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The Landmark, April 1914
VON XG te yee .tive Medicine,Vital Statistics,”Dr: _«Mr,Watts lets other folks air them-.selves in.hewspapers.He ‘usual! A * “pOcTors MEET NEXT FRIDAY.|THREE BUSINESS CHANGES. Ninth District Medical,Society toMeetinStatesyille—The Pro,gramme,ey Friday,Aptil 10th,one week fromtoday;been fixed as the date forthethirdannualconventionoftheNinthDistrictMedicalSociety,tobeheldinStatesville.The meetingwillbeinthecourthouseandtherewillbemorningandafternoonses- sions.The district meludes eight or ten counties and 40 to 50 physiciansaréexpectedtoattendtheconvention.Most of these will come in on themorningtrainsandteaveontheeve-ning and night trains.The localdoctors.will entertain the visitors atdinneratHotelIredellandifthe weather permits and sufficient timeisavaliablethedelegateswillbetak- en for an automobile ride over someofthecountyhighways. Dr.F.A.Carpenter,president oftheIredell-Alexander Medical So-=tiety,will preside at the openingsessionoftheconventionandthe opening prayer will be by Rev.W. A.Latz.Mayor L.©.Caldwell will welcome the visitors on behalf of the town and Dr.Thos.E.Anderson will speak words of welcome for the med- ical profession.The response will be by Dr.A.A,Kent of Lenoir.The election of officers for the ensuingyearanda.rehearsal of the past year’s work by the district councilor, Dr.D.J.Hill of Lexington,will be the first business,and the installa- tion of officers and the selection of the next place of meeting will be the closing features of the conven-tion. During:the sessions many interest- ing and important subjects wilt —be discussed,the following being named on the printed programmes now be-ing mailed to the doctors:“‘Paresis, the Importance of its Early Recogni-tion,”Dr.J.K.Hall of Richmond; “Neurasthenia,”Dr.C.A.Julian of Thomasville;“Goiter and Hyperthy-roidism,”Dr.A.G.Brenizer of Char- lotte;“Nasal Obstruction,”Dr.F.A.Carpenter of Statesville;'“Rupture of the Uterus During Labor,”Dr.J. W.Long of Greensboro;“Treatment of Pellagra,”Dr.W.W.McKenzie of Salisbury;“A Supposed Case Rheumatism,”Dr.I.W.Faison Charlotte;“Public Health,Preventa- er es. has secured a position.will business on CenterBellandGarfieldstreets. its harness and fertilizer lines of business at the present stand will be no change in thewhateverasidéfromtheactual own-ership,Mr.Brown having lines all along. Pappas &Bikas,proprietors of the New.York Hotel and cafe,have leas- ed the Ante-Bellum Hotel from Mr. J.H.McElwee and have bought the Ante-Bellum ~restaurant business from Messrs.McElwee and Goodrum. The change was effective yesterday. The Busy Bee cafe on Center street, which was operated by Pappas &Bi- kas,has been closed and the fixturesarebeingplacedintheAnte-Bellumcafe. Palm Sunday-——Passion Week Servi- ces—Church News. Next Sunday is Palm Sunday,theanniversaryofChridt’s triumphantentryintoJerusalem,when the mul- titude “cut down branches from the trees and strewed them in the way,” and they that went before and that followed after cried “Hosanna to thesonofDavid,” Passion week services will be heldatSt.John’s Lutheran church,begin- ning Sunday and continuing throughtheweektoEasterSunday.Servi- ces every evening next week at 7.30. Sunrise prayer service Easter Sun- day morning,confirmation and com- muniongervice at 11 o'clock.-Sub-ject for next Sunday morning’s ser-vice>"“Did Christ set down and countthecostofHisUndertaking?”Sub-fem Sunday evening’s service,is life eternal—to know Thee W.8.Rankin of Raleigh.Other sub-rz sOiiies.toteesnamed.willdiscussed. Money ScatteredAboutFoundatThreePlaces. At least a few citizens of States-ville had reason to believe,last Sat- urday,that a good fairy had passed about town and distributed money—genuine.bills.On that day Mr. Frank Armfield found a bill of good and lawful money,of considerablesize,lying on the top of the steps from the sidewalk into his yard,at his home on east Broad street;the same day a smaller bill was found in Mr.James Ramsey’s yard,corner Broad and Elm streets,a half block from Mr.Armfield’s;and on Elm street,the same day,a short distance from Mr.Ramsey’s,Mr.J.R.Hill’s children found a bunch of bills in their yard. It was evident that the money had been thrown into these yards by somebody who,for reasons best known to himself,wanted to get rid of it.A short time before the mon- ey was found Mr.Fred.Conger lost$70.in.bills.Whether the money was lost on the street or taken from his house,Mr.Conger doesn’t know.While the money found doesn’t quite total Mr.Conger’s loss,it is pbdssi-ble that it is his money. of Barium Archdeacon Wm H.Hardin will hold services at Trinity Episcopal church Sunday morning at 11 o’clock.Rey.A.S.Caldwell of Barium willfill_Rev.W.M.Walsh’s pulpit atFront.Street Presbyterian churchSundaymorningandatBeriumSun-day afternoon.Mr.Walsh will preach at Davidson Sunday. Funeral of Mr,T.W.Frazier. The funeral of Mr.Thos.W. Frazier,who died Tuesday morning, was conducted Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock by Rev.J.H.Pressly, at the First Associate Reformed Presbyterian church,of which the de- ceased had been a member for 15 years.The burial was in Oakwood cemetery.Mr.Frazier was born and reared in the northern part of this county and was near his fiftieth birthday.He first married Miss Mar- garet Bass of this county and for several years after his marriage he lived in Baltimore,locating in States- ville 17 or 18 years ago.His first wife died several years ago and he later married Miss Maude Johnson,of this county,who,with one child,sur- vives.Two sons,Messrs.Ray and Will Frazier,by the first marriage, also survive. Real Estate Deals,<—.-egos The property of James Johnson, colored,on Park street,has beenboughtbya+company of citizens headed by Mr.F..B.Bunch,the con- sideration being $1,150.The dealwasmadethroughMr.W.J.Mathe-son. Mr.J.E.Bryant yesterday soldhisCoolSpringtownshipfarm,theoldStevensonplace,to Mr.W.F.Shoemaker,.-who-ives -near--Moores-ville.The farm contains 100 acresandthepurchasepricewas$2,000.Mr.Shoemaker will not occupy it un-til next year. “Long Haired Strangers.” A couple of “long haired strang-ers,”ag they styled themselves,rep-resenting a colony of “Israelites oftheHouseofDavid”in Michigan,have been in Statesville the past twodaysholdingservicesonthestreets.The man,as well as the ‘woman,Wearslonghair,which they claim,is ac-cording to Scripture,and in theirtalkstheyundertaketoprovethatthesecondcomingofChristisnowathand.The woman does most ofthetalking,and also:blows the bugletoattractacrowd.They do not takeupcollection,they say, Fox Chase.: A party of fox hunters enjoyed achaseWednesdayniatMr.Tur-ner Ostwalt’s in stown township.The hounds of Mr.Jo.Murdock,wholiveseastofStatesville,and Mr.W.A,Bristol’s pack from Aiexander prefers "the quiet paths-<had ~his’ Outed:were used along with Mr.0;v3 .A fox was friend itor Harker,of thextyttishChief,would prob-|the Change in Management Orphanage Paper. Mr.William Laurie Hill,who haseditedOurFatherlessOnes,the pa-per of the Barium Orphans’Home, for nearly five years,retires fromthatpositionwiththisweek’s issueofthepaper.In his anriouncement Mr.Hill says the mechanical equip-~ment,worth little when he took charge,has beer enlarged until the velue of the plant is about’$1,300;that the circulation has __increased from about 600 to more than 1,600 and the subscription list.is __worth about $1,500 per annum;that the ‘ad- vertising patronage has increased from practically nothing to about$500 per year.. Supt.Walker of the Home willhavechargeofthepaperuntilthemeetingoftheboard‘of regents,about April 15,Mr.Hill expects totakeapositionwiththePresbyter-ian Stendard as traveling agent. The Collector Afraid He’d Get MixedinPolitics. Collector Watts,“whd has some reputation as a politician,usually avoids newspaper publicity;or atleastherarelytalksforpublication.The other day’a Landm:.rk man askedhimwhathethoughtaboutthePan- ama canal tolls repeal bill.The col-lector had nothing to say on that sub-ject.Asked his opinion of the meet- ing of Democratic progressives inRaleighnextweek,the collector wasagainsilent.Asked if he would at-tend the meeting the collector.said:“I'm afraid to go about thesemeetings.I might.get mixed up inpolitics.” Greeks GetAnte-Bellum Hotel—Oth- Messrs.John §S.Paxton and J.D.Dayvault have closed out their jew-elry business which was operated onCenterstreetunderthefirmnameofPaxton&Dayvault.Mr.PaxtonleftthisweekforWilson;where he His familyinhimlater...Mr.T.M.Daleboughtthe.Paxton &Dayvault fix-tures and a portion of their stockandhas.moved them to his place ofstreet,between Mr.T.N;Brown has sold his stockintheIreddltHardwareCompany and has bought from the company business. Mr.Brown will continue these two on east Broad street,adjoining the regular hardware store,and there business had charge of the harness and fertilizer tin. price of the tions,After thank business. Wilson,at church Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock,jlege,and the remains were laid to rest in!the town cemetery. On the 31st of March Kerley checked out a Mooresville after servin four years and Mr.W.checked in. years the business of the officecreasedverymuchmorethan the in-crease in receipts would indicate.Thegross(postal)receipts for the yearendedMarch31,1914,amounted to$5,710.28,which is $781.75 greaterthanfortheyearendedMarch31,1910.The gross receipts for the fouryearsendedwithMarch31,amounted to $21,188.64.After pay-ing salaries,office rent,ete.,$11,267.-11 was deposited to the credit of theUnitedStates. ing the four years 20,446 domesticmoneyorders $75,000,and paid aboat $29,000,whichshowsthatthisvicinitysentaway$46,000 more than it.received in four’Only 66 foreign orders wereDuringthetime2,446 ideliverylettersweredelive1,371 letters were registered...Rev.J.W:Seai,Wee has been|Abernethy,hold over.very ill for several weeks fromattackoflagrippe,is considered slow-}Sely-improving’but “is still confined tohisbed..Mrs.R.W.Culbertson hashadaverysevereattackofrheuma-jamtismformorethantwoweeks,butiil years. issued. extreme! lumber Statesville. the car.tantaNinthGradeVisitsFeimster School.The members of the ninth gradefcitygradedschoolwere.spe-cial guests at an entertainment giv-en by the children of the Feimsterschoolyesterdayafternoon.tertainment was a very creditableone,consisting of songs and recita-and was enjoyed by the guests.the exercises games wereedontheschoolgrounds,the Feimster school at a similarinthgraders:at the city school. eee » Mooresville,Cooper passed away Mondaynoonat6.o0’clock at his homeLellandavenue,after an illnessseveralyears.about five years:ago and since thattimehadbeenabletomovewithdif.ficulty.A turn for the worse setSundaymorning,and the énd camethenextday.The deceased had livedin“Mooresville about 30 years.andwasforalongtimeinthepho’He was a native of Southern railway. is considerably betterMr.John Poston,who has beencriticallyilifortwoweeksfrompneumoniaandother-4roubles,islowandthereseemstobeverylittlehopeforhisrecovery. Jurors For the Federal Court. Jurors have been drawn for theAprilterm,of FederalStatesville,which convenes on Mon-day,20th,as follows:Mitchell county—Bristow Ellis,J.A.Aldridge,Thomas Grindstaff,D. W.Tipton.;Catawba—David E.Isenhour,FelixMullinax,Gordon ~Wilfong,JohnHicks,Jones C.Yount,Perry L.Bar-ringer,R.0.Ramsour,©.W.Mc-Caslin,G.E.Moser,G.L.Rhinehardt,J.J.Curlee. Rowan—N.W.Menius,Earnhardt,Oscar Hart,W.P.Sloop,Trexler,William Kester,W.G.Pat-terson,W.E.Russell.Burke—J.P..Bumgarner,GordonJaynes,Frank D:Berry,J;L.Houck,Amos Stroupe;C.C.liam Pitts,Jr.: Caldwell—J.W.Hoke,P.I.Ander-son,W.Hard Gragg,F.G.Laxton,H.-C.Mackie,F.G.Livingston,S.S.Jennings,James Harper,L.P.Aus-T Davie—L,.B.Armséworthy,W.RHutchins,CG F.“1 Diekson.Stanly—.V.Ritchie,J.$.Misen-heimer,M.L.Picklge,David J.Har-ris,C.A.Lentz. iredell—W.B.Crawford,T.O.Er-vin,C.A,Tomlin,L.L.Cathey,J.G.Benson.McDowell—W.H.Hawkins. Mahogany Lumber From Mexico.The_Statesville Furnitureny,which manufactures a line of sol-id mahogany furniture,a few daysagoreceivedacarloadofgenuineMexicanmahogany.The logs wereshippedfromMexicotoNewOr-leans,where they were sawed intobeforebeingshipped rangin‘ the First During the This is the second carofmahoganyreceivedbythe:States-ville plant since the first of the year.Mahogany lumber is very high,the&from $1,200 to $1,500 Peete The on Mc-forHewas.paralyzed in Presbyterian May 3$- D.Templeton last has in-}ville. i9i4, The office issued dur- amognting to about Monday Geitner, and W.A. now, city, Court at fall andJulius H.Yost,S.M.George Allen Hensley,Wiil- matter. Anderson,W.L of $100, to The:en- play-tune, Recentlypupilswere event given*by |"act of when - eye..the.ball. badly buwasv ithe valid for several .years. lenburg county and would have been and three children survive.68 years of age on the 29th of this 7month.He is survived by his widow|02t North Carolina as the publisherandadaughter,Miss Hattie Cooper|0f,Turner’s Almanac and as aofMooresville,and a son,Dwight{lar traveling man,died Tuesday atCooper,who is in the employ of the}bis home in Raleigh.Was 62 yearsThefuneralwag|0ld and a native of Salisbury.Wifeconductedbyhispastor,Rev.W.§.|2Md five children-survive. Commencement at Claremont Col- Hickory,this year will includeRev.Dr.W.M.Vines, lower court in dismissingstrainingorderinthecase of Moore and others vs.Cooper and officials ofBurgawtopreventtheérectionof the Confederate monument on a spe- cific site,the court holding that the monument there is no ground for reviewing the denly and STATESVILLE,N.C.,FRIDAY,APRIL,1914. A CHANGE OF POSTMASTERS.|LIVE ITEMS OF STATE NEWS, Mr.Templeton Succeeds;Mr.Kerley|Accidents,at Mooresville—Increase in PostalReceipts—Mr.W.Samuel Cooper|Dead—Other News. Correspondence of The Landmark. Supreme Court Pink C.Ennis,well known through- 12..Pastor of the First Baptist.churchMr.A.C.jof Charlotte,will preach the annualSpostmasterof}sermon and Mr.W.A.Self of Hick-g a term ofjory will address the graduating class. Owen Gudger has succeeded Majorfour}W.W.Rollins as postmaster ‘at Ashe- Major Rollins has had hold of the public teat for many years. was once collector of internal reve- nue for this district and has been postmaster at Asheville for 16 years and 11 months. ‘After serving 13 years’of a 26- ear sentence in the penitentiary for urglary,Charles Keith of Forsythcountygetsanunconditionalpardon from Governor Craig on the groundthathehasbeensufficientlypunished in view of the circumstances of the ¢rime he committed, Hickory has a myunicipal election this spring and-at a primary held nominationsC.H. the followingweremadewithoutopposition: J.-A.Moretz and Two councilmen,J.W.Shuford and J.L. mayor; Rudasill _councilmen: -aRev.A.A.McGeachy,pastor of theondPresbyterianchurchofChar- ,will preach.the baccalaureateMay24,for Salem Academy lames ,urwell,ag of ew York May 26 and Collegiate church, At ‘Wilmington Frank Daughtery, a steel worker,fell from midway ofa40-foot derrick on top of the 10-story Murchison building,through steel beams to thefourthfloor,a distance of 80 feet.Both arms and two ribs broken andtheman’s body badly bruised,but he is expected to recover. Rev.Robert Strange,bishop of the Dioeése of East Carolina,who was stricken with a severe illness in New York last October soon after his ar-rival there to attend the General Con-vention of the Episcopal Church,con-tinues in feeble heatth and will notbeabletoreturntohisworkbefore He is at National possibly not then. Lawreneeville,Va. The State Supreme Court has de-clined to disturb the order of the being already corporation commission has re- ported to the State Treasurer the’|failape of the sheriff of Burke county‘|to make official returns of subjects ofspeciallicensetaxationinthecounty,required by the 1913 revenue act.TheBurke¢ounty sheriff,it is said,is the only one who has failed to complywiththelawinthisrespectandstepsaretobetakentoimposethepenalty Preacher on His Metal—Demanded Apology and Got It. A.news .dispatch..from..New..Berne says that Rev.J.B.Phillips,pastor of the Tabernacle Baptist church of}that city;who has been conducting a revival meeting at the First Bap- tist church,created a mild sensation a day or two ago when he announcedfromthepulpitthatacertainciti-zen had made some very insulting|remarks about.him..and that unless an apoldgy was forthcoming he would give the man a verbal flogging fromthepulpitonthenextnightandifnecessarywouldgivehimaphysicalfloggingafterthesermon. the sermon closed the man who made the remarks concerning the went to the church,was awaiting thepreacherwhenhecameoutandas-ona ae that he had not intendedoffendinghim,apologize. Mr,Sloan Suffers Another Misfor- but Mr.J.L.Sloan suffered a painfulinjuryTuesdayeveningathishomeSalisburystreet. ing a halter on ying trees.” TESas Crimes and Incidents ofLifeintheOldNiState. affirmed_1){the death sentence or W.T.McKenzie4.of Robeson county,whoApril2.—Mr.W.&./brother-in-law.afters!’The Marshville Home killed his says 4 maddogtrottedintoadrugstorein.thattownonenightlastweekandthedrugstoreloungersdoneaboutconsidera-bly until some one got a chair and~|knocked the dog down. ‘Mrs.Lyon,wife of Judge C.C.Lyon of the Superior Court bench, died a few days ago at her home atElizabethCity.She had been an in- Husband popu- He Bank the Tre- erected Before parson would gladly He was.in theacow tow moved her head-sud-her horn struck him.in theeyewasbadlybruisedbutWasnotinjuredandnose-viou®fesults are expected.ten days’ago Mr.Sloan’s hands werenedbyasolutionwhichho About At Barber. years old,whose home is sup the wheels.The entire train nition. towards Greensboro. keys and an Inland Press receipt in N.C” the service of the Union News Com- is used by the employes. the train when it reached Salisbury. Corpse Came Up After It Thundered-Kinston Dispatch. Anderson 'Burnett,gn old negro, Monday night heard tite thunder and predicted that his five-weeks search im Neuse river for the body of Alonzo Weldon,white,would cease.Tuesday Burnett slowly paddled a skiff up to asandybightataturninthestream and returned towine in the wake oftheboatanobject.It was the corpse,come to the surface after ly- ing on the bottom of the stream since late-in February,when Weldon,a bridgekeeper,plunged-from the Car- olina railroad bridge over the river in southwest Kinston,20 feet to thewaterduringablizzard. Get Your Money Out of the Liquor Business.“If you have any”money in the liquor business,get it opt and get it out quick.In five yéars brewerystockinthiscountrywillnotbeworthasmuchasConfederatemon-ey was in 1865,”said Mrs.Harris Armor of Macon,Ga.,in an addressbeforetheNational.Woman’s Chris-tian Temperance Union rally at Kan-sas City,Mo.The sister may havetoadvanceherdateafewyears,butitisapparenttoeverybodywhoob-serves the trend of events that OldJohnBarleycornisontherunandthatinvestmentin“the liquor busi-ness is uncertain. An Iredell Lady’s Contribution to theBaptistOrphanage. Charity and Children. Miss S.Haseltine Gaither of Ire- dell,who was member of Societychurch,and who died last year,lefttheOrphanagesevensharesofpre-ferred stock in the:Turner Cotton Mills at Monbo.Miss Gaither was well known to the general manager, having been a member of the churchofhischildhood.She was a sincere and humble Christian and we are glad that her name is to be linked to the Orphanage through this bond oflove. Big Fire at St.Augustine,Fla. Flames that’swep:through two blocks in the heart of St.Augustine, Fla.,early yesterday destroyed five tourist hotels,a theater,the court house and numerous residences,an estimated loss of $500,000 to $750,000. There was no life loss,but numbers of guests in the hotels were forced to flee scantily clad into the streets, while others were carried down lad- ders by firemen and volunteers.The hotels destroyed were .the Floridahouse,Munson house,Clairmont ho- tel,Central hotel and Atlantic house. Will Get the Money For the Forsyth-Davie-Iredell Road. It is announced from Washington, on the authority of Senator Simmons, that the $20,000 which the.govern-ment was to furnish to help build aroadfromWinston-Salem to States- ville,will be restored within a few days.As a result of a mix-up,this $20,000 apportioned to North.Caro- lina and designated for the road men-tioned,was given to another State.Now we're to get it back and.“all'swellthatendswell.” Mr.Beish Goes Elsewhere. The Mooresville Enterprise says of Mr.Beish,one of the foremen on theIredellroadwork:“Mrs.D.T.Beish and little child left Saturday night for Akron,0., ‘where~-they-will---visit.-.at--her formerhome.Mir.Beish has finished hisworkinthissectionandhasaccepted a position with the Virginia BridgeandIronWorks.He will probably be shifted from place to place,as theworkdemands.” Taylorsville Didn't Bite on the Irons, Taylorsville Scout..: he iron agents struck our neigh- boring town of Statesville pretty ha ~—500 irons at $3.50 each or a to’of $1,750.The same quality andstyleofirencouldhavebeenboughtatthehardwarestoresfor$1 each.In Taylorsville they succeeded in get-ting off only one so far as we havebeenabletolearn.Our people havelearnednottobiteateverybait. W.R.Baum,30 years old and aclerkinthepostofficeatHarrisburg,Pa.,has been arrested,charged withstealing$20,000 from the mail.“Wiss Widttie “Tyier “tas wutrender-ed the postoffice at Courtland,Va.,toB.A.Williams,recently appointed H.T.Price Killed By a Freight Train H.T,Price,apparently about 30 tobeinAsheville,was killed by a trainatBarberTuesday.Witnesses of theaccidentstatethatneattemptedtoboardaneastboundfreightrunningathighspeedandwascaughtunder sedoverhisbody,which’was literally cut to ‘pieces and mangled beyond recog- It.is said that Price was en routefromAshevilletoGreensboroatidbymistakeboardedawestboundtrainatSalisburyTuesdaymorning,and got off at Barber in an effort to return In his pockets was $13,a bunch of the name of “H.T.Price,Asheville, It is believed he had been in pany,as he wore a blue suit such as i His vest was found hanging on the brakes of The body .was taken to Salisbury and shipped to Asheville Tuesday night. Wallace. dell people, has moved --March ‘Steele also at 8:30 Langdon. the scene. principal kin county, —A little extinguished fire. most.totally plate going. Hospital at 276 to 54, sage of the ather successor.ohana and¢J thetain and BRIEF ITEMS OF LOCAL NEWS —-Box supper tonight at Barkleyschoolhouse. row night at the Mt..Mourne school. ~The United DaughtersConfederacywillmeetMonday af~ternoon at 4 o’clock with Mrs.Sig —License was issued yesterday forthemarriageofMissMattieSmith +and Mr.Robt.Lee York,north Tre- —Mr.ArthurbeenwiththeUnited Shoe Store at.Durham,has gone with the Empire a Stere in Salisbury.: —Stony Point correspondence Tay-lorsville Scout: Sharpesburg,Iredell county. came’dangerously near the same way. will be warm enough next July. —-Mrs.Chas.H.turner underwent an operation at the Sanatorium the first of the week for She ,is reported as.getting along -hitely.The-condition_-of Mr.TL ~-The Macdowell club,assisted by a few local musicians,will give.the“Holy City,”cantata,at the First Presbyterian church Tuesday evening o'clock. friends of the club are invited. —Wes.Campbell,colored,who has been employed as a.laborer in the Federa]building for many years,re-signed recently and voilector Watts,the custodian,has appointed Mr.Grier Sherrill to the vacancy. —Forty-two privates and three of-~ficers of the Iredell Blues underwent |.the inspqction Tuesday night,com+ducted by Col.Stringfield and Capt,—The Blues made ashowing,practically every member °of the company being present. —Fire was discovered late yester-day afternoon on the roof of the res- idence of Mr.Richard Shoemaker,on 'Fourth street,but the flames were ex.”tinguished before any damage wasThefiredepartmentwascalledbutthefirewasoutbeforeitreached —The Athens school in Olin town-ship will close Friday,the 10th,withpublic~exercises...The.Statesville_Junior Order will present a Bible and _flag to the school and furnish the ~ iuof aesschool. McKee,colored,died Tuesday morn-ing at her home on Green street afteralongillnessoftuberculosis,Herhusbandandfourchildrensurvive.—She was a daughter of Wiley Black.-burn and was 36 years old.; —Mr.and Mrs.F,M.FurgasonandMr.Wilson Furgason have mov-ed to Statesville from Courtney,Yad~ Ramsey house,corner TraddWaterstreets.The Messrs.Furga-~son are natives of Indiana and livedthereuntilafewyearsago. —Concerning a citizen of its townwhowasrecentlybroughttoStates~ville and lodged in the county hotel, the Lexington Dispatch is ungenerous’ enough to say:“Crawley has ‘went’and everybody,except the half a doz~ en good citizens who cashed worth~ less checks for him,is glad.” Neighbors,aged about three years,set fire to a baby carriage at —the home of his street Wednesday. gave the alarm and the flames were The carriage,however,was al- Statesville will be represented’in the meeting of progressive DemocratsinRaleighnextWednesday,the 8th.Messrs.R.V.Brawley,Z.V.LongandR.B..McLaughlin contem- mark had expected to attend,but themeetingconflictswitha—ofthe.board of directors of the ‘ag necessary for him to attend.-; Pensions For Widows of Spanish War Pensions for widows and minorchildrenoftheofficersandmenwhoservedintheSpanishwar,the:Phil-ippine insurrection aad the Boxer up-rising in China would be authorizedbyabillwhichpassedtheHouseofCongressWednesdaybyavoteof The bill would grant $12 monthlytothewidowofanhonorablydis-charged soldiermonthlyforeach child under 16 yearsofage,provided the widow shall havemarriedthesoldier to be limited,however,to widowswithoutmeansofsupportotherthanoedailylaboraesaneactualnetneomenotae50ait,Inquiry among conemetat theUnitedSpanishwar'ed there are about 4,000 widows of An abtacnphbyatebatbes dit to rob4SeaboentAGEWharOenweenearComer,Geoday,Wad’rristratedPletcher. Similar event tomor- of °the. Turner,who had Mr.William Hagerbacktohisfarmin came in like a lion and going outButcheerup!It appendicitis,. continues favorable.~~ All music-loving good of the day. and are occupying the and son of Policeman John parents onAnolder child before the house caught destroyed. The editor of The Land- Morganton,which eters A Veterans, or sailor and $2 to thepas-pensionsare bill, veterans indicat- rs early yester.. .Shots were ex.9thebanditjumpedfrom enedHELANDMARK FRIDAY,.--April 3April3,""1974. a-COMMENTON VARIOUS MATTERS ‘There has been much in the papers recently about the big railroad lines ef the North and West laying©off‘employes.Many thonsands of men have lost their jobs,the railroad com--panies assigning reduced business as*the cause,For some time there hasbeenpendingbeforetheInter-State Commerce Commission applications from.these roads to be allowed to.in-crease freight charges,the largely increased cost.of operation,it is con- tended by the roads,making such in- «crease necessary.The ‘inter-State commission has heard much evidence and there is much sympathy for therailroads,Many people are of -the opinion that the increase in their ex- penses has been so great that an in- «crease in charges is necessary.But the laying off of thousands of men just now has created a suspicion that the move is to influence the decision of the commission.It is hoped that the suspicion is not well founded.If it should be the railroads will suffer —just as they have suffered in thepast—for not dealing honestly with the people. * When one gets mad he says things he ought not to say—often things that are not true,or that he can’t make good.John H.Lange was one of the “higher ups”that figured in the whiskey investigations directed by Judge Carter in Asheville last fall.Lange paid a fine of $2,600 andisunderasuspendedjudgment.Theotherdayhewasawitnessinacase“Gn which he was prosecuting a man for false pretense,The attorney on the other side,to break the force of Lange’s testimony and following the mean way attorneys have of raking up old matters;-asked Lange shouthisconnection...with the whiskey cases,The recollectivn was ‘painful and bringing it out was irritating.Lange said it was a case of bleck- mail and he agreed to the fine im- sed by Judge Carter to save troub- tA that Carter agreed to let him off with a fine of $2,000 and then whenhe(Garter)found that he (Lange) ‘had not voted for him he increased‘the fine $600.Asked if he meant to say that Judge Frank Carter of theSiperiorCourtwasgurityofblack- mail,Lange reiterated the charge. All this he said,according to the court stenographer’s notes,whichbothAshevillepaperspublished.But when Lange had cooled he conclud-ed he didn’t say it;and he hurried-ly wrote a card to the papers deny- ing that he had said anything to re-flect on Judge Carter and saying ifhehadsaidanythinghewassorry:In short he wrote a most abject apology.In common parlance,he not only “ate dirt out said it was”Judge Carter has said noth- »and it’s probably just as well.But the indications are that he had@mightygoodcaseforcivilandcrimina)libel and it was probably a realization of this that made Langehastentosayheneversaiditandifhedidhewassorry. *. ** Two Wake county convict guardswhohadwhippedaconvictwerecon- victed in Wake Superior Court,Judge Cooke hoiding that their act‘was unlawful.The case was appeal-ed and the Supreme Court:sustainedJudgeCooke.The impression from the decision was that whipping con-victs is unlawful.The court may sohold,but it did not go that far in this decision,as the following ex-tract from the opinion of Judge Hokeshows: “These statutes clearly ‘contem- plate that the control and discipline of convicts,and particularly in ref- erence to their punishment,corpor-al or other,‘shall be pursuant to rules formally made and publishedbytheboardofcountycommission- ers,or their duly authorized agents,and I would not hesitate to hold that these rules should be humane,reas- onably designed to affect the well-or- dered governance of-convicts,.and that in their prominent.features they should be made known beforehand to each and every prisoner that they may live and.act with knowledge of the penalties attendant on disobedi-ence. “In applying such a standard I-am *not prepared to say that never,un- der any circumstances,is corporeal punishment permissible or that care- fully prepared rules looking:to such result,are,in all instances,unlaw- fal,but the question is not present- ed on this appeal,for there is noprooforsuggestionthattherewereanyrulesorregulationsofanykindwhichauthorizedthepunishmentin-_flicted in the present ease.I am ofopinion,therefore,that the acts ofdefendantswerewithoutwarrantofJawandthattheyhavebeenprop-erly convicted.” It has been a custom in North Car- olina to discipline convicts by inflict-ing corporal punishment,and.whileitwasgenerallyunderstoodthat there was “no law for it”the custom Was general in the State prison aswellasinthecountyconvictcemps afid the practice continued because it be punished at all are as far wrongasthosewhowouldprivilegeindis-‘criminate-punishment...Some..waymustbedevisedtocompelprisonerstoworkandtocomplywithprisonrulesandregulations.If whippingisnotpermittedsomeother.methodofpunishmentwillbedevisedand one might be selected that.would be more cruel than whipping.But the decision in this case,while it doesnotforbidwhippingentirely,prob-ably means that that form of pun-ishment for-comvicts is ended. PRESIDENT WINS IN HOUSE. Panama Tolls Repeal Bill Passes, 248 to 162—Fifty-Two DemocratsVotedAgainsttheBilland220 For It. The Sims:bill to repeal the tolls ex-emption clause of the Panama canal act.was passed by the House Tues- day evening by a vote of 248 to 162. Two hundred and twenty Democrats, 25 Republicans and ‘two ProgressiveRepublicans.voted for the —bill, Against the bill there were recorded 52 Democrats,92 Republicans and 17 Progressive Republicans. One Republican Hughes .of West.Virginia:—answered ‘‘pres- ent.”‘All the North Carolina mem- bers voted for repeal except Claude Kitchin of the second district,who voted against it.Before the final vote was taken a motion to recom- mit the bill with instructions to the committee to report a bill to repea] the exemption clause with a declara- tion that the United States.should have complete sovereignty.over the canal,was defeated by a vote of 232 to 176, The bill now goes to”the Senate;where it Will be referred to the com- mittee on inter-oceanic canals,of which Senator O’Gorman of New York,a vigorous opponent of the measure,is chairman,Senator Owen of Oklahoma is leading the fight for repeal in committee and there will probably be a fight before the bill is reported.The Senate may pass the bill,but it will be after long delay. Speaker Clark,closing debate against the repeal,disappointed those who expected him to attack Presi- dent Wilson.He disclaimed any per- sonal issue with the President,de- clared he believed Mr.Wilson was actuated by the highest patriotic mo- tives and that there was no breech in the Democratic party.He argued at length against the President’s-con- tention and declared that “the amaz- ing request of the President for arepeal,like the peace of God,passeth all understanding.”He disclaimed any personal issue between the President and himself and added that if the President had reasons “which are not utterly untenable and whichcompelhimtomakethisrequest,”he had not given them to the House.He differed with the President’s state- ment that toll exemption was “a ‘mis- taken economic policy,”but admitting dispute on that point,proposed that the exemption be suspended two years.He contended that the Presi- dent was mistaken in his view ‘that the exemption was repugnant to theHay-Pauncefote treaty and arguedthatthechiefbeneficiariesofrepealwouldbethetranscontinentalrail-roads.“We want war with no nation” said the Speaker,“but rather than surrender.our right to complete sovereignty over-every square foot of our globe-encircling domain we will cheerfully and courageously face a world in arms.”He attacked the attitude of House Democrats who have led the President’s fight for the toll exemption repeal.Referring to published declarations that his op- position to the President was the “opening gun of his fight for ‘the nomination in 1916,"the Speaker de- clared he had told all to whom he had spoken about the 1916 situation that if the President’s administration was a success Mr.Wilson*would be rYe- elected,and if it was a failure “the nomination wouldn’t be worth hav- ing.” “I never entertained the slightest ill-will toward the President about the.Baltimore convention,”declaredtheSpeaker...I wish him well.IdidaliIcouldtoelecthim.TI have steadfastly supported him until we are called upon to bolt the platform. I absolutely refuse to do any such thing.The fact that I am making this fight for our platform pledgesmayendmypubliccareer,There are many things worse than being de- feated for Congress or defeated forthespeakershiporevenworsethan to be defeated for the -presidency, and one of them Is to repudiatetheplatformonwhichyouare elected.” Representative Adamson closed the debate for repeal.The main argu- ment for repeal was that,even if wedonot“believe the tolls “exemption—aviolationofthetreatywith’Englandthebalanceoftheworldsobelieves and we cannot afford to have the ap- pearance of violating treaty obliga- tions;that such a course will lead to serious international complica- tions;that while the Democratic plat- form declared for the tolls exemption it also declared against subsidies; that free tolls isa subsidy,against which the Democratic party has long Sete eieeet ae +saab elt eS a,At Musebdgee,Okla.,Marie Sooanegrowoman,was taken frombyamobandhanged.She had stab-bed a young white man.todeath;. ‘Attorney General Hogan of:OhiowillinstituteproceedingstoousttheStandardOi!Company and its gub-gidiaries,including the Imperial Oil Company of Canada,from doingbusi- ness in Ohio.With few exceptions evcoalmineclosedTuesdayhight ~definitely.Me:is sige ted 50,000 men were thrown out of employment. The last Legislature enacted a lawtopayminersonarun-of-the-mine basis,instead of on the preyalentscreenpaymentplanandthislaw caused the present shutdown. The American Express Companydeniesthatitissountoereeta82-story office building.on lower Broad-way,New York,city.Plans for’suchastructurewerefiledlastweektoprovideagainstthepossibilityoffa-ture building reductions.which mightprohibitconstructionofabuildingofacharacterwhichthecompanyhasinmind,: While scores of.persons watched him,Frank M.Register of Savannah, Ga.,climbed a tree directly.in the rear of the jail at Secvannah,pro- posed marriage to Miss Zeta Met- lock,a young girl confined in the jail, and was accepted.The girl was be- ing held until she could be restoredtoherparents.There were nochargesagainsther. Whether a railroad may avoid pay- ing damages for injuries to a personriding-on a pass,under terms-of.theHepburnratelaw,_is to he-eonaider-|ed by the United States Supreme Court.Attorneys for the Charleston and Western Carolina Railway Com- pany seek to have the court reversetheholdingoftheCourtofAppeals of Georgia,that Mrs.Lizzie Thomp- son,who was hurt near Plum,Branch, 8.C,,"in 1910,while riding ona pass from McCormick,S.C.,to Augusta,| Ga.,was.entitled to damages, BRAINS DULLED BY CONSTIPATION! Some Pe®ple Only Half Alive;Dod-son's Liver Tone Cleans You Out and Wakes You Up. When constipation is haying ‘itsevileffectsonyourbodyandbrain, nature is doing her vest to offset them and overcome the cause itself. But usually nature cannot do this un- aided,: In the past,many sufferers at such a time used to turn to dangerous ¢cal- omel in hope of relief.For some people calomel does appear to give a temporary benefit,but as a matter of fact.it is a poison that proves to be injurious and even dangerous to many.If you have ever taken calo-mel you probably have suffered fromevileénditionsfollowingitsuse. But nowadays great numbers ofpeoplehavelearnednowtofeelbet-|ter,brighter and healthier by taking’! Dodson’s Liver Tone instead of cal omel.Indeed,this harmless vegeta-| ble liqnid is recommended and guar- anteed by the Statesville Drug Co., who will refund the purchase price! to you without question if you are} not completely satisfied with it. Get a bottle of Dodson’s Liver! Tone for only 50c.and learn for your-} self how easily and naturally it as- sists nature in getting rid of and cor-| recting constipation and biliousness, how it clears away the sick headache} and coated tongue ana sets you right without ache or gripe,without any} interference with your regular hab- its.Fine for the children.They liketotakeit. EXECUTOR’S NOTICE. Having qualified as executor of the willofthelateEliza’Milligan,this is to notifyallpersonshavingclaimsagainstsaidestate te present them to me on or before Mareh|13,1915.All persons indebted to sdid estatewillpleasemakesettlement.W.AExecutor.March 13,1914*neeADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE. Having qualified as administrator,©.T.A.,of T.B.Neill this is to notify al)personshavingclaimsagainst’his estate to presentsametomeonorbeforeMarch20,1915,orthisnoticewillbepleadinbaroftheirreqcovery.Persons indebted to said estate willpleasesettle.A.L.HOBBS,administrator,C.T.A.of T.B.Neill.:,H.-P.Grier,Atty.Mapgh 20,1914. WATT,| Use Mi.o-na—Sure,Safe and Effec-tive Indigestion Relief. If you are not able to digest your food;if’you lack an appetite;ifyourstomachissour,gassy,upset;your tongue coated;if.your.headachesyouaredigzy;if you haveheartburnandpainsinyourcolon’or bowels,why suffer needlessly?Buy now-—today—from the States-ville Drug Co,a fifty-cent box of Mi-o-na Stomach Tablets.Take -themregularlyandseehowquicklyyeugetrelief.There is no mote effec-tive remedy for stomach ills than Mi-o-na,It strengthens and builds upsurelyandsafelythedigestiveor-gans,soothes the irritated membraneandincreases.the flow of the diges-gestive juices Your whole system isbenefitedandyoubecomewelland strong. Mi-o-na is different from other di-gestive remedies.Money back if not satisfied. “NOTICE OF GAS,ORDINANCE. Pursuant to the provisions of the charter of the City -of Statesville,notice is hereby given to the public that at the regular meet- jing of the Bodrd of Aldermen of the CitylofStatesville,held om the §th day of March, }1914,an ordinance was introduced confer-jring upon George M.Bridgman and Frank|D.Moses,their successors and assigns,the lright and privilege to use the atreets of |Statesville for the purpose or placing there- lon the pipe lines’necessary to supply thecitizensofStatesville’with iMaminating gas,junder the restrictions in said ordinance pro-{vided. that ¢aid ordi- Natice is.farther givennance‘will come up for its final passage at ithe next regular meeting of the Board,.said meeting to be held on Friday night,April$d,1014,at 8 o'clock, |A copy of the ordinance is pow on file at jthe office of the Mayor,where same can bejseenandexaminedbyanyoneinterested|By order of the Board of Aldermen of the City of Statesville, t ©.D.MOORE,Clerk and Treasurer. March 10,1914.-—4ts. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Having qualified as executrix of the lasttwillofA.A.Colvert,deceased,all persons holding claims against his estate are notified}to_present them to the yndersigned on or{before the 20th day of March,1915,or this |notfee will be plead in bar-of recovery.~Ali|persons indebted to said estate will pleasej}make immediate payment.Claims may be presented to and settlement made with Dor-{man Thompson,Atty. MARY JANE COLVERT,March 20th,1914.Executrix. |EXECUTOR’S NOTICE. |Having qualified as executor of the last|will and testament of J.F.McLean,I here-iby notify all persons having claims against jsaid estate to exhibit them.to me on or be-fore the 24th day of March,1915,or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate are re-|quested to make settlement.J.D.ELLIOTT, Exer.of J.F,McLean,Stony Point,R-t. J.B.Araifield,Atty. March 24,i914. No Doubt You have noticed that your eyes itch or smart when doing fine work or reading small print.If so they are sure to need assistance.Better.call and let me fit you up at once;there is nothing |saved by‘waiting.Eyes Examined'Free. There is not a better |Gold-Filled Frame made|}than the one I am now|.selling.Call and con-sult me about your eyei}-troubles. |R.F.HENRY, Jeweler and Optometrist. eee Important to Farmers| If you want top prices |for your cbringthemotton seedinatonce,aS We expect to shutdownmillforthesea- a. Saving money’is“a pleasure if you havea specific object to save it for, that is the secret of saving without a feeling of sacrifice.: If you borrow money from this As- sociation to build or buy a home, you have a definite object in view. You are not:only paying for your home,and enjoying its comfort:and pleasure while you do so,but are forming a habit that will assist you in striving for other things. ~Our plan is practical. The Sixth Series ——OPENS—— Saturday, April 4th. Our Secretary is gladandanxioustoexplainplanfully. Mutual Building and Loan Association OF STATESVILLE. 3) fanntToe Ln ge eryoy cae~aigt The American Home—the Safe- guard of American Liberty. ata illJo heffetthFEM.TeterEERIE9026 Buying a good,new suit of clothes and overcoat is not an expense;it isaninvestment.WHY?Because good clothes cost but little more than poorclothes,and wear much longer and look well all the time.Then it paysyou;you'll get the better positionandbetterpay,if you “look theart”better.We do no “Monkeyusiness”in our store.We carryonlygoodstuff,sell it to everybody at the same price,and that price aslowasbestqualitycanbesoldfor.-. Sloan Clothing Com 'WE.SELL “BETTER”CLOTHES:* pan Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Fertilizers,Field Seeds,Grain, = Hay,Feedstuffs,Cotton Seed Meal and Halls. [sell Virginia Carolina Chemical 06.,Rovater’sandSwift’sFertilizers;have a spleaaid Tobacco Fertilizer with kulphateofpotashwhichmakesbrizhttobaecoAlsoallanimalmat-ter ammoniates,bnt you can get fertilizer ammoniates deriv-ed from burnt leather,city garbage,ete.,.which will show the chemical analysi-but haven’t the plant food.This kindcomescheaper.See me for chemicals for home-mixinug.FIELD SEEDS—Appler,Bort.Red RustProof,White and Black Spring Oats,all kinds g:aags seeds and elovers.Will sell you just as good seed at about the same price as you can order and from me you can see what you bay and getwhatyouwantwhenyouwantit,And you don’t have to send me the money in advance and then wait and watch forweeksaadperhapsmakeuselesstripstogetyourgoods. Buy from me on guaranteed quality and price basis and if you haveany seed left over bring them:back and get yourmoneyback.Make mé prove theseclaims.Yours truly,=J.E,SLOOPee Was considered necessary te control}been on record;and finally that théconvicts—4in some instances at Jeast.|tolls exemption law was enacted not Judge Hoke clearly indicates that|by the Democratic party but by aunderproperrulesandregulations|Combination of Democrats and Re-corporal punishment might be inflict-}Publicans,a majority of the Demo-ea.“But in the Wake case and prob-|crats in the House voting againstablyinallothercasesintheState/free tolls.cihcthietapuiendsilsinwhichithasbeendone,there were no rules or regulations:ConvictsWerewhippedbyorderofthesuper-|°™the Panama repeal!bill,President (ntendent,supervisor or guards.No|Wilson expressed regret that whatdoubtthepunishmenthasoftenbeen|"4d promised to be a dignified con.unjust and inhumane,because the|*@st over principles had degeneratedmenwhoinflicteditknewnodisere-|iMt0 a fight upon the udministrationtionbuttheirownwills,The jn-|#24,characterized as insulting comefictionofpunishmentofanysorton|°f the remarks made.@ prisdner cannot be too catéfully “OT poetaeguarded.The prisoner.is helpless There is no ube of che “bandied around theandthepowertopunishshouldnot|bush.”We might as west out with it frst‘be left to the discretion of just any Ci Se 2 ee es you to try Chamberlain'ste::©ne:at ge have eine.es congh or void.Theis MAS Tolbert ieee os;must reme b ¥}we can see why you ‘should not douse.ThisPrisonetsaremutinousandtrouble-|Preparation by its remarkable eures hassomeandhardtocontrol,Those whoWouldsaythataprisonershouldnot son about April 15th,after which time thepricewillbeconsider-ably lower.We wanttheseed,you want themoneyoritsequiva-lent,so get busy. Discussing the debate in Congress IMPERIAL COTTON OIL COMPANY."PHONE 205, Mb ee ee ae Bf Pent gained a world wide revotation,and peopleeverywherespenkofitinthehighesttermeofpraise.It is for sale by all dealers. of g's The Great Bankrupt Sale of MILLINCLOTHING,ERY, the"Or SATURDAY,APRIL 47H,THE LAST DAY. When the hands on thedial of the town clock points to the hour of ten Saturday night this reat sale will close,our business ended., K.M.Knox Co’.s Entire Stock GENTS’FURISHINGS,SHOES,STETSON HATS,|HOSIERY,ALMOST GIVEN AWAYT. The Philadelphia Underselling Co.,the Great Bargain Givers, Have bought the entire stock from the receivers,are here with a dogged deteREFUSED.Can you expect anything more than to buy goods at your own price. $1.00 WILL MORE THAN.TRIPLE ITS VALUE... |Remember,good people,it will positively pay you to come from all parts of the county to participate in this great bargain feast. rmination to turn the stock into cash.NO REASONABLE OFFER Price Will Be Cut,Slashed and Utterly Torn to Pieces. Come to the store and see the Wonderful Bargains.Statesville.Convince yourself that every statement w Saturday positively our last day inemakeisthegospeltruth. ETC, AddingMachine Paper We have two sizes. Sell it by the Rollore, —Phone 200— Brady Printing Co. THE kh.M.KNOX COMPANY,Statesville,N.C. BOUGHT FROM THE RECEIVERS BY |FRIDAY,-*-April 3,1914 THE LANDMARK Can Be Done For Small Cost,Wil! .|Preserve the Roads and Eliminate Robeson county veteran, two hours. pled man chair.Sunday eventng he rolled him- self up behind Ray latter twice over the head with a ane one een owns 1 Sek,Bay caught the stick to puil»it out of MecLendon’s hand and the latter fell over on his face and diedTHEDAVISMILLS}isc: MeLenuon uaa a violent tempe,.—1d:a it is said that death resulted fromGiveyou40PoundsBestPatarupturedbloodvessel,due to excite-ent Flour and 13 pounds Bran mart. in exchange or Pay $1.18 per ———————OOOOOO bushel cash for wheat.Watch §!‘this ad for price each week.MRS WILLIAMSBestFlourandMealPrompta and courteous service at allsiepastas |LONG SICKNESS“THE DAVIS MILLS,|! Hiddenite,N.C.:'.4 4}Yields To Lydia E.Pink- NOTICE! HOLLAND BROS.have changed their ’phone number from 177 to 7. Call No.7 for draying,all grades best coal and wood,etc. Residence ’Phone 1310. ham’s Vegetable Compound. Etkhart,Ind.:—‘‘I suffered for four- teen years from organic inflammation, aH female weakness, pain and irregulari- ties.The.pains in my sides were in- --.WHATEVER TYPEWRITER Yon buy wecan wish nothing morethatyouwilllikeitaswellaswedoTHEREMINGTON. Statesville Printing Go: "PHONE 208. 4 creased by walkingorstandingonm feet and Thad suc “feelings,was de- [pressed in_spirits and-became thin and pale withdull,heavy xPUMPS!In preparation of planting.your spring crop don’t:overlook the in- stallation of a Well Pump,for con- venience and health’s sake. W.E.MUNDAY.Plumber,"Phone 66,(14 East Broad Street. *eyes.I had six doc-tors from whom I received only tempo-rary relief.I decided to give Lydia EF.Pinkham’s Vegetable Compounda fairtrialandalsotheSanativeWash.I havenowusedtheremediesforfourmonthsandcannotexpressmythanksforwhattheyhavedoneforme.“«If these lines will be of any benefit you have my permission to publish TUESDAY AND SATURDAY ! Unless:providentially hindered,I shall beinmyofficeeveryTUESDAYandSATUR-DAY.So much of my time will.be takenupinvisitingschoolsandinotherschoolworkindifferentpartsofthecounty,that Ihavesetapartthesetwodaysforofficework.If you want to be sure of finding me inmyoffice,please call on TUESDAY or SAT-URDAY.R.Pub-lic Instruction.Dee.30, PREPARED To do-your work on shoX notice. All we want is a tri Gillespie Pressing (Club rs —'v HONE 350.~; them.”’—-Mrs,Sapte Wr..iAMs,455JamesStreet,Elkhart,Indiana.Lydia E.Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound,made from native roots and herbs,contains no nareoti¢or harmful drugs,andto-dayholds the record of being themostsuccessfulremedyforfemaleills|we know of,and thousands of voluntarytestimonialsonfileinthePinkhamlaboratoryatLynn,Mass.,seem toprovethisfact,. |.Wg tas have the slightest doubtthatLydiaKR.Pinkham’s Vegeta-|ble Compound will help you,write|fo Lydia E.Pinkham MedicineCo,(confidential)Lynn,Mass,for ad-|Viee,Your letter will be opened, \Old Soldier Struck Another,ThenDied. At the Soldiers’Home in Raleigh| Sunday evening John P,McLendon,|the roads. struck his |couragement.comrade,James Ray,with a cane,then fell on the floor,dying within|portant works awful bearing down | a Nuisance. |To the Editor of The Landmark:|I see in your issue of March 27ththeCivicLeague’talked about oiling This deserves every en |As the making of |good roads is one of the most im undertaken by theMcLendonwasacrip-|county,so should it.be equally imandhadtobefolledina|portant to keep them.I doubt if jthere is in the country at large aandstruckthe}finer road material than sand clay, |but to be efficient it must stay where |placed,not be blown over the field: A piece of road about one mile in length can be seen from my window jand at least a load of dirt per da is moved by the action of wind ar wagons.The dust is both unhealth and disagreeable;does material dam jage to paint on houses and outbuild jings as well as to curtains and fur jnishings within doors.All this could |be both easily and cheaply avoidedbytheapplicationof‘crude oil,onesprinklinginthespringandanoth er in August. There is a wagon for this purpos: now on the market that.is not Very expensive.We already own a tra tor for work on.sand clay ‘roads.To|this could be attached this.sprinkler jand five or more.miles could b« sprinkled in one day. What sprinkling was needed in cor poration limits could be dotie by conjnectingthesprinklertethemotor truck.I have seen this dong in sev eral cities and it has given entire satisfaction.-It is also.much cheaperthanwater.Will our county com- missioners and city aldermen get some facts and figures about the use of oil before making 2.contract for-watering.?ri il ois|A’sprinkling of oil on the roads jleading into Statesville would aid in|the_reduction of flies,as it stops al!jbreedings-.whereas.-a-wet,moist|ground is their natural “breeding place. ONE OF THE INTERESTED. Statesville,R-4, Postmasters at Elmwood andmonyandElsewhere. As a result of the civil service examinations,Ed.L.Long is to bepostmasteratElmwoodandMrsMargaretNicholsonatHarmony,i:Iredell county.Mr.Long.has beer postmaster at Elmwood for manyyears.Mrs.Nicholson,who suéccedsMr.Heath at Harmony,is the wife ofDr.W.G.Nicholson.‘Others.who are to.be.postmastors as ‘a result of the civil service ex amination are Thomas H.Coffey atBlowingRock,Mrs.Cynthia Tuibert at Furches,C.S.Berry at Drexel,B.F.Harwell at Cornelius,B.WBrownatSherrill’s Ford.—oneeeenemerasnennintnemmnanease Found a Cure for Rheumetiam.“I wuffered with theumatiam for.two year and could not get my right hand to my mouth for that length of time,”writes Le« L,Chapman;Mapleton,Iowa.“I sufferedterriblepainsoIcouldnotslegporDiestil! at night.Five years ago 1 bewan usingChamberlain's,Liniment and ta two monthsIWaswellandhavewotsufferedwithrtreu- Har- |read-and answered by a woman,}and held in strict coffidence, mation since’For sale by.all dealers. OIL THE ROADS AND STREETS!Invalid Learns to Sew—De can’t.be.seen for 50 or more yards|a jac _} The Philadelphia Underselling Company. Migs Caldwell—Mt.Mourne News. Correspondence of The Landmark. Mt Mourne,March 31.—There will be~@~box supper atacademySaturdaynight,April Good Jooking girls and real good}boxes.”Everybody invited.Miss Mary Lawrence,one of the}teachers of Mt.Mourne high school,}spént from Friday until Monday with} her friend,Miss Lorene McNeely,in|Mooresville.| Mr.Troy Sherrill is taking lessons| in sewing since he has returned from}Dr.Long’s Sanatorium.He has made| two table cloths and seems to like the/|work very:well,as he can do only}light ‘work. Migs Mattie Caldwell of Mt.} Mourne died last Friday morning and was buried at Fairview church Sat-| irday morning.Funeral service at/ 11 o'clock,conducted by Rev.E.} Myers,.She will be missed very} much gt the church.She was a reg-| lar attendant when able. it hig father’s near Mt.Mourne,does| not seem to improve.| of his|Mr.Jesse Hobbs and threedaughters,the Mt.Mourne string] band,were in Mooresville Friday| night at the fiddlers’meet.Lots of| people there from around Mt. Mourne. Questions About Autos ,and Road Rights,Chauffeurs,Drinks,Ete To the Editor of The Landmark: When @ man buys an automepile, does the party selling give him a deed to all roads he may choose to ride on? Do yon think it impairs the sight of the chauffeur to such an extent that.@ good-sized horse and buggy from him?| When a man becomes the owner of| an automobile,‘even if he has to mo:ge.something to get it,does|it”give him Carte blanc?-“Do~the? horns on the machine always suffer with bad colds that they can’t be heard from the rear of a vehicle they pass? Dees a chauffeur have a right to} practice on your buggy to see if he| can run close enough:to blow a ath of|“TIZ”FIXES TIRED, Mt.Mourne |swollen feet,sweaty feet,smelling4.(feet,tired feet. _._lyears foot comfort guaranteed orMr.Coleman Honeycutt,who is ill|money refunded. SORE,SWOLLEN FEET! Good-bye sore feet,burning feet, Good-bye corns,callouses,bunions and raw_spots. No more shoe tightness,no morelimpingwithpain or drawing «up your face inagony. “*TIZ”is magical,acts right off. “TIZ”’draws out all the.poisonousexudationswhichpuffupthefeet.Use “*TIZ”’and for- get your foot misery.Ah!how éom- fortable your feet feel.Get a 25cent box of “‘TIZ”’now at any druggist or department store.Don’tsuffer.Have good feet,glad feet,feet that never swell,never hurt,never get tired.A Farmers,Attention 200 THREE SECTION 33TOOTHDRAGHARROWS to-be sold at LESS THAN COST of MANUFACTURING.No far- mer can afford to be without one of these harrows at the price’of-fered. I have recently secured this lot of harrowsata GREAT BARGAIN and will sell without regard toFIRSTCOST. ~Sold-For-Cashoron-Time: If you are from Missouri,call andbeshown. Harrowson exhibition and for saleat BRISTOL’S GIN and facto- ne PAD &SADDLE C Jas.P.Flanigan. March 27—4t. needle off your wheel? How many drinks ought the chauf-| feur be allowed to take before he|tries the speed of his machine? These are pertinent questions and| I trust will be read carefully bysomeWhoseemtothinknobodyhas| a right.to the road but themselves.| The greatest danger israpidlybehind’a vchicle whose top/|tmaybeupandatgreatspeedwith- out blowing the horn. OWNER 4-LEGGED MACHINE. Look to Your Plambing. You khow what happens in a house in}J.le SLOAN, hich the plumbing is in poor condition—)}R.V.BRAWLEY. verybedy in’the house is liable fo»éontraet Receivers of White Co. typhoid of Béme otter”fever The digestive}March 27th,1914 rans perform fhe same fonetions in the}——~tidadaicaiasaubbisecatoumcthu ey man,body as the plumbing does for the)FOR’SALE OR .RENT—Lend at or near house,apd they should be kept in first class}where great dam.is tobe constructed on ondition all the time If you have any Catawba.river.Good ‘chance for enter. trouble with your digestion take Chamiber-|lain’s “Tablets and you are certain to ged}quick ‘velief,.For sale by all dealers, ‘SALE OF EVIDENCES OF DEBT— pe coming Up|Court rendered in the above entitled action, j pany will,on aiI \eash at public auction the accounts due said White Company,a list of which accounts can}be seen posted at the court house door. DUE THE WHITE CO. H.Hunter,et.al.,vs.The White Com- Ww.any. Pursuant to a judgment of the Superior he undersigned receivers wx the White Com- MONDAY,APRIL 6th,1914,t 12 o'clock m.,at the court house door of redel]county,sel)to the highest bidder for Peas! in the We are market for 1,000 Bushels _Field Peas. Want any variety or mixed.Will pay CASH. SEE US. J.K.Morrison Grocery&Produce Co. HOME-MADE Molasses and Syrup Arrived today a good grade of Tennessee home-made Molasses. One barrel of best Porto Rica Molasses.~Caro-Syrupinallsizes, -——-Phone us— YourSupplies If you are going to buy your supplies on time let us figure with you.We earry.the best of about everything you will need m-the way of Heavy-and Faney Groceries,Feed- stuffs,Garden and FieldSeeda, Miller-McLain prising man to erect booths or buildings for various purposes.THOS.J,CONGER. March 31-—4t, -+-(April 3,1914. -|the insane than has ever before been: attempted in Illinois institutions.The ‘|plan is an advanceon previous music cures.in which.the patients were merely listeners.It is intended that the patients shall be the musicians, Instruction ‘and~coaching in music will be given,and patientswhoare capable will be encouraged to under- take the teaching”of less advanced students.; Music may have a charm for in- sane people and it may help them. =Being in sympathy with the main purpose.of the Democratic mass meeting:called to assemble in Ral- eigh April 8,as 4 has already stat- ed,The hopes the attend- ance will be large and representative; that the action will be conservative, -while progressive,and that a move- ment will be started which will re- “sult in,thé general advancement of the State. Senator Simmons,who returned to Washington last week from his home in New Berne,-where he had been recuperating,was asked about ‘the meeting of.progressive Democrats. According to a Washington corres- pondent the “Senator stated that if some gentleman in the State wished to call a convention to discuss pro- gressive policies and plan.progres- sive legislation they were entirely within their rights and that he would make no objection and place no ob- stacles in their way.”That is the common sense view of the matter.It is absurd to deny the right of any set of men to meet and organize to promote measures they conceive to be for the general betterment.But that’s what a few of the mossbacks have attempted anent this _progres- sive meeting.| The Landmark has mentioned fre- quently that the benevolent enter- prise known as the Bell telephone company was usually willing to im- prove its service if the patrons will agree in advance to pay the cost;and it was noted that the Bell had gen- erously offered-to.make certain im- provemets at Goldsboro if the people would enter into an agreement to pay for them.As evidence that this is no joke,Goldsboro people have written to Statesville asking about telephone rates.They say the Bell wants to increase its rates in that town to $4 per month for business ‘phones and $2.50 for residence ‘phones.It seems that Goldsboro people can’t appreciate generosity when it is shown them.Some of them are disposed to kick on these rates. They should be thankful the.amount isn’t $5. One would not expect to find in the capitol at Washington an old- time lady—the species almost extinct who busily “plied her knitting needles while she listened or talked, but such an one was seen the other day.A Washington dispatch tells about it:| “An elderly woman whose face bespoke repose occupied a seat in one of the galleries of the House to- day.She had knitting needles and yarn.Things were running smooth- ly when she arrived and at once she began knitting.Suddenly there was an uproar in the House and the wo- man put away the yarn and needles. When order was restored out came the needles and the yarn began to as- sume the shape of a sock,The vis- itor,indifferent to the amused smiles that were sent toward her by mem- ‘bers and occupants of the galleries, plied her needle throughout the day,suspending operations from time to time as’the debate became lively. When she left she took with her apairofsocksthatwerenearingcom-pletion.”.ee The correspondent who submits a list of questions—on the third page of The Landmark—about automobiles and chauffeurs,doesn’t of course ex-pect an answer from The Landmark. But it may be observed that some of the people who get possession of au- tomobiles are much like the Ashe county man.In the days-when the _Alliance was in flower a citizen of Ashe tanked up,went to the home of a neighbor and raised “trough house.” The affair was aired in court.and when the aggrieved householder had told how the belligerent one took possession of his home and smashed things,he was asked if he didn’t pro- test.He did.“What did the unwel- come guest say?”was asked.“Him said him *“Lowance man and him doashimpleased.”Some of the automobile folks evidently feel that way when they get on the road;and as practically nothing is'\done toward *enforcing the law regulating them,the feeling is not unexpected among “these who“have no-regard forthe rights of others. Dr.J.M.Templeton of Wake coun-—“ty has issued-a-statement from:whiehonegathersthatthedoctorlooksup- on the prospective gathering at Ral- eigh as treasonable in the highest degree.“There are,”he thinks,‘‘ef- forts to drag the Farmers’Union into politics or politics into the Farm- ers’Union,”he cannot sey which yet.In his opinion “somebody has plan- ned to run for Governor on the race segregation issue,but ***thefarmerswillnotallowtheinjection of politics into their organization.” so;Dr.Templeton,we believe, was and for all we know may still be,-gt one and the same time presidentoftheWakecountyFarmers’UnionmandchairmanoftheWakecountyDemocraticexecutivecommittee,He, if any man,should realize the de-|leterious efferts'of mixing unionism‘and politi¢s—-Greensboro News.The News has Dr.Templeton down| wrong.He hasn’t been a Democrat at least a party man—for 25 years. Years ago he was a party phohibi-~Honist and’was im 1892-that party's“candidate”Yor Govértior.”“Me”was 4strongAlliancemanandPopulistanditmaybetheeoftheAl-liance in ‘polities makes the doctor _Wary.‘ But some of the so-called music has unquestionably added to the popula- tion of the insane hospitals. eaeeeaeeennecnenennmnnenneensnecnemmenenesd « Chief Justice Walter Clark,it ap- pears,violently opposes the repeal,of the Panama canal act.He was so concerned that he appealed to the North Carolina delegation in Con- gress to oppose the President.“We cannot defend the breach of our par- ty platform,”he said when he:recalled that the administration is unconcern- ed about woman suffrage because “the party has not spoken,”but re- jects the Baltimore platform,which “had spoken.”Judge Clark,who lies awake nights speculating on how the railroads will eat us alive,insists that the repeal of the tolls exemption is for the benefit of the transcontinen- tal railroads.Judge Clark’s friend and admirer,Col.W.J.Bryan,was chairman of the platform committee at Baltimore and he is a convert to tolls repeal.He so stated a few days ago—before the vote was taken in the House—in an interview in the Balti- more Sun. |aeneeenneeeencmmmnaansninst The Cross-Country Club-of—Satis- bury,composed of boys and,»young men,had a cross-country race the other day and they raced over field and wood and meadow and road for about 15 miles,they say.When the runners.got home,elated by their endurance test,they told about pass- ing a farmer plowing in a field,who watched them in amazement and de- cided that they must be crazy,.run- ning about that way.Joke on the farmer,they thought.Maybe the farmer wasn’t so far wrong.The running is for exercise,to improve the physical condition,strengthen the body generally.Good idea—the physical exercise.Taken in proper proportions it strengthens the phys- ical man and helps to eliminate bod- ily ills.Chopping wood,wielding a mattock,pushing a lawn mower or hoeing the garden may not have the glamour of a cross-country race,byt it is doing something worth while and the physical exercise is as valu- able.| The Governor has granted a par- don to Will Henderson,Mecklenburg county,who has served since June, 1907,on a 15-year sentence in the State’s prison for burglary in theseconddegree.The pardon is un-conditional and is recommended byJudgeGeorgeW.Ward and formerSolicitorClarksoncndalsobynu- merous citizens and most of the jury,on the ground that he is not really guilty.He is a youth who was only17yearsold.when sentenced.This statement was sent out from Ral- eigh a few days ago.No mention is made of the discovery of new-evi- dence and the basis for the belicf that the young man is not guilty isnotstated.It’s awful to think that he may have served six years in the State prison for a crime he did not commit.But the judge,solicitor and a part of the jurors are representedasexpressingthatbelief.The opin- ion.that the prisoner is not guiltyisnotinfrequentlythebasisofthe application for a pardon and the law officers often subscribe to it.If they are so convinced it is their duty to say 80,but they give the courts an awful jolt.If the pardon record is to be believed,the courts often con- vict and punish the innocent;while the intelligent observer khows thattheguiltymorethanoftenescape. are largely failures—they do what they should not do and leave undone what they should do. Miss Mattie Tyler,the aged grand- ‘daughter.of President Tyler,who has lost her job as postmaster at Courtland,Va.,went to WashingtonandappealedtothePresidentforhelp.Mr.Wilson promised to what he could.Miss Tyler has held the office for many years and it is said she is dependent on it for sup- port.During the Roosevelt admin- istration an attempt was made tooustherbutMr,Roosevelt retainedher.The office is under the civil service and under the order requiring all--fourth-class-postmasters :to.-pass the civil service examination,Miss Tyler was excluded because she had | assed the age limit.She insists, owever,~that--she -should—be-retein- ed and says it’s the politicians who are trying to put her out.If the la-dy is dependent on the office for a living,which seems to be a fact,thecasehasitspatheticsideandfrom'| that viewpoint one could wish that!she might hold the office.But it is|evident that she is to blame in part! for her troubles.Her administra-!tion of ‘the office has not pleased the’ patrons and she apparently has nottriedtopleasethem.She talks mach about “we Tylers”and what “we Ty- lers”will or will not do.Being oneoftheF.F.V.’s Miss Tyler has ap-parently :ignored the wishes of the common herd and administered theofficetosuitherselfratherthanto suit the patrons.As a result she is unpopular and a majority of the pa- trons are not in sympathy with her. |This idea of the situation is gather-ed from the report of a postoffice in- spector.Sentiment is a fine thing but sentiment should not stand ‘in the way of efficient public service,no! ’::Lmatterhowharditseents;and if tite|oo Pe ea vantage of thesame In prices,wandsmall Musi for Public Schools,Sunday Schools,etc.J.S.LEONARD,Statesville,N.C.jlady-would think less of the impor- jtance of “we Tylers”and more of ef- ficient public service she might ‘better.aia And so it would seem that the courts]¢ do performedarid the couple went tothe eral of Georgia,has’come a candidateStatesSenate. “The Senate committee to 4 the Panama canal repeal bill was re-ferred when it reached that body,af- ter passing the Ho will meet.ntoconsiderit,; Senator Clarke and Judge William F.Kirby ran a neck and neck race for the United States Senate in theDemocraticprimariesinArkansas, the “former for re-election and the latter opposing.The latest returns indicate a victory for Clark by about 720 votes.m ‘Gov,O’Neal of Alabama has been exonerated by a grand jury that in- vestigated.public charges made against him by Theo Lacy,formerly an official of the State convict de- partment.and now under sentence for embezzlement.of the |depart- ment’s funds. Sight has been given to the left eye of the nine-months-old child ofMr.and Mrs.Herman Kane of Get- tysburg,Pa.,through the grafting of the cornea of a pig’s eye to the child’s eyeball,according to physi- cians at a hospital.Certain tests, they declare,have brought out this fact without a doubt. As an outgrowth of the fight in the Senate to cut off free telegraph priv- ileges accorded Senxtors,which fail- ed because of lack of a quorum,Sen- ator Robinson of Arkansas introduc- ed a bill which would:limit senatorialfrankingprivilegesto$600 in any one year:That is enough,goodness knows,but.the bill won’t pass. Investigation into the affairsofthe First Natchez Bank of Natchez,Miss,. which closed its doors,October 30,re- sulted.in the indictment of A.G. Campbell,president;S.H. Lowen- berg,first vice president,and R.Lee Wood,second vice president of the defunct institution,on the charge of accepting deposits atter the bank was insolvent. Mystery surrounds the killing near Clinton,Tenn.,Wednesday of three members of the —family.Mil- lard Seivers was shot through.the back of the head at his home three miles from Clinton and a short time later,three miles away,the bodies of his father and mother,Mr.and | Mrs.Jacob Seivers,were found ly- ing in the dining room of their home.| Ella Hackett,a 19-year-old eques-| trienne,was killed almost instantly by a fall from a 50-foot trapezeto | an improvised platform in the arena at the Barnum &Bailey circus in| Madison Square Garden,New York city,Wednesday._Ambitious to ap- pear in a trap@ze act she was re- hearsing after the afternoon per- formance.While attempting a “re- volving swing”she fell head down-| ward. Major General William W.Woth- erspoon,now assistant chief of staff of the army,has been selected.to succeed Maj.Gen.Leonard Wood as chief of staff at .the end of Gen. Wood’s term,April 22.Brig.Gen. Hugh L.Scott,commanding the troops at.Fort Bliss,Texas,will be assistant chief of staff.Gen.Wood will assume command of the eastern department,with headquarters at Governor’s Island,New York. President Johnson of the Norfolk and Western railroad announces that the net earnings of the road from July 1,1918,to March 1,1914,have decreased $1,211,000,and as a result there have been suspended and re- lieved from service a total of 8,000 men in round numbers and still furth- er reductions will be nedessary,says Mr.Johnson,unless business revives. Since that statement was made,how- ever,work in the shops,which’had been suspended,has been resumed for part time and several hundred men employed. An unusual marriage was placed on record in Greene county,upper EastTennessee,this.week.Leaning upon heaarm of John Ashby,an 18-year- old boy,Mrs.Lettie Lovell,68 years old and distinctly gray-haired,called at the home of Magistrate J.W. Keys.and:requested that he join her in marriage with young Ashby.Keys thought it a joke and was convinced of the sincerity of tte couple onlywhenamarfiagelicensewaspro-duced by the boy..The ceremony was f :¥ s sate Villa Has Not Yet “had nsReportsthat.Torreon fallenTuesdaywereyDY.General Villa,His telegram wasbasedonamessageofcongratula-tions on the “fall”of Torreon,dis-patched to him by Col.Fidel Avila, chief of arms of the at Juarez,Mexico.Gen Villa re- plied as follows:“In rere .o your message I wishtostatethatwhileIhavetakenapartofthecityofTorreonthestrug-gle is not yet completed.I expect to obtain a triumph;of which'I will ad- vise you,”weDetailsofthestrugglereceivedatJuarezTuesdaywerebriefandshow-ed that the relative posi!of thecontendingforceshavenotchangedtoanyextentinthelastfivedays.An official statement given out at rebel military headquarters at Chi-huahua said the rebels occupy.GomezPalacio,Letdo and some of the out-skirts of Torreon.The Federals havefortifiedthemselvesinsomeofthestrongestbuildingsinthelastnamedcitythereportadds,The Federals, among other defenses,are occupyingabighotelontheplaza,while the rebels have moun guns a few blocks away in the market ‘house.7 At Santa Fe,New Mexico,20maskedmentookAdolfoPadilla, charged with murdering his wife, from the ey jail to the nearestcornerandstabbedhimrepeatedly,leaving him for dead.He will prob- ably die. Announcements. FOR TREASURER. I am a candidate for Treasurer of Iredellcounty,subject to the action of the Demd-cratic primaries and_county convention. TILDEN H.. Mareh 27. FOR TREASURER. I hereby announce myserr a candidate fortheofficeofTreasurerofIredellCounty,subject to the action of the Democratic pri- maries and county convention. March 27..R.F.RIVES. FOR REGISTER..OF-DEEDS. I hereby announce myself a‘candidate fortheofficeofRegisterofDeedsof,Iredell county,subject to of the Demo-primaries and county convention.JAS.R.HILL. cratic March 27. FOR SHERIFF. I am a candidate for sheriff of Iredell coun-ty,subject to the action of the Democratic primaries and county convention,and solicit the support of the Democratic voters.March 17.J.A.BROWN. FOR CLERK SUPERIOR COURT. I hereby announce my can for theofficeofclerkoftheSuperiorCourtforIre-dell county,subject to the action of the Dem-ocratic party convention and primaries for*ao 2 P P.DULIN. an.27. Flowers! The Most Beautiful Floral DesignsObtainable. While we furnish flow- ers of every kind,being our own home-grown prod- uct,we make a great spe- cialty of artistic designs for every purpose. All orders promptly ex- ecuted,and the workman-ship is the very best knowntotheflora]business. Orders by.telegraph or*phone have immediate at-tention. Van Lindley (o., FLORISTSTOTHESOUTH, GREENSBORO,N.C. Local Agents. Polk Gray Drug (o., home of the bride.Ire dell County Farms 1044 woodland.Well watered. barn and other out-buildings. acres 14 miles of Statesville,the county.57 acres,°8 miles from Statesville, house;50 to 60 acres in cultivation; “jn Concord tuwnship;5-roomgoodpastureardplentyof 100 acres8miles from Statesville,in Shiloh township;¥-room house,Well watered by two branches. One of the most desirable farms in Good land;beautiful location.Suitable for the man who wants an idéal farm within sight of town. White or call on me if you are interested in farming lands or city property.Will be glad to show you any piece of property [have. FELIX J. Over Merchants &Farmers’Bank. AXLEY, Real Estate and Insurance. ESTIMATES|The output of piano ON PIANOS © factories is immense. These pianos must be put in suitable storage until sold, $200.00AStorehouseinacitycostspermonth,A Manager $0soma that housecosts per month His St for riting correspondence, His cee anUignaine costs per month Total, te, A houseforstorage in Statesville,N.C.costsSorenenetoconductthathousecostspermontinginfivepapersCostspermonth Total, AmAdv mi eneernpavesaevitee a depository in nrg Ory Da’reneein ADOVE.AKDthoadroaeit JR card,cal Tnstra-Manager,Ruy Ne Pianos,Organsments,Songboo! CAPITAL PAID IN Banking is a neceasary institution in the develop- ment and welfare of nations.It is likewise a neces-sary institution inthe development aud progress of. apy city,town or community.“ ‘A bank’s usefulness to a community depends upott ites ability-and willibgness to terve the legitimate business requirements for loan and discount accom- modation and to provide a safe depository for com- mercial and savings deposits.‘ The COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK is a local institution,with large capital and surplus,furpiehes good security to depositors and with resources of over $600,000 has the willingness to serve this com-munity in every branch of legitimate banking.Be- lieviog in this community,our policy is,and has al-ways been,progressive and constructive,assisting in every legitimate way in the advancement:of the agricultural,manufacturing and commercial devel-opment of Statesville and Iredell county.Qur de- posits are local and our loans are likewise local and made to individuals and legitimate and worthy local enterprises.To our customers we furnish check books free, render statements or balance pass books at the end of each month,make loans and discount paper uponsecuritysatisfactorytoour-board and in such amounts as business requirements and responsibilitywarrant.We pay interest at the rate of4 per cent per annum-on time and savings deposits remaining three months or longer. Upon these bases we solicit your business. W.BD.TURNER,E.MORRISON,D.M.AUSLEY,G.E.HUGHEY, Weronets \ President.Vice President.Cashier.Cashier.-Assistant Astonishing Offer ,Try a Standup Scrubber10DaysFREE N This startling,unprecedented offer isfromyourhomemerchanttoyou.Itmeanswhatitsays.Don’t hesitate.Here is your easy solution ofdown-on -your -knees,back-breaking,loathsometaskthatyouhave Here’s the littie machine thathastakenthedrudgeryoutofscrubbery.It does mere—itkeepsthewholehouseclean. It is the best polisher of hard-wood floors ever invented.«It4cleanswindowsanddusts walls—all without getting on your knees,without backache or fatigue,without wet or sore hands,without soiling your clothes,without ing your health, In introducingSPECIALOFFER}nerdecine under this victorious ten-day B trial plan,a Clara Kling ClothespinBag, ashere illustrated,willbegivenfreeto every purchaser.Here is a littlewash-daycon- venience thatevery housekeeperwillappreciate. Invented and patented by a woman.*Get one ,“|freewith the StandupScrubber on ten-days’ \4)trial.Getittoday.Come,sendor phoneto __Crawford-Bunch-Furniture Co. WE HAVE Our Implement Room Stocked With Latest Improved Farm Machinery. Chattanooga and Syracuse Hand Plows;Deering Mowers and Binders,New Union Corn Planters,John Deere Corn Planters, Sunny South Corn Planters, Avery Corn Planters,Keystone and Hallock Weeders, Barrel and Bucket Spray Pumps, Tongueless Reversible Harrows, Rigid Tongue Harrows, Steel Drag Harrows,Lime and Sulphur Solution, Geo.E.Nissen Wagons, Corn Stalk Cutters, Riding Cultivators, Walking Cultivators, Guano Distributors, Bluebell Separators,,Chattanooga Disk Plows,Manure Spreaders, Please Return Road Scrapers, Our Wire Stretchers Hay Rakes. Iredell Hardware Co. WIDE AWAKE PEOPLE SAVE MONEY|BY READING “ADS... ‘s a y e y Av y ] WO S9 0 L I q qo f 10 4 ¥S y _GLIMPSE OF PASSING THRONG. :“TELEPHONE NO.14. ‘AY,April 3,1914. PersonalMention of Peopleand Their|p A ments.ve! Miss Bertie Lee McConnell.ofMooresvilleisspendingtheweekatthehomeofheruncle,Mr,W.A.Murdock,at Oak Forest.Mirs.A.D,CooperhasgonetoheroldhomeatRoaring.River,Wilkes county,to spend awhile with her sis- te rs.Mr.and Mrs.Sig.WallaceMesgrs.P.C.Gray,Godfrey Kimball and Ben.and Albert Cooper went toCharlotte<weewe to see a show.Mesdames B.Long and E.M.Land,the latter at Goldsboro,and little Miss Lois Long Hackett.spentTuesdayinCharlotte.Mr.LeRoy J.Hampton,principalofMontezumaHighSchool,at Mon- tezuma,Avery county,passedthroughStatesvilleWednesdayentoutetohishomeatHamptonville.Mrs,J.A.Bowles,who spent sev-eral days with Statesville relatives, returned Wedhesday to her home inHickory. aay,bacis H.White,who was here for a few days with home people,has returned to Durham.Mr.and Mrs.8S.A.Foster spentWednesdayinCharlotte.Miss Nannie Mills,who spent the winter in New York with her brother, Mr.T.M.Mills,returned home Tues-day night,accompanied by Mrs.Mills, who will spend awhile here.Mr.Kent Johnson came home from Trifiity College,Durham,to attend the funeral,Wednesday,of his uncle, Mr.T.W.Frazier. Mr.T.L.Adams of Bethany town-ship has returned from a trip to Win- ston-Salem,where he went to see some fine cattle. Mr.Alfred Armfield,who has re- cently been located at Cumberland,is at home on a visit.Mr.J.H.Hoffmann and daughter, Miss Carrie Hoffmann,left yesterdayforRichmond.to spend a few days with relatives. Miss Julia Stinson of Charlotte is visiting her sister,Mrs.Bettie.Alex- ander.Misses Mabel Morris and May Waugh,the latter of -Troutman, spent from Saturday to Wednesday in Asheville with Miss Waugh’‘s.sis- ter,Mrs.Kale. Mr.J.F.Harbin went to Lexing- ton yesterday to visit his daughter, Mrs.L.H.Wall. Mr.and Mrs.W.R.Summers are spending a few days with Mrs.J.£. Summers at Poplar Tent,Cabarruscounty.Misses Jamie Bailey and.Clara Foard have returned from a visit to Newton.vsiliiihedibasheodiocionreciebion Notices of New Advertisements, Alice.M.Goodman has qualified asadministratrixofJohnTurnerGood-man. McCanless &Norwood have ten“fresh milk cows ana a Holstein bullforsale. No.1 table Grocery Co. Bookkeeper wanted.390,Statesville. Gasoline engine for &T.Electric Co.Six Jersey heifers and some yearl- ings for sale——Brown Bros.,Scott’s. Carload fresh”milkers—W.C. Wooten or T.D.Shuford. New furniture for Easter.—/Wil- liams Furniture House. Stand-up scrubber.—Crawford- Bunch Furniture Co. Enjoy new clothes Bros. Electa F.Cooper has qualified as administratrix of A.D.Cooper. Second-hand automobiles.—Caro- lina Motor Co. Iredell county farms.—Felix J.Ax- peaches.—Bradford Address Box sale.—M.,D. Easter.—Belk ley. Easter footwear.—Mills &Poston. The Commercial-National Bank gives basis upon which it soficits business. Sale now on.—Poston -Wasson Co. People’s.Loan &Savings Bank is authorized to begin business, Country hams bought and.sold.— Bradford Grocery &Produce Co. Mite and louse killer—D.J.Kim- ball. The secret of saving.—-Mutual Building &Loan Association. Important notice to farmers,—Im- perial Cotton Oil Co. Estimates on prices.—J.8.Leon- ard. Only ten days to join club.—Mer-chants &Farmers’Bank.The Philadelphia Underselling Co. has half-page proclamation in ‘this Dr.Angle May Return—The Singing at Holly oe Correspondence of The Lan ‘Houstéiiville,Maren Sto "The weather last Séaday morning «was very unfavorable for the old folks’ singing.at Holly Springs..:All the same by 11 o’clock a good crowd had gathered at the church and they sung from 11 to 1 o'clock,adjourned for refreshments one hour,returnedtothechurchpronapslyat2o'clockandsunguntil3:The singing closed with prayer by Mr.J.C.Hen- dren.The singing was =success and everybody seemed to think it wasgoodtobethere. Mr.Jeff Wallace has made.‘ar- rangements to locate at Houstonville a wood and smith shop which will bea.great convenience to this neighbor- hood. I hear that Dr.J.B.Angle,who ignowandhasbeenforseveralyears in Oklahoma,will return to Hous- tonville,his old home.The farmers.are bu preparingforplanting.The last few dcys makeonefeellikegoingfishihgifhehadtime. James Gordon Bennett,editor oftheNewYorkHerald,is etitically illat,Cont Egypt. and ject ™ee The Thursday Afternoon ausatSaturdayafternoonwithMrs.L.AshatheronWainutstreet.Inadditiontotheclubmemberstherewereanumberofvisitors.The lit-erary programme consisted of a syn- opsis of “Barnaby Rudge”by Mrs..Hv Adams,a paper on Dickens as’public speaker and actor by Mrs. from “Bar- Mrs,O.L.Turner,was served during The last meeting of the EntreNouschubWaaBoldwithMrs.A.P.Steele at her home on Mulberrystreet.Arnold Bennet was the sub-for the afternoun and Mrs.PF.PF.Steele read an interesting articleonhishomefifeandwritings.-Theremainderoftheafternoonwasgiv-en to a social session.Two coursesofrefreshmentswereserved.Mrs.Bowles of Jacksonville,Fla.,who isvisitinghersister,Mrs,F.F.Steele, was a 8 1Thepanelved club met FridayafternoonwithMrs.H.L.Kincaid atherhomeonDavieavenue.In ad-dition to the”regular musical num-bers by each member of the club,Mrs.M.L.Simons,the club.presi- dent,told the story of “Tristan and Isolde,”wrjtten by Wagner.ia Reported For The Landmark. Miss Matie Gray and Miss Eugenia Murdock of Statesville Female Col-lege attended a party Saturday night,given by Mr.and Mrs.W,A. Murdock,in honor of their daughterandMissGray.The features of the evening were games and music,which were enjoyed very much.The two young ladies returned to schoo}Monday afternoon.~~ Death of Young James Adams—News +of York Institute. Correspondence of The Landmark. York Institute,April 1.—James Adams died Monday night at the home of Mr.R.P.Thomas near Sul- phur Spring.He was working forMr.Thomas and was taken sick Fri- day.He was a son of Mr.and Mrs. Baxter Adams,near Taylorsville,and was about 18 years old.The remainswerecarriedtothehomeofhisfath- er Tuesday morning,where the fun- eral services were conducted at 1 o’clock by Rev.J.W.Watts.TheburialwasatHiddenitecemetery. Quite a few from this yicinity went with the school from here to the county commencement held at Tay- lorsville Friday. Mrs.Sallie Mays.of Hiddenite spent some time last weex with Mrs. L.M.Davis and other friends near here.Mrs.Mays will leave Wednes- day for Marion to visit her grand- daughter,Mrs.Clifford Morrow.Mr.and Mrs.Cleveland Sharpe spentfromSaturdayuntilMondaywith relatives at Loray and the State Farm.Messrs.York and Lippard of Tay-lorsville send a wagon to this placeonThursdayofeachweektobuy eggs,Whichisquite a convenience tothefarmers’wives of this neighbor-hood Mr.Ransom Sherpe of Hiddenite is bering a well for Mr.Charlie Gwalt-ney. Cool Spring Wants Her Share of the Road Bond Money. To the Editor of The Landmark: I am not a correspondent of The Landmark,but I want to know why Cool Spring township has n de-prived of any cf the read bond mon- ey?Fifth creek runs east about the center of the townsitp.All citizens living on the north side of the creek cennot get to market with more than a half load on account of bad mud holes and hills.We cannot get on the sand clay road until in about four miles of town,on the Cool Spring and Mocksville road,and about seven on the Turnersburg road,which is about the same dis- tance for the majority of the citi-zens. Cool Spring township has fewer delinquent taxpayers than any town- ship in the county;has fewer cases in court and that means less expense to the county.-The county records will show these things are so.The county’s road surveyor looked over a route about a year ago.This is call-ed the Sigma and River Hill route and it is claimed it will be State’s highway,as it is the direct route to County Line,to.meet and connectwiththeDaviecountyrouteatthat place. We also have as teithful mail car- rier,K.L.Miller,No.4,as any in the county,if not in the State.Thisroutewithwhatsandclayroadhehaswillcovernearlyallofhisroute. Strange “Varmint”Proved to Be a House Cat—Personal Items. Correspondence of The Landmark. Statesville,R-3,March 31—Mr. and Mrs,J.P.Collins returned yes-terday from a few days*visit withtheirdaughter,Mrs.J.F.Waiters, near Elmwood.Misses Cleora Harris and Alice Bilbie spent Saturday and Sunday in Charlotte. A rumor has been circulated for some time that a strange animal has been visiting this part of the coun- ty,and many have been the specula-toins as to what the creature couldbe.Mr.Elmore Gryder,who is pe-culiarly gifted with weezng and hear- ing unearthly sights and sounds,hasbeenunabletodescribeitsappear-ance.Last night the.news quickly spread that some dogs had struck thetrailofthe“varmint”and in 4 short time about 30 men and boys,armed|iwithlanternsandguns,with 18 or 20dogs,joined in the pursuit.Thenight|"air oed for miles arou th.thebayingofthehoundsandjutsof the hunters,After an exciting chase homes fe Mr.hSapaasarcsorttheanstillroamsat]sor eet eee THE NEWS OFOFTAYLORSVILLE.|Social and ‘PervenelHoma,Basinens Busranteed. BRADIC )POR.SALECorrespondenceofTheteaksTaylorsville,April 2.—Miss dexiiinRiverswasthehostesstothebroidery‘club Monday cfternoon.While theladies were busy with theirembroidery,.tattling and other fancywork,Mrs.A..G.Viele read a veryentertainingstory.Delicious refreah ments were served,Mrs.J.H.Burke retorned lastnightfromavisittohersister,reDoanHulick,in Charlotte.Mrs.M-L:Gwaltney went to Statesville Wednes-~day evening,where she will be ‘theguestofher.cousin,Mrs.Ralph Sloan,for a day or two.Dr.Asa ThurstonspentTuesdayinMooresvillewithhissister?Mrs.C.P.MeNeely. Deputy Collector E.L:Hedrick,whospentafewdayswithhisfamilyhere,returned Monday evening to Greensboro.Mr.J.C.Harris has accepted apositionwithLippard&York -andthisweekmovedhisfamilyherefromEllendaletownship,They are oc- cupying the new residence ef Mr.R.A.Adams,near the school building. Mrs.Floyd Lippard and baby,Miriam,and Miss EmmaLippard are visiting Mrs.Lippard’s mother,Mrs.Ellen Frizelle Wyckoff,in Statesville.Mr.I.A.Barnes ig seriously ill withpneumoniaathishomethreemilesnorthoftown.His many.friends will be glad to know that his con-dition is slightly improved this morn-ing.Mr.J.C.Wike has sold his.stockofmerchandisetoPolicemanR. Hines,who took charge of the busi- ness yesterday and will continue tooccupythebuildingnearthede Messrs.O.F.F.Pool and J:W.Cloer will manage the business for-—Mr.Hines. Modern Wartare—Fought 14 Battles and Never Saw the Enemy. Greensboro News. War among highly civilized na- tions has been robbed-of well-nigh allitspicturesqueness.Who could reachahighemotiona)frenzy over themodernthinlineofheroesholdingthecrest,when the heroes,instead ofstandingtomeettheterrificimpactofcharginghosts,spend all the daylyingflatontheirstomachs,pumping methodically away at the horizon,in the hope that some of their bullets may fall on the enemy,likewise pros-trate in the mud on the opposite side of the next range of hills?One of- ficer in the Russian army was en-gaged in 14 battles and skirmishes during the Japanese war,was twice wounded,and during the whole courseofthewarneverseteyesonaJapa- nese soldier. But the Mexicans,in theirlittle de- bates,have paid no more attention totherulesofscientificthantothoseofcivilizedwarfare.They have dash- ed recklessly into machine guns and bayonetted the gunuers;in Torreon they have fought constantly at such close quarters thathavebeenfoundthe most effective weapon;and,incidentally,they hav restored the war correspondent to hispristineglory.Villa,black withsweatanddust,storming up and down the lines,shouting,cursing, cheering—he might have steppeddownfromLookout*Mountain,or listened while Bee re-baptized Jack- son with his own heart’s blood.He is an anachronism in a story that tells of machine:guns and.rifles that kil! at 3,000 yards. Ladies Warned Against Baldness. ‘An audience of clubwomen,at Wi- chita,Kans.,heard with alarm theaddressofDr.J.W.Schultz,a prom- inent physician,who told them that if they kept up the present styles inheadgear—tight -fighting hats andheadbands—ithey would soon findthemselvespartingwiththeircrown- ing glory.He said there would be anepidemicofbaldnessamongwomen if they didn’t watch out.The physician said he had made aspecialstudyofthemodernstylesof women’s body and headgear,and that they were similar to those oftheancientEgyptians.“And youknowwhathappenedtothewomenof Egypt—they got bald!”he said.“It’sagoodthingtheyinventedwigs along with the new styles in hats,for many of those who adopt thetighthatwillfindthatafterthehat craze has passed the Any band around the forehead andlowerpartoftheheadstopscircu-lation,and that causes the hair to die invariably.” Virginia Folks After Secretary Dan-iels. Declaring:that the action was unjustandunfaifttotheNewportNews Shipbuilding Company,and that itiscurrentlyreportedsuchaction was taken for political purposes and to “erect ramparts for the Democrat- ie -party-im~Pennsylvania.and.Massa- chusetts at the expense of the State of Virginia,which is accordingly pe- nalized for being safely Democrat- ic,”resolutions were adopted last week at a mass meeting of citizens,held at Newport News,Va.,callinguponCongresstocauseaninvestiga-tion into the.circumstances underwhichandwhySecretaryDanielsawardedthecontractsforbuilding the supply ship and transport to thePhiladelphiaandstimavyyardsrespectively. Polltheweek ending March 41,Birt Abernathy,Edwerd Campbell,Mrs.RY.Camipbell>J.J.Conyers,P.B.Fanner. Miss Kattie Johnson,Frank Kernelies,HomeEemeer’;Mra.Pearl Thomas,J.W.Wil- seas pling tr ed ete BATEER.P. AD LETTERS.is a list of letters remaining t>at Sta’N.C.for the 1914. NC ‘April 3 ae Por SALE—Tenfreshmilkcows and one Holstein bull.MeCaNEs8 &&NORWOOD.»Statesville,‘April $—2t WANTHD—oatheeer address Box 3,Aprit %-~ Em-° hand-grenades }, will need wigs.|| » epee a ome to 1th a ine:r cents.yGROCERYCo.nae ae cs erniene2parelia CHEAP-<A few second-handtouringcarsandrunaboute.~Yale motor-tyele.New 2-horse power ee En-gine CAROLINA MOTOR CO.April 3,1914 CHANGE OF LOCATION—My shoe shop.is Send your work there or notify meby‘phone and I will call for it and de-liver it.EL HL CROUCH.March 31--2t* WANTED—To purchase Timber Stampage bythethousandorTimberRouninrineandlo- cation.Write giving estimateof timber,ne ont price wanted.P.©.Box 138. ‘eb.13,thos ees irincicnitilidiciailonininnecnnncuiageiniiantnesMONEYTOLOAN—$500 to $5,066 on realestateorwell-endorsed personal note.Ad-dress W.,care The Landmark. March 27-—t, WANTED—White cook,settled woman,hon-est,truthful,reliable.Ao objection towidow.Good home for right person. dress Box 194,Norwood,N.C. March $1—2t® Ad- FOR RENT.—Nice storeroom..Formerly oc- RP ad United.Shoe Store N.B,MILL March 6. WANTED—Reliable.palessnan and ‘eallector.Good contract to right party.SINGER SEWING MACHINE .CO.,H.T.Sanders,manager,Salisbury,N.C.March 27-—6t. FOR SALE—At Sunshine Farm,R.C.—Island Red exes.From good birds.tents per 15,faney $1 per 15.SALLIE TOHRUa WHEN YOU MAKEAN INVESTMENT careful consideration is given as to the soundness of the proposition and a thatthefuturestabilitymaybeassured. When YouDeposit YourMoney in a Bank the same careful consideration should beused,and you,should be satisfied as to thestrength,sbility and reputation of the cus-todian of your funds. This Bank Offers YouAll These Requirements. CAPITAL $100,000.00SURPLUSAND:‘PROFITS —_36,000.00RESOURCES.©).3020.34.,000.00“THE BANK FOR YOU.” 5S } 3) 3} 33 ) dd >> dD >> ) PE E ED DE L O DE D [[ ta a s n p a x a 2 a » p o > » a 9 7 7 D D ID II I D I I D { a ai e CAPITAL...a SLeReLeleRUgerade73,000 DAVIDSON,March 24—8t* FOR SALE—Long staple cotton seed;pure,at $1 per bushel.Write,phone or leaveordersatBradfordGroceryCo.R.L.BRADFORD,Statesville,N.C.R-6. March 17. FRESH MILKERS. Just received and for sale at reasonableprices,carload of fresh milkers from Lin- coin county.‘Phone or write W.C.WOOTENorT.D.SHUFORD.April 3. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Having qualified as administratrie of theestateofA’D.Cooper,déeeased,T “herebyNotifyallpersonshavingclaimsagainsthis estate to present same to me for paymentonorbeforethe3rddayofApril,1915.Those indebted to the estate are requested to settle ELECTA F.COOPER,R.B.MeLaughlin,Atty.Administratirix. April 3,1914 NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Having qualified as administratrix of JohnTurnerGoodman,notice is herebygiventoallpartiesholdingclaimsagainstsaidestatetopresentthemvotheundersighed or her attorney on or before April 3,1915,or this notice will be plead in bar of any re~covery,ALICE M.GOODMAN,Administra~trix of John Turner Goodman,Mt.Ulla,N. R-2 W.D.Turner, April 3,1914. CAROLINA CHIEF ! Atty SALE NOW ON! As advertised,everything is marked down to prices that will insure fast selling.Now’s your opportunity. The stock is going to be reduced fast.Truly, Don’t fail to see my magnificent combination Denmark Saddle Stalion;—Carolina Chief.He will stand at!J.R.Alexander &Co.’s Stable this/ season.Season will begin April 1st,/| 1914.DR.W.M.NICHOLSON. March 31—2t* ATTRACTIVE FARM. 64 acres fine farm land.Well une Enjoy New Clothes Easter Nearandmailroute.Pricelowandterms casy.Get.$1.[za Vv.LONG.Atty, ENGRAVED CALLINGCARDS Not the’kind you get at bar- gain counters,but the last word in artistic engraving Statesville Printing Co. *Phone 208 be Mite and LouseKiller My Mite and Louse Killer will rid and keep your Stock and Poultry free from Mites and Lice.Comeand get a package and you will have no trouble with them. D.J.KIMBALL. COUNTRY HAMS! We pay the highest market price for them || and-sell them at rea-{| sonable prices.Al-|) Ways good supply on || hand.See us forgood |}; Country Hams and other groceries. Bradford Grocery & Produce Company. We are ready for you in a big way.No matter what may be your wishortaste,we guarantee to please you,and don’t forget that the whole weekprecedingEASTERisgivenuptoaspecialshowingof STYLE PLUS $1 CLOTHES This is STYLE PLUS WEEK from Maine to California—a time set asidetoshowthe’men and young men ofthiscountryhowstylishtheycandressforonly$17,and with wearandserviceguaranteed. Weare the STYLE PLUS store inthistownandwillgladlyshowyouhowthemakershave--been able togivestyle,fabric and workmanshipatamediumpricebyspecializingon one suit. The big two page advertisement intheSaturdayEveningPosttoldyou to look for the STYLE PLUS WIN-:DOW in yourtown.Youcan’t missours,but come in and really see theclothes. BELK BROTHERS, THE STORE THAT SELLS FOR LESS. "PHONE 155. Easter Footwear! RB,C,D,E and EE widths,$2.50 to $3.50 and they never hurt the feet. "Oxfords for Men and Boys,Black,Tan and Patent,$3.00,$3.50 and $4.00.-You know them,With pleasure we want to show you the new styles. Today wecall s attention to Iaster Oxfords.Krippen-dorf-Dittman OxfordsforLadiesinSatin, Patent and fine Kid.This line you know.We only want to tell ;you our counters fare full of the wanted stylesin FES Bf pedeline engine.Pa Ow aeBer tinge.8. =MILLS &POSTON.—= Rheumatism,Sprains Backache,Neuralgia “Yes,daughter,that’s good stuff.The pain my back is all gone—TI never saw ee as quickly as Sloan’s Liniment,’’ofgrateful.people voi¢e the same opinion,Here'stheproof,Relieved Pain in Back, “1 was troubled with a very bad pain in my’back for some time,I went to a doctor but hedidnotdomeanysota@bottle‘of Sloan's ssuasenereofflean's |ve 306Myrtls Ave.,Brooklyn,N;¥. Sciatic Rheumatism.“We have used Sloan's Linl-ment for over six years andfounditthebestweeverused.When my wife had scirheumatismtheonlythingthatdidheranygoodwasan’sLiniment.We cannot praise ithigh!y enough.”Me Pores, Des Moines,lowa, Sprained Ankle Relieved.'cet “I was time with a severely sprained ankle.got abottle of Sloan FEBLl yd Bho ghey Ar to beabogtaad one greet deal:“being ag ‘ause ink deserve a lot of credit for putting e Lini ° erect con 1 Shall always take time to recommend Dr,Sloan's Liniment.SLOAN'SLINIMENT all 1.00.Sloan's instructivebookonhorses,cattle,hogsAtallDealers—25c.,50c and $1.08 eae wg Address Dr,Earl S.Sloan,Inc.-’‘Boston,Mass. ‘Trmipay, HAVE YOU A CAMEO? If you have not you are well nigh out of therunning.We have them,all kinds and in allshapes.The stone as well as the shell Cameoin Scarf Pins,Pendapts for neck chains,Brooches, Bracelets and Rings.We will be glad to show you things and will make no very strong objec- tions to selling you some of them. R.H.Rickert &Son;Jewelers. pePi—AFOR SALE! Lot on the corner of Caldwell and Mill street with store house andfive-room cottage.At an investment price.’ Lot on Boulevard 75x449 feet.$1-acre farm with four-room e,barn and out-buildings.One- fourth mile from church,one mile from school,three miles from Harmony High School.Forty-five acres in cultivation,level andsrabuaive,Sohites in woodland.78acres 10}miles from Statesville,8-room,two-story dwelling, barn and out-buildings.Forty-five acres in cultivation,balance inwoodland:school and churches near. 87 acres six miles from Statesville on sand-clay ruad,one-fourth mile from Bethany school house and church.Forty acres in cultiva- tion,five of which is in meadow,balance in woodland enclosed inwirefence.%: For further information call on or write,ERNEST G.GAITHER,SU%ANCe,sT0cKS,NpEST‘OFFICE NO.1,MILLS BUILDING. Statesville Realty &Investment Co. 1906 4am>1913 On October 31,1913,we closed our seventhyearofbusiness.We take this occasion tothanktheloyalpatronsofourcompanyfor the business they have entrusted to us dur- ing that time and we believe we have givensatisfactiontoallofourcustomers.Hav- ing grown out of infancy into mature man- hood in the INSURANCE.BUSINESS.weaskfora.continuance of your support andinfluence.: Remember “We Insure Anything Insurable.” We write all classes of BONDS,and thussaveyoutheembarrassmentofapplyingtoyourneighborforsuch.Writeus your needs, J.F.CARLTON,Manager. NEW SERIES! The 55th Series in the First Building and Loan As-sociation of Statesville,N.C.,opened on Saturday,February 7th,1914. If you want to own your own home and haven’t themoneytopaydownforit,subscribe for stock’andbuildorbuythroughtheBuildingandLoan,whereyoucanpayforitwith.rent money.-You can takestockanytime.Come in and talk the matter over. H.V.Furches, ’Phone 190,Secretary and Treasurer. a 914._April 8,Serer ctor entire eraneetTALKINGABOUTTHETOWN. Old:Daddy Do-Funny and His “Wis-rn ".As Applied te Eyeryday a ATEN Correspondence of The Landmark, In the ‘sunshine on Crepe Myrtleplantationanold.negro’used.«todrowseor.sing as his mood.might be.Long.past usefulness ‘of a more ac- tive kind,he was yet an honored member of the plantation world.Twisted with rheumatism.and wellnighhelplesswiththe“miz’ry in hisjints,”he responded bravely to all inquiries with,“I’s well,praise Gord dis mawnin.”His place was as unquestioned as that of the owners.A perisioner formanyyearsandwithnoclaimbut former usefulness,he ruled his small world by a kind of right of eminent domain.His benevolent despotismextendednotonlyovertheotherne- groes.but even to,his masters.Withallduerespectforallconcerned,he boasted sturdily that he was “"sponi-sible to nobody but Almighty Gord”for manners or behavior..Hig sharp é6ld tongue could sting the shiftless and erring of his.race almost to dis- traction,but the children he loved, and,wherever his chair was set, there were they gathered together. Ruth McEnery Stuart celebrates this old man in a little book of his collected “‘Wisdoms.”She has casthisrough.deliverances into jingles that fairly represent his own art form,and,while she has evidently corrected his rhyme-and-rhythm,sheyetpreserves“Ole Daddy~Do-Fun-ny”in his most authentic character- istics..We all remember one old ne- gro or another that these “Wis- doms”may represent,and I have se- lected a few that are laden with thehumor.and pathos of the old:days. “There’s rosemary,that’s for remem- brance;pay .you,love,remember. There’s fennel for you.There’s me for you--and some for me.” Old Daddy Do-Funny has an ob- servation on stolen sweets.Read a little between the lines and you wil! find his real intention: “Oh,watermilion sho is good to eat! But de darkie rates it wwce-t mo’sweet Caze it’s ap’to b’long to de yether man At’it’s mighty hard to lif’by sleight er han’.it ain’t by itself, datNo,it ain't by itself like dat.” Sitting in the shade of the Crepe Myrtle hedge he watches an elderly dude go by.Old Daddy Do-Funny knows that in the spring even an old man’s fancy lightly turns to—certain An’made sweet like -ithings and so he sings softly: “Ef.de hoa’se ol’loudHethought pass for young in de barnyard croud; But he strive so hard an’be steps so spry Dat de pullets all winks whilst be marchesby. An’he ain't by ‘isself in dat,in dat—An’he ain't by ‘isself in dat.” The philosophic shrewdness of the old fellow is never more deep thaninhisnegrohatredof“po’whitetrash.”IE commend this as an un-surpassed observation-on socialclimbers:‘ “Ef you quiz Br’er Mule,you'll find dat heGitsmixedondesubjec’of ‘is fam’'ly tree; He'll brag about ‘is mammy with a noble neigh, An’deny ‘is own daddy wid a ginuine bray.But he ain't by ‘isself in dat,im dat But he ain't by ‘isself in dat The old-fashioned negro was an authority on good manners,He wagsbroughtupamongmenwhoseso- cial creed was genial but very strict. Old Daddy Do-Funny just hands this out as an observation: “Brer Pole-cat’s got a s‘ciety smile An’he sho is dressed in scrumptious style; But he keeps ‘is own hat off de quality rackBydésceaniouswayheanswersback But he ain't by ‘isself in dat,in dat— But he ain’t by ‘isself in dat.” To nations that talk big and shoot crooked,to ambjtious towns that say “Watch Pandunk grow,”to certain bumptious members of the younger generation,the old man gives this observation: “You'll sometimse trace de loudes’grunt In de horg let down to de littles’runt, Talk as ef he'd ‘nounce whilst he bolts swill ‘A pompious horg*is as big as ‘is will.’ An’he ain't by ‘isself in dat,in dat-— No,he ain't by ‘isself in dat.” Here is a profound warning faith- fully given.Watching what certain young men do with their time and with their God-given’powers,-the old seer looks down the years to the dis- mal close: “De green goard on de sunny shed Was mighty proud of his pethy head, So he ntuver pondered or studied or trained,An"now he's pl’an’rattle-brained. An’he ain't by.‘isself in dat,in dat An’he ain't by ‘isself in dat.” Old Danddy Do-Funny hands’this lovingly to a certain type of states- man: “Br'er Terrapin knowin’,You can’t tell whether.he’s comin’or go- in’,But his mind ain't mixedhe’s layin’lowTetheseeswhithwayhe’s oblééged to azo: An’he ain’t no new politician in datNo,he ain't by ‘isself in dat.” Daddy Do-Funny says,“Watchandpray.Pray for insight and out- sight.But watch out!I knows a lot of ol’wisdom caves for rent be-hin’dis crepe myrtle hedge.” Well,Isn’t That Something? Henderson Gold Loaf. The Statesville Landmark boasts:“Iredell is the county that does things.it knocked out both Rowan and Cabarrus in the high school debates Friday night.”Great guns,man!We thought you had started to tell something. STATE OF OHIO,CITY OF TOLEDO, LUCAS COUNTY. Frank J.Cheney makes oath thatbetsseniorpartnerofthefirmofF,.i.aa &Co,,doing b ess in theCityofToledo,Count tate afore-said,and that ‘said firm witli y.thesumofONEHUNDREDDOLLARSforeachandeverycaseofCatarrhthatcannotbecuredbytheuseofHall's Ca-tarrh Cure,FRANK J.CHENEY.Sworn to.before me aubscribedinmypresence,this 6th y of De-éember,A.D.1888;(BSeal.)A.W...GLEABON,~Notary Public.Hall's Catarrh Cure fs taken internal-ly,and acta directly on the blood andmucoussurfadesoftheaystefh,Bend rooster wouldn't ¢row so draws in ‘is head s0 for tegpinpontel,free:v;J.Cea *eo Tolede,O,Sold by all druggista, Pe taeteaeticcedeeertt tha myaillopularr, —The Prize-Winner. Correspondence of The Landmark, Harmony,R-i—Our people enjoyed a treat Saturday,March 28,by at-tending the closing exercises of GumGroveschool.The cher,Miss Nannie -Powell,has proved worthy and efficient.By her kind and lov-ing disposition she has made many friends in this neignborhood,besides establishing a good name,which can- not be erased from the ‘tablets ofworthandhonorinthe.years.to come. The exercises.opened at 10 a.m: with a song of welcome,the Lord’sprayerwasrecitedandthenfollow- eda ‘short but appropriate.pro- gramme of recitations,songs,:etc, Rev.J.J:Edwards then addressed the audience on the opportunities for an education in the public schools of today, Then eame the dimer hour,.It.isuselesstdattempttodescribehow everybody:enjoyed the good dinner.The sight -of~the delicacies simply made the proverbial mouth water, The viands,prepared.by.our good ladies,:were in abundance,to suggest the gathering up of “seven.baskets full,”and suited to the taste of the most fastidious epicure. The afternoon programme consist- ed of pantomines,dialogues,etc,in- terspersed.with music .by-a good tring band,led By Mr.Milas Harris, one of Iredell’s famous fiddlers,The music was so enchanting that the grown-ups could hardly.refrain from “shuffling the fantastic toe.”—_Little Buford.York,-a—sweet two-year-old, ntertained us*with his innocent dancing.This.was mdeed an inter esting feature of atmisement. Cecil Kinder won the prize for the best speaker,awarded by Mrs.Lacy Gaither.Beulah.Stroud won the girl’s prize for best recitation,award- ed by the teacher,Miss Powell.The judges in the contest were Messrs. Elias Powell,Erastus Kellar and Frank Gaither. In conclusion,we wish to compli- ment the children for their admirable deportment on this occasion.Maytheyhavemanymoresuchhappy days.ONE PRESENT.RR The Clayton bill,designed to pro- vide for a complete reorganization of the entire pleading,procedure ‘and practice in the inferior Federal courts,bearing the apprvoal of Pres- ident Wilson,former President Taft,Attorney General MeReynolds,35 State Governors,.the National Civic Federation and large commercial or- ganizations has been favorably re- ported to the House by Representa- tive Webb of North Carolina. STOMACHSUFFERERS if You Wish To Obtain Complete and Permanent Results Try |Mayr’s Wonderfal Stomach Remedyis wellknownthroughoutthecountry.Many thousandlehavetakenitforStomach,Liver and ntestinal Ailments and report marvelots results and are highly praming it to others.Astonmshing benefits sufferers have received even from one dose are heard everywhere and explain its tremendous sale.lt rarely ever fatis and thoseafflictedwithStomach,Lwer and intestinalAdments,Indigestion,Gas in the StomachandIntestines,Dizziness,Fainting Spells,Colic Attacks,Torpid Lwer,Constipation, ete.,should by all means try this remedy.The benefits stomach sufferers who haye takenMay?’s Wonderfal Stomach Remedy havereceivedisinmostcasesalastingone.After you have taken this Remedy you should be able to digest and assimilafe your food,enable the heart to pump pure red blood to every part of the body,giving firmness and strength to fibre and muscle,instre and sparkle to the eye,clear- ness and color tothecomplexion and activity andbrilliancytothebrain.Do away with your pain andsuffering and thisis often possible with ev:one dose of yr's Wonderful StomacRemedyInterestingliteratureandbookletibingStomachAilmentssent,free by Geo,Er Mayr ad Chemist,154-156 Whiting St., Forsale in Statesville,N.C.,by theCo.(two stores),and"HELPLESS AS BABY ~and What Helped Her.— Belle Emey,of this place,says:‘'l suf-fered for 15 years with an awful pain inmyrightside,caused from womanly trouble,and doctored lots for it,but with-out success.|suffered so very much,that I became down in mind,and as help-less as ababy.|wasin the worst kindofshape.as unable to do any work. tonic,and got relief from the verdose.By the timeIhad taken 12 bot-tles,my health was completely restored.jam now 48 years years old,good as I did when only 16, Cardut certainly saved me from losinmymind,and I feel it my duty to sinitsfavor,1 wish |hadover ontworthyour while to give Cardui a more than 50 years,and will help you,too. Try Cardui.Your druggist sells it. WriteAdvisorywuctionsOf yourcasé andFrestmenttoromen,”inplain Wrapper.N.O.121 OF GROVE SCHOOL and Interesting Closing Exercises j DowninMind UnabletoWork, Summit Point,W.Va.—Mis.Anna I began taking Cardui,the womar’sfirst feelas some power,Suffering women,and couldcraketheaknowgooditwoulddothem.” suffer from any of the ailmentstowomen,it will eer it has been helping weak women for 4 Chattanooga Medicine Go.,Ladies’ot.,Chattanooga,Tenn.,for foetal64-page book.ome reread nenatieceeee ieeea Govern the Color of your house but @ : for the paint stick-to Lewis White Lead (DutchBoy PainterTradeMark) _and pure linseed oil.This pure *lead and oil paint covers everycreviceandgripsintowoodpores,It expands and contracts with thewoodanddoesnotcrack. Save money by painting well and in time, Comein andletusfigureon your paint,Inci i see ourOwner's Paint Guide.Wudehacatirementionsandpaintfacts,' Lazenby-Montgomery Hdw.Co., Statesville,N.C. Buggies,Wagons,Harness We are showing the largest and most complete line of Vehicles ever brought to this city.Our leading makes are Hackney,Tyson&Jones,Oxford,High Point and other good makes.Every one guaranteed. Afull line of Harness,Saddles,Whips,Wagons—in fact everything carried in a first class Harness and Vehi- cle store.Call and get prices before buying. Yours to Please, Harness,Vehicle &Supply Co. March 27—8t. w TWO CAR LOADS! Car Load Tennessee Horses and Mules. Car Load Indiana Mares and Horses. Call arid see them. Just in. Henkei-Craig Live Stock Co. ~Genuine Oliver Plows. To know is to own the genuine JamesOliver Plow,the plow that has plowed clean,honest furrows around the world. It has been on the market for forty years and there has been over a million sold.It is being used in every civilized coun- try urider the sun,a genuine purpose plow that can be de- pended upon to do fine plowing.It is made in various sizes, right and left hand,built for work and lots of it. You can always find the Genuine James Oliver Plow and repairs for same at our store.No repairs are genuine with- out OLIVER cast in the parts. We have bought more than four car loads of these famous plows in the past twelve months,and nearly all of them are now in the hands of the farmers.There is a reason for such a phenomenal sale of these goods.The farmers,who are the backbone of the country,did not buy these plows from us because they liked us better than the other fellows, but bécause Our plows have moré merit than the other fel lows’plows ‘The Genuine Oliver is what you want to plow with in 1914. Lazenby -Montgomery Hardware Co. That is My Business. Monumentsand Tombstones Best material,first-class work,lowestprices and satisfaction guaranteed or no pay. If you need anything in my line be sure to see or write me before you buy,as I am prepared to protect your interests. Rsk your neighbors who have bought work from me antl see what they say. I appreciate your neighbors’business agd will likewise appreciate yours. YARDS AT STATESVILLE,N.C.,AND MOORESVILLE,N.C. '“ZEB DEATON,Propyietor a x!a . Tt Prevent Colds andGrippe Task It Used to Be Meares with much of the hard work. For instance,thepolishingofhardwoodfloors,thedustingofmoldings,thetopsof high furniture,the stairs,uncertheradiator,etc.These baek-breakingtasks are now made easywith the sa |riviOp. Polish With it you can dust,clean and polish a hardwood floor in,the time it formerly took you to get ready to do it ‘ Besides,you do not have to get down on your hands and kneestodust * under the bed or other hard-to-get-at places,or i_to stand on a chair to dust the top of the highfurniture:All of the hard work is now made easy with the O-Cedar Polish Mop.It gathers de ake efter Aree yp entgpeobanee phor Themopiscleanedbywashingandthenrencwedbypouringon@fewdropsofO-CedarPolish.:Try It at Our Risk 220052 ier a cage in every oaon eikcnionsSomeFeapect monty.Theprice is only 31.50and kt willsave ks price manytimesoverinasbortume. All size Bottles and Cans Statesville Housefurnishing Co. Seed That Grow And Are True to Name! Mr.Gardener,Don’t That Interest You? —wWE HAVE THEM——— BURPEE! THE STORE OF QUALITY Statesville Drug Co., The Drug Store With the Parcel Post Service. “ee 7h gees PON tHE LAND:ARK PRIDAY,---.April 3,1014 THE UNIVERSITY GAMBLING, Few Engage in It and Student Body Condemn It. ‘A statement anent.the gamblingattheUniversityandtheassaultonthenewspapercorrespondentwhoré-ported the case,is made by the pres-ident.of the senior’class and the stu-dent body of the University;‘thepresidentofthejuniorclass,presi-dent of the sophomore class and thesecretaryoftheY.M.C.A.The ne-port of the correspondent of the gambling case is affirmed,and it issaidthatthestudents.implicated.inthegamblingwereimmediately.dis-missed.The report of the assaultisdenied.»It is admitted that one ofthedismissedstddents,who saw’his name in the papers,Was very an and “put his hand on the corresponent’s shoulder’;that he’was pulled away and not a lick struck.Contin- uing the story: “When the students in generalfacedthequestionofgamblingthe overwhelming sentiment of the stu- dent body immediately erystalizedagainstit.At meetings in the:¥. M.C.A.two weeks ago every Man present expressed the determination to put an end to the evil.At the in- vitation of the president of the stu- dent body week before last 25 lead- ers in University life met in thesocietyhallandcametothe def- inite decision that they would»¥e+ port any case of gambling which—-|they would learn of,and they would cleanest and finest spirited year in this college generation.” The Landmark is glad to print this report.If the student body will con-tinue its activity—not only condemn jbut insist on the exposure and |prompt expulsion of the toughs who |disgrace the State’s chief education- lal institution and the student body, lthey may be kept out.But in thejpasttheefforthasbeentohushup iall trouble.Hazing was winked atlifnotopenlyencouragedandbrutal outrages condoned _untilwastheresult..In a little more thanayearthereisagamblingscandal. PRESCRIPTION SPECIALISTS ! THE POLK GRAY DRUG CO., “On the Square” 109—’PHONES—410 ly .and__vigoroualythingsmightnotoccur so often. body and the University faculty as well.That might as well be under- the institution are getting might tired of that sort of thing. STATE NEWS.— postoffice safe and got stamps and money.An attempt t bank failed. vey Wilson,for 50 years a prominent lawyer of Charlotte,was -presented to the law library of Charlotte this week by the family of Geo.E.Wil son,the latter a son of the deceased IF YOU NEED A CLOCK,IF YOU NEED A WATCH,IF YOU NEED A KODAK,IF YOU NEED CUT GLASS,IF YOU NEED SILVERWARE,———_-SEE———_H.B.WOODWARD,Jeweler. Judge Frank I:Osborne made th formal presentation address. In Johnston county Saturday night Jim Whaley,drunk and desperate,at tempted to shoot his wife.When his tect her mother she caught the bal! intended for the latter and was seri- ously wounded.Whaley defied officersandshotandslightlywounded two before he was arrested. Charles Morse,aged 65, lotte,was found dead Monday morn- oleproof Hosiery! Werzhave a complete stock of Holeproof Ho-siery and guarantee three pair to last threemonthswithoutDARNING,|If holes comeinoneormoreofthemexchangefornewones.“Wear good HOSE." New Spring styles in Colonial Pumps $3.50. The S.,M.&H.Shoe Co., The One Price Cash Shoe Store. ing.That he died a few minutes after8.30 o’clock Sunday.night was ev- 8.30.His lantern,still burning,wa on his arm.Héart disease. The corporation mine whether real estate inherited is liable to the inheritance tax.Wher the inheritance tax:the Attorney General held that it applied to pe The corporation commission is dis posed to test the matter in the court A portrait of Patrick Henry Wi: |ston,lawyer and prominent citizen of \the old days,was presented to th|State Supreme Court Tuesday,Gov |Craig making the presentation \dress.This Winston was the father iof Dr.Geo.T.Winston,former pr« BY USING QUIN ACET OL. 28\CENTS PER BOX \“ AT -——— jident of the University,Judge R.W |Winston of Raleigh,District Atto iIney F.D.Winston and others jfamily of mighty bright,smart pe ple. At the moment of answering “her: at the annual inspection of the Ga tonia military company,in Gaston K.Gilbert fell out of a chair,i: Students Make a Statement—Only aj ¢ “The faculty hes alweys set thet hed a homicide|we=t If the element that creates troublé}to stone, at the University wes more prompt .degrees west 50 feet to a stene,W.F u while they do occur they will con=[ston-tinue to discredit the whole studen§fMfo-<s comer;thence south 18 degrees west stood and it should be understood 4l-| so that the taxpayers who support| At Randleman,Randolph county,| Monday night,yeggmen cracked the}$1,000 in| blow open the vault of the People’s | A portrait of the late Joseph Har-| grown daughter interfered to pro i night |* watchman in Liddell’s shops,-Char- idenced by the fact that he held in| his hand the clock which registeredhisrounds,he having punched it at the revenue act was passed imposing ‘soral property-but@not-tovreal estate.| «|THIS YEAR Monday afternoon,Sérgeant Preston| which he was sitting,to the floor} net News of the New Hope Country. Corresvondence of "The Landmark.New Hope,R-1,April 1—Farmershave.been.making...use ofthe warm,Sunny days,preparing for another trop.Wheat and oats are growingastandeverythinggenerallyindi- Cates spring.. Glen,aged 20,oldest son’of Mr.and Mrs.Melver Redmond,is seriouslyillwithlivercomplaint.His recov- ery is not expected.The next oldest son has had measles and all the othermembersofthefamily“except Mr, Redmon are liable and may be taking the disease..The school at Taylor Springs has closed on account of measles.The Barker school will close this week. Mr.J.L.Reed has about recoveredfromanattackofpneumonia.Mr. z.O.Williams has been quite fee- ec. Mr.Robt.Sheemaker has moved his saw mill to Mr.R.W.Redmond’s place.Other mills are or will be at work soon trying,to save the timber. Frank Elledge of Asheville,in poorhealth,attempted suicide by shooting. He may recoversFALLING HAIR ANDITCHINGSCALP Needless—Use Parisian Sage. Now that Parisian Sage can be had at any drug counter it is certainly needless to have thin,brittle,matted, stringy or faded hair.No matter how unsightly the hair,how badly it is falling,or how much dandruff, do everything in their powet®[Parisian Sage is all that is needed. stamp it out.Frequent applications and well rub- o the sealp will do wonders— it a hi face of the University against gemb-¢magic.The hair roots ling in any form.are ed.and stimulated to grow “The community conscience “which fnew hair,itching scalp,dandruff andhasnottolerateddrinkingor@P@-|fallinz hair cease—your head feels turn of hazing this.year became}fir:Best of all,.the hair .becomes very sensitive to the gambling|soft,fluffy,abundant and radiant with among a comparatively small Mums-/life and beauty.ber of the students.It was and is}You will be surprised and delight- the confident hope of the whole Uni-jed with Parisian Sage.Try at least versity that gambling will be eradi-]one fifty-cent bottle from the States- cated from our life.To the knowl-jyille Drug Store and it will refundedgeofeveryoneofusitisan_abso-|the purchase price if you are not sat-lute fact that this is the healthiest,|isfied SALE OF CITY PROPERTY. By authority contained in a mortgagé deed by T.S.Patterson on 8th day of 12,to the First Building and Loan 1 of Statesville,North Carolina, the indebtedness therein expressed, to ss default in the payments to the Association having been made as therein agreed to be made,I will expose to public sale,to thehighestbidderforcash,on MONDAY,MAY 4th,1914, wing described property: ning at a stone on the east side ofShoalsRoad,W.J,Patterson’s north-corner;and runs south 76 degrees east,with W.J.Patterson’s line 957 feet .to a stone,J.H.Hill's corner m C.B.Morrison'sline;thence nérth 15 degrees east 157 feetJ.H.Hill's corner;thence north nday'’s heirs corner;thence north 83.de- handled —@rees west 116 feet to a stone in branch;thence north 76 degrees west 404 feet to a on Buffalo Shoals road,Missa Maggie ‘with Buffalo Shoals road 104 feet to the be- @iroing,containing one and one-half acres more or less.H.V.FURCHES, lL Cc.Caldwell,Atty.Trustee. March 27,1914. NOTICE | |First class tin work and repairing. Roofing Contractor. CLYDE E.GAITHER.*Phone No.157. |} | | | The Best For Less. Plumbing and Electric Supplies. GC.E.RITCHIE. Jan.20. car VIOLIN.7- ||FRANK WHITING,Teacher of Violin,will be atStudio at Mr.FredConger’s Tuesday and Saturday ofeachweekfrom3to8p.m. LET US figure with youon your |next LITHOGRAPH- ||ING order.Weare agents for one of the best companies and are in position to save you money. Statesville Printing Co. *Phone 208. commission wil!| probably bring a test suit to deter |EGLIPSE ENGINESANDTHRESHERS._ I will have some of our latest style machines here in a short you are in fowi and see thei and let’s talk it over. C.H.TURNER, Near the Depot. Iredell Phone No.74,Bell No.7. |If you will give me your!new YUU HAVE ONLY TEN DAYS YET “IN WHICH “TO™JOIN OUR~1914> Christmas Savings Club. Have you joined?If not,do so now. A new supply of members cards just received ahd we can wait on you promptly when you come in. Parties who wish to open accounts inourSAVINGSDEPARTMENTwillre-member that deposits made on or be-fore April 4th will’draw interest.from April Ist. The best time té6 start an account is now,and the best place is the Merchants &Farmers’Bank of Statesville.“THE BANK FOR YOUR SAVINGS.” A right-shaped,evenly setting collar— a tie that ties and lies smoothly—a shirt that sets well—a waistcoat ‘‘different’’—tailored top-coat—well-pressed trousers, and—coming down to the ankles— SHAWENIT SOCKS Soft,lustrous,evenly woven and durable—the kind guaranteed without limit. You will find everything’in this storeselectedespeciallytoappealtomenofgood taste,and prices are right. (The White Co’.s Old Stand) ASS a 4 * Va vy SS SSS 7TegBSSNNOSSCSSAASs aos ey ASSShod hh ShaT “Wows NUVAVAVAABEBVSBENS YI Pour an PTDLS LS hbSLL RLS UALR LL Any roof that will last 27 years and is still in good condition is well worth looking inte. ee ae ‘POWARNAAN NON WAM That’s the record behind =—=—Besaa There are thousandsofhousesallover the country,manyof them in this state,from the owners of which this statementeanbeverified. 4 For Sale by Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware Company,STATESVILLE,N.C. Your Wife Votes For Life Insurance. * time.Comeover the first time in’an uneonscious condition and wasdeadwithin10minutes,He was not| feeling well and was present only| to respond to roll call..Heart dis-|ease.Was 81 years old and is sur vived by his wife and two children. | work and repairs to your glass- ¢s this year,I will give you the very best service and all of us will be pleased. Hours 9fa.m.to 4.30 p.m. “DR.R.W.WOODWARD, No.i Robbins Row.[OPTOMETRIST, Cough Medicine for Children.Too much eare cannot te used in selecting a cough medicine for children.It should beplensanttotake,contain po harmful sub- statice and be most effectual.Chamberiain’s Don’t leave your family uaprotected.Insure your life now.Delay is dangerous.Life insurancewill vase your mind if you get sick.Financial satisfac- ion comes with the maturing endowment.Insurewithacompanythatbelongstous,that keeps its money at home,hélping toward the upbuilding of our section and State The Southern Life&Trust Co.isour company. Let's be loyat to our own,especially so'since we know it is the penou Life Insurance Co..Give me your application.You know me. can depend on what I tell you. FELIX J.AXLEY,- Life,Health,Accident REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE.Over Merchants &Farmers’Bank. Best Line of Aulomobilesin Stale FORD ---STUDEBAKER---REO. We have just received two Studebakerfour-cylinder,five-passenger ears and oneStudebakersix-cylinder,seven-passengertouringcar.Also two car loads (12)Ford Roadsters and Touring cars, Studebaker Six-CylinderjTouring$Car $1,575StudebakerFour-Cylinder Touring{Car 1,050 Reo Roadster 1,175 Reo Touring Car 1,175550FordTouringCar500FordRoadster5See All prices F,O.B.Detroit,Mich.All carsfully equipped and Studebaker and Reo have electric lights and electric starters.Come and see these cars and try them.; CAROLINA MOTOR €O.,Statesville,\.(. Cough _Remedy,these requirements 618 S,Center St. .meetsandisafavoritewith the mothers of youns|children everywhere,For sale by al)dealers 2 erencescoon Mf G.L.McKNIGHT,Mooresville,N.C. The patronage of the public is so- licited.This is a personal invitation to become a friend and patron of the Bank through its General and Com- mercial Department,its Savings De- partment,its Loan and Discount and Insurance Department.wr We wish to make the opening day one to be remembered in the_history of the Bank and you are cordially ia- vited to call Saturday,April 4th,and open an account with us.Savings de- positson the opening day will bear interest from April Ist at 4 per cent per annum. OFFICERS: GEO.H.BROWN, President. ORIN L.TURNER, Cashier. W.L.MATHESON, J.A.LACKEY, Vice Presidents. Burglar None policy will be to render assistance in building up more an It will heartily co-operate with other financial institutions,commercial and farmers’orgaizations,to that end. like Come and see it. WILL OPEN FOR BUSINESS . Saturday,April 4th,at9a.m.at No.112 West Broad Street. This Bank is organized to serve home people.Its capital is subscribed and paid in by ‘home people,from money earned and saved by them.Its Our New Safe is guaranteed to be Fire,Mob and Proof. it. A\MERICAN BANKERS Safety Go ain ae VICTOR PATENTS Time Certificates will bear interest at the rate of 4 per cent per an- months or longer d greater business for Statesville and the development of the resources of Iredell county. No.326 State of North Carolina, Corporation Commission, Raleigh. This is to certify that the People’sLoan.&_Savings kof Statesville,North Carolina,havingfiléd its articles}-of incorporation in the office of the Cor-poration Commission,and having other-wise complied with the law,is hereby authorized to begin business.This 26th day of March,A.D.1914.By order of the Commission: E.L.TRAVIS,Chairman.A.J,MAXWELL,Clerk. DIRECTORS: -W.L.Matheson, D.F.Jenkins, L.B.Patterson, A.L.Coble, J.W.Koon, W.A.Thomas, L.O.White, L.C.Wagner. Geo.H.Brown, J.A.Lackey, Zeb.V.Long, W.C.Wooten, J.A.Conner, J.R.McLain, A.S.Alley, if left three |The Williams Furniture House. :<<r S : psu will soon be here with its glories of flowers and sunshine. Why not have“ussupply you with some new furniture to brightenupyourhomeandmakeithappy.Fitting up the home is our spe- cialty and we arewilling to extend our services to all who can availthemselvesofourexperience.Wecan help you more than any-body else in the world when it comes to that. Everything here in furniture,rugs,pictures,etc.,to make thehomebeautiful.Not too early to do a lot of planning now. «IF YOU USE —=eae enter nents Your building will look well.Your paint will wear well.The paint cost will be lowest,sinceyouwillhave FEWER GALLONS TO BUY. What stronger arguments do you need? ——FOR SALE:BY—— Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware Co., Statesville,N.C. |General |Rockefeller Foundation to the work cH LANDMARK FRIDAY,‘--- Information Wanted About Rockefel- ler and the Agricultural Department Senator Kenyon’s resolution calling upon Secretary Houston for informa- tion concerning the relation of the Education Board of the April 3,1914, of the Department of Agriculture, was passed by the Senate Wednes- day.The resolution states the Gencral Education Board of the Rockefeller Foundation “is financed by John D, Rockefeller”and calls upon the Sec- retary for a “statement showing names and positions of.all employes, if.any,of the department whose sal- aries are paid in whole or in part with funds contributed by Mr.Rockefeller; partment administrative officers who are in any way connected with the work of the General Education Board;and salaries,if any,received by them from the Rockefeller Foun- dation.” The resolution was based on the statement of ‘Répresentative Mc- Laughlin of Michigan,in the House, that 600 employes in the Department of Agriculture were in the employ- “|ment also of the Rockefeller Founda- tion, The State’s Cotton Crop By Coun- ties—The Decrease and Increase. The report of the ccnsus bureaushowsthatthe1913cottoncropfor North Carolina was 835,435 _balescomparedwith906,351 bales in 1912—a shortage of 70,916 bales.The shortage was in the big:cotton coun-ties of the east.In Robeson the de- crease~-was.from.62,832 in 1912 .to 58,913 in 19138;in Edgecombe from 37,219 to .29,422;in Johnston from 44,309 to 38,751;in Wayne from 39,- 627 to 29,901;in Scotland from 31,- 962 to 27,648;in Pitt from 31,978 to 21,520.These are the largest cotton counties.In others the decrease was from 1,000 to 2,000 bales.In some counties there were in- creases.Mecklenburg increased from 28,178 in 1912 to 31,053 in 1913;Wake increased from 26,377 to 28,- 467,and there were also increases in some of the counties that grow muchsmallercrops.‘Iredell,for instance, increased from 12,372 to 15,084; Alexander from 2,575.to 2,588;Ca- barrus from 12,183 tw 12,716;Cataw-ba from 9,073 to 10,112;Cleveland from 20,155 to 23,474;Lincoln from 7,416 to 8,471;Rowun from 9,062 toteRutherfordfrom9,206 to 10,- a..4 J.A.Weisner Postmaster at Olin— Other Appointments.In addition to the fourth class post-masters named on the third page ofTheLandmark,the following have since been announced.James A.-Weisner at Olin,Iredell county;W.McD,Moore at Granite Falls,Mrs.Sallie Mivers at Boone, Dwight L.Morrison at Harisburg,H. W.Reece at Boonville. Capital of the New Reserve Banks| Will Be About $100,000,000. Washington Dispatch.The new Federal reserve banking system will start business with a total .authorized capital of about} $100,000,000 for all reserve banks,no} matter how many institutions the or-| ganization committee decides to set | up.This fact became apparent when| figures were made public from all} national banks responding to the! last call of the comptroller of the cur-| rency,made March 4. The statement issued giving these/ figures will be the last of the kind be-| fore the formal launching of the sys-| tem unless the organization changes its present purpose and delays the announcement of the reserve districts|nd cities.The total capital and suz-; plus of the 7,494 national banks re-| porting was given at about $1,788,-| also names and positions of all de.|000,000.Under the reserve act each|national bank must subscribe six per| cent of its capital and surplus to the! capital of the reserve bank in its dis- trict and 6 per cent of this total would be about $107,000,000.There were only 7,465 national banks who sig- nified in the legal time their intention to enter the system,so that the total would be somewhat reduced but the entrance into the system of State banks and trust companies will tend to offset this,and it is possible that with these institutions’figured ih the capital of all reserve banks will be near $110,000,000. The actual working capital of_the reserve banks may reach only ‘half this amount,for the act.provides mandatory subscriptions of only three-sixths of the total 6 per cent. The reserve board,the machine which will direct the system,however,is authorized to demand the payment of the other three-sixths. THE REASON FEWERPEOPLETAKE “SALTS.” We find the.use of salts and other harsh physics is becoming less ev- ery year because more and more peo- ple are using Rexall Orderlies,which we find and they firmly believe to be the best bowel remedy ever made. They taste so much like candy that even the children like them.At the same time they act so easily and nat- urally that there is no purging,grip- ing or pain.They promptly remove the constipation and,by soothing and strengthening the bowels.make it, less liable to occur again.We have) the utmost faith in them.We know) what they are made of and the pleas- ant beneficial results that always | follow their use. You needn’t take our word for it.| If Rexall Orderlies don’t help you| if they don’t entirely relieve all, your bowel troubles.-come back and tell us and we'll give back your mon- ey.In vest pocket tin boxes;10¢.,| 2be.,50c. You can buy Rexall Orderlies a ly at The Rexall Stores,and in this town only of us. Statesville Drug Co., Store,Center Street; Uptown:| Boulevard New Qresses and Suits That Would Be a Credit to a Real City Store. Silk Poplin,Taffeta, Combination ‘Taffeta and Chiffon and Crepe de Chine Dresses made for the good dressers and moderately priced. They’re here at $12.50 to $25. Silk and Woolen Suits Featuring models we have never shown be- fore,in fact the latestwordinSuits.You'll have to come and see them—wecan’ttell you here just how pretty they are. We're Outfitters From Head to Foot. / RAMSEY-BOWLES-MORRISON CO. THE STOREWITHTHE PARCEL POST SERVICE. Store,West2rn Avenue,Statesville,N.©.\s VOL-XL i hes STATESVILLE,N.C,TUESDAY,APRUL 7,1914. = THE BOND ELECTION IN JUNE. Yo Vote on $25,000 of Bonds For a School’Building—W..J.Matheson Elected Alderman to Fill Vacancy —QGas Franchise Passed—The Key Property For Cemetery Purposes —Proceedings Board of Aldermen. Considerable ‘business was trans- acted by the board of aldermen at its regular ‘monthly meeting Friday night.The meeting was attended‘by .the mayor and all members of the board and the first action was to ap- int a committee to prepare reso- lations to the memory of Alderman A.DB,Cooper,who.had died since the last ng.Messrs.Ausley,Mc- Elwee and Bristol were named as the committee and the resolutions are to be presented to the next meet- ing of the board.The election of a successor to Mr.Cooper to fill out bis unexpired term was in order and Mr.W.J.Matheson was unanimously elected. An election was ordered to be held Tuesday,June 16th,to submit te.thevotersofthetowrr-a~—bond-issue_of $25,000 for.another grfaded school building and equipment.As has been stated,the school board has se- cured an option from Mr.J.C.Sul- livan on about three acres of land on Water street,near the inter- section of Water with Davie avenue, and while other property is being considered the board appears to pre-fer thia for the new school site:Mr. Sullivan offers to deduct .$250 from the purchase price of the property if the city will take the small point of ground between Water street and Davie avenue and convert it into a park to be known as Sullivan's park. The gas franchise to Messrs. Bridgeman and Moses,the new own- ers of the Statesville gas plant, passed its third and final reading. The gas people have given $2,000 bond to guarantee gas for general public use within six months.Work on the plant is progressing rapidly and Messrs.‘Bridgeman and Moses state that so far as the plant is con- cerned they will be veady to manu- facture gas,the real “home-made” article,within two weeks.Theywi for- merinnew ones.Thisbutthe’gas people say the public may depend on getting gas within a very.short time. Mrs.P.B.Key,through her sel,expressed a willi to sell the property which is red by the city for cemetery purposes,rather than have litigation over the prop- erty,and submitted a proposition to the city.It was made clear to the board that the proposition was made with reluctance,as Mrs.Key does not desire to dispose of the proper- ty.The city submitted a counter proposition to Mrs.Key and it is hoped that the matter can be settled without litigation. Quite a aber of bids for $30,- 000 of @ Statesville street improve- ment bonds had been received by the coun- aldermen,but all of these save two| were rej by the board.The two are sae being considered by the finance committee.Both bidders of- fer par,with accrued interest and small premiums.ae The matter of sprinkling the streets in the business section is again being agitated and the alder- men propose to have the sprinkling done if the merchants of the town will contribute $10 a week toward “the expenses,this amount to be paid weekly.The matter is now “up to the merchants.”They,can either take the dust or put up the $10 a week.©: The city engineer was instructed to astertain what portion.of the Bradford Knitting Mill’s property 1s outside the corporate limits so that the matter of taxes may be adjusted. The mill owns about 23 acres of ground,.It was shown to the.board that Frank Chambers and Jo.White, both colored,haye been paying poll tax for several years after passing the age limit and the taxes were erdered—refunded. Hill street,a short street from Front street to the Taylorsville rail- road,Was ordered-sand-chayed,and it was decided that when west Broad street is improved,as proposed,the macadam taken from the street be used in improving Water street: Trees and grass were ordered plant- ed on north Center street between the sidewalk and curb., The resignation of Mr.C.A. Mitchell as assistant fireman at the city’water station,was accepted and Jas.M.West was elected his success- or.Mitchell resigned because the poard would not inerease his salary from $35 to $45 the month.The new pump for the water station was hauled from the depot to the sfation last week and will be installed this week.The new pump insures plenty of water this summer and better fire protection. A plan is Y the aldermen by which an individual shall take charge of /Billingsley hos- pital and operate it)gt his own risk, all patients and phypicians to have equal rights.If the \plan works out the matter may be (settled at the next meeting of the board The light committee \was instruct- edto place a targer electric.transfor- mer near Dr.Long’s Sanatorium so that all light and powe}desired ‘at the Sanatorium may be furnished. being discussed among4 BAD FREIGHT WRECK FRIDAY. Seventeen.Cars of An Eastbound Freight Train Derailed Near Elm:wood—Some of the Cars Badly Wrecked. ~The Southern railway experierted another serious freight wreck on the Salis¥ury and Asheville division ear- ly Friday morning when 17 cars ofeastbound:train No..72,ConductorKaleandEngineerHendricksincharge,were derailed at a point twomileseastofElmwood,in the edge ofRowan’county.Ten of the derailedcarswereéitherpartiallyorentire-ly demolished,the track was badlytornupandtrafficwasblockedfornéarly15hours...Fortunately therewasnooneontheportionofthetrainwhichlefttherailsandconse-quently no personal injury.The eee occurred about 1:30 o'clock as the train,a through freight,was speeding around a curve on the“home ren”for Salisbury...A coalear*near the front of the long stringofearssuddenlylefttherails,andwasfollawedby16othercars,someofwhich-rotted dewn--the_embank-|ment,while others remained on the road bed.Only ten of the ‘cars turn-ed over,and a portion of these were badly wrecked.The rails and cross- ties were broken and twisted for adistanceofahundredyardsandtheroadbedwasbadlytornup,the wreck-ed cars plowed great furrows in thesideoftheembankment.One heavy rail was twisted into a half circle.Two of the cars which were demolish-ed contained scrap iron,another wasloadedwithironrails;one or morecontainedlumberandtherewerethreeorfourloadedcoalandmer-chandise cars.All this was piled inheapsandstrewnalongthetrack.The sole contents of one car was 100cratesofeggsfromStatesvilleand| Taylorsville.This car did not turn over and only a portion of the eggs were broken., The wreck was reported to head-quarters immediately and both theSpencerandAshevillederricksand wrecking crews were sent to thescene,the Spencer,crew arrivingabout3o’clock and the other severalhourslater.Seven of the cars werereplacedontherailsandtheremain-der were moved off the roadbed bythederricksandnewcrosstiesandrailswereputdownasrapidlyastheroadbedcouldbeclearedandre-paired.The track was ready fortrafficby5o’clock in the afternoon,but the work of clearing away the wreckage is probably still in prog- ress.Some of the damaged goods were sold at the scene of the wreck.Friday’s wreck was about a mileand“a half east of the point of the wreck which occilrred ten days pre- vious. Passion Week Services—Church News. The Passion Week services at St. John’s Lutheran church continue this week.This evening at 7:30 thesubjectwillbe“Jesus Christ,disap- pointed,weeps over rebellious Jeru-salem.”Wednesday evening,“JesusChristfindsHistemplehasbecome a den of thieves and cleanses it,re- buking the officials.”Thursday eve- ning,“He looks into the hearts ofPhariseesanduncoversandexposes their sins and hypocrisy.”Friday, 1l a m.,“The seven sayings of Christ on the cross.”Friday eve- ning,“Christ’s death,burial and at- tending results.”Sunday;6 a.m.,the Sunday school will render a sunrise service,prepar- ed by the Lutheran Board of Publi- cation.The offerings at this servicewillbedevotedtohomemissions.Special music.Sunday 11 a.m.,con-firmation,confession and absolution and communion.The pastors.andworshipfulpubliccordiallyinvitedto worship with us.COM.Rev.A.S.Beaman,Sunday schoolmissionaryfortheBlueRidge-At-lantic Methodist Conference,will de-liver an address on Sunday schoolworkatFifthStreetMethodist church tomorrow evening at 7:30. Public cordially invited. New Citizen in Business Here.: Mr.H.C,hier of Staunton,Va.,has located in Statesville and expéctstomakehispermanenthomehere.His family will join him later.Mr.Mohbler-has-opened #general tin andmetalshopat114eastBroadstreetandwilloperatethebusinessunderthenameoftheStatesvilleTinningCompany,When he decided to leaveStaunton,where he was engaged inthetinningbusiness,Mr.Mohler be- gan looking around for a good townandwasattractedtoStatesvilleby the advertising which has been giventhetownandcountyastheresultofthemanyimprovementsmadeduringthepastfewyears,He got into com-rmunication with Statesville people«und was furnished with desired in- formation _about general.conditions,and whon he read the article whichappearedinTheLandmarkamonthorsoagoshowingthatthetownwas spending $100,000 in the erection ofhomes,he was not leng in decidingtomakehishomein“Statesville,theBestTowninNorthCarolina.” Real Estate Deals. The J:G.Ingram land in Shiloh to containing 102 acres,wassoldat‘court house Saturday.byW.L.Ingram,commissioner,to R.°C,Little for $1,015...naiMr.J.M.Sutherhassoldhisres- THE BIG MEETING IN JUNE. Dr.Pickard of Savannah Will Cén-duct the Meeting’and.Mr,MilamWillHaveChargeoftheSitiging —Arrangements For a GreatligiousMeetingto.Be Held im Statesville.: The Landmark is furhished thefollowingstatement:for publication:The sub-committee appointed ~tosecureapreacher,and.a singer,for the great union meeting to &idinStatesvilleinJuneisfortunateinhavingalreadysecured‘both men. Rev.W.L,Pickard,D.D.,pastor oftheFirstBaptistchurchofSavan-nah,Ga.,wired his acceptance of theinvitationandistovbehereonJuneIst..Mr.D.Ward Milam ofisthesingersecuredandhe ig ex-pected to arrive a few days earlier,perhaps on Thursday or Friday,of the last week of May.The meetingeGisscheduledtobeginwiththe day evening service,May 31,It is the picn to hold preparatory.services in all the churches of thetown.en Wednesday,Thursday and Friday-evenings of.the week,ed-ing=the-opening._Sunday.—Dr.Pick.ard’s first service will be on Stenight,June ist,and he is to remain for two wecks.Both these workers come with the’very best recommendations.Dr.Pick-ard is one of the leading pastors andpreachersofhisdenominationandthereforeoneoftheleadingpreach-ers of the South,He is without frills and does not follow or eounte-nance sensational methods.Further- more,he is reputed to be a very suc-cessful revivalist and “withal a plain gospel preacher.He is known tesomeofourStatesvillecitizensandtheyvouchforhiminthestrongest possible manner.,Mr.Milam is the man who hasbeenactingasmysicaldirectorinthewonderfulmeetingthathasjbeenheldinTrinitychurch,Charlotte.Those who have witnessed his work there unite in declaring him to beoreofthefinestmenforthispartie-ular work ever observed.He.will re-main for the full two weeks of themeeting.It is expected that there, will be a chorus choir of at least one hundred voices to lead the congrega-tional singing.Mr.Milam insiststhateverybodysing.mThefactthatboththesemencouldbesecuredfortheparticulardateoriginallyselected,seems almost;providential.Statesville and Oe etemmm Soe NO-73>> THE NEW BANK’S FIRST DAY. Deposits on Opening Day Amountedto$11,730.26—Will Erect Bank Building on Robbins Lot. The People’s Loan and SavingsBank,which began business Satur- day,had a most successful opening. The first day’s deposits totaled $41,-730.26.In addition to this about $1,-00 was deposited in the savings de-partment after banking hours,thisdepartmentbéingkeptopenafter banking hours on Saturdays,This, however,is eounted in yesterday’s business.The first day’s business of the new bank recalled to Mr.Geo.H.Brown, the president,that 27 years ago thefirstdayofnextMayheopenedthe First Nationa]Bank,of which he wascashier.Notwithstanding the FirstNationalsucceededtothebusinessof Cooper &Brown,bankers,and was the only bank in the county,its first statement,13’.days arter it opened,showed deposits subject”to check, 15,751.35.This shows,the wonder-1 development in the banking bus- iness in a little more than a quarter @f a century,eS banks in tesvite--and.Ewe.Mooresville@fourthinStatesvillegetsnearly’ three times as much money the first day as the only bank in the countyhadafteritgotunderway27years ago.. At a meeting of the board of di-rectors of the People’s Loan and Sav- ings Bank Saturday the Robbins lotwaspurchasedfromMessrs,Jenkins &Wagner for $4,490.56—the amount they had paid for it,with interest and cost of transfer added—and it was decided to build a Lanking house onthelot,which is 30x100 and adjoins the court house lot.The law restricts the amount of real property a Statebankmayowntoone-fourth its cap- ital,which in this case would be $12,500.As this was not sufficient to pay for the lot and erect a cred- itable building,one-tourth of the lot was sold to Mr.Brown for $1,500 andhewillpayforone-fourth of the building,the «building and lot to ecst about $16,000.It is provided that if at any time the bank shoulddesiretopurchaseMr.Brown’s inter-est in the property he will sell it at cost and interest.There has been much demand for additional stock inthebankandlaterthecapita)may be increased to $100,000.If this isdonethebankwillbeatlibertyto Ne the entire property. committee:having this matter in o®thechargearetobecongratulatedonthesuccessfulandearlyissueofworkof securing the men.”The whole matteristobereferredbacktothecentralcommitteeforitsratification.Thiscommitteeiscomposedofthepastorandalayrepresentativefromeach congregation in-the town.This com- mittee is called to meet in the pri- tT room of Broad Street Metho-dist ‘church next Monday night at 8 o'clock.At that time fall arrangementsforthemeetingwillbeperfected.It is the sense of the committee that thepromiseofagreatmeetingisbeforc us,one that will really count greatl; in the life of the whole town.It remainsonlyforthepeopleofthetow: to give this effort their united andenthusiasticsupport.The committeefeelsthatitalreadyhasthissup port.“Never has there been such 2unanimousendorsementofanylargeenterpriseofthischaracterinmycx- perience,”said one member of thecommittee.So mote it be all the way through. Commercial Club Governors Plan‘Things. At its meeting Saturday night theboardofgovernorsoftheCommer-cial club decided,to immediately is- sue some advertising matter onStatesvijleandthécougtyandMr.G.E.French was appointed chair- man of a special advertising commniittee,.which will “make recommend: tions to the next meeting of tixboard.Mr,French is to select theothermembersofthecommittee.Mr. C.V.Henkel was named chairman ofacommitteewhichwillprovidewaysandmeansforfinancingtheaidver-tising scheme and Mr,L.W.MacKes-son was appointed chairman of thememberShip..committee..of the.club.Mr.Henkel is to name two other members of his committee and Mr MacKesson is to select four membersoftheelubto-serve-with_him.as.themembershipcommittee.The govern-ors decided to hold regular meetingsontheeveningsofthesecondand fourth Fridays of each month. Illicit Distillery Destroyed in Alex- ander. Deputy Collector Alexander =andDeputySheriffGilbertofStatesvilleandMr.O.F,Poole of Taylorsville destroyéd an illicit distillery in AlexandercountyFridayafternoon,The distillery "was located between two mountains about 15 miles northwest of Taylorsville,near the Caldwell county line,and was complete in e\ ery particular,A “run”had justbeenmade,probably the day before, and material was on hand for sever-al more “runs.”Two stands of beer,about 400 gallons;were just ready todistillandinadditiontothisthere was eight or ten gallons of low wines.The still proper was of copper andhadacapacityof35gallons.Thebeerandwinewaspouredoutbytheofficersandtheplantdemolished.No one was about premises whentheofficersarrived. idence on’the Boulevardto Mr.F.J.©QA.Sanatorium forio Mra,@ Stephenson is at the |girl beceme indignant and Three cases were disposed of in the mayor's court Sunday.Carcy Bos- hamer was arrested on a charge of assaulting Miss Stella Smith,but the warrant was withdrawn before the case went to trial and the defendontwas.teleased on the payment of the costs,Which amounted to $3.70.While no evidence was introduced in court,the charge against Carey was that heforciblykissedMissSmithintheR. M.Knox Co.store Saturday night.The court record shows that “MissSmithrequeststhewithdrawalof the warrant.The defendant madeamapologytoherinopencourt.”It is explained in behalf of these re that they are goodfriandwhilemakingmerrySat-urday night the young man yieldedtothetemptationtostealakiss.The ‘later a warrant issucd but the girl repentedandwithdrewthewarrantandshewritesTheLandmarkthatafter apology was made they are now goodfriends.So all’s well that ends well. Burgess White,colored,and his wife,Charlotte White,‘were found guilty of being drunk and disorderly. Burifess was released on the pay- ment of a fine of $5 and the costs andCharlottewassenttojailfor30days, Eugene Fox and T.R.Clark were taxed $8.50 ench for being drunk and disorderly. Rostoffice Receipts the Past Year. The receipts of the Statesville postoffice for the fiscal year which ended March 31st totaled $28,521.09,compared with $27,391.40 the year previous,showing a gain of $1,129.- 69.These figures include only thesaleofstampsandstampedpaper. During=the past year money orders to the amount of $10,741 were issued and _orders.to.the..amonunt.of $4504 were paid,showing that $6,237 more was sent ‘away through this meth- od than was received. The refular postal receipts by quarters during the past fiscal year were as follows:First quarter §$7,- 248.54,second $5,383.01,third $8,- 128.39,fourth $7,766.15.It will be noticed that the receipts for the third quarter were the largest.This is accounted for by the unusual num- ber of parcels post packages sent through the mails during the Christ- mas Season. Mr,Raynal to Deliver Memorial Ad- dress. At the meeting of the Daugliters of the Confederacy,held with Mrs. Sig.Wallace yesterday afternoon,it was decided to extend an invitation to Rev.Chas.E.Raynal to delivertheMemorialDayaddressMay10thandlater‘in the evening Mr.Raynal accepted the invitation.In addition to rial Day plans the district convention of Daughters,to be heldinStatesville,was’also discussed and it was decided to postpone the con- vention until the last of May.A social hour followed the business ses- sion,Mrs.Wallace wos assisted inovtertainingbyMesdomesM,RF. Adams,L.White,J.H.Hill,W.W. Walton,Bell Carlton and E.D.Brown, Fe eee ket JURORS FOR THE MAY,COURT. Elections to Vote Off School Taxes— Road to Be Extended From Past Broad Street. Jurors for the term of Iredell Su-perior Court which convenes Mori-dey,May 18th,were drawn by the ¢ounty commissioners yesterday as follows: First week—R.M.-Hicks,J.A. Brown,O.E:Pierce,J.F..Gibson, Geo.M;Foard,E.W.Brawley,W. C,»Johnson,Jr..W.H.Kimball,D. M.Templeton,D.C.Howard,Ben Freeze,J A.Chandler,W.A.Lon- doa,L..B.Bristol,A.A.Kelley,G. Caldwell,W.R.Joyner,J.R.Ed- dinger,C.D.Shook,E.M.Crawford, Jay Sloan,S.L.Tomlin,J.C.Horn,&..V.Brown,J..H.Rickert,G.E. Hughey,M.W.Thomas,8._M.Hager, W.H.Haney,A L.Reynolds,J.T. Neill,N.B.Mills,C.T.Fisher,Robt. W.Davis,Oscar Stimson,J,S.Alex- ander.:Second week—Jas:Donald,R. P. Craven,J.T.Jennings,H.C.Trout- man,J.W.Joyner,C.P.Holland,W. H.Horton,Z R.Privett;M.-C.Moose,J.C.Harriman,J.R.-John-|gon,LB.Tomlinson,RV Brawley,as.T.Whitlow,Thos.”Meadows,R,L.Patterson,W.A.Cooper,JakeRimmer,J.J.Messick,H.T.Steele, W.E.Coke,Arthur Kinder,W.G.Barkley,J.Q.Warren.PaThecommissionersordered elec- tions to be held April 27th in dis-tricts Nos.2 and 6,Shiloh township, and No.4,Davidson township,tovoteonthequestionofabolishingthespecialschooltax. The board agreed to extend theroadfromtheendofBroadstreettotheMocksvilleroadneartheold Lowrance place,property owners having subscribed $650 toward the expense of the work.; A road leading from the Prospect road at the D.W.Lowrance place to a point on the Rowan road near Pos- ton’s store was ordered surveyed.The board adjourned until today to appoint’the list-takers. Ex-Governor Glenn Last Night. Ex-Gov:R.B..Glenn lectured at the court house last night under theauspicesoftheLocalWorkers’Society of Broad Street Methodistchurch.The s e:was introducedbyHen.W.D.Turner and devoted alittlemorethananhourinpresenting his timely message,which he choosestocall“The Great National RemedyforEvil.”A fair audience heard anderjoyedthelecture.In explainingashisremedyfotevilthepropertiainingandteachingofthisgener- ation in the way that they should go, the Governor took up the variousphasesofthesubjectandpresentedtheminaforcefulmanner.Moth- ers and fathers were urged to teach their children obedience,industry; modesty and purity,pluck and energy and to’teach themselves and theirchildrenthatcharacteristhepreat- est asset that man of woman canhsve.The nation will be what themothersandfathersmakeitthroughtheirchildrenandparentswereurg- ed to givé more time to the training of their children and less to moneymakingandsocial,pleasures,The divorce evil,the rm dances and the modern styles of woman's dresswereallcondemnedinamannerwhichwasbothimpressiveandamusing.The ‘ex-Governor is right much of a preacher. Business of the Board of Education. At its regular meeting yesterday the county board of education decid-ed to co-operate with Rowan,Alex:n-der,Cabarrus and Stanly counties inaunioninstituteforthe‘coloredschoolteachers,to be held in Salis-bury next summer,as recommended by the State Board of Education.Itisbelievedthattheunioninstitute will prove more effective than sepa-rete county institutes because of thesmallnumberofcoloredteachersin the various counties.The board heard petitions for elec- tions to vote off special school taxes in Districts-No,.4 of Davidson town-ship and Nos.6 and 7 of Shiloh town-ship.The petitions of the two firstnameddistrictswereendorsed,but that of:District No.7,Shiloh,wasrefusedbecauseofalackofthere-quired number of signatures.“~~~ ~The first.Monday in May was setasideasthetimetohearapplications for new school houses. The MacDowell Club Will,PresentTheHolyCityThisEvening. The MacDowell.club will present “The Holy City,”a sacred cantata, at the First Presbyterian church this evening at 8.30 o’clock. A cordial invitation is extended to the music-lovers of the city,to hear this famous oratorio,which is sacred in character and appropriate for this season,as the words are taken from the Scriptures, The MacDédwell club win be assist-ed by Mesdames J.C.-Duke,A,P. Steele and Messrs.C.E.Mills,R.E. Clapp,R.M.Gray and Rey.W.M, Walsh. Revenue Collections, The records in Collector Watts’of- fice show revenue collections for last month follows:Lists $3,075.52,special tax $125.25,tobacco and snuff $560,469.87,cigars and ~cigarettes$25,498.29,a total of $589,169.03,which is considerably above themonthlyaverage.Collections a beeneliquorinthedistricthathetax-paid and withdrawn f.government warehouses:.‘. 4 BRIEF ITEMS OF LOCAL NEW# Frost for three mornings in sue- cession and the mercury down,to freezing yesterday morning causesconrernfor’the fruit crop. ~The whippoorwills are calling and the blacksnakes are runing.Ev- idence of spring but snow may falt before Easter is.passed. ~-Col.Marcellus E.Thornton ofHickory,capitalist and distinguished citizen,spent a few hours in States-ville Friday between trains, ~The commencement exercises ofNeboHighSchool,McDowell coun-ty,of which Rev.G.HH.Weaver, formerly of Iredell,is principal,will take place April 14-16. ~-The closing exercises of the Troutman Graveyard school,in Fallis- Entertainments in the forenoon at 9.-30 and in the evening at 7.30. ~—-Mr.C.T.Hicks,a deputy in the revenue office,has ar the J.P. Phifer residence on east Broad streetandwillmovehisfamilyherefromCharlottenextweekandoccupyit. _Cotton picking is still in prog-ressin Iredell.A half dozen ormore.red pickers were at workinafieldontheSalisburyroad,sev-eral miles east of Statesville,Friday © afternoon., —<About 300 pounds of cotton.weredestroyedbyfireatBrownBros’.cot~ton gin at Troutman Friday.Thefireoriginatedinthecottonpressandwasextinguishedbeforeitgain-ed headway. —Mr.F..K.Bost was exhibitingSaturdayadeedmadeJune7,1785,to Thos.Milford and conveying to him 100 acres land in Rewan county}for fifty shillings.The deed bere amutilatedsealoftheKing.: —Mr.P.J.Holland of Olin cele-brated in big style a birthdsy Sun- day.His brother,Mr.C.8S.Holland . of Statesville,and about 59 otherswerethereandtherewasplentyto eat and some dozén biskets over. —County Agricustural AdviserAreyhasenrolled111boysinthe Iredell corn club,who will enter thecorngrowingconteststhisseason.Poultry clubs have been organized -.at Bethlehem,Oak Grove and Trout-man schools.2 —On account of the gathering ofprogressiveDeniocratsinage‘tomorrow,a special rate’is fed round trip from Statesville is $6.56...Tickets on sale today and good to re-turn on the 9th.t ‘ —The old accounts of the WhiteCompanyandalotoftheeeolddresspatterns,ete.,were sold public auction at the court house yes-terdey.Judging from theneithertheaccountsnorthewere:in demand.ee —Lenoir News:Mr.TurnerofIredellcountyarrivedhereWed- nesday on a visit to his son-in-law,Mr.G.M.Webb.Mr.Turner is al-so looking at farming lands ‘in thispartofthecountryandifhefindsanythingtosuithimmaybuyandlocateinCaldwell. —The_regular quarterly meeting —of the Iredell County Farmers’Un-—ion was held at the court house Sat-urday.Only routine business ,wastransacted.The Union was reportedin‘fine condition and the members re-ported farm conditions very en- couraging. —QOn account of the annual reun-ion of the United Confederate Veter-ans at Jacksonville,Fla.,MaytheSouthernrailwaywillselltripticketsfromStatesvillefor $9.-—60.Tickets on sale May 3 to May7th,inclusive,final return limit May15th.By payment of 5@ cents tick- ets may be extended to June 4.: The Philadelphia UndersellingCo.is moving the R-M.Knox Com-pany stock to the storeroom on west Broad street formerly occu os United Shoe Store and will contheirsaletherenextweek.Thecompany.storeroom will be occupiedbyBelkBros.,who’will open a cloth-©ing and gent’s furnishing business. Mr.Robt.A.Blaylock of States- ville is a member of the rca class of Eckels College jof Embalming,Philadelphia,“Pa,witch tomorrow.A number ofpeoplehavereceivedinvitations totheduationbanquetoftheclass,.which will be held at Hotel Walton in. —Mr.P,M.Watts,a son of thelateT.A.Watts,who was for tenyears,sheriff of Iredell,and a broth-er of Collector A,D.Watts,was acandidateforsheriff.in the Demo-cratic primaries held yesterday in ~Tuscaloosa county,Ala.Mr.WattshaslivedinAlabamasinceboyhoodandmarriedthere.» ~\Deputy Clerk of the Federal Court J,B.Gill)and his assistant,Miss Ruth Gill,are in Charlotte thisweekwiththeFederalcourt.Mrs.—Gill accompanied them toThenewdistrictattorneyand thenewmarshal,W C.HammerChas.A.Webb,ap for thetime‘in their official capacity at this court.f Underwood Probably Winner. Returns from the Democratic pri- mary held in Alabama yesterday,in«dicate the nomination of Oscar 1 Underwood for United States SenatoroverHobson...”Ses Communion services at‘Lutheran.charch Sunday.— town ‘township,will be held Friday.~ 4 Philadelphia tomorrow evening.”a anand#LANDMARK) TVESDAY,April 7,1914. ‘lr MAKES A DIFFERENCE. Sometinies we view the same‘proposition differently at different times.it depends on our concern in the proposition.The national Demo- cratic platform of 1908 declared for the removal of the tariff-on lomber.Senator Simmons was a member oftheplatformcommittee.In the cam-paign he defended free lumber and justified the plank.A.little later, when the Payne.Aldrich tariff bill was under consideration,.SenatorSimmonsvotedforadutyonlumber and deferided that vote.For “de- serting the Democratic platform,”as they alleged,the opposition raked Senator Simmons fore and aft whenhewasacandidateforre-cleciion in 1912...Hon.Claude Kitchin,whose brother,Gov...Kitchin,was a candi- date against.Senator Simmons,was rticularly sevére ‘on the Senator. hr.Kitchin-ihad voted for frée iym-ber and justified his vote and his al-legiance to the platform.The sup- porters of Senator Simmons endeav-ored of course to justify his position in departing from the platform and Some of them were particularly se- vere on Mr.Kitchin.They.didn’t think it necessary to stand by the atform at all times and seasons. he people of the State sustained Mr.Simmons. When the fight came on to repeal the Panama canal tolls exemption, Mr.Kitchin refused to vote for re-peal because the Democratic plat- form had approved free tolls.Mr,Kitchin was in good company in his position and is consistent in stand- ing by the platform.It required RR wey ===: In Our New Patent “EASY-OPENING Box” t "‘ Black—Tan—White THE F.F.DALLEY Co.,Lrp.,BUFFALO,N.Y.,HAMILTON,ONT, were present,in mourning,and when the defendant was.convicted he made this a point of objection,It would have been all.right,of course,for the women .and children of his fami- ly to be present.to.create sympathy for him.It makes-a difference. THE RESERVE BANK CENTERS. Richmond Will Have the Reserve Bank For North Carolina—The Twelve Points ‘Belected For the Reserve Banks of the New Curren- cy System. After three months’consideration the reserve bank organization com- mittee has announced that it has di- vided the Continental United States into 12 banking districts and seléect- ed 12 cities for Federal reserve }| <~ MATTERS OF NPWs. Dr.Charles Alphonso Smith of theUniversityofVirginia,a North Car-olinian,has accepted the invitation ofDoubleday,Page andwritetheauthorizedlife of O.Henry—William Sidney Porter.Dr.SmithandPorterwerenativesofthesametown—-Greensboro,N.C.—~and boy-hood.acquaintances. The probate court of Boston hassustainedthewillofJohnChancel.lor.Crafts,which.provides a fundof$1,200 a year for the maintenance|of his dog,Pete.Relatives.who had|been cut off without a cent contested|At the hearing witnesses|the will. told how Pete had presidea at tneheadofthetableat“birthday par |ties”.given in his honor. Company to |=ttttiaaeaaemmmrmmsees |}You haye noticed that|| |reading small print. No Doubt your eyes itch or smartwhendoingfineworkor Ifsotheyaresuretoneedassistance,Better callandletmefityouupatonce;there is nothing{{ tNEWFURNITURE %r saved by,waiting,Eyes Examined*Free.=* banks under the -new-currency law,This-is the-first decisive step_toward the establishment of the new system. Souvenirs are to be ‘sent by the:ee courage-tor -him—to—go-against;‘government’to Geofge “Washington’s’Democratic niijortty and the wit eh ministration,for he is an aspirantfortheleadership.of the House,to succeed Mr.Underwood.All this isbywayofexplanationandprelimina- ry to saying that some of the news- papers who years defended Sen- ator Simmons’repudiation of thefreelumber,plank and vigorously criticised Mr.Kitchin’s position.inthesenatorialcampaign,are now ap-planding Mr.Kitchin’s “courageous stand”on the tolls question.He is“a Democrat whose convictions aremorethanskindeep,”we are told.“He believed in the Democraticplatformandhevotedhisbelief,re-gardiess of all the pressure that wasbroughttobeartolineuptheDem-ocrats otherwise.This excellentmanifestationofdevotiontoconvic-tion and principle ought to commandtheadmirationofeveryDemocratin~Mr.Kitchin’s-district;regardless oftheirpersonalfeelingstowardhim,for it has placed the stability of hischaracterbeyonddoubt.”Certainly,certainly...But Mr.Kitchin’s “devo-tion to conviction and principle”and“the stability of his character”werejustasmanifestwhenhewasstand-ing by the free lumber plank.Thereisthisdifference,The papers thatcondemne}him then opposed freelumber;the same papers favor freetollsandhencetheynowcommendMr,Kitchin.Mr.Kitchin hasn’tchanged.It’s the other folks.On the other hand,Mr.Simmonsvotedforfreetollswhenthebill*Was passed and immediately after-Ward gave.to the press a statementsaying“he “had never gotten moresatisfactionoutofanypublicact,that he rejoiced in the part he hadbeenpermittedtotakeinexemptingAmericanshipsfromcanaltolls.Now Mr.Simmons is leading thefightintheSenatefortherepealoftheactitgavehimsomuchplens-ure to vote for about two years ago.The Landmark isn’t criticising theSenator’s position.In fact it thinks,considering what the President hasdoneforhim,it is his duty to standbythePresident;and others havechangedpositiononthetollsques-tion because of what they ¢onceivetobechangedconditions.This ar-)),ticle is printed as a part of the lit-erature of the times,to keep the-wWecord straight and mainly to call at-tention to the fact that one may be'eondemned for an act on one occa-sion’and commended for the sameactonanother,as illustrated by thecaseofMr.Kitchin. In the case of State vs,McKenzie,irom Robeson county,in which theSupremeCourtaffirmedtheconvic-tion for first degree murder in the‘lower court,the defendant filed ex-ceptions,alleging that.the widowrin.Mourning’.with severalsmallchildrenwas.allowed in the,court room and that during the trialEeywerepermittedtoassociate“with the jury at a boarding house.Chief Justice Clark states that suchrecitalsincounsel’s brief cannot besonsidered--unless they.have been-found as facts by the trial judge.But taking them as true,they dopmotentitletheprisonertonewtrial,ms it was proper for the widow towearmourninganditwasadyissi-Wile for her to be present at the trial.Tt appears that the widow and thechildrenwereboardingattheonlyHotelinthetown,as well as the ju-FY,bot it does not appear that theyconversedwiththejuryorattemptedtoififluencethem.It has alwaysBeenthecustomwhenamanisontrialforaseriouscrime,especiallyformurder,for the wife and chil-»a@réen of the defendant,if he had afamily;or his mother,sisters or oth-"er female relatives,to show up in thecourtroomandmanifestsigns.of@istressinthepresenceofthejury.‘That is a.common-custom and-is forthepurposeofworkingonthe8yth-Pathy of the jury.A _StatesvilleSomanwhotooknoteofthis.castom})Years ago,insisted that to make mat=.fers even the wife and children ofthedeadman,his mother,sisters ottherfemalerelativesshould-be onhhond,dressed in mourning andManifestinggriefforwhattheyhadsaffered.Indeed he ‘contended thatiewouldonlybefair,where possible,h Wbring the body of the dead man in.=)to court and let the jury look on thesyeorpse.In the Robeson case the es witra heirs’as the only compensation forlandthatoncebelongedto.the firstPresident’s estate in Ohio.The sou-venirs consi#t of reports of hearingsbeforetheHousepubliclandscom-mittee on the claims ofWashington’sCarolinaandpartofWestVirginia.descendants for “the land whichThecapitalfotheRichmond-reserve Washington acquired ‘by militarybankwillbe$6,543,281,with 475 na-|S¢tipt.:tional banks and a number of State A tax of 50 cents a bale on cottonbanksandtrustcompanies:|future transactions which violate reg-Other reserve centers and districts|Ulations promulgated for reform ofareasfollows:|aes om a Sent ee ey BeeNo.1,Boston—Capital $9,931,740,|posed in a bill which Representativewith446nationalbakesasmembers.|Lever of South’Carolina has offeredTerritoryincludesNewEngland|in Congress as a compromise for theBintan|provision of 4 oe wnich BaneedNo.2,N Fork—Capits 9 ,687,-|the Senate denying the use of theas.oth SP pian meee and |mails to’exchanges engaged in for-number.of State banks.Territory,|bidden transactions.whole State of New York.No.’3,Philadelphia—Capital $12,-|one of the most prominent lawyers in993,013,including 800 national banks |Brooklyn,N.-Y.,has been sentenceaandseveralStatebanks,Territory,|to.serve from two and a half to fiveNewJersey,Delaware and-part of |years’imprisonment ix Sing Singaf-oa ee EST tet pleading ety to ‘orging a cli-Yo.4,Cleveland,Yhio—Capita:|erit’s name.rice’s summer home js$11,621,535,with 724 national madi ane of the show places of Néwseveral.State barks.Territory,|Brunswiek,N.J.State of Ohio,part of Pennsylvania,|cratic candidate for district attorneypartofWestVirginiaandpartot|of Suffolk county in 1911.Kentucky.John Lind,former GovernorNo..6,Atlanta—Capital $4,703,-|Minnesota and for thea—ot ee banke sete,months the personal representativeerriory,Alabama,Georgia,Flori-|in.-Mexico of the.President of theo,ee Tennessee,Mississtppr,|United States,sailed Saturday fromanoulsiana..Vera Cruz for Washinpton.TheieaeesaneaestatesthataeLinda925,with §nationa nKS,¢ete.;requested a vacation an rest fromTerritory,Iowa,parts,of Wisconsin,his labors in a tropical climate,anden.oo es rer j that as soon as that has Deen -obtar-No.8,4 uis—Capi 219,-\ed,he will return to Mexico.323,with 434 national banks,ete.!“Mrs.Robert Duncan,her daughter,Territory,Alabema and patts of Plizabeth,and five of the latter’sMissouri,Mlinojs,Indiana,Kentucky,|cuests at a children’s party wereTennesseeandMississippr.thurried to.the pathological depart-No.9,_Minnezpolis—Capital $4;+|ment.of a hospital at Pittsburg,Pa.,702,864,with 687 national banks,ete./when it became known that two Pe.Territory,Montana,North Dakota,|kinese dogs by whom the seven hadSouthDakota,Minnesota and parts!been bitten had shown signs of ra-of Wisconsin and Michigan,\bies:No.10,Kansas City—Capital $5,«594,916,with 835 ‘national benks,ete,|Territory,Kansas,Nebraska,Colo-}rado,Wyoming,parts of Missouri,|Oklahoma and New Mexico.No.11,Dallas,Texas—Capita]'$5,-634,091,with 726 national banks,ete,Territory,Texas»and parts ofLouisiana,New Mexico,OklahomaandArizona. No.12,San Francisco—Capital $b,-115,524,with 514 national banks,ete.Territory;California,Washington,Oregon,Idaho,Nevad:.and Utah andpartofArizona. The organization committee wasnotauthorizedbylawtoprovideforbranchbanks.of the Federal reservebanks,but the act specificallystatesthatsuchbanksshall’be es-tablished.This tosk will be left tothesupervisionoftheFederalre:serve board,to be appointed by Pres-ident Wilson.The committee alsocalledattentiontothefactthatun-der the act it could find no groundsfortheestablishmentofmorethanonebankonthe|}Pacific ©coast butheldout-the -hope-that-in the-near fu-ture another bank would be author-ized by Congress and located some-where in that great section,The banks entering the systemwillatonce’be notified of the boun-daries of the reserve districts and ne le mentor perteer:ae Cs firm io F.within 36 davs aac ft :,.|3,Cheney Co,,doing business in the‘ithin day each bank must be-|ity of Toledo,County end State afure-gin the payment.for its stock in the|«aid,.and-that’said flem will pay thereservebankinitsdistrict.Each|®um of eae eee eae aankwok‘cae ‘each an every case o Satarrh thal canank‘must subscribe 6 per cent of its not be oured "he the use of Hall's Ga-combined capita)and surplus and |tarrh Cure.FRANK J.CHENBY,the capitalization ann 1Oe«age Sworn to before me and subscribeddiesa*be ai —1 for cach in my presence,this éth day of Destrict18basedonthis6percentcember,A.D.1886.subscription.The Payment of sub.|Seat.)A,W..GLEASON,scriptions’by banks will extend over See ioeseveralmonths.There wil peleast7,548 banks of all sorts merbersofthesystem,with total capi-tal and surplus of $1,831,648,369,|Their 6 per cent subscriptions would}—amount to $109,898,902.according to|EXECUTOR’S.NOTICE.the committee’s figures,|Having qyalified as Te of Miss SarahMietelate4aepodin|Brown,deceased,late of bredell county,N.C,,The rivalry between many ithe |e is to notify all persons having claimsorreservebanksWasintense and|against thé estate of anid “Barah Brown,desthecommittee's decision probably |sessed to exhibit them to the undersigned ‘onmaybefollowtnejorbeforeMarch17,1916,oF this notice willcnts.oo mo protests and at-be pleaded in bar of their recovery.All per-pts o change tie plan.Under|sons indebted to.said estate will please maketheJawthede¢ision is not subject to |fmmediate payment.HARRY BURKE,revision except by the Federal ren}Durwood F.Mayberry,Atty,Executor.serve board and it is believed that |—at see..MY eciette.i a }wpe ¥ne ae oon iden.a long time}Fine Cows At Auction!y a emp Oo make any!bmmentli.Y}.*Dhorsday,Aprit 80th,I will well at pub. Richmond will have the reservebankforNorthCarolina.Other ter-ritory included with North CarolinaintheRichmonddistrict,‘which is No,5,is composed of the District.ofColumbia,Maryland,Virgtnia,South of others were ‘bitten while tosaveher. The New Orleans Times-DemocratandtheNewOrleansPicayune,twoofthe.oldest daily papers incountry,have consolidated,The Pic-ayune is one of the oldest EnglishdailynewspapersintheUnitedStates,having been continuouslypublished,for’78 years.For almost50years.the paper has been control-led by the Nicholson family,Leon-ard.Nicholson now being president,The consolidated paper will probablybecalledtheTimes-Picayune. Charles 'P.Sims,a prominent at- trying large practice,especially among la-boring people,has .heen disbarredbytheSupremeCourtofSouth Carolina.He says he will ask a re-hearing of his case.One of the prin-cipal charges made against Sims wasthatafterhehadbeenemployedbyMrs.Mary E.Thomas,a poor widow,to get a pardon for.her son,BaxterThomas,a.convict,and.-had.accept.ed a retainer from her,he asked theGovernornottograntthepardon. RRRSTATEOFOHIO,CITY OF TOLLUCAS.COUNTY. Frank J.Cheney makes oath that goo, Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal-atily,-mnd acts directly on the blooa andri.{Mucous surfaces of the eystemi.Send;for testimdnials,free: F,J,CHENEY &CO.;Tolede,0Soldbyalldruggists,The TRE LANDMARK printe theandchildrenofthedeadnian|Zacne jie auction 18 Jerseys,the entire herd of thejinteJ.B.Lute,Duteh Dairy Farm No.Anews.$2 per |Positively no by-bidding,Write for cata.cents for thre |logue.SARAH’Cc,LUPS,Newton,Nic,March 31—8t"it)a w. for six months,56 Augustus M,Price,for 30 years |) He was a Demo-|; last +eight/ The dogs,valued at $1,000,at-}|tacked one of the little girls and the} the| torney of Spartanburg,8.C.,with a’ There is not.a betterGold-Filled Frame madethantheoneIamnowselling.Call and con-sult‘me about your eyetroubles. ——etaeeneetanensennaneneeanaremennnnenennn|R.F.HENRY,Jeweler and Optometrist. |MORTGAGE SALE OF LAND |By virtue of the power eontained in a/|mortgage deed executed to the undersigned||¥y N.T.Summers and C.£&.Summers,his |}wife,we will sell at puplic auction to the|jhighest bidder for cash,at the court house |door in Statesville,N.C.on }|MONDAY,MAY,4th,1914,{jat 12 o'cloek,-m.,a ond-half undivided inter-est |in the following described tract of land}tin Union Grove township,Iredell county,towit; Beginning at a poplar,Patterson’s corner,nee south 60 degrees west 106 poles to atoneonthewestsideofthemillroad:}nee south 16 degrees enst 11 1.2 poles testone,on the north bank of creek*thenceuth5degreeswest30.poles to a stake onwankofcreek;thence south 80 degrees west¥poles,crossing the ereck to a black gum|former.of Meadow tract;thence south 33)degrees west 5 poles to black oak or stake,|Hicks”corner;thence south 6 degrees enst|50 poles to stake;thence porth 23 degreesleast6polestostone,10 feet from creek|bank;thence south 60 wegrees east 32 poles}to -wum;thence south with the ditch 23 polesto‘stone,Feimster's corner;thence north 68greeseast~77 poles to stone,Hicks’corner:thente “Gown the creek-north 50¢-degreescast86polestostoneoppositePatterson's cor-jer;thence north 85 degrees west 24 poles tothebeginning,containing 35 acres More orless,the othér half being owned by Dr.J.E.King atd known as the Diffee Mill tract.J.A.HARTNSSS, N.D.TOMLIN,JORN M.SHARPE,-_B.McLaughlin,Atty.MortgageesMarch31,1914. SALE OF CITY PROPERTY. R By authority contained in a mortgage deedtexeeuted.by P.S.Pope and wife on the 2@thdayofJuly,1911,to the First Building andLoanAssociationofStaresville,North Caro-lina,‘to secure the indebtedness therein ex-i|presged,default in the payments to the As-|sociation having been made As therein agreedtobewmade,I will expose to public sale,|the highest bidder for cash,onMONDAY,MAY 4th,1914,ithe following described property :|!All of ‘lot No.43 and the north one-halfoflotNe.44,except a 12-foot strip on therearoreastsideofsaidlots,reserved for;the.purpose of a public alley,of the John M.|Sharpe Graded School Addition to the city}of ‘Statesville,N.C.,aa platted and of -ree-jord.in the Register of Deeds’office of saidjcountyandState,in Book 29,page 598.|H.V.FURCHES,|Te ©.Caldwell,Atty.Trustee,March 27,1914. ‘NOTICE TO CREDITORS.Having qualified as*executrix of the lastwillofA:A.Colvert,deceased,all personsholding¢elaims against -his estate are notifiedtopresentthemtotheundersignedonorbeforethe20thdayofMarch,1915,or thisnotiee.will be plead in bar of recovery,Allpersonsindebtedtosaidestatewillpleasemakeimmediatepayment.Claims may bepresentedtoandsettlementmadewithDor-jman Thompaon,Atty. MARY JANE COLVERT,|Mareh 20th,1914.Executrix, |EXECUTOR’S NOTICE,Having qualified as executor of the last|Wid and testament of J.¥F,McLean,I here-jby notify all persons having claims against . prAstes will soon be here with its glories of flowers and sunshine,Why not have us supply you with some new furniture to brightenupyourhomeandmakeithappy.Fitting up the home is our spe-cralty and we are willing to extend our services to all who can availthemselvesofoarexperience.We can help you more’than any-body else in the world when it comes to that. then here in furniture,rugs,pictures,etc.,to make thehomebeautiful:Not too early to do a lot of planning now,The Williams Furniture House.| SftheywesshefleyRhacranes Buying a good,new suit of-clothesandovercoatisnotanexpense;it isaninvestment.WHY?Because good,clothes cost but little more than poorclothes,and wear much longer andlookwellallthetime.Then it paysyou;you'll get the better positionand.better pay,if you “look theart’’better.We do no “Monkeyusiness”in our store.We carryonlygoodstuff,sell it to everybodyatthesameprice,and that price aslowasbestqualitycanbesoldfor. Sloa n Clothing CompanyWESELL“BETTER”CLOTHES tenid estate to exhibit them to me_on or he-}fore the 24th day of March,1915,or‘this|notice will be plead in bar of their recovery,|jAll persons indebted to said estate are te-|quested to make settlement.J.D.ELLIOTT,|Exer.of J.F.MeLean,Stony Point,R-1.i|J.B Armfield,Atty.‘Match 24,1914.Whddpans aplliansatitiedtananuiinaipbataemg.acissapuiscia|ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.Having qualified as administrator,©.'T.A.,jof T.B.Nel this is to notify all persons |fhaving ¢laims against his estate to present |jgame to me on or befons March \20,1915,or||this notice will be plead in bar of their,re«|}eovery.Persons indebted to said estate will|A.L.HOBRS,administrator,| pleade settle, C.T.A.of,T.B.Neill.H.P.Grier,Atty.March 20,1914. NOTICE TO CREDITORS.YHavingqualifiedasadministratorofJ.J,Brawley,I hereby notify ail Persons havingclaimsagainstsaidestatetopresentthemtomeonorbeforeMarch17,1915.All per-none indebted to said estate are asked tomakepromptsettlement,R.V-.BRAWLEY,Admr.ot J.J,Brawley.'J.B.Armfield,Atty. Mareh 17,1914.,NOTICE TO CREDITORS.|Having qualified as administrator of .theestateofJ.T.Cowan,colored,ail personshavingclaimsagainsttheestatewillpresentthemtomeonorbeforeMarch81,1915,and}all persons indebted to the estate must makepromptpayment.D,N,.MeLBLLAND,March 31,1914,Administrator,Statesville,R-2. my).SLOOP,oem] Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Fertilizers,Field Seeds,Grain,Hay,Feedstuffs,Cotton Seed Meal and Hulls. I sell Virginia Carslina Chemical Co .Royster’s and Swift’sFertilizers;have a splendid Tobacco Fertilizer with sulpbateofpotashwhichmakesbrizhttobacco.Also all animal mat-terammoniates,but you can get fertilizer ammoniates deriv-ed from burnt leather,city garbage,ete.,which will show thechemicalanalysixbuthayen’t the plant.food,This kindcomescheaper,See ine for chemicals for home mixingFIELDSEEDS—Appler,Burt,Ked Ruet Proof,White andBlackSpringOats,all kinds grass seeds and clovers.Willsellyoujustasgoodseedataboutthesamepriceasyoucanorderandfrommeyoucanseewhatyouheandgetwhatyouwantwhenyouwantit,and you don’t haye tosendmethemoneyinadvanceandthenwaitaudwatchforweeksandperhapsmakenselesstripstogetyourgoods.Buy from me on guaranteed quality and price basis and ifyouhayeanyseedleft.over bring them b and get yourmoneyback.Make me prove these elaitns/-Yours truly, a —_nt menenn Af ooncenemeneemteeeemnonensBEeam ==J.KE.SLOOP:-< »We are in the market for ©1,000 Bushels|Field Peas.| Want any variety or mixed.Will pay CASH. SEE US. J.K.Morrison “rocery&Produce Co. . HOME-MADE Molasses and Syrup Arrived today a good grade of Tennessee home-made Molasses, One barrel of best Porto Riea Molasses. Caro Syrupinallsizes. —Phone us— Eagle &.Milholland. 'YourSupplies If you are going to buy your supplies on time let us figere with you.We carry the best of about evervthing you will need inthe way of Heavy and Fancy Groceries,Feed- stuffs,Garden and Field Seeds.: Miller-McLainSupplyCo. a Ww. George W.Brown was born in New Jer- sey July 14,°1874,and died at Long Island.N.C.,Mareh 2,1914,at the age of 39 years, séven months atid 18 days:He was a sonofJamesBrown,moved from NewJerseytoNorthCarolinatoengageinthemanufactureofhosiery.He located at Longhosieryforawhileandthenchangedtothemanufactureofcottonyarns.George was @ boy of 14 whenthey,moved to North Caroling.is mother and shortly afterdeathhelefttheoldhometo become super-intendent of the cotton mill at Mariposa,N. C.,and later,oeeupying the position of over-seer with the Cannon Mills of Concord,N.C.While at Concord he had the offer of a better position at Macon,Ga.,with the BibbManufacturingCompany,which he accept-ed,While.jiving at Macon he was married to Miss EKunice.Wood.Shortly after this heaeceptedapositionwiththeAtlantic&GulfMillsatQuitman,"Ga.Under bh jent management the mill prospered and thermillwasbuiltandhebecamemanagerofbothmill,At thie time,about the year 1907,while in Quitman his health gave wayandhemovedtoLong.Island,his oldhome, and stayed about two years.While therehishealthwasaboutrestored,and he ac-cepted -a position «second time -with the&Galt Mite as and onee more moved to Quitman,Ga.Asaninducementforhimtoremaintheyoffer- ed him the position of secretary and treas-urer,but his health had given way,.never te be remained.He visited his old home at Long Island for @ few months during theummerof1912.He was much improvedinhealthduringthisvisit,and went:toMacon,Ga,“here he engaged in the mer-cantile business,but after a short time hesawthathemustgivethatup,for hishealthbegantodeelinerapidlywiththatdreadfulmaiady,Grighi’s disease,and on the 9th day of October,191%,he came back to Long Island,in a last attempt to regainhiehealth,and in the event that he mustdietobewithhisbrotherOsborrieatthe old home.He was a constant sufferer through all these last days,sut notwith-standing bis own suffering he seemed moreconcerned‘for the comfort of others thanforhimself.He was optimistic in the ex-treme,bearing bis suffering heroically,andoftenthinkingthathewouldgetwellNo seneral ever made a braver ficht on thebettleficldthandidGeorgeBrownforhislifeandthérestorationofhishealthonthislastbedofsickness;not that he was afraidtodie,for he wus leaving hisfamily—a wife and four small children,theOldestbeing13yearsofage.At times when his sufferings were not so great hewouldsingfamiliarhymns,two of whichwere,“On Jordan’s Stormy Banks I Stand,”and “When I Can Read My Title Clear.”The singing of these and otmer songs of viettoryindicatedtheblessedhopethatwas Adding Machine Paper We have two sizes. Sell it by the Roll or . —'Phone 200— Brady Printing Co. THE DAVIS MILLS Give you 40 Pounds Best ?at- ent Flour and 13 pounds Bran in exchange or Pay $1.18 per }| bushel cash for wheat.Watch §}this ad for price each ‘week. Best Flour and Meal Promptandcourteousserviceatalltimes.It pays to patronize THE DAVIS MILLS, Hiddenite,N.C. NOTICE! HOLLAND BROS.have changedtheir‘phone number from177to 7. Call No.7for draying,al)gradesbestcoalandwood,etc.i Residence ’Phone 1310. WHATEVER TYPEWRITER ..You buy we-can wish nothing morethanthatyouwilllikeitaswellas }fore he passed away he gave directions as tojhisburialandselectedhispallbearers.His him.Dering this last sickness hethehemeofhisbrother,Osborne,wheeeverythingwasdonethatcouldbetomakehimcomfortable.He was cared fortenderlybyhiswife,Mrs.Osborne Brown,and his two sixters,Mrs.©.L,Plaster ofLongIslandandMrs.T.N.Horner of Coldorado.In addition to those mentioned above be is survivedbyhissister;Mrs.J.L.Gra-ham of Cincinnati,and Miss Ethel J.BrownofRaleigh,student in Meredith College.To know George Brown was to like himHehadahostoffriendseverywherehewent.It was in a revival meeting at Con-cord,at the Methodist church near LongIsland,conducted by this writer,that Brother Brown-.was-converted,and it was my happy privilege to jead him to Chitst.I think I shall never forget that night whenbeandIkneltatthealtarandasIin-structed him he surrendered’himself to thedearMaster,whom he served till his eallcametohisreward.I visited bim twiceduringhislastillnessanditwasagreatjoytofindhimwith«triumphant faithinthedearSaviour,.telling his friends whocameintoseehimhowtheyoughttoliveandurgingthemtopreparetomeethithinheaven.I received him into the MethodistchurchatConcordduringthemeetingwhenheprofeasedreligion,and he was soon elect-@!steward,which office he filled very ef-fieiently till he moved away to Georgia.Be- body was taken to Macon,Ga,and Iaid toest,where his wife and children can visithisgrave.He passed away quietly,unafraid,with a blessed hope in the saving power of the Redeemer of men May the Holy Com-ferter abidé with,comforting,saving,andtwingingallthedearonestomeethimin ven. “They die in Jesus and are blest; How kind their slumbers are! From sufferings and from sins released,And freed from every snare. Far from this world of toil and strife, They're present with the Lord;The labors of their mortal life End in #large reward.”His friend,E.MYERS.Mooresville,N.C. Cough Medicine for Children.Too much care cannot\de used in selecting&cough medicine for children.It should bePleasanttotake,¢ontain:no harmful sub-stance and be most effectual.Chamberlain’sCough»meeta requirements &favorite with the mothers of young ee For sale by all dealers. we do THE REMINGTON. Statesville Printing Co. PHONE 208 “NOTICETOCREDITORS,‘Having qualified as administratrix of Jchn Turner Goodman,deceased,notice ia herebytivestoalljesholdingclaimsag:inetsaidestatemtthemvothewhiders’gned1916,orbepleadinbaraayrecovery.M.GOODMAN,Adee nebo: trix of John Turner Goodman,Mt,Ulla,N,Cc.R-2. W.D.Taorher,Atty, April 3,1914, TUESDAY AND SATURDAY!~tn ino chen “every TUREBAT tak Sea: — re vistina Sone in ianupvisiting‘ork indifferent partsof the ,that1havesetapartthesetwowork.If you want to be sure mejce,please call on or 5URDAY.R.M.GRAY,Gounty Supt.PubHeInstruction._Dee.80. PREPARED To do your work on short notice. ~All we want isa I. Gillespie Pressing Club"PHONE 350 to besold at LESS THAN CostofMANUFACTURING.No far-Mer can afford to be without oneofanorharrowsat‘the price of- T have poe secured this lotofharrowsataGREATBARGAINandWillsellwithoutregardtoFIRSTCOST. ’Sold For Cash or on Time. If you are from Missouri,call andown. Harrows on exhibition and forSaléatBRISTOL’S GIN and facto-ee ress PAD &SADDLE Jas:P.Flanigan. March 27—4t, | POR SALE OR RENT—Land at or fear Where great dam ia to be constructed onCatawhariter.Good chance for enter. {TALKING ABOUT THE” What It Does to Us. Correspondence of The Landmark,2Sometimesanangelmayrushin where fools fear to tread.1.saw one on thestreet the other day,Hereyesandmouthwerefallofdustandher.heart was full of wrath.|”gShecamerightuptome.“You dirty little old town,”shewouldhavedenieditifIcould for Iwasseared.“Just look at this dust!If it isn’t a perfect shame!”Youknow-how a woman talks when.sheissorterrousedupthatway,“If the men haven’t got sense ¢lied dust came along and before the ladycouldgethereyesandmouthopenagainIwasgone.As soon as I could’collect my thoughts,however,I remethatIhadpromisedtohavethe.duststoppedrightaway.Strange whatamanwillpromiseundersuchcir-cumstances!But how could F helpit?I just want to tell you that youwouldhavedonethesamething.if you had been in my place.' But now,gentlemen,when youcometothinkofit,the lady wasright.Of course she need not havesaidallshedidsay.1 still think we have a fine city government cand a perfectly splendid lot of ‘mtmer-chants.And there was not a bit ofusejumpingontheCommercial¢lub,and the police force,and the fire dé&partment—and me.But when youhavegotyournose,and eyes,and mouth,and ears full of dust,and are sneezing,and cussing,and coughing,and blind,all at once,you can’t bejust—exactly reasonable espaétial-ly if you are a lady.~eat oeaeeAndshehadonabrandnew Vogue creation.Her hat was a’Pa- risian confection—I reckon—andante with egrette crescendo.Her—skirtwascutratherpannierand.the low-er part of it was diminuendo..T hope{have the terms right—I just gotonegoodlookbetweenthe«duststorms.At any rate -that is the way it impressed me.And she was mad. I don’t know what to do about it.We can’t sprinkle the farvia toomuchbecauseitiskindofparticularaboutgettingwet.And if you don’t sprinkle it you can’t sweep,,Oil might help—it helps mightily on a macadam road.But I den’t know just what to do.I am convinced,however,that there is a sensible°waytostopthatdustandIamtotrytofindoutwhatitis.I hereby call upon the city fathers,the Com- mercial club,the police force and thefiredepartmenttohelpme.For thetadyincludedyoualtwhenshe~1 ed on me..Especially the.me:The lady said she was going to get the women to stop trading with them unless they did something about it.The rest of this discussion is semi-quasi-scientific,You can read it or not as you like.—On hard ‘paved streets the wagon wheels grind everything into a veryfinepowder.Something like a ton of fresh manure is dropped on thestreetsinthebusinesssectionina day.That makes seven tons a week.This mass becomes mixed with other are all the time bragging about:”ing represented by Michael But just then another whirbwind off WINSTON -SALEM WON’CUP. The Dust,the Dust!—What the In<{Final Contest:i _Scheot|$i “Lady”“Abode Tt a Debate”tksae oetheFailure(the Men to Del ville Team Won a Place in the’Semething—What the Dust'is andj Second Round. The high school team from.Wins-fon-Salem,Chas.Reddick and CliftonEaton,15-year-old boys,won the Ay-cock memorial cup in the final con-test of the North Carolina HighSchoolDebatingUnionattheUni-versity,Chapel Hill,Friday.night:The final contest was between Wins--tort-Saiem-and Graham,the latter be- Ker-noodle and Miss Flonnie Cooper.TheWinston-Salem team had the nega-tive side of the initiative and refer-endum question,About 2,000 peopleheardtheclosingdebate.The judgeswereDrs.H.M.Wagstaff,H.W.Chase,J.F.Royster,C.L.RaperandProf.H.H.Williams.Follow-ing the debate a reception was heldinhonoroftheVisitors.About 350 high school studentsandteacherswereattheUniversityduringthedebates.“Forty-oneschoolswererepresentedby164de-baters,coming from all sections oftheState.In the list.of debaterswere22girls..Manteo high school,on the.extreme eastern.border,wasrepresentedbyfourgirls.‘Two oftheseyoungwomenwontheirrighttoenterthefinalcontestinaman-ner of which a strong man mightwellbeproud.Misses Madge Dan-jels and Mattie Griffin,who werescheduledtomeettheaffirmativeteamofPoplarBranchinfreezingweather,crossed Pamlico Sound in amotorboat,driving the remaining 18milesofthejourneytothesceneofthedebateandwinningavictory.From this section”of thé StatetherewereteamsfromStatesville,Troutman,Boonville,NorthWilkesboro,Mt.Ula,-Leneir,King’s}Mountain,.Sparta,.Asheville_and_oth- er ints In the preliminarydebate Second firmative 16 teams won places in thecontest.The Statesville af- team,Miss Bride Alexan-der and Frank Deaton,appeared inthecontest.From.thd 16teamstwowerechosentoappear.inthefinalcontest—these being thenegativeteamfromWinston-Salem econd He Wasa and the affirmative team from Gra-han a The Other Side of the AutomobileQuestion. A subscriber of The Landmark atMooresville,in a business letter tothepaper,has the following to say Great Man THE MAN who planned Building and Loan was a great man,for he found the simple,the ideal way of co-operative saving.This man is . deserving of.a great memorial ano that memorial should be an IDEAL AMERICAN HOME filled with thrifty,happy savers,always remem- bering the great benefactor who planned such a helpful way ofsaving. It-is Never Too Late to Begin to Save.| The Sixth Series ——OPENED—— Saturday, April 4th. Our Secretary is gladandanxioustoexplainplanfully. en RG ee 4 vd The American Home—the Safe- guard of American Liberty. Mutual Building and Loan Association OF STATESVILLE. €oncerning the complaint about au-tomobiles and chauffeurs,which ap-peared in the last issue of the paper:“I would like to have you say tothe‘Owner of 4-Legged Machine’formethatthemachinethatoneridesimdoesnotmaketheman.We meet-hogs on the public roads,in all kindsofmachinesfromaone-horse wagontoPackardcars,that want their halfoftheroadinthemiddle.I drive amachinebutIallownooneImeet on the road to be more polite or gen- erous than I am or give me morethanIgivehim.If he sticks to the‘center I will drive as close to it as Iean.If he turns out I will turn asfarvintheoppositedirection,and ifheakestothefieldsowillI.I would like to see better manners among all.” *r manners among all”’—that’stheidea.The automobile people who interesting ingredients.A chemical| analysis shows it to be a high grade| fertilizer.-It is guaranteed to con-| tain 90 per cent manure,2 per cent tobaceo-cigar stumps,3 per cent.|cigarette stumps—notice the distinc-|tion between tobacco and cigarettes;|1 per cent dead English sparrows,| and 4 per cent of almost everything|else unpleasant you ean think of.When this mass is sufficiently mixed| and desicicated the automobiles and|spring breezes lift it in clouds and drive it everywhere.It settles in our hair and clothes.| It covers .the groeeries—especia)-| ly when they are exposed on the|streets by enterprising shopkeepers.|It fills our ftungs”and eyes.The/ germs in it are the least offensive of its qualities.The doctors wil]cheer- fully treat us for the diseases itspreads,and the undertakers willcheerfullyburyuswhenwearedead,Byt who is going to make up to usforfeelingitinourlungsandeyes.We wear it,we breathe it,we eat it!According to the theory of adapta-tion to environment,we will all soonbescarabaeidaeunlesssomethingisdone. Aiclean little country breeze comestotowh—fresh from the rhountainsorfields.It turns the:corner ~atBroadandCenterstreets.It sud- denly ceases to be a breath of fresh, health-giving air and becomes a filth-laden and devil-ridden pest.I in-Sist.on your knowing what/it is thatyoubreathe—what it is you held onyourtongue.This dust is a combi-Wation of “all Thavé°told you aboutandmore—-much more..,{Thereseems to be a difference ofopinionastowhosebusinessitistohavethe’streets cleaned.It is prob-ably true that ‘hoth sides in the con-troversy are right.I find it.wise tomakethisstatementbecauseIcan’trushintothingsliketheangeldidButthedustisallwronganditoughttobestopped.It has.takenaboutfivedozenlefiveyearsto prove that it is somebody else’s business.In the meantime five thousandpeoplehavesuffered,“This is a fairsampleofhowlittleisever-done bydisagreeing,Now the five dozen peo-ple and the five thousand people cangettogetherandsettlethatdustinfiveminutesandtheyought-to do it.eeWhenWe'll Get’the Primary.Durham Herald. The bosses will give us the logalizedprimarywhentheyseethatthepeoplearedeterminedtohaveitandnotbefore. Found a Cure for Rheumatism.*T suffered with rheumatism for two yearsoniaiea=my right Nand to mymouirtath,of time,”writes.LeeL.Chapman,pleton,Iowa.¢“E.sufferedterriblepaidsoIcouldnotsleeporlestillatnight.ive years ago I began usingChamberlain's Liniment.and in two months pristfig man to.crect booths or buildingsforvationspurposes.THOS.J.CONGER,Mareh’31-11 I well ahd have not suffered With rhev-signs since.”For sale by all dealers, Ase j all times consider the rights’of oth- |due the other man. disregard the rights of others wanttostudythemeaningofthegoldenrule-and-the drivers of vehicles who FOR SA LE!<~ 23 acres in Harmony,centrally located,close to State High School,Twenty acres in cultivation,balancein woodland,level and productive,Large stock barn and out-buildings,fine orchard.An ideal locationforanyonewhodesirestogetclosetoschoolandontruckfarm. 280 acres with one two-story,7-room dwelling inbeautiful locationthreeroomtenanthouse,large stock barn andout-buildings.Goodorchard,one-fourth mile of school,1}miles of churches;125 acresin. cultivation,balance in oak and pine timber,100 acresenclosedin pas-ture most of which is bottom land and makes fine pasture the yearround.A fine stock farm,red land,generally level and productive,91 acres with Le ll sea~rete oeout-bui Comeauandschools,34 miles from rmon igh School.-five acresincultivation,level and productive,tele in woodland.For further information call on or write, ERNEST G.GAITHER,SUREN7%.Stere>ANPPHONE23.OFFICE NO.1,MILLS BUILDING. refuse to give an inch of the road because they want to annoy the au-tomobile man,must remember that the man in the car has the same rights they have.This world would be.@ heaven if everybody would at ers and the duty one owes to his fel-low,imstead of being so steeped inselfishnessthatweneverseewhatis It is proper to say,however,that¢Complainant in the case mention- ed,driving in a top buggy,felt ag-grieved that automobiles would come up from:the rear and dash by so close a8 to blow the dust off hiswheels,without any notice that they were coming.His,;complaint is a just one,’ Don’t Burn the Trash on the Farm—Put It on the Land For Manure. To the Editor of The Landmark: In reference to the article from the Progressive Farmer,printed in The of March 31,in regard tofarmersburningcottonandcorn- 8 ,@Tass,etc.,I don’t think heputitstrongenough.I ‘tell my hands-on the farm not to burn any-thing—brush,logs or even stumps—ex in the fire place and stoves.Haul the brush,stumps and all lit-ter "off on some poor place on thelandandletitrot.It will make a good spot for many years.Most ofourfarmshavepoorplacesonthem ——t00.poor.-to-cultivate.We.havealottolearnaboutfarming.We must learn to take care-of all thewastemanureaboutourbarnlots, chieken ecoaps,hog pens,ash ‘hop- pers,etc..By saving all this waste matter we would not nave to haul so m mercial fertilizer. Net,N.C.CHAS.C.THARPE. Appointments For Dr.Beaman,Sun-day School Lecturer. To the Editor of The Landmark:Harmony,April 3—The noted Sun-day sehool lecturer of Asheville willspeakatthefollowingplaces:Har- mony,Monday night,April 13th; New Union church,Tuesday night,April 14th;Mt.Olive church,Wed-nesday night,April 15th;Chestnut Grove,Thursday night,April 16th,and Fairmount church Friday night,April 17th.These lectures are freetotheentirepublic.Come and hearDr.A.8S.Beaman and be benefited. Yours truly, D..L.EARNHARDT,Pastor. Straight at It.There is no tse of our “beating around the bush."\We might as wets out with it first a3.last,We want you to try Chamberlain's Cough Remedy the next time you have a couth Of cold.There is rio rehson so far as we Gan ge¢Why you should not do so,Thispreparationbyitsremarkablecureshas gained @ world wide reyutation,and peopleeverywhereSpeakofitinthehighestterms of ptalee It is for sale by all dealers. a“ Buggies,Wagons,Harness ce ee We are showing the largest and most complete line of Vehicles ever brought to this city.Our leading makes are Hackney,Tyson&Jones,Oxford,High Point and other good makes.Every one guaranteed. A full line of Harness,Saddles.Whips,Wagons—in_ fact-everything carried ina first class Harness and Vehi- cle store.Call and get prices before buying. Yours to Please, -Harness,Vehicle &Supply Co. March 27 ~8t. Pacey he peteWPImportantto.Farmers If you want top pricesforyourcottonseedbringtheminatonce,as we expect to shutdownmillforthesea-son about April 15th,after which time thepricewillbeconsider-ably lower.We wanttheseed,you want themoneyoritsequiva-lent,so get busy.. éCOTTONOILCOMPANY. "PHONE 205. IMPERIAL ; i PUBLISHED TUESDAY .AND_FRIDAY. ©OFFICE:120 WEST BROAD STREET. :SUBSCRIPTION PRICE:R ————WATCH—Watch the label on your paper.If renewalsarenotinby date om label,paper will be stopped. TUESDAY,April 7,1914. =:Col,Julian S.Carr gave it out in Washington a few days ago that North Carolina is the “worst machine boss-ridden State in the Union.”A good many people and newspspers in +the State have had considerable to say recently about bosses.in North Carolina.If they keep on some ofnsf them ‘will up and tell all about it,eee All about the State the past week there were county commencemenits. The school children from alt over a county,in some cases numbering sev- eral thousand,gathered at the coun- ty seat,marched through the streets and participated in public exercises. These occasions are inspiring to the school children and the public and helpful all around.Iredell should have a county commencement next year. That South Carolina lawyer—Sims of Spartanburg—whv was disbarred the other day must have been rank. Evenhis brother attorneys testified “fhat his reputation was bad andit is rare that a “’possum dog will eat *possum”—that a lawyer will prose- cute a lawyer.The rankest shysters sometimes flourish,constantly com- mitting ‘offenses that would land a layman in the penitentiary,and the respectable members of the profes- sion;while denouncing their conduct in private conversation,rarely raise a hand to rid the profession of those who disgrace it.On the contrary,if a layman brings:action against one of their number he will have a hard time getting counsel to represent him. “The explanation of the plan of operation of the CGatawba_Rural Credit Association,printed on anoth- er page,is interesting..The plan is simple and yet is capable of supply- ing a great need.With dues $1 per ~morith,payable monthly,quarterly or semi-annually,it would seem that the shares could be carried with little trouble and that these associations will do for the rural districts what _the building and loan does for the town.Not only does the association afford a means to furnish money to “those who may want to borrow to buy Icnd ot make improvements,the money being repaid in easy install- ments,but it offers-a good invest- ment as a savings bank. ed the appropriations committee of Congress a few days ago that the government provided no motor car for the official use of the Secretary of State and he didn’t ask for one.He owns a car for his private use..The governmentprovidesahorse and car- riage for the Secretary of State to make official calls but no coachman and one’of the messengers in the de- “partment drives the carriage.Mr. Bryan said that inasmuch as it was bad form to make official calls with- out a footman he had been placing a State Department messenger on the box,deducting his time from the gov- ernment payroll and paying him from the Bryan private pocxetbook..Glory to Mr.Bryan. The Clinton (Sampson county) News-Dispatch goes after the State Board of Health for “sending.out cigarette fiends to instruct our doc- tors.”Recently one of the staff of the State board was sent to Clinton to “instruct our doctors,”says the News-Dispatch,which continues:“He _ead a paper.on the ‘Registration of _jBirths.and.Deaths,’which was.very good.He then took a seat,lighted a cigarette,inhaled the smoke,blew it through his nose,and then inform- ed the doctors present that they could ask him any questions concern- ing the paper that he had just read. Whereupon the oldest physician pres- ent took his overcoat and left the room in disgust.”This doctor may be competent far as medical knowledge is concerned,continues the Clinton paper,but it contends that when a man is sent out at public ex- pense “to help suffering humanity” he should not be “a cigarette fiend” to set a bad example before the chil- dren.The Landmark is of the opin- jon that the Clinton paper's point is well taken.The doctor who goes out to talk health rules and ‘sanitary reg- ulations to the public will not make @ favorable impression by puffing a cigarette in the faces of those to whonr he talks. ter shots had been exchanged,hasbeenarrested.He admits the alloged_hold-up was a fake,his motive beinghopeof,rewerd and promotion forbraveservice. 80 “Tut it had about as,well butt Hij!but it was in the,“also ran” class.It got in on the second round, .“A good’many.cities arc...now agrecing,”says the Greensboro Nows,“that a branch reserve bank will really be just.about as good.” Yes,some of the citics that tried to get a real bank and were not.even in the “also ran”class. The Democrat says dance--the tango—which ‘has,taken a good part ofthe country by storm, has struck,Hickory,’A lady is teach- ing a tango class in that town and the Democrat is informed and_believes that ‘many Church members and mothers are among her pupils.’The Democrat editorially.opposes the danee and criticises the Church mem- vs and mothers who.patronize it, its head against a‘wall,enematema Adding New Creamery Routes— Farmers Buying Better Cattle. Mooresville Enterprise. Two new cream routes are being added to the string of routes already supplying cream and butterfat‘to the Catawba creamery,with a” view to later come to Mooresville. Mr.Sam Brown has started a route from the eastern part of Iredell andaportionofRowanandCabarrus,to be known as the Spring route.Hehasquiteanumberof.patrons ~al- ready and more are being added ev- ery week.Mr.Gaily Neel,who lives sevéral miles west .of..town,is-engaged——in working up-aroute-from the~coun- try immediately west of Mooresville, while still another route is contem- plated’just a little to the north of Mr.Neel’s proposed route. Farmers in every section of the county are taking advantage of the opportunity to improve the dairy business in this section,and when the checks arrive at the ena or each month for the butterfat shipped out, the aggregate amounts to no little sum.Many of the farmers are buy- ing and breeding the best cattle that can be produced and will weed out the poor and unprofitable cattle in the test that signifies which cow is paying. Enormous Death Rate ‘Decreases Pensions Appropriations. Washington Dispatch to New York Times. A falling off of $21,150,000 in the amount necessary to pay next year’s war pensions is disclosed in the pen- sion appropriation bill as reported to the:House of Congress.This falling off These losses have become heavy in recent years.The total amount rec-ommended in the bill for the-fiscal year 1915 is $169,150,000.The amountcarriedinthepensionbillforthe current fiscal year was $180,300,000 —the largest in the government’s history.This enormous sum was necessary on aécount of the enact-ment of the Sherwood service _pen-sion law of May 11,1912. The loss of veterans by death last year was 57,459,which means that veterans are now dying at the rate of more than 1,100 a week or nearly 160 a day.The net loss in the num-ber of pensioners in 1913 was 40,-094. Since the foundation of the repub- lic $4,577,539,824.68 has been paid in pensions on account of wars.LT Williamson Postmaster at Troutman —Other Appointments. The fourth class postmasters con- tinue to come in.Worth Williamson has’been named for Troutman,this county. Others named are John H.Nelson, Jr.,at Patterson and John C.WhiteatValmead,Caldwell county;Wil-liam M.Lefler at New London,Stan- ly county;Mrs.V.L.Taylor at ValleCrutisandRoyDotsonatVilas,Wa- tauga’county;Hamptonville,Yad- kin county,Chas..A.Bell;Minnie L. Williams,Hiddenite;Plato M.Thorn- burg,Hudson,Caldwell county;Ru-fus A.Hamilton,Beaver Creek,Ashe county;Maiden,Catawba county,Jo- sephine A.Taylor;Catawba,Robert E.Carpenter;Dobson,Surry county,Richard ©.Freeman,Miss StellaTriplett.at Jonesville,C...D._Hol-brook at Trap fil,T.J.McNeil at Roaring River,Noah Parker at Ron- da,Wm.H.Foote at Cana. Liquor Cut Out of the Navy. Absolyte prohibition will prevailintheUnitedStatesnavyafterJulynext.“Secretary Daniels has madepublic@sweepingorder,which notonlywillabolishthetraditionalwine mess of the officers,but will.bar all alcoholic liquors from every ship and shore station of the navy.This or-der,constituting one of the most.not-able victories ever won by prohibi- tion forces,was issued on the recom-mendation of Surgeon General Brais- ted.It was brief and to the point:“The use or introduction for drink- ing purposes of alcoholic liquors on board any naval vessel,or within any navy yard or station,is strictly pro- hibited,and commanding officers will be held directly responsible fortheenforcementofthisorder.” High Point Gets Its Liquor at Thom- asville, Thomasville Davi aonian,: It.is really insulting to the dignity and good morals of our town to have tegular visits by certain men in au-tomobiles from the good town of High Point.These men invarablymakeadashforourexpressoffice,load ‘their machines wi’h liquor andreturnwithadefiant,Woad grin as iftosay,“You can’t lp yourself.”We are quite sure th.next Legisla-ture’will take a hand in relieving usofthisembarrassme)::(Under the law*liquor can’t “be shipped to High Point and Thomas-ville is a conveniegt place.) “Whilé the Panamatolls exemlegislationhasovershadowedall’oth-er legislation,members of the Sen- merce have cohtinued at»work.inpreparationoftheanti-trust.bill future.‘: ,Railroads’are preparing to handlearecordbreakingcitruscropinCal-ifornia this season.estimates 42,500 cars will be:ed to carry to the east,Only 18,000 ¢arloadsweremovedlastyear.Commendation of President Wil-non’s stand witn reference to the re-peal of the Panama canal tolls ex-emption act,praise for his success’inhiscampaignfortariffandcurrencyreform,were features of the meetingofGeDemocraticStatecommit- tee at Atlanta Saturday.Three persons.were killed andabout35othersinjured,séme =se-riously,when~a Wabash passenger traih wentovertheWabash river,Sunday,nearAttica,Tl."The engine,a baggage ¢ar and the day coach dropped into thé’water...The engineer,fireman and baggagenian lost their lives. As a result of being hazed by girls at Purdue University,Ind.,last Jan-vary,Mabel Rogers has brought suit for $7,000 damages against seven members of the senior class of the University.Miss Rogers alleges thatshewasforcedtogotoahospital for treatment following the haziry and that she hed been unable to do her work in the university. Fleas carried in sacks of recentlyreported eases to Surgeon John Guiteras,director ba. none of the rodents infected, Make Candidates"Say They're For, Progressive Farmer. the What have been buying a pig in a poke anything. he stood instead ‘of let know.” “But we are going to change to It is to be hoped that.voters in feeling the same way.Our farmers ineed to give less attention to elect- ing candidates and more attention toselectingthem.Have a county plat- form if possible,but-if you can’t get that,at any rate make every candi- date for the Legislature give |his views.“The only real test is as tohowacandffiatestandsonthese measures for the upbuilding of thecountyandtheState.We have saidthatwewanttoseemorefarmersintheLegislature,but we had rather have a constructive,progressive law- yer any time than a standpat,un- progressive farmer.We have known some farmer legislators who had be- come ultra -conservative and “set in their ways”and did more harm tothefarmers’interests than anybody else in the Legislature. Contract Let.For Machinery For Lookout Shoals. Charlotte Observer.The Southern Power Company of this city has just awarded the con-tract to the Allis-Chamers Compa-ny for the ,machinery installation that will go to equip the new powerplantthatistobeerectedatLook-out Shoals on the Catawba river,be- tween fredell and Catawba countiés. This machinery equipment will in- clude the ‘water whecls,governors, generators,exciters and transform- ers requ to ‘generate approxi-mately 26,000 of elegtrical horsepow-er The amount of the contract willapproximate$225,000.,‘ New Interests May Take Over ElkinandAlleghany. Sparta Star.“Gov.Doughton was calied by~telegramtoRaleighlast’Sunday morn-irig.to attend a railroad ‘meeting onTuesday.We learn that #party ofgentlemenfromBostonarecontem- penne taking over the Elkin and Al-whany railroad.This will take theconstructionofthisenterpriseoutof man,and it may possibly mean that the work will be pushed more rapid- ly than heretofore.: This Happened in’Chatham,Cou rse.Chatham Record. Some days ago the children of Mr. James I.Harmon,of this township,’ missed their pet cat,and,going out into a field near the house,they sawtheeatperchedonalimbofatree and at the foot of the tree was a mink that had evidently run the catupthetreeandwaswaitingforit to.come down.At the approach of the children the mink ran off and thecatcamedownoutofitsplaceof of Jack Hopper,an 8-year-old Gas- tonia boy,going home from school, tripped on the sidewalk,fell and broke his arm.He was taken to adoctor’s office and .put under the in-fluence of an anaesthetic but died be- fore his arm could be cxamined, In Asheville Sundsy night Milton ot shot his brother-in-law,Thos.Bishop,claiming that Bishophadstruckhiswife,Bradley’s sister.Bishop ts’expected to dic, Material is being placed foraresidencetobeerectedbyMr.FB.O.Swann,on his Stockton ‘street prop- erty. ate committee,on inter-State com- which is to be reported in the near According ©to southern California’scontributionoforangesandlemons through.the bridge cy sugar, and not rats,are responsible for theof-—bubonicplapieatHavana,Cuba,according of sanitation for the republic of Cu- Surgeon Guiteras states that he conducted more than 2,500 laborato- ry experiments with rats and.found “Every.time —heretofore.that we have sent a candidate to the Legis- lature from our county,”said a pub- lic-spirited citizen to the writer,“we We didn’t know where he stood about In fact,a candidate seem- ed to’think it his chief purpose to keep the people from knowing where them all that this year,”he went on.“I -don’t know who’s going to be our Sena- tor,but one thing sure,he has got to tell the people where he stands.|county,He has got to give us his platform.”|¢rstic primaries:and county convention. .aisduetodeaths’of -perisioners./thousand counties in the South are }the.hands of..Messrs.-Mills and Lis-: refuge.1}82 |closed doors Friday ‘night after anexecutivesessionin-which the Senate,by a vote of 86 to 27,confirmed thenominationofWinthropM.DanielsofNewJerseytobe&member of theInter-State Commerce Commission.Senator LaFollette declaréd on thefloor‘that -he proposed to defy the:rules of the Senate in fyture and dis-cuss publicly Jegislation not affect-ing foreign relations,and later it wasannouncedthat—Senators.Bristow,Cummins,Clapp,Kenyon,Norris, Jones and Gronna (Republicans)andPoindexter,Progressive,would main-tain the same attitude,'The révolt created a sensation andtherewasmuchspeculationastotheeffectitwouldhaveonfutureexecu-tive sessions.The’general’opinionwasthattherewouldbenoattempt madeto take action against .members who.disregarded the rule of secre- Confirmation.of Mr.Daniels closed a three days’fight,marked by one ofthebitterestdebatesheardat-the cap- ito!in years.Opponents of the con-firmation.based ‘their objection on the grounds that Mr.Daniels’views on the valuation of public service prop- erty were unsound, Can't Change Valuation of Lands in Off Years. The corporation commissionmedearulingthatthereisno legis- Intive or other authority for .chang- ing the tax valuation of timber lands on account of the cutting of timber,between.the prescribed times for the quadrennial-valuation of real festate,and therefore that the action of the Washington county commis- sioners in restoring the 1911 valua-tion to lanas of the Roper Lumber Company was the sawful course to pursue.The Roper Company insist- ed that since large quantities of tim- ber iad _been cut from the..lands there should be reduction in tax as- sessment.Timberland owners all over the State have been watching the fate of the case with particular interest.The corporation commis- sion rules that there is no authority for any change in assessment of real estate in off years except through change in structures by erection or destruction that.materially change the valuation,and this cannoz apply to growing timber counted as part of the landed estate. Announcements. FOR TREASURER. I am ea candidate for Treasurer of IredellsubjecttotheactionoftheDemo- TILDEN H.WILLIAMS. March 27, FOR TREASURER. I hereby announce ‘myserr a candidate “for the office of Treasurer of Iredell County, subjeet to the action.of the Democratic pri- maries and county convention.Mareh 27.4 RK.F.RIVES. FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS.4 I -hereby fortheofficeofRegisterofDeedsofIredellcounty,subject to the action of the Demo-cratic primaries and coynty convention,JAS.R.BILL. March 27, FOR SHERIFF. Tam a candidateforsheriffofIredell eoun-ty,subject to the action of the DemocraticPpandcountyconvention,and solicitthesupportoftheDemocraticvoters.Mareh_17.J.A.BROWN. FOR CLERK SUPERIOR COURT. I hereby announce my candidacy for theofficeofclerkoftheSuperiorCourtforIre-dell county,subjectto the actionof theDem-ocratic ‘party convention and primaries forthecounty,P P.DULIN.Jan.27. MORTGAGE SALE OF LAND.:ehsankaie BY VIRTUE of’the powers contained inamortgagedeed,executed to Walter Dink-ens on the 28th day of November,1912,by Amos Bailey and wife,Nancy Bailey,and transferred to the undersigned.on the24thdayofFebruary,1914,said mortgage being registered in Book 36,page 62%,intheofficeoftheRegisterofDeedsof‘Ire-dell county,I will sell at public auction to the highest bidder,for cash,at the courthouse-door in Statesville,N.C.,on MONDAY,MAY 11,1914, the tract or pareel of land described said mortgage as follows: *Lying *in New Hope township,Iredellcounty,N.C.,adjoining the land of Mrs.Jane Pierce and M.L.Marlow,and bounded as follows:Beginning on Mrs,Pierce's line,running east to 4 stake (num-ber of poles unknown);thence south to astone,thence west to a stake in Mra.Pierce's line north.of the house,congainingtwoacresmoreor-less.<sured <r aeth WALTER:-DINKENS,--:.- I,R.Pleree,Atty.Mortgaxee.MRS.JANE PIERCE, April 7,1914.Assignee of Mortgagee. NOTICE OF SALE. Under and by virtue of an order of theSuperiorCourtofIredellcounty,made inthespecialproceedingentitledMra.Cora'M..Rooe,Mis.Lula Smith and husband,JohnSmith,vs.J.H.Campbell ~and AnnaCampbell,the undersigned commissioner will on SATURDAY,MAY 9,1914, at 12 o'clock m.,at the court house door ihStatesville,N.©.offer for sale to thehighestbidder‘that cértain tract of landlyingandbeinginTurnersburgtownship, Iredell county,N.C.,adjoining the landsofR.I,Hodson and others;and bounded as follows,to-wit:Beginning at a spanish oak on the southsideofthecreek,running south 20.poles,toapetsimmon;thence south 40 degrees west 116 poles to a stone;‘thence 8,33 degreeswest156polestoablackoak,corner M.Heath and others;thence south 45 degreeseast79polesand15linkstoastakeinJamesGray's line;thence north 49 1-2 de-grees east with said Gray's line 283 poles toawhiteoak,Gray's corner;thence north 45 degrees east 34 poles to a birch on thesouthbankofHuntingcreek;thence north degrees’east crossing said Creek 12 polestoaforkedwillowonthenorthbankofsaidcreek,in Varner’s line;thence with the meanders of said creek with said Var-ners and Wm.H.Smith’s,s49 poles;thence youth 12 poles,crossing said creek,MilasCampbell's corner;thence with the meandersofthecreektothebeginning,containing 239 acres more or lens.lso a tract adjoining the above,lying in said county and State,and bounded as follows,to-wit:“Beginning at @ spanish oak on the south side of Hunt- ing creek,running south 20 poles to a per-simmon;thence south 40 degrees west 116 poles to a stone,Milburn Heath's corner;ae north 26 degrees east 144.poles tothecreek;thence with the meanders of theeréek,to the beginning,»containing thirteenandthreequartersacresmoreorless... Terms of Sale—One-fourth cash on day ofsale,one-fourth in three,one-fourth in sixandone-fourth in nine monthm "Nite membersof ‘the Senate,hend-|ed a LaFollette,openly re-|'vol against proceedings behind} has}+ People'sLoan&SavingsBankCAPITAL_$50,000.~ Deposits on Opening Day,April 4th,$41,730.26 This bank will receive —subjecttocheck.Issue time certificates bear-ing4 per cent interest. ‘Savings deposits will bear 4 centcompoundedaeere.“This depart-ment opened39 accounts on first day.It is not what you make but what yousavethatcounts. Begin now-~Deposit your idle money inthisdepartmentandgetinterestonthesame. The resources of this'bank will be loan-ed to home people at the legal rate ofinterest. GEO.H.BROWNO.L.TURNER President. Cashier. GUTH’S Easter Egg! Chocolate cover- ed,filled with fruit and nuts. One Free With”each one |pound box of Guth Chocolates. Statesville Drug Co., TheDrug Store With the Parcel Post Service. “| E.G.GATTHER,April 7,Commissioner.1914, |Don’t Wait Until theLast -Minute to Buy Your -Easter Toggery! There are only four more days between now and Easter Sunday.As Easter approaches the capac-ity of our store will be packedandyouwillnothavetimetogo over,leisurely,our stocks andmakeyourselectionstothebestw“<£o We Would Call Special Attention To the Suits,Coats,Dresses, Skirts and Waists in Ladies’Ready-to-Wears,Men’s NeckwearandShirts.Shoes,Pumps andOxfords:as well as lots and lots ,©of small wears in the noveltydepartment, 4 Send Us Your Mail Orders.1 They'll have right of way andsenttoyouimmediately.allchargesprepaid.| RAMSEY-BOWLES-MOBRISON -CO.THE STOREWITHTHE PARCEL@POST SERVICE. GLIMPSE OF PASSING THRONG. Turner,who spent the winter with .buy yuor Easter toggcry—Ramsey- —(Piedment~Red. DAY AND PRIDAY. April 7,.1914. Personal Mention of People and Their}Movements. Mrs.G,W.Fowler,who spent.sev-eral days with Statesville relatives, returned Saturday to “her home atSouthRiver,Rowan county.Shewasaccompaniedbyherlittlegrand- daughter,Julia Fowler.,Mesdames W.W,and R.V.Tharpe spent Saturday in Charlotte.Mrs. R.A.Cooper was atso a visitor to Charlotte Saturday.Mrs.C.EB,Warren and baby are visiting at Davidson.Mrs.N.A.Bingham and daughter, Miss Laura,are visiting at Wilkes- boro./‘Mr.J.A.Arey,county agricultur-al adviser,attended the spring mect-ing of the western North CarolinafarmdemonstratorsinWinston-Sa- lem last week.Mr.J.C..Turner and Miss.Mary Rev.and Mrs.J.Clyde Turner inGreensboro,have.réturned to their home here. g&ttorney H.Burke was in Salis-bury yesterday on professional busi- ness, Mr.and Mrs.Jas.F.Kelley,who were here on a brief visit to Mrs.Kelley’s father,Mr.D.C.Rufty,re- turned to Charlotte yesterday. Miss Blanche Murdock went toMooresvilleyosterdayto_join her.pa- Yents,Mr.and Mrs.C>Io-Murdock;who have taken up their residence there.Mrs.Mary A.Reid,who spent two months at the home of Mr.R.B.Dob-son in Sharpesburg township and hes for the past few days -been the guest of-Mrs.E.M.Hicks in States- ville,will leave this morning for her home in Louisville,Ky.Mirs.Reid is originally from this county. Mr.and Mrs.P.L.Toner réturned to Statesville last week from Ashe-ville,where they spent their honey- moon.Mrs,Toner is visiting her pa- rents,Mr.and Mrs.C.F.Graves, while Mr.Toner is in New York on business. Mr.and Mrs.Smyth Campbell spent Saturday night with Mr.and Mrs.L.B.Patterson and left Sunday for Hillsboro.Mr.Campbell]is em- ployed on the Orange county good road work. Mrs.M.D.Pass,who visited her parents,Mr.and Mrs.C.S.Holland, returned yesterday afternoon to her home -in Mocksville.Supt.W.T.Walker of the Barium Orphans’Home left yesterday after-noon for Kenansville to represent the Home at Wilmington Presbytery.HewillalsoattendasessionofFayette-ville Presbytery at Carthage beforereturninghome. Mr.J.L.Burgess,State agrono- mist,and Mr.G.M.Garren,also oftheStateDepartmentofAgriculture,who had been at the Iredell Test Farm,left yesterday afternodn fortheBuncombeTestFarm. Rev.and Mrs.J.F.Kirk returned Thursdgy night from Richfield,Row- an county,where they spent several deys at the bedside of Mr.Kirk's father,Mr.Wm.A.Kirk,Sr.,who isill.Mr.Kirk’s condition is improved. Miss Rachel King has returned from Charlotte.Miss Louise Reid of Charlotte will arrive Thursday to spend Easter with Miss Iris MeDougald. Notices of New Advertisements. Mrs.Wm.Wallace ha?parlor fur-niture for sale. Wheat drill in good condition-3D.F.Jenkins. Guth’s Easter candy—Statewille Drug Co. Nunnally’s fresh fine candies for Eastcr.—The Polk Gray Drug Co. The Lyric this weekr Allen’s Princess ranges:—Craw- ford-Bunch Furniture Co.The People’s Loan &Savings Bank had good opening Saturday.Don’t wait until the last minute to Bowles-Morrison Co. One’more week in which to join thesavingsclub.—Merchants &Farmers’ Bank.Closing.out sale of Poston-Wacson Co.holding the crowds. ;Cadar Chestsn, Crawford-Bunch Furniture Co. New tin shop.—Statesville Tinning 0. Bleck Warrior pit.games.—R.J. Harbin.+ Dried fruit—D.J.Kimball.The ideal way of co-operative sav-ing.—-Mutual Building &Loan Asso- tion Stal Good farm lands.—E.G.Gaither. Bostonians shoes for men,—Sher- rill-White Shoe Co. E.G.Gaither,commissioner,willBelllandMay9. Mrs.Jane Pierce,assignee mortgagee,will sell land May 11. ~G.M.Young,administrator,will exhibit and offer for sale at the court house Friday the library and instru- ments of the late Dr.Kluttz. L.B.Patterson has for rent six- Toom cottage with all modern con- veniences, Social Items. The Why Not club was entertainedFridayeveningbyMissMargaret Armfield at her home on Traddstreet.Game playing and sewing ‘ot-cupied the time of the young ladies. A salad course and candy were serv- of The Entre Nous claf met Friday afternoon with Mrs.L.W.”-MacKes-son at her home on Center Street.In addition to the club members a num- ber of other guests were present,in-cluding Mrs,Bowles,of Jacksonville, Fla.,who is visiting hete.The liter-ary programme for the afternoon was rendered by Mra.A,P.Steele TIME HAS WROUGHT CHANGE. Po rom vom etcrame ar ea ammennee 26 :’The P Who Preached RotationSixYearsAgoHaye©Changed Their’Minds,: Correspondence of ‘The Landmark. Shall thé Democratic,party of Ire-dell county maintain the precedent ithasheretoforestoodfororshallit admit it has been wrong and forsake the things it has formerly stood for?Rotation has been a principle ourpartyhasstoodfor,and why shouldwenowforsakeitwhenitissopop-ular in our nation?Shall we en-courage the sel of those whowanttoholda-fourth term?Whyshouldonesetofmenfeastwhilealltheothersfast?—‘raree terms is enough for,any set of men to hold office.Six.years ago the present officerswerepreachingrotation.Shall weallowthemtodenythesoundnessof the doctrine they then preached?They believed their creed then,and why are they running away from.it now?‘Boys,can’t you be consistentwhenyourowninterest‘is at stake?You can if you will..Will you?Justcomeoutinthepaperandnotifythe people that you are not going to becandidates.Tel!them that,inas-much as you promiged not to ask for more than three terms,you have de- cided that it is the best policy to stick to your promise,Didn’t you telt the Democrats of Iredell county that three terms would be all you would ask for?When you made that prom- ise did you mean it?Do you mean to do the very thing you promisednotto-do?”How -can-you get the consent of your mind to do such athing?Is it possible that when a man gets his molars fastened to a teat he becomes so greedy he can’tturnloose?=Must the people shake you loose from your jobs like separating twofighting.bulk pups?-Why will you not be master of your greedy souls and step down and leave the field open to those who have.never had the pleasure of drawing pay from the good old county of Iredell? You have become so wise that youcanseethefollyofturningofficers out just because they have had it three terms,baven’t you?All this thing about not letting you old offi- cers hold office but three terms is foolishness,ish’t it?But you used it on the fellows you routed six years ago,didn’t you?Out this way we are all going to the primary on May 16th and do our best to nominate new men. Mr.Troatman’s Birthday—Rotation For County Officers. Correspondence of The Landmark. Troutman;R-2.—Mr.T.M.Trout- man celebrated his 5ist birthday Sun-day,April 5th,with all of his chil-dren present.Messrs.N.W.Trout- man of Keyser,N.C.,T.E.and W. C.Troutman,wife and little daugh-ter (the only grandchild)of States-ville,all came home Saturday to bepresent.Mr.Troutman’s only Sis-ter,Mrs.R.R.-Combs of Stony Point}also arrived Saturday,she being the oldest and Mr.Troutmantheyoungestofafamilyofsixandthe.only survivors._There werepresentotherrelativesandsome neighbors,one for every year of Mr. Troutman’s age.Mr.N.W.Trout- man,the oldest son,claimed a part of the good dinner as his,it beinghis26thbirthday. At 12.30 o’clock the good Jadies be- gan carrying the baskets of goodthingsfromthediningroomtothe big table,36 feet long,erected onthelawn,and loaded it down -with chicken,ham,pickles,cakes and oth- er good things.Any one who could see the dinner when it was spread would know that Mr.Troutman waslovedandhonoredbyhisneighbors. We all parted,wishing him many more happy birthdays. The health of the community good.Wheat looks fairly well. Let us have rotation of county of- ficers.The present set are all good men and made good officers but let us pass them around.We have oth- er’good men,such as Mr.L.N. Brown for register of deeds. Recital at the College Last Night. Pupils of Miss Webb and Miss Mc- Keehan gave a recital at-the college last evening.Follewing was the pro- gramme: Violin _Chorus——““Morning Star”LangeMissesFlorenceMiller,Mary Johnson Ruby is Johnson,Eugenie Murdock,Hope Clark. Mr.Ear]Overcash.Paino te—"Rhapsodie Mionne”KoellingMissesLauraMoore,Ruth Hine,~~Tinian Bradford,Katie Millsaps. “Faust”.Gownod Misses Florence Miller,Mary Johnson,HopeClark,Ruby Johnson,Mr.Earl Overcash. Piano Trio—“In .Norway”KogellingMissesKatieMillsaps,Ola Overcash,BessieJohnson,Violin Solo—“First Air’Danclo Misa Ruby JohnsonPianoSole—P:MetcalfMoEeSaye Violin Chorus—Spanish sDance Moszkowski Piano Duett—Valse Lente”DelibesMissesKatieMillsaps,Lillian BradfordViolinSolo—Fifth Air”Danclo Mise Florence Miller.Piano Solo“Etude Arabesque”Debussy Miss ‘Laura MooreViolinQuartette—“Mendelssohnia”’RzhiaMissés.Florence Miller,Ruby Johnson,Miss Webb,Mr.Earl Overcash.,“Angelus” Glee Club. School Closing—Personal Items. Correspondence of The Landmark. Troutman,R-1,April 6.—Mr.andMrs.R.L.McLean of Mooresville spent the week-end with their par-ents,Mr.and’Mrs.A.M.JohnsonTheywereaccompaniedbyRobertandMaryBelleMcLean.Mr.LloydCopéofHarrisburgistheguest’ofhiscousin,Mr.Oscar Spears.Mrs.M.A.Spears has returnéd home af-ter two weeks’visit at Concord andHarrisburg. A party at.the home of Mr.andMrs.S.H.Houston was greatly en-joyed. Mr.Jas.W.Sharpe closed his 5-months school ‘term Saturday with a ball game. The Si m school will close atSimpsonschoolhousethe18th,with ate exercises in the afternoon and and Mrs.Z.V.Long, Waebue or"thees Sunday school was otganized atSimpsonschool.house Sunday. . Fae ge nica om em Aa Piette itoadercteanseet || }} | | THE CLOSING OF TWO SCHOOLS.Bsc SoriakoieArthursgSchool—Personal Items. Correspondence of The-Laudmarit, Troutman,R-2,Apr.4.—The Ar-thurs school closed Friday with anaddressinthemorningbyRev.Mr-McCain of Trottman.His subwas“Name.”He classed it as goodandbad.In order to have a _name we should be obedient..First obedience is at home,‘second”atschool;and what great influence themotherandteacherhaveoverthewhilethemindisyoung,and to helpthechildtoformagoodname._Tobe‘obedient we should have self-con; trol and always be’employed.HereferredtoAdamwhenhedisobeyed God’s command by eating the for- bidden fruit.He said that the great-est men and woren of today are the BUILDING:AT TAYLORSVILLE. Brick Vasihess HotsestoBEereet= ed—Mr?Siler to Preach at Tay-forsville-~Personal Items.’ Correspondence of The Landmark. Taylorsville,April @—Mr..°R..K. Moose has purchased a J6t,20 feetjectyttontby40feetdeep,from the.Ma- Sonic lodge,on Main street,for $200andishavingmaterialplacedonthegroundfortheerectionofaone-std-ry brick building,to be used by Mr. Moose for a jewelry.store.~An ad-joining lot was purchased by Dr.J. P.Matheson of,Charlotte from:theMasoniclodge,‘The consideration was $400.Dr.Matheson expects tobuildatwo-storybrick building onthislotinthenearfuture.Mr.H.C.Payne spent Thureday and Friday in Charlotte on business. Miss Winnie DPD.Grier spent Satur- men and women who are always em-day in Statesville,the guest of herployed:He closed by urging the pu-]Sister,Miss Ellie Grier.Mr.Craw- pills to deserve a good,name.The ford P.Burke,who.‘has spen?a few address was enjoyed by-all present,days here with his.mother,Mrs.R: About 12 o’clock the #0od ladies of |B.Burke,will return to Greensboro the district spread dinner,on the ta-today.Mr.H.T.Kelly went to Salis- ble,which wasi prepnred out:in’)the bury pent Sunday at*the home ofyard,and there was &n abundance of |is mother,Mrs.M,Ei:Kelly./Mrs. good things to eat.The afternoon Kelly ‘and children;who have made was spent in playing bally in whielf@"¢xtended visit ~to relatives —in the old as well as the,young partici Mocksville and Salisbury,will ac; pated 4hd-Rev.Mr.McCain was one|co™mpany him home today.Prof.J. of our best batters.At a late hour]A-White of Cleveland spent Sunday they all bade their teacher,Mrs.Ada here with his family.Mr.Chas..P.McNeely,goodbye and wished her Matheson will go-to Morganton -to-many more such successful school}Morrow to attend the meeting of.the terms.board of directors of the State Hos- The Duck Creek school closed Sat-|F'ta!.Mr.Benjamin Matheson has urday with a spelling in the morning ]Freturned from a stay in Charlotte.bythe pupils;at _noon_an Mr.Ernest Feimster has returned by Messrs.Parker and MeCain,and|from a visit to friends in Tredelt and a ‘spelling race that night.To have Rowa Miss Margaret Overcash, been there and seen the interest that]Who was indisposed at her home in patrons as well as the pupils were Statesville last week,has returned taking;you would know that their and will take op her—work as musicteacher,Mr.B.C.Howard,was lov teacher today.—ed and honored by the patrons ag{.Rev.Frank Siler,secretary of mis- well as by the pupils.The writer was}®!0'f the Western North Carolina present and heard the patrons say Conference,Will deliver an address thet Mr.Howard had taught them the|@t the Methodist church Wednesday most successful term they.have*hadj@Ver'ng at 7.45 o’clock. for several years.Mrs.W.E.Stitt went to Hunters- Mr.Howard closed-the exercises by ville Saturday morning to attend the efplaining to the patrons the neces-funeral of the wife of her nephew, sity of co-operation in upbuilding and Rev.J.M.Bigham.She returned beautifying their school house ‘and Sat y night.‘ ground.™~er ery aes hed Mrs.Jdmes Ham of Mooresville is},,;ay C..Sat a.a ag spending some time with her parents,|}...5 siege Ven ri ar a ee ay,iS al- Mr.and Mrs.J.S.Arthurs.Misses a A rg hehe ris geet cae iee engagedisedTt.tn the hold-up of the express mes-Sophie and Emma Combs of Stony|,.,..é Hy rs Point are visiting their sister,Mrs:poger on the Seaboard train at Co-tars.Hoave on :’fumbia March 28.R.C.Fletcher,ex-ahs ens press messenger on a Seaboard train,4 MISSIONARY INSTITUTE.wno ¢elaimed that a robber entered his car Comer,Ga.,and escaped af- To Be Held at Mooresville This Week—Death of Mr.John Poston—-Oth- er*Mooresville News. Correspondence of The Landmark. Mooresville,April 6.—A mission- ary institute will be held at theMooresvilleBaptistchurchbeginningnextWednesday.night and will con-tinue till Friday night.On Wednes-day night a devotional meeting will be conducted,after which a stereop-ticon lecture—“Our Homeland”——will be given by Dr.Anderson of States-ville.At 3 o’clock in the afternoon (Thursday)Dr.Anderson will ad- dress the woman’s missionary society. Thursday night after a devotional meeting a stereopticon lecture on Brazil will be given.On Friday night Rev.R.E.Brown,pastor of the First Baptist church.of Concord, will preach.On Sunday night every thing will be given over to the chil- dren’s day exercise,after which sev-eral candidates will be baptized. Friday afternoon Mr.John Poston died after an illness of about four weeks from “pneumonie.-He was buried Saturday afternoon by his pastor,Rev.C.8.Kirkpatrick,in the town cemetery..The deceased was 4!years of age and is survived by his widow and six children,the youngest of whom is only two years of age. For a number of years he had been in the employ of Jas.W.Brown. The many friends of Rev.J.W. Jones will be glad to hear that he is slowly recovering from an attack oflagrippewhichhasIsstedfora month and that he is beginning tositup.It is hoped that he will be able to leave his room in the near future.Mr.W.T.Thompson,who livesnearMt.Mourne,has been rather un-well far several weeks and is at pres- ent considered right critically ill.Mr.and-Mrs.J..J.Henley went to Charlotte Saturday to spend a few days.Mrs,Henley’s sister,MissHemby,returned to Charlotte Fridayefterspendingseveraldayshere. Mr,and Mrs.B.A.Troutman andMissCary,their daughter,and Miss Mary Perry went to.Charlotte Sun-day to hear Bishop Kilgo.Miss Ida Henderson will go to Statesville |to-day tohave her arm,which was brok-en while at Baltimore several weeks ago,dressed. Mr.Edgar McNeely,son of Mr.andMrs...C..K...McNeely.and student attheA.&M.College;arrived Satur-day night.He will return to Ra)- eigh about Thursday. Honor Roll at Clark’s School. Correspondence of The Landmark. Honor roll of attendance of Clark's school for the fifth month: Upper Room—Claudia Brown,A!da Ostwalt,Virgil Ostwalt,Jo.Set- zer,Blanch Setzer. Primary Room——Bennie Brown,|¢- ona Brown,William Colvert,FrancisColvert,Essie Griffin,Ross Gryder,Willie.Mae Haynie,Louis Hudspeth, Dorothy Hudspeth,Edna Hudspcth,John Lee,Nola Robinette,Ottie Lee Setzer,Vassie Sigman,Wayne Put-nam,Sam Putnam. THESE BRING BUSINESS. (Advertising will be run in this column at10centsalineforeachi.»any part of a line counting as «full.line.) One dollar given to any one forbestworddescribingthegreathatstleatTharpe’s 5 and 10c,store. See their window and get the dollar onttaancsnloilniihoe rvtnalngiattaet onNicelotofcountryha Eagle &Milholland,.: Lettuce plants at 25 cents for 100. BE.L.Fleming,618 Race street. To Cure a Cold in One Day Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine.It stops the Cough and Headache and works off the Cold, Druggists refund money if it fails to cure. t \ROVE’S siguature @ each box Me FOR RENT—Six-reom cottage with all.med-ern conveniences.L.B.PATTERSON, April 7 FoFOR SALE—Parior furniture,clocks,pic-tures,china and silverware.MRS.Wm. 7 WALLACE.April 7—2t. POR SALE—Wheat drill in good condition. D.F.JENKINS.Apr.7—I1t. OTICE—Friday,April 10,I will have on_exhibition at the court house in Statesville Sehe library,surgical and dental instruments, and some supplies of the late Dr.Klutts mTroutmanAllwillbeofferedforsale privately and probably some of it publicly. Glad te have all doctors call and see me.GM.YOUNG,administrator,Troutman, ‘Tsien WHEN YOU MAKE AN 39 3 9 5 5 9 9 When You Deposit Your the same careful strength,ability a CAPITAL .....SURPLUS ANDRESOURCES.... “THE ‘BANK99 9 9 3 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 ) 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 b: item eee careful consideration is given as to the soundness of the proposition and also that the future stability may be assured. used,and you shotild be satisfied as to thé todian of yeur funds. This Bank Offers YouAll These Requirements. itt INVESTMENT >> > > ) 35 9 5 9 5 9 5 9 b y > > >> ) Money in a Bank consideration should be nid reputation of the cus- 39 3 5 3 9 3 9 $100,000.0036,000.00759,000,00 PROFITS FOR YOU.” } Genui ern Mountain Red Cedar. the highest and best in artisti¢achieve- ment,beauty of design and perfect work-manship.When one knows Mountain,The beauty of a Piedmont [lasts practi-«ally forever. Piedmont for its correct art value and endur-ing beauty. We have a splendid assortment of PIEDMONT CHESTS in stock and have a few numbers on which we can give special low.price. Crawford-Bunch-Furniture Co. PiedmontRed Cedar Moth-Proof The name Pied- mont stands forgenuineSouth- It stands for yoabets Piedmont everyouhavea oth-Proof, enuine Southern Cedar Chest. Every woman wantsa Beautiful H h e ©Piedmont SouthernyRedCedar Chests.Extremely popular.The Pied-mont line has been famous for years astheworld’s finest.productions in genu-ine._Southern.Mountain _Moth-ProofRedCedarChests.A Piedmont Chestprotectsyourfurs,«woolens and plumet from moths,mice,dust and damp.It pays for itself in what it saves.It beantifies every home.Always look for the name Piedmont. Insist on the genuine, The widestTheBestGiftf.7°S; designs,sizes and prices in Chests,Chif- forobes,Highboys,Lowboys,Wardrobes andotherPiedmontRedCedarfurniture.A Pied-mont is the ideal gift for every woman or btForeverygiftoccasioninawoman's life,ecansavéyoumoneyonthissuperiorchest.Come in and see the splendid new designs, The Lyric Programme: ze The Alternative —Reliance Film Loveand Dynamite--Keystone Film Elusive Diamond— True Irish Hearts (three reels)— Jack’s Hoodoo —Majestic Film Repurter’s Scoop —Reliance Film Unto the Weak—American Film Tuesday. Thanhouser Film Wednesday. Domino Film Thursday. Friday. Return of Helen Redmond (two reels)—American Film Mutual Gtrl—Matua!l Film Saturday. Faith ofHer Fathers (tworeels )— Reliance Film Under Sheriff -Keystone Film Monday. Three extra good reels No.Apr.7—It. FOR SALE—Two h one automobile andpianosahdorgansatvariousprices.J.8.ieeitiiaiaamaeaiiaiaainl LEONARD.March 31-——4t* FOR SALE—Six Jersey Heifers,fresh.Alsosomeyeaflings.BROWN BROS.,Scott's, N.C.April 3—2¢t* FOR SALE—Ten fresh milk cows and oneHolsteinbull,McCANLESS &NORWOOD, Statesville:April 3—2t. FOW MALB—One 1 1-2 b.p.guecline engine. MM,D.&T.Electric Co.Apr.3. FOR SALE CHEAP—A few second-hand touring cars and runabouts.Yale motor- cycle.New 2-horse power Gasoline En-gine.CAROLINA MOTOR CO.April 8,1914.eAa enegpnn Se eeemeean! WANTED—To purchase Timber Stumpage bythethousandorTimberBoundariesand\o-cation.Write giving estimate of timber,kind and price wanted.P.O.Box 182.Feb.13. FOR RENT.—Nice stereroom..Pormerly oc-cupied by United Shoe Store.N.B. MILLA,Mareh 6, WANTED—Reliable salesmanand collcttor. Good contract to right party.SINGERSEWINGMACHINECO.,H.T.Sanders,manager,Salisbury,N.C.March 27—#t. FOR SALE—At Sunshine Farm,R.C.RhodeIslandRedeggs.From good birds.60centsper15,fancy %1 per 15.SALLIEDAVIDSON.March 24—8t* FOR SALE—Long staple cotton seed;pure,at $1 per bushel.Write,phone or leaveordersat’Bradford Grocery Co.R.L.BRADFORD,Statesville,N..C.,R-6. Mareh 19. Black Warrior Pit Games. Eggs from pen headed by malewinninghisfourthbattleandsteeltested—-$3 for 165.Guaranteed thoroughbred stock.No stock for J.HARBIN,354 Alexander street,Statesville,N.C.April 7—8t.* Just received and for sale at reasonable prices,carload of fresh milkers from Lin-coln county."Phone or write W.C.WOOTEN or T.DK SHUFORD.April 3. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Having qualified as administratrix of the estate of A.D.Cooper,deceased,I hereby notify all persons having claims against his estate to present same to me for paymentonorbeforethe3rddayofApril,1916.Those indebted to the estate are requested to settie,ELECTA PF.COOPER,R.Bi McLaughlin,Atty.Administratirix.April 3,1914. sales:Good--hatch.guaranteed..._R.} t+NUNNALLY’S 42< FRESH FINE CANDIES! FOR E -THE POLK GRAY DRUG CO., »{_]“On the Prescription Specialists.109-—’PHONES—410 ASTER. Square”|j —ae semeTheClosing Out Sale Poston WaseGn Co’.s Is holding the crowds,~the goods...Nothing reserved.Everythingputdowntoapriceto Our Shoe sale Saturday was a record break-+ Don’t miss the opportunity to save 25c, to $1.00 pair on a pair of Shoes.Cometoday,as the stock will be re rapidly. er. a ‘ the prices are moving insure quick selling. ly, Poston-Wasson Comp’y: Statesville Tinning Co, NEW.TIN SHOP Will do general Sheet Metal work and roofing.H.C. Mohler,a workman with 25 years experience,will be con- nected with the business. SHOP—114-East Broad Street.‘PHONE 55. T have fine lot country Dried es.Se toes from the Onion Sets,etc. D.J.KIMBAEL. Apples and Peach- 4 Sweet Pota- coast. Set ENGRAVED CALLING CARDS Not the kind you get at bar-gain counters,but the last f word in artistic engraving 5 Statesville Printing Co,} International Harvester Oil and Gas Engines Catawba County Has ‘att edOntheBuilandtenaiteroedHowitWasOrganized,The subject of rural credits,some‘system that will permit agricultural BY an International Harvester en-gine,take care of itasany machine should be cared for and a dozen years or more from now it will still be working for rtwill save you and your family endless hours of hard labor in pumping,sawing,grinding,spraying, Buy an 1 HC engine.They last longer,burn (lesa fash,are simpler,and give you most power,Hereare a few of the reasons:Offset cylinder heads,large valves,accurately ground piston and rings,heavy forged crank shafts and connectingrods,etc.Best material\and construction mean thebestengine.I H C engines are built in‘all styles,and in all sizes from 1 to 3-H.P,They operateonlowandhighgradefuels,:Not every local dealer handles I H C engines.The one who does isagood man to know.If youdonotknowwhoheis,we will tell you when youwriteusforcatalogues,cal Hane Compu Ameri HAVE YOU A CAMEO? If you have not you are well nigh out of therunning.We have them,all kinds and in allshapes.The stone as well as the shell CameoinScarfPins,Pendants for neck chains,Brooches’Bracelets and Rings.We will be glad to showyouthingsandwillmakenoverystrongobjec-tions to selling you some of them. R.H.Rickert &Son,Jewelers. [TWO CAR LOADS] Car Load Tennessee Horses and Mules. Car Load Indiana Mares and Horses. Just in.Call and see them. Henkel-Craig Live Stock Co. Statesville Realty &Investment Co. 1906 €ommem>1913 On October 81,1913,we closed our seventhyearofbusiness.We take fhis occasion tothanktheloyalpatronsof’our company forthebusinesstheyhaveentrustedtousdur-ing that time and we believe we have givensatisfactiontoallofourcustomers.v-uggrown out of infancy into mature man-hood in the INSURANCE BUSINESS weaskforacontinuanceofyoursupportandinfluence, Remember “We Insure Anything Insurable.”We write all classes of BONDS,and thussaveyoutheembarrassmentofapplyingtoyourneighborforsuch.Writeus your needs,J.F.CARLTON,Manager. NEW SERIES! The 55th Series in the First Building and Loan As-sociation of Statesville,N.C.,opened on Saturday,February 7th,1914, If you want to own your own home and haven’t themoneytopaydownforit,subscribe for stock andbuildorbuythroughtheBuildingandLoan,whereyoucanpayforitwithrentmoney,You can takestockanytime.Come in and talk the .matter over, H.V.Furches,"Phone 190 .Secretary and Treasurer,— {it:running separator,etc.; People to borrow money at’low ravesofinterestandontheeasyent|plan,has been much Mesa AcommissionwenttoEuropelastyearundergovernmentauspicéstostudythesystemsinthatcountryandCon-gress is now considermg plans forrural.credit legislatio.,Gitizens ofCatawbacountydecidedtosalvetheproblemforthemselves—a good ideaalways,for heaven helps those whohelpthemselves—and they have or-ganized a rural crédit:associationmodeledontheplan.of the buildingandloanassociations,In the Hick.“ory Democrat Mr,W.J.Shuford,one of the leaders in’organizing theCatawbaassociation,thus tells about We began:business with 88°share-holdérs subscribing ror 200 shares,and the plan in briet may be deserib-ed as follows::1.Shares of Stock—Each memberpaysaninitiationfeeof50.cents.persharetojoin,and $1 per month foreachsharecarried.Par vate ofshares,$100.A payment of $1 permonth?on each share ‘will “mature$100 in about 81 or 82 months.2.Time of Payments-—-Paymentsmaybemademonthly,quarterly andsemi-annually to suit the convenienceoftheshareholder,but the share-holders are-urged to pay monthly.tk -H6W—-Loans ~Are—-MadeuThomoneyisloanedtoshareholdersat6percentinterest,and is secured byfirstmortgageonfarmlandsnottoexceedtwo-thirds of their cash val-ue,Loans are made to sharehold-ers only,and each shareholder.mustcarryoneshareofstockfor,every$100 borrowed.He is charged 6 percentinterestonwhazheborrowsandgets6percentonwhathepaysin.The compound interest more thantakescareofanyexpenseandhelpstomature!his share.Loans will bemadeinrotationasappliedfor,and as money comes in. 4.Paid-up Shares—iA limited num-ber of paid-up shares will be issued. These will be taken by farmers as an investment and will pay 4 per cent interest paid semi-annually,and wil!participate in the profits and ma-ture in about five years. ple,a farmer takes a paid-up share, paying $90 down on this.He re ceives interest at the rate of 4 percentpaidsemi-annually,and thissharewillmaturehim$100 in a frac- tion over five years. 5.Management—The affairs of theassociationaremanagedbyaboard of eight directors elected for one year,and this board elects a presi- dent,vice president,secretary andtreasurer;also elects a loan commit-tee from each township in which the association works.The board of di-rectors.(with the exception of one or two)are all farmers:The directors meet monthly for the’makingloansandthetransactionofotherbusiness. 6.Local Direction—Three share-holders from each township consti- tute_a.loan committee,and they ex- amine all property offered to the as-Sociation as security for a loan,andmake.a written report ta the diree- tors on forms furnished them. 7.Fines—Any shareholder neglect-ing to pay his dues wnen the timecomesshallforfeitthesumoften cents per sharé for every month the dues remain unpaid. 8.New Shares—A new series ofshares‘will be opened up.every quar-ter.This in brief is the plan we are do-ing business under and we believe jt is going to help.our farmers.As wegrow,changes -will’probably bemadeandtheworkstrengthened,Will we get funds enough to meet thedemandsthatwillbemadeuponus?That remains to be seen,but we be-lieve that we will as soon as our far-mers get their attention called tothefactthattheyeanindividuallyhelpeachotherbuyafarm,improve stock,etc.,for the farm.Our association starts out underthemost‘favorable circumstances:Our president is a suceessful farmer,our vice president is president of theFirstBuildirig‘and Lean Associa-tion of Hickory and.has been ‘foryears,This association has $350,-000 loaned in Hiekory and never lost a-dollar...Our secretary is secretaryoftheaboveassociation,and.hasvolunteeredhisservicesfora.year atnocosttotheassociation.With norents,etc,to pay our expenses wiltbeverysmall.»«We-will_operate.,in..Catawba,.Alex- ander,Burke and Caldwell ¢ountiesandservethefarmers.It is justalittleovertwowianthssinceweor-ganized and we are now ready tomakeourfirstloans,amounting toabout$1,500,April 1_ Any system of rural creditsthatmaybeworkedoutmustreeog-nize the building and loan to someextent.It affords a splendid oppor-tunity for ‘systematic monthly say-ing.It is mutual,all members shar-ing alike.It is operated economical-ly.No new laws are necessary toputitintooperation. Why not try it in your communi«ty?Think of it—about 80 monthsfromJanuary1wewilldistribute$20,000 in cancelled mortgages and cash among the fatmers that carrytheirsharestomaturity. ‘War has’been declared on the rats, mice and flies of Greetiville,S.¢,,and .a price.has been placed on theheadofeach.The chamber of-com-merce of Greenville will pay a centapieceforratsandmiceand2centsper100forflies, For Weakness and Loss of Appetite The Old StandardSorel stréngthening tonic,GROVE’S TASTELESS chill TONIC,drives outMalariaandaereeAtruetonicaridsureAppeofadultsandchildrem60e, . For exam-| of what they have,or buy fore live-} MarkedTheresidence of Mr,R.MonroeJetton,in Davidson,says the Char-lotte Observer,was pears dur-ing the early hours of Friday.morn-ing.with marks and splotches ‘ofbright»-red -paint;and.likewise the name “Jetton”that appeared in thefirmname.on the ywindow of theWhite-Jetton »Company,~druggists,was marked out,the erasure beingdonealsowithred’paint...The marksontheJettonresidenceconsistedof.a big cross,done in bright red onthefrontdoor,with the bars as wide:las a man’s hand anda yard in lengthandsosituatedandarrangedastobevisiblefor’a block .distant.Asimilarcrossappearedonthefloor of the porch and on each of the steps leading to the porch”were splotches of red paint,all affording a highly gruesome spectacle,*Justwho‘did the work is ‘Not known norarethereanycluesthatmightleadtotheguiltypersonorpersons.Mr.Houston J..Brown of —theBrown-Knox Mercantile CompanyatDavidsonstatedtoanObserverrepresentativethathehadobservedthreeorfourmenonhorsebackcom- ing evidently from the.direction oftheJettonhomeabout2.15 o’clock Friday morning as he was on his way home,but he could not.suggest|or give any clue.as to who they were,|where they came from or whither| they wera going:He stated that! when they saw him they turned back and waited until he had gotten in his! house,and then they passed. it was.suggested that the work!was done by partisans—of the lateDt.Wooten,who was killed by Jet-ton a couple of months ago,or that/|college students,eager to perpetrate| an April Fool joke;might have been| responsible.The latter sugvestion| was rejected.} Jetton and his wife were visiting| in the country,at the home of Jet-/| ton’s brother,at the time of the oc-} currence,One report says they re-} turned home about 10 o’clock ‘Friday morning,and that when Jetton saw the marks he was mach excited.| When the Observer got ins communi-| |cation with Jetton,however,he de-| jnied all knowledge,of the marks.HejandhiswifewentFridaytothe!home of their brother-in-law,Dr.!|McCoy,at Mt.+Holly..Talked with}}there,Jetton professed lack of knowl-| jedze of the marks but later ad-nit-|i that he hai seen the cross on the|door,but being in a hurry to catch i train didn’t take time to investi-|gate. }It is said that since the trial,inbetasJetton.was acquitted of themurderofWooten,there has been|much feeling between the partisans|of the two men at Davidson and thatthefeelinghasincreasedastime|passed, |While attending the Rowan countyjcommencementinSalisburyFriday|Mr,Mosés T.Waller of Mount UllajandMissMyrtleReavisofClevelandtook.their friends by surprise andweremarriedinthenewcountycourthouse. |tec |ee! i :|Bree J 1%Fst pec ie 7 .; .AGENE ;‘TOME TAKE GRO VE f .:|Oe we eel :han nee 1 FB a Sn a NYTheOldStandardGrove's Tasteless chill Tonic is ually_Valuable asa General Tonic because it Actson the ver,4 ,,LfDrivesOutMalaria,Enriches the Blood and Builds uptheWholeSystem.ForGrown People and Children, You know what.you are taking whén you take Grove’s Tastelessastheformulaisprintedoneverylabelshowingthatitcontiinsthé well knowntonie.properties of QUININE and IRON:|Itis as strong as the strongest bittertonicandisinTastelessForm.Ithas no equal for Malaria,Chills and.Fever,Weakness,general debility and loss of appetite.Gives life and vigor toNursingMothersandPale,Sickly Children,Removes Biliousness without purging,Relieves nervous depression and low spirits.Arouses the liver ‘to action andpurifiestheblood.A True Tonic and Sure Appetizer.A Complete Strengthener,No family should be without it.Guardnteed by your Druggist..We meanit..50c, ESTIMATES ON PIANOS —The output of piano factories is immense.These pianos must be put in suitable storage until sold, Rene Masa teathimee wonee er tects .weHisStenographerfortypewritingcorrespondence,etc.His Advertising 1n dueMasaxine costs per month Total, chill Tonic 1500.40 A house for storage in Statesville,X.C.costs per month §25,90Amanagertoconductthathousecostspermonth76.00Advertisinginfivepaperscostspermonth25.00—Totai,125.00 Manufacturers have established a depository inStatesville,N,C,,saving the differencein above expenses,giving custo-mers the advantageof the same in prices,with J.8.Leonard,Manager.fuy your Pianos,Organs and smali Musical [nstruments.Songbooks fooPublic Schools,Sunday Schools,etc.fromJ.S.LEONARD,Statesville,N.C. 98 queoDee cee "WE HAVEOurImplementRoom Stocked With Latest Improved Farm Machinery. Chattanooga and Syracuse Hand Plows, Deering Mowers and Binders,New Union Corn Planters, John Deere Corn Planters, Sunny South Corn Planters,Avery Corn Planters, Keystone and Hallock Weeders,Barrel and Bucket Spray Pumps, Tongueless Reversible Harrows, Rigid Tongue Harrows, Steel Drag Harrows, Lime and Sulphur Solution,Geo 8.Nissen Wagons, Corn Stalk Cutters, Riding Cultivators, Walking Cultivators, Guano Distributors, Bluebell Separators, Chattanooga Disk Plows, Manure Spreaders,Road Scrapers Rakes. “s o y e y Av y Uo sa v y go r 10 4 ys y Please Return Our Wire Stretchers Hay ’ BRONCHITIS CONQUERED Royersford,Pa.,Man TellsHow.| jAtthisseasonofyearwithsuchsuddenchanges,it is so easy to takecold,and almost before one is awarethereisinflammationinthebronchialtubes—a hard cough and unlesscheckedintimechronicpulmonary|troubles fay result. |Townsend Young of Royersford,|Pa.,says:“A severe bronchial trou-ble contracted caused me much diff-|culty about breathing.My chest feltcloggedupandtherewasconsider-|able soreness.I tried different rem-edies without help;but I am glad tosaythatVinolcuredmybronchialtroublewhichhadlastedforthreemonths,My breathing is all rightandthesorenessentirelygonefrommychest.”ys]Vinol contains the curative,healing|principles of fresh cods’Ifvers (with-out oil)and tonic fron.We guaran-|tee it to be delicious in taste and tosatisfyyouwithitsmedicinaleffects.|P.8.“If you have any skin trouble |try Saxo Salve.We guarantee it.W.F.Hall,Druggtst,Statesville,N.C.FAMILY AVOIDSSERIOUSSICKNESS By Being Con Constantly Supplied WithThedford’s Black-Draught. McDuff,Va.—‘‘l suffered for several»?says Mrs.J.B.Whittaker,ofThisplace,“with sick headache,andstomachtrouble, Ten years ago a friend told me to trThedford’s Black-Draught,which ]did,and I found it to be the best family medi~cine for young and old. 1 keep Black-Draught on hand all thetimenow,and when my ‘children feel a little bad,they ask me for a dose,and ifdoesthemmoregoodthananymedicinetheyevertried. We never have a long spell of sick-ness in our family,since we commencedusingBlack-Draught.”’ *Thedford's Peach.Death is purelyvegetable,and has been found tolateweakstomachs,aid digestion,.re-lieve indigestion,colic,wind,nausea,headache,‘sick stomach,and similarsymptoms.r It has been in constant use for morethan70years,and has benefited morethanamillionpeople: Your druggist sells and recommendsteeePriceonly25¢c.GetaPackageto-day,N.C 124 Iredell Hardware Co. Genume Oliver Plows. To know is to own the genuine JamesOliver Plow,the plowthathasplowedclean,honest furrows around the world. It has been on the market for forty years and there has.been over a million sold.It is being used in every civilized coun-try under the sun,a genuine purpose plow that can be de-pended upon to do fine plowing.It is made in various sizes,right and left hand,built for work and lots of it. You can always find the Genuine James Oliver Plow andrepairsforsameatourstore...No repairs are genuine with-out OLIVER cast in theparts, We have bought more than four car loads of.these famousplowsinthepasttwelvemonths,and nearly all of them arenowinthehandsofthefarmers.There is a,reason forsuchaphenomenalsaleofthesegoods.The farmers,whoarethebackboneofthecountry,did not buy these plowsfromusbecausetheylikedusbetterthantheotherfellows,but because ourplows have*more merit than-the-other-fel-..lows’plows The Genuine Oliver is what you want to plow with in 1914. Lazenby -Montgomery ‘Hardware Co. a Monumentsand Tombstones That is My Business. Best material,first-class work,lowest prices and satisfactionguaranteedornopay. If you need anything in my line be sure to see or write me before you buy,as [am prepared to protect your interests. Ask your neighbors who have bought work from me and see what they say., I appreciate your ‘neighbors’business and will likewiseappreciateyours. YARDS AT STATESVILLE,N.C.,AND MOORESVILLE,N.C. ZEB DEATON,Proprietor —mmercial National Ba CAPITAL PAID IN __$100,000.00SURPLUSei31,000.00 Banking is &necessary institution in the develop-ment/and welfare of nations.Itis likewise a.neces- sary institution in the development aud progress ofanycity,town or commuvity. A hank’s usefulness to a community depends vponitsabilityand.willingness to terve the legitimatebusinessrequirementsforloananddiscount.accom-modation and to provide a safe depoxitory for com-mercial and savings deposits.The COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK is a loca}institution.with large capital and surplus,farniehesgoodsecuritytodepositorsandwithresourcesof over $600,000 has the willingness to serve this com-munity in every branch of Jegitimate banking ©Re-lieving in this community,our policy is,and has al- Ways been,progressive and constructive,assistingineverylegitimatewayintheadvancementofthe agricultural,manufacturing and commer jal devel:opment of Statesville and Iredell county.Our de-posite are local and our Joavus are.likewise tocal andmadetoindividualsandlegitimateandworthylocalenterprises.To our customers we furnish check books free,render statements or balance pass books at the endofeachmooth,make loans and discount paper uponsecuritysatisfactorytoourboardandivsuchamountsasbusinessrequirementsandresponsibilitywarrant,We pay interest at the rate of4 per centperannumontimeandsavingsdepositsremainingthreemonthsorJonger.==Upow these bases we solicit your business. W..D.TURNER,---~President.E.MORRISON,--~-Vice President.D.M..AUSLEY,--~Cashier,G.E.HUGHEY,~Assistant Cashier. mib>ringing the farmer nearer te town Inthe Midst of a Big Religious Re-ee:dival Tobe Monroe Enquirer., That show;“Ziegfeld’swhich“ TUESDAY,---April 7,1914. PLEASED WITH FARM LETTERS- Follies,”struck Charlotte last Tuesday A Farmer Boy's Intelligent Diseus-|@Sb¢,must have been.rather raw,sion of the Advantages of Farm pe Charlotte Chornicle says of it:Life.<ot since the passing of Gertrude Correspondence of The Landmark.Hoffman has so much ©baré skin Houstonville,Mareh—I want to made appearance on the localboards...It was hardly ashow thatonecouldcommentupon,unless thecommentbemadetooneofone’s”The Chroniéle closes a;nn write-up‘of-tHe showwiththis:“It would be hard to seeneretheshowtaugptanylesson,Taised avy one’s morals or bettered thank you for giving the boys “andgirlsofthecountythe.privilege ofexpressingtheirviewsofcountrylife through the paper.I am a farmer. boy atid ]am glad that 1 ean ‘say that I am.\ That the country is not sucha badplacetoliveisshownbythemajor- ;@ community.”And yet the play-ity of the letters from boys and girle Meee tse a ;;who are content with the farm,The hops .us packed with people whepatayood,mogey to see what they{time has been when,owing to a poor ‘system and lack of knowledge of thefundamentalprinciplesoffarming,@beycouldnotgetastart:in*life onthefarm.When educational facili- ties and social advantages ‘Were poor, the farm boy had little:encourage ment to stay on the’farm.But now conditions are fast changing..Owing to the wide circulation of farm pa- gaw.The been te)lir g ligious pi City lik Charlotve papers have us what a wonderful re-it is covering the Queenagarment!"STOP CATARRH Use Hyomei—You Breathe It. pers and agricultural bulletins,@}--yypj¢.preperly treated -this dis-greater knowledge of agriculturé}egse of;leads.to.a serious if notprevails.We now have good road8{fatal aij ment.It is needless to al-i to.market,hereby inereasing catarrh to -ruin-your health——useanc0Market,eredy a rome i j -ot :5 wee ethevalueofhisproducts.With this Mer fo ataivh ‘ont tea ee increased knowledge of farming,the to-the-spot treatment.You breatheboyonthefarmcanstartamic@)jp,,,tomach dosing.No house- bank account by growing an aere Of}hold should be without Hyomei,It notcormorothercropontheintenaieonlyvivesquickandlastingbenefitscale;or by raising a few pure-blood-in cases of catarrh but is one of theedpigsorcattie.If he be ambitious gurest and most pleasant treatmentsandeagertolearn,the farm boy cam]fey jen,colds,sniffles,or croup ofsoongetaheadofhiscitycousin,thildre:who works for a palcry salary—ecom-Hyomei is a combination of anti-pared-with his expenses—shut ap Mbepptic oi1s—you breathe it—using aan-office-or store,witn .all-the :i}inhaler,--Phe-air—taden—with}tations of city life,away from *thealth-restoring Hyomei soothes,invigorating air of the country, which is so necessary to his full de- velopment;and working for some other man instead of for himself,in which he is likely to lose that sense of responsibility and _self-reliance which the country boy has. As to the social conditions,nearly eals and vitalizes the sore,raw andinflamedmembraneofthebreathingorgansalmostimmediately.There ismo.other remedy that benefits sogurelyorsoquickly.Money refund-|¥ed by the Statesville Drug Co.if youarenot1atished. Housekeeping Is Not theTaskItUsedtoBe ODERN invention has doneawaywithmuchofthehardwork. the cleaning andfloors,the dustingthetopsofhighfurniture,These back-breaking tasks For instance,polishing of hardwoodofmoldings,the stairs,unoer the radiator,etc,are nu :y made easy with the ©O-CdarMo With it you can dust,clean and polish a hardwood floor inthetimeitformerlytookyoutogetreadytodoit.Besides,you do not have to get down on your hands and kneestodustunderthebedorotherhard-to-get-at places,ortostandomachairtodustthetopofthehighfurniture.All of the hard work is now madeeasywiththeO-Cedar Polish Mop.It gatherscoulyCienongbyseshingeedteneencentfewdropsofO-Cedar Polish.=oo°it twowholedayswithTryItatOurRiskonconesifyoudonotfinditsatisfactoryimeveryfespextwewillretemyourmoney,Theprice is only $1.50 audit will saveitepricemany\tacsover in a short time. All size Bottles and Cans Statesville Housefurnishing Co. IF YOU NEED A CLOCK,IF YOU NEED A WATCH,IF YOU NEED A KODAK,IF YOU NEED CUT GLASS,IF YOU IEA gee)ee ARE, H.B.WOODWARD, Holeproof Hosiery! Wethave a complete stock of Holeproof Ho-siery and guarantee three pair to last threemonthswithoutDARNING.If holes comeinoneormoreofthemexchangefornewoffes”“Wéar good HOSE:— New Spring styles in Colonial Pumps $3.50,The S.,M.&H.Shoe Go.,The One Price Cash Shoe Store. Jeweler, Prevent ColdsandGrippe BY USINGQUINACETOL. 25 CENTS PER BOX eee py ee HALL’S DRUG"STORE, uDGEDcDaDameane ae eer cm enen Pt I We are ready for you ina big way.No matter what may be your wishortaste,we guarantee to please you,and don’t forget that the whole weekprecedingEASTERisgivenuptoaspecialshowingof STYLE PLUS CLOTHES This is STYLE PLUS WEEK fromMainetoCalifornia—a time set asidetoshowthemenandyoungmenofthiscountryhowstylishtheycandressforonly$17,and with wearandserviceguaranteed. We ate the STYLE PLUS store inthistownandwillgladlyshowyouhowthemakershavebeenabletogivestyle,fabric and workmanshipatamediumpricebyspecializingononesuit. The big two page advertisement in_.--the Saturday Evening Post told youtolookfortheSTYLEPLUSWIN-DOW in yourtowm.Youcan’t missours,but come in and really see theclothes. BELK BROTHERS, THE STORE THAT SELLS FOR LESS: "PHONE 155. Do not be without Hy »i anotherevaryburumthepooresttoelday”ict none emes anetherichest,have that’all-i the camulete ae pecdiumofcommunication—the tele-a a pe fa mii at ain phone;then our good roads make it]9¢jiu,: possible for a crowa to easily.and}Pee eelquicklygatheratanygivenplace.SALE OF CITY PROPERPY.|Our means of travel is fast emerg-By a {ingyfrom the ox-cart via the wagen oo.Pathana ee ootlahdbuggytotheautomobile,and/iarch 1s the Vleet Bolkding apa Loon |perhaps ere long some of opr MOrej Association of Statesville,North Carolina, |progressive citizens will be shorten-ae es rein expressed. jing the ——and crooked roads}yin,ata Wabi oat oe in an aeroplane..|expose to public sale,to theIntheuaetheboywholabors}highest bidder for cash,on |has as a rule a greater amount.of MONDAY,MAY 4th,1914, |freedom than his brother in the|the fol wing deseribed property: |Each farm is a separate busi-{,Bésinning at a stone on the east side ofjcity:Buffalo Shoals Road,W.J.Patterson’:|ness and he doesn’t have to jump out "76 dogroat anet greatest Americans to the high po i-|stome"ep Buffalo Shoals road,Miss Maggietiontowhichtheyhaveattained.|Mo@@ gorner;thence south 18 degrees west :‘West corner;and runs south 76 degrees east, lof bed every morning to the toot of|with W.J.Patterson’s line 957 feet to a{the whistle,but more according toj#i@me /.H.Hill's corner m C.B Morrison'sfthktobefieeethencenorth15degredsenst157feetitheexpediencyofthe_wor 9 9 @ stone,J.H.Hill's corner:thence north{done that day.Out in fields and {6s dec:west 50 feet to a stehe,W.F.a he breathes that inspiration |Munday —gree:thence serth,88 de-;2 ,|areas 1 ee oO tone anch : |wick has spurred on some of the |Nemes cyt:20:Searece Ohectvalat ten cane: {}t g ri tOfcourseitisnot.all pleasure and |*!Buffale Shoals road 104 feet to the he-s 7 hz 5 ung,containing ome and one-half acres{joy on the farm.Neither,perhaps,|0 oe less H FURCHES, did Abraham Lincoln think it was all;L.Ouldwell.Atty.TyastesjoyandpleasurewhenhewassplitMareh27,1914 jting rails for a livelihood,or.trying to get an education by a pine-knot Hlight.But he reaped the reward.ofjhispluckandthrift.There is bound to be some thorns and discomforts lin everything worth doing.But lifejonthefarmnowadaysislargelyjust what you make it.Cc.H.S. RADIUM IS VERY SCARCE. We've Let European Countries Get the Radium-Bearing Ores. How the American people failed t The Best For Less.eeeeeeeneeestenenseeetenteens {recognize the importance of radiunasacancercureuntilEuropeancoun Plumbing and Electric Supplies,| tries had obtained virtually all of th 8|present available supply,is graphic or C.E.RITCHIE.ally told in the annual report of Joseph A,Holmes,director of‘the :«Federal bureau of mines.in := Ye Y¥IOLIN.7 FRANK WHITING,Teacher ofViolin,will be at Studio at Mr.FredConger’s Tuesday and Saturday ofeachweekfrom3to8p.m. NOTICE | First class‘tin work and repairing. Roofing Contractor. CLYDE E.GAITHER. *Phone No.157. || | } Director “Holmes.estimates that!“in the United States 75,000 per-|sons die each year from cancer.’”} Explaining that radium is considered the most promising ¢ure for certain} types of cancer,the dirqctor saysthemostseriousbarrierteprogress| in demonstrating this is.the scar-|city of radium.There probably is'| not more than 30 grams of radium| now e@vailable for use in such treat-ment in all countries,”the report! says.“Of this amount therd prob-| ably is not more than two grams of| radium bromide in the United States,| in the hands of a few surgeons.Prob-| ably 15 grams of radium bromide was| produced during 1912 andof this 11.5|- LET US figure with you on your next LITHOUGKAPH-ING order.Weare agents foroneofthebestcompaniesandareinpositiontosaveyoumoney. Statesville Printing Co.*Phone 208. OSTONIAFamousShoesforMen,~PootwEar possessing irresistible individuality in the eyesofparticularmen.A model for every foot.A style foreverytaste. $4.00 to $6.00. SHERRILL-WHITESHOECO.(The White Co’.s old Stand.)oS ai Your Wife Votes For Life Insurance. Don’t leave your family unprotected.Insure your\life now.Delay is dangerous...Life insuranée willieaseyourmindifyougetsick,Financia)’satisfac-pe aee77 tion comes with the maturing endowment.Insurefsa”witha company that belongs to us,that keeps its—money at home,helping toward the upbuilding ofoursectionandStateTheSouthernLife&Trust Co.is our company.Let’s be loyal to out own,especially so since we know it is thebestLifeInsuranceCo,Give me your application.You know me.YoucandependonwhatItellyou. FELIX J.AXLEY,-REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE. Over Merchants &Farmers’Bank.Life,Health,Accident grams was extracted in various Eu-|ECLIPSE ENGINESropeancountriesfrom‘ores stoped)A NIT)THRESHERS.to them from the United States.|“During 1913 there was a total)—;production of 2,149 tons of radium-!I will have some of our latestbearing:ores in-the-United-States;--of }style-machines-here in-a shortwhichmorethan50percentofthe|time..Come overthe first timerediumcontentwasshippedabroad.|you are in town and see therMeanwhile,American hospitals are|and let's talk it-over.vainly endeavoring to purchase for| their own use some small part of thi Cc,H.TURNER,radium,even at such prices as $120,-|Near the Depot.000 to $160,000 per gram,or $500 :;»000 to $800,000 for the five prams of Iredell Phone No.74,Bell No.7.radium that a large hospital should .ehaveorhaveaccesstoforspecial "aASes. “No detailed information concern ing the methods of treating theseradium-bearing ores being‘ohtainable,the bureau of mines has endeavoredtodevelopaprocessofitsown,which if suecessful will be made pub-|lic for geheral,use.It is believed|that with large facilities made avail-||THIS YEARablethebureaucanextract.from| {|i||{ / || ores already belonging to the gov- || }|||{ } ernment’a quantity of radium hat Ifyou will give me your!newwill,in part,serve to meet the needs airs,’:work and repairs to your glass-of the various cancer hospitals of the |.::country.”|a Look to Your Plumbing.}You know what happens ‘in a hovise in| es this year,I wil!give you the }very best service and all of us which “the plumbing ‘is.in.poor condition-willbe pleased.everybody in the house is liable to contracttyphoidorsomeotherfever.The digestiveorgans.perform the sme fdnetiona in thebumanbodyastheplambingdoesforthehouse,and they should be kept im first clansconditionallthétime,If ‘you have any Hours 9ja.m.to 4.30 p.m. No.|Robbins Row ‘OPTOMETRIST, DR.R.W.WOODWARD,| 4 trouble with your digestion take Obamber-Jnin's Tablety and you aré eccrtain toquick-“",For sale by all deal we ”ie aes } 613 S.Center St. FORD ---STUDEBAKER---REO. We have just received two Studebaker four-cylinder,five-passenger cars and oneStudebakersix-cylinder,seven-passenger -touring car.Also two car loads (12)FordRoadstersandTouringcars, Studebaker Six-Cylinder Touring*Car $1,575StudebakerFour-Cylinder Touring{Gar 1,050ReoRoadster1,175ReoTouringCar1,175FordTouringCar Ford Roadster 550500 All prices F.O.B,Detroit,Mich.’All carsfully equippedandStudebakerandReohaveelectriclightsandeéleetricstarters.Come and see these cars and try them.;* CAROLINA MOTOR.CO.,Statesville,N.C.G.-L.McKNIGHT,Mooresville,N.t ¥ “THE LANDMARK[01165 Tare Tombow maar a he M CitTDAY,April 7,1914.Great Slaughter in the Mexican City —-LIVE ITEMS OF STATE NEWS, Accidents,Crimes and Incidents ofLifeintheOldNorthState. Mrs..Geo..W.Vanderbiltdaughterarenowat.Biltmore. *One negroshot and killed another at Wilmington Sunday.Nothing un-} usual.Rowan candidates must pay 9 each.to bear the expense of the pri- marries,The.report that J,E.Ware 2 Ralph Andrews were in the gambling | erowd at Chapel Hill is said to be an error.oo A meeting ef the forestry associa- tion end Appalachian Park Associa-| tion will be “held in Asheville this | week—Sth to 10th. Dr.Russell Bellamy,a Wilming-| ton physician,is suggested asa prob-| able condliaate for ,the Demogratic| congressional,nomination in the sixth district. Instead of spending his good mon- éy running for Congress,Editor Var- ner of the Lexington Dispatch has decided to erect a building for -his newspaper. Col.W.S.Pearson,who has lived in Charlotte for.several years,hav- ing moved there when he was ap- pointed assayer of the mint,has re- turned to Morganton,his former home. Mrs.Bigham,wife of Rev..J.M. Bigham,pastor of the Associate Re- formed Presbyterian church of Hun- tersville,died Jest week,aged 30“years.Husband and-two ‘smail-chil- dren survive. About 3 o’clock Friday morning safe-crackers blew open the strongboxinthepostofficeatSilerCity,Chatham ‘county,securing $500 in stamps and $275 in coin,making good their escape. The students and citizens of Chap- el,Hill,who figured 1a the recent gambling incident,plead guilty in the Superior Court at Hillsboro.Thecitizenswerefined$20 each and the students $10 each. In cutting timber from which te make boards Mr.W.A.Howell,.a Rowan farmer,founda a case knife; imbedded in the heart of a large oaktree.The knife had apparently been there for generations. In Alamance Superior Court Mrs. Emma V.Green was awarded $2,500) damages against Dr.A.C.Biggs on! account of the death of her husband.| Mr.Green was burned to deathwhileapatientinDr.Biggs’sana- torium in Greensboro,-in March,1909. ‘Jeff.Ramseur and Jas.Patterson, two negroes excavating a sewer line at Bessemer City,were caught by a slide of earth Friday and.conipletely covered.When extricated their bod- ies were found to be badly crushed!and they were taken to a Charlotte hospital. The Winston-Salem Republican says a brood sow,four years old,belongingtoW.H.Davis of For-sythcounty,hasgivenbirth to sixlittersofpigs—a total of 72--the past three years;that the pigs were sold for $4 each,a total of $288,an average of $96 revenue per year for three years from this one sow. Wilkesboro Patriot:Mr.A’ML Vannoy,who was here yesterday, says that a snow fell on the Brush- ies on December 25th and that.snowremainedonthenorthbanksfrom that time until the 25th day.of March,when by a strange coinci- =the snow completely disappear- and $6) i { and} The North Wilkesboro Hustler says the Triangle Orchards,located near Poo?’s Knob,Wilkes county,is now putting on the market a portion of the 1,600 bushels of apples grown in the orchards last season. The apples were stored in a concrete house and were almost perfectly pre-served. At a meeting of the Democraticexecutivecommitteeoftheseventh congressional district,in Asheboro Saturday,it was decided to hold aprimaryelectioninthedistrictMay16tonominateacandidateforCon-gress.An entrance fee of $250 willbechargedallcandidatesinthepri-mary,this to pay the expenses. Will Patterson,the South Wades-boro policeman who was chargedwithcarelesslywearinganewcoatawayfromastore,where he left hisoldcoat,without consulting the mer-chant about the exchange,was ac-quitted in court.“The case lookedbadforPatterson,”says the Wades-boro Ansonian,but his lawyer madea“successful plea for him.” _Winston-Salem will vote on a bond|issue-of $716,000.Of this amount.-it+is proposed to use $250,000 for almunicipallightandheatingplant,|$60,000 for school.buildings,$50,000|for a sewage disposal plant,$50,000 |fot improvements of the waterworksandextensionofthewatermains$50,000 for curbing and grading thstreets,$250,000 to liquidatefloatingdebt.The electionheldJune23. Fire which originatedson’s livery stable atwoodcounty,Friday,stable,including six head of stock,|Dr.8.B.Medford’s drug store,andMansonMecCracken’s store building,|the largest building .in the town,|.causing a total property loss of|about $15,000.-Hard work by the en-|tire population of Clyde,aided by|volunteers.from Canton,saved the}balance of the business section of | e|the| will be in Robin-Clyde,Hay- destroyed the} —Territory Now Cortrollied ByConstitutionalists.Sa : Torreon,Mexico,Dispatch,8d,to New York Herald, Gen.Francisco Villa and his ex- hausted but triumphant constitu- tionalist army,after 13 days of des- perate fighting,captured this city ofhorrorsat20minutesafter10o’clock lost night,Lighted on their way by the fidmes of burning ‘buildings,the troops:pick~ ed their steps through masses of de- bris,stepping over-the bodies of the ldead and wounded,which were piled up in the strects,to the coveted posi tions in obtaiting which they ~cacri- lGced the lives of mvre then a thou. sind of their own men and nearly twice as many of the enemy. It is a sorry ‘vietory,.estimated from-the humenitarian:standpoint, but a triumph for the redoubtable Villa,who is the first commanding general in recent:Mexiean.history:to fight steadily night and day for the attainment of his goal.' The courage and resourcefulncss of General Villa,backed-by the-anfliach- ing loyalty and determination of his offiters and met,stands out no more prominently in the sanguinary story, now to be told for the first time,than does the dogged resolution and brav- ery of Gen:Refugio Velasco yand his gallant army,who fought for days against tremendous odds,driven back inch by inch by superior numbers, constantly.reinforced by.fresh brig- ades and receiving unlimited am- munition as the battle proceeded. Determined that nota man of the Parrison~-shall-cscape him,General Villa has sent columns south aii(east in pursuit of the fleeing Federals. Some have returned with prisoners and reports of battles in which no man escaped.Some are still out. The streets of Torrcon are strewn with dead,sewers are clogged and over the city hangs the odor of burn- ing and decomposing flesh.Every- where it is ruia,ruin;buildings down, homes destroyed,misery and wretchedness ‘on every hand. Villa in a bulletin estimates the Federal ‘losses at 12,000 dead,wound- ed and prisoners and his own at 500 |killed and 1,500 wounded. With the taking of Torreon Con- stitutionalists now control an im- mense wedge-shaped portion of Mexi- co,with the point resting on Torreon. 500 miles south of Juarez,and the topextendingalongtheAmericanborder from Nogales,Ariz,,-to a point just west of Eagle Pass,Texas.At Pied- ras Negras,known also as Ciudad Porfirio Diaz,across the Rio Grande from Eagle Pass,there is a Federal gcrrison,but it does not now consti- tute a menace to the rebels.The States subject to the rebel arms are Chihuahua,Senors (except the port of Guaymas},most of Coahuila,Du- rango and Simaloa. Death’s Harvest Among the New Foundling Sealing Fieet. Death traveled in a gale that over-took ghe New Foundland _sealing fleets last Tuesday.The steamerNewFoundlandlostabout77of her crew,while as many more,it is feared,will be maimed as a result of exposure. The men lost were far from their ships killing seals when the storm,with blinding snow,swooped down. They were exposed for 48 hours be- fore assistance arrived and in that time many succumbed. The New Foundland was one of a fleet of 15 ships,carrying more than 2,000 men,scattered among ite ice floes near Belle Isle Strait.The crews were on the floes hunting seals and the hunt had taken them four to six miles from their snips.When the blizzard came the crews of other steamers managed to regain their vessels,but the floes on ‘which theNewFoundland’s men were huntingdriftedawayfromthemainbodyof ice,and when darkness fell that night not one had returned.©Theship’s crew-numbered 150 men,of whom 120 were on the ice.Seventy-seven members of the crew of the NewFoundlandareknowntohave_per-ished and 30 were rescued.The 30 survivors are expected to recover butthemajorityneverwillbefitforac- tive service again.Three lost both hands.and both feet,five lost both feet,eight others lost a foot and 11willloseahandorfingers.The.oth- ers will bear scars for life. In addition to this“loss of the crew of the New Fotndland the sealingsteamerSouthernCross,carryinjr 173 men,is missing and is bolieved to have been tost with all on board. Railroads Lose Much By Giving Free,Service...Harr Louis D.Brandeis,counsel for the Inter -State Commerce Commission, in opposition to the proposed 5 percentincreaseinrailroadfreight rates,has submitted a statement showing that free services rendered to shippers by railroads in classifica-tion territory result in serious deple- tion of the revenues of the roads. The special free services under con-sideration by the commission ‘werefreestorage,free warehousing,freeloadingandunloadingofcars,freelighterage,free elevation of grainandvariousotherfreeterminalserv-ices. Mr.Brandeis asserted that the costtotherailroadsofthesefreeserviceswere80greatastoabsorbfrom25to50.per cent of the freight ratesreceipts,and,in certain instances,more than the entite rece:pis werethetown.|absorbed,resulting in a.substantialThe=Albemarle EnterprisethatTomSpringer,an unique char-|acter of;Stanly county,was found}dead in thé woods fBebetsa few days ago, branch. two Weeks.Near the dead bodabedof.leaves under a }mad ttoganditisi8SupposedSpringerhadbeenly-|ing there.Nearby also was an emp-ty jug and the jug told the story.Itissupposedthemandiedwhilestooingatthebranchtodrink. artially submerged in a}¢had been missing near| Po} says |C@sh loss to the road.ree anaca The Carnival, Everything. The carnival is notItisgenerallyanaggregnti)erat|hoodlaras.Stregation |6|disreputable w.|Pullen shee,p women and There is no need of thes’a rese streetj}carnivals.They add nothing to thegayetyoftheworld,"and often addmuchtoitsdisease,Let.theoutofbusiness,a worth while. Yedkinville Ripple.9 It all happened over a,little dimple-cheeked youngster,A8 ,months old,who seemed to be perfectly satisfiedtobecastaroundinanymannerthatSuitedhispossessors.en“The story,Which™is flavored withsomeJesseJamesmethods,had “itsbeginningwhenBenShore.and:his wife,Delphia,.be estr,The wife went to live with neighbors.Thiswasallverywell,but there wag the|little sturdy boy,.whom both awanted.|The father held on to his trensure! until Saturday afternoon,“While:he! wes driving along the.public.readnearhishome,he wag suddenly con- fiontéd by @ band of people,Who werebenton‘securing the baby..Some held the horse,tome the man,while oth-ers tore ‘the child from his arms,andcarrieditaway. Here the battle proper was begun.Mr,Shore camedirect to Yadkinville ane after couferring with attorneys,secured warrants for,.six _persons,two of them women.They were all haled into ‘Squiré James’‘court, charged with an assault...During the excitement of the arrests Shoreageingotpossessionofthechild. Those arrested were:Melvin Kim- mer,Frank and Tina Wagoncr, J-mes and Miles Vanhoy and Mrs. Delphia Shore,mother of the child.| Shore -was also arrested,but when the causes were called for trial they were all continued until Saturd:y, April 11;in the hope that some agreement may be reached between the parties,and in.the “meantimeShore-is-holding-to the little boy whoistheinnocentcauseofthétrowbte. Mr;and Mrs,Shore lived in =| Castle,Ind.,until a few weeks*ugo, w.en they came to this county.Be fore her marriage Mrs.Shofe was} Miss Delphia Utt and they were mar- ried in Newport,Ky.,«fter succcss-fully eluding the girl’s parents at)New Castle.She says her father| was killed last December while svork-| ing as a motorman cn‘an electric| rcilway.All.the neighborhood foiks were| here for the trial and all had on’their| fighting clothes and were lined up} for one side or the other.i on | Capt.C.8S.Merrison’s Son Married in Charlotte. Charlotte Chronicle,4th. Miss Julia Alexander and Mr.W. Harvey Morrison were quietly mar- ried last evening at 9 o'clock in the| home of Rev.Dr.A.A.MeGeachy,|pastor of the Second Presbyterian| church.The ceremony was attendedbyafewclosefriendsofthepopular young couple.The.bride is adaughterofJ.K.A.Alexarider and,is an attraetive and accomplished|young.woman.She has a host of| friends in the city and county.ThegroomisasonofCapt.C.8S.Mor- rison and Mrs.Morrison.He is a popular and affable clerk in the new Mecklenburg hotel.Mr.and Mrs. Morrison will make their home for the present with the bride’s father, Mr.Alexander,407 north Graham street.The announcement of the marriage of the young people will come as a surprisé though they have been friends for a long while. Pennsylvania Lines. Executing recently announced re- trenchment plans the Pennsylvania railroad has annulled 118 passenger trains on the lines east of Pittsburg and Erie and a large number on thewesternlines.The 118 tra:ns diay continued on the eascern.lines in-clude the 62 specifically named in the original announcement and others formerly operated in connection ‘withthemandareinadditiontothe26 discontinued’some weeks ago when reductions in the passenger servicefirststarted.The men to be laid off on acconnt of the reduced train ser~ vice number about 40,000 and thesavingtothecompanyisestimated at $2,000,000 annually. Cures O16 Sores,Otner Remedies Won't Care Theworstcases,fo matter of how lonarecuredbythewonderful,old oe ae Porter's Antiseptic Healing Oi It velievesPainavidHealsatthesametime.5c.50,$1.00, COUNTRY HAMS! We pay the highest market price for them and sell them at rea- sonable .prices.Al- ways.good supply on_hand.See us for good Country Hams and other groceries. Bradford Grocery & |Mr. B,C,_D,EB and EE widths,Oxfords for Men and Boys,You know them;With Today we call eeattentiontoEasterOxfords,.-Krippén-dorf-Dittman OxfordsforLadiesinSatin,Patent-and fine Kid.This line you know.We only want to tellyouourcountersfarefull of the wanted styles in$2.50 to $3.50 and they never hurt the feet."°Black,Tan and Patent,$3.00,$3.50 and $4.00,pleasure we want to show you the new styles. ==SMILLS &POSTON.= The Line Between Charlotte Statesville. Charlotte News.- Did you ever ride on the train be-tween here and Statesville when it was not well filled with passengers?—you not usually found it crowd- eda: And,yet a dirt roadbed,shabbycarsand@miserablyslowschedulemakeitanunpleasanttrip,not tomentionthecongestionoftrafficdur-ing the summer months.The conductors are obliging—un-usunlly -26,-but the trip is always_un-/pleasant.Surely some day this heavypatronagewillmeritbetterservice’! facilities.|———— To Prevent Blood Poisoning i apply at once the wonderfuloid reliable DR.|PORTER'S ANTISEPTIC HEALING OIL.2 sur.| gical dressing that relieves pain and heals at the same time.Nota'tiniment.25c.SOc,$1.00 CAN A CAR STAY NEWFIVEYEARS? R.E.Olds Says That Reo the Fifth Should Do That. The Carolina Motor Co.,who sells! REO the Fifth,says that R.E.Olds| is the greatest extremist in America! today regarding well-built cars.In/ a late announcement he says,“Men/| buy REO the Fifth on past records.|And it will always be so.What men/| say of new cars counts for little.All} new cars run well.I am_building) leach car for what men will say after|it has run five years.I owe all.my!|success to building cars which stay new.”This is the factory which pvts each new model to a test of 10,000 miles.At the end of that test the car is}taken apart and inspected.If any!vital part shows mor¢than slight} evidence of wear,that part is dis-|placed,in the entire output,by a!part which won’t show wear.| This 10,000 miles of reckless driv-| ing is considered equal to five years’) average use.And Mr.Olds figures | that.REO the Fifth,with proper care,should show up in five years just as| well as these test cars.i Flowers! } The Most Beautiful Floral Designs Obtainable. ;While we furnish flow- ers of every kind,being our own home-grown prod- uct,we make a great spe- cialty of artistic designs for every purpose. All orders promptly ex- ecuted,and the workman-ship isthe very best knowntothefloralbusiness. Orders by telegraph of*phone have immediate at-tentién. Van Lindley-Co., FLORISTS TO THE SOUTH, GREENSBORO,N.C. Loca)Agents. Produce Company.Polk Gray Drug (o., IredellCounty Farms woodland.Well watered. barn and other out-buildings. 574 FELIX.J. OverMerchants &Farmers’Bank. 1044 acres,8 miles from Statesville;in Concord township;5-roomhouse;50 to 60 acres in cultivation;good pasture and plenty of 100 acres 8 miles from Statesville,in Shiloh township;9-room_house,Well watered by two branches. 1+miles of Statesville.One of the most desirable farms in county.Good land;beautiful location.Suitable for the man who wants an ideal farm within sight of town. Write or call on me if you are interested in farming lands or city property.Will be glad to showyou any piece of property [have. -AXLEY,Real Estate and Insurance, and’ Between the “‘up-to-date’’ and the “‘out-of-date’”’ You needn't watch this Range.Youcantrustit.Sit in the cool while itdoesthework. ALLENSZERINCESS have patented points that insures far greater effic!-ency,.econoniy and comfort than can be found ia other ranges. Heat stays in'the range and Temperatere even and consis- oatof the kitchen.tent with less faci. Pipe back of warming closet,Reservoir adjoins fire box,hot lessening heat radiation.water instantaneous!+. Made from copper bearing iron that insures added Ife and cer-vice.It looks as good as it acts.‘“‘Ask the cook.” Crawford-Bunch Furniture Co. Allen Manufacturin;y Company,Nashville, Tenn. Davis’Carriage Paints are colors ground in tough,elastic CoachVarnishandonecoatwillmakeyourfadedautomobileorcarriagelooklikenew.They are easy.to appl and drywithastrong,high gloss-clinching enam-el finish.Made for wear and tear. ———FOR SALE BY——— I Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware (o., Statesville,N.C. [ONE MORE WEEK IN WHICH YOU MAY JOIN OUR Christmas Savings Club. Club will close Monday,April 13th. Come in and join any day this week, or next Monday.The payments are easy,and the plan is a sure way to have money for Christmas. eee ————————————————————=_ The club will mature December 14th —just in time for your Christmas Shopping. |Marchant &.Farmers’Bank:of :Statesville.“THE BANK FOR YOUR SAVINGS.” .things.”Committees from peared the county“sioners this week in the interest of 5 geht ‘hi “et Barber Junction,Statesville,New} ARR cay het Pa 4 — VOL.XL ——— COMMERCIAL CLUB AT WORK. Committees Before’Coanty Commis- sioners and Results % It is very evident that the Com-mercial Club:is alive to its opportu-nity to better conditions in States- ville and Iredell and is going to oo the overnors of the club ap-commis-board of three matters.of merit.The first‘was the building of a read to connecteastBroadstreetwiththeMocks-~ville road,which work was ordered done.by theboard,as told in Tues-day’s Landmark.A committee oftheboardofaldermenclsoappearedbeforethecommissionersinthein- terest of this road,the aldermen hav-ing agreed to improve Broad streettothecorporatelimitsifthecountywouldbuildaroadtromtheendof the street to the Mocksville road.The new road will divert much trav- el from Davie avenue and will thus relieve congestion on that street,which is narrow in widtr comparedwithBroadstreet.Citizens inter--exted in-the-extension of the street- and the building of the connecting road put up $650 toward the expense of the work. The club committee also secured a promise from the commissionersthattheywillcomplywiththelawwhichrequiresthatsignsbe.placedattheintersectionsofroadsshow- ing where the roads lead to and the distances.The committee’s sugzges-tion that métal signs which cannotbeeasilydestroyedbeusedwas agreed to by the board and it is hop- ed that the signs will soon be in theirplacesontheprincipalroadsofthe county.The committee also urgedthecommissionerstoputlargesigns at points on the publie roadswheretheycanbeseenfromtherailroadstellingsomethingaboutthecounty’s good roads and other improvements.The advertising value of such signswouldbeinestimable.A big sign on one of the roads running parallelwiththerailroadbearing“Iredell has290milesofroadlikethis;”or,“Ire-dell has just spent $400,000 in roadbuilding,”would naturally impresspassengersonthepassingtrains=would probably result in their mak- ing further investigations about the county. Bad Case in Davidson Township— Court Items.Hartsell Harwell and Jas.Mills ofhavebeérplacedunderbondforirappearanceat the next term of Superior Court to answer for an assault of Mr:BrathyLittleofthesametownship.They were given a preliminary hearingTuesdaybeforeJusticeNewtonof Davidson,who required $150 bond of Harwell and $100 of Mills,which was given.It was in evidence at the hear- ing that Harwell and Mill.swent to the home of Little last Friday night while under the influence of liquor and because Little refused to drinkwiththemproceededtocurseand abuse him and finally drove both Lit- tle and his wife from their home.Deputy Sheriff Thompson was calledandplacedbothoffendersunder.ar- rest.They gave.bond for their ap- pearance.C.S.Folland and J.H.TroutmanwillbetriedinJusticeLazenby’s court this morning at 10 o’clack for an affray which took place yesterdaymorningatMr.Holiand’s farm north of town.Mr.Troutman lives on the Holland place. New Trains on the 19th. The Landmark hears that the newtrains,which it has been rumoredwouldbeputontheWesternrailroadinthenearfature,will begin runningSunday,the 19th.These trains willbeknownasNos.37 and 38 and they will connect at Salisbury with trainsofthesamenumberonthemainline. While the exact schedule is not known, it is understood that the westboundtrainwillrunaboutahalfhourahead of No.11,which would bring it to Statesville at 9:50 a.m.;and that the eastbound train will run cloge behind No.12.These trains are to accommodate through travel.They will stop only Morganton,Marionton,Hickory,with flag ston?Junetion and Marion,at Black Mountain. Race Segregation Case Decided. In the case of the State vs,_Dar- nell,from Winston-Salem,involving the right of the aldermen of that:citytoprescribecertainblocksforcol- ored or white occupancy for —resi-dence,the Supreme’Court holds un- animously that there is ‘nothing in the charter of Winston-Salem to em-power the aldermen to.enact and en-force an ordinance such ag that in-volved,but does not pass upon the question of whether or not the Leg- islature would have power under’theconstitutiontoenact.statates that would convey power to prescribe such race segregation. Real Estate Deals. Deeds filed in the register’s officeshowrealestatetransfersasfollows: J,A.Davidson to J.A:Knox,lot onCherrystreet,consideration $185;W.L,Smith to A:F.Wilson,lot on Oaklandstreet,consideration $125;J.H. McElwee to Carl B,A.Byers,Jot:in }odaDiamondHillsuburb,co $200;L.B.‘Potlinson -and RB,Jas.8,Johnson,colored, MORE ROOM AT THE HOSPITAL New at the State Hospit-_al at Morganton,Which It is Hop- ed to Complete This Year,WillGiveRoomFor125AdditionalPa-tients—Meeting of the Driectors. At the régular meeting of theboardofdirectorsoftheStateHos-pital at Morganton,held last Wed-nesday,it was decided to push theworkoféonstructionoftheReceiv-ing,Building For Women,now under way,and in addition erect a dormitorytoaccommodate‘not ‘less than 75men.It is hoped to have both build- ings ready for occupancy next fall.The building for women is to ‘be specially equipped for the reception,treatment and classification of pa-tients,a department the instihasnothadtothistime.It willaccommodatewomenandwiththe dormitory will take care of 125 ad-ditional patients:The last Legislature appropriated $50,000 for additional buildings at the Hospital but the money has not beenavailableuptothistime,There isnowapromisethatitwillbefurnish-6d ws needed.“Plats were mide lastyearandgroundbrokenlast.Decem-ber for the Receiving Building.Work Was soon suspended,however,on ac-count of the bad weather and has onlyrecentlybeenre:The superintendent’s report for thefourmonthsendingMarch31showedthatthereare1,302 patients on therolls.During the four months 56wereadmitted,two discharged and17died;and-for-the same period 54applicantshadtobedeniedforlackofroom.The pressure for room cori-tinues,but there is no hope for re-lief until the buildings mentioned arecompleted. The business transacted by the board was routihe.It being the reg- ular annual meeting and the time for the election of officers,I.1.Davis of Morgatiton was re-elected presidentandR.R.Clark of Statesville wasvre-elected.secretary of the board.Messrs.Davis,Clark and A.E.TateofHighPointwerere-elected theexecutivecommitteeoftheboard. Mr.P.M.Scroggs was re-electedstewardandhissalaryincreased from $1,500-to $1,800.Mrs.C.AMarsh,Who has been matron.sincetheinstitutionwasopened,has been quite feeble for some years and afewmonthsfailedmentallyaswellasphysically.‘She is now ©pa-tient of the in:jon she hasserv-.edso leony and sofatthfally.MissCillaSummersofIredellcounty,who has long been housekeeper of the State Hospital,was appointed by the superintendent to fill Mrs. Marsh’s unexpired ‘term as matron and the board elected Miss Summers to that position,she discharging the duties of matron in addition to her duties as housekeeper.The Iredell friends of Miss Summers will be pleased to know of her promotion. She is competent and faithful,popu- lar and an important part of the in- stitution. For the first time in some years there was a full meeting ‘of the board.The members are:I.I.Da- vis of Morganton,J.P,Sawyer of Asheville,Chas.P.Matheson of Tay- lorsville,A.A.Shuford of Hickory, F.P.Alspaugh of Forsyth county, A.E,Tate of High Point,Dr.J.B.S.Davidson of Charlotte,Dr.L.N. Glenn of Gastonia and R.R.Clark of Statesville. Get Ready to Swat the Fly. Committees of the board of alder- men,the Civic League and the Com- mercial club met in the club rooms Wednesday night to discuss the san- itary condition of the town.The ta- dies of the League propose to make a determined fight for a cleanertownandwillfirstturntheiratten-tion to the house fly with a view tomakingStatesvilleafiylesstown.The board of aldermen and the clubhaveagteedtoco-operate with theladiesinthisgoodworkandallciti-zens of the town are urged to join in the crusade against the fly.MayorCaldwell,wasws gga by the com-mittees to rigidly enforce all ordi-nances relating.to.sanitation and heexpressedthepurposetodoso. In the Churches. Rev.EB.A.Osborne of Charlotte will .conduct services ‘at TrinityEpiscopal..church Sunday morning.“Missionary Day”will be observ-ed by the -First.Baptist SundayschoolSunday,An interesting mis-sionary programme wil}be,renderedduringtheregularSundayschoolhour,beginning at 9.45 o’clock.A)!members and friends of’the churchareinvitedtobepresent. Holy Week and Easter service atSt.Michael’s church,Troutman,will be concluded Sunday morning withéommunionat11a’clock.Missiona-ry exereise at-7.30 in the evening.Preaching at East Monbo Sundayat11o’clock. Miss Van Buren to Visit Statesville. Miss Van Buren,a member of theAmericanCivicAssociationwhoistouringNorthCarolinaunderthe ederation of Woman's Gaither totheJ.A. auspices of the civic department ofState,F va i DEATHS IN SOUTH IREDELLLL Passing of Mr.W.T.Thompson,Mr,Mayhew and Others—Church News—Negro Arrested For Forgery.Correspondence of The Landmark,°BsMooresville;April 9.—Mr W.@.Thompson died yesterday morning:4 o'clock at his home near i Mourne,after an illness of only#few days.For several months’hishealthhadbeendecliningbutnotum-til last Thursday did his condition be-come critical.From then on heuallygrew’worse and hiswerenotifiedofhiscondition.© were all at his side when the endcame.He suffered from heart failure. morning at Mt.Zion church,Cor- nelius,about 10 o’clock and the Tie.mains will be interred in Mt.Zioncenietery,beside the graye of his wife, who died about 12 years ago.Mr.William Thomas Thompsonwaspassed68yearsofageandwas a native of Mecklenburg county,HewasbornonafarmaboutsixmilesnorthofCharlotteandmovedtothefarmonwhichhediedabout34-yearsage:*ts-was a member of the Bf odist church and held his membershipatFairviewchurch,Mount Mourne, where he will be greatly missed.Heissurvivedbytwodaughtersandfoursons:_Miss Bessie Thompson,who lived at home with her father;MigsCarrie,who has been teaching musicatChinaGrove;Mr.Thomas Thomp- sony who is engaged in the merean-tile business at Kannapolis;James Thompson,merchant and as- boro;Neel Thompson,—2—-travelingsalesman,and Carl,the youngest,who has held a position for several yearswiththeBankofDavidson.The de @ens of the county.He was a pros-perous farmer,devoted husband and father and a high-toned _Chrictiangentlemaninthebestsenseofthatterm.:Last Monday afternoon at 4 o’elockMr.Fred Lee Mayhew died,afterlingeringforseveralmonths,from the effects‘of tuberculosis.The fun- eral was conducted at .MecKendrchapelTuesdayafternoonbyRev.C. pastor,Rev.E.Myers,and the bod; tery.The deceasedwas85yearsageandhadnevermarried.He wzasonofthelateJosephMay!.ew and is survived by four brothers:C.Q.Mayhew;Lester.Mayhew,WelterMayhewandJohnMayhew. at the Second Presbyteriaf.church last Sunday after the morning ser-vice the quéstion of building a manseforthechurchwasconsidered.Itwasdecidedtobuildandarrange-|ments will be made to begin work in| the near future.The church owns a| lot adjoining the church property,on| which the manse will be built. Rev.E.Myers is at Maiden,Cetaw- ba county,this week assisting the pastor of the Methodist church ther: in a revival:He was called home| yesterday afternoon to conduct the funeral of Mr.Thompson,who was a member of his church. “Messrs.H.P.Deaton,P.S.Boyd and Z.V.Turlington went to Raleich to attend the Progressive Democraticmeetingwhichwasheldthereyestcr- day.Mrs.S.C,Rankinleft.yester- day for Baltimore,where she will un- dergo treatment for some time.She was accompanied by her daughtcr, Miss Grace.Miss Lucile WilliamsonofWinstonandMissCatherine,Good- son of Concord will arrive Friday tospendtheEasterholidayswithMissJetteBrawley. Robert Sanders,a negro man,whowasatthetimeworkingforMr.J.A.Craven,wag arrested last SaturdaybyPolicemanBrownandheldforforgeryinRockingham.-The sher-iff of Richmond county was.notifiedandarrivedSundayandtookcharge of the prisoner.Sanders is chargedwithforgingachecktobuyfurnitureforhiswifeinRockingham.He hasanotherwifein,Iredell. An infant child of Mr.and Mrs.|Shuford Duckworth,Mount Mourne,|died last Thursday and’was buried| on Friday.| This.mornin at.9 o’clock..thesnowflakesaréfallingthickandfast |and melting as fast as they fall.|At the home of Mr.June Morrow|yesterday a marriage of interest was |solemnized when his daughter,Miss!Ada,became the wife of Mr.P.1..|Shoemaker.The ceremony was pe:|formed by Rev.A.W.Wilcox.At the home.of Mr.Stamey Mor-|row last Sunday afternoon Mr,TomBrownandMissZellaHoneycutt}were united in marriage,Rev.A.WWilcoxofficiating.The groom.is a|son of Mr.John Brown and the bride|is a daughter of Mr,Eli Honeycutt.|Mr.W,-L.Jamison is -recoverin::from an operation which he underwentseveralweeksago.at a hospita!in Charlotte.He remained “in thehospitaluntilafewdaysago, enemenenestaeaNterntainteJamesA.Gallivan,Democtat,wasSseSatssaa%C tts expit term ofJames M. it,whe ned aftern.‘Gal-trian- _-jfounty commissioners appointed list- The funeral will be conducted this gid Hwverk.$20;Barium Orphans’.Home, sistant postmaster at North Wilkes-|#red ceased was one of the very finest citi-}j S.Kirkpatrick,im the absence of the}:+ was buried in the McKendree come i‘iff Jones,conveying patient to iA At a congregational meeting held . |rewister’s office; |ville.Printing Co., |soldier,#20;A.A.Daniels,‘coffin for NO.74. THE LIST -TAKERS APPOINTED. C bunty Claims Paid—Other BusinessBeforetheCountyCommissioners. »At their meeting Tuesday the itakers as follows: _Barringer township,.MarshallHoward;Bethany,W.-Wooten;Woncord,A.L,Sides;Cool Spring, Pa s a@.L.Abernathy;Chambersburg,G.+McNeely;Coddle Creek,J.FrankBrantley;Davidson,€.H.Cornelius; bagle Mills,G.W.Baity;ae J.H.Troutman;New.Hope,a’Tes Bhoemaker;Olin,S.A.Padgett;pmarpesburg,D,N.MeLelland;.Shi-oh,A.W.Stevenson;Statesville in-Bide,J.L.Shepherd;Statesville out- e,J.Wade Scroggs;Turnersburg, ©.Watts._The following claims against theluntywereauditedbythecommis-ners and ordered paid: »County Home—W.C.Perry,sala- Nd al t ak oa t — er e Ty as superintendent,$40;Lee eeze,superintendent of county ome farm,$35;Ransom Gabriel, ork,$16;Louis Turner and wife, peurpirs,$16;-Peston’2°"Wasson €o: 43.89,W.B.Parks $14.44,Eagle & holland $23.81,-Sherrill &Reece 17.71,Smith &Brown $10.17,City Fiour Milling Co.$2,Brown Bros. 540,Iredell Hardware Co.$16.20,W =H.Dingler $15,Imperial CottonPOCo.$1.30,D.J.Kimball $10.96, Star Milling Co.-$3.80,Statesville Housefurnishing Co.$69.20,all forSupplies. ,dail—C.L.Gilbert,jailer,$59.30; B.Phifer,supplies,$1.10, tatesville Drug Co.drugs,50 ents;city water depcrtment,water,$12.38. _Miscellaneous—City water depart- Ment,water for court house,$16.50; The Landmark,publishing election motice,$7.20;W.A.Brown,conyey- tng prisoner from.Winston-Salemitatesville,$10.30;Statesville Drug D.,drugs $10.45;Moore &Mosdre, avery for Commissioner Feimster, 118.50;HoHand Bros.,coal and haul-me,$20.26;Southern Railway Co., freight,$1.03;R.P.Allison,supplies, 3.25;Deputy Sheriff Gilbert,con- ying prisoner from Lexington,$7.- §;Edwards &Broughton,record register’s office,$28;Deputy >Hospital at Goldsboro,$3.50;;U.Lamprecht,work on vault lock,M50;J.R.Alexander &Sons,}‘e ille Show Case Co.,nr,$3;°S8téan Clothing Co., $16;Deputy Sheriff Keller, conve prisoner from Davie coun- ty to.Statesville,$5.10;Statesville Sentinel,publishing treasurer’s re- port,$28.80;Everett,Waddy Co.$78.-50,~FPaleom Co.$12.50,supplies for Hotel Iredell,din- ner far jarors,$6.50;county of Yad- kin,costs in cases of prisoners sent to Iredell chain gang,$70;States- supplies,$6.35; Edwatds &Broughton, cupplies,$40.69;H.C.Cook,court house jan- itor,$40;E.L.Phifer,supplics,$59.- 0;€©,Tharpe,burial expenses ofMrs..Safah Brown of Eagle Mills township,widow of a Confederate pauper,$3.; W.-C.’Houston,whose farm is on the township line,was given privi- lege to.make his tax returns in Con- cord township;Will Pharr,Ernest Sharpe,°C.W.Brown and R,N. Waugh were exempted from pol]taxandW.T.Campbell,J.K.Patterson, J.S.Rebinson,R.L.Waugh,B.M. Morrow and Mrs.J.A.Gilléland were given tax rebates on account of er- rors. The commissioners received com-pensation for.extra time as follows: W.L.Matheson $26.58,R.F.Gaith- er $42.75,R.C.Little $16.50,N.A. Lewis $36.»ia The sum of $5,000 was ordered set aside a$a sinking fund of the good roads fund,the same to be loanedunderimstructionsofthecommis- sioners,Wheeler &Stern,architects,were paid $351 jin final settlement for theplansofthenewcountyhomeand the inspection of the work. The route of the Mayhew road wasorderedchangedsothatitwillen-ter”thetownof “Mooresville”at the MePherson mill place.In the matter of the rond in NewHopetownshipoverwhichtherehas been much controversy,the board instructed that the county envineeretatimetomeetwiththeowners f the property affected and make a permanent.survey of the read. Chairman Feimster and’Engineer Roach,were appointed a committee o confer with the board of aldermen ad ‘the Southern Railway Company vith:@ View to building an overherd bridge @ver the railroad at the cutcast@fthedepot,so that the dan- erous crossing now in use may be abandoned. The Deetors Are Coming to Town. Forty to 50 doctors from this and adjoin counties are expected toragsthethirdannua)convention of the District Medical Society, to be held in Statesville today.The sessions Of the society will be held in ‘the house and the public isinvite-@ttend.The first session 1v at 11 o’ctock and anoth- er will be héld in the after-noon,The tocal physicians will en-Loreal the visitors at dinner at Ho- ROAD BOND ELECTION JUNE 9. Alexander County Will Pas On An Issue of $100,000 of Bonds For Road Building—Registrars andJudgesAppointed— List-Tak- ers -~Contatas —Escaped Con- vict Caught. Correspondenee of The Landmark, Taylorsville,April 10—4At the meeting of the board of county com-~- missionerg Mionday petitions werepresentedfortheroadelectionfor $100,000 bond issue.signed by 55 and 7-10 per cent.of the qualified voters of the county:The commissionersappointedJune9thfortheelection and the following named are the reg- istrars and judges: Miller’s township,J.C.Bell reg- istrar,J.Will Alexander and C.A. Rector judges;Sharpe’s,V.M.Hen- dren registrar,T.D.Mayberry and W.A.Bogle judges;Gwaltney,W. B,Hendren registrar,T.B.Linney and R.P..McLain judges;Sugar Loaf,J.S.Stephenson registrar,J. P.Deal and D.0.Baker judges; Little River,J.C.Bumgarner regis- trar,J.M.Fortner and.Lee St.Clair judges;Etliendale,J.A.Cline regis- trar,G.C.Kellar and F.G.Mayes judges;Wittenburg,J.S.Bowmanregistrar,T.P.Bowman.and P.S, Hafer judges;Taylorsville,R. K. Moose registrar,W.A.Ingram and G.-C.Teague:judges. The list-takers are:Miller’s,L. Dagenhart;Sharpe’s,R.V.Sharpe; Gwaltney,L.E.,Barnes;Sugar Loaf,W.A.Barnett;Little River,W.N. Barnes;Ellendale,C.P.Reese;Wit- tenburg,J.L.Hammer;Taylorsville, J.N;Keever.-No-other-business -ofinterestwastransactedbythecom- missiofiers. Rev.Frank Siler,secretary of missions of the Western North Caro-lina Conference,delivered an able ad- dress on the facts.of missions at the Methodist church Wednesday night.There will be an Easter cantata atthePresbyterianchurchSaturdayeveningat8-o’clock and one at theMethodistchurch‘Sunday afternoon at 3 o’clock. An escaped convict from the chaingangatNewtonwagovertakenaboutthreemilesnorthof..Taylorsville Wednesday morning &nd broughthereandplacedinjailbySheriffR.L.Matheson.Sheriff Huitt of Ca-tawba will take him back to Newtontoday.He said he was going toWilkescounty. Mrs.C,P.McNeely of Mooresvilleisspendingafewdaysthe guest of her brother,Dr.Asa Thurs- ton. About half a car Joad of bronco horses were sold at public auction atIngram’s livery stable Tuesday,ThehorsesnotsoldTuesdaywereship- ped to Morganton Wednesday. Democratic Candidate Defeated New Jersey.Republicans gained and Democrats lost a seat in the House of Reprcesen- tatives as the *result of aspecialelectionintheseventhNewJerseydistrictTuesday.Dow H. Drukker,a Passaie {N.J.)contrac- tor,was elected Congressman to suc- ceed the late Robert L.Bremner,bymorethan5,000 plurality over James J.O'Byrne,a Democrat,personally endorsed by President Wilson,cidedbysomeoftheforemostcampaign speckers at the call of the adminis- tration, Gleeful Republicans declared thattheresult.was a repudiation of Pres- ident Wilson and his policies.TheDemocratspointoutthatthe.district is composed of one county—Pagsaic;that when President Wilson ran.forGovernoroftheStatehelost.this county by 7,000 votes;that the Dem- ocratic candidaté for Governor jast fall lost it by 6,000;and that Bren- ner,Democrat,who carried the dis- trict in 1912,.was elected on his per- sonal popularity. Aldermen Held a Brief Session. The board of aldermen held a brief session yesterday morning.Regis- trars and judges for the school bondelectionwereappointedandthepub-lication of the election notice was or-dered.The list of .registrars.and judges is given in the election:notice,which appears elsewhere th ~TheLandmark.~The ordinance”requiring that stables be cleaned out once aweekandthemanuredisposedofin such-a manner that flies cannot breed in it,was reiterated by the board,and the officers are instructed to rigidly enforce the ordinance. War on the Dogs. Depredations by dogs.are becom- ing quite frequent about town and the mayor has instructed the police department to make _investigations and shoot all dogs against which suf- ficient evidence can be secured.Sev- eral persons have reported the de- struction of chickens and eggs bydogsanditisknownthatsame.of these are preparing to make war on the dogs when they return to their premises.Poison is also being put out for dogs,it is understood..Per- sons owning dogs will do well to keep them at home, Boy Killed Father's Slayer.Mayor L.F.Tillery of.RockyMountreceivedinformationMondaythatT.H.Musgrave,who was kill.ed at Blytheville,Ark.,Wedtiesday night,was his half-ancle,and he leftSaturdayfor Blytheville.Mus- grave was shot to death by a 16- in tel Iredell.- WalterKennedy,-who —shot and,killedJohn Morton.in Stanly county|cent has been released on $7,500} ¥ year-old youth,John Walker,who was a mete infant when in 1898MusgravekilledLutherWalker,fa~! ther of the young man who.did ..theshootingWednesday,; BRIEF [ITEMS OF LOCAL NEWS —The school at Olin will close to-morrow. —~The River Hill school will close tonight with a box’supper.Publiccordiallyinvited. ~—xLicense has been issued for the marriage of Miss Nina Hayes,andMr.Erastus L.«Williams. —James J,Johnson has been ap- pointed postmaster at Jennings and James E.Bagwell at Loray. --The graded school suspended yesterday for the Easter holidays.Work will be resumed.next Tuesday. —Sleet and snow yesterday and very near the fteezing point lastnight.Mercury at 84 this morning at 6:30. —Eli Steele,colored,aged about 90 years,died Tuesday at his homeinCoolSpringtownshipandwas buried yesterday. ~-Messrs.Albert Cooper,Chas. Sherrill and Clyde Morris have form- ed an automobile transportation com-pany and will operate three or fourCars,;~The Imperial Cotten Oik-Com- pany and Mr.George Orren have rented a storeroom on east Broad street,formerly occupied by A.A. Colvert,in which they will establish a feed and grain store.Ice will alsobehandled.“Mr.Orren willbe in charge as manager. —~An overheated stove in the homeofMr.Ed.G.White on Race streetsetfiretotheceilingaroundthestoveflueWednesdaymorningabout 8.30 o'clock.The fire departmentwascalledandtheflames~werequicklyextinguishedwithchemicals,little or no damage resulting. —The regular monthly meeting oftheIredellCountyTeachers’Asso-ciation will be held at the court housetomorrow,beginning at 10:30 o'clock.Following are the subjects to be dis-cussed:“Teaching Pupils to Think,”Miss Mabel Laugenour of Statesville;“The Art of Communication,”Prof,Lunsford of Loray;“Tendencies ofeeeRev.C.M.White of States-ville, —Somebody looked into a copy ‘of.the acts of the last Lebislature tofindtheTredellsalaryInw,didn’t finditandtheideathatthelawmayhavebeenlosthasgoneabroad.Theactcanbefoundin“Public LocalLaws”of the scssion’of 1913,page1128,chapter 519.8 act,page 1556,chapter 751.A ecoftheactcanbeseeninMr.H.P.Grier’s office. Deaths.Miss Elizabeth Eidson died Tues- day at her home on Fourth street andwasburiedWednesdayatSnowCreek . church,Rev.Mr.Brittain conductingthefuneral,Miss Eidson was 68yearsoldandformerlylivedinthe Snow Creek commmnity.She is sur- vived by one brother,Mr.Thos.Eid- son,and one sister,Mrs.Wm.Hol-land,both of this county.She wasanauntofMr.Arthur and Miss Es-sje Eidson,who made their home with her.: Master Johnnie M.Hooper,son ofMr.and Mrs.H.M.Hooper,aged be-.. tween four and five years,died Wed- nesday afternoon about 1:30 o’clockatthehomeofhisparentsinBloom-field.He had been in poor health alongtime.The funeral and burial took place yesterday. Mr.J.A.Fulp and Mrs.Louis A.Anderson received &mé@ssage yester-day announcing the death of:theirfather,Mr.Milton Fulp,at his homeatPilotMountain..AndersonleftyesterdayafternoonforPilotMountaintoattendthefuneral.Mr. Fulp could not go on account of the serious illness of his son,Mr.ArthurFulp..The deceased was 87.years oldandhasbeeninfeeblehealthforsome:time.In addition to Mr,Fulp andMrs.Anderson of Statesville he issurvivedby‘two other children. Underwood Will Probably Have 30,-000 Majority. Returns from Monday’s primaryelectioninAlabamaarestillincom-plete but the results for the more important offices are settled.OscarW.Underwood's .-majority.for —theSenate-over R.“P>Hobson wilt -prob-~ ably reach 30,000.Hobson,the nextdayaftertheelection,sent a tele- gram of congratulation to -Under- wood, B.B.Comer has a@ substantial plu-rality for Governor over CharlesHenderson,with whom he must par-ticipate in the run-off May 11.-ben F.Kolb and Walter D,Seed-arethirdandfourthrespectivelyinthe Governor's race.‘Frank 8,White is sure of electiontotheshorttermintheUnited States Senate. Negro Killed Negro in Lenoir County.At a lumber camp near Pink Hill,Lenoir county,Sunday evening,Hay-wood Caho,a negro,was shot and in-« stantly killed by Simon Jones,anoth- and acted in the capacity of law and order agent in the black community.Report says that when a difficultyarosehepointedapistolat.3andtold,him he had n@ chéice But to ©submit to his authority.Jones back- ed off and drew a revolver,and whentheduelendedCahowasdeadand” i Jones unhurt,Jones is in custody. In Mexico the important point ia now Tampico,where fight is 7 rogress.A report that Tam :o taken by the rebels ig ui ~gtitutionalists have an -“gatedependence-for-haman contact’ ~~~April 10,1914. COMMENT ON VARIOUS MATTERS FRIDAY, Northern and Central Mexico;it is said,are being thoroughly cleared of Spanish residents by the constitu-tionalists,as the.Mexican rebelschoosetocallthemselves.‘The con-intense ha- tred of Spaniards and wherever theycontrolthesonsofSpatareelimi-nated—either killed or forced to getout.If the constitutionalists.decidethattheSpaniardshavebeenactiveagainstthem—an easy,matter iftheywantitso—they put them to death and confiscate their property; as an alternative ey ae confiscate property and let them go,or ~&the Uearlarth take a little stuff along if they decide to be realgeneroustothem.Coe “T have been considering becomingacandidatefor.Congress this yearbecauseoftheconstant‘urging ofhundredsofgood,loyal DemocratsfromallpartsofthedistrictythatI make the race,If a man is humanhemustlistentohisfriends\and con- sider their suggestions.”This _is Mr.H.B.Varner’s statement in an- nouncing that he will not be a can- didate for Congress because the pri- mary dates are fixed so early he will not have time to make a campaign. It is all right to accept the advice of friends,but one who is guided in allcasessolelybytheadviceoffriends,no.matter how good the intention ofhisfriends,may find himself embar-rassed more than often.The only in the final analysis is.one’s own judgment after he has.canvassed the situation from ‘all:sides.No friend can act for you.But one has no trouble generally to get friends toadvisehimtodowhathewantsto o.**cd The editor of the StatesvilleLandmarkisinformedthatGreens- boro is going to make the telephone company paint every pole in the city, some 5,000 or more.In this connec- tion We desire to ask him how long it will be before the company,in his opinion,will want to raise rates ?— Greensboro Record. A mighty short time if they think it safe to try to put it over on you. The Bell,however,has sense enough not to want to conduct a losing fight DECISION.OF «IMPORTANCE,] Court Holds No Law ProhibitingSameSetIndividualsHoldingStock In District Corporations,a Trenton,N.§.,Dispatch 7th, The Uhited States court filed anopinionheretodaydismigsingthesuitoftheUnitedStatesgovernmentagaingttheDelaware,“LackawannaandWesternRailroadCompanyandtheDelaware,Lackawanna and West-ern Coal Company for alleged viola-tion of the commodities clause andtheShermanAnti-Trust Law,The court holds that there is no UnitedStateslawordecisionprohibitingthesamesetofindividualsholdingstock in two distinct corporations eventhoughtheymaybe&ngaged in kin- dred.business. The decision was,handed down herebyJudgesGray,Buffington and Mc-Phetson,of the third judicial cir-euit.The action was brought in the Federal court here but through a certificate of expedition filed by.At-térney 'General McReynolds was heard by the jadges of the Court of Appeals ‘at Philadelphia in January.Theicase is considered of the high- est importance by the government it is one of the steps planned by the Department.of Justice in its ef- forts to break up what it alleges to be a monopoly of the anthracite coaltrade.The case which was brought under both the Sherman anti-trust law and the commodities clause of the Hepburn railroad law in all prob-ability will.go direct to the Supreme Court of the United States.A somewhat similar suit recently was.instituted-against the—Lehigh Valley—Railroad and itssubsidiaries in the Federal court in New York and another government action against the railroad to separate it from the Jersey Central Railroad and otherinterests.is in the United States? court in.Philadelphia.Today’s decision isthe second.this court has handed down in.a commodi- ties clause case.The first case in- yolved all the anthracite roads andreachedtheSupreme-Court,.which decided that the commodities clausewasconstitutionalbutthatarailroad might own stock in a bona fide eor-poration which owns the commodity the railroad is transporting. After the Supreme Court.decision, the Delaware,Lackawanna.and Wes- tern Railroad.Company.declared:an extra dividend of fifty per cent and the stockholders were given the op- tion to use half of the dividend to and if it thinks it unwise to attempt a raise in Greensbero just.now te} cover cost of pole painting™it will| have the Greensboro papers print al few columns of free notices,telling| how this benevolent corporation gen- erously and cheerfully responds.to}all demands made on it.ft will keep the pole painting in-mind,how- ever,and some time,when it thinks) the opportunity more.favorable,it will pass the bill up to Greensboro folks..Don’t you think for a moment you won't have it.to pay for,beloved.Ra Re Gov.Baldwin,lecturing the.Con- necticut Legislature about extrava- gance,says:“Any private concern acting as our State has done would be in bankruptcy,or close to it.We know very well what our current in- come will be from year to year.Dur-ing the Jast three ears it has va-ried little from $5,500,000.It fol-lows that our current expenses should not exceed $5,500,000.In- stead of that,in the year ending Sep An tember 20,1913,our ordinary expen- Ses were more than $9,000,000.”The effort to have public business con-ducted as a sensible business,man/would conduct private business,is,so|far,a failure under.our system,I[t| is an amazing fact,but true riever-| theless,that you can.put the best/| business men in a town on a board} of aldermen and they will,as a rule,| go ahead and do things that not one!of them would do in his private busi-'ness.-The samé applies to the Leg-|islature.The man.who insists.that} public business should be conducted }coal, }most located purchase stock of the Delaware, Lackawanna and Wéstern Coal Com- peny,which was organized to take over the marketing of the railroad’s The ‘railroad.made a contract to sell its coal to the new coal company on the basis of 65 per cent of the average priee received for anthratité at New York Tidewater.-.Under this contract,“the railroad,which con- tinues:to mine the coal from the Janditowns,sells it at the mine to the coal company and the railroad trans- ports it for the coal corporation. The government attacked this ar- rangement as a “mere lawyers’de- vice,cloaking old facts under new fictions,”that it was a “mere subter- «4‘STATE NEWS.po errr WW.EB.Walton has been re-electedmayorofMorganton.eh lean Meclenburg has let the ¢éontractforanewcountyjail,the contract price .being-$39,120.Aap: Mr.M.L.Shipman announces thathewillnotbeacandidateforCon-gress in the tenth district,' The Democratic primaries in Ca-tawba county will be held \16andthecountyconventionMay23. Dipping vats are being construct-ed in Lenoir county for the eradica-tion of the Texas fever among cows. Brakeman Jordan jumped upon alooseswitchengineatthestationinGreensboroand.stopped it,.prevent-ing a serious smash-up.; The 26th annual session of theGrandCouncilRoyalArcanumofNorthCarolinawillbeheldinGreensboroApril22and23d, Jonas Haynes,colored,died.at hishomein’Asheville from.pistol shotwoundsinflictedbyhis14-year-oldson,because his father whipped him. Greensboro finds it .cannot issue $50,000 in bonds for streets,schools and playgrounds because’the limit—10 per cent of taxable property—has been reached.‘: Tom Fuller,a negro,went down in- to'a gasoline tank car at Fayctteyille| and died from asphyxiation —before he could be recovered.He thoughtthetankwasempty. Rey.Mr.Ham of Atlanta started a revival meeting in.the Baptist church in Newton put crowds be-came so largo the meeting is now-be-tng held ii the court.house. The Cabarrus commissioners have instructed the sheriff not.to license to any carnival company.ItispredictedthattheConcordalder men will take a similar stand against them. Jack Hopper,-8-year-old son of Mrs.C.G.Hopper of~Gastonia,fellohthesidewalkMondayafternoon, breaking an arm.An anesthetic was administered preparatory w an op eration but the child died. Mr.H.G.Nichola and Miss IreneElizabethLlewellynof.Elkin.were married Monday night in Raleigh. Miss Llewellyn had been at Rex Hos- issue | Hurryingaepapersetelati ana snreneg 99 Washington’Dispatch. Every effort will be exerted by theFederal.Reserve Bank tion Committee to have all banks expeditetheformalstepsnecessarytoputthenewcurrencysysteminration,rear r of the ate appar~ ently have no expectation that there|will be any financial crisis to face,re- the 12 reserve banks in the field whencropmovingtimecomesaroundnextfall.They hope to be able,at thattime,to demonstrate how easily and quickly the reserve.system will take years has caused financial worry,and which last fall led to direct loans fromtheUnitedStates.Treasury to nation-al banks’in the farming regions.Un-der the law the several steps to betakenbythebanks‘might be delayed,so that there would be little chanceofsettingthereservebanksupbeforeautumn,but if the.banks respondpromptlythereislittlereasontobe- liéve that the organization will be de-ferred longer than a few months. WOMEN FROM451055TESTIFY To the Merit of Lydia E.Pink.ham’s Vegetable Com- pound during Change of Life. Westbrook,Me.—I was passingthroughtheChangeofLifeandhadTTTPainsinmyback31andsideandwasso Mm |Weak I could hardly *ua do my housework. ’41 have taken Lydia q E.Piakham’s Vege table Compound and it has done me a lot of good.I will re-4 commend your med~ icine to my friends pital a few weeks,training for a nurse.Shd is a daughter of the| postmaster at Elkin and Mr.Nichols | is editor and publisher of the Ejkir Tribune.| The 9-year-old son of Charles Tur ner,of Greene county,had a hole blown in his left side Sunday after noon by the explosion of a dynamite} cap.The fingers of the left.hand were also blown off.The ‘child was} taken to the McDaniel Hospital at Kinston and physicians regard his case as precarious. While riding a flat car of a Se:board mixed:train near:Henderson| D.A.Copley,age 19,of Durham} was thrown beneath the wheels the moving train and killed Monday | afternoon,He was fearfully m: gled and died on the train near Wake Forest -while being rushed to thehospitalinRaleigh. Sanford Express:Steele Street fuge and fraud under the law and the public”and that “each corporation is in.fact the same group or body of actual,persons working to the same end.undér different names.” Elecrto -Chemical FertilizerPlant. Charlotte Observer. A model electro -chemical fertil- izer plant,utilizing approximctely 10,000 horsepower of electricity and equipped with the very latest and approved mechanical devices, is \the latest undertaking of South- ern Power interests,the plant to be 1 just south of ‘the big 10,000 horsepower steam plant.of the Southern Power Company at MountHolly. This plant is for commercial pur- ,ent?;;ses and is!underst -as private business is usually held}P.athe :f he poe *ae -yeupasacrankorasapoliticianwho}"0840"Of the work along theistryingtogainpopularitybypos.|ines that have been prosecuted foringasareformer.Maybe we |the past year at the fertilizing plant learn after awhile that we can’t got the og ge S hemsical Compa-on:indefinitely under a -systam that vee ee .oywouldwreckaryprivatebusiness’in a process “will centes about.the’cooking’-of the phosphate rock in athe.world.:3|nenine of electric furnaces,the af- Condition of State.Banks on March |?°?Sement being.such that a muchhigherpercentage 4th,+iB of te.weBaacid,ammonia;ét¢.,is secured andRaleighDispatch,Mth.|that too at a much lower rate of ex-Members of the North Carolina}pense,.This plant will embrace allCorporationCommissionaresyrati-|the very latest and most approvedfiedattheshowingmadebythe}muthinery and with the cheap powerbanksintheirreportsofconditions|and high degree of engir ering andasofMarch4thjustmadepublicto-|mechanical ‘skill possessed.by South-a:ys The summary shows 415,in lern.Power experts will doubtlesscluding17.branch perks,compared|prove a great successwith400banks,M@luiding 16°branch!:—_oebanksforthesummaryonApriliPattin.;.1913.‘Total resources”show an in’|Railroads meeponsinae Het Manycreaseof$6,701,111,and deposits an|Forest Fires.inerease of fully $5,400,000,and an|,eports for the winter fire seasonincrease_of nearly.$700,000—in -eash|2 the Southern Appalachians,cover-on hand.At the same time there ig |2K the months of January and Feb-@ decrease of $571,835 in overdrafts|7¥2"%;teceived by the forest serv-and of nearly $500,000 in notes ond|ice show that the winter has beenbillsrediscountedand“bills pay:ble,dry and that:fires have occurred on Some of the most notable figures land which the government is ac- of the 1914 report follows:Capital quiring under the provisions of the $11,275,572;surplus fund,$3,688,.|Weeks law.503;undivided profits, $2,598.318:|During January there were nine|fires,fiye of which-covered more thantenacres.each.In February therewereten,of which only two spreadjovermorethantenacres.The factyear|‘hat the fires were reported fromdevesouthernVirginiatonorthernGeor-|Sia shows that the danger wa3 wide-do.|Spread.At least three-fourths ofthefireswereduetorailroads.For-est officers say:that until the.South-ern States adopt and enforce lawsConfrontedbytelegramsfrom;jrequiring the use of adequate sparkandPacificcoastportsurgingpyp.|2tTesters on railroad locomotives,lic hearings on the bill proposiny the from forest fires can scarcelyPanamaexemptionrepeal,the Prevented,:ate interoceanic canals committec|Tuesday decided to give 15 days,be |or oeginningThursday,to hearing»’bat)|}sh We sie anProponentsandopponentsofthe|lastmeasurewhichpassedtheHouse.|u*Meanwhile the committee wil!hear |Various Senators who have offeredSubstituteplangfortheflatrepo.measure passed by the House. time certificates of deposit,$11,399997;deposits subject to check,$35.$95,352;demand certificates ofsit,$6,078,639:savings .de $13,523,683.The deposits oneagowere:Time certificates ofit,$9,839,168;deposits check,$33,174,322;depositsmandcertificates,$4,947,849. deposits,$12,950,774. subject tc ing losses }be “beating around themightasweroutwithitfirstwih-ant you to try Chambetlain’smevemedythenexttime.you Wave &aah or cold There is no reason #0 far aawhiyyoushouldnot.do.so,This}®eparation by its remarkable cures hast|ci reputation,and.peoplespeakofitinthehighestterme We €Can see world wide Methodist church is progressive.The congregation now use the individual cup in the communion service.There are 110 tiny glass cups in the set,] esch one holding about a table spoon. ful of wine.These cups are earried on aluminum trays and the wine is served to the communicants the cups are deposited in receptacles after inside the chancel rail.The indi- vidual cup is now used in many pub- lic.places;and it is only a questionoftimewhenallchurcheswillusethem. Sanford Express:By offering $5peracretheAtlanticandWestern railway has induced farm the Broadway section to_put out 40 acresindewhberriesthisyear.As thereare50acresindewberriaroundJonesboroandSfnferd,this makes 90 acres for the county.Tw nty-sixgarloadsofdéwberrieswereshipped out of Lee county last year.As the prospects for a big crop are good the Atlantic and Western people thinktheshipmentsthisyear|willamqunttoabout45cars.Dewberry culture in-this county promises to be- come.one of our most important ‘in- dustries. DODSON’S GUARANTEEEXPLAINEDBYDODSON. Read What Dodson Says About HisLiverTonetoYouWhoSuffer From Constipation. “Dodson’s.Liver Tone takes theplaceof.calomel.Instead of being} dangerous,.it is harmless.and works easily and naturally,without bad af-ter-effects I have authorized |the Statesville Drug Company to refund purchase price (50¢.)to you instant- ly without question if you are in anyWaydissatisfiedwithit.If Dodgon’s Liver Tone can’t help you,X don’t want your.money.” That’s how Dodson.feels about this pleasant -tasting vegetable ~liquidliverregulatorandrelieverofconsti-pation and biliotsness, The lives of so many people have been brightened and bettered by this great remedy that leading druggists now recommend it and seven of America’s most.prominent —physi« cians Q,©K.’d.it,after thoroughanalysisofitsingredientsandef- fects. It is generally known that calomel, being a poison,is a peril to many.It stays in the system and,while it may séem'to give you a temporary relief, often “knocks yeu out”for séveral days, With Dodson’s °Liver Tone youaresetrightwithoutacheorgripe and with no bad ‘results to ‘interfereintheslightestway.with your rdgu-lar occupation and habits.So great a number of former sufferers fromconstipationandinactiveliverhave been vastly ‘benefited by Dodson’sLiverTonethatitwouldseemwise for you to give it a trial now.Childrenlikeitanditdoeswonders.for It is for sale by all dealers, hetMaw ag them oN ef4i |testimonial.’’—Mrs.LAWRENCE M continiied its use for six months. ~|Manston,Wis. andgive you permis-sion to-publish my TIN,12 King St.,Westbrook,Maine. Manston,Wis.—“‘At the Change ofLifeIsufferedwithpainsin'my backndloinsuntilIcouldnotstand...I also,had night-sweats so that the ‘sheetswouldbewet.I tried other medicinebutgotnorelief.After taking one bot-Ue of Lydia E.Pinkhami’s VegetableCompoundIbegantoimproveandI The pains left me,the night-sweats and hotflashes-grew less,and in one year I was a different woman.I knowJ have t>} thank yon for my continued good healtheversince,’’—Mrs.M.J.BRowNELL, The suecess of Lydia E.Pinkham’sVegetableCompound,made from rootsandherbs,is unparalleled in such cases, If you want special advice write to Lydia E.Pinkham Medicine Co.(confi dential)Lynn,Mass.Your letter will be opened,read and answered by « Woman,and held in strict confidence. No Doubt RRNe You have noticed that your eyes itch or smart }} when doing fine work or reading small print.If}! so they are sure to need assistance.Better call and let me fit you up at once;there is nothing saved by,waiting.Eyes Examined'Free. There is not a better Gold-Filled Frame made than the one I am now selling.Call and con- sult me about your eye troubles. R.F.HENRY, Jeweler and Optometrist. yobs ite quiring the assistance vo banks which|the reserve m will provide,but} they are particularly ous to have care of a situation,which in previous}. |Buggies,Wagons,Harness} :~:See aeWeareshowingtheandmostcompletelineofAaeVehicleseverbroughttothiscity.Our leading makesareHackney,Tyson &Jones,Oxford,Point and es‘other good makes.Every one guaranteed,ae A full line of Harness,Saddles,Whips,Wagons—infacteverythingcarriedinafirstclassHarnessandVehi-2)cle store.Call and get prices before buying.“a\Yours toPlease Harness,Vehicle &Supply Co.a a - oo— RE7/or |2 NEW FURNITU Ans ve soon be here with its glories of flowers and sunshine. Why not have us supply you with some new ferniture to brightenupyourhomeandmakeithappy.Fitting up the home is our spe-cralty and we are willing to extend our services to all who can availthemselvesofovrexperience.Wecan help you more than any-body else in the world when it comes to that. Everything here in furniture,rugs,pictures,etc.,to maké thehomebeautiful.Not too early to do a lot of planning now. The Williams Furniture House. \ tilldo bette ees torCMLLcet+ Buying a good,new suit of clethesandovercoatisnotanexpense;it isaninvestment.WHY?Because goodclothescostbutlittlemorethanpoorclothes,and wear much longer and look well all the time.Then it pays you;you'll get the better positionandbetterpay,-if you.“look .the part”better.We do no “Monkeybusiness”in our.store.We carry only good stuff,sell it to everybodyatthesameprice,and that price aslowasbestqualitycanbesoldfor. Statesville Tinning Co. NEW TIN SHOP Will do general Sheet Metal work and roofing.H.C. Mohler,a workman with 25yearsexperience,will be con- nected with the business, SHOP—114 East Broad Street.PHONE 55, eatenhangpos erENGRAVEDCALLINGCARDS Not the kind you get at bar-gain.counters,but the lastwordinartisticengraving Statesville Printing Co.’Phone208 FRESH MILKERS., Just received and for sale at reasonableprices;catload of fresh milkers from Lin. doln county.‘Phane or write W.Cc.WOOTENorT.D.RD,April 3.»Sei aN Ba as bo al “3 a i : mm JE.SLOOP,e=™ Wholesale and Retail.Dealer in Fertilizers,Field Seeds,Grain, Hay,Feedstuffs,Cotton Seed Meal and Hulls. I sell Virginia Carolina Chemical Co.,Royster’s and Swift’s Fertilizers;have a splendid Tobacco Fertilizer with sulphate ; of potash which makes bright tobaceo.Also all animal mat-ter ammoniates,but you can get fertilizer ammoniates deriv-ed from burnt leather,city garbage,etc.,which will show thechemicalanalysisbothaven’t the plant food.This kindcomescheaper.See me for chemicals for home-mixing.aFIELDSEEDS—Appler,Burt,Red Ruet Proof,White atid Black Spring Oats,all kinds grass seeds and clovers.Will va -sell you just as good seed at about the same pee as you ‘ can order and from me you can gee what you buy and getwhatyouwantwhenyou'wantit,and you don’t have to send ine the money in advance and then wait and watch forweeksandperhapsmakeuselesstripstoget.your goods.4Buyfrommeonguaranteedqualityandpricebasis.and if ney you haveany seed left over bring them back and.get yourmoneyback,Make me prove these claims...Yours truly,J.E.SLOOP.== me d — oene Peas!| We are in the market for /1,000 Bushels| Field Peas. Want any variety or mixed.Will pay CASH. SEE US. J.K.Morrison Grocery&Produce Co. ek * HOME-MADE Molasses and Syrup Arrived today a goodgradeofTennessee “home-made.Molasses, One barrel of best Porto Rica Molasses. Caro Syrupin alll sizes. —Phone us— Eagle& Mibholland. 'Your Supplies If you are going to buy your-supplies on time let, us figure with you.: We carry the best of about evervthing you will néed in the way of Heavy and Fancy Groceries,Feed- stuffs,Garden and Field Seeds. Miller-McLain Supply Co. Adding Machine Paper We have two sizes. Sell it-by the RollorCase. ~’Phone 200 Brady Printing Co. THE DAVIS MILLS Give you 40 Pounds Best Pat- ent Flour and 13 pounds Bran in exchange or Pay $1.18 per bushel cash for wheat.Watch this ad for price each week. Best Flour and Meal Prompt and courteous service at all times.It pays to patronize|THE DAVIS MILLS, Hiddenite,N.C. NOTICE! HOLLAND:BROS.have-changed their phone number from 177 to 7. Call No.7 for draying,all gradesbestcoalandwood,etc. Residence ’Phone 1310. WHATEVER.TYPEWRITER. You buy we can wish nothing more than that you will like it as wellaswedoTHEREMINGTON. Statesville Printing Co. *PHONE 208 TUESDAY AND SATURDAY! Unless.providentially hindered,I shall befnmyofficeeveryTUESDAYandSATUR.-DAY.8o much of my time will be takenupinvisitingschools:and in other achool work in different parts of the county,that 1 have set apart these two days -for officework.If you want to be sure of finding me inmyoffice,please call on TUESDAY or SAT.URDAY.R.M.GRAY,County Supt.PublieInstruction.Dee.80. PREPARED To do your work on short notice.All we wantis a trial, Gillespie Pressing Club—’PHONE 350,— NOTICE} First class tin work and repairing: Roofing Contractor,ete an n e Se or Ro r S t e BE S S R E E CP S P SC T EF PE R S B S E B ~-_ :f FF 5 be ¢11:00«No.16 ar.645 p.m,Nos.23 and 24arenot operated on Sunday. United States Bonds Liable to Tax. ef if ||Raleigh Times,7th. The corporation commission today,'‘\following decisions by the Supreme'}Court of the United States,ruled‘|that United States bonds are liablefortaxesininheritance.The casecitedwas.that of Stewart vs,Plum-};mer,United States Supreme Court178,in.which it is held that the taxisnotontheproperty,but on itstransmission.by.will.or descent andthattheStatemaylawfullymeas-ure or fix the amount of the tax byreferringtothevalueofthe:prop-erty and that the incidental fact thatthepropertyiscomposedinwholeor in part of Federal securities does not invalidate the tax, The inheritancé tax in North Car- olina’ranges from one per cent tofivepercent. Ex-Governor E.8.°Draper of Mas- sachusetts suffered a stroke of par- alysis in.Greenville,S.C.,Tuesday. This is his second stroke.He wasinGreenvilleonbusiness. ay to Sloan’s Lin-It relieves aching andswollenpartsinstantly.Reduces inflammation and quietsthat agon-izing pain.Don't rub—it pene- Kills Pain ves quick relief from chest and‘oat affections.Have you triedSloan's?Here's what others say: 2 Relief from Rheumatism My mother has med one 50c.bottleofSioan's Liniment,and although shepete$3 years of age,she has ob tain great relief from her rheuma-tiem."—Mrs.I.E.Lindeleaf,Cilroy,Cab «,Good for Cold and CroupAlittleboynextdoorhadcroup,IhsthemotherSloan's Linimeut to y.She gave hina three drops on sugar before going to bed,and he gat up with-t the croupin the morning.”—Mr.¥.»Strange,3721 Elmwood Ave.,Chicago,Ul “Neuralgia Gone.Swan's Liniment is the best medi-cine in the world.It has relieved meofneuralgia.Those pains have al)goneand1cantrulysayyourLinimentdidstopthem.”'—irs.CoM.Dowke f Johan-murkeng.Mich. Atall Dealers.Price 25c.,50c.&$1.00Sloan's Instructive Booklet onHorsessentfree.DR.EARL S.SLOAN,tnc.,BOSTON,MASS. USE “TIZ”FOR SORE, TIRED,SWEATY FEET. **TIZ”’makes sore,burning,tired feet fairly dance withdelight.Away go the aches and pains,the corns,callouses,blisters an@ bunions. ‘“TIZ’’draws out the acids andotSoepoisonspuff Ae g up your feet No~®WY matter how hard.work,how )ong “you dance, how far you walk,or how long you:remain on your feet,‘‘TIZ’’ brings restful foot.comfort...‘TIZ’”is wonderful for tired,aching,swollen,smarting feet.Your feet just tingle for joy;.shoesneverhurtorseemtight. Geta25 cent box of ‘‘TIZ”nowfromanydruggistordepartmentstore.End foot torture forever -“|wear smaller shoes,keep your feetfresh,sweet and happy.-Just think!a whole year’s foot comfort for only25cents, COUNTRY HAMS! We pay the highest market price for them and sell them at.rea- sonable prices.Al- ways good supply on: ~hand.See us for good _Country Hams and ‘|RIGHTINGANUNSEENENEMY. Mr.in the Battle oftneWillerinseWCaenionertott the Russian Officer's Experience. Correspondence of The Landmark,‘ The account in The Landmark ofasoldierif,the Russian army hay-ing been engaged in 14 battles inthe Japanese war.and saw not one of theenemy,Which wounded..him:twice,brings to recollection the incident ofthebattleoftheWildernessofthe civil.war,-in which x fandfrombeginningtoendingIsawnotmorethanoneortwoofourcom-batants,although they must havebeenwithinahundredyardsofus.We had marched a long ways andhadcreptthroughathicketsomedis- tance when ordered to lie down,andwereawarethattheotherfellowswerecoming:I was not -much frightened,for I did not see howtheycouldgettous.However,itseenseemedthattheyweregoto trim out the undergrowth withletsandmeetusfacetoface,andafewofourboysbegantohelpcutthebrush,too,but Col.Walkup came‘creeping through the brushing,‘Hold your loads till they comecloser!”and we were told to do our fighting by whirling on ourtoloadandagainwhirloverand fire. The colonel passed on down the line and some of our fellows eom- menced firing again,I did not pro-pose to disobey the colonel’s ‘ordersandwasholdingmyloads.’Howev- er,my brother,who was an .officerandlayjustbehindme,said to“Why don’t you fire?”sad,don't see<anything to fizecat’®™Hethensaid,“You’d better fire ‘andkeepthembackorthey'll be rightonus.”I then got busy and es hepluckedmycartridgesfrommybox,tore off the point and handed them to me,I rammed them down afdsoonfired40rounds,which was all our cartridge boxes held.As we be- gan te get out of ammunition wewerereinforcedbyaGeorgiaregi ment that was slaughtered badly by the time it reached us.Then wewereorderedtoretreat—no quicker said than done—and although we had fought a long time and wereverytired,we got out of that thick- et faster than we went in.I triedmybesttoleadtheprocession,but a few of the boys “got there first.” I doubt whether a man in our regi- ment,or that fronting it,saw a half dozen of the enemy or could ‘tell whether or not he shot one,although this was one of the hard-fought bat- ties. The next day we were in an open field and could see that there were many “bluecoats”untouched and each man could kick his target.If I killed any of them I don’tknowit.I would feel better if IknewIdidnot.I hereby return mysincerethankstothemformissing me and will forgive them for shoot- ing the breech of my gun in one“spat”and my cap box in another,if they will leave me alone hereafter, J.S.LEONARD. Want Better Roads Out Cool Spring Way—New ’Phone Lines Being Built Correspondence’of The Landmark. Oak Forest,April 6—The general | health of our*community is fairly good."Mrs.J.R,Abernathy,who has been very feeble,is improving Mr.Fred.Sills,who suffered an at-| tack of erysipelas about 13 year ago,causing considerable troub the time,is threatened..with ar attack,which it is hoped can be prs vented. The proprietors of the Oak F est "phone line.have installed switcboard at Oak Forest,which eaused several lines to be built connected with ©it.Several oth lines are contemplated. We had two good sermons Sunday.In the forenoon Rev. Edwards at New Salem and in afternoon Rev.Mt.Church at Gay's’! - “ € 1 ji ¢ WW We are glad to say we have tl promise of work on our roads start-|i ing again.We haye waited long and |tpatientlyandfeelthatCoolSpring|t township and part of adjoining town-|‘ ships have been greatly neglected as there has been no road builtthroughandverylittleworkdoneon{'roads between Elmwood on the Sali:bwry road and Harmony on the Tur-| nersburg road,a distance of 18) miles.Justthink about it,and it is| given up to be one of the best sex tions in the county—pays more tax« and ‘with less trouble,and furnishes |Lmore,.trade.to Stateesville4han most |# any other section.:iTheroadsleading~out through|‘here into Rowan and Davie counties bring much trade to Statesville.Our |! Ri ¢ Mr.Clodtelter Wiites.From will write a few lines from this place. We broke camp at MandayofAprilandturnorth. the evening train and.according’to previou 3 the station by Rey.Henry H.New-man and conveyed to,his beautiful home one mile out from town,whereweareenjoyingthehospitalityofas kind people as one ever meets. beginning to wonder how we will get away from them,for it is necessary for u We have planned to step in Monroe,mC, land at rounded Water land; and truck farms;all kinds vegetables and strawberries in abundance.Thisplace ter spending ten weeks at Mango,Said to be the poorest place in Flor- Lida,notwithstanding we got just what we went.for—a good rest in a quiet place among nice.kindpeople,at small cost. old cranky -notion of doing thing is getting in my bones,so the time until I get back to,Stony awhile at least,God willing. Sure an All-wise Providence has been guiding r this trip and I am sure He will lead us to the end. but if mark and progressive Democracy,Iam, To Decrease Per Centage of South- ern New York Dispatch,7th. Reput Hight made public the proposed plan to de Southerr tion ir Ventiorapprtalvoting per cent, adoy t Meeting publican convention States, action of the national body before January 1,1915. tee,composed of Charles B.Warren, of Michigan,Senator William E.Bo- Tah of Idaho,and Governor HenrydD.~ Delutions adopted by the national com- mittee.These guarantee: sued for the next national convention, for the election of delegates in direct primaries. delegates from |paré-from part from with a view spent Sunday night with Miss Mary |box-supper Saturday night. |body had a nice time. Lake-jand,Fla.. of The the first our facesWearvivedatLakelandon arrangements were met at I am to leave Florida by the 15th. for a few days and hope to Stony Point about the 20th.Lakeland is a beautiful town sur- by lakes—beautiful clear covering thousands of acres of large groves of citrus fruits certainly looks good to me af- there As the weather has warmed v Iwillbeonthemoveforthemostof Point,which will be my home,for I feel atid leading me alt= I have not had:the opportunity tolookaroundthis’place very much, I have time and opportunity I may write you a few lines later.With best wishes for The Land- yours truly,J.SIDNEY CLODFELTER. and Territorial.Representation. .Charles D.Hilles,chairman of the ican national.committee,to- rease the per centage of the and Territorial representa- the Republican national.con- in 1916,and tmereafter from ximately 35 per cent of the to- strength of less than 16 as provided in resolutions d by the committee at its last December. plan is addressed to the Re- of the several which are asked to ratify the The A special commit- Hatfield,of West Virginia,draft-the report of.the action taken in cember,which embodies other res- Recognition,in the call to be is- of the right of any State to provide The right of any State to elect all the State at State rressionalessional large ee ,or lar and}Beets |the at These provisions wel adopted | to eliminsting conté the national body such as in| ] efore he past have produced discord ariiseussion.saeaeeeeeeenteenteneeeteees Baseball Games and Other Happen- ings at Mount Mourne. orrespondence of The Landmark Mount Mourne,April 6—Mount! Mourne and Long’s had a game of|}aseball at the Mount Mourne acad- chapel.emy Saturday afternoon.Hed a} ice quiet game.Score was 4 and 6,| n favor.of Mount Mourne!After} he game the marricd men played| he Simgle ones and the married men} certainly put it on them,7 and 10.Miss Nell Myers of Mooresville!spent Saturday night with Miss Ja-| ii¢Kelley,near Mount Mourne,and} Lawrence and went beck home Mcn- lay morning. Theré was a large crowd at the Every- Mr.Roy Hudspeth is at home for1fewdaysnow...He has been taking 1 course at a business ~coMerge incharlotte.}Mr.W.T.Thompson has been very} ow for the last few days.Messrs.| his sons,} “Landaiatk.epee Llakelaiid,FPla.,April 3—For thebenefitofmyfriendsgenerally,I Tue F.FP.DALLEY C6,LTD,Buffalo,N.Y,Hamilton,Oat. Systematic Saving!| There is nothing yet conceived that can apjiv ch the plan of saving as ‘he BUTLUYING AND LOAN SYS- TEM.Learning to save is the hard- est lesson youth,middle age or the hoary head has ever had to master. In fact,even in this day,it is a rare and valued accomplishment.Ac- quireit in youth.and one’s fortune _ is assured.The building and Loan system is where it is taught to per- fection. Now is the Time to Begin. The Sixth Series ——OPENED—— Saturday, April 4th. Our Secretary is gladandanxioustoexplaiplanfully. Mutual Building and Loan AssociationOFSTATESVILLE. guard of American Liberty. §9 a Never Warp,Crack,Rot,Curl or Burn-Like Wood Shingles 7 {+) / \%~ ,They can be laid right over an old wood-shingle roof with- out dirt or bother,and they make it stormproof and fireproof,© 5 They’re inexpensive,For particulars address Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware Company,STATESVILLE.N.C. -|together, H better off.” _other groceries. CLYDE ®.GAITHER,|"*Phone No.157.° commissioners -know this is true and|Jim and Tom Thompson,h :we believe they will rally to our re-|came-home Sunday to be with theirlief,even if they have to issue more|fother.bonds ‘to do it,because it’s nothing The school scholars cre now prac-|but fatr-and=right-amd—we~are look-+ticing.far..theenterteinment.at _the|ing to them for it.We have no kick|close.of .the school.in about five}at the balance of the county for hav-|7eeks.ing their fine roads running out ery direction,but-we want the soweexpectitandweknowthe¢people of the county want us to hayit,too. So,Messrs,Commissioners,1sendtheforcesonandputourro ane |“)/MEO-NA FIRST AID |‘TO SICK STOMACHS| Distress.after eating,belching of right on through and let’s ‘all +e}gas and undigested food,that lump} headache and biliousness,indicate},lyspepsia.Now-—at once—is_the time to remove the cause and stop the distress,} Mi-o-na is the remedy.Surely getSundayafternoonwalkonConnecti-|a box of these health-restoring tab-| cut avenue,had this.to say of thc|lets from the Statesville Drug Store| statement of Dr.Woods Hutchin-|today.Besides quickly stopping the)son that mince pie,tea and coffce|distress Mi-o-na soothes the irritat-| were healthful and.beneficial:|ed walls of the stomach and strength-!“Mince pie is one of the most dan-|ens the gastric glands so that they| gerous concoctions ever conceived by |pour out their daily supply of diges-culinary art,As for tea and coffce,|tive materials—your foodis prompt-I do not consider any comment nec-|ly digested and assimilated,the en- essary.If there was notea or cof-|tire system is properly nourished—fee or alcohol or cocaineormorphia|you feel strong,energetic and per-used in this country we would all be fo well, 5 ‘*i-o-na is not an experiment—is Dr.Wiley Against Pies.Washington Dispatch, Dr.Harvey W.Wiley,father a:pure food expert,cornered during ;not @ cure-all——it’s a scientific reme- i tin NytKreway ;dy recommended only for indigestionoeiinfoxoaiiob<~!dlstoane and out-of-order stomachs, a ahaa These health-giving-andhewae;.harmless«F atan onl gegw ky in’s |tablets are a ‘household remedy—8 fo tite with the mothers of veone (keep them handy whether at home orryuhers.For all deniers.traveling. eds of lead feeling in the stomach,sickig —— The Closing OutSale AT _Poston-Wasson Comuon 8: Is holding the crowds,the prices are moving the goods.Nothing reserved.Everything put down to a price to insure quick selling. Our Shoe sale Saturday was a record break- er.Don’t miss the opportunity to save 25c. ~~to $00 paiF on “A “pair -of-Shoes:-Come today,as the stock will be reduced rapidly. Truly, Poston-Wasson Comp’y. Iredell CountyFarms 1044 acres,8 miles from Statesville,in Concord township;5-roomhouse;50 to 60 acres in cultivation;good pasture and plenty ofwoodland,Well watered. acres 8 miles from Statesville,in Shiloh township;9-room house,barn and other out-buildings.Weill watered by two branches, acres 1}miles of Statesville.One of the most desirable farms inthecounty.Good land;beautiful location.Suitable for the manwhowantsanidea)farm within sight of town. Write or call on me if-you are interested in farming lands or cityproperty.Will be glad to show you any piece of property |have,.»,.FEBIX Jc AXLEY,334OverMerchants&Farmers’Bank.RealEstate and Insurance, 100 574 TUESDAY AND >FRIDAY. -OFFICE:120 WEST BROAD STREET. SUBSCRI PTION PRICE: WATCH—Watchthe label on your paper.If renewals are not in by date on label,paper will be stopped. FRIDAY,April 10,1914. MR.WATTS’NAMED AS THE BOSS The Greensboro News the opinion that “there is a purpose to “boss’North Carolina,in a polit- ical way,much as New York and oth- er States have been governed,where the machinery has been brought to.a high state of perfection.”Coming down to “brass tacks”the News seys: The News did not “have Senator Simmons in-mind,primarily,when it expressed the fear that the State~is being bossed.We apprehend,how- ever,that the situation is infinitely worse than this would be.The con- stitution gontemplates that appoint- ments shall be made largely under the supervision of.United States Sen- ators.But in this State the President is not making appointments by and with the consent of the Senate;con- “trayiwise.Mr.Wilson is (unwittingly) making most of his appointments ifi this State by and with the consent of Collector A.D.Watt8:*Both the Sen- ators have abdicated,they have in a large measure refrained from exer- cising this official duty,and have in a large measure given the State over, respecting patronage and other par- ty organization matters,into the keeping of the collector for the fifth internal revenue district.Even For- mer Chairman Webb got recognition under the Wilson administration by grace of the collector.Instead of consulting his own friends and exer- cising his own judgment,Mr.Over- man definitely placed his fortunes in- to the hands of Mr.Simmons’private secretary:‘Instead of considering applications for office and other mat- ters of party concern on their merits, expresses the Senators have in many instances}- conferred controlling and governing authority.upon a man whose latter- day claims to distinction rest,and must ever rest,upon an indefatigable and unyielding hostility to the known policies of President Wilson.*** If appointive offices are filled under the supervision of a master machin- :t,then nominations for elective of- 4ces and not infrequently acts of leg- islation,will be subjected to similar supervision,just as the State has found in the past,sometimes to our humiliation.. When the Republican party was in power there was maintained what was frequently characterized as gov- ernment by trustees.That system ‘naturally dréw the animadversions of Republicans and Democrats alike.We should think Democrats would regard it as worth while to avoid a condition which can only invite as richly de- served condemnation. Of course this article is not to be regarded as critical of Mr.Watts.He stands for what he stands for boldly, with a candor unalloyed. The News does our Iredell fellow citizen much honor.But being a modest man,Mr,Watts will probably deny that he is the whole show. Those hostile to the Raleigh meet- ing will probably contend that it was a failure and will accomplish noth- ing.Those in sympathy with it,will probably say it was satisfactory and will accomplish all that was expect- ed.The absence of Mr,Bryan was of course a disappointment.Wheth- er the meeting itself was all its pro- moters hoped for we don’t know.But a public gathering,composed of even a few hundred people having a dis- tinct purpose,cannot fail to give im- petus to the things for which it stands.The platform of the -pro- gressives,sent out from this Raleigh .gathering,will be discussed all over North Carolina and the more it is discussed the stronger it will -be- come.The State-wide primary is al- ready a certainty;the employes of public service corporations who have been offering as candidates for the Legislature to help their employers, are embarrassed as never before; and many other of the things declar- ‘Ved for by the progressives Will tome to.pass-ere many legislative moons shall wax and wane. ———$—$——TS They’ve organized a treague in New York to teach correct postures—to| teach folks how to sit and stand cors| rectly.The idea is from the physi-| ¢al and health standpoint—that cer-| tain postures in sitting and standing | impair the physical development and develop disease.The idea is a good one,But as to sitting and standing,| generally speaking,many folks want *o do too much of that.It’s a league that will teach folks to move busy and keep busy at yorth while—that is needed to get something eines The administrator of the estate of James P.Medlin was awarded dam ges in the sum of $2,000 avainst the wounty of Greenville,South Carolina sn court at Greenville:He sued on account of injuries sustained by the deceased when his wagon turned over on a county road,which it is alleged resulted in the death of Medlin,al feging that the overturning’Wis die to bad roads.i President Wilson will spend Easter at White Sulphur Springs,W.Va. |prevalent PELUAGRA EP -2 This Is Theory Advanced By F.Siler of Pellagra Commission. Charlotte Observer,8th. Improper disposal of human waste beceuse of lack of sewage is.ap- parently the most important’cause of _pellagra,‘accoraing to Dr,G. F.Siler who spoke last night to Charlotte doctors.He gave ‘this as one apparently justifiable conclusion of the research work of the Thomp- son-McFadden Pellagra Commission. Doctor Siler is a member of that commission and has the rank of captain in the hospital co of the United States army,©T com, mission has conducted minute in- vestigation of the disease during the past two years,in and about Spar- tanburg,S.C.Doctor Siler is in Charlotte at the invitation of local physicians and he lecturdd at the Y.M.C.A.last night.i The Thompson-McFadden com- mission was endowed by Col.Robert M.Thompson of New York and Mr. J.H.McFadden of Philadelphia for the study of pellagra.The body was formed by the appointment of Doctor Siler by the Surgeon-General of the Army;Dr.P.E.Garrison, appointed by,the Surgeon-General of the Navy,and Dr.W.J.McNeal, appointed by the New York Post. Graduate Medical School.Doetors Siler and Garrison were named to undertake the epidemiologic study of the disease. They have been established at Spartanburg,8.€.,and-their investi- gation has-been made in-the.county of Spartanburg.In the work they have been aided by expert en- tomologists,in trying to determine whether an insect is responsible for the spread of the disease or not. Their study has been directed toward deciding if the disease.is a bacterial or a protoaoan infection;if it is carried in ‘corn meal or.other food;if it is borne by some insect or is due to conditions about the homes. The result of the research work in Spartanburg for two years was revealed by DoctorSiler.last night, illustrating his lecture with charts. He stated to his audience that the commission he represents has no deductions to publish and is still in the midst of its work.Help is what is wanted,aid from physicians in other communities,so that it can be determined if the observa- tions,already made,can be applied to pellagra conditions everywhere. Until these data are in hand,the commission is fighting away from conclusions regarding the disease and its causes,said Doctor Siler. A line drawn from Washington, D.C.,to west Texas would divide the pellagra territory from,the territory not infected,said the lec- turer,,and the Southern division is the pellagra one.The South Carolina observations showed that 39 was the average number of cases in 10,000 population in.Spar- tanburg county for two years.In the rural communities the average was 29 to the 10,000 and in mill villages 104 to the 10,000.This led to the statement that the disease is centered in the mill communities. A study of six mill villages show- ed 40 cases in 3,334 males;91 cases in 3,260 females.Although up to ten years of age both sexes were afflicted with the disease in the same ratio,frem 20 to 50 years of age,the female suffered in’many more cases than the male.A study of the food habits of the mill people showed that among those who used corn meal habitually the infection was less,although it was not a conclusion of the commission ‘that corn meal was a prophylactic against pellagra. The charts of Doctor Siler showed that the use of fresh meats and canned goods apparently had no effect ‘in the matter from which de- ductions could be made one way or the other.The use of milk gave a possible basis for an idea that milk is prophylactic,inasmuch as among the people who drank.milkregularlythepercentageofcases of pellagra.was less than among non-users. The investigations showed that theinfectionismorefrequentinhomes where the disease has _been,'less frequent in homes next door tocases,but least frequent in homes further away than next door.It was [found that.the.disease occurs nearly exclusively in the districts.of cities outside the sewer districts.Where sewerage is properly provided the disease was shown to be practically non-existant.This interesting fact was shown in investigations of sev- eral villages,both ‘with and.without proper water sewerage. From these facts the deduction was drawn that the diséase~is rendered by poor sewage and is effected by contact,that is,one per- son ‘with the disgase can communi- cate it to another. The theory of the buffalo gnat as the cause of infection was said by Doctor Siler to have been passed up by the commission,aftor finding that the gnat doesn’t bite often enough to make it probable that it commun- icates the disease.The commission thought the stable fly or the body louse,if any insect was responsible, should best be considered. Experiments have heen conducted at the Spartanburg laboratory,Doc- tor Siler stated,and in the experi- mentation 35 or 40 animals had been used as inoculated specimens.Only five of the animals are alive .and some died with pellagric symptoms but without the skin symptoms of the disease While he stated that the commis-ion was fighting away from econ-clusions,he discussed the.questionofcausesinamannerthatcon- veyed the impression that the com-mission has practically discarded.theideathatfoodcausedthedisease,Seemingly the body of investigatorsisinclinedtothebeliefthatdefee-tive sewage is the chief cause.ofpellagrawithaningectasapos-sibility.Doctor Siler stated ©that Dr.Gs]oy he would be glad to vie hp: paring data about conditions i 7TOTEACHCORRECTPOSTURES. A League Organized to Teach Folks;ow to Sit and Stand. New York Dispatch. Announcement is made of ‘the in- corporation at Albany.of the Amer- ican Posture League,@ national bodywhoseendeavorwillbetoget-ple to sit up and:stand up eck.The new organization is concern-ed particularly in the sitting andstanding.postures of inschoolsandofadultsinshops,of-fices,factories and elsewhere,Ithopestoeffectamore“useofscientificandhealthfulprinciplesinseatingaccommodationsforsuchpurposesandforpublicaudience rooms and vehicles.3 ; “A-child-cannot.achieve proper chest development,”is its authorita-tive statement,“while the sh of his school seat and of his coat force him for many hours each day into faulty attitudes.“The fatigue of the factory opera- tive mes not more from running the factory machinery than from running the!bodily machinery— heart,lungs and digestive’organs—at a mechanical “di through ill-adapted chairs,stools and work benches.” The league includes in its member- ship leading orthopedic”surgeons,physical trainers and educators whohavespecializedonthesesubjects.Ithopesbysystematiceducationtoes- tablish a demand for healthful stand-ards in what may be termed posture engineering.For example,it is al- ready assisting with expert advicetheengineersoftheBrooklynRapid Transit Company,the seats of whose new subway cars are being construct-ed in accordance with the league’s specifications.It is in touch with several large organizations of work- ers engaged in the standing occupa- tions—such as motormen and shop- girls—and—purposes —issuing —offi- cial bulletins for their benefit,illus- trating the correct standing postures, both for work and rest. Bulletins taking up ~the ‘various phases of school and factory hygi- ene that affect posture will also be issued.The league owes its incep-tion to its p-esident,Miss Jessie H. Bancroft,assistant director of phys- ical training in the public schools. pre- Pecan Orcahrd as a Paying Enter-prise.& The largest pecan orchard in.theStateofNorthCarolinaislocated about four miles from Elizabeth City, in Pasquotank county.It is owned by F.V.Scott.The farm contains100acresoflandanditissetwith2,000 young pecan trees which.wilf begin bearing next year.After five years more,Mr.Scott expects to have a farm which will pay him an- nually $10,000.About five years ago Mr.Scott be- came-interested in pecan culture and Spanish Inventor Lights Bulbs at 600: t/experiment has just been ca Yards’anc London Dispatch to the New York Times.:i According to the Madrid corres- pondent of the Daily ‘Telegraph an out at Pozuelo,near Madrid,which de-monstrates ‘the Et saescige tf of extract-ing electricity from the atmosphereforcommercialpurposes.Jose Yglesias,who recently caused the explosion of dynamite mines bymeansofinfra-red rays,on Saturdaysucceededindrawingelectricityfromtheairbyantennae,mounted in “echonaen-tower,33 feet erected on a high hill, His apparatus received the elec-} tricity at a pressure of 6,000 volts,which was.transformed down to 150volts.Fifteen.electric lamps in a house 600 yards away were easilylightedandmaintainedatfullpress-ure during a prolonged test.Thé experimental apparatus of Se- nor Yglesias is very simple incharacter,the whole having been con-structed inside of a fortnight.Theexperiments.will.be continued,with the object of ascertaining the full ca-pacity of the installation.Senor,Yglesias says he can -obtain directly from the atmosphere enor-mous quantities of ¢lectricity at will, according.to the arrangement of.the installation. Among the persons who witnessed the experiment were Count Maceda and others in the immediate entour- age of-King-Alfonso,wno were spe- the tests. veeatenetaannirrimanaeenaneeemanatesnim Harry Lee,18 years old,confessed to killing his uncle,P.O.Bonnell,at Hawkinsville,Ga,Lee killed Bonnell with an axe while the latter slept, alleging that Bonnell mistreated him, Announcements. FOR TREASURER. I am a candidate for Treasurer of Iredellcounty,subject to the action of the Demo- cratic primaries and county convention.TILDEN H.WILLIAMS. March 27. FOR TREASURER. I hereby announce myserr a candidate for the office of Treasurer of Iredell County, subject to the action of the Democratic pri- maries and eounty convention.March 27.R.F.RIVES. FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS. I hereby announce myself a candidate fortheofficeofRegisterofDeedsofIredell county,subject to the action of the Demo- cratic primaries and county convention.JAS.R.HILLY March 27. FOR SHERIFF. I am a candidate for sheriff of Iredell coun-ty,subject to ‘the action of the Democratic primaries and.county convention,and solicitthesupportoftheDemocraticvoters.Mareh 17.J.A BROWN. FOR CLERK SUPERIOR COURT. I hereby announce my candidacy for theofficeofclerkoftheSuperiorCourtforIre-dell county,subject to the action of the Dem-oeratic party convention and primaries forthecounty,P Jan.27. NOTICE OF ELECTION FORGRADEDSCHOOLBONDS By virtue of an ordinance duly passed by the Board of Aldermen of the.city of States- purchased an ordinary worn-out farm.which was paying very.little;in farming enterprises.He secured| 2,000 pecan trees and carefully set} them in rows,planting the entire}farm.They have been protected and| nurtured in a scientific manner and| ave grown into.nice trees which}will bring ‘their first fruit next sez-) son. The pecan orcahrd cost Mr.Scott} about $2,000,not counting the cost: of the land,and he has it figured out! that the orchard will begin to yield| next year and will increase each year} until the trees are ten years old.Atthistime,they will ‘pay an annual income of $100 an acre or $10,000 ayearforthewholefarm. {The farm has been in cultivationforthepastfiveyearsandMr.Scott)has improved it until it is a paying| investment’as an agricultural enter-| prise.The farm can be cultivated for many years yet before the trees get big enough to interfere with the crops. Not An Honor to Be Called a Shrewd Man —Look atthe Dictionary. Ohio StateJournal.-°BeWehearsometimesthatsoand so is a shrewd man,and the trouble is that he is often admired because he is shrewd.But one will get no commendation for.the quality if he goes to the dictionary for a defini- tion.It is opposed to candor,frank-ness,open-mindedness and those traits that make the true man.You will have to~keep~your “eyes*on the’ shrewd man or he will get the better of you."Tis best to avoid him and associate or trade with the straight, frank,honest man who would hate to take an advantage. The best business men are not the shrewd men.They wouldn’t think of beating one becaus¢they knew more, They would teach the man all they knew,so his judgment would help to make a just bargain.A true,candid business man reflects credit on @community,but the other kind is a drag and a regret.To use one’s su-perior intellect.and knowledge to getthebetterofoneisnomoremoral than going at him with a club.It is not a great honor to be smart,but it is to be honest and fair,and when acommunityisruledbythelatter qualities the people will be happierandmoreprosperous.,Don’t you liketotradewithaman’who wouldn’t take an advantage of you if hecould?There are many such, LLL Senator Kenyon’s.resolution’toabolishallexecutivesessionsoftheSenateexcept“for foreigii relations and.gertain specified occasions was side-Me avote.was takenintheSenate‘and sent to the table py one vote,His motion to amend the rules.was tabled’31to30.The ville,at the regular meeting held on Friday night,April 3d,1914,all aldermen beingpresentandvoting,notice is hereby giverthatanelectionwillbeheldinthecityof Statesville,“at the time and polling places hereinafter set out,to ascertain the will of the people as to whether the city of States- ville shall issue twenty-five thousand dollars in bonds (par value)with interest coupons attached,bearing five per cent interest per antrum,and said bonds to be due thirty yearsfromtheistdayofJuly,1914,and the im terest on the same t6 be payable semi-an- nually.Said bonds to be issued for the pur- pose of buying the Sullivan property on Water street and erecting thereon a school building Suitable to the needs of the city of Statesville,the balance remaining,if any,to be used af prescribed in Chapter 48 of the Private LawspassedbytheGeneralAssemblyat-its Special Session held in the year 1913,sub-ject to the approval of the Board of Alder- men of the city of ‘Statesville. Notice is hereby further given that said election is called under and by virtue of theauthoritygrantedbysaidChapter48ofthePrivateLawspassedbythe’General Assem- bly at said Special Session and that said election shall be held on Tuesday,June 16th, 1914,at the polling places hereinafter nam-ed,and shall be held and conducted under he rules and regulations provided and pre-scribed in chapter 73 of the Revisal of 1905, and the amendments thereto,except as te thetime.of holding the election. Notice is further given that by said or-dinance.a new registration shall be had of all qualified voters residing in said city,andthat’in the books provided the registrars ofsaidelectionshall.be entered--the names -of tion who may be entitled to registration un- der.the requirements of law now in force. Said registration books shall be opened on Wednesday,May 13th,1914,at 9 o'clock a.m., and shall be closed om Saturday,June 6th, 1914, That the following places are designated in said ordinance as the polling places,and the following men are apponited as regis- trars and judges of election for the polling places set opposite their respective names, shai aeetae tee ‘‘siahapuiniaiiitiFIRSTWARDPollingpiace,Frys Shoe Shop;Registrar,A.E.Fry;Judges of Elec- tion;J.S.Leonard and W.T.Kincaid. SECOND WARD-Polling.place,Deaton’sMarbleYard;Registrar,R.P.Allison;Judges Of Election,F.H.Conger and J.H.Gray.THIRD WARD-Polling plac&Court House;Registrar,W.J.Lazenby;Judges ofElection,J.W.C.Long and J,R.Alexander. FOURTH WARD-~Polling place,Offiee ofPirstBuildingandLoanAssociation;Regis-trar,J.H.Hall;Judges of Blection,4.Lewis and Watt L.Harbin. That at said election the polls shall be opened at sunrise and shall be closed at sun get,and the ballot east shall have written or printed upon it the words,“For ‘Graded School Bonds,”or the words,“Against Graded Sehool Bonds.”All qualified reg-istered electors Who favor the issue of saidbondsshallvoteaticketwiththewords,“For Graded School Bonds”thereon,and those opposed shall vote a ticket with thewords,“Against Graded School Bonds,”thereon. That immediately after the election theballotscastshallbecountedandtheresultoftheelectionshallbethereaftercanvassed and determined as provided ty law. Published by order 6f the Board of Al dermen of the city of Statesville,this the9thdayofApril,1914.Cc.D.MOORE, Aprit-10,1914.Clerk and Treasurer. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. “a as administratrix of thedeceised, befote*April -10;°1915,and perstotheestate‘mustly.Claimsmay be presentedtoH.P. cially-sent-by—the monarch to watch Gi persons offering ~reriaterfor~said elee~+ HEADQUARTERS FORCornandCottonPlanters <eT Wesell Cole Combination Corn and Cotton Planters,Hoosier Corn and Cotton Plant- ers,Ledbetter One-Seed Corn and Cotton Planters,Hoosier Plain Corn Planters. | These were all ‘‘born and raised”on the farm and are the best of their kind on the market.It will be worth your time to look them over. |Lazenby -Montgomery Hardware Co. Statesville Theater Tuesday,April the 14th, Will E.Culhane Presents Eugene Walters’ PAID IN FULL ——INCLUDING— EILEY O’CONNOR AND AN ALL STAR CAST. The only play that ever ran two years in New -York City winter and summer. The Best Acting Company of the Season In One of the Best Plays Ever Written Produced in a Most Elaborate Manner The play that is clean and wholesome.The play thatisworth while Prices 50c.,75c.and $1.Curtain 8:30 sharp. Seats on Sale at Gray Drug Co.April 13th. Carriages and autos may be ordered 10:50 p.m. GUTH’S y Easter Egg! Chocolate cover- ed,filled with fruit and nuts. --©@ne Free With each one |pound box of Guth -olates,.. — — Statesville Drug Co., The Drug Store With the Parcel Post Service. oleproof Hosiery! We have a complete stock of Holeproof Ho- siery and guarantee three pair to last three months without DARNING.If holes come in one or more of them exchange for new ones..Wear good HOSE. New Spring styles in Colonial Pumps $3.50. The S.,M.&H.Shoe Co.,The One Price Cash Shoe Store. vote was not on partylines.~e attorney.M.G.FRAZIER,!1014,Administratrix, ~~“Lazenby,whois seriously ik a ‘the-Mississippi river_at Memphig,.be- “)8end material to the workmen. —~vompartment,,...adjoining the gas-filled j “GLIMPSE OF PASSING THRONG. ing in Salisbury,will arrive home this ;120 WEST BROAD :TELEPHON FRIDAY,as April 10,1914. eT Persona)on of People and Their ovements,:oe Lily Mae Tomlin rc.to Jharlotte yesterday to spend ter,Mr and Mrs.W.A.Sample lefFridayeveningforPhiladelphiatovisitMrs.Sample’s brother,Dr.T. Grier Miller.They will be away a week. Prof.and Mrs.J.-H--Mclver -ofWadesborowill‘spend the Easter hol-idays with Mrs.Melver’s parents,Mr,and Mrs.P.V¥.Dotson, Mr,Leonard White will be at homefromAshevillefortheEaster.holi-days.He will be accompanied by hiscousins,James and Albert Wood.Miss Bernice Turner,who is teach- - morning to-remain through Easter.Mr.and Mrs.T.L.Greene .of Le- noir will arrive this ‘week to spendEasterwithrelatives,They expect to come through the country by auto- mobile, Mr..Searr.Morrison.._came*home from the A.&M.College Wednes-day night to spend the Easter vaca- tion.He was accompanied te Mr.Rufus Parlier of Ronda,Wilkes coun- ty,a fellow~student,who.will be his guest until tomorrow. Miss Delia Lazenby returned yes- terday from Greensboro,where she visited her bféther,:Mr.H.Lee Miss Janie Leonard is at home from Claremont College,Hickory,to “spend Easter. Mr.M.L.Shipman,State Labor penmienen,was in town Wednes- ay. Mr.LaVassar Lackey:visited hisbrother,Mr.Clayton Lackey,in Ashe- ville this week. Mr.and Mrs.C..M.Mitchell of Wilkes ¢ounty visited at the home of Mr.Mitchell’s brother,Mr.J.W. Mitchell,on north Center street,Wed- nesday and went from there to the home of Mr.Mitcheli’s nephew,Mr. F.F.Mitchell,near Cool Spring. Misses Grier,Crowell and Rabe of the graded school faculty have gGnetoSalisburyfortheEasterholidays. Messrs.R.B.McLaughlin and J. A.Hartness represented StatesvilleattheprogressivemeetinginRal- eigh Wednesday. Notices Of New Advertisements. Cabbage plants next week.—D.J. Kimball. Notice of election for graded school bonds.—C.D.Moore,clerk and treas- urer. M.G.Frazier has qualified as ad- ministratrix of T.W.Frazier. Geo.Morrison,Statesville Route,wants white cook. Two mules.—W.L.Smith. Land with timber on it.—C. Queen. White Orpington eggs at 75 cents for 15.—-H.E.White,Stony Point. Good men wanted to work at saw mill.—W.C.Goodman,Cleveland. Stenegrapher wanted.Address B., care The Landmark. Systematic saving.—Mutual ing &Loan Association. Faster goods.—-Mills &Poston. Corn and cotton planters.—Lazen- by-Montgomery Hardware Co. Horses,mares and mules just re- ceived.—Henkel-Craig Live Stock Co. Savings.—People’s Loan &Savings Bank.: Paid in Full at the Statesville theater next Tuesday night.Tickets on sale Monday. Specials for Saturday and Monday. Poston-Wasson Co Dahlia bulbs and chrysanthemum plants._-Mrs.Jno,A.White. Buggy and two surreys.—L. Bristol. C.Lt Troutman,commissioner,will sell land May 11th. J.D.Hartness-has qualified as ad- ministrator of N..F.Hartness. Handsome 5-room house for sale. ~—Felix J.Axley. Banks have holiday Monday. Nine Men Killed By Poisonous Gas. Nine men lost their lives Mondayandnineothersnarrowlyeseapedo like fate when a shaft lecding to the underground workings in the foundation for the Harahan”rail- road bridge,being constructed across Star P; Build- B. came filled with poisonous gases. Eight men suffocated while descend- ing the shaft to take their places in a caisson 90 feet below the surface, and the ninth man,Peter Watson,a night watchman,lost his life in anattempttorescuehiscomrades.Those rescued were at work in-a ¢om- shaft.They were hauled to the sur- face thfough an opening used to All of the dead were white men. Those.rescued were negroes.The divers,protected from the poisonous fumes by their armor,recovered al! ~)Wittianr Wallace,sopranos; the yard a most as they had but an terested. and heard some of them Cora and Foy Murdock,Willie.Lee, and Rachel Millsaps. sthoot.—He says he did-not-find.it.to be rough and thinks the children are he ever parents for the interest they show. LJdames...C..McNally.of Pennsylvania,to be consul at Nuremberg,Bavaria, was refused confirmation in the Sen- ate by a vote of 26 to’24,after a pro- longed debate. sular service in'China and ICAL.EVENT. Delightful to the ea?and inspir-ing te the soul was the sacred canta-ta,“The Holy City,”by A.R.Gaul,as rendered at the First Presbyte-rian chureh sone evening by theMacDowellMusic.club,assisted byanumberofotherlocalsingers.Anaudienceifilledthemainaudi-torium of thes¢hurch and overflowedintotheSunday.seltool departmentsatclmostmotionlessduringthehourandaquarterthatthebeautifulmusicfilledtheedifice.The organinterludes,the solo parts,the trioandthequartettewereallbeautiful,but no part of the cantata was more inspiring than when theentire com-pany of 14°singers ble theirvoicesinperfectharmony,a}).sing- ing their respective parts.The cantata was not only 2.credittothosewhorenderedit,but.thetownas.well.There are few townsofStatesville’s size which have suf-ficient_trai musical talent to pre-sent such,an oratorio and.scliom does a community hve an opportuni-ty to hear so large an aggregationofreal-vocalists.who have combined in the preparation of a single com- position of music of such length astheHolyCity.The MacDowell club deserves the thanks of the -coramn-~- nity in making it possible for States- ville people to hear this famous ora- torio “without money and withoutprice.”The singers all aequittedthemselvesadmirably,and-Miss.Rae Gill proved herself a master of the pipe organ.The chorus was compos- ed of Mesdames H.0.Steele,Dor-man Thompson,M.C...Wood_and Mes-dames R.E.Clapp,R.B.McLaugh- lin and A,J.Salley,altos;Mesdames J.'C.Duke and A.P.Steele,contral- tos;Messrs.R,E.Clapp,R.M.Gray and €;-E.Mills,tenors,and Rev.W. M Walsh and A.J.Salley,basses. The following notes on “The Holy City”appeared on the programme:“The treatment of the subject-of this work is almost entirely reflec- tive,the more dramatic parts of the beok from which many of the num- bers.are taken,viz.,The Vision of St.John,having already been treat- ed in so masterly a.manner by the great German «com r,Louis Spohr,in his oratorio,‘The Last Judgment.’ “The first part of ‘The Holy City’ was suggested,by the passaves of uing city,’‘Thy Kingdom come,’and sets forth the desire for a higher life. as expressed in:the words,‘My soul is athirst for God,’which desire is followed by other passages expres-sive of the perfection of the higherlife,such a8 ‘Eye hath not seen/ “The second part was suggested by the words,‘I saw a new heaven and a new earth,for the first heavenandthefirst:earth were passed awe2y,thus realizing the desire and promises contained in the first part. “With the exception of two hymns,a verse from Milton,and three verses from the Te Deum,the words are entirely Scriptural.” Close of Amity School—Oral Spell- ing. Correspondence of asSisiameak: Troutman,R-2,Apri]8—Spring it seems has come at last,but we know not what Easter wil)bring.Farmers are busy breaking ground and gct- ting ready to plant The Amity school,which Miss Ava Robison taught,closed Saturday with a spelling match in the morn- ing.At noon the ladies of the neighborhood spread on a table in bountiful dinner which all seemed to enjoy. In the afternoon there was an in- teresting game of ball in which Mt. Ulla and Centenary played against Amity.Of course Amity got beat, few experienced players.Saturday night there was interesting spelling’match in which old as well as young were in- If Mr.Williams (who thinks ora]spelling is time wasted) had been at Amity Saturday night spell he would be bound to admit that oralspellingistimewellspent. Mr.Thos.Morrow has bought a new automobile.2 Honor roll for Duck Creek school: Lettie May and ‘Harold Hoover, Dortha,Tom,Vanna and Mamie Mills Mr.Howard speaks well for his as easy to manage as any children taught.and praises the Senate Refused to Confirm Consul McNally.President Wilson’s nomination of MeNally formerly was in the con- several eygi ee od Scripture,‘Here haye we no contin-| of the bodies. Wedding Dates. The following.announcement been received:“Mrs.James has Edwin AY ye Scott has the honor to announce the marriage of her daughter,Marga-ret,to Mr.John Rumple Ross,on Wednesday,the 8th of April,1914,at Kelm Krest,Mebane,N.C.”‘ Cards reading a®follows were is-sued yesterday:“Mrs.William Guil-ford Lewis invites you to be present at the marriage of her daughter, Mary,to Mr.Henry Albion,Millis,on the evening of Wednesday,the 22dofApril,at 8:30 o’clock,.First Bap- tist charch,Statesville,N.G.At home after the 15th of May,HighPoint,N.C.” FoundaCare for Rhoudhatindh:wg and could notget my r handtomy Chapman,Mapleton,lowa..“T eLterriaenotSearpetepat.nomi...“pegse ‘ight post came in.Senator Williams ob- had not served to clear him entirely. son's consular appointments to be re- ters and a receiver of public moneyspreviouslyhavebeen firmation, day.Correspondence of The Landmark. nesday,April 15,with an address.intthemorningat10:30-0’clock.by Hon,“I suffered with rheumatism for two years |]W years ago charges were made against him in connection with a real estatedealpromotedtherepyanAmerican. The case was twice investiagted by the State Department,but when Mc Nally’s nomination to the Nuremberg jected on grounds that these inquiries This was the first of President Wil- jected by the Senaae.Five postmas- refused con- s Bethlehem School to Close Wednes- Bethlehem school will close Wed- Turner. .D.Theexercisesinthe erat Pen meena ee ee He Does Not Get Along SmoothlyBecauseofInfluenceIntheHome. To the Béitor of The Landthark:— school teacher*to be criticised now-adays unless he comes up to everyexpectationoftheparent.It ic al- circumstances,extant,for the teach- er to please all unléss every one stood for the same thing.,When a teacher enters the school a number of children who are fromagreatvariety,of homes where thegreatestdiversityofparentalinflu-ences prevails.At home these chil- dren have been indulged in .every the energies of their low propensi-ties,and even their -freaks andwhimshavebeenenactedintohouse- hold laws.Some have been s yigor-ously debarred from every;nt amusement and indulgence that theyhaveopenedforthemselvesaWaytogratificationthroughartificeand falsehood.Others from vicious par- ental example and the corrup fluences of ‘vile associates have nDtrainedtobadhabitsandcontaminat- ed with vicious principles.Some havebeentaughthonorconsistsin.whip- ping a boy larger than’themselves; others that the ehief end of man istohaveaboxthatcannot“be oF and to get money enough to fill it; and others,again,have been taught upon their father’s success to shape their young lips to the utterance of oaths and blasphemy.It is by no means uncommon,inourdistricts,owing _to.some local matter,or to some discussion in pol-ities or religion for the people to.be“arrayed the-one-part-agaitstthe oth-er. The inhabitants of the upper road are jealous of the dwellers of:those on the lower road and the hill portionisaggrievedbytheinfluenceofthevalleyportionofthedistrict.When-ever a school house is to be builtthesedifferentinterestsarearoused and a protracted quarrel is the result. Finally a house is built and the so-called teacher employed...Those who find themselves in the minority say, “we will see whether this.man can keep our school as well this time as it was done last year by our-master.”This is uttered in the presence of their children,perhaps their halfgrownsanswhoareveryreadytojmeettheirnewteacherwithpreju-dice and to act out the misgivings jof their parents as to his success. |T.en the teacher finds himself in a|difficult situation and is readyto ask jthe question “What shall I do?”|Shall I leave the schoc!]to his sue- }cess?If he gives up and leaves the |school he loses his own reputation as ja teacher and in the eyes of theworldwheperhapsmaynotknow,or exre to know,all the circumstances;he is held ever after as incompetent for the position.5 I think that parents should hold up a higher standard of morals be-fore their children and be a fit exam-ple for them to copy.They shouldrallytothe.support.of .the schoo! and do not do anything which wouldbeinviolationofthebestinterests of the school. A NORTH IREDELL TEACHER. Harmony,N.C. Wants $1,500 For Her Spinal Cord. Baltimore Sun; Seeking a buyer for her spinal cord, Mrs.Albert Kenner of Meadow Brook,near Philadelphia,recently cured of paralysis,has refused $100offeredbyaBaltimorehospitalsur-geon.She announced today she wouldholdherspinalcord.for higher bids in order that she might get as much as possible.She wants the proceeds to be devoted to a cure for her two half- sisters who are sufferers from loco- motor axtaia.Displaying a letter from a New York physician offering $500,and an other from a Philadelphia surgeon offering $550,she declared she would hold out for at least $1,500. “The best offer I’ve had comes from Philadelphia,”she said tonight.“They didn’t think much of me in Baltimore, and the New York offer is not much better.I did not close with the lo- cal physician because I am hoping for a sum large enough to take care of my half-sisters.”‘ The two relatives are in the samecondition‘that Mrs..Kenner was be-fore nerye specialists here succeeded in..effecting axemarkable cure.She was paralyzed until last’December. Her treatment extended over seven months, Wireless Messages Sent and Receiv-| ed From Moving Trains. Christian Suan, Wireless:télegraphy performed a honors to its inventor,and opens upanewfieldofserviceandofsafcty. A train on the Delaware,Lackawan- na &Western railroad,going at therateof64milesanhour,transmit- ted to the New York Times,a dis- tance of 125 miles,a message and receivedareplyinlessthan.six min- utes.Following this 30 other mes-sages were sent by the operator onthesametrainandreplieswerere- ceived.This successful experiment establishes the fact that men whileintransitmaysendandreceivemes- sages about business and matters as if at home or in offices,andshould»prevent collisions betweentrainsassoonasthey.have been ye shall speak into the air.”1 Cor., 14:9.TS an young man named Walker Moore waskilledbylightning.| will be by the Chamberlain's Liniment and in two ae“alt i afternoon re using ihe hihes arden “A diana *Ve TROUBLES OF THE TEACHER. It is a Vere,common thing for the most impossible,under the present room,.he finds himself in charge of wish,flattered and smiled upon for ferrets other day that britigs added|emery equipped with a wireless outfit.“For || At Graham Wednesday morning a|" Re, R.E,Simpson,formerly superin- tendent of the Asheville division.of the Southern,will ‘become general Superintendent of the northern dis-trict of the Seuthern railway April 15.His headquarters will be at Greensboro, Mr.Simpson is well known to many Statesville people.Some of them knew him when he began work as awaterboyfortherailroadin1882, and later when he became division superintendent.He-has served as section hand,section foreman,track Supervisor,roadmaster,t¢onductdr, trainmaster and has been superintend- ent of three different:divisions on the Southern.He will now have gen-eral supervision of the Richmond, Washington,Danville,Norfolk and Winston-Salem divisions of the Southern, ADVERTISED LETTERS. Following is a Wat of letters remaining ithepostofficeatStatesville,N.©.,for the week ending April 7,1914.;Ailley Dalton,Miss Ada Elliott,RobertHickHenryJohnson,Prof,E.W,Keller, Evy McClelland,Mrs,Lura Nichols,John:S.»Norton,Walker L.Polk,Mrs.John C.Smith, Mrs.Eliza Webb. Persons calling for any of the above willpleasecallfor“advertised letters.”DEWEY L.RAYMER,P.M POR SALE—Handsome 5-room house on Boulevard,Lot 756x276.-CGan-give-you.good e in this.FPELIX J.AXLEY,real es- tate April 0. E—One buggy and twe surreys,inmdition,L.B.BRISTOL.Apr.‘20. FOR SALE—Asserted dahlis bulbs and cbrys-anthemum plants.MRS,JNO,A.WHITE, hone 1249 April 10--2t WANTED—White cook.GEO.MORRISON, Statesville,Star Route.April 106-8t* FOR SA FOR SALE—Two mules..Cash or on time.+W.-Lo SMEPH,.Bleomfeld._April.10—20iaescieilicaa FOR SALE—Land with 100,006 feet of oak, and chestnut timber on it.C.P. Apri)10-1" poplar QUEEN EGGS—Purebred White Orpington,75 centsfor16.H,E WHITE,Stony Point,N.C. April 10—2t® WANTED—Four or five good men to work at saw mill Good board and good pay.W. C.GOODMAN,Cleveland,N.C. April 10—-2t. W ANTED—Stenographer.One who writes good hand and can assist in office work. in own handwriting.“B,”careTheLandmark.April 10. Address FOR SALE OR RENT—Land at or near re great dam is to be constructed onwbariver.Good chance for enter-whe Ca prising man to erect booths or buildingsforvariouspurposes.THOS.J.CONGER. Mareh 31-—4t. FOR SALE—Parior furniture,clocks,pic-tures,china and silverware.MRS.Wm. WALLACE,318 Walnut St.April 7--2t, FOR SALE—Twe horses,one automobile and pianos and organs at various prices.J.58. LEONARD.March 31—4t* FOR SALE—One 1 1-2 h.p.gasoline engine. M..D.&T.Electric Co.Apr.3% FOR SALE CHEAP—A_few second-handtouringcaraandrurabouts.Yale motor-cycle New 2-horse power Gasoline En-CAROLINA MOTOR CO. 1914.gine April 3, WANTED—Te purchase Timber Stumpage bythethousandorTimberBoundariesandlo- cation.Write giving estimate of timber,kind and price wanted.P.O.Box 132.“Feb.12. FOR.RENT.—Nice storercom..Formeriy oc-cupied.by United Shoe Store N.B.MILLS.March 6. WANTED—Reliable salesman and collector. Geed contract to right party.SINGERSEWINGMACHINECO.,T.Sanders,Matiager,Salisbury,N.C.March 27—€t. H. FOR BALE—At Sunshine Farm,R.C.RhodeIslandRedeges.From good birds.50 cents per 15,fancy $1 per 15.SALLIEDAVIDSON.March 24—8t* FOR SALE—Long staple cotton seed;pure, at $1 per bushel.Write,phone or leave orders at Bradford Grocery Co R L.BRADFORD,Statesville,N.C.,R-6. March 17. Banks Closed Monday. Easter Monday,April the ith,being a legal holiday,we the undersigned banks agree to close for the dayCOMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK,FIRST NATIONAL BANK,MERCHANTS &FARMERS’BANK PROPLE’S LOAN &SAVINGS BANK April 10. Black Warrior Pit Games. Eggs from pen headed by male winning his fourth battle and steel tested—-$3 for 15.Guaranteed thoreughbred stock.No stock for sale.Good hatch guaranteed.R. 354 Alexander street, April ‘7—8t.*J.HARBIN, Statesville,N.C. ATTRACTIVE FARM. $4 meres fine farm land Wel)wateredand260,000 feet of pine timper.Three milesofrailroadstationandonpublicroadeightmiles:from--Statesville....Near,good schoolsandmailroute.Price low and terms easy ct.31.ZEB V.LONG,Atty ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as administrator of the estate ‘of N.F.Hartness,deceased,this isonotifyallpersonshavingclaimsagainstsaidestatetopreseftthemtotheunder- signed on or before the It¢th day of April, 1916,Of this notice will.be plead in bar of 26 Al)perseta |indebeed-to-~seid estate are required to make immdeiate set- tlement.J.D.HARTNESS,R.T.Weatherman,Atty Administrator. April 10,1914. COMMISSIONER’S SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of an order of theSuperiorCourt,made in the special pro- ceeding entitled,M.FE.Troutman &C.L.Troutman,administrator and others,vs.Dora 1.Sutter and others,the undersigned com- missioner will on MONDAY,MAY lith,1914, at 12 o'clock noon,sel!at public auction tothehighestbidder,at the court house door in Statesville,N.C..the following describedtractofland,lying and being in Iredell coun ty,N.©,and bounded as followa:viz:Be-sinning at a stone,E.F.Stewart's corner,and runhitig with his line west 61 1-2 poles to @ stone,formerly a pine;thence south 6 :thenee north 1%SI poles to a maple,said Stewart's cor-ner;thénee north 1 1-2 degrees cast 116 1-2‘poles’tom pine knot,J.G)Sharpe's corner>.Mane south 87 degrees eastineknotinMorrow's line; east E.Simpson Becomes District Su- senieenahaperimtendent..----idicilcthalidlessposeeon _WHEN YOU MAKE AN INVESTMENT careful consideration is giyen as to thesoundnessofthepropositionandalsothatthefuturestabilitymaybeassured. When You Deposit Your Money in a Bank the same careful consideration should be used,and you should be satisfied as to thestrength,ability and reputation of the cus-todian of your funds. This Bank Offers You All These Requirements. L0 4 0 04 4 A KA CAPITAL,(005 )02.0...»$100,000.00 iy)SURPLUS AND PROFITS —36,000.00RESOURCES.,...........759,000.00 “THE BANK FOR YOU.” $100,000)PtSi)dee Pee ROLeley People's Loan &Savings Bank. CAPITAL $50,000. ~~™Phis Bank -dees-a-general-banking and-col—~-=lecting business and will pay special atten-° tion to its Savings Department and encour-age in every way possible the opening ofsavingsaccounts,no matter how small.You can start an.account in this departmentwithassmailanamountas$1 which willbearinterestat4percentcompoundedquar-terly.Start an account now,not only foryourself,but every member of the family.Money Gepontted in this way grows by leapsandbounds.It not only encourages habitinthriftandeconomybutmakessurepro-tection for old age and a “Rainy Day.”Come around and see us.Every detail ofthemanagementofthisBankisyoursfortheasking.wid GEO.H.BROWNO.L.TURNER President. Cashier. —_—eEuli SPECLA LS FOR a Saturday and Monday We have added some special features for these two days in our Closing-Out Sale and expect to make these days the best yet. Lots and lots of good things here.Also arrivals of new goods,which are put in withothers,all to go in at sale prices,whichmeansabigsavinginpricetoyou.Our stock.of Slippers and Shoes is large.We have prices on this line that s orthemselves..Don’t fail to see them.Ifyouneedanyatallitwillpayyou.Truly, o— ! Poston-Wasson Comp’y.. CONTINUED USE BY THE SAME PEOPLEIS THE STRONG- E3T POSSIBLE ARGUMENT IN FAVOR OF YOUR TRYING ———FOR SALE BY--——~- Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware Co., Statesville,N.C. If YOU NEED A CLOCK.IF YOU NEED A WATCH,IF YOU NEED A KODAK,IF YOU NEED CUT GLASs,IF YOU NEED SILVERWARE, SuennnaenmanelHH.B.WOODWARD, n nner : es -ESTIMATES ON PIANOS®©{THE & The output of piano factories is immense.p These pianos must be’put in suitable storag *month, Three With ‘Axe-Cots. =er —Jenni April |7—Mrs,RB.RB.Ten-Year-Old —Boy Heroic}Trivitte is very low with a complica-|as 5 Stunt.HOR >2 |tion of ae toni eal _:His Steno:euanee foe eyriting vane|oa ky Mount Sp :-to Char.|doubtful.e has ’ae p ¢i ‘.is Advertninione a ian lotte Gbeariea igh Sk ae health quite awhile and a few woeks|—F aAhouseforstorageinStatesville,N,C.costsyer month§23.00 :|Phe foresight andcoolnessin pee ago she had a sudden breakdown and|_eS te Tai ;aot 3WhenPaintScales—Bills!_ A how dr indict sent Roney enspean has been on the decline ever cince.ain ee Reig lraty conte SeatRal We tore for he seen aaa |_The first paint scale’is a angersignal.Moisture seeps through,the * irsia Store house in «cityAManagertoconductthat housecostspermonth fuictuters have establishedadepository in Statesvilie,va }Bright Burgess has been sick for al’Manaluctuters hav Ga tik tae Tou Titulo car week but is some better at -present.{ and a five-year-old brother and je}He has internal ear trouble. were not seriously injured,if ©not Mrs,E.V.Burgess has been sick}. killed,Sunday,an with la grippe. .;fing cusw-.C.,saving the difference In above expenses,giv Sas the advantage of the same in prices,with J.8.Leonard, Mapager.Buy your Pianos,Organs and smal!Musical lnstru- ments,Songbooks for Public Schools,Sunday Schools,ete,fromJ.S.LEONARD,Statesville,N.C. \ONE MORE WEEK IN WHICH YOU MAY JOIN OUR {Christmas Savings Club. Club will close Monday,April 13th. Come in and join any day this week, or next Monday.The payments are easy,and the plan is a sure way to have money for Christmas. ~icaTheclub will mature December 14th —just in time for your Christmas Shopping. Merchants &Farmers’Bank of Statesville.“THE BANK FOR YOUR SAVINGS.” —jFOR SALE! 23 acres in Harmony,centrally located,close to State High School. The youth,with sister and.brother,was in a buggy,drawn bya fieryhorse,when a break:in the harnessoccurvedatapointneartheThomasstreetintersectionofMain*street.The horse dashed off,the harness wasrentintopieces,but sufficient re.mained together to dreg ‘the bbehindhimainamaddash’downFalls road,.The 10-year-old youth ‘crowdedbrotherandsisterlengthwiseacrosstheseat-and taking a Seat on top ofthem,for this was the only’possiblewaytheycouldhavebeenheidinthebuggyasitswayed.from one sideof‘the road to the:other,while’thefrightenedhorse.found his way be-tween the dense traffic of Sip af-ternoon on this toad.At every pointdowntheroadforamileeffortsweremadetoheadthehorseoffandbreakitsmadrun,but they were of no availandautomobilesthatfollowedinpur-suit,expecting every minute to seethechildrenprecipitatedtotheearthwithseriouscasualities,proved ef nohelpinconqueringtheanimal. "The youth,appearing in no waydismayedat.bis nerilous position andnotintheleast‘effected by the shoutstohim,stuck tothe reins and astrideofhishumanseatheldthehorseintheroaduntilhewasfinallycon-quered within a stone’s throw of thecountryhomeofW.E.Jeffries afteramadrunofmorethanthreemiles, South American Agent For Southern and Other Roads. To aid Southern merchants and,)manufacturers to extend their trade with Central and.South American countries and the West India Islands,particularly the new fields to:be opened by the Panama canal, through South Atlantic and Gulfports,President Fairfax Harrison announces that the Southern railway, the Cincinnati,New Orleans and ta few days ago. Nearly everybody is being -vacci-nated for fever.The doctors bookasmuchormore.fees thig year,Ithink,as their average fever fees,but after this year it will not be somuchinthiscommunity,*i Dr.V.F.Couch made a record runHelefthomeat11 a.m.,traveled 70 miles,answered 6ealls,vaccinated 41 people and gothomeby6p.m.Of course he was in his machine,aRev.E..N,Gwyn has been quite feeble most of the pe winter,not being able to attend church much.Miss Ethel York is visiting ‘herbrother,Mr.F.W.York,at Wington- Salem.4This_scribe is off duty with cuta- leg.Axes seem to be .dangeroustools.in the hands of the awkward, as three have been right badly cut}- in his,neighborhood,W.A.Crater, Lonnie Johnson and the writer,: Spring is very late this year.The fr trees are just now beginning to bloom but we hape«for a’good fruit crop. George are visiting Mrs,.Welborn’s:sister;Mrs...M.HL Martin,at Elkin,———ata The Needlessness of War and theCosttoNorthCarolina. Dr.P.P.Claxton,United States commissioner of.education,in an ad- dress at the meeting of.the North Carolina Peace Society in Greens-boro last wegk,says the Daily News,made an exhaustive survey of worldconditionsforthepurposeofein- phasizing the needlessness of .war.All reasons for war,he~declared,have been.dissipated by the bright searchlight of -selence;men ~have come to the view that their mission oh the earth is to construct and con-serve instead of to destroy and’de- vast,and the money expended forwarpurposesisneeded,‘and wouldbeoffarmoreadvantagetopeople, Mrs.M.M.Welborn and Master = wood swells,crac ys.house goes down in value,-Lewis White Lead @utchBoy PainterTradeMark) and pure linseed oil paint doesn’t scale.Itformsanclastic,won’t-crack film that keepsvaluesupandcutsoutrepairs,It can be tinted the color you wish foryourhouse.Its beauty lasts for years. We carryDutch BoyWhiteLeadand Linseed Oil as well as TintingColorsandotherpaintandpaintingrequisites.Seeus for quality, Lazenby-Montgomery Hdw.(0,4 mo Statesville,N.C. The Important to Farmers !) If you want top prices for your cotton seedbringtheminatonce, as we expect to shut down mill for the sea- > Twenty acres in cultivation,balance in woodland,level and productive.Large stock barn and out-buildings,fine orchard.An ideal locationforanyonewhodesirestogetclosetoPoodschoolandontruckfarm.280 acres with one two-story,7-room dwelling in beautiful location,three room tenant house,large stock barn and out-buildings.Goodorchard,one-fourth mile of school,14 miles of churches;125 acresincultivation,balance in oak and pine timber,100 acres enclosed inpas-ture most of which is bottom land and makes fine pasture the year’round.A fine stock farm,red land,generally levet and productive.91 acres with four-roomcottage,barnand out-buildings,near churchandschools,3}miles from Harmony High School.Forty-five acresincultivation,level and productive,balaace in woodland. Texas Pacific,the Alabama Great Southern and Mobile and Ohio haveappointedasSouthAmericanagent, Mr.Charles Lyon Chandler,who hasbeenSouthAnjiericancommercialexpertintheconsularbureauoftheStateDepartment.His-office will be at Chattanooga,Tenn. Mr.Chandler has had years of ex- perience in Latin-American ¢oun-tries and is thoroughly acquaintedwiththeirmarketsandtheneedsof in the great work of construction towhichhuman.endeavors are today bent. With the statement that North Carolina furnishes $5,000,000 annual- ly to war purposes,73 per cent of the internal revenue being appropri- ated to building’6f navy and mainte- nance of army,Dr.Claxton addedthatthismoneyinthisStatewould provide annually $500,000 each for the University;the Normal,the Ral- son about April 15th,after which time thepricewillbeconsider-ably lower.We want the seed,you want the money or its equiva- ERNEST-. For further information call on or write, PHONE 23. INSURANCE,STOCKS,ANDREALESTATE.OFFICE NO.1,MILLS BUILDING. +NUNNALLY’S 19. FRESH FINE CANDIES ! FOR EASTER. THE POLK GRAY DRUG CoO., “On the Square” Prescription Specialists.109—’PHONES—410 HAVEYOU A CAMEO? If you have not you are well high out of therunning._We have them,all kinds and in allshapes.The stone as well as the shell CameoinScarfPins,Pendants for neck chains,Brooches,Bracelets and Rings.you things andwill — We will be glad to showmakenoverystrongtionstosellingyousomeofthem. .R.H.Rickert &Son,Jewelers, objec- NEW SERIES! The 55th Series in the First BuildsociationofStatesville,N.( ing and Loan As-+»Opened on Saturday,February 7th,1914, if you want to own your own hommoneytopaydownforbuildorbuythroughtheyoucanpayforitwithre stock any time. e and haven’t theit,subscribe for-stock andBuildingandLoan,wherentmoney, Come in and talk the matter over. Yow can take iH.V.Furches,"Phone 190.-we .Secretary and Treasurer. their peoples.He wil]advise South- ern merchants and manufacturers astowheretheirwarescanbesold,will | aid them in the preparation of let- ters and circulars,and advise ’as to the methods of packing:required for different markets.Mr.Chandler will keep in touch with commércial bodies in Central and Soquth Ameri- can countries and their diplomatic representatives at Washington and will be able to give Southern busi- ness men the earliest possible infor- imation in regard te gevernment and fother large contracts to be let.He j will also immediately begin a cam- |paign in Latin -American markets lealling attention to goods that can }be supplied from the South and thejadvantagesofshipmentthrough |Southern ports, The Southern Buying New Steel Coaches. Washington Dispatch,7th.. “Following his statement of Feb- way financing,President Fairfax Harrison today announced that with the proceeds of $5,000,000 of equip-~ ment trust notes,Southern Railway has just contracted for 60 locomo- tives,54 all steel passenger train cars,and 4,075 freight ‘train.cars,largely of’*Stéel construction. Of’the locomotives,45 will be oftheheavyMikadofreighttype,five of the Pacific passenger type;13 six-wheel switchers,and two eight- wheel switchers.They will be built in accordance.with the .latest andmostimproveddesignsandwillbe similar to motive power of the sametypesnowinserviceonthelinesof the Southern Railway where traffic isheavicst, The all steel passenger equipmentincludes35coachesofthelargestandlatesttype,electrically lighted,fourdiningcars,five combination passen-ger and baggage cars,five mail and express cars. The 4,095 freight train cars will in-elude 2,200 30-ton-steel underframeventilatorboxcars,1,050 30-ton steelunderframeboxcars,with 500 50-tonallsteelflatcars,200 cabooses,100steelunderframestockears,and 25stcelunderframepoultrycars.‘nepensermecnneenmaenstenntnersteneesn In nine months ending March 21therewerebuiltintheUnitedStates881sailing,steam and unrigged ves-|sels of 215,059 gross tons,a decrease|of 233 vessels compared with the cor-responding period in 1913.Of thetotalvessels.built 479 were con-structed on thé Atlantic and Gulfcoasts. LUCAB:COUNTY, Frank J,Chetiey makes oath thatbe&er eyingAS phe.firm ideney\usiness inCityofToledo,County end State afore-wald,and that said firm rare thewomofONEHUNDREDDOLRsforeachandeverycaseofCatarrhthathotbecuredbytheuseofHall's i“ure,»FRANK J,CHENEY.me and subsctibed6thdayofDe-=Wena,yrand Saat ame SheraansMucouscurtanseofthesyatefn.send&CO.,Tolede,©, for testimonials.F,J.GHSoldbyall druggists,74. ruary 20 in regard to Southern Rail-|* baggage cars,and Wve bippage ane) STATE OF OHIO,CITY OF TOLEDO,|Gardui eigh A.and M.,$150,000 to the ne-gro A.and M,,enable the establish- ment of a large number of highschools,agricultural schools and put$1,000,000 to’the ‘public education fund;or ke used in a great health campaign or in road building which would mean vast returns and great improvements. SOME DON’TS For.Stomach and Liver Sufferers Dont take mediynentsmornoxmedicinesdigestthe Don't permit a surgi always serious danver in n¢cases of Stomach,Liver and Intestinal Ailments be avoided if the right remedy is ne for y¥d nigt nd with a foul smelling breathsorderedStomachandLiver,to the discomfort of those you come in contact with. If you are a Stomach Sufferer don’t think youcannotbeheiped,probably Wotse cases than youss have been restored by Mayr’s Wonderful :ach }dy ‘St stomach ailments are mainly caused bya catarrhal conaition.Mayr’s Wonderful Stomach Remedy not only removes the catarrhal mucous,bat ailays the chronic inflammation and assistsinrenderingtheentirealimentaryandintestinal tract arrtiseptic,and this is the secret of its mar velous sticcess,‘Don't sufier constant pala and agony and allow your stomach ailments to physically under.mine your health..No matter how severe your case may be or how long you have suffered—onedoseofMayr’s Wotderful Stomach Remedy should convince you that you can be restored tohealthagain.Mayr’sW onderfalStomach Remedy has been taken and is highly recommended byMembersofCongress.Justice of the SupremeCourt,Educators,Lawyers,Merchants,Bankers,Doctors,Druggists,Nurses,Manufacturers,Priests,Miristera.Parmers and people in allwalksoflifeiSendforFREEyalnablebookletonStomachaSGeo,E.Mayr,154-156 Whiting St, Oy ‘Por sale tn Statesville,N.C.by theStatesvilleDrogCo.(two stores),and“SEVERE PUNISHMENT ee OfMrs.Chappell,of Five Years’ Standing,Relieved by Cardui. _—_— Mt.Airy,N,C.—Mrs.Sarah M.Chaflofthistown,says:‘‘]suffered forveyearswithwomanlytroubles,alsostomachtroubles,and my Punishmenta8morethananyonecouldtell. 1 tried most every kind of medicine,but none did me any good. man’s tonic,and }decided to try it.1hadnottakenbutaboutsixbottlesuntilIwasalmostcured.[t'did me more|than all the other medicines|hadied,put together, My friends began aski me why flookedsowell,and |tol them aboutSeveralarenowtakingit.”Do you,lady reader,suffer front anyoftheailmentsduetowomanlytrouble,such as headache,backache,sideacheooandthateverlastinglytired If so,let us urgeyou to give Cardul a+Wefeel confident it.will help you,as it has a million other women in past half century. Begin taking Cardul to-day.You‘won't regret it.All druggists. forWomen,”in ag a ‘lent,so get busy. IMPERIAL COTTON OIL COMPANY. *PHONE 205. WE HAVE (ur Implement Room Stocked With Latest Improved Farm Machinery. -Chattanooga and Syracuse Hand Plows, Deering Mowers and Binders, New Union Corn Planters,John Deere Corn Planters, Sunny South Corn Planters,Avery Corn Planters,Keystone and Hallock Weeders,Barrel and Bucket Spray Pumps, Tongueless Reversible Harrows,Rigid Tongue Harrows,Steel Drag Harrows,Lime and Sulphur Solution,Geo.E.Nissen Wagons,Corn Stalk Catters, Riding Cultivators,Walking Cultivators,Gaano Distributors,Bluebell Separators,Y Chattanooga Disk Plows,“on <nomnnneeeliignre Spreaders; Please Return Road Scrapers,Our Wire Stretchers Hay Rakes. Iredell Hardware Co. ‘s a y e y Av y Uo Sa o u g go r 10 4 Yy s y I read one day about Cardui,the wo-7|MonumentsandTombstones “y That is My-Business. Best material,first-class work,lowest prices and satisfaction. guaranteed or no pay. If you need anything in my line be sure to see or write me before you oer as Tom prepared to protect your interests. Askyour neighbors who have bought work from me and see what they say, I appreciate your neighbors’business and will likewise appreciate yours,X YARDS AT STATESVILLE,.N..C.,AND MOORESVILLE,N,C.ZEB DEATON,Proprietor TR ee ares cer ame ai Sa atea = gE Rmpmmercial Nation OF STATESVILLE,N.©. CAPITAL PAID $100,000.00SURPLUS.”31,000.00 Bauking is a necessary institution in the develop-ment and welfare of nations.It is likewise a.neces-sary institution in the development aud.progress ofanycity,town or commurity.naAnaanusefulnesstoacommunitydepebds uponitsabilityandwillingnesstotervethelegitimatebusinessrequirementsforloananddiscountaccom-modation and to provide a safe depository for com- mercial and savings deposits.The COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK is a localinstitution.with large capital and surplus,farniehes good security to depositors and with resources ofover$600,000 has the willingness to serve this com- munity in every’branch of legitimate banking.Be-lieving in this community,our policy ie,and has al- ways been,progressive and constructive,assisting~ in-every legitimate way in the ‘advancement of the’agricultural,manufacturing and commercial devel-opment of Statesville and [redell county.Our de- posits are local and our loans are likewise tocal andmadetoindividualsandlegitimateandworthylocalenterprises. To our customers we furnish check books free,render statements or balance pass books at the end of each month,make loags and discount paper upon security satisfactory to our board and in such amounts as business requirements and responsibility warrant,We pay interest at the rate of4 per cent per annum on time and sayings deposits remaining three months or longer. Upon these bases we solicit your business.W.D.TURNER,E.MORRISON,Vice President,D.M.AUSLEY,“as Cashier.G.E,HUGHEY,—Assistant Cashier. “-_—President. Ap SENATORS TO BE ELECTED. The Terms of Thirty-Three ExpireThisYear—-Must Be ElectedthePeopleUndertheNewAment.” Washington Dispatch. Thirty-three United States Sena-tors will be elected this year by di-rect vote of the people,in the firstgeneraltestofthe17thamendment to the constitution,fTermsof31SenatorsexpireMarch3,next,and in addition tothesesuccessorsmust-be chosen tothelateSenatorJohnstonofAla-bama and the late Senator Bacon ofGeorgia.In each State two Sena-tors will be elected.In Georgia,be-sides a successor to Senator Baéon,there will be a contest over the seat of Senator Hoke Smith,who is a can- didate to retain his seat.In Ala- bama,besides.the election of a suc-cessor to Senator Johnston.fortheregularternybeginningMarch4!next,there will be a Senator chos-'en to fill his unexpired term,who will| ;sit until March 3,19165,only.“In|Louisiana,although Senator Thorn- jton’s term.expires,there will be-no election because RepresdntativeBroussardalreadyhasbeenelectedtotheLouisianasect. Warnin g Against Incubator’“Fresh” Eggs.PWashington:Dispaten.°°The Department’..of .Agriculturechargesthatmanypoultryraisersareputtingonthemarketinfertile eggs that have been tested in incuba-ters from.three days to a week.’Assoonasthebreederfindsthattheeggswillnothatchhetakesthemoutandsendsthemtomarketalongwithhisfreshspringeggs.The Depart-ment avers that after the ergs havebeenintheinewbatorforthis.periodtheyare“distinetly,stale,”and adds:“The mixing.of incubator ergs withthefresh.spring eggs leads the eggpackerstocutthepricetheypaythefarmer.The farmer who.sellé incu-bator eggs to the dealer therefore isveryliabletoinjurehisownmarketforfresheggs,” beeereseneraeme see ntneenteiarennaritee) Theodore Burton ‘announces he willnotbeacandidateforre-election toUrtedStatesSénatefromOhio.Thinks it best for his party not toaskforitagain: Scratched 40 Years Used D.D.D., All Itching Gonet Of the sitting members of the Sen- ate whose terms expire,17 are Re-publicans and 14 Democrats.‘In the!Alabama and the Georgia elections,| Democrats are certain to be chosen.Senators whose terms expire are?Democrats —George E.Chamber-}lain,Oregon;James P.Clarke,Ar-kansas; da;Thomas P.Gore,-Oklahoma;Fiancis..G.Newlands,Nevada;Lee!8.‘Overman,North Carolina;Benja-min F.Shively,Indiana;Ellison D.|Smith,South Carolina;Hoke Smith, Georgia;John Walter Smith,Maery- land;Marcus A.Smith,Arizona; William J.Stone,Missouri;Charles}S.-Thomas,Colorado;John R.Thorn-|ton,Louisiana. Housekeeping Is Not theTaskItUsedtoBe M ‘wie oe invention has done awaywithmuch‘of the hard work.For instance,the cleaning andpolishingofhardwoodfloors,the dustingofmoldings,the tops of high furniture,the stairs,unaer the radiator,etc.These back-breaking tasksradeé¢asy with the 0 édarMo With it you can dust,cleanand ‘polish a hardwood floor in Polish the time it formerly took you to get ready to do it.Besides,you do not have to get down on your hands and kneesto dust ~under the bed or other hard-to-get-at places,ortostandon@chairtodustthetopofthehighfurniture.Afi of the hard work is now madeeasywiththeO-Cedar Polish Mop.It gathersallthedustordirtfromeverywhereandboldskk.ThemopiseasilycleanedbywashingandthenrenewedbypouringonafewdropsofO-Cedar Potish. ‘‘Try &two whole days withTeyItatOurRiskSoo.Soe wavedonotfinditswistactoryineveryrespectwewillttemyourmonty.The price ls only $1.$0 andit will save ies price many(pesoverin a short time ‘All size Bottles and Cans are } Statesville Housefurnishing Co. Statesville Realty &Investment Co. 19064 1913 On October 31,1913,we closed our seventhyearofbusiness.We take this occasion tothanktheloyalpatronsofourcompanyforthebusinesstheyhaveentrustedtousdur-ing that time and we believe we have givensatisfactiontoallofolrcustomers.Hav-ing grown out of infancy into mattire’man-hood in the INSURANCE BUSINESS.weaskforacontinuanceofyoursupportandinfluence, Remember “We Insure Anything Insurable.” mom We write all classes of BONDS,and.thussaveyoutheembarrassmentofapplyingtoyourneighborforsuch.Writeus your needs. J.F.CARLTON,Manager. Sooo. Prevent ColdsandGrippe BY USING = QUIN ACETOL. 25 CENTS PER BOX i A Republicans—William 0.Btadley,|Kentucky;James H.Brady,Idaho;|Frank B.Brandegee,Connecticut;| Joseph L.Bristow,Kansas;re3yn,Ohio;Coe I.Crawford,Albert B.Cummins, liam P.Dillingham,Ver-Jacob H.Ballinger,New}pst Asle J.Gronna,North ;Wesley L.Jones,Washing-’ Penrose,Pennsylvania; Perkins,Californiay Elihu York;Lawrence ¥,-Sher- Reed Smoot,.Utah; I s renson,Wiscousim, {f tl Republic whose are candidates to suc-lves.Of the Democrats}‘s expire,all except Sen- ator Tho are candidates toe Suc |ceéd themselves. ;|; ;i |Buffalo Shoals Plant to Be “Complete |ed Within Two Years. Catawba County News,6th. Mr.T.A.Jamison;vice president and general manager,of the Harda way Construction Company,stopped over in Newton on Friday last be- jtween trains, |While here he stated that all the work on their railroad to their site j}above the Island Foard thad been|completed and that they would have} |their track laid within less than ten} jdays.They are now ready to begi | jthe work of excavation for their I reat dam which will be,when co: {pleted,more than 1,600 feet ! |85 feet high and will back the w: jof the Catawba river eight n forming a beautiful ~inland |They will develop 2,600 horse jand next to Whithey will be greatest,power plant in the |The location of this dam is fiv: jabove Catawba,at the site of t Morrison mill place,a few h | *)in |the mild wash that gives instant reliefi}forms of akin--trouble,“leanses the skin of all tmpurities-<w hes Duncan U.Fletcher,Flori-'E “If We Cant | } |Plumbing and Electric Supplies. i Jan,29, _This is the actual experience of AnneCrn,Santa Rosa,Cal,with the won-«|D.D.BD.Preseription,rDD.D.is the proven Eezema Cure away blotches and pimples,;the skin as smooth and healthy.@s that of a child,Get a 60c bottle of this wonderful1Curetodayandkeepitinthe Jeay rouseWek that.D.©,Dy-witt :ts Cinimea eas i ©,D.-with de oththag O ‘N ‘ompadoqnyg‘hueduiog Sniqy Avi a0g i Stop YourakinTrouble With Our New RemedySaxoSale |Don’t Wait Until theLast | $B re reoCRNOl FEOa oaBE Minute to Buy Your Easter Toggery! There are only four more days between now and Easter Sunday.As Easter approaches the.capac-ity of our store will be packedandyouwillnothavetimetogo over,leisurely,our stocks andmakeyourselectionstothebestadvantage. We Would Call Special Attention To the Suits,Coats,Dresses... “Skirts ‘and Waists in Ready-to-Wears,Men’s Neckwear and Shirts.Shoes,Pumps and (Oxfords as well as lots and lotsofsmallwearsinthenovelty department. ®4 Send Us Your Mail Orders.dl They'll have right of way and sent to you immediately all charges prepaid. RAMSEY-BOWLES-MORRISON CO.§ THE STORE WITH THE PARCEL POST SERVICE.: Cost of the remedy.thes. terms will you try it for any |skindisorder,itching,chafing eczema,humors,eruptions,etc.?| | Wewill pay backto oy the |2 We take all the risk—bear alltheexpenseifSaxoSalvefails. Come and Ask us about it. W.F.HALL,Druggist | Statesville,N.C. The Best For Less. C.E.RITCHIE.|| 'yards above where the Island | road crosses the river,and four miles below the Lookout S |The work will be pushed rapid completion and will be finished lless than«two years.Aboutjhandswillbeputtoworkonthe jand power houses.|aera |Lawyers Not Ready,Adjourns Court = eee VIOLIN.& FRANK WHITING, Violin,will beat Studioat Mr.FredConger’s Tuesday and saturday of Teacher of |Wilmington Special,7th,to Ral News and Observer. |After calling the docket yestiforfirstdayofcourt.and.failing t|find a single case of importance thatjcouldbetriedbecausetheattoi|Were hot ready Judge Chas.M.CojadjournedcourtuntilnextMo figure with youon your |}7 LET US next LITHOGRAPH-INGorder.Weare agents foroneOfthebestcompaniesandareinpositiontosaveyoumoney.L Statesville Printing Co. | }}|| each week from 3 to 8 p.m. | OSTONEA ;S prostnas possessing irresistible individuality in the eyes of A model for every foot.A style for $4.00 to $6.00. SHERRILL-WHITE SHOECO.(The White Co’.s old Stand:) particular men. every taste. ’Phone 208 |morning when a new docket arra dyesterdaybyacommitteefromthelocalbar“will be-taken”up,Cooke called on the members of t|dury that had been summonedwitnessesthathehadtriedfaitnftoperformeddutiesandWasunable} 1,dO,80...Tt w:Ohave been two |a of civil one otwill e only,one week now,because of the docket |not being ready, Miss Philippine Panger,89 y:old,said to have been ‘lady-in-wait-|ing to Empress Eugenie when NapoleonIITruledFrance,died TuesdatTampa,Fla.She had lived witithefamilyofGustavusWardfor|years,and formerly was Mr,War |mother’s maid.Miss Panger came totieUpitedStatesfollowingtheov«throw of the French empire,locating |in Nashville,Tenn,|}Cephas Littlejohn,a negro pris:er in the jail at Gaffuey,S.C.,wacaughtsellingwhiskeywhielisom:one had furnished to him in pint bottles.Mrs.Jane Murdock,aged 35 years,|committed suicide at her home in An-|dorson,8.Ci,Tuesday.by shootingherselfthroughthehead,Ill-hoalth|assigned,| Look to Your Plambing.You know what happens in a house in|which the plumbing is in Poor condition |everybody in the house is liable:to spatroct |typhoid or sonie other fever,.The digestiveorgansrform:.Same functions in thehuiian“body "as the”plambing does for ihehouse,and they should be kept in first classconditionallthetimeIfyouhaveanytroablea-whh yous.digestion Gane Chamber.| juize]BGLIPSE EANDTHRESHERS y |tredell "Phone No.74,Bell No,7. i meme “~ NGINES I will have some of our lateststylemachineshereinashorttinie:Come aver tne first time you are in town and see them and let’s talk it over. Cc.H.TURNER,| ’Near the Depot. As ecu THIS YEAR If you will give me your new work and repairs to your glass- és this year,I will give you the very best service aad all of us will be pleased. Hours 9{a.m.to 4.30-p.m. DR.R.W.WOODWARD,Ne,t Robbins Row,‘OPTOMETRIST,*,613 8,Center St. |Best Lineof AutomobilesinStale §° —<— 1th a thaswh cto tity dat tho FORD -—-STUDEBAKER---REO. We have just received two Studebakerfour-cylinder,five-passenger cars and oneStudebakersix-cylinder,seven-passengertouringcar.Also.two cagdoads (12)FordRoadstersandTouringcars, Studebaker Six-Cylinder Touring Car $1,575 Studebaker Four-Cylinder,Pouring Car 1,050ReoRoadster1,175ReoTouringCar1,175Ford-Touring Car 550.Ford Roadster 500 .All prices F..0.'B.Detroit,Mich.*All cars fally equippedandStudebakerandReohaveelectriclightsandelectricstarters.Come and see these cars and try them. CAROLINA MOTOR CO.,.Statesville,N.C. jain’s Tablets and you are certain to getquicksf,For sale by all dealers. imeem HELP THE HOME TOWN BY TRADING WIT dress of Gov.Craig, RK| April 10,1914. PROGRESSIVE MEETING. Pomerene Substituted For Mr.Bryan—Other Speakers—The Things to Be Contended For. At the mass meeting of Progressive Democrats in Raleigh Wednesday "Senator Pomerene of Ohio was the chief’speaker,he substituting for Secretary Bryan,who was too sick to be present,The other notable speakers were Gov.Craig and Sec- retary of State Daniels. The following report of the meet- ."jing is condensed from a report to the Greensboro News:: When the meeting of progressive Democrats assembled here ‘today at noon it was estimated that about 250 to.800 individual Democrats.were here from points outside of Releigh and with the Raleigh crowd made an audience of about 500.The feature of the morning session was the ad- who was chos- en permanent chairman of the meet- _Gov.Craig opened his address by stating that if any man had come to romote factionalism among the mocrats,he would be disappointed. He declared this was.@ meeting of Democrats,for Democrats,to consid- er the welfare of the Democratic par- ty and of mankind.He assured the audience there was no “nigger in the woodpile”—no false pretenses and no deception.After speaking on the chievements of..the party..the Gov- ernor,turning to present day prob- Jems,declared that Democracy does not come to you on what she has done but on what she will do.“Taft invited us baek to the pie,counter, but we didn’t come then,allured by ederal patronage.For 40 years we followed Democracy a5 a cloud of fire by night,but.in 1912 Democracy came back into power with Southern ideals in the ascendency and a South- ern born man in the highest office within the gift of the people.Democ- racy came back because it stood for equal rights for all men and North Carolina came back and placed in the cabinet the first citizen of the Old North State since the war.“As com- mander of the navy,his administra- tion means peace to all men,peace on earth ‘and good will to all men, don’t know that I agree with Pres- ident Wilson and his cabinet on their foreign palicy,but I do know I had rather err on the side of peace.I’m no standpat Democrat.Plain Dem- ocrat is good enogh for me,like Wil- son is a Democrat.” Gov.Craig advocated three things, a primary for all parties with ma- «-¢hinery for all;a separate commis- sion to handle tax.matters and one to handle railway and public service cor- poration matters;legislation favor- ing good roads and better sanitary conditions in the rural communities, where 80 per.cent of the people of the State dwell. He declared he did not advocate ical reform for reform’s sake but ,use it would enable the people to advance.-Ever-since 1899,he declar- ed,not a single scandal had been con- nected with our State government and he would not swap our govern- ment for any he knew of,South Car- olina included.:He referred to West- vendui were needed,In 191)«mild primary was offered,the Sen- ate and was killed in the House.In 1918 a drastic daw was submitted, passed the Senate and was killed in the House. Is the child labor legislation new +id he asked.‘‘It has-been agitated for several ‘sessions,We would not have been here in session if the -Legisla- ture was always responsive to.the will of the people.The ghost is caus- ed to arise of prohibition and T have no fear that it will be submitted and if so,the people will settle it,This is the people’s State.No man or set of men should say what we should have.Let the people of North Caro- lina say if they want the weapon.by which they can defend themselves, against those who would wreck their house.” Clarence Poe declared that the sin- cerity of this meeting would be brought into serious question if it did not submit the question.Dr.H. Q.Alexander declared that experionce had shown that reforms and progyes- sive legislation originated with the people and they had to fight to get them recognized.-He favored sub- mission of the question. Governor Oraig took the floor again and said he did not want to cause @ division,but if*necessary he wanted to state his position now on this question so his position would be tin- derstood.If the next State conven- tion wanted to submit it and the peo- ple wanted it then he would not ob- ject. P.W.Glidewell followed with an explanation that Ed.Justice made-the proposition in the Pepgisiature forthe submission of primary to the people in 1913 and was turned down.Glide- well charged that in 1908 a primary plank was written in the platform and there were not enough members in the Legislature favoring it to re- port the bill from the committee. “This meeting is to tell the truth,” he said,“and the truth is the Legis- lature is not responsive.” Capt.T.W.Mason favored the in- itiative and referendum,but was op- posed to “damning any set of citi- zens”for accepting employment from the railroads..He thought this too severe when railroads operate in this State.This was.class legislation,too small for this body to consider or support. ‘As the debate continued it became a sort of confessional of those who held railway passes.J.A.Bolick, House member from Polk,a railway engineer,objected to the pass section because it would demand surrender of an -engineer’s seniority and be a serious blow to him.He denied that he served the railway company in the Legislature.,Will Dalton of Reids- ville had a pass but was willing to surrender it;Curtis Muse of Moore, a candidate for the ‘Senate,offered to surrender 32 annual passes if elected. Crawford Biggs of Durham admitted being an ex-railroad attorney and thought the passes should be surren- dered.He thought it should apply to lawyers,engineers and all employes, Some one su the newspapers, too.The whole platform was then adopted as reported from the com- mittee,and the summary follows: First.All nominees,State,Federal and county,should be chosen on a common day for all parties,expense accounts should be limited and ex- penses published before and after ern governments as being too far away from home to consider and de- dared that the Democratic party had always been reasonably respousible | to the demands of the people.“Tm | _for a primary—we have one in all} important matters—let’s have it for all the people,and an act that will in-| sure against all manner of corrup-| tion.” He declared that railroad rate) structure must be reformed in justice’ to all parties and this work should} be left to one commission while an- other commission should provide ma- chinery for levying and collecting taxes.The first work should go to the corporation commission and the gecond to a new commission.The Governor’s address was liberally ap- plauded. District Attorney Francis D.Wat- son,at the conclusion of Governor Craig’s speech,offered a set of reso- jutions highly indorsing the Wilson administration in all matters,and-the-course.of the State’s .Senators election. Second.Urges ratification of con- stitutional amendment for tax re- form,larger inheritance and other taxes, Third.Amendments limiting local and private legislation. Fourth.Favors six:months’school term for all,and upholding,and.ex- tending health work. Fifth.Applauds enforcement of liquor laws and favors law holding criminally liable those who rent prop- erty for illegal purposes. Sixth.Favor highway commission and enacting State highway bill,and putting convicts on roads,and op- pose working them on railroads whether stock in such railroads is good or bad;favor indeterminate sen- tences and parole system. Seventh.Continue freight rate fight,inter and intra-State,recom- mending two commissions,one for tax matter and the.other for.public service corporations. HOW STRONG SHOULD the Fifth,has been building cars for’ 27 years. strong a car should be,that man is to the pemor’‘ as any man who ever trod her 2, Secretary Daniels predicted : Democracy was facing @ f r State,the question being,“Shall Wi Go Forward?”He decla’| party should destroy the political ma- chine In this State.°MLE cK Ex-Judge A.W.Graham of Oxford, in’introducing Senator Pomerene, made a review of the Democratic ad- ministration and praised:the State administration,especially of Gov. Craig.He declared this meeting was toserve notice on future law ; that North Carolina does not intend to be laggard,that no longer will per- sonal.interests of one man or 8¢ men be paramount.He advocateda primary,better system of taxation, batter regulation of public service corporations and larger participation of all people in affairs of the govern- ment...He cited Ohio’s recent pro- gressive activities and-pra the work.of Senator Pomerene.. Senator Pomerene,in ©4 praised Mr.Daniels as Secretary of the Navy,declaring that.‘so long as he was at the head of the navy there would be no scandal.He also had words of commendation for Senators Simmons and.Overman and our Rep- resentatives and declared Mr.son the greatest President since Lincoln, Most of his speech was devoted’to telling of reform legislation in Ohio, He declared:the.initiative and refer- endum the best policeman’s club ever held over a legislator.ae Biltmore Estate Re-Opened Tues- day. Aahaville Citizen;4th-—= After being close¢to the public for a month following the death of the master of Biltmore,the estate which surrounds.the magnificent mafsion of the late George W.Van-| derbilt-will be opened to the public) today.As before the death of Mr.} Vanderbilt,the drives through “the estate.will be available only on Tuesdays,Thursdays and Saturdays. The Biltmore estate is one of the principal points of interest here and thousands of visitors to the metrop- olis of the Land of the .Sky have driven over many miles of good roads which traverse the holdings of| the late Mr.Vanderbilt.During the month that the estate has been clos- ed as a token of respect for the man who developed it,many visitors have| been disappointed at their inability to visit the estate and view the finest private home in the United States. With the opening of the estate to- doy it is expected that many visit- ors will go through the propertyt It is announced by the management that the public will be subject to the same regulations that were in effect prior to the death of Mr.Vanderbilt. LCI, Home Rule Bill Being Pushed On to Passage.ae By a majority of 80,in the British Parliament Monday night,an amend- ment for the rejection of the home rule bill.wax@defeated in the House of Commons and without division the bill was given for the third time its}, second reading in the House. Andrew.Bonar Law,»the opposi- tion leader,though professing in cer- tain passages of his speech to see hardly any hope of a peaceful scttle- ment and predicting that civil war was certain if the government per- sisted im pushing the bill through, declared that he and his colleagues would gladly accept a proposal for the renewal of the conversations with the government leaders,but feared that nothing would come of it. The final passage of the home rule bill,unléss amended or some compro- mise agreéd on,may mark the be- ginning of civil war in Ulster. “GOOD CARS BE? Mr.Olds Says,“They Should Be as Strong as Necessary,Then One- Half Stronger Still.” Mr.R.E.Olds,who builds REO} If any man knows how Mr.Olds. The Carolina Motor Co.,the local REO dealer,says that Mr.Olds Varied display _Let us show you,without one cent of cost to you,what the well dress- ed folks are buying here:Easter Hats,Easter Dresses,Easter Gloves,Easter Coat Suits,Easter Shirt Waists,Easter Middy Blouses, Easter Skirts,Easter Petticoats,‘Baster Belts,Easter Ties,Easter Hose,Easter Slippers,Easter Damask,Easter Laces,»Easter Um- brellas,Easter Rain Coats,Easter Handkerchiefs—in fact everything is Easter Bargains..Let us show you.Yours truly, SSMILLS&POSTON.= 1 BUY AT HOME. Tradé@j Journal.' Because my interests are here. Because I want to see the goods. Because 1 believe in transacting, business with friends.| Because the man I buy from stands back.of the goods.i Because the:cofnmiinity that.is good enough for me to live in is good enough to buy in, Because the man I purchase from |pays his part of the local taxes. Because the more those about me| prosper,the better it is for me. | HEALTHY HAIR —NO MORE DANDRUFF Use Parisian Sage. It’s entirely needless to have un- sightly,matted,thin or faded hair.'A llittle care is all that is needed to make it thick,soft,pretty,perfect- ly healthy and free from dandruff. Use Parisian Sage—it supplies hair needs and is absolutely harm- less.It quickly stops itching head and falling hair,and is one of the best tonics to imvigorate the scalp and make the hair grow long and, beautiful. Get a bottle of.Parisian Sage to- day from the Statesville Drug Com- pany or at any drug counter.It costs but 50 cents.Rub it into the scalp— all dandruff disappcars}—your —head feels fine—the hair is pretty and per- fectly healthy. Cabbage Plants. I will have plenty of Cabbage Plants next week. D.J.KIMBALL. Flowers ! The Most Beautiful Floral Designs Obtainable. While we furnish flow- ers of every kind,being our own home-grown prod- uct,we make a great spe- cialty of artistic,designs for every purpose. Enjoy NewClothes Easter We are ready for you ina big way. No matter what may be your wish or taste,we guarantee to please you, and don’t forget.that the whole week preceding EASTER is given up toa special showing of STYLE PLUS $1 -CLOTHES This is STYLE PLUS WEEK from Maine to California—a time set aside to show the men and young men of this country how stylish they can dress for only $17,and with wear and service guaranteed. We are the STYLE PLUS store in this town and will gladly show you how the makers have been able to give style,fabric and workmanship atamedium price by specializing on one suit. The big two page advertisement in the Saturday Evening Post told you to look for the STYLE PLUS WIN- DOW in yourtown.Youcan’t miss ours,but comeinand really seethe clothes.Y ‘ BELK BROTHERS, THE STORE THAT SELLS FOR LESS. "PHONE 155,° Ri t ? SE SR a E SS The Difference Between the “up-to-date” and the “out-of-date” You needn’t watch-this Range.You can trust it.Sit in the cool while i does the tvork,SoroALLENSZRRINCESS | COPPE>Y BEARING [RON RANGES havepatented points thatinsures.far.greater effici- eney,economy and.comfort than can be found ia other ranges. Heat stays in the range and out of the kitchen. gives a car all the strength it needs, and ‘then he adds 50 per cent.For Ninth.Favor demand of farmers instance,REO the Fifth has a 36- for education and instruction in bet-horsepower engine.All the factory ter system of rural credits and mar-tests for every driving part are based keting,teach agriculture in public}/°"®50-horsepower engine. schools.:At the REO factory an entire Tenth.Favor child labor legisla-wees Ree seal to tests and tld be!tion prohibiting children under 14]27809008.°°eee he twice analys- :Se too parecreg to the stand:|years working in factories and males ed.chines have-been devised for during the afternoon ra aati ae so and women “aed Rats wey TO uelitee.The bethe-evenine sieusienbe~d |girls at night .at ere to speeches o Sesstor Pon devoted|"Ereverth.Without “commnrttting™thispace famachines,to.test gears.U :omerene of|meeting to any form,we recommend There are vibrating machines to test oe te Ohio and Josephus Daniels.linitiative and referendum.springs.Thera are Dynomometers Van Lindley ( At the night meeting,after Sena-a iingeeka.4 Twelfth...._Preventing.-pass-toters.to test engines. ‘omerene had ‘spoken,the resolu-|and employes of corporations accept-|Ti addition,there are~reckless FLORISTSTO THE SOUTH, GREENSBORO,N.C. i k isc 2tionstobeadoptedwerediscussedA.)ing legislative,judicial and congres-road tests.Cars are driven at high \°Gov.Craig took the floor and made|,;.F f iP speed for 1 i @ vigorous speech in opposition tolton cee man.poe Re:atasead.18 oa anti reais he Moe caekaa ®ighth,»Press insurance investiga- and Representatives.in upholding |tions to completion him.The resolution was adopted. Judge J.Crawford Biggs offered a _resolution,which was adopted,pro- viding for a standing committee of 21 on resolutions,that all resolutions be in writing and all amendments al- so in writing;that all resolutions be All orders promptly ex- ecuted,and the workman- ship is the very best knowntothefloralbusiness. Orders by telegraph or*phone have immediate at-tention. in car building. a, en Yemperature even and consis- tent with less fuel.r Pipe back of warming closet,Reservoir adjoins fire box,hot lessening heat radiation.water instantaneously. Made from copper bearing iron that insures added Ife and ser- vice.It looks as good as itacts.‘Ask thecook,”’ Crawford-Bunch Furniture Co. Allen Manufacturing Company,Nashville,Tenn. the submissio initiative and| ialictndaes.Hie declared that “hd Thirteenth.Favoring conservation|Parts are expected to come through not believe sentiment favored as b jof national resources,forest,fisheries|that test in practically new condition. Wwiasion ai this time.The Stat sub-|and game.Mr.Olds is,no doubt,an extremist, e State had|fourteenth.Appoint.committee ofgotalongverywellinthepast,since|¢ the Democrats came into jouer Talane oe ee Pe asked if you believe in the initiative|At the ni ae connie h j and va aoe then why,not in the|were the Seer ot tearetaty Cemdl bil of ata wun te oe primary }iels and Senator Souendan auil ths |RAT ot 29a Stein Kees repo th seas commit proval of the legislators.A law that ee cae See,verano ReteieeGeenfindeit»felony for even Re |people,giving an attendance of about publicans to change their vote w:\7 A number of people who attend- Rae.e was of-|ed the day session left on late after- ia ":noon trains.. oe Ghee rng Govs|Clarence Poe read a tele im tSsonblydiderpenAs-lopening of the night aan”from| primary law to the people ete thé?W.J.Bryan éxpressing regret that}that he did pie.raig said |he could not attend and said:“TIT”»did not so understand.Craig |ak ” said he was not in favor of openinguptheprohibitionandetherquestions—awhich..would.follow the adoption.oftheinitiativeand©tefereridum.Hemeifnonewellshownfor oe Yobesed rteat it.of the nation on all questions wwhich.‘o uilfor meds |look to popularizing of the method ofvigorous.peech in reply to Craig.|government.”’Thereport of this committee was the But most men would like to knowthatthecarstheydrivehavewith- stood tests like these. Co. Se JUST RECEIVED!|)Fevers tor ute rane :‘‘Dee's leaveLyonsfou unprotected.Insure yor neu One hundred head of HORSES,ive ife now.Delay ngerous.Pee MARESand MULES.s Lo ay ii rae i :ey a witha pan we money at hones helping ward the upbuilding of our section and State,The SouthernLife &Trust Co.is ourcompany. “Pet'sbe loyal 10.0ur OWN,..28)y so.since we know it is the best Life Insurance Co,Give me your application.You know mer You can depend onwhat!tell you. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE.FELIX J AXLEY,-Life,Health,Accident.Over Merchants &Farmers’Bank. deeply interested in progressive leg- islation which you have under con-sideration,especially the primary] tav,1 found North.Carolina .on.the. firing line 18 years ago and I expect to see her keep pace with Democracy Alsoextra large shipment of VE- HICLES and HARNESS.Pe Henkel-Graig Live Stock Co. St deta sak ie eeekta ofiteDad Governor .Craig introduced 8rtinitiativeandref-tary Daniels as one “who hae elon MAT TMNT SATE Ceo Sa ha a RISENi VOL.XL STATESVILLE,N.C., aE DR.McLAUGHLIN IS PRESIDENT Two Statesville Physicians Made Of- ficers of.the ee ee |-ciet iene oyPapersReadDiscussed at theMeetingofDoctorsFriday.‘ About 30 sicians representingseveralcountattendedthethirdannualconventionoftheNinthDis-trict Medical Society,held in States-ville Friday,and though the attend. ance was not as large as was hopedforaridexpected,the doctors declar-ed it to be the best meeting in thehistoryofthesociety..The papers read before the convention were suchablediscussionsofthesubjectstreat- ed that it was regretted that more time was not available to engage ingeneraldiscussionsofthepapersinopenmeeting.Two of the speakers, Dr.C.*B.McNairy of Lenoir,who has recently been made superintend- ent for the School for the Feeble- Minded at Kinston,and Dr.L.B. “tiieBrayer of Ashevilic,who has becn placed at the head of the State Sani-tarium for the Treatment of Tuber- culosis at Montrose,had messages which -were important not.only tothedoctors,but the people of the community as well,but neither had time to deliver his message in full.It is probable that both will be ask- ed to return to Statesville at some future date to deliver public ad- dresses. The convention was called to order in.the court house about 11:30 o’clock by Dr.F.A.Carpenter of Statesville, president of the Iredell-Alexander Medica)Society,and the session wasopenedwithScripturereadingand prayer by Rev.J.H.Pressly.Mayor Caldwell extended a cardial welcome to the visiting physicians on behalf of the town and Dr.J.E.McLaughlin proved himself a good public speak- er in his well chosen words of wel- come on behalf of the local physi- cians.Dr.A.A.Kent of Lenoir,whorespondedtothewordsofwelcgme, made some very complimentary ref- erences to Statesville and her citi- zenship,especially the physicians. When Dr.Kent had concluded Dr. Carpenter called Dr.C.M.Van Poole of Salisbury;the president of the District Society,to the chair and the regular programme was taken ‘up.A rehearsal of the past year's work of the society was given by Dr.D.J.Hill of Lexington,the districtcouncilor,after which Dr.‘Jas.K. Hall of Richmond,Va.,read.an excel-lant papet on “Paresis,and the Im-portance of its Early.Recognition.” Dr.Hall,whois an Iredell man,a gon of Dr.E.A.Hall of Bethany township,was for some years assist- ant physician of the State Hospital at Morganton and is now the head of Westbrook Sanatorium at Richmond. His experience with paresis and his study of the disease has made him an authority on the subject and his pa- per brought favorable comment from other physicians.Dr.J..P.Monroe of the North Carolina Medical Col- lege dt Charlotte,Dr.A.J.Crowell of Charlotte and Dr.Kent of Lenoir all discussed the paper in open meet- ing and elaborated some of the points brought out by Dr.Hall.At the conclusion of the discussion of paresis the meeting adjourned until 3:30 in the afternoon.During.the recess the visiting doctors were en- tertained at dinner at Hotel Iredell by the local fraternity. The election of officers was takenupattheopeningoftheafternoon session and the society was unan- imous in its selections of Dr.J.E. McLaughlin as president and Dr.F. A.Carpenter as secretary.TheStatesvillephysiciansthushonored will have charge of the work of the society during the year and will pre- side at the next annual meeting, which will be held iri Lexington next spring.Following the election of theofficersDr.A.G.Brenizer of Char- lotte discussed “Goiter’and Hyper-thyroidism,”which was also discuas- ed by Dr.Hall of.Richmond.“Nasal Obstructions”was the subject of a paper by Dr.Carpenter of Statesville, which brought favorable discussion and comment from Dr.Cautham of Charlotte.There was a general dis- cussion of the paper on “Rupture of the Uterus During Labor,”read by Dit nal...WL...Long..«0f..Greensboro,...Lr. McNairy of Lenoir,Dr.Van Poole of Salisbury,Dr.Brenizer of Charlotte and Dr.1.W.Faison of Charlotte all erigaged in the discussion,which was very instructive.Dr.Faison read 4 per on “A Supposed Case ofheumatism”and Dr.McBrayer ofAshevillediscussedpublichealth,pre- ventive medicine and vital statis- tics.”The last speaker was Dr.Mt-Nairy,who spoke briefly of his work at Montrose,neither he nor Dr.Mc- Brayer having sufficient time to de- liver their messages. During the discussions several of the physicians referred to the greatworkofDr,H.F.Long of States- ville and his private Sanatorium,de- claring that many of the doctors knew Statesville principally as the home of this surgeon,who is making such a fine reputation.Several of the doc- tors remained here after the close of the meeting to visit the Sanatorium.The convention adjourned between 6 arid 7 o’clock and the majority ofthevisitingphysiciansleftonthe evening trains for Among the visitors,in addition tothosementionedinconnectionwiththeprogrammeintheforep paragraphs,were Doctors,W.~-T.Coman and .S..M.Crowell of Char-W.D Gilmore their hotrhes.|) +petit steno ran annette ARAM Sentient HIGH SCHOOLS AT CONCORD. eneadFirstMeetoftheSchools of the WestCentral Division—Harmony andStony.Point.Represented—lredellWonSecondPrize. The first annual meet of the westcentraldivisionofStateHighSchoolsconvenedinConcordFriday.Thisdivisionembraces20counties(includ-ing Iredell)in this section of theStateandabout70studentsand teachers,representing 15°schools,were present.The following reportiscondensedfromtheConcordTrib- une;A preliminary.recitation contest-was held--Friday.-morning..to select representatives in the final contestFridayevening.Thirteen young la- dies “participated in the preliminary contest and the following won a place in the final contest:Misses Mo- na Gaither of Harmony,Sue Hunt of Grover,Leona Harris of StonyPoint,Wilma Hergett of Unionville, Jo.Remsen of ._Huntersville,.Vi Shinn of Winecoff.Miss Hargettwasdeclaredthewinnerofthemed- el In the spelling contest,which con-sisted of 200 written words,the fol-lowing participated:Vera Turnér of Grover,Bertha Teague of Stony Point,Essie Smith,of China Grove, Pearle Carriker of Rocky River,Cary Heath of Harmony,Steven Hart of Mt.Ulla,Richard -Culbertson of Woodleaf,Charles Murph of Wine- coff.The medal for spelling was won by Miss Essie Smith of China Grove,and the medal for composi- tion by Miss Lois Winecoff of Wine- coff school. Thirteen boys participated in thepreliminarydeclamationcontestand the following were selected for the final contest:Talmage Smith of Oak Hill,Byron Keeter of Grover,F.M. Poole of Stony Point,Henry Delling-| er of Waco,Otto Klontz of Union- ville,Luther Winecoff of Winecoff Luther Winecoff won the medal. The Tribune says the exercises were interesting and creditable to the.participants.A feature was the music by the Charlotte High Schoo! Glee Club,32 boys;under the direc- tion.of Prof.R.L.Keesler. Friday afternoon the athletic con- test was held.Of this.the Tribune Says:“There wére a number of contest- ants in all the events and the scores, with the exception of the foot races,were close.In the races there was only Ranson of Huntersville. “Winecoff High School won the cup for the best team with 21 points; Huntersville second;20 points;Chi- na Grove third,15 points;Rocky Riv- er fourth,9 points;Woodleaf,6 points and Mt.Ulla one point.Hun- tersville won first in four contests and Winecoff first in four and third in one, “Earl Ranson was the bright par- ticular star of the meet.The speedy little youth won three races,the 100, 220 and 440 yard dashes,and was largely instrumental in his school’s relay team winning first in the relayrace. “Charles Murph of Winecoff ~won the shot put,38 feet.Very Earn- hardt of Winecoff -won the broad jump,18 feet.Aza Earnhardt of Winecoff won the hammer throw,34 feet.James Black of Rocky River won the running high jump,4 feet 8 inches.The other first prizes,three for the races,were won,as above stated,by Ranson.All the winners were presented with medals bearing the State seal.” Carey Heath of Iredell—Harmony High School—won second prize in spelling—a dictionary.She missed only 17 words out of the 200—100wordsbeingfromtheBluebackspel-ler and 100 from the dictionary. Mona.E.Gaither of Harmony HighSchoolwasinthefinalrecitation contest and altogether Iredell made a very creditable showing at Concord.Herbert Parish of Harmony attendedthemeetbutdidmottakepartin the contest, Court Items. In the mayor’s court Sunday Mar-shall Hudson,colored,was taxed$12.20 for being drunk and disorder- ly;and Arch.Cline,white,and rey :Sherrill,.coloreds~were”fired $5"an half costs each for an affray.In the case of C.8,Holland and J.H.Troutman,who were tried be-fore Justice Lazenby Friday for anaffray,Holland was fined $10 andTroutmanwasplacedunder$50 bondforhisappearanceatSuperiorCourttoanswerachargeofassaultwithadeadlyweapon.During the fight,which occurred Thursday at Holland’sfarmnorthoftown,Troutman struckHollandwithabroomhandle,whichwasruledbythecourttobeadead-ly weapon.5 Friday is “Clean-Up Day.”Mayor ‘Caidwell,has designated next Friday,’the 17th,as “Olean-upDay”for Statesville.The importanceofthisgeneralcleaningrannotbe stressed too much and every citizen should,for his own good as well as the general welfare,cheerfully com- ply with the mayor’s request;‘and then,when you get your premisescleankeep’em clean.Have a “Cloan-up Viel every day or every week at] eas’. Keep your premises clean,remove inlat hy his pastor,Kes.E.Myers,and THE NEWS OF MOORESVILLE. Mr.Gilleland Dead After a Brief Til-!ness—Personal Items-—Local Peli-ties More Active:7 Correspondence of The Landmark. Mooresville,April 13.—Mr,SamGillelanddiedathishomeonMr,G. M.Kipka’s farm,near Long’s school house,about 10 ’clock Saeneeer night,after an illness of only afrompneumonia.Saturday week Mr.Gilleland was in Mooresville andre-turned home that afternoon and tookhisbed,never to get out.He hadpneumoniainbothsidesandWasdesperatelysickfromthefirst.~The.deceased was <.-son of Mr:Gil- leland of Eufola and has lived in-or near Mooresville for a number ofyears.He is survived by his widow,who is a sister of Mr.J.L.HoeuttofMooresville,and three chit. dren,the youngest less than a year old.The funeral will.be this morning at 11 o'clock at Fairview! strate site dt TUESDAY,APRIL 14,1914. NO.75. DEATH OF MR.JOSEPH C.IRVIN. President of the First National BankDiedSuddenlyLastEvening—Prominent and Useful Citizen. 7.Mr.Joseph C.Isvin died very sud-denly last night about 9:30 o’clock athishomeonDavieavenue,death re-bulting from a ruptured blood vessel. Though he had begun to show signsoffailinghealth,Mr.Irvin was cbletobeabouthisdailyaffairsuptoyes- terday and his death was a distinctshocktothecommunity.While enrouteuptownyesterdaymorningabout11o'clock he suffered an attackofwhatissupposedtohavebeenindigestionand.stopped at the home of the Messrs.Kineaid.After a fewminutesheappearedtobeallright and wus breught up town by Mr.H. L.K{ncaid in an ‘automobile.TheFirstNationalBank,of which he waspresident,being elosed on account of the leval holiday,Mr;Irvin did not leave home during the afternoon, remains will be laid to rest in thechurchcemetery.A little more thanaweekagothedeceasedwasseem-ingly in his usual health and had hisspringfarmworkwellinhand.He was an unusually good farmer andwasreadytostarthiscropwhenthe pangs of pneumonia sct in. Mr,M.W.White was in Moores- ville ‘Friday looking ofter some bus-iness matters and shaking hands withfriends.He was on his.way fromCharlotte,where the night before he took the 32d degree in Masonry.MiasLucileWilliamsonofWinsten-SalemwillreturntoWinston-Salem today after spending Easter with Miss Jotte Brawley.Mrs.T.-H.Suther land of Asheland,Ashe county,re« turned home today after spendingseveralweekswithherdaugiiter.Mrs.M.R.Shoaf.Miss Stro of Yorkville,S.C.,and Miss Gi of Charlotte arrived Friday with Miss Ruth Brawley from Queen’s CollegeandspenttheEasterholidayshere.Messrs.Roy Troutman and Roy Mc- Neely,students at Trinity College, spent Easter with their parents.§. J.Craver of Winston-Salem was @ visitor here over.Sunday. Rev.C.S.Kirkpatrick started a re- vival at the Methodist church,Sun-day,which will continue for a weekormore.He will do the preachingandserviceswillbecorfuctedinthe afternoons and at night. Political matters are beginning to} take on some life in this section of the county at last.Both candidates for clerk of court—Messrgs.HartnessandDulin—were in town Saturday| shaking hands with citizens and ask- ing support.While there has been | less interest displayed in the cam-| paign than was noted on former oc-| casions it is felt that things are grow ing more lively.It is suggested here that some other horses will be in th race within a short time to enlive: the situation.The issue,as someone expressed it,will be the “ins ar outs.” Mr.Silas Steele reached here Sat urday night from Seattle,Wash.H left there Monday morning,6th. —County Teachers’Meeting Saturay. A debate by high school boys w: the feature of the meeting of the Ir: dell County Teachers’Associatic held at the court house Saturday.Th: subject was,“Resolved,that the Co: stitution of North Carolina Should b« so Amended as to Allow the Initia tive and Referendum in State-wid Legislation,”the same that was di | cussed in the recent debates held in| the high schools of the State,and the| debaters were four 6f those who en gaged in the debating contest.Her | man Brown of Troutman and James|Morrison of Scott’s represented the|affirmative and Dwight Feimster of | Scott’s and Fresca’Brown of Trout-| man spoke for.the negative.The judges decided in favor of:the affirmative. The remainder of the programmewascarriedoutasgiveninFriday’sLandmark,the following subjects beingdiscussed:“Teaching Pupils toThink,”by Miss Mabel Laugenour;“The Art of Communication,”byProf.Lunsford of Loray;“TendenciesofNovices,”by Rev.C.M,White.As most 6f the publicschools will close this month,no further meetings of the association will be held this season, Mass Meeting Bonds. A mass meeting has been called toassembleatthecourthouseFridayevening,17th,to discuss the proposed school bond issue of $25,000.This is| an important matter and every citi-|zen should attend the meeting,hear|the situation explained and express|his views if he has anything to sayTheimportantpartisanintelligent|understanding of the facts and thisshouldbehadatthismeeting.Anyway,go to the meeting,hearhowitisandifthespiritmovesyoutotalk,have your say.. Death of Mr.Clampitt. Mr.J.M.Clampitt died SaturdayathishomeatPlateau,Catawba‘county,after a long illness,The fu-neral and burial took place Sunday.Deceased is survived by his wife,oneson,Mr,E.P.Clampitt of Charlotte,| and several da Mr,and Mrs. to Discuss Schoo! the breeding places ‘of the .andtherewillSehoesflieswaaeenemenetneenenes |passé@mger train BP About 7 o’closk-in-the evening:he suf-fered another attack of indigestion and a physician was called.He did not seem to consider his illness seri- ously and was in his usual jocular mood up to the very last.He hadbecomenauseatedandwasintheactofyomitingwhenabloodvesselwassuddenlyrupturedanddeathfollow- éd instantly.The physician,Mrs. Irvin and one or two neighbors werePresentwhendeathoccurred, Irvin’s funeral will be held e time temerrow.The hour has been decided on. ph Cowan Irvin was born county June 3,1838,and s 76th year.He served in nfederate army,engaged in the Mercantile business after the war and located in Statesville in 1871.He had Bince been engaged in merchandising @nd manufacturing and for some aie had devoted his time to the irst Nationa]Bank,of which he was president.He was.for a generation @ leading citizen of the community, Was a man of high character andighlyesteemed.He is survived by wife,who was Miss Foard of Rowar -ounty. Suit in was the Against Southern and Conduc- tor Overton. *Suit has been filed in Buncombe ®ounty Superior Court,says the Ashe-~le Citizen,by Henry-J.Russell-and iza Ganes Russell against the uthern Railway Company and Wil- am S.Overton,a.well known con- ductor on the Western road,in two cases to recover the sum of $10,000 ineach. The complaint by Mr.Russell and his Wife sets out that while they were traveling from Waynesville to Marion last summer,on Southern railway. No.22,they were assatiited by Mr.Overton,the con- ductor of the train,and sustained in- juries at his hands from which they will never recover.It is further stat- ed that while the plaintiffs were seat- ed OM Ohe seat and had their bag- gage piled on a seat turned to face them,the conductor came through the coach and gruffly stated that he was |going”to”turn the seat upon which they ‘were seated;that Overton’s tone of address was so gruff and disre- pectfal that Mr.Russell took offense and said that if the seat was turned he would have to be turned with it. This the conductor insisted on do- |ing,it is claimed,and as a result Mrs. Russell,who was in delicate healthatthe‘time,sustained serious and |permanent injuries. Street Improvement Bonds Sold—Lay- ing Gas Pipe. At a special meeting of the boardofaldermenyesterdayafternoonthe alé of $80,000 of.30-year five per cent.street improvemerit bonds toCutter,May &Co.of Chicago,whomadethebestbidforthebonds.at the regular meeting of the board ten day$S ago,was approved.The pur-chasing company pays a premium of$35 and bears all expenses connected with issuing the bonds,including at- torney fees.The next highest bidderofferedapremiumof$25. Messrs.Bridgeman and Moses,the new.Owners of the gas plant,were granted permission to cross Center street with their pipe lines at or nearBelstreetwhitat“or near Water street.The gas people are aboutreadytobeginthemanufacturo.ofgasandunlesstheybuythepresentgaspipeslaidbytheformerownersoftheplant,they will immnicdiately put im new pipes.They will be al-lowed to disturb the tarvia pavement only @t the two places designated andmustputitbackingoodconditionattheseplaces, Miss Van.Buren to Lecture at the Court House Tomorrow Evening. Miss Van Buren,a member of the Ametiean Civic Association,who will visit Statesville tomorrow and Thurs- day,will lecture at the court house tomorrow ‘evening at 8:30 under theausphoftheCivicLeagueofStatesville.The public is earnestlyandCordiallyinvitedtoattend.Anadmissionof10centswillbecharg- ed, Thursday,-at an hour to be agreedon,Miss Van Buren will lecture be- fore school children at the gradedse_Miss Van Buren will leave Statesville Thursday afternoon, “whether the commander of|forces at Tampico,Mexico,‘American flag in apologyarrestofAmericanmarines depends’immediate de- from Washington. teaseranenan LIVE ITEMS OF STATE NEWS, Accidents,Crimes and Incidents of Life in the..Old-North State.R..J.Darragh and S.H.Schultz, at Lumberton charged with stealing a pair of gloves.. The State..insurance commissioner paid to the State Treasurer,from the receipts in his department,$329,546 for the year ending April 1,an in- crease of $19,156 over last year. Floyd E.Patton,for several years a postal clerk on the Western rail- road,with asrun on ‘rains 11 and 12, died Saturday at his home at Swan- nanoa,after an illness of two months: Wife and two children survive. »Fire supposed to have been caused by lightning,last Wednesday ‘morn- ing burned the barn of Cliff Putnam, a farmer living near Shelby.Three mules,a cow,a lot of guano,cotton seed meal and other feedstuff,were burned. “Dr.Charles T>Minor ana"Dr Wit= liam L.Dunn,prominent throughout the country as tuberculosis experts, will spend between $250,000 and $300,000 in the development of @ san- itarium in Asheville for the treat- ment of tubercular patignts. Cemmencement at Trinity College embraces June 7-10.Baccalaureatesermononthe9thby.Bishop Cand- ler of Atlanta.Commencement _ad- dress on the 10th by Le Baron Rus- sell Briggs,dean of the faculty of arts and sciences,Harvard:Universi-ty. For the first time a North Carolina woman has been made president of the Southern Association of College Women,Miss Elizabeth Avery Colton, of Meredith College,Raleigh,having been given this honor.She was elect- ed at the annual meeting in Louis- Ville,Ky.,last week. State Senator Hector McLean of Scotland county was paralyzed last week while attending a meeting of Fayetteville Presbytery at Carthage. He was the author of the bill that created Scotland county and has rep- resented that county in both branch- es of the Legislature. North Wilkesboro Hustler:A small farm on the Jefferson turnpike, which has been named Sunnybrook, will be operated as an experjmentaltruck’and market’:gardening propo- sition this summer by Mr.Alfred Carson under the direction of Mr.A. G.Hendren,farm demonstrator.for Wilkes county. When Dr.J.P.Monroe and two friends,riding in an automobile be- tween Davidson and Huntersville, passed a loaded wagon the negro driver pointed a pistol at them.The driver was later arrested.He wasdrunkandhadbeenfiringhispistolbeforehepointeditattheoccupants of the passing car:He was sent to jail.. Saturday night,-4th,after attend- ing a circus at Pink Hill,Duplin county,Lawrence Cavener,a young farmer,disappeared.Later his cap was found on a lake and his dead body found in the lake.There was sign of violence and ‘accidental drowning was.the verdict.Later foul play was suspected and further investigation was to be made. A report that citizens of Pender county were offering organized op- position to the enforcement of the stock law in that county,which be- came effective March 1,and that per-sons disposed to obey the law.were compelled by threats to disregard it, is denied.It is said-that only the irresponSible element is opposingthelawandthatthisoppositionis not serious. Miss Irene Elizabeth Lewellyn, daughter of the postmaster at Elkin,and Mr.Henty Grady Nichols,edit~ or of the Elkin Tribune,were mar- ried in Raleigh last week.‘A fewweeksagoMissLewellynwentto Raleigh to.take training as a nurseinaRaleighhospital.But love was too strong.The editor-lover follow- ed and they were married.May theybehappyeverafter. In Rockingham Friday night the driver of an automobile attempted to stop his machine suddenly to avoid no skidded,two tires burst and the ma-chine was thrown into a pile of tim- ber.W.C.Steele was seriously if not fatally injured and Eugene Paynesufferedseverebruisesandpossible internal injuries.Two other occu- pants of the car escaped with slight injuries. A charter has been issued for the purpose of founding at Gastonia a home for diseased and crippled indi-gent children,especially dependent orphans.The institution is to alsohavepowertomaintaina depart- ment for training nurses.The direc-tors for the institution include such well known men as Senators Sim- mons and Overman,State Superin- tendent of Public Instruction J.Y.Joyner,C.R.Hoey,B.N.Duke,J.Elwood Cox and others. The suit of Isaac R.MeFadden,ad-ministrator of Gordon McFadden,against the Charlotte Power Com-pany for $65,000 damages,resulted in a non-suit in the Federal court’inCharlotte:Gordon McFadden.was killed while in the employ of the com-pany as a lineman and negligence on the.part of the company was alleged.The difficultyof defining the line ofresponsibilityinthematterofelectric currents,Judge’Boyd safd,~would ‘in the Mexican situation,probably cause him to set_aside a ver-dict for the plaintiff and’a non-suitresulted,. traveling picture agents,are in jail! running-.over.a--negro-boy:The-carPNorth Carolinas it’hon rtm mam BRIEF ITEMS OF “LOCAL NEWS Mr.J.W.Ward of Statesville isconsideringbecomingacandidateforsheriff. —-Miss Mary Sue Cochrane entered -the Sanatorium yesterday for an op-eration for appendicitis. -~-Work was begun yesterday ontheresidencetobeerectedforMr.BE.-VY.Swann on Stockton street, ~—iAs May the 10th comes on Sun-day this year,the Memorial Day ex- ercises will be held on Saturday,the 9th.The programme for the day will be.published later. —Messrs.A.W.Greene and C.H. Greenwood of Roaring River com- munity,Wilkes county,were in town last week buying stock from the Henkel-Craig Company. —iThe date for the close of the school at Mountain View,Sharpes- burg township,has been changed to Saturday,the 18th.Exercises dayandnightandanaddressbyMr.J. A.Hartness..2 —a ~The Chaperone,a play,will be given at Monogram school,Monbo, Tuesday night,21st,for the benefitoftheschool.The play is under the direction of Misses Barftes,Womack and Turner.Admissfon 15 and 25 cents. —Mr.Robt.A,Blaylock,who graduated from Eckels College ofElmbalming’in Philadelphia last week,has returned to his home here and will resume his former position with the Crawford-Bunch Furniture Company.——-There is one less of the dogs that go about town and kill chickens because they are starving.A States-ville man who put one out of the way said it took several shots to do the workbut he kept at it until he fin-ished him.: ~The March report of Miss An-nie Marvin,registrar of births anddeaths-for Statesville township, shows 19 deaths and 18 births during the month.Of this number 11 of the deaths and 14 of the births were white people,the remainder beingnegroes, —The Waco (Texas)Times-Herald of ‘recent date tells that Mr.W.T.Watt,a wealthy banker of that city and a brother of Mr.N.P.Watt of Statesville,will erect in Waco what will probably be the largest hotel andoffice:building in central Texas...Theprobablecostis$350,000. ~—Mr.W.J.Matheson,real estate agent,has sold for Mrs.L.C.Moore of Statesville a 73-acre farm in CoolSpringtownshiptoMr.W.T.Web-ster of Alexander county.Mr.Web- ster has moved to Statesville and will occupy a house on Kelly street until he gets possession of the farm. —Miss Edna Gilbert,daughter of Mr.and Mrs.C.L.Gilbert of States- ville,and Mr.Gus.Donaway of Wil- liamsburg,Va.,were married several days ago in Williamsburg,where Miss Gilbert met Mr.Donaway by appointment.They will make their home at Middletown,N.Y.,where Mr.Donaway has a position. ~—Messrs.W.G.Perry and J.G. Scott,civil engineers for the South-ern Pewer Company,passed through Statesville yesterday en route to Lookout Shoals,on the Catawba riv- er,where they will immediatelystakeoffthesiteforthecompany’s big dam.Construction work is -ex-pected to begin in a short time. —The friends of Mr.Jno.P.Flani- gan will be pleased to know that hehasimprovedinhealth.very muchsincehewenttoNewMexico.several weeks ago.He was very weak when he left home.Now he is able to be about all the time,has increased in weight and is gaining strength daily. Mr.Flanigan is at Redland,N.M.,with Mr.Carl S.Turner. —Easter day in Statesville was suf-ficiently fair to permit.the display of new clothes and things.Notwith- standing the weather bureau’s.threatoffoulweather,no rain fell until late in the afternoon and then only asprinkle.At some of the churches there was special religious observance of the day and at others there was music’specially appropriate to the Eastertide,—April 12 is me Siemeeaw a legal holiday inSoreCoe gress at Halifax April 12,1776.As the 12th fell on-Sunday this year, Monday,the 13th,was observed bytheinstitutionsthatobserveholidays, The banks were closed yesterday onaccountofthisStateholidaynotonaccountofEasterMonday.InsomeStatesEasterMondayisale-gal holiday but it is not a nationalholidaynoralegalholidayinNorth Carolina. Charch News. A large audience enjoyed an excel-lent progratmme of Easter hymns and anthems rendered by Broad StreetMethodistchoirSundayevening.Theeveningpreachinghourwasgivenalmostentirelytothesong’service. Rev.C.E.Raynal is assiting Rev. Alexander Martin ip a meeting atRockHill,S.C.,thig.week:In Mr. Raynal’s absence,Rev.W.M.Walsh will preach at the First PresbyterianchurchSunday. Mrs.W,M.Cooper spent SunJayinHickory.Mrs.J.B.Armfield and daughter,Miss Frances,spent Easter with rela-tives in Mocksville,rcturning home yesterday,age giteeNathanBerryofCart ,Moo:county,wis horned.trampled.by a cow Monday|;eal died Wednesday as. me Plnaeyoaesx |-POPULAR < COMMENT ON VARIOUS MATTERS A young man of Richmond who.had mind enough to get @ job as express messenger,mind enough to do the work and also mind enough to.ap- propriate to his own use $5,000 that didn’t belong to him,pleaded that he was feeble-minded (or ~his counsel did for him)when he found himself in court and facing a,term in prison._It’s..wonderful—the ex- cuses they can invent when they get up against the law, *** The girls are fapidly coming to the front as public speakers afid there will soon be woman’suffrage sadvo- cates aplenty,ladies capable.of go- ing on thé platform and routing the male orators.In-the high school de- bates at the State University there were 22-girls,one of these winning a place in the final contest.At Elon College the other day representatives of 18 high schools appeared in a de- claimers’contest and a girl.was the winner.Whether we approve it or not,the day of the female orator is at hand and soon ladies will be go- ing up and down the State making public addresses on all sorts of sub- jects.-.S Attention has been called to the fact that when a vote was taken in the Raleigh progressive meeting on the -“initiativeand__referendum,that only 119 out of the 144,507 Denio- crats who voted for Wilson were there to vote for the proposition.That statement would,imply by.inference that the remaining 44,388 opposed the initiative and referendum.Inas- much as there were just 35 on hand to vote against it is just as fair to assume that the remaining 44,353, as well as the 119,were in favor of the proposition as it is to they oppose it.Moreover,if it be stressed that only 119 appeared to vote for the initiative and referendum and the point be made that this is a small number to urge on the State so important a change in the organic faw,it may be answered that it is not at all uncommon,in North Carolina, for two or three men,sometimes as many as a half dozen,to arrange a #rogramme for the whole State—se- lect candidates,make platforms and do all the works It is gratifying to know that the number who plan for the others is increased to 119. *..* “North Carolina placed in the cab- inet the first citizen of the Old North State since the---war.”—Governor Craig,at the progressive,conserva- tive,radical,reactionary,working, or plain (pay your money and take your choice)Democratic meeting. That is reasonably high praise,con- sidering that it.ranks the Secretary of the Navy as greater than Vance. Ayeock,Ransom,Hoke,Mclver, Caldwell and many another of the il-lustrious dead,not to mention theliving.—-Greensboro News. The News is probably not serious, What Gov.Craig meant and what he did say,we take it,was that Mr Daniels is the first member of thecabinetfromNorthCarolinasincethewar.As the remark appeared in the papers it might be construed tomeanthatMr.Daniels is the first citizen of the State—the greatest man the State has produced—since the war.The Governor didn’t intend to go that far,of course. Speaking of “first citizens,”how ever,a former newspaper editor in this State used to produce one every few days.He had a habit—this ed- itor had—of saying in his paper ev-} ery few days that he had received aj letter from “one of the first citizens of the State”approving the course of his paper.At frequent intervals alleged extracts were quoted from al- leged letters from “first citizens,”in which the editor and his paper were highly commended.The letters were never printed and no names were giv-en.It was the opinion ef many peo-ple that the “first citizeps”who were all the time writing to tiieeditor were as mythical as the m oO wrate Judge Clark the famous)r from the mountain coves of Yance¥e, ..>: Solicitor Sinclair of the Fayétte- ville district,announcing thdt:he willnot,be a candidate for re-election,de-nowunees the recorder’s court system,saying’the establishment of —these courts have made “patchwork of ourjudicialsystemandrenderedthe:of- fice of solicitor so far from tucrative that it is not worth the fimé nec- essary to devote to it.”So dt°seems the loss of salary by solicitors is the reat grievance’-agains>-recorders’ courts.Over against this may}be set the prompt.tria)of cages,savingthefeedingofdefendantsinjailtoawait®regular term of court}thedispositionNumeroussmallcaseswhichwould¢ef8ume time and in- crease the expense of the Superior Courts.Referring to ‘salaries for solicitors,Mr.Sinclair says: “Bat you cannot get a’salary billthroughtheLegislature.Every lit-tie eg6-roads paper which happensmynonthelawyersand’all the 3 In the Legisla s a bill to me peo think j y 3a matter »Most of the solicitors would have lost by the salary bill proposed last winter,which provided for minimum salary of $1,600,” Mr,Sinclair’s statement wil!correction.As a matter of fact mofthenewspapersoftheState favorthesalarysystemforsolicitorsandallotherofficers.Up to very recentyears,all attempts to |solicitors on a salary have been de a feated,not by the “little cross roads papers”and the “ignorant demawoguesintheLegislature,”but bythewelf-seeking “lawyers—the ‘solic, tors themselves,who knew they could)of themakemore-money.-by tho.fec syatem,/the”firstSincetherecorder’s courts have cut place of the salary plan.We have in mind one solicitor who some years ago wrote letters opposing a salary bill before the Legislature—ithe letters can be produced.*A little later,after a number of.recorders’.courts had been established in his district.and cut out much business,this same solicitor appeared as a strong ad- vocate of the salary system.Solic- itor Sinclair is either poorly inform- ed or he thinks the public doesn’t know or doesn’t “remember some ON na IN:THE COUNTRY AT LARGE. Brief Resume of Happenings in Va-rious Parts of the World. The seventh annual conference of Governors of States will be held at Madison,Wis.,beginning:June 9. Twenty-five Governors have alreadypromisedtoattendantd.a number of former Governors are expected.TheconferencewillmeetinMilwapkee assume|one day.Wade H.Cooper,the Washington banker who filed charges against Justice Wright of the District of Columbia Supreme Court,has been sued for libel by Judge Wright and ex-Gov.Kitchin of North Carolina has been employed as counsel for Cooper. A high verdict record in an aliena- tion of affections suit was rendered in Chicago when $506,000 was awarded tO Mrs.Christiana A.Benson in her suit against Mrs.Mary W.C.Nel- son.Mrs.Benson charged that Mrs. Nelson had lured Niles C.Benson,herhusband,away from her.: Feeble-mindedness was offered as an excuse for the act of Carl D.Gar- ner,19,of Richmond,who pleaded guilty in the United States District Court in Richmond of having robbed the Southern Express Company~of $5,000 consigned to a bank in Ma- con,Ga.Garner returned all but $12 of the money and his family paid that. Eben S.Draper,former Governor last Tuesday,died Thursday. was 65 years old and a manufacturer of textile machinery shipped to Hopewell,Mass.,for bu- jrial.Gov.Draper was en jhome froma trip to Florida and Cu- tba when he was stricken. Ten-thousand dollars a year is not jenough for the ort of Miss Katie |Schermerhorn;rs old,she setforththroughherguardianinacom-plaint filed in the Supreme Court of |New York,in an action against the}schools in this re ra a crea ceerereaceace in New England.The remains were!ville is route | | ilaret ce te ae eeeCAN'T BELIEVE IT 18 TRUE. Our County Officers Honorable MenWhoWouldn't Violate a Pledge. To the Hditor of The Landmark:j In the.last Tnesday’s.isste of your|paper there was what]consider a/|very unjust attack on’our ‘present| county.officers.In effect,the writ-|er of that article charged them with|bad faith in running-tor the county|offices for a fourth term,after)promising the people that they ®vould|not under any circumstances ask for more than three terms.:{ I for one do not believe our county|officers~will -be guilty.of .snch®per-|.fidy.Not one of them has announc-ed in the papers that he will againrun,gnd your correspondent.has ‘no| right to assume that they have so | little honor.or deceacy as to break|their solemn promises.to the le.|I,admit that it would be in bad/faith for them to run again,because|hundreds of men know that theypromisednottodoso.But I.main-|tain that they are honorable men!who keep their promises and respecttheirpledgedword.Let us not con-| demn them until~they “condemn themselves.There is another reason why thepresentcountyofficerswillnotrun. Every man of them is an earnest be- liever in and advocate of rotation. They said so six years ago,And above all they are .Democrats,and wish for the continued success of the Democratic party;and ©everybody knows that the quickest and surest way to turn Iredell county over totheRepublicansistotrytoKeepone set of men in office for life. BEAT YOUNG FOLKS SPELLING Blueback Disciples Won a Victory at Ostwalt —Schools Closing —)Mrs.Hartline’s Birthday Celebra- tion.Sd Correspondence of The Landmark.} Statesville,R-3,-April---9—The friends and relatives of Mrs.M,A.of Massachusetts,who was stricken|Hartline are requested.to meet atwithparalysisatGreenville,S.C.|her home next Thursday,16th,for |Smith,ve.J,H.Campbell.and Anna E.Hejthe annual celebration of her birth prominent}day. Mrs,L.C,-Troutman of spending the -week friends in this vicinity. A very -suctessful term of closed at the Ostwalt schoo! yesterday.A ball game between the OStwalt and Clark teams,result-] ing in a victory for Ostwalt in’a}score of 21 to 6,was the principal}feature of amusement.Excepting! the Norwood school,all the other} Section are closing? States- with hool nouse jtrustees of the estate of her parents,|without the usual entertainments:4beiSheisengagedtobemarriedand |wants $5,000 a year more.A referee /was appointed by the court to decide |the question. |William Caspar,personal rep -jtative of Queen Eleanor of Bulgaria,thas arrived in New York to make arrangements for the visit of the Queen to the United States.The Queen,he said,will sail late in May and will visit all of the larger citiesasfarWestasChicago.She will re- main in this country about five weeks. Mr.Caspar,who was born in theUnitedStates,has been a résident of Bulgaria for many years.He is acontractorfortheBulgariangovern- mentment and a close friend of King Ferdinand and Queen Eleanora. Mrs.Lillian N.Duke,former wifeefthetobaccomillionaire,will be sned for $150,000 for alienation of the affections of former RepresentativeLafayetteM.Pence of.Colorado,Mrs.Pence’s counsel state.°Mrs,Pence had ‘beguh suit for’divorce against Pence.This will be Mrs.Duke’s third appearance in the di-vorce court.She was divorced in1893.by William E.McCredy,and in1906Sby.Jamos...B..Duke,the.tobzecomagnate.She lived with Duke lessthanayearandheisreportedtohavegivenher$500,000 when theyseparated.Representative Park’s resolutiontoimpeachJusticeDanielT.Wrightof“the “District Supreme Court inWashingtonhasbeenfavorablyre-ported by the judiciary committée of{the House of Congress.The effectjofthatactionistorecommendthat|the House appoint a committee|take testimony on the brought against the Justice by WaH.Cooper,a Washington banker,who made allegations of misconductbyJudgeWrightonthebenchandinprivatelife.After hearing thetestimonytheHousewil]decidewhetheratrialisnecessary. The Norwegian bark Orellan wasrammedandsunkoffTarnetgat,N.J.,last Wednesday night by theAmericansteamerPeterH.Crow-ell,from Boston.The Crowell reachedNewportNews,Va.,Thursdaywithelevensurvivorsandthedeadbodyofthecaptain,picked from thejWaterbytheCrowell’s boats after|their own boats,two in number,hadbeenswamped,The captain was{dead when picked up...Two,menwentdownwiththeOrellan.Onerescuedwasawoman;-wife-of mate, her and was due to the poorsplayedbytheOrellan {to/low eatarrh to ruin your health—usecharges|Hyomei—~it is certainly effective fe-de}lief for catarrh ills. \it—no stomach dosing. ! tl aah It was stated thut}day.Draggistscollision“¢,‘:.Gewh the business-for the selicitacr!von:‘sion oceurred duripg misty}Get the complete outtit—$1,00 they have become strong advocates lights di } A spelling bee between the old} and young folks at the Ostwalt hool house last night resulted in airyfortheoldfolks.The con-}between the two factions in this!3 1 contest was sharp and decis-)ive.As the old Blueback spellergiof20to40yearsagotooktheir.placesonthefloortherewasthesilent@p- peal of ae.“Backward,turn backward,oh & in your flight,3 erMakeme,oh make me,a child -fortonight.”“aBut.as memory rolled back! through the channels of time,the nervousness disapp@ared,and though}rusty from distge it was with par-! ):hawon the laurels.can boast of Hers among the altogether both "congratulations. The Democratic committee of the third congressional district has de-cided to hold a preferential primary in the district.e date is May 16.The preferential pri is.new in North Carolina. James Gordon Benhett,owner of ‘the-New>¥ork-Herald,-.who bas.been! seriously ill at Cario,Egypt,hasimproved,. STOP CATARRH Use Hyomei—You Breathe It. Unless.properly treated this dis-ease often leads to a serious if not fatal ailment.It is needless to al- It’s the direet- to-the-apot treatment.You breathe No.house-hold should be without Hyomei.It notonlygivesquickandlastingbenefitincacesofcatarrhbutisoneofthe surest and most pleasant treatments for head colds,sniffles,or croup.ofchildren,*Hyomei is‘a combination.of anti-septic oils—you breathe it—using a,small inhaler,The air laden with health-restoring’..Hyomei soothes,heals and vitalizes the sore,raw and organs almost immediately.There ds, |prompt payment. _POLISHES - Black,Tan and White 106 25s | Tue F,F.DALEY Co,Lt.N.Y.HAMILTON,ONT. s ne ea “Keystone”Rompers,Overalls,Ete.oe On the banks of the Hudson stands an immetise fac- tory,not a sweat shop,but one of the best sanitary factories jn this or any other country,making the famous “‘Keystone”Play Suits,Overalls,Rompers, ete.,for Boys and Girls. “No mother-with a child-can.afford to be without these’garments,made from reliable material,cutfullandneatlytrimmed.Many substitutes on the market but you should insist upon having the best, which is the Keystone brand.Yours truly, “MILLS &POSTON. ENGRAVEDCALLING CARDS Not the kind you get at bar-gain counters,but the lastwordinartisticengraving Statesville Printing Co. ’Phone208 NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Having qualified aé administrator of the estate of J;%.Cowan,colored,all personshavingclaimsagainsttheestatewillpresent them to me on or before March 31,1915,andallpersonsindebtedtotheestatemustmake D.N.MeLELLAND,March 81,1914.Administrator.Statesville,R-. NOTICE OF SALE. Undeb and by virtue of an order of theSupetiorCourtofIredellcounty,made inthespecialproceedingentitiedMrs.CoraM.Booe,Mrs.Lula Smith and husbend,John Campbeil,the undersigned commissioner Will on SATURDAY,MAY 9%,1914, at.12 o'clock,m.,at the court house door in Statesville,N..C.,offer “for sale to thehighestbidderthatcertaintractofland lying atd being in Turnersburg township, tredell county,N.C.,adjoining thé landsofR.L.Hodson and others,and bounded asfollows,to-wit;Begitining at a spanish oak on the southsideofthecreek,running south 20 polesteapersimmon;thence south 40 degrees west 116 poles to:a stone;thence S.33 degrees west 156 poles toa black oak,corner M. Heath and others:thence south 45 degrees eagt 79 poles and 15 links to a stake inJamesGray's line;thence north 49 1-2 de- grees east with said Gray's line 283 poles toawhiteoak,Gray's corner;thence north 45 degrees east 34 poles to «birch on -thesouthbankofMuntingwcreek;thence north 32 degrees cast cros 1 4t&a forked willow,oh said creek,in YVarner's-the ‘meanders of ‘said ergek her's and Wm.H.Smiths,#99south12.poles,i thence north 26 degrees east ’the creek;thence with the meanders of thecreek,to the beginning,«containing thirteenahdthreequartersacresmoreorless.Terms of Sale-—One-fourth cash on day ofsale,one-fourth in three,one-fourth in six and one-fourth in nine montns. E.G.GAITHER,April 7,1974.Commissioner. MORTGAGE SALE.OF LAND, BY VIRTUE of the powers contained in @&mortgage deed,executed to Walter Dink-ens on.the 28th day of November,1912, by Amos Bailey and wife,Nancy Bailey,and transferred to the undersigned on the Zith day of February,1914,said mortgagebeing’refistered in Book 36,page 523,intheofficeoftheRewisterofDeedsofTre-dell county,I will sell at public auction totheHighestbidder,for cash,at the court S MAY Ly 10teyp the tract or parcel of land described insaidmortgageasfollows:Lying in New Hope township,Iredellcounty,N..C.,adjoining the land of Mra. dane Pierce and M.Ik.Marlow,andboundedasfollows:Beginning on Mrs,Pierce's line,running east to a stake (num- ber of poles unknown);thence south to a atone,thence West to a etake .in Mrs. Pierce's line north of the house,containingtwoacresmoreorless. WALTER DINKENS,L.BR Pierce,Atty.MRS.JANE PIERCE, Assignee of ‘Mortgagee, SALE OF CITY PROPERTY.eet)ig April 7,2914. By authority contained in a mortgageexecutedbyT.S..Patteraon On @th--day” March,1912,to the First Building andAssociationof|Statesville, te .seeure the indebtedness.therein exprdefaultinthepaymentstothe thavingbeenmadeasthereinagreedtomade,I will expose to public sale,tohighestpoforcash,on “See west corner;and ranswithW.4.Patterson’ Gemreescant157 feetinflamedmembraneofthe"There dellioet a Hill's cornet m ©.B.Morrison's no other remedy that benefits #6surelyor80“quickly.Money refund-ed by the Statesville Drug Co.if youarenotsatisfied. Be net be -owhthout.Hyomei ‘anothereverywheresellit. this contains the inhaler and bottle of liquid,.; es 4 Munday’s <wrees west 16 oethencenorth76déwrees west 404 stone on Buffalo’Shoals road,Miss MaggieMoose’s cortiet {thelite souti 1 degrees weetwith.Buffalo Shoals road 104 feet to the be- ‘ginning,containing one snd one-half scresmoreorless.HV.FURCHES,L.G.Caldwell,Atty,March 27,1914 Trustee, Mortyagee.| Henutacturedby©Geveland &Wratedi!|Co,Newourgh MY Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison Co., The Store with the Quick Parcel Post Service. All Week Demonstration ile House Coffee and Tea!§ All this week we will have with us a repre- sentative of the Dwin- ell-Wright Company of Boston,makers of White -House Coffee and Tea,who will be glad to serve all our friends who will come in any day during the week, Come in while you are down town and have a cup and learn _just how it’s made by ninee-EXDET: w ~RAMSEY-BOWLES-MORRISON CO.THE STORE WITH THE QUICK PARCEL POST SERVICE. =~ orth Carolinas) Hitch Your Heart to©hipdorD THE CANDY OF STANDARD (|SRC ERT HALL’S DRUG STORE Prescriptions Our Specialty.~~” Si s e e t e m m n n e n m m m n n n i i a i n i m m m i m m n s a e t e e r e s Sk e eT Oe . oe RS market price for them—and sell them at rea-— ways good supply on —hand.See us forgood |Country Hams and other groceries._ Bradford Grocery & sonable prices,Al “{f [ = S¥ P r r e r PR E E P E E E te a - s t a t e ; BE S S E E E E 8. se Ne “leaves 8:35 p.m. Teele ?45 p.m.Nos,23 ot operated on Sunday. High For Mono- Produce Company. “We are in the market for 1,000 Bushels Field Peas. Want any variety pay CASH. SEE US. J.K.Morrison Grocery&Prodace Co. L.Ervin of Monbo informshighschooldepartmentwilltotheMonogramschoolTheofthatsectionoftheirschool,and eve’of community speaksoftheschool.The high school de-partment wilt enable many pupils toj)take advarice work who cannot af-j|ford to go off to boarding schools.——_—_—_—_—_———Mr.Williams of Lexington Gets abLiberalSliceofPie. Washington Dispatch,10th,to Char- lotte Observer. r|A good slice of pie was handed outtodayto8S.E.Williams of Lexing- ‘iton,when he was appointed assist- ijant to Solicitor J.W.Folk of the In-ter-State.-Commerce Commission.Mr.WillianiwesProsidont..Wilson's,manager in North Carolina in 1912.The position to which he goes wassecuredforhimbySenatorOverman.It pays about $2,500. IF SKIN BREAKS OUT AND ITCHES APPLY SULPHUR Use It Like Cold Cream and Dry Eezema Eruptions Right Up. YourSupplies If you are going to buy your supplies on time let us figure with you.We carry the best of about evertthing you will need in the way of Heavy and .Faney Groceries,Feed- ’staffs,Garden and Field Seeds. +Miller-McLain Supply Co. The moment you apply bold-sul- phur to an itching or broken out skin,the itching stops and healing begins,says a renowned dermatolo- gist, This remarkable sulphur made in-to a thick cream effects such prompt relief,even in aggravated Eczema,that it is a never-ending source of amazement to physicians.For many years bold-sulphur has occupied a secure position in the treatment of cutaneous eruptions by stroying properties and nothing haseverbeenfoundtotakeitsplaceinrelievingirritableandinflammatory affections of the skin.While not always establishing a permianent cure,yet,in every instance,it imme-diately subdues the itching irrita- tion and heals the Eczema right upanditisoftenyearslaterbeforeany eruption again manifests itself. Adding Machine Paper We have two sizes. Sell it.by the Roll or % —’Phone 200— Brady Printing Co. THE DAVIS MILLS Give you 40 Pounds Best “at- es ent Flour and 13 pounds Bran miyt in exchange or Pay $1.18 per bushel cash for wheat.Watch:this ad for price each week.Best Flour and Meal..Promptfandcourteousserviceatall:times.It pays to patronize .|THE DAVIS MILLS, Hiddenite,N.C, Any good pharmacist will supply an ounce of bold-sulphur cream,which should be applied to the af-fected parts like the ordinary coldcreams.It isn’t unpleasant and thepromptreliefaffordedisverywel- come,particularly when the Ecze-ma is accompanied with torturousitching. Black Warrior Pit Games,| Eggs from pen headediby malewinninghisfourthbattleandsteeltested—$3 for 15.teedthoroughbredstock,No*stoék forsale,Good hatch guarantted.~7%.J.HARBIN,854 Alexander ‘st 4 Statesville,N.C.April 7—8t® ATTRACTIVE FARM.| NEW TIN SHOP Will do ‘general Sheet.Metal work and roofing.H..C. Mohler,a workman with 25 NOTICE! HOLLAND BROS.have changedtheir‘phone number from 177to 7. Call No.7 for draying,allgradesbestcoalandwood,etc. Residence ’Phone 1310, WHATEVER TYPEWRITER You buy wecan wish nothing moreu..will likeit as wellas.we do THE REMINGTON. years experience,will be con- nected with the business. SHOP—114 East Broad Street. "PHONE 55. No Doubt’ acreaeRO elt hs “You Wave ce noticed.that Statesville Printing Co. ’PHONE 208.‘ TUESDAY AND SATURDAY ! Unless providentially hindered,I shall betnmyofficeeveryTUESDAYandSATUR-DAY,So muchof mytime will be takenupinvisitingschoolsandinotherschoolworkindifferentpartsofthecounty,that 1havesetapartthesetwodaysforofficework.If you want to be sureof finding me tnmyoffice,please ea]]on TUESDAY or SAT-URDAY.RM.GRAY,County Supt.Pub-He Instruction,Dec.30, PREPARED Todo your work on short notice.All we want is atrial. Gillespie Pressing Club —'PHONE 350.— NOTICE| First class tin work and repairing, OLYDE E.GAITHER,.Fr "Phone No.157,< your eyes itch or smartwhendoingfineworkorreadingsmallprint..Ifsotheyaresuretoneed assistance.Better callandletmefityouupatonce;there is nothing ng.ByesExaminedFree,_ ing for the spiritually idorted|"ot daily bread,but the bread reason of .its cooling,parasite-de-| writing aboutlife and work.-on.the saved bywaiting a CorrespondenceofTheLandmark, day is thedignityoflabor.Lf a mat he has sense he must make *Pe.duce.If he has religion he must beabouthisMaster’s business,“>...“Two men I honor and no third.First,the toilworn craftsman thawithearth-made.implement labo~riously conquers the earth and makes! her man’s.Venerable to me hard hand;crooked,coarse;wi notwithstanding lies a cunning4tue,indefeasibly royal as of —scepter of this planet.Vetoo,is the rugged face,all " tanned,besoiled—with its rude intel- ligence;for it is the face of a man living manlike.”ee “A second nian I honor and stillmorehighly:Him who is ‘seen toil-| If the poor and humble toil that)have food,must not the high andrioustoilfor‘him in return,that, haye light,have’guidance,freedom,immortality?These two in all theirdegreesIhonor;all else is chaffand dust,which let the wind blow where it listeth.” The time was when lords,anddukes,and kings,were honored be- cause they were lords,and dukes,and kings.But that time has past.Now we honor no man unless he 38honorable.Our noblemen are menthatwork—inventors,artists,and Ta-borers.Instead of the foolish 1boastfulmottoesofthe “Sic Semper Tyrannis”and “HonisoitquemalyPense’—our age soynds the nobler challenge of sérv-iee and usefulness.We say “Hustle or Rust!”“Go to It!”“De Now!”“Root Hog or Dief”And the man who does not heed is an &f- achronism.;The wealth of this country could be doubled in a single year if.every+body would go to work:We havebeenregardinglaborasakindofneeessaryevilandsowehavebeendo-ing as little of it as possible Wehavebeenwaitingforastrokeofgoodluck,a tidal wave of prosperity, a bumper crop of something,”that|would make us rich in spite of*our- }selves.We need to remember thatjonlylaborproducesabumpercrop, jthat we can make prosperity withjourownhands,and that the only good tuck we will ever have will be found in honest work. The simple truth is that we arelazy.Our hands are lazy,our mindsareJazy,and our spirits ane lazy. What more could even God give us than He has given us?We have all the necessary elements of happiness and success;we need only to glorify] our work and to know that it is ong happiness.. The world itself is hard at work,Nature produces nothing except.-bytoil.The metals.were molten in the IN LENOIR AND CALDWELL. The only dignity on this earth to+]- has money he must.make it work,If}, that me of Iredell;Alexander.and.adjoin- old fami-fics.Nes.that dared somebody to ®t --Countychipofftheirshoulders—ini ‘Canic Of “in Deno tast-Friday-e2d, iV itatio Hfor Peround is again too wet to work,so Commencement —pects,Ete.* Sorrespondence of The Landmark.' Lenoir,April 8—-Notwithstandinghavewrittennothingforpublica-tion in The Landmark for awhile,I@hjoyreadingthepaperasmuchasever,1,could hardly do without it.‘It keeps me-in-touch.withthe.peo- ng counties,and keeps me posted inthemostimportantnewsofourStateandoutoftheState.I am engaged,as I can spare the timé,in writingbriefbiographiealand~~historicalsketchesofthefirstsettlersofCald-well.county for the Lenoir News;and,by the way,Editor Martin oftheNewsgothisideafromsomeSplendidbiographical“and historicalppevtehesthathaveappearedinThe“indmark,1 make the above personal refer-ence as an apology for not writing@ccasionallyforTheLandmark.Citi-zens of Lenoir and of our county atejustnowdevisingwaysand.meanstobuyFootHillsSanatorium,own-ed by Dr.C.B,MeNairy,who hasrecentlytakenchargeoftheinstith-tion for the Feeble-Minded at Kins-ton.|am real anxious for the dealtobeconsummated.The hospital,under Dr.MeNairy’s good manage-ment is become a necessity to the peo;of Caldwéll county.Yearsagolr.Houck built,at great ex-pense,an elegant structure for a hos-pital in our town and failed finan-cially,and some of us then thoughtLenoirshouldhavecometohisre- school conmencement Was a Very lic schools para it uccess.Notwithstanding the muddy roads nearly all the pub- werg@ represented,The was good and so were the rec- and declamations.Address-es were made by Attorney A.E.Woltz of Gastonia and Prof.B.B.Doughtery,president of the Train-ing schoo)at Boone,Then the-so- cial feature was helpful.Yes;agreatand.progressive county likeIredelloughttohaveacommence-Ment day.Work is reported to have been-re-sur the Yadkin Valley rail-roa rrading up Elk creek towardBoone,and it is thought work willbegonatGrandinCity,thegrimberplantofthecompa-ny I indications are up here we willhavealatespring.Peach and plumtre:e blooming.Apple trees arejustbuddingslightlyandthebudsintheforestsarejustperceptiblySwollen.Wheat and winter oats arerowingbeautifully.Both haveoodstands.Spring oats have beenSown,Irish potatoes planted andSomegardensmade.Most of last Weehea,was very rainy;and-we had y ralns,with our first.thundertheseason,last night.The the farmers are behind and wili belategettingcropsplanted.As the earth’s great furnaces before theyevercametoours.From ,the dia-} mond to the dewdrop a great pro- cess has gone On,and even the lit-|tle weed-flower is the result of chenistriesand’stp .toils:beyond our)dreams.Tie fabled labors of H«cules are pet hto-the workgoodbrownlearimdoesevery yeonahillofWesu@orwstalkofcorn.Now if a man will join forces withnaturehecan“produce anythihiAddtothefertility.of the soil the} ‘toil of your hands;add to your labor |"ithe active forces of Your mind;adi to that your desires and.dreams,«you are.lord of your “Own fate master of fortune—a producergoodInck,We all-remember the story of th:old-man that died and-left his sonssae:i the idea that he had hidden a fortun.somewhere in the earth of his farnTheboyswenttoworktofindthe fortune.They dug the farm all overandsub-it trying to find thmoneytheirfatherhadleft.Buttheycoulddiscovernotreasure.Andsotheyplantedthefieldstheyhadsowellpreparedandmadeafortun: for themselves.~Too many people are ‘trying to cetwhatothershaveproduced.We needthemanthatmakeswealth.Let ouryoungmenknowthattheonlymanlinessisinlabor.Let them go at things—-their farms,blueprints,their work *benthes—iwith the joy of producing.And Statesvillewillhave*to “grow”and Irede!!county will have to “do things.”You ean put it down that th:grumblers ‘are loafers—in business,in farming,and in the churches. The finest promise of our time—|the most beautiful news The Landmarkpublishes—is found in the hap-'py letters the boys and girls are may be had at so small a ‘cost? Clouds are passing away this after- no@m ‘the indications are for continu-ed*€o0l weather;but let us be pa-tient. Best wishes for the editor and all the:®eaders of The Landmark I.W.THOMAS. Mooresville Oil Mills Improvements Memorial Day Orator.ence of The Landmark resville AprilMogresvilleOi!Mill has contracted forsmewoand modern gin machinery whith they will install on gether with a*modern hull ind péed.house.When compicted the Capacity will be double the ordinatyfandsoarrangedthattherewillbesomuchtimewastedby the fi ers in waiting as formerly. The Centenary school in Rowan co Will close the term nextTuywithpublicexercisesfor the day and night.Ex -Congress-man John S.Henderson of Salisburywillmakeanaddressduringtheday.Memorial Day will be observed onMonday,May llth,the 10th falling on y-Mr.Morrison Caldwell of Concord will deliver the address. 10 thei1meai, S The Democrat:says.Roscoe Oliver is im jail at Boone answer forriminalassault,bot#i Oliver and hisvictimbeingwhite.Oliver served aterm.im the government reformvehatWashitigtonforrobbingthe mans, Rheumatic Paine Relieved. Why suffer from rheumatism.when relief Mrs,ElmerHateh,Peru,Ind.,writes,“I have been sub-ect’t0-attacks of rheumatism for years.Chamiberlain’s Liniment always relieves memediately,and I take pleasure in recom- nending:it to others.”25 and 50 cent bot- les.‘For gale by all dealers, farms. “Produce Produee!Were it butthepitifulestinfinitesimalfractionofaproduct—produce it in God’s name"Tis.the utmost thou hast in thee:out with it,then.Up!up!Whatsoeverthyhandfinde’to do,do.itwiththywholemight.Work while ( There is not a betterGold-Filled Frame madéthantheoneIamnow:selling..Call and con-sult me about your eye 100 MILES'PER DOLLAR. Mr.BR.EB Olds Claims That Cars car it.is called today,for night |ORS ldllar of its price.The Car-cometh wherein no man oli Company,the local Reo*Goto the ant,)dem ay they don’t know of.such cs mila of harddri |kept at high speed night and day on|rough¥)>|the ears are taken apart and in-v -Pea The requirement is that ev-jery @riving part shall come throughthat‘test and remain practically asgoodasnew. for materials are based on this re- Bro,Thomas Writing Biogra._.and Historical Sketches —-to”Buy “Sanatorium —ntyCropPros- If you don’t know anything aboutthevaluesofclothing,what else have;you -left to do but to trust to theREPUTATIONoftheestablishmentyoubuyfrom?We wish that every’one who has never bought theirclothesfromus,would only ask those“who hdave>We are in business -heretostayinbusinesshereandweknowwecandosoonlybysellinggoodclothingathonestprices.e askyoutotrustusonceandtoletourgoodsspeakforthemselvesafterthat Sloan ClothingCompany WE SELL “BETTER”CLOTHES [A Very Common Fallacy! Among people who do not save is the belief that to make money it is necessary to have a considerable sum of money to start with.This is a COSTLY MISTAKE.The keynote of ALL SAVINGS,and in-|cidentally of all investments,was sounded by Benja-min Franklin when he said:“Money makes money,and the money that makes money makes more mon- ey.”This maxim applies to all sums of money trom’a PENNY UP.Nosum is too small to save.Whenyoucometotracesomegreatself-made fortunes totheirsourcesyouwillfindthatthemanwhuhasamassedthemrealizedataveryearlyugethatpen- nies were.worth saving.This habit stuck when thedollarscame,and this is Gne reason why they kept their fortunes, Ws The important fact to be kept constantly in mind about the growth of money is that it will not grow unless it is FIRST SAVED REGULARLY. Talk the matter over with our secretary and makeupyourmindthatNOWISTHETIMEtomake your plans to in to save.y Pp bee. _The Sixth.Series ——OPENED— Saturday, wt The American Home—the Safe- guard of American Liberty.Mutual Building and Loan Association OF STATESVILLE.~ oe Be Built to Give That. E..Olds,builder 6f REO thefeportedassayingthata _give 100 miles of service . th. ite claim.The life of a car ely depend on the care thewnergivesit}.‘But REO the Fifthtestedatthefactoryby10,000 ving.The test carsirerumbyrelaysofdrivers,and are §.After 10,000 miles, The formulas and _specifications The tests of materialsonit.The strength of ev- »as buily today,is based on of these radical road of owning a motor car om J.E.SLOOP,=Wholesal and Retail Dealer in Fertilizers,Field Seeds,Grain,4 >Feedstuffs,Cotton Seed Meal and Hulls,: I sell Virginia Carolina Chemical Co.,Roveter’eand Swift'sFertilizers;have a splendid Tobacco Fertilizerwith eulphate.of potash which makes bright tobaceo.Also all baina!masterammoniates,but you can get fertilizer ammoniatesderiv-ed from burnt leather,city gar ete,,which will show thechemicalanalysisbuthaven’t the plant food.Thia kindcomescheaper.See me for chemicals for home.mixing.FIELD Sega eee Burt,Red Rast Proof,White andBlackSpringOate,all kinds grass seeds and clovers.Willsellyoujastasgoodseedataboutthesamepriceasyoaeanorderandfrommeyoueanseewhatyouheandgetwhatyouwantwhenyoawantit,atid you don’t have tondme~mousy inoe and then wait and watch forweeksandperhapsmakeuselesstripstogetyourgooda,Buy from me ou guaranteed quality aud price basis and ifyouhaveanyseedleftoverbringthembackandgetyormoney.back,Make me prove these claims.Youtire , ;down vastly when all carslikethis. J.E,SLOOP == F _PH LA! Rosenthal, =Tahtiwark,Se Rekigh Newsand 6+ mmneee ND "SLARK EDITOR AND OWNER TUBSDAY AND FRIDAY. ————‘OFFICE:‘120 WEST BROAD STREET. ————————— WATCH—Watch the Babel on your paper.If renewals are not in by date em label,paper will be stopped. TUESDAY,-~--,.(April 14,1914. “Gov.Glynn of New York had a hard time standing off the friends and at- torneys of the four men under sen- tence of death for the murder of the gambler,Notwith- standing the condemmed were common thugs,bad men,they had numer- ous friends who made all sorts of ap- peals for them,the men the mean- time protesting their innocence.It waa a hard trial for the Governor and it-is to his credit that he Stood firm under the pressure. Concerning the statement of the Clinton (Sampson county)News-Dis- patch,that a doctor from the State Board of Health recently sent to Scmpson.county to instruct the doc- tors,made his talk,lighted a cigar- étte,inhaled the smoke and puffed it in the faces of those about him while he invited them to question him,which was duly recorded in The server man took The Landmark's statement and went to the board of health office for information.This wes the result,as recorded: Secretary Booker is at home,Dr. W.S.Rankin was in Louisville and everybody here joined in the chorus: “It want me.” The full text of the platform adopt- ed by the meeting of Democratic pro- gressives in Raleigh last week,is published on another page of .The Landmark.The platform is conserv- ative and on reflection will,we be- lieve,be acceptable to Democrats in the main.While the attendance at the meeting was not so large,con- sidering that attendance was purely voluntary,that no oo were ap- pointed,nobody’s Way was paid and nobody went to boost friends or shot and killed at Burlington at 6:30 the shooting occurred while he was trying to take.a pistol from Privette and was accidental. mill workers.Privette has a wife and children at Spray. at the hearing given Mrs.Mattie Ed- PT a lengthy statementgivinghis, and the Democratic platform declar- ation in cohnection*therewith,Secre- tary of State Bryan concludes as fol- lows:‘Considering the repeal measureuponitsmeritstherewerejusttwoquestionstobedecided:.“Pirst,Is it desirable for the Dem- oerntic party to abandon its historicpositionandbecometheadvocateof subsidies and bounties?And,second,if it is desirable,whot ig the Demo-eratic party.willing to sacrifice in in- ternational prestige and world influ-ence in order to secure the advan-tage which these subsidies promise to a few people?” Davidson won in the debate withWakeForestatWinston-Salem last night. David Allen Lee of Johnston coun- ty cut pasted naughts before the 2 on a $2 bill and passed same for $20.He is now reflecting’in Johnston county jail.;Mr.Walter Moore of Jackson coun- ty-tells the Asheville Citizen’that he is a receptive candidate for the Dem- ocratic congressional nomination in the tenth district but will not wage an active campaign. At Lexington yesterday morning, as the result of a quarrel,W. Childers shot at C.L.Rowe.three times,one shot entering Rowe’s hand, and then Childers fell dead from ex- citement. Dr.Earl S.Sloan,Boston multi- millionaire,who placed Sloan’s lini-ment on the market-and who nowownsthetwomammothplantsatwhichitismanufactured,will build a winter residence in eastern.North Carolina,it is said.He is now~visit- ing in Asheville. Charles S.Privette,aged 23,was Sunday evening by a companion,O. B.Clark.Both men are said to have been drinking and Clark claims that Both men cotton Clark is in jail. According to testimony introduced wards in the Asheville police court, on a charge of shooting John W.Ed- wards,her husband,two weeks ago, Edwards has two other wives,one re- siding in Graham county while an- other lives in Georgie.Edwards,who was thought to be fatally injured,hadimprovedsufficientlytofleefromthe hospital.The case was continued and a warrant issued for Edwards. neighbors for office—considering all these circumstances,the attendance! was large,after Mr.Bryan,wo is a Magnet anywhere,was cut ae Moreover,nothing of consequence is} ever accomplished without orga:ized| effort and the objects set forth by the mecting,if they be worth while, should be as readily acceptable as if they had been backed by a shouting, enthusiastic crowd of 5,000.The meet- ing has assured one thing already— a State-wide,legalized primary.That was assured already,we were told. It,has been turned down,again and again and is assured now only by reason of the fact that politicians feel that the people will not longer submit qnietly to its defeat.The other things asked for will come the same way— just as a salary law wes secured for Tredell—_when the people force.the is- sue;and incidents like the Ralcigh meeting help to force the issue.By and by the pe wwill learn their power and r do things with- out asking anybody. A platform of a political party is usually what the platform commit- tee makes it.The platform is usual- ly reported at the close of the con- vention,when the delegates are tired and want to get away;is hurriedly read and with rare exceptions as hur- riedly adopted with few of the dele- gates knowing what it:really con- tains.The platform adopted by the national Democratic convention at Baltimore favored tolls exemption for coastwise vessels passing through the Panama canal.Whether the conven- tion would have adopted this meas- ure had there been time to thoroughly discuss it and offer all the objections now being offered,is a question that no one can answer.It is reasonable «'...t0_assume that it_would have done so, ~*~ because free tolls were somewhat in favor then.But conditions have| changed and judging by the returns from a poll of the delegates to the mational convention,that convention would not now adopt such a plank initsplatform.Al)of which goes to show that the platform of a politicalpartycan’t be made to suit all times and seasons. which would render it imperative todo.what thé platform forbids:and inthelightofdiscussionitisveryof- ten seen that some of the this intheplatformateunwise,But if a party may repudiate one plank in its platform it may repudiate Therein “is the danger.The safety would seem to be in having {x wer planks—making fewer promises andbecertaintopromiseonlysuchthings a8 you are going to stand byrenee Stancing on the railroad Conditions may arise bridgeieoverTarrivernearTarboro,Geo.F.|Se Cnin-did not heed the approach of ai.drain.and was.kaocked into the riverbelow,a distance of 40 fost.Thatwasthelastseenof.him. another.| Two hundred and thirty gallons of liquor unloaded at Whitney,Stanly county—where the immense construc- tion work of the Southern Alummium Company is in progress—in 24 hours is thé record mace by one train into that place,according to statements madé by the conductor.Continuing he stated that this is no unusual oc- currence,that it is an ordinary thing for a shipment of from 50 to 100 gal-lons to be unloaded from a single train.-The whiskey is bearing fruit in the frequent shooting affrays and homicides. to Part of VanderbiltEstate. New York Dispatch. Emily M.Pinkerton of Seattle, Washington,declares in a letter to Surrogate Cohalan that she is a sis- |ter of Geo.W.Vanderbilt,whose will was recently probated..She says she should receive a share of his estate. “I ath not a swindler,”she says. “My brother was George W.Vander- bilt and I read of his death recently, I was just 13 years old when I saw my brother for the last time.”She then relates her family history at length.Surrogate Cohalan hag re- plied to Mrs.Pinkerton telling her to direct her application to Mr.Van- derbilt’s widow,Mrs.Edith S.Van-derbiit.ee Robbers Locked Express Messenger in Trunk and Looted Car. Attracted by muffled cries emanat-ing from the express car attached toaChicago,Rock Island and Pacifictrain,railroad employes Thursdaynightfoundtheexpressmessenger, William Ahring,locked in a trunk, bound and gagged and the safe inthecarlooted. ‘The discovery was made when thetrainreachedLittleRockfromHotSprings,Ark.It is estimated that be-tween $2,000 and $3,000 was securedbythetwomenwho,Ahring declares,took possession of the car near Has-kell,Arrk.,30 miles from Little Rock,forced him into the trunk and escap-ed with all the valuables aboard.teenie Cancer..Traceahble.to Cooking...«-EatTooMuchMeat. A statement by Dr.William J,Mayo that the prevalence of cancerperhapsistraceabletopresentmeth-ods of cooking was to the laymenoneofthesalientopinionsin-a mazeoftechnicaldiscussionsattheopen-ing Thursday of the Amefiean Sur-gical Association’s annual conven-tion in New,York city.Dr.Mayo isadelegatefromRochester,Minn.,and president of the association.Heexplainedthatcancerofthestomachformedathirdofallcancercasesamongcivilizedpeoples.Dr.Mayosaidthattheamountofmeatcon-sumed undoubtedly had something to|do with the prevalence of cancer.aetna No More Claimant Wind—*«Breezes”or a “Gale.” views on the tolle repeal proposition |The Webb-Kenyon law, the States control over liquorments,has.been upheld by the KsasSupremeCourt.As aresult ofdecision,Kansas will take charge ofallliquorshippedintotheState..At Madrid the Spanish foreignministerhasaskedColonelJoseph©E.beer United oe AmbassadortoSpain,to reques'my nernmentatWashingtontointerveneinfavoroftheonethousandSpanishsubjectsexpelledfromTorreon.are vs ~Prof.Henry “H.Savage,formerly of Liberty,Mo.,head ofFemaleCollege,near apes Sees,Va.,committed suicide y by shooting -himself through the héad.Worry over financial troubles is giy-en as the cause for the act, Unveiling of the Butt Memorialbridge,erected in Washingten inmemoryofthelateArchibald-W.Butt,major in the United States armyandmilitaryaideto.William H.TaftwhilethelatterwasPresident,willtakeplaceinWashingtontoday.Major Butt lost his life in the Sinking of the Titanic.The principal address will be delivered by former PresidentTaft. The United States transport Han- cock,stationed at New Orleans,Sun-day night received orders from Wash- ington to proceed at once to Tam-pico,Mexico.It is understood that T.the ‘Hancock will take aboard refu-gees who are fleeing from the battle swept city of Tampico,where sharp fighting between Mexican,constitu- tionalists and Federals has been re-ported." Near Fluckers,La.,Saturday twormaskedarenentered=ceach4bynegroes,on an Illinois Central passenger.train,and called “handsup.”One negro passenger was so frightened that he jumped through a window and was ground to death be- neath the wheels.A negro porter was shot by one of the robbers and then the robbers jumped from -the train before they had secured’anythingfromthepassengers. Vice President Marshall will deliv-er the address of welcome to dele- gates to the annual Congress of theDaughtersoftheAmericanReyolu- tion,which meets in WashingtonApril20,for a week’s session.Speak- er Clark also wil}address the dele- gates on the opening day,as wil]Secretary McAdoo.of the Treasury Department,and Edmund Wetmore, president general of the Sons of the American Revolution.“ Death of Mrs.Greene—A Marriage and Other Turnersburg News. Correspondence of The Landmark. Turnersburg,April 13.—Monday, the 6th,Mrs.Louisa Green,wife ofMr.William Green,died.She hadbeen«sick for some time and death resulted from a third stroke of par- alysis.The remains were aid to rest in Mount Bethel cemetery,funeral services conducted by her pastor,Rev.|Mr.Brittain.Mrs..Green was in her| 80th year.She was twice married, first to Mr.Shaw and.five children were born them.Two dead and three living—Mr.J:F.Shaw of Turners- burg,Mr.Jim Shaw,who ‘is living at the old home place,and Mrs.Mary Padgett,wife of Leander Padgett of Charlotte.There was one son by the last.marriage,Mr.Charlie Green of this neighborhood.,W.R.Moore anf family visited Mrs.Moore’s paretits,Mr.and Mrs. J.W.Harris,near Salisbury,last week. Mr.John Lloyd and Miss Lottie Bowers were united in marriage on last Sunday.Mr.Lloyd is a pros- perous farmer and a hustling young man,Miss Bowers is an employe ofTurnersburgCottonMillandisavery attractive young lady. Farm work is three weeks behind, as the weather has been disagreeable. The roads have been dragged and are in good shape. Death of Glen Redman—A WordAboutAutomobiles. Correspondence of The Landmark New Hope,R-1,April 9—Yes,the whippoorwiill.as veer heard:wild sreese have been passing over,the leaves are putting forth and every- thing was beg'nniny to seen like summer was near.But snow fell for a few moments this morning, Glen,oldest son of Mr.and Mrs. Melver Redman (mentioned in mylastletterasboing:cick),died Mon- day morning.He had been confinedtohishedonlyafewdaysbutheandhispeoplehadtealizedforthree weeks that his cordition was l.ope-less.His mother was in bed with measles at the time of his deata Other members of th:family havehadmeasles.The funeral and bu- rial were at Taylor Springs Tues- day.Surviving are father,mother,three rothers and-two-sisters:~May Correspondence of The Landmark,New Stirling,April 13.—Mr.andMrs.Hendritz and Mr,Hendritz ofVirginia,father,mother and brother of Mrs.Escar Brady,are visi atMr.Brady’s home,Mrs.Bradyis inDr.Leng’s Sanatorium,where she re-cently underwent an operation,The young folks haa several socia)affairs at Easter.About 20 childrengatheredatR.H.Gray's varaandenjoyedanegghunt.‘At 5J.B.Clodfelter’s Saturday afternoon about 30 young people enjoyed anegghuntandathesameplaceSaturdaynight.Rev.Mr,Morrison of Taylorsville,who is supplying New Stirling church, filled his appointment there Sunday. A meeting of the congregation willbeheldatthechurch,on Sunday,the 26th.The rotation man Landmark strikes Shiloh about right.If the present officers.should an-nounce themselves for renominationNvouldyounotberemindedoftheoldQuakeras"quoted in the Presby-terian Standard,who once said,“Wil-liam,it would not be Christian -toer]thee a liar but if I found the Lordlookitigfora-lier I would say,Wit- liam,the Lord_needs thee,” As a prominent citizen of States-ville remarked;these officers are do- ing miore to break up the DemocraticpartyinIredellthananyotherthing.If there’is a man in Shiloh townshipwhetbelievés‘that rotation is not forthe‘best interest of the county,so-ciall?,politically,financially and oth-erwise,let him send his name to The Landmark for publication,I have not found him. Home—Easter Event. Correspondence of The Landmark. Loray,April 13-—-The Rural Com- munity club of the Loray school willmeetattheschoolhouseFridayeve- ning,Aipril 17,at 8 o’elock. Those who are now.at home after teaching the past winter are MissesLillianBagwell,Lelia .Stevenson, Jettie and Estelle Woodsides,EulaliaMcLellandandCleoraHarris. Misses Jettie and Estelle .Wood- side entertained Saturday evening atanEasteregghunt.Those present reported a very pleasant evening. Person county will vote,May 12, on a bend issue of $150,000 for good roads. Cures Old Sores,Qther femedies Won't Cure The worst cases,no matter of how long standing, are cured by the wonderfcl,old reliable Dr.Porter's Antiseptic”Healing Oily "Ie relievesPainandHealsgtthecamefive._%5c.SOc,$1.00, Announcements. FOR SHERIFF. I hereby announce myself a candidate forthe.office of Sheriff of Iredell county,sub-ject to the.action.of the Democratic primarierandsountyconvention.: April 14,1914 JM.DEATON. FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS: I hereby anhounce myself a candidate fortheofficeofRegisterofDeedsforthecoun-ty of Iredell,‘subject to theactionof theDemocraticprimariesandcounty.conven- tion.J,E.FESPERMAN,April 14,1914—100* FOR TREASURER. I am «@ candidate for Treasurer of Iredellcounty,subject to the action of the Demo-eratic primaries and county convention.TILDEN H.WILLIAMS.March 27. FOR TREASURER. I hereby announce mysetr a candidate fortheofficeofTreasurerofIredellCounty, subject to the action of the Democratic prt-maries and county convention. March 27.R F.RIVES. FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS, I hereby announce myself a candidate fortheofficeofRegisterofDeedsofIredellcounty,subject to the action of the Demo-eratic primaries atid county convention. JAS.R.HILL. March 27. FOR SHERIFF. I am «candidate for sheriff of Iredell coun-ty,subject to the action of the Democratic primaries and county convention,and solicitthesupportoftheDemoeratievoters.Mareh 17.J.A.BROWN, FOR CLERK SUPERIOR COURT. 1 hereby announce my candidacy for theofficeofclerkoftheSuperiorCourtforIre-dell county,subject to the action of the Dem- oeratic party convention and primaries forthecounty,P P.DULIN,Jan.27. Flowers! The Most Beautiful Floral Designs Obtainab'e. a!While we furnish flow- He who doeth all things well com- fort the sorrowing ones in their time of sore distress. Well,I don’t own an auto;neith- er do I wish (as one in this part has)that they and prohibition were abel- ished.But I do think that those who own automobiles should have some regard for the rights of otherswithteams.Not do as the uther fel- he should do.Try the golden rule. LLL ERT of Mrs.Alexander—Other News. Correspondence of The Landmark. Stony Point,April 13.—Mrs.C,A. Alexander died last night at her home in Miller’s township,Alexan- der county,after a brief illness*ofpneumonia,_Funeral and burial to- Death |.Winds havé.been abolished ‘by the|United States weather forecasters.||You may think the wind is blowing}but it isn’t.It’s a “breeze”or a|“gale.” |According to the latest.classifica-tion of moving air adopted by the }not reach.a velocity of .34_miles an |hour will be designated as “breezes.”|When the speed reaches 34 miles andoverthebreezebecomesagale,more wind, day at Stony Point, Miss Mary Somers,who Icft here Inst September to spend some time in Texas,returned home Saturday night.Complications have arisen in regard to the bond issue in Alexan-der and its defeat is predicted,Butweatherbureau,air currents that do!we hope for the best. —License has been issued for themarriageofMr.Marion Stewart andNo!Miss Willie Bell.Ritchie and Mr.JohnLloydandMissDottie.Bowers. low does (as ofie has said),but ast] ers of every kind,being our own home-grown prod- uct,we make a great spe- cialty of artistic designs for every purpose. All orders promptly ex- ecuted,and the workman-ship is the very best known to the floral business. Orders by telegraph or*phone have immediate at- tention. ‘ Van Lindley (o., FLORISTS TO THE SOUTH, GREENSBORO,N.C. Local Agents. Polk Gray Drug Co, social gathering at}{ in.Tuesday’s|- Rural Community Club—Teachers-at}4 Togramme;:re Beldag,s te: Blow Out at Santa Banana(2reela) American Film What the Crystal Told—Majestic Film The Man —Reliance FilmHerLoveLetters-Thanhouser F,{Mutual Girl—Reliance Film Wednesday.fe “Saturday.Narcotic Spectre (two x B.Film Thief and The Book (two reels)— The Elevator Man—.Majestic Film‘Thanhouser Film |How Motion Pictures Are Made—Thursday.Keystone Film #At the Potter’s Wheel —MonAmericanFilmonday.|Hidden Clue-Reliance Film|Power of the Mind—Majestic Film Three extragood reels An Additional Room Without Rent Your house will be one room larger and you will think your porchisthebestplaceaboutthehouseifyouequipitwith Aerolux No-Whip Porch Shades. These shades offer you absolute seclusion on your own porch and make it a delightful retreat during hot weather.They are equipped with the NO-WHIP ATTACHMENT,which prevents flapping in the wind, They are made in a variety of colors,suitable for all kinds of porches.They may be left down at night or when eee theporch, as they are held firm)y by the NO-WHIP A TTACHMENT. Come in today and see our display,or a telephone call will bring the‘‘Aerolux’’man,who will show you color samples,and then if you wish,take the measurements of your porch Crawford.Bunch Furniture Co. Merchants &F eters’ BANK OF STATESVILLE. The Bank For Your Savings. Ji errrerericrentimanceonteetann RSERS 2 satetenpa aces eee emaeeemeenn eneaetnen-neCOMFORTAB OU WILL find solid comfort in our Rockers,Elegance,dura- bility and coffort combined,Constructed by the very best manufacturers These goods will retain their fine elegant finish and last a lifetime and always prove a source of pleasure and satisfaction to every customer Our collection comprises a very handsome lot of rockers finished in weathered oak,golden oak and mahogany,the popular mission style and some beautiful,massive rockers,upholster- ed in velour or leather.They cost no more than the inferior,trashy goods that are flooding the market.- Investigate our great stockof rockers and pe convinced, The Williams Furniture House. HELP THE HOME TOWN BY TRADING WITH HOME ‘MERCHANTS. Sc n s ER E E E e e r a n a r re n n e r ee r ne EE S Ee e Ae ee SUESDAY AND 120°WEST BROAD STREET. TELEPHONE NO.14,°es*TUESDAY,---.jApril 14,1914. GLIMPSE OF PASSING THRONG. Personal Mention of People and Their ‘Movements. Mrs.R;E,Nooe and two children, Miss Katherine and Master Robert,spent Friday in Hickory.aMrs.K.L.Miller and two ‘chil-dren,Shelton and Leon,have been Visiting Mrs.C.E.Hobbs in David- son since Friday.Miss Ruth Morrison returned yes-terday from Charlotte,where shespenttheEasterholidays. Mr.and Mrs.C.F.Williams andlittledaughter,Mildred,visited rel- atives in Alexander county fromFridaytoyesterday.Mrs.Mary L.Reece,Mrs.A.H.Reete and Misses Velma and Mil-dred Reece of Cool Spring township,are visiting in Winston-Salem.Mrs.R.S.Clay and two little sonsefMarionafeguestsatthehome6f Mrs,Clay’s-parents,Mr.and Mrs. G.Karcher,on east.Broad street.Mr.and Mrs.J,H.Totten,who were here on a visit to Mrs.Totten’s pa- rents,Mr.and Mrs.Karcher,left Saturday for Burlington,Ia.,where they will make their home.They had been living in Norfolk,Va.Miss Claudia Tharpe of Harmony passed through Statesville Saturday en route to.Winston -Salem,where she spefit Easter.She went from Winston -Salem to Walnut Cove, where she will spend several days. Miss Bobbie Smith,.who was «a guest ut the home of Mrs.J.B.Con- “nelly;left Satusday for herhome..in. Dallas,Texas." Mr.D.H.Spears of Palmerville spent from Saturday to yesterday with his sister,Mrs.Clyde S.Alex- ander. Mr.R.R.Reid of Charlotte spent Saturday in town. Miss Margaret Stevenson,daughter of Mr.A.W.Stevenson of Shiloh township,who has been teaching school in Macon county,returns home this week. Mrs.D.B.Stearns of Caarlotte is visiting her mother,Mrs.M.M.Dot- son. Mr.Eugene Culbreth of Raleigh spent Easter with his parents,Mr, and Mrs.E.W.Culbreth.He re- turned to Raleigh yesterday. Miss Corrinne Morrison is at home from Salem College,Winston-Salem, to remain until Thursday. Miss Daisy Johnson and her little sister,Margaret,spent Easter in Salisbury,returning homé yesterday. Miss Mabel Dunlap,who was at home for the holiday season,return-ed yesterday to Mt.Ulla,where she is teaching school.- Miss Elizabeth Hill returned to Charlotte yesterday after a brief visit to her home in the Clio community: Mr..and Mrs.Oscar Leonard andlittledaughter,Mary Lee,of Hick- ory,passed through Statesville yes- terday.They were en route home from Barium,where they visited Mr. Leonard's father,Mr.R.R.Leonard.Mr.J.H.Dingelthoef,who spent a few days at home,returned yesterday to Lenoir,where he is in business. Mrs.Dingelhoef accompanied him. Misses Hassie Miller.and Martha McLaughlin spent yesterday in Char- lotte. Miss Katherine White of Greens- bero is the guest éf Miss Elizabeth Sherrill. Miss Mamie Zackery of Charlotte spent from Sunday till last night inStatesvlaShewasenrouteto Morganton to visit her home people. Mr.Fred Deaton from the Univer- sity at Chapel Hill and Mr.HenryNicholsonfromTrinity.College at Durham’were at home for the Easter holidays. Mr.Ralph Elam was Winston-Salem for Easter. Mr.W.T.Nicholson attended the Moravian Easter services in Winston- Salem Sunday. Mr,J.B Greene and his little niece,Ollie Blanche Greene,return- ed yesterday to their home at Rocky Mount after a brief visit to Mr.and Mrs.J.L.Sherrill. Mesdames J.B.Poster and H.W. Clifford will return’today or tomor- row from a visit to Winston-Salem. Mr.Scart Morrison was home from the A.and M.College for the Easter holidays, Mr.Geo.C.Wright of Tennessce is visiting Mr.T.P.Summers and other relatives in this coramunity. Miss Louise Reid of Little Rock, Ark.,who is a student at Elizabeth College in Charlotte,spent her Easter vacation with Miss Flora McDougald, returning to Charlotte last evening. here from Date of Allison-Bryant Marriage—Social Affairs.ok The following invitations have been issued:“Mr.and Mrs.Thomas Johnston Allison request the ploas- ure of your company at the mar- riage reception of their daughter,Elizabeth,and Mr.Pegram Ardrey| Bryant,April 29th,1914,8 to 10 o'clock,at 318 Davie avenue,States- ville,N.C”.The ceremony takes place at 7.30. Mrs,W.H.McElwee gave an Eas- ter egg hunt yesterday afternoon at her home on Water street for her children,Billie and Sarah McElwee. Quite a company of little folks par- ticipated in the hunt for the eggs and enjoyed ice cream and cake serv- ed by the hostess, Honor Roll For Lingle School. Correspondence of The Landmark. Following is the honor roll for theLingleschool:Wm.Cloyd,Mamie Reavis,Wal- ter Bailey,Clayton Furches,Mamie Sides,Edna Sides,Loula Ellis,OdellDellinger. Cure for Sour Stomach.A .M.Thompson,of.Battle.Creek,h.,writes:“I have been troubled withindigestion,sour stomach and bad ,breath, After taking two bottles of OhambertainTabletsIamwell.These tablets aredid—none better.”For sale by ail dealers. ‘**Lan ha im i‘?;ie WERE MARRIED LAST JUNE. Privette of Iredell Kept Their May,riage Seeret Nearly a Year. The Landmark received the follow- ing announcement Saturday:“Mr,William Garland Privette andMissInezReynolds,married,June20,1913,Asheville,N,C.” The Raleigh News and Observer ofSaturdaygavethefollowingexplan-ation:“When the friends of Miss InezReynoldsofRaleighandMr.William Garland Privette of Washington,N.C.,gather at Pullen Memorial churchthisafternoonat3:30 to witness theceremony,the couple won't be there.They will be «in Washington.The reason is a good one,They are mar-ried and have been nearly a year.Several days ago they set the datefortheceremony.Mrs.A.V.Joy-ner,one of Mrs.Privette’s bestfriends,gave her a shower and theother.friends gathered and wished her well.‘They were to be present today te confer congratulations,butthebride’and bridegroom left thismorningat12:40 for Washington and Philadelphia and upon their re- turn will go to Washington (N.C.),where they-will live.“The marriage of Miss ReynoldsandMr.Privette took place in Ashe- ville,June 20,1913.They came back from that place and Miss ReynoldswenttotheofficesoftheStateBoardofHealth,where she is stenographerandagoodone.Mr.Privette return- ed_to ,Beaufort county and took charge of the educational mattersthereassuperintendent,likewise a good one.He made frequent visits to Raleigh.to see Mirs._Privette,but nothing of the marriage was betrayedbythem.The calls were frequent enough to make morally certain theourky-marviage:A-few..weeks...agothedateforthepublicceremony Was set.“It is presumed that if the ‘wed- ding’had taken place today,it would have been a simple announcement party and Rev.A.V.Joyner would have been given the word to pub- lish the marriage of ,nearly ten PROPERTY CHANGES HANDS. |Celebration..By.the,Sunday.School.of~at..T, Marriage—Personal Items. Correspondence of The Laridmark.** Taylorsville,April 13—Mr.H.T.Kelly has purchased the property ofthelateMr.J.T,Mein from the heirs,The consideration was $1,-800.Mr;Kelly will improve ‘this property and will probably build aresidenceononeofthelots.Mrs.L.D,Robinette has.sold herhouseandlotinthewesternpartoftown,to Mr.William Crouch,former- ly of Alexander,who has lived in,Caldwell for some time.Mr.Crouchismovinghisfamilyheretodayand Mrs Robinette and family will movetodaytothecottageofMessrs.W.C,and C,P.Matheson,~near the Campbell House. Messrs,W.M.and James Sharpe have bought the stock of n-dise from Earp:\Bros,and will takechargeoffleBusinessMay.23th. Earp Bros.will continue buying country produce. Mr.T.C,White of .Cleveland spent Easter at his home here.Miss Irene LeQueux ‘of Statesville spent Sunday here with her mother,MPs.H.D.LeQueux.Mr.A.C.Payneattended.the funeral of:Mx,.-ZanLackeyatPisgahchurch,Tredell, Friday.“Miss Lillian Matheson went to Winston-Salem Saturday morn-ing to spend Easter with her cousin, Mrs.Harold Early.Drs.8.T.Crow- son and Asa Thurston attended themeetingofthedistrictmedicalso-ciety in Statesville Friday.Mr.and Mrs.D.F.Simpsou.and baby ~ofTroutmanarespendingEasterwith Mrs,Simpson’s father,Mr,&P.Babington.Mrs.Gaston Hendren and son,Master John,who spent sev- eral days with relatives in and near town,returned Friday to their homein_Samarcand.Messra>Leon —andBenoEcherdofBeardstown,TL,areVisitingrelativeshere.Profs J.A.White of Cleveland spent Easter with his family here. Miss Fairy Watts and Mr.Edward Rector were married Saturday eve- ning at 8 o'clock at the residence of the bride’s father,Mr.W.W.Watts,|’ months.The couple exacted the of their marriage until they leave. “Mrs.Privette is a native of Orange county,living in Efland.She }tious workers in the office of State |Board of Health,is a devoted churchmemberandespeciallycapableinher work.Mr.Privette graduated from Wake Forest at the June commence ment of 1912 and is now at the head 1 of one of the best county school sys-| i tems in the East.They will live in}Washington.”|Mr.Privette is an Iredell man and!is a son of Mr.Charlie Privette of| |Bethany township and a grandson| iof Mr.Wesley Privette of States-| i ville. |Notices of New Advertisements. Saleslady for dry goods wanted.— D.-B.Krider.&Co. L.B.Bristol has yoke of‘fine steers for cele. J.B.Parks has qualified os execu- tor of J.H.Jones. J.M.Deaton annoznces himself a candidate for sheriff. E.M.Freeze has qualified as ad- ministratrix of James H.Freeze. J.E.Fesperman announces himself for register of deeds. Nice soy -beans.—W.F..Millsaps. Reliable white woman wanted to keep house.Address Gox 55 or tel- ephone 1285. A common fallacy.—Mutual Build- ing &Lean Association. |A Big Ben for $2.50——H.B.Wood- ward. Keystone rompers. ton. Right clothes at the right prices.— Sloan Clothing Co. Comfortable rockers.—Williams Furniture House.Hitch your heart Hall’s Drug Store. All-week demonstration of White House coffee and tea,—Ramsey- Bowles-Morrison Co. Call on Eagie &Mitholland for hams and bacon. The mayor has designated Friday as clean-up day. 58 meeting at the court Friday night. Sloan Pressing work. Fertilizer facts —T.N.Brown. At the Lyric theater this weck. Aerolux porch shades.—Crawford- Bunch Furniture Co. Wedding gifts of quality —Stctes- ville Drug Co.The bank for your savings.—Mer- chants &Farmers’Bank. Closing-out sale ~continues.—Pos-ton-Wasson Co. Specials for ladies —Belk Bros.The Crescent theater prograrime for this week, Death of Mr.Lackey—Close of School monomeemint-Rocky Branch.Correspondence of The Landmark. Stony Point,R-2,April 10.—This ;community was shocked last Thurs-|day when news came of the death of |Mr.Zan Lackey,death resulting from Mills &Pos- to Huyler’s.— next house Club for expert |pneumonia,~Although death was ex- pected it came as a__shock.Mr. Lackey was born and reared in the community where he died.He was a good neighbor and citizen,a devotedhusbandandfather.He leaves a mother,wife and eight children.The funeral and burial were at.Mt. Pisgah church,of which the deceased had been a consistent member for anumberofyears.”He was 53 years,nine months and 21 days old.HewasamemberoftheJuniorOrderandoftheMasons.The Masons hadchargeoftheburial.Much sympa-thy goes out to the bereaved ones.Mr.Lackey will be greatly missed inthecommunity.The school closed at Rocky Branchwithanentertainment.”The oceasionwasanenjoyableone.BeclinedlaslinsceetitsiescsAtRowland,‘Robeson=e night,Aaron DorMcCallum, promise that nothing would be said} has been one of the most conscien-| county,Sat-bwasshot}. +3 a in the trate J ceremony A number of young people from cotton mill village.-Magis- M.Matheson performed the here attended the commencement of|xa:the State high school at Hiddenite Thursday and bascbal!team played Hiddenite team| Hiddenite.|The score was 5 to 4 in favor of Hid-| Thursday afternoon at denite Miss Elizabeth Lindsay left urday morning to visit Mrs.Neely,in Salisbury;and ©her grandmother,Mrs.Cameron Wither-|spoon,in Kernersville.Dr.and Mrs.| T.F.Stevenson,.son and daughter, Mr.C. Esther,were guests ovér Sunday ofMrs.Stevenson's father,Mr.A.H.| Miss Carmalt Grimes—of|Matheson. Salisbury is expected to arrive to- morrow to visit Mrs.H.D.Li b,Mr.and Mrs.Locke Sloope and ¢hil-dren of Charlotte are guests at the home of Mrs.Sloope’s father,Mr.J,L.Sloope.Mr.and Mrs.W.B.Nor- ris and children of Iredell spent Suriday with Mrs.Norris’father,Mr. J.L.Sloope.Mr.C,P.Burke ofGreensborospentEasterwithhis mother,Mrs.R.B.Burke.Mr.J.D. Campbell spent Friday in Statesville.| Mr.J.A.Matheson of Greensboro} and Dr,J.P.Matheson of Charlotte} spent Easter,with their parents,Mr.|and Mrs.W.,B.Matheson.Mrs.G.| G.White and baby,William,of Statesville came up Friday night to! visit Mrs.White’s mother,Mrs.L.|D.Robinette.Mr.White spent Sun- day with them. For some time,at intervals,w).is-key has been disappearing from the express Office,Saturday night Mr. 0,F.F.Pool and Policeman Hunter stationed themselves in .the express office to await the thief and results.About 4 o’clock Sunday morning a hand,in which was a knife,entered between the bars of the window,and the hand caused the knife to cut open whiskey packages.The officers arrdsted the hand and found Bob Cannon,white,on the other end of it. He is suspected of having been engagedinsimilaroperationsbefore. A quart was as large package as hecouldtakethroughthebarsatone time. We had two fine Easter cantatas —“Easter Angels,”at the Presbyte-rian ¢hurch Saturday night,and “Day of Resurrection”at the Mcth-odist~church -Sunday afternoon.Those who took part.in rendering the music were Mr.©.B.Brady of Mooresville,Messrs.J.C.Connelly, A.©Payne,M.L.Gwaltney and G. S.Ingram;Mesdatnes Lon Coon and{S.T.Crowson,with Mrs.J.C.Con-nelly at the-organ, Closing of Eupeptic Springs School.Correspondence of The Landmark. ~-s~has—been~previousiy~announeedinTheLandmark,the closing exercisesofEupepticSpringsschoolwill be held on the 17th.Exercises day and night. The devotional exercises wil!beconductedbyRev.M.A.Matheson,after which recitations and dialogueswillbegiven.At 11:80 the old folks’spelling contest will come off.At 2}o’clock in.the afternoon Prof.R.M.Gray will deliver an address.A goodtimeisexpected.Everybody invited.Be on hand by 10 a.m. J..E,..CRITZ Roy Abernethy of Salisbury,waskickedbyadyinghorseandserious-ly injured.The kick was accidental- ly made by the animal in its deathstruggles.” ieacnreeeeieneeneneseelse::Prevent Blood Poisoningapplyatoncethewonderfuloldreliable DR.Feat eATPRETICRRALING OIL,.gical dressing aromas and Sinko ab»25e.SOc.$1.00, MISSIONARY DAY. the First Baptist Church.. The celebration of “MissionaryDay’”’by the First Baptist SundayschoolSundaywasasuccessineveryparticular.An excellent missi#nary programme was rendered,interest inthemissioncausewasgreatlystimwu-lated and the contributions to mis- Sions amounted te $126,which was$26 above the aim of the school.Theprogrammeincludedanacrosticon“Home Missiéns™by Winnefred andMarthaCraigPegram,Edwin and Louise Patterson,Fred and Ruth Conger,Phoebe Lowery,Haze)Little-john,Edward Holeomb,Harvey Priy- Wilma Johnson.and Ruth Dan- iels;recitations,“The Children of theMills,”by Miriam MeCall and “tIm-migrants”by Muriel Fox;decla- mation on the “Home Mission Build- ing and Loan Fund,”by Floyd Mathe- son;the story of Matthew T.Yates by Mr.L.O.White;the..story of“McKay.of Uganda”by Mr.D.°FP.Mayberry;“Iredell.County Men.andWomenasMissionaries,”by..Mr. E.Echerd;a pantomime,“IntheCrossofChristIGlory,”by MissWillieSloan,with soio by Mis.R.E. I and.“Our Little Representa- attett, Re et eer a js|FIRSTNATIONAL BANK jl x WHEN YOU MAKE AN INVESTMENT careful consideration-is given as to thesoundnessofthepropositionandalsothatthefuturestabilitymaybeassured. When You Deposit Your Money in a Bank the same cafeful consideration should beused,an should be satisfied as to thestrength,Ability and reputation of the cus-todian of your Ss. This Bank Offers You All These Requirements. CAPITAL ..<.....:.......$100,000.00SURPLUSANDPROFITS—36,000.00RESUURCES.....,......759,000.00“THE BANK FOR YOU.” 59 9 ) 3 9 9 3 9 ) 5 9 9 5 9 5 9 9 9 95 9 9 by > > >> ) EC C L E S AC (K E K K K K E K K = CAPITAL.CSieyemeyele)RUgeraodie lapp, in Foreign Lands—the Dozier hildren in Japan and the Leonard ‘hildren in China.”Martha Craig fram and Percy Anderson repre- nted the Dozier children and James Clifford and Ruth Conger the Leon- ard children,all being attired in Jap- anese and Chinese costumes.Pless Woodward and Layton Wiggs,.rep- ting Chinese “coolies,”were the of the Leonard children Holcomb’spoke for > ( t ( ( I reser attendants and Virginia them The rostrum was decorated with rios from Japan and.China,flow-ers,etc.In*the-center was a largehitecrossdrapedwithWy,whichwassurroundedbymapsofthevar- countries where the Baptists are doing mission work.Ribbon stream- ers running fromthe cross to themapsberethe.pictures of the mis- naries in the respective countries. The suecess of the event was duc inalargemeasuretotheeffortsoftheentertainmentcommittee,Miss LauraLazenby,Miss Lina McRae,Mrs.J.F.Bowles,Mrs.Charles Anderson, 10us Friday.Taylorsville|WANTED—Reliable white woman to take Sat-| her aunt,| L.Stevenson and little Mary! d other ladies who assisted them. shed house and keep house for two Address Box 55 or Telephone 1285. 14 FOR SALE—Handsome i-reom house on $33,000) Wedding Gifts of Quality Stouffer’s Hand Painted China, ----—Rich American Cyt Glass, Brass and Heraldic Bronze, Japanese China. Statesville Drug Co., Quality Prescriptionists. ard,Lot 765x270 FELIX J Can give you good AXLEY,real*es- April 10. n this FOR SALE—One buggy and two surreys,inecondition.L.B.BRISTOL.Apr.10.=Cee FOR SALE—Assorted dahlia balbs and chrys-anthemum plants.MRS.JNO.A.WHITE,phone 1249 April 10-—~2t WANTED—White cook. Star Route. GEO.MORRISON, April 10—2t*Statesville, FOR SALE—Two mules.W.L.SMITH,Cash or on time.Bloomfield.April 10—2t* WANTED—Stenographer.One who writes good hand and can assist in office”work.Address ‘in own handwriting.“B,”care The Landmark.April 10. BOR SALE—One 1 1-2 h.p.gasoline engine.MM.D.&T.Electric Co Apr.3 POR _EXPERT Cleaning and Pressing Phone 147, Sloan Pressing Club. Ladies’work a Specialty. aCLOSING-OUTSALE Everything marked down to a price that means a big saving from regular prices.Supply your wants now for spring and summer.Silks,Ratines, Crepes,Mulls and all kinds of new ma- terials on at sale prices. Shoes,Slipp rs anin.these to closes PPertilizer Facts. |Serreennanarcantaett No.1.The Ammonia in our Ferti- lizer is made of Blood,Meal,FishScraps,etc No.2 There are ammonia‘ed goods on the market madeofleath-er,wood,hair,etc.,and are.worthnothingasFertilizer.Which kinddoyouwant?We got these facts before we bought,for your protection T.N.BROWN.’Phone 433. At Iredell Hardware Co. MASS MEETING. Friday Night,April17th,at 8 O'clock at the Court House. The Board of Governors of the Commercial Club have‘instructed me to call a meeting of the citizens of Statesville for next Friday night in thé Court house at 8 o'clock to fully diseuss the advisability of issuing PRESCRIPTION: SPECIALISTS . THE POLK GRAY DRUG GO., “On the Square” 109”PHONES—410 | $25,000 School Bonds.Every one come out and expressthemselves,and hear the issaes fair- ly discussed. W.L.GILBERT,ro ABB LAL.Secretary, CLEAN-UP DAY. Filth and unclean sur-rounding are forerunners ofpestilencewhichwalkethindarknessanddestructionwhichwastethatnoonday.Therefore,I most respect-fully and earnestly requestthatalloccupantsorownersofpremiseswithinthecity ! fee amareHoleproofHosierne .We'have a complete stock of Holeproof Ho-siery and guarantee three pair to last three |months without DARNING.If holes comein-one or more of them exchange for newones.Wear good HOSE. New Spring styles in Colonial Pumps #3.50. The S.,M.&H.Shoe Co., The One Price Cash Shoe Store. of Statesville on Friday,April 17th,1914,be diligent-ly engaged in cleaning up nd removing al)objectiona-ble matter from their prem-This is sufficient to apeoplewhobelieveinclean-iness,and cleanliness is next will .;raon iceased,this is to notify all persons having notify ail pe a having claims againet his. their recovery. estate are requested to make prompt payment.| NOTICE TO CREDITORS.—Having qualified as administratrix of the. estate of James H.Freeze,deceased,I hereby NOTICE TO CREDITORS, Having qualified as exectitor of the last!and testament of J.H.Jones,de- lestate to present same to me on oFlaimsagainstsaid’estate to present them :defore«to me on or before the 14th day of Apri,|**Mth"day of April,1916.Those indebts *1916,.or this notice will be plead im bar of|to sald estate are requested to settle. EB.MAllpersonsindebtedtosaid|-R.B,McLaughlin,Atty,J.B.PARKS,April 14,1914. April 14,1914.Extr.J.H,Jonea.| to Godliness. ““L.GC.CALDWELL,Apri Mayor,prices,carload of fresh milkers from Lin-eh or . Fine Cows At Auction! |hs poationtaleso mn shies tedate....d....BR.haata,:n %z 4Newton,N,Cy FRESH MILKERS, Just reesived..and.for.aale..at.rersonable Positively no by- logue.SARAH ©Ly Mareb 31--3t*It a wy "Phone or write W.C.WOOTED,SHUPORD.April 3, International Harvester Oil and Gas Engines HH j : “™~.2 OeNothin ee Vdwoe— = Wer ee . VERY wise farmer does what he can to save money,time,unneces-sary hard work,and to have as pleasant aifeasispossible.:Therefore,wise farmers buy International Har-vester engines,engines of standard:constructionwithfeaturesliketheoffsetcylinderhead,accuratelygroundpistonandrings,extra large yalves,detachablevalveguides,split-hub fly-wheels—featurerthatmakethenrlastbyfarthelongestandsavethemostmoneyintheend.fBesurewhenyoubayregengine that it is anIHCengine,and you will be sure of bést materialandbestconstruction.They are made portable,stationary,or skidded;vertical or horizontal;air orwater-cooled.Sizes range from 1 to 50-H.P.Theyoperateonbothlowandhighgradefuels.-Not every-local dealer can show you InternationalHarvesterengines.Write us for interesting cata-+offloguesandfullinformation,and we will tell you thenameofthelocaldealerwhohandlesourengines, The IHCLine i z Fa t fa i r e :i reik éi TI Manufact W.C,,mers the Man The output of piano factories is immense._1ese pianos must be put in suitable storage until sold, A Store house in a city costs per month, A Manager to conduct that house coats per month His Stenographer for typewriting correspondence,etc.His Advertising in one Magazine costs per month Total, A house for storage in Stateevilie,N.C,costs per month A wanager to conduct that house costs per monthAdvertisinginfivepaperscostspermonth Total, irers have established a depository in Statesville, saving the differencein above expenses,.giving custo advantage of the same in prices,with J.8.Leonard, ager.Buy your Pianos,Organs and small Musical Instru Your Wife Votes For Life Insurance. Don’t leave your family unprotected.Insure yourlifenow.Delay is dangerous.Life insurance willweacaseyourmindifyougetsick.Financial gatisfac-tion comes with the maturing endowment.Insure with a company that belongs to us,that keeps itsmoneyathome,helping toward the upbuilding ofoursectionandState.-.The-Southern Life &Trust Co.is our company.Let’s be loyal to our own,especially so since we know it is the bestLifeInsuranceCo.Give me your application.You know me.Youcandependonwhat!tell you. FELIX J.AXLEY,REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE. Over Merchants &Farmers’Bank.Life,Health,Accident. JUST One hundred head of HORSES, MARES and MULES. Also extra large shipment of VE- HICLES and HARNESS. Henkel-Craig Live Stock Co. to _you can pay for it with rent mon HAVE YOU A CAMEO? If you have not you are well nigh out of therunning.We have them,all kinds and in allshapes.The stone as well as the shell Cameo inScarfPins,Pendants for neck chains,Brooches,Bracelets and —We will be glad to showyouthingsandwillmakenoverystrongobjec-tions to selling you some of them.R.H.Rickert &Son,Jewelers. a.NEW SERIES!_ The 55th Series in the First Building and Loan As-sociation of Statesville,N.C.,opened on Saturday,February 7th,1914, If you want to own your own home and haven’t themoneytopaydownforit,subscribe for stock andbuildorbuythroughtheBuildingandLoan,whereey.You can takeComeinandtalkthematterover, H.V. ’Phone 190. stock any time. Furches, Secretary and Treasurer. ona ‘should at once command the party’s -icreating a State road law.We he- ne ‘ ent Privileges to nonistheonetrustworthyvehicleofthepeopleintheirtaskofworking‘outa,just government,and,..therefore,the best means of enduring politicalrogress;and confirmed in this faith y’s great record of serv.e past and no less by themagnificentspithwhichitis:;now animated inthe adi toftheaffairsofourCommonwéalthandour.republic,we take this”occa-sion,‘as the party sets about the se-lection of its tasks,its:leaders,and8-bearers for another -¢eam- paign,to present for consideration,subject to thé approval of the Dem.ocratic State convention,‘the follow-ing measures that in our.judgmentarenecessarytothewelfareofthepeopleofNorthCarolina,and that hearty support with the viewto en- actment Into law at the hands ofrepresentativeselectedinitsnameat the next meeting of the General As- sembly:;I.We recommend that oll norina-tions of candidates of all political}parties,for all county,State,dis-trict,legislattive and national ‘¢lec-tive offices,shall be in ballet pririesamder“the strict regatation ‘oflaw,with strong penalties to prevent corrupt practices,setting a reasona-ble limit upon the expenditures of ev-ery candidate and requiring”each candidate to publish prior to and im- mediately after the primaty a swornstatementofhisreceiptsandexpend-itures,and fixing a common day fortheprimariesofallparties. Il.‘We hold the opinion that our Commonwealth has outgrown its present system of taxation as fixed in the constitution;that that systemasitisnowappliedisinefficientand inequitable..We recommend,there- fore,the ratification by the people oftheamendmenttotheconstitution proposed by the Genera]Assembly of 1913,designed to facilitate the re- vision of our revenue system;.and,promptly upon the.ratification ofthatamendment,we urge that theGeneralAssembly‘shall ‘proceed to correct the inequalities and the’inef- ficiency.that now obtains;and.by larger inheritance and other taxestodecreasetheburdensuponindus- try and property.3 III.We believe that one -of the most serious obstaclés to progressinNorthCarolinahasbeenthe«ab-sorption of our legislators in local and special measures. commissions,‘\eharged with the supervision of pj publie utilities. di will remove.all question as to dig-in-}criminations ‘adverse to our people We recom-}! mend,therefore,the ratification by|ty should have two ¢Pee porations and taxation,‘the ©otherpchargedsolelywiththeregulationof VIII.We likewise ask that ~thepresentinvestigationof.insurariveratesbepreosedtoaconcltisionthat on this point.1X.We bring before our party theespecialdemandsandtheofthefarmers,of North Carolina,.intheconviction.that-all that -servesthemservesallthele.We ree- increasingly useful work of inspec-ttion,education and instruction,with aid to a system of rural eredits,de- signed to enable the producersof the wealth from which the State drawsitslife,to manage their enterprises at the Jowest possible rate_of inter-est and to,market their products tothebestadvahtage.-We urge ourRepresentativesinCongressto:up- hold the President in his plansto aidourfarmersinthematterofruralcredits.We “recommend.-the..en- couragement Of studies in practicalagricultureinourfreeschools.X.We advocate a law prohibitingtheemploymentin@factoryofanychildunder.14 years of age and for-bidding thé employment -therein atnightofanymalechildunder16yearsofageandofanywoman‘orgirl XI.Without committing thismeetinginadvanceto.an -éndorse-ment of any form of the initiativeandreferendumthatmaybe<ebmit-1ted,we do believe that the peoplehavetherightandtheyshouldhavetheopportunitytosaywhether,theywishordonotwishtoadoptthesemeasures,and we ‘reeommend thatanamendmenttotheconstitutiononthissubjectshallbesubmitted. XII.We recommend thatsonsreceiving*recommendation intheformofpassesorotherwisefromrailroadsorothergreatpub-lic service corporations.should not be chosen for legislative,judicial orcongressionalofficeswithoutfirstseveringsuchrelationsingoodfaith;and that such officers should not beallowedtoacceptorholdpasses. XIII.We recomménd the enact- ment of effective legislation _design- ed to reserve our natural resources, especially our forests and fisheries and our wild game and that such leg- islation be,so far as possible,State- wide. XIV.And,whereas,it is the pur-pose of this conference as set forthinthecall.to aid in crystallizing thepopularsentimentoftheStatealong well recognized lines of progressivelezislation;therefore,be it ‘Kesolved,That it is the sense ofthismeetingthatthechairappointa trong committee of not less than ve members of this body,whose du- it shall be to present the.result per- the people of the two amendments to the constitution,the one restricting | private,local and specia)Jegislation; the other prohibiting special legisla tive charters to corporations, IV,We rejoice in the:great pr ress our State is making in the ca of education of all the children,methods and forces operating i:interest of public health,in morals and public industry.We that every energy .of the Stat bent in behalf of a six months’sc} term and that the constitut amendment for this purpos adopted. We urge that the efforts of |men and-institutions engaged in the}splendid work .of conserving the} health of our people,in eradicating} diseases.and preventing infections,} be seconded with enthusiastic and} unstinted support both by State and} local governments.V.We stand for the strict uphold-ing of our laws prohibiting manufac- ture and sale of intoxicating liquors, in the enforcement of which great progress has been made.We aremadegladbytheevidencethatboth drinking and drunkenness,and therimethattheybreed,are rapidly decreasing;and that in the not dis- tant future North Carolina shallstandbeforetheworldasanexam-ple of a Commonwealth free of the curse of alcohol. We urge a further step in publicmoralsin:the form of a law holdingcriminallyliableownerswhorenttheirpropertyforunlawfulpurpos-es. aeS@in| the} pu ie} ge} be} 1001 | ynal be 3e VI.We recognize the force andbenefitofthe-movement-now sweep-ing the State in behalf of the im-provement of our public highways; and we call upon the Democraticpartytocontinue,and to reinforceinthelargestpracticalmeasure,itssupportofthisgreatworkofcom- merce,morals End “Cvilizatton,;BY] creating a highway commission.and lieve that the soundest policy for theStatetopursuewithherconvictsistouseallofthem‘for hard workinpublicroadbuildingratherthan in farming,or in hiring them out,or in building railfoads—whether thestockexchangedfortheir~labor be good or no good. vi We recommend that ourpenalsystemberevisedinlightofthemost.modern.methods,includingtheindeterminatesentenceandparolesystem) VIL.We congratulate all con-cerned upon the advances made byourGovernorandtheGeneralAs-sembly,antl especially upon theepoch-moking victory .recently wonbeforetheInter-State CommercéCommission,in the matter of reliey- ing North Carolina points of thediscriminationinfreighttariffsinfavorofpointainotherStates;andweurgethatthestrugglesowellbe-gun shall be until thereshallnotremainashadowof#us-picion that the people of this Statelaborunderanydisadvantagesofarasthecommon-carriers Are concern-ed,both inter-State and intra-State,And in:view of the fact that the growth of the State has produced an »the committee on platform,atthe.approaching Democratic Stateconvention,and press their adop- (Continued on seventh page.) DANGER AFTER GRIPPE = Lies in Poor Blood,Cough andWorn-Out Condition. Gfippe,pleurisy,pneumonia are greatly to be feared at this season. To prevent grippe from being fol- lowed by either pleurisy or pheumo- nia,it is important to drive the last traces of it out of the system. Our advice is to take Vinol,our delicious cod liver and iron prepara- tion ‘without oil,and get your strength and vitality back quickly. ‘W.W.Lake of Aberdeen,Miss., says:Grippe left me weak,run-down and with a severe cough from which I suffered for a long time.I tried different remedies,but nothing seem- ed to do me any gooduntilItook Vinol from which I received great benefit.My cough is almost entirely gone and I am strongandwell again.” Try Vinol with the certainty that if it does not benefit you we will give back your money, ‘P.8.For Eczema of Scalp try our Saxo Salve.We guarantee it, W.F.Hall,Druggist,Statesville,N.C.SAVES DAUGHTER Advice of Mother no Doubt Pre ental Ready,Ky.—I was not able to daanfornearlysixmonths,”wgnziningfcBratcher,of this place,“andwasdowninbedforthreemonths, {—-re oee I suffered =m ,and with nervousnesswomanlytroubles, Our famil tantydoctornee husband he ? mother advised me t6 takewoman’s tonic,1 do me an .ButoteadCoesckandmyown ommend that the State follow up its] i CAPITAL ‘This Bank does agen+..lectingbusiness and will pay special atten--_.tion to its SavingsDepartaened encour-»,agein every way possiblethe -opening ofsavingsaccounts,no matter how ‘small./You can start an accountin this de entwithassmallanamountas$1 which willbearinterestat4percentcompoundedquar-terly.Start an account now,not only forxe4butv7eeofthesareefoneydepositedinwaygrowsbylea:a It not only eeriehabit avigs$54 0, and bouninthriftand economy but makes ‘sure pro-tection for old age and a “Rain Day.”Come around and see us.Every detail ‘ofthemanagementofthisBankisyours.fortheasking. GEO.H.BROWN President.QO.L,TURNER Cashier. f the-deliberations of -this meetifg}- If you want top:pricesforyourcottonseedbringtheminatonce, as we expect to shutdownmillforthesea- son about April 15th, after which time thepricewillbeconsider- ably lower.We wanttheseed,you want themoneyoritsequiva- lent,so get busy. IMPERIAL COTTON OIL COMPANY."PHONE 205. WE HAVEOurImplementRoom Stocked With Latest Improved Farm Machinery. ChattanoogaandSyracuseHandPlows, Deering Mowers aad Binders, Please Re ?“Ear een”‘sease Return I apers,Our Wire Stretchers”Way aka. Iredell Hardware “s o y e y Av y WO Sa t y go r 10 ] yS y Monuments and Tombstones That is My Business. Best material,first-class work,lowest prices and satisfactionguaranteedornopay. if need anythingin mylinebe suretosee or write me idan you buy,as I am prepared to protect your interests, Ask your neighbors who have bought work from me andseewhattheysay. l-appreciate your neighbors’business and will likewiseappreciateyours. YARDS.ATSTATESVILLE,N.C.,AND.MOORESVILLE,N.ZEB DEATON,Proprietor ’OF STATESVILLE,N.©. CAPITAL PAID IN -,$100,600.00SURPLUS-31,000.00 .Bankiog isa necessary institution in the develop-tnent and welfareofnations.It is likewise a neces-sar)institution in the development aid”progress of‘any city,town or community:aay eaAbank’s usefulness to a community depends uponitsabilityandwillinguesstoservethelegitimatebasinessrequirementsforJoananddiscountaccom-modation and to provide a safe depository for com-mercial aud savings deposits.Bi nsTheCOMMERCIALNATIONALBANKisa localinstitution,with large capital and surplus,furnichesgoodsecuritytodepositorsandwithresourcesofover$600,000 has the willingness to serve this com-munity in every branch of legitimate banking.Be-lieving in this community,our policy is,andhas al-ways been,progressive and constructive,assistingineverylegitimatewayintheadvancementofthe @agricultural,manufacturing and commercial devel-opment of Statesville and Iredell.county...Our.de-posits are local and our loans are likewise local andmadetoindividualsaudlegitimateandworthylocalenterpriees.‘"To our customers we furnish check books free,render stateinents or balance pass books at the endofeachmonth,make luans and discount paper uponsecuritysatisfactorytoourboardandinsuchamountsasbusipessrequirementsandresponsibilitywarrant.We pay interest at the rate of4 per_cent~Per annum on-time and savings deposits remaiuingthreemonthsorlonger.Upon these bases we solicit your business. W.D.TURNER,E.MORRISON,~Vice President,D.M.AUSLEY,Cashier.G.E.HUGHEY,~Assistant Cashier. j President. tion tothe .end that-they~may“be ns Banks Corrected,/ 12 reserve banks provided for ‘under have been expected,resultedin 12 banks.So the 25 }cities and their friends have’raisedastorm,No selection made by anycommitteewouldhave’been freefromcriticism,because all the ¢itiesaskingcouldnotgetabank,Reply-ing to their.critics;the i ury McAdoo,Secretary of Agricul-ture Houston and Comptroller of theCurrencyJohnSkeltonWilliams,saysamongotherthings:Saree“With so many ona. somebody had to judge. power of review.Disappointed ¢om-petitors should seek a remedy throughtheorderlyprocesstheWw‘pre-scribes.¥fraser“Critics of the committee’s deécis-ion reveal misunderstanding:afdeitherdonotknow}:or appear not toknow,that the Federal reserve banksarebankers’banks and not ordinarycommercialbanks;that they are toholdthereservesandtoGearthechecksofmemberbanks,make redis-counts for them and engage im cer-tain open market operations,~Asamatteroffact,the -ordinary,every.day banking relations of “the com-munity of business men and 6f banks will not be greatly modified or alter-ed. “Every ctiy can continue tobusinesswithindividuals,firmscorporations,within its own limitsorinitsownregion,or in-any othepartsoftheUnionor.the world inwhichithasheretoforedonebusiness = THEY WON'T CHANGE TRADE. Erroneous Ideas About the Reserve The selection of:the points forthe the new currency law has,as was to|Ba ie}eriticismy in,Congress.and out,of it.|\There were 37 applications and’only committee |charged with the selection ofthe're-|:serve cities—Secretary of the Treas- mgress ||constituted the committee a coyrt and|j..gave the Federal reserye board the|; ¢ embodied in the party platform ,fortheensuingcampaigninNorthCar- oina, Respectfully submitted.Jd.W.BAILEY,}Chairman of Committee. |Bargemaster “Knocked Into WaterandSuckedInto9,Dredge. wark,Ne Jy Disphtch,10th. Capt.John.Hanson,master of atonebarge,was knocked into.New-rk Bay yesterday.afternoon andjdrawnintoagovernmentsandsuck-dredge half a mile away,then}cast through a I4-ineh pipe 2,000|}feet long out into the Newark mead-In passing’through the dredgeodywascutintofourpieces.Anitifter,he had fallen from the|men working in the meadowsirprisedtoseepartsofamaii’sysnootoutofthepipewiththe+fi f sand ard water.The sec-i ti formed .a complete "man’s}t In a pocket papers were foundifyingthebodyasthatofCap-Hanson, » art jing DESTROYS SLEEP. Many Statesville People Testify toThis. 1 can't sleep at nightWithachesandpainsof a —bad Di When you have to get up fromarytrouble. lf the kidneys are at faultSetthemworkingaright -withDoan’s Hererit Kidney’Pills. is Statesville proof of their Reavis,212 Seventh street,tesville,N.C.,says:“I was inhapefromkidneycomplaint.Icouldn’t sleep well on account ofweaknessinmybackandkidneysnthemorningIfeltallwornout.[was-also subject to nervouslizzyspells..Seeing Doan’sPillsadvertised,I got a box the stairs,uncer the radiator,are now madeeasy withthe With it you candust,cleatand polish a hardwoodfloorinthetimeitformerlytookyoutogetreadytodoit.Besides,you do not have to get down on your hands and kneesto dust ~under the bed or other hard-to-get-at places,ortostandonachairtodustthetopofthehighfurniture.All of the hard work is now aeeasywiththeO-Cedar Polish Mop.It gatherseverywhereandholdsit,The moptsalithedustordirtfromensilycleanedbywashingandthenrenewedbyposring04sfewdropsofO-Cedar Polish, ‘Try &two whole days withTryItatOurRiskthiswadersmadingt"I yon40uctGnditemisfactoryineveryfeepectwewillreternyourfroney.Theprice is onty $1.50and icwillsareite pricemany :taupe overin a shor time. ‘All size Bottles and Cans Statesville H ousefurnishing Co. Statesville Realty &Investment Co. 1906 ome 1913 On October 31,1913,we closed our seventhyearofbusiness.We take this occasion tothanktheloyalpatronsofourcompanyforthebusinessthey‘have entrusted to us dur-‘ing that time and we believe we have givensatisfactiontoallofourcustomers.Havy-ing grown out of infancy into mature man-hood in the INSURANCE BUSINESS weaskforacontinuanceofyoursupportandinfluence, Remember “We Insure Anything Insurable.” We write all classes of BONDS,and thussaveyoutheembarrassmentofapplyingto_your neighbor forsuch.”Write as your needs.J.F.GARLTON,Manager. —S|FOR SALE 23 acres in Harmony,centrally located,close toTwentyacresincultivation,balance in wLargestockbarnandout-buildings,fine orchard.An ideal locationforanyonewhodesirestogetclosetogoodschoolandontruckfarm.280 acres with one two-story,7-room dwellinginbeautifullocation,three room tenant house,large stock barn and out-buildings.~Goodorchard,one-fourth mile of school,1}miles of churches;125 acresincultivation,balance in oak and pine timber,100acresenclosed in pas-ture most of which is hottom land and makes fine pasture the yearround,A fine stock farm,red land,generally level and productive. State High School.oodland,leveland productive. 91 wd =ali inent ong barnandout-nearchurehandschools,miles from Harmon HighSchool.orty-fiveacres .in cultivation,level and productive,Palace in woodland,”5Forfurtherinformationcallonorwrité,Oe ere -|farm labor is searee and STATE OF OHIO.CITY Epo,mess Lucas count,6° » act controls them,but banking and business yenerally will no more “be confined within districts than herete-fore,and it is simply -misleading foranycityorindividualtoreptesent that the future of a city will be in- “Reserves are to be held in anew!. way and in new places,so far ag.this|;| Hall’s Drug Store.They actedandfixedmeupingood >50¢.,at all dealers.Don’tyaskforakidneyremedy—get |.Doa Kidney Pills—the same thatrs.Reavis had.Foster -Milburn(Props.,Buffalo,N.Y. cemreaete F'OR S2-50— BIG BEN will wake you regularyouwouldaskYoudon’t wantaandsee.He is the best Alaon*t get up and tarn him offH.B.WOODWARD, every morning him to pull you ormClockever, Surely that is allutdoyou?Try He repeats if you Jeweler, HEADQUARTERS FOR Corn and Cotton Planters We sell Cole Combination Corn and Cotton~Planters,Hoosier Gorn and -Cotton.Plant-ers,Ledbetter One-Seed Corn and CottonPlanters,Hoosier Plain Corn Planters. These were all “born and raised”on thefarmandarethebestoftheirkindonthemarket.It will be worth your time to lookthem‘over. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. |fariorasly affected by reason of its f to secure a Federal preserve|bank Every city which has founda-|allure tions for prosperity and progress will | well-informed bankers, —_——_—_—Concessions to Colombia on AccountPanamaCanal. Free use of the Panama canal by Colombian warships,troop ships and army and navy supply vessels is pro-posed in the new treaty between the United States and Colombia,signedatBogotalastweek,to sea)}the breachbetweentwocountriesoverthesep-aration of Panama:Secretary Bryait € BY that the clause in the convention wa at Bogota employs the language the Root-Cortes ship -canal treat ing between Panama,Colombia a: the United States.| The United States took from (o-| cession is proper. Much Talk of Unemployed But La borers Can't Be Had. Washington Observer. Gen.J.8,Coxey—tthe famous (ey’s Army leader—is coming to th:capitol with another horde of th“unemployed.”He says ‘that:5,00(000 persons are out.of work in thicountryandheisgoingtoexhibit 10 per cent of them at Washingto:so that Congressmen and admini Dispatch to ..Charlott« continue to grow and expand,whether ‘ it has such a reserve bank ornot,and|' especially,|. are aWare of this.’( by N wife h a fest in the following described tract of landannouncedthiswiththeexplanation[% :east @ poles id (oct fgrantingtheuseofthe.waterwa\bank;thence th 160)euarees“the troops,materials for war ||to MMs thence south with the ditchships-of war Of the Republic of (o-|Baeeeeinster's corner }lombia without paying any duty to}thenee down the creck neceh’'stheUnitedStates;even in case of |8@ poles to stone opposite Patti;“o]|ner;thence north8&5 degrees west 2 es international weebetween Ce >|the beginning,containing 35 acres more orbiaandanothercountry.”Mr.B |lets Phe ether half being owned by Dr.J.Eanwouldnotsaywhethertheaccep-|Kime and known as the Diffec Mill tract.tance by all Concerned of the treati::J.A.HARTNESS, b}1}N.D.TOMLIN,would solve all of the problems p«|JOKN M.SHARPE. *:mane lombia by questionable oor =Having qualified as administratrix of thePanamacanalzoneandColon1|eatute of A.D.Cooptr,deceased,I herebyhashadajustgrievance.The «~|notify all persons having claims against hisestatetopresentsametomeforpayment|Om Of before the grd Those indebted to the estate are requested tosettle, —_———.TTT x qualified as administratrix of Johnsoodman,deceased,notice is herebyallpartiesholdingclaimsagainstetopresentthemwtheundersignedorneyonorbeforeApril8,1915,orticewillbepleadinbarofanyre-ALICE M.GOODMAN,Administra-f John Turner Goodman,Mt.Ulla,N. W D.Turner, April 3,1914 Atty, MORTGAGE SALE OF LAND. irtue of the power contained in aedeedexecutedtothe-undersignedT.Summers and C.&..Summers,hisweWillsellatpunlieauctiontothehestbidderforcash,at the court houseiinStatesville,N.C.,on MONDAY,MAY 4th,1914,2 o'clock,m.,a one-half undivided inter- im.Union Grove township,wit: Beginning at a po Iredell county, plar,Patterson’s corner, Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware Co, Iredell CountyFarms 1044 acres,8 miles from Statesville,in Concord township;5-roomhouse;50 to 60 acres in cultivation;good pasture and plenty ofwoodland.Well watered. the county.Good land;beautiful location.Suitable for the manwhowantsanidealfarmwithinsightoftown.Write or call on me if you are interested in faproperty.Will be glad to.show you any piece of 100 acres 8 miles from Statesville,in Shiloh township;9-room house,abarnandotherout-buildings,..Well waterad by two branches.457%acres 1+miles of Statesville.One of the most desirable farms in a a rming lands or city property I have;identical with one in the Colombian |thenee pouth 60 degrees vest 106 poles to atreatynegotiatedbyoearyRox|e daar ie detec oo geome FELIX a AXLEY,in 1909,with the proval of Great is LeenBriteinand-fetifler by the United|Cee ‘on Over Merchants &Farmers’Bank.Real Estate and Insurance,States Senate,though never ac |aren —_ed_by Colombia.|rh —————a —Mr.Bryan said the treaty signed} AttyRBOMcLaughlin,Mortgagees.March Si,1914 NOTICETO CREDITORS. day of April,1915. ELECTA F.COOPER,BR B.Mclaughlin,Atty.Administratirix.April 3,1914. TheBestForLess. Plumbing and Electric Supplies.| C.E.RITCHIE.Jan,20, tration people generally can see fthemselvesthatheisnotfakin:about the unemployed.He is heremakearrangementsforthesecona /ECLIPSE ENGINESANDTHRESHERS. coming of his mighty hosts,For two weeks the correspondentoftheObserverhastriedtogetome!any-eld-body—te divuporplowupthelittlegardenspa.back of his home ~He-has offered ¢°a day for aman.His neighbors «hunting laborers.From every farming sectiontheSouthcomesthecomplaint t! incommunities.not to be had atYet,thousands of malcontentsmarchingaboutthestreetsofgreatcitiesdemandingworkandnotwork,money,The IndustWorkersoftheWorld,who hbeengivingsomuchtroubleinNYork,Chicago,Boston and oth.populous .centers,are demandishorterhotysandlesspay. TLRS Frank J.Cheney makes oath©ia seniorpartnerofthefirm~Cheney &Co,doingofToledo,Countygnand cured that by. se lredell "Phone No.74,Bell No.7. if tmmenemmcemtastoe oremanrtanmanetememecman if I will have some of our latest-.Style machines here in a shori dime...ACome over the first time you are in town and see themandlet's talk it-over. C.H.TURNER, Near the Depot, THIS YEAR If you will give me your new Work and repairs to your glass- esthis year,\I will give you the very best service aad all of us will be pleased. +Hours a.m.to 4.30 p,m, -DR.R.W.WOODWARD, Row,‘OPTOMETRIST,618 8.Center St, CSee eenie FRANK WHITING,”Teacher of Violin,will beatStudioat Mr,FredConger’s Tuesday and saturday ofeachweekfrom3to8p,m. Buggies,Wagons,Harness We are showing the largest and most complete line ofVehicleseverbroughttothiscity.Our leading makesareHackney,Tyson&Jones,Oxford,High Point andothergoodmakes..Evéry one guaranteed. A full line of Harness,Saddles:Whips,Wagons—infacteverythingcarriedinafirstclassHarnessandVehi-cle store.Call and get prices before buying.Yours to Please, Harness,Vehicle &Supply Co. March 27-8t. OSTONIAN Famous Shoes for Men,proorweaR possessing irresistible individuality in the eyes0 f particular men. every taste. A model'for every foot.A style for $4.00 to $6.00. SHERRILL-WHITESHOECO. (The White Co’.s old Stand.) i.<< figure with youloryour—~VIOLIN.—|{LRT Us tan itiyouonsoueLi.ING order.Weare agentsforoneofthebestcompaniesandarein position to save you money, Co.|Statesville Printing ¢ "Phone 208. For the Love of a Toreador. The Crescent Theater-~Always aak TUESDAY A special Vitagraph in two parts.? Pablo sacrifices a bullin his sweet- /heart’shonor.Lola,a famous Span- ish dancer,then stabs the Toreador. A powerful story of a great Spanish | TheSchemers.5 WEDNESDAY This is a John Bunny Picture that’sascresmHubbygoesoutforalittlegame,wifey does the same. Neither shows their hand and the funison.Whatever you do,don’t miss this one. st Jerry’s Mother-in-Law. A special two-reel Vitagraph Com- .‘edy.After many extremesy ludi- _crous expedients,hefinally gets rid of her.You will certainly laugh at FRIDAYTeachingHisWifeaLesson. SO cPUESDAY,--- The Harmless One. A fine Lubin Drama-one send you away thinking. bull fight.Steged in Seville,Spain. NOTE—By a lucky chance we have secu 50c to $1.50;They had an open date and we His Chorus Girl Wife. that will |Their Waterloo. A splendid Lubin Drama, A very funny Essenay Comedy. red the famous Swiss Bell.Ringers for Tuesday,April 2ist Thisbookedthemsothatwecanplaythematpopularprices..There Kenton’s Heir. A very pleasing Pathe Drama. Dodd thought he stole his wife'spaartoteachhertocarefortmorecarefully,Apostcard —_era caught him in the act andedastrangewomandiessedjustikehiswife.He was arrested.but waswhenthesergeantcould”not tell the two women apart. A Phony Alarm——A Fine Pathe Comedy. At the Old Maid’s Call—Essenay Comedy Glimpses of Rio De Janerio. is not a vaudeville outfit but a high class musical entertainment that lays theatrical:time at peices fromwillbeoneparfomanceintheafte-noon and two at night SATURDAYASonofHisFather. Seeteened 4two-reel Lubin Drama thatCampingWithBlackFeet.eae Drama.Seth’s Woodpile. <<funny Edison Comedy.Seth hasWhenhehaaeeewealfromhispile~loads a stickwithpowder.-Jim Decker borrowsasecondload—the charged stick in-cluded,but puts it back.Seth marecoverfromtheexplosionbutitittdoubtful.It’s funny, Watch Friday's Landmark. CLL UE ST ONOe THE LANDMARK April 14,1914. Former Citizen of Statesville Dies in .Charlotte, -Charlotte News,12th. Mr.Upton Thomas.Bowden died suddenly at his home on South Pop- ;streetlast .evening about 6.30, =Bowden was in his usual health yesterday noon.Leaving his place of business on West Trade street about 4 o'clock he went home,complaining|P of a pain in his head.He lay down on the bed,saying he thought he would be better in a ghort while. About 6 o’clock he became suddenly very ill and died before a physician could be summoned.Death came swiftly but gently and the good man slept.News of Mr.Bowden’s death was heard with sincere sorrow by all who knew him,for he was eminently a good man.His life was one of Glietude and attention to business. His home,his church,his shop—these three,with their duties,made up the sum total of his life.He lived at peace with all men and died conscious of a life well spent and fortified by the religion he professed and lived. Mr.Bowden was born in Warren county in 1844 and was in his 70th year.His father was Wm.Bowden. His young life was spent in his native gounty.He entered the Confederate army at the breaking out pf the war and made a brave soldier.After the war he married Miss Esther Gooch of Granville county,near Oxford.| Mrs.Bowden and five children sur- vive;the latter being:Mrs.J.-H. Owen,Miss Beulah Bowden of Mars Dowager Empress of Japan Dead. Dowager Empress Haruko of Ja- pan died Thursday,says a dispatch from Tokio,The Dowager Empress Haruko was the widow of Emperor Mutsu- hito,who,died on July 30,1912.She was born on May 28,1850,and was the daughter of a,nobleman,Ichijo Tademo.In 1869 she—married-theMate”éfiperor and was declared em- press.Haruko by the side of her husband passed through the troubled period of the transformation of Japan at the beginning of Mutsuhito’s regime. She saw him transfer his capital from Kioto to Yedo,which was later renamed Tokio.She watched with curious interest the opening of the country to foreign commerce,its departure from_old world customs and its adoption of Western civiliza- tion.,She awaited in the imperial palace news of the Japanese armies at war first with China and then with Russia,and saw the complete evolution of Japan into a world pow- er. ‘dividual or any faction or any oth- The Raleigh ‘Meeting Met Expecta- tions,Says Mr.Poe. This is the statement of Mr.Clar- ence Poe,one of the promoters of the progressive Democratic meeting in Raleigh last week,with reference to results:“It equaled our hopes and surpass- ed our expectations..Of course withBryan_as speaker 1,000--mare-away from Raleigh would have come,That,despite his failure,more than1,000 of the best Democrats in North Carolina from the mountains to the sea came together at this busy sea-son,with no purpose to help any in- er purpose except to advance issuesfortheupbuildingoftheState—that I regard as one of the best signs of progress North Carolina has had. “And all the prophets of evil havebeenconfounded.No new:faction has been started or even thought of;party differences have been notablydiminishedinsteadofaccentuatedbythiscommonconferenceofallfac- tions;and no boom for any individ- ual or advantage for any faction has! Haruko was simple in her tastes. She presided over court functions with great dignity,on most occa- sions wearing Western dress,espe- cially when she came into contact with Americans or Europeans.When! come to anybody’s attention.The)|thought of people all over the State: j has simply been signally directed to; a few big issues—legalized prima-.ries,juster taxation,the constitu-| tional amendments,child labor legis-| the function was purely Japanese lation,convicts on roads and @ revis-| she*occasionally returned to the pic-|ed penal system,direct ~legislation, turesque costume of her youth.rural credits and definite advances The Dowager Empress was great-|with regard to education,agricul-ly affected by the death of Muteuhi-;ture,health and morals;and this is to,suffering for many months from all that we have ever wished.The an affection of the heart.She died meeting has simply put these ques- at_the .imperial villa at Namazu,a|tions up to.the thinking people of the Hill;Miss Esther Bowden,Mr.P.A. Bowden and Mr.Gilmer Bowden,the latter of Asheville. Mr.and Mrs.Bowden,leavingGranvillecounty,moved to Glen Al-|that anti-trust legislation supplemen- pine,where they remained some time, then went to Statesville,and from} there came to Charlotte.They have! resided here for 15 years. Mr.Bowden was a member of the | -First.Baptist .church.He was de-} voted to his church.He was a con- secrated,godly man,his example be- ing worthy of emulation.He was honorable in his dealings,and held the respect of all who knew him. (Mr.Bowden was a shoemaker and condiicted a shop in Statesville for several years.He is well remember- ed by many Statesville people.) to\National Favor Repeal. Washington Dispatch,12th. First returns from a poll Senator Gore is making of delegates to the Democratic national convention at Baltimore on the canal tolls issue, were announced tonight by the Dem-} ocratic national committee.They| showed.338 for repealing the clouse| of the toll exemption act,69 against| repeal’and 11 non-committal. Debate on the repeal has centered | largelyin declaration of the Balti-| more platform for free tolls.Two} weeks ago Senator Gore addressed! persona!letters to each of the thou- sand-odd delegates to the convention, asking for an expression of opiriion on the issue. “Up to date the returns are alike astounding to the champions and op- ~ponents of*the repeal,”said the an- nouncement,“Only two States have given a majority against the repeal. A number of them,so far as the votes have been received,have declared unanimously in favor of repeal—not- ably Texas and Pennsylvania.In I- linois the vote to date is.24 to 2 for tm,arr napa sts mr Delegates Convention _Bombarded the Court House With Rocks, Yadkinville Ripple,8th. While the exercises of the localcoloredschoolchildrenwereinprogressinthecourthouseWednes-| day night of last week some parties slipped up to the north side of the) court house and begun a bombard-| ~ment of the windows by throwing) rocks and shooting.Four windowlightsweretotallydemolishedand some others shattered.Some are positive that no shots were firedwhileothersareaspositivethat! there was.<A missile of some kind went through the court house and out on the south side,which must have been a bullet.Nobody was in- jured but a}had a good scare. ‘At the regular «meeting of the ‘@ounty commissioners Monday they $25 for the arrest and conviction of the parties.Sheriff, Poindexter has "ete up $10 and Dep-|uty Sheriff Wilson $5,while othersereehavegiven$10,making a to-tal of $50. ~~Weakness«and Loss of Appetite hening tonic,IC,drivesout |.A true tonic‘orcahuhe and childrem 60c, recesscul Sere cane -* watering place near Yokohama.| LT,| Legislative Programme May Be Cur-' tailed. Report comes from Washington tary to the Sherman act probably will | not be undertaken at this session of |}Congress on the broad scale origi-| |nally outlined by the administration.| Leaders in Congress say it is planned o pass one bill which would create) an inter-State trade commission with broad powers te investigate affairs of corporations and with specific author-| ization to inquire into the relation to} | j jeommerce of interlocking director-} ates,holding companies,stock wa-} tering,the issuance of railroad secur-| ities and price discriminations which| tend to destroy competition.The} icommission would recommend to the} next Congress what further trust} regulative legislation it deemed ad-| visable for the welfare of the cous} try. Another report with reference to} legislation says it is very doubtful) |whether there will be any legislation} at this session looking to the estab- |lishment of a rural credits system oi this country similar to.that in vogue }in several countries in Europe.A rural credits bill,however,will un- doubtedly be reported to both the Senate and House and after that its passage is uncertain,owing to the greot amount of new legislation al- ready on hand. Impure Food Shipped to North Carolina. Washington Dispatch to Asheville Citizen. Among the numerous seizures of food stuffs made within the past few days by the pure food division of the Agricultural Department;were 450 pounds of so-called coffee in 50 pound sacks,seized at Winston-Salem,N. C.The shipment,which the depart- ment states consisted af a mixture of..coffee.and..“quaker”..or-light-and black coffee beans,was held up be- cause the mixture was coated in such a way as to conceal inferiority.The shipment was made by W.R.Grace Seizing &Co.of New York. et,Seizure was made at Char- lotte,N.C.,where 24 cases of May |Day sok and beans with tomatosauce,shipped by J.T.Polk |Greenwood,Ind., ground that it was adulterated. New District Deputy For the Wood- men. |Concord Tribune. Mr.John Troutman,who has been}local deputy for the Woodmen of the World,has received notice that he has been appointed district deputy.| The district will include the counties| of Montgomery,Stanly,Cabarrus, Moore,Lee,Iredell and Hoke. recognition of his services to the!Woodmen,especially during the pasttwoyearsthathehasbeenalocal|deputy TTR Stomach Trouble Cured. :Mrs.H.'G.Cleveland,Arnold,Pa.,For some time I suffered from stom-ach trouble.1 would have sour stomach andfeelbloatedaftereating,Nothing benefited ,me until I got Chamberlain's Tablets.Afte:|taking two bottles of th IerFedoemI was cured.” writes, Co.,|Huerta,in an official statement towasseizedonthe)American |Suits Against Standard Oil Company This|ing the costs.promotion comes to Mr.Troutman in|by Uniof county people as the re- led that therexplosion was due to the |poor quality ..o: Por|Dr »refund money if itit failsst to |E.a box.= State,and the matter is now with |them.” |Monument to First Church Between Yadkin and Catawba Rivers. Concord Tribune. A monument that will designate |the place where the first church be- |tween Catawba and Yadkin rivers was located is being carved.The monument will be located on the bank of Rocky river,between the mouth of Coddle creek and the mouth of Back creek.It will be un- veiled by the Concord Presbytery |April 23. In this pioneer graveyard is buried John Rodgers,who located at the |Will Hegler place in 1732.At that time his nearest neighbor was 17 miles away in Rowan county.The |original ancestor of most of the Whites in this county is also buried there. The monument will bear the fol- lowing inscription,written by Mr. Morrison H.Caldwell,a native of Rocky River and member of the Concord bar: “Here was erected in 1754 The First Rocky River Church A,Craighead,pastor. The first church between the Yadkin and Catawba rivers.” These words are inscribed on the rear of the monument: “This spot was the first grave-yard in Cabarrus county,N.C.” eeececrcnrecteneeeeemenenete: American Marines Arrested and Re- leased. Tampico,Mexico,Dispatch,10th. A launch from the United States gunboat Dolphin,carrying the pay- master and a small detachment of Marines,put in yesterdayat .Iturbide bridge at Tampico.The Americarts were after a supply of gasoline.They were in uniform but unarmed.The launch flew the American flag. Colonel Hinojosa,commanding a detachment of Méxican Federals; placed the paymmaster~and “his -m under arrest.They were paraded through the streets and held for #time under detention.Admiral Maye made vigorous rep-resentations to the authorities andthemenwerereleased.General Ignacio Zaragoza expressed to Ad- miralMjyo his regret and President Charge O’Shaughnessy,;apologized for the unusual zealous-"ness of the Mexican commander at Tampico. For Lamp Explosion. Four suits for $50,000 each against the Standard Oil Company were set- |tled in the Federal court in Charlotte last week,says the Observer,by aconsentjudgment,the plaintiffs pdy- The suits Were brought sult»of\a lamp explosion,.in whichtwoyoungwomenlosttheirlivesandotherswereinjured.It was alleg- the oil,The suits nave ‘been in the court##long time:err To Cure a Cold in One DayTakeLAXATIVEBROMOQuinine.It stops 'Cough and Headacheand works off rd Crepe at $1.50. portant aim. SPECIAL. Ladies’and Misses’Ready-to- Wear Hats.Correct Moderate Price:~- [Belk Bros.‘"|Department:Store. SPECIAL. ”fetae Gingham,Per-cale,PoplinandLawn. T e showing of New Spring Merchan- dise is now complete.Bargain is stamp- ed upon every article—from a penny spool of cotton to a $25 Coa.Suit.This purchasing power—buying for eleven big stores—enables them to buy for less and divide profits with their customers. Ready-To-Wearss. This department,’on the second floor,is filled with good things.Coats,Coat Suits,Silk and Crepe Dresses,Skirts, House Dresses,Waists,Kimonas,Petti- coats,and all kinds of Underwear for Ladies,Misses and Children. DRESS GOODS. This line is full of beautiful things,from a 5c.Gingham to an Alligator SILKS. Thete is not space to enumerate the showing of this line. beconvinced.Froma 19c.Tub Silk to Crepe Meteor at $1.98. Come,see and To be able to show the best moderately priced is this store’s most im- To this end we strive—and from the enthusiasm and sales we are encouraged to believe that in this we have attained success. The Store That Sells For Less. ’Phone 155. ,Misses’and Children’s PriceBe.,45¢:;98e.and $L48. Call On Country Hams, Canvassed Hanis, Country Bacon,|4 Breakfast-Bacon.-- Try a pound of Breakfast Bacon boxes. it. GROVE'S meee mach BA ——_—_FOR You will like Eagle &Milholland. Us our in Cabbage Plants. AY BLSana OTHER PAINTS ARE FOUND WANTING—WHEN WEIGHED IN THE BALANCE WITH DAVIS’100 PER CENT PURE:PAINT, I will have plenty of Cabbage Plants next week. D.J.KIMBALL, i——mfOR S4L5 BY-——- Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware (o., Statesville,N.C. {eee eee ROGS—Parebred Whitefor15,‘April 10-204 WANTED—Four or five good mensawmill,CG.GOODMAN,Cleveland,N~"April 10—2t. H.&WHITE,StonyPoint,N.C thousand or Timber Boundaries cation.Write giving~~gt price wanted.P. to.work at WANTED—To purchase Timber Stumpage by Orpington;75 cents |the thous:and Good contract to right party. |manager,Salisbury,N.©. |WANTED—Reliable salesman and collector. SINGERSEWINGMACHINE.CO.,..H...T.Sanders,March 27--6t. Good na w.R RENT.—Nice storeroom.Formerly oc-Island Red »exes. ro ok ate vee by United Shoe Store.N. MILLS, B,cents per 16,fancy DAVI iN, \FOR SALE—At Sunshine Farm,R.¢.RhodeFromgoodbirds, $1 per 16.gaLLinMarch24-—8t* : ee e Pa O SS ke e ee ae et Ooae ee ¥, , « o--Ppesident:Wilson.Tuesday ordered VOL.XL STATESVILLE,N.C,FRIDAY,APRUL 17,1914. NO.76. FLEET T0 MEXICAN WATERS. Huerta Government Must Salute Stars and Stripes or Take the Con-sequences—The Day of Temporiz-ing Past—Repeated Offences Make Action Imbperative—Looks LikeWar.©saTheUnitedStatesgoyérnment last ~night epted GeneralHuerta’s offer to salute the StarsandStripesasanapologyforthearrestofAmericanbluejacketsatTampico.The Huertd govern-ment’s salute to the American flag will he answered with asalutetothetri-color of the Mexican nation.No time hasbeensetforthefiringofthe sdlute and until the detaila are arranged,no further orders will be sent to the American fleets now proceeding South.Huerta’s request that the salute be return- ed was acceded to because this is a custom of naval practice. virtually the entire Atlantic fleet to Mexican waters to force a public sa- lute to the Stars and Stripes from the Huerta government as an apology for the arrest of American marines at Tampico on Thursday,the 9th. No ultimatum has been issued,thatis,no specified time has been set within which the Huerta government must comply,but the naval demon- stration has been ardered as a con- crete evidence of the fixed determi- nation of the United States to back up Rear Admiral Mayo’s demand for a salute The decision to send the fleet was reached after the President and Sec- retary Bryan had conferred for an hour with John Lind,personal rep- resentative of the President in Mexi- co,and after a two-hour cabinet meet- ing,during which dispatches from Charge O’Shaughnessy revealed that the Huerta government disputed the right of American marines to be ashore at Tampico and _contended that its recent public statement of apology was ample. Immediately after the cabinet meeting adjourned Secretary Daniels issued his order to the Atlantic fleet, and wireless messages flashed up and down the Atlantic coast to put the fleet under steam for Tampico.—It will be the largest fighting force the American government has assembled for possible action since the Spanish- American ~“War;—Forty-six -warships and 21,000 men will comprise the force off Tampico.Everywhere,at the White House,the State Depart- ment and the Navy Department,the hope was expressed that the dispatch of the fleet would not lead to serious consequences: Wednesday the United States gov- ernment gave Provisional President Huerta final warning that unless a salute were fired to the Stars and Stripes within a reasonable time to atone “for repeated offenses against the rights and dignity of the United States serious eventualities would result.” It was learned Wednesday night that General Huerta,when apprised by Charge O'Shaughnessy of the pro- posed demonstration of the Atlantic fleet,argued that the episode grows ing out of the arrest’of American bluejackets at Tampico was a fit sub-ject for arbitration at The Hague and that he would appoint a committee to investigate the incident.President Wilson,in an emphatic reply through Charge O’Shaughnessy,is understood to have’told General Huerta that the time for delay and evasion had pass- ed,and that the American govern- ment would temporize no longer.Ad-ministration officials hold that insults to the flag and questions of nationalhonorarenotsubjects.for arbitra- tion.Ail information,‘official andotherwise,that reached’Washington from Mexico City tended to show that General Huerta was unconvinced that the United States was in earnest, and thought the Washington govern- ment was bluffing.Some anti-Ameri- can demonstrations at Vera Cruz and other points were reported. Developments in Washington show- ed clearly that a determined and forceful policy had been adopted by the President which would be backed up by Congress and enforced if nec-essary by thearmy and navy-White expressing earnest hope for peace, the President ~unequivocally told members of the Senate and House committees on foreign affairs that the offenses of the de facto govern- ment at Mexico City could no longer he tolerated,and that unless Huerta complied with the American demands, seizure of the customs houses at Tampico and Vera Cruz,and even de- claration of a Pacific blockade,shut- ting off commercial intercourse with the United States,would be fully justified by precedents in internation- #!law The action of our government is not based alone on the arrest of the marines at Tampico but on numerous similar incidents,in which offenses were committed against.the rights and dignity of the United States,for which apology has been made but no serious efforts made to correct andputastoptothoseoffences,Some time ago an orderly sent ashore from an American vessel to get mail wasarrestedbutwassoonreleasedandapologywade.In another case anofficialdispatchfromthegovernmenttotheAmericanembassyatMexicoheldupforatime.The in- j ‘to CANNON AND THE WHISKEY. Taylorsville Man Caught RobbingExpressOfficeisUnderBond—Taylorsville to Have a Clean-UpDay—Death of a Baby. Corresponience of The Landmark. Taylorsville,April 16.—.Bob Can-non,the white man arrested Sundaymorningat4o'clock while attempt-‘ing to steal a package of whiskey outofthe-express office,was given a preliminary hearing .Monday after-noon before,Magistrate J.M.Mathe-son.He was held for his appearance at court under a $500 bond.»Failing to give bond he was committed tojail.Yesterday “his friends made upthebondandhewas~released lateyesterdayevening.Express Agent W.C.Patterson says that about 15 gallons of whiskey have been stolen since December in small quantities, and for some time the officers havebeentryingtocatchthethief. Mrs.Doan Hulick and baby,who have been visiting Mrs.Hulick’s par- ents,Meand,Mrs.J._-M..Matheson, will return today to théirhome=in Charlotte.Mr.J.C..Connolly will return today from a business trip to Chester,8.C.Mrs.J.L.Gwaltney returned Monday night from a visit to her daughter,Mrs.Chas.E.Ech- erd,in Statesville. Friends of Mr.I.A.Barnes,whohasbeenillwithpneumoniaathis home three miles north of town,will be pleased to know that he has been sitting up for a few days and is steadily regaining strength. At the request of the Civic League the board of aldermen appointed Sat- urday,April 18th,for “Clean-up Day.” The Civic League offers a_prize of $4 to the boy or girl under 15 years of age that gets up the largest pile of trash on that day,and $2 to the one that gets the second largest pile of trash. Mr.and Mrs.H.T.Campbe!)re ceived a message from their son-in-| law,Mr.John Carsan of Hendersor ville,advising them of the death of Wednesday evening at 7 o'clock.They will bring the remains here for in- terment and are expected to arrive on tonight’s train. Civie League Lean Exhibit OpensNextTuesday. Beginning Tuesday afternoon,21st, on second floor of First National Bank building,a loan exhibit will be held wider the auspices of the Civic League.Mr.Isidore Wallace has kindly given his rooms for this pur- pose and the ladies in charge have secured some beautifu)pieces of art, many interesting heirlooms,etc.,to- gether with the excellent collection of gems,stones and relics belonging to Mr.Wallace.A small admission will be charged,light refreshment served and an interesting occasion presented,aiding a most worthy cause. with Assistant Paymaster Copp togetgasolinesupplies;All but twolandedtogetthesupplies.WhiletheyweregoneaMexicanofficerap-proached and claimed the partyshould.not have landed where it did, and ordered the bluejackets from thewhaleboat,which flew the American flag..They were unarmed and ac- companied him voluntarily.The oth- er members of the party were ar- rested while on shore.They al]wereparadedtotheprisonbutwerein- tercepted by another,Mexican officer, who marched them back to the dock, communicated with his superiors andreleasedthem.The ordering of thebldejacketsfromtheboat,which wasflyingtheStarsandStripes,consid- ered technically American soil,was regarded by Rear Admiral Mayo as requiring an apology,the punishment of the Mexican officer and a salute of 21 guns to the colors.The first two lemands were complied with but the toon Federal authorities asked for an extension of time,during which they consulted the Huerta government at Mexico City.Meanwhile Rear Ad- miral Mayo notified Washington of his course and received the govern- meént’s approval,_General Huerta himself never agreed to any salute but one of his under-secretaries did make inquiry of the American em- hassy whether a small salute to theDolphinwouldbeacceptable,Thiswasrejectedasinsufficientundernavalpractice.The time limit for the firing of thes@alute was extended indefinitely by Rear Admiral Mayoaftercommunication.:Washing-ton and after represents ‘weremadetotheHuerta”ent and the Atlanti¢e and Paes dis- patched to Mexicoleo Sage: After orders worn ieee ey day for a naval demonstration on thPacificcoastof.Mexted aswell as ontheAueiieSoaeonhehad-vised that the most powerf ae)government j he }ipal Mr.and Mrs.Carson’s baby daughter : pools,cans,tubs,etc., few days. all vacant lots and back yards should be kept clean and clear of rubbish. see that.their clean,the Civicthatthevacant lots are kept’in good condition,through the aid health officer,and the city should ever ladies in their work and furnish men and teams to remove the trash garbage that is collected.The townshouldhaveanincineratorintowhich|‘ destroyed. be destroyed.Waste paper,old news- and sold,many towns having found this a good source of revenue.Boxes,barrels,..etc.,and.fragments.of.timber- should be used for fuel. campaign effective the camera should be turned on unsightly played in the most conspicuous show premises have been cleaned and flow-ers and grass appear where there has been rubbish and filth,another pic- ture should be taken and shown for the encouragement of the civic workers. @jalso be banished from thé.town. Sumber of pictures taken in North That Was the ‘Subject Discussed ByMiss--¥an Buren —A Cleaner,Healthier Town and How It MayBeMadeSo. In an interesting and instructive lecture at.the court house Wednes- day night,Miss Van Buren,the trav-eling representative~of the American Civic Association,who ‘is «visitingNorthCarolinatownsundertho’au-spices of the State Federation ef We-man’s Clubs,told her hearers how they can make Statesville motehealthfulandbeautifulandat’thesametimeexterminatetheflyandmosquito.A fair audience heardthelecture,and+.apparently enjoyed it. The mayor and several members‘of the board of aldermen and quite ‘#number of members of the Civie League were present and the lecturewasdirectedespeciallytothese,Miss Van Buren.was introduced by Mayor Caldwell.Her subject was “Municipal Housekceping.”Stereop- ticon views were used to illustrate a part-of the lectire, Miss’Van Buren “expréssed thergratificationatfindingthepeopleofNorthCarolinatownsawaketothe importance of better “municipalhousekeeping.”In all her travels, she said,she hd found no State where the people were so enthugias-tic over the:subject of health|and sanitation and she believes that/this spirit of pieet and commminitypridewillresultinmuchgoodtethe State.We have been sleeping @ long,long time and are just begine ning to realize prevent disease investigations show are cUll spending $100 in the rmaaine tcnance of its police and fire’depart. ts where $1 is expended ‘for alth purpose The women of theLeagueshouldstudythenmunie- government’s methods,should read all the linances governing tie town and thoroughly familiarizetLemselveswiththesebeforebegin- g their campaign for a- m< Civic orc If the laws or ordi..ances are valid, see that they are enforced,and see health officer who is paid a sufficient s:lory to justify giving al)his time to the work.The trouble with the clenreup-campaigns is that-we have them only once a year,usually in the MUNICIPAL HOUSEKEEPING-FUNERAL OF MR,J. that it is cheaper to} than to cure it;but? that most towns}- cleaner |” owt Without the aid of the city]*government they can do little and inless there are laws ‘to enforce cleanliness there will always be filth,{> to it that the town employs a live}s C.IRVIN. A Popular and Worthy Citizen LaidtoRest—Services at First Presby-terian Church—Sketch of His Ca-reer, Resting in a casket covered withConfederategrayand‘banked withflowers,escorted by members of theMasonicorder,of.which he was anhonoredmember,arid a squad of Con-federate veterans under command ofCapt.W.H.H.Gregory,the mortalremainsofJosephC.Irvin Were tak-en from his home on Davie avenueWednesdayafternoonat3o'clock,totheFirstPresbyterianchurch,where the funeral services were held.Mr.Irvin had long been a:memberandregularattendantontheservi-ces of this church,and the audito-rium was filled’with friends from thetownandcountrywhocametopaytheirlasttributeofrespect.Amony those attending the serviceWereanumberofcoloredpeoplewhoiknewandhonoredthe’dead man.Par-ticipating in the service were theStorofthechurch,Rev.C.E.iRessea,Rev.Dr.Chas.Anderson ofFirst‘Baptist~church;..Rey J;==Pressiy of the First Associate Re.formed Presbyterian church and Rev.W.M.Walsh of Front Street Pres-byterian church,After the simple ice to2theremainswereborne wood pemetary and laid in their resting Re ce beneath a*moundowerheactivepallbearers were*members of the Masonic fra- spring,when they should really be in progress every day in the year.| which have been in progress in| Greensboro since last summer,were commended by Miss Van Buren.| Greensboro has already virtually ex terminated these dangerous pests| and with the work that is being done this spring it is believed that the |5townwillbeentirelyfreefromthem Flies breed in filth,principally stable manure and mosquitos breed in stag |nant water.It is simply a matter of getting rid of all filth and standing| water and keeping rid of it if the|town is-to be free from these pests.|Stables should be cleaned at once a week and the manure remov ed from ‘town,or buried,end w:ter | least should not be allowed to stand ir longer than a For the sake of health and beauty Flowers,grass and trees should bhintheirplaces.Housekeepers should premises are kept League.should sec of the stand.ready to co-operate with the and much of the filth or garbage may be reduced to a minimum and the germs Anything that-has a com- mercial value,however,should not papers,magazines,etc.,can be baled To make the kodak and spots and the pictures should be dis- windows of the town.After the The unsightly bill boards should Miss Van Buren showed.quite a} towns which illubedonewith.unbsi force the Americanhasassembledonsea,cat thonsandsofmarinesandbluejacBe J headed for the seaSouthernRepublic p to the extreme the icanUponGen.Huerte depends the.developments.He has ‘ometodecidethequestion,fshipswillnotreachMexico,for several days.§MeanwhilUnitedStateshasnotifiedallernmentsofitsattitude t‘Tampico incident ‘and of theeere ters... cident that brought on ~sreeerwhensomeoftheblue- jin went os¥th North Car-ft the clean-up Tres “e‘Again Satorday.on spoke to the chil- ed school yesterday. itn to Statesville tomof- the |court house tomorrow ie o'clock,will talk to the ~the fourth.grade.up t meron views.ae The methods employed in the cam-|} paigu against the fly and mosquito |) |was @ |long business career;hé was genial, ternity..Honorary.pallbearers wereMeeeC.L.Poston,J.G.Powell, .T.Montgomery,N.B.,C.E.and P.Mills,the latter of Mooresville, all of whom had been employes or business associates of Mr.Irvin. Among the out-of-town people here for the funeral were Mr.and Mrs J.B.Foard,Miss Sallie Foard, Mr.Hi L.Foard-and Mrs.G.W.Fowse of South River,Rowan coun-Mrs.Annie Foard,Mr.and Mrs. Frank Thompson,Mrs.ClarenceRosebtoandMr.J.I.Steele of|Cleveland;Mrs.J.P,—Knox ofWaynesvilleandMr.Henry Fowler of Charlotte. Mr.Irvin had lived in Statesville 43 years and during all that timeleadingbusinessman.For years his star@ was one of the main mercantile establishments and when jhe abandoned merchandising for manufacturing he was active in this line of business.During all these years he went in and out before the people;trusted and honored.He was a modestlest“man,unassuming,but it isdoubtfa¥if “any man in the comnr-nity had<so many friends;He hadformedalarge,acquaintance in’his and always had a pleasant word for|; his aequaintances;he had friénds beauséhéshowedhimselffriendlyand was loyal to his friends. A faithfal soldier of the Confed- racy,he Was loyal to the cause for which he fought and to his army comrades to his dying hour.He took much interest in the Confederate vet- erans,they always found in him a friend and they loved and honored him,He was for years commander of the loeal camp and attended many reunions.He looked forward with great pleasure to the coming reunion at Jaék¥onville>;Fla-;-and~had--made- preparations to attend it.To friends he had said he expected it would be his last reunion but he wanted to at- tend one more and enjoy it.This was denied him in the flesh,but he has gone to a greater reunion withcomradés.and friends on the other ide of the river. Joseph Cowan Irvin was the son of John Irvin and Ann Cowan Irvin,and was born on his father’s farm near Third Creek church,Rowan county, June 8,1888.He was educated in the common schools and at Ebenezer \cademy at Bethany,where he at-tended»one year—1853-'54—under {ugh R.Hall.In 1856 Mr.Irvin be- gan his business career as a salesman in @ Mereantile establishment inSalisbury,with Murphy,McRorie &Co.He continued in that capacityuntilMay,1861,when he volunteer-ed for service in the Confederate army @8 a member of the RowanRiflegwards,which was made Com-pany K,Fourth North Carolina regi- ment,He served through the warandwaswoundedinthebattlesofSha,Gettysburg,and “Win-chester,the latter’September,1864. After the battle of Sharpsburg hewaspromotedandappointedlieuten-ant of Company K,Fifth North Car- aaa her wee rel}, rE Stat E. ship. H 000. scho Mr, ford heal (Continued on eighth page.) iy inDg,*‘. and the work Presbyterian evening at dence Mr. Sallie Haynes. Mrs.J.F. The pre TIN: opposition. commissioners to elect—all two of ‘the present board are serving their first termms—three members of the county board of education and a county superintendent of ‘scliools—the latter serving his first term—and a coroner and surveyor to eléct. supposed the oecupants of.all.these offices will stand for re-election -andsofarthereislittletalkofopposi- tion. Mass Meeting Tonight at the Court she will take Mrs,M.J. sister, ks. Forge,Va., R.€.David at J —-Sheriff Deaton,J.r Sharpesburg and James W.Ward of Ward, nounces his candidacy today,was a candidate for sheriff six years ago and was second in the race. are three candidates for register—J.Boyd,present incumbent,J.R. esville. urer,R.F. ouse. of $280,000, for electric lights, ols, hotel, th. Mrs. the fio Mr. |OFFICERS MOORESVILLE CLUB, Robert Sullivan has arrived in town and will begin work at once preparing to put in the |sewers.Sullivan,Long and Hagerty of Birmingham,Ala,have this con- tract and Mr. charge of the work. Miss Ella Cornelius Long’s Sanatorium Wednesday,where training for a nurse, taken to Dr. Long’s yesterday,where.she wander went an operation. The Kelly Clothing Couspany has installed the Welch clothing cabinets in théir store,.which will not only beaPreatproteetion.to:the clothing but: will add wonderfully to the attrac-| tiveness of the place. |this store will be in keeping with the most up-to-date clothing houses of the largest cities. Miss Tommie Atwell returned this week from Durham,where she visited Pope, The many’frienls J.W.Jones will be:glad to know he has about recovered from an attack of lagrippe,which lasted for than a month. Hill was son.She church2, preach o.A. Mr. There are t bonded Greensboro.‘ The Greensboro News of Yebterday had the following: “A.P.Murdock,for the past sev- eral months night clerk at the Guil- has resigned) to take a few months’TésMurdock’s resignation took effect yesterday mornin left yesterday evening for in.Statesville, many friends in this city who will re-gret to learn of his departure.” Mrs.L.H,Wall of Lexington isvisitingherparents,Mr.and Mrs.J.F.Harbin : Mr, Sullivan Asgociate A.L.Starr, of went to Dr. When finished for He has been on the street this week for the first time. Miss Carrie A.Hawhins of Clifton is visiting Rev.and Mrs. is a Christian worker and teacher and will address the ladies on some phase of church Reformed next Rev.R.C.David- son left today for King’s Mountain, where he will days. Tuesday morning Rev.A.W.Wil- cox united in marriage at his resi- Cashion and Miss for Morton of Greensboro, formerly:Miss Mary.Conner of Ter- Catawba county;underwent an operation at a Greensboro hospital a few days-ago-and is improving. Candidates Astir—Interest in County Politics. County ‘politics is beginning to at- tract considerable attention. there are two candidates for clerk oftheSuperiorCourt—iMr.J.A.Hart- ness,the present clerk,and Mr.Philip Dulin;three candidates for sheriff A.Brown Hill and J.Ea Fesperman, Statesville;and three candidates fortreasurer—W,R.Sloan,present treas- ves and Tilden H.Wil- liams,the latter of New Hope town-d or members of the Legis-lature—State Senator Dorman Thomp-son,Representatives H.P.Grier andHa)]—will probably have no five The mass meeting to discuss an is- sue of $25,000 of bonds for a graded school building,will be held at the court house tonight at 8 o’clcok.A large attendance is important. The presen town is $255,000.To this is to beadded$30,000 of..street.improvement: nds recently issued.Five thousand dollars of the bonds are to be paidandthiswillleaveanet.bonded.debt Of this $280,000 $20,000 is for the graded school. the additional $25,000 of school bonds should be voted,this would increase the school debt to $45,000 and the to- tal bonded debt of the town to $305,- debt Of the outstanding bonds $72,000 are for water and sewerage,$18,000 $20,000 for graded $100,000 for street improve- ments and $45,000 funding bonds. These facts are for the information of the citizenship. Murdock Comes Home Murdoe will of who acet Board of Governors Chrestonian Club ~—Other Mooresville News. Correspondence of The Landmark. Mooresville,April 16.—-The annual meeting of the Chrestonian club was held in the club room Monday night following members —were elected to the board of governors forthenextyear: Troutman,W.D.Gilmore,D.E.Tur- ner,Eugene Johnston,G.A.Morrow, H.P.Deaton,E.H. Barger. Mr. Cc.A. Miller and P,M. Alabama have several Rev. more Sunday several So far of an- There all of county except It is of the onlyIf From ,pasitionforhis and he is home k has der of<the Robbits pr RAT BRIEF ITEMS OF LOCAL NEW? —The Daughters of the Revolution will meet with Mrs.W.F.Hall Mon~day afternoon at 3:30. —Mr.and Mrs.G.E.Hughey have begun housekeeping in the house on Kelly street formerly occupied by Mr.I,M.Gordon. This is the day for a_general cleaning of premises.Get busy. Place ‘will look more attractive and will be ‘healthier.Don’t wait to be forced, —Alumni of the University of Vir- ginia organized an alumni associa-tion at Asheville this week.Bishop Horner of Asheville was elected pres- ident and Judge B.F.Long of Statesville vice president. —Thomas Bracken,9-year-old son of Mr.W.G,.Bracken,died Thurs-day night,9th,at the home of his father in the River Hill community. Death was due to blood poison which originated from a decayed-tooth. —The condition of Mr,Lee Mor- row,who has been ‘in failing health for some time,has become criticalandthereislittleornohopefor id rocoy Mrs.A.—C.-West_isgriticallyil]at "her homeon “Atexon,* der street. —Under the new currency law na- tionel and other banks which become members of the reserve system,sub-scribe a Sum equal to 6 per cent of their capital and reserve.The sub- scription of the two national banks of Statesville will amount to $15,000 —$7,500 each. —Miss Lavinia Engle of Maryland, one of the official speakers and or- ganizers of the National SuffrageAssociation,is now touring North Carolina in behalf of woman suffrage and it is said she hopes to arrange for a meeting in Statesville.Woman suffrage has some friends in States- ville and Miss Engle would probably attract a crowd if she comes. ~-Chairman M.A.Feimster of the Iredell county board of commissioners went to Mocksville Wednesday night to attend a meeting of the commis~- sioners of Forsyth and Davie counties, held there yesterday in the interest of the Winston-Salem-to-Statesvillehighway,the road which is to receive Federal aid.A government engineerwhoistepassonthelocationoftheroadwasexpectedtabeatthemeet-ing. —Mr.D.Fiake--Reid,-sonof Mix.R.R.Reid,formerly of Statesville, and Miss Lottie Norman were mar-ried in Charlotte Tuesday evening.At the same time and.place—thehomeofMrs,L.C.Norman—Miss Blanche Armstrong and Mr.A.°J.Rumple,friends of Miss Norman andMr.Reid,were married.The wed- ding was a surprise and the quartetteleftthesameeveningforRichmondonabridaltrip. —Deputy Collector Alexander andDeputySheriffGilbertdestroyedanillicit.distillery in New Hope town- ship Tuesday.The 30-gallon sheetironstillandallotherequipment were in their places when the officersarrived.About 100 gallons of beerwagonhandreadytobedistilled,buttheplantwasnotinoperation.Itiningatthetimeandtheoffi-believe that the rain had drivenockadersawayashorttimebe-the fore. aeareniontipeeenenncenceenaePlans.For New Bank Building—TalkofNewHotel.ax The contract to make s for thebuildingforthePeople’s,Loan 9 Savings Bank has beeni the Charlotte Improvement:(meThebuilding—swhich is to |}_two- story bank and office buildi ll beerectedonwhatisknownagthe.Rob-bins lot on Center street,adjoiningthecourthouseyard,and will be thesizeofthelotownedbythebank-—30x100. There has been talk of a new hotel building on the lot adjoining that.pur- suggested that the bank join with anenterpriseofthischaracterandhavethebuildingallinone.The bank people are hospitable to the plan,it is understood—or ‘at least are willing to co-operate—-and if a company can be organized to take over theremain~opert a new and modern hotel it would be abigboostforStatesville.In this modern age the demand for hotel ac-_commodations and modern and up-te- date accommodations,is constantly increesing;and a modern hotel is one of the things Statesville musthaveinthenearfutureifthetownistokeeppacewithmodernprog-ress. Small House Burned Yesterday Af- ternoon, A small"house on Mr.H.R.Cowles’ place,at.the south end of Salisbury street,occupied by Van Morrison, colored,was totally destroyed by.fire with its contents about 5:20 o'clock yesterday afternoon.Three children were at home alone at the time andtheoldestofthesestatedthatagust of wind blew burning.embers from,the open fireplace and set the houseafire.Fanned by the wind the flames.spread rapidly and the house wasdoomedbeforehelparrived.Thefiredepartmentwascalled,but beforethemotortruckreachedthefire, the building was largely burned, John Price,a white manemployedbytheSouthernPower High Point,was killed b man Wednesday night w chased by the bank and it has been | which is outside the corporate limits,©— x 2 >omit these ageregatiqus snd there Artie rtmelOFntNG.:ALD and.in.the.face of.the e eee te fpr a,Me —_——COMMENTON VARIOUS MATTERS The case at Lexington,in whichW.T.Childers,shooting three timesat©.L,‘Rowe and wounding him, then dropped decd from excitenrent,is another of several instances in theStaterecentlyinwhichdeathfollow-ed violent excitement.A Cleveland county man,a few weeks ago,drop-ped dead just after a violent quarrelwithhisbrother.If one conteraplates. engaging in a row,especially to the accompaniment of guns,it might beagoodideatogetadoctor’s opinion STATE NEWS. ”08 EE OH 0 noe ne ao tabrne Dr.Chas.H.Durham,pastor of theBaptistchurchatLumberton,has ac-cepted a call to’Brown ©Memorial church,Winston-Salem., J.O.Harrison of Franklin,Maconcounty,announces that he is a can- didate for the Democratic congres-sional.nomination in the tenth dis-~ trict.The hearing in connection with the Justice intra-State freight rate bill, recently resumed in Raleigh,has been adjourned to July 7 because oftheillnessof«some of the persons connected with the case. T.L.Craig and assdciates of Gas-tonia will build a modern hotel inofthestateoftheheart;and if youl).heart of the business section ofhaveaweakheartbetterforegothe Tow. o *7 It falls out that the report from the mass meeting in Raleigh,which stat- ed that a vote was taken on the adop- tion of the initiative and referendumand119votesrecordedforitto35 ageinst'it;was incorrect.No vote ‘was taken on the initiative and ref- erendum,that.proposition being adopted viva voce and no division be- ing demanded.The-only record vote was on the question looking to pro- hibiting those in the employ of rail-roads and other large public service corporations from holding office,etc., and on this 119 voted aye and 35no.State Senator Hobgood of Guil-ford says there were at least 1,000 ple present at the night mectingbutonlyabout150votedwhenthe vote was takenon this question. The wave against the carnivals issweepingtheState.Town after town is passing ordinances designed to oe been a suggestion of a State-law toprohibitthem.It will be better for each community to take action sepa- rately,The Landmark believes;and if the feeling against the carnivals continues they'll hardly find a placetoexhibitinsideanincorporatedtownbymid-summer.Urging on the good work,the Salisbury Post says: "Carnivals never did any communi- ty any good and they are nothing more than leaches that sap vitality.Why not make it impossible for car- nivals to light on..Rowan in the fu- ture.” The Landmark cOmmends the anti- carniva]crusade to the favorable con- sideration of the Statesville alder- men and asks the good offices of the Civic League and the Commercial club in this behalf. *.. «While some of the North CarolinaDemocratswerealittleimpatient about the changes in the fourth class postoffices,and more of them grum-bled because civil service examina- tions were required,the matter seems to have worked out all right so far as putting Democrats in the offices isconcerned.Recently there have been ‘wholesale changes in the fourth classpostofficesintheState,and in nearly every instance,if not every one,aDemocrathassucceededaRepubli- can.“Long before June bugs comenineoutoftenpostofficesinNorthCarolinawillbesuppliedwithDerio- crats,”says the Washington corres-ndent of ‘the Charlotte.Observer.is correspondent makes special mention of the changes in this dis- trict.He says Congressman Dough- ton took hold,urged Democrats to take the examinations and when theypassedhehadthemappointed.The System seems to have worked al! tight.Some Democrats who wanted affices handed them on silver waiters were disposed to whine about the trouble of taking the examinations. This class of Democrats probably didn’t deserve consideration.There are plenty of Democrats as intelli- gent and_as capable of successfullypassingtheexaminationsasRepub- licans.Where they did this they se- cured the offices ‘and the arrange- ment is more satisfactory. *** The electrocution in.New York early Monday morning of four menattractednation-wide attention be cause of the strenuous efforts made to save their lives.They were com- mon thugs,men of very bad charac- ter,but they protested their inno- cence.and were able to set at work Strong influence in their behalf.Pe- titions asking commutation were largely signed,a portion of the jury that convicted them yielding ‘to the pressure;alleged new evidence show- ing the innocence of the condemnedwasmagnified;judges were appealed to for a rehearing snd all possiblepressurewasbroughttobearonthe Governor to grant commutation or reprieve.The Governor stood firm.It was an awful ordeal for him.Awordfromhimmeantlifeordeath pressure the possibility.that -theymightnotbeguiltyofmurderofcoursehauntedhim,A ‘weak manwouldhaveyielded:But Gov:-Glynnshowedhimselfastrongman,~onewhodidhisdutyandfacedthecouse-quences;and the final story justifieshim.One of the condemned said justbeforeexecution,when being urgedtoconfessbyrelatives,that he wasnotpresentwhenthekillingtookpiccebutthatheknewitwastobedoneandhadhelpedtoprepareforit.He was an accessory hoth beforeandafterthefactandasguiltyasthosewhoactuallyparticipatedinthecrime.Another,it is said,didnotfireashotbutstoodbyandhelp-ed otherwise.And so,if the lastwordsofoneoftheirnumberistobebelieved,they all got what they de-|served.eerie Gastonia,to cost $100,000 to $125,- 006..Mr.Craig is a brother of Mr.David J.Craig of Statesville. As the result of a drunken row at High Shoals,Gaston county,Sun- day,says the Gastonia Gazette,Jess Ballard shot Ed.Queen,Ballard is in jail and Queen is in a hospital at Linéolnton expected’to die. ‘The commencement of Yadkin coun-ty schools was held in YadkinvilleMonday.—Mr..Stacy of Chapel Hill, who was to deliver the address,couldnotbepresentandtalkswerem:de by Attorney D.M.Reece and others. Lawrence Estes,who lives near Collettsville,Caldwell.county,was using dynamite for blasting when a piece exploded in his hand.Several fingers of right hand blown off at first joint and face and eye badly in- jured.,The commissioners of Morganton,backed by a petition signed by prac- tically every business and profession- al man and all the ministers,haveanSndinancewhichwillpro-hibit carnivals and other tented shows any residence,which means they will be excluded from the town. Lee Stikeleather and Miss Carrie Goodman,daughter of Mr.and Mrs. Will Goodman,drove to the residenceofRev.C.P.Fisher at Granite Quar- ry,Rowan county,Sunday afternoon, to get married.The horse took fright at a motorcycle,turned the buggy over and the prospective bride was so badly hurt that the wedding was postponed until ncxt day. The cook at the home of L.B.Jen- nette in Elizabeth City used oil to start a fire.The explosion that fol- lowed covered the cook with flames from head to foot and she rushed into the room of Mr.and Mrs,Jennette. By quick work the flames were smoth- ered and a general conflagration pre- vented.Both Mr.and Mrs.Jennettesufferedburnsandthecookmaydie from her injuries. The recent annual inspection of the companiés constituting the naval mi-litia of the North Carolina NationalGuardshowsthatthecompany“atPlymouthwillhavetobemustered out for failure to come up to the standard in ¢ondition fixed by the War Department.A company will be organized at Belhaven to fill thevecancy..,It is also understood that a company in the third -regiment, name not given,will be mustered out. Strike in Michigan Copper Mines De- clared Off. The strike of the copper miners in upper Michigan came to an end Mon- day as a result of a referendum vote taken among the members of the Western:Federation of Miners.The strike had been in effect since last July,when 13,000 men,according to the figures of the Federation,de- manded better wages and working conditions and recognition.of the Fed- eration.Managers of the mines have announced that they will re-employ all men who have not been guilty of violence as soon 2s they give up their membership in the Western Fedcra- tion of Miners,and places can be found for them.The present work-ing forces are nearly equal numeri- cally,mine managers say,to whattheywerebeforethestrike. Officers of the Federation say tlat since the strike had been declared the mine owners have changed working conditions and wages so that they subsequently met the demands of thestrikers.The strike has beon con- tinued in a vain effort to make the mine ownets récede from thier de- termination not to employ any mem- ber of the Federztion. Another Victory For Villa. A nine-days’battle,possibly more desperate than that at Gomez Pala- cio and Torreon,has resulted in avictoryfortherebelsunderGen. Francisco Villa,according to an offi-cial report made public at Juarez,Mexico. The combined rebel force came up- ron-the reunited--Federals;-said-in-thelast’days of the battle to have num-bered 15,000,at San Pedro de las Co-linias,State of Coahuila,40 mileseastofTorreon.“Kitled and wound-ed on both sides,it is said,will num-ber in the neighborhood of 3,000.The rebels clainted to have taken 700 prisoners. The Federal forces were those thatretreatedfromTorreonandothersthathadjoinedthem. HEALTHY HAIR —NOMOREDANDRUFF Use Parisian Sage. It’s entirely needless to have un-sightly,matted,thin or faded hair.Alittlecareisallthatisrieededtomakeitthick,soft;pretty,perfect-ly healthy and free from dandruff. Postmasters appointed:Wilkes’county,John -P.Church:Ronda,Wilkes county,Noah E.Par.lier;Woodleaf,Rowan county,Nath-an N.Fleming;Wilkesboro,Norman9.Smoak. _LL LTRntcmeRhenmaticPainsRelieved. ip:seller from rheumation when retie?may be had at so small a cost?Mrs.Elmer Dockery, Hatch,Peru,Ind..writes,“I have been sub-|ject to attacks ot trheumatieom for yearsspree*geet always relieves meame7%an Pleasure in recom-mending i (6 others.”25 and 50 cent bot-ties.For sale by all dealers. Use Parisian Sage—it suppliesjhairneedsandisabsolutelyharm-less,It quickly stops itching headandfallinghair,and.is one of theceaeeepyeeratethe.scalpehair‘ow ||beautiful.=eeeGetabottle.of Parisian Si >day from the orStatesvilleDrugCom-pany or at any drug counter.It costsbut50cents.Rub it into the scalp—all —dandruff disappoars}—your head|feels fine—the hair is pretty and per-fectly healthy,r milpicianiiaainted from showing within 5,000 feet of|/f Foasihil:of qomblishing a tis ofnavalcruiserscarrypassengersmai)and freight,between the UnitedStatesandSouthAmorjea,is indors-ed by Secretary Daniels in a report totheSenateonaresolutionrecentlyintroducedby‘Senator Weeks.The committee on naval affairs im:ately introduced a bill to estab one or more such lines,ceeItistheplantouse‘in time ofpeacesuchswiftscoutcruisersagarelittleneededinfleetmanew;mail ships’would be comma:by retired officers at the discretion of the Navy Department,which alsowouldfixratesandfares, While cleaning a revolver at hishome'in Durham county Sunday,PaulC..Umstead accidentally shot himselfanddiedinafewmoments, TWO WOMENAVOIDOPERATION By Taking Lydia E.Pink. ham’s Vegetable “Compound. Chicago,Iil.—‘‘I must thankyou with all my heart for Lydia E,Pinkham’smmsVegetableCom- 4 couldnoteat,andthe4doctorclaimedIhad must havean opera-tion.I read in the table Compound and I have taken it andfeelfine.Aladysaid oneday,‘Oh,Ifeelsotiredallthetimeandhavehéad-ache.’I said,‘Take Lydia E.Pink-ham’s Vegetable Compound,’and she did and feels fine now.’’——Mrs,M.R. KARSCHNICK,1438 N.Paulina Street,Chicago,Illinois. The Other Case. Dayton,Ohio.--‘‘Lydia E.Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound relieved me of pains in my side that I had for years and which doctors’medicines failed to relieve.It has certainly saved me from an operation.I will be glad to assistyoubyapersonallettertoanywomaninthesame.condition.’”’—Mrs.J.W. SHERER,126 Cass St.,Dayton,Ohio. If you want special advice write to Lydia E.Pinkham Med- idine”Co.(confidential)Izynn, Mass.Your letter will be opened, read and answered by a woman, and held in strict confidences NOTICE OF ELECTION FORGRADED.SCHOOL BONDS By virtue of an ordinance duly passed bythe.Board of Aldermen of.the city of States- ville,at the regular meeting held on Friday night,April 3d,1914,all aldermen being present and voting,notice is hereby wiven that an election wiil be held in the city of Statesville,at the time and polling places hereinafter set out,to ascertain the will of the people as to whether the city of States- ville shail issue twenty-five thousand dollars in bonds (par value)with interest couponsattached,bearing five per cent interest peranhum,and said bonds to be due thirty yearsfromtheIstdayofJuly,1914,and the in-terest on the same to be payable semi-an- nually.Said bonds to be issued for the pur-pose of buying the Sullivan property on Waterstreetanderectingthereonaschoolbuildingsuitabletotheneedsofthecityof‘Statesville, the balance remaining,if any,to be used as prescribed in Chapter 48 of the Private LawspassedbytheGeneralAssemblyatitsSpecialSessionheldintheyear1913,sub ject to the approval of the Board of Alder-men of the city of Statesville. Notice is hereby further given that saidelectioniscalledunderandbyvirtueofthe authority granted by said Chapter 48 6f the Private Laws passed by the General Assem- bly at said Special Session and that saidelectionshallbeheldonTuesday,June 16th, 1914,at the polling places hereinafter nam- ed,and shall be held and conducted undertherulesandregulationsproyidedandpre- scribed in chapter 73 of the Revisal of 19065, and the amendments thereto,except as to thetimeofholdingtheelection, Notice is further given that by said or-dinance a new registration shal)be had of all qualified voters residing in said city,andthatinthebooksprovidedtheregistrarsof said election shall be entered the names ofallpersonsofferingtoregisterforsaidelec- tion who may be entitled to registration un- der the requirements of law now in force.Said registration books shall be opened on Wednesday,May 13th,1914,at 9 o'clock a.m., and shall be closed on Saturday,June 6th, 19. That the following places are designatediff}said ordinance as the polling places,and the following men are apponited as regis-trare and$udgee of »for..the—-polling.places set opposite their respéctive names, to-wit ;’ FIRST WARD-——Polling place,Fry's Shoe Shop;Registrar,A.E.Fry:Judges of Elee-tion,J.8S.Leonard and W.T.Kincaid,SECOND WARD-—Polling place,Deaton’sMarbleYard;Registrar,R.P.Allison:Judges of Election,F.H.Conger and J.H. Gray. THIRD WARD--Polling place, ColrtHouse;Registrar,W.J.Lazenby;Judges ofElection,J.W.©.Long and J.R.Alexander. FOURTH’WARD-—Polling place,Office of First Building and Loan Association;Regis-trar,J.H,Hall;Judges of Election,J...G.Lewis and Watt L.Harbin. That at said election the polls shall be opened at sunrise and shall be closed at sunset,and the ballot cast shall have written orprinteduponitthewords,“For Graded School Bonds,”or the -words,“Against Graded Schoot _Bonds.””Aili qualified reg-istered electors who favor the issue of saidbondsshallvoteaticketwiththewords,“For Graded BSehool Bonds”thereon,andthoseopposedshalivoteaticketwiththewords,“Against Graded School Bonds,” of the election shall be thereafter canvassed jdermen of the ¢ity of Statesville, j{ thereon, That immediately after the election thebailotscastshallbecountedandtheresult and determined as provided by law. Published by order of the Board of Al- this the ©.D.MOORE,Clerk and Treasurer. 9th day of April,1914. April 10,1914, NOTICE TO CREDITORS, Having qualified.ss.administratrix af theeatateofT.W.Prazier,.all per-sone having elaima against the estate areherebynotifiedtopresentthemforcollec-tion on or before “April 10,1915,and per-sons indebted to ‘the estate must ~settlepromptly.Olaima may be presented to H.P. Would Use War Vessels ForMail and!xPassenger,Berviege9| 'to «storé,formerty~a pine>~thence..south..6.} SPECIAL. Ladies’and Misses’Ready-to- Wear Hats.Correct Style, Moderate Price. Wieye,te— *and Depart The showing of New Spring Merchan- dise is now complete.Bargain is stimp- __edlupon every article—from a.penny"spool of cotton to a $25 Coat Suit.This purchasing power—buying for eleven big stores—enables them to buy for less and divide profits with their customers. |Ready-To-Wearss. This department,’on the second floor,is filled with good things.,Coats,Coat Suits,Silk and Crepe Dresses,Skirts, House Dresses,Waists,Kimonas,Petti- coats,and all kinds of Underwear for Ladies,Misses and Children. ~“DRESS GOODS. This line is full of beautiful things,from a 5c.Gingham to an AlligatorCrepeat$1.50. SILKS. There is not space to enumerate the showing of this line.Come,see and be convinced.From a 19c.Tub Silk to Crepe Meteor at $1.98. ye To be able to show the best moderately priced is this store’s most im- portantaim.To this end we strive—and from the enthusiasm and sales we are encouraged to believe that in this we have attained success.| The Store That Sells For Less. ’Phone 155. “Keystone”Rompers,Overalls,Ete. On the banks of the Hudson stands an immense fac- tory,not a sweat shop,but one of the best sanitary factories in this or any other country,making the famous ‘‘Keystone”Play Suits,Overalls,Rompers, etc.,for Boys and Girls. No mother with a child can afford to be without these garments,made from reliable material,cut full and neatly trimmed.Many substitutes on the market but you should insist upon having the best, which is the Keystone brand.Yours truly, MILLS &POSTON. ceeding entitled,M.E.Troutman &€..bk.Troutman,administrator and others,vs,Dora1.Sutter and others,the undersigned com-missioner will on MONDAY,MAY lith,1914, at 12°o'clock noon,sell at public auction tothehighestbidder,at the court house door in Statesville,N.©.,the following describedtractofland,lying and being in Iredell coun-ty,N.C.,and bounded as follows:viz.:Be-ginning at a stone,E.F,Stewart's corner, and running with his line west 61 1-2 poles JUST RECEIVED! One hundred head of HORSES,MARES and MULES. degrees west 36 poles to a stone,Stewart'scorner;thence south 86 degrees west 26 3-4polestoadogwood;thence north 75 degrees west 51 poles to a maple,said Stewart's cor-nér;thence north 1 1-2 degrees east 115 1-2polesto@pineknot,J.©.Sharpe's corner;thence with his Jine south 87 degrees east131polestoapineknotinMorrow's line;thence with his line south 4 1-2 degrees east84polestothebeginning,containing 87 1-2acreamoreorless,This Jand is sold sub-ject to the dower of M.E.Troutman,whicheovers271-2 acres,description of which is on file in the clerk's office in Iredell county. Also extra large shipment of VE-. HICLES and HARNESS. Henkei-Craig Live Stock Co. COMMISSIONER'S SALE OF LAND stent ineiatibenesii incitement ie ei Under and by virtue.of an order of the ; Superior Court,made in the special pro- Terms of Sale:One-third cash,one-third |- in six months and the remainder in 12 months,deferred payments to draw interest at 6percentfromconfirmationofsale. Cc.L.TROUTMAN, R.T.Wateherman,Atty.Commissioner. Aer 10,1914. SALE OF CITY PROPERTY, By authority contained in a mortgage deedexecutedbyP.S.Pope and wife on the 28thdayofJuly,1911,to the First Building andLeanAssociationofStatesville,North Caro-lina,to secure the indebtedness therein ex-pressed,default in the payments to the As- Hitch Your Heart to saemanan seer to be made,I will expose to public sale,to ‘the highest bidder for cash,onMONDAY,MAY ath,1na~|THE CANDY OF STANDARD at=Tae ak anil ve ait one-balf a aanoflotNo.44,except a 12-foot strip on the én A| HALL’S DRUG STORE.rear or enst side of said lots,reserved for the parpose of a public alley,.of the.JohnM. Prescriptions Our Specialty. Sharpe Graded School Addition to the cityofStatesville,N,©.,as platted and of ree-‘ord in the Register of Deeds’office of saidcountyandState,in Book 29,page 598, Grier,attorney.M.G.FRAZIBR, April 10,1014,Administratrix. H..¥..FURCHES,Ik C..Caldwell,Atty.Trustee.March 27,1914. Se en et en n ee ee ee ee ee THE LANDMARK FRIDAY,n+“an 7,1914.Sepp ceremoniesSwattheEarlyFly—And Keep Swat-i ting. Walt Mason.whee set The early fly’s the one to swat.It comes before the weather’s hot,and sits around and flies its legs,and lays at least ten million eggs,and everyegg-will-bring a fly to drive us crazybyandby.Oh,every fly that skipsourswatterswillhavefivemillionsonsanddaughters,‘and countlessfirstandsecondcousins,and auntsanduncles,scores of dozens,andfifty-seven billion nieces;so_knocktheblamedthingalltopieces.Andeverynieceandevery.aunt—unlessweswatthemsotheycan’t—will layenoughdodgastedeggstofilluptenfive-gallon s,and all these eggs, We pay the highest market price for them andsell them at rea- sonable prices. Al- Ways good supply -on. hand,See us for good Country Hams and other groceries, Bradford Grocery &Produce Company. ere summer hies;will bring forth twenty trillion flies.And thus it goes, an.endless chain,so all our swattingisinvainunlesswedothatswat-ting soon,in Maytime and in early June.,S80,men and.brothers,let usisey#ird up our loins and swat the flies!And sisters;leave your cozy bowers where you have wasted gold-en hours;with ardor in your souls and eyes,roll up your sleeves and swat the flies! We are in the market for 1,000 Bushels | Field Peas. Want any variety or mixed.Will pay CASH. SEE US.” J.K.Morrison Grocery &Produce Co. sufferers find instant relief in Sloan’s Lintment.It pene- trates to the painful part— soothes and quiets the nerves. No rubbing—merely lay it on. If you are going ‘to buy your supplies on time let us figure with you.We carry the best of about everything you will need Kills Pain al]seemed to |Guy and Ola Lackey. News of Shinsville ca aera Memorial Service For Mr.ThompsoningFarmingCorrespondenceofThe Shinsville,April .14—Mr.and Mrs. Amzi Overcash spent Sunday 1Mr.Geo,Overcash at Kannapolis.Mr.and Mrs.Tom Deaton went 0 Doolie,Saturday,to be with home Salisbury spent several days in thisvicinitylast.week,visiting relativesandfriends.Mr.Sloan OvercashspentEasterinStatesvillewiththefamilyofhisbrother,Mr.CalOvercash.Messrs,Fred.and.RobertSloopandClydeOvercashofKan-napolis spent Easter here with their grandfather,Mr.W.A.Overcash. Miss Bessie Miltholland has closedaverysuccessfulschoolattheNeill school house and before returninghomespentseveraldayshere-visit- ing friends and old pupils.Miss Ce-cil Parrish will close her school atShinsvilleFriday.The children ofherschoolandanumberfromSi son school had an egg hunt onShinsvilleschool‘grounds Good Fri- day evening.All report a good timé.The young people of the commu-nity were entertained ata fruit 5peratthehospitablehomeof.and Mrs.A.E....Suther Saturdaynightandspentamostenjoyable evening. The farmers of this section are “PE [Correapondenes of ‘the Landmark. with)Thompson,whose death —-Mt.Mourne News.. Mt.Mourne,-April 14—-Mr.W.4%. last weekwasreportedinTheLandmark,willbémissedverymuchinthiscommu- nity,cspecially in the elurch.He’was \folks Easter.Mr.W.C.Mills ofjat church nearly every Sunday,and taught a Sunday school class before his health failed,He was a steward of Fairview church and a memorial Service will be at Fairview next Sun- day afternoon at.8 o’clock,conducted by Rev.E.Myers.ps Mt.Mourne ball team.went .to Shepherd’s last Friday.afternoon andhedaverybadgame,score being:38to20infavorofShepherd’s.The Rexall team from Mooresville cam to Mt.Mourne Saturday afternoon and for the first five innings there was only one score om each side. Then the Mt.Mourne team fell back hand*the score was 10 to 3 in favor ofMooresvillewhenthegamewascon- cluded.Mt.Mourne played Long’s Saturday a week ago,the score being six to four in favor of ‘Mt.Mourne. Miss Mary Lawrence,one of the Mt.Mourne school teachers,©wenthomeThursday“night and returned to Mt.Mourne Sunday night.Myr.Jno.B.Echerd spent from Saturday until Sunday night with his son,Mr. Chas.Echerd,in Statesville.Mr.P.very busily engaged in preparing forjA-Kelley spent from Saturday night and planting their crops of corn andcotton.Each year we sce markedimprovementinthefarmers’ways of doing things..We see them thisseasonplowingdeeperandbytheuseofharrows,etc.,making:a loose, mellow,rich seed bed filled with hitmus,making a liberal application of fertilizer and barnyard manure,all of which leads one to believe that the farmers of this section are progres-sive and will be amply repaid whentheharvestcomesn="82 oe esES School Ciosed—Easter Visiters—Ser- vices at St.Martin's. Correspondence of The Landmark. Statesville,R-3,April 15.—It seems that spring has come at last.Every-body made good use of the pretty weather we had the past week.The farmers are very busy preparing ground for another crop. The Troutman Graveyard school closed Friday with exercises by the school.There was a large crowd and enjoy the event.This was taught by Misses Rosa We regret very They school much to have them leave us. jmade many friends during their short Stay.“ Messrs.Roy,Clinton and .Coite m the way of Heavy and Fancy Groceries,Feed- stuffs,Garden and Field Seeds. Miller-McLain Supply Co. Adding Machine Paper We have two sizes, gesell it by the Roll *or Case, —’Phone 200— Brady Printing Co. THE DAVIS MILLS Give you 40 Pounds Best Pat- ent Flour and 13 pounds Bran in exchange or Pay $1.15 per bushel cash for wheat.Watch this ad for price each weék,. Best Flour and Meal.Promptandcourteousserviceatall times.It pays to patronize THE DAVIS MILLS,Hiddenite,N.C. NOTICE! HOLLAND BROS.have changed their ‘phone number from177to 7. Call No.7 for draying,all gradesbestcoalandwood,etc. Residence ’Phone 1310. WHATEVER TYPEWRITER You buy..we.can wish nothing morethanthatyouwilllikeitaswellas we do THE REMINGTON. Statesville Printing Co. ’PHONE 208, TUESDAY AND SATURDAY! Unless providentially hindered,I shall beinmyofficeeveryTUESDAYandSATUR-DAY.So much of my time will be taken up in visiting schools and in other schoolworkindifferentpartsofthecounty,that ]have set apart these two days for officework.If you want to be sure of finding me inmyOffice,please call on TUESDAY or SAT-URDAY.R.M.GRAY,County Supt.Pub-lie Instruction.Dee,80, PREPARED To do your work on short notice. All we want is a trial. Gillespie Pressing Club —’PHONE 350.— NOTICE|! First class tin -work and repairing, Roofing Contractor. CLYDE E.GAITHER. *Phone No.157. For Neursigia “I wonld not be without your Lini-ment and praise it to all who suffer —trience in this. po ae me alymee v=or pain of = Pain All Gone“ft suffered with quite a severe neu- ralgic for 4 months without any relief.I used your Liniment fortwoorthreentsandJhaven't paf-‘ered with my bead since,”—Mr:J.Doe Loumville,Ky.is Treatmentsfor Cold and Croup“My little girl,twelve years old,&Severe cold,and I gave her threedropsof Sloan's Liniment on sugaromgoingtobed,and she gotup in the morning with nosigns of a cold.A lit-tle boy next doorhad croup and I gavethemothertheLiniment.gave him three drops on going td bed,and he gotupwithoutthecroupjnthemorning.”—Mr.W.H.Strange,Chicago,HL. At all Dealers,Price 25c.,50c.and 5LO6 Sloan’s BookonHorsessentfree. Address DREARLS.SLOAN,Inc,Beston,Mass. ALL ARE MADEINSTATESVILLE Eye GlassesandSpectacles Manufac- tured in This City By An Expert. YES,EYE GLASSES AND SPECTACLES are made in States- ville.If I examine your eyes and furnish you with glasses,I make these here in my own shop.I put up all kinds of lenses,including bi- focal (double vision.)I can do this without you having to wait for them to be ordered.I am prepared to do all kinds of repairing on ¢ye-glass- es and spectacles,including GOLD SOLDERING. I now hold and:have held for years,an optometry certificate,from the State board of examiners in optome- try,and am also registered with the clerk of Iredell county court as one who is competent to examine and fit the eye.The State says by givingthiscertificatethatthepartywhose name is on same is a competent per-son for such a profession.Ask the spectacle peddler to show his certif-icate from the State board of exam- iners and just see how quick he will get out to the next house. But all the certificates one could have-would..not..aid.him..in.his wotkwhenmakinganexaminationtofit the eye with proper glasses.He needs the experience as each case hetestswillhelphimonthenextonehehas,I have had years of expe- I have been in my present stand for nearly 11 yearsandhavetestedhundredsofpeople’s eyes.I have satisfied customers alloverthisterritory.I use only the very best materia]in putting up eyeglassesandspectacles.FIRSTQUALITYINALLPARTSandwhenyouarefixedupbymeyouhavethebestthatmoneycanbuy; even if my prices do not reach ashighassomecharge:Have yourglassesputupbymeandbesatisfied.I have my ‘first person yet to put giasses on who did mot need them.Eyes tested free and if you do not need glasses I will tell you.If you notice an itching or smarting of the eyes while reading,it is a sure signthatyoureyesarecallingforhelp. Bring your eye troubles to me I am now selling the best filled framethatcan-be had anywhere.IT’SGUARANTEEDand-much better-for wear than solid gold,-Kindly give me a call when in need for an eyehelp.R,F.HENRY, Jeweler and Optometrist, Hotel Iredell Block. studies at Lenoir College. Troutman,Carl O.,Hoyt and Locke Lippard,who spent the Easter holi-dcys with their home people,returned to Hickory Monday to resume theirMrs.Ver-non Saunders and little children ofGastonia,who has becn visiting rel- ativea in this community for ©two weeks,returned to their home Saturday night.Mr.Phife Troutman of Gastonia has been with his moth- er,Mrs."R.Q.Troutman,during the Easter holidays. There will be communion services at St.Martin’s next Sunday at 4 o’clock and Sunday school 10 o'clock. Preparatory services ou Saturday at 2:30 p.m.Everybody is cordiall; invited to attend these services Rotation For County -Officers—Cool Spring Wants More Roads. Correspondence of The Landmark. Elmwood,R-1,Apri]14.—We want!rotation of county officers because wé think our present officers have bee: in feasting long enough.So let some of our other good citizens into the feast. We have not been treated right on the good -roads..We have only about I 1-2 miles of good roads.Cool Spring has as small a per cent of de linquent tax-payers as any of our townships and we hardly ever have a case in court,although we don’t claim to be perfect.I was informed by one of our ex-county officers that the reason we didn’t have any more good roads was because we didn’t sup- port our present officers at last elec-| tion.We are glad our adjoining townships have got good roads—orthemostofthem.So let our com-missioners do something for:us and we will appreciate it,I am sure.Allweaskisafairdeal. Some of our good citizens already have automobiles and more coming: Messrs.N.A.Beaver,David Fox,P.| L.Carter and C.H,.Knox have re cently purchased automobiles.So you see we need good roads.Let ourcommissionersdosomethingforCool Spring and we will all rejoice. Could “Pick”Their Men,Not “Kick” Them. Correspondence of The Landmark. In a previous issue of The Land- mark,_.wherein.I stated.that on the second day of the Battle of the Wil- derness each man could pick his tar- get,a typ8graphical error of just one letter made a very misleading impression.The word was printed “kick”instead of “pick,”and some of the readers wish .to know if we got into a “kicking frolic.’Not so.We were several liundred .yards apart but the Gray could see the Blue,and the Blue ‘could see the Gray,andsomebodygothurtthatday.As The Landmark is always anxious to keep history correct,I make ‘this stat« ment to assist it in-so doing.There is quite a lot of unwritten history about the Civil War and there wasonefightinwhichthe.Forty-ceighth North Carolina regiment was engag ed—and I believe the whole of Cook’s brigade—that each “reb”made the balls he used,but to give a descrip tion of it in The Landmark at thistimemightdeprivecandidatesofthespacethattheydeservetomakeannouncements,J.S.“LEONARD. Stomach Trogble Cured.°Mra.H..G.Cleveland,Arnold,Pa.writes,“For some time 1 suffered from stom-ach trouble.I would have sour stomach and feel bloated after eating.Nothing benefitedmeuntilIgot,Chamberiain’s Tablets.AftertakingtwobottlesofthemIwascured.”Forsalebyalldealers, until Sunday night with his daugh- ter,Mrs.J.R.Ballard,in Statesville. Mrs.Suc McNeely has been spending a few days with Mr.and Mrs.,D.W. Alexander,and Mr.Cowan,from Ma- con,Ga.,is a visitor here. Mr.Steele Crosses the Continent the Sixth Time. Correspondence af The Landmark. Mooresville,April.14.—When the train from Statesville pulled in Sat-urda;--night the people of the place:were glad to see Mr.Silas Steele step off.He left Seattle,Washington,last Monday morning and arrived here Saturday night for supper,having come from the Pacific coast to the Atlantic slope in a week of continu- ous travel on a through train.This made the sixth time Mr.Steele had crossed the continent within the last four years,and he says he enjoyed ever)trip and every bit of each trip thoroughly,and was not at all worn outvas one might expect of a person of his age.After spending several months here last year he left on the 15th of December for Seattle and stated on his departure that he would hardly 3s the continent again,but would very likely spend the rest of his days in the far West,with his daughter,Mrs.R.L.Miller,with whom he made his home while there. But the ties of the Tar Heel State Were stronger than he knew.“Once a Tar Heel,always a Tar Heel”prov- ed stronger than he realized,and a week ago today he found himself on the car headed for the Old North State.Mr.Steele has crossed the continent within four years six times On three continental lines,during Which times he touched some 40Statesandenjoyedeverybitofit.HeWillbehereforsixmonthsorpossi- bfysfonger before he starts across the ‘continent for the seventh time.He expeets to start,he says,“when the |spirit moves him.” {Honor Roll For Fulbright School. Correspondence of The Landmark. |Honor.roll of Felbright school, Shiloh No.5,for the fourth and fifth months. Fourth month—Smiiey Deal,Blake|Deal,’Lena Hoke,Ruby Morrow, |Hoyle Morrow,Mattie Steele,Rebec- \ca Steele,Della Wagner,Carrie Wag- jner,Bessie Troutman,Clarence Wag- jner,Dewey Benfield,Guy Hoke,EarlHoke,Roy Hoke,Zula Hoke,Ray Morrow. Fifth month—Bessie Troutman, |Carrie Wagner,Matoka Sigmon,Re- |beeex Stéele,Mattie Steele,Hoyle Morrow,Adelia Kates,Ruby Morrow,James Campbell,Guy Hoke,EarlHoke,Roy Hoke,Zula Hoke,Ber- {nice Ingtam,Jason Troutman,Clar- |en¢e Wagner,Earl Wagner,Harlee Waugh,Blake Waugh. The following have not missed dur-ing the year—a session of five months:Bessie Troutman,Mattie Steele,Ray.Morrow,Clarence Wag-ner,Earl and Roy Hoke.ThosethatmissedbutonedayareRuby Morrow,Earl Wagner,Clarence Troutman,Carrie Warner,Guy,Zula and Lena Hoke.School closed April 10th with an egg hunt and a general good time for all present. Mr.White’s Understanding of the Tolls Matter. Henry White,formerly ambassa- dor 46°France and secretary to thetheAmericanembassyatGreatBrit- ain at the time the Hay -Pauncefote treaty Was negotiated,told the Sen- \ate interoceanic canals committee fuesday that it never was his under- standing,nor that of any of the ne- gotiators for Great Britain that theUnitedStatesevercontemplatedex-empting American coastwise shipping from Panama canaj tolls. Tone Up Your Weak Liver The best,safest and most gentle remedy for constipation and sluggish liver is the celebrated HOT SPRINGS LIVER BUTTONS.You'll be pleased and satisfied with the result of the first one youtake.They drive the poisonous waste and gas from the bowels,andpurifytheblood.They are simply the best ever for headache,dizziness,biliousness,ner- vousness,lack of appetite and that |no.ambition .feeling.:|Women!take little chocolate coat-jed HOT “SPRINGS —-LIVER.BUT-|TONS,"to ridthe skin-.-of pimples; |blotehes and sallowness.«All drug- 'gists,25¢.,and money back,if notsatisfied.Samiple free from Hot Springs Chemical Company,Hot Springs,Ark, In a few years the boy will be entering college or going into business.Did you ever stop to calculate what it would mean to him if you take out a few shares in the Building and Loan.Association for him NOW and continue the payment until such time as he will be entering into the serious business of life? Perhaps there was a time when five hundred dollars would have opened upa new .world of possibilities to you—it will mean just as much to your boy. Help him as you would have liked to be helped.You can’t possibly make a bet- ter investment,if he is the right kind of boy—and your boy is.« The Sixth:‘Series ——OPENED—— Saturday, April 4th.~ Our Secretary is gladandanxioustoexplainplanfully.The American Home—the Safe- guard of American Liberty. Mutual Building and Loan Association OF STATESVILLE. Dont woiWellsellyOu the right Clothes If you don’t know anything about the values ofclothing,whatelse have you left to do but to trust to the REPUTATION of the establishmentyoubuyfrom?We wish that everonewhohasneverboughttheirclothesfromus,would only ask thosewhohave.Wearein business heretostayinbusinesshereandweknowwecandosoonlybysellinggood clothing at honest prices.e askyoutotrustusonceandtoletourgoodsspeakforthemselvesafterthat Sloan Clothing Company WE SELL “BETTER”.CLOT x J.E.SLOOP, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Fertilizers,Field Seeds,Grain,Hay,Feedstuffs,Cotton Seed Meal and Hulls. I sell Virginia-Carolina Chemical Co.,Royster’s and Swift’sFertilizers;have a splendid Tobacco Fertilizer with sulphateofpotashwhichmakésbrighttobacco.|Also all animal mat-ter ammoniates,but you can get fertilizer ammoniates deriv-ed from burnt leather,city garbage,ete.,which will show thechemicalanalysisbuthaven’t the plant food.This kindcomescheaper.Seeme for chemicals for home-mixing.FIELD SEEDS—Appler,Burt,Red Ruet Proof,White andBlackSpringOats,all kinds grass seeds and clovers.Willsellyoujustasgoodseedataboutthesamepriceasyoucanorderandfrommeyoucanseewhatyoubayandgetwhatyouwantwhenyouwantit,and you don’t have tosendmethemoneyinadvanceandthenwaitandwatchforweeksandperhapsmakeuselesstripatogetyourgooda.Buy from me on guaranteed quality and price basis and ifyouhaveanyseedleftoverbringthembackandgetyourmoneyback.Make me prove these claims.Yours truly,- eneJ..E.SLOOP s=i ana owt -officer reported to Washington. a alaeeet npeennunaiameneiRCLARKEDITORANDOWNER FUsLISHED TUESDAY AND FRIDAY. —————— OFFICE:120 WEST BROAD STREET. ———————— WATCH—Watch the label on your paper.If renewals are not in by date ea label,paper will be stopped. FRIDAY,.---April 17,1914. FLEET TO MEXICO. The moving of the fleet to Mexico Jooks like war.To tiie average citi- zen it would appear that the incident which give rise to this threat of war —for that’s what it is—is merely used as an excuse to intervene in Mexican affairs;that the’United States government,having decided it is necessary to take some action in "México,has seized upon this incident as affording the opportunity.A number of men from a United States warship,sent ashore at Tampico for supplies,were arrested.They were almost immediately released,apology was made and the officer making the arrest was punished.The naval of- ficer in command demanded as an ad- ditional apology that the Mexicans salute the United States flag by fir- ing 21 guns.This was refused.The The government has backed up the de- mand and is sending a dozen war- ships and thousands of men to Mexi- ewan enters t enforce the demand. The request will probably be complied with;it may be done by the time this is read. Explaining this action,President ‘Wilson says the present course is not prompted solely by the one incident at Tampico;that the arrest of the men from the warship is ‘only the last of a long list of offences against the dignity of the United States,for all of which apology was made but the offences go on;and it is declared that the Huerta government seemingly goes out of its way to try to offend the United States,its representatives repeatedly guilty of offences against our government—offences which are not offered representatives of other governments.Possibly Huerta is trying to get even with us for ‘not recognizing him;or he may be trying to provoke us into going into Mexico and letting him down easy before the constitutionalists get him. Anyway,we've put our hand to the plow and unless the Huerta crowd fire the 2i-gun salute,according to the regulations made and provided, we'll have to do some firing on our own account. There has beer’much talk,and in- cidentally.some criticism,of Secre- tary Daniels’order barring liquor from the navy.It is noted,however, that commendation of the order—and the order is proper and right—seems to exceed the criticism,which is ad- ditional evidence of the wonderful change of public sentiment in the last decade with respect to the use of liquor. Texas Has More Railroad Mileage Than Any Other State. Manufacturers’Record. Texas for several years ‘has built more railroads annually than anyotherStateintheSouth;hence it is not surprising to find the State hav- ing a remarkably large total ofmainlinesandbranchesasisshown in the report of the Texas railroadcommissionfortheyearendedJune 30,1913.This document covers 102corporationsandthetotalof-main lines and branches is 15,823 miles, a net gain of 342 1-2 miles as com- »pared with 1912.This is a greatermileagethanisreportedbyanyoth- er State in the country.Illinois usedtobethepremierrailroadState’of the Union,but several -years a exas forged to the front after steadily building a large amount of new mileage.The assessed ‘valua-tion of the Texas railroads is now $344,635,318. Court Decisionof Interest to Masons. The Supreme Court has affirmed the lower court in the case of the Scottish Rite Masons for the United_~-—---States--and -its—dependencies vs.the North Carolina Grand Lodge of Ma- sons.The Grand Lodge of .North Carolina in 1908 adopted and publish- ed a report from a special commiit- tee finding that the plaintiff organiz- ation was not the regularly recog- nized Supreme Council of Scottish Rite Masons,the plaintiff sued for_libel and then when the case came-up for trial in Winston-Salem the plaintiff moved to amend by changing the suit to one for tort.The motion was denied,the case appealed and the decision of the lower court affirmed. The case is sent back for trial on the original complaint. ‘Why Aisles Must Be Kept Free ofBaggage.Greensboro News. Frequently passengers on a rail- pead train become:indignant because the brakeman or porter comes along and tells them they must remove theirsuitcasesorgripsfromtheaisle._There is tangible reason,however, why railroads try’to keep the carislesclear.“Last year the Pennsyl-Vvenia railroad paid out $5,143 in dam-ages on account of accidents to pas-sengers who tripped over grips of other passengers placed in the aiSiesofpassengertrains, pT PI TOT HOBriefResume of Happenings In Va :rious Parts of the W: E.P.Holcombe,chief supervisor of the Indian bureau in Washington, killed himself yesterday.Failing health.- The Richmond Times-Dispatch has been sold by John»Stewart Bryan and J.St.George.Bryan to J.O,Win- ston and T.S.Winston of Virginia and Jules Breuchaud of New York, It is announced.that the policy of the paper wiltnot be changed. The senatorial race in Arkansas was close.Official canvass of .the votes cast in the primary show that Senator John P.Clarke defeated his opponent,Judge Kirby,by 212 votes. Friends of Judge Kirby threatened contest in the Democratic State con- vention. Charles 8.Mellen,former president ‘ear was arrested on a bench war- rant charging him with manslaughter beeeuse of deaths in a wreck at West- port,Conn.,was discharged from cus- tody Tuesday,the case being nol prossed. A temporary injunction granted by Judge Veeder of the United States District Court of New York,restrain- ing the E.W.Bliss Company from revealing to other nations the con- struction of the Bliss-Leavitt torpe- do,used by the United States Navy, has been made permanent. Democratic Leader Underwood's entry into the House Monday was the signal for one of the most enthusias- tic ovations of the session.There was loud applause from-members of all parties and business of the House was suspended while members con- gratulated him upon his successful senatorial campaign in Alabama. Several weeks ago one Terrell,a nogro-who-has served for-some years as municipal judge in Washington under Republican administrations, was reappointed by President Wilson: Southern?Democrats in the Senate held up the nomination and it has not yet been confirmed,although Repub- licans are fighting for confirmation. One man was killed,several injur- ed and damage of about $50,000 was the result by a fire that destroyed four of the largest commercial!build- ings at Culpepper,Va.,Monday.Car- ter Parr,19 years old,was killed by falling walls and Robert Rosson,20 years old,was seriously hurt.Five other volunteer firemen were injur- ed. Prohibition advocates Wednesday presented to the House judiciary committee arguments in support of a constitutional amendment to enforce prohibition throughout the United States.For three hours men and women presented arguments in be- half of the amendment.Rev.R.L. Davis,superintendent of thé North Carolina Anti-Saloon League,was one of the speakers. A persistent and widespread cam- paign is being conducted to arouse publié sympathy for the request for an increase of freight rates on East- ern railroads,was the declaration of Senator Cummins,Republican,of lowa,in the Senate Monday.He ex- pressed confidence that the Inter- State .Commerce Commission would decide the question on its merits,butassertedthepublicwasbeingmisled by incorrect statements.Senator Robert L.Owen of Okla- homa,making the principal address at the Jefferson Day banquet of the Indiana Democratic club at Indian- apolis Monday night,adyocated the enactment by Congress of the initia- tive,referendum and recall to “put political power in the hands of the many and take it out of the hands of the few.”He predicted that if the Democratic party fails to meet the “righteous expectations”of the American people another party will be put in power.. Simple but impressive ‘exercises at- tended the dedicetion in Augusta,Ga., Wednesday of the Butt memorial bridge,erected as a tribute to the memory of the late Maj.Archibald Willingham Butt,aide to former Presidents Taft and Roosevelt,who perished in the Titanic disaster April 14,1912.Former President Taft,a delegation of Masons from the Tem- ple-Noyes lodge of Washington,of which Major Butt was a member,lo- cal Masons and members of the Butt Memorial Association participated in the services:Major Butt was a na- tive of Georgia., How the Postoffice Department Sav- ed a Million.Economies effected by Fourth As- sistant Postmaster General Blakes- lee during the first year of his ad- ministration.have netted the govern- ment a saving of one million dol- lars,according to figures announced by Postmaster General Burleson.The re-placing of the old-fashioned mail locks with new and lighter locks is said to have resulted in a savingof$200,000;.$55,000 was saved byusingcanvasinsteadofleather pouches;reduction in office employes netted $143,000,and the manufac- ture and purchase of cancelling ma- chines $100,000. Mr.Brown's Record. Boone Democrat. Jesse H.Brown,the popular keep- er of ‘the county home,was in to see us gn business,and before he left he told us that during his life of 53 years he has never owned a fiddle, banjo,gun or pistol,and had never bought but one pocketknife during all these years.He says he never killedbutonesquirrelwithagun(but has brought down hundreds of boomers with rocks);never caught but one fish with a hook,but failed to say how many he had seined and grab- bled.This is certainly a record that would be hard indeed to duplicate,by a mountain boy,especially.etgeeeenage _At Connelly Springs Wednesday night W.J.Alexander,a merchant, saw 4 light in-his store and going to ifivestigate wis assaulted by thieves who were robbing the store and seri-ously injured. Raleigh citizens have voted $100. 000 of bonds for street improvements. of the .New Haven railroad,who last |* ese a ite Nn peePeoranhrnreaanprgaripeorienee]Col..Walker “Taylor has been”ap-pointed.collector of the port.of.Wil.mington to succeed B.F.Keith,whoseresignationiseffectiveMay1. Caught in a rope tied round amule’s neck for a halter,Mr,JohnJoyner,a.Nash county farmer,wasdraggedsomedistanceandfatallyin-jured. The 11-year-old son of Mr.and Mrs.J.O.Loftin,who live in the vi- cinity of Mt.Olive,Wayne.county,was sent to water a-cow in-a stable; was attacked by the cow and so bad- ly injured that he may die,The Dispatch says an investigationofthedocketoftherecorder’s courtatLexingtonshowsthatinoneyear —March 15,1913,to.March 15,1914._400 criminal éases were tried and that 272 of these resulted from liquor,directly or indirectly.Berry DocKery,alleged slayer of Perry Bradburn in Buncombe county some weeks ago,was arrested in Ten-nessee a few days ago and is in jail in ‘Asheville.Bradburn’s dead bodywasfoundin’a field and he was lastseenincompanywithDockefy. The coropration commission has appointed W.G.Womble of.Raleigh rate expert for the cornmission,a po- sition for which provision was madeé by the special session of the last Legislature,Mr.Womble is a native of Chatham county and has had 20 years experience in all departments of railroad work., Fayetteville authorities are trying to locate the relatives of H.Romack, said to have come either from Nor- folk,Va.,or Sytacuse,N.Y.,who died in a hospital at Fayetteville fol- lowing #fall with a horse,The young man was working as a trainer of race horses at the Cape Fear fair grounds, and a horse he was ridifig fell on him.——In=.the..chapel of.St...Mary's School,Raleigh,Wednesday evenings Miss Annie Webb Cheshire,daugh- ter of Rt.Rev.Joseph B.Cheshire, bishop of the diocese of North Caro- lina,and Dr.Augustine Washington Tucker,son of Bishop Tucker of Vir- ginia,were married.Both are mis- sionaries of the Episcopal Church in China.The fathers of the bride and groom and Bishop Lloyd of New York city paticipated in the ceremo- ny.——— DWINDLING APPOMATTOX. In Ruins and Fast Disap- pearing. Philadelphia Record. The village of pomattox,the place of Lee’s surrender 49 years ago on ‘April 9,has fallen into ruin and has nearly disappeared.Three houses hove survived fire,storm and neglect, but even these are warped and sag- ging,and the promise is that they, too,will seon rot,and that weeds, followed by scrub pine,will overrun their site,Two of these houses have been Jong abandoned,but that one is now occupied by the large family of.a.small farmer,stranger to that Village pert of Virginia and unfamiliar with,|_ and indifferent to,the great memories that cluster around that tragic ground, ‘At the time of the surrender the village.was the seat of Appomattox county.It was then,after four years of war,a seedy,ramshackle cross- roads hamlet.A cluster of dwellings, mostly of wood,.a few lawyers’of- fices,a couple of doctors’offices,a tavern,a smithy,.a hiring stable and a store or two leaned around the sleepy court house square.The court building was burned down 20 years ago,and.today _the desolate court house square is cumbered with ashes, charred plaster,shattered bricks and bits of heat-distorted glass. In a particularly dark patch of a gloomy stretch of pines the visitor comes 4 upon the North Carolina monument.The inscription on this monument,which gives glorious praise to the soldiers of North Caro- lina,has caused tense and bitter con-troversy in the South.The inscrip- tion follows:“*At this place the North Carolina brigade of Brigadier General W.R.. Cox,of Grimes’division,fired thelastvolleyApril9,1865. “Major General Bryan Grimes,of North Carolina,planned the last bet- tle fought by the Army of Nortiuern Virginia and commanded the infan- try engaged therein,the greater part of whom were North Carolin- ions.“This stone is erected by the av-thority of the General Assembly ofNorthCarolinaingratefulandper- petual memory of the valor,endur- ance and patriotism of her sons,who followed with unshaken fidelity the fortunes of the Confederacy to this closing scene,faithful to the end. “Erected April 9,1905.“North Carolina Appomattox Commission:H.A.London,chair- man;E,J.Holt,W.T..Jenkins,Cy- rus B.Watson,A.D.McGill.” _On the opposite side of the monu-ment is this inscription:~~~~ “North Carolina.First at Beth- el.Farthest to the front at Get- tysburg and Chickamauga.Last at Appomattox.” ADVERTISED LETTERS.Following is a list of letters remaining fpthepostofficeatStatesville,N.©.for the week ending April 14,1914. Miss Caribelle Blackman,Mrs Frank Bruce,D.P.Cline,G.H.Glover,Miss Sallie Jones,Dalton McClain,George McKee,Col, Mrs.Bessie Patterson,Sam,Silverman,Miss Annie Simons,Miss Blanche Tuckor,Mra. Lillian Wood,Mrs.Lucie Yeats, Pertons calling for any of the above willpleanecallfer“advertised letters.DEWEY lL.RAYMER,P.w& Insect Powder What.UncleSass Spends For Auto-ro aes os Currie.S.a According to data given out by Mr.Martin,chairman of the Senate com-mittee on appropriations,Uncle Sam furnishes :maintains for govern-ment ‘employes 341 auto- mobiles,costing $404,637 75,and 2,- 386 horse«drawn carriages.SenatorMartin’s report shows that the Secre-'tary of Labor,W.B.Wilson,is theonlymemberofthecabinetwhohastheuseofagovernmentautomobileforhispersonalpleasure.-The oth- er members have from two to.four horse-drawn vehicles. Five persons lost their lives in a fire which wrecked .a big.apartmenthouseinBostonearlyTuesdaymorn- ing. CONSTIPATION MAYCAUSEAPPENDICITIS. It Pays to Be Watchful and Careful —Dodson’s Liver Tone is Recom-mended and Guaranteed, In a number of cases it has seem-, ed that appendicitis has resultedframchronicconstipation,Hence it iswelltobecareful‘and ‘keep the sys- tem in as good working Srder as pos- sible,for if you never .suffer .from constipation you are likely to lessen your liability to other complications and troubles. But that does not mean that it is wise for you to ‘use calomel,a pois- on that stays in the system _and_of-ed ten leaves bad effects behind it,even after you may have appeared-jto bebenefitedtemporarily.As a matter of fact,calomel is exceedingly’dan- gerous to many people,perhaps to you.So it is just as well not to take chances.For constipation,biliousness,liver complaint,sick >ete,Dad son's Liver Tone is guaranteed bytheStatesvilleDrugCo.,who will cheerfully refund purchase price (50c.)instantly to you in the event that it fails to give complete satis- faction.Dodson’s Liyer Tone®?is-a vegeta- ble liquid,perfectly harmless,easy to take and highly effective,withoutpain,ache or gripe and leaving no bad after-effects.It assists nature and builds you up instead of weak- ening you.So many people have been immensely benefited by this good remedy that it’s worth your looking into at once.Make no mis- take—ask for Dodson’s Liver Tone, Announcements. FOR SHERIFF. I am a candidate for the Democratic nomi- nation for sheriff and ask the support of the Democratic voters in the primaries May 16.JAMES W.WARD. CAPITAL _$50,000. A little money put in a ‘Savings Bank”is not.a tal- ent hidden in a napkin.It is earning all the time;like heart beats,its work goes on while,one sleepsandevenSundaysthe¢apital is growing larger and nobody complains of broken laws.BEGIN NOW.You can openan account with only $1.You can make additions to this from time totimetosuityourconvenience.If you put only $2. er week by you will be $100 ahead in less than a year. f you persistently keep on for five years putting the following in bank every day and draw nothing out, hiere are the results not counting interest:, 1c.a day for five years will be $18.25 10c.a day in five years’will be 182.50 5c.a day in five years will be 912.50 $1.00 a day in five years will be 1,825.00ThisBankpays4percentcompoundedquarterly. GEO.H.BROWN aoe hs President. O.L.TURNER ---Cashier. eR A Friendly Atmosphere! es of this bank — strive to see that patrons always find here a friendly atmosphere.You are doing us a good turn when you bring business of any nature to this bank.We appreciate it,and want you to feel eee AT HOME HERES and find it a pleasure to come.Don’t stay away because your transaction is a small one.It’s The Sum of Small Things that makes this bank grow. FOR SHERIFF. I hereby announce myself a candidate fortheofficeof.Sheriff of Iredell county,sub- ject to the action of the Democratic primaries and county convention. April 14,1914. FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS. I hereby announce myself a candidate fortheofficeofRegisterofDeedsforthecoun-ty of Iredell,subject to the action of theDemocraticprimariesandcountyconven- tion.J.E.FESPERMAN.April 14,1914—10t* FOR TREASURER. I am a candidate for Treasurer of Iredell county,subject to the action of the Demo- cratic primaries and county convention.TILDEN H.WILLIAMS. J.M.DEATON. March 27. FOR TREASURER. I hereby announce myserr «candidate for the .office of Treasurer of Iredell County, subject to the action of the Democratic pri-maries and county convention.March 427.R.F.RIVES. FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS. I hereby announce myself a candidate fortheofficeofRegisterofDeedsofIredell county,subject to the action of the Diemo- primaries and county convention.JAS.R.HILL. r cratic March 27. FOR SHERIFF. I am a candidate for sheriff of Iredell coun- ty,subject to the action of the Dempcraticprimariesandcountyconvention,and solicit the support of the Democratic voters.March 17.J.A.BROWN. FOR CLERK SUPERIOR COURT. I hereby announce my candidacy for theofficeofclerkoftheSuperiorCourtforIre-dell county,subject to the action of the Dem-geratic party convention and primaries forthecounty,P P.DULIN.Jan.27. Flowers! The Most Beautiful Floral Designs Obtainable. While we furnish flow- Lers..ofevery.._kind,.being. our own home-grown prod- uct,we make a great spe- cialty of artistic designs for every purpose. All orders promptly ex- ecuted,and the workman-ship isthe very best known to the floral business. Orders by telegraph orphonehaveimmediateat- tention. Apackage of my Insect Pow- ders will:cost you 20c and 35c. a package.It will keep yourhensandchicksfreefromliceandmitesandyourcabbage, melon and oucumber plants andrichpotatoes.free from bugsandtnsectsCanbeusedwithsafetytomanorbeast.-D.J.KIMBALL, Yan Lindley (o., FLORISTSTOTHE SOUTH, GREENSBORO,N.C. Local Agents, Merchants &Farmers’Bank of Statesville. “THE BANK FOR YOUR SAVINGS.” RNASSTTT —— Polk Gray Drug Co., Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison Co., The Store with the Quick Parcel Post Service. The Store Where You'll Find what you want The way you want it When you want it. Just’write,or better still,telephone us and we'll send your pur- chases right to your ~door and that right © away with all charges *paid,with the assur- ance that you get your Money’s-Worth-or-Your-Money-Back saad ames ' “turned to Rock Hill “month=in Statesville doe medica! “Dy”Deputy”Shertit Giibert>wito-went = ———FRIDAY,-4-April 17,1914. =— GLIMPSE OF PASSING THRONG. Personal Mention of People and Their Movements. Mrs.H.C.Cowles and Mrs.Chas.A.Turner went to New York Tues- day night to visit Dr..and Mrs.Hal.©.Cowles.Mrs.Cowles will proba- bly remain in New:York a couple of months or longer.Mrs,Turner wili be away about two weeks, Mrs.B.M.Stepheason ‘went toGreensboroWednesdaytovisither brother,Mr.H.Lee Lazenby,who is ill. Mr..and Mrs,Sol.Sternberger ofWilmington.are guoests of Mr.and Mrs.Sig:Wallace. Mrs.H.B.Powell of Rock Hill, $..C.,is visiting her parents,Mr.and Mrs.S.H.Garrison:Mr.Powel), who waa here for a few days,has re- Miss Bessie.Williams,who return- ed to Statesville about a nionth ago from.Kansas,where she’spent the winter,went to Hiddenite yesterday to visit.She will leave next week for Chase City,Va.,where her par- ents are now making their home. Mrs.Chas.F.MacKesson of Mor- ganton is visiting at the home of her son,Mr.L.W.MacKesson. Miss May Mills of Morganton ar- rived in Statesville yesterday to visit Mrs.Jas.W.Wilson.. Mrs.J.P.Hughey:and children left this week for North Wilkesboro,theirnewhome.Mrs.Hughey spent a treatment and was greatly improved. Miss Lottie Wyse of Columbia,5S. C.,arrived in Statesville Wednesday night to attend the weddéng and pre- nuptial affairs of Miss Mary Lewis. Mrs.Clem.Dowd is in Charlotte to spend about a week. Miss Lina McRae left yesterday for a visit to friends and relatives in Wadesboro. Rev,Messrs.L.T,Mann and J.F.Kirk and Mr.Dorman Thompson went to Lenoir yesterday to attend a meeting of,the board of trustees of Davenport College. Mrs.W.W.Hanks and little son, of Charlotte,are guests of Mrs. Hanks’parents,Mr.and Mrs.D.F. Jenkins. Mrs.E.M.Land of Goldsboro ar-rived yesterday afternoon to spend a few days’with her mother,Mrs.B. F.Long,who has been ill. Notices of New Advertisements. Roe shad and assorted fish today and tomorrow.—R.O.Harbin. Brand new Hackney buggy.—C.D. Bailey. Day-old chicks for sale."Phone 50. T.C.Alexander wil]sel)householdandkitehenfurnitureatauctionMay.2 J.B.Armfield,commissioner,will| sell land May 18. James W.Ward announces himself for sheriff. Iredell Axley. Mass meeting at court house to- night. Insect powder New attractions Wasson Co. Begin to save‘now. &Savings Bank. Insurance if you love your family. —Felix J.Axley. What you want and when you want it.-—Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison Co. Friendly atmosphere.—Merchants &Farmers’Bank. The Swiss Bell Ringers at the Cres- cent Theater next Tuesday night. Rejoice,good news.—The Phila- delphia Underselling Co. For the boy.—Mutual Building & Loan Association. Bostonians are built to please.— Sherrill-White Shoe Co. Arrested For Theft of a Cain in Trouble Again.Turner Cain,colored,was placed under.bond Wednesday by Justice Lazenby for his appearance at Su-perior Court to answer for carrying a concealed weapon.Cain,who only recently completed a term.on the chain gang for retailing,was loafing about the railway station Wednes- day and accidentally revealed a pistol which he had in his pocket.Deputy Sheriff Ward,who was at the sta- tion,was “put wise”afid immediate- ly arrested the negro,relieving him-of the weapon.He was later taken be- fore Justice Lazenby and gave bond for his appearance at Superior Court. Warren Casey,a white man against whom a bil)for larceny was found by a grand jury of Iredell Su- perior Court,was arrested in Reock- ingham Tuesday and was_brought to Statesville jail Wednesday night county farms.—Felix J. 4d).J. at Kimball. sale.—Poston- People’s Loan Bicycle— after him.Casey.is charged with stealing a bicycle from Supt.T.M. Crowell of the Paola Cotton Mill,ayearorsoago. District Meeting of Pythians. A district meeting of the Knights of Pythias for the twelfth district of North Carolina will be held in States- ville next Thursday,23d.The dis- trict comprises the Pythian lodges of Hickory,Marion,Morganton,Moores- ville,Lenoir,Old Fort,Glen Alpine, Bridgewater and Rhodhiss.Busincss session and cxempplification of rank work will be held in the afternoon and the night session will be.devoted to social entertainment,at which time the local Pythians will have their annual “Big Night.”Several grand lodge officers are to be pres- ent and the’occasion promises to rank with those previously “given byStatesvillePythians,Preparations are now in the hands of the commit- tec of arrangements and a_pro- gramme will be announced later. A Cure for Sour Stomach, ..M,Thompson,of Battle Oreck;Mich,,writes:“I havé been troubled withindigestion,sour stomach and bad breath.After taking two bottles of Chamberlain’s Peck Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock, CLOSE OF CENTRAL SCHOOL. sre ae By Rains—Rotation”Favor- Correspond of The Landmark.}Statesville,_R-2.4Centtal schoolclosedThursday,9th,with an enter-tainment that was interesting to the atrons and a large number ofriends.The exercises consisted ofsongs,recitations and dialogues by the school..The recitations were intheforenoonand»were all good. There was much social enjoyment during the noon hour,In the after- noon the school sang a song and Hon.W.D.Turner,who had been in- vited to make the address,was in-troduced and made a splendid talk on educational training.along _practical lines.-Mr.Turner argued that the boys and girls should be educated todothepracticalthingsoflifeaswell as to have a knowledge of the text books,He said that children nowgrowingupoughttomakegreater success in life than their parents,be-cause they have so much better op-portunities.“Mr,.Turner’s talk wasenjoyedbyailwhoheardit.Therewereanumberofdialoguesintheaf- ternoon that were good.A very in-teresting game of baseball was play-ed by the Central and Athens school boys.The score stood 12 to 9 in fa- vor of the Central boys,At nisrht there were dialogues that were well acted,but the exercises being held in the open air and the weather being very unpleasant,it was difficult to sitquietandlisten. The entertainment was a success and showed much painstaking by the teachers,who will ever be held in kind remembrance by the patrons ofCentralschool. Parmer aro net-—getting..much work done.The ground hardly gets dry enough to plow from one rain till the next one comes.But we have the promise of seed time and harvest in its season,and so we shall not be discouraged.Wheat and oats are growing nicely. The candidates have been with us, although not a large crop yet.It may increase before the harvest comes,and here’s hoping that some of them will reap rewards.As I am a citizen of Iredell_county and sofme- what interested in its public affairs, though not an aspirant for office,J hope that the time-honored custom of-rotation in office will not be for- gotten this year.Our present offi- cers have done well and so did their predecessors,and we believe their successors will be equally as good Every citizen is entitled to the same privilege. SHARPESBURG CITIZEN A Marriage at Catawba. Correspondence of The Lantimark. Catawba,April 15—A pretty mar- riage was solemnized here Tuesday afternoon,taking place at 5.30 at the home 6f Mr.and Mrs.A.C.Moore, when their daughter,Miss Belle,be- came the bride of Mr.J.M.Reich- ard of Louisburg.The ceremony wis performed by Rev.B:~Wilson, pastor of the bride.It was a quiet affair,only close relatives and friends being present.The out-of-town guests were Miss Ida Reichardt of Thomasville,Messrs.W.E.Franklin of Winston-Salem,J.S.Lancaster of Newton and Geo.I.Moore of Raleigh, the latter a brother of the bride. Immediately after the ceremony the bridal party drove to the railway station where they boarded No.12 for.a tour in the eastern part of the State,after which they will make their home in Louisburg. The bride is an attractive young lady and is held in the highest es- teem by every one who knows her. The groom is a prominent business man of Louisburg. . Mr. Austin’s Appointment—Personal and Social Items. Correspondence of The Landmark. Troutman,R-2,April 14.—Farmers are very much delayed with their work by the rainy spring weather. Miss Florence Dearman entertain- ed a number of her friends at an Easter party at her home Saturday night.Games were played until a late hour and the event was enjoyed. Mr.James Ham of Mooresville, spent week-end with Mrs.Ham,who is visiting at the home of her father. Mr,N.W.Troutman,who has been visiting home folks for ten days,has returned to his home at Keyser.Mr. Roy Denny of Salisbury spent Easter with his sister,Mrs.F.B.Dearman. Rev.Mr.Austin of the First Bap- tist church of Mooresville will preach at Shady Grove Sunday,the 19th,at three o’clock., Church.News.: Communion services at St.Mar-tin’s Sunday morning at 11 o’clock.Preparatory services tomorrow after-noon at 3 o’¢lock. .»pervices at.Troutman Presbyterian conducted by Rev.M.M.Noaker. Rev.C.E.Raynal is assisting in a meeting in Rock Hill,S.C.Rev. W.M,Walsh.will occupy Mr.Ray- nal’s pulpit at the First PresbyterianchurchSandaymorningandeveningandthecongregationofFrontStreetchurchwillworshipwiththeFirstchurch.Sunday school at Front Street church promptly at 10 o’clock. Dr.Charles Anderson will preach at Bethel Baptist church Sunday af- ternoon at 3 o’clock. Social Items. The Philathea class of the Baptist church at Bloomfield was entertained by/the Baraca class at the church Monday night.The occasion was a pleasant one.Seasonable_refresh- ments were served. The Wednesday Afternoon club membérs and a-few other friendswereentertainedSaturdayafternoon by Miss Nell Armficld at her home on est Broad street.Hearts was play- ed and Miss.Beuleh Jenkins won theprize.Icé ream and take were serve |Hon,WD...Turner's.Address.and|~Other Exercises—Patm Work De-o:1 120 WEST BROAD STREET. TELEPHONE NO.14. ROTATION 1S.DEMOCRATIC. ee >A...Principle...of.the=PartyeePresentOfficersFavoredltSixYearsAgo —Why Not Now?,,To the Editor of The Landmark: At this,the beginning of anothercountypoliticalcampaign,when al- ready we are besieged by the -en-treaties and supplications of the pressing candidates,it becomes oursolemndutytoconsidercarefullythe situation before promising our #Up- port to any man;and in coming to a decision as to who are the proper men for the different.county offices,we should not be influenced by any feelings of charity,pity.or compas- sion,but rather we should be by the great principles of the’party,which rest on the broad foundation of equal rights to all,and special privileges to none.Since the days of the great Jeffer-son there has been no principle of the Democratic party more,widelyadheredto,or more strictly enforc-ed,than that of rotation,It”.was early recognized as ore of.the first essentizis of good government thatnomanorsetofmenshouldforev-er hold office;and this principle,’tak- en together with that of a govern-ment of all the people,for all ‘thepeople,and by all the people,formsthecreedofourparty.PresidentshaverecognizedtheprincipleofYo- tation and have bowed their heads in submission,either from choice or fe- cessity,to its power;other officers hove felt the weight of its force,and they,too,regard it as an inviolate right;and in short,all officeholders have been forced to believe in it and yield to its demands.All,we say,except the present officers of Iredell power in politics,and it will be left for.them,like others who have —dar- ‘od brave it,to Téarn tS extent™by force and necessity. ~But this was not always so with advocate than the men who now fill our county offices.Six years ago they conducted a whirlwind campaign on the sole.issue of rotation,and thereby secured the nomination and were elected Now that they have served a cycle of six years,the time allotted by rotation,they forget the promise they made the people when the offices were first given them;nolongerdotheyrememberthepledge entered into by them two years ago with the people,that they would step quietly out of the race if they were lected -for one more term;and last- ly,they deny the principle of rotationitself,the thing which was their polit-ical salvation six years ago.They now say,“We believed in rotation whén it was applied to others,but wedonotbelieveinitwhenitisapplied to us.” Their present attitude toward to-tation might be summed up as fol- lows:“The devil was sick,the devil a saint would be, The devil got well,a devil of a saint] was he,” I elose by asking this question,| Why should not rotation work both ways,both for and against?Yours for rotation.A DEMOCRAT. Improvements in Chambersburg. Correspondence of The Landmark. Witn the gencral improvement Iredell Chambersburg township wants to keep pace.Here is what has been done recently in one neigh berhood:Mr.D,M.Honéycutt has completed for Mr.R.D.H.Maycs amodern:barn.On an adjoining farmMr.Honeycutt recently built a new home for W.C.Mayes,which ha been painted.In the same neighbor hood Mr.W.,F.Yates has recently built a new home and is painting it;and to help on the improvement Mr. MASS.MEETING | county,consider rotation a ¢ontrolling|, taiened on of before the 10th day of Tonight at 8 O'clock -intheCourtHouse. Come out and _héar ‘thequestionofBondsforanewschoolbuildingdiscussed.Ifyouhaveanysuggestionstooffer,this will be the properplace,Everybody come out andletusgettegetheronthisquestion.If its a goodthing,let’s carry it. W.L.GILBERT, April 17,Secretary. IREDELL COUNTY FARMS Are poing to be in demand before this calendar ‘yearends,If you want to sell, better see me. ]have some fine properties, both city and country,for Ma ] RE C E C E C E C E R C K E E K K C E E << KC K WHEN YOU MAKE AN INVESTMENT careful consideration is given as soundness of the proposition and also thatthefuturestabilitymaybeassured. When You Deposit Your Money in a Bank the same careful consideration should be ™used,and you should be satisfied as to the strength,ability and reputation of the cus- “THE BANK FOR YOU.” todian of your funds.in This Bank Offers You All These Requirements.§F CAPITM oe $100,000.00 ralSURPLUSANDPROFITS—36,000.00 ARESOURCES3.oss.759,000.00 A CJA] $ to the >> > >> > PP P PP >I PE D Y) 92 3 3 3 9 100,000| be eRe]010) sale.Good values.Cail and let me help’you select what you want. FELIX J.AXLEY, REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Over Merchants &Farmers’Bank. :SALE OF LAND. By virtue of a judgment of the Superior-ourt of Iredell county,in the civil action titled E.L.Gaither va.Amos Turner and Turner,and “also by virtue of a e deed executed by Amos Turner andRebeccs,Fosner—to Wire.Halle 36H.datedJanuary11,1907,recorded in Book of Mort-[' Bage Deeds 24,page 608,we will,on DO YOU LOVE YOUR FAMILY? BTA*eye ESameeee |IFE AND TRUST CO.sell this protection. Eye is an unfailing support for your loved ones:when you pass into the unknown. policy. The unselfish man provides for his own. Life,Health,Accident. _»REAL ESTATEOverMerchants& Then buy an Income Policy.THE SOUTHERN Let me explain the beneficent features of this It AND INSURANCE. Farmers’Bank... é :+.MONDAY,MAY 18,1914,our county officers.We remember the Fa,1 o:ciock,p.m.at the court house door time when rotation had no greater in Statesville,sell at public auction for cash | the f redell lowing land in Turnersburg township,county Beginning at the church road,Hez and Amos Turner's corner,and runs south 30 de- frees west to a stone,their corner;thence @ast to a stone,Laura Gaither'’s and Amos Turner's corner;thenee north 3 degrees eastwithLauraGaither’s line to a stone,hercorner;thence with the road to the begin- ning ontaining 15 acres more or leas;it being Amos Turner's part of the division of his father,Stephen Turner's land. J.B,ARMFIELD,H.Burke,Atty.Commissioner MRS.BELLE M.HILL, Aprif iT,1914 Mortgagee. EXECUTOR’S NOTICE. ng qualified as executor of the last od testament of J.F.McLean,|here- notify all persons having claims against said estate to exhibit them té me on or be-fore the 24th day of March,1915,or this hotice will be plead in bar of their recovery.A}l persens indebted to said estate are re- quested to make settlement.J.D.ELLIOTT,Exer.of J.F.McLean,Stony Point,R-1.J.B.Armfield,Atty. March 24,1914, ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as administrator of theestateofN.F.Hartness,deceased,this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the under-April, 2915,or this notice will be plead in bar of Aheir recovery.All persons indebted to said te are required to make immdeiate set- NewAttractions atthe Sale In order to make it still more interesting for those whoare just now finding out what great.bargains can be obtained at our sale,we have bought and putonsaleatineofnewDressMaterials,such as Crepes, Figured and Plain Ratines,Eponge,Ginghams,Per- cales,etc.,all of which will be sold ut less than the regular prices on such.You can’t affurd to mises the chance of getting from our stock many things you have to buy,at the closing sale prices on all over the stock now. Get your Shoes and Slippers while you can.save from 25c.to 50c,a pair on them, line is large. Our st We have what you want. ock in this Truly, t.J.D.HARTNESS,RT.Weatherman,Atty Administrator.April 16,1914.° Black Warrior Pit Games. Eggs from pen headed by malewinninghisfourthbattleandsteel tested—$3 for 15.Guaranteed thoroughbred stock.No stock for sale.Good hatch guaranteed.R. J.HARBIN,354 Alexander street,Statesville,N.C.April 7—8t.*ENGRAVED CALLING CARDS Not the kind you get at bar- gain counters,but the lastwordinartisticengraving Sam Pittman has built a bridge that was very much needed. New and modern homes,painted,new and modern barns,all spel!| progress for Iredell.COM Marriage at Buck Shoal. Correspondence of The Landmark. Mr.Wayland Henderson,son of| Mr.Wesley Henderson,and Miss |Bertha Branon,daughter of Mr.A.| S.Branon,both of Buck Shoal,Yad-| kin county,were united in marriage Sunday,April 12th.The ceremony| was performed by Rev.E.N.Gwyn}at the home of the bride’s parents) and in the presence of quite a few)friends.Those present report a fine time.Their many friends wish for) this worthy young couple a happy and successful life.| “Fool's Weed"”—What the Japanese| |Fertilizer Facts. Statesville Printing Co. ’*Phone208 No.1.The Ammonia in our Ferti- lizer is made of Blood,Meal,FishScraps,etc.;No.2.There are ammoniated goods on the market made of leath-er,wood,hair,etc.,andare worthnothingasFertilizer.-Which kind do you.want?We got thesefactsbeforewebought,for your protection. T.N.BROWN.’Phone 433. At Iredell Hardware Co. Formerly Called Tobacco. Biblical Recorder.{ That is what tobacco was called in| J-pan 300 years ago by the wise menofthatcountrywhotriedtostopitssaletotheJapanesepeople.Did they}feel that its purchase was a waste of money and its use a waste of physicalstamina?Was theit designation,af-| ter all,very far from the truth? STATE OF O10,CITY OF TOLEDO.|LUC.COUNTYFrankJ, Cheney makes oath thatheieseniorpartnerofthefirmofFJgorge|&Co.,doing business in theoledo,Co’City of unty end State afvresaid,and that maid firm will ‘pay -the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS foreachandeverycaseofCatarrhthatcarnotbecuredbytheuseofHall's CatarrhCure.FRANK J,CHENEYSworntobeforemeandsubscribedinmypresence,this 6th day of December,A.D,1886,(Seal.)A.W.GLEABSON.Notary PublicHall's Catarrh Cure is taken interna!ly,and acts directly on the blood andmucoussurfacesofthesystem.Sendfortestimonials,free..J.CHENEY &CO...Palade,0.Sold by all Aruewiate 7*- FOR SALE—Day old White Orpingtons, street,"phéne 560. chicks,Kellerstraw’s 20c,each.629 Eim{ April 17 FISH—Large supply of Roe Shad and assorted filth today and tomorrow.Also another car load nice cattle.R.O.HARBIN: April 17. FOR SALE—Brand wew Hackney rubber tire baggy.C.D.BAILEY April 17--1t"| AUCTION SALE! Beginning Satirday morning,May 2,1914,at 10 o'elock at my residence on alnutstreet,Statesville,Iwill selk at auction « lot of household and kitchen furniture and Tam well.©These tablets are aplen-M4—mone better.”For sale by all dealers. Miss Sadie Downum of Lenoir istheguestofMissClaraFeard. + other effects.Terms,spot cash. April -17.T:©.ALEXANDER Statesville Tinning Co NEW TIN SHOP Will do general Sheet Metal “work**and’”roofing:~H:--6:~ Mohler,a workman with 25 years experience,will be con-nected with the business. SHOP—114 East Broad Street. *PHONE 55. Call On Us ei FOR —— Country Hams, Canvassed Hams, Country Bacon, Breakfast Bacon. Famous Shoes’for Men,S ing.So we $4.00 to $6.00. SATISFACTION nourishment which makes a business grow.We want to grow and keep on grow- BOSTONIANS —because they’re built to please.In Tan and Gun Metal. is the offer you SHERRILL-WHITESHOECO,(The White Co’.s oldStand.) Wedding Gifts of Quality ~~Stoulfer’s Hand Painted China,~~ Rich American Cut Glass, Brass and:Heraldic Bronze, Japanese China. Statesville Drug Co., Quality Prescriptionists. Try a pound of our Breakfast Bacon in rt You will like it, Eagle& Milholland. FOR_EXPERT Cleaning and Pressing 'Phone 147, Sloan Pressing Chub. Ladies’work a Specialty. Island Red ese. DAVIDSON. ||POR SALE—At Sunshine Farm,RB.©,Fromcentsper15,fancy $1 AINT fine enough to get into the empty E sap pores anchors to the wood.Such paint holds on until iteswears,out,‘keeps the: weather away from the wood and protects you from repair bills.Paint made of Lewis White Lead (Dutch Boy Painter Trade Marl) and pure linseed oil does all that.Its beauty—lasting and preserving —will_add to the money value of your place,Tint it any.color. Our Owner’s Painting Guide _will help you with the color scheme for your house.We can supply you with anything it calis for. Lazenby-Montgomery Hdw.Co., Statesville,N.C, Tp onemter ;= V 4 A)Ae He 4 FRIDAY,---April 27)fe14 naemantancORPHANAGE—COUNTY HOME, A Visit to the Barium Orphans’HomeandtheIredell.County Home, Correspondence of The Landmark,| It.was my pleasure to visit two worthy and estimable institytions for which Iredell county -has just cause to congratulate*herself—the BariumOrphans’Home and the CountyHome.Being at the home of Mr,J.FP,‘Waugh on.Monday,April 6th,I was kindly offered a conveyance to the Barium orphanage.I went to get a view of what the North Caro- lina Synod has there for the physical,mental,moral and religious welfare of the unfortunate—yet the fortu- nate children who are left without father or mother,or both,to —the struggles incident to the life of the orphan,where Christian philanthropy has not as yet provided such nobleandpraiseworthyinstitutions.I was directed to the office of the superin-tendent for a start in my round of observation,At the office little Miss Annie Hart- sell,a very clever and attractive in- mate of the Home,was assigned asmyguide.She led me to all the build- a lings,giving me such information as the short time and her knowledge af- forded.The visit was cursory but I saw and learned some things I had not seen and learned before,and what would be of interest to many who have not enjoyed the pleasure of a similar tour of observation.I was An Additional Room Without Rent Your house will be one room larger and you will think your porch is the best place about the house if you equip it with Aerolux No-Whip Porch Shades. These shades offer you absolute seclusion on your own porch and make it a delightful retreat during hot weather.They are equipped =NO-WHIP ATTACHMENT,which prevents flapping in the wi They are made ina variety of colors,suitable for all kinds of porches.They may be left down at night or when leaving the porch, as they are held‘firmly by the NO-WHIP ATTACHMENT. Come in today and see our display,or-a telephone call will bring the‘‘Aerolux”’man,who will show you color samples,and then if you wish,take the measurements of your porch. Crawford.Bunch Furniture Co. introduced into the art gallery,where there is a fire portrait of Mr.Bur- roughs,the donor,and a nunitber of fine contributions by a lady whose name I failed to record.I was taken into the—church-—dedicated inthenomeof“Little Jo.”It fs a very neat house of worship as well as a souvenir to the memory of little Joseph Gil- leland,son of Alex.and Susan Gil- leland,whose contribution while an inmate was the foundation of the fund for the building.Onc article of the furniture which attracted my atten- tion was the fount,a vase of pure white marble of octagonal shape “in the rim with inscription around it, “Suffer the little children tocome unto me.”For the bonefit of the young- er readers I will say the fount is for understand it was dedicated to the memory of Frederick Philip Jackson. The next building in the circuit, |bearing to the right,is Lees’Cottage, where the large boys stay and Miss Carver is the matron.The next is Synod’s Cottage,where the small boys stay and Mrs.Grier is the matron. The next is Rumple Hall,where the medium girls stay.The dining room is in that building with 24 tables and the culinary and school rooms are in the same building.Miss Templeton is the matron.Next is the Alexander building.In this are located the laundry,printing office and shops. Mr.Jim Gray is foreman of the print- ing office.The next place visited was the barn and milk house,These are good,convenient buildings,with a large and well constructed silo cor veniently located.The frame is wire and is filled in with cement. There are 48 head of cattle,25 of them being milch cows.Mr.Jay Low- lrance is superintendent of the barn and ‘dairy work.Mr.Cowan is man- ager of general supplies,etc. The next cottage visited was the Annie Louise.Here is where the small girls stay.Mr.George Watts built’this cottage.Miss Mliler is the matron.At the time of my visit the children were in their seats enjoying a treat of candies from the hands of the matron.I was delighted with the FOR S2-50 BIG BEN will wake you regular every morning.Surely that is all es would ask.You don’t want him to pull you out do you?Try im and see.Heis the best Alarm Clock ever.He repeats if you don’t get up and turn him off.: H.B.WOODWARD,Jeweler. orderly arrangement.The kindly ma- tron asked the girls to stand.There were two rows on different sides of the room,arranged in respect to height,from the tallest to the low- est,and dressed in uniform.It was an inspiring picture to see so many neat and orderly:children gathered from.distant and widely.separated sections of the country,under training of capable Christian instrue- tion instead of being left to the very uncertain and unreliable training HAVE YOU A CAMEO? If you have not you are well nigh out of theSanehaepineealScarfPins,Pendants for neck daten:Bencchae.Bracelets and ings.We will be glad to showmakenoverystrongobjec- you things and witionstosellingyou some of them. -R.H.-Rickert-&-Son,—Jewelers- [NEW SERIES! The 55th Series in the First Building and Loan As- sociation of Statesville,N.C.,opened on Saturday,February 7th,1914. If you want to own your own home and haven’t the money to pay down for it,subscribe for stock and build or buy through the Building and Loan,where you can pay for it with rent money.You can take stock any time.Come in and talk the matter over, H.V.Furches,"Phone 190.Secretary and Treasurer. likely to be the lot of the orphan child without such Christian provision.In this room were a number of girls who had been pupils under the instruction of my daughter,now Mrs.Hunter, who had spent a’part of the winter teaching at Barium.I asked the children if they had any message to send.Under direction of the matron they said with united voice,“Give her our love.”..1I said a few encouraging words,taking leave and pursuing my round, The next place was the infirmary. I noticed the attractive manner in which it is kept,although for the present it has but few inmates—in fact I1.saw but one,who was receiv- ing attention from Dr:Adans=at-that’ time.~ There are a good many things of “linterest in connection with this place. It was long known as Poison Springs. It was said the water rose to a certain height and did not flow out;that the deer,of which there were many long ago,avoided the water.The oldest inhabitants around here could no doubt recall much of interest. The change of the property here from a financial to a benevolent use had much.of an overruling Providence in it.I heard the first superintendent, the Rev.R.-W.Boyd,telling of the burning of the.wooden building which was the first used;It was very much a story of the doings of Providence and the subsequent history of the in- stitution ig confirmatory. My purpose,chiefly,in writing this brief account is to let others know something of the situation and work of as L found it,with the hope that this humble effort may contribute something to an increasing interest in one of the most noble,most praise-worthy.enterprises in which it is pos- sible to invest mental,moral and.fin- ancial gifts. Iredell County Home, Through the kindness of Mr.John L.Goodman it was my pleasure to @ vstit the Iredell County Home for holding water used in baptizing.~1]m: the R heAged andTakao “Tibeasy,me Ath..I found the superintendent,Mr. the yard with a.portion of the chain gang.My visit was-short and:very much hurried,as it was late in theevening.Mr,Perry kindly “showed me around and,talked about the work.‘The buildings are of a supe- rior order of workmanship.The loca- tion is ideal,being a mound of mod- erate elevation and gently”sloping from the part occupied by the build- ings,which for beauty and utility give evidence of a high order of de- sign on the part of the architect. The rooms are airy and well lighted: Steam will be used for beating and lights will be furnished from the plant’in Statesville.The,water is from a driven well and is of course pure and wholesome, While the building will be heated by steam,there are open fireplaces. be laid off in cireular walks covered with sand and gravel.The general surface will be a lawn and when the whole plan is completed’the place will be one of the handsomest as well as the best arranged in the State. This is surely a progressive®age. The Poor House in Iredell county 50 years ago,which was considered the best they could do at that time,was a very primitive affair.There was a time when the cooking for’the in- mates was done /on a dirt floor and the cooking utensils were the old- fashioned ovens,pots and skillets. Compare that condition with the for- ty to fifty thousand dollar equipment of the present day,W.A.KERR. Davidson,R-24.LEN Don’t Be Alarmed—Iredell Will Take Care of the Situation, Mccksville Record. It is reported that Iredell county hrs spent hertest cent-on good reads, That being the case,we Wonder where Iredell is going to get the money to build her part of the State Highway from Cool Spring to County Line? But we hope the report will prove to be erroneous.It would be bad indeed if Davie builds to Iredell county and then stumbles upon’a riudhole three miles long.(Don’t be alarmed about Iredell. The money to build that road was set ide and the road will be built "when comes to the line.—/The Land-aside Davie irk.)——————— The Rt.Rev.Charles Clifton Penick,formerly missionary bishop to Africa the Protestant Episcopal Church,died in Baltimore Monday, aged 70 years.Latterly Bishop Penick had been engaged in work among the negroes of the South.His home was in South Boston,Va.He was a Confederate veteran.c BAD STOMACH? ONE DOSE of Mayr’s Wonderful StomachRemedy Should Convince You That YourSufferingIsUnnecessary. ¢ol Recommended for Chronic Indigestion and Stomach,Liver and intes-tinal Ailments. Thousands of people,some right in your own tocality,have taken Mayr’s Wonderfa Stomach Remedy for Stomach,Liver and’Intestinal iments,Dyspepsia,Pressureof Gas Around the Heart,Sour Stomach,Distress After Eat ing,Nervousness.Dizziness,Fainting Spells, Sick Headaches,Constipation,TorpidThea etc.,and are praising and recommending it highly to others so that they may also know the joys of living.Mayr’s ‘onderful Stomach amedy is the best and.most widely known Remedy for the above ailments.Ask your drug- gist for a bottletoday.Put it to a test—one dose should convince.It is marvelous in its healing properties and its effects are quite natural as it acts on the source and foundation of stomach ailments and in most cases brings quick relief and permanent results.This hiehly successful Remedy has been taken by the most prominent people,and those in all walks of life,among them Members of Congress,Justice of the; Supreme Céurt,Educators,Lawyers,Merchants, Bankers,Doctors,Druggists,Nurses,Manufac- turers,Priests,Ministers,Farmers,with lasting benefit and it should ‘be equally successful inourcase.Send for free valuable bookiet on Stomach Ailments to Geo.H.Mayr,Mfg. ‘Chemist,154156 Whiting Street,Chicago, For in Statesville,N.C.,by theDrugCo.(two stores),and druggists everywhere.NEAR DEATH Bat Husband,With Aidof Cardui, EffectsHerDeliverance. Draper;N.C.—Mrs.Helen Dalton,ofthisplace,says:“I suffered for ywithpainsin=left side,and woftenalmostsmothertodeath. but then |would get worse again.Final-ly,yao ecided he wanted me totryCardui,the wcman’s tonic,so hetmeabottleand|using it.it did me more good than the medi-cines|had taken.oh ans cn toySerkanandtheyallsaytheyhave beenbenefited by its use.never has been,and never will be,a medicinetocomparewithCardui.|believeitis a édicine for all-womanly trou-m For over 50 ,Carduihasbeenre- lieving woman’s a and building weakwomen up to health and strength. If you ate @ woman,giveit afair trial.ft should surely help you,asit has a million others. Get a bottleofCardui to-day, William Perry,directing the work on]. The ground around the buildings will. 5:oKe)93(hb eae I “Thefourdesigns of Cortright Metal Shingles as shown above are made in any of the following ways: 1.Stamped from Tin-plate and painted Red, 2.Stamped from.Tin-plate and.painted Green. 3.Starnped from Tin-plate and Galvanized by a hand-dipping process. 4.Stamped from special tight-coated Galvanized Sheets. Each and every genuine Cortright Metal Shingle is embossed with this | ki ‘Trade-mark,“Cortright Reg.U.S.Pat.Off.” For Sale by Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware Company, STATESVILLE.NC. SUEDE 350 RRO ECE LEN CELLSALLL RELL Important {0 down mill for the sea- son about April 15th, after which price will be ably lower. time the consider- We want the seed,you want the money or its.équiva- lent,so get busy. IMPERIAL COTTON’"PHONE 205. =Farmers: If you want top prices for your cotton seed : bring them in at once, as we expect to shut OIL COMPANY. BA Geedbioas. ‘Am ate NLD NRRLtae NOB WE HAVE Our Implement Room Stocked With Latest Improved .Farm Machinery. Chattanooga and Syracuse Hand Plows, Deering Mowers and Binders, New Union Corn Planters, John Deere Corn Planters, Sanny South Corn Planters,©Avery Corn Planters, Keystone and Hallock Weeders,Barrel and Bucket Spray Pumps,Tongueless Reversible Harrows, Rigid Tongue Harrows, Steel Drag Harrows,Lime and Sulphur Solution,Geo.8.Nissen Wagons,Corn Stalk Catters, Riding Cultivators,Walking Cultivators, Guano Distributors,Bluebell Separators, Chattanooga Disk Plows, ~Manure Spreaders;Road Scrapers, Our Wire Stretchers Hay Rakes.Please Return ‘s a y e y Av y Wo sa a t l y go r 10 ¥s y Iredell Hardware Co. Medicines patched me up for awhile |= t~-Medisine Oo.Ladies y PeertedKienbae.|Freatment for ¥N.G.1 omen,”in plainwrapper. MonumentsandTombstones That is My Business. Best material,first-class work,lowest prices and satisfaction guaranteed or no pay. If ek need anythibefore in my line be sure to see’or write me you buy,as I am prepared to protect your interests. Ask your neighbors who have bought work from me and see what they say. I appfeciate your neighbors’business and will likewise appreciate yours, YARDS AT STATESVILLE,N.C.,AND MOORESVILLE,N.C. ZEB DEATON,Proprietor ji 2 ee . CEE A YF rset mmercial National Bank OF STATESVILLE,N. GAPITAL PAID IN $100,000.00SURPLUS31,000.00 Banking is a necessary-.inetitution in the develop-.ment and welfare of nations.Jt is likewise’a neces- sary institution in the development aud progress of any city,town or commutity.: A bank’s usefulness to a community depends uponitsabilityandwillingnesstorervethelegitimatebusinessrequirementsforloananddiscountaccom-modation and to provide a safe depository for com-mercial and savings deposits. 'The COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK is a local institution,with large capital and surplus,furniehesgoodsecuritytodepositorsandwithresourcesofover$600,000 has the willingness to.serve this com-munity in every branch of legitimate banking,Be-lieving in this community,our polieyds,and has al- ways been,progressive and constructive,assisting: in every legitimate way in the advancement of theagricultural,manufacturing and commercial devel-opment of Statesville and L[redell county.Our de-posits are local and our loans are likewise local and made to individuals and legitimate and worthy lotal enterprises.To our customers we furnish check books free, render statements or balance pass books at the endofeachmonth,make loans and discount paper upon security satisfactory to our board and in such amounts as business requirements and responsibilitywarrant.We pay interest at the rate of 4 per centperannumontimeandsavingsdepositsremaining three months or longer.Upon these bases we solicit your business. W.D.TURNER,———~E.MORRISON,--~—Vice President. D.M.AUSLEY,----Cashier.G.E.HUGHEY,-Assistant Cashier. Statesville Housefurnishing Co. Housekeeping Is Not the TaskIt Usedto Be ODERN invention has done awaywithmuchofthehardwork. For instance,the cleaning and polishing of hardwood floors,the dusting of moldings,the tops of high furniture, the stairs,unaer the radiator,etc.These back-breaking tasksarenowmadeeasywiththe (Edar Moy Withit you can dust,clean and polish a hardwood floor inthetimeitformerlytookyoutogetreadytodoit. Besides,you do not have to get down on your hands and kneesto dust ~ under the bed or other hard-to-get-at places,or to stand on a chair to dust the top of the high furniture.All of the hard work is now made easy with the O-Cedar Polish Mop.It gathers allthe dust or dirt from everywhere and holds k.The mop is easilycleaned by washing and thenrenewedby pouring on 2 few dropsof O-CedarPolish. Try It at Our Risk this undermanding:If you@onetfinditsatiafactoryintveryrespectwewillreturnyour moncy.The price is only $1.50andit willsaveits price many (dacsoverin a short time. All size Bottles and Cans Try &twowholedayswith Statesville Realty &Investment Co. 1906 4mm 1913 On October 31,1913,we closed our seventhyearofbusiness.We take this occasion to thank the loyal patrons of our company for the business they have entrusted to us dur-ing that time and we believe we have given satisfaction to all of our customers.Hav-ing ve out of ‘infaficy into mature man-hood in the INSURANCE BUSINESS:weaskforacontinuanceofyoursupportand influence. Remember “We Insure Anything Insurable.” We write all classes of BONDS,and:thussaveyoutheembarrassmentofapplyingto-~yourneighborforsuch:Writeusyour needs: J.F:CARLTON,Manager. ‘ta,who.charged ft FOR SA LEI 23 acres in Harmony,centrally located,close to State High School. Twenty acres in cultivation,balanceinwoodland,levéland productive.Large stock barn and out-buildings,fine orchard.An ideal location for any one who desires to get close to goodschool and on truck farm. 280 acres with one two-story,7-room dwelling in beautiful location, three room tenant house,large stock barn and out-buildin Good orchard,one-fourth mile of school,1}miles of churches;125 acresin cultivation,balance in oak and pine timber,100 acres enclosed in pas-ture most of which is boftom land and makes fine pasture the yearround.A fine stock farm,red land,generally level and productive. 91 acres with four-room cottage,barnand out-buildin ear churchandschools,34 miles from Harmony High School.*Forty-five acres in cultivation,level and productive,balance in woodland. For further information call on or write, ERNEST6G."PHONE 23. Rey .wi fF sie i ha ty i t<.ba aa uk belayLeyaayBihaOSa,feat te THE LANDMARK AY,sss"April17,Tom. WILL COME UP TO ESTIMATES: Estimated That Revenue Under theNewTariffWillMeetExpecta- tions, Washington Dispatch.igures made public in a TreasuryDepartmentstatementshowthatcus to evenue during the fiscal yearwhich/énds June 30,1914,‘almostcertainlywillmeetandprobablywillexceedtheestimates.made whenCongresspassedthe.new tariff law. ant Secretary Malburn,,in charge of customs,said: “It was estimated that the fe-ceipts from customs for the fisealyear1914,which included threemonthsunderthetariffactof1909andninemonthsunderthepresent tariff act,approved October 8,1913, would amount to $270,000,000,result- ing in a loss of $49,000,000 from the customs receipts of thes previousyear. “The total customs collections.for the nine months just ended amountedto$225,500,000,showing a loss for the nine months’period of $24,750,-000 compared with the collections for the same period during the fiscal year ended June 30,1913.As.thislossisonly-one-half of the estimated loss for the whole year,it is proba-le that the receipts for the fiseal year ending June 30,1914,will ex- ceed the estimate. “It is to be noted that the loss in revenue during the months of January and February,1914,amounted in round numbers to $6,000,000 and $10,000,000 re-spectively.This was caused by the falling off of the duties paid upon-su- gar,a5-that commodity was” in bonded warehouses pending the re- duction of sugar duties on March 4,1914.The customs receipts for these two months amounted to $23,500,000 and $17,500,000 respectively,The eustoms receipts for the month of March just closed were nearly $26,- 000,000,against $27,500,000 .for the corresponding month of 1918, showing a loss of but $1,500,000,and a recovery of receipts as compared with February of this year of over $8,000,000. “In view of the above figures it ow appears that a monthly average as of less than $15,000,000 for April, May and June,the remaining three months of the present fiscal.year, would bring the total of customs re- ceipts up to $270,000,000,the origi- nal estimate for this fiscal year.It is probable that receipts for the three remaining months will exéeed this average of $15,000,000,and that the total receipts for the fiscal year will run over the estimate of.$270-, 000,000.”oN President Opposes Curtailment Trust Programme. Unqualified disapproval is express- ed by President Wilson of the pro- posal in Congress to curtail the an- ti-trust legislative programme this session.Members of the House judiciary sub-committee,who had con- ferred with the President on th« ject,declared that an effort would | made to report quickly a measure,embodying the substanc« al]the separate tentative trust bil and that legislation.atso would pressed to meet the demands of la for restriction of the injunction _ er of the courts. That opposition to carrying out the full trust legislative programm: growing among Senate and:Ho Democrats continued in evidence,not- withstanding determination to revive the effort to perfect measures af of sub- single The statement,prepared by Assis-|charge for] Railroads Must Adjust Passenger Rates.: The “THterState’Commerce”Comi- mission has denied’the application of ailroads in southeastern territory,o1 vehalf ef themselves and their con- nections,to delay until January 1, 1915,the filing of revised passenger teriffs on traffic from southeastern points to western territory.Thus the toacs will be compelled to’file by Mry 1 tariffs in conformity with the fourth section of the law to’regulate intcr-State commerce,a section which the roads have been violating since thx | proyision Was enacted in 1910. ider the law the roads cannot a,higher through rate than th combination of intermediz:te rat which they have been doing in ome cases, Whi}While hunting Easter eggs with other children at Roanoke Rapids the four-year-old son of Mr.and Mrs.W. H.Matkins fell into an old well and was drowned.The top of the well was covered.with decayed boards which broke under tke boy’s weight and threw him into the water. MI-O-NA FIRST AIDTOSICKSTOMACHS Distress after eating,belching of gas and undigested food,that lump of lead feeling in the stomach,sick headache and biliougness,indicate dyspepsia...Now—at once—is_the time to remove the cause and stop the distress. Mi-o-na is the remedy.Surely get a box of these health-restoring tab- lets from the Statesville Drug Store today.Besides quickly stopping ‘the distress Mi-o-na soothes the irritat- ed walls of the-stomach and strength- ens the,gastric glands so that theypourouttheirdailysupplyofdiges- tive materials—your.food is prompt- ly digested and assimilated,the en- tire system is properly nourished— you feel strong,energetic and per- fectly well. Mi-o-na is not an experiment—is not a cure-all—it’s a scientific reme- dy recommended only for indigestion out-of-order stomachs. health-giving and harmless distress andThese tablets are a household remedy— keep them handy whether at home or trave ling. “TIZ”EASES TIRED, SORE,SWOLLEN FEET} Just take your shoes off and then put those weary,shoe-crinkled,ach- ing,burning,corn-pestered,bunion- tortured feet of yoursina “‘TIZ’’bath. Your toes will wriggle with joy; ..)they'll look up atyouandalmost talk and_then they'll take ‘an- other dive inthat “TIZ’’bath. When your feet feel all tired out —justtry ‘“TIZ.”’ It’s grand.Your feet will dance with joy;no more pain in corns,callouses and bunions. There’s nothing like ‘‘TIZ.”’It’sthe only remedy that draws out all the poisonous exudations which puff up f|your feet and cause foot torture.Get a 25 cent box of ‘‘TIZ’’at any drug or department store—don’t wait. |Ai!howglad your feet get;how com- fortable your shoes feel You can wear shoesa size smaller if you desire me VIOLIN.7 ROCKERS) wa rangjHiee OU WILL find solid comfort in our Rockers.Elegance,dura- bility and comfort’combined.Constructed by the very best manufacturers These goods will retain their fine elegant finish and last a lifetime and always prove a source of pleasure and satisfaction to every customer Our collection comprigesa very handsome lot of rockers finished in weathered oak,golden oak and mahogany,the popular-‘mission style.and some beautiful;massiverockers,upholster-ed in velour or leather.They cost no more than the inferior,trashy goods that are flooding the market. Investigate our great stock of rockers and be convinced. The Williams Furniture House. HEADQUARTERS FOR Corn and Cotton Planters We sell Cole Combination Corn and Cotton Planters,Hoosier Corn and Cotton Plant- ers,Ledbetter One-Seed Corn and Cotton Planters,Hoosier Plain Corn Planters. These were all ‘‘born and raised”on the farm and are the best of their kind on the market.It will be worth your time to look them over. Lazenby -Montgomery Hardware Co.. FRANK WHITING,Teacher of fecting interlocking directorates, holding companies,price discrimina-1 _jtions and other evils,After a co fer-| ence with the President the House} judiciary sub-committee determined| on the following:| Speeding up of committee ¢onsid-| eration of the anti-trust legislation | with a view to reporting as quickly as| possible a single bill comprising th« principles of the Clayton bills on! trade relations,interlocking direc torates,holding companies;inclusion| of the anti-injunction plan in this | or in a separate measure;to regulate| issue of injunetions and restraining)orders in strikes’and other labor con-}troversies,to provide due notice to apartiesconcernedandjurytrial!rights in contempt proceedings for| violation of injunction decrees.Chair-|man Clayton hopes to have the anti-| trust bills out of his committee and reported to the House within a fort night. Governor of Kansas Sued For Dam-) ages. Topeka,Kans.,Dispatch.Gov.George H.Hodges of Kansas| is made the defendant in a civil suit|filed by Mrs Luella West.of Wichi ,that the Governor | wrenched her wrist and arm and struck her on‘the shoulder ‘with | fist ‘during an alleged altercation i his office last Wednesday. The petition stated that Mr West,with another woman,went the State House to get copies of let ters written the Governor in conntionwithaparoleforaprisover i the State penitentiary,After had obtained-possession of some the correspondence,Mrs.West charg ed,the Governor tried to rega them forcibly,but failed.Mrs.West charged the Governor with assau!' and battery and asked for damag« of $2,300, Governor Hodges denied Mr West’s charges.He said Mrs.West seized the letters on his desk and ran out of the office,but he did not trytodetainherbyphysicalforce. NER Nothing Se Good for a Cough or Cold. When you have a cold you want’the bestmedicineobtainablesoastogetridofitwiththeleastposibledelay.There are many| who consider Chamberlain's Cough Remedy|unsurpassed,Mrs.J.Soroff,Elida,Ohio,“Ever since my daughter.Ruth was| berlain’s Cough Remedy two years aes,I have.felt.kindly disposed toward the manufacturers.of that preparatiot®I know of nothing so quick to relieve #coughor cure‘a cold.”For sale by all dealers, Violin,will be at Studio at Mr.FredConger’s Tuesday and Saturday ofeachweekfrom3to8p.m. LET US figure with youon your next LITHOGRAPH-ING order.Weare agents for one of the best companies and are in position to save you money. Statesville Printing Co. ’Phone 208, The Best For Less. Plumbing and Electric Supplies. C.E.RITCHIE. Jan,20, ECLIPSE ENGINESANDTHRESHERS. I will have some of our latest style machines here in a shorttime.Come over the first time you are in town and see them and let’s talk it over. Cc.H.TURNER, Near the Depot. Iredell ’Phone No.74,Bell No.7. |SG ahpip THIS YEAR If you will give me your new work and repairs to your glass- és this year,l will give you the very best service and all of us will be pleased. Hours 9ja.m.to 4.30 p,m. DR.R.W.WOODWARD, No,i Rebbina Row.‘OPTOMETRIST, Buggies,Wagons,Harness We are showing the largest and most complete line of Vehicles ever brought to this city.Our leading makes are Hackney,Tyson&Jones,Oxford,High Point and other good makes.Every one guaranteed. A full line of Harness,Saddles,Whips,Wagons—in fact everything carried in a first class Harness and Vehi- cle store.CallPind get prices before buying.4 Yours to Please, Harness,Vehicle &Supply Co. March 27 —8t. PRESCRIPTION - SPECIALISTS THE POLK GRAY DRUG GO., “On the Square” 109—’PHONES—410 oleproot Hosiery ! We%have a complete stock of Holeproof Ho- siery and guarantee three pair to last three months without DARNING.If holes comeinoneormoreofthemexchangefornew 7ones,Wear good HOSE. New Spring styles in Colonial Pumps $3.50. 618 8.Center St. The S.,M.&H.Shoe GosTheOnePriceCashShoeStore. adh gine ae a +aah>i,Py!ae Uwe 3 hus EEE NY Ae Re : \ -~The R.M.Knox Company Bankrupt Stock Has been removed from their old stand to the store room formerly occupied by the United Shoe Store on Broad street and will be offered to the public of Statesville and vicinity for — HALF PRICE AND TESS: The Great Bankrupt ©TO D AY 3 And Will Continue Until Sale Starts Everything is Sold Our time is limited.Justa few prices to give you an idea of the horrible slaughter.Thousands of other articles too numerous to mention: Hats,Hats. 10.00 Suit,the very latest style,Bankrupt price $4.49 ;‘ee Suit,cothetis quality,Bankrupt aes 7.49 34 and $5 John B.Stetson Hats,Bankrupt price 20.00 Suit,extra fine,the very latest style ($2 and $2.50 Hats,Bankrupt price Bankrupt price 9.00 _Men’s and Boys’s Overcoats. Men’s Suits.\Hosiery. 15e.Hosiery,Bankrupt price 25.Hosiery,Bankrupt price Millinery and Ribbons. Almost given away.No reasonable offer refused. HAND BAGS AND GRIPS at slaughtering prices. MEN’S,BOYS’AND LADIES’SWEATERS at your own price. BOYS’SUITS AND KNEE -PANTS af a horrible slaughter. Look For the Big Bankrupt Sign---Don’t Forget the Place. THE R.M.KNOX COMPANY,West Broad Street,Statesville,N.C. Gents’Furnishings. Almost given away...No reasonable offer refused. Men’s Trousers. At Bankrupt and Slaughtering Prices. Shoes and Oxfords. For Men,Boys and Children at a great sacrifice. 50c.and 75c.Negligee and Working Shirts, Bankrupt price $1.00 and $1 50 extra fine Dress Shirts,Bank- rupt price 50c.and 75c.Underwear,Bankrupt price 25¢e.Neckties,Bankrupt price 50c.Neckties,Bankrupt price 38c. 59e. 33e. 15e. 29e. FORMERLY OCCUPIED BY THE UNITED SHOE STORE. Bought From the Receivers by The Philadelphia Underselling Company, The Great Bargain Givers. Special at the Crescent Tuesday,April 21st,1914--“The Swiss Bell Ringers.” An organization 6f recognized ability who never fail to please the most critical audience.«This is a regular Theatrical attraction and play at prices at from 50c.to $1,but we were fortunate in finding them with an open date and booked them so'that we can play them at popular prices.This is not a Vaudeville outfit but the old and famous organization of Swiss Bell Ringers and are just back from a tour of Europe.Note what the Press says in regard to them: ._—Bell Ringers gave a splendid performancé in the Queen’s Hall last evening.The Hall was filled and the novelties introduced by the Company were very interesting ‘and well received.—London (Eng.) elegraph. The cert given by the Swiss Bell Ringers was a great success.The members of the Company were all Artists and played many instruments that were new to the English people.—Manchester (Eng.)Gazette. The Swiss Bel]Ringers,who are now touring Europe,gave a splendid Concert last evening.Their instruments were new,novel and well played.—Liverpool (Eng.)Times. After hearing the Swiss Bell Ringers play atthe Bernhardt the manager of the Follies Bergeres Theater engaged the Company for two weeks.—Paris (France)Sport. The Swiss Bell Ringers have just clused their engagement at the Apollo’Theater.This Company leaves here for Liverpool,England,where they will sail for America The Berlin audiences will long remember the fine work of these remarkable musicians.—serlin (Germany)Abend Post. The Programme offered something of interest to all classes,ranging from the popular songs of the day,through the familiar old folk sons and Southern mélodies,to classical compositions and grand opera. There was nothing in the extended programme that failed to interest the audience,encores being frequently demanded and cheerfully given.—Fitchburg (Mass.)Sentinel. There will be one performance in the afternoon,starting at about 3.30,and two at night,starting at about.7.30.and 9 o’clock.We would advise that as many as possible come in the afternoon,as our capacity is small and we feel sure that we will be unable to aceommodate all who want to hear them at night.In addition to the concert we will show one or two reels of fine pictures. Prices—Afternoon,Children under 12 15c.,Adults 25c. “At night,Children under 12 25c.,Adults 35c.See lithographs and copy of programnie. -fHE LANDMARK |FeNerat or ma.3.mvin, FRIDAY,tApril17,1914,|Olina regiment.He continued in this|}position in the army and was often in Four Men Die For Murder—One Con-|©°mmand of his own and other com-panies.On the retreat from Peters-Wii tne:dteletel .-ta_New|burg he was captured and imprisoned a ithe it the rattler of Soitean te Johnston’s Island,where he-re- mained until the latter part of June,Rosenthal,the gambler,were electro-|1865.On his return home he reached cuted at Sing Sing prison Monday|Salisbury July 4,1865. morning at the break of dawn.“Dago|After the close of his army ser- Frank”(Frank Cirofici)came first,|vice Mr.Irvin went back to work asFrankSeidenshner(“Whitey Lewis”)|a salesman in Salisbury and continu- was second,“Gyp the Blood”(Harry|ed until 1867,when he began business Horowitz)was third,and.“Lefty|on his own account at Mt.Vernon, Louie”(Louis Rosenberg)last,The}Rowan county.Early in 1871 he men were gamblers,thugs,toughs of |sold the business and moved to States- New.York’s East side and associates|ville March 7,1871.He first began of Rosenthal,who was murdered as|business in the old wooden building the result of.a gamblers’quarrel.|on what is now the First National Lieut.Becker of the New York police!Bank corner,April 1,1871 (this build- foree was also convicted of the Ros-|ing was burned in 1882),and in Sep- enthal murder and was sentenced to}tember of that year moved from there wie but was granted a new trial.to the store now occupied by Sherrill »Shortly before “Dago Frank’)&Reece.Whenthe late W.C.Miller Girofici went to the death chair he|built the Miller block Mr.Irvin moved| told Warden Clancy that “Gyp.the|into the store now occupied by the} .Blood”Horowitz,“Lefty Louie”Ros-|Sherrill-White Shoe Company and| enberg and Harry Vallon,an inform-|continued there as long as he was in er,fired the shots which killed Her-|the mercantile business.The firm man Rosenthal,for which crime the|was J.C.Irvin &Co.When the firm! four men paid their lives.discontinued business about 1885,Mr.|“So far as I know,Becker hadjIrvin and Mr.C.L.Poston engaged| nothing to do with this case,”|in manufacturing tobacco and con-|“Dago Frank”also declared.“It was/|tinued in that business 18 or 20 yoare.| a gamblers’fight.”Cirofici averred Mr.Irvin was long prominent in »he was five miles away at the time|Statesville’s business affairs and was .crime was committed and that|identified with many of its industries. al hitey .Lewis”Seidenshner,al-|He was elected vice president of the!—though present at the scene of the/First National Bank when it was or-| .shooting,did not fire any of the shots. Cirofici made no attempt,however,todenythathewasincludedinthe original plot to.slay Rosenthal;even!president of the First Building andadmittingthattwonightsbeforethe}Loan Association,when.it-was or- fambler was slain he and other gang-|ganized in 1887,which position hehadsoughtRosenthal.held at the time of his death.He was ganized in 1887 and continued in that | capacity until six years ago,when he|was elected president.He was elected| also president of the Statesville FlourMillCompanyuntilthefirstofthis year,when«he voluntarily gave uptheplace,and was identified as stock- holder and director with other busi- ness corporations. November 3,1869,Mr.Irvin mar-ried Miss Kate Foard of Rowan coun- ty,who survives him. Coffin Held Remains of White Girl,Not Negro Man. Mt.Airy Dispatch,15th,to Greens- boro News. Yesterday at the Southern depot in this city there was an unusual occur- rence in which one corpse was mis- taken’for another and required the opening of the casket to solve the mystery.When the noon train ar- rived about 100 negroes had congre- gated.at the depot to receive the re- mains of Jo.Banner,aformer negro resident of this place who had died elsewhere.A casket was placed upon the platform,but the certificate borethenameofNettieGwynanditwas supposed that there was an enor astothename,as no such corpse was expected.The railroad and negroes were puzzled alike and it was decided to open the casket,which revealedtheremainsofabeautifulyounglady instead of the expected negro.Upon investigation it was found that MissGwyn’s parents lived in the moun- tains and had not heard of her death in Winston-Salem,where she was em- ployed.Her body was afterward car- ried to the mountains for burial. Motion for a new trial in the case of Frank,the Atlanta man under gen-tence to die today for murder,wasfiledyesterdayandtheexecutionof the death sentence is stayed until themotioncanbeheard. ‘yhtada The Agricultural -Department at Washington estimates that the aver- age increase in the value of cattlein11Statessincetickeradicationbe- gan in 1906 has been $9.76 a head.In North Carolina the average increasehasbeen$8.30. AUTOMOBILE SALESBREAKALLRECORDS The Demand For Reo the Fifth is Re-ported as Exceeding Any Previous Year. Snles of REO the Fifth are grucr- ally considered as a _pretty fair gauge on automobile conditions.No ear is more standard,no demand is more stable.Cars of Mr.Olds’ building have for 27 yenrs stood as leaders of their class. Won’t you let us prove to you by one trial that there is no finish that will give you a lasting sat- isfaction likeDAVIS’VARNISH STAIN Tho Carolina Motor Co.,the local REO dealer,states that sales of this car,all over the country,are break-ig all previous records.The facto- ry output is about fifty per cent ahead of a year ago,but even mid-winter sales have-over-taxed the ca-|pacity,The factory for weeks has| boen/runhning,overtime to get cars| ah for spring,but sales have con-|stantly kept (ahead of the output.Last year At this time the factory bad six weeks’output in itc ware- house,so April and May .demands were fairly well met.This yeer, with a larger capacity,it looks as ifthedemandsofthenexttwomonthswouldtwiceexcoedthesupply.As the REO is sold by a thousand dealers,this.throws some light ongoners!business conditions,.But italsoshowsthetendencytowardex- tremely well-built cars. hy itooeee i;aariisFinek in point of luster,beauty,hardness,and above allWEAR?It is proclaimed the best by those who have used it for years. ———FOR SALE BY-——— Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware (o., *Statesville,N.C. ~PRESH MILKERS.|ATTRACTIVE FARM. blJustreceivedandforsaleatreasonable ees Wel .load of fresh milkers from Lin-coh nn or be WC:WOOT |oP nd dtu Satangie nd SeotT.D.SHUFORD,Ap 3.pen ville. FOR SALE—One 1 1-2 h.p.gasoline engine.|and mailroute,Pricelowandterms M.,D.@.T,Blectrie Co,Apr.&.|Get B81,ZEB.V,LONG, enay.Atty. pitontate >aea om, arrSEIZEMEXICANPORTS. IT'S ‘TAMPICO AND VERA CRUZ. United States Government Will Take Possession of Custom Houses ‘in Mexican ‘Cities—Congress Author- izes President to Act. In 48 hours,.possibly less,.the United States.government will have teken possession of the Mexican cus- tom houses at Tampico and Vera Cruz.This was the news that came from Washington last night. For reasons hereimaftér stated, *President Wilson appeared before Congress yesterday and asked for authority to employ the armed forces of the United States in enforcing cer- tain demands against Victoriano Huerta.By a vote of 337 to 37 the House passed the following: “Resolved,-by the Senate andHouseofRepresentativesinCongress assembled,that the President of the United States is justified in the em-ployment of the armed forces of the“United -Stutes to enforce the demands upon Victoriano Huerta for ,unequi- vocal amends to the government of the United States for affronts and in- ‘dignities committed against this gov- ernment by General Huerta and his representatives.” The resolution was before the Sen- ate at a late hour and_jt is presumed passed that body.The President made it clear that this is not a war against Mexico or a war at all.It is simply the purpose to use the nec- essary force to enforce the demands made.: The American fleet is expected to arrive 4t Tampico tomorrow and pro- ceed to business. This action doesn’t mean war of itéclf.The ports may be seized and retained witMout firing a shot;and then again we may have to do some- thing else. After having agreed,last Thurs-day,to the demand of the UnitedStatesthata21-gun salute be firedtotheStarsandStripes,as anapologyonthepartofMexicofortiearrestoftheAmericanbluejackets at Tampico on Thursday,the 9th,Gen.Huerta changed his mind nextdayandbegantobackandfill.InmakingthedemandonHuerta,Ad- miral Mayo,in command of the American.warships at Tampico,stated that the salute would be ré!turned by his ship,this being in ac-cordance with naval custom and usage the world over.The trouble, which was supposed to.be settled Thursday night,was reopened Fri- day by Huerta asking that the sa- lute by the Amercian ship be fired simultaneously with the Mexican salute,and it was given out by the minister of foreign affairs at Mexieo City that the return salute would be a tacit recognition of the Huerta government.These facts are setforthonanotherpageofTheLand- mark.The demand for a simultan-eous salute was refused and it was also made clear that there was noth- ing in the procedure to be regardedasarecognitionoftheHuertagov-ernment,expressed or implied. Saturday Huerta continued his temporizing by insisting on the si- multaneous salute.He-was notified that no further parleying would beenduredandthatunlessthedemandoftheAmericangovernmentwascompliedwithby6o'clock Sundayevening,this government would deal with the matter in its own way.Fortunately the warships ordered toMexicolastTuesdayhadnotbeenor-dered to change their course andpreparationsfortroublewenton apace. The Climax Sunday, The climax was reached Sunday evening when,after a day spent in exchange of messages,the Mexican government refused to comply with the demand.The following dispatch from Mexico City,sent out Sunday night,states the case briefly: “Senor Portillo y Rojas,foreign minister,announced tonight that it would be ithpdéssible to agree to the demand of the United “States thattheflagofthatcountrybeuncondi- tionally saluted,because that flag was not insulted,because it was notflyingfromthelaunch’and becausethemarinesweresetfreeandthattheofficerresponsibleforthearrestswashimselfarrestédand_held for trial. “The foreign minister further an- nounced that the Mexican govern- ment would agree that both flags besaluted,the American flag first andthentheMexicanflag,this arrange-ment to be made by a protocol signed by the American charge d’affairs,Nelson O’Shaughnessy,and the Mex- ican foreign minister.4 ’ “The United.States .government, Senor Portillo declared,had -refusedpermissiontoChargeO'Shaughnessytosignsuch.a protocol,and demand-ed an unconditional salute by Mexi- co,which Mexico felt was iblewithherdignity.“(Mexico has yielded as much asherdignitywillBreMexicotrusts :foutiesof SeAmateur pepe’”the Amefican pe 4Havingfailedtosecure¢Regd the simultaneousovertimentcountered ss_and.spirit of |: BOWER CALLED AND FAILED. Instanter tee For the Man WhoCollectedlishManGoestoAtlanta—Federal :Courtin Sessionandthe New Of- Federal court is sitting in States-ville,having begun business yester- day,afd about the only familiar of- ficial face in the,court room is thatofJudgecoreWilliamCiceroHammerofro,the new district attorney and laté solicitor of this dis- triet,is prosecuting for the govern-ment and.seems as much at home aswhenhe”appeared for the State intheSuperiorCourt.He is ably as-sisted by Mr.Clyde R.Hoey of Shel-by,the popular assistant district at-torney.Mr.Chas .A.Webb,the new United States marshal,is as affableandagreeableaswhenhewasplain“Charlie?Webb and seems at homeonhisjob.He has with him hischiefdeputy,Mr.John Y.Jordan ofAsheville,Deputy J;F.Garner ofAshevilleandDeputyR.R.Ross of Ashboro..At the clerk’s desk is thenewdeputy,Mr.John B.Gill,whowiththeaidofhisattractiveyoung daughter,Miss Ruth Gill,as assist-ant deputy;iemanaging the business satisfactorily.One case called in the court yester- day was that of C.M.Bower,former resident of Statesville,who is charg- ed with using the mails to defraud.Bower’s case figured in the newspa- pers recently.He was arrested in New Orleans and brought to jail inGreensboro.He was released on hisownrecognizancetoappearhere.He didn’t appear and if those who re-leased him expected him to appear they.didn’t know Bower.When he didn’t answer yesterday an instcnter capias was issued.Whether they really want him we don’t know.Mike Branch of Burke county was sentenced to a year and a day in the Federal prison in Aftanta for dis- tilling,etc.Nol.pros with leave was entered in the case of Eugene Wagner of Davie county,charged with illicit dis- tilling,ete,and Frank Burns ofBurkegotdischarged°under a sus-pe ju t.Nol.pros was en: tered in the case of Norman Fay of McDowell,charged with breaking in-to a postoffice.Sam Perkins-of Burke was called but didn’t hear. Badger Smith,Burke, ete,,guilty.Sell Mull,Burke,distilling,etc;not guilty. Tillman Gragg,Avery county,dis- tilling,etc.;not guilty. H.C.Mackie of Granite Falls, Caldwell county,is foreman of the grand jury. Among the out-of-town lawyers attending the court yesterday were€.-F.MrKesson and R.L.Huffmarm of Morganton,A.A.Whitener and D.L.Russell of Hickory,A.C.Payne and J.H.Burke of Taylorsville,A.H.Price of Salisbury.~ Mr.James Hartness died last weekatthehomeofhisstep-son,Mr.J.R. Dishman,about three miles north of town.The burial was at Trinity church Saturday.Mr.Hartness wasprobablybetween55and60yearsold end is survived by.his wife,who is an inmate of the State Hospital at Morganton. —Mr.W.R.Staples yesterday sold his house and lot,corner Brevard 4nd Stockton streets,to Mr.W.C.John- son,the consideration being $1,600. The deal was made through Mr.W.J. Matheson,agent.Mr.Staples will move to Asheville,his former home. distilling, Lillie May Montgomery,colored,wes shot dead while at work in a tobacco factory in Winston-Salem. Robt.McCollum,said to be her sweetheart,is wanted for the murder. Government officials figure thatHuertahas_seattered throughout Mexico 40,000 men.Not many. ico City be authorized to sign a proto-col (written agreement)that the sa- lute would be returned.The emphat-i¢answer was that the salute byMexicomustbefired.as an apologyforaninsultandnotjasamatterofcontract;and that Gen.Huerta musttrusttheUnitedStatestoliveuptotherequirementsofinternational sone in returning his salute whenitshallhavebeenfired.The pro-posed protocol was especially ob- jectionable,for it was so plirased thatGeneralHuertamightconstrueitasrecognitionofhisgovernment,where-as the President has informed Gen-eral Huerta and the foreign govern-ments that General Huerta’s govern-ment will not be recognized.In shortGen.Huerta’s acceptance of the de-mand must be unconditional.Thefollowingisthesubstanceofatele-gram from O’Shaugnessy,the Amer-ican charge in Mexico City,receivedinWasnoreSundayevening,which.closed the incident:“At 5:50 p.m.I ealled at the for-eign office and was handed a noteverbalbytheminister.for foreign af- fairs.note states in substancethatthegovernmentofMexicoisnotdisposedtoaccedetotheuncondition-al demand of the government of theUnitedStates.IttheMexican |be.ex THE MEETINGPOR THE—A Harmonious and "EnthusiasticGatheringattheCourtHouseFri-day Evening Declared For theBondsandSomeOtherThings. The mass meeting at the ~court of a mass in point of numbers,but it made up in enthusiasm and a finespiritofharmonywhatitlackedin number.There was a rep ngatheringof75to.100 people were so much in favor of thebondissueforagradedschool buingandsowellsatisfiedwithsiteselected—on the north side ofintersectionofWaterstreetandDa-vie avenue-that when a vote wascalledforonthepropositionitwasunanimous.The meeting didn’t stop with thebondproposition,either..It talked some other things to -help -on thegoodworkofpushingStatesvillefor-ward and appointed a committee tolookaroundforsitesforparksand playgrounds and make reco! tions. The meeting was called to order byMr.D.M.Ausley,president of the Commercial club,and R.-R:ClarkFwasaskedtopreside.; Lutz,a member of the school board,explained the action of.the board inaskingfortheappropriation’He said that more than a year ago itwasseenthatmoreroombenecessaryfortheschoolchildrenand the board decided to ask for $25,000forthispurpose,the new building tobelocatedseparatefromthepresentoneandinsomeotherward.ThelocationselectedistheSullivanpropertyinthefirstward,frontingon.Water street and Davie avenue,The extra session of the Legislature last fall authorized an election on @bondissueof$25,000 to purchase the site and erect a building. Supt.hompson of the graded schools explained the needs of theschool.Others.who made remarks, all of them favoring the proposition, “who Armfield,Dorman Thompson,G,©. French,R.T.Weatherman,C. V. Henkel,N.B.Mills,W.L.Gilbert,D.M.Ausley,J.Ross White,Dr.P.F.Laugenour and Rev.Messrs.J.H. Pressly and J.F.Kirk.Dr.Laugenour explained that he was generally opposed to borrowing] money and going in debt,-but for this purpose.he thought contracting @ debt was entirely proper and heartily favored the bond issue.Ht was made clear by City Attorney Thompson that the purchase of the proposed site is settled if the bond issue carries and that in voting for the bonds one is practically voting for the site selected.The election will be held June 16.There will be an_entire new registration and the registration books will open May 13 and close June 6th. The speakers not only favored the building and the site but they want ed a building that would be a credit to Statesville and the only doubt ex pressed was that the amount asked for might not be sufficient to pay for the site and erect a creditable build ing.At the close of the discussio: the audience expressed itself in favor of the bond issue by a rising vote. Mr.N.B.Mills told of a stranger who visited Statesville a few day ago,oh a tour of investigation,and who,after looking over a half dozen towns in this section of the State re ported that Statesville was the best one he had found.Mr.Mills also told of the prospect of another bridge over the Catawba river,at the sit of the Southern Power Company’sdevelopmentatLookoutShoals, which will connect us with HickoryifwecompleteamileandahalfofroadtothePowercompany’s site.Sheriff Deaton advised the meeting of the visit of the government road inspector next day,as reported clse-where,and at the suggestion of May- or Caldwell committees were ap pointed to meet the inspector. Mr.French stated that the Com- mercial club is arranging to publishabookofinformationaboutStatesville,an up-to-date affair hand somely illustrated.It will cost something and the folks can get ready to help.pay for it,Other speakers,notably Dr.LougenourandMr.Kirk,spoke of theneedofparksandplaygroundsand of the importance of securing vacantSpaceforthisLoscaOnmotion of Mayor Caldwell Dr.Laugenour,C. V.Henkel and R.R.Clark were ap-pointed a.committee to investigatesitesforparksandplaygroundsandmakerecommendations.The ‘com-mittee has already decided that the wooded tract adjoining the cemetcry,now owned by the town,can be madeanattractivespotatsmallexpense by cutting.out the undergrowth,makingwalksandplacingrusticseats.The completion of the road to thePowercompany’s site is an importantmatterfortheearly.consideration ofthecountycommissioners.The com-mittee that visited Charlotte last De- cember a year ago,to urge the Southern Fkil Company to locateitsbuildingsontheIredellsideofthe river,promised that the road would fended to the river,coh hago@ontheassurancethatthe iHida house Friday evening wasn’t so much’ Rev.WeB were Mayor Caldwell,Messrs.J.Ba NO.%7. m=St PLEASED WITH THE HIGHWAY: Government Inspector Will ProbablyRecommendtheForsyth-Davie-Ire- dell Route. Mr.Geo.D.Marshall,a UnitedStatesgovernmentroadinspectoras- Signed to the duty ef inspecting thegovernment-aided highway from Win-ston-Salem via Mockeville to States- ville,completed the inspection.atStatesvilleSaturday,arriving here @bout 12:20 o'clock’from Mocksville.Mr.Marshall was met.at the Davie-«|Eredell county line by County Engin- @jeer J.B.Roach who brought him to-Ward Statesville in a buggy until they were met about three miles out from Statesville by an automobile party composed of Chairman M.A.Feim-ster,of the county board of commis- sioners,Mayor L,C,Caldwell,Alder- tan W.J.Matheson and Doctors E. M.Yount and J.E.McLaughlin.The last lap of the road -was’covered intheautomobile.Mr,Marshall wenttothecountylinefromMocksville over the road which runs via Calahaln, Davic county,and from the county line to Statesville he and Mr.Roach followed,as near as-possible,the pro-posed route of the highway —as_par-jally surveyed:fromthe.county -tine to Statesville.Mr.Marshall expressed himself to Engineer Roach and others as beingveryfavorablyimpressedwiththelo- cation of the highway,especially Ire- dell’s portion of it,and he considers its construction with the funds ap- propriated by the government and the three counties traversed as being thoroughly practical.He was also pleased with the section of the county through which the highway is locet- ed and he left the impression’with all those with whom he talked that he would make a favorable report to the government and recommend the con- struction of the highway. Having arranged to leave on the 1:20 train,Mr.Marshall had only an hour in Statesville.During that time he held a brief conférence with Lcitizons who furnished him with sta- tistics about the resources of the sec- tion of the county to be served by the highway,the manvfacturing in- dustries of Statesville and the im-portance ‘of the road to the town.‘Committees appointed at the mass Mecting Friday night gave him the facts and figures on cotton,corn and ther farm products,live stock,the prober industry,etc. mpted Robbery at Elmwood— Wired For Bloodhounds. ae of the Thompson Mer-e Compdny at Elmwood was foreibly entered late Thursday night,but the robber was frightened awaybeforéhesecuredahybooty.Tele-graphOperator Shell,of the Elm- wood railway station,and Mr.FrankEarlyWerecnroutefromtherail- way Station when they ‘noticed that the front door of the store was openandtheyheardsomeonemoving about inside.There was no light in the store,but supposing that it wes Mr.Claude Thompson,the man- ager,who was inside,Messrs.ShellandBarlywenttothedoorandcall-ed Mr.iceapeca's name.Failing to get.@ response they suspected thatarobberwasinsideandrushedto Me.Thompson's boarding house and informed him of their discovery.Mr. Thompson and others accompaniedthembacktothestore,armed with weapons,but in the meantime therobberhadmadehisescape.Exami- nation of the store revealed thatboththefrontandreardoorshad been forced open,but nothing couldbemissedfromthestock.A matchdroppedbytherobberhadsetfire to some litter on the floor but theflameshadgoneoutwithoutdoinganydamage.Persons interested wired to High Point and had a bloodhound brought to Elmwood Friday morning to run down the robber,but as usual thebloodhoundprovedofnovalue. Sheriff Deaton was also called andotherofficersnotified,but the robber was not caught and his identity isstilunknown. Death of Mr.M.H.Lowenstein and Others.Mr.Moses H.Lowenstcin,a formerresidentofStatesville,died at his home in Brooklyn,N.Y.,Sunday af- ternoon,death following an operation for cancer of the stomach.Mr.Low-enstein was 54 years old and is sur-vived by his wife and three children —two ecwhsers and a son.Mr.Lowenstein lived in Statesvillefor10or12yearsinthelatterpartofthe70sandthedecadeofthe'8@s. He ‘was bookkeeper for Wallace Bros.and in 1886 married Miss RachelWallace,a daughter of the late Mr.and Mrs.Isaac Wallace and a sister of Messrs.Julius,Herman and Sig Wallace of Statesville,A ‘year,or two after their marriage Mr.andMrs.Lowenstein moved to Brooklynandhavesincelivedthere.Mr.Her-man Wallace was in Brooklyn withhis.sister when his brother-in-law died,‘Miss Corre Pearson of AlexandercountydiedattheSanatoriumSun-day ‘morning at 5.80 o’clock and therewereshippedtoTaylorsvilleon’the 11 o’clock train.Miss Pear-soh underwent an operation for ap- d edd a case of pneumonia and this,¥other complications,-caus-ed her death,She was a.daughter ofor 'J.Ce Pearson of Alexanderwas26yearsold. s agantonemenenetennclosingexercises of the Lo-oo!will be held Friday night. Sethe te* pendi¢itis some time ago and later, MR.SILER IN.THE DISTRICT. Plans and Purposes For StatesvilleDistrictoftheMethodistChurch—Other Mooresville News—Want to See Huerta Licked. Correspondence of The Landmark. Mooresville,April 20.—-Rev.Frank S‘ler,Missionary Secretary of theWesternNortCarolinaConference, arrived in Mooresville.I:st night onhiswaytotheRockSpringscircuit,where he will speak today and to-night.This mornitig he will.talk to the congregation at Rehobeth church, this afternoon at Mt.Pleasant and to- night at Dewiver. Mr.Siler,along with Dr.Mann and the pastors,is making.a ful!itinerary of the Statesville district with sev- eral goals in view.First,during the year 5,000 conversions,3,000 of whom arc to be by accession.Second,as- sessments on all charges to be pa‘d in full.Third,every Sunday school to be a missionary society with monthly collections for Dr:Bowen of China, whose expenses are met by the Sun- dey schools of this district.R.L. Snow of Taylorsville is lay leader of this district and has this work in charge.Fourth,a foreign missionsurplus-of,$1.000 and-a-home_missionsurplusofthesamefmount,he charges at Hickory and Newton have arranged to raise the amount for foreign missions and Mr.Siler is at work now trying to raise the other thousand for home missions.The work so far in the district is very en- couraging,Mr.Siler states,and there is every indication that the goal will be reached.The thousand home mis- sion special will be used to open new work in the Statesville district. The regular quarterly communion services were held at the First Pres- byterian church on Friday,Saturday and Sufiday and the regular house- hold meeting Sunday afternoon. There was no service Sunday night. The protracted meeting at the Methodist church,which has been in progress for a week,will continue throughout this week.Mrs.Carrie Hawkins of Clifton Forge;Va.,who has been engaged in church work in this State for some time,made an address to the Associate Reformed Presbyterian congregation last nightphasesofhomemissionworkin the western section of the Staté. Mrs.Hawkins is visiting the various charges of*the church in interest of this cause. Mrs.Shuford of 5 ived, Saturday night and is visiting her parents,Mr.and Mrs.J.H.Walters. Messrs.A.L.Byrd of Charlotte and and J.B.Douthit of Clemmons were visitors in town over Sunday. It seems to be the concensus of opinion here that General Huerta and his gang in Mexico need a “lickin’- and may possibly get it,but so far Mooresvillians are not running over each other to become active partici- pants.It seems from what you can hear that every fellow would be glad to “see it done”if he had long-dis- tance eyes.So far there are more on the side lines than on the field, so far as Mooresville is actively con- cerned. Concord Presbytery at Rocky River —Church Items. Concord_Presbytery meets at Rocky River church,Cabarrus coun- ty,today.Rev.C.E.Raynal and Dr.M.R.Adams will attend from the First Presbyterian church and Rev.W.M.Walsh and Mr.C.Fulp will represent Front Street church. Mr.W.B.Parks will be the repre- sentative from the church at Barium. Rev.E.D.Brown of Loray!and Rev. Cc.A.Munroe of Hickory passed through Statesville yesterday en route to Presbytery.Mr.Munroe preached at Loray.Sunday. Rev.J.H.Pressly went to Spar- tanburg,.S.C4 yesterday to assist in a revival meeting this week. Mrs.W.C.Winsborough of Kansas City,Mo.,superintendent of the Wo- man’s Auxiliary of the Southern Presbyterian Church,is visiting some of.the Presbyterials (missionary so- cieties)of North Carolina.She will be in Statesville next Sunday and Sunday afternoon at 3330 o’clock at the First Presbyterian church will address the ladies of the church. Those in charge will be glad to have present the ladies from the Presby- terian churches of the county.Rev.W.L.Sherrill,financial agent for Davenport College,Lenoir,filledthepulpitatBroadStreetMethodist church Sunday morning and evening. A dormitory,a modern and handsome structure,was recently built at Da- venport College with funds donated by Mr.J.B.Cornelius of Davidson. Mr.Sherrill is now engaged in rais- ing funds to furnish the dormitory. Runaway Saturday and Some Dam- age. A team ‘of.horses belonging to J. R.Alexander &Sons,driven to awagonbyHubertHatchett,tookfrightatanautomobileonDavie avenue Saturday about noon and ranaway.The runaway started betweenTraddandWaterstreetsandthedrivermanagedtokeepthe—horsespartiallyundercontrolforatime,butwhenhetriedtocheckthembothlinesbroke.mene that he waspowerless,and that his life was indanger,Hatchett.jumped fromwagonat4pointneartheirftersec-tion of Park street and sustainedslightinjuries.The team continueditsrununtilitstruck:a wagoh,neartheintersectionofCemeterystreet,One Of the runaway.horses was slightly hurt and wagons were more.or less damaged, BRIEF ITEMS OF LOCAL NEWS —diLicense has been issued for themarriageofMissLillieO.Lazenby and Mr.Lawrence Hollar. —Mr.E.A.Morrison of ShilohtownshiphasaRhodeIslandRedhen that.lays unusually large eggs and every egg contains two “yellows.” —The Daughters of the Confeder-acy will hold an jmportant meeting at the eourt house tomorrow after-moon at 3:30.A large attendance isdesired,+9~The will of the late J.G Irviny~ for probate.Mr.R.B,McLaughlinisexecutor.The will is very/brief.The entire estate is left to Mrs,Irvin unconditionally.The value of the es- tate is unknown but some estimatesplaceitat$30,000, ~—Messrs.W.E.Munday and C.E. Ritchie attended the meeting of theMasterPlumbers’‘Association of North Carolina at Salisbury last week.Mr.Munday was elected na-tional.-State vice president of ‘the association.The next meeting willbeatRockyMount. —Mr.J.S.Foster,who has been quite feeble recently,fell at his l.omeonMulberrystreetyesterday noon and suffered a painful injury. His head struck the coal grate in the room and an ugly flesh wound,which bled profusedly,was cut on the side of his head.The wound was sewedupbyaphysicianandnoseriousre- sults are expected. —The public is cordially invited toattendtheCivicLeagueloanexhib-' it,in Mr.Isidore Wallace’s rooms on the second floor of the First National Bank building,this afternoon and to- morrow.The exhibit includes many valuable stones and gems,relics,cu- rios,etc.An admission fee of 10centswillbecharged.Refresh- ments will be served. —Little Miss Sara White,daughter of Mr.and Mrs.0.W.Elam,wasknockeddownandpainfullyinjured by a:horse,near the graded school, Thursday afternoon.An’ugly gashwascutonthesideofherhead.The.- horse was attached to a buggy oc-cupied by Misses Lelia Lazenby andCleoGilbert.The little girl attempt- ed to cross the street.too close infrontofthehorse. ~-Rev.R.L.Davis,one of the pro+ prietorsSprings,‘Statesvillesaysconsiderableto-be made on the tel and sur-rounding at the springs before theopeningoftheseason,June Ist.Thebuildingisnowbeingrepaintedand a call system is being installed throughout the hotel. —Only a small audience of chil- dren heard Miss Van Buren’s illus- trated lecture at the court house Saturday night.Miss Van BurentoldoftheworkoftheJuniorCivie Leagues,showing stereopticon views of the work accomplished by such or-ganjzations,and also showed pictures - illustrating the cruel me s em-ployed by hunters who kill birds for their plumage to supply the milli- nery trade. Miss Minnie Fowler is il at thehomeofherparents,Mr,and Mrs, J.W.Fowler,on \east Broad street.She came home from Winston-Salemaweekago.Mrs.M.C.Neely ofStatesvilleandMrs.W.M,.HooverofBarringertownshipareamongthepatientsat.the Sanatorium.Mrs, Neely had a nerve removed from herfaceSaturdayandMrs.Hoover un-derwent an operation for an organic ~trouble.Mrs.Neely is getting on~ well and may be taken home today. —A colored man known “Doc”Phifer,who preaches on ceoaaielle be- came suddenly insane Saturday morn-ing at a house on Walker street.Tear-ing his clothes from his body Phiferran.about the neighborhood for anhourorso,terrorizing the colored — women and children,several of whom he attacked.Ho was finally over- powered and Policeman Kerr,whowascalled,placed him in an automo-bile and took him to jail.He willprobablybesenttotheStateHospit-" al at Goldsboro. A number of amendments to theStateconstitution—important amend-ments—will be voted on.at the elec-tion next fall.The Secretary ofStatehaspreparedandpublishedapamphletcontainingtheconstitutionandtheproposedamendmentstotheconstitution,for the information ofvoters.These oe can be hadofRegisterofBoyd.It would be wise for voters to m a copyandstudytheconstitution.Compara-tively few people are familiar with the constitution,anyhow. Lawyer Spat at the Door For Luck.— Most of thepassengerswhocame_in on the train from the west yes-terday footed it from the depot to the Federal court room inDon’t know whether thesewerecomposedofalawyerclients,but there were abowadozenineachsquad.there nal a —leading a fasized.Just as they‘the door to the postoffice —enterthe|lawyer spat broadcast right onmarblefloor.The other felted made two years ago,has been filed — oo —OOOO COMMENT ON VARIOUS MATTERS When Merchant Alexander of Con- nelly’Springs was found sorely strickenby the robbershehadsur- prised in‘his store,a wire was sent to Richmond for bloodhounds to chase the robbers.Think of it!Proposed to send all the way toe Richmond,Va., to bring.bloodhounds to Connelly Springs to chase robbers,who,while inquiries were .being made about bloodhounds,were leaving the scene of their crime many miles behind. And the Elmwood folks,when they found that a robber had visited a store there,serit for bloodhounds.If in a case of that sort it is thought absolutely necessary to have.dogs, time could be saved by gathering up a few rabbit aoe in the neighbor- hood.They..would do as.much good —or more, ** Two instances of open and brazen defiance of law.occurred recently— one in Virginia and.one in Oklaho- ma—and it is a pleasure to record that the law prevailed,although it was necessary.to resort to strenuous measures.At Norfolk the law pro- hibiting betting at the race tracks was openly disregarded until the Governor of Virginia threatened to send troops to suppress it.Then the gambling stopped.At Tusla,Okla- homa,an exactly similar event was staged.The race track proceeded to business and open bets were received and-recorded.Then the Governor declared the place under martial law and placed troops in charge.It was necessaryfor troops to—fire one vol- jéy over the heads of the race track people and threaten to fire the next volley direct before the gambling stopped.With all our boasting of our civilization and righteousness, America is,for a country that pro- fesses a high state of civilization, the most lawless country on earth. .** The correspondent who suggests keeping a record of voters who cast their votes in the Democratic pri- maries in this county,is on the right track.We have no legal regulations to govern the primaries and unfortu- nately in some instances they -have been rather loosely.conducted.Re- publicans and others not qualified voters have been allowed to vote;in some instances men hawé had so little regard for the right that they boast- ed of voting more than once,and in other cases attempts have been made to stuff the ballot boxes.It was brought out two years ago,that in one Statdsville*ward a bunch of tickets for one candidate,evidently shoved into the box by one voter,was discovered by the poll-holders,-This sort of thing—mot confined to any one faction—has caused considerable feeling and any regulation that will ‘insure a fair vote should be adopted. A list of names of all those voting and a comparison of the names on the poll list with the number of votes cast—disputes to be settled by the committee or the county convention —is a reasonable requirement. ** According to the regulations made and provided in this State,the voter liable for poll tax must pay that tax on or before May ist or he can’t vote in an election that year.This means that unless the voter who is liable for poll tax pays the tax on or be- fore.the first day of next month,he can’t vote in the elections this year. This poll tax provision isn’t always enforced.The law is violated,some- times openly.Many voters—a sur- prisingly large number—purposely nelect their poll tax on the idea that the politicians who want their votes will either pay it or “arrange” the matter for them.This is all wrong,of course,but unfortunately many things:are permitted in poli- tics that won't bear the light of day. The voter who doesn’t think enough of the franchise to pay his poll tax should be disfranchised;and the self- respecting citizen who wants to vote —and every good citizen should vote free from any entangling _alli- ances,will see to it that his poll tax record is straight before May 1st. We can’t say that if you don’t pay you won’t be allowed to vote,but if the law is complied with you will not and should not be permitted to ex- ercise the privilege. *”. At last a record vote on the mile- age graft has been forced in Con- gress and when it came to going on record the graft was overwhelming- ly eliminated.The House voted.by 237 to 95 to allow members only the actual expenses of travel in lieu of 20 cents mileage for each session of Congress.The allowance of 20 cents a mile for one trip to and from Washington for each session of Con- gress was fixed years ago When the cost of travel was nitich higher than it is now.The present cost of trav- el is 2 cents a mile,possibly 3 count- ing Pullman fares.This 17 cents more than the actual cost of trans-portation for each mile traveled was drawn from the Treasury.”For Some years efforts have been made to eliminate this shameless graft.Some members brazenly defended it -—-OQldjo Cannon being one when he was in the House—and the great ma- jority voted for it so long as they were not forced to go on record. This time,however,the anti -graftaweresufficientlystrongto‘orce @ record vote and the indefen-sibleness of the graft is evident when it is shown that rather than go on -vecord as voting for the old system,a substitute provision was adopted,that members should be paid actualcostoftransportationonly,by a voteof2387to.95.All the.North Caroli- na Representatives except Gudger ofthetenthdistrictandSmallofthefirst,who were not present or didnotvote,voted for the change.Mr.Doughton of his district voted for>amendment to reduce salaries $7,500 to.$6,000,but-this was,Mr,Page has for someyearsfoughtthemileageallowance.A proposition to increase the allow- sy INO Lele ae ance for clerk hire for each memberfrom$1,500 to $1,800 yearly was fa-yored by one North Carolina Repre-sontative—Mr.Pou of the Raleis)district,Gudger,Small and Kitchinwerenotrecorded.-Aljl the othersvotedagainsttheincrease.Thepropositiontoeliminatethemileage graft is yet to pass the Senate andtmayfailtherethistimebutit will win finally.The Senators havetobeelectedbythepeopleanditisthefactthatthepeoplearesittingupandtakingnoticethathas.pro-duced this spasm of virtue in Con- Bernehasaccepted a call to the Bap-tist church of Spencer,effective May ist. H.McE.McMillan of Lumberton died last week from the effects of Paris green,taken with suicidal in-tent.Was in poor health and suffered from melancholia. ‘About thirty representatives of various Chicago business enterprises and institutions,who toured the State last week,stopped in Asheville, Charlotte and other points. Attempting to save her dog,which was on the railroad track in front ofanapproachingtrain,an old Croatan Indian woman of Robeson county was struck by the train and killed. Mr.R.F.Beasley has disposed of his interest in the State Journal to} Mr.A.J.Feild and the latter is now sole editor.Mr.Beasley will write for the paper from time to time. The Boone Democrat says the freezes in Watauga county on the nights of the 9th and 10th were rightsevereandinsomepartsofthecoun-ty it is feared that fruit is more ‘or less damaged,¢spécially peaches and pears. At Rocky Mount last weck Jeff. Davis,a machinist employed in theAtlanticCoastLinerailroadshops, fell from an engine,struck on his head and suffered concussion of the brain.He died several days jater without regaining consciousness."- Wilkesboro Patriot,16th:Fire of unknown origin destroyed M..G.Par- son’s store,about three miles west of Boomer on the Lenoir road,last Fri- day morning.Nothing .whatever was saved from the building and the loss will probably exceed $3,000.The property was not insured.It is be- lieved by some that the store was robbed and then set on fire.4 They've been having a primary election to nominate a candidate for Congress-in the sixth district and one was ordered for May 16,but no can- didate offered against CongressmanGodwinandtheexecutivecommit- tee,at a meeting at Wilmington Fri- day,formally declared him the nom- inee.There being no opposition to Mr Godwin,the primary ‘will not be held, Dr.J.B.Reitzel,a prominent phy- sician of High Point,was killed Fri- day by his car overturning on himjustashewasenteringthecitylim- its of Greensboro...Dr.Reitzel ‘was en route to Greensboro to testify in a case in the Stperior Court.The case had been put on trigl and pro- ceedings were temporarily suspend- ed awaiting his arrival when his death was announced, Mt.-Airy News:As an indication of how the parcel post system isreachingouttheGraniteMercantile Company of this city last week sent to an army officer in the State of Washington two hams of meat by parcel ™post,.the charges being just $3.82 on the package.He was par- ticular and wanted hams of the very best grade,preferring those from hogs that were fattened on chestnuts and acorns, Attempt to Assassinate New York’s Mayor. In.an attempt to take the life of Mayor John Purroy Mitchel of New York ‘city,Friday,Michael.P.Ma- honey,an apparently irresponsible, elderly man,who later said he was a blacksmith out of work,fired into a Rev.Dr.E.TT.Carter of New Ww. IN THE COUNTRY AT Brief-vious Parts of the World. The United States Supreme CourthasupheldtherightoftheStateofMontanatoimposeataxofonecentapounduponoleomargarinesoldwithintheState. Tennessee Republican State con-vention last week rendminated BenW.Hooper for:a third term as.Gov-ernor..The convention referred to acommitteethenationalcommittee’splanforchangingtherepresentation at national conventions,and -indors-ed the national prohibition amend- ment.; Payment at Omaha,Neb.,by theoodmenoftheWorldof.an-insur-Lance ‘poley on the life“of Clemente Vergara,the Texas ranchman.elleg- Zesime ofHavseniees.te Va-t UR NEW PATENT Z£ASY-OPEN \— The Webb Law Holding Good. Application for a mandatory *in-junction,filed by the Bristol Distrib-uting Company of Bristol,“Tenn.against the Southern Express Com~pany,to compel the latter companytoacceptshipments‘of intoxicating liquors to Mitehell county,this State,was denied by Judge Kellar,who heldthattheWebb-Kenyon bill Ts consti-tutional and refused the injunction onthegroundthatundertheWebb-Ken-yon law a.common carrier cannot berequiredtodeceptshipmentsofin- toxicating liquors for delivery into“dry”territory;that this would beinviolationofthelaw. Fire ‘in a New a apartmenthouse—Fri caused the death of 11personsandtheseriousinjuryof four others. ed to have been decoyed to the Mex-ican side of the border and slain byMexicanFederaltroops,revealed tl.c|‘set that the mysterious recoveryof |Vergara’s body from Mexican soil|had been accomplished by members| of the order. ‘Captain Hardy and his wife,and| eight members of the crew of the|schooner Charles K,uckley,fromJacksonville,Fla.,for New York,per- ished Wednesday night ~when theirlifeboatwaswreckedaftertheBuck.| ley had been hurled ashore a}northeast gale near Long Branch,N.| J.The schooner was laden with lum-ber.Lifesavers attempted rescue butonlyonemanwassaved, Flood prevention and ©drainageprojectswillrequiretheexpenditure according to 2 report preparedEdmundT.Perkins,president of the National Drainage Congress.ereportplacesthelaboritemsat50 per cent of the total,and the esti-mate is that the profit to the coun- try through reclamation plans will befrom$30,000,000,000 to $40,000’000,000. The President and Mrs.Wilson an-nounced Friday that the wedding of their youngest daughter,Miss BharorRandolphWilson,and SecretaryMcAdoowouldtakeplaceonThurs- day,May 7.In accordance with the wishes of Miss Wilsoh and Mr.Mc-Adoo the wedding will be a quict af-fair.Only the Vice President and Mrs.Marshall,the cabinet and the immediate members ofthe two fam-ilies are to be present.” The bodies of W.H.Menzie,man- ager of the Farmers’lumber yard at Geddes,S.Dak.,which was burnedThursdaynight,and his bookkeeper, Miss.Blnache Signal,were found in the debris of the yard office.Miss Signal’s feet were tied with a wire and her hands wired behind her.Her skull had been crushed with a ham- mer,found nearby.Menzie’s feet were wired together and a wire was fonnd on one wrist;the other end was broken.His skull had been fractur-ed.It is supposed they were mur- dered and the place fired.—_—_—_—_—_—_—_Col.Grimes Has a Plan to SettleMexicanTroubles. Col.Bryan Grimes,Secretary ofStateforNorthCarolina,has a plan he has submitted to Secretary ofStateBryanat-Washington.Writing Mr.Bryan Col.Grimes says: Would it not be a forward stepinthéinterestofhumanityandanexampleinthefurtheranceofworld- wide peace in the future for the United States to invite some of themostinterestednations,say Spain,Greet “Britain,France,.Germany,“Ti-aly and.perhaps Brazil,Chile and Atgentina,under ’a clearly exprese- ed pact,treaty or agreement,jointlytooccupyMexicoforitspacifica- tiori,forming a kind of joint military protectorate there and binding them-selves to withdraw after establigsh- ing a stable government—the goy-ernment of Mexico indemnifyingthesegovernmentsasChinadidin the occupation of Pekin by the allied armies,“This can be accomplished bythesenationsjointly.It cannot be accomplished by any one.government. Such a course under explicit arti¢les group of three men seated in the mayor’s automobile at the east side| of city hall park,New York.The} bullet entered the jaw of Frank L.|Polk,cofporation counsel;who was} sitting-next to the mayor.With blood spurting from his mouth,Mr. Polk was taken into the city hall and}afterward to a hospital,where it was| =the wound would not prove fa- tal. Mahoney shot at the mayor,he declared,because he felt aggrieved at| the city executive’s “extravagant ex-|penditures”and because he was in-| censed at being refused an audience!with the mayor on two occasions last|week,when he called to apply for a| municipal job.Mahoney fired only one shot,Before he sol fire a sec- ond he was arrested by a detective.eRe A Oure for Sour Stomach. Mrs.“Wm.M.Thompson,of Battle Oreck, Mich.,writes:“I have been troubled swithindigestion,sour stomach and bad breath, After taking two bottles of Chamberlain'sBablets1amwell,These tablets aresbh plen-@4—none better.”For sale by all deniers. Mrs.Nannie Tho Lcounty,on the 19th of March after a of agreement could net be embar- rassing,and such an “occupationgorinvasionandpacificationbyconcertoffriendlypowerswouldnotbecon- trary to the spirit of the Monroe doe- trine,” Death of Mrs.Shook. Correspondence of The Landmark.‘ son Shook died at her home near Cleveland,Rowan lingering illness from Bright’s dis-ease.She was the wife of Charles L. Shook and daughter of Mr.and Mrs.J.C.Thompson of south Iredell,She leaves a husband and eight small children,father,mother and a num-ber of brothers and sisters.She wasburiedatRockyMount”church «in south Iredell,near her old home,ofthe20thofMarch.She was 83 yearsoldlastSeptember, To PreventBlood Poisoning apply at once the wonderfuloff feliabie DR.PORTER'S ANTISEPTIC HEALING OLL,a eur-gical dressing that refieves pain aud of $500,000,000 in the next 25 years,| ¥|stroying property:Nothing has ever to settle the Mexican troubles which} SAYS SULPHUR IS SURE TORELIEVEITCHINGECZEMA! Get an Ounee of Bold ~-Sulphur Cream and Heal Skin Eruptions Right Up.Any breaking out or irritation ontheface,arms,legs or body when accompanied by itching,or when theskinisdrywedfeverish,can be read-ily overcome _by applying a little bold-sulphur cream,says a noted der- matologist.He informs us that bold-sulphurlinstantlyallaystheangryitchinglandirritationandsoothesandhealsitheEczemarightup,leaving the skinlclearandsmooth.Bold-sulphur has occupied a secure position for manyjyearsinthetreatmentofcutancous disorders because of its parasite-de- been found to take its place in treat- ing the irritable and inflammatorylskinaffections.While not always es-ltablishing a permanent cure,it nev-ler fails to subdue the itching irrita-tion and drive the Eczema away and it is often years later before any erup- tion again appears on the skin. Those troubled should obtain at any pharmacy an ounce of bold-sul- phur cream which is.applied to the affected parts in the same manncr as an ordinary cold cream.It isn’t un-pleasant and the prompt relief af- forded,particularly in itching Ecze- ma,proves very welcome.ENGRAVED CALLING CARDS Not the-kind you get at bar-gain counters,but the last word in:artistic engraving Statesville Printing Co. *Phone 208 Hi iH B When You Need a New Range Buy theBornRange From us and save your money on your wood.and- coal billsand keep your kitchen cool this summer. Sole Agents for Iredell County. NA No.1 The Ammonia in our Ferti-lizer is made of Blood,Meal,FishScraps,etc.No.2.There are ammoniatedgoodsonthemarketmadeofleath- er,wood,hair,etc.,andare worthnothingasFertilizer..Which kinddo.you ‘We.got thesefactsbeforewebought,for yourprotection.alT.N.BROWN.*Phone 433.At Iredell Hardware Co. Statesville Tinning Co NEW TIN SHOP ~Willdo general Sheet Metalworkand-roofing.H.C.Mohler;a workman with 25yearsexperience,will be con-~fected with the business. SHOP—114 East Broad Street.‘PHONE 55. Call On Us ———-FOR—--— Country Hams, Canvassed Hams; Country Bacon, Breakfast Bacon, Try a pound of our Breakfast Bacon in boxes.You will like it. Eagle& Milholland. Cleaning and Pressing ’Phone 147, Sloan Pressing Club. Ladies’work a Specialty. the same time.Not #Mniment. oneal Se eee ee toe.soe32.00 Royster’s Fertilizers Are being attacked.I wish to say they are making as good fertilizer today as ever made,using exactly same plant food materials they have used for years and years.Hundreds of good Iredell farmers knowfromactualexperiencetherearenonebetterand fewas A CHALLENGE! If any manor set of men want a real SHOW DOWNIwilpeeop.2e ster's against any brand of fertili-zer sold and if Royster’s does not give as good re-sults,then my fertilizers won’t cost you one cent.Trot out your goods and let’s see, =J.E.SLOOP .Well sellyCu the right Clothesattheright mA If you don’t know anything about the valuesofclothing,whatelse have you left to do but to trust to the REPUTATION of the establishment you buy from?We wish that every one who has.never bought their clothes from us,would only ask those who'have.We are in business here tostay in business here and we know we can do so only.by enn good clothing at honest prices.e ask you totrust us once and to let our )goods speak for themselvesafter that ass Cotes Commeds"CLOT is calendar year:you want to sell, Dot city and country,for sale.Good values.Calland~“let mehelp you select wyouwant.- REAL ESTATE ANDOverMerchants&Far CEjers’Bank. ‘We are in the-market for rs _Field Peas.. ‘Want any variety or mixed.Will pay CASH.SEE US. -1.K.Morrison Grocery“""&Produce Co. YourSupplies If you are going to buy your supplies on time let us figure with you.We carry the best of about everything you will need in the way of Heavy and Fancy Groceries,Feed- stuffs,Garden and Field Seeds. Miller-McLainSupplyCo. Adding Machine Paper We have two sizes. Sell it bytheRoll or —’Phone 200— Brady Printing Co. THE DAVIS MILLS Give you 40 Pounds Best Pat- ent Flour and 13 pounds Bran in exchange or Pay $1.15 per bushel cash for wheat.Watchthisadforpriceeachweek.andMeal. THE DAVIS MILLS,Hiddenite,N.C. NOTICE! HOLLAND BROS.have pee me number from 1 Call 7for dra allbestcoalandetc.’Phone 1310. é WHATEVERTYPEWRITERYoubuywecanwishnothingmore than that willlikeit as wellaswedoTHEREMINGTON. Statesville Printing Co. *PHONE 208, 77to7.grades PREPARED To do yourwork on short notice. we wantisatrial. Gillespie Pressing Club—’PHONE 350.— NOTICE ! First class tin work and repairing. Roofing Contractor. CLYDE E.GAITHER.*Phoné No.157. Black Warrior Pit Games. Eggs from pen ‘headed by male winning his fourth battle and steel tested—$3..for 15.Guaranteed thoroughbred stock.No stock —for sale.Good hatch guaranteed,§R. J:HARBIN,354 Alexander street, Statesville,N.C.April 7—8t.* -ATTRACTIVE FARM. vesomefine properties,- EY i te missed something great— enjoyment that very few things this old earth equals and none sur- passes.(For the slide whistles sourwood is as goodas hickory,but-it takeshick- ory for the whip lashes.We:wonder, now,if even the country boys make these things now,when there are so many other attractions—The Land- mark.)TAL AR Suit.over State lines brought by Arkansas against Tennessee was ar- gued-this week in the United States Supreme Court.Tae dispute arose over changes in the bed of the Mis- sissippi river.The suit may serve as a precedent for boundary-making in other Mississippi valley States. Be VigorousandAmbitious Drive ‘the poisorious waste from your clogged-up bowels,and start your liver to working perfectly with gentle,blissful HOT SPRINGS LIV- ER BUTTONS.They purify the blood,put an edge on the and put vigor and ambition into people who lack ener- gy:Take them,and headache,nervous- ness,and dizziness will vanish.They are simply fine,espe- cially for women and elderly people. Cut out calomel and other make-shifts.Take little chocolate cont- ed HOT SPRINGS LIVER BUT- TONS for a week,and notice the complexion clear up and pimples varnish.All druaggists,.25 cents. Free sample from Hot.Springs Chemical Co.,Hot Springs,Ark. ALL ARE MADEINSTATESVILLE EyeGlasses and Spectacles Manufac-tured in This City By An Expert. YES,EYE GLASSES ANDSPECTACLESaremadeinStates-ville.If I examine your eyes andfurnishyou.with glasses,I makethesehereinmyownshop.I put Slup all kinds of lenses,including’bi- focal (double vision.)I can do this without you having to wait for them to be ordered.I am prepared to-do all kinds of repairing on eye-glass-es and spectacles,including GOLD SOLDERING.I now hold and have held for years, an optometry certificate,from —the State board of examiners in optome- try,and am also registered with theclerkofIredellcountycourtasone who is t to examine and fit the eye.State says by givingthiscertificatethatthepartywhose name is on same is a competent per-son for such a profession.Ask thespectaclelerto.show his certif-icate from the State board of exam-iners and just see how.quick he willgetouttothenexthouse.But all the certificates one.couldhavewouldnotaidhiminhisworkongroanaetoLeeeyeproperglasses.Heneedstheaseachcasehetestswillhelphimonthenext,onehehas,I havehadyears of expe-rience in this.I have been in mypresentstandfornearly11yearsandhavetestedhundredsofpeople’seyes.I have satisfied customers alloverthisterritory.I use only theverybestmaterialinputtingupeyelassesand.spectacles.FIRSTUALITY.IN’ALL PARTS andwhenyouarefixed.up by me youhavethebestthatmoneycanbuy;even if my pricesdo not reach ashighassomecharge.Have yourglassesputupbymeandbe‘satisfied.I have my first person yet to.putglassesonwhodidnotneedthem. Eyes tested free and if you do notneedglassesIwilltellyou.If you notice an itching or smarting of the éyes while reading,it is a sure sign that your eyes are calling for help.Bring your eye troubles to’me,Iamnowsellingthe*best filled framethatcanbehadanywhere.IGUARANTEEDandmuchwearthansolid:gold.me 4 call when inhelp.ne Jeweler andHotelIredellBlock. gs WO .|should have had,he important.ins tutions in Stateniia rams «9thathasbecomealandmarkin~rhe |city,is our female college,Our)mothers and grandmothers are num~.|bered among those who have attedthisinstitution.©‘ Dr,J.A.Scott.took hold ofcollegein1900,when its patronandequipmentwereatavery.ebb,and success hasforts;ier,without “even thesupportfromourtarbrousttcollegetoavery©hi alEachsessionDr.Seott yuedhimselfwithableandeffteachers;and cach sessionbroughtamongusalarnumofpupilswhogobacktotekfirmbelieversin“Statesville,the?best town in North Carolina”=~Our citizens have had the advan~tages of an excellent ion.* their daughters at a very cost,and the college.has notdrainonthecommunity.In the}time Dr.Scott has had the co achargehehasgreatlyimprov¢and =| > plant in both buildings :ment,which he was able to do bygenerosityoftheliberal- of this section.;The outlook for the college txpromisinganditistimethatthepeopleofthisgoodtownthrowtheirinfluenceandtowardthecollege,by suppothemselvesapdenlistingtheinterest of their-friends.Let_us_allget te -1}gether and sce to it that thisessionwillfindthecollegefull ofstudentsasboardersandthe‘day classes running over. The college is,from a business standpoint,very important to.= city and is due the hearty eeourbusinessmen.Other:ci ptuplargesumsofmoneytoinducea college to locate with them;there- fore it is important that ournessmenshouldco-operate withScottlookingtowarditsupbuilding.One of the first questions asked of atownbythosewhocrelookingforaplaceofresidence,is “What.are your educational advantages?” New-in conclusion,it.is simply # good,sound business proposition forusloyallytosupport.this ~institu. tion,and help to make this comingsession,alld each succeeding one,just a little better than ever before. Won't you help?oP “For now .the greater StatesvilleOfall,is asking whether, To make things hum and -businesscome,—: They will not get together~—W.L.G. Easter Entertainment at Troutman—Life at County Hibme-: Correspondence of The Landmark.aos: County Home;April 16—Last Sun-7) day being quarterly conference + the Methodist church at Troutman, the writer had the pleasure of he ing a very able sermon by Elde Mann.At night there was an East- er entertainment by the Sunday school children,when the following programme was rendered: Easter,by six boys and girls,viz.: Dora Dingler,Marvin.Kyles,Sam Hawn,Irene Wagner,Glen Cavin and Carlile Hawn;Easter Morning, Jessie Ostwalt;song,“Welcome,0, Beautiful Easter;The Secret of Eas ter,by six girls—Ethel and Ashic! Dingler,Myrtle and Carrie Perry, Marverine Brown and Edith Kyles; solo,Oshiel °Dingler;song,Miss Cathey and Mr.McNairy;That Does Easter Mean?~-Irene Wagner and Dora Dingler: This programme was well render ed and enjoyed,after which Rev.Dr. Siler delivered an excellent and for cible ‘lecture,his talk embracing Easter,the Sunday school and the missionary cause.Dr..Siler also preached on Monday.The same routine,dating,sleep ing and duty,on at the Coun- ty Home.Mr.seems to be in- defatigable in his efforts in seeing to thé care of the buildings and the comfort ‘of the inmates.If anybody imagines that it is a sinecure to keep the County Home,if he would come here awhile and take observation and see what Mr.Perry and Clayton,his son,shave to do,he would certainly change his mind.It requires a great deal of one of the characteristics for which Job was famous to keep a County Home and have to deal with idiots and ref inmates. It seems that A borrowed more than her usual number of days fromMarch‘with which “‘to kill old cows.” i Mr.Strohecker of Barium Dies in Charlotte. Mr.Baxter Springs Strohecker,son of Dr.and Mrs:T.H.StroheckerofBarium—died Friday nightat11o'clock at Presbyterian hos- pital in Charlotte,where for near three weeks he had been ill with ty- phoid fever,About a mon#ago Mr.Strohecker, who wes located in Richmond,came to the home of his parents at Barium on 2 sae pcm’his.arrival typhoid fever and he was later taken to’the Charlotte hospital.Mr.Strohetker was born at Bar-ium and was 24 years old.He hadlivedforatimieinWashingtonCity and also in.the West.Recently bh:had been located in Richmond,where he was city salesman for the Nationa! Biscuit Company.He was a graduate of Roanoke College,Virginia.His parents,four brothers and a sistersurvive.Hamlin and Brevard David er,older brothers,live in Charles Dulls and Ed.-.Strohecker and Miss Sa! Strohecker liy@ at Barium Rheumatic Pains lieved. Why suffer from rbeuntitiem when reliefmaybehadatsosmallacost?Mrs,Elmer Hateh,Peru,Ind,writes,"“IMhave.been sub ject to attacks of,rheumatisin for years.Chamberlain’s Liniment.always relieves me tromediately,and I take pleasure in reeom- mending it to 26 ahd 60.cent bot-ties,Forsale By ail.dealers. You ShouldGive Preference to the Atlantic Life Insurance Company Of Richmond,Va. Itspolicies contain all the good in Life Insurance,elimi- nating the undesirable. + It issues all-of the approved forms of Life Insurance with- out the ridiculous or impossible. It has always paid every just claim promptly. It provides for me in case of my total disability. It guarantees the safe investment of the proceeds of my policy. I don’t have to die to win;if I live.15,20,25 or 30 years I can settle my policy in the way best suited to my needs at that time. If I live,I create a fund for my own use in old age,or, it I die,I create an estate for my-loved ones.It is the most valuable estate I can leave,more certain than lands,houses,stocks or bonds. It lends its money in my community. It is managed and controlled by Southern men of known ability and integrity for the good of the communities in which it does business. It can and does invest its funds at a more profitable rate of interest than most of the larger companies,policy- holders reaping the benefit thereof. It being a younger company,its death rate is naturally lower than that of older companies,which means further saving to the policyholders. Its management is in the hands of a Board of Directors who are among the most prudent and successful bus- iness men in the country,many ot whom are known to you,and whose integrity and ability insures for the Atlantic an able,progressive and economical management. Finally,|want the very best for my money,and the Atlantic will furnish it. a _A Policy in the Atlantic Helps the ‘Business of the People Whose Busi- /ness Helps Your Business. > CL.RUDY,--Resident Agent, STATESVILLE,N.C.CR.WEBB,--General Agent,|)SHELBY,N.C.aI WIDE AWAKE PEOPLE SAVE MOD al iat BY READING ADS,jae WATCH—Watchthelabelonyour "paper.If are not in by date ro]label,paperwillbe————————————TUESDAY,---April 21,1914 —= Old Man Huerta didn’t want tq take our word for it that his salute would be returned but he wanted it put down in-black and white.Inas- much as he was the offending party, the old mati had his.nerve with him n trying to dictate the terms of the apology. Unless Gen.Huerta changes his mind again,it is up to us to do some- thing in Mexico.The fleet will ar- --—-yive nt Tampico:tomorrow.The sit- uation doesn’t of itself mean war but war is a probable result.It is impos- sible to forecast.Having started to use force in Mexico even to a limited extent,there is no telling when we will be able to turn loose. Booker Washington has asked the negroes of the United’States to pro- test against the accommodations fur- “ished neéegro-passengers by the rail- roads.As we understand it,this-pro« test is not against separate accommo- dations but is on the ground that the apartments furnished colored people, for which they pay the same fare as the whites,are very inferior.It is probable that there is ground for this complaint. That meeting at the court:house Friday evening was one of the best ever.It was harmonious and en- thusiastic for Statesville and for do- ing things for Statesville.The spirit of co-optration and get-together,for which the Commercial club was re- cently reorganized,was manifest.A meeting of that sort means much for Statesville and the Commercial club is to be congratulated on the good start it has made in getting the folks to pull together. Gov.Blease of.South Carolina wired President Wilson Sunday night that the South Carolina National Guard “and’as many other men as you need”were ready to go to Mexi- eco and that he (Blease)would go at the head of the South Carolina troops when the call is made.If troops have to be sent to Mexico we hope the President will let Blease go and will see to it that he géts well on the front of the firing line,The people who profess so much zeal to fight should have the opportunity. “Things are not what they used to be,”.mournfully remarks the editor -of the Greensboro Record.Contin- wing he sadly relates that the com- missioner of public safety of Greens- boro ‘and the sheriff of Guilford county are determined to suppress betting at the ball games in Greens- boro this summer.Judging by the tone of his remarks one might think that Editor Reece,who is an ardent baseball fan,had éxpected ‘to make a little on the side by backing his judg- ment at the games and is"somewhat disappointed at the turn of affairs. Cheer up,colonel,.A dead game sport such as you are should find a way. The notice of the death of an emi- nent man in London contained these words:“His wife and family will re- spect his urgent desire that no out- ward sign of mourning should be worn.”In referring to this notice the London Times says:“The*prac- tice of wearing mourning has long been sliding into disuse,and probably the next 20 years will see it abandon- ed altogether’at any rate among the Wealthier people.”According to the London paper,all badges of woe are disappearing from.fynerals.The black Tosettes on the horses’bridles and the ‘@repe on the hats and sleeves are seen seldom.So it is with black- edged writing paper and black-edged ‘eards.It is all going,because mourn- sing is not needed,either for memory “or respect.Says the Times: “Those whose sympathy we valuewillgiveitus,without our adver- tising.for it;it will seem all but in- decent to go about the world demand-:.sympathy of strangers. ~“And if we believe that those who‘have left us have still the power to “ot e doings we must believe it is our hearts,not our clothes,:they will read.” |Speed the day when the habiliments"ft woe will be discarded,The idea ‘that it is showing proper respect for the dead is fallacious.It is followed because it is custom.It is what we “feel inwardly,not the outward show, tells of respect for the dead;and is a heathenish custom that re- wit a Woman to shroud herself in ck,tegardiess of her health or ifort,simply to advertise the fact That she is a widow.The custom is founded on reason or common Away”with it. |manifesting no zealto.volunteer and s\erally.If acall for volunteerscomes helpaeit,%i Rye ii i efgen- there will be volunteers of course, but those who are Joudest in demand- ing that the country go to war and who are indignant because the gov- ernment is slow about it,will not be conspicuous-in the ranks.It -was that way when theSpanish-Ameri- can war came onin,1898 and it has always been that way,we suppose, “In fact the ranks of those who wear uniforms and brass buttons and are conspicuous on dress parade in times of peace,are usually greatly thinned when the guns begin to shoot in dead earnest.There are plenty of patri- otic people who will go readily when it is necessary,but when the tumult and the shouting dies those who have been most anxious,to hear them talk,are not generally found on the firing line, OPPOSE ROCKEFELLER HELP. Senators Gere and Kenyon Don'tWantStandardOilMoneyFor Agricultural Work, Recently Senator Kenyon of TowasecuredthepassagebytheSenateof a resolution calling on the Secretary of Agriculture for a statement oftheexpenditureoffuridsfurnished by the Rockefeller Foundation for agricultural development work.Sec- retary Houston’s report laid before the Senate shows that-the salary €x- penditure paid by the Rockefeller fund is $37,166 annually.Dr.Thom- as N.Carver,a former Harvard pre- fessor,drawing $625 a month,di- rects the work.There are 12 other officers who draw salaries ranging from $125 a month upwards.*About a dozen clerks and special employes and several hundred menand womenengagedinfieldworkarecarriedon the Agricultural Department’s pay- roll at the nominal compensation of $1 a month.The department’con- tols their activities,while the Rocke-feller fund pays the salaries.In ad- dition,the Rockefeller people made other large outlays,spending $75,- 000 last year on the girls’agricul-tural_clubs alone.Some of -the-prin- cipal activities pursued relate to the ravages of the boll weevil,the mar- keting of farm products,co-opera- tion for various purposes among farmers,home economics,girls’—to-mato and:poultry clubs,boys’corn clubs,etc.The Rockefeller agency,co-operating with the Agricultural Department,is entitled the General Educational Board of the Depart- ment of Agriculture and was incor- porated under a special act of Con- gress in 1903, Senator Gore,chairman of the Senate committee on agriculture,de- clares that Congress will make the necessary appropriation from:theTreasurytocontinuethese-better-ment activities and that no more of the Rockefeller Foundation’s money] will be received;and Senator Ken- yon declares that the government will not carry on educational work with money supplied by the Stand- ard Oil Company.Whether the ma- jority of Congress will agree with this view remains to be seen. MATTERS OF NEWS. Bitten by a lion at Los Angeles, Cal,,while posing for a moving pic- ture,Dr.William Warner Kirby,a member of Paul Rainey’s expedition to Africa and well known through- out the circus world,died last week. His wounds were thought.to be tri- fling’at first,but septic infection set in. Miss Fleda Pendleton and Clyde Clement,the young North Carolinians arrested at Spartanburg,S.C.,for drowning a baby born to Miss Pen- dieton,of which Clement is the alleg- ed father,will be tried this week,The women’s societies and others of Spar- tanburg have been trying to get the newspapers to agree not to print a report of the trial,but at last account the newspaper folks were firm in re- fusal. One of the 6,000 Mexican soldiers, who some months ago sought safety on American soil and are held,in camp at Fort Bliss,near El Paso, Texas,tried to escape Friday night and was shot by a sentry.He is ex- pected:to die.“The same night an- other prisoner caught breaking elec- tric light bulbs was shot.Individualoutbreakshavebeen.frequent sincenewsoftheTampicocomplication reached the camp: Booker T.Washington has asked negroes ‘Of the United States to set aside Sunday,June-7,and Monday, June 8,to protest to railroads against alleged discrimination on account of color in providing passenger accom- modations,He has asked that churches,secret societies,business leatfues and other agencies send rep- resentatives-to officials of lines that have provided poorer accommodations for the negro race than for whites. Mafriage at Stony.Point. Correspondence of The Landmark. Stony Point,April 20—A quiet but pretty home wedding took place Monday,13th,at 8.30 o’clock p.m., at the home of Mrs.Fannie White, when her daughter,Mrs.Cora Beck- ham,became the bride of Mr.Arthur Beckham,both of Stony Point,the ceremony being performed by the bride’s pastor,Rev.Mr.Wagg.Mr.Beckham is a young man of high character,is a successful farmer and is also interested in the Stony Point Roller Mills.Mrs.Béckham for two years and up until a year ago held apositionassaleslady.at W.W.Fou- shee’s store in Statesville.While there she made a host of friends,She is in all respects av excellent womanandtoknowheristoloveher.Hermany.friends join in wishing her and or Evil to thejections,ee Progressive Farmer.« It is quite likelforminginthewillmeanmorefor our onersasaclassthananythingsincetheinventionoftheWerefertotheDukeoeIthasalmostunlimitedforgoodorevil,andeveryagencyhavingbilities fhooves wel-fare of the farmers at 7 for our farmers to take steps to seethattheirinterestsarecar-safe- guarded.In the Northwest theelevatortrusthasprovedoné the most dangerous enemies of the farm-ers’welfare,and cotton warehousingoffersevengreaterop me the tiller of the soil. f a gigantic system is establish- ed with national and even internationalfame,its official certificates afidgradesuniversallyacceptedalikebygreat.manufacturing and great fin-ancial interests,it is not unlikely compel the farmer to store his eot-ton in the Duke warehouse-in that anofficialDukewarehousecertificate with sample attached will be theStandardbasisofsale.Then with the bulk of the South’s cotton in ware-houses principally owned by the man-ufacturers,and largely directed bythemanwhohaskeptthetobaccofermersofAmericaforyearsina state of financial slavery,who knowswhat-would happen?=E to.Mark Twain,EveonceremarkedaboutAdam’s singing,“The more I hear of it the more I do not get reconciled to it.””We confesswefeelthesamewayabouttheDukewarehousingscheme.With Mr. Duke as the chief exponent of ‘the new idea,there is a certain old say-ing about a burnt child and anothersayingaboutGreckgiftswhichcome involuntarily to mind.Mr.Duke,like Saul of Tarsus,may have suffered some miraculous conversion,but hemustn’t blame the farniers if theyaskforlongandindubitableproofsofhisrepentance.: It is the new currency bill whichnowmakesthewarehousingproposi- tion especially inviting to Mr.Dukeandthemanufacturers.But if it’s.a good proposition for them to control the cotton crop,why isn’t it just as good a plan for the farmers to buildco-operative warehouses and controlitthemselves?Why shouldn’t they get all the profits on the commodity that their toil and sweat have brought forth from the earth?~Certainly unless some definite plan-for safe- guarding the farmers’interests is presented,this is what they ought to do. FOR RURAL DEVELOPMENT. Suggestions For Upbuilding the Town Inspired Suggestions For Upuilding the County—County Urged to Co-operate With Town. Correspondence of The Landmark. Troutman—The correspondent ofTheLandmarkwhohasbeentalking about the town has given many food suggestions for the moral,social and financial improvement of the town people.We that live in the country are interested in the upbuilding of the town,because we know that toimprovethetownwillalsoimprove the country;and to improve the country.will.improve the town. What we want now is co-operation (at least some of us do)between the town and country to make Iredell county the best county in the State. It seems to me that the town peoplearemorereadytoco-operate withusthanwearetoco-gperate with them.We in>the country*must catch the spirit of progress that has caught our town friends.We mustdeveloptheresourcesoftheruralsections.We that are farmers must farm the modern way,the scientific way;we rust.sod these barren fields,so plentiful in the South,with clover and grass and put blooded cattle on them;we must make our fields larger and use the modern implenients that have been placed on the market for the bonefit of the farmers;we must use moréhorselaborandlesshumaniabor; we must not forget the rural church, for there is no good rural communi- ty where there is no good church.The development of the country isawonderfulwork.To build up the rural sections we rural people must get together and study the problems that confront us,such as production, marketing and many other things, Agriculture must go forward or backward.The way to make it goforwardistodeviseaplantokeep a.large proportion of the bright minds and ambitious characters ‘on the farms, Farm Lands in Brunswick. Planning a development similar to that in the past five years has transformedthepineandsandbarrensof Moore county and the surrounding sections into one of the most produc. tive and advanced:agricultural cen- ters in the South,the Brunswick LandandLumberCompany,contposed of four Northern and four Southern cap- italists,has purchased about 43,000 acres of land in Brunswick county, near Southport,and has begun worktodevelop.the property into a pros- perous agricultural community. Frank C.and Ralph W.Page of Aberdeen,sons of Walter H.Page, American ambassador to Great Brit- ain,are stockholders and man-agers and practically all of the other stockholders are menwhohavelargeinterestsinthead-vanced farming operations being con- ducted around Pinehurst and othersections.in Moore county.Frank C. Page will have immediate charge.The company will colonize the newdevelopment.with people fromNorthandothersectionsofthe coun- the man of her choice a long andhappylife.try and hope in:a°short time to haaprosperoussettlement, giveitacvcarefulinvestigation.For ourpart,as we have learned more about} it,it seems imperatively nécessary rtunities for that these interests will practically believe it,you say-lIn days gone by the cornbrokenwithalittleees ar One”aPang: in condition for i to be plowed rewasplanted,and it took a ‘Saturday ‘night to prepare three acres for planting.Now a man takes a big turn plow,goes into “a fieldandplowsitagreatdealdeeperandpulverizesitmorethoroughlythaneverwasdoneby,the.little “bull tongue”plow.It is true that themodernfarmeraddsahorseortwotothebeamof.hisnomorehumanlabor than he idyearsago.Yes,they are plowingsixtimesfasterthanthey.did-yearsago.And the big turn plow cutting a wide,deep furrow is easier on themanthanisthelittle“bull tongue”plow.We have tried both. Farmers’Union Have Social Gather- ing. Correspondence of The Landmark Statesville,R-1,April 20—The farmers and their wives and children of the community gathered at the home of Mr.C.A.Bass Saturday eve- ning,where they enjoyed an oystersuppergivenbytheFarmers’Union. The table was full of good things to eat,prepared by the farmers’wives: After supper was over we all went to the school house near by,where Mr. Gibson made a ‘beautiful talk,which was greatly enjoyed by all .present. We are glad we had the pleasure of meeting Mr.Gibson and his good wife. The farmers are greatly behindwiththeirwerkonaccountofthe rain.Wheat is looking well.I see a great deal about farm and city life.I enjoy the farm ‘life the best.°I think the farmer can have morepleasurethananyoneelse. To Prevent Blood Poisoning apply at once the wonderful old reliable DR.PORTER'S ANTISEPTIC HEALING OIL,a sur-gical dressing that relieves pain aud heals atthesametime,Mots "iniment.25c.50c,$1.00 Announcements. FOR SHERIFF. I am a candidate for the Democratic nomi- nation for sheriff and ask the support of theDemocraticvotersintheprimariesMay16.JAMES W.WARD. FOR SHERIFF. I hereby nounce myveff a candidate for the office of'ff of Iredell county,sub-ject to the action of the Democratic primaries and county convention.April 14,1914:J.M.DEATON. FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS. |I hereby announce myself a candidate fortheofficeofRegisterofDeedsforthecoun-ty ‘of Iredell,subject to the action of theDemocraticprimariesandcountyconven- tion.J.\B.FESPERMAN.April 14, FOR TREASURER. T am a candidate for.Treasurer of Iredell coufity,subject to the action of the Demo- cratic primaries and county convention.TILDEN H.WILLIAMS. 1914—10t* March 27. FOR TREASURER. I hereby announce myserr a candidate forthe.office of Treasurer of Iredell County, subject to the action of the Democratic pri-maries and county convention. March 27.R.F.RIVES. FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Register of Deeds of Iredell county,subject to the action of the Demo-cratic primaries and county convention. o JAS.R.HILL.March 27. -FOR SHERIFF. I a candidate for sheriff of Iredel]coun- ty,subject to the action of the Democraticprimariesandcountyconvention,and sdlicitthesupportoftheDemocraticvoters. March 17.J.A.BROWN. FOR CLERK SUPERIOR COURT. I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of clerk of the Superior Court for Ire-dell county,subject to the action of the Dem- ocratic party convention and primaries forPP.DULIN. Flowers! The Most-Beautiful Floral | Designs Obtainab!e. While we furnish flow- ers of every kind,being our own home-grown prod- uct,we make a great spe- cialty of artistic designs for every purpose, All orders promptly ex- ecuted,and the workman-ship is the very best knowntothefloralbusiness, Orders by telegraph:or‘phone have immediate at-tention. Van Lindley (o., FLORISTSTOTHE SOUTH, GREENSBORO,N.C. Local Agenta. a horse from Monday morning until low but he uses|” The Store Where You'll Eventually Shop 1 Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison |WhyNot Begin Today? a Pictorial Patterns and Fashion Books. Onyx and Kayser Hosiery. The Store That Pays the Freight. “My kingdom for a horse,”prof- fered a defeated monarch.’But the modern man gets an_Anfinitely better means of transportation— at lowest cost--when he buys asturdyFord.The economical Fordhasmadethehorseanextrava-gance at any price. Buy it Because 1t’s a Better Car. CAROLINA MOTOR CO.,Statesville,N.C. G.L.McKNIGHT,Mooresville,N.€. PeopleS Loan &Savings Bank. CAPITAL $50,000. A little money put in a ‘‘Savings Bank”is not a tal-ent hidden in a napkin.It is earning all the time;like heart beats,its work goes on while one sleeps,and even Sundays the capital is growing larger andnobodycomplainsofbrokenlaws. BEGIN NOW.You can openan account with only$1.You can make additions to this from time totimetosuityourconvenience.If you.put only $2=week by you will be $100 ahead in less than a year.f oti re keep on for five years putting thefollowinginbankeverydayanddrawnothingout, here are the results nvt-counting interest: lc.a day for five years wi >18.2510c.a day in five years will ke 182.50 50c.a day in five years will be»912,50$1.00-a day in five years will be 1,825.00ThisBankpays4percentcompoundedquarterly. GEO.H.BROWN ye President. O.L.-TURNER -;Cashier. Polk Gray Drug Co., is visiting his ac- "TELEPHONE NO.14. ISDAY,“April 21,°1914. Personal MentionofPiPeople and TheirMovements. Mes.T.1timewithherbargeSaStikeleather,went to Mrs.T.V,Harris.Miss Maude Nicholson spent-Sat- Mr.Duncan MacRae,who spentseveralmonthshere,left ‘last week Concord and Wadesboro,after whichhewillreturntohishomeinOrange, Mrs.Ida Davis of Davidson is aguestatthehomeofDr.J.F.Carl- Mrs.A.F.Cathey,who visited her|ywdaughter,Mrs.J.C.Dye,has return- @ Miss Virginia Ivey of Charlotte ar-__Fived in Statesville’Friday from Le- M.Foard,Mr.F..A.Sherrill is spending a Dr.Everett A.Sherrill,who is ill at Bellevue:Hospital. S.C.,is a guest at the home of her uncle,Mr.C.E.Mills. to Salisbury Sunday evening after abriefvisittoMrs.W.M.Cooper. __bury—yestearday t0—visit—her.—hometpeople.”Mr.Anderson will join her will return to their home at Sumter, 8.C. days at home,returned to Winston- Salem yesterday. brother in Texas. Notices of New Advertisements. ed three car loads of automobiles— two of Ford touring cars awd road- ears. The public is warned against hir- Experienced saleslady wanted,Ad- dress D.,care The Landmark. counts of the Home Electric Co. Zeb.V.Long,trustee,will sell land R.B.McLaughlin,commissioner, will re-sell Carter land May 23d. executor of Jos.C.Irvin. Colonial drapery fabrics—Mills & New goods arriving daily.—Belk Bros. erence to the Atlantic Life Insurance Co—C.L,Rudy local agent. Royster’s fertilizers——J.E.Sloop. Buy the Born range.—Statesville Tables,rockers and go-carts.— Crawford-Bunch Furniture Co. and fish.—Bradford Grocery &Pro- duce Co. will be given a hearing by the Coun- ty Board of Education May 4. tune pianos. Cabbage plants.—-D.J.Kimball. week. The store that pays the freight. At the Lyric. Brood mares by express.—Heukel. Mr.Craig’s Foot Amputated. Statesville relatives of Mr.R.H. sage Friday night stating that his left foot had to be amputated Fri- which threatened to infect his en- tire system.When a boy Mr.Carig the bullet affected his left foot in such a manner that he had to wear giving.trouble recently and to ward off blood poison it was found neces- Craig was in Statesville on a visit ten days ago. Messages from lodges"in the dis- trict indicates that quite a number meeting of Pythians to be held in Statesville Thursday.Quite a num- their wives,who will come espetially for the “Big Night”celebration of the the visitors will be special guests..A message from Lenoir yesterday stat- permit the Lenoir delegation willmakethetripto’Statesville across PSE OF PASSING ‘THRONG. Mrs.T.C.Kinder,who urday to —visit nae daughter, urday in Salisbury. for a visit to relatives in Charlotte, N,J, ton. ed to her home at Davidson. noir to:visit at the home of Mr.Geo. few days in New York with his son, Mrs.M.-W.Seabrook of Surater, Mrs.A.M.Witherspoon returned| Mrs.Fred.Anderson-went to Salis- the latter part of the week and they Mr.Mac.R.Long,who spent a few Mr.N.P.Watt The Carolina Motor Co.has receiv- sters and one of Studebaker touring ing or harboring Willie Hartness. Jas.D.Cochrane adjusts the May 21st. R.B.McLaughlin has qualified as Poston. Reasons why you should give pref- Cash counts—S.,M.&H,Shoe Co. Furniture Co. Gold seal flour,fresh vegetables Those wanting new school houses W.E.Senn will be here soon to The Crescent programme for the Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison Co. Craig Live Stock Co. Craig of Henderson received a mes- day in an effort to check blood poison was accidentally shot in the hip and a brace on the foot.The foot began sary--to -amputate it Friday.Mr. Many Pythians Coming. of visitors will attend the district ber of these will be -accompanied by local lodge Thursday night,at which} ed that if the weather and roads will the country in automobiles. Mr.Hamoy Went to New York For a Bride. Mr.Joseph Hamoy,who conducts a candy and fruit store on Center street,was scheduled to be married in New’York Sunday to Miss Mary Homsy of that city.Mr.Hamoy left Statesville a week ago for New York, telling his associates,that he would be married before he returned home, and a letter from him written Satur- day stated that the wedding would take place Sunday.Nothing more has been heard from him,but it is assumed that_the wedding took place. Court Items. Ed.Alexander was fined $5 and costs in the mayor’s court Saturday for cursing at the depot. Myrtle Rankin,a negro woman, was taxed $2.50 by Mayor CaldwellSaturdayforwashingherhandsata public.drinking fountain. We ager tee iesTHELANDMARKprinpene,$1 for oix ‘onthe,60months. The social event of theieSeeeeSeee Mary Lewis andMr,H.A.Millis of High Point,whichwill take place to- morrow ev at 8:30 o'clock in the pce _——.ao mony will be performed by the bride’ ma DhDr.Charles Anderson.MissFormiLewis,will be her sister’s maidandMrs.W.A.Sample willSat:he ne of nana:Miss.LottieWyse,of Columbia,8.C.,Miss Wil-lieTMcLaughiinof Charlotte and MissAnneBellWaltonwillbethebride'smaids.Mr.J.Ed.Millis of Hi Point,brother of the groom,will best man and Messrs,Eshelman, Wheeler and Chandler ef High Point will bg groom’s men.The ushers will be Dr,E.N.Lawrence and Messrs. Frank Armfield,John A.Parker andRufusM.Johnston,the last two’nam- cd being from Charlottc..Miss Rae Gill will play the wedding march, Mrs:J.F.Carlton will sing and little Sarah Webb,niece of the bride,vill be ring bearer.The bridal couple willleaveonaHighttrainfortheirwed- ding trip,after which they will be at home in High Point. Mrs.C.V.Henkel entertained yes- terday afternoon in honor of Miss Lewis and the G,G.G.club will en-tertain in her honor this afternoon at the home of Miss Mary Austin Glover. Mrs.Ed.Millis of High Point and 1Mrs.J.T.Gardner of Shelby arriv- ed yesterday to attend the wedding. Miss Mary and Willie McLaughlin of Charlotte will arrive this morn- ing. Reported ‘For Thelima One of the most delightful of thentmberofpartiesgiveninhonorof the bride-elect,Miss Mary Lewis, was the luncheon given by Miss AnneBellWaltononThursday.The ta- ble was.beautiful in its appropriatedecorationsofpinkandlavendarwithacenterpieceofcarnationssurround- ed by:miniature brides,which were the favors,together with a corsage bouquet of violets.~elegant lun- cheon was served in eight -~and tireughout the whole color scheme was beautifully savehes out. Tose who enjoyed Miss Walton’s hospitality were the members of the G.G.G.club and the wedding party, consisting of Mise Mary Lewis,Mrs. W.A.Sample,Miss Lottie Wyse of Columbia,8.C.,*Miss Rae Gill,Mrs. J.F.Carlton and Miss Flora Lewis. Mrs.J.F.-Carlton entertained a linen shower Friday afternoon honor of Miss Lewis.The guests spent a pleasant hour playing hearts, Mrs.Jas.Wilson wjnning the prize— two hat pins.The bride-elect was given’a cook book.Refreshments were served in two courses,after which,to the strains of Lohengrin’sbridalmarch,came the hostess’little son bearing a large white basket piled high with lovely gifts for the bride- to-be.Prior to this tiny satin bags filled with rice were presented to each guest with which they showered the bride,to whom both showers came as a complete surprise. The MacDowe1i Music Club held a meeting with Mrs.William Wallace Friday afternoon.The time was giv- en principally to business.Ice cream and cake were served. Mrs.W.R.McLelland,with her music class of small girls and young oe oe at in ladies,gave another recital Friday evening at her home on West End avenue.The quiet self-possession of each pupil and the easy,correct ren- dering of a dozen or more select num- —j|bers gave an evening of delightful entertainment which left a favorable impression on the listeners. Rain Delays‘*Planting Crops—Utiliz- ing the Good Roads. Correspondence of The Landmark. Turnersburg,April 20—We have had lots of wet weather and all farm work is being delayed on account of so much rain.Some have no land ready for seeding and it is high time for planting.Maybe this is an unu- sually late spring and if so we might have a late fall and come out all right;but if we have a late spring and an early.fall it will cut the crop very short,The wheat is lookinggoodandtheprospectforagood crop is very encouraging. The wind soon gets the good roads in traveling order and they are used to the fullest capacity,as the lum- ber wagons are getting to be numer- ous,and farmers are.very busy haul- ing out their fertilizer. Mrs.Mary Jurney is visiting rela- tives at Cool Spring.Mrs.L.T.Stimpson’s condition is unchanged.The best of all is we are going to have some fruit this year—if it does- n’t get killed;and then watch the |town people come out to see the coun- try people! News of Stony Point. Correspondence of \The Landmark. Stony Point,April 30—Several cases of measles have developed in this section and the disease is said to be of a malignant type. Another automobile has been add- ed to Stony Point.Mr.A.A.Som-ers was in Statesville Saturday and bought a five-passenger Ford. Real.estate has been changinghandsatfancyprices,but the taxlisterwillbealongearlyinMayand this may give prices a jolt. Mr.W.C,Moore of Statesville and his brother,Mr.T.C.Moore of this place,have bought the liverystablefromMiller&Lumsden. Mr.C.A.Drum has had his dwell- ing moved several rods and a newstorehouseisunderwayonitsfor- mer site, Farm work is badly delayed.Thewhippoorwillhasbeenquitelateput-ting in its appearance.Wheat ismakingafavorableshow. Old Sores,Otner Remedies Won't Care!.; he worst cases,ndmatter of how Icuredbythewonderful,ef whee DatDrPorter's Antiseptic Healing Oil.It relieves ae eySa aesame time Do.Be,$L.00, {lot of *oe anine or ere way,my eae oe a oe ~peer Cor eet SME chsiwea thee ee Following are the’names of the NOTICE TO ROP TORS,|.oe who had joined the oo 5 Mavis qualied Leena :ounty Boys’Corn Club up to wee wilt Ae ia.a Ist.ite a number have joinedthe ates assioat tahporn rn an Sutclubsincethelistwas.made and NOb|the undersigned on or before.the 2ist day ofailthenamesappear.Thenumberisnowconsiderably above the hundred mark,which is wy gratifying:Statesville—John_Sherrill,Sherrill,Tate Ostwalt,Clarence rison;Statesville,R-1—Linwood MaillerandRobertMillsaps;R-Davis,Clay Hartness,BaxterColumbus’Watt;-R-8—David Loftin,Clyde Howard,A.W.Lippard,ErnestParker,J.M.Tresmee,22peaBost, Troy Darr,Ivey stwalTroutman;R-4—Clyde pe giaFredD.Leach;Tracy Carson,Rich- ard King,John McLain,Worthsaps,Clay Sloan,Wade Sloan,Webber,R-6—Durant Deal,HowardMcLelland,Bayne Caudill,J.RalphHarris,Clarence Sherrill,Yates Bal-linger,Claud Henly,Rock Paine,FredParker,Moody Rash,Oscar Rives; R-7—C.M.Watts,Rod Henley.-Elmwood—Floyd .Atwell,.©Kiles Cloaninger,Claude Pierce;Rede John Ervin Chester.alllMt.Ulla,R-2—Clarence”Beaver, Ira Hefner,Ray Morrow.Mooresville —Ervin Karriker,Young White;R-1—Clifton Harris,Henry Harris,Fred Johnston,MasonKestlor;R-3—Junius Blackwelder, Ed.Brown,David Lowrey:Row Allmon,Marvirt Brown.Loray—Sharpe Browning,Cloyd Stevenson;Loray,R-1—Owens Moore,Roy Moore,Ross Stevenson, Delbert ERATE,Oscar Vickes,DeweyReWoodside.-es aiken Jansen Troutman,R-1-— Otine Lee Smith 25aDunlap.-Spencer Johnson, Harriony,R-1—Lee Keller;R-2— Fred Paris;R-3—Dave Stack.New Hope—George Shaver;-R-l—Pau!C.Williams,Wade Campbell, Fred Shaver,Gill Shaver.Stony Point,R-1—Carl Bailey, Claude Morrison,R-2—Gladie Elliott,Ralph Levan,Glenn McLelland,Rarber Junction,R-1—Robert Cress.‘Eufola—Oscar Robb;R-1—FrankGent,MrKinley Gant,Smithey Decl.Mt.Mourne—Haywood.Ervin. Jennings—Bloom Williams;R-l-— Shady Myers,Walter Burgess.Davidson,R-25—Walter Hudspeth. 4 Double Wedding—News of York Institute Community. Correspondence of The Landmark. York Institute,April 20—A pret-j7;\. wedding was solemnized at the resi-ty home Wednesday afternoondenceofthebrides’parents,Mir.and Mrs.Gordon Deal,near Black Oak Ridge,when their two daugh-ters became brides—Miss Venona and Mr.Willie Harrington,the lat- ter living near Taylorsville;MissBossieandMr.Lee Martin,the Iat- ter of Mt.Pisgah community. ceremony was performed by Rev.J,P.Gwaltney.Immediately after the ceremony the bridal party drove to the residence of Mr.John Harring- ton,where they spent the night and Thursday morning both couples were entertained at Mr.Ben.Martin’s. The brides are attractive young |a- dies and are held in the.highest es- teem by all who know them.The grooms are prosperous young farm ers.GroMurdockandson, Ain es vi wi lo’ B di inIt P ev m m at st G Mrs.M.W. ver,spent Easter with Mrs.Mur dock’s brother,Mr.Q:A.Sharpe, near Scott's:Miss.Sallie Walden} thespentMondayinTaylorsville,MrguestofMrs.W.F.Patterson. cays last week with Mrs.Sykes and firm to present them thence east 52 acres more or less,being known as the year ed byfo cordedmortgagficeof de of sa line near weet 22 poles to ‘the beginning containing 19 acfes and one rod more or less. vinto-wit:.BezinningGaither’s line and running east 8 poles to a April,1915.RB.B,MeLAUGHLIN,Executor of Jos.C.Irvin. April 21,1914; NOTICE TO CREDITORS. A.D.Cooper,member of the firm of the Home Eleetrie Co,having died,this is tonotifyallpersonshaving—against said to on or beforepril21,1915,om this wiles will be-pleadbaroftheirrecovery.All persons indebt- ed to said firm will please make immediate settlement.4.D.COCHRANE,April 21,1914, RE-SALE OF VALUABLE FARM. By virtue of a decree of the Superior CourtofIredellcountyrenderedinthespecialpro-ceeding entitled C.P. the undersigned -commiss: public auction to the highest bidder at thecourtbousedoorinStatesville,N..C.,on et al ex will re-sell at SATURDAY,MAY 23,1914; at 12 o'clock m.,the following described realtatelyingdbouttwomilesnorthofStates-lie,to-wit:’Beginning at a stake,thesouthwestcorneroftheoldtractoftheBrad- ell place;thence north?68 poles to @ postoaknearalane;thence south 70 degrees old ;thence north 89 degrees west 75 poles tostakeoneasternsideofthepublicroad;thence with the road on its eastern side,south 69 degrees east 88 poles to a stake;thence south 1 degree east with the line oftNo.3,9%poles to a stake on the old line;with the old line south 89 degrees9polestothebeginning,containing radwell place and bein:vision of the lands of Watts.Terms of Sale—One-third cash,one-thirdsixmonthsandone-third in twelve months.will be sold subject to a lease for the 1914.R.B.McLAUGHLIN,April 21,Comm! lot No.1 inthe 1914,ir. TRUSTEE’S SALE-OF VALUABLEREALESTATE. Under and by virtue of the power of saleontainedinacertainDeedofTrustexecut-D.A.Beam to Zeb.V.Long,trustee Southeastern Land Company,to se- the payment.of certain bonds.therein entioned,which said deed of trust is re- in Book 37,page 208 of the record ofedeedsintheRegisterofDeedsOf- Iredell county;default having been in the payment of said bonds,the un- d trustee will,agreeable ¥condition d pie!of trust,on THURSDAY,MAY 21,1914, clock m.,at the court house door ofcounty,sell to the highest bidder at auction the following described valua-real estate situated in Iredell county: t Tract—-Adjoining the lands of Edwin D.H.Gaither,Sallie Rieves and oth- i bounded as follows, r the ure ade rsign Tharpe’s line.and.running with ne &ast 69 poles \to a stone,formerly athencesouthwithD.H.Gaither’s line 218 poles to a thence west north with Martin poles to a stake;thence mak ard sallie Rieves’ sake in Elizabeth Gaither’s line; es to a Spanish oak; aither'’s lime 192 east 8 poles to a stake;thence morth 20 poles to the beginning containing 99 acres more or lessSecondTract-—-In Turnersburg township, adjoining the lands of F.G.Tharpe,D. Gaither et.al.and bounded as follows,to-wit: Beginning at a hickory and running north 5B poles to a stone in F.G.Tharpe’s line} thence east with said Tharpe’s line 54 poles and 18 links to a black oak,F.G.Tharpe’s and C.W.Campbell's “corner;thence south6decreeswest30poles.to a post odk on west bwide of old saw mill road:thence south 55decreeseastwithsaidroad24polestoa poplar on the north side of Long braneb ;80 degrees W.H.52 poles to a poplar Gaither’s ce D.spring ;thence Adjoining the lands of Ed- al.and bounded as follows, at a stake in A.PF. Third Tractpeet. poplar;thence north 20 poles to a red oak;thefies west §poles to a stake;thence south 20 poles to the beginning containing one aéf@ Mere or less‘This fs what is known as “he “John But- ler Roller Mii!’tract and in addition to the 119 aeres of land there is an up-to-date rol- \leew mill im good repair;a good residence, |also miller’s cottage,all in good repairermsofSaleOnefourthcash;one|toa im one year,one fourth in two years, jone fourth in three years,deferred payments U.V.Sykes of Spencer spent a few |ta bear interest at 6 per cent from date of |sale with privilege of 5 per cent discount for cash the deferred p:ents.Deferredchildren,who have been-visitin;|ee »ag gedadam A Mrs.Sykes”parents,Mr.and Mrs.J.ZEB.V.LONG,Trustee for yw Sharpe.Miss Borie Williams Southeastern Land Company and Miss Bradford of Hiddenite were|aaSeeee iit ato ts wguéstsoftheMissesMarshl=‘THBOOUNTY BOARDOF EDUCATIONweek.Mr.Julius Templeton of St: ny Point spent the past week wit! relatives near here. Front.Street Church Correspondence of The Landmark.| Sunday was a banner day at Front Street Baptist church (formerly known 28s Bloomfield church).The Services at Baptis Has set MONDAY,,MAY 4,1914,to |hear.all applications from districts{|wanting new schol houses or any|other schoo!improvements.J.H.HILL,Chairman.R.M.GRAY,Secretary. ANNOUNCEMENT! attendance at the Sunday school was/||wil]-@ in Statesville in ten days or two weeks,on my semi-annual tripthelargestinthehistoryofthe church,more than a hundred being present,and large-congregations at tendede the.morning and.evenin: preaching services.The morning sc! vice.was in the.interest of forcizn| and home missions and Pastor C.S Cashwell preached from the tcxt “Whom shall I send and who will for us?Then said I:Here am I,} send me.”The offering for missior amounted to $50,.At-night the se:mon was to the young people and «| young®lady and a young man joined the church.Pastor Cashwell will a:minister the ordinance of baptism at Western Avenue church tomorrow night.COM Plyler School Closes Friday—Com munion at Shiloh Church. Correspondence of The Landmark. Statesville,R-l,April 18—M: Mattie Tucker,who has been in poor | health for some time,is better now, but she has two*very sick childrenMr.W.-A,Dearman has finish: the third coat of paint on Shilo Methodist church.There will | preaching there the Yourth Sunda) at 8.30 o’clock..Communion,imme diately after the sermon.The Plyler school closes ae Friday Everybody is invited,especially Rev ©.L.McCain and Rev.Mr.White of|Troutman. WANTED—Experienced saleslady for Ready- to-wear and millinery.Address -D.,careTheLandmark.*April 21. FOR aoe.1 1-2 h.p.gasoline engine.M!,D.&T.Electric Co.Apr.3. AUCTION SALE! Beginning Saturday morning;May 2,1914,10 o'clock at.iy,residence on WalnutArch,aeabegtiig.Tek ookah exetionaesandkitchenfurnitureand ‘erms,cash.April 17.fee tuning pianos.Orders left at thisofficeortheCollegewillreceiveat- |tention,W.E.SENN,April 21—8t*—Charlotte;N.C... Cabbage Plants This week —20,000 received today. See me for Water- melon Seed. D.J.KIMBALL. i | the 24th.Recitations by the children.| | TRY OUR GOLD SEAL FLOUR Every bag gifaranteed - Fresh Tomatoes, WARNING—The oellle ic.mead,cae CR C E C C C R E K K C E E R H todian of yeur CAPITAL RESUURCES (4 X 6 KC C CR A K E AK RA K E S CAPITALPigeekaeeee WHEN YOU MAKE AN INVESTMENT careful consideration is given as to thesoundnessofthepropositionandalsothatthefuturestabilitymaybeassured. When You Deposit YourMoney in a Bank the ae oon consideration should be used,a ‘oushould be satisfied as to the ee ebilit _reputation of the cus-s. ThisBank Offers You All These Requirements. $1SURPLUSANDPROFITS—36,000.00 Cash Counts! aeah . 100,000.00 759,000.00 KA L K I AE A AA A S ‘at corres,.onsome tables. ing prices, See them. You can get that new style Colonial Pump in Patent or Gun Metal,welt or turn sole, at $3.50.—Also staple Oxfords and Pumps xfords and Pumps arrangMakeyourready cashsaveyoumoneybyspendingitwithTheS.,M.&H.Shoe Go., The One Price Cash Shoe Store. --wAlso-special price. The Lyric Programme: Tuesday. Helen’s Stratagem—Majestic Film Romance of Sunshine Aliey— American Film Tricked By a Photograph— Reliance.Film Wednesday. Primitive Call (three reels) Domino FilmThursday. Calamity Anne in Society— American Film For Her Brother’s Sake—K.B.FilmEducatingHisDaughters— Friday. The Hermit (two reels)— American Film Our Mutual Girl—Reliance Film Saturday. The Portrait of Anita (two reels)— Majestic Film Won In the Closet—Keystone Film Monday. Majestic Film ee ee Oak,metBepolished squarepedestal—Ourprice is only $22.50. -Green Beans, New Potatoes. FRESH FISH .Fridays and Saturdays. Bradford Grocery &Produce Company.| We are showing a big assortmentofMaplePorchRockers.They are‘large and comfortable.Prices are $225,$2.50,$2.75and$3.00, Tables,Rockers,(o-Carts. This massive 54inghi _Tableis.made of.genvine Quartered— bbed du‘eein-beautiful Golden Oak,Fumed Oak.or EarlyFurnishedwitheitherroundor * 7 peneto 2 Buy Lloyd’s Princess Go-Carts andSulkies.Go-Carts at $5.00,$6.50,$7.50,$9.00 and $12.50.Suikies at $1.00,$2.50,$3.50 and $4.50, If you Will buy a “Lloyd's Prin- cess”you have bought the best ” market affords. Bring your friends with yea whem, you come. — Crawford--Bunch Furaiture Co._ Be |For RENT.--Nice storeroom,FRESH MILKERS. Just received and sale at reasonableprices,carload of f milkers ‘from .Lio-coln county."Phone or write W,C,WOOTEN|or T.D.SHUPORD,April 3. eupled ty United Shoe |MILLS.‘ |“PRR LANDMARK psal $1 for six months, [Sear ne |r ase 4 Mileguisaepaighoubnigetcdc em wea |bi ie 2 «;o ¢fs a f eg os .————ce wae Par.y %a)esge ee EVE :i ‘il 23 4,|To the Editor of The Landmark,“Inthe interestof a united“Demoe-|s } F a |fp 7 November,with your "A GENERAL TONIC -TAKE GROVES |reves sundae ate teal ss (calle leet .os Uncle 2 through your paper somerules Wy Bates or iSohekoaiahttacpitaneneisoaieomencmmesTheUnitedmovalmeantheprimary_mrt The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic is Equally eral Huerta that no furt ere radbe held to avoid accusations General Tonic because it Acts on the Liver,|ment,aboutdetails for the salute ofjagainst any one voting who was not inias On dade Enriches the Blood and Buildsup the American flag will be.tolerated:|entitiod to do so.”radeon:ia,4 Chil Twenty-one guns must be fired to the Let there be kept a strict account)” the Whole System._For Grown People and Ch dren,Stars and Stripes,in°ion for|of each person voting in a book,-his:tthe arrest”of American.bi kets }name,age,,street or location for each know what you are taking when you take Grove’s Tasteless chill Tonic |@t,Tampico,or serious yoting precinct in the towns.— as formula iaha on ny Tchr cachatila that it contains the well knows”|Wil oh ag au Aten 4fleet,ih the}After the voting is peer.each an ; tonic properties of QUININE and IRON.It is as strong as the strongestbitter Tome re peek ee hk Washi .to}didate to have—*urigh rs yes in tonic and is in Tasteless Form.It has no equal for Malatia,Chills and Fever,emia Sentences ;ngton|these pole i oe b Sate i Weakness,general debility and loss of appetite.Gives life and vigor to Nursing One tine Hit wan it tekien ie send ae weae y ee Mothers and Pale,Sickly Children.Removes Biliousness without purging.|wor to the final communication come th :+x ta be thrown.out if proven|x Relieves nervous depression and low spirits.Arouses the liver to action and Friday repecting .the suggestion eS the satiataaied of the tive . purifies the blood.ATrue Tonic and Sure Appetizer.A Complete Strengthener.|twice made by General Huerta,that te onlin of tha weed,aaaponht UCCESSFUL f conGaming No family shouldbewithout it.Guaranteedbyyour Druggist.We miean it.50c.guns from the Mexican shore batter-|of appeal to the county convention.asking,“Shall I buy an en:” RS OTA ies,fire i ochggpinciit with those of|‘This is offered as a suggestion to cae:y gine ESTI M AT ES O N P I AN O S the.American .warships.Rear.Ad-|forestall the repeating of accusations Theyha passed that int and now in- Th tput-of piano factories is immense mital Muyo’s original demand,call-|made after the primary two years »ele eee£ONIPUL-OF Pane ens Se ing for a 21-gun salute,which helago,the like of which will do more -careful 9 These pianos must be put in suitable storage until sold,promised to return according to na-|to destroy confidence in the Demo- 4 AStore housein a city costspermonth,$200.00 .val precedent,has been~ad on.|ératic party than,anything else——ex- AManager to conduc!that housecuets bersgomdh .meee The United States,through Ol ae ecpt perhaps the free use of whiskey}, HisAdveriising in one Magazinecostsper month 1900.00 O’Shaughnessy,told Huerta the vion such occasions,‘ Total,oe satisfactory answer ‘was an uncondi-|‘This,it appears to.me,would A housetorstoreytr ai roan ovis parmeatsTae tional acceptance of Rear Admiral]make it to the interest of the friends Advertisinginfive papers costs per month 25.00 Mayo’s original conditions.of each candidate to-see that no one Manufacturers have <eabiona a depository in Pe The unofficial declaration from votes that is not entitled to do 80 for Nn,Cp saving the difference in above expenses,giving custo-Senor Portillo.y Rojas,Huerta’s|fear of havingthe entire vote thrown mers the advantage of the same in prices,with J,8.Leonard,minister for foreign affairs,that thelout.I offer this suggestion in the M .Buy your Pianos,Organs and small Musical Tnstra-2 ments SongbooksforPublic Schools,Sunday Schools,ete.from return salute would be regarded as ajabscnce of a legalized primary7,S LEONARD,Statesville,N.C.|sostsoretetetin fa|(O'S 0S Sage arty ya % administration officials,who pointed|the candidates agreeing to the seme. out that no such construction of the COM, salute had been suggested by the ad Huerta government.in its formal]Mail Order House Ships Cataloguese A Friendly Atmosphere!scaaiine shedspaessof the foreignaaa wtudes ef peepst rk one offeommittee,gave out—the the largest mail order houses of the statement:J é »|eountry shipped to Raleigh three car ‘‘.“The government Is standing onthe}joads of its spring and summer ¢ata- The officers and employes of this bank original ultimatum of Admiral]jocues.These are being mailed out ::Mayo.In accordance with custom,|sints in all parts of the Raleighstrivetoseethatpatronsalwaysfindthedatutefeos:Mexican sane:weula age ger sad thal tact o008- here a friendly atmosphere.You are be acknowledged as Admiral Mayo}ofices in this State and portions of ::set forth in his demand.But quib-|Virginia and South Carolina.The doing us a good turn when you bring _cae ot sar not preter jo mail order house sent a check for $2,- }i y the Uni ates.@r 28/)200 to the Raleigh toffice to pabusinessofanynaturetothisbank.We salnting the Mexican flag is eot-ltne postage,8 pain ee appreciate it,and want you to feel cerned,it would not constitute ree-|for each catalogue mailed.The ognitionof the Huerta de facto gov-|fycight shipment to Raleigh is to save eee _—a rnment.There is only one flag in postage,as_it amounts to less than AT HOME HERE 4 oc All one a repub-{},,.1f what it would have been if the a ic fly the same Hag.e return $4-|parcel post mailing had been done in d lute merely is an international cus-|the home city of the mail order house.SATISFACTION is the :.(,tom.Recognition is a matter of in-RR :jandfinditapleasuretocome.Don ty tent,and im acknowledging Huerta’s|inew Bascball But Net Mothematics nourishment which makes stay away because your transaction is a apology this government would ex-|4 Lee Dismissed From West Point small one.It’s press no intent to Tesenize Huer'®|Newburgh,N.¥.,Dispateh. President Wilson flatly rejected webere oo of oe Conglinn G3 to grow and keep on grow- ‘General Huerta’s.suggestion for ajand P.A.gson of Neva are :§ The Sum of Small Things “simultaneous salute”to the Ameri-|among the West Point cadets just ’ing.So we offer you can and Mexican flags,informing|discharged from the United States G :him that the United States would in-|Military Academy for deficiency in BOSTONIANS —because that makes this bank grow.sist on a literal compliance with the|their mathematical examinations.AoriginaldemandofRearAdmiral]Lee is a grandson of Gen.Robert )they’re built to please.‘In Mayo.The American government|F.Lee and was the star shortstop hey're built to p : 4 ,Ban *holds that when a 2l-gun salute isjand hitter on .the baseball team. Merchants &Farmers k of Statesville.fired to the Stars and eee -~odgeme -looked eee Ae See:of :Tan and Gun Metal. lute in acknowledgment will be fir-|the best players on '00'm,“THE BANK FOR YOUR SAVINGS.’’ae the flag of the Mexican people |on which he was a halfback last and not to the Huerta administration,|year.$4.00 to $6.00. a business grow.We want or any government or individual.|(If the Lee mentioned is a grand- Following was thé formal demand)so,of Gen.Lee he is probably not DO YOU LOVE YOUR FAMILY?—pittesto‘sPistseicitss #°|somaoro Carmina bot teeinid |Spare ;a ra aes ese}FAM STM TROBE |]SENco'e aint) Bod beyan Iptome Feit.THE SOUTHERN of eyof a ae meee _ L RUST CO.‘sell this protection.It res and mare through the}.*3 i -. is an unfailing support for your loved ones when streets of Tampico a commissioned John W.Skillen of Sidney,Ohi6, you pass into the unknown.officer of the United States navy,the Has Found a Remedy. Let me explain the benefi f j paymaster of the Dolphin,together policy..et ee se with sevén men composing the crew Experts declare acy ig xe The unselfish man provides for his own.of the whaleboat of the Dolphin.At)Stomach dtacrders are 90 comme the time of this arrest the officer and|this country is due to hasty and care Im |R 5 ked Wi h FELIX J.AXLEY,-.REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE.[f|men concerned were unarmed andjfess habits of |esting.|Surtees p ement oom Stoc it Life,Health,Accident.Over Merchants&Farmers’Bank.engagad,&i Stig gasoline wh ee be oe Ts : a nm purchas on shore.Part}together.tad een Porwere on the shore,but]Jobm W.Sxilen ot Sidney,Ob,Latest Improved Farm Machinery all,including the man or men in boat,/says:“I had a bad stomach trouble e were forced to accompany armed,for years,and became so weak that = Mexican’forces.{could hardly walk or do any work. “T do not need to tell you that tak-|My appetite was poor,and it seemed ing men from a boatflying the Unit-|{mpossible to get any felief.Since ed States flag is a hostile act not to’¢axing ‘Vinol’I find a remarkable im- BIG BEN will wake you regular every morning.Surely that is all irewouldask.You don’t want him to pull you out do.pou?Try be excused.I already have received)provement in my health,my digestiontimandsee.-He is the best Alarm Clock ever.He repeats if you “Ml this.verbal message of regret thatiis much stronger,and I have gained ,this:event has happened and your don’t get up and turn him off.*Bistatement that it was committed by is ‘weight.I would not be without Ww Ww an ignorant officer.The responsibil- H,B.OOD ARD,Jewcler.ity for a,hostile -act cannot ba Winol makes weak ee strong avoided by the plea of ignorance.<because it strengthens and tones up ee aceneeeeete eeateacsttette “In view of the publicity of this occurrence,I must require that you|merves of the digestive organs.Vinol———————es a send by suitable members of your}!easily assimilated by the weakest V E 1 O|A C AMEO?staff formal disavowal and apology}stomachs,and is delicious to the taste. for the act,together with your as-|Try ®bottle of Vinol with the un- surance that the officer responsible ——hg your ——will be :for it will receve severe punishment,|returned it does not help you.If you have notyou are well nigh out.of.the.taiso-that you.publicly hoist the}-f%-Sie-Stop:scratching,our ~Saxo}: meen:Ba ei pone all kinds and in all UnitedStates flag @ prominent po-|gave stops itching.We guaranteeit. s i ;sition on shore and salute it withpes.e stone as well as the shell Cameoin Beane The salute will be returned}Wee:Hale Drugetst,Statesville,N.C,Scarf Pins,Pendants for neck chains,Brooches,by this ship.“Your answer to this A CONFESSION the weakened,tired and overtaxedce Bracelets and Rings.We will be glad to show communication should reach me andyouthingsandwillmakenoverystrongobjec-ee eeie ois baad.°24 hours from.6 p.m,,of this date.”tions to selling you some of them.Sersstany Pables Maid Rear Ads+>‘miral Mayo.himself modified his do-|Hopes HerStatement,MadePublic,R.H.Rickert &Son,Jewelers.||mant somavbsh caving be world net|willHelp Other Women.Please Return ‘s a y e y Av y Uo |s e o L L g g o r 10 ] ¥s y insist on having the salute fired whileoebeAmericanflageaehoistedon Our Wire Stretchers Hay Rakes. iz saeare eae ===SS .exican territory and would be sat-ie 7listedifthesalutewastothefingigunreelsteeRuduttonne’haNEWSERIES{i ast"te ebpin’os Mesh eat depenhas done Iredell Hardware Co. can gunboa Sie i *Injured By a Falling Gallery at Due spit erythin ate. ————=——— While the play?“Queen Esther” 5 :‘i Re was being presented in the M rialThe6thSeriesintheFirstBuildingandLoanAs-|[ikaw al Suing as ee ewer |MOUMeNtSand |ombstonessociationofStatesville,N.C.,opened on tion of the gallery filled with ‘callogiaeiiae 9 >— girls gave ~away and fell to first pounds in we ee Thatis M icaneiis*M at-is My Business. Saturday,February 7th,1914.}|hort three mg:underthegallery i iavous yeersen,etworebadlyhurt;and a lady and one}wrongto suffer,Best material,first-class work,lowest prices and satisfaction If you want to own your own hom :man,the latter Prof.J.L.Pressly of halfacentury,Cardui hasbeen re-guaranteed or no pay.é yi y'ome and haven’t the Due West—were slightly hurt.lievirig just such ills,as is provenbythe If you need anything in my line be sureto see or write me'The fall was evidently due to 4 of letters,similartmoneytopaydownforit,subscribe for stock and ]|foct in the building,which was used Mies cat Diliee,serOeyo before you buy,as I am prepared to protect your interests. build or buy through the Building and Loan,where §.|for the first time.successful becauseit is com-Ask your neighbors whd have bought work from me and "you can pay for it with rent money.You can take Nothing Go Good for &Cough or Cold ee he see what they say. stock any time,_Come in and talk the matter over.eeOe ee as Die ae oe back I appreciate your neighbors’business and will likewise the least possible delay.There are many appreciateyours. who consider Chamberlain's Cough Rem .Seewpaset”Sie morta Ouy ma eenCees tnt YARDS AT STATESVILLE,N.-C.,AND MOORESVILLE,N.'C. H.3 e Fu rches,cured of a severe cold and cough by Chasis ectis2.ZEB DEATON,Proprietor berlain's Cough Remedy two years ago,I § ry ve4fPhone190..Secretary and Treasurer,facturers ek eat ee .eens eRe wool”“Wor sale bf WNenlers:.IT iS WORTH WHILE TO STUDY THE ADS.— Saatin as SS ei ae rer ns a iio,ee eek Re ho ee sees ne te Tisgee renee Sta ae creeeae ore :,ree iS St Farmers’Institutes Will Be Held ea nen reer sieteincreasestrierlen —<—a Only Where Asked For.yeeeMeee!Wage saree DA Director "T. ParkerOFthetara HY Me cE Be ::ers’instit ivi , pa 4 ::“ALT i te .|nounces a new policy this season in emiWhattheVillageHas—Story of 8)5).\,ci4;poney pons 2 : seo win :é Famous Spelling Match in.os Prive one This is a4 eo }:;the Old-Time Blueback Folks Won.)jo oon.ates:herent 4 an eee ;:ve ::only in those localities in which é Pil Correspondence of The Landmark.©©/the people petition for them,Here-;i rail oe The South is becoming -conselows|tofore the institutes have.been held : “aaa s ee aad:Secu 1?5.atcer ad of its possibilities on is swiftly at randy:and in consecutive cir-me one, oa va ‘hs 42 swinging into line’with the foremost)cuits for the convenience of the par-~,e|y 3 If you want top prices sections of this earth.Our forepar-_holies oe a.Mr,Par-™Omg gee “4 IN ef ,*iker is writing eadin rs i ANA ;‘<i for your cotton seed ents have done wonderful things but).))communities to eek thar.fellow 2 os ~es oe 2 ot,Se responsibility rests OM @UT/formers together speedily and ascer-q -bring themin at-once,That led in Alaana WHE MMMRIIE have itivte theme " *bushels of c ne demon-||sede a :usasweexpecttoshutstatedwhat1sbeingdaneMMAMENS|ctitctcs Neve taeer held ih eae ; :2 :a faint idea of what ‘is in storefor Gtitutes hewe:pean:mens teenesdownforthesea-tote who comply withthe calls |Giaeese ia year i.s and help nature.I suppose there 184)7}.Ir.++u|son about April 15th,Silt te that werd;ae RGR |2,roast Svmsan:ama satan,4 a Bs -afte hi h e th reached?There are limits to all of ee Se ,a pt art r W!ic time ec ser anpecitionsbatwe areRot GRIPE)John Fields,an Oklahoma City Ou airs,Sick cal et -i 2 “ss newspaper man,has been nominated find solid comfort in our Rockers.Elegance,dura-|eee consider-re ae,rt ekie "Rca tar Gree of]|X ly and unio ene,Gone by eye tet J“A s )klahoma,manufacturers ese goods will retain their fine elegant finish and a ?f the B h .-nish an if :a ly lower.We want a 4 Ys tin ies,berweeeSee Catawba Peet last a lifetime and always prove a source of pleasure and satisfaction 3 -th t ahem des ee”7coun KILL THE CATARRH to every customer Our collection comprisesa very handsome lot " og I eseed,you wan tt he nde omnes we ros:4i :of rockers finished in weathered oak,golden oak and mahogany,the $ E money or its equiva-it ‘alo the betetycamee,| GERM—USE HYOMEL|}22's gine ™ney tetas more ee Geistey | :Bt,W.Ge .™ e st.churches—Baptist,Methodist am It's the sdlineaamae:;goods that are flooding the market.‘a E lent,SO get busy.Presbyterian sorved a Meshts..yu |reath eit —Saas ont Investigate ourgreat stock of rockers and be convinced.i pd ,;y continue t tPHIE”lace’abows-the averse High continue to suffer from catarrh,head!“The Williams Furniture House. f..‘anaes es first in the county,sege only needless and annoys your 2 =o LM x ice :Teague,principal,with good helpers|fricnds,but dangerous to your gen-|eee Sr etieneta taeteerete .ee i,and doing a fine work.One’bank,|¢,.health,.re -__~|IMPERIAL COTTON OIL COMPANY.9 i St Mie ona tnpSar.‘on t is one of the easiest,quick-5 By;:"PHONE 205.oe capital,Mivae Ee ay :t.and surest ways to i the a ary an pasurer,See el head an :3 be Steele ‘superintendent.These.5 bani and woe and permanently % hes mt?a “behind anything means success.Hyomei beter :14 ze aEblingandananceiachnhetoreana3 ..ee ,ef ead Me see tae oo so pcegliioeal haes ne i aewi mercantue stor sae Smt ed membrane and tissues—ijts anti-a So ia aa ea Ors nae =—_ee one _—septic and ‘germicidal healing begins %mmercl a on ton gins,one roller mill,"two black-°Y —surely like Hyomei—it A smith shops,one livery one relief is not only fatiendiate but inet :. :OF STATESVILLE,N.C,en and over..one ing Money refunded by the States-3 Fr wanes.ville Drug Co.if you are not satis-I'll give you a sample of what @ad|fed CAPITAL PAID IN $100,000.00 pew.we ge apo a six weeks)Get the complete outfit—$1.00 size. SURPLUS 31,000.00 SF ontls peers rece ing 2 Sen everywhere sell.Hyomei. -‘s .‘book so he could lect to |to ANSW . Bankingis a necessary institution in the develop-:Sama partichnatd paige oor 4 .;NRE TEE CAT: ment and welfare of nations.It is likewise a neces-to be held there April 10 between the Btatcavitle People Save Found That HEADQUARTERS FOR sary institution in the development and progress of high schools of this section.To keep is is Necessary.7 qa7 oy,town or‘cadena .interest up among the —ee ;ae a strain,a —wrens ‘A bank’s usefulnesstoacommunitydepends upon Teague and the old men of the p ee a ee rm an tton P anters :“t:oaes 4%eed 2 2 neysitsabilityandwillingnesstoservethe.legitimate a ri the olf see Spells of backashe ethan fille. peelseTeecrore oaaie-aogeeecy:for Cor.We old men,knowing we MARMEEMMS|''cclendid remedy’fer auch at?to the “bat”in about years,we splendid remedy for such at-Z mercial and savings deposits.got in-training-at once.-So did the|‘@cKs,ae The COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK isalocal school.We old men met several .A medicine that has satisfied thou-We sell Cole Combination Corn and Cotton : institution,with large capital and surplus,furniehes ane —om yenBreatag *“Is Doan’s Kidney.Pills Planters,Hoosier Corn and Cotton Plant-4 good security to depositors and with resources of opie :Such|Thousandsof io vel it.Q over $600,000 has the willingness to serve this com-for lies ae gFen and|Here cam ers,Ledbetter One-Seed Corn and Cotton munity in every branch of legitimate banking.Be-George Harris,pronounced for ua,|_M.M.Williams,130 Chestnut St.,Planters,Hoosier Plain Corn Planters.; lieving in this community,our policy is,and has al-They did it in ott cimay style,At me a Cc.,nn 8 *arte a 3 ways been iv i isti the same time rof.eague ‘wae|}ereat deal from backache and pains °“: in eae eultigcse wai et eat of te eaeebetng his forces in a way that Se a ib oer Ppa erp I These were all ‘‘born and raised”on the i :made id nervous.His @ge)"2¢Gu ackache and pains across :.. agricultural,manufacturing and commercial devel-a aes helping him aud shoutepmy kidneys.Sometimes I had dull farm and are the best of their kind on the opment of Statesville and Iredell county.Our de-ing,“Hurrah for our side.”Well the ches and felt tired.1 noticed market.It will be worth your time to look ts are local and our loans are likewise local and time arrived and standing room was the kidney secretions were un-them over made to individuals and legitimate and worthy local at a-premium long before we began.|S@tural and I finally got Doan’s Kid-.j enterprises.Our men were quaky and thought|Mey Pills.After taking several box-3 ,To our ciistomers we furnish check books free,ley couldnot stand,Sp 00 {°°Setment I'gave some years ago ree S 7 Tro ou eleven re-§>years ¢a> 5 render statements or balance pass booksatthe end they droppedoutuntilony clove "=|Seteending Dosn’s Karey vis sailf Lazenby -Montgomery Hardware (Co : a abicnne ben loans andauoeee noe upon their best against us.We formed a|held§good.”° security satisfactory to our ard and in such half-circle on the rostrum:Prof.|—PFiee50c.,at all dealers.Don’t amounts as business requirements and responsibility Sharpe was selected as pronouncer.|Simply ask for a kidney remedy—get =eonnipenspaislenerinemaiieasti warrant.We pay interest at the rate of 4 per cent We agreed to count misses on each|Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that)gg , per annum on time and savings deposits remaining side and all stay on our feet.Rev ay.Williams had.Foster -Milburn 4 three months or longer.me.Wess —a os —ne son |aemenme Buffalo,NY... Upon these bases we solicit your business eee oe ee ll 1@S a ons Harness 8 -:with his stentorian voice,became a 3 W.D.TURNER,-.+z —President little an on the reage sow VIOLIN.7 3 9 ee mY .‘5 Prof.Teague a seat right in a K MORRISON,@:=—Vice President.front of us,with a cross between a|/f FRANK WHITING,T :ET ee OE atereT ee ef e .,en I eacher of ‘si .M.)pe ma a Cashi mile and a frown on his broad face.|}wigy .te :We are showing the largest and most complete.line.of 3 D.M AUSLEY,.shier.Tasse persorially ‘acquainted with |fq hae illbe atStudio at Mr.Fred Vehicles ever brought to this city.Our leading makes é ‘G.E.HUGHEY,-Assistant Cashier.him knows how nerve-racking that Conger’s Tuesday and Saturday of ;Z ; ?Se vo |f @a@ehyweek from 3 to 8 p.m.are Hackney,Tyson &Jones,Oxford,High Point and a look is,Under these conditionseee———Bold Blueback «ship ‘cut loose from its |Saeemseetemeteeneeeeeemye other good makes.Every one guaranteed. moorings and floated out into Noah .:A full line of Harness,Saddles,Whips,Wagons—in,Ayre figur th :Che a.ae .:g a Webster's sea of knowledge.We had)LET US a TITHOGRAPH.fact everything carried in a first class Harness and Vehi-¢ all kinds of weather on our voyas G ," Statesville Realty &Investment Co.Some of-our men lost.their footing |INGorder.Weareagentsfor one cle store.Call and get prices before buying. a ‘i during the “stunt”ahd fell over-|ofthe best companies and are in #Yours to Please, ye board,but we got rope and tackle and |}position to save you money.2 F,,1906 <em>1913 inde them aately-on deck.4°"|Statesville Printing Co.|i |Harness,Vehicle &Supply Co. On October 81.1918 ':tele.«All,this:dpellers “still ‘had |’Phone 208.March 27-8.2 ee m Uctoper we closed our sevent sparkle in thelr.eyes anda suile 0°Sa a ee :E year of business We é this jon to their faces.During this time sweet :;”s o|._We take this.oceas bars ead “enat”'=<-|The Best For Léss.||gman ie =anaetheaon—of our company for looked perplexed,with children in «°:: ms e business entrusted ‘c line and husbatid in the other,W*«P indent ;;hat-ti ey ae =to us dur wondered which.side,they were «Plumbing d Electric Supplies.% =~~ing that time and we believe we have given The -weore-was-called for”and=stood]eee upplies.Al ‘ =satisfaction to all of our customers.Hav-19-t OF is Samos ees men It C.E.RITCHIE so Ba ing grown out of infancy into mature man-had been many A'Gay since we wer ||Siam —;% ass ‘under fire and it was hard for u : ‘h in the INSURAN E BUSINESS we teeF orders,but when the ariel was |a 4 announced our men broke ranks 2!(|ECLIPSE ENGINES osaskforacontinuanceofyoursupportandinfluence. Remember “We Insure Anything Insurable.” We write all classes of BONDS,*and thussaveyoutheembarrassmentofapplyingtoyourneighborforsuch.Writeusyour needs.Manager. we think we did the time and occ: ion over-justice,Excuse this lengthy recital,but you want a first class spelling bec the old Blueback,see or write Prof.| AND THRESHERS.— T will have some of our latest style machines here in a short SPECIALISTS THE POLK GRAY DRUG CO., “On the Square” 109—’PHONES—410 J.F.CARLTON, Hitch Your Heart to | ’ad —eet b Gg Teague and school of Stony Point time.Come over the first time down to the last analysis,see the old and let’s talk it over. men of Stony Point.d,|CG.H.TURNER, have had your work day and want t: f d vening of lif:ietly and :See eclae oe if cou ure twiddle a,c.|ttedell Phone No.74,Bell No.7. and have children to educate and pr:penisincinnn a eee at ee ——|nafe for the responsibilities of life;| world before you and want to be w! you ought to be and*do what you .hear about—Stony Point,N.C.,bx te 23 acres in Harmony,centrally located,close to State High School.fore your final decision, s Twenty acres in cultivation,balance in woodland,leveland productive. Be April 13,1914, for any one who desires to get close to goodschoolandontruck farm.280 acres with one two-story,7-room dwellinginbeautiful location N...C..But if you want it stewed you are in town and see them One more word.If you are 0 E Near the Depot. i‘religiously;or if you are middle-ag ey ee or if you are young and have all the) a ‘F O R S A LIE t]<ought to do,then come and see—not OLD BLUEBACK Large stock barn and out-buildings,fine orchard,An ideal location three room tenant house,large stock barn and out-buildings.Good THIS YEAR If you will give me your new STATE OF OHIO,CITY OF TOLEDO,LUCAS’COUNTY.is yo orchard,one-fourth mile of school,14 miles of churches;125 he is partner of tirm of F. be cultivation,balance in oak and pine timber,ivaieenenticesdin pas:J,cheney oe dotne busin i ue work and repairs to our glass- ths ture nan ee oscat ee makes fine pasture the year wail,otONEHUNDRED mall Pag ths ea this year,\I wil)give you the & hi round,ne level for |iW ne,91 acres with four-roomcottage,barnand out-bu:and productive.’Bisseh and every onseof Catarch that can|+idi-vins aad:aff THE CANDY{OF STANDARD near church by use Hall's Ca-|%Very best service of us Be easane.a miles roe et ang |Bigh poe orty-five acres [B|'"Swornto before,me end’subscribed ||willbe pleased A er oe vation,productive,y woodland.{}tm_my presence,this 6th day of De-?-ie ce For further information.eee tt¢t write;“+ae ise apaeale Hours 9a.m.to 4.30 p,m.HALL’S :DRUG STO ig ____|ERNEST 6.INSURANCE STOCKS,AND Bi mary Cur caw mesic||—DR.R.W.WOODWARD :oe »»f]-PHONE 23.wi NO.1,MILLS”Tahiceas certache "et Ga waite Berd Wo,{Robbing Row OPTOMETRIST,Prescriptions Our Specialty,tO . +Oenter "ste &Bai |The Crescent Theater--The When you haye the ‘“‘blues””come to the CRESCENT and wewill “put you ina good humor with yourself.’’Our programme for this week:s Goodow,Alwa nai YrTUESDAY “The Swi-sBell Ringers.” This is an cld and famous musical organization of world-wide reputa- tion.They use 18 different musical instruments.Don’t miss this.A fine Essenay comedy in connection with the above. -.WEDNESDAY _“Face From the Past.”(two reels.) An Edison drama.A beautiful sto- ry of a manwho,afterlosing thegirlheloves,tries to ruin the man who took her,he does so and thenearslaterfindshimselfindebtedto ie victim for his own life.Then the romance of former years begins anew with the daughter of his first love.Abeautifulstory,well staged. “A Christmas Story.” The children look for the Christ Child in the stable.They bring happiners and restore the love so long withheld. THURSDAY “BronchoBilly “Guardian.”’ tumous ‘*Billy ” “Hilda of Heron Grove.”* _mance of Sea and Shore. “General Bunko’s Victory.” A splendid Kalem Comedy. Aveefine Essenay Western Drama,G.M.Anderson,the A Selig Picture and a beautiful ro- .California giri who is look FRIDAY“Her Face Her Fortune.”’A funny Edison-Comedy.A wife, my ki forawife!Tail,dark,light,in,fat—itmattersnok AtrseveralunsuccessWood«.reads the ad.of atwantsorasoul-mate.He rushes out there tofind-Oh well,come and see,it isworththetrip.fStolenHeart.” A masked mix-up comedy by WillM.Hough,the author of ‘‘The Time, ,the Place and the Girl.”You w ators i :“When is Young.” An Essenay Comedyandavery finejuvenileromance.\SATURDAY“The Parasite”(three reels). A strangeand dramatic blackmailin®story,verifying thegld adage—‘‘ThewagesofsinisdtePatheWeekly.” It has Cameras in everycountry on NOTE -Now don't,please don’t, a treat for you and we don’t want you cheerfully as he took it. We have some of the greatest pictures in PERMEABLELEPCALLLSIG,CE EMELEES to miss it.If you don't like the pe There won’t be a word said,Try and come in ie miss “THE SWISS BELL RINGERS’on Tuesday.If you do you will be mad with yourself,the Cresent Theater and everybody else.We don't wantt ;rformance,4s you pass out,"ast remark to the boy in the window that you didn’t like t i Se aa aatee the afternoon as we feel sure that we won't be able to accommodate the crowd at night.“See small hand bills and programmes We have an unusually fine programme all of this week.You will get more than your money's worth any time you come. the world booked for May and a treat for the Kids on Friday,May 1st—the funniest picture ever made.Watch next week’s papers. the Globe.It sees everything. show and he will give you your money back just as STATE NEWS.‘THE LANDMARK A Durham money lender was con-~11 2 914.TUESDAY,>-~ Ageil 21,101¢victed last week of usury.He was en MITTEN Be i IDER |charging $2 r month’.for a $15 HOUSE BURNED IN ALBXANDE R|loan.He war fund $50 and got off Only Inmate a Baby When Fire Start-|light at that ed—Funeral of a Baby—Mr.|Geo.M.Alridge of.Black MountainMathesonSeriously.1ll—Killed By |js said to have had_the aqutomobile An Antomobiie a i fever so bad that he traded some land Correspondence of The Landmark.|for a machine.Unfortunately it de- Taylorsville,April 20.—Mr.C.E.|véloped that Alridge didn’t’own the Bowman’s house near Liledoun was|land and his period of joy-riding may burned Friday afternoon about 4)be short. o'clock.All of the family.except the|At a meeting of Republican Pro- baby were some distance from the |gressives in Asheville Saturday the house when the fire was discovered |jing of cleavage between the .Bun- by a passing neighbor.Tue baby Was)combe Republicans and Progressives rescued and a few of the household |was marked.The Progressives,how-| goods were saved.The origin of the!ever,decided to call a convention and} fire is unknown but it is supposed tO}put out a ticket.|}sfactive stove |ti ;}have resulted from a defective stove|Ieeac Ollis,a foreigner employed| flue.There was bie or Watha Emi-|cutting timber by the Champion| The funeral services of tittle |Fiber Company,in the forest.near} ly.Laura,the 11-months-old daugh-|Sunburst,Haywood county,was hurt | ter of Mr.and Mrs.John Carson @!|)2 falling tree last week and died ce .ies a ©a few days later in an Asheville hos-| the residence of Mrs.Carson's par-'iio) ents,Mr.and Mrs.H.T.Campbell,a Friday morning by Rev.L.L.Moore and the interment was in the town cemetery.Mr.-and Mrs.Carson will The Democratic committee of the ninth congressional ‘district met at) Lincolnton Saturday and ordered a ,heir home in Hen-,Primary election for the nomination| alli a of a congressional candidate.The Mr J.D.Little has sold his mest convention,which will hear the re-| market to Messrs.W.M.Sharpe and|turns.and declare the result,will, James Sharpe.meet at Hickory June 3.| Miss Hazel Dotson of Statesville is}It is said that the store of W.J. Ne Dr.Mott and the Shawl. Everything. We saw Dr.J.J.Mott of States- ville,the,other day,en-route.from. Virginia to his home,and he carried a blanket or big shawl on his valise, and said he never went without.it— ed over 20 years.It was a splendid piece of goods—and in those earlytimescost$22.50.Then we got.to talking about the man and.his shawl. When we were a kidlette almost every man you met in cold weather wore a shawl.It was the rule,rather than the exception,to see a man with a shawl instead of an overcoat.Now- a-days you hardly ever see.a man with a shawl.Dr.Mott thought pos- sibly it looked a little bit too femi- nine—he knew no other reason.We would really like to know-why-the shaw!went out from man’s wearing apparel,because it kept one warmer, was much more convenient than the overcoat.We do not recall seeing a man with a shawl for 20 years.The i big blanket carried by Dr.Mott is as near to it as anything we have seen.NR Doughton Has Made Good and Has No Opposition. Everything. It appears that Congressman Doughton will have no.opposition. Well,he should not have.He has Mr. ihas been received by a Tar that +his-particular_ong -he.badown-i—“tmmedintely ufter-the “close of Officer A letter which promises to be of interest to Civil War veterans and their survivors in North Carolina) Heel member of Congress..It is ag fol- lows: the engagement at Williamsburg, Va.,on the afternoon of May 5,1862,I picked .up off the field where Early|made his assault on Hancock a hand-séme sword of the rapier pattern with belt attached,that had evident-ly been hurriedly removed from some badly wounded officer,The scabbard shows indentation of two glancingbulletmarks,and the sword has all the earmarks of a much earlier pe- riod than the Civil War. “If the owner survived the en- gagement,or if any of ~his-family ean identify the relic,I shall.be pleased to restore it to them,which they,no doubt,would prize very highly.On account of the large number of dead and wounded of the Fifth North Carolina in the locality where I found this sword,it has oc- curred to me that it might possibly have belonged to some officer of that regiment and that you might feel sufficiently interested to suggest some way by which the matter might be brought to the attention of an inter- ested party.JEDEDIAH E.PAINE, McCall May Patterns,Our Shoe Department Fashion Sheets and | Overflowing With Magazinesnowon Sale }~~-Bargains.~~ BELK BROTHERS New Goods Arriving Daily White Goods and Novelty Spring Dress Goods,White and Floral Crepe for Waists and Dresses,special 19c,the yard. Floral Crepe,71-2c.to 23c.the yard. 40 inch Voile,all colors,23c.yard. Laces and Embroideries. the guest of Miss Lillian Matheson.Alexander at Connelly Springs.has|made good,and that ought to be his in a Showanese,Luzerne Co.,Pa.” |enemaoa 45 and 27 inch Embroidery,75c.value, special this week :48c. Stomach Trouble Cured * Mrs.H.G.Cleveland,Arnold,Pa.,writes, For some time I suffered Trom ‘stom- ach trouble.I would have sour stomach and feel bloated after eating.Nothing benefited me until]I got Chamberlain’s Tablets.After taking two bottlesof them I was cured.”For sale by all dealers. ABedrodu: may be -Mr.Clyde Campbell,a student at|been robbed four times:few|reward. the University,Chapel Hill,is spend- 18 and 27 inch Shadow Lace,both Cot- ton and Silk,48c.,75c.and 98c. Silk Hosiery. If you want the best buy our Gordon Dye,35c.,48c.and 98c.These Silk Hose made of the finest special Silk,full fash- ioned.All shades in the 48c.grade. months and that not long ago the}nn ing a week with his mother,Mrs.|store was robbed of $300.Alexander |To Cure a Cold in One Day ’Sarah Campbell.Rev.L.L.Moore surprised the thicves in his store last|Take LAXATIVE BROMOQuinine.Itstopsthe left this morning for Rocky River to]Wednesday night and was assaulted|neh ateeand ee ee Cold. attend the meeting of Concord Pres-jand seriously injured.The thieves}Fr GRrove's signature@™each tot:bytery.got away.— Mrs.Chas.H.Caldwell of the}In Raleigh Sunday afternoon the Sugar Creek community,Mecklen-|driver of an automobile drove his| burg,was called here yesterday 0n|machine between the hearse and the| account of the illness of her uncle.|family carriage of a colored funeral | Mr.-D.Mc.Matheson.Friends of |procession.The horses attached to} Mr.Matheson will be sorry to know|the carriage took fright :nd dashed}that his condition is no better but he}against the hearse,breaking the} is gradually getting weaker. Mr.C.G.Veile received a message Thursday stating that his only sis- ter,Mrs.Ada Viele Barr, Mr.Pressly J.Barr of Omaha,Neb., was struck by an automobile and in- stantly killed.The particulars of the accident have not been learned. Miss Ada Viele,teacher of math- ematics in the high school at Le- noir,spent Sunday with her parents,Mr.and Mrs.C.G.Viele.Lawyers A.C.Payne*and J.H.Burke are at- tending Federal court at Statesville this week. Corporation Commission Makes Or- der As to Express Rates. The State corporation commission has made an order,effective July 15, with reference to intra-State express rates,the order being based on that made for the entite country by the Inter -State Commerce Commission. The corporation.commission has not ---adopted-the-inter-State-commission’s~scheme in-its entirety,insisting that for State purposes there should be a modification:of the short-haul rates, which reduces the minimum rate.on) merchandise from 65 cents the 100 pounds to 50 cents and the second- class rate,covering practically all food products,from 49 cents to 38 cents the 100 pounds.The new basis of express rates will have the effect of raising some of the present rates, because the present system of ex- press rates is in.many respects thoroughly illogical,some of,the rates being extremely low,in some eases in fact being no higher than the first-class freight rate,and in .gome cases the rates being extremely high.The decrease,it is stated,willbemuchgreaterthantheincrease. One advantage of the change,it isexplained,is that express rates andclassificationstoallimportantpoints‘will be furnished patrons. “Senator Overman Would Increase Al-lowance to States. Washington Dispatch to Greensboro News. Senater Overman has introduced an amendment to the agricultural bil!allowing States 25 per cent of the in- .come from government lands inSouthernStates,instead of five per_“eent as at present.This wil!include all of the property bought by the government for the Appalachian parkreserveandwillmake;the samc al-lowance as is-now allowed to Wost-ern States.The money is to go totheseveralStatesfortaxes,UntiltheWeekslawwaspassedthere.was|very little government lands in NorthCarolina.Senator Overman is con-fident the measurewill pass. For Weaknessand Loss of Appetite teovesPASTE SScull TONKC,drtresoutandbuildsupthesystem,tonicwareAppetizer.For adultsand chiidrem,6c, wife of| |doors of the vehicle and smashifg the| lend of the casket.That automobile} tman has something coming to him.| At Warsaw,Duplin county,a few| days ago,some negroes got in a ship-| ment of whiskey and made merry.Al|10-year-old colored girl.in the fami-| lly got hold of a quart bottle and 'drank the entire contents.“She fell jin a stupor but the report sent out j}to the newspapers says she was alive jat last account.It is hard to believe that anybody could drink a quart‘of mail order liquor and survive. Gov.Craig pardoned John Chandler of Mitchell county,In |1877 Chandler was convicted of |breaking into the store of W.8.|Hyams at Bakersville and sentenced to-ten years in the State prison. |About a year after he was sentencedChandlerescapedandwasfreqfor |85 years.About seven months agojhewascapturedandreturnedtotheStateprison.“The-judge and solic- itor--who-tried -him_are dead,Mr, Hyams,who is now clerk of the Fed- feral court in Asheville,and others asked for the pardon.: has Waving Folks Into War. Monroe Journal. ‘When a country is rushed into war, mid the flaring of bands and the elo-|quence of orators ‘who afterward seek the bomb proofs,it is not always the men-who go to the front who must suffer most,though God knows it is bad enough for them.Those who would rush a country into warfare reck not the dead,the mangled,the crippled,the sightless,the armless and the legless that war bequeaths. The late Mr.J.E.W.Austin used to tell of how a ragged soldier,flyingwiththeremnantsoftheonceproud army before the terror of Sherman, looked up to a cheering crowd and bitterly exclaimed,“Yes,you waved me into this war but you'll never wave me into another one.”Suffer as the soldier does,his suffering is not greater than that of the moth- ers and wives who stay at home, Delegates With the President. There were 1,094 delegates in the! |Baltimore convention that nominat- jed°Woodrow Wilson for the presi- |dency,and more than half of the j}membership of that body have re- |plied to the letter of inquiry address- ed by Senator Gore,soliciting their views with reference to the plank in tle platform regarding the Panama canal tolls question.Five hundred jand four delegates have written tojtheblindSenator,sustaining the pos-jition of the President end urging thejrepealofthefreetollsprovisionofithePanamacanalact.The number}of delegates who have recorded theirviewsinopposit!to repeal totalsonly98:T three”delegateswrotenon-com t letters. sewing room by using Furnishings covered with these‘materials invite one to use them”without:tidiness of the Even the —~—FOR SALE BY—— Mills &Poston,Statesville,N. Wedding Gifts of Quality lamp shade and tablecovermaybemadetomatchthedraperiesandotherfurnishings. trans- formed into a very pleasant sitting or disturbing “the ~ room. Every pair warranted to wear satisfacto- rily. THE STORE THAT SELLS FOR LESS. "PHONE 155. WILL GIVE YOU THE BEST RE- SULTS AT THE LOWEST COST. WHY TAKE CHANCES [ON OTH- ER PAINTS WHEN YOU CAN BUY DAVIS’? ~ ——FOR SALE BY——— Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware Co., Statesville,N.C. Stouffer’s Hand Painted China, Rich American Cut Glass, Brass and Heraldic Bronze, Japanese China.| —_———— Statesville — ~ Drug Co.Quality Prescriptionists.pplagai JUST RECEIVED! CAR LOAD OF FINE BROOD| MARES BY EXPRESS.ALSO ANOTHER CAR OF HORSES AND MULES. >{5 Parrytay He n » looleaemaid _*TAKING OF VERA CRUZ.SIX AMERICANS WERE KILLED. The first story of thelanding ofAmericanforcesatVeraCruz,Mex-‘Tuesday to take possession ofthetownrsonthesecondpageofTheLaekistheAssociatedPressreporto'e@ sec-ond day’s operations—Wednesday:Six Americans killed and about 30woundedmarkedthecompleteinvest-ment of Vera Cruz at hoon today bytheUnitedStatesforces.This morning Mexican sharpshoot-ers.on the roofs put up a stubborn re-sistance.There was one brisk action,guns of the Prairie and.Chester.as- =gohlege.~*Prairie finally shattered its walls.The number of Mexicans killedSyesterdayisestimatedat150withmanywounded.The Mexican losstodayisnotknown,but is thought tobe.heavy.The paymaster of the BritisherviserEssex,Albert W.Kimber,waswounded on board hisship by\afe”ashore.The British bluejackets crowded to“the bows and vociferously cheeredtheAmericanmarinesastheypro- ceeded in shore for the landing.The flags on the Essex and fort-resa San Juan de Ulua were half-masted when the dead were carriedtotheboats.Rear Admiral Badger has not de-cided whether to,proceed to Tampico,and it is believed his departure will be delayed.An indication of this isfoundinthe.fact that his flagshiphasenteredtheharbor.Major Smedley D.Butler,.withmarinesfromthePrairie,made asortieUptherailwayforaconsider- able distance late today. Rear Admiral Fletcher at 8:30 o'clock in the morning ordered a general movement for.the oer: tien of all the town.A bluejacket column advanced and passed the un-completed.market place and naval college.When they had reached thewallsofthecollegeaterrificriflefirewaépouredinalldirectionsfromtheroofandwindows.The bluejack-ets,helpless to return the fire againstthestonewalls,scattered.ThePrairie,Chester and San Franciscoopenedwiththeirfiveandsix-inch guns and shattered the walis.The blvejackets formed again and ad- vanced against the fire whien had dimimshed.By 10 o’clock there was oniy desultory firing from the inshore swe of the tower.Battalions of blue- jackets had made their way along the water front and cleared several'streets,but the sniping from housescontinuedatintervals:The scout cruiser Chester pounded buildices.ontheoutskirtswithsix-inch shells,fir- ing over the heads of the men ashoreandshowingalmostperfectmark- manship.*The general movement from ail thepositions:taken yesterday began in the direction of the main plaza.Marimes wnder Lieutenant Colonel Wendell C.Neville moved to the southward along parallel streets to-ward the center,while marines com-manded by Lieutenant CommianderBuchananoftheFloridaandLien-tenant Commander Arthur B,Keat-ing of the Arkansas were.orderedfrom-their positions east of the cen-ter”towards the plaza.The two forces swung forwardwitharushforadistanceofthreeblocks.The machine gun and riflefirewassupplementedby~shell.fire Thadfromthesmaller.guns of the PrairieamdChester:-—Fhe ship#--guns’sup-ported the movement of clearing theroofstothesouthandeast,occasion-ally dropping a shell a few hundredyardsinadvance.~“Buchanan's men,under direct com- mand of Lieutenant Guy W.0. Castle,moved forward to a position one block directly east of the plaza.Other.detachments "occupied—-posi-tions to the north amd west.Bothmarinesand bluejackets draggedlightfieldpieces,but there was littleworkforthem. There was no organized resistance,but from the beginning of the ad- ‘vance a smart fire came from de-fenders on housetops which in- variably drew a merciless fire fromtheadvancingparties.The machine “guns sounded their “tap tap”in allquarters,and American sharp- shooters,posted at street corners andotherpointsofvantage,picked offanymanwhoappearedtothemacting suspiciously.‘ How the President Gave the OrdersteSeizePort..Washington Dispatch,22d..The story of how President Witso:ordered the customs house at VeraCruztobeseizedwasrevealedto- day.The President had gone to bedMondaynightafterhavingreadhismessagetoCongress.The SenatewasdebatingthejointresolutiontoapprovetheuseoftheandnavyandthePresidenthadiedtowithholdactionuntiltheres-olution passed.day morning Secretary Bryan receiv-ed a cablepram from Consul CanadaingofpproachofaGerman, At 4 o'clock Tues-} TROOPS SENT TO HELP NAVY. Brigade of Infantry and Some Ar-tillery Sent to Vera Cruz as Pre- _geution—More Men .Killed and Wounded,United States troops.moved last night to reinforce the American Navy at VeraCruz,theembargo on arms into Mexico was formally re- stored and troops were ordered to the MeXican border primarily to re- lieve uneasinéss among border.resi- dents,but also as a precaution against hostile military operations along the interfational line.Secre- tary ‘Garrison’announced that a brigade of infantry and:some artil- lery under Brig.Gen,Frederick Fun- ston had been ordered to embark on the four army transports at Galves- ton forVeraCruztesvpporttheex- peditionary forces of marines and bluejackets there.The chance that General Maas,the Mexican Federal general,might make a return attack on Vera Cruz with reinforcements and the possible necessity.of a for- ward movement toward Mexico City to“protect fleeing Americans and the Vera Cruz Railroad were the under- lying reasons for the military move- ment.wy Replying to the prétest of Gen. Carranza,the Constitutionalists lead- er,President Wilson answers that he is dealing with Huerta “and those who come to his support.”Gen. Villa,the military head of the rebelarmy,declares he will not be dragged into war with the United States.‘O'Shaughnessy,the -AmericanchargeatMexicoCity,has been giv-en hisPrer ead,He is expected toreachVeRearraCruztoday.; Admiral Badger reported totheNavyDepartmentlastnightthat three more men had been killed and25woundedintheskirmishingatVeraCruz.This brings the total American dead to 9 and the wound-ed to about 50, Wilson declared yester-day that we are not at war with Mex-ico.That is,it is not the purpose toinvadethecountry.But conditionsmayatanyhourforceaninvasion;or they may not. Dinner For Veterans on Memorial Day—Other Arrangements. Further arrangements for the Me-morial Day exercises were made by the Daughters of the Confederacy attheirmeetingWednesdayafternoon.Tt was decided to give the veterans a dinner following the exercises and to see that the usual courtesies are shown them:The Mechanics’Band has been secured to.furnish musicandCapt.W.H.H.Gregory will bechiefmarshal.Children of the townandcountyareaskedtobringflowersandmatchintheprocession.Each Daughter is requested to send an evergreen wreath. Capt.Gregory will designate citi- zens im the different townships.to act as assistant marshals..These will be notified and he asks that theyreplysothathewillknowwhowillserve. Committees were appointed ‘as follows:Arrangements,Mrs.D,F.Jenkins,Mirs.J..E.Deitz and Mrs.J.H.Shaw;decorations,MesdamesL.Harrill,R.L.Poston and W.M. Barringer;soliciting,Mesdames J.E. Deitz,W.B.Brown and B.F.Rus-sell,refreshments,Mesdames H.P.Grier and J.H.Hill and Miss MamieGray;coffee,Mrs.Bell Cariton,Mrs.Summers.and .Miss .VanceBrem,Mrs..D.8.Thomas will be inchargeoftheChildrenof-the-Con-}federacy and Mesdames C.V.Hen- kel and R.P.°Mitchell will havechargeoftheotherchildren. Solicited An Order From a Minister. The other day a.local ministerdroppedintoLandmarkofficeandexhibitedateturnpostalcardhehadreceivedfromamailorderliquorhouse.The card:set out inglowingtermsthefinequalityofthegoodsofferedforsaleandallyouhadtodowastotearofftheotherportionofthecardandmailitandthe“oil of joy”would come prompt-ly by express.The liquor peopleknewtheywerewritingtoaminis-ter,for they had put “Rev.”in frontofhisname‘and had his ‘street ad-dress.The minister.was naturallyindignant;He regarded the sendingofthecardtohim‘an insult,»whichitwas,and wished there was.somewaytostopit;but so far as ean beseenthereisnowaytopreventsuchthings.pe Ateeaa ot : Mr.Jenkins Buys Valuable Property—Real Estate Deals,Mr.D.F,Jenkins this week boughtfromtheNorthCarolinaTrustComi-pany of Greénsboro the Robbins FOUR PRISONERS TO ATLANTA. Three Burke Men and One From}Dowell Draw Penitentiary.|tences—Discharged Music TeacherHasDamageSuit—Federal CourEndedWednesday.Sit The April term of the Federal cowwasbrief.The businesscludedWednesdaymorning fresidentcourtofficialsdeparted—Same day.Many cases were ¢iuedbecausedefendants.had not beentakenorforotherreasons.Follow-ing’is a report of the business trana-acted:F Tear!Hawkins of Burke;“ind:for distilling,etc,was dischargedunderasuspendedjudgment.¥for judgment was continued in ;ease of Nevins Bollinger of and he was recognized in the$300 to appear at next term yJohn-and Jesse Pritchard a Claude Beck of Burke,distilling;dohe.Pritchard not.-guilty;Pritehard and Claude Beekyearandadayeachinthe FederalprisoninAtlanta.Mike Branch,al- So a citizen of Burke,was enes to a similar te:m in Atlanta,as stat-ed in the last issue of The Landmark;and William Branch,who was.inedictedwithMike,was released under @ suspended judgment on aceount ofhisyouth. convicted of retailing,was :ed in the sum of $100 te appear @nextterm.Sam Perkins of Burke,an armless negro who was convictedofretailingatlastterm,was dis- charged on account of his condition.-=Ed.Lippard of Ajlexander,distil-ling,etc.,was allowed to go on pays ment of $35. Henry Poteat of Burke, the| i o cesstI convictedofretailing,was sentenced to jailfor};a month. The.case against M.A.Thompson of Avery county,charged with con-cealing the property of a bankrupt,Tem,was transferred to Asheville court.Filo Chapman of Burke was found not guilty of distilling,ete. Saturday sum ||Mort McKnight,Micdlored school will be elected.later. ment sermon. Made on that last day of school but é Badger Smith of Burke,Visiting the family of Mrs. Athen. ee NO.78. SCHOOL TEACHERS ELECTED.For Mooresville Graded School—Party Going Abroad—Real EstateDeal—Candidates-Astir—A:Mar-~~tlage—Street Improvements. Correspondence of The Landmark. ©Mooresville,April 28—At a meet-ing of the graded school ..'trustees the superintendent ofolsandalltheteachersintheWhiteschoolwerere-elected for.themextyear.Mr,W,C.Arail is super-imtendent and has 16 teachers as fol-ows:Misses Hattie Williams,Bret-Gray,Mary Williams,Winonait‘i heox,Minnie Dail,Hester Steele,Mamie Gray,Beulah Johnston,Mande Lentz,Leone Robinson,Nee-Smoot,Lucile Morrow,Ednawh,Mrs.Lula Rogers and Mrs.The teachers in the theamegradedschoolswillclose8pingterm6n-the-8th-of May—On nilty;: Bunkiay’before Rev.W.S-Wilson,mastor the First Presbyterianthurch,will preach the commence- An address will be of me speaker has not so far been se-cured.Prof.A.S.Libby of Spartanburg, 8..C.,manager of the Libby TravelHub,arrived Tuesday night and is .ere,Bteele.On the 29th of this monthwi)sail from New York with aPartyonatourofpartsofEurope,rica and Agia.They will sail di- Tectly to Greece,with a few days’Btop at Naples and Algiers,and willvisitforseveralweekstheinterest-img and historic places in and around Later they.will sail forEgyptandvisitCairo,the Pyra-mids,Sphinx,and other points on theBwerNile,then go up the -Nile pastthefirstcataract,a distance of 750 Miles.From there they will go toPalestineandvisitJeppa,Jerusa- Damascus and the Jordan val-ley.Later still they will return toNaples,where they will meet anoth-@P party from northern Europe con-George Parker of McDowell W&8lGuctui by Mrs.Libby.This will beconvictedofremovingandsentencedtoAtlantaforayearandaday.The case of G.E.and James Tuck-f)er of Stanly county,charged with dis-f¥ tilling,ete.;was removed to Salisbury.court.A similar order was made inthecaseofWm.Daniels and EthelDaniels,alias Coon Daniels,and Wal-ter R.Burleyson of Stanly.Bob Hawkins of Burke,convicted}:of manufacturing stills without pcy-ing special tax,was recognized inthesumof$100 to appear at next term. A number of civil cases were con-tinued.The case of W.E.Mundayof |Caldwell county vs.Southern Rail-way Company is set for trial on Wed-nesday of the October term.Miunday |,seeks to recover $16,000 damages.The case of Evelyn Wall vs.Da-|venport College and J.B.Craven,|president of Davenport College,was |,transferred to Salisbury for trial.|Miss Wall,who was a music teacher|,at Davenport,was discharged andis|)and =President |suing the college Craven for $10,000 damages.Judgment for $50 penalty and the| costs was taken against R.S:Cariton|,,,. of Caldwell county,who had engag-|ed in the business of a leaf tobacco|dealer without registering with the|commissioner of internal revenue.John W.Espy of Hickory,an intel-|ligent looking Irishman of good ad-dress,was naturalized,.taking theoathinopen.court renouncing all al-|.,,legiance to princes and.potentatesandswearingtoupholdanddefendtheconstitutionoftheUnitedStates.Mr.Espy is married and has threechildren, Mr.David My Campbell.Dead. Mr.David M.Campbell,who was‘well known--to--many~Statesville..andIredellpeople,died Monday eveningathishomein’Rowan “county andwasburiedWednesday.at SocietychurchinCoolSpringtownship,this county.Mr.Campbell was born and rearedintheMt.Bethel section of Turners-burg township,this county,and was in his 82d year,the date of his birth being December 21,1882..He served in the Confederate army and was.anarmycomradeofMr.W.W.TurnerofStatesville.In the 70s Mr.Cemp-bell located in Rowan county,not far from the Iredell and Davie line.He was a farmet and —mechanic, a thrifty citizen and accumulated acomfortableestate.»He is survivedbyhiswife,to whom he was married57yearsago..A sister,Mrs.Gaitherofnorth.Iredell,also survives.Mr.Campbell was a member of theoldCountyLinelodgeofMasonsandwasburiedwithMasonichonors. Krider Stock Company. The Krider Stock Co,has.beencharteredwith$125,000 authorizedcapitaland$20,subscribed,Thenew.concern will take over the busi-hess of D.B,&Co.and willoperatethisstoreandoneinBloom-field,handling a line of dry ete. RPout the middle of June and this ty may disband and sail forme.Mr.B.A.Troutman oforesvilleexpectstojointhepar- “-A real estate deal of considerableportancewas‘finally closed a fewagoinwhichMr.B.W.Press-‘6 Mrs.M.F.Nesbit,GC.R. W F.Smith and R.L,the lot on which the old Cen. 1 stands and all the lot back @f this to the back street,in-cluding:the section extending to Cen- ter @V¥@mme,where the Mooresville garage i&located.This is a splen- did pieee of property and it is sup- posed the old hotel building will venttially give way to a modern andip-to-date business house.A larg@ number of Pythians here will @tiemd the district meeting ofhephtsofPythiaswhichwill e hel@ at Statesville tonight.Mrs. .P.MeNeely left Monday ‘for Tay-rsville,where she will visit rela- tives for several days.Rev.R.C.Davidson.returned Monday from King’®Mountain,where he assisted paster for several days in a se- es of ‘meétings. if le of-every town are as ea- ger to get hold of the daily papers jas they:@re here since the crisis in Mexito”Was reached,the newspapers enjoying a genuine harvest. Whett the trains arrive at morning night it is.impossible for thenewshgy.to wait on the crowd fast enough,“War.news seems to be .as interesting:as the league ball games,which i§Saying a great deal. Political matters are slowly tak- ing OM.tere interest.Some timeacoMessrs.J.A:Hartness and P.P.Dulin{were in the place shakinghends“and-asking support;and -yes-terday Messrs.Tilden H.WilliamsandutySheriffWardwerehere. Mr.Ward is in the country today.Front What they say the indications are that*’more life will be injected into thé¢ampaign before the primary rolls gu Mr.Ward stated that he was meeting with a great deal of, encouragement im south Iredell andthathéwouldhaveastrongsupportinotherOnsofthecounty.Mr.Williams alsow splendid pros- pects ahead,iefé are also thoseherewhobegreatlysurpris- ed if the.présent county officers were to fail to get the nominationbyagoodmajority.Rotation in of-fice Om “the one side and good partyservit@Ontheotherseemtobethe keynote8 to the situation,To say theleastthesituationisgrowingmoreinteresting.What the Republicansaregoingtodotsanunknownquan-tity.So far as your correspondent knows the Republicans have made no plans Whatever and are not even talk- ing politics at this stage of the game.On Tiesday night Miss Clayton Mayhew and Mr.Marvin Cook took their many friends by surprise whentheyWéteunitedinmarriage.TheceremonyperforrtiedbyRev.C.S.Kirkpatrick,pastor of the Metho- dist4@ mM,at the residence of Mr.ay »On north Main|lappy young couple’willhilewithMr.and Mrs.n ee the oe[Mrs.J.Houston Mayhew )fo aes:years been withooresileTelephoneCompany: are of Mooresville andwiththeSouthernsontheMooreaville- iga son of Mr.and Mre» BRIEF ITEMS OF LOCAL NEWS —Mr.L.C.Stevenson of Concordtownship.has entered the race for .clerk of the court. ,Mr.R.A.Montgomery has beenseriouslyillforseveraldays.Hisconditiondoesnotimprove. +—Governor Craig is expected to de-liver an address at a district meeting <of the Junior Order to be held in Statesville May 7th. License has been issued for themarriageofMissLeliaVictoriaWhite —and Mr.Lee Andrew Sain,Miss Viola =ee and Mr.Blaine E.Camp-bell. --Samuel Michaelson of Spartan- burg,S.C.,is preparing to open a merchant tailor business in the roomnexttoMurphy’s barber shop,in theSt.Charles hotel building. —-Mrs.Herr will spend all of nextweek-with the Crawford =Bunch-Fur- niture “Company piving”demonstra- tions and lectures on fireless cook- ing.Lectures from 9 to 11 a:m.and3to5p,m.Mrs.Herr is:an expert cook and the ladies will doubtless.be interested in the demonstrations and lectures. ~-Supt.Meacham of the State Farm says the fruit trees at the Farm, pears,peaches,plums and.apples;are well loaded with fruit,so well toadedinfactthatsomethinningwillbenecessarytobringthefruittofullmaturity.There was light frost Tuesday morning but not.sufficient to hurt the fruit. ~The marriage of Mr.Joseph Hamoy of Statesville and Miss MaryHomsyofNewYorkcity,scheduled to take place-in NewYork.Sunday, as told in Tuesday’s Landmark,did not take place until Monday morn- ing at 8 o’clock.Mr.and Mrs. Hamoy will come to Statesville about the first of May. ~The suit for $5,000 instituted some weeks ago against Geo.W.Ab- sher,by Miss Rachel Tucker,who charged seduction under ‘promise of marriage,has been settled out of + court.It is understood that the com-promise was for less than $1,000,Ab-sher returned to Statesville from the West two or three weeks ago. —-So far as The Landmark knowsthemembersoftheIredéllBlues’andTheCivicLeagueloanexhibit,on|the other local military people havethesecondflooroftheFirstNational|done no telegraphing and made no ef-Bank building Tuesday and Wed o-4 fortte et into the limelight by pro- day,was an attractive display,ei e Forws ;itheattendancewasverydisappoint-|the call comes they will doubtless beingtotheladies.as ready to respond as the membersManyinterestingrelics,works of{of any other company in the State.’art and curios,were attractively dis-}-—Reports from the county thisplayedintheroomsofMr.Isidore|week say the farmers are the busiestWallace,who has a fine collection of |ever—so busy that the ‘candidatesbirdeggs,stones,minerals,etc.,and|who try to talk to them get cold com--refreshments were served at tables}fort.Wet weather has delayed thearrangedinthecorridorAmongtheplantingandallfarmfolksarehur-relics were several articles known to rying to get seed in the ground.Maybetwocenturiesold,many things a}/the lord of the harvest grant a boun-hundred years-old-and-—much—home-}tiful yield to.the husbandman_thisspunclothing,etc.,of long ago.The year.paintings were by local artists who]_yong Clark,a son of Mr.W.D.demonstrated fine talent in their:Clarke of Statesville,is a bluejacketwork.There were curios from ation the battleship Louisiana of thehomeandabroad.All in all it was]United States navy.The Louisianaaverycreditablecollectionandit j trates just what could be done recently returned from a say be a that,daa ee ee waters and youn arkeinthat.direction.should.the county exican waters young ;~s was at home on a furlough.Thehaveafairorgeneralexhibit.Louisiana’was this week ordered to The Pythian Meeting.Mexico again and is now on its way sas .there.About 50 visitors,representingpracticallyalloftheledgesinthe|~—The Daughters of the Confeder-district,attended the meeting of /2¢Y Suggest and request that ataPythiansheldinStatesvilleyester-|having a buried”in the o'day.During the afternoon session,|°¢metery put the Niecan ‘al Oe:which was held in the elegant new|CoMdition before emoria a y-quarters of the local lodge,the third|Some of the graves have caved in,rank was conferred on two candidates|the monuments at others have fallen, in amplified form by the Statesville etc.,and it is desired that repairs beteam.The new regalia of the team|™ade before the Memorial Day ex- was used and the work was good,the|@?re!ses-:visitors declaring’it to be as fine if}~—Mr.-B.B.Webb,postoffice in-not better than they had ever seen.|spector,arrived Monday night andFollowitheexemplificationworkwil)be here for some time lookingreportsfromthelodgeswereheard,|after the business’of:the:department all showing progress,and the secret in this territory...Since his appoint-service work was exemplified by State|ment Mr.Webb has been at work inDeputyW.W.Wilson.The feature]New Yark,New.Jersey,Marylanilofthemeetingwasthe“Big Night”|and West Virginia.‘He made hoad- celebration last night,of which a re-|quarters at Huntington,W.Va.,forportwillapp@arlater.Mr."J..H.some time,coming from there here.Hoffmann,wastoastmaster and Grand}he derailment of four coal carsChancellor,J,’Dy Pridgen of Durham|of an eastbound freight train at Millwasathespeakers.creek,in the mountains,early yes- Mrs.R.HL McNeill and little son of freday morning,.blocked |tram@e-onWashingtonarevisitingMrs.Mc-the Western road during the fore- Neill’s parents,Mr,and Mrs.Geo.H,}200".Easthound ‘passenger:trateBrown. Forsyth-Davie-Iredell|Road Recom-,mended. Mr.Geo,D.Marshall,inspectér oftheNationalDepartmentofGoodRoads,finished a second inspection ofthegovernment-aided highway fromWinston-Salem via Mocksville,Wed-nesday night..Mr.Marshall was over the ‘road last week;reaching States-ville Saturday,*He will make oneothertripovertherouteandmakeestimates. Mr.D:W.Harmon,road engineer of Forsyth county,and Mr.C.A,Hartman,chairman of the road com-missioners of Davie county,accom-panied Mr.Marshall on his second trip and they spent yesterday in Statesville and were shown over some of the good roads of the county by Chairman Feimster and EngineerRoach.All were mighty well pleas- ed with the roads gone over. In regard tothe highway fromWinston=Salew;which the.@avern- ment.is to aid in building,Mr.Mar-shall will report to the National De- partment of Good Roads the result of his inspections and recommend thatthedepartmentacceptandconsider the profiles of the road as prepared by the engineer in each coutity, through which the-highway is to run. Difficulty in Getting War News. ‘The Landmark Tuesday took up the matter of securing a telegraphic bul- letin service to furnish Statesville the war news.Heretofore,through:the courtesy of the Charlotte Observer, Associated Press bulletins sent the Observer have been repeated here. During the Spanish-American war in 1898 The Landmark maintained a service for two or three months;at its own expense,to furnish the pub- lic war news.On several occasions since then the Observer's Associated Press bulletins have been repeatedhereandpostedforpublicinforma- tion.Recently,however,the Asso- ciated Press has ordered that its bul- letins shal]not be repeated.So this source of information was cut off.Attempts to get a‘satisfactory bulle- tin service elsewhere has so far fail- ed and the bulletins furnished The Landmark by the Postal TelegraphCompanyistheonlysourceofsup-ply. The Civic League’s Loan Exhibit. No,36 was annulled and westboundfrainNo.15 and eastbound No.22transferredpassengersatthes¢eneofthewreck.The track was clear-ed in time for the afternoon trains. —New gas pipe is being laid,theworkhavingbeenbegunyesterdayonCenterstreet,near the gas plant.Messrs.Bridgeman and Moses,thenewownersoftheplant,failed to reach any agreement with the formerownersaboutthepipewhichhadal-ready been laid on s01 ie of the streetsandhavedecided-to put in entire newlines.The work”;pcompletionanderelonggas for pub-lic use will be ayailable.Work ontheplantproperisvirtuallycom-pleted.és '—Mr.and Mrs.H.M.EubanksleftTuesdayforLaurinburg,wherewillmaketheirhome.Mr.Eu-:s will open a five and tencentstoreinLaurinburg.Mr.and Mrs,ae had lived =Statesville tenyears,having come here from Mon--roe.During all this time Mr.was in the hardware busi oe board Monday night the question ofstreetimprovementcameupand the meeting lasted late into the night but failed to come to any definiteconclusionsofaraspermanentwork was concerned.A petition was pre- sented to the board,signed by prac-tically all the property owners on Main street,from Miss Vennie Tem-pleton’s lot to the lot owned by C. P,and 8.E.McNeely,covering all the business section of Main street, asking the town to make some per- manent improvements on this sectionofMainstreet,the property ownerstopayhalfthecostandthe.town theotherhalf.Amotion made by B;H.Miller to make this the permanentimprovementdistrictwiththetown’spartofthecosttobelimitedto$4,-.000,was tabled by a motion made byG.C.Jones.Mir,Jones made a mo-tion by which the screet ‘was to beleftuntilallthesand-clay.roadsleadingintotownshould.be met with.sand-clay streets,This motion wasalsotabled.After fully discussingeveryphaseofthequestionitwasunanimouslyagreedtoadjourn—theonly“agreement”‘reached.during}Theirthenight.Work on-grading thesreetsispidl;Bo Si ——= 2 COMMENT ON VARIOUS MATTERS .Recently New York financiers have been offering North Carolina bonds for sale,Iredell county road bonds be- ing among the offerings.The Ire- dell county road 6s,due August 1 19382,were priced at 103 §-8 and -in- terest,yielding about 4.70 cent. The Orange county road 5s,dueApril 1,1958,were quoted’at 103 1-2,and interest,yielding about 4,80 per cent. These New York brokers pay high tribute to the resources of Iredell and‘ Orange counties,and in this way Ire- dell and our good roads are getting some advertising. Very often we think we know things when we don’t.A good many people honestly believed that,Por- firio Diaz,for 30 years the nomt- nal President of.the Republic of Mexico but in reality a dictator who ruled the country with a rod of iron, was an unjust oppressor of the Mex- jean people and should be removed. Probably.he did unjustly oppress the people;while ruling with the firm- ness necessary to control that turbu- lent people,he might have improv- ed conditions.But however that may be,in view of what has taken place in Mexico since they run the old man out of the country,the be- lief that it takes a man of his type to keep peace in Mexico is natural; and it probably would have been best for Mexico;the United—States—and the world had Diaz's.successor been a man of his type.Diaz,by the way,now 84 years old and in feeble health,is still living abroad and is at present at Monte Carlo. ..” Now and again the newspapers fall to discussing the hog who appropri- ates from two to four seats on rail- read trains when he has paid for but one seat,while other passengers who have paid as much fare stand.No amount of talk will have any effect on the le who refuse to consid- er the rights of others.In the rail- road case The Landmark has always insisted that the only remedy is for trainmen <o give some attentien to seating passengers.In these days of ticket-takers,when the ©conductor seems to be a figure head,that of- ficial might give his attention to help- ing passengers get seats,especially when overcrowded coaches is the rule rather than the exception.The av- erage passenger would rather stand than to foree himself into a_seat where the occupant shows plainly that he doesn’t want company;but if conductor or porter would remove the baggage of the hog and make him give room,the passenger for whom the space was provided would feel that he had as much right as the first occupant.It'S the business of the trainmen —the conductor especially—to remedy this situation and they negleet their duty in not doing it.A few of them give some attention to it,but very few. *s That -the inequalities in the assess- ment of real estate in Mecklenburg county,which has resulted in an order for reassessment by the State tax commission,exist as alleged,we have no doubt.But it should be said in justice to Mecklenburg that the same inequalities exist in practically every county in the State,as is well known to all observers of tax assessments. Mecklenburg is not,therefore,a sif- ner above all the other counties any more than were those on whom the tower at Siloam fell sinners above all.other sinners..The inequalities in assessments and the rank injustice by which some citizens pay more taxes.in proportion to what they own thati other citizens,has existed all these years as:a result of.a system that is a shame and a disgrace to the State}.but a system which our law-makers,as a result of peanut politics,have refused to change lest a@ chafige might disturb those in of- fice.The reassessment in Mecklen- burg,if made as it should be,will be more just so far as local condi- tions are concerned,but it will be very unjust to Mecklenburg in the matter of State taxes;for while un- der a fair assessment.that county would be paying what it is due the State,other counties,continuing un- “der the urifair assessment,would—not be paying what is due. .*. It appears that in voting to cut out the mileage,graft.a few days ago the.House of Congress was not as virtuous as might be supposed.While knocking out the 20 cents mileage al- lowance,which is,graft pure and sim- ple,the measure provides not alone for the actual traveling expenses of the members and Senators but for numbers of their families also. Whether there is any restriction as to the number of persons in a family a Senator or member may transport to Washington at government ex- pense,The Landmark doesn’t know, but as a matter of fact the govern- ment has no more business paying the transportation of a Congresssman’sfamilythanithastopayboardandlodgingandlaundrybillsforhis family.It is the Congressman the government is paying a salary for his time and that salary is to take care of his family.But some of the braz-én grafters in the national capitol would quarter their entire families @n the public Treasury if they could.However,it seems impossible to re- miove all the graft at one blow and we should be thankful a start ismade.Under the old system aPhilippinecommissionerreceived$2,- 000 each session for mileage.Thecostofaroundtriptickettothe Philippines,‘including steamboat and Pullman berths and meals,is $386 A member of Congress living at Seattle,Wash.,gets $1,300 a sessionformileage.A round trip ticketfromWashiintoSeattle,includ-ing Pullman s and meals,-is$185.This will give an idéa of the .amount.of the rakeoff under the old "Blood Spilt in the’ Port of Vera Cruz,_Afternoon—FourandTwenty Vera*Cruz®Mexico,Dispatch,21st. Vera Cruz tonight is in the hands of forces from the United States warships but the occupation of the port was not accomplished without loss of American lives.Four Amer- icans,bluejackets and marines,were killed by the fire of the Mexican ‘sol- diers and 20:fell wounded.The Mex- ican loss is not known,but it is:be- lieved to have been heavy.re The water front,the customs house and all important piers,in- cluding those under the terminal works from “which extend the rail- roads to the capital,have been occu- pied.All the territory around the American consulate is strongly pa- trolled and detachments hold other sections of the city. The Mexican commander,—Gen. Gustavo Maas,offeted a stubborn resistance to the American advance, and for-many hours there was fight- ing in the streets.Toward nightfall it was reported that the main body of the Federal garrison was in re- treat to the westward, Rear Admiral Fletcher,command- ing the United States warships,pre- faced his oecupation of the port by a demand,through the American con- sul,W.U.Canada,for its surrender, General Maas promptly declined to wecede--t6.this demand—and.shortly afterwards 10 whaleboats were sent off from the side of the transport Prairie,loaded with marines.These boats effected a landing in the neigh- borhood of the customs house be- fore noon and a few minutes later Capt.William R.Rush of the bat- tleship Florida,who was in command of the operations ashore,brought his flag in. 605 Men Disembark. Captain Rush’s men already had taken up their positions.They num- bered 150 bluejackets from the Flori- da,390 marines from the Prairie and 65 marines from the Florida.Later these were augmented by.a.detach- ment from the Utah. The coming of the American forces was not heralded by any great ex- citement,but small crowds gathered to watch the landing.‘Soon the blue- jackets and marines marched through the streets leading from the water front and,along the railroad yards. Others proceeded to the American consulate,while still others were de- ployed along the approaches to cen- tral plaza,in which General.Maas had concentrated his men. Mexicans Fire Volley. These maneuvers _were effected without opposition,but.suddenly General Maas challenged the advance with the first shots—a volley fired from a point three blocks from the marines and two blocks south of the main plaza. The marines replied immediately but the action ceased in a moment. There was a lull for 10 minutes and’:then another brief exchange from the west end of Montesinos street,where a Federal outpost was stationed.At 12:30 the firing be- came general and at 1 o’clock the guns of the transport Prairie went into action. Marines Destroyed Mexican Tower. Prior to this a detachment of bluejackets from the Utah,holding the ground between the consulate and the water front,opened with two of their three-inch guns.The first shots from these pieces were directed against the ancient Bonito Juarez tower,occupied by Mexican sharp- shooters.Lieutenant Commander Buchanan of the Florida ordered that it be destroyed.Five shots brought the old tower down. The women of the American colony in Vera Cruz had heen placed aboard the chartered steamers Es- peranza and Mexico but the foreign colony,especially the American sec- tion,was greatly augmented this morning when three trainloads ar- rived from the capital.Some of these remained ashore but many were tak- en aboard the steamers....So-far as ean be learned no refugees were in- jured. “The feason for thettction“Puesday +t was the understanding’that a Ger- man merchant ship was about to en- ter the port of Vera Cruz with a load of arms and ammunition for the Mexican government.It was to.pre- vent the landing of the arms that Rear Admiral Fletcher,commanding the American warship at Vera Cruz, was ordered to seize the port. Less than half an hour after leav- ing the side of the United StatestransportPrairie,the marines.had landed and the absence of resistance at the water front and failure of the Mexicans to contest the taking of a position somewhat in from.the water front caused the curious spec- tators in the street to laugh,and when one Mexican peon ran for cover,hav- ing had the‘temerity to shout at the top-of his voice,“Viva Mexico!”loud guffaws came from the onlookers. But the lull was not indicative of compliance.A few shots came with- in a few minutes and latera brief ex- change.After another brief’interval, fighting in earnest began and hour after hour the Mexicans continued to oppose the Americans fiercely in some quarters,although the main body apparently seemed ready to quit. Most of the firing was done by out- post parties from roofs at various points of vantage.The guns of the Prairie assisted the landing party. Towards evening the fighting con- tinued,but it was more of a house-top character than a determined,or- ganized resistance.Finally,the Mex- ican soldiers who had not been cap- tured,killed or wounded,.retreated westward.. The United States forces at Vera SOeere ae Iv ‘THE SEIZURE OF VERA CRUZ. ates eaconcentrairces,- ling about,7,000 sailors,and nearly 2,000 marines,is made of RearAdmiralMayo’s ships.which had beenorderedfromTampicolate-Monday and the ships.which ae Admiral Fletcher has had at’Vera Cruz for many weeks.’“a Cea Rear Admiral Badger,with thefirstshipsoftheAtlanticfleet,reach- ed Vera Cruz Tuesday night,having been diverted from Tampico,where only the cruiser Des Moines remains. es sigs Quarrel Not With Mexico—Ourtitude. Baltimore Sun.4 President Wilson’s address to Con- gress makes it plain that he has no intention of plunging this ‘country into war with Mexico,If any plung- ing is to be done,Huerta will havetodoit..We have no.quarrel withtheMexicanpeople.We have just one issue to settle at present,and that is with the man who ‘seized the government of Mexico as the fruit ofassassination,and who refuses to make reparation for the arrest of our sailors at Tampico and the subse- quent arrest of a United States mailcarrieratVeraCruz.What we pur-pose to do,and all that we purpose to do in the beginning,is to punish Huerta,the despot,by occupying the two places where these outrages against American citizens occurred. Weare striking back at the usurper who has struck at us and”who “has been striking at law and liberty,con- stitution and order in Mexico ever since the murder of Madero,We do not admit that he represents Mexico in any true or lawful sense whatever. President Wilson has steadfastly re- fused from the beginning.to recognize his claim to representhis.country. We still refuse to recognize his rep- resentative capacity.We are dealing with him as a de facto tyrant and not with the country whose govern- ment he has usurped.We are re- sorting to legitimate retaliation and reprisals against this individual,not against his nation;we are asserting our right to respectful treatment,not invading Mexico.; Best Laxative For Women Ladies,give little chocolate- coated HOT SPRINGS LIVER BUT- TONS a chance to drive out consti- pation forever.They never fail. They are so wonderfully good,safe and gentle that the famous:physi- cians in Hot Springs,Ark.,prescribe them regularly. They.speedily.~put -the liver, stomach and bowels in the finest of condition,drive out the decomposed matter,and purify the blood. Thousands upon thousands use them for headache,nervousness,Jack of appetite,and that lack of ambi- tion feeling.They are great for clearing the complexion of pimples and blotches.All druggists sell HOT SPRINGS LIVER BUTTONS on money back if not satisfied plan for 25 cents,For free sample write Hot Springs Chemical Co.,Hot Springs, Ark. ~MORTGAGE SALEOF LAND. By virtue of the power containec mortgage deed executed to the ibyN.T.Summers and C.BE.Sumn wife,we will sell at puanlic auction to the highest bidder for cash,at the court house door in Statesville,N.C.,onMONDAY,MAY 4th,1914, at 12 o'clock,m.,a one-half undivided inter-est in the following described tract of land in Union Grove township,Iredell county, towit> Beginning at a-poplar,Patterson's corner, thence south 60 degrees west 106 poles to a atone’on the west side of the mill road; thence south 16 degrees east,11 1-2 poles toastoneonthenorthbankofcreek;thencesouth6degreeswest’30 poles to a stake onbankofcreek;thence south 80 degrees west7poles,crossing the creek to a black gum,corner of Meadow tract;thence south 83 degrees west*5 poles to black oak or stake,Hicks’corner;thence south 6 degrees east 50 poles to stake;thence north 23 degrees east 6 poles to stone,10 feet from ereekbank:thence south 60 qegrees east 32 poles to gum;thence south with the ditch 28 polestostone,Feimster’s corner;thence north 68 degrees:east 77 poles to stone,Hicks’corner;thence down the creek north 50 degrees enst 86 poles to stone opposite Patterson’s ¢or- ner;thence north 85 degrees west 24 poles tothebeginning,containing 35 acres more or less,the other half being owned by Dr.J,EKingandknownastheDifféeMittrate” J.A.HARTNESS, N.D.TOMLIN;JOBN M.SHARPE, R.B.McLaughlin,Atty.Mortgagees. March 31,1914. NOTICE OF SALE. Under and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Iredell county,mime inthespecialproceedingentitledMrs.Cora M.Booe,Mrs.Lula Smith and husband,JohnSmith,vs.“J.H.Campbell*and Anna B, Campbell,the undersigned commissioner will on SATURDAY,MAY 2,1914, at 12 o'clock ™.,at the court house door in Statesville,N..©.,.offer fgr sale to thehighestbidderthatcertaintractofland lying and being in.Turnersburg township,Iredell county,N.C.,adjoining the lands of R.L.Hodson and others,and bounded as follows,to-wit:Beginning at a spanish oak on the southsideofthecreek,running south 20 poles toa-persimmon;thence south 40 degrees west116polestoastone;thence S.83 degrees west 156 poles to a black oak,corner M.Heath and others;thence south 45 degrees east 79 poles and 16 links to a stake inJamesGray's line;thence north 49 1-2 de- grees east with said Gray's line 283 poles toawhiteoak,Gray's corner;thence north45degreeseast34polestoabirchonthesouthbankofHuntingcreek;thence north82degreeseastcrossingsaidCreek12polestoaforkedwillowonthenorthbankofpaidcreek,in Varner’s line;thence withthemeandersofsaidcreekwithsaidVar-ner’s and Wm.H.Smith’s,s4¥poles;thencesouth12poles,erdssing said creek,MilasCampbell's corner;thence with the meandersofthecrecktothebeginning,containing 239acresmoreorless.Also a tract adjoining the above,lying in.said county and State,and bounded as follows,to-wit:BeginningataspanishoakonthesouthsideofHunt-ing creek,running south 20 poles to a per-simmon;thence south 40 degrees west 116 poles to a stone,Milburn Heath's corner?thence north 26 degrees east 144 poles tothecreek;thence with the meanders of the pay to the beginning,containing thirteenndthreequartersacres.more or less. At- Cfuz consisted of the battleshi Florida;Utah,Connecticut,Minn ta and the cruisers San Franciliko Terms of Sale—One-fourth eash on day ofsale,one-fourth in three,one-fourth in sik @nd ofe-fourth in fine muntha.”E.G.GAITHER, April 7,1914 ©inal 6 nama -PacificR.J...Reynolds,Leonard.Tufts, Brown,Chadburn and G,8.Powell, Asheville.The commissioners here- tofore commissioned are Gen.J.S. Carr,Durham;Stewart Cramer and C.E.Hutchinson,Charlotte;John C. Drewry,Raleigh;G.S.Holderness, Tarboro;T.B.Brown,Salisbury. This commission will undertake to devise ways and means for a State exhibit at the exposition,which is.to be held at San Francisco,and.for that purpose the commission is call- ed to meet in Raleigh May 11. The exposition company .has ap- pointed ‘Col.F.A.Olds of Raleigh ex-position commissioner for this State and the appointment is.a good one. IF YOU SUFFER ANY _. Take Mi-o-na Now —PerfectlyHarmlessButActsQuicklyand Effectively.' When you feel nervous,blue,irrit- able,tired and dizzy—*when you have headaches,sour stomach,heartburn and pains in the colon and bowels—you are suffering from indigestion—you need Mi-o-na at once.Mi-o-na is not a cure-all but a specific for fils.._It—-builds up and strengthens the “stomach walls cnd glands;improves quickly the digestive system and assists na- ture to properly digest and assimi- late.the food,thus insuring good health.“‘ip Do not suffer another day.Get a fifty-cent box of .Mi-o-na °Tablets from the Statesville-Drug Company. Keep them with you constantly— they will help you get well and strong and immediate relief is sure. If not benefited Mi-o-na costs noth- ing.. SALE OF LAND. By virtue of a judgment of the Superior Court of Iredell county,in the civil action entitled E.L.Gaither vs.Amos Turner and Rebecea Turner,and also by virtue of a mortgage deed executed by Amos Turner and Rebecea Turner to Mrs.Belle M.Hill,dated January 11,1907,recorded in Book of Mort- gage Deeds 24,page 508,we will,on MONDAY,MAY 18,1914, at 1 o'clock,p.m.,at the court house door in Statesville,sell at public auction for cash the following land in Turnersburg township, Iredell county: Beginning at the church road,Hez..and Amos Turner’s corner,and “runs south 30 de- grees west to a stone,their corner;thence east to a stone,Laura Gaither’s and Amos Turner's corner;thence north 8 degrees east with Laura Gaither’s line to a stone,her corner;thence with the road to the begin- ning,containing 15 acres.more or less;it being Amos Turneris part of the division of his father,Stephen Turner's “land.- J.B,ARMFIELD,Commissioner. MRS.BELLE M.HILL,Mortgagee. H.Burke,Atty. April 17,1914, COMMISSIONER’S SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court,made im the special pro- ceeding entitled,M.E.Troutman a4ctL Troutman,administrator and others,vs.Dora 1.Sutter and others,the undersigned com- missioner will on MONDAY,MAY 1ith,1914, at 12-0’¢lock noon,sell at public auction to the highest bidder,at the court ‘house door in Statesville,N.C.,the following described tract of land,lying and being in Iredell coun- ty,N.C.,and bounded as follows:viz.:Be- ginning at -a_stone,E.F.Stewart's corner, and running with his line west 61 ‘1-2 pow to a stone,formerly a pine;thenee south & degrees west 86 poles to a stone,Stewart's corner thence south 86 degrees west 26 3-4 poles to a dogwood;thence north 75 degrees west 51 poles to a maple,said Stewart's cor- ner;thence north 1 1-2 degrees east 116 1-2 poles to a pine knot,J.C.Sharpe's corner; thence with his ine south 87 degrees east 131 poles to a pine knot in.Morrow's line; thence with his line south 4 1-2 degrees.east 84 poles to the beginning,containing 87 1-2 eres more or less.This land is sold sub- ject to the dower.of M.E.Troutman,which covers 27 1-2 acres,description of whigh is on file in the clerk's office in Iredell county. Terms of Sale:One-third cash,one-third in six months and the remainder in 12 months, deferred payments to draw interest at 6 per cent from confirmation of sale. Cc.L.TROUTMAN,Commissioner. R.‘T.Wateherman,Atty. Aer 10,1914. ENGRAVED CALLING CARDS Not the kind you get at,bar- gain.counters,but the last word in artistic engraving |Statesville Printing Co. ’Phone208 : |cemmaneemmecngern “mammaire emtements No.1 The Ammonia in our Ferti- lizer is made of Blood,Meal,Fish Scraps,etc.No.2.There aré ammoniated goods on the market made ofleath- er,wood,hair,etc.,andare worth nothing as Fertilizer.Which kind do you want?We got these:facts before we bought,for your (protection.T.N.BROWN.*Phone 433. At Iredell Hardware Co. Statesville Tinning Co NEW TIN SHOP Will do general Sheet Metalworkandroofing.H.C. Mohler,a workman with 25 years experience,will be con- nected with the business. SHOP—114 East Broad Street."PHONE 55, FOR_EXPER' Cleaning and Pressing ’Phone 147, Sloan Pressing Club. Ladies’work a Specialty. ;“Pasy-Opening-Box.” Notrouble,Nomuss. ‘THE F,F.DALLEYCo.,Lrp. It speaks to the fheart through the pocket-book.”That’s why the Ford is a friend to thousands the world over.What any other car will do the Ford will do—and more —at a fraction of the cost. Buy it Because it’s a Better Car. CAROLINA MOTOR CO.;Statesville,N.C.G.L.McKNIGHT,Mooresville,N.€. When You Need a New Range Buy the Born Range From us and save your money on wood and coal billsand keep .your your kitchen cool this summer. Sole Iredell County. Agents for Well sellyou the right Clothes atthe right price or If you don’t know anything about the values ofclothing,what else have you left to do but to trust to the REPUTATION of the establishment you buy from?We wish that every one who has never bought their clothes from us,would only ask those who have.Weare in business here to stay in business here and we know wecando so only by selling good clothing at honest prices.e ask you totrust us once and to let our goods speak for themselves after that Sloan Clothin Company WE SELL “BETTER”CLOT ¢in fa eh ee e i al AP E sa t a Ee ad a . Tk 0) . * | aa a aa a | ee aieent eee =eral ITHE LANDMARK|SIGNBOARDS AND THE ROADS.wa cranes pues ae:Peanges uct—Nort redell News.’ oT Meg ee Co6l.Spring Folks Don't Think €aniontastele sae 194 :ee baad earrespondence of ‘Phe Lamduare acts.es demand —+woe ‘Yor ~Roads Out Jennings,April “91=The youtig s calendar year )°people gave Miss Myrtle Cass,old-Ae it wod.w baer Correspondence of The Landmark.t child of Mr.andirs,M.LoneaIfyantto‘ee a at , better see me Oak Forest,April 20-1 n iNjaisurprise apron party and supper :%a recent issue of The Landmark thati}ast Saturc i ~[have some fine properties,a committee was before the commis|_nice tim int fro Bcd tend:re time.e is a model girl an both city and country,for sioners and-asked.that they put UPiwe arc glad to see the rai people sale.Good values.«Call and signboards over the county;and show this appreciation of her. let me help you select what they put up some .sign 1 Messrs.Emery Windsor and Gra- -you want along the railroads-stating what has’ham York visited at Winston -Sa-.lity been done in the county.My advice\jem and Mr.Roget Crouch visited at FELIX J.AXLEY,would be that the commissioneg$}Greensboro Easter. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Over Merchants &Farmers’Bank. ve ?i te x E t e t a SS E S E S E E & SP P ep r e r PR E R E E R E E i &s & wait about the big signs titl they get}This neighborhood was visited btheotherquartersofthecountyfined}drunken crowd of ten boys aneup.A man attracted might strike}night last week,who disturbed thedutthe,Cool Spring way and do @8/people wherever they.went by their Drs.Cloaninger and Laugenour did—Jeursing and hollowing.They oughttheyroightontgre“=all to be indicted and the parties whomudholesandkeeptheirwiv:sold them the ‘li téo.Correspondence of The Landmark.children out till the dark shades mot of this Tie eee'}Mt.Mourne,April 21.—A ball game}the night would overtake them,-thing as this is a rare occurrence (-between “Mt,Mourne and Cornclius|then what would they do?Instead}about here.Such erowds are liable Is.it possible there is man in thi t h last week resulted in a victory for|of going back praising the coumty,|to bring serious results and should gh pice nanag Sattar Aart shag Aegul Cornclius—five to four.Cornelius|they would go throwing mud im thelbe broken up at once.tinues to suffer without giving Lydia E.Pinkham’s Vege- We are in the !|was expected to play the Mt.Mourne air,Mr.Th G f Elkin is vis-:7 < ket f ‘lteam here later but didn’t show.up.|These roads are traveled as much Bing his trethed.ier,ges Gera,ee See &trial after all the evidence that is caer market for |“iss Mary Lawrence spent ‘Satar-|as any roads in the countyy as they|this weck.The latter has improved tinually being published,which proves beyond:contradic- day and Sunday with Miss .Lottie|lead out into other.counties,brimg-jsome in health and was able to be tion that this grand old medicine has relieved more suffer- inson a’résville.Miss Annie|ing in trade,and would bring much 9 ok ::eas a1,000 Bushels |poner ore ee ee it they ann mented ring mmebjout to preaching at,Zion Saturday|ing among women than anyother one medicine in the world? 'and Sunday.He is always very frail ;-‘2 day with friends near Ostwalt.Mr.|could be traveled.at his best.7 We have published in the newspapers of the United States‘> :|B.S.Templeton went to Rocky River}The cry now is rotation.I don’t)Farm work is practically at i i iFieldPeas.|B 8:Templates:went Mdemart Pros |eare anything about thats“OUE GM letaitdstill on k ©practically oh8)-tnore genuine testimonial letters than have ever been pub- ‘lbytery.He is an elder of Center|ty officers are all fine mén and haveled wet weather.The farmers are lished in the interest of any other medicine for women— vari t|church,near Mt,Mourne._|rendered noble service and”there @f@/the worst behind I have ever known and every year we publi i i - Want any ariety ‘|Mrs.Simp Sherrill is now making other men in the county who wouldithem,but it may be for the best.vine bat Hey “aoe ai teatmniay,”gen or mixed.Will ‘ther home.with Mr.and Mrs.J.A.do the same.But if the present Of-|Wheat and oats are looking very -rue.ere are three never before published : ‘|Hobbs.Her sister,Miss-Mattie Cald-|ficers have been working against)promising.Th ::be oi pay CASH.well,who bad been living with her,|our part of the county thinking —we Sood frat ere Pran tale £0 S60 From Mrs.S.T.Richmond,Providence,R.I.u good fruit crop this year. ‘|died recently...Mrs.Hobbs is -Mrs,|did not stand by them,they are no-me Provipvence,R.I.—*“For the benefit.of women whosufferas I have SEE_US.meee Peres-nb@OR ese tare on Jartmualy wrong and_should-get down)School Closing,Social.Events,_Per-done I wish to state what Lydia E.Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound and out.know we havent done ogy MbBasccsoctcsscccssceans has-done-for me.I did-some heavy Jifting and the doctor said it o .M2K.M }TISON (rocery |right in the road building yet,but if}¢orrespondence of The Landmark.caused&displacement;-have-always been weak and-Loverworked \ &aa (1 ures t =.Gene now right soon we BOF}.Troutman,R-2 April 21—Miss after my baby was born and inflammation set in,then hervous ee rodauce ®00 be Dast.at we want .Annie Hobbs of Mt.Mourne spent||tration,from whichIdid not recover umtilIhad taken Lydia £.Pink. equal.favors and rights to all.amd)gaiurday and Sunday with Miss An-|ham’s Vegetable Compound.The Compound is my hest friend and ot nkdte ;.Kezema vd —»pres badly behind ‘with nie Spears.Misses Pearl and Aman-when I hear of a woman with troubles like mine I try to induce her ‘i ee That okt ne ae da Mills of Statesville spent Satur-|to take your medicine.”—Mrs.8.T.Ricumonp,190 Waldo Street, u sahara iat old ..grow hei day with Miss Ruby Arthurs.Miss|Providence,R.L Serre must just keep seeing his -shadow,|4y.ni.Reid of Davidson spent a few. You Supplies sien nae a on in ee Ae lng on oa oa days last week with her-sister,Mrs.A Minister’s Wife Writes:- 8 ‘-;‘aes nae J.R.Brawley.d C ri ‘;.**semen thatie are ead to make our |now of g fine crop,The Prospect #ORLeci.<i,te Me home|at”Harrcburg|paSroel inismeation:batrour werdexfal medicine,LydisE.Pink’ Sooo>="ticn we have found that a simple wash {a full crop of fruit is good—so let's}+),;ed ei tae ae .ain and inflammation,but your wonderful medicine,Lydia E.Pink- .a aera,6 Lompounded |cheer up.Sith his ake Mr cn :‘So eo 1am’s Vegetable Compound,has made me well and I can recommend If you are going to buy upon,We.would net,make thin kinie-Mr.O.G.Sills has just bought alyy3.oona au if a ‘little -ae the same to all that are troubled with these complaints.”—Mrs.JEN- -ment to our patrons,friends apd nelgh-|four-passenger auto.Miss Cecil,Paris has sda ob Aen nie AKERMAN,C/o Rev,K.Akerman,Cloquet,Minnesota. your supplies on time let bors unless we were sure of it—and a .‘5 ::atthe thken sl 7 A ey Cc.D.CROUCH.oe os Laat bachelusfigurewithyou.We |]tema remedies sold)we ourselves bn eee ce eeeee From Mrs.J.D.Murdoch,Quincy,Mass. aie vesitatingly recommend D.D.DPD.Pre-»rs j y ae irblns ~er ... carry the best of about scription.Seep e Vacant &emoce®t co Vete For companied by Miss Annie -Spears,SoutH Quincy,Mass.—*The doctor said thatIhad orgarlic trouble everything you will need over the merits ef this wonmectal Pre:|Correspondence of The Landaierk en ee Se =ne Cockared rad for a long time and I did not get any relief.I i caw at ue eae costation:ioe .’.y 1 of young people enjoyed a|saw Lydia E.Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound ad- n the way }y-Polk Gray Drag Company,it seems there 1s"samme confusion |)Monday night at the home of}~vertised and I tried itsand found relief beforeIhad Fancy Groceries,Feed-Statesville,N.C.eee ace ond We.uM d Mrs.S.H.Houston,in hon-finished the first bottle.I continued taking it all )want the same efor of Miss Paris through middle life and am now a strong,healthy stuffs,Garden and Field y ION FOR i?+es 1 aa ?jI believe the people want a.change.(e a large crowd attended the woman @ iving.”—rE eae NOTICE OF ELECT ly.for one Democrat,wad.Seceiittitent nd earn my own living.”—Mrs.Janz D.ment at Simpson's Saturday}Murpocu,25 Gordon St.,South Quincy,Mass. ye |change OK DACK r he:af son an right.a =a GRADED SCHOOL BONDS |:1e ae oe ted ta.put cen alee eon there ot aa oe “She WritetoLYDIA E.PINKHAM MEDICINE CO, j °j on a salary.The old officers kieked|primary grades and an excellent ad-(CONFIDENTIAL)LYNN,MASS.,foradvice. Miller McLainSupply Co.say,virtue of am ordinance duly pase!ty|higher than a steer “and now.flighty Rev.C.L.Pe a4a cour letter will be opened,read and answered ville,at the regular mecting held on Friday crawh down and gay,“Let uS havelnicht a very good programme,con-a and held in strict confidence.wo & night,April 34,1914,all aldermen being)1t two more years.”sisting of songs,recitations,plays,7 ’ x present ee hed amy ee Brother Democrat,‘et’s stick tOje:--was rendered by the higher ES I IM A I ES ON Pp I AN S 2S that an ¢wil eld in e city OF],>~pa ti s Y .::.a °ae Adding Machine Paper ea PeS uae ca poten pmen|ibe Democratic platform,sod Waaeeiigrade pupile.At night there was The output of piano factories is immense. :hereinafter set out,to ascertain the will of|rotation.Some of.them have beeni¢he jargest crowd seen at Simpson’s.|-s P 4 .“ the people as to whether the city of States-|in office almost’for a quarter of Stn a long time,if ever before These pianos must be put.in suitable storage until sold, ville shall issue twenty-five thousand dollars|..5 -are cee ,3 a century and yet they want to stay —————AStore house in acity costspermonth,$200.00 ;in bonds {par value)with interest coupons Syery d De ns sh Sete to A ator eger Lo conductthat house cobtsper moritly 200.00 Wehave two SIZES.-attached,bearing five per cent interest per on.Every goo emocrat should ‘By angelist Ham Burns Books and |His Stenographer for typewriting correspondence,etc.100.00 ‘annum,and said bonds to be due thirty years}fo to the primary and give a good =Reads Names of Liquor Dealers His Advertisingin one Magazine costs per month 1000.90 Sell it by the Roll yee ae ene ig pret agptcen Foo —_for roLeee 4 As on :g°—Rev a Ww Ham an envangelist A house for storage ede N.C.costs per month rac C nually.Said bonds td be issued for the pur-the primary and vote the old crowd b c :I .h Idin z ti :A managertoconductthathouse costs per month 75.00 or Uase.pose of buying the Sullivan property on Water out,don’t talk .about \court hous:®aeomas been holding meetings in Advertisingin five papers costs per month 25.00 street and erecting thereon a school building |rings any reore.Don’t let them come this part of the State,makes it a Total,125.00 ’i 8 le.;j i is 1eetir invei Ms srs have establist Jepositoryin Statesv —Phone 200 —suitable to the needs of the ety of Statesville.).ound and tell you ‘what.to do,but point in his meeting to inveigh|_fanufacture rs have oats I :hed ot pository in Stat sville, the balance remaining,if any,to be used as ae .inet the “Pastor Ru 11”-N.C..saving the difference in above expenses,giving custo preseritied in Chapter 48 of the Private Laws|£0 to the primary and show them agamst t astor husse propa-|mers the edvantege of the namein prices,with J.8.Leonard, suy you anos,§«a }.e.3 - j |ganda i t 2 le who have|Manager be 2 ae passed by the General Assembly at its|what you will do.Let's heave rota-|SSMROO (oO Urge people WHO BAVC|eee fangbooks sae AS ca mers ss Brady Printing Co.Special Session held in the year 1913,sub-|tion this year,not two years her |bought Russell’s book to.bring |ments.Songbooks for Public S¢hools,Sunday Schools,ete,from .; ject to the approval of the Board of Alder-Be a ad fo lthem in and make &bonfire.Such|E A RD St t ll men of the city of Statesville.Of course the old officers hav:1}ee pe =Ee Li ote ened is North|&*e 9 a esv e,eo!* —<$—————re tier Notice is hereby further given that said|made good officers,but they-have had |D0OKB "were-pub!ne et : @|ciection is called under and by virtue of the/it a long time.Let’s give other m«Wilkesboro,Kernersville and other ;:EO 7 authority granted by said Chapter 48 of the x nae;.h held£|i r he svyangelist le ere na 4 :ust as good,a chanee.Rotatior points where,the evangeli 1 7"3 Private Laws pasted by the General Assem-J :’:ze ;..=Poy gies asters ‘, THE DAVIS MILES bly at said Special Session and Uiat said;my ticket;ONE DEMOCRAT |meetings.and Sunday night a simi os ail Sat cA i Sea Oe cere | 1914,at the polling places hereinafter nam-|where Ham has been conducting a tl 4) = = Pp YP g eé election shall be held on Tuesday,June 16th,lar event was staged at Newton,.aie -i ri i i iT ne |e rm-1 Tt a fi |il :in f Give you 40 Pounds Best Pat-va and shall,be held and conducted under|Mr.Dulin Answers Some Charges.|geting.A hambet of the Russell a i il ne ri HH ?he.ruil 1 regulatio:ded and pre-.\";Nt |i ent Flour and 13 pounds Bran carne >“Chapter 3 of the Bev toad of 1508,ee _—eenen:_|books were eolleeted and publicly *m1 m1 ||mM } :--|It has been circulated by my ad-};.,re een }Ati}}i in exchange or Pa $i 15 r and the amendments thereto,except as to the ‘;r |burned in the court square.i :Ui ' y.:ae time of holding the election.versaries and their strikers that Ij it rm Vi i AT i,.;hing Mr.Ham stresses bushel cash for wheat.Watch Notice is further given that by said or-j}am an infidel,an atheist,‘an agnost Another thins ft mit SRA jin his meetings is the liquor traffic.'¢mT H ATT (a |24a : rT (Bee |re || this ad for price each week.dinance a new registration shall be had of/mnd a Catholic.‘In reply to these|at @ meeting in the court house in oo |Wasa oe a -ih all qualified voters residing in said city,and ‘..| Best Flour and Meal Prompt $f}that in the books provided the registrars of false charges I wish to say that I was|Newton Sunday afternoon the evan- and courteous service at all said election shall be entered the names of reared on a farm in Iredell county by|reli licly read the nz 23 of all S i re)os times.It pays to patronize ail persons offering to register for said elec-}q Christian father and mother,who|meeeoncly read the nem hineles y tion who may be entitled to registration un-ta ht that th Bibl ie +}who hold retail l1iquo dealers’license der the requirements of law now in force.ug me a e d ibie ‘was the |in Gatawba county and those who ex- THE DAVIS MILLS,Said registration books shall be opened on|word of God,and Christ the Savi UT |ceeded the limit of the law in buy-H FIREPROOF o Hiddenite,N.C.Wednesday,May 1$th,1914,at 9 o'clock a.m.,/of mankind.Through their influence |ing Phe policy of Secretary of the d shall be closed Saturday,J 6th,;+tol Mm.:ee and of my own choiceI joined the|Ngyy Josephus Daniels,in abolish-Cannot burn—never leak—look well—and ‘That the following places are designated Methodist Church.While I have not)ng liquor from the United States na-are inexpensive.They cover the best homes, in said ordinance as the polling places,and}been a@ regular attendant,and do not|yy was warmly endorsed and a res-'eburches,schools and public buildings all over the following men are apponited as rexis-|claim to have’lived an exemplary|oluti :oa the cou NOTICE!trars and judges of election for the polling lif.‘.’pie a2 |olution of commendation was passed country. places set opposite their respective names,rs th ave not departed from the|}y¥9 rising vote.Reading that list For Sale by HOLLAND.BROS.have changed ae at ,tr |of mames was probably embarrassing ;FIRST WARD—Pell lace,Fry’s Sh aan ; their “phon numberfrom 177to7.||svoy:Registrar,A.E.Fry:Judgesof Blec-ca base ee te that |)to some of the folks.Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware Company, Call No.7 for draying,all grades}tion,J.S.Leonard and W.‘T-Kincaid.cae eet a aR STATESVILLE,N.C. best coal and wood,etc.SECOND WARD—Polling place,Deaton’s|Voted for any man who was not on|Calling the Mexican Man “Out of His;=- coal and w C.«Marble Yard;Registrar,R.P.Allison;|the Democratic ticket,I will meet Naite.” Residence ’PhoneJ310.Judges Of ‘Blection,F.H.Conger and J.H.Jand i incell eee Geter my slanderers at any time and place |Chulotie Observer. OS TIAD--WARD,~Polling-—place,Court.{nd compare.my record:with oentht 3 l=—————Fiaeeee:Registrar,W.J.Lazenby;Judges of Task the people not to Accept With ee ai veatting him~Hew-er-terr Quit ~~A en 4 “ER EE BSet ‘es WHATEVERTYPEWRITER Election,J.W.C.Long and J.R.Alexander.|out-investigation falsehoods that may |'t!Quit it!e i it ett ei Polling place,Office of be circulated against me |—A 7 ae J t Build Loan Association;Resis-.:shi i cand You buy we canwish nothingmore toon,’5 Oh tells Sedees oflection,3.G.P.P.DULIN.Miss Kate Shipp,who for years 2 Pt ‘ll like i Lewis snd.Watt L 2 ;LL |has conducted Fassifern school for ‘ than ed Se MOTOR,wellas That at said wrtee wing polls ‘shall be|Troutman ©High School Commence-|zifls at Lincolnton,has decided to You can get that new style Colonial Pump :i.o opened at sunrise and shall be closed at sun ment Begins Today.|move the school to Hendersonville.° Statesville Printing Co.oe ah ee a oe el iave written ot Covrenicudanhe Ur Wik Sandelant:3 in Patent or Gun Metal,welt or turn sole, aaeentalapenengnetayniaetianeteean ’PHONE 208 School Bonds,”or”the words,“Agsinst|‘Troutman,April 20.—The closing |CALOMEL A GRENY|oo at $3.50.Also staple Oxfords and Pumps Aa I berber _—ee alt ee,aod exercises of the Troutman high}:é DANGER TO MANY t di .Al ial Stee at mass tke Gi tke ‘werde|School beging fext Friday evenins |9°)—2 TE 2 ag CO ets ce carne ae PREPARED “For Graded Schoo)’Bonds”thereon:and|with exertises by the graduati Has -Bad Effect on Some—Dodson's onsome Oxfords and’Pumps arranged on ne thone opposed,shall vote|&ticket with the [class and.will be concluded Saturday fMse tone fake el dead my tables.See them.Make your ready cash To do your work on short noticé.}|thereon.os choo!Bonds,”|+ht with a concert by the school.|s Perfectly Harmless.-: All we wantis a trial.That immediately after the election the Each .year for four years ‘it ha |Of you will inquire st the States-Save you money by spending itwith ballots cast shall be counted and the result|been necessary to add another teach-|ville Drug Store you will find that * Gillespie Pressing Club:}}2!;%section shat terestter sirreret|or to the facuity until now our corps|Dedson’s Liver Tone is,swatantays Th S M &H Sh C—’PHONE 350,.—Sublshed by order of the.Board of Al-|of teachers consists “of five of the|to be @ safe,reliable remedy to take e *y **oe Ou, dermen of the city of Statesville,this the|best instructors to be found.The at-|the place of calomel and a harroless : “et OF Art Me ed CORE,,|tendanée:still increases so that by the|liver stimulant h:.ving no bad after-The One Price Cash Shoe Store. opening of the fall term it is thought |effects.‘Indeed,any of these firms NOTICE|!SALE OF CITY PROPERTY.{still another teacher ‘will,be needed.|will refund ~purchase price _(50e.) A class of 7 or 8 boys and girls from|without question if you are in any First class tin work and repairing.By authority contained in a mortgage deed|thj +:aiperee|Beste gs fice I Pairing.|)vccuted by Ts S.Patterson on 8th oa this school will begin their college|way dissatisfied with this ve getable Roofing Contractor.March,1912,to the First Building and Loan aw this fall,as girls are pre |Sa va aiaeue - ‘Association of Statesville,North Carolina,|pared to enter the soph slass t is very unwise to take calomel, CLYDE EB.GATTHER,[jcc sccure te indetteduere.therein.expressed,|and the boys will Sererere 85 |es as many piel \ Phy No.157 petuute tu Shs Sis ahw hocnetatl a e boyswill enter fresh.en.dangerous,y peop OR ree ene setae’bela tacdeaethemes agreedto be|,16 pablic te cordially invited to suffer from the poison afterwards, made,I will expose to public sale,to the|attend the finals.even though they may appear at first :.7 highest bidder for cash,on ae aiecesen to be temporarily relieved.On the Black Warrior Pit Games.MONDAY,MAY 4th,1914,STATE OFOHIO.CITY OF TOLEDO.P j Liver Tone the following descri otl.er hand,Dodson’s Resinniig at a ee ae,cnet side of |.Frank J,works easily and naturally (really Buffalo Shoals Road,W.J.Patterson's north-be is senior partner of .|assisting nature)with no pain nor CAR LOAD OF FINE BROOD tested—$3 for ~15,west ‘corner;and runs south 76 degrees east,Goan bu he |gripe and correcting all bilious con- thoroughbred stock.N with W.J.Patterson's line 957 feet to a and iy,ditions and ills of constipation,clear sale.Mood hatch guaranteed.R.Soygeome seat yer ge Melia >ene DRED.DO!ing away the sick headache and the MARES BY EXPRESS.ALSO J.HARBIN,-354 Alexander stree :;sae See et 4 conted tongue,brightening ~up the J Statesville,N.C.April 7—8t.*-.BF.aa bie oy RANK CHENDY.|dulled brain and strengthening the ANOT HER CAR OF HORSES ;Sworn to before me subscribed |weakened body at the Same time that \in branch;|in De-ATTRACTIVE FARM, acres fine no ae Gay...of it removes collected waste from the AND MULES. ——Maggie} my ae )A.w,.GLEAGON,overburdened system.. farm degrees Halt ‘lotary ts Those who have trie dson’s oe ot vee Oe j ;:fous directly”S are and Liver Tone have found that it made .surfaces syatem,Send oo healthier and happier.A.test‘Palede,0.prove of great benefit to you£7 right .ta now. $2.00|Montrose,which is being conducted} WATCH—Watch the label on your paper.If renewalsarenot enlabel,paper willbe stopped. FRIDAY,»+e “lother work,but it has been difficult April 24,1914. by the State Board of Health,The department _of Rankin,must be kept on par with to secure properly trained nurses at} all and then only at exorbitant The Landmark’s news columns tell all this paper knows about the war up to the hour of going to press.We could’’spetulate to-the extent of “a couple of columns or 80,but anybody can do that.Nobody knows just what's going to happen.’It all de- pends on the turn of events.NN Reference is made elsewhere to the order of the corporation commission requiring a reassessment of real estate in Mecklenburg county.The Observer says there is an -error of $1,000,000 in the .figures;that the valuation of real estate in Charlotte township increased about $1,000,000 in 1911 over 1910,instead of decreas- ed,as the figures of the corporation commission indicate. The gentlemen who are telegraph- ing Washington and otherwise.get- ting their names in the newspapers as being anxious to go to Mexico had better be certain ‘they really .want to-go-and_gre not getting into the limelight simply for-the-“big—of the thing.”It is possible and probable that thére may be a show down about going to Mexico and it might be em- barrassing to have the record drawn if anybody should change his mind about it.| Correction of the abuse of the con- gressional franking privilege is pro- posed in identical bills introduced in the Senate and House Wednesday by the chairmen of the committees on printing.The legislation proposes changes in the printing laws designed to save about $860,000 annually,and the restriction of the Congressional Record to a transcript of made in Congress only.The ought-to pass.Hundreds of thousands of dollars “are wasted annually by members of Congress having printed at public expense and‘sent through the mails free,documents for pri- yate purposes.It is questionable if the ‘abuse can be entirely corrected *at this time but if they keep after it success.will crown their efforts. A word to candidates “and their is’always hospitable to discussion of public.af- Therefore it has been giving and will continue to give a reasonable amount of space to thosé who wish to discuss the,advisability or inad- rotation of the county friends:The Landmark fairs. visability of officers,or to a discussion of candi- dates generally.It will also answer charges which may culated against him,so long as this But spaee in this paper is too valuable for The Landmark to contribute it to boost any particular candidate,Boosts for individual candidates will go only Personally,the editor would be glad to allow the friends of candidates to say a word for their favorites,but it would im- pose an unreasonable burden on the is confined to proper bounds. at advertising rates. paper. The House of Congress promptly passed Monday evening‘the resolu- tion giving the President the author- ity he asked to use force in Mexico. The Senate debated the proposition morning. Meantime Vera Cruz had been taken The Sen- ate passed the resolution in amend- ed form by a vote of 72 to 18,in until 3:20 Wednesday by order of the President. which the House concurred. olution follows: In view of the facts presented by the President of the United States in his address delivered to Congress ir joint session on the 20th day of.April 1914,in regard to certain affronts and theindignities"committed againit United States in Mexico,be it Resolved,That the President justified in the employment armed forces of the United *to enforce his demands-for unequiyo cal amends for the affronts’and in dignities committed against the Unit ed States;be it further Resolved,That the United States disclaims any hostility to the Mexi ‘@an people or any purpose to make *war upon them. enteantinemin An old German plan of financing the wage earner and the man o small salary,when fortune is at low ebb for them,is the basis of a busi hess scheme promoted by J.R.Bar tol of Richmond,Va.,who is in Char lotte,says the Observer,preparing te organized company to establish abankofthatcharacterinCharlotte Mrs.Mary E.Dula,wife of th late T.J.Dula,a well known lawyer She *‘was in her 72d year,was a native of,Davie courity and had lived in Wilkes --of Wilkesboro,died this week. boro 45 years.A number of childreithesebeingW.|sarwive,one ofDulaofCharlotte,who formerly livedinStatesville. speeches. bill prices.ere danger of infection to a nurse.’in nursing tuberculosis patients in our institution or in any other pro conducted institution,”although ‘there is an inordinate and unneces- sary.fear of contracting tuberculo- sis in institutional work,both among the nurses and physicians of ‘our State,”Dr.Rankin says some plan must.be worked out for the nursing at Montrose and suggests the follow- ing: “One plan that might come up for consideration is to turn the.entire nursing department over to the Cath- olic Sisters.It is known that what- ever,the Catholic Sisters undertake, whether it be hospitals,schools,or- phan homes or what not,success is assured.It is also known that.‘the Catholic,Sisters do not work”alone for the money they.receive,but more largely on account of the good they can do.While our institution is able to pay reasonable prices for nursing,still it does not seem prop- er to pay exorbitant prices.” Dr.Rankin’s statement is a State.It is well known that the Ro- man Catholic Church’s’strong point in advancing its work in Protestant communities,is through schools,or- phanages and hospitals;and the de- votion of the Catholic Sisters of Mercy,these women who give their lives to the advancement of their re- ligion and their Church,has been notable in all ages.Wherever there are epidemics of disease,or famine or war or any widespread trouble, these women can be found in the fore- front of relief work,and their devo- tion to helping the suffering for the cause of their religion has challenged the admiration of the world,They do not’work for money alone,as Dr. nursing,says Dr,} Asserting that “there is no} challenge to-the-Protestants.of the |Capt.R.O.Van Horn general Rankin says,but for “the good they can do”in impressing on.others the religion.they profess. well knows that to turn the nursing of Montrose,a State institution,over to the Sisters of Mercy would proba- Dr,Rankin give reasonable space to any candidate to be cir- The res+ is ‘of the States bly bring an emphatic protest from the Protestants of the State.So he is telling the public in advance what the situation is,that something must be done and that the Catholic Sisters are the solution unless conditions change.Here is the opportunity’for the Protestant chutchesin North Car- olina,.Are there no Protestant nurs- es who are willing,for the religion; they profess,to answer this’call -of| humanity for a reasonable wage? Can the Protestant Church not meet this situation?If it cannot,there should be no,complaint if the Catho- lics are called to meet it.The work ‘must be done.Thousands of our citizens are dying yearly of tuber- culosis.The State is trying to save them through the institution at Mont- rosé.Some of our people are ‘much concerned about the Catholics and much fear is expressed that they are trying to contro]the government. Here is an opportunity to:keep them out of a State institution in a work for humanity.Will it be met? Vera Cruz and Tampico. Greensboro News. Vera Cruz is the most importantportofMexico,situated inthe State of Vera Cruz—officially,Vera Cruz Llave—and the census of ten years ago gave it a population of some-thing Téss thin 30,000.“The capital of:the State is not Vera Cruz,butJalapa.Vera Cruz is 263 miles by rail east of the City of Mexico;built on a flat,sandy,barren beach,only a few feet above sea-level.The sur- rounding country is low,rank,damp, hot,malarial,humid;there is an im- mense rainfall.It is a most nause- ous hole that the American fleet hasgotinto.The whole east coast .of Mexico is described by the Encyclo- »|paedia Britainnica as “covered with streams,swamps and lagoons,‘the abode of noxious insects,pestilential fevers and dysentery.” Tampico—population in 1900,16,- 000—is also an old-town.It was raided by buccaneers in 1682 and 140 years later Santa Anna,then dicta- “\tor,fought a battle theré with the ~|Spanish.These two-are practically the only times that Tampico has fig- ured in Mexican history;it is the discovery of oil.in the neighborhood that has given the town its modern importance. Cadet Robeft E.Lee,who recently f\resigned from the United States Mil- itary Academy because of deficiency in mathematics;is not a grandson of Gen.Robert E.Lee,as was errone-ously stated in a dispatch of April 14, He is a son of Eldridge Lee,a busi- 4)ness man of Dunn,Harnett county, N.C,-The Landmark questioned the ejaccuracy of the dispatch when it waspublished. At Gold Hill,Rowan county,Wed- nesday,the roller mill 6f J.GC.Pra-pher was destroyed by fire,entailing a nja loss of $6,500.The origin of the1.|fre‘is unknown,A large amount ofmachinery,grain and flour was alsodestroyed, the youngwhoareeeo_alvngde or a cilitarytraining,in orderbebetterfittedtheirmilitaryduty should it-ever standces.; In addition to the patridtic Liv:of attendance,there are to be consid-ered the physical benefits derived by the students from the active,health- ful outdoor life of aforthesummervacation.-pe- riods ‘last five weeks.Only.thosewillbeallowedtoattendwhoarestu-dents in good standing of a first-classuniversity,or college,or in the grad-uating class at high eryschools,or have graduated from such institutions.Students must attendforthefullfiveweeksunlesscompell-ed.by actual necessity to leave,It is estimated by thethatabout500boyswill attend theNorth‘Carolina camp.Those’desir-ing to enter the camp can apply to1staff,United States armys—eresRailroadexpensestoandfromthecampmustbedefrayedbystudents.Wholesome,healthful,and amplemealswillbefurnishedattherate of $3.50 a week,or $17.50 for the en-tire period.This amount must .bepresenteduponarrivalandincludespaymentofcooks,assistant cooks, waiters and other expenditures notspecificallyenumeratedelsewhere.These meals will be prepared by trained army cooks and -will be un-der the constant personal supervisionofanofficer.The uniform requiredwillbeonesuitofcottonolive-drabcoloreduniform,one extra pairbreeches,one campaign hat with dis-tinctive hat cord,one pair leggingsandtwocottonorwoololive-drabshrts;These articles (with ¢xcep- tion of hat cord)are similar to thoseprescribedforuseintheregularar-my.If not already possessed by thestudenttheymustbepurchasedby him and will cost from about $5 to$10,depending upon quality.Toavoiddelayandtroudleinfittingatthecamp,it is preferable for stu-dents to obtain the above uniform in advance. The government will furnish,with out charge,cots,blankets,tentage,cooking outfits,a complete.infaiitryequipmentforeachman,includingrifle,bayonet,cartridge belt,canteen, shelter-tent half,pole and pins,hav- ersack,pack carrier,individual mess kit,knife,fork,spoon and cup,andsuchotherarticlesofquartermaster and ordnance property as may be found.necessary;these to be turned in upon completion of camp. MATTERS OF NEws. On account of the unsettled condi- tions,the.House and Senate confer- ees agreed quickly on the army ap-propriation bill.The measure ap- propriates $100,000,000,the Senate having added $6,000,000. Letters expressing the profoundsorrowofPresidentWilsonandSee- retary Daniels at the death of the sailors and marines at Vera Cruz were dispatched next day by the Sec-retary of the Navy to the parents of the men. James Clark,engineer,was killed|.and a number of trainmen and pas-sengers slightly injured Wednesday night near Rockfish,Va.,when the engine and baggage car of a South-ern local train left the track andturnedoverinaditch. Official announcement is made by the Treasury Department that nation- al banks,members of the new finar- cial system,legally may make loanssecured--by-real estate,provided .sueh real estate security is'improved farm land unencumbered by a prior lien,The property must be located in thesameFederalreservedistrictasthe bank making the loan;the loan mustnotexceed50percentoftheactual value of the property and be for a period not longer than five years. An open air ‘meeting,opposite the city hall id New York Wednesday,broke up in a riot when a former United States sailor attacked aspeakerrepresentingthe.“anti-mili-tary conference,”who had shouted at the top of his voice>“The American flag is not fit to defend.”According to the police,the meeting was hiundertheauspicesoftheIndustrial Workers of the World,a lot of agita-tors who have given much trouble inthecitiesoftheNorthandWestfor some months. Coffins a Part of the Preparation ForWar. Galveston,Texas,Dispatch,22d, Eight hundred coffins today weretakenaboardthearmytransportshere,which are stocked atid ready tocarrytheFifthbrigadeoftheUnitedStatesarmytoMexicoiftheWar Department so orders.It was learn-ed tonight that the transports carrytwomonthssubsistenceforthe4,500 men of the Fifth brigade,the store of provisions having been included at tythelastmonient..At first plans were, made to put aboard only about 380 days weotlingen It was stated to-night that from 18 to 24 hours wouldberequiredtomakethetransportsreadytosail;-The men-and campequipagecouldbetakenAboardina few hours. ef ih ts ag t H stakes which fretsintofever,narrows the mind; 55eg 5S inevitable and complete.ruin whichfollowsitthroughwreckandfailure.on earth even to the shackling of thesoulintheeverlastingprison-house.But there is another thing aboutthoughclearseldomifeverthesub- dence is brazen,overmastering and swaggering conceit is offensive to the last degree.It is a marauder in the domain oflegitimatebusiness.It poisons .thestreamsofcommerce,It erects falsestandardsandarousesbaselesshopes.In brief,it fleeces the lambsofindustryandthenturnsthemouttofreezeandstarve,-~--It is a leech on the bosom of so- ciety.At first it may stealthily en-ter the quiet home in some harmlessdiversion;then it perches impudent-ly on the eard-table of,a social par-ty;and finally,it-dominates ynmask-ed thesocial.life.of..a whole cofamu- nity.f It is a pirate in the field of our sports,track?Is it not teday-stalking as abullyacrossourathleticfieldsseek- ing to rob our games of all whole-some sport by such methods as brib- ing the diamond and corrupting the bleachers?Has it not built for it-self booths at our fairs and temples at our watering-places? It is a burglar in our institutions of learning.It defies conscientious and vigilant faculties.Ig tears stu-dents away from their studies and causes them to worse than throw away the hard earnings of their de- voted and self<ienying parents.It is a leaking valve in the heart of the institution,and its victims.arestrandedupontheworld.It has even labeled itself an angel of light..As such it has enteredsomeofourchurches,and through doubtfu]money-raising schemes has played the successful hypocrite.Out-siders see the trick and marvel that good people are such:stupid dupes. The gall of the gambling demon!Why should his impudent intrusion inte every of our collective.life remain ecked and all but unchal-lenged?-Oh,that he were drivennowandforeverfromthefaceoftheearth! nia,and paralyzes ev ber of}physical efficiency.*Welemesh the Has it not captured the race} een RESOLUTIONS OF RESPECT. Whereas,God in His infinite wisdom,~onthe26thdayOfMarch,1914,removed fromthiaterrestriallodgetooneofeternalrestourbelovedbrother,A.D.Cooper:Resolved,That in the death of Brother‘Gooper,our lodge has lost.one of its mostesteemedandzealousmembersandthecom-munity one of its most worthy citizens: Resolved,That while we bow in humble submission to the will of the SupremeRuler,we realize and deplore the loss thathasfallenonStatesvilleLodgeNo.487 A.F.&A.M.and the fraternity and deeplysympathizewiththefamilyinthehouroftheirsadbereavement: Resolved,That a copy of these resolutions be handed the family of our deceased broth-er,the same be spread on the minutes ofthelodgeandacopybehandedtheStates- ville Landmark and Orphans’Friend with Announcements. FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS. I am &candidate for register of deeds of Iredell cunty,subject to the action of theDemocraticprimariesandcountyconvention. April 24.J.EB BOYD. FOR CLERK SUPERIOR COURR I-am a candidate for clerk of the Superior Court of Iredell county,subject to the actionoftheDemocraticprimariesandcountycon-vention.L.©.STEVENSON. April 24. ~~~POR SHERIFF. FOR SHERIFF. 1 hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Sheriff of Iredell county,sub- ject to the action of the Democratic primaries and county convention.April 14,1914.J.M.DEATON. "FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS. I héreby announce myself a ‘candidate for the office of Register of Deeds for the coun- ty of Iredell,subject to the action of the Democratic primaries and county conven- tion.J.BE.FESPERMAN.April 14,1914—10¢*: FOR TREASURER. Tam a candidate for Treasurer of Iredell county,subject to the action of the Demo- eratic primaries and county convention.TILDEN H.WILLIAMS. March 27.f A FOR TREASURER. I hereby announce myserr a candidate for the office of Treasurer of Iredell County, subject.to the action of the Democratic pri- maries and county convention.March 27.R.F.RIVES. COURT.FOR CLERK SUPERIOR I ‘or the J ‘amo candidate for the Democratic nomi-|'of the A rd Pov ght atest :Yee ee hat te Paw atang omer B a e . At the Silk counter we're showingtoday 36 Inch Chiffon Taffetas. Beautifal Chiffon finish TaffetasinBlacks,Whites,Kings,Copens,Greens and Tangos at the yard $1.50.Lots of other Silks,too,and you can have samples ofthemfortheasking. willbefilledright andrightnow,and sent to your door prepaid. Wooltex Suits and Coats. Warner and Redfern Corsets. Royal Society Packages and Embroidery Flosses. Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison Co.THESTORE THATPAYSTHE PREIGHTONMAILORDERS. DVISME pmeramt may cost youa little more per gal- -lon,but will cost LESS per JOB than any other paint madé,as it “will do from one-fourth to one- third MORE WORK,do it BET- TER and last longer. ——FOR SALE BY——— Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware Co., Peoples Loan &Savings Bank. CAPITAL ~$50,000.. little money put in a ‘Savings Bank”is not a _tal- /ent hidden in a napkin.It is earning all the time; like heart beats,its work goeson while one sleepsandevenSundaysthecapitalisgrowinglargerandnobodycomplainsofbrokenlaws. -«BEGIN NOW..You can openan account with only$1.You can make additions to this from time totimetosuityourconvenience.If you put only $2Heweekbyyouwillbe$100ahead in less than ayear.f you persistently keep on for five years putting the following in bank every day and draw nothing out, here are the results not counting interest: le.a day for five years will be $18.2510c.a day in five yeats will be 182.500c.a day in five years will be 912.50$1.00 a day in five years will be 1,825.00ThisBankpays4percentcompoundedquarterly. GEO.H.RROWN oo aw le President. O.L.TURNER --~~Cashier. == os WIDE AWAKE PEOPLE SAVE MONEY BY READING ADS.a etn aaat ne aioeisin woe aDaNIMarriageofMissBassandMr.Bell. veo}CorrespondenceofThe Landmark... |.A beautiful marriage was solemn.,.|ized at the home of Dr,R.A.Bass,.|Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clockwhenhisdaughter,Annie Inise,be-came the happy bride of Mr.B.L. Bell of this city.The ceremony wasperformedbyRev.G.H.Church.The bride’s maid was Miss Cor- delia Ball and the best man was abrotherofthebride,Mr.C.A.Bass of Winston-Salem:A beautiful wed-ding march was.rendered by MissMyrtleRumple.The bride wore a handscme suit of tan with accessories cadehospitalit “CeeLewisyYkelMondayafternoonwhenhervatiedaberoeonweststreetin-honorof Miss Elizabethedi-|lison,who will"be marriednesdayeve!to Mr.Bryant,and :was.wed WeduesdayMr.Millis of High.Point. of honor were very @tiredforthe 1d WHEN YOU MAKE AN INVESTMENT careful consideration is given as to thesoundnessofthepropositionandalsothat.the future stability may be assured. When YouDeposit YourMoneyin a Bank H i E weeks with.his ters.“Mr,Neil Waugh,who spent threerorsinWyoming,has returned to is home eeMrs.W.McElwee and childrenareawayonatriptoWilkesboroand rham.GiMr.R.V.Brawley returned lastnightfromHillsboro,where he wenttolookatsometimberlandinwhichheisinterested.'-MesdamesR.A.Cooper andE.L,'Fleming wént to Huntersville Wed-pesday to visit Misses Mary Crater and.Frances Fleming and attend thecommencementexercisesoftheHun-tersville school.Miss Crater is ateatherintheschoolandMissFlem-ing has a music class there.~ Osear~Mann of TinklingSprings,Va.,spent Wednesday inStatesville..He was en route homefromKentucky.Mr.J.W.Van Hoy of ConcordspentWednesdayinStatesville.‘Mr.and Mrs.J.H.MeLelland ofNewtonwereintownWednesday,theguestsofMrs.W.R.McLelland.Mrs.J.H.White of Greensboro isspendingafewdaysintown.Misses Irene Martin of Lenoir andJetBrawleyofMooresvilleandMrs.Mateniy,Bell of Salisbury.are guestsissAltie-Corpening,-Mias.Leila Corpening is at home on a visit.from Rockingham.Mr.and Mrs.V.E.Lackey spent yesterday in Charlotte. Dr.George Wilkins of Dallas, ‘Texas,a former resident of Wilkescounty,spent yesterday in Statesville. re was en route from.Yadkin to:Dal-s. Mayor L.C.Caldwell returned the first of the week from a trip to Wash- ington City. Mr.Oscar Marvin,who is one of Statesville’s numerous traveling men, is at home on a visit.He has beenmakinghuartersinDanville,Va. ..Misses Sallie Chunn and Luna Thompson of Salisbury are guests at the home of Mr.T.J.Allison. Miss Nell Marshall,who has been teaching at Kenansville,has return-ed home.- Mr.and Mrs..D.W.Shuford of Gas City,Kans.,are visiting relatives and friends in the county.Mr.A.H.Patterson of ~Burgaw,father-in-law of Mr.R.W.TurnerefMonbo,and Mr.John Patterson of Mt.Airy,a brother of the first nam- re are visiting Mr..Tarner at Mon- Mr.J.A.Brady returned yesterdayfromGreensboro,where he attendedthemeetingofthecounciloftheRoArcanumofNorthCaroli-na as delegate front the local lodge.Mrs.W.M.Walsh is visiting Mr.Walsh’s people in Charlotte. Mr.and Mrs.R.B.Joyner areguestsofMr.and Mrs.W.H,Young in Charlotte.Mr.LeRoy Nash of the First Bzap- tist Baraca class and Mr.M. Moose and Miss Leona Moose from the Baraca and Philathea classes of Race Street Methodist church,will go to Durham today to attend the annual meeting of the North Caro-lina Baraca-Philathea Union. Mr.and Mrs.Osborn.Brown ofLongIslandwillleaveStatesvilleto- day for a trip to New York,Phila- delphia and other cities. Mr.Jack Wyckoff left last nightforRichmond,-where he will take treatment at Westbrook Sanatorium for nervousness.Mrs.Wyckoff.2c- companied her son. Notices of New Advertisements. Furnished rooms-with modern con- veniences.Apply 305 Walnut street. J.E.Boyd announces for registerofdeeds.L.©.Stevenson announces clerk of Superior Court.:At the silk counter today.—Ram-sey-Bowles-Morrison Co.ue[Every day bargain day.—Poston-Wasson Co,i iE Free lectures and detponstration of Ae for “Tdeal”fireless cook _Stove Crawe.-ford-Bunéh Furniture Co"= Lavalliers.—R..H.-Rickert.&Son.Millinery and ladies’shirtwaists.— Mills &Poston. Farm five miles from Statesvilleforsale—-W.B.Norris. City delinquent tax-payers to beadvertised.—W.L.Neely.Return lost watch fob toThe »Land- mark,‘Canned peaches.—Bradford Gro- cery.&Produce Co.C.N.Waugh has small farm for sale. Cottage wanted.—W.H.,care Brad- ford Knitting Mill. Planters,wagon and harness forsale—Brown Bros.Only one commencement day.—R. F.Henry Jewelry Co:Fresh shipment.Graham flour.—Eagle &Milholland.Sweet potatoes.D.J.Kimball. Autos for hire-—Statesville Auto- Livery Co. Américan Co, Parcel Post Packages.4 Under instructions from the Post- office Department all the postoffices of the country kept account of the out- going parcel post packages during the period from April Ist to April15th.Postmaster Raymer’s repo which will be mailed to the depart-ment in a day or two,shows that dur-ing ge 15 ee fe pares)with a tota’it ,pounds,wereToeststadGowtheStatesvilleoffice,Of thie number 53 were for local Beauties——-Van Lindley de-the rt,|The latter was the only pupil neith- party entered the churchtothestrainsofLohengrin’s march. First came the “ushers,-Mr;Frank Armfield and Dr.E:N.Lawrence of tesvi nd M John A.Par- ker and Rufus M.Johnson of Char- lotte,who entered from the centerdoor.Next came the bride's maids and groom’s men,who entered from the side doors,met in the center ofthechurchandtothealtarincouples,as follows:Miss Willie McLaughlin of Charlotte and Mr.P. Ward Eshelman of High Point,Miss Anne Bell Walton of Statesville andMr.Homer Wheeler of High Point,Miss Lottie Wyse of Columbia,S.C..and.Mr.Walter Chandler of HighPoint.The dame of honor,Mrs.Wm..A.Sample,entered from the center door and was followed.by the little ring-bearer,Sara Webb,a niece of|the bride.The bride and her sister, entered from the center door andweremetatthe.altar 4 the groomandhisbestmanandbrother,Mr.J.Ed.Millis of High Point,who camefromtherearofthepulpit.The en-tire party in their places,Rev.Dr. Charles Anderson,the bride’s pastor, who had stepped from the pulpit whenthefirstofthepartyentered,spoketheimpressiveceremonywhichunitedtheheartsanddestiniesofthebridal pair,making the twain one.The par- ty retired from the church to the music of Mendelssohn’s march. _|ple were present. EworeaNilegreentaffetadrealeghornhattrimmedrosesandlaceafidMissturquoisebluecrepeandawithblueplumes.°In the~the afternoon Mrs.R,E.:the prize,which she’presented. aot of —-a °ss Lewis’w ng party. of the guests of honor received a@prize.A number of out-of-townTwocoursesof re-freshments were served.‘The Henk-el home,an ideal one for suchwasattractivelydecoratedon peenon.White preg r S : eading flower in the pa »”purplelilacswereusedinthelibraryandquantitiesofappleblossomsfiedthediningroom. Six tables of hearts.diée wereplayedattheG.-G.G,clab-event atthehomeofMissMary—Glov- er Tuesday afternoon,¢o arytotheclub’s bride,Miss MaryLewis.Each game table representedasteptowardmatrimony..Thefirstwas“met,”the second “attract-ed,”third “loved,”fourth “adored,”fifth “engaged”and sixth “married.”The prize,a pair of silk hosé,was won by next week’s bride,MissElizabethAllison.The G,G.G.eubtookthisoccasiontopresentMissLewiswiththeirclub.weddings gift,which..was--a—silver sandwich.“tray- ‘The piests were receivedatthedoor,by the members of the club,who were in evening dress.After”the game grape cocktail,a salad courseandicecreamandcakeweresérved, the cream and cake.being moulded in the shape of hearts. The Entre Nous club gaye a lun- cheon Wednesday afternoon.athomeofMrs.Zeb.V.Long on Racestreet,complimentary to .the .labpresident,Miss Elizabeth Allison,whowillbemarriednextWednesdayeve- ning to Mr.Pegram A.Bryant. 4 fiE i Ef e The bride was very attractive in her wedding gown of white Duchess| satin with real lace trimmings.Her veil was caught up with orange blos-| soms and her only ornament was a}diamond brooch,the gift of the groom.| She carried a shower bouquet of orchids and lilies-of-the-valley.The dame of honor wore her wedding dress of white satin with Duchess} lace and pearl trimmings and themaidofhonorworelavendercrepe de chine trimmed with Duchess lace. The maids of honor were attired inwhitetaffetta.touched with lavender chiffon and real lace and the littlering-bearer wore white lingerie withalaceoverdrésstouchedwithlaven- der.All the bride’s attendants ex- 8 the ring-bearer wore Dutch caps th aigrettes and carried shower bouquets of Parma violets and lilies- of-the-valley. Immediately following the marri- age a reception was held at the home ef the bride’s méther,‘Mrs.-W.G. Lewis,on Center street,for the bridal| party and the out-of-town guests.| The niany beautiful and valuable} weddirig gifts received by the bride|were on display.While the recep- tion was in progress Mr.and Mra. Millis slipped away from the crowd, entered Mr.Millis’touring car and) ee away to Barber Junction,where they boarded the midnight train for a Northern wedding trip.The bride’s traveling suit was of Tue cloth.Af- ter spending three weeks in the North Mr.and Mrs.Millis will be at home in High Point.Mr.Millis is a son of the late J..H. Millis of High Point and is a promi- nent young business man of his hometown,being cashier of the Bank .of Commerce and interested in various manufacturing industries. Among the out-of-town people here for the marriage were Mr.and Mrs.W.H.Ragan and Mrs.J.Ed.Millis of High Point,Capt.Edmund Jones and Mrs.Edmund Jones,Jr.,of Le- noir,Miss Mary McLaughlin of Char-Jotte and Mrs.J.T.Gardner of Shelby.:‘ie,. Taylorsville News. Correspondence of The Landmark. “Taylorsyite;Aprik-23—Mrs,-C,.P.McNeely of Mooresville,who hasbeenvisitingherbrother,Dr.Asa Thurston,this week,will return hometomorrow.Miss Bessie Williams and brother,Mr.Allie Williams,of Chase City,Va.,who spent awhilehereatthehomeoftheiruncle,Mr.Ed.Campbell,went to StatesvilleTuesdayeveningtovisitfriendsbe-fore returning home.Mrs.8S.T.Crowson and baby,William Deal Crowson,are visiting relatives inStatesville.Mrs.W.T.-Rowland and daughter,littlé Miss Winnie Mae,have returned from a visit to relatives in Walhalla,S.C.WhiletheretheyattendedthemarriageofMrs.Rowland’s niece.Miss GraceFeimsterspentWednesdayinStates-ville.Miss Laura Hedrick,whotaughtthepublicschoolatShadyGrovethissession,has returned home.At a called meeting of the direc-tors of the Taylorsville Cotton Mill Tuesday afternoon Mr.J.©.Connollywaselectedvicepresidenttosucceed Mr.J.L.Smoot of Salisbury,who had resigned. Honor Roll of Shinsville School, Correspondence of The Landmark. Jessie and Fenton Williamson,Minnie and Ella Sloop,Ethel Suther. er tardy nor absent during the whole term. Long home was made very attrac-tive for the occasion with spring flowers,which were used in great fusion throughout the -howse. color scheme in the dining room waswhiteandpink.The electric lightshadeswereofpinkcrepepapertiedwithpinkmalineandthecénterpieceonthetablewasahuge/bowl ofwhitelilacstied.with white malineSmallerbowlsoflilacswereateachcornerofthetable.The place cardswerehand-painted brides catrying bride’s bouquets.The luncheon Wasservedinsix,courses.The only guests fn addition to the club mem- bers were Mrs.H.F.Long,sister off Miss Allison,Miss Luna Thompson Salisbury,a guest of Miss Allisorr; and Miss Irene Martin,of Lenoir,who is the guest of Miss Altie Corpening.Mrs.G.E.French entertained )es- terday afternoon in honor of Miss} Allison and Miss.Altie Corpening will entertain in her honor this after-|noon.}Mr.N.B:Mills celebrated his 61st; birthday yesterday by ‘entertaining his brothers and sisters at a big di ner at his home on Center street.A!| of the brothers and sisters were prentexceptMrs.R.M.Knox of Cool | Spring.Those present were Mr |P.Mills of Mooresville,Mrs.B.Thos.}Steele of the Cool Spring communi-}ty,Mesdames W.L.Harbin,J.WCoe,Wm.Ledbetter,Miss Cyntheli Mills,and Messrs.WI R.,R.M.andGC.E.Mills of Statesville.It was the! first time this number of the brot! ers and sisters had been together i probably 40 years. Cases in Court.|In the mayor’s court yesterday af-| ternoon Mr.H.C.Wilson plead guiltytoasimpleassaultonMr.Trivettc,a clerk at the freight depot,and was taxed with the costs,$1.50.The trou-|ble occurred at the depot yesterdamorning.Ed.Gregory,a white man who wasunderbondforhisappearancethe‘next term _of Iredell _Superior |Court to answer a charge of larceny,as surrendered by his bondsman this |week and has been placed in jail.|sinehs coeaetihesdapeantcesteaibthdCommunionservicesatMt,Hermon |Lutheran church Sunday-at-11-0'’clock.| Preparatory services tomorrow cftc:noon at 3 o’clock.THESE BRING BUSINESS. (Advertising will be run in this column at 10 cents a line for each insertion,any part | of a line counting as a full.line) “Ideal”.Fireless Cooker Demo:stration starts Monday,at 11 a.nFirsttalkwillbeon.Biscuits and Cake.This will be one of Mrs.Herr’best talks.Don’t miss the first becauseyouwillwanttohearevery)lecture.Any one.can be an expert|cook who uses @ Pireless Cookstove,| according to Mrs.F,B,L.Herr,the|demonstrator and lecturer on Fireless |Cooking.We don’t ask you to cometobuy,but come to learn.\Mrs.Her:is notasaléslady.Twolectures daily.| at 9 to ll a.m.and 3 to 5 p.m.If you fail to attend these lectures you |are the loser——Crawford-Bunch Fur-|niture Co,:| It is easy to cook without fire with|an Ideal Cooker.For the next week|we have secured an expert authority | on cooking who will hold a.special|demonstration in our store in the in-|terest of the “IDEAL”Fireless Cook-|er,She will be pleased to demonstratetheprinciplesofFirelessCookery,and let you taste delicious samplesofdifferentfoodscookedinthismanner,.Hours—-@ to 11 a.m.and3to5-p,m.,at Crawford-Bunch Fur-niture Store. “Latge lot of shad today.R.0. to match. at their ‘For ach trouble. {feel ‘bloated after eating.Nothing benefited Mr.and Mrs.Bell ‘will be at home Dr.Bass’after returning from wedding trip. Stomach Trouble Cured.*Mrs.H.G.Cleveland,Arnold,Pa.,writes,some time I suffered from stom- I would have sour stomach and me until I got Chamberlain’s Tablets..Afte: taking two bottles of them I was cured.”Forsalebyalldealers. the postoffice ag week E ¢ B J es N ADVERTISED LETTERS. lowing is @ list of letters remaining in Statesville,N.C..for theendingApril21,1914. F _Blackstock Bros.,Miss Lisie Carson,Miss Cates,Mrs,Lalor Chambers,Will |,H.J.Fineant,Maniwell Faller,MissHolman,Dr.L.O.Hunter,Miss ClareVickKeever,J.N.Leonard,RL.Mania “Tayes. sons calling for amy of the above will«call for “advertised letters.”DEWEY L.RAYMER,P.M. an FOR RENT—Furnished rooms,modern con- eniences. Wa Rates reasonable.Apply at 306nutstreet.April 24. WANTED—At omece,an experienced sales- capable of taking charge of our dress department..KRIDER STOCK CO,24-—It, FOR SALE—110 seres of land,five milesromStatesvilleonBuffaloShoals‘road. Well timbered and watered,very goodbuildings,one temant house.This is the home place of the late J.8.Norris.W.B._ris,~Statesville;executor,-or-Mre.-Ac~F; LOST—Wateh fob with initials “R.L.F.” Return’to The Landmark office. April 24 FOR SA CANNED PEACHES—Three 25-cent canstablepeachesfor60centswhiletheylast. BRADFORD GROCERY &PRODUCE CO. April 24—4t. LE—Farm,52 1-2 acres 2 1-2 miles r Old Thos Waugh place,ad- joins State Farm.C.N.WAUGH,States- <April 24—1t* 1 town WANTED—Modern 5 or 6-room cottage west FOR SAL State location and rent. Bradford Knitting Mill. it* vurt ouse. H April 21 Ww E—Corn planter,cotten planter, Thornhill wagon and harness. BROWN BROS.,Scott's it® nd hand April 24 A number offriendsandrelativesattendedthe wedding. ‘April 2887 the same careful consideration should beused,and you should be satisfied as tothestrength,ability and reputation of the cus- todian of yeur 8, This Bank Offers You All These Requirements. CAPITAL o.oo...$100,000.00SURPLUSANDPROFITS36,000.00RESOURCES759,000.00 “THE BANK FOR YOU.” by > >> >> > » >> > ) » >> >I 33 3 9 9 9 5 5 9 9 9 9 9 9 ) ) ) 5 9 9 >) dd d >> > D> D> >> > ) )3 3 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 > . C fi $100,000)000CAPITAL...SURPLUS &PROFITS ........-..-..-----.ick FIOR BS2-.50 BIG BEN will wake-you regular every morning.Surely that is allreswouldask.You don’t want him to pull you out do you?Tryimandsee.He is the best Alarm Clock ever.He repeats if you don’t get up and turn him off. H.B.WOODWARD, :LAV ALLIERS!Le Jeweler. Solid Gold from $3.50 to $27.50. Gold Filled from $1.75 and up ——AT —— R.H Rickart &Son;Jewelers. WARNING—The public is warned against FOR SALE—One 1 1-2 bP 1 hi uM higing_or harboring in any way,my son, Willie Hartness,aged 17 years.JOHN T. HARTNESS.April 21—6t* a D.&T.Electrie Co.Apr.% NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS! is to notify all persons who have not This paid their city taxes by May Ist that they be advertised. Apr.24. W.L.NEELY,City Tax Collector, tatesville Auto-Livery Co. ‘Autos For Hire. Cood Cars, Reliable Drivers, Reasonable Rates. ——’PHONE 63.—— SWEET POTATOES! If you should need any Sweet Potatoes-the next few days give mé the order.I'll give you the best you have had in your house this spring.I would sell 10bushelstodayifyoujustknewhowsmoothandsweettheyare. D.J.KIMBALL. GRAHAM.FLOUR! - Another shipment of Graham Flour just ar- rived.’Phone us for White House Coffee andTea.Fresh stock all the time. Eagle & Milholland. | TRY OUR GOLD SEAL FLOUR Every bag guaranteed Fresh Tomatoes, Green Beans, New Potatoes. _FRESH FISH Fridays and Saturdays. Bradford Grocery &Produce Company. 2 !Every Day is Bargain Day! At the Closing Out Sale.While we have moved lots of goods at the prices we have on them,our stock was large and we have lots of good things yet for you at a great saviog in price from regular prices for the same merebandise.We have added many new things in Spring avd Summer Goods in orderto keep the stock fresh.All of which goes on sale at a much less price than the regular price on same goods. Special Tables of Shoes and Slippers are arranged to close out the broken lots we have made,selling from 49¢.,75c.to 98e.a.pair. Don’t miss this opportunity of gtting your ShoesandSlippersatsuchasavinginpriceaswehaveonallthroughtheshoedepartment.Yours truly, Poston-Wasson Comp’y. Wedding Gifts of Quality Stouffer's Hand Painted China, Rich American Cut Glass, Brass and Heraldic Bronze, Japanese China.— sville Drug Co., Quality Prescriptionists. State THE COUNTY BOARD OFEDUCATION SALE OF CITY PROPERTY. Hne-set MONDAY,MAY 4,1014,to|cintictte eo hemes waa @lorae te ane hear all applications from districts|day of July,1911,to the First Building and wanting new schvol houses or any /{(2e"Associationof Statesville,“North (Caro-other schoo!improvements.|pressed,detsult tm the payments to the As-J.:H.HILL,Chairman.~|seciation having been made as therein agreed RM.GRAY,Secretary.to be made,I will expose to public sale,tothehighestbidderforcash,on ANNOUNCEMENT!MONDAY,MAY 4th,1914, ‘the following described property: I will e in Statesville in ten days OF opine Noota axcoot nts toot act on the two weeks on my semi-annual trip 4tuningpianos.Orders left at thisofficeortheCollegewillreceive-at- rear or enst side of said lots,reserved for tention.|W.E.SENN, April 21—8t"*Charlotte,N.C. ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE. +Having qualified a&administrator of the |estate of N.F.Hartness,deceased,this istonotifymlpersonshavingclaimsagainst to present them to the urder-signed on or before the 10thdayof April,1015,or this notice will be plead in bar oftheirrecovery,All persons indebted to saidtomakeindaiatenet- I.D,RTNESS,Administrator. county and State,in Book 29,pageH.Vv.FU lL.©.Caldwell,Atty. Mareh 27,1914, NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Having qualified as executorof the leatwillandtestamentofJ,BH,Jones,de-coated,this is to notify all persons havingclaimsagainstsaidestate)theratomeonorbefore,the 14th ih,1915,.or this notice will be : their,recovery,All indetestatearerequéstedtomakeprompt pa y of April 14,19%. .2eExtr.J,B HE basis of elastic paint— the kind that expands andcontractswiththewood,leav-ing no cracks exposed to the weather—is Lewis White Lead @utch Boy Painter Trade Mark) ~and pure linseed oil.We sell theseprimepaintingredientsaswellasthenecessarytintingmattertogetthecolorcombinationyoudesire. Owner's Painting Guide to help you is another service feature.It’s full of color schemes,painting truthsand.suggestions.Comeinandget your copy. Lazenby-Montgomery Hdw.Co.,(a/Statesville,N.C. If you want top prices for your cotton seed bring them in at once, as we expect to shut down mill for the sea- son about April 15th, after.which time the price will be consider- ably lower.We want the seed,you want the money or its equiva- lent,so get busy. IMPERIAL COTTON OIL COMPANY. "PHONE 205., om eeeSFyeeoRARERRERUN esi O fameNee lA Friendly Atmosphere! The officers and employes of this bankstrivetoseethatpatronsalwaysfindhereafriendlyatmosphere.You aredoingusagoodturnwhenyoubringbusinessofanynaturetothisbank.We appreciate it,and want you to feelweeATHOMEHERES and find it a pleasure to come.Don’tStayaway.because your transaction isa small one.It’s The-Sum--of-Small Things that makes this bank grow. Merchants &Farmers’Bank of Statesville,“THE BANK FOR YOUR SAVINGS.” NEW SERIES! The 55th Series in the First Building and Loan As-sociation of Statesville,N.C.,opened on Saturday,February 7th,1914. If you want to own your own home and haven't themoneytopaydownforit,subscribe for stock andbuildorbuythroughtheBuildingandLoan,whereyoueanpayforitwithrentmoney.You can takestockanytime.Come in and talk the matter over, _H.V.Furches"Phone 190. aoe 9SecretaryandTreasurer, ‘wrongs and annoyances,Rave THE PRESIDENTS ADDRESS. His Statement of the Incidents Léad-ing to the Mexican Crisis As MadetoCongress.. ‘As a matter of,information’and the history of the facts bearing on the present trouble with Mexico,thestatementofthePresidentto~Gon- gress is of interest...It follows: Gentlemen of the Congress:It is my duty to call your atien- tion te a sitnation which has arisen in our dealings with Gen.Victoriano Huerta at Mexico City,which calls for action,and to ask your ativice and co-operation in acting wpon ‘it. the U.$.8S.Iturbide ‘bridge landing at Tampico with a whaleboat and boat’s crew totakeoffcertainsuppliesneededbyhisship,and while engaged in load- ing the boat was arrested by an offi-cer and squad of men.of the army ofGen.Huerta.-Neithcr the paymas- ter nor any one of the boat’s-crewwesarmed,Two of .the men were in the boat when the arrest tookplaceandwere..6bliged to leave.itandsubmittobeingtakenintocus- tody,*notwithstanding the fact thatthebéatcarried,both at her bow and her stern,the flag of the United States.The officer who made thearrestwasproceedinguponeofthestreetsofthetownwithhisprison-ers when met byan officer of higher authority,who ordered him to return to the landing and await orders;andwithinanhourandahalffromthe time of the arrest orders were re- ecived.from.the commander.of the Huertista forces at Tampico for the telease of the paymaster and—his meri The “réteise was “fotlowedby apologies from the commander andlaterbyanexpressionofregret.by Gen.Huerta himself. Gen.Huerta urged that martial law obtgined at the time at Tampi- co;that orders had been ‘issued that no one should be allowed to land atj the Iturbide bridge;and that sailors had no right to land there. Our naval commanders—at-—the—“port conetitabion,%has no4.|Gen.Huerta has set his On the 9th of April a paymaster of| Dolphin landed at the! our|, the City of Mexico,suchwithoutrightandmethodswhichtherecanbenojustification.}- underOnlypartofthecountryis his control.If armed conflict shouldunhappilycomeasaresult.of his at-titude of personal resentment to-wards this government,we shouldbefightingonlyGen.Huerta andthosewhoadheretohim-and givehimtheirsupport,and our ~objectwouldbeonly’to restore to the peo-ple of the.distracted republic the}opportunity to set up again their ownlawsandtheirowngovernment,But I earnestly hope that war isnotnowinquestion.+I believe that I speak for when I say that we do not desire tocontrolinanydegreetheaffairsofoursisterrepublic.Our feeling for the peaple is one of deep and genu-ine friendship,and everything that we have so far done or refrained from doing has proceeded from ourdesireto-help them,not.to hinder.or embarrass them.We would not wishevento@xercisethegoodofficesoffriendship.withqut their welcome andconsent.The people of Mexico areentitledtosettlethéir.own domestic affairs in their Own way,and we’sin-cerely desire to respect their right. The present situation need have.none of the grave implications of interfer-nee if we deal with it promptly, firmly and wisely. No doubt I could do what is neces- sary in the cireumstances to force respect for our government without recourse to the Congress,and.yet net exceed my_constitutional powersasPresident;but I do not wish toactin,a matter possibly of so -grave consequence except in-close confer- ence and co-operation with hoth theSenate-and House.therefore,-cometoaskyourapproval]that I should/© use the armed forces of the United States in such ways and to such anextentasmaybenecessarytoobtainfromGen,Huerta and his adherents the fullest recognition of the rightsanddignityof.the United States, amidst the distressing —condi- unhappily obtaining in even ions now Mexico. There.can in what we do be no had not’been notified of any such prohibition;end even if they had} been,the only justifiable course open} to the local suthorities.would his ¢rew to withdraw and to ledge a}protest with.the commanding officer| of the fleet.Admiral Mayo regard- ed the arrest «sso serious an affront} that he was not satisfied with apologies offered but demanded that the flag.of the United States be sa- military commander of the port. The incident cannot.be regarded} as a trivial one,especially as two of the men were taken from the boat itself—that is to say,from the terri- it stood by itself it might have been attributed te the ignorance or arro- gance of a single officer.Unfortun ately it was not an isolated case.A series of incidents have recently oc { curred which cannot but create the impression that the representatives of Gen.Huerta were willing to go} out of their way to show disregard for the dignity and rights of this| }governnent and felt perfectly safe in|«} @ »4 doing what they pleased,making free! to show in many ways their i rita-| tion and contempt.A few days af-} ter the incident at Tampico an or=}derly from the U.S.S.Minnesota was arrested at Vera Cruz while} ashore in uniform to obtain the} ship’s mail and was for a time threwn into jail.An official dis- patch from this government to its embassy at Mexico City was with-held by the authorities of the tcle- graphic service and peremptorily de- manded by our charge d'affaires in person.So far as I can learn such been suffered to occur only against repre- sentatives of the United States.I have heard of no complaints from other governments of similar treat-ment.Subsequent..explanations and formal apologies did not and couldnotalterthepopularimpression, which it is possible it had been the object of the Huertista authoritiestocreate,that the government of the United States was being singled out,and might be singled out with impu- nity,-for slights and affronts in re- taliation for its refusal to recognizethepretensionsofGen.Huerta to beregarded,..as..the constitutional pro-visional President of the Republic ofMexico. The manifest danger of such a sit- uation was that such offenses might grow from bad to worse until some-thing happened of so gross and in- tolerable a sort «as to lead directly and inevitably to armed conflict.It was necessary that the apologies of Gen.Huerta and .jhis representatives should go much further,that they should be such as to attract the at- tention of the whole population to their significance,and such as toimpressuponGen,Huerta himself the necessity of seeing to it that no further occasion for explanations and professed regrets should arise: I,therefore,felt it my duty to sus- tain Admiral Mayo in the whole ofhisdemandandtoinsistthattheflag of the United States should be sa- luted in such a way as to indicate a new spirit and attitude on the part of the Huertistas, Such a;salute Gen.Huerta has re- fused,and I have come to ask yourapprovalandsupportinthecourseI now propose to pursue. This government can,I earnestlyhope,inf no circumstances be forcedintowarwiththe:people of Mexico.Mexico is torn by Civil strife.If we Nothing Se for «Cough or Cold, When you have a cold youwant the bestmedicineobtainablesoastogetridofitwiththeleastpossibledelay.There are manywhoconsiderChamberlain's Cough Remedyunsufpessed.Mrs.J.Boroff,Elida,Ohio, says,“Ever since my daughter Ruth wascuredofaseverecoldandcoughbyCham- beriain’s Cough Remedy two years ago,1havefeltkindlydisposedtowardthemana-facturers of that preparation.I know of nothing s0 qtilek to relieve a cough or nnacold.For sale by..all dealers, |aggrandizement, have|;; been to request the paymaster.and) the | luted with special ceremony by the} i fire tory of the United States;but had |, thought of aggression or of selfish We seek to main- tain the dignity and authority of thenitedStates‘only because we wishalwaystokeepourgreatinfluenceunimpairedfortheuseofliberty,beth in the United States and wher- else it may be employed for the benefit of mankind,Ee The right of States to regulate in-surance rates has been settled by the ever the American people|’ i Royster’s Fertilize Are being attacked.I wish to say they are making as good fertilizer today as ever made,using exactly same plant foed materials they have used for yearsandyears.Hundreds of good Iredell farmers knowfromactualexperiencetherearenonebetterandfewasgood,=~ A.CHALLENGE! If any manor set of men want a real SHOW DOWNIwilpeupraneagainstanybrandoffertili-zer sold and if Royster’s does not give as good re-sults,then my fertilizers won’t cost you one cent.Trot out your goods and let’s see.~ ——en Tcngsesiliene=——= ee United States Supreme ‘Court up- holding as constitutional the Kansas| insurance law of 1909.Justice! McKenna,fer the majority of the irt,detlared insurance had.become»clothed with a public interest.as| distinguish insurance from ordi-! ary business and to classify it with!he business of running a hotel.or a!railroad.|STOMACH|SUFFERERS Mayr’s WondertulStomachRemedy Is RecommendedandPraisedBy Thousands Who Have BeenRestored “I was a sick man foraboutthreemonthscausedfromGallStonesoftheLiverandwastoldbythreeofourmostprom-inent physicians that Iwouldhavetosubmittoanoperationtogetrelief, but heard of your Wonder-ful Stomach RemedyandsecuredafulltreatmentandtookitaccordingtodirectionsandpassedihundredsofGallStones.r a taking your med-ine work regularly anddon't feetaay ill effects.I am praising yourRemedytoallmyfriends.I think it’s worthy ofthehighestpraise.B.L.DOOLEY,Roanoke,Va.”Sufferersof Stomach,Liver and IntestinalAilmentsarenotaskedtotakeMayr’s Wonder.fal Stomach Remedy for weeks and monthsbeforetheyfeelbenefited.Just try one dose~which should make you feel better in health,convines you that you will soon be well andstrong,free you from pain and suffering and giveyou@sonndandhealthyStomach,as it hasdoneinthousandsofothercases.Wherever itistakenyouwillhearnothingbutthehighestpraise.to your druggist—ask him about thegreatresultsithasbeenaccomplishingincasesofpeopleheknowsorsendtoGeo.H.Mayr,Mfg.Chemist,154-156 Whiting’St.,Chicago,Ill.@for afreebookonStomachAiimentsandmanygrate-ful letters from pedple who have been restored,Por.in Statesville,N,thestacaviie”Dea (two tay and HELPLESS AS BABY ——ee Down in Mind Unable to Work, and What Helped Her, re Summit Point,W.Va.—Mrs.AnnaBelieEmey,of this place,says:“I suf-fered for 15 years with an awful pain inmyrightside,caused fromi womanlytrouble;and doctored lots for it,but with-out success.I[suffered so very much,that I became down in mind,andas help-jessas abey.I was in the worst kindofshape.as unabie to do any work, I began taking Cardui,the womar'stonic,and got relief from the very.firstlose.xs timeI had taken 12 bot-tles,my health was completely restored.i am now 48 years years old,but feel asgoodasIdidwhenonly16, Cardui certainly,saved me from losinmymind,and|feel it my duty $0 spentinitsfavor,1 wish |had somepowersufferingwomen,andcouldgooditwouldda from anyof the »it will certainitogiveCarduiaheeak }} reser Goeguenen’Motiette On.Ladier Fre Uercctta aSarbook,ame es STONIANSB SATISFACTION is the nourishment which makes a business grow.‘We want to grow and keep on grow- ing.So we offer you BOSTONIANS —because they’re built to please.‘In Tan and Gun Metal. $4.00 to $6.00. SHERRILL-WHITESHOECO. (The White Co’.s old Stand.) “WE HAVE Our Implement Room Stocked With Latest Improved Farm Machinery. Chattanooga and Syracuse Hand Plows,Deering Mowers and Binders, New Union Corn Planters, John Deere Corn Planters, Sunny Soutlr Corn Planters, Avery Corn Planters,Keystone and Hallock Weeders, Barrel and Bucket Spray Pumps,Tongueless Reversible Harrows,~Rigid Tongue Harrows,Steel Drag Harrows, Lime and Sulphur Solution, Geo.8.Nissen Wagons,Corn Stalk Cutters, Riding Cultivaters,~ Walking Cultivators, Guano Distributors, Bluebell Separators, Chattanooga Disk Plows, Manure Spreaders, Please Return Road Scrapers, Our Wire Stretchers Hay Rakes. Iredell Hardware Co. "s a y e y Ae Wo se o i z g go r . 10 ¥s y Monumentsand Tombstones That is My Business. Best material,first-class work,lowest prices and satisfactionguaranteedornopay. If need anything in my line be sure to seeor write me before you-buy,as [am prepared to protect your interests. Ask your neighbors who have bought work from me andseewhattheysay. I appreciate your neighbors’business and will likewiseappreciateyours. YARDS AT STATESVILLE,N.€.,AND MOORESVILLE,N.C. ZEB DEATON,Proprietor ——aoe _I2.1S WORTH WHILE TO STUDY THE ADs. ‘ win ae ‘ ea a a at be eee Dae s é —Americangin Mexico,":¥*,ae jr menemsanneyetiiernaga a According to an estimate based onjf,4staDAN,be oe at alas“1914 flate-consular reports;there-are:today +*~os A .a ars :-————{in Mexico approximately 4,000 Ameri-y ,phy 4ago-Sciatica MUST REASSESS |PROPERTY:can citizens,,No anda accurate :bie feestimate,however,of their distribu-a ;*“|Sate 1 Commission Orders Re tion can be made because of the fact =if;.on Meck-that dispatches this week {indicate i 0 Th Sais ta mmission which il ey ee ee nae _:e€x CO is *wns,es lly Vi d >is the State corporation commission,Rico.It ie howe cane ee ee“Thedirectionsseys,its good for has ordered a general reassessment)partment in Washington that they 1aIumbagotoo,—Sloan's cured my of all real estate in Mecklenburg)are distributed gbout as follows:;aa_theumatism;V've used it and |county on the ground that.the pres-})Mexico City,.1,200;Vera Cruz,qeknow.”Do you use Sloan's?_ent assessment for-taxation.is.gross-|00;1,ampico,.500;Monterey,about 25jlyirregularandunequalandmuch{950 jer;after the exodus.following ;ce .Here’sProof.below its proper valuation,and thatithe battle of Torreon;Torreon,150;;es sid eto was itbyestreet in many instances,in the city of Guadalajara,200;Chihuahua,150;‘pad ear.}triedall kinds ofdope wi Charlotte,the assessment wa ¥€-|Guanajuato,150,and a few scattered 4Siencenty,Sa WalesLiniment ina.drug duced in 1911 much below the @8\through such towns as Guaymas,:y Serkan Decne eaters iedtasee sessment for 1910,when the value®)Mazatian,Acapulco and other smallotometfor9littlestid’ngm,|ay gipont pee ——s yes ine ec communities inland.3anhmakingeordereTL-*:heen lied tes Sedation sion says there is “t and unjust}Citizens o e 2aeweptgreafDurhamvotedTuesday,i homeee worualy,Duttad slmost iwsoieine inequality in.the”assessment of the by a majority of 227,to issue $500,000RertdyprLiniment.property of certain individual tax-lof bonds ot buy the Durham water;ear payers as compared to the asse8$-{works,owned by a private company.|—*‘a:Sprained Ankle ment of the property of others;that}The campaign wasa warm one and you WILL find solid comfort in our eockire ‘Blewsnes,dura-reoeeessehastSeronsPaneerTieceeaaenessedfitappearsfromtherecordsthatthe}attracted much.attention.bility and comfort combined.Constructed by the very best aa:ame.A friend advisedmetotry your Liniment jands in Mecklenburg ¢ounty,out}fire at’High Point early Monday}§manufacturers “These goods will retain their fine elegant finish and }\tdieafter usingitni ng for three as k without @cane side of towns,assessed in 1910 @t)morning destroyed the furniture fac-|§last a lifetime and always prove a source of pleasure and satisfaction&bottle siocethat time.hergrewen.in W inesSe FE $2,901,643,were increased ae —~~tory of S.B,Coffiny two stores and|to'every customer Our collection comprisesa very handsome)lot iaengsoarto$4,7 ae a three dwellings in south High Point.|§of rockers.finishedin weathered oak,golden oak and mahogany,the “ i re gg phigh aa rely STEER 088 is:ntigantad:et"90000 oy bopetian ission style and some beautiful,massive rockers,upholster-Fra$010 as 910 804606 nos waa de i more ed in velour or leather.;They cost no-more than the inferior;trashy a in the aaseaament of 1911 to $10,190,--A777 ALD OAID goods that are Hooding‘the mar het.3908tetheantanobGaWEALTHOFHAIRInvestigateourgreatstockofrockersandbeconvinced.:‘Watched C as|."ihave‘Watched Charlotte Grows The Williams Furniture House.: that city comprises ‘the bulk of’the Parisian Sage Makes Thin,Lifeless ‘real property in the county.”Hair Soft and Abundapt.«s on a:ra 3Thecommissionordersthecounty}Beautiful.hair,thick,soft,fluffy,}>e .*ee erboardofequalization,which is MOlustrous,and free from dandruff,is Ma = county commissioners,to“Rreeomven@!one of woman’s greatest charms,yet ,4inCharlotteMay11,hear complaints,any streaked,thin and Re Sex 7 so many haveAtallDealers.Price25c.,50c.and $1.00 make a full and complete investiga-jjifeiess hair and think there is no ‘ Sioan’s Instructive Bookonhorses,cattle,poultryand hogs,sentfree.tion and reassess,at a proper aNd}pornedy.Pretty hair is largely ‘a x DR.EARL 5.SLOAN,Inc;BOSTON,MASS.Mik...fairvaluation,all _real-property which eet of tae : ee amen as Ee Address,anes ra x se EEE jie ==:they may fia”in said coulity to be Frequent applications of Paris-assessed improperly or too low,amdiian Sage well rubbed into the scalp ==-——_—————equalize the assessment of aH realli,-2\|that is needed—it acts likepropertyinsaidcountybetweeniM-}may Try it tonight—you will dividual taxpayers and between the}really be surprised with the result.(’“alN ti al B |memos.Mp asccomnenttt,ae Not only will the hair become soft,4 Made as of May I,»and @ falFifuffy,radiant with life and really yvaluationofallimprovements‘sinee|4o.)1y beautiful,but all dandruff dis-, OF STATESVILLE N then added appears,falling hair and itching a 9 Ne nat ta aie nn scalp cease—your head feels fine.z MATTERS OF NEWS,All druggists sell a large bottle of °::Parisian Sage for fifty cents.Get itCAPITALPAIDIN$100,000.00 The opposition vote it NG AWMRM tom the Statesville Drug St It,‘€Congress to the res 0 1e Statesville rug Store.A %SURPLUS.31,000.00 pore the Presents ation in”Wha}!fund the money if you are net me : c .5 :Mexican situation was composed of}®@'!s"ec-4Bankingisanecessaryinstitutioninthedevelop-Bvellemoeratsog Repeblienl one ae QUARTERS FOR 4.Ser ae ats,29°,NOTICE TO CREDITORS.ment andwelfare of nations.It is likewise a neces-Progressive Republican and one In-]y slified as administratrix of thesaryinstitutioninthedevelopmentandprogressofdependent.St cree aoe ee xapycity,town or community.|A 14-hour battle between striking |‘Pa eet aes ts mated tec leche aAbank’s usefulness to a community depends upon coal miners and members of the Cob-|eeitsabilityandwillingnesstoservethelegitimateoeeeealGuaréot“©ee M.FREEZE,im business requirements for loan and discount accom-ol,Moncay resuivet i Serre B.Mcleughlin,Atty,Administratrix.2ofabout13persons,it is,stated.14,1914.‘:;modation and to provide a safe depository for com-Eleven of the dead were strikers-one |——_—We sell Cole Combination Corn and Cotton ‘imerchaldadsetesentssasasoldierandoneanon-combatant.|MORTGAGESALEOF LAND.Planters,Hoosier Corn and Cotton Plant-‘The COMMERCIALNATIONAL BANK isa local =-hed Washi Meee ny viet sd ’4‘a 4 i i J A report reached Washington Mon BY VIRTUE of the powers contained in iinstitution,with large capital and surplus,furniehes day night that 11 Mexican students}=mortzaze deed.executed to Walter Dink-ers,Ledbetter One-Seed Corn and Cotton ee**:°To%is rt s on e 28t ay of November,2,..eegoodsecuritytodepositorsandwithresourcesofattheUniversityofNotreDame,@t}>).-..‘Bailey and wife,Nancy Bailey,Planters,Hoosier Plain Corn Plante 4over$600,000 has the willingness to serve this com-Notre ——a.ay %—_c and transferted.tothe undersigned ”the ;C ——4munityineverybranchoflegitimatebanking.Be-aKa Ae SO OY OE its ie nek Sk nas ERte G pie ty ; lieving in this community,our policy is,and haa al-og —oe he office of the Register of Deeds of ‘Ire-These were all “born and raised”on the raeLeEyThecowcrdswhoengagedthisiwaysbeen,progressive and constructive,assisting pidge be ar ia ie eee ee a ck ae nas farm and are the best of their kind on:thi:."ae outrage should be sent to the rock p-highest bidder,for cash,ot the court éeir Kind O e in every legitimate way in the advancement o e pile.nee Sie,eee Be te om i ;#agricultural,manufacturing and commercial devel-While Spain imports about $22,-T"MONDAY,MAY 11,1914,market.It willbeworth your time to look ; opment of Statesville and Iredell county.Our de-000,000 worth of raw cotton annual-/im tactor parcelof land described in them over.a posits are local and our loans are likewise local and ly,Fagre d all _ae oie’Stat i Iaing in New Hope township,Iredell groods t .djoinin ne land o rs.wermagetoindividualsandlegitimateandworthylocalsaerewiteh-cheks:GIENEEO00 cach|MEEMDerse "aah cat 1.Marlow:“end enterprises.7 rerv Ii satcria]|bommided as follows:Beginning on Mrs:year,very little of the raw matcrial|(UmSm .—oa See L b M t qf d CoToourcustomerswefurnishcheckbooksfree,is produced in.that country.Exper-|beraf aes Pees nena coe azen y -on emery ar ware e render statementsor balance pass books at the end iments are being made,however,in|stone,thence west to a stake in Mrs.5 of each month,make loans and discount paper upon growing cotton in southern Spain |ae geroeaghe of the,house,contaleing |:Ss security satisfactory to our board and in such A dispatch says that two childre:WALTER DINKENS,eae ny amounts as business requirements and re sponsibility fof Mr.John H.Drew of Rock Hill,S.|1 B Pierce,ace Ane Finece “a awarraut.We pay interest at the rate of4 per cent.re ere —playing ‘oh MON,1914)Assignee of Mortgages .F O R S A L E!aN aperannumoptimeandsavingsdepositsremainingsceukne.”Me ae alae tha effect cf ———————<—_—_—;OF Ce OK,%three months or longer.the poison that one child,aged two|f ~~»VIOLIN.Upon these bases we solicit your business.~years,was dead before a physician eould arrive.The other,a 5-year- 23 acres in Harmony,centrally located,close to State High School. Twenty acres in cultivation,balance in woodland,leveland productive. W.D.TURNER,-=~President.girl,was not out of danger for a long |FRANK WHITING,Teacher of Large stock barn and out-buildings,fine orchard.An ideal location foegEMORRISON,-e =”VieePresident.while.The doctor removed blossoms ||ViOlin,will beat Studio at Mr.Fred for any one who desires to get close to goodschool and on truck farm.aD.M:AUSLEY.-cs oe Cashi from her stomach and she is consid-||Conger’s Tuesday and Saturday of 280 acres with one two-story,7-room dwelling inbeautiful location,3:.9 :as ler.ered safe,although her eyesight is||each week from 3 to 8 p.m.three room tenant house,large stock barn and out-buildings.Good ogG@.E.HUGHEY,~~Assistant Cashier.impaired,one upper eyelid being orchard,one-fourth mile of school,1}miles of churches;125 acresin 4paralyzed.a cultivation,balance in oak and pine timber,100 acres énclosedin pas-cree:LET US figure with youon your ture most of which is bottom land and makes fine pasture the year £®STATE NEWS.next LITHOGRAPH-round.A fine stock farm,red land,generally level and productive.2f_||INGorder.Weare agents forone 91 acres with four-roomcottage,barnand out-buildings,near church°me F.Hunsucker has been appoin'-|}of the best companies and are in and schools,3}miles from Harmony High School.Forty-five acresStateseRealty&Investment Co.nian at Conover,Catawba |position to save you money.in cultivation,level and productive,balance in woodland.:4:Raleigh News and Observer:Col-|Statesville Printing Co.For further information call on or write,-4 ,onel James H.Young and J.E.Ham-;’Phone 208.{NSURANCE,STOCKS,AND 219064mm1913fen.eae oh tie feeling soprocs:ERNEST 6.GAITHER,Sy oe 3 : On Oct ae eee oe amd T PHONE 23 OFFICE NO.1,MILLS BUILDING.:8 s Sir ey would ;:n October 31,1913,we closed our seventh raise »regiment of ogre soldiers t The Best For Less.eee —ee GE year of business.We take this occasion tothanktheloyalpatronsofourcompanyfor the business.they.have entrusted_to us raingthattimeandwebeliévewehavespiceaytoallofourcustomers.he go to the front in the Mexican crisandstatedintheirtelegramthatthe)"*:;were at the services of the country.|Elambing and Electric Supplies.aa A>Me Stack of Union county;~s0-Heer ornoeny ::,aoe :;;foes aaa hithicitorofthethirteenthjadicia?dis-||ggg Gn Pe nd POHL.|i RESCRII I ION — trict,ys “wey in 1910;to fill a va exncy,will not be a candidate to suc a wn out of infancy into mature man-ceed himself and has resigned,hi ‘ECLIPSE ENGINES)nn:in the INSURANCE BUSINESS we resignation effective July Ist.M:AND THRESHERS.|ae for a continuance of your support and Strek says Sie.“resotders’courts |“Siauampitieleeatsseenflhavesocutthebusinessofthesoli:jinfluence,itor that the game isn’t worth th:Iwill have some of our latent 4“.”exndle.|style machines here in a sho eeRememberWeInsureAnythingInsurable.Following the.announcement of time.Come over the first time ;.snWstweiteal}cl f BONDS,d th Drs.William L.Dunn and Charles L.|i =in iy and see them , ty €all classes 0 an us Minor that they will spend a quarte:*and let’s talk it over.x save you the embarrassment of applying to of a pet ar dollars for the erectior C H TURNER THE POLK GRAY DRUG CoO.,“ya of a modern sanitarium on the south ..oyourneighborforsuch.Writeusyour needs.ern slope of Mount Pleasant,Ashi Near the Depot.bs 99 aville,1,200 feet beyond Grove Par}‘O h S *i F.CARLTON,Manager.Inn,Ajsheville business men «and Iredell Phone No.74,Bell No.a a n t e quare a representatives of the Grove intere ‘,4 a‘le have entered protest,claiming tha °.109—’PHONES 10 abethesanitariumwoulddamagetheeeresidenceandresortsectionofAshem ville.ws Hitch Your Heart to Shortagein.Fertilizer.LOVE Y y?4TheStateDepartmentofAgricul-DO YOu e a ture is receiving numbers of com aeplaintsfromfarmersinvariouspartvaoeSeeeeterae"|THIS YEAR Sie eeeightso-pound 8 of fer‘be +Oe see Wiel nolo Mae o .is an unfailing poorest for your loved ones whenomanJYcomentstampedas200pounds.The com If you will give me your new you pass into the unknown.; :‘missionef of agriculture advises the!work and repairs to sour glass-;Let meexplain the beneficent features of this % re me,ane the ssneee of the its bis eat wind:the The ifishpolicy ehlen tee thaws:bY THE CAND weight of 200 pounds on the sacks is!§€8 year,\l will give you e unselfish man Sa Ee6eeasmuchaguaranteeasthatsivine||gry best service dad all of us tM]FELIX J.AXLEY,-REAL BSTATE AND INSURANCE,a are age to rebates under the law|will be pleased.Life,Health,Accident.Over Merchants &Farmers’Bank,i ~esection 3949 of _the fertilizer law.|HALL’S DRUG STORE,|[acct enitite atte 25]Moors sh.m.0.430.m,||ara ESSERE,:‘shortage,but for shortage in excess).FRESH MILKERS.eee eee tien ae as2PrescriptionsOurSial29ofthisamount.Up to 10 per cont|DR.R.W.WOODWARD,MILES ¥ive teBiaPppecty.shortage the rebate is do he 'Just received and for.sale at reasonable|.—|hanna-fgg aSamounts +"YO per maar hg oR etebentee I|Brices,carlond,of fresh millers.from Lin:WANTED—Experienced setestedy jos ,iti coln 4 rite W.C.WOOTRN..tow and milliner ddress 5 aa.the,shortage,‘and so on.ort.D.SHUPORD.April 3.}The landmark..Apert ay 4 i wl aN ol a oy heGU ee 3 es ~‘1 Mi ’he eeoeAfvantsiaSehkenaaiipiadesGeilcasSasiadosAcevnewrenés:it ‘i.”ing Hinrectinads $0.are MexApril94,3914.feo City.Mr.pmchagd nae Sec-oe of asa Pid the situation,That's How the Originator Coun-multy was expty”Comaencatenta Should Be]Secretay Daniels called up and wasReckoned—Rowan's Commence-|put on the same.line,Hetoo,had amentanInspiration.oe oo the ee sreeNaiveind’ian Advoca mi tcher sent a wirelessHersCaretingShesthe’=»|that 15,000,000 rounds of ammunitionWent10theoriganaterboys"!and 260 machine.guna.would be land.corn,club,the ope whe conceived)1 som the Gérman vessel by noontheideaofacountycommencement:deserves to be reckoned among the rg The President listened inStrandhenMeSeekDTeeshallwedo?”asked Secre-7 “tary Daniels,——oe ie ae poor “Tell Fletcher to seize the customs found himself the eae vo ee the President with-ver of Rowan.county’s ucationa ng Sa i ‘gala day.Early to the ay therevane ye ih otad wirelewe-aeereteestymeemedtohavedrapedHaeltOf)a on-thelr way to Rear Admiralits’wealth of prospective manhood Fletcher He ‘recived.the.aaasneesandwomanhood,and by 11 o’ctock at 10s os ney an bout tater Auman!the streets were lined with an army ai Saat had:landed ail bikesofbright-faced fade,and lassies possession of the customs house.Themarching»ihe he mek a Say lah ammunition will go back to its ship-gay costumes,badg pers in Germany.indicating the districts represented.: The whole town seemed to be out to CARRANZA MAY OBJECT. greet these children and the scene " reminded us of some of the show!Reported That Constitutionalists May days which formerly served to bring Insist on Americans Withdrawing out the oldest as well as the young-From Vera Cruz—No Further est re ‘indie Movements Planned.***Judging from the inter-y ::a radestwithwhichthiamultitudestood}News nenetwed "Washington Wedforhourswatchingthepassing|n¢sday that Gen.Venustiano Car- throng,there is,in the childhood andj ranza,Constitutionalist chief,mightyouthofourcountry,something that{regard the seizure of Vera Cruz by appeals just as strongly and with in=}10 American naval forces as an actfinitelybettereffect,than all the oe a 3carnivalsandcircusesthatcurseand}°f hostility to the Mexican rablightourland.***It is gif-}@Toused much interest:and specula- ficult to “describe the thrill -that—we pee Eeeelion Pat er eeveefeltasthrongafterthrongofneat-|‘Y iScialmed any ac -yoly-dressed children passed by.It all the ae people,ee aeseemedaprophecyofbetterthings|General Huerta as the object of thefortheStateandnation.With the American operations to secure»Te-hundreds of visitors that were{Prisal for offenses at Tampico eiswarmingaboutthestreetsofSalis-|¢lsewhere against the —_—ag.bury that day,there was no sign of |Consequently,the Waslington adisorderorintoxication.Such a|e™ment had hoped the Constitu 1908thingcouldnothavebeenpossiblealistswouldnotinterjectthemse!ves25yearsago—even 10 years ago,*}into the imbroglio.The Carranza-*letter,however,confirmed the fears of many officials that the Constitu- tionalists might side with Huerta. Seeretary Bryan had not received the :retary Tumulty,who awakened theiSA’PUBLIC BENEFACTOR.<telephone.aefoc iie Five thousand children were |inline,so we were informed,and atleast3,000 spectators tined ~the so,for.the Washington.goverdesirestomaintainas}iblearepresentativein.Meatog=tare for a interests.necessary,however,arrasmaybemadewithsomeof4eignlegationstolookoutforterestsoftheUnitedStates.-a:transmit such communications asmaybenecessarytotheHuertagovern.ment.Fsehe 3 ;Volunteers for service.in.Mexicowillnotbecalledforunless:there isaformaldetlarationofwarbyCGon-gress.The Navy Departn feelsthatasufficientforceofmarinesisonthe’way,not only to take care ofthe’situation at Vera Cruz,but:atTampico,too,if the order is givenfortheseizureofthecustomshousethere. “Until we receive a complete re-port from Rear Admiral Badger aboutthesituationatVeraCruz,”said Sec- announced that —theGeorgia,Virginia and Nebraska-hadbeenorderedtoleaveBostonforVera battleships dered to join Rear Admiral HowardatMazatlan,on the Pacific coast ofMexico.The Secretary later decidedtoreinforcethefleetinthepulfof ficet.p Fears For Americans at Tampico Dispatch. Grave fears are felt here for thesafetyofhundredsofAmericans;in-cluding many women and children,in the oil camps at Topila and otherriverandinteriorpoints.All theseAmericansaresaidtobedefenceless against attacks of either Federalsorinsurgents.Many oil companiesaredirectingtheiremployestore-turn to Tampico.’General Zaragozaisreportedtohavesaidthatin-event Tampico. & Cruz last night,and the cruiser WestVirginia,now at Bremerton,and.four‘orpedo boats at San Diego,were or-- Mexico by sending two additional bat-eHevhipsfromtheAtlanticreservefallOS * $6.00 per Dozen R RIGHT NOW SELI We have justreceived &biglineof the latest shapés in Herp,MilanJava,Panama and French Chips.AlsoFlowers,Ribbons and Trinmingsgalore,a_We also have the latest in Ladies’Shirt Waists.Tub and Jap SilkWaists.$1.00to $2.00.Crepes,Rice Cloth and Lingerie,a beautiful$1.50 design,for.$1.00. _We also sell the best Middy Blouse on the market for $1,00,Theselines are well worth investigating.Torrey =MILLS &POSTON.— TreeLectures and Demonstration retary.Daniels,“we will have nothing éto.say about Tampico or other steps.’SE SeSDGDENDGEE Gunes eumSecretaryDaniels.late.Wednesday niet Beginning Monday,April 27th,to May 2d,This demonstrationwillbeconducted by Mrs.E.B.1.Herr,of Toledo,Ohio,Mrs.Herr is an expect cookanddemonstator:(And they are certainly Beauties) Made in One Two and Three “Ideal” Every Dayat 9 to Ua.m.and 3 to 5 p.m... streets.The day was beautiful andtheinspirationoftheoccasionwilldoubtlessbefelttotheremotestcor-ner of the county.-Not the least ofthebenefitstobederivedfromtheseoccasionsistheremovalofthatfeel-ing of isolation whieh has paralyzedthelittleschoolsinremoteandob-scure places and stifled the spirit ofaspirationsoessentialineducation-al work.With the county com-mencement furnishing an opportu-nity for the ambitious boy and girl,the smallest school in the remotestplacewillfeelthatitisapartofagreatsystem,and as such has some-».thing to live for.The result will be&great quickening everywhere andthefoundationforauniversa)intel-ligence will then be laid.Long livethecountycommencement,and Godblessthegreatcompanyofmenandwomenengagedinthetrainingofourchildren!area neneeneeneteeannnesPUTBROADTIRESONWAGONS. Government Road Inspector Emplhia-sizes the Necessity of PreservingOurGoodRoads, The Landmark has been advocat- ing broad tires for wagons becauseitisfirmlyconvincedthatthebroadtireswouldhelpgreatlyinpresery-ing our good rocds.The Winston-Salem Sentinel,interviewing Mr.Geo.D.Marshall,the governmentroadinspectorwhowasinStatesvillelastweek,had the following of in-terest on this point: “In speaking of the construction ofthisroad(the government aidedroadfromWinston-Salem to States.ville)Mr.Marshall stated that itwouldbeimportantthat’the peoplebeginnowtoarrangetoequiptheirwagonswithwidetirewheels.Hestatesthatinmanysectionsithasbeennecessarytopasslawstocom-pel the use of wide tires,but hethinksthe‘people in this section,be-ing so enterprising and enthusiastic,will see the advisability,and providethisequipmentaheadofsuchlegis-lation. “The advantages of the wide tirearemanifold.They make the pullingofheavyloadsmucheasier;they donotcutuptheimprovedroads,butontheotherhandtheytendtokeepthesoilpackedandingoodcondition. Carranza note up to a late hour Wed- nesday night but Constitutionalist representatives in Washington had told him the substance of it.Carran-za pointed put that the seizure of Vera Cruz would be regarded by the Mexican people as a hostile act,and that it was advisable for the United States to withdraw its troops from Vera Cruz just as soon as Was prac- ticable.Carranza agreed with Pres-ident Wilson that Huerta did not rep- resent the Mexican nation but on the other hand feared the Mexican peo- ple might be inflamed and drawn in- to a conflict which would make themsacrificestotheusurpations‘of Huerta.Genera)Carranza.described the Constitutionalists successes,say- ing that Huerta was slowly being crushed and that the Constitutional- ists soon would be in possession oftheMexicoCitygovernment.When they triumphed,he pointed out,am- ple reparation would be made for all % offenses.In the meantime he wished the United States to take no stopswhichwouldexcitetheMexicanpop- ulace. Future steps as.to the course in Mexico,says the Washington report, are uncertain.The President has deé- termined that his course shall be gradual.No orders have been issued to seize the customs house at Tampi-co.It is the purpose of the admin-istration to keep order in Vera CruzandawaitthefolleffectonHuerta of the first American act of reprisal. There is every reason to believe thattherailroadrunninginlandfromVeraCruzfor20miles,together with avaluabletrestle,will be policed byAmericanmarinesandbluejackets.This section of the railroad is of su-preme importance should future de-velopments require a movement onMexicoCity.Beyond the holding ofVeraCruzandthisrailroad,theWashingtongovernmentdoesnotwanttoactatpresent,but persons intheconfidneceofthe‘admihistrationadmitthatactionbyHuertaorCar-ranza at any time may alter plans.Fears for Americans in MexicoCityandelsewhereareexpressedinmanyquarters.The House prompt-ly passed a bill appropriating $500,- 900 to-care for-refugees.The factthatnothinghadbeenheardfromChargeO’Shaughnessy for nearly 48hoursmadePresidentWilsonandSecretaryBryanuneasy.Early Wed- of an American.attempt to.seizeTampicohehadreceivedordersfromMexicoCity,that he knew his duasasoldierandhewoulddohisut-most to repel the landing and believ-ed he would succeed. Mexican Troops Evacuating. Laredo,Texas,Dispatch. Regular troops of the MexicanFederalgarrisonatNuevoLaredoentrainedhurriedlylateWednesdayforSaltillowhere,it is understood, Gen.Joaquin Maas,Jr.,military com-mander of the “northern ©MexicanStates,has ordered all of the govern- ment forces in northern Mexico toconcentrate.Less than 500 ilarsandvolunteerswereleftat Nue-vo Laredo to hold the town, forces under Velasco,who evacuatedTorreontoVilla,and de Moure andHidalgo,who unsuccessfully tried torelieveVelascoatTorreon,are nearSaltillo.Saltillo is 40 miles sout)- west of Monterey,which is besiegedbyrebels:under General Pablo Gon-zales, ‘Piedras Negras,opposite EaglePass,Texas,was evacuated by theFederalgarrisonearlyWednesdayafteranightofwildexcitement.More than 2,000 refugees came to theAmericansideforprotection.All Federal forces have been ordered by General Maas to concentrate at Sal-tillo “to repel the American invas-ion.”When the people of PiedrasNegraslearnedthatAmericanmar-ines had occupied Vera Cruz a dozenrecruitingofficeswereopenedandarmsissuedtovolunteercompaniesasfastasorganized.~More than 1.-200 volunteers,it was said,enlistedduring‘the evening. RET Capt.Berry Guilty of Negligence inSinkingtheMonroe. Capt.Osmyn Berry,of the Mer-chants and Miners packet Nantucket,which rammed and sunk the Old }\o- minion liner Monroe,with a loss of 41-lives;off the Virginia Capes inJanuary,has been found guilty of,negligence and ‘his license has beeprevoked. A board of steamboat inspectors at Philadelphia divided responsibility fordisasterbetweenCaptainBerryandCaptainJohnsonoftheMonroe.On Fine Roses,Pink and White,$1.50 and $2 per dozen.~ an Lindley (o., FLORISTSTOTHE SOUTH, GREENSBORO,N.C. Local Agents It is reported that strong Federal, ONLY ONE Commencement Day! THERE WILL BEManyBirthdayAnniversaries Many Christmas’—many oth-er occasions for the givingofeebutonlyonegraduationdayinalifetime. Make it a Memorable Occasion.Make the Gift a Valuable One. See Us For Suggestions._R.F.HENRY, Jeweler and Optometrist. Sizes. Roasts each compart- |Separate lids for Grawiord-Bunch Furniture Co. tasty and tender as expensive cutscooked by theoldstylestove.There will be nowaste or evap-oration of food,so will a Jess food—paylessforit.Your stove be needed but afractionofthetimeyounowuseit—hence fuelbillswilldwindle80percent.You now s hours in thekitchen.Withan“Ideal”Fireless Cook Stove only a few minuteseachdaywillbeneeded.If you thought theforegoingwasliterallytrue,you'd buy an “‘Ideal,”’wouldn’t you?[tis true.Come in and let usshowyouwhyitistrue.Every day you spend without an “Ideal’’youareyourselfofmoney,time,energy,strength and youth.Investigate the ‘Ideal’now. McCall May Patterns,|Our Shoe DepartmentFashionSheetsandMagazinesnowonSaleOverflowingWith Bargains. BEL K BROTHERS The movement for modern bridges}nesday night unofficial communicationalsodemandstheuseofwidetires.|with My.O'Shaughnessy was estab-It is an established fact that the nar-|lished but apprehension was not al-row rim wheels are death to improv-|layed,as there is little informationedroads.It is also a fact that nar-about the temper of the Huerta gov-Yow tires reduce the life of the floors ernment or the people of Mexico Cityofbridgesmanymonths,and where|since the capture of Vera Cruz.Inhaulingisheavyasmuchas_two|this connection a high governmentyears.official made public a letter fro“Mr.Marshall states that the peo-/friend whom yt regarded as treepleeverywherewillbebetteroffbyworthy,which read as follows:the use of wide tires and recommends}“I have on reliable authority fromtheabandonmentofthenarrowrims,|a man arriving from Mexico City thatwhethertobeusedonimprovedorHuertapersonally,with the Mexican.Unimproved roads.”foreign minister,planned the Tampi-‘A few people-will voluntarily pro-jco incident with a view of bringingvidewidetires,but the majority will]on armed intervention and uniting thenotuntiltheyhaveto,simply be-Mexican factions with him.”seause they've been used to the other The same official expressed the viewkind.The change should be gradual,|that Huerta had delayed his answer80asnottoworkahardshiponany-jto the United States for a salute ofbody,and every day’s delay in pro-|flag,pending the arrival of the big)Yiding some compulsion to start the shipment of ammunition on the Ger.|«change puts it that much further off.|man véssel.:gevernment should refuse to give Secretary Bryan said that theacenttoaidinroad-building until|status of Charge O’Shanghnessy andthewide-tire system is put in opera-Charge Algara was unchanged,s0tion.far as -knew.Charge Algara,how-ie ae ever,has had notification from his,;+in Colorado.government that he may leave whenSixmineemployesdeadandtwo|he deems it advisable.This is re.Missing;three men,two women and garded as possibly forecasting*.a baby reported to be entombed in a}Huerta’s giving passports toBiburningmine,several mining camps O'Shaughnessy.ph ered and others riddled with bul-Though international lawyers and lete,than 200 militiamen and many in Congress are not exactly'-eompany guardsconfronting an army|sure what the diplomatic relationsaofstrikingcoalminersestimatedby/|of the United States toward Mexicostrikeleadersatmorethan400—this are,whether “a state of war”existswesthesituationwhenthesunsetwithoutadeclarationtothateffector*the third day in the southern Col-|whether the present situation merely appeal to Captain Seeley,the inspec- ter commanding,Captain Berry hasbeenheldaloneguilty.Captain See- and that the collision could have beenavoided, Elder Hurley Sees the Hand of the Salisbury Post. and that He is using and directing ityicwhycanwenotseeinthesemove-ments the Divine Will?Look‘at Cu-baba 20 years ago and today.May itnotalsobethatMexicoistobeele-vated thus? war and conquest,but the movementofDivineWilltowardsadefiniteandestablishedgoal. Teddy ‘Roosevelt Forney,‘a 12-year- for killing his brother,30 years old,at Glen Alpine ‘Tuesday.The older latter gota pistol and shot him dead. Having qualified os administrator of theJey’s decision holds that the Nan-|{estate of J.T Cowan,colored,all persons 4:ims against the estate will presenttucketmighthaveseentheMonroe}heving calms ngninst th March $1,1916,undnearlyamileaway;that the Nan-|gn persous indebted to the evtate must maketucketheatdtheMonroe’s*whistles}prompt payment.D.-N.MeLELLAND,March $1,1914.Statesville,R-2. Having qualified as administratrix of JohnLord.Turner *given to al)parties holding claims againstsaidestatetopresentthemtotheundersignedBelievingthattheLordgavethiseeeeeaereAart%oejthianoticewipiinrofangreatnationhergteatstrengthandcovery,ALICE M.GOODMAN,Administra-commanding influence for a purpose trix of John Turner Goodman,Mt.Ulla,N. Ww.D.Turner,Atty.April 8,1914. Having qualified as administratrix of theProvidencehasalwaysjestateofA.;i i inst hisusedhumanagenciesforthedoingof—”——nt seinsseevr .His work.We believe that we see|S,or before the ra day of April,1915.thes iri Those indebted to the estate arerequested tointhesemovemerits,not a spirit of pee Ne SLECTA COOPER, R.B.McLaughlin,Atty.Administratirix.April 8,1914. Having qualified as administratrix of theoldnegro,is in jail at Morganton |estate of T.W:dor, brother whipped the younger and the|sons Avril 16, New Goods Arriving DailyNOTICETOCREDITORS. White Goods and Novelty Spring DressGoods,White and Floral Crepe forWaistsandDresses,special 19c.the yard.Floral Crepe,71-2c.to 23c.the yard.49 inch Voile,all colors,23c.yard. Laces and Embroideries. 45 and 27 inch Embroidery,75c.value,special this week 48c.18 and 27 inch Shadow Lace,both Cot-ton and Silk,48c.,75c.and 98c, Silk Hosiery. Tf you want the best buy our GordonDye,35c.,48c.and 98c.These Silk HosemadeofthefinestspecialSilk,full fash-ioned.All shades in the 48c.grade.Every pair warranted to wear satisfacto-rily. Administrator. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. notice.is hereby NOTICE TO CREDITORS. D.Cooper,deceased,I hereby NOTICE TO CREDITORS. to the estate must settle ly.Claims may be presented to HB.P.“mey.M.G,PRAZIER,7914.Adrministratrix, pega Rheumatic Paine Relieved. Why suffer from rheumatiom when reliefmaybehadatsosmallacost?Mes.EimerHatch,Peru,Ind.,writes,“I have beeh sub.ject to attacks of rheumatiom for yearn,Chamberlain's Liniment always telleves me} d bok War,says a dispatch of is an act of repri “4 ",8 prisal “short of 4he22dfromTrinidad,Col:rs there is no doubt that reletions bbs. inning Saturday morning,May 2,1914,i THE STORE THAT SELLS FOR LESS."PHONE 155. AUCTION SALE! o'clock at my residence on WalnutStatesville,I wil)sell at avetion #;mumedintely,and I take pleasure in recom-|lotof household and kitehen furniture andather|“spot cash,ee te eres 26 and 60cont.hot-jother A niceel as tee ee a Re en “VOL.XL ees _.STATESVILLE,N,©,TU: sie 7 ; ESDAY,APRIL 28,1914. nae OFFER OF MEDIATION-MADE. And a Report ThatThat it is ‘Accepted— Our Government Willing if NothElseeeveearesBraziandChileaeBringAbout Peace. Spanish kubeidabie Riano an-noonced late Sunday night that he had received private advices fromMexicoCitystatingthatGeneralHuertahadacceptedtheofferofAr- gertina,Brazil and Chile to use their godd offices to bring about an amica-ble’settlement of the difficulty be-tween the United States and Mexico.‘This information,though ‘tnofficial,was accepted as authentic by the am-bassador,who expected to be prepar-ed to place General Huerta’s formalacceptancebeforetherepresentatives of t three South Americen coun- tries yesterday.The interests of the Huerta government in e¢UnitedStatesweretakenoverbytheSpan- *ish embassy when Charge Alara left Washington. Saturday evening the Brazilian _pmbassador.and the ministers fromArgentinaandChilecalleduponSee- retary Bryan to discuss with him the possibilities of arranging an amica-ble solution of the Mexican situa- tion through the good offices of their respective governments.They made a formal offer as follows:“Mr.Secretary of State: “With the purpose of subservingtheinterestofpeaceandcivilization in our continent,and with the earn- est desire to prevent any further bloodshed to the prejudice of the cor- diality and union which have always surrounded the relations of the gov-ernments and the people of America, we,the plenipotentiaries of Brazil, Argentina and Chile,duly,authorized hereto,have the honor to tender toyourExcellency’s government our wood offices for the peaceful andfriendlysettlementoftheconflictbe- tween the United States and Mexico.“This offer puts in due form the suggestions which we have had occa~ sion to offer heretofore on this.sub- ject to the Secretary,to whom:we re- new the assurances of our highest and most distinguished considera-~ tion.” This offer was laid before Presi- dent Wilson,who made the following wp he government of the ~United States is deeply sensible of thefriendliness,the good feeling and thegenerousconcernforthepeaceand good offices of your governments to effect,if possible,a settlement of the present difficulty between the gov- ernment of the United States and those who now claim to represent our sister republic of Mexico,“Consciops of the purpose with which the proffer is made,this gov- ernment does not fee)at liberty to de- cline it.Its own chief interest is in the peace of America,the cordia)in-tercourse of her republics and theirpeopleandthehappinessantlpros- perity which can spring only out offrank,mutual understanding and the friendship which is created by com-mon purpose,The generous offer of your governments is therefore ac- cepted. “This government hopes most carn-estly that you may find those whospeakfortheseveralelementsoftheMexicanpeoplewillingandready to discuss terms of satisfactory, and,therefore,permanent.settlement. If you should find them willing thisgovernmentwillbegladtotakeupwithyoufordiscussioninthefrank-est.and most conciliatory spirit any proposals that may be authoritative- ly formulated,and will hope that theymayprovefeasibleandpropheticofanewdayofmutualco-operation and confidence in America. “This government feels bound incandortosaythatitsdiplomaticre- lations with Mexico being for .thepresentsevered,it is not possible for it to make sure of an uninterrupt-ed opportunity to carry out the plan of intermediation which you propose. It is of course possible that some act of aggression on the part of those who control.the military forces of Mexico might oblige the UnitedStatestoatttotheupsettingofthe hopes ‘of immediate peace,but this does not justify us in hesitating to accept your generous suggestion.We shall hope for the best results within a brief time,enough to relieve our anxiety lest most ill-considered hos- tile demonstrations should interrupt our hopes for peace.” Hoping For Peace But For War. While the administratoin is hope- ful that war may ~be averted,the preparation for the worst goes on.Tension over the one phase.of the situation,which may at any moment upset peace plans—the safety .of Americans in Mexico ,City and other interior points—-was partially reliev-ed by the announcement of Secreta- ry Bryan Sunday night that through the British embassy in Washington the Huerta officials and ~Admiral Fletcher had arranged dor the safe‘departure of Americans’.from,theMexicancapitalandthefreeé@xodusofMexicansfromVeraCruz.Thomas B.Hohler,first secretary of the Brit- ish legation in Mexico City,taking a train load of Mexicans from VeraCruztoMexieoCity,informed Gen.Huerta that the American forceswerenotrestrainingMexicansfromleavingthereandwasassured’that Americans consequently would be al-(Continued,on BHighth eaeieepee Preparing THE PROSPECTcris FOR PEACE. The Tension isRelieved a the Pros-pect of Mediation. ‘Both the United States and the Huerta government.having accepted the offer of Argentina,Brazil and Chile to use their good offices to bring about an amicable settlement of dif- ficulty between the two countries,the ‘war tension is considerably relieved by the’prospect of peace.Whether the troublés can be patched up of course remains to be seen;but thefactthatsuchaneffortisbeingmadegivesgoodgroundforhopethatthere will be no war.*There is no.stop,however,in the war preparations,News from Mexico City is that theexcitementhasquietedandtheAmer- ieans are no longer rushing to getaway.Gen.Funston and his troops arriv-ed at Vera Cruz yesterday.All is quiet there. Two Ladies Worked the Roads—Something Not to Boast Of. Mr.E.R:Wilkinson,carrier on ro-ral route 3 from Statesville,is about to be made an advocate of woman suffrage by an incident--which occur- red on his route a few days ago.There was a very bad mud-hole in the road near St.Martin’s church.One day Misses Myrtle and Resh Lawson,.daughters of Mrs.M..L. Lawson,undertook to drive through it and got stuck.The next day the Misses Lawson went out and filled it with pine brush and dirt,shovel- ing into it probably a wagon load of dirt.Enough of this would not only make Mr.Wilkinson favor giving the vote to the women but taking it away from the men.: We talk about Iredell being “a county.that.does things,”and it is. We boast of.our good roads,and we have them.But upkeep,especiallyofthecross-country roads that havenotbeenied,seems to be an unsolved m.In order to getawayfromtheirhomethesetwola-dies had to do the work men oughttohavedone;that isn’t something toboastof.And if the women had theballotsomeoftheproblemsthemenletgounsolvedwouldbesolved mighty quick: Home Folks in the Navy. Commander A.T.Long of the Unit-ed States navy,who is a native ofTredellandabrotherofMr.J.W.©.Long of Statesville,is in command,ofthe battleship Des Moines,now inMexicanwaters. Raymond Witherspoon,a young sonofMr.and Mrs.A.M.WitherspoonofSalisbury,formerly of Statesville, is a bluejacket on -the battleship Rhode Island.Young Witherspoon was at home on a furlough last week when he was notified to report to thecaptainoftheRhodeIslandinBos- ton for duty.The Rhode — spent last.winter in Mexican waters, lying off Tampico,and returned to the United States in March.Young Witherspoon has been in the navy a little more than a year. The Louisiana,the battleship on which John Clarke of Statesville is a bluejacket,and which recently re- turned to Mexican waters,reached Vera Cruz Friday and landed a part of its force. Harmony School Will DisplayHandiwork. From Saturday,May 2d,to May 9th the domestic science department of Harmony High School will haveondisplayatthestoreoftheRam- sey-Bowles-Morrison.Co,in States- ville some of the work of that de- partment.The display will be made up of dresses,hats,hand-bags and jother articles made by the classes indomesticscience.On .each article there will be a tag giving the aver- ‘age cost of the material and the av- erage value of the article made bythestudent.©The academic classfstandofthestudentintheschool grades)will also be attached. ‘The domestic science work in ruv- ral schools is comparatively new in Iredell and the display by the Har- mony school will be of interest.The work should be encouraged. “ Its Meeting Next Saturday to Organize a Creamery. A meeting of dairymen and farm- ers interested will’be held at thecourthouseSaturdayafternoon,May 2d,at 2 o’clock,for the purpose of considering plans for the establish- ment of a co-operative creamery,Atameetingheldfor’this purpose lastfallitwasdecidedtoorganizeroutesandshiptotheCatawbacreamery until enough cream was being pro-duced in the county to successfullyoperateahomeplant.We have nowreached’this point.‘Last month 5,- 062 pounds of butterfat was shipped to Catawba,which will successfully operate a‘plant in Iredell.. It is important that all dairymen be present,since the matter of loca- tion as well as all other essentials of organization will be considered. ~-Mr.J.8.Foster,who has beencriticallyil]the past few days,is thought to be a little better thismorning..The condition of Mr.R.A. Montgomery and Mrs.C.C.Morri- son doés not improve. ~Period for paying poll,tax to be on.the safe side of the voting propo-sition has en expired.Time limitexpiresFriday There ae be no meeting of the ove Seg this ‘afternoon. Pe eh MR W.F-SMITH'’S HOME BURNED Serious.LossByFireiFirein CoddleCreekeeneltyTieStevensonPara-|lyzed—News of Mooresville. Correspondence of The Landmark. Mooresville,April 27.—iJust before12o’clock Saturday night’eedid‘home of Mr.Watt F.|oddle Creek was totally Sith atbyfire.His granary,holding severalhundredbushelsofwheat,five tonsoffertilizer,his chicken house and some other small buildings,algo wentapinflames.About the only thingsavedfromthehousewasthe-pianoe. The home was a large two-storydwelling,comparatively .new,a been built only a few yearsawaswellfurnishedthroughohadmodernconveniences,ineludin water works.The total damage is estimated at about $5,000 with 82;000 insurance. Mr.Smith had been at a neighhor’sandcamehomeabout10:30 0’elock, He saw no sign of fire then andatoncetobed.He and Mrs..Smith and their two children were asleep‘when aroused by neighbors a fewminutesbeforemidnight:-The—fire] had.gotten a good start when dis-covered.It seemed to have started from the kitchen but there wasingtoindicateitsorigin,as there had been no fire in.that room for many hours.When members of the familywerearousedfromsleepthekitehen was nearly burned and there was verylittletimeforsavinganything.Thosewhofirstsawthefireweremorethanahalfmileaway,sitting up with @corpse,and the family was not awak- ened until neighbors ran this distanee and gave the alarm.The savings ofalifetimewentupinflamesinafew. minutes and al]they conld do was stand off and see the destruction go on.The automobile and garage were saved as well as barns and ©stock, which were some distance away.The wind was blowing in the right dirée- tion,fortunately. Mrs.Elizabeth Cline died at thehomeofhersonnearCoddleCreek Saturday night.She was 65 yearsofageafdhadlivedintheCeddleCreeksectionalongtime,havingcomefromthePoplarTentsection.She was,buried yesterday afternoon at Coddle Creek church by her pas- tor,Rev,R.C.Davidson.Mrs.Emma Atwell and her datgh- ter,Miss Tommie,and son,Mar Atwell,will leave this week for Den-ver,Colo.,where they will make theiris home.Mrs.Atwell and her daughtercameinfromtheWestabout.18Tmonthsagoandhavebeenlivingin Mooresville sinee.Her son arrived last week.from Denver dnd is visitingrelativesinthecounty..Their manyfriendswillgreatlyregrettoseethemleaveMooresville.Mr.Atwell haslivedintheWestforseveralyears.Dr.S.W.Stevenson had a strokeofparalysislastFridaywhichmakeshimalmosthelpless.His daughter, Mrs.Fred White of Charlotte,and son,William Stevenson of Cheraw,S.C.,were called home at once.Dr. Stevenson is 70 years of age and has been in rather poor health for several!years,but was at the time of the stroke feeling as well-as usual.Mrs R..W.Culbertson’s condition is notimproved.“She has been suffering from a very severe attack of rheuma- tism for a number of weeks and is al- most helpless and suffers intensely.Mrs.R.B.Templeton left SaturdayforCamden,N.J.,where she wil! visit her mother and ‘sister for severalweeks.Her son,Harvey Young, accompanied her.Mrs.P.J.ChesterreturnedfromCharlottelastnight after visiting her parents for several| days.Mr.H.N.Howard returned Saturday from New York,where hespentaweekon.business connectedwiththeDixieCottonMill. Rey.S.F.Wentz Will Go to Win- ston-Salem. aaa Ltomorrow to —He Sates MR.THOS.F.BOLICK IS.DEAD. Died in South"Carolina and *BuriedinTaylorsville—Mr.Feimster Go-ing to Winston -Salem—~Taylors- ville News, Correspondence of The Landmark. Taylorsville,April 27—~-After a lin- ering Ulness Mr.Thomas F.BolickPassedaway’Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock at the home of his son,Mr.Eugene Bolick,near Goldville,S;€.,with whom he had’lived:since thedeathofhiswifesixweeksago.Mr.Bolick was a son of the late:JacobBolick-and was reared here.’De-ceased went to the army with the 17-ap old beys under Capt.J.A:Ste-henson and.was captured at Camp ance and carried to Gamp Douglas, feel ni.where he was kept in prison un- til a the surrender.He wouldhavebeen67yearsofagethe29th of this month.“Surviving him are two sons,Mr.Robert Bolick of Un- jon,S.C.,and Mr.Eugene Bolick of Goldville,S.C.j a daughter;Mrs.C. (A.Holley of Langley,8.C.,.and a Sister,Miss Esther A.Bolick of this lace,the latter the sole survivor of >family. nied by Mr. here Friday, Were conducted ¢hurch, f ter Eugene Bolick,arrived The funeral services at,the Methodistofwhichdeceasedwas-amember,Friday afternoon at 3 e’clock by the:pastor,Rev.M.VY. Honeycutt,and the interment was in the town cemetery. Dr.Asa Thurston went to Moores- ville Saturday evening to spend awhile with his sister,Mrs.C,P.Mc- Neely.Mr.and Mrs,W.L.Mathe-son of the vicinity of Mooresville, spent Sunday with Mr.Matheson’s parents,Mr.and Mrs.W.B..Mathe- gon,making -7,by.automobile. Mr.and Mrs.Connolly,Mrs.J. L.Gwaltneypay Mr.M.L..Gwalt- ney went to Statesville Friday in Mr. Con nolly’s automobile.Miss Jennie Echerd is visiting friends in States- ville.Miss Suma Hollar of Hickory is visiting friends here. Mrs.C.L..Matheson was hostess to the Book club Thursday afternoon. Mesdames C.P.McNeely of Moores- yille and Eugene Cross and MissesMargaretOvercash,Winnie D.Grier, Nettie Albright and Leone Herbert were welcome guests of the club.A Salad course was served. Mrs.C.G.Viele will go to Lenoir t attend the Presbyterial. +,Mr.H.P.Feimster spent Friday Saturday:in Winston-Sclem. will go to Winston-Salem.this week to take charge of the business. family will remain here foraThemanyfriendsofMr. Feimster give him up with much re- Lawyer J.H.Burke will spend to-day in Salisbury. Capt.Gregory Has Received No Pay. A good many people think it wouldbeajoyforevertobeconnectedwithUneleSam’s payroll—just like get- ting money from home—but Capt. W.H.H.Gregory has not found it so up to this good hour. Four months ago Capt.Gregory was appointed janitor of the Fed- eral buildine in Statesville.He has been on the job since then and has not received a penny for his servi-ces,“The janitor’s job is under the civil service.The former janitor was removed on charges made by Collec- tors Watts,the custodian.The charges Were approved in Washing- ton and Capt.Gregory was appoint- }ed ©fill the vacancy until,an eligi-ble wegister can be established by a‘ivil service examination.Capt. Gregory will not be eligible under the eivil service because he has pass- d the age limit to take the examina-tion,.But he was eligible to fill the vacancy,Was properly appointed and Rev.S.F.Wentz;colored,who hasbeen.pastor of the Second Presbyter-| ian church of.Statesville foryears,has.accepted a call to the pas torate of Grace Presbyterian church Winston-Salem,and will termina eI his connection with the Statesvi! church July Ist.; Pastor Wentz tells The Landmark|that since he began his pastorate irStatesvillein1889hehaspreached | 4,000 sermoris to the congregation| and there have.been 725 additions to the church.The amount of money |:raised for church and school purpos:was more than $33,000 and the valueofchurchandschoolpropertyhasincreasedfrom$1,000 to $12,000. The pastor has been zealous and industrious in behalf ef his flock Through his efforts Billingsley Me the education of the colored race andhehasbeenprincipaloftheschool An Aged Lady Seriously Hurt.Mrs.G,W.Ivey,who makes he: home with her son-in-law and dsugh ter,Mr.and Mrs,Geo.-M;Foard,north Center street,fell Saturdas and broke her hip.The injury is very serious one on account of M: Ivey’s advanced age,She was 82 years old Friday,the day before shewashurt.She was standing in her}reom when she fell.and it is supposedthefallwastheresultofsudden |weakness)There was no other apparentcauseforit.‘Mrs,Ivey is the widow of the lateRev.G.'W.Ivey,a well known Methodist’minister who held pastorates in this section of the State for many years.She has a large acqhaintarcewhereheriighasidformerlylabored and many friends will be grieved to Warn of her injury.., |ter one Way or another. jory should have his money. jfor about a year, morial Academy was established for}t } iceepted and while he is on the pay-rolf he should have the money.Col- ector Watts and Senators Overman|and Simmons.have been looking af-ter the matter but so far the red tape has mot been unwound.Somebody ught to get busy and settle the mat- Capt.Greg- |Mr.Gaither RRelieved As Supervisor of the Convict Camp. ‘Mr.J.0.Gaither,who has been upervisor of the State convict:camp on the:Statesville Air Zine railroad was Telieved last Thursday.On that Gay a Mr.Hos- kins of the peniténtiary force,‘a Mitehell county man,it.is understood,|reported ‘at the camp with an order |fromthe State prison authorities in- trueting Mr.Gaither to turn over he*-¢amp to Hoskins,which was done, Mr.Gaither tells The Landmark hat he had received no notice of the hange nor any complaint about .the nanagement,and is in the dark as tohefeasonfortheactionofthepen-|itentiary authorities. |Disaster Pursues Mr.Sloan. Mr,J.L.Sloan came up town Sat- irday morning with another whitebandage.-This time it is one of his fingers..He was sawing and after|sawing Off the cut he jabbed a finger tearing thetheraggedend,the finger.Ma the third of a series of ac-to Mr:Sloan this spring. #was spraying trees and“—his face;secondly,he was din the eye ‘by a cow.He quit spraying,sold his cow and now hisfaelookingforhimtoswear off work of any kind around thenome. The _réemiains,.accompa-| PLACE FOR UNION “MEETING. Henkel -Craig Company's ShowRoomSecured—Church News. The large display room of theHenkel-Craig Live Stock CompanyjonCenterstreethasbeenselected as the place for the big union meet-ing which will be held from May 1sttoJune13.When fitted up..with arostrumandseatstheroomwillmakeagoodauditorium.It is com-modious ‘and erssecrialy finished. Rev.W.'L.,Pickard,D!D.,of Savan- nah,Ga.,will.conduct Ne meeting, as previously announced,and Mr.DP. Ward Milam.of Atlanta,Ga;will have charge 6f the music.Mr.Milam will come:to Statesville a few daysbeforethemeetingbeginsand”hopes to organize a chorus of 100 voices which will lead in the singing duringthe’meeting. A good audience of ladies heard Mrs.W..C.Winsborough of Kansas City,Mo.,at the.First Presbyterian church Sunday afternoon.In the audience was quite a number of the teachers and young ladies from the Barium Orphans’Home.Mrs.Wins-borough,“who is.superin t—oftheWoman’s Auxiliary of the South-ern Presbyterian Church,spoke en- tertainingly of the woman's work inheChurchandoutlinedtheworkof the mission societies as planned -bytheGeneralAssembly. Miss Mamie McElwee,who is sec- retary of young people’s work in this Presbytery,Mrs.J.-Thad°Montgom- ery and Miss Elva Hartness,delerates from the missionary society of the First Presbyterian church,and MissMargaretTrepresentingtheBovamctetebendwillgotoLenoirtodaytoattendConcordPresbyte-rial.Mrs.J.B.Gill and other tadies also expect to go. Presiding Elder L.T..Mann and Mr.Dorman Thompson,who are dele- gates to the General Conference of the M..E.Church,South,will leave on the evening of May 3 for Oklaho- ma City,Okla.,to attend the Confer-ence, ‘Mr.J.C.Pinnix of Yadkin coun- ty will lecture next_Sunday mornitg at 11 o’clock at Harmony Baptistchurch.His lecture will be in theinterestoftheSundayschoolandall neighboring Sunday sthools ‘are im- vited to attend. Communion services Sunday morn-ing at Concord church.Preparatory services Friday evening at 8 o’clock and Saturday morning at 10:30o'clock.Communion services at First As- sociate Reformed church next Sab- bath morning.Preparatory services begin tomorrow evening at 8 o’clock. The pastor will be assisted by Rev. W.A.McAuley of Spartanburg,S. i. Final Test of the Cade Machine. A circular sent to stockholders of the Cade typesetting machine com- pany says the final test of the Cade machine will be made in the shops of A.Nacke &Son,the builders,‘inPhiladelphiaonthe30th.~All stock-holders of the company are urged to attend this test and a meeting of thestockholderswillbeheldonthesame date “to consider the future palicy of the company.” The machine,the circular says,was completed some weeks ago.Since then it has been operated regularly by Mr.Baylas Cade,Jr.,son of the inventor,with a.view to’discovering and correcting all weak points.For this reason the final test was defer-red,The machine is now pronounc- ed complete. Several times within the past few years the final completion of the Cade machine was announced butsomethingwasdiscoveredthathad to be remedied.It is hoped that this final test.is final and The Landmark hopes.the fondest dreams of the in-ventor and his backers will be real- ized. Mrs.Stewart and Mr.Gaines Mar-ried in Greensboro. The Greensboro News of yesterday had the following: A:quiet marriage,took place hereyesterdayeveningattheHotelEu- ropean when Mrs.:Ruth Stewart ©of Statesville and George T.Gaines ofthesameplaceweremademanand wife.Rev.R..Dye-Sherrill,pastor of the Centenary.Methodist church,of- ficiated.The marriage will come as a surprise te their many friends,as many thought the event was to takeplaceatalaterdate.Only a_few friends witnessed the speaking of the vows,Immediately after the cere- mony Mr.and Ms.Gaines caught train No,'35 for Statesville,where they will’make their’future home. The bride is 42 years of age while the groom’s age exceeded that of his bride by 10 years.” Mrs.Stewart’s home is on Walnutstreet.She keeps a boarding house and Mr.Gaines,who is ah employe of .the Henkel-Craig Live Stock Co., has boarded.there for some time. Court News. In the mayor’s court Saturday eve- ning Hilliard Graham,colored,was sentenced to serve 30 days on the streets for being drunk and disor-derly.In Justice Lazenby’s”courtLillianBrownandNoraKeaton,col- ored Women,were given a hearing onchargesofassaultwithdeadlyweap-ors and both were placed under bondfortheirappearance.at the higher court.The Brown woman ¢ut theKeatonwomanwithaknifeandthe Keaton woman used a.stick on the Brown woman. BRIEF ITEMS OF|OF LOCAL NEWs —Mr.W.J.“Matheson,real estate agent,has sold a cottage on Race street for Mr.A.A.Miller to Mrs. Cora E.Wiley,the consideration be~ing $925.Mrs.Wiley will occupy the cottage. The new trains which rumor had it were to be put on the Western road April 19 were not put on,butthelatestreportisthey.will be put on about May 12,which may or may not be correct. —+Feimster school»will.close _Fri-day and if the weather is favorabletheclosingexerciseswilltakeplaceFridayeveningat8o'clock.If the weather is.unfavorable the exerciseswillbeheldFridayafternoon. —Mr.J.Frank Barrett,formerly of.Statesville,now of New York,has notified Secretary of the Navy Dan- iels that he wants an appointment asanofficerinthefirstvolunteerregi- ment that goes to Mexico from NewYork. iA few cars of a freight train were derailed on the passing sidingatClaremontvesterdayafternoon,The ric through Statesville about 4 o’clock en route to the scene of the wreck to remove the cars from the track. —-Mrs.N.A.Bingham,who went to Wilkesboro a few weeks ago tovisitherdaughters,with the hopethatthechangewouldprovebenefi-cial to her health,has not been so well recently but her condition wag improved at latest report. —Mrs.J.H.Dingelhoef,who is with her parents,Rev.and Mrs.W. A.Lutz,will join Mr.Dingelhoef inLenoirassoonastheStatesville gradéd schoo!closes,~Mir.Dinget- hoef,who has been in business in Le-noir for some time,has rented a cot- tage there for his family —In the college auditorium Fridayevening,May Ist,Miss Mary Flemingwillgivehergraduaterecitalinpiano~_forte.She will be assisted by Miss Lucile Kimball,who will sing sev-eral numbers.‘Al the friends of the be admitted. the J.A.Mills lands in’Davi court house yesterday by H.P.Grier,commissioner...Mr..C..A. within ag Mpahoursafter the 1 an increasedbid wasplaced on t Jand _and another public sale will be made.— —About all the ladies that could becomfortablyseatedattendedthetureoncookinggivenat.the Craford~Bunch,Furniture €store yestatday afternoon Herr,who is demonstratingfirelesscooker.Mrs.Herr will:|here all week.Food cooked in —Dr.Everette A.Sherrill,who has vue Hospital in New York,where heamemberofthemedicalstaff, Saranac Lake,N.Y,It is hoped thatthechangewillprovebeneficial:Mr.F.A.Sherrill,who went to New Yorkaweekago,accompaniedSaranacLakeandisstillwith him: the war of 1812.Mir.Thomas sahisuncle,Chas.Eidson,gavethegourd25yearsagoandtold.him.that his (Eidson’s)father carried itinthewarof1812.Mr.Thomas also.has a minnie ball which was cut out l.H.e'Fhomas of Iredell,during thecivilwar.War relics are numerous. —Commander J.©.Steele asks The~ erans in the county that the Reuben.Campbell camp will be reorganized and all.members who wish to foin.are asked to farnish their -names.The old list of members will be dropedandonlythosewhomakeappli- bers.A business meeting of the vet-erans will be held on Memorial Dey, May 9th. Watson of Winston-Salem,one oftheState’s most distinguished law- yers and citizens,has been who has a studio in Winston-Salem,and will be presented to the SupremeCourtbymembersoftheWinston-Salem bar.The formal presentationwilltakeplaceMay5and:Mr.Clem- ent Manly will make .the address.Che portrait will be hung in the Su-preme Court library. Deaths, Mrs.Ro F.Lackey,mother of ‘Mr. J.Anderson Lackey of Statesville,died Sunday night about 11 o’clock ather:home hear Stony Point.»Death was due to heart trouble af }camerather-suddenly,Deceased?)mm.4yearsoldandleavesanwpichildren.‘The funeral and bur 1 witakeplacetoday.Mary Lou Hawn,the 14-old daughter of Mr.and Mra,O.Hawn,who live.near Newton,late Friday afternoon at the §rium,death resulting from dilsoftheheartfollowinganopeforangiomaoftheamveation:was performed ing and the littl patient©covered from tHe shocksrentstooktheremaitisteFridayhightforburial, res agesect $ One hundred and three acres of was the highest bidder at $2,000,but been ill for several months at Belle-» of the head of :his father,the late — cation anew will be counted as mem-._ township were offered for sale at the osaf his son to > Mr.J.I.Thomas of Statesville -has a small gourd that is a relic of Landmark to notify.Confederate set iee -—iAn oil portrait of Mr.Cyrus Bi by Mr.Mac.R.Long of fl sor 1 »“TUESDAY,Hinde tle Brcomaeg ae -GASUALITIES AND FATALITIES. The Toll War Exacted in Three Days’Skirmishing at Vera.Cruz—Mexi-can General Fled With His TroopsWhenAmericans-Landed, A report to the Navy Department Friday showed that the occupation of -Vera Cruz up to that time had costthelivesof17Americansand”that75werewounded;126 Mexicans killedand195wounded.The following story of the occupa-tion of Vera Cruz is gleaned fromthepressdispatches: The Mexican troops belonging totheregularestablishmenthadprac- tieally all left,having withdrawn some 15 to 20 miles inland,and the firing was carried out by armed cit- izens and straggling ‘soldiers andpolicemen.“Among the citizen ele- ment offering opposition to the Amer-ican force there were many prisotierswhohadbeenreleasedbyGen.Gus- tavo .Maas,the commander’of the Federal garrison,before he evacuatedthecity.-Many of these criminals inaugurated their liberty by becom- ing intoxicated and then-found a con- venient.outlet for their enthusiasm by joining the fighters on the housetops. As a hint of what might be expect- ed later,the American force sentacrossthesoutheasternpartofthe city a few shells from its three-inch rified ‘cannon,and shortly after 7 o'clock Wednesday morning -thesewerefollowedbyanotherseriesof shells.The principal reason forRearAdmiralFlietcher’s hesitation to~bombard.was that hundreds of non- combatants;including -many.-womier and children who had been unable toget.out of the central part of the city,were crowded into the Diligencie hotel building,from which most ofthefiringwasdonebytheMexicans. General Maas left the city in a car- riage at noon Tuesday,half an hour after the first boatload of American marines landed from the warships. This was stated officially and it was also declared that he had not been seen or heard from since that hour. The commander’s family foliowed him in another carriage.It is stated that the Mexican troopsformingthegarrisonwereturned Joose as soon as it was seen that the Americans were about to land and were told to act as they saw fit.Very few,if any,of their officers remained with the Mexican soldiers,whose op- erations were carried on without any- one to direct.them.Some of theMexicantroopsobtainedaconsidera- ble supply of intoxicants by looting two stores.As a result many of them were in.a condition which made them equally dangerous to nitives and 'for- eigners who came within their range. Colonel Cerrillo was one of the few officers who remained with the Mexican troops.He was the com- mander of the Nineteenth battalion and was wounded in one arm early in the fighting.The Mexican troops had one 75 millimetre gun,which,theylacedinpositionattheEstebanTastalsaandMainstreets.The efforts of Rear Admiral Fletch- er Tuesday night to find some one who exercised.command over the Mexicans and to suggest that he call off his men in the interest of hu- manity were unsuccessful.The Rear Admiral hesitated to open fire withshellonthecity,but the presence of riflemen hidden behind the copings of the flat-roofed buildings,which formed capital shelter for the defend-ing sharpshooters,made the use of artillery almost imperative to pre- vent sacrificing the lives of more Americans.Rear Admiral Fletcher’s note sent to the local officials calling on them to co-operate with the Ameri- can officers in the restoration of or- der by calling off sharpshooters’and by resuming the local government could not be delivered. Julio Franeo,the Mexican chosen by American Consul Canada to be the bearer of the warning,was unable tocommf&nicate with any of the Feder- al officials and only the mayor,Ro-berto Diaz,could be located.When Franco tried to communicate with the mayor he was refused admissionbyMexicanguardsstationedatthe|door.Franco then crawled over the roof of an adjoining building intethecourtoftheDiazresidence,but he did not succeed in seeing the may-or..Senor Diaz refused to leave hisbedroom,so Consul Canada’s messen- ger shouted the.contents of Rear.Adimiral Fletcher's note to’the may-or and personally appealed to him toyieldinordertosavethecityfrom April.28,1914,|. x shots from the cruisers Chester,San Francisco and Prairie tore gapingholesinthe.stone walls and silenced The bluejackets then were énabled toproceedwiththeirtask.A squad of soldiers continued to give consider-able trouble to the Americans fromthebatteredBenitoJuareztower.Af- ter they had been silenced and moved from the tower it was discovered that they had continued fighting for lack of ability to do anything else.‘Theshellsfromthe.warships Tuesday had torn away the stairway .in the tower and the man had been com- pelled to remain in it. At 10 o’clock Wednesday.morning the Americans were in undisputed possession of all the city except the racks are situated and f°few-outly- ihg districts.At noon they had tak- en the barracks,When the city pris- on,which faces the main plaza of the city,was captured Lieutenant Buch- anan of the Florida inspected it, There was great surprise among the Mexicans who had gathered there thattheprisonerswerenotreleased.They had been accustomed to seeing the victor’always release prisoners andthenimpressthemallintohisarmy. Blood bespattered sidewalks,brok- en windows and bullet scarred walls gave the plaza a gruesome aspect. Within the Diligencia hotel there were 40 Americans—most of them women——who had been there since the beginning of hostilities. square was taken they were immedi- ately notified that they might go to that they probably would incur no further danger by remaining in the hotel. It was not until late Tuesday that top of tlie hotel received written.or- ders from outside the city to vacate their position.The order was obey- ed by a portion of the hundred men who were occupying the roof and van- tage points-in the interior but.some of the band determined to disobey the orders and fight to the last.Never- theless they surrendered Wednesday morning.A lieutenant in.command of the Mexicans was led out a-pris- oner and although he had fought des- perately he trembled and turned paleinthebeliefthathewouldbesum- marily execited. None of the American women were in any way mistreated by the Mexi- cans.during the occupation of the building. ed the Mexicans in’caring for the wounded. fortress,flew the Mexican throughout the attack.The command- ant and 60 armed men and 300 work-men in the navy yard peered from the embrasures at the Prairie andtheothershipsshellingthenaval academy.In the dungeon were 600 prisoners.Captain Stickney of the Prairie went through the fortress several days ago and found some heavy guns,five torpedoes and a tor- pedo tube in a corrugated iron’shed outside the wall of the fortress.When the landing of the Americans’was ordered Captain Stickney sent word to the commandant of San Juan de Uloa that he would blow him topieceswiththePrairie’s guns if heopened.fire against the Americansbutthatotherwisehewouldnotbedisturbed.‘The commandant repliedthathewouldanswerwithhiscan-non if fired on but that he would notbeginhostilities.-When the engage-ment ashore began the commandanthoistedabrilliantnewMexicanflagwhichflewallday:long. When Admiral Fletcher directed bopbardment by the American ships,reminding him of the grave risk to}the families of Mexicans and others |in the city.Had the frightened may-|or made up his mind to accede to Ad-/|miral Fletcher’s suggestion the Mex-|icans.might have been spared the hu-|miliation of being forced from theirpositionsandundoubtedlyanumber»f lives would not have been.sacri-ficed. In the streets about the plaza Wedmesdayafternoonlay15or20bod-ies,@ majority of them attiredcitizens’clothing, Cagement of Tuesday and thetalheatmadetheirimmediposalimperative.Whenwastaken,the Americanwereorderedtoadvanceandsearcheverybuilding bearing arms.Scores ofweretaken,most of them prote ting‘hat they were not guilty of any un.riendiiness whatsoever toward theAmericans.Accustomed as the+Mexirans are to their own contend-ing forces shooting immediately al!a senna the capturéd men could nottthattheywouldreceivelegsdrastictreatmentatthehandsofmsoe @ most spirited action of Wedméesdaywasthe,academy.Asidethere #ition encountered by the AmeriAhotfirewaspouredintothe+rines from the naval college,for a tie held them back,but the marines carefully for men thatfrom fight cans, ma- which a few |to the steel fram in{ Some of the men}evidently had been dead since the en-| tropi-| ate dis-|f city | ;jeolumn formation up theprisoners| taking gf the naval' ‘was no definite organized oppo-| that battalions of bluejackets and ma-esrinesbelandedfromRearAdmiralBadger’s ships.before dawn Wedsnesdaymorninganddrawnupintheplazabeforetherailroadstationandthenproceedtotaketheentiretown,he acted only after giving warningandafter15shellsfromthePrairie’sthree-inch guns had been thrown in-e work of the newmarket.A persistent but scattered\fire came from rifles in the market |during all the early hours of themorningandAdmiralBadger’s men|landed to the whining accomofriflebulletsovertheirheads,When the rush started AdmiralSadger’s bluejackets,clad in orangecoloredclothing,made for them onthecruisedownbydyeingwhiteuni-forms with iron rust,moved in close water front,past the market and across the frontofthenavalcollege,astorystructurebuiitof adobe stone,The column moved steadily forwarduntilthefirstcompanyhadpassedbeyondthecollegeandtheremain-der were covering the ‘whole frontcloseagainstthewall,Suddenly aifiMtterofriflefiringbroke,outLFashesfromthe‘rifles were ‘visiblejintheupperwindowsofthecollegeandalongtheroof.The jackies stoodtheirgroundPluckily.Some of them,haddled close to the wall to avoid thehail'of bullets from tibove while oth.ers dashed across q small opeh spacedirectlyinfrontofthebuildinThesebluejacketsdroppedonthelrstomachsandliftedtheirrifleshigh paniment the rifle fire of the Mexicans -inside.| southwest-quarter-in_which the bar-| When the} other places if they so desired but! the last of General Maas’men on the/ A few of the women help-| In the center of the inner harbor,| San Juan de Uloa,an ancient stone| flag | long three-} in order to get a range on the win- dows above.Finally the ‘officershustledtheirmeneitherforwardorbackwarduntiltheywere.in shelterofnearbybuildings.5Thejackiesinfrontheldtheir shell after shell from her three-igchbatteryintothewindowsofthe¢ol-lege.Huge columns of red dust leap-ed upward as each shot went home.The Chester alao joined in with hersix-inch shell and tore great gaps intheroofofthecollege.Far to therightintheharborthemine«shipSanFranciscoopenedwithherfive-inch guns.Taking the frent of —the college,the mine ship shot out win- dow by window,planting the shellswiththeprecisionoftargetpractice.After 15 minutes of firing the Prai-rie-and-.the “Sai~Franci ceasedandthecolumnofjackfesformed again and pushed sturdily ahead,de-ploying around the front of the col-lege.A few shots were directed at them but none came fromthe -¢col-lege.The Chester continued hurling shells into any building where snipers lurked and also far out into the sub- urbs.The jackies ‘went —steadily ahead,spreading out through the water front section,seizing the highest buildings and organizing squads of guards at street intersec- tions.‘The fire along the front grad- ually slackened and then died out but the Chester sent a few shots out into the hills before ceasing.eRTSRNS The New Volunteer Army Bill. The volunteer army bill passed by Congress last week,which was pend ing long before the Mexican situation Became acute,is designed to cure de |fects in existing law.relating to -vol-j unteer forces and it is relied upon toputtheseforcesuponafootingalmostsimilartotheregu-lar army,Except for the factthatthevolunteerarmy.would be |action at the close of the hostilities|Which led to”its organization;-there would be little difference between itandtheregularstandingarmy.Thevolunteerarmyunderthetermsof the legislation is to be raised whilewarexists,or “while war is immi- nent,”but only after.Congress hasgiventhePresidentauthority.ThePresidentwouldcallforvolunteersbyproclamationandmaketheneces-sary regulations for receiving themintoservice.Enlistment ‘would beapportionedamongtheStatesaccord-|}ing to population. The President appoints the officers |instead of the Governors of the States |and het has absolute authority to or- \ganize brigades and divisions without }period is four years,as in the regu- ilar army. Troops Expected to Reach Vera CruziYesterday. Twenty hours after orders to start jfor the front were received |Weshington,the expeditionary forceoftheUnitedStatesarmy,fourregimentsofinfantry,3,400 strong,many of them veterans of Philippinecampaignsandcarrying12machineguns,sailed from Galveston,Texas,|Friday for Vera ‘Cruz. “The Sixth Cavalry and the FourthArtilleryBatteriesdidnotgetaway because there was no room for themon,the four available transportshere,but:they sailed Saturday aboardcommercialsteamers.The men whosailedFriday,with those who are tofollow,comprise the Fifth brigade,reinforced,commanded by Brig.Gen.Frederick--Funston..:They--were dueinVeraCruzsometimeyesterday,It was a stripped fighting \forcethatsailed.Every ounce of subsist:nee that could -be crowded aboardwasputonthetransportsandeachof|the four regiments was reduced tojoneambulanceandthreewarons,|with 25 mules.ataieegaatiainetantenaeneneees |The Carolina Prisoners’Aid So-leiety of Raleigh,chartered without|capital,is a religious and.benevolent|organization for caring for the needywhitechildrenwhosefathersareinprison, |Hot Springs—|Liver Buttons Make You Feel Fine. |If you want to tone up your liver,|put your stomach in first-classishape,drive all impurities from the|bowels,and feel like a real fighterinlessthanaweek,get a 25-centboxofHOTSPRINGSLIVERBUT.TONS today. You can eat and digest a heartymeal;you will be free ‘from head«ache,that lazy feeling wil)go,theambitionthatyouonvepossessedwillreturn,if you will use little choe-olate ~covered HOT SPRINGS LIV-ER BUTTONS as directed,For constipation there is|80.safe,80 efficient and so;Satisfying.They drive|ples,blotches and satlowrifyingtheblood.beet ‘a box,|Hot Springs|Springs,Ark. j nothing joyfully away pim-’ ness by pu-You must surelyForfreesamplowriteChemicalCo.,.Hot places,however,and’the-Prairie sent| war-time}.:.. |disbanded immediately by presidential|cx regard to State lines.The enlistment! from|- a"ae,r)weet bh: i Y 4g NeW+ POPULAR POLISHES Black,Tan and White 10c_.3. Tue F.F.DaLLEY Co,L1.BUFPALO,N.Y.HAMILTON,ONT. SaathA“aa Serre cca:om PP,’sees LAT UPENING -BOX Fs Millinery and Ladies’Shirt Waists! —eall POR RIGHT NOW SELLING A We have just received a big line of the latest shapes in Hemp,Milan,Java,Panama and French Chips.Also Flowers,Ribbons and Trim-mings galore, We also have the latest in Ladies’Shirt Waists.Tub and Jap SilkWaists$1.00 to $2.00.Crepes,Rice Cloth and Lingerie,a beautiful$1.50 design,for $1.00. We alsosell the best Middy Blouse on the market for $1.00,These lines ate well worth investigating“Yours truly, NOTICE OF SALE.a Under and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Iredell county,made inthespecial*proceeding entitled Mrs.Cora]M.Booe,Mrs,Luia Smith and husband,John Smith,vs.J.H.Campbell and -Anna E. Campbell,the undersigned commissioner will SATURDAY,MAY 9,1914, t 12 o'clock my,at the court house door in tesville,N.C.,offer for sale to the | t bidder that certain tract of land} an being in Turnersbuxg township, county,N.C.,adjoining the lands »Hodson and others,and bounded as -wit: ning at a spanish oak on the south| of the creek,running south 20 poles to hersimmon;thence south 40 degrees west} 116 poles to a stone;thence S.83 degrees | west 156 poles to.a black oak,corner.M.j Heath and others;thence south 45 degrees| st 79 poles and 15 links to a stake im James Gray's line;thence north 49 1-2 de.} grees east with said Gray's line 283 poles to! a white oak,Gray’s corner:thence forth 45 degrees/east 34 poles to a birch on the } uth bank of Hunting creek;thence north|32 degrees east crossing said Creek 12 poles|te a forked willow on the north hank atjsaidcreek,in Varner’s line;thence with!the meanders of said creek with said Var- }ner’s and Wm.H.Smith's,s¢9 poles;f south 12 poles,crossing «aid creek,ites|Camphell’s corner;thence with the meanders|of the creek to the beginning,containing 239! acres more or less.Also a tract adjoining |j the above,lying im’said county and State,jand bounded as follows,to-wit:Beginning |jat a spanish oak on the south side of Hunt-! |ine creek,running south.20 poles to a per-simmon;thence south 40 degrees west 116 poles to a stone,Milburn Heath's corner ;thence sorth 26 degrees east 144 poles totheereek;thence with the meanders of theereek,to the beginning,containing thirteen and three quarters acres more or less. Terms of Sale—One-fourth cash on day of,|sale,one-fourth in three,one-fourth in:six/and one-fourth in nine months.}E,G.GAITHER,|#Commissioner$$$ UR ODORLESS Refrigerators are cleanab'e,pure,cold and dry.They can be kept cleaner and colder than any other kind.Youcantakethemallapartandgetateverycornerandcrevice.Linedwithzineorrealporcelain,food kept in them is pure.If you need|@ new refrigerator this is theplaceto come for it.We have a newlineofthebestrefrigeratorsweknowof.They’re ice savers andfoodsavers.They not only keep things cold but pure and wholesome.The Williams Furniture House. j i{ April 7,1914, Well sellyiatherightClothesattberight price ONLY ONE li Commencement Day! THERE WILL BE Many Birthday Anniversaries Many Christmas’—many oth-er occasions for the givingoftlbutonlyonegraduationdayinalifetime. Make it a Memorable Occasion.Make the Gift a Valuable One. See Us For Suggestions.R.F.HENRY, Jeweler and Optometrist. IL NEVER WoRRY MY CLOTHES FIT me PERFECTLY ©samme If you don’t know anything aboutthevaluesofclothing,what else haveyoulefttodobuttotrusttotheREPUTATIONoftheestablishmentyoubuyfrom?We wish.that everyonewhohasneverboughttheirclothesfromus,would onlyask thosewhohave.Wearein business heretostayinbusinesshereandweknowwecandosoonlybysellinggoodclothingathonestprices.We askyoutotrustusonceandtoletourgoodsspeakforthemselvesafterthat TRY OUR GOLD SEAL FLOUR Every bag guaranteed ° Fresh Tomatoes, Green Beans, New Potatoes. FRESH FISH Fridays and Saturdays, Bradford Grocery &ProduceCompany.|) Sloan Clothing CompanyWESELL“BETTER”CLOTHES *Are going to be in demand: -pefore this calendar yearends.If you want to sell,better see me,I have some fine properties,both city and country,forsale,Goodvalues.Callandletmehelpyouselectwhat you want.sia Y,»FELIX J.AXLE REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Over Merchants &Farmers’Bank. Peas! the We are in market for 1,000 Bushels Field Peas. Want any variety 5 or mixed.Will } pay CASH. SEE US. J.K.Morrison Grocery } &Produce Co. *YourSupplies If you are going to buy your supplies on time let us figure with you.We carry the best of about everything you will need in the way of Heavy and Fancy Groceries,Feed- stuffs,Garden and Field Seeds. Miller-McLain Supply Co. » Adding Machine Paper We have two sizes. Sell it by the Roll or Case. —’Phone 200— Brady Printing Co. THE DAVIS MILLS Give you 40 Pounds Best Pat- ent Flour and 13 pounds Bran in exchange or Pay $1.15 per bushel cash for wheat.Watch this ad for price each week. Best Flour and Meal.Prompt and courteous service at alltimes.It pays to patronize THE DAVIS MILLS,Hiddenite,N.C. NOTICE! HOLLAND BROS.have changed their ‘phone number from 177to7. Call No.7 for draying,all grades best coal and wood,etc. Residence ’Phone 1310, WHATEVER TYPEWRITER You buy we can wish nothing more than that you will like it as wellas we do THE REMINGTON. Statesville Printing Co. PHONE 208 PREPARED To do your work on short notice. we want is a trial. Gillespie Pressing Club —’PHONE 350.— NOTICE|! First class tin work and repairing. Roofing Contractor. CLYDE E.GAITHER.*Phone No.157, Arsivel ead,Depastane,af.Tesine ‘et Sinter- WESTERNROAD, Pee Be Ih,seersfeleas ao.No,12,"west-bound,due 0:20 Pe.eS See aes 1058x »m. Train No.26,.east-bound,due10:55 «.m, Train No.22,east-bound,due 1:20 p.m. TrainNo.12,east-boupd,due 6:45 p.m. 4 Traine.16,east-bound,due a.© CHARLOTTEANDTAYLORSVILFromCharlotte.- TrainNo.16 ar.9:60,leaves 11:00&.m. Train No,24 ar.8:36,lenves 8:35 p.m. From Taylorsville Train Wo.23 ar.10:15,leaves 11:00 a m. Train No.16 ar.6:26,,leaves 6:45 D.m. Nos.23 and 24 are not operated on Sunday. \|speech,spoke of him as “Hugh-Wer- ‘ter.’Senator Simmons calls him .|“Hurt-Her.”-John Sharp Williams, |who spent some of his schoolboy i}days in Franee,calls:him “Werter. @|cutaneous affections by reason of its What the Senators Call the Mexican Person. Washington Dispatch to Observer. One“of the features of the contro- versy over the Mexican dictator is the efforts of various people «to pro- nounce his name.“Huerta”is ca- pable of a number of pronunciations. Senator Norris of Nebraska;in his Charlotte Senator Tillman calls him “That d-—d old Mexican.”-So you have it!“Villa” is just as hard to arrive at.“Car- ranza”is but little better. Before the war is over there will be many tied tongues over “Huerta,” “Villa,”and “Carranza.”“Werter” seems to be right,so does “Veeyah,” and “Karranzar.”eens Must Be Free From Corporate Influ- ence. Cocord “Tabuier-- President Fred N.Tate of the Just Freight Rate Association is sending out notices to the county associations calling attention to the resolution adopted by the State association, which protests against any person holding a State or legislative office who is connected with any railroad or any other public service corpora- tion.President Tate also.protests against the use of passes by the leg- islators and advocates the creation of a public utilities commission,to be appointed by the Governor and to be subject to recall by him for fail- ure to properly perform the func-| tions of the office. SAYS SULPHUR DRIVES ECZEMA FROM THE SKIN! Use Like Cold Cream to Instantly Stop Itching and Cleaf the Skin. Sulphur,says a renowned derma- tologist,just common bold -sulphur made into a thick cream,will soothe and’heal the skin when irritated and broken out with Eczenia or any form of eruption.The moment it is ap- plied all itching ceases and after two or three applications the Eczema dis- appears,leaving the skin clear and smooth. He tells Eczema sufferers to get from any good pharmacy an ounce of bold-sulphur cream and apply it to the irritated parts the same as you would any cold cream. For many years common bold-sul- phur has occupied a secure position in the practice of dermatology and parasite-destroying property.It is not only parasiticidal,but also anti- pruritic,antiseptic and remarkably healing in all irritable and inflamma- tory conditions of the skin.While not always effecting a permanent cure,it never fails to instantly subdue the angry itching and irritation and heal the Eczema right up and it is often years later before any eruption again appears on the skin. THE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION Has set MONDAY,MAY 4,1914,to hear all applications from districts wanting new schvcol houses or any other schoo)improvements.J.H.HILL,Chairman. R.M.GRAY,Secretary. ANNOUNCEMENT! Iwill *e in Statesville in ten days or two weeks on my semi-annual trip tuning pianos.Orders left at this office or-the College will receive at- tention.W.E.SENN, April 21—8t*Charlotte,N.C. Statesille Auto-Liver Co, j~~Kutos For Hire:-- Cood Cars, Reliable Drivers, Reasonable Rates. ——-"PHONE 63.—— GRAHAM FLOUR! Black Warrior Pit Games. Eggs from pen headed by male winning his’fourth battle and steel tested—$3 for’15.Guaranteed thoroughbred stock.No stock for sale.Good hatch guaranteed.R. J.HARBIN,354 Alexander street, Statesville,N.C,April 7—8t.* ATTRACTIVE FARM. Another shipment of Graham Flour just ar- rived,’Phone us for andTea,Freshstock all the time.it ‘THE STORY OF CHAS.M.BOWER. -¥voyages and the going was fine so White House Coffee ~} et etatortt wiinerarkeEmployed-to-Find AnEstateinEng-, land -For the Deaton Fa ,He Spent About $7,000 and the ate is Yet to Be Found—P.B.Deaton Tells The Landmark the Story Trips to England and What Was Found. The Landmark stated last week that the case against C.M.Bower, charged with misuse.of the maild,,wascalledatlastweek’s term of theFed- eral court,but ‘Bower failed to an- ewer and a capias was issued for him.This case against Bower is the basis of an interesting story which is told The Landmark by Mr.P,B - ton,who is a victim of misplaced confidence.“Bower is a native of England. About 80 years ago or more he.ap- peared in this’section,married in this county and since then has lived in Iredell and Burke counties,movingbacktoIredellfromBurkeseveral years ago.He calls himself a mining engineer but appears to live chiefly by his wits,for he is a Shrewd man.His wife and married’daughter,live in Statesville. father of P..B.Deaton,had it from his mother that there was an estate in England which rightly belonged to the Deaton family.Mr.Deaton kept this in mind and wanted to in- vestigate.Some years ago,.while Rev.C.A.Jenkins was pastor’of the First Baptist church of Statesville, Mr.Deaton talked to him about;the English estate and in Mr.Deaton’s behalf Mr.Jenkins wrote the Amer- a London banker.The latter replied estate. Whether Bower had heard ofthis English estate and put himself next is not known,but one day in”the aprity of 1909"he got-in-conversation with B.C.Deaton and thé him about the estate and the ‘etter from the London banker,Bower-was knew all.about the record office where such information could be obtained. Deaton agreed.Bower wrote to to give him any-i Mr:B.C.Deaton of Statesville,the |, ican ambassador in London and also |ee but threw little if any light on{the}. interested.He took Deaton to his home,discussed the matter with him|was and got all the information.Deaton had.He asked the privilege of mak- ing an investigation in Deaton’s be- half.Being a native Englishman he =P of woe,His attorneys.had turnedagainsthim,he wrote,and refusedInfOPMALIODL026 January 18,1912,P.By;Deaton re-ceived a letter from Florence Waterfal)of Belper,England,:telling.thestoryofBower’s stay ‘in England from the date of his first appearancetherein1909,°Miss Waterfall had married Bower,she said,and he hadsupportedherandlivedwithherashiswifesincehisfirst.visit,She had founda letter “Deaton —“wrote Bower,in which the name of Bow- er’s wife and daughter in Statesville was mentioned,..and.suspectingtreacheryshewrote)the history ofBower’s stay in England to Deaton and told the latter=not to send him any more money...Bower had told her he was a widower,.Miss Water-fall wrote,and that he was a million- aite from Statesville. No more money .was sent to Bow-er.Deaton investigated further and in October,1912,went.to England to make a personal investigation.With the assistance of detectives he foundfromcourtrecordsinBelper‘district and Derbyshire.that.no syit hadbeeninstituted“by Bower for any irpose and that the Story he had been giving thé Deatons was a fake,pure and simple.”°Mr.White,clerk :court at Belper,certified that Bower had never been in his office. Mr.Annabel,clerk of the court at Derby,gave similar testimony.The le business was a myth.At Lin- coin’s Inn Fields,London,they had files the letters Bower wrote from Statesville in 1909,but the office peo- certified that Bower had never there to make an investigation.Searching further,Deaton foundBelperawomannamedAnnDav- port,who said she is a cousin of ower and that he visited her;that name isn’t Bower at all but John The records showed that the birth of John Foster,son of George and Lucy Foster was regis- tered in Belper,England,in 1848.Ann Davenport said she had known from childhood and that he blinded in the left eye when a boy by the explosion of a gun cap. He left England when @ young man and Miss Davenport says she never aw him after that until his visit there in 1909. Bower had given his English-wife many handsome presents,Mr.Dea- of the whe o ple ¢ B His i oO r. Aldershot,where the record office had formerly been located.He got an | answer and was told to write the of-| fice in London,where it had been| |moved,and send a fee for an answer.| This was done and a reply was re- ceived.None of these letters;it seems,threw’any light on the estate belonging to the Deatons but they were encouraged to pursue the inves- tigation.Bower could find out the facts easily if he were in England, so in the fall of 1909—about Novem- ber 1st—the father and son,B.C. and P.B.Deaton,gave Bower $500 and an outfit of clothing and sent him to England.He returned ih about six weeks with a most satis-fying report.The estate was there. The exact location was at Smal 8 1-2 miles from Derby,Derbyshire, England.The place was underlai with coal and was worth about $20,- 000,000.It was in possession of one William Howard Hobson,who had notitletoit.Bower had instituted suit to claim the property for the legal heirs—the Deatons. In the spring of 1910,with $600 which the Deatons had provided for him,Bower returned to England to be present at the trial of the case, which was to come up on a certain date.He also executed a contract with the Deatons by which he was to receive 10 per jcent of the amount collected,they paying the expenses and paying Bower for his time. Promptly after the expiration of the date for the trial Bower cabied the Deatons,“Victory today.Appeal taken.”He followed the cablezram with a letter explaining that the casewassenttoChanceryandwouldbe tried.there in December.This was a matter,of form,as final victory was certain, Bower returned to Statesville in August and then went back to Eng-land in the fall to be present at thetrialintheChancerycourtinDe- cember.Then there was a turn in affairs that didn’t indicate an casy victory for the claimants of the es-tate.The Chancery court,which was expected to put the clincher on the claim of the Americans,remand- ed the case for a new hearing,Bower came home about Christmas,19),and left again for England in Janu- ary,1911.He evidently liked ocean long as the other.fellow paid thé freight.There was a hitch about thenewhearingtheChancerycourthadordered,so Bower wrote his clients. The trial didn’t come off in June,1911,as .expected;and Bower came home.in.August,1911..All.this time he kept the Deatons in“good cheerabouttheprospectsofultimatesuc- cess.Bower returned to England in October,1911,and P.B.Deaton de-cided to go with him and do a littleinvestigatingonhisownaccount,When they reached England Bowerfoundtheinvestigationcouldnotbemade.His attorney,Judge J.M. Waterfall,he said.was in Greece and he,was.sure that if he and Deatonundertookaninvestigationatthattimetheywouldqueerthewhole propositidn.Deatoh was persistentbutBowersostrenuouslyobjectedthathepersuadedDeatontoreturn home,postponing the investigationuntilFebruary,1912,at which timeDeatonwastotakehisfather,B.C.Deaton,to England for the final trialofthesuitatDerby.P.B.DeatonreturnedhomefromEnglandinNo~vember,1911,Bower promising to ton found—gold rings,gold watch, etc.He ‘passed in’Belper as a mil- lionaire from Statesville and to clinch the matter he made a will,giving his English wife several thousand acres of land in Burke county,N.C.,and a handsome home in Statesville.Be- fore leaving for England he had made a will,Mr.Deaton,says,leaving his possessions here,which were not large,to his‘Statesville family. ‘After Deaton had gathered all the evidence he could find,most of which is documentary and by which he says he can easily establish all the state- ments herein made,he returned home, sadder and wiser.Bower,who was in England at the time,didn’t know Deaton was there.He returned to 5 America about the same time but by a different route.Deaton laid the facts before the United States au- thorities.Bower—who is as sharp as Brooks of Sheffield—had surmised the game was up and that there might be trouble,so he kept under cover.Uncle Sam’s sleuths got on his track and captured him at New Orleans last fall:He was brought to Greensboro and kept in jail for a time. He got on the weak side.of Judge Boyd,pleaded old age and bad health, and the judge released him on his own recognizance to appear at States- ville court last week.He did not ap- pear,of course.Whether a special effort will be made to find him is not known.District Attorney Holton had aseured Mr.Deaton that the evidence was ample to convict Bower. ‘The experience of the Deatons with Bower cost them between $7,- 000 .and $8,000,P.B.Deaton says. A part of this was spent by Deaton in his two trips to England but the bulk of the money,probably about $7,000,was-spent by Bower in the manner described.He had a very good time while the money held out. In the hope of securing the Eng- lish estate,for the existence of which they had only the word of a man of whom they knew almost nothing,a man unprepossessing in appearance and with a bad record—although they probably didn’t look into his record until too late—these people sacrificed their all.Homes were mortgaged to get the money and had to be sold. Not only did the father and son lose their.property,but A.P.Sigman, son-in-law of B.C.Deaton,who joined in to help,also lost.A sad ending to the hope of a fortune that would run up into millions. {here are many other stories told of-the exploits of Bower since he tiv- ed in this part of the country,but this.one.is already too long. cosetcnrgnnenenninciainincieetinl oe All Our Wars Begin in April. Battle of Vera Cruz,the city cap- tured by Admiral Fletcher’s forces, April 21,1914. War with Spain began April 21, 41898.Resolution adopted by Con- gress April 25 declared that a “‘state of war has existed since April Zist,” the day Spain rejected McKinley’s ultimatum. Mexican war began on April 24, 1846.The Civil War began April 14, 1861,with the fall of Fort Sumter. Revolutionary War began STATE OF OHIO.CITY ¢ LUCAS COUNT .Cheney makesthe fe TOLEDO, oath thatof of thesuit fromthe court records by December a te:Bower didn’t he sendthe proof did send a be at a0 smallacost?fe ss mal set send him the proof of the institution}.9 FREE, On Subject ofFireless Cooking With this Stove. Takes TheDrudgery Out ofKitchenWork. Roasts Bakes Steams Stews Fries Boils No Other Fireless Cook {Stove LikeThis. An automatic maid that never grows tired or careless,never burns the food,never wants a day out,never leaves you,’demands no wages—that relieves you of more than half your kitchen work,saves four-fifths of your fuel bill and cooks the most delicious meals you ever tasted.Be sure to come in and see this stove and let Mrs.Herr explain it to_you thoroughly.EVERY DAY THIS WEEK—DON’T MISSIT.] Crawford-Bunch Furniture Co. ene o3 a8 -PLANET,JR.,GARDEN:PLOW, You can never know the value of a garden low until you usea PLANET,JR.They work w others fail.A good garden substantially reducesthe high cost of living.:‘ A big stoek of garden and fi ers,lawn hose,etc. . eld tools,lawn mow- Yours very truly, Lazenby -Montgomery Hardware Co. A oemnts-emenenaremenarsenreamcaie JUST RECEIVED! i -CAR LOAD—28 HEAD—SADDLE ! ‘HORSES;CAR LOAD EXTRA |HEAVY MULES AND TWO CARLOADSHORSES,MARES ANDMULES.SEE THEM. Henkel-Craig Live Stock Co,| LAVALLIERS! Solid Gold from $3.50 to $27.50. Gold Filled from $1.75 and up —+-AT Sauciaseteeaamnemaianaleeeetare BIG BEN will wake you regular morning.‘SurelyManancaerbinstopolyouout¢ou-wouldask.You o-im and sée,Heis the bestAlarm Clock ever...HeFdon’t get up and turn him off, H.B.WOODWARD, -|His dead body was found after a P ; ~~WATCH—Watch the label on your paper.If renewalsarenotinbydate on label,paper will be.stopped. TUESDAY,---April 28,1914. —THE WAR.~ ~.."Phe sprospect is more peaceful,as /.will be discerned from the news col- umns of The’.Landmark today.The Mexicans are so treacherous that little dependence can be put in their promises and the government wisely goes on making preparations for the worst.The news from Mexico City Friday and Saturday was mosi dis- quieting and but for the reassurances that happily came Sunday an .expedi- tion for the relief of Americans ~in Mexico City was ‘one of the events of the near future. It is greatly to be hoped that mat- ters can be adjusted without further bloodshed,but if we have to go into *Mexico The Landmark hopes there will be no affiliation with the Consti- tutionalist crowd;and especially do we want no affiliation with the im- possible Villa..The Landmark had been wondering, trouble became acute,in the event of Constitutionalist success,which ~—-geemed-apparent,-if-our-embarrass- ment wouldn’t be greater in dealing with Villa—whose name should be pronounced villain ranza,-the nominal,head of the Con- stitutionalists,made a bid for recog- nition and aid to overthrow Huerta and got cold comfort,praise be. No;if we must fight in Mexico, The Landmark’s ticket is to fight the whole bunch and pick whom we willtoplaceincontrolofaffairs. Talking about the Mexican people to the Charlotte Observer,Rev.J.G. Dale,for years a missionary of the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church at Rio.Verde,Mexico,ex- presses the opinion that the Mexican people would be disposed to unite to repel a foreign invasion.He attach- es little importance to the talk of Vil- la that he would not fight the United States.Villa may mean that now, says Mr.Dale,but these promises -ean’t be depended on,Further Mr. Dale says: ’“The common le iDaudknewmothingexceptthatwhichhappensaroundthem.Their onlyidea.of the whole situation is thatWallStreetwantstheminesandoilwellsofMexicoandhassenttheUnitedStatestroopstotakethem.Very naturally,then,the people con- : jahenitac Crimes and Incidents.of ;leaves a family. fwestern railway,23 miles north of through the streets,headed by bands. before the present|train No.88 was cars loaded with.cattle turned over, andwere killed. if it isn’t—than|a Washington-Dispatch,eiinHuerta.Old Car-|nominated to be assistant surgeon in “1c ypeugeenanartgeta the navy.He has been in the medi- eal reserve corps since last September --Life in the OldNorth State,4 noir county,shot himself last week; search.He was 62 years old and Shipments of strawberries beganintheeasternNorthCarolinatruck- ing section.last week,This wberriesareexpectedtobegingoing forward by train loads. Henry Wilkerson,16 years old,got both legs erushed off by a freight train ‘at Greensboro Saturday eve-ning.‘Tried to catch hold of @ pass- ing train...May recover,"~The care of the public highways is! becoming a serious matter.Wm. Billings of Wilkes county filled up the side ditch of a public road and a magistrate sent him to jail for 30 days. The postoffice at.Edgemont,the terminus of the Carolina and North- Lenoir,was robbed Saturday night and it is said $150 in money was se- cured.é Rowan ‘Superior Court begins ‘next Monday and at this term the case of the negro Finger and others,charged with killing Mr.Lyerly at Barber Junction,February 24,and burning the store,will come up for trial. There was a large.and enthusiastic gathering at the State Baraca-Phi- lathéa convention at Durham lastweek,more than 1,000-delegates be- ing present.Sunday they marched The Asheville Citizen says freight derailed Sunday morning between Marion and Old Fort,five ears leaving the track.Two -@dozen -or-more -of -the -eattle “Ovid C.Foote of Statesville,”says “has been and since April 16 on board the Illi-nois.”Mr.Koote is from Wilkes county. The Raleigh News -and Observer says that Mr.Roscoe Mitchell of North Carolina is now at Tampico, Mexico,as a correspondent for the New York American.Mr.Mitchell was in Statesville for a little time ten years ago or more.He will furnish the American sensational news all right. E.A.Poteat,whose\home was in Salisbury,:was found dead in bed in a boarding house in Charlotte Satur- day.Physicians thought death was due to an overdose of “hypno-bromic compound.”According to the report in the papers Poteat peddled medi- cine and was alleged to be addicted to the use of dope. Asheville ladies asked for repre- sentation on the school board.Judge Geo.A.Shuford,being a gallant man,resigned as a member of the school board on condition that his place isfilledbyawomanwhohaschildren in the schools,a “broad.minded ma- tron.”“The board of aldermen,em- powered to fill the vacancy,were not so gallant.They refused to accept the resignation. The young son of Sam Steele,a William F,Nunn,a farmer.of.Le-} 7)‘Ep ‘The Proclamation at Vera Cruz,; The letter of Carranza,the-head of the.Constitutionalists,te.Presi- dent Wilson last week ‘otesagainsttheoccupationofVeraCruzbytheAmericanforces,Was a ‘bid for recognition,as the following ex- tracts show:re“Moreover,ee invasion of territory and the permanency “ofyourforcesintheportof.Cruz are a violation of the rights that con-stitute our ean?as .ee in-dependent sovereignty,will dragusintoanunequalwarwithdignity, but which until today “we desired to avoid,“If not being the usurper,who,inallcases,should have the.right toconstituteareparation,I in etthesentimentofagreatmajorityof the Mexican people,which is so I.ous of its.right and respectful of for-eign rights,I invite You solely tosuspendthe~hostile acts already in- itiated;ordering your forces to evac- uate all places which they “hold in their power in the port of Vera Cruz, and to formulate before the Consti-tutionalist government which F rep- resent as Constitutionalist Govern-or of the State of Coahuila and firstchiefoftheConstitutionalistarmy, the demand on the part of the Unit- ed States for the acts which origi- nated at the port of Tampico in the security that the demand will be eon-sidered in a spirit of elevated jus- tice and conciliation.” To this President,Wilson sent the following reply:. “I wish to reiterate with the great- est earnestness the desire and inten- our itiqn of,this.government..to.fespest in every possible way the sovereignty and independence of the people of Mexico. “The feeling and intention,of the government in this matter are not based upon politics..They go muchdeeperthanthat.They are baseduponagenuinefriendshipforthe Mexican people and a profound inter- est in the re-establishment of their constitutional system. “Whatever unhappy circumstancesornecessitiesmayarisethisobject will be held steadily in view and pursued with consistent purpose,so far as this government is concerned.“But we are dealing with facts. Wherever and whenever the dignity of the United States is flouted,its in- ternational rights or the rights of its citizens invaded,or its influence re- buffed where it has the right to at- tempt to exercise it,this government must deal with those actually in con-trol.It is now dealing with General Huerta in the territory he now con- trols.That he does not rightfully control it does not alter the fact that he does control it. “We are dealing,moreover,only with those whom he commands andthosewhocometohissupport.With these we must deal.They do not lawfully represent the people of! Mexico.In that fact we rejoice be- cause our quarrel is not with the Mexican people and we do not desire to dictate their affairs.But we must enforce our rightful demands uponthosewhomtheexistingauthorities at the place where we act do,for theceiveittheirdutytounitewith|negro drayman of Charlotte,was|time being,represent.”Huerta and all other factions of the country to repel the common enemy.They stated to me before I left thatthisiswhattheywoulddoincase driving his father’s dray when ‘the horse ran away and the boy was thrown out.He received a slight bruise on the chin.The injury was In taking possession of Vera CruzRealAdmiralFletcherissuedthefol- lowing: of the landing of American troops,|not of consequence but the boy was|“To the People of Vera Cruz: and American troops have landed at Vera’Cruz.” taken to a drug store for examina- tion.The father followed to the United com- “The naval forcés of theStatesthatareundermy The idea that Wall Street wants the|drug store and asked his son where|mand have occupied temporarily theminesandoilwellsinMexicoisn’t 80far wrong.The commercial inter- ¢sts in this country would be glad to have Mexico for what they could sight of it fell backward and died|present prevail in Mexico.eee |erententen Addressing the Daughtérs of the Revolution in Washington last week, Mr.Whitehead Kiuttz told the story of the old preacher in the North Car- olina mountains during the former Mexican war.This —preacher, Story goes,thus addressed Throne’of Grace: “Oh!Lord,we pray Thee to be with our boys a-fightin’on foreign soil»today,in this war which the Honora- }ble Burgess Gaither says is an on-‘just war.But we will not stop toarguethatquestionwithThee,now, "Oh Lord,but simply refer Thee to‘the President’s message and accom-panyin’documents.”: It is inferred from this that the »Hon.Burgess Gaither,who was a na- tive of Iredell and for many years a “prominent citizen of Burke, agin”the Mexican war.They used 40 tell,also,of Uncle.Jesse.Rankin.‘of Lenoir,of blessed memory,who _during the civil war was wont to ‘pray lotig and earnestly for the Con- federate soldiers,closing with this |reference to the other side:“O Lord, Our enemies we ask nothing;wevethemtoThyrighteousjudg- ment.”_ Four United States Senators have ‘volunteered to go to the front in case «f war with Mexico.They are Sen- ators Weeks of Massachusetts,Du Pont of Delaware,Fall of New Mex- aco,Republicans,and Sheppard of ‘exas,Democrat.Fall and Sheppard fer to go “in any capacity”the :dent may decree,but all of them Jaxpect to be officers of course.Most f the people who:are rushing intoPlimelighttovolunteerexpecttoéofficers. "The Mecklenburg Declaration So- ,F.Brevard MeDowell,presi- it,has advsied the President,by“telegram,to “plant the me hn standard in Mexican soil _keep:it there.”Infdrmation is “ung as to whether the members thé society have offered them» the was the a the fe was hurt.“Right here on chin,”said’the boy,pointing to slight abrasion.The father at instantly..Death was the result of excitement. The Mexiean Charge Left Washing- ;ton Thursday,ee A.Algaga R.De Terreros,the charge of the Mexican embassy at Washing- ton,who was handed his passports request,left Washington at 12:10 o’clock Tursday night for Toronto,Canada,accompanied by Chief Flynn of the United States secret service. At least one other secret service man went with the chief and it is understood they were to see the charge safely to the Canadian border.Extraordinary precautions were tak- en to guard aganist the possibility of harm befalling the Mexican diplomat. The affairs of the Huerta govern- ment in Washington are now in charge of the Spanish embassy. Secretary of War Garrison hes let the contract for the construction of a monument over the grave of John Tyler,-tenth_President of -the-United States.The memorial will cost $10,- 000 and wilh be erected in Hollywood cemetery,Richmond,Congress hav- ing appropriated the money last year. Tyler is one of the few Presidents to whose memory a suitable monument has never been erected by the gov- ernment. George’F.Baer,71 years old,pres- ident of the Philadelphia &Reading railway and active in the organiza- tion and management of many coal, iron ard transportation companies, died at his home in _Philadelphia ‘Sunday. In’the case of Clyde Clement and Fleda Pendleton at Spartanburg, charged with the murder of:their—il- legitimate child,the girl was ac- quitted and the man’convicted. eteremcees A.photograph gallery on wheels ~a boxed up affair about the size of a freight car—drawn by two horses, passed through Statesville Saturday, occupied by two men and a woman. “From New York to Frisco”and “Meet us at the Exposition”were painted on the sides of the wagon.RRS For Weakness and Loss of AppetiteTheOldStandardgeneralstrengtheningtoniGROVE’'S TASTELESS chill TONIC @ venaal city of Vera Cruz to supervise’the public administration on account ofthedisturbedconditions “All employes of the municipalityofthisportareinvitedtocontinuein the discharge of their offices as theyhavedoneuptothepresent,The military authorities vene in civil and”admitistrative af-fairs so long as good order and peace in the town are not impaired.Al! i the office of RegisterWhichetanai:bendest to.tha.oiien of the Tamescratic.primaries PBthe -support .——Mr.Eller Under Trea i~-Person-ar Greetings of the—Candi-1s ch Correspondence of The Landmark,Statesville,R-8,a 26—-For lothewinterispast,rain is.overandgone,thé flowers appear on the earth,the time of the singing ofbirdsiscome,“and the voice of theturtleisheardinourland.”In thewordsofSolomon,the glad nrtimeishere,although cool racontinuestocome,delaying thespringplanting.Much of the landinthissectionwasbrokenintheearlywinterbuthasbeentoowettoplant.._The majority of our farme:have fields of crimson clover they ex- pect to-put in corn after the cloverismowed.These cover crops of clov- er and grass add much to.the beautyofthelandscapeaswellasthefer- tility of the soil. Mrs.J.F.Woodsides of Charlotte, who has been visiting her mother,Mrs.M,A.Hartline,returned to her home a few days ago.Mrs.M.¥.Gabriel has returned from a week’svisitwithherfather,-Rev.J.-H. Booth;of Catawba.Mr.Tom Eller entered Dr,Long’s Sanatorium this week,where he un- derwent an operation for a diseased bone ‘in his right arm,a few days ago,and expects to be able to come home in a few days,The farmers say when they go to Statesville these days they are metonthestreetcornersandotherplaces by the political candidates who greet them with outstretched hand and a most ingratiating smile.But alas,too often,after these office-seekers have gained their desire,their fawn- ing manner changes to one of indif- ference. T.Deo Grant been recommended for postmaster at Old Fort.The con- test was strenuods,Mrs.Annie L. Trexler being.one of the applicants. Announcements. FOR TREASURER. I hereby announce that I am a candidate for the office of county ‘treasurer,subject to the Democratic primaries and convention.April 28.W._R..SLOAN, FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS. I am a candidate for register of deeds of Iredell cunty,subject to the action of theDemocraticprimariesandcountyconvention. 4.E.BOYD. April 24. FOR CLERK SUPERIOR COURT. I am a candidate for clerk of the SuperiorCourtofIredellcounty,subject to the action of the Democratic primaries and county con-vention.L.C.STEVENSON. April 24. FOR SHERIFF. I am a candidate for the Democratic nomi- nation for sheriff and ask the support of the Democratic voters in the primaries May 16.JAMES W.WARD. FOR SHERIFF. I hereby announce myself a candidate fortheofficeofSheriffofIredellcounty,sub- ject to the action of the Democratic primariesandcountyconvention.April 14,1914.J.M.DEATON, FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS. ‘EB hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of of Deeds for the coun-ty of Iredell,subject to the action of theDemocraticprimariesandcountyconven+ jon,4.E.FESPERMAN. April 14,1914—10t* FOR TREASURER. I am a.candidate for’Treasurer of Iredellcounty,subject to the action of the Demo- eratic primaries and county convention.TILDEN H.WILLIAMS. March 27. FOR TREASURER. I hereby announce mysetr a candidate fortheofficeofTreasurerofIredellCounty,subjectto the action of theDemocraticpmariesandcountyconvention.‘March 27.R.F.RIVES. FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS. I hereby announce myself a candidate forofDeedsofIredell and éounty convention.JAS.R.HILL,March 27. FOR SHERIFF. I am a candidate for sheriff of Iredell coun-will not inter-|ty,subject to the action of the Democraticrimariesandcountyconvention,and solicitoftheDemocraticvoters.e J.A.BROWN. the!by Secretary Bryan Thursday ‘et his|Peaceful citizens may confidently con- tinue in their usual occupation,cer- tain that they -will be protected. “The commander terference with the civil authorities, POR CLERK SUPERIOR COURT. I hereby announce my candidacy for theoffice’of clerk of theSuperior Court for Ire-abe .dell county,subject to the action of the Dem-signing gives|eccratic party conventionassurancesthattherewillbenoin-|e county,and primaries forPpP.DULIN.Jan.27. except in cases of absolute necessity, and guided always by the observanceofthelawandorder...The taxes dueandtheuseof*them will continue be- ing made in the same form as up tothepresenttimeandinconfomity with law.” The proclamation was printed inSpanishandpostedthroughoutthe town.; School Closed at Troutman—Other News. Correspondence..of.The Landmark... Troutman,April 27—The high school closed here Friday and Satur- day with the usual large attendance. The teachers will all leave within a day or two for their several homes.Mrs.J.L,Hunter of Salisbury is here on a visit to many friends who are delighted to welcome her.Mrs.L.Keigle of Virginia,is here on a visit to her daughter,Mrs.T.C.Par- er.Rev.and Mrs.C.L.McCain leave today for a trip of two weeks to relatives in South Carolina.Mr. and Mrs.Roy Suther spent several days here with Mrs.Suther’s mother,Mrs.S.Cloaninger,returning to theirhomeinCharlottelastnight.Mr.J.E.Haithcox came up from Charlotteyesterdaytovisithisparents jand friends,-Miss Lettie Beattie of |Mobresville is a guest this week of the Misses Cloaninger.Miss Irene Laughbridge of Gastonia is a guestofHev,J.Meek White.Mrs.FrankSharpeofStonyPointwasdownlastweektoattendthefinalsoftheschool. Mr,Moses Morrison Early is im-proving nicely since his escape fromthehospital. Mr.Sam Johnston,the popular young station agent at Whitney,canie home two weeks.ago with a great big case of meéasles,He has now tired Malaria and builds up the system.A true tonic for enlistment.and sure Appetizer,Vor adults and childrem,60c, "em down and will return to Whitney in a few days. American Beauties! (And they are certainly Beauties) $6.00 per Dozen Fine Roses,Pink and White,$1.50 “and $2 per dozen. Van Lindley.Co., FLORISTS TO THE SOUTH, GREEN§BORO,N.C. Local Agents, Polk Gray Drug.Co, B $0 and $2:50 Hats 69c. Saturday,May 2d, ~~~Positively’the Last Day. Only Four More Days of Bargain Generosity. We want you to come only with theintentionofgettingGenuineBar-gains for once in your life-time. Just bring a few small coins,a largebasketorwagonandtakealoadofgoodup-to-date merchandise withyou. We shall make these few days ofthisGreatBankruptSaletolivelonginthethemoryofthegoodpeopleof Statesville and Vicinity. wr Everything in the store slaughteredunmercifully. Everything Marked Still Lower For the Final Finish Prices marked will be so temptingthatitwillbehardtoryoutore- frain from purchasing whether you need the merchandise or not.Justa few prices to give you an idea of theHORRIBLESLAUGHTER: Shoes. 100pair of Ladies’Shoes, regular price $3 and $3,- 50,the last day price 89c. $4 and $5 Men’s Shoes, last day price $1.49 Also a good completelineofMen’s Beacon Ox-fords at a great slaugh-ter. Millinery. The best.trimmed La-dies’Hat in the store 50c.Values up to $6. Ribbons,Velvet andFeatherslessthanhalf price. Sweaters. Men’s,Boys’and La-dies’Sweaters almostgivenaway. Band Bags and Gripsgrea‘ly slaughtered. Men’s Suits $10 Suit,last day price $15 Suit,last dayprice $20 Suit,last dayprice Overcoats $3.98 5.98 7.98 Almost given away. Gents’Furnishings. 50c.and 75c.Shirts,the last day price 29c. $1 and $1.50 Shirts, last day price 59e. 50c.and 75c.Under- wear 29e. 25¢.Neckties ‘15e. 50c.Neckties 25c. Hosiery slaughtered. Hats. John B.Stetson $4 and $5 Hats $1.69 Reenter Saluay,May t Positively the Last Day. Look For the Big Bankrupt Sign. R.M.Knox Company Bankrupt Stock, West Broad Street. BOUGHT FROM THE RECEIVERS BY Philadelphia Underselling Company, The Great Bargain Givers. c DAY ANDY FRIDAY. 10 "WEST BROAD STREET. :TELEPHONE NO..14. >TUESDAY,--»April 28,1914.=‘GLIMPSE OF PASSING THRONG. Personal MentionofPPeopleand TheirMovements. Mrs.T.E.Frye went to Winston-Salem Friday to visit her daughter,Mrs,John G.Turner.She was ac-companied by her age ndson,Master Jack Turner,who been heré on a visit.Miss Elmina Mills returned ~yes-terday from Winston -Salem,whereshehadbeensinceFriday.MissMillswas.a,special guest at a so-cial function Saturday at which theengagementofMissMattieJamesofWinston-Salem and Mr.-RobertsCarsonofSpartanburg,5.C.,was announced,Mrs.R:C.Knox,who spent _sever-al days here on account of the ill-ness of‘hermother,Mrs.M.C.Nee-ly,has returned to her-home at Mt.Ulla.Mr.and Mrs.W:E.-Minton.-ofWilkescountyleftStatesvilleFriday for Wyanet,Ill.,where they will lo- cate. Mr.W.H.Blaylock of Guilford county is visiting relatives in States- ville and Iredell. Mrs.J.B.Foard,who visited her gon,Mr.‘J.Y.Foard,returned Sat- urday to her home at South River,Rowan county. Mrs.T.L.Stikeleather and little son,Master Glen,spent Saturday atHiddenite“TE Mrs.Stikeleather’sbet.Mrs,T..B.Harris.R.A.Bass and -Mesers.Ray- ond Cline and Raymond Woodward represented the°Baraca class of Western Avenue Baptist church at the Baraca -Philathea convention in DurhamMr.and Mrs.Henry L.Troutman went to Charlotte Saturday to visit Mrs.Troutman’s brother,Mr.James Hollar.Miss Mona Clark of the LongfordcommunitywenttoRuralHallSat- urday te be with her sister,Mrs.E. E.Shore,who is seriously ill as the result of a fall. Miss Jenna Echerd of Taylorsville is the guest of Miss Sadie Ward. Mrs.M.M.Davis of Johnson City, Tenn.,is here on account of the se- rious illness of her mother,Mrs.C. C,Morrison. Mr.James Bradley is at home from Havana,Cuba,where he had a position in a hotel. Mrs.Z.E.Turner spent Saturday and Sunday in Salisbury with her daughter,Miss Bernice Turner. Mrs.H.©.Steele and.children,lit-tle.Miss Rosa Parker Steele and 1C.-Steéle,Jr.,are visiting Mrs. Steele’s mother in Birmingham,Ala. Mr.and Mrs.B.W.Steele,whospent-a month with relatives im Statesvie and the county,left Sun- day for their home in Illinois.TheyastopinHendersonvilleforafew Tes.B.T.Steele,who was visiting her daughter,Mrs.Lloyd Troutman, has returned to her home in Cool Spring community.Mr.Henry Moore,who spent a few days at home,returned yesterday to Concord.Mr.and Mrs.Ernest Simon and child of Seaford,Del.are visiting Mr.Simon’s mother,Mrs.Sol Simon. Mayor L.C.Caldwell left yester- day for Raleigh where he will argueacasebeforetheSupremeCourt.He was accompanied as far as Salisbury by Mrs.Caldwell and little daughter,Ellen,who spent the day there. Mrs,J.L.Hunter,who visited friends and relatives at Stony Point and Troutman,passed through Statesville yesterday en route to herhomeinSalisbury. Mrs.H.-L.Kincaid and two chil- dren,little Miss Sara and Master Thomas,returned yésterday from a visit to relatives at Cleveland. Rev.James Willson .and Miss Ophelia Willson arrived yesterday from Woodleaf to visit Mr.and-Mrs. C.M~Steele. Mrs.M.W.Seabrook,who visited home people.here,returned yester- day to Sumter,S.C.iss Corre Copeland and Master David Craig,Jr.,left yesterday for a visit to Capt.Copeland at Clinton, S.C,Mrs,S.M.Roderitk of Morganton is visiting her daughter,Mrs.H,G. Hallyburton.Mrs.'T.P.Henritze of Marion,Va.,who spent some time with her daugh- ter,Mrs.E.D.Brady;in Shiloh town- ship,is now the guest of Mrs,Chas,D.Moore on Davie avenue.Mrs.J.H.Cornell and two chil-dren left yesterday afternoon forPetersburg,Va.,where they”wit live: Mrs.Cornell’s mother,Mrs.J.F,An- derson,accompanied them. Mr.John Watts,who visited rela-tives in.Shiloh township,returned last night to his heme in Mecklen-burg county. Mr.W.L.Allison of Chicago is here for the marriage of his sister, Miss Elizabeth Allison,which~takesplacetomorrowevening. Honor Roll For the Brawley School. Correspondence of The Landmark. Following is the honor roll of Braw-ley school: First month—Jo.»Gabriel,Irene Jones,Evie Clodfelter,Hessie Watts, Annie Thompson;second month—Irene Jones,Katie Jones,Howard Jones,Broox Stutts,Evie Clodfelter, Tom-Reid,Vada Pierce,Mattie Mor-rison;third month—~-Howard.Jones, Katie Jones,Earl Jones,Marnie Freeze,Evie Clodfelter,Mattie Mor- rison,Pauline Chester,Hessie Watts; fourth month—Mamie Freese,Alice Gabriel,Evie Clodfelter,Tom Reid,Oscar Wilson,Sarah,Sma!Katie Jones,Vada Pierce,Mattie orrison,Tiny Evans,Pauline Chester;.fifthmonth——Katie Jones,Annie Thomp-iesViola Pierce,iAememegn,aron,Poo(Paling ‘Chester,°Myrtle] Miss Allison and’Mr.Bryant—Pre-nuptial Honors For the Bride-elect The of Miss ©Elizabeth Allison and.Mr,Pegram A.Bryant will take placé tomorrow evening at 7.30 o'clock at the home of the bride’s parents,Mr.and Mrs.T.J.Allison,on Davie ayenge.Only alimitednumberofrelativesandinti-mate friends will witness the cere-mony,which ‘will be performed byRev.C.E..Raynal.Mr.Victor 8BryantofDarham’will be his broth-ér’s best man and Mrs.H.F.Longwillbehersister’s dame of honor.A reception will follow the marriage.Mr.and Mrs.Bryant will leave onanighttrainforaweddingtrip. The ‘linen shower given by.Miss Altie.Corpening Friday,afternoon toMissElizabethAllison,tomorrow’s bride,was a.unique affair.Receiv- ing with the hostess were her guests, Mrs.Margaret Murdock Bell ofSalisbury‘and.Misses Jett BrawleyofMooresvilleandIreneMartinofLenoir..After the guests had arrivedagameofheartswasenjoyed,MissLucyCulbertsonwinningthe‘scoreprize.Miss Allison was also given a prize,both prizes being guést tow- els.At the conclusion of the game the guests were invited into the din- ing room,where they.witnessed an unusual sight.The dining table rep- resented the backyard of a washer- woman’s home and stretched across the table was a clothes line contain- ing the numerous beautiful pieces of linen for the bride-elect.The minia- ture washerwoman was at work at her tub and nearby was her other laundry oreined.presenting 4 unique scene.He..clathes baskets‘filted with —sera “were given”the guests as favors.Two courses of refreshments were served.The housewasdecoratedwithlilacsandother spring flowers. The party given by Mrs.G.E. French Thursday afternoon in hon- ar of Miss Elizabeth Allison,bride-elect,was enjoyed by quite a numberofguests.The callers were received in the hall by Mrs.French,Miss Al-lison and Mirs.E.M.Land of Golds- boro,and were served with punchandsandwichesbyMrs.R.S.McEI- wee and Miss Altie Corpening.From the hal]they were shown.to the li- brary,where hearts was played.Fol- lowing the game refreshments were served,Each guest was given as a favor a little bride’s basket filled with lilacs.Out-of-town guests pres- ent were Misses Brawley of Moores- ville and Martin of Lenoir and Mrs.Beli of Salisbury. Statesville friends have received invitations to the marriage of Miss Alba McGee and Mr.Frank Hovis, both of Charlotte,which will.take place in Charlotte Wednesday,May 6th.Both Miss McGee and Mr.Ho- vis have visited in Statesville. PRESBYTERY AT ROCKY RIVER. Rev.E.D.Brown Elected StatedClerk—Waldensian Minister Re- ceived—Delegates to the Assem- bly. At the meeting of Concord Presby- tery,at Rocky River church,Cabar- rus county,last week,Rev.C.T. Squires of Lenoir was elected moder- ator.Rev.W.M.Walsh of States- ville and Rev.A.D.Wauchope of Concord were temporary clerks.Rev. E.D.Brown of Loray was elected stated clerk of Presbytery to succeed the late Rev.J.E.Summers. Rey.Ovid Pullen,who is one of the Barium orphanage boys and who has been supplying the Bethany group of churches—Bethany,Tabor,Houston- ville and Yadkinville—was licensed to preach and will have charge of these churches regularly. Rev.E.H.Tron of the Waldensian Church in Italy was received as a member of the Presbytery.He is pastor of the church at Valdese,the Waldensian colony in Burke county. Mr.Tron preaches to the younger members of the colony in English and to the older members in French. The cause of Christian education was ~presented to the Presbytery by Dr.J.A.Scott,president of States- ville Female College,Dr.W.J.Mar- tin,president of Davidson ,College, and Dr.W.L.Lingle,president of the Union Theological Seminary,of Richmond,Va. During the -meeting a monument erected to mark the site of the firstchurch:built--byany...denomination between the Yadkin and Catawba riv- ers was formally presented to thePresbyteryandacceptedbyDr.Lin-gle on behalf of the Presbytery,Mr.Morrison H,Caldwell of Concord,anativeofRockyRiver,made the ad-dress of presentation.The firstchurchon‘that site was built in 1751. Rye ates to the General Assem- oly,City,Mp.,were elected as foilows: Rev.Messrs.E.D.Brown of Loray,CM.Richards of Davidson,ae) Tufts of Banner Elk;Elders W.J. Martin of Davidson,Samuel Black of Harrisburg and J.K.Goodman of Mt.Ulla.Alternates,Rev.Messrs. D.Munroe of Woodleaf,-W.S.Wilson of .Mooresville,©.'T..Squires of Le- noir;Elders J.M.McConnell of Davidson,D.G.Caldwell of Concord, I.T.Avery of Morganton.The fall meeting of Presbytery will be held at Kanriapolis,near Concord. New Board Commissioners Suggest- Correspondence of The Landmark., The people in this section of the county think we should have a new board of county commissioners.Wehavemanygoodcitizenswhowould make splendid commissioners.I:sug-iest the names of N.B.Mills of tatesville,W.C.Johnston of Coddle Creek,G.W.Baity of Eagle Mills,Jods.Turnae of Falistown and A.J.Beaver of Cool Spring township.}aa.have complete rotation.NORTH IREDELL, hich meets May”21 ii Kansas]- |this LASTWEEK'S PYTHIAN EVENT: A Delightful Social Affair yAttended—Speakers —Endorsed and Flag Cheered. The Pythian “Big Night”celebrastionThursdayevening,in connectionwiththedistrict“meeting of.theKnightsofPythias,was ‘one of ‘thelargestsocialgatheringsofthekindeverheldinStatesville,a total of 282peoplebeingpresentatthe The delegates to the district mewhichwasheldintheafternoon,werespecialguestsatthebanquet.Quite a,number of the visitingwereaccompaniedbytheir wives and between 75 and 100 out-of-town peo-ple were present.Prior to the banquet a general re- ception was held in the regular lodgehall.As the guests reached thePythianquarters,on,the third flooroftheNationalBankbuilding,they were met by committees of Pythians and ushered to the cloak rooms,Anorchestraattheheadofthestairway furnished music and as the guests passed through the reception -room they were,served with nch byMrs.E.S.Pegram and Miss CarrieHoffmann.After spending-80.to 40 minutes in the handsome lodge room, the guests were invited into two connecting rooms,where the banquet tables were arranged,the regularbanquethallhavingbeenfoundin-adequate for this occasion:Thespeakersoftheeveningwereasked to stand in the door between the tworoomstodotheirtalking,so thattheycouldbeheardbyall.Mr.J.HL Hoffmann,the toastmaster,designat- ed one room as the Senate and theotherastheHouse.After the bless-ing had been asked by Rey.J.Fo Kirk,a brief address of ‘welcomewas-delivered to the-visttars by PastGrandChatceliorR.AL Rickert of the local lodge.During the courseofthebanquetanumberofspeakers were called by.the ,teastmaster.Those who responded were Grand Chancellor J.D.Pridgen of Durham, State Deputy Wm.W.Wilson of Raleigh,Messrs.Z.V.Turlington, Geo.C.Goodman and G,A.Morrew of Mooresville,Mr.Ed.Allen of Le-noir,Mayor Caldwell and Messrs.G. E,French,E.S.Pegram and Earl G.White and Rev.J.F..Kirk.of Statesville.Mr.Pridgen and.Mr-Wilson ccmplimented the local ledge on its local successes and thanked it for its co-operation in theStateworkoftheorder.Both were extravagantin their praise of the ex- emplification’work by the local teamduringtheafternoonsession.In pri-vate conversation Mr.Wilson said that the local degree team was,one of the finest bodies of men he had ever seen and their work ranked with the best,and Mr.Wilson de- clared he had never seen more per- fect work.Mr.French talked of the patriot- ism taught through Pythianism andoffered’the following resolution: ¥ United States is approaching an im- portant crisis in our national life, therefore,be it resolved by the Knights of Pythias of the 12th dis- trict of North Carolina,in conven- tion assembled,that we desire to ex- press our confidence in the Chief Ex- ecutive of this nation and endorse his action in using the army and na-vy to enforce respect for our flag.”The resolutiqn was favorably receiv- ed and three cheers were given for the flag.ll the other responses “Whereas,the government of |the] "PAGEFIVE, lar Teacher. Correspotidence of The Landmark. Statesville,R-1,°April 25—ThePlylerschool;taught by Miss MattieTolbert,this making the fifth termforher,closed Friday,the 24th.First a song by the children and then Rev.C.L.McCain made @ beautiful talk, which was of great interest and en- joyed by all.At noon the ladies of the neighborhood spread on a large#ituble in the yard,a nice dinner ofwhicheverybodyateandenjoyed.In the afternoon there were speechesandrecitationsbythechildren.MissEllenBeamwontheprizeforthe best speech.Following this Rev. Mr.White made a nice talk which Was appreciated by all.We were much pleased to have Mr.McCain and Mr.White with us on this occa- sion Master Garland and Miss FlorencePlylerandMissBeckieFreeland won prizes for the most headmarks: Miss Pearl Bass and Miss EleanorPlylerandMissNettieBeamwonthe prizes for being fleither absent nor tardy An interesting game of ball was played in the afternoon. Friday night there was_a.spelling match which was attended by a large crowd and closed’with the old famil- iar “God.be with you till we Meet ayain.” The committee of the district -has asked Miss Mattie to teach the next school and she agreed.The patrons and the children all want their good teacher again.I have gone to school to her and I know something about her kind disposition. Farmers are now having some nice weather to work.I see a lot of pleas- ure country life.Boys and.girls that go from the sountry ‘ta.the city}. don’t knew what they miss. WwW.F county, Doug raise ongng, c hurch of Summit,Wilkes has notified Congressmen hton and Webb that he wants to a company for the Mexican war. A Cure for Sear Stomach,Wm.M.Thormpson,of Battle Creek,writes:“I have been troubled with stion,sour stomach and bad breath,taking two bottles of Chamberlain's These tablets are splén-For sale by.all dealers. Mrs Mictindig« After Tablets I am well did—none better.” RESOLUTIONS OF RESPECT. It having pleased Almighty God in His All-wise Providence te take out of our midst and Sunday school our beloved superintend- ent,Mr.D.H.Stimpson,therefore be it Resolved,first,that we bow with humbleSubmissiontothewillofHimwhodoethall things knowing ful!well that our loseishiseternalgain S that we feel very keenly our loss, knowing that his place can hardly be filled in o hearts or in our school,where he was ever so faithful and loved so much to be “ Third,,that a copy of these resolutions be ead upon the record of.our Sunday school and one sent to the North Carolina Chris- tian Advocate and to The Landmark fer puab- lication and a copy to the family of our brother well F.B.J.M bL.WwW Clarksbury GAITHER, GODBEY,EDWARDS, Com.Sunday School. JOSEPH C.IRVIN—IN MEMORIAM. Statesville Lodge No.487 met in special «sion on Wednesday,April 15,1914,to paylasttributeofrespecttoBrotherJo- S@ph Cowan Irvin,who died suddenly at his in Statesville Monday,night,Aprii 18,1914.This death is ahother striking teminder of the uncertainty of life and the certainty of death While we greatly de- plore this break in our ranks and shall miss the @impanionship of Brother Irvin,weshouldmotmurmuratthedoingsof“Our \ji-wise Master,who doeth all things for the best.”Brother Irvin was a Mason fer more thanfiftyyears,having taken his degrees in ear- y manhood.He left immediately for thewarIn“Obedience to his country’s call and were in good taste and were well re- ceived. Credit for the success of the ban-| quet is due the entertainment com-} mittee composed of Messrs.W.H.| Hoffmann,L.J.Freel,R.M.Rickert,| F.B.Bunch and R,O;Deitz.The} banquet was prepared by the CivicLeagueandwasserved.by a compa-} ny of about 20 attractive young |a-| dies Notices of New Advertisements.Rooms wanted in private.family.| Address O.,care The Landmark.R.O.Harbin will have shipment of | roe shad Thursday.}Mrs,Belle,M.Hil,mortgagee,willselllandMay30.| W.R.Sloan wants to be treasurer|again. Lot on Park street for sale-—MrsM,L.Simons. Grocery business at a bargain.| Address Box 46,Statesville.| At the Crescent this week.Extra.dress Bros.‘ The Lyric programme.|Last callof the-Philadelphia Un-| derselling Co.Refrigerators. Furniture Co. The Ford because it isa better car —Carolina Motor Co.~{Saddle horses and other stock just!received,Henkel -Craig Live|Stock Co.|Planet,..Jr..,..gardenplow...---.La-| zenby-Montgomery Hardware Co.|*Free lectures.on fireless cooking | week.Crawford -Bunch | Furniture Co. The Imperial Cotton Oil Co.want cotton seed.}Mail order shoppers’.guide.—Na tional Mail Order Stores,York,Pa.| Salesmen wanted.—Box 254,Ashe-| ville.| Statement of the condition of the} Mercantile Mutual Fire Insurance Co.of Providence,R.I. DON’T YOU WISH TO KNOW ALI ABOUT FIRELESS COOKERY? You may learn a whole lot about}it tomorrow if you'll only take a lit-|tle time,Come to our store and seeanexpert’authority demonstrate the|Toledo “IDEAL”Fireless_Cooker Come and let this able demonstrator tell you,how to save fuel,how tosolvetheproblemofhighcostof:liv ing,how:to save materials,how to|serve roa that will be deliciously |cooked.She will tell you how toroast.meat,bake beans,bread,bis-cuits,cake or a nn Other.things;how to cook vegetables and how tothingsthatyoucouldnoteaanyetherway.ItwillcostyouoPtolearn,and if|» attractions.—Bdlk The Williams| u wish sample some of.eaten cook- |sonml almd business relations was always to |ment of mankind, |SALBSMEN WANTED—To |FOR RENT.—Nice storeroom. mortiage executed by Dwife,thé tndersigned,as mortgagee,will on at 12 o'clock|der for cash at the court house door the -lo wedeperibed teal estate: of the,mT st bei B..Clark eeesy a MRS.BELLE M, 1914.Mortgagee. ba his full duty to the end as a valiant and morable son of the South,every task as-signee him having been discharged with the same teal and energy that has characterizedhiseomductthroughlife.His presenceamongwsandtheremembranceofhislife will be of benefit not only to the Brother-hood,‘bat to this entire section,where he was well known and,loved.In his everyday life he exemplified the highest type of man and Masoh:He was an active and useful member of the fraternity,and in his per- he.front im all that went for the .better~ therefere,be it resolved: That im the death of Brother IrvinStatesvilleLodgeNo.487 has lost one of itstruestamdbestmembersandthecommuni-y @he of its’foremost citizensThatweextendourheartfelt sympathyohiswife,his beloved companion of many years,and ask God to comfort and systain her in.this great sorrowThat@copyoftheseresolutions be spreadrpem.the records of our Lodge,that his wid-ow~-be furnished a copy and that same beprintedintheOrphans’Friend and the city papers. NATHAN HARRISON, W.R.SLOAN, J..H.HOFFMANN,Committee: PCtose “of they Plyter”Selo Popus}"7 STOTT ty WHEN YOU MAKE.AN INVESTMENT y careful consideration is given asato thesoundnessofthepropositionandalsothatthefuturestabilitymaybeassured. When You Deposit Your Money in a Bank the same careful consideration should beused,and you should be satisfied as to the strength,ability and reputation of the cus-todian of your funds. This Bank Offers You All These Requirements. CAPITAL $100,000.00SURPLUSAND‘PROFITS 36,000,00RESOURCES750,000.00 + “THE BANK FOR YOU.” (< < 0 4 4 44 4 4 4 aR <q x C AC C CE C E K C E C E ER L E AA A 40 0 0 0 0 0 A RE C K C K K K C E E CAPITAL ................JS ray abeS $100,000$33,000 RAMSEY-BOWLES-MORRISON CO. THE STORE WITH THE QUICK PARCELPOSTSERVICE. Susan Quality, Walkover, Edwin Clapp, Cousin’s Shoes Onyx and Kayser Hose. Pictorial Patterns. At the Silk counter we’re showing today 36 Inch Chiffon Taffetas. Beautiful Chiffon finish TaffetasinBlacks,Whites,Kings,Copens,Greens and Tangos at the yard $1.50.Lotsof other Silks,too,and you can have samples ofthemfortheasking. Every order you entrust to uswillbefilledrightandrightnow,and sent to your door prepaid. RoyalSociety. Packages and Embroidery Wooltex Suits and Coats. Warner and Redfern Corsets.Flosses. ‘Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison‘Co. THE STORE THATPAYS THE FREIGHT ONMAIL ORDERS. FOR SALB—Let on Park street,block fromDavieavenue.MRS.M.L.SIMONS. April .28-—2t. |WANTED—In cealenie family by two youn men,room or room and board.Address 0.,Care The Landmark April 28—1t* |ROE SHAD—Will have shipment of nice RoeShad‘Thursday.Give me your orders.-R.0.ARBIN..28—It, FOR SALE—Grocery paines at a bargain.|* Located.near center of town AddressBox46,Statesville.April 28, LADIES—=Benwr “for “your copy ¥Mail.Order}Shoppers’Guide.’Free for postal.GreatbargainsinNotionsandFancyGoods.NATIONAL MAIL ORDER STORES,York,Pa.April 28. April take ordersstorefixtureof Protected territory. Asheville, .* from merchants for aMerit,Good profits Add)State Sales Manager,Ny.C.Box 254 April 28,1914 .Pormerly oc-cupied by United Shoe Store.N. B. March 6.MILLS.3} five miles|FOR BALE—110acres,of land,from Statesville on Buffalo Shoals road. Well timbered and watered,very goodbuildings,one tenant house.This is thehotnéplaceofthelateJ.S.Norris.W,RBNor¥is,Statesville,executor,or Mrs.A.F Henley,Elmwood.April 24—2t. |CANNED PEAC HES—Three 25-cent canstablepeachesfor50centswhiletheylast,BRADFORD GROCERY &PRODUCE CO. April 24—4t. /MORTGAGE SALE. By Virtue of the power contained in a S.Alexander and /SATURDAY,MAY 30,1914, m.,expose to the highest The homie place we ieeontet.bounded on the north ‘by.GO RK RR,on the east by Walter Brandon,on the south by Mrs.G.A's isn on the west by the «pringSevidinglinebetweenAlexander i,‘containing 5 acres more or in Book 36,page 262,ofHILL, Jess, Peoples Loan&Savings Bank, CAPITAL $50,000. _A little money put in a ‘‘Savings Bank”jis not a tal-ent hiddenin a napkin.Itis earning all the time;}like heart beats,its work goeson while one sleeps,and even Sundays the capitalis growing larger andnobodycomplainsofbrokenlaws. BEGIN NOW.You can openan account'with only$1.You can make additions to this from time totimetosuityourconvenience.If you put only $2iweekbyyouwillbe$100aheadin less than a year.ie.persistently keep on for five yearsputting thefollowinginbankeverydayanddrawnothingout,here are the tesults not counting interest: lc.a day for five years will be10c.a day in five years willbe 50c.a day in five years will be 912.50$1.00 a day in five years will be 1,825.00ThisBankpays4percentcompoundedquarterly. GEO.H,RROWN PresidentO.L.TURNER Cashier,. $18.25182.50 at 10 oélock at my tesldenstreet,‘Statesville,I will sell at auction a!lot of household and other effects._Terma,oe NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS This is to notify all personswheipaidtheircitytaxesby.May ist. will be advertised.w. Apr.24 R SALE—One112b.p.&.&T.ElectricCo, AUCTION SALE! Beginning Saturday mornfig,May 2,1914,| ce On ‘Walnut | kitehen naan and| April 17,7.%,ALEXANDER. If you had a mint of money you couldn’t bay a better ‘car.Ford merit has made it the standard car of all nations.It’s light—strong —eomfortable and ©dependable. And its cost is well within your income,Get yours today. Buy it Because it’s-a Better Car. CAROLINA MOTOR (0.,G.L.McKNIGHT,Statesville,N.C. Mooresville,N.C. Calton Seed Wanted We will take all thegoodsoundcottonseedwecangetatFULL PRICE to SATURDAY,MAY 2D. After which -date the-price will be reduced. Bring the seed—do itnow. "PHONE 205. * IMPERIAL COTTON OIL COMPANY. A Friendly Atmosphere! The officers and employes of this bankStrivetoseethatpatronsalwaysfindherea.friendly atmosphere.You aredoingusagoodturnwhenyoubringbusinessofanynaturetothisbank.Weappretiateit,and want you to feel wee AT HOME HERES and find it a pleasure to come.Don’tStayawaybecauseyourtransactionisasmallone.It’s The Sum of Small Things that makes this bank grow. |Merchants &~Farmers--Bank of -Statesville.~..“THE BANK FOR YOUR SAVINGS.” NEW SERIES! The 55th Series in the First Building and Loan As-sociation of Statesville,N.C.,opened on Saturday,February 7th,1914, If you want to own your own home and haven’t themoneytopaydownforit,subscribe for stock andbuildorbuythroughtheBuildingandLoan,whereyoucanpayforitwithrentmoney.\;You can takestockanytime.Come in and talk the matter over.: H.V.Furches,"Phone 190. Secretary andTreasurer. see fl jconsideration to all April 28,1914. STATE NEWS, Otho G.Tarbyfill has been appoiht-ed postmaster at Huntersville,Megk- lenburg county,wher gay ie L,T.Yarborough,for 12 yearsreg-ister clerk inthe Raleigh postoffice,has been appointed postoffice inspec- tor :The unveiling of the Daniel.Boone Trail marker at Wilkesboro will takeplaceinconnectionwithareunionofConfederateveteransMay13, While tearing down the walls of theBaptistchurchatNewtontwowork-men,Guy Ingle,colored;and WillArrowood,,white,were caught _by falling walls and injured.Boone Democrat:The freeze onTuesdaymorning‘was rather se- vere,but owing to the fact that brisk wind was blowing all night,the fruitagainescapedpracticallyunhurt.It seems We are now almost sufe of an abundant crop this year, Stanly county Democrats are.early with their convention:It was held last week,.Efird was nominated for the State Senate,Luther Bost:for the House,Blalock for sheriff,”ete.A resolution was adopted to abolish the office of county treasurer. W.F.*Fleming,‘who.represented the International Liberty Union of Covington,Ky.,an insurance concern not licensed to do businese in this State,was convicted in RichmondcountySuperiorCourt,sentenced’to six months on the roads ‘and fined $106, Mrs.Jake Evans,an aged resident of.the-Beayerdam-section of Hay-wood county,died last week asthe result of burns sustained while try- ing to extinguish fire in a field near her home.While fighting the fire she fell in the flames and was fatal-ly burned. The Asheville.Gazette-News saysthatduringthesummerwirelesstel-egraph connection will be maintained between the Langren hotel,ASsheville.and Log,Cabin Inn,on the summit of Mt.Mitchell. operated by J.W.,Dunn and the Lan- gren management as a privaté en- terprise. John'.S.Calvert,.a young lawyer of Raleigh,has received an appoint- ment to.the consular service of the United States and is assigned to ser- vice with the consulate at Buenos Ayres.Mr.Calvert and Miss Ellen Graham,daughter of Commissioner of Agriculture Graham,will be mar- ried in Raleigh today and will leave.at once for Mr.Calvert’s post.‘ Seventy-five members of the Wil-mington Light Infantry,at a specialmeetingheldThursdaynight,pledg-ed themselves ‘to volunteer for what-ever service the President may see fit to call upon them=for.Rev.W.--E.Cox,the cha’of ‘the company,was present ag@:announced his pur-pose to go with the mem.The ambv- lance company at Canton,Haywood county,has.also volunteered. MORE TALK FOR ROTATION. A Good Thing Six Years.Ago and a Good Thing Naw. Correspondence of The Landmark. Statesville,R-5,\April 22—The continued wet weather has put thefarmersbehindwiththeirwork.Lit-tle corn has been planted and most of owr gardens will be late.The health of the community is good.We have had very little sickness thiswinterandspring. Wheat and oats looking fine andtheprospectisthat.we wil]have agoodcrop.The outlook for a largefruitcropneverwasbrighterthanitisatthistime. I have been a silent reader and ob- server,the primaries aré coming onandIwanttosaysomethingaboutourcountyofficers.This being theyearfortheelectionofanewsetofcountyofficers,it is the duty of ev-ery good man to give thought and the candidates,Rotation is a fixed Democratic prin-ciple and recognized by the Demo-crats of our State.Washington,Jef-ferson atid all of’our great Presidentshaveabidedbytheprincipleofro- tation.Grant wanted a third term in 1876 and was defeated,and so wasPresidentRooseveltofmorerecent date.The present county officerswentinontherotationwavesixyears.ago..They.proclaimed rota-tion the length and breadth’of thecounty,publicly and privately,‘andclaimedthatthreetermsofoffice were as many as any set of countyofficers’should have.They succeed.ed a set of county officers as good asthepresentincumbents...There were Greeks before Agamemnon.andGreeksafterAgamemnon.The coun-ty offices have been filled By ‘as’rood’ men as the present set of officers and future.Upon what meat doth thisourCaesarfeedthatnehathgrown so great?»Why are not the present countyofficers,willing to stand to andabidebythedoctrinetheypreach-hed six years ago? Something about the county po- litical situation reminds me of old Uncle Billy Stikeleather’s sow andpigs.When the old sow could wean the pigs she wouldn’t and by and by as the pigs grew larger and strong- er they pushed the old sow down and sucked anyhow,and she couldn’t weanthem.What will the old sow do inthisease? Honor Roll Joyner School, Correspondence of The Landmark. Those on the honot roll for the fifth month of the Joyner school are as follows:Qlura Joyner,Price Joyner,NevadaHaynes,Paul Renegar,Clarace,Etta,Mabel and Beveridge Renegar,Alon-z®and John Wooten,Clyde Bag-garly,Beatrice Renegar and BerthaWooten: Stomacl Trouble Curéd,*Mra,H.G.Cleveland,Arnold,Pa.,writes;“For some time I-suffered from |stom-ach trouble.I would have sour stomach andfeelbloatedaftereatin.Nothing benefited me until I got Chamberlain’s ‘Tablets.After ta two bottles of them I was cured.”Foronehealldealers.j MI Sige ‘|Mexican T The wireless will be|er -SERIOUS SICKNESSwillbefilledbyasgoodmenin.the}. 4 symptoms. Evacuated Town and Destroy Much Property.° Nuevo Laredo,the Mexican bordertownoppositeLaredo;Texas,was devastated Friday’by dynamite andfiresetbytheMexicanPederalsol- diers,who began-an/orgy of destrue-tion which did not’end until theywereforcedtofleesouthwardbeforethegunsoftheAmericanbordéypa-trol.Two Mexicans are known to have been killed by the United,Statestroops.Several brisk skirmishes he- tween thé Americans and Mexicans were fought in quick:succession .astheMexicans,their troops trainsreadytopull-out of the burning city, began ap indiscriminate fire acrosstheinternationalboundary,Property damage in.Nuevo La- redo will reach.$500,000;among thebuildingsdestroyedweretheUnited States consulate,municipal —build-ings,postoffice,theater,the flour mill,one of the largest in that sec- tion of the Southwest,the,railroad shops of the Mexican National rail-way,and other smaller structures.The Federal —garrison—evacuated Nuevo Laredo Thursday,supposedly going ‘to Saltillo or Monterey..With their departure the basy Jittle city, ordinarily of about 7,000-population, was virtually deserted,all the inhab- itants rushing panic-stricken to the American side in fear of bandit at- tacks..The Federals returned early Friday and it was announced.that they came back for additional en- gines to put to their troop trains, he Mexican railroad shops being,in the city.Soon afterward the work f destruction was begun and troops the American side were.ordered to guard the bFidges,aapesaennaninncnimepeeiaies Making the Rural School.a and Industria]Center. Correspondence Newton News. The Farmers’Union and United Farm Women of Killian school dis- trict met Friday afternoon to-helpcleanuptheschoolgrounds.They hed three plows and a harrow andpreparedagrassplot.The school girls swept the yard.and made a flow- bed while.the.boys burned brush ahd stumps. The United Farm Womefi have bought a croquet set for the young people and appointed a committee to entertain them orice each month,on Saturday afternoons,on the school grounds.~The Farmers’Union will look after the boys’games,such as baseball,etc;We work and no play makes Jack or anyoneelseadullboy.We also realize that.they need the guidance of olderns.On,the same Tt thereClabmeetsabJo'clock andadjournsforplayat2o’clock.Thiselabincludestomaté,corn and other work the young people are interest- ed in, (This is a.sample of the workthey’re doing in rural communitiesinCatawba.An example for Iredell. —The Landmark.)~- on out Social That wasawise action of the gov- ernment to stop further shipment of arms into Mexico;wise to proceed on the theory that we may have the whole bunch to fight. RUN-DOWR WOMEN Find Health in a Simple Tonié |;How many women do you know‘who are perfectly well,strong andhealthyasawomanshouldbe?Theymaynotbesickenoughtolieinbed—but they are run-down,thin,nery-ous,tired and devitalized.‘Women are so active nowadays,and sO much is expected of them,that they constantly overdo and suf-fer from headache,backache,nervous-mess and kindred ills,Such women need Vinol,our dell-cious cod liver and ‘iron tonic with-out off which will create an appetite,tone up the digestive organs,makepurebloodandcreatestrength.Mrs.Walter Price,Biloxi,Miss.,says:“I was in a run-down conditionformonths,T had’‘taken several medi-cines but they seemed to do me nogood.Finally Vinol was recommend-ed,and from the first bottle ¥begantoimproveuntilIamstrongandwell@sever.” Try a bottle of Vinol with theumderstandingthatyourmoneywillreturnedifitdocenothelpYou.PyP,8—For Mmples andblotches.try.our Saxo Salve.We guaranteeW.F.Hall,Druggist,Statesville,}FAMILY AVOIDS By Being Constantly Supplied With Thedford’s Black-Draught. ‘McDuff,Va.—"'!suffered for several this haat mith set head “d»“with sick hea essomachtrouble.. Ten years ago a friend told me toThedford’sBlack.Drau ht,which |did,and |found it to be the family medi~cine for young and old. I keep Black-Draught on hand all thetimenow,and when my children feel alittlebad,they ask me for a dose,and ifdoesthemmoregoodthananymedicinetheyevertried.“ We never have a long spell of ‘sick-’ness in our family,since we commencedusingBlack-Draught.”’ ors Fea Dem ht *,purelyvegetable,and has m found to rlateweakstomachs,aid digestion,te.lieve indigestion,colic,wind,nausea,headache,sick.stomach,and similas It has been in constant use for morethan70»and has benefited morethanamillionle.Your sells and recommends international}_@ realize that all} International HarvesterOilandGasEngines should be you. rods,etc.best engine. and in allonlowandNotey more from now it will still be w The one whodoes isa good man to know.do not know who he is,we will tell you whea youwriteusforcatalogues, BYY.an International Harvester en-gine,take care of itas anymachinecaredforandadozenyearsoring’for It will save you and your family endless hours ofhardlaboratarunningseparator,etc,Boy an LHC engine.They fast longer,burnlessfuel,are sim wer,Hereare a fewof thereasons:Offset cylinder heads,large valves,accurately ground piston andheavydropforgedcrankshaftsandconnectingestmaterialandconstructionmeanthe pumping,sawing,grinding,spraying, ler;and give you most rings, 1 H C engines are built in all styles,sizes from 1 to 5*H.P.They operatehighgradefuels.nfTocadealerhantilesIHCengines. If you OSTONIANG us Shoes for Men, $4.00 SATISFACTION is the nourishment which makes a business grow.We want to growand keep on grow- ing.So’we offer you BOSTONIANS —because they’re built to please.In Tan and Gun Metal. to $6.00. (The White SHERRILL-WHETE SHOECO. WE HAVE Our Implement Room Stocked With Latest Improved Farm Machinery. Chattanooga and Syracuse Hand Plows,Deering Mowers and Binders,New Union Cora Planters, Bucket Spray Pumps,Reversible Harrows, ii Lime and Please Return Our Wire Stretchers Geo.8 Nissen Wagons, Cern Stalk Cutters,Riding Cultivators, Walking Cultivators, Guano Distributors, BlueheH Separators,Chattanooga Disk Plows,_Manure Spreaders, ur Solution, So y Of 10 4 ¥S y Road Scrapers,Hay Rakes."s a m e Y Av y uo Iredell Hardware Co. |Monumentsa»/Tombstones That is My Business. mo es guaranteed or no pay. egos need anythi see what they say. ,appreciate yours, Best material,first-class work,lowest prices and satisfaction in my line be sure to see or write meoreyoubuy,as [am prepared to protect your interests. Ask your neighbors who have bought work from me and I appreciate your neighbors’business and will likewise ARDS AT STATESVILLE,N.€.,AND MOORESVILLE,N.C.ZEB DEATON,Proprietor Black- LN.C,128only25.Get aj/=— _12 IS WORTH WHILE TO STUDY THE ADs, :Seek ibe ~"Phese’pianos must be put in ‘suitable feeESTIMATESO -~The.outpatof piano fa N PIANOS ries is immense. ore:per mdath,es house in a ’meee 4 by lor Serwtaien ort renee te,io0.00corres:*ainginCubthaneCobtspermonth 1000.00 a 4 "Total,1500.00 A houde for storage tn Statesvitie,N.C,costs per month §25.00Amanagertoconductthathousecostspesmonth400AdvertisingtnfivepaperscostspermonthA Total,125.00 _’Manufacturers have established a depository in Statesville,WN.C.,saving the difference in above expenses,giving custo- Mers the advantage of the same in prices,with J.8.Leonard,Manager,Buy your Pianos,Organs and small Musical lnstra-ments.Songbooks for Public Schools,Sunday Schools,etc,fromJ.S.LEONARD,Statesville,N.G, Royster’s Fertilizers Are being attacked.1 wish to say they are making as fertilizer today as ever made,using exactly same plant food materials they have used for “years and years.Hundreds of good Iredell farmers:know from actual experience there are none better and few as good.| A CHALLENGE! If any man or set of men want a real SHOW DOWN I will put up Royster's against any brand of fertili- zer sold and if Royster’s does not give as good re- sults,then my fertilizers won’t cost you one cent. Trot out your goods and let’s see. JK.SLOOP = Commercial National Bank OF STATESVILLE,N.C. CAPITAL PAID IN _$100,000.00SURPLUS:31,000.00 Banking is a necessary institution in the develop- ment and welfare of nations.It is likewise a neces- sary institution in the development and progress of ‘any city,town or community.2 ‘A bank’s usefulness to a community depends upon its ability and willingness to terve the legitimate business requirements for loan and discount accom- modation and to provide a safe depository for com- mercial and savings deposits. The COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK is a local institution,with large capital and surplus,furnishes good security to depositors and with resources of over $600,000 bas the willingness to.serve this com- munity ia every branch of legitimate banking.Be- lieving in this community,our policy is,and has al- ways beep,progressive and constructive,assisting in every legitimate way in the advancement of the agricultural,manufacturing and commercial devel- opment of Statesville and Iredell county.Our de- posits are local and our loans ate likewise local and made to individuals and legitimate and worthy local enterprises.To our customers we furnish check books ‘free, render statements or balance pass books at the end of each month,make loans and discount paper upon security satisfactory to our-board and in such amounts as business requirementg,and responsibility warrant.We pay interest at the rate uf 4 per cent per abnum on time and savings deposits remaining three months or longer.Upon these bases we solicit your busimess. W.D.TURNER,E.MORRISON,D.M.AUSLEY,@.KE.HUGHEY,- President. Vice President.Cashier.Cashier.Assistant Statesville Realty &Investment Co. 1906 €aommee>1913 On October 31,1913,-we closed our seventhyearofbusiness.We take this occasion tothanktheloyalpatronsofourcompanyforthebusinesstheyhaveentrustedtousdur-ing that time and we believe we have givensatisfactionto-all of -our-eustomers,-.Hav- ing or out of infancy into mature man-hood in the INSURANCE BUSINESS weaskforacontinuancefofyoursupportand influence. Remember “We Insure Anything Insurable.” “We write all classes of BONDS,and~thussaveyoutheembarrassmentofapplyingtoyourneighborforsuch.-Writeus your needs. J.F.CARLTON,Manager. ‘Storage Untih~sold: _j|salary_system?If after holding of- Hitch Your Heart to©chjdvD THE CANDY._OF STANDARD. ot icichticnatmneaiiel HALL’S DRUG STORE. Prescriptions Our Specialty. BonTHELANDMARK UESDAY, Henin Why Should It Not Rotate Men OntofOfficeasWellasRotateThem In? To the Editor of The Landmark; In a recent issue of your paper there was an article on rotation inwhichthewriteraskedthisquestion, “Why should not rotation work bothways,both for and against?”Thatis,since rotation was instrumentalinworkingthepresentofficersinto office,why should it not work themout..We had hoped that these officers, through the columns of your paper,would state their position on this is- sue,and would enlighten the great mass of the voters of Iredell county, who in the absence of any,reason to the ‘contrary,cannot see-why the time honored custom of rotation should)be sacrificed to the greed of a.few men. But for some cause,their views on this subject have not been fortheom: ing}why,we cannot say,unless it isbecausetheyfeartheirownwords would condemn them.From what we have been able to gather,their biggest argument forrevolutionizingthefixedcustomsoftheDemocraticparty’is that to fol- low out the precedents of.our“party would work a great hardship on them, in that it would render their,finan- cial condition very unstable,‘andthatsincetheyhavespenttheirmon- ey for the upbuilding of the party they need the offices for their support. If this is so,we would like to ask one question.If they were unable to meetexpensesonthefatincomeofthe} fee system,how in the name of reason will they be able to live at alt on the fice for years and enjoyingtheemote- ments thereof on a fee system,am ~~April 28,1984.) we help Care. ickintrouaberdnt MATTERS OF NEWS. The Senate Wednesday passed theHousebil]appropriating $500,000 to for.American...refugees from Mexico,z Proceedings were begun in’the United States Supreme Court Friday to determine whether the National Guard may be sent to Mexico or oth-er territory outside the United States without “first being mustered in as volunteers, The State committee of the inde- pendent Democrats of Tennessee has endorsed B,W.Hooper,the Repub-lican nominee,for..Governer..Hoep- er has been twice eleeted by aid of independent Democrats and is a can- didate for a third term. Since the departure of O’Shaughnes- »United States is without-of-representation in Mexico City, azil has been chosen to look interests of this country,itcustomin,such cases to be itted by some friendly nation.ts where there are no Brazil- suls.representatives of France, d and Chile will help us out. ILL THECATARRHGERM—USE HYOMEL. sy tl ficial and B after the being the fe A harEnglayz I the direct-to-the-spot method 1 breathe it.“Do not delay arid e to suffer from catarrh,‘head bronchitis or sniffles.It is not needless and annoys your friends,but dangerous to your gen- eral health. Begin the Hyomet treatment at o!It is one of the easiest,quick- est and surest ways to clear theheadand’quickly and permanently banish catarrh. Hyomei being medicated air imme- diately +reaches.the sore.and irritat-ed membrane and tissues—its anti- cont cola or officer is not able to lay by some- thing in store for a rainy.day,is it| not reasonable to think it would be | financial suicide for him to “attempt;doing so on a salary system,which|he says is so small that it will make| it difficult to secure competent men to | fill the office? Alohg with this argument of theirs,we are forcibly:reminded of the trite old saying,that when a hog gets fat he should be killed,and if he will not fatten,it is a sure sign that he is ai}pine-rooter and a razor-hack,and he | jshould 1 in order to make room lfar those that show thrift.-i ' |PITY FOR THE MEXICAN PEOPLE| The Masses Ignorant and Oppressed, Their Condition is Most Pitiable. Observer. be Kille¢ Cnartotte r ) is a pattyof the Mexican people.are nse ignorance of ‘the i in-their affairs by this coun-ventionitrymeans has been kept from them lby their rulers:In short,they haye| not the remotest idea as to what it is) aii about.Our growing knewledge? of the condition of these people should serve to increase sympathy for them.The Houston Post is “) border paper,we might say,and has had opportunities to seeure informa~ tion on the situation at first hands, “Mexico,”says the Post,“is crushedwithrevolutionandpoverty.It has no army or navy.It is bankrupt.Its commerce and industries are pros trated.Murder and pillage are rife in all parts of the country.It is fill-ed with hungry widows and orphans It is the saddest and most desolate pertion of the world.What it |suffered cannot be repaired in a cen tury,even if peace should come speedily to its distracted people.”Ofitsmillionsof*people,the Post say they “have been worse than enslaved by a fragment of landholders. are.homeless and ignorant.y have been preyed upon by greed as no other pedple who claim to be civ-ilized ‘were ever preyed upon.They have not been given educational ad- vantages or permitted to have an am bition,and as the crowning infam)succeeding a century of brutal ex- ploitatiqn,they have been embroil one against the other in deadly com bat.”Against a ‘people surroundebysuchdistressingconditionsthere} should be in this country no feeling o hatred...We may close our eyes to ¢ contemplation of the ordeal they are going to bé called to pass through,not for their subjugation,but for their ultimate freedom,and anticipate the| coming of the day when they will wake to-the blessings that follow thé trail of the American flag. as The =7Phe Ancient Organ and Ancient Organ- ist in Pittsboro. Chatham Record. A pipe organ has been used for 75yearsintheEpiscopalchurchat this place,and the same organist has played on it for 66 years.We doubt if any,other church in the United and organ so long a fime-s The or- ganist is Mrs.A.M.Haughton,who although now in her 80th year,plays the organ a8 well as any youfg or-ganist can,and it is hoped may tinue’for many more’years. Wild Cat and Squirrel. Traphill Corresponderfee Wilk:Patriot. The wild cat captured by a StoneMountainoutingpartylastsummer,which fitially found a good home at Uncle.Abe Bryan’s,has adopted a young gray squirrel ‘as its kitten and is quite attentive to it..They sicep together and the wild cat follows the little squirrel,which is about half grown,around with all the watchful care of a mother. metremete Nothing So Good for a Cough or Cold. —you have @ cold you want the best.medicine obtainable so as to get rid of it withtheleastpossibledelay.There are many who consider Chamberlain's Cough Remedyunsurpassed.Mra,4.Boroff,Elida,Ohio, says,“Rver since my daughter Ruth was ,]eured of a severe cold and cough by Cham-berlain’s Cough Remedy two years avo,Ihavefeltkindlydisposedtowardthemanu-facturers of that I know ofnothingsoquicktorelieveaForpalebyalldealers. hetic fact that the large) -1 moving f Ail knowledge of what inter-j , Stites tis “had:the"~same---organiety cough or cure'#» . septic and germicidal healing begins at € You will surely like Hyomei—its ;not only immediate but last, Money refunded by the States- ig Co.if you are not satis- re ing vil Dr fie Get the complete outfit—$1.00 size. D s everywhere sell Hyomei. COMFORTING WORDS. Many a_Statesville Household Wil When You Need a New Range Buy the nMRape aan rhxe Soames Saray 7 From us and save your money on your wood and coal billsand keep your kitchen cool this summer. Sole Iredell County. Agents:for Statesville Housefurnishing Co. Cash Counts! You c&n get that new style Colonial Pump ~~"Patent or Gun Metal,-welt-or.-turnsole,...... at $3.50.Also staple at ene prices.Also special pricexfordsandPumpsarrangeMakeyourreadycashonsome tables..See them. Oxfords and Pumps on save you money by spending it with The S.,M.&H.Shoe Co., The One Price Cash Shoe Store. Find Them So.| | the pains and aches of al removed—to be entirely Ym annoying,dangerous uri-|'is enough to make The| ing advice of one who has suf-| yrders, idney sufferer grateful. will prove comforting words to tesville.readers: Lyerly,Hill N;--@,;myse--“T troubled by nervous.spells and the jreds of Sta M M.J.street,| Statesville,was action of my kidneys was irregular. My back ached and I didn’t well.In the morning,I felt all tired out.When I heard Kidhey Pills,I used some and before sleep about Doan’s —>[FOR SALE!eae: 23 acres in Harmony,centrally located,close to State High School. Twenty acres in cultivation,balance Large stock barn and out-buildings, in woodland,leveland productive.fine orchard.An ideal location for any one who desires to get close to good school and on truck farm. 280 acres with one two-story,7-room dwelling in beantiful location, three_room tenant house,large-stock barn.and out-buildings. orchard,one-fourth mile of school,14 miles of churches;125 a¢resin cultivation,balance in oak and pine timber,100 acres enclosedin pas- ture most of which is bottom land and makes fine pasture the ‘yearround.A fine stock farm,red land,generally level and productive.91 acres with four-roemcottage,barnand out-buildings,near church and schools,34 miles from Harmon in cultivation,level and productive, High School.Forty-five acres lance in woodland. For further information call on or write, ERNEST G.GAITHER, PHONE 23. INSURANCE,STOCKS,ANDREALESTATE=OFFICE_NO.1,MILLS BUILDING. long they benefited me in every way.” Price all simply ask for a kidney remedy—get Doan’s Kidney Pills—t Mrs,Lyerly had.Foster - Go.,Props.,Buffalo,N.Y. 50c.,-at dealers.Don’t he same that Milburn >VIOLIN.7_ FRANK WHITING,Teacher of Violin,will be atStudio at Mr.Fred. Conger’s Tuesday and Saturday of each week from 3 to 8 p.m. LET US figure with youon your next LITHOGRAPH- ING order.Weare agents for one of the best companies and are in PRESCRIPTION SPECIALISTS THE POLK GRAY DRUG CO., “On the Square” 109—’PHONES—410 position to save you money. Statesville Printing Co. o%’Phone 208. ENGRAVED CALLING CARDS Not the kind-you get.at-bar- gain counters,but the last .,word in artistic engraving Statesville Printing Co. ’Phone 208 DO YOU LOVE YOUR FAMILY? Then buy an Income Policy.THE SOUTHERN1IFEANDTRUSTCO;sell this protection.It is an un oe policy. The unselfish man FELIX J.AXLEY, Life,Health,Accident. ’failing support for your loved ones when. youpass into the unknown-nan ae Let me explain the be neficent features of thig: yprovides for his own. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE. Over Merchants &Farmers’Bank. |Fertilizer Facts. No.1 The Ammonia in our Ferti- lizer is made of Blood,Meal,Fish Scraps,etc. No,2.There are ammonia‘ed goods on the market madeofleath- er,wood,hair,etc.,andare worth nothing as Fertilizer.Which kind do.you want?We got these facts before we bought,for your protection T.N.BROWN.‘Phone 433. At Iredell Hardware Co. Statesville Tinning 0. NEW TIN SHOP Will do general Sheet Metal’ work and roofing.H.C. THIS YEAR If you will give me your new work and repairs to your glass- es this year,\1 will give you the very best service aed all of us will be pleased. Hours 93a.m.to 4.30 p,m. DR.R.W.WOODWARD,©No.1 Robbins Row.OPTOMETRIST,ff! 618 S.Center St. ’Mohler,a workman,with 25 .years experience,will be con-_»nected with the business. SHOP—114 East Broad Street. Rak "PHONE 55, =~FRESH MILKERS.| Just received and fot sale at rensonable’prices,carlond of.fresh milkers from Lin-' eoln county.or T.D.SHUFORD. "Phone or write W.C.WOOTEN The Best For Less.| Plumbing and Electric Supplies. in wc C.Ey RITOCR: April 3%.§ AND THRESHERS. {will have some of our latest style machines here in a shorttime.Comeoverthe first time you are in town and.see them” and let's talk it over.Cc.H.TURNER,_Near the Depotradell"tne No ee FOR_EXPERT }/ Cleaning andPressing’Phone 147, Sloan Pressing,Clu EsSy =account ty A. rh 7 year without returning-a large de- ">two years of his term. beBoee ea aeSe se och Cangat BBN: Se REa Aa i ge RM eae ec ee meeCrescentTheater-— If you want to know ‘‘what’s what”in new pic ae b>RE ies see7<» Per a eeere.ee ki CSel,DEaelead snsleneneenreineniinitnhianmaiiitaiatinniiameieeee ee.Ny le.Saeed bee eteetn ea take a peep-at our screen—Our Piogtamme for this week: John Graham,a grasping gloats over his dividends awaken him buta terrible man of iron. “Through Trackless Sands.” TUESDAY “The Phantom Signal”(two reels). badly equipped road slaughters pas- sengers and crews.Accidents to his wife,datighter and self do not the result of his avarice melts this A Western Drama that grips,filled with thrilling situations that chill: financier,hile biioeee death of a loyal wi vision of spect for each other, WEDNESDAY “‘A Venomous Tongue’(two reels). A chain of circumstances.cause the : stills the gossiping tongues too late. “Her Husband’s Friend.” He also proves the wife’s friend in time of need and their marriage is the result of.true friendship and re- cep : J : fe.Her Diary "“cach einer ale pen. ‘pretends that she is rich,etends thatheispoor.Both“deception and ohene. “Frayed Fagaa’s Adventures.” A.hospital employe takes someSmalipiintestesclothestothemid-the highway to burn them,While be is away a tramp makesbis.selec ion,then things begin to hap- FRIDAY » “Wild Animals at Large”(two reels). They getloose andfillthe townwith surprises,everybodyloosensup and animalg and fun run riot.‘‘The funniest picture ever made.”’ “A Foot of Romance.” A very funny Essenay Comedy. “The Girl in the Middy.”* A very beautiful ‘story of a society girl's return to her childhood. SATURDAY . “TheInspector’''sStory”(two reels). A very beautiful and touching story .in whichthelove:ofalittiechildse- cures a pardon for her father and saves him fromalife of crime. “The Pathe Weekly.” Showing all of the most interesting news events of the day in pictures.|i rich and bothmake ng Western Comedy. trying to get thiswillbeadmitted —We b a very interesting programme for the entire week and on Friday we are going to show the funniest picture ever made—'‘Wild Animals at Large.”’aspect picturefor some time as a treat for the Kids and we are going to make thém this proposition:afreeatanytimebetween3and6p.m.This offer is good for any child under 15 years.old.Now don't miss this where.The prices in the afternoon for any one over J5 will be 10 cents,and after 6 o’clock 5 and 10 cents.We have some great features for the month of May. LOTSFRM RNWRT Also two other fine pictures..We have beenanytimethisweek,get a blank pass and have your papa or mama fo sign it and youchanéetoseefree'the funniest picture ever made—it has created a sensation every- 4 Call at the Cresceat PHE LANDMARK| TUESDAY,April 28,1914.} THE SHERIFF’S SETTLEMENT. No Final Settlement and Why—The| Custom in Such Cases. ‘To the Editor of The Landmark: Cool.Spring,April 25.-We country ei lo-alwaye-leok-te-The Steep us informed on public mat-| ters.It is being reported that our present sheriff has never made a final settlement for any year during the entire term of his office,unless.it.be for his first year.If this is true the| ple ought to know it.I have an impression that the law requires a settlement by the sheriff at the end ‘of each.tax year before the commis- sioners can turn the books over to him for the succeeding year.Ought not these settlements be made of.rec-*ord?And if so the information could easily be furnished. Al your readers can’t look up the records.Trusting you will furnish the public the desired information through the columns of your valua-ble paper.ANXIOUS ENQUIRER. No final.settlement has-been made with the sheriff since he took office, but the same custom has been follow- ed that has been followed byIredellforyears—probably al- ways.The sheriff makes a settle- ‘ment.edch year and turns over tothecountyanymoneyinhishands| collected for that year or.on.texes/ of the previous year.In making a! final settlement the for each name on the Landmack.| OFFER OF MEDIATION MADE, lowed to leave the capital as they pleased.There were many disturb- ing reports Friday and Saturday about the mistreatment and threaten- ed execution of Americans in Mexico |City and other Mexican peints con- |trolled by the Federals.It was evi- dent that had reassurances not beenreceivedanexpedftiontoMexicoCity,which would have Been"the ‘sig- nal for a general war,.would have been the next step.Many newspa- per correspondents said the expedi- tion was being arranged for. Refugees in Distress, Hundreds of Americans who re- mained in Mexico despite President Wilson’s warning months ago,made haste to get away when the fighting began and they have overcrowded the accommodations at Tampico, Vera Cruz and other points.Joy at having escaped death at the hands of| i vengeful Mexicans is,in :many cases,| talmost overshadowed by contempla-| tion of the struggle against poverty! land want to come,Hundreds of thosewhofiedfortheirlivesfromMexico left their all behind.Families who for years have made their.homes in the land from which they have been driven,saved nothing.Many have been so long away from their own country that they:have no homes to seek in the United States;no family ties,no one on whom to call for aid. Plans have been made to send the refugees to their old homes as fast as they are released from quarantine, sheriff must|but these plans fail to solve the per-| plexing problem for’a*great portion tax.books;must turn in the taxes|of the refugee army.charged or te or his deputies must)make oath-that they have visited the of abode of each delinquent and can find nothing on which to levy forthetaxes.The list so sworn to iserrorsandinsolventsandthesheriffisallowedcreditforthisinhisfinalsettlementwhenthecountycommis-sioners pass the list.It is claimedthatitwouldbeimpossibleforthe _sheriff to.make final settlement each * linquent list;by not turning in the books and making final settlement of the delinquents are foundontimeto:time and more taxesMollected.The law has never beeninterpretedtomean,and the prac-tice has not been in Iredell,for thesherifftomakefinalsettlementsan-ually.The law does require the commissioners to make a settlement year.This has been done and settlements recorded,showingamountduebythesheriffforeachtar.His bond stands for all this =until the last and final settlement for"the whole matter,when the list of errors and insolvents are passed by the’commissioners.The present sher- iff is now ready to settle for the -first >So far as The Landmark can see )the custom in Iredell and the law asithasbeeninterpretedlocallyhas been followed. MATTERS OF NEWS, The war between the striking min- érs and militia -in Colorado goes:on. Probably:50 lives have been lost. Many of the refugees.told graphic istories of suffering,privation and in- sult to Americans and to the flag.In countless instances those who escap-ed fied without having a chance to provide themselves with the simplestarticlesofnecessity’or with even a small amount of money.Many of these say that they never expect to see their homes or property again. Many indignities were offeredAmericansatTampico.after the fight-ing began at Vera Cruz.United States Consul General Philip C. Hanna ‘at Monterey reported to Secre- tary Bryan Sunday night that he had been ‘humiliated and placed in-jail by Mexican Federal officials on April 22 and left behind the bars until -+re- leased two-days later by the Consti-tutionalists,when they captured the city. Martial Law at Vera Cruz—Ameri- can Civilians Ordered Out. Being unable to control affairs at Vera Cruz by means of the civil of- ficers,Rear Admiral Fletcher placedthecityunderpartiallaw.This was made necessary by the fact that some of the Mexicans continued to fire on Americans at times from hid- ing places. Notice was also posted that all American non-combatants must leave Vera Cruz.Many objected to the or- der and espe¢ially rebellious were the women whose husbands:still are in the interior.The explanation was of- fered that food supplies and housing accommodations rapidly were becom- ing serious problems and there’was dangér of disease through overcrowd- Goy.Blease of South Carélina has brought suit for criminal libel against| Wames H.Moore,editor of the Co-| bia,S.C.,Record.Moore was) Semiaced under $5,000 bond.He is|Eegharced with “wilfully cnd malicious-| Originating,uttering,circulating and publishing certain false state- mts concerning Gov.Cole L.”aicapse saudiey Deeaghutitcgldas up.the railesad-tracks,Phe-pap--be+}-Saioner_of Internal.Revenue|-+ Osborne has called upon all corpora-Mons:and joint stock companies forstsofthestockholders,with theamountofdividendsreceivedbycachduringtheperiodof1913,covered by of all dfficials or employes receiv- “ing salaries high enough to bring ethem within the operation of the law.A+i “ap returns to discover the tax dod LL |FIRELESS COOKER DEMON.STRATION. Tomorrow our feminine visitors will be shown new ways to bake and “ook several varieties of food.This rect scientific appliance gives you Tesults you wouldn’t dream of try"ing to accomplish without it,Food%may be roasted,baked,steamed, .@tewed,fried or boiled and 80 eas J aly and economically.Come to see "the domestic science expert in our re tomorrow.The “IDEAL”ix fuminum -lined,has water -seal- top,perfectly insulated;beautiful- finished,roasts,bakes,steams, .fries;boils and comes in ~sin- double .or three ¢émpartment »with full equipment.—ad. the income tax law,and for names | These reports will be used ih che:king| ed conditions.It was intimated that this might be the last opportunity for some time for refugees to reach the United States. Gen.Maas,the Mexican Federalcommanderdriven‘out of Vera Cruz ja week ago,has established his head- quarters at Soledad,16 miles from Vera Cruz,and his men are tearing tween;Tejera,the ‘water supply ‘sta- |tion,which is guarded by the Ameri- cans,and Spledad has grown and ft is now a hard task for refugees to }gzet themselves and their baggage across the open*space. Lieut,Frank J.Fletcher of the |battleship Florida is in charge of.the train which is being run from Vera Cruz to the break in the road,and on every outgoing trip the train carries ja small detachment of armed:men in addition to a machine gun, }has been within sight at various times of outposts or scouting parties far|f Gen.Maas’forces,but there has been no hostile act.No intimation has been receivedthatHuertaproposestorelease.theAmericans,some of them women andchildren,held at Cordoba,Orizaba,Pachuta,Aguas Calientes and otherplaces,Consul Canatla at Vera Cruzascertains.that no American in hisconsulardistricthasevenbeen in-jured since the beginning of the oper-ations although many.are held bytheMexicansand-threats of executionhavebeenmade. 80 The food supply problem mast be |relieved goon and for this reasonplansarebeing.made to open the Al-varado railroad,a short line south into the garden ‘and poultrydistrict.The restaurants have cut down their list to soup,.a@ piece ofmeatandcoffee,and charges have been increased.The hotels are crowd- ed to their capacity and the refugees are finding difficulty in securing quar- ters. Reports “From Mexico City,+ From Vera Cruz some reports that arcaers Cramerating American”bus iness houses were distributed “in the streets in Mexico City calling on the names appeared inj the circular were looted.Another list distributed was that of Mexicans managing some oftheAmericanstores.It was declaredthesemenmustbekilledbecauseof their identification with foreign -in- |terests. The capital newspapers published populace to destroy concerns.listed.|Some of the American stores whose} Ruse Didn't.Work.|North Wilkesboro Hustler } A-man’s coat was found hanging on the bridge across the Yadkin river |hege.Monday,20th,with a note by! it stating that he had ‘decided to end' all his earthly troubles in a watery | jgrave.But by diligent search the owner of the coat ‘was located in Al- leghany county Tuesday morning and +is.journey ended at the Wilkes coun-|ty jail Fu y night,on the charge of skipping his bond. |The Tuesday. Too Proud To Be Poor — Sen eeateere ae ee .:oe Thursday. The Price of Treachery (four reels):Showing the blowing up at sea ofRelianceFilm|@ large schooner.The perilousWhyReginoidReformed—escaps from the lighthouse and theSytnereaaegtqui~“sand-tragedy.sg me mcr True Western Hearts—.Friday. American Film |For His Master (two reels)— Reliance FilmWednesday.Mutual Girl—Reliance Film The Informer (two reels)—Saturday. Domino Film Lost Treasure (three reels)—- American FilmKidAutoRacesatVenice;Olives and Oil —Keystone Film To Cure a Cold in One Day Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine.It stops ¢Cough and Headache and works off the ColeDruggistsrefundmoneyifitfailstocure.E.W.GROVE’S signature ©ach box.2c. STA i*ie ENT Mercantile Mutual Fire Insurance Co., .Monday.Three extra good réels Lyric Programme: /stories to the effect that the ‘Ameri- can forces at Vera Cruz were killingwomenandchildrenandthepaperscalledonMexicansinMexicoCitytoretaliateinasimilarmanner.Other Providence,R.I. Condition December 31, statement filed. 19 Amount of Ledger Assets Decembe: 8ist of previous year,.., 13,as shown by Children’s White Dresses,=Children’s Colored Dresses, 'stories printed by the newspapers were that France,Germany,Great |Britain and Spain had declared war }against the United States and that American battleships had sunk sey- reral ships flying the flags of’those jmations:Mexicans also were told{that Mexico had invaded the United States and that the negroes in the |Southern States have risen and were |assisting the Mexicans. |It was reported in Vera Cruz.that|K.-M.Van Zandt,the president.andallthetrusteesandofficersofthe |American Club of Mexico City were junder arrest and all officials of the |Mercantile Banking Company and theMexicoCityBankingCompany.The officers of the banking institution were arrested because of their re- fusal to contribute .mdney to theMexicangovernment.The American grocery.was burned and an attempt made to fire the American ¢lyb.Three other American stores were looted. A TTT Negro Confirmed as Judge. The nomination of Robert H.Ter- rell,a negro,as municipal judge for the District of Columbia,was con- firmed by the Senate Friday night. The nomination had been held up for two months,being vigorously oppos- ed by Senators Vardaman and Smith of South Carolina,and other South- -erners,Friday night Senators urg- ing confirmation declined to pass Terrell’s name on the list of nomina- tions and a vote was forced. Terrell has served as municipal judge for some years,being appoint- ed under Republican administration, and’President Wilson reappointed him. One North Carolinian Wounded. Platte A.Bowen,an ordinary sea-man attached to the battleship Ver- mont,was the only North Carolinian, so far as can be learned,.to stiffer in- me,in the fighting at Vera Cruz st week.Bowen was wounded Wednesday.He is a native of Ran- dieman,Randolph county.His par- ents,Mr.and Mrs.Julius.Bowen, live -in--Greensboro. Some of the dispatches of the firstday’s fighting said that.one.Smith,from.Bessemer City,N.C.,waswoundedbutTheLandmarkwasuna-ble to find his name in the official list,eeecteieeneniientaneemnee To Prevent Blood Poisoning apply at once the wonderful old reliable DR,PORTER'S ANTISEPTIC HEALING OIL,a sur-gical dressing that relieves pain and heals at }LIABILITIES. Income—-From YVolicyholders,©.. Miscellaneous pe eeu bin 6 to 14 years, 98c.,$1.48 and $2.48.. 2 to 14 years, 25c.,48¢.,98c.and $1.48. BELK BROTHERS Extra Dress Attractions for This Week The purchasing of these dresses make the price and not the quality or tail- oring.The manufacturer wanted to sell and we bought.This line con- sists of Silks,Silk Poplins,Silk Crepes,both in Plain and Floral de- signs.A nice line of Floral Cotton Crepes at $2.48. Percales and Ginghams. House Dresses,all sizes,from 34 to 46,stripes,checks,figues and solids. Special 75c.,98c.and $1.48. ‘Evening Dresses. A good line to select from at pricesthatwillastonishyou. Ask to see our Sutrite Hosiery.Silk Hosiery—colors ‘and black. Total Disbursements--To Policy Miscellaneous holders .. Total -iu de'd's ba o% ASSETS.Value of Bonds and Stocks .....Cash in Company's Office geheDepositedinTrustCompaniesand Banks on interest ............. Agents’balances,representing busi- ness written subsequent to Octo- a &,,2018.Mike edicts ; Agents’balances,répresenting basi- ness written prior to October 1, 191s.TS ‘>Interest and Rents due and accrued $254,877.00100.00 3,277.67 9,467.64 82.90 843.76 Total S whee oes vee s OO eeeLessAssetsnotadmitted...26,409.90 Total.admitted Assets $242,139.06 Net amount of unpaid losses andeg,SN Eee OTL Pa,Lyrae sUnearnedPremiumsSalaries,rents,.expenses,bills,ac- counts,fees;etc.,due or.accruedState,county and municipal taxesdueoraccrued‘ee 1,870.00 147,179.06 224,22 3,406.63 Total “amount of Liabilities ex-; <ept Capital j $152,679.90SurplusoverallLiabilities89,459.16 Total Liabilities Eres $242,139.06 BUSINESS IN NORTH CAROLINA DUR- ING 1913.Fire Risks written iPremiumsreceivedsinha e President,Henry T.Grant;S ,A A. Eddy;Treasurer,A.A.Eddy;Home Office,Providence,“R.1;Attortiey for service,In-strance Commissioner,Raleigh,N.C.;Busi- ness Manager for North Carolina,Home Of- -$874,068.90 2,326.98 fice. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA,INSURANCE DEPARTMENT,,Raleigh,January 31,1914.I,James R.Young,Insurance Commission- ‘er,do hereby certify that the above is a trueandcorrectabstractofthestatementofthe Mercantile Mutual Fire Insurance Company,of Providence,R.L,filed with this Depart-ment,showing the condition of said.Com-pany on the 3lst day of.December,1913: Witness my hand and official seal the dayanddateabovewritten. JAMES R.YOUNG,Insurance Commissioner.April 28,1914. SWEET POTATOES! If you should need any Sweet Potatoes the next few days give me the order.~I'll give you the best you havehad in your house THE STORE THAT SELLS FOR LESS."PHONE 155. this.s ving.I would sell 10 bushels today if you just knewhowsmoothandsweettheyare. D.J.KIMBALL. the same time,Not a 'iniment,.25¢,50¢.$1.00, Wedding Gifts of Quality Stouffer’s Hand The,train | Brass and Heraldic Bronze, Japanese China, / Rich American €ut Glass, Painted China,Davis’Porch and |Deck Paint is made especially \to resist all weatherconditions—so when painting why notusethethingforthepurpose?It willaiemore—will look right and wearright.j ————-FOR SALE BY——-- Statesville QualityPrescriptionists. running Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware(0, Statesville,N.&. Drug Co.,