ore d Hat S ij i ‘Sport Shirts.. ‘of gold from deep ‘mining,‘Other ones Ret have betn responsible for||everat Cerne peeag (ParthermiseattCleetase |!|We have quite a good assortment in both the $1.00:‘gRich Cog and Uwharra mines,in|”student comes down with typhoid|Many new models in the:pleasing fall styles |and 50c.grades;and an exceptionally good value in.Montgomery,sounty;the Gold Hill,in|fever in.a short while after entering |,f a ¢Slo :: a county,and the Howie,in|School,All of this,however,to a the 50e.grades.nion county,large extent,can be prevented:i ‘:madeSThe-silver.out is State Woete oF Hane ii While the new goods are coming in we have maforvered.as aw by-product front grey that all bogs sete gtiealth advises PINAL.REDUCTIONS ON ALL SUMMER GOODS.illing,was 1,524 fine ounces,valued |templating entering schol or eollega|is $843,.against 1,812fine’ounces,this fall to look well to their health |‘e id 9.®; mlued at $1,095 i 1913,Th before leaying home or before school ccnemee :roduction tn IOLA was 20,434pounds,ovens.Parents will do well to haye Many Bar‘Sains:Don’t Miss Them.alued at $2,718.The total value of |their children observe at least.these|; ree aeegold,silver and copper in North [few plain precautions,First,have |Saat $134,702,against $128,-them visit the dentist and have their |in Ned elk CG:|Miss Church is Now Giving{contorttor Can Green,eserammconene nse’|JOhnston-Belk Company |]ISS UAUECHIS 1N0 ak§Comfort for Cotton Growers,|hey have frequent headaches and |:;-trouble’with their eyes.Third,have!Senator Smith of Georo}s\the gult.¢iailetWf the ~:pe :Pheermuch ajsrurioa about Greet wen |hem consul inenhing through the |4 Qe Store That Sells For Less.| House-to-House Demonstrations a 4 wain’s interferénce with the cotton|nose or trduble of any kind with their|And above all, Sa nent eee }9 >be A ‘7 6 ‘(s 4 ot atc lek eg eon pave them vaccinated against typhoid|PI {OQ NE 2 12.As well as by Appointment.on by announcement that|fever and smallpox,“ae : Britain fias declared cotton con-|If these ‘singpla padaadn are|=ete a =Free to Everybody.|:th Great Britain has been anxiety will in man asfMericaneottonfromthe|the Parents,while iHivess,tehichen a!; ; ermany and Austria,and |loss of time and failure,perhaps,will|3 :' ,s,**ifZ ?,\:\ee it from going into countries |.-“-8 \ToBuy a Nice Farm andGet Ready for Next Year’s Crop.t ill G }ht d F 1¢. roth which,ale A cegpouib id ae Great fee aapine ie noe Franciseo,re-|$No,1~345 acres in Elmwood.All School and church conveniences.Statesvi e as ig :ale ue ompanyae :.)abou e lynching of Frank,|%::we"’:rt :a ee :Seo y ; eesti SeClusied which apparently condoned the rime Strong land,40 acres ing ttom,8-room house,large barn ,—-———.a (%No.2--77acres 31 miles east of city ‘This propertylies on the sand..#Sis a 2 Offciat’;a cai “tg bot that pecan,ut de 'cay highvee now.being |real uct by the government.Is {Jp FOUNDED IN 1838.|LLECE.1859 4 Of announcement is made from|jn San Francisco the fac :ideal for Dairy and T:farming.Rs : ®8 a ts.}‘a ry .:. 4 Se.aa eet aeainond Funes of|son trscee ‘op the Alabama Leyisla-9 N 3—40acres 1/1-#miles from public square.Splendidly adapted ~TRINITY CO rE.4 :.eg lectric hai —80 i I lineabargain.#)}i‘oral ith tablished national reputation f Mr.|H,Calvert.of’.Chatham electric chair for the gallows.|pyiy iota oat ie ee Die RA Hee cere een,{na erties tradtttocs Sie‘Proaressivs policies,tas intue conooniet county,for the past three years as-Deweuldeer Deetet —{|bala i th )KNO ts of $5.k ne ,fund makes possible its first-class equipment and large faculty of well trained sistant Atto General,announces)“About three hen 8 neein monthly paymen f ,2;:Ga leading"to.the bachelor’s de:»ite ¥:-nd >des ee,ae Peg made me fee}tired|$8.sectionfastdeveloping.;1 ieInice hougesand lots te sell,ie aryal depnttmonts.Sehoola of,Bagiteering,"Waucalion,wind haw,ec Cha’di .trespass.»preferred ain's Tablets,”writes Mie tenes Hone|Call on me and learn whe ve,t For catalogue and tlitstre ed booklet.address Geainst MrT;D,Shuford by Mr.C.|don,No Y.“This ‘medicine ‘pieced oy rte y "TL Qe.Re States»Holland ‘were heard by Justice -W,|vry thing 1 Needed,as one day’,gateomeaeS A mate rade,trian the cotton growers should ears,nose or throat, He points out that ever carefully observed,much expense and UNIT TY 3 ——’PHONE,WRITE oR CALL———it contraband now only |be saved the students themselves, #andidatesFor Attorney Gen-|Mayor Woodward of Atlanta says he|and out houses.Lae ;eral. nty i f risla-|4 c ;;e y 16 &candidate for |i.has killed:a.bitt substituting:the,for Dairy pui ,Live Stoek and Poultry.DURHAM,N.€. .»a refully chosen ‘teachers,Student fees low.Comfortable,inexpensivews*y u i )OF.Attorney General.igeotion et oe nia te 10 lotsin Bloomfield.Terms F ‘Six lots in south,Statesville.a pobiois Ip eaetulie supervised hygiénic dormitories,es Pere . ville,N.C,#1}#1.FLOWERS.*—~ Sceretary to the Corporation...lay's tredtment |5 >ne pnacenaemsentaenaies on ay4 5 a lieved mye ¥APNE TTT es ;,ibakes *Moore ay evening ‘and Mr.Genin _|tently,Red two bottles.o¢|$4 Center Street:eee iY :4 re ee maford was discharged ag not guilty.line "won ‘biainable grergant,™of a -IS WORTH WHILE £0 STUDY ae -Your Liver and Bowels With ‘‘Dodson’s Liver Tone.’’*Nght Calomel makes you sick.It’s|spoonful and if it doesn’t straijrhtenhorrible!Take a dose of the dan-you right up “i mere zon ich:kK Pe arrow and vigorous,I-want you to go bac“|gerous drug tonight and tomorrow;#isan atone Bal ees yons honer, you may lose a day’s work,Dodopn’s Liver Tone is destroying_Calomel is /mercury or quicksilver |the pai i alomel becausé it is realhichcausesnecrosisoftheLones.|liver medicine;entirely vegetable,alomel,when it comes into ecoatact|therefdve it cannot salivate or makewithsourbile,crashes into it,|you sick.breaking it up.jPhis is when you|”[|guarantee that one spoonfulfeelthatawfulnauseaand,cramp-|Dodson’s Liver Tone willing.If you are sluggish and “all slugeiah liver to work and cleanknockedout,”if your liver is torpid your bowels of that cour bile and.and bowels constipated or you have|voustipated waste which is cloggingheadache,dizziness,coated tongue,|your system and makirg you fee}W breath is bad or stomach sour,|iniserable.I guarantee that a bot-just try a spoonful of harmless Dod-|tle of Dodeon’s Liver Tone wii!keepfon’s Liver Tone tonight.|your entire family feelirg fine forHere’s my guarantee —Go to any|months.Give it to your children:Iidrugstoreandgeta50-cent rattle|is harmless;doesn’t gripe ard theyofDodson’s Liver Tone.Take alike its pleasant taste. of put your = An Alarm Clock that is little but loud.It’s a little Beauty.Just thethingforalady's or 4 gentleman’s room.It is not su large but does ——————————RURAL CREDITS AGAIN. More About the Hollis Bill—-TheAdvantageoftheRuralCred-its Bill to Farmers and the Public Generally—The Usur- ers Object to It. Corresponflence of The Landmark. All of the fundamental principles underlying the Hollis rural eredits bill are sound and are supported by from 40 to 50 years of,Europeanpractife and precedent;and our country is to be congratulated uponthe fact that the joint committee of the Senate andHousetook.so much time to thorough-ly examine practically ‘all of the “in-formation on the subject of RuralCredits,that the great commissionwhichvisitedallofthe’Europeancountriesplacedbeforeit;and this joint committee of the Senate andtheHousehas.presented a bill thatprovidespropermachineryforbring-ing money to the doors of the Amer-ican farmer at low rates of interestandpayableininstallmentscoveringlongperiodsofyears.There is little yet itis strictly in .the interest of agriculture;and if we may forecastresultsinthecountrybyalmosthalf or no class legislation about the:bill,| piece tnctemerteeecee ad araiapeeai ee som ————SOC ET ET ennare seaman as amesmaacarasoereaseaa -ae Seema e-UGHT”PP RHOCLE eatin Conk ie Hi LIOUS AN DMARJX |BEWARE OF THE POWDERS.|~oe Perret te ae |;aeereinahyéJRLIVERIF.3 ;rae The National DepartmentofAg:é :::See‘Galomel Sickens!on’'t Lose a ’s Work!Clean eee|culture Warns Housewives =BASEBALL :ae ‘Against the Use of Preserving .Powders., The Department of Agriculture at Washington is advised that the can- ning season has brought the usual demand on the part of housewives for salicylie acid and.boric acid.Thesepreparationsaresometimessold°intheformofpowderundervarious trade nantes and are-recommendedby the promoters for use in preserving directions for general use the Ronse |wife is told to fill the jarwith the |fruit or vegetables,cover with water,|and add a teaspoonful of the pre-|serving powder,While it is true}that these compounds may retard the} decay of fruit or vegetable,it is point-|ed out by the experts of the depart-| ment that their.use may be attended| by serious disturbances of health.Salicylic acid is well known as a pois-| onous substance,and one of the)evils which may accompanyits use is derangement of the digestion.”It isthereforeplainthatitsextensiveuseinfoodmayleadtodisturbanceof |digestion and health. The Federal food and drugs act pro-|hibits the use of harmful preservativesjinfoodsthatenterinter-State com-jmerce.The food law of nearly every canned goods in home canning.In the|* neececeenmet t( GASTONIA AND STATESVILLE. At Statesville BallPark 9 TODAY AND TOMORROW. Rogers’Goods in Sets. We have a few sets of Rogers’goods made up of 6 Knives,6 Forks,6 Tablespoons,6 Teaspoons,1 Sugar Spoon and 1 Butter Knife in a chest for $10..WealsohaveRogersIceTeaspoons6for$1.The pat-.| tern is very neat.-ye the waking up for you.BIG B and flat sheets for repairs. *PHONE 55. H.B.WOODWARD EN if you need to be knocked out. Jeweler, bill,if enacted into law,will be the|within the State of foods that havegreatestblessingtothegreathostsof|beecn preserved with.harmful sub-farmers in this country,and more|Stances.Neither the Federal or State a century of European experiencethis |State in the union forbids the sale! especially to those in the Southern |food laws apply.to foods that.are|¥% TOBACCO FLUES [<< Fiues made up ready for deliveryders.Shipment made same day orde STATESVILLE TIN CO.,H.C.Mohler,Manager. States. bringing down the high cost of living,that is now such a serious problem inthiscountry.It is the opinion of the best informed and the deepest thinkers,,on this subject that unless a RuralCreditssystem,as furnished by the Hollis bill;is established in this coun- *Phone or,write us your or-r received.Extra joints,Ls 114 East Broad Street.,,»|to increase in proportion to the in- crease in population of the country, best attention. We Are Selling Many Odd Pieces and Discontinued PatternsofFurnitureatBIGREDUCTIONSDURINGAUGUST Bedroom,Diningroom and Parlor Furniture -com-linpletesuitesandsinglepieces—in Circassian Walnut,lee veGUakandMahogany.Every piece GOOD in theverybestsenseoftheword,and every piece agreat,big,splendid bargain. Savings uf from $7.50 to $20 on single pieces.BE..Savings of from $25 te $175 on complete Suites ALL SUMMER FURNITURE 1-3 OFF. Telephone and mail orders will receive ithe very Write today for complete list and full particulars. until bread riots,with stealing.high-way robbery and anarchy will bebroadcastinourland,‘ The bill will benefit all classes of our people except the usurers,land loan sharks and blood-suckers.-Owing-to a misunderstanding of some clauses inthebill,there gvas some opovositiontoitbyadVisersofthePresident:inthelastCongress,but it is honed thatfurtherdiscussidnofthebillinthejcomingsessionwillremoveallserious|objection from the Executive side ofthegovernmentandthattheonlyop- ‘position will be made almost entirely|by usurers,land Joan.sharks.andhlood-suckers in high places,as well asplaces,Such people arestrenuouslyopposedtoloweringthejrate.of interest to anybody and itimaybeexpectedwillfightthelend-|ing of money at low rates of interestigfarmerimageemightandmain,in the halls of Congress and o“into the byw ahd hedges.:;4~It is to overcome.this oppositionthattheMerchants’Association of\Statesville is securing a State-widegudorgsementofthe»bilk ”rolina,South.,Carolina wa:eorgia.,and will present-it.to the Senate.|House in the firstsession of the Sixty. jof the bill than the representati |PARKER-GARDNER C0, -itheir prestige and wide infiuence’inthehalls-of the Congress.Ez‘|The farm loan.bon,Land |Banks‘in.“Eerapx4)savin‘|public ‘in all of ‘these countries forjashighapriceasthebondsissu~jibythegovernmentsofthosecountries.|;and in a number of cases from 3 to 10percenthigher.Judging from thei >|,experience they asvill be as popular for)jInvestment in this country with the;Savings banks and the investing.pul-'—lie_as-the-bonds-of-this-government:|.The:friends of the bill in Washing.jton believe that the reported hostility issted by the. It will go a long way toward| try that the cost of living will continue | inaNorth Gar.| |fourth Congress,through our Senators,CHARLOTTE,and Representatives,who it is hoped|Nw’Cc.|eah do more to secure the enactment ivesiat your purpose is to flatter me,youifromanyotherState,on account of ‘sell’to the!Seep hg#3 banks and to ‘the:investing}The American School Peace League. canned in the home andthere, |her family,substances that she could not use in foods for sale without vio-|¢ because these sub-|4latingthelaw,|Stances are injurious to health. ‘indefinitely if they are sterilized hyheatandproperlysealed,and there is|no excuse,in the opinion of the ex-perts of the department,for running any risk by.using preserving pow-ders,which may be injurious to health.|The use of .such powders in additiontothenossibleinjurytohealthen-|:jcovrages uncleanly or careless work in ycanning.Reliance is placed in the ef- jicacy of the preserving compound in- |Stead of upon cleanliness and heat. |The department has issued bulletins that give specific directions for thepreservingandcanningoffruitsandvegetableswithout:the use of pre- serving powder or canning compounds,These bulletins may be cbtained with-out cost from the Department of Ag-iriculture at Washington.ishould be made for Farmers’Bulletin,'No.203 on Canned Fruit,PreservesandJellies,and No,521 on Canning Tomatoes at Home and in Club Work.Also Forms N,R.22.N.R.23,Ny R. 24,N.R.35 and N.R.37,of.the Of-fice of Extension’Work;North andWest,States-Relations Service.© “A “Little”Bil, “Trhave “alittle billfo®you,”saidthecollectoratthedoor.eo “How much.is...it22.asked Mr./%Twobble,~“Only $27.80.”. “My friend,how»can you stand be-||fore me and call that a ‘little’bill?| are wasting your time.Here is’a‘dollar on account.If you wish to sayjthatleaves4littlebalanceof$26.80,you may,do.so,’.& in session at Oakland,Cal.,awarded its annual medal to President:Wilson; for distinguished services for peace! during the preceding year. STOP SCALP ITCH consumed|% It would seem,however,that * jthe housewife would not knowingly}#juse,in the foods she ‘provides for}4 Fruits and vegetables can be kept|% Application|% get behind with your stubble turning,—AND FALLING HAIR _People whose hair looks dull and} R.He RICKERT &SON.| ClearanceSaleContinues!| All it takes to convince you that we aregivingExceptionalValuesinQxfords, Pumps,Shirts and Underwear is a look. Come with your friends.os ¥ Shoes repaired while you wait,°|”¥ 'S,M.&H.SHOE co,- The One Price Cash Shoe Store. iy ;We have both single and Twin Dise in stock,‘They f do their work “a comin’and a goin’.”This Plow # hasno Rival.“Now while you can’t plow with the § ordinary turn plow get a CHATTANOOGA and don’t’5 60 Tornadoes Devastate 10,000 Homes in Eight States Such is the record ofoneday’s damage done by tornadoes. You don’t know when the tornado may strike your property,but you do knowthe“Old Hartford”protectsagainstallloss.For over a hundred years the HartfordFireInsuranceCompanyhasmeteveryhonestclaimpromptly.Buy .a Hartford Tornado Policy today.It isthenearestthingtocomfort when a Tornado strikes.y _People’sLoan&SavingsBank, Statesville,N.C. (nein|The Giutching Resident Agent..GEO.H.BROWN,President.ian Of poverty and want will never grab you if you have an active savings account in a good Bank—this Bank for -instance. But you want to start in time.Startnow,and start here. with ‘and a hundredAdollar will do to start dollars wouldn’t stopyou,once you realize how important a >_Savings account is, 4 SAVETY SERVICE —SATISFACTION. “The Bank For Merchants and Farmers’Bank,on Of Statesville,—: —L Seal Your Savings," _|devosits made by their customers. =|effectLEIAETATOIEATT e |will continue as long as the farmerss.|continue to.c greatest sour f i i eistrengthintheGermanempire,ir White,pink and laven7epsaorganizationofGermanyderAsterwhichsplen-z.e Urea?Ger-e=|Many is soall-powerful.mene didly take the place g |bill are entirelyeendorsedbyevery farmer and business|man in North Carolina.by ‘signing the:qetstinee of ‘the Merchants’Associa-2 |tion, q| }|Liniment and:observe thetherewithfaithfully,yon.will E long-tiee loans at low rates of inter-est. of the President to the bill was due to lifeless and who find it growing dry,|a misunderstanding of the real pur-brittle,splitting at ends and coming|pose and the probable effect of the Out fast at every combing need a gen-provision requiring the Secretary of vine scalp invigorator and should getitheTredsurytopurchaseathisdis-/0M¢Without a day’s delay.A littlecretionfiftymillionsayearofthesedu:‘,trust bonds,to be helt until their |Sealp with the finger tips twice daily|maturitv or to be gold at his discre.Will.work wonders for hair of thisjtion.This would be to the advantage Kind.Just a few days’use and thejofthegovernment,as the Secretary of Hair becomes glossy and healthy look-ithe Treasury keeps several times this 1,dandruff.vanishes,sealp stops §lamotint on.deseate is ‘ens itching and hairstops falling out.|banks at 2 me kt Woes Niparisian Sage is more thane hair{part of this was invested in.the land ‘Mic.It is a scalp treatment andjtrustbondsthegovernmentwouldre-its use means strong,beautiful hairceive41-2 per cent instead of no in.and a healthy scalp,Statesville Drug}Mat se Company and leading druggists every-jterest ‘on a large amount and only 2;pany aye 88 hae(per cent on the remainder deposited where Sell’Parisian Sage.It is not|with the national banks..|eeeThebankswouldstillhavetheuseLesteaeceRaaee ee|wiaoea':|White,Pink and Lavender Aster |hands of the farmers it would find its|way into the banks in the form of his large distribution of money to‘and through the farmers will have thectofmakingmoneyplentifuland|business good all over the South and The Carnation..season.-is over,but.we haveplentyofbeautiful take.advantage—of—the There are 17,000 of these FarmAssociations.in Germany and|Loan, |they are the The fundamental principles of this of Carnations through —right,and it should be the summer. _All orders have atten-tion the moment re-ceived.Beautiful de-signs for all purposescharminglyarrangedbyourexperts, which will be circulated over|a large portion of the State betweenthistimeandDecember1st.|Q.A,STEPHENSON,Sec’y Merchants’Ase’n.;LLLeae \Grape Juice Passed Out WithMr.Bryan.Washington Dispatch, Grape juice has lost-its place as theofficial.beverage of the State Depart-|ment.The drink made famous by’William J,Bryan has been forsaken|and henceforth diplomats and others|at official State entertainments will|find the “kick”restored to the liquidsserved,|For more than two years no “regu-' FLORISTS TO THE SOUTH,— lar drink”has been served at official 'GREENSBORO,¥.6functionsoftheSecretaryofState.|*,vduslddubabanicunoesace Van Lindley Co., For If you will ‘aBprained Ankie. get.a bottle.o Parisian Sage rubbed briskly into the}- Polk.Gray Drug.(o., irections given recover —in} Chamberlain's | Lecal Agents:‘ auch fess time thania usually required.Oh-'atnahle”everywhere, :Iredeil -Hardware 0 Co. Teleimlacares Bielay 3 To the Farmers of Iredell and Other Counties:| THE STATESVILLE REALTY &INVESTMENT COMPANY beto¢nnouncethat,they have completed arrangements with “T:HOME INSURANCE CO,of:New York,”for insuring your growingcropsofTobacco,Corn,Cotton and small grain against destruction|by Hail Storm at the following very low price:2 ie TOBACCO CROP! $7.50peracreji,‘$100 per acre valuation at75peracrevaluationat 6.87)peracré ~~60 per acre valuation at 3.75 per‘acre —~25 per acre valuation at 1,874 per‘dcre COTTON,CORN AND SMALL GRAIN CROP,, $40 per acre valuation $1.60 periacre35peracrevaluation1.40 per acre30peracrevaluation1.20 peracre:25 per acre valuation 1.00 per acre20peracrevaluation.80 per acre15peracrevaluation-10_per acre.valuation 0 AODWELLINGS,FURNITURE,BARNS.ae $100 value-for one year at 30c.,3 years at 60c.,5 ens at.000,This —latter insurance covers also against loss or damage -oceasioned Erby.wind-in-addition to hail.chile ele tes ae CN leREMEMBER—“‘We insure anything insurable.’’»JF.CARLTON,Manager,'PHONE 54,STATESVILLE, mA Ise Fire,Tornado,Live Stock,Automobile,Liability, Plate Glass,Steam Boiler,AcciandHealthorLifeInsurance We solicit your business for the leading companies writing the different lines of ~.’insurance.Full information obtained —on request.PAS cat ERNEST ‘ -H,Church,a former pastor. Craw ford-Bunch fe ns at this season of the year to offer at greatly reduced prices all odd ieces of furniture.We have many oddCHIFFONIERS,WASHSTANDS,ROCKERS,SIDEBOARDS,PAI .»ELC, PORCH SHADES,ROCKERS,HAMMOCKS,PORCH SWINGS,ICE CREAM FREEZERS AND REFRIGERATORS, }It is nee BEDS,TABLES, toe : -Furniture Company.|o September 4t pieces consisting of DRESSERS,ARLOR.SUITES,ete.Extra Special Prices on all summer furnishings— Our sales of odd furniture always prove a source of satisfaction to all our customers.If you are not already one of our customes we want you to become oneduringthissaleSALEBEGINSSATURDAY,AUGUST 28TH. No.852 Princess Dresser. 1 Princess'Dresser,’made of SOLID OAK 9x36 inches.French Beveled Mirror 18x-igp fnthés."Nicely fittished in Golden Oak. q A beautiful little SO1ID OAK ROCKERS Our No.190 Rocker represents the very bestsolidWhiteO2kRockerofthisclass. are reinforced with aniron rod which extendsfromthearmtothescat.Tbe seat is a roundpatternfiberseat, This is a real $3.00 value,SPECIAL CLEARANCE PRICE |!I The arms Finished in Golden Oak. $2.50 $10 2-inch Post Iron Bed For $6.00 ‘IRON BED Post two inches.Finished in WhiteEnamelorOxidizedCopper.—Single on Tut wiz:|No.854 Chiffonier,$6.50 SPECIAL CLEARANCE PRICE SOLID OAK $6.00 solid White Oak, $9.00 SPECIAL CLEARANCE PRICE TERMS CASH.; THE STORE THAT ALWAY This Chiffonier has double thick top.Five drawers,and Mirror 10x17. SPBCISL CLEARANCE:PRICE $6.50a SW GOMES:VOV. gin here soon on the Statesville AirLine’railroad. THE DEATH RECORD.~~ Lynwood Bost Passes After ig Tilness—Miss Baker’s‘Funeral.a . Miss Lynwood Bost,who had.beenundertreatmentat.the Sanatoriumformorethansixmonths,died yes- terday morning at .3:23.0’clock,death resulting from internal,cancer,Dur- ing her long illness-she'was a very -—patient-and cheerful sufferer.-Realiz- ang her hopeless condition she _ex- pressed her willingness to die and in contemplation of the end arranged her»affairs for the future.”The funeralservicewasheldyd¢sterday afternoonat4o’clock at her late home on Davieavenue,conducted by her pastor,Rev.Dr.Charles Anderson of;the »FirstBaptistchurch,assisted by Rev.G.The in-terment was in Oakwood cemetery. ‘Miss Bost Was a daughter of the‘late Hiram AvBost and had lived inStatesvillepracticallyallherlife.She‘was about 45-years old.Surviving aré sister,namely:three brothers and of Greenville,Pa.,Mr,John G.Bost .Mr.C.F.Bostof Huntsville,Ala.,Mr.N.A.Bost of Winston-Salem andMrs.Wi F.Merrill of Statesville.An-other sister,Mrs.J.8.Leonard,diedlastweek.Mr,and Mrs.Bost ofWinston-Salem were-here with their sister when the end:came.The otherbrothersvisitedherduringherillness. Miss Dora Baker,whose death Mon- y.night at the home of her parents,Mr.and Mrs,George Baker,near theStatesvilleCottonMill,was mention-ed’in Tuesday’s Landmark,was 22__years old.The funeral and burial tookPlace”Tuesday afternoon,Rev.G.H.Church ‘conducting the service. Birthday Dinner—Paola Mill toResume—Tent.Meeting.-Gortyspondence of The Landmark. Statesville,R-6,Aug.25.—Mr,Thomas Jefférson Hoke,who lives inBloomfield,was71 years old yesterday.His children,five in number,his grandchildren,fourteen inindagoodmanyotherrelatives andjendsmetathishometohelphimlebratetheday.t.L.U.Bostian,photographer,took@pictureofthefamily.group and al-*80:of all present,including the tablenmwithgoodthingstoeat._After noon those present surround-i ed the table and spent an hour or noresamplingthegoodthingswhich‘hadheenprepared. inning next Monday. when.allthese vacant houses are o¢ W.-Wilber is conducting a ‘meetingmatentneartheBloomfieldCotton'Mill,.A,goodly number go to hearies,D.HB.denen ntecwstl Revival Meeting at Rocky Mount ‘Church,. Correspondence of The Landmark. On Jast night I closed a series ofmeetingsatRockyMount—at.the end of ten days.There were 14 publicprofessionsoffaith.Part of —thisnumberaresupposedtojoin‘other. Churches,some were:members .of ‘the Church;while others have not yet joined any Church,and four were re- veived into the Church by me. We had good congregations in the day and large congregations at night. During most of the tiine the sky was so dense’y beclouded that we had but little moonlight. ~2 when,with this,we had to reckon with the poor- tention.i .ishad with me Rev.J.O.“Ervin,thepastorofDilworthchurchofChar-lotte,who is a product of this church, and of whom the church is justly very proud.He conducted the day ser- Vices with reat acceptability and otherwise rendered me very efficient service:e is a young man of a fine spirit,and I am under obligation to him for his presence and help in this meeting.I have now held four meetings this year,with more than 150 professidns of faith and the reception of 84 mem- bers,four conversions in the homes, 470 visits and much other labor,I you read this I will be very glad if you will lift your heart in prayer for this future work.J.J.EADS, cupied.We also expect wérk to be- A man who.gives his‘‘name as Jv est toads,perhaps,'in the county,I am:highly gratified at the fine attend-{ance,the:goodorder and the fine at-) iY.Love’s in St ithe friends of Mr.Love in this sec- ,to improve.fji |New Perth attended preaching at Cod-have four more meetings to.hold.As’preaching at Coc jin order to hear Dr,James S.Mof- fett, Troutman,Aug.25,1915.-Pastor.| % Personal Mention,New Ghurch‘Building,Ete. Correspondence of The Taindmark : Troutman,Augé 262—Mr.and Mis L.N.Brown are attending the A.R.P...Conference .at °Linwood.College. Rev.J.Meek White will go to Lin- wood for a day or two-and-then on toHickoryGrove,8.C.,to see his broth- er,Rev.B,Frank White,pastor of the United Presbyterian church at Jersey City,N.J.,who is visiting his parents.Mr.White expects to return in-time to fill his appointment af New Perth next:Sabbath at 11 a.m.Messrs,J.D.and R..L.White have returned to Hickory.Grove,S.C.,af- ter visiting the family of their uncle, Rev.J.Meek White,for three weeks.; Misses Thelma Smith and Lois White: represented New Perth.in the confer- ence at Huntersville last week andMissesNannieBrawleyandBrevardNeillrepresentedSalem,the new A, |R.P.organization.These young peéo- pie enjoyed the work of the confer-ence very much.Mr.J.C.Collins has donated an acre of land to Salem for a.church lot, ‘and work will begin soon on the build- ,ing.The committee has the matter iin hand and is getting lumber on:the jground this week: THE.NEWS 0F TROUBMAN,|; Approved by the most careful buyers.Let us show you. One case 36 inch Lucerne Percals 10c. One case 36 inch Punjab Percals 12 1-2c. In white ground with colored stripes and dark ground small.figures. One case Toil Du Nord and Bates Ginghams ©““'°12°1-2¢5* ’=ieHere’s.an opportunity to satisfy your wants for SchoolDresses,Shirts and Waists.Order today.Yours truly, MILLS &POSTON.= ee — 'Miss Sara Love of Huntersville is\visiting the family of the Rev.Mr. ‘White.Miss Love,Miss Lois White amd her father visited-at the Rev.W. atesville Wednesday. ‘It is a matter of sincere regret to TYPEWRITERS!inv.stew machinesforRental Pur poses.RIBBONS,CARBON PAPERS and all TYPEWRITER SUPPLIES.Come to us tion to know-that his condition is rather serious,that he does not seem Quite a number of people from die-Creek -last Saturday--and-Sabbath+ president.of Erskine GeHege,Mr.B.P.Smith and wife and Mr. number, In the morning ;The writer arrived at hia,S.C,<>2 p.m.and found some still helping|Mot,mselves.He tried to taste the dif-|rent things.but soon had to stopndsome‘said he would be sick.Afterawhilethescribedidfeelafullnessbut7recoveredand:is all right today.My.several bas of fragments were the w taken-up after all had been satisfied,M._~The afternoon was spent in conver-!Durh|sation.The day was pleasant andall ,with|Were glad they had spent it together.|Myre.»-@The superintendent of theCottonMillhasbeenaroundthis week‘secure hands to work in the milf,ginning next The.-peopleofBloomfieldhopeforbettertimes Mooresville this week. Paola |Lioyd Cloaninger and wife are vintt: fl ae!ed ‘ing relatives near Columbia,8.C.,thisMentionofPeople.j week.They expect to return in aboutCorrespondenceofTheLandmark.ten days.:Troutman,R-1,Aug.26—Miss Myr-}Se ererneeectleGrahamofSalisburyisvisitingAtHomeonVacation.relatives here.Mrs.B,P.McNeely|trespondence of ‘The Landmark.and little son,Bruce,Jr,and Mrs,|_Stony Point,Aug,23,—Mr,FredR.L.McLean and“Robert,of Moores-|Bailey,who has a position with ‘theville,were the guest of Mrs.A.M,|street railroad company in Washing-Johnson Friday.Miss Naomi Shook|ton.has been atvhome on a yisit andisvisitingrelativesin.Kaannpolis;Wl return to his work in.a few days.‘this week,Little Miss Lucile May-|_Mr.Ernest Weber is at home from;hew.of —Moorésville is visiting her "Richmond on a short.vacation.Ooteiete Mt and Mrs.FP.K!ne 8,BL Perrabec,who recently |Mr,and Mrs,B.P.Smith and chile!eft the Raleigh Times to engage indrenarevisitingrelativesinColum.D¢Wspaper work in Hickory,will editTheywillalsovisitat2"afternoon paper,to be called theMcColl,S.C.,and other points,mak.|Daily Record,which is expected to‘ing the trip in’a.machine.Mrs,J,/2)pear about September 15.ses|R,Neal and son,Robert,Jr.,of Char.|,1¢Young Men's club of Durhamlotte,spent several days last weok (®ve,undertaken the consiruction of ‘with their aunt,Mrs,A,M.Johnson,|“Park and flower.garden on a halfWill’Collins of “Winston spent 2¢re Plot of ground in the heart ofeek-end with hig parents,Mrs,|the ity and a contract has been letunnjcnttandfather,from near for the work,_eeam,spent a féw days last week)Buying as'we do from bankrupt,re-Mrs,M.A,Spears.Mr.and/eceiver’s sales and from those that areiR.E,Johnson and little daugh-|badly in need of ready cash,we maketerreturnedtotheirhomeinSteele!our own pricés.and today.our bar-|Creek Wednesday after visiting Mre.|gains sare.bigger and belter.thanJohnson's parents fora few weeks,|ever before and you should by allMr.Carl.Beaver.is rorking in!meana.visit the store;SMITHEY &}Mr,A, VALUABLE LAND AT P&IVATE SALE,‘ riet Clark,deceased,the undersigned executor offers at private sale o valuable tract of}§land lying on the Catawba river im Catawba county,N.C.,containing 151 acres more orlessandknown9%the Alexander Clark place, The tract contains 50 aeres of original forestand40acresofriverbottomlands.The estatealsooffers&housé and lot ip Troutman andan’‘island of 16 acres in the Catawba river. f,B,McLaughlin,Atty. Sale of Personal Property tate of A,J,Bass,deceased,will sell at pub-lie ‘auction,for chsh,ot the Bass home:in SEPTEMBER Diof”Grain,ary and Implements,‘Houechold effects,ete. mien Ca Ewe ee Statesville Printing Co. See the LatestaeINa Initial Stationery, Correspondence Cards,Box Paper and Tablets, Pound Paper and Envelopes, ——AT—.; “R.P:Allison’s Book Store aoa Foc Had Lest Ready to admit that you’ve been in hard lines?Well,then,there is bound to bea reason,for except acts of Providence things don’t happen without reason.You’ve work- ed hard?Of course you have,and you’ve earned something,but what have you done with it all?Anyhow,you haven’t saved it? Now why?Haven’t tried?Then try. direc, Under the terms of the will of Mrs.Har- Think over what we’ve said and if you really want to save and provide yourself against hard times let’s go a little deeper ‘into the subject in Tuesday’s paper and learn how to better your condition. Mutual Building and Loan Association,ae _..,Statesville,N.C,‘oes Sota ola {For terms apply to 'C,H,.-BROWN,Executor,Troutman,N:C. July 13,1915. The undersigned administrator.of the es- hambershurg towrship,on WEDNESDAY,t,1915,.all of the personairtybelongingtosaideatate,consistingLiveStock,Agricultural Machin. The sale will commence’at 11)o'clock a,m.heR.&McLAUGHLIN, ;M.|PRALEY,the people you want-to see.en is -building--a new-barn,=advt.”ou Beorie J:peaayets; _Aug.19,1916 Administyntorot Av J.Bam, ye paper,apparent approval of e recent lynchingin Georgia.The ;t and!altogether worthy man who edits that paper is of ig speaking his honest convictions, in the remarks.which follow The me k is not trying to read him a lecture,for which it has neither the authority nor the disposition.But we take the liberty to tell him he is wrong and that he will view this question another angle in more mature ears.This is from experience.At his age the editor of The Landmark would probably have written yery muuch in the'same manner as ‘the Ba- rium editor.:; The Barium editor first makes the mistake of assuming that all who de- ore the Georgia crime—lynching is a@ crime because it is a violation of Jaw—are Frank sympathizers.No- body sympathizes with Frank-except“those who believe him “innocent,;--or those who think he did not have a fair trial,and those who honestly believed him innocent had as much right to that opinion as those who believed him ilty.It is not the man but the rule of the mob that most of us are con- cerned about. Suppose the victim was your sister or daughter,says the Barium editor. ‘In such case most of us would want to do just’what the mob did,but that would not make it right.If the average man felt free to avenge his own’wrongs,to follow the dictates of his feeling when passion is aroused, he would do a great manythings he doesn’t do and there would be many “breaches.of the peace,not to say homicides,by the individual attempt ~to-redress-real-or-fancied wrongs. -But another view.Suppose the victim of the mob was.your brother, father or near relative.Would you be willing for the mob,in its blind fury,to determine his guilt or inno- cence?’It is-possible for any man to_-~be charged with crime,but no defend- er of mob law would be willing,if the accused was near to him,for the mob to say what should be done simply be- cause circumstances appeared to con- In short mob law is lawlessness and ‘lawlessness.can*t.be defended because ‘destroys.all orderly procedure and| fety,and followed to its conclusion it.means ithe destruction of govern- at and society.If mobs only act: when the law had failed and the ywn guilty were about to escape, even then they could not be defended :ise of what mob rule would lead ito.For while the mob would actin Be e po r n j p a t sa e ar n an i t i e d s ‘ed the rule of the.mob follows—and“that means anarchy;for once allowed’ seway,innocence or guilt would be lightly considered,by and by the law- Jess element would dominate and, from the original purpose to vindicate fustice and right—if a mob can havesuchpurpose—it would be turned into _-@ machineto wreak vengeance and _to perform.other lawless acts because lawlessnes&would be the controlling motive.Inthat day nobody would be Safe.i .»The Landmark repeats ‘its regret .that the Bafiim editor gave utterance‘.such séntiments.©On ~second jought we are sure he will see their. unwisdom.fe ee--Mr.W.Hy-Schoolfield of:Reidsville, ‘who denies that he is a German or in ‘any way related to the Germans,but who shows himself to be a strong Ger- man sympathizer,delivers himself of some remarks in the Greensboro News,of which the following is a ‘sample: '_If the Lord Almighty is with ‘the eee and it looks like He is,the ermans can in less than 12 monthsdisposeofRussiaandthencrush‘France and England,and land an ar-my ‘in Canada and invade the UnitedStates,overrun and hold some of theNorthernStatesbeforeanarmypow-|d_erfal enough to meet’them could begotready.If that time does come,the war newspaper editors who saythey.are standing behind the Presi-dent can.either stand behind him _orrunbehind‘him from .Washi ‘whichever they please.eminaetThatisawfultocontemplate!But ¢ome to think of it,if the skies weretofallthey’d catch all the larks._ President Wilson gives the bankersandfarmersastraighttip.If the bankers can get money at 4 to 4 1-2 per cent he’thinks they should beSatisfiedwithoneortwopercent“profit and give the farmers a low rateofinterest.The farmers will agreewiththePresidentthere,“but ‘thebankers—well,a resolution to adopt_the suggestion would hardly be unani- mously adopted.,A Charlotte bank,however,has given notice that it willlendMecklenburgfarmersoncottonwarehousereceipts,for such time asdesired,at 6 per cent interest;and)many other “banks which have money available or can get it, will do the same,a The $25,000 hydroplane,Disturber‘'V,.owned by Jamies A.Pugh,commo-of theChicago Yacht Club,on:eT at @hicago Saturdaycateenedand)went ‘to the bottom in|than ‘two minutes.Two persons Rea lan: |WHAT THE FARMERS WANT Resolutions Adopted By---the-Farmers’State Convention. The North Carolina Farmers’State Convention,in session in Raleigh four daysWhof the ,Convention;concluding its work,re- 1 Mrs.James’G.Boylin of ri)its directing genius for the Jackson Springs president,and comin ear.The convention will leigh next year. ing resolutions:3 “4,We earnestly approve the greateducationalworknowgoingonintheStateforreachingbothyoungandold,Especially do we endorse the farm lifeschoolmovementandurgetheestab-lishment of such schools wherever practicable;and we earnestly com- paign to wipe out illiteracy in NorthCarolina,teaching all our adult peo- ple to read and write by means ofthemedaligktschools,which have ac-complished so much,in Kentucky,and already in various “sections of this State.6 S,“2.We recognize the crop lien sys-temas one of the most serious draw- backs to North Carolina agriculture. We therefore heartily commend theNorthCarolinaStateSenateforpass- ing the.bill'for its gradual repeal anddenouncetheactionoftheHouse.in refusing to give.its support to thismuch-needed legislation,urging farm-ers to demand action from the next General Assembly.*“3.We note with keen pleasure the development of rural communities inNorthCarolina,includingthe.plan for ‘ jincorporating rural communities andgivingthemthepowersalreadyallow-ed town’or village communities.’To promote the community spirit and the spirit of co-operation we should en- courage everywhere the local organi- zation of farmers and of farm wo-men and also the formation of ‘com- munity leagues,’embracing —every class of citizenship interested in the improvement.of the community. “4.We recognize the fact thatNorthCarolinaistoosparselysettled,and that rural community life would be bettered and agricultural progress hastened by bringing thrifty whitefarmersfrom.the West-andNorth to development as already chacacterizes our progressive sandhill section.To this end we pledge our heartiest sup-ort 10 the praiseworthy efforts of the Beate Bureau.-of “Publicity in alver-tisiig the resources and possibilities of our Commonwealth to desirable cit- Zens,“5,We urge farmers everywaere to uvoid rushing cotton on the market at present low prices—prices a324_.on last year’s 17,000,000-bale crop-.-andsteadfastlywaitforthenotablyhigh-er prices that ought to be paid ardmustbepaidforourpresent12,000,000-bale ‘crop,which is actunily 3 000,000:bales short of the’world’s prospective demand for Southern cot- ton,and we'hereby appeal 'to shebanksofNorthCarolinatorespondtothesummonsofPresidentWilson,Sec+ retary McAdoo and:Mr.HarJiny and lend money at low rates to the actual urchasers of the crop who.wish to bcd cotton.until prices climb ‘o their legitimate level for—a—12,069.095-Lalecrop.nm.In rural credits we w-<e tiatrvisionmustbemadenotvunty«xr ending,on..a¢:.caitural.proaaz 3s,htalsoforlong-time credit on land andforhelpinglandlessmensuyJand,|.yingfor it on the long-time amor-Whatever nationai leg-islation is secured,we also point out the tremendous importance »f fatm- ers’credit unions:all over the State and urge farmers to secure ProfessorCamp’s assistance to this end.“7,We heartily indorse the move- ment of the-commissioners of agri- culture of the Southern’States,fortheUnitedStatestocallaconvention, as suggested,to settle the amountwhichshallbedeductedfortareon ales of cotton,and the Secretary of Agriculture is requested to recom-mend to Congress the enactment ofsuchlegislationasmaybenecessarytoinisend. "8.We desire to give our approvaloftheefficientworkbeingdonebytheagriculturalextensionservice,which represents.the -State .Depart-ment of Agriculture and experimentstation,A.and.M.College,and ‘he United States Department of Agricul- ture,and to pledge our support to thesame.We wish to approve the actionoftheLegislatureinprovidingfunds fur extension work,under the Smith- Lever bill,and to urge that such funds be.continued.” City Point a Bad Place. Monroe Journal. Mr.Ike Hunnicutt returned a few days ago:from City Point,Va.,where he worked three weeks at carpentry atthe Dupont Powder Plant.He made as high as five and a quarter dollars a ay.5.“Why.did_-you-not-_stay where.work was so plentiful and wages so high?”he was asked.:“Would a decentman stay in hell for five dollars a day if -he could get out?” asked Mr,Hunnicutt:in return.He says that the devil has that place so securely devoted to his own pur- poses that he no longer finds it neces- sary to watch it at all and has gone about his business at other—places. Twenty-eight thousand men gatheredonallquartersoftheearth,two undred beer saloons,‘two thousand lewd women,and innumerable gamb-ling houses,are Mr.Hunnicutt’s esti-mates \of.the devil’s devices in thatplace. There is neither law nor order there,he says.Even there was for a whileafakecourt.This court arrestedmen,fined them,took their money iftheyhadany,and if they had none,remanded them to prison,which wasmerelyaninclosurestakedoffbyropes.Here they were kept till’a bigrainsetinand-everybody then scam-a By:and by real officers of theawcamealongandarrestedthewholecourt.outfit.e company put up abuildingtobeusedasachapel,but itwaspromptlyturnedintoadancehallandabawdyhouse. ‘The Gonference of Governors ofvariousStatesoftheUnion,in ses-oe .Boston last week,decided.toold.the next meeting in SaltCity,Utah..ae bor hag gone‘on record in favor ofwomansuffrage, -y f ~m n last week,elected Roger A.-Der-| North Carolina Farm Women’s |}, fhe ‘convention adopted.the follow mend the plan for a State-wide cam-|q “and results. be neighbors with us and aid in such) ‘New York State Fedération of La- NO MORE TALK LIKE THAT. |.tice That There Will.Be NoMoreRooseveltSpeeches|at Government Military Camps. Col.‘Roosevelt’s sensational hatthecitizensoldierycampatPlatts-urg,N.¥.,in which he practicallyadvocatedwar‘and lambasted thePresident’!and.the administration, brought a reprimand ‘from SecretaryefWarGarrisontoMajorGeneralLeonardWood,in.command of theeamp,The Secretarysent ‘this tele-gram to Gen.Wood:4-“YT have just seen the report”in thenewspapersofthespeechmadebyex-President Roosevelt at the Plattsburgcamp.It is difficult to conceive ,ofanythingwhichcouldhave’a moredarmentateffectontherealvalueofthisexperimentthansuchaninci- lent.a‘This camp,held under governmentauspices,was successfully demonstrat-ing many things of great moment.Itsvirtueconsistedinthefactthatiteon- veyed its:own impressive lessons in its practical and successful operation “No opportunity should.have’beenfurnishedtoanyonetopresenttothe men any matter excepting that whichwasesentialtothenecessarytraining they were to receive.Anything elsecouldonlyhavetheeffectofdistract-ing attention from the real nature of the experiment,diverting considera- tion to issues which excite controver- sy,antagonism and ill-feeling;andtherebyimpairingifnotdestroyingwhatotherwise.would have been soeffective.. “There must not be any opportunity given at Plattsburg or at any other similar campfor any such unfortunate consequences,”iTheSecretarysaid that no further action with reference to the matter was contemplated and that he had not discussed it with the President. Wood Not Hoqpansiole,Says Roose- velt. Colonel Roosevelt,when told of Sec-retary Garrison’s telegram to General Wood,said he was entirely responsibleforhisownremarks»at..Plattsburg and that he considéred the SecretaryhadnorighttocriticiseGeneralWood, “Tam,of course,solely responsible fot that speech and General Wood hadnomoreideathanSecretaryGarrison what I was going to say.In the spech,not only did I never mention the President,but I never:mentionedtheadministration.I spoke purely of the nation;of the people of theUnitedStates. “General Wood issued orders that attendance at my speech was not re- guired of any man,that’it was op- tional to come or not—orders whichatonceestablishedthefact‘that he had no responsibility for the’speech.It was delivered outside the line”‘6f tents and one-half the audience |was!made up'of men and women from the|surrounding country?)| All of whieh’is:true;but if the cir- cumstances had.‘been.reversed —‘ifRoosevelthadbeenPresident‘ahd «2 prominent,citizen had spoken,‘at a military camp .he controlled,the strong criticism of “my policies”that he uttered with reference to President Wilson,the language that.would:heave.come from the White House would have made the country sit up and takenotice;and the speaker would havebeenthankfultoeseape.with his life. Killed By Autdiiobile. Mrs.Edward P;Wharton of Greens- boro was struck by an:automobile Friday and died a few hours -later was crossing the street to her home,from a visit to the sick child of a neighbor,when a machine driven byA.V.Caldwell,a lumber dealer,struckher.The base of her skull was frac- tured and-her arm and-leg-broken, Idwell,it is said,was driving on the proper side of the street and at reasonable speed.Mrs.Wharton was holding an umbrella over her,headandevidentlydidnotseehim.When Caldwell tried to stop the machine it skidded.Caldwell offered to surrender to the police,butas the affair was-re- garded as an unavoidable accident no action was taken. Mrs.Wharton was the wife of a prominent and wealthy citizen ofGreensboro.: HowAllred.Operated. The Herald says that L,H.Allred of Smithfield,who has been indicted. for forgery,embezzlement and false pretence,obtained $1,000 from S.V. Pitts and gave as security a mortgage on 130 acres of land.It was foundafterwardthatthelanddidnotexist.Dr.L,Wharton of Smithfield .gaveAllredasumofmoneytoloanand received a mortgage as security.“AchanceremarkledDr.Wharton .to investigate and he found the mort- gage bogus.This is;a sample of Allred’s opera- tions,He disappeared some weeks ago and his whereabduts are un- known.The Herald says he wasbondedaspublicadministratiorof Johnston county ‘and the —securitycompanywhichwrotehisbondmaypursuehim.3 Liquor By Airship. The same man who gave the As- sociatedPresstheinside story of the Frank lynching,gave Col.FairbrothertheinformationthatliquorisbeingtransportedfromVirginiaintoNorth Carolina by a fleet of aeroplanes—atleastCol.Fairbrother so records in hisveraciousEverything.He says if theAnti-Saloon League puts on a.fleet:of airmen to go’gunning for the whis-key aeroplane fleet,something’will bedone—and it,will for a fact, Many people suffer the tortures oflamemusclesandstiffenedjointsbecauseofimpuritiesintheblood,and each suc-ceeding attack seems more acute untilrheumatismhasinvadedthewholesystem,|.To arrest rheumatism it is quite as im-portant wet eh ie neral healthas |topert Zou blood,and thecodliveroilinScott's Emulsionignature’s great blood.. maker,while its medicinal nourishmStrengthenstheorganstoexpelthe-impurities and upbuild your strength. without regaining consciousness.She}’ RHEUMATISM ARRESTED | Tried Mob Act at Boone.© John Greene,who was charged with’ the brutal ‘treatmentofhisstepchild, had a hearing at Boone on the 21st and was acquitted,the evidence not being sufficientto show his guilt.‘The hearing was concluded at 11o'clock at night and the atsaysSheriffMoodywasadvised,just before the hearing was concluded,that a mob.was forming to deal withGreeneifhewasacquitted,A small but rather boisterous crowd was dis- covered near the jail,but in themeantimethesheriffhadpermittedGreenandoneofhisfriendstoarmwithshotgunsfordefenceandGreenwasconductedtothejail—-where hespentthenightforsafety—withouttrouble.Then the sheriff returned tothecrowdand,single-handed, at- tempted to disperse it,There wasmuchwranglingandfinallythesher-iff attempted to.arrest one of theparty,who struck the officer and fled, followed by a couple of balls from thesheriff’s revolyer,which did not reachthemark.Cooler counsel’prevailedand‘the mob was ineuced to disband.Monday following six persons whohadparticipatedintheaffairwerear-rested and fined $5 each for dsorderly conduct. The Democrat ‘says Green’s.step-child,two years ‘old,has.been badly treated or has suffered from neglect.It is nearly blind,has a fractured leg,a wound on its head and other marks of violence;and it is suggested thatthegrandjurymayinvestigatethechild’s treatment as well as mob in- cident.WOMEN WHO AREALWAYSTIRED May Find Help in This Letter. Swan Creek,Mich.—‘‘I cannot speak|too highly of .your medicine.When|;through neglect or verwork I get run | New Lot of~_New Lo _.|.Five GentGounter~StormFlannel9 1-2c.|Filled With Bargains. Johnston-Belk Co. |Something New Arriving EveryDay. New Fall Suits New Sport Coats’New Silk Dresses,SpecialNewCrepeKimonas,Special New Dress Goods 50c.Crepe de Chinefor 75c.86 inch Silk PoplinBlack,Battleship isteria, New Ginghams FOR SCHOOL DRESSES.- One case 32 inch Plaid Suiting,beautiful material forschooldresses,regular 15c.and 25c:value,ourprice10e. One case Army :Cloth,suitable for Men’s WorkShirtsandchildren’s wear,25c.value,our price 15c. One case Fairy Cloth for Children’s School Dresses,It has no equal.Guaranteed fast colors,124c.value,our price 10c, Something New Coming in Every Day. ‘The Store That Sells For Less. "PHONE 212. ‘yale? $12.50 to $27.504,98 to’.6.98 4,98 98c. 39c, 4 50¢.ray,Navy,Belgian Blue and down and my appe-| builds me up,gives | me strength,and re-|¥ health again.It is truly a great bless-| Compound,and it)§ stores me to perfect |§ ingtowomen,and I cannot speak too|Geyrem An Alarm Clock that is little but loud:‘It’s alittle Beauty.Just the thing for a lady’s or a genileman’s room.It is not su large Dutdoes the waking up for you..BIG BEN if you need to be knocked out.H.B.WOODWARD ~Jeweler, highly of it.I take pleasure in réecom- mending it to others.’’—Mrs.ANNIE|CaMERON,R.F.D.,No,1,Swan Creek,| Michigan,.j :a | Another Sufferer Relieved. Hebron,Me.—‘‘Before taking your| remedies I was all.run)down,discour-|aged and had female weakness.I took | impress upon the minds of all ailing CHARLES Rowe,Kennebago,Maine. icine Co.,(confidential)Lynn, and held in strict confidence.“PHONE 89 FOR” Sealing Wax Preserving Powders Jelly Glasses Apple Vinegar Jar Caps and Rubbers Mason Jzrs Spices and Extracts. Our line is complete. Fagle &‘Milholland. Lydia_E.Pinkham’s--Vegetable-Com-“===——pound and used the Sanative Wash,and |3%find today that I am an‘entirely new |§ woman,‘teady ‘and willing to do my |%housework now,where before taking|§your medicine it was a dread.I try to | womenI-meetthe benefits.they.can | derive from your medicines.’’—Mrs.(8 i If you want special advice§write to Lydia E.Pinkham Med-.5 Mass.Your letter wil be opened,f read and-answered by a woman % —e TOBACCO FLUES!<-— Fiues made up ready for delivery ’Phone or write us your or- ders.Shipment made same day order received.Extra and flat sheets for repairs.STATESVILLE TIN GO.,H.C.Mohler,Manager."PHONE 55.114 East Broad Street. Enough FOR McCORMACK.7 John ‘McCormack,a Well KnownSinger,Says About the Hardman: “‘My enthusiasm for pour magnificent piano is unbounded.The touch is exquisite and the tonequalityisoryaoe:I should never care tot —= have a BETTER PIANO than the Hardman.” The same thing is being said in various ways bymorethanahundredothereminentmusicians. Carlton A.Andrews, Manufacturer’s Agent. SPEPSITSSTISSSesesesrseosecoseleseseeteTeeeresease CCSPOSSSSOOOLOSOSOSEDOCIOCSOONTOLeeOOeeSDOORSONSeIhTA GOOD TIME! The clocks in the home must be right or the housékeeper can’t be ex-pected to plan and have meals on time.Then there is no economy in wearing out your pocket with a watch that you can’t depend on.No, what you want to do is to get Mop watch or cluck repaired by BOB HENRY while he is devoting his entire time to repairing watches andclocksandfittingspectaclesandeye-glasses.sips tis juints,Ls + pss SSssttssaisietse ‘The Board of County Com- missioners has ordered thatallinsolvent.taxpayers arerequiredtotakenoticethatunlesstheyappearattheofficeoftheRegisterofDeedsonorbeforeOctober!1,1915,and pay the taxesduebythemfortheyears1911and1912,publication other action taken as ‘maybenecessary..J.E.BOYD, “Aug.6.Clerk to Board, Er Parietal your old house.Warmer in winter, SolidHaseveryadvantage. under frameipes.prick under-pinning t’s Emi is helping thousandseverydaywhocouldnotfindotherrelief. Pisce , NOTICE TO INSOLVENTS!§ oh Le :garage bills,and know your oiBuild4BrickHouseorBrick-Veneer|#‘ cooler in summer,climinates frozen H aiStatehousewillhelpsome.-18FaceBrick,Common Brick,DrainTile R.F.HENRY,Jeweler. E. “The Mark of Quality.” MORE EVIDENCE. The Texas Company, Haverhill,Mass.Gentlemen: CO! “I write this letter unsolicited but-thought it might be of ‘interest —# to you.{have asere made a practice of testing gasoline to seehowmanymilesIcoudgetona‘gallon,and I want to say this,that ° of their names will be made #under the same conditions and on the same piece of road,that is,the ° as required by law and such|fB your Texaco Gasoline road from Haverhill to Hampton Beach aad back by wey of:Merri-mac and Amesbury,have got three miles to the gallon more onthan\I have with any other.\Yours truly,—J.F.HOWARD,©.y (Owner of Marmon Six.) The Texas Company, Lake Charles,La.Gentlemen:Today my Hudson 33 Roadster is three years old,and have never#had the valves ground,or any part of the engine worked on,except }cleaning of plugs once,I have used your Texaco Motor Oil and Gasoline,on this.car,al- together,and have saved an average of ten dollars per month onlisthecauseofit.Yours truly,|ERNEST S.BEL.WHEN YOU USE TEXACO—YOU GET THE BEST—SAVEMONEY,TIME AND TROUBLE.Always ask for TEXACO,sville Oil Company. (Wholesale Distributors.)’Phone 61.Office:Robbins Row. Oe Q s nanan asmemenersoT 4 oe Aan »SF emer*Advice of MotherinoDoubtPre/vents Dangbter’s Untimely End. iy Ready,Ky.—was not able fo deYsnythingfornearlysix:months,”wriMe.Laura Borcher of thisplace,er down in bed for three months. not tell pyWas,anwomanlytroubles.. _Our family doctor told my husbandfopive,i up,Wehet arotier ectsiveitup..We tried another ir,but he didnot help,me.*SeAtlast,my mother advised me to takCardui,the woman’s tonic.|thougitwasnouseforIwasnearlydeadandnothingseemedtodonieanygood.ButItookelevenbottles,and now |am ablefodoallofmyworkandmyown‘washing.; \|think Cardui is the best medicine intheworld,My weight has increased,and |look the picture of health.’ltFs suffer from any of the ailments5iartowomen,get a bottle of Carduifoday.Delay is dangerous.We knowitwillhelpyou,for it has helped so«many thousands of other weak womeninthepast50years, ,Atalldruggists. Write to;Chattanooga Medicine Go.,LadiesvisdryDept.,Chattanooga,Tenn.,for iyeciatvuctionsonyourcaseand64-pagebook,“HomeforWomen,”inplainwrapper.NG.128 DR.B.C.TALLEY, VETERINARIAN. Headquarters Statesville Drug Co.Office "Phone 80Residence’Phoné.307 Black. s Extra Nice Lot “Or —PEACHES — th M.P.Alexander &Bro. *PHONE 241. ou how I suffered withwithnervousnessand JNLREBBER-TIRE! “T Seasoit ishere:~Weuse’best rub- ber m Storie jand ,Kelly— and will save you money._Tiresse“hot or cold.Quick service,i!ours to serve,:eR mI TROUTMAN &SUTHER. ‘VALUABLE FARMLAND FOR SALE!)many doctors.~~ MARK TUESDAY,--August 31,1915, eee..LOCAL RAILROAD BCHEDULE. Arrival and ‘Dewarinreof Trains of State RN ROAD,bound,due 17.24nd,due 10.05 Train No,21 west-bound,due 3:25‘No.86,md,due 10:25TrainNo,36,nd,due 10.35TrainNo,22,east-bound,due 1.16TraisNo,12,east-bound,due6:45p.Train No,16,east-bound,due 10.50CHARLOTTEANDTAYLORSVILLECharlotte.Train No.16 ar.9.60,leaves 10.35 a.Train No,24 ar.9.20,leaves 9.20 ». From Taylorsville.Train No.23 ar.10:00,leaves 10:40 afrainNo.15 ar.6:20,leaves 6:45 p.Nos.23 and 24 are not operated on Sunday. THE LAND TrainTrain No.°No,a a Dp. Dp. a Dp Dp SE E E E E E S mn. m, m, m. Difference in Gambling—Can’tFindCorkLegs. RECALLING A TRAGEDY, Some Recollections of the BostianBridgeWreckand The.Landmark’s Part in Spreadingthe‘News.ge Some weeks ago The Landmark -mentioned that.Col.!Benehan Cameron “|had stopped in Statesville to look at the memorial window which he»hadplacedinthe(Episcopal ¢hureh:tocommemoratehisdeliverance.fromdeathorinjuryinthefamousBostianbridgewreck—August 27;1891—inwhich22personslosttheirlivesandmanyotherswereinjured,some 7inginafteryearsprobablyasa@l- rect result of the injuries.about Col.Cameron’s window un-der the eye of Col.Fairbrother,editorofEverything,and he wrote of .thewreckinhiscolumnofreminiscences Correspondence of The Landmark. The difference?Why the presentusefulnessofthenegro,playing greater,on the roads than that of the} dude who prefaces his sentences with,|“T bet you!”and whose “lungy”voice is so desirable among spectators win baseball games.Then again,thebeneficialinfluenceofthegreatmod- ern reforming institution which the Europeans (with chaplains added)are at present trying on each other on amuchlargerscale,will make better tax-saving citizens of the negroes thansuchtreatmenthopestomakeofthedudes. I have again consulted the authori- ties referred to in my last letter onartificiallimbs.Among the specialnames1findTheBeaufortarm,The Beaufort leg,the Anglesea leg,..The Palmer leg,Dr.Bly’s leg,but I fail:te find the word “Cork”as a name of a wearer,dealer,maker,inventor,”orplace,or,material of manufacture.Idiscover,also that’I‘should have men-tioned “a wooden foot”in'a sentence where I said that such material was not named.“The first,desideratum.of an artificial limb is lightness.”In this willow wood closely resembles cork, but.it-is-much more-solid,-especially for-lengthwise pressure.“ i I have also been permitted to con- ;sult Chambers’encyclopaedia and iI find some iron.hands and.arms men- “skin”under the grandstand is much |ham to|Pe in Everything,as follows:Oy“I recall the time of the wreek quite‘vividly..I had not then been TonthisStateandwasrunningthe Dur-Daily Globe.My motto ‘onthatpapérwas‘news when news isnews,’and while I didn’t spend muchmoneyfortelegraph;if anything hap-ned I tried to get a story concerningit.The files of the Globe showthatalmosteverydayIhadtwo.or three news items carried exclusively by my paper.‘"athe tne of the Bostian bridge wreck the State firemen were ‘meetin ‘in Durham and the news of the wreehadgottenovertheState—just aflash,and everybody wanted to know all about it.=oF akg OF “{did everything I knew that.amancoulddotogetinformatign.-Itriedtoworktherailroad:people and got a few fragmentary notes,..I had no regular correspondent at States-ville—and the telegraph office €laimed tion,no mattermightbefiled.ig1finallywiredJo.Caldwell,'whom I knew well.He was at Charlotte, but only recently had transferred him- self from Statesville,and asked him for a_story.I urged him to send something,p.d.q.—and that requestfailedtoget-a-reply by 6~o’clock;—-¥ held..the paper,thinking the néwswouldbeineveryminute.But,noth- ing came.So.we wentito press.be- ‘tioned,but I do not find “cork”men- tioned at all in this article on arti-ficial limbs.:LaF., Statesville,N.G.:eaves NSNERNE Officials of the United Fruit .Com- |pany at New Orleans have given up’ jfor lost ‘the’bark Marowijine,with | 128 passengers and crew of 68,which=left British Honduras August 13 andjhasnotbeenheardfrom. |WINSTON-SALEM MAN SmtSAVED.FROM--DEAPH,Ly POLY bg peng ‘4.i.‘Erwin Says Wonderful Remedy }Brought Him Astonishing Relief.|J.-E,Erwin of Winston-Salem,N. |C.,was fora long time the victim of serious disorders of the stomach.Hetriedallkindsoftreatmentandhad One.day he took a doseof “Mayr's Farm of 375 acres,lying on both sides of |Wonderful Remedy and ‘was astonish-untings creek, igre.bottom lands, 4 or furth A iver Hill,N.C.“3BEcerninnreemmcoeahem +e Two sets of ood--buildings,| clot of%good oak ithe ottfinal growth.YDhisbesscioravilaabt Qnucheckowsuitpurchdsers.nfermation call on J.B.PARKS, jed at the results.The help he soughthadcome:;Fo yrie $B “T am Satisfied through /personalLe.of theTif saving Toes of your|Wonderful Remedy.You have savediny;fife.Ti¢oald have lived but a fewfweeksmorehaditnotbeenforyour jremedy.I am inclosing alist of to ‘sue the company.’Z| mors and the prediction that many jhad been killed.This of course was|worse than no news. “The next morningI got a 300-wo) istory from Caldwell which had.been |filed the day before,and of course-I was red-headed,figuratively speak- ing.I went to the Western Union anddemandedanexplanation.I didn’t|get it~of course.Then I prIhadJog@alawellrendermea:bill for.services;Jsetupdamages,Jdidn’t name,theamount.I employed Boonie &Parker—Boone how in Oklahoma.and JuniusParker,now ©chief.‘counsel for”American Tobacco Co.,and the? jern Union had,Col,,‘Bill’Fuller,pandtheéase'wis'tried’before Squire’An- gier.Iwas beaten in the suit—jt be-|ing claimed.that:the impossible was [impossiile.However,I paid the coats gleefully and gave my lawyers $25fandfeltbetter.:;fifounshalthaiwireswerebynewspaper:correspondents ontheGeseathe,te.C..F..King tellingmeafterwardsthat,he#3 paver five|thdusand words of s \$ingle’wire.that ‘time he had a|ering of Northern pa ¥8'to serveland‘He’served them.So ‘well did he euarmenvansvino moaeatel that it was impossible to get informa-}!how .much matter /¢ lated,with nothing but the street ru-| hat had no|irelevanty,simply ‘in,order to.hold the| Caldwell—to whom we were all de-|voted,We not only got out an extra onFriday,the day following the wreck,|but another on Saturday and another| on Monday following.e didn’t have|a great amount,of new matter édch. time but we had someand the ex-|tras sold like the proverbial “hot.cakes.”Several boys hawked them| about the streets,regular city style.|Two of the boys,I recall,were Hal.|Cowles and Isidore Stephany,/the|former now &physician in New York}city and the latter a business man in|Seaford,Del.«And some of the boys,|Hal.Cowles'in particular I remember,made a good bit of money selling’the papers,for Mr:Caldwell gave them a liberal.commission on each.sale.|The town was crowded with people|who came to see the wreck or to look| after friends and relatives who were| in it,and papers sold readily. But The Landmark’s enterprise did-|n't stop with the extras—which was sidering that all the work,including the press work,was done by hand.) contained 15%columns,nearly.two} pages,about the ‘wreck,including a} report of all the testimony before the|coroner’s jury,which was reported by Mr.A.D,Watts,now collector of in-| Major Clegg,the coroner;and we had| a picture of the wrecked train. was some newspaper.enterprise for a!weekly paper in wat day,but it was |characteristie of Mr. showed. two passenger coaches,a Pulman)} and the private car .of a railroad offi-(,the latter empty,fell off ‘the forth side of the bridge.The rail- road iron was ripped off from end to master was sick in bed—at work.at fore,stopped work when a rainstorm came on and.left a rail un- spiked;that when the heavy Pullman ging the balance of the train with it. ed.and the coroner’s jury so found.One or more arrests were made,but this theory was latér discarded |by }many.The company ‘had to-pay|heavy damages,~ The engine was across the bridge when.it went off’The baggage-and cxpress car and two passenger:coath>jes went down |.west of\othe ereek jand were mashed ta piecesi!!Phe ‘end,oF the;Pullman,and.theiend of /theprivate,.earswent,into!:the creek ‘and dummed:the -water so that it»rose in the Pullman and:drowned some ofthe |passengers.who were fastand could not )set;Out.One young tady'held hermother’s head above the water’as longassshecouldbutthe_mother wasjdrownedbeforethedaughter’s eyes: €ol.Benehan Cameron,4 passenger inthePullman,“was one’of ‘the few |Who got out of:the wreck:with slight |= jinjury and-he-walkewirhig bare feetitoanearby:house’to’give?Vie!alarm,Twenty-two.persons,.,were -kiliéd’ and thirty injured,The dead included {Persons from far and neir,from ‘Chr-, \eag0,Memphis and Pittsburr aswell\as.from home.Two Statesville pdo- enterprising for a weekly paper,con-|# The next regular issue of the paper |} ternal revenue,who aeted as clerk for /# That 2 1 Caldwell,as his}§after experiencein newspaper work|% if I didn’t start out to give a com-|#plete story of the wreck,but it will!%be recalled that the exact cause was |§ jnever definitely determined.The train|# end of the bridge,but the structure|§ was otherwise undamaged.The last}%} and most probable theory of the cause!} was that section hands —’the section }¥ the -east-end-of the-bridge-the-day-be=|# struck the rail it.knocked it out of |} place and went off the bridge,drag-|} It was generally.believed at the time /#Ord |that the train was purposely wreck- BORSRCACACAS “58 years a leading factor in the education of :fof,arid:responsibility in character...Beautifully situated in ‘al and religious activity,'6 jab j ee ae Cc PAGE THKEB MORGANTON VS.STATESVILLE‘|| At Statesville Ball Park else TODAY AND TOMORROW.4 Admission;Adults 25c.,children,15c.Grand stand 100.to all,aPartofthe.Bleachers will be reserved for ladies,Bee a,a STSETITSTTeLeasetretsergeteaetsasseesssTestestee ae sacaaas et ‘00 Tabourelts or Flower Stands}AT HALF PRICE;| 3.25 CENTS FACH..(6 74“3; We have bought a factory close-out of 100.Tabouretts or Flower Stands at half price and will place them on’sale WEDNESDAY;SEPTEMBER IST,at half price—25 CENTS EACH.a Size 8x8 inches,square top.._Finished ..._# in Early English.ee qi Crawford-Bunch Furniture Company.} The Store That Always Welcomes You EORICECHO)CROCEO OCC .we --process r :ase :e a P et <Statesville Female College A Christian College offering all the best advantages at low cost.For]Southern womaphood.,ney fitted by location and equipment to train yonng woanddomestic.stations requiring efficiency in’kn gueatownofedue:55 yo hwolink:bak oe tad‘Modern buildings,‘complete equipment.Lovely campus:/Outdoor’|sports.’Thorougtly capable’tnatrnetara.,Standard college:vtA.B.,BL.and B.S.degrees.|Splendidly equipped music department},schools of Domestic Science,Art,Expression,Physical Culture-andBi-ble...Safe home dife and attractive,nytt unusuallylow.| “For catalogueand fullinformationwritetoyJ.M.MOORE.A.M.,Pres.,Stainaville,Di GL 9 Stee eee ee cere eee=Se an eae ep eee pn ep eet a Cc.WATKINSfor {friend sufferers who ought to have“Everything:to Build With.”|some of your remedy.”FULLSTOUCK--LOWEST PRICES };Mayr’s Wonderful Remedy gives Shingles,Doors,Windows,Ceiling,}|permanent results for stomach,liver ,:+;and whatever you-like.No more dis-ing,Laths,Lime,Cement,etc.,one y :Wh.Statesville.1 {ress-after-eating;pressure of gas inNextPianters‘[the stomach and around ‘the heart.1Get ene bottle of your druggist now DIFFERENT FROM THEREST.fjond try it on an absolute guarantee |—if not»satisfactory money will.be|returned.in ‘~T ran YyNNOTICE !I have this.day--August 11,1915—made. ‘constituted and appoifited L.R.Pierce withipowerofattorney.Said L.R.Pieree will i transact any and all of my business matters jduring my absence and until further*notice. Aug..13--d4tw*,THOS,»W..-PIERCE. NOTICE TO’CREDITORS. Having,qualified administratrix of J.N.|forgan,deceased,this is to notify all per-ons having claims against said estate to resent sume to me 6h !.or before July 27, vi6,.or this notice.will;be plead in bar of heir recovery,All persons indebted to.said estate will please make immediate settle- ment.t ;MISS MARY:BARR MORGAN, Jaly 27,1915.Adm’x J..N.Morgan. !~NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Pinkney Tomlin,deceased,I hereby, notify all persons having claims against his cstate to present same to.me on or beforethe3ddayofAugust,1916. R.B.MeLAUGHLIN, Sold exclusively by—Mi"ler-McLain Supply Co. ants,the undersigned commissioner will sell “at public auction,to the highést bidder,a the court house door in Statesville,Ns-ConMONDAY,SEPT.6TH,1915. at the hour of noon,the tottering describedrealestate.in the city of Statesville:Theone-half undivided interest of,the A.D. Cooper estate,held in)common with Mrs, +~August 3,1915.Administrator. “6 :7 |{COMMISSIONER'S SALE OF AND-DYEING BY VIRTUB of a decree of the SuperiorCourtofIredellcounty,rendered in’the—’PHONE,147—special .proceeding wherein Electa F.Coop-bate er,administratrix of A.D,Cooper,is plain-Sloan Pressing Otub.tif,and J.C.Fowler and.another defend- AAAITETSTRSOY2 Butter Wrappers! We have:the.very best Parchment Butter Paper,and can print your name and brand on same.Let ushaveyourorderforany quantity you want.See us.Prices reasonable. Brady Printing Co.» R.B,McLaughlin,°-Coite jr Sherrill;M.D:See Norte semen ot |Snngles For Sale! * Chsload of goodNo._.M.Foard’sresidence.; -2 Shinglesat $2.75-perthousand at my Bexinning at.a stake,T.C.Anderson’scorner;thence N,66 degrees E,225 feet ton12-foot alley;‘thence N,24 degrees.W.246 feet to C.P.Moore's/corner;thence S.66 degrees W.117 \feet te C.\P.Moore's cor-ner in A.C\\Tomlin’s:line;thence §,24 de-grees E.to Tomlin’s line;.thence 8.66.de-Mvrees W.108 feet to the Glover line;thence24degreesBE.212 fect to the beginning,ex-copting a lot of 100 feet front and.212 feet deep .conveyed to A.UD.Cooper from thewestern.end of said lot.:This lot is sold.subject.to the right of dower of Mrs.Julia Cooper.’Terms of sale---One-third cash;one-third in:three,months andone-third in.six months, Aug,3,1916, y DR.shop. Flooring,Siding,Boxing,‘Mould-‘and intestinal ailments.Eat as much" J.C.Fowler,in the.following land,to-wit*sWe rather regretted we couldn’t fo do it that Charles A.Dana wrote him (ple were killed—Hugh ~K,.-Leinster, ls personal letter congratulating him!‘gagemaster,and A.‘Davis,a labor-ion his work.”;jer,The engineer of the train—W,A. There are two immaterial errors in|West—and a colored sleeping.car por-the above.Mr.Caldwell had not then |ter were also among the dead,The gone to Charlotte.He did not go to/other trainmen escaped with theitCharlotte-until January,1892,;-and in|lives.::: August,1891,the proposition to go!The State Firemen’s Asociation,astherehad:probably not beén mention-|Col.Fairbrother says,had met at Dur- ed to.him.Correspondent.King was}ham and some of the firemen,going not in Statesville the day of the wreck |to their homes in the western part of trouble ‘with the wires then was that |wcunded..Tho injured were browgnt and the office was probably not im-|vate homes in the vicinity of”thepressed‘with the importance of get-|wreck and in Statesville.Some —of —or was overcrowded,which is more |awere so badly hurt.The dead werclikely,lh As last Friday,August 27th;was warehouse that stand’ the 24th anniversary of that wreck,|Statesvile Theater now stands.some teminiscences about it may not!»The coroner's jury,composed of P: be uninteresting.é 1G,Carlton,G.F.Shepherd,J.8.m- and ‘was printed on Tharsday morn-|and M.C.Wiliams—all now living ex- pened about 2 o’élock.on Thursday|tendered a mixed verdict.They.foundmorning.The train was a west-|that the train was.wrecked by some bound passenger,due at Statesville at |person or persons,unknown,but.Mr.1.52 a,m.,and the place of the wreck |Ramsey.agreed to the verdict onlytwomiles.west of Statesvile.Thc /on the stipulation that he be allowed writer was a printer émployed on The |to say that he dissented from the viewLandmarkandfirstheardofthewreck|that a rail was loosed or misplaced be-while at breakfast early Thursday fore the wreck,RG.morning.Mr.Caldwell,the editor,did)..|eareeneaertnyenreenenteenengaae Meeting BaptistAssociation. much work at night.and.didn’t cometotheofficeearly. a n “€anceeanttheijavdikeieompiayes (ah programme of the South Yadkinabouttheoffice,to'his house to arousc Baptist Association,which will be in him and tell him the news.He:gotupandwenttothewreckinabuggyjwithMr.-Will Wallace and came back|in’a-remarkably short time with a very complete story,giving names ofdeadandwounded.The story,about|a column and a quarter,was put in type and the'paper run off on the usu-POFaltime.Next morning Mr,Clarence vein ‘Stephenson,a fellow compositor,and |ering ines terion,Saiony Hiysele wens Out ke fook'wy the Wreck.|.sigol work,woman’s work,Biblical the day hefore but we had to get the |Recorder;Friday evening,State mis-paper out.Returning to.the office |5!0n8 and home missions,_5nearnoonwefoundMr.Caldwell pre-',,Saturday morning,miscellaneous, paring copy for an extra and all hands“4:P.U.,laymen’s movement,tem-\which inaluded Br;Dover Bost and |Perance,adjournment. probably one other printer—I can’t)eee?errecallallwhowerein.the office then.”On the Job For 33 Years, —fell to work to sét the type for that Monroe Enquirer,extra.The Landmark was.‘a four-|Bq.M,L.Flow,who.has been ar paper,nine oe to the ‘page.|the mercantile business here 33 years,an ilth prtne half sneer.Wve py |says$that during that time he has beenSiaicraesaehetayheCaTen,Ne gave dex ted «alonone,With -jonly,"Squire.Flow’s.store door’isforaBiusedeftoverstuff.and ads.lopen just a little earlier and has stay-to Mil out the two pages,printed aed open a little longer at night thansheetandturneditandthencutitin/has the most.of them.Flow’s storetwo,giving two pages’of the full pa-|hag been one of the landmarks of thextra”was run in/town,but after September 1st it willr.-The wordbikottersatthe.head.of two or| As soon as I got Mooresville Thursday,Friday and Saturday,September 2d,3d and 4th. Thursday:morning,organization andreportonStatechurches;afternoon, ministerial education,general educa- tion,ministerial relief,-pastor’s sup- port;Thursday evening,introductory i jbée)a thing of the past—for ’SquirergbadewtandJfishedupacutof|iow will on that date go out of thetheBostianbridge,which.had |been jmercantile business, —not until some days afterwards.The |the State,were among the dead ant} telegraph facilities were very limited |to the hotels and taken into the pri-} ting off the specials tothe newspaper:|these had to stay here for weeks,they |}: |hauled into town in dray wagons and |f- ‘laid out ‘temporarily in’the ‘tobaceo|where’the|; The Landmark was a weeklypaper |séey,J.U.:Lamprecht,:J.Stephany |) ing,about 11 o’clock.“The wreck hap-cept Mr.Ramsey and Mr.Shepherd—| uicay Pa? Lovpieg ae eat re Bf iuaaet Tho folie oily i oo)tee ficheinom £a Or tet gee ‘Ae rats tbat 2 iio ie pbsAtelao wy a t :te /f VL :Bhd «Gah ——oay1tt oe |oh :nr ~|aa 'La :Re Le Ai wae ele bea»‘est The New Garland Combination Range, “WOOD AND GAS.| A Gool Kitchen in Summer.Need eth SaAWarmKitcheninWinter,©9 og |Following are-the-main features of +# session at the first Baptist church of orphanage ‘and in |, madefor a trade edition of The;Land-!Coreeemeeeremeemmeeninmemnemarktheyearbefore,and this me al oo The Clerk Guaranteed It..wasa taking featire;giving Uhe iden 7M,inter,cue intomy sure theother’',.‘3 é ¢rlebks,% that The ||ndmark was right up to nbn that will-cure-dinrrhocn?and Mywhich:it:was,anc jalnays has|‘te want and got hidn ‘a bottle of Chambereen,if Ido,say it as 8 ouldn’t.’The jiain’s|Colle,Cholera:and.Diarrhoea Remedy,aaa ut dinner to get out “4fad gas ns this ses oy or eyweneelewyouacentforit!.but not a man pete ik me and came back in a day or tro.,1=‘and said he waa,©pape lly hey ig hs §Aya Statesville -Housefurnishing Co.)| Commercial National B OF STATESVILLE,N.O°>© Capital Stock Paid in -$100,000.00 \Surplus and Profits 31,500.00 Members of Federal Reserve System. Your Banking»business solicited andeveryaccommodationextendedtode- positors consistent with prudent bank-ing methods.*i Four per'cent,paid on time and Savings. Deposits remaining on deposit.three moriths or longér,» OFFICERS: 2W,D.,TURNER,=)=)“S"¥.MORRISON,=D.M.AUSLEY, ie ;;AT Coe etRae tone: *- -”neyree ~ * * i ~TUERSDAY AND.FRIDAY. "420 WEST BROAD STREET, Snes?IN Raemoecenenic ane August 31,1915 HAVR PITY FOR THE GOVERNOR '..Last.week when the attorneys for .Trull,condemned murderer, making their appeal to.Gov, ‘eee for ‘clemency,the prisoner’s i thother and:sister were present.When }ik ~sometimes move a Governor, _matter ef pity. the,attornéys had concluded,the gray- -hairedmother stretched out her hands imploringly to the Governor and beg- “ged piteously and with tears for the eof her boy.“I know he is not it he ought to be,”she said,“but che is my |!y.Won't you spare his lite?”And when it was announced, i next day,{¢hat the Governor had de- clined ta.interfere,the mother and sis- ter returned to the office of the Gov- ernor afd renewed their appeal. Nomani with a heart in his bosom could but he moved by these appeals. The tender+hearted Governor was of course distressed by them,but believ- ing it washis duty to let the law take LOOKS GOOD NOW, The change in the German attitude, which has dispersed the shadows which had gathered about the relations be- tween that country and the UnitedStates,moves the New York Sun tosizeupthesituationas‘follows: For’Germany,a clearly ognized=ee atelyto "get out Fhe legallyandmorallyuntenablegeaisiensand-i to get out hh a manner likely to winbackacertainamountofwaveringfriendshiponthissideoftheocean.For the United:States,peace withonor.For the administration of Woodrow Wilson,well merited renown.That *seems’to be‘the correct view.While the situation will wot be clear- ed up until a satisfactory answer.is received from Germany,‘the attitude of that country,as indicated by the German Ambassador ‘to the United a satisfactory settlement, The apparent change:i in Germany’8 attitude is.said to be due to a change in Berlin.The German chancellor,Dr, Von Bethman-Hollweg,has opposed the methods of submarine warfare,it is said,but the marine department, headed ,by Grand Admiral von Tir- pitz,creator of the submarine policy, insisted on torpedoing ships without warning.Recently it is said that the Kaiser has adopted the chancellor’s States,seems to remove all doubt of ; The Lenoir News observes that The Landmark has a “perfect right to make its own classification.and matter and legitimate ‘advertising,and it will of course accord to oth- ers the same ptivilege.”Which ‘same The Landthark distinctly,did in the very article to which the News re- plies;and which same the esteemed News did not do,for The Landmark's observations were prompted by the fact that the News was.criticising other papers for publishing as news twhat it considered advertising;and)’ it is now asking that the publishers of the State get together.and accept its’view.The News says it “is ob-' viously true by the nature of ~their business,”that “newspaper men,as class,do more for the publit good ree of charge,according to their ability,than any other class of citi- zens.”True,of course.But’there is ‘enough legitimate business that they should have,and that.they can demand pay for,~without demanding pay for what most of them seem ‘to regard as legitimate’news. The corporation commission sends out the cheering report that ©this year’s tax returns will show a much greater ‘equalization of property destinction between legitimate news) ite he stood firm—and he did view and this aecounts for the unex- right.But'should it be required of the Governor to go through this or- deal?Do the dictates of justice .or ‘mercy require that he should pass through a distressing scene like this, that disturbs his peace of mind for days?The only result of such ap- peals,so far as The Landmark can “Bee,is that their very urgency may through pity,to do what he would not do oth- érwise.Executive clemency is not a If it was the great majority of the.persons convicted »would be pardoned.The appeals of relatives are based only on'pity,there-li pected change im!Germany's attitude. If the dispute ‘with Germany is set- tled as happily as is now indicated itwill,as the Sun gays,be a great vic- tory ‘for the admijnigtration,The pa-pers are already applauding PresidentWilsonontheprospectof:securing so satisfactory a settlement without braggadocio and bluster.and the rat- tling of sabers.~~ MR.KITCHIN’S VIEWS. Congressman Claude Kitchin,who will be the Democratic leader of the next House of Congress,saidin Wash- ington last.week that he favored“mil-, values and that ‘much property.that has been escaping taxes will be found on the books.Chairman.Travis of the commission,who opposed the.tax amendment to the constitution,insist-ed that the taxation troubles could be remedied without the ‘amendment, and if he shows that even a substan- tial improvement has:been made in’ that direction he ~will”justify,“his course.:Sica TO OFFER SATISFACTION. Germany Will Make Reparation‘For Sinking the Arabic and Will Renew Discussion of theionsforsubmarinesandminestopro-|Lusitania Incident.'fore the Governor should not be re- *quired by custom,or for any |other reason,to go through these distressing seenes,unless he desires to talk with the relatives about the case.The ap- tect our coast,but not a cent for bat-|Germany’s intention:to offer full tleships and big armies,”Mr.Kitchin|satisfaction to the United States forbelievesthattheEuropeanwarhas/|the sinking of the liner Arabic with aproventhatbattleshipsareuseless,|joc.of two American lives,was ’com- He Thinks the BanBanksLiberalandDivideersWhoWanttoCotton, Birmingham,Ala.,‘Dispatch. President,Wilson,through W.P.oeHarding,the Southern wiemberofthFederalReserveBoard,has made aappealtotheSouthernbankersforlowinterestratesoncottonloans,sothatthecottonplantercanholdhiscropandplaceitonthemarketinsuchquantitiesas.will meet the de-mand at living prices,‘The appeal was in the shape of alettertoMr.Harding,which he.readtotheAlabamaMerchants’Associa-tion.Mr.Hbrding also.delivered aspeech,which is regarded as reflecting the administration view of the cottonsituationsinceEnglandplaceo\thestapleonthecontrabandofwarlist.In his letter the President said:“My Dear Mr.Harding—Thank you sincerely’for your letter of August23.It gives me just the information.I.desired,i“What interests me most is this:Itisevidentfromwhatyoutellmethatthecountrybanks,with whom ‘the farmer and other producers directly deal,can get:money at from 4 to 41-2 per cent and that the questionwhetherthebenefitofthisadvan- tageous rate is to be extended to thefarmerisintheirhands.It is incon-ceivable;to'me that those who areresponsiblefordealingdirectlywiththeproducersofthecountry.shouldbewillingtojeopard_prosperity o:the country itself—fefusing tisharewiththeeethebeneficinlratesnowobtainableformoney:loaIthinkthatwecanconfidentlyexpect |that the banks in the’cotton |Statesandin,the agricultural regions gener-ally,will content themselves with arate,not.more than 1 or 2 per centabove_the_rate-which-they-themselves}pay.I hope that the facts which youhavestatedtomewillbecomegener- ‘ally known among the producers ofthecountrysothattheymayfeelthemselvesfreetoexactofthebankswithwhichtheydealwhattheyun-doubtedly have a right.to expect.Cor-dially and.sincerely yours,,“WOODROW WILSON.” Says Planters Can Hold Cotton.Mr.Harding.in his address,said the estimates of the world’s crop of cot-ton available for the next 12 months,including the 4.250,000 bales now insight,is:22,500,000 bales,The normal ould Be rrow on PRESIDENT TOTO THE BANKS.| =!Never.Had Better Flour! te tae ent iegeen oe “T’ve been keeping house over 30 years,”writesoriewhohasbeenusingflourmade‘by the STATES- VILLE FLOUR MILLS CO.,and have used differ- ent flour,always trying to have the best flour,but‘this iisas good as any I’ve ever had,”+ Ask your merehant for “SAVE TROUBLE”orPALACEflourandlearnwhatthishousekeeperandothershavealreadyfoundout—that flour made byTHESTATESVILLEFLOURMILLSCO.is asgood:as any and the costis no more. "PHONES84and137. *PHONES84and137 RamseyBowles-MorrisonCompany. gee &POD at2DCIAL ere ¢ Showing of New Patch Work Silk Coats in dif- ferent colors and designs,Ten dollar value selling for $5.00 special.See window display. that the submarines have proven them-|municated formally to the State’De-selves the weapon of defense and of:partment Friday by Count Von''Berne F ‘|storff,'‘German ambassador:in'Wa~--with-them,-but--who-can:argue with ponee,.Pastner,—ee Said:ay«ingtoh,!‘On Instructions ‘from'‘the:ee her boy’s life?yae RP navy eee.pee a andy will mtlinrheaseanesabiti To hear these appeals not only:dis-|fight ityWear y in the next (on-trenseq it Poverdor,’but’when te,re-\ereseyEe wild enough subma-a ypeyooh vou the,Sinnk aie h é times,he |"‘ahd:“nine!yers to protec aun Beaniae °iit isBesthem,’as he must someti r e|coast for the same money that will be|Promised.tha€ah‘wad found that_i made to appear hardi‘hearted and|required to build one batt phi,which|the Arabic,tacked .withoutunsympatheticatthe;very |‘time ra ‘imperial reaa.be obsolete Jn,l¢ss°than three|warning,the,__when,if’Weyielded:to-his'feeliigs,‘he.of Aye not only would promptl would grant.the appeal.s peal of the attorneys is enough.The annual consumption of cotton and lin-,Goyérnor can ‘talk to them and reason ters is alsd’22,250,000 bales.He de-;clared that rie the,Butapean warbrokeout’last one it was estimat-ed that’the’world's ‘reduirements ofcottinwould'bée reduced ‘by 3,000,000;bat:ut’/Aimeyican exports“of thestatle‘only.fell"off 600,000bales?Headdedthatan‘investigation revealedthe‘fact that the capacity of the cot-ton warehouse facilities’was 12,500,-000bales;which would enable theedjvlantertoeasily‘hold his crop and PLAID.SILKS,a the Silk.for Waists,‘Wecanee ancies ‘They are new designs and materials Se eae4 wer ‘Kitchin’s remarks|have.at-|act,but would,give the‘United Sta tracted much attention because they ion,”This,it.is.,The practice is wrong and the Governor ‘should be ‘rélieved. A asAND.\WRONG.:j k has little respect for ex-Gov.Blease of South Carolina, and usually --gives-little-publicity—te what he’has to say?but it is today -.printing some extracts from the ex- supposed to mark his opposition ta: the plans of the administratom for a larger navy and army.Withoutthav- ing enough knowledge of the to qualify as an expert,The mark is disposed to sympathize Mr.Kitchin’s views about.the Sbat- tleships.The price of one battleship ind-tter), zal eewouldhave.to-include.re;ave:ton Ria ei teca wouldnotber panesdevelopments in.the sit~No.furuationare:éxpected«now’until:theith|Submarine commander who:sank the,sata,:Arabic has reported to-Berlin..Mean-time,President Wilson and Secretar;Lansing,though.visibly encourag von Bern-. "|feed it gradually to thé*market.|ecneomemmrmunneramnmnsetnctsraTE:OF OlIO.Erry oF“TOLEDO,rob EMICAS)COUNTY.:Frank J.CheneyFeCheney“ot!Toledo, sum,of ONeach’‘and everycaseof Ca’h|not be cured by the use of Hall's Ca-tarrh,Cure.FRANK J,CHENEY.Sworn to before me and subscribed Fal Styles. ==|FALL COAT SUITS. e biotin é atl Governor’s remarks before the Goy-|Will build numerous submarines,tor- ernors’Conferencein Boston,to com-|Pedo boats and air craft,which have mend what he said about.the “third|been the mainstay in the present Eu-|.dépree”and cruelty to prisoners gen-|Topean war,while the big battleships éraly.The inhumane treatment of|have been practically.useless. and relieved:by Count storff’s assurances and reports fromAmbassadorGerard~on his ~confer-ences with the —Foreign ~Minister-von Jagow,are ina waiting attitude. Before the American government canbe,AD.iit eeca,|The new designs are very gracefal and the Fall Hall's Catarrh Cure.cake Sitseeal:ieeee&SastorSeenouiale,-prisoners has never been given the at- tention it ‘deserves;and by inhumane treatment is meant cruel treatment; It is to be hoped,however,that either Mr,Kitchin nor the administra- tion will be so tenacious of opinion can speak there’must be forthcom- ing the German disavowal and ex-planation of what all evidence receiv- CHENEY &CO.,Toledo,O.ne:i i druggists,765c.TakeHall's Family Pills for constipation. it is not meant that criminals who|that they can’t get together on a sat-ed has.seemed to prove was an “un=|== ¢ Materials extremely pleasing. friendly act.”The State Department has been in-:formed that Germany is.ready to re-| new discussion of the Lusitania inci-dent and to offer reparation for theAmericanliveslostwhen.that vesselwassenttothebottomwithout.warh-ing by a German submarine,ThetehasbeennoresponsetothelastAmericannoteonthissubjectandit fall into.{bp hands of:the law should|isfactory programme-and put itbepettedandcoddledandhavebetter|through.The Democratic majority in treatment,simply because they are|the next House will be small and se- prisoners;‘than would-be given free rious.divisions:will mean a disrup- laborers under like conditions;but it|tion that will be fatal to party supre- -does ‘mean that they should be treat-|™acy-Mr.Kitchin is disposed to beedashumanbeings;not be made so independent,which is not a‘matter for ‘uncomfortable and treated so brutally,|¢Titicism unless that independence Unloading This Week: One car No.1 Virginia Lime.©-One car No.1 Portland Cement._One car Ceiling and Boxing.Ohe car Weatherboarding._.C.Watkins,%;cnr Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison Company. .THESTORE THAT PAYS THE.POSTAGE ON MAIL ORDERS. ‘PHONES.“PHONES simply:because they are prisoners,as to impose punishment in addition to that imposed by the confinement and labor required._. The “third degree,”which Gov. Blease properly denounces,means tor- turing a prisoner to force him to con- ‘fess or implicate others.The anar- chist Holt,whose case Gov.Blease mentions,was probably either killed or forced to commit:suicide by this method of the Dark 'Ages.And yet __.newspapers in thp cities of the NorthandWest,who pass over the third de- +gree without criticism;are horrified when a lynching occurs in the South. Neither is to be defended,but of the two the lynchingis less barbarous.In: the latter case the victim’s lifeis usu- ally quickly taken,while death would often be a relief to the tortured vic- tims of the “third degree.” ‘The Landmark has no patience withGov,Blease’s defence of lynching anditregretsthatamanwhocommendsmoblawcanbeelectedGovernorofaSouthernState;but:his remarksabout:the cruelty to prisoners—menpresumablyundertheprotectionoflaw—are timely and just. Gov.Harris of Georgia has receivedaletterfromaTroy,N.Y.,medicine ch: ‘firm saying that as a result of thelynchingofLeoM.Frank no furtherSupplieswouldbeshippedintoGeor-gia “antil this brutal murder isavenged.”Other Northern firms have taken similar action and some of the excited Northerners have advocated _.a boycott of Georgia products.All of which,as The Landmark has said, eads to an insistence on.personal views which will bring-about divisions, The administration andthe Democrats in Congress should each be willing to yield personal views to an extent thatwillinsuretheadoptionofthemeas- ures best for the country’s welfare. LT Roosevelt in the same speech abus- es.Wilson,Bryan,the Germans andtheGerman-Americans:.In’fact, in his estimation,thereis not a citizen those,like himself,who are pantingtogetintothescrap-in Europe.It’s a pity Roosevelt was not born andraisedinMexico,so he could get hisfillof-war.—Wilmington Star. When the colonép goes to war he should’take the Tenth cavalry along with him.It is said,you know,that but for the Tenthcavalry (the negro cavalryregiment of.the United States army),the colonel \woiild have gotten his fill of war—and possibly a little more—at San Juan Hill,in the Span-ish-‘American war. the Monroe Enquirer “lays out”thenewspapercontests,and Editor Ash- craft can do some “laying out”whenhe’s amind.The Landmark is men-tioning his work in this particularnowtothankhimforexpressingitssentiments,It’s none of The Land- mark’sbas a who engages in thesecontests—and neither does the En-quirer undertake to tell others whattheyshalldo—but it’s this paper’s in-dividual opinion that the contests arenot,in the final show-down,for therealgoodofthenewspaperorthepublic, of America worth the name except ing.The tonothing but to stir up feel-ing.The firms refusing tp sell Georgia‘simply lose business,probably “Lightning —Kills Widow LadHere,”is the heading of a local artcleina’recent ec)a a contempor-elsewhere intheSouth as well as in}arye—-The--ease tfull 2ferredtoCharityandChilChildrenandthe |azcn:‘and no good will be accom-Statesvilleea mark for ay amma is known that the United States wouldnotlistento.reparation proposals withthesituationcreatedbythesinking,oftheArabicstillpending.With theattack"on the Arabic disavowed,how-ever,and guarantees given against repetition,a German communicationexplainingthattheLusitaniawas torpedoed as a reprisal against’Great Britain:under a:misapprehension thatshewasarmed,and that killing of.Americans was ‘regretted and not in- tended,and offering reparation,prob-|anablywouldpavethewayforamica-ly closing the incident.German.officials have made.it_plain:that their government,as soon as.it has rclieved the strain upon its rela-tions with the United States bv lim-iting submarine activities,will.asktheAmericangovernment..to.demand cease interfering withneutrajcommerce.and thus permit the inportation of foodstuffs for theGermancivilpopulation.The.Amer-ican note to England on this subjecthasbeeninpreparationforsome-time.The communication practical-ly was completed when the allies’action declaring cotton contraband made redrafting.necessary.‘In.this connection it has ‘beenlearnedthatGermanyispreparingtoprotestagainstacquiéscencebytheUnitedStatesinthetreatment’:ofcottonascontraband,It is said thattheImperialgovernmentalreadyhasindicateditsdesiretopurchase,3,-000,000 bales.of cotton if iverycanbearranged. LL TT TI “I am glad to notice chat Shere.tary Garrison is disposed to restrict the army eamps to the work for’which they were established,”saysCol.Bryan.“During ~last.twoweekstheyseemtohave’servedmoreasaplatformforjingoestotalk from than for instruction in the artofwar.”That for you,Col,Roose. Despondency Due topeRaiaceren.ete OGe.:ing from indigest whichaidSndminds .tar writen,Mi isla is eh Of X-|Concord ' that Gteat Britain and her allies|. legitimate |. Beaet.“Tomtn and on the west ae FOR FARM REGISTRY.84 and 137 ‘S4and 137 -Notice is hereby given that W.N.WhitehasmadeapplicationundertheprovisionsofChapter108ofthepubliclawsof1915,for the registration of the name of hisarmlyingnortheastofStatesville,as“Long Meadow Farm.”Said Farm lies.ontheSalisburybranchandFourthcreek,andisboundedonthenorthbytheMocksvilleroadandthelandsofRamseyandKing;on the east by the lands.of Jones,JenkinsandMecCanlessandNorwood;on the southbythelendsofMcLaughlinandTomlin,and on th west by the lands:of TomlinandRamsey.All persons interested are _re- quired to appear at my office in Statesville,WN.C.,on the 2d day of October,1915,and show.cause,if-any.they have,why.-the,re-lief prayed for shall a be granted. .HARTNESS,Clerk “Superior Court.R.B.McLaughlin,Att’y.Aug.31,1916. SALE.OF HOUSE AND LOT, BY VIRTUE of the powers contained inthelastwillandtestamentofthelateCapt.T.A.Price,the undersigned will sell at pub-lie auction,to the highest bidder,at thecourthousedoorinStatesville,N.C.,on*MONDAY,OCTOBER 4TH,19165,12.o'clock,m.,the following described of Statesville,towit: Beginnifig at an iron stake,W.L.Smith'scorner,in Pickens’line;thence i 3 de-grees /E.7 poles to an iron stake in Haynes’line;thence S87 degrees.E.with Haynes’ line 18 oe to an fron stake,Haynes’cor-her in L.C.Wagner's line;thence 8.3 de-grees Ww.7 poles to a stone,corner of Churchfot;thence N.87 degrees W.18 poles to theDeginninz,containing one acre,more or less.Terms-—Ohe-third cash,one-third {In six}months and one-thirdive twelve months.H.HOFFMANN,:Admr,with the will annexed.R.B.MeLaughlin,Ati-y. Aug.31,1916. COMMISSIONERS’SALE OF LAND BY VIRTCE jof a decree of:the SuperiorCourtofTredetlcounty,rendered in the spe-cial ene,entitled R.B,McLaughlin, administratorof Pinkney Tomlin,vs:MollieTomlin,1.will sell at publie auction,to thehighestbidder,for ets at the court.housedoorinStatesville,N,C.,on ‘4TH,1916, MONDAY,OCTOBERat12>o'clock,m.,the following describedlandsinTurnersburgtownship,Iredell coun-ty,to-wit:Bound on the north cmiin,on the east by the’lands of N,on.the south by the lands of N. Tomlin,same,ronal and lot lying in the western suburbs |! uo from time to time. home.- {THE PAINE VIEW DAIRY iis supplying the milk that is benefi-| cial and aids tiealth.“Why and how he does it’will be ecplalned —— Costs No Moreandis Better ‘Milk putup’inthe DACRO BOTTLE and covered with the DACROCROWNDOESNOTCOSTANYMOREanditcertainlyiiscleaner and more apt to be free from germs, ¥&‘eS{’Phone 347 Black,PAINE VIEW DAIRY,the dairy with the’Da-: cro system,when you,want pure and clean sn delivered at your 5 SEE ~Galvanized ShI Bell ’Phone 98. FOUNDED IN 1838 =ia 3 TAT4“ARE YOU INTERESTED?” Slate vert ?Tin RoofinShingleeeIceBoxorRefrigeratorLined?Tin or Sheet Metal Work of anyB.ind?LET US KNOW.IREDELL TIN WORKS. Roof Painted?\ Independent ’Phone 197. 7 at A tate ct CHARTERED 1350TRINETY.COLLEGE.-DURHAM,N.¢, by the Jands of N.|Eace A Southern College of liberal arts with an esty eee national reputation forhighstandards,noble traditions,and progressive.poll large endowmentfundmakespossibleitafirst-classsocianest anal,jgfaculty of well trainedand:carefully chosen teachers.Student fees Jow.Comfortable,.inexpagiveyeieniedormitories,ere)bag bw ar aan the”bachelor’s e 5mn‘o nening,Rducation,For catalogueandillustrated booklet.address;ca 7 ‘Mathes Feild and toward:the ‘close of a4 Friday, =poher es . “week with Mills &Poston. Miss Troutmanand Mr,Collins :satieer Ist.at Welch,W.Va. AAthens,ai ag .her me on Davisavengefadhsasplayedfnumlesintheoks#i and living room.Miss Elizabeth :stood the:storm;.neither he nor hisstrain, which ad ee Raga Sennen eo 14. TUBSDAY,August 31,1916, WEDDING ON Tie MORROW. ,—Marriage in Virginia—So- cial Events. Mr.and Mrs.Jacob C.Troutmanannouncethatthemarriageoftheirdaughter,Grace,to Mr.John ArchCollinswilltakeplacetomorrowaf- ternoon,September 1,at 5:30 o'clock,|.at the home of the bride in Fallstown township. Statesville friends have ‘receivedannouncementofthemarriageofMiss‘Helen Gertrude Keister,who was a teacher in Statesville college two years ago,and Mr.John Rolling| Purcell.The marriage occurred at the home of the.bride’s parents,Mr. and Mrs..Charles Wesley Keister,at ahem,Va:,August 18th.Mr.and Purcell will be at home after Miss Corrinne,Morrison entertained iiqueeny Saturday evening in honorést,Miss:Sarah Coker ofThehousewasbeautiful-lydecorsinn §for the ent with astersandroses.,«Punch wi ed,duringthe‘evening Ww Misces.Joliet and AenieBlairBristol.An ice cream coursewasalsoserved. Misses Gertrude Jones and Jose-phine Byrd of Marion,and Miss Claudia ze eer of Charlotte,:whoattended’theh Party:givenMissMary’Thon ave.returnedtheirrespéctiveaiifes.Miss,Sa Hudgins of.Marion.+whd~was. here for the house party,went from Statesville to et and will gofrom.there to minyton. Miss Gertrude Conger entertainedThursdayafternoonat.the suburbanhomeofherparents,Mr.and Mrs. Fred H.Conger,complimentary to‘Miss Mary omas’house party guests,Misses Sarah Hudgins,Jose-phine Byrd.and Gertrude Jones ofMarionand.Claudia Morrison ofCharlotte,and Mrs.Z.V.Murphey’s guest,Miss Elizabeth Hines of Kin-ston...The house was attractivelydecoratedwithflowersandpotted plants and a half dozen tables were arranged for game playing.Hearts dice was plsred and Miss Katherine Kineaid wonththe mS eg a set ¥ beauty pins."y ele,box of pins,tte Niided ween’ Misses Elizabeth Bowles and Jose-ee Byrd.Following the game Migse:Dorpty Gill.and Joy pe Bartme®id ante‘girlsie bankedroan\was ‘served all during the =oon by Misses Naomi Bailey and the afternoon an ice cream course was served. Reported for The Landmark.Friday afternoon,Miss Frances Armfield entertained,in a most de- lightful manner,ee a number of Hines of Kinston made highest score, receiving a bottle of toilet water.‘Refreshments consisting of punch, ice cyeam,cake and mints,were serv- ed.-About_thirty girls enjoyed Miss Armfield’s hospitality. Notice of New.“Advertisements. Few fresh milk cows wanted.—J.M. Deaton.House and Hines,Sleeping porch,rooms and cottageforrent.—-R.L.Poston.Berkshire pigs for .sale—T.L. Adams,Dunlap.J.H.Hoffmann,administrator,will sell hagen and lot Monday,October 4.R.B.MeLaughlin,commissioner,will sell land Monday,October 4. Red crocheted couch oes lost.Re-,turn to:The Landmark. The*Hoover,reunion will be Friday. lot for sale—E.K. Logs at auction-October Toe A.Cawan,agentseeuhae wilresumey we ite,’ie he:“Gevlicent this week...©come ~&.Fraley’s extra specialbaroethingseverydayatJohnston-Belk Co.’s.Specialretibwring tin coats.—Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison Co.School suits special feature this ae — Flower ‘stands at half.price.—Crawford-Bunch Furniture Co.What the Statesville Motor Co.has to offer.roCut.flowers.—Polk.Gray Drig*€o.,local agents. Save for a home.—Mutual.Building&Loan Association. Paine View Dairy system costs nomoreandisbetter.Never had better -flour’than theStatesvilleFlourMillsCo.’s flour.Clean coal.—Statesville Tee,&Eye Atthe Li ic this week'Men’s °fall shoes.—Shertil!-White|ShoeCa. Mr.Quiney Boyer a Storm Suf- ferer, Mr.Quincy Boyer,who lived inStatesvillewhenhisfather,Rev.Dr. H.K.Boyer,was pastor of the FirstMethodistchurch(now Broad ‘streetchurch),was a sufferer in the recentTexas-coast’storm.For about fouryears.Mr.Boyer has Been farmingatArcala,Texas,about half way be-tween Houston and Gdlveston.Dr.Boyer,who is a resident of Winston-Salem,tells the Sentinel that para 's,crop of “corn and cotton.wasdestroyed,with his farm machinerwagons,out-houses,etc.His nay,bor’s house,200 ‘yards away,wasblowntopieces,but his house with- family were.hurt,except nervefromthedreadful :Morison left yesterday for Chapel ——~|theUniversity.Messrs. ©Paha GLIMPSE PASSING THRONG. ¥.|Personal Mention «ofPeople and..‘Their ‘Movements. |Messrs.Eugene Eagle.and Fred ‘Hill to do some special work prior toopeningofthefalltermoftheLongGaither,Fred and Frank Deaton,Watt EagleandotherlocalUniversity.studentsonleaveforChapelHillwithina fewSous:Mr:R.Stroupe of Charlotte,aformerSauontofStatesville,washereFridayen-route to Akron,Ohio, to attend a conference ‘of representa-tives of a rubber factory.“\Mrs.A.L.Ford,Miss Hazel FordandMasterDaleFord,who have beenvisitingrelatives.in Statesville,Mooresville and elsewherein the coun-ty for several weeks,will return to Statesville:from Mooresville todayandwillleaveThursdayfortheirhome‘in Dennison,Texas. Mrs.0.F.Lyon,who visited hersister,Mrs.R.B.Brown,has’return-ed to her Home in.Atlanta. Mrs:Margaret Wright of McAd- ensville is visiting Mesdames C.D.Conner and R.B.Joyner.Dr--and Mrs.T.D.Webb and chil- dren spent from Saturday to yester- day at Blowing Rock.Miss Sara Steele went to Biltmore Saturday to spend.a few days with her sister,Miss Nelle Steele,who isnursing’in:a:hospital ‘there.Mrs.M.A.Tomlin of Olin town- ship is visiting in Charlotte.:Mr.H,T.Steele has been at Hen- dersonville since Saturday.He willoa:this week.who visited home assed throughnrouteto.herem"bs Ill..4She was ac-companied bj eyettie Hoover ofTroutman,who will visit her broth- er,-Mr.Roy Best;-at-Hitlsbore,Hi.-— Mr.Ford Beaver of ChambersburgtownshiphasgonetoWyomingto locate. Misses ‘Annie Lazenby and Robena Summers of Cool Spring township left Saturday for «Linville Falls,where they will teach school during the coming session.Mr.and Mrs.J..W.Keiger of To- son,Mr.C.E.Keiger. Mrs.R.H..Graham and_little daughter,Miss Ethel Holmes,who had been visiting at the home of Mr. N.C.Summers in Cool Spring town- sbipy spent a day in Statesville with Mrs.S..0.Lazenby and left Satu day |] egy 5)fq Ayers returned }last week from a visit to her “‘daugbter, Mrs U.S.Greer,in High Point.My, and Mrs.Greer.accompanied her,d were here,until.St ay,iey returned ‘¢6'High ‘Point. Mr.and Mrs.J.G.Gilmore ofNash- ville..Tenn..who were guests.,of Mr.and Mrs.WR)Wierlek for:Wash- ington City Sunday night.They ‘will return here tomorrow.to svend a fewdavsbeforegoingon.té.Nashville. Rev.and Mrs.G.°G.Parkinson andy children.who visited at the home ofMrs.Parkinson’s father,Mr.By Ramsey.have returned to.their OP WprDue West,S.xC.aA’§Miss Nelk Armfield iturned ane Mrs;Chas.G.Armfield in Elkin.Mrs.A.D.Copoer is at home from Wilkes county,where she spent thesurhmer.Miss Mary Torrence of Charlotte is\yisiting Miss Adele Allison,Mr.Wm,_L.Allison._of-Chicagospentafewdaysherewithhome folks,leaving Sunday night for New York. Mrs.§.N.Peters,who spent some davs here with relatives,has returned to her home at Sharon Hill,Pa. Mrs.G.E.French and children have returned from several week’s stay in the mountains. morrow for:Gastonia,where she will teach.ot ae Lawsan,‘ho :ee the gdest o:owles for| sévéral at obMathat last eveningto.bor homé in €haylotte.‘and Mrs.J.H.McIver and bat byMiadghter,-THeren “Who Visited Mrs. “lMelversparents,MF and Mrs.P.iVy:shepeeraetlettft vestgpday.ffor their home Rev..S,wv.Haddon attended theAssociate‘Reformed’.,Presbyterian missionary conference at Linwood College,Gaston county,last:week.~ Mr.and.Mrs,Harold Early —and baccoville spent Sunday with their|. their home in Ashe iNle)3 thiste WNC) day.from.a week’s visit to Mayorjaha| Miss Rebecca Stimson leaves to-| Warren.Miss R.E.SummSprings,Ga.,who visiting,relatives in this ¢routs left last.aNforhome.Miss Summers gtteacherintheGeorgiaSeAor‘the | Deaf for 40 years.Misses Jessie and Willie ‘Quinn ofRutherfordtonarrivedSaturdayatthehomeoftheirbrother,Mr.E.B.Quinn.Miss Jessie Quinn»went®toWinston-Salem Sunday @vening. la Bea 4!where she is a teacher in the oesreat?school, Going Away to Teach—Raylors- *ville Personals.(4:2)+: Correypondence of The Landmark.( Taylorsville,Aug.30.—Miss Ruby ,Deal left yesterday for Winston-Sa-lem,where she will teach the sixth grade in the graded school.Her pa- rents and sister,Mr.and Mrs,W,D.Deal,and Mrs.S,'T.Crowson and lit- tle son,William Deal Crowson,ac- eompanied her to Statesville,makingthetrip.in their Overland automobile.Mr.C.C.Munday left Friday forSanFranciscotoattendtheexposi-tion.Mr.J.-C.Siell,a druggist of Lenoir,is in McKesson-Munday $s drugstoreduringMr.Munday’s absence.Misses Willie and Hester Pardue, who have been guests of Miss Suc|Campbell and Miss Mary Feimster,returned to their home |in’Winston-Salem today.Mr.Alfred Henley nesreturned.from a visit to the ie ofhisgrandparents,Mr.and Mrs.Arm-strong,at Belmont.Mrs.’M.L.Gwaltney has returned from a trip to Atlantic City,New York City,Baltimore and other points.ile away she purchased a stock ‘of mil- linery.Miss Gertrude Cooper has turned from a visit to her aunt,Mes.T.F.Stevenson,in Hickory!'Mrs.‘H.: D.'Lindsay has returned froma’visit to relatives in Winston-Saleni.|Mrs.Sarah Feimster has returned’Be avieittothehomeofherdaug Mrs,I.W.Somers,in Stony onalMr.N.P.Alexander of Staté&ville,spent Sunday here. Items From Jennings Commun.' ity.z Correspondence of The Landmark. Jennings,Aug.28—Farmers of this section.are busy preparing for nextyear’s crop.Some arethrough forn-ing their wheat land.(Miss Lula Templeton of JacksonTrainingSchool,poner Berea ‘2 ing,her vacation:with her er, -Roe Templeton,neat ennings. Nanni Walke t tly{rePus Hi wher HSLatesch0cMCoaaneriacathi,cc cia anei ee, Mr.an,been seen aR with ne,“as 80.he |can be woP Eoin,ffie-Couch:leaves today:#6MissPleasantCanterwhereshewillteagh is Semi dianere -husy savingtheixcfruit,SontearereerCatarink‘arei Sperone présery’nm.yout)tb*They,tave”aesWyoy ne stin ore a oe wereseveral‘convSons turtle the’meetinky:Rey.J.ON.Binkspand,Mr.TPiF.Pardue assisted Mr.man in the} ing Harmony News Notes.» Correspondence of The Landmark. Harmony,Aug.30.—The_health ééthecommunityisonamendforthe past week. Misses Margaret Tomlin of States-ville.and Hilda Holmes of Charlotte are,the guests of Miss Lot-tie’Barron at Harmony.MissEdnaPowellaentthepastweekwithherbrother,Mr.Carl Powell.Mr.and Mrs.Lem Gaither of Statesville are ae relatives and friends neararmonyMr.L”Claud Troutman of north {Harmony entertained a number of,|his friends.at a watermelon feast last,|Thursday evening..The melons.wereframeandfineandtheguestsen- ithe treat..Wood:Powell,who is taking acourseinlawatChapelHill,is spend-ing a few days with his parents,Mr.and Mrs.D.H.Powell.He will re- turn to Chapel Hill Thursday to con-tinue his studies.Misses Lois Steele of Turnersburg' and Mary Kennedy of Houstonville, who have been to the Panama Pacific Exposition at San Francisco,are ex-pected home today. little daughter,Miriam.who visited et Early’s parents.Rev.and Mrs. L.Davis,at Hiddenite,were in| home_in.Winston-Salem.Miss Louise Sherrill:went to All; Healing Springs yesterday to spend | about two weeks: or to her home people in’Gasto-nia. Mrs}C.Scott,who visited Mrs.W.M.Barringer,returned yesterday to her home in Charlotte.Mr.John Martin Barringer aceompanied her.Mr.and Mrs.H.Thomas ~and Miss Mildred Rankin of Henderson, pnd Miss.Willie Green Dayof.Frank-linton,are guests of Mr.and Mrs.,S.Thomas.Mrs.Mattie Short anit Misses Eu-genia Short and Ceila Krider —re- turned yesterday from a:visit,to Mrs.Claude Mayhew.in Mooresville.Mr.and Mrs.J.G.Lackey andchildren.who.visited felatives innecounty,have ~returned “Mrs.CG.F.Maddry and little daugh-ter,Miss Katherine,of;Raleigh,arevisitingfriendsintown,They came:it Statesville Friday “from "Ridge-crest...Rev.Mr.Maddry spent Fri-day night |here,leaving:been aan noon,Mrs.J.H.Hoffmann,Mr.lace Hoffmann and Miss—Clarke,the latter of meturnedtoStatesvilleBlowin Statesville yesterday en route to their| Mrs.C.Watkins left yesterday tor |cause of its Hehtusas in weight.Mri |More About Cork Limbs.* |To the Editor.of The Landmark: Cork—a tree or its bark,a veryHight>-wood -which is tused for bottle |stoppers,which are called cork stop-|pers because made of cork wood.The jsame is used for artificial limbs be- \Joseph Stockton had a limb of thatkindand.many others,75 years since. Cork does not mean to ‘stop:but ma-terial to stop with;and why not used|to go with,as well?Mr.Stockton’s|daughter from Wilmington-gays she ithinks that was why they were calledcorklimbs.ONE’S THEORY.Statesville,N.C. The Jews Would Volunteer. Governor’Moses Alexander,of[ try,at a Yeeeption in his honor inBoston,said:“The Jew by nature is "a pocinse:but I would urge every Jewish motherinthelandtosend‘her sons to thenearestrecruitingofficerifthecoun-nt should face war.ah save usfromsuchtrouble,but if it should vernor ot the State, Mrs,D.F.Miller TE ate|Mary Warren are 8 ee ||in Lenoir with Mr.)E.| the Oldfean jmecting.They did some able pre:ach=}": Idaho,one of the few Jews ever elect-}*\jed Governor of a\State in this coun-’ the°art volunteer from Idaho, STATE NiNEWS The State Department of EducationinRaleighsaysitisestimatedthatfully1,000 public school teachers andjothers,volunteered for the specialmoonahcampaignthatitisplannedtopressonaState-wide basis during‘the th of October. They had a three-day chautauqua at’Morganton and the guarantors had ‘to put up $25 each-for the deficit. Too Puch baseball,says a@-Morgan-ton correspondent of the Charlotte Observer,is blamed for the financial failure’of the chautauqua,The sameauthortiysayswhile500to1,000peoplewereattendingballgamesthechautauquafolkshadaudiences/of a dozen to.'50 people. September 6th relatives of the late Judge Geo.W.Brooks of Elizabeth City will ‘present a portrait of JudgeBrookstotheFederalcourtinRal- eigh,It was-Judge Brooks of the Federal court who,on the Saas sof..the late Matt W.Ransonjissued a writ of habeas corpus for the release of political prisoners from jail whenGov.Holden,in the days of reconstruc- tion,refused “to acknowledge the writ issued by the State courts. The Asheville Citizen says the quart law has been interpreted to mean that a citizen may have shipped to his address one quart of booze or four dozen bottles of beer each 15 days;but attorneys for the SouthernExpressCompanyhavedecidedthat the law allows the quart of booze and the four dozen beer both in 15 days and the express company is.actingaccordingly,much to the joy of the thirsty. During a storm in Charlotte Fri-}.day Mrs.Esther McLean was killed by lightning and her daughter was rendered unconscious by the .same stroke.The storm resulted in.con- siderable damage in Charlotte.Dur- ing its progress the roof of a livery stable-felt in,terrifying the—stockstabledtherein,but none of them were hurt.A mule,trying to escape from the stable,ran over the ‘proprietor, ‘Wi G.Ross,inflicting slight injuries on Mr.Ross, Rev.Douglas McDuffie,a negro who has been passing as a preacher, is in jail at Newton to answer for? working the blacks of Hickory and vicinity for about $250 in cash andaquantityofsuppliesforanallegednegroschoolatAtlanticCity,N.J. As a result of these contributions, McDuffie told the:negroes,the ne- gro.,youths of Hickory were to beeducatedfreeattheschool,Two,wha went:to,Atlantic.City,to,enter,the’in-stitution..of learning,found,no,school,Hence McDuffie’ubl¢.i propertiesof QUININEItactsonthéee.Dtives"Malaria,Enriches the Blood andaktheWholeSystem._50cents. t StatesvilleProduce Market.he's following|prices”were ‘pata’?festerdayfox!produge)ion ithe oral:market.))tt)(4,1Spring,.pickers 13¢,per Uy;.Hens,1 . ‘Rodsters;te Ne Ib. +Eexs,1%¢:per.dozen.Rutter,lbe.per vail1;Beeswax,he.perGreenHidds,|14e.sth ‘bh.Hams,18c.per Ib. Sides,18¢.per Ib.Shoulders,14c,per Ib. Red Honey,10¢.per Ib. Sourwood—Honey—Comb,—18¢e,-per—Ib. Grain,The following prices were paid yesterdayforgrain’on the local market: Wheat,$1.20 to $1.26 per bushel. Corn,$1 per bushel Oats,60c.per bushel. MUSIC CLASS—Miss Rose Stephany will re-sume her music class MONDAY,SEP- TEMBER 138TH,and will take”a limited number of pupils.Aug.31—2t. WANTED —Few fresh milch cows;noth-ing under:three-gallon cows.J.').M,DEATON.Aug.31. FOR SALE—Four -room house,lot .75x200.Good yell,barn,orchard and ‘woodhouse;E.K,HINES,“phone 368 Red.Aug:31—3t. FOR “RENT—Sleeping porch,furnished hedroomsandasix-room cottage,water and—on Meeting street.R.L.POSTON.ug.31. FOR SALE—Pure -bred Berkshire pigs,en- titled to registration.T.L.ADAMS,Dun- lap,‘phone 916C.Aug.31--2t*. *Spring Chicken,12 1-2c¢,per Ib.Eggs,20c.per dozen. Wheat,$1.20 per bushe#.Qats,52¢.-per bushel. LOST—Red -striped Crocheted Couch cover.Return to THE LANDMARK.Aug.,81—2t, HOOVER REUNION:“i Cc.W.pone+FRIDAY,September 8d----—> FOR SALE—$550 buysfruckthatcost$1,100."phone 358 Red. almost new °auto W.LL.”SMITH,Aug.27-—2t*, WANTED—Roomers and boarders._'Phone 292 Black,Aug.27-~2t. FOR SALE-—87-acre farm seven miles fromStatesville,accessible vo stnte Highway. J.S.LEONARD.Aug.27--3t*, FOR RENT-—-Burke cottage -on Mulberry-.Street..MRS.J.P.BURKE.Aug.27-—2t. MISS MARY SCOTT wishes a limited num- ber of Piano meee Apply at once or}.,’phone 474.BLACK Aug.27--2t. peoe RENT—At once,nice six-room cottage, Elm street.J.R.HILL.Aug,24. FOR RENT—Cottage on Race street whichRev.W.M.Walsh-is.just leaving.MRS.D,A.MILLER. Aug.20--4t. FOR RENT—Eight-room two-story house,608 West Front street.L.K.OVER-CASH,Aug,20, TWO CAR LOADS Locs AT AUCTION »two carl of loga—Southern ere M.”RAMSEY,for freight, x and other legitimate charges,atfreightdepot,.Statesville,N.O.,¥,October 1,1916,‘at 10 o'clock a,m,cash,©B.A.COWAN,Agent Southern Railway Company91,1915--1taw. CAN SELL ou FlooriCeitingaa own MARKET REPORTS."wl «with \all.modern.conveniences,-located ‘on|§ ‘will sell at public.auction,to the‘high-; ‘TM RRstNanonaL ‘kta Spe OCKEFELLER’Sgigan- i tic enterprises show what _ a consolidation—the con-.. centration of resource and pur-©pose -~combined with oppor-*tunity,can accomplish.—HisBieofbusinessisthis: eal Opportunity Couies Only to the Man With-Ready Money.” Money joined with energy is the combina-:tion necessary.to,niake good on an oppor;.” tunity.)Whether you want to start or toexpandyouneedmoney.°youhare f ‘:enough you must raise “Bo attract more money:you,/!amust save some of your..own¢ ne in the surest sign ofee pose;that you have the ity to“manage your ‘own affairs and thecharactertohandlethoseofothers,- It’s all containedin one word—confidence—and_confidence’be-gets credit. We are always ready to share with youourour,knowledge in cichanetal ‘aed a ATESVILLE NC.Sl sien000 4%fiid on:aealS.DEPOSITORY’ ~Smitheyy7&Fraleyy's Dopod Core) fy vail or one) naegh eer:“ine One a ne One One One One We are ovunatockeion the ae ep nea :chandise.‘In order to quickly we offer the followingie hai ble Bargains;,Le Pa lot Ladies’.Dresses on The.Balcony,ust 1.4 price, lot French Crepe Dress goods,reduced to 6 1-2 e.yd.lot 25c.B &B Silk,a big value,reduced to 12 1-2c.yd,‘lot 10c.Lawn,a big value,reduced to 4e,yd. lot yard-wide Bleaching,5c.yd. lot.yard-wide Sheeting,3-A,5c.yd.lot 72x80 sheets,reduced to only 25c..each.lot 20c.Bureau Scarfs,reduced to only 10c.each. P.id oft One lot $1.00 Men’s Hallmark Dress Shirts,sizes 16 antl 17 only50¢"One One.lot $3.00 Ladies’Parasols (extra fine quality)only:$1.25. lot 50c.Men’s large and roomy work shirts only 30c.- One lot $5.00 young men’s long pant suits,sizes 15 taj17,closedoutat$1.50.$4.00 and $5.00 Boy suits,sizes 14 to 17,a great bargain.$2.00,%m=pecial Bargainsin Grocery Department: 'Best Granulated Sugar,25lbs for $1.60.Best Heavy‘fat back meat at 11 1-2c.Ib. 25e. 25e. 10c. 5 Ibs.Sodacfor10c.- 18¢. 20¢ worth Laundry Soap for 10c.:NeeworthToiletSoapfor10c. Bale ‘Snufffor ‘5c,5¢.'Bale Snuff 2 for 5c. Roasted Coffee for12 1-2c,1b. worth Shoe Polish for,5c,10¢Plug Tobacco for be.P 1 So DAMA 15e.Good Jewel Lard for 10¢,Ib. One One One One One Taleum’Powder for be,ig al Special Basement Bateaina.23 lot men’s and boys’wool hats;only 15c. lot 25¢boys rubber collars’Be.lot 25c Underwear 15c. lot Girl’s Slippers (soiled)only 50c.pair.lot Blueing half:price;and-many other bargains. When you leave home all should be that I will visit -SMITHEY &FRALEY,The Great Bargain Givers. i your meneeS: ‘ One lot Young Men’s Suits,former price $5.00 toclose out forfa 60" Southern 116185-—consigned or- Footwear. We take bade and ee in.ammounictig.toMenPatronsourreadinthemwithShfOfferingtheBestdoeSelihMy2b,ay t Shoe'V§ther with the SilosseSavin Tuesday:Blanche Sweet in Wednesday:Clara; Thursday: Friday:Ina Clairein a ¢ Of JuvenileArtists in ‘ a Refined Singing,D SS rae 4 id's :tT ,drama,followed bthatwon’t come o: eeeaie -We select our pictures to give variety and to furnish the greatest one or two fine comedies full of clean,wholesome “Thomas Jefferson and Adelaide Thurston in “Shadows of a Great ‘The Wild Goose Chase,”a Paramount Feature.a arcing and Talking Act—Daily Change of Programme. Also an exceptionally:fine programme of quality pictures consisting of op ‘a Sat ;;::‘Stolen Goods”,a Paramount Feature.) Kimball Young in “Hearts in Exile,”a World Feature. - City,”aMetroFeature. ‘PRICES TEN AND FIFTEEN CENTS. 7 ur Programme For This Weel pees to the greatest number,Our daily prograname,ebnsists of a splendid two or three-reelun,that will give you many a healthy laugh an causé-you to leave the Theater with ‘‘a smile TUESDAY “SOULDS INPAWN”‘ Ss grad Br “BOBBY BUMPS GETS PAPA’S ®laughable ‘Joker Comedy. Drama with.iain “WAS SHEA VAMPIRE?” “COPPER? The ladies will\show,,;=¢‘eations “GOAT” A Powers Drama. This picture is a veritable fashion Also a funny Nestor Comedy. “THE ULSTER }the most beauappreciatethedisplayed. A funny Nestor THURSDAY A beautiful Ipish play with somé of shown on‘a screen.“WHEN HEARTS WERE TRUMPS”A fine Rex Drama. “WHEN FATHER HAD THE GOUT” .”We also show educational,scenic and topical pictures..Our Animated Weekly shows all of the leading news events ofthe weck. !WEDNESDAY “SAMSON” tiful scenery ever Comedy. FRIDAY In “six.sensational leads played by J. and Cleo Madison. “King Baggot and His New Automobile” A fine Imp Comedy.° SATURDA “THE:PRIZE STORY” A very remarkable Victor picture in three reels. “THE CHILD NEEDED A MOTHER” Another.one ®f those laughable L-Ko Comedies. ts.with jearrenKerrigan REMEMBER-—On Friday we show ‘‘SAMSON,”the most sensational,dramatic and awe inspiring photo drama ever produced. life of the most popular hero of ancient times.It is the story of a strong man,a strong love and aboun l ing ;adir ureare taken by two,of the most popular screen actors in the world today—J.Warren Keen and Cleo Madison.This remarkable picture in six reels recently a run of four days in Charlotte and played to capacity houses every day.icthad of Jsureandseeit. ao es THE LANDMARK =TPESDAY,->August 81;1915. ©“SMGN-JO SULLLVW tne Aida copay Fh fn dhdeyearSeptember28th,29thand on,John D.Long,Secretary ofjavy'‘under thé first"McKinley Frat E/Polk;‘corporation:counsel New!Yorkitity,has been appointed jor of,the:State.Department, e ‘made,vacant by the promo- of Mr.Lansing to be.SecretaryState.:"President Wilson has appointed Pannoy H.Manning of Holly Springs, :iss.,director of the Bureau”of ines,to succeed Dr.J.A.Holmes, o died recently.Mr.Manning wasasimtdirectorofthebureau.~~ Poise Reid of Norfolk,Va.,fell feet from the top of Stone moun- in,in thecvicinity of Atlanta,Ga., was instantly killed.It is as-med that,he was endeavoring tokovertheprecipicewhenhefell. Three men «who plead guilty inhiocounty,Ky.,Circuit Court to|_being members of a band of nightfierthatformonthsspreadterrorhroughoutthatsectionofwestern fentucky,were sent to the State‘Prison.One was acquitted by a jury66defendantsareawaitingtrial. |President ‘Wilson,who had.beenirgedbyhisofficial’.associates tond-theemonth..of .Septemberrnish,N.H.,will remain in Wash-~ington untilhe receives from Germany‘the promissatormal disavowal of theattackon-the*Arabic,and assurancesthatthefivesOfAmericans.travelingonunarmedterchantmen,will not be endangeréd again.‘ A cottoh importation company with a capital of $1,000,000 has beendound-ed in Bremen,.Germany.The busi- ness of this new company,it is stat-ed,will be =to-obtain buying orders from German and Austrian spinners80astomakeofferstoAmericanex-porters and try to overcome the Brit- ish embargo.The ‘capital of the company is guaranteed by leading German Banks,it-is reported.* ~The German Bundesrath has passed --a.law providing fo rthe coinage of -tron’5-pfennig’pieces (1 1-4 cents.),The demand for.5-pfennig:pieces.is great,especially are in circulation in the hostile terri- tory occupied by Germany and more“are needed.Under present circum- stances the use of nickel as aymetalforacoinageisheldto.be/inad- sable.. _The UnitedsStates submarine F-4,“submerged Outside the harbor at Hon-olulu since March 26 last,was refloat-ed Sunday night and towed to the guatantine station in Honolulu bay.;A.L.Ede,the submarine went to the bottom duringmaneuvers,March 26,with a crew of 21.It was found impossible to raise ‘the submarine at the time and the 22Workhascontinuedsincethenwithotherequipment.. Walter K.Greenebaum,manager ofIndiaha‘Transportation Company,been indicted by a Chicago grandjuryonachargeofmanslaughterin {manded by Lieut. men perished. connection with the Eastland disasterHiscompanyleasedtheexcursion.which xOChica;7 lives.The indictment alleges_that,tha.boat was unseaworthy andoverloadhuey: res O14 Sores,Otter Remedies.Won't Cero|\,‘worst cases,nomatter ‘of how tong standing, ee £4, because quantities the’steamer forwasblockedbyoftheEastlandinthewith‘the loss of nearly TAUWONIC._ALLIES PRESS Driving the Russians’From ——Attacks By Airmen. o-German troops have broken the Russian lines along the ~°Zlota Lipa river in East Galicia,resuming ;merely holding their.posi tions.e Russian.extreme.,,jefthithertounafféctedbythegenera‘féat,now ‘apparently is shakep,”|’ “Military experts in Berlin:betheRussian’‘soon ‘will be @xpellfrom.their remaining little.corner oGalicia.This development, with a sharp advance by the AustriansnortheastofKovel,is believed to in- dicate’the opening of.a.campaignagainstthefortresstriarigleformed inte eet along.time both side “4 by the strongholdsof-Lutzk,;-DuabnoandRovno,erected as a bar to ac-cess to Southern Russia.: {The Russian armies °retreating north and south of Brest-Litovsk areseparatedbytheRotiknoswampsandmilitarymeninBerlinsay ;Austro-Germans are in.position to‘mass forees at will against either|Russian wing and expose it to acrushingdefeat.Dispatches say:theRussianresistancebehindBrest-Litovsk ‘has been broken and that theTeutonicpursuit:is béing pressed withall’energy:Samaty,where GermancavalrySepumay»defeatedsiancavalry.iofBrest-Litovsk, ;;Naturally there,has..been...much;speculation concerning.the limitstowhichthepursuitoftheRussianswillbe’pressed:*Some assumed’theadvancewouldnotbecontinuedmuchbeyondBrest-Litovsk,but the impres-sion now is general that it will pro-ceed so long as it gives paying re-turns..Meanwhile a permanent lineofdefensewillbeselectedandforti-fied as a barrier.against a new Rus-sian offensive,it is stated.The’entente allies continue to as-sert that the Russian retreat.is or-derly-and-that-the-armies are remov-ing in-their march everything of valuethatcan,be moved.Little is beingdoneindthertheatersofthewarex.cept at the Dardanelles,where.the al-lies are struggling with the Turks.A Turkish official report says thealliessufferedheavilyinaseriesofattacksattemptedbythemlastFri-day.Neither the Paris nor LondonWarOfficeshavemadeanymentionoftheseengagements.The Austro-Ger-mans are apparently giving practical-ly all their attention to the work in‘ussia and further Austrian prog-Tess in Serbia and German attemptsonthe.French front ‘are delayed.On the western front—where theGermans,English and French arédeadlocked—airmen have betn:veryactiverecently.Six German aviatorsattemptedan.attack on Paris butweredriyenoffwiththelossofonemachine,while the allies,apparentlytheBritish,threw ‘hombs on Ostend,Middelkerke.and Brugges.On thedunesatMiddelkerketheGermanshavesomeoftheirmostformidablebatteriesforuseagainstattacksfromsea,while at Brugges the ob-Jective of the airmen would be thecanalanddocks.which are used ex-tensively by the Germans for trans- port-purposes. What the Georgia Outrage Did, Everything. The Georgia:outrage has-done theSouthmoredamagethan--a milliondollarsinprinters’ink ean overcome,efore we.invite.people to the SouthwemustguaranteeGeorai"t them 2 Galicia—No Sign of Stopping; 1 A’deport fuom:Berlin »ays thelis" ye’tivity ‘én a section of the front.ion and fo:Governor r '; sj did not accep ela4donwhenitwas,adopted as an inter- gether day def a Rus)ivision,is 40.miles east,ee a.jdeseription as unconditional contra- parethis,guar-}to tstereTSprenraey COTTON,AS.CONTRABAND: Mead yl hier tah TEV hyGreatBritain’s Position Revers:ed—What 'is'and is:Not Con-'!traband“and Conditional Con-trabanil!“!QHIR AA A Baltimore Sun.The ‘act_of tHe ‘British government! in making cotton absolute contraband is ineonsistent,with her record.Arti¢le28oftheDeclarationofLondonplacesrawcottonin’the list’6f articles whichmayinot>bevderlared contraband ofwar...While.itjis true that;England pt,the Declaration,of Lon- natidhal’chart’by ottier nations,yet since’the beginning ‘of the “present) war,to-wit,on August 20,.1914,‘an:order of the government.was promul-) gated in which the “convention KnownastheDeclarationofLondon”was adopted.with certain modifications as the policy of England.Moreover;when in-April,1905,the Russian gov- ernment,then at:war with Japan.ad-ded cotton to the list of contraband articles unon the theory that.it was used for making explosives,England protested.Sir C.Hardinge.the Brit- ish ambassador.wrote as follows to Count Lamsdorff.the Russian:minis- ter of foreign affairs: “British India is by far the largest importer’of -raw cotton into Janan. The auantitv of raw cotton that mightheutilizedforexplosiveswouldbein-finitesimal.in comparison with the bulk:of cotton exnorted from’India toJappforpeacefulpurposes..and to treat harmless cargoes of this latter band ‘would be to subiecta branch ofinnocentcommerce,which is speciallyimportantih\the Far East,to a mostunwarrantabléeinterference.”Jt has been claimed that in the Civ- il War the United States made cot-] ton absolute contraband.But this is; not strictly true.It is trué,as stated by Mr.Hall in his work on interna- tional law,that “the United States have gone so far as to regard cotton as.contrabar;!of war when,in their view,it took the place of money.”Thisrefers{o the action of the |United’States.when—a»Charleston firm--was: sending cotton to its.representative! in London -to create a fund:to purchase supplies for the Confederate govern- ment.3 ,The clagsification’as to contraband made by Grotius:and generally ac-sag by the nations of the world -First—Articles nsefulwarpurposes. contraband. Second—Articles that cannot be used for war purposes.These are non-contraband.,Third—Articles that can).be used for war or peace purposes.These are contraband:or not,according to theidiscretionof.belligerents,©exceptwheretherearetreatyobligations.| England has notified.the \United|States that in declaring cotton con-itraband,it is not the purpose to inter-fere with the legitimate trade in neu- tral countries.If,for example.thevolumeofcottongoingto.HollanddoesnotexceedtheamountwhichhasKeenusedinthatcountryinthepast,the trade will,not be disturbed,If,on the other hand,theve is a great if-crease in Holland’s importation of\eotton it will be assumed that the ex-icess is destined for Germany and will solely boisTheseareabsolute} is likely that the United States mubehamperedinthepresentnegotin-tions by some precedents,we made in’ the Civil War,4—amemeaicemenineinrmmememnttTheHighlandCordageCompatty, destination is an intrieate one,iy On account of it mae teeee he stopped,The question of ultimnte|—_———$| “LOOKING FOR WILL MOORE:| Marriage’in Clarksbury—Pro-traeted Meeting—Heavy Rains, Correspondenge.af The ,Landmark. ',,Harmony,:R-l;Aug,80.44Miss Julia were married,Sunday,morning,Rev. Ovid:»Pullian.performing;the cere- monyzy All the parties live in theClarksburysection,-~Turnersburg township,The bride and groom are raunity,.Immedjmony,they,went.apleggure trip.i jis)wel ek seTheseriesof,meetings at,Clarks-)Gury,(which,has been,going on,a week,came to a close;Friday night.Rev.Arthur Ratledge ely after,ihe cere-;WinstonsSalem on fession.«.,hintThtaoetttwasdelugedwiththehhasfalleninalongtime.§ streams were the highest ever known in Some sections,Considerable dam- by washing.~~:‘On.account -of the protracted meet- ing running up to the time:set forChildrensDayatClarksburyithas heen changed to Saturday before the first Sunday in September.Come allandbringwellfilledbaskets. * Powder Mills Explode. miles,‘the glazing mill of the Ameri: can;.Powder Company in the vicinity to ‘eapacity,blew up early Sunday. The actual money loss was heavy,but it was stated that.work on lative orders probably would be held:up.several.weeks.Window glasswereshatteredinnearbytowns.Two workmen were killed and cori- siderable property damage was done by an explosion of two black powder mills of the Dupont Powder Company, near.Wilmington,Del.,Sunday morn-ing.The two reports were heard more than a dozen miles ‘away.Hundreds of windows in nearby houses were broken:Several hundred “pounds ofpowder.exploded,completely-.stroying the mills.The first to go was a fuse mill,which set off the second plant,‘seoninchnselceasansaninstenansanttmhats *Mrs.I.L.Bolick was found dead in bed:early-Sunday—-morning athomenearWoodleaf,Rowan county. had.not been considered serious,was husband and a 5-year-old son. Dr.James A.Turner,a prominentphysicianofHighPoint,died Satur- day,aged 58.He was a native ofChathamcounty. a tree fell on him and killed him, Piles Cured in 6 to 14 Days ‘your druggist will refund money if PAZOOINTMENTfailstocuteaaycaseofItching,Plind,Bleeding or Protruding Piles in 6to 14 days,‘The first application wives Kase and Rest.‘ how your roofYOUKNOWhasleaked’for’the past few’days!You'd,better‘cover it before the sheathing isrottedandyourceilingsruined,orcoldweathercomes,.Wood shin-gles $1.30 per square.“C.WATKINS, ray the Waitor of ‘The Landmark: Indianapolis,Ind.,Aug.23,1895.— 1am on the lookout for my husband, Will Moore,as he has been gone for several years,and I wouldtbe obliged in vivid,,appealing passions. Caskey Albeaiand Rogers,Gaither| twell known-young people of this com-| ging on,for.)¢ \did,most,of the)5preaching.,Two or three ‘made pron)2 viest.rain,Saturday morning,that|3 Small|& age was done to roads and farm land}> With a shock)that was felt for 40/8 of Acton,Mass.,which since the Eu-|{¥ ropean war began has been working So far as known nobody was.killed.|% not}? +Sosa Soo de-|3 her}% She was.not well but her condition |¢ 44 years old and is survived by her|s Mr.Elijah Pruett,a farmer of Hay-!%wood county,was cutting timber when |% Chas.H.Geitner president,is buildingamillatHickory.to are cot:twine,el if you would rk on\-etpaper, for aweek, ‘ This play is woven around theheleadingpartsinthis eing booked elsewhere we will only be able to show it one day.BeWewillalsoshowinconnectionwithitaveryfunnyImpcomedywithKingBaggot.Prices~for this day 10 and 15 cents.\ oyTD‘Clean’Coal’Cleanly 'B Ay ~~Our methods of delivering coal where you want it is just like the ¢oal itself—clean.We deliver the lump and burnthe slack. .Virginia Blue Gem,Jellico Blogk, \./Penn.‘Anthricite band Podhon s -« RN GROG“PHONE 205 arbiert Statesville Ice &Fuel Company. Warmth Producers.: SEBELTTI E ODO OO EC TIPOLT EIR TS Do you lack in,animation; Afe you sore on all creation;Is your liver on a strike; Are ‘you off in appetite? Is your:circulation sluggish; Is your system full of rubbish; Is your backbone full of ;cricks? See a Doctor—you are sick!, And when he indicates with skill Your need of some particular pill, Don’t forget the need of care— Better get it “On the Square!” The Polk Gray Drug Company. Precise Prescriptionists . PO S E R RC E ER E N C E CR E O ee ee ee e oe s House-to-House Demionstrations As well as by Appointment. Free to Everybouly,' PHONE,WRITE OR CALL——— ce o We Are Selling oe “Many Odd Pieces and Discontinued PatternsieofFurnitureatBIGREDUCTIONSDURINGAUGUST a.Bedroom,Diningroom and Parlor Furniture -com- plete suites and single pieces—in Circassian Walnut,Oak and Mahogany.Every piecq GOOD in the 4verybestsenseoftheword,and every piece a great,big,splendid bargain. Savings uf from $7.50 to $20 on single pieces. Savings of from $25 to $175 on complete Suites. ALL SUMMER FURNITURE 1-3 OFF. Telephone and mail orders will receive the,verybestattention. Write today for complete list and full particalars.PARKER-GARDNER (0.“#48.07TE.N.C. J n ee ;*~ yer ay THE LANDM RK GOV.BLEASE HAS HIS SAY. Former South Carolina Exeécu-tive Denounces Cruelty toPrisonersandDefendsLyningForCertainCrimes. In an address before the Governor'sConferenceinBostonon“The DutyandResponsibilityofChiefExecu-tives in Dealing With Prisoners,”for-mer.Goy.Blease of South Carolina d clared that the lynching of men in theSouthforcertaincrimesisaprotec-tion to civilization.He condemned the“third degree”in dealing with prison-ers and expressed the opinion that;itwasworseinsomerespects,than lynching.“The money we spend for courts andprisonsisveryilllaidout,”said Gov-arnor Blease.“We make,trust,the thief,the burglar,and in-sendiary,and by our court and jail wekeephimso.An acceptance of thesentimentofloyethrough.Christian-dom for a season would bring the felonandtheoutcasttooursideintears,with the devotion of his faculties to our service, ie >." = MAKE IT DOUBLY EASY FOR YOUR HORSES AND DO BBTTESWORKTHAN,YOU EVER DID BEFORE BY USING THEOLIVERCHILLEDPLOWS Bee:of the cass scouring insured Deer!propertiesOLIVER'S:CHILLED METAL kee on an Asursiagqualitsesoftheeouldboards.andthe propersetofthe .OLIVER CHILLED PLOWS sre without.exception theLightestDraftPlowsMadeFitherYOUKNOWfroms@ualexpcricocewhattheOLIVERPLOWSwilldoofyouhaveheardveeracighbortellaboutthem.Why-Not.Get,in Line,NOW? Pad Lazenby-Mofitgomery Hardware Company, 'Statesville,N.C. Our Elegant Line Stationery} WILL PLEASE YOU. Tablets and Envelopes to match.» HALL’S DRUG STORE,"PHONE 20,Prescriptionists,Some:: 9 CJRogers’Goods in Sets. We have a few sets of Rogers’goods made up of 6Knives,*6 Forks,6 Tablespoons,6 Teaspoons,1 SugarSpoonand1ButterKnifeinachestfor$10.WealsohaveRogersIceTeaspoons6for$1.The pat-tern is very neat. R.H.RICKERT &SON. Of poverty and want will never grab you if you have an active savings account in ‘a good Bank—this Bank for instance. But you want to start in time,Startnow, and start here.A dollar will do to start ~with anda hundred dollars wouldn’t stop you,once you realize how important a savings account is, SAVETY—SERVICE—SATISFACTION. - Merchants and Farmers’Bank,—Of Statesville,/Pe“The Bank For Your Savings,”’ “Within the past few weeks we read in the newspapers.of a man who had made an attempt upon the life of an- walked up and down the corridors ofhis’prison to revive him,then pliedwithquestionsagain,and subjected to .|God alone knows what else,in the ad-|ministration of the ‘third degree.’\|Later this prisoner was found on thefloorofhiscellwithhisskullerush- climbed to the top of his cell door andjumpedtothefloor,killing himself.Whether he was murdered or whether know;but this I de know,that the sui-cide of any man would hardly be un- natural under such circumstances,and fore conviction,would have been'a dis- grace to our civilization even had itoccurredafterhehadbeentriedand sentenced.'“This ‘third degree’method-that ispracticedintheNorthandtheBastandtheWest—less frequently,I am glad to say,.in the South—whether a by,-dis- other being plied with questionsuntil :he was too weak to talk,then being ed in,and it was stated that he had| he really committed suicide,1 do not| that the treatment accorded him,be-| SeFROM OVER THE COUNTRY. Items of Interest About VariousMatters.1.”J.Bolton,president,and B.B. Taylor,cashier,of the Wharton Na-tional)Bank of Wharton,Texas,chatyed with embezzlement and Con-spirecy to misappropriate $100,000ofthebank’s funds,are held.for.trial in the sum of $15,000 each.The bankwasrecently¢losed.‘ The War Department has _invited culptors and designers to ‘submitplansforthe)memorial to -Francis cott Key,author of “The Star- |Spangled Banner.”Designs will be received until October 15.Congress appropriated $75,000 for the memo-rial,which will be at Fort McHenry, Baltimore,f The wife and three children of Gen.John J,Pershing,an army officer,were suffocated in a fire that destroy-ted their quarters at the Presidio,SanFrancisco,Gen.Pershing was ab- ‘sent,in command of--troops on —the |Meixcan border.Only one member(of the family was rescued alive—ajboyfiveyearsold. »At Winona,Minn.Rev.PatrickiHeffron,bishop of the Winona dio-jeese of the Roman Catholic Church, ,who was shot as he was celebrating in a private chapel at St.Ma- y's College,by a priest,is believed to ;have a fair chance.to recover...Thepriestwasarrested,He was enrag-ied by the belief that the bishop had mistreated him in Church matters. Rev,Edmund Kayser.a Lutheran Tollestor,Ind.,a few days ago,.was,it is said,very much <pro-GermansandanaetiveGerman¥pathizer,and the belief is expressed that hel}was killed on this account.Anothertheoryisthatawomanhadahandin jceived anonymous _lettersoeonaccountofhisattentions to adies, |A statue of Joan of Arc,astride herchargerinbronze,to be erected atRiversideDriveandNinety-thirdistreet,New York City,will rest up-on a pedestal made from the stones ¥iof her prison.at Rouen,France.The! jcost ‘}of the monument will-.be about$25,000 and has been raised entirely minister who was found murdered at us murder,as it ie said he had re-|}making |? 60 Tornadoes — Devastate 10,000 Homes in Eight Suchistherecord ofoneday’s damage done by tornadoes. You don’t know when the .tornado may strike your property,but you do know the “Oid Hartford”protects against all loss.For over a People’s Loan&SavingsBa ‘Statesville,N.C. gf States hundred years the Hartford | Fire Insurance Company.|' has met everyhonestclaim +| promptly.Buy a Hartford —PFTornadoPolicytoday,Itis ,the nearestthing to Comfort ;+ when a Tornadol yieeey x bs wi ‘Resident Agent. a aaatie GEO.H.BROWN,President. ta g e : Se man be killed during its admiinistra;|)"|:inst :tion,or whether he be driven to com-|:ioe bbe eae gee -ctmitsuicide,or whether he be tortured|°&a of| and brought —to}& NTT sah ~mt ‘than of the:~sell more of it ‘than any other prepara-|tiona of like character. ..5 'Franee,§sometimes into confessing crimes .of,{'8"¢e,purchased ty in a sneaking form,under the sane- ticing “it evidence a spirit as meanandcontemptibleasthemalicewhich animates the midnitht assassin. “Three years ago I had the pleasure of addressing this conference in Rich-mond.My remarks were telegraphedthroughoutthenation,and I waS her-alded to the world as a Chief Exeecu-!tive who.advocated mob violence,iFdonotproposetogointoadiscussion question,Suffice it for me to say thatintheSouththel:ynching of a-manintheSouth:the pening of a»mansectionto:our civilization,while ‘thepracticeofthis‘third degree’violatestheletterofourconstitutionatitsmostvitalpoint,and is a blowto:thewholespiritofourinstitutions.IntheSouthanarousedmobisanout-raged community which carries ~outthelaw,but brushes aside withmightyforcethelaw’s technicalities and de-lays.There is no hypocritical,/sancti-mnonious violation of”fundamentalrightsunderthecloakoflawbythosesworntoupholdthelaw;the deed isopen,and civilization and justice are|vindicated.And when mobs are nolongerpossible,liberty Will be dead.“The Chief Executive of a State hasnotamoreseriousdutynorgraverresponsibilityimposedupon“him indealingwithprisoners—and by:pris-onersI mean to include those in jailawaitingtrial,A State ora nation'|thatallows its prisoners to suffer cru-elties is guilty of a graver crime than|the prisoners themselves have com-mitted.We have prisons and prisonmethodsintheUnitedStatestodayaeareadisgracetoanyciviliza-on,THE”statement by,former Governor possible,liberty “will be dead,”called Goldsborough,of Maryland,who said:“Such a statement is un-Christly.Ifcapitalpunishmentiswrong,howmuchmoresoiscapitalpunishmentatthe‘hands ofa mob,” Exports of War Munitions. That a great part of Europe’s enor-mous war munitions orders did notbegintomovefromtheUnitedStatesuntilcomparativelyrecently,is indi-cated*by export figures issued by theCommerceDepartment.The statis-tics show that while exports of warsupplies.increased tremendously dur-ing the year ending with~June thegreaterpattoftheincreaseleftthe,|United States in the latter month.The 12 months period;showed ex-=|ports of.explosives valued at $41,476,-2|188 as against $6,272,197 in the pre-:|ceding year,More:than one-fourth of ' that total—$11,689,744—was shipped | during June.Gunpowder showed ex- e|ports of $3,284,549 in.June comparedg|with $5,091,542 ¥or.the year.wiceelBedSixty-two aeroplanes were exported E|in June as against 152 for the entire“Bryear.In the preceding year only 24wereshipped.Nearly eight times asmanyautomobile-trucks were export-E\cd.in June as in the entire year end-éd June 30,1914,Of both passenger|utomobiles and trucks the exports|or June were valued at $18,364,800,|and for the year at.$60,254,635.|Ins|the preceding year they were $26,574,-6/574,Figures for barbed wire,harnessandsaddl~s showed similar export conditions. TL TLR TRENT No PeaceFor France.“Put the question of peace before|B\the country,”said the premier of|a|France,addressing the chamber ofdeputies,“and it would be blown to|nothing.\“Not until heroic Belgium hasbeen |freed,not until we have retaken Al-|sace and Lorraine,could there be mis-chievous divisions among us.”|latadaentttemarhmmaniaieatmaimaieemeiel lain’s and Diarrhoea Remedy,”|tie,Cholerai “merehant,Jesse,Tenn.| jong.haye used it my-|and found it gave me more relief eerythingelseIhaveovértriedforthesame0,”“Wtalnablé everywhere which he may be innocent,is barbari-York,includes tion of law,and those guilty of prac-| of that here;it is entirely beside the t jannoying urinary disorders,lameness Blease that “when mobs are no longer! forth a brief response from Governor| Recommends Chambertamberlain’s Rs lie,Cholerd}_.and Diarrhoea Remedy..}b “Eon hesitate to recommend Chamber-| 229 ‘blocks of|limestone, ;that with hundreds of familiesntothehighlandsby—theds,appeals have been sent out foraidjinlose d jfl and destitute persons.OnejthougandfamilieshaveheendrivenjintoNewport,Searey,Augusta and‘Georgetown,Ark.,where food.and|money aré needed.More than ‘4/000persons,virtually the.entire,popula-,were“wnble |tol enter ‘their!homes heefuse of flood ‘witers.|)>| titties See UNCEASING MISERY. Seme Statesville Kidney Sufferers'-ap Get Little.Rest or Comfort. |There is little sleep,little rest,Jit-|tle peace for many a.sufferer from |kidney trouble.Life is one continual |round of pain,You can’t rest at night) jwhen there’s ‘kidney backache,You| |Suffer twinges and “stabs”of pain,| jand nervousness.You can’t be 'com-! |fortable at work with darting pains | and blinding dizzy spells.Neglect | (these ailments and serious troubles (may follow.Begin using Doan’s Kid-iney Pills at the first sign of disorder, Thousands.have testified to their merit. Proof in Statesville testimony: Mrs.L,P.Allen,124 E.Sharpe St., Statesville,“Thad ‘kidney |trouble for over a year.Sometimes my back caused me a great deal of misery and my kidneys were.disor- dered,Doan’s Kidney Pills gave me ‘more relief than any other medicine 1 had ever:taken.”: Price 50c,at all dealers.Don’t simply ask for a kidney remedy—“gét Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same’that Mrs,Allen had.Foster Milburn.Co.,|Props.,Buffalo,N.Y. says: ut | Flowers!} A Splendid Variety. Everything in Designs, Flowers ThatPlease. Van Lindley Co, Polk Gray Drug Co,, % A dispatch from Little Rock,Ark.,|4 caring for thousands of home-|% has no CItr0Ox}0 We have both single and Twin Dise in stock.They do their work ‘‘a comin’and a goin’,” ordinary turn plow get a CHATTANOOGAand don’t edt behind with your stubble turning.’ This Plow 3 Rival..Now while you can’t plow with the a On” (hip owe J 4aant ce ‘ag Ma ray \Tae ay aotredeilHardwareCo. To the Farmers of Iredelland Other Coutities: THE ST.to annou HOME I_scrops ofTobacco,Cern,Cotton and small grain ‘aby[ail Storm at the following very Tow price: $100 per acre valuation at($7.50 per acre75peracrevaluationat5,874 per acre 50 per acre valuation at 3.75 per acre25peracrevaluationat1,874 per acre $40-per-acre-valuation _.kn $1.60 per acre 35 per acre valuation 1.40 per acre30peracrevaluation1.20.per‘acre25peracrevaluation1.00 per acre20peracrevaluation+80-per acre 15 per acre valuation _.60 per acre10peracrevaluation 100 value for one year at 30c.,3 years at 60c.,5 years at 90¢:This .-“jatter insurance covers also against loss or damage o¢casionedbywindinadditiontohail.f HeuresREMEMBER—“We insure anything insurable.’—.._J.F.CARLTON,Manager,—’PHONE 54. ATESVILLE REALTY &|INVESTMENT GOMPANY beg.nce that they have.completed,arrangements with’!oeNSURANCECO.of New York,’’forinsuring your growigaint’destruction TOBACCO CROP,; COTTON,CORN AND SMALL GRAIN CROP, .40 per acreDWELLINGS,FURNITURE,BARNS.ne -STATESVILLE,“N GC; METAHINGLE WAV Ta if a ;: Dirt,Exposure.fompenive.Mi he roofFIREPROOF insteadof FIRE.ior ite NSstormptoof thatsin eenfromall repair expense,lest aslongasthebuilding.Been 7 ForSaleby : y. LAZENBY-MONTGOMERY HARDWARE (0.,pie C. mA IE Se‘Fire,Tornado,Live Stock,Automobile,Liability, Plate Glass,Steam Boiler,Accident and Health or Life Insurance We solicit your business forthe leading companies writing the different lines of insurance,Full information obtained}, \ae ~PHONE 23, on request.. ERNEST G.GATTHER,SSA ‘neat weraOFFICENO.1,MILLS /CARS HANDLED: BUICK VALVE-IN-HEAD motor cars,SIX-CYLINDER models exclusively.PRICES: $950 to $1,485,fully equipped.After exhaustive tests the manufacturers of the BUICK car have found the SIX not only right in Theory but ALSO FOR SERVICE and the 1916 will be confined exclusively to SIX-CYLINDER models. We have two expert mechanics,as good as can be found in the State,and can repair work.Nothing too sma DODGE GAR,PRICE $785,F.O.B.Factory.CHEVROLET CARS,PRICES $460 to $750.ACCESSORIES. We are in position to supply y 7 -cessories.:We are agents for the GOODYEAR an * satisfactory. 'Re-enacted. he F i ‘pal,revenue.re- a ical year 1915 agere- d $415,669,876,the largest amount of taxes ever derived from this sourceinthehistoryofthecountry.Thishigh-water mark was made notwith- standing taxes on distilled spirits,to-bacco and fermented liquor fell off more than $25,000,000 from the 1914total.The decline of tax collections on’intoxicants reflects the growthoftheprohibitionwaveinthenation.»The internal revenue collections forthepastfiscalyearare:$35,660,982greaterthanthoseofthepreviousfis- @al year.The “war tax”brought in $52,069,126.The income tax fell $42,-000,000 short of the estimates of the|framers.|Corporations paid.in $39,-|-144,529 and individuals $41,046,166,atotalof$80,190,695.’A Washington dispatch to the New York Times says the report suggests ¢eipts increase,which can hardly be expected,the war tax imposed by the act of October 23,1914,which expireshylimitationinDecember,will havetobere-enacted next season if a bondissueistobeavoided.Even with the war tax,the government is running on a.monthly deficit of $15,000,000,sothat:without an unexpected increase e customs or internal revenue,or an sue of bonds,the supply of cash onhand.would soon be reduced to thedanger‘point.pnt RRee RT EC TTT TEI Internal Revenue Collections in the State. The report of United *States-Gom- missioner of Internal Revenue.Os- born shows that the ordinary.collec- tions from internal revenue for the district.supervised.by J.W.Bailey for the past year was $5,477,314.17, while Alston D.Watts turned in $8,- 174,622.67 or a total revenue from ordinary sources of $13;651,987.38,‘There was collected in North Caro-lina from corporation tax $257,825.-88 and from individual income tax»$123,553.96.;|,The cost of collecting the internalrevenueforthefiscalyearfortheentireUnitedStateswasapproxi- s |strengthen British credit in this coun- itry,arrived in New York city early the infererice that,unless customs re-ae preceded NEWS ITEMS OF INTEREST. ‘Happenings Here and There in Me A>sm 4 5 alinsa theCountry.mee Jo.and King Richmond,negroes, who killed,one officer and wounded morning.|x A -dispatch from Tappahannock, Va.,says that Capt.C.H.Tilton,a that had builded 4 nést in his barn, get the barn afire and.when he found he couldn’t subdue the flames jumiped from the second story of the building and was killed by the fall. Nearly $20,000,000 in gold and se- curities worth $25,000,000,the sec-, ond largest shipment from London to Sunday on a special train,guarded by 38 armed men.The shipment eame direct by rail from Halifax,N. S.,to which port it was taken on a British warship,conveyed by smaller craft.-On the way to-New York thebyapilotengine and car.::The mob spirit still prevails at Marietta,Ga.,where the Frank lynch- ing occurred.Strangers who appearthereand’fall,ujidlér ‘suspicion of be- ing detectives or of trying to get any’information about the lynching, are escorted out of town.Hight men who could give no satisfactory explan- ation of their presence in Marietta were rounded up Friday night,put in a box car attached to a freight train and shipped out of town. The“United States for the first time in its history now leads —the world as an exporter.Figures madeublicbytheBureauofForeignand ‘Domestic Commerce show.that.Amer-ican exports in the fiseal year end- ed June 30°last totalled $2,768,600,- 000 compared with $2,170,100,000 for the United Kingdom,the next larg-ést exporter.This was an-increase of 17 per cent.in the case of the United States when compared with last year and oa decrease of 30 per cent.for the United Kingdom. Every traveler leaving France here- jafter will be.required to,deelare the amount of funds in coin in his pos- session.If more than 50 frances,hewillbecompelledtoexchangetheex- cess for paper money,under a decree issued by the minister of finance.This mately $16.14 per $1,000,or 1.61 per cent.The cost of collection the pre-‘vious year,in which the largest ‘sum*was collected prior to the fiscal year ~1915,was $15.25 per $1,000 or 1.52percent...The average cost.of collec- tion since the establishment of the bureau is $24.77 per $1,000,or 2.48percent,‘ 4 ee peepee ar =ae iTheAll-Round Newspaper Man’seyCapacity.: Everything,j«An all around newspaper man candoeverythingfromtrimminganEas-tet bonnet to.delivering a eulogy onMareAntony.‘ -For a.Sprained Ankle.It you will get a bottleimentandobservethetherewithfaithfully,yon will recover“wich Jess time than is usually required.0 6f;Ofamberlain’sectionsgiveninb= “1 Chance, action resulted from an investigation of the scarcity of silver coin,particu-larly in the frontier regions.It was ascertained that coins in cirenlation jwere being epllected systematically \for export.Even coppers and nickels were sought and exchanged at apremium.©, While he is a Texas Democrat,Post- \master General”Burleson has notishownastrong’disposition td.turn nother,,.while resisting est,were ‘a 4busiledtta,death by_a ne The fad @d_in_thes stmte.aiaPark,Sulphur Springs,Texas,4 y throughout the State.4% farmer,tried to smoke out hornets}. our wants in everything carried in an up-to-date line of ac-d PENNSYLVANIA VACUUM CUP tires. REPAIRS: neonate ne Cheering Report_ing Taxes.‘ Chairiiat’'Pravisvf the corporation Raleigh correspondents that he is well pleased with the work that is being accom- tion ef taxts thinksthatifgeneraltaxassessmentswillbemuch.more fair to alfthe peoplethanhasbeenthecaseinthepast. It will be several weeks before the firures in detail as to the new assess-ments can be given to the public,butwhentheyategivenoutthey-will be in-much-the most-complete and com- prehensive form they have merle —will be so grouped and conrpared as to show just what the changes have been in each of the counties,the rela- tive rise or fall of the assessments as hetween the counties and,more par- ticularly,the details of equalizationasbetweenthevariousclassesof property.:: It is predicted by those «in touch with,the re-assessment work that one of the very biggest sources.of —in- creased revenue through the re-as-sessment will be in the matter.of juncovering heretofore untaxed sources ‘of ‘revenue and =bringing up under assessed properties a more just rela- tion to other classes of _property more equitably valued. NRELIFTEEENALITIEN, Trull Tells About the Crime. Chas.Trull,who is under sentence to die next Friday for the murder and robbery of Sydney Swain,an agedmerchantofCharlotte,Friday dic- tated to Gov.Craig’s stenographer what purported to be a full confes- sion.Trull-says that one Bolton,an asso-ciate,suggested.to himthe.‘robberyofSwainandthatherejectedit;that: Felton mentioned it repeatedly and he was induéed to consent three weeks later.It was not the purpose to killSiwain,he-says.‘Trull watched whileBoltonattackedtheoldmanandse- ed,(.Trull says it was his desire,imme-diately after his arrest,to tell.the ythole story but his attorneys kept him from it.The Observer says that Trull’s confession is contrary to the -evi-|dence at the trial,which showed thatheweldedthecast-iron ‘pipe ‘withwhichSwainwaskilled;and thatthe pyidence did not connect Barton,with, the killing,but on the contrary show-ed that he was not implicated.: “Barber Junction Negroes As-_pltyxiated in Washington, A dispatch from Washington to,thiCharlotteObserver,says ‘that Me liam Robins negro,32,and utife,Einmb Hobinson,80,of Barber out Republicans who hold jobs in hisdepartment.Second Assistant Poste|master General Stewart,a Republic|can,has been made counsel for the}department,and Otto Praeger,post-|master at Washington,is appointed|to succeed Stewart,Morrill Oo,also a Republican,is appoint-ed postmitster to.“succeed Praeger,|These appointments of RepublicanswilldoubtlesscausetalkamongDem-ocrats who are looking for jobs,© ‘AffectTheHead |Because of ita tonic and iNest ct ‘A:1 ave BROMO QUININE i“better nseitf Junction,were found dead in a.room int that ¢ity early Friday.Death was caused by asphyxiation from:illymi- ating gas.The corpner.viewed the odies and gave certificates‘of death by ‘accident.*,4 no TheQuinine ne does evred the money,which they divid- \ ¥W do all your ll or too large.Prices reasonable and all work guaranteed GARAGE. Our GARAGE has every modern convenience found in a garage. We will appreciate your business.Call and see us.Office Next Door to Postoffice. As to Equaliz- =oo _SCHOOL SUS School .time is on and for the convenience of Rush Orders we are well ‘stocked in sizes~ from 14 to 44, 1834—AH Wool--Mannish-Serge,spongedandshrunk,good satin lining and looks likea$15 Suit,but our introductory price is $11. 1804—All Wool Poplin in Black,Navy,Co-penhagen,Real $20 values.$16.50.Fit guaranteed. Mills &Poston. Blue and Green.Silk lining.Our introductory price poses. TYPEWRITERS! RIBBONS,CARBON PAPERS and all TYPEWRITER SUPPLIES...Come to us 4 with your Typewriter troubles. New or Re-Built Typewriters sold. Have afew machines for Rental.Pur- Statesville Printing Co. siEAEhie Initial Stationery,Correspondence Cards, ~@ Box Paper and Tablets,_Pound Paper and Envelopes, —-AT* R.P.Allison’s Book Store VALUABLE LAND AY’PRIVATE SALE, Upyder the terms of the will of Mrs,Har-viet Clark,deceased,the undersigned executoroffersatptivatesaleavaluabletract,oflandlyingontheCatawbariverinCatawbateounty,N.C.,containing 151 acres more or less and known as the Alexander Clark place.The tract contains 50 acres of original forontand4@acresofriverbottomlands.The estatenlsooffersahouseandlotfp,Troutman andjanislandof10acresintheCatawba.river, For terms apply to3">,Hy BROWN,Executor,»rk.B.na Atty.Troutman,N,C, July 18,1915,ah Sale of Personal Property The undersigned pamihistrator of the ua tate of A.J.Bass,eased,will,sell at pub+‘He auction,for ‘cash,at the Bass home in Chambersburg townsbip,on WEDNESDAY, property delohgzing’to said estate,consistingofGrain,Live Stock,Agrictltaral Machin-ery and Implements,Hoyschold effects,ete|<The sale will commencent 10.o'clock.a.m,R,B,MeLAUGHLIN,* wie ee iG'head.Remember the‘ngin,i”awoktorthesignature of Ee Ww, Uy. aeons| Aug,1%1915.Administrator of A.J,Bass. See the Latest ff SUPTEMBER lst,1916;all,of the personal} For a Home!Save We are going to assume that you are a young man and a-wage earner?You have ambitions that every worth while person ought to have--you want to be able to live independent and have a home some day? Ther you want to save part of what you earn—salt it down for future needs when you are older and less capable of earning?What you have saved and put \to good use while you are young and vigorous will supplement your salary and make things easier for ou when.you are older and your earning powers ar ess.OP We have madeclear in former talks reasons why you should save and next Friday we are going to unravel our plan.of how to save, say in Friday’s Landmark.. Mutual Building and LoanAssociation, Statesville,N.C. Watch for our ‘