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The Landmark, May 1912
VOL.XXXVI. CONTRACT LET FOR PAVING.| Aldermen.Let.Contract to)Ohia 'Kirm at $1.25 a Square Yard. At ‘the special*meeting.of”.the board:of,‘aldermen’ .Meseré:...Kelly,‘Monroe,&,Meyer, vot:‘Portsmouth,Olio,were award“ed the contract to pave Broad and:Center streets.What isknown| .the taryia’‘préparation’,will’be "ined~for:thes paving ‘and.the ‘conthatt»pride is $1425,the square yard.Centerstreet:will be paved from:Wa: ter street to the.depot-and ‘Broad .Btreet awit be paved from’Tradd'to +Meeting street.°°The.Have already ordered their qmachin- -ery shipped to Statesyille anid they “expect to.begin work:withim.ten-d@ays;“About four months will.be _Teguired to complete the jab.andthetotalcostwil!be about,.$44rv00.‘:as The aldermen.-~ad for ten daye had unter consids'a*ion the bids of a number of contractors:.and ‘the contract:was awarded after careful consideration and investigation.Kel-, Monroe &_Meyer:have done work in’many of the slarger’-towns and: cities,their’work is highly,recom- mended and their bid)for the States- ville job was the lowest.Messrs. Kelly and Meyer ‘appeared:before the ‘board in:the interest of their bid and Mr.Meyer’will remain here,to make arrangements to’be-| ly; |THE: Tuesday night jviléd:to.these:two:afternoon:“per contractors: BROAD STREET MEETIN Lwin Continue’Into Next Week— _norrow=—Church‘News... nee meeting which in:im progress-at.Broad’Street .Methodisti church with continue through Sunday and probably the Breater,part ‘of..nextasWok:Eat“Dhe day.service,which ‘haw beet,at-10 a.m.;wild)be.held:today and torh orrow.ip the afternocn at 3.30 All young,people.are especially ine WICRB.o>‘Preaching “‘tonteht-and tomorrow: night at 7.54..Sunday,services,11¢m.,and 7:45 p.m.Rev,”Mr. Garcety:is being heard:by large ecngregations.Special services at Race street Senday.-morning for and in the in- terest.of young pe ople.No.preach-ing.at night.foe Rev:W:T:Walker,of,Barium Springs,wilh preach at,the.First Associate Reformed church.SundaymorningandRey.Dr.J.S..Moffatt, president..oft,Erskiné College,sun-| day night at 7.45.o'clock...‘ Rev..Father Wiltibald,O.S.B,, of.Salisbury,will celebrate.mass at | St.Phillip’s Catholic churchi Bune | day morning at 10 30 anid)Monday | morning at 7.30.| Preachaig.at.Fifth.Cresk church | Satutday and Sunday,11th and 12th.aoe 5 :Y i gin w ork: As orevioudice stated,.the ptreets’ will be paved from curb {©curb in| the business section and from Front street to the depot two 24-foot driveways.will be paved,leaving @& .,Space.in-the .center for park pur-} sposes.All sidewalks :in the pav-4 ing districts willbe of concnete withetoenecurbing.The contract for) the sidewalk work has -notebeen let The pavinig contract was the only matter’considered by:the board) Tues gut,.al)other matters being ‘deferred ‘until the regular meetir tonight&| Two tancay Affrays—Court News. —Will.Simonton,alias Salley,and | Harrison Scott,both colored,were| tried before the mayor Tuesday for two-affrays.According to the evi dénce’Scott caled—-Simeonton_-—into the basement of Hotel Iredelk end proceeded to knock him:down....Sim ontonm offered no resistence at.the time but said he would settle with Scott.later. Tuesday Seott was standing-‘$y ‘front of Hotel Eredell,where he is, porter,when Simontom came along and immediately pounced upon him. ‘A desperate fist fight followed,in which Bimontonm seems to have got the best of ‘Scott,.In the firet case the mayor imposed a fine of $7.50 on.Gcott and in the second the negroes were taxed $7.50 each.‘+! :Rev.’€.at the First Baptist church day Cool Spring Commencement. A.great crowd attended the commnecemetit.exercises at Cool 6pring Academy yesterday,and Statesville was well,represented there.:There ‘were.exercises by the schoct:in.the forenoon,.afte ternoon and.evening ad } F.MacKegson,of:liveréd an eeaeaay 1.o'clockmoOHAW. elp iat onOPBoybasotedinpets ats Sime S.Cashwel?will preach Sun- he consty uction,ioe wor bw.o to be,ueed in Alanasines the ppoeri has arrioa eee is. pable of of.dita to the minute under favorable co ditions.The.ditches will be 2% fget deep and 18 inghes wide.: RIMRBise weAC Billingsldy. Mr.Geo.B.Nicholson,who has been under treatment in a sanabo- rium at"Black .Moumtain,°was brought*home last evening and is now at (Billingsley hospital..His .condition does not improve.and.it was ~decided to bring.him,home. .(Mrs.Nicholson and.child,who had, been at ‘Black Mountain:for Bev- eral ae and Dr.M..R..Adams and Mr.G.Gaither,who:went up yesterday)morning,acco apanied Mr.Nicholson to Statesville.——————— Dr,Anderson Medical tion. Dr.Thos.B.Anderson 'represemit- ed Statesville at:the meeting.of-the Ninth District Medical Society in’ Saliebury,yesterday and Tast night. Ipr-Andersom responded to “the ad| E. at Convén- dress ‘of welcome delivered.at the eo roon,.eettineme E Lipwlicgilmindag EeCorrespondence of The Landmark ciety were held!in the afternoon and Stony Point,Be he Weare:having evening,at which ‘various medical lots.of rain an ar ee ane ties subjects were discussed,and.the meéting closed with.a ‘smoker:last night.| Marriage in Westprn Avenue Church. Lancaster’and.Miss Fa nnie were,ma rried Wed- nepday ieee hy Ayenive ‘Baptist church,Rev,T.8S.Cruteh- ,field,the pastor,performing.” ceremony. we PooleoMr. T eect GoysryyCotert and was:a surprise to.the friends of the eouple.: foreman ‘im the factory of the Kin- caid Furniture Company. is a daughter,of Mrs.:Lina’Poole, who live ‘in west Statesville.fate “Cotton market unchanged.ae |was taxed $4.50 for beating a ride om WS TOYY with or Vwi‘f hapa gasoline Shin 1 5 the The marriage followed the regular midiweek prayet service Mr.Lancaster:isa Miss Poole! Mrod>L.stevensen will conduct| services’at Gmith’s Chepel,U-.ion, Grove toWnsihip,Sunday ni‘uta at 7.30 o'clock. Rey,J.M.White, ling,passed through;Stateeville yes- serday en.‘route to Pisgah chureh, near Gastonia,to attend the mreeét- ing of the First Presbytery of ..the Associate Reformed CGhurch..Mr |White js retiring moderator of .the Presbytery ..and(\will deliver the lopening sermon’tomorrow morning Mr.W.A.Suther.of Perth,church, will attend the:Presbytery. Everidge Grier,a Newton negro,by.Justice .King a..train of ‘New:Stir- Street Incidents in Raleigh. Raleigh Dispatch,Ist,to ,Greens- boro News., Two unusual inciden occurre on the streets of Raleigh today. ‘A horse stuck‘his head through the| back of a .buggy,jerked off his | bridle and soampered away,upset-| ting another buggy and striking:a eartiage and other vebicles.David McDuffie grabbed ‘the horse and ts uesist A bull dog,overjoyed at the‘excitement,sank his teeth into neg negro’s leg and tore off a part ‘the negro man’s trousers.Then t!16 bull dog.was arrested by a po~ liceman—for nuisance or disorder- lv one it is supposed. he second incident occurred whea an aged negro man brought a cow to the market to sell,‘The cow protested and Jay:down in the street It requised.the efforts of several policemen oO make her move Tho bevine’s (wher was arrested for ‘bijocking traffic. Building wou)adomenkoneDay. ta €.,Dispatch,19. Gi4ahmeipigct a st ick of whi t sunrise this mo Mies:oa geupabipes in ton LAFtiom that a ‘ye biWEpe@ hs be membets of.BethbaCOHNReh,ALT Ney wetaapchareeaeEE hele | Afternoon,Services Today and To- j hand, }dlt health ;make ‘is reported to be in.a very ily jing START stopped him anda negro ran ‘out to throughout Boy °¢‘harged “WithCheck’—Has Departed—HealthiDay:.«Moovéevitte,3 Corresporidence:of The Landmark. Mooresvul te,May 2 Robert Nan- nie,‘the it+yearcold boy ‘who.got into.trouble.”last.‘Saturday’im at- ‘tempting to.cash a:-forged).check,. has:gone to-parte unknown.Sunda afternoon the young,man:rrented!@ bicycle:from a shop here and,‘pas,snot.been “heard,of'since.he has’Jett:hie father’to make:good his bond.of $100,: It:iesup- posed thas: which amount was required to,keeptheyoungfellowoutofthelodkr‘up untif the next term of the Su- perior Court.For some time’the physicians‘ofMooresvillehave.been,trying,to create a stronger sentiment tp town for the general ‘health and a.movement.is)‘being.launched now ‘that will Kery likely prove to be agreatbléssingtotheentirecom-. munity..Today has been selected, as Health Day and a public meet-ing wilt be held at the graded school l@uditorium for the discussion of, matters pertaining,to the towm's| sgnitary condition...The movement| was started by @ united effort of|the physicians.of the place and will |pe directed by them untill the town.| Forging a y Johnson,: |Lackey, ey:Smith; at the,’ pmony: tion, elected: treasurer, sec rétary; Ed ea i Davis; pard, port ing RevSyaa R, N Burke; THE ALLEGED FORGER FLED,|B.AND L.AT TAYLORSVILLE. -Messis.president,H!T.Kell WwW. L. orth Statesville Man Marries at Tay- lorsville —Anti-Saloon *Man sto Speak—John |Grier.Was Not.Will Harris. Cortesponide nee or The ‘Landmark. Taylorsville,May 2-—Mrof.8thAitewvitio.:widow of Mr.Carson pa and |daughter,‘of Mr:J. of,this county,were,marriedWednesdayafternopt.at 4:30 o'clock.3 Campbett House, presence “of:a.few ;witnesses.Rev.M.t Smathers,‘pastor of the Meth- odist ¢hitirch,‘performed the. Mr.‘and Mis.’Johnson ‘leftontheevening,train for the Brooms home in Stateswille.:,:A number of citizens!met.at.thecourthouseTuesdaynight.and’or- ganized a.building and loaThefollowingofficere were house Tuesday evening,May 7. Dawis,superintendent Carolina Anti-Saloom secretary and Cc.Matheson)assistant ‘directors,J.B.Bameés; A.M.‘Matheson, H.T.Kelly,Floyd.Lip- W..©.-Matheson,J.C.Connol-ly and Dr,S.T.Crowson.‘Everybody | is invited to attend:.the next’meet- \M: and Mrs! ‘tn’.the|) cere- associa~ L.Matheson Li. of the association at the court }cureq ten “more delegates in the district’elections and the,President League |: Wat? ‘entire.slate of eight delegates- lat-large,.pledged.to.the former Pregident..Colonel -Roosevelt)6e- A MIX-UP ~IN MASSACHUSE “Large Are,Roosevelt Men and Say|They.Will’VoteFor Him-—Roose-,velt Says They Should.Vote ‘For’ Taft—(omplications on Demo 4 eratic..Side..;' ‘Boston Dispatch,Habs aes ‘ The refusal «of.ihe peciuces ; delegates-at-large °to”aceept:.Col-:el«Roosevelt's decision todays, hat they should)”vote for PresidentTaftattheChicagoconvention,‘al~ though elected.as Roosevelt dele|’gates,has.furthen complicated,the a ition arising from the’State pri- maries yesterday.(The situation is acknowledged .by party leaders.6f voth sides tobe without parallel in the political history of the Common} wealth.‘Although the Repiiblicans of the State selected President Taft as ‘their candidate for reriomination by a Majority.of 3,605,over.Colonel Roosevelt on the presidéntial.pref- erence.ballot,.at the same:time they elected:by),a“decisive yote the } carried nine’districts,50 "that Taft TTS. Taft Received Majority in Pri-| mraries But.the Delegates at) BRIEF ITEMS OF|OF LOCALNEWS. —Entertainment ¢at,Bigia:are tomorrow night. ‘nn Licen has heoa issued:for the marriage of Mr. com and’‘Misa Tossey,Litton. éracy will meet Monday afternoon at:4 6 ‘clock,at the court,houses” i oaMr.WwW.Ce ‘Mills,better:known ag.‘Squire©Billy Mille,‘has been,enitically it ip ‘pome days rat his is Mayor Li:e ‘Caldwell!delivered an address at the closing)exercisesofBillingsley:‘Memorial:Academy,.‘colored inatitution,last night.: the cicekagcolnton“gnaded)school Monday night. was unable.to fill the ‘appointment. Deputy Collector Davis and Mr. Durand,Davis went:ta Davie coun- ty ‘Tuesday ‘and,destroyed ‘an.illicit distillery plant,located about six: miles northeast ‘of Cooleemee.The stith was not.im operation and no one »was..about the prem isesi when the raiders arrived, It:ie understood that Dre.Py : |S.Easley,of Thomasville,has de- cided to locate.im Statesville and wilh move here -with,‘his family jand Roosevelt .each)have 18 dele- as a whole takes the matter in|jearueLeague,will address the peopleOD}vates from thie.State to the na- }will)be Dre Wi-sLtaryoftheState Board of ‘Health, J.P.Matheson,who’will address om .the ‘eare’of| the.eyes,ears,and throat.Mr.W..H.Alley,of Mooresville,| has been ‘sick for.several days ‘andrycritical encourage- Dr. an and eondition Very little ment is offered for his recovery. Mr.W.A.Sileop,a prontinent.cit- zenof Mooreevile,met with a‘seri-ous’accident.this afternocn when -his horse abatefrightened and threw him.from thé buggy,breaking 6eV- eral bones and’giving him -a gen-| éral shake-up taken’home and physicianssum-) moned He is.reported:to be rest- as.well ‘as,could’be expected lwith his ipjuries THE ALLEN |Twelve |Talesmen Selected the First Daj—Bie Crowds Attend- ing. Wytheville, 30thProgress.wap tapid today toward securing a jury to try Floyd Al- len,indicted for five murders.{n the Carrell county ‘court héuse on March 14.1ast.The firet day's seseicn.of court adjourned with 12 talesinen satisfactory to both sides. Floyd Allen’was placed.on tri al specifically for the murder of Com- monwealth’s -Attorney’W,.M.Fas- ter Mahy veniremen)’had:tormed: fixed opinions as to the guilt of: the prisoner and were disquali fied The causes of questéoning \dopted ‘by ‘the:defense indicated that it.would try ‘to disprove news- paper “accounts ¢tiarging that .theAllens|.Rad .#tarted the shootin The ,defegce will seek top lace thblamefdr’the troutheon”Dae roudt officers,wild,.tt)ivith be:claim were long-time personal!enemiPSU.fasttheday.- i edacsDaina ‘whaagin 4weg ataBian01 aa am 6 £i Tagg rTP at >bes!¢ Wa ‘ Eto wds at”yt. 1 ia erection.Tonight thé, building stands completed,paint| ed,papered,carpeted and furnish-| ed throughout.: ‘Di.Richards En Route to W catia | ton.and Richmond.:| Dr.C..M.-Richards and two chil-| dren,Miss “Mary and Master Mc- Dowell,passed through Statesville yesterday em:Toute to Washington City,where they will spend’a few | days.-Fromm.Washington they will} go to Richmond,where,Dr.Richards Uniom Theological Se min-| this meeting Dr,W-is native of Row:gi coumty in this section of | tees of ary.At Lingle,.aand‘well -known) |the State,-willbe inaugurated * |professor of Hebrew in the semi | inary.Dr.Lingle ¢ame to the Semi-| nary some time ago ‘from Atlanta,” where he,was pastor of the First} pre sbyte rian chureh. |Notes,From Stony Point)Communi- ting behind planting. injured the wheat crop to some.ex- tent. Mr.peen sick for been taken at Morganton. seriously tbl. Sabbath at Marvin \mext Sabbath evening.Al)are cordiailby- invited”to attend,Rev.EB.E.Yates |. will preach at 3 o'clock.ipastacnsclilatanalticiae Mack Goble,of Eufola,he is gome time and has, to the.Qtate’Hospital Mr Hen Sigmon is Se Hool to know:of theItwould‘surprise,you abeing done”“bygreat-good that is “Chamberlain's T able ts.Darius Downey, of Neée@berg.Juriction,.N._B.,.writes, ‘MY wife has beéri using Chamberlain's and.finds them:very ‘effectual her lots ‘of gogd.’"If you trouble with your stomach oy Tablets‘and.doing have.any.bowels:atve” Will ‘attend a meeting of the trus’I: |defiance _of Re Bia Wad!W454 |eeppptal hy fo led ur yr iefaopern r |Mapn to try the ation cases.Floyd. Allen and the :other five —prison- ars are quartered in ‘a Tittle brick jail a few.yards from whith 4 jcireus has pitched its ;camp. Through the cell bars they can watch the performances. More than.two hundred -wit- nesses willbe.called in the Allencases:Not a few of them set out lon’foot from the mountains.afd should reach here tomorrow.It is a 40-mile Walk from their homes,but those who arrivéd to- night appeared none the worse for their jaunt.: The jail:was the scene tonight of a reunion of the Allen family iMrs..Floyd Allen broke down as! she saw.her husband and.two sons,Victor afd Claude,behindthe |bars.With her came Mrs.Alberta Edwards,a:sister of Floyd Allen, and.mother -of °Sidna Edwards. Mrs.Victor Allen,wife of one of the acccusedt men,brought her three small children;Jack..Allen,a brother of Floyd and father of Friel Allen,was in.the party. For a.few minutes the strong the prisoners wavered and:tears streamed the faces of all. The women left the jail sobbing) “Floyd Allen,in patie conveyed back and forth today from the jail to the court douse,experienced his’first ride in ap automobile. Four more talesmen were select- ed Wednesday andthe;jury was completed that night.Nine,farm- ers and three merchants -Compose the jury.Judge Staples overrul- ed a motion af the defehse.to ‘require the Comffionwealth to eon- solidatethe five indictments against Floyd Allen té obviate the possi- bility.ofl five separate trials. The charge to the jury..and>the opening .ptateme@nts in the case.b¥"h Quine were Made yesterday.Ciisilscaalanaiahi \Next Monday is the first Mone them.a trial.For_sale, alt dealers.«eae rp day and:county walem day. Me hy He was jmmedifate-| TRIAL,| Dispatc h;.Apri Law |house Mc dairy i@May 6. m. le He Mr.Ey a yt sition ingCo Mr.yille, Floyd jtosh hér ©fatt Statesv Ja in Lippard. has ‘returned from a visit Mr.Mr.R:B, onday. a a. Pa scture’ at 10 erett eckson’ ler, ille. with:the night,May 6.who will speak in.regard to gener |uublic is ‘cordially imvited|and sanitary)conditions,} nd m. yne Wyeoff, is the.guest of his sister,Mrs, Mrs.James Moln- here .m:_and.2 Se D. .Monday, ||delegates-at-large,demonstration paged tain ng and 2 p..m has accepted out -Publisin| of States- t¢ Cc..Rutty, Burke will goto Cabarrus today on business.| M ayor dis ,¥!lle business. was here. Grier, after at,noon, idrevilis that Mr. railroad night...F Southem. rehip. Cc:Caldwell, and Attorney W.|Hickory,spent.W ediesday here om |ple of States-'|| A deputy sheriff of Mecklenburg|. Tuesday and took Joh nt Jay yards je was The it colored,to Charlotte was thought to be Will Harris,wha was sent to the penitentiary: Hyears ago for a term of 30.years, having been found guilty cf murder in the second degree. three months imprisonment. Upon ‘investigation they found Johw was not the party wanted and.he regurned «6 Taylorsville’Wednesday apparently happy and glad) of an opportunity ot visit his:native city-—Oh arlotte. Alexander Man Killed. ‘A telegram was,received ‘jn Tay-| tod:yi Thursday i Reid wwas 1 rem brought to Taylorsville tonight’‘and taken.te ‘thevhome wf ‘his. MM $0 liga WRBId day.Eble gdals.40m0+ 26Thefunerad wilk take placehay‘Anitideno ch urely)timerrow.he Charlottework Joba | ‘Bix He ‘escaped i] stating| killed on the}last| for.the be ing ains will father, ta attend.7|Speaker Cham piTheSouthernRailway)Company's :cat.wilh Me pledged ‘delegates ‘on Thelecture and demonstra-|‘tion will be at 10 a.Wilson,in.the presidential preter-| count’in the eighth district, the Taft.men will do likewise the ninth, ba OF The principal speakers today)the subject,“Total “Abstinence and|lttonal convention: Enforcement,’A somewhat similar’situation was ‘The |,reated.(on ‘the.Democratic ballot.|| Clark,who had no} { |the.ticket, lwoh a 2 tol’victory over Governor.|| the same.time, pledged to Gov- ernor .Foss,of Massachusetts,were| electe d to attend the Baltimcre con- vention,though the hame of Gov-| ernor.Foss did not appear in the} presidential preference column. Roosevelt,follgwers have announc:| ed their intention of asking a re-|’ while | in’; on acecunt of the glose-| ness of ‘the *vote.In hisrequest| o.the”delegates-at-large,Colonel | Roosevelt declared*‘it to .be his ence:contest...At ‘and therefore..the delegates, hough elected 2e pledged to “him, should vote for Mr.Taft,who had received,the prezidentian]prefer- ence ‘vote,-One by one the dele- gates,as-trey were heard from to day,protested that under no cir- cumstances would they cast their ballots other than as they_had been pledged. Charles S.Baxter,who ‘_heads the delegatian,ai he had alwayebeen a Roosevelt man,was elected’as a Roosévelt man and expected.to con- tinue’‘a Roosevelt swpporter.Ar- chur L..~Nasen .and George R. Coleman declared they would abso- lutely refuse to abide,by any puch request.’ James P.'Magenis took the posi- tion that he had been elected as 4 Rodsevelt delegate..and he “oould zee.-no0 way of evading the direc- tion’The remaining delegates expressed themselves..sinittarly. Pravisions .,of;.Pexfeated.PostatficeAppropriationBilly Wash hater "Dispatchawpindk!3 Obltad |! aft! pet pee a Oia Hostotfra!wepPTOD?FYBSa0Vbsyattoreyreal'Sava vi ‘sAnno r¥i ito igh?‘epbiy éfter’'a Petite me ie ete ok:s200 jfMascith of,the!Mousé!Which laetedeseieuatemiesoraanes,eonicalt:[ro catia s E ead omer eB Oe eae.ate 1¢aS 1 ey ey SedeHa oe ettsopra De niierats of 4 Boari dhe geo so *ét sehHSodBis:Mts.Aer migds sgpeurt Z Dehhobhate Ks | j Bete PtsMira Hien eenvteid teor.t Tirst!‘time ne)‘Ob+ra bs oj ee fit the-postal ‘ser- My HAO,eG)eeta mt 4 be brik niptaining to,Congress, miki brofe A OUAL y ao 106 chefr trévthent. t ane.trom Pe ot EE Who y''The bill also contains a_provision TodaS arto"fiarty:“Ker ae elish which would:compel newspapers, 4 nducement'she setereds tl lmagazines and ‘other:berlodicalsto b.nae ey Rene to Washington,publish the names oF their ‘manag- office,eee iinice ve -Er oe ing editors and stockholders who porter that she hadto get married $550 tore i at .more,..than at once in order to inherit a fortune “The Barnhart?bill.also.-pre- “inthe ‘old country’She would be)vides that .all editorial or reading the mext all $200 in left.Wa serve She wish person. fair, fee,and marriage. was crowded Druy Co.* He made good at once performed, and the bridegroom parted at the altar. After the wedding Mrs. and Today’she obtained from-Supreme Court Justice notice cash shington Ple by ed to that at.all.i Mrs.Padgett)Dead. was im- published | “newspaper:office|day the with’ap walks-of...life. them:over,Miss Adams chcse Brown. The ceremony was he received -the atzekpublication:| annul the niatriage.| She said.she could ot find Brown and that he could not be perved in The grcund for annulment is that the wedding was jurely arré winged merely for the in effeet 4orrespondence of The Landmark. Olin;R.1;May 2-—-Mrs Polly Pad gett,who formerly —lived in this community,died Sunday morning, April.28,at her home in Harmony at an advanced age.Séevetal’sons and daughters survive.—: .How,rapidly .the old peopléare being called aways suerte is the fitth aged .persom within pix mouths to be taken from:those who! we have known as neighbors. Dee doit,|R,_Prop,Riverside Drug Co.,Greenvil AG...writes.re cently,‘To have a S prantlaine ph yes Lician ‘and druggist ‘tor over 3) and ‘hay sold and administered many kidney “medicines ’but noné ‘to equal Foley:Kidney:.Pills.»They.are supe- rior to anv I ever used and’give the quickest .permanent relief.""Statesville plicants frdm After looking| bride and Brown disappeared, authority to that| a férmal af: 8200 | ‘it was)no! i .Congress. tof willing to pay $200 to any man who}:7 imatter ‘for,which money has beew would marry her and leave her : mediately after the ceremony. When the story received,must be,‘‘adver- |tigement.’ A compromise labeled on the parcels {post and express provistons,occu: ipied most of the time of debate. These questions are given to.4 committee of three Senators.and three Representatives;fon study and report to,the next session of meantime a runs route service is.‘provided.Its are five cents fot the ‘first Sonu and ene cent for each.addi- tional pound up to i1 pounds.All this.mailh matter.is cone?to rural route -service, A general parcel “post service:of 12 cents a pound for 11 pounds is contained in the.bifl. A proposal by Representativd Rod denberry,of ‘Georgia,to “prevent the circulation of newspapers cong ‘tailing liquor advertisements in try territory was defeated._A Dire ides in Favor of Demo- cratic Sheriff. The Supreme Court has sustained In.‘the parcel rates Court the election of George W.Flynt, Democrat,as ,sheriff of Forsyth county,in:the suit contesting)his election,brought by,D.“A.Jones, Kepublican ©candidate two:.years ago.The -opinion was delivered Wednesday amd*tinds no error fit the.trial below,where the evidence was.that Flynt,had a majority.of 12 votes over his Republicam oppon-| ent. Because she had left:him ~and Pwould)not meturn to live with.him, hige Quick,Sunday,near MiaColl, S.C.,shot and killed)hist wit, Carrie’Quick,Y Bur,endgred to the officers.—i : ee amet nes , about the first.of.June.Pr,Eas- jléy was in .Statesville a few days lago looking over the town,withy a |view’of locating:here. —Mr.C.,W.Boshamer,who has been at ca for Bbome time omac-- count ‘of ilk health;left yesterday, for:an ‘extetided ‘trip Soutix,-Mr. |Boshamer-says he may.go.to Cuba land he assures the friends of ‘Fran- lcisco Alvarez that.he.will «give the Ciban their best regards.° —-Mr:D.S:Lippard,of Barium, jreports that~he had home-grown istrawberries for dinner Wednesday. Mrs.M.-C:Turner gathered ber- ries from her garden om Davie ‘ave nue:Tuesday;Mr.A.D.Brawley,” lof .Barringer.township,sold .ber-lries on the Statesville market yes-’. terday.RE —Judge Long,who is pending-,t i1é—shere— A.Self,\0f|wish to abide by the will.ofthe peo-—of his time:in Ashevi eeeisholding.Buncombe:county court,came.home Wednesday morn- ing to spend the remainder of the week.He has been wrestling with. civil cases im Buneombe court and im terms extending over eight.weeks.he cleared'the docket of about 1,100.civit cases,in addition. to disposing of.a large amountof - criminal.business..He ‘will begin next Monday a.term of Buncombe criminal Gonrt., Southern's Dairy Instruction (Here Next Tuesday. Practical.and valuable informa- tlon concerning dairying.and live stock raising and)alt m@roblems ver- taining’to the economical production of milk,cregnm and butter,will be afforded by the visit of the dairy im- struction “car being operated)by the Southern Railway over its lines.in the South for the purpose of stimulating interest ‘1 this ir- dustry;which will be in Statesville ow Tuesday,May 7th,and wilk dadidyidgat 1h!Lbe,afdvr tis PAatalate a gat qJnode TA TOR Ma donticey, aaama evens peels SepFaM.oM6raaayxDairy eealkwe (oben HP dottdtet Yechores, Wel ptereopticom ,yiews, bh oc vital ead helpful to theideirypret.On the:walls:of the car are pictures of the best dairy animals and instruction ‘charts on feeding,how to handle milk,and hew te make larger ——from dairy products. Dr.Morgan and,his ‘aesistante will give a free’test of milk samples brougiht to the car...‘This service will enable the farmer to.find out whether His cow is profitable and should:“be kept.and advice and instruction-will be given based on results of the test.The experts will be ready to:answer’‘all,ques- tions and give any assistance they can.to anyone who may be inter+ ested in.starting a dairy or impyrov- ing the one already finr operation. Ajll citizens of this section)ate t a t a aeNPaa cordially invited to be.present. Underwood Gets Georgia and Flor- ida, ‘Atianta,Dispatch,18st. Oscar W.Underwood,of Alapama, is-Georgia’s choice.for the Demo- cratie nomination for President,as expressed im the presidential pref- erence primary held in this ‘State today.‘Practically.complete,but un- lotficial returns Keptchan up to:mid- jnight show that -carried one hiv ndred,of ‘the 146.eobetlen ithe the ind that his majority’overbetween StateViren Wilson will be 7,000 and 8,000.The names'of Champ.‘lari atid Judson Harmon also appeared on the ballot but they received a comt- paratively small vote.: Fla.;Dispatch,Ist./ With mot 'more than 40 per cent.of the vote ‘in yesterdays. presidential preference primary cate, ly figures indicating that Oscar (Underwood,of Alabama,capried the Btate by a subeiamiiiat rjoritysieteChee over Woodrow Wilson,are nochahe-: Jed.It is claimed his majority will. be,7,000 to yy 000.a John M.a prominent oli jzen of Hickory a brother of Mr.‘A.Aes day. =Mr,F.C.7 Love,of Seima;‘Ala., is(ora on aa visit to TON e *oe J acksonville, 8h ufor d:, and Zeb V..Mal--. —~The Daughters ‘of.the “Confedre gs) CaS: Shuford,-Wednes- ‘ “he j6n't a.minister. { L HRIDAY,—+ *result ‘omrong- ’Things “Iput it is a remnant of the centage tle short of treason.‘While there ,be made<to print only facts;to be c Pats short THE LANDMARK May 38,1912. (COMMENT ON VARIOUS ‘MATTERS In -the Senate the other.day .lon John Sharp Williams:recited: mw parody on the ‘Apostles’Creed)as applied to Col.”Roosevelt.AB ~8 there is @ stom of criti- lism from ministers of the:gospel, who denounce:the parody as Dblas-| phemy.The criticism is just.The Mississippi,Senator is a very able wan but he Bhould |not use sacred | things in that.way.To do bo «is mot only.shocking:to.4.great many.people but it,ig absolutely eee ag 5 Archibald :Johnson,of hepemuavilie.editor of Charity:and ‘Ohpdlem,will fil thie ne of -“the First “Baplis t church).Sun i “ARev..Jolihson is one,of the.M08! _tYoreeful preachers in the fates The Highlander,‘of Shelby: “'Phe newspapers of the State,who eught:to know better,should stop _trying to make @ preacher.out,“of Editor Johnson.He can)preach,but He ©might «calling.him 2&8overlookthemfor-preacher but he’will never give the man ~who.calls him ‘Rey. Jobnson.”That fe,the limit. ‘2 s The Observer says “that Meck- lenbure ‘furies are loath ‘to.con- wict.in blind tiger cases,‘unless the evidence is overwhelming,found striking exemplifijieation””|at the recent term of Mecklenburg *Su- perior.Court,when.verdicts of not guilty were returned in manybblind who ‘shall’not be candidates,shall and what shall:not be paxs- ficeholders are the servants, ;+*‘ASSUMACY,"| Keep it in mind all the time: rhe affairs.of Iredell county.are, matters of concern to every,citi- zeniand taxpayen Ani the county;°anid Jevery-citizen,and taxpayer has an ‘absolute “right to:advocate whatey-|, er he pelieves is.best.for the counr. ty and.to urge for.publlic place any:citizen whom he may|decide is ‘properly fitted for thie works,and whose views.coincide with)those of his own.No one ‘@ndividual— no one qualified)voten—has any more authority’than.anothen in such,matters...The authority.to manage public affairs,to ‘Bay who. Shall hold the:offices,.and!what the administrative policy“shall.be, ‘is not.delegated to any:one mani or any set of mén.Itig 'a matter for the voters and they ‘have aright to>‘gay’“what they want and,to.in- sist upon:their choice of,men. ‘Coming ‘to.“party,mattens—thie Demverats being responsible fon thie ‘administration of affairs in Ire Gell—no oné ‘Democrat,‘nor a!‘half ‘dozeh or a dozen:Democrats,have the right.to.say who shall be chos-' en as officers or:what’.the policy, of:the party shall be.That is a matter for all Democrats to pass. on in the primaries.and.whatever they say goes.Tt is true,that.of- ‘ten Men assumée'to themselves lead ership—sometimes called)bossism—. and try to dictate who shall and what ed.upon im the ‘primaries,ete.‘This is presumption,what the late Capt: Geo.Bason,called .“‘assumacy.’’Of- not eer cases.Thissentiment is doubt-ithe masters of the people;Demo- less due to the fact that prohibi- ‘pion is not taken very seriously in Charlotte.Wherever.more or less open violation of any law is toler- fated;good)men on ‘a.jury.will mot be disposed.to convict,excus- ane themselves on.the ground:that the persons on ttial are not the only offenders;that ‘ofhers violate the.law and examples should not be made of.offenders weak in re- pources.and often less guilty)than others.This idea is«of.:course gil.wrong,for each case should ‘be tried strictly.on its merit;but thatthis Bintiment does have £6 iovs effect’is a fact well’known.to all intigent’obeérvers.In oth- er words,if there is a laxness about the enforcement of atly par- ticular law,a disposition to ¢ex- wuse and tolerate its violation,ju- rors will partake of the prevail- ing sentiment.and will also be dis- posed:to excuse.‘And sometimes itthis sentiment,beginning with some jpartionlar law that is unpopular, extends to offences against other laws,the/‘tolerdtion of wroné--0- img increases and crime flourishes. s s s are always happening which we can never hope to 'un- derstand.One is how newspapers become s0 “stuck”on a candidate that they not only cannot see the least:merit in others,but jump in wad abuse them.—Greensbore Rec- ford. It is pasting strange at this day, ship of bygone days.Formerly, the Record:wel)knows,all news- papers were expected to.be etrict- ly party orgats:To say anything good of an opposing candidate or party,or-even to treat them w)th common)fairness,was accounted)lit- have been great changes in news papers in this particular.”in the past 20 yeare—we're speaking-‘ot North Carolina newspapers—some of them are.still blindly partisan!and many of them have enough of it to be very.unfair at times,-So0 strong is this feeling that.it shows itself in inter-party.contests and champions of candidates in- Bide the party sometimes pay as hareh’things.of opposing,candi- dates as they would say of the candidate of an opposing.party. The newspapers,to be real news- papers,-ought to rise’above:parti- Bani-narrowness.Tt ie right and proper for them to espouse pais fiies-and candidates and.have °po- litical convictions ‘but they.should peek at all times to print the méwe and to be’fair.If a ecandi- date is considered unworthy it is all right to’point out what.are considered his deficienciés,but @arnest and faithful effort should fair;to avoid any sort.of,misrepre- -pentation and to avoid the use of intemperate language.In short, a newspaper that-is a real néws- paper and “dépendable should be ‘pO conducted that)men-of all faiths cat Tread it with the assurance that what it says may be relied.upon and that no matter how much)they icrats who hold commissions rhoose, policies, Llines. "from the party ane not commissionetl totellDemocratswhattodo;rather ft is.their businesss to take :or- ders,As individuals they can ad- vocate whoever and whatever thiey but to take advantage of official position to assumeta.dinect Democrats as to candidates and is a presumption that.men who do their own thinking and have opinfons of their own do not accept.Very often those selfas- sumed’leaders look upon and’at- tempt,to.treat those who do not accept their views and what they offer,as rebels against lawful:au- thority,‘as trying to:‘hurt the party,’’aS if these self-constituted directors were the custodian of the party'or.had authoity to say what it should and should not do. In fact,-'officeholdéers who try to dominate ‘a:party do it greatest damage,for théy ere taking ad- vantage of the influence of official position given them by their par- ty,a Wosition’as servant of the people,to obtain prestige and power and make themselves masters in- Stead of servants. ‘Let the people think on these things: Mr.Beaver Against Bossism and For.Salaries. To the ,Editor of The Landmark: Please give me space for1haveheardagreat said.avout Republican bogeism That they would,-at the crack of the,whip,march their men to the ballot box and.vote them to suit themselves Now then,what ~hastheexeciitivecommitteeoftheDem: a few deal ocratic|party done?They set themsélyes up and said that we must vote the tidket they,put up oefore we cay vote for salary or dog law.at.ig bossism,of,the whole cloth.Who gave them the power for,such a step?1.-will be75yearsoldinafewdays-and I have never yet been driven to voteto.5uit other folks amd I will not be driven now.I will not.vote for.any man who is not in favor of salaries.Let everybody vote ap he pleases;,that’will be fair.I believe im “equal rights to all.and special privileges to none.I am in favor of a new pset of countyofficers:Gut and out and ‘I ‘will tiot vote.for any man-row in of- fice._1 was pleased with.Clodfel- ler’s card and ‘Citizen’got there all right....Keep the pall.rolling and let's have a'new.ex¢cutive com- mittee.We dofi’t want any more bossism.Uf a:mani votes ap he pleases,them he is a free.man; if -he -votes to please pome one else he is’not.a free man but pome one else’y slave..Be a man and vote as you please.A ea _BPAVER seissink Sulphur a :of County.‘‘ Greensboro News,April 30th. A downpour of ‘sulphur wa theunusualsight,witmessed by nesi- dents near Gailfond College yester- diay,afternoon about 1 o'clock, sulphur being found fn pools of ‘water after the clouds had passed.:Apparently the unu- sual happening was confined .to-a small area,no other reports from other sections of the cOunty wineré taim fell,being similar. Ihe rain fell at Guilford about an hour before it camé to Green& boro end came frown.a heavy lack cloud with,which :there wis’some wind,Wihile it rained heavily:at |Greenshnoo aftenwards,the |down- may disagree with the .editor's wiews,if he-speaks his ”honest| conrictions tis viens wilt be re. pedted..‘The Landmark of this elias to live wp to it: doubtless ideal but # Joyce,Ky: attack ,or John R,Staton,”had ‘an‘exoeptionally severe whoop-ing cough.He says “If it had notbeenforFoley's Honev.and Tar.Com-pound F would have been compelled touitwork,Instead,I never missed a jay,and Foley's Honey and Tar Com-ound.gave,me instant«relief knd is pour ‘was pure.water-Bo A as ob- Beye An euryls nati ++a x vn phenomenon has not been miwa:0 There.never was when people apprec idepd the merits:of &theorberlainsCoughRemedymorethannow, This is shown by the increase in salesandvoluntarytestimonialsfrompersonawhohavebeencuredby,it.If you.oryourchildren:are troubled with a e&ighor‘cold:give it a'tria)and become acquaintedwithitsgoodqualities,r‘forsalebyall.dealers;a Lame hack is usually caused by rheu-matism of the muscles of the back,for ie enly couRh medicine we eyer use:ms0 ee Ptateeville.Urteg Siw which “youl .will find.nothif t etteree‘than beflain’®Liniment."For"'8by“aa dealers.|:oonX\” :HONOR TO WHOM IT 18. Messrs.Grier and.and.Watts Not ‘the |to whieh he is not’entitied, be..wise for the party and best for other :Jnative of ‘any.town may !work his ‘best under certain Guilford ; the, _DUE. Only Prohibitionists—Revord of, ‘Messrs.Steele and Turner—His-tory ‘of:the Watts Law.“th To the Editor of.The Landmark,i While prohibition is not an,is- rsue in the pre-convention campaign| in «Iredell,»the prohibition |record of some of the candidates has!beén ing them,and it seems to me that some additional facts phould:be stated on.this’line for the truth, of history. J.WW.weeks ago,“Mr. tion.record of Messrs.H..BP, Grier ‘and A.D;Watts.He says ‘that ‘bo Mr.GGrier is due the honor, while mayor..of Statesville,of hav- ing:-made Statesville ’‘a the.“best temperance town”“in the State and. of showing that prohibition—will’ prohibit... Now,I would not,take anything fram the.eredit due Mr.Grier for enforcing’‘the i prohibition: fhe.did,enforces.that’law,but BR don’t think Mr.Grier.would)want.Sree leaves tha ianpressiog.Mr.Grier is due alh the credit..It is’a.fact that Mr.J. Cc.Steele;an ardent.prohibi- tionist,was Mayor .of Statesville when.barrooms passed:out in 190% land he held the offirte..for ‘four years.‘He’enforced the law dili- gently and fearlessly,’and-paublicc. sentiment,regardless*“of ,previous attitude’on ‘prohibition,upheld. his hands..So that when succeeded Mr.Steele as mayor,° had a record.of foun years’en- forcemeht of the.prohibition’.law to follow.“The ice had been.broken and Mr.Grier did not.need to orig- ‘nate ‘the.law.enforcement.He maintained the record faithfully. Give him all credit,but I.do not Vanstony: that to he pondents of The Landmark have given Mr.A.D.Watts credit for the law that bears his name.In fact Mr.Watts is usually given credit for having put the State on a prohibition basis.Now Mr. Watts ;should have all the’cred-it to.which);he is entitled.I would take nothing from any hon: or justly due him..But he should not.accept.that to which he is not entitled,and if my informationiscorrect,the following is the his- tory of the Watts law: When thé Democratic Léginla- ture of.1903 met the Democratic leaders,chief’among them the late Gov.Aycock ahd Senator Sim- mons,had decided that it would the State to pars measure...The|dillWattslawwasprepared by ‘Gov. Aycock and Senator Simmons doubt- less.with the aid and ‘approval of Democratic leaders.Mr. Watts had never been known ‘a prohibitionist up to that time,|. but Mr.Watts is a politiciam and a ptohibition: exploited,for,the pumpose of help |. Writing.to The Landmark a few | Vanstory | highly complimented the prohilbi-| aw,for},d think he should ave credit at the expense of Mr.,Steele. -Mr.—Vanstory andi other corres |: known as the| TESTIMON IALS y neice ouffered for many years with Re |eegardher!ae being entirely relieved. to take Milam. in years. ington,ou can keep your money.entirely.well.think after 26 yeare a.,says: eczema am cured, writes:soluble banetit $0)the, There's Health . For You In Brief Extracts From Strong - 3 Mr,CT,Barkedale,P.M.at Danville for many years,writesuricacidrheumatism,She-took six bottles of Milam with the happiest results, ©Mr,R.Li Wallace.of Charleston,Weet Va.,writes:I havebeenasuffererfeacaCatarrhfortwentyyears‘when IdecidedIboughtthreebottlesandamnowon‘m:fourth.Mycatarthi is entirely gone and |have not felt so w CH:‘Williams,Saleoman for Cluett-Peabody& Am finishing my sixth bottle of Mila and Rev,D:P.Tate,«Methodist Minister,‘ofDisville.Va.SiItookoiNottlanalventMilamwhichprovedofincele: “oe ‘Tostinenlals are ‘From People of intelligence and High Standing -Mr.GreenWilliams,Minises Casetal le ond Power C. Danville,Va.,Ex-Chiefof Police,writes:For the past fee years,fallowihig an attack of erysipilis my foot and ankle ineflamedforseveralmonthsatthesametimeeveryyear.Last year,when the symptoms began to:appear,|took some of your Milam and wasentirely relieved.No return of the trouble since, Mr,W.E.Griggs,Sec’i Trane:‘Weatbrooks Elevator Co,former Cashier Bank of Danville,writes:About ten yeare a 10niyeyesightbegantofail,..,1 consulted severa Ans 'iste with no relief until about two years ago,was advise noth-ing'else could be done;'...consented to take Milam~did -'pot think it could hurt me,»About six wecks noticedimprove-._ment which has been et eWer since,..°.Now read’newspapers at night with ordinary glasses.+o++No.troubleinpieadingtomydutiesasexecutiveofelargecorporation;‘3 .Hunt-¥ii ieis Harmcny:News’NoCorrespondenceotThe’Landmark...There will.he preaching atMace- dnia next Sunday.afterfiioon. Mrs.Padgett,* -Mr,Robt.Lawrence and ‘Mr.gam. Dobson ‘were:Visitors in Hammony | Nast Sunday:.. -Mr;,‘Crockett Paris and wile spent last Sunday with Miss Davis, at Turnersburg._:i .Mr:J.N.Barron and wife spent last’Sunday at Mr.Cartright’s.Miss Beulah’Wetmore was the spent Saturday,night with “Mianee Mabel and Gladys Baity, Mrs. Yew weeks im.Statesville mother,who:iswriting. -DELICATE CHILDREN with her very ill at.this ’“T wish I could induce every moth:| er who has a delicate,sickly child,to| try your delicious cod liver fron tonic, Vinol. else had failed. Ohio.” The reason Vinol is so successful in building up puny, children,is..because it is a combina- tion of the two most world-famed ton-| blood-making and properties of tonic fron. If we can induce you to try a bottle of Vinol as a \body-builder and strength-creator.for your.child,and “BUROURD TION a shrewd.one all the.time,and he was éelected to introduce the bill and)manage its pamsage through the House because he was a_poli- ticlan.This -he did|‘successfully and was given the credit not only for this work but of having imiti- ated.the whole matter,which of course he did not do.But it is not to discredit Mr.|Watts that I am wrifffig..I’am pimply stating what I undefstand to be the facts.im the case;ani I want in.this connectiion to cal!at-tention to the prohibition record of Gov.:Turner,who is opposing.Mr., Watts for the State Senate..Mr. Turner’hap always been a prohi- bitionist.Twenty-five years ago, in local.option campaigns in States- ville;Mr.Turner's voice was rais- ed for.prohibition .Prohibition was not popular.then,Its advocates were in the minority and:moet of the .public.men of the time either opposed or dodiged it.Not 560 Mr Turner.While he was advocating prohibition ‘some of those who Com and Oats. Car White Oats. Harper’s Prolific Seed Corn 740 bushels grown on 8 -acres.High grade Flour —White Swann.Also -cheaper grades,and all *kinds feed stuff.See me before you buy.: A:A.Colvert. have since sought much:credit as prohibitionista;were opposing it and ridiculing its adfvocates,or keeping inighty still.Mr.Turner didn’t have to introduce a pohibition:bill to.get himgelf known us a ‘pohibi- tionist..He was always one;‘and as:Lieutenant ‘Governor and’.presid- ing officer of the State Senate when the po-called Watts law was passed,he uBed his influence in behalf of that law.Mr.Turner is not only prohibitioniet of long standing but.a man of high moral character in alll respec's This is written not to discred it Messre.Grier.and Watts,but to plate what I believe to be the factsandtodo.simple justice to Messrs.Turner and Steele JUSTICE ;Just So. Greensibono Record: It fe.a well-settled.fact that’a conditions,)yet. make a dismal .failure;“While ’a: perfect stranger bits the town and does.)things up to the queen'staste,Some time’ago a party of two or three Japs came to Greens’boro and opened an art Btore—a pamdisome display:of vases, antiques,.ete.An auction was held evéry afternoon and evening, the?rooms being crowded,and whatthesemoreorlessdistingwished men did for the people of —this community was quite enough,wilth pome to spare Ladies were prég ent in lange mumibers.One ‘tHhis tration -inmdicates the way people can be ‘fooled.iA padr-of vases exactly like these polid regularly at $80,broughit,$68.Eve rything,was gobbled up along,the same lines, Then,havitig awapt ‘the tebritory clean,yb poneSon toh—Cathe Obes for: hteeke others willl tum.the same the.getitlemen departed (whieh a experience ig fongotten come wlong amd!tick.2 : BOOT aa GIVES INSTANT AOTION! THE STATESVILLE DRUG OO.reports that A SINGLE DOSIp <of simple ‘ywektthoro bark,.glycerine etc.,ag compounded in Adler-i-ksi, the German appendicitin’:remedy’|}stops constipation.or gas on.the “Don’t Wait” For thepotato bugs to begin on your potatoes. Get.a package of ourSlugShotaridbegin - in time, Another ehipmentofthatslicedBacon just:arrived.Try it. PHONE 89,-—— Eagle &Millian :‘of!’Harmony,died at her home Sunday orning with },a Btrdke.of.paralycis, Made Strong by.Vinol—aa, you do not find it is all we claim,we, “will return your money on demand. ap /W:F.Hall,Drugegist,cratenyDe, guest ‘of Miss.Cecil Paris,last Bun | |Grier [ayMr.,Grier ;Misses’Lurian and Selma “Brown +; White is now ‘spending al 6 Bottles $5—Results Guaranteed’) IF YOUR FEET” a "Give You TroubleDon’t Fail to:UsevaxFOOTPOWDER | LETUS‘SHOW YOU,“25 CENTS.: AT ‘HALL'S-DRUG “STORE.PHONE NO.20. “It.restored.our little.daughter to health and strength after everything- It tastes so good she‘Toved to take it—not a bit of cod liver| oil taste-—Mrs,C.W.Stump,Canton,| delicate,ailing| fes—the medicinal“body-building ele-| ments of cod liver oil,aided by.the: strength-creating| { “=NEWS! Embroidery !! 2 All-over’Embroidery at 50c., ._Te.and $1.00 yard.|: 44 inch Flouncing at 75c.yd. Flouncing,call widths and prices,NEW-MILLINERY inte every day. Silverware given away every day. -See us beforebuying.4 Mong people ‘are béing nelStomach:INSTANTInY.eeStates:D.B.Krider &Lamy. ieoe ie;‘tb .|Write for seen .PAULLen:ibs ie the oe | \ ayWis)LTS Idi re 4[/aR Qed 7s on The Cultivator you have been looking for FARMER.Comein and sce the best oneEEEintheworld.ee "White Stimpson Hardware Company. LEAVE YOUR CALL WITH.BIG BEN AND SLEEP.SOUND, Leave your Watch Work and Engraving with:&WOODWARD 2 And get your money’sworth.Buy’your jewelry there and you're ‘‘it.’”’ iH.B.WOODWARD,Jeweler. gy Place Your Order _NOw FOR}. 4 Awnings and ilPorch Shades \ We will put them up any time want- Vidor RE-ENFORCED you money. HAMMOCKS |o THE KIND THAT LAST hs ed and will save “+SEE— é Statesville Housefurnishing Company. R.'O.DEITZ,Manager. SalesDay is the first Monday i in each monthiinStatesville,N.C. NOTICE.eetTapounds Toran tinea change for one ee BUTLER | MILL,Harmony,N.C.iaTharpe:Miller,and) J.B,,Wilgon,Proprietor.ril 30.-8t.of the estate of Avery N.Soperilt. |deceased,I hereby notify all per-t tater I fay.fine White Femeuth /gone having fats ages gt his .es- 1 round f tate to presént’same me AdayofApril, joke Foary (Aid“RB.MMcLaughilin,Att'y, NOTIOE TO OREDITORS. eo Having qualified as ‘edministrator HATOHx08 ae Pesiore atFanashan epBer setting tor. All.the.Cynews.yond an:the ot news Wax.know.GetLAND:\ c Abra 12,1912.ye ) For Rentor Sale! Five-room en No.205 south ‘Race street.; Two-story niiube:No.111 Highs avenue.— ' :Maisie.six-room house, west Sharpe rere ‘City °water:in’all of the |above houses...1).te It interested see us,” ‘i cn “Ny :< Jenkins &Wane, neDEALERS, OFFICE:SOOKE 3.4FirstNationalBankBuilding.."PHONE:282. FOR SALE! ‘bot Cash Tobacco Warehouse,130x285,comer Watemt and.Meet-|.. (ng.streets..Lot 60x107,corner Court Meeting stnrects.| -26%acres,at Bufola,$30 per acre.16 acres;e86:mile east of court hovee. and 76 ‘acres,-ione mile and a.hale. west:365 acres,one.mile and a quarterwest. ‘70 acres,one mile and «@ halt west...“211 acres,five miles north,$30 - per acre_$56 acres,three milee east,.$25 ay acr¢’auitiber of©other desirable ‘titue and business properties.See me before’making an investment.ISIDORE WALLACE, First National Bank Butiding.- "Phone 240.— $12,000 of City Property! _FORSALE — Fiveroom house and jot,south Center street,near depot.Two vacant lota rear above, Meeting street..Six vacant lots aouth of Brad- ford Kaitting Mill ;Hight-room,house,ood well emd barn,aud four acres of land, Buffalo Shoal Road.Four-room house,6%acres land, Buffalo Shoal Roa‘.-‘Two vacant lots Buffalo Shoal Road.Store house and residemce and acte lot,junction weet Front street and Buffalo Shoal Road:Also stock of Grocertes and fixtures. Call’on or writeC.B.MORRISON,739 West Front St.:March 8.*Phone 227. CESS 7 oyNOTICE! TO OUR PATRONSANDTHEPUBLIC: We wish to announce that although we have had.a fire we are taking: care of our businéss just-as ustial.Let us «have,your laundry work.We . Will appreciate it. STATESVILLESTEAMLAUNDRY .(PHONE 122. Pinewood Dairy Farm, a ‘STATESVILLE,'N.C.RB.F.p.NO.2, W.C.WOOTEN &SONS,PROPS,| SEED CORN.Weekly’s Im- proved variety at $2 per bushel. |THE.LANDMARK |*ov TEYRIDAY;9 ic)May 3)1912, LOCAL RAILROAD SCHEDULE,«4 Arrival and Bonesothville, Train:No,15,west-bound,due 6.55 a.m.Train No.16,east-bound,due 11.20 p.m.drain NU.Ll,West-bound;due 4v.4¥aw.Train No,21,west-bound,due 3.26 p.Train No.36,west-bound,due/10.22 p.Train Ne,36,east-bound,due 1100 aTrainNo.22;°oeni:pound.ue 1.20 p.™Train No,12 t-beund,due 6.46 p.CHARLOTTEAND TAYLORSVILLE,:From Charlotte.Traim No,16 ar.9.60,leaves 11.00 a.m’Train No,24 ar.8.26,leaves 8.35 p.mFromTayloraville.23 ar.10.10,seaves 11.00 a.m15.arr 6.20,leaves 6.45 p.m. teon Train No,Train Noe.—_—_—_—«————————————X—————_——_—_—__ Closing'Exercises’Troutman High School, Correspondence.of ‘Phe Patani. ‘{Toutman,Myr 1-—-The ‘closingéxercises‘of.the Troutmam High School will begin’Sunday.:monning,|May 3,With @ s¢rmon'by Dr.J.8. Moffatt,president”of ‘Erskiye.|Col- lege.On’Monday.night a’literarysocietyaelebration‘will “be held;at which’Rey,J.,.M:White,of fre the.best .essay and ‘the:ottier.for: the,Best,dechama tion.aaesday morning Rev C.-E:.Raynaj,.’Statesville,will.deliver the one ral address,aud Tuesday enighits’ex- ercises*ee enieron off songs and rec- itations,‘will.be ‘given.| SeSUFFEREDEVERYTHING For Fourtoen Years.Restored To Health by Lydia E.Pink- ham’s Végetable Compound. ¢‘ Elgin,Ill.—‘‘After fourteen years of suffering everything from femate-com- plaints,I am at last restored.to health. **T employed,the 4best doctors and fHeven went to the hospital for ’treat- ong wasno help for But while tak- ee Lydia E.Pink~- Compound I began to improve and I continued its use until I was made well.” Mrs,HENRY LEISEBERG,743 Adams St. Kearneysyville,W.Va.—‘‘I feel it my duty to write and say what Lydia E. done for me.“L:suffered frorn female weakness and at times felt so miserable .‘After.taking .Lydia E.Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound and following your special directions,mytrouble is:gone. Words-fail to express my thankfulness:I recommend your medicine to all my friends.’’—Mrs.G..B.WHITTINGTON. The above are only two of the thou- sands of grateful letters which are con-stantly being received by the Pinkham Medicine’Company of Lynn,Mass.,which show clearly what great things LydiaE.| Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound does for those who suffer from woman’s ills. If you want special advice write to)Lydia E.Pinkham Medicine Co.(confi-|dential)Lynn,Mass,Your letter will|be opened,read atid answered by a}woman and held in strict confidence. i L.Steyenson, .President, Loray;N.C,W.R.Sloan,Secretary-Treasurer,| Statesville.N.C. {Iredell and’Alexander Branch Farm-| ers’Mutual Fire Insurance Asso- ciation of North Carolina. Over $600,000 Insurance in force. Average cost less than $1.00 per $1,000 per year:Carry in treas- ury sufficient funds to pay any oné loss.For further infcrma- tion apply to M.L.MOOSE,~~General“Agent.| April23,It.a.w.. My Machine Shop . Is complete and I am ‘prepared to do| any kind of repair work. Engine and Boiler Work .a Specialty:| tings up to 3 inches. bricators;Oil Caps “arid:Jet Pumps, Pipe‘and Shafting. Cc.H.TURNER, Depot Street. -OPPORTUNI TY.| WwW LL erect building on vacant lot |° at rear of our big stables to suit} tenant.Will erect large or small Poultry -Supplies !: ele Hatchers, Come and gét one and let your hen,go-back to egg production.° Also have Drinking Foun-tains,Food Trays,Food Hoppers,etc. WB.BROWNor B.L.SRONCE. Just received ghiprnent t buildin"HlHENKEL-CRAIG WE STOCK CO. oy epee Special Sale| co EVERY .~ Friday andSaturday Until July 1st to “close-out my entire ~BUFF ORPINGTON,15 for $1.25. ‘EGGS.“Davis.ShStatesville.»Kort23—~4t. stock.Reduction for cash.| Mrs.N:ML.Keim, 2 \April 26.S of Traine at! dey},will deliver.two medals,.one for | ment:and was “told | ham’s Vegetable}. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound has| I could hardly endure being on my feet.| Also carry a full/line of SteamFit-|Injectors,Lu-} Dealerin Machinery, IN QUAINT ‘OLD IoLONDON ‘TOWN, Among the Ruinsjine.and °Relics ofAncientDays—A;)en me -Churches |and teNotables—Jota Wealey'a1nee” ~The:tolicwing ‘letter,written,b¥ Mrs.Bo F.Loug from.(London tothe.Eclectic.club.of Stateaville, -was uot..intended for publication;but:itis eb.interesting and valua- dle that ‘The’Landmark .has.beenfBiver.:permission to publish.it. In fompany witha friend,who although an American has lived in London long enowgh to become pome- what familiar with ite by-ways,I have ~visited a number of places ‘not included in the itinerary off the average tourist because they are rather out .of the beaten track. These places are ali in the old pantofLondgn—-the city proper-—in an area whith esa]ed:the great.fireof1686thatdestroyedsomuch of the old city.My friend and.Idedicatedtwodays’to the»,pur;pose,‘and niade diligent,use of ‘the time.)(We first:visited the church of ‘St.Sepulehre,which’,is-+: than ‘some of thevothéersebecausehereCapt,Jbhy Smith-is “buried. 1 thouglt:of the Polectia at.onceandtheinscription.an ‘the ‘tablet:to Bis memory Lf copied,thinking it would bé of interest .in’,connection with one.-of:.the pooks of our present series—The Birth of the Nation---but it.is.rather long ‘to insert here.‘The old prison of New gate used to stand’quite near Bt.Bepuldhre’s:..There ‘was an.under- ground passage leading trom:.theprison.tc the church,and throughthisprisonerswerebrought.for Lprayer before being taken.to *“TY- bura for execution,and were pre sente with a nosegay,.We .swereshown:the old Dell,three hundredyearsold,which was rung by the ‘bellman,of St.Sepulchre ..outsidethe:condemned cell at midnight,|01 ‘the eve of un execution.He:then| recited the following lines: “All you that in thie.condemned hole do lie, Prepare’you,for tomorrow you shall je Watch all.and pray,“the hour is drawing near,That you.before -the “Almighty ‘Shall appear. Examine:wel?yourselves,in.time repent,;That,you,may.not.to.eternal flames be’sent, And when St.Sepule hear:bel?in them. }Who died dn :1728, perhaps better known:to -Américans |®' found “|graves, .the morning tolls, The Lord.have mercy. .souls.”: Just.around shor:distance, on ‘your Nee | the corner,a yery.| is the church of St.|Bartholomew..This is the .oldest| chusch ..in London,having been| founded in.1123,and ie the finest|specimeri of Norman architecture in| England.In the time ‘of Henry | VIII some portions of it ‘were| destroyed,the main body only be-.| j fag left.intact, have in modern,times been restored| at great expense Hogarth =‘was |baptized at.its font,:an Washing-ton irvine was an attendant.Near jiby is the street called ‘Little Britain,”which figures:in one of his sketehes.There are many 1-1 |of pote buried here;among the (Sir *Walkter Wildman,Chancellor of thee Exchequer to Queen Elizabeth; aiso Johm and Whitiing, who.must’‘*have an excepition- Margaret been al couple,.for a tablet to their }memory by,their son says,in quaint |01K English spelling: cay ae deceased,he for d.lit- tle tried:-: |to live without her,liked it not, and!died."*. I met a lady there who is an art-| ist and comes sometimes to make‘ feontalae rc of,the interior.She told jme that spirits walked ‘there and j tt surely ‘seems a fitting place jfor-them,She said the rector and{this wife had both on different.oc-jcasions pee the figures of two old monks kneeling at the altar, and that’she berself.while working pthere -often detected-the odor---of jimvisible incense.Seeing my great jinterest,she gave me her card and jSaid if I would come to see her ;ehe would tell me mang more.won- |derful things,but having some jMisgivings as.to her sanity,1 |he aven't quite decided whether I'll £0 On a litthe.street,back of ©.the church,so narrow that a earriage |kas barely room to pass,there are jsome of the -queétest old:houses of Queen’Elizabeth’s time,and the |famous —Dick Whittington Inh, founded ‘in the fifteenth..century. One of the old houses collapsed a |short timé ago.We sBaw-the ruins. jFortunately no one was in it at the time.In-front of St.Barthol- jomew's is'.Smithfield,‘the’place where the Protestants ‘were’burned under.Mary,and the Non-conform- Lists under Elizabeth..It is now ja busy market-place’and.it re-;quires a stretch of the!imagina- |tion to picture it as the scene of Buch,crime and suffering.Here in }1305 the Scottish chief,William |Wallace,was beheaded.- The ¢harter Housé is one of theoldplaces,of this section.It was originally,a monastery,found- od in 1371 on thé site of a bury- |ing ground.for persons’dying of | the plague.When Henry VIII °de- Stroyed’the monasteries jit -passed after many.-changes into .thehandsof*the Duke of Norfolk, who made it his town house..HereRueenEliaabeth|stayed for fivedaysprecedinghércoronationandafterwardscametovisit.HeretheDuke’held.gecret{meetings with the emissaries.of Mary,Queen of Scots,and formed)his.conspiracy against.Elizabeth.‘We saw hisbedroom‘where the letter was found from Mary that cost phim’_hishead.The;place has been used in modern times a6 a school for boys and a home for indigent gen-tlemen.Thackéry,Blackstone,Ad- dison and Steele,were ‘among —itspupiis,ph Runhily Mields Ceyyatery se the old Non-confornmist burying ground,The Non-conformists werd not al-d to be buried in what wasled=consecrgted .ground.)The graves of Susannah Wesley,Isaac.Watts,Bunyan and De Foe arethere,Bunyan was taken ’ill!and: edi:while vibiting in London. [had been twice. |Paintings on the,walls,7 but these portions |© |.At Botolplis ution for their ‘faith,and”many quaint and amusing inserip.ions,if such a word cai"be ‘apptied "to ‘One to Dame Mary.Page, relict of Bir Gregory)Page,baronet,has its touchofpathos,too.It tells us in largelettering:that in ‘67 months”shewastapped66timesandhadtaken‘away 240 gallons of.-water,with- wut ever repining at her ods,‘or fearing .the:-operation.’’Speakingofinscriptions:neminds me that in Westminster Abbey,near the Poet's Corner,there is a -tablet:inscrib- to the memory of Thos.Parr, who wis’born in 1485 and died-in£637.His ‘spam.of life embracedthereignsoftenEnglish-pover- signs,from.Henty VI.to Charles I.It is not stated that he had anyotherclaimtobeenrolledamong the great beyond the fact that he Managed to.withstand,the stornis and.stress of life:for 152.years. Opposite BunhiltFields Cameteryis‘the W esley home,kept:now as...Wesley:.myseum.We Baw ©his TaD ‘ vhairs;,just as he “left.them,’his study ‘and’the.desk|where “higsermons“were written;“and—then. Passed into the little.\prayer-roomadjoining,where we stood im.never-ential”silenke,-feeling‘that.we Should take..the shoes.from.off-our |) feet.Thes Wesley chapel adjoins, ‘ald hisé-Srave and:monument are’back.of it’.The chapel is much as it was.in Wesley’s.time,except that the piltang supporting:the gal- lery have.been meplaced by col- amns.of French jasper,the Meth-odists of different coumtriem./each givingsone.’The.cost was -100pounds.apiece.-Both the Northern and Southern Methodists gave one and ‘the’Amenican Methodists alsohavetwohandsomemémonial.win- dows to Bishops ‘Asbury and Simp- 6on.‘ The Temple’church is.apother beautiful example.of Norman ar- ehiteeture;“almostBartholomew..At ‘first we were tolad there was’no’admission,°this with’many other places)being”clos- ed to the public for fear of thesuffragettes,but whem the keeper we were Americans he sus- bended the rules sufficiently to:al- low:us to put.our heads in..(Mhis is the.plate wnere-tha Crusaders started,and some of.“them are buried .here,.°.We.saw.their the bronze effigies having .the legs crossed to.indicate’thatthev.-"ad-been to the Holy Land. When.the.leg is crossed abovejthe,Knee.it indicatés that ‘they Just outside is the gtave of Goldsmith.es During’the Reformation those who believed that ‘religion ‘and |beauty-were incompatible,white- wishied the 1 wish’I \could give you some idea of the charm of these.old buildings,with ir gray afches,and rich win-z I am’sending some pictureiswhichgiyea_suggestion of iri is another ancient church.We happened in at:the hour of the,noon service,and:wit- ressed ‘the ceremony of blessing a woman after the birth of a child -—‘ohurching,’’I think they €all it:She was youmg and sweet- looking anid it was avery pretty ceremony.Keats was hére October 3ist,1795.Great St.Helén’s is the West- minster Abbey.of.the business world..Here is buried Sir:Robert Gresham,who:founded .the Royat Exchange,in .Elizabeth’s time;Sir, Julius Caesar,‘Masterof the’Rolls in James I,and many =others. Shakespeare was one of the panish-oners.The church was |tounded onthe site of one erected by the Emperor Constantine in.memory of his mother Helena;which gives it. its name.i By”this time I felt positive} ly.steeped in antiquities and 50 fullof names and:dates as to be in danger of suffering from:mental mal-acsimilation.It was almost relief to get out into the modern world again., ‘It ig remarkable ‘to see |how readily Americans are recognized here..The other ‘day,having lost my-—bearings,a thing by no means uncommon,I_made bold to ask W gentleman standing near to direct me..He gaid -he woukl do.bo with pleasure and added,“D-am @ countryman of yours,”whicn quite took my breath away.1 have frequently bat)people in shops and other places’to refer to the fact of my being an American.when.1thought‘it had been carefully.con- cealed. Now is the time to get rid of yourrheumatism.You can ao it:by apply- ing Chamberlain's Liniment and -mas-Saging the parts freely at each ap.fFlication..For saleby all dealers. MADAME RACHELLE’S, ADVICE TOBEAUTYSEEKE 23 -with’the worn books and | as did as.St.|/ interior to hide the} baptized* Miss Jessie R.—A reddened nose is remedied byfrequentbathingwithalternatehotandcold water,Do not eat highly spiced foods. Mary Jon1e8—A combination of c row’s feet andfreckles,at your early age is rather unusual.J} would recommeend ft ha simple preparationknownasWilson's I 2cream.This is both askinfoodandfaceach,and is highly satis- factory._Follow directions on the:package for afew‘weeks anit you .will be well pleased with.results.It.is absolutely harmless!.guaranteed,epee oe ae -i yo drug:store orirectfromthesonFreckleCreamCompan.Charleston,8.C.sama Wilson's Freckle Créam is sold by « Statesville Drug Company. IT’S SO EASY TO END CATARRH! Pany’s and say:“I want a HYO-MEI outfit.’Take it home,..open the box,pour:a few drops of HYO- MEI from the bottle into the littlehardrubberinhaler.Breathe it for five minutes and note the *refreshingreélief..Breathe it,four or five times a day for a few ‘days,and catarrh)and all ita dis- gusting symptoms will gradually disappear.|°LHYOMETgontaingnoopium,co- raine or other harmful drug.and is sold on money-back plan for ca- tarrh;asthma,croup,colds,coughs and catarnhal deafness,Completeoutfi*’$1.00—extra bottlea if neéd-ed,50 cents atthe Statesvilla DrugStore:and druggists everywhere. Simple instructions for use in everypackage.You can’t fail)to There ane the graves of many,whoBuffered)ee and perme: van Biguandalape ls Danish catarrh if ie followitinalQ; ftth ae Go to the Statesville Drug Com- MAN AND THE ‘SOUL. Dr.R.¥,Pierce of Buffato,author ofthe Common Sense © Medical Adviser,says ‘‘why ¢does*not the farmer treat his own bodyas he treats the land he cultivates..He puts back in phos- ®hate what he takes out in crops,or the land would grow poof.Neat The farmer.shou!d put baék tnto his body the.vital elements:.: exhausted by labor,or by ill-health induced by..sgme ‘chronic disease.’Further,he says,‘‘the great yalue of my.Doctor. Pierce’s Golden‘Medical Discovery “is in.its vitalizing power.Ae gives Strength to the stomach and purity to the blood.It is like the phosphates.which supply nature with the:substances:that build up the crops. Doctor Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery a is due to its effect on “the stomach and organs of digestion and nutrition,Dis- eases that begin in the ‘stomach are cured through the stomach.A bilious spelf is simply the result of ‘an effort ‘made by the liver tocatchup when over-worked and exhausted.-I have found the ‘Discovery’to be unsurpassed as a liver.reg-; ulator and rich blood-imaker.”” Miss Lorrie KNISELY of Say.Kansas,sages eness oV emedy upon myse ilo .ara OF Ore,fhe vce Ww iththre 26 different doctors besides taking numers ous kinds of so-called ‘stomach cures’but receive«dno permanent relief.was rum ‘down,could not sleep.at night with the pain in my chest;caused -by gas on.the stom- ach..Was weak,.could eat scareely anything,although Twas hungry nearty all the time About one year and ahalf ago I began ‘taking your*Golden Medical Discov- ery,ahd*after’having:taken several bottles am nearly cured of stomach troub ee Cin now eat without dispress and have gained fifteen pounds in weight. I thank you for-your re ody,and wish you all sUccess:in your good work’ “].will here add my testimeny I was troubled with indigestion IN BUYING YOUR CORSETS._ _AMERICAN LADY CORSETS ° Willcive you the fashionable figures as no thee “Corset”a -ean.They are:positively rust proof,and absolutely * Fos.ForSlender,’Medium and’Stout igures. 1 to $10 ALLEN L.MILLS, THE CASH STORE(Successor to The Ladies’FurnishingStore.}: Bate BBrown's$7 se a HOSIERY — TRADE MARK REGISTERED| »FOR : i MEN,WOMEN AND CHILDREN ; We Will Guarantee Your Hosiery Bill Not toRaaOver$3 a Yea: Buster ‘Brown's Darnless.Hosiery,guaranteed for Men,Women and Children.We guarantee these hose against darn-ing or mending,against holes.in the heel or toe.For every pair thst does not make good we will give a new pair FREE.Our guarantee means absolutely the very best quality in every strand.of the yarn used in making ‘these hose:Means a smoth,even,silky-lisle finish—gauzy ‘and sheer—cool and comfortable—attractive iin appearance.A-stockin shaped to the foot—ankle,heel and toe.All Buster Brown Hosiery hasthe‘‘German Loop’’toe—no seams and knots—French finish tops,reinforced heel,toe and gartertops.:Garters won’t tearnorstretchthemoutofshape. Cuaranteéd—25c.a Pair. Four pair in a’box for $1.ay a eens 4 months againstdarning. a Poston-Wasson Co. Behe &Gas:aeCe ne @ ae ee aMVAT SALT °EMOVAL SALE’ -For forty-seven days we will offer our entire stock _at*greatly ‘reduced .prices.This stock includesnewStieffs,new Shaws,new-Bennett & Bretzs,new Kohler &Campbells,and other makes of new Pianos and many difterent makes of second hand Pianos that have been MORO DY repaired,refinished,ete.,in our shop)’ All of these;Pianos are excellent bargains.We hope to move this stock rapidly and if price has anything to do with the sale it will go quickly. CHAS.M.STIEFF, 5 West Trade Street,Charlotte,N:C, STIEFF BUIL DING,219 South Tryon Street,Oppo-. site Academy of Music;after June Ist,1912. =a cecceraeee =—Or cere 100'acre farm in one mile of eight-months’High School. story six-room dwelling,good barn and outbuildings,good or-- chard and two branches...Fifty acres in cultivation,balance inoakandpinetimber;in‘good neighborhood,ata bargain.fis see acre farm with fine water power.Two seven-room dwell-i,three tenant houses,barns and outbuildings,100 acres in on tivation,balancein oak and pine timber. terest on investment.;A aasibae of other smaller fatms,suburban.andcity propertyor.sale.Good dividendpayin stocks in local ‘corporations;will ex-change for city property or farm lands. Statesville,N.CForfurtherinformationcallonorwrite INSURANCE,STOCKS AND REAL ESTATE. hs Two- ine ERNEST G.GAITHER,- :“)RHONE 23;OFFICE NO.1,-MILLS BUILDING.’' The far-reaching action of .~x Rents pay good in-a re oexa ! Pla8 ‘ Ourselves against ‘sending tocappear if fomshgy at.the polis THE LANDMARK “ROR [CLARK,EI ITOR AND¢WNER, PUBLISHEDTUESDAY AND-FRIDAY. 120.|W -~1OFFICE:Tr.BROAD.STREET,SUBSCRIPTION.PRIC EWONWATicetasee's $2.00BEX):MONTHS i cany-1,00 THREE:MONTHS,50 FRIDAY,May 38,1912. MR,TURNER AND THE BELL—A WORD PERSONAL. The Landmark has receiyed the .following: To the Editor of The Landmark:Eufola,;N.C.,April 30,1912. I heartily peree with you:as to 'Salaries for county.officers, '/But we have been taught by The “Landmark for ‘thany years.to guard’ men to. “represent ué in the Legislatures whoaréemployedbyanykindofa monopoly.*Ree SS :“We believe in.the!teachings of fhe Landmark of some ‘years ago. dy reward to this.ae ee? ‘*We.understand there “is|an ‘employe of the’Bell,Telephone Co, wanting.te.go to Raleigh:to repre-, sent the people of Iredell. We.people of this section):are ‘with you till it comes to this-——and _then we are on the fence.Please turn on,the light;as usual,©Bro. lark.What do the-people say?|. pie T.M.PATTERSON. This communication is printed with .pledsure,for it givés The Landmark an opportunity to make @ statement..Mr.Patterson —of course refers to Hon.W.D:Turner, candidate for the Senate.The Land- mark has contended,as Mr.Patter~ son says,not.only that regularly retained attorneys of public”-ser~ vice’corporations should)not «be elected to the Legislature,but that they,should not be elected to any public ‘position if they are to sontinue ‘im.'‘the capacity of attor- neys for these:corporations while dozen Democratic nominations)If he believed that Mr:Turner would in the Leéegiglature use his influence for the Bel)company or any”other corpcration.as against the people, rhe ~would not support him in the primarics and ‘would not vote:for him at.the polls...That is just’how strong a feeling the editor of this paper has,about,such matters. Mr,Turner pays he is:not ‘the regularly retained attorney of any public service corporation!and there is nothing in his life or character to indicate.*that he is untrue to pledges or has failed to keep his word.»sa eee The spresidentiall preference pri- maries seem to be very,complicated ‘affairs,“In Massachusetts Tuesday the,gight ”.delegate at large to the national.convention pledged to Col,Roosevelt received ‘a marjority of?thes VOLES.\e,The (batiot ‘contain:| img’thé names of the delegatesdl so contained ‘a column in which the voter expressed)his preference tor President,’and,strange.to say,while 2lecting.the.Roosevelt)delegates the .majority of the voters ex- pressed a preference for Taft for President.That’is a complication| thatis hard to explain...‘Col,Rooge- vélt insists that although:his dele- gates are elected they should vote for Taft because a‘majority of the volers expressed a’pnéferengpe for Ta‘t..The #egates pay they were’ elected as Roosevelt men and will vote for him :What.will‘be done about it remains tc be seer According to the figures’of Pres- ident Taft’y friends:the President lacks but.95 votes of sufficient strength to'win the nomination in the Chicago convention,while Roosevelt.lacks $17::It should be said,however,that’the Roosevelt forces figure differently... LLNS STATE NEWS. representing the people;and:‘Fhe Landmark is of the same opinidn| still.These are’the facts ‘with| -reference to this paper and Mr.| Turner:j When the editor of The .Land| mark understood that Mr.Turner| “would be a candidate’on the isal~-| ary platform,he (the editer)—for| towns are Salisbury’s'dog law prohibit&all dogs running at large in’May,June, July and August.This.is Precau- tion agabhst hydrophobia,which’is supposed to,be more.prévalent©in the hot months. The following North to have ‘savings banks in postoffices after June 1:Bakers- ville.Bessemer.City;Bleak Moumn- tain,‘Blowing’-Rock,Bocne,Boon- Carolina the firet timé approachéd Mr.‘Tur-|ville,Burnsville,Cherryville;:Con- ner about the matter and eaid to bim in substance the following: ¥have ‘takem the position attornéys for’public service cor- porations should nct be elected.to| |over,|Falls,Grover,Maiden,Mooresboro, |Pilot Mountain,Stanley,Stony:Poiat that |and Yadkinville.. Dallas,East Bend,Granite Govemor:Kitchim -offers a>re ward-of:$300 for parties unknown who \were implicated in the:mur-h segigi<and i have not |i ;_ae ee a ee eh ider of John Dixon.and wife inchangedmyviewsaboutthatMat-|Cleveland county last fall,a ter i icrime for which)John.Ross,color Mr.Turner answered in sub-/|ed,is:now awaiting electrocution |August 11.‘A reward of $400 ‘is*plance and’im effect:- You are right...I am fot the;re- tained attorney.for amy public eervice corporation I appear for| the Bell Teler hone Company,the} Southern Express Company and’the Western Ur Telegraph .Com-19n.” 'of Benjamin loffered for the uriknown,murdérereWalker‘in Currituck county. Dr..and Mrs.Charles.R.Fisher haye resigned from thé musical faculty of .the Presbyterian Col- Beginning Sep- will,havelegeatCharlotte. tember 1 Dr.Fisher pany,but-I am-not the retained at-|charge ofthe Conservatory of Mus- ‘“tomey°of any of them or any pub-jic,at Anderson College,Andergon lie service corporation.I appear |®©and Mrs.Fisher will “be ‘;Li the d on of the teachers in the institu-for them wher ey employ me.and tution.They will.epend,the sum- when the case is ended my service |mer abroad. EDGE H.A.Goodman wae dynamiting That ig Mr:Turner's s‘iatement fish in Coldwater.creek,Cabarnus and,not.be questidned by.|County,Tuesday right.A stick of ‘those who know the.man!Every attornty “knows ‘that alt lawyers ‘seppear for public service corpora- tions or for any other corporation.or If lawyers who appear for corporations ndiwid uz when employed all were excluded from public office, :the of be -eligible, prominence, appear.for willing | is want- pearcely a lawyer ih State aby,prominence would for ali at some these lawyers of any time cr other, corporations,or are their service ,ody “5 t 4 There is a difference between the regularly retained attorney of ‘pm corporation and one who appears for them when.his service is want-- ed.The -former’is employed*all the time and is paid a regular sal- ary.The latter appears when he} is émp'oyed and’when the case is | endéd h's service ends.The lat- ter pcsition is probably.that’.of 999 Jawyers in every thousand. The position of The Landmark is that aregularly retained attorney of a corporation,paid to-renden ser- vice Whenever.the corporation’s in- teresis are-effected,should not ac- cept service as a’representative of the people if at the same time he ~Sp to ccomtinuein the service of.the corporation.For .if-+he is retain- €d)to represent the corporation ‘and fretained to represent —the people at the same time,when the |Zion |begun..operations dynamite exploded im his hand;his left hand was blown off,one’eye was blown out,he may Jose the sight of the other,both cheek bones were fractured,a-great gabh was eut>in lip.and.sevéral teeth knocked out.His injurice are con- sidered serious and probably fatal his Followers of Dowie Would RefornUsersoftheWeed. City,HJ.,Dispatch,April.29. Rioting,which may result perious ly,started heré late this evening when employes of independent man- ufacturing.toncerne attacked a group of 200 Zion men and women at a prdayermeeting Both méh and women were beaten with,clubs and blackjacks and a number mere periously injured.The fight -came of a week of trouble the independ- as the.climaxbetween-employes of ent concerns which recently have here and the} church)people,formerly follawers.of| John Alexander Dowie. As a protest against the use of | tobatco'By the emrlvyes of the man-| ufacturing companies,followers-of Wiibur Glenn ©Voivia,successor to:Dowe’s aithority,have .been holding prayermeetings in front .of one.of the plants twice.each day. Elder Royal had.just’ealled.the second meeting today when peveral score men rushed out of thie .plant,tore diown.or leaped.over banriers which had been erected)around the prayer platform and drove Zionists from that part of town.Immediately after the fight at the prayerméeting tonight Voliva or dered the large alarm bell rung-and more than 1,000 men gathered at the auditorium to’discuss’plans)for interts'é of the two conflict he will be in an embarrassing position.| Whichever side he favors he will} ‘pe untrue to the other side.kf he| favors neither,he|standy:aside and for the corpofa-.|fails in his pervice, tion and the people him \re-| aimed and each -is entitled to his| have sory ieee ~ But 4h conclusion Jet The,Land- wark be clear'aeto ite own position resisting further a tacks by employ:§, af independent companies wha filled the etreets tonight:and threatened to “clean out the town.’’A second clash between the church people anc the independents was,-predictedat the auditorium meeting;where Vol: iva.unged his.followers to protect their women andi children.from the ‘tobacco-smoking curs,’’as.he stig- matized the independents.. New Hanipshire State Republican leonventfon Tuesday elected,four del- ws ito Mr.Turner and’the Bel)|egates-at-largé to.the Chicago com- Sompany:If Mr.Turner was ‘the }vention:favoring)the renomination :of that|Of-President Taft and:instructedregutly!retained attorney or any other public’gervice:cor- poraticn;the ‘editor of this paper would not only.oppose ‘him,in the pritiariem:but he.would if he hada ¥ en a!iy We we not wore lh ithemfto vote for hig,until releas- ,ed.A-clause ini-the platform pre- }Bented to.the ‘onvenkion,instruct-' fing the delegates aot to.vete for Colonel Roosevevt under any.cir- icumstencea,was sptricken~cut after a heated dubate,ee the Gambling Den Unearthed at Con-|Is,Fede -»Cord,\>‘:*’For Liquor Casts,‘ Soneord Tribune.)y >‘.°,|New ‘Berne Journal,i i A povided floor,covers {ar the win-|'The untisually tare suber tt sigs dows,a box surrounded by several)uor cases on the Federal Court dock- chairs,a large’supply.of any liquor |aractbottles,were part of,the furnishings|same,provoked the significant re-of an upstairs room nota hundredfeet |mark from Judge Connor,fo the ef- from the square...It needed nosignto fect that.most of the cases should have show that it was.a.rendezvous for|been tried and disposedof where thegamblers.The owner of the building|came from,while to this the solicitor made the.discovery yesterday.The added,no doubt,the big and speedyroomwashotrentedtoanyone:and fees to those interested,were impor- me oer nae ppanion Pa asthe bape considerations in bringing upursday.’He.discovere at the’these cases.:1 door cnet locked,.a lock having been|Any person attending the Federal placed on the inside.Bycrawlingon |Court sessions,and keeping careful the outside and raising a window,he |watch.on the procéedings,willappre-succeeded i SEPT Gs Hiptiblngg oo feo me oe epeclally,the same had.not only gambled,but they had)person keeps tab on the liquor cases’trespassed Oranotherman's property |that.are spread on the docket of the“Come up-here and 1.will show|State Superior Court for criminal trial you what goes on right at the Square |In‘its fee system,blind tigering:has in.this town,’’:he said toarepresenta-|become’a,paying industry.The prof-tive of this paper:“One look was its init make ‘the party:caught goodenoughtoconvinceanyonéwhatthe’picking,and he or she cannot evade Todmwas being used for.How long’being:plucked The larger the tiger how many:similar places there are:situation demands ‘the tiger’s capture,| stands.to reason that there 4rea num-/by the victim,‘but.it,takes -money.ber,however,for if this one was al-|The small tiger-offers;the chance for}Jowed to operate unmolested right in|display.of official activity.in law en-the glare of the lights on the squareit|forcement,yielding nothing to cashisonlyreasonableto.believe’that returns,but a possible worker on the there are others flourishing:in sec-:roads,any'way affording an exampletionsnotinsuchcloseproximitytoofprohibitionbenefits:=such a‘public place.|-Each town or city knowsits own lo-.cal blind tiger business,the possibili-ties.of capture,convictionand punish- ment...Those engaged in the businessknowits.every danger,its everychanceofescape,if caught.Thatthe blind tiger.-industry has reached:a-point thatva‘Feteral Court judge sees its trénd-dndirefusestobelongerhood-‘winked,indicates how great has be- come blind'tiger asaprofitable indus-try,to be worked on its nefarious side’ spects.It is alleged that John Nev-'and on the side that represents the ille,on January 9,1912,was in his|law It may not be a ‘scheme,but. home at Hamlet,and reached to turn.there are possibilitiesin it,this carry- the bulb on an incandescent light\ing up to Federal Court of liquor which was 'spluttering witha peculiar}cases from different places,in order } noise.Whenhe touched the bulb he}to secure from:Uncle Sam the ready fell dead from anelectric shock ©-.|fee,which’the State court pays after Negligence on the part of the Yad-|long delays,and perhaps not at all.°, a poner eer ee need "ectsAriudaienmncaegetaisha emuAOONAieA Aa ANE IL the electric lighting plant at Hamletat| the time,and J.,A.Williams,lessee of ‘PORSALEtheplant,is submitted as the cause of}April 30. action.-It is alleged that an imperfect) and faulty system of wiring that wasaconstantmenacetothe-lives of itspatronswasinoperationandthatthe wires of the company were placed in such a manner that they were easilycrossedandliableto,become crossed, a conditionthat constituted negligence_and menace.. Suit Against a ..Power Company. Because her husband was killed by. an électric shock received in turning.;off an incandescent light,Mrs.John Neville,of Hamlet,administratrix of the deceased,has brought suit for $10,-000,damages against the Yadkin River: Power Company and¥J.A.Williams, of Hamlet.: Theaction .is unique in several -re- —UPRIGHT PIANO in firstclasscondition.Price $150,A.W.BUNCH,Statesville,N.C, PAINLESS TOOTH EXTRACTOR, Mr.Logane G...Munday,aged.74 years,died -at Valmwiead,Caldwell county,Wednesday morning from the effects of a.stroke of paralysis. It is stated that during the civil war! Mr.Munday carried the mail fromStatesvilletoTaylorsville..° IS NOW IN STATESVILLE, and will be bere ‘for:sev days.Office over Hall’s Dfug Store.April: The correct fabric for Summer ot Underwear forMen,Women and Children.36 inches wide,soft |finish,excellent value,the yard, ~15 CENTS. One lot soft finish,special value, worth 12 1-2c.On |salespecial, Me ye et te. sony om pe ahims '; Mail orders filled the day received. ..:.Na Co a ‘ae -ey ::q: RAMSEY-BOWLES-MORRISON CO. yal Court Clearance House et last week,and the character of the} it had been used no‘onecan tell and:the better-for.those interested if the} here is only a matter of conjecture.It Continuance and delaycan be setured |, MRS.DR.MOORE, “Sales Dayis'the first Monday in eachmonth inStatesville,N.C.. vais eA po ,Naadeee mere)See , r WANTED AT ONCE! ie The CharlotteDaily.Observer anxious.to secuxe the news”iofromStatesvillein‘order to-tell it tothe larger.world,needsatontea~fi ;::REAL LIVE CORRESPONDENT, One who will regularly and constantly s oth’the ‘ps ulandthetownofStatesville.Pre ae nSTHECHARLOTTEOBSERVER,Charlotte,N.C..May 3.—2t.Net!anager’s Office. _Eighth Anniversary.—_"TNHE STORE OF QUALITY,” -MUSIC FAVORS.|SOUVENIRS — Special Cash Prizes... 4 :Statesville Drug Co.,.-PRESCRIPTIONISTS. FP IO ItixSPpeerSetiFans ‘No Other Shelf.:So Light Clean,#And Sanitary &;AsThis Tinned § .2 _OfThe &AUTOMATIC & aw e \NN > eeen A444 fF SEXGIBREIRIGLRATOR| @'f Crawford-Bunch =|ZF Furniture Company..ne orrect Shape SHOES will add to the pleasuresof your vacation betause of their exceptional comfort-giving qualities, |They are light and.kool,and made in accordance with the anatomical structure of the foot. KORRECT SHAPE shoes are designed in a great variety of patterns,in strict conformity with the séason’s best styles.~~ The large stock carried by us assures.a correct fit for every foot-and for every fancy. All.“Burrojaps™ Uppers guaranteed, and Tite-Oke Solea used exclugively. The Three Big B Shoes For Men. eacon $3.00,$3.50 and $4.00 ates $4.00 :urt &Packard $5.00 The best that money can buy at the price.Every pair guar-anteed as represented._ane ue, The best fitting,best tailored and most up-to-date Clothing.for young men made.Try one Suit and you will-stép ‘hav-ing them made to.order.Our all wool $10,$12.50 and$13.50 Suits are great values.eae Complete line of Men’s Furnishings aiid all that is new-inSTRAWHATSfrom10c.to $4.00.;i Our line of Spring Millinery js larger and more complete.than ever before,and you who”have seen our stock fromseasontdseasonknowwhatthat.means,: Our basement department is literaily overflowing:with bargains in Mill Ends,Ladies’and Childrén’s Shoes,Men’sandChildren’s Pants and Furnishing Goods,ete.Ifyou are looking for ey goods you cannot afford to pass thisdepartmentby.Even if you don’t care to buy.don’thesitate ‘to come in and look,for really it is a ‘pléasure'to us to show_you throygh,4s,«a Very respectfully, THER.M.KNOX CO.-Sales Day is the first|Monday,in each month,in Statesville,N.C._be cm a ae s ei }:;i;‘ .to.visit and at Correspondence -of The -THE LANDMARK}.*reeare PUBLISHED TUBSDAY AND FRIDAY. OFFICE:120 WEST BROAD STREET._RELEPHONE NO,”14. “WRIDAY..os May 8,4913.1a MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE. Personal Mention ofthe Folks WhoAreComingandGoing.im 'Mesdamed Sig.Wallace and Sol. Sternberger spent Wednesday ip Charlotte.\ Mrs.F,-P.Potter,of:Nashville, 'Tenn:,arrived Wednesday to spend some time.with)her sister,Mrs.J.A*Vaughn.: Mr,J.W.Rash is spending a few days:im Winston.°{ Mr..Phillip Shaw has.returned. from:Umatilla,Pla.,where te spent the:winter,cn :Capt.DoH.Carter,superintend-_ent of the ‘State cotivict force ‘atwork’on the Statesville “Air Line,has retuened:'from:a visit:to hissfainily.im Hyde‘county;.:aEMigsMariaddie.Turner.returned ,Wednesday night from Thomasville,Ga...Where phé “taught-Bnglish:wand history.in:Youre’:College the past session...|*‘Hog.R..N2 Hackett,of”Witkes-. boro)was in Stateeville yesterday.:;'Ex-Sheriff and Mrs.GT.White, of Yadkin .county,‘are «guests ofMr:‘and sMrs..W..N.White? Miss Altie Conpening:fas.return:;ed froma visit to Mooresville.: Miss Mattie Stapp is visiting.at Randleman.i :Rev.T.6,Crutchfield’spent yes- terday ii Charlotte with his sister, Misé Annie Crutchfield,whe has ‘heen sick.: Mr.and:Mrs,J.P.Patterson and Children have returned to ‘their home at.Conmelly.Springs after a Wieit of .several.days.‘at «the home of Mre.Patterson'q father,‘Mr.6..€.‘McNeely.”>4 Mrs.A.M.Coit went \to Salisbury yesterday to spend some time. Mre BE.R..Rankin and little eon,Edgar,who visited Mré.Ran- kin's parents,Mr.and Mrs.J.© Steele,left yesterday for.Asheville, “from whence they go to their home} at Tryon |of| Turnersbury —Correspondent (Of- fers Suggestions For |More’Pros- perous Work—News Items, Correspapdence of The Landmark, _Turnersburg,May 1--We,are hav-ing a spell of beautiful weather atthiswriting.and the farmersare very:busy.We have had an unusually cold ‘win-ter and an wunprecedentedly wetspring.“Asia result thé farmers arenecessarilybehindintheir,springwork.But the Southern farmer hasmanyadvantagesover.the farmers ofothersectionsofthecountry:“Heknowshewillhavealatefalltocometohisaid.Nevertheless,just as fastasthesoilisinconditionto.work there should be no.delay,Get thecropsinyuicklyandinasgoodcondi-tion:as possible and there ‘will beabundantyields;.°.The South may be made the gardenspot-of the country,but notso longasthemajorityofthefarmerstrytoraise: ing is the’salvation .of the Souther farmers and.the quicker they learn this lesson thé sooner.will’they -be able to work out their own.salvation,and they.should do-it,too,‘‘withoutfearandtrembling.’”’~~,noes«And another thing-I'wish to.say asIhave:.gone this:far:.A-small farm|well tilled is far better than a largefarmunderpoormanagement.A good many farmers are so greedy formorelandthatthey,don’t half care forwhatthey,have and they are usually he ones who complain of hard times.oor land grows poorcropsand keepstheownerpoor,but poor land maybemaderichandrichland’means ‘pros-perity for the owner of the soil.;Little Mary,daughter of Mr.-and Mrs.Henry,has ‘been very sick,but ‘Mr.Roy Steele has purchased himanautomobile..This makes two ‘ma-chines of that kind in our village.»',Weare having a very good Sabbath| school..Since Mr Steele’sdeath Miss |Clim Moxley issuperintendent:-J O.Gaither is getting along withthebridgeworksplendid,They are Mrs.William Victor Goldberg,of 1).0!New York,is the guest of Mr.and aying the railings. Mre.J.H-Hoffmann |eet Mr...Reid Patterson,Jr.,,who spent’a few days at home,returned yeeterday to Charlotte,whereche is (a member:of the graduatin class .of the Ncrth Caroling Médi- eal College;i ; “Mies Mary.Austin Wednesday for.Wa tend Glover left gton,N.C, the marriage of Miss Elizabeth From there Migs Glover goes to Kin ston to spend @ few weeks ‘wit friends.~~...Mises Angie Caldwell is,spending 1.few days in Charlotte -Mre.Claude-A.-Tomlin ter Gus.Tomlin,’ Gastonia tives oeers eae Notices of.New Advertisements, First-class sawyer wants work.— D..W:Honeycutt,Elmwood. Correspondent wanted in States- ville.—Charlotte Observer. May 10th eighth anniversary.— Statesville Prug'Co,: Tinned wire shelf in Automatic re- frigerator.—Crawford-Bunch Furni- ture Co.: Pajama.dimity for summer under- wear.—Ramseé¥-Bowles-Morrison Co. Paxto foot powder helps the feet — Hall's Drug Store..” "American Lady.corsets —Allen.L. Mills. Quality.counts in Flour Milling Co. Michigan cultivator.—White-Stimp- son Hardware Co.:Registered Jersey:bull.—H.H ..went td flour —City ‘Blaylock,Walnut Grove Farm. Melon seed,seed beans,slug shot for potato buys.—J.B.GillBoarderswantedat714 Mulberrystreet.: Sale of personal property.—R.-L,from securing:control of territory|es.Prize winners.R,A.C Morrison,administrator.Fewpeir of white crested.Polish chickens forsale.—R.A.Cooper. Assay Office and Others to go. Washington Dispatch,lst,to ‘eigh News:and Observer.The government assay office at Charlotte will be discontinued after ‘this year,if the executive,judiciary and legislative appropriation .bill, which was reported to the House to- day,is passed.without amendment. The bill makes no provision for the maintenance of the Charlotte office. The committee onapprepriations;of which Representative Page is a mem-ber,decided to discontinue ten other ’Charlotte Ral- .assay offices,provision being made “only for the offices in New York and;San Francisco.,Representative Byrns,of Tennés- ‘sée,who is a member of the commit- tee,said today thatan investigation by the committee had shown that theten offices discontinued cost the govern- ment more than $200,000°.annually.The annual expenditurefor the Char- “lotte office was $2,700. fyeath at Stony,Point—Other News. Landmark. Stony Point,May.1—Mrs.Treda-way died at the home of her son,Mr. J,.W.Tredaway,in this place,yester- day.Her remains were.taken today to her old home in the northwesternpartofAlexandercountyandfuneral services will:take place at Bethlehem church.‘>.: -The people of Stony Point commu- nity were delighted to read that little item which’appeared at the top of the first column jn,The Landmark of yes- terday.o :_Mrs Israel Waterhouse,of States- ville,was a visitor here last week. Miss Mary Somers has gone to Moores-ville as bookkeeper for the laundry .=*Farmers are all busy and the rush"pf planting is on.Miss Mamie Sharpe now has chargeofthecentral’phone office here. The quadrennial conference of theAfricanMethodistEpiscopalChurch.is in session in Charlotte,Bishop Hood*./*presiding:;«e Campaign Against White Slave Traf E..ON FARMING!~ all cotton or allcorn.Diversifedfarm-|: is somewhat improved atthis writing |’ "|.MATTERS OF NEWS.” A dispatch from Cleveland,O.,sayjfivemen,all employes,of..the GreatLakesTowingCompany;‘were.burn-led to death,and damage estimated at$450,000 done to boats and gasoline |[QL0 PAPERS.tm Gra‘,in ’nm Pywallpaberingforthenetover-fastidious,| on the docks When a Standard’OilbargeexplodedWednesday.—4 ‘Mr.and Mrs.Geo.Vanderbilt had booked passage on the ill-fated TitanicbutMrs.Vanderbilt’s*mother,Mrs. Dresser,remonstrated with them.thatthefirsttripofanyshipisdangerous.The Vanderbilts gave up the trip andweretherebysavedthefatethatcame to Titanic passengers..~ Nearly $700,000.for’the relief of Mississippi flood sufferers was votedbytheHouseofCongressWednesday.|For quartermaster’s supplies,such astents,etc.,the committee provides$279,000.The commissary:depart-, ment;.supplying ‘the destitute ‘withfood,will receive $420,000"- There is'a continued report thatSid-‘na:Allen,one:of the two.uncaptur|Hillsville(Wa.)outlaws,was'seen Mon-day afternoon in the mountains nearFancyGap‘by Dr.ThomasB.Ashby,}]of Mt.Airy»who was at the home of}. Chartes Webb there.Both Ashbyand. Webb,who know Allen,:affirm thathewasthemantheysaw. ** In Pennsylvania’State Republican conventionthepartyorganization:was wrested from the old machine,headed by Sen-ator Penrose,the delegates to the na- tional convention were instructed for Roosevelt,.in accordance with the,re-‘sult of the recent’primary,a Stateticket.composed of-progressive Re-publicans was-nominated and a pro-gressive’platform was adopted. *Will Manufacture Lime.. Asheville.Citizen.f ee , The North Carolina Tale &MiningCo.,F.R ‘Hewitt’s company,has paca completed and will soonaveinoperationatHewitt’s;.onthe FOR SALE.ORRENT.=ONE-STORY,ax ednesday the control of: fic.4 ;aad |Attorney General Wickersham has| appointed Stanley W Finch,chief of)results are as satisfactory as expected the bureau.of investigation of the De-the output will be greatly.increased. partment.of Justice,a special commis-| Murphy division,a completely equip- |ped plant for the manufactureoflime.|This.product will be obtained from marble,of which there are vast.quan- tities on’the Hewitt property,adja- icent to the talc deposits for ‘which it is noted.:The present capacity of the plant will be twenty tons a day,but if: It is stated that the Champion Fiber sioner to:suppress the white’slave |Company uses forty tons of limedaily traffic—the procuring of girls.and|in its Canton pulp mill,and will ex- Mayo,May 15th:|young women for immoral purposes.|periment with-theHewitt lime,which, "|Mr.Finch will begin a.vigorous|if satisfactory, 4|campaign in every State in the Union nearer and-cheaper source-of supply: 'for the extermination of:the vice He than at present. will afford a much Some of the lime will co-operate with societies and indi-|will be madé from ‘material contain- itraffic,by a systematic and cémpre:| prosécution,and by placing agents in| and.Ma:-|Viduals interested to aipe’out the|in of Omir ;yesterday e visit rela-hensive plan of.investigation and|dient. “magnesia and part will be produc- from rock not containing thisingre- The company.has also installed a every State in the Union,Aboutsix plant for producing a road-making hundred en officers will be em-|material or macadam,and has con- ployed in this active campaign. |A vigorous investigation of condi-|town roads|tracted to soppy it for.the Valley- his road metal will be tions in Virginia,West Virginia,Mary-|made from a rock composed of lime- land,North’Carolina and the District |stone and a particularly hard quartz, of Columbia has already beenstarted.|the limestone supplying the inder ‘It is all right and proper to ‘prosecute|which is much desired by road build- this crusade te-the limit and.all good jers.g,citizens should aid in its extermina-} ition,but it’s a little strange that North| In the vicinity of Spring Hope, Carolina,for instance,where the evil}Nash county,Monday,Geo.Mingo must exist in small degree,should be selected as among the first field of op- erations.It would seem that the States in the North and -West,con- and his son,Carl,went into an old house for protection from astorm.A tree fell.on the.house and both.were taining big cities,where the evilis |killed,their dead bodies being foundgreatest,would need first attention.|next morning. ||Should’Check Japanese Aggression About Magdalena Bay.— Washington ‘Dispatch,let.*2.The United States should either en- force the Monroe doctrine,or formu-| laté'a new one broad enough to pre-)ivent Japanese commercial interests| Prof.James.B.Lunsford,aged 73 years-and for more than 37 -years a ‘school teachér in different-sections,of; the State,died Monday ‘at:the resi-dence of his ‘son at Connelly Springs. TT TE, FOR SAL —A FEW pair of white-crested Black Polish chick-JOPER.May 3. about Magdalena Bay,is the,opinion WANTED ~BOARDERS.714 Mulberry of Senators Lodge,Bacon and other|members of the foreign affairs.com=| mittee of the Senate.‘ ceipt of President’Taft's’message| |transmitting the correspondence cov- ‘ering Japanese activity in western’ Mexico,leading members of the Sen- ate declared that the control of so strategic a position,‘even by,commer- 'cial-interests wholly Japanesein char-|acter,could not be permitted without menacing the safety of -the United States .;|The President’s message informed ‘the Senate that the Department of) |State has no evidence whatever ade- |quate to show any-acquisition of land| or any intention or desire to-acquire land,whether directly or indirectly,in ||’ Mexico by or on the part of the impe- irial Japanese government.The mes: sage was in response to a Senate res-| |olution calling for information regard-| ing an alleged purchase of land at ernment or by a Japanese company. :—_—_—X—X—“__*_| -Substitiited Red Flag. | Magdalena Bay by the Japanese gov-/ \Tore Down Stars and Stripes and,| The stars and stripés were torn| down and trampled underfoot and a| red flag substituted during a fierce: fight at 4.May Day meeting of the So- ‘cialist party and affiliated unions in |Union Square park,New,York city, |Wednesday.That a serious panic idid not ensue is believed to have been |due to the fact that.thousands of per- sons on the outskirts of the crowd did not know what the trouble was. Responsibility.for the tearing down of the flag is disclaimed by the Social-. ists,who assert that members of the Industrial Workers of theWorld com- mitted the act.The Socialist repre- sentatives on the platform appear to have done their best to protect the national colors.:oe J,W.Jordan,a well-known dentist of .Hopkinsville,‘Ky,recently had an operation:fdr.his skidney trouble but he says;‘Phe.first real relief I sgot.was after taking Foley Kidney,Pills.They sased the terrible .pain dn.my’hack and accomplished mére good than any-think:Thad tried.I.gladly resommend them.”‘Statesville Drugs Cor).y° street.Rooms next door,- May 3.‘!vo ips cc,SAWYER |eesoat aaaInadebatetoday,‘following the re-|gycurr,Elmwood.a nes :May 3,1912. NOW.IS THETIMETOPLANT. Melon Seed. Kleckley’s Sweet is one of the best.Low price on pound lots..Burrell’s Gem,Paul Rose and Rocky Ford Cantar loupes are fine.oe Pole or ‘Cornfield Beans .a -plenty.-Also Red Valentine’ and Stringless “Green~Pod, which are the best bush beans. Allkinds Garden Seed. KILLS POTATO BUGS.Get th ese from Jj.B.GILL, .FANCY GROCER.> 105 Kast Broad Street. "PHONE 27. SALL Ob PERSONAL PROPERTY; On SATURDAY;"May 25th,“at.2creek,p..mh.,at the residence of the laté H.L.Morrison,in (Con- cord township,J will sell at pwhb- Ife-anction.certaim,personal prop- erty belonging to.the estate of the’ said H..L.Morrison,consisting!of farming utensils,vehicles,ete.- ;}R,L.;MORRISON,* ;t.Water and sewerage Splendid gardendout-buildings.Willsell:on easy terma,W.BB,ey April 20, ‘Phone No,2371,AR 20.—2t. B.WE : JEOR SALE.sciverea att35 per,mun |JNO.M,SHA FOR RENT —SEVEN-ROOM dwelling,|J »east Sharpe street,.tuoblocksfrempostoffice.Possession June ist.W.A:-ELIASON,‘April 26—4t. ‘ay mY myFORSERVICE. RREGBTERED Jersey Bull.His grandsiresoldfor$10,200 at eight months-old.Bothhisgrand-dames have records of over 600.Ths.butter in a year.A BUTTER BRED BULL. -.Walnut,Grove Farm,H.H.BLAYLOCK,:Proprietor, Clothing,Shoes, Hats,Men's Furnishings,: |»Trunks,’Leather Goods..pe *«Second Floor. The largestand best equipped Clothing and Furnishing |)«Goods store in the(arolinas.| When in the City make our’-|) store headquarters.Ee 8&10 West Trade St.,Charlotte,N.C. ae —_ — : Statesville,N.C:,R..F.D.No.2.|] Bi.Mellon Company |] §..When you ‘have,shown Your’ce Bays’and Children's Dept,! i]copes da jeneccenece business ,men banker .that..you.can ‘handle. ~your business.and yourself sat “isfactorily it also:means that’\‘your credit is:good for finar¢ial:aid‘in your.enterprise...Itmeans,.too,that’with your credit good at your bank,the.-consequént reputation .brings :you in more’trade,.better.busi- ness bargains and increased so-:cial and political prestige.: insa good bank |‘thanmere storing of money. Lod 7 i roa Nee ae 4 means more | ir D:a a!one eee Aoi a Always’Stand wellat.your - bank;keep,your engagements # #ny ‘and show your desire to be con- sidered’a’man‘who ‘canbe ‘trusted,We are all pulling to- ‘gether for the common good,and you may rest assured that:. -we will help you,through thick: and thin,if you show’you are. on the square. Accounts of companies and individuals solicited.Ey-" \ First National Bank, STATESVILLE,N,G0 Capital $100,000;Surplus and Profits $32,000. ty given—consisteht with conservative bapk- \ ro OFFICERS: J.C.IRVIN,President.ES 8,.PEGRAM,Cashier:‘ G.,H.BROWN,Vice President.JNO.W.GUY,Assistant Cashier. Se R.P.ALLISON'S, BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE.SO0CC0RCe COKCe8 ~The Star Player @ in any line of ‘sport must have the right toois if he would not be handicapped:So if .you ate a ball player or a fisherman,or any other kind of.a sportsman, come here for the things that make for better records.Our sporting goods are thé kind that .you will like after the season has ended.: )FOR THE LITTLE FOLKS! “We Now Have on Sale For Misses and Children An elegant line of Wash Dresses,Suits,Rompers and ;Creepers at Very Attractive Prices.oe Made especially for our trade.from.the best select materials at 25c.,: 50e.,75¢.,$1.00 and $1.25 each.If you have not supplied your wants «.in this line it will pay you to-see us. New Millinery Goods received almost daily by express. Yours very truly,7 .MiLLsS &POsTown. ey Sales Day is the first Monday in each month in Statesville,N.C.: le l c l e _what you will need. you are sure to need and\we wan the ultimate .thickness-of the home purse afte -give attention to this store when shopping. a is : .Mie :\ C eee :a :ois :SE WareWe’re splendidly ready to aid you in your Spring house furnishing. }.,The home—your home—will need new things this spring—some new-furniture pieces, 4 Bnew rug,8 new carpet,new draperies.A new range or/cook stove—some ofthesethings t.you to be sure and visit this store when you decide .iA se '*“is *yHousewiveswhohaveinmindthebestinterestsofthetngof.the home,andertherefurnishingisfinished,will do well to ___Williams Furniture. ‘May,.3,,/12.—8t.Administrator...al House. ee e ne e m ea e Statesville Realty —_.Honsrahte He sons = Your Comfort:Today MayBe Your Dis- tress Tomorrow.Ever.Think.of That Mr.Property Owner? INSURANCE! “Welissue every naeFire,Life,Accident ‘and Health,Steam Boilers,Liability,Auto -.mobile,Plate Glass,Wind Storms,Oyclone Live Stocks ‘Bonds—Administrators,@uar- a dians,Trustees,and any J udicialBond.i Today ishere.:Tomorrow.is coming.all too fast.Consider the present,Toolate to lock the stab'e after the’horse is gone.: ‘Phone 54.Call orwrite us for prices and information about our polities. 2 4,J,F,CARLTON,Manager.&Investment Co. ctae ay ‘RingsThat Are All Right. RL RICKERT &SON, When you buy one ofjour Rings you need:not give “yourself any trouble about the sets.’If.by.any chance the set should get loose and come out,just bring it in and a new set.will-beput in’free._of any cost to you..:We sell the famous Ww.Ww:W:het us show you our line. A ‘beautiful PICTURE suitable forfentning.will be given to every one making a cash purchase of $1.00ormore.* Famous Candies! None Better. Jewelers.| ONTHE BOXY” The Polk Gray Drug Company, PRESCRIPTIOntheSquare.SPECIALISTS. _“Phones 109 and 410. Largest and Best Line 1 haps Sureys and Hamess pres brought to Statesville.Will.gel steel tire topbuggiesfrom$47.50 to $100.Rubber:tire top bu gies with Kelly Springfield best grade rubber,and fullPsgeonetrimmed,from $65 to $125.Surrey and conesroportionto‘above prices. all and examine thesebefore buying. Harness,Vehicle &Supply Company.-:a s 116 East Broad Street.° +Be e * Cond Methods,Large Resouces, -COURTEOUS TREATMENT. Ought to mean much to.the man with a bank ac-count.If you have not yet opened an:account withthe,COMMERCIAL we inyite you ¢6 do so now.rarceis fo Capital $100,000.00Surplus28,000.00TotalResoureesover500,000.00Fourpercent.on tine and ses Deposits. Commercial National »Bank.-§tatesville,N.CG. M.Ko President.E.MORRISON,Vice PresidD.M.AUSLE »Cashier.~G.E.HUGHEY,Rac Caer. |ness yin the sixties,ahead of the rail-’ |titthe store. tot his storebuildings until THE LANDMARK FRIDAY,May.3,1912. -A FOOLISH RESOLUTION, Man:Who Made It Broke It After,25 Years.é Wallace,-Kans.,Dispatch,:Peter Robideaux has.at last bro- ken the resolution he made inj 1887 to never reopen the store he then closed.-Tt was the hardest thing Robideaux ever did to break:that resolution,but his.cattle.were starving,while piled.away ‘in-the back énd .of the big building -were bales “of ‘hay’which ..would keep them alive:It took two days,«forRobideauxtobreakhisregoli- tion...When he could stand the pits, ou lowing .of the cattle tio long- 'He.turned:the ‘rusty key,.in the rusty,old lock,tumbled out thebalesandlocked:the door again,Although it had been stored awayB5+years’‘the hay still:was fit to eat. Robid eaux eume to Wiallace early. en, ‘foad,sgn took:up ai ‘¢lajm,after- wards ‘working ‘on the @rade.“When.the got:enough money he opened a «He pfospered,boughtland.when it’was cheap,added ito his stock aind,increased the pize ‘in 1880,he had''the larget'store.betweenKansasity’and.Denver.Themcamethedrought,the ‘hot.windsand‘hand times,and ‘Wallace:begantofadeawayuntilit‘was onlyaghostofitsformerself.Robid-eaux’s trade dropped off steadilyand:finally,one day in 1887,he gatfromsunrisetosunsetand‘not apersoncrossed’.the threshold of hisstore.That night he locked thestore,tumed his back on the $25,-000 Stock of goods -within anddeclaredheneverwouldgetfoot inside ‘it again.And RobideauxKeptthatresolution,Costly.har-and saddles:rotted aiway,clothing .became nests of oioths,groceries dried up,or became preyfor.worms,“hardware and cutlerytufnedtorustandstillRobideaux Income ‘Tax Amendment Nearer the Goal—No Time:Limit, Richmond Times-Dispatch.; Arizona,the youngest of.theStates,is the latesb to ratify;the proposed,|‘ineome tax amendment,,ho tha Federal constitution.“If.theGovernor’a veto of the legislative resolution ‘in Arkansas is nob up-heldsby:the courts,only,fuur more votes are --needed)to adda’six teenth amendment to ‘tha organic |’ law of the nation,which has hadooadditionforfourdecades,The, States that have po far voted for whe proposed amendment are.Ala bama,Arizona,Ankansas,:Califoriia,Colorado,Georgia,Idaho,Illi- nois,Iowa,(Indiana,Kentucky, Kansas,Maine,Maryland...Michi- Ban,Mississippi,Montand,“New ‘York,Nevada,North Carolina,Mis- souri,Nebraska,North)Dakota,Ohio Oklahoma,:Oregon,South”Carolina;Bouth Dakota;Tennessee,Texas; Washington, The.States which.‘have-.voted against.it’are Connecticut,‘Louisi- ana,.Massachusetts,“New |Hampr shire,New.der »Rhode:Island and|West Virgitni—+seven.These|. States have not’yét \aken ace| tion:Delaware,Flori Minnesota, ‘New Mexico,Pennsylvania,|Utah, Vermont,Virginia and ~W yom inigh-«" nine.The Massachusetts ‘House has approved the change,but the Senate has twiee rejected it.In 1910 the.House of Delegatés of Virginia voted,against,the!propos- ed amendment,while.the,Senate voted for it.At the 1912 session a resolution ratifying the amendmentwasreintroduced,«but was.not acted upon by:either branch..IthaspassedbutohehouseinFlor- ida and Minnesota.The four votes that are neededmaybealong‘time forthcoming, but there is great likelihood.that the sixteenth amendmeént will soon be an.accomplished fact.“There is greater probability than ever that it-will.receive the requisite number of votes,for many of the biennial Legislatures assemble next year. kept‘his.resolution.When.hewanted‘amything he bought it s50me-|where ‘else.—Often members.of his|family tried to prevail ‘upom him|to sell the stoak or use what part|of it the family might ‘need,but’he never would:. 'Robideaux:was wealthy,own-ing large |areas of land :in thissection,and a big ati yell-stodked|ranch nortnesst of W ®.Whenheclesedthestoreheretiredto |the.ranch has lived theresince,‘|and NEWS. new.-postoffice| | ee|i Winston-Salem’s is.€xpectéd thatt work on it.will|begin within thé next few months. Fire dn:‘Winston Monday night.)did $300;000 damage ito tobacco |owned by the R.J.Reyitiolds To-bacco Co.and also burned -thewarehouse.and”several _.smaller |houses. The commencement,exercises _ofRutherfordCoNegebeginnextMoneday.The trustees of the:Coteswillalsobeinpessionnextweekandwillconsiderthe-removal ofthe.college to some other point. In 1905 Hiram 4G.Fields wasknockedfromanAtlantia’Coaste:Line train’at Pembroke by)theconductor,‘on ‘whom Fields ‘haddrawna-,pistol:Fields sued:the raiiil-road company for $45,000 and hego:$100 in Cumberland.SuperiorCourtthisweek./Acconding to a story that is beingtold,Riley:Wagoner,of ElonCollege,had cured license tomarryMissMaryBoone.Wagon-er had the license im his coat pock-et,bung his coat up,and a cowchewedupthelicense:He.later‘secured a new set.: THe Salisbury correspondent of:the Charlotte Observer says thatWalter.Murphy,of Salisbury,hasannouncedhiscandidacyfor.theStateSenatefromRowanandthatMr,.Murphy,will be a ‘candidatetCongresginthisdistrict-in914.: Special ‘Cificer B. the Bouthe rn Railway,was-killed Tuesday by.a bhifting engine ontheyardsoftheSouthernatSalis-ury,He and Mr..David |Black:welder were crossing the track in.‘a buggy wihenthe accident occurred.Blackwelder was badly injured.Aittaway leaves a wife andj children. The following changes in Nonth Carolina postmasters ‘have been announced;Brookside,Watgue 8a county,John L.Tatum,vice C. M.Blackthurn,resigned;Cody,Siinry county.Etta Stanley,vice J.BE. Stanley,resigned;Moustonville,Ire- dell county.Katie B.Patterson, vice -D.B.Maiden,resigned:‘White head,Alleghany).county,©Minnie L.Pool,vice W.F,Hoppers,re- signed.‘ J.C.Miller,possessed with jeal-gusy,attempted to,kid Tom Jar vis:‘n Concord a few mihts ago. Miller fired).several pBhots at:Jar- .Vig,one of ‘wich glazed his.neck. The shooting took place in thehome,of.Mrs.Lowder,where Jar- vis was in the parlor ‘talking to Miss Luda Lowder.Miller jis”a Mmartied many and Miss Lowder is4%formen sweetheart of his.Miller was arrested.| _Mr.Will:EB.Marshall,son of Mr. and Mrs.‘W.F.Marshall,of Ral eigh,died Monday afternoon in,Bitr-minghaim,Ala.,whkpre he wes em- ployed by,the Prograssive Farmer. He was 28 years”old.Mr.Mar~ shall was born in Caldwel)coun.fy,.N.C.,:September 2,~1884, graduated’from Wake Forest Col- leg in 1910 and “immediately ac- cepted a.position with the Pro- gressive Farmer,where hia fime work won tapid.promotion.mae ne Advertised Letters; Folldwing is a list of letters remaining in thepostofficeatStatesyitie,N.C..for the week end-my ApenO on a Blanton,aM L.te ee. F.Attaway,of Co ton,J,sNowles aevis,te Feimster,a Miss Brady'sGuy,haRobert C LL.H.Halman,Mrs.Delia Har-te,J Osborne,Misses Eva and Willie for an;rotthe reail ISy0eabovewleaseapesMaSrartinesP/\*DEWEY 'L.RAYMER,P,M. tay the,local.'news ahd all the ethernew before building is to cost $200,000 and it|« ratification ~off @ constitutional amendment?Apperently:there is jnone::. Atrocious:Murder in ‘Dark Cor- ner”of Pitt County. pGreenvillle Dispateh,April.30. From ‘out of the wildd of Green- rille county’s,notorious “Dark Lc orner,’”’?.long the paradise of moonshinery’and the battleground perce revenue officers.and the fiercer mountain chieftains,Coro- ‘jas Babe Crickendall, |officers The joint:resolution -has new.been|} the States for mearly three years,having passed Congress on july.5,1909.<It,.\has grown in |popular favor,and its final!pass- age seems certain.Ita condera, jtion has raised a Beemingly unan- |Bwerable constiutticnal question:isthereanytimelimitation.upom the nor Batson returned at dusk today bringing with him —two prisoners and ‘news of an ‘atrocious murder |they are,changed:with having com- mitted tem days ago,.\but '.whidh was discovered only Jast Satunday, when the victim's body was ee from beneath a rock overhanging& mountain,stream, One of the -prisoners is a young white man commonly known while ‘the oth- er is a negro,Steve Jackson,»60 years of age.:Yrickendalt is charged with the death of Tom Ad- ams,an old negro.farm hand and Jacksuw is held as an aceessory,to the murder.Coroner Batson)con- ducted dn inquest imto the killing Sunday afternoon and the jury returned a verdict to the effect that the deceased,“‘on Suspicion and belief .and ‘according to the evi- dence’’came to his deatiy from gun- shot wounds in the hands of Babe Crickendall,and that:Steve 30n ig an-accessory.Suspicion pointed to young Crickendall as the guilty party for the reason that he and the dead négro were said .tohavebeen’“at outs’for some time.It ip °said that Crickendall accused the old:negro’of.betraying him two years ago to the revente and.that this .brought about bitter feeling between them:Suspicion was strengthened by reason of the fact that on the Saturday morning the old negro disappeared revenue officers.are sad to have diliscovered Oricken- dall’s ‘‘stéll”anid destroyed it.Tt is ‘believed that Crickendall,tn- censed at his:loss,puit the blame for tis misfortune at thé:door of old Tom,andi pought to,“get with his imagined betrayer.ehARNE) E.P.Moore was fined $300 and er’s court at Durham Monday far.soliciting ‘orders ©for whiskey:to be shippediinto thiat_cilty. NO_CAUSE TO,DOUBT! A Statement of Facts Backed.By a Strong Guarantee,°* We guarantée immediate and positive relief to ‘all sufferers from constipation.‘In every case where our remedy ‘fails to.do this we will return the’money paid us for it.That's a frank statement of-facts,and we want you to sub- stantiate them at our risk. Rexal)Orderlies are eaten like candy,are particularly prompt’ and agreeable inaction,may be taken at any time,day or nigh; do not:cause diarrhoea, Mmausea, griping,excessive looseness]or other undesirable ¢fifects.,They fhave.a very mild but positive ac- tiom upon the organs with which ‘they come in.contact,apparently acting aS a regulative tonia -upon ithe relaxed miusculap coat,of thie bowel,thus overcoming weakness, and’aiding to restore the bowels to more vigorous and heailtthy ae- tivity.,Rexall Ordiérlies ar&unsunpassa- ble and ideal for the use of chil- dren,old folks and delicate per- ns.We cannot too pighiy rec-\ ahy form of.constipation he ita attendant evils,Mhiwt’s hy wepackourfaithinthem,with ounpromiaeofmoneybackiftheydo not give entire Satisfaction.Three sizég:12 tablets;10 cents, 36 tableta 25 cents and 80 taib- obtain,Rexall Remedies in States PROGRESS,OF AN.AMENDMENT,e W.iscoms!n-thirty-two.ke Jack-} even!’| taxed)with the costs jm the record»|- ‘just|= mimend them to olf sufferers from? lets 50 cents.Remember,you can| The Planet,J r,No.6Cultivator.: Isa iiachthewithout’a rival in popularity and ‘usefulness.The archis ‘hightheframesandtonguesallsteel,and the change in width ofwheels is all’that could bedesired.The gangs are adjustable in depth,to ‘throw to--andfromtherow...The draft is arranged to.:insure satisfactory work.Thepivot14spokewheelsactiustantlyandmakeguidinga.pleasure.is large and comfortable.The central lever operates hinge tongue ‘to regu-.late depth of front teeth and level the machine. To cultivate your -crop successfully you will need a Planet,Jr.,Riding Terms to suit purchaser, Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware Co. Cultivator.|Come in and look it over.. .Car Load of Good MulesDS Car Load of Good Mares and Horses. -Henkel-Craig Live Stock Co. SA ER CNRS cnOmCNR ARER 3:<atae APRIL 18,.1775. ememory, rated ride day Paulmadehis of warnin Welssuea Warning 1 Come here for all kinds of Clothing if you wish your:pur- chasing to be satisfactory.Weare showing a full line of SPRINGTIME STYLES INTHEBESTCLOTHING.. For utility of service,smartness of)style,perfectfon of fit and economy of price our clothing cannot be well equaled.Our prices are-moderate,although our guarantee goes with every sale..Come in and look over our large stock,WefeaturetheGriffonmakeinClothing,‘which is _positivel the best on this market at price.Try a Suit and A willtakenoother. Sloan Clothing Co.be ee , SUPERIOR FEATURES OF DEERE NO.80 COT:TON,CORN AND.FERTILIZER MACHINE Itis byik.entirely‘of Steel and Iron,runs steady and follows abedeasily;Absolute eveness in depth of planting,very im ortant for Cotton Fertilizer device,unchokable,but easily removed.::Putsfertilizerbelowseedandseparateswithsoil.Féeds evenly fromsmallesttolargestamount.Plants cotton seed dry,thick or thin, and does not choke or skip.”Plants corn level,on a bed or ittdeepfurrows,from 10 to 41 inches apart. Comeiin and examine this planter and see for yourself that ‘it has more points of merit than any other,and place your order early,as.we do not have enough some eae to supply the demand.' Statesville Hardware &Harness Co. Sales Day.iis the first Mondayi in each monthin Statesville,N.C. ville only at our,atore--Thie Rexall you on to know,Get ThiDMARK,“~Store.:aie Statesville Ore Co,. 4 The seat | sc r a k j e m e e c o r h a m m s n i c e > _Stimalates the surface of theskin,promptly reducing infla:inflammationVICKSFretrona‘td Preumonia *.gis easilyapplied—oneortwoappli-'.cations generally does the work. At your draggist’sorbymail .@&. 25c.,,50c.,$1.00 iEconomysuggeststhedollarsiza ffVick’s Family Remedies Co... +.Electrical [Home Hletric.( Contractors ~All Kinds Electrical Supplies. .|HOME ELECTRIC CO., ||Sewing Machines Repaired. ‘1.U.LAMPRECHT,| | 109 East Front Street. ’Phone61. a JUST RECEIVED! Local Views,All New. Broad:Street Methodist Church. Statesville Female College.Statesville Graded School.Mr.F..H.Conger’s Residence.Long’s Sanatorium.Southern Passenger Station. Ask to see the Simplofilier.. he Fountain Pen and Conklin’s‘|Fountain-Pen.These aretwobestself-filling pens on themarket.Carry a full line ofTablets,Inks and_Pencils.PRINTING.| BRADY,-The Printer. W.R.MILLS, os Statesville,N.C. Fine Farm Lands and CityPropertyforSale. AGENT FOR HUPMOBILES. Jan.2. ALWAYS IN. OCCUPYthreeroomson the second floor oftheFirstNationa]Bank Building,and'1 amalwayshere.Don’t peep into my reception roomwBtreIneverstayandthengooffandsaylamnotin,but come on in and let yourself be known.Tap the bell,knock or speak out.If I am not at|the dental chair 1 am in my Laboratory—workshop—in «room farther in,3 P.jFLAUGENOUR,Dentist. JOHN CG.DYE,M.D. EAR,NOSE AND.THROAT'AND FITTING GLASSES.— Office in Mills Building:,Office hours 9 to 12'a.m., M 2.to5 p.m.: \Phones:Office 458;Residence42 Do You Want to Be Independent?| If 80,learn Shorthand and.Typewritingbybeginningacourseimmediately,whichistaughtatStatesville,N.C.If inter-ested and desire terms,etc ,write or callonMRS,E,S.JOHNSON,612 South Center Street,Feb.20.-. ,‘Statesville.N.¢me pa ;:ipa eafa MEAT MARKET. an General line of Fresh Meats, {_oAlso dry pine stove wood.;.CASH &HARRIS,.:eos 43.FRONT-STREET,*Feb.9. FOR SALE! Business lot. Seven-room-desirable residence on ~Tradd street: “~~path,etc.baba _°Lots néar Graded:School. =—~"-*“Small north Iredell farm.9"Jf you want to buy,sellor exchangenSER: Hot antl cold ‘water, (THE LANDMARK PRIDAY.os me eee “|Baltimore Sun. "|Dwn.Timés,”’extending from .|@eneral,election:of 1880, I|April 30,1912.°° r Richard Rear Sumpter’s Store.} "May .3,912. .Justin,McCarthy Dead. ‘The world of -joumalism,lMter-,ature and politics is the poorer by| the decease of Justin)-MeCarthy. Thirty-two years of aGtive ‘jour- nalism,21 years of Parliamentary activity anda score or so of books,novels,essays and history, make a good life’s work,evem for a@ man of 82 years of age.Probably his most lasting)memo- tial will ‘pe the “History of Our.the accession of Queen Victoria to ‘the The au- thor.was a strong Home Ruler,anditmightwellseemstrangeto¢£old-fashioned English)Tory that‘the leading chronicle of the...zenit .|period:of)uhis.country’d history Should have.been .Writter by one‘lof puch subversive principles.Itislikewise‘pathetci that so stren- vous:a Home ‘Ruler,should ‘have:“mét:his end just as’the;political dream of hig:life ip about ‘to “berealized,ee Pees Naa ANNOUNCEMENT; To ‘the ‘Democratic Votera of Ire dell County:‘I announce myself,a candidateforre-election to the office of Reg- ister.‘of Deeds of Iredell.county, subject to the action of the Dem- ocratic primary and county,con-vention::J.E.BOYD; ANNOUNCEMENT.| To.the Democratic Voters.of Ire- \dell County:: 1.announce myself a:candidatefor.Te-election to the office of Treasurer of Iredell)-toumty,sub- ject to ‘the action of!the Dem- ocratic primary’and ¢county conven- tion.y.R.SLOAN. _April 36,1912. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, To the Democratic Voters of Ire- “dell County.*': .I am.a candidate Yor the Demo- cratjé nomination for the House of Representatives,.on the salary plat- form,subject to the action of the Democra ttic primaries and nominat- ing convention,and solicit the sup- port,of.the voters in the primaries. ;‘TILDEN H,WILLIAMS. April 26.ae : HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, To’the Democratic Voters of Ire- dell County:: I am.a candidate for the Demo-cratic nomination for the House of Representatives,on thesalary plat- form,subject to the action of’the Democratic primaries and nominat- ing convention.If nominated and elected .I will endeavor to carryoutthereformsforwhichIstand pledged.:S.FRONTS. April 23. ANNOUNCEMENT.- To the Democratic Voters of Ire- dell County. In compliance with the endorpe- ment of the Democratic mass meet- ing on the 6th instant,I am a candidate for the Senate of thenextGeneralAssembly,subject to the action of the Democratic pri- maries and convention.osIsolicityoursupport:. April 18,1912.W.D.TURNER. i FOR THE HOUSE. I am a candidate for the House of ‘Representatives,subject to the action of the Democratic primaries and convention.‘If nominated and elected,I.will carry out the will of the majority of the party on the question of salaries of the county officers and dog tax,and on anyothermatterswhereinstructions are.given..,On all questions where not |in- Btructed,I will use.my:best efforts to faithfully discharge the duties of said office in the interest of our people.If I am not nominated,I will give to the nominee and ail other Democratic candidates myearnestandcordialsupport. April 5.‘H.P.GRIER. A OARD.' To the Democrats of Iredell County: I am acandidate for the Dem- ator.If nomimated and ‘elected;Iwillfaithfullycarryoutthewishes of the majority of the party on the salary for county’officers and .dog tax questions and any other instruc-tions which the Demiocracy of the tion nominates gome one else,the nominee will have my loyal and ac tive support.Reapectfully,5 April 1,-1912..A.D.WATTS. ANNOUNCEMENT. As the matter ‘s being discussed, I take this method of announcing that:I willbe a caadidate for.the office of County Supreimtendent of Public Instruction of Iredell county, subject to the aciioa of the Demo- chatic Primary.and Convention. __Fep.27.R.M.GRAY.,NOTICE TO NON-RESIDENTS. North Carolina,|In Superior Court Iredell :County..|Before the Clerk. ‘In the matter of.the will of Or,Richard W.Mills.( It appearing to the satisfaction lof the Court that T.M.Mills,Hugh |Mills,‘Jeff Mills and Fornéy Mills, i hor with.gll other heirs of:Dr. W.Mills are necessary parties and are non-residents of the State.: It is,therefore,ordered that lservice of the summons -be made upp the above.named;-parties for thitty days in lieu of“personal ‘ser vi :‘ on Monday,May 27th,1912,.in the Superior Court of Irédel!county,at Statesville,N.C.«You are*herehy required to appear dnd answer,if you are 89 advised,or the judgment ‘of the Court will be final. :6...WwW. -JOHN M.SHARPE,-REAL ESTATE eh OW A MNS ten “L.C,CALDWELL. .Attorneys for Caveators, er J:A:HAR > Clerk ‘of the Superior.Court.. p Per-Jno.be ‘Mikholland,...- Apr 16,1912.— been having an iiapeccnof the cities and towns in.the State by Deputies Scott and Jordan.tions were needed and will result in. aoe is apparent fromn the followingate:,: ‘premises with defects,2,418;no defi- ciencies,3,452;fire escapes ordered,| .567;insufficient exits,33;doors im- properly hung,42;unsafe chimneys, 4;unsaf unsafe,109;no metal under,861;tooclosetowood,49.Stove through ceiling,118;through side 80|walls,25;hole in,6;-unjointed,21.) |Gasoline:dangerous,:72; wood,313;in paper’boxes,27;on 881;dangerous ‘condition,‘basement. and cellars;176;hay in-cellars,16;}ex-President,who desires tosupplanthimahdoccupytheWhiteHouseforthethirdtime,the:Democrats ‘of the}:‘gountry have reason to be very much:leased at the-deadly duelin progress.|“at ‘must.be’remembered that be- Lnoted are considered dangerous anda tices:have,been served.for a correc- a reduction of our fire waste as well ance. seribed in the following a.class of occasionally: ocratic nomination for State Sen- county may give me.“If the comyer ce,i : Let the defendants take’.notice} ‘lithet said cause is Bet for hearing |for testimonials,free.| ment.Discloge.Danger. The insurance commissioner has Thatthese inspec- Cities and .towns inspected,75; ales 2;’terra-cotta flues, 177;brick-on-edge flues,64.Stoves: ipes:dan- gerous,94;through partition,18; oily rags,9; rubbish.and trash,681.Ashes:in, floors,25.".Defective electric wiring: no-red lights showing location’fire~’ escapes,.12.: cause’of’press of.time’,these’inspec~ tions were practically:confined to the fire or‘business district.The defects ménace to the cities and towns.No- tion of the deficiencies,noted and the officers of the-cities and towns urged. to see that itis prompiy done..Other inspections will follow in oth- er cities and towns as well as a re-In- spection of these places-included in the above list,The commissioner it as the premiums paid for fire insur- JAMES R YOUNG,Insurance Commissioner.» ‘Over-Sensitive People. Some unknown writer has well de- ple with whomall of us are un- ortunate enough to come in“contact ‘There are some people,yes,many ple,always lookingoutforslights. ey cannot carry on course of the family without some of- fense is imagined.If they meet an acquaintance on thé street who hap- in contact with.Innocent persons, who never dreamed of giving offense, gratulation. Sold’by all dealers. the daily inter-|- Foley Kidney Inspections’By Insurance:Depart |Each*Hag -Convietéd ihe...Other. {Baltimore Sun. Senator Williams,.6fMissiasippi,ex-pressed very,happily in his.witty|speech in the Senate Thursday’theDemocraticviewoftheTaft-Rooseveltcontroversywithregard'to the Har- vester trust disclosures.day of Democratic -rejoicing,”’he Said. ‘As I stand hereI can faithfully say that you standpatters,on-my.right, and you uplifters,you fellows of the creed of St.Theodore,on.my left,have each‘tfiy sympathy and my con-Each of:you have made charges,against the other,chargesthatwouldcondemnyoubeforeany human tribunal,and,strangeas it mayseem,both of you-have proved yourcase.We,as a jury,find you allguiltyofeverypoliticalcrimeofwhich you stand accused.’’°’°;.Entirely apart from:therthequestionatissuebetween the Re-publican President,who desires.to’succéed himself,andthe Republican “This -is:al, he-merits “of tween these whilom political broth- with complacenc ers whose spears decline to recognize any former ‘fraternal.relations “orclaimsofpartyconsanguinity.A se-rious,possibly a fatal;quarrel for the Republicans,the Democratscan ‘view I as-not only not'!rin any sense their funeral,but.as an- other most timely and generous con- tribution to their campaign war chestbythepolitical'fates which have for some time past been smiling.uponneedsandaskstheco-operation of not }them. only the officials of our cities and Bee towns,but of the different-civic bod~)Poor appetite is &sure sign of,im- ies therein,as wellasof every citizen:[Parisiys Btcmack:‘Sha Lives Tables Nothing will mean more to our State pail Bi rengthen \your digestion and ae and her citizens,as it'will bring about|beer,penerited-by.tecicge theas Tablece, KidneyAilments. TO NEGLECT-MEANS ‘YO CURE-USE Statesville Drug Oompany. Start with BACKACHE,DULL HEAD- ACHE,BLURRED EYE SIGHT,LOSSOFAPPETITE,PAIN IN.HIPS and.SIDES,SORE.and WEAK KIDNEYSandURINARYIRREGULARITIES. Loss of Health and Vitality me Hh ;ills are astonished to find some unfortu- nate ‘word or mementary taciturnity mistaken for.an insult.i “To say the least,the habitis un- fortunate,Thereare people in this world who have something to do be- sides talking,joking and compliment- ing.There are persons who get too weary to answer foolish questions re-) peated again and again.There are persons who now and then appreciate the privileges of #moment’s thought or silence,and it is not needful for over-sensitive persons to construe weariness and care and labor into in- difference,unkindness or contempt. ‘Tt is far wiser to take the more, ct Holland. Has good farm horses and mules for sale for cash or on time.Termis -to suit purchaser. ~~Best equipped livery in town.: *Phone 3.Day or Night. charitable view of our fellow beings| and not suppose a slight is intended unless the slight is open and direct. After all,-too,life takes its hues ina great degree from the color of our mind:If we are frank and generous, the world treats us kindly.If,on the contrary,we are suspicious,.men learn to be cold and cautious toward us.Leta.person get the reputation of being touchy,and everybody is un- der more or less constraint,and in this way the chance of an imaginary offense is vastly increased.”’ Information For Cigarette Smokerss| When_ told of this experiment,which he had| piece of the heaviest,toughest overall cloth,blow cigarette smoke through it,and there is no soap,chemical or| jth a remind F he ‘ki iJohm A.Fleming,deceapad, Noo les”|agan,the”king IredeM county,-this is to notify all of the newsboys,was in -Raleigh|persons having claims against)the some timé ago,he addressed the boys |estate of said John A Fleming to of the ity cofcerning cigarettes,exhibit the same to’me on c showing how this deadly poison con-|fore the 26th,day of April, taminates the whole body and short-/0r this notice <will be pleaded ens life...As related by the Times,he |bar of.their recovery. seen frequently performed:‘‘Take ‘a prea Cras d to |WATT,Extr.* NOTICE TO CREDITORS. White HATTIE IVEY WHITE,Administratrix. B.McLaughlin,Att'y.April 12,1912.R. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. :Having qualified.as administratrisottheestateofJamesH. deceased,hereby notify all persons having:claims against his estate to’present same to me on or before thr |12th day of April,1913.debted to the estate.are requested to make prompt settlement.~- Those in- Having qualified.as executor ofelast.will,and testament in of late of or’be- 1913, All persons indebted to saixt es- to .amg N.-P Lewis &Lewis,Att'ys.-. -Aprih 26,1912. make cleanser known to ‘science that -will| entirely remove thenicotine stain If} the cloth is.put away for several) the cloth completely.wherever it/in ‘comes in contact.Whennicotine gets |Sale of on.a person’s fingers and stays there| indefinitely,just by touching the cig-|| arette wrapper,think what it does to the lungs and stomach when.the| smoke carries it into the system.’’ip| An Impossibility.ae Building up a larger party under!% the leadership of Butler is asimpossi-| ble as churning:butter out.of milk-) weed juice. Cee aannnnEnEEEEEEEEReRnnenenenenemenmmnane f STATE OF OHIO,CITY OF TOLEDO,|LUGAS COUNTY.“Frank,yi Cheney makes oathheissemorpartnerof‘the firm of F.J.Cheney &Co.,doing business in the City of Toledo,County and State afvie- said,and that said firm will pay the sum of CONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrii thal cannotbeonredbytheuseofHall's Ca- tarrh Cure.FRANK J;CHENEY. Sworn to before me and.subscribedinmypresence,this 6th day of De-+cember,A.D,1886.Kea herman(Seal.)'A.W.GLEASON,--.Notary Puillic. Hall's Catarrh’Cure is taken internal- ly,and acts directly.on the blood and mucous surfaces of the systein,,Sénd that |@ months’ trial subscription.60 _cents, \~~é |publie auction \nery|to a ptone,Sills’north 89,degrees vest 67 poles to) of a branch;thehce south 3 “+grees west! 208 poles.to'a stake und pointers)fi Gay’s line;thence w.ta that-Hne} near east to the beginning,contain-:-ing®85 acres,less 2 suiep soid to rstheMillcolipany,tals cand.contains te) cg ine house,tenant hduse,barn,} mation “RE-SALE OF FARM. Under authority of a decree of thie 925,SATURDAY,MAY 1912..:: the follwing Cool Spring towssh'p.: Beginning at jGay'’s ceooner,on 0 ‘th the Statesy'je ema near aorth 86 corner;thence poplar én the west sidc of.sale, iAprid 23;1912. months,the nicotine will eat away|the Superior Court of Iredell)conmty sega!proceed‘ugs for thelandfordivisionamongthe|heirs of Bli Bo Waldén,T will om ~ at 12 o’clock,uoon,at the court} |}house door im Statesville,re-sell!at land ‘\cear the church Toad,curwing north) Greensboro News.|22 degrees east with said road,and) Mocks-| Ville road 116 poles to a poet oak on} the west side cf the 1cvd;thence| perth 77 degre west to Sills’cor- poles | thence | .one-toird in.6.monthsandone-third ,n 12 months,with interest on deferred payments,,, ‘with privilege of pay!ng before ma- F,J.CHENRY &CO.,Toleda,O.|turity.Purchaser gets reat for thi.|Bold by,at erage Pills for ‘cos |7e@r.—ALEX C.BHAVER,. stipation,‘ui is >.Commissioner: Give THE LANDMARK ‘three \J.B.Armfield,Atty.Samia SALE OF VALUABLE REAL RS.PATE IN STATESVILLE,s cree (of.the Superior Court in bell;Thomas Campbell,and,W.M.Campbell,appointing the unm Tsigned commissioner to”sell forpartition.and division.the real es+tate ‘of.Allen V..Smith,the un-dersigned.will sell at:public auc-tion at the court house door in the city of Statesville,at 12 o'clock,m., ©n ; SATURDAY,.MAY 18TH,1912.-: two lots in the city of Statesville,adjoining the lands,of J.G.Shel- ton,whose lands are bounded-anddescribedasfollows:°°".; Beginning:at’@ .stone,Allen Smith.corner,on.a toad that:leadstoWallace’g farm,on a public road a.stone on Will Simon's line;thence pouth 87 degreés:west 135 feet to: quanterof aniacre,more or Lesh.“The said two lots of Allen Smith, ley;whose lands are deseribed as follows:-Ces cas A aoa ea aS-Beginning at’a’etake,«Alex Grant's commer,on the east ‘side:of the public rodd,running south 87degreeseast150:feet to a”‘btake,Baid ‘Grant’s corner;thenge 95 de-grees west 60 feet to a stake,John Sherrill’s corner;thence north 85 degrees:west’150 feet.to a stake on the east side.of bald public road; thence north 6 ‘degrees east 55 feet to the beginning,containing ome sixth of an acre more or.less, Registered.in Book.of Deeda 37, page 85,in the office of the Regis- ter of Deeds of Tredell county. Termip of sale,cath.Gale will be left ‘open ten daye for ten per cent.bids.es ;WM.C.COUGHENOUR,JR., :Commissioner: \@ H.Price,R.Lee Wright,Attys. Apel)16,1912.‘SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY. .By the virtue of the powers con- tained in,a mortgage executed by L.B.Brandon and D.H.York to M. iC.Williams,which has been dulytransferredandassignedtotheWhite-Reid@ Hardware .Company, the undersigned:will sell at -publicauctiontothehighestbidderfotcash,at the court house door in Statesville,N.C.,.om.{|”cribed property,towit:MONDAY,MAY 6th.1912.at 12 o’clock M.,the following des- One Liddell saw mill,one 15- pens to bepre-occu iedwith business,a hérse power engine,-boiler and .all they attribute his abstraction to some TONIC IN-ACTION.-QUICK IN RESULTS |*xtures.This)property is now lo- mood personal to themselvesand take}.Kos a3 cuted on.the Made of Me.,.Jonnumbrageaccordingly.They lay on}|ill CURE ariy case of KIDNEY or)Holland An aes township. others'the fact of their irritability.A]BLADDER TROUBLEnot beyond the||radials roe fit vada a ig agpip cer sau reach of medicine.No medicine cando|WHITE-STIMPSON HIDW CO., impertinence ;;aos. More.The genuine isin ayellowpackag™|>5 Mer augbiin,aAtty. __April12,1912.yaNOTICETOOREDITORS. .Having qualified as administra-tor with the will annexed of Solo-mon ‘Trexler,deceaped,I hereby notify all persona having claims against his estate to present same to me on or before the 19th day of April,1913.J.C.IRVIN.Administrator C.T.A; R.B.McLaughlin,’Atty. April 19,1912. TINNER, NORTH CENTER STREET.‘PHONES «S89 6sRESIDENCE’12389 Pursuant tea judgment and de-| he}.mdtter,of Mary Smith,“lida.~Camp-}| also adjoin the lands of Milea Braw-|Just Receive! and:miining -west -Allen’a.jine,|’south 87 degrees,east 150 feet.to} a stone on ‘said toad;thence with}, the road north 87 degrees,west 1 10)"feet to the beginning,belng®one). A new lot SAVINGS BANKS— like above.cut.Call and open an account and get one, Merchants and Parner T.W.¥RAZIER,| |ee 5 Carnations! 'Superb Stock.. ThreeDozen for $2.00 One Dozen for’1.00 The best Carnations evergrownintheSouthare being cut here now, about 10,000 a week.Or- ders handled ‘promptly. American Beauty Roses $6 and $8 dozen.. VAN LINDLEY C0. Greensboro,N.C. ‘POLK GRAY DRUG CO., ‘Local Agents. \ Style Means Muchin Ox-|} fords.No matter how’smart|| you think your shoes,unless they are the My latest'style,you are not well dressed.And the fashions are continually changing in Ox- fords.At this store you will find the latest shoes bought expressly for .you—to ‘sult your taste and keep you right in the forefront ‘of 'the latest fashion.::a CALL IN TODAY AND LET US Merme-—One-tnircash on,eon oF |SHOW YOU THE LA'TEST.| fe c, ' Tet \‘. iy ee ia a Ft ae ‘i + Se Pe e r ee e OT cr ro e l eo n s “Voote in the Democratic Primaries,May :;id ae He .*:‘& a ;‘‘,4 rr:@ l S@'..Ti k ‘i;18th,for the Legis ative Ticket , e prey THE LANDMARK aud rstrhineed,the completed unchak FINANCE MOST IMPORTANT:Junius.D-Bowman,for four yedrs emma 4 ~:lenged dominion of \évery branch Of i Yt ra foaaa Republic Outs assistant postmaster at.Morganton,|;a ;\RIA Wo ay 3.1919.trade and commerce in agricultural Eevee ee aces Oecuk aaea.hen resigned to take a position!‘-FRIDAY May,3,°1912 lines Principles in First Mes-*Rit }an os _pllements of all kinds may:be con-pe ::with an insurance company.«He iseHARVESTER’TRUST.SUE idently ©expected at an early).See “7 pucceeded im the postoffice by Mr—cetiecieengdtrg bk oe date ’«Peking,.China,Dispatch,April Finley Clark,‘who has been::chief’Charges Filed in United States The government charges that the 29th ::‘dlerk.:|::-Court Alfeging :Absorption:of Ri-defendants have absorbed competing \yaaa Shi Kal,President of the |vais and Restraint ‘of Trade in ¢o™Mpanies,but coneealed thein Own- Chinése -Republic,delivered his |Bavuk Machinery.'.Seer ee Laer ™m,ae pagib first ee :re in ah s l ;tio d.belimsn.,.\Dispatct pri,4s as wholly independent and form of a speech’at.the opening :i .below;;re ae?Min patch,Aan without connection with them,the today of the session of the Advis ty es.mentiaqne‘ota BANE trust’or any combination,”intend+|ory Council,which is practically,a :K against the Internati¢nal Har ing ,thereby to.mislead,deceive|provistoual senate.are made over two of theCompany,<¢harging it.with ind defraud the public and more ef-The President proclaimed that,the es iamonopolyinrestraintoffectuallycripple’existing,compet-principles of the new Chinese gow|very best Pump lasts .rade and asking that it be dissolv-‘itors and keep out new ones.’”ernment,must be.the maintenance ;geeseed,was filet by the government in The bill coutuins these charges:|of order im the interior,the achieve-known.The BillietheUnitedStatesdistrict-court “Defendants have resorted to unm-|ment ‘of progress and the reten-S.tere today :fair trade methods;have made in-/+jon of external friendships which iY Burke”is a full toe.short6*”In a petition in equity this nae acurate “and misleading:statements gre necessary to the existence,of \\Ne000,050 corporation pcpularly ca concerning rival machines or:con-|'Cchina.te eteHarvestertrust,is declared to -:erning the credit of competitors;|The attitude of foreign powers stagy vamp:exist in’violation of the Sherman have by misrepresentation,Bought|yn recent years,he said,had been :aaylaw;-i ‘to induce competitors,agents and |such as to merit the gratitude:of TS accomplish the ‘disintegration dealers to abandon’them and ‘n di-China.The people,he said,should esmiris ow Dp 4s ar‘*ns ,‘>é r {of the so-called trust,the govern--vers unfair ways have endeavored Ki rejoice over the ¢€stablishment of a ‘i .|Billie Burke bee Alem Kid eo $5.50meatosksthecourtto-issue injune-|jJestroy them and for the purpose|republic after thousarids of yeara|In.nothing else does quality In Black Kid.$5.00 and $3.50tionstobarfrominter-State com-|of destructive competition have.re}of despotism.:count for more,than jin flour—so|In Tan Calf 3.00 and 3.50 tomal x aay Gonbane es duced price of im r mac aeag in|.,The most important matter at you I find |In Black Suede 3.00,ona arve any "|some localities below cost.of pro-|present,the President said,was |eer 250Internaticna!Harvester Company of duction and distribution,while keep|finance Foreign.capital wae es-CITY FLOU R |In W hite’Sucks kin J ‘America,its selling agency.The ‘cat ing brices up in-other,localities.‘sential to China,and the govern-t epointmentofreceiverstotake)“Defendants have systematically ment was drafting the principles t}i .:';?,2,|ment y pri the best for your use.charge of the property and wind |bought up patents upon.harvesting|of .financial reform,It was ,ne-bi A-1 quality wheat and A-1}ow Tee s are orree ryupthebusiness.“if the court)machinery,toole and implements,gotiating with the|powers,for ‘am “*7+Gua!7 eee ITY=|should -be of the opiniom-that-the and acquired al)new:inventions|increase:of the customs duties and quality milling.makes C }tptPubliscInterestwillbeDettensery-|therein i order thereby more.effec-|the abolition of the’tranait taxes.FLOUR A-1 quality flour.Ask!Distinctlydittarent from any oedthereby”ia singgeptec cually_to penpetuate the combina-|anq the reduction of the export *for CITY ey7;i 'your zrocer toriechimanWetiveponeoetowenteneemmononeay:,|taxes,by which means the income ae /the ‘spring.styles is this prettyDeChMAkOFtSYOars shvee The follow'ig conporations:aniiene,he maritime and native.rates il |igation by the canon ree individuals ire.mentionéd fn 4nd trom be cornmeal to 60,000,000 City our ling Co.walking pump,made.over thethecasehasfigured)prominently in|petition |rea Stites bas 5 000 000 ':a;;;ad taels (approximately $42,000,000.)|a4eeeaegivinInternationalHarvesterCompany,|from ‘he present total of 44,000,-‘Spring.Maid ee which enerjentlaftardCclonelvosevelt.[nternational Harvester Company of oC act ‘imately $30,000.-1 h'ue :f a é y OF 000 taels,(approximately $30,000,ies neat low ecceeaccuevesMiePeeak:America,Interuat!ai a Flaxtwine|990.).THOUSANDS USE ries &which Mr oosevelit’while resi-|Company.¥V Com my.}mi tin ae at sil i ;;dent in 1807,gave to his Attornty |Gummy,Wscoucn Steal Compary,|'‘The increase,he said.would eu Ml |»»‘Spring Maid in Black Calf $3General,Charles J.Bonaparte,con-|inois Northern Railway,the Chica-i the foreign joan&:He boped:the Dan Valley F our :Same in Tan Calf ee?‘.cerning What’tontocs -Pak kde go,West Pullman &Southern Ratl-|railro ad and other loans would pay |‘In White Sea Island Duck A,cern at Teature -o 16 =CABE |road Co Cyrus H.MoCormick,|:7 nr |for ‘themselves.Wier gorbrgly petore the a |Charles Deering ,James Déering,Pending the big loan the govern:|be Long line ofWhite Pumps from $1,60aed Xa 29nbrief,the government):charges|John J.Glessner,William H.Jones rath Seatd.iesua:”&adTaekFe<{ment would,he said,,issue.short niet "oh ored atathenecedcompany,with ae Harold F.McCormick,Richard -F.|;reasury:bonds.3 ere is a eason ”.to eee ;ey ‘ama 10 Soon tate !fala.gibcpolmne on r attoupline feeli:Aah os hone |Yuam Shi Kai recommended plans|“It exeels all other Flour eget Se Sosed tieviasaq.¥e ae -.we hy é ow.¢rey ac z .:‘.a ...éotomonopolizethemanufactureandjwsingeoewh:fee Te |for lightening the burden,for the in color,flavor and nu--;:sbJ:Nonman B.Ream,Charles Steele,|poner gurvey of lands;for a new “as fats or en ‘oO 1“sale of harvesting machinery;It|John A.Chapman,.Elbert H.:Gary,a or tueation.fone unis trition.Itis milled from :is alleged that the company has ad-|phomas D.Jones,John P..Wilson,system of currency.and for.stand _the best wheat grown in roe we Bee of these anticles|William 1.Saunders and George W:ird weights and:measures.He de|America.It makes bet-5 ed “erave st Gubeid a Perkins.Raat hak owing to thée-ineufte ter bread and moreot it ::: ane ne genera:JUDIE ATIC s —cores oe aes:i‘z ase o .®Eextending—its business into.all i 1%ay Nak Giency of financial experts among to the pound than any Walk«overs are the lines ©of Cagricultunal implements ee ee the Chinese,the employment of|otherFlour.Then whyHu;OR The following.is a’list of th |talented)foreigners was necessary "take any-otherwhenyou :ees :ee purpose of monopolistic store and ‘table equipment that the |ang recommended the employment can get sign of satisfaction. ,Pe [J itanic took on shire can Southr of forei ners at the Finance Mine)hag :The govern ment alleges that |:AS &sea!zi penlnarComes,Pe Ma,oreo eeoemcores DAN VALLEY [il]New styles in Tans,y aE 90 i é re a (bu dget ¢in he if:ny controls at east 80 per cent ot |i ‘Fresh meat 75,000 ponnds,35 |Yaak Bhi Kai “pointed out that »Ask your.grocer for it.Gun Metals,PatentsauSiteSetaronraibinders,:‘25 per /000 eggs,25,080 poutids poultry,40 with the establishment of -a repub-Don’tlisten to -thre ins {‘.:re Bake s 0 .ro ~pes $‘ett ‘ie ”‘e-6 jcent.of the:mowers "and more than |tons ows LOS s,1,500 .gallons fresh lic industrial development hadi be as good talk.and Vicis—$3.50 to!59 per cent.of the binder twine..|MUK,.300 galons fresh cream,5°)eome of first importance ; There cniy three.of cuir mianu-ae Sugar,1,000 pounds ¢ea,260 Religious liberty ‘would ‘be eer ..;:‘$6 00.‘of hatvesting machinery|ey vere battloe rete ufone 7 nee,W.BOSHAMER:JR UU,_ss:in.the United States other thani tite |'C”6s le als,15,OkamoeSERSLaeRatesoberthatSe|ooo hotles:le:ead mduts «000|Nathan Gaundere,.rolored,was LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE _}inte tional Harvester.Company,ottles ay OF :i d 3 STATESVILLE,N.‘CAROLINA:the petition says.These,it.is’adds|aK es an »25,000 ih ay toh rum over and killed by a switeh en-|.ed.are comparatively small,and,|ware,7,000.pieces g ass 001|Sine in Charlotte Wednesday night.'7 ;A { as their business does not embrace||pieces Otoee at Ser Reece it !¥i.the entire United States,in many |ateti FO Q0r=sine oe =4°esectionsofthe’tountry,the Inter.|PA4tes.co oi :Bek 'a er ve y 5nationalHarvester-Conipany ‘has 4 |eink aman mem anniaton Haas *Hees :ic ereeat ,{;‘complete monepoly.of harvestinig,,ma Strawberry Pie.-:PHONE 101.;:chinery.Considerable agricultura’Correspondence of The Landmark:;a Sales Day is the first Monday in each month in Statesville,N.C.implements of..every ‘kind other Ors.J.L.Deatom had traw-ic k A f |2 bie ‘than harvesting lines,the.petition|berry pie last Wednesday and Mrs.|i .|coerce tt a :declares that.the output of the al-LeRoy Brawley Thursday.Mrs.J.;in |‘Ww Navlea wah &A a a ane |feged true,amounts to oven 30 &Hagle was some days earlier OATS—Burt or 90).Day;.-White roo.Black:per cent.of theWwhole..exact date not known \a oF Spring’Red R ;1.0Thegovernment:cont®nds,that}©May 2.°pring,Re ust Proof—80e.to $Q.| the corporation has,elimi nated |——_—_—_—_—_— competition by securing control of||(Last week a logging train of the| ie ‘a great majority of the retail.im-|Ritter Lumber.Company.Catdwell plement:dealers’1m”the United|county,ran away,and)killed Game}(States who are made their exclus|Corpening,colored,and)injuned sev- ive selling sales pgents The pe-|erg).others asgisting.in the opera-!tition says~|tion of -it:: »The opportunities for any new:competitors are.constantly being!,,%. ‘"eloped by the defendants in.at |21 lines of agricultural implements,thie for them.gone writes:Foley Kidney| _agencies for distribution,the het alll|standin.ldrey.ceouste,aba One aimplement,-dealers,and)others io [We n other.metlicines Without _relief.|‘yapidly ¢oming.under ‘their die e would not be withuot Folpy &Co.s|nduse for many temecttettesittour:“~~gated control,andi unless prevented |their ‘CO’Statesville Drug ,Co. onmomene c4 d rreeman,{tlifford,Va. 1AVey long liseid Foley's Rtem-and Want to say a good word | “A|| || CLOVERS—Red,Saplingcent.pure seed.; GRASSES—Urchard.Herds (or Red ‘Lop),‘Limo-. thy,Tall Meadow Oats.Grass,‘Kentucky B lue and 6 anadian Blue,for lawns.a \All kinds grain and teed stuffs,‘chicken feeds,ete. Fertilizers at guaranteed eat Time’or.eash to suit;purchasers,» Alsyke,Alfalfa—98-permka get your Are the lucky holder of sharesin our"39th series whichwillmatureMayIstreatitheaireeeon,o If you area homeore callfand get your mortgage’can- ;celled and.go home happy.L.HARRILL, Secretary. Sa s me n o ne a r s v TEAM KILLED AT CROSSING.“Mr.1.:G,Holland’s ‘Team Killed #4:the Taylorsville Railroad Oross,ing in Blocinfield Briday——Mr,'Holland's Narrow Badape:.41a:de “Mr,1f.C,Holland,of Glin ‘town.| Bhip,had a .most remarkeble ea cape from death”and two fine horsewereWiNedshortycafier<3.11.:sao'elock Friday,when his .team wasetrackbythe‘Taytorsville train at>the.west Front street’:crossing.“Mr.“Holland ‘suffered.considerablyfrom.the shock,but.aside .from.this he was only,slightly.lurt: “Mr:‘Holland wes cn hfs way’tetheFarmers’:Unicn warehouse”,inBloomfieldtoget.a load-of fertil: izer...and reached:the’-railway ercssing just ahead)of the noon train to TaylorsviHe.-He said .tie did uot hear or cée the train-until he was on ‘the track .and did nob hive time.toget away..When the train struck the team the -.diorses and the running’gear of.the 'wag- on were erushed.and-knocked from the track but the wagon bed Was caught Dy.the pilot of the lo- comotive.and.skidded)along the rails in front.of the train until}the ,trafn tame to .a standstlit about 00 yards from the scene of thecrash’Mr.Helland satin the wagon “(ped in:a dazed).ccndition.until tak- en cut uembers of the train_crew and others who rushed to him. how BONDS FOR STREET WORK SOLD. Whicago Céncern .Gats $60,000 5..Per Cent, 8tret.-Improvemant*;Bondsr—Board:Prepares the’WayForStreetWerk...8.The board of aldermen has poldtoH:P.Spears Sons Company:,efChicago,5 pén cet.street:improve-‘Ment.bonds:to the amcunt of $60,~000,the price:fon the entire.lotbeing$250 above par,the pur-chasers to piys21)expenses of.issuingthebends.“Of the amount’$40,000"are.Vim ‘tencyear berialbonds,one-tenth of which.js tobe’paid annually,and’the remain-ing $20,000 mature invj20 years.The bid for.the bonds Was aecept-ed by the aldérmen,at their specialmeetingaweekago,but the dealwasnotcleseduntiltheregular|monthly meeting Friday night,The meéfing.Friday night wageattendedbythemayorandall’ex-cept one’of the aldermen.Themeétingwas.given principally toStreetmattersand)the.first busi-hess.was the clesing of the pavingtontractwithMessrs.Monroe,Kel-ly'&Myers;of Ohio,who will paveBroadand:Center etreets.The con-tract was onderedi executed.eeApetitionforaconcretepide- walk on the north gide of westFrontstreetwasheardbuactionwasdeferred,S :' He was cared to the office of the Imperial Cotton Oil:Company,where |le was given médical attention “by'| ‘physicians.who réspended to the|hurry calle in automobiles,Jt wae) found,that he wis not badly hurt } and about an’hour:later he .was| taken.in:an ambulance to “the home of his.daughter,’Mrs.F.KE. Crefdmore,‘on-°Armfield street,| whe he remained until he rec ov-| ered frqom.the shock The horses—two mares at $450-——died ‘within a -féw min- utes afffr the accident Theirlegswérebroken,but they:were not:badty mangled :- Engineer.Curlte says:hie “did all power tp ‘prevent the acci- dehit The whistle cf the enginewas.blown ati"the —Buffalo Shoal cross ng,a short distance away,and the bell was ringing.As the train nHneared -the Front street «crossing the engineer ‘and other’ trainmen saw Mt.Holland approach-ing the ‘track but.supposed hewouldstopbeforegettingomthe track.The cattie signal was therblownandthisattractedMr.Hol-land's attention.“According to the trainmen,Mr..Holland halted the team and.started to turm them, and then in his excitement:allowedthehorses"to get on the track. The tracks of the wagon wheels also showed that the team had turn ed and wert on the rails a little west of the regule’rr crossing.:(he air -brakes were applied as soon as the engineer.saw the.danger, but the train was heavily,loaded with freight ard could not be Stopped in time to avoid the acci- dent’A number of men at.work:in the Imperial Cotton Oil plant heard the dangér signal of the:train and Tan to.doors and windews in timeto.see thé train strike the,wagon and boys who were unloading cot- ‘ton seed from.a car also witnessed the accident.(Engineer Curles says he could see Mr.Holland in the ‘wag On bed from the .ime jhe struck it until the train stopped and hisonefear‘was that Mr.Holand would.attempt to get out of .the bed and would fall uwnder-the whee's of the .engine.Ag the ‘wagon bed was shoved along the galls Mr.Holland:waived at -the engineer to stop the train and .the engineer,signaled.to Mr.Holland to stay in the bed It.was a try- jug experience for both.°: Cenducter Bost hel thre trainaboutan.hour,wutil he had done what.he could.for Mr.Hollahd ‘anc <aad made a thorough investigation of tife accident..News of the acci- dent spread rapidly and a crowd gathered in-a,»short time:The re- port was general that Mr,. Hol- land had been killed. e valued hisdn Mr.Holland called at The Land- mark office yesterday to tell of thé accident He said that asvhe ‘ap- proached’the crossing he looked up and down.the track and neither saw nor heard the train.Just as ‘the horses got 6m the ‘track .he ‘noticed one.of them ¢hrow up .ite head’.in ,a°frightenedi attitude and whepyhe glanced back he sawthetraif,.which :was apparently,only anpyarm's length q from him The craS®caine instantly,and theuéext.thing he knew he was being.skidded along im the wagon bedi in “-front’of the train.He-waived attheengineertostop:the train,but the thaim-.kept going .and asthewagonbed.moved along .por- tions of its bottom were torn outy As the'traih slowed dowm Mr.‘Hol- land said he jumped over the end gate of the wagon bed and landed ou the bank of a ditch about eight fe‘*from the track,where he was picked up by the trainmen.Mr. Holland asks The Landmark to -pay that -he appreciates more than hecamexpressthekindnessshownhim by Statesvilla people.‘ Primaries on the 18th.‘ The Pamoeara tie:“primaries wilt be held.om Saturday,May:18tih. Posters which’fave’been pent through °the county by the chair- jan -and secretary,of the executivecommittee,have the date “Satur-,daythe 15th.”The 15th falls om-Wednesday and)the date should.“read Saturday,18th,.thie beingsthedatefixedfortheprimaries”“py -bofh,the Democratic State comamitteeandthecountycommittee,ain paalicpleie i iy -regularty: jriage “Thursday they.returnedto, ment districts on Center street “on account of:the paving to.be donepassedtheirfina),raddings,...Thefirstdistrict’embraces the pottion it back;with Ordinances making two improve-| |yesterday MR.MURDOCK’S;CLOSE CALL.|Tie COMMENCEMENT Came Near Being Crushed to:Death Golicge Commeieement NextBytheLeverofaStumpPulfer,aud (-Mr,C.1.“Murdoek;foreman:of),ment the Week Followthe“road force at.work on,the Isl}Commencements;°°2audFordroad,has.two broken Mbs,!.:Handsome’:invitations:have been,-a.dislocated collar.bone and ‘other issued for the commencement:exer-injuries28,the result.of am acti-|.of Statesville Female Callege;dent Friday.affrnooni which!came hich,begin next.week...‘The.pro-}ytdmme.is as follows.*o | mear,costing inh ‘hi .'oe|Sunday.12th;12 .ay-m.,Bacealays his life,~~»oyMr:Murdock:was swperinteuding ;Peate sermonatthe ‘First Preshy-jlerian chureh by Rev.Wo s7-WiE the operation of a stump palier on‘he:Waugh plate,three milest mept @oftown,where -a portion of,New jeon,‘of Mooresvilte.eeToadisbeing’opened,+He wtepped’.:“Monday.13%h,14..a.m:,meetingtabehindthe“lever;dirdwn b¥|of trustees;4 <p,mm,‘alumnae’mules,(6 adjust something about.ception:8.30 p°m., Ame. Graded School.Commence-ing—Other ARG }an ¥ the machine and while hévayas with-|coneeyt,in Che reach of the feverthe clevis|!Tyecqcameofftheendoftheleverand|exnitit:the’:weight.of the stumps jerked’Address by"Revy.Chas..T.‘Squires,terrific.tforee,—¢Mr.|of Lenoir.‘S conMurdockreceivedthefullfor¢e of|'The class.cf 1912 is composed-ofthe.lever umd was caught between|the following:|beitand-a‘stump,.anothen stump |Collegiate graduates—Jane With-|which caught .the lever saving)him |erspoon Ervin,Janie McNeill,Rosafrombeing‘cashed 40 death Hé/Ernes:ine Rat»hford,Anna Campbell}was Quickly released:and a physi-;Summers,Helen Lenora Wilson.|clan from Statesville who amswered |)snecial——Esther Davia (Ourry.the call attended him.|Twe tbe)=Business’graduates.—-*Willietheleftpidewerebrokenand:M8 |Blanche Cowan,Newtie Mae Denil,collar bone was knocked OWL 1 @f |Jessie Mac Keefe,Carrie Adams}place,in addition to the ‘natural |Sowers:Dela Wilson Thompson.ffleshbruisss.a ;| Piano*graduate—Lissie ‘Clement, Pirs.W.W..Miller Dead-—Fmapegal|am.praded schook commencement}:embraces the 19th and:21st.The‘This Afterndan. will”be.preached at the“Mrs:Gussie‘y pica ai,wife of Mr:W.W,Miller,died lgraded school auditorium Sunday. ©11 ‘a,m.,by:Rev,Bok.at.12 prelonk at @PEristh.athomeonFrontetreét.‘|Bomar,.pastor Pritchard Memorial Students’fina ay,14th,10.30 a.m.,art 8.30 p.m.,commencement. Connelly.Miller, } of Center street from :Front toBelland:the othér takes in the }remaining |portion of the street|from Bell to the depot.:hwAnother’ordinance”passed re-|quires ‘all property owners in ‘the|paving districts on.Center.and|Broad streets to.immediately ~put} in metal water and sewer pipes for) all property,w hether timproved or|unimproved,in-order that the paves}ment may never have ‘to be dug ulptoputcinsuch)pipes.‘The gas|company will abeo be required tolayitspipesbeforethepa$3|done.‘ || ving $s}.jAldernienBrawley,Bristol.and!Turner were appointed a committee| to.investigate the proposed exten-|Siow of Greene sireet from BroadStreettoDavieavenue..‘Propertyowners”have.agreed to.give theright-of-wayfor the extension ofthestreet.ni Mr.L.B.Bristo)was givenPermissiontoteniporarily,close an uningproved rtreet.through theCowlespropertymearhiscottonn.| A petition presented by Mr.J.| A Wise,.esking permission to}keep hogs within the corporate Mim-|its,was rejected It was:ordered that a 15-foot:al-| ley be apened from Center to Tradd |Street,im rear of the old Atha!Chair Company property,to give am outlet to colored resident@ in| that Bectton. All’bilis p omered paid.|| The Capture of Reuben Combs.{ The’Franklinton correspondent} of the -Louisburg Times.Zives this | information about the e@tay of Reu-.|ben -Combs at Franklinton,where!he spent his time after:his.escape] from the State prison in Raleigh:| “An..officer of the State prison| Raleigh came ‘down on 38 last | {April 27]and returned | taking with him Reuben| young white man.who}; from the prison March| It had been réported to the | alias roperfy approved were at Saturday on.-41,; Combs, escaped 25th. prison authorities that Combs,} Henry Pearce,was here and,the of-|ficer came prepared to take him}back.Conibs is about 18 yeare pid | ‘and.was serit up.from Iredell coun-| ty last fall to.serve 30 years for| murdering is wife.He meade his} escape on March 25,coming:here} and working with Mr.I.H Kearney} first.then at the cottofy mill.He}does not seem to be a bad fellow} at all and while staying here at- tended Sunday:school and church | He talked frealy,.deny- ing that he killed ‘his wife.”_|it:will be observed that Reuben| was in Sunday school and was’ap-}parently “a good boy.”.Jt wilh be}recalled that the Sunday after his! murdered wife was buried he went|to.Sunday ‘school in Stony Point and | went.to.sleep im church,but he was| awake long enough to observe some of the:girls present and to make remarks about their good leoks a e[ Appointments ‘Fer Messrs.Panes.| ;Frontis and Williams.| tis «and .Mr.7.H.Williams,can«} idates for the Senate and the} ‘House cn the salary platform,will speak at the following)times and places:— Allison séhcool house,Olin ship,Thursday night.i Scott's,Eriday night.Bradford's |store,Shilch ship,.Saturday©afternoon o'cloek. Opposition ‘candidates ane invited’meet themat these appointments and wiht be accordéd a fair :deavia-7 ion of time.SO town-& town- at 4 Miss Fesperman land Mr.Otis Ly« Married in Spencer. Miss Florence Fesperman,daugh- ter Rev.J.H.fesperman;ot states- vt Statesville,were married at the home of Rev.Dr.J.N,Stallings tn Spencer last Thursday,the .cere- mony being performed by Dr.oyings.i ata SN2MissFespermanwentto:Salis+bury,her former home,the first oflast.week and Mr.Lyon):follow@d°on Wednesday. Alfter’the mar ‘Statesville |and be jion Sunday willbe held at the First jnings.af :pmayorHon.:W.D.Turner,Dr.S.Fron-p Reogevelt anc ville,and-Mr._Otis Lyon,‘also of |. Mrs,Miller had long been a Buf j,.4°)"*‘he is‘Terer from:‘tuberculcsis aind her |Te 'Nae ‘éveniu:death was not.ynexpected;About|...",v Prot M3 a ty Noble peaweekagoshe.Tevurned chair of :pedagogy,State Uni-Black:.Mountain,where rhe ;,Chapel ‘Hill..Tuesday”eve-some time at a sanatoriuni.a et 21st.‘exercises “by the tenthThefuneralservicewilltake|Coe ee .£:place from the residence this af-/ternéon at 4 o'clock.Interment in | Oakwood.;i hi1 grade. ~The commencement exercises of;:|Wake Forest Coliege embrace MayMrs.Miller was the daughter of (15-17.Baccalaureate’sermon onthelateJ."\B.Connelly,wag Feat tine 15th at 8.30 p.m.,by Rev.NewedinStatesvilleand:wes 34 years)el]Dwight Hillis,D.D.,ef Brook-’old.She is gurvived by,her jlyn,N.¥.\"and:literary address atband‘and ond child;by her mothj1935 ‘a.Ms,’6n'the 16th by Dr.er,two sistérs—Mjssea tum ~and|itis:Mr.Walter Gariand.Priv.Eloise Connelly—and two brothers|erte,og Lredell eounty,is ‘a mem-—Messts.Jno.M.and -Jame@ Me-|4."of ithe graduating plassConnelly.‘.ee —fC‘Not long ago Mrs.Miller's p's-|->The ter,Mre.Durham,of Georgia,‘died.and there ig much sympathy |forthefamily,who have been sorétybereaved./si Na Church Items.,,.No services.at the EptseogitchurchWednesdaymorning. The meeting et.Broad Methodist church will ~continue through tomorrow and ana longer.Mr.Abernethy’s excelleit |closing exercises of.ForkChurch.Academy,Fork Church,Da-vie county,take place cm the 16th. A Romaway Tdam. A team of horses.belonging itoMr.W.M.Westmoreland,the liv-eryMan,fan away Saturday after-.hoon and made a wild dash throughthebusinesspart.of town.Theteamstartedfrom’the-cemetery,Where it was taken with a Joad of Street ‘re->the members’of the Masonic ord|Mr.“AL | ;made SEASON.)DR,VENABLE AT MOORESVILLE. ‘Week |His Address at “the Graded SchootCommencémenitand”His Eulogy ng.Voils’Fine|Of.-Ayoock—Y¥oung|Record—Death:of)Mr.°W,.s Alley—A Marriages.||Cortexbondence of The Landmark.4|Mboresyille,May.°6—Mr,W,.H:j Alley ‘died Satur.ilness of:|The funeral.wes condacted.at.o’lock:Sunday.afternocn.at;Methedist “church py Rev.”a.Thompson -and tye boar mag£0.rest.in the’towni eemeter: H. “EB, ‘Tatd byer.ley wasuabout 68 yeas ofage’and had lived in Mooresvilleformorethanayear,having’movedherefrom’Chiarloite,where he.spent vived by his wife,one Mr.Worth Alley,of @h daughter,Mrs.J,W. Mooresville,;‘Last Saturday ‘night at's o'clock son, Anthars;;of Mr.Gatther Overeash;.som of,Mr:|Henry Overcasti,and Miss .JettieColeman,of Wilkesboro,were unit-ed in marriage by Esq.:J.C.Mt.Lean.The young ‘couple will Moorésville their home.“The spring term of tha Moores-Villa graded school came to a closelast;Friday.:Dr.F.:P,Venable,president of.the State Unitiversity,the educational address,inwhichhereveiewedthepubdkiced-‘Ucational movement from.the adop-tion.of the constitution indowntothepresent.He spoke ofthewonderfulprogress.made duringthelast-two degades and.attributedalargepartofth’s movement tothepatriotism,influence and untir-ing energies of four of the State'smcstuseful.sons—Molver,Alderman,:Joyner and Aycock.In speak-ing:of Geverncr Aycock he saidthatthepeopleofNorthCarolinacouldnotyetsrasptha@yvastnessoftheworkthatwasdoneby’him fc?public education,and that’the won-derful inspiration he gave to the€reat cause of universal edneationmadehimdecidedlythemosttu»fluential.”Governor”tr the~SouthGov.Aycocy,he’said,was!pre-emi- end believed with all his heart ingivingthehelplesschildachancetomakesomethingofhimself,for th's great cause he devoted hisPplendidtalentsanduntiringen-ergies.Governcr Aycock’s devotiontothecauseofuniversaleducation,he said,was the nearest of all ques.tions to his heart during his.'Sifeandthatthespeechhewasmak-Bog in Birmingham’when he methistragicdeathwasonlyanam-plified form cf a mpeech he made sermons are attracting large con- srecations.His able discctitee ‘on eternity Sunday evening was heard by an audience which filled the:main audjtorium and overflowed in- to the Sunday psehoc’department. Services preparatory to commun- Manuré-and ran up Broad streettothesquareand*down Center| Sireet to Bell,where ft.was stop-ped.As thé team ram down Cen-’fer street one of the horses fellandwasdragged.about 75.|yards, Suffering severe injuries : When the team passed throughthebusinesspartoftownMr.Ross.Lazenby made a'dash fer.the waz- On and climbed jn:from the rear, but the lines were-‘down about thehorses’heels and being unable toteach’them and having no.'mearsef.checking.the team,,Lazenby gcteutofthewagon.Master Tom -Furches,:who Wasin‘charge of the team,was standing On the.double-tree of the wag- [Om when ,the-horses started::Hefellunderthewagonbutescaped With slight injury,the wheels Zail-ing tq strike -him |Associate “Reformed church begin-|ning Wednesday night.and contin-. uing through the week.-Rev.G..W Hanna,of Charictte,will,assist the pastor : ~Servie:s preparatory to communicanextSabbathwillb6he'd at Front Street.Presbytémian'church Wed- nesday,Thursday anti-Friday eve 8 ‘o'clock.Rev E.D Brown ,of Loray,‘will preach or Thursday.evening.o “ t Arrangements For Memorial Day. At their meeting yes‘erday af- ternoon the Davehters cf"the Con-federacy comp]tad tk:ir p-ogrémms for the Memorial Day exercisesfriday.he address by Mr.Cam-eron Moriison,of Charlette,will take place at the court house.atU1,o'clock.Mayor Ca’dwell willintroducethespeaker,Rev.Ww Precinct.Votes in County Cofiven- tion,i Under the Democratie plan ofOrganizationeachprecincthasone- vote in the county convention forevery25votescastfforthe:Demo-cratic candidate.for Governer at Ss tvhem a boy.19 years‘of age.After -the .address certificateswerepres®:t-d ty Mr,Randolph, superinténdert,to.members ef theVariousclasssfir/une*val attend-ance and hclarshp.There wereno.radyatine exerc's's but:c&xmnembeigofthe‘tenth grade werepresentedcertificatesshowingthattheyhad.ecompleted the ‘work -remuiredby.the <c8 ool. After the exeros s Prof.and,Mrs.Randolph entertained DrandtheUniveriyalumni at ner.Those prevent were E.Brawley,Z.Vv.urlington;A.©.Btarr,W:.D.-GNmore,8 EB.Me er M.A.-White and A&A CG.Ker- ey...sd In presenting certificetes tothosepupilsofthegradedschoolwhohavebeenneitherabseutnor din+ow \jtandy,during the year,Supt.Ran-dolph stated that Vernon Voils ,the12+year-gld gcu of Mr.C.V.Voils,Jad given perfect attendance duringhisentireschoolcareer,whichrunsbackforsixyears.Vernen is now’prometed.to the seventhgradeandholdsthedistinction’ofbeingtheonlypupiloftheMoore: Haddon will make the openirg pray- er and the second prayer will be by_Rev.B.F.Hargett...Line ofmarth’from the court:héwse to the old cemetery:will be as follows:Chief -Marshals’Davidson ~’andGregory,bands,veterans,Iredell Blues,Childrem of the Confederacy,citizens.Ladies and:children:are requested“to bring wreathes and flowers to decorate graves A the ‘last receding]gubernatorialCleation,and -one vote for frac-|tions of 13°such votes..On the ba-|Sis of the vote cast for Governor| Kitchin.ivf Iredelb at the Novem-ber election,1908,there wil be |total of 102 votes in the Demoerat-| ie convention which!meéts in States-}ville the 25th,civided as follows:| Barringer Bethany Cham- bersiburg 3,Coddle Creek No.1 10,| Coddle ‘Creek No.2 8,Concord 5,| Cool Sprite Davidson Eagle Mil’s -2,.Fallstown'6,New «tape 2, Olin 4,Shatpesburg 5,Shiloh °8, Statesville No.1.6,Statesville No. 2.4 Statesville No.3°1A...States+ville No.’4 6,Tucnersburg 3,Union Grove.2.Total 102 |¥: Court Items.5JimMeadows,colored,will be given a-.hearing b@fore.a magis- trate today for beating:his wife. After as¥ault*ng his wife some’ days ago Meadows ran away ad Was arregied in Asheville.Deputy Sheriff Ward went aftér hiner Sat- urday.:;: Jo.Taylor;white,was before the ,fer ‘carrMinga concealed He gave bond for his ap- uperior Court. 9 53,2 o Mrs.William Tomlin Dead. ~Mrs:Tomlin,wife of Mr.William Tomlin,died very suddenly .early Sunday morning at her home near Charies..She was im her usualhealthWhensheretired)Satunday, night,‘but scme time after—-lmid-, night:Mr.Tomlin heard her:gasp- ing fo¢breath and when he raised her from the bed he found that she had’.died. weapon. pearance at 8 Alvarez,Located,: Interested parties here ere o- tified by the Pinkerton detective force yesterday that they hadi locat- ed Francisco iAlvarez,the Cubanwhopassed’out a few bad checksinStatesvillerecently.Alvarez.is in Cuba and will be arrested. Whether he will be returned here‘depends on whether he affects ‘acompromisebypayingup. Mrs.Tomlin was aout,50 years old and besidesherhusband-yis survived by «two ‘ns.She wa buried yesterday atHebronchurch,with funeral -per-wices by her.pastor,Rey.J.G.Weatherman.ay Behpol Tax Eledtions.; »At their regular monthly meet-ing yestefday the county.board .ofCuGeOapprorcetwoBpercial-School:tax elections which!were ordered by the county commissionrers.In district No;8,Barringer ‘township,a special tax of 15 eentson-the $100 and 45.on ‘the pollwillbevoted!on June 22d and a.similar electiom will be held in district No.2,Coddle Creek town-Bhip,June 8th.Mhe board degid-ed .to help built a,new schoolhousein,districtNo.334,-Coddle 1 Clark Win -in Mary- land.« The returns indicate that Rocse velt and Speaker Cldtk carried Ma- ryland in,the presidential)prima- rieg held.in that Stata vesterday. —A charter has been,issned for the.Piedmont Hardwood Co.,of Btatesville,capital $100,000 author-ized and $10,000 subscribed by BH.R.Thurman and.others.. Henty Keever and Walter Jones,young men of Hickory,took a bug-sy ride Sunday afternoon.KeeverwadfounddeadbesidetherdadiMonday,morning and Jon Wille graded echool who has neverhadrecordedagainsthim,duringSix.years of continuous schoolwork,a ‘@£drk for absence..or atrossforbeingtardy:.Thib is aweryfinerecordani.it ts doubtful if there can be found another,or many at -most,im the county who fan boast of so good a4 -Tecord for faithfulness and punctuality. The attendarce om the schocl during the last.six yeans:has in-treased évery.year until the.langeschool]building js about fo:reack its capacity.Seeing this fondition, the school beard some months agopurchasedthelargedwellinginthenorth built and owned By Mr.Lee.Hud-scn and will have {t converted:intotlassroomsbeforethefalltem opens.The’total enrollment.dur- ing the year just closed wag some thing over 650 ti A Basiness That Brought New Bus- iness.omer : ;,Mr.L.B.Bristol telia The Land- Mark that with the élose of the season he has ginned 1,250 baleg of cotton,and he is sure that at leasthalf.of «this cotton’has héretofore gone elsewhere:That,means that600ormoreadditionalbaleso}cotton om the.Statesville markéthelpedtoswellthetown's,busi- ness ,bringing people hera to dobusinesswhohavebeengoingelse- where.:’;‘ Mr.Bristol says he Yxpects to do more-business next season and chat if:hie present capacity isn’t pulffi-rient he will enlarge. Former Residant Mhrriéd in Balti-more.::fa !Statesville relatives have recéty- of Mrs.John T.Raymer,formerlyo*Iredell,tov.Mr.of Baltimore.|Mrs..Raymer,wholivedinShiloh)township,went)toiilinoiaayearorboagotomakeher«home with relatives..Shejoinr..Penn .in.Ba ore —Cotton,brought 411.40 im States. ¢rille’yesterday,Thome here,”.OTE ‘ whl:make their :r ning and J tireastuporinanearbybarn.Whisk 11galleged.”EH ae Te al ‘Ereek township,known as.’a coum-Wy tine awtrion,|took placetu Baltimore.about:a wee ‘ag’o:-and the ee a iat * day afternoon afterabout.two:weeks.|,2: tthe many years:of his life:He ig sur-. ariotte,and-one| make}. 1777 nently a man of the commen.people} and _ BRIEF:ITEMS OF LOCAL NEWS.|: ~All who are-interested aré ask-.ed to.meet at Mt.Henmon.chuneh,°Shiloh township,Saturday afternoon -to.clean off the graveyard,*-9°). J Phe ccunty commis lonéra were |’ip regular monthly session)|:\yes~*terday and ‘travsacked routihe ‘bud=”* Various and “sundry article’were.pglid at the County pales Day: ‘auction.yesterday.Ag.cusuial:ftoWasanevent.’;jenn cera ee --lmportant.‘meeting’.of;Mer--*©chants'.Ateocjation.tonight:, Hiee-.:tion of delegates to State cotwebh s |,oy and change:of dime of imeet-~~ne.Ae oa : —-The'commentement ‘exercisesofthecolored.graded school wére held in’:thée colored Methodist:church.last.night.‘Mayor ‘CaldK ::well delivered the address. —Mersis.:J.C.Irvin,J.Hs Me- Riwee,RV.Brawhy,T J:AllisonandCapt.P.©..Carlton:.have gone to Maccn,Ga,to-attend theConfederateVeterans’reunion. -——License has heen.issued for éhe marriage of Mice Mattie Camp-bell.and,"Mr.Robert Lee Bell:Mize Delia Myers and Mr.Waiyne Nor-’ Man,Mr.T..B.Wetmore and.Mise ~ Mildred Steele.:;:; Cashier Roberts,of.CollectorBrown's office,reports collectionsforlastmonth!as follows:©Lists.$2,272.22,spirits $464.86,cigars - $45.15,tobacco $369,169.56,special tax $160.18,'a total of »$372,111.97. —-Mr.E.‘8.Johnsonhas-return- ‘ed from Spertanburg,S.C.,-where he had chatge of,the,paper-hangera who,assisted in’the building of: El.Betihel.chunch}—thie church’that was built im a’single day,as toldin‘the last issue of Tha Landmark. =7Mr.'and Mis.R.T.Weather- Man,who returned from their bridal trip severa)days ago and have since.been -yisiting relatives at Turnersburg:and Jennings,will begin housekeeping:today im their residence,corner Davie and Kuclid avenues.vs —The assistant tax ‘assessors of the county met with County Assess ‘or.Davidson -at the ,court house yesterday and discussed]their work,which is to be taken up -at once.The &ssessois agreed to Make an effort to equalize thevalueoflivestockthisyear. ‘—A postal card from Mr.Amos Scroggs,of Wattensaw,Ank.,’an-1ounces that Mrs.Mamie B.Martech i Venable. part of towtm which was+Statesville winning -a\gts ed.announcement of the.marriage. William Penn,| died at her -home near Austin,Ark.,April (29.Mis:Martch was the daughter of John Scroggs,who ‘lived in Iredell counity,three;miles south of Statesville,some 25 yearg ago.‘ ~—Mrs*Beall,of Charlotte,whowastheguestofhensister,Mrs. T.H.Strohecker,at Barium;was in Statesville Friday looking over Scenes of former days.During the civil.war Mirg.:Beall was a pupil of Statesville Female College and she was in the institution .when Stoneman's army eame to~States- vie and.encamped in the collegeyard.ee : —-The Tredell Drainage +Associa- tion was.in regular monthly ses- sion at the court house yesterday.A report.of the dredge work:on |Third “creek wag heard.A “mo- tion recommending.that’the.Third creek commissicnerg nanmié one oftheirnumiber.as superintendent of the dredge carried.Mr.T.Scott Barkley twas elected permanent sec- retary of the association.i —Debaters from.the Grange Store Debating Society,of Sharpes- burg.townsh'p,and.debaters.from Shady Grove,:Alexander county, will meet im ‘jcint discussion at Central echocl house,Sharpesburg township, Gaturday night,I1th. The subjcet,for discussicn is,“ReSolved,that the signs of thé time indicate the .downfall of “the republic.’’‘ —-The eighth grade ball team of the Statesville school:went.to~ Mooresville Saturday ‘and played a game with one of the Moores~ ville teams..The Mooresville boys were the victors.Misses Grier,Les noir and Culbertson,of the graded School _faculty,accompanied the -[team to Mocreaville. Statesvillé . }and’Mooresyillé.are now even,° ame played ‘here some days ago, .~-An item in the last istue ofThe.Landmark told of “a sulphur—tain:im Guilfor@®countys Mr.L.K.:|Lazenby,who is an authority oniguchmatters,:telly The .Landmarkthat’it always réing sulphar in’thie’epring of the yeam to kill the liveoncattle.Wherefore the Guilfordpeoplemayeatmthemselves.+‘They|Taay Smelt brimstone later,but theaulphurraitvisnotapartofwhat:Some of them might hdve feared.| —-Anent the value of advertising:The Than Genk:comet Laonpanyhasbeenadvertisingrefright-ators it (he Lamdmark.Mr.A.W.Bunch,of the company,remaink-ei incidentally -in.The Lantmark.office yesterday that he sold fourYefirigeratorsSaturdayand tast* week received.a mail order from &man in Mocksville who said he Saw the advertisement im the ‘pa-per Pris sot thing is commen to the intellizenn advertiser jutMtismentionedasevidencetothe few wiho may not nealive the valueofadvertising:|.ee ‘In-a-létter to the South Carolina: mewspapers,Senater Tillman asksthevotersoftheStatetare-éteet him to.the Senate.He,says hedesires.to ‘die im)harp ©On.ace’apunt of bis health he will beun~~able to chnVass the State:‘in thecomingpvimary.i Recht 2d noe unfavorable day.for such am,ne “THE LANDMARK TUESDAY,om May 2,1938. This is 'from ‘the“the ‘Washington:cor respondent of the Charlotte Ob- server::: A mov t.is:on foot,to eheck -eudthe |maitpnoeress of the Champ Clark bodm.The success of .the ’Speaker in ‘getting delegates has. alarmed many Democrats who do nol feel that:he:is big-enough for the nomination..As a matter of fact it is said Mn.-Clark ©was boosted by party ‘leaders to buffetWilson.! From which it is ev ident that the zeal to defeat,Wilson at.any ‘gost iis about to overreach,itself and ‘it f dg.by:no means improbable that ce,the .Democrats Will.yét.play the | ‘Pool in Baltimore, ‘eoComplainthonking:tees made’he ,Greensboro municipal.authorities :4,abeut short,weights in ice,’an’or- -dinance will:be dirawni requiring wl each Sco wagon’to carry:seales, and to “actually.weigh the<ice :when’delivered:Cause for ,com-| ‘plaint against ice.dealers.exists in -every community.It.is.customary to.weigh ‘the blockse—or make’!a pass.at the weighing-—before Teav- ing —the +.factory.Even if the weight is correct at the!factory ithe customer is required.to..vear the loss in weight)between the fac- tory,or the iceman’s place of.busi+ mess,and the place of delivery, which isn’t fair to,the customer. “But as.a.matter of fact-ice weights in a majority of cases are usually guess work and the guess is under the correct amount.. eeein@lettertothe editor of the Hickory Democrat,who had vnefer- re’to the Stephenson and Lorimer "OOMMENT ON VARIOUS MATTERS|_ ‘putting the clerk’hire’in-their..own. Souther ‘THE HYPOORITES..“IN CONGRES, Pretending to ‘Stand For:Economy, Members’Vote veal Ad ‘tional Sums For Olerical-AssistanceandRefuseto“Reduce s Washington:‘Dispatch \"Bac After’cutting the salaries'oe clerks .and minor officials in.the various departments of the ‘goverrn-.ment,the House today,53'\to.48, voted $216,000 additional funds to itself for individual clerical as sistance.In doing so Democrats)re- fused to listen tothe warnings and pleas “of Representativel--Johm- Son,of South Carolina,in charge of the legislative,executive and. judicial appropriation bill,anid turned an equally deaf.ear to|Representatiive Fitzgerald,chairman of the appropriationg committee, Nothing,that either could,do avail ed to stay the insurgent tide.© Another amendment by Represen- tative:Bartlett,of Georgia,Denio- erat,‘making it compulsory’to placethenames.of.all clerks ‘and secre-tarles so employed!on a’special roll ‘of thé,House:was ‘adopted)76 .to 20.‘This,he Baid,woulds answer‘the-accusation°thatimembers were, pockets.The debate:was,spirited and’at times bitter. The House ‘today declined .by en overwhelming majority to cutdownthemileageallowancetomembers.During a debate on the |, eccnomy progifamme,upon,which the (House has entered,RepresentativePage,of North:Carolina,introduced’ ani “amendment -to the pending”legis- existing rate was barely,sufficient to:pay the ipnaveling:-expenses of a Representative and his family.On Block System.| |Siilis sbury Correspondence -Char- Jotre ‘Observer. oo cases’as similay,Senator Overman,| who‘voted for Stephen son,says: F “If you will carefully examine the)?™evidence in the two Gases,I think| you.will find that they are.in no} “Way similar ‘cases.‘..1t was.shown} and admitted that members ‘of ‘the|ilinois Legislatire were bribed to re peles for this work,which vote for Senator Lorimer:for the! S*nate.Nobody claims that ‘eith-| :er Senator.Stephénson or any’of| a his friénds ever attempted to.bribe} ;auv one to vote for him for .the}&enate.A’sénitorial committee,| ‘composed of Democrats.and Republi- cans,after several:years -of caré- 2 ful and diligent investigaticn,unan- “aa .imously ‘reported in favor of seat-4 ing Senator Stephenson).Although| f 4 it was admitted that $107,000 had! F .‘been spent in the Stephenson prima-! a Ty,the committee failed to find|;where a single dollar of that mon- ev was illegally spent.in -order "to| procure the.election of Mr.Bte~| phenson to the Senate.” :Democrats Abolish Offices and ,Cut Salaries. Washington Dispatch.. By failing to report an appropria- tion’for the recently created com-| guerce on ap propriations abolish shat tribunal. Bupply:bill for the legislative, dicial and executive branchés the governmenttemntatreduction.of expenses. The bill has sought .to! The génera) jur government proposes a reduction :«of the salary of the secretary)to ;-the President from $7,500.to ©$6,- ;000,the old figures,and the ab-»olition in the Department of Com-e '_°:"gwerce and labor of the bureaus of,statistics.I abolish the New -Or- Ney.,and Idaho, 5,D., Manufacturcs andisfurtherprcposed-to mints at.San’Francisebd, .leans and Carson..City,the assay offices at Boise,*.Charlotte?‘N..4C.,.Deadwood, Helena,Mout..Seattlé,Wash., Salt Lake City,Utah.San Fran- cisco would get an assay office in ."lieu of-its:mint.° Ee “Specific injunction.against theexpenditureofpublicmoneyfor telephones in private residences is incorporated in the bill. the bill carries -$33,5 19,194,ap- 'proximately wa GE0 000.less-thai|’ for the current year.Salary.pro- 4 visions for 14,877 officials and)€m- E?:ployes show a Yeduction of:.406 4 uames on the pay roll.Jifly.*e E is’fixed for the end-of the com-| 4 mérce court’whose jurisdictionFwouldbere‘nyceted in the cther ae United States courts.: e ;The Democrats cut $92,280,from ¥the salaries paid to employes inj the House .w g of the sept Whe People Aroused cn the Salary ;Question. In its report:.of the meeting-at MooresviHe April 27th,addreceed by Dr.8.FrontisTurner,candidates for the Legis- leture on the salary -platform,the Enterprise says!that.“despite the heavy rains of the morning and the threatening.weather.of.the after- pocn,300 or .mcre citizens gath- ere’at the auditorium,”and fur-ther:ae . ‘Dr.Frontis led off with a brief m though pointed/a d well b lanced ar gument favoring-.the salary plan&*Mr,Turner followed Dr.Frontis in Linimenh than,Chambe a“by ~weade 2 jare itrain has cleared the aext -block, court,the House committee | Fiabe:address by Mr.MacKesson, aisa.wholegale at- ‘ands und .Hon,-W.7 Di: an hours speech,in.which he} went into detail as to the ~methods of the fee system.He epoke |in Tame meek:is usually ca sed by.rheu-a {jism of the tu scles ef the back,for wehjen you”on“find noes K better For gale “The Southern railway is getting |detendants, car step to turn the switch to.al-to back into at suit For Contnement ‘im Unsani- tary Prison. Observer;.says .Petway), colored,has instituted suit”against the town.of Pollocksyille,Jonesi county,and several .citizens of.the town on.account of being confined in an unsanitary,jail. Several weeks.ago 'Plekett “wasarrestedandIlacedinjailatPol-locksville ..He claims ‘the in a very unsanitary condition and that he was’not given encugh cov-ering to protect him from:the cold And that his physical and mental! anguish,swas.very ‘great.’Pick- ‘ett has therefore filed.suit against the.town and T.A.Bell,Har- ry Bryan,‘Wade Benders andM.J.Leary for..damages in,thesum:of “$2,000 from|each,Of.the| The -men aseisted\:in making the arrest:and,placing.the. plaint!¢f dn gait.atenteral »Young Reid's ‘Tragic:‘Death. following detaile’s:of:Meath of Jay Reid,the young Alex- ander’county man, briefly,mentioned in”the ‘last Ise |.eu of The Landmark:)te 'Reid,who “was about.21.‘yearsoldandunmaryied,had been.Tiving| in.Charlotte©where he was employed as a switch-|man im ‘the Southern railway yards:Ahout 1.80 Thursday morning Reid,| it is said,had stepped .from a box low’another train ‘correspondent.of 'the Neves ud Eickett,| ail ‘was |° The Charlotte Observer gives.the.the -tragic |: whose death ‘was - ONE-STORY,six: street,.Water and sewerage.Splend‘and out-ee:DienteE..aera an|winsell on easy terms April 80, lative bill to reduce.the mileage}nearby track.In alighting he.step-20 cents a mile to “5 cents.For-|ped.on another Switch and -was| mer Speaker ‘Cannon led the fight |thrown.beneath the moving cars.| aguinst the reduction,.declaring-the Death resulted instantaneously,his | body,being,mangled. -suffers with eczema Ww hen baby or) hi 7 some.itching.skin ‘trouble,use.Doan's|a viva voce ‘vdte there:swere few DineCr fete far Mit “edoe:we lone ‘aves’for thé amendment,but an way and it is safe for children,,50¢'a j fabounding ‘chorus of ‘‘noes.”’box at all stor , Hee cee t to,Establish"Automatic FLOWERS ON ready to inaugurate one of the lmicst modern systems of train dis-| patching now,in use anywhere.It} lis known as the automaite:electric | |block system and willbe put in be itGreensbo.o ‘and Charlotte.| at.once:-1t will}100 car loads |it} is hoped to’have completed by Aur | gust 1,The block stations witl \be established.every two miles and| so arranged that when.one | |traih:leaves a block the red signal | is displayed.at that block untilsaid | i tweenwork to»begin require more than is automati-.|the red signal that the |cally removed,showing track is:clear between the two blocks,Under the system-now mt use.the operator at the block has} co wire’the operator at ‘the block| behind when the same is clear and} sometimes there.is a |misunder-| \gtanding of orders anda wreck re-| pults.The new system is supposed| ito eliminate all danger of this.| Df course this will do away.with| imany block telegraph cporators.—— when } ———————! pol Spring Commencememt—Strong| \"Sentiment For Salary Ticket.+| |/To the Editor of The Landmavk.| 1 attended the.clesing exercises of.€ool:Spring.academy.May 2.)There was e large crowd present.of | genton,was humorous,-ingtruce |and suitable ‘for the occasion.| \lt was well received and greatly appréciated.by “the audience.The speeches and ‘recitaticns by the pue ‘pils were above the average andreflected‘credit.upcn .the school and Mer tive THE TABLE Give added.enjoyment toeverymeal.It,costs so lit- tle to have fresh cut flowers and they*give every one so: much pleasure.Why don’t’ you let us ‘send ‘some fre- quently?:° WE HAVE FLOWERS IN:VARIETY.: And ‘they're all fresh’and perfect.°°Whatever.your floral need may be,we can fill it immediately. |VAN .LINDLEY C0, Greensboro,N.C. POLK GRAY DRUG CO., Local Agents. the .excellent and proficient sup-| erintendent,Prof.Mitchell.| The people take much interest-in | the school and aré keeping in line| With the best thought for the ed-|ucation of all the children.The | ;community =is progressive,‘Intelli-I gent and wide:awake on,all ques-|tions that mean their uplift. The candidates ‘were there.The| ecemies of salaries .were.there in}full force...The semtiment cf the} pecple present was largely in ratte |@ of salaries and almost.a unit for) Turner and the.salary.ticket,It} looks like there.will .be a land- slide for the.salary ticket :CITIZEN.| |||}v oters Disfranchised By Sheriff's Absence. Brevard Dispatch,3d,to Greens boro! Uccause of the fact that 132 Re- | } News. | publicars and a few Democrats | were distranchised by the absence ef Sheriff Fred.Shufcrd,ot Tran- Sylvania county,who is also the tax cullector,on Tuesday and Wed-|mesday of this week,a large-sized| row is agitating in,pelitical circles | in this place.The disfranchised-difes claim they went ‘to the °.sher-| iff's office on thé days mantic med | and fcund it closed,the eheriff,it is paid,keing away in Scuth Car-7, Olira iu.search of a negro =jail- breaker.:The she.iff.says that he} is wiling to let the delinquents ‘pay itheir tax,but canmct give them 5 receipt dated:priorto the time wher thé -perio@?for paying poll :tax beg pired It is stated that the .case will be carried into the eourts,if}me cessary.‘| Rtobes ont"s |Savile After Paying Big .Sali ries... Lutnhertan..Rubeso.ian. Robeson.county began:paying ‘its | NeVertcan you tell when*youl!fash |Buller va Gut.’bralge,bar 4 Don’tWait”l} For the potato bugs to _ begin on your potatoes.. ‘Get a package of ourSlug-Shot and begin in time. Another shipmentofthatsliced”Baconjustarrived.Tryit. ——enONe 89.—— =:*Milholland. *room cottage on Elm |, Ladies’,Misses?and Children’s.White Pumps.and Sirap§Sandal.. MAY SPE sinsaewe.CIAL ined ba Child wants Whit ‘Ladies’New Butk Pump,‘Ladies’2-“Strap Canvas Sandal,Ladies’1-Strap Canvas Sandal,|Ladies’1-Strap Canvas’Sandal,low heel,*'}-Strap CanvasSandal;lowheel,Misses’2-Strap Canvas Sandal,lowheel,Misses’1-Strap Canvas Sandal,lowheel,‘Child:8 1-Strap Canvas Sandal,low heel, ‘Widths C,D and Eygetthessaving. “Misses MILLS&POSTON,a Sales Dayis the first Monday in each month in:Statesville,: SS oP a SD ane Gee GP com, ‘About three’montis,‘FOR SALE OR RENT. e Pumps =per pair under regular price,‘pl spevialsize,regular heel,size 2 to 6lowheel,size 2to 6,size 11-to 2,size 11 to 2, size 8}to:11;size 8'to 11,size 5 to'8, Mail orders’‘promptly:filled,Buy hihere an ye — at et et et ND ad v N.C, The'covering capacity for two coata _of Lead and Oil hand mixed Paintisabout250squarefeet.HighGradeReadyMixedPaints.will coy-er about 300 square feet,two coatspergalllon. PAINT ‘* willcover more than 400 square:feet, two coats per gallon. SR S S S S S E rid: =NEWwsEmbroidery! All-over Embroidery at.50c., 75c.and $1.00 yard. 44 inch Flouncing at 75c.yd. ~Flouncing,‘all widths.and NEW smuveny | Arriving every day. ‘Silverware given away every. day. .See us before buying. iD.B.Krider &Con's. Ceeonwenesecensesee SHERRIGL-WH ®Banister Oxtords For MeniITESHOECO. nen fords, fords divid Lace We?ve excellence. For luxurious fit, can please you.We well known line of Oxfords for *«4 JmeninGunMetal, something to,interest who wear high grade Ox- ~Our $5.50 and $6.00 Ox- reach the limitof sty‘le and style and in-. uality in fine footwear we have this Tan and Vici. or Button in widths Ato D. 8 Sherrill-White Shoe Com’Vs (S.B.Miller¢&were ee vor Nd Stand.) La c o n e s e c r s s a i e o m n e e n s ee e FOR SALE! the vey kinds:and mids magner officers,salarics ‘insicad-of fees|wot the prese va officer,#at-september 1,1911.Up to Aprib t |=43 fi fi|dug that the fight was not against |iss 7 months from the date when'|-acre farm five miles spate Statesville,lying on ‘both sides.of-the officers-personally,but against galaricg went -tato effect——1hes@,toe Public road »Two story,six-room dwelling,some»“outbuildingstheeystem.He backed his ste MAH eatin’BAwEd 4G RHO SOOnnty.wan in fair condition,fine orchard,25 acresin cultivation}*balancei tim- ment with figures and challenged g¢900,according to-County Auditor ber Will sell for cash or on time or exthangesfor city property...=”any-lye Leme oy ie.oi ih sors Parmelee.This,too,in’spi-e of the |100 acres one mile from Cool Spring High School.Two--story,Six-e debat ee ey Bi i 7 ok es fact that Robe Som paya its -offleers room dwelling,barn and outbuildings,good orchard,50 acres in cul---Brormthe£ch ‘more liberal than a private,corpor-tivation,balance in‘oak and pine timher.ernaese an,’i eanta ao ‘tear)ACreOneLy ins =ae s 8 7h enedwelling on Davie avenue,lot 98x325 feet. %to the onlooker tha‘the voters of Wari;thy.ee aS mr acant lot 75x112 on Race street, _+.Bredell ‘ccouaty ite aroused over ibd ahi lc oy os o pg ite A number of other city and suburban houses and lots and largepayoeaneseandadtrmin-d fight considering the expense -to whieh!farmsfor sale..Good dividend paying stocksiin corporations.ote op),AW number cf iad.ef.Were looking after the duties of.his of-For further information call.on orwrite :wriee ut?fice places him,ie tee ERNEST G.GAIT ae »INSURANCE,‘PHONE 23 ae Lazenby--Montgomery Hardware (o., -——_—FOR SALE BY Statesville,N.Ce Pay ama panty) Ma ¥ The correct fabric for Samer Underwear for Men,Women and Children.36 inches wide,soft finish,excellent value theyard, a ipl 15 CENTS. One lot ‘soft finish,special value, worth 12 1-2c. _the yard,Sree sci 10 CENTS.— On sale.special, “Mal orders,filled the day received. w ‘keRANSEY-BOWLES-MORRISON CO. Sales.Dayis thefirst Mondayin each month irStatesville,N.C, PAY LAIN ALIS OP TAENE OLD-PAPERS.nevsnavers forsuieat NOTICE,10 cents the 100.Fine for wrapping and make |chNU Harfor.one puisive!ogwees:NoMARK.for thenotover-fastidions,|¥ 4. flour and 12 ahaa. Harmony,N.C.B,Wilson,a ee gg ~+WILL GIVE 40 potinds good7.F ids brat,in ex-BUTLERlsTharpe,Miller,ondri]30,—ay8t. tu are FOR THE raining THE LAN DEAR in "per-“vr sv e n tl a n e n s e m a n n r a i d a a e s a a n e le s jo ror ear Y Cash Tobacco Warehouse,lot farms and business propertiés..See --$12,000°of City Property .Center For Rent orSale! pnt Five-room abitase,No:205, southRage street. Two-story yaa,No.’111 Highland avenue. sy “Pwo-story:six-room house, .west Sharpe street,: Lane an =ei MS City.water in “all of theabovehouses.es %, 1 Weinterested'seé uss} Jenkins &Wagner,nA ee OFFICE:ROOM 3,First National Bank Building."PHONE:282. 130x285,corner.Walnut and Meet- ingLot 6¢ Meeting gtnects.26%acres,‘at Butola,$30 per acre. 76 acres,one mile east of court house...76 acres,one nile “and a halt West. 36 acres,one mile and a quarter west. 70 acres,one mile and a half weat 211 acres,five miles north,$30 per acre 856 acres,three miles east,$26 per'acre A sumber of other Aealiatte me before.making.an investment. ISIDORE WALLACE, First Natiqnal Bank Building. ‘Phone 240. FORSALE Five-room house and lot,south street,near depot.: Two,vacant lots rear above,on Meeting street, Six vacant lots @outh of Brad- ford Knitting Mill Hight-room.house,food well and barn;and four acres of land, Buffalo Shoal Road. Four-room house,6%acres land, Buffalo Stioal Roat Two vacant lots Buffalo Shoal oad.Store house And residence and acre lot,junction west Front street and Buffalo Shoal Road Also stock of Groceries and fixtures: Call on or write C.B.MORRISON, 7139 West Fronc St. March 8.._'Phone 227. nesOTICE! TO OUR PATRONS”AND THE PUBLIC: We wish to ‘announce that although we have had a fire we are taking care of our business just as usual.‘Let us have your laundry work.We ci Will APPFOCEUA it.ath STATESVILLE STEAM LAUNDRY ‘PHONE 12 Pinewood Dairy Farm, |THE:LANDMARK TUDSDAY,aie paretval,and Departure May 7,1912. LOCAL RAILROAD SCHEOULE,of.Trains:at.Statesville,.i ‘.WESTERN ROAD.-rain:No,‘15,‘west-bound,due 5,55.a.in.Train No.16.east-bound,.due~11.20 p.m,Train No,.11,west-bound,due 10.40»,uTrainNo,Be west-bound,due 3.26 p.mTrainNowest-boun «due 10.22 p.m Teeny -east-ghound sane.2 amraluNo.22,#84 un ue Dp.mm,Train No Nbeuna:due 6.46 p..m.tn eons ‘AND “TAYLORSVILLE,;From Charlotte./Train.No..16 ar.9.60,leaves 11.00 a.m,Train No,24 ar,8.25,leaves $.35 p.m©From Taylorsville.Train No,23 ar,10,10,.eaves 11.00 a.mTrainNo.16 arr’6.20,leaves 6.45 p.m. neaa Birthday Dinner —.Personals.|. Correspondence of The Landmark. “Olin,jeR-1;May 2-—Kinsfolk ard friends:of Mr:G,Ho Hayes:met at’hig home Saturday,April:27th;to celebrate his 62d ‘birthday:The birthday dinner had “been,‘prepars: ed a8.a,‘surprise to “him,and his wife but)they-received a hint of: the piane and maile.preparation)al- so...After.«the bountiful dinney, several hours were ‘ppent ‘pleasant- ly in ag social way. for *Layalette;N.“J.,.to join+‘her husband;Mr.-Fred.Eidson,who went ‘there a few weeks ago.Mr.Norris Hayes,of Harmony,left the day before Mre,Hidson,dlko en routé to Lavalette.He joined her in.Washington |and accompanied her’and her.little Bon,Wayne,the remainder of their journey.-—- Mrs.Clarence.Griffith,of} Thomasville,spent last week .with relatives néar.Tabor.; Louisiana »Republicang elected two séts of delegates.to.the Chi- cago convention-—one*set for.Taft, the.otber for Roosevelt.Rheumatism Yields toMILAM 'Read The Proof: |Former U.S."@.Péutinastar*Recommends Milam..- Gentlemen:—My niece-suffered for many years with a trouble,pronounced by her physicians as Urie |Acid Knenmatism a although he treated ber $he never obtained re Being well ac apainted wi v4 MILAM and knowingithadbeenusedsuccessfullyveryfrequentlyin’ similar cases.|dets rained to,put her on it.She took six bottles with the happiest results.I regard her as being esitirely relieved.and wil!always takewiepesaieinrecommending:MILAM for Uric Acid-tuubles. Yourstruly,OF.BARKSDALEDanville.Va,July 18,19hO: Spent $3,aha on.Rheu-matism. ;Norfolk.Va..July23,1910. Abont five weeks agoI was induced to take MilamforanaggravatedcaseofKhematism.for whieh | bad spent over $3.000 for all known.remedies andtriedmanydoctors,went to Hot Springs,but re-ceived no benefits whatever.For fifteen years .1 have been a sufferer,each spring L havebeenin bedandincapitatedforworkuntilthisspring,which,L am giad to say.I have been.attending to my bust- ness,feel fine,splendid appetite.and feel confident that I will be a cured man from rheumatism.I wish to say that Milam has done all you claim itwilldoinmycase.sofar.and |look forward w aspeedyrecovery,and would not take five times the amount.f the price of the medicine for what it bas done forme so far.-Yours very truly.C.H.WADE. Business,Cor.Church and Lee Streets Rheumatism EntirelyGone. twas a great sufferer from Rheumatism .and de- eided wtry MILAM.|bought six botties.and amnowonmy:fourth bot- tie.L can truthfullysay a medicine that has.done me as much.good.My Rheumatism is en- tirely gone.my com-Dlexion greatly .im- proved and my appetitegood time._I.would not take$50.00 for the good your -medicine has done me,butin order.to be surethatthetroubleisen-tirely eradicated.I will takethe two remainingbottles,-..I voluntarily give thistegtimerial.and cheer- fully/recommend Milam te ahyone suffering‘from Rheumatism.(signet) _iIT'sGuaranteedAsktheDruggist .|Paris.that: S Mis.’Kate Hidson left.last.week |= “tsale:of thatl have never taken’) felt so well in a long ALBERT McBRIDB,©| ~Danville,Va:i THE ©CHEERFU LNESS OF.PARIS. World —The ‘Hiffel ‘Tower *Other Notabls.Places—-Hotel«Invalides,and ‘Bomb of Nay eon; em AT Imposing Funeral—ouu- ment tu’Marshal Ney.‘ Coirespondence of The Landmark.* ‘Paris,April 2t\-+There is some- thing iu’the very atmosphere of ig--econducive.to.cleer-‘fulness.Tulleries and the cates ‘that line *he boulevatds are all. tilled.with heppy crowds,having acthing else te do apparently but enjoy life;and their spirit is con- tagicus.,i “he French,are the best’cooks in the-.worid.Even in,the cheap- er restaurants ‘the food is delight- ‘epared apd served.A’bot-at dinner:is regarded:egity.This “yin ‘or “costs.enly one franc’a “hyerybedy.drinks’wingbutitis:a Aight, wine ‘and:“not intoxt‘eating.“The Freuéhmiuu:decs,even:his drinking in a:retiyge:Way divaire’ye bottle... instead Of water, OTe ised ‘sor dlinel im whteh.to: eeethe city sit is-a.good,plan ©to. go ap.ou the«k fel:Tower and Beeitailatonce,‘The tower ts one of: thé wonde}1s of the world,being al-most twice 2a tall as the .Wash- ington tmonumertInndiug,190°.feet above the ground,there is a nestauramt,,a small theatre’and shops .for ‘thesouvents..At 680 feet ithere .are stiili founds the little shops and the iney itable bar,where| liquid refreshments are dispensed,| When an elevation of 905°feet’is but there -are stairs by which| thoge wlio are not yet,satisfied can ascend 79 feet ‘further. The Louvre,once a -royal pal-| arts,so immens®/ ‘Tt js said to) alk.through um’of the fine as to be bewildering, take’:two hollrs to Ww thé rooms without stopping.The } galiery of ting is.the |chief feature.ts given over.very largely.to’the work of the old masters..No man’s work ‘is.placed there until at least tem years af- becomes .wearisome.One artistic reputation).to mind saying.that martyTs who has no lose.does not are better than the old. There are pictures in the.Luxem- bourg.that ‘give.a fresh revela- tion of the pessibi lities of painting. The .most:.ititeresting place —1 Paris is the Hotel des.Invalides,. for here-are the,memorials of the or—the most fescinating figure in all history. was founded by Louis X1V in 1670 as a home for the soldiers who ‘were ineapacitated,and on this it gets its-name.It wasor inmates,but this num- restricted to converted into’@ en thousand ber.has been and the,place great military museum. des Invalides was a church in.connection ‘with it where fing and his court could built the Ants to the éarth its.mitres cast Lies powerless now beneath these stomes.””: In one of the rooms of the muse- vie- ong-jum ane-shown trophies of tories and many personal ings arouhd which the crowds gath- er in never-failing interest.1 baw mothers ‘pointing themout to their litthe childten.‘The familiar hat, the jeweled swords,the _coat,worn at Marengo:and ‘the'victorious -Hflags surmounted by the golden éa gles are hete.It_,is a notable fact that.in vall.Paris ‘there is no evi- iy Machine Shop CPRfiIscompleteandIampreparedtodo} any kind of repair work. Engine and Boiler Work a Specialty. lso\earry a full line of Steam Fite! tings up ‘to’3.inches.brieators,Oil Caps and Jet Pe Pipe and Shafting. C H.TURNER,’ Depot Street.Dealer iin “Machinery,| STATESVILLE,N.C.R.F.D.NO.2 W.C.WOOTEN &SONS,PROPS. SEED CORN,.Weekly’s Im- proved variety at $2 per bushel. Poultry Supplies !). Just received shipmentCycleHatchers. ’Come and get one and let your hen go back to eggproduction.f Also have Drinking F‘otn-tains,Food Trays,Food Aloppers,ct,‘s Vs ee : BLL.SRONCE, FOR SALE ehhir of mite. Polish chick Prize winners:A,090 ER.May3, OPPORTU NITY... LL erect building on‘vacant tot -at rear of-our big stables to suit| tea Will erect large |or small |°HENKEL-CRAIG LIVE STOCK CO.. April5. |Special Sale EVERY Friday and.Saturday Until July.1st to close out my entire ,-stock.'Reduction ‘for cash. Mrs.N.Mi Keim. :‘April264 4 Injectors,°L u-| eA ttrausfenred to thikmove his family:to box for 50 cents at the Statesville Drug the Ham'¢li week.He oh eT daceuea ate aera lite wha Company’s ©and drugelsts every- idence that such a person as Niapd- leon III ever existed : Today at the Place de Ja Con- leorde we witnessed the tuneral |processioon of the President of the 'Chamber of Deputies,who died jast Monday.The military «Was out in full force,and there could net have,been more ponip and dis- |play at a royal funeral,The.pro- leession .was about an hour in |passin g.and ‘was’a very,im- Eat sppectacle,ys In the cemetery at Pere’la Chaise|meed for any disturbed condition:OL |cieiiiai ;ne the alleged)grave of M:abe the stqamach co hy The .Frenth people Lave MI-O-NA.-ston ach.tablets —wi SAREE SAE ean erected a monument to show drive all the poisonous gases from oe Km ome: the place where he was shot.Thus|your stomach and make.your -stom-‘i. do they seek to discredit one.ofjach strong enough to digest any :Ay |Our mrost cherished myths.food.o VARY ROBBINS LONG.For any ailment cause a by weak ‘i eeeaters,stomach,such as pick headache, Transfer of Road “Overseers.dizzinecs,pervousness,lack of.effi-J ciency,that tired,all-in feeling;|‘ Mooresville Enterprise,» Overseer |West;who’has been ern end of the county,has been line and will. will be transfrreed| the Jonesville Tre deni.The made:for the purpose of road,in yaptting road)forces,it being claimed that the hande._ Now is-the time to pet.“rid of yourapply- rheumatism.You’¢an do #by ing Chamberlain's Liniment and saging ‘the parts freely ,at each ap- plicat on,For.sale by ail dealers.. Poor appetite is a sure.sign of im- paired digestion;perlain’s Stomach will ‘strengthen your.digestion,and im-' -prove _your appetite.|housands Be een benefited by’taking these T ablets.| Bold OESall dealers, Govt Chéer tn theAAtinosphere—The What He le:‘@tanding For in.the. Freddi:the Best Cooks in the! A ,‘The Champs Elysees,the|ery Demoarat in that .time.. Jardin des On,thé first: reached,the.houdes look.like toy| houses aid the péople-Hke—mere| inscets...The.elevator stops here, ace,is now a great national muse-|f cer his death..The -Luxembourg’ ig the national.gallery of,modern painting.|The old masters were great.colorists,'but their choice of subjects was extremely limited The.endless ‘succeésion of Madon- nas and cherubs and.saints “ana the modern paintings,like most mod)Our fern things, man whom France delights to hon-|! The Hotel des Invalides youths of our county, inally intended to accommodate sev-|schools. fifty jan The Dome-|the attend}out to ‘working a road force in the north-‘atholkiie end of the next week to\worth exchange will be |IM k DAM!I the best results from the,~yarious a Strange?can handle an unknown'|.R.V. foreo better than one knowih to:alt,Rote cate mas- A few doses of Cham- and Liver Tablets have Race For the’Leaisiature -and What the Fight Means. a the Democrais of Tredell Coury. Mek ‘As 1 am a candidate |for .the House of|thee ee‘Assembly I am -going to,as many of you as-I can beforé the primary,- but I shall not be able to.see -ey- There. fore I ‘take this »methodi of coming to you:80 ‘: Democrats,this fight.ison of” the ‘most important that has ever} beeh waged in thig .county.It is a fight of the people against .the bosses..It,does not «mean60 much for Goy.Turner,:Dr.Frontis.and 1ayself torfail;but it does mean a great.deat to the people fon this|bmovement ‘to:fadl,“DR oue SOMey officers)are.ever.to..be put: felaty,ag,they.can):and “ought io be,it niust:be done by.friends.of the gikfary question.‘Therefore:the bi Ss must neccessarily be -rele-|gatedto the:‘ren.-“Democrats,be- Hevers:in Den OChacy,taxpayers,”it is up)to:yous”the key isin your hands.“It.24s ‘fer .you to.unlock’ the door,’to vittory and.shut the‘door:ot”tyrannicalboss rule farev- er:in.Iredell county. Our opponents sey ‘hoa lieben UB. and:we will give,yow salaries if the people want salaries.And yet they are busy trying to:teach the ‘people that the ‘salary basis ‘is| rotten;that ‘the ‘officers:aré not |gctting too muGh,and in the-same hpreath they,say ‘reduce the fees,aE Any reasonable man can see there lis no consistency,in this«argwment. Now.it simply meane this:They sre ‘enemies to .the salary .move- jment and ifvthe people should vote for salaries in the election .1t would j*en be -left in the hands of ene-| i mies and they could carry out their| promises to the people,put the ‘of | icers on.salaries,but such,salaries las would be no relief to the people:} Of course ey will say to the,Rese | b au both your’feet wna your petkelbook!. —andithey are a splendid-‘idouble fit.” All the latest,styles.at ‘the lowest 4»,pricés,Weshow you the latest first. Comfort,elegance and éase are the principles on which we solicit your custom—and retain it.Come iin now for thatnewpair and convince yourself. trary. |But listen:If.the chairman, ho is.-an officeholdet,‘andi is| tig shting us.as though it was.&bat-:' I for his life,cari be successful} in defeating the:people in this| moyament,don’t you know he is} going to say:“I am the vic tor and | to me belong the spoils.”’?~~ I answer to their charges| t me:‘They Bay oh,he is only a farmer and the fellow “who is always.trying to:do sonjething. I plead.guilty.I am a farmer,|) and it is my.ambition to be a good | one:and I want to say that-‘yam the only ©farmer .in the,’field. opponents were,caretul not lio “put —a-farmer on.their ticket; because they knew the farmers wer | in favor of salaries if 1 can repre-| sent this county it would be my ‘chief delight to stand.by,the-farm- ers,but not at the expense of any other.oceupaticn.of.business.I have also spent’13 years of my life.in teaching and training the’ andel .know l.am in sympathy with the educa- tional interest of:our cousty and | |would stand by and support meas| ures for the be.terment ref.we 2 S.,M..&H.Shoe Go. pecials For Ladies! Twenty-five dozen Ladies’s Silk “Hose 25¢. pair:Same grade we sold last season.Fifty doz.Ladies’Lisle Hose,25c.value,choice 15c. They also charge me with being| ungratPful fellow ‘because 1} fhad.a.position at Raleigh)Guring| last Legislature.I did not when I aceepted that pasi-| that they,expected:me to Bell | them and forfeit®all.my citizen.I clainy the! Oa hondred Ladies’White Shirt Waists, a50 to $2 25 vilues,choice 98¢e. Sik Dresses,$12.50,ito $15.00.values, know, tion, service Nothing more beautifuljrights,as a ;:i rould be imagined than this inte-|right to'st and for the people.1 a ce 9 rior and here,just under the It ceems to me by fhe .way they §&$4 8 dome,in»an open circular erypt,act and talk that the time.has is the tomb of the great Nz ipoleon,|come in Iredell.county that no man zi The’sarcophagis is carved from)has the Ti to.ofi er hiniself to la single block of porphyry.and on jthe Democrats un les he fa of infact,thavenot [the mosaic.pavement ate inscribed {the bosses’choosing.Fellow'e t=er,one halfprice. the names of -Apsturlitz,M arengo,|izens,there.are scme thines:that ( Wagrath,.Jena and-all the rest.I’consider very.sa a,First ny ;. “Paus 2 .9)‘6 honor,-second the right to Riana |.-7 é ae ‘Pause here,the far-off,world ‘at |2one™4.“Sgvocate a thing when I Forty Black Voile and Panama.Skirts, ;_Breathes free,.the:hand that te eer met ie gi Bsaret m stly one-balf price.: ing or.myse An D ;-|ors Sheen Le ire te One other privilege I mé@an.to re-}| serve—to turn from men who,al- though they have profe:sped to.be| my friends:and the friends of the| people,1 find only .mean to.use me as a tool to defeat the people |Are well worth the money. in their rights.; I policit the support “of every|F vores —ne Democrat in the county,beeause };:. feel I am.standing for:principles|One case-Ladies’Taped Vest,regular 10c. value.Choice 74c.each.: Thirty Linon Tailored Suits that sold from $4.00 to $6 50,.Choice $1.50 the Skirt. and things that will be for the.best| interest of every ‘man in Iredell | county.TIL te N.H.WILLIAMS.| New more N.C.| One hundred ‘Trimmed Hata reduced.See. them.‘The style and price will interest you,,:when people { than mow. in’sales r was a time rh Remedy mere There.nevberlain’s Covt This.is ‘shown by”the.increase and yolu ry.test nials from persons}i who he een ad.by it.If you or]oo Very respectfully, your childretare-tre supled with a cough |get agi bs and become,ac.|}i cr cold give it 8 4 quainted with —it good qualities.For| S sije by all dealers.ned SES sie INDIGESTION ‘GOES!.THE R M é Sourness,Heaviness,Belchng and -@ e KI J C)>C (C )e Stomac h Distress Quic kly .Fade Away:paaee Magical MI-O-NA is wilint 'Sales Day is the first Monday in each month in Statesville,N.C. you \sleeplessn ess,Dad.dreams |oT bad stomach:the morning after too much and drinking—for all these ailments.nothing.om earth can surpass MI-O-NA.Large For forty-seven days we will offer our entire stock ~ -at greatly feduced prices,This stock includes- new Stieffs,new Shaws,new Bennett & Bretzs,new Kohler &Campbells,and other .makes of new Pianos and many diflerent.makes of: ",gecont:hand Pianos that have been thoroughly repaired,refiitished ,ete.,in our shop.° All of these Pianos are excellent bargains.We “hope to move this stock rapidly and if pri¢e hag “anything to do with the sale it will go ‘quickly. CHAS.M.STIEFE, 5 West Trade Street,Charlotte,N.Gy STIEFF BUILDING,219 South Tryon Street,Pe site Academy-of Music,alter.June Ist,1912.a where.- HAGHDOLLE’SADVLOTO"BEAUTY SENKIERS8 n—§alowne sof the ¢omplexion is ustally ves tr edb It ot flack of exercise,€former,keecoraubtnctis ‘ait au much as}oe With Windowsopens Mise M.R.--Nour drugcist can _supply-you a Preparation known aa W ilson’s,Freckle Cronuh which f can'recommend 0%a wery effective freckle removers It acts quickly ahdits bleaching proper= ties are entirely harmicsa.-Follow the,directions on thé packaveand eest the face from all unéue exposure to tha wine aun.The cream sea for We the jar,and ga rugiiat is out,you may dbtain it diree't 18 Wilson’Free le Crear VORADARY,Charleston,Sac,+z :Wi *s Freckle Croamis sald by©Statesville;Drug ‘Company,|| “‘wl.:-Rad te ry ia i . Ss ole net Says.tho ®‘R,CLARK,EPITOR AND ow NER. ences ter from "to “Mr.Patterson,stand. es ~-ghanges where hei can answer.cinininsemiahintendhaieceimlimnsininitiy ,State in that “marrder, sof’the late Mark Hanha cled "/™AELANDMARK Suen PUESDAT “AND FRSIDAY. »OFFICE:SUBSCRIPTION:P*ONE XE,ReON'THS. hagas ‘ney a5 WEST BitOA i“STREET. May 7,19:12, MR. €t RNE R 1S READY. The.Landmark has.anothér fet- Mr,°T.M.Patterson,of Bufola,anent the relations of Hon. ‘WwW.D.Turner and ‘the Bell compa- ny.T he letter did not reach this office wntil,yesterday emarning and on ae “aunt ‘of the Enace necessary for “it and the Answ!er to!questions asked,its ee RY must be s\de- iderreq until?ext’issue,85 ‘Phe. “Lanamark has an extra,orun.of gd- “vertising today.The letter,anidé the: |remarks there n will:appeat Fyiday. ‘Mea ntime,it is proper ‘to ree »thie-facts as stated tn?the last: eue:.of:The iandmark,ini ‘answer. Theycan- not be contradicted,‘Meantime,also, Mr.‘Turner authcrizes ‘The Lanid- mmark to,fay that he will meet any of the gentleme n ‘of the opposition ticket——Mr.Wats,Mr.Grier.or) Mr.Hall,;’at any place or ‘time in joint discussion;‘or.that he will -meét Mr.Patterson or any ther cit- ‘gzen who wants to detahe-:ayith iim ou his political’record,hig.—pro; fescional record,-his social or,mor- pl standing,or anything\-in,Which the public ‘a intcreested.Of course Turner is running:~for the Senate on the salary platform and refers to.discuss that iseue,“but if they want to talk about hieis.rece ‘ord he is ready. That seems fair enough.All ports of warfare.is being made -on Mr. "ypurner;mostly in p2cret,and those who have been attacking him.now "have an opportunity to make the A.A Shu- 'prought The death cf.Mr. ‘ford,at Hickory.hound personal sérrow to .The Landmark office.’The:erase of this .paper had deen clesely associsted.with Mr.Shuford for .a year as a mem- ber o*the board.of directors of the Hospital at Morganton,and association ~had become much attached to him.Only last Wednesday they were tcegether and wir.Shuford was pleasant and com- panional@e as always.When he left’the train at Hickory Wednes- MR,ABEL,oes _SHUFORD DEAD. Proniinent Citizen of ‘Hickory:“Passe|: ed Away Suddenly.and Unenpeck: edly.Friday. Mr.‘Abel A.Shuitord,-promi- ment and’“wealthy citizen of Hick- ory;and oné..of.the best Known | ‘bupiness,meni in this -sectiont of the State,died suddenly “at his. home in.Hickory.Friday at 1 o'clock, “Mr.Shuford hid not -beeni well rfor a month,but his indlisposition was not considered!serious.,Wed- nesscay he ‘attended’a meeting)of: the executive.committee of the board of directcrs)of the State Hospital at Morganton.He |.men- tioned his iliness:.but-said he’had about.recovered and’.Beemed ;.en- tirely.hémself.At the time”ae brother,Mr.J.M.Shuferd; Hickory,;waB::cfiticaily::il}aed had beeu for:‘pevienal days,The latter,died “Wednesday,amternaon and was puried Thursday. It (is paid!that after his...brothe | segnyened.depreesed,ae morn- ing he complained not’.feeling, well ,and did“.net.‘eo te his *place of <Sasiness+-the First)National!5 Bank,-‘He .peemed to be apprehen- sive and told,fis--physicien that | he hoped he would not leave town during the day.,A Tittle pee 1.o’clock he wae seized |with) rigor and died.An a.few.minaten,| before a physician reached ham ‘Mr.‘Shaford |was.in his* year,having,celebrated.nig!70th -birthday \Tast November,He::was: a native of Catawba’county;reared op.a-farm,and in -1860 began.His business”career.aS;a clerk in a store in Hickory,when Hickory was only -a railway station;bis ¢m- ployer being Levi Elias,father of the late Kope Elias..When .the civil war:-began Mr.Shuford ¢€n- tered,whe Confederate a:my.He served through the war,and-it!16 testified’of hiim that he was a’gal- lant and faithful Confederate “sol- dier .°: Soon after the war Mr.Shuford eugaged im the me:cantile business iu Hickory;He weg.@ successful business man ard accumulated much.property.>At the ‘time .of his “heath he was president of the F:ret..National -Pank of Hickory land had!large.interes's in banks at ‘Newton and.Mcrganton.He was aiso largely interested in)three cetten.mills—the Hickory Manu- facturing Company,Ivey Hill Com- pany and A,A:Shuferd Mill Com- pany,as:well as several other “in- dustrial enterprises of mere or less importa nee.He -wis nm eonserva- tive busisess man but at:the same time a public-spirited citizen,and be.was recognized,:wherey he was’kiown,as “ian of sol-d worth.©:: Mr.Shuford took.much in‘erest in all public..matters and).for years was recognized 2s one of the mcst active forces:in the politics of his county,”He had represented .Ca- tawba im the Legislature but he 71st r a day evening there.‘was a pleasant -goodbye,with never a thought that it.was the final parting this“side the Great Beyond.“He was a good min and:true;‘hé had ‘wrought well and he leaves an honored name.But he could i)}be spared. Wheré is so much’for men of his kind to-do,Peace to his ashes @nd eympathy.fcr near and Kear te him. A dispatch from where Ficyd Allen the noted Hil-svilfe Bays: The,Allen jury today [Sunday] ing to ‘thei? house held these “Wytheville, is on.trial for court Va., house went .to ‘ehurch ard.mm return-rooms in the court a song pervice hearty voices cf the 12 é countrymen blended -in .the mony of an cld hymn,“Are Ready for ‘the Judgment Day?” Across the court house green Floyd Allen,the priscncr cn trial, the song.:: That was a trifle hard on Mr Allen.Locked like the jury m have intended to give him.a ents shint. ay It felle out that while Clark.was.runnk ¢strong Maseaciusetts Democra ic not .a single delegate elected fourteeif congres icnal districts ispledgedtohim.Of the 28 dis- trict relegates cigtt are pleeged-to Gov.l'oss,of Ma sachusétts,and| the others are unp.ed:ed. Landmark egrets that Mr.Wade-H.Harris, of the Charlotte Cironicle, has been off duty for two and mountain ‘to grind on It is hoped,be fully restored. Champ ini in’the The to hear editor wha a.week or trip,had) account that| on a give .up the “his health will boon of he t Presademt KnowsingtyMi-steted Pacts, say Dispatch;5th, In a sta®ment i-sued ‘hight by Col.Roosevelt to,President Patt's speech in Bai- timore ‘last night,the soloneél as- gerts that Mr ‘Laft knew making.an ‘untrue s atement wher he said that the former President| expressed tkeéccpinicn that the tictrust law ought to be repealed, He also.again ccmtiadiets the Pres-ident in regard to the harvestertrust‘case,Bay'ng theatrat a cab- inet meeting.«nd in private con- Tatt Pyster here ins reply to- ane versatiocn with him Mr jeatedly and emplratically indorg<d dhe course actual y taken.”necestaney ftom omens Homer Davempcrt, paper cartoonist,died a few BEGer copdht othtttslOhh ocd drattuleed utation by his cartoons in the idential campaign cf 1896,hie notable being the’pictures,he drew puit'of clothes mdde of marks...” The death of two children and a 'property loss estimated at bettweet resulted from a fire'that devastated the vil-Ww poner $400,000 atid *'$500,000 lage of Grogham,N.Mn tag saat es iYcu heard| the | primates| hé was| pees a not d,news- days “ep pres mos An a& dollar was not an aspirant for:office,pre ferring to develop and .promote business enterpr-ses.For near tweive years he was a member of the beard of ad rectors, of the State Hospital at..Morgan- tov and ‘for a good part of that time he was a-member of:the ex~ ecutive committee of tha board. was.a faithful aitend;nt om the meetings,was.intere ted in the work cf the insti uiién ured _his wis?and.conserva.ive”epunsel wes invaluable to it. Mr.Shuford’was a member ‘of erally of his means to Church and | charitable causes He was consid- erate of the poor and kind ‘to.them, For"s;eirs he was a ceacon in his chur h He sie dly refused:pro- movin to the eldership,which was offered kim,taking the grceund thé t | the could render best “s¢rvic@ aS a deacon In.i873 Miss.Campbell, tive of the Campbells of He is survived.by his wife: seven ¢hildren—two ecns and daughters All the children ‘married except jwo davghters alf live in Hickcry except daughter,Mrs.Gerdcn Cilley, lives in Philadelphia |The -funeral tcok |Corinth Reformed churh, iSunday morning at 10.30. ‘Mr Shufend married of Newton,a rela- Iredell, and ‘tive are cne who place Crom Hickory, lant nee tm kor a Combine to:Beat Clark. Dispatch to Balitmers Now Washington |;Sty |.The steady increase in the Chamipjclarkvoteduringthepast10days is cauging alarm in ‘many Democrat- jie Guarters,and the fear is now |felt that the.effect cf his nuccesses |will result seriovp’y unless pome- |hing canbe done to head off his ampaign. |"(In every State so far where the Speaker has made .a fight against Governor “Wilson,excepting Penn- ‘sylvumia:and Wisconsin,the Missou- |rian has won either a complete’or a partial victory The ‘result of lthis lead -in.vot-s has been .a |number of conferences ini Washing- lton.emoeng Democratic leaders,whe} are.eonviriced that without @ con- lcentrauionh of forces upon cne of the} lother.candidates now in theefield| Speaker Clark will go into‘the Bal- timére cinvention with a s-rength that might lead’+o his neminaicn., It.Was.asserted here today that |Speaker Clark’i ee cy was cup ported largely ,thie iinancial.4n- iterests whieh’ant di ‘ta...defeat Governer Wilson.hk was,never in- tended,however,that he whould| himself,be the-nem nee,In’mnite!of| tné reservation,‘hough,the,Speak- erehis pushéd to thi?front has been able ty.mdintain a lead that is growjng With’:Imost every vote that is “being take)‘ Instead,thereferc,.«f combining to’defeat Governor.Wilcn,the plan now is.to,comb ure to prevent the nommMauoen of tie speakery ‘Dine Underwood and Hannicn peop!‘fe are prepared’to entér into gluwch,air ph azee,but it is B.id that PW ecm ‘e ampaign srs 8,tn.be a‘party-to any ae a i The body of Jolin Jacob”sAstoy,one of the vVictiins of the Witanid disaster “whose remainé were/tecov-ered,wae buried:Satimrday at hisestateoearRhinebeak,’N ¥,Swe refuse cmbinaticn can é daie.onaeeee anid | for or er’s,funenal:Thursday Mr,‘Shufoxd : ‘Tpers,magazines and~periodicals ‘of He,, | the Hefermed Church and gave }yb-| } | || | i| || . ‘from half a foot to two-an Boy”‘andl.Horse Hurt:ain Riinaway |——Scared By Auto.. ‘The Mooresville correspondent of.|the,Charlotte gwhile B ye -that on Friday.morning whi Presslyandseveralladieswere.coming into.|town from.the river in an automobile ais they passed the home of J.S..Mor- rison an accident more or less seriousoccurred..Knox Morrison,the young son of Mr.Morrison,was driving ahorsetoasledonwhich-he had’beenhaulingguanoandtheanimalbecamefrightenedatMr.Pressly’s machine,The boy got in front ofthe horse toholditbythebitbut.was not strongenoughtohandlehim.The.horse ran,the boy holding to’the lines wasdraggedalittleway,resulting in afracturedjaw-bane and severa -bro-ken ribs,“The horse ran into a barb- ed wire fence and was MORE or.lessshurtHoraaei,noe ‘Features’of Postotticn Ap;‘propriation Bill.; aN ‘aablington Dispateh,2d.~‘ The postotfice arog ~bill,carryinigiapproximately $275 ,000,was ssed by the House today,927 to he measure carriedin addition to be approee necessary for thé eonduct of the department a number. of radical additions.Among.thesewereFederalaidforgoodroads,the} compulsory.publication by hnewspa- ne we the names‘of their owners and the es- tablishment of a parcels ‘post in con-nection with the rural free delivery’, service The good roads provisionaddedbetween$16,000,000 and $18,- ciuiieha Fails to ProvideFor.Flood ’_Sufferers—Urgent Apperi. Washington |Dispateh,,4th... Thé failtire of Congress to pass the resolution:appropriating $420,000 for the relief of the flood sufferers along the Mississippi river,causedthearmy today to instruct Major Normoyle,in charge of the work at,Mémphis,to cease making and prompted the American.National Red:Cross:Society to issue a second urgent appeal for funds to take up the work of relief when the army stops. Urged to.action,-the House passed the relief resolution but the measure still laeks,the.sanction’of the Senate, When the money is made available, only.$179,000.of it will be left,the bal- ance going to the commissary:depart-ment’to reimburseit for funds already‘|spent from its regular appropriation.While’Congress has been:asked for} only $420,000;it was declared:today | by:Commissionary Genéral Sharpe,of}. the army,’that:probably $750,000‘would be needed.to'‘fake care of:the situation.°The:department’s first e8-sig was based on early,meager res |: orally,160,000‘persons are riow ‘be-ing fed daily on army rations."The first flood is just entering the’,Louis- iana district and anotherjs on its waydownthe'river..In Louisiana aloneduringthefloodof1882,$231,000 was spent The present condition is muchmoreseriousandtherearemorepeo-ple now to take care of “With manythousandhelpless:peo- ple dependent wholly upon |public 000,000 to the appropriation,and.thisamount,.‘itis expected,will be-mate=/, rially increased in the next postoffice|measure ©: Misaissiyypi Flood .Surpasses All| Previous Fle ode. From Vicksburg,Miss’,south toNewOrleans,-the Mississippi river is| a half feet| above any previous flood record stage.| An additional rise this week of ap- proximately one-foot from New Or-) ans north to ‘Baton Rouge is’pre-| dicted by the weather bureauSoundingsmadebyUnited Statesarmyengineersshowthatthisrecord-,breaking volume of water is moving at the.rate of 8.1 feet a second,or| faster than‘ever before recorded in! the.Mississippi's flood history. The cable ship which picked up bod-ies of the Titanic’s victims brought190 'to Halifax,116 having been buried at sea because the bodies could not be preserved.Of the 190 brought to Halifax,59 were buried there,.the others being taken to former homes. This accounts for only.306 of the 1,635 that went to death with the ship. bounty for food,shelter and medical care and with thousands of horses and cattle to.be protected and fed,”said: ithe Red Cross.officials today, suffering from hunger,exposure and disease.’. Constipation causes .\headache,indiges-tion,dizzi drowsiness.for a ‘mild, medicine:usé&Doan’s ROR UST:OX at all stores,.° MRS.DR.MOORE, PAINLESS TOOTHEXTRACTOR, IS:NOW IN STATESVILLE, ‘‘é and will be.here for several: days.Office over Hall’s Drug Store:*.April 30. je Jo.Turner;-"Middleweight Champion of the world,and Louis Frantz,the |Dutch Demon,will wrestle two best out of.three falls to:a finish at the | aint |] | on a n |Statesville.Theater tonight at 8.30 Prices 25c.,50c.and 75c.Ladies Free. Ser umee ree R.P.ALLISON’S,|_BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE. 0860000000 o8eeoeooe GHRaGe? Field Seeds Far Interesting preliminaries. ‘May 7.o'clock. THE CATCH OF 3THESEASON> is liable to be yours if we have provided the tackle.The fish gy will simply jump over them: selves trying to get on such fine hooks and'splendid lines.You ‘don’t:care for fishing?All right—we'can fit-you out for any sport you do like.My ‘store has an unlimited variety of everything such a place should have. ning.Sowing. —BurtOATS Spring, or 90-Da cent.pure sead, thy,1 “all.Meadow Oats Gr Canadian Blue,for lawns, Suit “pure hasers. Red Rust P roof—80¢,to $1.00.: GLOVERS—led;Sapling,Alsyke, GRA $SES—Orchard,Herds (or.Red Top), All kinds orain and teed stiffs,-Fertilizers|at cuaranteed prices. y,White Spring,Black Alfalfa—98 per “Timo. ass,,Kentucky Bive and ‘chicken feeds,ete, Time or anh to wa.Bh SLOOP. contracts for supplies |. “any || ‘general or prolonged discontinuance, lof relief operations at this time can|| /mean nothing less than incalculable A ‘TREMENDOUS OFF ERING Okmemmmmeenancesencen Embroidery Flouncings ! t 1. FOR ONE DAY ONLY. Commencing Wednesday Morning.at 9 a.m. We wilt put on sale 1,500 yards of aoa: Saviss Flounces for Children’8;Misses’and . Ladies’Dresses,18 to45 inches wide,with Bandings tomatch.“These Flounces were. ‘Doughtat a very low price and we will give’ our customers the advantage of»‘our /pur-. chase,‘The values wewill offer are great: er than was ever puton|sale.in Statesville, and if you will come and examine same:we are confident you will agree withus and be S -anxious to take some home with’you.| :Remember the Day,Wednesday,at 9 a.m. ‘*One lot 400 yards,45 inches wide.Beau: tifa!designs for Ladies’Dresses,values up to $1.00.-Price:49c. “500 yards45 tnctibe wide,oe values 4 at $1.25.Price : One Jot’of very fine Baby Trish Patterns and Voile Embroidery Flouncing,values from $1.50to $3.00 yard.At prices thatwillsurpriseyou. Special Notice! S9Ce We will put on gale all of our Spring Coat Suits,which we will sell from one- _third to onehalf ff regular price We have other values that are as great if uot greater. THE WHITE Co. a ‘PHONE ‘101. ‘Sales Day is the first Monday in each month in Statesville,N.C. “SPECIAL | OnePricePrice Cash Store For the Week. Ten pieces 27 inch Flouncing,which setl price;35c.;spécial for the week 25c.theyard. —_ at regular Five pieces of the 50c.grade in 27 inch.Our special for the week 33c.yard. Six pieces of 45.inch Fiouncing,a aoe value ‘for $1.00 yard.Offered forthe week at 69c.‘ Ask to see the 5c)Lace’assortment we have on*wale.: Much of.it 8c.and 10c quality., '"Don’t stop until you'see the values we are giving all through our departments. Get:It at the One Price Cash Store and For Less. g Poston -‘Wasson Co. SU PERIOR’‘FEATURES OF DEERE NO.80 COT-| TON,CORN AND-FERTILIZER MACHINE _ Itis built entirely of Steel and Iron,runs Steady and follows a bed easily.Absolute.evenéss in depth of planting,very impoforCottonFertilizerdévice,unchokable,but easily need:Puts ; fertilizer below seed and separates with soil._Feeds evenly from ' ‘smallest to largest amount.Plants cotton seed dry,thick or thin, and does not choke or skip...Plants corntevel,ona bed or.indecsp furrows,from 10 to 41 inches apart.Comein and.examine this planter and see for yourself that it has © more points ofmerit than any other,-and place your order early, ‘as-we.do not ‘have enoigh some seasons to supply the demand. canes, Statesville Hardware &Harness Co. Sales Day is the first:Monday iin each month iin Statesville,N.C. SM CVs ee e re c e n t e lt re a ~OFFICE: -‘Personal Mention of the Folks:Wo. PUBLISHED TUESDAY AND FRIDAY. 7120 WEST.BROAD STREET,TELEPHONE NO,14, 12s =:eetH TUESDAY,«--=)May -%,1912. NN [A.F:A.M. oe & STATESVILLELodgeNo.487 A., F.&A.M.meets ‘tonight at 8.00o’clock in Mason- *:i¢Hall..Allmem- sbers requested to be present and visiting brethren cordially -in-vited...Regular meeting. (MOVEMENTS OF .THE PEOPLE,| 'Are Coming and Going.«. Migs.Celeee enka who visitedjenkel,returned:to her *homeé.in:Lenoir:Saturday>She wae |RESUME ‘Tidcmino.was the game of the oc atid Miss’Wert,of ‘Tennessee;Miss OF|SOCIAL .LIPE, Clab.Meetings.amit Other ‘SocialAGatheringsoftheWeek.-Her fellow members of.the.tenth grade cf’the-:city.school,..herReacher,Prof."H.E.Craven,’and Supt,and ‘Mrs.D,.Matt Thompson Were guests,at a party givem .byMissRosamondClarkFriday.everningatthe-home of her parents, Mr.and’'Mre,R.'R.Clark,|on north)Center street.Progressive casion’.and Misa,Rachel Morrison wou the ladies’prize,a fan,while the gentlemen’s prize,a stick-pin, went to Mr.Elree Webster,During the game punch was served and at the .close ice cream,’cake and mints were served.. Miss:Elvy.McElwee was hostess to the Entre Nousdadies and other friends |Wednseday .afternoon at, her“hcome on,Water street...Special guests’were~Mrs.,H..J.Dunewant (ier,of Baltimore,the guest.of Mrs.8.§."Pegramy Miss ‘Bucler, of Louisiana;and.Mrs.Edimond Jones,Jr.,of Lé noir;Domningh wits played“and Mrs...Z,“V:Long:won the prize,a box of.mationery. Iae Jen and: News of Elwood Community.»/ Correspondence,of “The Landmark... Elmwhod.May 6~Mr..and Mrs.Al- child,of Mt.Ulla,spent Oe‘urday and Sunday atMr.B.E.Arey’s.| Misses Mary and Ruth “Arey,teacher. MIBABY CHICKS!” eachLEONARD,Statesviile,N.C. Ky rere pure milk,from testedcows.delivered daily anywhere inN,PALNE,"Phone 1247)"May 7. WILL sell aWhitekandBlackLangshanbaby.chicksat 8Eggsforhatching$1 50 for $15.J.PA~May 7,1912, and student at Mt Ulla’High Scliool, arrived home last week |Mrs,R. Suther went to Troutman Saturday to visit relatives and attend Troutman High Scheol commencement.Mrs. 0.G.Turbyfill and little daughter,‘of Huntersville,are-visiting at the home of Mr.and Mrs,-J..M.Long.Mr.C.L.Murdock,who was hurt -H.H.BLAYLOCK, .———oeapeeoaFORSERVICE. Reseed Jersey Bull.His grandsire©sold for $10,200 at eight months old.Bothhisgrand-dames have records of over 600 lbs.butter ina year.A BUTTER BRED BULL,Walnut Grove Farm,Proprietor, while at work on the Wilkesbororoad Statesville,N.C.,R.FE.D.No.2.: last Friday afternoon,is expected home ina few days.Mrs.Murdock is with him.His'friends here were glad to learn that he was able to sit up a little yesterday.>ie adaMissEdithAreyisathomefrom Catawba,.where shetaughtduring the. winter..Mrs.L.O,Chester went toAshevillélastweekto’bring home herdaughter,Miss Margaret,whoris siek; but on arisingin Asheville found she was unable:to be moved’.3... A number:of Elmwood.people at |: ‘tended Cool.Spring.commencement | NOW IS THETIMETOPLANT | Melon Seed. .Kleckley’s Sweet is one of the’ibest.“Low’price on pound lots.Burrell’s _Gem,Paul ‘. Rose and Rocky Ford Canta- loupes are fine,aN Pole or Cornfield Beans a plenty.Also’Red Valentine and Stringless ~Green Pod,... which are the best bush beans. “All kinds Garden Seed.SLUG SHOT KILLS POTATO BUGS.Get these fro s »FANCY GROCER. 105 East Broad Street. "PHONE 27: fewPlymouthL J.B.GILL,| “<i a good bank means more | than mere storing of money.|. i t ae Rs i x a aN _Always.stand’well.at your bank;keep your engagements and show'your desire ta‘be con’; sidered ‘a ‘man whe can be trusted..Weare all pulling to- gether for the.common good,-and you may rest assured that we will help’you,through thick and thin,if you show you:are’ on the square. ea When you have shown your .banker that ;.you.can’hartdle,. your business and yourself sat-. isfactorily it alsa mears that |your credit is good for financial,7 - aid.in your enterprise.:1g means,.too,that.with you credit good at your bank,the. consequent reputation brings you in more trade,.better busi- ness bargains and increased so- cial and political prestige. ‘Aceountsof companiesand individuals solicited.Ev- ery.facility given—consistent with conservative bapk- We . |First National Bank,STATESVILLE,N.C./ . he Seco Ed.Mellon Company Hats,Men’s Furnishings,+ Trunks,Leather Goods. Boys’and Children's Dep nd Floor. Clothing and Furnishing Goods store inthe Carolinas. When in the City make our store headquarters. 8&10 West Trade St., Clathing,Shoes, ‘Capital $100,000;Surplus and Profits $32,000. :-.OFFICERS: J.C.IRVIN,President.-E.S.PEGRAM,Cashier._— G.H.BROWN,Vice President.-.JNO,W.GUY,Assistant Cashier. ! Trunks and Bags Vacation time will soon be here and you will take a trip somewhere,and of course you will need a nice new trunk.Remember weare the Trunk Peo- ple and can supply you with any:size.Ranging in price from $1750 to $20.ie : Steamer Trunks $4.50 to $12.50, Ladies’Hat Trunks (holds five hats)$7.50 each. Suit Cases at $1.00to$10.00.. Don’t forget the place. |Crawford-Bunch Furniture Comp’y. |aRAIR LESSR IL NTI TS mT you ea Are the lucky holder of shares in our 39th series which will mature May Ist call at the office on that day and” get your re ;3 - CREAR CASH t your mortgage ‘Cans- If you'are a borrower calland ge celled and go home happy.‘ L.HARRILL,Secretary. Charlotte,N.C. fr er 4 actompied by Mie,Pundyant:anc »:SySO vod UThe exercises werea high tribute toBieeMatemieratiMleredm,cake and,candies followed \rcs €hight ©ie tes i lu Migs Wert,of.Tene ling game.|The decorations.were Prof.Mitchell,his assistant teachers. sorrel’.o were guests of “Mis.loo wig flowers ard were yery’tt-|andstudents,and the good order that} Ate cid Mik:D.3.Grade attends |me prevailed during both day and night ed.the.furemal of Mr.A.A.Shu-re ic hat was remarkable.: Orgy wintery.Mr.A.A.The Bridge oe on ron a Mr.-and Mrs.Ivey Shoemaker,of Mrs:Leé ‘Albertson and two chil]terP002 win ey Coieft |Greensboro,are’visiting relatives dren went to’Taylorsville Saturday,Ae oes .MET nie here.-Miss Pearl Murdock,who has bonne i ey the game Mrs.R.B..Melaughlin arate 3 , to.vist!Mre,:Albertson’s mother,|—0)the prize,a.pair -of Lilk hose.been feaching near Mooresville,is at Mrs.Marshall.-ni.co wit dm addition to the club members a |home-for the summer.Mr..White, Mre,M.Li.ee iene men number of special guests were |from Virginia,brother of Mr,D:A.ihe winter with er diuebteratis.|PAine mone.them Miss batelle|White,operator:this place,is here gas aun s Poe ‘|O’Berry,of Goldsboro,who is’vis-|learning telegraphy. ‘Washington.iting Miss.Long;(Mrs.Dunavant.anc — Mre.J.C.,Irvin is .visit'ng.at ariee sort of Puntiemaee and |Mrs:|Triple ©Birthday,’Celelraition—Per- South River,Owe county,Che Goldberg,“of New.York,Two ‘sonal and Social Notes. bite iiatandiy’to end a tow courses ‘of refreshments Were serv-|Correspondence of The Landmark.N ee ats Ae eas ;Troutman,R-1,-May 6—Mr C.N. days,ieee ;——:co >‘i" Mre.¢.£.‘Troutman ‘and-chil-|yong,William Wallace entertain.}Sherrill of Charlotte,spenttheweek- dren,of Marion,are visiting Mrs:|oq:the Macdowell,Music club.Fri-end.with his parents,Mr.and Mrs.W. T.M.“Dale,;.‘'Iday afternoon ‘ther home-om Wal-Ti:Sherrill.Miss Mary Christy,of Miss Mary Summers is at.home |nuyt gtreet.A business B:6slon of |Mt.Ulla,is spending several weeks from Arcadia,§.C,where he |tne club wis held andgttie.following]withher sister,Mrs.LaFayette Hobbs. sanent echoo!ae oer 5 coh ae p named officers were e-elected for Mrs,Everette Denny has returned toMestre.<C.B.Webb ‘und K.P.ing:her term:Mra,$iliamy Wal Jher home in Concord after spending A rine"Biata meeting of,the hee preside i Ri ee.several weeks with relatives. Eeeels eee vba ",rice resident,TS oY.ps 4OdaFellowsaceeeeeerisie|Tn Mr.S.A.Wagner and Mrs.J N. Mrs,Laura Raymer and Mr.R-|caagition to the club's regular mus-Deal are sick. C:Little,of Ghiloh township,and'jj.a).programme,whit followed Mr.Jo.Deal reports strawberry Mr.D.L.Raymer,of ‘Statesville,|ii¢pukiness seassicn,Mra.Goldberg,|ple and whitehead cabbage out of his went to.-Charlotte yeéterday tolar New York,a special guest,-fa-garden May Ist. attend the Northi Carolina Medical!oa the dub with a number of Mr.D.F.Simpson spent the weeks Collége Cn re aes :ee ;—woeal gelections.Th¢meeting clos-|end in Taylorsville.— .M.Raymer,eon of Mrs,Raymer |4g with the service of refreshments.)Miss Blanche Hegler gives adinner pnd brother of Mr,Raymer,*and}seem -today in honor of Mr.Tom Heglar, Mr.Eepy Little,son of Mr.Little,|Mrs.R.O,Deitz was hostess .ha Beulah Joh on:d.Oz 1Siweremembers.-of the graduating |the Twice Six Embroidery club and|Misses Beulah Johnsonand.Uzel simp- claes :la few.guests,Thursday afternoon,}Son,all having the same birthday— Mr.and Mrs.Geo.W..Nicholson,|at her home on Kelly .street Af-|May 6th.:5 of Farmingtcn,Davie county,27€/ter an hour of sewing and talking |There will be scareely any apples here to be with their €0n,Mr.Geo:|,galad course.was rved but plenty of:peaches.Gardens look B.Nicholson,who i#iN.at Billinge-|CeeeneneaR fine.Crop planting is being .pushed. Jey hospital.They ‘are guests,at |Notices of New Allvertisementts.Be so cacepanaine 2 the home of Mr.J.W:Nicholson p S ala fl ladies.—The R:M Methodist Conference LDenaunces Mre..FW.Webster and ttle a eo OF":'7 St)President and eet Wilsoat, daughter,Frank Wallace,went nox Co.—:Minneapolis,Mi SD ‘to Charlotte yesterday fo spend)a}-Davispaint —Lazenby-Montgomery |°ecient terse M pee Dispatch,3d. few days :|Hardware Co.In so far as the General Conference Mieses Flora Lewis and Charlye|.White pumps and strap sandals for of the Methodist Episcopal Church, Tomlin spent yesterday in »Char-|jadies,misses and children.—Mills &|meetingin |uadrennial ‘session here, lotte Poston .is able to influence its membership on Mre.E.§.Clayton,of Ashe-|"pinnister’s.Oxfords for men.—political matters,President Taft has wille,{6 visiting at -Mrs.D.M-1q)0)white Shoe Co.lost the support of this largereligious Furches’,;B.Woodward,jewel-|denomination,for the Conference to- Mra.BR:L.:Posten.bas-returned|Kodak.—H.-B,..Woodward,Je ”,fer 0- Ree fc :Se :Y day went on record as declaring thatfromCharlotte,where she spent er.:|those in althority in the’Unitedstates |several days with:her mother Mrs Farms,town and suburban proper:.“a pet ected uit alaims Davidson,who is {2.Mrs.Bell ty and dividend-paying stocks.—E.qG.|government had ‘Tor eited all claims Carlton.went to Charlotte.Satunday|Gaither “|to the future franchises of the Chris-| to he wah Mee Davideos Gicciminta|All sorts of insurance and bonds,Hee and sober manhood of the | ae F atterson,Mr.Grab@m |st tesyille Realty and InvestmentCo :et viele nd)Miss Mary Patterson |”“4 a.bie fit —S.,M..and H Shoe,The declaration was embodiedin | Beers North ‘Caircuina pci i.\resolutions based ontheaction of Sec-| Li COTM MenCemM €nar-‘a ..rs r Tih sate ote Ms Sere lowers —Polk Gray Drug Co.,|Tetary of Agriculture James Wilsonin| bon.Jr.,was a:member of the grad-agents presiding at the brewers’convention| Pe iy ena tei ae ‘can’s in Chicago last October,and thePres-|uating class Sporting goods at Allison s.i CAS n Mr.T.D.Miller atterided the!Trunks .and:bags.—Crawford-|ident and the Secretaryof Agriculture | meeting of the First Presbytery Bunch Furniture Co.and the Secretary of State are named| bf the Associate Reformed Ohurch|”Big offering of embroidery flounc-}4S disregarding the expressed wish | at -gah church,near en ings for one day only beginning to-and prayer of Christian manhood and| rs.Samuel Tom)i Miss mk sie a natinn:1!ye oeMrsasan.:1 :Bf if et (morrow at 9 a.m.Special sale spring womanhood of the nation ”’" for Georgia iI)yis-|Coat suits —The White Co:STATE NEWS. ét im Macon ‘mlin wil |Celebrate eighth anniversary Fri-Peet visit in Atlasta day,10th,from 7.30 a.m.to ll p.m}Rowan county Republican conven-, Mrs.A...Coble -is mit|Music,souvenirs,special prizes,spe-|tion Saturday declared for :Roosevelt| attending the.meet ot the |cial’sales Everybody invited.—|and passed resolutions opposing the| State Federati¢f oh WCET BS hubs.|Statesville Drug Co.building of a new court house and in| eee nahi So court.”«|p Spec sale of flouncing at the One|favor of salaries for county officers.| Meaty,Posten lett inet night for {Erte oun te the-week.—Pos-|The Jefferson Standard Life Insur- hs to |ton-Wasson Co.ance Company,of Raleigh,.and-the -Jo.Turner,middle-weight cham-|Greensboro Life,af Greensboro,;have jast pion of the world,and-Fouis Frantz,|agreed on a plan for a mergerandthe re she the Dutch demon,to wrestle at States-|headquarters of the consolidated com-| ts |ville Theater tonight.Frid i panies will be in Greensboro. vik oe ta,who will spend |c,hide Pa eB Frei riday an@)John Harris,colored,awaitingtrial a few @ here..Miss:Mary.Lee or fs ne ristilefr te ted cows:on the charge of:murder,escaped Austin,who graduates from Mars resh,pure milk Irom tes}‘|!fromStanly county jail Wednesdayaf- au Ae oe —I N.Payne,’phone 1347 it 8 aged Hiil,heme tomorrow.Mr.|"y ahk chivks I |edps for hatchin ternoon.The wife of,the jailer went Alex came heme Saturday.|.Baby chicks and eggs for hatching:|in to feed the prisoners and Harris, ae ;-_|—d.Paul Leonard.=who was concealed under a bunk, Commencement.'\Taytorsville —Hie}Half interest in grocery businessfor|ade a dash for liberty,knocking theSchoolsaie:-——Add P.O.Box 314,States-made a dash for liberty,Knoc ing the a Gs ai sale.—Address F.'U.BOX oh,«wotian down and escaping through Correspondence of The Landmark.ville,N.C.h do Taylorsville,May 6-—The com)"pict class cow wanted Stanley e'open door meneement exeic’6ep of the Tay-se .ee ‘a ’Sa nena jorsville Hi School will.begin |Conger.:MATTERS OFNEWS. Jay ith},ee oy * Wednesday,Bh,at8 p.m.ve D)bagal Accide&t to Cdnteddrate Vet»|Emil Vasquez Gomez,Mexican law- a play,‘Tony,the Convict,“imstive |”.:erans’(rain ‘has b 1 tAted ia al acts.-A’stiail adanission fee will be|i i .1 is bi deontdanit ot Monee:hysivoctarnation changed.-|Nine persons,including three wo-S ‘sami Nhursday,11 a.m.,annual -‘ser-|St dwg ohidren,.killed of General Pascaula Orozco,ih charge mon by Rev.C.BE,Raynal,.-pastor)Tee te ee a on ee ae of the révolutionary forces.: Firet Presbyterian church of States-eo peter ne ieee WwW.ent e€iret The engine,tender and express, ville:2.30 p.m.,.declamation’‘con-|section of the ‘Confederate Veterans’|mail and baggage cars and two pas- me a m:,debate,plays“a “"Special”of eleven cars,en route from |Senger coaches of.a Southern tailway Friday,11 a.m.,annua)addréss |Texas to tne annual réunion at Macon,|train were overturned Sunday morn- by Supt.B.D.Doughty,of the |Ga.,was wrecked yesterday morning |'7&at Hortense,Ga.No passengers Appalachian Training S:hocl,Poon’;on 4 trestle,a mile south of Eastabu-were injured but the engineer and 2 p.m.,‘graduating exercises and o :eet me Zale three trainmen were hurt. presenting medalg;8 p.m.,concert ichie,Miss.,on.the New Orleans and}The House of Representatives,by All of the exercises will be at Northeastern railroad,unanimous vote,ordered an investi- oe meron Se 6 |eee gation of the conductof Judge Robert |§ Mr.©.P.“Burke,a Student at)Officials of the.United Mine]W,Arch rt,|BeaUAiesuafeitocasBi:;.Archbald,of the commerce court,| Davidson Ccllege;spent the week~|workers;of America,who were :: “end with His parents,Mr.and..Mis.)j,,‘nonitetenoe is New York for two to:determine wliether or not he should RB.Burkes y days,Friday night expressed confi-Peed hie uiine ke satare Gente irom New Mill at “Stony.‘Point Begins |dence that a strike of the mine|™%.ey 4 eh &: “«4,Business,eins |vorkers of the ¢h.ee anthracitd dis-)railroads.The inquiry will.be made Correspondence of The Landmark.‘ltriets,who have been idle since by the committée on the judiciary: 'Stony,Point,May 6 hota Pearl |April 1,has been averted and that aseniateeee tease cone image iting C samy has ¢“i its'a eatiefaccory were ort jw 4 ell ;i «class “Cow.JerseyayeomniaSirecomiphLedsntasatisfaciorywereeaveparesisaWANTEDlNestsecuGewien plant and the mill was foumally |tered into with the Spee}STANLEY CONGER,Statesville.ay.7. opencad fcr business on Satugday.)fore the end of this month!.—- The machinery is all of tite modern |see ee POR SA Lit erteae vetoes conan re type and tne oulluok is:fa vorabie 1,shoot ae Rite Zino rihde|8ponsible party who wilttake aufiee management |i for a libérad patronage:This -wdde t)White,Ucee is Lead-and Zinc are |Of same,Address Eystofiice Bax 814,Statesville,| one pore Swiactett to thie DiRCe Tor Wiexseed.A.Hts Ol sales oie NiO:May 7. @ fills a long-felé need,©‘these pizments constitates the L.‘mh ; pre,ny Sen a ;Ait |otemente,Linseed Oi ee doage tig ss N QO [I @}E !ue Bishop Collins Denny,will pre-|semi-paste Paint.it's nade so that.PY)wasptowind up my gin business FRIDA¥-|}side ut the next Bession’of the adding three,quarts oe eter 1%ea iene La SATURDAY,May ith and tith,and wil Western North Carolina’Conference,|ff ready-for-use Paints{s produced at a austy have all bettors wpe Gate wre Sea M.K..Churetyo South,at:High |cost of’$1.57.pet,gallon,Anybody can]~Bt ..”LB,BRISTOL Point November 20;;.and)at the mix the Mil with |the L,*M.ee .Daas rewittthe,Nor’.Caelina Cone Anish Hee”rom Re So BOR RENT a Buneaaaae ference -’at Fayettevil id,November “:-Gair on Statesville Ita dware.and Har~!bléeke fr:m_postoffice;.Possession June iat.. ea ene joe ro oe ness Co,Statesville Ny O.:Poh EAPBREASONGE ES Abe a Re id b pe :— We're splendidly ready “you ate sure to need and what youwill,need.me Housewives who have it the ultimaté thickness of give attention to.this sto The home—vour home—will need ne a new pio A new carpet.new:draperies ms Furni te aid you jn your Spring house furnishing,w things this spring—some new furniture pieces, oa pew range or cook stovesome of these things and Visit,this store when you decide sweavantYoutobesup y mind the beat interests of the appearance of the home,and the home purse after the refarnishing is finished,will do we ib to re When shopping. Ho ” use.eer &Tits. i ih Lets 4 wee des :\ toe PRISCA TLLasFeateSENbul Salata o at ~Oaken Bucket Filled.to the.brim with cold,clearpurity—no such water nowadays. Bring back the old aay with : Sh It makes.one thinkofeverything that’s pure and wholesome and delightful.‘Bright,spark- ling,teeming with.palate-joy—it’s <= :<.Yoyoursodafountainoldoakenbucket, Our new booklet,.Free telling of Coca- Cola vindication at Chatta-nooga,for the asking. Demand the Genuine as made'by THE COCA-COLA CO ATLANTA,GA. 2-J Whenever you see an Arrow think of Coca-Cola. 3SRings That AreAll Right. When,you buy.aqne ofour Rings you need “not give yourself any:trouble about the sets.If by any chance the set should get loose and come out,just bring it in and a-new set will be put in free of any, -cost to you.We sell the famous W.W.W.|Let us show you our line. THE LANDMARK |Correspondence of:The Landmark, ‘i with--a desire: ‘|know.’ |to steer:-clear.of Your local affairs, |especially |30 days .for ‘|might get.mad and:quit); “7 svill jus:. Makes, TUESDAY, IN. A Winter:‘Drought* »Western ©Kstininte an. a May 7,1912. CALIFORNIA1A, Lroken—The of Mr,Bry- ‘Los -Angéles,Cal.+-It has.been a quarter of a centurv since I left Iredell ecunty and hh’.the pike for, the tal'timber of the West..The Landmark has been a.sourece of much’pleasure to me,.as I have read practically every issue .dur- ing all these years,.and,-‘thereby have been enabled to live:in the West and at the same tithe,”in a measure,to’live in North CaroMne as weil, I can’t restrain myself from.but- ting,anto’The Landmark onee in.-a while’with the same:desire that all 'of ‘Adatn’s,”progeny is.afflicted to.tell.bome...one he.ces notalready| J sliall;however,endeavor something vany reference ny the: nathes.of.some of ‘your:‘social clubs;whether Jarge.hats,»hobbie skirts,‘etc.are commendable forladies‘in public;/Whiether the “haypeed”from the rural districts hallbefirm”30 cents or.sent up.for appearing at one of. your social.functions with -his pant legs stuffed.inside:his -boot-. tops;“whether:salary,of no salary for county officers -(oh,you had better give them some salary,.they and -inregardtythedogtaxbusiness’7 quote the Missouri poet: “Byery time I go.to town, The boys.keép akickin aroun’; no.difference ‘it houn,’: gotta:quit kickin’my,dawg| to. my dawg he is.a They: aroun’. I‘am glad to state that he long| winter drought.in‘southern Califor-| nia’has beeti.broken and ‘we are having ample rain to gpod-erep—-for_this--season,--Al] our rain falis hetween November,| and:-May,venerally.Seldom |any‘! rdin falls during the:summer,'This| past.winter:has .been the most general and ‘-universal.freéeze-up |from Puget Sound in the,northwest the eastern borders of.°.Maine south to.the Gulf,that has expelienced in many.yeats; whilé the.rest of the country enjoying this universal Southern California «was g from an wnusual winter drought Talk about sunmshime and dust.in winter!»We had both in plenty.'ey Frem July 1st to March 1st,we had had only three ‘inches of rain. Since ‘that time (six or seven’ weeks),our.rainfaJl hag..rup-up to over 12 inches.Prof.Hatfield, to ard been and was fre suf pen npg s |were led to suppose. iis an |lines insure ‘aja Ltruth jmortgage, Farm Work—Saw Mill.Ohanged—, Personals,Ete.. Cortesnondence of Thé Landmark.~ Statesville,R-3,/May 8—The farmers’are ‘anusually ‘late in-get-ting their crops planted,but.are: making every,effort to take advant-)age of |the prisent spell .of drv weather..The air -is filled with the smell of the freshly-turned god and .the sounds of the hopeful, cheery whistle of the plowman:‘as Lhe homeward plods-his weary *way’’ Fafter these .long-days of honest toib.:; Mr,J.HH.Troutman Saw mill on.Mr E.J. land.a..month »ago, moved his ‘Troutman’s has finishedbawingatthis’place.and will’move |. his -mill .to.Mr. place near.Eufola. Charlie ‘Clark’s The Sunday schcok at the Osbwalt| ‘school house ‘is progress.mg:nicely with Mr.W.A.®uther as>superin--tendant,and),is)wielding an tive:of each good in:this’eom- munity;, Miss “Settle “Troutman ‘attended| ‘the commencement.of the Scott's high ot ,Mesdginies Hu M.hits a‘Ostwalh,are spendingekwith.‘friends.at Trout- man.Mees Ms A,Hartline is vis-iting.her.daughter,Mrs...Jy FB:WWoodsides,in Charlotte.;Mrs..Amanda Ostwalt,who been So seriously ill.for rome time, is slightly.improved,‘~ There is a ripple of general Batis- faction im this section over the cap- ture.of Reuben’Combs;that’the the punishment may be meted out to him! he so richly deserves./He evidént- ly isn’t aS weak-minded -as.the patties who ‘had charge of him However,bis;example of some of the im- nvature,ill-assorted marriages of our country,with which thie divorce courts are ER eG ‘ Opposed"to ‘Civil, Carriers Should Be Changed. To the Editor of The Jandmark: Thy corner has been established by justice and equity. stand the marked witnesses asserting and.testifying to ft -want to start.a.wave thought from your from one journal to anot her on®thoughtful man to another and from thespoor peasart in his cot- tage to the.man ,-:‘in the White House.in accordance wi h th®days of Wash- ington,Jefferson,Monree and oth- >Is -tt:equal’rights all and ‘special privileges to none?Say Governors,Senatcrs and pe op!le,is tt right for a man to ‘have a ‘job or life until he adds acre Soar to dollar’and mortgage to when other men just as and law-abiding Can't get.a piece of ;pie?..Would it not \ibe more ltke.equality to give .afour.year term ta.the rural of bd competent Ta |! ence:that is ‘hoped will be produc-| has} Wervice——R ural | = | ‘WANTEDATONCE! The Charlotte Daily Observer anxious to ‘secure the news.from Statesvillein order to tell it to the larger.world needs —atoncea.—REAL LIVE.CORRESPON DENT. One who will re ularly and constantl both thandthetownofStatesvillle..ee si ©paper THE.CHARLOTTE OBSERVER,Charlotte,N.C.May 3 Manager’s.Office. Pn.+t Guess IN BUYING YOUR:CORSETS.c “AMERICAN LADY CORSE ts Wingive you thefashioriablefigures aas no‘other.CorsetThey:are positively rust proof,and absolutelyiaForSlender,Medium and.Stout.Figures.1 to $1 ALLEN L.MILLS, eG THE CASH STORE‘(Successor to The’Ladies’Furnishing Store.) Alf along the} the || columns to roll |: from | Is civil service as it now ts; to acre,| mail| earrier and then Jeti some one else} have it?,The ancient command was to ery |eloud,‘spare not:and tell Israel |, itheir ein,etc.The writer thinks!it *ae time for .the patriotic| fery begin.How long at the} |Tate;ravi wervice has gone till “all|The Planet,Jr.,No.76 Cultivator ithe officials,even to the President,| will be included?W.A.MYERS.[ls a machine without a rival in pore and usefulness.The arch is high,. New Castle,N.C.the frames and tongues all steel,and the change in width of wheels is all golden,sunlight pouring upon ===.that could be desired.‘The gangs are adjustable in depth,to throw to and southern California and when.we Papers in the fi ret "puit for dam-|from the row.The.draft is arranged,to insure satisfactory work The: have both,the roses lift their|ages,brought by a relative ¢|pivot 14 spoke wheels act iustantly and make guiding a pleasure.The seatredlips‘apd lies bare their)Titank:victim,were fled in is large'and comfortable.‘The central lever operates hinge tongue to-regw-white brows to the kisses of the:Federal court in New York,*|late depth of front teeth aid level the machine. Oe re cee cea lene ee ee re To cultivate your crop successfullyyou will need a Planets Jr.,Ridinlatitude.into.a:pleasant and Mrs.Louise Robins,a’widow at co healthful summer climate.‘|Victor Robins,Col)John Jacob As-|Cultivator.Come in and look it over.Terms to suit purchaser. Well,the political pot is boiling |tor’s valet...It charges.negligence|,-Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware Co.out-West as well as down.east.|on.the part of the Oceanic Steam | Roosevelt's hat-is in the ting and |Navigation Company and asks for | —_—_—_—_—_———his teeth are shining.Taft Still |$50,000 damages and costs wears ‘his smile and an innumeér |=,i |a of Happiness Ww ‘{f able retinue of Federal -officehold | to.Statesville Car Load of Good Mules ers behind him,Champ Clark ©is! | much rieedless woe |;——§_AND-—— about to annex Canada and Woodrow,What a Pills are for|edCarLoadofGoodMaresandHorses. tne rain-maker,was shooting off} i bombs in the Sam Jacinto moun- tains,1§0.miles east of Los Anige-‘\les,and of course.claims the credit of having produced the.co- pious rainfall.IE don’t know that I particularly care who:produces. the rain,just so it comesin.plenty, for.we have a continual stream of panionaa left the day evel, goodbye,w it vee yfwweGreat,H,RICKERT &SON,, Man ant well name. A beautiful PICTURE suitable for framing will be given to every one’making a cash purchase of $1.00ormore.‘ Jewelers. lf WOMENONLY KNEW! Heap Wilson is making facés at Mars-|Would ,ee Henry Wattergon,:ete.,with hon-j}°Ifomes.° ors about equally’divided al¥.round,|Hard ‘to- But towering aboye them all ptands |aching backtheimmortalBryam,.the great Com-| piinos youmoner..No just and .unbiased es)~~7” timate of Mr.Bryan-will deny him jlcisure or at a place among;:the select ‘few of|'Tf.women the nation’s truly great ones..Any|—{hatestimateofpublicmenandindi-|<p.Kache pains often.come.-from vidual factors in moulding public|i opinion that is broad enough and|¥weak kidneys,:fair enough to break over party ‘'Twould save ‘|barriers,must include William J.Dean's KidneyBryaninthelistof.the two or}wear’kidney.three.greatest living.Americans.|Measured by his moral anchorage,|Read what 4 by his ability to-command the pow-|Sa¥s:3 ae f er of eloquence in a4 righteous|Mis.’M.Jx_Lyerly,Hill Street; cause,by his fidelity to the great!Stat esville;,N:.€ar.,says:‘When fundamental cause of the common |[used Beale Kidney Pillg J found: people of.this.republic,.-W ‘iam |tham very effective and lL am lad| Jennings Bryan ‘is today a greater ito recommend them to anyone who Man than the President.|has kidney trouble.-I was troubled Bryan’s.mistakes thave never;by.nervous spells and the -attion caused his countrymen to’question|jof «my -kidneys was irregular.My his -sincerity of purpose on his.)pack ached and.I did.not sleep fidelity tothe .common people.His|well_In the morning I felt all errors were errois of judgment.{tired ott.When I héard about |No.fair-minded man ever believed|}Doan’s Kidney Pills I used some that .he was influenced.or swayed‘!and before long:they benefited me from the line of duty by the weight|ju every way.’’oY -"»ot political,Dower on entrendiied|For sale by all dealers.Price 50]wealth.Mr.Bryan has three tithes|:.i gone down:to defeat and yet is|cents,Foster-Milburn:Co.,Buffalo,|. for .theratedasagreatandinfluential|New.York,sole agents on we by ee ee Love in stice |United States. amc who rate men above dollars ell oh €S and Auman.rights above pc litical Remember thepower.Henry Clay was.too great.a ‘and take no other. man to be.President.So.w Be Web-fa i ster,Blaine lacked nothing do hous swank with an}None Better. hours of misery work. only knew the cause ‘i | at| 4|The Polk Gray Drug Company, Sanacnieetees SPECIALISTS. :On the.Square.*.*Phones 109 and 410. Largest and Best Line| OFAa 8 and Hatness Ever brought to Statesville.Will sell steel tire topbuggiesfrom$47.50 to $100.Rubber tire top*buggies with Kelly Springfield ‘best grade rubber,and full eer trimnied,‘from $65 to $125.Surrey and Harness:roportion to above prices. all and:examine these before buying.¢ Statesville ciftizem He *%, |Henkel-Craig Live Stock Co. nee gemscam QUAREEERD OAT CED @ =o Revere of b ve 2 APRIL 18, DANDRUFF GOES!made his in in+|:4 Haejtellectualmeasurement.There is Quickest |Dandruff Cure World of warninnerthaps-not another American citi-:Has Ever Known!:‘ gen who~could survive sae as te:Vou.wank!to a aahe’ived.4 5 \get rid of an errant Nas Ge State This istthe druff in the shortest possible timeyeoeeeerietsgetahottloofPARISIANSAGEto- ,and use i ce -Pe ae bouna eal ‘Besides banishing dandruff and to 'HENRY Ss.MORRISON,making 'your Scalp immaculately ;een ee clean,PARISIAN SAGE is,guaran- "OHI y ¢teed to étop falling hair and iteh- ing sealp ‘and impart..life and beauty.to the hair. One of ‘Rothester’s most prom- inent haspern writes:inact ‘ Gentlemen:“I am a yer Of |/ 15.jCats’.crpemence,a used many thinga for hair,but’never found anything équaill.to PARISIAN SAGE for removing dandruff.It is also a splendid hair diress- ing and quickly stops itehing bealp.|. I have used it for the last three yeats,”’:T;D.Smith;Chambeér—of! Cammerce,Building,Rochester,N. ¥.,Jume 27,:1911.“PARISIAN SAGE is sold Statesville:‘Drug ~Compaty:..seni | dirug stints averynee for 50.conts.'| 4ce n c e s e s 7715(ed aS26 Sessccccssecssscscccoese @ Harness,On Aprilname—Doan’s—‘Vehicle &Supply Company. 116 East Broad Street. We joaue a “Warning! Come here for all.kinds of Clothing if you wish your pur- chasing to be satisfactory.We are showing a full line of SPRINGTIME STY LES IN THE BEST CLOTHING. -Forutility of service,smartness of style,perfectfon of:fit. and economy”of price our clothing cannot be well equaled.Our prices arc moderate,although our guarantee goes with every sale..Come jn and look over our large stock.We feature the Griffon make in-Clothing,which is ade the best on thismarket atprice...Try a"Suit and you will take 0 other.‘ ‘Sloan Clothin g Co. a mene came gO 060 nee ie een 2]! Your Comfort Today May.Be Your Distress Tomorrow.:Ever Think of That Mr.Property Owner?:|INSURANCE! Wei issue every kind—Fire,Life,Accidentang Health,SteamBoiler,Liability,Automobile,Plate Glass,Wind'S torms,Cyclo XC, Live stock.onds—Administrators,Guardians,Trustees and*°_any judicial bond:Todayis here.Tommorrow is coming alltoofast.Consider the present.Too’late to lock the stable after the horseis gone.'Phone 54.“roor write us for _andinformationaboutour.policies:~:*—< Statesville Realty :&-Investment Co.J.F.CARLTON,Manager. all the STATE OF OHIO,CITY OF TOLEDO,LUCAS COUNTY. Feank J ‘Cheney makes ‘oath~that“he ts’aevice partner of the firm,of F.‘d.Cheney &Co.,doing business in titeGityofToledo,County and State aivre-said,and that’said.firm will pay theSuim_of ONIS TUNDRICD DOLLARS toreachandeverycase-of Catarrh that.¢annotbeeebytheuseofHall's’Ga- tarrh Cure.FRANK J.CHENBY.Sworn to“before me and subscribedinmyPerce,ake 6th day of 'De-aa A (Seal.)A.W.‘GLEASON. Notary Public.Hall's Catirrh Cure is taken internal-ly;and acts diréctly on the blood and,mucous surfaces of the systemn.Bend,for.er ee s,free..CHRNEY &co.,‘Toledo;QO.t-Sold he "all.druggists,bc,Ap.Taketipath age by the |! all's Pamily ane for con- sn a r e ey e c a r e x Te e ) 4, and inhalationtotheseatefomach,;alwayshave &jarof Vie aint Atyourdraggist’s ora 25¢.,50¢.,.$1.00.Evonomy suggests the,dollar size VICK"s FAMILYREMEDIES co..‘‘Greemsboro,N:C.” Children: at School|, healing,antiseptic vapors 89 direct]of the fenite:oe drugs todissrrange theBereadyforao a aaa of coughs,cafwtsore throat,stil necks,etc,is to useWicksiszstSALVE lt breaksane eccoldsbs avichlybby external application;absorption if mils never|he neglected;Thequicken,caneat way iy 's is Tone Bete Co, General ‘::Sed ~Blectrical a Contractors Estimates Furnished KindsElectrical Supplies. HOME ELECTRIC CO., Aaa .D.COOPER,Manager. Sewing Machine : J. seinBeRepaired. US LAMPRECHT, 109:East Front Street. ’Phone 61. JUST RECEIVED !: ‘Local Views,All N StatMr.Lon Sou A 'Tab Fountain ‘Pen and Conklin’sFountainPen.best self-filling pens on the market. Broad Street Methodist Church.,Statesville Female College.~:esville-Graded SchoolF.H.Conger’s Residence.FsSanatorium.thern PassengerStation. sk to see the Simplofiller These aretwo Carry a full line of lets,Inks and Pencils. PRINTING. BRADY,-The Printer.| Ww. Statesville,N.C. Fi R..MILLS ne Farm Lands and City’Property.for Sale. AGENT FOR HUPMOBILES. Jan.2 are not tinder your pro-tecting care and the art.Very apt to.pia |HOUSE |THE LANDMARK : TUESDAY,“one “May hy 1912, ,re ta Watauga. Hocus Democrat. On ‘Vuesday night the larga.store building aud contents owned by Mr. G.W,Robbing,of Shull’s Mills,to- gether.with .the postoffice and equipments,were destroyed hy fire, no’one -article of any .kind being|saved.The ‘lors twill .amount to Several thousand dollars;and wearetoldthat-Mr.Robbins let,hisfireifisuraneepolicies‘lapse omly.’ recently.The origin.of the fire is;unknown,but it is thought to|be the work ‘of incenddaries. ANNOUNCEMENT. To the Demoerarta Voters ot Ire Td &idell.County: I hereby,akbubce”myself a:cane ‘dlaate for nomjnation fon re-elec-tion’.to the office of County.Sur- iveyor,Subject.to ‘the:aeticn of the Democratic _pfimaniecs .and county,‘convention,:R,F.RIVES. May 7,191.20.°.->ve ae :ANNOUNCEMENT,, Te the,Democratic ‘Voters ot Ire“dell County: I dnnounce myself a candidate for re-election to the office of Reg- ister of Deeds of.Iredell |.county, subject to.the action of the Dem-ocratic primary and’county con= vention.}J.E,BOYD, __April ¢30,1912, ANNOUNCEMENT. To the Democratic:Voters of Ire” ,dell County: “7 announce Myself a candidate for re-election to the office of Treasurer of Iredell county,sub- ject:to the action of the Dem- ocratic primary and county conven-tion,W,-R.SLOAN._April.30,1912, HOUSE OF REPR 2SENTATIV ES. To the Democratic Voters of Ire- dell County. I am a -eandidate for the Démo- cratic nomination for the House of Representatives,on the salary plat- form,subject to the action of the Democrattic primaries and nominat- ing convention,and solicit the suDp- port of the voters in the primaries. TILDEN H..WILLIAMS. «April|26. “OF ‘REPRE:SNTATIV ES. To the.Democratic Voters.of Lre- ‘dell County: I am a candidate for the Demo-cratic nomination for the House of |Representatives,oti the salary plat- form,siibject to the action of.the: Democratic primaries:and ‘nominat+ ing convéntion.If nominated and elected I will endeavor -to-carry out the reforms for which I standpledged. April23.“ANNOUNCEMENT. S.FRONTIS. To the Democratic Voters of Ire- dell County: In compliance with the endorse- || | | ;j istructed, |}will give to the nominee other Democratic jearnest and cordial swpport.__April 5.H.P.GRIER. A CAND: always here. ALWAYS IN. OCCUPY threerocmaonthe second floor of the Firet National Bank building,and I ani} | jator. Don't peep into my reception room|Of the majority of the elected, ;ment of the Democratic mass meet- I am a}ing on the 6th ‘instant,candidate for.the Senate of thenext’General Assembly,subject.totheactionoftheDemocraticpri-maries and convention. I solicit your support.Aprii 18,1912.Ww.D.TURNER. FOR THE HOUSE. I am a candidate for the House |of Representatives,subject to,the faction of the Democrat ic primaries land convention.If nominated and| I will carry out the will of }the -m ajority of.the:party 'on the}|}question of salaries of the ~county |officers and dog tax,and on any other matters wherejaregiyen. On all questions where not.in-I will use my best effortsjtofaithfullydischargethe:‘duties| jot sajd office in the interest of our} |people.:If .I am not nominated, and all}candidates :my| To the Democrats df Iredell County st I am a candidate for the Dem-|;ocratic nomination ‘for State Sen-| If némimated and elected, will faithfully carry out t wishes| party on the|where I never stay ard then go off and say |am||sala r not in,but come on in and let yourself be known.}ty for county officers and dog}Tap the bel].knock or speak out.If I am not at}itax questions and any other instruc- ‘the dental,thair I am in my Laboratory—-work|tions which the Democracy of the|shop—in a room fartherin, P.FLAUGENOUR,Dentist. JOHN CG.DYE,M.D. EYE,AND FITTING GLASSES. OO Phones:Office 458;“Residence 42 EAR,NOSE AND THROAT ° ffice in Mills Building.fice hours 9 to 12a.m.,2.t0$6 poem. DoYo Ifso,by beginning a course immediately,whichistaughtatStatesville,N.C.ested and desire terms,etc,write,or call on Feb. u Want to Be.ae learn Shorthand and Typewriting. If inter- 8.EB,8.JOHNSON,Big South Center Stfeet,20.Statesville.N.C, MEAT MARKET. General line of,Fresh Meats. Also dry pine stove wood. *PHONE me FRONT STREET,Feb.ea ‘CASH &HARRIS, 9.r Sumpter’s Store. F OR SALE! Business lot.Seven-room desirable residence onTraddstreet.Hot ‘and|cold water,bath,etc.edLotsnearGraded.School:~Small:Ore-Ifyou wa timto pee eersellor exchangeJredellfarm. sOBN M.SHARPE, “B,REAL oe |L take this”method° |Dr, |Richard’-W. PPh county may give me.If the conven- tion nominates some one else,the|nominee will have my loyal and ac-’| tive support.Reapectfully,{ April a.1912.A.-D.WATTS.| ‘ANNOUNCE MENT. As the matter “*boing discussed, of announcing |that I willbe a cauadidate for’.the| office of County Supfeintendent of)Public Instruction of Irede]i county,| ubject to the’aciion of the ee | ‘atic Primary and VConvertion. “FP eb.:27.-R.M.GRAY.-|| NOTICE TONON-RESIDENTS. |In Superior Court} |Iredell County.|Before the-Clerk. In the -jnatter of the will of| Richard W,Mills.‘| It -appearing to the satisfaction | |North Carolina, lof the Court that T.M.Mills,.HughMills,Jeff Mills and Forney Mills,| together with all other heirs of Dr. Mills are necessary| parties and are non-residents of the State.It -is,that|therefore,‘ordered \service of thé summons be made} upen the above named parties | thirty days in lei of personal ser-! vice.i Let the defendants take.notice| that said -cause.is bet,for hearing on Monday,May 27th,1912,in the| Superior Court of Iredell county;at| Statesville,'N.©.You are hereby required to appear and answer,if you ‘are so advised,or the judgnient’ of the er will be final,L:WHITENER. a A.SBLF,L:;C>CALDWELL._Attorneys for Caveators.:: J,A.HARTNES):Shere of ‘the ‘Superion Court.”"Per Jno,:L Milhotland, sani 16,1912;:ve -D. “4 J Se 4¢favor 4 ton. instructions |of |every. }a number .of them) ;card or letter stating the |counties, _|brethren:and cthér sister.counties| vill:come in,bringing a.number| of classes and a-good delegatidn al- Federal |Baltimore “Tablets BTATE NEWS... s “The North ‘Carolina’"Atsoclationof.Trained Nurses will hold,‘their“annual meeting..AD Charlotte June |19-21, _Mr,¢.®Meacham:formerly ofBtatesville,is a candidate for the Democratic.nomination:fon treasur-er of McDowell coumty... The state of the late:Dr.ChasD..Mciver,distinguished educator, will be unveiled.\cn ‘the capitol. Square ‘in.Raleigh May 16. Tueeday,the voters of Rockingham county willl:decide whether.the’county will .issue $5.60,000 of bonds for road work. Durham tobacco warehousessold 7,000,000 pounds ‘of deaf the past ‘June 4, »,|/Reason;..the average price was 14%cents.and ‘the total amount paid farmers for tobacco was $9495 442.- R4.By wy NY, Newton News!’“haut 400 “citi-ees asfranchised themeelves bY not.paying theiz poll tax on.or.he- fores:May 3.0:Tight.or,dine hun- dred.“Daid wp during’.the losing.}davs APU8:to their:word,.political workers.ii?both Parties did:not} =}put up serine wholesale.to pay for,«|deling vents. The ninth district:medica}socie= Poole,of Salishury,vice.president,and.Dr.C.B.McNairy,of Lenoir secre tary and treasurer.-Theplaceofnextmeetingwillcidedonlater. ‘The little’child..of,.Dr.W.W.Whittington, Greene ‘county,was left im a peram-bulaior and later was found ane-ing head ‘downward dead..It is gupposedthébabytried’to get out oftheperambulator,its clothes caught and weré so-twisted about its neck thatit was strangled to death,.! While two men were being tried in Granville Supérior Court’Jast: week for breaking in a railroad)sta- tion,it was distovered that one of the defeudarts and rors,had siept-inthe same room at a boarding house and had drank whiskey together.:'The trial was discontinued and the men put underbondtoanswerforcontempt. sand Mrs. ef Snow ‘Hill, Asking that ite churches through- out the world:.come,ont squarely in of improved:working condi- tions for wage earners,a.especialcommitteehadpreparedforpresen-tation to the quadrennial generalconferenceoftheMethod’st Epis- copal Church,which opened at.Min- neapolis;Minn.,.Wednesday,ai work- ing programme to charge that.the’Church sympathy.with ‘the paor- Tn is not in Columbus county Superior age euit case of J-W.Williamson, Jri,againet Dr;N.A.Thompson, proprietor of a hospital at,Lumber-Williamson sued for $20,000, alleging that Dr.Thomrson/was neg (When ‘the evidencefor the.pjain- tiff was in Judge Peebles,who pre- sided at the trial,dectded -there ty,‘inceession in aes last |week,elected.Dr..M.;Taylor,of ‘Morganton,siamideate Bro Gia ae, be 'de-|}. two of the ju-|| “disprove the.) Court last week was heard the dam-| ligent in setting the plaintiff's leg.|. ‘Appeal For Flood Suffesers;:Governor Kitchin has issued aproclamationappealingtothe,peo-ple o*the ‘State:te help the dis||tresse]famine sufferers who”haveeenmadehomelessonaccountofthefloedsintheMississippi.ValeleyTheappealsentoutbythelovernor-ig as:follows: “Distress:resulting from:the flood jn the lower Mississippi val- Jey has reached puch:intensity,and magnitude that the American RedCrosshasdeemeditpropertoap-peal to the people of the nation for.relief.As president of theNorthCarolinaStateboardoftheAmerican.Red Cross,I.present this |@appealtothepéopleofthis.Btate..,Those who feel disposed to.aid this worthy:cayse.are requested to,for-ward their’contribution te Mr,G ‘Brown;treasurer of phe Stateboard,Ralelgh,N.:C.,who will’ac-:knowledge BAMe ‘and remit to:the Con and “Tas Car White Oats;qi Harper's.Prolific Seed Corn 740 bushels:grown on 8 acres.High grade Flour —White Swann..‘Also cheaper grades,and all. kinds feed stuff.,See>me before you buy,’ A.A,Colvert. In nothing else does quality count for more than iin flour—so was no evidence of negligence amd| didu't let the case:go-to the jury. County Singing Postponed.| Cerrespondence of The Landmark. As it is thought best to ‘change| jthe.time.for the meeting of the“J Iredell ‘County S ngers’Association| |trom “e 25th of May on account;of the court and-tounty convention, ;We have set June 29.Hope thatJeverybodywilltakegppecialnotice of this change and.remember theFfme.This will give more time|for preparation and we ‘hope too}|that it may .be the means of more) |classes joining the contest. wish to request the class.(end leader “of|I'\trust there -to write me a/ name ‘othebookorbookshewishestousé’n the contest end about the’num-er he expects to haye in his clas We also,extend a cordial:invita-| ion to everybody,not only to Jre ell people but to those of other| Hope our Alexander| are } ‘yourgrocer for CITY’'BRAND. you'll find OFT yY:FLOU R | the best for your use.”=» A-1 quality.wheat and ‘A-1qualitymillingmakesCITY FLOUR A.1.quality flour.Ask treasurer of the-American ‘National }: Red Cposs at ‘Washington,Di C., ‘Had dvspe sia indigestion -.for|.years...No appetite,nae what.I «dideatdistressed«te.«.terribly.‘BurdockBlood“Bitters,reached.the cause.’cet4...Walker,Sunbury,Ohio.+' City.Flour Milling Co.| “Thinking of getting a KODAK dropin akget thennew catalogue. #.B.WOODWARD. pore pareIFYOUR FEET| Give You Trouble Don’t Fail ‘to UsePAMTOFOOTrom LET US ‘SHOW YOU,25.CENTS ©Ba X \i Iti is free, pee ys 1912,just arrived. ,22S NSLS AIA TNLEYowARE| eae The Cultivator you have been looking forFARMER.-Comein and sce the best oneRRR White-Stimpson Hardware ‘Company. Place Your Order in the world. ‘HALLS ‘DRUG STORE.”"PHONE NO.20, —N OW FOR— so..Hope the Sunday school super-|@fintendentsand.choir leaders,as j'we lt .as pe astors of churches of every naine and order,will chime in| and help to carry:forward this ||grand and glorious work,of encour faking and enlisting:‘more of the |young ‘people a8 well as the old, jin the great Sunday school ermy. 5.C.JOHNSON.Statesville,R-2,May 2. Appropriation.“For High-way Maintenance. Sun. The postoffice appropriation bill now contains items of unusual ' jtereet.It providés fcr an anni \appropriation fer the ‘maintena nce of higghways over which the:rural | mai}carriers travel and thus en-|courage the good.roat.policy...This is scmething of a return to the an- cient policy of the Federal govern- meut,when ‘provision was made in the first year of the nineteenth cestury for good roads im Ohio by |the appropriation ‘for Toads of a/| certain percentage of the money received.for public lands in thatStateandtheconstructiom.of the Cumberland road.The pending bill |}makes appropriation of.$25,$20 anx $15 per mile per year,aceording to the character of the road used,the| |best road_receiving the largest sum.| The time may come speedily when the mail carriers will employ auto- mobiles.In that event such damag:}would be done to the State roads| {by the Federat use that it would)! be a matter of simple justice fortheUnitedStates.to aid|.in-their repair.The amount of money which |would have tq be expended under this clause in ‘the postoffice approp-|riation billig .variously.estimated| at from $1,000,060 a gears"REO to,g1¥.000 400, |} Soran rere \| ‘It would “seurprise you to know of th e |yreat good ..that is -being done —by}Shamberlain’s Tablets.Darius Downey,|of Newberg Junction,N,B.,.writes;|“My wife has been using ‘Chamberlain’s|arid,finds’.them ‘very aie stualand.doing her lots of good.}-you|Haye any.trouble with yagir Smaak or} Merchants and Farmers’ A new Jot SAVINGS BANKS | like above cut.Call and open an account and get one.~| Bank ofStatesville. ‘S.J.Holland. Has ‘good farm horsés and mules for sale for cash or on time.Terms to suit,purchaser. Best:equipped|livery in town. *Phone 3.:Day or je T..W.FRAZIER, ;TINNER,© *NORTH CENTER STREET. RESIDENCE buwels give.on 8 triah For oa byail,dealers...eres |ONES woes e af adi— Vudor RE-ENFORCED -HAMMOCKS. THE KIND THAT‘LAST up any time want- ed and will save you money. ——SEE—_ \wningsand Porch Shades We will put them ¥Manager Se Housefurnishing Company. R._O.DEITZ, Sales Dayis the firstt Monday |in each monthinStatesville,”N.GC. Cood Methods,Large Resources, eount, Capital Surplus the COMMERCIAL Total Resources over Four per cent.on time and Savings:Deposits. COURTEOUS TREATMENT, Ought to mean much to.the man we If you have not yet opened a we ifivite you to hs a tne ac- “account with 280 NOW. $100,000.00 28,000.00500,000.00 i - ‘Commercial a4 National Statesville,N.C. *M.K,STEELE,President:DM,AUSLEY,Cahier. MORRISON,Vice Presidant.~ iE.HuoHhy Assistant Cashier. ‘Bank,-: ie Eight Years of Success.‘We ThankYou!Wey ‘HS a yi .;“é ee _ a pac es ‘ae-COME 10 THE STORE OF QUALI eo HELE Us CELEBRATE our EIGHTH ANNIVERS ARY. FRIDAY,MAY 10th,From 7:30 a.m.to il pa “Music,Souvenirs,Favors,Special Prizes,Special.Sates. "Everybody,'W anted.Ladies,Gentlemen and Children. Reger and Guess the Number of People Who Register GENTLEMAN’S PRIZE $4.50 BOX NURICA CIGARS. _LADY’S PRIZE $4.50 HAND BAG. 1,0000 Boxes of Candy to Be Given to the Children fitwen 3.30 and 5 B m. |Gentlemen,‘Smoke With.Us From 2.30 to 3.30.p.m. |Ladies’.Hour 5 to 6.p.m.: Souvenirs,Favors.Register Your Guess. |Music 11 a,m.to 1.p.m.3 to 7.p.m.8.30 to 11 p.m. _TMASPECIAL SALES—CASH ONLY“ |STATIONERY.a Violet Dulce Talcum Powder:Beautiful Irridescent Giaswire:| _One pound Lord Baltimore line.25c.»Your choice of one piece with a cash Two ee Envelopes <20¢.4c 3 29¢.Silver Vanity Free..|purchase of anything amounting to 3 or :e 1.00 ne One toa1 customer.-One to a customer.Cae 4 _One te a customer. THE STORE OF QUALITY. .rae 1ItSTATESVILLEDRUGCOWPANY,|___PRESCRIPTIONISTS:.i ‘o“failer Gliberi ptarted. “wife-beatiig,made.a desperate ‘t- .gmat pistol “he had oh.his person -.at the time,Mr.Gilbert fired three, FLED FROM THE OFFICERS/ Meadows,the Colored Wife-Beat- er,Made a Desperate”Effort to Escape.;We ° Jim Meadows,the negro who was brought back,to Statesville,from Asheville to -anewer .a..change of fort td:get away.Tuesday morning:Detween Y and.10.o'clock,when-to take him‘from the jail.tothe court’pouse‘for trial.Mr,Gilbert:allawed’.Mead-ows to-pass through the Yall doorahead.‘of him and when he turneditoclosendlockthe-door the hegro| tipped:to-the edge:‘ef the “porh,’ fiimped ‘off andy broke into a Tuns By.the time’the:officer reahized’ what had happened)Meadows was| going down.Meetinig street at break- neck spee4 and paid no attention to the deInands;TO halt.Drawing the times’:at the fleeing man and as:was learned later one.of -the bul- lets grazed the negro’s leg,while another passed near his bead.: ‘Meadows.turned’.from.Meeting DAY ‘OF nd Whit,the Lecturers Talked About.’ Pratticallyevbry:dairymywicinity,agood many farmers not) ih.the dairy.business,and..others| wisited’the.Southern -railway’s | ‘Dairy Insttuetion Car:during @tay in Statesville Tuesday,‘and)de-| rived?benefip thefefrofr..Like the | Southern’s good.roads car operated | ‘throughthe South,the dairy:Instruc-| tion car is thoroughly equipped)with | bverything-necessary to.demonstrate} the teathiirgs of the legturers which, accompany It.The car is 4 regular| passenger coach,onesend .of which | has been converted into a small) creamery,¢ontaiming all mactinery:| and aparatus necessary to the.pro- per handling of milk and its pro- ducts..Thé milk seales,the milk, testor,cooler,cream.separator, churn,butter worker,butter mould, shipping cans and boxes,etc.,were ali ‘there:.”.~aye | The car was in charge of Dr:C-} M.Morgan,;dairy agent of the South-| ern.In the forengon at 10:30.Dr.| 4}| || DAIRY INSTRUCTION,|SOME WAYS OF BUYING VOTES mn of thie)To the & its| sh ——— he Southern Railway's Dairy Car|Without Paying Cesh—Many Prom- ises Made—How Qne Was deemed.Ne ne ditor of The Landmark:,” The “Machine”organization:is‘buying “votes with:promises,0whichthefolowingare&sample:.°Shiloh,Shianpeshurg)*.Turners: burg,Olin,Bethany and Davidson townships,have been promised re->presentation.on the board:of county,commissioners,and)Coddia.Creek fas’been ‘promised ‘two membersWonder-low many members ‘eom*“pose the board?»|a ne fn Sharpesbure there tg some dis- -puté as to which way the new road, is to run.Both,sides have beenpromised.that it will.be run the way”each.wants it.Wonder how He i this will he,dqié withaut makingtwo,roads’where one will answer? Some of the “*Machine’”’offi- gials are.-telling.the people that no |provision is madé in the road law for ..paying,for topsoil to make gand-clay roads.Wonder why they don’t’take the trouble to read,the law ‘and’see that it does make this THE ‘DAY AT MOORESVILE. Usual Obserwance of Miemeoriak Day‘pnd Marathon Races—An Affray. Correspondence of The Landmark. .-Mooresville,’May.’9.--Memorial Day will be observed by the Daugih- ters:of the Confederacy here as us-ua)and‘the’address.of the occasionwillbeNeliyeredbyRev.Wi 8.“Wilson,pastor:of.the Rirst:Presby-terian.church,here...Immediatelyalterthe-speechi erosses,of honorwillbe:presented to.some old:¢ol-diersand:then ‘a line “of marah will be:formed:to the cemetery.‘The‘hitdren of the’towns”will bring flowers and the grave of every.Cot- federaté veteram will’be decorated,Later.dinner will be served on,thelawn,of the Leazar home.by «theDaughtersoftheConfiederacy.Aright:large number of the s@diersoftheSixtiesusually.attend these exercises:and it is hoped that a: larger,number thame,usuab-will be préesejit tomorrow.3At4:30 im the.afternoon the haw r will be a’new ‘feature carceaan fo the usual 10th of May programme, This movement wasitaken up by BeV-| eral/of the energetic citizens of the’) FOUND.BRIDE IN|MARYLAND) Mr.Deal of Taylorsvitle,Married—Sher1il-White.Mbrriage—Sccial and Personal Items...0 * Correspondence of ‘The Landmark.. Taylorsville,‘May 9.-Cards .were received here Wednesday,anno.wne- ing marriage of,Mr.Roy.Linney Deal J and Mrs.Mary.Cecil:Sis- sor,Friday;April:12th,at.Fred-erick,Md.At.homey.Alexandria.|.Va.i Mr.Deal is the only.som of. our postmaster,Mr.:W..D,Deal and has many friends here Ww ‘be,interested in his marriage,.Hei is‘principal of the high)gchool)in Adexandria’and:is also”.studyinginiWashington.7"HuesMissVéraSherrillandMr,Parks White-were married Sunday after- noon,5th,at.the home”of bride’s father,Mr::Bwd Sherrill,in Caild- well county...Rev.J.M.Shaver performed.the.ceremony.Mr.White i@ a son of.Mr,.W..E.White,of this county,and this young couple will make their home with)the groom’s parents.Mr..-White is a brother —of-—-Mr,.L.0.White,of Statesville.: The Buvbroidery club met ‘witn | —The Ladies’:Betterment Sodte- ty of Clark’s school,Falist fio Will ‘township,wilh serve ice cream:‘to |;inorrow Hight’from 5 ‘to 10.aloeFundsfor.school hoyse.|: ~~Mits Nellie.Fo ville,who was a Btudent.at Mara Hill school the past session,won a $5.gold best.theme writing:compositions. BRIEF ITEMS OF LOOAL NEWS. -—-Good middling ‘cotton brovght. 11.62day :ea =-Ruce.’street’:church will sell ice.cream:tomorrow night im.theBIOVOn2ke:Sie The Repu Le held today/and the .co vention tomorrow.hh cents vin Statesville yester- Hlican primarie will:; unty:! wier,ofS tates-ep “ptece offered),for the <The alumnae reception will be aeld.at Statesville Female callege Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock.All: -.he alumnae are’invited and:the nembers of the association are ex-" |pected.to sen ‘EB.Watts,treasurer.:di their dues to Mrs. The commencement number of a i Statesville .High 7School Magazine— provision?-Some of the same ‘of- ficials are ‘telling the.people’thatMorganspokeonthe,selection of the cow and herd development,giving| much valuable informaticn about.cat lthey-are going to -put-in a board tie and.what goes to make up the,{that.will’pay .each and every man best dairy cow.This was.follow-|for all‘the dirt uscd and at top mar- led by a talk on cattle feeding ‘by|cet.prices Wonder where they of the North .Car-|would get the money to pay for this the watch.and when the negro|olna Department of Agriculture;|and make the roads,too?Practi- passed.Evans’store at the intersec-who told the dairymenm how to feed-fcally every man who has furnished: tion of the Boulevard ‘and Western |for best results.“In the afternoon |soil has flone so cheerfully,appre- ‘Avenue a number of men —gave|Mr.W.H.Eaton,State dairyman,/ciating the-good-it,does.-: chase,In ‘the:meantime Deputy|discussed dairy records,silo con-|Some ofthe ‘Machine’!officials Sheriff Ward had mourted his fiorse struction,dairy cows,ete.Dr W.G.|are going ‘to have this road law re- at the cour house and taken up /Chrisman,State ve e ipatian,warned |pealed and one:passed .that will the tfail He overtook the negro|the dairymen of the danger of tu-/|su‘t each and every one who objects and:nis’.pursuers on.Fifth street iterculosis in cattle aud explained jin any way to.the present‘one.Won- and when Meadows realized that \hé|how it may be eradicated..The dis-'der how many road laws we will was 4t®he submitded lease is very tnfectious and will ul-/}huve,if the “Machine”candidates to :itimately tesult in.the death of the are.elected?:;yee :a.preliminary |whole herd unless care is taken to And the:‘bank account.Why} hearing later im the day.and in de |get the finst,dipedsed cow out.Of |every bank in the county is going Cault of $100 bod was remanded te/the way...A cow may have tuber-ito get to handle all the money the fail to await Superior court ' culosis for sometime before the:dis-!county takes.in Guess they:are en ee lease is detected by the layman.The}goliig to merge all the banks into Lanvest.Bidder.lonly safe way.is to have all COWS |one institution,Pica a week ago ap-ltested for the disease and the|Oh,yes;the Bell Telephone Com account of the etreet COn-|Btate department will have this teSt-)pany going ‘to “git”:you if W chi was let.to Kelly,Mon-ling done free of charge,provided |p ‘yurner is “elected,for he’s g0- of Portsmouth,¢the owrer of the cows.will agree tO-ing to vhave laws passed)turning the decisions of.the testor/the whole thing over to.the ‘Trust instructions Of |ihat is,to héar the “Machine?” r the disease |boys.tell it :s jit 18)Yee,again,W.-D.Turner votes is:im-|+ne Repubhicam.ticket when it suits ny lhim.That is,to.hear the ‘Ma- concluded]chine’boys tell it Yet he gays ‘never even seratched a name a Democratic ticket.ble te was allowed.to.vot Ask one of the ‘Machine’ if he ever voted for a Repubiicar in.preference to one of “he best Democrats ever put out? H3’s an honest fellow and.will tell you he did.; Oh.yes,they:tell you they are ®treet and heading southwest made his.way,along streets and.across ‘private .propery to the Boulevard. Mr.Gilbert tried to keep in sight) of him,butin vain.Telephon¢mes gages to stores im southwest’States-| wille-put a number,of citizens on|Mr.R.8.Curtis, town and will be in,the:nature of |.‘has been issued.The table of con-:.Miss.Lula Madtheson,Tuesday)af- a’Marathon.nace.Three handsome|ternoon:Mrs.L.L.Moore,Misses |tents is good and the magazine con--, prizes:are offered,which in+value}Lily Tidball,Grace Feimster,,Mar-|tains photo-engravings of tha “a2 faggregate more thay.$25,and),,will |guerite Burke and Mice Daisy Hamp-|members of the finishing class and be given to the three fastest sor ton,of Médcksville,;were.guests of |of,Principal Craver and ~~Supt. dividuals who enter the race.The|the cluti..Refreshments:were.sery thompson.:‘ first prize is a very handsomé@ sil-jed..‘,:;Meoewog yng,bbe ver.cup offered by the.Miller-|\Mrs.H.1!Kelly and children re-\charg ir:-W...J,Davia,who wil Reve White Company for the mile:race,;turned Monday night from.a visit \ae of the,aaeEo ae are aS the second,a.nice leather ‘suit case}to Mrs.Kelly’s mother,Mrs,W.nace Mountaln,this.seamen,Was 7h offered by fhe-Kelly Clothing.Com-|T.Woodruff,in Mocksville,Mrs Kel-eae tea cee cle vad earl pany;the .third is'$5 °worth:of |ly’s cousin;Mies Daisy Hampton,ot Ing thé Gladstone tn shape for ena sporting gocdsteffered by D.B.Tur-|Mocksville,accompanied’her home ner &Company:In”addition the |and ‘will spend)a week here. prizes.offered the Lion Club offers|>.Mrs.Floyd Lippard..and °:lit- to,;zive the winners duea to the clut|tle daughiter,Miriam;are’visiting |tol four months,three months andj relatives -in-Statesville.ag syo months for the first,secondand|:Mr.J..P.Babington is spend-. third.winhers,‘respectively.ing this ‘week in Atlanva and Mo- The.race is expected to be of-ajbile with relatives..Messrs.J.B. zreat-deal of interest.‘amd a:large |Barnes atid .W.C.Matheson.left aumber ‘of people.to witness it is.|.Tuesday morning for Raleigh to at- ooked for.There is always some-/|tend the meetingof-the grand lodge th about.any.moving:‘contestof .Odd*Fellows.Miss Loif Dea- appeals to”people and-arouses }ton,of Landis,ie the guest of.Miss enthusiasm and the race tamorrowW|Mary.Feimster..Mr.,W.L.Earn- will likely be efijeyed by the.town |hardt,who spent some time in Bal- and commun'ty.‘Amy of’any age jtimore for treatment,has return-this-ceaae Creek:township=—|ed home:.-His friends will be.gor- can enter the race ry to know é ition 2S Yesterday >morning |Mr.-Adam nok ays oe =e Cranford,‘an employee of the Dr.8 -T..Crowaom caccom teas Mooresville Cotton Mills,was right|Mr.William Sous Hoatvitie,taseriously©.hurt.-by..Harvey.Dimg-|‘Dr..Long’s Sanatorium,at.States-| ler,also am empboyee at the bameyyille,Tuesday morning.He under- place.The trouble arose over the|went an:operation for appendicitischildrenofthetwomenandb@|Tuesday,His conditionIs favora- fore a proper understanding could|ble.: pe reached,it is reported,Dingler struck Cranford .over the head |THE with a hard .piece of hickory wood and inflicted a right serious wound. Dingler was locked up in the rta-| dion’here to await developments.a Changed—Harly (1.sing. The May méeting ef the States- |Ville Mérchants*Associat.cn .Tues- |day night-was a busy one,var \ioug matters of interest to the ‘merchants being:considered The State fire waste law was discuss ed.at length and Messrs.W.E. Webb,R.T.Weatherman and R.L. Poston were p inted a commit- tee to again go before the board of aldermem and urge that the law be strictly carried.out in States- ville The law requires that the chief.of fire department make frequent inspections.of buildings, jin the fire limits ofthe business districts of the town and.oocasicm- ally inspections.of.all buildingsNearly’all fires are caused.by careleseness and >may he preventedMessrs.R.L.‘Poston and W.J. Matheson were elected!delegates| from ..the assceciation to the State convention to be held in.Raleigh June 18 and 19. The t tmer visitouns and’says they are al- ready arriving.He expects a full house by midsummer. De—Fhe Marathon,‘races to held today under:the auspices.of the’ Statesville Drug Company in,con- nection with its anniversary,cele-- bration,will.begin about 4 o'clock in.the afternoon.‘There.will be two-mile and.four-mile races.Five medals are to be awarded. ~The Springs yi againstay arrest : Meadows ‘was,given it management ‘of Davis’ Hidenite,had announced that.the springs would be:open for the season from-May 15th.‘to October i5th but owing to the fact. that So ‘many were.anxious-to get* there earlier they:opened the first ‘of ‘this month with 16 guests and more are coming in every.day. —A numbér_of Statesville people claim that the rains whioh fellinStatesvillelastweekcontained ‘nough sulphur to be visible af- ‘er the showers.Some of us who .loticed the yellow-substancd on top of standing water and else- where were of the opinion that it was pollen from-—-the trees and shrubbery. —Mr.Daniel.-Gryder,of the Fallstown country,is a prophet of éalamity.Mr..Gryder tells his neighbors that insemuch.as it rain- ed the ‘three ruling days of this. year’that rain will continue to fall,as'it has been doing for some weeks,until September.If.Mr. iGryder has his facts.right the outlook is not bright —-Dr.Shelley Fronitis,one of the candidates for the House on the salary -platfonm,was in town yes- terday’and went with Hon.W.D. Turner :to Allison's schcol house,in Olin:towpship,where they had an appointment te speak last night. They have an appointment.to Apeak at Scotts tonight and.at Bradford's store tomcerrow..afternoon at 4 o'clock.; —-Mr.W.R.Moore,the’mil- er at the Turnersburg,Roller Mills,made The Landmark a pres-‘ent this week of a half sack of the. “Banner,'’a very excellent brand of flour made by these mills.Them Mr.J.S.Clodfelter,of Shiloh}town- ship,brought in a quart of the fin- est,largest strawberries of the. season.Strawberry!shortcake is now in:order,; Be Landmark Not to ‘In The “peared tract;wh roc -&Meyer,Nes abd it was stated that ‘‘thetr did for the Statesville job.was.the low- est.’That was .The Landmark’s “information at the time,but the re- corded ‘bids om the minutes.of -the board of aldermen show,that the bid of W.A.MeCandless,of Salis- bury,On the ‘whole job was $115.- 55.less than the Ohio peopte.Sev- en of the.aldermen voted to award the contract to Kelly,Monroe & Meyer..and.one--D.M Ausley- voted’to award it to McCandless While no:-abjection has been made on account of the contract -‘!e-Landmark is making:this statement to set the facts straight is 4.abide ‘by i and carfy out the ‘the department.®Afte gets «.good hold on the eow un‘it for beef:and its mitk pure ee When Dr Mr.J.P.Quinerly the “atry equipment on the gave instructions 43 to the best |qer i methods of’handling milk and |twire butter.The necessity of cleanli-| ness was emphasized and it,was) shown that.it pays to weigh | and test the milk of each’) cow to find whether.she is a pay-| ' Chrismandemonstrated |pe;|car &on i ;MERCHANTS IN SESSION, |Urge Enforcempnt of Fire WhsteLawandElect,Detegntes ta State Mauiting—Date-«ft Meeting ¢i° >candidates Crime and Casuality in Kinsyan arid Vicinity.: Kinston Dispatch,7th, boro News. An epidemic cf violent acts dur- ing the past 48 hours in this city and vicinity has startled the:com- munity Frank Vause, ing proposition Free tests of milk| avere made on the’car and about |,“s.yor of ‘salaries if the neaplé 15 samples were submitted for the)ant them Guess they are,as it py local dairymen and otB-|som:to take this to get votes.But isk .some of them what salaries they ate”going’to vote themselves, nd we will all wish we had the »system ,back.;4 This is.only a few of the many promises,could,give more.' Here's the way they keep lises:About two years ago.a itdin bright ‘young.lawyer thought eve.the would like to go to the Senate land .was told by’the “bosses”he jcould go.But Colonel hadn't decid- led to rum then When the 7 Col-The meeting -at Broad Street sthodist.¢Vednesday sshMethodistchurchclosedpairhe[lawyer went kothem after the Haile the hat.was.in the ng,night and.Rev.J E ’3 |one’s 1ose’excelle .Is trade the;pee as in Dae ae sc anante’nie,left i ‘thosses’didn't remember the pri 7 1eeting ¢ers 1 ssf one,te ::aay eee hae yesterday for his home at Gastonla.-""ook :sorry they:zh ‘Mothers’day will be observed at poet will be withthe promises Broad Street Sunday and the doors cad :un bel Tae oe or of the church will bé opened for hat are ing me tabs new.members |will forget them when théy:are tc Bem eer ines are belie held dally (ve tOHeme:“yee tell,“they at the First Associate ‘Reformed |4re making so many of them they chureh preparatory to e com-|would have to have private eecte- rays Mh nitae ¢o ti m1 8 they munion Sunday:Rev.G.W Hanna,|taries to take them dow m BO uae of Charlotte is assieting the pastor,could remember them,.as it coutal and the meeting hours are 3:30 in |possibly be.done otherwise.cee the.afternoon and 8 at night.If there -1s any error t.a Rey.M.A Adams,of Winter-foregoing,some one in authority, ville,will preach at the First Bap-who knows what has and what has not .been promised,is invited to tist church Sunday.1 a Rey.W.M.Walsh;of-States-|come forward and point out the er; ror.ville’wift preach at.Fifth Creek pte church tomorrow—afternoon at 38 Changes of Legislative Candidates o'clock.Communion Sunday monn-in Catawba: Newton Enterprise.ing at-‘11,o'clock. Services at Feimster z es house Sunday afternoon Of supreme interest.to the DEG o'clock.Re ple’of Catawba county this week are the withdrawal notices of Messrs.J.D,Blliott and J.Us Long,as candidates for the State Senate,and Mr.G.W,Rabb as cane didate for the House.Messrs.El- Hott and Long sign @ joint eard asking that Judge W.B Council be “unanimously nominated instead of dividing the vote between them selves.i ee Mr.Rabb’s withdrawal ‘in order to give way for a younger and more active man, Judge Council and Mr.Gaither haye agreed ‘to becoine candidates for Senate and House. t More Sidewalk Improyennpnt. The boand of aldermen held brief meetings Monday --night:and Tuesday morning to take action with egard,to‘etreet -work.Or- dinances were .passed establishing “The place.of the following sidewalk improvememt|chunch in olvil governmé West side of Race street|amitude of Christian.men to Greens- testsers Church News.:r Christian ,or che toward and men} them,”is the.pub- discourse which will,deliver at the a a well known far- mer,who bived several:miles from Kineten,.wes found drowned)latej in the evening in Southwest creek. Incensed at his wife because she would not.sign a deed to property whith *he .wanted to:sell,Frank Evans,a negro,cut his.wife’s throat and’the side of her facé,splitting| fan @ar-with a pocket Knife Thie timely arrival cf a physician kept the woman from bleeding to death and she may recover Ed..Eason,a .white man,Was found dead in.a road near La- Grange,his neck broken,and a team which he had been driving standing near Mystery surrounds the death and foul play is~hinted Fat.;Sec : .Arthur Hill,a negro boy of Lin- coln City ,a suburb ~of,Kinston, andi another boy were poisoned by pafig green,Hill died but an-an- ea saved the life of his compan- on.: districts prom-eerfromWestEndavenuétoWestern|present day political issucs sinortl Tradid :to side Center Garfie street Bids for the sidewalk work from i mber of contraetors-were con- sidered amd that .of J..A Coley, who offers to put down concrete| ‘far 56 cents ¢!square.yard,the| city’to furnish the,cement,was cepted Thix was lowest received re Mrs.Miller's Fuperal. The funeral of Mrs.W fer,who died Monday, ducted:at.the residence Tuesday ufternoon and the burial was in Oakwood.cemetery Deceased was a member of Broad Street church ind the services ‘were conducted by aéer pastor,Rev Harold Turner, issisted.by Rev.Messrs Oc ees Pressly and.W.“A.Lutz:Out-of- own people here for the funeral were Mrs.M.V.-Connelly,of Ten- oir;Mr.and Mrs.E H.Miller, Mr.and Mrs.Ed.Deaton:and ‘Miss Cora Miller,of Mooreaville. Mr.John M.Connelly,of Dallas, Texas,who started home when advised of his Bister’s condition, arrived:Monday -afternoon,some hours after.her death.: avenur from cot Broad street |who represent Elm street:West |ject of a special street from Bell to]pey ‘Bp.F.Hargett Rare Street chutch Sunday hing at 8 o'cleck m of the e am bid were it,+h se ne We was Mik con- regular,meeting night of the association °“’was changed to the third Friday of each month. At the next meeting freight nates will be discussed and!there will be an address by a well posited freight mar. ‘The dry goods .and clothing merchants.agreed to cloge their stores at 6 o'clock during the sum- mer,months.The grecerymen and hardware dealers will continue their present closing houn—6:30 and -7, respectively: Dr.Eashey. Charity,and Childrem. The decision of Dr.Phillip,5. Easley to leave Thomasville and)re- move to Statesville:brings general regret to.the people here..Dr.Eas- ey is a high toned and honorable gentleman,and an earnest and aic- tive Chnistian.The town can fl afford:to lose such a citizen. :¥* In ‘the Barber Junction cases,| for’violation.of the liquor laws, Judge Allen,in Rowan court,let the defendants .off with the costsandrequiredthemtogivebondto appear ayd-show good behavior. Gen.”Benneté H..Young,of.Louisville,has been-elected com- mander-in-chiefof:the United Con-!federate Veterans! Mr.Ashely-‘Horne,while enroute,Monday,ta the Confederate veterans’reunion,suiffered a slight stroke .of paralysis.while om the train.n@ar Greensboro.’He was - taken to a hotel in Greensboro andhisconditionhasSoimprovedsinee that it is éxpécted he will be -able to go-home this week..ne Charlotta. Alvarez Got $180.in Charlotte Observer.: Several weeks ago a Cuban,giv- ing his name as Francisco Alvarez, spent awhile in.Statesville andi it is alleged ‘gained the confidghce of prominent menvof that community. After his departure,complaint was made that by passing worthless checks he had enriched himsélf to the extent of several hundred dol- lars.Through David Craig,of Statesville,itis ptated he:gained access to the good wishes of John M.Craig of the Ed.Mellon Com- pany of:this city.He -is accused of ‘defrauding.the.latter out of about $130,tendering a worthless check in payment for clothes pur- chased...It ig now stated)that Pinkerton men.have’Alvarez locat- ed in Cuba,and that.he will be: brought back.to.this;country for trial unless he siuares--hisi accounts with those whom he is alleged toy have defrauded.; %ee aT A Oonsiderate Suicide.. Leaving a certified:check to pay his board and funeral expenses, Jonathan Hawkins,25 and unmarr) ot Andrews,8..C.,:killed himself at Waycross,Ga.,Friday with)a 38 calibre revolver.He is a brother of EB.A.Hawkins,of Raleigh,N. CG.The deceased.ici 2 wot To (questing ‘that none of his relatives be notified:No cause for the act is known:‘4 tis 8 There’nevér was a time w berlain’s Cough Remedy,more th ‘This is shown by.the -inerease and voluntary testimonials’from who have been cured by it,If you or your children are troubled,with a cough school at:3:30 Piedmont Hardwood Company, '_Mesars.B.R.Thurman,“R.v. Flanigan,and A.J.‘Salley are the inconporators of thie Piedmont Hard- wood Company which was granted a charter ,a few days ago.The company is inconpénatéed with .an authorized capital of $100,000 and 1$10,000 is subscribed.No’organiza- tion has yet been affected.Thie company will do a wholesale<-tum- ber business and twill not effect the Statesville suinber “Company,of which Mr.rhurman is secretary| and treasurer.. Oiendsaecade ; Programme ‘for Memorial Day. Following is the programme for the Memorial Day exercises,witch begin at the court house promptly at,11 o’elock this morning: Prayer—Reyv.S.W..Hadden. Music bby Mectranic’s Band. Presentations and.invitations to 'veterans.fTagsto’veterans. Introduction 'of Grier., 2Mts.Malcom’Mason and child,and Mr.Edward Anderson Jeave today for cb(ir home in Montgomery ,Ala Mrs.E.F..Hubbell,of Chatta- nooga,is.visiting her parents, Mr,and Mrs.&.-Walser. -«.’Mrs.Ellen:Morrison has return- ‘ed ‘from a‘visit to her son at OKol- ona,Miss.Sha e The ‘reorganization’?Democrats controlled Pennsyilyania.Democrat-~ te State convention,voted out the ad’crowd and nominated a ticket: im sympathy with the new.Dele | gates to the Baltimore convention (were instructed to vote for Woodroy .Wilson for Ppesidént.5 )Jéhm Richards,colored,fell into ‘the conveyor of the Southern 'Gat- rtd Oll4Mill at Columbia,’S. and wag eround'to pieces.© pee r meSe t a Be en po m s speaker +H,P, Music by Band. March—Band,veterans, Iredell Blues,‘speaker,.mayor, clergy ini qtitomobiles il children, Daughters off Confederacy. W.H.H.GREGORY, Chief Marshall. Result of ‘the Wresthikg Mapch The wrestling match at “Gtates- ville théatre Tuesday <night be- tween Jo.Turner,champion mid- ‘dleweight,sand Louis Frantz, known as the ‘“Duticin Demon,”te— pulted in a victory for Turner,who made the best two-out of,three falls.“The first fall was made by Turner im 33°minutes;the second fall was by Frantz in 26 minutes; whilecTumer effected the -last fall Sn ps minutes:Purnermade.both “falls with toe-holds ~and’Frantz ‘threw:Turner with @ ‘crotch hold body-weight.’Frantz .was some- what handicapped by a,sore ankle. Line of Going After Alvarez,\ Francisco Alvarez,who ‘has.been located in Cuba by,the Pinkerton detectives,as’was,mentioned in Twesday’s Landmark,will more than likely.be brought back to ‘Qtafes- ville to answer for the worthless chedks he passed!here.Interést- pd partiesthere are assured by the Pinkéfton.agency that they still have an,Bye.on .the Cuban and the Cuban authorities have been,cabled, to be ready to.makethe arrest as Boon as the Federal requisition papers are granted.»Both ‘Federal ‘and State requisition.have-been .ap- place Mi-*Locke Craig in nomti+|plied for so that Alvarez'may,be hation fon Govemior at the Demo-|brought direct.to.Stateswille,when cratic,State corivention,“7 jarrested.Bee ro aes ‘ The Southern makes official ane nouncemeft of the .fact that be- ginning May 13th,trains Nos.44aud12,between Norfolk andi Asie ville:will have Pullman observation) cars.First car will come from Nor folk Sunday and the first car from Asheville.Monday night.: Hnatchett,Farm Sold. Mr..J.B,Armfteld,acting as attorney:for *Mre J.W.Hatchett, has sold the W.M.Hatchett farm im Bethany townshfp to Messrs...J. a,Ho Os Ws G.and John Gam- ple,all.of the vicinity.of David; son.The farm,which;is six miles ‘from Statesville,contains 447 acres and the purchase price was $14,000 There “are:little or no.improve- ments on ‘the property,but fb:is rich in fine timber.andi the “first step of the purchasefs.will be,to cul and”market the timber...aN “me.Asheville.Citi¢en says Mr. Felix Alley,of Swaim°county will St s 2 Jip ’ In ‘the “municipal electidn in Hickory Tuesday Mayor Lent2 "was re-elected. b Monroe hap voted $30.000 of ‘bonds for sewers ay —- .Mrs.J,Li.Starnes,has in the past suffered severely with ‘throat.and yang trouble,andsays,“I used .Poley’djHoney and Tar Compound for this and it gave me immesilate sat- isfaction.and relief.It gives oe eas-. ure to recommend this preparation.for ibe threat,hoarseness,or any @ gpa tion’of the throat or lungs.“I Know It will do alt clajmed for’It:Statesville .Drug Ce ae oe »Mrs..Jo.Young,daughter oe Mr.!:RS Temp-.eion”of Mooresville,4 died Tuesday wern'ng’at herfhome id’Davidson,vo i fo 1 Hickory,‘Nv C.. po :Dr.J.T..-R.,Neal,Prop.RiversideDrugCo.,Greenville,8.C,,“writes |re-cently,"'F have been a practicing physi-cian and druggist for over 35:years ‘andhavesoldandadministeredmanykij-ney médicines but arone to equal.FoleyKidney.Pills.They are:Superior to any or cald give it a trial and beoome ac../T ever used,and ‘Rlve the dutellest and quainted ©with its’good.qvalities..For/most permahent..relief.’Statesville:sale by all deal a woo)(Dru.Gey caer ut hen peoplean.now.in.salespersons 1 Be ancane€ 1 . ers.:ssugshie :hoe ee Sn fata ae “.wea Neat :a \ see reer cane ¥: ee e BN THE LANDMARK |:“As:you have intérviewedc Mr:ur:Puineenyeonefete ear e ner upen these”matters,will.you.Ail’Lawyers who,Appear for Gor:|answer the following ‘questions fora;i 8 for).__WRIDAY,.tei ten May 10,1912,porations Are Tarred With)thé|+}rome i aa '‘1¢information .of the publig;To ‘Whom Tem“ae oe-ame,Stick—-The Landmark Show.|-it...Before .the time the Bell|.piuevale Ont.,M a ot wi::(OMMENT ON VARIOUS MATTERS|the,Difference—Mr,-Patterson's)relephane.Company secretly,bought ,ay 910-—"I_wasHeatsAN:Spleen Questions.ts hy bent Mr,Brown,thus getting.into sick for two yéars with chroni¢bron. a *.2 -.“:“The late Ben -Butler,of Masser }To the ditor of The:Landinarks ||Statesville,did «Mr,Turmer ‘appear chitis and a consequent run-down con: *phusetts,’‘sometimes called:“Beast”}—Jy your .reply to ey letter ih:|before the board of,aldermen sand dition.I received no-benefit ‘trom doc: Butler and “‘Spoons’’.Butler,.was'/your last issue,you.Bay that.you |urge that the Belli company,be giy-|tors or from a trip.which I took for *-@n able man.a mighty:smart man,|Went.to:Mr..Turner and asked him jen.the right to e&tablish’{fself in|my health,and I had to give up work,cuter Tee hat hi what his connection ‘was with cer |the community?‘and if so,,how.Vinol was recommended,and from the put he did many ang by MATAR tatiny corporations,and that he an-many times-did he make this fight?|second bottle I commenced to.im-'things that brought him in bad re-|gwered in substance and!effect as end,After the Bell company,had|prove,I gained in weight and strength,pute—and that bad)reputation“lives|follows:‘You.aré right.T.am not'}purchased from Mr.Brown:the righ my bronchial trouble disap eared,and Joug after Butler’is dedd,;Butler|the.retained attorney for any public)to establish itself,over the protest I t work i a m-a na Nig inn ‘i eh es service corporation.I appear for jthe|of the people’and in defianse of the BT hy MONS BEOAsMayhavehadhig.good points;he}61)pelephone Co.,Westerm Union |refusal of.the.aldermen to grant|1 18 the combined action of thedoubtlesshadsomegoodtraits,for |pelegraph .Co.:and ~the-Southern /it the-right,-has not Mr..Purner,|curative elements of the cods’livers, “the was elected Governor of Massa-|Express Co.,but I am not the re-|on all occasions advocated the inter-|aided by the.blood-making and echusetis—-as ©the Democratic can+tained attorney for any of them,or lest of the Bell company .and-fought|strength-creating properties -of tonicididateatthat,im:1882,but hig|‘any public servic oat ae ae Ae the Independent company,and is|iron contained in.Vinol which makes ©¢+°>as °“pear for..them:when they employ |theire not a Bell-'phone:in,His.of-|jt go successful in curing:bronchitibadreputationovershadowedWhat-)me.and when the case is ended’my.fice and also his home?e.:.Vinol isa:constituttanal sain toeevergood.there wasi in him.|service ‘ends.’,ard).Has.Mr.Turmer “an “Ty-chroni¢e.coughs,colds,bronchitis‘andAllthieis’preliminary to the Mr.Turner's statement may pat-dependent ‘phone in his ontice or PREP an following,which ones in.a ‘dis:iste:you,Mr.Eder BNE ene ee ee ee conak:proubler ok..aeszLich¢2 ie :*‘believe it will.satisfy the public “4th.“Did Mx.Purner-£0 We Sa lise escough syrups,ss". >patch ‘from Boston;‘)ton’the.reasom that :-there can be bury and fight the application éf Try Vinal.If you.“don't ‘think it ge THO,proposition ‘to ‘erect a stats ind.distinction betweem the atior-.]three’Independent:telepheine.¢dm-)|helps you,we will return your money:*Qe of the date:Majer-General Bens ney who .is retained—paid by.the}panies that ‘were asking)the alder.)W.:F.:Hall,-Drugeist,.”Gla tonyills ie PF.Butler,¢ither “within,the yean-~and ‘the attorn¢y.who appears}men té“erant:,them the,privilege.of SEONG.SION State-.capitol:‘or upom the Statelin cases of certain,corporations.and j establishing a -joinit office.for thehousegrounds;.received another |is-paid by thercaseé.,They .are both éonnection of their limes:and for the : :~wetback.today whe the Heuge:com ¢orporation attorneys;they both}convenience of ‘their patrons.dnd 66 9 ” mittee.on ways and:hieans ‘voted isérye’.the same master.coe EGS public throughout this Reotlon :“ought not”to.pass’on:the ‘pill,pt ite A ae :‘of the country?i Don’tEoneit§Sack ter ah appropria-|Let's Btop right here aid pass on)sin Did “Mr,Turner’pedbensnd ; tion of $25,000.The Butler statue}the question:.at irsue.Mr.Patter-|the Bell Telephone Company before bill has beem before the Hee ees son ‘charged im his first letter,in the Legislature and opposed.legisla.:aaaRETE annually far many-years,but has.a-1 tion’intended to.regulate ‘the:Bell ~Beamee,2 Vile The:Landmark’had ee f HM ‘‘ern Tene 10 pee rare ou Me deo that at-|ePhone Company,amd all legisla-ue:the potato bugs toamNe:‘be wae BS “<<(tion which the people of the Sitate egin on your potatoes. There is pathos in Senator Till-|torneys for corporations should not |wished enacted to prohibit thie oom!Get a ints aot ourMan's simple appeal to South Car-|be elected to the Legislature,it |pany,trom.cruthingthe varfous In-|>p 8plinatosendhimbackforanother|pada seemingly.changed its “mind.dependent telephone companies of |ae Slug.Shot and Peem, term,and while he-is not ~going’)je Landmark's position was,and is|the,State?“in time.‘to make any speeches in the cam-|that the retained”attorneys of pub-+—-The above questions “all relate to: paign on account of feeble health,|\je°service corporatiqns—attorneys bak ate not ri gto ae Te aane|Another ‘shipmentifhewritesafew.more’letters |regularly employed—sheould nét be|fect the public and .the relations’)‘fike'that he will be re-elected,—|elected to public position because,}Of the Bell Telephone’Companyto |of that sliced Bacon’a thi a di d‘“9Greensboro.Recond.having been retained:by the ‘corpor-eee Boner ely:os i ved jnst arrived,Try it.:ey area sp.endl Sotbiesfit. i which 3 rue,When a4 /ations they could not represent both as Mr...Durner,.in these’mat-:aye | a betcanes theBied,either ats the’Parte and the corporations’at ters,paid by the case.or,as you |~—'PHONE Boar i All the.latest styles at the lowestanbecomesdisable‘ithe y sAMnethin ca Baw oF Seared eee Va Moatd .;"3 1e-in case of conflict sometimes say of the lawyers,‘was sorta eon onal SA be Sabeet:lot interest,‘wit ih ig likely,to arise he farming for part of the crop?”!}|prices.We show you the latést first. when he is no.longer able.to fight|at any time;and that if they gide-As you base your defence of:Mr.|",: as he.fought in the st rengthi and |stepped;and represented.neither,ere upon a methe .or opbiect Eagle &Milholland {Comfort,elegance.and Pane are.the.>+Te >i mpensa on would he Object etl-:tiand asked:“no |they.falle d as the Pee eonta tive of at h’s eo }i :\Se tesatek are [ani ane porn ulleradHoctas[a tai Che pul inofaen ee ee eh we sees ran;Peay ~neither .had a ymaoe ntative al-ce tar,€Moueyh?el fs Ret pen oh Cn ALE neal ; lessness,of deper dence,that ‘must!though both had one retained.what this particular corporation,beat custom—and retain jt.Come iin now some time cbme to al!of us,-en-|,Mr.“Patterson says ‘there can be|Pald him for services rendered,and |'org easy ‘]hi i ay neti _.|no dist!netion’between:the attorney what Service he rendered.it?The GN EW a for thatnew pairand convince yourself.velops him,it is most pathetic who is.retaine’}—paid by the ‘year—|People would then be im.a position”RUZ mma >::a picture that appeals to all hearts.rand:the attorney.who appears in ito better judge of just.how much E :.:ce :4 {t is gall and.wormwood to.the}eases of certain corporations.and The would ‘likely be influenced in “g-*.{|',ee once strong,independent man who/}is paid’by uhe case.They are both mateae ras begisieric n tees eon mM Tol er :'*;aoe ::i ci)‘lawn he th rneys:they th |Tights of the peoplé and the &}ieaskednofavorsbutafairfteld,|cqrporation attorneys;they both)Tents Sia o ‘4 .S M &H Sh C‘ai brokenly in the race and |S¢tve the same master.:’{Telephcne Company conflict.‘«9 e..°4 oe oO.to ump brokeniy im the—race an Mr..Patterson having made up|There must be a ‘nigger in the psfeel’that he is dependent on the!pig mind that the.horee is-16 feet |woodpile.’”ey ‘. kindness,the charity,of’others:|high;argument with him ‘is proba-|a nM PATTERSON,All-over Embroidery at50c.; Tillman:will’probably be re-elect-|bly a@ Waste of time,but the Gia.|Eufola,N.C.x 75c.and $l 00 vard ed,but if some strong man should on hel Siaina oe ae ae nelp!Mr,Pattersor 's questions,were i :.y:;r,Patterson é ts et ci Seek ais :.or.fu ::take advantage of his .physical jim look after his business at Ku-a f et,eet aoe ee *EAVE |44 inchFlouncing at 75c.-yd,:1906 a>,.Six Years.11912 weakness to destroy°him,he would|fola and pays him a regular sajary|“Vem,I appeared 45%the Hell tn |Honorable Recordbut~receive the.treatment:he acx|he expects service on leniand,HOT sist oe is Rael referred to;but in Flouncing,all widths andsordedWadeHamptonandothers.|¥ould,feel outraged if that mam,on inetanee when I appeared the|prices.:;Your Comfort Today MayBe Your Distress Tanascaes;jwhile ‘not actually at work-for-him 5 :ee ;-E Think of That Mr.P.?Hampton-served the people faitn-|Vit still drawing pay for:hie ser-[COMPany.patd me like a man,and |::ver Think of 1 hat My,Croperty Owner?fully ‘in war and in.peace:-There|vices,should give aid to some in-art oe idee ahr ve]Wey Oh ] was no fault in,him.But Till-|terest.opposed to that of his em-|“Now if the cai dates of the ring 4:man,in.the strength and vigor ‘of pret .sa ichigo hidesf ue .bey ta tat abent hi seh {es ;baa Fa : manhood,aroused and inflamed pop-|Sone,a re Mr,Di sterhert OL:|stead of preparing questjons to be es 5 :: ular,prejudice against the old an@|ployed aman only occasion-|Ber est by Nos remEeeaents,a meet Arriving every day.We issue every kind—Fire,Life,Accident and Health,Steambrokenrman.Hae made the people|ally,a day or a week now and then ag ys saiiet oe i eae _Boiler,Liability,Automobile,Plate Glass,Wind Storms,Cyclone, believe thit Hampton wad not,-in|Paying bm at the ¢nd of the ser-|ae the people,pos the vial ae Silverware given away eyery Live,stock.Bonds—Administrators,Guardians,|Trustees andsympathywiththemascesandthat|eo.0F.the.service rendered,he ||;ealatice ve.fees,Iw day.:any judicial bond.Todayis here.Tommorrow is coming allaeetnetaaatsdietvtncould‘have no just oe cn ne a te “™‘ence the pecs too fast.:Consider the present.Too late to lock the stable:after POpie ,COUM be CP.THB man’s service when he was not in ve in his the horse is g PE 4.Cail rite us f ‘es sandpihgaraardUhhibh‘:lar Furby ve int one in,[that we'll make even Tal.Pattere "See us before buyin }is gone.1one 5¢Dall or write us for pricgs anconlybyoustingHamptonfromthe!his’employment;and if in the n botatch hve back.y g.information about ourpolicies. Umited.States Senate.‘Now,after a tervals,whem the mam Was not in |L = long and successful career in Hie |Grea tae ne ee ten ne +,|One Side Charges |Bribery—Linr,D.B.Krider &Com'y.Statesville Realty &Investment (Co. itics,Mr.Tillman,broken in health Mr.:Batterson,he would be within |a ere ee ee us ©,CARLTON,Mths:Gat inne toeht hie .|..The day after the primary:elex-sehen ——80 that he:can no longer fight His.|his rights.,ame Gey’at I ::f paar:anager.own battles arks 0 Darbte of ‘That’is the’whole proposition.;tion im Maryland,..which gave.SALE OF ‘VALU ABLE REAL.ES- South ¢a a :boa a Sais!The retained attorney.is paid to ap-Roosevelt forces contro)of the Stats TATE IN STATESVILLE:| "x es arc aps!to Dedini ge tO)pear for the corporation dt any and ee ion,th e aft ‘ma 3-is or epee he penate They may do it,but all times He must.render.service sued.the.followin Pursuant to a judemer de eee if he should receive »pame sort |whenever the interest.of his cli+|:|'Mere than om De as ee ee herr 7 opSimanernrre reYae>lat:attentent «1@ is expect-|Velt’s entire .delegate vote came iatter of.Mary ca amip-Hoftreatment’he has accorded -oth-|emt is affected and he is expe.as wt td are OF ;:. ers,he would.he defeated :ed to be ‘Johnny on the spot”with:|from the ©)and county Gl Bale bell,rhomas |hd and ad SHERR TLL-W HITELSI LOE (0.42.rs,bh aoe €ctobdade out waiting for epécial instructions.|Amore where,it 28 ptated,the,M.:-Campbell,appoi rie.tk ri The attorney who appeais for a ¢or-Roosevelt “managers place d $10,000)dersigned;commis i 8RepublicansaeForaDarkporation.only when he is spe among thejr,worker8 ‘at an early)partition and div Sr oOTBE.«employed,just as hie appears im |OUT yescerday.tute.of -Allen -V Baltimore Sur _}cases.of murder,arson,forgery and “In Pr e Gforge’s county,wi!dersigned will.sell at puWhyshouldcandidatewho|the Hke,owes his.dient nothing |definitely decided-the contest so far |tion at.the «t-house door 8 . tlaims 445 votes dtspeir of pecur-|ufter the gervice for wi i he is AS |Drese nit returns indicate,Rocse-/cit;of Stattsyille,at 12 oc Pem.,:{; \dng a nominaiien -when-he requires paid has been reridered.He is free |veut mane yin rege amounts Was jon :::« but $5 more to‘have a clear ma-|to take any other employment.If poured into the county Lar »rolls SATURDAY,MAY 18TH,1912 j .We’ve™something..to interest eo jority?Ten States have not’yot-|he is elected to office he can,as -a|/Of §mal bills,accompanicd..by ity iots in the city:of Statesville,::‘ ,¥77 ‘delegates still to.be |tepresentative of the people;of poe chee A ade Wi a needed,we adjoining -lands of:J.G.Shel-men who wear high grade.Ox-eelected,including Ohio,the Presi-|cotporations which formérly employ ;sent.out from ashington on Satur ton,whose lan ie are bounded and :ee ‘ dent's home °State.But more}d hit,with.a clear conscience,te-|Gay;at eon one well-know described es follows:i fords.Our $5.50 and $6.00 Ox-° tham one-fourth of those counted.for |Cause he is no longer employed by |¢T In the District chavi =Beginning “at a.stoné,Allen ;s reac e limit of style andTaftareuninstruct<d,and he is:them.and owes them ncthing,NH )+Y exhibite d such’a,‘roll in.Smith corner,on a road that leads|mrnareach th ie }®@notsiirethathecanccunt:on oth-|it be incisted,-as Mr.|Patterson men ni on,Sunday BELEN OCn,to Wallace's farm,on a public ‘road}excellence. ers nominally ple dged to him.Taft)would st,that because he was|Then 1ator Dixon,the.Taft and.funning west Allen's —line,!}*‘ehassecuredalargeprcporticnof;once employed by corporaticns he|Manag made reply in-form and |gouyth 87 .er es,east 150 feet tol ®For'luxurious fit;-atvle and in-his delegates frcm States which Lwill always feel under obligations tc)Manner as follows la gtone on.711 Simon’s »:thence!ee ,,ue .a give no Republican eleciorak.votes,them,it can with as much force be hvery one of th SES atemens 18)south $7 Ne es west.135,feet to @ dividuality in fine footwear .we Roosevelt has get mort of his in |argued that because he has appear-|4 deliverate,wilful.lie.Every:man a stone on:said road;thence with @ cs r ;,Republican.States baerwie r murderers,burglats and prsmniors with ead cui !lene road north 87 degrees,west 11°|@ ean pletise you,We have re @ Taft must depend cn New York.es that he.will always ever af-;@Pculaticn’ig a deliberate,1})feet to the beginning,being one!%}Pa) Yet reports from Savannah state te ‘feep duty bound to render per-liar.These lies are circulated guatter of af AEE:eis orles."|@ well known ‘line of Oxfords for @ that.William Barnes,Jr,:ihe New;Vice to'this class of ¢riminals.Of |te Duipcese,and fer t My pu The said two lots:of:Allen Smith men in Gun Metal,Tan and Vici.York te leader,doub.s whether)course this is absurd,but it is:the |POS,ys lie also adjoin the lands of Miles Braw.|@ }e Taft can stop Rocse velt,and ob s|logic ot Mr.Patterson ®ar t:|ep aTE OF OHIO,CITY “OF TOLEDO,ley;Whose lands.are described as Lace or Button in widths Ato D, written the leaders in all.'the If a lawyer is corrupt.he b LUCAS COUNTY follows:;Sty os @ Southern States,scunding tlem up-|watching for opportumities to be on |Frank J.¢andy iiikes oath th .Beginning at a_stake,oe on he advisabil .¢f throwing|the watch ae rever he.is:placed.|e.is.seniors partner Br:the A ut ‘pQeant’s corner,on the east side of Ga the anN-Roosevel’strength to a But-it rdly necessary to y teas ee eet doing bus in the |¢he public road,running south,87)rrthirdSeongNeta-few Repub-that the hohorable lawyer whe wey OF 2 OledG,County ands AL OTe~ees (at tO.2 take,Sh ill-Wh Sh c“Hhoan <leaders geen to think that |i legal talent to seme.abeviel ine (stir:PO NENG EME fem TM Pay cite|Semregs eet 260 toet to 8 ane err ite Shoe Com’'y,Roo:evelt not -be nominated tenes!occasion will not,&mply eh and Every:ase Of Catafrn that can!greg west 60 feet-to a stake,John |°(S.B.Miller Old Stand.)‘and Taft cannot be elected.The ;because he once ‘had employme sOL be cured by the use of Hall's (Ca-'|&‘i}'s ;hence north 85:dy >e man ?i :hee ,?Care.FRANK J ;a Sherrill's re thence north ) _Bearch for a “'da'k horse’has be-with that interest;again sell Nis |"gy rh.to before=.me -ahd-sé i‘iq |degrees west_150 feet to a stake on|BOGassversecouseneoeveues gun.-Service,to it after he has (aken:€m-sr presetice,this 6th day of De-the east pile of fa id public rovad;ee ae .«,(ployment with.interests that MAY renee.+,1886.5 fe an Ce orth.5 ‘degrees east 55 |Hemicide in Mitchell County."contiict:3 Ty other Worcs,as lawy "|(Seat.y A.W.::GLEASON,thence 10 i ;|’:.|iT t.no a e :Notary °Putitie feet to:the beginning,containing et .;: t harlotte Ob-Who vi Al wae S 3 aticm dces not}Hall's Catarrh Cure is Valen AteEnal.one sixth of Bt AES more or lees.B :—~ le,Mitchel]|try represent ts on.boily}|!¥,and.acts directly on the blood and|pagistered in Book of Deeds 37,|:q Aythur Hall,|sides of the eame:case "To charge for test nant ie eo ee ce BB |1 the office of the Regis-|;,A ‘sn eae t EAL +yi :-&|tor stim leds €;age 3o,it es rice L LI |ytuwptédtoarrest|.tlat.he will take employment .on-“Fd.CHENEY CA.,Toledo;0,|te of Deeds of Iredell county.|:ad.4 .em.he had ai dne side then appear for the othe r |ae by ail draggeiata,Tc,;oe SPINS of ‘Bale.‘cash.Sale will|me é ‘3 : eae ote::a ee.pity pion id re _he wee ones |stioatlon me Nery Sey for eon be left open ten days for ten per|iLOTOVranemed*1n)n tha bide,is q }+4 !sag -.3 ~‘..*Bote men inent ‘losaHy,him with belne d'whonorebid.cl oe cent.bids,i nun Te 43-acre farm five’miles south of Statesville,lying on both sides,ofPealyGedie}re cee ee able,Tae SAL 5 OF PE RSON AL PROPERTY.WM.C.cou eotuuitealtoner.the public road “Two story,six-room dwelling,some outbuildingsman,who If Mr.B,uttereci -excludés “f*cm |CATT 2 1 A!1 Price’R.Lea Wright,‘Attys.@ in fair condition,fine orchard,25 acres mh cultivation,balance in tim-old,being ‘the publit serviece all lawye:s who |...28 AT R DAY.‘May 25th,at 2}‘April.16,1912 ber Will sell for cash or on time or exchange for city property. >=deading cit ,have ‘at any time appeared ‘for ¢or-hy .ate oa [di eee anos:Of 100 acres one-mile from Cool Spray Bene 1,50 nc te alICtee~poratior o®the ere d.that they)°"uLG 44 MOPTISON,in “Con-—ONE-STORY,six-‘lings;good orcharc acres in cu=s To Be Rignt the Only C.nsidera-are corporation as VE oo.»will :¥|cord townechip,IT will sei ‘at pub-FOR SALE ORRENT,room cottage on.Elm room dwelling,’barn and outbuildi Aya gaae;tO eee i]avn Bie tke t ey lig:auction centain personal 7 rp street.watet and sewerage Splendid garden|tivation,balance in oak and pine timber.,‘Ibt 98x35 f Mramanviiie Davicecn'as been jong I practice.He Gale nck lerty belonging ito the estate of the |and ii mbes on,eaey Api we Four-room dwelling on Davie avenue,10 8x3 o eet.Fee aha ag ltnds atc eheStatesville 1 re ot at |said.H.lL.Morrieon,:consistingof |e Vacant lot 75x112 on Race street...\A Pvicolitea bes oe ‘te no ane (other.bar,anh attérny:of any ox |jfarming uteng!“vehicles,etc,A number of other city and suburban “‘houses~and lots and largenentesr“euly ea oe a m8 ©nerience estat igh reputia ‘ie R,L,MORRISON,|My“aching Shop farms for sale.Good di¥vdend paying stocksin Corporations. ir vi are lent.SOE ANTS who has-Rot-at some.time appe ar Mav 3,'12.—-8t,Administ tator,For further information call on or writewienasAioeed.for.a corporatiot:.cr who wi Wiley re /FR CAME TEETER ETNaaTinearsaAsidwaddleomqnwieand||NOTICE TO.CREDITORS.wo/4 ERNEST G.GAITHER,-Statesville,N.C,PIB Pa PUN Lee Dek yer env try Ih 2 MIA gitar eteahecaterrt Wetter z ial Fe complete and Jain prepared to dohe.escaped Consumption and’-pevdined |S abked and:that:6 “yi e dees pint work.‘'K AND RE Si Ni oe es a &oe at ie ae with otherintercs's he re D>lof ata ee loo aoa:strator |any kind of repair or p 1 NE INSURANCE,OFF ICE NO.i,EA avo, which Huns on me for iva vedes when eeute.Ut Te 1s \eincere.ih tis |decensed,1 hefoby.notity an el |Engine,and Boiler Work a Specialty.HONE 23. ape using.Foley's.Honey nd Tar Hrofetsiors,Pattérscr:sy ‘€j Samipoune.I kept on i til iy rou G mt n@ hie ¥>to men Aitatde ene |tate ee a a ae *Stas‘i is ine che Li:‘“finaliv;lett .mp and I:gained in weicht 4 aa :J resent Sime.to me on or tings up to inches,njéctors,u-=1,000 or more old|WILL GIVE 40 pounds goodfrom113to185pounds.In two year tron die Pacts |before the 12thron of “April,-1914.bricators,Oil Caps ‘and.Jet,Fame OL0 PAPERS.newsp ners fot aalest NOTICE:our and12 pounds -bran in ex«haye grewn stron wand healthy a fp acom Mr Patterson i FE,SHERRILI >:haf \10 centa'the 100,.Fine for wrapping and muke |changeforone hushel of good wheat.BUTLEROOaleeeeoienicneurBoney.en d ‘Tat teeTevant’to:the issue Y aainaee lon 1 Pipe and Shafting.raid watt ape sesnncens stidious,ices N.C.Ellis Tharpe..Milles,and: Neca :ompoun.whic Bet,.a’d'to n ::at oe U :~Pa LANDh ‘on,Proprietor,pr i"ioO.”Brug Co.MK y he B,MMeLaughiia,Atty fh CH,TURNER,A teak ——Lin ,April 12,'1912 .Depot Street...|Dealerin Machinery,SUBSCHITBE “FOR THE LANDMARK.«|.THE {ANDMARK ie $2 per’yr 2G i F.oe ge er ‘oT a Hy .ue r ;2 "se 4 -:oh ;a as “en .SN ;Wee :es mpPl {;;:s ee 4 J .\me SE md *a fi £4 ».‘i a ‘‘me ’it »‘~pgonanmnad i a \t ty,Sa t ai ‘i :‘<‘ PM ii i 1I{4 Ps ! _«Five-room cottage,No.205southRacestreet.uo ee Two-story house,No.111"Highland avenue. a© me wo-story,six-room house, THE LANDMARK bh gs Mt. ‘FRIDAY,‘May “10,1912, -LOCAL.RAILROAD SCHEDULE,- arrival.and Departure ‘of Traine atiStatesville.WESTERN ROAD.Ng.15,west-bound,due 5.55 a.mNo.16,-éast-bound,due 11.20 p.m.No.11:west--bound,Gye -10,20 a.No,21,west-bound,due 3.25 p.m,No,35,west-bound,due,10.22 p.mNo.36,east-bound,due 1100 am)a 22,easi-bound,ane.1.20 p,m,Train 12.east-heund,due 6.45 p.CHARLOTTE AND TAYLORSVILLEFromCharlotte. No;16-ar;9:60,"leaves 11.00°>amNo,24 ar.8.25,leaves $35 p.mFromTaylorsville,No.23 ar.10.10,.eaves 11.00 a.mNo.16 arr 6.20,leaves 6.45 p,m. Loaded Dress Coat’Ww ith ‘Buck “Shot, :With Disastrous Desults; Airy Leader,‘ TrainTrainTrainTrainTrainTrainTrain TrainTrain Train Train ii fs e :‘west Sharpe street.“The proudest:event®-in masculinetA‘:oA A}Bistory:are.the first:shirt,the first ie ae ‘Be gee:Ba 2S pair oft buspenders,and .the’,firatpeGiteswaterto.all of the:J[arese.sult and’a young wport of Gigs.above:houses. i 45 ,If interested see -us.. @ i ’REAL ESTATE DEALERS,|fof these shot pulled town.until his]Jail.L.ert,jailor,$78.45")_8.Parker,who lives nea r| \Statesville,N.C.f lrear:collar button stood three,in-|city of St lehte.#7..|leo relative of Mr.|:“OFFICE:‘ROOM 3 lches above ‘his cont,collar und.the}Water $15-:pred B r*hifer $2.[Br and whem he read the hean | |First National Bank Building -»[dainty “little skirtlets draggéd the|29,Wallage [Bkos.Co.“$1.25,for Pe BO Vee Re ote van be;DANE:Sas nies }floor and.the entire outfit hada supplies...i Sakdune 4 aN Galthe ps ee WED Re wet Cre Mr.|HONE:282...jtendency to list-to star board...He|Roads and.bride R,E.Gakt ner|Pa spent:Gumday night at Mraz;'i lenows now but he niay have to|$8,BE.R.Holder $20.25,2.H.Pow-|(2 in Mooresville.The fa- ;:ltake.a snipe hunt before he gets }§7,99,Brown Bros:$78.94,W.Was Shut:up in a.coop |‘Lonto these mountain ways.omibs $3.50,R.A,yoned $5.25,jana »"was no.opportunity for| |sree Ay 3.Parks S60 14,,Alf tor,bridge |a hen to get fi the ‘coop and |a a ol Santon’3 Distinetion.;work;W.F.Mas n.re moving rift |a3 day night about 7:30 two ||1 Ganford Express.‘-T wood from ridge,$1;C..A..Himes,|-ez re.taken fromthe ¢oop. 4 Sunford has a hos ital but,no|lumber,next Morning another.egg4eelee.mi tery.:The few.people that].Miscella C.Cook,court;1,this being cne over the} Cash pabaeinthas Sanearehouse,lot |"here are.-camiied away to be [house jan oa -Keres ,ae peep.teria,Fh |130x285,corner Walnut and Meet-buried,“@ Cee eee a ed.to,keep the “hen:its W..Nicholscn -&,-Co,,|In coop during the.“day,and}imag streets.“‘rée paupers,$9;city |W About.10:o'elack an-|Lot 60x1077 corner eas “end |of ;;for:court)}ovier ez:found——this making}®Meeting slnects.:;house 16-50;H.P.\lour eges én less than 24 hours.|ee 26%acres,at Bufola,$3 per |.Van P James|.1 w as far’as.Mr.Par-] oe pec Mit«}ee experimé He.|15 acres,one mile east of court |:Moote a ;‘Bandniark ~-office| |house.,‘\nd told the st ory “ip76°atte,one mile and a halt oes (tineed in ladd All Ghose.| ;wet ‘;a are oe >i lal d the ‘mM or,someAeesaneoeeeeeequa**-Thousands Have Been Helped Shee hee fone ie eae 70 acres,one mile and a half By Common:Sense he|west :::rile a hat pg 211 acres,fiye miles north,$20 suggestions.r 6of gan @.So'it fal bit that r acre oe aes ad $56 caring for a,brood of.chick bs acres,three miles ,east,$25 |.‘7 Z died he s-ng xt 2 ah i oegeracreWomensufferingfromany-formoffe-See ate |a bh Be A number.of other Koalabie male ills are invited to communicate |.EH eae tana Rat Tata farms and business properties.Gee promptly with th man's private corre-|which éxtra tor goodme.before’making an investment.|spondence departme‘ht of the Lydia E.|mé re ot i ISIDORE WALLACE,Eee ue Co.,>Lynn,rape is§$4,Mre|_Mr...Parker’doesn’t.undertake‘to | |Your ‘letter wi ve opened,read andi)E Moore 50,Mrs:Cora}for but -it is certain|First National Bank Building.|answered by a woman aca heidin strict}Gant $1.50;Mrs I.J Christy |t ‘Mr.Brantley has a wonderful |sacs RO,BAO confidence.’A woman‘can freely talk of |}$3,for temporary i nd Wal-)He should take good care.of ||$12,000 of Cit Property her private illness to a woman;thus has|ter A.Holtshouser,Sloan |ner chibit her at the!poul-|. \y pe been ,established a confidential corre-|S200,Henry:‘Rob LD.We4 tt)|Ont to:take firat|spondence which has extended over Whitlock were exe mipt ed frbm polkia mors,4 ommen barnyard fow!that FOR S.SALE many vears and which has never been ee gs cat ,ae iO Re ageae ea Sig “9 “Mve-room house “nd lot,south broken.Never have they published a LNo.-sonia e |din Runner du kai in at h-thatCenterstreet,near depot.testimonial or used a letter without the ]},,rde notice be serveds recordTwovacantlotsrearabove,on!written consent of the writer,and never]on ye W.M.Howard amen Meeting street.|has the Companyallowed these confiden-]ind A.M.Kenner ly.to’show «se |The Liabildy hill ‘Tivos the Ben-'| Six,vacant lots south of ‘Brad-|tial letters to get out of their possession,|before the board at its next.m i.ate,| ford Knitting Mill as the hundreds of thousands of them in hy the spec tax electio:The workmets’Gompensation:billactfaceGnaoneeGartheirfileswillattest.in thé district 5 rot be set aside |was passed in the Senate Monday 64 Buffalo Shoal Road...ere r j Out ofthe vast volume of-experience Anes New.Siecte or held.he Saapioree hue aval|.Four-room house,6%acres jand,|which they have to draw from,it is more Many.Titantie Victims Werr Not!and am i “orily to ncrtabe its| |Buffalo Shoal Roa1 than possible that they possess the very Drowned But Died of Exposure.|benefits 1@ measure,sharply}|Two yacant lots Buffalo ‘Stioal |knowledge neededin your case.Noth-Halite 5 .“3 as fought by scnie of the Democrats for %~s’\ing is askedin return except your good alitex,N.S...Digpatoh,6th P saveenl (dave |now 64 ote to’the|-Store house and residence i will,and their advice has helped thou::Only ome of the ‘pornos wl 956!House ee 5 varae , ‘acre lot,junction west Front street ‘odies .were recoverd by the cable |mp n pec ee aN i and Buffalo Shoal Road.Also stoch!nands.idee mind ship Minia.(the second.vessel -ser an a We ey,feelofGroceriesandwixtores.Detected beans oie i pec ghmeprageegich ,caeaieien whaleCalionorwrite|should be glad to BF eevee hicm ata y dirty dope mribidie}take advantage of continue to drem untif they | Cc.B.MORRISON,739 West Front 8t.— March 8.’Photie 227 —[NOTICE!| Pe TO OUR PATRONSANDTHEPUBLIC:= We wish to announce that although we have had a fire we are takingcareofourbusinessjust. as usual.Let us haveyourlaundgywork.We Will appreciate it. “STATESVILLE STEAM LAUN DRY ‘“*’PHONE 122, Poultry Supplies ! Just received shipment -Hatchers. Come and get one and [et your hen go back to egg .,production. if ~Also havee DrinkingF oun-:tains,Food Trays,Food Hoppers,ape.-,‘ :’PHONE+— q W.B.BROWN or||BAL SRONCE, Pinewood Dairy Farm, STATESVILLE,N.C.R.F,D.NO,2, W.C.WOOTEN &SONS,PROPS, -.SEED CORN.°Weekly’s Im-” proved variety at $2 per bushel. ‘MILKCaeae = Ne me wick ‘4 |.coat tails:down’with phot Jenkins &Wagner,| |this generous offer |of assistance. |dress Lydia E.Pink- mI 740 bushels’ this city has just hid an experience that.he’4s‘not.Ti Kel to forget Last:week he purchase ah first lgwal ow tatl ang was advised by jolder’.society.‘ment to”ixht’the in onder ito keep them from suggesting .a N wind milb:as de glided in the bam idance.He bought.the shot,.two |Alas,he carried too .-much ‘ballast Ad- ham Mediciné Co., (confidential):Lynn, Mass.:SAE i froman ought to have Lydia.FE.Pinkham’s ©80-page Text Book.It is‘not a book for /general distribution,as it is too Every jexpensive,It is free and only |obtainable by mail.Write for |ittoday.— Dats. Con“and af Car White Corn.a Car White Oats; Harper's Prolific Seed Corn on'-8 Etour Also| and all see me eTown acres:High —White Swann. cheaper grades, kinds,feed stuff, before you buy. A.A.Colvert. gerade S.J.Holland. :i Has rood:farm horses * and mules for sale for cash or,on time.Terms to suit purchaser. Best,camped,livery in towaag : ‘Phone Bok Day or Night, T.W.FRAZIER, TINNER,- NORTH CENTER STREET.a ae TSHE cousty COMMISSIONERS.| What the Oounty Pays.F ‘or—Oxder in a ‘School:Election Case. The county commissioners,in regudar monthly seszion Monday,orderedthepayment‘of the following Claims; Chain.gang-—W.C.Henry,salary as.superintendent $50,team hire $34.50;Pink Crawford,Watt Kerr, advanced..for repair work .d1:00; Ra mstfy Ey inEOn and:mother,work, ae OF uthesan,Cow,$30; Caeaaky.Mor tae ry H ardwape Co: $5.28,Mill &Puston.$18.36,"Smith "|pounds,‘deposited then:in,the smal}Brown $44.01,°Fred By eelend.of his funnel-shaped appare!|194s;Waugh &Barringer »$9.08,land no peacock -ever .felt prouder |Statesville Housefurn shing Co,las -he tripped in regulation dress.$6.90,Brow roe;$9:75,-We WwW Foushee.$7.6 1 for supplies. Ih €XPOs- Our hours 1 OF the ea .%és Plan For Retiring-Government Em-| Ployes at 70. Dispatch,6th Taft.e€ent .to Congres approving }] ission on econ ficiency to omy and ef- governy OF 70 ye retire -all at the age ities:equal’.to half ‘sa maximum:limit of $600" >plan.provides that g the service after adopt on sup eLUploy¥es nuation oo ekmake-anitat contributionste Vide a retirement fundThe.eommission estimates ,that:| the plan would cost the overnin ¢it S227,000 a year during the next 20 and .that the saving -during ext 16,years wo {it Moyes would be ds- sessed not exceeding:8°per cé The government would.contriibut e for rian ei who are nearing..70 yeats.:Employes who leave thébervicecouldwithdrawtheirde-|posite’t6 the retirement fund —with interest at 4 per cert 0.0,Smit}:For Golinty Commis-sioner.' To the Editor of The Landmark: I wish,to BUgeest the name of J.T.<.Smith.for.commissioner.Minv good people inkiie and oth-er townships spéak‘ORT:him as he-ing the man,we need td help look af-ter the county's ‘business.He has always looked well after his own business and this ie:the kind of! man we .need to look ‘ufter the county's affairs.>J.T;-NESIBIT. Falistown Township.©/Sicceecenpmrenerncnnreenenane Now is the time to get rid of youtiaurmaiientYoucandofitby_applyingppenberiainsLiniment.and —mas- ng the.parts freély at each aD.-bligat on.For ‘sale by *dealers,: -re 4 a er tO. wey ies Bl,Youn#.$4,LP.Rumptle S0°;ie spitith work Recunse :nee County:omer Jo G,Thompson, salary.as supe tendept $30,money 'A HEINS WONDERF UL WORK. A Mooresville ‘Hen,“of|‘Common | Pi Caring ‘for.a Brood-of Chickens and Laying Three,fan | Four Eggs a Day.‘ The following:appeared: week's Mooresville “Mr :Ed.Brantley,a,well-|known.citizen of our town,‘is the| happy possessor.of a wonderful hen | irk ‘last | Enterprise: ‘Uvely asserts:that.the above:are”truegavts:The hen‘is:a ‘plain,or- )dis d~barnyard.hen,which de- bye ‘a pullet.four.years {ae >has Caused.¢onr Wterest.in the poultry cir-|34. cles of >town and a great “many}peopl.RaveT Deen to Mr?Brantivy to |jsecure a petting:of the eggs.” 16 years old and would extend pa ment in the af daugh-ers until they are 20,unless sooner married. ‘In general bill would provide) an @xclusive ind com‘pensd- for accid ty th tion disalbili or .leath to enplioy of in .-intermState commerce o1 tric:r @-all=|oe go)‘A ge pa btn h of the Rev.Gan:as Po ce »apgtiniest eagle tec ibaaa's é Praag ;suring each employe against resultslam,YF e-OL we Sioece 5s ch |}gr a ‘es ;of injury in é¢m]t without ref-who accompanied the Minia onquest erence to co ¢€“nee OF|sacra ;/a any:of the rules of cor n law JimIbodieswerecovered:were@ii.:2 ;‘1weipant,’aad 1 :iting employers’liability.It would1lai1éeat;;Zt age as ::provide médical Service.for the:in-4man,ind -such “puccess as ¥oy .|tained ;jured and means for money revov-|tained was due to expert navigation |4.0,brortion oa iv of the |and good.luck.”’ated.wort oe Se ae jOftheseventeenbodies.recovers |POE»= ed,fifteen ‘were —brou +),Au international maritimé confer-|he ot , lenee -and ‘th::equipmient} iof all United States army transports iwith lifesaving apparatus were pro-/ |Vided for Motday in bills passedunanimouslyby.the House Both} hieasures ré as a resuli'of tha-Tit ster It would surpri iow of thegreatiterddoneby she Downey, t writes, umberlain’s| effectual| t ‘Garing for,her little “on }Mr.Brantley tives.on,Mali?street| and is confident’tiat mo shen:laid: pin with,the ald “pet,and:she posi-| h WEIS.YTEARS-va Makes a great difference in most women, |they suffer from backache,headache,sleeplessness,a sensation of irritability ortwitching,hot flashes,dizzy spells,or"many.other symptoms of female weakness,The local disorder anid inflammation shoyld.be treated with Dr;Pierce's Lotion, Tablets and’the irregularity and weakness:of the female system-corrected™and strengthened with Dr.Pierce’s Favorite Prescription.»The strain upon the young, woman or the woman ofmiddle a e—upon the-nerve and biood forming structurés— may-be too great for her strength..”’This-is the time to take this restorative tonic,and strength--giving nervine and regulator. M.-C,Dunlap,guabds $35 ‘each;Lee|-—a fowl"that~has not enily proven |for woman s peculiar weaknesses and distressing ailments.The ome remedy so perfect.© Mullis $17.50,Jo.Bennett $35.83,|her worth ti -breeding’a ange yam-|>in composition and so good in curative effects as to warrant Will Harris pet Martin Mitchell ily of little chicks,but has beaten |its makers in printing its evesy ingredient on:‘its outside © $8.75,L ee Lackey $1.25,Turnevjall“Yéeords in henology in these |wrapper.The que remedy'which,sbackieee gontains neither Harris $17.50,Bop’Keller $1;Willi parts.Five weeks.ago last Tues-|aléohol nor injurigus or habit-forming drug : Autney ‘$123.75,W.-C.Martin’$30.-|da his particular hen was taken |Following letter selected-at random from a large numbér62,Gus.Harris $85.50;all for haul |from.a-nest with alinge drove of of similar ones dnd cited merely to illitgate these remarks: ng,Work,etc.;W.L.Poston.$2.-|little peepies’and placed in a:voop,,.|‘ee In ,the winter of 3 R,»1 became tly rin dawn snd irneglar,” 38,.Stimpson &'Steele $157.17;|where gli lag sinee been confined:|Mowe ate Sat veer Wniesa knee,ab gnclyed 4a Ap Oiy to dha die Statesville Housefurnishing:Cd.48,One week and.a day after her:coop-[~tors for’help.The dootsr sata zat mndiamation,SEpargumant ene —Waite-Stimpson Hardware Co.$4~lina she began laying egies at night)en i a erectawe eh eee Pee 04,i W:Albea $12.32,Harness Md yi ;the thing up every,night |»band purchased typ bustlespf pe Fiero e's F:mvoritg Biryac eg ee hichke Supply Co:$8.65,Lagenby-|'Wednesday migh’.-of last |,Ustarted to.take this remedy J could not wall.across the floor,but a Momeoin ery Handwate Co.$¥.20,°P,tWeek,When.phe ‘began to.do,thrive:|.had daken,tote Pierce's Favorion Poahicdan Oniy Garenahin B.Kennedy,$1 1G;Bloomfield:Man-if i Vand hab “since laid two |:’’J would have teen dead I reglly believe it savedmy ith,1 feelbe’ wae eGo.Sear aul ‘for \Bupe |'¢Y night,at the same tines Mas.Sco w,than. radbiaacctedeskrashee - LOOK FOR THIS SIGN ON ‘LEADING GARAGES The superiority of Michelin ‘Tires is recognized alf over the World : You cannot know what a good tire is until you try a Michelin properly inflated |IN STOCK BY CAROLINA MO’POR CO...Statesville,N. We are expecting another shipment of the fa- mous Hackney Buggies.This Buggy has given perfect satisfaction and is guaranteed in every respect. Also have Buggies and Strreys of other makes, Sp:ich and Haekney Wagons. GIVE US A CAL L. Lips :S New Lot cere | Vehicle &Supply.Company. 116 East Broad Street.@ AN UP-TO-DATE|BOOKKEEPER insists on good stationery and office supplies.Rightly,too, for with them the ‘work goes better and quicker. Ourline of commercial .stationery is the .best and most complete in this community...We.shall be glad to have you test it and our mod- erate prices,whether you need anything.from a few péns toa complete set of new books.3 2-R.P.ALLISON’S, BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE. If:you ave re stomach orpavainairs’es eit |@CG@8 )©88000500 2eseseealldealers,8 ~Prammar -STATESVILLE DRUGGIST.DESERVES PRAISE only remedy whic he never fe UTS:_said ilies “MADAME RACHELLE’SADVICB.TOBEAUTYSEEKERS mks T Kise M.~—tor tailing nair due to dry,tughtscalp,massage scalp every night using a little crude oil or plain vaseline on.tips of fingers and |. rubbing well in.Wash ‘hair not oftener thaneverytwoweeks,using some good,mildsoup andrinsingthordughlybeforedrying ‘ise B.T.M.—Freckles ‘are Oattond -by excessofironintheskinpigments,They may be fadedoutcompletelyby9fewweeks’treatment _witli.a scientific preparation known as Wilson's FreckleCream,This is entirely harmless and a fine gen-eral complexion beautifier,Nou may obtobtain ‘aeanydrugstoreat50cthejar,or direct fromthe [|A hora Freckle Cream\(o.,Charleston,S.Q, Wilson'sFrei fe Cream:is sold by ij ‘Sta tlhe Diug Company. FREMOVAL SALETY -The Statesville Drug Company as-4 Setves praise from Statesville:peo-| ple far introducing here the simple| lbuckthutn bark and glycerine Thix-| ture,Frown as Adler-i-kay This,kim:|4 ‘-\ple-cH TMA reamed y~finst «beedtime |:Has ::a famous by ‘curing appendicitis and I or,forty-seven daysywe will offer our entire stock »|it has new {been discovered that}'at greatly reduced”‘prices.This stock includes lee ge a ae Seeticn (aeceend new Stieffs,new Shaws,‘new Bennett & stipation INSTANTLY.It Sis_thé,Bretzs,thew Kohler &Cartipbells,and other ~makes of new Pianos ‘and many diflerent makesofi+.’ \second hand Pianos that have been thoroughly -repaired,refinisShed,et¢.,in our shop.>a : j .All of these P ithos aré excellent bargains,We**hope to*tove this stock tapidly and’if piece has «ONY thing to do with the Bale it-will go quickly.. CHAS.M.STIEFF, 5 West:Trade‘Street,Charlotte,N.‘C.-STIEFE BRILDING,219 South Tryon Street,Oppo-"ite Seetemyiot Music,after June ist,1912,:acs They are troubled with eas wo Pea For over forty years sold hy druggists . ee -"ROR,CLARK,EDITOR.AND ‘OWNER.‘|OST Se jane oa 4~PUBLISHED.TUESDAY AND FRIDAY.Dp swededupa deh anh c OFFICE:120 WEST BROAD STREET,‘SUBSCRIPTION “PRICE:ONE,VICAR.cccseeiegeeeewesTeese $2.00 SIX-IN 8:;hse OeTHREEMONTHS...0.500esiteees +50 FRIDAY,--May_10,-.191% EEEEEEEE—E——E————E—————————————————_===__— THE ROAD LAW .IN.POLITICS. for road work,it was not to'be ex- -the location’of a schgol house usually '..er-ean ‘be located to suit everybody. -.Modern road building has developed that the most permanent thing about a road is its‘location.If properly lo- ‘roadcan be more easily.maintained -"During the politi¢al’stress now on "in the county this'oad matter,accord- ing to common report,has not escap- ‘ed,Wherever there are divisions: -about roads,those concerned have| -they-desire—provided of coursé they _-some cases the same promises have} -Sections 14 and 15 of.the road law, -the land from which -material for the ‘the duty of said board to pay a just’ _or ‘superintendent shall not be pres _seriously.consider the result.The NDMARK When Iredell county voted $400,000 pected that the roads would be laid out and built to the satisfaction of ev- erybody.The location of a road and cause neighborhood divisions,:Neith- cated,by a competent engineer,the ‘and-at less cost... ‘about toad location or dissatisfaction been assured,so the report goes,by persons assuming to have authority, that the matter,shall be adjustedas vote right—and it is said that in ‘been made to parties on each side-of: a‘single controversy.If thatbe true, how the promise is to be carried outissomethingelse.oe Another matter is the objection offarmersthroughwhosefarmsthe roads run,to the removal of soil, gravel,etc.,from their farms forroad construction ‘Report again has jtthat ‘promises have been madethat the law shall be changed sothat material can’t be removed except by consent.On this point it?s well to look at the law. which was adopted by a vote of the people a year agoyesterday,says: That for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this act the board of commissioners,through its.super- intendent,after first consulting the} owner or owners,agent or agents of building and repairing roadsis gotten, is hereby authorized to enter uponanylandsneartooradjoiningany nn ‘Provision is madefor damage for’ rights of way and for payment for ma- terials used.°If the law.is to be chang- ed so as to allow individtialseto say whether.material ‘may or may not be taken and to.fix the price,it is easy to gee that road construction may be stopped or seriously curtailed,for once the payment of excessive dam- ages begins it will spread until a good part of the road fund will be consum- ed in that way.Of course individuals should have reasonable compensation for actual damage,but the present law,which was adopted after a full and free discussion,by a bigmajority of the voters of the .county,makes, ample provision.for such compensa- TOD “.NY (LEGALIZED GRAFT,| “The Demgeratsin Congress,”saystheRichmondTimes-Dispatch,,“can always be depended upon to.stultify. themselves just when the showing of the cap and bells will do the..most harm to the party«After filling thou- ‘sands of pages.of the Congressional Record with clamor for economy,the Democratic House Friday voted $216,- 000additional funds to itself for indi- vidual clerical assistance.**The House’practices.economy ‘on others, but itself will not economize.The’ sanctity of the stipends and perquis- ites of members is inviolable;.the principle that is applied to every oth- er branch,of the government service stops short of Congress.Legalized capitol ’’~ clerical assistance is ostensibly to raise the salaries of clerks to!members from $1,500 to $2,000 per annum. That would be bad enough,but the worst of it is.that the clerks don’t al- ways get themoney.Some members pay out only a'part of the allowance for clerical-assistance,but they collect italland put the remainder in their pockets.Sometimes two combine and hiré a stenographer to do the work of both for the salary of one and divide the rake-off On top of this extravagance,the House voted down an amendment of- fered by “Representative Page,of North Carolina,to reduce the mileage allowance from 20 cents a mile to 5 public road or highway,to take or cause to be taken or carriéd away any| gravel,sand,clay,rock,soil,stoneor | other material which maybenecessa- ry to construct;improve or repairsaidroads,together with the free in- arene and egress from said roads for e transportation of said material. That if any’owner of land,or the agent or agents of said owner having in charge lands from which stone, gravel,soil,sand,clay or rock oroth- er material was taken;as aforesaid, shall present an account for the same to the board of county commissioners or to the superintendent,‘it shall be and reasonable price for the same;and any owner,agent or agents shall have the right to appeal from’saidboardto'the Superior Court fo deter- mine the value of such.stone,sand, clay,soil,rock,gravel or other mate- rial;but said board of commissioner, vented-from entering uponany lands- as aforesaid,and using material.as aforesaid at any time desired,wheth- er the claim of.the owner is made ay to or after the entry upon saidndforsaidmaterial. The road law was published and discussed in the road bond campaign.| Objection was offered by:opponents of the bonds to these two sections,as the files of The Landmark will show, and it was pointed out that this part of the law was not.new;that it had been incorporatedintothe Iredell road law by the Legislature of 1909; that whether the bonds were voted and the road law adopted or not,that these two sections had been a part of the road law for two years.These identical sections are exact copies of sections 9 and 10 of chapter 638,laws of 1909,entitled ‘‘An act relating.to macadam roads’in Iredell county,”’ and this act was passed,as was the road bond law,by Senator Long and Representatives Turlington and Tom- jin in the Legislature of 1909. If,as reported,the road matter isfiguringinpoliticsandpromises,ofspecialfavors,so to speak,dre beinmade,the people of the county should $400,000 was voted to build roads and cents.The actual cost of the mileage does not .exceed 3 cents,'if it is so much,’and the rémaining 17 centsisa rake-off for the Congressmen.Old Jo Cannon led the fight against the reduction and it isa pleasure to say that all the North Carolina members voted for it./ .Fora set of brazen grafters,¢om- mend us to the majority of members of Congress.Republicans and Demo- crats alike,they are tarred with the same stick.So long,however,asthe people .permit such grafting without grow worse.The people have them- re to blame.The remedy is with them. A correspondent of the Salisbury’ Post who has been gathering:infor- mation on the important question of salaries vs.fees,has the following in Tuesday’s Post: ~The galary system for county of- ficers has been im vogue in Wake county for less than a year but.al-ready the county~ean see that there will be a saving of from $7,000 to $8,000 for the first year and’this amount to be greatly increased year after year. The allowance-for salaries,clerk hire,etc.,in Wake is very liberal. A gentleman familiar with,the gf- fairs of the county gaye the allowan- ces for officers could be.cut very materially for the betterment of :the service.If with a very liberal dalary list Wake has saved $7,000 to.$8,000 the.first year,it means |that the Baving will be greatly in- ;cereased later,for the saving the first year ig always less.The a- mount saved in Guilford.county Was very nearly doubled —increasing from $7,000 to 1$12,000—in three years.If the peoplé of Iredell want to abolish an‘antiquated method of doing \business and adopt a modern method at hess cost,they will adopt the salary:system.. Prof.Godbey,of the Asheville Ga- -zette-News,is moved to indignation because,as he is informed!and be- lieves,at least two men in Asheville, “alleged Southerners.or near-South- every taxpayer.is’interested in its .proper expenditure for that purpose. It is not a question ‘of whethera few .people in this neighborhood or that are given what they want by those who have the power,but whether all are treated fairly.If a road is run acertainwavtopleaseafewindividy.|ent propositions.Don’t believe folk|If anybody is wantingalittle.jb,tell als,whether that is the proper place who don’t know any more than that% |erners,’’have put out the word that \a “corn dumpling is.a corn dodger.”’ |Whereupon.Prof.Godbey,true to his jIredell raisin’,under the head of ;Alarming Ignorance,”or Worse,”’ proceeds to show.that corn dumplings and corn dodgers are entirely differ- for the road to rumas concerns costof "°°Southerners or even ni-Southera-construcfién,maintenance,etc.,then |°TS:Godbey.“But whatevertheir na- thematter.passes from’a neighbor.|Honality they are enemies to the Com- hoodaffair toa county affair;for if to/MO"Wealth-and you would be fully _.puta road in a certain place to please|eae g th someboily means greater cost for con-|ong,in Buncombé's temple of jus-!Democrat of the true type you have:_.|ti¢e;and praying the.judstructionandmaintenance,less mon.|'©®an@praying the judgment of theu"ge .{eourt,.Corn dumplings are corn dodg-ey is left for other roads and some:ors,-indeed!.What do you:think -of-“body suffers:5-8"».“aleoe that,Major Phillips?. Hake them out to one‘side and tell28-.[tem how.to vote and what:to vote |’ for and what would be to’their inter-}: graft is’.intrenched in the national]!guess he thinks he knows.. This additional $216,000 voted for|Stand the ticket the bosses.put up he protest,so long will it continue andjthe people listen to such rot as.this -lit'is no use to fuss around then about justified inhaling them before Judge THE PLACE HUNTERS.ACTIVE. Con-Some’of Them Undertake ‘Cool_trol ‘Townshipisy—A Case .«Springs:>: To the Editor of ‘The Lahdmark.*: I don’t.write for The Landmark oranyotherpaper,and I am slow tostickmyfist.in a.paper that has as large a-circulation as The Landmark.However,just at this time;when ery fool has a right to his opinion on submitting a few remarks as to how I see some things;and:they seem soplaintomethatIcan’t'see how evenafoolwoulderrtherein. In this enlightened age,withsuchaperasTheLandimarkinmostever see why people should want some of- fice-seeker,or paid help,tocome and est..When a man.comes tomeinlikemanner,the,first thing.I thinkof:is,Is he working for my interest’or the’ dividual interest he is out for? hére who claims to be competent ‘totellpeoplewhatis‘bést for ‘them and how to -vote,and I am told that hethengoestothering:bosses and tellsthemthathehasCoolSpringin,his vest pocket,and things.shall go their way if he getsa little job,when hehas'never had anything in his vest‘pocket but.some old rusty:nails.that.he has pulled out of every:platform that has ever been puton the politicalcampaignsofthepast20years,Nor is he in any way .qualified to tell oth-ers how to vote,only he has voted-ev-erything that has ever been out to vote for,and as he has tried them all, ‘hen if anybody says they can’t hops up and says,‘‘You ain’t a full-blooded:Democrat’?Now I have never.voted anything.but the Demo- cratic ticket,nor did my father before me,but if.a man can’t be a full-blood Democrat unless he has voted every*thing and works for the ring bosses, I will just-get off the wagon,for lam not going to make an ass of-myself just for namesake.-_- I understand this great one is fight-ing W.D.Turner with a vimandsays he is not fit for the place because he was not in favor of the prohibition movement,and thathe just wantsthe job to work something for the BellTelephoneCompany,anda lot of such tommyrot that no sane man is goingtobelieveofW.D.Turner,’I-have. lived.in Cool Spring:justaboutas long as Mr.Screw Driver.I know of the Turners,and I don’t know of a Tur- ner but has and always has had more manhood and character and less whis- key under their vest pocket fhan hehasunderthatonehe‘carries Cool say right here,I am one Democratthatdon’t ride in that pocket and I know of a good many others that have given up their seat.It is not the prohibition move or any other move that he is fighting Turner for.He knows that if Turner goes in that his little plate at the pie counter will be moved so far back on the table:of justice that such fellows as he is will never be able to reach it.That's the move that is in mind.- I don’t blame him so much,but if and don’t go out to the ‘precinct on the 18th and show where they stand, the way things went off.: Now Mr.Turner is not a friend ‘of mine,nor has he ever befriended me inthe least.I don’t remember that I ever shook hands with the man’and +he‘has not even asked me to vote for him.I know if he is put in that I favor everybody witha little pie that votes for him.But does this disqual-ify Turner for the place?Should I work against everybody who doesn't hand it out to me?If I had I sure would haye never voted any at all. But I do hope if Mr.Turner is put in and has any influence as to who shallhavea”job that he will not do like those now in power,but give itto the men who have doné something for the party;men:who have:stood pat for that which was right.If he can’t find such 4 man in the Democrat par- ty,for the sake of Mike give it to aRepublicanwhohasalwaysbeenaRepublicanandnottoamanwhohaswornhiscotton.breeches out running from one party to another.~ It is strange to me that our present clerk is now fighting the rights of the very people who put him in office | the political move,I can’t refrain from | ome,and this a free country,I don'tt county’s interest,or is it his own in-) Now we have a little fellow,dut |} Spring -precinct in;and.just let et will not geta little job,fora man.can’t |. and men who favor salaries,thingswon't be the same._CITIZEN,-|Cool Spring,N.C.|Beersi m7PN ds|? NY ileasesSeltatae Flee to The Mountains” -and stop at ike } Davis White Sulphur Springs *mineral water,good fare and largy'patron-* age, v 1 two daily trains,except Sunday,from Charlotte;Telegraph eonnection at States- ville;Bell Telephone;«Modern conven--\jences,’Bowling,Skating,Tennis,Boating, Bathing;ete.Good livery.Resident,Phy-ssician.”-\a aS eet \*Weekly.Rates $6 8 $4,Jaly’.and August $8°to $19.Special nates'to-.} +clubs and famulteg.Write for illuatra-—: ted Booklet to.a :oe ‘So Le eeTheDavisSprings :HIDDENITE,.N,C.: Open May 15th to October 15th Weat 2 SSSR 7);HNN Mather’Sake Locatedin beautiful Western N.C.with of]»)uneurpéssed:climate,on’Southern.R,Ri GAY’ lowe c Only Flexible Bone (orsets-4 :Can Give the Right Figure _.the Elasticity. OF oy rayar -Warner's Rust Proof & .pair gifdranteed to,fit and_wear and not to rust or tear.We have a Corset for every figure, from $1 to $5 each,but we are specializing our $1.00 and $1.50 garments,He Brassieres. A white flower if she has departed.A+col- ored flower if she is. living. Florists, Greensboro,N.C.' POLK GRAY DRUG CO.,. Local Agents. NOW IS THE TIME TO PLANT Melon Seed. Kleckley’s Sweet is one of the best.Low price on pound lots.Burrell’s Gem,Paul Rose and Rocky Ford Canta- loupes.are fine. Pole or Cornfield:Beans a ‘plenty.Also’Red Valentine ‘and Stringless.Green Pod, which are the best bush beans. All kinds Garden Seed.SLUG SHOT KILLS POTATO BUGS.Get these from J.B.GILL, FANCY GROCER.| 105 Kast Broad Street. didn’t know that when you voted for one of these men that if he was elect- ed you then belonged to him,but.it jlooks that way..Now we haven’t even a right-to vote unless we vote the way.he tells us.-Strange,ain’tdipee4 Let the people go out on the 18th |, will do good for Iredell:county.Jayasidethequestionastowhowill’getalittlejobifsuchandsuchamdnis put in,but vote for the man who will do great things for Iredell county;the man who advocates salaries and:not for the man who says salaries ain’t the thing but if he is elected and thepeoplewant‘salaries he will have things ‘fixed.He will have things ring.Listen to no fool who is.work- ing for any interest save the county. them to go home arid go to work like you have to do.- Give us W.W.Turnef for com-missionem A:man who will.watcheverypennyofthecounty’s money the-man who will do the best work for the least-foney.If you are a seen enough,and if everybody whois sick and tired of this.rotten.hole Ire- fixed,but it will be fixed,to suit the], with zealous care and give the job to| ‘PHONE 27. >“President, N.C,.* J.L.Steyenson, W.R.Sloan, Statesville,N.C.Iredell and Alexander Branch Farm- ers’Mutual Fire Insurance Asso-~~]°~~and vote for salaries and for men who|.ciation of North Carolina. Over$600,000,Insurdnce in force.Average cost less than $1.00 per $1,000 per year..Carry in treas-ury sufficient funds to pay anyoneloss.For further’infcrmra- tion apply to |M.L.MOBSE,General Agent. .April 23,It.a.w.+ aT VyFORSERVICE. EGISTERED Jersey Bull.His grandsire’})R sold for $10,200 at eight months old Bothhisgrand-dames have recorde of over 600 tbs. butter inayear.A BUTTER-BRED BULL,‘Walnut Grove Farm,| |H,H.BLAYLOCK,Proprietor, “Statesville,N,C.,R..F.D.No.2.-4 NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Having qualified as executor of the last will and testament of Sarah A,Gardner,dec »Lhere- by notify all pensons having claims against her estate to present same to.me on or before the 10th day of May.1813,Phove indebted tothe estate |_..and Warner’s.All sizes,32 to 46, VAN LINDLEY CO,| Secretary-Treasurer, The low bust Corsets of today We have the bestmakes,the Debevoise call for the Brassieres. -50e.and $1.00.. RAMSEY-BOWLES-MORRISON CO. Us:goto first Mon ed aeachmonth in regenera C. eeSPECIAL One Price Cash Store For the Week. Ten pieces 27 inch Flouncing,which sell.at regularprice,35c.;special for the week 25c.the yard. Five pieces of the 50c.grade in 27 inch.Our’special for the week 33c.yard.‘ Six pieces of 45 inch Flouncing,a good value for $1.00 yard.Offered for the week at/69c. Ask to see the 5c Lace assortment we have on sale. Much ofit 8c.and 10c quality.- Don’t stop uritil you see the values we are giving all through our departments. Get It at the One Price Cash Store and For Less. g Poston -Wasson Co.g ou 0 GEESGED Gu aueeEED 6an? SUPERIOR FEATURES OF DEERE NO.80 COT- TON,CORN AND FERTILIZER MACHINE It is built entirély of Steel and-Iron,runs steady and ‘follows a bed easily.Absolute evenéss in depth of planting,very important for Cotton Fertilizer device,unchokable,but easily removed.Putsfertilizerbelowseedandseparatéswithsoil.Feeds evenly fromsmailesttolargestamount.Plants cotton seed dry,thick or thin,. and does not chokeor skip.“Plants cornlevel,on a bed or indeep ‘furrows,from 10'to:41 inches apart.,eel .Comein and examine this planter and see for yourself that it hag¢ more points of merit than any other,andplace your order early,, as we do not have enough some seasonsto supply the-demand. Statesville Hardware &HarnessCo.| 2 ted to make prompt settlement -eee ae WEST dell county has gottet into will go.outthe18thandvote-for*W..“D.).Turner’ BAAS‘ia ota) May gle be Mo Naty 'OREL AND,R.B;McLaughlin,Atty.,“Bxecutor, so Sales Day.is the first Monday in each monthin Statesville,N.C--: = aw od e |tt Nk ke ,!lines for this season.Every | ‘ier;Elizabeth,went to Vashti,;Al- Charlotte this’week. “Mrs.do Rit Anderson "were algo.guests of ‘Mre. Wednesday:,!i {1‘lem,and Miss Flossie A.Byrd,of. ‘week from Shelby,where she fau “Concord gincé” Wednerday,attend> ;iLoOrs Se BTATH.NEWS.1g Mocksvilld Graded:Schook— ublicans of the sixth con- losin~KaracearPhilathea Union.THELANDMARK PUBLISHED TUBSDAY AND FRIDAY.|Corresvondence of ‘The Landmark;,|.Pne;Republicans:i:FPQDAYbeing a legal holiday the undersigned ae b:Mocksville,May 8At the Republi-|@ressional district,m Suse Of at Fay-|4+bane re eA TONAL BANK, etteville,elected Roosevelt ‘delegates |.'COMMERCIAL NATIONA!.BANK,© OFFICE:120 WEST BROAD STREET. “TELEPHONE NO.14.can primary held at)Mecksville Mon-; day evening all delegates were in-to the Chicago convention. structed for Roosevelt.©)The grand lodge.of Odd Fellows,in The closing exercises of the Mocks-session in Raleigh this week,decided ville graded schools will be held in|to holdits next meeting in Greens- overperh —— May 10,1912.FRIDAY,»-- LTMOVEMENTSOFTHEPEOPLE. Personal Mentionof the Folks Who |the auditorium of the graded school bero.Chas.Dewey,of Goldsboro,no Are Coming and Going.9,10 and-11.At this|was elected grand master.Be teed cottatowel o brit fn gn howe Gaya.one L.B,BRISTObuildingMay ~BANKS TO.OLOSE..| *May “WANT to.wind up my gin business FRIDAY and SATURDAY,afi May 7, herein tee x 5 ANTS &FARMERS’BANK.:|| NOTICE!- Oth-and 11th,and will The North Carolina Lutheran Syn- od is in session in Charlotte.Rev |: Dr.M.'M.Kinard,of Salisbury,was re-elected president and Rev.T.- Parker,‘of Barber,was elected secre-tary. Three ¢ars and the,caboose.of a freight:train ,on the Carolina and Northwestern failroad left the;track at Lincolnton Wednesday and knock+ ed down a trestle.The ‘conductor, flagman and a négro brakeman were hurt.The latter's leg was crushed. ‘The merger of the Jefferson Stand- ard,Life Insurance.Company..of-Ral- eigh and “the ‘Greensboro Life,Insur- ance Company,‘termis of.which had}. been agreed.‘upon,©may not take | place.In.behalf’of hitnself and oth- er stockholders of the Jefferson Stand- ard,Mr.Jas.H,Pou;of Raleigh,has’ served notice that legalresistance will time Prof.H.F.Pardue,who hashad charge of the school for the past two years,will ‘tender his:resignation Quite an slaborete:progam is be- \ing prepared,in w ich we note that |Prof.Collier Cobb,of the University lof North Carolina,and Dr..Chas.E. |Brewer,of Wake Forest College,are booked for addresses ©howe The Baraca-Philathea Union of Da- vie county conv@ped.with the Baptist church at:Mocksville on:the evening’ of the 4th and:continued through Sun- day.Every session of the convention: was well attended,and the addresses of thedifferent speakers were inter- esting and instructive,especially those of Mr.Harold Early,of Winston-Sa- Mre.Juliug Wallace left Tues- day,for a visit to Macon and Mid ville;Ga.: 'Mre,B.A-.Fry and little’d@augh- county,Wednesday to spend some days with)relatives] Rey,W.A.Lutz is attending the meeting ‘of the North Carolina ‘BSyn- ‘od of the.Lutheran “Church in exander Mr.J.H.Hyams,¢f Linville Fal’s) spent Tuesday night in-.Statesville ‘with Mrs,J.)EB.Colvert and went| ta”Cool)Spring .\Wednesday to “Wibit.| Mre.7 Wy er,who Colvert, Asheville ¢»Clark:and littie dayeht left.for.their home yin -Mies Rae\.Gill came home,this :, ivight,Greensboro,who is the'general secre* ;i.\tary for the ‘Baraca-Philathea move-) Lee Stecle,who taught near Con-|ment of the State.Much enthusiasm cord,‘aid Miss Lili White,who|was manifested,so much so that on :: taught.at Lileville,are ;also at |Monday morning a~Philathea class be made to the METQONe a home..ee :|with 11 mémbers’was organized -at |:When R.C.Miller,of Huntersville, SMr.“and Mrs,Chas.G.Armfield’the :died heleft his small farm.of 40 acres :pss Baptist church.The movementes::;ave been |r:Bt Vile 1,5 en oar ih ie siclhartes ot ee have beer {is inter-denominational,and:we be-to his son ahd daughter jointly,pro- ee Biawine ‘Hos Nieve it is doing,and is destined to do,|vidingthat if the daughter married her today .fc Blowin Rock..,s L ,; MEL Se Caldwell bas been at-{@ great work toward enlisting our|Share of the farm should go to the son. :tyoung-men and-women-in the Sunday The daughter married andsurrender- |schools.:ed her share of thé farm as the will visited|er she was advised that school the.past ‘session,Miss ing.Cabarrus court.B.©provided.Lat “The housewifepladly weleome into her:kitchen for in.CITY BRAND.she secures.that flour which is.always excellent,and that is specially adapted to.her baking needs,«a _Her Pies,Biscu etc.,are splendidly wholesome when she ‘uses:CITY.| FLOUR.Your grocer.will sup- ply you if you say CIT distinctly. S| CITY FLOUR © \businessmen_ n accoupaookbaaensenisOrs than mere storing of money, ~Always:stand"well ‘at “your © bank;keep your,engagements and show.your desireto be con- ‘sidered a.man who can be trusted.Weare all pulling to-| gether for the common good, .When you have shown.your: banker that yey’can handle... "your business and yourself sat-. jsfattorily~it also ‘means that your credit,is good for financial | aid.in your enterprise.It means,too,that with your it,Bread,Cakes, delicious and Y BRAND Mr.Geo,E Montgomery }a ei,}‘,a n Statesville and at Coo)Spring |Kescuing Flood Sufferers—Many|the provision‘of th will,was invalid his week,returning to Winston |Drowned.and she brought suft for her share 0 re we :sae |New.Orleans Dispatch,8th the estate:Judge Lyon held that the Mreé.J.‘nox and Bon,as Fj .eg gs ye és igi ;invalid it re- a Se eats,ales A ighting against time and the rush-|Provision was invalid,as 1 was a re- er Walter,of Waynesville,are vis 'striction on marriage,but*the Su- ‘ing flood waters,of the’Mississippi iriver,scores of relief parties today preme Court,holds to the ‘contraryatthleKincaidhomeonDavieandthewillstands. ayven we ‘*is ‘* Mrs.6 -D.Swaim,of Lexing-|sueceeded in bringing in refugees .by : ton,epent Tuesday night and|the hundreds to the different points ‘MATTERS OF NEWS.withi-bher between Baton Rougue and Natchez, Leon-|still above the water Many lives ow gigs aang ;~have been lost in northeast Louisiana.| and Mre.5...iller an .2 .ae VET children have gone to:Elkin After |ed eee wath incoming ee neo |3-cent and half cent pieces,as_men- spending some days there they will)iq Narn -1\tioned in,another column,of.The ,Feyteanegee -“and the thrilling tales of adventure in|;;:;ce co.fo,Sparta to spend the SUM-|i)cvitt currents from the Torras|“2ndmark today.|’The will of Major Archibald Butt, _Wedneeday in Statesville parents,‘Mr.and Mrs:J:.8; ard ae Mr. The House of Congress has passed the bill providing for the coinage of mer .“bh a ;: ae SEM .Stony:Poimt;crevasse,which tonight was reported |.\.gh Soe 5 ois wuvite aie ea Mrs.W.R_|3,000 feet wide,were only repetitions |Victim of the,Titanic disaster,was Sloan s of previous days.The BnitedStates filed in Washington.thisweek.It Rev.and Mrs R,-N»Hanter,|army officers are actively engaged in /contained a request that his body be who were recently married _near directing affairs,and nothing is left buried in Arlington~cemetery and Mooresville passed through aiinter-undone thatpoe done to get the $500 was set aside for a monument. ville.yemeraey 1 Be oad ae hundreds of people yet remaining in |Major Butt’s body was not recovered cof s oe i Tey were,accom-|te stricken district to places of safe-|from the sea.s peer e ae :ty It is estimated that more than)Adispatch from Philadelphia says panied by Miss..Winona Haitheox, of.Mooresville,who will spend .the summer with trem-~j ,fia Mr J.C.Foushee ;dnd four chil-Stories of dwellings dren and:Mr.John Jones,all.from ling swept-away with the vicinity of North Wilkesboro,are told every:day,’while.today a’ville by State troopers because of an left,Statesvilla yemerday |for ——farmer coming into NewRoads told of |attempt of a mine superintendent to. ae ibe Oy sacited:“;an entire negro family,the father ex-}take a pumpman and repair manto a waa had been in Wilkes cepted,being swept away with their colliery,has had the effect of embit- cabin.:jtering the foreigners.: the situation.in the anthracite coal re- igions.is believed to-be growing more and cabins be-|serious hourly.The shooting of three their occupants ;foreign speaking miners at Miners- 150,000 persons are in the concentra- |tion camps. deta, Mr Mendota ‘City “Flour Milling Co. SpecialATTHECRESCENT| TODAY! o n show the pictures of this’ill-fated ship.A series of 21 slides show- ing all of the luxurious compart- ments of this Palace of the Seas. Pictures of all the prominent vic- tims and survivors and the crowds || around New York-city awaiting Champ Clerk’s Great Campaign Song, on a Visit Mr.John .G.Beet.and daug»teis,Florence ard Margaret, Littleot mother’s lap and drowned whenAnegrobabywassweptfrom its|the |as the reunion city of 1913,the unart.| The choosing ofChattanooga,Tenn.,| imous,enthusiastic acceptance of the Will be sung by local talent.This humorously illustrated by colored “THE TITANIC.”_ By special request we will again ews of friends and loved ones.TONIGHT “You Gotta Quit Kickin’ My Dawg Aroun’,”: tional song hit will be very Greenville,Pa.,are bere on accoun®water rushed through the front door.aa of the illness of Mr Bost’s fath-|‘invitation of General Trimble,com-,slides.Don't fail to hear it,,it’s }Pg Bo ae ee:who.spent |Roosevelt Worm Wherever the Peo-|mander-in-chief of the Grand Army|]@reat. eome ume with hegsister,Mre.Big ple Had a Chance..|of the Republic,to.merge the Blue|In addition to the above we will Wallace.left yesterday for her |Washington Dispatdch\’to Greensboroand the Gray in a celebration at.Get-|show two very fine pictures: home in Wilmington News itysburg in July,1913;the crowning|]“Through Flaming,Gates’and Mrs.Sarah J.Vaughn,left yee|“Maryland,whose 16 votes will be |Of oinellgre Ejngih ee Bit of Macon,||“From 400 to ttre Herd.’’ terday.for®Bedford:City,“Va-,0|cast bath d ate as queenof the reunion,were|]-dee visit “her daughter,Mrs.“J.omy op elect Ro ee Chicago cuce Textron of the Confederate veterans’|||Admission 5 and 10.cents.‘| Turner.eangnn and’ebbidren|vention by presidential primaries,’’|Feunion at Macon Wednesday.CONFEDERATE VETERANS and Mrs..F.B,Porter,of Nash-says Senator Dixon,in charge of the!;wen Bull.Picking up‘Speed wilt be admittedfree any time this ville.-Tenn.,went to Winston yee Roosevelt campaign...‘‘Those eight|-ne Hen Still Picking MI peed.||afternoon and night.Show your terday to visit _. |States aggregate 248 delegates.Of|The Mooresville correspondent of|]badge at the door and they will Mre.Nanmie.Bonner is visiting |these,Mr.Taft has only 30,consist-the Charlotte Observer,writing under|]pass you-in.Come around and ‘her sister,Mrs.Oscar Mann,@t ing of two from the Lorimer district date of the 8th,has this further infor-|enjoy the pictures. bout the wonderful Moores-.3 Tinkling Springs,Va ne :Sane cs ete -22 from Massachusetts,which include ) ce Me.1.McKiwes.the eight Roosévelt delegates volun-|page of The Landmrrk:a ea Mise.Maigaret Click,of Elkin tarily advised oy Colonel Roosevelt to},:That henat the-home—of J.Ed: to Mie Juest of Mice’Lucite ,.Kim-|vote for Mr.Taft in accordance with|Brantley,right in the heart.of town, ball for a few.days the preference of the State Colonel |!S again in the limelight for her curi-| Miss Bertie Walser has returned Roosevelt has 182 of these 248 dele-|ous eonduct.From 70 clock last} ‘troty.ad visit to hex brother in|gates,approximately three times as|night until 4 o'clock this afternoon Ash eville..many as all of his opponents combin-\the barnyard prodigy had laid seven. Miss Azile Davidson,head nurseat!eq.He defeats Mr.Taft 6 to1 indel-|eggs.,The freak was witnessed by in Illinois;six from Pennsylvania an dj mation a S|ville hen mentioned on the second | John Raymer,who stood by during Dr.Shuford’s hospital in.Hickory,iS}egates from the eight primary States. hile the pullet deposit- |spending a fe <She will return to Hickory tomorrow. Mr.Jno.A Parker,of Charlotte, \was in town yesterday. “Noticesof New Advertisements.| Register at the store of quality.—| Statesville Drug Co. “Cotton seed for planting.—J. Sloop. Hotel Gladstone,Black Mountain —| Wm.Jeff.Davis,proprietor. ’Hammocks,lawn swings,etc.— Williams Furniture House.| Warner’s Rust.Proof corsets.— Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison Co. The City brand.—City Flour Mill- ing Co. Wear a flower.for mother’s sake.| —Polk Gray Drug Co.,agents. Specials at The Crescent today:and tonight.| .Banks have holiday.; Reward for suit case-—H.D.Lind- say,Taylorsville.: 4* |}| Lee Albertson,Statesville. Ice boxes at Frazier’s.5°a Gold..watch fob lost.Return to The Landmark.: New ‘lot Hackney buggies.—Har- ness,Vehicle and Supply Co. Office supplies.—R.P_Aflison., Correct time.—H.B.Woodward. Automobiles and Michelin tires.— Carolina Motor Go. Silver bar jabot pin lost... The Landmark.|pita tea Notice to creditors.~-J.E.West- ‘~#smoreland,executor. Sale of land:June 10.—R..B.Mc- Laughlin,commissioner. Return to SS S SR gn Sa r e e an e on e Var-Oanvéntions in ious States.~s sas Republican.convention in--Thestrength on was 104 to Resntt of Kan .structed for Roosevelt. of Taft in the conventi 790 for Roosevelt! Underwood carrie primaries over ison. vote was polled. ,.Gov.Wilson ca Roosevelt carr! d the Mississippi rried,Texas. "the winner. w days with homefolks.|"This is the complete answer from Taft cand Confederate veterans free.‘| Two mules and wagon for sale.— Only asmall :ed Maryland and on the Democratic side Champ Clark was | the |the morning w Republican voters themselves to the \ed five of the eggs,the other two hav- idacy.’”’‘ing been laid‘during the night.Mr.. |Brantley has refused$10 for the hen.” ‘IGE BOX x—HOT weather is here Go to} May 10,-8t 'FRAZIER and getan ice Box.1 LOST GOLD WATCH FB.Finder please ©return to THE LANDMARK...| Begin Oonsidering Contests Early.i The Republican national committee will meetin Chicago Thursday after- noon at 4 o'clock,June 6,to decide|“ya FI at “=y 10, contests among delegates to the Re-_ Or national iehegocne ue REWARD:leathersult ctee.with call for the meeting has been issued |name ov ene containing two pair boys shoes, ae |;k by William Hayward,secretary.gome ribbon.ook aresotia to Taylorsvilie,Sat- This will be the earliest meeting held|urday night,May#1 by,some unknown party. for many years by the committee and beral reward wil]be paid for return of Same,or will give it twelve days.to consider evidence as toita whereabouts.H.D._LINDSAY,| contests before the convention opens |gay OF VALUABLE CITY PROP-| ERTY. Will —A MEDIUM size yellow) my Taylorsville,N.C.May 10.-2t. on June 18.: Indications now are that the com-’ee mittee will decide the complexion of DURSUANT toa decree of the Superior Court .‘‘re)jellcounty,ren mn a special p | the convention.There are.sO many.|ceeding entitled J,Frank Barrett and others vs.| contests that the decision of the cases |C.W.Hyams ant others.the undersigned.com, yi ;;missioner will sell at public auction ne |W at i the arr oe,con-bidder at the court house door if.Statesville,N. vention as between ait an oo0se-|C.,on *:ete | iialt ="MONDAY,JUNE 10,912; }|at 12 o'clock,m,,the following described réal es- i |tate,’situated on West End avente,in tho city of | Statesville,to-wit:-.LT Beginniog at a stake on West End avenue,Miss Lou Graham's corner,and running with her line | |south 24 degrees east 221%poles to a etake on the | Colleye lot;thence south 66 degrees west 75 feet to a stake,the J,B,Connelly corner:.thence | north 24 degrees west 22)poles to the street; thence north 66degrees east 75 feet to the begin-| ning,containing five-eighths of an acre move or less.Also-an easment in an alley way 10 feet "Where West’Virginia Leads. |>According*to a special report by the |Department of Commerce and Laber, |West Virginia leads the world in the ‘manufacture of glass and in the pro- |duction of natural gas.The State is isecond in the production of coal and econd also in the -manufacture above deacribed property+~rs : cash,-one.third in six credit good at.your bank;..the consequent reputation brings you in more trade,better busi- ness bargains and increased so- cial and political prestige.: _and you may rest assured that .we will help you,through-thick — and thin,if you show you are’ on-the square.; dan@#idividualssolicited.Ev-'Accounts of coinpanie with conservative bapk- _.«ery facility given—consistent ing.(ole 9 || First National Bank,. _-|.STATESVILLE,.N.CG.|: Capital,$100,000;Surplus and Profits $32,000. :_OFFICEBS:| E.S.PEGRAM,Ceshier.JNO.W.GUY,Assistant Cashier. J.C,IRVIN,President. G.H.BROWN,Vice President. Hotel Gladstone, BLACK MOUNTAIN,N,C,: PLACE TO SPEND.YOUR VACATION. 2,800 FEET ELEVATION.‘ Free From Malaria and Mosquitos. RATES $2.00 PER DAY. Speciat Rates for Families and for Summer Visitors.Write,WM.JEFF.DAVIS,Proprietor, May 10.5%16t BLACK MOUNTAIN,N.C. ‘The Bank That Does Things We.Welcome Your Call and Your Business. The best thingsof life are gainedyourearnings, “account will: THE IDEAL we To save,one must sacrifice. in'this way.If you want to lay aside a part of come to this bank and open an account.A ban assist you greatly in the undertakin Wewelcome 'the small depositor.‘The man,woman,boy or £d-Mellon Company | wide running fromRace street ‘to the rear of the]. ||now s t | |:fh Termsof Sale—One-third | ‘ef tinplate,and fourth in’the manu-|,,onths,one-third in twelve months’time. |facture of steel.:R.B.MCLAUGHLIN,=|& The progress in steel,tinplate,glass May 10,1912 Commission@r.-. |production and natural,gas that gives}. 'the Mountain State its high rank,was |made since 1904 and pfincipally with- in the last five years. _Advertised Letters. Following is a list-of (letters remaining in-the postoffice atStatesville.'N.C..for the week end- 8,1912: A ET aes M.K,Beckenridge,Miss.Allar Camel,B.F.Foster,Haroe Goodman,John ore Ben L..Mells,Miss Josephine Morson,Woodadu Richardson,J..R.Robinson,Miss Ethel Sharpe, M.L:&OC.L.Troutman,-¢ ‘Persons calling for any of the above will please or"tised letters.”-eall for “advert!paWEY L.RAYMER.P.M. LOST iSANPEAROuARR!"su MRS.DR.MOORE, PAINLESS TOOTH EXTRACTOR,- Wie! “IS NOW IN STATESVILLE,- and willbe here for ,sevétal days.Office over Hall’s Drug Store. Return ay 1), |||||| | |\ || Neate April 30. THE LANDMARK’is.$2 per “yom:sa jess than 2 conte &POPK | I Clothing,Shoes, Hats,Men’s Furnishings, Trunks,Leather Goods. Boys’and Children's Dept Second Floor. Clothing and Furnishing Goods store in the Carolinas. Whenin the City’make “our store headquarters. 8 &10 West.Trade . St, girl who begins to save by a definite plan,lays a solid foundation for happiness and prosperity—yes and health.too.:: The saving habit grows upon one as results lend encourage- ment.There’s.no pleasure more wholesomeor exhilerating than that which comes from reaping the rewards of subduing vagrant desires.:: Merchants and Farmers’Bankof Statesville. + This summer,a good,big,roomy Hammock or a Lawn :Swing will be a possession worth many-times more than it ii.costs.Pe For coolness —comfort—forgeétfulness of worries and cares _><=we prescribe a hammock or lawn swing.a ie i OUE hammocks are well made,strong,fast colorings,and in engugh styles to keep one busy quite a while making se- lections.es :F = _There will be ldts of hot days.and moonlightnights to en- joy a lawn swing or hammock,and if you are economy-wise Yous buy jours here.Soke sie ::a rae @ Williams Furniture House. icaemeeeninencennenaeeetnee A LE-—TWO MULRS,5 years old,LL sell a few);——el FORSAL precy new,BABY CHICKS!wns is conveBnWCashoronRock.and Black Lar ltime..LEE ALB t ing$160 for $15.J.PAUL -Charlotte,N.C I weigh about 950 pounds,gyhan baby chickaat 25 cen's RTsSON,Statesville,N;C.each Eges for hate 5.—May 7,912.:.May 10 *LBONARD,Statesvile,NoC th|:nh "7 oe fee ;:#:,a }-:)sak :Oehe ear:Paes {*We ie ::;¢:>a 3 a ‘Vd tin)een ,:Hse anet:ae i “&;:el 24 “Eneasee;";:f vr a ;-Ra st fs 3 “|PACK 4IX.~Sat eoPe ae ao,.aia uk ‘ Ihe Dog Tas—Criticisn,.for ea:|(Williams,|Miri.‘Tener,and The}~|+~Landmark,'te ‘i.he av yoFRIDAYMay10,1912 “To the Iditor “of The Landmark: ~ts,1 see.that.Mr.i Tilden:H,Wil-:.“oe i lams,after seeing»certain persons|me c We The,Jeopnersto ne.of:the.’first’|in Statesvible,.w‘ho are Now \engag-Danville,Vea.,July 18th 2910.build ng of the State Sehodl «for |ed in.teach)ng “Pethoorats how.tH}oo7ae.the Feeble-Mitided,which ts..being yote,Nas agwin,changed”his”plat-+The Milam Medteine Coes built at Kinston,was laid:‘Monday ,form.and has omitted sevéral im-en Wj th Masonic,ceremonies,portant things,among thent a dog *Danville,Va.Sheriff Frank M:.Pinnix;of Roek-|@ Which you,Mr.Editor,have.ad-Agham county,died Saturday night Foouted,and:which the mass meet-Gentlemen:=‘:oe 4t his:hone:Ln Reidsville,aged A6 ing endorsed by nominating:Mr.Wil-My netoe suffered fr many years with a He was.a very popular and influen-liams as a candidate for the Dem-Broo Desay wt oes Dens enestel babe aha ‘tial’citizen:in his county,ocrats:to take up ana elect,acid rheumatiém and although he treat be Hi 2 .Mr.Turner ig:in.no such’.box,never obtained relief,;The.A,M.By Zion’-General Cons »Dice G lal”hs ca a1scquaintedwithMilamandknowing‘erence,“‘Insegsion’in Charlotte |i.sie are se ie ot ie bling ip Being well ao °",saa i %lL Vvotes 1aVing been ‘before Lhe peo- “ tly in ein~‘ina ean ’tt ,b |if bad heen ee Seater eet ea ee it zat oie voted dow Ue resolution to remove Me of the county,for,the last.20g@ixbottleswiththebashieetpitaspeeerdant.the “ban from,cardi Playing and:|years,asking for one”office -or ‘an-:abate Lil RLYNS ore dancing oe ehureh members.oui r.from county.attorney,Gover-‘j Mr,CyrusB)‘Watson,of.Win:“or;Congressman,ete.,etc.,Was tocpeatYours‘truly,Ston,who was,a supporter of Ay-|wise 4 po Nth Clan,to put his ni ime toaapeetckTok“Senator,has decided to}any statéement,.”pref hing”his ‘old.4 <:o pe ‘his dot owithyTudge Clark.tHe}nvethods of.PEEL,hfying,”having:Goat,:7:8 was written “a strong artielésin)fas earned:“hy ‘experionc&that:.yor vot Clark's”Election to thes What ts.spoken has’only.tobe..qe-MeraYOURBTSTae.aled-but ‘what is written:‘is writtens|:i.w4e)s :“Burke,Catawba *ainar Paldweill::Wad.Mr;Willdanis<consulted Mire 5:CAN SUPPL ¥fcounthes.have.each?appropriated |Rurner and the ise politicians who,,teasie&a _—ne‘a e $250 fora:hookworm.campaign ‘in |)ineNOW engagsedin baving the county.sf TH M each:coummMy.Phe doctors whoa »fay ‘trefthg to eleét Mr.Tutner Wit-||.mg Anas ing the.hockworm -oxternmrin:inf dt QRS an d Frontis and adv ane e the |:tion.-in “the State vail spedid.‘six poritiea I.‘fortunes.9f Govertior Kiteh-|weeks jin-eat h.of these counties,“Pan against Senator Simmons,.he t6o;|«‘Newfon News:Mr.Ramow Lutz,;Mould never ‘have written,his first 'of the”Dutch,Dairy Farms,is.gaid-|?!atform,then there would pe ne ‘.:sees ose to have the ¢Mmpion cow of ‘the |e)S ne a:aot pee..ft_pcoudty.She iis a registered Jensey |"0%Who,TeeSs Wind,CO BIETDGT@;and last year produced:636 pounds |?!we dese meeting,by a most \re-|The Cultivator you have.been looking iofbutwer’.This year .it.is”estimat-|™&"Kable lapse of memory forget to FARMER,Comein and sce the best oneStahe:will easily andile700 pounds.[PCy ey Me.Wilugium.Mret plattorm,|a commen h |At present she is giving something |{2;Connecting with your write UPLOL in the.world,ee anover:six ¢g one ‘of mill pér..day.{2 recall tha and of ye POE Fe °e ::‘at a yey meeting:wnd also'your advoe Y 9b bie,;onl ;;i Jase \sounty):last Satur}the dog tax Jaw.Of ‘course,we]:White-Stimpson Hardware CompanWhen'yyou buy one of our Rings ‘you-need~not give eek,C!x eee kite d Duaxter!wna know your impartiality.ana |eh cm :©helten,.A specia ©OGTe@NS-[hod ce aris tii :...yourself any.,trouble about .the sets.If by ahy “oe Pere oe i 69 peli Gree oy ne nite palne to sah |e a -<n a arenes me cy,z .acy eis a ee ite and full reports,and Your2chancethesetshouldgetlooseandcomeout,just @ |:,oid:poltica}grudge,The men:|storious:motto..contated ‘platitudé,|’.bring itin and a new set will be:put in ‘free’of any an ae ed:to phys ea over)(yy Landmark prints the.news'|+d $andec 23 Nis:.pis-},,,;4}.mip ix,:cost to you.We sell the famous W.W.W.-Let us 6 ees fuaiditaches wine eye nh eee Dee op eneShow.you our line,-‘@ that Briggs.first.tired at the mar ateniiene on oe vel ie |A beautiful PICTURE suitable for framing:will be he Te eae Petre Homer ‘nodding,so to speak :Cwice LO)oS merten,ho a in Ou al AAT aie ;given to every one making a cash purchase of $1.00 Stantly:Br $.made no effort,to ee)5 ;ithe ke seadag ert ghia @ormore.cape.He in Madison counts Jail the-people.thus.cau ih ee ,.¥>to be Misieid as to the true ||MATTERS OF NEWS.y Of Mr;Wiktiams:*R.H.RICKERT &SON,.Jewe ers.¢ongres man We bb ‘he 6 introduced ery a Pyéablauthorizingthegovermnienttuthie©'Shosevevcocsescessocscneas expend $50,000.in constructing «|Vem.the tne .ma hewn a4 point -on,.the Sout]WH livains *—ern railway;ut or between the pta-—.'uate etjtjons..of “King’s Méuntain:and netidai saa rit)M |.;|.Grovef,..to the monuntent erected Se ache :eaeva9lythegovernmentontheKing's |*Sh meet eapectf tyunnaS|Mountain batt ground,May 7 J:M.SIDES'jy According:to reports”recetved by —_t‘|Major W.A.Graiham,:Commission-The above ;intended “EAE jer of Agriculture,the frwit’crop to divert ‘atten tl ise tesinNorthCarolinathisyear.will }it contest bef Ssbe‘a record-breaker if it pans out |f es.-vs..fees at is.is-ae °as seems,likely.There is no long-|sue and the ‘other §der ig >k (d !ér danger from frost und orchard ‘anxious,to get aw y from.tt tamousan1es!merumoew are fearing only.the ef-|is the nightmare of their drea i:fects of too,heavily laden trees:|They dodge the issue;.they wont Democratic county conventions in ois GSS 1b:they ‘TUN .aWay Trot atsaSouth:Carélina elected delegates to’If they can divert the attenti of:N ithe State convention overwhelming!y ©people they may eacape.defeatoneBetter.favorable to the cangidacy of kre Lewd,but are 9 “ne met.B.-Jones )for Governor.‘The con-|)Williams’cary Teachec he 4an.d-t :vention does not nominaté candi-|™ark by mail from New.Hope.If|.lates,this being dene.in’a pr vers phe consulted anybody.-or had’any}e ‘1anet,Ir,0.u va orielection,but the sentiment expneas-|2Urpose to.change his.view ewe do tehePolkGraDrugCompany,@d is believed to mean the dee at|not kngw it nor do we believe it.|Is a mac hine without a rival in popearey and usefulness.The arch is high,PRESCRIPTION SPECIALISTS.of.Gov.Blease.'It is also believed |He Had"previously ras eedIn fa-|jthe frames and tongues all steel,and the change in width of wheels is allOntheSquare."Phones 109 and ‘410.‘that’the)convention.will peihd amn {Wor of a dog |Jaw ‘and if he has.|that could be desired.The gangs are adjustable iin depth,to throw to and.uninstructed,delegation to the De m-ha teed we don't know it.The Li#n¢\from the row..The.draff is arranged to insure Satisfactory‘work’‘The.xiatic national convention’in Bal-Iter,1 ue ihe chan rset on that .m gs pivot 14 spoke wheels act iustantly and make guiding a pleasure.The seattimore.wate 16 one.question now {;.>Ce ,»rate .Ato rec=lpalaries vs.fees and this paper.is pares po ae uc he cerita)18ver operates hi inge tongué~to regeahi¢:Wife Suspe 1 Poisoning s inot to be diverted from ‘the issue.||late depth of fro eetn :on.ed news igae oo eng:Hus:j4ts record:for fairness is’with the|To cultivate your crop successfully you.will need a Planet,Jr.,.Ridin.Raleigh News and Observer jPeople and tt is content jValvata Come in and look it over.Terms to Suit purchaser.‘ius :re er |»,Gov,-.-Turner is able to take Te |0 §dl :PSOUICES oe &|eadien.and unex-|of himself aoe chokes who Crit ses |by -M it I y H d Co. :).batr tuomity nee 2 hap heart ee Set ao ts face CCpaetal na azen y-on gome ar ware me rot ne aan)at extubhtad @€lim ace oO:face erteertyoneliverandsome‘other parts of the |he has nothing on:the:othér sideé.as|a =:—’AS body of Mr.Samuel.D.Brewer,of.in‘candidate or officeholder Some Ss :;:COURTEOUS TREATMENT Huruiett county,were brought Here|of.them have been holding jobs,oF NR eR a ORION CARTE gy:e yest€rday and given to.Dr -4+)have been candidates in the i -G :eoWithersto’éxamine for"pdison lvals of holdi:4 -Sober,gincé-the age ae ;:veaBefore‘this was done Mrs.Bre W-|of 15 =,:;:le 4ot o>s ¢i}b ‘minidisc ounceOughttomeanmuchto‘the man with a bank ae-.--te sot te een a ate ee ‘at :hout bor ‘rec e Wo a ;tig NR 7 ‘at ‘co.count.If you have not yet opened an account ‘with lof the coroner's.jury,«which gave |+Montgomery For County Com ;°;ets,ik shia whisindek onalee |missioner,*.‘:thé,COMMERCIAL we invite you to do so now.|kar ce oc.i ene thoes nee |‘To the Editor of ‘The.Landmark:ne‘;oc the stomach,1e theory |a a eRe Leaethatofpoison.There has been no f as Ate are bei ng sugzestos oe.000 evidence outside of threats .and|,,'*S°ARtY Commissioner,we:feeCapital$100,00 the fact that the people did not ie ie Cpa ce ie000.live happily ether,;ued to representation on the.-boare C L d.f G d M1Surplusi28,00 {ty Eeawe tone was 76 years |Ot conymissioners We have:al-ar 0a 0 00 u eS.-Total Resources over 500,000.00 jold,was @ man of substantial |N#3§‘Deen:loyal to ‘the en ee saheuiatl AN Dbceeciacs -A ..|Means ‘and had ‘recently sold some ~—ating aye |ene _Four per cent.on time and SavingsDeposits.|property...He had spent.a/few |Very aap,We are a emiae ckiAgGnSeekesdateia’5 ig|fer the name of-Mr.Victor.GC:,|days last week at the home.of his :|d M d iison%ae Gibsonvilte returning to Montgomery and we -hope that .our |Car Load of Coo ares ‘an Orses..Lillington Friday of last week.He-|fiends over the county:will Ceewasinperfect.health,was very |€T.0Un wishes.Mr..Montgomery.Commercial ©National Bank,jetrong and’.nobody looked bette,bi a3 1 fae ee and |for very long life than he:Mon-|Che,0 2 Pest poster ens r "s ~Statesville,N.C.-“vig sie o etill ia Baad eeaaite the:county.Should he.be elected,|Henkel-Crai Live Stock CoprTearumeogcotacs<Tj ace ne will try to deal cut.justice in.)g eM.K.STEELE,President.E.MORRISON,Vice President.jand eR he was ine Tuesd y the Adriaan month ors oa veer)A |moming are WaS no Bigniof -é geal ee ae meD.M.AUSLEY,Cashier.G.E.HUGHEY,Assistant Cashier.lus ies eelatiece did aot pe-|¢rn parts of the county as)much @ Yelligyethathehad.suffered un’at-|S0.as the eastern.vy te n ft comes|:Wack Of tha ‘heart,to a matter of justice,he will|s=5 me |‘There are many ugly thi to |act without fear or fave r ieTTleioREAGGEE[Det ah Ee of |Hoping that you will consider 6GR 0 Gam axamanae cers ee ERED ©a |TE of TT |the case if it reaches ‘court.But|this .and elect.Victor C.Mont-3©|there ‘is no evidence.thus far,say-}SomMery a ee of the board of ;'AF RIL 18,LitiD,ling the reported threats and the |commissioners.(11M =Fe :|}domestig unhappiné@s.of the two.:eo WHO KNOWS HIM.Are the lucky holder of sharesin our 39th ser ies.which —_—_——_——|-Cool Spring.;will mature May 1st call oe office on that day and |Sensible Remarks About Loyalty to |.;ee ee 2getyour\':Home Enterprises.:T.M.Marshall oo Commis-: Sronrr.¥i -.SSN (>A ee ee ea his andtton oP teks La :ahivioue:Paul}ss the (0 le r k:?:4 ——£i One of the caused.for:the [7%.Bee jn -ApFil 1a 1775,raéfailureotlocalenterprises.is the |:The friends of T.M.Marshall,of :OF ee f emory.’If you are a borrower ealltand get your mortgage can-failure on the part dif.-many:peopl::|Sharpesburg township,-present him e Revere of b eme yscelledandgo,home happy..;eto.comprehend that whatever in-|to the Democrats of:the.county for See made:his >)6 HARRILL,on Ss -Bi iures any business in a community.|the position.of county commissioner.ie ;ji=ecretary.§:.tfects injury upon the people of |Mr.Marshallis in every way qualified as of warn ng ‘5 that community.Home enterprises |for the position and-comes from a eo big !ORi}*‘,t ae aki:,USAR 2oghabaaeoretoeoften+22,section of the county that should be ss -He eee en fe represented on the board of.commis-Ua OR aes tae sioners.Asa youngmanherespond rn in:1;calculable benefit for a lociility.is :re .W I a q@.hampered or tuimed’threugh.Yeal-|ed'to.the call of his country and-for e ssue a@pusies.Some people are’so:con,|four years followed the:leadership of lott if’h 5stitutedthatthey,cannot endure |Jaekson,Vance and Lee He is a bum here for all kinds of Clot sing 4 you wish your pur-i“Gn You.Trouble Don’tPail:‘to Us ,{to see an acquaintance fairly pros-|good farmer,well informed’on all chasing to be satisfactory.We are showing a full line of§Perous,while they are perfectly |questions of the day and thoroughly |.‘x ES INwillingtocontributetothe’pros-labreast of the times.He is a loyal SPRINGTIME STYLES IDFOOTPele7acaoelaneeDemocratandhasspenthislifein‘THE BEST CLOTHING.‘4 ;who makes his money here.andje ee far sop hepeoe:spends it élsewhere need not.be A i iy ne ates :Hees For utility of service,smartness’of style,perfectfoii of fit’Sinprised to.find ‘that others imi-|We as hi behit Pe and economy of price our.clothing cannot be well,equaled.iLETUSSHOW‘tute his example,and that m belecting anne Sa Uur prices are moderate,although our guarantee goes.with i;ia YOU,;:the course of events Crashes re |sioners.©VOTER.*d look ]tock.“We:iab2eesaeten:tesville,N C.,RS iy every sale.Comein and look over our large stoc j:emp 5 CENTS |,sult,Which throw him ‘out of em-|Statesville “5,wet *feature the Griffon make.in Clothing,’which is.positively;;ployment or entail severe losses’in —<—————,:thi fket at price.Try a Suit eG ou-will jSeAT‘other ways.Loyalty to home and |WwW. T.°Gilly.a Prominent dealer in ta bestote is market at price.Try y 4.inh ‘sien itt 4 ‘’ennington “Gap,a.,was so -bothere Pi >'ie home interests is eesential “to ‘the |with wdney atid’bladder trouble that he takeno othe \r 4 .‘‘|prosperity of any comunity.‘could not attend.to business.He~says,:HALL S DRI Iq y Ss I ‘ORE :ee “J had severe pins in™“my-back and‘,4 wt ;e Poor appetite ig’a.sure sign of im-neuen nae had ae a ye ea)1Witeero.:“di digestion A few doses of Cham-een mes .-eae nig Saw.bolePHCa0perc:;yan Clott n Co.:;i ripin’s “stomach and Liver Tablets |Kidney Pitls advertised and bought.two e‘i 7PHONE NO.20....‘will stren#then eet and “tine Porter,pate soon es Pane See d=-'‘prove your appetite),0USands pPhave|was entirely cureé No.longér sturb--been “benefited by taking these Tabtets,ed at night.but —Sleep mt morndng;|9 RE SAE RMSE FDaoSoldbyalkdealers,3°Statesville Drug CO as voNy"‘£i ‘.ie : ;wl Weer 7 ce =r ie ya :pe’,aim ae ues a a SU situa a “Don’t Neglect Than ‘Little Hacking Cough pat thing.that simply stops your,cough “leaves the deadly goriis,stiil.thiere—a ‘gafi tx, |[Home Bectrc (o,| oF Gera : a “ti ‘and sure cure.for the,lungs’is.needed,VICKSiretoone SALVE is thatcure,.It differs from,every othe) “medicine by acting directly on the Tungs ; through inhalation,soothing and:healing them at one and -the “same”‘time.The healing antiseptic germ destroying vapor are inhaled with each bre.ath—re aching the vital spot where medicines doonot reacNa Asa ‘precaution,you should have a ja‘ of ‘Vick’s Croup and Poeumonia Saly always handy for instant use. ._Atgour druggist’s or by mail ‘25e..50e.$1.00 Greensboro,N.C, .|-dell:.County: Economy suggests the dollar st: Vick’s Family.Remediés Co.| “0,1912. eos |ANOU ar :T‘ani-a cahdidate ‘for.the bemo- cratic nomination for.the House .of Representatives,subjéct to the Demscratic’primaries.amd Convention, {f nominated:and elected 1--will car- ry-out the willl-of thie people on the Salary question and all other mat-ters where instructions are given. If the Convention nomimates some other person,the nominee will:have iRny.loyal gupport.'oOIMay20.TN,ORALE. ANNOUNCEMENT. To the Democratic Noters of Ire- didate ‘for nomination.fon re-elec- .to the ‘office of County Surs subject to:the:action.”of primaries’and }tion: lweyor, ther.Democratic, gy % “Contractors ‘Estimates verdad , -All Kinds ElectricalSupplies. THOME ELECTRIC 0O-, A.D.COOPER,Manager. JUST RECEIVED ! Loeal Views,All New. -Broad Street Methodist ‘Church. Statesville Female College. Statesville Graded School. Mr.F.H.Conger’s Residence. Long’s Sanatorium. Southern PassengerStation. i .Ask to see-the Simplofiller Fountain Pen:and Conklin’s Fountain Pen.These aretwo best self-filling pens on the market,Carry a full line of ‘Tablets,Inksiand Pencils. PRINTING. |dell County: BRADY,-The Printer. "fro.‘thes Democratic Voters of Ire | county ‘convention.R,:a May 7,49.12. “ANNOUNCJEMENT RIVee. “ +-dell County: |<T announce,myself.a ‘eandidate ifor re-election to the office of Reg- ister.of;Deeds ‘of Iredell county, isubjéct to the action of the Dem-+ |ocratic primary ands county ’con- |wention.:EB;ROS, April.30,1922.ie *ANNOUN CEMENT. |O the Democratic Voters:’of.Ire- myself ‘By candidate’\for .re-election .to the ‘office of |ee of.Iredell county, tject.to the:action“of the Dem- Raaratte primary —county conven- |tion:yee Ar “April: I.antounce 30,1912.i Se aD |HOU SE -OF REI *RESENTATIVES. iTo the Democratic Voters of Itfe- |dell County. yo at“With such gentlemen as W.D.‘Tur:: ner,Tilden:Williams and Dr-S:Froti-| tis in Raleih-:to enact laws for the tax-, I hereby announce myself a.can-'| tof Mooresville,if you want the county sub-} Logiedative:cKet~That:ig For Salaries..;K *the Feditar,-of The Landmark: payers.of Iredell county,the peo le can rest assured:that the referms for), which they.stand pledgedwill be car- ried out..’I have desowii Mr.Williams for many years,and will say heis a hard-working business man,a good farm-er,aman of good,sound judgment. He has spent about 12 years teachingschooland_is an able instructor.He ito say anything about him,he being an able lawyer of Statesville and hav- ing held:many.positions.of trust and upon.| ‘these gentlemen and for Dr.Frontis, ‘officers put on salaries,;~If it-is:mon-|’ question,you knowitis money saved ‘to the taxpayers to put the officers:on | a reasonable salary.They ought to be from a business standpoint.ReadwhatTheLandmarksaysonthissub- ject from time to time.The old fee system will have to go.New,Hope;N.C.IREDELL. Information WwW‘anted “Abate the.Dog Tax, To Hie EAarog’“Of The,Landmark? I have beendisappointed for sever- al weeks not to see anything for the dog tax in The Landmark |What has become of this:question?"Have you} ‘dropped the fight,or have,you *be- come convinced that it is wrong to lama ¢€and}date’for the Demo- cratic:nomination for the House of| Representatives;on the salary plat- j-form,subject to the action of ‘the |\Democrattie primaries and?nominat-| ling convention,and solicit the Bup-| |port of the votérs,in.the primaries TILDEN H.WILLIAMS. _Aprii 26.‘HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES:l'To the Democratic:Voters of ‘Ire- dell County: I:am a candidate for the Demo-|cratic nomination for the House of | Representatives,on the salary plat-|form,subject to the action of the |Democratic:primaries and nominat- ing convention If nominated and jelected «I will,endéayorto carry jout the reforms:for,which I stand|pledged.S.FRONTIS. |April 28.. ANNOU NCEME NT. |Sewing Machines Repaired.| "J,U._LAMPRECHT,| 109 East Front Street. .Phone 61. se oii rs and dog tax,and on-7 WwW.i 4 M 7 i 7Nn Statesville,N.C. ‘Fine Farm Lands and City Property for Sale: AGENT FOR HUPMOBILES. JOHN C.DYE,M.D. EYE,EAR,NOSE AND THROATANDFITTINGGLASSES. -Office-in Mills Building. Office hours 9 to 12 a.m,, 2.to 5 p.m. Phones:Office 458;Residence 42 rE 1 | heen “}To the Deniocratic Voters of Ire-| del)County. |ment of the Democratic mass oe jing on the 6th instant,I.am fot:the Senate of the next General Assembly,subject to ithe action of the Democratic ~~ |candidate ||martes and convention, r 1 solicit your support.April’18,1912:W:D:TURNER bisa FOR THE HOUSE.' I am.a candidate for the House to.the|lof Representatives,subject action of the Democratic.primaries| ;|}and.convention..If naheaaaeed and j;eleeted,I.will carry.out the will of jthe majority of the ‘party -on the i question of salaries of the county other matters where joetrue tions| pare given. On all questions.where not in-| structed,1 will use my best efforts} ito.faithfully discharge:the duties of.said office,in the interest of ourIfIamnotnominated,i people. will’give to the nominee.and all other:Democratic ‘candidates .my earnest and cordial support. -ae 5.H..P.GRIER;; A>CARD.< To ‘the Democrats:of Iredell County: I am a candidate ocratic.nomination for’ ator.If nomimated and elected, \If so,learn Shorthand.and Typewriting by:beginning a course immediately,whichistaughtatStatesville,N.C.If inter-ested and desire terme,ete,write or call on MRS.E,8.JOHNSON,‘512 South Center Street,Feb.20.|Statesville.N.C, Do You Want to Be Independent? Public Instruction of Iredell county, cratic Primary and Convention. Feb.27,_R.M_GRAY. General line of Fresh Meats. Also dry pine stove wood. CASH-&HARRIS;’ *PHONE 43. -Feb.9. MEAT M ARKET, -PRONT STREET, Rear Sumpter’8 prone:| FOR SALE! Businesscioo Seven-room desirable residence on|thirty days ip lieu,of personal.ser- Tradd street.bath,etc. Lots near Graded School.« Small north Iredell farm.--If you want fo eee,sellor exchange | JOHN M.SHARPE,REAL ESTATE ALWAYS IN. Ialways here.Don't peep into my reception roomwhereIneverstayandthengooffandsayIam~pot in,but come on in and Jet yourself be known.:me the bell.kridék 6r speak out.dental chair I am in my Renee tee eep—in a room farther tn,’ Ps F LAUGENOUR,Dentist _Hot and cold water,|vice. a ocouPY three rooms on the secénd floor of AytheFiretNationalBank‘Building,and I am J. If I am not at required to appear and answer,i you are so advised,or the judgment ‘lof the Court her be final. Fw WHITENER.’ Ww TA SBLF,C,GALDPWELL. se Attorneys tor aveators: A.HARTNES, Clerk:ofthe Superior Court.Per Jno.L:Milhotland, April 16,.1912.iD. ‘All the-Jocal news and all the «° news you want to know.Get.LANDMARK....*na tax dogs?>_Messrs,Watts,Grier and Hall say they will carry.out the -will.of the]. imajority’on this question.“And Mn |Williams has the dog tax.as one of the}- |planks in his platform.How do Mr, |Turner.and Dr.Frontis,stand'dn thedogtax?‘The people want light on {this question.and we look to The Landmark for it.VOTER |.Troutman,’N.C. is a good debater..He delights towork ())in Sunday school and is an honest,ABAuprightgentleman..Ie\Hon,W.D.Turner is too widely ©)‘knownin the county and State for me AOS SC G Cx , honor.The Democratic voters-of Ire-|PAsdellknowthathewill:“do,to depend ys ,Taxpayers of Iredell,este:ia thee primaries the 18th of this ‘month for}:- ey to the officers to fight "the salary he ys GE Cx . If You Were an1 Exp ert: ‘automobile ‘salesman.who attempts,1to beguile:-you with q° WhatCar Would You Buy? The time has passed when automobiles can be sold to you oh their appearances or claims.‘Thisis a day when you and every >purchaser must be shown what,the car for which you pay your: money will actually petform}what it will do.Beware of an pleasing story.Tell him to show the‘foods and prove to you ‘You have'a.right.to your money’3 worth,but,it is up to-you fe to'see that you get it.Deeper than all:appearances,there that his cars are worth the money.Find-out whether his car’ is a real.car:or only |an.assembled automobile built to sell. are a few expert tests which:ought:to be appliedto every Car.’ “Who!makes the car?Is.it ‘aft assembled«car or made from top ‘to bottom by one manufacturer?What kind of a guarantce> “$s on it?Does the manufacturer respect his own product. with a teal guarantee,or does he want you to take the chan¢e? What do parts cost .you-and how conveniently can you ‘get them?How many cars of this maxke aré in,service and.how many are giving.satisfaction ?Questions like these gO deep into the heart of the case,and.if you put them rigorously upon any car you will find out with a certainty eigiene or not that car is worth its price. We are selling Studebaker E-M-F “30”andPianders ««9Q) cars because we know that,dollar for dollar,their equalis not soldin the market taday.The records of many thousands of cars in all kinds of.service have convinced us absolutely. Studebaker E-M-F “30”and Flanders ‘‘20’cars ate:built to.If we cannot prove to.’run,and because they run they sell. 'you under the most searching test that Studebaker cars are absolutely the best automobile values in the market,we do not want.your business;but.we can prove it,and your neighbors who drive these cars will tell‘you the same thing. In ‘compliance with the cedceaee| any | 1}making the rounds of the townships for the Dem- State Sen- will faithfully carry out the wishes of the majority of the party on the office of County Supreimtendent of| subject to the aciion of the Demo- 7a oe ae dress on Thursday,30th,by’Dr [Voter is informed that The Land-} mark stands for a dog Jaw~—a tax on dogs and a law regulating’dogs:run- ining at large—just where it has al-|ways stood.‘It.hasn't.changed its views,but just at present it is giving |Special attention to a more important lissue—that of ‘salaries for:county of- \ficers.‘Whenithas finished with that \it will again turn to the dog question. ‘The Landmark is not authorizedto; |Speak for Messrs.Turner and Fron- itis,but it is.’sure.that they,-likeMessrs.Watts,Grfer and.Hall,“will jcarry out the will of the majority:’’]-salibciilaitissaniaccesoceoneasice |Men Who ‘Think For Themselves |WViciously Assailed—A,Protest. To te Editor of The:Landmark: Be an expert when it comes to buy getting from us some further aan on real°tests of an automobile.Clip the attached'coupon and’sendit to us now because we have something new to tell you which you ought’to know,whatever car vey mare in mind. _The Studebaker Corporation ying a car.,You Detroit.Michican *Phone No.170. CAROLINA MOTOR'’CO., Statesville,N.¢. can,by | L want to heartily commend what |: jyou said in Friday’s paper under the {head of “‘Assumacy,’’and.to furtherjadd.that I think manhoodandgentility tor with the will annexed af Solo|lhave fallen toa low level when.men’mon:Trexler,deceased,I hereby||will go about telling absolute false-notify ‘all .persons having élaims’) hoeds.upon people who.chave done as,against his estate to present sarhe||miuch,yea more,for Democragyin'Ire-t9 me on or beforé the 19th day of|dell county than those whoaretryingto 4Pril.1913.)J.C.IRVIN.|prejudice the minds of theunthought-.B erate A c..A iful with their falsettoods ‘today.-B,McLaughlin;Atty. It is a shame that.men can’tbeal- |lowed to’.think for themselves and |make-any suggestions they wish about ithe affairs of the county without be=! jing:designated as “Sorehead’’Demo-| icrats,or Republicans.Somewhoare bok BURSA OBER BEE NOTICE TO CREDITORS. sy NOTICE TO.CREDITORS. Having.qualified.as 'adu inigtraytris | |of the estate of —_H wleceased,I hereby notif having -claims aga inst?"nis eataté ‘tol take up ce any old ‘subject they 42th day of.April,1913.Those-in- think:likely to arouseprejudice in the aebted to-the estate are“Tequestedmindoftheonetheyhaveinhand, l make any kind of absurd ‘statementsinregardtothematterwithlittleor no regard to the truth of same.Our section of the county is for's:al fake aries and the candidates who stand EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. for salaries.bn aoaASO-CALLED SOREHEAD.Having qualified as to make prompt settlement: “HATTIE IVEY WHITE, =Admin'stratrix. R:B:McLaughlin,Att'y April 12,1912. executor of Having.qualified as:administra-| Apail 19,1912.- present same to me.on or before ths |: salary for county officers and dog |’Turnersburg Township,May 6..-the.Tast will and ‘testament of). tax questions and any other instruc-||ES {Jone A.Fleming,deckased,late of tions which the.Democracy of:the |Government to Coin Three Cent and lredel county,this is to notify all | haounty may give me,If the conven-Half Cent Pieces,erent having .clainis against the ! tion -hominates some one:else,the |Washington Dispatch.Ping catia thats John A.Pie ming =; yg harass ie martes eaten sk cai aiseRepresenta-fore the 26th,day of April,1913,tive.support..aLites tive Bulkeley,to provide forthe coin--or this ‘notice =will be “pleaded--in _April],1912.A.D.WATTS.age of 3-cent pieces,wasfavorably re-bar of their recovery: .ANNOUNCEMENT...|ported:to the House by thecommittee All persons indebted to jon coinage,weights and measures.‘“t'®are hereby notified to make As the matter ‘+being discussed,|The bill will soon be taken-up by thet}ay ‘ompt payment.to.me Ni P I take this method of announcing|House and the likelihoodjs thatit will |bain:Extr.—ei that I willbe a caadidate for the/be passed.It also provides for the “April 26.1912at i icoinage of half cents.|-The measure has:the strong ‘en-} |dorsement of Secretary of ‘the Treas-jury MacVeagh.and of Director Rob- jerts-and.the latter declares that there: RE-SALE OF FARM. ehameae authority —f a Gecree of 16 Supe:ior Court cf Ired 1l-<cumty 4 1 the speci proceed ng for:theNOTICETONON-RESIDENTS._lis an urgent demand for both of these sgale of land Sortdivisien.«mong.thé North Cz the Tr unerto Court (coins.wr,pieirs,of BU -B.Wilden,Twill on, North Carolina,U Mia he cen |If the bill passesthe complexion of SATURDAY,MAY 45,1912 In the inatter of the will:of {the 1-cent piece will bechanged :In-at,12 o'clock,worn,at che court ‘Dr,‘Richard W.Mills.istead of being copper-colored,both |hcusé door in Stat esviile,re-sell at It appearing to the satisfaction ithe 1 and the 1-2 cent will resemble.a pay auction the,fo.Wing fee ‘of the Court that T.M.Mills,Hugh |nickel in color and theywill consist of|!”Cool Spring *ow2sb Mills,Jeff Mills and Forney.Mills,|75 percent.copper and 25 per cent.of Beginning at Giv's 1Ler,OL:OF together with all a heirs of Dr.|nickel.rt sea the churchr ad,:sutvéng orth, Richard W.Millis”are necessary.i .‘egrees east wiith sxié road.and parties and are,non-residents of the The 3-cent piece will be similar in with the Stateseiiie env Mocks-|stite.|size to the old.3-cent piéte,w hich ville road:116°pols,tocaapost oak on i "It is,therefore,grdered.that.|Went out of circulation 25 years ago.”the-west-stder ct-the-1 ope thence ‘service of the summons be made re rerth 77 degress west Yo Sills’cor- }upon the above name.parties .for The A.and.M College commence-|ner3}thence -near jortn 86 goles: iment will embrace May 26:30 Bac:to a stone,Sills’corner;ther ‘|calaur’ate sermon by Rev.J.Clyde |orth 89 degreeb,Vest 57 poles to |Let the defendants take notice |Turner,of Greensboro,formerly.of|@ poplar on ‘the west side.of 4 “~|that.said cause is set for hearing |Statesville,on the 26th.Address tom Draneh thence «:3 viprees west |on Monday,May 27th,1912,in the |agricultural department 28th.by T.-6-\-"8,Poles to a stake wud poibters |Superior Court.of Iredell county,at Walker,of Virginia aad annual ad-|hin Gay’s Nhe;fhesce-wia that line Statesville,N.¢.d ‘i al aC")near east to the heginning contain- K.fue BOid to ‘ar¢contains barn, C.Babcock,of Washington.ne ah Seon ett ‘es The Democratic committee of Rob-)dwelling houge,tenant house, eson.county,has‘endorsed Col.E.F.|ete:= McRae,of that county,for ectaeant Gevernor and Col McRae ‘says his}!“hatis ivthering.’?This makes ve or five avowed L ndtdaten:for Lieu-| tenant Governar.' ‘rerms—Oneth'rd cast cn contre, mation -bf sale,one-toird In .., months and one-third ip 422 months, with interest:on deferred pPoyments |with privilege of pay'ng tctore mi: “y tarity.”Purchaser gew rentifor i “Tame back is “ually caused”by rive u-|year,ALEX >C.BHA P AgmatismofthemusclesOf-the back,-4¢ay Cor mirsioner: Which ou will find ‘nothing be.Hter BY,asthamC‘humberiain’s Liniment.Fer sale'\’J.By,Armfield,Arty.-“by.alle dealers.Shee April 23,1912, vsarin :: ‘4 CORRECT TIME is! x es,let me move the‘regulator on your watch for you if it doesn't run right.It-costs you nothing, with my.Regulator.cf H.B.WOODWARD, Stop and compare _CORTRIGHT,METAL...ATM |SHINGLESLAIDRIGHT |OVER OLD WOODSHINGLES 2.No dirt—no bother,and when-once laid they.make a'thoroughly storm- and fire-proof roof,neither of which can}be claimed for the wood shingle. ql As to price—they cost no more than a > good wood shingle,andin‘some places they cost much less.’: ‘oof Roofs put on 26 years ago are as good as new today,and have never needed repairs. paid es-Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware Co.,Statesville,N.© .Jeweler. Vudor RE-ENFORCEDHAMMOCKS THE a THAT aan ) oe" Wo aPlace Your Order —NOW nn no |Awnings and| SE 2 [Porch Shades| We will put them. up any time want- “ed.and will savej you meney. EE Se eeeReeSe SSIESIe RO DIT 2. Day ig th e first Morday in eat h mo a wales Statesville Housefurnishing (ompany. ‘Manager nthin Statesville,Na.>* Jee is THE ‘LA.NDMARK :hegd to perform .delb for commissiohér. ,Salaries’will.ultimately bring about "-galaries .these ‘gore you are overw orked or worried,or you “may lack sleep,’fresh alir or exercise All these aiffect the giené and apply them faithfully.Se ‘euré'a copy -of Holtig ‘Care and Feeding of Infants,”75 cents,orwritétotheStateBoardofHealth .for.their free bulletin on the Bame subject.i :i ‘proposed to that at.the outset’but the Hamiltons thought he ‘wae -guil- APRIDAY,=".—May:16,1912. WOULD PAY |‘ROAD BONDS.. ‘Estingate That thie Saving!Under’Sal- varies ,Would Pay Off the Road} Bonds—-My,Bailey.“for.{08 aty Commissioner.»‘To the Editor of The Landmark.IT.see several names from differ.ent sections ‘of the county:Sug est-éd for county commissioners.If thevotersexperttoelect”a new),board,i heartily recCmmend-.Mr.R.Bailey ‘of Sharpesburg,for unis:sioner ‘for north Iredell.No one,Ithink,|would question:his!fitness|§‘and ability:to Derform’thé businessof.county comimissicnen with,credit£0 ‘himself and with honor .to'ire-delhcounty,Heise’an,honest,,earsnest,Unlassuming:,econcmical and ulp:nmght gentleman.He ‘has:provenhimself.tq be a.sucessful ‘financier,(Hay >S Managed:hig own businessMost.to perfection aanid:ste hy men,wethe»Tinameial busi+!Ress.or our county:Gentlemen.letUshaveMr.Batley:for.north)Ire- aria aon wari in cavon of sal> oters,haveyouthoughtencotghaboutsalariestomakefigures?Let us ‘be in ear-nest and’sée.what the outcome of for Jredell ¢ounty;financially,Ataglancewecapseethatit,will be ba | great saving to the county,as Shall undertake:to’prove..A year’ ago,when the $400,000 road-bonds Were being agitated,Tt was”claimed- by the best.accountants that therateof25centsonthe$100 worth]of property would liquidate -the $400,-000 bonds in 40 years..Now if we acknowledge thes:figutea to be cor-reot,and)I-have nevér heard thiem disputed,I can:prove that the pav- lings.from salaries,if put.at ,inter- estat 6 per,cent as collected iahnu- ally,will more than*pay the $400,- 000 at maturity in 40--years. FRU iT TREES K_KTLLED ‘BY WILT. The Trouble.in:thesJetinings:Corns munity-—Mr,E. Mrs. Sect ’Again.: Herrempondance of The Landmark. *Jenningss,'May ing a tlovrishing Sunday school at Zion.this spring...Rev.Mr. pell gave the school ‘a most inter- esting .talk.the fourth,Sunday in April.He spoke forcibly on right living aud the importance of attend- ing the Sunday school.His talk did not agree with Dougalism very much but if Mr.Dougal and his fol lowers.are right and all others wrong,thén Christ was wrong’and was nothing but a deceiver,for He said.He would:Bwild His Church onabelief.in:Him..John,the Reve- lator,wags also one,for he paid to listen ‘to what:'the Spirit said to the churches.$0 was-also Paul,af- ter his,conversion,and:many others tog numerous:to mention here.If we do away with.the churches and! Sunday schools we will.havé to,do: away with the Bible ‘and:‘religion: ernment,free but*Was,‘assessed.$50. $25 ana.they pay Jt’broke him from sucking,eges.One judge said ofthe 3.700 boys he:had,gentéen- ced to prison not.one had ever sat- tended-Gunday.school, Mrs.Tabitha~Cass,widow of Bill Paes,wag buried at Wesley.Chapel las:Thursday...She was a’daugh- ter of Feeling’Wallace..She-is sur-vivedby her aged mother and four They say ‘their’gospel is a Man,who joined them } cand:his wife children,two brothers:and-a_eis- Ker.-::My——emery:.Windser arrived! home from school Saturday.j Miss Fannie Cooper isspending:a few days in Statesville with rela- tives.Dr.Couch has moved to his place to.the.wilt,which.is “killing.the All.agree,or nearly all,that the| county can pave the first year from | salaries $6,000.If we can save $6,- 000 the first year,then in_five years’ we certainly ean save $¢+0,000,Ire-| dell county is a progressive county and at the expiration of the’said tive years we will be saving fram |_ $10,000.annually,anid | remaining.25 years for bands | $10,000 %a jthe year will| This with $30,to mature at amount to $350,000 0 000 first five years’paving,will | amount.to $380,000.Now this is not €ven counting simple SEeenalc| but it «unted as collected .-f te ly,and.put in,a savings:ban it | would amount away beye my any cots, ception unless computed methane tcally Is this not worth .conte na | ing for?If so vote in el primaries for the candic a who are in favor of salaries,w 4 can Save us.between $600,000 ont a.million”dollars by the time th $400,000 road bonds mature cast Gentliemen,,whoop UP or sal-) aries.:}. New Hope,May 6.‘| ————me CARE IN FEEDING THE BABIES.| Die ForFor Lack ct Proper | Care,- Bulletin.State Board of Health. One ‘Kundred and sixty babies | wiH be born -in North Carolina to-| mcrrow.Thirty-two of these wil die within a year.°Over half of| deaths will occur because| of improper “feeding.Breast-fed| babies have ten*chances of liv- ing to the bottle-fed baby's one.|4 Mothersshould aurse their’babies| if they possibly can.Mother's milk is ‘the only *natural and.perfect| od for @ baby. 1 OT aeneaiately.after.birth do not give artificial food while waiting fo | the milk supply.to come.Give him nothing but cool,,boiled wa-| tet..Never give ice water During the ‘first 48 hours after birth his greatest need is rest.Give nae all the-water he will take; least a tablespoonful three or fo ur times,1 day.He will not gtarve. Nurse the baby by the clock. “Meals at all.hours’cause indi-'| gestion in babies as well as adults.| Do not feed the baby every time 3 es, or ar infort Nursing may mean/ discomfort.Often he titirsty.Do not think he is erying| qrom,temper until.you are pure there ate no other causes.Feed a new baby every.two hours during the day time and once or twice.dur-: so Many tiurg the night.After he is four or five weeks old,nursing every three hours during the day and once at night is sufficient If you.suspect that you have | not enough milk,Wat your milk| does not agree with the baby,.or Af any other question arises,ask the docter before changing).him to the bottle.He may be able to. remedy the difficulty,“Your own. diet may be too rich or (too.poor in certain food properties.Perhaps gnother’ss milk supply and may make {t injurious to the litttle one. '‘Do:,not be ‘content with ad- vice of neighhborhood grand- mothers concerning the baby. Know the best lifesaving andhealth-giving methods of child hy- In)“W ake ‘Bupertor Gourt this week.a settlement was reached)with out trial in the buit of Ralph 6:Hamilton ys.H.C:Bridgers,-pramic nent bankér and railroad man,of Panbono,luv obviiig-dainages tor the fatal injury of.the:7-yeamold daugh- ier of Hamilton,by being rum \over by Mr.Bridgers’automobile a year’ago,in Raleigh.The settlement was on the basis of Bridges’pay ing all the .exptnees incurred on account of the accident.Brijdgérs’ ”of neeteey:.eek |H0StessS to |Mary,’ land has received fhattening Crying is usually a sign ID, to decline im health!rapidly |people are aps covery,Wwe are sorry daughter,Miss.Effie, home to be with him HAPPENINGS. His| cometo-say, has, SOMESSOCIAL Gofdberg’s -Opefa Recital— Other .Eyents, Margarc’‘Armfield was! the Tuesday Afternoon| dridge club members and a num- ber of other’guests at~-her home| on Tradd street.The game was layed.at.three tables and Mis Bettie Feild was the winner,| ‘ecejving a box of stationary as a prize.A Balad “course andsmints were served. A nevel---and—_interesting __en-] tertainmemnt was enjoyed.‘by the|many friends:of Mr..‘and Mrs.J. H:..Hoffmann,om Tuesday evening whem ‘their guest,.Mrs.William] Victor Goldberg,of New York city, Mrs, Miss |} M..Couch Mll-—|. Oass Dead—Tha Here f ye Presbyterian: hap-: and,deal.a fatal sblow at all’BOV-!: he bought of Mr.J,A,Sale. I fear:the:frujt crop is gottig to be very light hereabouts,owing| 6.—We are -hav-, places,private ~entertainments, churches,anywhere .povery where.core ad,A :‘—_—_—fi Miss Ellie Houston,.for 18 years| ntissionary,.died in INegoya;,Japan,a few days ago. She whs'a native.of Mecklenburg|county,daughter’of Mr.and “Mrs. John M.Houston,of Hopewell,‘andwag48xenold, Special Nale| ¢ _EVERY Friday and.Saturday | Until July Ist'to:“close out my entife ° stock,-Reduction’for cash,oe j Mrs.N.M.Keim. dals.We havea lin Ladies’Misses’and Children’8 White Pumps and StrapSandals, “MAY SPECIAL—Every Lady or Childe25c.to 50c.| “BalesDay i is thefirst Monday iin‘each —in Statesville,N.e ‘April 26: SREEEEEEEENSENRenonEaoemoioneees MORTGAGE SALE OF LAND. BY VIRTUE of a mortgage dead executed to the undersigned on.the}7th’day.of .February,..1911,py |Thomas Haynes and wife,Lela Haynes,and default ‘having.‘been made in.paymént of the sumthereinnamed,I-will sell at.pub- lic.auction,‘to~the ‘highest bidder for cash,at the court house Root in.Svatesvie;N.C.,on | SATURDAY,JUNE 1,1912, trees,The apple crop:will be al- most a complete failure.Mr.E.M:Couchi\still continues| and:his| srehensive of his re-| jan iron peg near the branch; ite jo4,page 580, re ii tb c i o e e l zave a jecture récital on Humper-| jink’s’Opera’‘“‘Hensel and Gre. el.”* The story of the fairy opera was de lightfully told and illustrated]with |volce .and piano parts from the! score,“with conciseness that:left| -he ‘audience with an excellnet) conception of the beautiful opepa.| Mrs. ioian and recitals to Goldberg ig.a-thorough mus- has given sev eral opera| city chubs.and‘se hools'| from the metropolitan)press. Following.the recital refr esh-, ments Were served and the evening was am artistic Buccess to 4ll mus. »lovers M's?Marie Long gave a bridge part} jty .Wednesday night in honor df her guest,Miss],Estelle O’Berry,'of iGoldsboro.Mrs.i\X J.Craig won thejlady’s prize and Mr,R.L.Green- lee the gentleman’s.‘The guest of- |honor was presented.with a pair of silver slipper buckles. The San Souci club and 4 few out-|siders were entertained by Mrs.R.M.| |Gray.Wednesday afternoon:at her|home on Harrill street.The usualjtimewas.given to fancy work and|ices were served. The Landmark has received an ir-||vitation to the golden wedding cele-||bration of Rev.Henry C.Haithcox, D.,and Mrs.Martha Ann Haithcox,which will take place at their homein"|Shepherdstown,W.Va,May 18th; from 7 to 10.p..m.--Drand Mrs,Haithcox were married by Eev.CalebLentz,in Iredell county,N.C,May 18,1862. The Moving Picture World. A very,severe Critic of MoyingPictureshasthis’to say of “Through Flaming,Gates”which is to be shown at the Crescent ‘Theatre this.afternoon andi night.7 “Through Flaming Gates”(Rex),March,3rd.—Miss Marion Leonard das done some ‘very strong work in smotional climaxes im many other|| pictures,but this reviewer has neverseenher‘in a’role that taxed hercapabilitiesso.heavily or gaye her io fine ‘a chance to show her pow- re,and,as.far as he can remem- yer,he has never seen her..to 60 ‘sood advantages asin this picture: (t':ig an.intensely thrilling story, has a heartbreiking human:interest and,aS it has been:produced,is ‘atonceathoroughlyartisticandthor- oughly popular picture,one that is worthy of.being kept on at any theatre .for several weeks as the feature;it would surely pay.The mother had set het heart on going to a dance._The father ‘was a doc-tor and had been called aweay.They had a little girl.The father proba-bly would feturnany moment.The mother left.{he girl alone in the house,hs wind blew the curtainandthechildwasshut-in the burn- ing.house alone._The :mother,in. the midst of the party,heard the fire engines go past the house,but, let herself.be reassured».This’is tne situation,and -.if,‘seems as though every ounce of:ood in ithaebeenwtilized,‘by “Miss LeonardVand\jthe picture’s producer,and theWclecast,except the child:The and is a.very ending is deeply.emo dg#iso.very.pleasant. very, “y .8004,-Btrong pboturs | i notiices| | | |}} r for all, jim said jad being in Chambersburg town-Ship, |Younded ‘the:folowing tract of land described mortgage,’the same lying Iredell’,county,N.C.sand ~as followe::‘ Beginning at an fron.peg on the north side of the railroad and runsthencenorth63%degrees _-west five.poles.and nine Jinks to an jiren peg;thence north five degrees jeast 538%poles to a gum;thenceeastfive-poles and nine links to thencesouthfivedegreeswest391%poles:: the.beginning,containing one and a half’acres;more or less. For further information see mort-gage.duly .registered in Book -No. im the office of-the by using Dan Valley Flour We could cite a thone-. and reasons for using » FLOUR -But one reason will suf:fice and that is that it. ‘is unquestionably the’ in ‘America today and one’ trial will convince.you DAN~«VALLEY best.flour milled of the.fact.© C.W.Boshamer,Jr., Local Representative, *Phone 1125. _What gtade offlour to “ase,remove all doubts gister of deeds of Iredell county R.W..POU, Mortgagee,iApril30,1912: Music,Souven Today,Register! “STORE OF QUALITY. fi.the local news and all thewsyou’want to know.-GetANDMARIC irs.Favors. 7.30 a.m.toll p.m Statesville Drug Co., PRESCRIPTIONISTS. runks and Bags! Vacation time will soon be a trip somewhere,and of ec nice new trunk. ple and can supply you wi in price from $1.50 to $20. Steamer Trunks Suit Cases at here and you will take nurse:you will’need a ‘emember weare the Trunk Peo- th any size.Ranging $4.50 to $12.50.Ladies’?Hat Trunks (holds five hats)$7.50 each.$1.00 to $10.00.Don’t forget the place. |Crawford Bunch Furniture Comp’y. Don’t Guess _IN BUYING YOUR CORSETS. oe AMERICAN LA ALLEN’L. -Gilecessor toThe.Ladies’ ean.*They are positively riyetuntatitoed.For Slender,Mediu1to$10 DY CORSETS Will give you the fashionable ‘figures as no other Corsetproofs,and absolutely fan Stout Figures. MILLS,THE CASH STORE’Sl eeFurnishingStore,de Ladies’New Buck Pump,special size,3.50Ladies’2-Strap Canvas Sandal,regular heel,size 2 to 6,7Ladies’1-Strap Canvas Sandal,low heel,size 2to 6,1.50Ladies’1-Strap Canvas Sandal,low heel,size 11 to 2,.-1,50Misses’.1-Strap Canvas Sandal,lowheel,size 11 to 2,1.50Misses’2-Strap Canvas Sandal,low heel,size-8}to 11,1.00Misses’1*Strap Canvas Sandal,lowheel,size.8 to’11,1.26):Child’s 1-Strap Canvas Sandal,lowheel,size 5 to 8,1.00 - - wants White Pumps or.San-per pair under.regular price, ‘Widths C,D and E..“Mail orders.:a-get thesaving.seri acesfilled.i here and Ve AMce Are you:wise in buying paint that is largely adulterated when. you can buy eeve that is all paint—no adulteration —at the same price per gallon? aufoed ——FOR SALE ny net azn Montgomery Hardware Co, Statesville,N.C.1 Cotton Seed ForPlanting. Pimpkins’Prolific and Little .King— the best varieties.Seed corn also. It pays.big to buy good seed and make money next year selling your neighbors. J.Ei.SLOOP. May 10th. Twenty-five dozen Ladies’s Silk Hose 25c. pair,Same grade we sold last season.Fifty doz.Ladies’Lisle Hose,25c.value,choice 15¢:- One hundred Ladies’White ShirtWaists, $1.50 to $2.25 values,choice 98e. Six SilkDresses,$12.50 to $15.00 values, choice $4.98 Twenty figured Lawn aud Gingham Drese- oe,re price.> Forty’Black Voile and Panama Skirts, ~mostly one-halfprice. Thirty Linon Tailored Suits that sold from $4.00,‘to $6.50,Choice’$1750 the Skirt. Are well worth the money. One case Ladies’Taped Vest,tegular 10¢,-be value.Choice 74c.each.i “ One hundred Trimmed Hats reduced,|See them.The style and price will interest you, oe earn oa THER.M.KNOX CO. .Sales Dayis the firstMondayiin each month iin Statesville,N.Cc. *&o'clock Friday.morning amd died)’ “an hour and a’half.jater.; —~ MR.HENRY ©.SUMMERS DEAD, ‘passed Away Suddenly at His Home, “in Shiloh Township Friday Morn- ing—Other .Deaths.=race Mr..Henry °C.Summers waa.’ stricken with paralysis at his home én?Shiloh”township soon-after Up’to the.time.he ‘complained’of being dizzy,After, reall right and continued lis “walk.|to the youngladies,to whom it was, He’made io complaint whem ‘he lespecially diredted,but to the large. ‘reached home but.in a few “mMo-.|congnegation as well.”Mr.Wilson ments he was stricken and death speaks impressively and knows \how, be to present,the truth in a force- The funeral services took place |ful manner,President J..A.Scott, at.Concord Presbytericn)churchtot the college;had charge .of the Saturday.afterncon at 2 ‘o'clock |service and the college chorus.clasp and were conducted by the pastor,|ocoupied the .choir and rendered. Rev.E..-D.Brown,assisted by |special musical selections in addi- Rey.J..M.White,’pastor of.New |tion to.the regular hymns.: “came speedily. Stirling,and Rev,C,E.Raynal,of Statesville.;lesson the’20th:chapter:of:Jobin/s xospel “and “his text was the last neighborhood where he died .and’|clause of the 21st verse of the harp ter:“As my Father hath sent.me, all his Hfe.:He was.in his 73rd leven so send LL you.’Addressing year and woyld have celebrated his |the:young lady graduates he paid ‘Mr.Summers was born im thie had Hved im the same -commanity 13rd birthday July 11th.His ‘wife, who was ‘Miss.Ervin,of the same last Dewembér.‘To them were born 11 Sons,ten of whom survive,name ly:;.Rev..J.E..Summers,of Ca- barus county;‘A.R.Summers,of Plantersville,Ark.;F.M.Summers, of.Mooresburg,Tenn.;W.W..Sumr mets,of Cometius;W.Ry R.eR ‘and .C.H.Summers;of Statesville; J.By d.N,;and J.Wy:Summers,| of Shiloh township,the twa last’ named livimg at the oid homestead One son,C.N.Sumimers,died pbout “nine years ago All ‘the children were present at the fumepal except the son who lives tn’Arkansas...OLl- er surviving relatives are a broth- er,Dr.J,A.Summers,of Tennes- see;who was also at the funerak— and two sisters,Mis M.L.Hall,of. Statesville,and Mrs.J..W.Good- “night,of Bethany township : Mr.Summers was a member cf the Church ‘for 54 years For reven, years he<was descon in.Concord church and:for.38 years a ruling elder..He was a good man,straight and correct in all the relaticns.of lide tservice;and if we could know His For years he was a trusted Jead-er in public affairs in his community and for several years he served on the:board -of county.com missioners, The thtee-year-old son of Mr.and Mrs.E.L.Combs,who live on the Boulevard,died Sunday afternoon about 4 o'clock,heath resulting from .the.effects..of burns receiv- ed about three weeks ago when he felt itito'a tub of hot:water..An abscess started “from one of -the burns on the child’s neck and.had eaten its.way to the’bone.Death eame suddenly .and unexpectedly while physicians were dressing ‘the abscess The little boy,wds the only child of Mr.and Mrs.Combs and the young parents -have the sym- pathy of the community in their bereavement.Funeral servicés were cohducted at the residence —yester-day afternoon py Rev.B.F.Har- ‘gett and the interment was im ‘Oak- wood cemetery.-' Mis:W:P:Béaver died "quite suddenly Sunday night at her home on 1,Stedle street,‘death resulting from child birth..She was.about 30 yeaty:old and leaves a hnsband andseyenchildren...She was “a mem- ber of.Race Street Methodist chureh ‘and funeral services were conduct- edat the residence late yestenday afternoon by her pastor,Rev. B. F.Hargett.The burial was at Oakwood.; What Messrs.Watts,Grier anid .Hall Propose About Salaries. Té-the Democtats of Iredell Coun-ote y : We hear that.it is:being indus- trioushy circulated —by--oun__oppon- ents and their supporters that,not- withstanding the statements’con- tained in our announcements,we are opposed to salaries for the county officers and that,if elect- ed,we wil not pass a sdlary jaw for the county,even if a;majority of the bemocrats vote for salaries, or that ‘we will give the officers ex- cessive salaries. We are.not opposing salaries but are leaving that question '0 be pet- tled by the members of the party, whe we will catry out their will. If’@lected ‘and if the majority of the Deniocrats of the county vote for ealaries,,we will pass a)salary ‘law “or the eoumty and do our best to make it such &law as will meet the approval of thie people.. ‘Respectfully, A.D.WATTS, TOM HALL, H.P.GRIER. MAY LO:LODZ 2c Republican Congressional. Conveti-+‘tion.' .The Republican congressional’con-|The infimence of the homie and pO- vention of this district met at Tay~-lorsville jyseterday and elected Moses \N.Harshaw,of Caldwell, and W.H.Hobson,of Davie,dele- gates to the Chicago.convention.J.D.Dorsett,Rowan,and “R.—V. Tharpe,Iredell,wene elected alter- nates.All instructed to vote for ~Roosevelt.!; “Rev.W.Y.Love,who:was cone fined at home with illness for bev- _Grab weeks,was wble:to fill pis apipoindment at Amity chundh,near Young «Womai’s ‘Christi at Asso-Scotts,Sunday, ‘Mr...Ashley.Horne,who wasstrickenAvith.Datalysis a week agoyesterdayandconfinedin-a hotel at.Greensboro for several days,was|taken 9 his home at Clayton.Thurg-|for Christ.‘Three times,of appeal: THE COLLEGE COMMENCEMENT. A Life of Service the Subject of “was stricken |mencement,began Sunday,morning Mr.Summers was apparently.in ‘his with dhe baccalaureate sermon ‘by |the -coumby ..ddniy.emt al ‘health.Friday morning he |Rievs W.: walkeds about his farm,as,wae Nis fat ‘the:First Presbyteniam churdh.|g ‘custom.~To a.colored me yo DE)The sermon widis ait éxcellenit .diis- poussion om service to God and .man exqeption ~pitting.down awhile he sdi@the was'land .was highly edifying not .only |men and .1 coud make of his opportunity)<£0 community,died three years ago|gpeak to them was to bring them a] message of life and in this passage is a message,of life from Jesus’ Ghrist.These words,spoken by:the ed to the whole world:It fs a diphes to carrys on:his:work.A$ the tight of the world;to reek and <——tttfa of service is the life that Be- Rev.W.8...Wilson's Sermon— ‘of |Trustees,Aluinnac Reception.;and)Students},Final) §..Wittgon,.of Mooregville, Mr.Wilscn took as his Scripture that he realiged that the best use he Master to His disciples after His resurrection,were ‘intended for .all disdiples for all time;'wene direct- panaiiel.case,’that:of God sending His gon and:He sending us as dis- my Father,hath’sent means that He is continufig to send;means that as He did unto the disciples so are His disciples to dO unto their fellows. We are to reproduce in our lives His ‘attitude to’God and’to.man.We know His attitude to God and we know His attitude to the world.He came not.to be ministered unto but to minister;He came.to give and spend himself in the world.as save,to pity,to fhow gentle com- passion.So must we,as His rep- resentatives whom He has sent,do. His ideal of life was one given to- ideal of service and canrf it out, oh,what lives ours would be.When we-undertake a great reform ‘in the world we first think of laws anc legislation,but mot so with Christ. out which no great movement is un- dertaken dn this world,but Christ had a contempt for,money.Money has its place,but that was ‘not the principle of Jesus.It was not the conspicuous thing im His ideatk: Next we think ‘of onganiization_and think we must have Jots of stenog- raphers,use lots of stamps,etc.,,be- fore we can accomplish anything. But Christ went wp and down in the world talking to men and giving them His ideals,the use of life up- on.life.,e After.all thie great and big,things are_not.those whitch)make the most’noise,have the biggest names and are most conspicuous..The great things are those done with)least conspicuousness.As has been said, the great men and subsequent ser- vice.to the world came through the silent forces.The’mothers,preach- ers,teacheig.and)other less con- srlicuous.forces and not the laws and legislation,are those who are. making ..men Here Mr.Witson fave a number of ‘illustrations of tbs production of.great men through mothére and teachers and told of one instance in which the lifé -of one man ingpired five others to be- come mnsters of the gospel.3 ,The really great thing in:.this world,‘couitinued)the speaker,is Christian service.It is great be- cause it is the thing we can all do; it is the influence of life upon life, and we alb—have influonce.his 4nfivence shouiid)-be exerted for good im service.There is no such thing!as ranks.in heaven excepttheranksofserviteandweshould. strive to gain a plaice ini these ranks and receive the blessing of the good .and faithful servant:This cures and makes the strongest fricmeships,.and whit “would our Ives.amount to without friends? Why are the old soldirs such friends and why are such strong friendships .formed in college?it ‘is the use Of life ‘wpen|lifé.We have many brotherhood onganiz- ations,but Christianity:is.the on- ly .hope of the real brotherilood ofman;it is the thing that blasts. Woman wields moré ‘force in.the shalping of the world because she spends her time on life instead ofthings,and God.-measures life by the use of life on life.Think of the potency,of .womian’s influence; think of a “word or a touch from ‘a woman changing the life of a man. é@iety is with the women.This :18 ening he sphere afd.I have’a fenr -zometimes -that¢im »the ‘ene herself too=much!on things inSteadoftits,’THe command of Jesus is that.we reproduce His attitude to- eh sapemnet ee ebioeeer Wheee tortienetet teen teesorte of God are.ours.—: Swhdyy .evening .Mr.Wilson reached’the annual Bermom to the ciation:of the collame The sermon appeal to Hobab,as related ini the “day.He stood the-tmp well and his 4 ‘condition is encouraging.”- hegre)ty ¥SOLID FOR ROOSEVELT|THE MEMORIAL DAY EXERCISES Iredell.Republicans Give Tatt a Fraction—De NEARL legates to tha Con-/ |That Colonel Roosevelt:is.the.al- Recital—Rev.Ohas:,T..Squires’'mogt unanimous choice.of th Address and Commencement.THIS)dell K-publicans for,-me veri);3 |nomineeis pettled by: Statesville ‘Female College com~-|tion of the county's vote he wilhne-ceive in the State convention.Alion.’dheldl “inftiernoomdele- Ale yelening, StateMille.Saturday aates.to the distri¢t and’ere named ard1ofthemareRoosevelt they-are tnetructied to castthecounty’s 18 votes:in the,State convention as follows:Roosevelt 17. 40;Taft 56,Hughes .04.‘‘All the townships._e Hope and Shiloh were rep at the convention and the yote divided in accordance with the pre-| ferentia)vote in thedAsidefromthe naming of.thie delegates no other action was takenhy.the convention.Following is the.list of.0egatestoStateconvention;S.A- ,A.S Aley,RV;‘Bhanmpe, ‘D...J.Williams;J.Le.M.Stikeleabther,E.L ..Harmon,B.Young,M.C.,Arthurs,R.~T:Weatherman:A.C.Kerley,J..T. Jennings,P.A.Barringer,Jehora. Lee .Mornow,’,J. “veutions w ‘acy 2. ‘éred thene.primaries Fri- Cowles.‘Phe delegates.to the con-gressicnal convention are the samejestablishment of 4 Wagnen is the|our fathers were not only,honest, Tait delegate to the congressional(but were everlastingly eonventiom im pillade of H.C.Cowles.!pursued the only ‘course they.couldwithhonor‘to themselves.|tered He said that he was willing to.con- except that L.-C. The alternates to -bot are:D.L:Raymer,P..D.Atwell,M..Lippard;J.A.Sale,Jk.EB.|jwere honest in what they did, J.Wij)Templeton,A.W./he would neven concede that.they|tne Tharpe;.J.R.-Houpe,J.A.Reavis,|'| A.L.Kennedy,B.T.Steele,J A./as a basis and’‘addressing his Te~ifhe two-mile race,making the run lniarks ‘to the young people,the)jy . dicots io:ae speaker went into detail in telling e wasp no.ditcord jn the,rjwhat actuated Bhe course taken by|¢fen The Taft forces,in a piti|the Southerners.State's rights }\.as Kenner ful minority,accepted the situation|were explained and it was angued |je,u:jthat the constitution could never)he ground im 23.20. The State convertion ‘meet In|jhave been adopted by the States |py fol’awed by Perey Bubanks,23.-, las a Union had the slaves not been /9s:Frank Deaton 23.35 and Mar- protected as property.,°The:agita-| tion’against.BHlavery.began in.the North,where it had been foundnot.s¢.profitabile as in,the South,and the Northern:States violatedtheconstitutioninnotprotecting the slaves as property.If slavery was a orime every country and every State of this country had committedit.But whether slavery was Tight or wrong,the United States government’had no more right to regulate it in a State than Mohrjany foreign country:had.’When they found it the only,hogorable course to pursue the Southenn States seceded and formed the Con- federacy,withdrawing from the compact Which they had entered into with the other States as a.Uniicn, And:when they saw their “fights were to be trampled under foot| they ruched into battle.Scme of! thie boys of this generation will Bay,they)were not right in this,but the girls all say they were right.xs did the noble women of the Confedtracy’We honor wo- Lmanhocd in the South better than auywhere else ‘because they are hy comven tions |pursue .TT.Tharpe;8. without a munmuar. Raleigh tomorrow.ional convention was.hebd at Healing Springs yesterday. to be useful,and to gain the re. ‘Following was the programmed ofthestudents’final.recital last eve- as Chorus~a.TheMrabS: Next we would.think of money with-|.MissesGooch,Heinzerling.Jeter.m —Rondo Brill,Misses Jessie Keefe Matig Cunningham. —TiesLeare Mc¥traMcMurray,Piano—a.Luciade 2 b Comins eaea.Miss Ru’'b,aes Seep eee. Donizetti-Leybach is Miss LucileGrandValseBrill(a fiat).Misses Cunningham,Rankin,Hamilton,Sadler re-Oberon,Miaves Clement,Taylor.Fleniing.Curry.ExperimenMissRuthHoover,Violin—Petit Symp!Leasess hhony,ne atiioon,;Miss DorothySongs—a.They Say.ds Miss Jessie Keefe. miss Phoebe Garth, Piano—Concerto,Op Chorus~Doan You Cry.ew:Nole Smith «3 The art -exhibit at the college his year,consisting of crayon, is larger tham it There are 15 or 20 art pupils and they made ‘over hundred pictures that are now on The collecticn is beauti- ful and the work as a whole repre china painting, has ever been. competent to judge of the merits of the work of anyof the art pupils but the productions of Misses Stulting, his individual taste. as sincerely It is all good. Others may something else. was held yesterday afternoon,begin- the hall were Mesddifies L.White, J.B.Gill dnd MY Mis.E.B.Watts,Mre.H.P.Grier and Mrs.J.iA. .Adams,while Scott neceived Miss Rae Gill,who was introduced by Mrs.Adams,the addifess receiving the present graduating class into the alumnae association and Miss:Anna Summers of the class,responded. refreshmemts were served. The meeting oftrusteesyesterdayafternoon was ate tended by the followingy memibens: B.Shearer and C.ards,of Davidson;Rev.L.:L.Moére, Taylorsville;Rey.Chas.T.Squires, Lenoir;Mr.H..A.Banks,Hickory; Rev,€._E.Rayna)and Messrs.J. H.Hill and W.F.Hall,of States- The first work of the trus- an age wher ‘the ‘woman is broad wene accepted and various college impnovements were taken under consideration.-larzemen'of her sphere she may use will take place this evening id address -‘willl be delivered by Rev. ward Godiand man and:if we use our|Chis,T.Squires,of Lenoir... Mr.Smith,for County Commissicnen. To the Editor of The Landmark.I heve ¢nown Mfr.T.Falstown township,and think he would be a goodiuman was based on the story’of Moses’|for county,commissioner from his sclegtious and.I10thchapterofNumbers,and the county's intereetdyoungaulladieswereurgedtowinTea as he’would hiis ow:tt Gee Mr.Cameron .Morrison’s Address—Courtesies ia Shown the Veter- ans,4 ‘ About the usual ‘crowd attended| the:Memorial’:Day exendises.E'ri- em iab|day,but'in the crowd was an un- ‘the large.por-usually large number of Conifeder- these .old’soldiers:|The exer- cises:were “held”in-ethe Super jar court’room,,which).was,attrac- tively decorated with’.Confederate ‘flags,bunting and,flowers,by:the faithful Daughiters’of the Confeder- aho manage fhe »ihemorial levent from year to year.The room: would.not held alll’those who path- The Mechanic's ‘band, which,made:fine:music,played while:the crowd assembted.:“The feature of the occasion wastheaddressbm?Mr.Cameron Mor- rison,af Charlotte,who spoke for about ‘an hour.The meeting was called -to-order..by ‘Chief MarshalGregoryandfollowingaprayer.by Rey.S.W.Haddom the speaken wasintrodycedbyMr.H.'.P.+Grier.After.thanking the Daughters’of| the.Confederacy for the honor of av invitation to speak to such’a gath- ering on puch an occasion,Mr.Mor- rison began by declaring that.in the the Confederacy: The despite the fact)thiat their ranks are rapidly:béing thine. ned by the’last great enemy.And no.athens enjoyed) sO the.seyenta fof,the "day.atush,‘as at ‘night.chas:recently -.beer ébeautifiedand,for the anniversarydecorated:with,flow- lnis,giving it appearance... music .by)an.orchestra .allFrom-2;30 .to ~3:90:the afternoon geiitlemen were cigars;-fromboxesoff?candy were distributedamongthechildren,and from 6 the ladies received:souvenire andthewayof ticles and carnations. were asked to register but only 930 Little Miss BHz- abeth)Carlton’s:guess on the num- ber registered was 923 and she re- ceived the ladies’prize,a hand bag, the genttlemen’s prize,a box lot cigars,went to Mr.R.B.‘Wilson, wessed 924.Many of the call- of the special the day. favors «in and who ¢.era took.advantage cash).sales of the day and received premiums:. The,Marath ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION. Rac és.. The Statesville Drug the “Store of other successanniveisary,celebration]. ‘accepted the courtesica of tha come pany.uring the day,the store ‘being crowde:l.from early morn till Jate The.intenior ‘oftthe store’remodeled:ared event)it,was - ‘ers and pa. inviting of them did so. wete right.Taking thése statements Connelly was Worthy of:it ‘these principles live:: Lor <t)ed With their enemics. were suggested,mambiy:Appeal.to ESSLY.: “the motive of elt intenest a desire -Hany Ge\Mooresville,“May “9,tee ‘‘5 {or shall Evvanks, Aprilmade sensational two members of:the society,which the source of talk among physician’asd |jand was told to go to his employer. which may result im very serious ac-/No,Sir;couldnt do that,for the tion on the pat of.the socie’y. This ph;s’cian cpered the subject of the prevalence cf criminal oper-/anics.Well,the friend told him yerformed'|he would try to help him in a day charges much whom _Mr.-Morrison then began with the organization of,the Confederate army and recounted the many bat+ tles in.whieh the Confederate sol- diers displayed valor,courdge and heroism which surpasses anything y*t recorded,in higtory.He paid that eIredeM county,has men who on those battle fields displayed courage and:heroism.better than that which Scott and the:other au- thors can picture,and made his- tory ‘which if:a Southern boy doesn’t love he ought to be Tun out of America.Through:alll those strugeles they fought ‘with the] odds against them two to one; without food and.clothes they foug.t without quaifing,winning the honor and admiration of a hero-worshiping world.At last the great Lee,whose exhibitions of generalship are unequaled in)his- tory,saw the cause was lost and surrendéred his.agymy to Grant, and t®the glory.of North)Carolina one-fifth,of the arms handed!.im at the surrender were from soldiers from.this State.After:the sur- render we took up the battles of the country,inepired by the counage of the Confederate soldier which has sustained us.In these bat- tlas the ideals of the poldiers hpaye been our best strength and we hiave gotten back’ail that was,lost.The Confederat¢@’deserve alll the honor and praise we give them.and.the womanhood-"which comtinues-to ®pread =flowers om their gmves. We:love’you,old vetenans,,anid you ‘may rest’assured:thiat the “prin- ciples you taught as free men will never be.forgotiten,Long may make mittee writing siten. ouial The address.was a masterful one: and:this report does not do Mr,, teés was.the approving of the grad-Morrisen justice.°He is an elio- uates and the awardment,of the de-The teachers for’next Bes- orated quent speakerg@hY the addiress -was well delivered?and well received, Alli during his.interesting,recita- tion of the various ebaytities he padd high tribute to the varioys Oorfed- eraté,officers as “well as the.army commencement |exercises |@8 a Jhole andy showed how supe ley were a.Soldiers compar- Fellowing the address there was music by the band while the’audi-: ence.dispersed and vine pnvce ssi oni was formed in front of the court house,-.‘The «procession,‘gampobed of:the.Wand,the veterans,the Daughters.and Children’of,t¥e Confederacy,the-Iredell.Blues,the speaker's!automobile,other vehicles Land citizens,moved aldwly “to the: old cemétery,.where the exencises were coticluded.Tiere were nearly 100.old:Boldters ih the procession ~wader the command of:Capt:.'T.M. 4 ations~wihtioh, here,stating that mot only,was this engaged in,but that ube hospitals of the comfnuniity are being over-run with patients uponsuh,ore aticns have heen badly done,caw ing,them,to require further treatment. physicians,charging them with be- ing guilty cf such.work and amr nouncingicalsociety practice ben tion of this nto.ion Statesville D jAnniversary,and *the Marathon Quality,””Beored)an-:Frigay.with)ite eighth |.__Hundreds+- Tha visitors on)races)conducted im the ‘aftennoon,in co mection with i ae lthe <duniversary._ceve right and nished amusement for the lovers of out door sports. the two-mile race”and'ysiix: ,took part.im the.four mile race,‘the cede that our brothers of the North |starting pointabeing on the Taylors- but}yille road with’the:drug store.as ‘Master Rot®first prize winher infinishing 12 minutes;Eugene Morrison, came next .with a record of 12.- Sherrill followed In the four-mile rage Al- Turner was winner,covering He was close- Fowler 28.38. ce.ved.a silver medal andi.Deaton,‘Connelly |and Morrison ceived bronz medals,.p the drig company. Serious Charges Against Charlotte ,Doctors.. Charlotte Chronicle. vA,the meeting of the ‘burg County Medical Society on 30,a Charlottechanges)against Mec klen- have bem that does not take action im the cas s.at hand,that he pro-| posed to submit the evidence ta the|to help you,but,as I have .just -- lsolicttor of the district:and have|veted for Roosevelt I-..could not them:criminally.prosecuted. To lodge a the charge in to submit the charges . ‘of censors of thesocletiy wihiich com-Wonder again.The commission- infers ere trying to make us someTheac-|good roads at the least possible cused then has six weeks in which'|outlay,yet trying to do gustice to to make reply.and at the expira-all parties.Where one is damaged is|they ate,willing to pay a neasona- brought wp and)a formal trial gone ble amoumt to cover the loss,Well, submit the allegations to the THE MACHINE IS.A-TURNING, Wondering Some’More About the . -Things it Grinds Out-—How Mr.” Declined to Pull,Job Vote in‘Primaries—Laboring.fort:-‘Part of ‘the,Crop—Old-Time. Threshing ‘Machine.90 20)To:the Editer of The:Laridmark.sea "Wonder onee more,“Well,don't suppose this ought to be dons,am. the boys:didn't,like the’.wondering. done the ‘other day ..“But‘onegant ~eee hellp it,sometimes.ORS ROS I ea wrote "Fal’s articles:for bitin?”Of. Bet.you it wouldn't ble necessary 4o wonder but once.But the one who wrote:them didn’t know Tal.Had usd &Bell ‘phone and dhat he. worked for the American Tobacco Co.before he -got.to be a mer chant,Yes,’wotked for that great. big trust that has been sapling)the life out of the tobacco farmers alll . these years.Now;Tal's writer didn't». know.this or.be wouldn’t have put ; him’in such an awkand place:Ac cording to.Tal’s angument,if he went to the Legislature he would be bound to’work for the trubte’ interest,even if they ane mot pay-° ing him a retainer now,for.they have paid him some money in the past for services rendered or Bup-- posed to be mendered.In other: words,the American Tobacco Com- pany:-owns Tab thi balange of his days;So goodbye,Tal.»You don’t belong to yourself any,more. Wonder how one‘of the ‘‘whieels’’ of the “Madhiné'’’felt when,af-» ter that,titthe mieeting in ‘the alenk’sa ‘office,he went to a certain profes- sional man atid tolid him what thie ticket:was and whalt wonlid be ex- peeved of him,because the |“‘Ma- chine’had gotten a little job for him—a job the.county commission- ers had in hand—and was told by. the professional man that he would vol@ just as he pleased?.Geonge, that.hurt.’ Wonder what .thts game “wheel!” meant when'‘he went to another professional man just after the above and toid him the ‘Boss’!,wasn't satictiied with the man who heldresented!DY |the job,which’the “Bosw”had got- ten for him,-arid chat,they:had de- cided to give it to this one,only —well,this man was supposed to. control thine votes andi thia ‘“wheel’” just-would like to know what hie might depend on,Seer.| Wonder,‘oh wonder,how come physictan|one of the driving ‘“whieels”is .60 free with)money.A certain’party around town needed $5.He asked a friend,where he could borrow ft employer was for fees and the man who waited the money was for sal- or two,managed to get the money ani went back to let him have it, when beliold party said it was all fixed.The “driving wheel’’of the “Machime’’had.called im the mean- time.Oh,you! He named two Wonder again.A certain. regular ©Repub-ican was im.conr versation with a certain candiidate when the latter esked him ff he couldn't slip in’the primary and vote for.him.‘Well,I woulld bike. well afford te do what you ask.” compiaint against'a|Getting desperate:and are going.to fellow physiciam it is necessary -to ring in Republicans in the primaries wiping and|next.Satunday.Wouldn't that jolt to the board|youl?: one *upon a time,just necenty,»to The Clrarlotte phiysician miaking|be more explicit,the commission - sutisfy-the feels no hesitancy DeclarationRaleigh,May 20. — Cc.Davidse en- nh, by ladies.and children. the-‘charges put them im”writing.ers had to take a small strip off a He realizes full well.that:he wilh|certain “party's tand.This party: hat:to-submit suchi:proof as will |brought in a dharge for $20,which censors,.but|the commissioners thought too'much ’ and’is deter=|and offeréd’$15.~The “damaged mined tv Bee the matter through,|Party insisted cn $20;which)was al-~ lowed rather than seem to be un- Women Judges.for Juvdnile Courts.fair.Trying to save money for:the An endorsement of the movement for thé’appointment of women as judges of .juvenile courts was vot- ed at the session.of the State Fed- eration of Women’s Clubs in-Win- “The organization dorsed:the movement launched):by the Federated Women’s -Clpbs of the coumtry for a mammoth peace monifment to be placed at.the en- trance to the Panama canal.and)ac- cepted’the.invitation:of the Col- Dames of.North ‘Carolina to participate im the,univellingy of a memorial tablet to the MecklenburgIndependence,at county,as they whould do.But bets your heart!(After this hadi been:agneed’upon,a certain camdii+ date;who says he is working for thie interests of the dean people;walled in,before the commi.sioners wilth, a dlaim for $300°‘for,thie iitthe stiip.Guess he was ‘farming for ‘part of the crop,’’as Tal pays.Oh,my.on Wonder agaiin-—and we have just wondered.over this amtil we are dizvy.Why ts 4%all the lawyersbuttwoorthneebegintoturnthe-“wheels”of the “Machine as soon —as.the’Colonel speaks,when every. one.knows they would rather go the’other way.Well,every one knows wiho composes the Machiine :All graves of Con-|—_jt'g just ef 7 i federates in thie cemetery were dec-)chine’hs hae I oo pcan bide: The |time threehing machinies—one of bevedidtion was pronounced by Rev.the ki fa .one >kind where the horsés are ‘hitch- B.F.I argett and the Iredell Blues |eq one penind the other end just.go fired their usual salute and sound|pound and tround all diay tote.‘The ea taps.Colenel is wp on the platform and From the cemetery the veverans|the boys ane diowuy'pulling.tihe Col+ returnedto the count house,’here }onel has bis whiip in hand:calling they ‘were -served with)hot.coffee out,“GC:}”ry i and sandwichds -by the Daiigiters,they pal 1 Mee ho Se ae $ and during:the remainder of ‘the land then one gets tiret—n o wonder day they made use:of cards ™pre-|wy s ::“ie -nen—He has to ‘pull so hard—but sented by the Statesville Drug Com-~-the Colonel te ote Gracla:bile panyour:the Polk Giwy-Dig:Comic yn -and the aboy nas to Wey Bee pany entitling drinks,fee cream and cigars. to fountain |ing,AN this time the old ““Ma-x Oth-|chine’is goimg;some of the boys er courtesies.shown them were free|arg feeding into “it,-¢he little fel-o “it,eehieadmittance:sto tha Onescenti moving|j iaiiofSacaryh::ows are holding the Bac wisn- picture theatre.“ar’the presenta-na foe dinner thane,BO vey camticnbyMr,BE.G.Gaither of Con-|pet some “pid.”.But the Colonelfedgriite’anmy -calandars. t site tenant ‘»2Constipation causes,headaché,tion,Mizsiness,drowsiness:FOr a mild,|ting~the others have the Jeavings. opening medipine;-use Doan's Regulets.i ;‘2he avbox at all,sto at 1! indiges- hag’his eye on the envin:that’s er lag out and takes what be wants,fet-\, (Cbtitinued of fourth page.)fF | ‘Patterson Tied Himself Up—One “Another——Republicans.Asked ta Queofthe first wonders is,who’. course we all know he didn't do Bo” himself;we just ‘signed bis name.”.-‘ .SUIHRDAY.= GO AND.VOTE _ty.Says the his candidacy *wention: ‘RS a8 day,May 18th: “anged to eo to the:polls and).€x- .“salary tieket,.Go éanly.and stay Jate.’“Be »there at the opening and pemgin une »Decid core “Metter ~that YOUR"“SENTI- MENTS: The Mosreav ille Enterprise “of last week has bome timely and eminenit- Ty.‘pensible=remarks on the Pres- ent political contest in this coun- Enterprise:. Every Democrat in Inedell:county has aright to announce himself or permit’his friends to announce for any office within the gift of the.people,subject to the action of the Democratic par- ty at the primaries and county cone There is no such thing “bolting”faction.in the Dem- wcratic.party *in this.county,.be cause every Man has an.equal right when je comes before the people “BuUbj ect to the expressed will at:the, primaries.If mot,why have ;the |primaries?‘The primaries are:iO be held in +this county on Satur- Every Dem barat’is press himself,whether-he is for theti¢ket’’or for.some otter tid the poll closes.Sentiment is very much;“divided.in the county,but, the place to settle the differences’ is at?the primaries.If you do nob attend the.primaries and your can- didate is defeated,don’t blame *‘the bosses,’or anybody else..It is yourbasinésstobethereif.intenested, ‘and.then,submit to the Démocratic principle of majority rule.The on-ly fight.inthe county is the:legis- ‘ative ticket and that for the office’ of county superintendent of schools. e for yourself whom you willsupport.and vote your sentinients. Them’s our--politics: aon a rk is’in.entire.ac- nierprise in.this mm to make it.ap- Demecrats who are peir th canter r 2 change in the wanet endl yd cont e county's Business ax ‘is non- Berubic W pen it over it is o semioum idea that Santas y has any right tes for of- Are the if shis “county free men the right to for such ar they’believe to be for ést of all the people’to accept the dictum of right to assume the what and those who say.what is who is who,it would appear only the select few have a right-to suggest:candidates and is- Bues.Those who are so bold.as to express a contrary opinion are at once without the’pale.The idea ig monstrous.It is bossism run to seed.4 Gréensboro has the honor of en- tertaining Locke Craig,the only mam, since Vance’s time who will be nom- inated for Governor without’oppo- sition.—Greensbor Record,9th. Memory failing,Col.Reece.Ay- cock had no opposition in the State convention of 1900.: The Lexington Dispatch is 30 years old,having!been estallish- ed.in May,1882.It is a good newspaper,ip prosperous and de- serves.its prosperity. No Man Who.Uses Tobnecy.to Be Elected to.Office. Gommendation of Indian Commis- Sioner Robert G.Valentine for.his onder @irecting that in government schools all insignia of any particu- lar denomination.be removed and, that those wearing a distinctive Church garb lay mich’aside.while engaged in government duties,was given in a resolution adopted by th. Quadrennia)‘Conférence ‘of the Methodist Episcopal Church in ses- Sion at Minneapolis,Minn. Included i:work done by the Con- ferénce are the following items: Adopted resolution preventing lection to any office of the Gen- eral Conference of any man who uBpes tobacco in any form: Adopted resolution declaring that the Methodist Episcopal ©Church would prosecute mission.work in s8o-called Roman and Greek Catho- lic,countries despite the action oftheEcumenicalMissionaryConfer-ence at Edinburgh,which ‘went onrecordasopposedtomissidnworkbyProtestantChurchesinsuchcountries. Went om record as favoring union |of Methodist Episcopal and Methodist Episcopal Church,|South. Virginia Olaims Valuable Papers, In view of the claims of the Com monwealth of Virginia to the own- ership of 84 doe umentS in the Bén- Bon J.Lossing collection of valua-ble manuscripts,scheduled for salleinNewYorklastweek,the com-pany conducting the auction,rheagreedtowithdraw,the manmusc fisfromthepaleandtdrefertheqies-tion of ow nership.to a commissionrepresentingboththeStateofVir-@inia and the Lossing estate. The documents whose ow nership|is&-contested)dre those which it tsallegedDr.Lossing obtained ini862fromthegovernmentofVir-finia in connection with the writ-ing of bis book on thetion.| The CommonwealthatthetimeMr.Logsing:obtained.|possession of the nianiusc ripta moLegislaturewasbiltingandcoripe- quently no ‘authority existed to dis- pyre of the aoc mInents,nm).auto-+graph circular letter:fro Waphington during his ‘iret ad-ministration to the 13°governments| of the original Statey is one of:| thedisputed documenta.————— alleges that When baby.suffers with.eczeria orBomeitching.skin entae use Doan'sOintment..-A little <of,goes,4 long | Way and it ts safe for on fidreb.|b0c:4boxatalletores. hday,“Sth; Churches |* Tevolu-4 Ge ores| ‘STATE NEWS.© earn:‘Carnegie will give the-|Methodist churchi of Hendersonville-$1,000-—fora-pipe ongam if thechurch)will raise a similar amount. Mr..D;.A.Moose,58 ‘years old,died ‘Thursday at tis homie in.Hidkory..“He was a brother of Rey R.Moose,Methodisit mission-e.to Korea.Svander Howard,a prominent oetweeofSalembung,Sampson coun- ty,was instantly killed,Tast Wednes-|} day by the explosion~of a steam boiler at the brick plant of his son, Fraijk Howand,Robbers entered the Southern railway office at Princeton,John- ston county,last week and carried off a mail pouch.John Jones andMackSaunders,both colored,are in,jail to answer far the offence. Mrs.Elizabeth Capps,for a ~veek am inmate of the county’home.of Vanee .county,committed .suicide last.week by jumping,in.-a >well,She was denrented:and had sever-.al’times.threatened:to:'tuke herlife,VACA Wilkesboro,Patriot:Mr:"Budi@hambers,‘of north)Iredell;a far ancy citizen of Lovaace,has pu‘opaséd the-Nathan.Williams farm yeor Hunting Creek postoffice andwillcomehack-im ‘the fall to take. possession of it.' The twenty-fifth ariniversary ofRey,‘Dr,R.G:Miller’s pastorateof.‘Sandis Associate |Reformed Presbyterian church;.Mecklenburg <ounty,‘was appropriately|celébrat- ed last.Friday.Addresses were maxie by a number of -ministers and others:Mr,:Tsaac 'C.Welborn at his home.in died Sun- Wilkes- boro,aged 61,He was an attor ney,‘farmerly.in’active practice jbut.fer 20 years had not been’in active,practice.He was unmarried)and is survived’by foun,brot hers| and a sister. At .ite session ini Raleigh la week the Grand?Lodge ofOde ¥ lows.increased its appfropriatio to the Orphans’Home boro by $5,000:The increasecapitaamountsto30.cents.Here: tofore the .grand.lodge has been| giving $15,000 a year but from Lowonitwillgive$20,000. "At MeFarlan,Anson)county, days ago,A.B.Moore,’town.con- stable,served"a warrant on Earl Simmons,colored,who was wanted for'an assault with a deadly weapon on another colored man.The of-ficer deputized his cousin,A.V. Moore,to assist in the,anrest.Sim-mons drew a brick on the men:and said he would not be arrested.A. V.Moore fired’on him and instant- ly killed him...° Proved the Failure of the Meat Inspection Law, Mrs.Caroline Bartlett ‘Crane, of Michigan,told)the committee:of Congress _on .expenditures ini the Agricultural Department,the other day.how,’in her opinion,the meat inspection law had ‘been violated by regulations made by the Bureay of Animal Industry in the Depart- ment of Agmiculture,Mrs.Crane appeared in support of the resolu- tion of Representative.Nelson,of Wisconsin,which)askgp for a con- gressional inquiry into the adminis-tration of the mieat fhspection law and.in course of her testimony ex-hibited a can.officially,inspected, Passed and séaled by the depart- ment as containing.lard,which, when the seal was broken,proved to contain only a couple of pounds of taffy. Mrs.Crane made no specificchargesoffraud:against any,pack- er.She said she Knew.of no sub- Stitutiom of diseased meat ‘for wholesome meats.passed by the inspectors.Her only contention was that under the regulations it.was _possible for.the.packers to’defraud the .people and that these same regulations reduce:the protection to,the”Dublin afforded by.the law. “Here is,an object jeaocn,’Baid Mrs.Crane,producing a eo canembellishedwiththelabelofawell-known packing house.Attached to.the label was ithelegend,‘Inspected by the United States Department of Agricultureandpassed.””Inside the Jard)can:;}Was the govérnment seal.Quickly breaking the seal,Mrs.‘Crane|hibited the lard.It proved to be acoupleofpoundsofbrowntaffydoneup:in tissue paper. When the laughter had subsidedMrs,Grane passed)thie taffy aroundandremarkedthatherobject-lessonshowshoweasyitwouldbetopassacanoflardtotheconsumerwithithegovernment's guarantee on thelabel,although.it meant.absolutelynothing.i —__ .More Pensions Voted. The substitute for the Sherwood|;Pension,bill,which has been agreedon.by both hlouses of C ongress,will,ys the Charlotte Observer,add|$25,797,702 to ‘appropriations:for.|Pensions,which)last year amounted|to°$157,980,575.The new Dill callsforthe‘expenditure of $1,685,000more’than the measure passed bytheSenateasasubstitutefortheSherwood.bill.-Thée Shanwood billadded$75,000,000 annually to theappropriationforpensions.The compromisebillproposedinthe.Sen-ate adds $24 900,000.to the pensionburdensofthecountry.The pres-ent bill,on which there has been|Serecment,Will increase the fhay-jinents on weeount.of pensions $25a797,702 anguallypensionerswhowill;by.the act wilt be 420,965 and theaverage.additional increase .foreachofthe|beneficiaries wilk be$61.28.:_ STATE OF OHIO,ciTy OF \LUCAS:COUNTY Frank “J.Cheney mikes"oathhe-fs"senior partner of the ‘firm.oJ.Wheney &Cor,doitig business fr eh|City of Toledo,County and State atone:|said,and that’said™Tirm will pay the}sum of ONE .HUNDRE PD,DOLLARS ‘Zorjeachandeverycaséof*‘Catarrh that.can—he evyred by the ov oe|tarrh Cure,FRANK J.Cline ¥,Sworn’to before me and subscribednhmypresence,tht lasloember.A De 48 i 6th day of De ~Seal.) The number of be benefited ie A.Wi BUBABON,otary Public.n Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal-¥.,4nd acts directly on the blood andmucousSurfacesof|tor Lorimoniais,tree.fpparenbiesctets::,|F.J,CHENBY &CO,,Toledo,oO,ce by all druggists,76c.i Hall's Family ‘'sial,:Pills tor con~ ‘|Mny Regret the Failure of |Reel- at Golds-.| per:; some |: ex-'f TOLEDO,: procity—Case of When Baltimore Sun.A cate that the crop is*muchi injwredandthatthe.ie will’be small.. Indeed,it is predicted that the:crop. of the United’States:will-not pup ply the home demand.On the oth- er:hand,.Canada grows spring wheat ‘exclusively “andthe crop of the Dominion.may be a ‘full one,per- ‘mitting a large ‘export.If ‘there’ should,in.facet,be a.short crop in the United States and a large crop in Canada,the fanmers of the latter country may have cause to re- gret their rejection.of|reciprocity treaty.which)was offered by the United States The people in the United.States W ho have to buy their bread will also have cause to regret: it...A‘majority of the fanmers in this country:are ‘not.engaged in wheat-growing and they;along with. the people im cities ~and,towns,would vet their.bread cheaper,if resort must be had to Canada for a! supply."Phe tanifif on wheat:is 25 cents “a ‘bushel.That means ‘$1.25.for enough to."maké ja barrél ©of.flour,anid an advance:‘of $1.25 a barrel-in the*pri¢e of floum will be a heavy burden:upon:the-“bre;adi |‘ners’of'the land,ae Stubhorn old .Cata ended every. Speech ke made iin the Romam Senr até.upon any:subject with ‘the de- elaration.that “Carthage.must,be deathoyed.”’It.would be ani.ap-|' propriate ending for each of the Speeches.Made inv Comgress,‘‘The tariff must be.’revised.’’:| “Had.dyspepsia.or.indigestion for | years.|No appetite,and what I.dideatdistressedme’terribly.Burdock|Mood Bitters reached.the cause,tomJiiWalker,Sunbury,Ohio.:ee, Never can you tell when you’}h mash |0 suffer a_cut,bruise,bern)! >prepare:Cr,‘housandsas’Eclectic Oil,You drugg Zbe.and 60c, NOTICE TO -CREDITORS, — Reponts fram’matity’of theStates which produce--winter —wheat-inidi-|. yWere ture.. nn Wyore llHWS(| Be up--té-dats and furnish your Boroh’or:Taw with.61d Hickory Fatal:foItiscomfortable,durable,artistic and the price:‘is very reasonable,”~You ¢an see it at.our atore. Graver unc Furnitare Compry, relyt OLD PAPERS 10 cents the 100,Fine for wrapping and make||splendidwallpeperingforthe-notover-fastidious,|THE LANDMAR. FOR SERVICE. R EGISTERED Jersey Bull. iC.,Proprietor, R..F.D,No,2. His Erandaire |‘’sold for $10,200 at eight months old.Both |}his grand-dames have recorda of over 600.Ibe:[|butter in &year.A BUTTER BRED BULL.|Walnut Grove Farm,|) H.H.eeStatesville,N |~1,000.or’more old!*newspapers for sale at| | Having qualified as administeabee’of the esta jof W.B.Anderson,dec I hereby notifyai |persons having claimsagaihst hié estate to pre- }sent same to me.on or before the I4th day of May. to settle.E.0,R_B,McLaughlin,Atty.ANDERSON, i NOTICE aw|change for one hushel of good wheat.|1913,.Thoge Indebted to the estate are requested|MILL. and April 30.—8t. WL GIVE 40 pounds saad12.pounds bran in ex-BUTLER|Harmony,N.C Ellis Tharpe.Miller,and|J.-B,Wilson,Proprietor..| “Administrator.|May 14th,1912.ss SUBSCRIBE FOR .THE LANDMARK.| The Fountain of Purity “On the’Square.” On the Square. The Polk Gray Drug Company, waratnierian SPECIALISTS.| *Phones 109 and 410. ‘get your celled and go home happy. L.HARRILL,- Are the lucky holder of sharessin our 39th series which will mature May ist call at the office ‘on that day and If you are a borrower call”wad get your mortgage can-. Secretary. [Specials For Toast] pair. 6 t Six Silk Dresses,$12 choice es,one-half price. mostly one-half price. $4.00 to $6.50, *pe value.,1 Scale ad Pe Forty Black Voile and Panama,Skirts, \ Twenty-five dozen Ladies’s Silk Hose 25c. Same grade we sold last season.Fifty ‘doz.Ladies’Lisle Hose,25c.value,choice 15c. One hundred Ladies’White Shirt Waiste, $1.50 to $2.25 values,choice -50 to.$15.00 values, 4 ‘98 98¢, Twentyfigured Lawn aud Gingham Dress- Thirty Linon Tailored Suits that sold from Choice $1.50 the Skirt. Are well worth the money.~ “One case Ladies’Taped Vest,regular 10c. Choice 74c.each.ae ‘@ne hundred Trimmed Hats reduced.See them The style and pricé will interest ygu, .Very respectfully,+. THER.M.KNOX.CO."Gales Day is the.first Monday in;each month in Statesville,N.C. |scissors,scissors for cuttin v ns ecg:Vat Cree Mes ras i ge — John Deere Pivot-Axle Cultivator. The above cut shows our new Pivot Axle Cultivator.We-shave sold over ond hundred of these labor-saving machines to good far- mers of this county,and those who use this improved Pivot Axle Cultivator (which is an improvetnent over all-other:Cultivators), .reduces the cost of making the first crop more than we ask for our Cultivator.'If you are in the.market for any kind of the latest im- proved farm implements,you will save time and-money to.come direct to us,as we handle nothing but-the very best at the very lowest price;quality considered..We handle no implement-that we cannot get repairs for promptly. Hardware =Harness Company. ~SOSSORS Razors and Cutlery. You will be impressed with the wonderful variety of Wiss Shears and Scissors for every conceivable use.Dainty little embroidery Scissors 3 inches long to massive tailors’shéars 16 inches long We have shears for the tailor,dressmaker,~milliner,trimming scissors;embroidery button holes;manicure scissors,nail scis- sors,.office shears,shears or left’handed.persons—shears for every concéivable use.*We havea special exhibit from the Wiss factory which illustrates the processes by which the Wiss ‘‘Steelforged’’Shears:and Scissors aremade..An expert from the Wiss factory is here and he will graphically explain the Wiss American method of making:the best shears the world produces. SPECIAE DURING DEMONSTRATION WEEK: Large Dresemaking Shears,Demonstration Price 90c. S inch Trimming Scissors,Demonstration Price 70c. “3inch Embroidery Scissors.Demonstration Price 50c. ButtonHole:‘Scissors,Demonstration Price 75¢, We have Shears and Scissors for every use—all tepecial priced during this demonstration, alsiaiis White-Stimpson Hardware Company. CUT GLASS You want a piece fora Wedding?.-I have it,large or small pieces’The very finest cuts.Bon Bon,Berty:Dishes,Water Sets,Vases,Salt and Pepper. P.S.:WHERE IS SOUTH BEND?EN, H.B-WOODWARD,|Jeweler. Sp e c o . ” io n al PE R oe es -[Jenkins &Wagner,| ,img streets.*° and barn, ==S ma THPo oO Te gag ste Five-room cottage,No,205.south Race street.i .Two-story house,No.‘111Highlandavenue. Tworstory,six-room»housewestSharpeaireet. Sy ah City:water in -all-of the’:above houses..’ :tb Ans vars {;Aifinterested:see us. Rte:.I « REAL ESTATE DEALERS, Statesville,N.Cc. OFFICE:ROOM 3, First National,Bank Building. "PHONE:aa. FORSASALE! |they wovld do anything tm st THE LANDMARK y.IsIT TOTO STRATFORD-ON -AVON. TURSDAY,=-—-May 14)1912 LOCAL RAILROAD SCHEDULE, ‘Arrival and Departure —of Traine atStatesville.-WESTERN ROAD,‘Prain No,16,west-bound,due 5.55 a.m.Train.No,16,.east-bound,due 11.20 p.md‘Train No,11,west-bound,due 10.20 a..Train No,a1,west-bound,due 3,26 p.m.‘Train No,85,west-bound,due 10,22 p.mTrainNo:36,east-bound,due 1100 amzeaeNo,%.rob ‘pounes due i 20D.mebound,due 6.45 p.Train No.im.CHARLOTEE “AND TAYLORSVILLE,From,Charlotte.No.26 ar.9.50,leaves 11.00 a.mNox24ar.8.25,leaves -8.35 p.mFromTaylorsville.Train No,23 ar.109.10,.eaves 11.00 a.mTrainNo.15 arr 6.20,leaves 6.45 p,m. TrainTrain ———SE |Called ‘on’the Candidates’tor.thaPromisedHelp,’ Monroe Enquirer... ‘MI.drove into.get wagon.load me chop my.cotton,”said)Esq.K,. B.Purser,of New.Salem tow nship; last,Monday:~<PHe candidates:all: told me,"said,Mr.“Purser,“that o a’two-liorse’ fon me that.they could-2 ‘and as:my.cotton,needs chopping.IthoughtthatIwouldcomefn.and lget ¢iiem to help:mea ‘out ta “pee if they meant what.they paid when they were ‘talking about doing oe for me.”i8.Purser went home alone, ’Wilkesboro Patriot Bays:that Cash.wohases WarelWarehouse,lot 130x285,corner Walnut and Meet.| Lot 60x107,:corer Court and| Meeting streets.d 26%.acres,at EBufola,ane per acre. 76 acres,one mile east of court) houvee.i 76 acres,one mile and a halt) weet. 36 acres,one mile and a tah “west. 70 acres,one mile and.a half | weat.-211 acres,five miles north,$30 per acre.356 acres,“three miles east,$25 per acre iA-mumber of other desirable| farms and,business properties..See| ‘me before making an investinent.|ISIDORE WALLACE,| —National Bank Building. "Phone 240.| i{$12,000 of City Property’ FORSALE Five-room ‘house and lot.mouth | Center street,near depot.|Two vacant lots rear above, Meeting street.Six vacant lots south of Brad-| ford Knitting Mill.,Hight-room.house,food and four acres of land, Buffalo Shoal Road. Four-room house, Buffalo Shoal Roa‘Two.Yacant lots Baffalo Shoal} “oad. Store house ani residence and| acre lot,junction west Front street} and Buf Shoal Road.Also stoch|of Groceries and Fixtures.| Call on or write Cc:B.MORRISON,739 West Front St. March 8-‘Phone(227.|j NOTICE! TO OUR PATRONSANDTHEPUBLIC: |i well | We.wish to announce that although we lave had a fire we are taking care of our business just as usual.Let us haveyourlaundrywork.We Will appreciate it. STATESVILLE STEAM LAUNDRY :7PHONE 122 Poultry Supplies ! Just received shipment |—Cycle Hatchers. Come and get one and let your hen go back to eggproduction. Also have Drinking Foun- tains,Food.Trays,:Food Hoppers,‘etc.! i PHONE 4 W.B.BROWN«¢orBLSRONCE. £1 Pinewood :Dairy Farm, STATESVILLE,N.C.RF.D,NQ.2,’ W.C.WOOTEN.&SONS,PROPS. SEED.CORN.Weekly’s Im- provedvariety at$2pperbushel. | 6%-acres land,|. LK (cFR"55;pure milk,freak,testedcows,delivered daily anywhere Le7LNN..PAINKy Phone:wit May 7, Join’The’Crowd at The || Davis White Sulphur Springs Pare Air;Pure Water;Pure Food; Large Hotel;Large Porches;Large Crowd;Large Place,(15Q Acres.) Best of cooks;best of fair;best fried chicken.Good accommodations,Good m A good home,Nee ‘lat home,free and e v of doors on.the mo or.on the hills.Me . Two,daily mail trains, and up-to date.except Sun- day,: Weekly Rates $6 to’$8,July and August $8.10 $10.Special rates to clabs and families.Write for Booklet to The Davis Springs HIDDENITE,N.C. of candidates to.help e word The Shakesphareare Festival a De- ighttul Event in Which America \.the Spell of tier Great Voet Over: it ALL’; Correspondence of whe Seuacinele Shakespeare.Festival.held annual- ly atStratford-on-Avon seems to be the event tor which the town.chief ly.lives,moves and has its’.being.This festival begins with Shakes-peare's birthday,the 23rd of April, and continues for three weeks,dur- ing which time.plays are eiven twi¢e daily in the Memorial Thea- tre,In company with a small party of Americans from London and Ox- ford University,I arrived in Strat- ford “on the evening:of:‘the 22d. Plage and,banvers.all ‘around the Station.gave notice that the town‘was en fete.As we drove through! the “streets .flags:aud decorationsweretobe:seen everywhere.of us who had pictured,’Stratidrd- as anh.obscure little Village were rather.surprised’.to:find it a.town,of:dight thousand,inhabitants,with payed -streets,attractive stores and‘ecomfortabhe hotels.Thirty:thous ahd visitors are,suid to come’every”Lyear,of whom one-fourth are.from the United’States, The celebration began on ‘the morning of:the 23d at.‘six o’alockby.the ringing of.the bell at -the church of the Hgly Trinity,.whereto.I.Messick,one ‘of.the best.|Shakespaere is buried At.11 known mem.in Wilkes county,died |o'’clock on the main ‘street.there a week ago at his home .in Ready |was the-ceremony of unfurling the Branch community,He was.a’vet-|flags of all dations.«Plag poles. érinary surgeon.jJhad been.erected and these were ee 1 linked —tegether—by~erergreen-gar—jands;and at the base of each wasapedestalcoveredwithfloraldec- orations the shields:and Var- ious devices of the different ¢oun- and was a gllericus pring day was.truly inepir-4 “church was reach- ddréss was made by atid then the flow- by the chancel, while the clergy received the flow- ers and pliced ‘them on the grave. After this am elaborate -luncheon was served_at the-Town Hall,pre- sided over ty the mayor.A toast to “The Immortal Memory of Wik liam Shakspeare’was responded tors It» non er bearers f _Open May 15th.to October 15th to by representatives from:foreign jwhich is always excellent -|that is specially-adapted to her |baking needs. Her P ies,Biscuit,Bread,Cakes, lete. |'wholesome when she:uses CITY}FLOUR.Yourgrocer will sup- |ply you if you say CITY BRAND| distinctly. City:Flour Milling Co.® Com and Cats SaERaandenaetteaeteeee eee Car White Corn. -Car White Oats. Harper’s Prolific Seed Corn 740 bushels grown on 8 acres.High grade Flour —White Swann.Also cheaper.grades,and all kiuds feed stuff.See >1ie- before you buy’|eres A.A.Colvert. and|¢ ,are splendidly delicious.and | countries.We had no voice in it, lag our ambsesedor was|be present.The.minister from '|Hayti,who made fis speech in |Brench,wus ihe’most interes jpersonalitty.H*was perfectly.black j}and so.éntirely Hike the types with|whien we of the South fdmiliar .that his court manners land elegant language could but.pro- |dace an effect of amusing incon- |gruity j;ure in the fact |more ap ple ies speakers We felt a personal pleas- received| the that he than,any.of j |.A Visit to.Anne Hathaway's cot- j tage in the nearby hamlet of Bhot- Js ,‘itery,and a walk home at sunsetThehousewifegladlywelcomes}across the fields:and along the+¥r one .path whi hb Shakespeare imself | OI Try I LOL R agers $0 often have trod,piaaeee to ‘.,‘ene close a‘day in all respectsjintoher.kitchen for in CITY)ce|BRAND she secures that flow The home of Shakespeare is ow: d by .the government,and has been. restor das nearly.as possible —to Kigured—A Benutiful Spot and |, Stratford-on-Avou,April 28.—~The unable to)" 4 i are 60; Cool Spring N ws—-Recoption..for the Students.: Morssbondunas of The Landmark.~~* Turner amd family,who have ‘beenlivinginCagolSpringforthepast five years,moved last week.to.theifarminwtowan.We:regret to lose this good family. Mrs,_Elizabetin Page,who was il for some time,is very .much)im- proved and her many friends Hope she will soon be ‘well.again.; Miss Lila Anderson left ~lastMondayforthemountdins,.where she will spend the summer. Mrs.Jo.Swann,of Somora,N:C.,is visiting at Mr.and Mrs.T.B. Swann’s.‘; -.Mrs.R.Hy Graham and.littledaughter,Ethel ‘Holmes,‘of Ashe-. ville,“are visiting Mrs..Grahani’s aunt,Mrs...N.©.Summers,“Mrs.Lauta Holman is spendingawhileatherhomeimCoolSpring: oA reception’owas given at’thehonieofMr.and’Mrs;W;FP.Reece last Friday night for the boarding studentts Of.Cool:Spring ‘academy, Lou Steele, street and Mr.WK;Stone- Ice créam.way served,and the tinte to.Bay goodbye”came all too soon.It «was regretted very||much.that all.the studens:could not be.there,‘M eeerriereninetaement| Wire Company.Officials°Destroyed Papers.; The question’“as:to whether.of-.ficers’of the ~American Steel & Wire .Co,‘ordered the destruction‘evidence used).in the .so0-of the a ll Jackson or after wirethefiling of the United States ‘Steel Corporation was,answered Thursday.Frank,Baackes, ey rae .vice president of.the wire company,tries.Tn unfurling the flag a Wit-te,‘d,befone Commissioner Browtthespetch.was.made and them che |ip.1@¢had given ‘the order tobandplayed’the’..national air.The |Georee A.Cragin,his.assistantUnitedStates’occupied the central|gaies mm nager.at .Worchasteraeionanditwasgood10B°@|Mass.,in’September or early in Oc-j the old flag “flung to the.breeze,tober ‘last The suit was filed on 1 to the str America,Octobe ; fo After hae Coney the crowd T@|)Baackes »testified further thatjbulredtoShakespeare's home,ihe had given orders ‘after:the dis-|Where the.floral ‘procession)W48 |solutio of the wire pools there|formed,Ourlittle (party felt hon-|year,aco gor the destruction:ofadsgheingegivezacri7peeshiDEREBvewwyplacewithaitthepapersconhectinghis,com-the 5 ukespeare club,‘near the |pany with,the pools operations,butBEReeePtrocesSion:We /that the order had been only partly marened four through)the fexecuted.It was due-to this over-Streets of the nand the way (Sight:that the papers now-in:ques-was lined >with }upd reds of specta-|.on came,into the hands of the gov: ment. of York’Institute Communi- tr-—BirtAiday Celebration,._- News Corre onde nee of,The Landmark. i York Ingtitute,,May.9:<-Mr.RB. }/Aten is attending,Rutherford|@ College commencemént.‘this week, Miss Ollie Belk,of |Monroe,ig visiting.Miss Tressie Walden: Rev.MT Smathers,of Taylors- ville,spent Wednesday:with Capt. iN:Sharpe, not improve. Several.of our people are attend- ng the commencement ,exercises atTyylorsvillethisweek. Mrs.W.A.Sharpe,of this place, |went to Hiddenite’Monday to help celebrate the birthday of .her mother,Mrs.-T.F.Murdodk.The day was véry pleasantly wpent and2nicedinnergerved. |Mrs.Ida Carson,of.Taylorsville, visited:relatives ‘here this week. There has been quite an ne) ment in portions of Gwaltnéy’s Ownship over the appearance of al whose condition does |mad dog..Several dags were.bit- en:: The River and Hax-bor.Bill—Money :for North Carolina. The river’.and harbor appro- priation bill was,passed by.the|Senate Thursday,dimended to car- ry $8,000,000 more than by the House and ‘making <a totalofabout$34,000,000.‘The -princi- “al increase.was $2,500,000:to the was passed poe sak wa the ee House provision of $3,500,000 foree;ee WT jimproving the Mississippi,—.many eresting memorials are For this State the pill carries preserved sce nding a eran ays $300,000 for beginning.work on anetrowandtinewort,We enter!hasbor of-refuge at Cape.Lookout,the room Wier Shakespeare WeS|$300,000.for .the 26-foot project eal e Reap aod ete es,:of for the Cape Fear river below Wil- lthe world.Thewalls,ouilicn -°}Mngton,$200,000 for dredge and rindows are covered with the names inyprovement.of inland waterway be- r ndotpilgrimswhocamehere‘before vote a rae Set ieheHeanvwieitLteeTNs-oot ei Lares >2 |the re were any visitors books J ©total for North Carolina waterwaysjmames,of Walter Scott and Thos.|ig §1 455.000::Carlyle can be traced on the win-|ern |\dowpanes and the custodfanm point-|-‘Rutherftord College "Will:Not Baeedoutotherfamoussignatures:Moved.som:the walis |;The church in which Shakespeare is buried is interesting for its own sake,both because of its age ann attractiva architecture; exceedingg beauty of its situation beside the placid Avon.The ap- proach is through a splendid avenue a “Sanctuary Knocker,’’.consist of an iron ring passing throug a grotesque head.We are told that in the old days if a fleeing crim- |inal ‘could sreach and taka hold of this ring’-e was safe.from,furth-er pursuit. The’Harvard House,wheremother.of John He wrvard, Harvard Wniversity, the | founder.of neglected ~and.defaced,it |Was restored by a:wealthy American S.J.Holland. Has good.farm horses and mules for sale for™ cash or.on time.Terms to suit purchaser, as Best equipped livery in town.~ Day or Night,-Tt aPhoned.i FRAZIER, +:‘ ae Ws4TINNER, ‘NORTH ee STREET..‘PHONES SESE/RESIDENCE 9980. through the instrumentality of Marie Correli,handsomely fitted upfurnitureoftheperiod,and pre-séuted to Harvard University..There is ,.a ‘Treading room where Adneri- ean newspapers are provided,and| it makés a pleasant gathering place! for American:visitors. This week in Stratford-on-Avon has been as delightful as nature in her fairest mood could make it, with sunny days and moonlight nighitg,with)flowers and nightin-gales"and,the beautiful river—and the spell of thie great poet over all’MARY ROBBINS LONG.nui uaceene : Pour appelile is vapaireddigestion.berlain’s Stomach and Liver TabletswillStrengthenyourdiManan‘and im-rove your.appetite,sands \j,haveeenbenefitedbyteicherthesePanes.Soid by all dealers. It would surprise you to know of thegreatgoodthat”is being~‘done.°byChamberlain's Tablets.Darius.Downey,of Newberg Junction,.N,hy writes,“My*wife -has been.using Chamberlain’s sure.sign of im- amd ‘doing ler lots of good.’If yotihaveanytroublewithyourpromisor and for’the} ;of lime trees and the old door has} h.|rheumatism. hive ad,is a] with} A few doses of Cham-|4j4ti Tabl ts and.finds them very,effectual |) |Hickory’Democrat,9th.A |}.The trustees of Rutherford Col-, jlege decided Tuesday not to have any More agitation for removal.Thecollegewillstaywhereit-is:The jalumni at commencement yesterday considered plans for raising.mon- ey for enlargement. Now is the time to get rid’of your You ean do-it.by aljply-ing Chamberlain’s Liniment and mas- }saging the parts freely at:each ap.|plication. “ONLY.50 CE Nas. That's All it Costa to Put.Your Bad Rebellious Stomach in Fine Condition, | || beautiful ,exami y _iidinga |“er :Ot that ee tae be Mating ai |,In just five minutes that distress-|great 1 as chelator aving.een ting lump will:‘pasa away if youtakeoneortwoKittlaMI-O-NA tab-|lets. it’s reatly a-crime \for any per- Son to go on suffering from an out of order stomack’:bétause:such a causes dull eyes,.sallow skin,pim- |ples,blotches and.unbightly blem-ishes.4 -Why not get rid:of {idipoeeian. sourness,gas,nervousness,bilious- ness?It’s ea®y ‘enough.MI-O-NA Stomach,tablets banish ali stomach thisery,or monéy back* #4 ppos st mess 9199014 F008]!Surpying ysoij ‘Furysprnou yee pire wontp su09 paw:Yee [vtoues anok eaoidwmy *pesordure Anyasus oq plnoys ynq ‘poos seurjoutos st eves sue PoPEeee qouuvs [—"9°Wfossoone,Auquytwaior wore@StItpureOAr}9e7;2,pederdmie 1 3B oany T SUOMIOIIp dod S¥44Sut£1940-4E ben pus “OH "Ss ‘WOWse]IBYD7B “OL WA) cae IM St}!UOAZ 10 9.1039 Fopr eosin‘Utes P[HPA,T 8,UOSTI AA JO Teraveepee.eae eaaisp Ayyopnb puw freee as Ajjved ore Koy,“sepoay mod qnoqa Sere om Were oF HMOOF ate.nex —g PM eee ALNVadLOIA:»Se aTTAHOVA aKVavie bowels give ‘them,a ‘STINKalldealers.Fi sale br Cool Spiing,May 8—Mr.H..PF.} Avlatge crowd.was.present ang:al!|| Seemed to have,a plaasant time. Music was ‘rendered ‘by Miss.Katia pool cases.| ‘pending dissolution suit against the} For sale by:all dealers,euts “SUA “38hq oY}Suldoarep LF ene eae?‘ ‘Salem,Va.Das,22,1908, We have sold nea thousand gallons of ©Zl as your hooks will show,and chars:not.: seen or heard of.a paint that gives such.‘Universal satisfaction,aneseVerytralyyours,-aeyseBRORRASAREHCO,Aw ce as ;i ——FOR,SALE Bye ‘Lazenby-Montgomery.Hardware fro _Statesville,1N.iC, The Worst is Yet to Come i When one customer finds'‘out.ftom another that sorhe house is giving oné a -‘‘fairer deal.’’We'd.like nothing.better _than a.convention of our customers to sound our policy. Same Prices.Same Terms. _Same Treatment toAll. Look over our.Ready-to-Wears,which we are eldsing ‘out at cost. Our line of piece goods iis second to none.. ALLEN L.MILLS, THE CASH STORE oe (Successor to The Ladies’Furnishing Store.)~~, $Panama and Straw Hals |! ‘It is now time to lay aside tliat Fur or Stiff ‘Hat and let us sell you a nice Panama or Straw. Our stock of Panamas and Straw Hats’is verycomplete,consisting of rough or smooth straw, correct height crown andwidthbrimtheverylatest Panamas at $5.00,$5.50,$6.00 +Straws at 1.50,2 50, It will beta.your advantage to seé us.before buying.ay *. Sherrill-White Shoe Com’Ys (S.B.Miller Old Stand.) ee s e so n e : se n n e n e c s s e n s rT AN UP-TO-DATEBOOKKEEPER: office supplies.Rightly,too, for with them the work.goes better-and quicker.Ourline of commercial _stationery is the best and most complete in.this community.We shall be glad to have you test it and our mod- erate prices,whether you need anything*from a few pens toa complete set of.new.books.KR;P.ALLISON'S,BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE. 0800088600 @HO6660602 0600008 ig t t e s e n e e s e n n s e n rl PEMOVAT Cir nil |REMOVAL SALE!) For forty-seven clays we will offer our entire tokatgreatlyreducreid_prices,This stock ineludésnewStieffs,nek’Shaws,new Bennett &Bretzs,new Kohler &Campbells,and other _mnakés of new Pianos did many difterent makes ofsecondhandPianosthathavebeenthoroughly” repaired,refinished,etc.,in our shop. All of these Pianos are excellent bargains..We hope.to'move this stock rapidly.and if price’has anything to do with the :sale it will go quickly. GHAS.M.STIEFF, 5West Trade Street,Charlotte,N.C. STE FEBUJILDING,,219 South Tryon Street,.Qppo-7 site Academyoff Music,after June Ist,191e.wis 3.00 —: insists on good stationery and THE LANDMARK “RR.CLARK,EDITOR AND OWNER, «held at the voting:place ini>each <<wight to be)heand -memitier ofthe executive ‘committye settle the salary question.ee skit 4isauthorizcdtopreside;but asidd} other member of the committee has han?‘by 2.If they straggle im late: ‘and the’meeting.has:been,eld,o).sthey,willhave themselves to blame. .two or three people run.the meet- precinet voter,The voters can select their $ ees PAGEFOUR...ao PUBLISHED TUESDAY AND FRIDAY. ‘.120 WEST BROAD.STREET.OFFICE:WBS Ie TON PRICE:|ONE YEA SiskWERPHRERMONTHS.0.100! MUESDAY,~—-—May 14,1912.a : +50 THE RPIMARIES SATURDAY. Me.Democratic voters who feel an,interest in public matters—and all of them should:feel ani interest’ —should make it a point to &ttend the Democratic primaried Satur- day afternoon,Outside of the town-ships'.of.Statesville and.Coddle Creek-—wiiere primary elections,willl be cheld—p redi not -meetings will be ‘township at 2 o'clock’(Voters should:take note of the:hour ani ’..be on Another thing:every voter Has:a ina precinct méeting.If the voters.who.attend sit ‘with:closéd «mouths and let ing,it will be their own fault df the meeting isn’t conducted.as they would ‘have it.Nhe chairman of the commiltteé is amthorized “law to preside at tha his absence some by meetiues,.or ip party from this the chairman nor any uO'More authority than any other own elegates or authorize the chairman to appoint them,but the chair has no.authority’-to appoint delegates unless he is authorized. a vote ou any question,he may wish party of Irede0pasecontestin the primaries of our ANOTHER FROM EUPOLA, Champions Messrs.and’Hall.”: TO the Editor of ‘The Landmark:.° »Eufola,May 11—The ‘Democraticiwillsettleaveryim- party to be held May 18th..Thelinesaredrawnbetweentwosetsofcandi- dates..W,.D.Turner for the Senate,T.H.Williams and S.Frontis for theHousehavebeenplacedinthefieldby candidates,A.D Watts for the Sen-ate,H.P.Grier and Thomas Hall for the\House,have announced their can-didacy in the regular way.The sala-ry candidates,as they call themselves—-Turner,Williams and |Frontis—areattemptingto.make the salary ques-tion:the sole issue ‘and intimate thatsalariescanbeobtainedinnootherwaythantonominatethemon.‘thisplatform,which they claim as_their.own,Ses at ahs mitted the Salary question to a -fairvote«of all.Demoerats at the polls.What fairer and.more demécratic’method,,.could be employed?‘ThismethodcommendeditselftotheStateexecutivecommitteewhenitadopteditasthebestwayto‘settle the greatsenatoralcontest.If we can settlethatmostimportantmatterinthatway,why not a local issue?And,moreover,we were taught two yearsagobyW.D,Turner,the editor ofTheLandmarkandmanyothers,thatthiswasthepeople’s wayand placetoWhyhave’these gentlemen abandoned their po-sition’of two years ago which they sostrenuouslymaintained?[Keep thefactsstraight:After an attempt togetthematterbeforetheprimaries’two years ago had been thwarted,itwassuggestedthattheDémocratsbe allowed to express themselves at’theolls,the only opportunity remainingforanexpression.The Landmark has primaries —The Landmark.} What Democrat will claim that a ma- lo present the meeting;and when|«there js,more thaw one candidate|jority.of our party shall notsettle thisquestion?What.Democratic.repre- Mr.Clark ‘Takes Up,Cudgeli— a ne an ¥|United:States Senator,T‘crat people of Iredell county should it the mass meeting,while the -other- The executive committee has:sub:|Landmark,}~ always:urged passing on the matterin|Any,voter has,a right,to demand thet,een pa £ -for any office it ig specifically pro-|sentative of this county hasever diso-vided by party law that a vote must|beyed me plain parent a.be taken to ascertain the strength|tons of the people?Messrs Watts,‘5 ;DHE ra)idof.the various tandidates and the |Grier and It have always obeyé Turner,believe the people ofwantdoneinregardtaheDemo- eoplewant,as well as Mr,0 do what weIredellcounty Ra not forget the many great things ourSenator,‘Mr.Simmons,did to redeem‘our good Statefrom Republican rulejandseethatheisélectedagain,andthatweelectmentotheLegislaturewhoarefavorabletoMrSimmonsandwhowiththeirabilityaspoliti-cians can do things as they..have inthepast.[The members ‘elected to ply vote for the man named by thepeopleoftheStateforSenator.Iftheyhadonlytovoteforasalarybillthematterwouldbesitnple.‘But thebillmustbedrawn.-Those in:favorofsalariesdonotbelievemenoppos-edto salaries will draw a bill satisfac-tory to the salary advocates..Thegreatfearoftheopponentsofsalaries.{18 that they won’t get a big salary.That's the milk in thecocoanut,—The “Tf ‘the ‘salary advocates ‘know.sowellhow.much;they can save ‘the‘county wHy don’t theytake the peopleintotheir'confidenceand tell.‘themwhat'salaries they would pay?Héw}can they tell what they will save un-less they know what they will ‘pay?fhe voter wants.to:know -this andereareotherquestionsfoconsider.[In his speech Apri!6th Mr.Turnerestimatedthatprobably$16,000:wascollectedinfeesandsaid-that $10,090wouldbealiberalamountforsalariesorall.officers,‘clerk ‘hire,ete Itwillbemorethanliberal.If the sal-ary advocates draw the bill ‘office-olders.will be paid fair salaries-— they.will ‘not be paid anything liketheycollectnow.—The Landmark.}r.Turner ‘does not deny that he isattorneyforandstockholderinoneofthelargebanksofStatesville;he doesnotdenyheopposedthebanksyinginterestonthébondmoney, [{edoes.deay it.—The Landmark.]~He as-serts that he gave a legal opitiion.Yet he is not attorney forthe commis-sioners,but.is.attorney for .thebankand-had no right to.advisetheboard.[He gave the opinionwnenaskedbythechairmanoftheboard.~-The J.andmark.}]Take himathisownstatement,he says that headvisedthat’the banks should treat the the Legislature from Iredell will sim-} more than they can earn-outside—-but| (Ramsey Bowles Morrison—ioy— Kvery now and”then he tells ope ‘of the boys he ‘wilh get Bomethingandthengoesandforgetsabout Now,boys,this machine is out of |.date.Ail)you.have to,.do”is to lodk ‘around:amid yxow will find thenewKindthat-wil-help,you andnotmakesuch“back-bneaking’* work.It’s thie kind)that’s,willing for:every.man to -hidivea chance at the good things and not give youthe:leavings. Boone Democrat:The engimaer- ing comps on the Watauga railwayhaswnoveditstentstowhetopofthemountainatCoolyGap,andi isnow.at wonk near the Village.‘The’corps is composed of fourteen men, under the management of Mr,Lan-|. don,the gemeral superintendent ofheroad,and..the outfit smacksmuchofarailreadfor.our county. |A TT ..Get them at CASH'GROCERY CO.‘What?Country hams.—ad.= Sea a ee See ALA ins oo ‘|MRS.DR.MOORE, PAINLESS TOOTH EXTRACTOR,— Will remain’in ‘Statesvilleuntil,Saturday evening,«“May 18th. ¢ Stony Point ‘May 234d,for several-diiys. ” Taylorsvilleto follow, Wear a Flower eNO 5 (8maine |:<a wales. value. The season’s most ‘popular cot- ton fabric for Summer Dresses ARE FEATURING — by and Skirts.We showit in very narrow,medium-and.extra wide. 27 inches wide,extra Price agus 8 orduroys! - 5 Cents the Yard.:ithe commands of the people.Mr.delegates must be~selected from h §k .Mother's Sake: ;served our county faithfully |County as other depositors.This is@amcngthefriendsofthevarious|avd with or eat ability ior ten rst not right,for the,county:funds arecandidates,apportioned according to|in the Legislature,and who can point|trust furids upon which our taxpayersthevotecastforeach,and the vote toa single instance in which he failed |2%@,Paying 5 per cent.interest andcastforeachcandidatemustpbe/to carry out the wishes of the people?this pie er be =and spent'carried up to the county.cényen-|[Passing’a law to in¢rease the fees of ae SOIT ened cor ae Petio.\certain officers was not one of the de-banks.W “told.|the hon°:+,‘jmands of the’people.—The Land-|anks.We were'told in,the bonEach,precinet elects an execi-|mark |In two terms of the Legisla-election by these bankers and finan-tive committee of five members atid|ture he forged hiihself to the leader-|Cciers that we could build.our-roads‘the committee elects one of its 'ship of that body and by his tireless|With the interest on our bond money,|fmemberschairman.|energy and splendid.ability wrote up-|but we cannot do oo ee .Turner'sThesefactsarerehearsedforthe|on the statute booksthe “Wattslaw,”|advice,yee not until his advice wasbenefitofthosewhomaynotat-\|Which is the ‘mud-sill in the great eared i kris ln Coote nttendprimariesregularlyandtore-|Moral uplift in our good State.His|Cent interes as 18 &Misstatemen -Awhite flower if she has departed.A col- ored flower if she is ay f ‘6 SAMPLES SENT ON REQUEST. RAMSEY-BOWLES-MORRISON living.|| ae vabine wae. * > C0. *». t sae eke esU:iiiaealiticst se ‘ »The Landmark has to take care of ./000. “mileage graft.The-appfopriationfor { fresh the minds of.those who do.|¢™emies charge that he isan organiza- ~life-time.a.good-sized fortune for oth-|_€rs.whom he had befriended.While. .Communications from friends of both ,means ‘its-abolition,|Congressman Some peopje’attend primaries,may|nothing,allow ‘interested persons toatTangematterstosuitthemselves | /and them go out and kick.The placetodothetalkingisintheprimary.|If each voter there wil)fully ex- that the minority receives its justdeserts,there will be no ocrasionforfrictionondissatisfaction”. -Within the past year the late A.A.|Shuford,of Hickory,remarked to!friends that hé had paid out during)his business career about$40,000 “‘se-|curity money’’—money paid for per-|sons for .whom.he’had endorsed.|Think of it!One man paid out in his the amount in this case is large,the}payment of security money is com-|mon.It isa part of the toll levied on|almost every business man.-He must!endorse for friends and sometimes he|has to pay.The late HughReynolds,of Iredell,remarked on one occasionbywayofcomfortinghimself,that it!was “‘a.d—n mean man who neverlostanySecuritymoney”;and cer-tain it is that the man whosigns manypaperswillsoonerorlaterhavetoPOYsical4 When any sort of a contest is onhumerouspeoplewhothinkthey:have a-message for the publicwait | | until the last moment to send their.re-|T‘marksto the newspapers.TheLand-mark received yesterday a number of sides of the issues now being disctiss-ed in Iredell.’Those received first goin;others have to stand out because current news events,Those in handwillappearFriday,along with othersthatcomeintimetobehandled,untilthespaceforthissortofthingisex-hausted.But those who wait untilThursdaywilltakechanceson,beingie:Whether or not members of Con-gresswere deterred by the universaldenunciation,they finally cut out thepropositiontoincrease’salaries ofclerksfrom$1,500 to $2,000 theyear,‘which would,have increasedtheannuaiexpenditereabout$216,-They,however,held onto the ‘the Commerce Court is cut off,which Webb again managed to save the dp- répriation for the assay.office in tion man.What is the organization?Is it not formed by the people in everyprecinctofthecounty,and what pol-icy has our organization put upon thepleforwhichheisdenounced?ve they not stood for every good|and progressive movement for the up-|Years:Pres:himself and see that the wild}.of the majority.is ealTied out and liftand progressof our county?Whilothercountiesaroundushiavejoin|the Republican ranks under the lead-ership of this organization,Iredell,county stands unshaken in the Demo-;cratic column.|like to ask the question,where do you} Just here we would jfind any:kind of organized business\carried on without.some one to lead?Ani organization without progressiveleadershipisafailure.Then howcan|we have a Democratic organizationwithoutsomeonetolead?Some ofoyrcandidatesandtheirfriendshavebeendenouncingourpresentDemo-cratic county committee,or the or-nization,as a ring.-I am proud tonowwehavearingthatcandothingsandthathasstoodfortrueDe-mocracy and has done so much forourcountyandwiththeirzealforthepartyhavespenttheirtimeandener-py to keep our good county within theoldoftheDemocraticparty,of whicheverytrueDemocratshouldbeproud.Then why should we want to de-nounce this ring,as you choose to calljit,only to have another?[The organ-(ization,or machinery of the party,be-longs to all the party.The complaint,as our correspondent well knows,isthattheinfluenceandpoweroftheorganizationisusedforcertainmenwithinthepartyandagainstothers,In other words;that the organizationattemptstoselectthecandidatesandpoliciesforthepartyandallwhoob-ject are treated as enemiesandaliens:The organization is formed.to fightthecommonenemy,not Democrats in-.side the party:—The Landmark.]-But if Mr.Turner and the editor ofTheLandmarkthink.‘a candidateshould’upon-the Democratic platforinandcarryouttheinstructionsoftheproswhydoesn’t Mr.Turner andlisothercandidatestell‘the peoplewhotheyareforUnited:States Sen-ator?Is the brave Governor afraidtosay?People want to know.No,my Democratic friends,it is not sala-ries nor .organization’that ‘troublesthosewhotalkthisandévadeeveryotherquestioninwhichour’peoplearevitallyconcerned.The salary;question will bé settled at the pollsandifoneorganizationisoverthrownanotherwillbeformed:so that weshouldchoosethose.whom we thinkwillbestlead\gtir party.and servethepeople.AS mentioned above inregardtoUnitedStatesSenator,wehaven’t heard Mr Turner say who hewasfor,only that if the people voleforacertainmariwhomtheelectthenhewillcarryouttheirwishes.Thentheycomealongand.say we.¢an’thave-salaried officers if we electWatts,Grier and Hall,men that theclaimareagainstsalaries,WhycanwetrustmenthathavealwaysbeentruetoDemocracyandcarriedoutthe sharlotte and that sinecure will standanotheryear-at least,Best }ep oe & wishes of the people,wnd do,now_Pledge themselyes to-do whatevérthe ”4 ee ry ' of the facts.Nobody’said we could}build the roads ‘‘with the interest on/|our bond money.”’It was ‘said that!by setting aside a sinking fund of $5,-per year,investing.it at 6 percent,compounding’and reifvesting,|that it would.pay off the bonds in 40Thenioneyinthebanksisthe |money received for the bonds,to be’paid out on road work,and is kert inthebanksonlyuntilitischeckedout,just as a business mar keeps a check-ing account.;It was interest on thesedepdsitsthatwasunderconsideration. posits.-Thé attempt toinake it appear |that Mr.Turner is for the banks andthetrustsisinkeepingwiththetenor}of the whole article—to try to divert|the attention of ‘the people from the|real issue—salaries—which the anti-|salary people run away from all the}time.hy don’t the:people’on the|other.side say.what salaries they willpay?—The Landmark}.:|emocrats,let’s nominate Watts,|Grier and Hall,whose lives havebeen |spent in unselfish:service to the party|and the people and not those whohave |sold theirservice to the banks,the|Bell telephone and other trusts,|when their own people were strig-|gling against some of these concerns |for an independent existence.}I notice that Mr.Tom’Smith,of |Fallstown township,is mentioned for|commissioner Permit me to re¢om-mend this géntleman to the voters.|He is-a splendid business man and)will make the people a faithful-and/4ableservant.~C.L.CLARK.neFloydAllen,who testified in hisownbehalfinhistrialatWytheville,Va.,last week,averred that he wasa-doin’o’no harm and a-hopin’o’no|hard feelin’s;was réady to take his}medicine from the court as meek asalamb,when the sheriff.and theclerkbeganshootingathim.Toobad.Poor Flo yd.is something of amartyr.His trial will end tomorroworThursdayandifthejurydoesn’tsendhimtodeathitwillfailinits!duty.: President .Taft -Saturday hightsignedthepensionbillwhichwilladdanestimatedincreaseof$30,000,000to,$35,000,000 a year to our annual:pension expenditure.This bill willprobablyincreasethepensionexpen-}diture from .$156,000,000 to near$200,000,000, ————_—At Jellico,Ky.,Sunday,MarshalBowlinattemptedtoarrestWesleyParton,who was shooting in theStreet.Parton fired.on.the’officerandthelatter's wife was killed as sheSteppedbetweenthetwomen,LaterPartonwaskilled.Near25menpar-ticipated in the riotThe:Washington correspondent.oftheBaltimoreSuninsiststhatMrBgyan’is an active candidaté for theDemocratic.presidential notnination‘and.says”the,campaign managers.of||Clark,-Undefwood and -Harmon so.regardhim.=+ ry* wy No bank pays5 or 6 per cent.on de-|* *KILLS POTATO BUGS.Get VAN LINDLEY 0, Florists, Greensboro,N.C. POLK GRAY DRUG CO.,* Lécal Agents, NOW IS THE ©TIME TO PLANTMelonSeed. Kleckley’s Sweet is one of the best.Low price on pound lots.Burrell’s Gem,Paul . _Rose and:Rocky Ford Canta- ‘loupes are fine. Pole or Cornfield Beans a plenty.:Also Red Valentine and Stringless Green.Pod, which are the best bush beans. All kinds Garden Seed. SLUG SHOT these from J}.B..GILL, _FANCY GROCER,—- 105 East Broad Street.— "PHONE 27. “Don't Wait” For the potato bugs to begin on your potatoés. Get a package of ourSlugShotandbeginintime.oe “ .:Another shipment/of that sliced Baconjustarrived.Try it. -——'PHONE Kage &.Milholland. ‘ hale Sales Day is the first Monday in each monthin Statesville,N.C.line piltesnerndefan ote The White Company. 104 West Broad Stréct Come You will select fro daintiest fabrics w ‘thatawill See us in Ladies Sandals styles,25 Make o trading. will save beautiful, to us for all the new ress Materials shown for this season’s’wear. find our assortment to m large and the patterns tothe more substantial orn thisseason.Wehave them in all the new weaveS,color- ings,etc.We want your trade. We are showing the goods at prices surprise you in all lines. for all Ready-to-Wears ’,Misses’and Children’s. We are,showing many exclusive thingsthroughout this department. Always something new."Sle-Shoes,Oxford Ties,Pumps and | for everybody,in all c.to $6:00 per pair.| ur store your place for We will please you;we youmoncy.| comprising from.the_ ane WHITECo.| *PHONE 101.”* Sales Day is the first Mondayin each month in Statesville,N.Or ot ‘THE LANDMARK ‘-y PUBLISHED TUESDAY AN}FRIDAY. \ll.oe ae convenes next .academy tomorrow night,15th,andat ‘put into commission here and is at- tracting'considerable attention. ’camp of.Confederate veterans met at .ning of the 18th: “ed the reunlon at Macon;Ga.,Feport .Susanville,Cal., OFFICE,120.WEST BROAD STREET.,TELEPHONE NO,14, mOESDAY,~~.=May 14,1912: |STATESVILLE COUNCIL No,523. ROYALARCANUM : will meet tonight at8o’clock.All mem-bers invited to be present.J.A.BRADY,Secretary. aaaBRIEFITEMS OF IOF.LOOAL NEWS. —Cotton brought1111:75 ‘yesterday. Iredell Superior Court,Jndge O, ‘we heIredell‘veteFAins who attentl- a great occasion.’—License has been issued for the‘marriage Ot Miss Viola Rash ‘and:‘Mr.James Mitehell. --Hon,W.D:Turner and Dr..S.Frontis will speak at Cool.Spring Rocky Branch Thursday night,16th. .—Deputy Collector Davis,of States.ville,and ee Sheriffs Shugartand Harding,of kin county,destroyedtwoillicitdistilleriesinYadkinlast week.’—The gas ‘company’s ditching ma-chineis in operation on Centerstreet.|:It is the first machine of its kind to be ~-Cotton ginning as late as May issomethingunusual,but Mr L.B.Bristol’s gin ran,all day Friday andseveralbalesofthestapleweregin- ned.And thereis still some more to be ginned.—Following the Memorial Day:ex- |Wilson,pastor of the First Presbyte-| MARATHON.AT.MOORESVILLE. The Winniers——Memorial .'“Mooresville News.||Currespondence of ‘The Landmark. Mooresville,May 13 —Memorial Day was observed last Friday as-usu- al and about 60 of the Confederateveteranswerepresent:Rev.W.S: —— rian church here;made the’address.. His subject was the duty of the’pres-ent generation to the men who foughtandsuffered’during the Sixties,andinsubstancehesaidthatthesoldiersoftheSouthofferedeverythingtotheConféderacyforthecauseinwhich they believed.onstitutionally theSouthernStates“*Hiad-a right tosecede,and.those States which actually.didsecedewereactingundertheirrights, The citizens’i supported the“Cause that was lost’?were patriotsinthetruestandloftiestsenseofthat“|word and could under no considera-tion or in:any:sense.be.clasted'astraitorstotheUnion..Itisthe dutyof the people of this generation,he said,to see to it that these men who fought |‘so nobly:and:well should be.taken’careof in their last danye and that his-\toryshould say that ‘these men were‘a8 patriotic as were those of theother : sidein the war.The Mooresville band.made musicandafterthe-speech-the line ofpro-cession moved tothe cemetery,wherethegraveofevéryConfederateveter- an was decorated with flowers by thechildrenofthe:town.Dinner.was served to all the veterans on the Leaz-ar lawn by the Daughters of the Con- federacy and during this hour manyinterestingstoriesofthe'Sixties were re-told.Friday afternoon many people fromthecountryandpracticallyallthepeeofthetownwere:out to see the arathon race,which had beef:look-ed forward to for some time,.Whentheshow-down came only,eight of, the large number of boys who entered were ready forthe race.These youngmenstartedjustorte’mile from Miller-White’s drugstore and.passed underthewiredirectlyinfront-of thestore, ercises Friday the Reuben,Campbell the court house and elected Mr.J.C.|Irvin.commander .and Mr.W.W-' Walton adjutant.—A telegram received in Statesville|Friday morning announced that Con-} gressman Sisson,of Missienpel,||would.speak in Statesville last night in behalf.of the presidential candidacy of Mr.Underwood.Later the ap-|pointment was withdrawn:~ —Capt.J.E:Deitz,First Lieut.N.|W.Garrison and Second Lieut."Rock| Morrison,of the Iredell Blues,are in|Raleigh with the officers of the other}companies of the State Guard forin-| struction under the direction of three}army officers detailed to that work. —The Statesville Drug Company|has bought the drug business of Mr. Ralph Deitz and will continue it atthe}resent stand on.Western avenue.he transfer will take place this weekbutMr.Deitz will continue in.chargeuntilanotherregistereddruggisttobe |employed by the purchasers arrives.It is understood that Mr.Deitz con- templates locatingin the West. —Mr.Statesville’s dispersed and scattered,|who hag been cashier,of a bank:at Blackfoot,’Idaho,is now located at!where he is cashier } of the Farmers and Merchants’Bank,| one of the largest banksin northern | California.Mr.Culbreth’s home folks are pleas-|| ed to-know of his bright prospects and they are sure he will make good. t —Ed.Carr,colored,was brought|to Statesville ‘yesterday from Moores-| ville by Policeman Brown and lodged|in jail to await court.He is charged|with wife-beating and incest,his al-|leged victim “in ‘the latter case being}his daughter..The negro was given a preliminary hearing on the tharges|about a year ago and escaped fromthe|Mooresville lock-up,wherehewasbe-|ing held.He returned to Mooresville| Sunday and was arrested. Notices of New Advertisements. Baled meadow hay for sale.—Jno. M.Sharpe.Pair spectacles found.—TheLand- mark.Mules and wagon for Sale.CocaColaBottlingCo.Steer wanted,broken orrunbroken,—J F.Carter,’phone 474.'Twenty-five men wanted to work on street paving:—P.H.Meyer.|4Wallcasésformillinery,.storé fix- tures and some household goods for sale.—Mrs.N.M.Keim.Will remain in Statesville untileve-Will be.in Stony:Point Monday,23d,and Taylorsville later:—Mrs.Dr.Moore..-White opening Friday and Saturday. —Mrs.N.M.Keim.Notice to creditors.—E.O,Ander- son,administrator.Sale begins tomorrow and the bar- gains are-enumerated,——Poston-Was- son Co.Dress materials, etc.—The White C6.Vehicles,—Henkel -Craig LiveStockCo.~ 'White opidurtive:Bowles-Morrison Co, Guth’s candies.—Statesville Drug | ready-to-wears, Ramsey - Co.Drink at the fountain of purity.— Polk Gray Drug Co. John Deere Pivot Axle Cultivator.—Statesville Hardware and Harness. Window display of shears,scissors, ~.razors and cutlery.—White-Stimpson ~Hardware Co. ‘Panama and straw hats.~Sherrili-"White Shoe Co.: .school house at Troutman:. he Landmark. Cut glass.—H.B.Woodward, Same prices,terms and treatinenttoall.—Allen L.‘Mills.Old Hickory furniture.—Crawford-Bunch Furniture.Co.Bids wanted.fortheerection ofa making-splendidtime.The first rize, |a beautiful silver cup given by iller-|White Company,was won by Augus- tus Leazar,who made a splendid rec-jord of four minutes and 57 seconds, The second prize,.a handsome leatherjsuitcaseofferedby.the Kelly Cloth- ing Company,was won:by SpenceStine,who covered the mile distance in exactly four minutes.and 59 sec-‘onds.The third,which was$5 worthlofsportin.goods,given by.D.E |Turner &Co.,went to Victor Johns-ton,whose ae was five minutes andlsevenseconds.Thetimeof the other runners was only a few secondslong-}er Immediately after-the race thepeeswerepresentedtothewinners Starr.Saturday afternoon Mr.R.W.'Mc-|Key fell from a load of hay which hewashaulingandwasrightbadlyhurt.Physicians summoned found hisinju-ries not to be serious.Heis re ito be doing as well as could be ex- |pected.Mr.and Mrs.W.P.Drew left Sat- lurday for a visit of several weeks tojrelativesinSanfordandWilmington.| W.-G..Culbreth,one of/Dr.,F.A.Carpenter is spending aly|week in Richmond,where he hasH|gone to-get a rest.Mtss Mary:.McNeely returned from Wilkesboro last week,where she had| |been teaching during the year.Shewasaccompaniedby‘Miss Louise time.Mr.J.H.Cloaninger,whohas beén |confined to his bed for.nearly:two}months with.a very bad case of acute rheumatism,was able to be on-theistreetsSaturday.Mr -Cloaninger shows that rheumatism had used him|up right badly,for his weight has{been considerably reduced.:This is’!the second bad attack of this painful trouble he has had,both.of which a two months.Rev.J.E.Thompson,of the Meth- odist church,is conducting a séries of|meetings this week.Rev.Mann,presiding elder of this district, preached for him last night and willdosoagainthisafternoon.The sec-‘ond quarterly conference of thechurchwillbeheldthisafternoon. S.A.Lowrance and A.C.KerleyleftthismorningforTaylorsvilleto}4attend the congressional convention. Tuo Affray:s Friday. Mr.W.W.Cooper participated_in|two affrays Friday.The first was with Mr _J,A.Brady,whom he as-' saulted Friday morning in theiatter’s place of business on west Broad}street,and the second was with Mr.|LR Bailey in Bailey’s barber shop!under the Commercial National bank| Friday afterngon.Both were fist|fights without serious results.The) latter case was given a hearing before|Mr.J.L.Sloan,mayor pro.tem.,and) paid $2.50.The first tasehas not been tried. business Friday morning Mr.Cooper, who was in the.house,met him andaskedhimifhehad:phoned‘for thepolicetocometohis(Cooper’s)house the night before..Mr.Brady said he had.Instantly Mr.Cooper struckhim.in the face..Two or three blowswerepassedandthemenclenchedwhen-Mr.T.M.Dale separated them:Mr.Brady’said he had called’the po-lice toMr.Cooper,who lives next to him,because Mr,Cooper,who was withhis profanity.. —'Phe annuahk Sania dittt ofthe:Iredell Blues--was held Friday aftermcon on the “college cam pis Thirty-five privates and.three of ficers participated in the ‘contestand:Sergt."Rathy Warnen was awarded the medal for best drill- ing...Mr.Clarence Ramsey;made the rene best record.; Sum of ony eet Rerun to The Get your.country hams at theCASHmee:COLS=sae, Cooper was.taxed $7.50 while Bailey| When Mr Brady entered his place of aa drinking,disturbed thespacnetets Personal Mention of the Folks Who -Mrs:D.M,Ameley:returned Fri-day from ‘a if Durham anidWinston...She attended.the State Federation of Women’s:Clubs in Winston and thie Wpiscopall conven- ‘tion in Durham.Mrs.J.F,Swann,who visited atMr.T.B..Swann’s,in Cool Springtownship,left youtensy,for herhome at Semora,Caswell county. Miss Margaret Beckham,who spent several days here,returned to Hid-denite yesterday.Mr.G.E.French has returned froin a business trip to Chicago,Indianapo-|_ lis and other points.'Mr.Herbert Clarke,of Richmond, is in town.. Mrs.C.M.Roberson,of Hillsboro,IL,is vig her brother,Mr.JAlansonWhite.- ‘Mr.and Mrs.S.L:Colvert.sind child,of Wilmington,are visiting Mr. Colvert'’'s parents,Mr,and Mrs.J.G olvert.’“Misses Lindy and Nannie:Heong etofMountUlla,are guests of Mrs Gilbert.Mrs ‘Tulius Wallace,and ‘Miss:HaenahWallacespentFridayandSatur- day iin Charlotte.~..* .Mrs.H.K.Boyer and Mrs.“Kittie Caldwell,‘of the Broad Street church}LAN society,areattending the annual meet- Society of thé Western North CarolinaConferenceinMonroe.Among the former’students of.the college here for commencement ‘are Misses Johnsie Shelton;-of Davidson; Mary Reid,of Lowell;Katherine Scott, Covington,Va;Mary Bradford,of the vicinity of Davidson;Hope Camp- bell,Newton;Eva Kingman,Sumter,. S.CG.Mrs.Keefe,of Connecticut,isherewithherdaughter,’Miss Jessie Keefe,of the graduating class.. ty Sheriff Charles White,cf Archer, near Gainesville,Fla.,at 3 o’clock-Sunday morning and assassinated.A.Manning,another deputy,feigneddeathandescapedafterbeingwound-’ed He shot one of the niurderers, capturing him and histhree sons,whonowareinjail.Mr.Floyd Holmais.of W Axeabond, who was on a visit-to his old home in Cool Spring last week,was in Statesville.Friday. ‘Migs Lois Love.is at home from Lexington,where she is a teacher in the graded school. Mr.John ’M:-Con nelly,who was here on account of the illness andi death’of his sister,Mrs.W..W-. Miller,left Gaturday for Dallas, Texas. Men,PF. urtay for Springfield, Laugenour deft Sat- Mo.,where MOVEMENTS:OF:THE PEOPLE. Are Coming and Going...“:: ing of the Woman’s Home Mission|i@ Marshal CH.Slaughter and Depu-| Fla.,were decoyed to a lonely.spot} Mr.7 Pp,‘Rawley,for sometravelingrepresentativeofthelotte:Observer and well known inthislocaljtyinthatcapacity;re-signed his‘position with the Observer forsome years Greensboro News.’«While beating his ‘wife-at!their homein.Bladen.county,Jake Peter-son,colored,was shot'and killed byhis10-year-old son.’Theboy and hismotheraréinjail, hams.CASH GROC RY CO.—ad. Also some household effeets,MRS WANTED.*work on street paving workinStatesville.P.H,MEYER.Bt WANTED Aine ee:about |1,100pounds,broken or unbroken. ~TWO MULES.by oe)FOR SALE weigh about 60pondsalso:wagon practilleacorsBOTTLING €0,.Biaveville,NC, har-8 to become circulation manager of the Just received4,000 pounds ienie FORSA vnc aa J.F,CARTER,‘phone 474."May M4.sy PAIR SPECTACLES ‘mnFOUNDovisgetsotatTek FOR SALE <ats2 mnieSesPaliveredincity.or f.:0,b,SHARPE vis Cars,~'May.14—2t.LOST,pee at E Fray and Satay uFalldisplay of Mid: Mrs N.M.Keim. Ed.Mellon Company Clothing,Shoes, Millinery. bhe will visit Mre.J.N-Hugegins;|formerly,of Statesville...From there \she will go to’Dallas’and Gaines- ville,’Texas,to visit relatives.Mr:Jackson Wallace is at)home from.the Webb school,at Bell Buckle,Tenn.— STATEN}NEWS. Col.A..H.Boyden,who was StateSenatorfromRowantwoyearsago, |is a candidate for renomination... Mrs.Wiley,widow of the late S.Wiley,long a prominent citizen of |Salisbury,died Saturday,aged ®.Four children survive. Senator Bankhead,of Alabama,andothersarecanvassingtheStatethisweekforMr.Underwood’s presiden- The capital is $100,000.|Lunr,who will be her guest for some’tial boom and Congressman Henry,of|Texas,and others are performing a like service for Gov.Wilson. |.The engagement.of Miss Essie Morgan,daughter of Mr.and Mrs.J.L Morgan,of Marion,and HubertPoteat,son of Dr.W.L.Poteat,pres- \ident of Wake Forest College,is an- nounced.‘The marriage will takeplaceJune26.Mr.:Poteat is a mem-ter of the faculty of Wake Forest.|Miss Morgan is a niece of Messrs.J.iP.and C.D.Moore,of Statesville. The residence of Col.C.C.Ben-nett was struck by lightning Saturday'in Morganton and burned,none ‘of the contents being saved ex-cepta piano.Sunday:afternoon thehomeof-Mr..Turner.in Mor-tganton was burned,all the con-tents being saved.‘This house was alsg struck by lightning Saturday andthe’theory is that the stove flue was |damaged and that the-fire originated|in thestove flue. Ignited by a lightning bolt,20acreslofstorageshedsattheAtlanticCoast‘Line railroad wharves in SavannahweresweptbyfireSunday,causingalossestimated:at $460,000.-One fire- man was ‘severely injured.In thesheds7,596 bales of cotton were burn- ed,including 500 bales of sea islandcotton.John.J.Hemphill,fofmer memberofCongress.from South Carolina,for some years a lawyerin Washington;- diedin that city Friday night. See CASH GROCERY CO’.S ‘Ham Window.--ad: | | ————IMENT. To the Dempgnatic Voters’of Ire- dell,County: I announeé jamyeelf as candidateforre-election to the office of Sheriff off Iredell county,Bubject to the action of the Democratic Pri-maries and Conventions.|J.M.DEATION. ANNOUNCEMENT. To.the |Demoénatic,—e of Ires dell Counity. I hereby announce “myeelt a Can-didate:for nomination for county commissioner,subject to ithe aic-tion of the Democratig primarijes and county.convention.\ May TS.M.A.FEIMSTER. ANNOUNCEMENT, ,|amoa candidate forrenomine-tion for the office of County,Super-intendent of sdhoots;Bubject,to the aud county eer we May 14,.WHITE.- action ‘of.the Demograid.pnldinries ; ~Hats,Men’s Furnishings,~~ Trunks,Leather Goods. Boys!and -Children's Dep 'Second Floor. The largest and best equipped Clothing and —Furnishing Goodsstore'in the Carolinas. Whenin the Cityfmake our store headquarters. {18 &10 West Trade St., Charlotte,N.C. clean and first class,$25 nee : i Cc,M.WAGNER, ‘When you ioe‘shown your a banker that you can handle “your businegs'and.Yyourself.sat-~ isfactorily it ‘algo:means thatyourcreditiisgoodfor'financial aid in your enterprise.It ,means,too,that withyour’credit good at your bank,the consequen reputation brings you in more trade,better busi-ness bargains‘and increased so-- .cial and politicalprestige. 2 ing. in’a.good.bank means more than mere storingof”money, “Agcaunteof companies and indiv idhats solicited."ery facility given—consistent with ponservative bank-- "Always stand well at your: bank;keep-your engagements : _and show your desire to.be con-' “sidered a man who can be trusted.We fre all pulling to- gether for the common good, and:you may rest:assured that . we will help you,through thick and thin,if you show you are on the‘square.. Ev.” J.C.IRVIN,President.:G.H.BROWN,VicePresident.t FRESH AS THE MORNING DEw. PURE AS THE UNDRIVEN SNOw. Guth Candies. Shipment Just Received. THE STORE OF QUALITY First National Bank, _STATESVILLE,’N.C. Capital $100,000;Surplus and Profits$32,000. OFFICERS: E.S.PEGRAM,Cashier.JNO.W.GUY,Assistant Cashier. Statesville Drug Co., PRESCRIPTIONISTS. Any thing in the line and terms reasonable. Vehicle CRTINARASREY Henkel-Craig Live Stock Co. VEHICLES! ICE BOX,pRazienand get an ice Box.| |May 10,-—8t.WANTED! | |, | Sb ee for the erection f a six-room schoolhouseatTroutman.N.©,,will be received |during the next ten days.dona may be had by|applying to the undersigned.L.O.WHITE,County Superintendent.|i MW,D.TROUTMA Taylors BABY CHICKS!”j i and Black Langsh|eac—Statesvitle,N.C. —A MEDIUM'size yellowREWARD.leather suit case,withnameonend,containing twosomeribbon,book and other articles,was takenfromtrainNo,24,Charlotte to Taylorsville,Sat-ney,night,May 4th,by my some unknown party.bera?reward will be paid for return of same.or, ville,N.C. E for hatching $1 50 for $15.ees for fa T.J..SMITH, I)May |14.Committee. G ee Tiere Sie et Them Here! THR LANDMARK 1s $2 SalesDay ‘is SOLES Ladies’New Buck Pump,special size, Ladies’2-Strap Canvas Sandal,regularheel,size 2 to 6,Ladies’1-Strap Canvas Sandal,low heel,size 2to 6, -Ladies’1-Strap Canvas Sandal,low heel,size 11 to 2,Misses’1-Strap Canvas Sandal,lowheel,size 11 to2,Misses’2-Strap Canvas Sandal,low Aieel,size 8}to 11,Misses’1-Strap Canvas Sandal,lowheel,size 8 to 11, Child’s 1-Strap Canvas Sandal;low heel,size 6 to 8 Ladies’,Misses’and Children’s White Pumpsand Strap Sandals. MAY SPECIAL—Every.Lady or Child,wants White Pumps or San- dals.We havea line 25c.to 50c.per pair under regularPrice, te ee 1 BR S S S S S 5 — Widths C,Dard E..Mail owe promptly oe »Buy:here and .get thesaving. =thefirst Eero in each month in oe Cc evidence astoits whereabouts.H.D.LINDSAY,May 10.—at WILL sell a towWhitePlymouthanbabychicksat25centsJ.PA UL1912,) This iii Mine:ax Z00d,big,goumy Hatdecnal or.a Lawn Swing will bea possession worth many times.more than it- costs.-For coolness—comfort—forgetfulness of worries and cares—we,préScribe a hammock or lawn.swing. Our hamamocks are well made,strong,fast colorings,and in enovgh styles to keep one cary quite awhile making Se-.‘Jections-., There ‘will be lots of hot days andmoonlightnights to-en- »joy.a lawn swing or hammock,and if you are economy-w iseyou"ll buy yours,here. THE LA} TUESDAY, — +}sium,“Hidlland and Denmark ‘they, /stances.run.their:own stores and ‘tors.and dentists jjmembers:at.a»lower price.feud.to keeg prices down and keep is much ¢htaper im Burepe than)in eineditenL he mt an rN PHWilliamsFurniture 'House.. |kane ‘The Bank That DoesThings We Welcome Your Call and Your Business.~ *.To Save,one must sacrifice.-The best things of life aregained .in;this way.If you-want to lay aside a part.of your earnings, come to-this bank and open an account:A bank:account willassistyougreatlyintheundertaking We welcome the small depositor..The man,woman,boy or girl who begins to save by a definite plan,lays a solid foundation tor happiness and prosperity—yes.and health too.. The saving habit grows upon one as results lend encourage-ment.There’s no.pleasuré more wholesome orexhilerating thanheewhichcomesfromreapingtherewardsofsubduingvagrantesires.Merchants and Farmers’Bank’of Statesville. MARK “=May:14,1912. DOESN'T.REACHCH THE TROUBLE: nvestigation bf the.the Increased Cost]Living Hise‘_Produced ay}Teenie: Baltimore sun.4 °Co-operative socletics ald ima-terially in reducing the high cost)of living in Europe,American con-£uls.report.President)Taft hasbeendevoting.earnest study to thisproblem.He does not propose anyremedy,buit requests Congress.to:au-thorize "him to co-operate with)oth-er governments in am internation- al investigaition,Meanwhile,throughourconsuls,he is ‘ooking:into:con-ditions in Europe.In France,Bel- find that wage-eatners in many.in- Markets,and in.cities,like Lyonsownandoperatewithsuccessdargefactories...The socteties:employ;..dioc-at low fees,in-sure against illness and on entiploy-ment.Some of their’Stores..sell‘at the same ‘prices‘as othér dealens,but--pay 6 to 10 per cenit.aivi-‘detids to:members..Others ‘sell $0" They ip the quality and purity’of food products:and clothing. When:putting food products on the free list is proposed,‘the high-. protection -ddvocates say.it’is.no rem°dy,as’the fncrease in,the costofliving.is world-wide,But living America,Here are enonmous| amounts of foreign-grown potatoes sold in.New York,after paying.the stories that have come from :the Greensboro News. .a tl ey da a Ai:ot rathen -ptartling saved from the wrecked):Titanic wasgreaterthanthatofhumanbeings.An item in)the New York Sun says.that of the 30 dogs aboard ‘the Ti-tanic belonging ‘to first .eabin Daseséngers,about one-half were sav-ed*““The dogs were .cared for andfed:by,thé ship’s butcher,”the Suni says,“and when !the crash came he let them loose to shift torthemselves.”The ‘people ‘were cared for and fed by the Titanic’s, officers and crew;but when thecrashcametheywerenot.turned loose to shift for themselves, It is related that one man FawhisvaluableSt,Bernard*running about’the deck.looking!for.itsmaster,ahd he picked it up anddroppedit:into a lifeboat; dog:was saved!Later the mam .se. cured’a place:fim another:‘Miteboat, and when he reached-the.deck.”of the rescue:ship:Carpathia;master: and dog.‘had *.a reunion,Now doubtedly.:*But.the place -occeéupled. by the St.Bernard in:the lifeboat should have been given'to a human tpeing...When’.-the “nian:.dropped the animal inte the "boat;»was there no man or.wgman,-no ‘hus- band.or wife,.fathe:am or daughter,sster Yr brothewr left aboard,to whom that seat would have.meant:life,and.happii- ness? When|.we have analyzed-all the Titanic,we Shall..find:‘nome that speak more loud!y than !this;.that of the.80.dogs .belonging ,to first Were Saved... tariff.-for less -tham the “domesti® prodwot;though we pride ourselveson.“feeding the world.’:The Spo-|Spokesman-Review contend 5} that such justances.prove that “the tariff om foods does not °protect American:prudacers,bit.does.hurt| Americal...consumers.”’?Beef and Nearly all’Kiids of meat have gone up-in the past few weeks,anid ,Bos- =repe-ts the -highest prices -in years.Since 1890’we have had! “highest”prices in néarly haltacentury,ye the figuines for 1911|Were neariy 40°per cent.aboye the f average far.the past 43.years.| Toe Lew kag Journal quotes fig-! ures showing +that:in the ‘past 15 | jin muek taxation of cénsumérg and protec- Rings ThatAreAll Right. When you buy one ofjour Rings you.need not give yourself any trouble about the sets.If.by any chance the set should get loose and come out,just bring itin and a new set will be put in free of anycosttoyou,We sell the famous W.W.Ww.Let-us show you our line. A beautiful PICTURE suitable for framing will begiventoeveryonemakingacashpurchaseof$1.00ormore. R.H.RICKERT &SON,_Jewelers.000600086eC0060 Good Methods,Large Resouces ‘Harvéster trust’.is not J,Opolize -COURTEOUS-TREATMENT. Ought to mean much to the man with a bank ac-count.If you have not yet opened an account,withtheCOMMERCIALweinviteyoutodosonow. Capital "$100,000.00 Surplus 28,000.00 Total Resources over 500,000.00Fourpercent.on time.and Savings Deposits. Roose velt Commercial National Bank,Statesville,N.C.M.K.STEELE,President.E.MORRISON,Vice President.D.M..AUSLEY,Cashier.G.E.HUGHEY,AldlstantCashier. IF°YOUR FEET Give You Trouble Don’t Fail to UsePAXTOFOOTPOWDER: .LET US SHOW YOU,*°25 CENTS. -HALL’S DRUG°‘STORE,PHONE NO.20,- ,|trict,to vote’far the,renomination‘|of Presidie nt Taft...~ *}thick...Must’add Ofl,and then you havel ryears wheat production has inicreais- ;ed .2.4.per:‘cent.per person theWorldoverandtheothergraincrops! the Bame praportidn.(As the normal irorease in population is estimated-at-about 1+per cent.‘ait ecade,[here must be’more gr for each ‘person then ‘there waswhenpriceswere.lower. Is the cause ofs:the mounting pric@s an:increase.in eonsumption, tion of producers through tariffs,undue profits reaped by middlemenorcoutroel.of:food products bytrustsand.combinations,or ig:itall.these things combined? The Trusts’Reaching Out. Battimcre Sun.4PresidertCyrusH.McC onthick:itformsthe’steckholdens.of the In-| ternaticnoal Harvesten Company that|the’sales of the past year amount to}$108.033,595.To .pay the pefer-red)dividends takes $4}200,00,the}dividends on the common stock |amount to $4,000,000 and $7:321.-|395 is cdrried to surnplus—this in}spite.of a-reported increase of $5,-)752,318 in’the cost of manutac-|fure-.and—distribution.(The profits }are really much larger than this|showing would indicate,as the $80,-000,000 common stock by no.meanerepresentsmoney,paid in:-Yet the} paleed.Government reports.state thatit is!making a determined-effort to mon-" the trade in agriculture {im-/plements--plows,:Wagons and eyery-|thing used:in agriculture.The far-|mer must not feel very cheerful at|the prospect of nearly.everything hehastobuybeingcontrolledbya}.trust that keeps raising prices and |sells reapers and binders for less|in Russia than it does in the Da-|kotas. The Rubber trust is now growiingitsownrubber,seeking to contro)the entire crude.‘supply 4s well asthemanufactured)‘article.Its an-|nual statement announces with |pride that it now has 80,000 a res.under cultivation,with 10,000cooliesatworkonitsPlantationsTheShoeMachinery‘Trust,man-ufacburers testify,has.its erip onalmosttheentire.shoe manufagtur-ing industry of the country.Withhidesgrowingscarcerallthetime,leather controlled)by combing tionsandevenashoestringtrustinpro-cess.-of formation,is it any-wonderthat.shoes and rubbers are con-tinually going wp in price? The tnusts may cheapen the costwhichigsurgedas.the best argue.|ment in their favor,but the con-|sumer doesn’t always:get the.ben-efit, ‘Republicans in gia Will Try Again. Republican.eounty conventions,called hy Roosevelt supporte Ts,wereheldthroughoutGeorgiaSaturdaytoelectdelegatestoStatennddis-trict conventions ‘to fie held..hisweek.‘Te State convention will -beheldinAtlantaFriday‘and the digetrictconventions.the day foltow-|ing.,aThecomventionshavebeenceallodto-elect contesting delegates”to theRepublicanmationalconvention:im Geor- and*instructed,”except in one *dis- The attitude of the party)in Geor-gia,as explained by Walliam J.‘Til-son,..an attomey of Atlanta,whoisalignedwiththeanti-Taft®gor-ces,is “that eonventiong previous-ly hetd were mot legally constitutedandthattheMelegatesselectedbyithemdo.not repnesent the.m:LionitwortheRepublicansofGeorgia.—_ --)Mall Order Houses.Don't undersell us for same‘oods,Tell us your wants.paylrigcharges, Paint. ‘qualityNotepricesinadvance.No freight.No risk whatever.Try us onWesellL.&M.Faint,It's4 the best pure Lead,Zinc and LinseedOl.Paint made,and its ccst ‘is only 4about$1.57.per gallon. cabin passengers;-~b65 150 per cent. lsaved himself and ‘his dog,while |Miss Grace Bell of ,St. |joining, ;of approaching dropsy, |Bright's jis seldom fatal if treated in time, |patis and regulated the kidney ac- opposition to those already «elected |+ Of the:total number.of |human jbeings aboard..3'0.1-per,cent.(were isaved;iof the passengers,33.7,per eent.were saved;of.the crew,23.9 | per.cent.-were saved;of the:dogs. were saved And -the pity of it is that people views like those of)the ,.man-.who help kes women went:to,the bot- ‘ém-of the!sea,will think.it is all right.;:: ‘Saved Halt he Dogs.cn the ‘Titanic,: news that theper cehtage of dogs | and the}, dogs (ane all “night and,they,have : a place-in the world’s econony,Une- or mother,Bon |, with || Hotel Gladstone, BLACK MOUNTAIN,N;C.THE IDEAL PLACE TO SPEND:YOUR VACATION,‘a 2,800 FEET ELEVATION..Free Fram Le and Mosquitos, S $2.00 PER DAY.-Special Rates for Punic and for SummerVisitors.WriteWM.JEFF.DAVIS,Proprietor,May 10.—16t.BLACK MOUNTAIN,A CG Weare expecting another:shipment of theffa-mous Hackney Buggies..This Bugey:hus.given”perfect satisfaction and |is.guaranteed in every“Peapect: Also have Bugizies aa Monrose af other makes,Ge Spach end Hac kney Wagons: GIVE US A CALL, ‘Hames,Vehicle &‘Supply Company.S 116 EastBroad,Street.. bot scsesamnoe Cotton Seed For Planting. Simpkins’Prolific andjLittle King— :MATTERS OF NEWS. Attreeted:by screaming women'to, a.house im Charleston,8.C.;°'2] policeman broke down’a-door.and| saw Joseph Addison,colored:pound=; ¢his dead wife.ini the head with | an axe.‘The ‘mad man ‘tutned on}the officer with murder in his’eyes} but “the latter shot him,-inflicting a} fatal wound.The man was evident-| ly ‘insane.| President Taft.Friday sent-a} special.mnessage to Congress asking for authority to anipaint'a commis-| sion to.recommend revision of the| jpaterit laws to meet modern cons| the best varieties.Seed corn also. It pays big to buy good seed and 'make money next year selling your- Aeleibore ' T.me SLOOP. May 10th: ditions,a nd provide a way to meet) the recent ‘“patenit monopoly.”de} cision of the Suprenie:Court.’Tha| patent:laws,have remained:practi-| \¢ally.unchanged since 1870. At St.Louis Thursday Frank.J |Bergs;‘vice president and.general Manager of a St.Louis.coal com- pany,was killed,Vinginia Johneon, 1/12 years old,of Memphis,Tenn., |suffered a fracture of the that will probably prove fatal,and Louis sus- tained a broken arm and jaw,when skull ‘ an abtomobjle.driven by Bergs was| struck by a ‘train.Sr |The Spence hotel,a ‘lange wooden+ structure Fayettieville,ard the TRS| idéneée of R,‘H.Buckingham,ad-| wene burned last week About 20 gutsts,were in the hotel |: at the time.ofthe fire and spéveral had narrow escapes. |Statesville Pe ope Should Not Neg-| ..kect.Their Kidneys. - No kidney tant..Don’t backache or.urinary.‘irregular-| ity.Nature may be warning zee || || A STITCH IN TIME.- —| t Beailment’ig unimpor-| gravel or disease Kidney |but neglect may’pave the’way..Don’ neglect a lame or aching back an-| other day.Don't.ignore diazy| ispells,irregular or discolored ur- |fhe,headaches,.weariness or de- pressiutn-*7°you ‘el you need kidney,heip tAPin using:the relia- blé,time:-tried remedy,Doan’s Kid- ney Pills Fer 506 years,‘Doan’s have beer found effective.Endors- ed by grateful popele. W.A.Matheson,Elm St.,Moores- ville,N.C;,says:“My kidneys were’weak and irregular in.action and I had severe pains in my back. I heard about’Doan’s Kidney Pills and ysed some.They stopped the tiou i,am always glad to praisethiisremedy.to.anyone who has kidney trouble.”be For sale by all dealers.Price 50 cents,‘Foster-Milburn Co.,f Buffalo, New York,sole agents’for the United States.4 : Remember the name—Doan’s— and.take no other. {b.AL BRHEADS! More Womeix:Are Says sHrdignrty—— This is a.startling statement,but 8 true,*ccérding to ani article \ this vear.‘ One thing is certain:PARTISMAN RAGE will surely prevent,baldness by stopping the hair from falling, but ‘it’Won’t.grow hair after thé head is bald.{ Ladies;look after your:hair,de- strev the dandruff geri |withPARISIANSAGEanddandruffwill disap jecad.Tt stops scakp iteh over night and is guaranteed to be.the’*most refreshing,refined and’agreeable.hair dressing that can be ,obtained...Sold by the Steitesville Drug Company and drug- gists ald over.America for 60 ‘cents.Se seiry hatr “was falling out,anid I.was troubled with)itehinig scalp. PARISTAIN SAGE.’’.>Mire.George disease |: Bald Than Meni, BegTy published in:a standard.magazine T received no Nenefit until I-tried |. Call on ‘Statesville Hardware and ‘War-ness:Co.,.Statesville,Ni a Thunder,R.F..D,6,Marghall,.Mich 4overlooktheslightest| The Planet,Jr,No.76 Cultivator |Is a machine without a rivaljn popularity and usefulness.The arch is high, the frames and tongues allssteel,and the changein width of wheels is all |that could be desire@:®The gangs are adjustable in depth,to throw to and from the row.The,draft is arranged to insure satisfactory work.The pivot 14-spoke wheels act iustantly and make guiding a pleasure...The seat is large and comfortable.The central lever operates hinge tongue to regw-late depth of front teeth and level the machine.ooTocultivateyourcropsuccessfullyyouwillneedaPlanet,Jr.,Ridin Cultivator.‘Comein and look it over..Terms to suit purchaser. Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware Co. eS APRIL 113,1 A thiz75,Paul . Rive memecry, made his «3 of warning;q We Issue <a Warning! -Come here for all kinds of Clothing if you wish your pur- chasingto be satisfactory.We are showing a full line of SPRINGTIME.STY LES IN THE BEST CLOTHING.%« For utility of service,smartness of style,perfectfon -of -fit abd economy of price our clothing cannot be well equaled.Our:prices are moderate,although our guarantee goes withorsale.Come in and look over our large stock:WeturetheGriffonmakeinClothing,which is positivelthebestonthismarketatprice:Try a Suit:and you wi 1takenoother.Sie Sloan Clothing Co. OoSE SNR MG TED RO B I N 0 5! at 1 Rp AS R an to n i AD :a.“Contractors |A.D.COOPER,Manager. A Warning..About|Croup cup visits Weewith the appear- ance of.a commen “wold.’?-:Be.ready~ for the worst—have on hand .in-__VICKSS22sSALVE “It oes right to the lungs by inhalation and absorption,giving instant relief. ‘Avoid -drugs that are,taken inwardly, they add to the suffocation of the ipa «and.derange the stomach. At your druggists or by aail’ 25e.50c.$1.00 1 Be conomy siegerests the dollarsize Vick’'s Family Remedies Co.. yn.“SGreensboro,N;C,i General.oe|Electrical "Ridimates Furnished All Kinds Electrical Supplies.« HOME ELECTRIC 0-, JUST RECEIVED! Local Views,All New. Broad Street Methodist Church: Statesville Female College.. .Statesville Graded School. Mr.F.H.Conger’s Residence. Long’s Sanatorium. Southern PassengerStation. Ask to see the Simplofiller Fountain Pen and Conklin’s Fountain Pen..These aretwo best.self-filling _pens on the market.Carry a full line of Tablets,Inks and Pencils.PRINTING.| BRADY,-The Printer. .Sewing Machines| "Repaired.: J.U.LAMPRECHT, 109-East Front Street.© ’Phone 61. W.R.MILLS, Statesville,N.C.| i tee telt :i Fine Farm Lands and City | Property for-Sale.° } AGENT FOR HUPMOBILES. Jan.:2. THE LAN(DMARK 'PUESDAY,‘May 14.1912. .MATTERS OF NEWS.—«After kneeling inprayeratthe graveofherbabyson,recently buried in a ‘cemetery at.Tampa,Fla.,Mr=Maria Morterello,-wife ,of a well known:manufacturer of that city,poured} v— _|wood alcohol over her bédy and set herself on fire.She dfed while being: carried to a hospital. Three negro workmen were buried| beneath an avalanche of dirt and ‘crushed stone at Marion,Va,Friday and before they could be disinterred two of them died..They were engag-] edin making an excavation for a newcourthouse.and 12 feet of earth fell upon them.: EB.Alford,who’three years aga-|shot and killed his wife.and his moth- er-in-law,was hanged at,Macon,Gai,Friday,He was suffering from.tu- berculosis,contracted since .confine-|.||ment in jail and had to be assisted tothegallows.Every effort had beenmadetosavetheman’s life..The in- sanity plea was offered but.a.lunacy ||commission decided he.was:sane ‘and the Governot refused to interfere, Oo eranne genet |ee a Lame ‘back is ysually.caused bys rhea1=rh tisrh of the muséleB“of:the ‘back,for. ‘which >you ‘will find nothing betterthanChamberlain’s Liniment.'For saleby-all dealers.se : ANOUNCEMENT.‘I ama candidate for the.Demo- “raticinomination for the House of Representatives,subject ta the Dem ocratic.primaries and Gonvention. [f nominated’and elected I will car- Salary question and-all other mat- ters where instructions are given, If the Convention ‘tiominates some other person,the nominee will have gny.loyal support.‘ May 10.)TT.N,HALE. ANNOUNCEMENT. To.‘the Democ ratia Voters of Ire: dell :County:} I hereby announce myself a can- didate for nomination for re-elec- tion ‘to the ‘office of County Sur- wveyor,subject’to the’action of the Democ ratic primates and county convention.R.Y-RIVBS. May iF 1912. ANN ou NCEMENT. To the:Democratic Voters ‘of Ire- dell County: I announce myself a candidate for re-election to the office of Reg- ister of Deeds of Iredell county, subject to the action of the Dem- ocratic primary dnd .county con- vention.J.°E.BOYD_April30,1912.ANNOUNCEMENT. To -the Democratic Voters of Ire- dell County:I announce myself a candidate for fTe-election.to the office of Treasurer of Iredell county,sub- ject’to the-action of the Dem- ocratic primary and county conven- tion,R.SLOAN. _April,30,1912. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, To the Democratic Veters of Ire- dell County. .|ama candidate for the Demo- cratic nomination for the House of Representatives,on the salary plat- form,-sudject t6 the action of the Democrattic primaries and nominat- ing convention,and solicit the sup- port of the voters in the primaries TILDEN H.WILLIAMS. 'April 26 HOUSE |OF REPRESENTATIVES. To the De atic Voters:of Ire- dell Coun : 'lama candidate for the Demo-| reratic nomination for the House of Representatives,on the salary plat- form,subject,to the action of the Democratic primaries anid nominat-| ing:convention.If noéminated and elected I “will-endeavor to carry out the reforms for which I stand pledged.8S.FRONTIS. _April 23,* AN NOU NCEMENT. JOHNC.DYE,M.D.|) EYE,EAR,NOSE ANDTHROAT’AND FITTING GLASSES. Officein Mills Building.| Office hours 9 to 12 a.m.,2,to 6 p.m.: Phones:Office 458;Residence 42 Do You Want to Be Independent? If so,learn Shorthand and Typewritingbybeginningacourseimmediately,whichistaughtatStatesville,N.C.If inter--ested and desire terms,etc,write or callonMRS.E,8.JOHNSON,512 South Center Street,Feb.20.Statesville.N.C, MEAT MARKET. General’line of Fresh Meats. Also dry pine stove wood. CASH &HARRIS, *PHONE 43,-.FRONT STREET,Feb.9.Rear Sumpter’s Store. FOR SALE! Business lot.‘ Seven-room desirable residence onTraddstreets,+Hot and ‘cold water,bath,etc.7LotsnearGitided”School.-Sinall north Iredellfarm, |To the Democratic Voters’of Ire- ;ment of the Democratic mass meet- .dell County, In compliance with the endorse- ing on the 6th instant,I am a candidate.for the Senate of the next General Assembly,subject to the action of the Democratic.pri- maries and convention. I solicit your support.-April 18,1912.W.D.TURNER. FOR THE HOUSE.| Ta4m a candidate for the House of Refiresentatives,pubject to the action of the Democratic primaries and convention,If nominated and elected,I‘will carry out the will of the majority of the party on the question of salaries Of the county officers and:dog tax,and on any other matters where instructions are given:. On all questions where not in- structed,I will use my best efforts to faithfully discharge the’duties of said office ih the interest of:our people:-If Iam not nominated,If will give to the nomimee and other Democratic candidates my earnest and cordial support. April 6.oo BPsGRID, A.OARD. To the Demoerats of Iredell County: I am a candidate for the Dem- ocratic nomination for State’Set- ator,If nomimated and elected,I will faithfully camry out thpe-‘wishes of the majority.of the party on the salary for county officers and dog tax questions and any other instruc- tions which the Democracy of tie county may giveme.If the conven- tion nominates some one else,the’ nominee will have my:loyal and ac- -JOHN MM.SHARPE,tive support.Respectfully,REAL ESTATE .April 1.1912.A.D.WATTS..me ;= ANNOUNCEMENT.ALWAYSIIN. =]OCCUPY thrée rooms on the second floor oftheFirstNationalBank.Building,and I amalwayshere...Don’t peep into my receptionroom |where I néver stay and then go off and say Iam}wot in;but come on in and let yourself be known.Feesf ideee or speak out.If.1-am not atIam*my Lal itory.~—work.Soc:a room farther in,aeniLAUGENOUR,|Dentist. Beb,27, As the matter ‘5 being discussed, I take this method.of announcingthatI.willbe a eaudidate for the ‘office of County Supreimtendent ofPublicInstruction.of Iredell county,Bubject:to the.aciioa of the Demo- ry out the will of the people on.the’ all |.’ ‘Two-Thirds Rule in National Demo- >evatic PER :. Baltimore:Sun. Just before each Democratic:nation- al convention thereis a ‘‘movement,”’ abrogation‘of the two-thirds -rule. be abrogated.»If the convention fails|to adopt it,thenit isgone and a bare ‘majority of the conve ion can refuse to adopt it.But it was’adopted by the first Democratic national conven- tion ever held—to-wit,that which met| in Baltimore in 1832 and nominated Andrew Jackson for President,Each subsequent convention.has adopted {the rule,and it may becontended that|_a rule that has survived for 80.years has some reason behind it.It,is a curious fact that the rule'was first’adopted ‘by a convertion that hadhooccasiontoemployit,for Jackson was nominated by acclamation,athing that did not occur:in a Democtatic than 50 years,the second nomination Cleveland.in 1888, ed,the reason forthe adoption ‘of the that would surely cast.their’electoral" votes.against.him. adopt the unit rule,and some leave their delegates.to vote as individuals, =|Without the unit rule it wouldbepos- sible for the Republican States;with scattering votes from other States,toselecttheDemocraticcandidate,and that is why the two-thirds rule was adopted.Ordinarily -the”candidate who has received the votes of a ma- jority of.the convention gets the nom- ination,his strength growing until his majority becomes two-thirds,and a convention has never’been ‘‘dead- locked’’by the.rule.The split in 11860 came on the platform and the two-thirds rule had nothing to dowithit. Meither Cotton Weigher Nor Tow Responsible.for Los.of Cotton. Raleigh News and Observer. A.somewhat unusual case was de-cided by the Supreme Court of North Carolina last Wednesday. of Gastonia for:the loss-of two balesofcotton.The town of Gastonia had an official cotton weigher and requir- ed all cotton to be weighed by:him. ‘These two bales were brought to,the platform,weighed and were left on the platform for the convenience of the North State Cotton Co..and some-how the-twe balés-disappeared.’It is iy alleged in the complaint that-eith- r Mr.Wilson.or the town of Gas- ‘eae took the bales,but it is alleged that the bales were lost through their negligence and the suit is for the val- ue of the two bales. The Supreme Court,ina percuriam‘opinion,states that neither the weigh- er nor-the town assumed custody of the cotton or in any wise became bailee thereof.The plaintiff might well have stood by while his cotton was being weighed and immediately have taken it away.Neither the weigher nor the town held itself out out a8 bailee nor agreed to furnish warehouse facilities.Their entire duty was done when the cotton wasweighed..It was the plaintiff's fault, and at his own risk,that he left the cotton on theplatforin instead of tak- ing it away. A Defect in Our- |Baltimore Sun. |-The Titanic wreck has again direct- led attention to the fact that the gener- jal maritime jurisprudence of the Unit- }ed States affords no right of civil re- jcovery for the death of a person onithehighseas.Lawsof variousStates of the Union and those of some of the maritime countries of Europe afford this right,butin an American court of admiralty no suit can be maintained to recover damages for the death of a person. The facts have been called.to:the public attention in articles recently published by Mr.George Whitelock,of the Baltimore bar.Mr.Whitelock is one of a committee of the Maritime Law Association that is formulating a law to remedy this flagrant omission. The association will meetin New YorkonFriday,and at this meeting the sub-ject and the draft of the proposed law will be considered.When the.draft has been approved it will besubmitted to Congress for enactment and its en- actment should be assured.We can see no just reasen-why common.car- riers on’the sed’should be exempt from the penalties for negligence any more than common carriers on the land..On the contrary,as human life is considered more in jeopardy on the sea,the laws should be so framed as} to compel every.care and safeguard. Admiralty Laws. Lutheran 'Synod Decides to Re- build Seminary at Mt,Pleasant. The-Lutheran.Synod,in session in .|Charlotte last week,settled the vexed seminary question by deciding to au- thorige the board of trustees to-rebuildtheinstitutionatMt.Pleasant andtenderingtheboardthemoralsup-port of the Synod..This action was taken after four.hours’earnest dis- cussion,during which:it was made plain ‘that the seminary authorities and the Mt.Pleasant supporters were “eit askiag the Synod to obligate them- ves in a financial way,this beingiepointtothemoralsupportmen- tioned in the resolution.After buildings of theseminary atMt.Pleasant were burned agitation was begun to locate the institution -|elsewhere’and Salisbury,Lexington and other towns made offers. ‘There néyer was a time .when peopleberlain’s Cough Remedy ‘niore than now. and.voluntary testimonials from personswho.have,been cured by ‘it.If.you:or cratic Primary and Convention.«RB.Me6 MY -Pquainted “with its good ete f "Phdmydwille.Davidsenian.; “Yadkin has:instructed.for T..R. a proposition,or suggestion,for the The two-thirds rule does:not have to|° national’convention again.for more |‘ by acclamation1eong,‘that of Grover:x As the Sun has.‘heretotoie expliin- rule:was to:prévent the selection of}:-‘|the Demecratic candidate by States|' ‘Some States} The North’-|State Cotton Co.sued Mr.Wilson,the~official cotton-weigher,and the town This is shown by.the increase in sales.| your:children ‘are troubled with a cough |-jcr cold give it a trial and become ac. Democratic. Did you ever know Yadkin“in all its political histery to do anything:that was.right?§os !..4 =‘The members of the Raleigh Goon:try club settled by vote thé questionofpermittinggolfplayingonSundayontheclubgrounds..The vote was106to74againstplayingonSunday. a Eczema Cured byMILAM Oldest s and Most.‘Severe Cases YieldReadily — .Factory Mgr.Am.,‘Tob.Co,Says: “Thave been suffer-|ing very much from'“Eezema im my head,causingitching.of the|scalp for several years,I was often ‘waked:upatnight-scratchingmyhead,and was pre-vented from.sleep.After taking four bot-tles.of MILAM,I feelentirelyrelieyed,though I am continuing to use it$0-as to besurethetroubleis'eradicated from my system.” (Signed)R.H.SHACKLEFORD. Danville,'Va.,March 30,1910, Pane Weil Berees Ue Mi Meticine €s..inc,Dawe, Eczema of 26 Years Standing Cured. Huntington,W,Va.,July 16,1910, ‘The Milam Medicine Co.,Danville;Va. Dear Sirs~In January Jast I wrote you re-garding MILAM.“You said you would cure meorrefundthemoney,Well,ree can keep it aJl.Myface is entirely:well.I feel better than I have n yearsin any way.Am finishing.up my 6thttlenow,and think after 26 years of Eczemaamcured,.With best wishes,Yours respectfully,Signed)«.C,H.WILLIAMS. Paoriasis—A Vilolent Form of Eczema. Blanche,N.C.,July 18,1910, Milam Medicine Co.,Danville,V:a. Gentlemen+I have been afflicted with a tor- turing skin disease pronounced by the physi-cians to be “‘Psoriasis,”’and have had it for ten fears.No treatment of the physicians ever re-ieved me,and'I continued to grow:worse andwasunabletodomywork.By the advice of mysicianIcommencedtotakeMilamonMarekhlast.Iam now faron the road to recovery,and feel that I will be entirely qured.»Tam nowatworkandfeelnoinconveniencefromit.“I take great pleasure in giving this certificateandthinkMilamitagreatmedicine,Yours truly, “J.Wy PINCHBACA, Ask Your Druggist or Write . Milam Medicine Co.,Danville,Vas =NEWs= Embroidery! Allover.Embroidery at 50c.,- 75e.and $1.00 yard.7 44 inch Flouncing at 75c.yd. Flouncing,all widths and |NEW MILLINERY Arriving every day.aed Silverware given away every day.. See us before buying.D.B.Krider &Com'y My Machine Shop Is complete and I am prepared to doanykindofrepair.work.- Engine and Boiler Work a Specialty. tings up to 3 inches.Injectors, bricators,Oil Caps and Jet eePipeandShafting:~ +©.HH,TURNER,: Depot Street. NOTICE TO NON-RESIDENTS. North Carolina,'"In Iredell County. In thé matter of the willDr.Richard.:W.Mills.It appearing to the satisfactionoftheCourtthatT.M.Mills,Hugh Mills,Jeff Mills and Forney Mills, together with all other heirs of Dr.Richard W..Mills are necessary parties and are!non-residents of the State.: It is,therefore,ordered thatserviceofthesummonsbemade upon the above named parties forthirtydaysinlieuof-personal service,Let thé~defendants ‘take notice that said cause is.set-.for'hearingonMonday,May 27th,1912,in theSuperiorCourtofIredellcourity,at Statesville,N.C.You are hereby required to appear and answer,if you are so advised,or the inegmentoftheCourtwillbefink!‘©.L.WHITENER. W.A.SHLF,L.C.GALDWELL., Attorneys for Caveators.: J.A,HARTNBES,Glerk of -the Superior Court. :Per Jno.L.Mitholland, Aprit 16,1912,ae vty of Re Yes:'ome Time the ‘County Voted Also carry a full line..of Steam be }uu- Dealerin Machinery,| Superior Court 4 |Before the Clerk?+f pele by all.dealers. tay* tase ,trial -ve tee 60 cenGiveTHELANDMARK ihre months’| The Shoes SoldatThis Stove Fith oth your feet and}voit pocketbook —and they are’a splendid “double fit.” All the latest styles at the lowest: prices. Comfort, We show you the latest first. elegance and ease are the principles on{which we solicit your custom—and retain it.Come in now forthatnew pairand convince yourself. 1906! S..M.&H.Shoe Co. @.+Six'Years“Honorable Record 4 a1912 Boiler,Liabili Your Comfort Today May Be Your Distress Tomorrow..Ever Think ofThat Mr.Property Owner?INSURANCE! We issue every kind—Fire,Life,Accident and Health,Steam— ,Automobile,Plate Glass,Wind Storms,Cyclone, onds—Administrators,‘Guardians,Trustees andanyjudicialbond..Todayis here. Live stock. too fast.Consider the present. the horseis gone.’Phone 54. information about our policies.Statesville Realty &Investment Co. J.F.CARLTON,Manager. FOR SALE! Tommorrow is.coming allToolatetolockthestableafter Call or write us for prices and ber. farms for sale. Vacant lot '75x112 on Race street.A number of other city and suburban houses and lots and largeGooddividendpayingstocksincorporations.For further information call on or writeERNESTG.GAITHER, EVRANGE)STOCKS AND REAL ESTATE,:OFFICE NO.1,MILLS BUILDING."PHONE fsAy a 7/~Wuder-, |Vudor RE-ENFORCED HAMMOCKS THE KIND THAT LAST 43-acre farm five miles south of Statesville,lying on bothsides ofthepublicroad=Two story,six-room dwelling,some outbuildingsinfaircondition,fine orchard,25 acres in cultivation,balancein tim- Will sell for cash or on time or exchange for city property.-100 acres one mile from Cool SpringHigh$room dwelling,barn and outbuildin tivation,balancein oak and pine tim er. Four-room dwelling on Davie avenue;lot 98x325 feet. chool.Two-story,six- ,good orchard;50 acres in cul- - StatesvilleN.C. Place Your Order Awningsand Porch Shades |awill put them _ up any time want- ed and will save you money.a $rr a *R.O.DEITZ, [Sar Howeftraisking Company. Manager.‘Sales Day:is the first.Monday iin each month in Statesville,N.©. PAGE “wast, THE GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY IS ATHAND!“ To Stay Away iis.Like Throwing Dollars Away!_ Mii ks)==.sale STARTS WEDNESDAY,MAY 15TH. Look For the Big Red Signs.: Nemiaaliy.Demands _ Us to turn this stock into Cash in 10 days’ therefore we have adopted drastic ‘measures to accomplish this end.Come pre pared to see the biggest feast of Bargains ever time, displayed 1in our store before. This Elandseme $15,000 Stock Must be turned into Gash in ten days’time.Look where you will,read what you please--your eyes,your mind and your feet shouldturntowardthisgreatprice-slaughtering sale.The opportunity of your life. BLEACHING Yard wide,-sold at Sic.’SALE PRICE i TOWELS This kind sold at 10c. size.SALE PRICE TABLE LINEN Mercerized Table Linen.SALE PRICE — -:CALICO Light and dark,the 7c.kind. SALE PRICE ene CORSETS . ‘American Beauty and J.C.C. Always sold at $1.00.SALE PRICE _. Full line of CorsetsSALEPRICE SHIRT WAISTS Full line of new Spring goods, Fanty Embroidered,$1.50 value; SALE PRICE ;OVERALLS Good Heavy Overalls,SALE PRICE MEN’S UNDERWEAR Summer ee Shirts andDrawers.SALE PRICE 8¢ 5. 2l¢. 79e. 39. 98e, 389¢. 19¢, Large SHOES Men’s good,heavy all leather: working Shoes. at $2.00.SALE PRICE Sold regular $1.29 Men’s Oxfords and high Shoes, Patent,Gun Metal and Tan. Sold up to $3 00.SALE PRICE $1.69 Men’s Vici,Gun Metal,Patent.Leather and Tan Oxfords ‘and Shoes.Sold at $4.00. SALE PRICE CHILDREN’S The 10c.StockingsSALEPRICE “3c. CHAMBRAY All colors,sold at ie SALE PRICE - LADIES’HOSE The 10c.Stockings. SALE PRICE HANDKERCHIEFS Men’s and Ladies’5c.Hand- kerchiefa,white hemstitched..- SALE PRICE 2c. SHOES Children’sSlippers and OxfordsDongolaKidandPatentLeath- ers.The $1.25 kind. SALE PRICE: $1.98 3Ce 49e. No Goods on Approval. STOCKINGS _ Another lot children’s Ox- leathers,sold up to$1.75.To go SALE PRICE ~69¢ SHANTUNG SILKS Pink,Navy,Black,White,TanandBrown.Regular 25c.value.SALE PRICE 15e. SUMMER SILKS Wash Silks,allsetae?Regular 35c.values. SALE PRICE DRESS LINEN Linen for suits,white and tan. 4 SALE PRICE 18¢. MEN’S PANTS. All Wool Pants Regular ‘Price $2.50. SALE PRICE WORK SHIRTS Light or dark,50c.kind.SALE PRICE 33e. ~~.MEN’S HOSE Plain black,10c.kind. SALE PRICE 3¢. DRUGGETS 9x12 ae Drugget,a_bar: gain at $4 § SALE PRIOK CURTAINS ‘Fancy summer Curtains,worth TOC. SALE PRICE 21c. $1.48 $2.98 fords and Slippers,6 to 2,alk Saxe Price 39Ce: _CURTAIN SCRIM 10c,values. Sa.eé Pricer *5c. “=SHOES S About 88 pair Ladies’DongolaKidOxfords,that sold at $1.50 to $1.715. Sate Prick |:98e. Ladies’.Oxfords and Pumps, Tan,Patent Leather and Kid, that sold from $2,50 to $3.00.- Sar Price $1.69 Ladies’Oxfords and Pumps.Aspeciallotthatsoldashighas $4 00,all leathers. $1'98 WHITE LAWN A regular 10 value. Sa.E Prick ‘DRESS SHIRTS New spring patterns,cuffs at- tached.50c.value. Sax PriceCORSET COVERS Good values at 25c. Sate Price.MEN’S U NDERWEAR B.V.D.Athletic Underwear, always sold at 50c. Saxe Price 39¢. MUSLIN UNDERWEAR Large assortment of Drawers, 5Ce 33¢. 14¢c. |Skirts,Gownsand CorsetCovers PERCALES Light and-dark,1 yard wide. Sold at 12c. Save Price POUND PRINTS 40 yards to the bundle,bargainat$1 25.: Sae Pric K SUSPENDERS| Men’s 15c.Suspenders. Saxe PriceFLOUNCING 27 inches deep,40c.value. Saxe Price ‘GINGHAMS Apron Ginghams and all colors of Chambray,sold at.8c. Sa.e Price LADIES'VESTS Gauze Vests,tape neck,the |10e, kind : Save Price 5¢. ‘BROWN COTTON 36 inches wide,heavy weight, usually sold at 9c. Sax Price 5c. EMBROIDERY Large assortment of 10c.Inser- tion and Edging. Saxe Price TOWELS Extra large,sold at 15c. Sate Price 64e. 79c, 23¢, 3Ce 5c. :$6, “No Goods on Approval. Free,Free. 44-Piece Eicndacinc Gold-Figured China Sct,valued..at $7.50.Ask for a card and every.purehase you make have the amount punch-ed. Free,Free! The one holding the card with the greatestamountpunchedfromWednesday,May 15,to Saturday night,May 18,will a this hand-some China Set.i Z POSTON:SON COMP 546 South CenterStreet,Statesville,North Carolina.LOOK FOR THE BIG RED SIGNS. { Se nesday owhien my -ecleaeigabttthencln aa t fe e t atrain,: .spedple were aboard No. “dng.several college girls enmrouite: ~.Ihomé,;but:none of,these were hyrt Miss:.Essie, “the .Saturday:night, -his loss on the building “Fhe “time on “About 3é .ee »H.Query. \.»Mrs.Houpe was about 74.years “ed,iby:her hiusibamd .and _.Mirgs:- >than caxabartal ns Linimen ‘VOL.XXXVI.f f“STATESVILLE,N.©.FRIDAY,MAY 17,1912:=NO.84. WRECK.AT CONNELLY SPRINGS. Engineer’and.Colored Woman Kill- ~ed--—Six Persins Injured, There:was considerable Jexcite ment in Statesville about moon.Wedit“was.reported that |.0 the west4bound passenger ‘was:wreeked)sat Connelly} A.number of ‘Statesville11,jnkelud-, wo.11, Springs. Nine.Wi WW; 8.Dhomas, -Coeper and..Mr..D..entoute to.Marion,amid,Cowles,.who was onherway‘to Rutherfordten,were on the train:|»A ‘apectal to the Chairkotta Otic ver~gives.the following repont ofthe:wreck:oe ae -Thestrain was running)about 40 miles an.hour,and as it was round- ingthe cunve at thie Connelly Springs yard,a Bwitch split just as the en- ving and baggage and mail)care had passed,.The secoud)-class.car heft track .and:broke loose from those in.front,’jammed ‘into a freight engine standing.on the pid-ing,and knocked thé freiighd :en- ginéer,who.was on the ‘ground.be-. side hip engine,under Bame,sever- ing.his body in two,and’mutilat ing him almost beyond recognition. A colored occupant of the car was illed,.a negro woman,She was bur- ee in a mass of debris peveral feet deep.Other occupants of the car were seriously injured.’ The biagPage car was completely demolished,and the baggage masterinjured‘po that it is feared that hewil)die.:Alb the trunks,etc.‘n the car were destroyed,After break-|4 ing,bose,the engine,bagg:we and mai}cars ran -for several hundred}y ortle and:left the track,but were not overturned | The Pullman and observation carafemainedonthetrack.The two first-class day coaches .were ficled passengers,and were derailed, the only damage done.was the and bruising of several but shaking uw of the passengers.The dead are Engineer:Fin-~ ley Smith,of Asheville,and Annie Lockhart,cdlored of Charlotte. “fhe ¢njured:-are Geo.Budkner, baggage master,may die;T.A. Wrench,Asheville,tiaket éollector; Pink Suttle,of Raleigh,and Melissa ‘Lockhart,of Charlotte,both.colored 7T 4.Isaacs and John Blackmon, Yisgmen.The injured were taken,to a hospital im HickoryThedaycarnext to the.colored car,which was partly,overtumied, was built of steel and this fact nodoubtsavedthelivesof50ormorte persons Barn Burned on Rev,W.A.Lutz's Farm in Rowan. A barn on thie farm of Rev.W Lutz,of Statesville,near China Rowan county,was burned the fire oniginating A ’Grove, from lightning. Sunday:moming about 1:30:light- struck @ stack pole oe thie barn,setting straw afire.The fanm is tenanted by Mr.J.KR,Cline.He was aroused by the heavy peals of thunder and discoverdd the fire in time,to save bis horses and cattle. All of.Mr.Cline’s grain and feed, nearly all his vehicles,harness,a reaper and a lot of farm implements’ were burned with the building.Mr. Cline’si loss is.eStimated at 3300. He had no insurance.The.barn was a splendid building of three stories..Mr.Luta estimatesat$500 has $350 insurance.Mr.Lutz went to his farm Mon- day and returned Tuesday,evening. neighbord--gathered promptly and helped Mr.Cline erect a tem- porary building:for his stock...His loss of feed,implements,etc.,is quite serious,especially at this.busy the.farm. The Road Work.oe Engimeer Fallis tells The Land- mark that the road work in the county makiiig good progress.5 to 40 miles of road have been graded and a part.of ‘this surfaced:There afe about i5 steel bridges to put-dowm Mr.Fak lis finds by comparison.that the cost of the steel bridges is not so freat as the cost of some of thewoodenbridgesbuiltbythecounty im the past.:He also finds that the expensd of the engineering)work, including supervision,is only about 3 1-4 per.cent.This is @bout half ‘what the engineering he is cost,in some counties: -The work of locating the ponds:is also making good progress.While there are differences to be adjusted all)along,the line;owners of rights of Way usually sign up after-theyhaveaeeSTORESoffthecase,; Mrs.J.Wilson Houpe Dead. ‘Mire.Jeanie Adams Houpe,wife of Mr.J.Willson,Houpie,diied at her hioome in Bethany township at 5 o'clock yesterdiy morning,aften a week"s il/iness of pmenmonia.—~ The fumeral and imterment;will take place at Bethamy ehitirch,|.of whiten Mra Aidams was a-méemben, at°11 o'clock today -and!thie perv-willl be conducted by Rey.Li. She was a daughter of thieRafeAdameamdfeBueyiige two pons, Messrs.Lacy.and Burette Houpe,) and)‘by two sisters anid a..brothjer—M.cN».Hall~and Miss ayAdamsandMr.W.M.Adams.,- Mrs,Houpe was 4.good wonian fn alll,the relations of life anid:waisiheld.dn highest esteem.ve (hen aye gihy bonis and “friends.cssancissinpnetlbetgaaihadsnteian Lame oft is usually caused .by rheu-matism o amua 4 ~of the,ing forwhithyoufind-nothi iter‘or sale| old. Pate J ‘Yaim-as.to this until He} lim the tobacco favtory,had ‘of laborers A GRADEATE GOT MARRIED Miss:Clement,.One ‘of the:Shea Gractuannes ‘Was Married Wednes- Ye", of .this ‘week's.graduates:at “the college,and:-.Mr.Clyde Wimmer, -of Winston,were.manried Wednies-.|:diay.manning::about:11%o'clock.at the.Pitrst Presbyterian manse,ner Kelly’street and West Bid ave. nue...The,Ceremony.was perform. ed by Rev.-C.-H.Raynal'io the ‘presence .of less °thary.::a,dozenfriendsamd/relatives of the cou- on|bile,among:‘them Miss ‘Nellie Wim-mer,.of .(Winston,sister of the groom,and a ‘close friend of the bride,who was‘here for the.event. The young ‘couple left Weedzies- day evening fon Asheville,‘where they will.spend a few days before going,to Winston,.where they will liye.Mr.Wimmer tn a son of Mrs. Geo.F.Wimmer,of Winston;and’has a position In.the railway freightofficesthere.Miss Clement is a daughter of Mr.E.-E:.Clement, who came.here from Winston a.few months ago and has since had!‘room: witty Mr.and Mrs:A.J.Evans.She is a bright and ©atitractive .young lady amd.during her four years at the college has made many friends hera who iwish,bier happiness.: Wh leat hod be.a “noised)ebread’’ that Miss Clement and|Mr.Wimmer were to’wed during the comnience- ment,it was known that there was cbvjection to ‘the match by.bride’s father and the.exact time and!place of the wedding was uncertain. act it is understood that the cous]pi».themselves’were’not det-| a.short time befare actually,took place. the ceremony Violation “of State Anti-Trust Law Sustained. In an opinion)written by Chiet | Jusiee’Clark,the Supreme.Count)finds ito error tm the action of the| Burke county Superior Court in thecaseofJyM.Smith against Monganton Ice Company The suit.was brought by.Smnlitihy| against the ioe company wnder che ang trust law of :1891...Smith was a local ice dealer at Monganton and hed been securing his supply fromUheNewtonIceCompany,about 30 miles away.’The Mongaston con- pany.attempted to monopolize theicebusinessinthat,town,and hadinducedtheStateGSchoo)—for:thie Deaf end Dumb,which also manu factures ice,to stop supplying the town trade,especially Smith. ‘The Morgainton company,it is el-, 60 alleged went.to the Newton com- pany and threatened that if it did not stop supplying Smith with)tae that they would imivade tha Newton company’s territory In this manner Smith was cut off from his base of supplies from:thiese two comcerns.6mith broughit suit:for ‘civil dam- ages and was.given a verdict for $400 im the lower court.An appeal was taken from’this decision with the result above stated. In.wititing the opinion Chief Jus- tice Clark says:“It is sigmificant that,with sumerous glaring éneban- aes of violations of the law,many of them known -to~be far vaster tn intent andi effect,ahd indeed Viola- tions of the common law,whiidh pumishes such offenders,that this case,a small infraction,is the:only Ne that has come to this ‘court in dhe 21 years that this law has been om the statute books.”’ Absolutely False,Says Mr.Turner. ‘Reports were brought to town from Eufola yesterday.that,it was being circulated’in that pec tion that Mr.W.Do Turner had taken fees on both sides of-a law sulit;|that hie had taken fees from.persons on each)side of the same suit to ap- pear for them,: Mr.Turner was starting to the sountry to fill am appointment when communicated with and.he author- ized..The Landmark to say the statement.is.:absolutely falee.Of course nobedy who knows Mr.Tur- ner “will believe this report,-but cinculated on the eve of ‘the.‘pri- maries it ‘may damage him with ‘thosé avho don’t know ‘hiim personr ally.;. Thig is a grave change'and onewhich,if true,would subject Mr. Turner to disbarment.The .peo- le who.are dirculateing it may real- ize that it.is loaded: Fourid.Piece of Finger in Plug,of Tobacco,a Mr.J.“.Rogtrs,empiloyed.in the factory i ‘he Statesville Safes and Table Companyyhas ‘“‘sworn,off"’ on chewing tobaceo and for good neasons.Wihile biting off a chew from)a popular brand,of plug ‘one day this week hie found!in)the plug the end of a human ‘finger,which is mow om exhibit at the:factory.The portion of finger is of course msalhed:flat and dried,but is fs human finger al night,cut off be- tween .the first and)se@cond|joinits: The supposition is that am ‘pperator the.uiis- fortune to get hits finger caught inoneoftheplugmouldsand)after dos- ing:the finger didnt,take time .to stop the machime to*get it out, if ‘Labor Trust Failed. Ky ving that the paving contmac- tord would need a good)many la- borers ‘and eapecting thie,gab pGo- ple to needa good)many for ditch digging and plipe laying,it is umr drestood,that the megroes.of the town formed an agreement not to: work on either.job!for Tess than: $2 a day,but the gas ‘olks are do-imigy Adil ditching with a madhine whiidix does thie-work of a.dig Squad rs,and some of the color eed citizens ;'who.saw visions of ight wages are.disappointed ama by all dealers: upon:“the Semana ishaaos an}aontempt.Se alti ‘ MAL “-Tdeala Clement,“who was,one . Yor-| In|, tine | bus- and Pinno,\Miss Liseie.Clementt;\’ hiness,Misses:Carrie Sowers slanche Cowan, ae Deal,DavidsonS0n,,Concond::Jessie:Keefe,’Old Fort;bachelor of .scilemice,,--MiBses Rosa Ratchford,»Carlisle,S,C.,bachelor of literature,Miss Jane MoNeit],;Laurel Hill:Mies Ania Sunqners,Statesville; ‘amt,Misses Jane Epyin,.Wox,8.aesHelenWilson,Sherrifil’ad Fo:graduate,Migs Allie:Mac A >Elen The the ‘dat ‘gradnateseicebidd)hetdipiémamembers.of.tihte,Juniorclasscameontherostrumdisrobéd|the seniors and.put om the.robes,sig- rifying:that they.will.now.be seniors.The.marshalls then,browgthtManybeautifulflowers:and!other THE FINALS AT THE COLLEGE. Squires Address.Tuesday Evve-| tines —_Graduating -Exercises,Award of Medals,‘Distinctions,:Etc:—Dr.Shearer's Talk —To,.Raise FA0.900 to Hay Reon ut “Debt.—;‘ “dntenéstingyand entebtaitiings 3 e the final commencement,€xi i ofStatesvilleFemale’College Tuesdayevening‘and an audkenece:which)fill| ed Shearer:Musie Hall was‘there to. enjoy them.’Phi Bpacious olstrum;>decorated With clase colors| and .floweérs,:was,occupied “by:tie ‘young lady prahuates, thiedr little mascot,.Winnifred “Pegram,‘who:thielid).&huge four-leaf clover bearing ‘1912,the,speaker of thie members of the.board of tmustees and preside of the college.:.Theexpreises:obehed with the singing ofa hymn,‘followed by prayer by Rey.W.T:;.Walker,of .Baritum., Then.the salutatory by Miss JaneWitherspoon.Irvin,whose welcome to the atidience was a fitvinigy |amd cordial one. Rev.Chas:’T.Squires,of Lenoir, a member of the board of trustees aud a young man vitally interested in)the ‘college,was introduced)by President Scott and delimered the commrancement ‘address,which ‘was rather unique,and yet an appropmi- jate and excellent ne Beginning jin a humorous fein,Mr.Squiresiwhoisa'.good speaker,explainedltohisBearersthatlast:they vhiould\fail’to appreciate the fact’he would jtell them.in,advance that’hig wasaremarkableaddress;)remarkable |because he-never ‘delivered am ad- dress before in)his life and was nevy- er before guch at assemblage.Be- |coming serious the speaker held.hiis |Bible before the audience and re lands iged them of the repeated)plate- |mént that the Soriptures;constitute la library of every form.of thought ard expression;truths clothed.im: jevery form of literary.expresiiion. |He was convinced,he declared,that jthis statement is words of sober ness and truth anid.said).the:puripese of his address was to engender.a love of the Scriptures as a literarylstudy..To let the Soriturey speak for themselves he read)passagca and the reading was 60 well done that their yalue’as literature handily needed the explanations he .gave ‘each passage An,unequalied)ex- ample of .pathos was read.fromthewordsoftheprophetMichael and from Hosea.was given a beat tifull expression of God’s ilove forHispeople,followed by words from Amos and Isaiah’s scathing denun- ciation of the rulers in Jerugajem and the rubers’reply.“For poetry the song of Moses which recited the diestructicn of the Bgyptiane in the Red sea was given,and otherselectionsfromthe‘Obd Testament, were read. I have purposely read these se- lections from the portions of the Bible.so little read,continued Mr Squires.We all know the beauty of the Sermon on the.Mount;we are.familiar with .Paul's beautiful description of the different,parts of the body,his recitation:of ‘exper- fences ‘and -his..13thi «chapter -of| Corinthians on lore.But our purpose’is to show that the o&d proph the debt,only the interest.om.the ecys are filled with literary-gems..[notespeing paid from year to year. I ave no apology for reading 60 |Dr Shearer is sure the money.will much of them’for if my conception|bé raised without trouble.. of the sréligious.college is right The singing of the college song the word of God should be first.|D¥the student body:and the.ben-If we merely,teach;litermture,mus-edietion by Dr.Shearer.mamked the ic,elocttion,ete.,.we have no dis-close of the 1912 commencementtinction,for the seoulatr colleges all The graduates held an informal} do that much.We exist’because |Tecetion on the rostrum and ré-we stand for the teachings-of the |céived the congratulations)of theirwordofGod.Let us study the word |friends.::of.God:throughout.Young,_ladies,|The session just-cloe-d is the 12th we have enideavored to bring fonth|Under ‘the adminisiration of Dr.J. the saiared truth of God.As yow en-|A:Scott and was one of the best in ter upon the:voyage of life you the history ef the institution.States- will find days of sunshine and days |Ville Female College is no -longer of darkuess;days of happiness)and |4 BChool/atbended by only the young days of sorrow.Im the tim@s of ladies of the comunutiity.Through trouble yow can find mothing so|the efforts of Dr.Scott the donmi- comforting as the word of God,|tory accomodations-have been.in- which,I trust you may take as your creased from year to year,enabling man of counsel.:him to take care of a langer numTheaddresswasSoniatandtothe|ber of boarders,and this year there point and was well received by the |Wére 68 boarding students,coming auidience from several States,besides the Following a piiano.duet by Misses|large number of —tocal students. Mary Fleming,of Wopodleaf;and|Greater things are expected nextSarafilStevenson,of Waxhaw.Pres-|year..There will be practically lit- ident Scott madé.announcement of |Ue change .in .the faculty.Missthework.of the ‘séskion andi -the|Mary McKeehan,of Ind.,will suc-gradeg made by the students during Lcee?Miss Margaret Willliams,.off fil-the session.The year’s wonk,he|limvis,as'voice peaonen,and in plaee shid,has been chairacteriized\|by:ear-|Of Miss -Adaline -Tirrel,who nestiess,«faithifulness anid)success.|'#ught Pnegilish and modern Jan Master Gordon Scott made a grade|Suages,Miss Margaret L.Engle, of:over 99 and Misses Margaret|Of Ellicott City,Md.,has been:pe- Deal and Hassie Miller made over |cuted to ‘teach Engl ish!and)history.98:Those whose grades reached!97 Hit is regretted by.many:that Misses were Misses Frances Fleming,Launa|Williams .and Tirrel-will not come acMurray,Martha Tatylon,Mary Dew,back mext year.' Lissie Clement Rebecca.Stimson,+Ali .<i Out-of-townalithiTheseieiciAhe . Misses Mary Belli King,Nina..Black;,lege is now practically diserted. Helen Wiison,Esther,Mayberry,|All of the out-of-town’teachers haveInezBenton,Mary @hoaf,Letha alinead'y gone or will 20 within a day Hamilton:95,Misses Mary,Flem-or two—iMiss Margaret Williams to ;+'Hil.sboro,Ili.;Miss Grace Stultinging,Marie }‘i ie alle :‘ing,irie Cunningham,Della to ‘Loulsture,-W:Va;“Miss Lavcile Ella Thomip- at the feet-of the:graduates. In the award of the medals,whitcl followed,the students showed keen- est interest..The essay medal,giv- 2m for.the best essay on “Whiat’tistobeexpectedofacollegeeducated‘woman in her hone ard)community.’Went to Miss Mary,Shicaf,of Moores-ville;the piano medal went to Miss,Lissie Clement;the scholarship medai to Miss Margaret.Deal,ofStatesville;‘the Wood Biblical med- a to Miss Esther Curry,,Climax, A. by Miss Jane MoNeill..It-was afinediscussicn..of|thie subject. A piano.number by Miss Lethadamiiton,of Unionville,pragededthe.validictory by Miss .Helen W.il- son;the Honor graduate.The val- sdiictory was well)writtem ‘and swell|dislivered. Dr.J.B.:Shearer,of Davidson, ‘tthe aged:pPesident of the board of|trustets of the callege;was introduc- ed by ‘Dr.Scott amid cheers and| spoke to the audience for some min- utes in the imterest of:the college. Despite his four-sccre -years ‘Dr, Shearer is stil as “bright.as adollar”and,full of witicism.In tel-ing of his career i’connection withschoolworkfromthetimehe-en- ered an old field schocl at six yeaing of.age’to the present,he related Many:interesting é€xperiences..in such.a humorous manner that his hearers.could not refrain from out-bursts of laughter.He gave the history of the ups and downs of the college from the time he became in- terested in its affairs,16 years ago,belig made sole trustee at thatime,and also painted out the great improvements that have been madeanditsaccomplishmentsasan,edu- cational instituticn.About $30,- 000 has been spent in enlarging and improving the college during these years and it is now an ex- cellent ‘plant..There $7,000 on the college when it was bought by the Presbyteriand and this debt has gradually increased to $10,000.-Statesvilla Presbyter- ians propose to raise $5,000 of this amount,‘while Concord Presbytery! has agreed to take care of the othrer$5,000,and the entire debt is expected to be wiped out within a short time..Until now)attention fis been given to:fmproving the cok ege plant rather than paying off students have been Thompson,Allie Mae Arey;94,El-a :;,oise Mayes,-Phoebe,Gant:Jame Wiillliames to Victoria,Va.;Miss Ada- Coach hip entice pat a (line Dirrel to ‘Boston;Miss Margar-MeNeill,Anna Summers,Jane Ervi'ni,i 5 eiAetherCo‘«et Boardman:to Greensboro,\Alla.;Esther Curry,Sarah;MeLoud,.Jes Migs J FrederiekstsieKeefe,Ruth Saddlen:93,Addie ,v!'S8 Janie B'shop tooe inedericks McMurray,Jettie Maybenry;,Sarah |"U"8,Ya Stevenson,»Louise Sherrill,Lilla Mr,ate ae Beeaae Sowers;Merle Shoat.)>Hotel.ohnsie Rankin,Mattie Tate,Mary Brumley,Alberta Clary;91,Roberta!_Mr.B..G.Gélmer,owner and pro- Taylor,Elvira.Rhyme,Ruth)Hoover;|Datietion—ofthe Statesville Inmi,this $0,Mywthe WHelideplimg,~~iivabyus)week.beagead:and took Gluurge of CieShepherd,.Chanley..Tomilin,Stu-}St..-Choud Hotel;in Concord..Hedentsnotabsentasingle’day are)will continiwe hesidence in States- Misses Mary Fleming,Phoebe Garth,villlle but’will divide his—time be-Edith Gilbert;Edith Molaughilin,|tween thle two -ltotels.Mrs,Gil- Annie Rhyne;ivira ‘Rhyne,‘Theo mer “went to Concord jast)nigh't:to Tenvell.spendafew diatys wilt Min,Gillimer ds- The.follow!net young ladies who sisting him im getting the St.Cloud havé ‘completed their coursed in |i food running.onder unden the special studies were awarded dettit-|Hew:management...Meesirs,Connon, icates;Misses:Faith McLaughlin |and.Mortrig,;-the owners,haveRebeoca.;Stimson,Louise Sherrill}recently spent $3,000 immmoving thieOharleyTomlin,-Eethen Curry,Jinterfor of.the Gt.Cloud,whilch,iss::receiving:<dpfomast wore i.fae haa inv Concord,: Statesville;Newtie >bach elen.‘of day, graduation presents and|placed!them ;1 SloanMissShoaf’s essay which won the | medal was read before the audience’ ‘|well,chilef; was a debt of| Gilmer Takes Charge |Concord |. THE GRADED .SCHOOL |NEXT, Conuiicncemene:Next’Week—Dr. ‘Bomar's :Sernion Sietea rhe“@lass of 1912 the Statseville ‘Pulblic School,wihichtHenrbteSunday,Monday.and Tues- Sunday,’at’11a.m,Dr KE.EB)Bomar,of Chgrlotte,:will preac.:‘the.annual serqign.at the.school ‘auditorium,©Mondtay)evening,at.§°30;-annual ‘address -by.Prof:MV €.ees:Noble;of the:State Uni- versity,;Chanpeil,©Hil;>AwandingGertificatesofattendanceandpre- sentation of medals ahd prizes.,esday evening at 8:30,>dlass ex- endiges,tenith grade.Folliowing is.thie clads roils |Harry ‘Hoyle.‘Abernethy,.MinorRevereAdams,Florence Alexander,Leaty May Brown,Fallie.May Cars- cadidion;:Rosamond ‘Clank,Fred Hyams Deaton,Dan iel Bugene Bagle,Mary Elsie’Hdwards;Nora Neale Foard,Ruth Gill,Glaudé.Goodman, ’Daisy Ruth Ledbetter,Corinne Mor-rison,Julian Knox Morrison;RachelIreneMorrison,Many Luola Over-cash;Irene Scroggs,Karl Sloan,Maude Maddeline Sloan,Katie,Lee Somers,Hlree Webster. ~The class officers “are:Kal|president,“Florende Alexan- der vice president,Ruth;Gill pecre- tary,Minor Adams treasurer. The marshals are:Marvin Har-Marshall Fowler,HenryNicholson,’Percy Grier,Gratz Mill- saps,"Mary Loretz Cowles,Inby Reid,lCharlie Hines,Lija Hogan,Perry|Guy,Sadie Waird,.Frances Pressly, Irene Templeton,Rose Milis, |sie Rae Simomn,-Erskine Jdhngon, Watt Eagle.se |SOME MATTERS TO:-CONSIDER. |Questions For Democrats to Ponder in the.Primaries Saturday,18th. To the Democnaits.of Inedell Coun- ty. ”How wilt A;‘D:Watts,H.P.Grier and T..N.Hail,canidlidates for theLegislature,vote individually oni the salary questicn at the.election in November?aeWihydoes.every county:~offlicial regard the legislative ticket pul, up by the mass meeting April 6th,composed of W.D.Tumnier,Dr.Shel- ley Frontis and.Tilden H.Williams, and thie Democrats.of the county supporting thiese candidates in theprimaryaspoliticalenemieswihen there is no appodition to the (ne-nomination and eléction.of saiid of- ficiialle? ets will the countiy officials vote for im the primaries May 18th.Wiy do dhe ‘‘Maidhine’*”pali- tidians claim thiat.thiey ane mot op posed to salaries and ait the samie time angue tht the salary ‘business is alll hg and thaitr they wilt give thie ‘dear peopie’’scnie ling °bet- iter by seas jing)fees?:|.Will a deg'stater who owes his tnomination to.a .comibinagion of county officials mepriesent,the jpeo- ple,or.will he represent the oflfi- cers?; The satire polutical fonces.ihiave been)in.control of the legislative af- fains of thie county for the .past 12 years.Why have they not nedueed iQile fees if they are too hiigh? Does their past Necond dhew that they are in favor of salaries or re- dhiging fees?-; Tihese matters are of vital im- portanice to every Democrat in Ine- del)coutty and should’be given be- |rious consideration and answered in |the primanties May 18th,fairly and honestly to yourselves,tto your coumtry anit to your God- SALARY DEMOGR AT. j Reublican,‘State,Convention. The Republican State convention in Raleigh Wednesday elacted Riche mond‘:Pearson,Zeb.Vance :--Wail- Ser,Dr.Cyrus Thoin pson and Thos, 5.Owens delegates at lange:to thia national convention.and)instiudted them to vote for.Roosevelt.Thos. J:Gheck,“H.‘Cl:Caviness,8.C. McGuire amd Geo.Pritchard+were elected alternates.int Zeb Vance Walser was ‘permanent|chairman of the conventions Ridh- ‘mionid Pearson was named ‘for.na- tional commititteeman to’suceaed Dunean,defeating Marion Batler by an overwhelming vote.The plan of onganization,was changed to disprive ‘thie ‘State chiainman of«pairt of his power.A motion to elect a,State chairman prevailed)but before this eoulid.be done the conventiion,by a majority,of ten,voted to adjoutnn.: If thie election of Staite chahnman inad)been gone into Morehead)woulld hiaive been diefeated,‘;Rsolutions adopted criticisa Pres- ident’Taft. .From ‘Turnersburg. Correspondence of The Papamark, Turnersburg,.May 15.—Saturday morning “we shad..a/tnreamendous downpour of rain.In fact it raimed ‘about,all day:The waiten courses were very high and much damage was done to farming =lands., neard one farmer say that this main damaged him im the neighborhood of about,$100.All:of the talk is politics and puting *ounity,.offieers on a Salary. F*Tam not mistaken there willbe abou tine votes out of ten for ee aries,|.Wheat is looking very:bad, is a good deail of rust op it. Miss:Delpihita Sergeant,of Lees burg,is -thle,guest of Mrs.©,iA. Moore.»Miss Sergeant will spenid the summer with felatives:in ‘this community,:: = Thone esi al Thie Southenn Presbyterian Gener-, al.Assembly,.in session at Bristol, Tenn,elected:“Rey ‘Dr...Thos:8, Clyce of[Shenmen,,Texas,“moire Tuvitati¢ng ‘were isaned!thls week:ifor the commencement exercises!of|: Rev.’ Bes-| Whilich one of the begislaltiive’tic:Ike 80 over ,department of BRIEF ITEMS)OFILOOAL NEWS. —Local buyersersoffered 11,85 for. cotton yesterday. Prof.A,. closed:yeaterday. Grading preparatory.‘to ‘porvinial S$.‘Paxton'a chal ‘his.begun on sales sbreet,ean the square,¥—rThe DA»R's.“wilt mieet:wittt~‘Mrs.J...C;.Fowler Monday ttotnoga’: at 4 o'clock}:%—>Preaghing -at Bethesda,Chiurh, ‘jon “service Sunday at 11 edlored,|were.married lst night... Mose’is the janitor,at ¢he rom mercial ‘National ‘Bank.Hee —-Friends of the Landmark,imi thievarioustownshipsareaskedto ‘phone the paper results of the.pri-.maries tomorrow afternoon: ~—“Mesers.Miles Cowles,Edward. Anderson and Richard Wihiite.visiit- 11 hear Connelly Springs W.edinest day. —~Mir.PDR,Stedle,who comida * welds an openatiion at the sanatorium several’‘weeks “ago,was .iremov- ed.to his -hiome on West And ave- nue this week.-°°:, ——Lester.Flow,a.‘negro:youth, who -was'_before Mayor.Pno,Tem, Sloan for an assault |on amiother negro;received penteniae of 30 days on the street force. —Oacasionallly The Hapdmark Ties. to’gurrender.to the.advertisers.They.have most of the.space to- day and they have interesting,tnifor- maition for our readiars. —Dr:Crouct,who-has been lo- loh township,the past two years for the practice off his profession, has located at Stony Point. —Mr.Jas.R.Hill,who has been’ with the Souther railway.for sev- eral months,was at home this weekonavisit.Mr.Hill has a position as ticket collector and his nun is out of Maicon,‘Ga. —The ariminaly docket for next week’s tarm of Superior Court ia unusually light.~The-most impar-' tant-ease to be tried is that of Wal-ter Russell;who killed June Sum- mérs in north Lredelksome months ago “At.thie meeting of thie Mer- chiante’Association:tonight at 8 o'clock freight rates will be dis- cussed;Mr.W.L.Gilbert,who has.gathered much information on this subject,will present it to the meeting.og. ~—Louis Frantz,Dutchman,successfull in.the handicap!wrestling match with Madertilla the Turk,abStatesvilletheatreTuesdaywnigihit. ‘he ‘Tunk undertook:to throw theDutchmantwicewithinan‘hour, but not a single fall was made. Saturday anid Wednesday and Wed- nesday.might have greatly retarded farm work.The Scripture witich saitiy seed time and harvest shallnotfaithhastobekept‘eqristant- commandér,of the’Reuben Campbell camp of Coninfadenate veterans last week.Mr.Irvin had been commiand- er for several years‘and did not desire re-election.Mr.Steele was elected his successor.: —Statesvilile people who desire to-renew acquaintance with!‘Alvarez, the Cuban who was a recent visi- tor here,were advised a few das ago that Allvarez,who Was sulppos- ed to be under police surveillance in)Cuba,had mot been seen since the 7th.Alvarez evidently smelled a mouse. Mira,-C. went .a@ ‘Very A.Tumer,wihio wnider-: i severe and danger-ous operation “in.New.York three weeks ago,is mapiidly ©necover- ing,hier friends will be glad to know:Dr.,Turner,whio has beem with:her,is expected home this week.Mrs.Turner willl not come home for a month. ~The Iredell Telehote Company distributed new .directories this week.The net inonease in the num- ber of ‘pihiones sitive’the last di- rectory was isswed,six months ago,.is about 100.The ‘business.of the company finereases .steadily.The net monthly.inereasé in ‘phones ranges from 10 to 15. —Dr,B.W.Kiligore;s Messrs.R. Wi Scot.A.T -MeCaltum and J. P.McRae,a°committee from the_ State Board of Algmicullture,,met at the State Farm here ‘yesterday to the work. Ac¢companyting ithem |wer Messrs.Mason anid [Haynes 0”the land and industrial the Southern;raii!l-- way.re ‘ The Lrediedill ddlegaites tg thie State convention,metunned hiome yes- terday.°Among those whio attended were’,ae J.W.C.Long,D.Js”Williams,H.Ct Cowles,S.A,Liow-" rance,J.T.Jennings,T.M.Stike- leather.Col,Cowles,who was thie over the“Catawba river have beem. completed,midst of,the:sedi has been hauled from Wufela.tothie niv- én and the work of \putting up the bridge will begin in about ten days. The bridge Bhould be completed in 30 days)after constructiani and stockholders in the bridgt com- pany are asked.to pay up their stock so that the work coped be paid for. fhe juny-in the MoydatWytheville,Yeu.Bad AAllon,cage, oh tor,My pe?aE hast ~~et .'1S ye owt ed’thie seene ofthe wreck,of No.oe beging «5 OTe: Saturday:at 11 o’elock and eee ‘ ’ = ’ \ ‘cated at:Mr.R.H.Grayi's,in Shi-. was’ Tt Heavy rains ©which fell:last — ly in mind to comfort the gloomyones. —-It wag Mr.J.C.Steele,not” Mr.J.©.Ibvin,who was elected de a loné Taft delegate,saya the conven-\:; tiom was a great gatherin:eh Raleigh has the best auditorium in. the State and that the ciity’s ‘hos- Ditaliy was unbounided, —The concrete piers for the Statesville-Buffalo Shoals.bridge._ ‘Mose’White:‘and’,Rena Keer,oe € THE LANDMARK “FRIDAY,-May 17,°1912.ae? +DOMMENT ON VARIOUS MATTERS, “The Aycock’Monument»Associa~| _..Mion had set ‘aside.May 17th,18th y ak and 20th as "Aycock monument.ral- jy days’in North:Carolina:,A special effort will be made on these days to raise funds for,a monument to ex-Gov.Aycock.This is a worth) cause.and one to which thie people o*Iredell’#hould contribute liber- ally.Contributions.may be bent to Geo.€.Royal,Goldsboro,presi- dent Aycock Memorial Association; er,for the convenience of thé home foiks,The Landmark will agree to receive and forward to Mr.Royal any contributions that may be left 4,ab thig ottiee.. * ‘The Salisbury;Post Bays that!wwinver “thé jury convicted,’the defendants fm)the;Barber Junetion:retailing cabes,ini Rowan Superior Count:last ‘week,Tude’e Allen talked for:an: hour and a half,paying the prohi-} bition law’should!be enforced,that the courts and the officers are not: doing their duty,that Salisbury has a bad reputation,étc.,and then. wound ap by)letting.the offenders ’go with.practically mo punishment. Judge Allen:evidently counts talk as part of the punishment.He Jwill hold court in:Iredell next week-and the rétailers who dre to come :,to.be where the:boats .wére being ‘ture € ,Alize:inter-State before him need not,be uneasy un- Sess they prefer Bix months on:the Toads to,listening sto.a lecture, While the men ines escaped in the’Titanic lifeboats nearly’all)ex- plain that all the women:and)chiil- dren had been cared ‘for when they boarded’the boats,-it/was passing strange that the list of the ‘vic- tiffis showed.that.many women and children perished.At am in'vesti- gation of the wreck now being con- ducted in England,a’bathroom stew- ard of the Titanic testified that the occupants of boat No.5 were 61 men,four or -five women and three «children.Being.closely,questioned the witness admitted that when scouts were sent to look.for women and children thiey looked only in one place,returned and said there were none.That is to say,if the women and children didn’t happen loaded no special effort,in some cas- @s at least,was made to find them. “One can readily understand ‘that:in the panic many of the passengers,<5 pecially the women,would not know where to go.Instead of organized effort to seek out all on the ship, those were taken,who happened to be nearby and the others were left to.perish.There was heroism dis- played in the wreck of the’Titanic and there was also,in some cases, Bomething the opposite of heroism. Mr.Patterson Makes Answer. Te the Editor of The Landmark: Wonder No.1.Who wrote Tul's articles for him?: Ans.Tal wrote them himself and signed his'own name -to them out, in Mr.Turner’s sunlight he speaks. Bo often about. «Wonder No..-2. ang Bell telephone. Ans.I used one just long:enough to call up central and order.it tak- en out..I moved into’a house on east Broad street.There wap a Bell ‘phone in it whén I moved in but was taken out at once Wonder No,3.About American Tobacco Company. Ans.‘Yes,I remember very dis- tinctly about working for the R.A. Pattersen--Tobacco——Gompany.My mind in fact is very clear these days: If 1 was running for.the Legiisla- ture I would resign and)not try to carry water on both)shoulders. Now you have Tal wondering who wrote this piece of such great won- ders.Why.don’t you-come out in Mr.Tumner’s sunlight and sign yourname.The dog ig tied:. T.M.PATTERSON'S.OWN WRIT-ANG. Eufola,N,.©.,May 14. —_—_———————————————=_== About me us- Bill Prohibit Future Favorably Reported.i The Senate committee on agricul- has ordered)favorably reported the bill introduced by Senator Smith to Trading _of South Carolina to prohibit trad- ifig in cotton futures except for le- gutimate purposes,It would ‘provide.that each gradie of cotton contracted for must,be Specified in.the conitrast.Under titsterms‘the.sellers of contracts for future delivery would have thie op-tion:to ‘deliver one grade above oronegradebelowthegradiecontract-,ed for,the difference.in price to be‘the actual commercial difference ob-tained the day,previous to the von-tract.settlement The bill specificially exe mpts fromitsoperationsalesniadebysampilesofcottonandrestrictstheact.to‘inker-Sartie.commerce.It\would pen- communication ‘by.mail,telegraph and express)negard+ing transmission’‘of information astoillegalfuturedeliveries.—— STATE:OF OHIO,city ad TtLUCASCOUNT Shee Frank-J.Cheney veia:oath thatheisseniorpartnerofthefirmofF,J.Cheney &Co.,doing business in theCityofToledo,County and State afure-“and—that_said-dirm—w Ht pay the___.#aid,-_.gum_of-ONE HUNDRED -DOLLARS for!each and every,case uf Catarrn tnat can“pot be cured by the use of Hall's “Ga-tarrh Cure.FRANK J.CHENBY,Sworn to beforé me and subscribedinmyprceence.ae 6th day of December.”A\-1886(Seal.).A Ww.GLBASON;Notary.Public.Hall's.Catarrh Cure is taken internal-ly,and acts directly on the blood andreeofthesystem.Sendmucofortefree.WY &CO.,Toledo,05Bold$e all druggists,7bc.‘Take Hall's Family.Pit ‘for oe eon- '|Democratic nominees and party. if his speéch waso un-Democratic Tin the campaign that year Mr.Turner; THE REPORT NOT TRUE, Age usations Against .Mr.Turner Which Have No ‘Foundation ‘in‘Fact. 'o..the,Faitor of!The eetigels “While Mr.W.D.‘Turner in.his}speeches iis denouncing theDemocrat-ic workers,whom he terms “‘bosses,” he might explain to the people.of Tre- dell.’county:his attitude towards the Democratic:party two years ago,IamtoldbyanumberofJeadingciti- zens of this county,whose names Iamreadytogive,that Mr.Turner‘was the advisor of the leaders of the fusion movement that took place twoyearsago,which resulted in the put-ting up of a fusion ticketin the coun-ty composed of*certain ‘persons who called themsélves Democrats and Re- publicans and that he drafted the res-olutions ‘adopted at their mass meet-|:ing,which later.was made their plat-form,in.the campaign “against.met am.fot informed whether he:was.$,Te-tained or paid'by thecase on that“oc-easion,It is a notorious fact,J.am told,that his office was headquarters for.the fusion movement,[Thisis a sample of the catnpaignofslatiderthathasbeenmadeagainst Mr.Turner.There is nota word oftruthinany:of the statements made,Mr..Turner was not the advisor ofthefusionmovement.He told the’ Democrats who went into it that they were wrong;that the place to make the fight was inside the party.’Mr.Turner did not write the platform for this fusion movement nor was his of- fice headquarters for it.These state-ménts are made by Mr.Turner’s au- thority.—The Landmark.];Itis also stated by reliable persons who heard his first speechin the last campaign at Harmony that it was so un-Democratic and so strongly favored the fusion .movement and was so shocking to.Democrats that they.re- quested the Democratic executive committee of the county to send out a :tion.While scratching is not to be~\commended from’the standpoint:of|. regularity,one who votes for Demo- a party man so long as hé does not vote for the other side,and no attemptismadetoprescribescratchersinthesenatorialprimary.‘If one who has scratched a ticket may vote for a United States Senator certain] should be allowed to vote ona Buse restrict the electorate in the salar ness to the proposition. TIRED RUN-DOWN PEOPLE ANorth Carolina Man SuggestsaRemedy -Greensboro,N...C:—“For a tated that could hardly drag around. sleep nights.1 had:tried ‘different.so- talled tonics without benefit.I ‘wag advised to ‘try’your ‘cod ‘liver ‘and, iron tonic.Vinol,and J,am go-glad.4}: did,for it gave me a hearty appetite, J noon ‘commenced to’sleep sdundly,} and7feel strong,well and more.acs| tive than I havo for years.‘Every run: down or debilitated person:should| it will do.for every weak,run-down or debilitated person in this Vicinity:To show our faith we will furnish .the medicine free if it does not do as we claim.Come in and get a bottle on. these*terms. W;F,Hall,Druggist,Statesville, “BUTIOURD TION “FOR SERVICE. EGISTERED Jersey Bull.His grandsire,sold for $10,200 at eight months old.Bothhisgrand-dames have records of over 600 Ibs.butter in a year.A BUTTER BRED BULL. Walnut Grove Farm, H.H.BLAYLOCK,Proprietor, Democratic speaker to.correct the evil impressions he madeagainst the Dem-S‘atesville,N.-C.,R.F.D.No,2. ocratic party and its nominees.A lifelong Democratic was heard to re- mark after the speaking that.Mr. Turner’s mind or heart was wrong; he did not.know which. [Mr.Turner says he madea speech at Harmony—a Democratic speech in which he urged support of every manonthe.Democratic ticket;that hisspeechseemédto”please his hearers and if there was dissatisfaction with it he never heard of it.On the con- trary,the Democratic committee ask- ed him to make other speeches in the county,which he did;and it isstrange that he was continued.in the cam-paign —The Landmark.}I am also advised andchara that Frontis,whois running with hini for the House,did not have enough in-|, terest in the Democratic party to goto the polls or vote;although the polling place was just across the street from his office. [The Landmark never heard of this story before but has no doubt it is on par with the other statements.Dr. Frontis’home people,who know him best,have confidence in him,}° It is also a fact that.Mr.Turner OLD PAPERS10centsthe100,Fine for wrapping and makeSplendidwallpeperingforthenotover-fastidious,THE LANDMA it NOTICEchangeforonebushel of good *newspapers for sale at | —WILL GIVE 40 pounds aoaflourand12poundsbranin:ex-wheat,BUTLERMILL:Harmony,N.C Ellis’Thame.Miller,andJ.BB.Wilson,Proprietor.April 30.—8t. My Machine Shop CPR re semme os reper see1 Is complete and:I-am prepared ‘to do any-kind of repair work.Engine and Boiler Work a Specialty, Also carry a full line of Steam Fit-| cratic nominees'is usually considered | ness proposition,and the attempt to| primary was.evidence of unfriendli-|‘ long‘| time I was:so run down,and’debili- My.appetite was poor and E.could not)” just give Vinol a.trial.”K.Allsbrook.|, What Vinol.did for Mr.Allsbrook! ~1,000'or‘more old|, The GliddenTour hassolvedtheproblemof‘what’‘auto-|‘mobile you:should!‘buy The Glidden Tour ‘has proved,in the baste test inGliddenTourhistory,with 64 of America’s best knowncarsamongtheentries,that Maxwell,is the leader of\all—the American.Touring Champion:~Maxwell ¢ars‘won.all trophies and all.moriey.prizes’in ats:class.Itwas’100 per cent éfficient throughout the 1454-mile tourunderallconditions,—-the only.teant with perfect.score. |Maxwell he car that.can show such’qualities as Maxwell didin the Glidden Touris the car for the family man, Maxwell Mascotte is a real family car, stylish and well-built,its design and con- struction ts of the same’Maxwell quality that.has made touring:history.It*is:a high grade car built to meet.critical ap- proval,and one which the man of limited . income can afford to buy and maihtain.' The ‘Mascotte is)the first real family car offered under $1000 and. it is:unequaled within $200 of its price.Such a price for this car is the result of great purchs ising and manufacturing economies of the United States Motor Co. We are ready to give you.a ride in this reliable car./‘Come to our office any time,—if you cannot come /feday,’phone or * .write us,making:an appoint-:ment.Inthe meantime we will send you he Story of the Giieton Tour,”‘‘How to Judge Carollina Motor oe Statesville,N.C. ‘ <4 Cas ascotte $980 an Automobile,’’and the advance 1912‘catalog—important.literature for thoseabouttopurchaseanautomobile. The Maxwell , Mascotte f.0:b.Factory (Top extra) tings up to 3 inches.bricators,Oil Caps and Jet Pumps,| Pipe and Shafting. Depot Street.« Injectors,-Lu- Cc.H.TURNER,OE BOX saci ees Shes ge.Dealer in Machinery,|SeMay10,—8t. Six Y |1906 a>:Geer fers 1912 Your Comfort/Today May Be Your Distress Tomorrow. Ever ink of That Mr.Property Owner? ‘CORTRIGHTMETALSHINGLES went into .the last Democratic county|convention and suggested that a.box/ be put at each voting precinct in the! county so as to get a fpll vote on the) salary question at the next general| election.Now that has been done,so that all the:Democrats of.the coun-| ty can have an _opportunity to| express themselves on this question,| he is opposing it and this,too,in the} face of the fact that all the Democrat-| ic candidates have announced that they| will honestly and faithfully carry out the express will of the people on thissubject.:...W.G.REYNOLDS.| Scott’s,N.C.,May 11.| Onlypartly correct.Two yearsago| an attempt to get thesalary matterbe-| fore the primaries was thwarted and| this was the cause’of some Democrats| going off with the fusion movement.| In the Democratic county convention the subject was brought up by Mr. Williams,of Coddle Creek,and Mr. Turner said that as the people were not given an opportunity to express themselvesin the primaries the only way left that year was to put a boxat the general election.This was object- ed to and nothing was done about it. in urging Democrats to stand by the ship and not to go off with the fusion movement on the salary question,as- sured them that they.should have an opportunity this year to expressthem-selvesin the.primaries.This communication which Mr.Reynolds signed was typewritten and|was probably prepared in’States- ville...It seems to “have been a sort:of custom in this campaign to write communications.in town and inveigle some resident of the countryintosigningsomethingofwhichhe real author didn’t wish to be respon-sible for. Whileit is true that candidates fortheLegislaturehavepromisedtocar-ry out the will.of thé péople as to sal- have notpromised to vote forsalatieslatithe*election.‘On the contrary,at them were arguing against salaries of heart—except to promise that personally they aré yet againstsalaries, which so much stressis nowlaid,it that box unless:he had voted for ev-éry name on the -Democratic ticket. right to scratch if they see fit,strenu- ants have been assured ‘that no effortwill‘be madeto:enforce the regula- Nip has no.kriowledge —something the]! aries,it.ig also.true that some of them| the outset of.the campaign some of|' and as théy have professed nochangé||, to do|/what the people want—itis supposed } Moreover,“when.thé’Ramaenadte i.committee made theprovisio for the |\}\election on the salary quéstion,on|! provided that nobody should vote in|'}' Some Democrats who’reserve the |! ously objected to this and complain-f “LOOK FOR THE STAMP“CORTRIGHT”Reg.U.S.Pat.Off. and accept no substitute,if you want a roof:that willlast as long as-the building,and never need repairs—never need attention of any kind,except anoccasional coat of paint. INSURANCE! We issue every kind—Fire,Life,Accident and_Health,Steam Boiler,Liability,Automobile,Plate Glass,Wind Storms,Cyclone, Live.stock.Bonds—Administrators,Guardians,Trustees and any judicial bond.Today-is here._-Tommorrow is coming all too fast,-Consider the pres¢nt.Too late to lock the stable after :the horse is gone..’Phone 64.Callor write us for prices and ‘information about’our policies.Statesville Realty &Investment -Co. J.F.CARLTON,Manager. .Y 3.Fire-proof—Storm-proof —Lightning-proof ‘Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware Co.,Statesville,N.C. s0n the'Square.” The Polk Gray Drug Company, SPECIALISTS.PRESCRIPTI *Phones 109 and 410.On the Square.- FPunana and Slaw Hats It is now time to lay aside that Fur or Stiff Hat and let us sell you a nice Panama or Straw. Our stock of PanamasandStrawHatsisvery contplete,consisting of rough or smooth straw, correct height crown andwidthbrimtheverylatest You will be impressed with the wonderful variety of Wiss Shears and Scissors for every conceivable use..Dainty little embroidery Scissors,3 inches long to:massive tailors’shears ?6 inches long We have,shea for the tailor,dressmaker,milliner,trimming scissors,“embroidery scissors,scissors for cutting button holes,rhanicure scissors,nail scis- sors,office shears,shears aah!handed persons—shears for every conceivable use.We have a special exhibit trots theWiss factory which illustrates the ar a by which the..Wiss “Steelforged”’Shears and Beianors are made ae expert from the Wiss factory is here and he will graphicallyexplaintheWissAmericanmethodofmaking]thé best shears the worl: produces,$5.00,$6.50,$6.00 --SPECIAL DU ION-WEEK::it "Panamas at RINGDEMONSTRAT —:a ahaa e :gtiStraws atLargeDressmakingShears,Demonstration Price 90¢. 5 inch Trimming Scissors,Demonstration Price 70,3inch Embroidery Scivsors,DemonstrationPrice.'50c.Button Hole Scissors,Demonstration Price =~a 75¢. We have Shears ard Scissors for every,use—all |special pr icedduringthis‘demonstration,} White-Stimpson Hardware —Company.|| It will be to,your-advantage ‘to see us eters buying. Sherrill-White Shoe Com’y, (8.B.Miller Old Stand.)ome |vavLorsviLLE 001COMMEN Glam Te interment was iy the town ‘com::vee ::ry.ea me :;:hs Exercises’LastLast Week-—Deathi. \;:coe !:FRIDAY,“May 17,1912.|e Kerr in Taylorsville 2 Waren.Bs aon,aes ape Pacto,;;';—_—_—OOOO Deaths ‘in the County—Marriage|home®in Milber’s :rsBy;:«‘s township..She},:4 LN i For Rent or:Sale I ‘hiriyat and.Denareurs a “Traine,at}:Ot Davie.Springy—The Republicam wit,be buried Tuesday sat Lin-tetera Pap PVR AU eT}_.Statesville,Convention,ney’s Grove.Balptist_church.She R b a Le .\'...WESTERN:ROAD:=>cuerespondence .of Thé Landmark.é leaves,two small children.-Why,Not:e uild Your Health ‘::rae ho Tb memes an 08 S|Turton eh 18,0 a aedaf 7 3.,Us “Tony the Convict,”“gives at the)The Record of Watts‘tts*ard Turner :‘Meee ‘fram **.Train No.ais wont bound,due 38 Dim.|school building ee cee a,f..arTake {four Chojee.A Reconstructive TonicKnown Oo: rain No,west-boun ue pM|was wel attended and much enjoye|To the Editor of The Landmark:Train No,86,east-bound,due 11.00-a.m|oq.Just"a popd to eeaee aM MILAM WILL DO IT—GUARANTEED |rive-room cottage,No.208 |/TEMRNG ti Seneaee aa8,48 B |Thursday morning at 11 o'clock atiaiaht”‘it's peing used)thative-room cottage,CHARLOTER AND TAYLORSVILLE.|Rev,C.EH.Raynal,pastor First/am for Mr.A)D.Watts for the etRte satsMet,deni et z ie ate-southRace street.he ae.From.8 leaves 11.00 a.m|Presbyterian church’off Statesville.|Senate because,he had,the Watts ukeTate plesears in auhortsing’une potioccion 08 $.°Train No.26 ur,£26,ieeves 636,pan |Preached an interesting and appro”|itl passed.”The history is this::From Perleeiiie |priate sermon’from the text,Be |The people of North Carolina be-nty a fy,Yesorata erattoes Two-story house,No.111 xrain No,23 ar,10.10,seav'ae 31.00 a.m|not conformed to thid world~but be gan to demand some legislation cak-Keeyery,Azer ican Tobed sie A Highland avenue.:;rain No.16 arr 6.20,leaves .M-/ye transformed by the renewing of looking to the prohibition of mak-£reshy terion Warerer,Qarlotye0.@ te) os Or ah Neeerat Seott’your mind that ye may pnove wha ing and selling:of Aquor.The peo-:weling Galeama,:‘: :News From 8 is good and acceptable,perfect will |ple weré so.much in earnest about °or Rivoraide Orerald oo, h Correspondence’of,The Landmark,of:God’’——Rom.,12:2.:this.that~ex-Gov,Aycock,with the Regioter Publishing Go. i Two-story,six-room OUSE)..Beatt's,May’13:—-We fave been The followihe boys and girls ‘pook yelp of.)Mn.oe im.Mr.Ay-}Schinc Baralichd axttanitic tures,Torecc?&Real=Batate Dealer j west Sharpe BtreRE having some.beautiful weather!amd’)part S the wanes nae itzaheth ccck’s office,:‘Raleigh,“were a 7 oh is i .;A ‘ce f be aking good |Thursday aftermoon:aint a.bill “which ae “hadi Mri A ‘ :be femora tere.Seraane Grows Lindsay,“Tim TD vunkler’¢Pwinss’Waits,who was.a member of.the i a City.water:‘in.all of the,planting:Suma.Hollar,,“Billy ae '}Legislature at the time,to imtmoduce| en above houses:t as Missed:Prudence and Bertha Guy,Helen Moore,¢AY Latte ilgrim;”a hand.finally.~pass ‘amd become a law.)ek kg ucts oar,ets a ee nurses in the.Soldiers’.Home at,Blanche W.atts,Momniy'’d Prayer,|Meat bill)in:short,was.that:all ey;and Treeg.Maritsen Me, he :Dar aoey ane Jobinson’City,‘Penti.,are visiting Sue Hedrick,“As.the Moon 23"?iqver “made and “gold legally.”{n i BAe CY ae the shgind see Us go Pbhetr”pareiits,Mr,and.Mrs...Amos|Caney ings oe ee aope i Cards w so bel made,snd A:4 “4 ’ee NN ie,“e £LON;a dina incorpo Owl.a :pe aetna tuber rae tee |Day;“Clyde Harrington,.'se End)wis -purely.a political measure,By MY ye Pee a ::er,Mr:and,-Mre..Eli Rufty..left Or “AM Perfection;’-Frank Adams,‘Dhey were driven to.do.something :Orga eM es Agee Thursday for Johnson City,‘Tenu.,“the Power:of Thoushf.”in|by.rhe ‘demands of ‘the peopld and ay Donesiornia Yaratads .s 'ea where:she will be a nurse ‘at the |{udses,Rey.C.E.Rayndl,Rev:Milthe ‘law,‘was a.Imakeshift.-”Many,svn ie Ki by ba :¢.|goldiers’Home.Mr.Pdgar Morri-Ts Smathers “and Mro Reo:Downs,|cit ns.remember that many.places ||“ ’a,sen;who spent the winter /in awonrded the silver medals to,Blige were.incorporated--—Shore and Wiil- i e hs agner,Florida,has returned home.abeth Lindsay:and Connolly Gwalt-|tiams among others—solely to al-}vs ae.edi ;The commencament.of |.Seott’a|T2Y..The medal,were pressed!low them to.agli Mayor andthe alt REAL ESTATE,DEALERS,High School will émbrace May 17.Fridayafternoon by,Mr.A.C.Payh\imcorptration)that.had ‘leng been Statesville,N.C.Whitehead Kluttz,of Salisbury,will aud Rev,M.T.Smathers z forgotten jin Olin was revived and“Aa deliver’the 'address.Music by Thursday evening the anniversary it “was found ‘to ‘be one mile from OFFICE:ROOM 3,:Troutman band ;of the literary.Societies was opened the once noted college of Olin.Spe- _First National,Bank Building.Rea WW Lice:arluo.iaae.bean:41k Iwith an’oration,‘“Kducation,”DY}¢ial privileges were given to some, *PHONE:"982,"Hl 4or-~some--~time;was—able.,to Rowe Campbell.4eudens ripbaneos5 as already mentioned Shore and i is «preach here yesterday aftémoon.Wé “Too.Utterly;Utt by Gertrude Ml liams.After all kinds of delay /Bee were all glad to see iim out again.Coaper.Then folawed a debate,}und-dele gations and memorials to rae ea ne “Resolved that suffrage:should not|that Legislature,they -did grant to “|be limited ‘to sex.”‘Speakers ON |the people finally the right to vote —the affirmative:A,‘C.~Clim@,ton the questi on and prohibition car ;.J.Frank Adeype R,se oe eg ried by,over 40,000. :the negative,Roscoe Watts,B.N-In all thig-campaign Col.A.D.\Th R is fth Wi +n |Di fs]FORRk SALE}{)rr B.oe “beet ee Watts’voice never:raised once in 6 acre 3 0 e os arve BUS iscovery judges,Messrs...Gwaltney,S.yall the State of North Carolina,f th P Siti C £p f Cash ohebeaORME lot “NOT A DISEASE ed a andof th *meative.wad ibid a Th Soa for -pro-or @ 6 ve ure 0 yea ness and Walnut and.Meet-ed in favor:©e negative .al ibition.This old dodge was very:satazis,borer We SM Be teat MaDe se,Se teen ae ‘Head Noises Given FREE. Lot 60x107,corner Court and |heat speech;winning the silver leadér of Tammany.A short while : Meeting streets.|But a Symptom,a Danger Sig.)by.‘Pr oa -~J danse a er before =death ee ee ;yy «Pro Sharpe ,ay’“ine had.so successfully)lead Tam-Sti ccreo,at Wutols,$30 pet!-nalWhich Every Woman ©|tcinoon’Two short plays closed thelmany so long.His answer was,With This Wonderful,Mysterious Power,People Deaf for acre.'a leva co entertainment.“That's easy,I -always jlearnednotsoresonemileeagtofcourtShouldHeed.|""ferday moming at 10:20 the gradi]which “way”the people were ola|Years Hear the Tick of a Watchin a Few Minutes. 76-acres,one mile and a half:iG,jating class delivered.thein essay6 |ard:then ‘placed’myself ‘in frbxt ores ’'‘Backache is a s tom cf or jc |and*orations.Lifé is now our Contrasting .the’two.men—Hon,| "36 e6,one mile and a quarter saaknn oe Cabasietect,ee you have |school,”Miss Dorcas Elizabethl Rob-)w.D.Turner and Col.A.D.Watts Send Ho Money—Simply Write About Your Case,the Secret wil Be~.«38.acres,|backache don’t neglect it,To get pere|iette:_,-"Hobbies,’’Mia Oe —for a mopenti W.'D._Turtier |Sent =”Return Mailsusan Free.: j *e :a .alts;ve é >0 ar dean ay have,défects——who ha not— 2 ao “ind”cer sr pri eae wR St ahoet ae =Poot!yep.Andrew P.Dockery;“The}pur as:a citizen (his .lifework| west.30 of the trouble.Read about Mrs./Wo0d-|perils of Peace,”Robert Lee Alex-|has been.to.build.up.He.has put|\ cca five miles north,$:all’s experience.:lander;‘‘Mamn,”’naerce gg 3 ae his money and talents liberally in | r i ‘Morton’s Gap,Kentucky.—‘‘I suffere jerd;.“Unrest,”Abram franklin }otiurches,ccotton,milis,railroads.and 856 acres,three,miles east,$25)|two years with sauake Miecriars rey |White.made speeches all over Iredell and| per acre bl roe health was very bad:Steer.&Brome educational ad-|North)Carolina ‘for prohibition;| A.mumber of other desira |iThada y j |dress by Supt.B.D:.Dougherty,Of|while if our fellow citizen;the| farms and business properties.See |BK adacontinual!ii,°Appalachian’‘Training School.)Colonel,has a.cent-in any such’! me before making an investment.backache which was!poone,.Friday jafternoon,they had|institutions or ever lifted his voice|a ISIDORE ALLACE,simply awful.Icould|the,class exércises..Miss:Bliza-jfor prohibition in any pant of North| Picet National Bank Butldlig.I;not stand on/my feet/bethi Robinette was Class:prophet,/Chrolina,this writer’knows noth-| eo NG “Phan 246.|long enoughto cook|Miss.Ola Watts historian,Mr.A.jing of it.The men:are before you, me @ 24!le eter |a meal’s victuals|Frank White poet,Mr.Robert Alex-pcitizens Take your ‘choice.| f(j P without myback |ander class will,Mr.Robert Echerd A RBSIDENT. $12,000 0 ity roperty’nearly killing me,|¢/@98.omtor and Mr.A.P.Dock-oe | |:and:1 ‘would have |2rY was becretary of the class.Mr,Resolution for Direct Election of) FOR.SALE |such dragging sensa-|D.Moore,Supt.of publie Senators Goes Through:: ae ce ti I ld hard!tschools Caldwell,presented dip M nday the House ,of Congress | e;Five-room house «nd lot,men ions I could hardly!mas.’Rey.L.L.Moore presented hed,237 to 39,a joint reso-| Center street,near depot.bear it.I had sore-|prizes to thnee children in the]on providing for an amendment| Two vacant lots rear above,on |ness in each side,could not stand tight|thira grade who had,not been ab-tothe conctituticn to permit the «lac! Meeting street.|clothing,and was irregular.I was-com-|sent a day “during fhe year,and |.tiom of United States Senators by di- Six vacant lots sonth—of Brad-||pletely run down.On advice I took|a prize to Burgess Patton,Who Te-|nect yote.of the.people.It-al-\ ford Knitting Mil.-.cod weil]|Lydia)E.Pinkham’s Vegetable Com-|ceive !the largest number of head-)eaqy had passed the Senate and i Eight-room house,€:+aot||pound and am enjoying good health.It}marks in the third grade.:|tw goes to the President % end barn,aud four acre ©|is now more than two years and I have!The commencement >exercises)The vote was preceded by a bitter Buffalo Shoal Road.land,|not had an ache or pain since.I do all!|closed:Friday night with-an enter-)fight in which the Southern mem-|ibe Four-room nous.6%acres |my own work,washing and everythin tainment couststing of plays,recita-|hens’joined the common °cause 4 ,Buffalo.Shoal Roa ;1|4 TS hb oes ry eo tions,drills and pantofnines by all against the resolution.Led by Rep-|a ‘e Two yacant lots Buffalo Shoal|and never have backache any more.the grades.|resentative Bartlett,.of Georgia,; Road.|think yourmedicine is grand and Ipraise |There was a.ball game Thurs-the Géorgia,Mississippi and Louis-,! Store house and residence and| and Buffalo Shoal Road.Also stock! of Groceries and Fixtures. Call on or write Cc.B.MORRISON, 739 West Front St. March 8.‘Phone 227. NOTICE!} TO OUR PATRONSANDTHEPUBLIC: ‘We wish to announce. that although we have- had a fire we aretaking care of our biisiness just as usual.Let,us have -your latindry work:We W ill appreciate it. STATESVILLE STEAM LAUNDRY *PHONE 122... Poultry °Supplies ! Just received shipment|Cycle Hatchers your hen go-back to egg production.; Also have Drinking Foun- tains,Food Trays,Food Hoppers,ete. wee Nie Pe eae .-B.L.SRONCE. |it to all my;neighbors. |ton’s Gap,Keritucky. If you have the slightest doubt ||that Lydia E.aene s Vegeta-|apyou,write tt |to Lydia E.Pinkham Medicine Co. ee (confidential))Lynn,Mass.,for ad- |ble Compound will he vice.Your letter will be opened, iread and answered by a woman, jand held in strict Damaidesiey |.MeetYour Friends at The. Davis White Sulphur Springs .60 miles North West from Char- sa l e r e n e n e i e n o n n s lotte,on Southern R:'R.,two daily mail trains.except Sund ay. Electric Lights,Sewerage,etc. The best of Fare,Service.and Water. 150,acres of land,dotted withSpringsandshadywalks,Cool nights;pleasant days.Just the place to rest,recreate and enjoy the summer,days.106 rooms. Outdoor .Sports,Mountains to _¢limb ;finest of scenery,Weekly Rates $6 to $8,July andAugust$8 to $10.rr rates toclubsandfamilies. Write for,Booklet to The Davis Springs. ‘4 HIDDENITE,N.C.i Open May 15th to October 15th: If you think my|day acre lot,junction west Front street.test]mony will help others you may pub-|Ville team and Stony |lish/it.”"—Mrs.OLiaE WOODALL,Mor-|ScoTe was 27 to 9 afternoon between the Taylors- Point..TH@|its passage because of the Senate, in favor)of Tay-amendment which gave the Feder- porwilte al government supervision of the The.following teachers leave t0-|elections.They,based their opposi- ny for their nespective S:\tion almost_entirely on the danger| i Miss.Pearl:Abernathy,who taug5t)o¢negro domisation. he sixth and seventh grades,Ruth-Wie tirat vote taken was on aa lerford College;Miss Louise Brooks,|amendment by Representative Bart-| fourth-and fifth’grades,Greens-|jen,which.took from.the Federal! jboro,,and Miss Annie.Lee Brod-|government all supervisery.powers.ford,second and third grades,Will Tt was defeated 189 to 89.On the jspenda month with (relatives at’Lo-|vote for the adoption.of the resol- ray before .going ot her home -n€ar|qtion,two-thirds of the House be- |Matthews ‘: i Mr:A _Burke and-—Miss olllié |Colvert were manric ad W ednesday |ternoon at Davis’Sulphur}Springs \Rey.R.Lee Dayis performed ‘thé jceremony.Mrs,Burke.jis.the daugh- iter of Mr*t and Mrs.John:Colvert, of this place,and Mr.Burke is a son of the late Mr.William \Porter |Burke:and.lives -about two:miles from’Taylorsville. |‘Mrs.Polly Gant, Gant,died Friday at her home in Miller’s township)and was burfed |Saturday,at Concord.Baptist church. |Her age was 70 years and 3 months |\Her daughter,Mrs.T.O.:‘Teague,lattended thre burial. |It rained almost.all day Saturday | | wife of Mr.Pink jand =had the heaviest.rain.of the season.Saturday,night.The |bridge at Bell’s Mill.was washed away.and The Little river was said |the tLighest Sunday it was ever |Known to be.On acedunt of th |bridge:at.Bell's Mill being -~wrecked, |the Republican convention met.at jthe court’house:here at.2 o’chock. to.be 1e S.J.Holland. |Has good farm horses |and mules‘for sale for -eash or on time.Terms ‘to suit purchaser, Jest equipped livery in town.; ht. ’Phont 3:—Dayor Ni Pinewood Dairy,Farm, STATESVILLE,N.C.RL D.NO.2, w.C:WOOTEN &SONS,PROPS. _SEED CORN.Weekly’s Im- "provedvariety at $2 per bushel. FRAZIER, TINNER, Ty Ww. NORTH CENTER STREET. 14—2t.| in Statesville.P;HH,M eon WAN'LED oa we *PHONES SHOP ' 63RESIDENCE.2889- of Lenoir,William Henry Hobson,ofSalisbiry;alternates,James.D.Dor- sett,of.Spencer,and RobertTharpe,of Stapesville.Resolutions were passed to vote for Roose- velt.The executive committee was requested to;shave the congwression:a)| |convention meet im Statesville just before the-convention;in Charlotte..After,am illness of.several nionths; Mr.J.Worth Kenr passed Saturday night about 12 o’clock at his home here.He ‘was about 35 years old and is.survived by hiswifeandthreesmallchildren;fath-er and;mother,Mr.and Mrs,M. eas Kern,and two brothers,Messrs. Piyde wink Wade Gert,ait teen lotte;They were with)him when’the end came...Deceased:was bag-' gagemaster..on the Taylorsyill<|, Charlotte train”and worked until hie strength failed;He was a mem- ber 6f thé Methodist,Church ‘and the funeral services were field there tor,Rey.M.-T..Smathers,who’ ing necessary, |tion, |The 20th other damage was -done_| Mr.A.H.Price,of Salish wry,wus |elected temporary chairman,and Mr.Dewéy)LL.Raymer,of States-) |ville,secHelary.On motion the lelection was made permanent.~The} ‘delegates elected to the yeti il} jcanvention:were Moses N.Harshaw, Nad away | s nday,afternoon,conducted \by ‘hisy¢ |Wass assisted by Rev.L,Ls,Mogte,A iana Pilea tsi’fcught.to ‘prevent 50 Democrats desert-|§ A;12 There was not a single Republi-| |}camy vote cast against the resglu-| which was eter eit tothe ac| companiinent of hundérous ap-| plause. The 20t h ¢ Wo1Have Thérouahly Dceninsieotea That Beatness GanBoCured, After years of research along the lines of the |deeper scientific mysteries of the occult and in- j visible of Nature-forces,the cause {and cure of eee.|deafness and head noises has been found and we tf tele bration inmn Charlotte,|are enabled by this same ‘mysterious knowledge of -May celebrat ibn ||and power to give to every unfortunate and suf- jin Charlotte this year wlli embrace |fering person the assuranceof a treatment that three days.Monday.“afternoon,relieves even the most obstinate cases.We say |}Twesday)morning and WednjeSday |tothose whohave thrown’away their money on }there will be aeroplane flights,base |cheap apparatus,salves,air pumps,washes. |ball games.on thie aftier toon of each |douches,and list of innumerable trash that is of- |Of these days,parades,music,‘ete.|fered the public through flaming advertisements, A feature of the celebration will|we can almost certainly cure you and’cure you to showing }specimens of all thie @oods|stay cured,Weask nomoney for our consulta- Manufactured -in Charlotte.Thiig|tion,advice and diagnosis of your case.Our exhilbition will be ‘ean open.till Fri-|treatmert method is one thatis so simple it.can day night.|be used in your own home,You’can investigateAltradlroadsivespecial)fully,absolutely free and you pay for it only after rates %cs |youare thoroughly convinced that it will cureatesomaccountof2exposition.|you,as it hasthdusands of others.It makes no|difference with this marvelous new method how |There never ,time when people|long you have been deaf.nor what caused your|appreciated the al merits-of _Cham-|désfness,Nomatter how many remedies have j |beriain‘’s Cough Reme“dy.more.than Address .vic.csciseysshee|This is shown by the increase in’sales 4andvoluntarytestimonialsfrompersons, Who have been cured by it.If you or your children are.troubled with a coughercoldgiveitatrialandbecomeac-.} quainted with its good qualities..For Se}Sale by all dealers.roa rH Poor ‘appetite ft apaireddigestion.A few doses.of Cham- Weprove thisto youbefore you pay acent forit,Write today and we will send you fall infor-mation absolutely free,by return mail,AddresaDr.L.C.Grains Co.,382 Palsifer Bidg-.ornlil.Remember,send ‘no money~—simplynameandaddress,You will receive an imm fateansWerandful]information by return mail.“FREE Information \Coupon DR.L.C.GRAINS COMPANY, -382 Pulsifer Bldg.,Chicago,Ill. Please send me without costor obligation on my part,complete information concernihg thenewmethodforthetreatmentandcuredeafnessorheadnoises.[{-1 wish you to makeadiagnosisofmycaseafterhearingfromyou, ill gi you are to doso FREE OF CHARGE. tl |Mal ic ie re ciabcdasy ieee omen now.|failed you~no matter how many doctors have pronounced your case hopeless,this new magicmethodoftreatmentshouldproveabeaconlight to guide you to a perfectrestoration of your hear- ing,24 : .me Sure sign of im- b@rlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets will strengthen your digestion and-im- prove your appetite.Thousands have bénefited by.takirfx these Tablets.eee all eee|Sone TEN DOLLAR BOOK FREE!a |The,Adfer-i-ka book,telling how you can’BASILY gniard against ap- pendicitis,and howyou can relieve|constipation or gas.on the stomach |INSTANTLY,is offered free this week by)the Statesville |Drug |Ga. ADAME,RACHELLE’SADVICETOBEAUTYSEEKERS~ Three.-piece Sterling Comb,Brush and Mirror. Also three-piece in Plated Silver. Something you use every day.H.B.WOODWARD.Price righti* Jeweler. ¢Miss Jessie R.—A:reddene xd nose is remedied byfrequent.bat!ning.“with alternate hot-and coldwater,Do tot eat highly spiced foods,., Mary Jones A,combination ot crow’s feet,andfreckles&t your it age is rather unusual.¥ Are the‘lucky holder of sharesin our 39th sseries whichwillmatureMayIstcallat’the SiNs:on that day andgetyourwee—A S =z rot are a borrower.callfand get your mortgage ¢an-)ge led and go home happy.woe i,HARRILL,—Beeretary.. wouldreeothmend f'r both a simple preparationknownasWilson’s Ereckie cream,Thisis bothaakinfoodand,face’hleach,and is hizhly satis~-factory.Follow diréctions on the package for a’few weeks and you will be well pleased withresulta,It is absolutely ‘harmless,guaranteed,So smay be obtained from_your drug store ordirectfromtheV/ilson Freckle Cream Companyton,S.C.(Wilson's FreckleCreate sold hy ' ene ie coer a ..THELANDMARK| @.R.CLARK,EDITORAAND OWNER, STRTIaHED ©U 1200WEST BROAD.(D STREDT,‘OFFICE:‘PRICE,SU BSCRIPTION “MONTHS....+5: May 17,.1912.,. "PHREE *’FRIDAY, ELECYELON .OF SENATORS.. ‘The House of Congress Monday passed’the mesoJution,long pending, providing for the election of United States Senators by the people.If President.Taft approves it as he, is expected to do,it willl tien be ‘submitted to the State,Legislatures ~for matifileaton and if approved by; thie.Legislatures of two-thirds:of “the:‘States it.will,become aw pant of the consitiitulition)Sau then)Dem oenas§ in:the House.Made «i fierce|attack on an amend exit inserted,by the Senate in’the Fesolution as {prenions: “dy passed by:the House.Uniders thait’) ‘amendment.the Senate hig the pow- €r to name*the ‘time,.place ‘and’ manner of holding the proposed)eJec- tions.‘The opiponients oif:this amend- *Shent féar that the Federal gov- ernment will,-“im senatorial elec- “tions,wefuse to.recognize suffrage qualifications’of .the’States and that .meginoes:may be ailliowelds to vote.:‘‘ NM Bartlett,-of ‘Georgia,-offered an amendment:which provided that Congress,in ondening the elec tions, shall ne*interfere With any.of;the suffrage laws of the States,that ‘it shall not appoint “eleation officials and that it shail not send!United States marshals to imterfere mith, .the eleations..The effect of the Bartlett amendment was to:keep Con;ares from allowing Southerm ne- groeszte vote in a United Stites sen- atefial election whiere they are disfranvhised ‘by State laws,as. well,as to give the party in power in ,the several i States control of thie "election machinery,The South)al- 'most’solidly backed up the Bartlett amendment..It was;however,.voted down,189 to 89. On.y six.Southerm.Democrats vot-} ed against this amendment.,They were Undenwood and Hobson of Alabama,Lewis of Maryland,Gudg- ér of North Carolina;Henry and Burleson of Texas.f Appearing for the defendant in the case of State vs.'Watkins,in.the Su- preme Court this week,Mr.Locke Craig is thus reported by the Raleigh News and Observer: Mr.Craig stated that there ‘hadbeensome:rumors that he had re-flected on the organization of travel-ing men during the trial of this caseintheSuperiorCourt.He stated that any such allegation was withoutanyfoundationwhatever.and totallyatvariancewiththefacts;that he hadatnotimemadeanyadversecriti- cism on any organization of eraveungmen. Bunting,a traveling man,was ‘ill- ed-by Watkins,a policeman,at Black Mountain.The traveling men’s as- sociation took much interest in the prosecution of Watkins.A_report went abroad during the trial thatthey had threatened Mr.Craig with defeat for Governor if he appeared for Wat- kins,This report,like the one to which Mr.Craig refers,was doubt- less not true as to the organization, but it may hdve been made by -sqme indiscreet members. MATTERS OF NEWS, Champ Clark and Roosevelt,havecarriedCalifornia.*=— The Taft managefs.say the 'Presi-|© dent lacks but 15 votés of a nomina- tion and Roosevelt.says he will get the nomination on the first ballot.He says he now has more than 500 of the 539 necessary,not counting contesteddelegates. South Carolina’s 18°delegates will go to the Democratic national conven- tion uninstructed.The vote on which the test was made resulted 178 to 162 The supporters of Woodrow Wilson made a strong fight to obtain an in- structed delegation,but a resolutionendorsingWilsonwasadoptedbyanoverwhelmingvote. A'rich haul,variously estimated at from #35,000 to $200,000,was made «by two.masked bandits’who early“Wednesday morning held up the Queen &Crescent New York LimitedtrainNo.2near Okohola,a flag,sta-‘tion 8 miles south of Hattiesburg,Miss.,and blew open the safe of theSouthernExpresscar.ibeildadhiibicaadinistealoucaliae. The Floed Situation. New .Qrleans Dispatch,18th. With approximately 7,500 squaremilesofLouisiana’s land inundatedbytheMississippiriver’flood watersandmorethan100,000 people driven from their homesin the parishes west of the river from the Arkansas line almost to the gulf,the.most sériotis crevasse.of the present disastrous flood—Hymelia—promises to add an- other thousand square miles or more to the overflowed+erritory,-make homeless t ousands\of people andadd millions of dollars+“YO the propeitydamagedonewithintheState. Fhe bronzestatue of Dr.Chas.D.Mclver was unveiled on the capitolgroundsinRaleighWednesday:Thespeakersof.the occasion were Dr.Alphonso Smith,Dr.J.I.Foust,Dr: J.Y.Joyner and ‘Gov.Kitclin.The statue was unveiled by Martha McIverdaughterofDr-!Mclver. 4, POLO eid!Nontlhy this’heason,Bhijpnyentsy ? Victor Louis:“Mason,an’American aviator,and E.V.Fisher,Bnglish .|aviator,”were thrown from:a -flying machine im England Mongey:and killed... ohm Grier.Hibben.was ona: @d as president of rinceton versity-om the 11th,to'Bucceed Woodrow Wilson,the office havingbéenfilled)by am ‘acting presidentsinkeWilson's retirement.’ Frederick Vill...King of Den- Mark,dinopped dead Tuesday;nightwhile’‘ptipolliling .litt,the streets /of Hamburg.He was diressied)in i ondinary suit anid it was some ti before the boty was identified,fo son,Chinistian X,hias been proclaim- ed king. ‘Iti ig éstimated “that:6,000 car loads 6f.Georgia peaches willl be baginning the last of the month, The early Georgia peadhi.crop:is said to’be 30 per Gent.heavier than us- ual.asid it per:cenit in.excess,of las*,year. “The :ch beboen Metihoailst)Confers | ence:at.Kanégas City.Tuesday:‘ap- propriaied $5,000 for thie’flood)suf feners<ah the Mississippi)valley,This will bé augmented by $10,000.from the;Chunchi Extension ‘Society anid a special’effort will he made oni,thie second Sunday.im June to raise $25 -|= 00%more for the purpose,. lif the Federal court:att “Abing~ don,»'Va.,.this..week Walten D. Sutherland,fommer cashier of the Citizen’s National bank of Clint- wood,Vai,was convicted of emibez- ziime funds of the bank and)sentemc- ed to.six year$in the Federal ‘pris- om,im ‘Atlanta.In passing!sentence Judge McDowell’stated’that he could not give the.prisoner,lesa than 5 years and that he -added om one year forthe falsehoods w hich ne had sworn,in“the,case. Children's Day—Big Freshet in the Catawba—Other News. Correspondence of The Landmark. Stony Point,R-1,.May 13.—A ‘Children’s Day service will be held in |Marvim Methodist)church next Sunday,May 19th,.beginning at 10:o'clock:a..m.°A.special in'vir tation is extended to-all chundh members,parents and children in the community..Let us make it a glad,day for the children. Cottton chopping the recent showers have caused “Gen.Green’?to take on new Hife. Last Saturday’s rain:caused:a rise of about 19°feet in tNie Ca- tawba river,washing away a lot of corn that had been planted in the bottoms. Mr..A.2.Dagenhardt thas been very busy’for awhile,building --a new house on his farm near Elk Shoal church.'It -willl be as com- fortable ‘as any.in.the cotmmunity, when ‘it is completed :; 'Wild bees are passing -about on the bright,sunny ddys:Mom Alex-ander,with plow ‘and hammier .in hand,followed a swarm about a; mile last Friday,running through briars,brush,over gullies,ditchesandwadedtinecreekwiith)hig jing- ling music,but we have not heard of his success yet. *(Mr.W.A.Rhyne,whi recently bought a nice farm on Elk Shoal creek,is quite busy,these diays, shaping it for corm on the bottoms.<<oaonemtnianemnsessinedmmanematinnaie -The Women’s Home Missionary So-ciety of the Western North Carolina Conference,M.E.Church,South,which closed its session at Monroe Tuesday,appointed a committee to confer with the Foreign Mission So-ciety of the Conference,which meetsinGastoniainJune,with a view toconsolidatingthetwosocieties. At North Wilkesboro WednesdayafternoontheteamofThos.Hart ran awayand in trying-to Stop the team to save his little boy,who was on the wagon,Mr.Wood became entangled in the lines and was run over by:the team and wagon,and was dangerouslyinjured.~ Clarence V..T.Richeson,the for- mer Baptist minister,under sentence of death in Boston for the murdér of a girl,will be electrocuted next week, clemency havingbeen refused, It would surprise:you to know of thegreat.good that’is being done.byChamberlain’s Tablets.Darius Downey,.ot Newberg Junction,N.B.,-writes! ‘“‘My wife has been using Chamberlain’sTabletsandfindsthemveryeffectual and doing her lots of good.”If you have any trouble with your stomach orbowelsgivethematrial.For sale by.all dealers. FOR COUNTYCOMMISSIONER. To the..Democratic Voters: It has been my intention not to ‘MATTERSRS OF NEWS.m1 Uni-| has begun and |: eters'Picnic Lunch You will want Canned. Meats,Peanut.Butter, «hieese,Pimentoes,Bottled, -Pickles,Bottled ‘Olives, Fresh Bread and:.Cakes, Lemons,Fruit,ete. Eagle _&.Milholland. 4pecial Bara] me Underwear Ladies’,Misses’and Children’S White Pip and Strap Sandals. MAY BUEGTAL_Hvery Lady or Child wants White P ‘Sans:dals.We havea line 25c.to 50c.per pair under regular price,aN Ladies”New Buck el special size, Ladies’2-Strap Canvas Sandal,regular heel,size 2 to 6,Ladies’1-Strap Canvas Sandal,low‘heel,size 2to 6,Ladies’1-Strap Canvas Sandal,low heel,size 11 to 2, Misses’1-Strap Canvas Sandal,lowheel,size‘11 to2)Misses’2-Strap Canvas Sandal,lowheel,size 84 to 1,Misses’1-Strap:Canvas Sandal,low heel,size 8 to 11,Child’:8 1-Strap Canvas Sandal,lowheel,size 5 to 8,5‘ Widths C,D and BE,"Pannorders:promptly.filled.By here and i BR e s g e e s ror Ladies’fast received. See our 50c.Gowns, Poe aeee LUNN ETE ND te rma Skirts for-98c..and up,}‘ and others,the undersigned’com: FOR SALE..vAitcases.fz,nitAlsosomehouseholdeffecta,MRS.N.M.—_—:ae 8 |S |:L diesSpeciaisForLales: |SALE OF \ee CITY PROP-|=——. Just’received.a sample ERTY,;:\ Peerwill sell at public auction to the highest|bidder at the courthouse door in Statesville,N, i eden -\wae «getthe saving.” MILLS &z POsSsTon. May14.BABY CHICKS!wie esetWhitePlymouthRockandBlackLangshanbabychickeat25centsEggsforhatching$1 50 for $15.J.PAUL i <A flineofLadies’and Chil-[Puncaites ses ofthe Superior Court ’as junty,rende nm @ specs.rodren’s Hats.Don’t miss/ing entitled r eranty:five dozen Ladies’s Silk Hose25c.seeing them before they,pair.Same grade we sold last season.Fifty (C9 MONDAY,JUNE 10,1912, at12 o'eloek,m,,the following descri ‘Teal es-tate,situated on West:Erid avenue,in thocity of doz.Ladies’Lisle Hose,25c.valne,choice L5e, Sales Dayis the first Mondayin eachmonth j-Statesville;N. h LEONARD.Statesviile,N.C.ass7,1912, nob Hed 2 .Frank Barrett and others vs. are gone. Remember we are stillgivingRogers’Silverware .every day as premiums, D.B.Krider &Com’y. |Statesville,to-wit:nie ata stake on West End avenue,Miss|Lou Graham's corner,and running with her lingsouth24dezrees'east 22/2 poles to a stake on the|College lot;thence south 66 degrees west 75 feet | \to a stake,the J,B,Connelly corner:.thence|north 24 degrees west 224 poles to.the street; °‘‘:tOnehundredLadies’White Shirt Waists, $1.50 to$2.25 values,choice 98e. 4s Xs x 4 or 5 aoe i|sects Come wees,Se ee,fe tes fees)_Six Silk,Dresses,$12.50.to $15.00 values,_ ning,containing five-eighths of an acre more or|'.,¢,less.Also an easment in an alley way 10 feet|:choice oy $4 JS|wide running from Race streette rear of the}|.‘———~«|aboye described property.pect|Terms of Sale One-thirdCash,one thirdinsix |x y.months,one-third in twelve months’time.|.B,MCLAUGHLIN,}May 10,1912,|{ Commissioner.| NOW IS THE ©TIME TO PLANT Melon Seed. Klegkley’s Sweet is.one of the best.Low price on.pound lots.~Burrell’s Gem,Paul Rose and:Rocky.Ford Canta- Joupes are fine. oewenty figured Lawn audGingham Drese- OB,one-half:price. -Forty Black Voile and Panama Skirts,. mostly one-half price. __.Thirty Linon Tailored Snits that sold from $4.00 to $6.50,Choice $1.50 the Skirt. Are well worth the money. BREAD, CAKES,. ~BISCUIT, ROLLS, ~,PASTRY, Everything that.a good flour,will makeis.best-made with City|Flour.Expert chefs ,experienced bakers and the housewife who is critical—all find CITY FLOUR} the one flour thatis satisfactory ALWAYS.:Ask your grocer for]CITY BRAND.City Flour Milling Co. ie Opening |Friday and Saturday One case Ladies’Taped Vest,regular 10¢. value.Choice 74¢.each. ’Pole.or Cornfield Beans a plenty.Also Red Valentine and Stringless Green Pod, which are the best bush beans. All kinds Garden Seed. SLUG SHOT «KILLS POTATO BUGS..Get these from J.B,GILL, FANCY GROCER. 105 East Broad Street. "PHONE aa. _One hundred Trimmed Hats reduced.See them.‘The style and price will interest you, Very respectfully, THE R.M.KNOX CO. Sales Day is the first Monday in each month in Statesville,N.C. THOUSANDS USE ‘Dan Valley FlourFalldisplayofMid; summer Mrs.N.M.Keim. Millinery. ““There iis a Reason” It excels all other Flour in color,flavor and nu- trition.Itis milled from the best wheat grown in America..It makes bet- stand for renomination as member board of county.commissionens,| However,my friends all over thie | county have been unging it.upon) me,therefare I have decided at the| last moment,in response to thein} solicitations,-to comply with their| wibhes and ‘if nominated’at:thie pit |Maries.om May 18th and.elected 1} Shajl_éndeavor to serve -the »€o-| ple to the best:of my:ability.| s N.B;MILLS. The Landmark js authorized Say that .Dr..Jas.E.King, Sharpesbung township,adiatefonGommidsioner, SALE OF HOUSEAND LOT AND |.ONE VACANT LOT. 2Y VIRTUE of the;power colitained in a mort-gage deed executed by Ralph C Gouger andwifeCraM,Gouger,on March 22,1911,and reg-istered in book of mortage deeds 84.page 205, default having been madein the payment of thesame,I will,on MONDAY,JUNE 17,1912, at 12 o'clock,noon,at the court house door inStatesville,sell at public auction.for cash,the following descri lotsin the city of Statesvil e:First lot:Beginning ata stake on the southsideofWalnut.street,corner of Mrs Ora M.Gouger;thence with her line renning southwardandparailélwitbMulberrystreet146'+feet to astakeinJ,G Turner's line;thence with J,'G,Turner's and W,Ww,Foushee's line,westward 61feettoastake,Mrs.Simon's corner;thence withherlinenorthward146%feet to a stake on Wal-nut street.Mrs.Simon’s corner:thence withWalnutstreeteastward61feettothebeginning,containing one-fifth of an acre,more or less,Secand Jot:Beginning at astake on the southsideofWalnutstreet51féetfromtheintersec-tion of Walnut and Mulberry.streets;thencewithWalnutstreet61feettoMulberrystreet:thence with the weet side of Mulberry streetsouthward146')feet to a stake on wulberry~street;thence westward,running parallel with’Walnut street 61 feet toa stake;thence rorth-ward,parallel with Mulberry street.14644 feet tothébewinning,containing7474 square feet,Termis of sale cash, to of is R,V.BRAWLEY,Mortgagee.Neel Fy igi J;WooAYERS,Assignee)’, cand g ter bread and more of it to the pound than any otherFlour..Then'why takeany other when you can get‘DAN VALLEY Ask your grocer for it. Don’t listen to the‘‘just as good”’talk. MRS.DR.MOORE, PAINLESS TOOTH EXTRACTOR, Will remain:in StatesvilleutilSaturday.evening May 18th.: Stony Point May for several days. eet)C.W..BOSHAMER,JR LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE -Taylorsville to follow.STATESVILLE,N_CAROLINA The Shoes Sold at This Store Fit ceoeklt te| Car Horses and Mules!AY both your feet and your pocketbook —and they are a splendid “double fit.” All the latest styles at the lowest prices.Weshow you the latest first. Comfort,'elegancejiand ease are,the principlesjonfwhichRwe solicit your custom-aiid retain it,Comejin now ~ for thatnew pair and convince yourself. Mr.GC.V.Henkel will,ar- rive tonightwith a car of HORSES AND MULES.- =;\i ‘ ‘:Henkel-Craig os Stocknor | Shoe Go. ‘WESTBROOK BABY PROTECTOR ay »’Knowing that the house-fly is in reality the deadly enemy of.fi}humanbeings,it is the solemn duty of mothers to see that their:helpless Jittle babies are protected from its disease-laden touch.°-The “WESTBROOK”Baby Protector . ea ;‘‘ii,:Roky eae i Vin Sushi Tce , *will bring joy,rest and a sense,of safety to thousands:of ‘mothers | BY}this summer.«It is no-easy task to sit through.the.weary hoursa ‘baby-requires for sleep'and brush the flies away.It .isn’t quite -reasonable,either,to:cover.it from head to foot,depriving it of.the full benefit of fresh air,aeceConstruction.cu It is made of steel wire frame-work,which can be folded or un-- folded in a second.’Over and ‘attached to the steel frame iS a, “tough linen bobinet.This netting is stitched at the edges,which _prevents fraying.It is.re-inforced by stout white tape wherever ‘it is directly attached to.the frame work The netting extends for “eyé :preventing flies,mosquitoesand other insects from crawlingunder it Remember,that although your house may bethoroughly screen- ‘ed;the single fly that sneaks in and lights on’the tender,moist, lips of your baby may have come directly from a sick room;may be laden with Chblars Infantum,the virile germs of Typhoid Fe- ver,Diphtheria or Tuberculosis.Take no chances.Do not-ex- pose your baby to needless danger.:"Phone us to send you one on approval. :Crawford-Bunch Furniture Comp’y. a Washington Candiesed JUST RECEIVED. Bilarth Glace Nuts. Black Walnut Creams. Chocolates and Bon Bons,assorted. _50C.THE POUND.| _THE STORE OF QUALITY Statesville DrugCo., PRESCRIPTIONISTS. 4 ,|THE LANDMARK Landmark. “several inches below the foundation’rods,making it self-tueking,|| CREDIT AND CONFIDENCE Grows with business relations,and when once.established -with a strong bank,is additional-working capital for a_suc- cessful business.Our local experience with local conditions enables us to assist you in the right way. Notice the character and ability of the.men who have charge of the bank;see that the officers are experienced bankers and the directors are responsible business met. The bank should have ample capital,the larger:the:capital the greater the protection for the depositor...Alargesurplus | and profit fund is also an additional protection.: If there ig-anything about the banking ‘business -you:do not understand,call and let us‘explain to you.We want you to make our bank your banking home. WOVEMENTS- Personal Mentionof the Folks Who.Are Coming and Going.\ »Mr,-J,By Ives,-who-was at home‘on a Visit,returned to Wilmington thefirstoftheweek.*an gemsMrsJ.G.Morrison,of Mariposa, Lincoln county,is visiting her daugh-ter,Mrs..R.B;Wilson..Miss Elizabeth.-Evans is at home’ ‘|PUBLISHED TUESDAY AND FRIDAY. |.‘E:120.WEST BROAD STREET.|OFMICE Whi EP HONE RAE o \May 27,1912. “+Notices of New Advertisements.os Fountain pen‘lost.Return to The ‘Banks to.clos#Monday. Young milch cow for sale.—D.T, Morrison.Stock food;canned cornata reduc- -|tion.—D.J.Kimball --.Underwear for,ladies and ladies and children’s hats.—D.B.Krider & scliool.Mr.Kent Johnson,bugler for the Tredell’Blues,is attending the army‘jinstruction school in Raleigh this week.iat»Miss Lttra Speck,of Ripley,Tenn., isa guest at the home of Mr.J.A-Brady.She is en route:home from‘Decatur,.Ga.,:where.she attendedearsSeottcollege.: |_-Fresh ‘Jersey cows and thorough-bred Berkshire ‘shoats for sale.—Jd. ‘1A.W.Barkley :ieee a land dane 17th.—J.-W.‘Ayers,assignee of mortgagee.: oFbias tee picnic lunch,--Eagle&Milholland.bare-Ask for the City brand:-—City Flour‘Milling Go.-°erik i “TF Louis.,°Sp :-‘Automobiles—various.makes and’Misses Mabel,and:Lillian Dunlap,styles.—-Carolina Motor Co.-....«|of Bethany;township,.left yesterday music teacher in.Statesville college,now with Elizabeth,College,@har- terday en routeto her home in St, more to spend a few.days.TheywillgofromheretoTerreHaute,Ind., to make their home.Mrs.Penn was Mrs.John -T:.Raymer,formerly ofStatesville,and:recently married Mr.Penn in Baltimore asMiss/Mary Neill Conner and little Katherine Conner:left last night for .Westbrook Baby .Protector.—Crawford-Bunch Furniture Co.Turkish bath sale.—Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison Co.:. Car-horses and mules.—Henkel-€raig-Live Stock Co.‘;'Big sale now on and will continuéto.the 25th.Follow the crowd.— Poston-Wasson Co i . Toilet sets.—H-B.Woodward. -Save -money.in furnishing your home.—Williams Furniture House.° Credit and confidence.—MerchanandFarmers’Bank.= Two houses and lots for sale:—Mrs. S.E.-Lippard. Miss Conner will go from there.to‘Greensboro next week to attendGreensboroFemale:College com- mencement,ge :Misses Elva and Elizabeth Hartness spent yesterday in Charlotte.: i sie“With Gis Aba LEGTDL:unEaciie:eetalaa eeN:.,sd ok;*tain Pen No 14,wit!Pp cap:ot in :Sympathy th the turnto THE LANDMARK,May 17, To the:Editor of The Landmark: Permit us to say we are not insym- pathy with the personal,maliciqus and unwarranted attack ‘‘Citizen’’ makes on one of our neighbors whomhedesignatesas‘‘Sctew Driver.”’ “Screw Driver’’is one of our bestandmostusefulcitizensandhasnev- er stooped to ridicule one of his neigh- bors in public print.C.M.Swisher, John F.Mitchell,W.S.Reid,D.P Sartin,W.L.Moore,J.L.Moore, W.F.Reece,J.M.Robertson,D.A. Guffy. Cool Spring,May 15. FOR SALE.ir'ssou:seatervine Mis.‘S$.E.LIPPARD,Barium,N.C.May 17—2t.POR SALE<20"0 4,quaSON,BlutaloSShon!Road,“""May 178”FOR SALE.aa"repeir thoroughbred—J.A.W.BARKLEY,’ ~BANKS TO CLOSE. Ponpay.May 20,being a legal holiday our a Banke will be closed that day.F\RST NATIONAL BANK,COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK, Citizen Has Another Word. To the Editor of’The Landmark: I understand a little paper is going the rounds for friends and loved ones || to sign who think that I maliciously attacked one surnamed ‘‘Screw Driv- er.’’Now will those dear friendswhoarealwayssoreadytojoinwith anything that Mr.Can’t Screw Driver gets up,please writea little pieceandexplainhowitisthatIdidsucha'ma- licious deed in putting things as every- body knows they are who wants to}know?and Mr.Screw D.can stand} up in the presence of 8 or 10 men for 5c. and.boys and abuse W.D.Turner and..say he would get down D.J.LIMBALL. in the dirt for money;and lots ofoth-|guyyysssssssseeseneeemmereememmeermmemmeens er things that,I will not mention,and|ce.WANTED!.he is not maliciously attacking any-}body,’There is where the malicious|aoe attack.started.I only compared the|J31DS for the erection,of six-room school two men.Now for the sake of those|3.4 .7epe StTroutman.N-C..wil oe eae‘by dear friends whosigned the little|applyingtotheundersigned.L.O.WHITE. paper,I want to ask every man in wit Iredell county who thinks Mr.Screw|C,M,WAGNER,Driver is to be compared-with W.D.|“way 14.i,OMIT. Turner either physically,mentally fi-| nancially,:religiously or in any old way;to stand on,their head right on} the public square in Statesville so ev-| erybody may know whata fool I am.|And will those“dear-friends-also put down in figures just what they thinkMr.S.D would be worthtoday ‘fi-| nancially had it not been for the Tur- ners ‘Had I got in the Turner con-. nection I might have been able to “| Feed My Stock Food And see your pigs grow,’your horses healthy and strong,your cows.giving 15 gallons more milk per month on the same feed and 25 per cent richer andbettermilk.Ihave 10 cases 15c.canned corn I am going to sell:at 10c.A 10c.:cake Glycerine Soap |Committee,, Ed.MellonCompany Clathing,Shoes, Merchants.and Farmers’Bank of Statesville. FeeeeeensOTTEant é EgyANUP-TO-DATE —BOOKKEEPER -insists-on good stationery and office supplies:Rightly,.too, for with them the work goes better andquicker.Ourline of to have you test.it and our mod- anything from a few pens toacompletesetofnewbooks.RP.ALLISON'S,-BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE. [The Worst is YettoCome Whenjone customer finds out from another that some’house is giving one a “‘fairer deal.’”We'd ‘like nothing better: than a convention of our customers to sound our policy. Same Prices.Same Terms.| Same TreatmenttoAll._oe Ready-to-Wears,which.we are closing out Look over our at cost.: ,Our line of piece godds is second to none.--ABLEN[.MILLS,-(Successor to The Ladies’Furnishing,Store.)© cdmmercial stationery is the best’and most complete in this community.-We-shall be glad erate prices,whether you need ¢ 069OO6OO8 ©50040096 as meet my.bills more promptly;also)who this sidé of heaven has done} more for’the man that carried that paper around than the Turners?If they are so opposed to malicious at-|tacks why don’t some of themtake up /F for Mr.'Turner?-He is the man who| has been maliciously attacked——justto| defeat him,too.:Why was Citizen’s piece so funny?| and who offeréd to furnish a horse} and,buggy to have a man brought up town and then when it was found outwhowrotethepiece,then it sudden-| ly became malicious?Ain’tthatdeep? Cool Spring,N.C.CITIZEN. Hats,Men’s.Furnishings, Trunks,Leather Goods. Boys’and Children's Dept, Second Floor. Gets .Appropriation For Demonstration Work. Senator Overman has got through| the Senate an appropriation for the further extension of the farmers’.co-} operative demonstration work.This, is a.big thing for “the farmersof:the South.It will supplementthe Rocke- feller fund of a million dollarsforthiswork.ie a This work has been installed in 48countiesofNorthCarolinaandSena- tor Overman’s appropriation will en-} able the Department of Agriculturetoextendtheworktoeverycountyin | the State.meee tieemeaeetae Overman Miss Claudia Tharpe,of Harmony community,leaves today for a visit toWashintonandNewYork.Miss Lucy Albea,who has been in school:at Harmony,returns today to|her home in Charlotte.| The largest and best equipped.; Clothing and Furnishing « Goods storein the Carolinas. |When in the City’make ourwas:so bothered| Four «children in Hendersonville| and a negro mail carrier in Hender-} son county were bittén by a suppesed| rabid dog Tuesday.Sone ofthe chil:dren were severely bitten.7 W..T.Gilly,Pennington Gap,Va.,I with kidnev and bladder trouble that,he| a prominent,dealer in could not attend to business.He says,|store headquarters. “T had severe pains in.my.back and)s?‘:‘ Fidneva and had to xét up oe ee ::tal teen times éach night..saw.foley &10:W t i d St. |Kidney Pills advertised’and bought two}§es :Ta é ,9 bottles,‘and’soon -felt.great relgef,and ‘was’entirely cured.No longer disturb- from Blacksburg,where she taught{ .Martha’‘Washington ‘¢andies.—|for a visit to Washington City and Statesville Druy Co,-ae Herdon,Va::..»eee ae *Clothing at a modest profit—-Sloan}Mr,and Mrs.William Pennarrived’Clothing Co.‘lin Statesville yesterday.frem Balti- ee MERCHANTS&FARMERS'BANK,| OF ‘TRE.PEOPLE.|'% Miss Katherine’Gainés,formerly-a} lotte,passed.through’Statesville yes-| Charlotte te.visit Mrs.P,P.Purnell.| ei n e r te i n t Re in a n t ek e oa t ed at night,-but sleep ‘till morning. Charlotte,N.Cc. |Blatesville Drug Co. businessmen <>in a.good bank means more;__ ..than mere ‘storing of money.* When you haye shown your F banker.that”you can:handle: ‘your business and yourself sat-", isfactorily it.also means that your credit is good for financial aid i®-your enterprise.It: means,too,that with.your credit good at your.bank,the “consequent |reputation ‘brings you in more trade,better busi-ness bargains and increased so-cial and political prestige. -bank;:keep your ‘engagements sidered -a man ‘who éan bé we will help you,through thick and thin;if you show:you:are on the square. = Accountsofcompaniesand individuals solicited:Ev-~ ery facility given—consistent with Conservative bapk-ing. First National Bank, |_STATESVILLE,N.C.|7 Capital $100,000;Surplus and Profits $32,000. :OFFICERS:J.C.IRVIN,President.E.S.PEGRAM,Cashier.G.H.BROWN,Vice President. |SA ALOT OF MONEYInFurnishingYourHome. You will be amazed and delighted to see what wonderfully . good furniture you can own at remarkably low prices,by furnishing your home here. No matter whether you need buta single piece or two,or a complete home outfit,you will always double the purchas-ing power of every dollar you spend.with us.: Williams’Furniture is not'thée kind that is made for one year,or for five years—but for generations.It is honest furniture—sincere furniture—the kind you ought to own. Whether you are young folks just starting your first home, or old timers who have tried every kind of furniture ever _made,it will pay you to look through our.stocks NOW. They are very complete.: Williams Furniture House. —NOW FOR— \.oe WudorRE-ENFORCED 5.money. |‘THE KIND THAT LAST: We will put them ed and will ‘save Always.stand well at your”. ‘and show-your désiretobe con-° _trusted.Weare all pulling to- gether for the common good,. and you may rest assured that JNO,W.GUY,Assistant Cashier. Place ‘Your Order| Awnings and Porch Shades _,Up any time want-'-- if R ~O.DEITZ,Manager. Sales Day is the first Monday in each month in Statesville,N.C. FOR SALE sar eONes Fs rsold,weigh about 950 pounds mh:also wagon practilly new.Cash or on moaahraBOTTLINGCO,,Statesville,fy.c. ay 14.oe a 4 _SUBSCRIBE FOR,THE LAN MARK,rial subscription,60 cents. |tondelivered in city or f.0,’b. ap t Statesville Housefurnishing Company. FOR SALE ctatenn nrstcta;sobpeecars,JNO.M,May 14-2t;*-"Give THE LANDMARKthreemonths’. we»@¢ LFFor a midaightsupper, *other time,the very latest thing in that stove-artists can do—is a It Burns Oil RN Per |:No Ashes ‘ ‘It*®Concen-trates Heat.—No.Waste It is Handy_.No:Dirt Atis.Ready a—No D. é stoves the best tt cennontrenes the ten re want it and where youwant tis as quick as oer aad.handier than’cal,chat gl ;re Perfectionme haslong,eoaaed Riis ,it o}meetly Bniahed i .vs welin.nic!with «cal op ze a, racks,etc.Made with |,2or Perfectioni(us IT dealers i New Stove.OY|Fr eatBookwaheveryseve.Cook-Book also giventoanyonesending 5 cents to cover mailing cost.4 STANDARD OIL COMPANY rated in New Jersey)eee BALTIMORE,MD: NEWARK,N.J.—- Thing inbe Lateat as Yorany |other meal’at any’| "43-acre farm five miles south of Statesville,lying on both sides of ~the public road in fair condition,fine orchard,25 acres in-cultivation, ber.Will sell for cash or on ‘time or exchange forcity property. 100 acres one mile from Cool Spring HighSchool./ Two story,six-room dwelling,some:‘outbuildings balancein tim- Two-story,six- room dwelling,barn and outbuildings,good orchard,50 acres in eul- tivation,balancein oak and pine timber.© Four-room dwelling on Davie avenue,lot 98x325 feet. Vacant lot 75x112 on Race street. A number of other city and suburban ‘houses and lots and large farms for sale.Good dividend paying stocksin corporations. For further information call on or writeERNESTG.GAITHER, mevEancr STOCKS AND REAL ESTATE, ;"PHONE OFFICE NO.1,MILLS BUILDING. ‘Rings That Are All Right. When you buy oneofjour Rings you need not give yourself any trouble about the sets.If by any chance the set should get loose and.come out,,»just ‘bring it in anda new set will be put in free of any cost to you.'We sell the famous:W.W.W.Let us show you our line. A beautiful PICTURE suitable for framing will be given to every one making |a cash purchase of $1.00 or more. R.H.RICKERT &SON,Jewelers. Statesville,N.C. Tal Veh s,Lage Resouces COURTEOUS TREATMENT. Ought to.mean much to the man with a bank ac-_ count.If you have not yet opened an account w ith the COMMERCIAL we invite you to do’so now. Capital ,$100,000.00Surplus,28,000.00 Total Resources over 500,000.00 Four per cent.-on time and Savings Deposits. Commercial —National Bank, Statesville,N.C. K.STEELE,President.|E.MORRISON,Vice President.AUSLEY,Cashier.G.E.HUGHEY,Assistant Cashier..IVAe IF YOUR FEET Give Yn.Trouble Don’t Fail'to Use.3 PAXTO FOOT POWDER LET US SILOW FOU,25 CENTS, HALL'S DRUG |STORE.“|»-¢PHONE NO.20. i .|ligent:business. -|for office. ‘boyhood days and.I am getting gray‘now.this récord of the past for safety:and! justice?: hsore throat,‘tion of the throat or lungs, jana ‘|dersigned.will!sell to Wallace’s farm,on a public road ‘|ACHE,BLURRED EYE SIGHT,LOSS SettletheSTieT With Clean Hands, To the EBditor of The Landmark, I want to say at this critical event of office strife,I have no-irons in the fire-more than public welfare and happiness of the people.Salary forcountyofficersiseconomyandintel-As.to brushing as-pirant ‘candidates whose characterstandsunimpeached,I am tired andsickofsuchstuff:When the peoplewantareform.there are a few it nev- er has suited and never will undercertainconditions.I am not here toslur.any of the honorable candidatesItisafreefightbutletus settle it with cleanhan s,,like ‘con- servative citizens.As to Mr.W.Dy Tuenee Who can ‘question his high record of the Past?| T have :known.Mr.‘Turner from.my ‘For a,publie man,who ¢an beat As:to .Frontis and Williams,not knowing them personally,I can 't saymorethanthattheircharacter.an‘ability seems to be good;and they tell you where they-stand,which is enough.A consciencé hat can’t . bought or sold-is gold that will brighter as.you rub it.Votefor wh"| you please for conscience’s sake,but|} don’t abuse good men. Concord Township. |Mrat DL.‘Btarnes,Hickory;Ne 3 has in the past suffered severely ith | throat and lung:trouble,andsays,used Foley’s Honev and ‘Tar Gooound |‘for this and it gave;me immediate sat-isfaction and relief./1t gives me pleas-ure to recommend this preparation for)hoarseness,or any afflic-T know.it} will do Statesville| Drug Co. all claimed for it) _MORTGAGE SALE OF LAND.: BY VIRTUE of a niortgage deed executed to the undersigned on the Tth day of February,1911,“by| Thomas Haynes |and wife,’Tela Haynes,and defwal having been made in :paym of.the “suro| therein named,IF will sell at pub-| lic auction,-to the highest.bidder for.cash,.at.the court,house.door | in Scatesville,N.C,,.on SATURDAY,JUNE 1,1912, the following tract of land described in said mortgage,the bame.lying| and being in Chambersburg town- ship,Iredell county,N.C,,,and| Younded as follows:| Beginning at an-iron peg on the north sideof the railroad:and runs| thence north 63%degrees -west five poles and nine links to iron peg;thence north five degrees} east 343%poles to a gum;thence east five poles,and.nine:links.to| an ‘tron peg near the branch;thence} south five.degrees west 39%poles| tox the beginning,containing one a walf acres,more or less.| for further information see mort- gage duly registered’in Book No. $4,page 580,-im-the office of the register of deeds of Iredell county. R,W.BOU, _Mortgagee.__April 30,1912.lciienandiainsaeetteceii secant gh SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ES- TATE IN SPATESVILLE. Pursuant to.a judgment and de- cree of the Superior Court in the matterof Mary Smith,Ida Camp- bell,Thomas Campbell and W. M.Campbell,appointing the un- dersigned commissioner to sell for partition and.division the real.es- tate of Allen V.Smith,the un-at public ‘auc- tion at the court house door in the city of Statesville,at 12 o'clock,m.,on SATURDAY,MAY 18TH,1912: two lots in the city of Statesville, adjoining the lands of J.G.Shel+ ton,whose lands are bounded and described as follows: _Beginning at a stone,Allen Smith corner,on a road that leads and running west Allen’a Tine, south 87 degrees,eaSt 150 feet to a stone on Will Simon’s line;.thence south 87 degrees west 135 feet to a stone on said road;-thence with the road north 87 degrees,west 110 feet to the beginning,being one quarter of an acre,more or less. The said two lots of Allen Smith also adjoin the lands of Miles Braw-whosé lands are described a8 Beginning at a-stake,Alex Grant’s cormer,on the east ‘side of the public road;running south 87 degrees east 150 feet to a stake, said Grant’s corner;thence 95 de- grees west 60.feet to a stake,John Sherrill’s corner;thence north 85 degrees west 150 feet to a stake.ontheeastsideofsaidpublicroad; thence north 6 degnrees east 55 feet to the.beginning,éontaining one sixth of an acre more or less. Registered in Book of Deeds 37, page 85,in the office’of the Regis- ter of Deeds of Iredell county. Terms of!sale,cash.Sale.will be léft open.ten days for ten per cent.bids.WM.¢.COUGHENOUR,JR., .Commissiorter,i A.H.Price,R.Lee Wrigtt,Attys. April 16,1912. Kidney Ailments Start with BACKACHE,DULL HEAD- OF APPETITE,PAIN IN HIPS and SIDES,SORE and WEAK KIDNEYS and URINARY IRREGULARITIES, TO NEGLECT-MEANS Loss of Health and Vitality TO CURE-USEFoleyKidney Pills TONIC IN eg QUICK IN RESULTS ‘will CURE any case of KIDNEY of BLADDER TROUBLE not beyond the reach of medicine.No “medicine can do more.The genuine isin a yellowpackag? Statesville Drug:Company. ie -H...Staton, ‘Judige thie‘nates to the,Reuwblican wiationall)Gon-); |)structed, ;of the.minority:to.give ition”of the vote failed. Stirred.by an | ~lof-a portion of the paragraph and North,Carolina District:Delegates for Roosevelt."— The congressional convention’oftenthdistrictmetih.~Astie-Monday,and.elected Dr,A, Pritchard,of Asheville,and R,of.Hendersonville,del- egates to the national convention, They were instructed?to|vote forRoosewelt.after Judge wart,of Hendersonville,had made an inef- fectual fight to have..the’minoritystrengthcastforTaft..Then Ewart introduced).a resol- ution pledging the meeting to sup- port.the nomines of the Chicago convention,Col.Lusk demurred ibut the.resolution.was.adopted..The convention endorsed ‘Tom RollinsforCongress... The Republicans of the geoond congressional.district elected D. W,G.W,‘Stanton,of Wilson,delegatestothe’national convention,and in- structed them.to’vote for Roosevelt, The Reublican ‘convention |of thie foumth)‘con nessiion al distrVet ,in.Bes- sidn in Raleigh “Tuesday:.instruioted two délegates and.two ‘alter. wi lieape vention to vote for Théodore Roose- vel,as long as,his name is blatore| the convention and,to vote fer,Mare jon Butler for national eommilttee- man to suiaceed B.'C.Dunaat;recom mended:and approved the adiminis-tration nof the party's affaing im the a under thie leadership of JohnMorehiead‘arid:declained’for hils naladtion as chainman of.the ‘Staite epg ‘utive committee,and:nominated H.Dixon,of Chatham county,,for Sordoeee A part of the dalexates bolted and with some contesting delegations organized another cgn- yention.They “did not ‘elect dele- |Bates to:Chicago but may do 80 la- ter.In}the ‘seventh,digtrict conven- tion at.Lexington J.Tt.Hedrick,of Davidson county,and ~ex+Congress- man:C,H.Cowles,of Wilkes;were elected.déle:gates to Chicago atid in- for Roosevelt.Am effort Taft a frac- In the fifth district con*ention at Patrick,of Greene county,and |,°.f Greensboro’Jas:N.Williamson,of Alamanee,and,Johm T.Benbow,of| Forsyith,.were “elected ‘dele gates tio| |Chicago and instructed.for velt.: The|Hiekory Charlotte, Mitchell, inst ninti ‘dttitrbct!convention:‘at | elec te i:S.S.ModNingh,|of | and:Chas.BK.Green,of| diclhegat’s to Chicago and| voted them for Roone vealt.} Charlotte:Stirred ‘By "Prevalence of | the.Social Evil. iCharlotte Dispatch to Raleigh News} and Observer,| the recent open let- ter of Secretary ven of the As-| sociated Charities in Charlotte,to the’.Charlott@.Ministerial Asso-| iciation,alleging an exaggerated | Istate of the.social evil in the:city,| ithe city administration:has under:| |taken a systematic and thorough jimuiry into the actual con ditions | that may result in revolutionary| |changes or reforms. In his istatement to the minis-| ters Secretary Myers declared that the city was honeycombed with vice} anid immorality;that mamy boarding} houses and hotels*were.virtually | assignation houses-and that there’ was urgent need -of an orgs“gag movement'to remedy conditions,- As a result of his ment of local mittee of five nis-| conditions,a.com- Was appointed by the! Ministerial -Associaticn to ‘imvesti.| gate the situation and report at| the earliestassociation. Now,under the authority city administration,mittee is conducting an official in-| vestigation,-with the purpose of of the| Bbubgesting the best means of deal-:|° img with the problem and piliminat- ing the evil ag far ds possiblé under jthe present laws | Webb's sills For Safety_Ocean Travel. Heavy,penalties for.failure ta.pro-} vide.adequate life-saving)facilities; is Mr. jon ocean-going Bteamships are.pro-| vided in a dill introduced in House of Congress by Repres tive Webb,of North!,Caro Sufficient -lifeboat |accomodations for all passengers and)mem’ors of| cnews of ‘ocean-going vessels of} 3,000.toms or more are made im-| penative by the measure,which pro-| vides a:fini of $10,000 or 80 years’ the ta-| imprisonment as a pron alty for each violation. He,would:also force companies.to print on a Blatemenit of the ities of thie vessel, is sold. steamship each,ticket life-saving,facil- on which)passage Church W.‘ill Not.Leave Amusements)@ ;to Conscience. Unless the General Conference |@ of the Methodist Episcopal)Church,|Dp in session at Minneapolis,over-rules the action,of-the committee on state of the |Ohnirch,that part of the famous paragrapl 260 of the Church discipline,which especial- ly prohibits danicing;-card.playing and kindred amusements,will re main a‘law of the Church. By a vote of 100 to.51 the entire) committee voted to reject the re port of the majority of the swb-com- mittee which,favored the eJimination leaving the amusement question;to the “conscience”of the.individual member: Mr.Smith for ‘Commitietonee, To the Bditor of The Landmark: I.wish..to..endorse Mr.J.T. Smith for commissioner.‘I feel that if he is mominated amd elect- ed he will give i,a pervice. ;HOWARD. Jim Spell,¢a1 boy,of 14,committed suicide at his home in-:Sampson county last week by’shooting him- self.One report says his mother was.trying to.get him>to go to monk when he became ennaged and kaile a Latte bw .\Dan...J;Joyce.“Sanville,VVaa is-so glad he escaped consumption and regainedhishealth,that he writes about it forthe.benefit of.others.‘I had a cough’which hung on me for.two years’whentbegan‘using .Foley's*Honey and TarGompound.I kept on.until the coughfinallyleftmeandIgainedinWeight from 113 to 185 pounds.In two years J.have grown strong ahd healthy,.allfromtheuseofFoley’s Honey and~TarCompound,which cured me.”Statesville Drug’Co:erly : severe.sare Sens —_— possible .mecting of the |. another com-| of| NATURE'S.LAWS. re dre mysteries,theresence,Go straight to Nature for the cure,to the forest;the Wild-cherry|some of which we can fathom for you.Take the‘barks with mandrake root,Oregon grape ‘root,stone roo’quoen’s:root,bloodroot a * golden seal root,:make:a ocientific,Hreetic cad of thems with just:the right: proportions,and you have.1 DOCTOR PIERCE’S GOLDEN MEDICAL DISCOVERY. ‘It took Dr..Pierce,with the.assistance of two learned chemists.and pharma- cists,many months of hard work experimenting to’perfect. this vegetable alterative and tonic extract of the greatest efficiency. Ma.C.'W.PAWLEY,of Millville,Calif.,weltes:“I wish to tell you that I\have used your ‘Golden Medical Discovery? in my family for twenty years.We have had a doctor called ii:but once during that time,I have a family of ten chil- dren,all well and hearty,for which,to a great.extent,we owe thanks to you ‘and your ‘Golden Medical Discovery’and ‘Pellets,’which we use when sick,’’ Dr.Pierce’s Pleasant »Pellets .regulate’and invigorate stomach,liver and bowels.Sugar-coated,tiny:dranniees SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS, Gwe wiwteyiebe ©World?8Dispensary Medical Association,Ruffle,N.Y. -Oaken Bucket Filled to the brim with cold;clear purity—no such water nowadays. Being back the old days with a glass or bottle of Rooses|' It makes one think of everything that’s pure. “and wholesome and delightful,Bright,spark- ling,teeming with’palate joy—it’s <@ your soda fountain old oaken bucket.wt Our new booklet, Free 02°of Coca-Cola vindication at Chatta-nooga,for the asking. Demand the Genuine as made by THE COCA-COLA CO. ATLANTA,GA. 24 ‘Whenever you see an Arrow think of Coca-Cola. _— — SS—S~—>espeapciaheteeseesiersprrmnementere aeREMOVALSALE! For forty-seven days we will offer our entire stock at greatly.reduced~prices.This]’stock includes new Stieffs,new Shaws,new Bennettl& Bretzs,new Kohler &Campbells,and other makes of new Pianos and many different makes of second hand Pianos that have been thoroughly repaired,refinished,ete.,in our shop. All of these Pianos are excellent bargains.We hope totmove this stock rapidly and if price has anything to do with the sale it will go quickly. CHAS.M.STIEFF, 5 West Trade Street,Charlotte,N.C._ STIEFF BUILDING,219 South Tryon Street,-Oppo-* site Academy of Music,after June Ist,1912. 3 NewLot HackneyBuggies $ We are expecting another shipment.of the fa- mous Hackney Buggies.This Buggy has given \perfect satisfaction andis guaranteed in every “respect.5 ? Also have Bud wiedand Surrey s of othermakes. Spach and Hac kney Wagons. GIVE US.A.CALL. Harness,vena &Supply Company. 116-East Broad Street. _Hotel Gladstone, /BLACK MOUNTAIN,N,;C. THE IDEAL PLACE TO SPEND YOUR VACATION, 2,800 FEET ELEVATION.° Free From Malaria and Mosquitos. *|RATES $2.00 PER DAY.Special Rates'for Fartfllies and for Summer Visitors.WM.JEFF.DAVIS, May:10.—16t,9 Write Proprietor, BLACK MOUNTAIN,Dy C.‘ Nature’s laws are perfect if only.wo obey tnem,but disease ‘tstlaws disobedi-ne All KindsEElectricalSupplies.dell -County:|.‘Do you think,”he asked,‘that ‘But if you want a ¢arof one price to all and worthevery HO.}:}.I hereby announce myself a can-|AbrahamLincoln,to whom Roosevelt:ent ofit,t eith Studebaker E-M-F “9|didate for nomination for re-elec-|so often refers and to whom he likes es ”a gct either a SORE ET F “30,”$1100,or "SSE;fo to oe attice of County Sur.tocampare himself and to whomhe E Flanders ‘‘20,;”$800.You can trust them.’You get allthat |6) -:sa ae yor,ee ars less‘resemblance than any one ou pay for,an e|HOME ELECTRIC COvs|jmenemocratc privasictsf%|know in the history of tis country,ros agfe Sek ee ae,A.D,COOPER,Manager.ep rd perp auaags >|would have acted a8.che “has and mis-the bie geaae Sere “i ‘sia Se tLthat’s aN ",bibl -représent me as he has?;i j mn.INO ma wha price empta on Ss in.our |ee =ANNOUNCEMENT.“Mr.Roosevelt’promises the mil-way,Studebaker E-M-F ‘‘30”’and Flanders ‘‘20”cars an far OXI:*lennium,free from bosses.:Well,,bigger bargains,b :::of ‘,We JUST RECEIVED !To .the Democratic Voters:of Ire|then,why wasn’t there a millennium BE gains,because in years of good service and satisfac-7aii°aCounty::cidiante (during the seven years he was in the tion.they pay big returns.Pe ts Y:Local Views,All New.-|!t0 ee,2 oe ‘Ree.|White House?-We can prove it—Send for our new catalogue ue:=Sinesof Geeta in county,|,One indietment,’’he said,“ig the*|character of the-campaign Mr.Roose-|\s ‘BroadStreet Methodist Church.an oe iniey tok county pred velt:is carrying’on nt personally I -The Studebaker Corporation Ni Statesville Female College,vention.J.E.BOYD,|feel that 'more deeply.than any other}.+roit,Mi hi yStatésvilleGradedseApril30,1912.because I think he is to be indicted}©Dermot,Michizan ’ et F.H.Conger’s Residence.ANNOUNCEMENT..|for making the kind of accusatory and *Carolina Motor Gt Statesville N.¢.,Phone 170 ww ay |market.Carry a full line of ocratic primary and county conven-the Superior Court.of Iredell county |--Tablets,Inks and Pencils.tion.W.RB:SLOAN,s lin the special proceed‘mgs for.thejWallStreet.Regards ‘DemocraticGApril30,1912.Success as Certain..sale of land fot division among the ‘PRINTIN J 2 gtr i heirs of EH B.Wa!ren,1 will onHOUSE.OF REPRESENTATIVES,|Charlotte Observer.SATURDAY,MAY 25,1912.4 in To the Democratic Voters,of Jre-|Writingin the Wall Street Journal,|at 12 o'clock,uvon,at the.courtBRADY,ri ThePrinter.gue County.aa Holland,the well-known néwspaper|house door in Statesville,re-sell at;am a candidate for the Demo-correspondent,declares Wall Street|public auction the fo:lewing land| [Cum and rt kinds feed:stuff.See .me| Car White Corn. “Car White Oats. ~Harper’s ProlificSeed Corn 740 bushels grown on 8 before you buy. A.AL Colvert.: |Home.Blectrie Co.a General . Hectic Contrastors *»Ratimates Furniahed ee /If.the Convention nemimates‘some }other person,the nominee will have’ ANNOUNCEMENT. Sheriff of Lredell ‘county,’subject to the action of the.Democratic Pri-| Inaries’and Conventions.J.M,1DBATON. ANNOUNORDEENT: To the Democratic voters of ke dell County.i -T hereby announce myself a‘ohn didate for nomination:for countycommissioner,”subject to ithe ac- acres,High grade Flour tion of ..the Democratid ‘primaries |and suggested that there would be—White-Swann.Also ao cm convention.ee “but Megspope for ihe future,of aeBH.;py ee d all May 13,M.A,FEL eR,|nationif Mr.Roosevelt were waftecheapergrades,and al to the skies inachariotlikethe proph-ANNOUNCEMENT: a am,a candidate for Senin ieee tion ‘for the office of County Super- intendent:of schools,Bulbject to the ‘action ‘of the Democraia “piimiar ies and:county conven t forth May 14,tds Oo.WHITH. aie ANOUNCEMENT.is I ama candidate for the ‘cratic nomination:for ‘the 1 Representatives,subject ta the Dem’ otratic.primaries and .Convention. [f nominated aiid elected I’will car-|ry out the will of the,people on the 0- térs ‘where instructions are,given. gny «loyal.support.we | May 10.TN,HAIG.| ANNOUNCEMENT. |THE LANDMA’ |eampaign for a renomination,es |Mr.Roosevelt talks about’but,self?shouted the President at one} [Quse of }. salary question and all other mat-| ‘,nit To ‘the Democratic Voters:of*ire-|::=(dell Cointy:_»FRIDAY,(<4.“May 17,1912.1°,Yn:1.announce myself ae.candidate TE :, irasios pi re-election to the =office of THE:PRESIDENT,1S.BITTER. Roosevelt as A Egotist Jand Demagogue,; In one-of the most bitter speecheshehasmadesincehebeganhisactive| Ritcules” dent Taft,at Cambridge,.Ohio, week,held Roosevelt up to vdiente,called him an intense ‘anddangerousegotist,a -flatterer and ee do the:job:Mr.Roosevelt’said the country needs him to'do,’’ body.in the country.to do this job thathim- }poincies tr I,‘Tt!all the:time with:him,“Suppose you -feed:that egotism’ and vanity:and put:‘himiKYoffice aasetiseofpowerand‘a disregard of}. sarees for this country.f gogue and.a’flatterer who comes outandtellsthepeopletheyknowitall.Thate a flatterer.I like a man totell_|the truth straightout and I hate to see]: a man try to’honeyfugle the people 'To tie Tieaabevales “Voters ‘of 16: s Sanatorium.: Sete Passenger Station. hak to see the Simplofiller .Fountain Pen and Conklin’s Fountain Pen.These aretwo ‘best self-filling pens on the Sewing Machines Repaired. J.U.LAMPRECHT, W.R.MILLS, To the Democratic Voters of.Ire- dell County: 1 antiounce myself a candidate for reelection to the office of. Treasurer of Iredell county,sub- ject to the action of the “‘Dem- cratic nomination for the House of Representatives,on the salary plat- form,subject to the action of the Democrattic primaries and nominat- ing convention,and solicit the sup- port of the voters in.the.primaries. TILDEN H.WILLIAMS.-April 26. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. To the Democratic Voters of Ire- dell County:I am a Gandidgte for theDéatio- eratic nomination for the House of Representatives,on the salary plat- |libelous campaign which requires me, \the President-of the United States,in believe: order to save the cause I represent,to come out onthe platform and go about making political speeches in ‘my:be- half and doingsomething that a mod-est man dislikes.’’ to have become so thoroughly con- vinced:of the Democratic party’s des- tined sweep into power next fall that’ it no longer puzzles its head over the matter at all.The Wall Street Ex-) change,which is:the country’s specu-| lative center,and the.Wall Street oftheNewYorkClearingHouseAsso-| ciation,which is the country’s finan-| cial center,entirely agree upon this}iview.So,while Wall Street is not indifferent,it regards the’political skirmishes iow in'progress with the elected I will endeavor to carry out the reforms for which I stand pledged.S.FRONTIS: April.23. "ANNOUNCEMENT, \itation and turmoil of this year’s.pre-|convention politics might as well have \taken place in Europe._-It-isheldthat |the Republican party is split wide)open and:that the Democratic party! will'triumph on election day,no mat-} RK| et of old and there was no one left to}. “*You’d suppose there was ae any-| constitutional restrictions,it would be}. hold that that man isa “dema-ae by telling them something he doesn’ti Flanders “20”Touring:‘Cary$800 ‘story ¢an’t fool you.| price,not a penny less.They are worth it.But the lame ducks, the second rates,the nondescript and assembled automobiles out they don’t get you. their list price,how much are.ey worth?Nobady knows. Cut price deals are frauds. cs ‘The next Geis an sutorbobie salen ele «to sell you a:|car at a discount,tell him that the old OE for BOEnIOS 4 The best automobiles in the world are sold for their list are in the public market looking for the highest bidder.Look If gold-brick cars aré not:worth . RE-SALE OF FARM.| Under authority of-a decree of ip Cool Springtowssh'p Beginning at Gay's cciner,on OF tear the church road,sunving north 22 de#rees east with said road,and, wth the Statesviie <¢na/Mocks- ville road 116 polesto ‘a poet oak on the west side cf the 1ced;thence | petth 77 degrese west to Sills’cor| ners;thence neer asurth 86 poles | to a stone,Sills’corner;thence}north 89 degrees weat &7 poles to} a poplar on the west aide of a} branch;thence south 3 “+grees west) 208 poles to a stake aod _pointers| ‘Tl ront Street.form,subjedt,to.the action of the|eyes 9 .in Gay’s line;thence w.ta that line 108 =61 ’:Democratic primaries and’.nominat-|{oa cnatae.ee roceented 96 néar east to the beginning,contain-|‘Phone 61..ing convention.If nominated ‘and|p €-\ing 85 acres,less 2 #tres soid:to||..the mill company;tis ‘asd contains dwelling house,tenant house,barn,. ete.Terms-—One-third cash:on confir-| mation of sale,oneé-toird in’6 months and one-thirds.n-12 months, |with interest on deferred.payments, John Deere Pivot Avle Cultivator Statesville,N.C.::iter who the cand :eo See Voters of Ire-‘that rhe Deciocratie aeiorite gee with -privilege of pay'ng Liye ma-| :'nty turity,Purchaser get rent for thFineFarmLandeandCity:|In compliance with the endorse||House will be greater than:the pres-jae ALEX C.BEAVER,|re :ee Propertyfor Sale.foo ot ee Lecce meee ee|Ife House,and.that as soon as State|Con mirsioner.‘|The above cut shows our new Pivot Axle Cultivator.We have ee a a 6th aoae -of ealle Sie oe United:States wile J.B.Armfield,Atty.sold-over one hundred of these labor-saving machines to good far- Lauer Goaeiel ldancesty wubes can take place the Democrats will ex-|April 23/1912..mers of this.county,and those who use this improved Pivot Axlesubjectt.lthe ee *n.|ercise complete control.-Conjecture 'NOTICE.TO NON-RESIDENTS:Cultivator.(which isan improvement over all other Cultivators), AGENT FOR HUPMOBILES. ‘Jan,2 |JOHN Cc.DYE,M.D. EYE,EAR,NOSE AND THROATAND.FITTING GLASSES. Officein Mills Building. Office ‘hours 9 to 12 a.m., 2,to 5 p.-m. Phones:Office 458;Residence 42 action of the pri- |maries and convention: I solicit your supportApril18,1912.W.D.TURNER.| FORTHE HOUSE.| I am a candidate for the House| of Represehtatives,subject to the action of the Democratic primaries and convention.If nominated and \elected,I will carry out the will of the majority of the party:on the |question Of salaries of the county officers and dog tax,and on any other matters where instructions are given.On all questions where not in- structed,I will use my best efforts ; Do You Want to Be Independent? .Ifso,learn Shorthand,and Typewriting by beginning a course immediately,whichistaughtatStatesville;N.C.[If inter-ested and desire oe ete,write.or callonMRS,JOHNSON,-512 Scetie Center Street,Feb.20.Statesville,N.’C, Jiearnest and cordial aera H. to faithfully discharge the duties of said office in the interest of our people,It I am not.nominated,I will give to the nominee and.all other’Democratic candidates my GRIER.April 6. A OARD. To'the Democrats of Iredell County: I am a candidate for the Dem- MEAT MARKET. General line of Fresh Meats.Also dry pine stove wood. CASH &HARRIS, ocratic nomination for State eo ator..If nomimated and elected, will faithfully carry out the Sana of the majority of the party on,the salary for county officers and’dog tax questions and any other inetruc- tions which the Democracy of the ’PHONE 43.FRONT STREET,’county may give me.If the conven- Feb.9.Rear Pe tion.nominates some one else,the nominee will have my:loyal and ac. tive support.Respectfully, FOR SALE !April 1,1912.A.D.WATTS. Business Be a ANNOUNCEMENT. Seven-r “desirable seaidotick on osAsthematter ‘'™being discussed, Tradd street...Hot and cold water,I take this method of ‘announce bath,etc.that 1 willbe a caadidate for theLotsnearGradedSchool,‘Small north Iredell farm.‘If you want toifo oe sellor exchange JOHN M.M.SH RPE,: office of County Supreintendent of Public Instruction of Iredell county, Bubject:to the aclion of the Demo- cratic Primary_and Convention. Féb.‘27.RM:GRAY. NOTIOK TO OREDITORS::; St ~ALWAYS:IN. UPYthree rooms on the second floorof me Vational Bank Building,and I am‘Don’t peep into my reception room where I-never.stay and then go off and say Iam in,but come on in and let yourself be known. Tao te I am not at—work the Firsttlwayshere, ackaeeer or epeak out.I am in mySrcoleaSoonaiaiherin,|P.FLAUGENOUR,Dentist. Having qualified as ihe ra- tor with the”‘will annexed of Solo mon ‘Trexler, notify all persons having claims against hia estate to present same to me on or hefore the 19th day-of. April,1913.J..O..IRVIN:Administrator.C.T,A. |dential preference primaries. deceased,I hereby |regarding the probable Democratic {nominee ‘therefore absorbs most of ithe active interest felt.Some Wall |Street.men are inclined to the view| |that he will bea man who has not! been supported in:any of the presi-|Mayor Willian J.Gaynor,of New York,,.is| regarded asadistinct possibility.But,| according to this very competent ob-| server,the opinion gains’ground) daily that a strong effort to nominate| Colonel William J.Bryan will -be made. The Misses McLelland Entertain Graduating Class.| Correspondence ‘of.The Landmark. At their pretty home on ‘the Tay-! lorsville road,«seven miles from) Statesville,Misses Jessie and EulaliaMcLellandentertainedthemembers) of the graduating class ofScott’s High|School Friday night.The members|of the ¢lass are:Misses Willard.Vick-|ery,Lillian Bagwell,Carrie Elliott,| and Blanche Guy;Messrs.Harlee Mor-| Terrell Harris.last yeat’s class were also present.At the close of the games a deli-| ciou®refreshment course’of frozen| strawberries,cake and mints were! served...The Misses.McLelland are|noted for their charming”hospitality |7 and winsome ways and the evening} will linger long asa pleasant memory|in a ed of those present. May13 Th Danbury Reporter says that J.W.Corn,of Stokes county,who isworth$20,000 to-$30,000,was fined$1,000in Stokes Superior Court ‘last week for illi¢it distilling and is ynder a bond to answer a similar charge intheFederalCourt,TheReportersaysthatCornis60yearsold,is the head of a large family and a member of thefatatineopceed.tie:Judge Dan-iels,whoxdmposed the fine,said he would have added a road sentence but for the serious illness of the defend- ant’swife.\ The Southern.Baptist.Convention R.B,McLaughlin,at,eatAbe19,1912. will cooreny in cee oy tomior-,new. lthat.said cause is set for Hearing Cleora Harris,Lizzie Hunter,Delia}. rison,Marvin White,Paul:White and | All the mémbers of | |In’.Superior Court} |Before the Clerk.|of | North Carolina,Cultivator. Iredell County.In the.matter of.the will Dr.Richard W.Mills.{ It appearing to thesatisfaction | of the Court that T.M.Mills,Hugh | lowest price,quality considered. we cannot get repairs for promptly. reduces the cost of making the first crop more than we ask for ourIfyouareinthemarketforanykind.of the latestim- proved farm implements,you will save time and money to come |direct to us,as‘we-handle nothing but the very best at the veryWehandlenoimplement’that Mills,Jeff:Mills and Forney Mulls,| |together with all othér heirs of Dr:} |Richaréd W.Mills are paceemnry | sparties and are non-residents of the State. It is,therefore,ordered that || |Statesville Hardware:&fue Company. sSetvice of the summons be made | ‘upon the above named parties for) thirty days in lieu of personal ser- vice.: Let the defendants ‘take:“notice on Monday,May 27th,1912,in the Superior Court of Iredellcounty,at Statesville,N.C.You are hereby required to:appear and answer,if you.are so advised,or the judgment of the Court will be finui.Cc.L.WHITENER. .W.A.SELF, L.C..CALDWELL, Attorneys for Caveators. J.A.HARTNES, Clerk of the Superior Court. Per Jno.L.Milholland,. April 16,1912.D.C EXECUTOR’S NOTICE. | |Having qualified as executor of ‘the last will and testament of Johir A.Fieming,deceased;late of Iredell county,this is to notify all persons having claims agaimst the estate of said John A.Fleming.to exhibit the same to me on or be- fore -the 26th day of April,1913, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery.All persons indebted to ~said es-tate are hekehy notified-x maike-}- prompt ‘payment to de:N.:P WATT,Extr.ee Lewis &Lewis,snide!» April26,191 SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY. On SATURDAY,May 26th,.at 2 o'clock,‘p.m.,at the residence o, the late H.L..Morrison,in)Con- cord.townbhip,-J cwill,sell at pub- 154.machine without 2 rival in the frames and tongues all stee and the chan and.comfortable.is larmelatedepth of front teeth and level fhe machine. tie M he £‘y .7 \ts : (s >ThePlanet,Jr.,No.76 Cultivator. optlarity and usefulness.’ f ein ‘width of wheels is“all that could be desired.The gangs are adjustable iin depth,to throw to and from the row.The draft is arranged to ifigure satisfactory.work.pivot 14 spoke wheels act iystantly and maké guiding a pleasure.-The central lever operates hinge tongue to rege- The arch is high, he. The seat ~ oe Pretaal certain personal Prop-|"To cultivate your crop successfully t,J Ridi ;:>you Will need a Plane Ti,a lone ee pe tan prone neh wg Cultivator,Comein and look it-over.-Terms to suit pyrchaser. farming utensils,vehicles,ete:JL b Mc t Ha dy May 3,qq cat ames azen dy"on oomery r ware Co,”‘Administnator, ay ieeeaaa;i i He Who Hesitates is Lost! An {¥ 046 South Center Street,Statesville,North Carolina.ae d 4_2.SALE CONTINUES UNTIL MAY 2 ee Catenion For Ten Days Only.ft} oo ,oo TheBargains thatyou will find at this great sale has nnever :1 j;ae \ae Lae:“before and never will piled be seen.Don't hesitate,for !Follow the Crowd To.> Hh &POSTON-WASSON COMPANY,S| 1/ se e :'oo @ 25TH, |.. ? eRe }STATE NEWS.i Observations on the Cam-}:|paign.Ae 5 A Cychone in Spero community,|To the Editor bf The Landmark.MAY 20,1U7 °|five miles from Randleman,Ram|"ay te a bisia/tae|dolph county,Saturday,resulted!in!-;.°ids wala Teed not a Sore :|some-damage to buildings.citizen here,just temporari en|::|siding in your good)-coninty andTheEpiscopalConventioninDum)an on-looker im the factional Tight |ham last week,by a vote of @8!now on in the Democratic party3|to 12,decided that heneafter women)tor the legislative ticket.My po-a |Shall vote in vesury elections.sition gives me an opportunity.to|The North Carolina ‘Laithe ran’Make some observations.which of|Synod,dn session in Charlotte last/course are free ftom passion or;week,adjourned to meet in May, /1913,at St.John’s church,Cabar-| bie county / | prejudice,| “I am sorry to Bee the fight made ;against Hon.W.D.Turner,mth|editon of jis ai candidate for the State Senate|the Shelby Star,is a Victim of ap-|and so well)and honorably knownpendiicitis.He has unde reone.an|over the State.It would-be a re-operdtion anid there is hope for his|flection upon the citizenship:of Ire}eurky recovery.;j}dell county to defeat him afterTwoautomobilescollidedinDur-|the whole State has.once honoredhamTuesdayandonemachine,in|him,and with hig clean and hon-Mre.W.J /Griswold |est record)-in the party,fon’yearsland’Mrs:C4 O.Thomas,was tumed|He haB always stood by the peopleover.Both ladies were badly hurt.|anid I understand is making his |fight in this campaign in the inter-A cyclone in Lenoir county’Sun-lest of the people of his ‘home coup- ty,among whiom he has always |lived and labored. faiter,we've)‘been indepéndent since.Mr.Lee B.Weathers L which wereWeOweNoAllegiance to anybodyin fixing prices.Weare ene independent jday.evening did considerableofwhatotherschargefor...: -:::7 :jage to property. dame|Several residences were.demolished and a few persons a i :;TT he ,This scribe’‘has no personal in-CLO HING.Were Dene Tore Of:beep wertcnmy.beasts in this campaign.He writes|Without the knowledge of Mr.Tur4+ei ‘s =nd atAmodestprofitsatisfiesus,ahd we price our Clothing as ner or any of -his friends,and a am a Sim- und will vote for Sim-mons first,last and:all the time, but this is not the time to settle thie senatorial conitest.That comes in November.; Simmons and Kitchin are not the:issue in this campaigm,;as ev- ery inteNigent :citizem.is bound.to know.,:This is clearly ‘a camipaiign to defeat -the salary ‘question and perpetuate the present.court’house’ ring ‘im office and political power.I ¢annot think that.the intelligent voters-of this county.”willl’defeat Gov.Turner and Messrs,Williams and Frontis;vote against:their own in which they,with four other per-analy a9 tro an in:power menSons,were living was blown com-eps shiy eee co oulbt Pu|pletely away.Ray Pllerbe,a eS pest a to further their own.in- jored youth was 80 “badly;imgiured|:"These|that he died later :|tlons of|A terrific storm passed over thie |”|Elkin section Saturday afternoon|:At:Burch,six.miles from Elkin,|House|'two -farme‘ms,Avery.Cockerham and!|Wade Whitaker,were biruck by}|ligthttenim and instantly killed.||They wene at work.in wa field and!jhad taken shelter in a tobacco |jbam when thie building ‘was struck,’|One of Mr.Gockerham’’s young goms|for it and thie result was announced}was im the-bar.He was severely}to the accompaniment-of a remarka-|Shioc ked.and may not nycover.(ble demonstratiion. low as quality will permit. purse sake trade here. Sloan™Clothing Co. -fp Slgar Glothing Co. For your health’s comfort,and imons Lumber Company wereibylightning.The loss is esticnated‘at $1,500. Rey.Dr.E.E.Bomar,pnatol of| |Pritchard Memorial Baptist church, |Charlotte,whe will.preach the grad-| ;ed school .commencement sermon in |Statesville Sunday,has resigned |his pastorate vin)Charlotte,effec-| |tive May,31;to accept a call to|Owensiboro,Ky. A cyclone in killed |mons man |At Kenley,Johnston county,Sun-| |day afternoon,two horses and five|;mules belonging .to the Dennis Sim-|ihis own suggestion.“1 Richmond county Sunday afternoon did considerable property,damage asd ‘killed threenegroes.Clara and Lenora Ellerbewerekilled)outright)when the house Berlin,Md.,Nov.18,1908. [have not hada complaint of anyoSkindduringthetenyearsIhave isbeenhandling;:oe er Bome Of thie observa- OWL. are ary —__—_—‘ Passes Anti-Injunction Bill.i : Supported ‘by all)of the ©Pro-gressive Republicans,the Horse of Congress Tuesday night passed the Clayton anitj-injunction,bill,244 ‘to 31.Every Democrat present voted |Last week a:well-dressed)yonimg|.The bil amends the law to pro-|he [man called oh lawyers:in ‘Salie-|Dibit:the.use of injunctions swwitih-|ne i toners conor anidy Cheanlotte,told be eee ee Servei ‘ony heer:|oN aly,Sse eyeee wreerurine |Receraic pay foveal eeEhininginiaandthathe—‘tive Ree :x |ve ory fruly,.of the lawyer—stranded,er Lee at anh wal rou be i et onlly':;E y TQ ,for help from the brethren of the |When the court was convinced such\\@ i i.8.FURBU SH.|or eseion to enable him |to wet aa cca —oroperey |9 va home.The lawyers fell for-it amd |&ann x ?::::|the fakir went his w:ay,glorying:dn |John Doe”injuncydns.would tetIr‘:ees :|-the fact that,-he had worked the |impossible and ne rights of “peace:7 yeople:ugually;supposed to -w ful picketing”inustrikes on “peace-=pon SALE BY.Sunes.:"—7 wor pt boycotts’would be recognized.sb mtn ; MS ,Sige 8 ,5-M t Geo.!Ade,the humuortg writer,ts|Dr ae:ieanvniec as i i dayazen)y-on gomet y ar Ware —ey being boomed -as’Chie,Republican|centiy,““T have been a prathteing physi clan and druggist for.over 36 vears andaehave.sold and admintsteredmany kid-Now is“the time to get rid of.your |ney medicines but none.to ‘équal Boleyrheumatism.)You.can ‘do it “by”apply-|Kidney »P 1118;‘They are supebidr to anyingChamberlain's Liniment “and nias-|1 ‘ever’usedand give the duickest ‘and |candidate for Govenor 4 India, renee. Statesville,Me &.sent saging the.parts freely at each ap.{Owe permanent ‘relief.’\:Statesvilleplication.‘Wor;sule by.all dealers,Dri:Co,:Apatewas‘’Pata ;art Kerio ‘ee i -g ;;¥ tan Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison ==(()111))— !Turkish Bath Sale! iy | Special Sale wt oe c i n ai i ai : --Extra large and heavy Bleached Turkish Towels,the.grade sold regularly at 45c.each.Special 29 CENTS EACH. One lot sold regularly at 25¢. WPL Sky fs 19 CENTS EACH. These Towels are now on sale and as we have only a limited quan- tity you should see them before ee they are aso, RAMSEY-BOWLES-MORRISON CO. Sales Day is thefirst Monday i in each monthin Statesville,N.C.. ”z c \WATTS,GRIER “AND HALL. eae ‘The Legislative»Ticket That.Won Bai.)in the Primaries Saturday—Gray,|. Defeats.White For County Super- .intendent —The Commissioners. In the primaries Saturday (A.JD. Watts:for:the Senate,H.P.Gri¢gr ;end.ueN,Hall tor the House,‘coms, RPS “monly:designated asthe otgantaa- >a ‘tion tloket,won over.W.-D.urneree-tfor.the’.‘Sena:,8.Frontis:and'T“i.Willams."for the’House,|who. ..“were known -as°thé!salary cahdtsA-dates:Mr.‘Turner.received:a ee at:'jority in nine of the 16 town 2Seofthécounty)as follows:'.Céddie\\~-Gibek,(Mooresville),Davidson, Cool Spring,Fallstown,New,Hope, Olin.Sharpesburg,Turners ung ‘and Union Greve..Watts received,a‘majority is Barringer,Bethany, bam Dp (j etes .*Shiloh aod Statesvl!le,aie out vote was 1287 ‘to 1027°for ‘Turners’a.majority of 260 for Watts.The can- :didates for the House have very near the eame vote.;It would seem from the vote that four commissionesr have been «nom- indted—-N,B.Mile and M.A.Feim- ster:both of Statesville;.W. L. Matheson,of Coddle.Creek,and R.C.Little,of Shitoh:For counnty superintendent R.M.'Gray jdefeated L.O.White,present incumbent.In,17 of,the 20.pre ctacts Gray received 900 and White 678—a majority of 222 for Gray.Folowing is the report by town- .ships::'r Ghiloh-acete,Watts:$2, cner 0;House,Gricvr 64,Halil Williams 71,Pronitis 0. 3 Instructions unanimous for R.C: Litthe for.county commissioner. No iristructionns as to other.oom: ,jselonera ‘ Stavesyille,Ward i—genate, Watts 90,Turmer.54;House,Grier92,Hall 89,Frontis 58,Williams50..Commissioners,Mills 80,/Fetm- ster 62,Turner 61,King 62,Mont-gomery 81,Clark 62,Little 79, Matheson 80.Gaither 66,Howard ‘34,Hager 26,Smith 19,Superia- “tenderit of schools,White 40,Gray98Membersofprecinctexecu- tive commijtttée,C.S.Tomlin,|J:LL...Sloan,R._-¥.Brawley,J..N.Me Elwee.W.-M.Ramsey Statesville;Ward 2 Senate,Watts 80,‘Turner 32;House,‘Grier 81;Hall 79,‘Frontis 30,Wiliams 29.Commissioners,Mills 69,Tur- ner 39,-King 36,Montgomery .50, Clavk 34,Feimster 48,Matheson 67,Little 75,Gaither .65 Howard 27,Hager 37,Smith 1 Superin- téndent of schools,White 34,Gray 86 Superior bench,:is presiding.at’thisof’Iredell’Superior Court.: Mr.’De:J)Ordig,: ported and were discharged yesterday : Floyd Knox, ’’cost.|;Jese ‘Bell,weapon;plead guilty;and cost.°Frank Caldwell, deadly weapon; $10-and cost. rarrying assault. ly weapon;plead enilty: suspended,Dingler to pay & tame.Marvin Pay ne ‘‘Pur- 82; weapon; C0St... H.fray; Deaths,‘Mr.A.been an invalid for some.died Sunday about noon home on the Boulevard. services were conducted afternoon ‘by.his pastor,Hargett,chaurch,/and the interment Oakwood cemetery. H:james and H Ne Ww. a Rev. 86 years old.Confederate anmy.‘Sunvivit hig wifé'and four daughters Mrs._R.R.Shoemaker5.Shaver,of Statesville; ra.White,of Harmony,‘and Margaret White,of the Olin munity.Mrs.A.D.Ball Sunday afternoon.-She Mrs, *3 Senate,Statesville ,Ward “= Watts 271,Turner 153.House,Grier 273,Hall 261,Frontis 157,Williams144Commissioners,Mills 171,'Matheson /250,Turner 137,.Mont- gomery 167,Gaither 191,Hager| 77,Smith 64,Kime 145,Little 253, Clark 143,Feimsten 236,Howard149.Precinct -executive committee,L.-B._Bristol,T..M.-C,Davidson, J A.Whee,H.A;Yount,J We Wilkinson The vote for superin-‘tendent of schoolg was vontested,and will be settled.in the conven- tion Saturday .Statesville-Ward 4 —Senate,Watts 120,Turner°35;House,Grier 125;Hall 119;Williams 31,Frontis 33 Superintendent of sexhools, White 53,Gray 99.Commissioners,Mills 79,Feimster 88,Hager 47, Sanith 24,Matheson.115,Little 107, Gaither 86,Howard.42,-Montgom- ery 60,King 34,Chirk 32,Tur-ner'32.Precinct executive commit- ‘tee,H.P.Grier,J.W.Guy,Z:’V. Long,V.C.Saunders,M:J.Secnoges.The following were noniinated for justices of the peace for,pe:ville townnship:W.J.Lazetiby! C.Moore,B.B.Boyd.W.M He sey,T.L.Davidson,W.R.Steyen-son,P.M.Cline.yeCoolsSbring—Senate, Watts 21;House, Frontis 58,Grier:21, missionérs,Mills.29, Clark 40,Kime 45, Montgomery 58,Gaither 31,Matheson 30,J.M.Robertson 14.Superintendent of schools, White.38,Gray 38.Precinct exec utive committee,D.A.Guffey,.7T. B.Swann,W.C,Blaylock,J.T. Hollan d,Clarence Moore.-Sharpesburg *Senate,Turner 87,Watts 32;:House.Williams 87, Frontis 86..Halt-28,Grier 31 Su- perintendent of schools,»White 71, ‘Gray 37.Commissioners,Mills 114,-Feimster 3,Clark 83,K 83,Tur- mer 108,Montgomery:82,Hager 28, Gaither 25,Little 2 : Union Grove ~Senate,Turner 21, Watts 17.House,Frontis 22, Wil-*.Wams"t1.Grfer 17,Hall 17.Com-@nlesioners Howard $9,Gaither 37,*Little -Mathescn 26, Feimster Le,”King.14 Mills 14,Hager 1.Su-perintendent.of schocis,White 33,Gray 3. Bethiny—Senate,Watts43,Tur-‘ner 31,House,Grier 44,Hall 44,Frontis “32,Williams.32...Commuis-sioners,Turner 27,King 49,Mont- oo ae Clark 28,Mills 25,Feit- As.Matheson 32,Little 38,Gi hee 39,Superintendie:mt _ofschools,White 22,Gray 53. Fallstown —-Senate,Turner 64, Watts 44;House,Frontis 64,Wil- liams 64,Grier’41,Hall 41.Com- missioners,Feimster 49,Little 46,Matheson 50,Smith 65,\Howard 44,Mills 45,Turner 49,King Bt;eeeeteeeiamenieate teneatiertamtetetaeine <—sLhe . coeenoent of schools,White 36,Gray 58.he ‘ Coddle Creek,Ward.1+—Sennate,Watts 150,Turner 121,House,Grier151,Williams’122,Hal 156,Fron- tis 128.Commissioners,Clark 122,>Mille.126,Turner 123;King...123,er Montgomery,122,Mat,137“Smith 139,Little 136,Falnsten 135135 |mained.Thosé whoHoward138,Superintendent’of}there-were two Rehschools,White 69,Gray 142..\ters,7 Roddie Creek,Ward.'2—Senate,Watts 72,Turner.148:Bares:bee‘Because he was heated day at noon at her home in Commencement At Barium. Home will begin and continue night.Dr.Jobn M. mington, ment sermop Sunday, exercises.by night; be held Tu¢sday night.— 77,Hall 78,Williams 141, 151 Clark 130, Little 77,HowardSuperintendentof schools, 44;Gray 111.Turnersburg—Senate,Watts 39..House,Wi tis,Hall and Grier 41 each No-instructions as to other missioners.58, 58, Com- 26, eeeWilliams Hall 21Feimster Turnér.28,29,Little 32,House,Grier 34,Hall 43,Frontis 42.schools,Gray 34,White 35. missioners,Mjlls 41, King 48,Littl®43,Hager 45, er.43,Howard 21, ‘Barrin ner 9. Frorttis Clark 5, House,Grier 24,Ha13,Williams 11. 30. Matheson, caeh.Ohambersburng —-Senate, 18,;:Watts 38;Wiliams 21, Commissioners,Feimster,Howard and Commissioners,»Feimster 25,Matheson 51, 50;Hager’5,Gaither 45,ery 51,Smith 1. \Coneord —-Senate, Turner 13;House,Grier 62,Frontis 19,Willfam@ t9- missioners,Mills 15, King-15, Feimster.62,:Mathesan 46,50,Howard 52,Gaither 53. intendent of Gray 21. Gray 20. Watts 9. 0,Hall 5.Baperintendent 42,Gray2 House, *schools. White 8,Gray 36.Davidson —Senate, Wuatis is. when precinfeated for retlection heforthedooratid-called all b “Mok Republicans inthe .house. to 18 followed. carrying.‘con igforeman'af the grand jury.number of defendants required:toappearandshow’good ee 1e| following cases were PeepOpeA of concealed, ‘fined «610 JUDGE H:P.LANE PRESIDING, _Oourt in Session—Cases|D ‘of»Yesterday.By a double exchange.of cme Judge Henry .PiLane,of Rockingham county,the youngest judge.on the term z ,JudgeFergusonexchangedwith,Judge:Ale),len,who was:due to“hold thé,equrt’and ‘then Jugde Ferguson exchanged(4 With Judge Lane—Fergugon”tg OfniE:to Jiicksoh county,near his.home),omaccount of the illness of hia wifeof.Statesville, *AH “with t plead guilty;fined _H.L Dingler,assault with dead- judgmentthe’doc-|forded him to preach to young peo-tor’s bill of his victim—-A.L.Cran-|ple go Strangely happy because of frod—and also to pay for loss oftheir graduation Morefield,who:hadmonths,his Funeral| yesterday|B. of Race Street Methodist| F.| was in| Deceased |born and reared im Inede and was) He served ia 3 u missionérs,Mills:46,.Feimster ‘Superintendent |) Com-|many failures by Turmer. was the ~are| Yyiz: and Mra.C.Mrs Lau-|Mrs.com-|build character and reputation. nion| an.address by State Treasurer Lacy, takeplace-Tuesday morning at o'clock and,the class ¢xercises)will “10 Frontis Commissioners,Mille 132,Tur-) ner 135,King 133.,.Montgomery 132)vain. Matheson 80,Smith $0,|build;79,Feimster 76.White|live 28com- Olin-—Senate,Watts 31/Turner 46. Williams of 43,Gaith- Matheson 19,Feimster Montgomery 6. Senate,Watts 32,Lh tendent:of schools,White 10, 31, Tur-24,Superin- Gray Smiy, Little House,-Frontis Grier 33,Halt 31. perintendent.of schcols,White 40, Mills 29, 42 20 Su- Little Watts 56, Montgom- 67,Hejlcom Turner Montgomery 15,Clark 15 | Little |as our God. Super-|gies schools,White Néw ‘Hope—sSenate,TurnerFrontis45,Unahimous for Williams, White} Eagle Milis—Zenate,Turner».Watts 31,Superintendent,of schools, taking,no-part,-andMcKayusedthisasapretext.* 28 ‘his ee ne6‘ 15, 68, 45, Grier °ay Turner 42, It is reported from Davidson thaty,chairman of the committee,saw he was de-started »Demo- crats to follow,claiming theré.were Sixteen icKay,,while 42.re-iain edi:wa. ‘_Bpecta:mfthat ‘two hymns sung “by the audience and Della Morri-|12fth Psalm: son,fornication and,adultry;defends build thie house, ants having married judgment was|that budid it, suspended on-payment of the cost,Pearers of the trip of the boy JeausMackBrown,-assault with deadly}to Jerusalem,Dr.Bomar explained plead guilty,fined’$26 and al Gook,'af-|)characterized it as a song on whikdh Fand:guarantee of success. died Saturday |@nd we mustmorning:at ber home,in Bloomfield.penne The funeral and burial took vince |leaves]a| hushand and a number of children.|Lillie Bowles.Jurney,wife|toiling.of the late Vance Jurney,died Sun-||but good for us. Turner 41,/arelliams,Fron-jthing in Com-|sidered that,the faster life is Tiv-| -}wou will s00n know.Turtier| ,{spend life best and what is j HE GRADEDSCHOOL CLOSING. .Bomar’s.Sermon Suiddéy—Prof.Noble's.‘Address Last.Night, ans of Prizes,»Bte-Grade Exercises Tonight.*be God's .Ideal and Guarantee of| Success din’Life’.was the subject of the ‘fine,commenvement sermon of Dr.EB.E.:Bomar,-of’Charlotte,|delivered vefore.thegidduatings lacsofthiegraded’schogl:.avd)large.audienee ‘that "filled school auditorium:Sunday-mor:Wihile-directed.to the boys «andgirlswho’go-out from school.thiky year,iraving:completedthe:course,lit was applicgble to €véry one, and.aga mother expressed it,very|helpful to both child and panent,fill of goad lessons’and a guide’!Vi bo a Sin y God.Dine sermon was preceded by ip and a Scripture lesson and prayer by Dr.Bomar,theScripture lespon,be-' ing portions of the 14th and 15th chapitters of Jolin,Supt.D.Matt!|Thompson-introduced the speaker: _.Following =preliminary memanke in which he expreesed his love.ry jeducation and the pleasure tt from school;*Dr.|Bomar announeed as his text the “Except the Lord they labor.in,vain ’ete.Reminding his that this song of ‘David was onle of |thosie sung on.those occasions and |thie life of success rests.From ithis song we may get:God's ideal ithe conception:of iuilding,|next the|conception of watching,then theleonceptionoftoiling,followed by ithie conception of ‘community enjoy- ment;the enjoyment ‘of the soeletylofoneanotherandtheenjoyment of the father in:company withj hisidhild,To -build ts a fundamental principle ,which undierlies all.sue-;cess.Man’s ase of success 18hisconstructivehess—mak'ng,fome-jthing of use.Man:is a manufac- |turer and “every boy and girl has an ambition to build.We all want ‘to Build something and wé mustwe be,constr rs; not,only build batEverythingof!value must ybe kept under,guard,Thene.|muet be watchm here and there. Take the further conception!of Toi is not only honorable| Every life welllbuiltandguandedisoneof,toil. |were >made to Grove township of.tuberculosis,ag-|Thre is nothing more unfortunate | ed 30 years.Three daughters and|than the conception of:getting two sons survive.The funeral will|¥°be held todayat Union Grove church.|We should rather look on.work with to)|Where you will not have to work. if avor because it.will’tax the intel-| |lectulal resources;it will make you! I am 80.\_glad of enjoyment;the enjoy-*of the father with his chil-the enjoyment of the >com- }men paren; the graduating.exercises with/and the clean-souled:man cam walk Six4wauddcownthrough:the-_.Bates |th a joy of God.: Man may-build,guard and tonlandthen:tive’a Hfe in vain.You| jmay do it,aty young:frientis,andjmizsthemarkentirelfi~Ttie textintimatessomewaysofBuildingin Some spend faster than they| not only money.but energy|One way youmg people in’Vain.is in Spending:morejTapidlythan.they should,and.you in danger of doing just that this age when it is con- jas well ed the better...We may:be beguiiled|into faith that life may be:buildkd| in spending,perhaps in.amusement,| the reading of novels,dissipation.| |But the balance is.destroyed and| jthe building is gone.There are} these who.do nietkeeptheirheritage.Your pa-|rents and fraends/of thie community have given you a great deal.Guard it.Of the character and eputa- tion you have builded onty you = watchmen.You may fail in th matter of toil,for it is the your people whousually fail there.You may be seized with a current of failuref or .a current of success; But the heart is how @an weGod'sidéal.Let -us first get the ‘idea| that God is governing in our lives.! Recognize’God as God;think ofHimallthetimeandknowHim as ruler and father of ali.You are looking for a long life.It maybeshortbutitwillnot.be a:fail- ure if you recognize God as God God never fails in anything. of the’message AS seen from the text God makes bhim-self ome with ug if ‘we take:Him He blends His entr-| with ours,and,ourbrainsand.hamds need.to be xheld up by God.If a man necagnizes| God as sovereign and:Christ ashisSaviour,God will make his life|a success,Chirist came fo niake|himself one with you and me,and| .we must get Him...You can’t fail|if He-ie with you.Take Him as| your abiding friend.|God has placed all around us| SO Many sources of enjoyment wwe.| cannoP Gescribe Chein,He iw iiadc us to be happy..In this Psalm wefindourhappiness.Happy the man who has a family,for our great-est joy is in our homes.But wemustextendthiatjoyto.the com-munity.Oh;the gates,how .widesomalarforyou;how ereat theaoppontinitiesofen Senmvent ven'’s bilessis nest on your asda May ae be ADDY.all amd r days,Tie,‘Boariag is a Of the‘prima those of other sections¢ oe‘Neill,ten years of age.marriage was to MissMaudeRobinson,.er hter of Mrs..Emma Robinson,/0 ‘prayer by Rev...Harold -the Declaimerd’medal, ifor the best drawing by a ‘tain‘pt THE RESULT AT Mi ESVILLE. It as Somewhat’Surprising-—Com- It Was Somewhat.Surprising——-Com-‘Death of:Mr.R..B.Neill. Correspondence of The Landmark.Mooresville,May:20.—-TheSeawh cenitCoddleCreekfoweshis as well asthecounty,Sore conclusively,that the::on-is growing in favor.‘An-other:such victory and the old linersareegone,’gaid one.of.the leadingadvocatestoday...‘The neefonas.come to-stay and it has:\defeated the lastatme.With the ante:ed effort against’us~we have -won a} is the second race on this matterandwithgrowingsentimentinourfavoritsimplymeans,the thirdstrikeandoutwiththe,fee system.”’This same voter said that had ‘the‘Other parts of the county done as wellasCoddleCreekthefeesystem would have been something of the “|past.One of the leaders of the organiza-tion here said that he had mever been$0greatly surprised at any election,on any question,as_he was Saturdayatthevoteof.‘Coddle Creek.The organization “crowd,”-he:said,hadmadealistofallvoterswhohadex-pressed themselves as opposed to theso-called insurgent.ticket and.thatthereweretwoofthese-to one.fol-lower ofthe salary candidates.He said that they were counting on agoodstrongmajorityinCoddleCreekand.that they yet could not see how it happened The matter,however, is settled so far as the county is con- cerned,he thinks,and the salary’is-sue will drop back for two years at least,if it should have the strengthtosurviveatall.:It is claimed.by the salary advo-cates that they.would -have had amuchlargervotehaditnotbeenfor the complications that were injectedintotheissueatthelastmoment.Chief of these was the senatorialquestion,which lost for the salary movement many votes.Many Sim- mons supporters voted against theirntiments-on the salary question be-use of their determination to voteyforcandidateswhowerein of Senator Simmons’re-election.|Kitchin supporters did likewise.This‘explains a loss of some votes,and other matters injected into the issuehadtheireffect.More interestseem-jed to be manifested Saturday in theprimarythaniseeseeninagen-eral election.Everything,however, moved alongquietly and without the The commencement exercises of |stronger and happier.Don’t disrount least trouble. thé school ‘at the Barium Orphans’|toil and perplexity.Sunday morning |that jwe find in Godfe ideal a conr LingthroughTuesday|ceptiori Wells,of Wil- will preach the commeénce- there wil?be |munfty in passing to and fro.The the tchook Monday|greatest enjoyment is in out homes Church by Rev. Mr.R.B.Neill died Sunday morn- at 3 30 at the home of his motherinthenorthpartoftown.The fun-‘eral was conducted yesterday after- noon at 4 o’clock at the A.R.P.-R.C.Davidson,.as-by Rev.J E.Thompson,andtheremainswerelaid‘to rest in the,town cemetery.Mr.Neill had beer ve 7 unwell for quite a long time.No hope for his recovery was enter- tained and the end was not unexpect-ed.The deceased leaves his mother,Mrs.Delphia Neijl,his wife and threeichildrenandonebrother,Mr.John 'Neill,who lives near Shepherd’s,andsixsisters—Mrs.G..G.Freeze,Mrs.C.C.Miller and Mrs.Fannie Stock- jton of Mooresville,Mrs.J.R.Wal-ilace,of Huntersville,Mrs.Lon White‘and Mrs.James King,of Statesville. Mr,Neill had been married twice,theraetime.to Miss Vinnie Moore,hter of ‘the late R.D Moore,andthisunionleftoneson,little R.B.His second ooresville.Mr.Neill had been‘amemberoftheA.R.P.Church foranumberofyears.Hewas 37 years of age. The sermon was followed by 8 Turner,an- nouncéem ents by Supt.Thompsen, thé singing of a hymn anid the ben-ediction by Rev.W.A;Iutz: The .address last.¢vening,by Prof.M.C.S.Noble,of the Univer- sity,Was.unique“Waste”was the theme.ss. ‘Preceding the address the med- als were awarded The’D.A.R.medal:givem by the Fort Dobbs chapter for the best essay on “TheColonialHistoryofNorthCarolina,’ was awarded Misg Rosamond.Clark; given by)Mr.Cc.W.Boshamer,.went to’Minor Adams,who declaimed in a con- test ‘for the medal before the highschoo!and a committee some time aga;the L,W.MacKesson medal, pupil in the intermediate department,was won bx Miss ,Ada’Bell Barringer; and a@ Bet of books.offered by Mr. |G.BE.French for the best paper on’ “The Relation of Advertising to. ic ‘ommercialism,”’was awardel Jur lian Morrison. The prizes were ‘presented!by ~—a.V¥.Long,kk.kk.Ciank,Rev. W.A.:Lutz and ar Caldwell,respectively. edescdhaiihcadibatali isa The Southern PowerCompany is to enter Salisbury and-compete withtheNorth)Carolina,Public ServiceCompany,of Saleibury,for lightand:power contracts.|An.appliica-cion for a:franchise hasfirstmeadingbeforethe(Salishtry|boand of aldertixen and it seems cer-that.the ground:will be eythepig‘compa:hae on salary advocates’ |which at.one ‘timie threatened.’wi dis- ‘agreement the jury filled inte.c i marked-the and humorous,” ‘The?first knot was— DEATH FOR FLOYD |ALLEN. Jury Found |thé Virginia Murder- ..|.er Guilty in.First Degree.4 Wythieviile,Va...Dispatch,LGR. Floyd ‘Allen's jury today found him:gudllity (or.murder in.the.tibet} degree.Death tn the electric chain ‘iis the penalty, ‘After a:nubghit.’ of.deliberation, quirk:this noting:and delivered:its Ver-dict:‘Sentence was:dieferred,as.Al- len may be called as‘a witness in the trials of his kinsmen,,who Are, also charged with the five’murders: im Carroli‘county dunt.+f A.sparsely filled court irolomn heard’ that fear Of an outbreak,Buch)as adverse verdict at ‘Hillsville,might be seen’today.It was impossible,however)Officers: searched all who entered the room,The other prisoners probably willbetriedimmediately.Chaudé,Friel and Victor Allen,«‘Byrd Maricn and.Sidna Edwards are under dndict- ment for the murders,while SidnaAllen’-and'Wesley Edwards,twootherMembersofthegang, at.large.)3° Phoyd)Allen!was changed specifi-« cally,at this time,with’the murder| of Commonwealths-atttenney William! M.vont.prosecutor in the.Carroll|’court alt Hillavilile last March whien the.trial Filayd Allen culminated im theJ Thormton .L.°Massie ProsecutorWilliamM.,Foster;Sherift 1.|F.| Webb,Mics Elizabeth}Ayers and Juror Auguetus Fowler.On.the first:ballot taken by the jurors the.‘vote stood ten for mur-, der ‘in the first degree and two ior murder in.the second diegiree. _.The verdict-came as a distinet Surprise,as it was thought the jury was hopelessly divided.One of the twelve men ig known to have paid previous to being summemed)for jury duty that “you can’t always.get jus- tice in courts and mabe the Allens wire not far -wrong,”’and attorneys for the Commonwealth had made arrangements to arrest him on a charge ef perjury ghould he bring about a disagreement...This morn- ing he agreed toa verdict.The Commapwealt hy announced a charge of the plan of.trying Claude and:Vietor Allen jointly and that, they would next take up the case .o aude onthe tndictment charging him,with the murder of Judge Mas- sie..The trial;willbegin1 Monday. THE PREMARIES IDIN THE ‘STATE. Meager Returnsandand No IndicationsastoStateOfficersorPresi-dential OCandidat The Result in Some cf the Primaries, The resvit of the pump ries in the State Saturdey gave no settled indicaticns,©o far as reported,as to.the contest for corporation com-missioner ‘and Lieutenant Govern- or,the only ofices for which thereisacontest,cr es to presidential preferences.ia 80 manyThereare candidates for -eorporaticn commissiéner and Lieutenant Governor that it.isprobable.the contegt will be settled ta’the--State co ee Only.afewcounties@avoredtq.pase on preshieutial oreferences!'——not enough to indicate the reg the State—and in these the contestwasbetweenWilsomandUnder. wood..The county conventions next Saturday may give a clearer.view.In the tenth congressional dis; trict Gudger:is retominated for Congress over Reyrolds.The tat-ter carried Bumcombé the homé ae of both candidates,by about 00. In Mecklenburg the question of Salaries or.fees for county officers was passed om in the primaries and the vote in favor of salaries was 1,986 to 513 for fees. fin Guilfond E.P.Hobson ‘wasnominatedfortheSenate,E.J.Justice,Thos.J Goulg and J.R:Gor-don for the House. In Rowan Boyden was re-ncminat- ed for the Senate,Brown and Mur- phy for the House.i aes Bumgarner-Fulp Marriage.' Msis Lola Bumgarner,of Taylors- ville,and Mr.Charles Fulp,ofStatesville,were married im Char- lotte yesterday at the Selwyn Hotel. Miss Bumgarner,who ‘is’a.daugh-ter of Mr.and Mrs.W.A.Bumegar- ner,came to Statesville on the morningtrainfromTaylorsvilleand.was joined heré-by Mr.Ful,who wert om with her .to Charlotte,where’the. had planned with #ebatives there to be married at the Selwyn.Only a few .of Mr.Fulp's,nvost -intimate friends ha@ been advised ‘of.themarriageandtwoorthreeofthesewenttoCharlottefortheevent..A number of Miss Bumiganner’s friends and relatives were also im Charlotte for the marriage,The bridal pair will return to Statesville today and will make their home here.Mr.Fulp,who is a sop of Mr.J.A. Fulp,is,a member of the city,police fonce,- Marriages ‘Saturday Night. There was much marrying anidgivingimmarriageatthehomeof Rev.J.H.Pressly turday night. tied about 8.-26,sthe tontracting:parties boingMr.Lawrence’Hartline.‘and Miss May:Hok Abott 9 o'clock there was a dor inarriage,two kiots. being tied \at,one and the sametime.The.parties were Mr.Morrie ByWattsandMiss.Minnie Low “Price,Mr.D.'Tal.Price.and:Miss -AmnieFidetHarris.,:--DMhe dride.of the,first ‘maintiage.abe.‘the -@rdom ‘of ‘the second).areotheraiid):"Aiton:pete 2H»+h Thinguage on the strects ane stilt), illing of five,persons:Judge), BRIEF ITEMS OF Local NEWB.— eran Snel Sunday at 11,by Rev. W Haltiwanger. Shanon Sunday,afternnoon at 4. *hhé chartermembers,lof. Junior Order ~to-pe organized tend,ech eee freight.-train, tank on.the Statesville;yards Thure~ day evening and recelved ere < pss moria gee will”‘peDve on cream.on thelawnattiechmnch;Saturday night, Iee cream’will also be served at theFeimster’school house a nlght.Public cordialim invited: -~~Ligzie James,colored,wan fin-ed $5 and costs »in the*mayor's. court.yesterday’tor “using >profane and was... given just 48 hours to change’herresidencefromWalkerstreet.i ——D.J,Arey,colored,asks The Landmark.to say that the report that the colored laborers had form- jed a Sort of combine to demand $2 \a day for street work,hoping to realize this on account of the large amount,of work,is an error. —Whille attending the army in-struction;school in.Raleigh last week Maj.R.L.Flanigan,of States ville,suffered a ‘paimful accident which disabled him for three days. Maj.Flanigan,with two other ‘offi-cers,were on a footlog when it gave way and the three fell into a fthal- low creek.“The major’s right knee struck a rock in the creek and was badly.bruised.The other officers escaiped with a ‘“wetting.’’ r~The Landmark acknowledges res ceipt of an inyitation to the ecom-mencement exercises of the Philla- adeLphia.College.of Pharmacy,Which takes place nextThursday eve- ning,Mr.J.B.Cooper,of States- ville,is cone of the graduating . Class.Mr.R.A.Coopr left jastnightforPhiladelphiatobepresentat,the exercises.Later he and - his brother wil)visit New,York emd other Northerm cities for a few weeks.:( —Mr.W.L.Gilbert,who ‘waaformerlyintherailwaypepviceand. has since given freight rates muchstudy,.gave.the membets ofthe .Merchants’Association much valua-ble information about freight ratesandshippingat,their meeting Fri- day night.They were told hawto.avo —of the evils -from which they have.suffered)im the past and were show?that much of their trouble was due so a lack of knowledge about shipping and rates. Roosevelt’Suppressed’Prosecution of Harvester Trust. Mr.Hilles,secretary to the President,gave out the following statement in Washington last week: “T have come to Washington togetUnitedStatesAttorneyTown,send's}statement in reference to the Harvester trust.Townsend)was in 190.7 one of the attormeys im theDpaartmentofJusticeandhadi made an ‘investigation of charges against the International HarvesterCompany. “It shows conclusively that Pres- ney Genitral to d’seontinue the Har- vester'prosecution in the fall of1907,18 months prior to thle Colo- nel’'s retirement from office.me.“Président:Roosevebt’a term expir- ed two years after the matter hadbeenplacedinthehandsoftie prosecuting officer as (a result of an investigation.It is quiteapparentfromtherecordthatcivil and criminal proceedings were about to begin;that about a year and a half?before President Roosevelt:wentoutofoffice,George W.Perkias took a hand in matters,and thatimanemharkablyshorttimethereaf- ter the whol>matt r was supp e ®d, silifled,strangled,cr put through some other process whiich,by what- ever name you call it,I have no doubt was satisfactory to the Har vester trust.If anybody wae re-sponsible for it besides President Roosevelt and officials acting underhisdirections,it does not appear ‘intherecord.’‘ {Another statement has been.is-‘sewed showing that Taft wag present at the cabinet.meeting at whichitwasdecidedtostoptheHarvest- er trust prosecution arith there aremoredenialsandcounterdenials.J Congress Asked to Erect Statue toJeffersonDavis.: Indicating the low ebb of North-South sectional feeling in Congressthesedays,a bill has been’intro~duced in the House asking theUnitedStatesgoveienttoerect a monument to Pire nti Davis,Pres.ident of the Confederate States,to ki the Mexican war.“Fhe bill was introduced.by:Com.|gressman Thomas,of Kentuciey.-calls for an equestrian statue.i is as he appeared in the battle of Monterey,’Mex.,to be erectedattheJeffersonDavisHomePark,Fairview,Ky.Cost $HVj;000. Armour-&Co.,méat paakers,have beem indicted’in,the Federal.court. Chicago.for .ctiminal,violation :.‘the United Statés meat inspection-laws ‘for’alleged:‘inter.State ebiip-ment of meats.without ihspection-iby:ort agents|A‘similar:indietment-was returned cence,Frea Oppenielanen, muenohant.for:the’violation je two years i” a &An -Bigolbtteny community... Pirison,|a fine of $10,000,bk both, Services)at ident Roosevelt compelled his.Attor-. The statue would A “Phe maximunl penalty i Bufola wilt meet Satunday night ame.-‘the pope is eer ivited,poral he Mr.Toy Glenn,fireman on a)“felt frotl the ten-)der of his epgine wiiile at the water Blight ~The price of cottan has dropped eee |badk’to.11.75.-eas Services at Mt.Hermon:Latte:ee conimemorate his military eenvices ne yk _**House. THEILANDMARK | “MUESDAY,-May|21,1912.——————— _,POMMEN'T ON VARIOUS MATTERS Mr.BH:J.Justice,‘of Greensboro, is:mentnioned:.ag-one—of_the.dele-, gates at large to the ‘national Dem- _,oeratic convenion’in Balimore,|Mr. Justice is a progressive:Democrat, is one of the ablest men in the State and if,we is:elected a délegate to Baltimore the hoor willl be prorthily;begtowed.‘ ** The editor of Gus ‘Waynesville ‘Courier says hé was compelled ‘to give up school work on aceount of ,close confinement,’,'whereupon he took ulp newspaper work.And he has probably,seen’a.light.by this dame.If,there fs,anybody:mone ~dhosely)confined:than the.editon ‘wihio sticks to _hils ‘job-—eives the .worlk,| the’attention ~i should)have—we edon’t:kmowW:the:man.Schddl work ‘fis a bard:fon,but,in the matter.of ‘conifinement it isn’t.to,be mention: ed with,the newepeper job.! A ** Our presidéhtie ‘campaign has| ‘naturally attracted)attention abroad. The,London’Pall Mail Gazette,re-: erring to the Pea and Roosevelt,says:— “Thie two candiidategNhave covered; each:other so thickly with:mand)that .the American people ‘may ‘be-~com- pelled’for their-own:dignity to find some other.oceupant.of the Whiite The ‘dog fight,’as it has come to be called,is a spectacle too lamentable to amuse even the distant,détacheld onlooken.“Englishmen ill)not:forget the respect due to the head!of.a great, friendly nation,but the manners of -this contest are not —it easy to remember.u é sity e 6s ee Im Coneord the aldermen.have a-way of doing things and then un- “doing them.Twice in recent years the city fathers.of that town passed ‘an or@inance banishing)hogs and each time the ordinance was re- scinded,upon.the insistence of ‘a part of the population,‘before|, it became effective.While Con- ‘eord has been a prohibition town| ¢€in name)for many,years,it has ‘been.a matter of common:report thab-drug stores there supplied the thirsty with.considerable liberality.| A year ago there’was a stir to stop the sale of liquor in the drug stores and this was done.Last week this ordinance was rescinded and now.-the -dnug stores —are free to dispemse the booze as of yore. CON est betwee .«©. The Republicans are trying:to shake Marion Butler—that is,give him ‘to:‘understand that he can’t rum | the party——but the wiley ex-Senator is not easily shaken.He wanted to} be Republican national committee- man and also delegate to Chiicago. The Republican State comivention.de- feated him for national committee man by sich an overwhelming vote| that his name was’not mentioned for delegate...‘Then Mr.-Butler went down to Goldsboro and had himselfor.backed by thy county of elected delegate from the thindcone | g@ressional.district.He will be in| the Chicago convention and)if Roose-| velt is nominated he will try to| place himself right im the front; and if Roosevelt fails Butler will fet on the band wagon if he cam,no Matter who is nominated. ”x * In an address at a meting in be- half of “The Men and Religion Forward.Movement”in New York| onthe political Bituation, jham,of Person, j\Jo.Reece is right. |.The Record.started %%t by that Locke Craig |opposition. |no opposition ;The Landmark didn’t say he one.of se holds court for the full term,And yet the.Staite Bar _As- sociation,which has ‘prepayed'abill to.reform’the court practice im the State,proposes that,the number of judges be ineneased)from.16 to -24-—, 50.per cent.The bill:of the bar association,aside from the -propos- 2d)increase of judges;seems to be am excellent one and The Landmark very:much hopes it willl be enacted into law.But it cannot see that the increase:in judges is necessary, egpecially in wiew of the imerease ,of neconder’s ‘courts,which!rellievés the Superior Courts of much)work. Whit is needed is some ‘sort of.a regulation to force Superior Court judges to stay:on the:job. ee . Thi older ‘ngwSpaper readers ‘will recall Jarry;.Simpson,,of Kamgas, “Sockléss”’Jerry fhe was.called ‘be~ cake it was alleged that he wore no). socks,Wwho Was a member.éf Con- gress from Kansas.4m’the Populist: days of the 90s.“Some years ago, Jerry,‘paid thie last debt,as all of us must sooner “or later.*Mrs.Jer- who’is a,’‘gpinitualist,,daims ne“hold communication:with her late husband and on occasion gives to the world messages:hin she avers ‘ODF bearing w hich *is made mee via;‘a dispatch from Topeka,ns.,to the New York shie receives from::r gressman.-‘Here is one Sun. Theodore Roosevelt will be the Republican and Champ Clark the Democratic -nominee for President,‘chis year and Champ Clark ‘will be elected.This is the prophecy made by MrsJerry,Simpson,widow of the.former seventh district.Congressman:Mrs. Simpson is a spiritualist and.has had)s@veral interesting talks .with the spirit’of her husband necently> “It was at Wichita a short time ago that I talked with Jerry aibout politics,”’said Mrs.Simpson.today. “He said that he took the same in- terest in politics’that he had.al- ways!taken.“Who will be named:by the Re- publicans?’’I asked him.-.: *“*Nheodore Roosevelt,’he replied A DOUBLE,CRIME ‘IN’SURRY, ‘Committed Suicide. ‘at the home of W..C.Brooks,four W.°M:Tate shot and killed ‘Mrs,Brooks,his dwughter;and then kilt.ed himself,In the presence Of hisi 12-yearr-old)son,says the-Lead- er,Tate eetable daughter threetumesand<‘thelyaiimself with.a double-barrel shot-gum,Of the causes leading up.to the horrible crime the Leader says: “The boy,.who witnessed).the crime,told’how his father begged the daughter to forgive him and upon her réefiisal fired both barrels into.her,reloaded his gun,_tired. another shot ino the’woman,and then placed),the muzzle:of the gum to his own head,completely blowing out’his braing.“Prom the best infonmation the cause of the erime was jealousy,,for it seems that.the girl,who was 20 years Old,was the mothen was born,,just before ae ‘marnhage to Brooks,a.year:Alt of the parties lived.in Vitetinia 'and in less than a month’after the mar- riage.Tate:persuaded).his daughter Lo return.to hini,,where she remain- ed until.a short time ago,“when she returned to her husband»and both came to this county ‘to live. “On last Tuesday.Tate,accom his “12-year-old —Bon, Roel at the Brooks home and endeavored to persuade the ‘woman to returm with him to Vimginia but, on account of some misundersanding she persisteartly refused to return|. or fongive for the unknown offiense. ~“'''Mhese,facts were develaped—fby° the coroner’s inquest and the ver- dict concurred with the above facts. Tate was about 46,years old)and evidently a hard customer “His home was at |Sevenn-Miles-Ford,in Smyth county,Virginia.® Alleged Desperado.Killed1 While Re- sisting Arrest. A report comes from Boone of an outrage im the Long Hope se¢- tion of Watauga county Sunday, 11th.Wilbern Snyder,who had Father Killed Daugtiter and ‘Then | The Mt.Airy”Leader pays that} miles from Debson,Thursday,9th,| of}: ‘a child by her father amd this child| been living there for the past two or three years,alleged to be a man| of very bad character,is paid to}: have gone tothe home of ‘Mrs.Mary) Ann Shelton and.by force taken her | ward,a 15-year-old girl,with hin | +Who by the Democrats?’ ““‘Champ Clank.3“*‘Who “will®be elected?’ “‘Champ Clark.I am for him. Doing ali I can for’him andi he} will be elected without a doubt.’”’’ It is imterésing to know the at | Jerry is ablerto take note of Po-/|ders in pursuit returned the litical conditions and thie Democrats|and will hope he is right in tion forecast,even if some.of them [ can't rejoice in thie prospect of the| the elec | nominee he has selected for them, -*o ¢ The,Statesville ‘Landene te Bays| that Aycock had no,opposition in the State convention of 1900,whem | jhe ‘was_nominated for Ggvemnor.| The Greensboro Record prints that| and Says “right and wrong,too.| Aycock had opposition,Cunning-| up to the day of|the ~conyention.When everybody wenh to Raleigh Cunningham's|. friends.saw and he saw himself that’he~had no show “and with-} idrew.”,Neither Editor Clark or| Iny 1900:Hon.|Theodore F.Davidson,of Ashe| |ville,was a candidate for Goverr- Bup- |comibe and other counties.After reaching Raleigh,he withdrew and Governor Aycock was nominated.by|woclamation. baying| was the only can- since Vanee who had.no The Landmark stated, by way of reply,that Aycock had “in the convention of and that statement stands. had the meeting| didate 1900,” no.oposition.prior to land surrender,which he ,answered |thom: |is |jumetions against alleged to the mountain fastmess.| The screams of the girl..for |helip were heard,and Conley:and | |W,E.Snyder,not relatives to Wil-| |berm,followed him into ‘the thick-| et,where he was surrounded.They ldemanded that he give up the girl, ‘The Sny- fire to.the with a shot from this gun. Wilbern Snyder fell |ground,dead The two Snyders,the .girl's rescuers,voluntarily —surrendered | jand ‘were ‘given a hearing ‘before| la Magistrate who discharged them |from.custody. It is said that Wilbern Snyder several years ago forced his.sister- \inelaw to leave her home .and flee’ with him to Kentucky,and from that day she has never been seen or heard of and it is generally be- |Heved that she was murdered.-ntieeemilisinteatanenbiaomaisinsisesin Suit Against the Aluminum Trust. The Federal government has filedinPitttsburg,Pa.,a civil anti-trust suit against the Aluminusn’Company of América,which will!be the basis \for ap agreed decree designed to restréin the trust'‘froni monopolizing the manar i facture of aluminum and its pro- ducts,including cooking,utensils.: In a petition in equity to the Uni-: jted States court the company —is charged with being ‘a monopely re Straining inter-State and foreiga com: merce,It is declared to have aaquir- led a substantial control of the alum- 'inwam industry in the United.States and jto have charged unreasonably high’prices-and)profits on:its pro- ducts.Dissolut‘on.of the corpora-is not sought,but the court asked to issue nine broad in- unlawful |coméTacts,combinations,conspir- acies and practices.The government so-called aluminum| ~Wednesday,May 224,1912, We will place on display our Second Opening ofMilinery, .consisting of Trimmed Hats,Shapes,Ribbons,Flowers,_Ready-to-Wears,Novelty Veils,Trimmings and Children’sSs Hats,which willbesold throughoutatgreatly reduced prices,, hie will be a attictly ééah sale aiid the stock will ©‘con-tain the best styles of the season.|Many lines will be soldatlessthanhaltprice.You can well afford to ‘lay asideyouroldhatandbuyanew‘one at ‘prices for this sale,whichwill be on ‘puly fora limited time..Yours truly, MI Ls&POSTON. ey G19 WEST.BROAD STREET SalesDay iis the firstMonday iin eachmonth iin \Satasvile,N.C. ?—here’s Durability! From Red Hook,.N.Y.,comes this letter—“For the past three years I ca |honestly say that I have only spent $1.83 for repairs on my Maxwell.|considerit the most economical car _the market.” -Maxwell “Mascotte”:$980 When you can get a car-of proven durability,economy and. rele ibility,that is roomy;powerftl and sty light for less han $1000—why wait any longer? ”“Mascotte double ats, f and give this In beauty,equipment and workmianehip,the compares:favorably with cars costing almost selling price...Make this comparison yoursel car a practical test by having.a ride init. are ready to take you o1 it today——come iat us send you the de Luxe.catalog, Foak say on a postal:“\Mail B ooks." Other 0p Maxtvell"Sp horsepower, ng Car,fully coding self-starte Roadster,30 horsepower Maxwell **Mascotte":R«$450. Maxweil “$625; adster, Méessenger’’.Koadster, All prices 1.0.b.Factory.£980 1.0.6,Factory.(Top extra) recently,Mr.W.J.Bryan made alot the convention.The ‘factmemorableaddressontheBible|the opposition withdrew and ‘Ayefromwhichthefollowing.is an eX-|was /nominated by ‘acclamatii—|AVithout looking up the facts,de-|Government is good,but the in-|pending on’memory alone,we do}EHuwence of religion is better.Begin||not recall Cunmingham’s candidacy,lin itself”unlawful.|It is dharg- os rn pict ar you do not do 80/but.are:not de nying the Record rg |On ye os 6 et —cae ep a;::so ;Opoly’in both ‘bauxite anc theDenialaeafaeoyoaftatomentsieraepartisof|manufacture of aluminum which the have been led to’look upor 4 Bi-|.i ce,was company logically enjoyed upon thee1ledtopontheBiiacandidate,When ~he paw the |expiration of its patents for making=ae fon oe book,I.wamt you|sentiment was overwhelmingly $0 |e ae ot ae has been a‘a Gaba Pe tained by unmiawtul agreements anceeaeoePoraeSNeereenetbefore|unfair ‘methods orvane bemipistieote.® things we'jdo understan z eT se ‘ ’ie d,we will)jn nomination,at the convention.|.be BO.busy doing \good wé will have|The News and 'Obaearres is mistak-|no time to bother-about the thines en as to Gen:Davidson.in God’s Word that we do not um-|combe Man was a.derbtand.Had I been on the Ti-|1904,“when Atedanantanicfacing-death,do you think 1}|Tumer contested None willShouldhyvewantedanyonetoread|Greensboro”and Raleigh onto.me a chapter of Darwin’s Origin poraries-print the factsofSpecies,about:animal ancestors,history correct?©ooranyvolumeofdoubt?No:I would ——_———have:gone to my Bible for courage A dispatch from Brownsvilleandfaith,and to C hrist,the refuge|Texas,tells that one Ramon Eseobe!|oft the soul.”ae celebrated his 110th birthday'a few |days ago and-he avers that he has|smoked ciganettes for 100 years-=1the‘hand made.kind with corr|shuck wrappers.Probabliyé.the éorn:|Shuck:wrapper saved him—~that:is,if Ramon ign’t:lying:about his asZe |and the cigarettes,too,whichmorethan.probable.j is|concedes that the company’s own- oc |ership,of more tham 90:per cent oftiknowndeposits.of bauxite (base of aluminum)in the United States ;}ahd Canada suitable for the mamn- jufacture of the metal is ‘‘not with, ®Carolina Motor Company, Statesville;N.C. MAXWELL-“WON THE GLIDDEN *TOUR 9 RR PSieComms“res RED 6 ase MAY 20,1775. Fortune For a Courtesy. New Haven,Conn.,Dispatcli. The Bun=+Apcording to the accounting of in |the ,executor of the estate of the and |jlate Mrs.Helen Amelia Marsh,Er- 'agst W.Marlow?of New York,reour-ceives $98,100-72:contem-|Through a small act ‘of kindness‘and keep |Mr.Marlow,who is now a youngpracticingattorneyinNewYork icity,gets this sum.He had boardedjaPullman.car for Washington ‘one day,several years ago,when ~Mrs.Marsh,who was then an elderly|widow:and long a resident ot this|city,appeared.but through)goine|my ‘sunderstanding did)not have apanlorcarseat.Mr.Marlow.of-.jfered her \his chair.‘Mrs:Marsh took hiis name and ad-}dress and later became interestedinhimtotheextentthatshehelperis|}ed:him through Harvard and la-|tear through the Columbia -LawSehool.In her will Mrs.Marsh fmadesome jlegacics,after ~whiichshy.provided that the residue of herestate20tothieyoungmanwhohad.befriended her.The entire estateamonntdto$117,000,:ennai, Paint and “Paint.”Faint.itseif,costs $2.19 er gz ~remember that Tlgsaod On cosa ohis$1.00.per gallo,and-tnat «Paint”ready|or use consists of ¢parts Paint site2partsOil,Consequently,4 iethatyou-.should buy-Faint and ieve) Home Electric Co.| General. Electrical -Contractors Estimates Furnished AllKinds ElectricalSupplies. candidate Glenn ;we Im its report of the recent,'tenm cfChathamSuperiorCourt,the Recordsaysthatthecivildocketwastak-en up Thursday morning and)thatinthefirstcasecalled:bottr Kides‘announced readiness for trial,Ju!ge|Justice.who Was.prepiding,declinedtotrythecaseand’orderedacomipllsory,reference,on thegroundthattheBultinvolvedthetaking-.of an .account.’As this suitWasexpectedtooccupytheYay“noothercaseswereBetforthatday, ewys the Record,ibut'a number were tarrh Cure.FRANK J,CHENEontheéalendarfornextday.But “ree to before me and wabecrlbedwhenJudgeJusticehadreferredcember,i sta 86."Oh ORY,ot athitycapeheadjourndithécourt|Sel.)W..GLEASON;and)left.That is the way the ma ined gietan,ans saceapee Hating ener peeTherefore buy L. “Waly 8 Catarrh Cure ig takenen internal.|45:-cents per gallonjorityofting,Superior ‘Court judges iene ei.the the sone een £;eerty (prepared in.semni-pastesystérn.en orm),mix ‘three’quartia)this State dodge work.They one:gallon L.&:'M.and Wake te cocatkAveryopportunityto:adjourn torbi hi aa reat frée,HENBY 4.{00,;Poleds,:a ar of (paint ready for use-at $1.65 Balion,:_oonarrt and go home It ts rave that a and Har- been independents sea” We Owe NoAlgae Weare entirely ug ate HOME ELECTRIC.CO., A D.COOPER,Manager. —_—_—_—_—S__STATE OF OHIO,CITY OF._JMCAS COUNTY,eerank.J;Cheney makes hheisseniorspartnerofthefirmofi4,Cheney &Co.,doing Business in thetyofToledo,&and nwa afere-said,and that’id firm will thesumof.ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS foreachandeverycaseof‘Catarrn that cannotbeculedby.the use of Hall's"Cas to anybody in ¥ixing prices. of what others charge for CLOTHING. A modest profitsatisfiesus,and we price our Clathing as’ low as quality will permit.For your health’s comfort,and: Ads sake trade here. ‘Sloan tines Co. oath Sewing Machines ~aia ‘109 East Front Street:;' Take ;*Phone 61.stipation, an druggists,“Iba, Call on Statesville Hardware’Hall's are Pile for con-:,ness Co.,Unt eay aS.N,Cs For Rent or Sale! Five-room cottage,No.205° southRace pred, Two-story house,No.111eeeavenue. ie y Tecatoiis she bohin house,west Sharpe street. egy ay } «City:ater:in:“all::of the.‘above houses...°°. i If interested see us, Mi Qh: Jenkins &Wagner, A a ee OFFICE:ROOM.3,. First National Bank Building. "PHONE:282 of. FORSALEj) 180x285,corner Walnut and Meet- ‘tag streets. ‘Qe F LAUGEN OUR,Dentist. Cash.TobaccoShaan?Warskbane,lot. Lot 60x107,corner Court and Meeting streets.26%acres,,at bufola,$30 acre. 76 acres,one mileeast ot court hovee. .16 acres,one mile and a.halt weet. 26 acres,one mile and a quarter west.70 acres,one mileandahalf weat. 211 acres,five miles north,$30 per r acre.’ eer acres,three miles east,$25 per acre ; A mumber of other desirable farms and business properties.See me before making an investment. ISIDORE WALLACE, -$Nret National Bank Bufiding. ’Phone 240. $12,000 of City Property FORSALE Five-room house and let,south Center street;near depot. Two vacant lots rear above, Meeting street. Six vacant lots south of Brad: ford Knitting Mill. Bight-room.house,€ood well end barn,and four acres of land,| on Buffalo Shoal Road.: Four-room house,6%acres land, Buffalo Shoal Roat Two vacant lots Buffalo.Shoal “oad. Store house and residence and acre lot,junction west Front street and Buffalo Shoal Road.Alseatock of Groceries and Fixtures. Cali on or write - Cc.B.MORRISON, 739 West Front St./March8."Phone 227, NOTICE! TO OUR PATRONSANDTHEPUBLIC: We wish to announce that although we have had a fire we are taking eare of our business just as usual.Let us lave your laundry:work.We’ Will appree iate it. STATESVILLE STEAM LAUNDRY.(PHONE 122. Pinewood Dairy Farm, STATESVILLE,N.C.R.F.D."NO.2 W.C.WOOTEN &SONS,PROPS. SEED CORN.Weekly’s Im- proved variety at $2 per bushel. ad.L.Steyenson,| y,N.‘W.R.Sloan,Searctary-Treasurer, Statesville,N.C.Iredell and Alexander Branch Farm- ers’Mutual Fire Insurance Asso- ciation of North-Carolina. ‘Over $600,000 Insurance in force.‘Average-cost less than $1.00 per *$1,000 per year:Carry in treas-ury sufficient funds to pay,anyoneloss,’For’further informa-tion apply to 4 M.L.MOOSE,General Agent.April 23,(1l a.Ww. Presidgnt, THE LANDMARK TUESDAY,*“May 721,,1912. LOCAL Vicon SCHEDULE, Arrival and”Spares |of Treing ateville.”AD.Train ‘No.15,.west-bound,-due 6.55 QA.‘Train No.18,@ast-bound,due 11.20 p.m.Train No,11,west-boun due 10.20 a.mTrainNo,21,west-bound,’due 3.25 p.m.Train No,.,weet hound due 10.22 p.m Train Ne.east-boun que 11.00 mm.‘Train No.22,east-bound,due 1,20-p,m-Tre No,12,east-beund,due ‘45 Dp.m.CHARLOTTE AND TAYLOR:VILLE.From CharloTrainNo.16 ar.9.60 Tenens 11,00 a.mTrainNo,~ear.Faxlorsrlmeres 8.36 p.mFromTa.Train No.23 ar.10.10,ree 11,00 a.mTrainNo.16 arr 6.20,leaves 6.46 p.m. News of the Presidential Contest, The 16 yotes of:Maryland in the Democrati¢national convention go to Champ Clark as long as thera.fs a chanoe for his nomination,May-. or James’H,Prestoni;or ‘Baltimore, was endorsed,by shits State for Vice |President.eine? Separate,conventions >ere “hbld by he supporters of Pres lent:Taftand‘Col.Roosevelt iti the second: and fourth,.Arka'ngasl congressionaldistrictsandcontestingdelegations were oaumed to tae Chieago conven~tion.,Towa’s 26 votes a the:national Democratic cohvention will.be am. for Champ Clark... Taft gets the:Montana dele»guation,eight in number. *Roosevelt gets the 24 vob brads Muinesota.and also a_solid.dele- gation of 16 votes from West Vir-gintia,.h {; Flee to The Mountains /atid stop at the’ Davis White Sulphur Springs SOLAR,EVENTSININ:STATESVILLE Receptions,Teas,:a,Clubs Meetingsand _Other Social Gatherings. A‘‘delightful’reception was given| Fritay afternoon by!Mesdames J.F.'Bowles.and &BH.-Witkine “at thehonieoftheformeronWestEnd avenue,the event being:im honorofMrs.Daniel ¥.Gay,of Worces-ter,Mass.,dvd Mrs.’Louis N;Grant, of Godsboro.The hostesses)wereassistedim:entertaining by their),fellow-members of the Thyreday:At-ternodn cluy The cards of the call-ers were received by little Evalyn Wilkins and Louis |Bowles,and re- ceiving ‘in the hall were MesdamesL.White au@ L.Ash.Mre.J.Be Carlton an/in the reception room ‘and thie me-ceiving,line in the parlor was com-posed of Mrs.Bowles,Mrs.Grant,Mrs:‘Wilkins,Mrs.:ae Mrs....B.fH.Adams and.Mrs.C..V.Henkel.In fae:punch)room,where a deliic-. lous.beverage-.was ‘served,wereMes?4mes D.A,Miller,Oem.Dowd,Wiliam Morrison and 8;L,.Panes,’ and>receiyvinig,in.the dining roomwere.Mrs.O.L.\'Dunner:and.Mre- LB.Bristol;wihia ‘were ‘assisted| Migses:‘Anne”Batie Walton,MLewis,Blizabéth vans atid,Sarat} nuts and:mints;Numetous beau-tiful roses were used ‘in’.the- decorations!which made ‘the house a scene of beauty,the great display:of roses being a source of favorable comment.'The,reception room was in yellow,the “Marchal ‘Neil pre- dominating,while.the’punch room: was in pink.In the dining room only the ‘Paul Neyroms roses,the’/deep pink variety,were used,andi they were in such profusion that it was virtually a room of roses.The:eur tains in all rooms ‘were decorated with ivy.‘ Reported For The‘e Landmark. On Tuesday afternoon,14th,Mrs. Thomas Dougherty Webb received‘a|. are nitmber—ef her friende.at # beautiful.tea,.the occasion being in honor of her.cousin,Miss Prather,of Mount Airy:The guests jwere greeted im the hall by Mrs. |Braxton W ebb!and little Miss W innd- lfred Pegram gracetully held |the card receiver.The dec orations were ve ry:tastefully arranged throughout, the work.of deft and:artistic hands. Special Bargains| ‘REAR poten Chic Underwear For Ladies’just sepia See our 50c.Gowns. Skirts for 98e:;and up. Just’received a line of Ladies’ dren’s Hats. seeing them eare gone... sample and Chil- Don’t miss before they Remember we are still giving Rogers’Silverwareeyerydayasprémiums. 1D.B.Krider &Com’y. |freshments were served.} ’ members of the graduating of the The class her.social enning,1ith,when their teacher, Prof.H.E.Craven,entertained”the iclass athishomeocn Mulberry pireet. “=e S.J.Holland. Has good farm horses and mules for sale for cash or on time.Terms to.suiti purchaser. Best equipped livery in town. *Phone 3.Day or Night, ALWAYS IN.. -OCCUPYthree rooms @iways here,Don’t peep into mywhereInéverstayandthen-goo off ye tpnsay Tad riot in,but come on in Andlet yourself be known bell,knock or speak out,-If I am not:oatTapthethedentalchairIam2myerrinncounfarther on the second floor oftheFirstNationalaiBank:Building,and i amam —work FRAZIER, TINNER,: NORTH CENTER STREET. TW. 63_RESIDENCE 2389 It is to the everlasting credit | of the Republic couldn't ay the convention |at| Raleigh.witty his free-tauor estab-| lishment, *Never can you tell when you'll mash a finger dc Suffer a cut,bruise,burnofscald:‘Be prepared.Thousands -rely|on Dr.‘Thomas’Eclectic™Oil.‘You drug-Bist seNs it,26c..and b0e,..—--Contipation®causes headache,Andiges- ;*PHONES --SHOP 2s:abo ‘medicine,use Doan's ky,ecedBoxatalltai tion,dizziness,drowsiness.sf mild, Mrs.A.J.-Evans were|" A4tams,who served ide cream,cake, graded.school enjoyed | gathering Saturday|* The principal source of entertainment | Ms that Butier| Life kivnn Device For Ships i ‘vented By Naval Mea.- es Mimes,11th,°" life ‘saving device eapenially iAealg ned to.prevent wholesald lose of lives .wlen.a ship sinks dn-amid-ocean sor’st¢ambeats in.harbors are threatened |with a visit to Davy, Jones’lecker,“has been invented,|tested’and found tobe thoroughilypracticalbytwooldnavyyardem-Ployes.Henry F.Wilkinson and Charles:Dougherty,two of Admiral Eeuzse “inost.proficient tradesmen, are reepor sible for thie new design. and lavish’praise is being.bestow-_ ed on the invention and inventors by shipping officials and prominent officers of the United States navy. The appliance is go simple im ¢con-struction and detail that persons who have viewed it,wondered,why tive’thing never suggested itself to naval architects before,‘It,is noth-‘ing more or ‘less than the raih..orbulwarkoftheshipthat.completely surrounds.the:decks.atti is thie ‘povel application:of the.anvention that.has caused).the eyes,of the naval World:to be focussed:ons:theitwo:inventors,who,.between them, have spout many spare-pours think-}- ing”out-the.ptt.ainide thiem*trying and:putting:itsto a-pnagtiica. .The idea.of Wilkinson anid.erty is to construct the bulwark,of febse ls:o that they whicm éazedic They are shaped BO thiat ore in:the water they,Have Breat.floating capacity .as.welll as being sable to \¢anry provisions,|! water,rockets,ete.,enough)for thie Maintenance of persians!who may’abroad the raftdrail...Each)Bec- tion willandthey can be so constricted thatadozen.will comfortably fit aboard one of ‘them when it 16 im the water: [The nya has been highly commen ded,by naval.men,.A:companyh”been fornred™to exploit tt and,Mr.Frank P.:Lewis,of States-’ville,master electrician in thei Brock- ayo Navy yand,has been mimde gen- ere managér of the.comipany.A -winite up of the.invention im -the Times contains pictures of Wibk- insen and Dougherty,the inventors, and of Mr:Lewis.] STATE“NEWS. The propomiticn to vote $200,- ‘DOU of.bo nds in Cumberland county ue yr ane.buoyant? -hohd efgiht pensons at least}! Noted for its high moral tone,famous li the sevens:ag ee for good roads.failed by 108 votes.| mineral water,good fare and large patron-roses.pretlominate the r J ae is :14, ag ::g mi line was composed of thie hostess,"—-<Fauna seggtoes a THE CASH STOR he«cated in béautiful Western N:C.with Miss Prather,Mrs.C.B.Webb and Er OF Dee he (Successor to The Ladies’Furnishirig Store.)unstrpassed climate,on Southern.R.R Mra.Ashcraft.The guests were d r ¢,dees in the it town rAee ‘r.i a c eee aene cteaeee craictes ‘tushered into the dining,room —by a ih somregeseetis stb co oe ae ile:Bell Telephone,Modern conven-|M rs.Alben Mills,where ‘irs.Bugene a :‘| iences.Bowling,Skating,Tennis,Boating,i}Yount.and Mrs.Earl Pegram pre-The 4-year-old son,of Bryant| Bathing,etc.Good livery.Resident Phy-lzided gracefully at the beautifully Ingo was drowned ina creek atom 7 me sictan:lappointed tea:table,with its decor-|two les from Mt.Gilead,Mont:|a iv is T | ae Weekly Rates $6 to $8,July and lations of exquisite red roses.e«r county,last oe k Hi=.a’KX i.uh “4August$8 to $10.Special rates to.||Misses Hannah ‘Wallace,Maud Guy,|Older brothers h ad gone fishing amd |COE ASM 1 : clubs and families.Write for illustra-land Mary:Loretz Cowles Beryed:de-he i to follow them.He felnh i Ot ‘ 'ted Booklet to Hicigus'tea,sandwiches -and mints.in creek and was drowned.:by ‘ Prom the hall.adjoining Mirs.Julius |:the Federal Court ‘fn Wal E se*The Diow Springs |Wallace led the guests.to the Miving n last,week Judge -Connor |’err HIDDENITE,N.C.room,where surrounded by‘a profus-ntenced Mrs.Helen Kelly,a weil|ek Mics PELL id Octekec 1sh j}fon,of pink noses of delicate tint,}kiown woman of méahs;—of Town |” Oren fine tare Ce Crores sae iMigs Sara Cowles amd Miss Jett!Creek,Brunswick ‘county,.to 12.);}Brawley,of Mooresville,received months in jail for retailing,it be-|j a rand Miss Altie Corpening and MisS/ing shown by testimony that she| —FOR THE |Mary Lois’Miller -seryed <delliciouS|had been selling |whiskey”for a} Pe ;Roman puddh.The occasion was eS|jong”time.: jPécially enjoyable,the entire respi rraduating class at |W me ee :.:||cetving party were most becoming-Forest Gotese last week numibene \ieeos===em Ly gowne:.The perfect weather,the |75,the largest.in the history:a :eo aeonsof gargeoun roses and the)tna college.It.was composed of |:—|S SSeS See ee cl]SAVEA LOTOr MONEY 4|guests,added.to.thig de be UF)eign country.Thirty-seven .coun-° ;|jmeeting together of friends,mace |ties in North Carolina were repre-ii i You’will wait Ganned Uo ‘of the pocia!sea?tsented.Rey.Dr.Newell Dwight|ohiyson.Ree |Hillis,of Brooklyn,preached .the|;: Meats,Peanut Butter,.The membérs of the eighth grade)becealaureate sermon and delivered |; Cheese,Pimentoes,Bottled lof the craded school picniced-at-Tur-|the commencement,address.E oe Pickles.-B led Oli¢fH nersburg Saturday,tith.Despite;—Baw fort,Garteret.county,1s”tH eo a se ICKICS,ottlec lives,:ithe showers of the day the yohuwe the rather unusual position of hav-cr Fresh Bread and ,Cakes,ifolks declare they had.4 .fine.out-|ing elected a mayor without kiow- --Lemons,Fruit,et ing and a good aime.on Whether lie is eligible to hold You will be amazed.and delighted to see what wonderfullye48,»ate.|rent :office,fhe Attorney General,has ‘Mis Corde Hotiknesi entertained!2,Ge eoey Genres good furniture you can own at remarkably low prices,by|:::oeen asked-ta hand down an epin furnishing your ho hereSeiicstheridg¢ecru qUTSaay after-);“hee »Yat Mi r acte 7 '—CALL ON U:jthe B Bs i aad nee Th ase E fn ion ‘whether Seth Gibbs,elected wade adashii.Aig :sd|noen “r home .ond ave |naw,?‘or a Sma ;:‘j te “There were m tuition:of vis |are Bier 0 oles Ear ee ee No matter whether you need buta single piece or two,or:s dub mem-|22 &Member of the board of coun-a complete home-outfit,you will always double the purchas-;;addition to the club mem:|ty commissiongrs and mayor at the|I |"se the game was-played at)<Se ee j ing power of ever dollar ou spendwith us. ||Eagle &Milholland.bles.Mrs,William Wal-|°ame.dime.;several.tables..Mrs,ylia al-Ba gous ;myneeHeattheprize.Seasonable re-|_,Mocksville Herald:During the Williams’Furnitureis not the kind that is made for onecivilwarMr.-A.M:Garwood,who| lives near Fork Church,..was shot} in the hip ina skirmish near Hampton,Va.This was in 1864 and Mr.Garwood has walked with 4 came since.théat di has’car- ried that bullet in hip.Wed-}nesday Dr.J,Ke Pepper removed pe the bullet after it had been imbed+} ‘and wearing quality of lisle.This is what you get in Shawknit Silk-O-Lisle -Socks.Silk.on the outside makes these socks fire and fashionable,Fata on the insid&makes them.soft,and durable,:j Silk:O-Lisle:Socks”in Black, Blue,T‘an.and Gray,50e-a.pair.Try. a ‘pair of Silk-O-Lisle Socks.They ours truly,» Nay ¥; eo “Need any new Gocke?‘Silk-O-Lisle al ane Socks will please 5you.All the beauty = @ of Silk—all the softness,durability ~ @33 please you, ‘Sherrill-White Shoe Com’vr (8 B,Miller Old Stand.) Entre 5ale ! T1 ve : We have placed on sale our fullline of Embroid- -eries,and they are the best values ev er offered for the money.A look wil convince you.| We a re sole agents for American Lady Corsets. Take-one with yowon our guarantee,Ask ‘the w oman Ww ho wears “one. ALLEN L.MILLS, year,or for five years—but:for generations.It is honest furniture—sincere furniture—thé.kind you ought to own.= Whether you are young folks just starting your first home,- or old timers who have tried every kind of furniture ever - made,it'will pay you to look through our stecks NOW. +e are very complete. arranged for the evening'was pro-[oearly 48 4 a %flesh °fot See anni gressive dominds and.the young}7 years,|ili ‘-F °H. peaple entered imto the game hearti-|Now te tha time tS get rid of your |X 1 lams urniture Louse. ‘y-The.ladies’prize,a lace.-col-|rheumatism.You can doit by_apply-|ty : iar,Was won by Miss Luola Over-winnie nae Liniment and mas |ee wa ‘white kh ro 1 the |>z 1é.parts f y at.each ap.while Elree Webster won the|fication,For sale by all dealers.‘men’s ptize,a necktie.Fol-|)hilecentSahapcaioiaseatiolaineh j | ljowing the game ice cream and cake}Poor appetite is a sure.sign of im-|4 s |paired digestion.A few doses of Cham-were served.oerain’s Stomach and Liver Table ts i.:'s Y ::See |will strengtHen your ‘digestion and-im-|:ix ears i hove Pag sk @ %prove you petite Thousands haveGoyernmentaskedtoBoardCats.|jeer,benetiten by taking these Tablets,|19062 -rronerable Record 19 |Washington Dispatch.1 See cee +4 ‘cue Cacia he propriety and legality of |«aqme rw an er:a PETES|. |sartbie poo cats at the expanse GASES IN STOMAC‘1H POIBON THE!Your yopneoy Today May Be Your Distress Tomorrow.:we he:SU eeu :BLOOD.Ever Think of That Mr.Property Owner?:}of the United States government,de-agrestis e y a spite the high cost of:Kwing,Was Gas forms in your stomach be-| the baffling question submitted to|cause the food you eat ferments|i ;A.Platt Andrew,Assistant Secre-|and turns sour.if ‘ Lae of the asc Allow this fermentation to go The.urgent appeal for the catS|on andi these gases become pois-|‘|ame-from the sub-treasury in NeW|onous and the poisoiyy Kets °into |We issuewre kind—Fire,Life;Accident and:Health;Sie a |York.‘The Treasury building there.|the blood.:|Boiler,Liability,Automobile,Plate-Glass,,Wind Storms,Cyclone,|t was averred,‘has been’infested)MI-4O-NA stomath ‘tablets Stop|Live stock.Bonds—Administrators,Guardians,Trustees and |ae caus ae ie it was abso|te fermentaion almost !nstantly,|any.judicial bond.Todayis here.Tommorrow is coming allLertRECTokIapapas(tae ee eee tae coum too fast.Consider the present..Too late to lock the stable aftera.tha aihices yo tepid tha dadners:ne Peo the horseis-gone.;’Phone 54.Call or write us for prices and Kind hearted.clerks have..be If you have any stomach trou-|vp iskomes*about ourpolicies. contributing to their support.17 ble such as gas,sourness,heavi- precarious anid charitable method.is)ness,flatufency,or shortness of|Statesvi e Ca ty Tnvestment(f said to he —‘‘unsatisfactory,’)-how-breath,MI-O-NA-will give eratity-x ever.The Treasury Department w:‘Sing relief in five minutes :Ji F.CARLTON,Manager.|‘ asked for permission to pay foi ent’Th?y-—-are—sold--on money-back food out of the contingent funi.—plan for acute.or chronic indi- |Dr,Andrew decided that the high gestion,nervousness;dizziness, jeost .of beef,the aidimiimistration’s headaches;sleeplessness;eto.Sold 2 a effort ‘to make a recond.for econ0-|by the Statesville.Drug Company my and the desire to reduce appro-|and druggists everywhere for 69 a :;4 priations,all made it necessary that/cents a box.ae hy|the cats should continue to le sub-ieee ;( {dects of charity.MADAME RACHELEE'S::4 ADVICE TO Are the |lucky holder of sharesin ou s‘AM r 39thséries:which ae ionBuLi!z IB SEEK yderLiquor!:Buh BEAUTY SEEKERS ‘will mature May Ist call at the office on that day andGreensboroNéws.2 a et your “R.V,T.—Sallownessof the complexionisusually get yyausedbyafaultydiet-and lack of exercise.:Con- ‘ita physician avout the former,keepp out in tneairasmuchagpossible.Sleep with windowsopen,, Misa M.R.—Yout druggist can supply you apxeparationknown'as Wilson’s,Freckle CreamwhichIcanrecommendasaveryéffectivefreckle|remover.It acts quickly and its bleaching proper-|tes are entirely harmless,Follow the directionsjonthepackageandprotectthefacefromallunduepeetothewindandstin,ues selis forOethejat,and if your druggist you.may.ybtain it direct from the.Wilgon ¥rec le CreanmananaCharleston,S.C, atWilson's Freckle Chen issoldby | meee Dent,Semen. 0 Ashi ou are a borrower call7and get your mortgage can--a arid go home happy.‘L.FANE ecretary. -"FOR SALaBee,HOUSES alots |YOUNG files cow -aoS ee “>QNWCYEAR.s.iccccsess Tce $2.00.Bio MONTHS...5.60005 “2,00fRREDMONTHS: THE RR,CLARK.EDITOR AND_OWNER.P29)aieeae —s LANDMARK PUBLISHED TUESDAYANDFRIDAY. Se.ST,.Bee ante :OFFICE;120 WEST ‘BROAD.STREET,:CR BScIPTION PRICE: -{UESDAY,May.21,°4912. -Old booze was considerably in evi- dence in the primaries in Statesville Saturday and Statesville’s reputation asa prohibition town was somewhat ‘marred ; \The Republican campaign in Ohio, where the fight between Taft amd Roosevelt has been fast and furious, >‘reneeter Ne eee eee erere eee eee ;STATE NE Ww 8.ve :ot 508 men:in ~Wake Republicans.havé nominated fCol:J.C.L -Harris for the Senate,Four ladies,two married and twoSingle,have been chosen to serve ‘ontheschoo!board at.Tryon,Polk coun- the House of Congress.adjourned upon the capitol.‘Throughthe murk,‘membersaroped their way.Matcheslightedandhe ty.:e ."in Granville county one-night last week A:J.Johnson,colored,was called to his door and shot dead.No|clue to the murderer.Prof.Arthur Merritt,a member of the faculty of Trinity College,died Friday.’He had:been a teacher at Trinity since 1893.His.wife and twosonssurvive,edThedeadbodyofacolored:manwasfoundlastweek*in a hog pen near Ridge Springs,Greene county, badly mutilated.It is supposedhe the powerful d was suspended between the third anisecondfloors,and Representative| Adamson,of Georgia,was imprison- “tt is the judgment-of Heaven,’)| said former Speaker Cannon,when,in groping his way around in the vators had slipped.One of thecare | | .Darkness”Judg-Defaulting:,ment of Heaven,Said Cannon.Wee et “\Within less than five minutes after,Smithifield)Herald. Mr,Roswell Smith,whlastWednesdaynight,darkness fell |servin for Deputy Sheriff in John-|a 4 erald says Smith had been that he was a sport and 0 has been/for some time:as:depity |‘sheriff ‘in’Batmer township,has lepartsunknown,and behind himldaloft,made little a shorge of $1;233.isplotchesinthegeneralgloom,‘and|.[Thecollisions.were frequent.“A belt on |collecting taxes and ran away withnamothatfurnishestheproceeds;the power for the lights and the ele-|spendthrift:]- NOW IS THE TIME TO PLANT ends:with .thé:\primaries‘’today.[Melon Seed.speaker’s lobby he collided violently Ee Ay \ 8dy int Wytheville.jail.‘SI am not got Bome firkends in Carroll county?" _.the late Dr.Mellver,unveiled ‘at Ral fa While ’the.Président's he is (ore for...>iene heey Se _After hearing the verdict of euilty|"“phe Dunn Guide.says that in Har-;Floyd Allen is said’ta have ideclar- i going tothe electric chair.I've.still _Mhat was a remark of desnenation. Allen:has reachied|a point where hisCarroll‘county.friends:cam be of little avail..The so-called brave mau,who shot men to death with- out compunction of conscience,finds his’courage failing “when he faces death \i\ Seccenmemanmnaaitasnaeenninntnen tee ‘ ‘As a work of art that statute of eigh;may be fine,but:it resembles Di.Melver about ag much as a.Jumebug,does ‘a horse,Perhaps the ar-|tise eye.does not expect to seearesemblartceiin‘facé but’surely.it is in good taste to say that.there should be something’about ft inkeepingwiththesubjectinhand: ’As shown.in one of the Raleigh pa- ‘pers,it looks like a man-at leastfeet,tall and,exceedingly elimi, while Dr..McIver was the reverse in‘both)\particulars.—Greentboro Rec-ord..- :‘The Lagddmark can see a resem-blance,in the features of the statue, from ~the pidgtures {n the’ papers;but we agree with the Rec-ord that’it is too tall)and slender| He was short andforDr.Melver. atout. _,The Landmark hopes tte Demo-| cratic State convention will not elect, men delegates to the national’con- vention ‘because they are Senators, -Gavernors or.ex-Governors,'or be- cause they have filled that:position. frends) claim taht he has practically:enongilt, Wotes\to neninate him,“it would ‘Beem tha?if he loses this own State, a “lemony to take place ‘in.Rochester jto a negro residence to,suppress died suddenly while .working ‘about the pets Gok la ;Invitations have been issuedfor themarriageofDr,Julius.A.Caldwell,of Salisbury,and Miss Ethel‘FlorenceMillard,of Rochester,.N.Y ,‘the cer- June 8th.’ nett county a few Weeks ago,whileaforceofhandswasplantingcotton’on one side of a'field”a force waspickingcottonon.another side.of thesamefield.SuaPrayingformercyandconfessingguilt,Brad Bagiey,colored,was elec-trocuted in the State prison in RaleighFridaymorning.‘HeasSassinated the chief of police of Williamston,Martincounty,‘last August.iBeginningyesterdayaregularschedulewasinauguratedontheelec- tric railway which connects Charlotte and Gastonia.‘This is a part of the interurban system which is to connect many towns in upper South CarolinawithNorthCarolina.~Wake Forest College has conferred the degree of D,D.on Rey.Rufus W. ‘Weaver,of Nashville,Tenn.,a Wake Forest graduate,‘and Rev.,Harr Emerson Fosdick,of Montclair,N.J. Judge Pritchard,who is not a college graduate,was made an L.L.D, “In Wilmington Saturday night’Po-liceman R.J.Thompson was.called trouble and as'he approachedhe ‘wasshotinthe.breast by a‘negro.The officer returned the fire,woundingthenegro,who was subsequently:ar-rested.The officer’s wound is se-rious and he may die. Capt S.E.Linton,father of MissLottieLinton,formerly a teacher in the Statesville graded schools and well known.here,died in Raleigh earlyFridaymorningHisremainswere taken to Charlotte,his former home, for interment.Capt.Linton was 67yearsoldandanativeofPennsylva-nia.He came South in early’youth Men who have hertofore been honoredshouldstandasideforothers;andmenwho'-hold prominent official’| Position;should not try:to ‘cabbage all the honors.This is not a fight and_-was.a soldier of the Confederacy.His wife and six children survive One of the,daughters is Mrs.A.G.Corpening;of Rockingham.| In Durham Superior Court:last with Representative Clayton,whoseanti-injunction bill had just been pass-ed over the ‘Republican opposition,| Democratic’party that its waysare notHight?eae a pone a While thé lights were out and theelevatorsremainedatastandstill,cap-|itol police and employes prganized {n-| to batids of rescuers,and armed withcandle§or boxes of matches,led pan-}icky bands of visitors:and “startled |members to the’exits.: LsaemnetinierNsbagsascaaichaskesssneakerene seem ,Mr.R,H.Battle:Dead. citizen of the State,died in Raleigh Sunday night after a protracted ill-|ness.He was born in Louisburg’in| 1835,was a graduateof the University |and located in’Raleigh in 1862 to! practice law...He was a lieutenant in|the Forty-third regiment,.Confederate army,was private secretary to Gov.| Vance,was State Auditor in 1864-65,|was a member of the Legislature in} 1873,1881 andin 1911.Four chil-dren survive.’-|si Lame back is usually caused by rheu-:matism of the muscles of the back,forwhichyouwillfindsnogningbetter|than Chamberlain's.Linjment.”For saleby-all dealers.—’ “It should prove a warning /to the! ias | |Mr.R.H.Battle,longa prominent, & Kleckley’s Sweet is oneof the. x best,’Low price on,pound lots.Burrell’s.Gem,Patl Rose and Rocky Ford Canta:»loupes are fine.°°*4° Pole or Cornfield Hoang aplenty...Also Red.ValentineandStringless.Green Pod;© which are the best bush beans.‘ .All kinds Garden Seed,©.* SLUG SHOT KILLS POTATO BUGS..Get, these from J.B.GILL, FANCY GROCER .105 East Broad Street. ‘PHONE 27. he Lucky Man’ Mr.H.Burke,of Statesville,wins the 44 piece China Set at The Pos- ton-Wasson Co’.s Big Sale.Have’ the amountof your purchasé punch- ed on a card and maybe you will be the next to win one-of these hand- om anybody’nor for anybody,but is;week Luther Williams was acquittedsimplyanexpressionofTheLana-/of the charge of criminal assault.mark’s honest opinion.Neither Goy-|When the verdict was rendered Wil- a -¢Landmark will continue to contend fp Mees ps :ernors nor ex-Governors not Unit-|/iams’friends broke into cheers and €d States Senaitors,as.suchi,have| any special claim to be elected del-| egaltes to the’national conventions;| and men who have often received these honors should some time show,faint symptoms:of modesty _and_ Btand fot others.It might be a good idea to give some'of the phain |laymen /a chance,They can repne-|sent the people as wells if not betterthanthestendinzcandidatesand| the officsholgers! While.the:legislative candidates |committed to the salary issue failed |to land’in the primaries,it does not}mean—if men mean what they say;—|that the salary idea was defeated,for|%to 95 per cent.of those who sup-|ported the successful legislative tick-|.,et proclaimed,earnestly for salaries|.and the successful candidates are|committed to the proposition if thevoterssoinstructthem.-If the prop-osition.of the executive committee to|have 4 salary primary at the Novem-ber election stands,as we presume itwill,and all the:voters who support:ed the salary candidates and all oth-ers whoearnestly.proclaimed for sal-aries,‘vote for the proposition,it will havea great majority.This is just what The Landmark-hopes will hap- pen:As has been so often said, the salary proposition is simply a bus-iness one—a a reform in the:methodsofconductingthecounty’s business, a reform that ‘has been:tried -andprovedsuccessfulandisgrowingall the while.It ‘will have to come inIredellandthesoonerthebetter.The || for it because it believes it isright. Doctors Refused Call—Judge Orders Investigation. :In the case of Pearl Whitmire.colored,in Henderson county.§u-perior Court last week,it developedthatanegroman,who was killed bythewoman,bled to death after be-ing shict.It was said that Henderson-ville physiclans:called to ‘the negrorefusedtoattendhimaJudgeFousheedeliveredatspecialchargetothegrandjury,telling.the'jurors that it wds their duty to in-vestigate ‘this report andif the phy-Bicians had refused to attend the.dsingman,under the cncumstances |they would be guilty of criminal |TerepO Segal onde Shih p kn Or aceon1gs-t point and one that is unusual.| The Senate Friday paseed.with-|out debate the Houde dill changing|the date of.issuance of the cotton .ed unfavorably the income tax.bill acreage neport by thie Department| Judge Cooke,who was holding thecourt,caught some of the men in the act of cheering and brought them upbeforehim.He gave them a severe talk and seemed very much inclinedtoputtheminjail-for contempt ofcourt,butfinally let them off -with-acausticreprimand. Last year “The Girl From Rec-tors,’’'an alleged immoral play,had} adate in Raleigh.The ‘municipalauthoritiessuppressedtheplayand in doing so arfested and locked upW.-H.Brewer,assistant manager oftheoperahouse.Brewer broughtsuitfor$10,000 damages against J. :Wynne,then mayor,and J.P, Stell,chief of police.The suit wastriedinRaleighlastweek:and the jury could not agree Other damage suits:growing out of the same casearepending.. MATTERS OF NEWS. Fire in the businesssection of Hous-ton,Texas,early Sunday morningdestroyedproperty.of the estimatedvalueof$700,000. Roosevelt Republigans in Floridahaveheldasecondconventionandinstructedforthe-Colonel.A con-vention held in.February instructedforTaft.|A man who said his name was OH.Wood and that he lived in Wilkes-boro,N.C.,was arrested at Dry Fork,Va.,a few days ago for larceny andwasplacedinjailatDanville. The Roosevelt faction of the Geor-gia Republicans held a State conven- tion Friday and elected delegates—four white mén and four negroes—tothenationalconvention.Thisis in op- position’to a former convention inwhichtheTaftpeoplecontrolled...~ Eugene Victor:Debs,of TerreHaute,Ind.,was nominatedat Indian-apolis.Friday as a candfdate for.-thepresidencyoftheUnitedStatesbythenationalSocialistconvention.EmilSeidel,former mayor of Milwaukee,was named for the vice presidentialnomination. ‘ Senate finance committee have report- passed by the House and recommenda-substitute for the free.sugar bill.The substitute leaves the sugar dutyasatpresent-but the Dutch standardandthe‘Caban differential ‘are re-moved,=~’ie‘Clifford-ftennett,a Baptist preach-er,was killed and Carey Bennett,acausin;was injuredin-a’pistol duelnearWaycross,Ga.,Sunday,Twobystanderswerealsoslightlyhurtby |Stray bullets.,(Clifford Bennett,whoiswealthy,has been separa éd.fromhis.wife for some time and the wifefiledsuitfordivorce.There wis:bit-Of Agriculture ‘to the first Monday |tet feeling between the two men,im July of each year. .Jume.; Heretofare |jaw required that it be tssued| presumably ‘growing out of the-mari-tal troubles,and the shooting beganwhentheymet.:as( ys]inches long to massive tailors’shears 16 inches.long We have shearsTheRepublicanmembersofthe} some sets.Next set will be given away on Saturday,May 25th.Start now and have every -purchase punched on a card.= _SALE NOW ON. Poston -Wasson Co., :STATESVILLE,N.C.| ‘Look For the Big Red Signs. UiNDOW DisiCis ao~i Razors and Cutlery.; You will be impressed with the.wonderful variety of Wiss Shears andScissorsfor.every conceivable use.Dainty little embroidery Scissors 3 for the tailor,dressmaker,‘milliner,trimming scissors,embroidery scissors,scissors for cutting button holes,manicure scissors,nail.scis-sors,office shears,shears for left handed persons—shears for every conceivable use.aWehaveaspecialexhibitfromtheWissfactorywhichillustrates the processes by which the Wiss ‘‘Steelforged’’Shears and Scissors aremade:An expert from the Wiss factory is here and he will graphically ‘explain the Wiss American method of making the best shears the.world produces. SPECIAL DURING DEMONSTRATION WEEK: s Large Dressmaking Shears,Demonstration Price 90c..5 inch Trimming Stissors,Demonstration Price 70¢.3inch Embroidery Scissors,Demonstration Price °50¢.Button Hole Scissors,Demonstration Price —75¢. We have Shearsand Scissors for.every uge—all special ‘pricedduringthisdemonstrationee f a SEE OUR BEAUTIFUL ra RAMSEY-BOWLES-MORRISON CO. Sales Day is the first-Monday in each month inStatesville,NG Automatic Refrigerators aoele edd MALEeee os PiNS rn i (i Wd .}#|Gay Inspect the construction:of the Automatic Re- frigerator,then you will know which:is the Brest and most economical.You can see them at 2 na ll n a aee Ra le Crawford-Bunch Furniture Comp’y. Write or ’Phone for catalogue and prices:~ Car Horses and Mules! Car Load ofHorses and ~Mules how in stables.:i Call andsce them,23 25 a.. White-Stimpson Hardware :Company. (POR SALE.serer han Subeat|COR Henkel-Craig Live Stock Co..a RENT Sewanee =May 2',°-May 21.Pec ere ie 5a b:fe et ne as s A.F.&A.M. ae TANDMWARK -PUBLISHED TUESDAY AND FRIDAY. _OFFI E:120 WEST.BRO.STREET.eC ia a Nee ‘TUBSDAY, .May kk 1912. ee aT "STATESVILLE+Lodge No.487 A.,F.&A.M.meets tonight at 8.00o'clock,in Mason-icHall.All mem-bers requested to be present-andvisiting—brethren cordially in- ;vied.Regular meeting.ons :——— ‘MOVEMENTS -OF THE -PEOPLE. her sister, ow -69 leeman_lett a |Pemmonad_‘Mention of the Folks WhoAreComingandGding.” Migs,Rabiecca:Stimson is visitingMrs.Ac.’S.-Webb,inCon Mr,,i Ww.Lawrence,ofburgtowsship,diate: returned yesterday from a,eit of two days to:his: orl,Mr.C,.Lawrence,at ~“Hen-,rietta.Hie Sl accompanied hore. by’bis little grandsons,Ceriton).andMarcusLawrence,.who will ependy some,time at his home,| Mrs.Jas.H.White andJamesWhitehavebeeninj Moores- ville since Saturday,visiting Mrs. N.-G.;.Moore...Missi Katherine White is Vvisitivig relatives.im Char- lotte. 'Rev.and Mrs.c.8,Cashwell areattendingtheStateNormalcom-mencement exercisés at Greensboro, Their daughter,Miss Claudia.Cash- well,je one of the garduates. .Mr,Arthur.Turner, iw,Miller’s shoe’store,Friday night for ‘Galveston, Texas,to take a position in a big shoe stone..es Mr.John B.Leonard.left FridaynightforDallas,Texas,to locatewith;his brothers,Messrs.Wade B‘ead Ralph B.Leonard. Mr,and Mrs.V."E.Lackey visit- ed -relatives .in.Salisbury.Saturdayand.Sunday. Master Mr.and Mre.M.A.Biggs and children ere visiting Mi.and ©Mbs- T.C,Alexander and Mrs.-Israel. Waterhouse. Mrs.J.L,Russell is attending commehcement at the State:Normal and Industrial College,Greensboro. “where her daughter,Miss Ethel,is@student. Misses Anniebel Eagle and Essie Brooksher are spendinga few daysinCharlotte. Mr.Frank L.Jenkins,of Washing-ton,spent Sunday with his parents, Mr.and Mrs.D.F.Jenkins. Miss «Hallie Motrison -is at ‘home from Greenville,where she taughtschool.Mr.and Mrs.E.S.Pegram and children are visiting.in Charlotte andGastonia.Dr.C.A.Turner has returned from New York,where he has been with Mrs.Turner,who recently underwent -an operation there. fyF ‘and Mrs.J.F.Harbin. a buggy in which he was struck ‘by a Rev.Harold Turner went to Lenoir yesterday to attend Davenport Col- lege commencement. r.C.F.Bost,who-has been here since Sunday on account of the ill- —_of his father,Mr.H..A.Bost, 8 to réturn to Huntsville,Ala., rs Miss Grace Eaton,who was 4mem- ber of the graduating class ‘at the State Normal,is expected home from| Greensboro tomorrow. Mrs.C.R;Gaither went:to Stony} Point yesterday to visit relatives.| Miss Ollie Belk,:who visited Mrs| H.M.Eubanks,returned to herhome | in MonroeSaturday.Mrs.Eubanks}went to Monroe yesterday to.visit. ‘Mrs.R L.Willis,who visited rel-| atives in Statesville,returned yestér-| dav to her home in Charlotte.} Among those who went to Char-! lotte yesterday for the 20th of May) celebration were Mr.and Mrs.J.S.| Alexander,Miss Mamie Montgomery,| Miss Connie Troutman,Miss Katb-|leen Stimson,Mrs.D.F.Miller and her guest,Mrs.C J.Young,‘ory;Mrs,H:W.Clifford and son_Al-!fred,Mrs.J.B.Foster and daughter| Sarah,Messrs.S:W Stimson,H.R.| Cowles,J.We Guy,DeWittRamsey,|Lonnie Mill,Thos.Troutman,Grier|ar Base Cooper.and Charlie ills Miss Mary:Kennedy,of Houston- ville,is attending the State Normal commencement in Greensboro.She will remain in Greensboro about twoweeks. Miss Dottie Henly,who has been visitingin Statesville,has returned to her home in Harmony. Mr.Van Patterson,who came to Statesville Sunday from Durham, spent yesterday with his father,Capt J.M.Patterson,.at Trotman.—Mr..and Mrs.J.W.Shepherd and Miss Ella Click,of Winston-Salem, are visiting atMr.D..J.’Kimball’s. Miss Margaret Click,who has been ‘visiting her cousin,Miss Lucile Kim-ee will leave today for her home in in yMrs.R.S.Clay,of Marion,willar-23,‘rive today to spend a week with Mr. and Mrs.G.Karcher. Mr. he spent three weeks with his‘family.Mr.dimes Bradley has’gone to Marion to spend two months at theMarianahotel.Miss Marie Longis visiting friendsinWinston-Salem.She is accompa-nied by little Miss Lois Long Hackett.Mrs.J.L.Davis and little daugh-ter,Miss Frances,of Columbia,8:.C.;are-visiting Mrs.Davis’relatives,Mr. D,M.Blackwelder ‘died in Salis- tained.three weeks ago,”when ‘a bury,-yesterday from injuries:Bus- train and his companion killed.: '|méeting was to.elect,eng nd to'the|" formerly a|- CASE.oF*RETAILING. |One Bound.¢‘Over ‘at Taylorsville .Rebuilding:Bridges-—-The Demo- cratic:Petmary —Social and Per-. sonal Items. Correspondence.of The Landmark. Taylorsville,May 20.—Cal.Hill,colored,a-shoemaker.here,’wasbroughtbeforeMayor.rayne Satur-day afternoon charged with retailing.After hearing the evidence the mayorboundhimtocourtunder$50 bond.Hill gave bond..There was a_call meeting of thecountycommissionersSaturdaarrangeforrepairingandrebuihingbridgesdamagedbythepighwaters last week..The contract for’repair-ing the bridge at Bell’s Mill was giv-entoMr.Tom Simmons for $180.The Democratic¢..primary of Tay-lorsville township.was’held at thecourthouse,panieeay afternoon:beat organized:by-electing Messrs.Burke chairman :and A.:.C.Payne secretary:The object of the}' Ao county convention which has beencalledtomeetatthecourthouseSat-urday,May 25th...The @xpression ofthearyws:taken:as to theirchoicefor;:-catididate for.President and corporation commissioner.Theresultwas21votes.for Underwood,Ithree for Wilson and’one for Har- mon =For~corporation commission-er 16 for Justice,18 for Pell.One of the most pleasant meetingsoftheBook:club was Thursday.-afs ternoon when Mrs.C.-G.Viele washostess:The rer at:this ‘meeting were Misses Lily Tidball/’ElizabethMooreandLaieMatheson.After.anhour'spent .in social converse deli-| ciousfruit salad andcake were served. ing by her daughter,Miss Ada Viele Mrs.Ida Carson has accepted thepositionofsalesladyattheWatts Company’s store..Messrs.J:B.-Barnes and J.H. Burke spent Friday in Statesville’on business.Miss Elizabeth ‘Moore is visitingherbrother,Dr.N.G.Moore,inMooresville.She will .attend the commencement exercises at David- son College before returning home. Her nephew,Mr.‘John Watson Moore,is a member of the graduat- ing class and one of the marshals.Mr.J.W.Mooreis attending the meeting of General Assemblyat Bristol,Tenn.He was.a passenger on No.11,which was wrecked at.Connelly Springs,|aandhismanyfriendswillbegladto know he suffered no ill effeets from children,Master Wilson and.Miss Eliza,are visiting Mrs.Moore’s par-ents,Mr.and Mrs_R.A.Torrence, in Charlotte.|Miss Bertha Ingram is visiting relatives and friendsin States- ville.Mrs.S.T.Crowson.left Pe. day afternoon for Spencer to spentFridaynightwith—her.aunt, James D.Dorsett.She and Mrs.Dorsett went to Greensboro Saturday morning to attend thecommencement of the State Normal College.Mrs. Crowson’s sister,Miss Ruby Deal,is a student there.Mr.and Mrs.M. Kerr,who were called here on ac- count of the illness and death.of their son,Mr Worth Kerr,have returned to their homein Charlotte.Messrs. Charlie Watts and T.O.Teague at- tended the convention at.Raleigh last week.Mr J.L.Gwaltney and son, Master Connolly,will.go to Char- lotte today.Messrs.A.C.Payne,R.B.| Randolph French returned Co. .Sunday from Columbus,Miss.,where :vd 500: and J.H.Burke go to Statesville today | jto attend court:Miss Jenna Echerd |went to Charlotte Saturday to spendafewdays.Mr.C.C.Munday spent/Sunday with relatives:in Statesville. Mr.James Watts has received a jtelegram from Mrs.Watts stating |that his brother,arlie,,Was not lexpected tolive _Mr..Watts lives in Netherland,Col.,.“and Mr;James|Watts will leave this:morning for. Mrs.Viele was assisted in —entertain-|4¢4 parthabnn’Sun. {Court of Commerce is dangerously {near impeachment,W.'P,Boland,a coal operator of Scranton,Pa.,oneeay13filedchargeswiththeEeparmietsofJusticeagainstJudgert.W.Archbald.These were notaepublicuntilthematterwaspre-sented to the House a short time a .After inquiry the House:adopte|resolution directing the committee oft9!judiciary’to make an immediate in-vestigation of Judge’Archbald’s con- duct,which inquiry is in progress._Judge Archbald,it isalleged,main-|tains intimate relations with railroadsuponwhosecaseshemaybecalledto judge in the commerce court.It is financially interested in a deal to buyhugeculmbanks.owned.by ‘a’coalennycontrolledbytheErierail- resold at a profitof $25,000 to $30,000, one-third...While the deal was pend-| ing Archbald,witnesses allege,re-minded the mei arranging the dealthattheErierailroadwas‘interestedintheNewYorklighterage‘cases, then before the Court of Commerce,upon which cases Archbald was topass.Archbald’s name,it isalleged,was kept out of the transaction,he be-ing known as the “‘silent party.’’AsimilartransactionwiththeLehighseemstobe‘indicated by questions asked’witnesses. .These are not all the charges,one: being that Archbald decided a case inst W.°P.Boland,who refused to| discount a note for him. Bodies of Two Boys Found in Feed .Box. The corpses of two little boys dis- covered in the great’feed box of a-thorse stable in Cincinnati a few@ays: ago turned out to be the bodies of Robert and Urban ‘Nichols,the totswhodisappearedfromtheirhomeson ‘pet ae The.boys’father found their corpses.He had dipped a shovel in- to the feed and when it came in con-tact with a resisting mass,he poked down further until he came upon a little foots Startled,the elder Nich-_tugged .at the foot till the body of ma!l boy was yielded ‘Sure that he had.found one of his missing sons,Nichols worked untiltheaccident.Mrs.L.L.-Moore and}he—found the corpse ofthe other.When the tots disappeared on April29itwasfearedtheyhadbeenkid-napped by a band of gypsies.Notracewasfoundofthem,however, and the search was continued until ittookinalmosteverybigcityinthecountry.It is beli¢ved the boys came totheirdeathwhileplayingaboutthebig feed box.Evidently they fell in,were overwhelmed in the mountain of feed,then were suffocated. H.|Proposed Changes in Child Labor Law. Raleigh News and Observer,- A metber-of the new‘Unitedi States C,tl specifically charged that Archbald was}= that the purchase was.to ‘be|ads fora small sum and the culm|! of which the judgé‘was:to.receive||: The changes that are to be made:in|the child labor law by the 1913 Legis-|lature have been decidedbythe North| Carolina child:labor committee and|the cotton manufacturers’committee,| the difference having been settled at) ja conference heldin thiscity Wednes- day night..\The child labor committee ‘present i ed a change to the manufacturers pro- hibiting women,girls and chil from working any at all at night,but| this was not accepted by them The} cotton men stated that several mills| have recently openet!with a-view-of| having night work.However the|changes were made by leaving the! age limit at 13 years,\provided the) Netherland. Miss Bessie Sharpe,daughter of children have had four months of} |Schooling;also that there will beeffi-||Mr.and Mrs.I.N.Sharpe,and Mr.|cient and non-political factoryinspec-||Marvin Lackey,all of York Institute| community,Alexander county,were| married Sunday afternoon.Rev.D.|of Hick-|W.Pool officiated.The groom is aj™inister who ibrother of Mr.of| Statesville. Notices.of New Advertisements. Midsummer millinery to be closed+ out by Thursday.—Mrs.N.M.Keim.Broom aide and cane seed,countryhams.—sD.J.Kimball.Big:gale|in full blast and to close Saturday.—Poston-Wasson Co.Seeond-hand Babcock buggy forsale.—J M.Deaton.Farm in Yadkin for sale—L.A Anthony,Yadkinville,R-1.- Automatic refrigerators.—Craw- ford-Bunch Furniture Co. Big millinery opening tomorrow,22d —Mills &Poston. Shawknit silk 6-lisle.socks.—Sher- rill White Shoe Co. John Lackey, Embroidery sale.—Allen L.Mills.R Cuff links.—H.B.Woodward..., Michelin red,inner tubes.~Caro- lina Motor Co. House on Sharpe street for rent.— W A,Eliason.«Mrs.Dr.Moore at Stony Point May House-for rent.LN,P.Watt.Guess right,—Statesville Printing Flowers for commencement.—Van Lindley Co. White corduroys.=-Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison Co.Town and country property ‘and stocks for sale.—E.G.ait er. Car load horses and mules now here.—Henkel-Craig Live,Stock.Co.Mr.H.Burke won the china set.—Poston-Wasson Co.-4 egiesen Imorder to aid struggling)studentsinthevariousBaptistTheological Seminaries the Southérn BaptistCon vention has authorimed the establish ment of a permanent fund ef $18,-400.This amount will be contrib- utied proportionately by the various|’ is) States,“.North!Carolina’a bart jlast night. ition. vy ie Richeson, poisotied his sweet-| heart,was electrocuted:in Boston| FE.—~SEVEN-ROOM dwelling,Sue “Ranma Fl A.ELIASON.m May 21—4t. Broomcorn Seed. Broomcorn seed,Cane seed and Cornfield Beans *See me about a Country Yiam.Ihave afine lot. D.J.EIMBALL.| CTaoy:; Midsummer Has ~Tast opportunityto get mid-summer millinery at mod- erate «prices.Stock now being closed out and today, _tomorrow and Thursdaywillbethelastchancetoat.Midsummer Millineryatmoderateprices. ~Business will©continue.July 1st but all MidsummerMillinerytobeclosed‘out‘in three days. Mrs.N.M.Keim, -é-PO)FORSALE,Sra Sacre terfaaran ty A.ANT! ae ng MRS.DR.MOORE, PAINLESS 100THEXTRACTOR, ~Will be in StonyPoint. beginning Thursday, goed HONY, May 23d,for several:days Taylorsville to follow. May 21. Guess Ri Durai.appears jn the ad;guessing contest .’ next Friday,24th... *To the first one clip- ping same and bring- ing to Gur office we will credit same as 50c¢,on a dollar purchase in - our stationery depart. ment.Statesville Printing Co. Cut Flowers connmencemt |] ;Any kind,arranged in any way,at any price. Send us the order and it shall have our best attention. It is our ‘business to please.te VAN LINDLEY 00., Florists, Greensboro,N.C. POLK GRAY DRUG C0., _Local Agents. the fonmer | inarea: Mayt=Ste ‘ina good bank means more | than:mere¢storing of money. De ENE aed iss -Always stand:well at,your, :bani keep your -engagements. ‘and.show your desire to be con-, sidered a man who ‘can be © trusted.WeAre all ‘pulling to- gether for’the common good,| and you may rest assured that .we will help you,through thick "and.thin,if you show you are on the square. "When you have ‘die y your banker that you can handle ” your bisiness and yourself sat--isfactorily it ‘also means that’ your créditis good for firfancial |- aid in your enterprise.<Itmeans,too,that,with your:-erédit good at your.bank,the °consequent reputation brings you in more trade;better.busi-ness bargains and increased so-cial and political prestige.’ Accounts of companiesand iidividuslawotielted.a ery facility given—c onsistent with conservative bapk-|ing. os First National Bank, STATESVILLE,N.CG. ait $100,000;Surplus and.Profits $32,000. |OFFICERS:- IRVIN,President._E.S.PEGRAM,Cashier.BROWN,Vice President.°JNO.W.GUY,AssistantCashier. J.C,GH ¢ .2 sates ~102 acres in Bethany.township,7 miles from Statesville.New two- story,6-room dwelling,two stock barns and outbuildings,fine:orch- ard;40 acres in cultivation,balance in woodland.Churches near, school houseon adjoiningplace,macadamized and ‘sand clay”road -within half mile of farm.:43-acre farm five miles south of Statesville,lying on both sides of the public road Two story,six-room dwelling,some outbuildingsinfaircondition;fine orchard,25 acres in cultivation,balancein tim-ber.One branch runningthrough.place,well located for truckinganddairyfarm.Four-room dwelling on Davie avenue,lot 98x325 feet.— Vacant lot 75x112 on Race street.A number of other city and suburban houses and lots and large .farms for sale.Good dividend paying stocksin corporations.For further information call on or writeERNESTG.GAITHER,-Statesville,N.C. wisrseanise STOCKS AND RE.ESTATE.OFFICE NO.1,.‘BUILDING. *PHONE Ed.Mellon Company Clothing,Shoes, Hats,Men’s Furnishings, Trunks,Leather Goods. Boys’and Children's Dept, Second Floor. The largest and best equippedClothingand.Furnishing Goods store‘in the\Carolinas.’ Whenin the City{make our store headquarters. 8&10 West Trade St., cee N.c. TRON Saal ForLadies! Twenty-five dozen Ladies’s Silk Hose 25c. pair.Same grade we sold last season.Fifty doz.Ladies’Lisle Hose,25c.value,choice 15c. One hundred Ladies’White Shirt Waists, $1.50 to$2.25 values,choice.©Q8c, Six Silki Dresses,$12.50 to $15.00 values, choice .$4 98 Twenty figured Lawn aud Gingham Drese- es,one-half price. Forty Black Voile and Panama’Skirts, mostly one-half price. Thirty Linon Tailored Suits that sold from _.. $4.00 to $6.50,Choice $1.50"the Skirt.ne i Are well worth the money.. & .One caseLadies’Taped “Vest,regular 10¢, value.Choice 74c.each. One hundred Trimmed Hats reduced.See -them.The style and price will oe you,. Very espe ae R THER.M.KNOX ae Sales Dayis the Hirst Mondayiineach month in Statesville,N.€.> itt OLD PAPERS,actQtoss (atsaettM,|10 cents the 100..Fine for <tr fa moke May‘My getsLANDwARE for the not over ‘NOTICE,WILL GIVE 40flouraad22ee.SaininexchangeforonebushelofiPAUaLiFprartneny.N.C.EllisMay7,1912,'s.B.W son,Proprietor. FOR BALE vey cee aeroAlsosomehouseholdeffects,MRs.KEIM. LL sell a fewBABY,CHICKS ~Waite PlymouthcorandBlackbabychicksat,26sforhaineta50for$15.«»Statesyhiley N y's L g Se n c o o s s o r e e Pe :o ey ativeAINE ns Their sipeetony is recognized all over the World _IN STOCK BY _CarolinaMotor Co.,Statesville,N.C. noted Ohey DMat Vastngln (an ie JUST RECEIVED. Glace Nuts: Black Walnut Creams. Chocolates and Bon Bons,assorted. 50C.THE POUND. THE STORE OF QUALITY Statesville Drug Co., PRESCRIPTIONISTS. 'like the fly, UBSDAY,.x = eet iene"|PROTECTION FROM MOSQUITOES i ‘his Rings That AreAllRight When you buy one offourRings you need not give ,°»yéOurself any trouble about the sets.If by any |chance the set should get loose and come out,just bring it in and a.new set will be put in-free of any... cost to you..We sell the famous W.W.We,Let us show you our line. A beautiful PICTURE suitable for Sremine will be given to every one making a cash purchase of $1.00ormore. R.H.RICKERT &SON,=,-—__Jewelers. @8GGOO6 60000006000068000 Good Melhods,Large Resouces. COURTEOUS TREATMENT. Ought to mean much to the man with a bank ac- count.If you have not yet opened an account with the COMMERCIAL we invite you to do so now. Capital $100,000.00_Surplus 28,000.00 Total Resources over 500,000.00 Four per cent..on time and Savings Deposits. Commercial National Bank, Statesville,N.C. M.K.STEELE,President.E.MORRISON,Vice President.D.M.AUSLEY,Cashier.G.E.HUGHEY,RaslebaneCashier. eonecccevecsececcecoooccesIFYOURFEET Give You Trouble Don’t Fail to Use£PAXTO FOOTPOWDER LET US SHOW YOU,ay25CENTS|Ws ERNE aemNER HALL’S DRUG STORE.3:4."PHONE NO:20. tin ponds, |pomauitoes that get into the hiouse jand Mrs.:Tillman. Jand Mt,A.AL ‘May 21,1912. Insect Pests ‘ThatatAreDangerous to Health—How to Fight:Them. ‘)Bulletin State Board of Health. Mosquito prospects are fing,this yeason—for the mosquito,All they need isa litthe more time,They willl do the rest.‘Wet weathier,with abundance of myater standing)about swamps,puddles,rain barrels,old.tin cans,bottiles,diish- es,roof spouting,ete.,furnishes ideal mosquito conditions,Add to this from’one |o two weeks of warm weather.and the result will be ‘marvelous.‘Thousands of quitoees willl appear as.if ‘by mag- fey 4‘Approximately.|5 50 <North)Caro- linians died:of iiabarte last ~year, and.several times..as’mamy,died “of other.diseases:becauge thein bodies were’in.such‘am ‘all run-down” Freon dition,’dine to.malaria’.aiid):.tite mosquito.‘bite,that they ‘contracted every.‘ather ‘iseage.tos which they were,at ally jiable.Fortunately the mosquito -is not ‘a’great ‘traveler,(He usually.re- sides’within from 100 to 500 feet Dlint nplace,Wenge may, he ia veny Therein lies our cue.Des breeding Places aroun,ur Hames and wé have.turned the trick.If, thie average’householi in .the city,would have removed afl his oldtin-cans,bottles,tubs,barrels,buck ets and other vesstls ‘con taiming)wa- ter,if he would examine his roof spouting andi ‘cellar to see that there is no’stale’-water,and if he wonldeithérfillordrain.all low.wet | holes,/his:mosquito,pests.would bedecreasedoverhalf:It “he Gain sueceediin getting ‘his’neighbors:on both)sides to do thle same ‘thin, he will have less tham .a.fourth of an average mosquito crop.If can get all the people in his block to abolish all their’mosquito-breed-| ing places and keep them abolished|for the summer,he wilk not have one mosquito where he had:tem last| year,.and when the entire town| ieatns .to.follow,suit,mosquiitoes) wilt-be fouhd only in the museums. neighbor,‘or he does notaboutmosquitoes,or does not care to know.Simply.abdlish,all of|your mosquitovbrecding places: both inside and outside the house screen the doors and windows:;with fine screen,not.less .than’..18 meshes to the inch,amd kill the Mosquitoes and flies ‘are easily stu- Piefied by burning pyrethrum or “in- bac poeden®Whem stupefied|they. may be easily swept:up.and .de- stroyed. cautions may be taken by having the beds screened with fine mos- quito netting.-The State Board of Health;at Raleigh, free pamphlet.on the mosquito andmalaria,which tells all about the Write for it. MATTERS OF NEWS. Hon.Levi’P.Morton,former] Vice President of the United States,celebrated his 88th birthday in Washington on the 16th. The fifty-seventh annual session of the Southerm Baptist Convention,which began,in,Oklahoma City last| week,was composed of 948°mes-| sengers from 17 States.Rev.Dri E.C.Dargan,of Macon,Ga.,was}re-elected)president. Middiletton,of Raleigh,N.C.. ~secretaryof the convention,~~~ The.Republicans of Louisiana cast} only 4,961 votes at the April elec-| tion:im that State.As this is iess| than the 10 ‘per cent.required by State law,the party officially es to exist im that Sfate.The on-| ly way that the names of the nomi-|nees can be placed on.the ticket in the futuré’is by petition,as has been the case’with!independent can-didates. The General Assembly of the Presbyteriam Chnuinch of the United| States of America,commonly known as the Northern Presbyterian!‘As- sembly,is in session at Ky.‘Rev.Dr:Mark Allligom Mat- thews,.of Seattle,Wash.,.-waselectedmoderatorHe.is a na- tive of Calhoun,Ga.,and held pas- torates in Georgia .and,Tennessee before removing,to Seattle im 1912. The wife of B.R.Tillman,Ur.,son of Senator Tillmam,of SouthCarolina;has.filed suit for divorce in Cincinnati.Some time ago thedomesticaffairsoftheTillmans’ were in the limelight..Mrs,Till- man brought suit for ‘the custody of her children;which;her husband had given to ‘his parents,Senator The court decid-Tillman’s ‘favor Senator anid his ed in critivised young Mrs. the son, Paid For Titanic. Liabilites.totaling)approximately $6,875,000 have been discharged by Insurance Loss of the the White Star Line.Tie costliest item in the cargo was.a consignment of rubber worth about $1€5,00°0. About $1,500,000 covers.the foss of personal effects -belongling:fo pals- Seng ens,shipment of,bonds.also be-ing included im the latter sum.. Mr.Shuford's Will, Hickory Democrat. ‘The Democrat understands thas Shuford in his will pro-vied that his estate is not to-be divided during the lifetime ‘of ~Mrs. Shiufomd:,and that hie namés ag ex- thie estate is worth:something Hike $300,000 and that life was about $56,9090.a “Had dyspepsia or indigestionyeas:No appetite,an what ideatdistressed“me a Mt eae terribl)Blood,Bitters reached .the facause,”Hi,Walkers,Sunbury:Ohfor * if he:said, ~)conditions as much as.possible:im} he}=— }Confederate |the > But.pe thaps you haye no nearby |Veaigh toknow|3 In.bed.rooms.further pre-; publishes a} pest'.and the disease he produces.| Prof.4.L. ceas-| Louisville,| underwriters and marine insurance regular Doan’s Kidney.Pills reg-ccmpanies as ¢sult -of >Ti+Rea aS Sea een ey ;te in ‘demain a seeur,of’the Te ailated,-the kidney action:and stop-Pd Ie :ped the pain,”~The insunrarice om the hull amount’t "i 1°Wontnn'vita ;For sale.by all dealers Priceri-$3,690,000,‘this risk .being 60 cents WoutonMilbure Ce teeveld.by the insurance concerns,|¢.Thins Hoch ie eentawhiletheremainderwasjhieldbyao,New Lone,BOLE cece cP If you have am of the haireonKca#ae Sate Pe sromblen meptioned above,,the},Menziesamd ;.G.ie os Fei,Geitmer.’”Tt “is.understood —that Statesville Drug Company.will guar insurance for Burdock i spightess. in.tard—Phth in.Pack- ing Houscs. J.W:Burrougitis,a ‘former eaeralmeatinspector,testifyimigy” fore*xa cong hessionall "lensewnn com.nittee as to conditions:he hadobesrved.in packing’houses in \Phil-adelphia anid.in Cumberland,Md., declared”Philadelphia.packers ulolate’‘the laiw by.refusing inspectors aceess to certajn parts.of their plants.He had been denied admi tance to the ‘‘sweet pickle”roo. of the William Morland &Sons’ plant,he said,and to the ‘dried beef’?room of Michener’s plant. .Describing his two.years’obser- vations.of packing house:conditions in Philadelphia,Burroughs referredto“land containing worms,scarap- ple made of bad’meat,hog car-. casses,that emitted an:awful stench and:‘revolting sanitary conditions.” He “deseribed packing house céndi-tions.in Philadelphia as “‘some-| thing awful. 'Burroughs ‘said that in the estab- lishment cof..Resch &-Company,in Worms holes a.foot in diameter inthe con-crete floor full of .oldi blood.dndmeat.being cut for ‘sausage within five:or six feet of the.pice *where| tuberoular cattle were being slaugh- tened:‘In -two-or three months, he im pmoved:the sanitary view of the age of the building. In themates plant.Burroughs said.he condemned.ten beeves whose con dition was “something awful”.Hewasoverruledbyhis.chief,Dr. Schaufler,and the beeves went in-. to bologna and'sausage.He:con-, demned.the practice of permitting meats to their branch)houses under | the government stamip.’De -légend ‘U.=S:inspectedaid:passed,’does not amount toanything,”said “Bumnroughs..ithasno‘value as a protecticni to the consumer if it is Placed on meat ‘as is done.under °the.present sys-tem.’’| Confede rate |Ourrenc y ‘For Washington Disspatch. cunrrelicy, Federal army ;War and which Librarids,| beized by|during thé civil has been stoned in the ‘anchives of the Treasury De. |partment for nearly,50 years,will ibe distnibuited by Sechetary -Mac-| libraries——State,"pubtia| and university——the country grat,ta’ bee presérved as of histori -inter- SIL.;A.Piatt Andrew,Assistant;Secre-}tary of the Treasury,has commur eT ated the Treasury's proposition toa! the most important and)representa-| tive libraries in each State.The} supply is not suffcient to send to} |every library. The yaults of the Tree sury:.hold| quite a big stock_of the currency)The notes:catne jinto.thepossession|ofthe Union army about tthe close | of the war and were turned over | to the Treasury im 1867. A Wilkes Man’s Trouble:S. Winston-Salem Journal,15th. After being amrestead here:yester- iday by Sheriff Fiymt on the charge |of abamdcming his wife amd.four |thiildiren im the mountains of Wilkessounty,Rev.Hart Barns,said to be ja Primitive Baptist preachier,totd |@ horrifying story of how his wife,| iwhio is now prose uting him,set a mob of ‘‘wiiitescappers’*on him in }the hieart of the Bile Ridge moumn- tains several months’ago and drove |him:away from home. And he added,‘‘Thiey me or send me to the for life;but I shall not io.wotmain .””’|The reverend gave bond for a §|nearing at Wilkesboro May /25__ may hang Penitentiarylive.with The barn of Chas.Lumsfordi,in jthe ‘vieinity of King,Stokes coun-| i ty,was burned last week with’a.Lot| of feed stuff,50.bags of guano and ja fihe bull,Loss estimated at about |$1,000 and no insurance.Fire be Ullieved-to be incendiary. FOR STATESVILLE PEOPLE. |State ‘Sville Citizens’Experienc- |es.Furnish Topic For States<| |ville Discussion.‘ The following experience’ocaur-| red im Statesville.-A Statesviillecitizenrelates.it. Similar -experientes are occur- rine daily..‘ Statesville people are being:re- lieved. Getting rid of ‘distreesing kid-wey ills. Try Doan’s Kidney Pills,the tested Quaker remedy. Statesville people testify,gai ville people profit.: The evidence is home ~—the proof convincing. Statesville Sen,is fully,given. Statesville sufferrers should heed evidence grate- it.Mrs.David Pearson;...West Endavenueand‘Fromt street,States- ville,N.Car.,gays:‘“‘l:have found Doanls,Kidmey Pills are just as ad- vertised andJ recomniend them,My back and head ached and there were paing over my kidneys,Mhe actionof my kidteys was also ir- the United States.Remember the name —Doan's— and take .no other. TELLS WOMEN HOW.TO HAVE|OHARMING HAIR., coarse hair is unneces- sary;pois faded,dull-lookim hair. Dandruff and scalp itch are both)caused -by an accumulation of R ougih - .Onn wey #.sn tyhadiand,distaste of the hair andscalp,and should be destroyed. antes PARISLAIN SAIGE to end ¢v- ery one éf them.or will.refund your money.PARISLAN SAGE is-adelight il hair dressing that is being used today by:.miany:thousands ‘of love- Philadelphia,in’1906,he had fold on inspected...packings....heus6s—to ship} -There.never was athirstthatCoca-Colacouldn’t satisfy.x(It goes;straight as-an are-Yow,to the dry spot.,=° “And besides.this so satisfies fo a T’the éall for something purely delicious and deliciously pure—and wholesome.[ De lieic ious ~_Refreshing Sa Thirst-Quenching rani the Genuine as made by |‘Ouse new booklet;tellirig of Coca-Cola- 19 vindication at Chattanooga,for oe ‘ 2 asking.J ee mq inmensiaciibass z REDIT AND CONFIDENCE Grows with ‘sciaindan relations,and whem once established with a strong bank,is additional working capital for a suc-cessful business Pur local experience with local conditions enables us to assist{you in the right way. Notice thd character «and ability.of the men who have charge of the bank;see that the officers are:experieticedbankersandthedirectorsareresponsiblebusiness.men. The bank should have ample capital,the larger the capitalthegreatertheprotectionforthedepositor.Alargesurpius and profit fund is dlso an/additional protec tion. ‘If there is anything about the banking business.you do not understand,eall and let us explain to you.We want you to make our bank your banking home. Merchants andjFarmers’Bank of aes | seurfy,filth amd cam easily be got-}) ten rid of. Dandruff germs cause falling dy:Americans.who.debest unéleam-aint bottle 50 cents. EMOVA SALE!) Foror forty -seven»dayss'we5 will offer our entire “gtock g "atgreeatly redreduced prices.This]:Stock includes — new Stieffs,new Shaws,new Bennett& Bretzs,new]Kohler &Campbells,and other ‘makes of new Pianos and many diferent makes o second hand Pianos that have been thoroughly repaired,refinished,ete.,in our shop.‘ All of these Pianos are excellent bargains.We _hope tojmove this stock rapidly andifif price’has’ any thing to do with the sale it willgoquickly. CHAS.M.STIEFF, 5 West Trade Street,Charlotte,N.C. STIEFF BULEDING,219 South Tryon Street,Oppo-site Academy of Music,after June Ist,1912. ioe We are expecting an thie shipment of the fa- mous Hackney Buggies.This Buggy has given perfect satisfaction and is guaranteed in every respect.: Also have Buggies and Surrey s of other makes. Spach.and Hacckhéy Wagons. GIVE.US A CALL. ,Vehicle.&Supply:Company. 116 East Broad Street. Hotel -Gladstone: /..,BLACK MOUNTAIN,.N,C. _THE IDEAL PLACE TO SPEND YOUR VACATION. 2,800 FEET ELEVATION. Free From Malaria and Mosquitos. “RATES $2.00 PER DAY...‘ Special Rates for Famijies and for Summer Visitors.Write. Projprietor, BLACK MOUNTAIN,a C.*WM.JRF.’DAVIS,May 10.—16t. THE COCA-COLA CO.,ATLANTA,GA, The Fountainof Purity “On the!Square.” Ik GraPRESCRIPTI ene.mh ‘The Po Onthe Sa dn Co pthertsophbePASTSNat o Re e TT SU T SO N | RE-ENFORCED“HAMMOCKS.THE KIND THAT LAST. “y Dri )yPlace Your Order s Compan: eehe P Ys "Phones 109 and.410. v |NOW FOR— ‘i) _We will put them up any time want- ed and will save you money. SEE |Statesville -Housefu R.O.DEITZ, Com and Oats. Car White Corn. Car,White Oats. Harper’s Prolific Seed Corn 740 bushels grown on 8 acres.High grade Flour —White Swann.Also cheaper grades,.and all kiuds feed stufl.See me before you buy. A.A.Colver JUST RECEIVED! Local Views,All New. t.| t Broad Street Methodist Church. Statesville Female College.© _Statesville Graded School. Mr.F.H.;Conger’s Residence. Long’s Sanatorium.’ Southern Passenger Station. Ask to see the Simplofiller Fountain Pen and Conklin’s Fountain Pen.These aretwo best self-filling pens on the market.Carry ‘a full line of Tablets,Inks and Pencils. PRINTING.BRADY,-‘The Printer. W.R.MILLS,’| Statesville,N.C. ; t } i } Fine Farm Lands arid City Property for Sale. | ,AGENT FOR HUPMOBILES. dai Be hy |JOHN GC.DYE,M.D. --EYE,EAR,NOSE AND THROATANDFITTING:GLASSES. Office in Mills Building. Office Hiurs 9 to 12 a.m.,2to5p.m ~ Phones:Office 458;Residence 42 “My Machine Shop Is complete and I am prepared to doanykindofrepairwork.;: ‘Engine and BoilerSWork {a Specialty. Also carrya full line of Steam Fit- tings up to 3 inches.\Injectors,Lu-'bricators,Oil:Caps and Jet Pumps, Pipe and Shafting..._..‘€H.TURNER,.Depot Street. 1s)'yee \75 ee e ee ae 1A Sat Sales Day is the first Monday in each month in Statesville,N.C. |Do You Want to Be Independent? | ‘Dealer in Machinery,|” rnishing Company. Manager BREAD,CAKES,BISCUIT,ROLLS,PASTRY, Everything that a good flour will make is best made.with City: Flour.‘Expert chefs;experienced bakers and the housewife who is eritical—all find CITY.FLOUR the one flour that is satisfactory ALWAYS.Ask your grocer forCITYBRAND.City Flour Milling Co.FOR SALE! Business lot. Seven-room desirable residence on Tradd street.‘Hot and cold water,bath,etc. Lots near Graded School. Small north Iredell farm. If you want.to buy sell or exchange ——SEE——; JOHN M.SHARPE,WS REAL ESTATE ‘€ If so,learn Shorthand and Typewriting by beginning a course immediately,whichistaughtatStatesville,N.C.If inter-ested and desire terms,etc ,write or.callonMRS.E,8S.JOHNSON,512 South Center Street,Feb.20.Statesville,N.C, iy TTOnMFORSERVICE. eee cre Jersey Bull.His grandsireL.&sold for $10,200 at eight months old.Bothhisgrand-dames have records of over 600 Ibs.butterina year.A BUTTER BRED BULL. Walnut Grove Farm, H.H.BLAYLOCK,Proprietor, Statesville,N.C.,R.F.D.No:2. ate ceeeeneceen aoe NOTICE TO CREDITORS. |Heéwving qualified as administratris of the estate of James H:-White,deceased,hereby notify,all:persons having claims against his estate to |present same to me.on or before the 12th day of April;1918.[howe in- 'debted to the estate are requested to make.prompt settlement.,. be Sas HATTIB IVEY WHITE,E Administratrix.ROB.McLaughlin,Att’y. April 12,1912.||NOTICE TO CREDITORS. 3 Yaying qualificd ps administratorioftheestateofAveryN.Sherrill,|deceased,I hereby ‘notify all per- sons having elaims against his es-ltate to present same to me '6n or\befone the 12th day of April,1913. F.A,SHERRILL,(administrator. R..B.MMoLaughiin,Att’y..PAUECRELLYeenar ICE BOXMay Woes HOT weather is here.Go to+-FRAZIER and getan Ice Box.‘ erat governinent controlling not only ‘|the'time and place but the manner of |floor of the Senate admitted that Con- |i | DMA :May SENATOR OVERMAN’S POSITION,FN SL emememe SeeFavorstheHectionof.Senators By: the People ‘But Opposed to.thie ’Amendment Which Gives the Fed _éral Government'Control.of thie Elections,Mi Hon.Lee S$.Overman:én News atid Observer. “t favored in:the judiciary commit- tee and in the Senate,the amendment providing for elections of Senators by the people.I was and am very much opposed to the Bristow amend- ment and voted againstit..Senators ‘represent the State and its sovereign- Raleigh ~‘V/am bitterly opposed to the ‘Fed- holding State elections.1 :was and‘am.opposed.to’.permitting.UnitedStatésmarshals,.supervisors,return-ing boards and perhaps the army ‘OftheUnitedStatesatthepollsduringourelections.Ree EA vs“‘T.remember the tribulations,the sorrows,the suffering,the horrors.and infamy of the years from 1867 to1893,when Federal election lawswereonourstatutebooks,until re- 1893.I voted for the bill as amend-ed believing,»and ‘notifying Senators,that my State,while favoring the elec-tion of'Senators by the:people,would: never ‘ratify it with the Bristowamendment.:a*“Senator Root and others upon the gress-would have the power under the Bristow amendment to annul the provisions of our election laws and the grandfather clauses as found intheconstitutionsofSouthern.States, and give it power to:make Federal laws to control elections in such amannerag‘to..insure to all persons the right to yote,and he meant to put the country on notice that that was the.meaning of the amendment. “Every Democratic Senator except. one voted against the Bristow amendment.I do not believe any Southe:State will adopt itas submitted .We cannot afford to take the chance of Federal control of our eleetion ‘of Sen- ators when in fimes of great political upheavals and sectional heat arid hate it may again bring sorrow and_trou-ble upon the people of,the South.’’ Figuring on eee Votes in _.the Presidential Contest.. Battitnore Gun How many ballots willbe cast in the presidenti&l election.of 1912?In 1888 there were 11,381,000.Cleve-land polled 5,538,233,while Harrison got but 5,440,216.:Though Cleveland ad/a plurality of 98,017 of the popu- lar vote,Harrison was elected,-re- RK| »|Highbee, pealed bya Democratic Congress in|’ School For ~ Warning.ue ing from Dr.“Wm.S.I president -of the Pennsyl- ‘vania State Board of Examiners of A “Fake The follow of the readers of The Landmark: ‘towns throughout “the country’“arefrequntlysolicitedtoinsert.readingadvertisementsfér..the Philadelphia School for Nurses,located at 2219 Hit poses asa’beneficentand charitableinstitutiontheseadvertisementsare inserted free of tharge.© State Board of Charities in a report states:p“Nothing to.be:seen worthreporting.No indication of lessonsor'instruction..“Your visitor cannotcommendthis‘institution;’’?and in alettersays:‘This last,places this in-stitution under the head‘of those.we condemn absolutely in our printedreport.”|”Sie ‘ein‘.It is advisable thatthe public.should’know that the young women whoénter.this school,as’pupils.are’.sent‘out after,havin had’the most meagre: tors,to nurse in private families for,money;80 per cent:of which is re-turned to the school treasury.:‘Theyreceivenobedsideinstruction‘nor’ ed and competént teachers.:The graduates of this school are notacceptedbytheAmericanNational corps of the army and navy;they arenotadmittedto‘the directory fornursesconnectedwiththeCollege.of recognizedby the Pennsylvania Stateboardofexaminersforregistrationof nurses::a aIhavegivenyouthisinformation for the reason that.poor ambitiousyoungwomen,attracted by the ad-vantages set forth in the free adver-tisements inserted in the noealloverthecountry,‘with great effort travel long distances to attend thisschool,iri the hope of becoming train- ed nurses,onlyto find after —— that:they are giving their time an work to an institution which does not educate and equip them for the pro- fession of nursing.In the interest of these young.wo- men of your locality I would ask that ou give this statement as much pub- icity as possible. Condemnation Proceedings A _Morganton Water Company., A private company owns the waterworksinMorgantonandthetown-hasinstituted-condemnation:proceedings against the company. and.also made excessive charges.The townrecentlyvoted4bondissuetocon- struct.water works but it was found that a town could not put in a system in competition to a private corpora- ceiving 233 electoral votes to Cleve- land’s 168.In 1892 thetotal was 12,-) 044,000,Cleveland polling 5,556,918;|Harrison,5,176,108..Gen..James B.| Weaver,the Populist candidate,had| 1,041,028 ballots cast for him that ear.The electoral vote was:Cleve- a 277;Harrison,145,and Weaver,| ‘The exciting campaign of 1896 brought out afull vote,McKinley poll-ing 7,104,779 to”Bryan’s 6,502,925,| getting a plurality of 601,854 and 271) electoral votes to Bryan’s 167.:In 1900 the total rosé to 13,965,000,“Mc-| Kinley and Roosevelt polling 7,207,-) 923 to Bryan’s 6,358,133,getting 292) electoral votes to Bryan’s 155..Roosevelt in 1904,when he ran for President ‘‘in his own right,’’receiv- ed 7,623,486,while Parker’s vote was: only .5,079,911—336 —electoral.votes for Roosevelt to 140 for Parker.Roosevelt’s plurality was the largest ever recorded—2,545,515.Yet Taft in 1908 actually polled 55,422 more votes than.Roosevelt did in.1904— 7,678,908...Bryan received6,409,104, Taft’s plurality being 1,269,804,.Taft got 321 electoral votes;Bryan,162. Eugene’V.Debs,the Socialist candi- date,is credited with 420,793. Government experts estimate that the total vote this year will reach 15,- 000,000,and may go beyond that vast number.In that case the candidate whogets a popular majority will have ‘to poll’more than 7,500,000.With 532 electoral votes this year,267 will be required to elect. Bee Swarm Settled on B.Huskey. Gaffney.S C.,special .to Char lotte Observer. B.Huskey,who lives a few ‘miles from the city,was the victim of a very strange’occurrence a few days ago which came-near costing him hislife.He was ina field plowing whenaswarmofbeessettledonhim.Mr. Husky tried to beat themoff,.which angered the whole swarm and they began to sting him all over.Heseiz- eda sack and covering his face and head rushed to the house,where he secured assistance and got the bees off,but by this time his whole bodywasswollenoutofallproportionby the numerous stings..Medical assist- ance was.summoned and Mr.Hus- key’s condition was quite serious forawhile,but he has recovered Mr.Huskey has always been known overthecountyas‘“‘Bee’’Huskey and there is now little possibility of hiseverbeingdbletogetridofthename.:See It would surprise you to know of thetreatgoodthat’is being’done -by,Chamberlain’s.Tablets,Darius Downey,of.Newberg Junction,-N.‘B.,.writes,“My wife has been using Chamberiain’sTabletsandfindsthemveryeffectualanddoingherlotsofgood.”If youhaveanytroublewithyourstomachorbowelsgivethema‘trial.For sale byalldealers.‘ Theréi never was a time wher peopleappreciatedtherealmeritsofCham-berlain’s Cough Remedy more than now.This is shown by the increase in.salesrand.voluntaty testimonials from personswhohavebeencured.by.it..-If you or‘your children are troubled:with a cough tion,so a condemnation suit to at the water works plants was started. Commissioners were appointed to as- sess the valueof ‘the present plantandthetakingoftestimonyhasbeencom-|! pleted.A report will be made later. Boston is to have ahospital for ‘‘the |! blues,’’the first of the kind in theworld.The institution will be a branch of the Boston State hospital for the insane-and will be conducted|! on the theory that all cases of mental || depression are simply forms of phys- ical weakness,which can bealleviated by proper treatment. Clergy ‘and Religious Press endorseMILAMReconstructive tonic and bloodrenovator We,the undersigned,hereby certify that we have taken Milam with very benefi- cial results.Believing it to be a valuable remedy,we authorize the publication of our endorsement. Rey.J.Cleveland Hall,Rector of Church of the Epiphany,Danville,Va. Rev.R.L,McNair,Pastor Presbyterian Church,Charlotte C,H.,Va.Rev.J.C.Holland,Pastor Keen Street Baptist Church,Danville,Va.Rev.H.Di Guerrant,Methodist Minister. Rey:D;P.Tate,Methodist 4 finister. Danville,Va. “The Methodist” )endorses Milam: The endorsementof ‘‘The Methodist”isnottobehadbyanythingofdoubtfulmer- it,but this paper stands ready to lend its influence for that which it believes will tend to the betterment of humanity,spiritually, morally,materially or physically.‘ hen such men as Revs.D..P.Tate,Horace D,Guerrant and others of like high character give their unqualified endorse-ment to the physical benefits derived from the remedy.advertised on the last page of to our~téaders.—E.G.Mosely,in’‘The Methodist’?for September. “The Baptist’?Endorses hel ‘Milam.* Milam is the name of a great medicine now be-ing manufactured in Danville,and from the tes:timonials of some offour best citizens we cansafelyrecommenditfoourfriendswhoaresuf-fering with any of the diseases.it proposes tocure.The men.at tha head of the company man-ufacturing this medicine can be relied on.—Rey.J.E.Hicks,in the Baptist Union.on -Ask your druggist or write - :for booklet “8 or oe give it a trial and become ac-quainted racy,Sites:oee qualities.Forsale.by rdealers,i The lag Medien. Trained Nurses,.may:interest some| Thé ‘newspapers .of .the smaller. Chestnut street,Philadelphia,and as, The ‘visitor of the Pennsylvania} instruction from incompetent instruc-} are they under the direction of skill- Red Cross Society,nor the nursing} Physicians,Philadelphia;nor are-they/ It is alleged}, that the water company had failed to}; rgive satisfactory service Danville,Va.| of this paper,we feel safe in commending it |; 0 tr The Shocs Sold at This Store Fit |i : -—both your feet and your pocketbdok —and they are a splendid “double fit.” All the latest styles at-the lowest prices,We show you the latest first. Comfort,elegancéand ease are the ~,principles on which we solicit your custom—and retain it.Come in now for that new pair and convince yourself.© S.M.&H.Shoe Co. John Ueere Pivot Axle Cultivator.” oie : The ahoyt-¢u‘shows our new Pivot Axle Cultivator.We havesoldover$kg hundred of these labor-saving machines to good far- mers of this county,and those who use this improved Pivot Axle Cultivator (which is an improvement over all other Cultivators),reduces the Gost of making the first crop more than we ask for our Cultivator.If you are in the market-for any kind of the latest im- proved farm implements,you will save time and money to come direct to us,as we handle nothing but the very best at the very lowest price,quality considered.We handle ,no implement thatwecannotgetrepairsforpromptly.: | I Statesville Hardware &Harness Company. ea d \,“yThePlanet,:Jr.,N ivatePlanet,Jr.,No.76 Cultivator Is a machine without a rival in popularity and usefulness.The arch is high,the frames and tongues aii steei,,and the change im width of wheeis is alithatcouldbedesired.The gangs are adjustable in depth,to.throw to and from the row.The draft is arranged to insure satisfactory work.The.,pivot 14.spoke wheels act iustantly and make guiding a pleasure.‘The seat. is large and comfortable..The central lever operates hinge tongue to regw-late-depth of front teeth and level the machine.aeTocultivateyourcropssuccessfullyyouwillneedaPlanet,Jr.,Ridin|Cultivator..Conie in and look it‘over..Terms to suit purchaser. |Lazenby-Montgomery Hard ware Co; pe‘ ‘Sale Price ‘Sale Price Sale Now On. ‘Did ou et our share:of ‘those bare.if E y “You have’until-‘Saturday|| ~night to sharein the biggest’bargain carnival »everJehu?)in these parts.: -if not,why.not? cis a F ew More Days. This.great.price "splitting sale positiyely_ ends SATURDAY...Follow.the crowd to the :|greatest.sale iin the’history of Statesville.dae| ~Sale”Now On.“Ends ‘Saturday Night. Mens Underwear. Summer weight Shirts and Drawers. -Men’s Pants. All WoolPants.Regular price. $1.482.50 Men’s Hose. Plain Black,10c.kind.Sale Price 5c. Ladies’Hose. The 10c.Stockings.Sale Price +5c. 19c. -Petcales. Light and dark,1 yar wide. Sold at 12c.Sale Price.1:2e, Ladies’Vests. Gauze Vests,tape neck.The 10c.kind.°Sale Price 5e. Shirt Waists. Full line new spring goods,feu:| ey embroidered,$1-50 value.| Sale Price 98c. Corsets. ‘‘American Beauty’’and J.C. C.Always sold at $1 00._719e. THURSDAY ‘isRemnant Day. ‘Shoes. Men’s good,heavy all.leather Working Shoes.Sold regu- |_Jarat $2 00.. Sale Price $1.29 Men’s Oxfords and high Shoes, ’Patent,Gun Metal andj Tan. Sold up to $3.00. Sale Price . ~THURSDAY is s Remnant Day. Men’s Vici,Gun Metal,Patent Leather,and Tan Oxfords and Shoes.:Sold at.$4 00. Sale Price $1.98 Children’s Slippersand Oxfords, Dongola Kid and Patent Leathers,The $1 25.kind. Sale Price 49c. $1.69 Sale Price . Sale Price. Ge. Another lot Children’s Oxfords and Slippers,.6 to2:all leath-“ers,sold up to’$1.775.To go.Sale Price 69c. About 88:pair Ladies’Dongola Kid Oxfords,that sold at $1.50 to $1 75. Ladies’Oxfords’and Pampa, Tan,Patent Leather and ye that sold from $2 50 to $3$1.69 | Ladies’Oxfords and Pumps.A special lot that sold ag high “as $4 00,all leathers. 98c, |Sale Price Sale Price’.$1.98:° Statesville,- Z Poston-ONLY A FEW DAYS MORE. asson Company.»S _Look For Big Red one N orth Garolina.| “ul See ar Me n e m | We t e m e e r e n e Te om r e t Upper Fairmount,Md.,Dec.2 1,1908. I have sold for about six years Cre 'and am glad to althas given entire satisfaction in every in- stance.©Yours truly, GEO.A.COX: FOR SALE BY-—— Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware Co,, Statesville,N.C. =CUFF LINKS !jaa That’s what you need,Ladies and Gentlemen.I ha nice selection,all prices,from 30c.up to the best SolidGold_ones.P,S.WHAT IS SOUTH BEND FOR?H.B.a - Jeweler. AN UP-TO-DATEBOOKKEEPER@ insists on gobd stationery and _office supplies. for with them the work goes better and quicker. commercial stationery is the bést and most complete in this community..We shall be glad to have you test it and our mod- erate prices,whether you needanythingfromafewpenstoa Rightly,too, Our line of et set of new books. 4 ms @ii~~May 14,1K,ale.George Springs Avastin.Miss,&Seer Blackmon,Wm;*R.Bradley,WwW.ca BOOK AND)STATIONERY §STORE.-Receatents sesenesee sosese! TUESDAY,—-—May 21,1912.|§ LN Tired of Being Lied About,Says| The President. Toledo,Ohio,Dispatch,17th. |“I’ve gottired of being lied aboutjandhelduptothecountryashaving! |violated every rule of conduct,when| |am not conscious that U have violat- y;ed-any!’shoutedPresident Tafthere}-itonight in a speech to.a crowd that filled every available seatand blockedtheaislesoftheToledoauditorium.Mr.Taft's speech was one of the jmost bitter since he began to answer the charges of Colonel Roosevelt. The President bluntly charged that Walter Brown,of Toledo,one of the Roosevelt leaders here,had ceased tobeaTaftsupporter-because the Pres- ident refused to accept his recommen-dation for judicial appointments.He declared that the opposition to him of Dan Hanna,of.Cleveland,another Roosevelt leader,came as 4 conse-quence of indictments against Mr.|Hanna by the Taft Departmentof Jus-|tice. Mr.Taft’s appeals to the crowds for a square deal and his:attacks on Mr.Roosevelt were cheered in em-phatic fashion. The President launched immediate-\ly into accusations of unfairness upon| the part of his predecessor.‘The memory of the names Mr.Roosevelt| <\has called me,’’said’the President,| '‘still lingers in my ears.:Since the |time he began his personal attacks on me,he has used all the epithets he ‘could think*of and all the namesin the calendar such as no President has ev- .er been subjected to by a man who‘had two terms in the office. |“It little lies in Mr.Roosevelt’smouthtosaythatIamtiedupwith the interests when the evidence that has been brought outin the Harvester and Steel trust cases,and also rightinOhio,shows where he-stands.”’ Social. Mrs.I.M:Gordon’entereained the Twice Six Embroidery club and a few guests,Thursday afternoon, at her home on Kelly street._Out-of- town guests present were Mrs...Fred Y.Long,of.Catawba,and Mrs.B.C. Griffin,of Marshville.While the la- dies were about their fancy worktheywereentertained‘by seyeral ianoselecti ng rendered by Mrs.B..Sronce,~tce cream and c&ke wereserved. i ‘When,baby suffers with eczema _or.+eee ALChibe bhi thOUbles-use.dv0en'sOintment.A,little of it goes a.longwayanditissafeforchildren;se aboxatallstores, Advertised Letters, Followingis a list of letters remainin if thepostofficeatoale,if C.,for the week end- wekins,WilliamsHolmes,Frank Houpe,vihak Moore,Hamilton Overcash,Miss,BerthaSherrill,WwW.SySimmons,one Tomlin./ eefororeOf theabovewillplpasePersonscalcallfor."‘adve: THE LANDMARK(|| counties,held another convention) STATE NEWS.°. The heinous crime of -WilbernSnyder;who.was killed in Watau- g@a county.a few days ago,is mentioned én another columw of}! The Landmark.That report says!the men who killed him,although| named Snyder,were not related to} ihim,The Boone Democrat says} the men were his sons.Theystot | him death when he fired.on them, after refusing to surrender. ‘Marian Butler amd Judge sks] son.were elected delegates to the national Rpubitican,conwvnention,by| -he third district congressional :comventionatGoldsboro.Delegates from Carteret county,who were un-seated,with additions from other and,elected J.I.Mazengo,of Wayne, and A..W.Willson,of Carteret.The iatter aré uninstructed,but swppos- ed to be for Taft. Lincoln,Moore.colored porter at union passenger station im Winsiton, was shot and killed im the baggage| room by J.A.Wall,assistant bag-| gage’master,Friday morming.Thecoroner’s jury decided that the shooting was accidemtal.Wall was in the -act of piittitig’an old pistol in a desk.drawer when it;fired. Moore was Bitting on a stool a few feet away and the ball struck him in the back,killing him almost,in- stantly., A.second Republican convention of the -fourth comgressional —diis- trict was held in Raleigh Jast|week and nominated J.F.Matthews, |of Franklin,for Congress,T.T. |Hicks,»of Vance,for presidentialelectorandnamedJ.C.L.Harris, of Wake,and J.C.Matthews,—of Nash,delegates to.the COthiiegzo.con- venition,.This makes two Republi- can nominees for Congress in:the fourth and two sets of.eetoChicago: Wettest Town in the Country. Winthrop,Mo.,said tobe the ‘‘wet- test’’town of its size.in the country,is to be limitedin the number of sa-loons. The town has 83 inhabitants,includ-ing women and children,and thecbuntycourthasjustissuedlicense for four additional saloons.Winthrop now has six saloons arid six wholesaleliquorhouses.The members:of the county court declare they willissue nomoresaloonlicense.Winthrop isjustoppositéAtchison,Kan.,where there are no saloons.‘A brid ge con-nects the towns and at nightisSnearly always crowded with co going to|| Missouri to get a drin | Paint (and ‘Paint.’ Paint itself costs $2.19 per gallori—but|,remember that Linseod Oil costs only| $1.00 per gallon,and that'‘‘Paint’’ready|for.use consists of ¢parts Paint and|2 parts Oll..Conseyuently i is.plainthatyoushouldbuyPaintandOilsep-|arately—mix them vourself—and so move45.cents per gallon Thetefork buy .L.|M,.Paint (prepared in,.semi-pasteform),mix three quarts of Oil te each[one gallon lL.&M,end make 1%gal-lons of paint ready for use,at $1.65 a4gallon..:Call.on Statesville NO and Hare DEWEY.Ls RAYMER,P;=‘(ness Co.,Statesville;N XN The White Company. 104 West Broad Strect “Cometo us for all the new ress |‘Materials shown for this season’s wear. You will find our assortment to select from large and the patterns beautiful, dainticst tothe more substantial We have themin all the new weaves,color- comprising from the fabrics worn this season. ings,ete.We want your trade. We are showing the goods at prices that will’'surprise you in all lines. See us for all Ready-to-Wears in Ladies’,Misses’and Children’s. We are showing many exclusive things throughout thig@epartment. Always something new. Shoes,Oxford Ties,Pumps and, Sandals for.everyhody,in all styles,25c.to $6.00 per pair. Make our store.your-place for trading.We will please you;we will ssave you monéy. “THE WHITE co. ‘PHONE 101.. SalesDay:is the firstMonday iineach monthin Statesville,N.C. =“"STATESVILLE,N.0,FRIDAY,MAY 24,1912, .RUSSELL GOT OFE.,LIGHT.SUIT AGAINST A COTTON MILL.)FINALS AT THE GRADED SCHOOL|CLOSE OF SCOTT'S HIGH SCHOOI|YORK INSTITUTE COMMUNITY; Slayer vot ‘June:Summers Plead|Cotton Future Oantract Involved-——|The Class.Exercises Tuesday Eve-Addresg By Mr.Kluttz—Class Ew Main Work.‘Church News,.Mar-—Cotton fold)for 11.90 tw States. Guilty to Manslaughter and.Was!;Mr.*Chas,Watts Dead in Colo-|.An:ES Declamations,Ete.,| ercises,Etc.—Secial and Other riages and Other Neighborhood)yille yesterday.‘ BRIEF ITEMS OF LOCAL NEWS.— &Sentenced to Five Months on thd)aadp—New.Presbyterian Churchi)..By .Olass presentatives—Pre-|News of Lonay.;;-News,<<it ol geod “old summer ties seme" a 7 rt.Adjourned Yesjer|‘Taylorsvilla News...:;.sentation of Diplomas..©.Correspondence.of ‘The,Landmark.:Gorrespondence of The ‘Landmark.-‘to have come at Jast.|SU Sane |day—Cases.Disposed Of—Grand Correspondence of The Liidmark.’‘Always ‘most interesting!of the!Loray,.May 22—The commence-|York Institute;May 22—-Beauti-Me A CAY Miller ‘reponta new's Report.Me |Taylonsville,May:32-—Mre.James commencements are’the exercises by|Ment.exercises .of Scott's High|ful weather and:the farmers,are|ish.potat on”ii‘besiad Court aticuenen yeotee Watts teqaived a Lelegiaim Wedaew-the:aauatae ESN and it was|S00!were wellvattended and muchymaking up tor lost time.Tobacco Oar Wonnea are a en t Pee ns 1,Monday,when the.trial day morning advising her of ©the buss that,everm pabicae (Umorcd.Mhe otatorof the occasion,land is about’all ready for toe)re ag imued yesterday:tie.day until,Monday,wh Ma me ee:re not surprising that every ble air Wii .Kiuttz,of Balisbury,|plants:-The wheat crap is not-8o |~License was baued yesterday fom‘iwi docket will,begin.“It }death of “her brother-in-jaw,.Mr.‘aliens Mr.Whitehead Kjutta,of Salisbury,|plant ep in (the iarrlage of J:‘Albert Phelpa ~1 Rinatepecte tet the’cane against |Oharies Watts,‘Tuesiay.evening at sat was taken at.the faded |ihade an expellent ‘address,Mfr.|kodae it was thought to be im /the arrlageof J)Atbert Puelme1sSeee‘Russell,’for murder,would’)his hiome in Rollinsville,Co}:Mr,‘schiool Tuesday evening by the ‘hun-|:Pou isa -manjof charming:per-)the early spring.0 si mete Sf cr ee cree Rea IS é A aefeiemote"time:and the.civil |Wettig was,son of the late Reur |#reds anxious to hear ‘the ‘elaey ex-|S0DAlIty and —wgagant manmer and),Mrs.Plummer Laskey,of Hidden)——~ae ea ee a eei,@ocket ‘was wet to begin...Monday.|beh Watts amd was reared in this|erciges,whiclt were very:creditable |{)#few mithttes atter her began’ite,who Andgrwent An er Ming |tora he ap tities".By'@ submission inthe Russell case |county.”Hé moved -West about 25|and cntertaining as well.‘The |SPewklje he ied centres ee ieee Me Oe ee eee enn ke ue C08 aheeOreatae?eA Ta thera Biman 5 witht ‘their (Leerts.of his listeners.»His ad-jalon aly,Te ott nthe businesscenter.9k eee,—ae a Teceaded wan iitue 42 para“old eeeme ae eel pon a Gréss was interesting,hwmorous and|Six persons were baptized at},—Maderilla,’“the.©Turk,and °« “.¢The most important case on the |atd:is survived by his wife,his|ens who took part:in-the exencises,to the point,delivered with eape nat ‘Spring Jast pacer day rps Frantz,~the Du tehman,will:éon-i cae .‘TACe ai f Ya |‘ernoon,.They are preparin nice :;ios “matedocket.was that of Walter Russell,|mother,Mrs.Candacé Watts,two.oceupied the:spacious.rostrum,eo ae ie aie cates Lan Ca ae iba ‘nee ante Yh be:test .in.oe mateh,who killed.June Gummers in |sisters,Mre.Smith Barnes and Mrs.|which’was decorated in the class enoyable et,/os <o la great convenience to the ¢hurch.at Statesville theatre tonight.eekOlin‘towndhip™last.October.Rus |L.D.Robinette,and five brothers,|colors.,ted and black,amd to Bee)”Time atternoon there was a fe-|Mr.Lester Queery,and Migs Les-|_.——A publile meeting:in the inter-”gel was indicted)for murder at the |Messrs.A.L.Watts,Stony.Point,|that company of 22 young people BO beiters’contest by.six’girls,The|sie Héndren were married last Sab-/*8t of the Junior Order:will:be last term of caurt.Wednesday af-’|James Watts and G.W,Watts,|/happy in realization that they,hBd:prize ‘was ghveas to Miss Basie |bath moriing.at the residenceof held.in the hall over Eyamnd"store,-'-bernoon his counsel offered a plea|Taylosville,Rev.J,W.Watts,Lile-|finished thein-course in an excellent Smith.Then came the graduating the officiating minister,Rev.J.(P.|Om Western avenue,next Tuesday —of guilty of manslaughter,which |doun,and Smithy Watts,all of this |sdhool,was an inspiration to theyre Th at toright boys|Gwaltney.-Mrs,,Queéery is the ;Dight.:°*aa ce,'was accepted.A strong plea wag|county.Mr.James Watts,who|audience,which)made at ee Dod pate..wen compose.the class |daughter of Mr.’and Mrs.J..P.|—Dr.Philip;6,Baaléy has.to\~made for Russell onthe ground that left Monday morning for Rollins-with them.EMY.the viable al ibe are:Misses Willand’Vickery,Lil-|Hendren,of Mt.Pisgah.-and Mr.|¢ated jn Statesville for the practice -__the killing was really ‘in’..xelf-de~ville,“will not reach ‘there.beforepo arnt es ~,jasses |Man Bagwell,Carrie Efiott,Cleora Queery is the son of Mr.James |of medicine.(He is located at.“the i ee u i Oa.Ww.D.Taner d ies pkgs Seaplane “The exer.|Harris,Lizzie:Hunter,precy wes Qucery,sg 0 Wig gabe elt abril vieibk nt ey eee pie awa uc‘months on the chain gang,essrs.|)Ate viet at rt oe eae ial >Bin of.)Blanche:Guy;Messrs.Harlee Mor-}“rs..a ;ag.:"f aH.P..Grier and Z.V.Long,of }ographer,Miss Marvin,of States-Be dinmees eee Tier rison,.Marvin White,,Paul White |Sick.Mrs.Jo.Bamnes,who under-|store.Dr.Easley is @ Virginian,Scar ke,a0 BB.a oe Cees adbchicnt ts Ween”tbr er.C.B.Rayonl..‘mem ese ‘Tenrell Heer be ipliow-|aol au cosratienst Line Aeonto:|Por the nest{Our Yoarehees lerTaylorsville,aippeaned for Russet ee ee et he case (Of |class representatives were heand. |/D&members.of the.claes read es |7OU ,i Heed.omwhileMessrs.L.C.Caldwell and |Springs &Co.,New York,va.Tay-|°ST,Wer)bese"was foreibly|S4Ys:“Value of Good Health,”,Car-,ene s Aaea Aldo.tesa baveite ni oemc advertising.billR.T.Weatherman:appeared:with jloreville Cotton Mill.The suit was discussed’and earnestly,-adivocated rié Elliott;“Some Inventions and}Little Miss Nora Allen has inyit-board of public bridges is a danger- Solicitor Hammer for the prosecu-|brought against theTaylorsyille Cot-by Julian Knox.:Morrison.Miss|Discoveries of THis Century,”Lil-|@@ several of her friends to help |ous thing,’‘observes :a citizen,tion.~eX -.(ton ‘Mill on a cptton future delfv-|Florence Alexander.read an eseay|Man Bagwell;“Compulsory,Bduca-celebrate her birthday next Satur “Some days ago Bome young ladiesThekillingoccurredattileblack-|@ry contract madé by Mr.H:-M.|entitled,‘tt is [Day-Break Hwery-|tion,”Marvin Wihite;..‘Sabbath eee Baxter Miller,of Hontere:(oo,averted:Serious fnury amsmithshopofMr.Jas,-Church;in |Wilson while he was superintend-|where,”in.which tha present was|Desecration,”Cleora Harris;‘‘Beau-il ie r wor.oe oo |a result of their horse ‘taking fright reneheaftergoomof[ent of the mill,which the company |.uned with the past s -was |tifying Scott’s’Harlee Morrison;|Viule,spent several days with)her/at some advertising:signs’on a ‘Olin township,om the afterg ft |i mpe compured with;the past and it “)£.parents,Mr.and Mrs.R..D.Lack publ onOctober10th,Russell,Summers |Teiused to pay.Depositions were lshown that we are’entering an ena |"The Farm-——Tbe *Place |Whene)DUTM GT."cide Mays ‘is visitin TP nONe Prien oar Cw-and other young men who worked |ta@ken before.Mr.A..©,.Payne.|which is the best the world haw ever Mev Are Grown,”’Willard Vickery.Salatione :aid teande in ‘Tayld e =-The Roosevelt enthusiasts in“at a nearby:saw mill’were at the |The case will be tried in New York |.known..Harry Hoyle Abernathy|These -were interesting,showing tile sate pete friends in Taylort|scche.sections.wear exall hate on |shop and were.pulling ‘square|The building committee’of the|gave evidence that we make oun)@bility'and talent...Tha halen erator at |their coat lapels,the band of the:thee!”for amusement.©Russell -and Presbyterian church,Messrs.W..B:|lives what they.are,im his dis-},The certificates of graduation,the Shatpe’s Goan Saar decided to pat bearing the famous RooseveltSummers.fell out ang cursed each |Matheson,’J.H.Burke,J.N.Smith,|cussion of the subject,‘‘We Find jsymbols of efficiency,were then shanks aa Senkisaon Hereafter atterance,‘My hatie im the ring.’*other.Summers seized a piece of H.P.Feimster and “H.T.Kelly,|What We Look For.”In ner rectta-|Placed in’the hands of the gradu-|(Panes|he only.one.party .[Mr.-T.M.Dale te the proud owner:.-dron pipe and Russell.a piece of ave bought the Long lot for $400 \tiom of!‘‘The Jiner,”Misg Rosa-jates,by Mr.A.C.Shernill,.the The young people of Stony Point Of the”first of -thesa Rooseveltwagontongue:Russelb got in the 20d’the new church wilt be built|mond Clark gave a tine impensona-jprincipal of the ‘sehool.These)7),ao sthaag diag badges seen in Statesvilleoe’’+’:.os ae ,.ass eaters picnic at Sulphur Spring next .«‘first lick and crushed Summers,|there.Work will be begun soon.tion of a divorce-seeking woman af-}young people are to be gongratu Sat ‘|.—Th hid§rf ae ,.aa See ba eo ho *iim-|ieted and:—their-mamy frienda wish'|54turday.fe rear coaches of westbound@kull;so that he died next moro-(Mrs.H.C.Payne delightfully en-flicted sans hii egy ee |run henpat ig ~~ee ar Mies Mattie Deal,of Charlotte,passenger traim No:11 werederailed :fing.Russell escaped and the first nese ee ee —WwW om ae a on a ee am success im @ ne un *-lspoat'etéw days ‘with Mrs.Herbert near Nebostaticn,in the mountaine; f }tne renee te Te Saay al ‘]é,ai A e L wil -o .I Be ;;ac :aise ,\um i aotPeperforwerdenyhenoeoaherfather,Mr:W.a ae toceiennt*essay,“The Pass:ng,.of -the Old-|‘The exercises at night cinsisted of |ae weak.i ed cet |Wednesday,capa eee sepiaSeaeeereahaMe'|Time Fire Place,”Miss .Corimné|plays,drills and pantomines.’“Tom|.“I!.J.T.Sharpe has.a new tel-|resulted.’The derailment wasE.A.McDaniel,a relative,near ey a Mala street.MemMemes A.Morrison so.beautifully pictured the }Thumb’s uwedding,”bi the primary |@Phone and is ready.to,talk to his caused by the rails “bucking”un-__Woodleaf,Rowan’-county.._.He:wee eae al the See Were|ia -coitatak home with tw 3et@e tdepartaéat,was eapectally good.|fiends.;:{der the heat-of the sun.The track:2broughttoStatesvilleandhasaevidinarakMccdetreg,S place,that’one almost wished |The litt!-wedding.party presented|Uncle Frank Privette Dead—Con-|¥@S blocked about five hours."been in ‘jail since then.Russell |Painty refreshments were served.y :ee RSrdls.:eaia bi tht é ne ;seatin |Misses Ruby Deal,Lillian Math that he’had lived in the old days./a pretty sceie.The bride,_little federate Veteran,Good Man,|~The price of paper—all gradesaectaedtosurrendenoe|geo ind:Mahe Cooper:stide um |lhe Man That Does Things’?wa8/Miss Eula Bailey,and her attend-|Corresvondence of The Landmark.(Of paper used:in job printing-—haa.°..-as oe Beeb money enough to lat tha.State Nonnat Collese.G oS)out,in a well prepared and excek fants -wore en-train dresses and car-Jennings,R-2,May 22—Yesterday taken a sudden rise recently,some aE|-a lawyers.~tee Wee hidne tor then eae lently delivered addres,the way Of/ried Marchal Niel roses.The|at 9 o'clodk there passed from @T@des advancing as much as 10 -ollowing is .the lis)of cases ,€'\the subect of the declamation by'|gtoom,Master Henry Morrison,and améng us one of our best Gitizens per cent.Dealers are withdrawingdisposedof:|Yaeation.Mrs.W.B.Matheson is|preq H Deaton,who pointed WWGeo.McHenry,assault with dead-|Visiting her son.Mr.W.L.Mathe-|succes foc the vom wamk ce a ee wore full dress)john Franklin Privette.He was *!!quotations to advaneg the price:i :;,and job printers are finding itlyweapon;plead guilty;three On,near Mooresville.‘day.|a ful born in IredeM county October 31,ae ..months on the roads.In a second |Mr.and Mre.Chas.M.Fulp,who The class gift,a lange Northi Can,ee -~op tng Bae school,1341,moved to Wilkes county with for peas be thew thee dla princeandsimilarcaseagainstthede{were married in Charlotte Monday,}otina flag:was presented tm wel year the echool grows larg-his parents in 1847,where he has datasfendantasimijarsentencewasim-|came home Wednesday.Mr.Fwlp|chcsen words by Miss Katie Lee A ehntaer atk ty ile we since lived.He was a sufferer|—The Norfolk Virginian-Pilot ofdosed,this to begin atthe expina-|returned (o Statesville this morn-|Somers and the formal acceptance!know the people of this community from chronic Bright's disease and /Tecent date contains a cut of Aldju-tion of the first pentence.jing and Mrs.Fulp will remain a/for the school by little Mabell Prese-|aire interested in’the great cause of for the past few months his suffer-|tant General R.L..Leinster,of theHubMecLelland,assault with|few weeks before maving to States-|ly,of the axth grade,was.well :&‘ing has beem intense.|North Carotina National Guard.deadly weapon,plead guilty;sixty|ville :ae 2 stutin ean ans oa he ge ara education and wish to make trained |:“Unele Frank,"’as everybody,call-/The.adjutant general,who is a days on the:Toads.in a 6econd|a Saaphees by oaks‘Daley Ruth Led-lane and women.out of thelr boys ed him,was a soldter ca /the war Statesville man and probat lly the Soecaseagainstthedefendant4term|The County Convention Tomorrrow.better,who gaveavivid!and intercet-|“Biris oS eae beeti iad the the Sixties arid)was twice wound-finest looking military man in the.;of 30 days was imposed |.The Demooratiio county convention|ing picture of the future of her class-vimana “Willir Weekere neaainy badly.Im ‘he battle of the State,was in command of the Na-‘oo Bell,carrying conceal-|will meet at the court house to-|mates as seen ten.years hence aftertioon ps4 little folks spent |Wiidarness -be was shot.dewn Dy |en oe training camp for :Feapon;1 a 'd :Y wh a Visionary ae ‘i ,:?mse fi /of.*onemy |office::y *oe ae7"Jeu Boies poralhe plead guil-ies acinar a nidida through a visionary aeroplane triP|the ‘time in making missionary |“He first vclley from the*cuemy and me repently held i Raleleh,-:Ve ault;ples {;e candidates and/over the country.|\bodks ard the evening was a pleas-lay in.the hot July sun until.the —Tihe county superintendent -ofty;fined $10 and cost the county superintendent of sdhools}The entine ches ptogramme was atk defor sah Hitle guest ,afternoon.Hé wou'd ‘have died schools fs selected for the job a:Sherley Harris,larceny;plead |were named last Saturday;there is executed in a manner reflecting |Paintin gareiney at.Amity |ffom the effects of his wound and ong time before he gets ft.Im theie;Aarne Aang —re the roads.(no opposition to the.county offi-|cred-t on.the class represents tives |hunch Sunday,preparatory serv-the Hot sun.had not God remem-primaries last Saturday Mr.R.™M.~oe Soa git nm 60 day for |cers and the members of the board |and their instructors.The declama-|)0 “4 alter Gatarday morning,|Deréd the poar fa len victims and |Gray was chosen:for,this ities,4RareDe-concealed pons of education,so that the only:con-|tion—:a Rev.Rufus White will assist the |Sutthem a time.y shower of Min “defeating Mr.L,O.White,present .Thad Summers,reta jlix aonitest in the convention will be the |Sions of .the chosen swbects and.aator and will“also preach at /t0 cool their heated!bodies.-Again jingumbent.Mr.Gray will be’elect-ielipPiakcenevadatea:cae namipg of the board of county pi ——.‘on Me site Gite Goaéay afternoon.he was smitten by the foe in the ed in November but his term.of ae re a ee oomm ‘ss one:s—five.members.The|ton of the Tec i ee |ws.Florence Stevenson and/Gettysburg fight and.disabled for o*fice will not begin unti)Juty;prayer for judement continued returmms from.the fui a ;|Clark and the declamktion by Hoyle|i 7 ‘+oay nents aah i :primaries are not re:4 |daughter;.Miss Rose,will go to Service.;-}1,1913—-more than six monthdonpayment,of cost;defendant rec full as.to commissioners but Abernathy,the youmg people pre ,3.Une F ;|‘v4 in’cA bs ania (but per-}-aa ae -agcsaid.+Davidson Monday to attend the Dav-|nele Frank was not possessed|ter his election.ognized in band of $50 to appear sons who havé figured on the re-paréd for themselves wihat was said.¥y ;J of this worldte:podda but made a |at each term for two years and |¢urne think RC.Little of Shiloh,|Neflher.of those who were on the idson commenecement.i Mrs.iggpnd pote voy tel He ‘bed mae —Yandmaster Garrison saysshow:gaod behavior.|mamanine oe 4 .*|programme contested for declaim-|€"Son’s son,Mr.T.M.Stevenson,is|©¢e ig e had what Statesville’s freight business,i A.C,Stewart,assault with intent|.Ww 1 te Bresent ”board.|e's medal.|a senior at Davidson,and graduates|Was far better than riches the about the heaviest aver.just now. to ‘kill;plead guilty of pimple:a8]Creek ‘a.Matheson,of Coudle Diplomas were presented’by Prof.)With high honors.Messrs.L.E.|Most sturdy character.His word|Ali.the manufacturing plants are ©Sault;judgment suspended on pay-jy .Reve Deen:nominated,“while |5.41.Hith to the,22 membera of |Hedrick and C.A.McLeltand at-|'Was not.doubted and his honesty |making good shipments and aboutantofanaesaNB.Mills,chairman of the lithe tenth grade-class of 1912 as |}tended the 20th)of May celebration |never questioned.-|25 cars are going out daily.The Tom Shoemaker,larceny;-catled |PT&Sent board and M A.|follows:Harry Hoyle Abernathy,|im Charlotte,Miss Jennie Howard,}..His wife,one daughter,Miss Sal-|incoming freight is.a little in ex-and.failed 7 Feimster,both of Statesville.have Minor Revere:Adams,Florenee ‘Al-|Who was a guest at Mf.L.BE.Hed-lie,and three sons—William,of icess of tie Onteoing on accountJim.“Meadows;assault;"plead.hearly enough votes to nominate |exander,Leafy May Brown,.Fallie |‘Tick’s,went to,Statesville Saturday |Cakary,Canada;James M.and ‘of the large amount of road and@uilts;30.days.on the roads.|them.oo i :May Carscaddon,Rosamond Clark,/to visit at ithe honie of Sheriff Dea-|Harrison .L.Privette,of}Wilkes,sur-street improvement material beingAb.Byers,retailing;called and Metsrs.Mills and Feimster were|Fred:Hyams Deaton,David)Eugene|‘on ‘gbefofe going to her home in |'Vive.His body will be buried at shipped.here oe failed cea”-be opposition’can-|Bagle,Mary Blsie Edwards,Nora eon.Mr.Clarénce Sharpe,|Mt.Pisgah toddy,at 3 o'clock |progress.i ue el von a A.B.Smoct,soliciting insurance |Gidates.and if it should develdp|Neale Foard,.Rut Gill,Claud |of Montgomery ,Ala,is visiting at/_.-CP pa aoe arn aie oo&without license;plead guilty:judg-|that both are nominated it will be|Goodman,Daisy.Ruthi Ledbetter,|Mr.A.©.‘Sharpe’s.Misses Sadie Kuosevelt Carried-Ohio nes Taft}eres Geaatattees exercises oe ment suspended on.payment of cost.|4 rather remarkable result.of.the |Corinne’Morrison,Juliaty Kinox Mor-|and Ellie Ramsey spent Saturday};,Claims Nomination.:|Sunda cine p te j/Home begin Espie Gillespie;disposing off mort-|Primary voting.rison,.Rachel Irene Morrison,Mary and Sunday at Mr.L.C..Steven O Che ae,of the primaries in De Tite _wh =th a permonm by gaged property;lead guilty,ide)SESE =|Luola Ovencash,.LInene Scroggs,|son's.R se oe ae vee oe eee oy ee i by pre SeeBentsuspendedonpayment’of cost.|S4r,larceny;nol pros.Geo.Mason,|Karl Sloan,Maude Maddeline Sloan,|—--—----—hepa t.He seems to have car-l niente Or by tite school!MondayaEd.Kerr,assault and battery;|larceny;called and failed.Katie Lee Somens.,Elree Webster.|Mr.Thompson’s)Address’in.Salis |"ea the State by a plurality Roady Pa esday night there will not guilty Fred McGillion,Jo.Taylor and Ed.Of tie class Supt.Thompson gave |ry.;}5,200 and has.32.of the 42 dis-i*aera “by the classes and Coon.Jarvis?”manufacturing liq-|Kerr,all indicted im separate |the following,facts;‘The youngest ~Mr.Donman Thompson,of.States |trict delegates.—:iar ding of’diplomas to graduates.uor;judigment suspended on pay-|cases for carrying concealed weap-|is 15 and the oldest 19,the average |ville,delivened the address at the|Notwithstanding he said the re-/State Treasuren Lacy will make an‘Ment of cost,defendant to give $200 ons,were acquitted.age being 17 years;17 s#tarted inj|closing exercises of the Salishury salt in.Ohio would be final and de-|adidress Wednesday morning at.10 - ‘bond to appear and show good be-|Robt.Nany,forgery;called and |the first grade of Statesville school,|graded school Monday evening.He|°'S!¥é,President Taft;in the face |O chock instead of Tuesday,morn-havior.|failed.Sone three in the’third grade.and two/was imtroduced by Mr.Whitehead |°!defeat in his own State,claims jing,as previously annovgced..Bob Caudill,seduction;plea of|Nol.pros.with leave was enter-|@mtered:the eighthgg*fl went |Kiuttz ang.jthe Post says of the ad-|°70 delegates,30 more than nec-|+The disvances on ten of.thenolocontenderaentered;|judgmentjed in the following:|Ed.Kerr,in-|Sttaight through)the school without |dress:7%,.essary to.give him the nomination.|principal roads leading out fromSuspendedompaymentofcost.cast;Eugene Stockton,retailing;|4 Stop;all except two expect to,go tol Mr.|Phompson choseas-hig sub+He is NOW camvassing New Jersey,|Statesville:are,being marked withCalvinNicholson,carrying.con-jand nél pros was entered im a .case college and all except one are mem-ject;-one of the most discussed and |where the primaries will be heldadvertisement mile posts by ~Mr.cealed weapon;plead guilty;judg-jef assault ‘with.deadly weapon|ets af.some branch;of.the.church.least .umderstosd—enbjects,“Edu-REX TurSday,Roosevelt of course |W.T.Nicholson,of the Statesvillementghapendayonpayment—of fagainst Lewis Moore.~Prof.—Thonpscn.--pulbliely thamked |eation,”amd he handled it in ok claims the -nomination—.|Housefunnishing Company.andcost.Dafendant also plead guilty!“Beatrice Miller plead guilty -of the teachers for their good work this)way that was pleasing and instruc A teport of delegates elected to |those who have a tendency to detoanindictmentfornuisanceaid|retailing.Prayer for judgment was|Y€4",declaring the success of the |tive not only to the graduating class;the national convention shows 496 !stroy sigh boards along the roadsjudgmentwassuspended‘on:payr |continued and defendant recognized |School was theirs,and bade the|but to all thinking folks in the|for Taft.and 416 for Roosevelt.|are asked to spare.these mile posts.niSit Gf cost,‘s in the sum of $50.to appear at |Staduating class a fond farewell and lange audience.“‘Theré ‘are three |the remainder seattering and unit<|(The distances are being:méasuredWillWhite,rétaliing;,not guil-|each,term for two years and show|70d Speed..It was announced that influences,”caid the speaker,‘that suructed,while 70 dre yet to be jwith a aachine and the Inile.posts \ty.*E good behaviour.:a schélarship|to Statesville Female |should foster the growth of the chosen,ae “if wil be accurately.placed for:ten a-Sid Jetton,retailing;plead guil-Judgment absolute’wére entered College,given by President Scott }child—home life,religion-and school Gov.Willson divided-Qhio’s!vote|miles out|e ty;fined:$5 andi costs,in sci éa cases against Floyd and :;;;¢‘each.of.the |roa zofthecollege,would be presented)life.”And for each:of these thiree|With.Gov..Harmon’but.the latter-|Th Spe he ‘ten ada. ‘The cage agadnst he’board |,ys ':;to Miss May.Carscaddon.~y She plead consideration om the part |bas &@ majority in the State.and |e body of Clarence V.T,Riche...j8‘G.-F.Mills for $50 and Tom Mérid-|.Feaart (adel twofcounty.commissioners,who ‘were|jj)Se a Y Went inn 6 The singing of the class ong of his hearers.His beautiful eulo-|May get the 48 delegates through|800 Who was electrocuted tm Bos-mepresentedatthelasttermofcourtsich._M.Westmoreland for|and the benediction by:Rev.C.E.|sy of North Carolina's educational |the unit rule._eS ia cee night.for the murderforfailuretobuild.a county Dr.1 :».|Raynal marked the close of the com-|Governer,Ayeock,brovight a sym-tic.Sait :pes jor f ormer sweetheart,was senthome:was contitiued.'"{,b-A.”Phelps.was granted a:di-|mencement exerciseg and the wind-|pathetic response and the entire ad cue vee af.“Wawa len ment to Amherst,Va.,his former home,H.‘H.:James and Hal Cook:af-a Me ae ace otaiens ae Ang up of another successful school |dress cammanded close atiteiition.address Sunday datas or ar Sas tor burial.nfray;Cook-pléad guilty’*James:|oT Mutdock trom wicy “Mundock.'year.In the -neighborhood.of 750 i os So Bites tiaie ai ye eu Cie Vinginia dele.:. found guilty;Cook lined $5 andy ~The grand jury “reported the-jail’pupils were enrolled in the school |Evamgelistid ‘Services_at ‘Pressly by Fresident W.P.Few.(Bacar a legates to the Natoion ::;:;.ha s ey |al Democratic con:yg n=half the cost;James half the cost...|4nd court house in good condition.|thigs session,the langest rumber Memorial—Church News.by sake.anetieerass er iikones,instructed except epUaeltlla A oMoydandTroyCloaninger,hunt-|It was recommended that.the grass|ever.SS Evangelistic services ,conducted atimnt addiness Wore 4c Es 'p ."gates for Gov.Wilson,«Of the 24ingwithoutlicense;plead guilty;|in°rear of the court house and}.mi.majority he out-of-town |b¥\Rev.Ira’s-Caldwell,of Green-|hy pf A.Lin ; tdelegates 11 aro Filet!Whejudgmentsuspendedonpayméitof|about the jail ba mowed and kept -teaghers Tome Seite gana tos their |Wood,S..C.,willl begin at Pressly b .Linney,Esq.,of Boone.fat Wileon,che. hu ,Commencement .address June 5,|T&St uncommitted?T cost.Floyd Cloaninger plead.guil-jin better condition.Chain”(Gang bsmes a He day.|MeMmorial church)Sunday at 11 b.110.39:py See D4;ty of anassault with deadiy.weap-|oamp in good condition and ‘pris-|5)cyoribian chooy,Oemmernse ‘A ‘M.anq@ will contihue through the ras Lididiaten ers een oer ha wa murderer,Gonandjudgmentwassuspendedon|oners well cared for.There are Mooresville;Miss Ellie Grier,|Sek.Services on week days at |"ell sameerentonic sO elaitrie “dt er wee to die in the,Payment of cost.22 inmates in the county home,14)Matthews;.Miss Frances Nixon,/4and8.15 p.m.Publia cordially}The Baraca and Philathea.class-,|pean,-via Ete Releieh today,GemJasperRodgers,canrving conmeal-!white and eight’colored.all as!Greenwood,S.C.Miss Amnfc Tkabc,JnwWed {ee of Wester:Avcaus Baptiet tee SE $$$$_$_____—.ed weapon;plead guilty;fined $10|well cared for as conditions will|Salisbuny;Miss Jessie .Williams,|"Rev:Ohas.Anderson,of Russell:|ohurch*wilt hold anniversary exer-peers a “a a dant9 ‘[i 0d Cod.code arty tone anys.{admit It is recommended that @|Refdaville;“=Misa Lettia Glass,|ville,Ky.,will preach at the Firststises Sunday at 11 o'clook.~~Oe cals : |Burette .W ods and John -Mur-|new county hemebe.built.Greensboro;Misses Mangaret Blow|Baptist church Sunday.:3 ie 3 W...T.Gilly,a prominent dealer ini}nay,assault withl deadly weapon;:—74:tak ':X ios Mrs.J,Li:Starnés,Hicko!NL G:,|Pentif;n ;::‘janid Nell Pender,Greenville;Miss A special collection will be taken.‘ry,N.C.,niington Gan,Va...was so bothered-plead guilty;judgment suspended|(Mrs.Sarali L.Witheré died at|Mahea Sinden Durham;Miss Mary \@t the First "Presbyterian “ch treti ae ea Wien trois wana wih hy ane and Dingoes Secunia he éte._Om ‘payment of costs.‘her home at Davidson’Wednesday,|Wortham,Franklinton;Miss Ber-|S9unday,morning for tha Chinese|Used Foley’s Honev and ar Compound cer Hed severe pains in’woe,beak and es|Lewis Moare,Geo.Patterson andjaged 76.She .was the widows,of |tie Letoir,Camiden,§.-C.,Misses |famine sufferers...;{atactior oro Fhote:tee pmmediate sat-kidneys and’had.to Ret un ten;toMag,Gilbert,affray;‘Moore and the late Banks Withers and is Bur|Jessie’Massey and Kate Finley will|Rev.”B,F:Hargett will ‘répeat |tire to recommend‘this Preparation,to ‘Klaney Bile sdvertived,and bought:twaPattersonguilty;judgmeht sispend-|vived by a nutnber ofchildren,one|visit,Miss Rowe at Conover before the special senvice for old people |sore throat,hoarseness,-or-any affiic.|bottles,and soon felt great relief,and,— @d-on payment of cost.oy of them being Prof.W.A.With-|going ito their homes at Durham and.at Race Street chur Suaday morn-|t!on-of the throat or lungs.’I know it |.was entirely cured,No longer disturb- -i Go ee cet a)eed :ae Oa af ms wilt:dp ‘all:claimed for.it.’orning.Ab Gordon Gregor und Rome Rene-|ers,of Raleigh Cg [Simones maar,ac SUM ce Ba ee Fee Geter aati see”eran es ic e ee e aT oe «-..honest:labor. +member that nine-tenths of the suc- >THELAN BRIDAY.‘mm May 24,1912 FOR BOYS WHO WANT WORK. Every yearwhen the graded school, “lets out’®there are numerous boys on the streets looking for work.‘A few ofthe boys want work because they are disposed_to -be fndustrious ‘and want to make something;others look for work.because their parents send them,as they know it will be bet ter for them to be at work;’that loaf: ing’on<the street,assailed by the temptations that meet’an idle boy a evéry turn,is distinctly bad for them Not all the boys are really anxious to work of course.‘Few,boys are zeal »ous inthatmatter.:Allof them should ‘have;however,some sort of employ-| -ment to keepthem out of mischiefand |,\fox the additional reason’that ‘early. “straining in habits of discipline and in- :dustry—a.realization that hemust toil : is invaluable to the boy:- Unfortunately:work can be found ‘«for only a small proportion’of the |' boys.In addition to the boys from the graded school a number of youths ‘come in from college who want work Summer is the dullduringvacation .season in business.’Mostof thestores and offices,and sometimes theindus- me trial-plants,lay off employes instead of taking them on during the summer. In other establishments,like The Landmark effice,for instance,,where ‘applications are frequently made,a full quota of men must be employed all the time and itis rare there is a vacancy. The great difficulty then is to get work,but the trouble isthattoo many ‘of the boys are too choice about the character.of the work.What The Landmark is going to say wort please| the boys nor some of the parents,but it is sensible.Only a few of the boys can get the easy jobs—the sort of barrested at Omaha,Neb. _work’that all boys in all-ages have looked for.Only.a few will be want- ed at the soda water.fountains,in the stores or in the offices.Some wil work in the factories. The Landmark asks,Why not garden “jing,mowing lawns,ete,if nothing better offers?That isa field that is! not overworked.Nine-tenths of the Statesville people have work about gardens and yards for which it is al- most impossible to getadequate labor. Why don’t the boys who profess t want td work and can find none,lear to tend a garden,to.trim a hedge, mow a lawn,etc.?A good,active boy,who.showed that he .wanted t do something and meanttodoit,could soon get all the work he could do; and while doing this work he would be learning something.Knowing how to cultivate a garden,tritn a hedge or ‘keep a lawn in order is valuabl knowledge—knowledge that would b .worth while to the boy inafter years, even if he should become a million- aire. This suggestion is not of course in- ‘tended for the high-toners,who rate _their services at $2 or $3 per day:be- fore they know how to do anythin but smoke a cigarette and read th baseball score,but it is for{the bene- _fit of the boy who has ta make his way,who'really wants to do-some- =thing and who isn’t above any sort of It is just as well to re- cessful men begin at the foot of.th ladder;that some of the greatest men and some of the wealthiest men th country has knownbegan life inhum- ble capacities. All of which is for the consideratio of the boys who really want to d something and who don’t feel abov any honest work. Rev.F.D.Sheets,pastorofa Meth- odist church in Chicago,makes th following sweeping accusation: “The churches.today carry an.in- creasing mortgage in a miembershi that contains penurious,intolerant, unfair,discourteous,dishonest,bigot- ed,indifferent,careless,cowardly, selfish men—men who cheat,deceive,who give and steal,who keep.and-awaste,who exaggerate and prevari-“ate,men who inerease their riches.and decrease théit taxes,men whosingand_pray and who ‘steal the liv-ery of heaven to serve the devil in.’Ican name different prominent meninChicagochurchestowhomyoucanfiteveryqualifyingtermtised.”’ 'That may sound ‘severe,but theclassofpeopléMr.Sheets names will be found in churches of every denom- ination;in some more‘and in some|- less;but some in all of them.:ona There never was a time when ‘peopleCham-appreciated the real merits ofberlain’s,Cough Remedy more than no'\This is shown by the increase in salvandyoluntarytestimonialsfromrperso:-who have been cured.by it.If youyourchildren#¢troubled witha couercoldgiveatrial)quainted ‘with its .gaod qwtalities.,pale by all dealers. Now is the time‘to get.md .of yorheumatism.You can.do it by applingChamberlain's Liniment and;saging ‘the’parts:freely at.,plication. .For sale by all dealers, an DMARK |comanns on variot Th Charlotte,Observer says not| But for those who really want work,who do not -feel themselves above any honest:la- bor—all honest labor is honorable—= and become ac.FE mas-each ap. iS MATTERS more’than 40 per cent.of the total acreage laid out for cotton:ig Meck~ lenbirge county has been.planted!on aecount of unfavorable weather con-, ditions.-The ~“same ‘report comes from other localities.If the cold! and wet spring should ‘have the ef-. fect ofcutting down cotton:acreage about one-half it would probably,be a blessing in)disguise «“**..{ mhe church folks are sometimes as bad as.the politicians, lowing is am extract from the re- port of the proceedings of the Southern’Presbyterian)General)As- sembly at ‘Bristol,Nenmi:Bah he report.of the committee on, acestie bpeneticenioe broughit forth) an.animated :.econtroversy,\for the committee “sreported!to reduce the number “of secretaries ofthe:four executive comimitties’to @a minimum: and-failled)to:provide for the reten- tion of!Dr.S-H«Chest heen.senior secretary,of.the for- eign missions committee.for 19. years.Dr.Egbert.H.Smith,one of the secretaries who was retained. took thé floor and after;saying that he had heard a report that he and Dr,W.R.Dobyns.hadi conegcted)thie plan to get rid of Dr.Chester, nounced dit as a lie,adding: “If this #ssembly is to become a place of wiispered!slander,we had better.go out of business.’1 The report was adopted.; Passing out,the lie on the floor of a Church)court sounds like a pol- itical convention,: A STATE NEWS... EB.L.Uoucks,of Philadelphia,is building .a cold storage and ice plant at Elkin.:ee ’Whe Lenoir pews,learns that Mr. Moses.Harshaw,of Caldwell,-who is a delegate from.this district.to ‘the national convenion im Chicago, will “second the nomination |of Roosevelt.; Harold)T. t 8 * Pratt,am imsumanice agent who a few,months ago.de- parted hastily from.New Berne after defrauding insuramce.companies and various confidimg:people,has been ‘At Rocky’Mount.Sunday.J.W. Liles,white,shot and killed John Davis,colored.‘Lyles.alleged)that the negro had robbed him-of mon- ey and liquor.He was held for trial without bond. James L.Wagner,who has been assistant,postmater at Asheville for the past 14’years,has resigned.He will locate in Muskogee,Okla.J. Bradford,conmected with the Asheville office for 20 yeaTs,SUuC- ceeds Wagner.:psCok,John 1D.Taylor,clerk of thie Superior Court of New ‘Hanover county,for 22 years,died)Tuesday at his home in.Wilmington,.aged 1 The fol-.F er,’who.has} erly;Nathan Neely Fleming,Sam- de 4 -|elan and druggist for over Dayidson Gommencementand Cele-‘‘.Dratione?020 2.- “From Mr.Johw Harper Brady,of Statesville,The Landmark has.re-ceived an invitation to Davidson Col-lege commencement and!the eelebra:tion ofthe seventyfifith_anniver-.sary of the:college.The exercises begin,Sunday.and close,Thursday, 80th.Pees Pair : “Sermon before Y.M.C.A.Sunday,26th,by Rev.Geo.L.Petrie,D. D.,..Charlottesville,Va.Mondaythere“will be class day ex ,reunion of literany .societies,etc., and)Tuesday;the baccalaureate ser- mow by Rev,R.E.Vinson,D..D., Austin,Texas. The anniversary exercises)embrace Wednesday and).addiresses will be de- livered by a large number of promi- nent ministers and laymen...Amongthose.will be President Venableof the University,President;Hilb oftheA,and M.,’Raleigh;President Alderman of the University;of Viir- ginia,Dr;Moore of the Presibyiter-jan Theological Semlnary,Richmond; President Garfield:Of Willianis Col, Among the number are.John Har- per Bradyeand Kari)Sherrill,.Statesville;Thomas’McLelland Stevenson, Loray,.Iredell;Samuel Badger Ly- uek Chalmers Hart,Rowami county. _.Thursday is commencement day. ~~Mr.Bnadyi.is:chief marshal,—: Lorimer Case on Again. The case of Senator Lorimer,of Illinois,is again before.the Senate. Two reports’from the committeewhichmade’the second investiga~tion’of ‘his election have:been madetotheSenate.The majoriity report stands .by the Senate’s ‘previous judgment in favor-of Lorimer,‘de claring that no vote had been!seour- ed for him by bribery.The minor- ity contends that at least 10 votes, for Lorimer im the Tllinoiss Legisti-. t Hines,of Chicago,and attacks the mudjority’s support ‘pf the plea ofre-adjudicata,saying that it was in- conceivable that the majority mem-, bers,“all of them distinguished lawyers,’’would haive proceeded)with the investigation.‘‘without right of Jurtadietion."*hoe eee fc ees con |Dr.J.T.R.Neal,Prop.Riverside|Drug Co.,Greenville,S.C.,writescently,‘‘I have been a practicing physi-|5 vears and|have sold and administeredmany _kid-|ney medicines but none to equal Foley}Kidney.Pills.They are superior to any| most permanentDrugCo. BIG SURPRIETO MANYINSTATESVILLE...| Local people are surprised at the| QUICK results received from sim- ple buckthorn bank,glycerine,etc., as mixed in Adler-i-ka,the German appendicitis remedy.‘The States- ville,Drug:Co.state that this sim- ple remedy antispeticizes the diges- relief.’’Statesville | 82.He had been ill following a fall received last January and re- signed his office Manchi 4, Otto Edney.and Ernest Hill,aged 15 and 13 years,respectively,Hen- dersonville boys,were killed in a Southern freight wreck-at Naples, four’miles from Hendersonville,ay,The boys were beating a ride on the.train. 0 n 0 Normal and Industrial College at Greensboro’occurred this week and 50 young ladies completed)the course,Dr.W.F.Tiltett,of ‘Van- derbilt:University,Nashwille,Tenn., delivered the address.| The-—Zion-—A--M.—E.Goenferenee (colored)),in session im)Charlotte, undertook to elect two bishops butthereweresomanycandidatesno one could obtain a majority.-Af- ter nine imeffiectual ballots the:elec- tion of bishops was postponed four years.3 ‘A numbr of negroes gathered inthe:woods near Selma,Johnston county,Sunday,to play craps.Geo. Ross is dead and one Blliott,who used the-gun,is in the tall timber. The Observer says the main dump shed of the Charlotte branch of the VirginiaCarolina chemical Com- was burned Monday,night by a fire of unknown origin,entailing a loss, e e g e covered by -insurance,estimated at-$80,000.:: e The jury inthe case of Wes Brew- er,alias John Huff,charged with the murder of Patrolman McConnell of Asheville,failed to.agree andwer:.discharged.The case was tried)in Buncombe Superior Court this week.There was doubt about the identity of the defendant,.a ne gro.He imtroduced)strong testi- mony to show that he was in South Carolina.whem the killing occur- red and other testimony threw doubt on his being the mani wanted,but the State made ott a strong case.Two of the jurors were not convinced, however,and they stood for.an ac- quittal,making thie mistrial. e n 0 e e Carolina,Olinchfield and Ohio Ex- tending -Its-Lines.: The Carolina,Clinchfield)&Ohio Railway Company,seeking a West- ern outlet,as‘a meats not only~ofreachingthécoalandtimberre- sources of eastern Kentucky,but in order to provide a great trunk line from the (Carolinas to the Great Lakes,has let thé contract for 50 miles of ‘the construction workthrough:one of the most “diffieult vortions of the Cumberland.range of mountains.The extension will be constructed through the’moun- tains from the present northern terminus of.the:new coalcarrying road,at Dante,Russell county,Vir- gin'ia,‘to Eikhorn,Ky.,where jit will connect with the Chesapeake &Ohiio railway.i m -The estimated cost of construct-ing the road through)this mountainregionis$5,000,000 for 50 miles,rs Pp t the» V—_—_—_—_— Dan,J.Jo he.escaped Ww. esnsor gh consumption and regained the benefit of others. 1 began using.Foley’‘Aompound,ton met beeinallyleftmeandIgainenWwfrom113.to 185 pounds.rt veIhavegrownstrongfromtheuse:of FoleyCompor Drug.Co or ur y*and healthy, Br e & The commencement at the!State |’ vee,Sanville,Va.,is so glad . his health,that -he writes about it forhe“I had a coughwhichhungon<me for two vears whetTar.kept.on until.the cough ehtIntwoyearsall¢‘8 Honey and Tarind.which cured me,”Statesville tive system and draws off the impur- ities so thoroughly that A SINGLEDOSEremovessourstomach,gas on the stomach and corstipation IN- STANTLY.It is the only remedy which never fails. Allow us to make YOU an en-thusiastic user of CITY FLOUR by persuading you to try it;for that will considerably improve your Breap,Biscvit,Rous,Pastry,ete.: CITY FLOUR:isa pure flourmadefromcarefullyselectedA-1wheat.a The GOOD grocer always has it. City Flour,Milling Co. W.R.MILLS, Statesville,N.C. ‘‘Fine Farm Lands and City :Property for Sale. |AGENT:FOR HUPMOBILES. Jan.2.2 "tT TERE PRETOT PB LESTS ETT JOHN G.DYE,M.D. EYE,EAR,NOSE AND THROATANDFITTINGGLASSES. Office in Mills Building;Office hours 9 to'12 a.m.,i 2,-to 5 p,m, Phones:Office 458;Residence 42 ROR SERVICEiORSERVICE. JFQIEGISTERED Jersey Bull,HisIsoldfor$1 200 at eight monthe sid,Beakhisgrand-dames have records of over 600 be.batterina year.A BUTTER BRED BULL.Walnut Grove Farm, H.H,BLAYLOCK,.Proprietor,Statesville,N.C:,R!FE.D.No.2. # Do You Want-to Be Independent? If ao,learn.Shorthand ‘and Typewriti‘by begitining a course immediately,whies,is taught at Statesville;N.C.If inter- ‘Gorporation,Earnin indieate, panies in 1911 than in 1910. ene ure were corrupt,scores’Ediward'H re-.|.}. I ever used,and give.the quickest and||. the trial is the entering wedge] ge Show A Fall Corporate earnings in the.Whit-.|) ed States decreased -$1'15,500,000| dining:1911.acording to the”ne-ports to.Royal)B.Cabell,comimis-sioner of internal revenue,for.mak-|| ing assessments under the.corpor-.,ation:¢xeise’tax law;Im noting the |.decrease,-it,must be bornemindthatitappearsintax;returns, where financial)values always make, a poor showing.i eeMr.Cabell ‘Says the :returns indi- cate poorer business,conditions last |: year tham in 1910,particularly ini the iron,siteell and certain,manur. facturing industries. The ‘gross receipts!of,corporations did not suffer as gvedt a tatio of decrease as the met,QDhe,returnathe.commissionen points outthat this.was beeause labor and- supply men shared)more langely in}: the receipts of the various com- The ‘1 per cent,assessment on|| the 1911.-net earnings of corpora-tions will .turi into the Federal |}lege,Williamstown,Mass.;/Presi-|*dent Poteatef Furman;University,Treasury.about “$28,278,000,°mop Greenville,§.©::TOES Of de gs will be paid in June,’ "the clase roll:.numbers’*55.|Seaist $29,432,000 last year,a te:ase of $0;164,000.i Ther;was.an.tnenease 17,660 in the number of conporations.Tha aim ben din 19)1 was 287,862,:as Com-pared with'.270,202 in 1910...Ofthese20).per “cent.were.found lia-vie to‘tax,f nde IGE BOX.vache tS"jay 10,—8t.;: ea The Crowd at The Davis White| Sulphur Springs -Pure Air;Pure!Water;Pure Food; Large Hotel;Large Potches;Large Crowd;Large Place,(150 Acres.) ‘Best..of cooks;:best-of fair;best fried chicken..Good accommodations.Good milk.A good home,where you can feel at home,free and easy.Spend your time out of doors on the mountains,in the valleys, or,on the hills,.Modern,new.and up-to- date,‘Two daily mail trains,except Sun- day.: Weekly Rates $6 to $8,-July and August $8 to $10.Special rates to clubs and families.Write for Booklet to yomed : The Davis:Springs HIDDENITE,N.C.ee Open:May 15th to October 15th |Don’tdrug yourselffor ills that are butsymptomsofpoorblood,depleted and‘down systems.Don’t-Rebuild Your Health with in |) patch up—— AGenuine Reconstructive Tonle &Blood RenovaterteroneandahalfbottlesofMilam.I have gained 8}lbs,””-—=B..Stalnaker,‘Charleston,W.Va,‘I had not taken the s when I saw a decigestion.”’—-Rev,R.L.M‘Milam is adionlyafewbottlesbuoyRTADGFatedabletostandupund ppetite and.di j ping,I have taken’tl feel strongerand better,more activeand..er my.work.’’—-Rev,Hi:D.Guerrant,Dane lam and gained’10 Ibs.”?—“Am‘finishing my 6th bottle ofczema,am cured,)’—C,H,Wil-| :e five bottles of MilamNiams,Danville,Va.nd after 26 years of E tington,W.Va,;ean as aN se aE cet”$5.00 of yourMONEYBACKIFnor. lot andget Heavy,Strong and Durable,$7.50.Others at $9,$10 and $14.: Maple frame,strong an No.2.Oak framepainted green, cane seat,price $1.75. _HAMMOCKS $2.00 EACH. Better ones ranging in price up to $6.50 each. _TRUNKS. Small sizes at $1.50,$2.00,-$3.00,|| 00each,and larger ones rang- ing in priee up to $20. Home Electric Co. General. uo -ContractorsserereSe All Kinds Electrical Supplies. HOME ELECTRIC CO.,|)A.D.COOPER,Manager. -meeee:ese L ‘Don't forget to ask about our Baby Protectors$2.00 each. |Crawford-Bunch Furniture Company. #4 CAMEO PINS = I havea fine line of the very finest cuts,the right size, You don’t lose them.:They.have the SAFETY CATCH.Getone.Hand it down to your daughter.-H.B.WOODWARD,—Jeweler. %oF :Gwo Mode(s your money. under $1100 andintothebargain.- You Want the Best—_ a Not the Cheapest Don’t be alarmed if somebody tells you you can buy an automobile for less money than the $750 Studebaker-Flanders “20.”You can,but you bétter not.The Flariders “20”correspondspoint by point with the best and highest priced cars sold.Cheaper cars at ever built on ideas long ago discarded for good’cars.Don’t take our word for it.Make comparisons and see.;mf The Studebaker-Flanders “20”is a ma at a low price.If you pay less you buy much less.Andthe cheaper car today will cost.you.far more in.the long run.The competing car isn’t sold which the Studebaker Corporation,the greatest automobile manu-~:~ -facturers in the world,couldn’t reproduce for less money;but we won’t build a cheapcar,because the name “Studebaker”means.the best for very vital point are rvel—a high grade modern car a car-that rdne-apday and dies tomorrow, don’t buy the $750 Flanders “20.”It:will wear-for years.Remember this—the Studebaker-Flanders “20’’will outwear 2 to 1 any other car give you double satisfaction,confidence and comfort If you are content with We can prove it—Send for new catalogue es aker Corporation Detrait,Mich. |The Studeb Carolina Moto Statesville.N.C; ested and desire terms,etc ,writoaMRS,B-SOHNSON,Fe.eteerie hc eGarhKe. sville,N.C.,’Ph SOZOE oe a Five-roont coltage,No.205 .south Race street.; Twos house,No.TitHighlandavenue, Two-story,six--room‘house,: west eae street,© i City”‘ilar in fall of©thesabovehouses. ‘ee “Mintelested See us. P|maxrarepeauOFFICE:ROOM 3,..-_First National Bank Building.a*PHONE:°282, FOR.SALE; 130x285,comer Walnut and Meet-{ag streets. THE LA FRIDAY,*May 24,1912. “LOCAL RAILROAD SCHEDULE, tesville.STERN ROAD. From ‘enanetiaTrainNo.16 ar.9.50,leaves 11.00 a.mTrainNo.24 ar,8.26FromTaylorsville.Train.No,23 ar,10.10,seaves 11.00 a:mTrainNo:16 arr 6.20,leaves 6.45 p.m. The Tablet Unyeiled, The tablet; Indipendence,May,»20,1775,and by the North Carolina Society ofColonialDasies‘of America,’”* ‘propmiate»ceremonies.”tice Walter Clank:made,the:princi-pal address... ill:‘formonthswithapulmonarytrouble,and rhages and was in a very bad way.Through the advice of a friend I triedVinol,and I feel that it saved my life.It is all you recommend it to:be.Ibelievéitis’the greatest medicine onearth.I have advised others ‘to tryVinol,and they have had the sameresults,”(Name.furnished on re-quest.)- We want every one in this ‘vicinitywhois-troubled with chronic ‘colds,coughs,or pulmonary troubles,tocomeandgetabottle‘of Vinol.If it’\does ‘not.go to the ‘seat of trou-ble,heal the inflammation and ‘stop the cough,we will cheerfully returneverycentpaidus-for it.This shows our faith,and proves that you take ho.chances,Si W.F.Hall,Drugegist, .North Cocotte:Statesville, Sheppard’s Loose feat Lot 60x107,corner Court andMéetingstreets. 26%acres,at Bufola,$80 “peracre. ‘76 acres,one mile east of courthouse. 76 acres,one mite and:a.half} weet. 36 acres;one mile ‘ead @ quarter| west. 70 acres,one mile and a’half west..: 4 211 acres,five miles north,$30peracre.$56 acres,three miles east,$257.— per acre.| A asumber of other desirable| farms and business properties.See me before making an investment.ISIDORE WALLACE, Firat Natlonal Bank Building. "Phone 240. $12,000.of City.Property FOR SALE Five-room house and ict,south Center street,near depot. Two vacant lots rear above, Meeting street. Six vacant lots sonth of Brad-ford Knitting Mill : food well on Accounting Systems. WHY NOT‘PHONE2OH}82 Your next order for ‘PRINTING and OFFICE ‘SUPPLIES.© Statesville Printing Co., Printing,Stationery OfficeSeualicn 518South CenterStreet, so Bight-room house,'@md_barn,and four acres of land, Buffalo Shoal Road. Four-room house,6%acres land, Buffalo Shoal Roa’ Two yacant lots Buffalo Shoal Store ‘houpe and residence and acre lot,junction west Front street and Buffalo Shoal Road Also stockofGroceriesandFixtures. Cali on or write Cc.B.MORRISON, 739 West Front 8t- —FOR THE— :|Pienic Lunch You will.want Cannéd Meats,Peanut Butter March 8.,‘Phone 227. | N OTIC Ki! 10 OUR PATRONSANDTHE’PUBLIC: Cheese,Pimentoes,Bottled Pickles,Bottled Fresh Bread and Cakes, Lemons,Fruit,ete.: —CALL ON US— Eagle &—Milholland. Olives, We wish to announce that although we have Pe had a fire we are taking care of our business just as usual.Let us have your laundry work.We Will appreciate it. STATESVILLE STEAM LAUNDRY‘PHONE 122. Pinewood Dairy Farm,f STATESVILLE,N.C.R.F.D,NO.2 W.C.WOOTEN &SONS,PROPS. SEED CORN.Weekly's Im- proved variety at $2 per bushel. Sewing Machines |TUES |ERR Special Bargains Chic Underwear For Ladies just received. 50. Skirts for 8c.and up.- See'our:Gowns. Just ‘received a sample line of Ladies’and:Chil- dren’s Hats.”Don't:miss seeing.them before they are gone, Remember we are ‘still giving Regers’Silverware every day as premiiuins. r,é |Repaired... J.U.LAMPRECHT, 109 East Front Street. ‘Phone 61. remo“ALWAYS IN, OCCUPY three rooms on the’second floor oftheFirstNationalBankBuilding,and.Iam_always kere,-Don't peep into my reception room -“where I never stay and then go off and say I amnotin,but.come on in and let yourself be known,.the bel},’a reo or.ig ge OT iceIf Tam‘not atsdetitalchairlaminmypeanrneymoreshop*ina artherP.FLAUGENOUR,Dentist, SUBSCRIBP.FOR ‘THR HANDRARE: :ei ‘*on i Se.Ae D.B.Krider &Com’y. S.J.Holland. Aline wood fast horses - and mules for sale for -cash or on time.Termstosuitpurchaser. Best equipped ‘livery -! in town, ‘Phone 8, ‘Arrival and.groans ofr Traine”mt: leaves 8.35 p.m “In Commentotation: of the,*Mecklenbung,Declaration:of the Twenty-Seven,Signers,:erected wasunveiledinRaleighMonday’with’ap Chief Jup- —GREATEST MEDICINE ONEARTH +A prunlnan:elihys of Beaniecate:4:Ind.,writes!-—“I'was five had the best of doctors.I had -hemot- A TALK ABOUT WASTE Vallizing Opportunities —Prof. We oie Aneat the ,Graded School, While Prof,MC,Ss)Noble'd theme of “Waste,and the Utilizing”of Op- jhas found that out of every twelveboyswhoenterthefirstgrade‘of ped:Every chiibd is ‘entitled.«to’athorough’education and should haveit.“The spirit of the.poor womanwhofeelsthat.er child is jus asTrainNo‘15.west-bound,due 5.55 a.m.|Dortunities”’was.very.foneihly:Dre .@00d as that of her rich neighborBreitN6.t;ontRoun is Va iz]sod 40 tie addrewm Monday Ohta wtiould hao che\pame selon)aareinNo.a,Wweat-bound,,due 5.26 ‘p.m.it Was donein such a unique manner|vantages,is night.We should TtrainNo,west-bound,due 10.22,p.m thmougby iMustrationg that any ef-|God for that,spirit..There are Btil||BeataNe.aPovneton ue 28 p.m fort:to report:the address means |some who look at a schoob housenNo,12.east.hound.ae 6.45 p..m.|failure,It was one of those ad-j like Statesville’s and consider it a"CHARLOT EN ANAND TAYLORSVILLE.|dresses in which the speaker tells|waste of money.but when we plant‘a house like this we plant somethingwhichwillletourboysandgirls.GO.out into the worjd to find outthingsatdarefitted™to utilize theopportunitiestostopwastes. AC ATTEN DANCE. a little gtory of personal experi-ence,recites a joke of general hu- man interest,or gives the facts ot some great invention,its.develop- ment,etc.,to conyey his thoughts or ideas to his hearers;an addresswhichexéellsinitsoriginalityand loses its power when.put on paper, Where the pergonalityof the speaker cannot be reproduced,‘Tn:beginning’Prof.Noble spoke of am automobile ride ‘we had.taken overs Statesvilhe and)“vicinity:Ne day:aftenmoon’and-an’inspectionihe REE ORD.OF Graded Schovl:Pupits Neither sent Nor ‘(Tardy and’One For Seven. ..Following.is the Met‘of the pupila 5 rade the school.bullding 12°the graded:school whio.receiv:=ea vin gave oa hana ad certificates.of attendance for being,j therbeailty,everywhere.and was very).‘complimentary:in’expressing ‘his im-|025':session,as read before thepressionsof‘the school,which he]ool al the commencement:exer- said was gne of the“best kept he-‘Monday pight,by Miss penglehas‘ever seeq.<He+wag.not|sur-ne BB:prised,however,for just before oon~First.grade,Mise Jeasia Williams ing to Statesvillee he had heard|teat her-—Mabel Evans,Ruth Gadth-through:a’friend that “D,Matt}@!,Raiph Moore,~Spencer Nicks;Thompson has the dest school im|Boyd Royal,Frank Sharpe,.Har- the State at Statesville.”He was}0ld Surith,William Steele,Lavinia pleased to.see such a fine audience|Stickles,Ruth Tomlinson,Winni-“-‘o on «”nck a eet 7 ESattendingthe.commencement and fred Wood. said it showed a:spirit which!heliked;it shiows that the people of} Statesville appreciate .and-have 8 great interest in their school.Of course every patent is most inter- First grade,Miss Lettie Glass, teacher—-Robelt,Dowthit,Lura Feim- ster Sara.Foster,Viobet.‘Pry,CharlesJones,Patt Matheson,-Charles Sum-mers,Pauline:W ilkinson,LewisWwWoodwarnd.epted in his or her own child.and ,it.is this ‘spirit.-.of 4nterest|4 Second grade,Miss Marea Jor-which means soniething tg the child dan teacher—-Pthel Adams,Maryandtheschoel:Formerly only the Bass,Horace Beaver,Lena Beaver,college commeticements were consid-tsk Bungee,Rutly Caldwell,g-ered worth while,but now the ‘‘lit-rh ri Furches,Grier:Gibson,’Jesse‘tle commencoements are biggest,”oe.€athryme Poston,Rosalee and this ig gratifying.Prot.Noble|74!¥ot,Grace Wasson,E neene ‘Wil- and Supt.Thonvpsen-were compan iotis when boys and to begin his dis A:second grade,Miss Nelt portunity not to gay them.Lower B second grade,Miss Myr the schools only one graduates,This|is”a waste.which’should’be stop-| Ab-ee For a Year-——;°-'One Has.a Record For Nine Kearny absent nor tardy during the} cussion.of‘‘waste,”’"thd Nobleman as ~—Jeter Abennaithy,| he was intraduced by Prof.Thomp-vines Holcomib, son,said some very nice things arence ‘McNeely,rank’Mills,Loisabout,“DeMatt,’and shis.,school|Morrison,Roy ‘Searuanie Eugeniawork,saying it was a waste of op-|Short,Mary Warren,Frank Wasson. A WOMAN'S Goop LOOK Depend on her.general health and freedom from pain.Many a Ss ‘looksold”before her time because of those irregularities which are essentially feminine, _that upset her womanly health, “age without wrinkles and crowteet about the eyes or.the blue circles underneath, derangeménts which sap.the health and leavein the face thetell-tale oe an pain . hood—oiled themachinery,as it were,of the human system—and helped the woman to pass those painful periods that,sear-lined and aged herface,This remedy became the well-known Dr,‘Pierce’s Favorite Prescription,that has ~benefited thousands of women and saved them frommisery’ and suffering at different periodsin le ‘ Mrs.HarKELY FE.Prercr,of 244 Bright lant:Sarnia,Ont.,;writed =“Tam now a well woman after suffering for three years and docwithseveraldifferentdoctors,’éach one saying it weesomething diff, ent,and the Jast one,after putting me through a thorough examina’ i said I.was suffering from'a growth,which,in time,would result cancer,and ‘said I would not live more than two years if not.oper-ated upon right away.I became hopelessly discouraged but would no® consent.to the operation agi was too weak and too much afraid;but.at last,through thé adyice ofafriend,I tried Dr.Pierce's medic¢inés,andafterusingtwo.bottles,of the“Favorite Prescription ’I immediately”felt.a change.eight boxes of “Lotion Tablets,’and can safely praise the name of Dr,Pierce's medicines to all who suffer from any female disease,for they ‘have heloed me.”neeee ~Mrs.Preece,- Js Your Money ¥ ~<POR YOU?ARE YOU.SECURED Against hard luck or hardtithes?The laughwill be on,‘ie :burglars who break into a place and.after all their trouble find only a check book instead of the cash.they.wanted. Deposit your cash with this bank and it will be absolutely ° safe from thieves,fire,dampness,rats or any similar dan-_ ger.Isn’t that security worth having?ey Now is the time to save part of your income by depositingINTHE Merchants and Farmers’Bank ot Statesville “My idea,’’‘sald the speaker,“is garet Blow teacher-——BPthel ‘Arthurs,that:tle fellow who ‘cam find ‘out |Henry.Abernathy,Frances.Braw- how’to”stop.wasting something is|ley,.Edgar Feimster,Eva .Knox,the one we want.”And then he tok Pm k McLaughlin,Mabel Mathe-of or instances where .men |80D,Fred.Matheson.|fovind out how to stop wastes and].Upper’B second andi lower third,jutilized their opportunity to stop}%nnie Rabe veacher-—Alfred;jthem.‘Thé first was in connection Mary’!‘Efiason,Clayton| with the Univérsity.A big electric}Ethel Hartline;James}|power plant had been installed there |!Hugh Lee Reavis,Gladys|{to furnish lights for the buildings,n,‘Katie ee Gladys | ”*.D ge ~~|grounds,ete.,and then it was de-|Brandon,Pearl Bk Ruby Johnson,|Hugh.Mitchell,sari Over-| teided that a central’beating plant Estelle |jwas seeded to furnish heat for the|C@h ||puildings..One of ‘the professors Third grade,Miss Jessie Massey |[teok-a trip North and an-his return|¢cher—Mary ener i,Mary Sue}|he was very enthusiastic over what|Da James .Edwards,—Levador|he had “found out.4~He had=dis—}Freeze,|Ross.Gilbert,Earl Kun-||coveres ‘that’the steam:which oper-|Kle,.Cowan ,,McNeely,Katherine jated the power plant could be mtiliz |Nooe,Ruby Steelman,Maggie Was-ec again to heat the buildings;that |80"Fourth grade,Mics Mary Wortham| teacher—-Wayne Allen,Elizabeth‘Bowles,Isabelle.Burgess,Anna | Cowan,Coit Edwards,Mabel Fuller,||Bessie “Johnson,Clifton.Jones,C+|Statice of where some fellaw found |ce@@ Krider;Mary Gues Laugenour,out ‘hove to uta -<raw material|William Moore,Lillian Pierce,Al-|which was for so.long considered |bent Simons.3worthless,but is now one)of the;Fifth grade,Miss Frances Nixon|most valuable products of the Southg teacher—-Gertrude Adams,James Al erough steam was going to waste ac the new power plant to heat half the buildings of the University. The development:of the cotton seed industry was told as another in- jand the speaker wished that his poy |&X@mder,Parks Crowell,Gus Deaton,|ArmsteadMorrimieh¢tir sek er .|Ralph Elam,Edna.Gray,|might find out something like that;Gus Roland Lyerly.Abeye might stop some-waste and make‘it | carries a signed analysis and guarantee of purity.It costs ‘you NOTHING if it is not in ex- act accordance with our repre- sentations.You take no chances when you buy Davis’Paint. / ———-FOR SALE BY Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware (o., Statesville,N.C. Starting from early womanhood,she suffers from frequently recurringderangements _If'‘she be beautiful’she growsinto that mellow _ It is invariably the rule that such women suffer little,or not at all,from wamanly and suffering.Dr.R.V.Pierce,the famous specialistin the diseases of women,found . ‘a prescription in his,earlypractice that soothed the organism peculiar to woman+_ I also used two'boxes of “Healing Suppositories’and ~ medicines are ail they are claimedto bes:and 1 bone.will help oe:ae”: ork ing | ie =,eng ie P.profitable..Following the .cotton,$00,Barl Overcash,-Loig}Oeseadillustrationthe\Btory was told want ae ee -Viola (Stewart,| ;of the .ditthe wire!which)carries y :scciae|F:cc from the water plant tae neySS te me ts °29@GeCREO dD iver to’run’stree ars,Op-.I r :“me ensfiacstintlives po Rho ws dy,Adabel)Barringer,Robert l *-o-ant‘the ‘buildings and streets of |Viola vine =o ,Stason,Rapetathe>a ests Psa ©Meacham,-Katie Millsaps,Ray-electricity,"someting etd of bes mond.Stimson,Indo Tomi ra err m Ite 0e .beer wast ne aia it bina Claudie May Williams,Sara W hiite.|\@-|shactricity. eenathiee which has!l@Wwer.fifth and upper sixth|[grown to be of suck mreat vatve anc @TAd8S Miso Fille Grienteacher|Shawknit Silk 6-Lisle Socks.jimportance ‘in e ror]hat BA Aven,b tte A s;J¢ae sae teas oe be an ‘eachoal Bowles,Eddie’Elam,Clyde Fows lit ‘“If one had pointed at a ‘“nie gr,Irma Furches,Frank Grier,Hen-a:re =Enhuaaics team beg Maemenayperes Fs,Heinzenling,TomiNicholson,“RBdma poe sen,nn ano end eee Shenrill;Sara @teeie .Gladya.Wass!Need tiny new Socks?Silk-O-Lisle1.1 en e a *é ive z ,:lwas doing such great wonders jn.a on4 ne Ww.—-oe W oe Socks will pleaseyou,All the beauty|aaa cee lees ave biean|2 arénce ailey Marshalt |;*};ifis¥miles away,he would have!bes |Feimster,Belle Garrison,Mary Eliz-.of,Silk—all the softness,durability re eeejcalledafoolItallcameaboutby|abeth Gi s oe 1 hie.8|Sqme fellow “finding eut’?how to Gibson,Sarah Nooe and weearing quality of lisle.This isbias6h:Seventh grade,Miss Lucy:Culber-"pone he ‘waste a ae ne rad son.teachier—Walter Adams: Anice Ww hat you get in Shawknit Silk-O-Lisle ’’nity to work out the idea’he +aise ae|discovered Ce re Durwem.Oa Socks.Silk on the outside ‘makesr>time has i ni,iq yy Nellie arscaddon,AlvSita”‘ae EProt wobk that Oar|Dale,.|Raye Davidson,William these socks fine and fashionable.Lislewe1*Dhe at r@ ity #ie NS -ss abavefoundoutthatitisawaste\Banehe aan coe ae :vere @ on the inside makes them soft andiC.4zaugenour,Mae +l De.ete those Oren oe doc Horenes Miller,Pauline Miller,Huc|@ durable,Oi achers,or cheap aniy=|pit ake *Pai T *:a[thiihg:It ie -not economy to em-|bene eee Glenn aan 2 Silk-O-Lisle Socks in Black,Navy,Ploy the uritnaitied because they are|gumeon oe”ton Rid,Pau Blue,Tan and Gray,50c.a pair.Try\cheap.We don’t want:such econo-|Fight!ade Miss Bertie I iS|My>when,it comes to working on the.gure :ae Bei m)Me of —a pair of Silk-O-Lisle Socks.They|brains of a child.”We,want some Of]Prank Rpkcrece ”aaninke’yea hoes will surely pleaseyou.Y ours truly,jour boys and.girls to learn how|yw,vi di :ish tar nN a att’Eagle,Perry Guy,Erskine ‘|anon,There ‘ts so.much’Ww nate Johnson,Clyde Little,Dick Miteh-:“|e,James Moore.Fred Morrison,Eljanieare:wasting:tne opportuni |Sa Moses,Frances Preseli.Lples Shi rrill-White Shoe Com’Wie Suk rut the Temedy ie then)"Russel,Forester Ruth,Flossie:e Y>t 6 have disc |Sowe :‘jeréd.There has been’a time when |~-we oy Carl White (S.B.Miller Old Stand.)Miss Kate Finley Gratz Mill- Ninth grade,lif a school like Statesville’s had!been |teacher—c harlie Hines,proposed the pe ople would.have said Saps,-Henry Nicholso irby “id|thiey~would-die under,the taxes nec-Bidie Beka.Pen penile Tefessarytobuildandsupportit.But Tenth grade,M r H E.Cravem;we are waking up im North ‘@arrolina|and are.finding thitt itis a swjnottohavethesethings, teacher——Minorcaddon,Fred Adams, Dea tom, May Cart Dugene Ha- aste 1 althoughi|ote i Jdiwands or:Yea le |we use d to kick against them.re-signheatsStateisdhangingforthebet-Julian -Morriscn,Rachel Morrison} Liwolie re Carl Sloe |Doubless some of the mothers_and ‘Heney icicles,etn kh as:fuse|ona sie the boys and girls oe completed the ninth grade,has been |[3 ane ‘wishing .thiat al)the *sneither absent nor tardy since hie’!i big things had not yet .been found entered the first grade,and Julianoutanddevelopedsathatthese|Morrison has made a ‘simitar recs |boys and -girls might find them:out and stop thie wastes.But we shoulcnotwishthis.There are yet manyopportunities,Don’t look about coethehig:things.Take little thing and make them.big ones.Yow.cursnakeyourselffamouswithanythingwhichstopsawasteandhelps:hu-|manity.There's a.remedy to “befoundfortyphoidfeverandcon-sumption,and A woman as well as.|@ man.may-find that remedy.A \*remedy ig meedied to stop the waste rej ain ySarayItshouldmotbethatotSNeybers*sanotion,Ne i,writen:»a.main)has once sinned or com-}jMy wife.has beén using Chamberlain'srfitted‘crime.that he should forever ||cia a ar =tinds them very,effectual be a eriminal and a waste of humun-nage any Rees wie your atolinon ortity.‘Oh,for S0Me one;BOM.great |bowels give them,a trial.For sale bypreacherorléader-of men who oan|anions,Stop this ‘waste.One who can mould |ihe digestion.A few doses of Cham-RUE:-sentiment ¢an:do Tuck for ,#erlain’s Stomach and:Liver Tablets ,ord for seven,yearns with thie excep-|tion of a few days of abse we at the||time of the”death,of his mother.Absenece'on account of death’in the|®|family is the only concession made!in thie awardment of centifica tes.There are geveral pupils who havebeenimtheirplaces‘on time for|j three to’five years.Such Tecgnds |are indeed praiseworthy. It woula auEprice wyy ty ienonw of iy great.“geod-that “is being “done ‘by Poor appetite is a sure sign’of im-- Day or Night, Ne as ea humanity.vt 0 Will strengthen your digestion and im-Prot.Noblesaid that tie has:meadel Proven:our.tppetite.Thousands havepeer.benefited ‘by.caking,these Tablets.a study of the school probleth waa Sold by all dealers : pose FRiNOVAL SALE lor forty-seven days we will offef-our entire stock -atYereatly ‘reduced ‘prices.This stock iticludes »hew Stieffs,new Shaws,new Bennett & Bretzs,new Kohler &Campbells,and other makes of new Pianos and.many different makes of second hand Pianos that have been thoroughly repaired,refinished,eve.,in our shop. All of these.Pianos are excellent bargains.We hope to move this stock:rapidly and if price hav _anything to do wittrthe sate tt will go quickly.CHAS.M.STIEFF,} 5 West Trade Street,Charlotte,N.C. STIERF BUILINNG,219 South Tryon Street,Oppo- a *BIO AGademy.of Music,after June Lst,19122, ¥ Nd 4 bE :[a .|Nowistu:|ooo05i+‘,‘i ip saRCLARK,EDITORAND.RAND OWNER.Lieteto seceheea a aieabors ae Rene Na TIME TO PLANT @ige,»196.190."PUBLISHED *)TUESDAY.“AND Fripa¥|Life insurance companies has.been ce killed}by the.ncn of stock-}p-x mae ttyeeWESTBROAD.§STREET.holders.:Be ee al gee tieoes oes 22008 ‘3.oe see BBs Bol.Perry;a ‘special oftieer:Gs ;2 wnon’t:->e on -ae‘+,4.001 éne Southern.tailway at |Kemers-IfHe Doesn’t ra EY-BOW ville,who got drunk recently and jf °-aH eee ,;,, Sw 24,1912.|tried to shoot up the town,will | Saray,ne help!build:roads in Forsyth;county ,ee ie *PRESIDENTIAL PREFERENCES.for 20-months.Send You Kleckley’s Sweet is one of ne :Mr.H.B.:Gunter,ediice of the ‘Lo rice on pound»If many of sthe claims of the Winston-Salem,Journal,and Miss best,v a pmanagersofpresidential.‘cdndi-Luicy Betis,of Montrese,,Miss.,were .oe lots..Burrell’s Gem,Paul E }19 ec. _dates have no better basis tham|married Moniday.at Meridiam,Miss.:'Rose and Rocky.Ford Canta-.|~Ss 2 ];i those now being made for North Congratulaticns to ee and his Lifdl C 9 loupes are fine.:pecia a e Carolina,the claims of delegates bride.May/they,be happy ever at-an I cy 0 S ::::SeaPoleorCornfieldBeansa.ter,are not well founded.For the past Mhe trial of the alleged!players ':i ;BY 4_few months strong |efforts have |or Myrtle.Hawkins is under way :::i].plenty,’Also Red Valentine ‘tbeen made.to ‘boost Underwood’s at Hendersonville,The death)of MRE SUS a ie and.Stringless.Green Pod, |candidacy “im this State,in op-the.Hawkins girl attracted mucb ::tae :2 which are thebest bush beans.li ee ::i *position.to “Wilson,who was .con-attention last summer,when her |}fi ha oy e roy sya ste a All kinds:Garden.Seed.i fe e Aa |vail dead,‘body:was found—im—a—lake-ceded ‘to be strong inWorth “Caroli=:near Hendersonville,It is...beha,There is no regulation ‘in’this |}jeved:death:resulted from a enim.i F ores,|x SLUG SHOT 5Statefortakingaprimaryvoteon,hal operation: residential candidates,|put in.a G..Camipbell;aged 27,of. cant counties an.expression:was |Mecklenburg coulhty,a steward on|P'.-)eee =rors BUGS.Get, made:Omi thé basis“of expressions|*camp car of a force of Western |}.cute a Oealp “these rom eee Union,Telegraph Company linemen,Deanty,in Heo 1-in’“the:‘primaries;in probably committed’suicide by shooting him : ‘Mhan.a fourth of the,countie?in}oI¢in the hedd while alone in the||nee te BB GILL,ay‘thie’State,Underwood'@’friends |car at Lake Waccamaw,Columbus ;a akaapa ook ; 3 ‘About 50 pieces Fancy : claim to have carnied the State amid county,Wedmésday..Campbell hadi‘,@ ;.ue A )ral ay SS Wilsonfs friends make’a simi-ce a said noth-¢}He Doesn’t Sond an CY GROCER.|ate :D d “tt |id, lar claim.Neither aatexent 0 ———————|:105 Kast Broad Street.||@ =|VFesden,riped,_P aiectfor:the reason that the State MATTERS OF NEWS. ‘hasn't ,woted*om presidential candi- dates nor has there been enough)ex-E.Hall was ‘inaugurated Gov->You the Best.ae "PHONE 27.a L be ‘Mine and Messaline Rib- acca of Louisiana:Monday,Bunce, pression to indicate how the land ling:J,Y.Sanders..L.-¥--—;.+¥:te i :; lies.The county conventions,to Claude Allen ,one of ‘the Hille.i !5 if et dead _bo .|2 | be held:throughout the State.to |wille,Va.,‘count house,murderens,is |f .~”Ed MellonCompany ns inc uding values “morrow to elect.delegates to the ra on eeat ishing te oS 8 :oe ‘Bie /tion,can amd may give Massachusetts is the:first ate |:4 , oe so on aii tential aa,to ‘take action on ‘he constitutional ses .av -5 from 25c.to Oc.per yard Instructions on presidemtal ,.,|/amendment providing for.the elec-0 |2 ;; dates,but it remains to be seen if tion of Senators by the people..The ‘this will be done,Senate of the Massachusettd Legis-FORSSALE ‘GEARM of 210ncres,2-story ny NN::Mhe peeple of the State’were|lature voted to ratify the samend-|howe and ouihubdings sadarebar,in oe ;rH on sale for a few days unity;school and church near;7 miles southlargelyforWileonupto:very rez|™ment by a vote of 30 to nothing.«Yedkinviile LA.ANTHONY,Yadkinville.N.:‘:It ‘ig said that Chas.W.Morse,|C..May 21—8st.e i res heir ownwently,and.left to express ‘their ow!ve Ne A table “ead a .convictions,afew months ago,a”some months ago pardoned by Pres-‘Wrestlin Match.Hats,Men’sFurnishings,for cash.Special was generally conceded that:'Wil-|ident Taft from.the Federal prison ;4 ' in.would have been the favorite }im Atlanta,will pay lawyers a Trunks,Leather Goods.;::’ .Un-secured his pardon $100,000.e ovenwhelaingly..But since mens te pardon is probably.worth the mon-}:-betes :'';‘:_Gerwood agitation began there have)¢._Morse was pardoned on the}a foa 'j ;a been.many.conversions,seme.al-}ground that he was dying but his ee oes L OVS all :|ren.§ep 1 HN :‘sae ’ most’as sudden as that ‘of Saul of |health,has since improved and he ::; ’a ie elie are f having,return-‘’-‘Tarus;and it is generally charged le now in New York,-¢er ar _that angumemts ini the way of .cash ed from a trip.abroad.x Second Floor.:We ;e have been used quite Mberally for Miss Lucile Pugli,d young Nonth e ‘a s k i 19 ;19 ae ‘:‘c,CC; ane .:Carolina woman who practices JawtheAlabamaman;all of which may|in Néw York am who recently came Ihave changed conditions material-|into public notice by appearing for ;‘:\;dy.a ‘megro in a murder trial in New ;:,‘York,lost ther case,het client be-:iT A ::ing convicted of manslaughter.The °:i Pa ct ;i ;a y ‘the °é ae ease »,.Some of the newspapers in .case was tried twice,.the jury dis-ere eee {%y:¢5Btatehavebeenjawingconsideraragreeingthefirst-time.The -ne-:as ,‘ bly about -Mr.Underwood's vote |gro asked the young woman to de ;pe :Lay \ee ‘‘:: for the Bristow amendment to the me formerly were slaves of the oe 4%||iy Sales Day is the first Monday in each month in Statesville,N.C. constitutional amendment providing|fend him on the ground that his ;:!ey Pugh family im North Carolina.for the election of Senators by the|,5 : people.Those who favor Mr.Mr.Mi i :|pa 2,Cay ‘1Mr.Mills Should Be Conti ‘|Underwood's presidential candidacy -js Commissioner and ee a b i ;a 19¢e.age 9c.19¢e.19c.19c. contend that he voted just as the|To the Editor of The Landmark.ati),orth Carolina delegation and|:I understand no candidates for ”|*2 eeRC.co ee ss A -other Democrats voted..Thesd are|county commissioner in the Demo- the facts :When'/thé resodution ped ce aaron one a ne re-ceived a sufficient number of votestheconsti-‘Providing for amending,the conpti-|+)i ominate,and that leaves the :se-tution Bo as to elect Senatora py lection of nominees in hands of Dem-;1d _.!the people,was passed by the ocratic county convention,to be held )House and went to the Senate,it /in Statesville May 25th.ij |j |; was amended by Senator Bristow}Ayear ago the most important bus-‘::¢@ : in such a way that Soutgern Denio-som ge ee eononn yet .Zweetewheter(DIACe ere the peopleof Iredel on A ::EIDpreyDeleye.Wer Teeny i Wiring Couey,foe their:consideration was fi ad We have placed on sale our full line of Embroid- ratified by them in voting a bond |-eries,and they are the best values ever offered4suffrageregulationsofStatesin$400,.,‘‘8,é 2 1 F values ii f asure,mp me pe een ie te =me Thelargestandbestequipped ‘for the money,A look wiil convince you. was pent to conference.The con-pe ise county.ae “rl |Clothing and Furnishing Wa are sole agents for American Lady “Gareete ference committee failed)to agree e chairman of board of county ees ae ome ::Tar lis co {ey and the measure was.returned to |Commissioners since 1902is that able,||;Goodsstore in the.olnas.Take one with you on our guarantee,Ask the‘capable and vigorous business man ,Biker oe :‘‘I ‘::sceptanc of the ’j 7.woman who wears one,_the House for acceptance |Mr.N.B.Mills,and to who ore|:eee ea When in the City;make our Senate amendments.Mr.Bartlett,:creditis due for the good road workiofGeorgia,offered an amendment in Iredell county than any,otherman:Yusiff Maderilla,who.store headquarters.ALLEN L.MILLS,providitg that Congress shall have|Mr.Millsisa thoroughly -practically °.5 i‘no.power to provide for the quali-|business man,as has been proven by meets Louis Frantz at States-8 &10 West Trade St THE CASH STOREficationsofelectors,ete.All)the |a Successful career covering many|yjlle'Theatre tonight.Best Charlotte N.C (Successor to The Ladies’Furnishing Store.) 9 .e ‘“~ to Congress power to nullify the Southern Democrats voted for this |years.»He has sound judgment,is .5 amendment except four or five,and far-sighted,safe,sane and with the;two in three fall to a finish ‘one of the four.or five who voted melts,it le,due joieuuneing eneiery Toe hold barred.:Maderilla FOR RENT.~SEVEN-ROOM dwelling, against it was Oscar Underwood,Of and interestin this important ques-|poste $25 guaranteeing clean.blocks from postoffice.Possession June tht,|W.eee .a ©@O4S SOOO 6606000 866 oJ:ON.May 21—4tAlabama.The amendment was de-|tion of handling economically and tactics on hispart.A.ELIAS!—AN UP-TO-DATE feated and then the House Demo-judiciously the $400,000 belonging to Lie peo want t0 know.Get ‘THE ‘j oe BOOKKEEPER crate,as the Senate Democrats hed:|6ithe people of Iredellcounty and voted LANDMARK.:es ‘ done,having failed to eliminate ob-|for good roads,thatis now pushing |Sessssscccocos a |iP ep,insists on good stationery an e jeationables features,voted for the forward that important work.with z -:.:-’"oe office supplies..Rightly,too,Vigor and energy.,for with them the work goespassageoff“the resolution.Burt?.Millsis eouliarl fitted with ::::: the fact is that’Mr.Underwood,"equipment ed eg to icar-a \;=%better andquicker.Ourline of ¥ ‘with,four or.five other Southern:|ry\forward the work of road _con-E Pram 4 ‘OR |)6 we fo commercial-stationery is the ers,voted against a measure de|“ction now begun,and I feel it .eae BA |e a!sf é Sor best and most complete in this Soot bt ro.Goukigacien most ‘ob-eouild be a fatal mistake and directly lead Sy ar)\-§community.We shall be gladstidnabletoSoutherners.4 we wiht =.é :a sats mbouseoentytes tueDeena i to have you test it and our mod-Gov.Brown,¢fGeorgia,is not |to consider making,at this time,any }A |a =erate prices,:whethér you need disposed to override the courts.He|change in chairman of the board.Mises Sie oN |fore anything from.a few pens toa pardons few criminals,.Having The primaties heldinIredell county :i :Hy:wy Nee,i ;complete set of.new books. refused to stay,the execution of.the |On May 18th evidenced the popular :5 owe A OE a Bentence in five murder’cases,the |Will regarding Mr.Mills,and.the x .;:R.P.ALLISON”S.Governor.quoted)Numbers,35:30-31 slightestinquiry will develop the factasjustificationfor’his action as |that the business interests of Iredell =:BOOK |AND STATIONERY STORE.aes /county.are practically unanimous in j :,follows);|their desire for his retention aschair-:z ‘i4‘Moreover,ye shal]take no’satis-|man of the board.oul Ul a 1S ac lon ereBEBLOR‘fer “the jife of a masderer,|which nuit ot eased he sal,M Mis deservesendoixementby igwiey1yeputtodeatiWwhosa-kill-|.:eth any person,the murderer shall |jhis record,which speaks for itself.C i i“8 mg ei al perepae godlegele OMEN,When you purchase a piece or a complete suite of witnesses.”:j store o buy a degree of satis- Itfs a great pity that othier Goy-|"arm Work—Home From School,cet ei eg :oy a t .$i|Correspondence of The Landmark.faction that is impossible in other stores.It is notStatesville,R 3,May 22.—The far-shai ‘sideboard be pleasiniLidibidwould|mers are making pood use of thefair enough that a certain chair or er :pl 1Berfidtherewoulkagfewermur-PE portnow.Cotton thinning?Yand|in appearance.It.must also pass high standard In C L d fH a”erers.corn hoeing are the’order of the day.Car Load o orses an ‘it is underetocd that Major J,teen Pe ees,and Roy i pernction 1h orter to.meny tHe rae of wy :ieuemymanhavereturnedhomefromstore.iCc.Hemphill,who has been editor |Lenoir College,Hickory.After spend-:eS Mules now in stables. ee ae cee.re ajing.few days ee home folks -they .We sell high grade edeouin,din {ng room,living Q :oséwillleaveforPeniticeShethWhatbaverSane16)and they will mend thetr ‘eacation.where Mi oom and hall furniture,The prices will just suit -and sée them. hee te eit 0 tO eS Cole oc eet Miss Zella Lippard,who went nee ae :-walk au.Gali and see us.aapositionontheNewYork‘Times.|Hickory last Saturday to visit réla-Aseerjtivesandtoattendthecémmence-When Gabriel's trump sourfds the/ment at’Lenoir College,returned We put NewTires on your Go Carte,Southern Presbyterians will still be|home Tuesday evening. wrangling among themselves about |,Mr.T.A:Rimmer also went td el-Graig Live Stock Co. the “elect infant,ohause.’|Hickory last’Saturday to attend.theihc|commencement exercises.‘Ss).3 unk ”>cc eooeeeeie.Sickny Allen and|Our new pastor,Mr.W.D.'Halti-Williams...Puintuire :‘House.FOR S ALB.—SROOND-HAND &penerel ‘POR RENT.at on west pare TON:.ae “May ee aan eta ermors-and:juries amd ats do not | keep the Divine Law ijn mind.°°If! tne ;ta eo reg Ne eT atlases ;the Virginia:|mur-'||wanger inlet at St Martin’s.last.Bugey.mer N,P,WATE"sderere,have ‘been increased -“$1.5500.euneey "De : Te Ae ri s t p a t n a t a i p a i m a n s a s s i n e t i ea en s i t i a d li te e t a Choice $1.98,Choice $1.98. THE LANDMARK PUBLISHEDTUESDAYANDFRIDAY. FFICE:120 WEST BROAD SraerGTELEPHONENO.14. \24,1912. FRIDAY,--':=“Mayé MOVEMENTS OFTHE PEOPLE, |Personial Mantlon ofof the:Folks Who Arve Coming and Going.ia Mr.J.W.Scroggs,who.has ‘regular price $5.00. ing after. Lisle Hose 15c.pair. Dresses half price. Your choice of $3.00.$3,50,$4.00 and’$5.00 last season’s low cut Shoes inthe following makes:Beacon,regular price $3.00,$3.50, $4.00;Bates,regular price $4.00;Florsheim, ‘Choice of any of abovemakesinstockcarriedfrom-last season $1.98..Nearly 300 pair to select from.Black and ‘Tans in Vici,Gun Métal and Patents,Thése_prices are put on to move'the stock quickly....None charged at less than regular prices.Pants Worth $1.50 to $350,$1.00.to $1.50, ‘Three hundred pair Men’a:Pants go.on sale-.Saturday at $1.00 and $1.50.Nothing in the|lot worth less than $1.50 and some values in the lot well worth'$3.50.These are all jobs but good clean merchandise well worth look: -Lf you want the latest.in Clothing,HatsandFurnishingsourspringstockiscom-plete,styles-correct and prices guaranteed.MILLINERY. All Millinery reducedto close. Dry.Goods moved to millinery department ~~and marked down to close. Ladies’Silk Hose 25¢.pair. All Silk and Gingham Very respectfully, Entire stock Ladies’25c. ‘we been principal of Bain academy,| Mecklenburg county,for three years, is at the home,of.his father,Mr. M..J.Scroggs,near Statesville,for dhe summer vacation. Mesdames Lee Ashcraft and 'T.D. Webb returned Wednesday nig‘ht from a visit to Mre.S.N.Petere in Greensboro. children,of New York,who visited Mr.and «.Mrs.jWim Wallace,:left yesterday for Siewiie Rock...Mr.and.<‘Mrs...“Wallace accompanied thém and will spend two or three days in the’mountains.’- Mrs,Martha ‘Brady,of.Graham, who:has’been vibiting in’States- villé for several days,will eb to Davidson)tomorrow.:Mre .°Walter Hz Pomence “and little daughter,Marjorie,who visit- ed .Mrs.J.B..Gill,have returned to"their home in Charlotte. Mr.John G,Boat and little daughters,Florence and!Margaret, ‘who were here on aceount ef the illness of Mr.Best's,father,:-Mr.A. A.Bost,left Wednesday for their home at Gree pville,Pa.Miss Margaret Patterson|‘visitedatthehomeofCapt.N!A.Bost in Charlotte this week. Mrs.W.,T.Nicholson end bon,Master Thomas,are visiting in Ghar. lotte: Mies:Marie Long and little.Miss Lois Long Hackett returned’Wed- nesday night from.W inston-Salem, where they visited. Miss Elizabeth .Allisan is visiting ‘Telatives in Salisbury. Editor Mergney,of iver a ockenvitie Herald,was in Statesville this week. THER.M.KNOX CO. Sales Dayis the first,Monday iin each monthinStatesville,N.Cc. Miss Wert,of Chattanooga,Tenn., who visited Mrs.G-V:.Henkel left Wednesday for Birmingham,Ala. Mrs.R M Gray.and child spent j}Wednesday in Mooresville.. Children spent Wedmesday.and yee terday in:Charlotte Miss May Shaw,who had been the guest of Miss Margaret Tuner since Statesville college commence- Rome. are trathed,is noeasy task. ”pendent program. tures will be shown with it. Special At The Crescent Today“THE CHRISTIAN MARTYRS.” A beautiful,hand colored Historical pictorial repro- duction portraying the humiliations,sufferings and per- secutions of the early Christians in the clutches of Pagan The last scene picturing the ‘Christian Martyrs being cast into.a den of Lions after offering a prayer,and their walking among these huge beasts unharmed,‘is .nothing short of marvelous and will hold anyone spellbound, Forty full.grown Lions—no fakes—appear in this scene,and the control of these Lions,even poner they The Critic onthe ‘‘MOVING.PICTURE WORLD”says ‘This is.the strongest feature ever offered on the Inde- We have secured this picture at considerable expense but.will make no extra charge for it.Two other fine pid- * ment,left Wednesday for her gc in Monroe. Mrs.Kime,of Burlington,andMissHallieBenton,of Monroe.ere the guests of Mr.’and Mrs.Homer Benton.-Mre.Kime is Mys.Ben- ton’s mother and Miss Benton is a sister of Mr.Benton Miss Jenna Echard,who hiad been in’Charlotte,was im Statesville yesterday en route to her home in Taylorsville:“Mrs.-S.L..Colvert and child, Samuel,Jr.;of Wilmington,.who visited here,went to High.Point yesterday afternoon. a Ml cab Nee 2 4 :Death of Me...Shoemaker-—Turners-i ‘burg News.{Correspondence of The Landm@rk. Turnersburg;.May,22.—Friends ofMr-J.G.Shoemaker ‘will be sorrytohearofhisdeath,which occuredlastFridaymornin‘about 9 0 *clock,at hishome in Turnersburg.Mr.Shoemaker had a’stroke of.paralysisaboutfiveyears.ago,from which heneverrecovered,and had been:con- fined to his bed about all of this time.Last Thursday he had the third stroke,which caused his death.Burial atVernonchurchSaturdayat120’clockMr.Shoemaker is:survived by hiswifeandeightchildren.He was in Mr:and Mrs.R.H.Pretzfeld,and ; Mr.and Mrs;T.-'T.Caldwell:and | tion. {his 63rd year.{Dr.P,'C.Jurney and Mr.MauriceDunlapmadeatriptoCharlotteyes-terdayin Dr,Jurney’s.automobile.Farmers dre enjoying this.béauti-ful spell of weather and.are takingadvantageofit.promising so far.Siete asaaeaiesWants.Instructions.For J Grimes.Suirespondérite ot The,Lenamark: -The Iredell friends of Secretary.ofState'J.‘Bryan Grimes,who want him}renominated,must not:fail’Saturday’ in the county convention to have Tre- dell endorse Col,Grimes:forthat posi+ ‘more:faithful nervant. Olin,May 21.° —FOR SALEiiseteatatwohousesforrent,Fay,N.C, ‘PHILIP Ss.EASLEY,iiD. Office over Hall’s Drug Store Office hours peeSaud 7to 8p.m. "PHONE 152,‘_May-24. ‘Crawford BunchFurnitureCompany,* UNDERTAKERS. *Phone 400. Crops ,ae:very’ Bryait S North Carolina.never had a and efficient public J.A.STIKELEATHER. consequent.. ing. “in a:good bank means ‘more than mere.storing of money. a When you’‘have oan your banker that you,ean handle,— your business and yourself sat-: isfactorily it-also.means thatyourcreditisgoodforfinancialaidinyourenterprise.It -that’with your’credit good at your bank,the reputation bringsyouinmoretrade,better busi- ‘ness bargains and increased so-cia andpolitical prestige. means,too, Accounts of companiesaud individualssolicited. ery facility given—consistent with conservativ e bap.k- vee iy on the square. L Always stand well at your bank;keep your engagements and’show your desiretobe con-. “sidered:a man who can be trusted..We are.all pulling to- gether for the.common.good,and you may rest assured that we will help you,through thick -and thin,if you show you are Die .May 24. Sale Still On 1 C.IRVIN,President.:G.H.BROWN,Vice President. “pala Washingt Cand es -FirstNational Bank, STATESVILLE,N.C.| j coi $100,000;Surplus and Profits$32,000; OFFICERS: E.S.PEGRAM,Cashier. J UST RECEIVED. JNO.W.GUY,AssistantConbion Messrs.J.A»Hartness and R.A. Mr.Hrebert Morrison w ent to Greenville,S.C..yesterday to spend two or three days. Mr.Jo Clark went to Spencer yesterday to play bdall:.on.the Spencer team for a few days Miss Janie Leonard visited in Charlotte this week.} :Rev.B.F.Hargett has,returned from a brief visit to bis son in |Spartanburg .4 Misses Vera”Millsaps,Ethel| iRussell and Clatdie camawath are| lat,home from the State Normal, Greensboro.Miss May McIntosh, }of Denver,stopped here for a brief |visit to.Miss Millsaps while enroute John Martin Barringer and Hugh) McRorie are at home from the} school,Rutherford | |Westminister ‘9 csnienecascemSNanaNRaIBiUNi SSR KCRACRAR:Rinse cen waeKeciaianmmne:TE jeounty.Hecord Ne woo this.useful;pure AluminumSaucePan with any purchase of the Original “1892”Pure SpunAluminumWareamountingto85c. There are positively no strings to.this offer.This valuable sauce pan that sellseverywherefor35c,will be presented to you whenever you have made your 85c purchase. you know that “1892”PureSpun Al guaranwantyou to know it. valuable book of cooking — with no extra senate White-Stimpson Hardware Company. MRS.DR.MOORE,| We are going to give you Prem: fs We are satisfied that if you use these utensils,you will say,like thousands of other housewives,that they are better and cost less,in the long run,|Did uminum Ware won't chip off,scorch or burn,and that it lasts many times longer than other materials ?It is teed to you for 15 years,Well,these things are true and we ‘If you haven’t used “1892”PureSpun Aluminum Ware,just tear out this advertisement and show it to the clerk after you have selected your other articles.He will give you this attractive aluminum sauce pan and a Sign Your Name Here| Bring this advertisement.withyouwhenyoucall, Name Town 1 a ASE CART Fresh milch *cow and.pigs for a Shot,Paris Green ||Notices of New Advertisements, | Prige guessing advertising con-| test;$5 prizes;see eighth page.”! |Is your.money working?—Me | jchants and Farmers’Bank.. |.Cameo pins.—H..B-Woodward, jeweler |.Rockers,hammocks,baby carts, |trunks:-Crawford-Bunchj :Furni- jture Co,Aluminum sauce pan with pur- lighases,|-White Stiaipecs Hard- ware Co./1 WwW restling match at eee ee }night.Special ‘sale fancy ribbeps.— |Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison Co. Fair warnliig-The sale ends Saturday night.—-Poston-Wasson CoGreatest,hat sale of the Season. |Prices to interest.—Mills.&)Poss |ton.:; Good grocers have City Flour,— City Flour Milling Co.‘ You,buy satisfaction.—yWilliams|Furniture House. Printing’and office supplies.— |Statesville Printing Co. |Speciall reducticn sale.of shoes, pants,millinery,ete-—The R.M. Knox Co. i.Christian Majjyrsat the Cres- cent today. 4.Undertaking.Phone 400—Craw- }ford-Bundih,Furniture Co. Midsummer mil'imery sale con- }tinued wntil’Monday.—-Mrs.N..M.(Keim,,os |Bug poison;Spanish)peanuts foriplanting.—D.J.Kimball.f|}.Van Lindley:Go's flowers.—Polk Gray Drug Co.,agents.Ai Dr.Easley.Office:over Hall's drug store.”Phone 152. sale and’houses far rent.—L; W. Stevenson,Loray.° "PAINLESS TOOTH EXTRACTOR, Will be in Stony Point :beginning.Thureday,~ May 234d,for ceveralVGRSE.4a 0 "Tayloreville to follow. i hare Sing Shot and Paris Green to killthe bugs. “A'so Spanish Pea- nutes for,planting.© |D.J.KIMBALL. Mr.Sherrill Graduated in Medicing ‘wl*at Wake Forest. Newton News.| Among the graduates at WakeForestCollege4s:Mr.Cait Sherrill, wiho has finished)the course in)med- deine:He isi a Catawba young man, the scm of ‘Mr.Walter L.Sherrill. (Mr..Sterrill)is a nephew of Dr. HF.Lnogjof Statesville,and)is well known to many State ‘sville peopie.- 1'The Landmark]. Give THEtrialsubscription. re DMARK ‘three an60.centa- Miller spent yesterday in Charlotte | jhome from the Normal.iJ i ‘Mrs.N.M.Keim. The Greatest Hat Sale of the cae The special sale of Midsummer _-Milli- nery will be contin- ued until Monday, when the remainder Glace Nuts.| Black Walnut Creams.Chocolates and Bon Bons,assorted. 50C.THE POUND.THE STORE OF QUALITY of the seasonable stock will be remov-' ‘ed...Closing out of‘general stock con- tinues to July Ist. j| | NOTICE ress ee cee Due horpeeeremeer ayschangeforonebusheloflisTharpe.Miller,and splendidi vel peeene for thenotover-fastidMILL,Harmony,N.C.J.B.Wilson,Proprietor. Statesville Drug Co., PRESCRIPTIONISTS. April 30.—8t. —1,000 or mdre oldcerappingandmake is NowOn at Mills &Poston’s Store. THESE PRICES SHOULD INTEREST YOU: $1.25 Ready-to-Wear Hats for 75¢. $2.25 Ready-to-Wear Hats for $1.50$2 00 Dress Hats for 1.50 $3 50 Dress Hats for 2.50 ~“=$1 50 Ready-to-Wear Hats for $1. $3.00 Ready-lo-Wear Hats for 2. $2.50 Dress Hats for 2. $5.50 Dress Hats for.‘3. BETTER HATS REDUCED ACCORDINGLY.THESE PRICES MEAN CASHDOWN. If you haven’t attended this sale don’t celay: getting at.such prices 18 limited. This opportunity of Hat :~oee truly, MILLS &POSTON. 119 WEST BROAD STREET, Sales Dayis the first Mondayin each monthin Statesville,N.C. seraemeromemaenooetnmenenc ene ee eee ee7arning!y AND |}Fair THE LAST WARNING. _Saturday.night endé this great: :PRICE SLAUGHTERING SALE. -Poston-Wasson-Ce \s -NorthCarolina.“Look‘for the:Big Red Sie.} SD OED AN ND GOALSUD ca ee NS a Statesville,’on. ite ta rh Wy atAD Serta coe \ iFfp“i \The New Perfection OilCopk-stove -{SuitsEverybody’ :uh suits the most exacting French chef.It suits thePhomsbvete.feAf Yh foundin luxurious villas——in camps—in farms—in humble‘city ce 7 ‘Everybody uses it;een y likesit.It is the all-rotind®stove for all t the year round.It bakes,broils,roasts and toasts as well as a coal range. Itis equipped with a special heating plate,and’we sell the New Per- |fection oven,broiler,‘toaster,and emake wide-soh spedilly de-.. i signed for use withthe «. (New Perféction FreeCook-Te Book ‘with every stove, :Cock-Book "ff ts »Allldealers sell the stove.It is handsomely !Pe ert finished in nickel,with cabinet top,drop .,|anyo ey ed shelves,towel racks,etc.[Long chimneys,en- ameled turquoise-blue.Made with 1,2 or 3 5 centsto cover’ -burners,mailing ‘cost. STANDARD OIL COMPANY a 2:Svar ern ee in New tersey)“NEWARK,N.J.:_>BALTIMORE,MD, 1906 00>-rionorabte Wosord ees 1912 Your Comfort Today May Be Your Distress Tomorrow.aie .|Ever Think of ‘That.Mr.Property Owner?INS URANCE! We issue every kind—Fire,Life,Aecident and Health,Steam ~Boiler,Liability,Automobile,Plate Glass,Wind Storms,Cyclone, Live stock.Bonds—Administrators,Guardians,Trustees and any judicial bond.Todayis here:-Tommorrow.is coming:all too fast.Consider'the present.Too late to lock the stable after ‘the horseis gone.’Phone 54.Call or write.us for prices and information about our policies.;Statesville Realty &Investment Co. J.F.nel ds Manager. Rings That Are.Right. When you buy one offour Rings you need not give yourself any trouble about the sets.If by any chance the-set should get loose and ‘come out,just :2 bring itin and a.new set will be put in free of any * ),cost to you.We sell the famous W.W.W.Let us show you our line. A beautiful PICTURE suitable for framing will be given to every onemalking ¢a cash purchase of $1.00ormore. R.H.RICKERT &SON - ||Jewelers.§ Melhods,Large Resources COURTEOUS TREATMENT. count.If you have not yet opened an account with theCOMMERCIAL we invite you to do so now. Capital $100,000.00 Surplus 28,000.00 Total Resources over 500,000.00 ‘Four per.cent.on time and Savings Deposits. t Commercial National Bank, Statesville,N.C. .STEELE,Presideit.E.MORRISON,Vice President..AUSLEY,Cashiec.|_G,E,.HUGHEY,AsdlitasCashier.co :=x IF YOUR FEET— Give You Trouble-Don’t Fail:to UsejPAXTOFOOT:POWDER LET US SHOW YOU,ae CENTS AT HALL'S,‘DRUG STORE. °"PHONE NOO.26, +.wey FRIDAY, -|been’selected for temiporaty;eNair-~ |man ofthe National.Repbiioad:con. ‘leoal,mine workers,‘and the coal |délphia~this,week and bigned the ‘agyeement entered)i jthe workers,which:Had been rati- 4 wages le Mov ing Against the.Coffée ‘Specula- j pntertaining- THE LANDMARK| May .24,1912), sea OF NEWS.as Senator Root,of.“New.‘York,has vention. The flood in’the Missippt Valley ig beginning to yaa but-morgthan 150,000 refuy driven from the flooded distri i are being fed’and cared for by rélief committees, Repmesentative:Akin,of New York, has introduced im .Congress a mnes- olution which would direct.Secre- ‘tary Wilson to report to the House thie circumstances under which!his son,Jasper Wilsonwas appointed at a reputed salary of $10,000,as am employe,of a Cojonade irrigatiom company. Hupeewantatives of,the).anthracite companies:met at the.headquartens of the Reading Company in Phila- gto by the presi+: dents.and the representatives of fied At a meeting’of mine workers; ‘The miners ane given an increase of ard otherconeessions and! the mining of anthracite coal,which had.been suspen ed.for ,Bevel weeks,has been resumed,A, ribecnccenntteinsicmerntond — tors; In)New)York this week ‘Attorney | General Wickersham moved agéinst the so-called coffee:trust,or Bra-| 'giliam valorization scheme:In a) petition in equity filed in the} Unitied StateS count.the yalomiza-' tion plan,is declared to be..a vide | tion of °the.Sherman ,anti-trust | law. The court is asked to decree the’! schenié unlawful,to enjoin the val-| orization.committee from withhold,| ing ‘coffee from)the smarket:and to} lappoint a receiver to.sell the./950,- 000.bags,valued at $10,000,000, now alleged.to be stored.in ware- houses -of the New York Dock com- pany.T he governmerfit_also applied?) for ‘a teniporary injunction restrain- ing the valorization committee from| removing or disposing of eoffee held, in..America..pe nding the:termina- tion of the issue.| The members of the v raloriaation | committee have agreed and con- spired among.themselves,”“the gov- ernment charges;to withhiold/from | the matket large quantities of cof- fee under their control for the pur-| pose.of raising the price to an un- natural and unreasonable extent.| enmaenaianenenenieae eentt | ‘Celebration .and Othe News. Correspondence .of The Landmark.| Olin,May “20.—Little Mies Edry| Padgette,daughter-of Mr.and Mrs.| B.A.Padgette,celebrated her sev-| enth birthday Friday,May 17,b¥-) eleyen,of her ie friends at her home.Dinner served the guests and the day ae spent most pledsantly in)outdoor | games .and other amusements de! lightful to chiildiren. Birthday mony :.hine.oni the Hanmony batik} ground Saturday,May 18,Tre score, was 11 to 20 im favor of Tabor. Miss Inez)Zachiary,/of Wadeyille,| N..C.,is expected to visit at thr} ‘home of Mr.and Mrs.Wie.Hayes | the last of this week.| Mr.R.P.Holmes,who attended| the old soldiers’reunion at Max on,| Ga.;has returned honre.| Misses.Hsma‘and Fannie Holmes | of Greensboro’,are visiting their| parents at Taibor.| Mr.Guss Holmes has been enter-| taining the neighborhood with his| phonograph and his kindness is ap | preciated. ——_—_—_—X__ Poor Crop.Prospects—Sick Peoples Correspondence of The Landmark. Harmony,R,-1,May 20--The| prospect for a crop is not bright. The heavy.raing have done consid-| erable damage to crops.Cotton is |late | Heath has been bick-but-is bet-| Mrs.Ann Rieves is at the bed-|Ila Rat- M. ter side of her daughter,Mrs, ledge,who is quite sick.Mrs.M BB.Gaither ‘is visiting inp Statesville. Dougal Et Al to Hold a Meeting af Spemecr.| A news item sent from Spencer to) the daily papers says: “Sandy Dougal Scotchman,Har- try Goodwin,an Englishman,and Harry Fichel;am,American,who are making a tour in the:South,will hold.a gospel tent meeting,in Spen-} cer early in’June.The party:has| been holding a’meeting’at Blowing | Rock,where the tent is now located and from which place it:will be shiip- ped to Spencer and pitched)in Spéen- eer park.”‘These are the men who have been operating in north counties adjoining.and who have been discussed in The Landmark, Fatal ‘Runa W:ay “Ace ident. At New Benme Monday afternoon four young ladies,Misses Bertra Willett,Lida Davis,Leta.Land and Violet ‘Folks,were driving when the horse.took fright and ran.Miss Davis jumped from the struck the sidewalk with such force that she died some.hours later.Theotherladiesremainedinthievehicle until it struck a telephone post and they were thrown out,oe were not hurt,‘ eopepetanscoacabodtiopemnnese Box Supper House,Correspondence of The Landmark, There will be a box Supper atHenderson‘school house June .15, Loa;ay 130. es ice,cream and other ments will be served.refresh- of the- church,parsonage 9f Zion .M.E., GOM. dinopped dead Sumday night taking up collection.. The Tabor nine played the Ha™the subject and.various substitutes not coming good,especially planted.Wheat is not going to yield a full crop.| Master Ralph)Heath,Who lives} with -W>-B--Gampbell,isivery sick; with the fever.*Mr.J.V.Bagger-| ly’s condition is very serious yet,| though slightly improved.Mr.John Iredell and in} vehicle.and at Henderson School ::‘my Atter the sale of hox- The proceeds are for the beriefit GO ‘olumbus Foster,superintendent ||- Of the Sundiay school in the:-color- ed Baptst chiurch.¢d -Henders:mvihe, ‘while f |shoe Machinery Trust ‘Has Grip om|Manufacturers. ‘Washington Correspondence ‘New«York Herald..: “Of the’$400,000,000 Ny of do-mestic shoes that are'sold inthe Unit- edStates.rattledyear the manufactur- ers are compelled to pay to the United Shoe Machinery Company-50 per cent’of their profits for the rent of machin- ery.This assertion ‘was made before the House committee on patents recentl by F.C.Rand,ashoe manufacturero St Louis,and was greeted with nodsofapprovalfromrepresentativeman- ufacturers from all the shoemanufac- turing centers.“The trust officiols admit,’’SantinauedMr.Rand that they control 98 per!cent.of the shoe machinery used.inthiscountry.In view of this fact,allshoemanufacturersareobligedtodobusinesswiththeUnitedShoeMachin-| ery Company.ag The shoe mén urged the:committee.to frame.a favorable report on the bill|:of.Mr,Oldfield,the chairman,which‘is designed to prevent a monopolyin patetits.ahey explained that the in- yentors of s country have:no market for‘their in-ventions except the:United Shoe Ma-|«| chinety Company...“If a machineig ‘invented thatisanimprovementonthemachinesnowinuse,we.are not at liberty to purchasethem,”said Mr.Rand. terms of our contracts we must use full sets gf machines from the trust or ‘none atall..If we putin one independ- lent machine,the trust would prompt-\ly recall all the machines which we use under lease and it would even be necessary for us-to pay the freight onthesemachinesbacktothefactory." Presbyterians Change in Elect.Infant’Clause.*|Bristol,.Tenn.,Dispatch,14th.. The General Assembly of theSouth-fern Presbyterian Church today dis- ‘posed of the’controversy over the in- fant-elect clause by adopting and re- férring to Presbyteries for their rati- fication,a substitute for the elect in- 'fant.clause of the confession of.faith.| ‘The resolution carrying the proposed 'substitute’clause was passed after the ;most lively debate of the présent sés? |sion and after numerous amendments had been veteddown.The Assembly finally agreed upon a formthat suited a large majority of the commission~ ers,which is as follows:, “Being.elect,all infants.dying ‘in infancy are saved and regeneratedithroughthespiritofChrist,”etc. The canvass of the returns from |the Presbyteries made today showed that a substitutein substance the same ‘as the-above had failed to receive a three-fourths vote,although the Pres-was|byteries asked for a change.Theprasentelectclause‘is:‘Elect infants dyingin infancy are|regenerated,’’etc. Vigorous speeches were made on were proposed.Some strongly op- posed any change,declaringtthat the present clause,rightly interpreted, jdoes not teach infant damnation.Others held that it was susceptible of that construction.Dr.F.M.Woods, of West Virginia,said any change would be‘mantog the white feath-” Lame back is usually caused by rheu-matism of the muscles of the back,forwhich...you.will.find.nothing,better|thet Chamberlain’s Liniment.‘or sale by all dealers. What grade of flour to juse,remove all none by using : oe machinery in.this}: “Under they Dan Valley Flour |We could :cite a thous- and reasons for using |DAN VALLEY FLOUR |.But one reason will suf- ’fice and that is that itisunquestionablythe best flour.milled in America today and one trial will convince yu. of the fact.|C.W.Boshamer,hy Local.Representative. *Phone 1125 |{| JUST RECEIVED ! Please Read These Two beitecn, “The following letter from Mrs.Orville Rockwill prove how unwittisforwomento'submit to the dangers ofa sur ‘nateoperation hentemaybeavoidedbytakingLydiaBE.Pinkham’8 Vegetable Compound.~She was four:weeks in the hospital and came home suffering)*,worse than before.‘Then after all that patering ali E.rinek+=8 Vegetable ‘Compound restored her health,che ;‘HERE 1s HER OWN STATEMENT,‘ .Paw Paw,:Mich—*Two years ago’I ‘suffered,|RU |very Bevery with’a displacement—I could not’M be on my feet for a long’time.My physician |treated me for’several months'without much.re-‘Tief,and:at Jast sent-me.to Ann Arbor for an op-.”eration.I was there fourweeks and ¢ame home’:#4 suffering ee than before.’mother advised4metotryLydiaE,Pinkham’s Vegetal,Com-¢4 pound,andI did.To-day I-am_well-and ee and do all my own housework.I owe my healthtoLydiaE.Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound.andadvise.every woman who is afflicted:with anyfemalecomplainttotryit."°—Mrs.OrvicLe:Roox,R.R:No.5,Paw Paw,Mich. “6THERE NEVER WAS A WORSE GASE.”” |Roc ort,Ind.—*There never was-a worse case of women’s illsthanmine,and I cannot begin to tell you what I suffered:For over two years I was not able todo anything.I was in bed for.a month and the doctor said nothing but an operation would cure me.My father suggested Lydia E.Pinkhdm’s.Vegetable Compound;so to please him I took -it,and I improved wonde rfully,so I am ‘able to travel,ride horseback,take long rides.and never feel any ill effects: ‘from it.I can’only ask other suffering women to give Lydia E.I aks ham’s Vegetable Compound a trial before submitting to an operation.”;- —Mrs.Mancarer-Meremirn,R.F.D,No.3,Rockport,ind, Wewill pay a handsome reward to any person who will’prove tous ‘that these letters are not genuine and tr uthful—or that either of these: “women were paidii any way for their testimonials,or that the orig- inal letter from each did not come to us entirelyunsolicited. For 30 years Lydia E.‘Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound has been the standard remedy for fe- male ills.No one sick with woman’s ailments does justice to herself who will not try this fa- mous medicine,made from roots and herbs,it - .has restored so many suffering women to health. Write to LYDIA E.PINKHAM MEDIC INECO. (CONFIDENTIAL)LYNN,MASS.,for advice. .Your letter will be o netsconand answered by@ woman and held in strict confidence. —&Pinnnkia ““a FoR SALE! 102 acres in Bethany township,7 miles from Statesville.New two- story,6-room dwelling,two stock barns and outbuildings,fine orch- ard;40,aeres in cultivation,balance in woodland.Churches.near, |school house on adjoining place,macadamized and-sand—clay -road within half mile of farm. 43-acre farm five miles south of Statesville,lying on both sides of the public road|Two story,six-room:dwelling,some outbuildings in fair condition,{ne orchard,25 acres in cultivation,balance in tim- ber.One branch running through place,well located for trucking and dairy farm. Four-room dwelling on Davie avenue,lot 98x325 feet. Vacant lot 75x112 on Race street. A number of other city and suburban houses ‘and lots and large farms for sale.Good dividend paying stocks in ern eee: ‘For further information call on oF writeERNESTG.SGAITHER, -Statesville,N.C. INSURANCE,STOCKS AND REAL ESTATE. *PHONE 23.OFFICE NO.1,MILLS BUILDING. emnmnims NowLot HackneyBuggies We are expecting another shipment of the fa- mous Hackney Buggies.This Buggy has given perfect satisfaction andis guaranteed in every 116 East Broad Street. Local Views,All New. Broad Street Methodist Church. Statesville Female College. Statesville Graded School. Mr.F.H.Conger's Residence. Long’s Sanatorium. Southern Passenger Station. Ask to see the Simplofiller - Fo in Pen and Conklin’s Fountain Pen..These are twobesteepensonthe market.»'Carry a full line of :Fablets,Inks and Pencils.PRINTING. BRADY,-The Printer. T.W.FRAZIER, a /-TINNER, -/NORTH CENTER STREET. Are the iucky holder of shares in our 39th series.which will mature May ist.callat the office,on that any and |get your i SSRIS aan|ATS ASH _If you are aTEGaue1 herrower ealljand get your mortgage can-<=° |~celled and go home happy. i L.HARRILL,--ecretary. Hotel ‘Gladstone; y BLACK MOUNTAIN,N,GC.< “THE IDEAL PLACE TO SPEND YOUR VACATION. 2;800 FEET EL EVATION.toe Free From Malaria and Mosquitos. (RATES $2.00 PER DAY.“ny Special Rates for Families and:for Summer Visitors.Write |‘Wo,JERE.DAVIS,Proprietor, »May 10.—16t BLACK MOUNTAIN,N,C.. "PHONES,«=SHOP 68RESIDENCE2389 e : respect. Also have Buggies and Surreysofother makes, Spach and Hackney Wagons. GIV E US A CALL.: “Harness,Vehicle &Supply Company.& aaa oe a ac m e _bath;etc. See “On the Square.” The Polk Gray _*PRESCRIPTIOntheSquare. La zHi AS i Ba SS ae S es a we aSry TE N ea R E 5 ay Gs A seteNSPECIALISTS. }Vudor RE-ENFORCED HAMMOCKS THE KIND THAT LAST Company, ‘Phones 409 and 410. We will put them up any time want- ed and will save you money. ——SEE—— R.O.DEITZ, Statesville Housefurnishing ‘Company. Sales Dayis the first Monday |in each month in cuenta N.C. Manager. 'MAY a.15.a been Gelenetedent olsnar We Owe No Allegiance _to anybody in fixing prices. of what others charge forCLOTHING. A modest profit satisfies us, For your health’s comfort;andlowasqualitywillpermit, purse sake trade here. Weare entirely independent and we price our Clothing as Sloan Clothing Co. Bue the 2 Re ¥, Last as long as thebuilding,alsnever need repairs—never need any attention,except an’ occasional coat of paint.Just the thing for all kinds of country buildings,Fire-proof—Handsome—Inexpensive..Can be laid right over wood shingles without dirt orbother,(4) Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware Co.,'Statesville,N.C|New York,a native of Richmond. My Machine Shop | Is complete and I am prepared to do)any kind of repair work.. Engine and Boiler Work a Specialty. Also carry a full line of Steam Fit-| tings up to3.inches.Injectors,Lu-} bricators,Oil Caps and Jet Pumps,Pipe and Shafting.C:H.TURNER,-Depot{Street.DealerinMachinery, FOR SALE!Ua Business lot. Seven-room desirable residence on--Tradd street.Hot and cold water, Lots near GradedSchool,Small north Iredell farm.Ms:you want toi ee sellor exchange {Com and:als. Car White Corn, Carf{White Oats. Harper’s Prolific Seed Corn ‘740 bushels grownon 8° acres.High grade:Flour —White Swann.Also “~ cheaper grades,and all kinds feed stuff..See’mebeforeyoubuy. {4 A.Colvert. I CHN M.M.Pe _[POR SALBrnatrtadtherieee |Also sotme household offedte,MRSKEIM,May 14, FREDAY,.~~+:May 24,|4012. Move to Limit tha :rere on.erm:s Baltimore Sum.- The Senate joins the House ‘in the movement to limit a.President to one, term and extend the term to sixyears.4 The vote in the judiciary committtte, 10 to'l,indicates that a:largemajorityofSenatorsofbothpartiesfavorthe proposition,Chairman Clayton presented to the House ‘committee on judiciary onMay1aresolutiontosubmitapro-peed amendment to section 1,article I,of the constitution,makingit read ‘substantially as follows:‘Fhe executive power,shall bevestedinaPresidentoftheUnitedStatesofAmerica.He shall hold hisoffice.during the term of six yearsandshalle‘ineligible to a serond term”: The Senate resoltition..may:not beidentical,but will be substantial same.But thé position of thetorsisweakenedbytheirrefusal fto limit the:Vice President,as well asthePresident,to a,singlé term.Mr.Borah and other Progressive SenatorsregardtheWorks‘resolution asaimed only at Mr..Roosevelt.Senators are dent iis to serve for’the same period thereis no good reason for not mak- ing the Vice President’s term the sdme and also making him ineligible to re-election. ~Democrats honestly favor as a prin- ciple the limitation of presidential tservice.”So do some Republicans, but others.have.seized upon_itjas_a device to:‘‘curb:Roosevelt,’’and his supporters,who probably would f. vor the principle,oppose the change as aimed at their favorite.Perhaps the reason the amendment was not adopted long ago was the fact that the custom which limits a President.totwotermshas,up to this time,hadall the force of law:Only once,in the ease-of Grant,has it been seriouslythreatened,and that was settled in convention..At any rate,the propos- ed.aniéndment,if adopted,will notaf- fect Mr.Roosevelt’s chances of nom-ination or election..If he is eleeted he will be far into his third term ‘be-fore the amendmeat is ratified.Itwillonlypreventhiselectiontoa fourth term. Why Ooffee is Higher im Price—The Trust Taking Toll. .|Baltimore Sun. Housekeepers know they have to pay more for coffee;grocers can onlyexplainthat“coffee has gone up,like everything else.’”’.But prices don’t‘go.up’’without some reason,and the facts in regard to coffee throwsomelightonthecausesofthe“‘highcostofliving..While the wholesaler has to pay 14centsapoundandhaveitdoledouttohim,there are 950,000 bags of Brazil- ian coffee.stored in New York alone.|Ten years ago the wholesale price}was 5 1-4 to 7 1-2 cents.Weare pay- ing twice as much now because cof-| feeis controlled.by a trust.It is the}most difficult kind of combine to}reach,because its roots are in Brazil} rope,as they do America.Brazil)produces most of the world’s coffee| sumed.Growers induced ‘the State|of Sao Paulo to bagk themin limiting|production and putting up the price. A monopoly was created,$75,000,-000 furnished by foreign bankers tofinancetheschemeandcontrolofthe output and sale of Brazilian coffeeplacedinthehandsofsevenmen, bankers and coffee merchants.TheBraziliancoffeeStatesput.a prohibi- the limit fixed.Since 1908,whenthe monopoly was established,the priceofcoffeehasgoneuprapidly.The world consumes about 18;000,- 000 bags of coffee annually,40 percent.’being consumed in the United‘States.Of the 6,365,000 bags receiv- ed at New York last year 5,155,000bagscamefromBrazil. The United States government hassetouttobreakthecoffeetrust,whichjinfouryears.has taken $20,000,000tollfromthe.Amerjean breakfasttable.While our laws-eannot reachthetrustiniBrazil,the Department of |Justice will try to compel the-sale in||open market of the 950,000 bags now| \in New York and prevent storage.by||the-trust.in the United’States to keep|i|}up prices.© [oe For Moenument to LS of Confederacy ‘The monument to the North Caro- ilina “Women of the Confederacy’’ lthat Col._Ashley-Horneispresenting |ito the State-at a cost of $10,000,is to)|be designed by Henry A.Lukman,of| Women| |The monument will be a massive idesign,the principal featurebeingthe |‘idolized figure of a Southern woman. |This will be ona suitable pedestal and|}extendingin semi-circular shape frdm| either side will be sections of granite forming a half moon to the sidewalkandanopencourtinfrontofthefigure.-oThemonument:will be erected incapitolsquare,Raleigh. UCAS COUNTY Frank i Cheney ‘makes:gath thatheisseniorpartnerofthefirm,of F,J,Cheney &-Cd.,dding business.in theCityofToledo,County and State afore-said,and tHat said firm will pay thesumofONEHUNDREDDOLLARSforeachandeverycaseofCatarrhthatcannotbecuredbytheuseofHall's Ca- tarrh Cure.FRANK J,CHENBY.Sworn to before me.and subscribedinmypresence,this 6th day,of De- cember,A.D,1886.-°"(Seal)A.W.GLBASON,Notary Public..*Hall's),Catarrh Cure is taken internal-ly,and ‘acts directly on-the—blood.andmucousSeeraiatsofthesystem.Sendforeeeree,B..J.NEY &CO,;Toledo,.0.Sold b at druggists,:75c.Take ‘all’s.eeomnily.Pills for gon-mUDaHOB, THE LANDMARK. he. elected for six years and if the Presi-|. and the branches spread all over Eu- and grew more than could be con-|™ tive tax on all coffee produced over | STATE mae wines!CITY x TOLEDO,| RE SALE OFOF FARM. ’Under *authority ‘of ’a decree.oftheSuperiorCourtcfIredcldcoumtyinthespecial.proceed‘ags for the'sdle of land for-division among theheirsofEliB.,Wa!den,1 will onSATURDAY,MAY.26,°1912- at 12 o'clock,ugon,at the courthousedoorinStatesville,re-sell atpublicauctionthetov.#ing landirCoolSpringtowstst'p:Beginning at GAy's crooner,on orrearthechurchroad,7unving north a degrees east with said ‘road,and ‘th the Stateav'ie cma Mocks-ville road 116 poles to a poet oak on the west side of.the 1¢#d;.thenceperth77degre,west to Sills’.cor-ner;thence nesr north 86 polestoastone,Sills’corner;,thence north.89 degrees weat 67 poles to @ poplar .on the wese side of -a branch;thence aouth 3 0:grees west ity Gay's line;thence wia ‘that line‘near east to the beginning,contain-ing 85 aches,leas.2.eLies wold to months and qne-third .n 12.months, with interest _on deterred Payments, with privilége of:pay'ug be fore ma- turity.Purchaser gew rent for.thi. year.°ALEX CC,BEAVER,'Con missioner, J.B.Armfield,Atty.J April 23,:1912. MORTGAGE SALE,OF LAND.- executed to the undersigned on the7thday:of February,1911,by: Thomas,Haynés ,and Wife,Lela Haynes,and default:having been made in payment of the sum thercin-named,t--will -sé}l—at-pub- lic auction,.to the highest bidder for ¢Gash,"at the court house door in S.atesville,N.C.,:on SATURDAY,.JUNE’.1,1912, the following tract of land described in said mortgage,the bame lying and ‘being in Chambersburg town- Ship,Lredell .county,N.C.ang Younded as follows: -Beginning at an iron peg on the north side of the railroad and runs thence north 6334 degrees ‘westfivepoles-and nine links to anfronpex‘ east 231 @ast five thence north five degrees*poles to a gum;thence poles and nine links to an iron peg near the branch:thence South five degrees west 3914 poles to the beginning,containing one and.a half acres,more or less. for .jurther information see mort-gage duly registered in Book No. 54.page 680, register of deeds of Iredell county.R.-W:POU,April.30,1912.—.‘Mortgagee. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as executor of the last will and.testament ofJohnA,Fleming,deceased, Tredell county,this is to notify all Persons having «claims against the estate of faid Johm A.Fleming toexhibitthesametomeonorbe- fore the 26th day of April,1913,or this notice will be pleaded =in lee of their recovery. |All persons indebted to ‘said’es- |tate are hereby notified to make prompt payment to.me.Nie|WATT,Extr.' Lewis &Lewis,Att'ys. Abril 26,1912. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Having qualified as administra- Trexler,,deccased,I hereby;notify all persons having claims tagainst-hie estate to present sametomeonorbeforethe19thdayofApril,1913.J.C.IRVIN. Administrator C.T.A. R.B,McLaughlin,Atty. Abril19,1912, SALE OF HOUSE AND LQLOT ANDANDONEVACANTLOT.’ Y VIRTUE of the power contained in a mort-deed executed by Ralph C.Gouger andwifeCraM.Gouger.on March22,1911,and reg-levered tein book of mortgage deeds 84 page 205,default having been madein the payment of thesame,I will,on MONDAY,JUNE 17,1912, at 12 o'clock,noon,at the court house.door inStatesville,sell at public auction.for cash,thefollowingdescriribedJots'in the city of Statesville:Firétlot:Beginning at a stake on the southsideofWaterstreet,corner of Mrs Ora M.Gouger;thence with her line running southwardandparallelwitbMulberrystreet146'sfeet to astakeinJ,G Turner's line;thence’with J.G,Turner’s and W,Ww,Foushee's line,westward 61 feet to a stake.Mrs.Simon's corner;thence withherlinenorthward146%».feet to a stake on Wal-nut Street,Mrs.Simon's corner;thence withWainutstreeteastward61feettothebeginning,containing one-fifth of an acre,more or less,Second lot:Beginning at astake on the southsideofWalnutstreet61feet-from the intersec- with Walnut street 51 feet to Mulberry street;thence with the weet side of Mulberry street|southward 146'2 feet to a stake on »ulberry |street;thence westward.running parallel withveerstreet51feettoastake;thence north-.parallel with Mulberry street 146%feet to thebeginning,containing 747'+square feet,|Terms of sale cash,|R,V.BRAWLEY,Mortgagee.J.W,AYERS,Assignee,_May117,1912, |SALE OF VALUABLEE CITY |PROP-;“ERT |PURSUANT toa decree of the Superior CourtofIredellcounty,rendered in a special pro-|conan.entitled J,Frank Barrettvand others vs.|C.W.Hyams and others,the undersigned com-|missioner will sell at public auction to the highestbidderatthecourthousedoorinStatesville,N,|C.,on MONDAY,JUNE 10,1912, at le o'clock,m,,the following described real es-|tate,situated on West End avenue,in tho city of|Statesville,to-wit:Beginniog at a ‘stake On West End avenue,MissLouGraham's corner,and running with her line south 24 degrees east 22)poles to'a etake on the College lot;thence South 66 degrees west 75 feettoastake,.the J,B,Connelly corner:thencenorth24degrees-west 22's ‘poles to the street;thence north66 degrees east 75 feet to the begin- less. |wide running from Care street to the rear of the |above described propert;Termsof Sale—One-third cash,one third in sixmonths,one-third in evens months’time.-Meles GHLIN,May 10,1912,seat NOTICE TO CREDITORS: Having qualified as executor of the last sila andtestamentofSarahA.Gardner,deceased,I here- by:notify all pensons having claims against herestatetopresentsaretoméonorbeforethe10thdayofMay.1913.Those:indebted.to the estatearerequestedtomakepromptsettlementJ,E.WESTMORELAND,_R.B.etargtin,Atty.May10,Executor. NOTICETO CREDITORS: Having qualified os administrator of the estateofW.-B.Anderson,deceaned,-I hereby notify all persons having claims against his estate to pre-sent same to me on or before the I4th day'of May,1913,Those Indebted to the oak are requested to settie,E.0.ANDERSON,R.B,McLaughlin,Atty,."i datnaeatee,“May 14th,1912,’:cite 208 oles to .a stake und pointers. the mill company;tiis Jasd contains) dwelling house,tanans:house,bam,etc.Terme-One-third ‘cash‘on confir-) mation.of sale,one-toird:in'.6 BY.VIRTUE of a mortgage déed | in the office of the| late of |; tor with the will annexed.of Solo-|)on tion of Walnut and Mulberry streets;thence |: ning,-containing five-eighths of an acre more or}:Also an easment in an alley way 10 feet)- The Shoes Sold at This Store Fit —both your feet and your pocketbook -—andthey are a splendid “double fit.” All the latest styles at the lowest. prices.Weshow you the latest first. Comfort,elegance and ease are the principles on which we solicit your custom—and retain it.Comein now for that new pair and convince yourself. S.,M.&H.Shoe Co. John Deere Pivot Avle Cultivator. The above cu‘shows our new Pivot Axle Cultivator.We havesoldoveronehundredoftheselabor-saving machines to good far-mers of this county,and those who use this improved Pivot Axle Cultivator (which is an improvement over alJl other Cultivators),reduces the cost of making the first crop more than we ask for our Cultivator..If you are in the market for any kind of the latestim-proved farm implements,you will save.time and money to come direct to.us,as we handle nothing but the very:best at the verylowestprice,quality considered,We handle:no implement thatwecannotgetropalreforpromptly.* Statesville Hardware &|ie Company. The Planet,Jr.No.76 CultivatornePlanet,Jr,No.76 Cultivator...7 Js a machine without a rival in poreaniy and usefulness.The arch is bia:: the frames and tongues all steel and the chango in width oF wheels is aif = that could be desired.The gangs are adjustable iin depth,‘to throw.to:andfromtherow.The draft is ‘arranged to insure satisfactory work.Thepivot14spokewheelsactiustantlyand‘make guiding a pléwsure.The.seat is langee and comfortable.The central lever operates hinge fongue to,regu.late dépth of front teeth-and level the machine.;ge~-To eultivate your-erop successfully you will need~a Planet,Jr.,Ridin cee Cultivator.Comein and look it over.Terms to suit purchaser,-ae‘Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware Co.os sul ym losesi ennai nga ih a |$5 to fist erson living!in“Statesville Guessiig alldthe verte,ue “Jane Ist,verybody il to One‘Vote os tofirstfo living in IredellCo.ants StatesvilleBuessing all ads.byym 1912:- 1ermine nat |LIVES ARE OFTEN LOST Keep aKeenByeon Our Future Ads RIGHT HERE,NORTHEAST CORNER,Sellingona Cash Basis Gee Crescent Tomorrow.)Because the old lines and We wenaat to.offek yon ladine some ;eK .ne harness are not.repaired.ee I ;Pe On the Square."remarkably low prices gn summer , +PRONE._My price ‘are.too seapotabie for you to take |goods.CASH commands a premi-.. __QNE-TWO-THREE.|.any risk with life or property.Avoidthat risk,|um.That's the reasona dollar spent | :YOU NEED UP “and save your money,by létting me take.that,in our store goes twice'asfarasany-~}|’ot:"Lo 2whereelse.Stop theexpensivecred-|-V7 WwW fo yWNeELe__Beaktat,Dimer siipser i STITCH IN TIME.{it habit"You pay in the end,ie Ce Ton 16 Cee 24 a ”Have:you any iokals Saath date’1309?:WHY NOTA”|;q:*GUARANTEED “-1 Py WeEe I nvite_"_Every one is worth 10 cents.Coe. “HIACKNEY.’_“F rinting!-Save your 1899 nickels!Collect them!“When.ie EVERY MAN.WOMAN,BOY AND-,'|you get.change from anybody demand 1899 nick-Se d.last Tuesday.ce {RL TO OPENASeeourad.last Tuesday.".cb Me Bring them to this store and.get doublePeItwon’t cost you anything to Savings iAccount -|your money’8 worth.“Love,Music and Amusement,get our estimate on your-print-dg Sere !oe"All for 10 cents,”ing and office supplies.—oh _There are‘many good features about our During the month of June every 1899 nickel isTheMaioreo-Itmay~save you money.But |'ADIN Beenefor 10.sont at our Soda Fountain.ee twothingsareCERTAIN:You SAVINGS DEPARTMENT.ies ;eee will get work of as high quality a ee 35 aeStockandPoultryFood.|.at prices‘as low as you van.get :One Dollar or more will 'It makes sick chickens well,_anywhere else.at start an account.You _EVER SINCE ITS ESTABLISHMENTAndwellchickenslay;-can get your money when:It makes well stock sell,Just as a matter of business pol-you want itAndpoor.stock pay.ae:icy—don’t you think it would |’:5 }‘.::We divide!our profit with you by paying you pur Y ~bea.good idea for you .to -drop 4per cent.interest per annum "dapotide ‘er <)Ca TS oO O :Bice Questionable Flour?in to see us on your nexr order?four times'a year. NOT OURS!:We have the goods,the experi-; ence,jand the desire to ve Why Not.alc to SaveNow.ey - “Why ee:? This bank has made the leading feature of its polieyuiAtaconstantaimtomeettherequiremnogsofitscus-4 s 8 °“The Li S tomers promptly and efficiently ugder all cireum-ShoeRepairing.You Phone!Our Store e nen tore.”stances.We ¢ordially invite new agpuits.*iS -oe |;3Honestwork!Exceptional Values Now on Sale.TableHonestprices!|We'll do the rest.Linens and Napkins,Art Linens,Linen:‘Crash,Blouse Linens,Irish Linens,Linen8OurgusranteehasnenCambric,90-inch Linen,Oyster Grey Lin-LET US WRITE YOUS ADS.In my opiaion the best ad..‘ens,Shirt Waist Linen,Linen Voile,Hand-a ie eNospanofyearscanblotkerchiefLinens,Costume Linens,etc.,Business jf ING pone.if-yo 66 ' tig lille sieSous a Satisfaction toEver yOne.”The Linen StoreofStatesville,N.€.}Training Schoot.Mail-or Leave Coupon 18 26Rees My house was roofedTheearlyremoval'cf ‘our store to.largeraf--3 tT TW.quarters means a bargain in SHOES."We and heated by Shine-Off and Cleaning 2 :Pre aration.i i gh seg oeof people who cannot *Yes,we're getting thedordriskorloss,it is the members o iz—since JoneDWeSellhem.building and loan associations.With us ee sees Automatic Refrigerator c[ieeeecoe ee |GAs,oe their savings is a sacred trust.went away,The Only Thing Ever Discovered 27 o a ee That Will Take Shine off Clothing Contest closes June 1,1912. eeee F 28 e Lae :;No young woman could haveOurMottois,has been,and a better safeguard against theISUSEDBYTAILORS.H Y Bee !—will be adversities of fortune,or:ave 10u MN.|tne best in Men’s Wear”|catrsiesaugintimeataoed,'If you find this is not as rep-.os ::raphy. resented,we will pay your ak 29 39fsoaytackOnFoursofIfnotjointhethousandsof|.bottle.|pleased customers that shop -812058 |If I don’t get my work done by al aime a /atthe store that is *:chuck”\iene oaDirections:full of rare bargains.Every-This is our ’phone MONDAY a rebodydoesit,and street numbers.Ewen t be entistiod. “Use a STIFF BRUSH.Pour ,—rao.: on brush and rub briskly,E 30.kein:hl ink sone dias-elea ls Ss tard eka then hang out to ny all that oe,:,ee :::2 se *“jg neceasary,ie Us HAMS!Notice!Laseakeneaning ™.gl .we “~,~,w - ING.ag nee faded ?Gon?oe ths.Get Hams from us!We sell the Bestwillrestore‘color.Will re-i =38 and more than any one else.sane advertisers representmovenearlyanykindofspotAeaA/|eae )31 5 é pr er merchauts ofwithoutiinjurytocolor.i tatesville.They are anx-Savaiousforyoutopatronizetheir Pel ver Gone sree eee SeelmePe)&a.counters.They have coti-95 nd 50 Cent Sizes.-BAW ake :.ag John Deere S tributed to this"plan in order Fa eters eenvone ee eeeaasSoa::i :‘“|to have you better acquainted 2 :i Si 53 ,Pivot Axlg.Cultivator.with their future advertising.Tee ier een me ere aeWatchforit..They have something worth while to sell,*te and rnd Anais porespend-ri :2 i Alera ay ittg a few dollars totalk aboutAfterwegetthroughwitha;re "|it.”Patronize those merchantsSuitofClothesoraLady’s Ui ee)who are not afraid to adver-.Skirt,they look like-new.6 |'tise their stores and their]_,,.,'Don’t lay aside your Winter 'ee goods.Advertised articles oe ee ee.:.TR.means less cost to you..Did}..:vroaeed.Horethe pice =|-White Plymouth Rocks.ees Pook you ever know amerchant to|°2,~*~e+=—waarmas we=the best place!ee a a 1 eee ete|OF em ima yo“Best Cock.in the Show,me u is Was what the judge said about the .2 oN La 41 eS13onewhichheadsmypenthissea-os In The Landmork of MayIsitpossibleyou-don’t know son.These bird aré great layers;,~~ey angae something to | where to get the best GRAIN _have good size,good shape andandFEEDintown?|beauty.Best all purpose fowl in.3 a “Individuality:the world.:sled esac14Ifyoudon’t just remember wis :oaWHENEVERYOU-NEED had the best White Rocks in tha Fine Footwear.ay show ask your neighbor who won ss Please remember,that withFreshCountryProduce|“Best.Cock-in"thé “Show.”Guess oa c us,Shoes are act a SIDEoremibortUayeit.|right.|:ee -°a tm om oa:sme om ome ome one ome 11 me ome ome ome one Fill out Couponan leave at (or mail to)Polk Gray Drug Store,Statesville,Wo eek Se 41 wis 42 A 49wmredintheorderingh S00a9 5,Wk ee hon et,ss.th“]ban every man asuch aeducation—every young maneg ecially.And Every coupon ill b se be ful ~if either of my sons had lived,an ad trained him,asI shoultl have tried e successfu uess-|Slet Hore 35 a,to-do,to:bea eo and.good farmer,I should have‘wanted -to-send him at:w hich itis.received,and th gt : least six months to a Business School,to give him the aptitude and habits and 4,‘A’ddreformsofathopcughBusesMen”.HOBADE.GREELY.ers announced in The Landmark,June 1912.‘Aiddrems, "He OR?ome ome ome ome ome ome sme.49s sus sme_omeom * "24 S05 em mete on eae 6 sam,meo>‘ by ¥ ht aT .CONVENTION FOR SALARY LAW. Democraite County ConventionUnouslyPassedResolutian“|Pledging Legislative Candidates to Pass Salary Law For Inedell——Camiidates Named Accordivg toResult,i Primaries—-Two,NewMenon‘Board of Commissioners ~—No ructions For State Of-,figers jor Presidential Candktaves“yD Delegates to State.and OdnggrepHesionalConventions.|",Say |that this would nct he left to .the|officers’,discretion. ‘substitute was voted down-—-42.01 to69.09--ahd:the Caldwell resolution[was then adopted:|A-nesobution was.offered.by Mr.Steeler ot Coddle Creek,:instruct- aithe board of ‘education to so négu-slate-the cothmiissicns’.of {he tneas-jurer that his.salary ‘will not ‘exceed:1$1)200°per’annym,‘this to be ef-,py far the’most important ac-ifective December 180 next,L.°-C.tion of.the Demotratic county con-’Galdwell ~moved to table,gaying‘wention Satunday wes,the unanimous there was nothing,in it,that the’passage of a:resolution .pledgingtthebegislativecandidates:to.pass a law to pay the county)officera sall- ‘aries instead.of:fees.«This ‘was the real bone of contenticn’in the _pre-conventiow campaign,and whilethelegislativecand:dat:s pledged to |matter ‘had been.settled by the previous.resolution.”The resolu-tion was tabied .withoutaroll call. The facts show gthere was a|great deal.in the resOtation,When jthe county treasurer handles spe-'¢lal fudds.and receives .regulariSalariesweredefeatedinthepeePemeenlone.his,calary mounts up‘ries by a small majority,the ca) for which they contended won. ...The convention.was_called-to_or-. der at 11.20 by Chairman Hartness, of the executive committee and;it was at.once brought there.was a conttet vidson township. Ships were represented there were no.other contests.Mr.L..C.Caldwell moved that thePavidson“vote be».‘ivided on the -basis’of the vote taken im the primary before the split.To this E.B.Bos,for the regular David- son Felegation,objected He said the contesting delegation had bolt- ed the primary withcut cause;thatthedelegation‘of ‘which .he was a member was thé regular dele- “gation;if it was they.wanted all the’vote;if the .other delegationwasTighthewantedthemto‘have all the vote,A.S&S.McKay, headed tle contesting delegation, Baid they left’the primary because Republicans were voting in it.This Statement was denied by the régu- lars..‘ Mr.W.'D.Turner’offered as,a Bubdstitute for the Caldwel! resolu- who | |rapidly.Year before last his sala- ify was about $2,760,this being dueitoextracommissibnsreceivedfronthejailfunds,It willk not be ;denied that this is an excessive sal-, of the jthem to do so,atid it.should have }been adopted.If the resolutionbadbeeneffectivein1911.it -woulc j have saved the county $1,560 that :2|year.;|ay resolution offered by ZV. ja delegate to the State and /Bressional,conventions’and.aathor- ‘izing the chairman to appoint’33 |delegates at large to..each of the |conventions,was adepted. |The yote was then taken on “thecandidatesforcheSenate,as cast in the primaries;with the.follow- ing resuit::Turner,43.40;Watts, |58.59.The vote for candidates for jthe House was:Grier,57.16;Hall, 57.48;Frontis;44 64;°Willi@ms,44. 160.Following,the announcement of) tion that the sitting delegation from!this vote Dr.Front’s made a fewDavidsonberecognizedasthereg- ular delegation.|The #ubsti-mte was lost:by.a.vote of 66:93 to 30.07. The resolution to divide the dele-@alion according to “the vote cast. in the primary—-42 for the rega- lars to 18 for the bolte:s—was then adopted. For penmanent chairman of theconvention:Messrs.Z.V.Long and T..J.-Willame were nominated. Long was elected,receiving 61.36 to 40.53 for Wiliams,After a brief Speech from Mr.Long.Messrs.R, B.Wileon,W.L.Gilbert and H. P.Deaton were elected secretaries. “The following resobution was offered by Mr..L.C..Caldwell: ‘Resolved,First.That the mem-. bers of the Legislature from this county are hereby instructed to pass a law to.pay the county offt.- cers salaries instesd of fees and commissions,to take effect on the‘first Monday in December,1914, the total amount.of.the salaries to be paid,to the sheriff,-clerk of the Superior Count,register “of deeds and treasurer,including clerk hire,not to exceed the sum of ten th@eand dollars per annum; the treasurer of the county to be auditcr without additicnal compen- pation. “Second.That the primary e#lec- tion ordered by the executive com- mittee to be-held on election day in November on this quesitien,;-is hereby withdrawn.’ Mr.J.B.Armfield offered following resolution:©“Resolved,First.The Demoratic party of Iredell county,im .conven- tion assembled,favors the enact- ment by the next General Assembly the of a law placing the county offigials| on just and reasonable and requiring thefees earned by the officers to be paid imto the treas- ary of Iredell county under proper regulations. “Second.That the nominees of this convention for the Senate and House of Representatives are here by iristructed anti pledged to have a law:enacted in harmony with these resoliitigns,- “Third,That the salaries be fix- ed at not exceeding the following amounts:Sheriff $2,500 and $1,000 for deputies;clerk of eourt,$1,800 and $600 for deputy;register of deeds,$1,800 and $600 for deputy; treasurer and aniditor $1,209. “Fourth,That the nominees of this convention for the office -ef Sheriff,register of deeds and treas- urer are hereby pledged to.accept the salaries fixed for their respec- tive officés from and after the date fixed im the law;and that saidlawbeenactedtogointo.effect. ‘April 1,1913.”: Mr.Caldwell spoke for h’s reso- lution,saying that the maximumamountnamedforsalaries—$10,00%—-was the amount he had .heard_Suggested by Gov.:Turner;that.as‘the clerk’s salary could.not bechangeduntilhigterm:expires ini194hedidnotthinkitfairtochangethecompengation®of thesheriff,register’ard tréasurer unetilthetermsforwhichtheywillbe elected in)November expire,and he questioned the legality..af..thechanseaenuneeeenienmaman‘Mr.Armfield and Mr.W,D-Tur-.mer spoke for the Armffeld resolu-|Clark. tion as a substitute.They.made no.point on the aggregate of ‘Bal-aries,as there was but $500 differ-ence,but they:ins'sted >that.law could be made effective as to bheriff,register’and treasurer April ®.’C;Redman;-Statesville No.fist of next,year if the resolution .ithportant that the bijl wpecify the gud cpsal * Mr. the 1,A.B.Culp;No..2,T.J,Williams;| }remarks,lauding’the salary)propo- |sition,accepting the verdict of the jneople and .closed by.moving ©thatHal's nomination beiUnanimous,which was-dene-— ent of schools was:'L.O.White, 43.52;R.M.Gray,68.48.On |tion of Mr.Whité Mr.Gray/s ncmi-nation was made unanimous,It de- veloped in taking this vote that the. dallot box in the third ward in Statesville had been stuffed the primary,about 28 more ballots appearing im the box for county su-perintendent that there were names|recorded.‘This,vote was divided according to agreement among:the tandidates.. Sheriff Deaton, |Treasurer Sloan, jSurveyor Rives of the ——J.H.Hill,of StatésvMle;J,LBradley,of Coddle Creek;and Dr. W.G.Nicholson,of Turnersbung, all wnopposed in the primaries,were |renominated.by agclamaticn®im a |bunch. |The first baMot for county com-;missioners rpsulted in the nomina- tion of four'by the following vote: N.B.Mills 53.46,M. 52.99,W.lL.Matheson 53.68;R ;-C Little 64.12.Messrs.Mills.and Little are members of the present| board.Votes for others were as/ follows:.J..P.Howard,Union Grove,|34.90;J.T.Smith.27.20;A: |Clark,37,both of Fallstown;=Dr. J.E!Kiig,Sharpesburg,37.95;D.| Register Boyd, Coroner Moose,| and the members E:Turner,Mooresville,43:63;.V.|C.Montgomery,Cool Spring,46.- 34;.R.F.Gaithér,30.15.An’ap- peal was made for Mr.Gaither, member of the present.board, be represented,and.Mr.Gaither| ‘was nominated by acclamation as the fifth member of the board. Mr.G.E.Frenh,offered the fol-| lowing”resolution:veal e ] “Resolved,That we endorse N.| B.Mills for chairman of the board | of commissioners of Iredell county,|in the event of the election of the| nominees.of this conventicn to| Said offices.”.~ Mr.’French)made a plea for the} adoption of the resclution as an/| endorsemefit’of the:splendid busi- ness administration of Mr.Mills,| who has been chairman of,the| board since/1902.:Mr..Turlington,’ of Mooresville,oppcsed the ‘resolu-| tion as unprecedented,and unwise. ‘A roll call-was begun but before it was finished Mr.French)withdrew| the resolution.||The precincts reported delegates | to the congressional convention,| under the Tesolutiony -previously adopted,as follows::Barringer;i Wno,.A,Chandler;Bethany,J,.R®Morrison:Cham-_/bersburg,W.8.Clendenin;Coddle.!Creek No.1,Jno.Fairchild;,No,| 2,4 V..Turlingon;‘Concord,©A,| A.‘Sides;Cool Spring,J.C.Hen-* ly;°Davidson,E}’B.Bost;Hagile Mills,Miles.W;Smith;New Hope, A.W..Clark;Shiloh,A.D.:Watts; Statesville No.1,.C.8S.Tomlin; No.2,H.R.:Cowles;No.‘8,L.B. ‘Bristol;No.4,T.D,Miller;Unione | ‘Grove,H.P.Van Hoy,Sharpes= urs,J.A.Brown,Turncrsburg, Dr.P;C.Jurney;Fallstown,J\‘W,| “The same,delegates are appointedtottheStateconventiontexeeptin| the following:.Coddle.Creek —No.| “Concord;W.H.Hunter;New Hope,' *My | R.Sharpesburg,‘B..Melaughilin;: -Chairman Long has tiot.yet com. made |possible. in| |eases.: The funeral senvice was conduct-county board of education led by Rey.J.-H.Pressly.yesterday A.Fe‘mster } ‘|pix years ago. }Will Mills,jon} salaries,|the ground that north Iredetl should |\Mr.and Mrs.Jonathan Messrs.W,D.Turner \surunee allowed for clerk hire’60 THE DUTCHMAN WINS WRESTLE | The Armfield Bn Strenuous Match ‘at Opera HfoduseTurkLosesTwoOutofThree, In ‘tae wrestling thatch for phe:|best two out of three falls at the |Opera .houge Friday night between”a |Yusiff,.Maderilla,of New York,andingthe’county cémmissicners.“and,Louis Frantz,of Baltimore,the Jat-,ter'won,throwing Maderilla the firstThe.firsy..bout~Tastedjan.hour and six’minutes.and the‘two falls. second.26 seconds:.‘ Professiotaliy,as the’“Ca eatch-ean.” where choking.No strikitig is ‘permitted barred.\BarnNing the strangle vwas barred. jent'S foot until he jthan suffer the gain’- |.The sympathy of|Friday night was decidedly,withMaderilla|Frantz,the Dutchman. the Turk,had been here before andTurlington‘authorized each précinct |had wom hy using the toe hold.With;to select one of its own:citizens as |this barred the audience felt ‘suré ‘Turk made several attempts to use but Referee Moser‘the The first bout strenuous and wasch ithe.toe hold istopped.him and as a whole contest was clean. |was long and |finally.ended by the Dutchmen jting :the ~“whi-l-around-croteh”’ ‘hold and slapping the Turk’s back!|to the mat.ee ae 'Jo."Turner,—of (the world. jtwo.will (sociation.The Turk jeft iyMR. a a MILLS ':er |.Mr.William K|as "Squire Billy Mils,died lat hadjafternoonat4«o'clock,He}been an invalid about four months afternoon at 3 o’cli ck and the..re- mains were interred.in Oakwood Mr.Mills was abcut 77 years od He was a jship and lived there up to 23 years ago,when he moved|Statesville.He was jate veteran,was for some years a jMagistrate in Barringer and a jleading citizen of his community. He was also a magistrate for sev- to jeral years after moving to States- ville ;' ‘Squire Mills’wife,who was Mizs Cook,of Barringer townzhip,died Surviving are two sisters,Mrs.Mariti Overash and Miss.Mary.Mill&of this county, and six,children—tfive and one son.The latter ‘s Mr.J. who lives in -Hickory. Miss “‘Ross'’Davis,daughter of A..:Davis,died Sunday afternocnat 2 o'clock, at the home of her phrents fourmilesnorthofStatesyille.Deceas- Y was about 37.years old and issurvivedbyherparentsand(twobrothtrs.The burial was at Con- cord church yesterday. ™“olittlechildofMr.and:Mrs.J. $.AicCrary,who live on the Adder-holdt pla died Friday. Mills Will Case om Trial.: Iredell.Superior Court,which td-journed Thursday,resumed at noon yesterday...The csse of the will ot.Dr.R.W.Mills,of Troutman, set for yesterday,was put on trial. Dr.Mills died)scme time ago jieaving am eState valued’at $10,-: 000 to $12,000.He left -a willwhichwaswrittenbyhisattorney,Mr.R.B.McLaughlin,and named Mr.J.L.Cowan,of Statesville,asexecutor.The will distributed the property among various relatives.Misses Meta and Ida Cavin,.Mrs J.Lee Kennerly,Chal,and >Will Mills brought puit to set aside the will on the ground that,.Dr.Mills was mentally incapable of making awill,The attorneys for the cave- utors are Mr!L.€.Caldwell,of Statesville,and Messrs.W.A.SelfandC:.L.Whitener,of Hickory, and J):B,Armfield are attorneys fcr the ex- ecutor.; pleted the list of delegates,he was authorized to appoint.4Thetomyentionwaslargelyat-tended and there was much inter-- est.While several test ~votes were faken and there was differ-#nee—of-opinion,no feeling was shown “in the discussions. After the adjournment ‘6f thepassed,which.means a big saying.W..B.McLeiland;‘Turnersburg,Dr.”convention ‘the exectutive committee|Mr.Turner urgéd also’that it was |W..G,Nicholson.|:ar ‘ao renelected .Mr,J.‘A: Hartness Avai see.5 ; Pes ‘+‘This stvle of wrestlingisknown+Catolicage”;It is nothing like the kidd that every farm boy.is'used to, ‘the “back”sor “britches”holds’are used.It is more of a tus- sle and reminds one cf.two snakestryingtoswallow,eachi other.‘Nhe object.of each is to put his oppo-nent’s back flat,on the:mat.’To do this the participamts may resort t@ anything except:the strangle holdr— ‘By agreement.other holds may.be. and exceptions by agreement,the par-out that!ary,$1,200 being ample..The:coun-|ticipants may .use any.other hold,from Da-|ty comthissioners have the authori-.\to force his:oppotient to give.up.Tn All the town-|ty under the law to reduce the com-|the match Friday night.the toe holdand,missions and the purpose ;|resolution was.to spc'fically.irstfuct the agressor bends back his oppot- gives.up rather The toe hold is where the audienc@|sooy regained.consciousness It is now up to Frantz to wrestle Washingtcn,for the middle-weight championship of.A math betweem.these be arranged’as.soon!asInthemeantimeFrantg his.-wi el—----—-Wilt!-make-Statesvitle herdquarters ;Uren iid:>They kept cut of bightThevoteoncountysuperintend-{fand train at the local athletic as- Fridaymo-inight for New York.d DEAD! (Passing of a Well Kncwn (jpizen:Diets.r C.Mil s;best known hisjhomeoneastFrontstreetSuncgy native of Barringer town- about a.Confeder- daughters hany township, | beNarrigHadn't ABut.the Situation Was.Bad.|::st A report:that Ira’Norris’had jo.Wind Blows..-deilled.his wife.at their Name on}Democratic,the Buffalo’)bid@iable excitement abdut.9 o’elock'‘Friday ‘nigitt!Norrig hadgone home.drunk and a short time later his.Wife was.found in ‘am’unconstious,condition,St was alleged)that.he|had made threats against het and when she was found maneonscious heighbors widiturally supposed Norrig’was responsible for her’condition,0 tieand:hurry catls:were made for offi-|Save no instructions and whileecersandphysicians.Officers ©,the friends of both Wilson‘and Un- of‘the.State Saturday.As.%o,pres+ Adential preference,©.the reportsgive:Wilsom the dead.in 18 coun- Bon carried five’counties solid,Uni-derwood carried:two solid and one»—-Rowan—is equally.divided.The Fulp and Dr,BE.M.Yount ancwerrd tion cannot be.settled untilthecalls,accompanied by a number State convention..meets of the curious.Norris home the officers entered 20.uninstructed delegation willwith‘drawn weapons expecting |to be,Sent to Baltimore.: 0n the bed apparently dead and was Position,‘werehurriedly.examined by the doctor,|Mously endorsed.eetNoevidenceoffoulplaycouldbe|,‘None of the candidates for Liéu-fouid and after making.a’thorough tenant Govrenor or corporation com-examination and hearing the state-|Missioner have sufficient instructedMentsoftheNorr’s children nnd Votes to nominate.For the long the woman had guffere'd:a nervous .4e0.P.Pell,of Forsyth,seems achillbroughtonbyfright.Under,lead,while for’the short term.E.the treatment of the physicial she L.Travis,‘of Halifax,presenit.in-' and Sumbent!will probably be his.;ownsé,too,delared that her husband Successor.—fasCatawbaDemfferatshadcoltlapsédthroughifright.Nor-Judge Council for ‘ihe Senate,W.Tis.was released from custody “by B.Gaither for the House,Walter L, ,|had not attacked her,but that she| tis,they declared,had been com- ing home drunk 10th .of this month cursing and threats.Mrs.Norris declaration:for a legalized Was Afraid to stay alone wiih him f0T both’parties througheut. Staying with her. jnight since the 10th,on account of #Was.withdrawn.°fear that phe might have to leavé’,Rowan convention :the house at.any,time..former resolution that county offi;Friday night Norris:went home °°Should hawe byt,two:termsinhiswsualconditionandon_s2eing —seg paBsed -eee hsHhis_.approach._thig—-wife-and-chfil-ares.Tor county officers...Theo.:;fe end chee ‘Kluttz was ‘nominated for judge ick ies Mra Nore'n stirred {2S attorney,‘A.H.Boyden©‘forieoeTepenicighhcagedStateSenate,P.§.Cariton andliberate‘usband.:ate hee eek mused hae thelegislative candidateaib:Ing fromandMrs.Norris became Bo frighten-Salisbury,Mr.Boyden,who was un-ed and agitated that she collapsed.(Posed for the State Senat¢,askedItwasdecidedthattheevidence‘hat his nomination be rescindedofsomeofhisnefzhbcrswassuf-874 be given to T,~D.Brown,.aficienttoconvict‘Norris of being 727™er,who had been defeated forapublicnuisanceandDeputySherifftheHouse.At Mr.Bovden’/s requestWardgwore-out a warrant.for him this wae dene and the convention arrested Norr‘s is known as a horse trader and has for some time been em- ployed dt Mr.S.J.Holland’s sta-ble.t us : for tax co'lector of Sal s’uy.town-ship.Trott,Peeler,Hartman,Batl+ey and_Harrison were nominated for county comm’ssic ners. Some who know Norris say he is |WHE NEWS OF TAYLORSVILLE.a kind-hearted man and harmless “:when in a normal stste,but that he |Personal kteims—Miissiosxary Lec-hias been drinking’until he is in|turés —Democratic Couyty Con-an irresponsible state |-wenjtion. ‘EPWORTH .LEAGUE ‘ASSEMBLY|~°*Dona"of The.Landmark, Taylorsville,;-May 27—-MiceThurston,who has been t¢achingfinthetrainingschcelattheState Normal College,Greensbcro,and since.school.closed visiting,friends ,in Greensboro and Mocresville,wil Will Meet in Broad Street Church; This Evening —Programme oftheMeeting. The Western North Carolina Ep- worth League Assembly will con-'return today,vene in Broad Street Methodist Mrs,Emma Stik:leather,who haschurch:tonight and will continue through the week,with three ses- sions daily.A goodly number of delegates,in additicn to speakersandvisitors,are expected from the ‘Leagues of the various churches in the ‘Conference,.In view.of thefaétthatthelocalMethedi!sis en- terained the annual Conferene Tast year,the League Assemb’y is Belf-Ci entertaining.<:Miss Inez LeGette,a p'udent atTheAssemblywillopentcnightDavenportCollege,.Lentir,hag re-at 8 o’clock and:Rey.E..L.Bain,|turned home.Mrs.°C:*W..KerrofWinston,former’y pres‘ding el-and children went to Charlotte Sat-der of this district,will preachaurday.to spend a week with rela-the annual sermon.Tomorrow |tives:Miss Annie Young,ofmorning,beginning at 9 o'clock,Charlotte,is the guest of Miss Coratherewillbedevotional.exercises |Vail.Miss Saraly Buuke willconductedbyMr.R.BE,Atkinson,|to Davidson College tomorrow to at- charge of the infirmary at the girls’sdhool,.at Abbemarle, jis spending a few daws.with rela- |tives'in and near town..She will‘go to Loray Wednesday to spend a few days.Her son,.‘Mr.Fran- |cis Stikeleather,who was in,school at-Plumtree,will accompany.-hertoAlbemarletospend’the sum- |mer.there.weds responses,organization,reports |Mr.C.P.Burke,is a student there.from the district sécretaries and |Mr.R.B.Burke will go.to -States-local chapters.My.Walter Neal,|ville today to “attend court.Mr.-of ‘Knoxville,Tenn.,will deliver|Harold Yount,of Statesville,spent an address on “Junior Work.'’,Im ;|Sunday ere with friends. the afternoon at 2.30 there will be |Vashti and:TaylorsvilteaTallyserviceandroundtable|ball Saturday afternocn.on thediscussionleadbyRev.M.F.Moores College grounds.The score wasandtomorrownightat8o'clock Rev |14 to 4.in favor of Vashti.J.Maryin Culbreth,of Nashville,|Mrs.G.W.Mornison,Tenm.,will speak from the’sub-|Missionary to India for some’yearsjet;“Boys.”;:jand is now living here,-made|.anThursdaymorningat''6 o'clookk.|}nteresting talk on India at.thetherewillbeasunriseprayermeet-|Methodist church.The talk wasing.conducted by Rev.-E:Myers |specially to young wcmen.and wasandat8o’clock “Institute Classes,|a strong appeal to them to ‘helpJuniorWorkandMissiomStudy?’|send the gospel to that needy field.will be taken up.Rev.J.J..Ed-The Democratic county conven-wards will conduct devotional exer-}tion met in the court house Satur-eises at .§o’elook and this will be|}day at 2 pym.and was called tofoliowerdtbya‘Model Devotional ;order by the county chairman,Mr.Service’by Rév.C.8.Kirkpatrick |J.He Burke...”Permanent organiza- and &presentation of the-cause of/tion was effected by electing Messrs.the Methodist Training School by |Jacob Moser chairman and On.P:Mr.Auburn H.Setzer,of Nashwille,|Mathesoh secretary,-All the town- played |Tenn.Other subjects'‘to be dis-Bhips were represented,Del«cussed are ‘The Stranger and-,egates to State,senatorial and congtheSick,”Rew Ov P:Ader;|@ressional yeenvenitions were élact-“Junior Work——How to Onganize,”,ed..The delegates to Stale conven-Mr.R.EB.Atkinson;“Literature tion ‘are instructéd:-to vote .forWhattoStully,”Rev.CM.Pick-|Craig for Governor,“Hoke™and:|ens;“Mission Study,”Rey.L.|Brown for Associate Justices ‘of'\D.Thompson.\.In the afternoon Supreme Court and all of the.oldtherewillbe-another roundtable;State—officers.The course of Con:|discuseion 1éad by Rev,BH,W.Fox |gressman Rv A.Dowghton was en-yand at night Rédy.Dr,'T,F.Marr}dorsed..The-delegatesto the rendwillspeakontheChildren’s Home.‘atorial convention were tructédVarious‘subjects pertaining.to .to vote for.A.Cc.‘Payne for Sema-|League .work Will_ba,disqlissed.Fri-|tor from the 84th district,compos ‘day and,Saturday.© XS %y hghrh4eote gO | who was| REPORT CAUSED EXCITEMENT THE DEMOCRATICCONVENTIONS |BRIEF ITEMS Hacked ‘His Wife Repurts:Pram.the State Nict Suf-|ficient.to Show Which,Way the | county:conventions |\A ties,Underwod the lead jn 7;Wile. i Gither :.|\derwood claim:the State;the.ques-|in “the,insurance.b 5Gilbert,J.W.Ward and Chas the }has sone'to Charlotte to,take — une:6,|Dosition with the Southerm PowerArrivingatthe|'When it is moré than probable that ,\Company.. others,the doctor wes satisfied that’'©?M as corporation commissioner|*¥to | reaffirmed a}—Next Monday ce jand Mr.} for | ;s ;:honored:‘him by a +©'s ng.‘vote.jand his condition hed ben.critt-|/Severdey.morning |making -this;ED”Ewer wus ren itiat at‘}charge,but Norris left on .an Mah one eh eee ee eaeealforseveral:weeks.Death)re-i ;re,ree fy.si:J eant-ound traim before he could:be egister of dercs ‘y.a clese vote,|sulted from.-a comp ication of dis-'C.M.-C.Ba-ger°de ea-ed A.M.Rice Lucy, followed by address 6f “welcome;|tend—commencement.—Her-brohter,{: ||}| ne ' \<The Iredell,County| \the Sanatorium.Friday.Mition 18.favorable.os OF LOCAL s -—-Cotton brought as high ag Ife |90/in Statesville yestefday.*.§0 4 Dredging ssociation will micet at the court!al Toad caused Cony.re held in all but.two counties {House next Monday,June 3d.4)" :rag.|Mts.George(Marion,undetwent an operation at’~«|‘Her -cons* A.Banner,\-of ' License:has.'been jesned for:‘the martiage of Mr.Walter’A,Ktl-haepatrickand“Mige Dora Deal;Mr.4..‘majority of the eauntics,however,“Ambrose W.Ballard and Miss Délla©Ret aef*SoMR.BF,Putnam, ,Thursday,30th,is3Dayahda‘legal holiday.have trouble with Norris,but he of-|,ocke Craig.for Governer and!rjers will make no rounds and Sun-fered no resistance.His wife lay (the State officers;whe:have no op-day hours -will :practically unani-ipostoffice.: | ‘bought from Mrs..Julius business who waa~lere,a Decoration - Mail car-' ‘be,observed at the —Mr,J.;Randolph;French *has Wallace,a ~ lot om West End avenue,adjoin-:ing Mr.S,.B.Miller,,and‘a home on it. —+Mr.W.G.:Privette, }county,who graduated will build of Iredell at Wake|Forest ‘this spring,has,been elected,Principal of the grammar school of/the Kinston graded school. “jomliated —=Mt-WeH.Brooksher,,who lives in Statesville township,reports new (potatoes on the 18th.—t and ‘week. W.L..Gilbert that the merchants who he earliesttheofticers..”‘Sherrill,,formerly’cf.Statesville,|feported.Home-grown,beans.andcon-|that the Dutchman would win,-al-|Mrs.Norris and children’told fr treagurer,All other county ‘of-Cabbage ate on the market.|though his weight is about 1@ the officers a pathetic story which:ficers renominated...Resclutions|.—Miss Nel).Brantley,youngpoundslesstiantheTurk.«The |Was corroborated by neihgbors.Nor-Were adopted declaring for salary’daughter of Mr.and Mrs.J.R.for county offices,better land ti-/Brantle¥,fell from the porch of hereversincethetlesystem,working.convicts on.the home near.Mooresville Friday eve-and a'most T0ads instead of.State farms,and.|ning and sustained a broken arm,nightly they were terrified by his €0r a Bix months’.echool term .Al;—=Mr,rs.R.L.Poston primary ;went to Charlotte ‘yseterday to.be;the present at operations to be perform~@t night and a neighbor had.been State om the same day was killed.‘ed on the nose and throat of theirShesaidpheOPPositionwasofferedtoresolutiongon,Lewis Poston,who.has been un-'had not had off her clothcs a single endorsing Wilson.for President and’der treatment in Charlotte for a .Sales Duyrequests expect.tohavesomethingtosellonthatday of The Landmark: ——Mr.Walter..Kilpatrick andMiss ~Walter Murphy for the House.Aj]Dora Deal and Mr.Henry C. Wil- 200...)notity_him—-so-—that re-ean—ad=——vertise the sales,in.theuntilNorristurnedoutthecowandofcountycourt,Craig fer prosecut-|oo te th next tissue \liamson’and .Miss Nora McDonald, married Saturday night‘Street: the’Statesville ceived painful,though n injuries..~ en. —Clarence Patterson cases,im Justice Turn in a ‘row with)Earl and a box to the Children’s the church who will W.F.Sherrill,on West hue,tomorrow.‘Any.thin Morganton News-Herald. at-the heme of Mr. in J. and forSome time a nurse oaks Sanat6rium,became Rev.H ‘marriage ceremony.,The gro@in ieft on train’No Statesville,F to Coneord are’entitled Same rates as Greenville, ton.-Heretofore the rate lotte,was C, ix tae Buford hotel, ‘ion.Blickwell ia in jai ‘holds unconstitutional t foe ehings es?20P-Seta pmaciit, {Quarterly church,in Uniom Grove’ begins Saturday morning. Sunday morningat 11 i ooh at 9 a.m, ted to }ed of Alexander,€aldwell,,Burke from:eac ands congr “4township.» “ jboth couples of Bloomfieid, wicted of simple assault in| to the box ure asked to sendcontributionsto:the home of Mrs. Morganton,Miss Anna @tant,daughter of Rufus ell counties.Sixteem.del- the senatorialonal:conyventions—two a were at Broad Methodist parsonage,Rev. Harold Turner.officiating. —Mr.Mack Yount,of Condver, who was subbing as brakeman onshifting-fell from a car yesterday and re- crew, ot serious, His left leg was badly -lacerated,but no bones were brok- ‘was con- two er’s courtFridayafternoon,and was taxed$13.80.While under the influenceofliquoryoungPattersomengaged Seth Lips pard in the vicinity of Barium. |—Ladies of Broad Street Meth. odist chureclt are arranging,to send Home .atWinston.this week and members ofcontribute their End aive- g that fsjusedintheordinaryhomecanbeusedintheChildren’s Home. SiatesviJle Man Married ‘in Morgan- On Wednesday night at 8.o’clock, L.Nelson Whise- Whisenant‘at Broad- the bride.of Mr.‘Collét’Parks,formerly.of‘Morgautor but now of Statesville, H..Jordan:performed,the’ bride and .16.for to)the S.C.eot- ton men uave onshipmenta of cot-- to Green- ville has been much lower. \’Dr,Fred.Misenheimer,of Ghat:. stabbed Saturday by(Claude Blackwell,of Kershaw,8.Thestabbing oceurred in a room Charlotte. Misenheimer is in a enitical gondi- ?t-hana The Undated’States Supteme Court he North Carolina law fining railroads $20 a day*for refusing to accept freight meeting at Macedonia township, Preaching - nstea oftéernoon“as eretofore. 4 CREE ORS “ On..the...application _of.Concord eeManufacturerstheInter-state Cém-us merce Commission has decided that the Concord manufacturers and those ‘who operate i territcry contiguous. Lr ve BE TAND [ARK to give countenance to their bus MESDAY,—~May 28,1912.|Snees.“From the Church)etand- =point the action of the Secretary,Mi :—————————————————————————————— z _DOMMENT ON VARIOUS MATTERS cannot be approved:But if one Whis from the Charlotte Observ-|wants to hagele about:it;he may-|" Or:-say with truth that mimisters and Who wants Teddy?From what |churches often give countenance’to part of the respectable -people a ‘men whose offences smell to heay- oe eas Thee ine oe en;compared with which’the act man of high standing in his own |Of allowing one’s name to be used party that wants him.‘Alb the peo-jas honorary vice president of a ple who are engaged in clean:busir Brewers’Congress would sink into mess dread:his sae:ie ee: }and responsible voters—:; sinoOho ce protested against:the condoned is no neasom why another, course upon which)he has entered,|even a,lesser offence,should)be; apg epipioll utcyrdao proeneas Dut that fact does not lessen,the be has made w e lawless MOD!ence of injustice of one who may oa bel hcRare poi bPsad be.‘sessioned”for a’small offence “to Jead the dissolute against.the |when he knows that others,guilty. industrious and well-to-do. .,of far greater offences,are not on- ‘The Landmark.regards Col.ly alloived’to go unrebuked but ane- “Rooseveltas an unsafe man—proba-joften)honored...What the Chunch +.bye dangerous man to risk with |should strive to do is to treat all *power undér tie’circumBtances—|offenders alike.Petia as ead it very much hopes that hewildneitherbenomilnatednorelect-|«STATE NEWS, ea.’But to say by inference that|‘fp,‘municipal tax rate in Wilh’ Be is not supported:by respect-'||mington has been raised from $1.- fable people;that no man of stand-$0:to 61,706 55>;. ing ‘in ‘his party wants him,and|A second primary im Guilford’ }:u:Ba county was held to settle the con- that ~he is supported’only bY)ot for pheriff,the last race be- ‘the lawless mob,is going @ bOW-|ing petween Geo.P.Crutchfield and Bhot beyond “the facts.However/p.B,Stafford.The latter won by mistaken we may think his sup-|a majority of 342.: porters.are,there are.of course The Modksville Recexd reports ;gi-|that William Brindle,of Bix- among them many goed and is by,Davie coumty,found a swarm _ble people..-lof bees atid 25:pounds of honey in ;Bei f a hollow stump.He captured the Confederate veterans nd espec-|bees and the honey.: fally the survivors of Company C,Miss Alice Morgan,a well known ongamized in Statesville,will of magaziné writer and novelist,and :ith 1 ;i one .of the most respected and weomse rend with interes,nt i charitable women of Asheville,diedofCaptH.-A.Chambers in in that city Thursday,She had landmark today.But thib para-/fived in Asheville 17 years,Com graph is written to direct the at-|ing there from New York. tention of the younger people to “he barn of M.A.Wilson,in the story.Many of the young peo-Clear Créek,Mecklenburg,county, ‘,mough |Was burned last week.The loss ple think they have heard s .eolitul toca nigh taiwiee,tate ebout the war between the States.|cuitural implements and two.mules But Capt.Chambers’letter con-|were badly burned,‘Loss estimat- tains valuable.historical infor-|ed at between $1,500 amd $2,000. mation which the young people:Fire supposed to be incendiary. should know.How maiy of them it te ree Te know,for i “pear/”to!fm rees om the y For taeraene tne Wetore -ieoumtuaee is unusually prevalent war the dominant pglitical parties |tnig geason and Grand View Fruit were Whigs and Democrats,and |Farm estimates that om account of that in Iredel)the Democrats,who |it there has been lost:several hunr have controlled ‘the county since |dred bushels of apples—apples that ‘the war,were in avery small min-would have matured.The blight ority before the war?How Many|trees..: of themknow,for instance,that|prof.Jerome Stockard,for.five Genator.Vance,for more than .@|years president of Peace Institute, ‘gémeration the most popular man Raleigh,has.resigned the presir ;2 jdency amd will continue with\theinNorthCarolina,tue .idolized |etitmtionas professor of English gon of the State,was a Whig,-®|}iterature.Rev.Dr.White,pastor Union man,opposed ito secession un-|of the First Presbyterian church of umsta’reed him to take|Raleigh,has been elected president a —of Peace but he will continue histheotherside,All this is valua-work as pastor. ble history.The first’installment : wtory will be concluded in next ie-|of Raleigh,a Bom of Hon.George Bue.Jt is a valuable contribution to Iredell history. Roe guished as a Confederate soldier, Writing to Mr.M.H.Caldwell,|being eigiht times wounded!-He.war be the|engaged)in:railroad work for Fome‘of Concord,about his vote for years after the war and was for aBristowamendmenttotheconstitur|time private secretary to Col.A. tional amendment providing for the |B.Andrews. election of Senators by the peo Last March B.F.Board,of Alex- ple,and his vote against the Bart-|andria,Va.,while on a visit to his -Opes Un-|brother-inlaw,W.R.Powell,at iett amendment,Hon -Wake.Forest,fell from the tap of a derwood says:.water tower,where it is claimed he Of course,eas you understand,|had climbed to adjust some part of the Bristow amendment is merely|the machinery,and met instant i)line with the amendments to the death.It was reported to be a case constitution that have.repeatedly|of suicide but this is denied by the passed)the House of Representa |family.(Board had $30,000 of Difetivessincethecivilwardndre-|insurance and “jhe companies haveceived:the votes of the Democrats|refused to pay an the ground of sui- im Congress.It p'aces the)United |cfge.Suit has Deen brought to re States Senators exactly om the|gover.~~ @®ame status ep the members.of peseeeenceeeeecteeener «Congress.It does.not in any way |Hidard Gov.Giénn in California—change the qualifications of voters.Tar Heel Loyal to Tar Herls. .Opinions about this differ.<Abile Writing to The Landmark from men,Republicans and Democrats,;Los Angeles,'$al.,.Mr.H..8. claim that the amendment gives the Morrison says:™,;I just want to-imention that on Federal government power to pre-légndes night,13%b,I tad the prtiv- .feribe the qualifications of electors |jlege as 1 as.the jpleasure ‘of}- in senatoriak elections regardless |lstening to an address“by one of of State suffrage laws.It ts true North,Carolina’s iliustrious sons— that after oles failed to defeat |ex-Gov.Glenn.The.Governon,had,|@ eplenidid audience in one of our the Bristow amendment nearly a'l large auditoriums and made a the Democrats voted for the com-|gocd impression with his wit and Btitutionall amendment for the elec-|humor,together with his ability toae|elect:tity an audience with hisSolaoeaaPahageseloquence...It gaves~me ;A 3 jmuch pleasure to shake the Gov- gouch)desired that it was better to erncr’s hand,ap it does for any aécept it in undesirable form than |“Tar Heels”.who come this way; not at all”Of woume ME Cader:|Put it.gave me more pleasure:when 2 saw the’Goyernor’catr‘wood does not favor Federal tnter-that vast western audience to i. ference with State suffrage regu-|man with hiim-in a two hours ad-' tations,but his opposition to ‘the.|dres.a Barilett.amendment ,intended 01 Pere goten Aah the hseaklr<lat possessed me whenremoveanydoubtomthispoint,ja country lad 44 okd Iredell coun- pot unmaturally,provoked oriticiem.jty-—-that North Carolina produced **®&the greatest.preachers,the greatestThe“General Asembiy of she]Hyer.the Greatest doctors,thePresbyterianChurch):yidle |2 Co teee Boldiers,the strongeey menhayesChurch)at Louilisyille jane muddiest roads and the _pret-Jexpessed its disapproval of the act |'tiest women on earth...I tmagined of Secretary of “Agriculture Wil-|that’Senator-Vane and Maj:Bon in accepting last summer a vice |/RobWins owned the two branches presidency in the Brewer's Congress |7%oe.Ut comue2 tains bess t Chi ,Cnr jcompelled ~to :modify some of mywtChicago,by rescinding its ac-learlier impressions from time totionnaminghima‘tetegate to the |time a&evolutions evoluted .Pam-Presbyterian on dreps,When |Although I have spent a quarter Secretary Wileon was iold of the |,*-Sentury in the ‘West,yet mybisheahaa::breast ~swells with pride.at thematt>aid:jachievements of the'sons andAndwhenthesonsof-mon came)daughters of the Old North Staté,together before the .Lord,.Batanjand [believe her ‘the brightestcomepis.g Shimer in,_that comptellation that Thé Secretary contends:that.pol-|#00'nS mir national flag. itics was.behind the action of the}rare}How to Maké-Paint. |Assembly.The action.of Secretary|Take 10 gallons of t iA MM Fetus madewi]in acting as honorary’vive ist 10 ber cain kates Linseed Oj]atPa4ood\s se-prpsident—of thie Brewerr’Congress orreg at-$1.00 pers ‘glioma:|e gallons of -nure P.at?one of doubttus propriety from |Coat of only $1.65:per gallon Te alathelaystandpoint,especially,con-|]f8 phe best paint that cen :be made..‘+49 less cost thsideringthefactthat.thé brewers of any other High needa ture SheeofcoursewardedSian,a:cabinet \*Call on Statesville:Hardware and Har-ness Co.,Statesville,N.Ci’ officer,for adverising)purpopes—| nothingness.Because one wrong is ‘the inerease of 10 per cent.in)the -\rhaximum “price of coal at,‘tide gets upon the apple trees from pear :Sherwood Badger died in the Sol-pf Capt.Chambers’historical remi-|diery Home at Raleigh)Thursday. niscences is published today.The|night,aged 68:He was a native, E.Badger,being the last of the children of this distinguished:North Carolindam.Mr.Badger was distin- |At no time do the charges amount to Px-Gov,A.L.Grothers,of Mary- land,died at hishome at’Elkton, (Md.Friday night of Bright's dis- ease.’He,was 52 years.old and un- Thousands of applications —for fpension increases under ‘the recent~ly enacted Sherwood ‘dollar aday”laws’are pouring imto the pension office.Commissioner Dav-enport estimates that fully 25,000applicationshavecometohim80,far.5 :; A verdict of not guilty,was re- turned Friday in the Federal cownt at Cleveland,O.,for the eight wall paper.manufacturera and jobbers who were tried for alleged violation the Sherman law in conspiring inv resthaint of trade in the conductoftheirbusiness.Ce That.the public will have to pay wages of the anthracite mine-work- era granted by the operators was demonstrated when it was anmounc-. ed that the price.of hard coalwouldbeadvanced25cents.on June 1,‘thereby increasing:.the water’from $5 to:$5.25’a ton.© Am.invasion of the cotton belt bythecotton'worm or caterpillar,im- eorrectly..called the army owonn,may be expected this season in)the opinion of W.D.Hunter,im charge of the -Southerm field)crop imivesti-. gation of the Depatment of Agrioul- ture at Dallas,Tex.,expressing ‘him-| selif by way’of warning,rather than prediction..He advises plamters to made the necessary prepanation for fighting the worm.} A jury at Anderson,S.C.,ren- dered a verdict of not guilty im the tase of City Marshal H.W.Hol- comb of Townville,and three:co-de- fendants,charged with the munderofDocWelborn,a mountaineer,Welborn was burned to,death)in the Townville jail,November 14, jfl911,after he had:been arrested for disorderly.conduct.”It ‘was charged,that theofficers had killed the man and then fired the prison to conceal the crime.;| a eee emt 1 Murderer Chose Death By Shooting,’Five riflemen concealed)behind@curtainsentsteel-nosedi bullets into.‘the heart of a -blindfolded man as he bat im a chair at the) State prisom in Salt-Lake,Utah,Jast) week.'¥ Julius Sirmay,a murderer,’‘was the tanget.He had selected)death by shooting im preference’to the| gallows ,after his confession of) the murder of Thomas Carrick,a | 14-year-old boy,whom,he had shiot while committing .a ‘daylight _bur- elary.ONT ie—ee saaeecanaeeees It would surprise you to know of therreat_good that’is being done byChamberlain’s Tablets.arius Downey,of Newberg Junction,-N.“B.,writes.“My wife has been using Chamberlain's!Tablets and finds them very ‘effectual|and doing«her lots of good.”If you}have any trouble with your stomach or)buwels give them a trial.For sale by!all dealers.: There never was a time when peopleappreciatedtheréalmeritsofCham-berlain's Cough Remedy:more than now.This is shown by the increase in salesandvoluntarytestimonialsfrompersonswhohavebeencuredbyit.If you oryourchildrenaretroubledwithcoughcrcoldgiveitatrialandbecqmeac.quainted with its good qualiti¢s.Forsalebyalldealers.‘ ‘**A Welcome Chance toThoseWhoSuffer.” Coming to Statesville,N.C.,on SATURDAY,JUNE 1st,1912, To stay at Hotel Iredell.Dr.Francis §.Packard, Of Greensboro,N.C. Consultation and Examination Confi- ‘dential,Invited and FREE.- ,From a Late Snapsbet To see all of his regular Patients and such new Cases,as may wish to consult him. Dr.Packard enjoysa state wide reputation, among the profession and the Public of North Carolina,where for more than 25 years lie has devoted his entire time to theStudyTreatmentandCureofChronicDiseases.The Doctor has had wonderful success in his chosen work,that of curing chronic sufferers,Men,Women and Chil-dren.The Patients he has restored to Health after they had given up all hopeofbeingCuredarenumberedbytheThousands,¢He is:a kind,generous, democratic gentleman to-meet,of highscholarlyattainments,and dignified per- sonality.Coupled with a Brotherly inter- est,in all who seek his advice.He doesnottakeaPatientforTreatmentunlesshecanforeseeaCureoftheCase.7 Themostcommendablefeatureofhiswork,and one that appeals to the ordinary sick reasonable and moderate as to make it within the reach of even the very.poor. tnore than $7.00a month of about $1.50aweek,®He gives his own medicines, him never more than from four to six Months to.Cure a Case under Treatment.All Cases,even those who have been and restor to perfecthealthbythisBrilliantPhysicianandthewondmethodsheemploys,.¢ .If you want to meet him and have him éxainine you,go to see him,and talk the matter over with him,It will cost younothingifhedoesnot.put you undertreatment..If he takes your case,it willcostyouaverysmallsurto.get well,° Waterman's,the Best, |Fountain Pen Ink Made. THE BEST.-- aAlways Cheapest. ‘If you want the BEST -‘PHONE 208. Sulphur Springs .60 miles North West from Char-.° ~lotte,on Southern'R.R.,twodailymailtrainsexceptSunday.Electric.Lights,Sewerage,etc. ‘The hest of Fare,Service and Water. 150 acres of land,dotted withSpringsandshadywalks.Goolnights;pleasant days.Just.the HOME ELECTRIC 00:5 »&-D.COOPER,Manager.— Statesville Printing Co., Printing,Stationery,Office Supplies.518,.South Center Street,.. :uaen to rest,recreate and enjoy 1 Outdoor .Sports,.Mountains.to’climb;finest.of scenery.Hea *)Weekly Rates $6 to $8,July’and |August $8 to $10.Special rates toelubs'and families,=*|: -Write for Booklet ‘to Cees sine.)|Home Electric “Meet Your Friends cat-cthe 4 Electrical .oe :ContractorsDavisWhite. summer:days.100 rooms, The Davis Springs ‘HIDDENITE,N.C...|HAVE YOU}| Open:May 15th to October 15th Tried our Gold’Madal : Brand Coffee?None better for the price. Anothershipmeut just JUST -RECEIVED! ‘Local Views,All New. arrived.Also |freshlotofthatSlicedBa;con,Cheese and Chip order to 89. Eagle &—Milholland: W.RR:MILLS, Statesville,N.C: ‘Broad Street Methodist Church. Statesville Female College. Statesville Graded School.Mr.F.H.Conger’s Residence. Long’s Sanatorium,:‘Southern Passenger Station. Ask to see the SimplofillerFountainPenandConklin’s Fountain Pen,These aretwobest»self-filling pens on themarket.Carry a_full line’of Tablets;Inks and Pencils.PRINTING.BRADY,-The Printer. ‘Allow us to make YOU an en- ‘thusiastic user of CITY FLOURbypersuadingyoutotryit,for ithe trial is the entering wedge -that will considerably improveiyour“BREAD,Byiscurr,Rous,- Pastry,ete.: |CITY FLOUR is a pure flour made from carefully selected A-1wheat.fens The GOOD grocer always hasit.City Flour 'Milling Co. |JOHN C.DYE,M.D. j Fine Farm Lands and City ».Property for Sale. AGENT FOR HUPMOBILES. alctincminmeneagscomnmncenncsnenaucatemN, SUBSCRIBE FOR THE LANDM ventilated person,is the fact of,his charges being so| and there are no extra Charges.It takes}. Ee =aa incurable or Hopeless,have ; pRetemberthe Date”Cet come early,.j e |Do YouWant to Be Independent? Ifgo,Jearn Shorthand and.Typewritinbybeginningacourseimmediately,whicistaughtatStatesville,N.C.If intee-ested and desire terms,ete ,write or callonMRS,E.8.JOHNSON,612 South Center Street,*Feb.20.Statesville.N.C, ARK, KU E,EAR,NOSE AND THROAT AND FITTING GLASSES. Office in Mills Building.Office hours 9to 12 a.m., reeks 2.o 5 p,m. ‘|.Phones:Office 458;Residence42IGEBOX.v8ghea'tsext2." may 10,— 4 Tid i We are now readytodemonstrate 1912’s undisputed leader We are ready to prove to your complete satisfaction that the new Maxwell Special—big,stylish,powerful,36-h.p.,five-passenger touring car—is unequaled by any car within $300 of its price. We want you to-see this car—inspect it—ride in it—compare it in Power,in Style,in every way,with the best $1800 cars for 1912.The big,stylish,36-hp Maxwell Special,*1480 The ‘néw, flush-side,vestibuled steel body, inside control,Columbia Honey- comb type radiator.and new de-signed bonnet help to make the new Maxwell Speciafan arjsto-- cratinappearance.Whenyou"cannot conveniently.call,let ride in this big 36-h.p.car,you will appreciateits greatspeedandabundantpower. fore-door,The explanation of the remarkable price—$1480—is foundin the great purchasing and manufacturing economies of the United States Motor Company..~ Don’t delay your ffispection of the Maxwell Special—ifyou _us wait upon you at yourhomeoroffice.Write to-{ day for our new catalog. LINA MOTOR COMPANY, yotatesville,,N:C. y For Rent or Sale! FOR SALE; cue ao wit Five-room cottage,No.205 south Race street. -Two-story house,No.111 Highland avenue.be .Two-story,six-room house,|west Sharpe street.: “9 City”water in-fall of the.‘abovehouses. pes interested see us»fi Jenkins&Wagner, REAL ESTATE"DEALERS, -Statesville,,N.C.= First National Bank Building.. *PHONE:282. eoentenennnnene Cash Tobacco.Warehouse,.lot130x285,corner Walnut and Meet- {ag streets.:;Lot 690x107,corner Court and Meeting streets..,26%acres,at Bufola,$30 per ’75 acres,one mile east.of court house.76 acres,one mile and a«halfwest,ssc Ps ‘ 26 acres,one mile and a quarterwest. 70 acres,one mile and a halt: weat.:211 acres,five miles north,$30 acre,: 266 acres,three miles east,$25 per acre A sumber _of other desirable farms and bu properties.See me before making an investment.ISIDORE WALLACE,First National Bank-*Phone.240,a$12,000 of City Property“FOR SALE Five-room house and lot,south Center street,near depot. Two vacant-lotg rear abore, Meeting street. Six vacant lots sonth of Brad- ford Knitting Mil. Bight-room house,¢ood wellandbarn,and -four acres ‘of land, Buffalo Shoal Road.i Four-room house,6%acres land, Buffalo Shoal Roa4 -‘Two vacant lots Buffalo Shoal on Store:house and’residence and acre lot,junction west Front street and Buffalo Shoal Road.Also stocl of Groceries and Fixtures. Cali on or write — C.B.MORRISON, 739 West Fronc St. »March 8.*Phone 227. RAE BT RES NES OINOTICE! 10 OUR PATRONS:IND THE *PUBLIC We wish to announce that although we have.’ had a fire we are taking care of our business just. as usual.Let us have | your laundry work.We*Will appreciate it. STATESVILLE STEAM LAUNDRY PHONE 122. Pinewood Dairy Farm, STATESVILLE,N:C.R.F.D.NO.2, W.C.WOOTEN &SONS,PROPS. SEED CORN.Weekly’s Im- proved vaaiety at $2 per bushel. Sewing Machine 109 East Front Street.- ’Phone 61.. “ALWAYS IN.©: the First National Bank Building,and I am always here,Don’t peep into my.tion.room where I never stay and then go off an not in,but come on in and let you h. Tap the bell,knockor speak out.-If famnotat ental chair I am in my -.ghop—in a isoom fartherin,f in Pp,FLAUGENOUR,Dentist. TUESDAY,-—May 28,1912. 1 Arrival’and’ ‘Haight at bia home at Fort Mill,8. ‘OFFICE:ROOM 3,If ‘tem;but it will take a long time and the im- (OCCUPY threerooms on the second floor of} tory~-workw THE LANDMARK a _LOCAL RAILROAD SCHEDULE.” Departure of-‘Traine-at‘Statesvilic,.-at ere‘WESTERN ROAD._.‘.‘No,-15,‘west-bound,.due 6.55 a.m.No.16,east-bound,due 11.20:p,m.-No.11,west-bound,due’10.20 a.aTrain“No.21,west-bound,due 3.25 p.m.No.36,west-bound,due 10.22 p.mNe,.36,east-bound,due 1100 amNo.22,east<-bound,due 1.20 p.m. From;Taylorsville._. Train No.23 ar./10.10,seaves 11.00 a.m Train No.15 arr/6.20,leaves 6.45 p.m. Rev;Dr.J.B.Mack Ddad, Rey.Dr,.J.B.Mack,one of the oldest and best known ministers.of the Presbyterian Church died Friday CC.He was born in New York and ne in hig:74th year...He was brought to South Carolina.in in- fancy,and was inthe ministry for toore than 69 years..2 ‘ During -his ministry:hé /rgceived more that 8,000 persons into the church and erected56church .build- ings.One humdred young men were added to the:ministry under his preaching.’Dr.Mack is survived by his.wife and several.children. Rising:from bis seat in thechurch‘where his prother’a funeral was being)held,kissing bis aunt and gister tenderly,Samuel Bran- mon,a farmer living near Acree Ga.,walked outdoors ‘and ,blew out his brains im the church)yand. He was wild with’grief on account of the death of his brother. Eye-Sight Restored After Being Given Up|by Specialists A wonderful cure byMILAM Mr.W.E.Griggs,Secretary andTreasurerWestbrooksElevator Co.and formerly Cashier Bank of Danville,says: “About ten years ago my eyesight began tofailtosuchanextentthatitbecamenecessaryformetoconsultaspecialist..My trouble in-creased until I [qgund it necessary to consult sev-eral others.My case was diagnosed as‘Atrophy oftheOpticNerve,caused by impoverished bloodcupply,‘The ‘progress of my trouble was.slowbutsteady,with never any relief,until finallymyFs9bapreoadvisedmethatnothingfurthercouldbedone.About this time,about two yearsago,Lcould not see.to read,and my range o'vision was so-short that I could not see anythingetagreaterdistancethanfiftyorseventy-fivefeet.Loften found it difficult to recognizeac-uaintances when I met them,Gistnguishiog them ‘more by their voices than their features: In May,1909,a friend advised me that ‘if the physician’s diagnosis'was correct,MILAM will eure re bevause it will purify and enrich the blood,increase the flow,and build upthe sys- pFovement will be slow."“t did not believe one wirdof this,and con-vented totake MILAM because I did not think itgouldburtme,and there might be a bare possi- bility that it might help me.After six weeks’ ase I began to notice a slight improvement inmysight,which ‘has’been slow but steady and with no setback.Now I can read newspapers with ordinary glasses,can distinguish large ob- jects two miles away,and have no difficulty now,as far as my sight is concerned,in attend- ing to my duties as the executive officer of a corporation. “Tam still careful not to tax my eyes unrea-sonably,because I realise that I am not cured; but hope,and am mote and more encouraged as time passes,to believe that the continued use ofMILAMwillcureme. “I think it proper to state ‘that’my general health and strength have also improved in the same ratio as my eyesight,and I attribute this 4theuseofMilam.(Signed)W.-E.GRIGGS.” Danville,Va.,March 23,1910. MILA is NOT an EYEmedicineandwill cure no blindness except that arising from impoverished or impure blood or depleted system. Ask Your Druggist . Special Bargains ERE TOLMNELRG A.DOUBLE’ed er Social =Af --Mesdames-B.H.“A Long eitertained ‘at twin parties: Thursday”and Friday.«afternoons and a large nuinber of their friends enjoyed’the aovel.occasions,dif- ferent parties.of guests having been invited for the two events.At the home of Mrs.Adams Thuraday afternoon the guests were received t the door by .Mesdames Adams toa Long and taken to the.punch oom,where:Mises Carrie Mae Watts and Sarah Adams served the refreshing beverage.Mise Kath- rerine:Scott,”of Covington,Va.,.dis- tributed score.cards.and the guests then scattered throughout the house until.progressive games ‘were begun at 12 tables:*The playing continu- ed for'an hour and Mrs,W..R: MeLéliand and Mise Margaret Bra- dy tied for the prize,‘a -pair:silk’hose,which went to Miss Brady in the cutting....All thei guests:cut picture,-and Mrs,J.O:Purnell}wassuccessful.After the games a,8a course,crystalized:ginger,mints anctee.tea were.served...The houeewasattractivelydecoratedthrough- out with beautiful roscs and wild laurel...ee ;‘Friday afternoon the second edi- tion.of the event took place:at the residence of Mrs...Long,where the programme.of the previous oOccas- ion was cartied out,with)”,minor changes,Mrs.Long’s front hall was decorated ‘with red rambler,roses, the dining room and living.room were in pink.roses andi the Tibrary.was in white.roses,all artistical- ly arranged.‘In the game playing the prize,silk hose,was won by Miss’Loula Campbell,amd in the general cutting for the consolation a pitture:of’Stratford-onrAvon, iments similar to these of the “othrértwin’’were served.. Mrs:Homer Benton entertained and'a number of outside gucsts Whursday afternoon at the residence of Mr.and.Mrs,W.J,Poston, complimentary to her guests;Mrs. Kime,of Burlington,and Mits Ben-ton,of Monroe.Bridge was played at four tables dnd Mrs.B.R.Thur-. man won the club prize,while the visitors’s prize went to Miss SarahCowles,both ‘prizes being boudoircaps.The consolation,abridge score,wert to Mrs.D.M.Ausley. A pleasing feature of the eveningWasanumber-of vocal selections by Miss Benton..Mrs.Bentom was assisted in serving refreshments)by. Misses Sadie “and Willie Poston. Many beautiful roses were used in thefdecorations for the event.|. The members of the Round Dozen Embrcidery Cricle and other guests qj were eritertained Saturday afterncon 18th,by Mrs.C.V.Henkel at her home on west Broad street.Special guess were Mesdames Daniel PF. Gay,of Worcester,Mass.,and Louis N.Grant,of Goldsboro.‘While the needle work was in progrets Mrs.J. F.Bowles read an entertaining story.Refreshments were served In celebration of her 12th birth-day little Miss;Juliet Bristol ‘en-tretained abowtta score of her littlefriendsWednesdayafternoonat the home of her parents,Mr.and Mrs ee sireet..The game was progressive peanuts and Adabel Barringer won the prize—a box of s‘ationery.Following the game ice cream and cake swere served and the guests departed wishing.their -little,hos- tess many more birthdays of edual happiness. Reported:For The Landmark. Wednesday evening Mr.and Mrs. |William Wallace invited a numberjotftiends‘to meet their brother and Bis Mr.and Mrs.Robert Pretzfeld,of New York city,who are talented miusicians,and to hear a most delightful musical The pregramme -consisted of exquisite songs by Mrs.Pretzfeld and Mrs. M CC.Wood;instumental Belec- tione beautifully rendered by Mrs. erer, several ‘cello solos most artistically.given by Mr.Robert Pretzfeld. accompatiments were.by Mrs.Wil- liam.Wallace and Mrs.R.B.Laughlin.The attractive home of Mr. Chic Underwear ror Ladies just received. See our 50¢.Gowns. Skirts for 98e.and up. Just received a sample Jine of Ivadies’and Chil- dren’s Hats.Don’t-miss seeing them before they are gone.,: Remember we are still. giving Rogers’Silverware every day as premiuins. D.B.Krider &Cony. S.J.Holland. Has good farm horses * “and mules for sale for *éash or on time..Terins to suit purchaser. Best equipped livery| in town, SUBSCRIBP FOR:THE LANDMARK, HLA Re ELGG *Phonb 3;Dayor:Night. with its decorations of laurel,wild |magnolias and masses of roses Af- |ter the musical programme’ice jcneam and cake were served.The jevening was a most enjoyable onejandthemusicalatreatthat,will |fong be remembered .—-4 |i We ge[Wheat Crop Short—The Road Work| |Correspondence of The Landmark. Shinsville,;May 24.—Mrs.P.E. |Coulter,after spending ‘the week|with nelatives here,has returned to ther home at Newton. |.Mr.Clarence Mills,one of Shins- |ville’s boys who has made good,is |Spending a few days here.with ltriends and relatives Mr.Mills thas a responsible position).in |Southern Florida.|Rey.B.:P..Green,preached two very able sernfots at Bt.James Sunday moming and evening.He.holds ‘regular services here the first and thind Sunday in each month at 11 ab*m.and 8 p. wm.The piblic is cordially inwited, to attend these services. The whéat crop in’this section will be short,caused by the fly which has damaged it very much. Oat,crop looks well.Early plant- ed cotton is doing nicely;late piemled needs ‘raim of au ampertcct stand will be the result..._.“The rdad building from Moores-ville this’way fa ‘progressing nice-ly.-The crew.of workmen is doing good work and seem to he buildinggoodrdéadsswiftly;We feel veryproudofthisneededimprovement and hope the good work.will con- tine umtil every road im the countyhasbeenworked...-aay |/—Shinsville Items. | Mesdames Adams andLong’s Twin|ee een fairs.je np ed“Adameand ZV fog at their homes on northl Race streeh| for the consolation,a prétty Aurora| lad whi h Miss:Mamie Adams won..Refresh-- the Thursday Afternocn:Bridge club Bristol,on.Walnut| Pretzfela and Mrs.R.E.Clapp;and) and Mrs:Wallace was lovely| the-mector,| Raleigh News and...Observer. with a°primary,It may:be saidtrulythattherearemanydiffioul- .connected with any method ofascertaining‘thé will of the pegple men who make a business of politics are.opposed to any system that takes control of affaira from a eom~-paratively few men who maké busi- nees of -politics 365 days im the year,When a primary law goes in-+to effect it often happens that the iticlans'who’formerly packed con-ventions are’-alble alsoto (win by cor- ralling their trained fortes at thepollsbecauseoftheindifferenceof the.people to the issie’at stake, and because the regulars alwayshaye‘the.advantage in any ‘contest. ver.the volunteers. ive a personal;sometimes a finan-,cial,Stake and through a systemoflordsandvassalstheykeepupa cities by which they always win in the primaries when the people.are So oftén shavethe people been).imdit-.ferent about.’the right of suffrage,‘was °obtaimed:fdr themthroughthebloodoftheirfathers, thit:they are supine while the:pro- fess'oial.politicians,’who have an.axe to grind,are permitted fullsway.But the primary system,when it ig.perfected and régulat-ed.as it will be,offers opportunity to the people to control their owm affairs.whenever they wish to do60.: Bride-Elect Eloped With Best in--Fiance’'s:-Auto,~ .On:the ‘eve of her wedding to Edwin!G.Gilbert,Miss Clara Par-ker,member-of-a prominent Gaines- iville,Ga.,family and noted for her beauty,eloped with and was mar- jried to B.W.Sullivan,of Atlanta, Sullivan,who was to-be best man,was at Miss Parkei’s home with the other attendants for.a wedding’re- -hearsal.Just before the reheasal Was to.begin-Sullivan and Miss Par- ker disappehred and so did -Gilbert’s touring car,which was in front of ‘hie P arker home.It was scom leann- ed that the couple had fled in the auto of the bridégroom-to-be..Sul- livan and Miss Parker soon reached Atlanta,where they were married. ;“I loved’Ben best,”said’the bridejinexplainingthejiltingofGilbert ffor Sullivan.ys was my first eweetheart,and to have her,”said Sullivan, congratulate myself I didn’t her,”said Gilbert..“‘I got |off {.hope they will return my in good condition.”’ i."She iI had get |hackjauto Democratic Women Celebrate. Nearly 409 women,wives prominent.Democrats,gathered in Washington onthe 20th and celebratedtheonehundredandifortieth |birthday anniversary of Dolly Madi- son,wife of James Madison,andtomakethisfamouswoman‘the in gpiration for a harmony breakfast -tc Match the Jefferson dinner,of the men. This.was the mcst of ‘} 4 notable gath- y |ering of women of political prom-inem¢e ever known.|Mre.,Champ(Clark,wife.of the Speaker of the|House of Represenntatives,presid- ed and «acted as Guests of honor were Mrs.William |Jennings “Bryan;Mrs.Clark,.Mrs. Eugene N.Foss,Mrs.Judson Har- mon,Mrs.Norman E.Mack amdMrs.Osear W.Underwocd Mrs. William Randolp Hearst,Mrs.Par- ker and Mrs.Woodrow Wilscn had all .accepted.and were expected, but illness at the last moment pre- vented their coming. Did Ingdell Have a Victim on tite Titanic? Mooresville Enjterprise.: Mr.J;C.Neel has been infcorm-'} ed that im.all probability the Ed.. |Titanic,is his nephew mah)was’kniown boyhood amd Many’fiations. world. Mr here ‘during his since hag visited throughout -the James W.Freeman,who was born andi reared in the suburbs of what is now Mooresville:.The man’s.mother,who died many|years ago,was Mis Neel,of Cod- The|dle.Creek community,a dawgh-| jter of the late Elam Neel and |ville] |eft Hstate For City Park. |E.M.Caldeleugh,-who died/Greensboro a few days ago, jhis estate,about $50,000,to his |widow during her life:At her Thera are many évils,connected| ‘and registering that will.Of,course, people are so indifferent that the poh The regulars| De spenfect.organization’in the large |! ‘asleep or indifferentor eorrupt,and || (Bd..Freeman was a son of Mr.| young. toastmistress.| 6HERRILL-WHITE SHOE CO.a arefoot Sanda FOR™ @ Men,Boys,Misses and Children, Barefoot Sandals|will alse you for Sinn cies Footwear; @e&, very desirable,because they have a very durable,flexible sole and are:so very caol to the feet. foot Sandals.They will please you: Men’s Barefoot Sandals,5}to 10,‘Boys’Barefoot Sandals,23 to 5, Misses’,Barefoot Sandals,114 to 2,:Misses’Barefoot Sandals,84:to 11,Children’s ‘Barefoot.Sandals,5}to.8,Children’s Barefoot Sandals,1 to 5,©; -Come in andlet us fit you with a,pairof Barefoot San-,dals while-our stock is complete.-*Yours truly,©. Try a pair of Bare- sr o Ss r s a s .i ee Ea Shoe-Com’y, .(&B.Miller Old Stand.) 'HREE REASONS eee .: Why you shguld trade at the dependable cash.store. First—Beeause you get the right goods at the right price. Second—Because you will have no bills toannoy you.each, "month,and you do not pay interest on your money Third—Because it pays to pay cash at a cash store. ‘DO IT NOW—make this store your store.ALLENL.MILLS,(Successor to The Ladies’Furnishing Store.) mM TODAK «| A necessity in a family..You want pictures that are not’so dressed up.Take the Baby,or Girl,or Boy,Horse;Cow, and.you can have some one take yourself.Try it.: H.B-WOODWARD,|Jeweler. >Absolutely FR 73 We are going to give you this useful,pure AluminumSaucePan_ with any purehase of the & Original “1892”Pure Spun Aluminum Ware amounting to 85c. There are positively no strings to this — offer.This valuable sauce pan that sells j |}1 Freemen,who went dowm.with the| Free-| || ; | | ||White-Stimpson |j | Mc-|sister of Mr.J.C.:Neel,of Moores-| || fn| left| |death all the property is to be sold} jjand the proceeds “applied to thepurchaseoffromthreetofiveacres|of land in or near Greensboro,that} 4 public park shall be established,|;walks and driveways laid out and| |&@ Mausoler srected:i e center |'‘:een errotee at ee|burglars who break into a place and after all their trouble|in which)shall repose tha bodies of |memibers,of the Caddeugh family.| re ; Now is the time to.Ket,rid o your |}jfheumatism.You can dé it byjingChamberlain's Liniment and|Saging the parts.freely atPOlcaHon,For sale by all dealers. |\oanee IN mas- BLOOD. your,stomach be- you eat.ferments |.Gas forms in cause the food}and turns sour. |Allow this fermentation to go on and these gases become pois- onous andthe poison gets into the blood.; MI-O-NA stomach tablets stop the ferthentaion almost instantly,turn the poisonous gasés into liq- uid,and eliminates the poison through the kidneys. i you.have any stomach .trou- bie=suciy/as gas,Sourness,dewvi- ness,flatulency,or shortness.of ing rélief in five’minutes.are gold on money-back or .chrotiic indi- gestion,nervousness, °dizziness, headaches,.sleeplessness,ete.Soldbythe.Statesville,Drug”CompanyanddruggiststyeryWherefor50 cents p boa.~'f A STOMACH POISON THE breath,MI-O-NA.will give gratify-| apply-| each ap.| everywhere for 35c,will be presented to you whenever you have made your 85c purchase,.’ We-are satisfied that if you use these utensils,you will say,like thousands of other housewives,that they are better and cost /ess,in the long run.Did you know that “1892”PureSpun Aluminum Ware won't chip off,scorch and that it lasts many times longer than other materials?It is to you for 15 years.Well,these things are ‘true and we want you to know it. If you haven’t used “1892”PureSpunAluminumWare,just tear out this advertisement and show it to the clerk after you have selected your other articles.He will give you this attractive aluminum sauce pan and a valuable book of cooking recipes,Sign YourName Here with no extra charge. or burn, Biing this advertisement withyouwhenyoucall. Nene TCI racingHardwareCompany. BoO0Rssiticscincni 3h ae, Is Your Money Working FOR YOU?.ARE YOU SECURED Against hard luck or-hard times?The laugh will be on the find onlyacheck book instead of the cash they wanted. Deposit your cash with this bank and it will be absolutely, safe from thieves,fire,dampness,rats or any:similar dan-".7 ger.Isn’t that security worth having?P ..*Now is the time to save part of your income by depositing 7 IN 7 1)Se Merchants and Farmers’Bank ot Statesville. Hotel Gladstone, BLACK MOUNTAIN,N,C.|; THE IDEAL PLACE TO SPEND YOUR VACATION.2,800 FEET ELEVATION,-Frée From Malaria.and Mosquitos. a as RATES $2.00 PER DAY.SenSpecialRatesforFamilieseandforSummerVisitors.Write-WM.JEFF.DAVIS,._Proprietor,May 10.—16t BLACK.MOUNTAIN,N.°C.+ tin ' bee aries failed ofa nomination,they 4 ea $2.00SfSNODTEDWEAR.iy cs vcesestonbePRET.ccaa cn ca see oeenban 1.00fONTHEE2BaCe: May.28;.1912..TUESDAY,reer ,candidates to passa salary lawfor Ire- :_matter. -would have ‘carried:. :submitted thisyear the agitation prior ‘about these matters. '—a pledge to pass'a salary law,anda _favors;who asks only what every gratulation. ‘the eventual rule of the mob,assign-|. __gatisfactary to the Roosevelt-crowd, S ms of a row in the convention. THE LANDMARK .R,CLARK,EDITOR‘ORAND>OWNER. ooOFF!sr BROAD:STREET;CF lthMETIOR ‘PRICE:3 AWISE “ACTION, The.Democratic county convention Saturday .acted wisely in passing a résolution pledging the legislative ‘dell.That the people favor the change is not to:be questioned._For ‘years they have clamored for an.op portunity to.pass on.the proposition, without involying it with,any other Jf the:simple.question of “salaries vs.fees had been submitted to the primaries:two ‘years ‘ago ‘it “If it had been to the primaries might ‘have.been avoided.‘\Whilé ‘the legislative can- .didates,committed:specifically to sal- wrung victory from.defeat,for it was their strength in the primaries which showed that it was unwise to longer delay:the.salary proposition.). While The Landmark.and the salary adyoeates generally think the bill should be effective next year,this paperis not disposed to contend now It has got what ithas been fighting for for several years bill drawn to secure the.best results and.honestly and faithfully adminis- tered Should:and will:give satisfac- tion. In taking this detion‘Tredell has but joined the ranks of the progressive counties of the State.Three adjoin- ing counties—Mecklenburg,Catawba and Rowari—have just decided on a similar course.Soon the whole State will join in.| What the Democratic national con- vention will do in-Baltimore no man knoweth.The Wilson people con- tinue to claim that Wilson leads allothercandidatesininstructedand uninstructed delegates.The anti- Wilson people give the lead to Clark and apparently.Clark has.the lead in instructed -delegates..It ‘is the field against.Wilson,however,and the opposition will combine all the strength at its command to defeat the New Jersey man.Adark ‘horse ‘is among the.strong probabilities. -The Landmark holds to the opinion Seeireee "PUBLISHEDiD TUBSDAY.“AND ‘FRIDAY:: Ever.: Wend ington Dispatch,}a America’s demand for the.luxuries. of life has not diminished with the ev- er-mounting cost ofnecessities,’‘Arti-clés listed as ‘‘luxuries’’imported in- jto this country during ‘the fiscal yearendednextmonthwillexceedinvalue:$200,000,000 and in’many of theim-. Settedivisions new recordswill bees-’ishLarsaries or “articles of voluntary use’’include diamonds,works of art, laces and embroideries,wine,tobac-co,ostrich feathers,toys,perfumer-ies and domestics and jewelry. Works of art,according.to a state- ment issued by the bureau of statisticsoftheCommerceand.Labor Depart- ment,will show for.the nine monthsendedwithMarchatotalexceedingby|:50 per cent,the highestrecord of any ‘previous year,and will approximate000,000in value for the full year,compared’with $22,500,000 in:1911..Diamonds and other precious stones show.a total of $30,500,000 for the‘nine ‘months,indicating a total of:about.$41,000,000.for the year,thus fexceeding.any.earlier’,years except}.1910 and 1907. Imports.-of laces.and embroiderieswillamounttoabout$44,000,000.for the year..This:is an inérease‘of fully 50.per cent.in a décade.Manufac-tures of cotton form more than three= group.‘Imports of tobacco and its tiianufac-tures will reach $32,000,000in value, imported: The by itiative,the ‘Referendum:nd thé Recall. The:Initiative stands for the powerofthepeopletostartthemaking,of a new law that their lawmaking agentshaveneglected.The Referendum stands for the power of thé people to stop the mak-ing.of anew law that their lawmak-ing agents have started. The Recall stands for the power:of the people to cancel the commissionofanagentwhohasdisappointed hem.All of these three powers of the pecple are old and familiar.The In-itiative,the Referendum and the Re-call are new only.in the sense.that they supply.new and moreimperativemethodsfortheexerciseofoldand familiar powers. The Initiative supplies an impera-tive way of bringing public opinion to bear,upon a Legislature for the start-ing of a good piece of lawmaking. The Referendumsupplies animper- ative way of bringing~public opiniontobearuponaEepistaturefor“thestoppingofabadpieceoflaw-rmak-in The Recall ig a short and summary substitute for impeachment.It ena-na the pea to get rid of a pooragentwithoutprovingthatheisabadman. fidinks onaeeete wim Try to Ter- that Gov.Wilson is by far the strong- est and best manin the bunch.He is a strong man and a worthy man on his own merit,but the elements that oppose him should give him added strength with the plain people who have,no axes to grind;who ask no citizen has a right to demand -gobd government honestly administered. If the self-seekingpoliticians succeed in-defeating Wilsonin hi¢‘own State today his cause will be harmed,but if he wins in New Jersey his boom| should receive a boost.—_————— A good deal of|feeling was aroused|in the recent campaign before theprimaries—a good deal for which ‘there was absolutely no good reason—but those who submitted to-the ar- -rorize Convention.: The bitterness of the fight that istorageabouttheRepublicannationalcommitteewhenitbeginstheconsid-eration ‘of contest cases in Chicago June 6,was emphasized Friday in astatementfromRepresentativeWm.B.McKinley,head of the Taft cam-paign forces. Mr.McKinley declared that it was|becoming apparent that Col.Roose-|velt ‘‘and his followers will resort to every known means to terrorize theChicagoconvention’” “That the time has come when themoralstaminaoftheleadersofthe|Republican party is to’be tested as ithasnotbeentestedsincethecivil ae is certain,”Mr.McKinley contin-ue “Itis within the power of the na-tional committee to make or break the fourtlis of the total value of.the enthe i and of toys.$9,000;000 ‘worth will,be|. Mr.a K.Doughton,oveneiy aie{bank examiner,who has been con-‘nected with the:auditing departmentofachaircompany.at High'Point,hasbeenelectedcaslier0“a bank at Wilmington.>. “Neill Smith,a white -man,:was found-unconscious”with«a fractured een in the woods near the house.of! K..Raynor,in’Cumberland county,Friday and died Saturday.The cause of death not explained.+ ‘Mr:Morgan,a.farmer livingRutherfordton,killed Wilson| ovis,‘}a negro tenant.on hisplace,Saturday.The negro was ordered off the place.He refused:to go and.attacked Mor- eased on bond. -Sidna Allen,the Virginia outlaw,.isunder$5,000 bond to appear at the ry.”.He-will not appear ofcourse,butitissaid-an effort will be made,-when ‘ed,to have the overnment offer:‘%5,- 000 reward for him.’“ok ey,of Asheville,assaulted PolicemanBlaylock,apparently without provo- cation.'The officer ‘shot Cathey and is,his Hometown andowessomething’in Paturn for ‘the op-: ‘hear ; an,who ‘shot him.-Morgan was re-|: Federal.court in Greensboro next}Monday;to answer a charge of.perju-| his bond of $5,000 is declared forfeit-ch wAt Waynesville.Saturda Geo.Cel , the woundis very dan erous.Cathe|| ey is now in a hospital in.Asheville.|ieisafightingmananditissaidhe’ad a grievance against the officer|because:the latter arrested him on!one occasion. Mrs Scales,'wife of.Mr.A.M.| Scales,‘a prominent attorney of| Greensboro,died Saturdayin a -hos- pital in Philadelphia,where ‘she had’ een critically ill for sometime.The Sunday and interred yesterday,Mrs. Scalesis survived'by.her.husbandandfivechildren.'She was a daugh-ter of Col.John,D..Taylor,of il- mington,whohodied a few days ago.| me }Man”WhoStood Still. Aurora,Ill.,Dispatch. ‘The death of D.W.Stockwell,of|this city,at Hawarden,Canada,mark- ed the passing of onéof the.quaintest |charactersin Illinois |He was known |as ‘“‘the man who atood still.’’ stores in northern Illinois outside ‘of: Chicago,during the,civil-war,he)prospered.After the war he failed) to keep abreast of the times and thesamegoodswhich‘he carried thenstilladorntheshelvesandshowwin-|‘dows of the store.Five years “after the war he was}still making a profit.In ten years/more the place was a curiosity shop,|and has continued so.The hoopskirt,barber-striped hose,jet jewelry:and like antiquities continued a part of his stock:In later years he was the only onewhoenteredorplaceexceptvisitors|to the city.He did no advertisinHehadabout$10,000 worth of g and settled down to wait for eantonserswhonevercame.He was at-bus-iness at 7 o’clock each morning and;remained until 6 o’clock in the eve-ning.He was 77 years old.i ROCKER NO.1. Republican party for many years tocome.The party is strong PuCHER |to withstand the shock of any attack, bitrament of the primaries should ac-cept the result in good faith.There |was some winning and losing on both|sides.Those who were fightingfor|a salary law above all other consider-ltations,which was the :position.of|The Landmark,have cause for con- They won on that prop-osition,and while they didn't get ev-erything they wanted they certainlyhayenoreasontobecastdown.Thefeelingengendered,without further |friction,which there should not be,|’will pass and a united front will be!presented to the enemy in November.apiinataidnieiindteehbiieahSeareeeRInaspeechintheHouse df Con-gress a few days ago Mr.’MartinDies,a Texas Democrat,predicted theearlydissolutionoftherepublicand ing as the cause the growth of dema-goguery and influx of ignorant im-migrants.“‘You.are a pessimist!”shouted-a member to Mr.Dies whilethelatterwasinthemidstofhisgloomyforebodings.—‘No,Iam notapessimist,’answered Mr.Dies;‘Ilookonly,for thesworst.wi lookingfor.the “worst.:ign’t pessimism itwouldbeinteresting-to know whatthe!word means. —_—_—_—_—__—_Both Roosevelt and Taft continuetoclaimtheRepublican:presidentialnomination.The result will probably}remain in doubt until the convention | meets.TheRepublicannationa com mittee willpass on the numerousccon- tests and make up the tempérary roll .of the convention.The committee is} with Taft and its work ‘will not be {moval of .the national committee of within’or without;but no party can survive a compromise‘with principle |jor an abandonment of all principle.’”:|Thé McKinley statement was given||out as the result of widespread reports | that Col..Roosevelt desired the re- certain members.whom he knew tobestronglyopposedtohim. The business section of Lebanon Junction,Ky.,was practically.wiped ;out by fire which swept uhe length of the towm’s main.street. Thirteen.business buildings and three residences were consumed and the two general stores and the ho- tel which remain were badly damag-ed...The loss is estimated at $200,- 000:to $250,000 -1 ; sippi river,.while bound from)New “Orleans:to Hampton Roads.Later| ported uninjured,( A report was sent out from Wash-ington a few days ago that there wasnohopeof‘Senator Lorimer,of Illi-nois,retaining his seat in the Senate,notwithstanding.a majority of ‘thecommitteereportedinhisfavor,andthathewouldbeadvisedto,resign.A report from Chicago says the Sen-ator will not resign but will fight forhisseat. Hot weather-is promised.for.thisweekoverthegreaterpartofthecountryeastoftheRockies,accord-ing to the weekly bulletin of theweatherbureauissuedSundaynight.While temperatures will bo above the ke they will be generally below HOERERYonthePacificslope,: ‘As a Underwood campaign manager in} Thereis a fine prospect ofthe biggest North ‘Carolina,ttakes rank with the! The United States first-class |battleship Nebraska ran aground|’ late Friday afternoon in Southiwest). Pass at the mouth of the Missis- the vessel was released and was re-| normal on this side of’the Rockies |. “claimist’?(Col,Alarner,the Maple frame,strong and comfort:able.Price $2:50. No.2.Oak framepainted green,cane seat,price $I.75. remains were brought to Greensboro ||. ‘As owner:of one of the pre ee ‘aresaville Refléctor..it The man who loves hiaeels that ortunity of making a living andsupportitgiveshim,is the right k _|of citizen.hanger on;-simply:‘grasping all_ -reach and.bestowin pething a etis:neigh-ors,yet doing nothing to help others,rofiting by the efforts of jis not worth the room he takes up.. Col. Senator Dixon, fit that But.the man.who is a} Roosevelt’s manager,says that 24 of the 90 dele- gates from New York to the Chicago bonvension are pledged to Roosevelt, he} the|.ind in Ed.MellonCompany +Hata;‘Men’8 Furnishings, Trunks,Leather Goods.. SecondFloor.” Clothing and Furnishing _Goods store,in theCarolinas. When in the City’make our store headquarters. Charlotte,N.C.. hoes,| Boys and Children’s " ~The largest andbest equipped. 8&10 West Trade st.| ABe a19e..:.ad 90. bons* 19¢. ‘ia Sale Fancy ‘Aibbons fs. 5 About 50.pidoes Fancy a Dresden,Striped,Plaid, Moire and Messaline Rib- including values from 25e.to 50c.per yard on salefor a few days for cash.Special @ 19¢. 119¢, Per Yard :19¢. 19¢. 19¢. ~RAMSEY-BOWLES-MORRISON CO. Sales Dayis the fing Monday iin each monthin Statesville,N.C. 190.19c.190.1 9c. Lloyd Princis Carts.. ene and Durable,$7.50. 10 and $14. Heavy,Stronthersat$9, -TRUNKS. HAMMOCKS $2.00 EACH. Better ones ranging in price up-to.$6.50 each.: Smal sizes at $1.50,$2.00,$3.00, 00 each,and larger ones rang-ing in price up to $20. The White Company. 104 West Broad Street. ececeaeeaeaeeeecneaiannnneiaseennai nanaiaclearGCOYROO©OOS "best others aee ‘office.supplies. Don’t forget to ask about our BabyProtectors—$2.00 each. rawford-Bunch Furniture Company. AN UP-TO DATEBOOKKEEPER insists on good stationery ana Rightly,me for with them .the work goes @ better and quicker.Ourline of commercial stationery is the| best and most complete.in.thisconimynity.We shall be glad to-have you test it and our mod- eralé prices,whether you need anything from a few pens toacompletesetofnewbooks.-R.P.ALLISON'S,BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE. esseeosece ssveceres coceees SR qome to us for all the new ress Materials shown for this season’s wear. You will find our assortment to select from large andthe patterns beautiful,comprising from the daintiest tothe more substantial fabrics worn this season.We have: them in all the new weaves,color- ings,etc.We want your trade. We are showing the go ds at prices that will surprise you in all lines. See us for all Ready-to-Wears in Ladies’,Misses’and Children’s. de are showing many exclusive Always something new. Shoes,Oxford Ties,Pumps and Sandals for.everybody,. styles,25c.to $6.00 per pair. »Make our store your place for “trading.We will please you;we </will save youmoney.| in all THE WHITE co. 2PHONE 101. y Salés Day.is the rt ‘Monday i in pach monthinStatesville,N{Cc i |i\|| | | Mibreth.<< .(Katherine -THETANDMARK.PUBLISHED TUESDAY ANDFRIDAY.|+Sa:'OFFICE;120:WEST BROAD,STREET.TELEPHONE NO. TUESDAY,—*—May 28,1912.SRae’MOVEMENTS OF THE PEORLE. Personal Mention of the Folks Whoatt last Thursday night at 7:0’clock Are Conting,and Going. Mrs.Dorman Thompscm has been in Winston-Salem since -Friday*at- tending Salem College commence- ment.The expéectp’to return home tomorrow,foe ;:; Mr.Wm.P.Bell.left Friday for [Black Mountain,where he.will spendthesummerforthebenefitofhis .health,.Misses Ann Corpening,of New-ton,and Ann Finger,of the yicin- -ity.of Hickory;were guests of ‘Mrs.,C.L.Lester Saturday,and Sunday..Mr.W,.A.Poard,“who visitedhomefolks-in Statesville,has re. “turned #0 Sanford.....:;_Mr,Eugene Culbreth,of Raleigh,, who:has been visiting relatives.here,and little:daughter left -yes-terday for Charlotte to visit.Mfr.‘Culbreth’s brother,Mr.Jonas “Oul-:'They will also visit.Mr. Culbrethys<brothers at Spartanburgandiokence,8.0;3Mr.3.8.Watts,of Alabama,is «in Iredell to spend the’summer, Mrs.W.'L.¢Neely and-children, ep and Charles;are .visit- ing Mre,’N.F.York and:Miss Lu- cile Pitts,1h Concord._-Mts John Nefghibors and childrenwenttoHuntersvilleSaturdaytovie:|Mrs.Neighbors’sister,Mrs. fal].eit =*; Messrs.JH.and S.W Hoffmann,P..C,Gray,Lonnie Mills and.Sheriff Deaton attended aD...K.K.meet-.ing in Mooresville Friday night. Mrs.Thad.Summers and son,Mr. Frank Summers,left Saturday nightforavisitofsomedaystoCharlotteandStanleyCreek. Mr.and Mrs.,L.'E..Tharpe .and children spent Sunday and yesterdayinCharlotte.;Judge Coble,assistant district at- torney,and Deputy Collector Davis are attending Federal courtin Wilkes-boro.eMr.J.C.Somers,of Jacksonville, «Fla:,a former resident of Statesville, is in town ona visit.ag Miss Inez.Gray has refurned ‘to *$tatésyille from Burlington dnd willspendthesummerhere. Mr.J.A.Brady and Miss Margaret Brady,Mrs.Martha Brady,of Gra- ham,and Miss Lura Speck,of Ripley,Tenn.,who visited here,haveallgone to Davidson toattend commencement. Miss Mabel Laugenouris’also attend- ing the commencement,Miss Milinie-Fowler,who was at home on-a visit,returned to Winston yesterday.: .Mrs.TS.Lazenby is visiting hersister,Mrs.Floyd Lippard,in Tay- lorsyille:Mrs.T.C.Burgess and little son have returned from Charlotte. .Mrs.Clyde Alexander,who is now with the bserver printing House in Charlotte,is at home on a:short visit. Materials Needed For Colored In- dustrial Scbobl.- To the Editor of The Landmark: The Girls’Industrial Home Build- ing for colored girls at Hiddenite’is now in course of erection and we hope to be in it by the middle of June.Mr.Henry Daniels,of Hidden- ite,has the contract and is pushing the work as rapidly as cireumstances will permit.We are buying some aterial in Statesville—roofing,floor- ng,etc.~Two acres for a site for the boys’ dormitory was given last week by Hattie Morrison,a young colored wo- man of Hiddenite.Agardenspotand ten acres for farming purposes were also provided and work on the build- ing will begin early in the fall. We beg to state that any or all of the following articles donated by friends to this uplift and betterment! work for young colored women in this section will -be gratefully ac- knowledged.The young ladies of Bryn Mawr College,Penn.,sent us one or two dozen towels at Christmas and they are in the care of Mrs.Wm. Wallace until the building shall havebeenopened. Articles needed for dormitory.fur- nishings:Two dozen coarse sheets, twe dozen pillow cases,material for quilts,comforts ard bed spreads, curtains,etc.;also any articles of fur- niture,as chairs,tables,etc.,will be appreciated. Kitchen furnishings:six dozen dish and roller towels,material for kitchen ‘aprons,two dozen plates,two dozen cups.and saucers,two dozen knives and forks;two dozen .spoons,one dozen table spoons,material for mak-ing table napkins.The use and careofthesethingswillbetaught.Ket- tles,pans,dish pans,sieves,rolling pins,etc:,chopping knives,cooking forks,spoons,etc.,are also needed.- Harvard University’s Wealth. Harvard University,at Cambridge, Mass.,according to a financial report made,bas $25,000,000 in productive funds,of which $47,000,000 isin solid stocks and bonds.Thisis anincrease of a million and a.quarter over lastyearin'the value of ‘the stocks andbonds.eg From its productive funds the uni-versity has an income of $2,500,000, $7365,735 ofat income coming fromitsstocksafdbonds.Theuniversityhasabout4,000 students and ownssomeofthébestrealestateinBostonandsuburbs,from which a good in-ceme Is derived. what the university was worth,andthereporthasshownit.to be therich- ést in the country.2 The Tar River Hosie¥y Mill,not in«operation,and)H.A.Smiths’shirtfactory,at Washington,N.-C.,wereburnedSaturday.: It has always been]_ a question of speculation as to just IREV..-W.M.VOIDS DEAD. Presbyterian Minister.Papses—Schouler.”Drew's,Paiuiodion—yo Me,(¥—‘'.Personals.°°ieCorrespondenceofThe:Landmark,|. Mooresville,May:27-—Rey..W:M.. Voils,Son mee ‘Monroe:Voils,ofProspectneighborhood,and ‘brotherofMr.C:V.Voils,of Mooresville, at the home.of his sister,Mrs,C.-L..Valters.The funeral was conductedSaturdayarternoonat1o’clock byRev.R.-W.Culbertson andthe ‘bodywaslaidtorestatBethpagechurch. Mr.Voils had been an invalid for about six years,having had an attackof.something like acute rheumatismwhilelivingonthePacificcoast, where:he .spefit:ten years.Aboutfouryearsagohe.was brought backto.Mooresville by his nephew,Dr.'C.U,.Voils,and has been perfectly help: readfully and found no:ré-jlief until the.endcame,Mr.VoilswasaministerofthePresbyterianChurchand‘was never tharried.He: {ip gurvived by his father,Mr.Monroeoils,three brothers,Mr.C.V.Voilsof,Mooresville,Mr.|C,E.:Voils’ofHighRock,Davidson county,S.R. Voils of Grand:Junction,Coio ,andtwosisters,Mrs.C.L..Walters ofProspectneighborhood,and Mrs.'EH.Johnson of Rock Hill;S.C.All members of the family were at the funeral except Mr.S.R.Voils;~ Misses Audrey Kennette;Cary Wil-son and Mattie Lipe.are at home fromtheStateNormalCollegeat.Greens-boro,Miss Margaret Rankinfrom MissShipp’s School at Lincolnion,Misses Nadine and Ruth Brawley from the Presbyterian Collegeat Charlotte,and‘Mack Deaton from Oak Ridge.Miss..Mary McLelland came homefromtheStateNormallastweek,ac-|companied by Miss Lucy Thurston of Taylorsville,and Miss Laura McAlis- ter of Oshkosh,Wisconsin,who will be her guests for some time.They. are all teacher's at the Normal. less’ever cee,‘During hisillness he}‘suffered. |by they will pretend to support this. ‘They have notified the Republicaii| ‘+Washington.indefinitely unless some ‘NO TARIFF BILLS TO PASS. Seuate Republiang Against Demo *}vatic-Pr gramimne——Prokun ged:Ses |sion Probable,ny tire ‘Eu Personals —-Garden and.}Ovops—Boy Seriously Hurt,<.Correspondence:of The Landmark...outman,R:1,May 27.—Mrs. he Johnson,of Steele’Creek,nee ‘17|BlWashingtonDispatch,23rd,to Bél-lgsent last week,atthe home of Mr-‘thmore Sua,:‘ Another*step:was taken today.bythestand-pat Senators in Congress to:prevent the:Democratic tariff reformprogtacingfrombeingenactedintoaw,when the Senate finance commit-tee made an unfavorable report on theUnderwoodbillandannouncedthatit would oppose the proposed reduction,no matter how long Congress might have to remain in session.It alsostatedthatlatertheRepublicanmem-bers of the committee would take up the forming of a substitute.Senator Heyburn gave notice that hewouldresist-all-propositions to cut thedutieson.thé commodities involvedinthepresent-tariff programme,practi-cally announcing ‘that he would fili-buster to the lastagainst revision...He,said there was no demand from the ‘people fora modification of the Payne-Aldrich.tariffbil uke ueToday’s tangle in the tariff fighthas were ¢led manty;of.the Senators’to fear‘thatonadjournmentofCongresswillbe impossible before August1.The reg- ulay Republican Senators are appar-ently willing for:two or three of thetariffrevisionbillstogothrough,buttheyhaveralliedaroundaplanwhere+ programme,thoughdefeatingit.TheywilloffersubstitutesfortheDemo-cratic bills which cannot be passedHalfadozenSenateDemocratshadjoined.with a few of the progaeeine Republicans in the demand that this Congress pass at least four tariff bills. leaders that they are willing tostay in relief is ‘offered thé country from bur-densome import duties. Steel,wool,suyar-and.cotton bills are now before the Senate.They havebeenconsideredby,the committee and already the steel,sugar and wool bills have been reported.The.reg- Mr..W.P.Drew,who has been’theefficientrailwayagent/here for sever- al years,has been appointed inspector|of agents for the Winston-Salém dis-| i trict and will enter uponthe duties of|jthis pqsition the first of June.His}|headquarters will be in.Winston.His} many friends here will regret:to see||him and family leave|Mrs.Mann and Mrs.Green,of} |Whitakers,N.C.,have been visiting|'Mrs.A.E.Bell,‘daughter of Mrs.| }Mann.Mrs.Green left last week) for Charlotte.Mrs.Mann will bé-here}.|for.some time. |Miss Nevada Trollinger of Catawba, iN.C.,:is visiting her sister,Mrs, i} ia+}A.Harrill .Miss Margaret Brady,of ||Statesville,«is visiting Mrs..F.A.) |Carpenter,Prof.and Mrs.,E.O.||Randolph returned Friday from Char-| j\lotte and Monroe,where théy s nt} itwo weeks visiting relatives.Mrs.| \James Plummer,of Salisbury,and}Mrs.James C,Windsor,of “St.Au-| \gustine,Fla.,mother and sister of| |Mrs.G.C Winecoff,are visiting Mr.|jand Mrs.Winecoff.|-Mrs.P §.Boyd is visiting her re-|jlatives at Snow Hill,N.C.Mrs.E.| |H.Miller and children are visiting|Mrs.Miller’s parent at Norfolk,Va Mr.Paul Witherspoon ‘spent Sun-| ;day with home _people _here.| |Mr.:Witherspoon.is a member) of the engineering.department of the |Baltimore and Ohio’Railway Com- pany and is stationed at Baltimore. Last Friday.night 22 candidates pier through the mysterious.waysjleadingtothemembershpofD.O. K.K's.The team came .up from Charlotte and judging from what one can‘hear on the street every candi- date got value received...Quite a} ‘number of visiting members were|ipresent to add merriment to the| work.Before the degree work was)taken up refreshments were served| by the D.A.R’s.of Mooresville in {the Chrestonian club rooms.t “Aunt Tillie’Sparrow,one of the | |best known of the colored people in,|or around Mooresville,died Sunday afternoon at her home ify Mooresville. ‘‘Aunt Tillie’.was about 70 years old,||was known by everybody in town}and will be remembered as oneofthe| ‘old-time darkies and a‘very unique} |character.| “There is plenty of work in the world for all the workers;but forvariousreasons:many workers are grouped in placés where there is no work for them,while in other places labor is badly needed and cannot be had,’”’says the Asheville Gazette- News.Copying what The Landmark had to say in a recentissue about boys|and work,The Gazette-News says the remarks are “eminently sound,’’and continues:: “There are a few people —natural ‘workers,with strong impulse and capability—who always obtain good employment,.whenever they need it These are comparatively few,amongst the boys.‘There are some boys who lare really willing te work,but do |not obtain employment because of’no- |tions about dignity.7 A boy has a'strong sense of boyconventions.Once |he géts an idea that a certain employ- ment,Occupation or even play,is not compaitable with his dignity,he will have noneof it.Parents are in many cases responsible for.false notions about work,and in giving their boys the idea that they should accept only workof a certain class,where they can keepclean and starchy,are hand- icapping|them and decreasing theircharicesofultimatesuccess.’’ Roy.Fincher,14.years old,of Clyde,Haywood coufity,swung on a freight train and ‘was killed ‘by the train.; Prof,A.*T.Allem has.been re- elected superintendent of the Salis- bury graded «school. ular Repuplicans have refused to’join the Democrats in a programme for cheaper sugar,offering instead a bill which removes.the Dutch Standard and Caban-differential without a re- duction in the tariff on raw:sugars. As for the steel bill,it has beén:re- ported out,but the measure abeut which the regulars are centeringtheir and Mrs.A’M.‘Johnson.M..Johnson and daughters,SarahandVivianWhite,accompanied Mrs.Eugene.Johnson at Mrs. spend a week. Lenoir. Gardrers are enjoying cabbage,beans,peas:and potatoes these days.‘Owing to dry.weather there jis a pstand-still in truck..Crops are look-.ing:fine’Wheat not good—rust andfly:...Old field strawberries are on.Mr.and Mrs,LaFayette Hobbs _,Explained, Henderson Gold ‘Leaf;There are at least two chief reasons why newspapers are the victims of so much criticism,In the.first.place, most newspapers are worthy of moreorless‘criticism;and in the second place,it requires just as littie sense tocriticiseanewspaperasit.does tocriticiseanythingelse.: Senator Crane,of Massachusetts, Republican leader of the Senate,an- nounces that he will not be a candi- date for re-election |aaah FOR SALE.cathe onto sat WANTEDundersignedand four-year-old son..Must!notmindwork,and must furnish good references.|Good home and liberal salary to right person.“Ad-|dress MRS.M.L.HINSON,Rockingham.N,C, May 28, GOOD reliable white hc use-keeper for family of two|the May 28--2t.:.-. Fine for wrapping and make efforts barely affects the duty.Now the Democratic wool bill -is turned}blocks from postoffice, A.ELIASON.down and a new measure proposed. {In reply to an editorial in a -Wash- ington paper asserting thatthe Demo- crats were not in.earnest about the POR RENT.ot semooncates:Possession Junelst,W,May 21—4t street.N,P.WATTFORRENT.May 21. (Field A. home ©and”will Miss Mamie NeillreturnedhomelastweekafteravisitMrs,Ebbie Nesbit of Lenoir,is the guest’of.‘her parents,Mr.and Mrs.John Neill:‘Lee Hartis,of Charlotte,spent lastweek-with Misses Grace and MabelJohnson,Miss Annie Spears entertained anumber,of young:folks Saturdayévening:A merry:party was grouped undera big tree of ripe cherries. Miss Amy alled®’te Davidson yesterdaytothebedside.of their nie seca,Master Carlton,son’of‘Graham.-Whileearrying stove’wood the bey ran:a splinter in his eye. r>John} wot OL D PAPERS.newspapers for sale at10centsthe.100,splendid wall papering for the notover-fastidious,THE LANDMARK.”. ~—HOUSE on west Sharpe business men , _.in a good bank means more -than mere storing of money. Always’stand well at your” .bank;keep.your “engagements _ and show your desireto be con- sidered a mar who can be .trusted,*We are all pulling to- gether for.the common good; and you may rest assured that we will help you,through thick and thin,if you show you are on the square. “When you have shown’your fs .banker that:-you can handle._your business anil ‘yourself sat-» isfactorily it also means that your Credit is'good for finan¢ialaid‘in your enterprise.It © means,too,‘that .with your credit.good at your bank,the - .consequent:reputation’brings -you in.more trade,better busi- ness bargains and increased so-'cial and political prestige.- ae Accoynts of companiesand individualssolicited.|Ev- ery facility given—consistent with conservative bapk- ing,reas First National Bank,| |es _STATESVILLE,Woo Capital $100,000;Surplus and Profits $32,000... '..OFFICERS:ae E.S.PEGRAM,Cashier.‘INO.W.GUY,Assistant | J.C.IRVIN,President. .G:H.BROWN,Vice President. MICHELIN j } i } |tariff bills,Senator Simmons Satur- day—served*notice that-the Senate could not adjourn until action.was taken on every tariff bill passed by the House.} THE |UPRISING «EN CUBA, American Marines and Naval Veb-sels Sdnt to the.Island. Washington Dispatch,23d’ In response to urgent appeals from American interests for protection against the spreading negro uprising jn‘Cuba the Unit States govern- iment today took steps toward con- trolling the situation in the island. Seven hundred marines in.com-mand of Col..Lincoln Karmany,who is frésh from:active service in thePhillippines,were assembled under. rush orders aboard the.Prairie at Philadelphia and ordered to proceed ito the United States naval station -at /Guantanamo,Cuba,a central point in the vicinity of the rebellion.The |Prairie,together:with the gunboats’ Nashville and Paducah,will from asquadronofnavalvesselsin’Cuban waters ready for immediate service in case of emergency. It is frankly admitted at both the State Department and Navy Depart- ment that the action taken today brings the United States again on the brink of intervention in Cubaand that the bearing of present developments upon the future of the republic isproblematicalandlargelydependentonthepatriotismoftheCubansthent- selves.Mr Knox,the Secretary of State,has no desire fo go further than is nécessary.in the present crisis, but persistent reports that the pro- gered have apparently left no choicebut.a firm policy to check this there may yet be time. ‘A number of naval vessels and and many marines have been sent to Cuba.The situation in the island is while very grave but notwithstanding’this|: President Gomez,of Cuba,has pro- tested to President Taft against Amer- ican interverition,| Killed By Mistake—Acquitted. On his statement.made te the jury that when hesaw a man embracing a woman in the dusk of the evening onhisporch,he thought that it was Mrs. Tindall and so fired on Charles H.Taylor whén.the latter advanced on him,George F.Tindall,a?laundry wagon driver,was acquitted of mur- der at Macon,Ga.,last week.-Two months ago Tindall shot andkilledTaylor,when he found him on the porch-of the Tindall home with his arm around Miss Lulu Carter,a sister of Tindall’s wife.The girl tes-tified that at-the time ‘Taylor was kill- ed hehad in his pocket a marriage li- cense and that they were to have been married the next day.|Even if Tindall was,honestly mis- taken,the homicide was ‘not excusa-bie.He should have been sure thewomanwashiswifebefoteheshot. eeeeeLamebackisusuallycaused by rheu-matiism of the muscles of the back,forwhichyou.will.find ‘nothing betterthanChamberlain’s Liniment.bor sale..all,dealers.":eat) ‘When baby suffers .with eczerna’‘or New straw sailorsand white DuckHats,at Mills &Poston’sstore.—ad, wy some itching skin trouble,use .Doan’sGintment.A little of it.goes a jongway,and it is safe for children.:50¢@‘pox at all stores,—‘ FOR SALE —FARM of 210 acres,2-story |»:9room dwelling,tenant |house and.outbuildings,good orchard,in good|community;school and church near;7 miles south |Yadkinville Ls:A.ANTHONY,Yadkinville,N C,,R-1 .May 21-8t. PHILIP 8S.EASLEY,M.D. Office over Hall’s.Drug Store ’8.30 to 10 a.mOfficehours$%$03 7,to8 pink,|PHONE 152.May 24. |...Received |Monday Morning:) Florida Beans, Cucumbers,Green Peppers. Old crop Irish Potatoes Slug Shot kills bugs on al)kinds |) of plants.° For Sale. ‘|Handsome Baldwin Re- frigerator,capacity 500 pounds ice.Call and see me. FANCY GROCER, 105 East Broad Street.| ’PHONE 27.| | Crawford-Bunch~Furniture Company, UNDERTAKERS.° *Phone 400.May 24. Slug Shot,Paris Green I have Slug Shot and Paris Green to. :kill the bugs..—4 Also Spanish Pea:. ‘nuts for planting.~ ‘D.J.KIMBALL. lJ.B.GILL,|a-|perty of Americans is being seized) The Boy an!Hie Work.jand lives of their employes endan-} TIRE PRICES ~Reduced Effective Thursday! May.30th. Substantial Reductions on all sizes. Sie -NEW PRICES __Old Prices3ix4$33.25 $35.7556x41-2 45.75 47.25ie.54.00 58.75 THE SUPERIORITY OF MICHELIN TIRES IS RECOGNIZED ALL OVER THE WORLD IN STOCK BY Carolina Motor Co., _Statesville,N.C. OLD STRAW HATS MADE NEW. Elkays Straw Hat Cleaner. 10 CENTS. |THE STORE OF QUALITY — Statesville Drug Co.,| PRESCRIPTIONISTS. JOTICE! .Nobody has yet guessed right all the advertisers in the guessing contest.Leave your ‘“guess’’here.You still have the opportunity to win the $5 prize.:,me : 4 Are vou saving your 1899nickels.During June they are worth 10 cents at our soda fountain, The Polk Gray Drug Company,:PRESCRIPTION SPECIALISTS.On the Square.:.°«*PHones 109 and 410.: Be Be ‘in appearance. Re on eaeey Hi rae ;vaapey)(ea store.« ‘room and hall furniture. you. We sell high gradebedrcom,“dining Call and see us. .We:put New Tires on your GoCarts. You Buy §tisf ction Here "When you purchase a,pieceob a complete suite of furniture at our store,you also buy a degree of.Batis: faction thatis impossible in’other‘stores.: -enough that.a certain chairor sideboard ‘be pleasing | It must also.pass high standard.in. ‘constrnction in:order to.meet the.fequreniele of wie " It is not room,living The prices a ie suit 1906 ra Hinoranic Record ? Six Years Williams Furnituré House. €a1912 INSURANCE! We issue every kind—Fire,Life,Accident and:Health,Steam Boiler,Liability,Automobile,Plate Glass,Wind Storms,Cyclone, -Live stock.-Bonds—Adnministrators,Guardians,Trustees andanyjudicialbond.Today is here. too fast. ’the horseis gone. ,Your Comfort Today May Be Your Distress Tomorrow. Ever Think of That Mr.Property Owner? information about our policies. Statesville Realty &Investment Co. J.F.CARLTON,Manager. Tommorrow is coming allConsiderthepresent.Too late to lock the stable after *Phone 54.Call or write us for prices and, 3 Rings That AreAllRight. When you buy one ofjour Rings you need not give yourself any trouble about the sets.If by any . chance the set should get loose and come out,just bring it in and a new set will be put in free of any cost to you.We sell the famous W.W.W.Let us show you our line. A beautiful PICTURE suitable for framing will be given to every one making a cash purchase of $1.00 or more. R.H.RICKERT &SON,=-~Jewelers. COURTEOUS TREATMENT. Ought to mean much to the man with a bank:ac-count.If you have not yet opened an-aecount withthe,COMME RCI AL we invite you to do so now. Capital $100,000.00Surplus28,000.00TotalResourcesover500,000.00Fourpercent.on time and SavingsDeposits. Lood Methods,Large Resources, Commercial Statesville,N.CL.- M.K.SrEelt,President.E.MORRISON,Vice President.D.M.AU Y,Cashier.Gok.HUGHEY,Assistant Cashier. National Bank, * “Tr YOUR FEET | Give You Trouble Don’t Fail to Use ‘PAXTO FOOT POWDER LET US SHOW YOU,-_25 CENTS. A, HALL'S DRUG STORE."PHONE NO.20. x beeenescecceseoccoses ithe absence.of the roll, |to:become Democrats, THE LANDMARK when he went, iNUESDAY,--=May 28,1912. RECOLLECTIONS OF00.0. Capt.ChambersWrites of IredellMen’in the .Friends Went Back on Him. Writing to his friend amd@ anmy comrade,Mr.J.C.Steek,just prior to Memorial)Day,.Capt.H.A. Chambers,of Chattagidoga,Tenn., an Iredell man,recalls some in- teresting facts in connection withtheorganizationatStatesville-df Company C,.Fourth North Carolina regiment.Capt.Chambers,is’welll informed on Inredell’s war history and his letter to Mr.Steele,which The *Landmark is privileged to print,”gives some interesting,facts ‘The first installment.of the letter appears today,It..will be ‘conclud- Wed in the next.issue of The Land- ‘mank....Says Capt.Chambers:.*Bomehow.for the last few months whenever I saw anything in:The Confederate:Memorial Day at States- jville,I ‘have:felt a sort of craving: to be there on ‘that o¢¢asion’.I would like and I stil!hope some jday'to,méet,once more,my few surviving acquaintances and fellow| Confederate soldiers,especially.the| original members of Company C,| Fourth regiment,North Canolina State troops,to which:company you and I belonged.‘I would Tike:to| look them ‘in the face again,shake them by’the hand,pass the com-| pliments of.the day ‘and talk ayer the stirring.incidents of the.firs year of thé great Confederate war.| But however streng my ‘impulse| to rum over and see-you.and them,| ‘I cannot do so th’s year,May,is) probably the busiest month of my stil).busy.life.. It is,as you’knew,just 51 years this very mon'‘hs'nees Professor John ‘'B.Andrews,of the school for boys at ‘Statesville,and his RAO ae | raised.and organized pur old cot pany,which at first was called “The Saltillo Boys’’and:afterwards be- came Company C of the Fourth reg- iment of North Carolina Staté troeps That compary was.made.up almost. entirely of young meh,many.of thiem,like myself,under 20 years of| age,who came from farms and Stores and shops and schools of/ the country.'It is no unpartdonable| vanity and no disparagement to oth- ers for you and me-to say that they came from the very pick and creant? of the people.What a splendid body of men they were!What fine soldiers they afterward made!What, credit and honor’they gave to Ire- dell county,and indeed,helped to. acy. The names of many of them,in I-eannotrecall::Even if I had the names, IT could not,after all,these years,recall the physical appearance andpersonalcharacteristicsofmany,of them.“You can do much better,be-; cause you remained with)them:Jon- ger and have lived among and of-ten seen’the survivors since the} war.Still,I do remember of them.I venture from memory to name ‘a few:“BiH’’(W..M.)|Adams,Claud Alexander,“Jack’’|(A.J.)Anderson from Davie coun-| ty,George Andrews,John Bagge tly, Jesse Barnett,James W.Brack,the Bro‘hertons,N.W.Canpenter,the | Claywells,“Dave”(D.P:):Dobbins, John Ab.Feimster,Jo,Gibsoti,“Jim”(J.A.)and Bob (R.M.)Holmes,“Gene’’(EK.A.)Hall,Isaac M.Jones,Henry Johusen,WilliamA.Kerr,R:8.Lollar,EdwinA.Os-| borne,;“Nat’”Raymer .J.Rufus} Reid,James A:Reid,James BE. Summers,Tom Summers,-T.B.Swann,Thomas W.St¢venscn,Al-| fred and John C.Turner,ThomasS.Tucker,John A.Waddell,-A.M.White,and Joseph’C.White.You that many It is a little singular.that it.ourlargecompany-of over a hundred:there was not a Brown .or a Smith|on the original ro.Neither was| or a Simonton,though nections bearing those names liv-éd in the county.But.the ‘Inde-|pendent Iredell Blues,”afterwards |Company A of the Fourth)regiment,|had,long before the war,been.one |of the crack volunteer companiés of |‘the State.Many of ther best young |mem—Simontons,Davidsans and oth-!|em—alreidy belonged to it and!many,more joined it when war’be-|iwame emminent.Other compan Leg,|of course,wer@ formed later wher |more soldiers were needed,When a sufficient number hadvolunteeredtomaketheformicationofourcompanyacertainty,we wer:Placed in camp in an old fir ld about&mile west of Statesville,on theSouthside.of a public road thatbranchedofffromtheTaylorsvilleroad:and led in a western directiontowardstheCatawbariver.It large econ- wascalled»Camp Vance —in is ofthe.then Capt.—Z-—-B:“Zeb.?”)Vance,who had camped .itheTre ashort,time before with his comsDanyofmountainmencalled“Mountain .Boomers /”on -“Bun-combe Boomers,”’:I am not bulrewhich.In the old division of polit-ical parties Vancehad been a Ww higWhenthatpantywenttofinalde-feat under Gen.Winfield Scott——“Scott,Graham anid the Union’.—inthenationalpresidentialcontest.in1852,Vance,like most of the otherWhigs,went into the ‘Know Noth-ing’”’or American party.When thaitpartywasdefeatedinitsonlyna-tional-contest.under Fillmore.angDonelson”in “185 6,Vanee amd oth.er.former Whigs,Still unwilling mad@&onemore‘antisDemocratic contest an.der Beli and ieverett’as constitu.tional Union men in 1860.:In 1858whenortily,28years of age,Vancehad.been:elected to the Hous ofRepresentativesintheCongressoftheUnitedStates,had been re-e]aot,Ad.sid remaimeda,member witil theoutbreakofthewar,He had.wanm-ly supported Belly and,Eyerett in 1860,was »strong Union Man,andWimone’the’few»Coneresaays Sa «ast 'Zation|ref the Saltillo Boys-—How.-‘Vande's -{a,poor but worthy young man “and which this generation should know. Landmark about the approach ini | give to the State and the Couiferer-|. “\in the omnibus bill as it passed the jout of damages to private proper- bOoMe | 1'$1,800; |City; can probably name more than twice there a Davidson,a Hill,a Morrison| |Cihiic \s0,long I refuse to be voluntarily ‘hundred yards,without staggering for the séssion whieh began im De- Lincoln,his former:anti-Demoeratic allies.and bupposed political friends from theNorth)turned the.cold shoulder to-him,In a speech in Statesville.while his:company’was at Camp Vance,he illustrated ‘hissituationatthethenrecentsession about the young girl in the oil re- gions of Pennsylvania,whose ‘fath- er.had by discovery of oil on.‘hiswandbecomerich.While poor she had encouraged the attentions of had promised to marry him.He took a long trip,,as a’laborer,on a flat boat to New Orleans in or- der to make enough)money to buy his:wedding sudt and the license,and:walked all the way back’to save ‘it:This took a long ‘time and it was whilehe was gone thatthegirl’s;father had come inte his|- fortune...The first Sunday after his teturn,,the .young man.went -to‘church amd there at the noon dnter- mission,sowghit,as before,tha pres- pyised and)puzzeled’'to find that leh avoid him:After made many:attempts’to emgage|therin.conversation and:renew.the former pleasant relations shie fimal- ‘ly lost patience and curtly,:said, \‘See here,Jim,dad's Bt uch ilejpinceIsawyowlast,’and!I haven't jany further use for.you.”Vance |Said.that was,in effect,what hisformerNorthenpoliticalalliessaid|to him after the election of Mr.|Lincoln,He ‘founid that For himandotherSouthernmen,it was‘submit or fight.“He chore to fight.Ll He=left Congress,<canme home,|raised:his company and was,at thetime-of this speech,in camp imithestrongWhigandanti-Demo- eratic county of Iredell,preparinghimself.amd ,his men for the war.The old Whigs of Iredell,who.ouit-|.numbered the Democrats about fourtoone,were devoted:to the oldUnion’and were slow.to withdraw from it.They were not,giving the young men much encour agem@nt to]volunteer,But:Lincoln's cali fortroopsandthisspeechbyVance, who /was ome of their favorites, changed :their feelings and gave ‘im-‘petus to the volunteering.My im- pression.is that Iredell,stronglyanti-secession as it had always beenfinally,when its.sober,constrya-|tive ‘people,did go into the move-|ment,furnished mord soldiers to|the Confederate pervice than anyothercounty,in the State in pro-portion to its population--possibly more than any other county re gard-less Of population. Many North Oarclina Olaiins OutOut. Of the 25 Nonth Carolina claims /House_of Congress—only—-9—remeain iim the bill as it was reported by the Senate committee on claims. The House proposed to pay off an enormous.number of claims ap- proved by the court which’grew ty through its use,and destruction by Union soldiers during the civil The nine remain!ing claims im the bill are.Bughrod W.Nash,‘trustee of the Union Baptist church)suc- }cessor in interest of the Hood |Swamp Baptiet church)of Wayne;county,$650;trustees of the Pres- byterian.church of Lumber Bridge, trustees of tha Methodist Episcopal church,South,Morehead $800;trustees of the.Diocese ot East Carolina eof the Protestant |Episcopal church) $856; Baptist church of Johnston coumty,/$402,trustees of the Primitive|Baptist chunch of Newport,$350; trustees of the Catholic church of |Washington,$4,000;trustees of ithe Methodist Episcopall church, (South,of Washington,$4,500; trustees of the Presbyterian church of Washington,$4,500 |Refuses to Pay Tax Tulews Allowed to Vote.- Miss:Belle Squire,-premiient ltthe “No Vote,No Tax League, ago,refused to filt out a per- sonal property tax schedule.In- stead,she wrote this letter in:a blank space of the sehedule and mailed it-to the assessors: “Gentlemen:Just s0 ‘long as the county of Oook hands me a tax schedule on the ground that |\I am a citizen of Illincis and must Pay my share of the commen.ex- pense,and then refuse me a hallot on the ground that I am a wotiian jand as a woman have no right to make my..citizenphip,effectual,just of on your lists.I decline the honof. “If too,in the sight cf the State,only male brains dre capable of solving the intricate problems of politics and government.I decline to worry,my female brain to folve the problem hiow that government is to meet its.pills. “I was born a female.No tears, mo .prayers will change that.fact and.I refuse to apologize for.be- ing what I am or to make excuses for the kind of body the Creator gave me.Therefore.I absolutely refuse to aid or support the gov-erhment that dishonors and de- means my,womanhood,a Alleghahy Mant “Oharmed"By aSnake., Sparta Star.x Sam Brown,.witteut in the field grubbing Monday;was “charm- ed’by a pilot snake.He was work- ing close to the snake and when hefirstsawitthesnakewas)coiled,with its mouth open,looking.himstraightintheeyes.As sodn-as hechughtthesnake's éyes a strange feeling passed over (him.He wasunabletomove.or take his eyesoffthe’snake until)hig dog camebetweenhimamdthesnakeandattractedthesnake's attention!Thenhewasable.to get away.He wasstrangelyaffectedandcouldhardly get home,a distance of only a few of that type ‘from the Soutti:But.:to Washington} cember:after the election of Mr.|. of .Congress -bdy.his .famoup story J ence of his sweetheart,but wie sur-|:4 he had |- [FoR SALE: at Nag’s Head,|trustees of Beulah Primitive| ”og| The.Road to Constant A vanished thirst—a.cool body and a :.fefreshed one;the:sure ‘way—the only> ee ey is via a glass or“bottle jot 'Ideallydelicious—pure ass purity—crisp and_Sparkling as frost. Our new booklet,tellinFree :of Coca-Cola'vindicationat:Chattanooga,for the asking. Demand the Genuine as made by THE COCA-COLA co.ATLANTA,GA, Whenever you see an Arrow think of Coca-Cola. 102 acres in Bethany township,7 milesfrom Statesville.New two-story,6-room dwelling,two stock barns and outbuildings,fine orch-ard;40 acres in cultivation,balance in woodland.~Churches near,’school house on adjoiningplace,macadamized and sand clay road.within half mile of farm.43-acre farm five miles south of Statesville,lying on both sides ofthe:public road’Two story,six-room dwelling,some outbuildingsinfaircondition,fine orchard,25 acres in cultivation,balance in tim-ber.One'branch running through place,well located for truckinganddairyfarm.Four-room-dwetting on Davie avenue,lot 998x325 feet.Vacant lot 75x112.on Race street.A number of other city and subarban:houses and ‘lots and largefarmsforsale.Good dividend paying stocks in cerporations.For further information call on or writeERNESTG.Anon or =Statesville,N.C.RO URANGE STOCKS AND REAL ESTATE*PHONE 23 OFFICE NO.1,MILLS BUILDING. RINOVALSALE)REMOVAL SALE! For forty-seven days we will offer ourentire stock at greatly reduced prices.This stock includes new Stieffs,new Shaws,new Bennett & Bretzs,new Kohler &Campbells,and other i .makes of new Pianos and many diflerent makes of second hand Piahos that have been thoroughly repaired,refinished,etc.,in our shop. All of these Pianos are excellent bargains.We hope to move this stock rapidly and if.price has anything to do with the sale itiwi go quickly. CHAS.M.STIEFF, 5West Trade Street,Charlotte,N.C. STIEF i BUILDING,219 South Tryon Street,site prone of Music,after.June 1st,1912 S NewLot HiscimeyBagsies We aresak pectiig another shipnyent of.‘the fa- mous Hackney Buggies.This Buggy has given ‘perfect satisfaction and is guaranteed in every respect. Also have Buggies and Surre»ys of other makes. Spach and Hackney.Wagons. GIVE us A CALL. Vehicle:if rupply Company. 116 East BroadStreet. =e YOU —& Are the lucky holder of sharesin our 90th series whichwillmatureMayIstcallattheoffice‘on that day and get your iy “te 4ECAS :Sepa Bortyouareaborrower califand get:your mortgage can-~*.celled and go home happy. \ PPO: Hames, and falling;and Since:he has been \vignt Bio gt ecretar y- L.HARRILL,|MA eh wer "a nA aa n nA 2 a NR C C roads. them. “6 We are now putting up mile posts for 10 miles out from Statesville on 10 different These are.accurate,being meas-“ ured miles,by agnaranteed odometer which we bought for this:‘purpose. :boards have advertising matter on them «they were intended to be of servite to the” 3 traveling public,and hope theywill appre-a ciate them pace‘not todestroy or deface While these "Sincerely btn ‘welt R.O.DEITZ, Statesville Hiehuaialing ‘Cnpany: Sales Day iis the firstMonday i in'each month in Statesville,N.C,: Manager. TheFountainof Purity “Qn the Square.” PRESCRIPTI¢ On the Square. MAY been independent.singe.” We Owe No Madi ,to anybody in fixing prices. of what othefs charge for CLOTHING.| A modest profit satisfies us,and we price our Clothing as i low as quality will permit. purse sake trade here. The Polk Gray Drug Company: N SPECIALISTS. "Phones 109 and 410. “neenmannenetetnnntchamannnanataern in ie nanrtansennntrtenntntet4OEDOGDCEDGeneCED6GDS a.oy6shigae iter,we've) We are entirely independent For your health’s comfort,and Sloan Clothing Co. La ? oY meteorsEaLF“ee hr ryee)A ue os re asaaaiBonnyre 3 OR eis +-Roofs Put on 1 26 Years Ago . are as good as new,and have never needed repairs—never need attention of any kind,ex- ‘cept an occasional coat of paint. wre Gael Lhd anas LGGannSaOTTgy “ieTe Li i= eo] FOR ROOFING Storm-proof Fire-proof ~Don’t buy that roof for the new building,or re-roof the old, Lightning-proof 5 until you have examined the Cortright Metal Shingles. Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware Co.,‘Statesville,N.CN.C| My Machine Shop | Is complete and I am prepared to do any kind of repair work..Engine and Boiler Work aSpecialty.| Also éarry a full line’of Steam Fit-| tings up to 3 inches.Injectors,Lu-| bricators,Oil Caps and Jet Pumps,|Pipe and Shafting. Cc.H.TURNER,Depot Street.Dealer in Machinery, FOR SALE! ‘Businegs |sk \_J..Seven-room desirable residence onTraddstreet.Hot and cold ver’bath,etc.Lots near Graded School.Small north Iredell farm.If you want tote oesellor exchange JOHN 'M.SHARPE,Seg ee RAL ESTATE (Com.and Oats. Car White Corn. Car White Oats. Harper’s Prolific Seed Corn 740 bitshels grown on 8 acres..High grade Flour —White Swann.Also cheaper grades,‘and all kinds feed stuff.‘See me. before you buy: “|things up,but it doé TUESDAY, HOW |TO GET TYPHOID,‘FEVER. .RolerateFlies,and Drink Serer Milk]° -and Polluted Waiter ‘Bulletin State Board of Health. ‘Nowis the time'to begin contract-ing typhoid fever.Flies are com-ing on and if your neighbor,who is a typhoid carrier or who has contract- ed his case of typhoid already,does not use a sewer or a sanitary privy, be sure flies will establish a FlyboardAirline,transporting typhoid fever paras free from his privy to youritchenanddiningroom._What are you going to do about it?’One of twothings.Either:screen your’doorsandwindowsorrunthechanceofcontractingtyphoidfever...°‘Your‘neighbor may not.have typhoid fever,but his-filth.may’give yourbaby some}forny of diarrhoeal :disease:that will.make him sick for.weeks or end.hislifebeforethesummerissover,Ofcourse,you may call it by some»polite name,as:“summer complaint,’butifyourdoctortellsyou.the reat trou~ ble it-may:usually be boiled down to house%flies or,-better-still,typhoid flies.~~But it may.not be.your own oryourneighbors’flies that trouble.It may.have,butcher’s ‘flies,coming from ~his bury or slaughter house.Or it mayavebeenyourgrocer’s or’peddler’s flies coming from the filth and tuberculosissputumofthe.streets..One of the best ways to get typhoid fever, however,is through impure milk. Milkis almostan ideal place for bac-teria to live and grow,particularly if jnot iced or cooled immediately after milking.Typhoid germs.usually get into the milk either by the drowning of typhoid laden flies or’by washing the milk cans,or adulteratirng |the milk with polluted.water.Careless or filthy dairymen,milk dealers,ho-| tel or restaurant keepers and all oth; ~ their milk are among the best typhoid fever venders. Polluting a public or private water supply is an .excellent.wholesale method of giving typhoid.When any person or family residing on the! watershed contracts typhoid and no recautions are taken to disinfect the wel discharges .of such typhoid patients,the tiniest amount of their fecal matter,if-washed down into the public water supply and not re-moved by efficient filtration,is very likely to produce a typhoid epidemic remedy for this is sanitary privies on the watershed,and efficient fil- tration plants,operated by intelligént filter men instead of day laborers,asisnowtoooftenthecase. In passing,let us -not--forget--the THE LANDMARK | May,28,1912; Nanyee 4 ers that permit flies and fiith to reach |. and-forever for the service,; throughout’the entire town.This|sworn’to before -me and (eabecribed |very thing has’occurred in North ny Pesneien Bie 6th day of De- .o 2).°.Carolinaall too often already.The|*“(Sea1')A.W.GLEASON. ly, for toate free. PURPOSE OF MRRENS SYSTEM.|® Lawyer's Clear Statement,of:a Much ‘Discussed,Proposition.- a,a Bailey in Progressive .Farm- “The Torrens system.proposes once |and for all to look up.a title—to settle the questions of the past -toassurethepresentowneruthistitleisgood,. As matters.now stand every tine a piece.of landis sold or mortgaged a lawyer has to gooverthe same groundthatwasgoneoverthelast.time thelandwas.sold or mortgaged.Andeverylawyersodoinetshisfee.I was looking upatitle last week.Itracedthetitlebackto1830,I hadtoreadsome20deedsand.examineabout40mortgages;investigate judg-ments:against six individuals;look’into the-settlement of two-estates andseethatthetaxeshadbeenpaidfor 20 years.A year ago this land wasmortgaged..Some attorney did then| juust what I did last week.The yeareforethelandwaspurchased.Some Jawyer then <went over\the samegrdundthatI.did last.week:and theotherlawyerdidlastyear.The year before that,this land was purchasedbyanother‘man:.Again «.lawyer|)had to'go over.the ‘same ground. Every time it was mortgaged.some lawyer,went over the same ground. suppose investigations of the title ofthislothadcost.all about $200 and 20 days’time.The tax valuation of the lot was less than $1,000.In other words,probably one-fifth of tax value of the land had been’spent in title in- vestigations. What the Torrens system proposesistocloseupthepast;to go over the title dnce for all and to put an end to the expense'and waste of time re- quired by this eternal procession of lawyers going over the same beaten path,each’taking a fee for his work.One lawyer will not and should not take another’s statement of title;but any lawyer will take the State’s or ‘county’s judicial assurance of title. So the sum of the.proposition is| that the State or county shall employ a lawyer to look up titles and so far as possible clear them of question (by judicial process,of course)and have the land-owners.pay the.State once The Shoes Sold at This Store Fiitl —both your feet and your ehokeebeok —and they are a splendid “double fit.” All the latest ‘styles.at the lowest prices.We show you the latest first.- ‘Comfort,elegance and ease are.the principles on which we solicit your custom—and retain it.Come in now for that new pairand convince yourself. STATE OF OHIO,ciTY OF TOLEDO,LUCAS COUNTY. Frank J,Cheney makes |oath thatheissenior,partner of the firm of F.J.Cheney &Co.,doing business in theCityofToledo,County and State afvre-said,and that said firm will pay thesumofONE.HUNDRED DOLLARS foreachandeverxcaseofCatarrhthatcannotbecuredbytheuseofHall’s Ca-|:tarrh Cure:FRANK J,CHENEY. S.M.&H.Shoe Co. Notary Public.Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal-and acts directly on the blood andMucoussurfacesofthesystein,-_ || J.CHENKY &CO.,Toledo,6.all druggists,6c.’all's Family Pills fer con-Sold b: private wel with its old oaken buck- et.Here areto be found the very best conditions for pollution.The top of the well is ‘frequently open,the sides walled up with bricks.or loose stones.Surface drainage frequently| finds its way into the well and,worst the well.i The President's Huaifation in Ohio, Baltimore Sun. In the contest for the Republican, nomination for President Mr. carried Mr.. Mr.Roosevelt State.This _carried’Mrwouldseemto even not. ing for the renominat a er al TELLS WOMEN1HOW sary;so is faded,dull-lookimg hair. of all,we often find a surface privy >oth caused bywithinlestthanonehundredfeetofppgmith’and cap Geally be gop: hair and diseases of the hair scalp,and should be destroyed. troubles Taft |jantee PARISIAN SAGE to end Roosevelt’s State and|@Ty one of thém or will refundTaft’s Your money. ir -dTnvot|eae ressing that on of Mr.Taft!ity the Republicans in New York’were!tines.Large bottle 50 centa. HAVE| TO CHARMING HAIR. Rough,coarse hair is unneces- and.scalp itech are an accumulation of Dandruff rid of.“"Dandouft 'cause falling and eerms ' If you have any of the.hair mentioned above,the Statesville Drug Company will guar- ev- is a delightfu is being used |} oday by many thousands of love- Americans who detest-—uneleen—+ PARISIAN SAGE John Deere Pivot Axle Cultivator. The above cu*shea our-new Pivot’Axle Cultivator.We have voting according to the almost un- breken usage of their party in giving their Presidents a second term.But! Ohio,in voting for Roosévelt,violated usage and precendent and has rejected herqgwn son.Such aresultcannotbutbehumiliatingtoMr.Taft.He cannot regard it as any-|strangers in distant towns who have thing else than a rejectionand rebuke|peep cured by this ofbyhisownpeople.|It must be a bit- ter and staggering blow toa man as President.The general seems to be that the vote of O inion| o has nomination. ing perhaps’overconfident of a vic- tory,in his own State,the President| has|Statesville Readers Can No Longer ciné.i But sensitive and high-minded as_the)question has always been one.here inStatesville been cured?” destroyed Mr.Taft’s prospect for the The word of a stranger living a hun- A few days ago,feel-|dred miles away may be tme, it cannot have the same weight with sold over one hundred of these labor-saving machines to good far- mers of this county,and those who use this improved Pivot Axle - Cultivator (which isan improvement over all other Cultivators), reduces the cost of making the first crop more than we ask for our Cultivator..If you are in the market for any kind of the latestim-© proved farm implements,you will save time and money to comedirecttous,as we handle nothing but the very.best at the very lowest price,quality considered.We handle no implement thatwecannotgetrepairsforpromptly. QUESTION ‘CLEARED.UP. Doubt the Evidemce.— Again and again we have read of| that med- Statesiville’s pertinent} “Has any-Statesville Hardware &Harness Company. but. own people.Nevertheless he is still|deme we can #0 easily prove.-|appealing to.the people and says he}Mrs.¢,B.Morrison,739°W.will not abandon the fight.’The next!prong St.,Statesville,N.C.,says: declared that the resultin Ohio would!U8 as the -word of our citizens whom be decisive and he was glad that the we know amd respect,and.whosedecisionwastobeinthehandsofhis State to declare will be NewJersey,|.::and the President will stump that)°™™™y own experience.withState.If he should cafty it he might]Doam’s Kidney Pil’s,I cam recom-still havea chance to win,butitwould)™emd them as a remedy to be hadbeasmalloneandthechanceofcar-|for cuning backache and after sym- rying New Jersey would not seem to/toms of kidney complaint.” be worth much.es‘For sale by all Crowd Fix.Senténce.|50 cents.Foster-Milburn Co., Price Buf- dealers, Judge Let, seer e a Brand,of.the Sige falo,New York,sole agents for }county (Ga.)Superior Court,employ-‘ed‘the referendum method in fixing |".United States.:the penalty of Will Barrett,charged}Remember’the name —Doan’s— with assault to rob and assault to kill. Several leading society and church-| women appeared in_behalf of the 19-/ year-old defendant,whd had entered| a plea of guilty.After speeches had been made requesting that light sen-tence be imposed,Judge Bran polledthe:jury and spectators..By a rising vote a majority favored a small fine and the latter‘was imposed.Barrettstabbedandattémptedtorobahorse trader séveral weeks ago. EEE Advertised Letters. |and take no othér. %‘>ONTFORSERVICE. Reeaarer si Jersey Bull.His grandsiresoldfor$10,200 at eight months old.Botherand“dames have recorde of over 600 Ibs.Wetter inayear,A BUTTER BRED BULL. Walnut Grove Farm,H.H.BLAYLOCK,Proprietor,meena N.C.,R.F..D.No.2. T,W.°FRAZIER, uy oJ |FORSALeas May 14, aThePlanet,Ir.No.6 Cultivator ; Is a machine without a-rivalin pena the.and-usefulness,The arch is high, the franies and tongues all Steel,and the change in_width of wheels is all that could be desired.The gangs ‘are adjustablein depth,to throw to andfromtherow.The draft is arranged to insure satisfactory work~Thepivot14spokewheelsactiustantlyandmakeguidingapleasure.The seatislargeandcomfortable..The central lever-operates hinge tongue to regelatedepthoffrontteethandlevelthemachine.To cultivate your crop successfully you.will need a Planet,Jr.,RidinCultivator.Come in and look ‘it over.Termis to suit purchaser. Following isa list of lettersremainingin the,|partafice at Staten.C.,for the‘week end-J.ee TINNER,foe{sete Beatle sate Edna Beaver,Miss Laie]NORTHGENTER STREET.Robert ‘Hinton,:Tava Kiser,Camelia PH }SHOPMaret,sol,9,W,Pierce,Bdwin P.Rogers,Miss ONES ‘RESIDENCE ws Persons for any of the above willplease 'sino “ORWEY In RAYMER,P.M.All the local néws and all the othernewsAwanttocancelGet¢Tr LAND)rene vie “TH LANDMARK le #2 per yer, Lazenby Montgomery Hardware Co, “4 ok PAGE RMGBT.|Chee ne PHE LANDMARK OBJECT TO ROOT AS CHAIRMAN, +)>WRoosievelt,Forces Say ‘They -Will.Or- a ’ganize the Ocinvention. hicago Dispatch,28rd.: ©Ormsby McHare of New York, e one ofthe manager's of Colonel Roosevelt's campaign for the Repub: fican.nomination,who spent Bev- eral hours im Chicago today,tonight declared that the Roosevelt forces >hwould.refuse to abide by the Be- ‘ection of:United States Senator lihu Root of New York as tempor- ary chairman of the national con- wention.McHarg aie a rea anagers,would dnt ; ioe of a chairman in accord,with thie Roosevelt policies,»Thenames of .Governor Herbert §.‘Hadley.. “Missouri,Gov.Hiam W.J ohnson of California,and United Siates eo “ator:Mcsse E.Clapp of pene Y were meitioned.by,McHarg as “peing “aeveptable din this:connection.te th ‘Roosevelt forces,:: MoHarg.”gaid ,change,of all Ro be taken before t tional ‘committee did four years ago Patt,han ;”ae When!the convent'on meets, said McHarg,‘the Roosevelt strength will be such that we will contro!absolutely,We propose to orgauize that convention along tines that will not be at all comforta- ble for Senator Root to preside.The convention must have as chairman a man‘who is in’accord with:Col- onel Roosevelt's views and poli- *cies,and that méans it must be some one other than Semator Root. I’is obviously impess'ble to lave a ‘chairman delivering a:keynote Epeech who is out of sympathy with ae "..,Colonel ;-Roosevelt and the progres~ :="give cause.There is no other side |-to that question.”’ oe ° t the Roosevelt ist:cm the nam- he would “have osevelt.contests to lie Republican na- this year.asi he o for.President « ferers. |;Je raution.hey find 1WiththedeparturefromNeW/mites from.Fresno.~Tae farmers \nny wn Sei eat hi Lge!;SP.More |ules sho.°Tae -f;me rertics é ite light ¥Orleans Friday of Mayor S.P.Mor-Jap,now cutting,the second crop ="might wen tah chow ee pit You the Best.i yin Hetis,the field work of the America”|of aifaita:Dheyout it about every ‘may proceed’at full gpeed as the|&.Red Cross in the Mississippi)val-/three weeks.’Then we went to ia ts clear of alt obstnwations |a ,tey in connection with the oo Ss Riverdale,which is about 30,miles and no traim nearer than two iblocks |]!| .*flood’sutterers is practically closed.|trom Fresno,’This is.a great.dairy .alvead._:AeiThelargereliefcorpsoftheUnit-|¢ountry and we stayed to gee them ppm se 'ed.States army wil remain in the|mj);,“One man miike 22 cows.Wea Notices of New Advérttisamants,RoE ; fleoded territory for at least anoth-saw the milker milk one cow.which!White housekeeper wanted.——Mré |a.::::er two week and by June.15 it {8 lis giving 104 pounds of -milk \a’M.L.Hinadi,Rodkiiebain.©|‘——;a believed the major part of the 175,-|day.Last week they tested the mi'k!.Florida beans,|.cucumbers,.etc.MORTGAGE SALE OF LAND..000 refugees will be able to retum }from this cow and it averaged over |Refrigerator for nale:pug polson.—|=::: to their homes.Be three pounds of butter fat a day.ig.B,Gill,:1 BY VIRTUE.of a mortgage deed|:/&‘The remaining $350,000 of the|his dairy is owned by a Sherrili|-Old straw hats made new.executed to the undersigned on the)_oe oncongreesionalappropriationof@P-|Who.usedto live in North Caro-|Statesville Drug Company.|7th day of February,1911,by ;:i : proximately a milliom and a quarter lina.The only,food these.céws|Michelin tire prices reduced—|Thomas Haynes and wife,Lela ®NE.probably will-be expended in a final)have ig alfalfa graz'ng.‘Th’s man |Carolina Motor Co.-|Haynes,and;default having ‘been o1ce 1 98 Al oice :1gg“weekly subststence:disbursement by |gold over $800 worth cf hogs eince|Nobody has gueteéd all the ad.|Made in payment of the sum °Rohe :e ° ‘the army comps °paar +0,cn we have been here.‘These hogs Wvertisers in the guessing)contest.eee i a .eae which the work o eeding and Cal-|were also fed from Ife oe Pol rD ‘o.c auction,to e genes r 7 :~ing:for refugees will be given over|If this letier doesn't find the!Week siniat Mie tate Sone for cash,at the court house door Your choice of $3 00.$3,50,-$4 00 and $5 00 ae relief ne wae Oe waste basket I.will try again some.Statesville Housefurnishing Co.in’Sens aan 4 Sats last season’s low cut Shoes in the following ‘Prleans committee has a ance |time.The longe stay here:<Three radi he ATU ,SUN ,2 ::Bea ‘.25 *of $18,000 cash and four car loads ride over this fins be inl by bate Cash btore-caAtion L.Me.,;the following tract of land described makes:wom:regular price $3.00,$3.50,of clothing on hand and the com~/ier I tke it.We always lcok ea-|Kodaks a necessity.—H.B.Wood-in said mortgage,the same lying|$4.00;Bates,regular price $4 00;Florsheim,mittee.at Baton Rouge.approx-|gery)for!The Landmark and)did|ward.‘and.being in Chambersburg town-regular price $5.00.Choice of any of aboveampately$25,000.:not know how much it was to us|‘Barefoot sandals.—Sherrill-White|ship,Iredell county,N..C.,and-;While the task of souion the junt®we got eo far away from |Shoe Co.hounded as follows:‘makes in stock carried from last season $1.95. relief work -will be arduous andi ‘re-|*near Old Northi Carolina.”|Gold’Medal-Brand ee ¥Beginning at an iron peg on the 2 r quire considerable money and mup-Respecftully.e other iste Guihes ifidle a ae |north sideof the ralivoug ean runs Nearly 500 pair to select from.Black andplies,generous contributions from):J.W.SHERRILL tolland.|ithence north 63%degrees.west Tans in Vici,Gun Metal and Patents.Theseeatniae——od Seed tot —Waterman’s the dest.—States-ae eee and ea ae an-prices are put on to move the stock quickly. y and il Ss not.@ ole .si “af ville.Printi :,ron peg;ence norta ve degrees ‘stnerewillbeanygreatsufferingiahieeareeae‘6 Charc|sheviit Peston has a 7-year-old|east 33%poles to-a gum;thence None charged at less than regular prices.‘3 amorg the flood victims.tole Obbervess ok oe :mule for sale.i east five poles and nine links to ts rth 1.50 to 50 1.00 to 1senctleney_taehitaite ,t FS ot ee -ot an fron peg near the branch;thenice P W $$3 $$50 Members of COomgress Hold on re Hitle oe of Peet in|poor appetite is a sure sign-of im-|S0uthfive degrees west 39%poles an 0 —s a ,.iy ."-to Telegraph Privileges.soutiieastern owan was visited by.a paired digestion..A few doses of Gham:)/to .the “beginning,containing one.*.:‘: A charge that members of the |Severe wind,rain and hail storm late wilt’sirengthan suur dicseGen ante and’a half acres,more or less.Three hundred pair Men r Pants )wakeHouseofCongresswere-guilty of |yesterday afternoon and in the 18)|prove your appetite.|Thousands have |_Yor jurther information see mort-Saturday at $1.00 and $1.50.Nothing in the;;;29¢en benefited by ta se T :ey ‘ for eh ‘as OF apres mit ive foace ied =othe ah rhe [Sold bv ail desiere Oe Ta vace biome the attics or Ne lot worth less than $1.50 and some values in ~~Pe.oor Friday,by epresentative |dar wasdone.*e path o Clo.i ee tg ,‘ae ‘.'"Fitzgerald,chairman of the appropri|.cyclone was about twosition tti-widthy 1s FF et Pan ag.tell when you'll saaah 1 FORMTET OF Cente Of Meter Cmamey«the lot well worth $3.50.These are all jobs ,ations committee.The allegation]TheRockwell roller mill,owned by|°F scald,|Be prepared.Thousands -rely|~3 We Ree but good clean merchandise well worth look-precipitated a wordy war,“im the |Mayor Thompson,of Salisbury,was)grt rong este eeeieOlle You drus-Dee thaee eee fter.i:ccurse of which Mr.Fitgerald |wranched to the extent that the flour ===—EXECUTOR’S NOTICE.ing after.nyhimselfwasaccusedoeaasub-spouts in the mill were.burst,.apart|NOTICE .TO’CREDITORS.:‘|If you want the latest in Clothing,Hatsmittedforpaymentbilisfor ma-|-4¢the roof of the casket factory was!Having qualified’asexecutorofthelast willand|.Having qualified as executor of|and Furnishings our spring stock is com-terial,for which there was no pro-;;the |ill d test f |.A blown off,the barns of a number of testament of Satah-A.Gardner,deceased,Ihere-|'the last..Ww an estament 0 .d i t edvisionbylaw.The clesh marked |“*2 ’gf :by notify all pensons having claims against her|Johm A.Fleming,deceased,late.of plete,styles correct an prices guaranteed.itheconsiderationoftheemergencypeoplewerecompletelydemolishediadortaetaeOculfeinorbeforethe10th|Tredell county,this is to notify all ;Aappropriationbill,carrying $201,-andothers severely.damaged,insome are reduestes couabaptiant conlaniae —persons having ‘claims agaimst the ‘MILLINERY.i000fortheexpensesoftheHouse,|cases aguricultural implements being|RB Meta ahi.6 dg gg ND,estate of said John A.Fleming to :Ha:i sk i :‘:e j .B,MeULaughiin,.e 6 ‘43 ;;The bill made strict regulations on|badly broken up,chimneys were|“May 10,1912.xecutor.Jexhibit.the same to me on or be All Millinery reduced toclose.Entire stock ;the subject of-telegrams.blown down,windows blown in andj==:fore the 26th day of April,1913,~ved rilli d t t V“The.sending cf telegrams by|hundreds of trees uprooted.A.por-iSALE OF VALUABLE CITY PROP-|or this notice will be pleaded in Dry Gooda moved to millinery departmenMeeoeHouse,”ecienss tion of the roof of Trexler’s cotton/|ERTY.‘|bar&thete recovery.ele and marked downto ‘close.8 \::Mr.Fitzgerald,“has degenerated in=|gin w.w |.ae :persons inde’‘to said es-193 eS Oe wae tas? ORa.to a crying abuse.‘The character Decbaris were belly siretted oa SrEcatcanter eas phy omonb tbe i tate are hereby.notified to “make ecu Hose aCe pair.Ladies ad.of manv of these telegrams 8 UN-|damaged to the extent of hundreds|seedingentitled J,Frank Barrett and others vs,|PTOmpt payment to me.N.P Lisle Hosé'15c.pair.All Silk and Gingham \ 5 justifiable and not by the widest.;+6.W.Hyamaand others,the undersigned com:|'WATT,Extr.:e h lf i Ve tfull iEPatretch"*Sf the imagination could of dollars and growing crops also|missioner will sell at public auctiontothe highest|Lewis &Lewis,Att’ys.Dresses half price.ery respectiuily,Hi]:they be construed ab official.And |Suffered considerably.The damage|MAterstthecourt housedoor in Statesville,N.April 26,1912..ee i‘yet members send these messages at |to timber will be great and the minor}MONDAY,JUNE 10,1912,a NEE :| governme win oO damage to fences and outhouses wil]|at1#o'clock,m,,the following described real es-NOTIOE TO CREDITORS.:government expense g s will}:Havi lifiedas admini oa"The telegraph “bills-of members,|total up a big su |Gepteavilie,uawiies Tee eae of W.E.‘Anderson,deceased.I hereby notify all ah e e ©Mr Fitzgerald said,cost the gov-|.The lutheran church was partly|_BeginningatastakeonWestEnd avenue,Miss|Personshaving claims against his estateto pre-:::oe ::ernment upward of $22,000 a year.|twisted off its foundation.A well |ree Oedanvkae anni ere ceotee to's Vieke a toe 1913,Thoseindebtedbefore the {ath day of May:"Sales Day is the first Monday in each month in Statesville,N.C.~.One telegram of a”private nature,he se:j ick |College lot;th th66 degr 45 to settle.E.0.ANDERSON,.3declaredhudGoatBS,while Cie [tone Chee ae ceeaeet fit |Sa subk the 2B)Connally caine’thecan|Bree Matameln,Adc”comma€»had cost $60,while -the |was blown intoa néarby field.For-|ertn ot degrees west 22))poles teat 2 May 14th,1912.;;..:y:ae <4 one member fora single tunately no-one-was.hurt neither |thence north 6degrees east 76 feet to the begin:a =;it<“month was $250;ae wis ‘ee soe |ning,containing five-eighths of q ;.rik a ‘:hd The Painfell in torrente cece ae lite alee enement tn an alley way It test|JD OCDCAD CP CHDCD CDCED GisReckefeller'a:Rona Distributes €rain fe lin torrents,accompanied |SieFane one cen were to the rear of the ..re are alateMoney."|by a fierce wind and much hail.|Terma of Sale—One-third cash.one third in six f oe]pas New York Dispatch,24th.:ice ie Roa ae 24 e.'B.McLAUGHT.tt iNearly$1,000,000 was contribut-Flock of Tame Quail.|May 10,1912,:Casieisnlonte:,:;|ed.to the cause of education by |Lenoir News.‘>OF HOUSE AND TOT ::,the general éducation.board found-Mr..M.D.Smith;who lives a lees ONE VAGAMT LOR?AND ae ie ie 4edbyJohnD..Rockefeller,at its|few miles eas <Ot town,has a.flock |”b :j N (0)t Mills &P t n’s StoreGreet.De here Voday.Of this .sum |of 18 partridges that ate very sontle |FRY VIRTUEofthe power contained in a mort-IS OW n a ]0s 0 beGeer.was appropriated for dis-}and tame,They follow him im the Matin kh cinee on or ie To ete :'>‘tribution among five coleges,the |rows while he is.plowing and Sim-|{gteredin bookof mortwagt deeds $4.peey ae|:Hlargestcontributionof$250,000 go-|ply step gut of the way as chidk-Gefauit havingbeen madeih the pagent of te THESE PRICES SHOULD INTEREST YOU:i ing to the George Peabody.College tor Teachers of Nashville,‘Tenm:, for.the establishment of the §ea-man A.Knapp School ef Country’Life. ‘It is-explained that the gifts to “the colleges are all conditioned:updr an equal sum being raised by vhsfespectiveinstitutions...*The sum of $210,100 »was wetasidefordeinvusbraiioh-work in /tion if State universities of th South and to aid the werk of negreducationintheSouth: onstration work $123,000 >, ape tion,dizziness,drowsiness..Opening omedicine,.use Doan’s.,2bc-a Dox at all store,‘ei ‘TUESDAY,——May,28,1912.]) -fmorning,had lunch:and then went -LETTER.FROM CALIFORNIA. Mr.J.W.Sherrill Pleased ©and Fayorably Impregsod With:the Correspondence,of The Landmark, Fresno,Cal,,May 20,1 have thowght ever.sincé I-landed:in {California I would write a letter o ‘The Landmark,but have seen 60 much ever siice we landed I hard- ly knew.how to begin.ate We arrived im Los .Angeles Sat-.urday afternoon:‘and siayed|there 40 minutes,then stanted for Bakers field.‘The first few hours*in,Cal-ifommia were very disappoint ng ‘as it is mostly desert until you reach Colton,which is 50-.cr 60 miles from Los Angeles...Colten.is an orange country and is very,beauti-': ful.A great many wealthy people live there and there are many beau- tifuls homes,.-We -passsd.through morestunnele on the way thon:LosAngelegtoBakersfield,then .cn aldthe-rést'of our journey,Bakérsfierd is a very hot,desolate’:place’.butSin.the center.of many,.rich oi] wells,Weéarrived-in Fresno.Sunday for.an.automobile ride.We ‘left’abaut -2:30 o'clock’and went 30milesinonehour..The roads”arejus!as smocth'as the’flocr,and| seem to never end,We have been} here "five Sundays.and:have gone | 600 miles.We never start’out before} 2.30 and always)ecéme in)by 6 o'clock.'There is one aVenue here called Kearney Boulevard.It is 14 miles long with palms and gum+ trees on-both sides.At the end of 9 miles is a tower and park which residence.He willed.this estate,| which)consists.of several hundre acres,to the State for an>:experi- mient farm.Then there is The | State Highway which.is-12 miles|long now but when completed will east of Fresno’to Centerville,which is an orange belt.The trees are | .full)of fruit and’blcsscms.now.:|;In diseussing the centests to be ;:ee en oe --“hrought before the national com~a leaves are dark green and just mittee McHarg said there would xe wax,10 certainly ie.beantl;b:be at least 260 or 270 contested ful sight..About s'xty miles from | .ba agalnat 229...contested Centerville are mountains covered ag _% geats at the 1908.national ecnven-with snow...One’can hardly.real-| :vee ‘ize this.is all true without.seeing bE hon.—_jit.There is a wheat e Relief Work Ameng the Flood Suf-of Fresno that.is ed with some barley fields about 40 -will’be approximately two milés!in Yuonished,from.a ,Main™plant ‘ern.Power Company can be imme- was the late Théodore:Kearney’s |step down the current to 110 volts reach,from one.end ‘ofthe State |Switch,a washed out bii=ge, tothe other-.Then we went nérth'¢&7 Standing on a:|gerously near the |bfock ahead and,must stop.. 'they find ‘the signal arm raised,45 { ;degreesfield’north |gneen light at might they will know:| eget eight mileSithat a train?is in the second block|around and this is small compar-ahead and:they must proceed with} A NEW SIGNAL SYSTEM,”—_—_—_—:- Southern to Install Electric Auto-“matic Signal System.,<—. One of the most.complete and wp-to-date electric automatic signal sys.teins in.operation on any radlway:in:the world is.to be installed by:thleSouthernrailwayontheimpontantstretchofits‘ashingit on- Atlanta main.tine lying betweenDenim,the first station north ofGreensboro,and a point just south of Charlotte and,¢mibracing prac- tically:96 miles,nearly all of whichisdoubletrack.Contract has -beenletandtheworkwillbecompleted in the next few months.Not onlywillthesignalsbeoperatedbyetec- tricity ‘but/‘the same power will beusedtoightallstations,switch.and signal high‘s betwecm Groensipcre and’Charlotte.<2.”&Aor On hundred.and sixteen:thnee-poe-|ition:upper-quadirant automati¢:Big- nals,.represe nting.the very .latestproduct“of engineening science,will,be anected and so located:that.blocks length.The system:will.be‘operat.ed by altemiating:¢lectria currenit,at Spencer.auxiliary Stations at M@har- lotte ‘and Greensboao,which willbe, so constructed that shouild ‘the iSpen- cer plant J’ecome inoperative fromanycayise,the power of the South- diately cut in.without.any inter- ruption to the openation ‘of trainee" thie lighting system.The current#tooperatesystemwillbetransmitted by a line carrying 4,400 volts,con- structed on.the righitsof4way’of the Southern.railway ‘amd at each || signal.and :station transformers to will be located.‘ ‘in the ‘most severe.cases The installation of this system :of signials will not only,provide -protec-| tion.against the possibility,of col;| lisions but will also dietect.the pnes-| ence of a broken,rail,an open | or a dan-thus | side,track, main track, jatfording a greatly ineneased meas-|ure of protection,Enginemen-.ap-| \proaching ‘a signal and observing| ithe signal arm in a.homizontal posi-| ition Ora red light at—night will)train is;in the first Shouldknow-that,a above ‘horizontal jor a) When the sig-| Freckled Girls| jarof WILSON'S FRECKLEOMeauwilleitherremoveyourfrecklesorcausethemtofadeandthattwojars:will even '--You cannot makea mistake in_.,,|paintingyourproperty,if you Oo es DBE 1 L cure them.I am willing to norapealyguaranteethisandto.return your money |without argument.if your.complexion‘onotfullyrestoredtoitsnaturalbeauWILSON’S FRECKLE CREAM|fine,fragrant and absolutely harmless,Willnot make hair poe but.will posi-tively remove TAN,PIMPLES andFRECKLES.Come in today and tryit.The jars are large and results absolute-ly certain,“Sent by mail if desired,ce 50c.Mammoth jars $1.00,WIL-SON’S FAIR SKIN SOAP 25c¢,;,For sale by «.“Statesville Drug Co, :‘Analysisand Guaranteeon every ae a package’protects you fully.— Whynot try itt.tenes >.3 ORE Rl i ro=) 4 Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware Co., sStatesville,N.C. ook |~Send You Van Linky 0) |j|Car Horses and Mules!|] ae dFlowers, Car Load of Horses and : |ho Males now in ‘stables. :||a are and see them.:Be, He Doesn't Send ||eee Henkel-Craig Live ‘Stock Co. agriculture im the Southern States,for professors of secondary;educa- same,I will,on -y:MONDAY,JUN®17,1912, at 12 o'clock,noon,at the court house door in ens ordinarily,do,when he passes them.They are not so gentle wi other people,but do not seem fear Mr.Smith in the least, are nearly ag gentle as domestica fowls and their tameness:refutes the idea that the.quail-i@ an um- tamable bird.Mr,&mith has cared for them and fed them for sever- al months,es ie “hey |following described lots in the city of Sta :They First lot:Beginning at a stake onthe boutssideofWalnutstreet,corner of Mrs Ota iM.Gouger;thence with her line running southwardatidparallelwithMulberrystreet1464)feet>to astakeinJ,G Turner's line;thence with J,G,Turner's and W,w,Foushee’s line,westward 61feettoastake,Mrs.Simon's corner;thence withherlinenorthward1464feettoastakeonWal-nut street.Mra.Simon’s corner:thence with Walnut streeteast ward 61 feet to the beginning,containing one-fifth of an acre,more or leas,||Second lot:Beginning at astake on the southsideofWalnutstreet61feetfromtheinters “Death of Rev.W.M.Voils Penord Tribune,24th. Statesville,sell at public auction,for cash,.the |: BETTER HATS REDUCED ACCORDINGLY.THESE PRICES MEAN CASH DOWN. If you haven't.attended this sale don’t delay.This opportunity of Hat -getting at such prices is limited.—-“Yours truly, ~$1.25 Ready -to-Wear ‘Hats for 75e.$1 50 Ready-to-Wear Hats-for $1.00 $2:25 ReadyetesWear Hats for _=)$1.50 '$3.00 Ready-lo-Wear Hats for 2.00 $2 00 Dress Hats for ‘\50 $2.50 Dress Hats for 2.00--| $3.50 Dress Hats for “2,60 $5.50 Dress Hats for 3.75 i The dem- appropriation is Reguleta, e %.‘“ano|.Rev.W,M.Voils died,last night.at the home of his sister,Mrs.°C.LL Walter,near Mooresville,Mr.Voils ‘was a native of -this countyi—+|but.lived’for many years tn theConstipationcausesheadache,indiges-Far a mild,(Wes and:was a Presbyterian ister.afternoon at Bethpage churok, min- The funeral will be held:this.’ thence with the weet side of Musouthward1464feettoastaketo eliestreet;thence westward,running parallel .wipamtraeelenetoastakward,parallel w'‘utberry street 1461 feet‘the beginning,containing 7474 square fest,sg!Terms of sale cash,|* tion of Walnut and Mulberry streets;EYwithWalnutstreet61feettoMulberryeee- ;thence north |"MILLS &POSTON.||119 WEST.BROAD STREET,_. the.first Mondayin each month inStatesville,.N.G. ~Sales Day is R,V,BRAWLEY;Martgagee,i “J.W,AYERS,Assignee,-‘May17,1912,sine t os a Oe ES Pe {‘:PPO ae ren cake . hi $‘.°>‘.‘ae s a \.@. EPWORTH LEAGUE ASSEMBLY. Summary of theProceedings—Oft While hot,s0 lange as was hop-|. ad for,the attendance at’the annual -meeting bf the Western ‘North Car- “lina ’Epworth.League ‘Assembly,+ ‘which is in progress.at the Broad:_Street Methediot church,is consid-ered good,and the intefest Ie 2‘Rey.R.BE d.H,|Atkinson,of Mocksville,twhie.ie president of :the Assembly, yp Vs oy ‘aiice of a inilk supply, ds in charge of:its beesions,and Rey..O..P.Ader,’of Ramseur,is:active:_In the performance of his duties ‘as Becretary.|The sessions are.pub-|Jie and age beingsattended iby .a Bood many”outsiders.,“God is Light”was‘the subjectoftheannualsermonbyRev.BEBain,’of Winston,which,wastheopening,event of the ‘Assembly.Tuesday night.The first point made by Mr.Bain in his able dis-course was the distinction betweenthetrueGodandtheheathengods,‘The heathen gods are gods of dark- mess and it is naturally a startlingptatementjfortheheathenwhen) they are told that the true.God is aGodoflight;that,in character and mature He is pure,truthful and ho- ly;This triithis a.basis of fellow- ship.light is a bsocial bond.and frequently signifies a common.pa-ternity..The speaker indicated thatthislightmayperebistedbyhyp- lecrisy-—professing to have it when twe have not-—-and by impenitetice. The feature of Wednesday morn- ing’s session was am address om*Junior Work’by Mr.Walter Neal.)of Chattanooga,‘who is junior su- perintendent’of the Holston.Con- ference.The.address.was bright.|breezy and full of inspiration.Mr:Weal is very enthusiastic over the} junior work of the league.Pre- ceding Mr.Neal's address the:re- ‘oo from the various districts and}: eagues were heard.They abl show- ed genuine /interest and good pro- gress at some places.Wednesday afternoon ‘there was a tally service presided over by Mr. A.M.West,of Hickory.A round table discussion,was’held in!which questions were answered by vari- ous workers,followed by an open discussion of league problenis “The Boy’'was the subect of am excellent address Wednesday night), by Rev.J.:M.Culbreth,of Nash- ville..His division of the elements that make up a.boy and naming these elements as James,Jimmy and Jim,was exceedingly pleasing, A Budrise pravermeeting was held yesterday morning,conducted by Rev.J.O.Ervin,of Burnsville, and after the breakfasthour there were devotional exercises/conduct- ed by Rev.J.J.Edwards,follow- ed’by discuseiong of a number = subjects and 5 oeal brief addr Rev.C.8.Kirkpatrick spoke on eras “Model,Devotional Service,”‘‘The Methodist Training School’was pre sented by.Mr Auburn H.Setzer, of Nashville,Tenn;“The Stranger and the Sick’’was Rev 0.P.Ader’s Bubject,and ‘‘Junior Work and Lit- erature’‘were discussed by Rey.R. E.Atkinson.and.Rev..C.M..Pick- ns,respectively. Yesterday afternoon there was 4roundtablediscussionleadbyafE.W.Fox,followed by the ‘electi wf officers for the ensuing year.The new officers are:President,Rev. E..L.Bain,Winston;secretary, Rev.L.D.Thompson,Brevard; treasurer,Rey.C€.'M.Piqkens,Lenoir;Scout leader;Rev.C.S&S. Kirkpatrick,Canton;superintendent jof ‘junior department,Mrs.L:E. Brown,Waxhaw;editor of league rolumn,Rev:O.P.Ader,Ramseur; secretary of Childrens’Home dor- mitory fund,Rev.R.'E.Atkinson iThe district,secretaries are to be appointed by the president Last ‘night Rev.Dr.T.F.Marr, of Charlotte,president of the board of trustees of the Chiildnens’.Home, presented the Home in an able ad- dress..: Today’s ‘sessions ane being given to the discussion of various League subjects.I Will Build Crdamery if a Milk Sup- ply is Promised. Mr.|W.L.Gilbert,secretary of _the /Commercialclub,has a letter ‘from a gentleman who says lie will establish a creamery in Statesville if he 'can/get pledges of milk from at least 100 cows.It would seem that this assurance should ‘be secur-ed without ‘any trouble.The party doesn’t ask for help to establish the creamery.All he wants is aseur- and persons who will agree-toé ftirnish milk are asked ito give their names to Mr. Gilbert,at the Commercial club. A creamery would bé of great ad- wantage to the fatmers aroundStatesvilleaswellastothetown amd it is hoped the assurance lof a a supply oT be speedily secur- ed.:;\ Mr.Trexler Suffers Injury. Mr.M.:L.Texler,a valued -em- tploye of |the Statesville Show Case (Company,suffered a berious *)ac- cident at.the.plant on east BroadtreetWedmesdayfafternoon.His right,hand was caught in a miachine ikmown as.a “shaper”and all the fingers except the index finger were cut /off,the imdex fingerbeinig:peti lacerated..He waz taken.'to'the”“Sanatorium.timme-“diately.after |the accident to havetheinjurydressed.There is some hope of saving the imdex finger,ona it may,have (0 |be am putat- 1 \acest ecient atte Poor ‘appetite is.“éiw doneegien 2 Ontm-partes digestion.A‘ils 8.ouver “Tablets Whpusents bsytakinLeesehaltsSoldby gers Elected TeatertiaysGoaedon re Robbitig R. Closes Today :defeated A SNEAK ‘THIEF CAUGHT,. crPoston:Wassdati ‘Court Cases.. Qo.comer been commit to jail.by Mayor Cildwell in defa\ilt of $200 bong te: ‘await.trial at he ‘next term, goods from thie djoining Bioree:of the Ro My Knox mpany and|[the Poston-Wasson"mnpany...Several! times recently.mentbers of ‘the two, ‘firnie Hamed have found the|.rear. basement:doors of their stores open on their arrival|‘in’,the:morning. ‘Reid,who,was;formerly,employed| the Knox (Company and later by|the Poston-Wasson)Compan),was!/ suspected of j|having entered the, ebores and an eye was kept on him| when he came (‘about the stores; he having quit work there.|Wednes- day,jafternoon just before closing}. time he slipped into the store of the Knox Company,and’was observed as he went to the thiird floor of the building.“He did not come down and when the time came to close thestore search wae madefor him lot of goods onthe third floor.He} was pulled from his hiding place} and turned .over Seéing that there ‘was nothing to be gained by denial he.finally,ad- mitted that he had .entered |the} jatore ‘on,previous |occasions but claimed he had taken only a’few jartichs.A search of his home, |however,revealed stolen g@oods val- |ued)at.from $30 to $40,alt of |which,with the exception of |pair of shoes,were taken from the} ‘nox store.“The shoes had.been taken from tie Poston-Wasson Com-| other |pany.It is believed that goods were taken and |disposed ofBabeLygthandGuy‘Bradshaw, $14,and /Guy $9. Jim ‘and Sandy-Dalton,Eugene | Weaver!and Arthur Gaither,’all}, coloréd,were ‘arraigned for disor-derly conduct.The two Daltons and}Weaver were found guilty and we taxed $10.20 each Gaither not gutity.j AMbbin’Pearce,white,was placed|fender $50 bond Ww ednesday by Jus-| tice W.C.Moore for his appearanice | at Superior Court to ‘answer for| carrying a concealed weapon and/{ killing a dog.On request of resi-. dents of Bloomfield Deputy Sheriff| Gilbert swore put a warrant for \Henry carrying a.concealed weapon and! shooting a’on the premises lof | the ‘owner in Bloomfield.A num-| her of witnezses were summoned to testify against McLain and their testimony developed that it was‘Pearce instead of Mclain who had! the)pistol and diid the shooting Miss Hamlet andMarriedinSalisbury. Miss Lessie Hamlet and Mr:Ross! Garrison,a youthful!Statesvillecouphe,were married in Salisbury | Wednesday night about §o'clock | at the home [of Rev.Mr.Jones, pastor.of the Second Methodist! church of Salisbury,who officiated|The happy pair returned to States-| ville on No.11 yesterday and are | receiy ing the congratulations and good wishes of ‘their friends.They| ‘will room at the residence of Mr. and Mrs.Lloyd Troutman,oy Bel?! street.The marriage was not!agenuinerunawayaffair,but rather| a’“‘go-away,”’the young people de-| siring to wed away from home to surprise their friends.They,drove to Elmwood Wednesday afternoonandthereboardedthe7°o'clock train for Salisbury.The bride is a daughter of Mr.g W.A.Hamlet and is an attractiveandworthyyoumglady.Mr.Gar- rison if a son of Mr.and Mrs.'S. ‘H.Garrison and is a barber.Thecouplehave‘been sweethearts since childhood,the marriage being the culmination of a love.match of some;* years standing. Senate Puts Duty on Prin:Rainer. The Senate Wednesday,having nder consideration the iron and steel bill,adopted amendments plac: ing a long list of ‘farm imple ments on the /free list and repeal the Canadian reciprocity,law,whichwaspassedatthespecialsession of the ‘present Congress last sum- mer,in anticipation’that the |Do- anfinion government.would enact:a Similar law,providing for general reciprocal .relations between the ‘two countries,but{the measure was in.the,Canadian Parlia- amendm nts |adopted pro-lfor a dufy of $2 a ton om print paper ‘and reducethe duty on pig iron to 6 per cenit. Under the.reciproaity law print paper was -on the free list and the failure of Canada.to|adopt:neci- procity “did not affect.the paper schedule.‘a Watkins Must Serve Sentence. The Supreme Court has’affirm-ed 'the judgment of the lower court jin the case of F.C.Watkins,|the [Black Mountain:officer who killed John Hill Bunting in the {hotel at,Black Mountain:in)August,1909.Watkins was convicted in thelowercourt‘and sentenced to 18monthsjon.the roads. Kingagement Announced, ‘Mre and.Mrs.Frederick:TaylorWalserannounce|the engagement oftheirdaughter,Migs Bertie;to |Mn. |Clarence/Greene Prosperi,the wed- uh [rae al colored,«were before the mayor.| on charges of deing drunk |azid| fast.riving.Lynch,.was.taxed ‘McLain /charing tim with |5 Mr.Garrison |lB |Derm—Cases in Superior Court. |.In the Superior Court.yesterday | vs.Geo.Ayres:was on trial.‘involves,a dispute:about,‘shingles land covering,a house, i‘Is the paper writing propounded by |L.Cowan,and every part.there-_ ee:the last will and ‘testament otDr.Richard.W.papowiek Ta this.t)dury answered,Cua aol ty . |In the ‘cape rs v “A.Dawvidison,vs. |Southenn.railway.the’pheinitift:was| awarded $140.‘A train ran info’ ‘Davidson's ‘team.at a.crossing. the first trial he failed to |but om appeal the Supreme Court granted a new trial.fe -R..M..Myers ‘vs.Johni .T.-Mor- igan and wife;judgment for plaingit for $245.97 and interest,;Will Benge was granted adivorce‘from,Myrtle Benge.James Bohem- er,colcred,was ‘granted a divorce \from Alice:Bohemer...—,|Judgment was suspended ‘im the ||case of I.A,Phelps,oni the.crimi-| nal docket.At a necemt ivieted of seduction to three ye portunity to get,a divorce from hiswifeandtharrythewomanhehad| i wronged.Last “week he secured the divorce,the marriage’follow- ed and the road foree is short a hand in consequence.| Frances King was granted a di- lyorce from Nelson ,King. In the casé of Tom.Meredith’and Wm.Westmorelarid,judgment ab- solute was stricken out anda seb fa: and capias orde red. |Delegates Appoitted ‘to the State| and Congressional Canventions. *“A resolution adopted by the Dem-';Ocratic county convention Satur- |day authorized the chairman,Mr.ZV.Long.to appoint 33 delegates to| the State convention and the same; |umber.to «the congressional con- veudon,in.addition -to the dele’re|gates .se!lected by the’precinet dele-|©?ably.and incase of fire the de gations The Sotlow Seat?‘have been ‘appoint- ;ed delegates to the State conven-jtion,which meets in Raleigh Thurs-| day,June 6:°J.A.Hartness,W. ©.Turner,J;M.Deaton,J.H. offmann,Zeb V.Turlington,L.i¢.Caldwel!,D.M.Aushey,W.., lison, MILLS WILL SUSTAINED| So"Knox:Go,Divorce and Marriage Annuls Road Prominent.Citizen DELEGATESTO CONVENTIONS. R.Sloan}Work 4s finished. iJ.E.‘Boyd.'E.G.Gilmer,T.J.Al- H.A.Yount Zeb V.Long,|to operate drays was repealed for STATESVILLE,N.C.FRIDAY,MAY.31 1922._NO.88. + We.CRAWFORD DEAD.MR. ‘of Bethays— ~Death of Mrs.Jonathan Davis | Mr.Willian H,Crawford,a prom: Reid Thomas,a uegro youth,has afternoonthe case of B.J.Rowe inet aitizen of Bethany township Gornand‘widely known a8 a'||nurserymar,| died.yesterday afternoon at 5 o'clockof\;Tm the Mills will case the:dury|-veath resulting after an fllhesa of| Superior.Court for:the,larceny:>of.|Sustained the*willl.Thie issue’!was,’Beveral’weeks.trot |pneutionia,| vice and interment twill take place &‘afterncon.“at<3,a|80.o'¢lock at Bethan'y Presbyterian|@ church,of |\whith deceased ‘was an lelder and;am hohoredthember.-Mie;| Mr,Crawford.was.74 years.old| ‘an’.is survived by his?wife and five: chdldren,namely:Messrs.J,C.,W. |B..and E.M,(Crawford and Miss |The.funeralh4 ;and Mr.C.P.‘Crawford,who re- ;cently located in Iowa.He was.re-\Tated to’quite a number of States| ville people.: |Mr.Crawford was‘a ‘good man and! a good citizen and had many friends:throughout:the coumty who |mourn’ |Shs death, Mts.Elizabeth Davis,wifeof Mr,|Jonathan'A.Davis,died’about noon| term yesterdayat herhomefourmile$north|of Statesville,atid)he was found!hiding beneath a|Phelps,q@ married man,was con-|of town--the second deathin the fam-. and sentenced:|ily in four days,a daughterof Mr.ars on the roads,Senitenee Vrs Tayi ye,8 Ong M to the police.|was held up to give Phelps am op-}- and|is having died Sunday..-.| Mrs Davis was82 yearsold and had) been an invalid for two.years.,.She| was born-Monteith and was reared in Rocky River community,Cabarrus county.Husband and two sons sur- ‘vive.The burial will take place.at Concord church today,funeral ser-|vice conducted:by Rey.E.D.Brown. JALDERMEN TRANSACT BUSINESS Yemporary Quartiss For Fire De-- |.spartment—Haul For City With-out Dray License—Other Matters At:a special meeting,of the |board of aldermen Monday night the fire committee was instructed to arrange for new quarters for|* the fire cepatment while.the street} { \work is in progress:The -side- iwalk.in front of ithe fire,house will have to be cut down ‘consid- |partme nt.would be badly handicap- ped in getting ot should it re-jinain in its present quarters whiletheworkigunderway. |The.fine.department has been Stationed at Wesmoneland’s btable, vwhere it will memain until the street The ordinance requiring license G.Lewis.John N..MeBlwee,T.[90 days’in sod far as it affects |D..Miller,J.F.Bowles,Henry |the|drays hauling for the city |Lewis,W.H.McE!wee,R.B.Lein-||on .account of the street work.ster,N.D.Tomlin,R.B.Wilson, Foy White,Ts.(The regular draymen are unable |D.J:)Crae,W..H.A.|to do all the hauling and the or-|bomb or a r ck h le AND L,AT TAYLORSVVIELE.| Will “Begin‘Bietaene July 1st-—Ag- Mis.Frye Dead—Tuylorsville ews, tsoondonce .of The “Landmark; MeFryé,widow ofithe late Capt.John ‘Frye,died:Wednesday morning.at |the home of her daughter,Mrs.Wil-.{Tiamo‘Héfner,in }Wittenburg”town-.} ship.The funeral and sburialShewasabout90 years old.swill be.at Rriendahip _Lythbran shurch t0-|,day.|Mr.-R:KK,Moose,,jdweten, |moved from-an’office in the’post- office building to the office.“east {Of the court house,,,vacated:by At’tomney T.C.White,Mr.)White mov-to recover’Margaret Crawford,alb of Bethany|ing to am office over ‘the.drug store!,The ¢hange was made so’the post-+ officé building.could)be made in- to one room,additional.boxes°put| up and other improveménts made. /The work was)begun Wednesday. Messrs.Jacob Little and Callie‘Bentley |have purchased a moving picture outfit.,They are expecting:it this week.It will.be placed:im tle Masonic building:Mr.-:Char- Ne Smith and sister,Mis&Stella, are’here and willhavechargeoftheshow,°° Ata meeting of the!building and’ loan association at the court ‘hiouse Tuesday,night,five.additional:di- rectors were élected,namely: Messrs.R,-Li,|Matheson,A.iC.; Payne,R,B.Burke,"R.-L.Snow andI,A:Barnes.The name,Tay-lorsville Building ‘and.Loan:‘Associ- ation,was chosén,More than’200 Shares have been taken and.theserieswillbegin’July ist.|: We had a good rain Wednesday morning and Wednesday night.|It was!badly needed.- Mr.and Mrs.a Lynchburg,.IH., Echerd’'s uncle,iys,P. Mr.and Mrs.L. son,’Mr. aes of me:Mr.Echerd. D.Robinette and: J.B.|Robinette,and lit- lthe Mise Sadie,,spent Monday in |Statesville,‘the guests of Mrs.G.G.White.Mrs.-J.B.Barnes is’ \Spending this,week at Davidson, the |guest of her sister-in-law, Mrs.B.C.Deal.Rey.L.L..Moore spent Tuesday and Wednesday .im Mooresville and Davidson..Dr,Aga Thursten went.to Davidson Wednes- day morning to attend commence- mént,and Mr.R.B..Burke went Wednesday.evening.Mr.Lester Ingram’wit):spend hodan in States.|':ville. Paper Bag weenn in Auto Pright-j ened the President. er York Dispatch (to Baltimoreun. Rutherford,N.J...whose.resi- i dents were agitaied Sa‘trday night and Sunday over repors that a ad beer :Gregory,M.P.Alexamder,M.A.jd@inance =is repealed temporarily jat President Taft soi Re eieeFeimster,N..B.Milla,J.)R.Alex-|to allow extra teams to be putiin-|¢d to speak in the public squareander,J.T.Smith.C.D.Moore,J.|.to commission.Onily.these hauling |there,calmed down upor receipt of|Rose White.R.R.Clark,George|for the city are exempted from |the official report of C ief.of Pol-|Ayers;J.O.Gaither,W.¢C.W ooten,|'the license tax {fee Burnham.The chief annowneF.Long,W.D.Templeton,J.M.It was ordered that ‘the city|ed tha the package.which landed|}Kennett,A.S.MeKay,G.L.Mc-jelectric light department and the|im the President's automobile justpusJ.F.Brawley,J.H.McLel-|lees Telephone Company use a a it stopped.wes merely a paper\Joint pole line on Center ptree:,|Bagifilled with banana skins andFollowingare‘delegates to the |and the electric light committee |@PDle cores and contained no’ex-fcongt easional convention,‘which|was instructed to look after the lo-plosiye or dangerous missile.|meets .im Salisbury..Jume 5:R:B.|Pation,of the poles When the President.concludedMcLaughlin,J..A.Hartness,|W.D. Turner,J.M Deaton,J.H...Hoff- mann,L.'C.Caldwell,D.M.Aus ley,W.R.Sloan,J.'E.Boyd,E. |G.‘Gilmer,T.J.Allison,H.A. |Yount,Zeb Vi°Long,P:8.Boyd, iJ.G..Lewis,Johw.McElwee,/J.F.Bowles,Henry Lewis,R.B.Lein- igter,N.'D.Tomlin,R./B.Wilson, re.Foy White,D.'|J.Craig,W.H.H.Gregory,M.P.Alexander,M.A.Feimgter,N;B.Mills,J.-R.Alex- ander,’J.T.Smith,C.‘D.Moore, UJ.Ross White,Geonge Ayers,J. |Q.Gaither,J:M.Kennett,J;FBrawley;J.H.McLelland,W.D. Templeton,G L.McKnight,’A:S. MakKay/ Marriage of‘Mise Weisner and Mr. ‘~White. Correspondence of The Landmark. Jennings,;R+1,May 30.—Mr. Smith White and Miss Sallie Mae Weisner were married this morn- ing at 8:30 at the home of Rev.R. iL.Maness,who was the officiatingminister.Only a few friends and relatives .witnessed the ceremony: Mf and Mrs..D.F.Weisner,of Eupeptic Springs community.She is a popular ‘young lady and one of iredell’s most progressive school teachers.|Mr.White is a son of Rey.and Mrs.D.¥.White,of Wilkes coun- ty,He is a prominent young bus- iness man,being the general |mana- ger of the firm of W.L.Robertson &Co;°1:Immediately after the ceremony Mr.and Mrs.White drove to the ‘Station and boarded the train for‘Washington,D.C.,!and Northern cities.After their retunm they will be at |home in Olin township,at the jWeisner old store,’where Mr.White is engaged in)business.Their|many friends ee them ; long and happy life. Church Items, Rev.Father Willibald will ‘cele-brate mass-at St.Philip’s Catho-lic!church Sunday morning at 10:3¢ and)Monday mornink at 7:30.Preaching at Elmwood tomorrow o'clock. at the \Finst Baptist,church Sun-day ‘nlorning ait.11-o’clock to hear the report of the pulpit committée.All ‘memibers of the church areurgedto:.be present.Mr.Archibald:pemens.lediton of Charity,anilChildren,willspeak at the |morn- }ip,ee ding.to take oe ore churell be.ing service and the conderence will held at ithe close .this ad- Miss Weisner is d daughter of} night and Sunday afternoon at 3 |fbuggy ‘A churchi conference!will be held|Mr ll The Stree.committee was in-Structed to negotiate.with propertyOwnersaffectedbythewideningof|Center street in the vicinity ;of ithe \depot with a view of making|Batisfactory settlements with them. Roosevelt “ind Wilson Uarry New Jersey. Dispatch,29th. Roosevelt,on the Re- and:Goy.-Woodrow the Democratic,were overwhelming winners in yester-day's State primary,according tonearlycompletereturnsthismorn-ing.:3TheRooseveltvictorywasa clean Newark,N.J., Theodore publican side, Wilson -on Sweep Appaieutiy he-has ‘every Ons of the State's 28!delegates te the Chicago convéntion.In:the pre- ferential vote his eeely10,000 over Taft.~{|The result exceeded velt leaders’expectatiok,e districts Roosevelt ree red:Votes to’every one for Taft. ‘Wilson’s triumph-om the?'Demo- ératic side was nearly as complete as Roosevelt's..The Governon lost four delegates,These four will’go to Baltimore wninstructed..Thé Wil- Bon vote ‘was a staggering blow totheanti-Wilson men.Wilson beathisopponentsby6to1: rae ful- aithe:’Rodse-be ten i Attorney General Wickersham’de-clares that the ‘government's suitagainsttheSouthern.Pacific)com-Panies for the retovery of valuable oil lands-in southérm California hagdeveloped‘‘sensati¢nal and start- ling discoveries.’Testimony by wit-messes subpoenaed by the govern- Ment,he says,|“‘presents a nemarka-; ible picture of cniminat conspiracy | among high officials of-ithe South- ern Pacific company to |acquirefromtheUnitedStates,under an agricultural grant,oil,lands valued at $15,000,000.” ‘The ikoraantan.|Messenger saysthebarnofJ.P.Bumgarner,inBurkecounty,|was bummed Satur-day night and 75 chickens,agri-cultural implements,harness,a and a lot of fodder'and cormMereCOmsumcd,watth tio ouidine.r.Bumgarner was |badly burned while tryingtosavesome of the con-tents lof the ne.Origin offireunknownand.loss estimated‘lat $800,|wihtt $300 inaurance.~ ‘Orange Blevins,from,imAshe coun-ty,N.C.,wasloonvicted im courtatBlountville,Tenn.,'a few daysagoof‘barn burning andsentencedveyeare:in the eee we |passage through the crowd. his address to the overcrowded aud- itorium:at Rutherford Saturday night he was driven in his automo- hile to the public square,near the railroad station.where ‘about 5,000 persons awaited his arrival./The |residential.automobile was given Just a:it stopped and Mr.Taft arose the paper bag.was tossed into ‘the air. ‘As the President lifted his hat the bag descended close in front of himandtouchedhisface.He eviderit- ly was'startled,The President.re- Placed his hat'and sat “down at once ‘A Rutherford policeman,jump- ed on the runningboard andSnatched‘the package from thefloorquickly.we Secret service men called to the chauffeur to drive on,and the Pres- ident’s automobile was hurried outofthecrowd.‘The bag and itscontentsweretakentothe/police Station., Fifth District Convention)Instrudts for Wilson. The fifth district Democratic ‘con gressional convention.met at! Greensboro Wednesday night and renominated Congressman ‘Sted-man by acclamation. In_the ‘election of delegates”tothenationalconventionafBaltimore lines were sharply drawn between the Wilson and:Underwood?forces and.ithe Wilson.people.wou -over-whelmingly.G.“H;-Hastings, Forsyth,and-—A>--W.Graham,” ylorsville,May:30-—Mrs.Katie}. Nag church,will serve,ice ‘cream,tomor-. fig NO:change“in cocotton market. i;-—The Daughters of the Confed-.eracy will meet.at the court house Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Rey.Dr.J.°R./Sonoggs;of Char-Jotte,;who had been «visiting:‘rela-— tives:iw “tredelt;recurs home yea. fetday..;_—Mre..Dorman Phanpeon:of. Statesville,hasbeen elected fourth - ‘vice,president of:the Alumnae :As-sociation ‘of Saley Female College.° ‘The,ladiés”“of.Race .Streets Tow ‘nigluyt in the gmove at.the oot ner ‘of Race’street and)‘Western- avenue,—nog —Supt.Mea chim,of the State. Farm,says the eéneral coniditioth- $f crops in,the county’looks good.. There,has “been (great|improvement ini the past.ten days. <The streets hiv the business cen- ter are somewhat dismantled.now, but they,will aving is done and will be appre- ated when mud time comes next winter. ——Mr.N. next Monday for Killen,Texas,t spend several weeks.His brother, Mr.©.R.Shoemaker,recenitly diedatKillenandihefisgoing.there to.|spénd a few’weeks with,hie brother’s family.o| -—-[nvitations have been received in Statesville for the commencement exercises of the University,of Mary- are -members of =the graduating class in’medicine. ——-Mr.Zell P.Paine,sonQ.F.Paine, State Farm,and Miss Katie Steele, of Mr. lives...on Steele street,were)married! yesterday afternoon ‘at 4:30 o’clock; at the home of the.officiating min- ister,Rev;W.A.Lutz.| —-A car load of Statesville’s col- ored population went to Salisbury yesterday for the Federal DecorationDayexercises.Before \reaching Statesville east-bound train No.36 for the colored folks,|and om its arrival here it was found mecessary to add amother coach,which)was im- eee filled.’ '—-Mr.Leonard White,who was a student in the A.’and M.Col- lege,Raleigh,the past session,is at home for the vacation.Mr.Ralph Gill.who was also at -theA,and M.,will returm home this week,making the trip from Ral- eigh im am automobile with Mr.W.H.McElwee.Mr.Gill was /on the honor roll of the sophoniore class at,the A./and .M. —-The tax-listers have been ready fof business since the first of the ing in slowly,”’as the dispatchers say on the night of .ithe election.- The time for listing property ax- pires June 15.Mr,W.W.Turner, who takes the nettinns for Statesvillq and Mr. for Statesville township outside of town,have offices at the court house.A lList-taker./for mumici- pal tax returns has not~been /ap- pointed. —It ‘is -said that cheat is very prevalent in oats this year.Last fall Sheriff Deaton sowed a patch of oats adjoining Mr-A.A.’Hines’ place,on the west-side of town.Mr. Hines says he fotind only a few heads of oats tn the lot..All the growth is chéat and he hears thatchéat‘is very common.The cheat should be cut fore {it is ripe,says.Mr.Hines.When ripe it shella readily .and if left till ripe the ground will be Fagnanenly infected with it. women:from Salisbury,of alleged bad character,were found at the Btatesvi'le depot soon after the ar-‘vivaliof the 10.20°train from Salis- bury.Local officers wamed then that if they mremaitied .here they would be’locked up and they left for Salisbury on the 11:20 train. Yesterday it was learned that the women engaged im ‘a fight om the train and-one of them was stab- bed?.-by “another.and seriously if Avot fatally wounded,No particu- lans ‘could.be leanned. Read the Bible,Pea Wwife, In.Charlotte (Tuesday morning, pays the Observer,Robt Cureton,- colored,shot and killed his’wife, “of shot ‘at a white man who had call- Granville,were.elected’delegates|¢d to him to stop shooting and and VV.§.-Bryant,of Durham, and C.H.Hanes,of Surri)were! elected alternaites.|They-.ate all Wilson men and by:a yotelof 242. to 167 were instructed fo vote for.Wilson. Dr.|Martin ie Pricokinie fot Javidison, Be Ww.i Martin was.‘Tuesday, elected president of -Davidson:Col- lege to succeed Dr.Henry Louis Smith,|resigned.Many names were presented for the place,Dr.Mar- tin being elected on the first ballot Dr«Martin has lived at Davidson all!his |life and haw been profes-sor of chemistry‘in the college since 1896.|Aie father held.the Camepositionthere“for a wumber of}iat !+ L.hasee the past suffered:throat’and lung trouble,caves tfsedFoley's Honey and ‘Tar Compound‘or this i,it gave me immediate sat-* Starnes,‘HicksetsNeit: then turned the (pistol on himself, inflicting wounds that are not con- sidered fatal.|- eabousy,the Observer.says,is said to have been the motive of thehomicide,Cureton was reading theBiblewhen-he became obsessed|with the idea-that he was beset by|.too |Many difficulties.He had just mmefeed upon the 14th chapter ‘of Job,according to his own |state-ment at the hospital {to his physi-cians and had read the pasage which Says,‘“Man that is borm of womamisoffewdaysandfulloftrouble.He cometh forth Like |a flower andfiscut’down,”etc...With this /hethoughtofhig!own diffioutties ‘with Nie wife and decided to make enendilofitall:“He grabbed his 325ibrepistolandfired. The Senate Tuesday veleoted by’42 to 60 the Cumming substituteforthe.House irom and steel clwhichwouldhaveprovidedforjfr ores,|except|bead and zine,‘ane‘wouldhavetiadeheavy cite on oth- isfactionamd relief.It gives me pleas-ure tore ee this’woperen forsorethroat.'er ce ken,or eeetionofthe“ehewnt or awilldoalclaimed:for sitit.”-aietrais law,ot BRIEF ITEMS OF LOCAL NEWn. be a joy’when the |. .Shoemaker will leurs) land at Baltimore,which ‘begin to-‘day.Messrs.Jas.D.Cochrane.and * Everett A;Sherrill,of Statesville, who lives near.the- daughter of Mr.‘John Stele,who ; nad already added one extra |coach « month but “the returns are com-. W.-M.Ramsey,who lists — —Wedinesday'night three whifte Then Killed His er schedules of the oreemnt,taritt — AN o oo COMMENT ON VARIOUS 4 f* .Kuba _pented ‘his county .bury :the House to Maké.way ‘farmer,but Mr.Boyden did it, THE LAN DMARK “PRIDAY -MayBe 1912. :Replying to >President [President Taft assures,the Cuban ‘President that.theUnited States is sending marines and war vessels to with.the best intentions in’ #he world;that ‘we have neither the purpose nor the disposition to interfere unless it becomes neces- Bary to protect the lives and prop- erty of American’citizens;—we being dudges of the necessity,of course, President”*Goimez’is pleased«with “this assurance:‘and everybody:is happy,for the time being.But it-is “mone than ‘propable.that thé 'United States will,be’landing _troons in "Cuba.‘ete,the giad:June days have _:passed,and by and."dy,.“avipen :ity} “puits our convenience and our ‘pur- pese-ror.rather.the purpose:wot:thie’; “capitalists.interested in Cuba—wwe twill permanent'y 'ttake over the ‘isl and to insure stable government. st a es There aye few ‘Mer as.Gaabnnol: mous,as big--hearted,as Col.Baldy Boyden,of,Salisbury:/He>repre- fake the Senate ‘Last Saturday,in the Rowan convention,he was renomi- nated -without opposition,Mr.T. D.Brown,a farmer,;Was.a candi-| mte forthe House,but both nomi-| tions for the House went to Salis: lawyers,thus placing all of the legislative ‘candidates in.town. Realizing that this:was neitherwise; mor proper,Mr.Boyden:declined the! nomination.for the :Senate and} asked that Mr,Brown be named in his stead,which was done.It idoesn’t Beem to have occurred either of the lawyer nominees for for the of’1911. Trot- withstanding he was not ealled on to make the sacrifice.Glory to Baldy Boyden!There are few like ‘him. se »Bai . “Col.Roosevelt has ‘alarmed the Taft forces.They evidently expect. him ‘to “shoot up’’the Chicago con- wention if things don‘t-¢e -his-way. The colonel says he will not stand for ‘strong arm’’work in Chicago; in,other words,that the -Republi-| fan national committee,which is| friendly to Taft,can’t put ;up a job in the settlement of ‘the econ-| tests.All of which means,some of the ‘Tanic-stricken friends of the|'was riding a horse,when the anim:' that the||stepped‘President seem to think, colonel will appear on the floor of |Ger the horse and crushed to death. armed totheChicagoconvention, the:teeth,and with a gun/in each jband will proceed to make.-things| lively.-Seriously,however,/the colonel is playing a strong game of) “pull-dozing.'He.is assuming,or pre tending to aseume,12 advance that| the Taft faction won't give him cal “square déal”and he is threaten-'| ing /to do.something if they dont Part of this is bluff,of course,put |4 fRoosevelt is fast getting himself im-| to the mood—ifhe isn’t already:‘in that mood—that nothihg but nomination will satisfy him Chicage If he fails he will he was cheated'and act accordingly. *2 .a at| It’s amazing how a Bentence of a te can get so sick that tors ‘will testify.that and as soon as he covers.his health. the New York f in point prison in man. can't is free he re-Chas.W:Morse nancier,is a He was in the Atlanta.President he fused. Aly,according to:the doctors. seemed he was going to die the President finally yielded:to the importunities of’Morse’s that he be allowed to ‘die in- home.Morse was pardoned went abroad.Now he is back- ank fx New York,apparently in very good L punted:next day. Of). to;who for the health and ready for business. course change from prison freedom.will naturally make.a dif- Terence in physical and mental con- a ‘ditions of the ayerage man, is aimystery that ingly get ‘so physicians will te live and breathes ’covers.The to pardon.Morse; \_phys ‘cally then as the foon as he air of freedom he nothing induced him to yield that some.men,they pomething at stake,canthedoctorsastotieirphy ,dition,for it ig unbel all the doctors wou ions,in such.cases, whith they:did,not believe.= \*** when fool levable d.on test tha Renae thei Soma _of the friends ‘ofthe torial candidates are letting zeal get ahead of their discretion.| iBy agreement of the candidate andi by authority of the State con mittee,a‘primary ‘will.be thé'day of the |election in Novem- dpor,“when ~all.Democtatic -‘may.rvote for their choice for Sen-wtor’’the thcabdidatetreceiving MATTERS :t-Gomez's in cote against interyention in Cuba Jare creating a:feeling of to} the | y |raltw ay,which runs from Tht m:svi! under | rm of imprisonment numerous doc| live,| case Federal E. Taft) twas besought to pardon him and re Morse’s health fated ptead-| It} amet of Mr.and Mrs. ‘friends |wood, his|gum “with Butit | a Man can séem-|the that |With offices’in Saiisbury. fiiysthat he can’t | |Te | President didn't:want| C but the| belief that_Mwrse was going to Wie| It must be have ical con- all occas- ify-to'that '}Dyf1DA,held on.)pry‘eC, votersthe Ste u by the Legts. aca eto enter “Notwithstanding this-|the zealous partisans of candidates,in} jvariougs counties,have’made lit a point whenever possible to..have}: friends of their candidate pominat- ed for the Legislature,Not stop- ping there,the ‘matter was ingected into ‘the.retent ‘primaries in .Bome counties.Where the friends of ‘one candidate thought their favor- ite was ahead an expression was éalled for and tie vote-used for advertising ‘purposes.'In some,]o- calities delegates|wre selected to. conventions «in rordance with itheir views on the senatorial |mat- ter,and other fool things like thal done,.“It lis just as ‘well to re- member that unless a.Democratic Legislature jis elected neither Sen- ater Simmons,Gov;‘Kitchin nor any other Deinocrat will’be elected |te the Senate,,It is:all “night:and propér for’‘Serh:yoter to.have.his choice for Senator and.to do ,what ‘he Leainy .in:legitimate’pounds,fox, his man,”But.those iwho are:60 Lae fakore: senatorship‘into every.matter that comes up,where it has no busmess,|'irritd- tion and friction that,will''not help to ‘elect Democrats to office:It will,be better in the end if some of this zeal is curbed.’ STATE NEWS. The ~Post says ‘Salisbury will ask that the next meeting of the |Stae Press Association be ‘neld-ir itthat Se The Tryon Hosiery:Company,wop- erating a-hosiery’mill at ‘Tryon, |Polk county,has,been placed’in ithe hands of a receiver. At Meredith College commence- ment,Raleigh’,this week,28 young women graduated,At /St.Mary's; ARaleigh,there were eight gradu- j ates. ‘The eerie h “commence men of Greensboro Female Cole ge was \hela this week.Graduates in the collegiate and music separtayn imumbered 28.. At High Point Monday ‘afternoon Frank -Wall was killed by a shift- ing engine .of the Southern rail- iway..Wall..was a canpenter 58 years old and was from Randolph, county. ttorney Generaledtheaddrpss-at College“commencement Bickett deliver- Salem Femalethisweek.‘There were 28 full graduates’and aye” |numberof gtaduates {CONTAER:é The commencement of the A.and sollege at Raleigh’was held this |weele and 54 young-men.received jdiplomas.The annual address was |by Mr.W.W.:Finley,president of the Southern railway.At Tryon a few days ago Charlie Foster,an orphan boy 14°years old, in special | LM. into ia defective ‘culvert and fell;The boy was caught un- John Davis,Témple Rayner and |Wohn Harecr,three white men,have ipeen placed in jail at Fayetteville in conection with the death)of Weill Smith,who was found uncon- scious in C umibe niand.county a fe Ww idays ago and later died. Yadkinville Ripple:The damage ‘will’make the:county of Watauga, 65 or 40.miles over.rough roads zealous:that they:put”forward the}, -Vinol retards waste and ized how Vinol invigorates old people ‘Wee Railrofi to Be “Built‘From, r Wilkesboro, boro says the eonnection of the: the*Grandin Lumber Co.,.hgs been settled.°‘Work.has Megat at North Wilkesboro and ‘will be pushedun+ til the road is finished as.fan as the 60,000 acre timber tract of the Grandin Lumber Co,The road will and)it is expected the Watauga peoplewillseethatitgoesonthrough Boone and beyond into east Tennes- see,°This’road will connect with the Southern at North Wilkesboro and follow the Yadkin valley,keeping onthenorth,side of the Yadkin.to Elikville,at .or near which!place the Grandin Lumber Company will build its band mills,extract.plant and manufacturing town.From Elk- ville:theroad will’.gaSon.across Cook's Gap.in’the Blue Ridge.’This and,part of Ashe edsily accessible| heretofore had,tojhaul their products to market’will be..greatly benefited...) ~HOW OLD PEOPLE May Prolong Their Lives At an-advanced age waste is more rapid than.repair.The organs .act more:slowly and less:effectually than in youth.The ciréulation is poor,the blood thin and watery,the appetite poor and digestion weak. We want to say to every.aged per-' son in this vicinity that Vinol,our de- licious cod liver and iron tonie (with out oil)will prolong life,It creates an appetite,aids digestion and makes | good blodd.In ‘this natural manner replaces weakness with strength,.giving new life to the Worn system.L Tf people in this vicinity only real- we would nok be ableto supply the demand.r Try a hottle of Vinol with the ’un- dérstanding that your money.will be returned if it does not help you. F,Hall,Drugegitst,Statesville, :North ani. n ‘{The particular cooks —and, housewives of this.section have foundCIFY FLOUR “QO,IK.”in eVery respec‘t—and’ they.are backing up their Opin-ion by saying CITY BRAND.to their grocers every time flour is needed.YOU follow their lead) and try the flourthat isspecially., made to meet YOURexacting re- lcaused by the floods along water courses last-week is reported to be| the greatest experienced by atte S|in many years.,In some places} |ajong the Yadkin river as’sie h as 100 acres.of wheat was either washed away or covered up by nine | and sand. OW.N.Coler we Co.,of New York,| j last week purchased,the-Piedmont je4 to Denton,in Davidson coumty,a distance of 22.miles.The.new | owners of road also own the street| car lines in Salisbury,Concord and| Greensboro and considerable dével-|opment is promised.vag W.E.Shipp,appointed to’West Point by,Senator Overman,has pass} ed the examinations and wil)« sjter the war collége next month Young Shipp is a son of Capt W. Shipp.of the United States armywhowaskilledinthe iican war,and a grandson of the| tlate Judge Shipp,of.the North Carolina Superior Court bench... Bennie Thomas,righ dee son| A.‘Thomas,of | ;Wadesboro,visiting a ‘the home ot| his uncle,Chas.Lampley,at Nor-| Stanly county,snapped a | which’he had been pro-|;|\Wided by his imdulgent relatives,| |thinking it unloaded,of course,TheH2-year-old.son of the Lampleys was od Spanish-Amer-|f be } Effective _Juné 1,..J..L.Hatch | f past seven years:has| been law ‘agent of the Southern! Railway Company,with headquar-| Lte rs'in Spencer,-has been:promoted to assistant,chief claim agent:for} Southern in North Carolina, The of-| fice is a new one created by the Management at Washington,M.H. Doole v bein chief hi iim agent with Senator Overnian °win “Fight For | Southern Claims, |Senator Overman minority )claims’ has ffled a} report against the 1 the cutting outpracticallyallofthecivil claims.’The bith# \the Howse-yaid--S=ihor.Overman.is foing to prevent its.passage Senate,unless all /civil war,claims| are carried in the bill.j SenatorOvermansaidthatevery Out was a just one and fach aot prapese ta ett yy fers Mtoe people of ti depriverDoftheSouth’deprived’of| money that:justly belongs to.the mi|jand which.Bhould ha¥e been 25 |yearé ago J = t it he d id 8 i | :Neal,Prop.Riverside"Hy eo aes 8.C..Writes reavebeenapracticingphyst.|and druggtst fdr over ‘36 vears and’,:Sold and admi nisteredmany’kid-Vicia medic tina but n one to’eaual Foley 4jdneyPills.Thev are fuperior to any}jeegated sand eive:te Gulokest wearryDraoutfoanentevnSrStateaville| cent cle LE _|VAN LINDLEY co, Senate} committee which recently|‘all |recommended of| war |} Hal already passed} by the laim cut } the! paid || thee | |j quireménts—you can make..no mistake in-doing so.:City Flour Milling Co. ponpearance gp crtrer ‘North f Ay“dispatch from North Wilkes | "Yadkin river railway,to,be built by}. then be within a few miles of Boone). andthe people over there who have}: S»Piices are Taxes— ‘Get Them Low si is-Scudebaker-Fianders ‘*20"Touring tor ed Price,Standard Equipped,$800 Nowisbefore you buy a car—find outwhat repair pe will cost you.; -Parts prices are.your:taxes. atid they will come to you. you will., Most manifacturers take for granted you won’t think of ... this before you buy.a car.-Then.they’ve got you.But'.Studebaker says,‘‘Find out now.”’Because the Studebaker -Maxim is—-a Square deal for every owner, We guarantee E-M-F “30”and Flanders “20”cars four times as long as most manufacturers,arfd then sell you parts at Prices lower proportionately thari any other.manu-— facturer-in the world,‘\ ms 65,000 Owners Know:Tes True..Send for Our New Catalogue. -The Studebaker Corporation Detroit,Mich./ PE oa aeviseeo N.C.,Phone 170 NSIDER THAT GOOD VEHIOL ES will take you.*whereyouaregoing. GOOD HARNESS will save a smash-up. GOOD SADDLES “They come,to every owner But you can get’them low,if Flee to The Mountains and stop at the Davis White.Sulphur Springs Noted for its high moral tone,famous fnineral water,good fare and large patron- age.Located in beautiful Western N.C.with unsurpassed climate,on Southern R.R., two daily traina,except Sunday,from Charlotte,Telegfaph connection at States- ville;Bell Telephone.Modern conven- iences,Bowling,Skating,Tennis,Boating, Bathing,etc.Good livery.Resident Phy- sician. Weekly Rates $6 to $8,Tals and August $8 to $10.Special rates to clubs and families,Write for illastra- ted Booklet to The Davis Springs HIDDENITE,N.C. make riding more com- fortable. Henkel-Craig Live Stock Co. To reduce cost of your paint bill,be sure’to buy Open May 15th to October 15th The Best Wedding Flowers ARE FURNISHED detec in Florists, Greensboro,N.C.- POLK GRAY DRUG-C0., Local Agents will JOHN GC.DYE,M.D. EYE,EAR,NOSE:AND THROATANDFITTINGGLASSES. Officein Mills Hoiiding. Office hours 9 to 12 a.m., 2wop.m=. Phones:Office 458;Residence 42 ‘Do You Want to Be Independent? by go,learn Sh nd.and ‘Typewritin:J inning acoteimmediately,itingoughtatbshyeiN,©.If inter-..wt and desire terms,etc,writeor call_on MBS.B.S:JOHNSON,a...612'South Centex Street,Feb.20,"©*Stateaville,Ny,C |BRADY,-The Printer. Di Rel THOUSANDS USE Dan Valley Flour “There is a Reason” It excels all other Flour in color,flavor and nu- trition.Itis milled from.the best wheat grown in America.It makes bet- ter bread and more of it to the pound than any other Flour.Then whytakeanyother.when you 'can.get..DAN VALLEY. Ask your grocer for it.Don’t listen to the “‘just as good”’talk. It may cost you alittle more per‘gallon,but.you won’t use s0 many gallons—and will,there- fdre,save moneyon the job—besides think of the beautiful fittish and durability. -FOR.SALE BY 1 Lazenby Montgomery Hardware Co., Statesville,N.Cc. NOTICE! C.W.BO HAMER,JRLOCALREPRESENTATIVE. STATESVILLE,N CAROLINA, JUST RECEIVED! Local Views,All New. Broad Street Methodist Church.;; ene eae eee i ey fie , Statesville Graded Schoo 1 eae Aaa Fe A Aentlasa fee ee Mr.F.H.Conger’s Residence,Nobody has yet guegsed right all the ae ~in the guessing contest.Leave your “guess’here.You ‘stillLong's Sanatorium.Southern Passenger Station.hay e the opportunity to win the $5.prize. Ask to see the Sjmplofiller Fountain Pen and Conklin’s Fountain Pen.These aretwo best self-filling ‘pens on thé~ market.Carry a full line of Tablets,Inks and Pencils._PRINTING. Are you saving your 1899 nie kels,During June they -are-worth 10°centscat our soda fountain. The@ Polk Gray‘Drug Company, Le ee SPECIALISTS. ‘On the Square.;eee 109 and 410,. PARM of 210 acres,Q-storyeae‘tenant ity;school and church near;7 ‘miles south cominville LA.ANTHONY,wey Bi N OLD PAPERS,wach fstcentsthe100:Fine for:wrapping and make taia wall EA for the HONG enmt : oe AN DMA te TOE BOX.vigiatt iri." fay 10,~8t.,| 21-8.|THE|LANDMARE |Se we per- i Jenkins &Wagner, REAL,ESTATE DRALERS,-Statesville,N ’OFFICE:padi 3,‘*Firat National Bank Building.ae PHONE:ee THE LA)YM ARK THE “srory.Or COMPANY Capt.Chambers?FRIDAY pote-May Bt:“S91 eo LOCAL.“RAULROAD SCHEDULE. keeival:and |Departure “ot Traine ‘ataSStatesville,a‘WESTE ROAD,. Contignuéd—Death”of Capt,An '-of Min and’Incidents ‘Gonnedted With Company D ment, We.ae sate bound,dué 1.20 p.m.and,eee‘-LETraCHARLOTTE‘AND 'From|tideNo.16 ar. Statesville: ‘to our company: C,organized in’ But,to -return Train No.165 arr 6.20,leaves 6.45 p,m. and carporals. Of course.John B. elected captain,without opposition, Renomiunalrd—Delegates . Baltimore Uninstructed.; |Whe:seventh district Democratic |tad all alongfongressionalconvention,at Ashe|Pedy|boro Tuesday,renominated Congress FBracemianPage‘by acclamation,..,~|finst-proftssorHsReeseBlairofMontgomerySoun-||Collegety,:L.D.(Robinson of Anson;‘D,-,tion Toe ated.at:E.Melver of Moore.and:T,)B,Bail-.terwards known. ey:of Dayle.were:electe i Remate:College..He le Page | He had ‘been one of to the Baltimore convention;with a.¢d,a school for “hays and ‘trained himself| He added the ‘his.school at mame d.for presidential elsctor.— In Pitt county,last Paivieday,’twocolored.boys,aged.seven and 16, tiers’.studied. in military tactics. military feature to Statesville werea ei ihed bt ee there:when the war began.a These facts gave him prestige in local military ‘ciréles.-The young (men of ‘the county!desiring to vol-|h lunteer cane —in-numbers to him. ;He had no trouble to get.the full |number of men required to |formLDthe-compdhy.-And-he ha had no trou- “FOR “SALE| Cash ‘Tobacco Warehouse,sa 130x285,corner Walnut and,Meet-|Naturally dislikes:to make.her troublesimg‘streets._, ‘Lot 60x107,“eorner aie” Meeting streets..3 ‘ 26%acres,at Eufola,$30ack, 75 acres,one mile east of court‘house, 76 acres,one mile and a half “pnd| ber ble to get his fine!company inte h MA ris 4 ot thane{4 fone tthe “et t e €Oo the val is Writings.and,“Ln 7tagsoreWesaesCianMiteleaevedihis‘good cooking,that it may be:How She Was Finally {tions before 6 war did not meas-one of thé miess,though’he Lure wh tr in actual service,|™vi oftem beén at our tent to|_Restored ttoHealth.But Capt “we hot only main-,)'ractlee 'é‘ne.gels pata,ate neativeweyoujoinedye.Dand.:.1| oe ae :;Oe ae btm id to be composed ‘of:elghtliLouisiane,Mo.:~‘‘L.think a woman eas tha suvping ‘obable that the others were!oe in him as Ve obbing jE.A’("Gene'’)Hall}known.to the public,cer-He was @!4 John A.Feimster or any two of but complete restor-w ttles around Rieb-|+2%:|know I was with Johim Ab. ation tohealthmeans so much to me:thatIcasnotkeepfrom | telling.mine for the saké of other suffer- r of 1862.From $62,1 quote: 1862.Capt. in the right e same ball iO,O aatue Reid,was from:fe nou:Ire-{dell family,"Reminiscences:Tantitary training but bid fair to be~ After we assembled at Camp Vanee |third, captain and lieuten-|and schoolmate A.J.ants and appointment of nergeants|Son was made first,corporal,J..C. Train 9.50,leaves 11.00 a.m‘Train No,24 ar,8.26,leaves 8.36 p.m |‘the company.was organized by the/as ww,:"From Taylorsville.dlection ofTrain.No,28 ar,10,10,seaves 11:00 a.m Andrews was been,expected,No-HM else “was ‘thought ‘of for that.; the’te ‘ti.“Concord Female |the Presbyterian:dnstitu- Statesville;and af-° as’the Statesville and young:men’halt.vote“each,and were.unin-{at Statesville and conducted:i un- ‘Structed.,‘|til the oubreak of the war,Heshad:D.M,‘Raasas:of Yadkin,Wes Onée spent some time in France and bey “and happened this to do.«dl .mow have ready some good drill:masters|the bia ;eae cree ~ He had no.previous “|come a fhre officer:He ‘was killed,drews and.Lieut,Reka--—Mentilin |while acting.with great bravery ‘at |the battle.of Seven.Pines,in.May,Fourth’.Regi-|1862,when,our company and the|'Fourth regiment.had their first ex-|Train No,15,west-bound,due 5.55 a.m,|”pie >train No.if:past bounds.que 11.39 D.mi -Following-is)thie ‘pomalnderot LL per‘lence in serious and bloody bat-||Lréin No.11,weat-boun he ABE,Oa ores r lette :ani AE Mi Sebian ea BE Onamberexowerd.@eloole,teloa!2,88|Train No west-boun ue 10.22:p.m)bam ers to Mr >jo anyp Vance,James.EB.Summers was)Tray No,(36,¢aut-bound,due 1100 @.m which is told the story of.Company|appointed firstor orderly,sergeant,Ge0rge” feaptain,brother:ofAndrews, Joun Troutman|second, Stevéensoh fifth. “Jack”Ander |Norton,second,D.P,Dobbins,sat,| |a schoolmate of mine,third and.Ed.4 May,a retired sailor,’fourth.I-was hade company ensign,| >regiment, When Attic amp*Vanee the offic ers me d into messes;-The men were| wed to and generally did,form ses by agreements among.them-| Where ‘this:could now Bejsupposetheeaptain,,made gsnments. how “many men had to be onLmess,buti‘haye the impression iat it had to.be enough.to:aocusfy a tent probably six or eight. bag lv remember who composed “sto which 1 belonged.I th ink you.were:one,At any rate, you and'-t were much together!while was'with the companyw—_I know A.Waddell was one::°I,feel John At Baggerly was anothier: ki Reuben S$.Lollar,probably: last we'took in;was .another. This.made-five,an@ then I’nemem- ber so mush about J:N.(‘Nat.”) t mes 1 Jo I mémbers ‘of our company were). the! W.(A.Kerr fourth wand felond | “My.friend| | ceased with.the organ Weation.of!+ F.i F Ido wot now remem-}'f Neither ff 1 dstinietly to’nurse.Bé fadiell,:when our first camp neak M was ‘on the west,side lrovad between the junction| .hand and ot a :wtet.ey ing.women.ra cee and —ha Run,where so maty of.our35acres,one milé and a qharter.“‘T had been sick st eee ee se sickened and diedl |It “iswedt.:(about twelve years,)oni ea in.evar.He wu ao OS ro probable that I helped to nurse them70acres,one mile and a half and had eJeven doc-|...Te ae ages Pay Oe were members of ourwest5."dace hd Meibactesii.z may ive had the same5'‘tors.I,had drag:“ee day Jul .¥en ae PY y a had the path211acres,five miles north,$30}ging down p sins,8 vias er a i r a *vr a ox ne My.re ollection is that-re +at 8 Ams ASL gS 4 .Dobbins ied.theremeeeacres,three miles east,$25 Pains at monthily periods,biliousspells,if the :Bs ok chiens”‘,Alter ¢ne Bi Ness,per acre and was gettmg worse all the time.|I him and helped,‘Tom recovers +aa was afterwardAnumberof‘other desirable|Would hardly get over one spell when I :to nurse Aim.hen.he.)4 battle,Don’t you remem-farms and business properties.See would be sick again,’No tongue-can tell Find this aay ae diary?4,a splendid fellow:we foundme.before.making an investment.what I suffered from:cramps;and-at ~ay;duly,22,1862,1 “gfepl OO to-be?He was am illustra-ISIDORE WALLACE,.-times Léould hardiy walk.The doctors -rey ren ver ¥low reais ue Of hat L bave mentioned be-said I might die at one of.those times,|COCtOr had given up all hope of ¢oro—ine test of true character,byFirst‘National Bank Building.|put 1 took Lydia E.Pinkham’s Vegeta--2'5 Teeovery and was only trying to l-service in the army.Waddell_’Phone 240. $12,000 of City Prope ' FOR-SALE -*Mve-room house afd jot,south) “Center street,near depot. Two vacant lotg rear above, Meeting street. Six vacant lots south of Brad-| ford Knitting Mill Eight-room house, end barn,and four Buffalo Shoal]Road. good Four-room house,6%acres land,|this fact. Buffalo Shoal Roa Two vacant lots Buffalo oad, Store house and residence acre lot,junction wast Front street| and Buffalo Shoat Road of Groceries and Fixtures.. Call on or write _€.B.MORRISON, t 739 Weat:Front St.’ March 8.’"Phone 227. HAVE YOU Tried our Gold Medal Brand’Coffee?None better for the price. Another shipmeut just arrived.Also fresh lot of that Sliced Ba- con,Cheese and Chip Foley Kidney Pills: TONIC IN ACTION |BLADDER TROUBLE not beyond the vis father could ;Summers and my- are Solr to pit up with him ight.’And then while the sad event was fresh amd my bo i ings ‘strong,I wrote-thia: ke ep him alive until + é 2 ThomasbieCompoundanggotbetterrightaway. |Your valuable medicine is worth more|than mountains of gold to suffering wo-|men.’’—Mrs.BERTHA)Murr,503 N.4th|Street,Louisiana,Mo. Lis ,ton “We<dnes- I think 3d.to 40 |Start with BACKACHE,DULL HEADs| ACHE,BLURRED EYE SIGHT,LOSS OF APPETITE,PAIN IN HIPS and SIDES,SORE and WEAK KIDNEYS dy! and URINARY IRREGULARITIES, TO NEGLECT-MEANS Loss of Health and Vitality “TO CURE-USE back again to the of.our company at recollection.is that was no eontest or es:for the captainc le rivalry existed.about les.Not a litt done not only company le elec- among but or was vers of the favor of differe:A meniber being appre acch- nt citizens in behalf of You’may have had. periene.The result of n was James Rufus ReidQUICKINRESULTS lieutenant and Ediwin A. Will CURE any case of KIDNEY or 1 ti Joseph C.White ‘for|Second lieutenants.Reid,about 17 years of Reid,Rufus aud prominent mer- Ze,was the son of reach of medicine.No medicine can do &wealthy Pinewood Dairy Farm, STATESVILLE,N.C.R-¥F.D.NO.2, MW.C.WOOTEN &SONS,PROPS. SEED CORN.Weekly’s Im- proved variety at $2 per bushel. Sewing Machines | .’Phon our 7 @,chant and farmer wao lived im theae897|More,‘Thegenuineisin a yellow packag®pbuthe rn nuate oe ihe acune a 3ordertoSu.‘Aeduio;)Faq oT]LAseMWS place -he called Mt.Mourne:‘The indications were that youngTasMcNkblReidwouldhaye‘made a fine at::Le jficer,but in the summer ofEagle&Milholland."oore’on-a a e soon aiter we reached Manass:|took sick and died.It was|Fou tain ‘Pens with what truth I do not know,|Nn '°i he be jarriWasengagedto @ beautiful and acconmflish He .next order.been raised by--Capt:Join Dalton ae ‘|_fin northern frase Os fbrn >made }4 splendid soldier,.was’_s¢‘veral Repaired. ‘Je U.LAMPRECHT, 109 East Front Street. \’*Phone 61.H ALWAYS IN. I OCCUPY three rooms on the second floor oftheFirstNationalBankBuilding,and I amalwayshere,Don’t peep into my reception room:whereI never is ‘then go off and say I amnotin,but come onjn and let.yourself be known.Tap the bell,knock or apeak out.If I am notatentalchair.I amy ip—my Laboratory—worle"phop--in a room farthe¥in,-~ Fe F LAUGENOUR,Dentist.| “SUBSCRIBE FOR THR LANDMARK,| 4 |times severely wounded and érippled ;for.He.could with honor,had|he so chosen,Have retired from the life,Statesville Printing Co., Printing,Stationery,OfficeSupplies Gna th ae os ie oo )Cri 2 ough he was,he ptuc.518 South Center Street,-to hard service uhtil the end.He_==|became colonel of the regiment.He Ramen |WAS and is a splendid’ditizen.Af. i $ter the war he studied law.ety last i time I saw -him]-was in:Janhery¥ S.te Holland.+1867,whem he and I and a ‘num- ber of others went to Raleigh to ap-pear before the Supreme Court to be och LUT LNe Ch tor law.ticense.He afterwards ‘became,and’stil]is,anEpiscopalminister.I often see in The Landmark ‘that he.holds ser- viceé’in Statesville and other points | Has can 2 farm horses’“ and mules for sale:for cash of on time,Terms &suit.purchaser. u in Wkdell,though I think he re des} 1°Best Squipped..livery jn Charlotte.-You,thus,doubtiess | in tow n.often,seo hin,’He wrote the sketct | of the Fourth,regiment inthe Reg-imental.History,Dublished by ‘theJ State. eee Cc.White,°like Phone 3.Day or Night. young ish feeb man performed his duties,however ial,who was a nent ‘citizen lity of Toledo, Sold b,ait ‘druggists,75e,;'Dake’als Family Puls for oon-™stipattion.a hevore he volunteered and-for some | me afterwards seemed rather quietdiSlantandapparentlyinclinedtobeselfishandunsotial.But no } h ard or unpleasant,with more ‘talking,or,1 talk.He was and ought not to be f In December,1861,a number swhordinate-officers ar a:nen we es detailed from >4!ith Vir iia and} 8th Georgia a ith North Caroli:| na re¢imen camped the.vicin ity of Manavsas Jurection,to form.a police guard or.force funder.the re meme rif Rett €eA jbutthatof-) an-is n Why fe oicen,‘Are Not.RICH. Mayis a imillionaire many times over'i n the possession “ofblood atquitesorich,for sciéntists have b roven that the normal man has five milelion—the woman only.‘four’and a half million to a cubic millimetre of blood.-A deoreasé in number of red‘blood.coxpuscles and a person*‘looks pale.”*—imfact,is ariaemic,the blood |does not get the right food andprobably the stomach iis_lisordered, Wome. Me! oiPierce found years avo ‘that a ‘givoerie extract -of golden seal and—Oring grape roots,queen’s root ang bloodroot with black cherrybark,would help burn, J.D.Brent,Esq » Dr.Pierce’8 Medical:i dana 3h stamps,to pay for wrapping and:maili Chege A air hf GO ernie "1 was atteadisorderedstor RTenn a \ ns gave,me up.il Discovery,and derived much ‘benefit from’same..My(long,it had:become so chromic that nothing:would effect&permanent ©ure,but Dr.Pierce's medicine h:I highly recommend it.furth@r advisea and live:ry ‘~Box £3, 1 heartily advisedilinkypeopletatakeDr.Piédiseases:have run so lonx that there id no chance to be cured, ngonly,|.” Nery ousneéss is only‘ I was.advised to try Dr. We havea complete linea CreamFiieezers,Ice Boxés andRefrigerators,at the very best prices.Seeé our line aow. ‘Yours truly,: Statesville Housefurnishing Company. -R.O.DEI \@ \ TZ, { Manager.Sales.Day i is thefirst Monday i in each month in Statesville,N.C. done rmouch for me andasaspringtonic,and5mmedictines;before: 7 ——s j HT, | Makes You Systematic ! ‘their further.Shs flees bie at}the assimilation of the food in\the stomach,correct liver ills and’in Nature’s own:way increase the ‘red blood corpuscles: called Dr,’Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery.lating the feod eaten the system is nourished and the blood takes on a rich red color. of the.starved nerves.for food,’fed on rich .red blood the person looses those irritable feel- ings,sleeps well at night and is tefreshed in themorning. ced with a se vere nervous disease,which,was caused by.c writes Mr.Jas.D,Livey,of Wash-“All my friends thought I would die and’Pierce's is medicine he By assimi- ‘the cry "-and when the nerves ate you. for you. the savers.Do it ;Merchants and Farmers’Bank ot Statesville. today. Enroll your name with the thrift Y class, A bank account makes you syetomatic ane encourages you to save a part of your income. to explain many advantages of the checking system .toMakethestart:to aaa; We will be pleased It means independence with ‘Would all the ablest business men of our town havea balk account if there was.nohelporadvantageinit?Youenvy them their prosperity;Why not follow theire xample whic h wouldbeagood start on the road to pri sperit yi W hy not start’today. One:a con-|Lydia E.Pinkham’s Vegetablé Cont-,duly,2:3,1862:Last.niight.oF scientious and thorough'care/amd (in i|pound,madefromnativeroots and herbs,ter this morning,Capt om rews*better Spiirit than John Waddell.Heon|contains no narcotic or harmful drugs,-ephag ummers and myself.were \made vo pretensions,but was thor-|and to-day holds the record of being the sf 9 gs baby a.a at the |oughiy’dependable and reliable,He |:.m S death took place at half jwas an int ent,-manly man.Hisestarfeosghgatepasttwoo'clock.He passed away|fine qualit as you learned them|well|¢oct |file the Pinkh Yjalmost without a struggle or 4 (tled you to him.When he got well’acres of land,|eeareter cs ak Mam.the a am i groan.Thus are we deprived of our)aguainted with you and had confi-y i seemto prove ‘brave and noble captain Oh,it fe ‘:oe |rave {a pti te nce in you,he became sociabie,||was Bad to see him thug.Snatched |pleasant and congeni al,Although:|If you want spectal ‘advice write to 2%#y.in the prime of life and when|‘ordinarily 4 Man of few words,don’tShoal|LyaiaE.Pinkham MedicineCo.(confl-15°future was opening in buch.)you remember what a talker,and |ana |dential)Lynn,Mass.Your letter will |0"'S2"Prospects ane Hi s was A good one,too—w 1is tor et teiafraidtodieisvasparntlyloosetnds©:Sa ;p ©rotmontarasdhasteeeeratedptyChriatinedeaih,He tar SuAlso=i a nm I}conscious to.the st _eamp?:te Peace to the ashes of my noble and to he tKidneyAilments|"°°:“te “fetends 7.Man you must have 4 Coat Chain. You can’t wear that vest—too hot. GOLD aiid GOLD FILLED.rH.B.WOODWARD,_and quit. ,Control of Major C:lius s0yle,| provost marshal of Army | Northern -Vir 1,who was on Gen Joseph E.Joh a staff. iment as I now sted of:August Wallace °c on | Blues), tail.from ‘our rememiber:it,cons Lampe amd Jas..L. Pany A (Irede (Keistler og C 0 tain R.O.Tene) ter and myself from our Company (GC),Durelle from COnpax iy F,Ser-| Seant William “Jones!and Private| Hanes from Compa county),Priva Litchfield Company I and Jacob L.Fraley and from Charlies “‘R.Jones of Company K (Rowan Rifle Guards)Sergeant William ‘Jones was the«hest offi- cer detuile from ‘our and,under .the provost °“m merchant and promi-} of notth —_he called Willi Some reasen,nothisgon,we ules,Jr.,though an Ire |thelt.‘boy,had joined the Rowan Ri- fle Guards which became Company K ofithe Fourth regiment. new rememberet, ae on sixth page.)|———eee | =. @ t SOM pany G,|(De ve ifle Gué §Sergéar filliam °les was the highest offi-|A er tailed f :‘our ,regiment|: der .the provost varshal,|. had command of.our detail when.on duty.Leinster,Charlie Jones and f I,as stidents.at Olin;had kiown| }the sergeant he fab:Bik? Jones,witd 1858 and.probably| @ @ Iredell at aimsburg..“For}||‘@ Charles,3° .© BarefootS foot Sandals. dals.while our sto¢k is complete. Summer is here. Get a ‘Coat Chain ! andals will please you for Summer Footwear; very desirable,because they have avery durable,flexible:sole and are so very cool to the feet.Try a pair of Bare-“IteWon’t-Leak.”lady,of Statesville.They will please you.iakekacnewasolde4thanReidanddpto186ietarle:face Men’8 Barefoot Sandals,54 to 10,$2.00aocneeeess;had.been an attendant and pro 5 ;it 18.|Boys’Barefoot Sandals,24 to5,..-1.75AnESSENTIAactorhinanenaeeanhenanackactsstoreandtheheOlin.Chas ot Sandals,2 a:VibeAr:eine -REO in ey aa oy sacher an gt tne ove Wy (Charlies.Jones (was made a|Misses”Barefoot Sandals,11-to 2,1.50AsJSENESSisManytaantedAythEesaatveuten.|Clerk.in his office by Major Boyle,Misses’.Barefoot Sandals,84 to 11,1,25iinee:,Daa ;;anid thus.given a scrt of superior Children’s Barefoot Sandals,5}to 8 1.00ant.jHe,was’afterwards °trauster-;:*fan Me ak Boa ee onJNGHGRADESTATIONERY.nea e EA Cay OR tos BTR |Position.He was -a.son of Gen,Children’s Barefoot Sandals,1 to 5,.75c.:red;to and became captain of ¢Ml”Charles’R.Jones.ia soldier of:the|’Phore 208 for:prices on your Fourth fogiment,This cont.ag i q)Mexfean ‘war atid-a militia:gener-Come in and let us fit you with a pair of Barefoot San-¢}yart gime 11s Ly i “Yours truly, STATE.“OF “OHIO,CITY OF TOLEDO,LUGAS COUNTY Frank.J.Cheney medion:bath thatheisseniorpartnerof,-the firm of-F,J.Cheney &Co.,doing business in theCountyandStateafore-said,and that,said firm Will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRE D DOLLARS for} Cmole éiad:eyery cape vl &AAT bret can;hot be cured by the usb of Hall's Ca-:tarrlh Cure.\FRANK J.CHENEY,.Sworn to’before ‘me and aubearibed{a my presence,ie “6th:day ‘of De-188cember,A,D. “Ww.GLEASON,(Seal:):7.Notary Public.Hall's Catarrh Cure is’taken inteyeas ily,and acts directly on‘the’blood andmucous.surfaces of the systefn,Sendfor’derslhtoniala,free.FP,J.CHENBY &CO.,Toledo,0. Sherrill-White Shoe.Com’y(S.B.Miller Old Stand,Me _Jeweler. | ——_—_—_—_—_—_—_—_—LLL—ee re cee SHERRILL-W HITE SHOE CO.:Barefoot Sandalse ‘FOR! Men,Boys,Misses and Children. e Are the lucky holder ot sharesin our 39th series whiokwillmatureMayIstcallattH‘daton hadday and If you are a borrower¢call and.get your mortgage ran get your Ss ,celled and go home‘happy.L.HARRILL,| cs eerethiy . -\fellen’its neighbor, .,him. PAGE FOUR. |THELANDM ARK a.8.R.-mR.CLARK.EDITORAND ‘OWNER, PUBLISHED TUESDAY,AND,FRIDAY. a “4 QFRICE:VEST.BROAD “STREET.. :»FICE;120 WESTOR PRICE:ONE YHA +»$2.00 ;MONTHS.:.<.--1,00 ae Hi E MONTHS..A ee cot FRIDAY >rela :1912. Gov.ON ilson.- enongh to.overcome “May 81, still ~strong his enemies *gm.[xis home State.|: The tantmark “4g |wishing the “Wnderwood folks no harm at Balti- more.‘If it.did it would be glad they have Tom.Watson,of Geor- gia;/on their Rand.es Gov.Wilson :won aa big victory:‘an ‘Texas..Senator’Bailey.and other Btrong !'lements in that State YOught AWilson:but the Texas were for the;banat ‘Jersey man.and he won, y ‘cont ciememnennememmenrseetnt: The Dandimank -regrets’very Aam'uch the misfortune |that-has be; the Salisbury 4 Post,in the destruction:of the|plant fof the’paper by,fiire.It ig to’be. “hoped that the paper wild poon'|be pon its ‘teat, t Tn th Charlotte.Observer |of- Sea Nie aes J.¢.Hemphill,who has been an .editorial writer on that papersince the first of Novem- ber,lannounced that his eqnneation with the Observer ended with 'Wed- ‘mesday’s issue._Major.Hemphill will hereafter be connected {with the New York Times.a re Col.Roosevelt says the only oway they can beat him at Chicago is -by cheating throughi*the national committee.Thereupon Mr.|MdKin- Jey,campaign.manager for Presi- ent Taft,issues the following:| -|“We are now tonfident that twoconventionswillpeheldinChi- cago.We heve assurances that Col- onel Roosevelt will bolt if the na-‘tional committee does not.acquiesce fim his demands and nominate him. ‘The national committee cannot ful-fill his desire,as Mr,Taft alreadyfhas-‘sufficient .votes.-to,entitilehim‘to a nomination.We dd not ‘Sntend to let Colonel Roosevelt ap-. wly.the ‘recall’to the’national fommittee,which he now desires his two right-hand men—Wil-liam Flinn,of Pittsburg,and Wil- liam Seymour Edwards,of Charles-ton,W.Va-—to perpetrate:forConsequently,there is no al-ternative before Col.Theodore :Roosevelt except the role of bol- ter.’Thus the division becomes wider and wider..Roosevélt asserts that jhe has the nomination unless they cheat him and/he won't stand for that.McKinley says they expect (Roosevelt to ‘bolt and it looks asifthatverythingwillhappen. ‘Thanks ‘to Carytttia—Report an Titanic Disaster. The formal thanks of Congresstothesteamer.Carpathia’s officers and crew for the rescue of the Ti- tanic survivors were expressed in a ‘Joint resolution passed by the Sen- ate Tuesday.The resolution is thefirstofthreemeasuresintroduced iby Senator Smith,of Michigan,fol- Jowing his speech in.the Senate and the presentation of his report on the;investigation of the Titanicdisaster.The resolution directsthePresident‘to cause to be madeandexpressed:to’Captain Rostron of the Carpathia,a suitable gold medal appropriately inscribed, which shall,express the high esti- mation in which Congress holds theBerviceof.this officer,Bsteycin| promptness and ‘vigilance was duetherescweof374womenandchil-dren and 330 men.”’ Two dther measures were introducedandreferredtothecommerce’committee..They.provide regu- ations for safety of passengers on ocean or coastwise sea-going Steamévessels,Blame for'the Titanic disaster is(chargeable directly.to the.failureofthedeadCaptainSmithtoheedrepeatedwarningsoficebergsahead,but:responsibility for un- necessary loss of life must be shar- ed by Captain Lord of the steam- Bhip Californian,through his dis- regard of distress:signals:eee Tom Watsen Elected a Delegnte to: Baltimore. Thomas E.Watson,one-time Popu-list candidate for the presidency,lost‘his fight to control the Georgia Demo-cratic State convention WednesdaybuthewonaplaceontheBaltimoredelegation.Even this victory is adoubtfulone,as the Georgia delega-tion goes to the national conventionboundbytheunit.rule and controlledbymenwho-are W atson’s avowed en-emies.;The delegation is for UnderwoodforPresident.Watson isa strong Un-derwood man buthis fight was to con-trol the delegation. EeTheninthdistrictDemocratic judi-cial convention,at Durham Wednes-day,nominated.Judge Foushee to fill|out the unexpired term gt.JudgeBiggs,resigned,Judge Foushee hav-ing been appointed by Gov.Kitchin.Judge Carter,appointed by Gov.Kitcnin to succeed Judge Adams,de-_ceased,was also nominated by thedistrictconventioninAshevilleafewdaysago.. in Salisbury Wednesday night MissMaryIsabelleMurphy,daughter of| Mr N,Po Murphy,-and Mr.JohnKeiiDavisweremaitied.They willbeathome’at the American legation, Peking,China,after July 23.Mr. Davis is in the American consular service in China and is a-son of Rev’ John’W.Davis,a Presbyterian ‘imis- sionary to that country. Now.is the time to get rid of yourrheymatiem.You can do.it by.apply-ing Cheimnberlain's iniment,and mas-paging the parte freely’at each.ap.&ication..For sale by all dealers. ‘similar action. BIGFIRE IN|SALISBURY.yes Plant of ‘Salisbury Post Destroy Other’Losses. Salisbury Specia],“29th,fo CharlotteOlgerver...4 A fire which setiously.threatenedthedestructionofthe:entire business.section,was discévered shortly ‘after$o’clock this morning ‘in the‘old Me-Popey theater BaeinesThemainpartofthe second floorwasoccupiedbythePostPublishing|Do Company,publishers of the Eveninng Post,and the job printing office of'B:Doub.The Post used one lino- type,had an almost new Miehle press and a large amount of printing mate-rial ‘and a.big shipment of news paper which had just ‘been placed in thebuilding.The loss'is placed at $12,-000 with $6,000 insurance.The great: in the destructionof its files,sabecrlietion’lists,advertiaing.books and:dac-counts,to none of:which there aredi-plicates.Doub’§job plant and stockwasworth$5,000 with only $1,000in-surance...The Post people willissueasmalleditionfromtheofficeofthe‘Spencer Crescent...,iOnthesécondfloorwerealsotheoffices‘of the State Council of theDaughtersofLibertyandtherecordswereburned.The lossis about. with no insurance.books ofthe Odd Fellowsandalso theUnitedCommercialTravelersweredestroyed.market was in the building.~His loss is estimated at $5,000 to $6,000,two- thirds coveredby insurance.The building adjoining was’gutted,causingconsiderable loss to occupants. The theater building’was owned byH.Clay.Grubb and was insured for , MATTERS OF NEWS. Champ Clark will receive the voteofMontanaandArizonainthenation- al convention..Two bills,aggregating $74,000,000,for levee work and improvements totheMississippiriver,.were introduced Notwithstanding the loss of Ohio, New.Jersey and all the rest,.PresidentTaftinsiststhathehasenoughdele-gates to nominate him at Chicago and “nothing but death,’’his friends say, will keep iim out of the fight.,The Senate has passed the bill ap- propriating $150,000 for the govern- -ment’s participation inthe peace jubi- ‘lee.at Gettysburg in 1913 on the occa- sion of the 50th anniversary of the battle.The Secretary of Warestimat- ed the cost of putting the oe camp in order,erecting tents an est loss to the.company,however,is}. The records and|. Mo G.:Jackgon’s meat} in the House of Congress Wednesday |J . ~‘Davideon'’s DiamondJubilee,— -At the celebration of the seventy- fifth anniversary of the founding.of Davidson Collegé,Wednesday,Gov. Glenn presided and ‘imong the speak-.ers were President Alderman of the |’Universityof Virginia,President Ven-|:able of the University of North Caro-lina,Prof.William S.Washington.and Lee University,Rev.oe E.Hill of Atlanta,PresidentsofthePresbyterianColleeofSouthCarolina,President Henry Lou-is Smith of Davidson,Rev.Dr,A:R. Shaw of Charlotte,Rev.Dr.ThorntonWhaling,president of the Columbia(S.C.)Sat Dr,A.Mz ser,of Staunton,Va.;Dr.W.|W.Moore,of Union Theological Seminary,and|. others, BENE , TS LOCAL PEOPLE, "atatemritle people -have!discover-yed‘that:a SINGLE DOSE of simplebuckthornbark,glycerine,ete.,as}compounded in “Adler-i-ka,‘the:Ger-|;man “appendicitis|remady,,\removesgas,on the stomachapd constipa-| Co.ee: “See Our NewWShismeat || SsOF | Lawns,Voiles Draperies, Embroidery,Damask, Hosiery and Fans. Anything for summer wear to befound here.- Don’t forget our ‘Mil- linery.Department. New hats coming in every day. D.B.Krider &Com’y. MRS.DR.MOORE, making other,provisions for the cele-bration,would be$285,943.The State| of Pennsylvaniawill appropriate $150,-| 000,making $300,000 available alto-| gether to care for the big gatheringin |which Confederates andFederals will,participate.i the Roosevelt-Taft Trou-| ble Becomes Acute.| It is reported from Chicago.that R. B.Howell recently elected Republi- can national committeeman from Ne- braska by direct primary,will go to Chicago June 6,when the national committee meets to hear contests,and demand his seat,caused a stir A further report is that Thos.K.-Nied- ringhaus,the new Roosevelt national committeeman from Missouri,and} Roosevelt nren elected natioral com-|mitteemen in other States,will take} Where Taking note of these reports Harry S.New,chairman of thejsub-commit- tee on arrangements of the conven- tion,said: “The term of a national committee:man begins with the adjournment of| the conventions when the new mem-| bers are always called to meet and} assume their official duties. the rule and practice of the party and is as old as the party itself.There is no just demand.or reasonable excuseforadeparturefromthisruleinmy}| opinion. “The members of the national com-| mittee are not to be bullied nor} threatened into a failure to do -their| duty as they see it...I have no doubt| that the committee itself will show| some respect for precedent and or-} derly metBode'and insist on their * servance.’’ Seoececcaenmasenisheatprentenemesqeaeeeee—of “Rural Letter ney Yesterday.‘ Corremonidetide of The Landmark. The Rural Letter Carriers’-Associa-| tion of Iredell and Alexander coun- ties met in annual session at the post- office in Statesville yesterday. After the transaetion of routine business,J.A.Hedrick was elected president,W.B.Gant vice president; A.L.Barringer secretary and Miss: M.A.Nicholson treasurer.Messrs.W.B.Gant and Marvin Brown were elected delégates,with Messrs.E R. Wilkinson and-James L.Moore alter- nates,tothe State conventionat Ashe-ville July 3-4. Sulphur Springs was chosen for the.piace.of'the next meeting on May 30, 1913,8 pom.,expecting social enjoy- ments to precede the business meet-| ing.A.L..BARRINGER: Birthday Dinner. Correspondence of The Landmark. The children of Mrs.G.C.Sowers,two miles south of town,gavea birth- day dinner Wednesday in:honor pf their mother,who is 70 years old. The invited guests,about 30,brought |well-filled baskets and dinner was)served in the yard.The table waswellloadedwiththebestandnicest|provisions.,After dinner there was!a song service.Pastor Lutz read the|7ist Psalm and Rey.H.W.Jeffeoat |offered a fervent prayer.-Children,|honor ‘your parents and secure the|promise offeredinxE coe 20:12. COM.SSS“Ysnme back is usually.-¢aused b y rheu-mattern of the muscles:of the bactk,swhithyouswil.find hothing bettehan,Chanitarlain’s Liaim5 ent.”Fors.by all dealers...3 ale Sey PAINLESS TOOTH EXTRACTOR, Will be in Taylorsville THURSDAY,JUNE 6 for several days. May 31-2 This is|@ Seed Potatoes,Corn and Peanuts. I have received this week big lot Seed Corn,all kinds. Alsoa lot of old Irish Pota- toes for seed and table. Corn field Beans for plant- ing.The:early Spanish Peanuts for seed.It will pay.you to call on me.1D.J.KIMBALL. SHOE Choice $1.98. Currell of| ‘tion “AT”ONCE.:Statesville.Drug » We have patson sale’an elegant line of ‘Misco and Children’s8 Wash Dresses,Rompers and Middy Blouses. Sizes from one year up to 14 years old,at25e.,50c.,-75e.and $1.00pergarment. -\ MILLS mePostc f0R RENT.sectN:?.WarnMay21. Ed.Mellon Company Chiing,Shoes, Hats,Men’sFurnishings, Tra Leather Goods. bys and Children's Dept Second Pica: The a and best equipped Clothing and Furnishing Goods store‘in theCarolinas. When in the Cityfmake our store headquarters. 8 &10 West Trade st,| Charlotte,N.C. SALE I Choice $1.98. Your choiee of $3 00:$3,50,$4 00 and $5 00 last season’s low cut Shoes in the following makes:Beacon,regular price $3.00,$3.50, $4.00;Bates.regular price $4 00;Florsheim, regular price $5.00.Choice of any of above™ makesin stock carried from last season $1.98. Nearly 300 pair to select from.Black and Tans in Vici,Gon Metal and Patents.These prices are put on to move the stock quickly. -None charged at less than regular prices. Pants Worth $1.50 to $3.50,$1.00 to $1.50. Three hundred pair Men’s Pants go on sale- Saturday at $1 00 and $1.50.Nothingin the lot worth less than $1.50 and some values in the lot well worth $3.50.These are all jobsbutgoodcleanmerchandisewellworthlook:_ing after. {f you want the latest in Clothing,Hats and Furnishings our spring ©stock is com-plete,styles correct and prices guaranteed.MILLINERY. All Millinery reduced to close. AWAY Entire stock —Dry Goods moved to millinery department and marked down to close.| Ladies’Silk Hose 25G.pair, All Silk and Gingham _Lisle Hose 15c.pair. Dresses half price. Ladies’25c. Very respectfuily,: THE ar KNOX CO.("Sales Dayis the first Monday in each ‘mhonth in Statesville,N.C. In this sale we propose saving you from 25 to 40 perGent.in actual count.. under’ee cohditions and are ae worthy of your inspection.| eyThesegarmentsaremadeofgoodmaterial. ~Yourstroly, 119 WESTBROAD STREET,_-‘Sales Day:is the first Monday in.each m¢th innstteville N.C. |e emma RRSSSI em maaae miadiqcatiers, For Farm_Machinery!o— s : «'We are headquarters for the Mc= Cormick Binders,Mowers’and Hay-rakes.Thesemachines stand at the head of the class of the har- -vesters and grass cutters.Prices and terms to suit purchasers. « e Lazenby ‘Mentenuicy Hardware Co. P.S.Big stock of Binder Twine and Harvester Oil.Can turnish repairs for Champion Mowers and Binders.a+Ip a e e i s n d a c t a n b e n e u n s i a n i i i e i s a l Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison —_e - We are showing this morning an assortment of Shadow,Filet,Cluny el A cs I Venice Bands and Kdges.| t \%% +ATwoinchesto12incheswide. In the lot you'll find someof the ~handsomest Laces we’ve shown f this season. 4 -Samples Sent Upon Request pie TANSEY.BOWLES-MORRISON.C0. SalesDay.is the firstMonday iin each month inStatesville,N.vee The First.Monday iin Each Month - 21)Saami Sales Day iin Statesville! Don’t ForgetThat Next MondayIs “Sales Day.”.. We expect to have the big est sale of the year,Our mer-chants‘are going to help out ce putting up goods 'that have becomea little shop worn,but are absolutely new,never |having been used..Itisa chance for youto buy newFeeds.at your ownprices. Have you anythin to sell?Bring it in.Remembthere’is.no charge made forthe sale,it costs you nothing'have your'goods sald.Wesell anything from a paper ot needles to a farm, Among the things sold will:be ‘Bugytes,,Shoes,Ladies’3Suits,Clocks,and other things:too numerous to mention.=< Some of the things sold ‘will doubtless be.just what:you °*want,so comeand see,and if somethingis put up,BID IT.| IN-‘that’s.what the saleis for,to give you an opportuhity to geta good bargain.:Be sure to be in Statesville next Monday. Pomp Long will be on hand and hewillentertainyou: Ww.L.GILBERT,Secretary,. |.’SALES-DAY COMMITTEE. Sale willbe held on Broad streetjusteastofthesquare. “The first Mondayiin each ot 4 Sales Dax!in Statesville,’’y3l. ee The Big Sale Over!| We find after our sale many lines in stock sold down very low,which we are now.receiving newgoodstoTeplace,and at prices we are enabled te \ secure summer stuff at now will énable us to stillgiveyoumany.things at a much less price than the regular...: §Just received a lot of Taffeta and Messaline Silks inall the new shades.The 36 inch $1.00.kind, price 90c.the yard:A 36 inch Black.Messaiine, very specia:,for 79e.the yard. New Ribbons,Dutch Collars,Summer Parasols — os Ladies and Children. THE ONE PRICE CASH STORE SELLS ITFOR LESS. g Poston -Wasson So, ee enimenenertnee mene: ||“SWAT THE FLY” During the month of June every child under 12 years old presenting as many as 1,000 dead flies at the CrescentTheateroneitherMondayorFridayafterhoonswillbe admitted free. On the first of July the-one having vbegented the great-est numiber will be presented with an annual pass good’ for every day in the year,the next highest will receive apassforninemonths,.the next for six monthsandthe next for three months. Tie the flies in a neat package or box,have your moth-er-give you a card bearing your name and address,age and number of flies.We reserve the right to have the flies recounted.No matter how you kill them or whokillsthem,just so you present them you will receivecreditforthem. A list of the contestants and their standing will be pub-lished from time to time. CRESCENT THEATER. Write W.S.Rankin,Raleigh,N.C.,MAY HEALTH BULLETIN,P.S.for frée |BACKTO THEFARM! You read and hear a great dealabout the costofliving.The remedy is the production of yourowneatables:‘on your OWN FARM. I ofter.you farming lands ofany size from one H --“gere to one thousand cut to suit the pur-- 1 .chaser and sold on-easy terms. :whe-farms..have fine bottom lands as well asuplandandalsoplentyofgoodtimber. by The dredging of the creek bottoms w ill be com.”pleted within 60 or 90 days and up to that time[will dispose of the property at bargain prices. If,interested\in automobilés see me.am handling the “‘hupmobile,”’one of the best ma-chines on ong market;Will sell for cash or on time. W,R.MILLS,-Real Estate neat POR RENT:nt eooeCaeelee WANTED 438002 reliable white heuse- blocks from postoffice.Possession:Jue ist,W,»A.ELIASON.May 21—4t.- Good home 5 liberal salary to right person.Ad-Give THR LANDMAKKthree mene Ngo eth y Li HINSON,Rockingham,N,C.trial re 60 cerita,1aoe A shea a, /Wndersigned and four-year-old son,Must.not wo k keeper for family of two,the | } |'Waynesville, led a position. THELAN DMARK| spon nnn nt‘PUBLISHED 1TUESPAY AND FRIDAY. OFFICE;120 WEST BROAD,(STREET,__.TELEPHONE_NO._1 \arRipay ae ie on hae Bly1,1912. MOVEMENTS OF THEPEOPLE. Personal Mention of the Folks Who Are Coming and Going... {.Miss \Gertrude Stroud,of .Con-fCcord,‘is-the guest of Miss |K’LeeSteele., Mra.Daniel Fs Gay and daughter,little Miss..Helen,who visited iMesdameg.J.,F,Bowles and C.E.Wilkins,left Wednesday for Bris- tol,Tenn.,where they.will visit:be- H More going to their home|at Wor- chester,Mass..Dr,and Mre.F,\L,Sharpe,Mr,‘anid;Mrs.'-H.:!R.Cowles and little 60n,and Mesere,EB.8:Pegram and} P.C.Gray,were |ini Charlotte:Wed- Imesday.,Mrs.D;Ms:Birches!and,Mies A tie Corpehing,.left.yesterday for a wisit:of seVeral weeks in Ashevilleand:Waynesville.©{Migs Clara Mills,of ‘Mooréaville,|is visiting Mrs.A,Y:|Alexander.Mrs.W.R.Mills,who has beenf Wibitingin Texas for several),weeks, is expected.home next week. Mrs.J.R.Hill has gone-to At- lamta to spend two!weeks with)Mr. Hill:They may decide to move/to iAtianta. Among those attending|'David- son,College|commencement this:week;were (Prof.D.Matt..Thomp- son,Mr...He nry Hall and Miss Mary Belle Hill.iMissEliseWallaceis.at home from Elizabeth College,Charlotte. Mrs.C.'M:Robinson,of Illinois, who spent a few weeks here with her brother end sistér,Mr.J.A.White and Mrs.§.C-.MoNeely,left yeXerday for Centralia,-lil.,where she is now making her home.’.She formerly lived at Hillsboro,Tl. Mr.O..A:‘Sowers returned to |Clinton,S:.C.,yesterday: Miss Mary Lewis went to Lenoir yesterday,to attend a~-house |party giver by Mr.and’Mrs..Edmond’ Jones Miss Flora Lewis has beenthereforetveral-days. Miss Katherine Brown Davis’Springs yesterdayaweek: Mrs.L.L:'Moore who were guests at the home of Rev.W.Y..Love,returned yester-day to their home im Taylorsville: Mir.Earl Moser went to Charlotte yesterday to réferee a /wnestling match last night:| Mir.Robert Hill,who came home the fist of the week from the.Uni- versity of ‘Maryland,Baltimore,where he is a medical student,has gone to Davidson to ‘attend the com-mencement,.Mr.Bverett Sherrill, also a niedical student at the Uni- versity of Maryland.is expected home next week. Mr:Jo.Poston left yesterd ay for where he has.secur- went to to spend and children, ‘|neighborhood,small and great,metat Pave Gibp.Progpect—Dehiate—SundaySchoolOrganized. ‘Govrévionneiee”of The Landmark.:-.Statesville,R-5,May 27—The pried'|pect for a.crop ts very discouraragingjatthistimeny-people are not doneplantingcorn.Cotton is a bad standandlooksveryshabby.-Corn is:notdoinganygoodandthewheat.crowillbeveryshort—at least one-thirWehaveplentyofpeachesandsweetcherriesbut.the apple crop will.besomewhatlight.The insects haveal-:most killed some trees and have caus-ed the fruit to fall off.Mr.and Mrs.T.F.Elliott,of Tay-lorsville,spent.yesterday with rela-tivesin Iredell.",Communion at Damascus next sun-day,the2d of June...Rev.Mr.Linney,of Aléxaider,:will assist the pastor,Rev.J.P.Gwaltney,in the service.There will be a public debateJune |Ist at Center school near Bryant's‘store.It will be between,the debat-ers of a-home society and the debatersof“Shady Grove,Alexander county.The query ‘is,signs of the times indicate‘the'down- that).Last Sunday the people of the an unoccupied house known-as theWyattMathishouse,on Mr.N..F:Hartness’place;and had an _old-timesingingfromtheChristianHarmony,which was enjoyed by all.After thesingingthey.organized a SundayschoolforthesummerwithLevy.Lambert and N.E.Goodin ag super-intendents and:W.R.Stout.and J.D. Hartness as secretaries...The school.will meet at 3.30 each Sunday.We invite all who will to come and takepartwithus.Singing will be in the old booksprincipally. we Ts Gilly.a“prominent dealer inPenningtonGap,Va....was so botheredwithkidneyandbladdertroublethathecouldnotattendtobusiness.He says,“I had severe pains in my back andkidneysandhad‘to:get up ten~tofift¢en”times each.fight.Saw FoleyKidneyPillsadvertisedandbought:twobottles.and soon felt great relief,andwaséntirelycured.No longer ‘disturb-ed at.night,but.sleep till morning. ‘Resolved,that the} fall of the nation’”’(or something near || ina good hha k means‘more | =than mere storing ‘of money. Aes :hs Always‘sland.‘well.at ‘your bank;keep your engagements “and show your desireto be'con-.. sidered a man who can be trusted.Weare.all pulling to-. gether for the common good, and you may rest assured that we will help-you,through thick and thin,if you show you are on the vated ‘4 ‘When you have shown,’your. ‘banker that.you ‘can.handle ‘ ¢your business and’yourself”sat- isfactorily it also means that - qyour.creditis good for financialaidinyourenterprise,Itmeatoo,that’with yourcreditgoodatyourbank,the ~consequent.reputation brings:*"you in more trade,better.busi-ness bargains and increased so- _cial and political prestige. Accounts of companies and individuals satiettea.Ev- ery facility given—consistent with conservative bank-ing.:Bey.) First National Hank. ~+.STATESVILLE,N.‘c Statesville Drug Co. FOUND “THREE Ia)lap robes.Owner |get same hy describing propertyandpayingforthisad.May 31. LOST —SILVER mesh bag.Return to MRS.|«WILLIAM GAITHER.=May31.° TYPEWITER BARGAINS.31.sce'thin,W: P,KNOX,Statesville,N.C.Map 31—8t. FOR SA LF.prutt;BLOODED PekinDucksthattookpremiumatpoultryshow.$5 for drake and three ducks.GUS LEWIS,304 Center/St.‘May 3,— LOSs —ON Charlotte road,between Trovt-*man and Kerr's branch,a Blue SergeCoat.Statesville Housefernishing Co'.s receipt book.red leather book containing at of names|and accounts in pgcket.Finder will receive suit-|able reward if same is returned.to us.STATES;| VILLE HOUSEFURNISHING CO.May 31. PHILIPS.EASLEY,M.D. piice over Hall’s Drug Store. Mr..J.|Oliver’Overcash is athomefromtheUniversity,ChapelHillMessrs.Jo.Caldwell andGongGaitherareexpectedina!few days |Mrs.J.L.|Russell and children|have gone to Morris,Ala.,’to:join|Mr.Russell.They will spend||about three months there. from Miami,Fla. Miss Pernia foushee is at home |Noticts of New Advertisements. Bank account makes’you system-atic.~Merchants and Farmers’Bank.Arctic’refrigerators,ice cream|freezers,etc.—Statesville.Housefur-jnishing Co. Perfection oil cook.stove.—Craw-||ford-Bunch Furniture Co. !Co. j| | | j| | “Gus Lewis. mind work,and must furnish goad references,| Good vehicles,good harness,°good||saddles.—Henkel-Craig Live Stock| Coatjeweler.City flour O.K.—City Flour Mill-|ing CoWedding flowers.—Polk Gray Drug'Co ,agents.: New shipment of lawns,voils,||draperies,etc._Remember millinery ||department —D.B.Krider &Co. ‘Moore’s non-leakable fountain Dene+Statesville Printing Co. Baseball goods:—R P.Allison: Headquarters for farm machinery.| chains.—H.B.Woodward, ieLazenby -ea Hardware) Big sale over and new goodscom-| |ing’in.—Poston-Wasson Co,Free admittance to pitture show| ifor each ‘1,000 dead flies.—Crescent|Theater.Back to the farm.Farming.lands|from one acre to 1,000.Also auto-| mobiles.—W.R.Mills,réal estate...|Misses and children’s wash dresses|at special reduction.—Mills &Poston.| Special assortment of laces.—Ram-| sey-Bowles-Morrison Co.:|Sales day.next Moriday.—W.L.|Gilbert,secretary.|A variety of motor.cars ahd aeces-||Sories—everything for the automobil-| ist.Gasoline engines._Repairing.aeneatgarage.—Carolina Motor | Full blood Pekin ducks for sale. Blue serge coat,receipt book,etc., lost.Reward for return to States-ville Housefurnishing Co.Maraschino and Glace cherries.—J|B.Gill. Three lap robesfound.Ownercan get them by paying for this ad.Mme.Rosena,clairvoyant and seer.Office over Polk Gray Drug Co..Mrs.Dr.Moore will be at Taylors-ville.June 6,Typewriter bargains.—W.P.Knox,Statesville. Silver mesh bag lost.Mrs,Wm.Gaither.Seed corn;beans,Irish potatoes,| peanuts for seed.—D.J.Kimball. Taylorsville Scout:Mr.George‘|Benfield Jost his barn,by.fire,one night this week,with one horse,a 2- peeraid fillyand seven head of cat- Return to “hesWilbur.Wright,one at the Wright brgthers,flying machine men,died yesterday at nee QO." 4g nt ae smh at Furniture Company, "Phone 400., ”Office hours §8 Ko em | } }5 and 7.to8 p.m.| "PHONE 152 May 24,| | | Mme.ROSENA, Clairvoyant and Seer, Has office over Polk Gray Drug Co.Office hours,10 a. m.to 8.p.m --Will be here three weeks.Don’t failto call and be told at a glance all you want to know ofyour past and future.May 31.” MARASCHINO CHERRIES ‘The nicest lot I everoffered.Three —sizes, 25c.,50c.and -75e. Glace Cherries by the ‘pound. For Sale. Handsome Baldwin Re- frigerator,capacity 300 pounds ice.Call and g8e8 me. \J.B.GILL, FANCY GROCER 105 Kast Broad Street. *PHONE 27. Crawford-Bunch UNDERTAKERS..| _May 24. es i Capital $100,000;,Surplus and Profits $32,000.° OFFICERS: E,S.PEGRAM,Cashier.J.C.IRVIN,President.:_JNO,W.GUY,Assistant Cashier.G.H..BROWN,Vice President. YOU'LL LANDONTHE BALL every time if you have one of our good ‘old ‘hickory,wagon-@ tongue bats.You'll play better ball-all around if you get your outfit here.We-carry a full line of baseball goods,that ex- rts declare the best ever.ve all sorts of other sportingoods,too.Come and —around.If you play.aatallyou'll find thé tools forit here.R.P.ALLISON ‘a BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE. You Buy Satisfaction HeYouBuySatisfactionHere When you purchase a piece or a complete suite of furniture at.our store,you also buy a degree of satis- faction that is impossible.in other stores.‘It is not enough that a certain chair or sideboard be pleasing in appearance.It must also pass high standard in construction in order to meet the requirements of thia store. We sell high grade bedroom,dining room,living : -roon and hall farniture.The prices will just suit |you.Call and see ws. We put New Tires on your Go Carts. Williams Furniture ,House, OLD STRAW HATS MADE NEW. Elkays Straw Hat Cleaner.10 CENTS.THE STORE OF QUALITY Statesville DrugCo., PRESCRIPTIONISTS._ When a New Perfection. Comes in atthe Door: Heat and Dirt Fly Out cat the ‘Window::‘This Stove.|saves Time .“What would it mean to you to have|It saves pene: heat and dirt banished from your kitchen It saves YOU this summer—to be free from the blazing| “range,free from,ashes-and soot?Da Made with 1,,'2 and3burn |be ‘New Perfection — Oil Cook-stove . stneiesbluegecugeers:sHande terns2-a 3-burnerbape With the New Perfection Oven,the NewPerfectionStoveisthemostcompletecookingdeviceonthemarket. It is just as quick and*hanidy,too,for washing and ironing. éan_be had with or without a STANDARD OIL COMPANY cabinettop,whichis hited with AIncorporated in New Jersey)NEWARK,N.J. drop shelves,iowel tebe etc,All dealers carry the New Perfection Stove.rc Cook-Book with every stove.Cook-Book also given to anyone ‘ingcost. ’BALTIMORE,MD. sending 5 cents to covermail-f NO..3,$10.00: We'sell the New Perfection Vil Cook Stove.” All Sizes Carried in Stock. Phone or write for catalogue and prices. ‘Crawford--Bunch Furniture Comp’y. ‘PHONE 400. 1906a>Hooreble ae an 1912 Your Comfort:Today May Be Your Distress Tomorrow. Ever Think of That Mr.Property Owner?INSURANCE! Weisgue ev ery kind—Fire,Lifé,Accident and Health,Steam’ -Boiler,Liability,Automobile,Plate Glass,Wind Storms,Cyclone, Live stock.Bonds—Administrators,Guardians,Trustees and any judicial’bond.,Today is here.’Tommorrow.is coming all too fast.Consider the present..Too late to-lock the stablé-after the horseis gone.’Phone 54.Call or write us for prices and information about our policies.Statesville Realty &Investment Co. J.F.CARLTON,Manager. "Wheh you buy one ofjour Rings you need not giveyourselfanytroubleaboutthesets.If by any chance the set should get loose and come out,justbringitinandanewsetwillbeputinfreeofay.cost to you.We sell the famous W.W.W.‘Let tis -show you our line. A beautiful PICTURE suitable for framing will bégiventoevéryonem:aking.aa cash-purchage of $1.00,,-or more, Jewelers,: womens|fi 1), genaccesessccsscssenecenes IF YOUR FEET Give You Trouble Don’t Fail to Use :=PAXTOFOOT POWDER LET US SHOW —25 CENTS AT -HALL'S DRUG STORE.__2PHONE_NO.20. |THE LANDMARK|: /-egates:to sit inthe convention,. _}choosés it can turn autdelegates law--|fully elected by the people and put in ‘}nothing to-say,but if the peopleare FRIDAY ,—.-=May 31.1912. Phe Colonel Will Stand No”Faolish--.)mess at(cago,A (Baltimore Sun, -If the Taft people,‘do not lose:thelr nerve,there is every prospect of a.“perfectly corking’”.and “‘dee-light-| ful’’time at the Chicago convention-+—that is,for those who love.a fight. The Colonel notifies his friends the enemy.that.he does not propose ‘to submit to any “strong-arm”?tactics and thatafter he has beaten them be- |fore the,people he is going to carry the war into the national committee.In his speech at Plainfield,N.J.,Sat-urday he said:“Our opponents have no thought of winning.wumess they can ‘win:by de- liberate.cheating in the national con-vention.The national committee is ‘Supposed to pass on the rights:of ae f it others.It is:therefore vital té\have anational committee,that really:repre- lsents the people “Our.Opponentshaveshownthattheyintendtotryto|' use the national committeemen who|'haye-peen beaten in theit own States to sit in judgment in the conventionthatr want Sur opponents to mark this::If the people are against me,I have ‘for me and .diseredited .bosses and politicians try.to upset us I shall have a great deal to say,and I won't.stand for ita moment.We will not permit the represéntatives of special privi- leges to wpset tle verdict that the people have come to.We niean eye| ery.word we say.”|A more detailed statement to the |same effect comes from Washington;|«where,itis said,conferences -have| been.held by Colonel Roosevelt's) friends,with a view to Securing con-| trol of the national.committee.Instead, of.allowing’the national commiftee to unseat’his delegates,Mr.Roosevelt|. |proposes to unseat the national’com- |mittee and reorganize it in his own in-iterests.In a word,he intends to isubstitute for the -Taft machine’a |Roosevelt machine which,like the|mills of the gods,will grind exceed- Ling]y fine. Meas enge Saturday struck the:barn Gathings, Wadesboro og Perry lafternoon lightnin and stables of col- lored,of White jikilled a mule and a‘horse.The |barn was also set on fire and burn-iedeit a£10 of rough feed,etc.| Consumption Checked and in Early Stages,Cured byMILAM the great e Reconstructive tonic and blood renovater ||Wedo not set forth MILAM asacure | |for consumption,but it has proven so bene- |ficial to such patients that we believe,and| ;are supportedin our belief by a practicing | |physician,that MILAM will arrest incip-| |lent tubercalosis or consumption in ifs early |stages.We know that.it greatly benefits |even.those in the advanced stages. jReadthefollowing’ :*:Scrofulitic Consumption| |City of Danville,State of Virginia—To-wit:| I,Edmund B.Meade,Notary Public in}|and for the City of Danville,State of -Vir- }ginia,do sagging certify that Abram Word, |of Danville,Va.,to.me well known,diid ap- |pear before me,and being duly sworn,de-"| pogeth and says as follows: ’“For ten years ‘prior to August,1909,I was under the care of a regular’physician. |Last-spring this doctor told me he could do |me no good,and I tried another for four |months without receiving any ber 1efit from= In August,1909,I began taking Milam, land am now‘able to do my work without| |difficulty,my appetite is good,an J’I.can|eat and digest any food.~-- My trouble was’said to be Scrofulitic| Consumption,and I was wasted away to a shadow.I was so weak that I could hard- ly walk when I commenced on MILAM. I regard MILAM as a truly valuable reme- dy in all.gases of blood tréuble,whether eruptive,or proceeding from a lack of full, free circulation,|I have recommended MILAM to about| twenty of my friends,and so far as I have |! seen or heatd from them,they all-epeak in| the highest terms ofit,and are recommend:| ing it ‘to their‘friends.| It was particularly beneficial to me in aid-|ing digestion and building up an appetite.”(Signed)ABRAM WORD,|| In witness tothe above,-I have hereunto setmy-hand and_the seal of my office,this23rd day of Mznen AD,1910,EDMUND B.ME ADE,‘iS Notary.Publit,My &mmission expires Jan.14,1914.| Milam Medicine Co.,Inc.panvite Va, Home Electric Co. Ceneral Electrical Contractors ___Estimates Furnished All Kinds Electrical Supplies, ob |HOME ELECTRIC 00-, 4a newspaper called The.Intélligen- ard presents victory over them.d |. ses I, 17862,I. Ipedeil Store township,and /* letter ard jably ;trust |history }our }your own |'&Social Event |Of |by }Was superb, jseems interested in political af 3,| |presidential contest should -be a feéa-| |Sam ~Ask 3yourdruggist orwrite for eskiet:| the- |Mre.-AV. |bowels {1 berjain’s Cough ‘Remedy THE:STORY.“OF”COMPANY «. a —"aerate Jr.,after serving under Major Bayle,became a lieutenantorcap- tain in anothér:North,Carolina. regiment.After thie war he camebacktoTredellcounty,and,I think, for a time.published at Statesville combed He aftetwards went to Char- founded there the Observer ‘ated -there many years ago.The late Joseph P.Caldwell served his apprenticeship im the newspaper business under-him.»a The August Lampe,above.men- tioned,was a bright,well educat- ed,intelligent .and genial young German from Bremen.He had only a short time before the war come to America and entered the pervice’of the Messrs.:Wallace,ini Statesville. Although new in thig country,he | joined the Iredell;Blues,made’-.a| fine and brave soldier for the.Con- federacy:ard owas killed in)jbat- the;brately ‘fighting for Kis newly adopted’:ee At the’time he Wag one -the abovementioned detail Tide Major:Boyle,where «I first niet.him,”he had not.been Jong enpugh nats to Bpeak or write:the English language with.fluency, though he could learm;readily.’Hes was anxious ‘to improve in dt?and. offered:to teach me °German if Iwould.teach “him *English...anid.IhavealwaysbeenBorry:that.1.d’u not.accept his proposition. After’I was.detailed for Bery-, under Major.Boyle,in Decei- 1861,L was not in active serv: any more with our:old compa- While we remained at Me nase | like the other thembers of| force,Bpent.my nights and .off) camp,but.after the’regi-| left.there ‘in the spring .of|i-was no longér.regularly with it,though I frequemtly visited| it whem in reach,On.Déecéniber:3,: t862,I became captain of Company’| },,of the 49th.regiment,being the ompany raised by my.foster fath- er the late Major P:B.Chambers, Iredell,and his agsovciates,and served “with it tothe end of.thie! cer. lotte, ice ber, ice’ ny. the days nrent in But throughout the war and even| t day,4 hayé always had “a ft.place in niy,heart for ourdcompanyandits.original mem- Lam,and always have been; at |bela nged to that,com- and proud iofmiy friends its members.Mamy the I 'niembers of that battle or from ‘wduringthewar have since moved Some few lb suffer ds ase cont service, and Lais of com pany Alsd like away trom Burvivors received or Confeder- But all tedMed ounds: Ine age some,mysel of the from woun racted in the All ‘are old have a right to be,proud >»record they and their eom- rades of the.old company mae the great Confederate war l beg your:pardom for { But when 1-got subject.was so interest old scenes came.back hat it seemed like on,and Of th this long started the ing and the BO.vividly, I must write on that there was no place to stop.As long as it is I could add yet much mofe.TIT would like to Write of jovial ‘““‘Tom’”Tuck-er,always so cheerful,though crip- pled and”suffering from rheuma- tism;of ‘Jack’Andersen,|“Nat’’ Raymer and others;but I have al- ready written more than you prab- care to read.Nevertheless,«} you can take the time~to read it all as a matter of personal of yourself;of myself and former ‘comrades,amd:have memory refreshed aostheexcitingscenesinwhicwetookpartoverhalfacenkuesago Yours truly and.sincerely; HENRY A.CHAMBERS a a at.Cool The’Lar R-7 May 27—One of|the most delightful social vents| the season occurred Saturday| night,25th,at the home-of Mr...and| Mrs.y Lazenby;When their,| daughters,Misses Ara and Annie,} ente rtained a large number of theirifriends“at-a Thusicale im honor of||their cousin,(Miss Inez Zachary,of|Wadeville.? The music] the Cool ing Spring: pounder Imark, Statesville, Corres ce of which was’furnis!ved | Springg string band, This band is always} noted for'high quality of its’music,| but it,seemed as if each one ©ex- |celled himgelf at this time.It is |always a great pleasure to -hear} |.thie music,but on this occasion it} seemed to be a rare treat indeed} ito be privilegd to listen:at the l grand melodies, Since this is the presidential election for *- every year and the }one it.was especially.appropriate that a} jture of the evening.Slips of paper bearing parts ‘of compound words were patsed to the guests and in this jway partners were found for the contest,which consisted of a numer ber:of interesting quéstions pur.former Presidents.Mrs.F.B.* |Porter and Mr.Carl,Holland won ithe prize.: The “out-of-town”guests Miss neg”Zachary,Wadeville;Mrs. iF.B.Porter,Nashville,/Tenn.;Mr. Hayes and sisterr,Miss Mina, o€Tabor,and Messrs.D.R.and |Parks Tomlin,Harmony. As good nights were being said many expressions,of pleasure were heard and the Misses Lazenby,who} jare ,ideal;hostesses,.were «tendered Sinceve thanks of.their manyfriendsfortiffs,‘pleasant occasion, which:was so much enoyed by all, Dr.WalterCritz,who has récent- Jy completed a course in dentistry in Atlanta,i@ visiting his sister, Cy Bayh,Mrs..7..B: Swihin and sonu,Mr.Séx;are-spend- ing-a few days in Davie county.‘saqer—eennepeenenmneemenatnntaentnaen were: *pl It would surprise you,to know of thegreatgoodthatis“being done byChamberlain's Tablets,Darius-Downey,of:Newberg Jus ction,N.:B.,.writés, vy,wile dias bee uoitng Chaiber bases ‘ablets and finds them very effectual and doing her lots of good.”If you have anv trouble with your stomach orivethem(a trial,For sale by. all dealers,* There.never was a tinie when people appreciated the real merits of |.Cham-more than now. is.shown .by*the jnere asé in salesandvoluntary.te stimonials from..persons who have been cured by it.If you oryour:clitidren are troublesd with a cough cr eold.give it a trial and.become ac, This |fering person the assurance of a treatment that |relieves even the most obstinate cases.We say |tion,advice about A.D.GOGERR:Manager. quainted with its good qualities.Forpaiebyalldealers.-'5 =UeafeoesGanceCured — The Secrats of the Most Marvelous DiscoveryforthePositiveCureofDeafnessand‘Head Noises Given FREE.— With This Wonderful,Mysterious Power,People DeafforYearsHeartheTickofaWatchinaFewMinutes. Write ‘About Your Case,the Secret Will BeSendNoMoneySineejoubyAojuraMailAbsolutelyFree,aesautre We.Havo Thoroughly Demonstrated That Deafness Gan Ge Cured, After years of résearch along the lines of the deeper scientific mysteries bf the occult and in- visible of Nature-forces,t ause and cure of deafness and head noises has heen found and we ere enabled by this’same mysterious knowledge and power to give to every unfortunate and suf- We proveithis to you before you pay a cent for ‘*it,rite tattay and we will send you fall infor- mation abadlutely free.by ‘return mail,Address Dr,L.C.Grains Co.,382 Palsifer Bidg-,Chicago, li!Remember,send nb money~simply your- ‘name and address”You will receive an immediate ane Wer and full information by return mai. FREE Information Coupon DR.L.C.GRAINS COMPANY, 382 Pulsifer Bldg,Chicago,Ill Please send me without costor obligation on my ‘part,complete informatiyn concerning thenewmethodforthetreatmentand-cure of deafne+ws or head noises.If 1 wish you to make a diagnosis of my case after hearing from youyouaretodoso.FREE OF CHARGE. tothose whohave thrown away their money on cheap apparatus,salves,air pumps,washes, douches,and_list of innumerable.trash that is of- fered the public through flaming advertisements, we can almost certainly cure you and cure you to stay cured,We ask no money for our consulta- and diagnosis of your case.Our treatment method is one that is so simple it can be uséd in your own home,You can investigate 'fully,absolutely freeand you payfor it only after youare thoroughly convinced that ic will cure you,as it has thousands of others.It makes nodifferencewiththismarvelousnewmethodhow long you have been deaf.nor what caused your deafness.Nomatter how:many remedies have failed you—no matter how many doctors have pronounced your case hopeless,thie new.magic method of treatment!should prove a beacot:light to guide you to a perfect restoration of your hear.ing..s Neme Address Town.. EMOVAL SALE! For forty-seven days we will offer our entire stock af greatly reduced This-stock includes new Stieffs,new Shaws,new.Bennett & Bretzs,new Kohler &Campbells,and other makes of new Pianos dnd many diflerent makes of second hand Pianos that have been thoroughly repaired,refinished,ete.,in our shop. All of these Pianos ‘are excellent ‘bargains.We hope to move this stock rapidly and if price has anything to do with thesale it will go quickly. CHAS.M.STIEFF, 5 West Trade Street,Charlotte,N.C. STIEFF BUILDING,219 South Tryon Street,Oppo- site Academy of Music,after June Ist,1912. Good Methods,Large Resources COURTEOUS .TREATMENT. Ought to mean much to #he man with a bank:ac- count.If you have not yet opened an account with the COMMERCIAL we invite you to do so now. prices. $100,000.00Surplus_28,000.00_otal Resources over <B00,000.00Fourpercent.on time and Savings Deposits\ah Capital Commercial |National Bank, _..Statesville,N.C, M,K.STEELE,Pudsident..'E.MORRISON,Vice President.D.'M.AUSLEY,Cashier.GE,HUGHEY,Assistant,Cashier. this useful with|any have’made your 85c purchase, Se ‘and *Syteyoatwantyoutoknowit,: articles; “with no extracharge,,.cy White Stimyeon’ Weaare ‘goingtto give you,pure purchase of the Original “1892”-Pure Spun.Aluminum Ware amounting to 85c. There are positively no strings to thisoffer.‘This valuable sauce pan that sells.“eyerywhete for 35c,will,be presented to you whenever,you that it lasts many times one teed ‘to you for 15 yenys Wel Hard ware Company, ‘than other materials ?' Sign Your NameHere Bring"you when you call, Me:Name Town, We are satisfied that'if you use théseutensils,you will say,like thousandsofotherhousewives,that they are better and cost less,in the long'run,|you know that “1892”Pure SpunAluminum Ware:won't chip off,scdrchDid ¥. we t It is. these fing are,ttus and we. _oAf you haven't used “1892”PureSpan‘Abadia Ware,just tear out ‘this’ advertisement and show it to the clerk after-you have selected yourHe.will.give you this ‘attractive,aluminum:sauce ‘pan.and awaluablébookofcookingSI this advenidseonent “with” a eR Sf; 3F NewLot ackneyBuedes f in We areexpecting another shipment of the mous Hackney Buggies. fa- This Buggy has given: perfect satisfaction and is guaranteed in every respect, Also have Buggies and Surre ysof other makes. Spach and Hackney Wagons. GIVE US A CA LL.’ ‘Harness,Vehicle&_Supply Company. 116 East Broad Street.eecorey eT "* Ain.MAYa been Mihai,we 20, rned vat ve)er,Ww.we We Owe No—. )anybody in fixing of what others charge for CLOTHING. :A modest profit low as quality will permit. ‘Purse sake trade here. prices. satisfies us,and we price.our Weare entirely 1 ‘ |Bad J | independenti Clothing.as For your health’s comfort,and Sloan Clothing Co. ©GSGRASSiENREYa THREE REASONS} :DO IT NOW=make this store your store,ALLEN L,MILLS,(Successor to The Ladies’Furnishing Store.) Why you should trade at the dependable cash,store. First~Becauseyou get,the right goods at the right price. Second—Bee:vse you will have no bills toanno¥you each month,and you do not pay interest on your money Third—Because it pays to pay cash at a cash store. My Machine Shop, Is complete and I am prepared to doanykindofrepairwork. Engine and Boiler Work a Specialty. Also carry a full’line of Steam Fit- tings up to.3 inches.Injectors,Lu-bricators,Oil Caps and Jet Punips,Pipe and Shafting.C.H.TURNER,. :"FOR SALE! ‘Business lot. Seven-room desirable residence on|Tradd street.Hot and celd:water,|bath,etc.Lots near Graded School, Small north Iredell farm. If you want toatfo eesellor exchange ‘J OHN,1M:SHARPE, Dealerin Machinery;* bo and Dats. “4 wale ge CarrW hitetC ‘orn.i, Car W hite Oats."®4 kinds feed,stuff. pene you buy. Harjjer 8 ProlificsSeed Gorn 740 bushels grown on 8 acres.Highgrade Flour —White Swann.*Also cheaper .grades,and all ‘see me A.A.Colvert. 4 ie / FOR SALE ii ag oes some seems effects,KEIM me. aayia _Drug c ‘}stones to other THE LA ND MARK FRIDAY ,—191%. rH SCHOOL ‘TEACHER. :aonllleenttteeeMr.Dorman Theimpson's Salishury 4 Addvess Commended,; Salisbury Post, The importance of pe Yecting the real.teachefs for.the echools of the State’cannot.be overestimated. Porman Thompson,Esq.,of States- ville,in his address before the graduating class at the Salisburygradedschool“Monday .night,sounded a strong note of warning. He -stated that’.in employing teacher the utmost regard should be made to the fitness of the mat on woman applying.He or sBhe should.have,the faculty.er power to,instruct,to’drill fnto the ¢hild as it’were,the lessons it should learn,‘the*true “ and character that will prepare j May ol, .|for,usefulness, No"teacher shou!abe etyployed,Bald Ay:Thompson,out ‘af By:‘|pathy or from.‘a:desire to.4id.the individual i Whether he or she é Aualified or not. and higher attain-, ments,is'in a gense crime against the child;and*employing young girl without:qualification,who are mere-ly teaching unt!)they marry,should not be considered Mr.Thompson has discovered the true .condition ‘and .has:.manhood enough to voice if The Post -as well as every thinking person must ‘|;agree.that the position of the schoo teacher ig ‘a.most imvport int one, choosing achange ing ‘t is made in.eemploying teach-| éeachers A his should -be.set upc wpon Ghe parry ho teaches. the neighboring oi] ng lands andt.The prop- is estimated at $75,000 price since 1882 was beef in the/)w holesale farmin fields Monday n y Joss The reached ma highest by in:Ne 13 12 said to mean pound soldbulk.It tsce from increase i 1-2 a Bac elected_eéight dele- the Republican with alternates endorsed tien to While sitting in his office on the | second floor of the building at the} lcornér of Pack squafe and Patton| javenue last night,ee ng.to 'two} ffriends,Dr.P.D.Sir irppg be | |fore os ‘two men,Sulled a pistol} jffom his pocket and shot himsel?||through,the left shoulder.The ; calibér bublet entered Dr.Sinck |lahoulder about two inehes from his| jarm and passed through the left jarm,ranging upward slightly i;No.reason ‘can he assigned for jthe young dentist’s rash act,as.he} jjwas in the best of spirits and was L He n | |talking |to Clyde Woéd and F. Myres,in his usual good hum@r. lwas later.moved to the Migsi |fRospital where the wound was dr jed and it was stated at that place | jlast night that he was resting *as| leasily as could be expected Wihile the wound is a-painful one it is be-|Meved that the patient qwill be able jto Jeavé-the hospital Phin a |weeks.| No d few ubt is.expressed that the |dentist intended to takehis own and he evidently ‘intended:to do a thorough job of it,but the pistol \which was probably aimed at.h |/heartvwas thrown upward when t |trigger was pulled and the pu (passed threugh the Bhoulder of life Dr (Sinclair.Two shots were’fired,al- i though enly one of them.took ef- \fect..4 ‘: |‘[Dr.Sinclair complained that he] jad.made }‘‘a botch’’of the at-| jtempt to kil!hiniself.|Sinclair BAS | a wife and two children,the young- est less than two months old.]!| |At the.¢ommencement of Guil-||ford College this week the 75th am-| ihiveisaty of the Lfuumdiug of |eae institution was celebrated | Dan,J.Joyce,Sanvilie,Va.,is so glad}he escaped consumption and regained ||hig;health,that he writes,about it for)the benefit of.others.“I had a cough |which hung on_me for two years weeat 1 began using Foley’s Honey andCompound.‘I.kept on until the ¢iefinally.left’me and1I-gained in weightfrom113to185°pounds.In two yearsIhavegrownstfongandhealthy,<allromthe'use of Foley's Honey and Tar + a: rinciples “of fe TSamie)*¢ The’employment | ‘pot.young men.to teach’school whoo. have no special fitness for work |. put who ‘are uging®it ‘as stepping and too great concert cannot.be had,in the proper individual| for the place Too often tl 1@ young man and.young woman is.employ-| ed in the sech«a room wh sn neither! have:the ability to:te teh Thishasmilitatedlargelyagainst:theschools’in the i will .con-tinue to ‘do sd in the,future.until| I" carrying approximately$119,000 000 No new:battleships are provided for An amendmen t.was adopted prov}iding that all govermment womk | must hereafter (be done under the| eight hour law.|ty Seven persong were ki ledwereprobablypataleyinjured-and a{i score or more |wee re Jess Re er hurt when a tdrne adoswept throu eh ‘the village of Skiatook,:18-mi northwest.of Tulsa,Okla.,0 YorkMo ndat,when a ‘pound.in me meats.at retail.re ‘pri- Wary cause of the high prices,the wholesale men say,is the continued y af cattle,mys ' Roosevelt-Taft fight in Texas chested Tuesdaay in the:hold’n¢e of two conventions at Fort Worth,the Taft followers.refusimg to partici- pate in the State convention where the Roosevelt:forees /deminated.! |Dr.Packard enjoysa state wide reputat |est,in all who seek his advice |not take a Patient-for Tr:atrient unless |At no time do the charges |a week.®He gives his own medicines, |All.Cases,even those who have been |cost youa very small sum to getwell. a ee in the Colleges: Charlotte Obsery lege,prot 680.8 fait eck of their Students, contemporaneocy specially avents;have a Way. dents could tell,even approximately,|Wile the famous philosopher and vu} tor of Alexander the Great hived.thus appears that Haryandi studen | are not ignorant’of the present.sit-| uation because Uiey have eane entyat:|ed th#ir efforts:effectively on ‘the | past.°Asking only questions which related:to muttere i recent .date, the pveislent OF the San:FranciscoNorn lees iL School recived ansiwérs oO remarkable,-.It ‘appears “that, Lompers is a teading ‘Denvo- ongressman;thiat Booker T.: ELON WAS?"thie absassin of ‘Abe nioln:that PorfirioDidz was) -ontualiess explorers,chat | Gratix WashiTahar aay -¢ Calif Orme j,atid!that Chia wag:“one’of the plotters OF -Scetts.’ North;Carolin colleges been sittiilar experiments By ,s at the general conditionseducitionwhichneniderpossible this;’and nowhere the average ©colle ge| who can spell.The| our havethiere with hoot of }igmonan Ce.likenowadays,-ig student found secondary schools send--to.collegeWavthevsandswhoaréignorant of the mos*essential poimts,aind|ignorant.they remain. F reckind |Girls Itis an absolute fact,that one 50 cent|/jar.of WILSON’S FRECKLE CREAM||will.either remove your freckles or cause|them to fade and that two jars will even |in the ‘most severe’cases completely |jeure them.I am willing to personally|gher standard |&¥arantee this and to return your money |teaching and |Without argument if your complexion ishig|Hot fully restored to its natural beauty. Coming toStatesville,N;C:,on SATURDAY,JUNE Ist,1912, To stay at Hotel Iredell.|Dr.Francis S.:Packard, Of Greensboro,N.C. wsultation and ey t Confi- is'a question for*the earnest’con-|WILSON’S FRECKLE CREAM 4s|sideration of the .édueators of the |ane fragraant’and absolutely harmless,aan are |Willnot make hair grow but will posi-|chicaat |tively remove TAN,PIMPLES and|MATTERS OF NEWS.|FRECKLES.Comein today and try it.eG ene ;|The jars are large and results absolute-|The:Roosevelt forces have asked |ly certain.Sent by mail if desired.Gov.Hadley,of Missouri,to accépt price 550¢c,Mammoth jars $1.00,WIL |the te ma ip of the |SON’S F‘AIR SKIN §IAP25c,Reput ic ¢nition if Forsaleby |the Koogsev forces.¢0 |and}Hadley fe wiline ‘Tha ‘ett yap Statesville Drug Co.|have selected Senator Root,of-New i -|York.;“A Welcome Chance toTheHouseofCongress‘Tuesday Those Who Suffer."’|Passed the naval-appropriaticn bill,|}{;|| From a Late Snapsbet ,} |To see all of his regular Patients and such | new Cases,as may wish to consult him.| D among the profession and the aah ot} North.Carolina,where for more than 25| |years he has devoted his entire time to the Study,Treatment.and Cure of Chronic| Diseases.The Doctor has had wonderful|success in his chosen work,that-of turing| |chronic sufferers,Men,Women and Chil.|dren,The Patients he has restored to ||Health after they had given up all hopeofbeingCuredarenumberedbythe Thousands,¢He is a kind,generous, democratic gentleman to meet,of high scholarly attainments,and dignified per- sonality.Coupled with a Brotherly inter- He does: ij he can foresee a Cure of the Case.>Ihe most commendable feature of his work, and one that appealsito the ordinary sick person,is the fact of lis charges being so reasonable and moderate as to make it within the reach of ever the very poor. amount to more than$7.00 a month or about $1.50 |and there are no extra Charges.It takes him never more than from four to six Months to Cure a Case under Treatment. given up as Incurable or Hopeless,have been Cured and restored to perfect| health by this Brilliant Physician andthe | wonderful methods tic employs.«< -If you want to meet him and have himexamineyou,go to see him,and talk the| matter over with him.It will cost-you’| nothing if he does not put you undertreatment.If he takes your case,it will >Remember the Date and come early,af :swho de:ire the intelligent.information amon i crouching of cXposing these deficiencies from| time io time,—A-Harvard)protesson| With Sarcastic Jeudenei.e tells!‘¢he | public.that net only does he find + his class of 100.students,amazingly |ignorant .of the century im.which} they Tve,but thet six of them,believed’Aristétle to he a contempor- ary.Not.ese.of the.humidired ‘stu- 1st Scotland im the time of Mary i { nesults,“BO we cannot |; \ Statesville Hardware &Harness Company. The Shoes Sold at This Store Fit —both your feetand your pocketbook —and they are a splendid “double fit.” All the latest styles at.the lowest ° prices.Weshow you the latest first. Comfort,elegance and ease are ‘the principles.on which we solicit your custom—and retain it.Comein now for thatnew pairand convince yourself. |S..M.&H.Shoe Co. ~John Deere Pivot Axle Cultivator. The above cu*shows our new Pivot Axle’Cultivator.We have sold over one hundred of these labor-saving machines to good far- mers of this county,and those who use this improved:Pivot Axle Cultivator (which isan improvement over all other Cultivators), reducés-the cost of making the first crop more than we ask for our Cultivator..If you are in the market for any kind of the latest im- proved farm implements,you will save time and money to come direct to us,as we handle nothing but the very best at the very lowest price,quality considered.We handle no item thatwecannotgetrepairsforproniptly. ie FOR SATB! 102 acres.in Bethany township,7 miles from Statesville.New two- story,6-room dwelling,two stock barns and outbuildings,fine orch- ard;40 acres in cultivation,balance in woodland.Churches near, school house on adjoining place,macadamized and sand clay roadwithinhalfmileoffarm. 43-acre-farm five miles south of Statesville,lying on both sides of'the public road |Two story,six-room dwelling,some outbuildings in fair condition,fine orchard,‘25 acres in cultivation,balancein tim- ber.One branch running through place,well located for truckinganddairyfarm.©i Four-room dwelling on Davie avenue,lot 98x325 feet. i aeant lot 75x112 on Race street.number of other city and suburban houses and lots and inege.farms’t or sale.‘Good dividend paying stocks incorporations.- For further information call on or:writeERNESTG.GAITHER,Statesville,N.C. INSURANCE,STOCKS AND REAL ESTATE.’PHONE 223.OFFICE NO.1,MILLS BUILDING. ;\uN XT YYFORSERVICE. R EGISTERED Jersey Bull.His grandsireWgoldfor$10,200 wt eight months old.Bothhisgrand-daimes have records of over 600 Ibs. butter ina year;A BUTTER BRED:BULL,Walnut Grove Farm,.Hi.H.BLAYLOCK,tpensreves?Statesville,N.C.,R.F.D.No.2 Dak f T..W.FRAZIER, TINNER, NORTH CENTER STREET.PHONES fe “SHOP.|...RESIDENCE’_2080 Compound,which.gured me.”Statesville1.": WM...JEFF.DAVIS, Hotel Gladstone, BLACK MOUNTAIN,N,C. THE IDEAL PLACE TO:SPEND YOUR VACATION. 2,1800 FEET ELEVATION.: Free From Malaria and Mosquitos.RATES.$2.00 PER DAY.Special Rates for Families,and for Summer Visitors.Write Pro prietor, BLACK MOUNTAIN,N C. May10.—16t,.- +os PAGE MIGHT.9 Seeretaperfont tree are ta Automobiles!)= ABE HEP.Touring Car $1,480,fully equipped including self-starter,os (Distributors for i Maxwell,Briscoe |ok i.FLANDERS “'20.”.Ce Geen ele Ok eatin euler aly es ag .+Witt Special Roadster $825,fully equipped..|Motor Co.and Studebaker Corpora-|es<3 “tion Productions. |Garage. Repairing a Specialty.Ss MAXWELL ‘‘MERCURY ” A 30 H.P-Roadstér,‘$1,150.Top extra. :WH —..rk A ¥og(=-=-Soa a Freee i oN ue ~-.FLANDERS *'20.” Foredoor Roadster $825,fully equipped. FLANDERS ‘'20.” Touring Car $875,fully equipped. ~|Geiser || ~Portable and Stationary Gasoline | MAXWELL ‘MASCOTTE ”Engines A 25 H.P.Roadster,$950."Top extra. E.M!F.“$30,” Foredoor Roadster $1,175,fully equipped. Full line of accessories and supplies always .in stock. Complete stock of Michelin MAXWELL “MESSENGER.”::jand Goodyear casings and |,A16 H.P.Roadster,ne S :tubes:Mono gr am and Hav-se penne an et cae co olin oils,Red Seal Batteries,ie ie Metal =Polishes,Prestolite Gas Tanks,.Chains,Pumps, ‘Dusters,Caps,Gloves--ev- -erything for the automobilist.:MAXWELL “MESSENGER ”ow,By 80,” A 16H.P.Runabout,$600.Including top.Touring Car $1,190,fully equipped. 7a 3)ANS) ‘Flanders *:4’Motorcycle,$175. FULLY KQULPPED,INCLUDING MAGNETO. Price $800—F.0.b.Detroit Flanders *20”Delivery Car, I]Carolina Motor Company,:Phone170,«Statesville,NC.|