HomeMy WebLinkAboutGuardians Bonds 1919-1939 (2) CAROLINA, STATR AR NOADTH CARALINA ) In THE SUPERIOR Cour’. — cont STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA ? IN THE SUPERIOR Court. THESE PRESENTS, Phy AL ORIEL Kah (A Md OS ae se ae FR noeeansoueann County. 4 ore re ee i I coseeneeneeeneennees ceseasgggreseenecnecennnnaesnsssconnnnneeseeeeectenennnanssstsssteeseeecenceenuosgpfareereeceannnnnassssrarsenerntnnnasssssnsentecseerananannantanncnsannnnttesceet KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That we, ----Ae-:2--Paine.avd-teld fee. nee eee , ‘ - ‘ . . = ‘ . ‘ > 2 Cn " y, in the Sete aforgkaid, ~re held and firmly bound unto the State of North Carolina, inthe sun fp _______ Snchhtie. xh eieabealh:. sith, As ta ie. Be L. Sronce and T. _ » sum ce WS llama 2 Seas oe ached asi aaninane q-seeeeeee--eLOllars, Saott. Berk le vc... i. ~---- noon n oe nnn ee ewe nn cn nce w ww ne renew nconn enceccococcceecenccceses oilars, current money, to be paid to the State of No gf in ee venefitot the childAA*™.. hereinafter all of said County, in the State aforesaid, are held and firmly bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum nafter . as : , } a | named, committed to the tuition of the said.... Ame. Of PED. LE OUS LES A Ra enn e = aon arastemnton anne le : . : current money, to be paid to the State of North Carolina in trust, for the benefit of the child__--- _----hereinafter ] oe caesccicabii pecees to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each : ae : ed . each s ; : A . ; named :committed sto Hve st aitiox aicthe said xxixx xr PesLMeXxcangrMaLINsexrMaAnUSAr ....------------- a of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and admigisgfators, jointly and sevegally, firmly Dy these Prosents : sents. a : ’ . . 7: Otte THEE | cenccncnccncccccesccccncsensnnnescons to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves and each | Sealed with our seals, and dated thi day of AD. UG of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these Presents. ¥ OBLIGATION IS SUCH,That whereas, the above bounden Sealed with our seals, and dated this.21s94.--...--- _.day of --2ebxruary.-..------, A. D, 19.27.. anden : 5 WY, TT - ug f-»JS constituted and THE CONDITION OF THE ABOVE OBLIGATION IS SUCH, That, whereas, the above bounden -d and appointg uardian to. oe LL, tT a Lhd ae at Saali dined al 9.09... tAdonthto - ARTERER AER... cccccucccescscose _.-----2iK constituted and... | slvied lA Z -~p appinted Guardian (0, --¢¢--43-<--«<-be4-0--07--+4--ib--tiecbin,--Je.--bx-degi--9f-hie-- = . °” . j 9 ann aa minor orphanS.; now, if the said / ‘ 7 7] AXC aK ————— —>Se=ene aoeeeceeree eae = . . aa : miner ; .; now, if the said .....L.....--Paines-anid-lal-l.-_diarbin--.- sins eal ; shall faithfully execute he... said guaefianship, and particularly shall well and truly secure and improve a!! the rinor-orp burns _ — . ill the j ; : “ iene a a gr eee ei ; <b Hittite eannCn cmon. . estate of the say... < ‘ a ; owed ; ; Hp he y / Lk, Learn ? TT le shall faithfully execute tr2lcc__ said guardianship, and particularly shall well and truly secure and improve all the ad / “SKA i. = : ' , estate of the said deca tno db Oi» iD anit: aa, on a ~ shall arrive at full age, or be sooner ooner | thereto required, and shall render said guardianship, on oath, before the ; ; until Le ...Shall arrive at full age, or be sooner ‘e the Clerk of the Superior Court for - County, and obey the law in all cases, as thereto required, and shall render a plain and true account of t..ceLe said guardianship, on oath, before the ‘5 4S ! required by the Act of Assembly, and deliver up, pay or possess the said Clerk of the Superior Court for d2-e2e1) ....-County, and obey the law in all eases, as ; Dll OY|e- required by the Act of Assembly, and deliver up, pay or possess the said ’ dae bbe - ds OE DLUq--0t0 of all such estates as A hee ought to be possessed of, when law fully required by said | Witter Sin lt of all such estates as he ought to be possessed of, when lawfully required by said 4 Lit - -_—* obs, ake © | . . 7 he law full noowerce dl e nathoarived ¢ receive ti . le ots arismg . . is y or to such other persons as shall be lawfully emp re horized to receive the same, and the profits arising om to such other persons as shall be lawfully empowered or authorized to receive the same, and the profits arising a therefrom, then this obligation to be void; otherwise to remaii ll force and virtue therefrom, then this obligation to be void; otherwise to remain in full foree and virtue Signe eale d deliveres Signed, sealed and delivgs, : 4 i “Wh PLZ ined, = al ane dl —e | X tif in the prextics of / J ¢ (SEAL } - " > i y Ag EAL ) : / ™ v Ly Mi 4 7 ‘ia 2 ha L i! 0) ths ZDethoa (SEAL ? <% o,f 7 “vy Clerk of the Superior Court —_ (. WA*7 AnAnw~ LZ Whh yp. (SEAL. ) (SEAL LL (Se } Ve A 0 Z ’ y Vy) on 2 e. — (Seal. ) FAL.) Der uty Clerk of the Arm Court. Wht a= EAL. ) Hs fan Gui PACER . (Seal.) ‘ EAL. ) 4 Za oe OR A . (Seal.) EAL.) T KO aix least. {Seal.) | Makes affidavit that he is worth over aa : TF “3 / ——- L an Si4Ahihg { Makes atidevis that he is worth over and above} x U on ‘ i cemption y law and his indebtedness, } | above exemptions by law and his indebtedness oe qo -~ , 7a Fey Makes affid c Makes affidavit that he is worth over end shove! S Jl Y ae A Cox ben, |’ akes affidavit that he is werth over eal a bb ~ a exemptions by law and his indebtedness, ‘ y area Poe ae ee : ; : ' pe y i edne ; | above exemptions by law and his indebtedness | ee —_—_ Zs efidevs thet be te worth ever end chovet Sw y L LAY sore affidavit that he is worth over and 00D e0° emotions by law and his indebtedness, ' " a ~~ - ; | above exemptions by law and his indebtedness $ 7 . 0 ‘ >» Makes affidavit that he is worth ower and above} af exemptions ¥ by law and his indebtedness, j (3 . a bone. = A, ‘sia affidavit that he is worth over and P 000™~ a above exemptions by law and ees) $ ; de affidavit that he is worth over | © cncsinane mate { Makes affidavit that he is worth over and above | Ss exemptions by law and his indebtedness, j ¥ above exemptions by law and his indebtedness = Sworn to and subscribed before me, this AROLINA, County. In tHE SuPERIOR Court. Dollars, current money, to be paid to the State of North Carolina in trust, for the benefit ot the child hereinafter lind, ML =i ci to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each named, committed to the tuition of the said , of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, sah by these Prosents Sealed with our seals, and dated this......< SB. day of <p ... A.D 2-7 THE CONDITION OF THE ABOVE OBLIGATION IS SUCH, That whereas, the above bounden GretLeafene t.... Lee <A... ...i8 constituted and appointed Guardian to... Oe ow no CAMA. LEAMA Ake deo minor orphan....; now, if the said (&: AL. Pk Al MAA rccent shall faithfully execute h..42 said guardianship, and particularly shall well and truly secure and improve all the estate of the said LEA ba as ee hey Cert ng/ G until.¢-A_@,. shall arrive at full age, or be sooner thereto required, and shall render a plaip and true account of... Lees. said guardianship, on oath, before the Clerk of the Superior Court for t— ALCL County, and obey the law in all cases, as required by the Act of Assembly, and deliver up, pay or possess the said — ee. Aleck hPL dl .Bh £m. 4 ought to bgpossessed of, when lawfully required by said @ - or to such other persons as shall be lawfully empowered or authorized to receive the same, and the profits arising of all such estates as 7 i therefrom, then this obligation to be void; otherwise to remain in full force and virtue. Signed, sealed and Upfivere: i “ ~*~ ’ Sot seyice of A, . LK 440 <> Oda Log. Sader Clerk of the Superior Court / { Mafkes affidavit that he is worth over and above} one exemptions by law and his indebtedness, j / { Makes affidavit that he is worth over and above! exemptions by law and his indebtedness, ' { Makes affidavit that he is worth over and above; exemptions by law and his indebtedness, ‘ { Makes affidavit that he is worth over and above exemptions by law and his indebtedness, } f { Makes affidavit that he is worth over and above | exemptions by law and his indebtedness, j Sworn to and subscribed before me, this...... oa J. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, County. In THE SurERIOR Court. No. 69*—-GUARDIAN BOND. 4 State of North Carolina on tate tianaii anti ..bredel... Bf County. Know ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That we, . ewiitle ’ hd WD. bons 0d. Ve che whe chad «Qo o-cevnges tl @ and the FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND, are held and firmly bound unto the State of North Carolina in the sum of Dollars, to -be paid to the Double the amount of the personal ~roperty and rents and profits of real estate. State of North Carolina, in trust for the benefit of the children hereinafter named, committed to the tuition of the said.. Janie lLoap to which payment well and truly to be made we bind ourselves, jointly and severally, our executors and adminis- trators, firmly by these presents. Sealed this yi day of april , 192.7. Tue ConpDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION Is SucH, that whereas the above bounden._ ; is appointed guardian to minor : Now, if the said guardian shall well and faithfully execute the trust reposed in him, and shall secure and improve all the estate of said minor until he shall arrive at full age, or be sooner thereto required, and render a plain and true account of his... said guardianship, on oath, before the Clerk of the Superior Court for said county, in all cases as required by law, and deliver up, pay or possess said minor of all such estate as he Ls entitled to, when lawfully required, and obey all lawful orders of the Clerk or Judge touch- ing the guardianship of the estate committed to him , then this obligation is to be void, otherwise to remain in full force and effect. In the presence of Attorney-in- Fact. 2) oT ATE OF NORTH CAROLINA.) - STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, _____.._ Iredell aeons ear County. IN THE SUPERIOR Court. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That we, ---Mrs.U.B.Byers_Wbhite,oele _. White and D.C.Thompson all of said County, in the State aforesaid, are held and firmly bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the swn Twenty three hundred ema ae ere seca ees eeeeeeeaseoeeesescoesesee - Dollars, current money, to be paid to the State of North Carolina in trust, for the benefit of the child__T.@M ____hereinafter sl tl named, committed to the tuition of the said _._-Mrs J.E.Byers Jhite ee ee a eT ox to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves and each of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these Dresents, Sealed with our seals, and dated this—- 9th... day of __Mey ____- iciceiaaeeaeeeeicas 5 ks hh 192 THE CONDITION OF THE ABOVE OBLIGATION IS SUCH, That, whereas, the above bownden ns White ____ a cee e eee eceeeceeeeeenee-ee------i8 constituted and minor orphan. §_; now, if the said shall faithfully exeeute h.@T__ said guardianship, and particularly shall well and truly secure and improve al! the estate of the said until shall arrive at full age, or be so thereto required, and shall render a plain and true account of - her said guardianship, on oath, befor Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell ....-County, and obey the law in all cases, as required by the Act of Assembly, and deliver up, pay or possess the said James byers and Lake byers_ of all such estates as they ought to be prone ssed of, when law fully required by said James Byers and Lake Byers or to such other persons as shall be lawfully empowered or authorized to receive the same, and the profits therefrom, then this obligation to be void; otherwise to remain in full foree and virtue Signed, sealed and delivered { in the presence of i "i. 2 , a i ZAam pr Laut oly ‘ takes Se. “a” ro oe . Cutoff. a hen hc Se ee & < . ue Notary hetitkkdior Court. aeceecce —— Seal — iii Fo Seal AS ZO Veni ee i shies Gat he is worth over and | eennn.00 - ~ | abdiytexemptions by law and his indebtedness | a affidavit that he is worth over and $ -2300,00- above exemptions by law and his indebtedness | { Makes affidavit that he is worth over and ae | above exemptions by law eee _ Makes affidavit that he is worth over and co : above exemptions by law and his indebtedness | perrnrrn .. affidavit that he is worth over a a ia # above exemptions by law and his indebtedness Sworn to and subseribed before me, this..9%D. day of __.. May. ene , 19Rt.-- Yoresaid, Lars i. bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum acd ney, to be paid to the State of North Carolina in trust, for the benefit of the ehild......4. hereinafter “eae to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each named, committed to the tuition of the said firmly by these Prosents. AD. Fe the above bounden of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and seygrally, Sealed with our seals, and dated this Zé day of THE CONDITION OF THE ABOVE OBLIGATION IS SUC That whereas, is constituted and appointed Guardian to.. shall faithfully execute h@#—said guardianship, and particularly shall well and truly secure and improve all the estate of the said Mantua” Mndldainien ; dos miner-orptam...; now, if the said until : shall arrive at full age, or be sooner thereto required, and shall render a plain and jrue account of... said guardianship, on oath, before the Clerk of the Superior Court for Arete County, and obey the law in all cases, as required by the Act of Assembjy, and deliver up, py 3 poss Zp the said of all such estates as wile ae owe ge required by said or to such other persuas as shall be law fully empowered or authorized to receive the same, and the profits arising 1 } iis obligation to be void; otherwise to remain in full force and virtue a SH] @ y fo Wo. Beha) (Seat. ) ~ bptth » i: _ Sen acedellasen.) \ if ' Clerk ot the Superior Court P , } 7 . ’ A Sut ha La. 44t/. ( DEAL. ) (SKAt.) therefrom, then v ' .( Seat.) ff > taf JAA f oo . ’ Va 4 a7 G' iy oka { Makes affidavit that be ie worth ower and above } s } evemptions by law and his indebtedness, j | Wy lalate { Makes affidavit that he is worth ower and shove! ° ff? -*f4 “ ‘ exemptions by law and his indebtedness, ‘ > ' Makes affidavit that be is worth ower and above | < ' exemptions by law and hie indebtedness, ‘ ¥ { Makes affidavit that he ic worth ower and above 4 exemptions by law and his indebtedness, } ¥ { Mabes affidavit that he is worth over and above s exemptions by law and his indebtedness, } ¥ Sworn to and subscribed before me, this LG... AROLINA, County. In tHE SuPERIOR Cour’. .. hereinafter named, committed to the tuition of the said current money, to be paid to the State of oo an Dy for the benefit of the child... .to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly ang severally, firmly by these Prosents j Sealed with our seals, and dated this Lid. day of AMAL AD. a _o THE, ABOVE OBLIGATION IS SUCH, That whereas, the above bounden shall faithfully execute h eviargianship, and particularly shall well and truly secure and improve all the estate of the said Sethe. Sipps otmeoon an until shall arrive at full age, or be sooner 1S constituted and minor orphan....; now, if the said thereto required, and shall render a plajn and true accoun,ol said guardianship, on oath, before the Clerk of the Superior Court for eet PLA the law in all cases, as the said ade TesAddon required by the Act of Assembly, and deliver up, pay or possess —— ought to be possessed of, when lawfully required by said therefrom, then this obligation to be void; otherwise to remain in full force and virtue of all Py Ss as D or to such other persons as shall be lawfully empowered or authorized to receive the same, and the pronts arising 4) : a 1 deliféred i (/ Signed, sealed , LO inthe ence of ’ (SAL - Zt V4 of ; G MN hetatbra ‘lerk of the Superior C YM prea 2A Sit (Sra (Seat & A Makes affidavit that be is worth over and above! < 4 . evemptions by law and bie indebtedness, j 7 ¢ Makes affidavit that he ie worth over and ahove! exemptions by law and his indebtedness, ‘ Makes affidavit that he ie worth over and above! exemptions by law and his indebtedness, ‘ Makes affidavit that he is worth over and above} exemptions by law and hie indebtedness, ; { Makes affidavit that he ie worth over and above! j exemptions by law and his indebtedness, ; Sworn to and subscribed before me, this — H CAROLINA, Be eirsilecsceshnns County. Mx BY THESE Ae ask: In 1rHE SupPERIOR Cour’. State aforesaid, agg held and firmly bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum a nnn enneeeee EE ; ...------Wollars, current money, to be paid to the State of North ch ag, 1 trust, for the benefit of the child named, committed to the tuition of the said VPM to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each hereinafter of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these Prosents. Sealed with our seals, and, dated ‘this 2/ day of A.D. 1727 THE GaNQAVION OF THE ABOVE OBLIGATION IS SUCH, That whereas, the above bounden Qa 5 TSreevneg is constituted and appointed Guardian to Yet. Le minor orphan....; now, if the said Ciboune (Ba 7-~ shall faithfully execute saigl A rds VAL y! particularly shall well and truly secure and improve all the estate of the said AA : until th- shall arrive at full age, or be sooner thereto required, and shall render a plain ; true aggount of a: said guardianship, on oath, before the Clerk of the Superior Court for County, and obey the law in all cases, as required by the Act of Assemb rly! ms Ve, or possess the said ought p be oy My when lawfully required by said r to such other persons as shall be lawfully empowered of all such estates as uthorized to receive the same, and the profits arising therefrom, then this obligation t voul; otherwise to i full force and virtue Signed, sealed anc. delive i (Sma. ) luni ~ (Sean , Cle 1 of the Superior C: pf yf” (Sau. (Sean { Makes affidavit that he ic worth ower and above } i atemptione law and bie indebtedness ; ‘ it that he i¢ worth ower and ahowes ‘ ** pions by law and bie indethtednees, ‘ that he i« worth ewer and ahowe! t law and tie indebtedness, ‘ ' Makes affidavit that he ie worth aver and shows i exemptions by law and hie indeltedness, } { Mahes affidavit that he is worth ower and showe! exemptions by law and hie indebtedness, i Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of LN Nn ne n CAROLINA, County. IN THE SUPERIOR Cour’. current money, to be paid to the State of North Car : i named, committed to the tuition of the said........ 4/467 of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly an , we bind “Gurselves, and each ly, firmly by these Prosents Sealed with our seals, and gffed this 7 day of... 4. x. a eaaanea" 127 Ll? minor « an....; now, if the said 4 A. shall faithfully execute hz... said guardianship, and particularlf/ shall well and truly secure and improve ali the ) gua j estate of the said J7ttmHreT7 . s until thereto required, and shall render a plain VWeALLe Clerk of the Superior Court for “7 required by the Act of Assembly, ayd deliver up, pay or possess the said _APZLLEPUET shall arrive at full age, or be sooner said guardianship, on oath, before the County, and obey the law in all cases, as of all such estates as be. ought tp be possessed of, when lawfully required by said g 7 | ; SACHS | or to such other persons as shall be lawfully empowered or authorized to receive the same, and the profits arising therefrom, then this obligation to be void; otherwise to remain jin full force and virtue LG flandrne, Signed, sealed and del | Makes affidavit that be ie worth over and shove! ; evemptions by law and his indebtedness, j Makes affidavit that he ie worth ower and above! exemptions by law and his indebtedness, ‘ { Makes affidavit that be ic worth over anll above! exemptions by lew and bis indebtedness, ‘ ( Makes affidavit that he is worth over and shove} exemptions by law and hie indebtedness, ; ' Makes affidavit that be ie worth over and above! exemptions by law and his indebtedness, } Sworn to and subscribed before me, this KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That we of Ae CAS 2 — a eee a ae ee Dollars, current money, to be paid to the State of North Carolina in trust, forthe benefit of the child... .... hereinafter ich payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these Prosents. Sealed with our seals, and dated this 13 . day of a , ADD. ig. = THE CORPITION OF 7 \BOVF. OBLIGATION IS SUCH, That whereas, the above boundef * appointed ky dian to LL. andy Pha Bae is constituted and minor orphan....; now, if the an 4 Jpoapk Cw Whom Te ‘ , 4 shall faithfully execute h 42. said guardianship, and particularly shail well and truly secure and improve all the estate of the said * - re Tks until... SA shall arrive at full age, or be sooner thereto required, and shall render os and true account of 4AL,...said guardianship, on oath, before the Clerk of the Superior Court for Ph County, and obey the law in all cases, as required by the Act of Assembly, and deliver up, pay or possess the said hadiga.. QUA of all such estates as Hae ought to be possessed of, when lawfully required by said or to such other persons as shall be lawfully empowered or authori red to receive the same, and the profits arising therefrom, then this obligation to be void; otherwise to ain in t force and virtue Athens 1 IL ses: ) 2 rOZ4& (SRAt.) (Sat. ) (Seat. ) Makes affidavit that he is worth over and above} exemptions by law and bis indebtedness, j { Makes affidavit that he ie worth ower and above! exemptions by law and bie indebtedness, ‘ Makes affidavit that be ie worth over and above! exemptions by law and bis indebtedness, ‘ Makes affidavit that he i« worth ower and above | exemptions by law and his indebtedness, j Makes affidavit that he is worth over and shove} exemptions by law and his indebtedness, j Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of ior Court. om, tk €. Ls ar é oe eS Sy. RE ae “4 * "" ee s ee é 7 * a Wal . Wa V L110 — { Makes affidavit that he ie worth over and above! . exemptions by law and hie indebtedness, At mM then aate Makes affidavit that he ie worth over and shove! exemptions by law and his indebtedness, ‘ CAROLINA, County. In THE SUPER 2p to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind 4urselves, and each of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and, srallyg firmly by these Prosents Sealed with our seals, and dated this AS .---. Gay of. alle , , A.D. 1 127 TH * EPA WTO? AH ABOVE QB IG. | eS whereas, the above ‘bounden 7 é . . : f : i a svete ...18 constituted and “1 appointed ope hh ama... 7 munererphen....; now, if the said shall faithfully execute h4/L.. said guardianship, and particularly shall well and try secure and improve all the VWhikhiam C7 Ld until.“ shall arrive at full age, or be sooner thereto required, and shall render a To true account of hur said guardianship, on oath, before the Clerk of the Superior Court for Lochehl County, and obey the law in all ca it required by the Act of Assesnb ly, and geliver up, pay posgess the epee Lisle hh lita Co. Va nee 0 of all such estates as the. pught to De possessed ofeavhen Z ~ Ml Mtn of estate of the said or to such other persons as shall be lawfully empow: ithorized to receive the same, and the profits arising therefrom, then this obligation to be void; otherwise to remain in full force and virtue Vita Waiuater, sae AL20U8 CW IC arue Signed, sealed and delivered | m "(2 - of r wad of the Superior Court ' Makes affidavit that be ie worth over and above! ‘ exemptions by law and hic indettedness, ‘ ( Makes affidavit that he ic worth over and shove! exemptions by law and his indebtedness, ; { Makes affidavit that he ie worth over and above} exemptions by law and hie indebtedness, ; Sworn to and subscribed before me, this d 7 STATE OF RTH CAROLINA, | County. IN THE SUPERIOR Court. KNOW ALL re. Blin BY THE SE PRESENTS, That we, 4. e all of spisl C ounty, hy State aforesaid, are held and firmly bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum ot 6 kA... Vina an dry. sehen. Fi S10 @ Sieeesceneesceess MNS” = spat aeaseisaemensinnsed ......-..Wollars, current money, to be paid to the State of North Carolina in trust, for the benefit of the child ..... hereinafter named, committed to the tuition of the said &S A PI. ag £ ctah.. to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these Prosents. Ss Sealed with our seals, and dated this 4} ¢ day of Sager , AD \F..7 THE CONDITION OF THE ABOVE OBLIGATION IS SUCH, That whereas, the above bounden” LO Mag appointed Guardian te . a ary. C2 ae Min, Gand -n is constituted and “ minor orphan....; now, if the said SP Piioy Meu hall faithfully execute hea... said guardianship, and particularly shall well and truly secure and improve all the tate of the said OVeev Oke a ee until Am shall arrive at full age, or be sooner ° thereto required, and shall render a plain and true account of Aas said guardianship, on oath, before the Clerk of the Superior Court for he. Butane... — County. and obev the law in all cases, as quired by the Act of Assembly, and deliver up, pay or possess the said f all such estates as... A ought to be possessed of, when lawfully required by said rt uch other persons as shall be lawfully empowered authorized to receive the same, and the profits arising therefrom, then this obligation to be void; otherwise to remam 1 full ") Ae and virtue , “ol ppl Seat.) Ox 2 7 wd. "Shs AZ, (SEAL. ) Vhy FFP Oar attr maak Tan, SEAL. ) SEAL. ) Clerk of the Superior Court affidavit that he is worth over and above} emptron law and hie indebtedness, ; affidavit that he i« worth ower and ahowe! semptions by law and his indebtedness, ‘ ‘Makes affidavit be ie worth ower and shove! emptionse b w and bie indebtedness, ‘ Makee affidavit is worth ower and shove ; exemptions b and hie indebtedness, Makes affidavit that he ia worth ower and above} exemptions by law and his indebtedness, } Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of > H CAROLINA, | IN THE SUPERIOR Cour’. current inoney, to be paid to the State of North Wa ingtrust, named, committed to the tuition of the said........4 YM Ee all of Soe in thé State afgfesaid, y¢€ held and firmly bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum Dollars, and each se Prosents Sealed with our seals, apd dated this ... "2 7 day of ... A.D FZ? a ar * THIEAABOVE OBLIGATION IS SUCA, That whereas, the above bounden 7? . . . vanceallle saved aa ‘ _ as misaaatichoubioeavevin -eeeeeeeeelS CONStituted and appointed Guardian to... minor orphan....; now, if the said a ff shall faithfully execute hu said guardianship, and particularly shall well and truly secure and improve ail the estate of the said Lit ; i until oe shall arrive at full age, or be soone thereto required, and shall render and trug account said guardianship, on oath, before tl Clerk of the Superior Court for NO thh County, and obey the law in all cases required by the Act “late Cee up, pay passyss the said of all such estates as Q , “Se i. w ayfully required by said or to such other persons as shall be lawfully empowered uthorized to receive the same, and the profits arising therefrom, then this obligation to be void; otherwise to r il force and yirtue h Signed, sealed ang-deliveted = | his is ee ¢ of i pA (Seat (SEAL k of the Superior cemptions by law and his indebtedness, j Sf —_— 7 es affidavit that he is worth over and above! xemptions by law and his indebtedness, ‘ q jf fi // < .¥ a ec atx } affidavit that he is worth over and above! kes affidavit that be is’ worth ower and above! emptions by law and bis indelhtedness, ' ( Makes affidavit that be ic worth ower and pees exemptions by law and his indebtedness, { Makes affidavit that he is worth over above | exemptions by law and his inde ness, j “Y Sworn to and subscribed before me, this £7 AROLINA, | In tHE SuPERIOR CouRT. all of satd7County, in the $ i SMA, ¢ @ and firmly bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum LLUe == cane Dollars current money, to be paid to the State of North, G ile f fit of Ye child _......hereinafter named, committed to the tuition of the said...../ A ER Bh. ok. tt ; cca sai cia to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each vf us, each and every of our heirs, executors and “Te jointly Cor firmly by these Prosents. Sealed with our seals, and dated this day of : AD. 17.27 THE ABOY ON IS SUCH, That whereas, the above bounden x Rr is constituted and SHE CONDITIK appointed Guz minor orphan....; now, if the said shall faithfully execute h&.... said guardiar estate of the said telin one J thereto required, and shall render a pl uf ‘ acgpqint of until aie shall arrive at full age, or be sooner said guardianship, on oath, before the Clerk of the Superior Court for County, and obey the law in all cases, as required by the 4777) , and détiye , pay possess the said of all such estates as okay or to such other persons as shall be lawfully empowered or authorized to receive the same, and the profits arising therefrom, then this obligation to be void; otherwise to remain in full force and virtue Signed, sealed art Keere the ae | : f, 0 = y TF, Z Se a cemaee, ~ Clerk of the Superior Court a 7 € € upe or 1 Le Ti 7 { Makes affidavit that he is worth over and above! i exemptions by law and his indebtedness, j { Males affidavit that he i« worth ower and shore! exemptions by law and his indeltedness, ‘ { Mahes affidavit that be is worth ower and shove; exemptions by law and bis indebtedness, ‘ ‘ Makes affidavit that be i¢ worth over and above i exemptions by law and hie indebtedness, } { Makes affidavit that he ie worth over and pore) } exemptions by law and his indebtedness, ‘ * Sworn to and subscribed before me, this.. a es = A ee 230 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, County. IN ‘tHE SUPERIOR CouRT. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That we, je Midireaihedana oLeAan..Fs ADE hy... Fe f CA all of said County, in the State aforesaid, are held and firmly bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum ‘ —_ - _ ot .CAZ4gee#. sortece se: Dollars, current money, to be paid to the State of “a LE , st, for the bepefit of the chifdy............. hereinafter named, committed to the tuition of the said - OT | «...46.4¢--dé ld. MMH... lbs... gee fhich = pi , ell ¢ y fe, we bind ourselves, and each of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and —_— jointly and seyegally, firmly by these Prosents Sealed with our seals, and dated this Z day of...... . - , A.D. 1727 THE C 0 OF ‘RHE 'E OB LIGATION IS SUCH, That whereas, the above bounden Ui.¥.! a ts : : 5 sevveeeeeeelS CONStituted an minor orphan....; now, if the said a shall faithfully execute he... said guardianship, and particuk estate of the said VW, CXlo. 727, pr until shall arrive at full age, or be thereto required, and shall render a plain apd true gecoyny of fear said guardianship, on oath, before Clerk of the Superior Courg,for Grtile County, and obey the law in all required by the Act of embiy, and deliv ay or possess the said appointed @fardian to. (Uo. 7, or to such other persons as shall be lawfully en IPowe . ¢ therefrom, then this obligation t ‘ yoil: otherwise to rem ! li force and virtyye Signed, sealed and deliveged | v F t. in the-arese [ J yA LL fe. (> AA (SEAL V f Cc ; 7 Yar tS. Sta inna 1 (Sra yl of the Superior Court hy, Je lana be aye -— - "7 (SAL CAL, Se fim <h (Sral 7 ' { Makes affidavit that he is worth over and above} i vemptions by law and bie indeltednees, j that he is worth ower and ahove! s by law and his indebtedness, ' thet he ic worth over and above! law and his indebtedness, ' { Makes affidavit that he is worth over and ahove| exemptions by law and hie indebtedness, j { Makes affidavit that he ie worth ower and above! exemptions by law and his indebtedness, j Sworn to and subscribed before me. this day of / Clerk of the Superior Court. uthorized to receive the same, and the profits arising NORTH CAROLINA, SA aentc on cavenniecivenesccnesins County. IN THE SUPERIOR CourRT. TH#HSE PRESENTS, Tat w all of said Zoumy, 3 staty% ssaidg ar and firmly bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum f “ Dollars, named, committed to the tuition of the said... current money, to be paid to the State of North Lp in trust, for nefit of the child................hereinafter to which payment yl and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and seyeraJy, firmly by these Prosents, Sealed with our seals, and dated this ZY day of Ci _ AD 1%e272 THE COAAITION ty THE { OBLIGATION IS SUCH, That whereas, the above bounden ..is constituted and appointed Guarditm to MY Ne minor orphan....; now, if the said MMdlil ol fae shall faithfully execute h.24... sai! guardianshipyand particularly shall well and truly secure and improve all the — hxitx until...& shall arrive at full age, or be sooner thereto required, and shall render a plaip’ and. true Wt of 7 said guardianship, on oath, before the Clerk of the Superior Court for € County, and obey the law in all cases, as required by the Act of Assembly, and delivergipypay or possess the said st LILLE! estate of the said of all such estates as... ought to be _possesfe ‘of, when lawfully required by said me ty Lhe f2, : to such other persons as shall be lawfully empowered or authorized to receive the same, and the profits arising therefrom, then this obligation to be void; otherwise to remain in full force and virtue igned, sealed ar ey adler GD. OE Clerk of the Segui Court Thing, [laaey [ burr A { Sates affidavit that be ie worth over and above! exemptions by law and hie indebtedness, j fuvme & { Makes affidavit that he is worth ower and shoves exemptions by law and bis indebtedness, ‘ ' Makes affidavit that he ic worth ower aod shove | exemptions by law and bie indebtedness, ‘ ( Makes affidavit that be i¢ worth over and shove} exemptions by law hie i { Makes affidavit that he ie worth ower and rs i exemptions by law and his indebtedness, Sworn to and subscribed before me, this ay. TH CAROLINA, | oe. sons snes Coy. J ... ALL on ns ee a all of said site yy State phorSaid, ye pe firmly bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sun of LIVE Al Wt NLL ....-. Dollars, current money, to be paid to the State of North Carupir just, Yay anan, hereinafter named, committed to the tuition of the said 4 hi yA / to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and ae 3 _ Sealed with our seals, and dated this THE rk. IG VEION IS SUCH, That whereas, the above bouncer ; "LEP Vj BOVE : appointed Guardian to ; Hi Ls eo Peale irdianship, and particularly shall well and truly secure and improve all t IN THE SuUPKRIOR tals Harla * T hi it we, —_——- ee ’ , jomtly and pever: ally, firmly by these Prosent day of ALEU | , AD 172 a | is constituted an wHer-erphan now, if the said / hall faithfully execute hhoew and p U ized, tt do . Lt42 / Zh, mitil gr shall arrive at full age, or be soo thereto required, and shall render a in gi AEC ! tw aid guardianship, on oath, before t Clerk of the Superior Court ' - “le - t County, required by the Act of Assembly, estate of the said amd obey the law in all case and deliver up pay AL: Marit a ought to be possesses when lawfully required by said or te such other persons a hall viully es ive the me, and the protits ari ! thereirom, then this obligation t | thes t I force and virtue tied, sealecL and cle avert . y P ; a CF Dui Pa Labial ¢ (Seat Cac) Stat, as r ' Ly lh ty Fa Ahn ras, died (Seat C fv . ' a (Sweat Miata / ~— (SHAL.) ' | (SAL. ) ! } ; { Makes affidavit that he is worth ower and aheove! < ptions by law and his indebtedness ; 4 Makes affidavit that he be worth ower and abhowet ¢ i cemptions by law and hie indebtedness, ‘ , i | Make t thet he ie rth ver and above! t ; : law and his indebtedness, > Makes affidavit that 1 * worth aver and ahewel ¢ | exemptions by law and hie indettedness, j y } | Makes affidavit that he ie worth ower and above} ¢ [ exemptions by law and his indebtedness, j 9 } Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of 1 ' Clerk of the Superior Court. yt) i | RTH CAROLINA,| . ; 25 In tHe SupeRiIOR Court. aie County. e THESE PRES STATE OF NTS firmly bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum all of said County, in the State ; ; ae Ae ppm nt ot l dollars, current money, Jo bé paid to thé State of North Carolina in trpst, for the benefit of the child... : Ss . ; *L named, committed to the tuition of the said € - S WAs Lh A-a7. a to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, hereinafter and each of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these Prosents Y 4 a | Se oy , AD lg 24 \BOVE, OBLIGATION IS SUCH, That whereas, the above bounden Sealed with our seals, and dated this ES nut CONDITION OF THE 7 : @ . KAA A—ty- YO “ minor-orpinmm .; now, if the said Wn ttee CJS shall faithfully execute )) C7 said guardianship, and partic ularly shall well and truly secure and improve all the oe a @ A m2 4 oO <I — is constituted and a Guardian to tr Ce. hah — eet at estate of the said -n a aaaceaetin ee £44 AA shall activewiiah-oge, or be soones said guardianship, on oath, before the unit Aha, thereto required, and shall render a plain aml true account of? ZL. 7 on Clerk of the Superior Court for ALLL required + Ze det of Assembly, and deliver Cea y pay or possess the said pro © VEE ornate ol all such estates as —— ought to be possessed of, when lawfully required by sand rtm < a a County, and obey the law in all cases, as or to such other persons as shall be lawfully empowered or authorized to receive the same. and the profits arising therefrom, then this obligation to be void; otherwise to remain in full force and virtue Signed, sealed and delivered) in the presence of | (Srat,. ) ( KO 4 U2 (Sea...) Clerk of the Superior Court (Sra. ) \) (Sweat, ) 4 (S#at..) 7 J / f { Makes affidavit that he is worth over and shove! © . 7 i eremptions by law and bie Indehtedness, { Maheo aMdevit that he is worth ower and shoves . exemptions by law and bis indehtedness, ‘ P. .-+---serteceresesssnsonssees {Makes affidavit that he ie worth over and shoves > exemptions ly law and his indeltedness, ‘ > (‘ Mabes affidavit that he ie worth ower and shove | $ exemptions by law and his indebtedness, j { Makes affidavit that he ie worth ower and shove $ exemptions by law and his indebtedness, } ocueente =a Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of er eeeeeee Clerk of the Superior Court, iar <s p i a s i a t i n ri d e Mi d i a n . ae . .. o s a a t e e n e e e a l e TT se t e ac e he l Sp TE wee NORTH CAROLINA, Yo. somu cum _ County. {Np KNOW Aly BSN BY 2 he CT That awe Hilt. amine VB AS % .¢ ili, ll nigh County, in ye State afgresaid, are held and firmly bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum » [rare fucm— aN Dollar current money, to be paid to the State of North Caroli Ce. r the Dgnefit of fhe child asa hereinafts nated, committed to the tuition of the said Wrote. 2 to whieh payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves and ene! otous, each and every of our letes, executors and “ae jointly and severally, firmly by these Present day of A@&ee o ALD. IP%2, THE, CONDITION, OF of ae BOVE OBLIGATION IS SUCH, That, whereas, the above bound [Vale C KL herek ee constituted a wnny Calelentee R Utates®” Ya Walt Cpt Ler CQ shall faithfully a hAd satel wim iaenships, and particularly shall cal ane uly secur nprove allt egtate Yh igysist AE acterty. AM Per? | t Yphaterx (ax oe thereto required, and shall remder ap noel true aeco tof i rev ' Vain md true account of Sealed with our seals, and dated this / — - Guardian to Itr-Le bon enor a ¢ now, tf the sand until shall arrive at full age, or be soon suid guardianship, on oath, before tl PP Clerk of the Superior Court for County, and obey the law in all eases, : requipest by the Aet of Assembly aie liver PLY OF prernese lier sated C aR leet e eX —— os Cy ies eae oe ee om to sueh other peernons well tee lawfully empowered Pr nuthorized to reeeive the same. and the profits nrisin : ' therefrom. then this oblivntion te be wot otherwise fo remain in full force and virtue We Li, Dakddhsd, ($69 (h& le J3 , err Nea b Tid riod (yy | Bh prt mi -W Lv e 3 2 da rhb Seal Sroteadl ented and delivered ‘ Makes affidavit that he te worth over i { shove exemptions by law and hisindebtedness | Makes affidavit that he is worth over re = cexemptions by law and hisindebtedness | Makes affidavit that he is worth over and | ahove exemptions by law and his indebtedness | Makes affidavit that he is worth over and | | Shove exemptions by law and his indebtedness j { Makes affidavit that he is worth over a | above exemptions by law and his indebtedness CAROLINA, | 230 In tHE SupERIOR Court. tw . Saas 5 » KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That we, OL? Quitheler~, all of sgid Count me the State aforesaid, are held and firmly bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum of /wW Dollars, current money, to be paid to the State of North Ay v1 | , tpr tl ag of the child hereinafter eee } a [: named, committed to the tuition of the said to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and cach of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and geverally, firmly by these Lrosents Sealed with our seals, and dated this AS day of as AD. EA KE OBLIGATION IS SUCH, That whereas, the above bounden utetion, Horry Grin ¥ ce 9 appojnied, Guare Gani to, a minor Afphian : now, if ps gs t fr shall faithfully execute h said guardianship, aod pj : shall well and truly secure "y DPI a I Aa Da ' A spacey i estatc of the said fol WMaMirey until shall arrive at full age, or be sooner thereto required, and shall render a plefii) and tyre account of said guardianship, on oath, before the Clerk of the Superior Court for oat 1edUhte County, and obey the law in all cases, as tn required by the Act of Assembly, and deliver Up, PAY OF posses the said ol ail such estates as Uhey ought to be possessed of, when lawfully required by sat JHUVELe h other persons as shall be law fully empowere door authorized to receive the same, and the profits ansing then this obligation to be void; otherwise to remain in tull foree and virtue ealed and delivered | in the presence ¢ yt O%, Chala ar» ~ (Sat. ) C ae’ Mit i, SIAC C ‘ Peg (Seau.. ) {4 Zh cn of the Superior Court +h V] ' fat? Pata (Srau.) (SAL. ) [ Sates oidevit that he is worth over and above! cemptions | law and his indebtedness j ‘6 7. PLS Sree { Makes affidavit that he te worth over and shove! exemptions by law and his indettedness, ‘ { Makes afidavit that he ie worth over and above exemptions by law and bie indehtedness, { Makes aMidavit that he i¢ worth over and shove] exemptions by law and hie indettedness, i ( Makes affidavit that he ie worth over and shove | i exemptions by law and his indebtedness, ; Sworn to and subscribed before me, this LY (a H CAROLINA, | Le FR CTE consssassyasecescasansosensd County. PRESENTS, MEN BY pune A , KNOW ALL current money, to be paid to the State of North Carolina named, committed to the tuition of the said... to which { administ 1b. © OBLIA of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and and dated this Sealed with our seals, THE oy, (3 ‘ minor 4rphanJ..; now, 1f e ¢ e ‘ shall faithfully execute h 44 estate of the said : : ; ‘e TMA? . thereto required, and shall render Clerk of the Superior Court for required by the Act of Assembly, and.deliver up, pay of . , Pod ayment well wal truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each ‘ 2 ~ a playpr und try? acc it yy WLYRI of all such estates a Wy ought to be possessed of, Witt b+ In 1HE SUPERIOR Cour’. ‘That we, t in trust, for the Kenefi jointly and severally, day of. TRE, XATION IS SUCH, rators, until County, POssess the said required by vhen lawfully thorized to or to such other persons as shall be lawfully empower therefrom, then this obligation to be void; otherwise to ith it force and virgt, Signed, sealed and delivered | J *" y the presen ¢ of J p VPA / as (4, iim f al le KA - j 4 ~~ Clerk of the Superior Court J é Alors { Makes affidavit that he ie worth ower and abowe! ; exremmtinr } law and hie indebtedness, } Makes affidavit that he ie worth ower and above! mptions by law and his indebtedness, ‘ ‘ Makes affidavit that he is worth ower and above ‘ me by law and hie indebtedness, { Makes affidavit that he is worth over and above} exemptions by law and his indeltednesa, j { Makes affidavit that he is worth ower and above} —— exemptions by law and his indebtedness, j Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of That whereas, receive the sam firmly by shall arrive at full age, said these Prosents ,AD. 19.27 the above bounde: said guardianship, and particYflarly shall well and truly secure and impreve all th or be soo said guardianship, on oath, before + and obey the law in all cas ; poe is constituted and ¢, and the profits arising J fr 4 J hn nd dt > Joa Ll hetech, Carveeesd, Cc (Sral Thane tor Oph rad, Sral (Sra Clerk of the Superior Court. (SEAL. ) ) eo ) 4 IN THE SUPERIOR CourRT. TH CAROLINA, and firmly bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum ..Dollars, , for the Te the child, ..............hereinafter to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each current ghey, to be paid to the State of North Carolina in trust named, committed to the tuition of the said. jointly anc firmly by these Prosents, AD SE a> the above bounden of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, severally, Qo AP 5 THE CONDITION OF THE. ABOVE OBLIJGATION IS SUCH, That whereas, appointed Guardian to... Sa LAALAA / minor orphen shall faithfully execute h estate of the said Sealed with our seals, and dated this day of 1S constituted and said gr ei shall well and truly secure and improve all the , ; ; now, if the said sircnnonitasilllteass until the shall arrive at full agg, or be Tines thereto required, and shall render a plain and trugyaccount of Clerk of the Superior Court for Sr_cbep required by the Act of Assembly, and deliver up, pay or possess the said hob Deen said guardianship, on oath, before the County, and obey the law in all cases, as of all such estates as Att ought to be posgessed of, when lawfully required by said ; ‘ : ‘ ert Z or to such other persons as shall be lawfully empowered or authorized to receive the same, and the profits arising therefrom, then this obligation to be void; otherwise to remain in full force and virtue Bos, Z . Rive bh sours. (SEAL. ) Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of J Clerk of the Superior Court (Swat. ) (Srat.) (Seat. ) { Makes affidavit that he is worth ower and above} exemptions by law and his indebtedness, j i--ons-cseenenesinninneennii { Makes affidavit that he ie worth ower and ahowe! ~ i exemptions by law and his indebtedness, ‘ > ssececcese { Makes affidavit that he is worth over and shove! ¢ exemptions by law and bic indeltedness, ‘ Yi +++ seen eseeseseessereossesens ‘ Makes affidavit that he ic worth ower and abewe i exemptions by law and his indebtedness, } $ cccenoccoes . { Makes affidavit that he is th i exemptions by law and his Le ee Orr $ ° ccesocanee a. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this Z0 day of Ore LER J j ove ; r cocg Ge Bees Ssecesssscccocccosecesscessesccubescoocssseesescosses ss coseesesseeeest sccccceccccocesseedeees Clerk of the Superior C Pes said od - oy 938 i sre ATA TIF oarnantiara >) STATE ‘OF NORTH CAROLINA, ie sk areal ane, a a a IRENELL.---_______- County. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That we, -Mrs.-Zora-D.-- a . ee wo AS ORT RR dea oR BOOB RE. 8 oon os neces oa ne, ee all of said County, in the State aforesaid, are held and firmly bound unto the State of North Carolina. in the sui Oe oie itn A OO tis wig ii Bcd oe 2 ec 2_.2_-el)ollars, current money, to be paid to the State of North Carolina in trust, for the benefit of the children —*____hereinafter named, committed to the tuition of the said uins...Z0ra._Na.Connmer. _........__- picanaa iceecanaotesoes ---to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves and each of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these Presents Sealed with our seals, and dated this...... L6th_ --day of -.---Tanuary cman, As a ee THE CONDITION OF TILE ABOVE OBLIGATION IS SUCH, That, whereas, the above bounden irs...40ra.-B... Cauner........ See eae i a ee ..is constituted and appinted Guardian to J,..4..Conner, Jr., Phyllis Conner and Ella Conner minor orphan g..; now, if the said BeBe. SORS. Dc. LT ORBOR ccncees ccucnens aa shall faithfully execute hex said guardianship, and particularly shall well and truly secure and improve all t estate of the said I..A..Conner, Jr., Phyllis Conner and Slla Conner until wuey shall arrive at full age, or be soom thereto required, and shall render a plain and true account of her said guardianship, on oath, before t Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell ..County, and obey the law in all eases, as required by the Aet of Assembly nud deliver up, pay or possess the said -Onner,..Jdr..,.Phyllis Conner and Slla Conner @~-aee of all such extates as they ought to be possessed of, when lawfully required by said 3 ‘ y 4 * any Tr Phyllie “” . ——_ le.fo..080Rner,.T fea. J¥ALAS..vonner nd 2lie Souner om to such other persons as shall be lawfully empowered or authorized to receive the same. and the profits arising therefrom. then this obligation to be void: otherwise to remain in full foree and virtue Signed, sealed and delivered { in the preset of i z < OVI hikes he 7 F ry: WU bore &t (Seal Seal { Kot the Superior Court MU lll CLV. 0 o1271u Makes affidavit that he is worth over a | abowe « xemptions by law and his indebtedness | ‘£2 C [3 Ala 44a “4 _ affidavit that he is worth over and ) shove exemptions by law and his indebtedness j at e Makes affidavit that he is worth over and above exemptions by law and his indebtedness Makes affidavit that he is worth over and | @« i ? f | above exemptions by law and his indebtedness | | Makes affidavit that he is worth over a | above exemptions by law and his indebtedness ne —— Sworn to and subseribed before me, this /.6. day of . Y Mic tlpwekd i eee haLtivintialm estes se ln. taase 4, Clerk of the Superior Court. -— A STATE 0, N Oy * CAROLINA, In tHE SupERIoR Court. " : Wek Pei cs ere sc nsacenscnce County. 2 firmly bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum “in the ae ar held a "ite. ca a AMAAME. current money, to be paid to the State of North Car: ina ja er the benetit of the child... named, committed to the tuition of the said........... ca ‘ie Fs to which” payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each _ <nnsnestniasinsonecl eee .-hereinafter of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and_gevergfly, tirmly by these Prosents. 2 day of Sa AD. 172 ik ABOVE OBLIGATION IS SUCH, That whereas, the above bounden Sealed with our seals, and dated this THE C ITI iz “ inte Py is to... ef) \ Be hibir,y... minor orphan. ; cr if the said 0. Gf - OTA un shall faithfully execute h ig constituted and aid guardianship, and estate of the said JU, HO? +t MMe 14S until Lh Gib shall arrive at full age, or be sooner thereto required, and shall render a plaip.and trye account of A said guardianship, on oath, before the I> Clerk of the Superior Court for | County, and obey the law in all cases, as AM ENCEIT, a required 7 open of “Steg and d of all such estates as Vb Oy or tar, Ldast > said tt Weakuor ought to be _ A, when lawfully required by said Pia eis or to such other persons as shall be lawfully empowered or authorized to receive the same, and the profits arising therefrom, then this obligation to@e void; otherwise to remain in full force and virtue UM Zbl psu. 1X & Pecnte tess Sk: LA. Lee (SAL. ) Ag 4 (SAL. ) \ N ) (Seat. ) { Makes affidavit that he is worth ower and shove! < i exemptions by law and his indebtedness, i Signed, sealed,and delivered { Makes affidavit that he is worth ower and above: S i exemptions by law and his indebtedness, ‘ . . oc cccccccocs { Makes affidavit that be ic worth over and shove! < evemptions by law and bie indeltedness, ‘ * ‘ Makes affidavit that he i« worth ower and abo el $ i exemptions by law and his indehtedness, ; * { Makes affidavit that he ie worth ower and above! < ' exemptions by law and his indebtedness. ; ~ eccescccece Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of ps phicsheuabe cnbienad S ‘ 00 cer ceececess cose eeeeeseeses sees 100s 500 n55es 555s esseeeeNee eee ecewecewesscoeuce Clerk of the Superior Court. Ac said ‘ ‘ ‘ ticulagly shall well and truly secure and Cana i all the | ; : yT*Te ac NADTH CARALINA ) .. STATE OF were CAROLINA, -.-. County. , InN THE SUPERIOR Court, Buea LR EE ms all o = 7 bt Of 60 coor eeenn- - all of said County, in the State aforesaid, are held and firmly bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum curry of _CQac2e.__ g Pe aed» --2- LAT, N BY oe _ NTS, Thet we iiaceenall FR WR oo SUR oe Pon Onn SS cee recs ccecee te olla. nam : . . current money, to be paid to the State of North Carolina in trust, for the benefit of the childstean. __ hereinafter named, committed to the tuition of the said nn ister teen o iB a WS he Maat of u ‘ , ieee) --------to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves and each - of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these Presents. Sealed with our seals, and dated this... %_ FAW ___- day of - i THE CONDITION OF THE ABOVE OBLIGATION IS SUCH, That, app nana f RA Berattc.. Cte Raatdedtette. 270 SME Mataededen. _is constituted and printed Guardian to LW. AL. IHS 6 Bu wece. BE stays D. 1928 e above bounden whereas, | ee ere 7 Oe --u.-. treet... Me. neha Db 9995.8. ie ming ttt tn re Oe Se Bee | OD I Ate... -- -- -------- -- hal minor orphanS —- ; now, if My said Treanor Crass .7nS. a. sha estat ; Pe ee ato sreereecoocces -- - shall faithfully execute h.@ 2r~ said guardianship, aud particularly shall well and truly secure and impro\ he . ' c 9S rat OQ ) r estate of the said — lay. bis IAS. OR nae, Se, SameR..2mnEbiresr - Qraauck, 6. Lata Lana... 2005. LB sain ea ther . until a shall arrive at full age, or | met Cler thereto required, and shall render a plain and true account of bf. said guardianship, on oath, before the J Necks LL andl deliver up, pay or possess the said reqt) Clerk of the Superior Court for ..County, and obey - law in all « Cu. tel. mns ry ay fe: Own Ghz cheLe. x8... biisre! required by the Act of Assembly, e-Ge PCO An. S¥)3.% dn lt Be of of all such estates as Kirtay ought to be possessed of, when lawfully required by said / i Cc i= } f32.0aA2. ALAAAO1L, I. XN 3 = Ce het tee or t : oF to such other persons as shall be lawfully empowered or authorized to receive the same, and the profits arising ther , fr , , herefrom, then this obligation to be void; otherwise to remain in full foree and virtue Sign Signed, sealed and delivered ‘ ) in the presence of i fae : f) Fw " , c rc ~ ; \ C p--- LG LA cl 4 : ae st —_— % | - i / Clerk of the Supe mor Co ( %, } ed rh ipertor urt Bs ane, j SL Seal DA LQ pace Seal : { Makes affidavit that he is worth over and s —S ee L gp WOR. } L | above exemptions by law and his indebtedness | 9 ' ot AA M20 | Makes affidavit that he ie worth over and tC <e j s big : fo { $- ’ \ above exemptions by law and hisindebtedness | : \ w VM es | Makes affidavit that he ie worth ower and “4--- seeeee { $. | above exemptions by law and his indebtedness | | Makes affidavit that he is worth over and | above exemptions by law and his indebtedness | wince affidavit that he is worth over a ' | above exemptions by law and his indebtedness > : 4 : ’ ‘ Sworn to and subseribed before me, this... day of U oooanlgocoonss _ < f < w~ce €cH & 2eet eK | te om.anr or ata weemwree a al te ae . STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, IN THE SUPERIOR CourT. cena _Iredell Lo caene amet County. , KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That we, _ Nola I. Lamterth,D. D. Redman sinh: A. TAL: Privette.........---------------------------------------- -- all of said County, in the State aforesaid, are held and firmly bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum OF cue ONE. ‘THOUSAND . Dollars, _ eee mamas current money, to be paid to the State of North ¢ ‘arolina in trust, for ue 7 nefit an Cs ahau> Pe -hereinafter wala... Iasherth........-... ..-.- : to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves and each named, committed to the tuition of the said - of us. each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these Presents. _February.-- D. 1.928, whereas, the above bounden Sealed with our seals, and dated this—- 8th _. day of -- THE CONDITION OF THE ABOVE OBLIGATION IS SUCH, That, Nola .I,-Lamberth ---..--.---------- nominee cw - Sherman C. Lamberth, lJunetic __. . is constituted and eppinted Guardian to --- xo ; now, if the said shall faithfully execute her Malo. 7... Tee. .....~nncncccecenacen escccccnee= said guardianship, and particularly shall well and truly secure and improve all the Sherman CC. Lamberth estate of the said until he shall JaUCRCRAIDBE oF be sooner ra plain and true account of her Iredell thereto required, amd shall rendle said guardianship, on oath, before the ..County, and obey the law in all cases, as Sherman C.. Lamberth Clerk of the Superior Court for required by the Act of As» mbly and deliver up. pay or POSSESS tl e said of all such estates as he Nola Le ought to be possessed of, when lawfully required by said Lamberth or to such other persons as shall be lawfully empowered or authorized to receive the same, and the profits arising therefrom, then this obligation to be void; otherwise to remain in full force and virtue f jtte Y Loge Seal Xd x9 le AAA sent LEE TA erat iso (Seal.) Signed, seal ' and delivered { in the presence of j 5 Jt /¥a+ 44 Clerk of the Superior Court ~~ (Seal. ) AD Beep / > { Makes affidavit that he ie worth over — = 500. above exemptions by law and hisindebtedness | yo U,. A eo 2 ‘eos affidavit that he ie worth over r ¢ 600, | above exemptions by law and hisindebtedness | Pr . . } ’ [ Makes affidavit that he ie worth over ey | ahove exemptions by law and his indebtedness { Makes affidavit that he ie worth over and fish dandelnnawwtia © eesdaiicn — 2 , oy above exemptions by law and his indebtedness | / | Makes affidavit that he is worth over and § 22... ccccccce above exem tions by law and his indebtedness __......... iMdddeeéa e sum ollars, nafter 1 each sents unden “d and ll the voner ¢ the es, as ising Al.) Al.) AL.) AL.) AL.) STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, County. In tHE SuPERIOR Court. ( “ PRESEN Pe AY Nhe Ler all of saip County, i State aforesaid,Afe held and firmly bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum t ‘ f saad C fin the State aforesaid, are held and firmly bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum of "Oe. 2s SSUUNEETSSoeccnenccnsesscubUUTENnneesssssccsTMpeonesccorssecnsoccseqseceses Dollars | ah tee Dollars, current money, to be paid to the State of North Caroling in trust ¥ rt benefit current money, to be paid to the State of North Carolina in trust, for the benefit of the childaz<«—hereinafter named, committed to the tuition of the said.......<4./. Mi, Pa a. ( mamed, committed to the tuition of the suid... Sie far mittee ccsccsceasscence-nssscasesonessoessssoncsenssnsssnsoneseossoneesssensennageansmnebiios to which payment well and truly to b Made, we bind ourselves, and each ee ate oe 2 vecevteseseeeeee tO Which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally,,fymly by these Prosents of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these Prosents. : e ' ' hi / day of... ZV A.D. 72 Sealed with our seals, and dated this... / day of A fut , AD. ok Sealed with our seals, and dated this THE CONDITION i THE ABOVE OBLIGATION IS SUCH, That whereas, the above bounden Ry; iets 7 is constituted and appointed Guardian fo OMG Atty WH . CHAKA J - > sss Teel ab ali iota alslgtida caning a minor orphan)..; now, if the said 7. Ld. a (kh CAL pele shall faithfully execute h.4 _ said guar > inship, and particul: aha shall well and truly secure and improve al! the shall faithfully execute hae said @uardianship, and particularly ey aden lsogggeming ee: and improve all the 4) 4 ; , (MBA MA Laaradd a hihi (tH until... LAY shall arrive at full age, or be sooner weeee until hey shall arrive at full age, or be sooner thereto required, and shall render a plain anfl t t/ wt hha. said guardianship, on oath, before the thereto required, and shall render a plain and true accoynt of said guardianship, on oath, before the Clerk of the Superior Court for 7 County, and obey the law in all cases, as Clerk of the Superior Court for Sunt 4~— County, and obey the law in all cases, as required by the FN Asse mbly, and delder PF r possess the-»: Wf required by the Act of Assembly, and aud Tot or possess the said NEM. Ve i bh Beucr Piast so ae of all such estates a ought fo Pe possessed pf, when fully yy rh by said G4 of all such estates as.‘ ou A, to be possessed of, when lawslly reqyired said | bgate— ; ; bo’ / ' MEP? Maa VAcZ OA a AS Loni) estas. ati ate cette ae or to such other persons as shall be lawfully empowered or authorized to receive the same, and the profits arising That whereas, the above bounden OF THE CONDITLL JAM. BOVE OBLIGN, on r minor orphang.; now, if the said or to such other persons as shall be lawfully empowered or authorized to receive the same, and the profits arising therefrom, then this —e to he void; otherwise to vain in full force and virtue therefr mii, then this obligation t « Vol I; otherwise to remaim in full force and virtue Signed, se D vnphlgh delive signed, sealedand lolryere: 1 | ~ & 7 B ¥ a Yd 69 tng afrenec ( Vpcoliclae lout, (Seat) ca of a (SEAt. ) v / ws Ke : 7 7 A \ DA vat ; Z20i : mae (Seat. ) é (Sax. aa - be Gunestor C aan if | - Clerk of the e rior Court VK (SAL. ) AY, L th, (Smat. (Srat.) ( (Srat. ) ( Seat.) (Seat. ) ( . . C KM Berens, \\ 4 Kd ok ie hy ‘ . : ‘ . ° | { Makes effidavit that he is worth ower and ahowe! . iY ) a = ae el — ent te toteine S s ? 4 ee a , er 00 — L th ; i LY ( C25 L (Brom ( Makes affidavit that he & . Makes affidavit that he i th ove 1 : si : . is worth over and ahove ( > OL) ha f / "exemptions by tow end bie ee os > — ‘ exemptions by law and his indebtedness, > 7 C04 scsseanshy , ‘ ‘ a 4 » te : ; - { Makes affidavit that he ie worth over and shove! Mabes oAderls Shor be le worth ores ged chowes = g {chemptions by law and” ie indebtedness, | Govevnneuneennernneenne . ( Makes affidavit that he ic worth over and above ( Makes affidavit that he is worth over and above ‘ eee ‘ : id Sched $ exemptions by law and his indebtedness, oe } $ P ” pone Oy low end Oe 6 ¥ ris ‘ ; { Makes affidavit that he is worth over and shove { Makes affidavit that he ie worth and ab 1 — - stones enperseeceee exemptions by law and his indebted nese, are $ ee et esemptions by law and Bic indebtednen, $ eae. S aa Sworn to and subscribed before me, this Li ZP ‘ 92h : worn to and subscribed before me, this ~ Clerk of the Superior Court. IN THE SuPERIOR Court, ATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, 2 — *KNOW 2 Li MEN BYU BS 1 Dea Phat we, Jer i ee M2ilin., VAL: ba id firmly bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum all of said County, . _ —— are held ar Orn t-~ O ti tkt ease apni imaaaimnnhn _. Dollars of ee © ee, lal current money, to be paid to the State of Nort ¢ arin in, trust, for the re of the Ghild,,.«---..-- -hereinafter o * ne11%..- named, committed to the tuition of the said to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves and each of us. each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these Presents. 221 AAf..-------- A.D. F724 That, whereas, the above bounden _day of - Sealed with our seals, and dated this.----------- Is SUCH, Du 2 CON ITION OF BOVE on Lb nw Trtoy.& : ry. shes ED imme a Se aed is constituted and minor orphan » now, if the said shall faithfully execute bh “estate of the said shall arrive at full age, or be soo 2 FLY said guardianship, on oath, befor until thereto required, and shall render a plain apd true ey Lr+ ll 2” Clerk of the Superior Court for _County, and obey the law in all cases, : required by the Act of | ~ ml . and de ‘liver jap. pay or pogseas the said 'G VALA A> lw" untttr? of all such estates gs é sx ought tobe possessed gt, when lawfully required by said OOM paint LOY te or to such other persons as shall be lawfully empowered o1 authorized to reeeive the same and the profits ar therefrom, then this obligation to be void; otherwise to remain in full force and virtue Signed, sealed and delivered { the presenee o in the pr Auy 2 pr shed ss LZ!) A ; J c Jf fr) 4 / of , Ld V+ o# G a C.-<7 ’ fre S Cheek-efthe Superior Court. h. ?. : {/ (Seal Makes affidavit that he is worth over and $. | above exemptions by law and his indebtedness | o Makes affidavit that he is worth over and t $ | above exemptions by law and his indebtedness j Makes affidavit that he is worth over and 0 ¢ 0! | above exemptions by law and hisindebtedness y { Makes affidavit that he is worth over and . . 6 asa - 1a above exemptions by law and his indebtedness Siping affidavit that he is worth over and scace — n § on2s000--"""" | above exemptions by law and his indebtedness Sworn to and subseribed before me, thin Gn day of . Mh om. ey. DK, 221978 an t F NORTH CAROLINA;| |. nsesncennele OMMEY. ae tate aforesaid, ¢. held and firmly bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum RO OM. Dellars, arolina in i< the béyétit of the child hereinafter to wt h payment well and tris to be made, we bind ourselves, and each f of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and adminjstrators, jointly ang’ s erally z = day of ; An | MBLIGATION IS SUCH, é hf poh (brewer C4. K-omee hall faithf xecute yg : | shall faithfully execute hy said gui “" a and particularly shalAvell and truly secure and improve all the estate of the said m4 t = until KNOW A]|.L ME} aan j of: Ga "AZ...C4.... current money, to be paid to the State of Nortl named, committed to the tuition of the said firmly by these Prosents. A.D. Prt That whereas, the above bounden ur seals, and dated this BOV Sealed with A THE CONDITION OF on appointed ’ i “ minor orphan....; now, if the said is constituted and shall arrive at full age, or be sooner ~~ Sic said ee on oath, before the ( ‘ounty vy the law fra Cases, as required by the Act of Assembly | ,’ the said Lamsrt an : of all such estates as ougty to be pos Prane A> parma of, ¥ 1 lawfully required by said Y or to such other persons as shall | thereto required, and shall render a plait aie true account and deliver up, pay Clerk of the Superior Court for r }Oosse « lawfully em 1 or autl red . i fully empowered «nt orized to receive the same, and the profits arising therefrom, then th bl | } Ws Oblig: » Ib sil otherwt . i Digation t ec vor therwise to fr unm full force and virtue Signed, sealed and delivered / sn me pre cof ( SEAL.) ih FL iy, : iY) Li ¢ tt 26 S (Se ) / lerk of the Superior Court 4) ae , hn gn ed PeAl.,. ) ( SFAL. ) yf (SAL. ) J ff {| Makes affidavit that be ie worth ower and shove) } etemntine aw and hie tndeltedaree » - ' Makes efidawit that be i worth ower and abowet = etomptions | law and bie pedettednees, ‘ > poccenscoeseeaayaa Makes sfidawit that be i worth ower and showers ceemrtian. law ant bie tedeltedweee ‘ $ oo | Makes sfidavit that be i worth over and pon ; enermotions by lew end bie tedeteednece $ eereeweecees >. {| Makes affidavit that b h « | exemptions by low ond hte todebteiees”*} $ setecece Sa Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of 1 ee yt See 6 aT: OF NORTH CAROLINA, | In tHE SUPERIOR Cour’. No. 69*—GUARDIAN BOND. ae ieiiiialiiany State of North Carolina | seine eneiauion COURT fradell cece . seecseeee COUNTY. Homer Be Llayhew Know ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That we, and the FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND, are held and firmly bound unto the State = : . Jove: Tn ugand Dolls "Bs CO 9 wes o @s« — = of North Carolina in the sum of...” 4 “f —w -- ~ = = {$7,000.00} == Dollars, to be paid to the Double the amount of the personal property and rents and profits of real estate. Staté of North Carolina, in trust for the benefit of the children hereinafter named, committed to the tuition of the said Homer 2. Layhes to which payment well and truly to be made we bind ourselves, jointly and severally, our executors and adminis- trators, firmly by these presents. , 1928... Sealed this LQth day of aula Tur ConpiTIon oF Tuts OBLIGATION 1s Sucn, that whereas the above bounden mer b&b. Layhew is appointed guardian to oe - . ~ * George We uaghew, imompeten’s, mixer: Now, if the said guardian shall well and faithfully execute the trust reposed in him, and shall secure incompetent pero been uijudyed competent, and improve all the estate of said orinor,/ until he shalbdexbeeattattage, or be sooner thereto required, said guardianship, on oath, before the Clerk of the Supe rior Court and render a plain and true account of h....a . -.0rn $ moe for said county, in all cases as required by law, and deliver up, pay or possess said sninag of all such estate as he entitled to, when lawfully required, and obey all lawful orders of the Clerk or Judge touch- , then this obligation is to be void, otherwise to remain ) Mom £8 sare on xb Dtfosit,Com OF ARYLASD LULL energy: te of Superior Court. UL (Ys LAL EE ls qanxt) “Attorney: -in-Fact. ing the guardianship of the estate committed to h.. in full force and effect. In presence of /)™ be CAROLINA, | IN THE SUPERIOR Court. County. os id firmly bound unto the State,of North Carolina, in the sum b OG 2“) ......-.Dollars, current money, to be vy, » paid to the State of North Ca lina in trust, forthe benefit of the child@gea—___ hereinafter named, committed to the tuition of the said TAS s to which payment well pfd truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each all of said County, in the State gforesaid, are held ; 4 ot of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these Prosents, Sealed with our seals, and dated this.........f2-af..........lay of ME ap. 192k THE } ON IN OF THE ABOVE OBLIGATION IS H, That whereas, the above bounden =~ ' appointed Guardian to ’. Bawa minor orphan....; now, if the said i . . . ' shall faithfully executech 4@... said guar: estate of the said S is constituted and hanship, and glarticularly shall well and truly secure and improve all the f until hs shall arrive at full age, or be sooner ’ iccount of .. AteZ. said guardianship, on oath, before the . County, and obey the law in all cases, as , thereto required, and shall render a plaip apd tru . : . ; , Clerk of the Superior Court for aA required by the Act ef Assembly, and deliver up, pay yr possess the said ® Ronco ' t all such estates as h- ought to be ee when lawfully required by said Burtep Romine or to such other persons as shall be lawfully empowered uthorized to receive the same, and the profits arising therefrom, then this obligation to be void: otherwise to signed, sealed apd delivered } i 1 “ and virtue 9s (ZB > IBAA ..( SEAL. ) { Makes affidavit that he ic worth ower and shows? : etomntins aw and bie indehtednee ; Makes afidavit that be ie worth ower and ahowes exemptions by law and hie indebtedness ‘ obo wenccces | Makee atidovit that be i« worth ower and ahe vet exert la and hie adebtednene i ' Makes affidavit that be i¢ worth over and ahove | exemptions by law and hie ‘ndehtedness, j — +++ <- seer rewws { Makes afidavit that he i¢ worth ower and above } ; exemptions by ‘aw and his i . ; Sworn to and subscribed before me, this Zz 2 aA TATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, N THE SUPERIOR Cour’. STATE 0 NO TH CAROLINA, ee Sccincincniendi County. , ik . ‘ ; we, all ofsaid County State aforesaid, are held and firmly bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sun. all of said County id unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum fA LEK - tte eisinhinlicedeiesiadeeibdenitcasnibaidiadiediies pie iraatesuiiieaii Dollays, of ... SMS Dollars, current money, to be paid to the State of North Carglina in trust, for <5 > benefit of i cesses hereinafter current money, t — trust-for the benefit of the child Deceit named, committed to the tuition of the said...s LLbEX. LK So eee er ete stile si named, committed to the tuition of the said > 3B" AWNLA i | ce o which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each | of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administyators, jointly and yrally, firmly by these Prosents of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and adminjstrators, jointly ¢ poverty, firmly by these Prosents. Sealed with our seals, and dated this - 2 day of...... ~<A EER, AD. IF 28 Sealed with our seals, and dated this 7 day « AD. 1726 THE CONDITION OF THE ABYYE OBLIGATION IS SUCH, That whereas, the above bounden THE CONDJT THE AB OVI VT TC ON | wt “H, ‘fhat whereas, the above bounden Lt , CSC 4G e Pence ..is constituted and Los ft TUL I AAVIRL is constituted and appointed Guardian to... a. ak. an . hel CEA. Pras t Sais AAA, appointed Guardian to bd (3. Dam minor orphan....; now, if the said Wada « J ] Whine. . / \uninoserpliat....; now, if the said LLIL AAAS shall faithfully execute h4.. said guardians hip, and shall faithfully execute h_ <4 said gugfdianship, and particularly shall well and truly secure and improve all the ) Marl) , . estate of the said ., # Che BA ox. <<<... suashaltensaiasisimamseaimnseem ae estate of the said — AAW S Rob Nouns 7 : hy . | am > until..... ALKA.....shall ase , or be sooner until de shall arrive at full / J age, or be sooner i OE ’ thereto required, and shall render a plain and true account of said guardianship, on oath, before the thereto required, and shall render toot said guardianship, on oath, before the ' i plaiy 1 tri . ; . ; aw in all case Clerk he S HH 2 Clerk of the Superior Court for foe ht a County, and obey the law in all cases, as ‘ erk of the Superior Court for County, and obey the iaw in all cases, as required by the Act of Assembly, and deliver up, pay or possess the said required by the Act SB. ‘Baw deliver u as pay or possess the said * ee. : fy of all such estates as A sucht to be pgssessed of, when lawfully required by said all such estates as he , i") ¢ heros sessed of, when lawfully required by said af Sliieatinlllansitieeniiiiilinaan QD WM Mo- — articularly shall well and truly secure and improve all the ‘1 or to such other persons as shall be lawfully empowered or authorized to receive the same, and the profits arising r to such other persons as shall be lawfully en powered ized to receive the same, and the profits arising ' therefrom, then this obligation to be void: otherwise to remain in full force and virtue heretrom, then this obligation to be void: otherwise to force and virts ined, sealed and delivered t Gf. in the pre pice of W Hae a.) rah 12 Lhe Af 12 4. AS S/ax, Fa Waa ) bh m- 4 a gn; pay (Ss ) Cerk of dbf Rcsrler Court Ay 4 * > + Signed, sealed and delivered } in the J eof of the Superior C (Sra. ) (SAL. ) (SFAL.) Makes affidavit that be is worth over and shove} s { Makes afidavit that he is worth ower and ale ywe! exemptions by law and his indebtedness, } . : aw and his indebtedness ; Makes affidavit that he ie worth ower and ahove! exemptions by law and his indebtedness, ‘ *f i oo {Makes affidavit that he is worth ower and shove! — exemptions by law ond his indethtedness, ‘ *h i ' Makes affidavit that be is worth ower and above! exemptions by law and bis indebtedness, ‘ A { Makes affidavit that he ic worth ower and shove) $ exemptions | law and bie indehtedness, ‘ s ' Makes affidawit that he i¢ worth over and Gove) exemptions by law and his indebtedness, ‘A Makes affidavit that he i¢ worth over and ahe e} exemptions | y law and bis indebtedness, j +h { Makes affidavit that he ie worth ower and above | s % a { Makes affidavit that he ie worth ower and above | < exemptions by law and his indebtedness, j ig 9 exemptions by law and his indebtedness, j Sworn to and subscribed befare me, this day of a “ wy Lecewnevees Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of "Clerk of the Superior Court. zs "Clerk of the Superior Court. ROLINA, IN THE pPuPERIOR Court. . Dollars, . - current money, to be paid to the State of North Caroljma in task, for he benefit of the child hereinafter GLB: ee hae? named, committed to the tuition of the said A-“——<—@*~... to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each | administrators, jointly and-severally, firmly by these Prosents ees day of. —— ating i a ‘That whereas, the above bounden of us, each and every of our heirs, executors an Sealed with our seals, and dated this ...1S8 constituted and minor orphan....; now, if the said ithf . li a oll ¢ ’ secure and improve all the shall faithfully execute hL- 2 gy guar tig), varticularly sHall well and truly secure and imp estate of the said Lky re until AKI ..Shall arrive at full age, or be sooner thereto required, and shall render a @laip and trg account, of A24- said guardianship, on oath, before the Clerk of the Superior Court for County, and obey the law in all cases, as required by the Act of Assembly, and deliver up, pat or possess the said A eMehedet.L.b eg C Rt? all such estates a ought to be possessed of, when lawfully required by said _Gieas Q/ “4, “Y. hee nd or to such other persons as shall be lawfully empowered or authorized to receive the same, and the profits arising therefrom, then this obligation to be void; otherwise to remain in full force and virtue. Signed, sealed and delivered | ’ Yt CS oooh ' . SEAL. ) in the presence o1 J Tebor c Sonne Whoo. ts i) Clerk of the Superior Court I Makes affidavit that he is worth over and above} vemptions by law and his indebtedness, j ‘ Makes affidavit that he is worth over and above} exemptions by law and his indebtedness, ‘ { Makes affidavit that he is worth over and shove! ; exemptions by law and his indebtedness, ' Makes affidavit that he is worth over and pee exemptions by law and his indebtedness, { Makes affidavit that he is worth over and above! exemptions by law and his indebtedness, j Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of Clerk of the Superior Court. aid County, in the State aforesaid, are held and firmly bound junto the State of North Carolina, in the sum Alt AMAA. rah daht: im me, 102..— paises ae Dollars, current money, to be paid to the State of North Cagolina’ in trust, for the benefit of the child hereinafter ia o AaAr LL to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each - ® *“_« - . named, committed to the tuition of the said of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these Prosents. \ d y Dy Lie ae CS Le AD. 102% THE CONDITION OF ‘THE ABOVE OBLIGATION IS SUCH, That whereas, the above bounden Sealed with our seals, and dated this Scsieeia sie is constituted and appointed Guardian to CA ZZ. t L minor orphan....; now, if the said PAM ee ¥ AA ALL shall faithfully execute hg/.. said gu irdianship, and particularly shall well and truly secure and improve all the 7 Loan) Te bay until AL shall arrive at full age, or be sooner thereto required, and shall render a plaing and Daw account of Ria said guardianship, on oath, before the £ LL County, and obey the law in all case required by the Act of Ang deliver up, pay or possess the said LP GAL. F7e 2DAf { estate of the said Clerk of the Superior Court for 5, aS t all uch actates to. <ul i. ee ee t all such estates as ought to be possessed of, when lawfully required by said h RAL. Tn r to such other persons as shall be lawfully empowered or a ithofized to receive the same, and the protits arising refrom, then this obligation to be void; otherwise to remain in full force and virtue igned, sealed ar : re . \ : © P eC (Seat. ) (SEAL. ) urt (SEAL. ) (SAL. ) (SAL. ) affidavit that he is worth over and above} . ; 745 emptions law and his indebtedness, j . affidavit that he is worth over and shove? emptions by law and hie indebtedness, i we BF affidavit that he is worth ower and ahove | emptions by law and his indebtedness, ‘ f { Makes affidavit that he i¢ worth ower and shove exemptions by law and his indebtedness, } { Melee affidavit that he is worth over and above | exemptions by law and his indebtedness, j Sworn to and subscribed before me, this Z 2 ~ Id and firmly bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum current money, to be paid to the State of North C Lee * toy the benef} ‘ : i Ky) iti »f the said... Nplab CL. 4 Af GF ‘to be made, we bind ourselves, and cach Dollars, ereinafter to which payment well and tr of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and4gverally, firmly by these Prosenis AD. FLL THE LDITION ; 1at whereas, the above bounden Sealed with our seals, and dated this oa day of ..iS constituted and wr ae minor orphan....; now, if the/said shall faithfully execute h estate of the said : . oe 4 until shall arrive at full age, or be scon thereto required, and shall render a plain said guardianship, on oath, before Clerk of the Superior Court for County, and obey the law in all cases, required by the Act of Assembly and deliver up, pay or possess the said Le of all such estates as ought to be-possessed of, when lawfully required by said or to such other persons as shall lawfully empowered or authorized to receive the same, and the profits arising therefrom, then this obligation to be void; otherwise to remain in full force and virtue Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of J Q Or d.Daee Q i (Seat. ) AC i ; 4 Hhacetd (SEAL. ) ph bhvisd ; (SEAL. ) (SEaL.) Clerk of the Superior Court .( SEAL.) t j Oy U 4, t4ac— = { Makes affidavit that he is worth over and above! exemptions by law and his indebtedness, ; ' Makes affidavit that he ie worth ower and above! exemptions by law and his indebtedness, ‘ { Makes affidavit that he ie worth over and above! exemptions by law and his indebtedness, ' ' Makes affidavit that he is worth ower and ahove exemptions by law and his indebtedness, } { Makes affidavit that he is worth over and above} ’ exemptions by law and his indebtedness, } Sworn to and subscribed before me, this eM OU iis ia I celles "Clerk of the Superior Court. signed, sealec Dollars, trust, for the . hereinafter Alay of TION OF < idz: OBLIGATION JS SUQH, ho whereas, the above bounden ALL PE—— dian to.“ vis orphan....; now, if the said ..is constituted and shall faithfully execute 7 iho said gyardiapsbip/and particularly shall well and truly secure and improve all the estate of the said until Js thereto required, and shall render a plain ae} true agcount of Ane Shall arrive at full age, or be sooner said guardianship, on oath, before the ( 5 ~~ . eer LHbhh kd. County, and obey the law in all cases, as required by the Actos As: y, and de¥vgt up, pay or possess the said / , OA of all such estates as... 27 Ought ey sessed of, when law fully required by said (elbik Uer Clerk of the ‘Superior Court dor or to such other persons as shall he lawfully empowered or authonized to receive the same, and the profits arising theretrom, then this obligation to be void; otherwise to remain in full derce and virtue OK MCA 4A One SEOL I lA-60%K (Seat. ) 7 os ; CAkS: (Sea... ) (Seat. ) (Seat) Pees - e¢ fee { Sates alidavit that be ie worth ower and faeees exemptions by law and hie indeltedness, —_ ‘ { Mabes efidevit that he is worth over and shoves = 90 exemptions by law and his indettedness, ‘ > woes ssesagheosoccecce { Makes afbdas thet he is worth over and showe/ exemptions by law and his indebtedness, ‘ { Makes afidevit that he i¢ worth over and ahevwe ‘ exemptions by law and hie indeltedness, } { Makes afidarit that he is worth ower and move) i exemptions by law and his indebtedness, Sworn to and subscribed before me, this . £. ooo nee ee- ccereeereeeseseneeeeese: f* the eee ae 95 8 ATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, | sonal NEM cs ttt INP, on tenssnesessiiedanseossssansnsend County. STATE OF“NOR IN 1rHE SUPERIOR Court. ROLINA, | IN 1HE SupERIOR CourRT. Pk County. J PRE SENTS, ” ‘ all of said Zounty, in YY Ahn aforesaid, a and firmly bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum o the State of North Carolina, in the sum ANE LALO WHADLL to be paid to the State of North Carolina in trust, forsthe benefit of the eat hereinafter named, committed to the tuition of the saic DW Ltdsd, Uae, fase Otinud, i; inst be Scateed, Wo VE hich truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each of us, each’and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and seve Sealed with our seals, and dated this Z Cc HE TION Lip gaswbecveccoets att tered i eewnnnwwen oe dewwesenccereseccceceebusiss ocncngemtCSscccccce-ccecese ...Dollars, a, : nccenenced OUAFS, current money, , for the benefit of the child.....2 hereinafter nn named, committed to the tuition of the said... SE # ti.......< fackclé C4 LEZ hie ' | to which/payment well and truly to made, we bia ourselves, and each \ . ” - i rmly by these Prosents. | ffrvment’ well an lly, firmly by these Prosents, , AD OY II, That whereas, the above bounden of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and Sealed with our seals, and dated this - 7 day of ABOVE OBLIGATION IS SUCH day of, A.D. \Z¥ lhat whereas, the above bounden OF THE ABOVE OBLIGATION IS SU ‘ : is constituted and appointed Gua appointed Guardian to Y Y minor orphan....; now, if the said shall faithfully execute had minor — ae f the, a shall faithfully exect e » said gu: 7 D.. and particularly shall well ; estate of the sai “lott bal? A budid IF thereto required, avd shall render a plain an Said guardianship, and y@rticularly shall gel and truly secure and improve all the | estate of the said 5 trad | ef at full age, or be so . ; until Zz. shall arrive at full age, or be soonet thereto required, and shall render a plait arc try xecgunt of said guardianship, on oath, before the | Clerk of the Superior Court for shall arriv said guardianship, on oath, before the Clerk of the Superior Court for County, and obey the law in all cases, as and deliver up, pay or possess the said pAACAAALAL County, and obey the law in all cases, as required by the Act of Assembly, ahd deliver up, pay or possess the said : t all such estates as required by the Act of Assembly, ~ of all such estates as ought to be possessed of, when lawfully required by aid eti11agen~ ought to he possessed of, when lawfully required by said Se e or to such other persons as shall be lawfully empoweres thorized to receive the same. and the profits arising or to such other persons as shall be lawfully empowered or authorized to receive the same, and the profits arising therefrom, then this obligation to be void: otherwise to re ll force and viggue theretrom, then this obligation to be void; otherwise to remain i signed, sealed and delivered ) eA “igned, sealed and delivered) in the presence of J Ager (SKAL . “¢ L as 7 ¥ yy (SEAL. ) ; , | > i Wh Upedhe ~-( SEAL $ 4 / “yg . f (SERAL “of Clerk of the Superior Court oy , /, “yf | (SEAL. ) “ es ae | Aitf/ | 4 SEAL. ; J pr tre a4 o Thy “ (SEAL. ) | 7 F full force and virtue j LK 243 un Clerk of the Superior Court ( Seat.) a affidavit that he is worth over and above! mptions by law and his indebtedness, j { Makes affidavit that he is worth ower and ahowe) i eremptior y law and his indebtedness, } ~< : —— fj affidavit that he is worth over and shoves © " » tire. { Makes eiidowit Gat, he to worth aver a ahoves < / YU emptions by law and his indebtedness, ; < ee Y t i xemptions by law « is indehtednees, affidavit that he is worth over and shove! Makes affidavit that he ic worth ower and shove! mptior law and his indebtedness, ‘ fremptionse b law and his indehtedness, ‘ ‘h y # * affidavit that he is worth ower and shove I ¢ { Makes affidavit that he ic worth over and above | 1 i - “« eee eeee exemptions by law and his indebtedness, j < . ovens i exemptions by law and his indebtedness, i # { Makes affidavit that he is worth over and above } { Makes affidavit that he is worth over and shove} S exemptions by law and his indebtedness, j $ ' exemptions by law and his indebtedness, j 9 peeRgUNESSOe Sn “ Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of ; - eee Sworn to and subscribed before me, this CD. “Clerk of the Superior Court. named, of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly ang seveyglly, =. . 1 . - peaic ’ Ir seals, ¢ y day of IOVE, OBLIGATION committed to the tuition of the said to which payment w Sealed with our seals, and dated this ‘ION OF THE A ninor orphan. ; now, if the said I . ~ ..Dollars, 1 trust, for the benefit of the child 44<4— hereinafter oo ell and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each 226 we inden firmly by these 11 the above - is constituted IS SUCH, That whereas, shall faithfully execute h wG@&. said guardianship, and parpicularly shall well and truly secure and improve ~ a estate of the. said AAMamAte... wud thereto required, Clerk required by the Agt ofpAssembly, and MAM LAA. wy ot ofr there! a igrtic | all such estates A. Lr THieT and shall re of the Superior Court for deliver u Aka / ‘ mught to be to such other persons as rom, then thi ligation t le live r e of * ealed and in Hie ppesene (A ' Makes Makes affidavit exempt { Makes affidavit exempt Sworn to and subscribed befo affidavit shes affidavit ¢ nptior CMA" ee shall arrive at full age, or b said guardianship, on oath, bei County, and obey the law in a} | ntarahoty Mee, hen law said Aanapo tully required b ind the profit that he is worth ower and ahowe! aw and his indebtedness, j that he is worth ower and abe law and hie indebtedness, t that he is worth ower law and hi« and a ndeltedness, that he i« worth over and shere ons by law and his indeltedness, that he is worth ower and ahove?} ons by law and his indebtedness, j day of Clerk of the Superior Court STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, | Caunta STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, IREDEL In tHE SuPERIOR Cour’. IN THE SUPERIOR Court, County. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS Mra..Sallie._3...Nash, princinal, peer ss of Ltutesville +..--C--2nd United stetes yidelity ~ Caerenity-Gompeny ------ Of- Baltimore -lMaryland-8s-Surety. ------.--- ------------.--- . That we, all of said County, in the State aforesaid, are held and firmly bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the swn of --#Qur_ thousend £ 00/100.------n0(4.000.) m.27 = 5 e e to be paid to the State of North ( Carding | in trust, fon ne d a erson oO unsound m iad xcommntttechom 2 brsacho it tom 20K xe sain x x x xen to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves and each - == Dollars. fit of T.A. Nash biti 53$: Seti current money, these Presents. D. 1228 - above and severally, of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, ' Sealed with our seals, and dated this. 2 ourteenth P THE CONDITION OF THE ABOVE O -.----Mn ss. Sallie__3,.Nesh_ . sauna me ; uppinted Guardian to —- 2. A. Vash, a person mentally incompetent i | | jointly firmly by day of ? OBLIGATION IS SUCH, That, whereas. the bounden is constituted and XNmorMEpimaxX __; now, if the said irs... %allie._B. shall faithfully execute hex said guardianship, and particularly shall well and truly secure and improve all the tate sail T. A. Nasb of the be dis arced shall m=orwEx x wR or be sooner said guardianship, on oath, before the s_he reto required, and shall render her account of Iredell and deliver up pay or possess the said a plain and true (lerk of the Superior Court for County, and obey the law in all cases, as equired by the Act of Assembly R..As.Jash ought to be possessed ot when lawfully required by said Pr » Pr, As Nash such other persons as shall be lawfully empowered or authorized to receive the same and the profits arising mm, then this obligation to be ed, sealed to remain in full foree and virtue Cc f (hhc /3. Fea tedas . Hs. )VerAso. Saxo Lh A) ov. / =, war he \het em Seal) ‘ PeTny Pesta | Ligd. WO. the yt Oh voll: otherwise and delivered { essence of ( al mm e 48 \ (Seal. ) ae aw. Keal ) { Makes affidavit that he is worth over and | above exemptions by law and his indebtedness | [ Makes affidavit that he is worth over and | | above exemptions by law and hisindebtedness | | Makes affidavit that he is worth over a | above exemptions by law and his indebtedness Makes affidavit that he is worth over ot above exemptions by law and his indebtedness | ' [ Makes affidavit that he is worth over and ee hae by law and his indebtedness Sworn to and subscribed before me, this _ Clerk of the Superior Court; 3s STATE (OF In tHE SUPERIOR Cour’. gt we, , Arace. RTH CAROLINA, | OLLE- County. J LESE, PRESENTS, ° XM / v + aforesaid, gre held and firmly bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sun; all — County, in the ot LMM. aa ALLL A in —— benefit of the ACTON current money, to be paid to the State of North Car yayment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each Dollars, ...hereinafter named, committed to the tuition of the said to whicl ulmunistrators, jointly and seyerally, firmly by these Prosent: fii. fpe SRattt nn, AD. 1A THE CONDI'YON OF THE ; OBLIGATION IS SUCH, That whereas, the above bounden AP nA- Da a az ahs is constituted and appointed Guardian to ee Cid LS ; f\ minor orphan....; now, if the said shall faithfully exegt o gic gels. and particularly i o estate of the said jn f of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and ; day of.....C Sealed with our seals, and dated this shall well and truly secure and improve shall arrive at full age, or b thereto required, at We, /p said guardianship, on oath, be Clerk of tht wd nM C an opey the law in all required ar ct of Assen ily. a the saul fA&?Z OX Po f ’ < - A Lhe? hf. > Vv srs Ss fa (/ i . ay ought to be possessed of hen lawfully requ 1 Ty said such other person shall be lawfully emy t r authorized to receive the same, and the profit Il force and virtue Makes affidavit that t * worth over and aleve exemptions by law and his indebtedness, Makes affidavit that he i¢ worth ower and shove} exemptions by law and his indebtedness, j Sworn to and subscribed before me. this erk of the Superior ee t ROLINA, | In tHE Superior Court. County. J saiely 4g DBY MWESE PRESERTS, YL J That we, all of said Mpunty, in the § 6 atoressid, are Yel and firmly bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum ¢ c ssn ‘ » / = co Sa oui bf eee Dollars, C vjna in trus Z. the eas the shijd ry hereinafter AeA / ; rk. Ay be to which pa\Vment well and truly to be made, we Ii ourselves, and each of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and "14 ators, jointly anc erally, firmly by these Prosents Sealed with our seals, and dated this hy, day of “dee A.D \fZF “—T HE INDI Nth baul ' 7 AB OV 4 hi a ION IS SUCH, That whereas, the above bounden d is constituted and appointed Meh to truly secure and improve all the minor orphan....; now, if the said hall faithfully execute h said guardianship, and particularly shall well ; current money, to be paid to the State of N named, committed to the tuition of the said state of the said AY An a4 the ge, or be soonet ‘ equired, an S ial ence at pl al ix” sal ul insl math In re the ‘ + & js , r tT the Supe rior Co rt for ede ( t ind obey the law in all cases, as until shall arrive at full a juired by the Act of Assembly, dnd deliy er up, pay or posse he said ma 4 such estates as DS it sagsed of, when lawfully required | Can 7298 ut other persons as shall be lawfully e we i | tully empow ind the profits arising otherwise to remain in full ¢ ff hil lali ape a Ver Vr eo-tebeag, DP bywer (Seat, (Sean , then this oblig « of the Superior (SAL. ) ever and above: mptions * and his indehtednens, Jiecec ‘ ‘ afilavi t that he is worth ower and shove Jf aw and his ndebtedas **, VV otr~ ‘ kee affidavit that he ie worth « * worth ower and shows: it indeltedness, ' Makes affidavit that he ic worth er and ahove| exemptions ’ and his indehtednes, j Makes affidavit t he i# werth ower and ahewe} exemptions by | and his indebtedness, j Sworn to and subscribed before me, this ose ecweeree ber” of the Superior Court, pe rw 961) AROLINA STATE FS 3 owe - BY THESE/PRESEN In tHE SUPERIOR Court’. ha ITS i tll all of Arid County of LAYY (22 oe a siecupimeusinsteaaemen Dollars, ; ® mist, for the benefit of the child , dite An current money, to be paid to the State of Ni .-hereinafter named, committed bo theMuitien 6f the said to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each : smi cae case » °s . en hen of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administragfors, jointly and seyexally,’ firmly by these Prosents AD Ge day of ¥ * Sealed with our seals, anil dated this THE-Cy ON-OFF THE_-ABOVE OBLIGATION IS SUCH, That whereas, the above bounden Jl 4. \ ; is constituted and appointed Guardian to Oe —. AX... C48 MAAN _, ont As a. minor orphan....; now, if the said A : / ro shall faithfully execute haé¢ said guardianship, and part estate of the said Zw a 4 until Cage shall arrive at full age, or be soo: a plain ei! true geeguyt oi A A “said guardianship, on oath, before the la KECK < EL Count icularly shall well and truly secure and improve ail! the thereto required, and shall rendet Clerk of the Superior Court for and obey the law in all cases, as required by the Act of Assembly, and deliver up, pay or possess the said | 7 2 iri a D : Lecath tit wo Teen ak of all such estates as ought to be poSsessed of, when lawfully required by said 4 . lie —_—_—_— Kg Z Le lA & 7. CZ tt tcltth th. or to such other persons as shall be lawfully empowered or authorized to receive the same, and the profits arising therefrom, then this obligation ¢ voul: otherwise to 1 ull force and virtue > emmeme Signe scaled a deliy i J gt in gg peep j foe oo ©) J J) ‘tL -_. Z =~ the. Glkti “/ a. ~ Al Clerk the Superior Court ul f / (Sra (SAL. ) (SEAL. ) { Makes affidavit that he is worth over and above! < evomntiors + law and hie indeltednces, j . Wi Lb he lI Lti/ Makes affidavit that he is worth ower and shove! < ( +g Lt { exemptions by law and bis indebtedness, ‘ . / is worth ower and shove! ‘ tiene aw and bis indeltedness, ' “f h Makes affidavit that he is worth over and above} < exemptions by law and hie indebtedness, j 7 Makes affidavit that he is worth ower and above? exemptions by law and his indebtedness, j ‘f h Sworn to and subscribed before me, this STATE’ OF NORTH CAROLINA, icdcy aneabiseasccenuscusabiet alemeamsnaiie sve cs County. IN tHE SuPERIOR Court. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That we, all wo in the State re. are held and firmly bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum 3 ; S ; of NAS 47m. aie DSA ERR Lon nennccnsesesecscsnocecees aoscocsossseoseeeeeoeeesecooeeeeeeece.cc. potas cenpaiasscsccacs tenis current money, to be paid to the State of North Carolina in trust, for the benefit of the child Aa y.-hereinafter sxseae Se to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each named, committed to the tuition of the said of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by and dated this 2 ¥ day of THE aes, oe OF THE ABOVE OBLIGATION IS SUC an —, Q. en. is constituted and yuardian ng ; i ieuucuiniaaaneiedne minor orphan....; now, if the said these Prosents. , AD. 1929 That whereas, the above bounden Sealed with our seals, appointed G shall faithfully execute h said guardianship, and particularly shall well and truly secure and improve all the estate of the said shall arrive at full age, or be sooner thereto required, and shall render a plain and true account of said guardianship, on oath, before the Clerk of the Superior Court for County, and obey the law in all cases, as ] required by the Act of Assembly, and deliver up, pay or possess the said t all such estates as ought to be possessed of, when lawfully required by said such other persons as shall be lawfully empowered or authorized to receive the same, and the profits arising retrom, then this obligation to be void; otherwise to remain in full force and virtue ned, sealed and delivered) ™ > / ) ? ~s in the presence of +7 Heo Lt 7 g, tc haze ) i y A». AAA ALC) Cav F, (Sean. ) Rotlo¢ Le Lig (SEAL, ) (Srat..) Clerk of the Superior Court (SAL. ) (SEA. ) Wy Ahe Qe oO 7¢ tlAey {Makes affidavit that he is worth over and above} i : law and his indebtedness, ; , a £27 Oo ~“LCtve? Makes affidavit that he is worth ower and shoves exemptions law and hie indehtedness, ‘ Make affidavit that he is worth ower and showe: motions 1 law and his indebtedness, ‘ fi ' Makes affidavit that he i« worth over and “agp exemptions by law and his indebtedness, A { Makes affidavit that he ie worth ower and above | s ' exemptions by law and his indebtedness, j ¥ Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of pascociilielbebill rites Al see eneneee ~ Clerk of the Superior Court. —— — — — — _ — — — — _ _ 62 STATE OK2 NORTH CAROLINA, | In tHE SUPERIOR Court. all of sgid County, in the State aforesaid, are held and firmly bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the ; . ot ; ; escent. Manne nil, csisseeiaeimaabldeaain " current money, to be paid to the State of North Carolina in trust, named, committed to the tuition of the said. Pen... to which payment well and oe to be made, we bind ourselves, and each sum as sioiaicheuadniiatncaninbantcsibedcweeien spas: Dollars, for the benefit of the child... ...hereinafter f us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these Prosents A= by , AD. Ig THE Zeer . < LON ay scoles ABOVE OBLIGATION IS SUCH, That whereas, the above boundén é ..iS constituted and appointed Guz omega a Marrang Ferre lok ; now, if the said Aer... .. Y erracancy shall faithfully executg hee. said guardia ip, and particularly shall well and truly secure and i improve al! the estate of the said Pane a. ( a , poe ei Sealed with our seals, and dated this a> day of aatil, ——shet-arrive at-ullLage, or be sooner thereto required, and shall render a plajy and true account of Ac~ said guardianship, on oath, before the Clerk of the Superior Court for x AA tt—— County, and obey the law in all cases, as required by the Act of Asse and deliver up, pay or possess the said x VS orameg _ accep hrm d / of all such estates as... Ae 7 ought to be possessed of, when lawfully required by said { he or to such other persons as shall be lawfully empowered or authorized to receive the same, and the profits arising therefrom, then this obligation to be void: otherwise to remai tull force and virtue SL YW (e sewn a” ..(Seat L 1B* 5% fem cts Pale Ke seas. a LG TET, (Se:01.) , (Seat.) AM, aoe Fo <4 (SeAt.) Signed, 7 deliy A 4t- the Superior Court aidavie that he is worth over and ahove | . semptions by law and his indebtedness j 2 Makes affidavit that he ie worth over and ahowe: exemptions by law and his indebtedness, ‘ > { Makes affidavit that he is worth ower and shove/ < exemptions by law and his indebtedness, ' ¥ ‘ Makes affidavit that he ie worth over and shove | < exemptions by law and his indebtedness, j ¥ { Makes affidavit that he is worth over and above | $ exemptions by law and his indebtedness, ; Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of a ‘ : i Clerk of the Superior Court. “ appointed Guardian to Frey PB t CAROLINA, | In tHE SupERIoR Court. ¥ a me ps That we, PEL. ay ® = KNOWPpALL MEN current monéy, to be paid to the State of North Carolina A trust, for the benefit of the child named, committed to the tuition of the said YL,. — Rick’ baie ..hereinafter to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these Prosents. Sealed with our seals, and dated this...../ , A.D. MFRS ly day of That whereas, the above bounden , THE CONDITION OF THE ABOVE OBLIGATION IS SUCH, is constituted and winos—crphem.: now, if the said ALL, CV bct-BA nn pile e ss . t shall faithfully execute hZA.. said guardians! estate of the said Fragen. AP. p, and particularly shall well and truly secure and improve all the until att shall arrive at full Canepa leracy thereto required, and shall render a plain and trye acegunt of Aer said guardianship, on oath, before the Clerk of the Superior Court for Sate Ll County, and obey the law, jn af cz as required by the Act of Assembly, and deliver up, pay or possess the said Frases { all such estates as tthe ought to be possessed of, when lawfully required by said Fh Cs VarsraA—— to such other persons as shall be lawfully empowered . r authorized to receive the same, and the profits arising etrom, then this obligation to be void: otherwise to remain m full force and virtue ned, sealed and delivered ] in the presence of J Clerk of the Superior Court rr (Skat. ) (Seat. | Makes sfidevit that be ie worth ower and above} etemptions by law and hie indebtedness, ; * ' Makes affidavit that be is th havet oe To ° exemptions by law ené the Ladebeeln ee ‘ 3 scccosecesosesseeses Ful ly ce (he y ‘f i ' Makes alidovit that he ic worth over and shows) . ervempt by lew and bie indetedreg. ‘ $ oe sseones ( Makes afidawit that be f¢ worth over and aheave $ exemptions by law and hie indebtedness, } = . { Makes affidewit that he ie were over and above | $ exemptions by law and bie indebtedness, Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of Hone ee eeeremeeeeesess ee Clerk of the Superior Court. CAROLINA, | Bicker oesccraieasse County. IN THE SUPERIOR Cour’. : : . as . (Mh ~~ current money, to be paid to the State of North Cag ; hereinafter named, committed to the tuition of the said to which paymengAvell and truly to be made, we 4nd ourselves, and each of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and adminigfrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these Proscats, Fo nudlay 0 QAM ooo y AD. APEP GATION IS SUCH, That whereas, the above bounden Sealed with our seals, and dated this is constituted and if the said ; now, shall faithfully execute hae ud guardian@Mfp, and particularly shall wend truly secure and improve al! the estate of the sai 2 ae Willan DP Llu p Pictpinlia? ; until 4 shall arrive at full age, or be sooner thereto required, and shall render a plain aryl true ato ups | ra said guardianship, on oath, before the Clerk of the Superior Court for Ce ZL, bod, County, and obey the law in all cas sai ry “OL Mt Sea ret ait by said Ll and required by the Act of Assembly, of all such estates as posed td xe POSSE ssc of il hen {lM or to such other persons as shall be lawfully empowered or authorized to receive the same, and the profits arising therefrom, then this obligation to be void: otherwise to unin full force and virtue Signed, sealed and delivered 4 ‘ ‘< . agodns : (SEAL ene (SEAL ( SEAL. ) / on Dnaed / (Sra . a= Drip Zs Mf] ‘erk of the Superior Court ( SEAL.) { Makes affidavit that he is worth over and above! ~ i ¢ tiens by law and his indebtedness, j A Makes affidavit that he is worth ower and ahove/ < exemptions by law and hie indebtedness, ‘ 4 ' Makes affidavit that he ie worth over and shove! ww exemptions by law and hie indebtedness, ‘ ¥ ' Makes affidavit that he ic worth ower and ahove | ¢ exemptions by law and his indebtedness, ; ¥ pice { Makes affidavit that he is worth over and above} $ exemptions by law and his indebtedness, ; a Sworn to and subscribed before me. this day"of +1 Clerk of the Superior Court. © NO STATE 0 CAROLINA, | County. tHE SUPERIOR Court. Y THESE PRESENTS, That we, all of saic ty, inthe $ current money, to be paid to the State of North ws apn of the said 4a pid SPY which pay of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly aad severally, firmly by these Prosents, Sealed with our seals, and dated this La day of Sth A.D. fF COND/BION ADF THE Al GAT ICH, That whereas, the above bouaden 4 Le QZ LL i constituted and -~ if the said fat hr - land firmly bx unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum ae ccaacssanethcasesnbniee nacenaveoecncl wane trust, for the bengfit of the child hereinafter ent well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each Ih ile § Wath Phe. anship, and particularly shall well and truly secure and improve all the ; now, oe shall faithfully execute said guat = re A Diller until shall arrive at full age, or be sooner | . / thereto required, and shall render a plain sty ! ‘oynt of said guardianship, on oath, before the / Clerk of the Superior Court for County, and obey the law in all cases, as required by " “tiffany Ssembly, ” YD pfy,or possess the said } ; 1 ot all such estates as ought to be possessed of, when lawfully required by said f ae Ulla or to such other persons as shall be lawfully empow thorized to receive the same. and the profits arising therefrom, then this obligation to be void; otherwise to remain in full force and virtue ot TT [Folthe «suns ) sltadh hes (SAL. ) ieee ‘livered | p of lh Signed, sealed and in thp-prese yClerk of the Superior Court U7 / (Sat. ) (SAL. ) { Makes affidavit that he is worth ower and abowe! © } evemptions by law and hie indehtedneec " { Makes affidavit that he ie worth ower and shoves < i exemptions | law and bie indebtedness, ‘ + ‘ Makes affidavit that be ic worth ever and shoves = exemptions by law and his indebtedness, ‘ > “000s { Makes affidavit that he is worth ower and shove s exemptions by law and his indebtedness, } ° “ocsenenouee { Makes affidavit that he is worth ower and port $s } exemptions by law and his indebtedness, Soeeeensesseeee a > ‘ . 0,0 ¢ Sworn to and subscribed before me” this day of OLINA, In 1HE SuPERIOR Court. STATE OF PIE cosensens County. ¢ - TS, That we, /......4-AefCELY | MR escirte ce XOLINA, scnitaseusainesciagieamanae ¥ Peer Blc ctr esnosneensnls OMMNEY. er oi VIL Mi $ An j IN 1THE SUPERIOR CouRT. ounty, in theffate aforesaid, age held a bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum Ak. current money, to be paid to the State of North Ga WY Dp ; for the, benefit of the child... hereinafter named, committed to the tuition of the said 7 is a tate pJ6resaidfAre held and firmly bound unto the State of North Caroélina, in the sum Sinemet i : ......--Dollars, /all of Sax current money, to be paid to the State of North olina in “aie ee, of the child hereinafter d 2 : : a SP 7 coneee named, committed to the tuition of the said f LAL th ; Vhs rf. ae ‘ ; to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and admgpistrators, jointly and Aeverally, firmly by these Prosents. Sealed with our seals, and dated this Zé day of A VK ae 1425 v0 ee Loe Kk OBL AG \TION IS SUCH, That whereas, the above bounden 2 nus all is constituted and 4. 7 of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and alas yy’ jointly and seyerally, firmly, by these P: aca DAA... A.D yh THE CON J AL \BOVE_QBLIGATION IS SUCH, hat whereas, the above-bounden 2 > : isgconstituted and 1? ; py it Gg wo an to. $- YALL ft sted t KL Asad. ; i minor orphan....; now, if the said ul ' ~- = a -/) j i shall faithfully execu sank guar ship, and-particularl ' stgte of the sz ect 4 ' | £ ; / Sealed with our sea!s, and dated this i, appointed Guardian to LL . minor orphan....; now, if the said na Z Vig 2 Bc pee. ull the shall faithfully execute h — said guardianship, and particularly shall well and truly secure and improve all the : RY] estate of the said spe ae A wil until. Shall arrive at full age, or be MBL shall arrive at full age, or be sooner f ° . . - #f? . thereto required, and shall render a yearn and try hecoynt of said guardianship, on oath, befor thereto required, and shall render a plainstnd tri hor, wt of CO said guardianship, on oath, before the ie | | | SH Mj jf Clerk of the Superior Court for 2k County. and obev the law in all ca Clerk of the Superior Court for L County, and obey the law in all cases, as required by the Act ofAssembly, pec a A TBs possess the said (ELL — : JG >» and we up, pay 7 ab a : ead, ought-to be possessed of, when Ri GiV Let of all such estates as 7 LL ought to be possessed of, when lawfully required by said . SA fA \ Z V4, Jey oso i pi belvtt-a - YA ? 5 \/) e-a) # “ VA ¢ pf J -¢L (| MALE CL tLe. L ‘ 7 + ‘ ‘ ' * . . 7? . | ’ ; (of te such other persons as shall be lawfully empowered or authorized to receive the same, and the profits arising x or te such other persons as shall be lawfully empowered or authorized to receive the same, and the profits arising therefrom, then this obligation to be voi 1; otherwi to remam in a force and virtue therefrom, then this obligation to be void; otherwise t rena tull force and virtue OS las ro gf ee Aegean Lace L. Gly of the Superior Court y wlerk of the Superjor Cc “ a : ye A . t.. ° FRACS Adena (Seat. ) C...&: Dauthles ane (Seat.) y Signed, sealed and delivered j 4. i. Signed, sealed and delivered CF ease 4.) Sg, inthe p JI & Se ( Seat.) Go. JQ. Neu (Seat) * (Seat. ) (SEAL. ) ( Seat.) (Sat. ) oL fo o Las tpl - ~ ~4 by ; 4 { Makes affidavit that he is worth over and shove | e 36 ’ akes affidavit that ihe ie ,merth ever and above} S C20 ee, ' evemptions by law and his indehtednesa, , nea j woeees si r 4 £06 a of it Makes affidavit that he ' e i .. . Makes affidavit that he ie worth ower and shove! « J Oo. ee v ‘ 4, th . cuamelions thet bs cnt ele ike s | ea exemptions by law and his indebtedness, ‘ ¥ Makes affidavit that he th ‘ ; Makes affidavit that he is worth ower and above! < il ne he aa’ Lato ae wes on exeme ne by law and his indeltedness, ‘ + hh h { Makes affidavit that he ie worth over and a { Makes affidavit that he ic worth ower and shove | ¢ — j exemptions by law and hie indeltedness ae } exemptions by law and his indebtedness, j 9 ’ { Makes affidavit that he is worth ower and above | | Makes affidavit that he is worth ower and shove} tion “ $ ' exemptions by law and his indebtedness, ¥ j $ o rT a tinenneasadiaagidaiade aa ' is \ Sworn to and subscribed before me, this aa day o Sworn to afd subseribeck before me, this + ee weweeweec ee all Aid County, it o current money, to be paid to the State of North Caro named, committed to the tuition of the said AROLINA, County. IN 1HE SUPERIOR Cour’. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That we State aforesaid, are held,and firmly bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum Dollars, GF? + 4 the benefit of the child... ...hereinafter 4A— el to which-fayment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and a jointly and severally, firmly by these Pr.osents, min shall faithfully execute h estate of the or or FILA thereto required, and shall render a plgi Cler requ ofa r to therefrom, then this obligation to be void; otherwise to remain in Sp Lh): (xn): he es affidavit that he is worth over and above! cemptions by law and his indebtedness, ' Sealed with our seals, and dated this lat whereas, the above bounden oe! ae OBLIGATION IS SUCH, ed Guardian ee yw orphan....; now, if the said ..1S constituted and Lt Ge pete <E2.. said guardianship, and particularly shall well and truly secure and improve all the Cr ‘ C c » a h_A_-T A as ne until Rkhe shall arrive at full age, or be sooner , nd tri LH. unt of Anrr k of the Superior Court for 2 a. cr. ired by the Act a and deliver UR prs possess *ihe said ; ae nx < a“. tas rons ll such estates ss KL ough to be possessed of, when lawfully required by said “ 7: —_ ZA ALzvt CC such other persons as shall | said guardianship, on oath, before the County, and obey the law in all cases, as cc) A Oia Ml lawfully empowered or authorized to receive the same, and the profits arising ull force and virtue Signed, sealed and delivered) ( Y YA fh A MAEDA Stare) a DW ewan (SEAL. ) Li tee - pes of/ i | a of Va PLA aL Cferk of the Superior Court (SEAL. ) .(Seat.) ( Seat.) <A @ affidavit that he is worth over and above! s tions by law and his indebtedness, ‘ % ¢ YD) te nem + affidavit that he is worth over and above} ns by law and his indebtedness, j ' Makes affidavit that he is worth ower and above | exemptions by law and his indebtedness, j Makes affidavit that he is worth over and above } exemptions by law and his indebtedness, j + day of Sworn to and subscribed before me, this Ub day of F / a ee faq AROLINA, | County. J STATE OF IN tHE SupPERIOR Cour’. That we,, ¥ KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, all of —_ in the Prate aforfAaid, are/Meld and firmly bound unto the State of North Carolina, im the sum OF ic 2. /MOD oil VY ,L\A— = ae = navchiacoct EEL olina _ yp 9 oy fit of the child , Z, é ae yavment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each current money, to be paid to the State of Norh C; hereinafter named, committed to the tuition of the said to whicl of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and seygrally y by these Prosents. Sealed with our seals, and dated this a day of Ap , AD. I 2S THE CONDITION cake KM OBLIGATION IS SUCH? That whereas, the above bounden is an -— ppointed Guay minor orphan....; now, if the said An guarManship, and particularly slfall well and truly secure and improve all the shall faithfully execute h 47. said estate of the said YH J. fy ata ‘i ply th Up Me Mee Mb 627 Lif, until shall arrive at full age, or be sooner thereto required, and shall render a plaip hele if Clerk of the Superior Court for LM é “ required by the Act of ——, and deliver up, pay or possess the said WUtPthWo sy) said guardianship, on oath, before the County, and obey the law in all cases, as ¥ op . 44 Us ought to be possessed ot, when law fully required b said DD AMIEL i all such estates as or to such other persons as shall be lawfully empowered or authoriz ) recetye the same, and the profits arising therefrom, then this obligation to be void; otherwise Signed, sealed and deliveged in the ppesepice of : Ls 4 Aq i “erage of thé Superior ‘oO (SEAL. ) (SEAL. ) (SEAL. ) (SEAL. ) (SEAL. ) BX, { Makes affidavit that he is worth over and al rove} 4 i remptior law and his indebtedness, j ‘ Makes affidavit that he is worth ower ahd shoves exemptions law and hie indehtedness, ‘ { Makes affidavit that he is worth over and above! i y law and hie indebtedness, ‘ Makes affidavit that he ie worth ower and shove exemptions by law and his indebtedness, } Makes affidavit that he is worth ower and above | i exemptions by law and his indebtedness, j Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of gpl alc Wi Ps; Deh 4 ¢C 270) STATR OF, NORTH CAROLINA, County. vA In 1HE SUPERIOR Cour’. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That we, t all of said Gounty, in the State aforesai to which payment wel are held and firmly bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum Dollars, -hereinas and truly to be made, we bind ourselvé of us, each and efery of our heirs, executors and admit nisgrators, j jointly and severally, firmly by these Prosents Sealed with our seals, and dated this gd bc day of lip a , A.D 427 INDITION/ DF THE , Z dian to minor . , the said shall faithfully execute ” esti ™. t aid until thereto required, and shall render a plainfand true account of Clerk of the Superior Court for ABOVE OBLIGATION IS SUCH, That whereas, the above bounden is constitut shall arrive at full age, or b said guardianship, on oath, before County, and obey the law in all cas required by the Act of Assembly, and deliver up, pay or possess the said Puss of all such estates as 4a ought to be possessed of, when lawfully required by said Fund or to such other persons as shall be lawfully empowered therefrom, then this obligation to be void: other Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of of the Superior Court Pawuaade horized to receive the same, and the profits aris ull force and virtue g Q LAT), that he is worth over and above} by law and his indebtedness, ; that he is worth ower and ahove! by law and bie indebtedness, ‘ that he is worth ower and sahowe/ ns by law and his indebtedness ' Makes affidavit exemptions { Makes affidavit exemptions Sworn to and subscribed before me, this that he i¢ worth ower and abo el by law and his indeltedness, j that he is worth over and above} by law and hie indebtedness, ; day of Clerk of the Superior Court. ROLINA, | ...County. , oy ‘, ye» Y THES ys NTS we JOLCALL LL ike t.. Me AL... Lt fied, eee a V IN rHE SUPERIOR CouRT. in the sum he : snare R72 ...hereinafter lez e, we bind ourselves, and each @ aforesaid, are Weld ayy firmly boundgAinto theAtate of BM VO LU : iar. to be paid to the State of North £5 olina in tryst, for the Vila paymeft well and truly to be mad current named, committed to the tuition of the said of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and adminisyators, jointly and severally, tyinly by these Prosents. A ; a 1 f oF, att day ot Lt Lf » AZ = , N IS SUCH, y ee , E Js consHtuted and an te i /} by Heller LL Ls Ze7 Bip Z = Mhhed jel 7 M1 and pa larly shall well Sealed with our seals, and dated this That whereas, the above bounden minor orphan_$ ; now, if the said shall faithfully execute ha mig wl estate of the Yl Io Cher Bill LU a ies r until He shall arrive at full age ul truly secure and improve all the e. or he soonel: . : A ; thereto required, and shall render a plaiayd, tru Jaggoynt LA ¢ said guardianship, on oath, before the 4 Clerk of the Superior Court for Cc SP OU tt ‘ont required by Ya 7. 4 gandAleliver upC pay orpoesess the said f ia / l r Fa Mf, LA EB LM Mycllé f Avil fOFY 7 of all such estates as and obey the law in all cases, as bS7. or to such other persons as shall be lawfully en p nl the profits arising therefrom, then this bhgation t x void: otherwt! to 1 i" ll force and virtue signed, sealed and delivered Ui haeeteuk I the Superior Court G yc Lbetson . Lhaws SEAL. ) (Seat. ) in e prese ‘ (SAL. ) { Makes affidavit that be ie worth ower and ahewe! aw and hie indebtedness 5 Jee € ee Oe SS USES 4-0 20 ” Makes affidavit that he ie worth ower and abn e* thane and bie indehtedneen Makes affidavit that eh oth e+ end ol exemptions | law and "his indebtedness, { Makes affidavit that he is worth over and shove! exemptions by law and hie indehtedmess, j Sworn to and subscribed before me, this Va ¢ ' “16> current 1 County, S : J Sti } ; a GPM >f ho BEES sicwtuannesscd MOLM : By, » pai » State of North Carolina in trusty f enefit of the ehi lassie named, committed to the tuition of the said OAK to which’ payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these Prosents, PEG coy ADAG RL THEAZONDITION OF THE ABOVE OBLIGATION IS SUCH, ‘That whereas, the above bounden Sealed with our seals, and dated this 4 day of is constitut: d and tae J. tnr.ty/ Wee Corn fe ieieat nae “mifterSepttan—.; now, if the said Ze, dha , shall faithfully execute hAA. said guardianship, and particularly shall well and truly secure and improve al! the estate of the said , “ ao \ ALO \ AAPAALN, wt C4 Len ae ( } ’ he @, an feo £ until x Fre shall ; ia , or be es thereto required, and shall render a plain and true account of 7 said guardianship, on oath, before the . - . . . 4% . . ' Clerk of the Superior Court for CLA County, and obey the law in all cas required bp the Act of As ly, and deliver up, pay or poSess the said [Mey s)AAWMALEY i a frelon { ( o™ of all such estates a ( AL ougpb® to be possessegl of, when law fully rec wired by said iY be oh ol ctr f—te21 1120 CA; or to such other persons as shall be lawfully empower! r authorized to receive the same, and the profits arising therefrom, then this obligation to be void; otherwise to remain in ful Perce and ¥irtye Signed, sealed and delivered m t* presence of J Clerk of the Superior Court { Makes affidavit that he is worth ower and als nove | j emptions by law and his indehtednees, } Makes affidavit that he ie worth over and shove! exemptions by law and bis indebtedness, ' Makers affidavit bh ie worth ower and aslowe! ‘r ne ty | and hie indeltedness, ‘ { Makes affidavit is worth over and shove} exemptions b ond his indebtedness, ; { Makes affidavit is worth over and above] exemptions and his indebtedness, j Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of Clerk of the Superior Court. : orn ROLINA, ke aes ato IN THE SuPERIOR Court. County. E PRESENTS, That we, wa vA aude a KNOW ALL MEN BY THES ld and firmly bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum eo TTT. ea a _ ee Dollars, all of.sai nty, in the Sfayt aforesay of ; Orns current money, to be paid to the State of North 1) lina in trust, for the bgwetit of the chil Qereinafter named, committed to the tuition of the said STi to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these Prosents. Sealed with our seals, and dated this day of Aa) A.D 29 THE my, ‘ION wd [3c ILIA TION IS SUCH, ThatAvhereas, the above bounden is constituted and appointed Guardian to minor orphan....; now, if the said MA Wade RoaWars shall faithfully execute LhAAsaid guardianship, and particylgrly s! vell and truly secure and improve all the estate of the said pina n kt : 13 tl fe shall arrive at full age, or be sooner thereto required, and shall render a ye ee tr , a guardianship, on oath, before the Clerk of the Superior Court for tthe County, and obey the law in all cases, as required by the U. of Assembly and deliver up, DA r po a ae uid ae {7 (3.oX0 ~ ot all such estates as tight to be.possessed of, wl lawfully required | PALAACS i or to such other persons as shall be lawfully receive the same, and the profits arising therefrom, then this obligation to il; otherwise to remaim in full force and virtue Signed, sealed and delivered } in the presence ol J : (SEAL ) Clerk of the Superior Court and hie indehtedar ee JR? Sy OL-e- ieee eaeiaa i worth over and abe and hie indeltednee worth ever and ashowei and hie indeltednese ‘ Makes affidavit that he i¢ worth ower and ashe exemptions by law and hie indeltedness, | Makes affidavit that he ie worth ower and ahowe! exemptions by law and hie indebtedness, j Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of ieee ote eee coer eetewseseee ‘Clerk of the Superior Court. In tHE SUPERIOR CouRT. ATE OF NWO " Em) County. all 2 aid County, ir ats : of : geome current money, to be paid to the State of North C lina in trust, for the benefit of the child.......... neal ‘ a named, committed to the tuition of the said "4 L. Au ( g eee to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these Prosents —— Sealed with our seals, and dated this Z J day of LPHt lh ? D. Aq THE Lc (DY ae ION ( t rs JSOVE, OBLIGATION IS SUCH, That whereas, the above bounden ee2on 1S constituted and a inen, Weiteree C Utin/ Ad Khe hectare... CLMAALH said guardianship, and particularly shall wel] an (dl truly secure and improve al! the esty9 of the said ALA WS tn), “FRster2s, Grhoa) Aw FAVLQ VAD Se ‘ — . - until. shall arrive at full age, or b _ : . thereto required, and shall render a plain and trye account said guardianship, on oath, be Clerk of the Superior Court for t+ 2h € ce. County, and obey the law in all cases, as required by the Act of Assembly, and deliver up, pay or posse “an said J VN Ath AZ lad - Vr. 4 Le Lh on Aectk Kaew € Crew | such estates a _ ought to, be possessed of@\hen Jawfully required by said ond te Aten CA LI, Vine 4 eee oc wy 2 minor orphan....; now, if the said shall faithfully OO, h r to such other persons as shall be lawfully empo ) receive the same, and the profits therefrom, then this obligation to be void; otherwise remain in tull force and virtue signed, sealed and delivered i r (C~ LLL ASA (SHAt. ) Z L-CUC « e , a DB. (Borftr< (Seat) (SraAL } in the presence of (Srat.) ( SEAL.) A008 over and abhewe! indebtedness, he i¢ worth ower and ahewe aw and bie indebtedness, that he te worth ower and aho el y law and hie indebtedness, j that he ia worth ower and shove} s by law and hie indebtedness, j Sworn to and subscribed before me, this Clerk of the Superior ‘Court. | STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, Iredell County. IN THE SUPERIOR CourT, ‘NOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, e, Mrs, I. B. Miller e+ jane fae te Sex. Petia 2 all of said C ounty, in the State aforesaid, are held and firmly bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum of Bight_ Hundred _----<-<-2-02- - nn ww www ww nn - ow w- eww en ewww eo - ee Dollars, hereinafter eemapeeiinte ~---------------------to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves and each of us, each and every of our heirs, exeeutors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these Presents. day of --sIULy___..-.._.-____, A. D. T@29.- THE CONDITION OF THE ABOVE OBLIGATION IS SUCH, That, whereas, the above bounden -Mps.,-L,-8,--Mtiier ---+-- “zppinted Guardian to Sealed with our seals, and dated this. ....-is constituted and minor orphan. ; now, if the said _Mrs. I. B. Miller shall faithfully exeeute h.@y_~ said guardianship, and particularly shall well and truly secure and improve all the estate of the said Claudine. Brantley until she ..Shall arrive at full age, or be sooner thereto required, and shall render a plain and true aecount of her said guardianship, on oath, before the Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell ..County, and obey the law in all cases, as required by the Act of Assembly, and deliver up, pay or possess the said Claudine Brantley of all such estates as she ought to be possessed of, when lawfully required by said Claudine Brantley m to such other persons as shall be lawfully empowered or authorized to receive the same. and the profits arising therefrom, then this obligation to be void; otherwise to remain in full foree and virtue Signed, sealed and dPlivered { in Pee of : | ( MHA, ATX, rae (Seal | tL \ \ { me AL V/\ K - nes! Tat, ore Pea : GC \_ A. A Clerk of the Superior Court ” y em / 4. Z. Lat (Seal (Seal a — a —— a = ; Makes affidavit that he is worth over =) # 400,00 j above exemptions by law and his indebtedness | Makes affidavit that he ie worth over —s ; | above exemptions by law and his indebtedness | { Makes affidavit that he is worth over and ; | above exemptions by law and his indebtedness | [ Makes affidavit that he is worth over and | above exemptions by law and his indebtedness | Makes affidavit that he is worth ower | | above exemptions by law and his indebtedness Sworn to and subseribed before me. this Clerk of the Superior Court, County. f ; /STATE-OF NORTH CAROLINA, 2 ) NORTH, £AROLINA,) 3. nam com We Sd N THE SUPERIOR COURT. ORY, rp" f N THE a : KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, TI y we fw 3 4 ; : all i 1 County, State on are held fn firmly p> tnd unto the Sti aon North Carolina, in the sum a, in the sw : , . of Maat} ) A AA MA _, sce ...Dollars, current money, to be paid to the State of North — P trust, foy, the benefit of the child. acta. -hereinafter current money, to be paid to the State of ony tr. : ~--heremuat ter / ‘ > Ss es: / 2 {Ta named, committed to the tuition of the said 4: Se Gta Fe Fon coccccccecoccceceuu. named, committed to the tuition of the said Xo a < ies Lh -\ 7 ciate Aostieontel et Bet ad ine to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves and each to which payment w ell and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each —_— ° . of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and oa jointly and séve > Armly by these Presents. of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and ¢ a at jointly and severally, firmly by these Prosents, ; 2 | ; . : é CCL Sealed with our seals, and dated this........@- .-day of -..-. . «A. ri Sealed with our seals, and dated this Sone OF ¢ ZC a ,_ AD I 424 aed ION ABOVE OBLIGATION IS SUCH, ° ‘hat, whereas, the above bdundeti THE DITYAN TALE re i I OBLIGATION IS SUCH, That wh@éas, the above bounden rented picmneieamaian -------5<5--is constituted and 7 on. oA is constitu nd inted Guardian to ; A -- A - gums : nted Guardian to. tg Ub Ub tLlyardt 7 ll. Koakir, Ca hae Mess x LEE Aad Pha gabe | arm cen otto tluke jo BLE now, if the uakd p> | AR ay ites ----L.. minor orphan....; now, if M&€ sai 6 ot (0 bande. shall faithfully execute h AA ay, guardianship, apd particul: dineks well ” 4 y secure andLimprove all the shall faithfully execute hAd said guardianship, and particularly shall well and truly secure and improve all t! ott ok Ges ail estate of the said OL Su, eLitad CL (aig, bbesk Ck., tet ate o e ( ‘ wit)-»<? --79-A2 — CR: Wt htase i atid Garitecs Chg Chard e- anti Af“ an eeege "ere ea! . . until ig shall arrive at full age, or be sooner thereto required, and shall render a plam and trye account of 49... said guardianship, on oath, before the py py é in ? thereto required, and shall render a plained true account of said guardianship, on oath, before 1! Clerk of the Superior Court for 42 MAA cf. .....County, and obey the law in all cases Clerk of the “eee Court for required by the Ca. up, pay or possess the said (7... -tlahigas wd required by the Act of ; bly. y pad livey up, pay or p . : CLL tle Ch And 2 CLA. ia VW a SLD ko Qu DAL Ww County’, oY obey phe law in all s $, as ‘ Ue. of all such estates as AL ought to be possessed of, when lawfully required by said - : , . | sugh anil as A} ought to 2 sessed of when Jaw fY required by said 4 ) “f} ,- y- : Oy om ag naa an. 7 Vhat C-rer— on Y. / Ai Li /f ad # at Fos 4 d ) wet be wt we wt den or to such other persons as shall be lawfully empowered or authorized to receive the same, and the profits arts! therefrom, then this obligation to be void; otherwise to remain in full feree and virtue or to such other persons as shall be lawfully empowered or authorized to receive the same, and the profits arising Signed, sealed and delivered therefrom, then this obligation to be void; otherwise to remain in full force ane 2) finn the Presence of , AON vw t | i 1 A Yow as Signed, yen and_delivered oe. Jt tat / -- «= lerk of the Superior Court y hkutar$itar fftls Ao fh : ei a aS ae Nz } St 14. t-Bu Makes affidavit that he is worth over — ; | above exemptions by law and his indebtedness | { Sates affidavit that he is worth over and above} evemptions by law and hie indebtedness, ; | Makes affidavit that he is worth over and | above exemptions by law and his indebtedness | { Makes x ogg ay oo EEO aves = above! . ie y * r ' ednces, ‘ | Makes affidavit that he is worth over and | above exemptions by law and his indebtedness | ‘ [on = wie fant be Lo "EEt aver gut hove [ Makes affidavit that he is worth over and | { Mateo affidavit that he i¢ worth ower and Gove) | above exemptions by law and his indebtedness exemptions by law and bis jedehtedness, i J Makes affidavit that he is worth over 7 ( Makes affidavit that he is worth ower and shove! | above exemptions by law and his indebtedness exemptions by law and his indebtedness, j 7 Sworn to : “ribe » . Y s o4* ; . ‘ . . 0 6 and subseribed be for: me, this tote day Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of 4 a S55 5556660666 pplhe.£.4 hoe / rk of the Superior spuirt "Clerk of the Superior Courtil My Lommission Expires Nov ey Q “"STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, | County. In 1HE SuPERIOR Court. all of said County, ip the State aforesaid, are held and firmly bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum + a tn. ark. be. nett. oes Sis current money, to be paid to the State of North Carolina in trust, for the benefit of the child#@aae.....hereinafter named, committed to the tuition of the said a i... _—- ; ; to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each | of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these Prosent day of Veyin ‘ , ALD. Fo9 TWE CONDITION OF THE ABOVE OBLIGATION IS SUCH, That whereas, the above boundén / au. / # . ™ appdipfed Guarflian to Sealed with our seals, and dated this ‘ a is constituted and alee hawt + Mw»? ie a ny tf tcennced anil ? minor orphans; now, if the said o fin Loot = 7 : shall faithfully execute h...7.. said guardianslfJp; and particularly a well and truly secure and improve all t estate of the said OA a. Lo-pv dt ee cera: until . ha thereto requirec, and shall render a ya ind true accoun Clerk of the Superior Court for 4 heca— County, and obey the law in all cas und deliver up, pay or possess the said LJ a-ha « hawt" shall arrive at full age, or be said guardianship, on oath, before Tt required by the Act of Assembly, ; of all such estates a he ought to le posses ed of vhen lawfully required by said otAnm e ome ' to such other persons as shall be lawfully empowered ot horized to receive the same full force and virtue nd the profits arising adr (Seat one Seth. A - —@ _(SKal Ly Pdlonote. OR EM, (Srat a blige wion te therefrom, then thi y Signed, sealed and deliver m the presen ¢ ot affidavit that he ie worth ower and above! rage! aw and hie indebtedness, j affidavit he ie worth ower and above setios and hie indeltedness, i is worth over and above! and his indebtedness, ' affidavit that he is worth aver and above! emptions | and his indeltedness, j { Makes affidavit that he ie worth ower and above} exemptions by law and his indebtedness, ; Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of Clerk of the Superior Court. STATE OF IN RT s Maplin l Annan ONLY. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That ..Dollars, Con n the State af se a held and firmly bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum CON current money, to be paid to the State of North named, committed to the tuition of the s big / « .to which payment well epi po a ge ...... hereinafter and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and vs firmly by these Prosents. Sealed with our seals, and dated this / “LV SONDITYON OF JTHI ABOVE ,O iL. IGATI AAAM LA FALL Hagraig Z ; now, ii the said 4 CCA ( ir. Lenans shall faithfully execute na, said guardianship, and particul: Ka tA» LAs, (- wet wits thereto required, and shall render a plainG eA pric Les of Clerk of the Superior Court for appointed Guardian to minor orphan estate of the said day of A AD. 1 724 ON IS SUCH, ‘Phat whereas, the above boundert= is constituted arnd> 5 ee, CLlG4 PEA ALLTE irly shall well and truly secure and improve all the fucky | fL V said guardianship, on oath, before the shall arrive at full age, or be sooner County, and obey the law in all cases, as the are required by the Act of Assembly, and deliver up, pay or posse a . L WAAL f all such estates as ought to be possessed of, whe pf . . Jos MA twtratsh +, we Fhe he (hart Nenthe vofv y to such other persons as shall be lawfully empowered or therefrom, then this obligation to be void; otherwise to rema igned, a and delivgred ! in g ice Vy ey {4 Clerk of U1 Superior Court { Makes aidevie } eeemption ' Makes affidavit exemptions Makes afidavit feemptions { Makes affidavit exemptions f { Makes affidavit eremptions Sworn to and subscribed before me, this Vilfidel Mlb: hes n lawfully requirdd by said f/f uthorized to receWe the same, and the profits arising nin full foree and virtue Be Oh pet lrn nuh bit th that be is worth over and shove} by law and hie indebtedness, j that he ie worth ower and ahewes by law ond bis indehtedness, ‘ that he is worth ower and shows! ' law and bie tndeltedness, i that he i« worth ower and shove | by lew and bie indebtedness, ' that he ie worth over and shove} by law and bis indebtedness, ; day of nee ene eens eeeeeneneee Clerk of the Superior Court, LINA, | County. InN 1HE SUPERIOR CouRT. ( all of&said Coupty, in thg ~tate icon are held and firmly bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum of ie ee ; C coy rou LM coed sdesesiinni Sibniiaganted Dollars, current noney, to be paid to the State of North CapSlinz Ve a for the benefjt of the child........ ehereinafter LL ALIGN MAL... named, committed to the tuition of the said to which payment weil and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and cach of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and admipjstrater a an & ally, firmly by these Prosent Sealed with our seals, and dated this day of ,AD. 1929 THE CONDI‘ ones sp5tD ABOVE Ob LIGATION IS SUCH, at whereas, the above bounden . Med aa Zz 22K } is as Conetnnte 1 and appointed Guardian to “ny La 0d Ho. CL, SL. <6) As ? ta) i - > 0 - 7 so ¥ minor orphan....; now, if the said SP Af, SF fA shall faithfully execute hA4.. said guardianship, and particularly shall well and truly secure and improve 4 estate of the said \ 4r...-ff f 4 f i A OZ ()) Ah YF, Veg PEL £4 \ (\ until 7 shall arrive at full age, or be KC ; - : . j } st thereto required, and shall render a e's a true acgoun said guardianship, on oath, befor Clerk of the Superior Court for "C ce County, ana obey the law in all case \ : \Nrequired by the Act of Assembly, and deliver up, pay or poss the said Z Oye Ql COAC CO AAZ Ay bee such e tates as AL. ought to be posse ssedl of, when lawfi lly Tequ ured by said Ad. ba L . cA z , Cr ELLA “de uch other persons as shall be lawfully empower t thorized to receive the same, and the profits arisi therefrom, then this obligation « voul; otherwi o remam x7 1 iy, And virtue signed, sealed and delivered = | f ‘ in the presence of J ‘] miley Ag try (ify { Makes aepres that he is worth over and ahovr! exempt law and hie indebtedness, } is worth ower and ashore! ~ and hie indelhterdness, ‘ ‘ Makes affidavit that he ie worth over and ahowel exemptions by law and hie indeltedness, i { Makes affidavit that he ie worth over and ahowe?) exemptions by law and his i btednegs, Sworn to and subscribed before me, this a \ ‘ Clerk of the Superior Court. IN THE SupERIOR Court. NORTH CAROLINA, | QL L County. (3 aU ees AL j MEN BY nek, PRLS Yate aforesaid, ot MLLAKL boung unto the State ofNorth Carolina, in the sum VIHA ge. sesseseseeeeeeee-OMlars, 1ey, to be paid to the State of North yy ina in ust, 49r the benefit pf the child. ‘2444 hereinafter 7 “ . — o ° / BZD a named, committed to the tuition of the said reienial S CAA Piaf Le < Ce, to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each of us, each and every of our heirs. executors and alministrators 7 itly and sevegally, firmly by these Prosents VE. day of 1G al AD ag rHE CC Dy 7. 1) on/p \B ( OVE OBLIGA’ blo} IN IS SUCH, That whereas, the above bounden ~~ fs Lt C é C — — and~ *: Ad Guardian to Le so hatha, ies ay LZ bf RAMS etd 2 Attd ips inp Ais aeve£ el minor orphan....; now, if the said i Ae Le a shall faithfully execute h_A¥g.. said guardianship, and particularly shall well and truly secure and improve all the \ estate of the said SVUALABAL Sealed with our seals, and dated this shall arrive at full age, or be sooner thereto required, and shall render a_pjain and said guardianship, on oath, before the Clerk of the Superior Court for County, and obey the law in all cases, as f\ . > required by the Act of Assembly, and deliver up, pay or possess the said “AULA AAD of all such. estates » Ahoy ought to be possessed of, when lawfully required by said YAMWAAA r to such other persons as shall he lawfully empowered or authorized to receive the same, and the pronts arising therefrom, then this obligation to be void; otherwise to remain in full force and virtue ined, sealed and delivered mM L, LZ in the presence of J 4 - faa —— € ( Srat..) Clerk of the Superior Court | of; obkae. (Seat. ) (Srat.) (Seat. ) { Makes t. that he i¢ worth ower and ahowe! © As FF° en ne ty law and bie indethtedaece j ' Makes affidavit that be ie worth ower and shoves ~ 57 ' exemptions by law and his indehtedness, ‘ y wi . sete | Makes affidavit that be ie worth over and shows! exemptions by law and bie indeltedness, ‘ ( Makes affidavit that he i worth over and shows! ; exemptions by law and bie indebtedness, i Makes affidavit that he is worth over and oer exemptions by law and hie indebtedness, Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of ee "Clerk of the Superior Court. WY) mn STATE OF poRTy CAROLINA, \ IN THE aT Cour’. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, In tHE SUPERIOR Court. kh S County. County. “xr r PHN sO pprer by, Lilia d Leh (| | ALL, MEN BY THESE PRE — That WOH. hx &, = 1 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, Ai of spid County, in o° State aforesaid, are held and firmly bound ee ae of North Carolina, in the sum Z sai , ge State aforesaid, are held and firmly bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum ae, ao, / oe , - -. = War.-eo-es Lorvnernernennsorsnesnernnnneneenesnsensessnnanesnees Dollars, [ . Adee Beties Sinan. \illcsictcsteatih sacle iaceienasell scicsioailas :Dollars, é current money, to be paid to the State of North Carolina in trust, for the benefit of the child................hereinafter ° y, yaid to the State of North Carolina in trust, for the benefit of the child-».e.y....hereinafter named, committed to the tuition of the said a ehnaZ ey ace Lome.. Deter Meche... weneee named, committed to the tuition of the said......(2.«RQa.... C4 intend... Keele ssaisan . ‘ > 1@ ; alwe ‘ 1 aah ° ° to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each oe ae to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly an "Lig ally, firmly by these Prosents of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these trosents. A.D. JAF Sealed with our seals, and dated this... 22202 day of Weert Mattie , AD. 13. AS Sealed with our seals, and dated this La day of CONT eS I ABQ bi ope \TJ@N 1S SUCH, That whereas, the above bounden THE CONDITION OF THE ABOVE OBLIGATION IS SUCH, That whereas, the above bounden tr 4 . . ° : Uf. Afb Ba OA LAM Lb ME? tif : ....18 constituted and oe sieinaniensnai a ani The settee i ie, is constituted and appointed Guar wh il cl ccna : ; 7 appointed Guardian to on _— ca Toe Stretton Orn @ G-onr Tipe shall faithfully execute h€@¢Le. said guardianship, asd particularl minor orphans..; now, if the said CranRQan 4 Me Aan = Oe ae. ee shall well and truly secure and improve al! the shall faithfully execute he... said guardianship, and particularly shall well and truly secure and improve all the estate of the said & nie hithtacien Teo eter AW A Sonn. 7 { CWwtetnetrtoadhe minor orphan....; now, estate of the said , Gh Jad iii lantern until.....ALecn..shall arrive at full age, or be soo scccccncccecsccscece until ae. shall arrive at full age, or be sooner thereto required, and shall render a plgin and true account of fa said guardianship, on oath, before the thereto required, and shall render a plain and true account of Qian ne Said guardianship, on oath, before the Clerk of the Superior Court for 7. atharactictmae County, and obey the law in all c: is Clerk of the Superior Court for = te. h_2 2D County, and obey the law in all cases, as required by the Act of Assembly, and deliver, up, pay or possess the said required by the Act of Assembly, and deliver up, pay or possess the said ; Liang 4 c hi: + a ; ‘ adi Bene Wrter Wf tre teventealer Prtetne. > on A tet ne } / of all such estates as. 7A ought to be possessed of, when lawfully required by said of all such estates as ne, ought to be possessed of, when lawfully required by said ‘ yee Teens “NN caetrtntetelt” AA oX Won Sowa Ce AY. orton, LNA we Rome A <4 low wr to such other persons as shall be 1: | 1 wered or anthorized to receive the same, and the profits ari or to such other persons as shall be lawfully empowered or authorized to receive the same, and the profits arising therefrom, then this obligation to be void; otherwise to remain in full for and virtue therefrom, then this obligati ill force and virtue Signed, sealed and delivered ) sy : ; Signed, sealed and delivered | a a 9 4. the ded Lie n¥4Xs) Al. ) in the presence of J Bile ae Michele arn. (Seat. ) in the presence of Z, | SALMA 4 YY (te 7 ; ' :, Un, 7 ae . ( m4 wae- Yd 4 “dy...f, A Zea Oat. hAnt.kK. bwheerice% —w~( DEAI / py he Z < Se i pou Clerk of "the Superior Cc urt 4 Go“ Co ‘ / — AD + My hie ane fan. i+ <t0S! , 8 ho A Cuvtetow GK Ficus , | = . , “o 7 Sch dS ott (Seat. ) / ¢ «¢ ee = (Srat.) ay aw JO of | : “ ; (Seat. ) ir Clerk of the Superior Court ~{ Sra.) . . : { Makes affidavit that he is worth ower and above?! Makes affidavit that he to wept oer = above | i evemptions by law and hie indebtedness, j thet aw and is indebtedness, j ‘ . ‘ { Mates affidavit that he ie worth ower and above: Makes affidavit that he is worth over and above! os exemptions by law and his indebtedness ‘ emptions by law and his indebtedness, ; : . . Makes affidavit that be ie worth ower and above: to worth ovee gat above! exemptions law and his indebtedness, i ane ts indebtedness, i Makes affidavit that he i« worth over and shove { Makes affidavit that he is worth over and shove} ‘ - ‘ i exemptions by law and his indebtedness, } exemptions by law and hie indebtedness, j * : { Makes affidavit that he is worth ower and ahove?} { Makes affidavit that he ie worth ower and above?) eoseneutt . i exemptions by law and his indebtedness, ; exemptions hy law and his indebtedness, j . rae Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of se eeeceweewes Clerk of the Superior Court. Clerk of the Superior ‘Court. IN THE SUPERIOR Court. “sea by ii » State : resaid, are he é irmly Fi F North Carolina, i » sul A AA -. Dollars current money, to be paid to the State of North{’aro}ina mm trust, f yf. phe benefit of the child hereinafter e ) named, committed to the tuition of the said aA» Ahan, Ab A—-FA eee to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves and each of us, each and every of our heirs, exeeutors and va uistrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these Presents Sealed with our seals, and dated this__/ / ee ae , &, BD, A THEE CON II 7 ION p ‘THE ABOVE OBLIGAT ION IS SUC H, That, whereas, the above bound i 4, -/AA ._ a+ CA. p----Aar Se --- 1 aa. --is constituted and ‘ape appinted Guardian to — beinor orphan ; now, if the said shall faithfully execute h_Sete said guardianship, and particularly shall well and truly secure and improve ; : ' estate of the said A AK * . se - — 4 until shall arrive at full age, or be s thereto required, and shall render a plain and true account of Sree said guardianship, on oath, before * (Clerk of the Superior Court for LAAN ~~ ----County, and obey the law in all cases requiveg by the Act of Asse mbly, and deliver up, pay or possess the said : U1 . aA +- * of all such estates as -4he pught to be posseased of, when law fully required by said tA US a hb eG AOE om to such other persons as shall be law Fully empowered or authorized to receive the same, and the profits aris therefrom, then this obligation to be void; otherwise to remain in full foree and virtue Signed, sealed and ck ~ ‘red ( tn the presences Ahn lay atthe AM % Gtx. AE Aye MS peed MIL? Zz C a [ Makes affidavit that he is worth over and] ‘LA =< r © iat { | above « xemptions by law and his indebtedness | aia affidavit that he is worth over and | above exemptions by law and his indebtedness j {| Makes affidavit that he is worth over a { above exemptions by law and his indebtedness bem affidavit that he is worth over ant} i | above exemptions by law anc lhis indebtedness | bias akes affidavit that he is worth over and i above exemptions by law and his indebtedness ne py of / ) 1A fh < (Srat..) ( I 27) Ahhh, Wy f ¢ Ona a) 5 Sworn to and subscribed before me, thie. M4 day of ...% rounty, in the $ tial - ; ee j 7 Seean pilus current money, to be paid to the State of North Carolina in trust F velit of the otk. hereinafter named, committed to the tuition of the said Mahe, to which payment “well and truly to“be made, we bind ourselves, and each of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly <4 y and severallyZ tirmly_by these Prosepts. ‘ day of tcl. ap. ADO THE DA TION OF | pdy K OBLIGATION IS SUCH, “That whereas, the above bounden _ Dh. rape anna Is constituted and appointed Guardian to = oe CPL fz 5 minor orphan....; now, if the said vans hip, « arugufarly shall Well and truly secure and improve all the Sealed with our seals, and dated this shall faithfully execute i a said guar estate of the said : A i $ ar/ ~L Chee / shall arrive at full age, or be sooner thereto required, and shall render a plain ayd truesacgoyntst th said guardianship, on oath, before the required by the Act of Assembly, and deliver - pay or possess the said PU EE i all such estates as ‘te ought to be poses of, when lawfully required by said Clerk of the Superior Court for County, and obey the law in all cases, as fd f 4 rw lafou mmpowered © to such other persons as shall be lawful! utthorized to receive the same, and the profits arising retrom, then this obligation to be void; otherwise to remain in full force and virtue ned, sealed and delivered (SEAL. ) Clerk of the Superior Court (Seat. ) (SAL. ) (Sean. ) { Saino sitovit that he is worth over and r ti aw and bie indebtedness, ' Makes affidavit that he ie worth ower and ahowes exemptions by law and bis indebtedness, ‘ ‘ Makes ofidawit that be ic worth ower and ahowes exemptions by law and bis indebtedness, ‘ ( Makes efidavit that be i¢ worth ower and shox *} exemptions by law and hie indebtedness, ( Makes affidavit that he ie worth ower and shove?) exemptions by law and bie indebtedness, ; Sworn to and subscribed before me, this Clerk of the Superior ‘Court, a IRA etieiniitanet t ries E OF NORTH CAROLINA, County. - IN THE SuPeRIOR Court. we Kh, Me in the State aforesaid, are all a Cor current money, to be paid to the State of Norths ‘arojina #h trust, f named, committed to the tuition of the said CA of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and a jointly and severally, firmly by these Presents, nonent Oe , & D, 172 QO /) THE ‘ “CON ITION po THE ABOVE OBLIGATION IS SUCH, That, whereas, the above bound i —1 LA eee cera ...---.-is constituted and binor orphan ; now, if the said shall faithfully execute h. Sete said guardianship, ¢ At Hh ue estate of the said Se eT { “i+ ~ 52d = until_4"* ~~ shall arrive at full age, or be soon thereto required, and shall render a plain and true account of fe said guardianship, on oath, before 1! Clerk of the Superior Court for LoL OA owe -----Couyty, and obey the law in all cases, ; requare y by the Act of Assembly, and deliver up, pay or possess the said MAE A +- a of all such estates as 4h pught to be possexsed of, when lawfully required by said ke lA ——|Z “1~_—> aS CA“, ~ o to such other persons as shall be law fully empowered or authorized to receive the same, and the profits aris therefrom, then this obligation to be void; otherwise to remain in full foree and virtue Signed, sealed and delivered f “CI > AhKkk Sy athe Mp AM ‘ay In the presences FMS. [ Makes affidavit that he is worth over and | ; | above exemptions by law and his indebtedness { Makes affidavit that he is worth over and | above exemptions by law and his indebtedness | { Makes affidavit that he is worth over and | above exemptions by law and his indebtedness Makes affidavit that he is worth over and above exemptions by law and his indebtedness | i affidavit that he is worth over and | above exemptions by law and his indebtedness a ere 2 Sworn to and subseribed before me, this. - ae day of ...> In rue SupPERIOR Court. STATE_OF NORTH CAROLINA, eee Le \ KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, County. rounty, in the $ Mita held agi firmly bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum ; . current money, to be paid to the State of North Carolina in trust netit of the ehtket.. ...hereinafter . Mihi afk Z to which payment “well and truly to“be made, we bind ourselves, and each named, committed to the tuition of the said ¢ day of a ani ADO y pais EK OBLIGATION IS SUCH, “That whereas, the above bounden is constituted and Sealed with our seals, and dated this THE Ady MON OF appointed Guardian to a minor orphan....; now, if the said shall faithfully execute hY said pene. a estate of the said / ye, , é “By “ / f fe thereto required, and shall render a plain gyd trues of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators $s, jointly and a ally firmly by these e: A ; arti¢ufarly shall Well and truly secure and improve all the until shall arrive at full age, or be sooner accounts th said guardianship, on oath, before the Mb A c # <- required by the Act of Assembly, and deliver up, pay or possess the said Skies ew a "| [eae i all such estates as he ought to be possessed of, when lawfully required by said Od) ‘a. fp ( > Ca. = © to such other persons as shall he lawfullf empowered Clerk of the Superior Court for County, and obey the law in all cases, as uuthorized to receive the same, and the profits arising retrom, then this obligation to le void: otherwise to remam in tull force and virtue ify the rs 7} pring y tape (Seat. ) Db) z Yin, Wil Kathe t. c Xa a! (SAL. ) Clerk of the Superior Court 27 om hy x? u/ (Srat. ) gned, sealed and delivered (SKAL. ) (Seat. ) : { Mehes affidavit that he is worth over and above} eremptions aw and bie indebtedness, ; { Makes atidavit that he ie worth ower and ahowe! exemptions by law and his indebtedness, ‘ ( Makes affidavit that he ie worth ower and shove! exemptions by law and bis indebtedness, ‘ ( Makes efidavit that he i¢ worth over and Gove} exemptions by law and his indebtedness, { Makes affidavit that he is worth ower and shove} exemptions by law and his indebtedness, ; Sworn to and subscribed before me, this............ day of acceseeenenseerneneenes ~ Clerk of the Superior Court. IRE CAROLINA, | nC County. Pe Y THESE PRESENTS, IN tHE SuPERIOR Cour’. Mate aforesaid, gre os and — bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum ee Dollars preeeeeneae it of 00 child in 2. the be to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each current money, to be paid to the State of North “ae -hereinafter named, committed to the tuition of the said , jointly and severally, firmly by these Pr Sealed with our seals, and dated this day of LL A.D ‘7850 THE CON aoa s apigeayon sven That whereas, the above bounde: LOe “a is cor stitut ' and appointed Guardian O77. oC yt minor orphan....; now, if the said Let © , eLQg~ shall faithfully, execute nad said guardianship, and particularly shall well and truly secure and improve OL ile Lhe. until shall arrive at full age, or be go COLES Clerk of the Superior Court for Count of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrat estate of the said ' ' ' i : | re thereto required, and shall render a said guardianship, on oath, befor y, and obey the law in all ca required by the Act of Assembly, and deliver up, pay or - ess the said , (ZEA 72k EL. of all such estates as AL. ought to be possessed « when lawfully required by “Lzza Se » such other persons as shall be lawfully em p red on wrized to receive the same, and the profits then this obligation to be void; otherwi o ret nin full force and virtue ' Z ) fd d, sealed ang delivered - Af 4 A m rile preset be bE . . J ? i e. 4 “ x cc a (SHAI VAs 9 4 ty ‘ jf / —_—-> ty . | CHM hd heh de AdLt ., LA, eZ. LO Bc jae (Sei Qlerk of the Superior C | CE Mag Ann (Swat (SAL (Sat FOL » tHHrd Le fi | Makes affidavit that , be fe worth, eves gad 5 A abo ) < AO, e 0 € 2 ” / yy CL » ’ Le Makes affidavit that be ic worth ower and ahowes Q- May ce.el ts afidevit thet be le worth over gad shove | Makes affidavit that he ic worth ower and shove ‘ tions law and his indettedness, Makes affidavit that he is worth over and above} exemptions by law and hie indebtedness, j { Makes affidavit that he ig worth over and above! exemptions by la d his indebtedness, j G-* Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day OR CAROLINA, oe STATE dete ic erate ipa tecacsesiasenscoecssesesls OUNEN IN THE cA Court. > State of North Carolina, in the sum a Coypty, in At aforesai ee AA AA /’ La . nioney, to be paid to the State of North Carolina fi ms: the benefit of Me, child ny Uke Mi 2 4Ah. .. Dollars, -hereinafter named, committed to the tuition of the said to which payment weil and truly to — made, we bind ourselves, and each ye” us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these Prosents. Lpp LY. LAD. 1420 THE ae 1p ¢ BP HE ABOYE OBLIGATION IS SUCH, That whereas, the above bounden Ly is constituted and liad Guardian to ae La; Lie Ob: LL Mi Ae o- IP Mat phase shall faithfully execute h-U... said guardianship, and particula 7 £ I I iy CAUC 7; until Ae thereto required, and shall render a plain pnd tr "AC UL fr d said guardianship, on oath, before the (Ck G ZL th required by the Act of Assembly, and deliver up, pay or possess the said —7 _ i/ Chel Vheypte LU of all such estates as Z ought to be possessed of, when lawfully —_ ired b / Lt / Sealed with our seals, and dated this f ? day of minor orphan....; now, if the said shall well and truly secure and improve all the estate of the said ee shall arrive at full age, or be sooner Clerk of the Superior Court for ounty, and obey the law in all cases, as \ ALC Zi “yl a » such other persons as shall be lawfully empowered or authorized to receive the4ame. and the profits arising therefrom, then this Cen 9 ed otherwise to somain im V4 tf, and virtue (ed I, seal | delivered Ue 44 ap y hi igenes sealed an eliveres | lf ( (CH (Sra. ) (LLL (S#AL.) in the presence of jb © t (SrAL. ) Clerk of the Superior Court (SAL. ) (Seat. ) J NOO that he is worth ower and shows! law and bie indebtedness j tf a ha cull that he ie worth over and ahewr: by law and bis indebtedness, ‘ that he ic worth ower and shows: by law and bie jedethtedmess, that he i«¢ worth over end aheve! by lew and bie indebtedness, j { Makes affidavit that he ie worth ower and aheowe! exemptions by law and hie indehtedness, ; Sworn to and subscribed before me, this , Cler of the Superior Court. ROLINA, County. In tHE SUPERIOR CouRT. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That we all — in tyeAtate aforesaid, ; andgirnily e Ste } a, * sum ofe URAL (dl kee — — Dollars, current money, to be paid to the State of ae pi st, f enefit of chi voes-eeeeehherginafter named, committed to the tuition of the said... KLOY bP RAL PP nensensssse to which payment well and truly to be{made, we bind ourselves, and each of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these Prosents A day of........ VA AD. 1989 N Qi? TITT: FE OBLIGATION IS SUCH, That whereas, the above bounden Sealed with our seals, and dated this is constituted and appointed drdian to minor orphan now, if(the said ( shall faithfully execute h-24/ said guardianship, and particularly shall well and truly secure and improve all the estate of the said LU ke facn 2 ‘ : until shall arrive at full age, or be thereto required, and shall render a plain and tre account_of _ said guardianship, on oath, befor Clerk of the Superior Court for Prih ett, County, and obey the law in all ca required by the Act of Assémply, and 7 rer u possess the said - Did Yh E Y/ MN ile Mh ABétO= YUAued B..”/ the FES ight to be possessed of, when lawfully required by said CELACE.. PCL At fawn or to such other abe sas shall be lawfully empowered or authorized to receive the same, and the profits arising of all such estates therefrom, then this obligation to be void; otherwise to remain in full force and virtue Signesl, sealed and delivered in the pres ens of bt fo it 4 a ee a Se 4 . degC the Superior Court 0 CAEP EMA Oe, (Seat. ) { Se Al,.} (SKAt. ) (SEAL. ) (SEAL. ) affidavit is worth over and above} cemptior and his indebtedness, j affidavit is worth over and above! xemptions b and his indebtedness, ‘ s affidavit is worth over and above! emptions t and his indebtedness, ‘ is worth ower and above) and his indebtedness, j Makes affidavit exemptions b is worth over and above! and his indebtedness, ; { Makes affidavit exemptions Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of Clerk of the Superior Court. _ STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, N SHE SUPERIOR Court. County. id County, in hy State aforesaid yare he ‘ld and firmly bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum (A. 4 .<S.-f : = atucce >= Dollars, ~-hereinafter named, committed to the tuition of the said ~2 2 : f : pangchalieem spits eannaancaladeassieaiel to which payment wel) and truly to be made, we bind ourselves and each of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these Presents. ‘ 4 “7 Mec with our seals, Sel eaten coe iain faf..tay of .._ ff. / E CONDITION OB IS SUCH, That/ where: CV CALS -_—— C = a _—- appinted Guardian er eee rene i , me : eee ea Xf. ? vy? 4 é < 4 : i J P s bounden is constituted and Sab tihwtadeadoadena -~ ~ ; nbw, if the an minor orphan shall faithfully execute hA- Q said ——- nship, and particularly\shall well and truly seeure and improve all the estate of the said ae > 23-797 ? ee th hh Patent Z (GAC cA, until Arf Zé t said guardianship, on oath. before the shall arrive at full age, or be sooner thereto required, and shall render a plain-aipl true Lee of. Clerk of the Superior Court for CLE County, and obey the law in all cases, as required by the Act of Assembly, and deliver up, pay or possess the said (Jf a a Th LIL 70h Ctufiltn BI % Z wih, of all such estates as Aé ” c £ S ought to be possessed of, when lawfully required by said - ~fa ” on p ~tye fa . PSS, ; “ia Ee J Lipp wi -Cha ©. le Ia do. Se «ag o-hctZ 4 wed. ‘ “ m to such other persons as Shall be law fully empowered or authorized to receive the same, and the ied therefrom, then this obligation to be void; otherwise to remain in full foree and virtue Signed, sealed and delivered f in the presence of i =" . 20-6L>7 JAG” Clerk of the Superior Court EES eee an 2 —— { Makes affidavit that he ie worth over and } } | above exemptions by law and his indebtedness | {[ Makes affidavit that he is worth over hs ; | above exemptions by law and his indebtedness j [ Makes affidavit that he is worth over and i ) | above exemptions by law and his indebtednens | Makes affidavit that he is worth over and) f above exemptions by law and his indebtedness | | 9 na affidavit that he is worth over sil | above exemptions by law and his indebtedness ‘ Sworn to and subseribed before me, this. AZ. day of ., Pel. Bl Rad Clerk of the el oes CX Are 1- 27-7 a3} oe 2s AIO} . the above § Se e s a ee es s ro y na s a 0 a ne e - = ee ae ee e a 29() STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, County. In tHE SUPERIOR Cour’. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESEK.PRES all of said Gpynty, in "I 1foresajd, are held and firmly bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum Dollars, current money, to be paid to the State of North WwW. olina in trust, a: beet of hy z4<ee—.. hereinafter named, committed to the tuition of the said... Mager aie de ae t ae 5 ; os wai oe ‘ to which paynferft well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and cach of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly ang severally, firmly by these Pro-ents ee Sealed with our seals, and dated this 4 , day of “4d , A.D Sig THE C Ty IN OLLZTHE ABOVAY OBLIGATION IS SUCH, That whereas, the above bounden - constituted and minor orphan & now, if the said shall faithfully execute ha“ said guardiayshigy and passjcularly shi Ml ily secure and improve NS : of the said Lo.f a Ce Am Aue until ff Fewer shal arrive at full age, or thereto required, and shall render a plain and true account of said guardianship, on oath Clerk of the Superior Court for County, and obey, the law i ired by the Act of,Assembly, . id deliver up, pay or p tee said Me Il such ates : a be possessed « \ lawfully yequired by said Jpele. or to such other persons as shall be lawfully empowered or auth «| to receive the same, and the pr therefrom, then this obligation to be void; otherwise remain in full force and virtue Signed, sealed and delivered | A Vs 7 . F . im tl I of v7 yao LA hh ¢ ALi SEAL _ | Geb yN\ WA KOK NWR rk of the Supe rior Court ( Makes affidavit that he is worth over and above! eremptior y law and his indebtedness j that he ie worth ower and alowe! by law and bis indebtedness, Makes affidavit that be ic worth ower and ahewe! exemptions law and his indebtedness, i { Makes affidavit that he is worth over and shove} exemptions by law and his indebtedness, ; { Makes affidavit, that he is worth ower and above} by law and his indeb ea, ; Sworn to and subscribed before me, this Clerk of f the Superior Court. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, | County. IN THE SUPERIOR Court. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That we, a... BAh all of said County, in thy State aforesaid, are held and firmly bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum Fs Orla. ¥ : —tAA iil ........Wollars, current money, to be paid to the State of North Carolipa in trust, for the benefit of the child 14sA-.hereinafter named, committed to the tuition of the said Frew &) Aiea GOA cence to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these Prosents. Sealed with our seals, and dated thi LO day of Qeene. AD. 11.30 uF CONDITION OF THE ABOVE OBLIGATION IS SUCH, That whereas, the above bounden ALBANS 24a ten— yy is constituted and appointed Guardian to../4é4eadt,.. 2% JS 2a hoor P lang O2 AIO, 4x8 $: mm Seaton. Jie minor orphi AY now, if the said ei ai. _— &) Qa f cen shall faithfully execute h Ad said guardianship, and particularly shal iw) and truly secure and improve all the estate of the said t/ khig Ms Deaton, , F casa K) 2x 7 om... a? 9. PA. Cater _— dz, shall arrive at full age, or be soonet thereto required, and shall render a plain,and t said guardianship, on oath, before the Clerk of the Superior Court for QeteoX&_ County, and obey the law in all cases, as required by the Act of Assembly, and deliver up, pay the Wika m Acatnr, fasts. So Gm B~atr~ jr vu of all such estates as ought to be po whey lawfu li) the, Mm! Laren, es ae ae ) Dn) & ta. ra or to such’other persons as shall be lawfully emp: red « thorized to receive the same, and the profits arising lly required hb said therefrom, then this obligation to be void; otherwis Signed, sealed gr delivered | - L $ Ln inv thee , ‘ fj ; Sa ™—P SEAL. ) f . (SEAL. ) (SAL. ) SEAL. ) rth aver ond «@ ond bee indebte inees, © i worth over and bie inde Sworn to and subscribed before me, this Clerk of the Superior Court. _ 2OY STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, In tHE SupPERIOR Court. )W ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That we, WU a CO? ~. icine aaiaatiensbubenedauntienssreceaeien con mee lars, current money, to be paid to the State of . e Caroli a in trus r the be ie oLMié child... .-hgpeinafter : a : : J A TPL Ie named, committed to the tuition of the said aul re ,... Weta ChE Lb. JAA to which payne well and aaa to be made, we bind ourselves, and cach all of said County, ifAhe State aforesaid, gfe held ¢ 1 + the S ate of North Carolina, in the sum of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these Prosents Sealed with our seals, and dated this day of.... , A.D. | THE CONDITION ¢ THE ABOVE OBLIG SHON S SU Cl that whereas, the above bounden OF a / fh ir 7 A MP (fh AMO GEA. L ¢ f fe. te me JO LOLA 4 / As constituted and appointed Guardian to / +7 J, Le, minor orphan....; now, if the said Z CLD z CLA Lot. shall faithfully execute h. 7. said ar; and particularly shall well andettuly secure and improve ; aoa i estate of the said nailed ..# BA has..hatiley he Pe tA Ju E < . . until Ades shall arrive at full age, or be thereto required, and shall render a plain and true account of > 442. said guardianship, on oath, be Clerk of the Superior Court for > Dead r County, and obey iy law-th all ca - required by the Act of Assembly, and deliver up, pay or possess the said... A700... 6 L4-< ' L ; of all such estates as 72 “Cought to be possessed of, when Igaviully required by said ; / if rs ty oe CM £ ots a or to such other persons as shall be lawfully empowere: authorized to receive the same, and the profit therefrom, then this obligation to be void; otherwise to remain in full force and virtue ) ). ‘ L . 4 / in the presence of j signed, sealed and delivered / AL “ da( SEAL. Uf» aS 5f-, TB ( SEAI Vby Allene tye. CT (SEAL Fhy (SEAL Sad, a Fimtadinn (SEAL / Clerk of the Superior Court Makes affidavit that he is worth over =e shove} cemptions by law and his indebtedne j ‘ Makes affidavit that he is worth ower and above! emptions by law and his indebtedness, ‘ that he ie worth ower and shove! by law and his indeltedness, i { Makes affidavit that he is worth over and shove} exemptions by law and his indebtedness, j { Makes affidavit that he is worth ower and above! exemptions by law and his indebtedness, j Sworn to and subscribed before me, this dav oj Clerk of the Superior Court. CTATE AL NADTH CAROLINA ) IS wee CAROLINA, IN THE SUPERIOR Court. County. SEA, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That we, CL. LH Lez <UL On all of ount tate afore ml) » State of North Carolina, in the sum ae A. 9 a te storia Dollars, Wp © bepeGP ot the ehiyg 2 PAA Wwereinafter lou MWialiiedé nL. (cited onewnece eine on payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves and each current money, to be paid to the State of We, i Wd. i named, committed to the tuition of the said of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these Presents, 2 Sealed with our seals, and dated this 7 _- day of pe hB C co , A. D AIO ‘$4N 4 F i LIGATION IS sUCH; That, whereas, the above bounden Jip - wpepe -£- CLOG A AL is constituted, and Fojultuaa yn. LZ CL 4 a _ At ey Guardian to —. Teas Car * ‘C se ae beinor orphangé ; now, 2 the said Site Ze Sous aia a : - s. tA FZ Ch ett shall faithfully execute h 4 i) said ¢ wg and particularly shall wel} 1 truly secure and improve all the tts be) PlePts (Ct batt 34 (<1 fa CAOLMN ¢. FX Ce. eC until a CS shall arrive at full age, or be sooner estate of the said thereto required, and shall render a ake and tri POPC Ker. said guardianship, on oath, before the Clerk of the Superior Court for ..County, and obey the law in all cases, as required by the Key of Assembly deliver up, pay or possess the «nid \ sHhLOD RL Ree & ce 2%, » x . wey of}, why lawfully reqiitred De said AA “cee CL2I40 Qt? Le5 CC CLO kK Lsd Ma 0 GEL OP AOL ZyQ.. or to such other persons as shall be lawfully empowered ov guthorized to receive the same. ahd the profits arising therefrom, then this obligation to be void; otherwise to remain in full foree and virtue Signed, sealed and delivered ( M1 the presence of j Z Py Fp. CAA f / , < COfiiada lah hbetdirdh +. 4 Seal eA Nw / Ob pf Wn Ao ptk- on; Sod _ P Seal —_ af Clerk of the Superior Court ee —— eee ees Makes affidavit that he ie worth over ond} | above exemptions by law and his indebtedness | Makes affidavit that he is worth over and | above exemptions by law and hisindebtednesns | Makes affidavit that he is worth over and | above exemptions by law and hisindebtednens | | Makes affidavit that he is worth over and | | ‘| Makes affidavit that he is worth over and { , ; above exemptions by law and his indebtedness J above exemptions by law and his indebtedness Sworn to and subseribed before me. this | ew ” at BH SO E SE a LINA, County. In tHE SUPERIOR Cour’. Dollars, current money, to be paid to the State of North Corp na, as?, oe bengfit of the child... .....-hereina fter named, committed to the tuition of the said por Ve: TT ee enneneee to which supiiiak well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and a" by these Pr ,» A.D of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrgtors, jointly and sven ally ZL......say ot... LE and dated this day of Ce. ABOVE Sealed with our seal wy. DG appointed a to OBLIGA’ r I NIS sec, iat whereas, the above bou .is constitute! if the said ‘ cf 2 c / . ; ] i > 1 #¢h shall faithfully execute hZZ/ said guardianship, and particularly shall well and truly secure and improve all the minor orphan....; now, estate of the said 47 ( Catal / SF SEI 4 27 1/ PF c GLLEGDA LVL a 2 . 7 Ye until / AAds ? shall arrive at full age, or be a plais Gnd, truce gCcount wf said guardianship, on oath, beior Z / ( . of the Superior Court for a et if ¢ County, thereto required, and shall rencet Clerk required by the Act of Aybly, ang dbliver oO posse sx the said Ve LIP L yi Cg, f all such estates as a oe to be possessed of, when lawfully required by said Ag oe afragenaffony — WAFH WMAGS/ 4 fh ~ pit MKS... pf . ill be lawfully “erffpowered ot the and obey the law in all « or to such other persons as sh ized to receive the same, and the profit therefrom, then this obligation to be void; otherwise to remain in full force and virtue Ga: “ rk of the ‘Geer wy Court delivered yPre been ‘ oy \ ee ed Signed, sealed, an tre —t { Makes atidavie that he is worth ower and above! aw and hie indebtedness, j Makes affidavit that he is worth over and ahove | mptior y law and his indebtedness, that he ic worth over and alove Mahe * af davit . and his indeltedness, i ‘ law Makes affidavit that, he i¢ worth ower and “tc exemptions by law and his indebtedness, { Makes affidavit that he ie worth ower and above! exemptions by law and his indebtedness, ; Sworn to and subscribed before me, this poeann, cee County. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That we, all of mid County aan —_ current money, to be paid to the State of North CaroMng. in ty “DP the benefit of named, committed to the tuition of the said any Re ad 141~-€ to which payment well and truly to be made, of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and a Yb oT jomtly and several Sealed with our seals, and dated this day of THE AG OBLIGATION IS SUCH, That , \BOVI ip iw a Mety Lf LAN. if the said ANG: Cra NO ML shall faithfully execute hALA. said guardianship, and particular! appointed Guardian to minor orphan....; now, shall well and tri Marin. Ora LOU, ntl fe shall estate of the said theret IN tHE SUPERIOR Court. the child NAY lv, firmly by these ALL. whtreas, the vcogion the St pnp serfs, in hereinafter we bind ourselves, A.D. 1 in the sum Dollars, and each Prosents is constituted and ily secure and obey the law in required by the Act of Assembly, and deliver up, pay iin WU QRAAAL An OM of all such estates as i tht to be possessed of hen lawfully re TV (AA. yp a w to such other persons as shall be lawfully empeo therefrom, then this obligation to | void ther Signed, sealed 4 y. y se LT Molo ui t the Sup Z , FM. Ki o required, and shall render a plainahd true ey said guardianship, on X * Clerk of the Superior Court for a L minty and delivered \ “Ae a fant Jy oath, ind the pre ww twheis t and aleve n de htednese ( Makes affidavit that * worth er and abe enemptions by low end bis indebtedness, { Makes affidavit that he is worth ' exemptions by law and his indelhtedness, Sworn to and subscribed before me, this v, over and abe vel ; and improve all the arrive at full age, or be sooner before the all cases, as hts arising FO above bounden CAROLINA, In’rnx SupPERion Court. | NO TH ~AROLINA, L : 2 Me IN THE SUPERIOR Court. cist eae County. £ NAA ‘ Q Q CONE, -sacesensest OMEY, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, ‘That we | lle cessor KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That we, Wea, JS Lau honth, | 7, > a Z. a... L£hK 7 all spe County, it State aforesaid, are heldgMd firmly et vt the Ytate of North Carolina, in the sum allo Cou he State aforesaid, are held and a bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum of Sh E 0. FE N= < d AL LQ saaieeeerneerscsephiooene Dollars, of OAD ry . AV ANNA — —~— Dollars, current money, to be paid to the State of North Caroli oft the benefit of the child ..-hereinafter current money, to be paid to the State of North Cgroling in trusts for venefit of the ebild hereinafter named, committed to the tuition of the said... LA VEN. Z.. —shaneneeeeie ‘ named, committed to the tuition of the said Nola. 2, yom AA. toe. to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and ; re and severally, firmly by these Prosents of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these Prose Sealed with our seals, and dated this L2 day of AMA ‘ AD io Sealed with our seals, and dated this i ae dav of Gr cy ; THE CONDI'LADN * TAL ABOVE OBLIGATION IS SUCH, That wiereas, the above bo&niden THE CONDITION C) OBLIG - 7 fH, ‘That whereas, the above bounden ; . . LE: Co ceitcael 7 Za Vv CW . 18 constituted and Nats, 9 ales 0th is constituted and appointed Guardian to oensiaiiale icead aia appointed Guardian to a hte nonin AA EM. ‘ | Aho VAL. ROLAA AL. er ERA C minor orphan....; now, if the said ; i e. LA VL LA. ; ; minor orphan ...; now, if the said Val a, ~ : C.. t_tA Eth shall faithfully execute hAA).. said guardianship, and particularly shall well and truly secure and improve «ail the shall faithfully execute h LAS said guardians! lip, ane shall well and truly secure and improve all the estate of the said a f . rere estate of the said / os QA RNA CMH Akira. AAW 10 Kacey thy | ; until — shall arrive at full age, or be socue miti shall ° Yul CA wa soonet thereto required, and shall render a plaip-and true ef) ye said guardianship, on oath, before the thereto required, and shall render a plagtt™ ry ' a uid guardianship, on oath, before the _ County, and obey the law in all cases, as Clerk of the Superior Court for Fic { f County, and obey the law in all cases, as required by the Act of Assembly, and (sliver up, pay or/possess the said required by the Act of Assembly, and deliver up, pa A_Q-~_0 ' = the ' 5 - tera: 4 aucker HEH) \ : ; of all such estates as Lk “ought to be possessed of, when lawfully required by said of all such estates as ought to be po sed a v j ‘ A. LUMAM, hi 2H a UWAAAL f = itt hee id LY to which payment well and truly to he made, we bind ourselves, and each Clerk of the Superior Court for - oa or to such other persons as shall be lawfullg/empowered or authorized to receive the same, and the profits arising to such other persons as shall be lawfully empowers ! thorized to receive the same, and the profits arising ] j tl ‘trom . ] hho Ory I wereel therw f rer i! j . therefrom, then this obligation to be void; otherwise to remain in full force and virtue teretrom, then this obligation © void; other dl virtue Signed, sealed and delivered | wn signed, sealed and delivered ) 10 of. niall rit Vpiarg Sea ; ala in the (SAL. ) a 4 +t ™. che AAO SrAL . 9 seat 7 . y 4 ry > y i the Superior Co Ge SG a , ut ya Y ™ Seat, . Yl , f (Seat (SAL. ) (SAL. ) { Makes affid tt { Makes that he is worth over and shove! fob ee } ‘ by law and his indebtedness, j t that he is worth over and above! y law and his indebtedness, ‘ t and a ak * wort affidavit that he is worth ower and above! . f tow and th adeeénecs mptions b law and his indeltedness, ee t that worth over and she { Makes affidavit that he is worth over and above} ‘ oeeesssseessers evempti y law and hie indettedness, exemptions by law and his indebtedness, j ’ ; ! ‘ es javit that he ie worth ower and aho ' { Makes affidavit that he is worth over and above} law and hie indebtedness, exemptions by law and his indebtedness, j ua i) Sworn to and subscribed before me, this a 4 yw of heal a : f f Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of Merk of the Superior Court. ; Clerk of the Superior Court, a 298 TATE nm N cena \ In tHE SuPERIOR CouRT’. —™~——— ~ current mwucy, to be paid to the State of North C arylina | the benefit of the child.... 1 named, committed to the tuition of the said.....S o" A 4 CAA eee 1 to which payment well and ee to be made, we bind ourselves, and ...Vollars, ehereinafter ~- f us, each and every of our heirs, executors and oe ee ata Joimtly and sey verally,,tirmdy by these 11 day of & CAL A.D Sealed with our seals, and dated this THE err Pe f nted at De 7 domeh Oa 4D, ones. PV minor orphan....; now, if the said shall faithfully execute nae. guardianship, apd particularly shall well and truly secure and improv UWAth Fry Tay, AL hey, InrmaerTs ety Af Foy, Whaoy.. ie fay \. until...2 shall arrive at full age, or he f) . ILABOVE OBLIGATION IS SUCH, That whereas, the above bounden oy constitute and ef ea, Pedy, Lhe FAY. Manrgershe Ae liad $4.5 ‘ Oe I EMA j 4 wt ate of the sa KLAR OMA Waar. boloy A hey, thereto required, and shall render a plaincawd true acépuny ih said guardianship, on oath, bei YVULO { “Yas, Ce obey the law in al] ‘ pres | (acs oo Py Act of Agsgembly, and ? $4 pay "er du As. said Clerk of the Superior Court for Za / . A hy ay, Sey 1 Mg ' S 7 f, poy all ("¢ est Thi to be possessed of quired by saidZ Vitttwr. 4 Vey of RT fia, ute, La, olay Fe ads itthorized to receive the same, and the pr tit or to such other persons as shall be lawfully empowe therefrom, then this obligation to be void; otherw un | force and virtue signed, sealed and delivered =} A. ip the wi cine pl . WY, of 4 r, / WL Z Clerk ot the Superior [ surt A ~ 4 Pe ra { Makes aidavit that he is worth ower and above! tiene by lew and hie indebtedness, j “S S akes affidavit that he is worth ower and above! ~otions by law and hie indebtedness, that he is worth over and above! law and bie indelbtedness, Makes affidavit that he is worth over and above} exemptions by law and his indebtedness, ; { Makes affidavit cd) he is worth over and above! ba eoenpenee § w and his indentedness, j Sworn to and subscribed before me, this b - ) Cf : m4 ‘ Oh, Ad WA Q4 Clerk of the Superior ‘Court. CAROLINA, } IN THE SUPERIOR Court. es ") 7m ‘ heh hitucle ADA ML YW AMEND AL MWh ed ——— current money, to be paid to the State of Ni rthZ Yong in troy Yor the bey ater! Ahe -_ ' es ; pt WAAL ap A 4-CC named, committed to the tuition of the said Ah all Vy ‘ounty, in taeAState aforesaid, arg - at yu y | bean«l me T » State of North Carolina, in the sum Dollars, hereinafter to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these Prosents \f i 7 ( ADDY Sealed with our seals, and dated this day of T uy, , ree ! LONSUY ; IW i WE OBLAGATION IS SUCH, That whereas, the above bounden PLEA AE se t ly 0 appointed Guardian to..4 a aia Ect Litbe: shall faithfully execute h@A¢. said guardianship, and particularly shall well and truly secure and improve all the y 7 ” 2 +4 (L179 Tt 4 = uy mtil , me shall arrive at full age, or be sooner thereto required, and shall render a plat aryl WU py said ¢ lianship, on oath, before the Clerk of the Superior Court for iy County, and obey the law in all cases, as : . required by the Act ot Assytphly, apd dle -_ r Ath is constituted and estate of the said bf/IDt¢ A aogehnw | Oe 4a such estates as Ji ought to be possessed of, when lawfully required by sat Sp fd / f to such other persons as receive the same, and the profits arising therefrom, then this obligation onl: otherw oO ret it ll force and virtue Signed, sealed wy delivere in VE Spr of LV CRA LACE... (Seat LF byl = 2 ; : < (SFAL ae lerk of the Superior C ‘ e de 4 —2Z( Sra (SAL (SEAL ag UALMAL Maher aerate Seer orenamsiores SoS Po Mak Makes affidavit that he worth and alx exemptions ty law nd his me debnes Ines, ( Makes affidavit that he i worth ower and ahowe! exemptions by law and hie indebtedness, ; Sworn to and subscribed before me, this SU) STATE 0 NORTH CAROLINA, | IN tHE SUPERIOR Court. STATE 0 NORT ROLINA, | Q AY County. IN 1rHE SUPERIOR Cour’. County. ay CPEB UL iii: WGK). : Pe DOV POY CH KZ r Z, aw oe. AE ALA SL... xe SIDE ere eer at reetl ..ncc--cenceess Dollars, of AML i current money, to be paid to the State of ee in tryst, for the benefit of the child................hereinafter : ~ hareine fear named, committed to the tuition of the said.... all of said County, in the pate Oe are held and firmly bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum y ‘ id C i f are held and firmly bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum naseag--t OULAFR, eal ‘ . x = . a ; : Se 4: - to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and cach pcmtcmceetaa reais to which payment well and truly to be made, We bind ourselves, and each of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and sevegally, firmly by these Prosents, of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly anduseferally, firmly by these Prosents. Sealed with our seals, and dated this........ Z 2 day of Vley- cic os qae Sealed with our seals, and dated this “+> day of la) 7 _ aa 1Fiea THE C ‘G. VO, THE ABOVE OBLIGATION IS SUCH, That whereas, the above bounden * THE ABOVE, OBLIGATION IS SUCH, That whereas, the above bourtden ane - acapsail LANLW eve sicnenanan sine vesseeeeeeedS CONStituted and susiacsatinn ——— a : nA 's constituted and appointed Guardian to.... seceinerenes eee ecemsens aes . i appointed Guardian to.... minor orphan....; now, if the said ; ’ ne ; minor orphan....; now, if phe said shall faithfully execute had... said guardianship, and particularly shall well and truly secure and improve all the shell faithfully execute hAA said guardianship, and particularly shall well and truly secure and improve all the estate of the said cai ; Z . eee ‘e estate of the said Xk Oparow/ a, VAR 7 a ie } Z : 4; ae ....Shall arrive at l-age-e8 be sswanaaie ities until ~“...shall arrive at full age, or be sooner 7 (24 Le , Cte A and haat atic ; ' o said guardianship, on oath, before the thereto required, and shall render a plaingnd trye accoynt of said guardianship, on oath, before the Clerk of the Superior Court for County, and obey the law in all cases, as Clerk of the Superior Court for Pyhlel County, and obey the law in all cases, as 7 ay or possess the saic ee required by the Act of Assembly, and deliver up, pay or possess the said ght aa Lie 5 Wie poly WaT of all such estates as Aas ought to be possessed of, when lawfully required by said of all such estates as yught to be possessed Of, when lawfully ree required by the Act of Assembly, an | deli * nner hal 4. Mijupf } | | ALLL V1 hectpdr MA2Azt - ta or to such other persons as shall be lawf mpavered of authorized to receive the same, and the profits arising or to such other persons as shall be lawfully emp Gere r authorized YFewive the same, and the profits arising therefrom, then this obligation to be void; otherwise to remain in full force and virtue erefrom, then this obligation to be void; otherwise to remain in full force and virtue Signed, sealed and delivered) of - ; 7 Uk Pr LZ : q ft 0 AMWNY (SEAL. ) Sync in the presence of J Athans. (SAL. ) (SKAL.) /f* 3 LF, eve bM Eettes (SEAL. ) Clerk of the Superior Court (ih A / : / iY : by (Seat.) ‘ , (3-1? 2120 t......(SRAL. ) (Srat.) (Sat. ) (SEAt.) ( Seat.) , > C AWS : 200 . ; ‘ hat b , hove torts fant be bo wart oom got store} = g Z Maes dels tat erection §— § AA er mT aw and his indebtedness, j Makes efidevit that he is worth over and shove! . ala eg affidavit that he is worth over and above! exemptions by law and bie indebtedness, ‘ emptions by law and his indebtedness, ' ‘ Makes efidawit that he ie worth ower and shows! Makes affidavit that he ie worth ower and above! exemptions by law and his ladebtednese, a tions tb law and his indebtedness, ‘ ( Makes affidavit that he i¢ worth over and shore! Makes affidavit that he is worth over and above} ‘ oes . exemptions by law and hie indebtedness, ; exemptions by law and his indebtedness, j : , { Makes affidavit that he i¢ worth ower and above! { Makes affidavit that he is worth over and above | tes — ' exemptions by law and his exemptions by law and his indebtedness, j : a Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of Sworn to and subscribed before me, this of, Clerk of the Superior Court. 300 “STATE 0 Bhd CAROLINA, \ IN tHE SUPERIOR Cour’. all of said County, in the pate aforesaigl, are held and firmly bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum of A ETA MAE... [el . eee - Dollars, current money, to be paid to the State of North Carglina_ in tryst, for the benefit of the child named, committed to the tuition of the said IN : Fi heed : to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and cach of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and sevegally, firmly by these Prosents Sealed with our seals, and dated this / . day of Way , AD. 78 THE NI “Osa. THE ABOVE OBLIGATION IS SUCH, That whereas, the above bounden ZL D. LAN Q Ww is constitute’ and appointe d Guardian to shall faithfully execute had aid — and particularly shall well and truly secure and improve estate of the said 7 E Ox Clerk of the Superior Court for hereinafter minor orphan...; now, if the said _ shall arrive treba ee bc > seman aid trite fit said guardianship, on oath, before the tec yt County, and obey the law in all cases, as Assembly, and deliy Hicks Reon te, required by the Act of ria said such estates as ought to be possessed of, when lawfully required by said fal, epregfe h or to such other persons as shall Ix voile emp avered of horized to receive the same, and the protits therefrom, then this obligation to be void; otherwise to 1 inom full force and virtue delivered |} “ened, ‘ led and of 4s e t | RO in the presence of C Superior Court ( {VM z QoL { Makes affidavit that he is worth over and above} ah e rrpt rere and his ine debtedne **, j that he i« worth ower and above: by law and bie indebtedness, ‘ that be ie worth ower and shows! by law and bie indehtedness, ‘ { Makes affidavit that he is worth over and above! exemptions by law and hie indebtedness, j { Makes affidavit that he is worth ower and ahove! exemptions by law and his indebtedness, } Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of »t Clerk of the Superior ‘Court. / enate of the sak ~y | Lean [Vr ply Non STATE 0 eae IN THE shiek olde ecco cosseonesses OMNEY, ERE Diary, A £4 yYthe State aforesaid, are held and firmly bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum AW. 4 Atl . : : 2 vei Dollars, hereinafter named, committed to the tuition of the said to which payment weil and truly to be made, We bind ourselves, and each of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly anduseferally, firmly by these Prosents ’ aly A , - OQ = Sealed with our seals, and dated this “-2> day of 4 , A.D, 1 se4 THE CONDITION QF THE ABOVE OBLIGATION IS SUCH, ‘That whereas, the above bourtden 7 YR Ter phe, is constituted and appointed Guardian to ‘ aul “yf a... ya Mat 4s minor orphan....; now, if , sbefi faithfully execute Wy said guardianship, and particu: f shall well andtruly secure and improve all the until shall arrive at full age, or be sooner plains trye accoynt of said guardianship, on oath, before the County, and obey the law in all cases, as required by the Act of Assembly, and deliver up, pay © VV fp Vane nught to be possessed ‘ i when law fully reat thereto required, and shall render a Clerk of the Superior Court for of all such estates a Canin FPlc, 1ffas or to such other persons as shall be lawfully et npogered uthorized temrive the same, and the profits arising therefrom, then this obligation to be void; otherwise to remain in full force and virtue ee) NF aay on es Veit Zo | Jif ete (Saas) Clerk of the Superidr Court Yan 0) . /, {, (SEAL (Sra (Sea LOO sil... that he is worth ower and aleowe! aw and hie indebtednces j 7 o Ups, efidavit that he ie worth ower and shove: emptions by law and hie sdeltedness, ‘ efidavit that be i« worth ower and ahowe exemptions law and bie indeltedness, Makes affidavit that he i« worth ower and shows exemptions by law and hie indebtedness, { Mahes alidavit that he ie worth ower and shove! exemptions by law end hie ledeltedness, j Sworn to and subscribed before me, this | STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA TATE OF QNORGH CAROLINAS) 1 sus sonsuon couse IN THE SUPERIOR Court, a oat County. J rs KNOW ALL, MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That we, / ne a of BALL BAAAA™ i HMw Bane : . et 7 tes . , : ; ~ ‘ aint ities ae eet ae ded ae aie ° enteue oe . in sine ecensousesnesoes oseee seennesnnonssseoocecse weeee . . sennees es . eesee | cw, / > / me f said County, in the State aforesaig, are helgjind firmly bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum , in thy iM are held an fol i unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum -- fee ‘ , i ES , tae : f a - ; , yee ; ; ; ; “lb 4. MALE ne CEES eases t= inte + > hens pmo wr > Dollar » ent money, to be paid to the State of Ni rth Carc slina in trust, for the benefit of the child 7 aa € €. . ¢ paid to the State of North ¢ ‘arolinp in trust, for puapoene fit of Cociitan ‘ herefnaft: 1ed, committed to the tuition of the said... / W AcANAAALA 4 ft Biidiaais s Dollars, -hereinafter named, committed to the tuition of the said —..-Ceec_ “4 pone Manned ata Ge eh sila G poo anna seme to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each _....-to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves and ea . pa) as, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators jointly and severally, firmly by these Prosents of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators¢jeiitly and géverally, firmly by these Present - * , ators r 3 — ' uo “ Sealed with our seals, and dated this day of CAAA... A.D 133 Sealed with our seals, and dated this.- wns 7 =...day of( 2 Sect S A.D. 1 fis : / ? { ‘HE CONDITION OF THE ABOVE OBLIGATION IS SUCH, I THE DITELON HE 7 ae OBLIGATION IS SUCH, That, whereas, the above bound . 9 L hat whereas, the above bounden | iio C< Gk. f.. ; peescencscencsag he Gemmuled ( , \ _ ” is constituted and cpulcned Gemadinnte, 7 FEE oe L fhe = 4 Ey appointed Guardian to Cocrf ‘ Ae natn cee ve “Y 4 errr ey itn now, if the said of he----<> cae caleaennaalelaneiieeacth ; : lor orphan ; now, if the said Aaaanenint LA Meee uey _ so name a “kg So & os et Oe ee mn , faithfully a Canal h2A. sail uard anship, and articularl shal ll well and truly secure and improve all the shall faithfully execute h wid § ; oe particularly shall well and truly secure and improve all 1 eMate of the said estate of the said shall arrive at tull age, or be svoner until pi h to required, and shall render a plai u Cosaid gu ardianship, on oath, before the ceecerenieitiile iil shall render a plaipeand rw apps eh, Jace » Gn oath before 1 OY. f the Superior Court { a ce obekp | ‘ B é PTO a or FigcK2 * “~ Clerk of the Superior Court for ..County, and obey the law in all ea» , I minty, and obgay theJaw_ ip all cases, as wired by the Act of Assembly,-and deliver up, pay assess the , Cart ray stony required by the Aet of eand deliver up, pay o ss the said - wero \ OPPL ptniae ect fale Can. ~ v § of all such @states as Ate ought to be possessed of, when lawfully required by said all sugh estates ught to be possessed of, when lawfully ; ve Nay Sonal LD ZA a <A > _ , ,; f . WJtbhil lak Le 4 S CLA AL. B such other persons as shall be lawfully emp t om to such other persons as shall be lawfully empowered or authorized to receive the same, and the profits arts ois ' , receive the same, and the protits arising therefrom, then this obligation to be void: otherwise to remain in full force and virtue f ' efrom, then this obligation to be void; lerwise to) remain t ull force and virtue rortiens gs ake — { rr i 7 /, ii ; K. AA. ao _ Yu4 os “@ the pragence of Detranniudl ab: W2t. auto. Sear Ld ‘3 fo flbte.1m. be ME fread 0 Se ceed SO a ep vteiE ANE. 1 24.00ddn 7 7 B71, dZa AA4 d, sealed and delivered { Makes affidavit that he ie worth over and | : Ir J ‘ , 4 TA rp wen above exemptions by law and hisindebtedness j Makes affidavit that he is worth over - SOA | LK tts | tial - ee | above exemptions by law and hisindebtedness | « and bie indebtedness, Makes affidavit that he is worth over and efidavit that be i¢ worth ower and show shove exemptions by law and his indebtedness | semptions by law and his indebtedness, { Makes affidavit that he is worth over and | { ' ; ? i — - Makes affidavit that he is worth over and shove} | above exemptions by law and his indebtedness | a aa 8«—CF { Makes affidavit that he ie worth ower and aheve) exemptions by law and his in 0 seas affidavit that he is worth over and { above exemptions by law and his indebtedness } ee = ——— —- dworn to amd subse ribe Mba ne, yd /f- day of . enemy ia Sworn to and subse ribed be fore me, this J? "Re f cat ; - mer —— ™ n ty CAROLINA L r In 1HE SuPERIOR CouBs. a sniinecsneninaesl County. KNOW ALL MEN BY ‘THESE PRESENTS, ‘That we, 402 The Fidelifyand (Sualty Ginpanyot NewYork oo | | a f “ , | ~~ Sey aed ce BONDING DEPARTMENT: HALE ANDERSON, Vice-President, in charge ehield and firmly bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum 92 LIBERTY ST 4 REET, NEW YORK CITY ey synigiope e State aforesaid, are ‘ ' 4 A Nein CALLA MAK. . nate ne cannnccsemmeiecl ED, OF G6 Serine hana he NTE Mohan he bear iholvanenonresnennnncnncs secnsoners current money, to be paid to the State of North Cylina_ An trust, fr the be fit of the oy fid.. -o-seeee-e-ehtereinafter LLU, op: ALL. (KEY... | Kuowm All Men by these Presents: | to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and cach That THE FIDELITY AND CASUALTY COMPANY OF NEW YORK has named, committed to the tuition of the said a ea m severally, firmly by these Prosent CAL cat AD. 1°) 2) ‘H, That in the above bounden | administratory/ointly ¢ / OF a of of us, each and every of our heirs, executors ane made, consti 2, ‘ . . : stituted, and appointed, and by these presents does make, constitute and appoint fF i Sealed with our seals, and dated this THE COXDITIB® OF ‘YE ABPYE OBLIC OCH, Th nn a , Jillian E.. Webb.of Statesville, North. Carolina > é-L AAA eS is constituted and its 4rue and lawful f | : s e and lawtul attorney, for it and in its name, place, : | | y, s name, place, and stead to execute on behalf of the said C | appointed Guardian to ¢ on behalf of the said ¢ ompany, | HD as surety, a certain bond describable as follows :— | | tf. { ZY ‘Ee ¢ Vy Obligor: * = = = = De Le Raymer | . | minor orphan - now, if the said wa 1 b ve . yme e -=2s @®ee se eeees s©e#ee eeneeeeseeeea i shall faithfully execute hy il said guardianship, and particularly shall well and truly secure and improve Obligee: *.*7 7 = State of North Carolina -.- -----=--s. | " estate of the said (> . / Nature of obligation; Guardian Bond | | ss < d A al l | | | | ‘he authority hereby conveyed shz pad wns : : — ys iall expire and terminate ~ f he d | until shall arrive at full age, or be I ( from the date hereof, and the i liab . ’ ‘ 7 iability of the Company as surety on any bond executed under this authority shall 1 I tl j t i ority sé ot XCCE the sum said guardianship, on oath, betor the thereto required, and shall render a 2 an aod iceount C gC C. County, and obey the law in all Clerk of the Superior Court for 4 of ----- thirty - = = = «= thousand dollars ( 50, 0% 0.00) 3n witurss whereof The Fidelity and Casualty Company of New York has caused it ’ ' n 5 used ficial eal i al j required by the Act of Assembly and — u ve or possess the said SS AC’™ hen lawfully required by said E ought to be possessed of, when lay to be hereunto affixed, and these presents to be signed by one of it issistant ret ] 11 c $ assistant secretaries at itteste y one + ‘ } % of its assists cretz » : its assistant secretaries this day of ’ of all such estates as are = i Bie Zea V2... ARCA Law ¥ he Tre Helity and @ualty @rpany of New York or to such other persons as shall be lawfully empowered «1 thorized to receive the same, and the profit 7 7 | therefrom, then this obligation to be void; otherwise to) remaim im full force and virtue test 4) OL lé-L Vi 4 tt. ; | dieiah aoe a Active - — ; Pyp Assistant S ‘ > ‘ an secretary Oe i a | os nadie it ail (Sra Veer 4 | Assistant Secretary | Bata ah THe *% tom...» (DEA Clerk « the Supertor Court | I a Bood 1396, 2M (30051237) (Power of Attorney, Individual) me) ( Makes affidavit that he is worth over and above | < exemption law and his indebtedness, i Makes affidavit that he is worth over and above! < motions by law and his indebtedness, ‘ . Lf ) Makes affidavit that he is worth over and above! i cemptions | a and hie indehtedness, ‘ ( Makes affidavit that be worth ower and shove . exem ‘ law and his indebtedness > Makes affidavit that he is worth over and above! exemptions by law and his indebtedness, j { Makes « 2 thet 1 . fidavi a « i« worth ower and shovel exemptions by law and his indeltedness, ; th Sf (Makes affidavit that he ie worth over and above! < _— ' exemptions by law and his indebtedness, j 4 : oa | Makes affidavit that be is h i ab i ¢ is worth ower and above! ~ 2 ' exemptions by law and his indebtedness, ; > ° ceenescoce Sw r . orn to and subscribed before me, this day of 1 Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of ‘ ° , Clerk of the Superior Court. ‘Clerk of the Superior Court. Se e — ey =: a io n a l A LO at aE ye In tHE SUPERIOR CouRy County. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That we, all — iC a 4e State aforesaid, are, held and firmly bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the su ¢ LAO QO) wl ‘ “ ® 5 0A 0 4 Js A 4 zi - : JU 7 of C Yt 1 LAMAAE GUA. current money, to be paid to the State of North Cymlina jn ae. the es of the cid : { ae eo 2 2a 4 ; Le ~% Pas ( “Act : , . 4 » * named, committed to the tuition of the said Ed nef to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and cach of us. each and every of our heirs, executors and admini oe yointly £) / tt day Sealed with our seals, and dated this en ee -eeeeeeee----Ollars, hereinafter 7 severally, firmly by these ALA , AD. 1 lay of THE C LO ¢ ff ABOYE OBLIGALLON IS SUCH, That Whereas, the above bor THE CONDI! ye Ml l 7 | mee ZL Cy , AMAWA L- 1s constitut appointed Guardian to Ly Zz KL ieaiail te ae zz if the said Legler Meru 1. minor orphan....; now, 1! sa shall faithfully execute h yA. said guardianship and parti SAY. (> Mf she thereto required, and shall render a pimp at tor Sf CLL C C f County, and obey the law in al irly shall well and truly secure and impr estate Of the sar shall arrive at full age, or | ! said guardianship, on oath Superior Court required by the Act of Assembly, ae Pp ! iy the re y. Y) ~~ \ ( < i a. LL’ ought to be possessed of, wher rf ff — oft E LEECLEL Len is Makes affida t he ie worth ower and shove! exemptior + law and hie inde?*+dness, j Sworn to and subscribed before me, this Clerk of the Superior Court. Ntrrvee, Sah oiualias aid Mel ‘ . Heng. rh . a Swe, Wis 4isno tur f ey ®P wgr oi 24948 WAI =») “spuoq uo Ayins se paydoooe *q ©} suoneiod d ay) yim Sur4}duios Mou st pue F Ayred9} pue Amp sr Aurduio> ean Japio Aq pequosqns OJI9Yyy t st o s yes 9 5 wo JO Axre}919s¢5 WIsIsse uP ps 0} ply a igs © $1039. 4 UR 49 ; “4 SMouy > ‘sun 1} JO S10;ALIp yo parog 24? JO Ay s0yINe pur I PrO SH Aq oy19y) aureU sty pouSis 9 ae Te ao oe Pee AWPPET YL 30 [eas ayesodion ong ne Pzo Aq poxye oisay) sem PUR “HI0K MIN Jo dedi ed, PES 94} JO |eas 93810d 109 24} smou a Oud SI j¥aj19A0 JUIUINAYSUT ay} 0} pownge’ me “ae ‘tan ——~ . of é o >I"? ° > ; Ea - " . . : Y 94 Wt? fyvapsaa0 WOUMAYsUI sy) painoax> os Oe or ee enn ~ I XO YSIYA pue ur Peqiiosap si yoryar Yore10d109 ay) * : H40X MEN Jo ue ( ‘shes pue sasodo N Jo Aueduio> Ayensey pue Ayyapry or : °P ‘UJoms Ajnp Suiaq * SUPT OL JO Arvjas905 jURISISSe UB SI ay ze : ; a PULL HOqIV YIM pajurenboe SF 8Y 3eyd ! Ajoy ne AMANWH a 120. fb State aforesaid, are held and firmly bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum Ad AAO (GIO. ete CY, senssieekceubsibnesspiseiamsmieisaiuaal ...Dollaye current momey, to be paid to the State of North Caroling yin fepst, for the benefit Of the Child. hereinafter named, committed to the tuition of the said AL to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and alminjstrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these Prosents, day of MA A.D. ISS THE CONDIT J THE ABOVE OBLIGATION If 'CH, That whereas, the above bounden Sealed with our seals, and dated this is constituted and heed Gres MC Apt under ; now, if the said = ited Guardian to shall faithfully execute h4A said guardianship, estate of the,said Wan Cadms%. Madplates thereto required, and shall render a plain and t hg ff Clerk of the Superior Court for Wek. Ressouen t ne LLL. of Assembly, and deliver up, pay Ce Ld U. sf | such estates S th. ou rht to be p <SS5cal | when lawtully require il ly Th WMe-«0 aaa, Wl tliat b- ed © to such other persons as shall be lawfully empower r authorized ¢ ive the same, and *prohits arising ll well anc) truly secure and Amprove all the — he 1 Az — tert shi re eee hte: _ iccount of said guardianship, on oath, befofe the County, and ae law in all cases, as possess the said. Mga xkzM Aba, trom, then this obligation to be void: otherw ined, sealed and delivered ) Cf lt m the Pyesen 9 x. fA 2. oy (Sh AL ‘yl Lfpy ay OA Lk (Srai / } Clerk of the Superior Court , ; a ( U ; SEAL { / | SEAL (SAL. worth ver and « and hie Makes efidawit that he ie worth er end aloe? ‘ exemptions aw and hie indebtedness, Makes afidewit that be ic worth over and shove ee ‘ aw and bic indebtedness Makes affidavit that be worth over and shove | exemptions by law and bie indehtedness, i {Makes affidavit that he i¢ worth ower and shove? exemptions by law and hie indebtedness, } Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of . ia Clerk of the Superior Court. InN tHE SuPERIOR Cour’. 0) ree ee County. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESH, PRESENZS, ‘That we, eho 2 all of sa f County, in fe State aforesaid, argsheld and firmly bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the st ot lcm - me nag. Dollag's, J ~ current money, to be paid to the State of North Carolina in trust, for the benefi _ Chak) ereimaltes named, committed to the tuition of the said ¢ a. A), xy . to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these Prosent Sealed with our seals, and dated this it Zz day of Fb 1224 THE CONDITJON OF TI 2 VE OBLIGATION IS SUCH, That whereas, the above bound 0? LO. orga is constiftiped and appointed Cuneta to aevrimad Zz ‘Meebo ip mines—orphan > now, if the said ~&. LA), Lr Luft shall faithfully execute h M aid giumare lianghyip, er ' thy hall well and truly secure and improve estate of the said CL th S atc & ctu ee ot ee = f/ ai shall arrive at full or be a thereto required, and shall render a - amLirue aces aid guardianship, on oath, before Clerk of the Superior Court for Dir Leek _ and obey the law in o the sat dural required ye Act of Assembly, and deliver up, pay «© MTA 4 Ae = of all such estates a hea ought yy ly iwfully required by said CZ. MA. — -~-. ont h other persons as shall be lawtully empowered ot theorized to receive the same, and the protit then this obligation to he void; otherwise to tain in tull force and virtue sO Sta all Sp | ederreasety Log Ss Clark of the Sup is gc ,, Apion « worth ower and above! snd hie indeltedness, ie worth ower and aheowet ~« and hie indeltedness, ove and hie indebtedness, . * worth and al Makes affidavit that he le worth ower and above! ee neenptie me by law and hie indebtedness, j Sworn to and subscribed before me, this /7 i , P ( | y “Clerk of the Superior Court. C ‘ In tue Suprerior Court. Ue — sé ROLINA, all of said G nists’, in the State le ‘said fry Ao ae. bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum LU MM LL “4 Dollars, current money, to be paid to the State of North Cart in trugt, for yi, netitol Ure wld hereinafter named, committed to the tuition of the said LLG DG Os: to which payfient well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrator s, jointly and éexgrallyAirmly by these Prosents - Sealed with our seals, and dated Mia tk day of 7 Z, AD TH THE Ce WN! wh rt 3 ( 4, “ He rl, \ A ION IS SUCH, ‘That whereas, the above bounden appointed Guardian 4to0...¢ a — as. minor orphan..; now, if the said Z is constituted and shall faithfully execute h2@C— said guarMiartship, and particularly shall well and truly seeure and improve all the a) a Vi Lhniith estate of the saic unital Ag shall arrive at full age, or be sooner thereto required, and shall render a ap tt Vie f “x ee said guardianship, on oath, before the Clerk of the Superior Court for ML County, and obey the law in all cases, as required by the Act of Les aul « deeger wp, pay + tid Z Gb {CAM th i all such estates as A ie » a pos Oyj teveiully required by said YAEL: SU Ue: v7 to such other persons as shall be lawfully empowered or authorized to receive the same, and the profits arising heretrom, then this obligation to be void: otherwise to or Hl force and virtue 7 2 Cx Sheba oF. (Swat. ) (SAL. ) yned, sealed and delivered] in the presence of J Clerk of the Superior C (Sra. ) (Srau.) (Seat. ) afidey it that he ie worth ower a alewet mips shy law and bie tndet code nee affidavit that he te worth ower end shows: emptions by law end bie indehtedness, efidavit that he ie worth ower and show ' met law and tie tndeltedness, ' Makes sfidevit that be le worth over aed ahowe exemptions by ‘aw end fle indehtedness, { Makes affidavit that he le worth over and ‘weed ' eremptions by lew and bie tndettedmess, Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of vieiedig vores —— ee ‘ “ton Gal Pe linia dc 208 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, | ie lili aincnialiaeinddbaiaesies Drie Rededel. nun. County. In 1rHE SuPERIOR Cour’. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, ‘That we, vena... a dA... Gad s. ~ Seen st fern Sag onde, See Nahe strtin tae ane Sa. Ber telecon \ a on oS nea Bing — - TNA wt Orel Se. Dtretr rr coh won! Cry es O42 OArtretx all of said County, ir\ghe State aforesaid, are held awl firmly bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum current money, toMe p paid tothe State of North Carolina in trust, of erweerssyollars, for the benefit of the child.mwee....hereinafter named, committed to the tuition of the said Bs DA stagenrsereee to which payment well and truly to be made, we bmd ourselves, and each of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, Sealed with our and dated this “7. Gia. IN at THE CONDITION THE ABOVE OBLIG ATI IN iS SUCH, firmly by these Prosent seals, day of OFr That whereas, the above bounden is constitute can appointed Guardian to ine. sans on om ae Ato “ te ¥ ore minor orphans.; now, if the said Mm TO. 4. : +. ges Ate shall faithfully execute he™ estate of the said iw aA TG. Sie Thy Onn Spann. AR cna j Mntil , f Wan County, said guardianship, and particu larly shall welNand truly secure and improve shall arrive at full age, or be shall render a plain and truc said guardianship, on oath, before the icdtliien RA de Act of Assembly, and deliver up, pay ot thereto and account Clerk required, of the Superior Court for and obey the law in all case required by the possess the said Ned. Stn be Att Re One. et An tusteg, r ~-A- Sete trate of all such estates as when lawfully required b said etd Dre Tareas... Arediveioes ates a palace aa "+ DA-~ -2 ought to be possesser l of or to such other persons as shall be lawfully empowered or authorized to receive the same, and the profits arising therefrom, then this obligation to be void; otherwise to remain ft ll force and virtue ealed and delivered im the Py Af ne AY Wl Ch if the Signed, . a a Vite t “ aettifierre. (Seal Mt uA Utes MecMer Parintsk, Prorat (Sai My Vo Q bts Sra.) (hy L (ie ia 4 a (SEAL stipe Tio; fe . >.( SEAI $9672 , & (<a a, 7m. Z ( SEAL.) | Makes that he is worth over and above! affidavit motior law and bie indebtedness, ; over and ahovet ndelhtedneee, ‘ that he ie worth y law and his Makes affidavit exemptions sh Makes affidavit that he ic worth ower and above! Ss emptions by law and bis indebtedness, ‘ s worth aver Makee affidavit that he and ahove| ¢ ercvemptions ¥ by law and his indebtedness, j { Makes affidavit that he i¢ worth ower and ahove! s exemptions % by law and hie indebtedness, ; Sworn to and subscribed before me , this day of a Clerk of the Superior “Court. , AD. 19.31 = > ~~ all o d ee aii of Fase" D OEM. fA ‘ ills ea. current money named, committed to the tuition of the said of us, each and every of our heirs, executors an Sealed with our seals, THE Aor pr O} appointed Guz minor orphan shall faithfully execute hZ/)/ said &: LM { to ; now, estate of the said thereto required, and shall am ‘Ta Clerk of the Superior Court for equired by the Act of Assembly, ang de _— /. all such estates as ran ‘ r to such other persons as shajf retrom, ed, sez ee Clerk Sworn to and subscribed before me, this then this and delivered J J , / , LCA hhLiartt of the Superior Court »f obligation 1 ce voul; otherwise to remain — peewee County. | ae TS E ESANTS MA. td HED state afore “¥ are te firmly bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum Dollars, -hereinafter to whicl yment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each jointly and severall 1 administrators, 2s day of AY OVE PBL IGATION IS SUCH, ao a7 ti. Ln Lee.. MA pa DL On. 200K KT? Mate sn ', firmly by these Prosents. MAK... nv. BI hat whereas, above bounden and dated this the is constituted and if the said a er a , rianship, and particularly shall well and truly secure and improve all the Held (Ba eLe NY. shall be hacpereet soor plain Gy tr Hid TOL AW said guardianship, AA: and obey thg law in all ¢ ases, as we + op Newfie ahd en P Se ssed of on oath, before the ver L_ to be when lawfully required by said aa WA ATE 0x lawfully emp - j tuthorized to receive the « ame, and the prohts arising in full force and virtue ) thdalé Madde Fa. | ; At Mite he (ion) a a (YA ~ (Seat. ) (SEAL. ) (Seat. ) affidavit that he is worth ower and shows) ( Makes oe ow and his indebtedness, j Makes affidavit that he ie worth ower and shoves eremptione law and his indebtedness, fy Makes aMidart fer motions ‘a that he is worth over and his and above! ~ indehtedness, i > Makes affidavit that he r orth ertemptions *" t and ahowel law and bie indettedness, ; { Makes affidavit that he is worth over and shove} exemptions $ by law and his indehtedness, j day of + +0 sees ee eweeesseeeces Clerk of the Superior Court. «fh 5 ih —_ a 310 “STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA) ,. County. tHE SUPERIOR Cour’. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That we, all of said County, in the State aforesaid, are held and firmly bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum Dollars, current money, to be paid to the State of North Carolina in trust, for the benefit of the child........ -hereinafter named, committed to the tuition of the said to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these [1 Sealed with our seals, and dated this day of AD. I THE CONDITION OF THE ABOVE OBLIGATION IS SUCH, That whereas, the above bouncen ..is constituted and appointed Guardian to minor orphan....; now, if the said shall faithfully execute h said guardianship, and particularly shall well and truly secure and improve estate of the said until shall arrive at full age, or be thereto required, and shall render a plain and tru said guardianship, on oath, betor Clerk of the Superior Court for County, and obey the law in all « required by the Act of Assembly, and deliver up, pay or possess of all such estates as ought to be poss ssed of, when lawfully required by said or to such other persons as « lawfully empowered wuthorized to receive the same, and the profits aris therefrom, then this obliga to be void: otherwi tull force and virtue Signed, sealed and deliveres in the presence of Superi affidavit that he is worth over and above! moptior y law and his indebtedness, j affidavit is worth over and above?’ mptions | and his indebtedness, ‘ that he is worth over and above by la and his indebtedness, ‘ that he ie worth ower and above | by law and his indeltedness, j { Makes affidavit that he is worth over and above} exemptions by law and his indebtedness, j Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of of all such estates as STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, | County. IN tHE SuPERIOR Cour’. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That we, all of said County, in the State aforesaid, are held and firmly bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum ioaedinaabsnicinns aoe ie ones is ssnatthecvsscut eis current money, to be paid to the State of North Carolina in trust, for the benefit of the child hereinafter named, committed to the tuition of the said to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these Prosents Sealed with our seals, and dated this day of te THE CONDITION OF THE ABOVE OBLIGATION IS SUCH, That whereas, the above bounden is constituted and appointed Guardian to minor orphan....; now, if the said shall faithfully execute h said guardianship, and particularly shall well and truly secure and improve all the estate of the said shall arrive at full age, or be sooner thereto required, and shall render a plain and trex said guardianship, on oath, before the Clerk of the Superior Court for County, and obey the law in all cases, as required by the Act of Assembly, and deliver up, pay or po the said ought to be possessed of, when lawfully required or to such other persons as shall be lawfully empowered { il to receive the same. and the profits arising therefrom, then this obligation to be void; otherwise to remain in full ‘ virtue signed, sealed and delivered} in the presence of J Clerk of the Superior Court { Mabes affidavit that be is worth ower and shows! i etemptione by law and bie indeltednee j affidavit that he ie worth ower and shove: emptions by law and his indebtedness, affidavit that be ic worth ower and shove myptions by lew and bie indebtedness, i Makes afavit that he i« worth over and ahe ‘| exemptions by law and his indebtedness, j { Makes affidavit that he is worth ower and shove! exemptions by law and his indebtedness, j Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of Clerk of the Superior Court. | CAROLINA, | feecetvanesstei veseee- County. J In tHe SuPERIOR Cour’. 3 Stare, OF hat we, MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, T \ | ALL all of said Coyn of x ee LM ey EO FF inten ee - current mp#fey, to be paid to the State of North Carolina in tpyst, forthe bene named, committed to the tuition of the said Jn es to which payment well and truly to be made, Dollars, of the child hereinafter we bind ourselves, and cach these Presents = » A.D Aas whereas, of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and dated this fae lat Batts Sarg THE ABOVE OBLIGATION IS SUCH, PE a yy a — Nines—orphen : now, if the said Nterg L003 > a larly shall welFand truly secure and improve the shall faithfully execute h 4X said guardiapaliy Oath ; and severally, firmly iy Sealed with our seals, day of the above bouwnden appointed Guardian to ind partien estate of the said until shall arrive at full aoe. e bn af a pl and true account of i oe it) { co . Areckt tl aid guardianship, on oath, bet and deliver up, pay or po County, and obey the law ig all = th said Pant v sil thereto required, and shall render Clerk of the Superior Court for Act ot required by the Assembly, J of all such estatg vhen lawfully required by said Qdught to be possessed of a = A t uch other persons as shall be lawfully empower ' thorized to receive the same, and the profit rising therefrom, then thi obligation t « vor: otherwise to il force and virtue Signed, sealed an (Seal ey a PHA Y . L : ‘ A Lohr sp Lo kc LU Lhd ‘sp ereth Caseat r] i the Clerk of (SAL) ( SAL.) ' Makes affidavit that he ic worth ower and above! © j cemptine y law and hie indebtedness, j , Makes affidavit that be ie worth ower and above? < exemptions by law and his indebtedness, ‘ . Make affidavit that he i« worth ower and abhowe! < tiene % le and his indeltedress, ‘ ¥ Makes affidavit that he ie worth ower and ahovel Q exemptions by law and hie indeltedness, j * { Makes affidavit that he ie worth ower and above! OR a ae exemptions by law and hie indebtedness, } 9 Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of : 1 Clerk of the Superior Court. : SUPERIOR CouRT. ! in the State ae all o ounty, are — firmly bound ,imto the —. North Carolina, in the sum P PS “Att A | jaan ee | current money, to be paid to the State of North C: — in tru » for stie | benefit of the ehikd- hereinafter ; named, committed to the tuition of the said A he he d to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each | of us, each and every of our heirs, excentors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these Prosents. f Sealed with our seals, and dated this a Oo day of 4? a A.D. 1 Fa | ; THE CONDITION ,OF * OBLIGATION tS SUCH, That whereas, the above bounden : LZ... LA is constituted and , / appointed Guardian to § 4 , ' C QuAk . vee Care fohenhn seinorwrpinm = now, if the said YY Ws DAB kd shall faithfully execute h AAS « aid guardianship, and ps larly shall well and truly secure and improve all the estate of the said t Pty &s , A eMac aU ; < i oe declared f til AL. Shall weeere-et [ull age, or be sooner ' thereto required, and shall render a ee nt of AAs, aid guardianship, on oath, before the ih Clerk of the Superior Court for fi ad LOL County, and obey the law in all cases, as required by the Act of Assembly, and deliver up, pay « the said Kb. Bede ot all such estates as VOU ought to ly posse » lawtull required bb aul i ' . i or to such other persons as shall be lawfully empower: ' horized to receive the same, and the profits arising therefrom, then this obligation t¢ ‘ oid: otherwise to signed, sealed and delivered | Be LL ws Yn SE Tet. : Pte lS ap Why SP. / Ban m the pres sence of fobmed J Meth hae ¢ 404 {SEA 1g LAL, } (Srat.) | Dd 27, or (Seat, ) ' { Makes affidavit that he ie worth ower and ahowet « aptiene aw and hie indebtedness i ’ Makes affidavit that he is worth ower and shoves . exemptions law and his indeltedness, i P- --cscccccncocccooscasansontiit Makes affidavit that be ie worth ower and showes ~ ; ; exemptions by law and his indehtedness ‘ > Mates affidavit that be i¢ worth over and shovel . exemptions by law and his indebtedness, j P..-coccococnmmennnnennnninnteeh | Makes affidavit that he is worth ower and shove! $ | exemptions by law and hie indebtedness, j ¥ eeene Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of ; oii 4 H (i : hi i | ia) 7 4 os at a me e = te e n SN ee s ee ao an n a a > MEN in. Mad PRESENTS, ‘T a ae A Ird. Ate aforesaid, are held and figtily bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum of ae Sebatiusauamanics .------- Dollars, current money, to be paid to the State of North Carolina jin trust, fprPhe benefit of the child / ty add, to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, sod each hereinafter named, conunitted to the tuition of the said f é 4, of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these 1) 2 o.. day of CP) -Y cents Sealed with our seals, and dated this Z| THE vee Pra o CL f- appointed Guardian to EY, \ minor orphan...; now, if the said ABOVE OB A \TION IS SUCH, That whereas, the above Ix inden Drapes is constituted and shall faithfully execute haLA. said guardianship, and particularly shall well and truly secure and improve all the ‘ estate of the said S Weu J by ace Z until 2 AL shall arrive at full age, or be soones J therets required, and shall rendes m am ace : wt said guardianship, on oath, before the Nh Clerk of the Superior Court for Or EheCe' County, and obey the law in all cases, as © required by the Act of “TS: ng deliver up, payZor possess the saig | Lex é SMA a AL Se such estates av e- ought to be possessed of, when lawfully required by sai \ cL Ce i. ir -aienes £- ™ or to such other persons as shall be lawfully em powered ot a. to receive the same, and the profits irising therefrom, then this ol ligation to be void: otherwise to ret force and virtue Signed, sealed and delivered A AVM Lit Z if rk of the Superior Court In the pres¢ (SAL. ) (Seat.) { Makes affidavit that he is worth over and above} < i remntior y law and his indebtedness, j Makes affidavit that he is worth over and above < emptions by law and his indebtedness, ‘ “ Makes affvlavit that he is worth over and shove: 7 e* tions by law and bis indebtedness, ‘ % ' Makes affidavit that he is worth ower and shove! ¢ exemptions by law and his indebtedness, ; 2 { Makes affidavit that he is worth over and above} ¢ ' exemptions by law and his indebtedness, j eT ae Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of 1 ‘Clerk of the Superior Court. O45 STATE OF gNORTH eaten ( IN 1YHE SupERIOR Cour’. ole jcossacgbouseanaperscoeien “ htt County. J “aaped ALL MEN BY THE SE PRESENTS That we, = i ie >. all “—— County, in the State aforesaid, are held and firmly bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum of \/40™ y Ce current money, to be paid to the State of - ar > in trust, for the benefit of the child 7 “~*“hereinafter Dollars, named, committed to the tuition of the said CZ. MNourn~y to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each exccutors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these Prosents, 1g 7 day of Ce , AD Pe. } ABOVE OBLIGATION tS SUCH, That whereas, the above bounden of us, each and every of our heirs, Sealed with our seals, and dated this THE CONDITION, OF THE © x F iecetees is constituted and s appointed Guardian to me Ravin Cc fi, swry een Z. kK. ¥en guardianship, agul particularly shall well a _ now, il the said . . ‘ shall faithfully execute h sw said oO estate of the said MA ar ace = nd truly secure and improve all the A —— a aw 2 ; 4 ai i mitil Ax. Shall active at tullage-es be sooner ' thereto required, and shall render a plain, and tru count of Awe said guardianship, on oath, before the } Clerk of the Superior Court for CY « tata. County, and obey the law in all cases, as p required by the Act of Assembly, and deliver up, pay « the said eC. /3. f om — Oe IWS mee ete Caan, fie 4 aA 7 of all such estates as Awe— ought to be possessed gf, when lawfully required bn une o fi ~ A Lawn — (rw to such other persons as shall be lawfully en power r authorized to receive the me, and the profits arising therefrom, then this obligation ¢ ¢ vou! therwise to 4 ' 1 ce and virtue signed, sealed and delivered] {2 dry the presep@e @/ { Le aaa (Sat. ) Y40 Uf d. ‘ co. aw Vn , =< v{ A < Lets A Val., Anufae 4 5 “4 SeAL ) } js Clerk of the Superior Court 7 q SA i 4 'e, J” TA /y pee tn PA MMA Sra. ) ¢ J (SKAL. ) /(S®AL. ) ' : ’ {Makes affidavit that he is worth over and shove? i ' and hie indehtednes ; ” i Makes affidavit that he is worth over and shoves exemptions by law and his indebtedness, ‘ » Makes affidavit that he ie worth over and shows) - ‘ he , . and tie hadiebeodenen ' > { Makes affidavit that te worth and shew . exemptions lew end ble tadehtedursn j > { Makes affidavit that he ie worth over and alowe?) ~ semptions by law and hie indebtedness, j iP -cocesevcsncosoionniiiibesini: Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of 1 Clerk of the Superior Com, r _ cuaineninlinnaiaiii in A ee OM ate OF») NORTH CAROLINA, | In tHE SUPERIOR Cour’. URH XMM { pbiknennttCe ee Meola F cokususesiegaseetessnstnenionscd County. current money, to | Choi ul the State of North Carolina in trust, for the benefit of the Chal Acre. hereinafter 7 2 Lat named, committed to the tuition of the said AnA i nny 42 Lh AM to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these Prosents Az | ABC IVE OBLIGATION IS SOCH, of us, each and every of our heirs, Sealed with our seals, and dated this day of THE CONDITION OF HE Dane ceniciy A Ee That whereas, the above bounden / : ; : eK), Lhe ow ne Ahh Me Ke, VideMd Apaaneneny — constituted and ; Vs appointed Guarglian to...) ATi, hk OWe A, hha intend Aa eK . >. NAA ALAN AALS ( ~ 7 L, 2 minor orphanad.; now, if the said Ir UW Lhe /p.. LM “AE NE } shall faithfully execute h&,. said guardianship, and, pgrticularly shall well and truly secure and improve all the | i} estate of the said jae bhiec ed rwer. Ae ee le HAL? V £1 4 0? —f a Onn iP Veneer al mtil.. teat4idy shall arrive at full age, or be soonet thereto required, and shall render a plain and trueaccount of -/ULQ - said guardianship, on oath, before the aw in all County, Clerk of the Superior Court for...» osm. wad obey the rgquired by th¢/Act pYyAssembly, and f sf ; ; "A af ye a E SO to such other persons as shall be lawfully empowered uthorized to receive the same, and the profits artsing theretrom, then this obligation to be void; otherwise to remain in full force and virtue iphed ved ind leliver | n the presence of { ( SEAt.. ) ‘Makes affidavit that he ie worth ower and above! < ‘ moti y law and his indebtedness, j Makes affidavit that he ie worth ower and ahove! exemptions by law and his indebtedness, ‘ “f i ' Makes affidavit that he ie worth ower tone and alwovwe! aw and hic indebtedness, ‘ ‘f t Makes affidavit that he is worth over and abo el < exemptions by law and his indebtedness, j % { Makes affidavit that he is worth ower and shove! exemptions by law and his indebtedness, j 9 Sworn to and subscribed before me, this dav of ae ~ Clerk of the Superior “Court. ’ CAROLINA, | County. J KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, ‘That we, / A ielle lpr (4 a Zn Ohne In tHE SupERIOR Court. are hel id firmly bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum all of said-Gompty, in the of LM E ZZ. ner ie ae = y#...-,Dollars, current money, to be paid to the State of North L i) yin tof wd AE Ne hereinafter a An trust,for the bexgh named, committed to the tuition of the said_.z hla ELA AS C771 ig Lk? « bind ourselves, and each “aforesaid, to which payment well and truly to be made, w of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly “heb lly, firmly by these Prosents AD. LISS Sealed with our seals, and dated this day of TH DUA apppinted Guardiag to / OBLIGATION IS QUCH, ‘PbAt whereas, the above bounden ‘nal ; now, if the said é eles Cr WP il shall faithfully execute h L 2 said guardi: inship, and particularly shall well and truly secure and improve all the ~<a fiaheat Samak 2ithat De sooner Av 7 thereto required, and shall render a plain at iy £7 ft, Were Coon GP Resin Wiehe said guardianship, on oath, before the Clerk of the Superior Court for required Wi NT 3ck es jr of all such estates ; Wha A , and obey the law in all cases, as req ired | " said " GAP UAB” Cy to Wap 7, Lhe Vb pe WY r to such other persons as shall be lawfully empoweres r authorized to receive the same, and the profits arising therefrom, then this obligation to be void: otherwise to 1 ll toree and virtue "Hhek RQ. signed, sealed and delivered | in the presence of J —~¢ SEAL. ) (SEAL Clerk of the Superior Court (Sean (Sra (Sean Makes affidavit that he is worth ower and above! mptinne and hie indebtedness j Makes afiday it that he is worth ower and ale & tone by law and hie indebtedness, ‘ Makes affidavit that he ic worth aver and ahewe? semptions . and bie indeltedness, i ' Makes affidavit that he i« worth over and shovel » exemptions by law and hie indeltedness, j > { Mahes affidavit that he is worth ower and shove?! exemptions by law and his indebtedness, j i Swern to and subscribed before me, this day of 1 Clerk of the Superior Court. 2 VALE \B 7. ihe Py a- - 1) J constituted aud : iy FP L4 ~ Den mwah [fs CY (44... ee r rE Ee sepisg ip j A. ? current money, to be paid to the State of a chee yi trust, tos the be CCL. 7 to which péyment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each named, committed to the tuition of the said of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administraters, jointly and.severally, firmly by these Prosents Sealed with our seals, and dated this 2 day of Stipe , AD. 193] THE yy i'l NO OF a OBLIGATION ISSSOCH, That Whereas, the above bounden Pd Z i QoadadL . a ae ceeesseeeeeeeeedlS CONStituted and appointed Guardian » “tf, Ata, LLY, ssieass minor orphan....; now, if the said KehiaIZ. WVn1saAd. shall faithfully execute h- £4. said guardianship, and particularly shall well and truly secure and improve until shall arrive at full age, or be s f Bev said guardianship, on oath, bei Clerk of the Superior Court for County, and obey the law in all ca required by the Act of TlAnn, TA, up, pay ss the said estate of the said thereto required, and shall render 2 plaiypagid tru of all such estates as bd pute to be possessed of, when lawfully required by said 9 4 Plann lldf Laie or to such other persons as shall be lawfully emp wrr 1 or authorized ‘ceive the same, and the profits ' therefrom, then this obligation to be void: otherwise to ret tull force and virtue \ > = 1 of ASLO LE d_/.( Sra Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of (SEAL { Makes affidavit that he is worth over and above} motions aw and his indebtedness, j Makes affidavit that he is worth over and above? exemptions by law and his indebtedness, ‘ { Makes affidavit that he is worth ower and above! eter ions by law and his indebtedness, ‘ Makes affidavit that he is worth over and abo | exemptions by law and his indebtedness, j { Makes affidavit that he is worth ower and above} exemptions by law and his indebtedness, j Sworn to and subscribed before me, this : ‘ 1 Clerk of the Superior ‘Court. IN THE SUPERIOR Cour’. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, | Drids le. County. MEN BY THES): (SENTS, Phat we, all of saidfounty, in the StfJ aforesaid, are hey and firmly bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum f FLA Fannie. / . Av — — on ae : »o-e---- J Ollars, current money, to be paid to the State of a <7, yp trust, for the benefit of the childAgea, hereinafter named, committed to the tuition of the said a to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly ang severally firmly by these Prosents. AD. P47 DITION OF THE ABOVE OBLIGATION IS SUQJ, That whereas, the above bounden l Wen Guardian minor orphang ; now, if the said . hall faithfully execute agd gyardianship, and partigulag li “Te, tru secure ancd_imprgve all the estate of thepsai Casal’ 4 Cccbeees Kade. S shall arrive at fulla thereto required, and shall render a plain and true ~ggount «of said guardianship, on oath, before the Clerk ol the Superior Court tor jy Le “ount . and obey t > law nm all cases, aS reqyiredfby theAgt of Agsembly, and dglivegfup, pay or | Hose, vf Akh lawfulls 7 Wak CIE Sealed with our seals, and dated this day ot ge, or be sooner t all such estates S, o1 to be SS ssed of limalf : r to such other persons as shall be lawfully empower r authorized t etve the same, and the profits arising herefrom, then this obligation to be void; otherw 0 vacant ill te ‘ virtue signed, in and sielivered WZ : Clerk of the Supepion Court | { J vit that he ie worth ver and aheowe! aw and hie indebtednece j afiday: mpt is worth ower and a and hie indeltednees Makes affidavit that be i¢ worth over and shovel exemptions by law and hie indeltedness, ; Makes affidavit that he ie worth ower and shove?) exemptions by law and hie indebtedness, ; Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of iia seeceseccs teeter eeeece Clerk of the Superior Court. OLINA, County. In tHE SUPERIOR Court. all of said é inty, in the Sta aforesaid, ; eae bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum [ Pt C Ci WA : ; Dollars, current money, to be paid to the State of North Car ‘lina “ope ie the child... ..... hereinafter named, committed to the tuition of the said... Dw LY mies pee ‘ to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and CL. per by these Prosents . 0 - seals, and dated this a. ay ay A.D. IF?) Sealed with our seals, day of Uy, ay) HY WiYOLLIGATION IS SUCH, Chat whereas, the above bounden ML NAY. LG Pilih Tos minor orphan....; now, if the said “ aa Lit lr” shall faithfully execute hA 4 guardiz PD YWOA LY PE 5 truly secure and improve ll the estate of the said Wie J LY ‘ aes ‘ until Q- shall arrive at full age, or be sooner 1s constituted and appointed Guardian to thereto required, and shall render a plain aand/tr re yelyi yy LA said guardianship, on oath, before the Clerk of the Superior Court for -ul a LAA Coynty, and obey the law in all cases, as required by the a of yo SALL E of all such estates as. A BOLUM. POSSE _ lawfully required by said or to such other persons as shall be lawfully empowered or authorized to receive the same, and the profits arising therefrom, then this obligation to be void; otherwise to remain in full force and virtue Gy le (SEAL. ) © FAA ALE— _(Sra.) 4 OE: (SEAL. ) Sourt (SEAL) £0 { Makes ‘ that he is worth over and above! AW i etemptior law and bis indebtedness, j ; - * / Z affidavit that he is worth over and above! x hl xemptions by law and his indebtedness, ‘ ‘ af davit that he is worth over and ahove/ tions by law and hie indebtedness, ‘ ' Makes affidavit that he is worth ower and above | exemptions by law and his indebtedness, j { Makes affidavit that he is worth over and shove} exemptions by law and his indebtedness, } Sworn to and subscribed before me, this a* 321 KR, TES ao & Teas § co 4G Ce all o Saf State aforgsaid, ") held ad ony bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum of yy ap toi RA" a recess sancceanel MN current money, to be paid to the State of North Cggolina in trust, for the benefit o& the chiki L4ALAereinafter “9 CAL. FM... MRLAMM I oe to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administri 9TH" tly and “py lirmly by these Prosents. Sealed with our seals, and dated this <...day of 0 Y , AD. P. named, committed to the tuition of the said THE CONDATION OF 'TITE HY Kk OBI = PION IS SUCH, That 4vhereas, the above bounden < LL G. ¢ Ag AABIAY appointed Guardian to AA r a7 y/ fA AX Od ise is constituted and RMMIDY minor orphan....; now, if the said x2 € 0 AL JE (z! th A... shall faithfully execute hA4 said guardianship, and particularly shall well and truly secure and improve all the Gi’ ut KZrouw VOW VU mtil 7A Af shall arrive at full age, or be sooner thereto required, and shall render a 1 and "f econ of An, said guardianship, on oath, before the Clerk of the Superior Court for Dr £ f M Q County, and obey the law in all cases, as required by the Act of An a AK" up, AL (ORIN 29 -A_( i Ait all such estates as..¢ ought tgape pos sessed « when cb Si ae wired bby qhatd such other persons as shall be lawfully eny to receive the same, and the protits arising state of the said m, then this obligation to be void: otherwise to remain in full foree and virtue sealed and delivered CLUE (Seat. ) Get £} OF atkae Saat 4 ‘eS as Hy 6 I Gor aa hk raha.) ‘ (SKAL. ) erk ot the Superior Court (Seat. ) (SEAL. ) { Makes affidavit that he is worth ower and ahove i thet ow and his indebtedness Makes affidavit that he ie worth ower end ahowes exemptions hy law and his indeltedness, ; sfidavit that he is worth over and shoves ' law and his indebtedness, Makes affidavit that } . } t and shove} exemptions lew an nel his indebtedness, i ' Makes affidavit that he ie worth ower and abe ove | exemptions by law and hie indebtedness, j Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of Clerk of the Superior Court. Be e k mi a es t Py oe ce e _— ee ee ee ne m > “y ‘) “STATE OF } ial y. ROLINA, IN tHE SUPERIOR CouR?. y/in the Sfate aforesaid ins apps boftnd unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum f current monof} “. named, committed to the tuition of the said of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and adminigtrators, jointly and da THE C Dil OF gy ; C0 Z ardiap, jo, Wes we Uti) 2 fel, A “YL LZ. AA, nb, shall faithfully execute h.~ 7. said E ate of the Ut Lhe il thereto Clerk Sealed with our seals, appointed Af fp LLM Af. orphan $ ; mino if the said f required, and shall render a f the Superior Court require 7 Mlle. Asse iy, wh of all such estates as } . 0] J VF? 4h or to such other persons as therefrom, then t Signed, seales yw in the dks LL eutit Sworn to and subscribed before me o be ffaid to the State of North Care ina in trust, for tk g/l ted t guardiansh ~ 2 pe plain ary! true account fy he lawfully a of the Superior Cor dd LZ Let Dollars, heft of the ehild 244-—hercinate ALLA. thd... to which“payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each &F he) 7 Lea Airmly by these Prosents AD. 193 and sever: ally, day of... KA. AGATION IS SUCH, That whereas, the Mtl Oldie Mew eZ Mh vif above - yunden wy and rticularly shall well and _—, secure improve the Uli Up lil’ shall arrive Y Ls age, or be said guardianship, on oath, be J 4 7 r ON r possess the County, and obey the law in all « ly required by said i empower t horized to receive the same, and the pr its arising A ‘ x fy (Sa 2 God. BEA alk; St fnen (SEAL. ) (SAL. ) es affidavit that he is worth ower and shove! emptior aw and hie indebtedness, t that he i¢ worth ower and ahowes y law and bie indebtedness, * afidavit that he ic worth ever and shows mptions law and bis indebtedness, Makes affidavit that he i¢ worth over and ahewel exemptions by law and his indebtedness, j Makes affidavit that he ie worth ower and shove! exemptions by law and his indebtedness, j , this day of Clerk of the Superior Court. ( current money, to be paid to the State of North Car named, committed to the tuition of the said ot us, CAROLINA, | County. J are held and firmly bound unto the State of North Carolina, Shes each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly os Sealed with our seals, and dated this iv of THE CONDITION Fer ORS That whereas, the is TNR OR minor shall faithfully execuge h.AL 1. said guyatianship, state thereto Clerk ayired all The \ } NJ orphan....; now, if the said and particu os | sha ill Le, OAC. ! rOr 4 4h. mtil Ye Ww nd deliver up, pay the t the said, NA NOY BAL, required, and shall render a of the Superior Cou ed by the \ct of A “mbly. ; KIS M t+ ee such estates ; *\. ought to be wh other persons lawfully en Ip ered m, then this « obligation t © void: othery aaeHCLAbuk, * affidavit that he law and « aidact that ie semptions by law and ' Makes affidavit that he ie © exemptions by law and Sworn to and subscribed before me, this IN THE Su M 1NrALm shall arrive ; iia said guardianship, ywssessed of hen law fully day of PERIOR Court. in the sum ..Dollars, v ey LW ih vy oot ia one Rows hereinafter to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each these Prosents. AD. 4a above bounden “Ob ve Ta ROA, nly by -onstituted and One and improve all the AA | well and truly secure it full age, or be sooner on oath, before the County, and obey the law in all cases, as said OU ae a teXK_.. required bh said receive the same, and the profits arising ree and virtue £ Darr a (Saas es Send ro: Sen (SEAL. ) (SFAL. ) AD, LF ot 7 (SAL. ) is worth over hie indehtedar ce rth er and abhor hie indebtedness, rth ower and ahewe} hie indebtedness, j ++eeeees "Clerk of the Superior Courts. CON | as iis incase ties STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, County. Iredell IN THE SUPERIOR Court. County. ‘NOW ALL ME}} BY THESE PRESENTS, That we, —— F022... 42 / KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That we, onke co RIS ee OOS O80 SSS S 080588068586 SHS SOOO S 0068S S888 SOS SOSH S42 O88 ee all of said County, in the State aforesaid, are held and firmly bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum . Dollars, current money, to be paid to the State of North Carolina i ereinaf 7 7 oe . : ‘aint aaa eae : _— 7 oly ™ current money, to be paid to the State of North Carolina in trust, for the benefit of the child- 1.20. _____hereinafter A named, committed to the tuition of the said PY te named, committed tRition of the said to which payment well and ls to be made, we bind ourselves, and each to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves and each of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and So? firmly by these Prosents. of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these Presents. / BY~— , AD. 1 Ws | Sealed with our seals, and dated this. 18th day of Jjavombar....... A. D. K1L931 THE CONDI T ION OF THE ABOVE OBLIGATION IS SUCH, That, whereas, the above bounden T yy CONDITION pl TH497 ABOVE OBLIGATION IS SUCH, That whereas, the above bounden é ‘ 0907, yr J , “ores t + l val ; ; 7 ted: / oI . LALA . Z AL. a C Fl c on ow wnene AS constituted and _ 7 — isk =" — 43 piaipeiaiies oli Peer -----is constituted and «xppinted Guardian to 1 4.000 i Ju.8NN Sid. HOdORY Venn. appointed Guardian to....”0./ i ccncsepieneennnememencaeliesaliliass ; ; cee shee minor orphan....; now i the said VM Ld ft K. 4(Cx ? PEC# AL Sealed with our seals, and dated this ; - ; day otf inor orphan._S_ ; now, if the said ~-... 40S. Mt Dittan wana hall faithfully execute h Z. gyardianship, and pasticulaply,shall well and,truly secure and improv the shell Galtitelie enauste estate of the said rh. CMA. S : 0. CLALCELN cence estate of the said ear au : ? Ru 7 : shall arrive at full age, or be sooner --=- . ‘ . _.until ool .-Shall arrive at full age, or be sooner until thereto required, and shall render a plain and true aecount of < said guardianship, on oath, before the . . : , : Tr 17 : Clerk of the Superior Court for 4 AY o --...-County, and obey the law in all cases, as thereto required, and shall render a plain and true account of said guardianship, on oath, bei Clerk of the Superior Court for County, and obey the law in all cas ; required by the Act of Assembly, an ‘liver uy or possess the sai required by the Act pf) Assembly, and deliver up,_pay or possess the srid a : of Assembly, and deliver up, pay or possess the said y 4\VU latte Sinica . bawsed ; . of all such estates as ought to be possessed ol, when law fully required by said ot all such estates as ought o be possessed ot, when law fully required by said j in 1O ri I 7 A - 4 _ Atae bad » J “A ~ ” 2 -) ° > ? 7c ( et, Coy | , ‘ ct ( Cz Z , om to such other persons as shall be law fully empowered or authorized to receive the same, and the profits arising im h other persemns as shall be law fully emp we l t ori ed to receive the same, and the protits arising u erefrom, then this obligation to bn void ; otherwise to remain in full force and virtue 4 ( Signed, sealed and delivered { therefrom, then this obligation to be void; otherwise to 1 unin full force and virtue ; 4 ® i \ . til wi I I itl atl i in the rresener f . . . “ presence o ; —~ im Le Signg i ) y a Mma y\ pues. ethan. (Sval.) delivered v : ¢ f I/B4 - és Ah (Lt t1Q€64/(Syx1..) . oper! jor uirt A, %y ~ 7) A— Ms. ? eget AL. ) (Seal (SEAL) (Seal (SeAL.) SSS - . . — a nae a . — on f { Makes affidavit that he is worth over and na) above exemptions by law and his indebtedness { { Make. offidavit that be is worth over and above! exemptions by law and his indebtedness, ; : _ { Makes affidavit that he is worth over ~— | above exemptions by law and his indebtedness | Makes affidavit that he is worth over and shove! coose i exemptions by law and his indebtedness, ‘ s ; { Makes affidavit that he is worth over - above exemptions by law and his indebtedness | Makes affidavit that he is worth over and above! ms by law and his indeltedness, ' ¥ 1 Makes affidavit that he is worth over and above exemptions by law and his indebtedness | ' Makes affidavit that he is worth ower and above | Makes affidavit that he is worth over 8 exemptions by law and his indebtedness, j above exemptions by law and his indebtedness { Makes affidavit that be is worth over and above! . exemptions by law and his indebtedness, j = Paine _ —— Se Sworn to and subseribed before me, this ‘fs SA BE catered incdienndibanecedecwiiin ’ 193 f.. Sworn to and subscribed before me. this day of ‘cinueitinasibiials . “ A&E: Clerk of the Superior Court. 4 o of 20 -)§ ay me 2 T = CAROLINA, | County. j G | | | 4 ; ES. we, (La. f a . KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, ‘That we, IN THE SUPERIOR Court. State aforesaid, are held and firmly bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum lars, of THALA AM... ee en ...Dollars, current money, to be paid to the State of North Sy YZ L5, 5 oy sngfit of child. Rase...hereinafte current money, to be paid to the State of North Car: it of the child... .... hereinafter named, committed to the tuition of the said named, committed to the tuition of the said... of MN. MN... to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and cach iacancietos a to which Z), 1e ll y > made, we bind ourselves, and each of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these Prosents. of us, each and every of our heirs, executors an A(lministrators, jointly and sever y, firmly by these Prosents. Sealed with our seals, and dated this a. day of Lhd ee » A.D (AS/ Sealed with our seals, and dated this i ke day of oy < THE CONDLDEION OF JHE 4 AB SOYE S AGATION IS SUCH, That whereas, the above bounden THE CONDITION OF THE, VE OBLIGATION IS SUCH, That whereas, the above bounden C/ ak) re LA ( A “8 . a A L ...18 constituted and app ed A3ua to jail 2 D7? : 4. Uf appointed Guardjdn to Op ; mt (apy) ee 7 eo ane ‘fo said. 4, 7 LM moa win ALGLA if the said AL hy NAM)... ZY lla nA minor orphan,s.; now, if the f shall faithfully execute h Y?_ said guardians ip, ia pptticu lay v shi Gen Lh gnd tryly secure gatd fe e all a shall faithfully execute h LMsaid 2 gubpdiz inship, and 1 parties larly shall well and truly secure and improve all the neatly al Mass A 21 WA estate of the said... silicon ( eens NE | Frch TF Vay Si —_ (hu ¥.....shall arrive at full age, or be sooi ; ie until. A shall arrive at full age, or be sooner 4 . , fucd said guardianship, on oath, before the thereto required, and shall render a i = tr edt accor 2 L. 44 VM said guardianship, on oath, before the thereto required, and shall render a plain ccou g Clerk of the Superior Court for "Vz Mk County, and obey the law in all ca : Clerk of the Superior Court for required by the Act of Assembly, and deliver up, pay or possess the said juired by the Act of Assembly ay oat uy 7 . the said < Lhhiveia mo ikem ; LA 7. 7 AVAL ‘ ‘ ! all such estates as ought to be possessed of, when lawfully required by said of all such estates as ry ought to be posse of, when lawfull required by said LALGL# 1 ees oe , “ | Lah. 1 AL att uch other persons as shall be lawfully empowered or authorized to receive the same, and the profits arising ¥ to such other persons as shall be lawfully empowered or authorized to receive the same, and the profits arising County, and obey the law in all cases, as retrom, then this obligation to be void; otherwise to remain in full torce and virtue heretrom, then this obligation to be void; otherwise to 1 ll force and virtue ined, sealed and we NA Sn cual j ined, sealed and delivgred | 7} Tl ee x, m Che gran % é * SEAL. ) / ‘gi (yY CPA _ Jie? fi | “fC A 7 lst 15nd oes Tih Si A LY Go & BS ae 4 if eee F “2 ; . nies DEAL. ) : Superior Court t the Supe or ( a (Sat. ) . (Seat. ) (Seat...) y- ~ Prof i , ( Seat.) . by law and his indebtedness, j ria Z oA { Makes affidavit that he is worth over and above! ~~ pa A wea ne f { Makes affidavit that he to worth over sat above} i eremptions " evtemptions by law an ne indehedne es, j ' Makes efidavit that be is worth ower and shove Makes affidavit that he ie worth ower and above! exemptions by law and his indebtedness, mptions by law and his indebtedness, ‘ { Makes affidavit that he ic worth ower and shows i erempti affidavit that he is worth ower and a! mptions | ne t law and bie indettedness, la and his indebtedness, { Makes aidavit that he i¢ worth ower and shove | {Makes affidavit that he ic worth over and _) ; ae Py 3 eremptions y awe af i? indehte nee, ; exemptions by law and his indelhtednesa, { Makes affidavit that he is worth ower and shove} i btedness, | Makes affidavit that he is worth over and above} exemptions by law and his inde! j exemptions by law and his indebtedness, j Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of sini Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of ‘Clerk of the Superior Court. ae Clerk of the Superior Court. — l CAROLINA, In tHE SuPERIOR Court. In tHE Superior Court. ....County. County. ‘ V MEN BY Le, Sy PRESEN, Thal) we, --,-¢---- ; ep ccnnspeneepecettennn KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That we, WEF sti Uk an - . d angl firmly bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum all of VY all of aid County, oe State aforesaid, are he “7 ARM NA A. AA x. BAA... Dollars, a ood current money, to be paid to the State of North C; pj nr for the ey of the child............... hereinafter : 1ey, to be paid to the State of North Carolina in trust\fc . - fs ¢ ee ieee named, committed to the tuition of the said... MMK{AA. a named, committed to the tuition of the said to whi payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and cach ae bein sit to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and Pe ally, a. by these Prosents. of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and adeatnteagators, jointly and severally, firmly by thee Prosents, Sealed with our seals, and dated this eile day of l 4 a/ Sealed with our seals, and dated this Se day of . war we AD. 1¥Q2— — eta » Ob i dé PION IS SUCH, That whereas, the above bounden Ue Siap ey Or T fii ABOVE OBLIGATION IS SUH. That whereas, the above bounden is constituted and WV) yy i ee is cousftuted and appointed Guardian to Ep 7 ay Ma (A LA d_, ‘ : appointed Guardian to ‘b MMO srtnptle Lan 7 eg, A AI.A‘d | minor orphan...; now, if the said ft : Vy t tl : nanoer-orphan....; now, if the said ae shall faithfully execute h 4, said guar ie Mi and particularly shall well and = secure and improve al! the shall faithfully execute hwy said guardia shijy. particularly shall well and truly secure and improve all the estate of the al 4 P. VYAAA . OMS A estate of the said he ‘“ AMMA AL Ll? In Rta iii AY | LOAM A z Saal until ARAL. shall arrive at full age, or be svor a until Ae shall arrive at-fathamge, or be sooner thereto required, and shall render a plain “Y ’ aC ik 200 hin said guardianship, on oath, before the oe i: "Ll ye ppnt of. AAg said guardianship, on oath, before the County, and obey the law in all cases, as Clerk of the Superior Court for a rk of the Superior Court for County, and obey the law in all cases, as fpired by the Ne of Assembly, and dgfiver up, , r possess the said equired by the VE Assetphly; ayd, deliver ogpy 8 the said e (ALAMA sr nn" A$ AD. CAAA oe ae WR} - Gr (ies g Lf | | all such estates as YA | to be possessed, of, when lawfully feu by said t all such estates as Ae_ / quent to be possessed of, when lawfulls required by said ee ti Diy yar / LMW)A9 J, 0. --1A4 AZ f Oj aah ALA Gada | or to such other persons as shall be lawfully empowered or authorized to receive the same, and the protits to such other persons as shall be lawfully empowered or authorized to receive the same, and the profits arising ' ' ' fren sen thi . . therefrom, then this obligation t vw void: otherwi Oo ! nd il force and virtue an, then this obligation to be void; otherwise to re main in tull force and virtue signed, sealed and delivered | Lhrprett iy we, ec aled and wy 7a j . / . ng weseme of 7 J ‘alo Cee i, WA presen vor ayn. hag Fackncah Usarvex / | - OY. Ly APU lf ¢ wes atoos “ rade BI aL.) j Wt ¢ Ll ZH a UL rw 1 Vf Clerk « »t — Super “on wi ‘kerk of the Supr rior Court A, (A (SAL - / . (SKAL.) sais (Seat. ) { Makes affidavit that he is worth over and above} es afidavie that he is worth over and above} ~ ; ‘ d Compt iene law and his indebtedness, j . , i exemptions by law and bie indebtedness, j { Makes affidavit that be ie worth ower and above cdneens, t that he ie worth over and above! : one by law and hie indebtedness, ‘ % 7 ; exemptions by law and bie indehe that he ic worth ower and ahove! { Mates aMidavit that be ie ware, over and above | exemptions by lew and bis indebtedness, i by law and bie indeltedness, { Makes affidavit that he is worth over and shove} — { Makes affidavit that he i¢ worth over and ee i exemptions by law and his indebtedness, ; ' ' exemptions by law and fie indebtedness, { Makes affidavit that he is worth over and above} aenemeens { Makes affidavit that he ie worth over aod ph exemptions by law and his indebtedness, j si . st von ’ exemptions by law and his 2 / Sworn to and subscribed before me, this ay of . ‘sdbiaiiaseisdlasilll seosees Sworn to and subscribed before me, this Zz, of... AG AN Clerk of the Superior Court. TH CAROLINA, County. In HE SuPERIOR Court. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, ‘That we, A LL Ae - 20r.. 2... named, committed to the tuition of the said.... to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these Prosents Sealed with our seals, and dated this 1th day of , A.D A732 THE CONDITION OF JHE ABOVE OBLIGATION IS SUCH, That whereas, the above bounden g WY = ; ; siicsineidans vap-eeeneeggedS CONStituted and . appointed Guardian to.... Ld, minororphan—.; now, if the said , shall faithfully execute hdd said guardianship, ang particularly shall well and truly secure and improve the estate of the said FF ‘4, until Ae shall ari teh, ner 7 ' cag 7 thereto required, and shall render a plain and true account of hea said guardianship, on oath, before the Clerk of the Superior Court for UMA ALA County, and obey the law in all required by the Act of Assembly, and deliver up, pay or posse a gllins. a a = . of al such estates as Ae ought to be possessed of, when lawfully required by said AN ararceb trad uch other persons as shall be lawfully empowered ot thorized to receive the same, and the profits ation to be void: otherwi o ren in full force and virtue a CU conies m, then this oblig signed, sealetl and flivered in pe firesericy of \. & ro WA ZEVthiik Clerk of the j Ki hf~ U/} / afidavit that he ie worth over and above! vemptione by law and hie indebtedness, ; that he ie worth ower and aheves by law and hie indebtedness, ' thet he is worth over and aheve! law and bie indeltedness, Makes affidavit that he ic worth over and sheve| exemptions by law and hie indebtedness, ; | Makes affidavit that he is worth over and shove} exemptions by law and his indebtedness, ; , this 13 ic day of Clerk of the Superior Court. In 1HE SuPERIOR Court. nn County. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That y ae unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum Dollars, current money, to be paid to the State of North — in trust, for fhe beng#it of the child R244 v hereinafter named, committed to the tuition of the said... Q<. >< PTE to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each of us, each and every of irs, exec and administrators, jointly 1 ach and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly an erally, firmly by these Prosents, Sealed with our seals, and dated this & @ day of (Ake ee A.D. 1 Fo 2 THE —olipedd OF ey IVE, OBLIGATION IS SUCH, That whereas, the above bounden 2- : : , pone Fi Zz ; -, 77 . iF constituted and B - > t- --* LU wugh, dud. Aenby hig hk Q . =~ PeewT. ees minor : i, Tt the said € LULL O-4¢-UL AK. shall faithfully expepite h ee ara ardiz 7 hip. YY ularly shall ALY tryly secure “i ove all the OL the sin fZ YUL # th, hety, 7 att, Mek Gu 1% ATA LAdfh ae until... KL shall arrive at full age, or be sooner i ; / ‘ thereto required, and shall render a plaingaind tri o accopnt of (Kisii guardianship, on oath, before the Clerk of the Superior Court for a f € C Ce gure . , and obey w inl c: PY by the Xe? of Ay sembly, and deliver Up, Pay OF possess ss the said, MZ Z Yih, Le a. Mkt: , etc acck Se. Chey. A. cag A ull such estates-as ought to be possess! of, whermaw fully equired by seid bear Chih os thy Mag, ath, WAthe Que Hex: fy. Vt ta 0.4,cA WP. , v such othér persons as shall be lawfully empowered or authorized to receive the same, and the protits arising efrom. the . ' rom, then this aa to be void; otherwise to remain in full force and virtue Kl A Melheteaess] (Seat. ) / ih, (Seat.) GA (Swat. ) (Srat.) ed, sealed and delivered ce of (DAL feligud { Mahes aitovit that he is worth ower and ahove | etempt y law and his indebtedness, j { Mabes Som that he is worth ower and shoves emptio » law and bis indebtedness, ' Makes ofidavit that he is worth ower and shove) exem ‘ law and bie indebtedness, ‘ | Makes affidavit that he ic worth over and shove exemptions by law and bis indebtedness, } { Makes affidavit that he ic worth over and ahove | i exemptions by law and hie indety to daypof Sworn to and subscribed before me, this Clerk of the Superior Cons H CAROLINA, \ In rag Supertor Court, STATE 0 NO TH CAROLINA, | In rHE SupERiIOR Court. a scnicnenioieil tots 1 es mer a S, That we, Ll LM had State of North Carolina, in the sum all of said County, dtyth State aforesaid, are held id firmlyybound u ye Supt ary Carolina, in the sum all of said County, in CM voevenedoMars, of LA bd mL AMAA Mf. A AAAR AINAA A A LEK AD Dollars, Me State aforesaid, are held gad firmly bound “aa E ot LALB... Lhd ...by current money, to he paid to the State of North Cardhina oy the benefit of the child : hereinafter current money, to be paid to the State of North Car; PO lh for the benefit of the child hereinafter wee CL ML ALA. ' ' named, committed to the tuition of the said L LN LA_=- | Mi | ion of the said named, committed to the tuit to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each rent well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each to which payme Averally firmly by these Prosents, L and severally, firpily by these Prosents of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly ands ; + ir . a , at} i Ff ors jor ly ‘ ’ of us, each and every of out heirs, executors and administrators, jouitl verany y by and dated this ZZ 2 day of HX € heed. 172 Sealed with our seals, and dated this ie rl day of ‘m AD / a OBLIGATION IS SUCH, hat whereas, the above bounden THE C ae As VE OBLIGATION IS SUCH, That/whereas, the above bounden ? A Vel La is constituted and THE CONI ) | \BOVE ‘ 2I°U fy 7 ZA CH is constitute: ind appointed Guardian to Sealed with our seals, appointed Guardian to rer 1. Me bie ty CARER CM Ay. SLOAN EL LL LA nth minor orphan....; now, if the saily AG A) Z A x A... shall faithfully execute hv J. said guardianship, and particularly shall well and truly secure and improve all the minor orphan....; now, i the said hall faithfully execut o ht Al. aid guardianship, and parti ularly estate of the said > . the . SIH AIULU the shall well and truly secure and impro' estate of the said | | | “dA a a te CW Te mtil JL 2 shall arrive at full : uge, or be soonet cf shall arrive at full age, or b Ooned | before the thereto required, and shall render a phon and true at com Ar g..said guardianship, on oath, before the thereto required, and hall render a plany 7 dl true u “yl 8 aid yuardianship, on oath, pee c ee ty c { County, and obey the law in ai is Clerk of the Superior Court for oO L County, and obey the law in all cases, as ler] { the Superior required by the Act of Assembly, and deliver up. pay or possess the said { | | et sort aur required by the Act of Assembly, and deliver up, pay POSS the said F al } “ ow ¥ } 7 y 7 / ds A ) , 7A . f / fe a 7 LZ f 0/7 7 5 fy f LA lA f iA A Z ZA i? : ‘ i" a8 9 | all such estates as..A-/ / f ought >» ty when lawfully required |! il } of all such estates as... : ht to be possessed of, when Kewrull) required bry sat ' quired hy sate ff 3 . '. ; 4 ah tj ; Psi a ] 7 ' . - ly ff f / ; { : f y 7 DP ff f P44 Hit 4 / 4 Ld 4 + ‘ (- é &/ ’ aie wh other persons 2 hall he law fully emp - hori ito receive the we aril the pt ing rf uch other persons AS stiall aw fully fn p suthorived to receive the same. and the protits arising : m. then this obligation ¢ « yoid: otherwise to remam 3 fall force and virtue efrom, then this obligation to be void; otherwise to remaim 1 ull force an » virtue {~ @ ned, sealed. and delivered, | UF . ealed and delivere p 4 hud A \ » all f Crevin . - (Seal Sot - ( SEAL.) | Bs VR om ry Syl 4 fo horn, #9 — | (SFAL.) S } i SPAT (Svat. ) j ; | (Makes affidavit that be is worth over and above) < Makes affidavit that be to worth over and above} < . emtione We law and bie indebtedness, j ee . ~~ on fe indehtediness ; , Ni Makes affidavit that be ie worth er end shows . exemptions law and his indebtedness, ; ‘ } 4 above! ~ Makes efidavit that be tc worth ever aed shove! $ Make affidavit that he to were iW se LS ow ~ po Bre anes soe ae Ee beaeneodnete, ‘ S tions aw af rie indeltedness, wit that 3 *~ wes hove Makes affidavit that he is worth over and shave} $ a y tow and he Ko, , } 3 exemptions by jaw and bis indebtedness, i ¥ ’ ’ devit that he eth over 4 a Makes afidavit that, he le worth ores snd shove} = $ [Manes eeitorle thet ee eT inate} exemptions by law and his indebtedness, ; ¥ . — : : S) acribe day 0 Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of i worn to and subscribed before me, this la I : 9 Bevel -teeeeeeee Clerk of the Superior Court. Clerk of the Superior Cow ~s ea t i n ea n . Le — ae aa n er es In tHE SUPERIOR Cour’. 3 ys) Ser ATE OF BF NORTH CAROLINA, | ecccctaae NE ores enem J KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That we, Yan tes, all o YY oun wn t ry aforesaid, arg held and firmly bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum of | AMM 4 (ALLL Dollars, current money, to be paid to the State of Nort arolina in trust, forAhe yy) of “ht lise _.-------hereina fter named, committed to the tuition of the said A, Wl Ld. cen ; AL LON to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind nites. and each of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and ¢ TE Njoimtly and se lly, firmly these Prosents. Sealed with our seals, and dated ii day of PP) Of A.D Jar IS SUCH, That whereas, the above bounden GE '¥. CONDITIONZOL SABOVE OBLIGATION eo UYnCLA d ‘ fil fi Ld Low - me is constituted and Lbatlltl. Lfeehary : app yinted Guardian to ees orphan....; now, if the said Pianta OY. Khcda tf shall faithfully execut« bh&Y said guardiansh lip, and particularly shall well and truly secure and impr: nie oo Ail Ree Labi? until dL Keo shall arrive at full age, or bl thereto required, and shall render a pine nd ah ALN sir guardianship, on oath, bet Clerk of the Superior Court ( County, and obey the law in all required tof mb nd deliver up, pa XA. tid PL ae 5" chery of all such estates as Gout to be possessed of, when lawfully required by sail LKR J hoddl aC dt ht trfe~ 1 other persons as shall be lawfully en Ipoweres uthorized to receive the same, and the prot then this obligation t c« voul; otherwise to remain in full force and virtue ae ee : Signed, sealed and delivered n the presence of "Aout Van cdadehe tr (SEAI SEAI LK Yi Jade affidavit that he is worth over and above} mptions | aw and hie indehtednesa, } that he ie worth ower and above! yy law ond bie indeltednces, vit that he ic worth over and shove; by law and hie indeltedness, affidavit that he is worth over and shove} semptions by law and his indebtedness, j { Makes affidavit that he is worth over and shove} exemptions by law and his indebtedness, ; Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of Clerk of the Superior Court. | STATE OF Suh) H pAROLINA, | In tHE SupERIOR Court. County. J : e KE PRESENTS, That we, OM ber Seesee La, are held and firmly bound unto the State of — in the sum ..-Dollars, current money, to be paid to the State of North Carolin; ng for the benefit of “ child .....-hereinafter VUASNAA CH? to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each named, committed to the tuition of the said of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these Prosents. Sealed with our seals, and dated this AL 0 day of 077 Ze. Len fa A.D. 1 FIr THE CONDI’ BA. DY, ABOVE OBL IGATION IS SUCH, That whereas, the above bounden oe LAIALK ON) occa is constituted and appointed Guardian to ee CaO QAKLCUC KIA minor orphan....; now, if the said DAK: 77 é. z XL tJ @ AL . shall faithfully execute h 1A... said guardianship, and particularly shall well and truly secure and improve all the iz f/f ‘ 7: a bag / * f G j f Ch MLC ay until jhe shall arrive at full age, or be sooner thereto required, and shall render a meget ieeeey said guardianship, on oath, before the Clerk of the Superior Court for County, and obey the law in all cases, as required by the Act of Assembly, and deliver up, pay or possess the said LA Bexvti2c 7 of all such estates as bitcouts to be possessed of, when lawfully required by said ZA. P77 CO Lill aren. . or to such other persons as shall be lawfully empowered or authorized to receive the same estate of the said . and the profits arising therefrom, then this obligation to be void; otherwise to remain in full force and virtue n phe pre A ) CAL VAAN Seat.) bud tii bliatd, L a, (Seat. ) lerk of the Superior Court fed (Seat. ) (Seat. ) Signed, sealed and delivered) (Sma. ) { Mebes affidavit that he is worth ower and above} eremptions by law and his indehtednees, i { Makes affidavit that be ie worth ower and above exemptions by law and his indehtedness. ‘ | Makes affidavit that be ie worth ower and shove! exemptions by law and hic inde tedness, ‘ { Makes aidavit that he ie worth over and shove exemptions by lew and his indebtedness, } | Makes affidavit that he ie worth over and above | indebtedness, ' exemptions by law and bis Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of ‘Clerk of the Superior ¢ Ce InN tHE SUPERIOR Court. 36 “Stare OF “XO! ROLINA, | erie County. J MEN N /pyr i YlO.S all ee Witten in thre St: ite af ¥rmly bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sun a LA Wptien 4, Hi Niiccscceeechaeetlllescneracces ai ...---Wollars, current mofiey, to be paid to the State of North ¢ ist J va , fer the benepe of the child 2@4e7>~. hereinafter named, committed to the tuition of the said YAY) file edt at ! to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and « of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jomtly ani severally, tirmly by these I’ - Sealed with our seals, and dated thi KA day of Aafite 782 rik OA y Ut Jide “isl OBLIGATION IS SUCH, That whereas, the above bl ke QC Ga, Sn isccons stitutes ith Ww | Gu big ne hi Lie a 7 QY- Fila FUL bE Po ay fig minor orphan 2; now, if the said Vox Lif b VILLE, LE shall faithfully exeeute h4/4 said guar lianshyp, and particularly shall well and tatily secure and improve estate of the said Ji /heL u — 7 shall arrive at full age, or be thereto required, and shall render a plam VWs t nt A an mrdianship, on oath, le Clerk of the Superior Court for Count ind obey the law in all ca es, as require d pA the , Act of Asseqibl ae. MAM wy, “ e Cnle 2 YAR Hi eri ; Hl, Wt to ot all such estate is “& oye { ta 7 He «>> cal cry, CAMMY 7% LU pjit. such other persons as shall be lawfully emp { ! hortzed to receive the ine, and the prott therefrom, then this obligation t e vot! therwise t T Hl foree and virtue igrties al, cme d and delivers | | : f Rertee Af lo AAdVbA, (Seat An pre CR VE ‘tdiceh > haps (Smal Gh... UY, (/E, Ritital he. Spal 4 44. TF Lh» bow (Swat...) (SAL. ) J. :/0@ -/bo? 2 $/, 002... that he is worth ower law and b tndet tec e+ affidavit that he i¢ worth om vd shove | exemptions by law end hie indeltes Sneen, j ‘Makes affidavit that he ie worth ower and ahovwe! exemptions by law and hie indebtedness, j + ‘ Sworn to and subscribed before me, this ry 0 f 1 144 MULL Kitt rior Court. STATE Gs NOT Cm! 1 Gi aw villi County, J gate Sasebraa et lll all pi | Count oy the te aforesaid, are held,and tirmly bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum "YF uy, ed UL ANA: ~ ene lDollars, current money, ) be paid to the State of North Capsliyi yi; trust, forthe fit of the ghyd hereinafter named, committed to the tuition of the said uid UA A o i? ht th A i to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and mg s, jointh: and sgwerajly, firmly by these Prosents Sealed with our seals, and dated thi / a C06) 7 ( L ,AD \FZL THY mere | ) Wh \Jove OBLIG N IS SUCIF¥ That whereas, the above bounden Dake (f A CA CL ys | i Shirrh a is constituted and appofnte f Can op 9 * ¢ { CC tAA A A oe, Z 7 oA as . 4 ; ; minor orphan — ; now, if the satel Jt afte a f ht LAYLA ( C shall faithdully exec oe pat aL imship oP ularl all 4 Hand tryly secure and improve all the = sand L11t C ued ae Act AAA ° 77 Lh shall arrive at full age, or be sooner thereto. required, and shall render a pl ay tro ft sand guardianship, on oath, before the 7 7 4 ¢ . . - , Clerk of the Superior Court for lL A | Cou Count unl obey the law in all cases, as required by the Acf ot jot deliver KEN POS the sand pel i 44. L Mi A/a, Chie t such estates as LM ve he palace 70" CL df Big Bei uUlhl such other persons as ll be law ms» « mitt ime, and the profits arising lel Vi Mhilllld. t the Mali A Mherilke WMerlicrat 4, of herschp * affidavit that he ie worth ower and showe! evemptions by law and hie indet ae dnees, ; Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of a. ~ ee sso tseceaeeecnveseneatn ; * oe oan li n e a m e n t s . ee 358 “STATE_OF NORTH, CAROLINA, In tHE SUPERIOR Cour’. a | KNOW AJ4, MEN BY ’ -RESEN'TS, That we, id, are held and firmly bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum ow saa eee weoeeeedOllars, current money, to be paid to the State of North Cgrolina in trust, Jer the CECT chereinafter named, committed to the tuition of the er psn to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and sy@rally, firmly by these Prosents Sealed with our seals, and dated this Z Z- day of » A. I THE CONDITIQN OF THE , VE OBLIGATION ISSSUCH, That whereas, the above bounden p f & . ‘ . appointed Guardian 7 10, tA MA) oP 42 ~~ 9) nor orphan....; now, if the said a shall faithfully se h@as “Dy guar Sy and a rly shal woRtgeetffiy secure and i — all t estageJo* the said ‘ / YA RO Lid a. ‘ Lik Mn Ct aol t17t wk — @ Me . : until Y shall agrivefat full age, or be soo thereto required, and shall render a plaip-gnd true oe i<j said guaNianghip, on @ath, before t! Clerk of the Superior Court for Prede . Cougitran lobdy the lay in all case ired by eS of Assembly, and er SZ ossess SiR Ss 4 } Cc an 4 ee Gilt, Zee yi lawiully requireg@y said Ci CLL ZA. other persons as shall be lawfully empow: then this oblig oid; otherwise to remain if full force and @irtue Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of of the Superior Court dp ‘Md UNH ( Makes effiday it that he is wotth ower and ahowe! i comptions by law and hie indebtedness, { Mekes affidavit that he is ever and above! exemptions by law and debtednees, ‘ r { Make ee affidavit that he i¢ wowh ower and ahowe/ tions by ‘aw and his \Wadelhtedness, ' Makes affidavit over and pores exemptions ndehtednese, ( Makes affidavit that he is worth exemptions by law and his i Sworn to and subscribed before me, this dav of "Clerk of the Superior Court. pe , CAROLINA, Tees. 839 In 1rHE SUPERIOR CourRT. County. J KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That we, 2H Oothy tll acon all of<aJ County, jn the is pyriyfs ¥) agony mly bound = the State of North Carolina, in the sum ot Oh UA. a ee a current money, to be paid to the State of North Cyroli “- for tye benetit of the nite/22 4V....hereinafter named, committed to the tuition of the said V2.4 ps Dees lf si to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and seyefally, firmly by these Prosents Sealed with our seals, and dated this Z A day of ’ A : i the above bdunden THE Jhb, Cald feu 1O\ Leo. IN IS J 2 That whereas, a | ptt AO Wray, Alba LAK EH ache toby 220 shall faithfully exec ; said guardianship, and partjeularly shall welhand tyily secure improy exftte of Me sai 4 / Mle by ieeR until shall arrive at full age, or be sooner thereto required, and shall render a plain tri said guardianship, on oath, before the Clerk of the Superior Court for wee ‘on ' uel? quired i Agt 04 Assepily Y, apebsl iy fue Se 0 Lon ey minor orphan ap if the said Mh zee ee or to such other persons as shall be lawfully empoWered or authorized co receive the same, and the profits arising therefrom, then this obligation to be void; otherwise to remain in full force and virtue Signed, sealed apd Getiveres | | bof dis HAL (Sra O inkhe Oy th A ' ; 2/7 USA / ’ TtM Ly MALL: 3 LLPALLE fA. i Sa (Ska (Seat. ) affidavit that affidavit emptiones { Mahe * affidavit that he exemptions by law an Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of 1 ~ Clerk of the Superior Court. OAT E SS N T CAROLINA, \ In tHe SuPERIOR Cour’. County. a KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, current money, to be paid to the State of wore jlina in trust, Hd... J. hereinafter named, committed to the tuition of the said... WALL 2 to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and prally, firmly by these Prosents Sealed with our seals, and dated this Z day of AAAA_A , AD 19gr I THE BL TION .., ‘.. Ao 10 N IS SUCH, That whereas, the above bounden pcueunans ...IS constituted and isp a minor orphan....; now, if the said SD ereets S. said guardianship, and partic ularly shall well and truly secure and improve a appointed Guardian to 1? shall faithfully execute h estate of the said 4y ' : mr until Kelactabietat i! or be thereto required, and shall render a plain DOA b. said guardianship, on oath, before the Clerk of the Superior Court for County, and obey the law in all case required by the Act of Assembly, and deliyer up, pay or possess the said ee ought to be possessed of, when lawfully required by said Vila runce E Mai tt uch other persons as shalf/fe lawi snpower horized to receive the same, and the profits aris all such estates as then this obligatio »> he voul; otherwise to remain i il force and virtue sealed ; dleliverg! Sf db 1e Eprg L tf) TLathele. &. B CAMA. (Seat MY, es the Superior Court affidavit that he is worth over and above! miption + law and his indebtedness, j afidavit that be ie worth ower and above! mptions by law and his indebtedness, ‘ aMidavit that be is worth ower and shove! exer ns by law and hie indeltedness, ‘ Makes affidavit that he ic worth over and prs exemptions by law and hie indehtedness, Makes affidavit that he is worth over and above} exemptions by law and hie indebtedness, ; Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of Clerk of the Superior Court. , CAROLINA, | IN THE SUPERIOR Court. County J KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That wer~ Mn. AKALAA VAM _/ = ee . ...Dollars, current money, to be paid to the State of N yy, in trust, fe » Mnetjt of the chi .....hereinafter ot all yyy C awa State aforesaid, are held ayd firmly bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum MC» AR to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each named, committed to the tuition of the said of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and ulmipinggteyg/ int and severally, firmly by these Prosents. Sealed with our seals, and dated this LG 2 dav of GUE ALD. Ah E THE CyRDITI * OF _ & S OBLJGATION IS SUCH, ‘That whereas, the above bounden ans Vv La n 4M. : is constituted and appointed Guardian (6) & : fa Cz7L Laffsrd ta = td minor orphan....; now, if the ky id An AA. ke. shall faithfully execute h.LA. said ¢ urdianship, and particularly shall well and truly secure and improve all the estate of the said.) AA . ; JMNnle,. AANAMMAN ts. faid U) mtil eo shall arrive at full age, or be sooner thereto required, and shall render a plajnand truc re i Fevd said guardianship, on oath, before the ; + Ut “4 £44. Clerk of the Superior Court for County, and obey the law in all cases, as ! required by the Act of Assembly, and deliver up, pay or s the said Linky. J BRAN « Staffer of all such estates as.(/ Ought to be vhen lawtully required by said Se Wariner Staffaid or to such other persons as ll be lawfully empows to receive the same, and the profits arising therefrom, then this obligation to be void: otherwise to remit ll force and virtue Seant Ld bffn Ais Al. ) ' 4 Signed, sealed and delfvered * Superior Court wer and shove: cltednere ‘ afidavit that 1 * worth er and aheow emptione law and hie indebtedness, { Makes affidavit that he ie worth ower and above | exemptions hy law and his indelhtedness, ; Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of Clerk of the Superior Court. — tenn a 5 Q3TATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, Iredell County. IN THE SUPERIOR Court. Ba 1: da Cresw KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, J.Ed.liciee] y.#da vreswel 1 l.cNeelyvy and “arv liclleelv all of said County, in the State aforesaid, are held and firmly bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum Twelve hund red i current money, to be paid to the State of North Carolina in trust, for the benefit of the child ren Wy lal] aad named, committed to the tuition of the said J.Ed.Melee) to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves and each of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these Preseuts. "th October A.D. 1 Sealed with our seals, and dated this.-...---%7_--------day of THE CONDITION OF THE ABOVE OBLIGATION IS SUCH, That, whereas, the above bounden J.Ed ehiculeelv is constituted and J.Ed.Lic#ecly ; now, if the said — shall faithfully execute h said guardianship, and particularly shall well and truly seeure and improve all cdate of the said J8nev Creswell Licheel y ee until. 82 ¢ ___-shall arrive at full age, or be soone thereto required, and shall render a plain and true account of ~ ..said guardianship, on oath, before tl: Clerk of the Superior Court for I rece] l County, and obey the law in all cases, as required by the Act of Assembly, and deliver up, pay or possess the said Waney Creswell }.clieelz of all such estates as _ 5° ought to be possessed of, when lawfully required by said . 24 sTeESWOCIL L.gweel o to such other persons as shall be lawfully empowered or authorized to receive the same, and the profits arising therefrom. then this obligation to be void; otherwise to remain in full force and virtue Signed, sealed and delivered { in the presenes of | “CImKUT Tite upmter 7 ‘onrt. iotary tutlic Makes affidavit that he is worth over m} | above exemptions by law and his indebtedness Makes affidavit that he is worth over and | above exemptions by law and his indebtedness } { Makes affidavit that he is worth over wt $ | above exemptions by law and his indebtedness aoe aGidavit that he is worth over and above exemptions hy law and his indebtedness | fei affidavit that he is worth over a mae % above exemptions by law and his indebtedness 7th October Sworn to and subseribed before me. this..." =- day of ri Clerk of the Superior Sout. Notary Public, A ‘} Lorva Nh 4 te CAROLINA, | ,. tHE SUPERIOR Court. County. on aid, are held and firmly bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum ... Dollars, current money, to be paid to the State of North “5 in trust, for thefenefit of the child#<e—~......hereinafter named, committed to the tuition of the said “gg on cisieaconces to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and sever; Hy, firmly by these Prosents. oo Sealed with our seals, and dated this /© day of LC . Ae Ise ABOVE OBLIGATION IS SUCH, That whereas, the above bounden 2 yy AL minor orphan,.; now, if the said phan > F. shall faithfully execute h.¢a... paid guardianship, and particularly shall well and truly secure and improve all the DUA Va estate of the said until (A shall arrive at full age, or be sooner thereto required, and shall render a plain apd trye acegaint of AS said guardianship, on oath, before the ae Clerk of the Superior Court for Hj County, and obey the law in all cases, as required by the Act of Assembly, and deliver up, pay or possess the said Sip lMEUH.. —_~ of all such estates asu _pught tg be possesseg of, when lawfully required by said Ei Mix or to such other persons as shall be lawfully empowered ot horized to recetve the same, and the profits arising therefrom, then this obligation to be void: otherwise to main WH Hl force and virtue Signed, sealed red Co” ; | P bere genng*se f : - Oe ’ f Hy CL. 2. Ni LOL hi Gl (Seat. ) A 2. Ktecvast (Seat. ) aki, OO Dieua vn. ) (SEAL. ) of the Superior Court (SRAL. ) 4 ’ &o RAM M AAS , affidavit at he is worth over and above} mptr aw and hie indebtedness ; J ’ 2 ake La Gis ak. { Makes affidavit that he ie worth over and shove: ' t 1 and his exemptions by law ndeltedneea, ‘i affidavit he i¢ worth ower and ahowes mptions by | and hie indeltedness, ‘ {Makes affidavit that he ie worth ower and show exemptions by law and his indebtedness, } { Makes affidavit that he is worth ower and ahove | exemptions by law and his indebtedness, ; Pe ee e f p / 3423TATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, Cae ee wet IN THE SUPERIOR Court. Iredell County. Ba. Cresw KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That we, --.2224-ie4eel yada Creswel 1 lL.cNeelv and Marv lMiclleelv all of said County, in the State aforesaid, are held and firmly bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum Twelve hund red : -- Dollars current money, to be paid to the State of North Carolina in trust, for the benefit of the child ren hereinafter " a > ° Ww Tal] - named, committed to the tuition of the said J.Ed Melee) to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves and each of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these Presents. in za Sealed with our seals, and dated this- day of October x oh oo. THE CONDITION OF THE ABOVE OBLIGATION IS SUCH, That, whereas, the above bounden T 4 . . . vo iat pe 0 er eer re ea) ee ae eee is constituted and minor Bepnranr shall faithfully execute h.4+S__ said guardianship, and particularly shall well and truly secure and improve : ., Naney Creswe Mee) v estate of the said —* an z * swell | = e th P ; a until __shall arrive at full age, or be soon ‘ his thereto required, and shall render a plain and true account of - aed Iredell (‘'erk of the Superior Court for ] ..said guardianship, on oath, before th .....-.-County, and obey the law in all cases, as required by the Act of Assembly, and deliver up, pay or possess the said ..~~- Nancy Creswell licheoly sh . . 7 of all such estates as _SD€ ought to be possessed of, when lawfully required by said oe Oran 71 al < CU sa WOiId L.cwe j o to such other persons as shall be lawfully empowered or authorized to receive the same, and the profits arisu therefrom, then this obligation to be void; otherwise to remain in full foree and virtue Signed, sealed and delivered { in the presenec of i “Clue ties perter Cont. ut 12a P| iv Makes affidavit that he is worth over a J | above exemptions by law and his indebtedness Makes affidavit that he is worth over and | above exemptions by law and his indebtedness ; | above exemptions by law and his indebtedness { Makes affidavit that he is worth over and { Makes affidavit that he is worth over a above exemptions by law and his indebtedness | f Fina affidavit that he is worth over oe above exemptions by law and his indebtedness = ee = 7th Sworn to and subseribed before me. this...” » ae silo #- Clerk of the Superior Dowt. Notary Public, 4, ; Lny\ le < 4 < ne? ; SS dy estate of the said CAROLINA, \ In 1rHE SupERIoR Court. County. J faid, are held and firmly bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum ... <- fA A....- 4 YALE sccm ceotantineg sarevensoncesicnsicin ...--.--Dollars, current money, to be paid to the State of North Cgtojiga in trust, for the named, committed to the tuition of the said Y.. AW M2 A U.S ; to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each ..._hereinafter of us, each and every of our heirs, executors ; inistrators, joi i y of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severgdly, firmly by these Prosents. day of EC. » ae 17FZ2—- \BOVE OBLIGATION IS SUCH. That whereas, the above bounden * . _ Sealed with our seals, and dated this ZO | | 7 ) aw minor orphan s.; now, if the said 4 4 f o, ( } Fatth st nee . ngs } vall faithfully execute h.ga.. aid guardianship, and particularly shall well anc PAAV i Me 1 truly secure and improve all the until (Az shall arrive at full age, or be sooner hereto required, and shall rendet i i jt ence said guardianship, on oath, before the a Plain apd true acegunt of erk of the Superior Court for Lielllhe. juired by the Act of Assembly, and deliver up, pay or County, and obey the law in all cases, as possess the said YLLHPEUM.. \ vhen lawfully required by said ll such estates as. / pught tg be ich other perse as shall be | ully em redo p | ms a wall be lawfull f | to receive the same, and the profits arising m, then this obligation il force and virtu ti ‘ c ealeyvind delivered ) CO” ) (zZ . | J oo —~ “4% 4. \ LE ; Z (hh (Sra AN. Sbecwast (Seas) Kale OO gieute vas ) (SEAL. (SRAL boe0 2 _~ oe © ie worth over and shove: . > a and his indebtedness, ; > <@ ccceneceane affidavit that f * worth ower end shovel and hie indehtednece i worth over and showes i his indebtedness, e ie wert et and show aw and his indebtedness, affidavit that emptions hy he is worth ower and shove! law and hie indebtedness, j ~ . Sworn to and scree me, this Zf hn “ne Gancaia Ga ~~ VAS 344 STATE OF In tHE SUPERIOR CouRT. County. RESENTS, Dollars, the benefit of the child... ..-hereinafter to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administgators, jointly and sgyerajly, firmly by these Prosents Sealed with our seals, and dated this...........Bicuh. cc. ay of LA AD. 14 38— THE CON ¥ 5 “OF/THE WBOVE OBLIGATION IS SUCH, That whereas, the above bounden hi Le MA ML pRSMEA a : lee — Muted and eT Ae ia MM TIE! [LAMPE minor orphanZ.; now, if the said shall faithfully execute h a. said guardianship, and particularly shall well and truly secure and improve all ¢! estate of the said 7 WL wget until shall arrive at full age, or be sooner ’ thereto required, and shall render a plain ¢ ete. of ZLez said guardianship, on oath, before t Clerk of the Superior Court for County, and obey the law in all cases, «s required by the Act of Assembly, and deliver up, pay or possess the said of all such estates as ought to be possessed of, when lawfully required by said , Vink fli Lecteaee or to such other persons as shall be lawfully empowered or authorized to receive the same, and the profits arising therefrom, then this obligation to/Abe void; otherwise to remain in full force and virtue Signed, sealed and deliv red) Bi f, Sf ff math esence Af Hp ' C7 (SEAL : Sue , ; oe (SEAL Clerk of the Superior ( Court ” —. % WV UMOV CK... (Stan .(SEAL Makes affidavit that he is worth over and above! exemptions by law and his indebtedness, j ( Makes affidavit that he is worth over and above! exemptions by law and his indebtedness, ‘ Makes affidavit that he is worth over and above! xemptions by law and his indebtedness, ‘ { Makes affidavit that he is worth over and pens ' exemptions by law and his indebtedness, Makes affidavit that he is worth over and above} exemptions by law and his indebtedness, j Sworn to and subscribed before me, this ' J STATE OF Nee, CAROLINA, | IN tHE SUPERIOR Court. & County | aie MEN BY THESI 4 4 PRESENTS, ‘That we, 744-2 all of sainConntys , in the State afytesaid, are, held and firmly bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum La tn ; o& QLLACLEI =< f bhiden he Ga. ccna agents vsrsesseissnassraresnsssereaternceeclllill current money, to be paid to the State of North Cyrsgt n trust, ve the, benefit _ child named, committed to the tuition of the said Vii). LZ, ) Laz $. (4A LL te which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each -hereinafter of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and sevegally, Airmily by these Prosents. Sealed with our seals, and dated this J day of FIELD. A.D. i732 77/7/, WOL We OBLIGATION IS SUCH, ney whereas, the above bounden \ pene LA id iia ( 4: ’ is constituted and ted Guardian to ¥ bh Lak. oe MNMILY LUD la Lf a nor orphanZé/; now, if the said shall faith ffl) execute h-C« said guardianship, and particularly shall well and truly secure and improve all the c estate of the said LLLP z+ unul ey shall arrive at full age, or be sooner thereto required, and shall render a plain and tyue acgount « ; Ltr said guardianship, on oath, before the Ath Lk County, and obey the law in all cases, as required by the Act of Assembly, and deliversup, pay or possess the said Laie Clerk of the Superior Court for of all such estates as .~4 ought to be possessed of, when lawfully required by said 2] Lb or to such other persons as shall be lawfully empowered uithorized to receive the same, and the profits arising therefrom, then this obligation to be void; otherwise to remain in full force and virtue Uikes (2), A 6-9 (s (Sxat..) Ye Cite — Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of J (io (SEAL. ) Clerk of the Superior Court ( SEAL. ) (SAL. ) (SAL. ) { Makes affidavit that he is worth over and al wove} i cemptions aw and hie in dehtedne *, ; affidavit that he ie worth ower and ahowet xemptions by law and his indebtedness, ‘ afi davit that he is worth ower and ahovwes ne law and bis indebtedness, ‘ Makes affidavit that he ie worth over and abow i exemptions by law and his indebtedness, } Makes affidavit that he is worth ower and above | } exemptions by lew and his. indebtedness, ; Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of <8 eee eee sere eer oeeeEee ~ Clerk of the Superior Court. i ee re oa... cadens 4M STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, County. IN THE SupPERIOR Court, on ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, ‘all of said County, in the State aforesaid, are held and firmly bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the suin ‘of - nn abl Goose is ass Ons a cence os SL A ke ei aa aE ‘current money, to be paid to the State of North Carolina ia trust, for the benefit of the child_...~._~_~~~_hereinafte named, committed to the tuition of the said to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves and each of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these Presets. Sealed with our seals, and dated this... - day of ,_ A.D. [952e THE CONDITION OF THE ABOVE OBLIGATION IS SUCH, That, whereas, the above bounden Joesphine Coffey mmskanecapinan sana cee eae .-is constituted and ‘4 ppinted Guardian to — Marjorie Coffey winor orphan ; now, If the said ‘shall faithfully execute hex said guardianship, and particularly shall well and truly secure and improve all 1 estate of the said — Marjorie Coffey shall arrive at full age, or be sooner { coos ; until she. f her (hereto required, and shall render a plain and true account o said guardianship, on oath, before tly Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell ....-County, and obey the law in all cases, as required by the Act of Assembly, and deliver up, pay or possess the said Merdorie Coffey ‘ of all such estates as she ought to be possessed of, when lawfully required by said Marjorie Coffey a to such other persous as shall be lawfully empowered or authorized to receive the same, and the profits arisin therefrom, then this obligation to be void: otherwise to remain in full force and virtue Signed, sealed and delivered { ie thee presente of x 7 oe a o-L.cd.. 4; the Superior Court, - , 4 Makes affidavit that he i th nd 2 c i> 4 4 / 1 aMidavi na © is wor over a 500.00 we dead e above exemptions by law and his indebtedness { Makes affidavit that he is worth over and Mn he ON Gh LB hk bh hg { | above exemptions by law and his indebtedness | } [ Makes affidavit that he is worth over and | above exemptions by law and his indebtedness | Makes affidavit that he is worth over and | above exemptions by law and his indebtedness | Makes affidavit that he is worth over a | above exemptions by law and his indebtedness SS ee Sworn to and subseribed before me. thislat.e. day of 7g a STATE OF oaapiied IN THE SUPERIOR Court. ounty KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, ‘That we, Hf. Ye on all of said Gaunt} » Stagf afore si i re hek~and firmly bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum of Ff. bana cy ‘ bs .----..--)JOllars, current ae agl he paid to the State of Nortl rey ina sop penetit ar hereinafter named, committed to the tuition of the said fie hop) ttf to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each ‘ie ol Bee AD. 1732 of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and oe jointly and severally, firmly by these Prosents, Sealed with our seals, and dated this THE VY 7 4 ‘ . AMA, 4, ON 45 SUCH, That whereas, the above bounden ABU NU Why is constituted and A G Fuldia - WW om appointed Guardian to JVM rphan# ; now, if the said 444 faithfully execute hCA— said guar meen p, and particularly shall well and truly secure and improve all the of the said iit ry shall arrive at full age, or be sooner required, and shall render a plain and irue aecount © Kid.. said guardianship, on oath, before the f the Superior Court for Sth tht. County, and obey the law in all cases, as | by the Act of Assemb ly, and deliver up, pa r possess the said Mbe2. b-L ems hy ought to be possessed of, when lawfully required b Lh EL a ich other persons as shall be lawfully empower r authorized to receive the same, and the profits arising then this obligation to be void; otherwise to 1 min full force and virtue Ce LWtik (Stat..) ies! WY eS (SEAL. ) (SAL. ) caled nd deliveres!l (SAL. ) affidavit that be is worth over and above meting and hie indebtedness that be ie worth ower and ahovw law and his indebtedness, * affidavit that he is worth o and above mptione and hie indehtedness, ( Makes affidavit that be i¢ worth over and a exemptions ¥ and hie indebtedness, { Makes affidavit that he is worth ower and above | exemptions by law and his indebtedness, ; Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of | Ara TE OF7 NORT r A OLINA, | County. In THE SUPERIOR Court’. all —— County A State aforesaid, current money, to be paid to the State of North C named, committed to the tuition of the said.....672—¢ to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and adminigtrators, jointly and seygrally, firmly by these Prosents Sealed with our seals, and dated this ae day of....... Ts sanceceennieg Phekhs Jar IN THE ABOVIZORBLIGATION IS SUCH, That whereas, the above bounden A ... ; eae oe ei is constituted and minor orphan....; now, the said ‘ ‘ shall faithfully execute hA-Q. said guardfnship, and particularly shall wel and truly secure and improve a!l thi estate of the said y WA ; until AL Shall - galiak or st s IAA. said guardianship, on oath, bei: thereto required, and shall render a planypes truegaccount Clerk of the Superior Court for a chile County, and obey the law in all case required by the Act of Assembly, and deliveg up, paygor possess phe said appointed Guafdian to... f all such estates as ought to be possessed of, when lawfully required by said wt Wf widelog or to such other persoris as shall be lawfully empower r authorized to receive the same, and the profits arising therefrom, then this obligation to be void; otherwise to remain in full force and vigtueq 1 a fy wd, sealed grtd delivered } “= yn the yp of / ( < j - bole Ciek ol ‘the Sur weTior { Makes affidavit that he is worth over and above! ‘ exemptions by law and his indebtedness, j Makes affidavit that he is worth over and above! exemptions by law and his indebtedness, ‘ ‘ Makes affidavit that be is worth over and above! e* tions by law and his indebtedness, ‘ ( Makes affidavit that he is worth over and ahove| exemptions by law and his indebtedness, j { Makes affidavit that he is worth over and above | exemptions by law and his indebtedness, j Sworn to and subscribed before me, this ¢ LINA, | IN tHE SUPERIOR Court. 34° ) County. J AMY. thitblacd firmly | Ay bya te the State of North Carolina, in the sum Ahead dh LAM GItMhe,« @ ke C current money, to be paid to the State of North Carolina A st, Cty enefit of named, committed to the tuition of the said Chir . WP x. LAA. Ah. dll to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and ers fointly and seygrally, firmly by these Prosents. Sealed with our seals, and dated this day of , A A.D | Pod 2- ’ 4) IN OF CK. \l ro 0 IBLIGATION IS SL a, That whereas, the above bounden dyes Lip L AV LAL A Hh lyse C Caan LHL Yoo OOLI mela qiner-orphaa,...; now, if the said Y% lcs Ic : utd ularly shall well and truly secure and improve all the shall faithfully execute h Af said DEM RAAAN UUAAM1 Ld constituted and estate of the said i , and shall render a Se SAL. L count of 7 uv 4 said f the Superior Court for a i" equired by the a of Vat ly, and a pay or possess the said LLL GH UAMA11 L10- ‘Hoa fore the Ae Zia and obe¥ the law in all casts, as alh puch estates as a +t to be possessed of, when lawfully required by said MAhAbarre LLIN. br Kt. PA Ce Asad to such other persons as shall be lawfully empowered withorized to receive the same, and the profits arising trom, then this obligation to be void; otherwise to ull Aorge and virtue, / A "a: e hhlididlfes. a teat tae sua.) 4 67 Ou... remaip ed, sealed and delivered ( . y/ J / \- 1 in the presence of ' e f CH Clerk of the Superior Court { Makes affidavit that he is worth over and shove} TemMptions ew and his indebtedness j { Makes affidavit that he ie worth ower and shoves exemptions by law and bie indebtedness, ‘ ' Makes affidavit that be ic worth ower and shows! ‘ fremptions | law and bie indettednesa, ‘ ( Makes affidavit that he i worth ower and ahowe exemptions by law and his indebtedness, } ( Makes affidavit that he is worth over and shove} exemptions by law and his indebtedness, i Sworn to and subscribed before me, this B50) STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, | IN THE eal Lh 7, of oG- A hark ZEAL. an s current inoney, to be paid to the State of North pp An trust/ior phy bertefit of thechild.... nr ee / 0 bh bidechéMeece named, committed to the tuition of the said... \iedke tP*D hy SUPERIOR Cour’. 7 l ..Dollars, to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and adyenagyrators, jt jointly and-severally, firmly by these Prosents ‘ . . - ° + —_ Sealed with our seals, and dated this... 2 . day of2 86 C— , A.D. 1 / Ye CANDIFION QEAHE ABOVE OBLIGATION IS SUCH, That whereas, the above bounden jr = —f tT taba At. Bde (LAAA saiaildiad eee, LR haf; Zt. Me MA Lt ct1 A tow wee minor orphan a: now, if the said iS constituted 1A pip aee _ Ap el alg Z peg Y Ki thee Lf. shall faithfully execute h “A said guardisz mgneny, and A shall well and truly secure and improve al JIADLH 44 Z LEA ZA Lela ; iD estate of the said. 2 Ag Kz & py tH, KEL AMSG 4, ‘ 4 b SA tt An - —_ “a fa COLttA ¢ until A& at shall arrive at full age, or be so thereto required, and shall render a plain and truc,acgount oi HAF. said guardianship, on oath, befor } oy LAF TK... requaged by the Act of \ssemly, an Whee up, Pay or poskeas the Clerk of the Superior Court for AAP-BAL AhM* Kan Or Lhe 2 of all such estates as..ZACZ47_ought t » possessed of, when I: ) ch esta ts A < yught o )n possesse {. hen law Y ata. or to such other persons as shall he lawfully empower { tthort therefrom, then this obligation t * youl: otherwis« apeat al Ub Ad Ad —{ O tote / AL f-fpt County, and obey the law in all cas ws gC said LeaGt. A/2 litter oY C Att! P<. fully req iredany* maid LAaMibecf.’ Afae ed to receive the same and the protits arising ull force and virtue Adelbert & Sherrch (Seal ae a Speratl. (Seat the Superior aff davit that he chy law affidavit that he mptions by law affidavit that he motions | law ‘ Makes affidavit that he exemptions by law { Makes affidavit that he exemptions by law as faek 4 Vv Sie arcte (Seal (SrAL ( SEAL.) is worth over and above! and his indebtedness, j ie worth ower and above! and his indebtedness, ‘ is worth ower and above! and his indebtedness, ‘ is worth over and shovel and hie indebtedness, j is worth over and above} and hie indebtedness, ; Sworn to and subscribed before me. this day of Clerk of the Superior Court. chereina {ter ORTH CAROLINA, County. In tHE SupERIOR Court. Dollars, current money, to be paid to the State of North Carolina in trust, for the benefit of the child -hereinafter named, committed to the tuition of the said to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and sexgrally, firmly by these Prosents. Sealed with our seals, and dated this / G day of , AD. iP zz F THE ABOVE OBLIGATION IS SUCK, That whereaf, the above bounden Mag poste, is ¢ iptted an fi a and truly se a" all the shall faithfully execute hAe«f... said guardianship and particularly sha until fe shall arrive at full age, or be sooner thereto required, and shall render a me and truc of)” said guardianship, on oath, before the Clerk of the Superior Court for Aakte County, and obey the law in all cases, as all such estates as Lh. ought to be possessed of, when a “dl by said such other persons as shall be lawfully empowered or authorized to receive the same, and the profits arising , Nf ego POD seas, GR An. appointed Gtrdian to... minor orphan....; now, if the said estate of the said juired by Act of Assembly, and deliver up, pay or possess the said etrom, then this obligation to be void; otherwise to rem and delipered UW Clerk of the Superior ¢ ourt — (Sra (SEAL. (SKA. ) | Makes affidavit that be i¢ worth over and above} i et emption y law and hie indebtedness, i { Makes affidavit that be ie worth ower and ahowes exemptions by law and his indebtedness, ‘ { Makes affidavit that be is worth over and above; exemptions by law and his indethtedness, ‘ ' Makes affidavit that he is worth ower and above | i exemptions by law and his tadebtednesa, j { Makes affidavit that he is worth over and above! i exemptions by law and his indebtedness, j Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of Ateeeweseeenes Clerk of the Superior Court. _, \Y'STATE_ OF , NORTH CAROLINA, In tHE SUPERIOR Cour’. \ \ Fiduciary Court Form No. 21601A 100M-5-33 NATIONAL SURETY CORPORATION ASSUMPTION OF LIABILITY CERTIFICATE 4076689 _ .....» executed by National Surety Company effective on or about the ®18t_ IF OR crccancceecssnsarsinss ___MARCH Peni teneeia a ae 53 MARY ALICE ALLEN, GUARDIAN @EVEN THOUSAND ($7,000.00)- - - - -- iii snes ESTATE OF MARY DELIGHT ALLEN TO BE ATTACHED TO BOND No. on behalf of in the amount of THIS CERTIFIES that, for a valuable consideration, National Surety Corporation has assumed liability for losses arising from or caused by acts committed on and after May Ist, 1933 under the above designated bond of National Surety Company; provided, however, that the liability hereby assumed by National Surety Corporation under the bond of National Surety Company shall be deemed and held t be decreased by the aggregate amount of losses arising from or caused by acts committed prior t May Ist, 1933. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Corporation has caused this instrument to be signed by its President attested by its Secretary and countersigned by its authorized representative this 20th day of MAY , 1933. NATIONAL SURETY CORPORATION ATTEST: Secretary. President. A f es £2 CoNwcan Swi B AY KR Attorney-in-Fact. Countersigned by Approval of Court exemptions by law and his mdettednesa, { Make es affidavit that he is worth over and mere) exemptions by law and his indebtedness, Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of Clerk of the Superior Court. J STATE OF NORTH, CAROLINA, | 2h, / IN tHE SurERIOR Court. EMA A Aneatscreeee County. zy KNOW ALY MEN ¥ Pot hd 0 all ipeh oy County, in yas State aforesaid, are held “Ny firmly bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum current money, to be paid to the State of North Carolina in a for the bengfit of the child named, committed to the tuition of the said... witli appointed Guardian to......4 “mmror-erphap....; now, if the said shall faithfully execute h t t C required by the Act of Assembly, apsl « Pit A “—" ssysS yi said Te ~ eT ce of ( MY \ AAA... =p Y % ...Dollars, hereinafter ‘ KM Mansard . to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each 4f us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly an x verally, firmly by these Pr 483 4. lp day of fh YR , A.D. THE CON he Pf AS ABOVE OBLIGATION IS SUCH, That “Whereas, the above bounden Yh AAA ZL . ‘ is constituted and A} (Ad €..1I4 REALM / / A AAA ‘| “ PN wd he LAN SAM sail guardianship, and particularly shall well and truly secure and improve all the (ee veer until ; shall arrive at full age, or be sooner Sealed with our seals, and dated this state ot the said bus a / LA \ o & . f said guardianship, on oath, before the se hereto required, and shall render a plawt and or lerk of the Superior Court for f : County, and obey the law in all cases, as AX a / 1 all such estates as fj AL ought to be possessed of, when lawfully required by said os a ae ft CA ZA mA141011_dJ + to such other persons as shall be lawfully empower wuthorized to receive the same, and the profits arising herefrom, then this obligatiqn to be void: otherwise to remain in full force and. virtue K j . of / J sealed and TT } f } “4p 4 4 a | Af “a eee fT ) j VLA " {\ ede tie her of the Superior Court Na. Ha. W.P loka (Seat. ) 9 /} /¥. ye Spe (Seat. ) (Seat. ) affidavit that he ie worth over and ahowe } vemptions by law and hie wdebtednes j affidavit that he ie worth ower and sheves exemptions by law and his indeltedness, afidavit that he ic worth ower and shove: exemptions by law and bie indebtedness, ‘ ‘ Makes affidavit that be i« worth over and -_ exemptions by law and his indebtedness, { Makes affidavit that he is worth ower and ahove} ' exemptions by law and hie indebtedness, j oceetianenel hei Sworn to and subscribed before me, this Clerk of the Superior Court, STATE OF NORTH, CAROLINA, | In tHE SUPERIOR Court. KNOW ALL MEN BY ‘THESE PRESENTS, ‘That we, current money, to be paid to the State of North Carolina in trust, for the benefit of the child..............hereinafte named, committed to the tuition of the said... Wet Bebe A. to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and cacl of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these Prosents Sealed with our seals, and dated this......o8../ day of . eee TY THE CONDITION OF THE ABOVE OBLIGATION IS SUCH, That whereas, the above bounde: Pree G. Oi ie : is constituted anc appointed Guardian to Weert Bad ht OAR, ] minor orphan....; now, if the said Drang G- GAD shall faithfully execute h dv... said guardianship, and particularly shall well and truly secure and improve estate of the said > ~ all the until A~m.....shail arrive at full age, or be thereto required, and shall render a plain and true account of t+ said guardianship, on oath, before Clerk of the Superior Court for Dt Det A &——~ County, and obey the law in all case required by the Act of Assembly, and deliver up, pay or possess the said ee | sooner ore the f all such estates as a ought to be possessed of, when lawfully required by said — aa > ota — lawfully empower t thorized to receive the same, and the protits ar . arising oul; otherwt ! ret mt Wl force and virtue unLzlel ate hy Wy a — _ the “aw Cc SEAL. affidavit that he is worth over and above} + law and hie indettedneces, j affidavit that he ie worth ower and shoves cemptions by law and hie indebtedness, ‘ is worth ower and above! and hie indebtedness, ‘ Makes affidavit that he is worth over and above} - . exemptions by law and hie indehtedness, j * ? . exemptions by law and his indebtedness, ; hat he ie worth ower and ee { Makes affidavit that he ie worth over and above | ; { Makes affidavit ¢ exemptions by law and his indebtedness, j - ' exemptions by law and his indebtedness, Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of , ’ sik aia sitet Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of +4 tees eeecceseeeeceenones Clerk of the Superior Court. ORTH CAROLINA, | County. In 1HE SUPERIOR Court. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That we, all offaid County, in the Ate aforesaid, are held ang firmly bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sw C0) Fe. a AM LA Witesesss coker canadien = TO ME Dollars, current money, to be paid to the State of North Carolina in.trust, for enefit of ild................hereinafter named, committed to the tuition of the said...... ses to whfeh payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and cach of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly an Sealed with our seals, and dated this... Z O day of THE CONDYPION OF ABOVE ABLIGATION IS “H, That whereas, the above bounden A. t ¢ AA . m7 ..is constituted and AM BA AALAALAL hu. Wiarls0- fuardianship, and particularly shall well and truly secure and improve a!! the verally, firmly by these Prosents intone A.D. Fi — Gl ep e n e n n e e r n ee ee ee mo n y appointed Guardian to minor orphan....; now, if the said shall faithfully execute hAA.. sai estate of the said i} YAAAd be .. VAMLN until LY shall arrive at full age, or be sooner Ar) thereto required, and shall render a plain Chak eee of said guardianship, on oath, before the Clerk of the Superior Court for County, and obey the law in all cases, as required by the Act of Assembly, and deliver up, pay or possess the said ilies oo LAO khr.. of all such estates as ought to be possessed of, when lawfully required by said c I . 2a JaAatenrntlhy or to such other pe rfons 94 y shall be lawfully empowered or authorized to receive the same, and the profits arising Se therefrom, then this obligation to be void; otherwise to remain in full force and virtue s thr. Dra LonGn teal tials ) me % LU atk see) ( SEAL.) Signed, sealed and delivered 3| in Me pre Superior Court ( SEAL.) Noo { Makes affidavit that he is worth ower and above | < © a] - i exemptions by law and his indebtedness, j ; & 6-0 : ak Ss AMA ata ( Makes affidavit that he is worth over and above! < O 0) — | 4 4 exemptions by law and his indebtedness, ‘ ¥ . ; ‘ Makes affidavit that he is worth ower and ahowe! ¢ | ' exemptions by law and his indebtedness, ' ¥ : { Makes affidavit that he is worth over and a Oe ‘ exemptions by law and his indebtedness, — ; { Makes affidavit that he is worth over and above} $ — 2: ' exemptions by law and his indebtedness, j Sworn to and subscribed before me, this (7 f . YOW ALL a B named, committed to the tuition of the said current money, to be paid to the State of North Carolina } trust, for the benefit of the ¢ we --e ff... tereima iter G zL G ‘ appoint¢d/ Guargfan to miner-orphaie..; now, if the said a J 2 shall faithfully execute h estate of the said thereto required, and shall render a plain and Yue ageount of Clerk of the Superior Court for eb ehhhf County, and obey the law in gf cases, as required by the Act of Assembly, and deliver up, pay or possess the said Charley i, chess t all such estates as Nik to such other persons as shall be lawfully empowered trom, then this obligation t ened, sealed Afid deliyered — nce a CONDITION OF ought to be possessed of, when lawfully required by said } « CAROLINA, es PRESENTS, That we, to void: ABOVE OBLIG ATION IS SUCH, That whereas, the above bounden IN THE SUPERIOR Cour?. + L4 pain whih payigent weff and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and Sevefilly, firmly by these Prosents. Sealed with our seals, and dated this 7 day of 7 : Anxheg —_ 3 THE sy cas soneesneezene ee ee ..is constituted and Lt Kf OBach 2 qt ghee. . <f LA-42f yarticularly shall well and truly secure and improve all the until At shall arrive at full age, or be sooner said guardianship, on oath, before the Map ithorized to receive the same, and the profits arising A otherwise to remain in full force and virtue i iii GG, Ih a (Sra. MEA a Le felets Shy. So. (Seas ) by SMO eaten. aK" Thesis { Makes afidavit that he is worth over and shove} < evemptions by lew and bis indebtedness, ; GP. + sess secsserecosscecococososs { Makes afidavit that he i« worth ower and shoves s exemptions by law and bis indebtedness, ‘ * cove { Makes afidavit that be ic worth ower and above! exemptions by law and bis indebtedness, i $ ' Makes affidavit that he i« worth over and shove $ exemptions by law and bie indehtedness, } soe | Makes affidawit that he is were over and Gavel $ : exemptions by law and hi Sworn to and subscribed before me, this a day of Clerk of the Superior Court, CAROLINA, | County. In tHE SUPERIOR Cour’. W ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, ‘That we, 4 current money, to be paid to the State of North ap lina ry trust,#9r the | oie Ww to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each named, committed to the tuition of the said... of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these f).scits - — y a) e JSR Sealed with our seals, and dated this... day of ZY no , A.D. 1/72) THE CC INDI TION THE Mi V Jie EAT ION IS SUCH, Ghat whereas, the above bounden x. CANAL ds LL appointed Guardian to...... c; ee a re er e ae . ef ° A ; , f minor orphan....; now, if the said ela ST dt ten ZL LO cw“ Lh AMX | eel shall faithfully execute h24_~ said Sy ardiz Ee. aml pasticul: arly shall well and truly secure and improve : HA % “MZ until fi. shall arrive at full age, or be sooner thereto required, and shall render a plain ayd true agcount of .-A~4A said guardianship, on oath, before the s Clerk of the Superior Court for ikea dé ALLE County, and obey the law in all cases, as required by the Act of, Assembly, and deliyer yp, pay or possess the said l. fd. be WwW CMM a »f all such estates as WAG — estate of the said hee St t ought to be possessed of, when lawfully required by said fo “a 7 4 nt . o : { HTlU/ ro g ° \ VA be L¢ or to such other persons as shall be lawfully empowered or authorized to receive the same, and the profits arising therefrom, then this obligation to be void; otherwise to remain in full force and virtue 4 Signed, sealed and delivered ) >) ) 4 - : ° , (asA A Li, , : in the presence ol J ‘ ru ox. (ASKAKS.. Set Clerk of the Superior Court affidavit that he is worth over and above! cemptions by law and his indebtedness, j affidavit that he is worth over and above! emptions by law and his indebtedness, ‘ affidavit that he is worth ower and ahove! emptions by law and his indebtedness, ‘ { Makes affidavit that he is worth over and above} exemptions by law and his indebtedness, 5 { Makes affidavit that he is worth ower and above} exemptions by law ard his indebtedness, j Sworn to and subscribed before me, this ‘ _ si aig Clerk of the Superior Court. STATE O 0 CAROLINA, ge a tae ee pidite IN THE blogg Court. in the State aforesaid, =i WL... PYLNWL YG current money, to be paid to the State of North Ne bo trust, for the —_ of the child. reinafter named, committed to the tuition of the said... i. ak. AGL Mada?” YG? to which ‘payment well and “ale to be made, 3 ourselves, and each of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these Prosents. Sealed with our seals, and dated this ZA +. day of........ MAdh , aa PES THE SIR? ES N OF T —_ ABOVE OBLIGATION IS SUCH, frat whereas, the above bounden Lh f WZ ily lp acnneggseccnone atiiennsliny x = “Sis constituted and appointed Guardian to.............(# LG JE... A: ie Tirpl L) 7 sevvennnnnnennscssedisheneeennnnnns Respir on hy ». ts minor-oerphan....; now, if the said f 7G 10 ALAC c FI C shall faithfully execute h_2/L~ said weer! aml particularly shall well and truly secure and improve all the estate of the said i QIN. br The ? until MJD shall astive-atiatlage,or be sooner thereto required, and shall render a plain-gnd true account of . 744 said guardianship, on oath, before the Clerk of the Superior Court for TAA hed hate County, and obey the law in all cases, as required by ‘the Act of Assembly, apd deliver up, pay or possess the said of all such estates as.. 7/4 Quaht to be possessed of, when lawfully required by said pr 2B A or to such other persons as shall be lawfully empowered or authorized to receive the same, and the profits arising therefrom, then this obligation to be void; otherwise to remain in full force and virtue Signed, sealed and delivered in the Spine e of wa f (Sat. ) (Skai. ) (Sra. ) (SAL. ) (Seat. ) it tha he is worth over and abowe! aw and hie indehtedness, ; hat he is worth ower and ahowe! by law and his indebtedness, ‘ that he is worth ower and shove! by law and bis indehtedness, ‘ that he ie worth over and shove by law and his indebtedness, } Makes affidavit that he is were, over and ‘weet gremptions by law and his indebtedness, 58 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, County. In tHE SuPERIOR Court. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, ’ Doliars, all of said County, in the State aforesaid, are held and — State of North Carolina, in the sum current money, to be p&fd to the State of North Carolina in trust, the benefit of the child Lavec....hereina fter named, committed to the tuition of the said......<Z7 to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these Prosents Sealed with our seals, and dated this d = day of A.D way THE CONDITION OkgTHE ABOVE OBLIGATION IS SUCH® That whereas, the above bounden \ GO : QA. re ae ; ..1S constituted and eget on Guardian “a % minor now, if the said ere ‘ . shall faithfully execute h-~?... said guardianship, and particularly shall well and truly secure and improve ea estate of the said until shall arrive at full age, or b« ner thereto required, and shall render a plain and tgue account of said guardianship, on oath, before the Clerk of the Superior Court for = — and obey the law in all cases, ; required by the Act of Assembly, and deliver up. pay « an ss the said i Las ) 44. Jos é - Z ‘ ought to_be possessed_of, when oan ily required by said mand ar —- e Cu. a AF Loe X PAE %& or to such other persons as shall be lawfully empowered or authorized to receive the same, and the profits such estates as therefrom, then this obligation to be void; otherwis¢ remain in tall force and virtue of the Superior C affidavit that he is worth over and above} rempt s by law and his indebtedness, j affidavit that he ie worth ower and above! emptions by law and hie indebtedness, es affidavit that he is worth over and shove! er ons by law and his indeltedness, i Makes affidavit that he is worth over and above} exemptions by law and his indebtedness, ) { Makes affidavit that he is worth ower and above} exemptions by law and his indebtedness, } Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of Clerk of the Superior Court. TH CAROLINA, County. MEN BY 1 wi ‘ai: om t we,Z foresaid, are ie re current money, to be paid to the State of NorthCa Cagoljna in trust, 1 ho engfi named, committed to the tuition of the said ALY : - to which paymeptAvell and truly to be mag& we bind ourselves, and each In THE SUPERIOR CouRT. of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly pe es tymly by these Prosents. Sealed with our seals, and dated this ; OC day of._A THE CONDITION QF / 'E OBLIGATION IS SUCH, That whereas, the above bounden uted and oY minor “rphan®@.; now/AT the said shall faithfully execute h@.... said guardianship, ; particularly shall y@and truly secure and improve all the estate of the said oat an shall arrive at full age, or be sooner thereto required, and shall render a plain ang true gecount of said guardianship, on oath, before the Clerk of the Superior Court for wy ta tee County, and obey the law in all cases, as required by the Act of Assembly, and deliver up, pay or possess the said AM BBVA of all such estates as.- Thy ought to be possessed of, when lawfully required by said AA gc? JAt-> or to such other persons as shall be lawfully empowered or authorized to receive the same, and the profits arising 9 therefrom, then this obligation to be void; otherwise to remain in tull force and virtue Signed, sealed“and delivered /) . ‘ ‘ 7 P (7p f, ithe presence of J ee arena hy (Smt. ) i ( tAL. >_— fp . , = ) / , ; ; ; . ~ te rw , (Seat. ) Clerk of the Superior Court rt yh Uy é Y hans se- (Sat. ) (Sra. ) (Seat. ) f(D Wkitr. A. { Makes affidavit that he is worth over and shove | evemptions by law and bie indebtedness, ; { Makes affidavit that he ie worth ower and shoves exemptions by law and bis indeltedness, ‘ Makers sfidawit that be ie worth ower and shows) ‘ exemptions by law and bie indebtedness, i Makes affidavit that he ic worth over and proves exemptions by law and his indeltedness, Makes affidavit that he ie worth ower and Bove) exemptions by law and hie indebtedness, 7 Sworn to and subscribed before me, this on....day of —a es at e se e Se e Fa e a : : Oe rs 8 ne y ee 5g + rH CAROLINA, IN tHE SUPERIOR Court. ice Givaniiciacinecntsnthis County. ars KNOW 4LL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That we, , ‘ie sear VS. MA ha La Ut tean Contintea) —G.g fem eal as e.. named, committed to the tuition of the said...... to whidtf payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and cach of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and seyerallyg firmly by these Prosents. a, and dated this haf ;, ABOVE OBLIGAT I IN IS SUCH, Sealed with our seals, That whereas, the above bounden 7) weed ..is constituted and appointed hetian to... yg minor orphan....; now, if the said Z z shall faithfully execute h Gd “said geatianship,; qnd particwarly shall well and truly secure and improve all the SLL thse Le Ap. Ze C be until he shall render a plain and thue accoynt of 7 Clerk of the Superior Court for ne ihe estate of the said shall arrive at full age, or be sooner thereto required, and said guardianship, on oath, before the ¢ County, and obey the law in all cases, as required by the Act of Assembly, and deliver up, pay or possess the said cael MELE Oh 27 7 c ought t posse ssed of, when lawfully required by said ge Yop shall be lawfully empowered of all such estytes As MMi tha or to such other persons as r authorized to receive the same, and the profits artsing therefrom, then this obligation to be vol; otherwise to ret in full force and virtue Signed, sealed and gtlivereql |r in the Sys all 7 shen L..( SEAL.) Vi | if e* ; Ti ae Wf Maal VI | tah Seva...) Lif i | Serk of the Superior nurt @O N p Onshn, lr - (SEAL. / Sy AL ( SEAL. { Makes ofidavit that he is worth over and above} < i exemptions by law and his indebtedness, j ’ { Makes affidavit that he is worth over and above! Ss exemptions by law and his indebtedness, ‘ 9 { Make s affidavit that he is worth ove: and shove! ¢ exemptions by law and his indebte: ness, ‘ ¥ ‘ { Makes affidavit that he is worth over and above | a exemptions by law and his indebtedness, ; ¥ { Makes affidavit that he is worth over and shove} $ sccneeede® exemptions by law and his indebtedness, j i to PR Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of kcimuiihiiinaiie’ a “Clerk of the Superior Court. TA day of.....L£ hed...» AD. 123 NPP IN | 4 . we Ny ] aX. vv day of netensenisisisail a y STATE cor Avorri CAROLINA, | In tHE SUPERIOR CourRT. diane aganeecoestl 14 LEA Bs oak wanccocaxdeiate County. CO KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That we, a al an... le a es. Seas all of y County, in tfe State aforesaid, are held and firmly bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum current money, to ie ‘paid to the State of North Carolina in trust, for the benefit of the child #<--~...hereinafter named, committed to the tuition of the said... (“Ce Sree to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each abies Dollars, firmly by these Prosents, A.D. 1] 7-73. and sevgrally, 7 Sv and administrators, jointly J q 7 c. day of OBLIGATION IS SUCH, of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and dated this ABOVE 6 SU -Bae — Sealed with our seals, THE CONDITION OF THE (AnAnx ; _ : pill constituted and appointed Guardian Cor. KAN ak ie = Pare fila A bance eeecenal That whereas, the above bounden shall faithfully execute h «¢~ said conrtianstie al particularly shall well and truly seewre and improve all the estate of the said —— pene v ay f —— oon — om : minor orphan. ; now, if the said until 2h. A-S\ said guardianship, on oath, before the shall arrive at full age, or be sooner thereto required, and shall render a plain and true account of Clerk of the Superior Court for CM Aether her. County, and obey the law in all cases, as required by the Act_of Assembly, and deliver up, pay or possess the said I~» 8. # ELPA } “A Fr aT J « ee 2 “sr z j of all such estates as Trang : Ought to be possessed of, when lawfully required by said oe ee ~ Snes PRR vy fate. / oe / CG or to such other persons as shall be lawfully empowered or authorized to receive the same. and the profits arising ; otherwise to remain in full force therefrom, then thy obligation to be vpid and virtue J Signed tled dt « lel fered) : . ; Whe aha BD “es fp Orns — (Smat,.) € ) J & RAD) Pi the Sheri —_ Ces t &_$ 0,” Whoa J (Saat) Mf ) , tA Mn Cn ALTA . \ (Srat.) \ \ N \ AN \ \\ (Seat.) \ \ | Maly aMidavit that he is worth ower and shove? . i emptions by law and hie indebtedness > oe affidavit that he i¢ worth ower and above / J exemptions by law and his indebtedness, i San. ovcccscacnsssisasnsgalie } ’ e shee aMidavit that he ic worth ower and above | \ vemptions by law and hie indeltedness, ‘ $ * affidavit that he worth over and shove exemptions by law and bis indebtedness, } f , : { Makes affidavit that he ie th he exemptions by law and his \adebiednese, **} $ eae elk = = w* " sen eee ‘ ‘ia wo ys ; y ye en e m a s eS ne er e se e A ey er e ih | Bil ; By tl i ih a (8 | | a 1} hy ; } 4 CAROLINA, | SciscocponsbaaheasacpsjeehseQiliea tactecsbece- carte oe aie : sntesencenaniavs GAIN THESE PRESENTS, ‘That we (JA / InN 1HE SuPERIOR Court. - all of said Coufity, in ee ate ore are held and firmly (pao DM CM | b- Ly Af / VL. ULE current money, to be d to fhe State of wal. named, committed to the tuition of the said/ Lf ynd untg the State of North Carolina, in the sum Le wii Dollars, e benefit of ipthe c 2 he C2 well and truly to be mad in trust, for -hereinafter to which payrfént bing ourselves, and each of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, I these Prosents : : “) ¢? Sealed with our seals, eon. day of ‘Ale A.D Ia THE, SND MILE ONS OBLIGATION IS SUCH, That whereas, the above bounden Ya KM eY) fas MU firmly by and dated this : “Oe ee ...ji8 constituted and appointed Guardiin to KS LA. LALA ] De: f , bl fs Ai 4a fl , . yy Ne A / WY Ma minor orphan....; now, if the said IY AL. S&L LLY Ahh } i, & UL. ALE shall faithfully execute h 2Ax sailgy Pouspliansyyp, and particularly shall wel¥ dnd! truly secure and improve al! the estate of the said oi LIMA. Ko (KLY until et shall arrive at full age, or lx ner thereto required, and shall render a plain and true account of oi ne..-said guardianship, on oath, be ¢e the Clerk of the Superior Court for oliftthd County, and obey the law in all « as required by the Act of Assembly, gna dglixes-9p, pay opypossess the said "HLL 7 Cy LY Sek Chlg AL_f..} A Rewsill b é YA . . ; ot all such estates as. 47-4. ght to he-poksessed Ofy when lawfully required by said _— 7 ry, 7 / / A he / Det LEG CAL.ALS : j--4J s or to such other persons as shall be lawfully empowered or authorized to receive the same, and the profits arising therefrom, then this obligation to be void; otherwise to remain in full force and virtue delivered =] in the Adc of J if AAtih. Pt (Seat 4 J P c | Lhd ea ff J) YY f fg ( Saat.) {7 signe d, « aled and ‘lerk of the Superior Court tf wv / : ; s } v On oo beach tf A. fh i } unk {SEAL (Srat.) ( Sea.) v0 7 \ i i t AA4 \ LaA e J . c { Makes affidavit that he is worth over and above} < J 0O i eremptions by law and hie indebtedness, j y j o ou é , / / & 0 ~ . £ 2 « ‘ { Makes affidavit that he is worth ower and shove! aX.) 2 oe “~~ ¢ + - mS exemptions by law and his indelhtedness, ‘ > rae ' Makes affidavit that he ic worth over and shove! $ exemptions by law and his indehtedness, i +’ ' Makes affidavit that he ie worth over and shove $ exemptions by law end his indebtedness, } { Makes affidavit that he is worth ower and poe) $s ooee exemptions by law and his indebtedness, oof 90 “Pewee ee eeeeeeeeeeeeenene Sworn to and subscribed before me, this Sa ae mena or Ovo STATE OF7ZNORTH CAROLINA, ey IN ‘THE Same ; ...... County. he 5) ae KXQW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, ‘That we, EM. a Li Pi. A ten ictheen ) atlaaln. Pawan iat SupERiIOR Court. A rate. sees a afonnas all of sai County, in the APite aforesaid, are held and firmly bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum : peda in tae a Dollars, ° current money, to be paid to the State of a. Casolina in trust, fgr the benefit of the child hereinafter CLE L222 UY ie to which payment well and truly fo by wiade, we bind ourselves, and each named, committed to the tuition of the said these Prosents. ss A.D. 1733 the above bounden of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by Sealed with our seals, & day of - Zd de THI TION OP VTHE ABOVE OBLIGATION ot DES Goon ' C.£..8 4 and dated tits IS SUCH, That whereas, at . : is constituted and oy A AEG wd ; 4 ” — < . 7 a = s “ d 7 , appointed Guardian to Leach 2 ue CA deonwh habe ceh he. LAE Eg TI sccececsiteriaanniaaiiain ménpr-orphan....: now, if the said shall faithfully execute had sud guardianship AAs A Y A7EGA » at ree Hh < 52 Lo F7j yiA¢es Ca LU KMAA 4+ é ee ocd the. CO wie / vGl particularly shall well and truly secure and improve all the | estate of the said until shall arrive at full age, or be sooner s a —— t account of tek saul guardianship, on oath, before the aw AL required by the Act ot \sgembly, el deliver Pr ess the said Py) LS Lh l é ok wi LL hot 4 & : i . ~ a 1 he ffgfocal € Cy 4 thereto required, and shall renders Clerk of the Superior Court for County, and obey the law in all cases, as of all such estates as _ ee ought to he possessed of, when lawfully required by said f CAN * /; or to such other persons as shall be lawfully empowered or authorized to receive the same. and the profits arising therefrom, then this obligation t © void; otherwise to remain in full force and virtue, ™~ se ey ae signed, sealed and delivered >/) Af eS KY inghe presency if V) (Atel (ty /...( SEAL. ) zt, cae shaua Ty — A ty SIO nk ar £4 Sens (SEAL. ) an ~~ [> af (Seat. ) the Superior Court ‘ we ¢ | Makes affidavit that he ie worth ower and ahewe? : emptions law and hie indebtedness j | Makes affidavit that he te worth over and aheowes . - i exemptions by law and hie indebtedness, ‘ > ' Makes affidavit that be ie worth over end shewei from me law and bie indebtedness, ‘ $ Makes affidavit that he i« worth ewer | ¢ exemptions by lew and hic indehtednees, i > { Makes affidavit that he ie worth over and shove} ” exemptions by law and hie indebtedness, ; $ cones 4 Sworn to and subscribed hefore me, this day of ++ ORO Se OeEe esos ceeee ‘Clerk of the sot Court. De es Oe Be e are OF CAROLINA, County. IN 1HE SUPERIOR Co@r’. ie ALL MEN BY a PRESENTS, That we, ‘ Aten tod a Te.5t to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly Do grally, , Srnily by these Prosents. ,AD. 1935 , That whereas, the above bouuden Sealed with our seals, and dated this....... 7G... day of... ..18 constituted and THE "Pd wPorH E ay ; N IS § | J) (db genta, t{pMmMarn— appointed niin do Z Bi: F-¢ ME : — _ FI kt minor orphan....; now, if the said ...Z Kf shall faithfully execute Lesaid gui i. bin and “oy 2) > ull well and truly secure and improve all the estate of the said... MAL Alin ; Pr — until... 0 ......Shall arrive at full age, or be sooner . 9 : : thereto required, and shall render a plain and Fue accogmnt of ((A4— said guardianship, on oath, before the a ALLA we alt County, and obey the law in all cases, as required by the OLE. and “OH: pay or ‘ss the Said ? caviar LILA LE. ae VL) Le (ts & Clerk of the Superior Court for . /) of all such estates as. 7L€- ought to be ~ sed of, when Pp a by said Eiticrke AOU AA. Bela or to such other persons as shall be lawfully empowered or authorized to receive the same, and the profits arising therefrom, then this ol aati to be void; otherwise to remain in full force and virtue pune Marmont Seat. ) UDRIEL. Cates Se sea. 4 Oe Eee, SrAat.) (SEAL. ) Be. <. ne Ae : (SEat.) Signed, sealed and delivered LW ilLlond lerk of the Superior Co | Makes affidavit that he is worth over and above! i exemptions by law and his indebtedness, j | Makes affidavit that he is worth over and shoves i exemptions by law and his indebtedness, i Makes affidavit that he is worth over and shove; ‘ exemptions by law and his indebtedness, ' Makes affidavit that be is worth over and above | ' exemptions by law and hie indebtedness, ; { Makes affidavit that he is worth over and shove! exemptions by law and his indebtedness, j Sworn to and subscribed before me, this... sei OE Wi piciiichcisiiini eee sccveiig Beene “Clerk of the Superior Court. H CAROLINA, | ...County. DIO ye Z THESE PRESENTS, T Ll HALMkL YY h Lm ful firmly bound unte the State of North Carohna, in the sum IN THE SUPERIOR Court. a es ce ........Dollars, current money, to be paid to the State of North Carojma, in trust, tor the benetiy « jy the chp: 24.2.4. hereinafter e Uy) Bp qf, Ad named, committed to the tuition of the said é 4 A NZ to which payment well andSefily to be made, we bind ourselves, and each of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and sgyerally, firmly by these Prosents. = ' 2 Sealed with our seals, and dated this mz = day of ....M A.D. 1%35 Z ILE. INDITION OF ULI ABOVE ‘ PION IS SUCH, That whereas, the above bounden MOT AA ‘ fv ML is constituted and 2. 1 Guardis a to P e- fel Wa : Ati, MQM, pe. Me TAG minor ? dn..: now, if the said Nb YAN Le ‘poke awe ‘ularyy Bs truly secure and ynprove all the LUN G. ‘ shall faithfully execute hé@ said guardianshp, an 4 ot the 70 TA J ; Aa A (LINO... PHA ‘ ? l until 442 shall arrive at full age, or be sooner thereto required, and shall render a plain ay true account of ac said guardianship, on oath, before the 44 . ° : . ‘jy a ‘ Clerk of the Superior Court for - , County, and obey the law in all cases, as required by the Act of Assembly, and deliver up, pay or possess the said Lh iA of all such estates an Hl ought to be possessed of, when lawfully required by said Liye <4 or to such other persons as shall be lawfully empowered thorized to receive the same. and the profits arising therefrom, then this obligation to be void: otherwise to cham in full force and virtue Signed, sealgl and delivered ‘| \ £ “Fm the presgice at /, J AA ( SEAL. ) ¥ 4s KL f7 WS SAH thi / “ Clerk of the Superior Court ee { Makes affidavit that he is worth ower and shovel ' etem t y law and bie indebtedness j ' Makes affidavit that he is worth ower and shoves ‘ exemptions by law and hic indehtednees, ‘ ' Makes afidawit i if worth ower and shows: exemptions by law and hie indebtedness, ‘ ' Makes affidavit that he ic worth ower and above | exemptions by law and his indebtedness, ; { Makes affidavit that he is worth over and shove? exemptions by law and hie indebtedness, j Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of eocecesengnaninaal _ Clerk of the Superiog Pos 366 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, NE cn ccnccumans County. IN THE Suvertor Court, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That we, -.--Rutb M...-Thomas, Guardian, . all of said County, in the State aforesaid, are held and firmly bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum of - ONE. THOUS AND . Dollar current money, to be paid to the State of North Carolina in trust, for the bene ae ‘ot Pyyhg ee? » ingo mpetent, Ruth _M.. Thomas, Guardien,. _ to whieh payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves and « named, committed to the tuition of the said tus, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these Present Sealed with our seals, and dated this... 18th day of _. December A, b, 1.933 THE CONDITION OF THE ABOVE OBLIGATION IS SUCH, That, whereas, the above bound Ruth IM. Thomas C, H. Miller, incompetent, is constituted ; appiited Guardian to Pe sdbyal ian ; now, if the said Ruth M. Thomas ___- shall faithfully execute h @P_— said guardianship, and particularly shall well and truly secure and improve estate of the said C. H. Miller, until he shall have been declared com- petent to manage his own affairs and restored to his civil rights Maid bd tah Aad Uf dad Mike here gered aA! mi famed ren! # Uyrthl ys Hoag ede anil Shall remder a plain and true account of her Iredell County, and obey the law in all ca said guardianship, on oath, befor Clerk of the Superior Court for required by the Act of Assembly. and deliver up, pay or possess the said of all such estates as ought to be possessed of, when lawfully required by said oto such other persous as shall be lawfully empowered or authorized to receive the same. and the profits ari therefrom, then this obligation to be void: otherwise to remain in full foree and virtue Signed, sealed and delivered { tu othe proevwnee of j / a Lh, A a Clerk of the Superior Court { Makes affidavit that he is worth over ee | above exemptions by law and his indebtedness i ; | Makes affidavit that he is worth over and above exemptions by law and hisindebtedness j | { | Makes affidavit that he is worth over and Makes affidavit that he is worth over a above exemptions by law and hisindebtedness nhove exemptions by law and his indebtedness | f bas affidavit that he is worth over we ahove exemptions by law and his indebtedness Sworn to and subseribed before me. this «- day of C lerk of the Superior Court. _—+ es wees ewe ree {A hoe 7% STATE OB NOR fAROLINA, hl 367 bi ee = Comty oa rh yy 2: 4 een Ry { KNOW ALI, MEN BY THESE PRESE nT "That "Wry we ' » aforesaid, age held and figfly bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum ~~ ge crsceees current money, to be paid to the State of North for the behefiy of the chil named, committed to the tuition of the said del, Rauch en— to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these Prosents. Sealed with our seals, and dated this ie day of Jase. A.D Ja THE NDPIUZLOON THY ABOVE OBLIGATION IS SUCH, That whereas, the above bounden Dollars, hereinafter is constituted and 10 vient, alle censtt re ey mau truly secure ; shall arrive at full age. or be soones ' " Aas said guardianship, on oath, before the , and_obey the 7 minor orphan... ; now, if the said shall faithfully execyte h said estate of the said aLlin. Aye sade? thereto required, and shall render a pla wit Clerk of the Superior Court for i st PV “l by the Act of Assembly ul deliver up pa Aes, wee ee | improve all the v in all cases, as ought to be. pe of, when I required by said or to such other persons as shall be lawfully empowers thorized to receive the same, and the profits arising ued virten Signed, sealed and delivered 2 therefrom, then this ol es affidavit that he ie worth emp tier ow and bie iv t he i« worth ower and shove aw and hie indebtedness, t he ie worth ower and shows law and bis indeltedness, affidavit at he ie worth ave d aheovwe emptions br law ead tie indeltedness, { Mahes affidavit that he is worth ower and showe! eremptions by law and bie indeltedness, ; Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of 1 seeewee ~ Clerk of the Superior ‘Court. ro el AAA NY go v/ “STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, _Iredell IN THE Suvertor Courr, —imnweistimnncaa nnn, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That we, .< _.lrey ouerril Land J - 3. Nesbit all of said County, in the State aforesaid, are held and firmly bound unto the State of North Carolina of whe. tuqusand and NoZl00 . in the sum naienies ae Dollars current money, to be paid to the State of North Carolina in trust, for the benefit of the child. rea heremaft named, committed to the tuition of the said J._Leo Talbert to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves and each of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, Jointly and severally, firmly by these Preset Sealed with our seals, and dated this 140th day of vreb. , A.D. #244 THE CONDITION OF TILE ABOVE OBLIGATION IS SUCH That. whereas, the Talbert above bounden Ye» LON is constituted | appinted Guardian to ilizeabeto sortner and James_Fortner minor orphang > now, if the said J..Lon. "albert shall faithfully execute his sald guardianship, and particularly shall well and truly Seeure and improve a estate of the said Liizal eli. For’ ner. aad Jumes gor! uer ohne wu ; until vy shall arrive at full age, or be so thereto required, and shall render a plain and true aecount of —uis said guardianship, on oath, befor Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, and obey the law in all cas required by the Act of Asse mbly, and deliver up, pay or possess the said ' Aizabeta Fortner and James Fortner , , of all such estates as Luey ought to be possessed of, when lawfully required by said Jd». Loo Tadber t om to such other persons as shall be law fully empowered or authorized to receive the same, and the profits arin therefrom, then this obligation to be void otherwise to remain in full foree and virtue ‘ary a ic paeee aieek catae ef MEM IADSAGAAS Shohel // . Z ca re fee ho Weal Sited, sealed aud delivered { in the presence of j Seal Ss al Ay ons GEES peen net _ in worth over and oa As S Aleck above exemptions by law and his indebtedness | [ Makes affidavit that he is worth over and | above exemptions by law and his indebtedness | { Makes affidavit that he is worth over ad above exemptions by law and hisindebtedness a affidavit that he is worth over se above exemptions by law and his indebtedness | oot affidavit that he is worth over sa above exemptions by law and his indebtedness eae erecta ee erent eae a Sworn to and subseribed before me, this 4OtQ day of feb. AOE 8 Se EEE ’ mtg ad | hha tha} A We e229 ae Midd] “otary Public CW Wb hdd Cheb. iy commission expires nas BO ae shat OF NORTH CAROLINA, | Cc ‘ounty. 569 IN YHE SupERIOR Court. aon lt Wy MEN BY a <NT'S. ‘That we, Ml ogy meter aie fxn and lt ‘Wexgde. + hy A tae all of said County, in the State aforesaid, are held and firmly bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum of : Dollars, North C arolina in trust, for the benefit of the oar Rercinafter named, committed to the tuition of the said Antwan gle current money, to be paid to the State of to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these Prosents 4 i Sealed with our seals, and dated this Se day of beh A.D i7 sy THE CONDITION LOF THE ABOVE OBLIGATION IS SUCH, That whereas. the above bounden is constituted and Se pat, aintmepelenf, niwetesphan > now, if the said CIO tug ror shall faithfully execute has sand guardianship, and particularly shall well ang truly secure and improve all the estate of the said Arve. Harty Met me A thas nr) ” Len <e appointed Guardian to “ atta « serrtst= Tattle, or be sooner thereto required, and shall render a plain and t ha sand guardianship, on oath, before the A, 2GLC County, and obey the law in all cases, as required by the Act of Assembly, and deliver up, pa r pws he said Ane. Han ty 1¥ a yom Clerk of the Superior Court for of all such estates as she ought to hen lawfully required by said An Howrey “HO. / or te such other persons as shall he lawfully emp te sume, and the protits arising therefrom, then thi obligation t vond ther virtive & e - ESR tgoaaad—TSPAL (SRAL yned, sealed and delivered | im the presence of (Sean (Sra (Seat * worth aver and shows: hie indodtednees worth aver and shew law and ble indebtedness, atidavit that he ie worth over and ahewel vemptions by law and hie indettedness, ; Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of 5 ee er e te e j NO ype CAROLINA, | LCA Naat ncciiicsincinnininnssusal County. Ee 1, BY THESE PRESENTS, That we, bra Lucll; pene In 1HE SUPERIOR CourR?. all of said County, in the Statg/aforesaid, are heldAnd a bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum f VE, d... ZUM Li CLE ~< ie reoniliNtlStsasasessceoShvewsnitiacd MRI current money, to be paid to the State of North C; sign’ in frist, Vi the benefit of the child... “OM YAU to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and cach hereinafter named, committed to the tuition of the said of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and — jointly and severally, firmly by these Prosents Sealed with our seals, and dated this SE day of L2 AY , A.D. 1 i a THE Pye IN Py, TI Ik ABOVE OBLIGATION IS SUCH, Tat whereas, the above bounden PLA MAMA cs aa Li A&C (204 fa, shall faithfully execute h24<. said guardianship, and particularly shall well and truly secure and improv estate of the saic ff. Wh MW: e, . ea KA lay. 1 ae ’ thereto required, and shall render a plain and true account of ZZZA said guardianship, on oath, before the > dhe ed (Mike County, and obey the law in all ca required by the Act of Assen . Ro egy up, pay or possess the said LA. bay is constituted and appointed Guardian to minor orphan....; now, if the said shall arrive at full age, or be Clerk of the Superior Court for ‘ of all such estates as, LiA sug to,® possessed of, when lawfully required by said Cau ery or to such other persons as shall be lawfully empowered or authorized to receive the same, and the profits an therefrom, then this obligation to be void; otherwi o remain in full force and virtue ae kr Signed, sealed and delivered IAs , 4 iy the y pryy DN Seat eta. ASL KELL Alo... SS, cr reASt0 / 4 HM OFROAULG OY — P(Sral (SAL. ) WAnrA Curt ( ‘ lerk ot t} ie Superior ‘ (SAL. ) affidavit that he is worth over and shove! emotions by law and bie indebtedness, j s/@o 7 502 affidavit that be ie worth over end aheve! cemptions by law and hie indebtedness, ‘ that he ie worth ower and shove i law and bic indeltedness, ‘ ' Makes affidavit that he fe worth over and abe «| exemptions by law ard hie indeltedness, ; | Makes affidavit that he ie worth ower and shove} no and bis indebtedness, j Sworn to and subscribed before me, this / ROLINA,| ,. THE SUPERIOR Court County. J / | all of said County, in the Stz foresaid, are he current money, to be paid to the State of North orm wf : a pe of yh ...hereinafter named, committed to the tuition of the said... ( as ; : to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each nd firmly bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum ..Dollars, of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administgators, jointly and severally, firmly by these Prosents. pa be : ‘ r 4A — day of ute AL t/ , ALD. I2GVE BLIGATION IS SUCH, That whereas, the above bounden et Grn onn nso way CAMA... Lo BEX shall faithfully execute h CA~ said guardians ship, and particularly shall well and truly secure and improve all the estate of the said LAN bys yr | mtil A @ shall arrive at full age, or be sooner , . ’ : ° thereto required, and shall render a plain apdytrue agcount of Qt. said guardianship, on oath, before the Clerk of the Superior Court for LLL County, and obey the law in all cases, as required by the Act of Ass a, deliver yay of possess the said “CANa LUA m ff when lawfully required by said tf all such estates asJ —. yagi te thorized to receive the same, and the profits arising therefrom, then this obligation to be void; otherwis » remain in full force and virtue oz AA hE ge of - | Le ~VWA Aan, § cov, (SRAL ype Men ¢ he LZ é Vi o 6 on (Seat. ) (oop “Clerk of the Superior Court ‘ ‘ Bs 2 Sealed with our seals, and dated this )? - appointed Guardian to... 4 LL. is constituted and minor orphan....; now, if the said ir to such other persons as shall be lawfully emp signed, sealed and delivered | o . oon shoves ( DRAL,. ) (Seat. ) (SRA. ) affidavit that he is worth ower and al ove} mptior « and his indebtedne ee j 52.0.0, WPL affidayit ie worth ower and ahowes eomptions and his indebtedness, ; is worth over and ahowe and hie indehtedness, { Makes ete © i@ worth ower and shew eremptic 1 and hie indettedness, } { Make * affidavit that he ie worth ower and shove | exemptions by law and his indebtedness, j Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of j sidbinhdeeeidbiinair an , eee eweeeee Clerk of the Superior Court... AROLINA, In Sree ROR eccacsrsscsh cevanusvennssoseaied County. Sealed with our seals, and dated this A hh. f/f ae. required by the Act of Ye e of all such estates as siatcacniniaen .....to which { IVE OF GA ASE PRESENTS, That w a minor orphan....; now, if the ‘said We jen shall faithfully execyte LA: sail, Cvs estate of the said Mitaicr ke : f 3 5 ate tay ta be possessed £0 W ian ie mW THE SUPERIOR , said guardianship, on oath, before the County, and obey the law in all cases, ¢ milly regtyred by said yailly o> en sti ‘ withorized to receive the same, ; or to such other persons as shall be lawfully empowered or ' therefrom, then this obligation to be void; otherwise to remain in full force and virtue J > ’ Signed, sealeyyand delivered, | J : lerk of the Superior Court Sworn to and subscribed before me, this { Makes affidavit i exemptions ( Makes affidavit ‘ exemptions { Makes affidavit exemptions { Makes affidavit ‘ exemptions { Makes affidavit ' exemptions Dp eee AN AN (Sy 1,.) al Smal O LO WB. ta (est.) that he is worth over and above} by law and bis indebtedness, ; that he is worth over and above! by law and his indebtedness, ‘ that he is worth over and above; by law and his indebtedness, ‘ that he is worth over and po by law and his indebtedness, that he is worth over and above} by law and his indebtedness, } ayment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and adminigfrators, — and "WE rally, firmly by these Prosents, aciinillia a ay Tscsnciciicasisinily Matt Ce at whereas, the above bounden ...1S constituted ; i ; until “d. shall arrive at full age, or be sooner i thereto required, and shall render a VU of AL— } j Clerk of the Superior Court for mbly, Ma deliver_up pay posages the Via ind the profits arising ~ 70 ‘A 7 STATE Ol NO TH CAROLINA, In 1rHE SUPERIOR Court. Siskosansninapssoansnconsrtilg tia tt ene NaN EME cssenvcentitonns County. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That we, @).... ’ bho AA isan iehsstiniaianbaaetihieiehestniaetinieiecnieaniatinnaniiteiedaaa a f all aid County he State aforesaid, are held and firmly | . unto os ecru State of North Carolina, in the sum <thndcatl ce Rl e/a =... es: of SSM NIRA NATE OMe VN current money, to be paid to the State of North "e rust, Jor the benefit of the child_............... hereinafter 6 named, committed to the tuition of the said..jA+...WY ‘ho & OCI I nce cnsids sickiccindcccesntenssssccsicovmeneceeundeoenanaanenene to which payment well and trulyo be made, we bind ourselves, and each of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these Prosents. AD. 1944 eas, the above bounden Sealed with our seals, and dated this day of a y OF THE ABOVE, OBLIGATION IS SUCH, That wh "AVIANA ew ee ne SSI... es ' mh ot ssctiaped onte-consioiithanesirinnanSbaln minor petite ; now, if the said Bare shall faithfully execute hLAZ said guardianship, and particularly shall well and truly secure and improve all the estate of the said le iaaileieieee ards ‘ bi ‘ oe = Q ieee shall arrive at full age, or be soor ..is constituted and until thereto required, and shall render a plajenand tyhe ageggint of said guardianship, on oath, before the Clerk of the Superior Court for County, and obey ‘he law in all cases, as required by the Act of Assembly, and deliv », pay : paid of all such estates as MM ower to be possessed of, when lawfully requif€d by said wana a ' . ones ceive the same, and the profits arisin or to such other persons as shall IW lawfully powered or authorized to therefrom, then this obligation to be void; otherwise to remain in full force and virtue Signed, sealed and delivered l pa os in the pre : Lee Hye (Sat. ) ¢e of PAL | : | (SRAL. ) Clerk of the Superior C vurt ‘om z _ ? (SEAL. ) i (Seat. ) (Seat. ) O 2 - * { Makes affidavit that he is rth d above} . a #4; CA A i ertemptions by how and his indebtedness, is j > [0B ieee eeceeeee } Nk { Makes affidavit that he ie worth o: t ie oO <p ‘ exemptions by law and his ier see ee > g @ qe =, | Makes affidavit that he ie worth over and above | i exemptions by law and bie indebtedness, i $ coccesce | Makes afidavit that he is worth over and shove ' exemptions by law and his indebtedness, } $ seesecece { Makes affidavit that he is worth ower and above } $ ' exemptions by iaw and his indebtedness, ; egususecosonscerneas Sworn to and subscribed before me, this hens x day of a ip the ag, CAROLINA, | ip sactasinduesateetapshoecanscatecessaacetssveatevircskcaetoasstsousiasscn County. In tHE SupERIoR Court. 4 4 mn EK PRESENTS, That we, current money, to be paid to the State of North Carolina in trus named, committed to the tuition of the said.» ATA AL... to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these Prosents Sealed with our seals, and dated this sh Se day of (Ae 42y. THE CONDITION - THE ABOVE OBLIGATION IS SUCH, That wheréds, the above bounden eae Awan i viene cue natcl ens uiAiewacausiosecivwnaisigvmebiansmsasedcecciadd is constituted and appointed Guardian 7 minor orphan....; now, if the said shall faithfully execute hA&LAX said guardianship, and particularly shall well and truly secure and improve all the Ted sands Duna ——— until YlAs.. shall arrive at full age, or be sooner f As said guardianship, on oath, before the County, and obey the law in all cases, as estate of the said thereto required, and shall render a plai id trug account Clerk of the Superior Court for required by the Act of Assembly, and deliver up, vaeaadt Acasa possess the said of all such estates as RK Qetiseh: to be possessed of, when lawfully required by said eee ae or to such other persons as shall be lawfully empowered thorized to receive the same, and the profits arising therefrom, then this obligation to be void; otherwise to remain in full force and virtue. Cra ug M06 sss Ub ttle A224. Tee t/iAi4 (SEAL Clerk of _ Superior Court tte Srat.) Signed, sealed and eT (SEAL. ) ( SEAL.) { Makes affidavit that he is worth ower and al ove | < = i exemptions by law and his indebtedness, j . { Makes affidavit that he is worth over and above! ¢ ‘ exemptions by law and his indebtedness, ‘ * ‘ Makes affidavit that he is worth ower and above! x exemptions by law and his indebtedness, ‘ ° { Makes affidavit that he is worth ower and above | ¢ exemptions by law and his indebtedness, j * { Makes affidavit that he is worth over and above | $ — ’ exemptions by law and his indebtedness, j Sees a , Sworn to and subscribed before me, this I ii ea ie oe "Clerk of the Superior Court. ROLINA,| = In tHE SUPERIOR Court. 4 Cicopienins County. BY THESE PRESENTS, That we, Nn Dollars, current mdfey, to be paid to the State of North Carolina in Se te ee named, committed to the tuition of the said. 2726 : c sailteieetecmces to which paymfit’well and truly to be made, we bind Ourselves, and each ..-hereinafter of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these Prosents. OD. ty t...2 , AD. \SA#¢- IBLIGATION, IS SUCH, as, the above bounden Sealed with our seals, and dated this THE CONDITION OF THE ABOVE That where is constituted and minor orphan....; now, if the said shall faithfully execute hBAF saic guardianship, and particularly shall well and trulysecure and improve all the until shall arrive at full age, or be sooner estate of the said thereto required, and shall render a platmapd trug accoynt. of VIA si guardianship, on oath, before the Clerk of the Superior Court for County, and obey the law in all cases, as required by she Act of Assembly, satd al depver up, pay or possess t a7 of all such estates as of to such other persons as shall be lawfully empowered or ; the zed to receive the same, and tl fits arising therefrom, then this obligation to be void; otherwise to remain in full force and virtue. —s (hager: Le de ( Seat.) a fateh ad Superior Court Y), 7 MA “i (SEA. ) x > (Srat.) Signed, sealed and delivered ) im the pr : the Clerk of the (SEAL. ) { aie affidavit that be is worth over and shove} < exemptions by law and bie indebtedness, j ‘ + serececees ; | Makes affidawit that he is worth ower and shoves < ' exemptions by law and his indettedner<, ‘ % . <<< 2--eeeennne ' Makes afidawit that be ie worth ower and shoves i exemptions by law and his indebtedness, ‘ $ a teeeee J { Makes affidavit that he ie worth over and shove | exemptions by law and his indebtedness, ; $ scecesess { Makes affidavit that he ie worth over and above | $ } exemptions by law and his indebtedness, j +8 errr wee seeeceeee ee tee me Sworn to and subscribed before me, this silts day of senile ncocecanveverescndsonsng: Midian 7 . ra + teeter eeeecceessoereseeeseece ~ Clerk of the Superior Court. 37 . In 1He SuPERIOR Cour’. + County, in the,§ current money, to be paid to the State of North Carolina, in trust, for the beyefit of the child , 7 = named, conunitted to the tuition of the said........ Z. eccdihcosishh, BE nc Es asccsesisecsen to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, find each ...Dollars, hereinafter of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and sever: lly, firmly by these Prosents Sealed with our seais, and dated this / q day of L0G. , A.D 1g dy THE “FG lat I te ABOVE, OBLIGATION IS SUCH, That whereas. the above bounden . is constituted and appointed Guardian to va st : minor orphan....; now, if the’said Zz Z Kia tv Coe shall faithfully execute h.AA.. said guardianship, and particularly shall well and truly secure and improve all the ” until Ae? shall arrive at full age, or be sooner | Ar2 said guardianship, on oath, before the Clerk of the Superior Court for -_ County, and obey the law in all cases, as estate of the said thereto required, and shall render a plain aad tric required by the Act of Assembly, and deliver up, pay or possess the said SLI ite ot all such estates as i ought to be possessed of, when lawfully required by said iments or to such other persons as (, ll be lawfully empowered or authorized to receive the same. and the profits therefrom, then this obligation to be void; otherwise to remain in full force and virtue signed, sealegvand debvered { , if YY oF Besos (Seat Vai dp) )1, ? ke. tea | - Clerk of the Superior Cou t Ch I t uperior ur ' ofa BOO ofr —— (SFAL.) (SEAL (Seat. ) 7 Srrurte ’ affidavit that he is worth over and above} - - eremptions by law and his indebtedness, j 4 2 - , Yoh oF OV t - L f es affidavit that he is worth ower and shoves emptions by law and his indebtedness, ‘ . affidavit that he is worth ower and shows! ‘ tions by law and bie indeltedness, ‘ { Makes affidavit that he i« worth over and _ exemptions by law and his indebtedness, { Makes affidavit that he is worth ower and shove? ' exemptions by law and his indebtedness, j fo Sworn to and subscribed before me, this ans meen —_—-= STATE*OF NORTH CAROLINA, ) *_ 7 = Jfrdtwhe _ KNOW ne 4L ME ~77 ‘<a INTS LH / aSeeeuniebendedhe acaundaunsnght i wide bh. Lt LEE all oe upty, in the eat. and firmly bound unto theAtate of North Carolina, in the sum of ‘Ripnis cs ; a current money, to be paid to the State of North Carolina in trust, ne the er ae ne? .....-hereinafter named, committed to the tuition of the said yin LA th. Ak A Le. eee to which payment well and = to be made/we bind ourselves and each of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrat intly and severally, firmly by these Presents. Sealed with our seals, and dated this- a cae =~ day of f : jaitonses, a: Bh Jee$¥ 2 OBLIGATION IS SUCH, That, whereas, the above bounden .is constituted and shall faithfully exeeute h.@A. said guardianship, and particularly : estate of the said - fs ° Mid bias ot Ut until ----Shall arrive at full age, or be sooner thereto required, and shall render a p and trugmecount of fA wv said guardianship, on oath, before the Clerk of the Superior Court for “pe cnellL --County, and obey the law in all eases, as required by the Act of Assewbly, and deliver YP, Pay or posse t5" , (LANANPAAs tga Ul of all such estates as ous ght to be poNne seed ot, when law fully required by said . LMAUdhrA S33 kate to receive the same, and the | or to such other persons as shall be lawfully empowered o1 rofits arising , x therefrom, then this obligation to be void: otherwise to remain in full force and virtue Darton Adee $254k hon) ‘ FP? Gms death ais. 0- lid H Mitay Ltd? (Seal.) . (Seal.) Signed, sealed and delivered { in the presence of i Clerk of the Superior Court, . (Seal.) «Sait. Cd's Sto. ‘ a. Eo affidavit that he is worth over ny above exemptions by law and his indebtedness a Ge Aa eS. LA 4 Lite h Mtt4/ Makes affidavit that he is worth over and above exemptions by law and his indebtedness J eee affidavit that he is worth over a above exemptions by law and his indebtedness Makes affidavit that he is worth over aid above exemptions by law and his indebtedness tae affidavit that he is worth over and above exemptions by law and his indebtedness Sworn to and subseribed before me, this. L3o day of ¢ | ee spies a | 2 eer ERIEOLINA. ie Dt eee we owerer «=» KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that S» Oy Oe Johnston, Trustee,of Mooresville, North Carolina, as principal and United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company of Baltimore, neeeiens. as surety, are held and firmly bound unto Lillie Sherrill, Jessie Stutts, Julia Stutts, Josephine Ervin, Mrs. Oscar Vickers, Mrs. Avis Wade Wrenn, Reta Shook, Shook, Braxton Shook, Lelia Shook, Frenk Shook end Bernice Shook in the sum of THREE THOUSAND ( $3,000.00 ) DOLLARS for the payment of which well and truly to be made ws bind ourselves, our successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents, Signed and sealed, this the 30th day of May 1934, The conditions of the above obligation is such that whereas the above bounden, C. C. Johnston of Mooresville, I. ¢ was duly appointed Trustee by the Clerk of Superior Court of Iredell County in the matter of " Mrs J. c. “hompson, H. 0. Thomp- son and wife, Mary L. Thompson et al, = Parte, " to receive and hold the funds derived from the sale of land in said proceeding and belonging to the above named beneficiaries of this bond and to invest the same in solvent securities and pay over annually the income and profit of said funds, less the reasonable cost amd expense of its trust, to Mrs. J. C, Thompson for life, and at her death to pay over the principal of said funds to the above named beneficiaries of this bond according to their respective interests hereinafter set out: and whereas, the above bounden ©, C. Johnston, of Mooresville, 1, C, has received from First Seoureties co, Trustee, in the above mentioned proceeding, the sum of $2,920.08 upon the trusts declared and set forth in the judgment of the Su- perior Court of Iredell County; and whereas, the interests of the above named beneficiaries of this bond in said funds are as follows, to-wit: Lillie Sherrill 1/5; Jessie Stutts 1/5; Julia Stutts 1/5; Josephine Ervin 1/5; and Mrs. Oscar Vickers, Mrs Avis Wrenn, Reta Shook, Wade Shook, 3Sraxton Shook, Lelia Sk@ok, Frank Shook and .Ber- nice Shook 1/5 jointly, or 1/40 individually; and whereas, it was provided by said Clerk of V Superior Court that the said C. CG. Johnston spieey | STATE. OR; NORTH , CAROLINA, SS oe THE icuuatin Court. all Leama <cdnnnatppectsteindshaniantele tesa taeene Late mem ieeiaaneicbased County. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That we /7A4.2 > Peld and firmly bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum ice ....Dollars, ...hereinafter current money, to be paid to the State of North Carolina jn trust, for t of the child named, committed to the tuition of the said....7 44 ssa! as ee ake a aa ie et a to which paymer ell and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrat ointly and sevgrally, firmly by these Prosents. nf lay of OBLIGATION IS SUCE¥ Sealed with our seals, and dated this THE CONDITION OF THE JMOVE ‘That whereas, the above bounden is constituted and appointed Guardigh i scilitieciescnsnee AA minor orphan....; now, if the said shall faithfully execute hLC/ said gy4ylianship, and particularly shall well and truly secure and improve all the estate of “FR toe ; until Gly shall arrive at full age, or be sooner thereto required, and shall ett” 1 SALW said guardianship, on oath, before the Clerk of the Superior Court for County, and obey the law in all cases, as required by the Act of Assembly, and deliver up, pay or possess the said of all s ought to be sessed of, when lawfully required by said ame TELA O ev illy empowered / th estates as jee orto such other persons shall be 1 or authorized io receive the same, and the profits arising therefrom, then this obligation to be void; otherwise to remain in full force and virtue Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of J Ah L207 HA suas, ) l (Sea. ) Clerk of the Superior Court ~ (Sau. ) (SAL. ) (SAL. ) cy { [ee afidevit that he is worth over and shove } - OC ) ( ) ~—. emptions by law and his indehtednes j > < seeeeeeees ; { Mates affidavit that he is worth ower and shove! < . exemptions by law and his indeitedness, ‘i + { Makes afidavit that be is worth ower and showe! $ exemptions by law and bis indeltedness, ‘ | Makes affidavit that he ie worth over and ahowe $ + ' exemptions by law and bis indeltedness, 7 > { Makes affidavit that he is worth over and er . ‘ exemptions by law and his indebtedness, ws steers eens — serene -— ” = Sa Sworn to and subscribed before me, this................ Ae eeceoeee av. FP, ee t — ie THE SUPERIOR 2 Court. | STATE. ORy NORTH) PAROLINA, | of Mooresville, N, C should enter into a good and sufficient bond with some solvent insurance company authorized to do business in this State as surety for the faithful performance by him of all all ofgaid C State aforesaid, are Peld and_firmly bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum y bound unto the the terms and conditions of the trust set forth in the judgment of ~-Dolians, and referred to herein, nemely: to receive and invest said funds current money, to be paid to the State of Se y trust, for the bey@f of the child hereinafter . named, committed to the tuition of the said Vu. VA, PD AAMAS in solvent securities and to pay over the income derived therefrom icici ih to which paymené Kell and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each | annually, less the reasonable expense of managing scid trust, to of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrateysg@fointly and sorprally, firmly by these Prosents. iF Mrs. J. C. Thompson for and during the term of her mturel life ee Fray of o ZMhhe. + th ; . THE CONDITION OF THE J®BQVE OBLIGATION IS SUCH That whereas, the above bounden i] anc at her death to pay over the principal sup. to the ahove named _ is constituted and 1 ry beneficiaries of this bond, or their personal representatives, | Ht according to their respective interests in said funds as herein- a re en oa above set out : shall faithfully execute h_2M said gysyfdianship, and particularly shi 1 well and truly secure and improve all the ~—> AT estat Oo Sai 7 . Now, therefore, if the said C. C. Johnston of Moores- aL reas . : G VG LL ( 9 A ALA/ C shell well and truly, perform and carry out the trusts . F until shall arrive at full age, or be sooner committed to him, then this obligation to be null and void; pther- thereto required, en hee” 1 AAO cic guardianship, on oath, before the County, and obey the law in all cases, as . ( r 0 S ‘ o wise to be and remain in full force and effect. lerk of the Superior Court for required by the Act of Assembly, and deliver up, pay or possess the satd APA tow Ha | Eugehitk ©. Six : en tLerx2 pu “ba Commie Vite few Meee eee “Tm stee ot all suth estates as Gey ought to be sessed of, when lawfully required b UNITED STATES FIDELIITY & GUARANTY ys On — Tela a geet by COMPANY of Baltimore, Maryland ) to such other persons ¢ shall be | illy empowered or authorized to receive the same, “y/ ind the profits arising ctrom, then this obligation to be void; otherwise to remaim im tu ree and virtue ened, sealed and delivered i i AL, Woz FUL’ ESrat ) m the presence ot Clerk of the Superior Court ( Makes affidavit that be is worth over and above} j eeempt os by law and bie indebtedness, ; ‘ Makes affidavit that he ie worth ower and above! exemptions by law and bie indeitedness, { Make * aeoavit that be ic worth ower and ahove! ( Makes affidavit that he ie worth over and shove! exemptions by law and hie indebtedness, ' i eoomotions by law and tie iedettednees, ‘ ' he t@ worth ever and shove | { Makes affidavit that he ie worth over and shove! , ( Makes affidavit that exemptions by law and his indebtedness, i 7 e ' exemptions by law and his indebtedness, ; > . ‘ d above} | Makes affidavit that he is worth over and above | a { Makes affidavit that he is worth over and a exemptions by law and hie indebtedness, j a ; exemptions by law and his indebtedness, ; Sworn to and subscribed before me, this : sii ' aes Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of Clerk of the Superior Court. Clerk of the Superior ‘Court. F NORTH CAROLINA, a! In tHE SUPERIOR Court’ rere eI as canvinsovcnnsiiskssndunssounne County KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE — That we, 4 Yh ner ray = et... kph AA weg he DOV Chan ar wd | ‘Ba, GZ (PB Pe State afor@said, are held and firnfly bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum F i ; all of saif County, in the E OE eB ons snsesnssecensees etuchasiot ena MMs ssnibinitetseehit easiness Dollars, current money, to be paid to the State oaths pn lina_in trust, for the benefit of the child Ae-—hereinafter named, committed to the tuition of tlie said..,A, i a 0 A. Soar mae , i j to wWhigh payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and eens, jointly and sevegglly, firmly by these Pr 1 | Sealed with our seals, and dated this........ 74S day of Mere 0. 19 Dab i 4 m, % INDI MON OF — WE OBLIGATION IS SUCH, That whereas, the above bounden | aasidiebianinetasis LO feo. CD, ce tt iat py” ‘ ..1s constitute \ appointed/Gyérdian to “bbe ~$ A). Kb cake. i MNKs te Fax. Shea... | minor orphan.¥.; now, if the said \ ON cee... Cher... Soo LL ° shall faithfully execute h “4 sai rdianship, and particularly shall well and truly secure and improve all the i estate of the said 7 inery = ! : until hry shall arrive at full age, or be soonet thereto required, and shall render a plain and true account of said guardianship, on oath, before t! ! I 4 Y Clerk of the Superior Court for Se County, and obey the law in all \ oy! the Act of Assembly, and deliver up, pay or possess the said of all such estates as ils ought to be possessed of, when lawfully required by said or to such other persons as shall be lawfully empowered or authorized to receive the same, and the profi therefrom, then this obligation to be void; otherwise to remain in full force and virtue ip the presence of SL ax 3 Cad, (SeAL (Meni lhl 2 as X,; FIA Los esate sf § Cn Glerk of the Superior t v _ 7 Al ns ) Signed, sealed and delivered } ( SEAL.) { Makes affidavit that he ic worth over and above?) ¢ i eremptions hy law and his indebtedness, j ‘ Makes affidavit that he is worth over and above! ~ exemptions by law and his indeltedness, ‘ 9 { Makes affidavit that he is worth over and above! s exemptions by law and his indebtedness, ' ¥ { Makes affidavit that he is worth over and above} ¢ i exemptions bigs and his indebtedness, j ¥ { Makes affidavit that he is worth over and above} $ i osesseees i exemptions by law and his indebtedness, j " ™ Sworn to and subscribed before me, this dav of Clerk of the Superior “Court. Chana. Thee. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, Yn cmmoom 35/4 EROAGA A. csennncncunenccns County. 4 4 - er e s KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That we, --Jf..22-22Y_-1s2oi7mslins________.-... all of said County, in the State aforesaid, are held and firmly bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum OF ojos auatee Jur --unarec sca Ss sch us oh stb a ec Eos mination Aleve cca ac ain ces we _..... Dollars, b current money, to be pa‘d to the State of North Carolina in trust, for the benefit of the child__.--._____hereinafter named, committed to the tuition of the said ..._-. Teh ATS. .dca GAT AA eve ccecnencuencdacnce pe ry Satin ecto aeatan ef arse tegdabiea eedldaotivt chahiaiea qe onaarebes to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves and each of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these Presents. Sealed with our seals, and dated this..............--__- i ee pat aetna 2 i ae THE CONDITION OF THE ABOVE OBLIGATION IS SUCH, That. whereas, the above bounden cine mh ing aneepepiaibiin lacie Aaa Mb IAASASUE. .concnccamnmnsanns -----------is constituted and uppinted Guardian to ----.--. 1S. }. Tessie. Le. LOLs LBuSs --sJi0sd DPE noncaendnakebid iGhibK aephaik x _; now, if the said _..... Se P) b.Cornelius oo isaiceauiaeei and — shall faithfully exeeute h-2J___ said guardianship, and particularly shall well and truly secure and improve all the estate of the said ............... 7¢@sci a Ornel ius _up Ad .sae.chall ony eaten ; , a : nies aetieaaiia ...- WA .sShal) arrive atfaloage, or be sooner thereto required, and shall render a plain and true account of —. 2) said guardianship, on oath, before the . . . Tv 77 ; ‘ Clerk of the Superior Court for ss ; ; — --.--County, and obey the law in all eases, as j required by the Act of Assembly, and deliver up, pay or possess the said tin i - - 2 se , ; t of all such estates as oa fi..ought to be possessed of, when lawfully required by said ied o to such other persons as shall be lawfully empowered or authorized to receive the same, and the profits arising therefrom, then this obligation to be void; otherwise to remain in full foree and virtue Signed, sealed and delivered { in the presence of \ | tala Wd : Co me—e IE: {Seal Ah Lath wer. Wp, C Fenn tin os . » “ nasi (Seal terete trperior tort. \ ~ - SS -s e e s e e n e n a s git \ ae wa Seal.) - - -- ~ “ » f Seal ) j (Seal. ge en _- —— - —— ; -<_ ( [eae (a C Fw tee et ee i affidavit that he is worth over and ee ee sone - rr : above exemptions by law and his indebtedness j 9 -edeane z ae, 2 Makes affidavit that he is worth over and Clacccbhadendghatibtbatss + . | above exemptions by law and his indebtedness J ve ne ie | Makes affidavit that he is worth over and | above exemptions by law alae $ ----........ ; ; [ Makes affidavit that he is worth over and 4 above exemptions by law and seiecicieanal # -----.-...... } fF affidavit that he is worth over and : above exemptions by law and mats $ ~~~ -----..... } , Sworn to and subseribed before me, this.d.__.. day of 4 WO. 382 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, | 4 . ; 99 In 1HE SuPERIOR Courr. F NO T CAROLINA . ‘ae, , Ly 4 J STATE 0 ’ In tHe SUPERIOR Court. 9OV scicicontnserane ttle... sachtcabecicwentaians County. \ é snsccasatensenscisneobaerllccrecces ott RENAE snecsssanacnswesd County. “N {SE PRESENTS, That we, J: &. iH aii ' se ia plies a KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PR C. O Boho, Ace assess KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, | ( The. Fedelity (TC asuabyy Cf 2 a fD Attar. Gerk, .At urs —— i = s—iti(‘é#Dtin odin nnn REMl NR ROREHENbRONEoReeRedinisaebedenesnnddon cciniaiaeotstaaa tia aeabimseticsaioiai <i sia bonsai beh iticieus tomb ihdacaidie tac aniatbie cielimeaineiisaacanee teeb oa an ‘ i ete ee eee ee rere ee ne ener tene rere nne nn apn eee ee nee eee cee seme re treet rt nce ne uN OIISTOUESADRRUOARGNAOSNNMRT MRI, ao ang a ee ee ; ip. | all of said County, in the State aforesaid, are held and firmly bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum j i | o | « LAL af. ub iteeiaarnitmate Tots acess weveenenes iieiseinacalacseesicceeduiiciealiannditalonicare Gaited Soumateamaiaan Yollars _— : —— as . | ot ides ENS ALEC 00 ~ --+----Dollars, $5 ae REDEEMER op reas aa. \ current money, to he paid to the State of North € oe trust, for the benefit of the child hereinafter current money, to be paid to the State of Northd aro “9 trust, for thepbenefit of the child _...... hereinafter . a s i ] t MIS 7 i Pa a named, committed to the tuition of the said fing Nebel Lc lehas. j named, committed to the tuition of the said Law: LG, ’ ; to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each ) Sis cies .....t0 which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each | of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and “aan jointly and severally, firmly by these Prosents of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and vein and we firmly by these Prosents. 2 seal | _ LB tan oh. pv. iF | 2 sf Sealed with our seals, and dated this 4 day Of eA GeO. » AD. i z, ¥ Sealed with our seals, and dated this : day of A.D. 1 j { THE CONDITION OF THE ABOVE OBLIGATION IS SUCH, That whereas, the above bounden THE CO IT N YF THE ABOXE OBLIGATION IS SUCH, ‘That whereas, the above bounden a aie saston.. ff ¥ Xb L L s si ; As constituted and VY. La ne os are i — om cane Caticc aa = ! appointed Guardian to sage gta A eat ME oer oo Lf E. Coe cetnenetcentnnt cence i appointed Gyardian tol MLA) : gi r : | TaN E64 the va “eR Pe na ¢ minor orphan....; now, if the said td cette minor orphan....> now, if the said we? Hy - shall faithfully execute h said gaardianship, and particularly shall well and truly secure and improve al! the ’ shall faithfully execute h.<€Y. said guardianship, and particularly shall well ; 4 truly secure and improve all the 17 estate of the said. <A@OLG 2 i estate of the said aL leg I LORD L A Mn MONA EDO tid bees : until Lom eee...shall arrive at full age, or be sooner \ : until ZA 2 Y. shall arrive at full age, or be sooner b thereto required, and shall render a plain and true account of ./A&€2....said guardianship, on oath, before the thereto required, and shall render a wae egpunt of A J said guardianship, on oath, before the ’ Clerk of the Superior Court for wa. <¢hA C County, and obey the law in all cases, as Clerk of the Superior Court for Al l = County, and obey the law in all cases, as ‘ 4 a required by the Act of Assembly, and deliver up, pay or possess the said required by the Act of Asfembly, and deliver up, pay or possess the said Abé He VIHA - oz. . > . _—_ ; eupeect OEEL ts Y= “ies LIVAM AY Q of all such estates as....-<7>"_opght to be possessed of, when lawfully required by said of all such estates as L 4 ought to be possessed of, when lawfully required py said ; Get Songer Ah Ave uMa VUuLe CALL LU. ” j or to such other persons as shall be lawfully empowered or authorized to receive the same, and the pr ising j or to such other persons as shall be lawfully empowered or authorized to receive the same, and the profits arising therefrom, then this obligation to be void; otherwise to remain in full force and virtue therefrom, then this obligation to be void; otherwise to remain in full force and virtue gation t : otherw t ain i l f ‘ ; ss . * . . ~ = } “y Signed, sealed and delivered = | signed, sealed and delivered | Jd =} CZ Y te ‘ . cence i ” * L)-€2 : in the presence ol | in the presence of J ¢ ¢ 2 (SEAL. ) ’ ) . ‘ = c (Sea...) Clerk of the Sunerior Court Clerk of the Superior Court (SEAL. ) (SRAL.) i] ( Seat.) (SEAL. ) UG a , es afida d abe : { Makes affidavit that he » wort aver and shove! . - Chet = =. “> wise = > oO d . ae i evemptions by law an hie indehtedne cs, j { Makes affidavit that he is worth over and above: = Makes afidawit that he ie worth ower and above! < _— , i exemptions by law ond bis indeltedness, ‘ > exemptions by law and hie indebtedness, ; . fi { Makes affidavit that he ic worth ower and above: { Makes afidav t that he i¢ worth ower and above! < ‘ exemptions by law and his indebtedness, ‘ $ ene 1s by law and his indebtedness, ‘ + | { Makes affidavit that he i« worth ower and above | - { { Makes affidavit that he is worth over and shove} ¢ _— . i exemptions by law and his indebtedness, ; > . #<#00-seeeseses exemptions by law and his indebtedness, ; % H + { Makes affidavit that he is worth over and above | { Makes affidavit that he is worth ower and ahowe! = es ’ exemptions by law and his indebtedness, $ seeeeeee exemptions by law and hie indebtedness, j - ; . - os * Sra Ph ‘ ; Sworn to and subscribed before me, this ’ Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of sul ne ii *“s " ' day of stateeeeesssesseseasecsserseesersscsesessssceoe esegimllp ‘ naar — Clerk of the Superior Court, .. at STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, | \ Fees SEBO caw nceccctemnnccenns County. . “ STATE QF, NORTH CAROLINA, | scsplacenniges cece panes 2 reiki ila cccissvareensen el, IN THE SUPERIOR Court. a k 2 r < (IP Oot id 1 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That we, 0.24 CLG sonassnacbeunssanespelenieeael a KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That we, -------,----------.-------.---- aeaeeeKe |_|” Rasatcanesnenneenensessnebsosennanescunsbonessnasaneansneseesenentuntentnaesacuncteternannenedsnnas stecsesensnnsieeeessneneeeRSeseSQRnsseasOneeeeesenenegae . ao. f (f BE egiimanciam D.J.-Kimball .-aisdl...4 , on, 20: 4X. le , ie eh ee sian cee ml saci woen--- salaaatatatatatatatatatatatateteletatatatatatatadetatataiatatetataheatatatatatatatatattatatetetataeetateieatatataen satatatainaatedataenartemaend eee h all of said County, in the State aforesaid, are held and firmly bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum all of said County, in the State aforesaid, are held and firmly bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum ae fae aie ae C _......Dollars, ann ce, IE, FI, BI inns « secrcccnantsicceecccswecncaceunecse _.-- Dollars ; : i ree , i ails ' 4 41 _ current money, to be paid to the State of North Carolina in trust, for the benefit of the child hereinafter current money, to be paid to the State of North Carolina in trust, for the benefit of the child 2an__ hereinaft , - Y =" . : . w J named, committed to the tuition of the said.....<4 de. OAKS gl. BL. named, committed to the tuition of the said _.....Ded.2 Kimball -..-- art F 6 ; ; to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each Salaries 0a te meena Waivtstavce cetera aout ana to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves and eac! . ; a eo . of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these Prosents. of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these Present . J : ¢ , «< ~ Cr . ; . Seale ith « seals. ; lated this... cs< day of.._.¢ fF _¢- / oe Sealed with our seals, and dated this... laste —--------day of —- -October, - asocw, A, D. 1..986 Sealed with our seals, and dated thi & lay of tes ‘ » A.D. Xt THE CONDITION OF THE ABOVE OBLIGATION IS SUCH, That, whereas, the above bound THE — MION OF THE ABOVE OBLIGATION IS SUCH, That whereas, the above bounden ; A s ~ / . . ae ou Diede._Xiubes3?........... a re | gi ALL... gl 24 GO =. © is constituted and 4 , ‘ . é las — appinted Guardian to - _ Godfrey Click Kan ball na Sohn Cena Kir nball appointed Guardian to eng ete caes a oe Cc “<4 I I eo é ’ minor orphang--~; now, if the said Pipe. en scctccswcnndces eeweens coccesne== minor orphan....; now, if the said Kh. dbf ~~ (kai or-c7r | se ; Z _ ae Secanewersensee= onccee- . ee . ---------- wn- ----------- shall faithfully execute h said guardianship, and particularly shall well and truly secure and improve all the p shall faithfully execute h.idg- said guardianship, and particularly shall well and truly secure and improve all 1 estate of the said Wet, PPTL —CA=<s 7 estate of the said Goadft..cy. Click. Kimball and Johv.Vance.Kinkell..__.. i ee ee . ae until. eg Zk shall arrive at full age, or be sooner until... they shall arrive at full age, or be s A i + : ; theret required, and shall render a plain and true account of —ZZ<—& said guardianship, on oath, before the thereto required, and shall render a plain and true account of his said guardianship, on oath, befor , Clerk of the Superior Court for A. Keke loka County, and obey the law in all cases, as Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell ...--County, and obey the law in all cas 7 ‘ CASeS, at required by the Act of Assembly, and deliver wp, pav « wossess the sai a required by the Aet of Assembly, and deliver up, pay or possess the said ' hy wee ” vt - _ ” mais hnassves > Z / hase Q a . = a i Godfrey. Click Kizball-andsJohn-vance-Kimbali a of all such estates as _. ne ought to be possessed of, when lawfully required by said of all such estates as ought to be possessed of, when lawfully required by said . ae ™ u wie - - » < . ‘ [ PT f s Godfrey Click Kinball eanhd John Vahse. Kimball - eae he oe 4 4 o to such other persons as shall be lawfully empowered or authorized to receive the same, and the profits ari : or to such other persons as shall be lawfully empower 1 thorized to receive the same. and the prohts arising therefrom, then this obligation to be void; otherwise to remain in full foree and virtue ; , s 1 to he voi therwise to ret n tull force and virtue Signed, sealed and delivered l 7, in the presence of J an wf pfertd le (SHALL. ) (SeAL. ) therefrom, then this obligation Signed, sealed and delivered { in the presence of j ler) : ‘Merk of t Superi« mrt Clerk of the Superior Court Clerk of the Superior Court (SAL. ) (SEAL na a.) (Sean Makes affidavit that he is worth over and ; $. ; { Makes affidavit that he is worth ower and ahowe! © above exemptions by law and his indebtedness | . exemptions by law and his indettedness ; ; Makes affidavit that he is worth over and $ a | ' Makes affider t that he ie worth ower and shoves < | above exemptions by law and hisindebtedness | caempuons Sy law and Die indebtedness, ' cena [ Makes affidavit that he is worth over and eos . { S ons ’ ' Makes affidavit that be ic worth over and shove! < | above exemptions by law and hisindebtedness | ili 757 lw Ene Ee taceeteenens ’ . Makes affidavit that he is worth over and $ { Makes affidavit that he ic worth over and pore) < . . Saaeee exemptions | la 4 ' s | eieeniiiinns by law and his indebtedness | ee re Makes affidavit that he is worth over and $ ss { Makes affidavit that he ie worth ower and ahewe) s eaeeacesence o o ie exemptions by law and hic debe s Be eon 2 by law and his indebtedness a . ‘om Sworn to and subscribed before ; Sworn to and subseribed before me, this. ist «day OF nuit October, a aa lal » 19.. B40 " ; ' — ibed etore me, this day of Clerk of the Superior Court, ,, Clerk of the Superior Court. 3886 STATE OF current money, named, commi Tselves, and each vf rach VE of us, each and ev irmly by these Prosents tal , AD (AB Y, GATION IS SUCH, That whereas, the above bounden Ey HG LW Cpr pleco Sealed wi THE appointed minor orphan , if the’ said sh- Fens 7 ve . as . nite ‘ ‘ 1 : hall faithfully execute h said guardianship, and particularly shall well and truly secure and improve all the estate of the said until shall arrive at full age, or bé sooner thereto required, and shall render a plain and true account of said guardianship, on oath, before the Clerk of the Superior Court for County, and obey the law in all cases, as required by the Act of Assembly, and deliver up, pay or possess the said of all such estates as ought to be possessed of, when lawfully required by said or to such other persons as shall be lawfully empowered or authorized to receive the same, and the profit arising therefrom, then this obligation to be void; otherwise to remain in full force and virtue Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of J ( SEAL. ) ( SEAL.) Clerk of the Superior Court ( SEAL.) (SEAL. ) ( SAL.) { Makes affidavit that be is worth over and above! XS i eremptions } law and his indebtedness, j Makes affidavit that he is worth over and above! < exemptions by law and his indeltedness, ' ’ Makes affidavit that he ic worth ower and above! ¢ even rhe law and his indelhtedness, ‘ ¥ ' Makes affidavit that he is worth ower and above ¢ exemptions by law and his indebtedness, } ¥ { Makes affidavit that he is worth over and abowe! $ — exemptions by law and his indebtedness, j a ar Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of I , © . * . . id "~ y Clerk of the Superior Court. —_ oa bi STATE OFy NORTH ane IN THE SUPERIOR Court. 54 are held and firmly bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum alfof said Cor , in the State aforesaid a i il ac Dollars, current money, to be or to the State of a olina in trust, for the benefit of the child -hereinafter Bhol named, committed to the tuition of the said to whic of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these Prosents. ry ; i é = day of i. 3 THnt , > . mayment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each Sealed with our seals, and dated this THE CONDITION OF THE Y,. Be. km 1 ABOVE, OBLIGATION IS SUCH, That whereas, the.above bounden S ~ ( is constituted and hepoleted Gnaflian to Cx» 7 A. OF teenie a shirkiteveessiceuniniie } t } ‘ a minor orphan....; now, if the said ¢ QA A A shall faithfully i h ©. said guardianship, and parjjcularly shall well and truly secure and improve all the estate of the said until fe r thereto required, and shall render a plain and true account of A; shall arrive at full age, or be sooner said guardianship, on oath, before the PD tien ew County, and obev the law in all cases, as required by the Act of jrssembnty, and deliver up, pay orpossess the said \/ @- ds a ot all such estates as At SS ae XK o-107 Ot... * or to such other persons as shall be lawfully empower r authorized to receive the same, and the profits arising Clerk of the Superior Court for ought to be possessed of, when lawfully required by said 1 therefrom, then this obligation to be void; otherwise to remain in full force and virtue Signed, se aled and delivered | hhh ok. (SEAL. ) / wy at Stnce of aoe : soctw se onan ll JOE: ZLZA < CLL fl etl haha a Flite a Sear ) 1 Vy Se) a ten, ly Fp Noy" ‘ \ (SEAL. ) Clerk of the Superior Court (SEAL. ) ) { Makes affidavit that he is worth over and abowe} < i me aw ant hie indeltednecs ; « Makes affidavit that he is worth ower and above! > exemptions by law and his indethtedneas, ‘ > . os ccecssccoes { Makes affidavit that he ic worth ower and shove! $ ‘ nyt ‘ law and hie indeltedness, ‘ * { Makes affidavit that be i¢ worth ower and shove l ~ exemptions by law and his indethtedness, j $ seeeeees f { Makes affidavit that he is worth ower and shove ! ~~ exemptions by law and his indebtedness, j ¥ Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of 1 Cberescoccccess see eeteccecese Clerk of the Superior Court. PQQ a ATE OF7 NORTH , CAROLINA, } In 1HE SupERIOR Court. mly bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum named, committed to the tuition of the said aoe .....to which alii well Dollars, ist, oe, benefit of and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these Prosents ZO Sealed with our seals, and dated this... THE COND YON OF THE d Guardian to....... 10 GA r orphan....; now, if the said_¢ AIL. day of AD. Fay SON IS SUCH, That whereas, the above bounden ..1S constityted and Lith “taiten: shall faithfully execute h LAL: aid guardianship, and particularly shall well and truly secure and improve all the estate of the said 7 x. s. arte n a Fe oh VUE hi se By een o , | LE. VOM avd shall ne a plain ar accol . said guardianship, on oath, before the Clerk of thie Superior Court for therefrom, then this obligation to be void: otherwise to Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of Clerk of the Superior Court f { Makes affidavit etemptions { Makes affidavit exemptions ' Makes affidavit exemptions { Makes affidavit exemptions { Makes affidavit ' exemptions Sworn to and subscribed before me, this County, and obey the law in all cases, as ‘ss the said on Melby » receive the same, and the protits arising force and y 1¢. Vyrrtin (SEAL. ) Mot eda » Favs ) (Sat } Zs am Tak (SEAL) ( SEAL.) that he is worth over and above |} by law and his indebtedness, j that he is worth over and shove! by law and his indebtedness, ‘ that he is worth over and above! by law and his indebtedness, ‘ that he ie worth over and abe el by law and his indebtedness, j that he ie worth over and above} by law and his indebtedness, j day of snactoseesndt sichthancininnialcinalyy aie "Clerk of the Superior Court. _ATATE In THE SuPERIOR Court. NORTH CAROLINA, | CL County. yo KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, all of sgad County, in the ytste aforesaid, are held and oe unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum r Di jek, =z C11 aA bie ia he KE hereinafter current money, to be paid to the State of ve arolina_ in trust, for the gt “" ALL Ad 22a... named, committed to the tuition of the said..CX to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each y ‘ . s . i _ } se Prose of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and seygrally, firmly by these Prosents, : a 2t- avrg ole AD VF Sealed with our seals, and dated this day of aie ; THE CONDE ION PF eT - \RWVI ee | G. VTION IS _ hat whereas, the above bounden od Qa FF. / Vr ou —_ Goa. is consti A Lgtnr 5 a Y 1 ao A Ud— ‘minor orphan....: now, if the said AHOL Lk Lad aks KP, Ap 2A A aie — shall faithfully execute h@AZ said guardianship, and particularly shall well and truly secure and improve all the J. 7? tiie tA WT, Cod hed Tor ua shall Seeawe-at , or be Sooner appointed Guardian to estate of the said Ah until CAM , thereto required, and shall render a plain-and tri As said guardianship, on oath, before the > le Bat CL 2 Counts required by the Act of Assembly, and deliver up, pay or possess tay VRC ought to be posse ssedl of, whet /e -_ hve OA APA or to such other persons as shall be lawfully empower r authorized to receive the same Clerk of the Superior Court for and obey the law in all cases, as ALC f all such estates as lawfully required by and the profits arising therefrom, then this obligation to be void; otherwise to remain i ‘| force and virtue vw PedlemerMen pit Pedeg PML (SeAL ZGE Vrthrrtar iene (SRAL Signs d, sealed and delivered | Mae : MaeLbaldaced rk of the Superior 4 yi thx a0. CML foe a Pt ee U2 keAoner soll diate hclstil semptions by law and bie indelbtedneces Jeo & yPIO worth ower end showers | bie indeltednese, * wort e+ and shove and bie indehtednee, { Makes affidavit that he is worth ower and shove! ' exemptions b and bis indebtedness, ; : iy Pysirorn to and subscribed before me, this ~ ‘Clerk of the Superior C al 3.0) Renter. Ci STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, | IN tHE SuPERIOR Court. Ss iedihateneleaiiceesblisiantieditiniiiansnenserieiliahiusnssialbioal County. J "9 i ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That we, current nioney i the childat—s.. hereinafter to be paid to the State of North Garo ina in ~~ the benefit . named, committed to the tuition of the said..... one e- Ltr red to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and 2 itors, jointly and severally, firmly by these Prosents. Om me AD. 1G L597 Sealed with our seals, and dated this [k> TYE CONDITION, OF THE ABOVE OBLIGATION IS SUCH, That whereas, the above bounden i 1 a ae re eee hen . s ..-dS_constituted and in xuardian to. — ath Aetna Ware gual opin ol pitciggee* ° minor orphan.3.; now, if the said... ce<7G@o% Z Cru ‘ shall faithfully execute hs... said guardians ip, and ny. irticul: irly shall well and truly secure and rye li the ‘cline ot ten wal ' An. a PS Lomita MWe. a Ma OtKh - 41 day of until Gay. shall arrive at full age, or be sooner . ' . . ° ° ot af said guardianship, on oath, before the County, and obey the law in all cases, as thereto required, and shall render a plain and true acc Clerk of the Superior Court for required by the Act of Assembly, and dejjve ay , re / ; , 4 o bn ho o>. >~s LA fr, when lawfully required by said of all such estates as Un, ot or to such other persons as shall be lawfully empowered or authorized to receive the same, and the profits arising ull force and virtue therefrom, then this obligation to be void; otherwise to remain a telivere: i i (SEAL. ) yh ottant “E Loran Clerk of the Superior Court Signgd, ye aled } iy’the {| ( SEAL.) (S#AL.) ; cee ( SEAL.) / ) © 0 / i Vi { Makes affidavit that he is worth over and above} S 50 _ y exemptions by law and his indebtedness, ; " Makes affidavit that he is worth over and ahove | ee ‘ exemptions by law and his indebtedness, + ' Makes affidavit that be is worth over and above! $ . ; exemptions by law and his indebtedness, ' ¥ i { Makes affidavit that be is worth over and shove} ¢ exemptions by law and his indebtedness, j + { Makes affidavit that he is worth over and above | exemptions by law and his ind ; Sworn to and subscribed before me, this STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA,| ,. County. THE SUPERIOR Court. Gen 7168 (321°8901) — * Endordsnent he Fidelity and (asnalty Company, of Newlork Form Date, December 30, This endorsement forms a part of guardian's Bond no. 1527516 issued to state of North Caroline on behslf of shomas J. Crawford, Guerdian. JEEREsS, Thomes J, Crawford of Statesville, wes appointed cuardien of Thomes J. Crawford, Jr. and Mary ©. Minors, by Carolina and duly qualified, furnishin bond Five Hundred ($500.00) Vollers, effective on or about 233, with the Fidelity end Casualty Company of Nev and in the amount of York as HERPAS, in view of the fect thet the ditional suretyshiv advisable, and the said been called upon to increase the penalty of his bon effective December S50, 194. homas J. Crarford NOW, THEREFORE, the purpose of this e n is to be attached to and form a part of the oricinal bond is to increase the amount thereof, with the consent of the Princival the Surety, as of Lecember 50, 1934, from $500.00 to $1000.00, ti totel liability under both the bond and the endorsement not to ex- ceed the sum of 31000.00. Lous 5 Ny 4d ~ b Aiud; ur North Csrolins Crawford, the Clerk of the Superior Court of Iredell County, North ecember 30, urety, assets of the said ards heve accumulst«d to the extent tht the Vourt considers ad- he to *1000.00, dorsement which and Principal © FIDELITY AND CASUALTY COMPANY of New York. BY ; _ LEE ate He re Bloo ‘ forth, The foregoing e ment r¢ 4 ae ccepyed this _day of Pee YF / 7 70) — T F . t ie of the Superior Court of iredell County, Kér rolina,s ft, th we manes ave . exemptic me by law and his ‘indehtedness, ; & Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of ittceny. 59] Clerk of the Spc: ior Court. at e a e e l =< z — NORTH CAROLINA, I In tHE SUPERIOR Cour’. So oo ccscad Eee: MEE EOTN Aces avsansssacntesbenssnavosgneid County. LM Nor KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That we, e aforesaid, are held and firmly bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum all of said Cgnunty, in the St; current money, to be paid to the State of North Carylina in trust efit of the chil named, committed to the tuition of the said Ale. i GLE. “fa and truly to be made, Dollars, Nea hereinafter we bind ourselves, Lor the be to which payment and each these Prosents A.D. 1738S and. severally, firmly by —& of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and dated this THE ABOVE is constituted and swine Guardi nm . Mele Aes eon » Kikeg if the said Gp lh 5 Wvadr. oo fe shall faithfully execute a sake Guardianship, and particularly shall wg and tguly secure and impry estate of the said CLL SPA tr02 a art Le Sealed with our seals, THE CONDITION OF day of OBLIGATION IS SUCH, That whereas; the above bounden ; now, STATE OF NORTH CAR a er, ee 12 KNOW ALL i mes Pde ull ofysal upty, in the State, iq C ‘ named, committed to the tuition of the said to which payment well and truly to be made, pag) of us, each and every of our heirs, executors Sealed with our seals, and dated this THE CORPITIQX OF TU: itr 2 Ye appointed Guardian to fas minor orphan if the said shall faithfully execute new . aid eu; ; now, rdianship, estate of the said INA, | Comty. J MEN BY J'HESIY PREQENTS,That Ab, nha, “Ah EL AMAL Vd AA hh 14. foresaid, are lygld Lions Mug eay current money, to be paid to the State of North Carga in trust, for A'Y of theo E 2774 ereinatter and fir Loker and administrato OBLIGATION IS SUCH, ——— and part IN ily bound unto, wt A PH Jue: 4 Csr ptloxxt Je» . ” A ntil 4 san Cees ; be Leelardd or be sooner a 593 rae Superior Court. ¢ he State 1 North Carolina, in the sum AA. 184 —=—— Do YALU we bind offrselves, and each these Prosents., A.D. 1% do above bounden firmiv by and ye rally, day of C That whereas, the is constituted and A (Lt “Ff rly shall well and truly sééure and improve all the thereto required, and shall render a plain apd true Clerk of the Superior Court for SULLLL a iat ly, and a up, pay or po spe ISSECSS until by shall arrive at full age, or be sooner account of said guardianship, on oath, before the obey the law in all cases, as — Toews County, ai the sajl thereto required, and shall render Clerk of the Superior Court for Assembly, : 7 required by the Act of 7. nd deliver u Raid guardianship, on oath, before the Lees * County, and obey the law in all cases, as , pay of the said of all such estates as y ought to be possessed of, when lawfully required by said i hee or to such other persons as shall be lawfully empowered or authorized to receive the same, and the profits arising full force and virtue Cc} ; Mo YOO” ra.) therefrom, then this obligation to be void; otherwise to remam Signed, sealed and delivered | in the presence of j ol al-sugh estates as _ Ke. el - whieh wiv LI 74. id Yering Fc LL ought to ln possessed ‘ ully requ f a - ‘Cl a. of the Superior Court f { Makes affidavit ctemptione hry. bb. Lol AP -botlor «es affidavit exemptions Make: affidavit exemptions ( Makes affidavit exemptions { Makes affidavit ' exemptions Sworn to and subscribed before me, this ; yy 7? Ml (SeAL.) (Seat) s/bbh ~.. at he te worth over wwe t hy law an edness, j ve that he ie worth over and ahove! < 7 — by law and bie indebtedness, ‘ s that he ic worth ower and shove! ¢ be law and hic indebtedness, ‘ 7 that he is worth over and shove} < by law and hie indebtedness, ; 9 that he ie worth ower and above! $ by law and his indebtedness, ; day of sitiiniticinieinensiadatainng SN Clerk of the Superior Court. OL & : c “A or auch — as shall he lawfully emp r AUMorized to recerve the sa , and the profits arising mde then ThkeBbe pation to be void ¢ to un in full force and virtue Sait, sca and deywarc | aft the preacace of < <2 J Ne Um_G Aor es (Sra > oa sow a ttn ofata Adihe.g " VP Glan te “ir, SEAL _ Kier rk Rain smart Cv vs (SEAL. ) Se , a%- Pack Cae < = - (SAL. ) /. ” ' = co cz — = — & 7 e S c — Coo (SAL. ) ————s - gg = C—S>- — ‘ 7 yn —— ( Mekes efidawit that be is worth ower and shove! “ ' . ; mating law and hie indebtedness j ove t. a | ¢ « ‘ Makes afidawit that be is worth ower and ahowet < . exemptions by law and hie indebtedness, ‘ ‘ ’ oe ( Makes ofidavit that be ie worth ower and shoves < b ‘ m me t law and tie indebtedness, ‘ ° \ \ \ \ { Makes aidavit that he is worth over and shove | < exemptions by law and bie ine Aebtes inees, i * { Sates aMidavit that be i¢ worth ower and ahevwe! $ exemptions by law and his indebtedness, j - = Er Sworn tu and subscribed before me, this day of a Clerk of the Superior Court. i — = = 7 i ie 34 14 J STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, Sil iiceiauaneill sd dedled/ i osicccaaigecabasaaiaiged County. KNOW ALL MEN BY ‘THESE PRESENTS, ‘That we, Vm Me - In vHE SUPERIOR Cour’. a of said County in the oeate aforesaid, are held and firmly bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum ...+++----Vollars, 1e child 24-7... current money, to be paid to the State of North Carolina in 7 for the benefit of named, committed to the tuition of the said.. AAP#t48 a ila. 4A to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each hereinafter of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these Proscnts Sealed with our seals, f et A , A.D. 17%.2° THE CONDI’ oe IN OF THEE OBLIGATION IS SUCH, ABO ry; Lope a es Liam, ..48 constituted and appointed Guardian to.“ aa tad Alayna “a Za lpn Clyde Cifbegrel eae A od cut Sosa minor orphan; now, if the said A 7ite a 2 @?.< 9 cma said guardianship, and particularly shall well and truly secure and aapron the and dated this day of That whereas, the above bounden shall faithfully execute hz congo the said Le lag $e Aitalynd Bhponad, &. so a 4 Mns,; Llade. lus AD higot é pie a eel ae fp trenton! ee until Ley shall arrive at full age, or be sooner at thereto required, and shall render a plain and true account of said guardianship, on oath, before the Ae hee. and deliver up, pay or possess the said Mgerer,.. Mayda! 4 County, and obey the law in all « / SA ade. SY Magee A hg ona eae CA hegrnse ne by said Clerk of the Superior Court for Assembly, ne ~—' vy the Act sf Z ome I eh meh. a aorta, lily anh of all such estates as they ought to be pos when law ay Af tad , L ans Biekeyard Cpkigonsd, PARA yy - CLM, maf Clabes. 6 oe par! Sdgah a lynn? or to such other persons as shall be lawfully empowered of sessed of, uthorized to receive the same, and the profits arsing therefrom, then this obligation to be void; otherwise to remain in full force and virtue in the presence of TYAS ED «£2 a Orbe: ( SEAL.) (io VOL Heaitomaly cone dl a Clerk of the perior ‘ourt ‘ a y ( SEAL.) p? ’ (St AL ( SEAL.) ' i { Makes affidavit that he is worth over and above | < : i evemptions by law and hie indebtedness, j ’ ‘Makes affidavit that he ie worth over and aoves < i exemptions by law and his indebtedness, 9 ' Makes affidavit that he is worth ower and above! < i exemptions by law and his indebtedness, , ¥ { Makes affidavit that he is worth over and shove} ee exemptions by law and his indebtedness, j * } { Makes affidavit that he ie worth ower and ahove! $ oe : ’ exemptions by law and hie indebtedness, j / slay, of V4 PR pte een WE "Clerk of the Superior Court. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this ’ STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, | County. IN THE SUPERIOR Court. 2, KNOW ALL, MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, ‘That we, 222.2: ee hc Phe: — KES... A Ge. Seni! ot nk Ge LLL: BA all of said C ee current money, to be paid to the State of North Carolina in trust, for the benefit of the child to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind named, committed to the tuition of the said of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly LF Ck day of Cap eed ABOVE ORLIGATION IS SUCH, Sealed with our seals, and dated this THE CONDITION OFTHE PO), FE, Le W a oi 1 hawt. appointed Guardian to A 4 at? Am 7, - , 4 fix Can gt em minor erphas...; now, if the said (FY: shall faithfully execute h «se said guardianship, and particularl VAARAK “ pee a) - estate of the said , until <4 shall arrive at tf thereto required, and shall render a plain ay true account of .a< said guardianship, g Clerk of the Superior Court for H~t1edh tl Counts required by the Act of Assembly, and deliver up, pay or possess the said J. J Gal, - 4 of all such estates as. .24< ought to be possessed of, when lawfully regu Bic V 4th 6 ew Ce te or to such other persons as shall be lawfully empower | thorized to receive the same, obligation t « vorul: otherwise t renmin mm full force ind virtue —_— therefrom, then this Signed, scaled ala achivered in the presence of J Clerk of the Superior Court Z2aoveLY { Makes affidavit th at he is we wth over and abowe! ‘ : encmnnties aw and his indebtedne ; . / , te ‘ Makes afidawit that be ie worth ower and shoves 77 Rip fo a exemptions by law and bis indebtedness, ‘ { Makes affidavit that be i worth ower and abowe! comptions by law and hie imdehtedness, ‘ ‘ Makes affidavit that be « worth over ond ahove | exemptions by law and hie indebtedness, i { Makes affidavit that he ie worth over and shove} ‘ exemptions by law and his indehtedness, j LF AL Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of n the State aforesaid, are held and firmly bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum That whereas, shall well and truly secure and obey the law in all cases, as tI -ax Tien ie al and the profits arising mip L444 eke Dollars, hereinafter ourselves, and each by these Prosents, A.D. 17 #3 the above bounden is constituted and and improve all the e, or be sooner ull ag on oath, before the (SEAL. ) (SEAL. ) (SAL. ) , (SAL. ) (SAL. ) ' j eo » {Joo / t ee : $ Dincececosenesnnenctiiiaalianll : -r2z ” ‘Clerk of the Superior Court. gat: > on~ Ff . 307 ~ wae Superior Court. acdnctkaniabasnctote oon Sa ceeliesseensiettconassosiiinnetsnetnhioseniahdaeaanays 306 ’ STATE QF NORTH CAROLINA, |, xx surusion Count ) STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA,\ , KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, Th QRMMAMAA Li Ctsd kde tAALLG said Cowlty, i hf Gen North Carolina, Iredell County. . . , cea y A ns ins Know all men by these presents, that we, J. 1. sesperman anc money, to be paid to the State of North Carolina in trust, for the benefit of the eb 00. Téréinafter curre | : ws ; . : : are held and firmly bound unto Roy Kennerl ge ge togre tuition of the said... Pht erm ee W. C. Johnston . , . Ved. 4 WA“ Ch seatiiees to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each . and his son Leroy Kennerly, in tne sum of { 540.00 for which of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these Prosents. payment well and truly to be made we bind ourselves, our heirs, Sealed with our seals, and dated this i Dc day of.... Of MMaNBO RK... , AD. ity : ; une. mekeweeiiecn +i sa nia Masake Alek deen oak le executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by # THE CONDITION OF THE ABOVE OBLIGATION IS SUCH, That whereas, the above bounden 1 pellet eddloaanl ; 2S wwesteonberkacs = ; vssvseeeedS COnStituted and these presents. appointed Guardian to...........0640 005k a leedeeee EE Seeesha .- LEB ecczactectreaercgietiéitdbron signed and sealed, this 9th day of January, 1935. : a : : esses ° Cr . _ . . ; 7 } mwhareaac } The condition of the above obligation is such that whereas the above winor-orpharr....; now, if the said Prtd Airsesxs choy bounden J. M. Fesperman is appointed -rustee of a trust fund 3h we A ce r ce e Jt shall faithfully execute h, said guardianship, and particularly shail well and truly secure and improve 4!! the " estate of the said ; - COT « as ; created under the will of lL. L. Kennerly, deceased, as se’ out in ire be Apres ’ said will and the petition in this cause, said trust fund for tne . , wntilLd a Ad arrive at full ape ee sooner 7 , —* use and sfit of Roy Kennerly and his son Leroy Kennerly: thereto required, and shall render a plain and true account of... 4 2350 guardianship, on oath, before the use and benefi 7 J i y y i . . “ . a . J . . ’ . 7 : ~ * . } > *h)¢ iu Clerk of the Superior Court for ‘ County, and obey the law in all cases, as Now if said Trustee shall well and faithfully execute the trust | : required by the Act of Assembly, and deliver up, pay or possess the said reposed in him, and shall account for and apply the fund as clase dipected in said will of L. L. Kennerly under the direction of the f . : S . . 14 vy } a m4 } “17 rier of all such estates as ...2 ought to be possessed of, when lawfully required by said Superior Court of Iredell County, and shall obey all lawful ordere a 7 : of the Clerk or Judge touching the Trusteeship of the estate comnitteu to him, then this obligation is to be null and void; otherwise io or to such other persons as shall be lawfully empowered or authorized to recc.ve the same, and the profits arising | | remain in full rorce and effect therefrom, then this obligation to be void; othes vise to remain in full force and virtue aS Lt - . - . . ! . bis , ‘ 9 4 ae oo % : ; - ( Onar ' eae ft Ritc Feacnttin (Se 1) ‘ in th “sence ( ; si / , tere ‘ Pry if } fi 4 |/ } AA 4 \ Clerk of the Sup rior Court 4 [by KC... ati. Fi Lous .(Seal) (Conrnhory GOA fu) (SEAL. ) J.M.¥esperman and W. C. Johnston each maketh oath that he is Pp | hy) ( SEAL.) worth =| 340.00 over and above all his debts and liabilities and | his homestead and personsl pro;erty exemptions. SS os —— al { Makes affidavit that he is worth over and above! < | i exomptions by law and hie indebtedness, j : | , " a | kK Wl Jto prtrre- (Seal) ‘ Makes affidavit that he ie worth ower and above! ¢ - aseesegumale j / P oe ' exemptions by law and hie indeltedness, ‘ —_ | & ) / yg ma / ; ; ' , y a ‘ ‘ Makes affidavit that he ie worth over and above! < ooee He Ld. < ri s. (Sal) 8 exemptions by law and bis indebtedness, ‘ 9 i ys os | ; J j Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 9th dsy of Januar 1935. i , > ) ' Makes affidavit that he ie worth ower and peeve) $ exemptions by law and his indebtedness, { Makes affidavit that he is worth ower and shove! $ ’ exemptions by law and his indebtedness, j Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of soccostns sescee sseesscy Deseensnse | Vy ‘ Mend, YotlZy] / 7 o te ~~ Clerk of the Superior Court. he ee Wl a e s ee e ne — SY y / =< e 398 - Ann. nes ara ries maPTeanrrara STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, RCIA E. IN THE SUPERIOR Court. ace ese ates IE Ai wicintionnincninnininwiisinnsenne GMD, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That we, -----.............. ce stglidauntenl Cloyd. ,..sisvensorn 810 wamle we Stevenson... _ all of said County, in the State aforesaid, are held and firmly bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum Pe Beer Br nk eememeccemennecmenemmesnecen........ Dollars, current money, to be paid to the State of North Carolina in trust, for the benefit of the child_...____ -hereinafter named, committed to the tuition of the said ~...___- Cloy.d.i2.-Stevengon..... ..........- a eiaaseaigiaiei Se aeaaapiaasuiel (a cnciiiaiasiaiiden sieciimucabeilinaans to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves and each of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators. jointly and severally, firmly by these Presents, Sealed with our seals, and dated this..... 1 &th,.--____ ORF OE sc ROBE I pon ninnne A. D. 1.9354 THE CONDITION OF THE ABOVE OBLIGATION IS SUCH, That, whereas, the above bounden wenn nnn nnn WY. toe UAV OTIS QO is constituted and eppinted Guardian to -.-.-----.____. Nien nadie LOM SOS OR... nncncacaccccese= occccens — Minor orphan ____; now, if the said -..___ 5 ERs OE ek fs i shall faithfully exeeute hig -_ said guardianship, and particularly shall well and truly secure and improve all the Ad mad) MV VO OD. - estate of the said ......_..ji.- ------until....be _.....__shall arrive at full age, or be soor thereto required, and shall render a plain and true account of _..Ui.8______said guardianship, on oath, before the Clerk of the Superior Court for —_ + os .---.-County, and obey the law in all cases, as required by the Act of Assembly, and deliver up, pay or possess the said of all such estates as ought to be possessed of, when lawfully required by said —- - - le ae ee Met ie a te ll he om to such other persons as shall be lawfully empowered or authorized to receive the same, and the profits arising therefrom, then this obligation to be void; otherwise to remain in full foree and virtue badd SA LLi pred & eval News, 6. Mansa Seal Seal Signed, sealed and delivered { m the presence of a. Clerk of the Superior Court. an Seal (Seal YY } 3 .. /-< w-4 above exemptions by law and his indebtedness = affidavit thatGhe "7 worth over m | — affidavit that he is worth over and { ee rr ' ; above exemptions by law and his indebtedness | rr, — affidavit that he is worth over and a ‘ i | above exemptions by law eae sy apres Makes affidavit that he is worth over and) a ; ao vor above exemptions by law and hisindebtedness | Fone tt affidavit that he is worth over a $ above exemptions by law and his indebtedness i r STATE Or NORTH CAROLINA, ce ae In tHE SUPERIOR Cour’. IIE cscs cnchseinsnnaaseenbec County. iecisimasamcabens aosasnsecsencesst tines current money, to be paid to the State of North Carolina in trust, for the benefit of the child... .- hereinafter named, committed to the tuition of the said..<722¢ Gillen. LP )i thy... iia. to which oii well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each of as, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these Prosents. facts Sy , AD. 1 Ate OBLIGATION IS SUCH, That whereas, the above bounden Sealed with our seals, and dated this ZF THE CONDITION ca THE ABOVE pale es Ad erating: RS Mm ‘s keer. KAaAAL ame ) Matton ew: ee day of is constituted and appointed Guardian to.... Kew tecSeect... Res al. OOD) Malco eves cusnsnsnsnsesnseserenenangnsversenenensenenene ° af +s : “— +r an st minor orphan....; now, if the said LA POA&.. Lk - AA ae hy SD. Anat OE / shall faithfully execute h42~ LD 72. ZA Cokin Mole eee . . & : : said gugrdjanship, and particularly shall well and truly secure and improve all the om bGrun ee estate of the said a until lan of ‘a shall arrive at full age, or be sooner thereto required, and shall render a plain and, true account I , te ahh required by the Act of Assembly, and deliver Upepay or possess the said a said guardianship, on oath, before the Clerk of the Superior Court for County, and obey the law in all cases, as hAAY oe ca Aneto, iain when lawfully required by said 4 ~ - <A? an-BBay or authorized to receive the same, of all such estates as..«Z4a. ought to be possessed of, bi hein. tant AK“ or to such other persons as shall be lawfully empowered and the profits arising therefrom, then this obligation to be void; otherwise to remain in full force and virtue Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of J as jf 77). (AAD L. ints: Seat.) /, +t f / iy, eh he — ee Clerk of the Superior Court a Y) be . mht LEGG (Sra...) (Sat. ) (Seat. ) (Le {| Makes affidavit that he ie worth ower and above! < i exemptions by law and bie indebtedness, j \ a } oz { Ee ( 2 C i ~~ as { Makes ofidawit that te ie worth over and shoves < m. teent ob + ; 7 exemptions by law and bis indettedness, ‘ @. . .osccvesccceseccccccooscoocs , ‘ Makes affidavit that be ic worth ower and shove! ¢ ; exemptions by law and bie indebtedness, ‘ 7 ‘ Makes efidavit that he i¢ worth over and = < i exemptions by law end bie indebtedness, . eo { Makes affidavit that he ie worth ower and above! ¢ i exemptions by law and his indebtedness, j ¥ +s cceeescocee Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of ‘ ecoccceséeaiihetiotes MMA eee ed Clerk of the Superior Court. 00 ~% 40) ae OF NORTH CAROLINA, es In THE SUPERIOR Cour’. aeeeiilaeth VW: b)ehalerr,, IN THE SUPERIOR Cour’. all of said County, in the State aforesaid, are held_and firmly bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum all of of - Rie eibcinnsinate pachcahancnemnnchenies scala ced lie ato lili sipicesleshaleansioredaseloece Dollars, current money, to be paid to the State of North Carolina in trust, for the benefit of the child A444. hereinafter ; “current money, to be paid to the State of North Carpljna trusj for the benefit of the child................hereinafter named, committed to the tuition of the said........ LX N ; Vie hath SL ovens eb named, committed to the tuition of the said A. a a ee ee to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, aid cach ssnscaieesitceneianalissiiaeinaresbocnlace vsvseeetO Which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these Prosents, of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and_gevgrally, firmly by these Prosents, Sealed with our seals, and dated this..........2 She day of OfarAsee AD. 1438S ~ Sealed with our seals, and dated this = wb day of , AD. Fa THE CONDITION OF THE ABOVE OBLIGATION IS SUCH, That whereas, the above bounden * THE ae J THE ABOVE OBLIGATION IS SUCHE That whereas, the above bounden GM. VA hate Rt AYN uate ‘ is constituted and bworw, < ..is constituted and PT hee appointed Guardian to PIV ARAL Ctaactee.... heM atte . appointed Guardian to.............-..-........--. ee 7 minor orphang; now, if the said _O-4x VW hat ham minor orphan....; now, if the said AS: shall faithfully execute h.4@.. said guardianship, and particularly shall well and truly secure and improve ail the shall faithfully execute had said guardianship, and particularly shall well and truly secure and improve all the estate of the said VR AN helt, Vth Lor } tents mm . estate of the said . = until ay shall arrive at full age, or be sooner until AAs + all arrive at full age, or be sooner thereto required, and shall render a plain and true account of hin said guardianship, on oath, before the ; thereto required, and shall render a TH eALee. fad OE ee Clerk of the Superior Court for Qesaek County, and obey the law 1n al! cases, as Clerk of the Superior Court for g County, and obey the law in all cases, as required by the Act of Assembly, and deliver up, pay or possess the said required by the Act of Assembly, and deliver up, pay or possess the said dane. rtraa [faa teg.. Ute hr hee AY sul ana | Soiatei of all such estates as bing ought to be possessed of, when lawfully required by said of all such estates as ie or to such other persons as shall be lawfully empowered or authorized to receive the same, and the profits arising ought to U possessed of, when lawfully required by said or to such other persons as shall be lawfully empowered or authorized to receive the same, and the profits arising therefrom, then this es to be void; otherwise to remain in full force and virtue therefrom, then this obligation to be void; otherwise to remain in full force and virtue nn Signed, sealed and delivered | ’ Signed, sealed and delivered 5 J, , on ae , / f, . L122 1 a2 _(Srat..) in LEO o) « tA ISH AAS? (Swat. ) Y/ in the presence of J 7 Ba. ABS A 7 5-0 FS Oy » (Seal EL + Uh. ; (Seal ) Cl © C oS “= € the Seanerior Craret l i erTK of the uperior ur Aten ~ > - A ie “ee re ow yl | a Ad, (Sra) 14 PV MLMALE. Gy WE Fie (Muy VVALIN SE WI . 4 Pho ¢ Saat ay (sn , ( SEAL.) : ( SEAL. ) i ( J | ee MY, Of Ha “egrrawnssn) #40005 (Sat. ) { Makes affidavit that he is worth over and ahove} Ss j i exemptions by law and his indebtedness, } ’ k f } an o~ ¥ a ON. { Makes affidavit that he is worth over and shove! < 2 oe “= { Makes affidavit that he ie worth over and ahove! exemptions by law and his indehtedness, ‘ “ *-- “e sone exemptions by law and his indelhtedness, ‘ ‘f h ' Makes affidavit that he ic worth ower and ahowe: cremptions law and bie indebtedness, f ‘h h ~ { Makes afidayit that be ic worth over and shove! exempti@hs by law and his indebtedness, ' ‘f h ( Makes affidavit that he i¢ worth over and ahere i exemptions by law and bie indebtedness, } th { Makes affidavit that he ic worth over and prey exemptions by law and his indeinedness, A ' Makes affidavit that be i¢ worth ower and ghove} . { Makes affidavit that he ie worth over and above! s oc necevssssessseses® ' exemptions by law and hie indebtedness, exemptions by law and his indebtedness, j 4 1 Sworn to and subscribed before me, this Sworn to and subscribed before me, this ; day of ‘ Clerk of the Superior Court. "Clerk of the Superior Court. at i a NI E (js STATE OF 2" ORTH ,CAROLINA, | 3 \ ORTH : IN THE SUPERIOR ftw he L LAK SaXCansesssenstc OMMEY. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That we, \A_). S22). MAB ALN! Bese oo: ae Said Cpunty, = Sixle aforesaid, are held and firmly sesuats unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum Zbl a. tL. . MAA ee PLA ae ace ee ee ee IE Dollars, current money, to be paid to the State of oh Oe oP) for the, benefit of the child........ ace named, committed to the tuition of the said LAS siaaicnie -hereinafter y to be made, we bind ourselves, and each verally, Geese these Prosents. Af, AD. IPI bounden saseeawarsinees to which payment well and of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and acministy ig joint! and Sealed with our seals, and dated this = day of THE nt eg Bil ABOVE, OBLIGATION IS SUC MAB A 4Ag appointed Guardian tO... LLM We legd ro I, That whereas, the above is constituted and MOVED? LA BALM said guardianship, and particularly shall w ell and truly secure and improve ail the minor orphan....; now, if the said ‘ shall faithfully execute h A PAR Ua LO MA LAPP . until shall arrive at full age, or be sconer thereto required, and shall render a pai} and vk Lt nt of Ka 9...said guardianship, on oath, beiore the Clerk of the Superior Court for County. and obe: the law in all cases, as and deliver up, pay or possess the said estate of the said required by the Act of Assembly, . PIP UMA LKR TAU EI of all such estates as AL mie to be possessed of, URC Ls ae Lig and the profits arising when lawfully required by said or to such other persons as shall be lawfully empowered ot authorized to receive the same, LA oi Divx oe agi AHS therefrom, then this obligation to be void; otherwise to Signed, sealed and delivered | in the presence of J bo Clerk of the Superior Court ( Seat.) { Makes affidavit that he is worth over and above! s i exemptions by law and his indebtedness, ; ( Makes affidavit that he is worth over and above | $s snesnnell exemptions by law and his indebtedness, ‘ { Makes affidavit that he is worth over and above| $s exemptions by law and his indebtedness, ‘ ( Makes affidavit that he ie worth over and eed $s exemptions by law and his indebtedness, { Makes affidavit that he is worth over and oor) $ ' exemptions by law and his indebtedness, Sworn to and subscribed before ime, this day of vy I “Clerk of the Superior Court. — = STATE NORTH pera In tHE SUPERIOR Cour’. oe cemewenscesconensenenerseseseneneenreennneneseessanenneaeaaeeeanasneerenenenseeeaeseresessaneneses ess Occeeeeecescccececccenceeresoeesescecceeursceeerscoscessescescscccsboccecccccccousssooees ute aforesaid, are held and firmly bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum Sisal Ih roicacinsadcde epbexonnsusehanns Ueussloainnidileabuaaabishisgnbecdeaisaetiad Dollars, ...hereinafter current money, to be paid to the State of North Sr lina st, for the named, committed to the tuition of the said ZZ to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and g@yrally, firmly by these Prosents. Sealed with our seals, and dated this THE WAG OF THE ABOVE saci ipsiendeditaiaaae PALA, d is constituted and oeeneee . ose TF . minor orphan....; now, if the said Ireke LU MA bd ; shall faithfully execute h tina. guardianship, and pgryeularly she tes: i secure and improve all the the said CE Balti, 27" until —s shall arrive at full age, or be sooner . thereto required, and shall render a pig and ¢ acegaint of said guardianship, on oath, before the Clerk of the Superior Court for required by the Act of Assembly, and deliver up, pay or possess the said day of SION IS SUCH, That whereas, the above bounden estate County, and obey the law in all cases, as of all such estates as ought to be possessed of, when lawfully required by said or to such other persons as shall be lawfully empowered or authorized to receive the same, and the profits arising therefrom, then this sag to be void; otherwise to ret Lin f 4 force and virtue Signed, sealed and delivered aa Ty ; ‘ uf, oD ib: g OY, (Seat. ) ff ALi hkeLLaid Clerk of the Superior Court (Sra. ) (Seat. ) ( Sat.) ay ie | Makes affidavit that he is worth over and ahowe! i exemptions by law and bie indethtednces, j ' Makes affidavit that he ie worth ower and shoves i exemptions by law and hie indebtedness, ‘ ( Makes afidawit that he ie worth ower and shows! evemptions by law and bie indettedness, ‘ ' Makes affidavit that he ic worth over and shows $ exemptions by law and his indeltedmess, } “ ooo ‘ Makes affidavit that he ie worth over and ahove | $ i exemptions by law and his indebtedness, j +t eeteccees Sworn to and subscribed before me, this $ ; ¥ of: = oo teeter ewes Clerk of the no Saperti Court. y / Cran AC NADTH CADALINA ) : ww FADS IN THE SUPERIOR Court. ‘TE OF NORTH CAROLINA, na sand DEoeads County. all of said County, in the State aforesaid, are held and firmly bound unto the State of North Carolina. in the sum of _... One Thousand. sshauhibpelngisnuciitaciaesalitdamiadencia sc . Dollars, current money, to be paid to the State of North Carolina in trust, for the benefit of the child__ . hereinafter named, committed to the tuition of the said ..We S, Current __. ee ee to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves and each of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these Presents. Sealed with our seals, and dated this....2'7th__. — = =— _A. D. 193858. THE CONDITION OF THE ABOVE OBLIGATION IS SUCH, That, whereas, the above bounden -&,. Current _____ einai seein : pos teenie -----------is constituted and appinted Guardian to Barbara Current _ minor orphan ; now, if the said W. C. Current (catecnannennenesse eoeuanan shall faithfully execute his said guardianship, and particularly shall well and truly secure and improve all the estate of the said Barbara Current sav ebb ancaunnnapeaeniabanan. Senet until she shall arrive at full age, or be sooner thereto required, and shall render a plain and true account of his said guardianship, on oath, before the Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell required by the Aet of Assembly, and deliver up, pay or possess the said Barbara Surrent --County, and obey the law in all cases, as of all such estates as _. she ought to be possessed of, when law fully required by said Barbara Curre.t om to such other persons as shall be law fully empowered or authorized to reeeive the same, and the profits therefrom, then this obligation to be void: otherwise to remain in full forge 4 ul virtue Signed, sealed and delivered f \ in the presence of i Clerk of the Superior Court. — affidavit that he is worth over nat { above exemptions by law and his indebtedness Makes affidavit that he is worth over and above exemptions by law and his indebtedness j { Makes affidavit that he is worth over of above exemptions by law and his indebtedness Makes affidavit that he is worth over a above exemptions by law and his indebtedness fois affidavit that he is worth over and above exemptions by law and his indebtedness Clerk of the Superior Court. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, \ In ‘re SuPERIOR Court. County. SwAR TON Prt G1121—4M, 6-11-34 7466 American Bonding Company OF BALTIMORE HOME OFFICE: BALTIMORE, MARYLAND NORTH CAROLINA IREDELL COUNTY ) KNOW ALL MEN BY ‘'SESE PRESENTS: That we, J. He Howard and C. H. Howard and American Bonding Company, are held and firmly bound, unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum of FIVE THOUSAND ($5000.00) Dollars, to be paid to the said of North Carolina, in trust for the benefit of the ward hereinafter named Jconmitted to the tuition of said J. H. Howard and C. H. Howard, to which payment, well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, jointly and severally, our executors and administrators, firmly by these presents. Signed, sealed and delivered this July llth, 1935 The condition of this obligation is such, that whereas, the above bounden, J. H. Howard and C. H, Howard, are appointed guardians of Mrs. E. F. E. Howards NOW, if the said guardians shall well and faith- fully execute the trust reposed in them, and g$hall secure and improve all the estate of said ward during the period of guardianship, and shall render a plain and true account of their guardianship, on oath, before the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County, in all cases as required by law, and deliver up, pay or possess said ward of all such estate as she is entitled to, when lewfully required, and obey all lawful orders of the Clerk or Judge, touching the guardianship of the estate committed to them, then this obligation to be null and void; otherwise, to remain in full force and effect, ‘Js ) f P Lk! A dlon Sezai _ (SEAL) AMERICAN BONDING COMPANY Sworn to and subscribed before me, this J A M gae . STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, Cy te fete County. H AAROLINA, ) In HE SupPERIOR Court. AQ) é In THE SUPERIOR Court. NOW WV, (? ESE PRESENTS, T ~-we- V2.0 0 Ne 0 feast ae all otpid Gounty, in thg State aforesaig, are helfl and —- bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum of ah Ane : A iz ccateanéeSascaeneeenevananeenquacsenaeseeaeuee a . Dollars, -— — — nr m c r me e n Footer eo re JIRGAUEALaY Ge ease Dollars, current money, to be paid to the State of North Carolina in trust, for the benefit of the child ...... hereinafter AA) ft > State of North Car6Ji rus ie benefit of the wiao2 rereinafter . as : —— ” = “ —s : CPD. CLO Aa LA Q “7 named, committed to the tuition of the said.............. oa hae ae a , aa Al a n a a PE E Ae IT TI Re t e ts ee oe = me payment a cc kal sili to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each ea lai el RR RT ; Face ene pwery of . on ‘ “ inal ate — aad —— ; a of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and adminis intly and see erally, firmly by these Presents. C of us, — and — of our heirs, rene and administrators, — and severally, firmly by these Prosents. Sealed with our seals, and dated this... --- ee a ae day of ~.C< t. CLE —_— _ A.D. 17g } Sealed with our seals, and dated this : day of , ae 7 ‘ABOVE OBLIG or IS SUCH, That, wheteds, the above bounden THE CONDITION OF THE ABOVE OBLIGATION IS SUCH, That whereas, the above bounden Va: Ly tv eee ee eee ee ee eee eeenee------i8 constituted and cabeoiie ae . oe eae ee : is constituted and a am ct d — ° “ . uppinted Guardian to -3>- Ly 4A. CE ig ad a a SES RSET a RSS een SNeee appointed Guardian to eee Sicul seuanemed LAN. eee a. | — minor orphan... ; now, if the said Ra ---- 54 7 COjAti Aw Joosnaes minor opine : now, if the said ewan cecccccwecewencnnesescs cocoon afong-bsJonn oso osSocesngegerscsesaressoanas Sosnereens shall faithfully execute h said guardianship, and particularly shall well and truly secure and improve all the and i rove all the - " shall faithfully execute h.A. A said ie Fe ee apt 7 od = and truly secure an | etnies af te wobe estate of the said ..-.-.--- A 4j IS 2 A “Wangan FB IOIO ~ 2 | = See ‘ » Co ia ame - ns until shall arrive at full age, or be sooner : until... Z-f- Le. Y__--shall arrive at full age, or be so ss _f i 14 waandianship, on cath, before th thereto required, and shall render a plain and true account of said guardianship, on oath, before the thereto required, and shall render a plain, and tru@ account af --+><4.-<4.--said guardia P, . : ; : ; : ; : f an of f~ LA County, and obey the law in all cases, as Clerk of the Superior Court for County, and obey the law in all cases, as Clerk of the Superior Court for gs. oSoce ewes paons y; J required by the Act of Asse y, al . ay o SSESS > <3 required by the Act of Asse muy, and deliverYp, pay or possess the said quired by the Act of Assembly, and deliver Up, pay or posse the said asters eT en — | f all such estates as ‘ to, be posseysQd of, when lawfully required by said - of all such estates as ought to be possessed of, when lawfully required by said . i , 5 a , ‘ o - ALAA. LA £4 ak a, AY) A! T4 IS (Mth Bdbncnawen . or to such other persons as shall be lawfully empopered o1 authorized to receive the same, and the profits ~~ ariwing or to such other persons as shall be lawfully empowered or authorized to receive the same, and the profits arising i igati ri remain i . virtue re . obligation to be void; otherwise to remain in full foree and ' . therefrom, then this ig therefrom, then this obligation to be void; otherwise to remain in full force oad vistee Sicned, sealed and delivered { ] | in the presence of 1 Lt lbeuade aed Signed, sealed and delivered | ) — y a m the presence of J ies GE 0 aian- MID nee. bolle BRhAl CLE a hety—Tyal : pai | ' ; . : . , : Clerk of the Superior Court > Clerk of the Superiar_Conrt- ~ 7, _ A, ZS) Seal ry , a i ee af LY. ~ LO (SRA. ) oYhe /~ 217127 Seal ' ; 2 isin sone (Seat. ) Seal . sidiea aewaceccncecsoesos (Seat) - . . ; =A) Makes affidavit that he is worth over - d ; 4 | $J = { Maheo affidavit that he is worth over and shove} < be tew ont hleindeltednens | eremptions by law and bie indebtedness, j DP. ..0-ssccscesccocccocossocoecs 1 Makes affidavit that he is worth over | 4208. | | s oo sesso ' Makes efidavit that he i¢ worth ower ond showers < | above exemptions by law and his indebtedness | ba eo exemptions by law and bis indettedness, ‘ Fo r+ py -teeeeeeeensseeeeonenoes , Mak affidavit that he is worth over and . x< “ / | Te $070.0. os ( Makes affidavit that be i¢ worth ower and shove! $ ; g | above exemptions by law and his indebtedness exemptions by law and bis indettedness, ’ as : F Makes affidavit that he is worth over and ' s scenes eee’ ( Makes wtrdavit that he is worth over and por s j os - ae ee ee ee no above exemptions by law and his indebtedness ee ’ exemptions by law and his indebtedness, — e i uf ' rit that he is worth over and | : { Makes atidavit . Se To | Bee ( Makes afidavit that he is worth over and es $ ee ea ia a Be ee _— exemptions by law and his indebtedness ; ’ exemptions by law and his indebtedness, — ee —— —— 35 . = i / ' ; August «, 19.2-2-- Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of scoceccccsatosontng. “Pecneiia 4 | Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 29th day Of 95-22-22 2P nag g------------- SF Gis . : : : : ot lm le | ee ee Hos sees eseeeceeses ‘ / | a ih senmuaiiinionn nakinabees.O OX gimucarnnx Kae "Clerk of the Superior Court | vfs £31937 alae Ahictetee ox.,°* ‘ox ( STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, IN tHE SUPERIOR CouRT CO) : : jatinabtecabsreeesnted County. ? KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That we, ..... a is hai IE etches: LLP-M. — iz ail of . RicuaFt P e current money, to be paid to the State of North Carolina in trust, for the benefit of the ehild ia hereinafter OLD named, committed to the tuition of the said... az ew BML Tad to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these Prosents. Ady _& = Sealed with our seals, and dated this XR bth day of oUF , Ab. 1739 THE C( INDITI IN ( F T HE ABOVE OBLIGATION IS SUCH, That whereas, the above bounden tw j = of. ee & re a) ne : = ; is constituted and appointed Guardian to. ¥ - minororpham...; now, if the said Foith® ; ; iM tl the shall faithfully execute h«G+... said guardianship, and particularly shall well and truly secure and improve «al e, , . A estate of the said 4! F 8 | Vite. — secbashl hcan>..nlrrdte MEET. Lh gcudint PO id MULES h42 “c LEA Eb Foci XlS ade Wtf cs to Ane Pe’ ae Sgide shat-acrive-atiull age or be sooner— é 4 v . thereto required, and shall render a plain and true account of -A<2 said guardianship, on oath, before the Clerk of the Superior ¢ ‘ourt for ~~ riek c County, and obey the law in all cases, as required by the Act of Assembly, and deliver up, pay or possess the said " ). ; ) pees Oso A. JEL Uy i hectod 7 “a tA ought to be possessed of, when lawfully required by said i , ne C ~~ eh J 4 ooo npn Lhd —- 7 of all such estates as LU ' _— . ‘ . fits 1m or to such other persons as shall be lawfully empowered or authorize d to receive the same, and the pt irising therefrom, then this obligation to be void; otherwise to remajn ingypll-tyrt¢ aa yirtue Signed, sealed and delivered | WY 1 AA } [ ° (SEAL. ) in the presence of J (Sea.) Clerk of the Superior C ; ( SEAL.) ( Seat.) ( SEAL.) that he ie worth ower and above! by law and bis indebtedness, j that he ie worth over and ashore! be lew and bie indeitedneres, ‘ afidavit that be ie worth over and above! comptions by law and bie indebtedness, ' ( Makes affidavit that he ie worth over and shove} exemptions by law and bis indebtedness, { Makes affidavit that he ie worth ower and above | exemptions by law and his indebtedness, j Sworn to and subscribed before me, this Le V day of v. 0/- Clerk of the Superior Court. Jo — " . < ee ~ Moos - . 7 FAG. i, LA * Ve a OO Ch i) bh ror yi oe CAROLINA, IN tHE SUPERIOR Court. incall Lake Piitcats ncurses County. \ KNOW, ALL MEN BY rege PRESENTS a we, C0... Seared ay i lente) afal.. Ou hestitady ama (haaemmnhy Cat Ree Met AG... all of said County, in the State aforesaid, are held and firmly bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum — oa of fF. Lbs eek com f ; : acs se ..-------LJOllars, current money, to be paid to the State of North Carolina_ in trust, for the benefit of the child .. hereinafter : 8 . . é “ F a named, committed to the tuition of the said StL ennenn MA to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these Prosents. < ( : 2 ont Sealed with our seals, and dated this Sf AEF day of a e#F , &D. 172M. THE CONDITION OF THE ABOVE OBLIGATION IS SUCH, ‘That whereas, the above bounden 7 ~ te SAL EE we i wit is constituted and : . ' Geld appointed Guardian to a Std ; é minor orphan....; now, if the said shall faithfully execute h.-@.. said guardianship, and partieularly shall well and truly secure and improve all the y , A 4 . Af “ g * dA estate of the said Lk f.e—~Lien SAE “ CARKGCA ¢ until “& shall arrive at full age, or be sooner thereto required, and shall render a plain and true account of —“e<e satd guardianship, on oath, before the 7 Clerk of the Superior Court for C4 County, and obey the law in all cases, as required by the Act of Assembly, and deliver up, pay or possess the said aA» fib -~~ib cgi of all such estates as ought to be possessed of, when lawfully requirgg by said (4 LL 7 Ce Bitte LAU U or to such other persons as shall be lawfully empowered uthorized to receive the same, and the profits arising therefrom, then this obligation to be void; otherwise to remain in full force and virtue Signed, sealed and delivered ) in the presence of J a ~ Ds Wes we ( Seat.) * 6 eilel Sls hn.9 haath (SAL) Sia ‘lerk of the Superior C Clerk the Superior Court ty aS Arua Sw age ~ ar / »-oee( SEAL. ) i (Sau. ) fa «4 SRAL. ) { Mabeo affidavit that he ie worth ower and abowel i tions by law and hie indettedness j Makes affidavit that be ie worth over and abowe! ‘ exemptions by law and hie indebtedness, ‘ ' Makes affidavit { Makes affidavit i worth ower and sheve ' exemptions by and bie indebtedness, } Makes affidavit that he is worth ower and shovel exemptions by law and hie indebtedness, i Sworn to and subscribed before me, this lay of Clerk of the Superior Court. Count y f AGS | | NATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, | () NTS, That we, KNOW ALL, MEN 4 Este! # Ai Ahviuitates ave Weld ancl tareal all of said County, in the State aforesaid / i/ fret LES ~- tate ob Neowrth Cyarediina att al CHE HAE bb he sbte tes la grate tro thee ‘ thy atl nanied, committed t thie Geaatterty cof viinh pre pineal ‘ fiithitoti ated Gt us, cach aud eve Ch enabled with ou Phil. COND prt i appomterd Causarediats Peaddieed tad jobeerts te Hysll tasthtully exes there reipinred wn to and subserthed bet tHe SupERion Court C6 POLES Lowi unto the State of North Carolina, in the our Polit trust, for the benefit of the ebvbbe t hrevetinattes or } shied eae tes ba ve lithd oul saved cu sed firsasl ulwave Doe stnnne cotpstituted a ghati weeiee oh dull ape, on bre sent bated ' e ni * odeltedueea VA , if: Clerk of the Superior Court ian 0 ene mnptionns STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, | 4 so SNOW, ALL, MI f f (+144 ehy all of said Const i the State sof i.# ‘ current toi fer bn peared 4 pated, committed bee the oof tis, ehacbe aaticl « eule ‘ Phih. ¢ pypented t stiatel sebitiest ryliat feisll tisthetall eotate ot the Sworn ty armel sulecrile i (vito COURT forth Carolia, co the sat fhollars, heremiaiter atucl erie iT been ’ ve lennuden evbpoeabiite sf asich Clerk of the Superior Court, { AQ? : i STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, \ In tHE SuPERIOR Court. a le pet eacoseacenssacncoansonscarvarnetengnesnensotes County. } si KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, ‘That we, .....\.....4 Sch K EEN Mess. LA ee isan tnticnescticarnansanininasin Cc / = a i A antl ER I, eae scunnssassventensnsossensnesnsnnssenearcoenanenseantffaanarncnarsevensnsectacrnavoessens custsciaecsaeiel all of said County, in the State aforesaid, are held and firmly bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sun of eee “vs eh ve€ vcd ; ” ac ne _....--.Wollars, ; > current money, to be paid to the State of North Carolina in trust, for the benefit of the eb ne hereinafter —_— , — : e ; named, conmitted to the tuition of the said Coe Me SMM PAP to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these Prosent ‘ ai . 7s : * ay 2 Sealed with our seals, and dated this Xe. th day of OF _ AD. 1 724 THE CONDITION OF THE ABOVE OBLIGATION IS SUCH, ‘Nhat whereas, the above bounde z , - (i > CL- re eee rw is constituted anid : A, fie / eee ; appointed Guardian to Al sated oi INL MME ELI ee LE << a ORT Ff tof ° minorarphat _; now, if the said shall faithfully execute ho G- aid guardianship, and particularly hall well and truly secure and improve all th : 4 4 f “ , 4 ag gen 7. , estate of the said AY ieee. uf o CAT ittey MAELO Cm his Ahk, 4 ’ . 4 } — A, J els nea Ae MA lead bibhap utente AMUIP AD c. olA Kf ~an..$ LeV4t$_-<e Pte ide Md A SES CRTs 8 ati Vth. <0 Aer Gov’ -anth telétle ghol-asrive atiull age.or be sooner ‘ / ’ therete-reqiired, and shall render a plain and true account of. fix said guardianship, on oath, before t A AT C County, and obey the law in all cases, Clerk of the Superior Court tot required by the Act of Assembly, and deliver up, pay or possess the said j — / Pp , MOR Neff b\ Lt ION .._ « bet Ct ‘ - ought to be posse ssed of. when lawtulls required by said “ ar / 4 4 ¢ , - KO CM Te oe of all such estates as to such other persons as shall be lawfully empowered wuithorized to receive the same, and the protits arising therefrom. then this obligation ¢ ‘ oid: otherwt to remain in4ulktoreeantwirtue fr AN Signed, sealed and delivered V A fh (AA AA in the presence ol J 4 4 (pr Al F \ ~*~ IS EAA J ® a7 YAY (Sua of the Superior Co dé ( (he At ete... (Stat (Seat. ) (S#AL.) a j Makes affidavit that he te worth over and abowr! < 2 2 sw and hie indebtedness j le worth over and above! < and his indebtedness, ‘ . Makes affidavit that be fe worth ower and abowe! } and bis indettedness ‘ *f > ‘ f t ( Makee affidavit that he is ott er and ahewrl rxemptions by law and his indebtedness, j i Makes affidavit that be ie worth over and shove | ¢ exemptions by law and hie indebtedness, j 5 ‘ U day of ¥ 0A , {{0V Sworn to and subscribed before me, this Clerk of the Superior Court. In ¢HeE SupeRror Court. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, | once RMS Cams. 3 \ fA q Ci & ‘ Li Oe KNOW, ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That we, 44 oy as poo ‘ Giant. tk locks g Fad. on oh + ke. , ted etvat erate ¢ 2 wt 4 2. . ft Ry. CAE... 00005 a Nir V2 AZ. all of said County, » KtLA Lhe Lace ef. Dollars, aid in the State aforesaid, are held and firmly bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum current money, to be paid to the State of North Carolina in trust, for the benefit of the child hereinafter named, committed to the tuition of the said ¢ f % to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each of us. each and every of our heirs, exeentors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these Prosents, é Sealed with our seals, and dated this a / / day of VL a AD. 1724 THE CONDITION ¢ aN THE ABOVE ORLIGATION ES SUCH, ‘Phat whereas, the above bounden « é ons ; is constituted and appointed Guardian to cS said minor orphan ..; now, 1 the yell aned truly secure and Hnprove all the shall faithfully exeente h vc aid guardianship, and partiontarls shall anfizn “ A estate of the said mitsl S. shall arrive alt full age, of be sooner thereto required, and shall render a plain and ‘ count Fit? said guardianship, on oath, before the County, and obey the law in all cases, as Clerk of the Superior Court tor required by the Act ot Assembly, and deliver up, pay or possess the stil . +f of all such estates a ought to be possessed of hen lawfully required b aul figesvt ie ~Mptbpe “fh 1 law falls etnip ere thorired’ ta receive tie une. and the profits arming or to such other person a hall tM therefrom, then this obligation 1 c vo! therwitse ta rena tl force and virtue Signed, sealed and delivered | « \ . in the presence ol j her. 1): \A Ky? ( Seas.) ~< 4 5 ‘ nel o Aa an. 0 tiehatcTe. Makes affidavit that he i« worth ower and above? = sermptions be law and bie tndehtedneds, ‘ ’ worth ower and « ’ and hie mndetbtednene * worth ove and above | aw and bie indettedness, j ‘f e cxomptions | i Makes affidavit that he ie worth over and abhowet law and hie indettedness, ; . oneee 14+ ovewene fi exemptions by Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of a3 * Clerk of the Superior Court. 410 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, County. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE I all of said County, i in the State aforesaid, are held Oe es Lv eeecccee Coon current money, (ih Mh. to which payment well named, committed to the tuition of the said of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and 4 4 ‘ A, and dated this y BhAK OF THE ABOVE F f / fs Lihe Cc ct “a Sealed with our seals. THE CONDITION appointed Guardian to minor orphan....; now, if the said shall faithfully execute hia. said guardianship, and partic estate of the said wh “ Mug é thereto required, and shall render a plain and tric Clerk of the Superior Court for Pe << required by the Act of Assembly, and deliver up, pay ! such estates as ought to be possessed of 4 & or to such other persons as shall be lawfully empowe therefrom, then this obligation to be void: other signed, sealed and delivered ] in the presence of J of the Superior { Makes affidavit Makes affidavit emptions Makes affidavit me } ' Makes affidavit eremptions Makes affidavit eremptions Sworn to and subscribed before me, this In 1HE SuPERIOR Court. and firmly bound unto the State of North Carolina, to be paid to the State of North Carolina in trust, for the administrators, OBLIGATION IS SUCH, ’ larly shall well-and truly secure and improve all the GMA 25) ~ , Spi the oe = 7 5 A rAd ta Zt f «KGL shall arrive at full age, or be soonet Gas LL ‘ when lide a SR ocnin wae yenee CaO ‘KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE «fhe Mtetoceche hee Bic... Ate in the sum id County, in the StayeAforesaid, ape held to he paid to the State of all of : Dollars, of benefit of the child hereinafter current money, f <K LXER. named, committed to the tuition of the said and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each ; to jointly and severally, MEY firmly by these Prosents , A.D. of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and day of 14+ and dated this \BOVE Sealed with our seals. THE IOS ap poinited Guardian to ” tra — e. Seo TT plan > said shall faithfully execute hav lhat whereas, the above bounden is constituted and ; now, if th | fens inshi p said guardianship, on oath, before the ereto required, and shall render a pla County, and obey the law in all cases, a Clerk of the Superior Court for said required by the Act of Assembly, and deliver up, ff <— . s 0 ot all such estates as.” lawfully required by said ought Le ee A Py Att CA ized to receive the same. and the profits arising or to such other pe rsons as shall be lawfully emp torce and virtue therefrom, then this obligation 1 signed, sealed and delivered (Seat. ) m the presence of (Seat : Clerk of the Suj (Seat (Sea (Seat that he is worth over and shove! y law and his indebtedness, j that he ie worth over and ahovwe! y law and his i ideltednees, that he ie worth over law and hie and above inde! tedness, that he te worth e+ and shove} by law and his in debtednese ; that he is worth over and shove} by law and his indehtedness, j Sworn to and subscribed before me. this F ROLINA, | County. J PRESENTS, (/ and North G which pa al liminist ae: to be posses Mk f= OBLIGATION IS SUCH, and ps a par T yéos “LY itird CA at That w rticularl Irmly bound unto the State of ee ied a yment well and truly to be made. w ing jomtly and Dap day Tz said guardianship, on oath, efidavit that he { Make * affidavit exemptions | e; . k °o aw In tHe Superior Court. North Carolina, in the sum Dollars, aA hereinafter and each he benefit iil e bind ourselves, these Prosents AD 173d bounden . firmly ty That whereas, the above is constituted and nad truly secure ‘elon all the shail ti tthe ett or he sootietT hetore the obey the law in all cases. as Count and tulls required and the profits arising (Sean SEAL (SEAL (SAL (SAL ver and « dettedne« worth and hie in is worth ower and shove: and his indebtedness and abhewe inde! tedrveee ‘ * worth and tie * worth t and ahove| and hie indeltedness, j 1 worth over and showed y ond his indebtedness, ; ‘A & 7 + now . Clerk of the Superior ourt. At STATE oe CAROLINA, | 5, sz Suossion Count | STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, ee caltcsakeemanaven ge Kove Livan scacncaebcebees County. IN THE SuPERIOR Coury’. KNOW ALL, MEN BY, THESE — tran we, <A A dl AAA rin | County. a eT a A tha. adorn hele yr J that Y. Charron : (< d Mrs KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That we, sugene Jonnston all of said County, in the State aforesaid, are held and firmly bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum “ Dollars, all of said County, in the State aforesaid, are held and firmly bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum current money, t ai Sti tN ‘arolina in trust, f snefit of the child................hereinafter a ‘ ae - Spthiieltes, eet s e ____ Dollars. named, committed to the tuition of the said..... s nsennprsongibe 20 sensnnes weseneees current money, to be paid to the State of North Carolina in trust, for the benefit of the child_- _..--hereinafter to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each named, committed to the tuition of the said ~~~-- Myrs..sugene Joaanstan... _.-- of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmlyfpy these Prosents noone nenne------------------to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves and each Sealed with our seals, and dated this ea b LHe day of AD. 17 20° ; each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly aud severally, firmly by these Presents. December 4 0, 1.935 THE CONDITION OF THE ABOVE OBLIGATION IS SUCH, That whereas, the above bounden See re cme EES a3 Sealed with our seals, and dated this-- 4th day of -- . 2 : THE CONDITION OF THE ABOVE OBLIGATION IS SUCH, That, whereas, the above bounden ..is constituted and Mrs - Sugene Jot anston aa . - is constituted and ppointed Guardian to eppinted Guardian to - Sarah _G. Johnston miner orphan....; now, if the said . (cata aterm snes ' ninor ; now, if the said Mrs..tbugene-.Joanston-.-- shall faithfully execute h said guardianship, and particularly shall well and truly secure and improve all the : : ; 7 By estate of the said tert te “ttn On Ke eC ses shall faithfully execute *_ said guardianship, and particularly shall well and truly secure and improv all the estate of the said - Saran. #..Joanston juiciaitai ow until sean shall arrive at full age, or be sooner . : ‘ . . . . . until sve shall arrive at full age, or be sooner thereto required, and shall render a plain and true account of ee said guardianship, on oath, before the : . : , , SSS s , thereto required, and shall render a plain and true account of Aer said guardianship, on oath, before the Clerk of the Superior Court tor County, and obey the law in all cases, a am Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell ..County, and obey the law in all cases, as required by the Act of Assembly, and deliver up, pay or possess the said j : ) pI é required by the Act of Assembly YT ARLE OGA a ae < { * : pee . " £ : Se Aes o4uTan Ue Joanst mn . and deliver up, pay or possess the said f all such estates as : ought to be possgssed of, when lawfully required by said of all such estates as ought to be possessed of, when lawfully required by said "a CAF AE eel ech Saran.G..Joonston om to such other persons as shall be lawfully empowered 01 authorized to receive the same, and the profits arising or to such other persons as shall be lawfully empowered «1 wuithorized to receive the same, and the profits arising therefrom, then this obligation to be void; otherwise to remain in full foree and virtue ‘from, th s oblivatu to be vou t se to ren i! t therefrom, then this obligation ¢ void; otherwise t in full force and virtue Sioned. seabed and delivered { Signed, sealed and delivered Ta a S ‘ te . ignec i an ivered “GP, AL a2 4t7 Cé) (Skat. ; Me TL Ke. "4 in the presence of J VF / " (jf hit de Fah Lt. 4, Cen ¢ (Ss AL = C40 Mahe s , : hi. é: vy \ / Seal 7 serse?hn Vpn Paar (Xs ; BPA Clerk of the Superior Court. ‘ os nt YP Le act. ‘eal ' 4 Seal.) , Clerk of the Superior Cc (Snar. (SAL. Seal.) ( Seal.) = ‘T Pee ~ _——————— ae a _ ~ a GA { Makes affidavit that he is worth over and } « 7 * Wr hfe . AVAL 4b owe. + $2,900.00. a — ww eG 7 7 es affidavit that he is worth over and above . ; / | above exemptions by law and his indebtedness | motions hy law and his indebtedness, j ~) | Makes ‘ o ’ ‘ a v = r A ‘ ant _—_ akes affidavit that he is worth over es 1,000.00 wa : 2 (Seat that he ie worth over and above! by law and his indebtedness, ‘ | above exemptions by law and his indebtedness { Makes affidavit that he is worth over and affidavit that be ie worth ower ant? above? Pe wptions by law and his indebtedness, ‘ | above exemptions by law and his indebtedness ( Makes affidavit that he fe worth over and above ' - - — " oe exemptions by law and his indebte Iness, } " ° above exemptions by law andhis indebtedness { Makes affidavit that he ie worth over ~i j Le affidavit that he is worth over and ( Makes affidavit that he ie worth over and above | exemptions by law and his indebtedness, j above exemptions by law and his indebtedness Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of Clerk of the Superior Court. *, ow ff Ai “STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, In 1HE SUPERIOR Cour’. A a 4 hielo (4... Aker all of said County, in the State aforesaid, are held and firmly bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum toa rs ee apple eit LL Dollars, current monicy, named, committ to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and seyerally, firmly by these Prosents Sealed with our seals, and dated this 2 AGA day of ect vn ,AD. 1725" THE CONDITION OF THE ABOVE OBLIGATK IN IS SUCH, That whereas, the above bounden Lah Le tie ek VA Pe Sfictar. : DAL Madre * 4 appointed Guardian to Mie i erase St Se Me Aha _...i8 constituted and eaqs* 7 AA 4 fj 4 “f, minor orphan....; now, if the said JAA AACE fp. hb GCM th. ALO. t € shall faithfully execute h ’2.paid guardianship, and particularly shall well and truly secure and improve all th: : 2 tin eect SEE k Ont estate of the said é o until. achat. shall arrive at full age, or be soon thereto required, and shall render a plain and true account of .#@+.....said guardianship, on oath, before the Clerk of the Superior Court for A E Lk. C County, and obey the law in all cases, a required by the Act of Assembly, and deliver up, pay or possess the said r j , watltlle Ce the fw of al such estates as ought to be possessed of, when lawfully required by said > oh Orr ~<Z note lddetorm x on or to such other persons 13 shall be lawfully empowered or at thorized to receive the same, and the profits arising therefrom, then this obligation to lx void: otherwise to remain in full force and yjrtue Yn Signed, sealed and delivered |, , LA ‘ , fo ane vs LD ol Aw in the presence of J YAYPy +l (Seat. ) Y Clerk of the Superior Court affidavit that be is worth over and above! emptions by law and bis indehtednees, i affidavit that te fe worth ower and ahowe/ cemptions by law and his indebtedness, ‘ Makes affidavit that he ic. worth over and shove! t law and hie indebtedness, i cromptions ( Makes affidavit that he te worth over and shove] exemptions by law and his indebtedness, ; { Makes affidavit that he ie worth over and above} exemptions by lew and his indebtedness, ; Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of Clerk of the Superior Court. STATE QF NORTH CAROLINA, In tHe SUPERIOR Court. all of said County, in the State aforesaid, are held and firmly bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum of . Aad indey En ght. thin neta . Dollars, current money, to be paid to the State of North Carolina in trust, for the benefit of Lg, Goomee Cc. n 4, EM. e tuition of the said ; M44 Quer Y, Qbone Crs.0 be to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jaintly and severally, firmly by these Prosents. Sealed with our seals, and dated this ane day of Bet Athen AD. 1936 THE CONDITION OF THE ABOVE OBLIGATION 15 SUCH, That whereas, the above bounden 21 ata asA SY BRM Ann tA... appointed Guardian to VAG DADAM Ace Re thst? , J1/n - Cor fee Mrandad? usieensmesplaay..: now, if the said 777 Ang Qt oS. Ghia Aran £A. shall faithfully execute lh Cue said guardianship, and particularly shall well and truly secure and improve all the RtrAnr1ee WW Lhisia is constituted and estate of the said util shallussientedereae, or be sooner thereto required, and shall render a plain and true account of her said guardianship, on oath, before the Clerk of the Superior Court tor 4. County. and obey the law in all cases, as required by the Act of Assembly, and deliver up, pay or possess the said Baornwen Wuhles of all such estates as bhe.. ought to be possessed of, when lawfully required by saul or to such other persons as shall he lawfully empows Loon thorized to receive the same, and the prohts arising therefrom, then this obligation to | full force and virtue Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence ot } K TA aaraarenad K. GheA.6m dew Clerk of the Superior Cot Makes that he ie worth over and ax ‘ : te and his indethtedne | Makes « worth ower and above or "v and hie indebtedness, ‘ ' Makes affidavit that ' worth ower and abovet . , sone > } and hic indebtedness, ‘ Makes affidavit * he te worth over and ahoeel exemptions | and hie indebtedness, ( Makes affidavit © ie worth over and shovel! i eremptions | and his indebtedness, j Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of ove ase eeeweeee Clerc of the Superior Cour eed Zi / STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, County. IN THE SUPERIOR Court. all of said County, in the State aforesaid, are held and firmly bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum «_+Dollars, hereinafter ---------------------------to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves and each span sc , + Pe , , > race executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these Presents. Sealed with our seals, and dated this......-25fJ.__--.__day of rc , A. D. 1.238C. THE CONDITION OF THE ABOVE OBLIGATION IS SUCH, That, whereas, the above bounden .-is constituted and of us, each and every of our heirs, - ¢ .° ee eww we we oo oe eee ie obs oe thee Us . eppinted Guardian to ~~~ minor arphan....; now, if the said shall faithfully execute his estate of the said - until. ! ..Shall arrive at full age, or be sooner ‘ , at ard ; *: fore the thereto required, and shall render a plain and true account of said guardianship, on oath, before th Clerk of the Supe rior Court for 4 --County, and obey the law in all cases, as required by the Act of Assembly, and deliver up, pay or possess the said of all such estates as ought to be possessed of, when lawfully required by said , . i > . . rofi arising om to such other persons as sloall be lawfully empowered or authorized to receive the same, and the profits arts therefrom, then this obligation to be void; otherwise to remain in full foree and virtue Signed, sealed and delivered { in the presence of i Af ~ HAAR PaAMs SB Me S { Clerk of the Superior Court Pe exemptions by law and his indebtedness | ‘eee affidavit that he is worth over and | above exemptions by law and his indebtedness { Makes affidavit that he is worth over and | above exemptions by law and his indebtedness above exemptions by law and his indebtedness J a affidavit that he is worth over mS = affidavit that he is worth over and | above exemptions by law and his indebtedness ++ t/\ ~ f © iA Sworn to and subseribed before me, this. 4%. ae day, of ~-=p fash pris. /- a 1 / / f/ j / ~ Ff #\ i Z Bey — rae oe ha = ye hn Jn ae ee he ho oe wr a ee dk 2 oe he he Clerk of the Superior Court. .rwne arn rr ve TONE TA STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, IN THE SUPERIOR Court Carolina, in the sum ¢_.»_* Dollars, current money, to be paid to the State of North Carolina in trust, for the benefit of the child... hereinafter named, committed to the tuition of the said leEly ‘ cease to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves and each of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these Presents. Sealed with our seals, and dated this enth day of —_- Mare! inom, As Se Oe THE CONDITION OF THE ABOVE OBLIGATION IS SUCH. That, whereas, the above bounden is constituted and minor @PPAAH____ ; now, if the said - shall faithfully execute hLo___ said guardianship, and particularly shall well and truly secure and improve all the estate of the said icneneiniae sebaeis aeesineb iesnsparn ' until shall arrive at full age, or be sooner thereto required, and shall render a plain and true aecount of 7 77 said guardianship, on oath, before the Clerk of the Superior Court for 4r --County, and obey the law in all eases, as required by the Act of Assembly, and deliver up, pay or possess the said SOSE ocilven, Jr. of all such estates as ought to be possessed of, when law fully required by said 95S MoElwe By JFe om to such other persons as shall be lawfully empowered or authorized to receive the same, and the profits arising therefrom, then this obligation to be void ; otherwise to remain in full force and rr Signed, sealed and delivered f in the presence of 7 is ££... (Seal tlhe Py , Wie ? bow. Seal.) Ad fom mea 444 oa Seal.) Clerk of the Superior Court. (Seal.) (Seal.) a ERs . ; ie $2.0. a swwwewis SeMehs LA CL OK Ine awe above exemptions by law and his indebtedness J , ‘ > — affidavit that he is worth over and e? Makes affidavit that he is worth over and o $5.0 099 | above exemptions by law and his indebtedness J ree ae Makes affidavit that he is worth over ne + above exemptions by law and his indebtedness Makes affidavit that he is worth over i 7 above exemptions by law and his indebtedness Makes affidavit that he is worth over and aneve re exemptions by law and his indebtedness 7 x Sworn to and subseribed befote me, thie. 0) day of rth edd ol Pegi copadonn ff hed { LfHh// / / I ~<« Jap bictduharplodh wofeiulbdLad LALLA Clerk of the Superior Court. aia wZ / ne _ ee h b r e e . : . Se t a Fa ta t e . a an o eb ae - M/A | | NS ATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, In tHE SuPERIOR Court. - / Sh i pues tall Mie nisincieesniaivinitcsicroail County. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, hat we, ....02¢ Lett... A cdedtced.... hi Lides!s- wviieailiee c tscthscinett laa heh iivnbcsnbaerertetnthchleopivenldrnyrnifrsbntichecflcitn Le Hdhe.. L Ade sres. all of said County, in the State afgresaid, are held and firmly bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sun + Ne Nibiimccnnciicelliat iat passe NachAulanssesiceabenecmncaaa essiobvsianmaas snaidsiihuiiasuabhedandaweienagamane Dollars, current money, to be paid to the State of North Carolina in trust, for the benefit of the child... ...hereinafter named, committed to the tuition of the said lewathatiy A datrt.cinhteattctal..d tte wif to which paymént well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these Prosents Sealed with our seals, and dated this é.... day 0f.....£.LK042564 AD. 12a THE CONDITION OF THE ABOVE OBLIGATION IS SUCH, That whereas, the above bounden fasinates hai Oe Ee OT “Lh ni ...1$ constituted and appointed Guardian ‘to hak hacledidichdeos INT sichsiecshnsidosnseri sedi cemeebeatamianeietiienaisiacieiate nde minor orphan....; now, if the said bo Latah da K et Ens shall faithfully execute h.s«.... said guardianship, and particularly shall well and truly secure and improve all the estate of the said A Abd C until. idee shall arrive at full age, or be sooner thereto required, and shall render a plainj,and true account of .<~ said guardianship, on oath, before the . - . . . - a . Clerk of the Superior Court for lew werd hh, Count: , and obey the law in all cases, as required by the Act of Assembly, and deliver up, pay or possess the said veh thio 5 Shes = of all such estates as_...«t-42 ought to be possessed of, when lawfully required by said sf / , ee ee oe or to such other persons as shall be lawfully empowered or authorized to receive the same, and the profits arising therefrom, then this obligation to be void; otherwise to remain in full force and virtue 4 ; Signed, sealed and delivered wo <£ in the presence of J ,» we Clerk of the Superior Court { Makes affidavit that he is worth over and above} i exemptions by law and bis indebtedness, j { Makes affidavit that he is worth ower and above! < exemptions by law and his indebtedness, ‘ Ne ae ee ‘ Makes affidavit that be ie worth ower and shove: exemptions } law and bis indelhtedness, i th { Makes affidavit that he is worth ower and above | $ exemptions by law and hie indebtedness, ; . { Makes affidavit that he is worth over and above | $ ' exemptions by law and his indebtedness, ; Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of hei ssi pacaetienibalatig. Be Clerk of the Superior Court. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, | In +HE SupPERIOR Court. er seseeeeeC OUNEY. KNOW ALI, MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That we, LDtune... Sheth OL Lite! ; aeeneneetee < ES ei. oie hlly nee we ee a a ng x avaialutinn < AL Media ‘ &. & anda t wiessisectnasbegl smcesettse uecehtolistes squid oaxsoes cisdssbaascbesssiecvees ssthesiassbatue a comteeas ee ialsia eae ee be Bee a a Dollars, a current money, to be paid to the State of North Carglina in trust, for the benefit of the child hereinafter 4 A named, committed to the tuition of the said wnortlohoasLin. Matus... Kaocieertoud CRAB to which paymént well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these Prosents. Ma y day of. A KKM tell , AD. 177% THE- CONDITION OF THE ABOVE OBLIGATION IS SUCH, ‘That whereas, the above bounden Sealed with our seals, and dated this _....z a pit he Ke > hos a i is constituted and ; eae ae / : : appointe’ Guardian to SILLA... 05S Aare 3 , 5 minor orphan....; now, if the said mit A = bk < wor shall faithfully execute h.cv... said guardianship, and particularly shall well and truly secure and improve all the estate of the said hb l OMe NaF Pi until shall arrive at full age, or be sooner thereto required, and shall render a plain and,true account of .ece said guardianship, on oath, before the ; Clerk of the Superior Court for tilt, County, and obey the law in all cases, as required by the Act of Assembly, and deliver up, parjyor possess the said " he of all such estates as ~C,.Ought to be possessed of, when lawfully required by said . 4‘ A de Wilh A pltchbih GE R ag e r s or to such other persons as shall be lawfully empowered or authorized to receive the same, and the profits arising therefrom, then this obligation to be void; otherwise to 1 mami full force and virtue ve Signed, sealed and delivered | J , %, in the presence ol J i ° ( SEAL. ) ‘ cE es Shim ‘le of »S ne Oo ‘” ; 2 \ ) Clerk the Superior Court “ : | + W tf re 7 (Seat. ) (Seat. ) { Makes affidavit that he ic worth ower and above} ‘ temptions by law and his indebtedness j ‘ Makes affidavit that he ie worth ower and ahowes exemptions by law and his indebtedness ‘ h ‘ Makes affidavit that be ic worth ower and above | exemptions | law and hie indettedness, ‘ ‘h ( Makes affidavit that be ie worth ower and above | ' exemptions by law and hie indehtedness, j wa { Makes affidavit that he is worth ower and shove} i exemptions by law and hie indebtedness, i ht Sworn to and subscribe before me, this... day of sees T 40 —™-—~- wane. x STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, County. IN THE SUPERIOR Court, Dollars, current money, to be paid to the State of North Carolina in trust, for the benefit of the child -hereinafter named, committed to the tuition of the said -.......-...------- Ah NmeU wi Rene ni momee.s to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves and each of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these Presents. .-day of 2] 9 THE CONDITION OF THE ABOVE OBLIGATION IS SUCH. That, whereas, the above bounden Keoneth Hudson ._.Paul_ Hudson _. Sealed with our seals, and dated this. _. --Is constituted and shall faithfully execute h4g-- said guardianship, and particularly shall well and truly secure and improve all the estate of the said —- Paul Hudson... until. ‘ .-Shall arrive at full age, or be sooner thereto required, and shall render a plain and trne account of _. his Clerk of the Superior Court for _Iredell said guardianship, on oath, before the -----County, and obey the law in all cases, as required by the Act of Assembly, and deliver up, pay or possess the said Paul Hudson of all such estates as he ought to be possessed of, when law fully required by said - m to such other persons as shall be law fully empowered or authorized to receive the same, and the profits arising therefrom, then this obligation to be voul; otherwise to remain in full foree and virtue Signed, sealed and delivered { in the presence of } _ —, CELL ae Cre) Nhe nuh, i : 7 m e tee & Nea! CHOKE DOGO Ge OX Notary Public My Cows Mey 2S. 37 Se ees ee on Makes affidavit that he is worth over and | ¢ 200.00 | above exemptions by law and his indebtedness J Makes affidavit that he is worth over - | above exemptions by law and hisindebtedness | | above exemptions by law and his indebtedness [ Makes affidavit that he is worth over and { Makes affidavit that he is worth over a J above exemptions by law and his indebtedness fb affidavit that he is worth over 7 above exemptions by law and his indebtedness Sworn to and subscribed before me, thish ee My Commission Expires Way 2. 3 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, | County. In tHE Superior Court. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That we, Lie jitee. all of said Coumty, in the State aforesaid, are held and firmly bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum nil at IE ek KEE Ke hee ooweck. eects A current money, to be paid to the State of North Carolina in trust, for the benefit of the child -hereinafter as named, committed to the tuition of the said. eh ee Cx Leglt. tity to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, j intly and severally, firmly by these Prosents. Sealed with our seals, and dated this.....000 2 day of : THE CONDITION OF THE ABOVE OBLIGATION 1S SUCH, That whereas, the above bounden 4 Aenns «-b.0..4% bo Keovcedessctall <x. is constituted and appointed Guardian to minor orphan....; now, if the said “4 oy kp shall faithfully execute h said guardianship, and particularly shall well and truly secure and improve all the estate of the said atcokes Cue until vt he shall arrive at full age, or be sooner thereto required, and shall render a plain and true account of said guardianship, on oath, before the Clerk of the Superior Court for Cochande County, and obey the law in all cases, as required by the Act of Assembly, and deliver up, pay or possess the said of all such estates as.c<. ought to be possessed of, when lawfully required by said a ar to such other persons as shall be lawfully empowered or authorized to receive the same. and the profits arising therefrom, then this obligation to be void; otherwise to 1 in full force and virtue Nake ? Beauly (Seat..) (SAL. ) Signed, sealed and delivered m the presence of J Clerk of the Superior Court (Sra. ) (SAL. ) that he is worth ower and above?! by law and bis indebtedness, j { Makes affidavit that he ie worth ower and shoves i exemptions by law and hice indeltedness, ‘ ' Makes affidavit that he i¢ worth ower and shows! seemptions by law and hie indebtedness, ‘ | Makes effidawit that he ic worth over and ahove | exemptions by law and his indebtedness, j { Makes affidavit that he ie worth ower and above | i exemptions by law and his indebtedness, ; Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of <2 -seeseseess ssecweeeee % *, , AD. 1.Z2e . ee ee ee ee In THE SuPERIOR Cour’, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That ™, i vw OB GAD’ ate aa are held anggfirmly bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum of BL. fen QCIZA- 3 bcckenebenwibenasnaneeaatuehacandenacenas Dollars, current money, to be paid to the State of North C ae ere eescnaee hereinafte named, committed to the tuition of the said — Lif : to which payment well and oe to be made, vind ourselves and eacl: of us, each and every of our heirs, executors =a ac istra jointly and severally, § rpby these Presents. Sealed with our seals, and dated this. al Pa<~.-day of =F ee, A. D. P72 the above bound: IE is constituted an! ee 7 ss a , shall faithfully execute wr said guardianship, and particularly shall well and : secure and improve all t! estate of the said o aa K; Ky bt: Fiz Us until... ; shall arrive at full age, or be soo! thereto required, and shall render a pla ye ok OLE. Clerk of the Superior Court for required by the Act of As Dy, ang deliver ppagr possess the said - Le sg LA gGttkl- Dd said guardianship, on oath, before 1 _.County, and obey the law in all eases f) . . of all such estates as AL ought to be possessed of, when lawfully required by said J pg ore ge oe j ) f / (TbOUE ULAGLA....... sie or to such other persons as shall be lawfully empowered or a orized to receive the same, and the profits arisi otherwise to remain in full foree and virtue MLSE. (sn ¢-<-- therefrom, then this obligation to be void ; Signed, sealed and delivered f in the presence of i { 7 : my Fir .« ASs/* Clerk of the Superior Court. | Makes affidavit that he is worth over and | above exemptions by law and his indebtedness | Makes affidavit that he is worth over and | above exemptions by law and hisindebtedness | { Makes affidavit that he is worth over and | above exemptions by law poh seh, { Makes affidavit that he is worth over and above exemptions by law and his indebtedness } beeps affidavit that he is worth over et $ | above exemptions by law and his indebtedness Sworn to and subseribed before me, this STATE QF ORTH CAROLINA, In rue Suprrior Court. County. Y THESE PRESE all of paid County, i ate aforesaid, are held ; . Gy tate aforesaid, are held and firmly bound unto the State of North Carolina. in the sum current money, to be paid to the State of 1 A he “ee : rolina in trust, fer the benefit of the chi a lereinafter named, committed to the tuition of the said. La ~<- a2 Zee AC. to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves and each ~ of us, each and every of °j -xec z ‘ ini joi . y of our heirs, executors and — jointly and severally, firmly by these Prosents -- “L gg... AD AGA That whereas, the above bounden Sealed with our seals, and dated this ae day of THE CONDITION a. he ABOVE OBL AGATION IS Sue Maher. 42 appointed Guardian t c— is constituted and oO : Dhir. ALAF CZ iC ie ata Le, CAM. x hae Long, if the said...” Al Ath... ot. K teeth A LAL shall fé y execute ai ardi | all faithfully execute h< A, said guardianship, and particularly shall well and truly secure and improve all the estate of the said... Z....% KAM MMOL NN. SLI hohe Ned. GAA av. £AY ' AL. Leak ICL nr until shall ive al lied 3, or be soéner thereto required and shall re P c i s Ss re the , € é ender a plain og truesaccount ! i . , 4) aid guardian hip on oath befo (La ‘. Ki. . . 4. County required by the Act of Assembly, and deliver up, pay or possess the said i oe 22 2 ZS ught to be possessed of, when lawfully required by said BSA OMAAD. Eaaaic %. an br le or to suc y » » * * » lawf , 1 such other persons as shall be law fully empowered or authorized to rbceive the same. and the profits arisin ‘ ‘ , Se g Clerk of the > uperior Court tor ik obe the law m ill Cases, as < ‘i \ I aw + : s of all such estates as therefri . ' eretrom, then this obligation to be void; otherwise to remain in full fofce and virtue Nata 7 San teth (Seat . . signed, sealed 4 delivered Whim X/ MALAY be LA y- Gan in lv At sim. ) (Sau. ) (SEAL. ) { Makes affidavit that he is worth ower and a ove! i exemptions by law and his indebtedness, j { Makes afidavit that he is worth ower and above! exemptions by law and his ind ‘deh tednesa, ‘ { Makes ofidavit that he is worth over and above! emptions by law and hie indebtedness, i { Makes affidavit that he is worth over and shove} ‘ caemptions by law and his indebtedness, j { Makes affidavit that he ie worth over and above! i exemptions by law and his indebtedness, ; Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of Clerk of the Superior Court. ATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, County. IN 1HE SuPERIOR Cour’. PRESENTS, That we, all of said County, in the State aforesaid, are held and firmly bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum inant ne: ii a rr Dollars: current money, to be paid to the State of North inaf named, committed to the tuition of the said.....' ..to which ayment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and oo jointly severally, firmly by these Prosents LEY ABOVE OBLIGATION IS S Sealed with our seals, and dated this day of THE | DITION OF THE appointed Guardian to , That whereas, the above bounden ..is constituted and minor orphan....; now, if the said shall faithfully execute h..+&. said guardianship) and particul: irly shall well ee truly secure and improve all the a Lathe... . . ee : until....me fo thereto required, and shall render a plain v true account of ec said guardianship, on oath, before the Clerk of the Superior Court for Aacdhtle required by the Act of Assembly, and deliver yp, pay orpossess the said ie. BOB Loe tay of, when aul required by said uthorized to receive the same, and the profits arising estate of the said shall arrive at full age, or be soone: County, and obey the law in all cases, as of all such estates Ze or to such other persons as shall be lawfully empowered 01 therefrom, then this obligation to be void; otherwise to remain in full forge and virtue. GAM. ) Signed, sealed and delivered } in the presence of J Clerk of the Superior Court (SEAL. ) .(SEAL.) .(SEAL. ) See 7. lo ce { Mabeo affidavit that he is worth over and above} (OS Vl exemptions by law and his indebtedness, j Ale - [pep et ne akes affidavit that he is worth over and above! exemptions by law and his indebtedness, ‘ { Makes affidavit that he is worth over and above! i exemptions by law and his indebtedness, ‘ Makes affidavit that he is worth ower and _ exemptions by law and his indebtedness, § Makes affidavit that he is worth over and above | ’ exemptions by law and his indehtedness, j ’ . a i Sworn to and subscribed before me, this Lk . day of....s...f/. Clerk of the Superior Court. (/ in, the press Us "YY, [EY STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, County. IN THE SUPERIOR Court. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That we, TR Prsenpate GA. Eng Os Ann Abie all of sajd County, in the State aforesaid, are held and firmly bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum of —_ te isely hors a a ..-- Dollars, capoe Prantsao him € current money, to be paid to the State of North Carolina in trust. for the benefit of the chFi__ hereinafter named, committed to the tuition of the said ..--.--£..@... =—9-5,-- feminine uit aerate to which payment well and trhly to be made, we bind ourselves and each of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and seyerally, firmly by these Presents, 7 gJ + prey IT3G THE CONDITION OF THE ABOVE OBLIGATION IS SUCH, That, whereas, the above bounden Sealed with our seals, and dated this day of is constituted and shall faithfully execute h_Q__ said guardianship, and particularly shall well and truly secure and improve all the estate of the said panel encase cvesimeeunabemaacas eee shall arrive at full age, or be sooner thereto required, and shall render a plain and true account of Rio said guardianship, on oath, before the Clerk of the Superior Court for in ie st --.--County, and obey the law in all cases, as required by the Act of Assembly, and deliver up, pay or er tel the said —. _ caghe Saka. ought to be possessed of. when lawfully required by said c of all such estates as o to such other persons as shall be lawfully empowered or authorized to receive the same, and the profits arising therefrom, then this obligation to be void; otherwise to remain in full foree and virtue Kx...£°7 MLA An bland. «ee. . me “ Signed, sealed and oe ‘red : Clerk of the Superior Court. Makes affidavit that he is worth over and | above exemptions by law and his indebtedness | Makes affidavit that he is worth over — | above exemptions by law and his indebtedness | above exemptions by law and his indebtedness Makes affidavit that he is worth over and Makes affidavit that he is worth over a f above exemptions by law and his indebtedness | fon affidavit that he is worth over a * above exemptions by law and his indebtedness Yo EL. al Sworn to and subseribed before me, this. /.c< - . pr fhnns 19 j Clerk of the Superior Court, OLINA, County. In tHE SupPERIOR Cour’. HEN BY THESE Ka Db md unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum Dollars, in Yryst, ‘for th hereinafter UMMA to which payment weil and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each current money, to be paid to the State of Ni named, committed to the tuition of the said. of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and sevgfally ty-by these Prosents Sealed with our seals, and — Dd. LL, , A.D. AF 6 THE CONDI’ I UP OF T i ABC ply AGATION IS SUCH; That whereas, the above bounden if the said...‘ day of / ‘ f is constituted and SS Mh wig vi iF J appointed Guardian to.... en minor orphan ' shall faithfully execute ha said plot ark partiewl nly shi ll we 7a (AA yy AT UAAN ; now, estate of the said Loud . until. He ‘ “.....shall arrive at full age, or be soo: and shall render a plain and 9rp¢ ac of ls f { { Clerk of the Superior Court for i. J ‘ L. required by the LUO se AY weet up, pay or posses the yy : | VAL LUM EH thereto required, d be. 7 said guardianship, on oath, before th County, and obey the law in all cases 1 by | e * . ° . of all such estates as-#V4 ought to be possessed of, when lawfully required by said or to such other persons as shall be lawfully empowered or authorized to receive the same, and the profits arising therefrom, then this obligation to be void; otherwise to remain in full force and ye Signed, inf the presence of ‘ ; } 2 j / ( fe. fi. Ani DD ante Clerk of the Superior Court “oF @ sealed and delivered | boy aca Makes affidavit that he is worth over and above} exemptions by law and his indebtedness, j {Makes affidavit that he is worth over and above! exemptions by law and his indebtedness, ‘ { Makes affidavit that he is worth over and above! ‘ exemptions by law and his indetbtedness, ‘ Makes affidavit that he is worth ower and eve} exemptions by law and his indettedness, { Makes affidavit that he ie worth over and above} exemptions by law and his indebtedness, j Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of Clerk of the Superior Court. oo . ee theretrom, then this obligation to be void: otherwise to rem iin it STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, | County. N THE SUPERIOR Court. LL; 4SENTS, ‘That we, ../ CkQ. f in the sum all of ae in the State PoKsaid, are held aydAirmly bound unto the State of North Carolina Dollars, current money, to be paid to the State of North Carolina , (a -hereinafter in trust, for, a Othe child 2<ee.-. ol Cilidirg LE to which payment well and truly to be made we bind ourselves named, committed to the tuition of the said < o ~ and each of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators jointly and severally, binlhy by these Prosents. IL. F..dlay of lL Lidl, AD AGB} THE “ZZ TION y THE VA Z E OBL IGAH IC IN IS SUCH, That whereas, the above bounden Ld | Hp¢ LOL: hE G KL. £48 constityséd and j hte age aacd | VictleL (irtagpa Sealed with our seals, and dated this appointed Guardian to.... Mba... Filter til Kite. de if the said shall faithfully execute h.£/2 Nik minor orphan.d.; now, sajel gus irdianship, Auf particularly shall well and Aaruly s€cure and improve all the , tL lotr BLthhligher, tiie. Le kededle.. hob i - a estate of the said until shall arrive at full age, or be sooner thereto required, and shall render a plain and true accoynt yf AAr d fe LLAMA said guardianship, on oath, before the Clerk of the Superior Court for County, and obey the law in all cases, as “ up, pay or As f GE paid! “e 4 MOSSCSA { c I ang (oe AbhAD LH. a OL: “itty fe ; ys as.<44 ae to be yo _Mb sha. Lea ft all such estates whe paw (yhifequ ired by said mnggind r to such other persons as shall be lawfully empowered or authorized to receive the same and the profits arising full force and virtue ‘igned, Rlivere: sealed ar \ KYL? rswdre, SEG (Seat. ) \ “~ . , . : . (SEAL. ) Clerk of the Superior Court WM ectirmalAasthy Oif2 ey “ELE affidavit that he is worth ower and above} emptions law and his indebtedness, j (SEAL. ) fer, fate, ) affidavit that he is worth ower and ahoves mptions by law and his indettedness, ‘ affidavit that he is worth ower and abowe! emptions by law and his indebtedness, ‘ { Makes affidavit that he is worth over and above} ; exemptions by law and his indebtedness, j { Makes affidavit that he is worth over and ahowe) ’ exemptions by law and his indebtedness, } Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of Clerk of the Superior Court. c / 44 StATE CAROLINA, rape County. KNOW/ ALL ME YWUyey all of “ ot Ste és MME current money, to be paid to the State of North shy, in Vy for mags ot the rw yr hereinafter \ named, committed to the tuition of the said_- DU Ql) v M to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each In tHE SUPERIOR Court. fe Le unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum eee ee iheessncbcniamerciene. of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and sevgrally, firmly by these Prosents , A : ; g> Sealed with our seals, and dated this A? day of L a d J , A 17.36 sy HE Ey y VI Us py ee 5( vy. I ( BL LIGAPION IS SUCH> That whereas, the above bounden Ay Le a e ty 4 . ( CM Ll. As constitute d “Atyh / 4a appointed Guardian to Jt A, ne L£ Lid Cy ¢ LU ct A cgplioncet YW Zi C2 (- kL C7 af miner_orphan....; now, if the said Seonalt. IT 7 Prot, shall faithfully execute h 41 kaid g ae agi] part ticykarl) shall well and truly secure and improve all th i, A iy V off estate of the said YA / 4M..4 C© until a shall arrive at full age-or be soone: f ; ° ) ALA . : re thereto required, and shall render a plain al truc acco ynt f 7 e&S said guardianship, on oath, before th f/f Clerk of the Superior Court for ¢ ( County, and obey the law in all cases, « required by the Act of Assembly, app epliver Dp. PayAy possess the said LZ : > x Rect on lt be be of all such estates as ought to/l , possessed of, when awfully required by said / we * . aly & « wr to such other persons as shall be lawfully empows uthorized to receive the same. and the profits arising therefrom, then this obligation to be void; otherwise to remain in full force and virtue Signed, sealed and delivered | in the psgsencevof J we tte 21 ol teds, Al / ben ASSAD. F - FGE odd é LF J ities ~ _ Clerk @f the Superior Court (SEAL (SFAL.) (Seat. ) affidavit that he is worth over and above! mrt ne by law and hie indehbtednces, j affidavit that he ie worth ower end ashore! aemptions by law and hie indebtedness, ‘ that he ic worth ower and shows! by te and bic indeltedness, Makes affidavit ¢ is worth over and shove eremptions | and his indebtedness, { Makes affidavit that he ie worth ower and ahowe} exemptions by law and his indebtedness, j Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of Clerk of the Superior Court. CAROLINA, ...County. In rHE SureRior Court ‘ : ; y, State said, ¢ ld : irmly > Ste N ‘arolina, in the sum current money, to be paid to the State of hn rolina in for the bengfit pis og balon hereinatter named, committed to the tuition of the said Sohn Metholland to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and admit Se jointly and pen lirmly by these Prosents. ; G < . AD SIO Sealed with our seals, and dated this day of THE g Me PP py — EROBLIGATION IS SUCH, That whereas, the above bounden 7 f ° . Af Is constituted and AAAMANLA Aw shall faithfully execute WA. said euardianshi ip, and pérticularly shall well and truly secure and improve all the Wilteson Limes Gea ALA Lars d Ga. — Dal] eee tet peebdease, {To Sa-u thereto required, and shall render a plam io be iccoynt said guardianship, on oath, before the Clerk of the Superior Court for org County, and obey the law in all cases, as “OU. the t gf Assembly, and iver up, pay or possess the said appoimted Guardian t Suniner-ofpham.; néw, if the said . estate of the said until of all “9. ought to | possessed of, when lawfully requir é, ZZz2ztlAd or to such other persons as shall be lawfully empowered or authorized to receive the same. and the profits arising therefrom, then this obligation to be void: otherwise to " full force and pists rT Signed, seajed and fc livergd Millelhal if th¢ gre senck of ~ it MAA llephy, ( 7 Yul \ fe Ru€«. a. oll. Ahi = CQ, £ (Seat. Clerk of the Superior Court Ay Fe Q omer. AT. (Sean) (Seat. ) (Sean. ) { Makes _siitowks that he ie worth ower and shove! throne byw law and bie indehtedne ee, j ' Makes affidavit that he ie worth ower and shove exemptions by law and hic indeltednees, ‘ | Makes affidavit that be ic worth ower and shove exemptions by law and hie indeltedness, ‘ ' Makes affidavit that he ie worth over and aherrl exemptions by law and his indehtedness, j | Makes affidavit that he ie worth ower and shove! exemptions by law and hie indebtedness, j Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of Clerk of the Stiperior Court. 430 ‘STATE F NORTH CAROLINA, e- "2 AR NOADTH CARATINA ) In 1rHE SuPERIOR Court. ; ' County. “ aa | _ STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, eee KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That we, .222Z Ez ia 270 t4 ee IN THE Superior Courr. % ; ' County. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That we. LU- Mee cdo AM OW all of said County, in the State aforesaid, are held and firmly bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum Dollars, current money, to be paid to the State of North Carolina in trust, for the benefit of the child... ..-hereinafter all ; PAresnid, are Le : 4 fiymly bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the cum 4s - : 1 M42 L, named, committed to the tuition of the said4 40 24...5 24 cbse. LLL hse Babrescerccccssvecsesansensensncaceese of V7 C44 : : Dollars ; ,' Bp NOU Prato to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each current money, to be paid to the State of North oF iy rust, ¢ benefit o eae hereinafter en - t. C4 Ad A JA 5 of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these Prosents named, committed to the tuition of the said . ; ' P " ‘ , to which payment well and truly to be made » bi selves i me Sealed with our seals, and dated this a day of MMB a inci « &D,. 1 Zed pa) : ily to be made, we bind ourselves and each THE CONDITION OF THE ABOVE OBLIGATION IS SUCH, That whereas, the above bounden of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these Presents. , { i di* . AD ‘ rhytha i » o 9 « *TeAS, , a p > . . Sealed with our seals, and dated this... : a — fF . A.D. 1 THE ¢ an TI ye 7 yo Avovesomagar sIGA - a Is SUCH, That, whereas, the above bounden C ff ‘ é a 43 manse constituted and spintey Lie at Zee 1 halt hi Za (CCA Mad oy yg Ltidts. ANtbdle Viste te ‘ka MULLESS: (Mall hitads shall faithfully execute hi sail guardianship, and particularly shall well and truly secure and improve all the ‘ ..; now, if the said x — Yo Lllhe.ane hve Mi liihiena des CAL aati Teak. . se : ..is constituted and appointed Guardian to minor orphan....; now, if the said ; ’ io nn a lal ere t) AP ated | te . CHA C12 Bh estate of the said ; nd hhh oda SZ. 4 ‘ ‘ a! shall faithfully execute h. t J my 2. P, ape particularly shall wey and truly speure and improve all the estate of the said Loe1a ts t Mall th4tlrr. Mick SUACC Aude Op LAE fhtex Ab Lal MU FD Le, Jt Kev 4 unti|_. 42 CAatt “he ‘ tilead ¢ z£, by Ke oo Clerk of the Superior Court for a Lie tA County, and obey the law in all cases, a \ bi rag I ,» and shall render a plain 4 3 account of A CO _esnid | paced * oath, before the required by the Act of Assembly, and deliver up, pay or p ss the said Clerk of the Superior Court for [ C é c. until Ak shall arrive at full age, or be soone: thereto required, and shall render a plain antl true account of A424 said guardianship, on oath, before th County, and obey the law in all eases. as a, anes es ; required by the Agtdf Ass mbly, | Cotiver Up, PRY or possess the said 7 a dP LULA. O44 atl (0 TAL of all such estates as C4 ought to be possessed of, when lawfully required by said : 7 of all such estates as LA @ te Z ; i i ought to be possessed of, when lawfully required by said Zid, We MtAli Fi. W703 or to such other persons as shall be lawfully empowered or authorized to receive the same, and the profits arising o to such other persons as ‘hall be lawfully empowered or authorized to rece ive the same, and the profits arising 4 rw remain in full force and virtue therefrom, then this obligation t « void; otherwise to remain tull force and virtuc g therefrom, then this obligation to be void: otherwise to remain in full foree and virtue signed, sealed ancLelelivere Signed, sealed and delivered ( Le; / ; _ et -- Weoan ren (Sran : in rearnee of ) ne Dias Herel pore Seat ) is dle 22 ; (SEAL Clerk of the Superior Court. y- J +p MALL & Mate (Seal.) 4.-< . : . Léi1t woh \ /¢ ~~? > SEAL ‘lerk of the Superior Court. ‘ : : COLE Fi, ( Seal.) (Sean L covid. a . (Seal. ) (SEAL. ‘ . Seal.) aks ioe al, | eileen ena meaner as aa ] e , , d abs J . pee 4 iA Tan ABE. 2 Bn. an re sis ‘ a , 1, ‘ ; p _ Makes aMdavit that he te worth over and JE oo Soe L J . f d sf} * . O° above exemptions by law and his indebtedness / j ALi Ais ycoit tne Makes _atidavit that he is worth over and shove? © Goo * 4 \ exemptions by law and hie indebtedness, ‘ $ “ scccccessecs | Makes affidavit that he is worth over and | above exemptions by law and his indebtedness J ' Makes affidavit that he ie worth over and ahowe/ exemptions by law and his indebtedness, ‘ Makes affidavit that he is worth over aa above exemptions by law and his indebtedness ' Makes affidavit that he i« worth ower and shove exemptions by law and his indebtedness, } ’ = { Makes affidavit that he is worth over and above exemptions by law and his indebtedness | jM kes affidavit that he ie worth over and above | e . ” enemptions ter tow and’ bie indebtedness, j Psa +-seesesssenssesssscoseoors foo affidavit that he is worth over a QO Lu above exemptions by law and his indebtedness Sworn to and subscribed before me, this “Clerk of thé Superior Court. : i ROLINA, IN THE rem Court. “STATE vad / a. ot ..Dollars, current money, to be paid to the State of NortlCarolina jn trust, for the benefit of the chifd... SA AAA é kt ( CY named, committed to the tuition of the said). J6<¢440 Z61.. 2 (4 Os .-@ hereinafter y oped a fae to which paymert well and truly to beAnade, we bind oursélves, and each of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and seve rally, firmly by these Prosents : : 7 34 : / Se oar Sealed with our seals, and dated this a cw (lay of Lt LL , AD. iz THE CONDITION OF /THE ABOVE Q LJG VION IS SUCH, That whereas, the above bounden a MILAM A ff ts 7 oa F ; . 4 C hd C CL LE : is constituted and while. til Ly nag iael kof “ae ; Jf), / 4] a JA; 7 t 4 / Vie KL. Kh Swd anes ¥ f appointed Guardian to se PT )/ALA VO TAY QO minor orphan....; now, if the said... .42./74 AML La Lh oop } shall faithfully execute h.4/& said gare langhip, am] particularly shall vell and trulySecure and improve all the f ‘ ‘ : , / . . A 4A /V\A / ; ( Af / estate of the said tiki “LUA... Raced , A | id until. ~~! shall arrive at full age, or be soone: : thereto required, and shall render a plain and true account of _. AJ said guardianship, on oath, before the } | Clerk of the Superior Court for County, and obey the law in all cases, a } required by the Act of Assembly, and-deliver ip, pay or possess the said i . 7 : / / bo / ij / ; j A j A aE ececcese secendeult . : t ; x of all such estates as .<k-/ ouglt to be possessed) of, when lawfully required by said ‘ Z MIAN OS, x ( wow ° - or to such other persons as shall be lawfully empowered or authorized to receive the same, and the profits arising therefrom, then this obligation to be void; otherwise to ren ill force and virtue Signed, sealed and delivered) i the piesence of J j Clerk of the Superior Court Tame: C nerve en fe (Sean Lda t agi fe { Makes affidavit that he is worth ower and abowe! < i evemptions by law and hie indebtedness, j ' Makes affidavit that he ie worth over and ahove | < exemptions by law and hie in dehtednese, 9 ' Makes afidavit that he is worth ower and ahowe! < ew ne law and bie indeltedness, s i {Makes affidavit that he is worth over and shove} ¢ exemptions by law and his indeltedness, j ? : x { Makes affidavit that he i@ worth ower and ahowe! ¢ exemptions by law and hie indebtedness, j 9 Sworn to and subscribed before me, this Clerk of the Superior ‘Court. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, Ireiell IN THE SuPERIOR Court. County. all of said County, in the State aforesaid, are held and firmly bound unto the State of North SIXTEEN HU JNDRED ” Carolina, in the sum * 4 " + 2 RB + -* * * 4 = nO rere weeweeneeweerensecececesececeeceeus ~senne DPS. current money, to be paid to the State of North Carolina in trust. ~ the benefit of the aRROMLS fancan aT sselnafter J unli us named, committed to the tuition of the said to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves and each of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these Presents. Sealed with our seals, and dated this....-.-.-- day of ....- wecemoer: A.D. 1 556 THE CONDITION OF THE ABOVE OBLIGATION IS SUCH, That, whereas, the above bounden “rs Ssrah J. Newnam enero wen eneneceessnscesnee alee Te linea Vinten nihilism epee econ --Is constituted and Junius Cc, NM KON0Y pophan. ; how, if the said shall faithfully execute her said guardianship, and particularly shall well and truly se cure and improve all the Junis CC, Miller estate of the said _. -«/- . ce etency until shall arrive at full’ ate, ‘or be sootier thereto required, and shall render a plain and true Iredell account of said guardianship, on oath, before the Clerk of the Superior Court for County, and obey the law in all cases, as required by the Act of Asse “mbly, one deliver up, uni lus pas or er possess the said . 7 vw of all such estates as : ought to be possessed of, when lawfully required by said rs Sarah Newnaer o to such other persons as shall be law fully empowered or authorized to receive the therefrom, then this obligation to be void same, and the profits arising ; otherwise to remain in full force and virtue Signed, sealed and delivered { in the of | presence (Seal i- GB umn ~o4 sagen! Clerk of the Superior Court (Seal (Seal.) (Seal DUA [De a’ Makes affidavit that he is worth over and | - Mhoo® ; Makes affidavit that he is worth over and above exemptions by law and his indebtedness { FQ He oo COM YU 1A. + Moo above exemptions by law and his indebtedness j > | Makes affidavit that he is worth over and | above exemptions by law and his indebtedness ] ; 4 Makes affidavit that he is worth over and | icra ore its a S . ‘ | above exemptions by law and his indebtedness j - 4 tintin — | Sworn to and subseribed before me, thigh. Makes affidavit that he is worth over and above exemptions by law and his indebtedness y of . Cag. « 0 4 (1 es ae . ee e | | } i 1°4STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, Iredell IN THE SUPERIOR Court, County. MEA Neth SENPS Wyrch all of said County, in the State aforesaid, are held and firmly bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum of _... FOUR Hundred -- : - Déllars. & incompetent current money, to be paid to the State of North ( ‘arolina in trust, for the benefit of the @H&X _. ----hereinafter n named, committed to the tuition of the said —_- J soe wi Lhelm to which paymeni well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves and each of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these Presents. : ‘ ; ary ae Sealed with our seals, and dated this—- eyth day of —- January - ating, is 137 THE CONDITION OF TILE ABOVE OBLIGATION IS) SUCH, That, whereas, the above bounden G Wilhelm Jesper V McKay, incompetent _ cians ae naa eee . aalin 7 is constituted and appinted Guardian to —- Minor pbx ._; now, if the said JG wilhelm shall faithfully execute h ner V McK state of the said Sper Vv mcney h nae nt Oi gency} until. 2€ shall reget std Sop 09! Te ‘S00 , his thereto required, and shall render a plain and true account of Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell .-County, and obey the law in all eases, ; required by the Aet of Assembly, and deliver up, pay or possess the said wv Jesper V McKay of all such estates as he ought to be possessed of, when lawfully required by said Jasper ¥V licKay oF to such other persons as shall be lawfully empowered or authorized to receive the same, and the profits arising therefrom, then this obligation to be void: otherwise to remain in full foree and virtue Signed, sealed and delivered { ma othe presenes of i } phat ts (f_ (4erte-of the Syperiortionst - #4 Ae = Le LLML Mag \RB le alas Niuy Com. tt fired ?/ J / A ee, oe ee rege Makes affidavit that he is worth over and | above exemptions by law and hisindebtednens | Makes affidavit that he is worth over and | above exemptions by law and hisindebtednens | | { | Makes affidavit that he is worth over a ¢ 400.00 Makes affidavit that he is worth over | above exemptions by law and hisindebtedness above exemptions by law and his indebtedness Makes affidavit that he is worth over a | above cxemptions by law and his indebtedness said guardianship, and particularly shall well and truly secure and improve all the said guardianship, on oath, before th ¢-400.00 Sworn to and subscribed before me, this. tthe day of A abacesmnas ’ 19.8.7. ' Caran Sen ceeded. Hells ilaay full Wig Cacor/. 42 ine. 1,/7J STATE OF/ NORTH’ CAROLINA, | Lae Fa af IN tHE SUPERIOR Coury ounty J KNOW ALL MIENUBY JHESW PRESENTS, That we, Ladd... ad g WZ “eh (BPs. all of said County, in the State afore said, are held@ind firmly bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum of ned, CB PAA ME Dollars, current money, to be paid to the State of North Carolina inf trust, for the benetit of the child. <é¢ hereinafter f me 5 4 a y, tyr — CI... PREP CA to which payment well and truly to be made. we bind ourselves, and each named, committed to the tuition of the said of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrator *, jointly and severally, emily by these Prosents. . ° . : P f) Sealed with our seals, and dated this ac day of Fic” THE Cr INDITL IN Ol THE VR \ he ( LIG \ PION IS Sl Cll Phat whereas, the above bounden BOX. be constituted and appointed Guardian to aaa APA TEKE na we Li c Zz sa AER AL cB tok minor orphan, ; now, if the said shall faithfully execute h.<¢— sada guardianship, and particular! I well and truly secure ual improve all the ; + estate of the said AL LEAP? P— , : ‘ ee a A we, or be sooner hall arrive at tull thereto required, and shall render a plain ayd true gece ¢ ud guardianship, on oath, before the Clerk of the Superior Court for Lette, Lee County, and obey the law in all cases. as required by the Act of Assembly. and deliver up wkd ide AP IAA “ J of all such estatesvas «Z fry ought to b pos lot, w lawtully requires a bAZSELL or to such other persons as shall be lawfully et ip t theo It ‘ th me, and the protits arising therefrom, then this obligation signed, sealed ang delivered im the presgnce of I a y re ( / Aw Clerk oft the Superior ‘ou . . I 4 Z £ (Seat. AY j —— ELECT T (SAL. ) AY , ff > ~~ Mik doB ve (Stat. (Sat. ) (Sat. ) Mf i Lowe aMidavit that | worth « mgtine a and hie tadelted * affidavit that | * worth over ond of semptions by law and hie indebted inees, affidavit that he is worth ower and ahove | emptions ty law and hie indebtedneea, a 5 f fr ? A : f 4 ¢ s Sworn to and subscribed before me, this KK IS YYf AOF 4 Y ~ j - J s 77 Le oe Pasdf 436 ~ STATE OF /NORTH. CAROLINA, County. In tHE SuPERIOR Court BY THESE PRESE “NTS, That we, --- nty, 3 ths Sate aforesaid , are —_— —— bgtind unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum current money, a be paid to the State of North Carolina in Aeush, for the ea ei child. iliattaitaae L<- - “ ] named, committed to the tuition of the said... ded: i M. VA Mf ecole LAPUA. - to which wea well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and se ray, firmly by these Prosents } a j ; ey d - Sealed with our seals, and dated this a day of Lb 5 , A.D. 1f3/ 7. HE yn rlON pe 4 XYBOVE OBLIGA’ , [ON IS SUCH, ‘fat whereas, the above bounden kK AA Z j ; ° . . l.4 hee Ls f appointed Guardian to. 2 if U/ Lp ¢ ..4is constituted and p /¢ — : A ; 4 A Ah iw 4 Ul HA. SVC /V1O7 shall faithfully execute had said guardianshjyp, and_particularly shall well and truly secure and improve all the ) ee, ! N ; f UL. tL PALMsivw é mtil Ye shall arrive at full age, or be soone: thereto required, and shall render a plain and true account of. ZEEE said guardianship, on oath, before the ‘A 4 Clerk of the Superior Court for <i ABGAA, County, and obey the law in all cases, a minor orphan....; now, if the said estate of the said eZ required by the Act_gt Asserhbly, andgdefiver up/pay or possess the said ) Oe ) y kL FAMMS Md J I such estates as.... “ (id, ught to be possesged oj, when lawtully required by said a j wf] / / ‘RJ \ j | é FAKE Z or to such other persons as shall be lawfully emp uthorized to receive the same, and the profits arising therefrom, then this obligation to be void; otherwise to r m tull force and virtue Signed, sealed and delivefed | - f in fre présehice of wl i 3 e VAS ~+VCCtBwAlI At / “M4 | _" yi (Seat of the Superior Court 5! “AT. i} .? yas. fo. rs, Al (SFAL (Sean - ee b L / me 4 Va" vit that he is worth over and above | sJJ eo and his indebtedness j . fy | ' ° \ J . > 2. WV tg 4 Sans NOnmAL AAV ao eee Sat Be ae ts weet $49 72 mptions by law af is worth over and aleve and hie indeltedneee ' Makes affidavit * worth over ond exemptions and his indebtedneg@. { Makes affidavit that he is worth ower and shove} exemptions by law and his indebtednesa, } * ‘ . . a I { x - Sworn to and subscribed before me, this Mod a} sh, Me ae f } 7 Ss uh. ul. pd tble Clerk of the STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, | County. In tHE Superior Court. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That we, \. Ago” LEIEN all of sgid County, in the State aforesaid, are held and firmly bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum of cand ‘adieu, es .........Dollars, current money, to be paid to the State of North Carolina in trust, for the benefit of the child hereinafter named, committed to the tuition of the said he AP cone to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these Prosents. a ~ san 4 5 Sealed with our seals, and dated this es day of » Pike. bate 7 THE CONDITION OF THE ABOVE OBLIGATION IS SUCH, That whereas, the above bounden hPL KA - : et ; is constituted and appointed Guardian to minor orphan....; now, if the said shall faithfully execute h.« sat guarcdianshi 1 particularly shalbwell and trul ure and improve all the estate of the said shall arrive at full age, or be sooner theret required, and shall r inship, on oath, before the Clerk of the Superior Court for out and obey the law in all cases, as required by the Act of \ssembl ot all such estates as such other persor m, then thi signed, sealed and deliy in the presenes © @ worth nd a law and his indebtedness a) ° Sworn to and subscribed before me. : day of Clerk of the Superior Court. , 138 STATE OF Yas _PAROLINA, In 1HE SuPERIOR Court. STATE OF LINA, | IN 1HE SuPERLex Court. Feet an Ty Se eRe ety eee eT County. a / . “0 ti“‘(“‘“ i‘ i‘(lt*t”: pnt ent RRC ccpnnennnonensesones atbethssoedcetisees : a : County 7 f? “id oe — x KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That we, ..uc4.......7 ee KA AOAMLEL. KNQW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That we, Yat i | LCT me reletliscocbsapiagelscictl Ra chai al ae Ln. Sarthe thea. Pansentch. Peck. x c. male ereerecerececcoosece SARNIA SPTAAONSASEDOSSROOSESSENS ESR ODASRENSRTORNESEERNSOURE RESETS RRSR DORE ENOR ORES EEERSERSES SR eREReRSRSasenaRNShOnnensenbsnednenesaseebhenesesansebeeeeseebeoennncone as er ecovevesececssoceces sneee - an - = i 4 ! all of said County, inthe Stgte WAT are yep and firmly-botind ufitg the State of North Carolina, in the sum all of said GOupyy, in the State ‘Ugrgsaid, are-held afd firmly bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the su | eras TL o IMMA ON we lag ‘Sag ee CE scusisuatsesabamenaaiecens Dollars, of ia Li. bl ns alec / ¢ . Ang Fs aiers Y Hollars, current money, to be paid to the State of North Con in Arpst, fot the benefit of the child................hereinafter current money, to be paid to the State of North Captiva infrust, i ir the bengfit of the child hereinafter named, committed to the tuition of the said. Me Lee A He ese ci inicebiincteiseceiiatt named, committed to the tuition of the said YAM hX& ULP ] paseo ers - : to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each to which payment well wes fete made, we bind ourselves, and each ! of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and seyeya}ly, firmly by these Prosents of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these Prosents. ' | Sealed with our seals, and dated this ; day of hs CZ. , A.D. IZ. Sealed with our seals, and dated this... “% day ot AA. Gy , AD elon : THE CONDITION OF ZPHE ABOVE OBLIGATION IS SUCH, That whereas, the above bounden THE /EYNDIYF ION OF UM Ae Wa! OBLIGATION IS SUCH, Thaf whereas, the above bounden 7 ‘ t } .. : id s 4 ...18 constituted and r Yan Sk VL gy. ; rt —.....1s constituted and | appointed Guardian to ( YM CEL. e LA La an . sean: appointed Guardian to event Sod wh Me oJ 2K 7? i = Z , ‘ minor orphan....; now, if the said ; zs : nor orphan....; now, if the said AANA le i shall faithfully execute h said gu ae inship, pig parvict las shi all well and truly secure and improve all the shall faithfully execute hyo said guardi wship, and Pyrty url shell we IF fil truly secure and improve all the estate of the said Ti MA CL ae XA & C estate of the said AAV YF f ’ Vv | oo r until shall arrive at full age, or be sooner ntil . ; shall arrive at full age, or be sooner thereto required, and shall render a plain and trie account of..7 said guardianship, on oath, before the thereto required, and shall render a plain and true i . aid guardianship, on oath, before the Clerk of the Superior Court for <~ A a County, and obey the law in all cases, as Clerk of the Superior Court for County, and obey the law in all cases. as required by the Act of Assembly, and deliver up, pay or possess the said ; required by the Act of Agsembly, and deliver up, paV or possess the safd 4 4 ot all such estates as b ought to be possessed of, when lawfully requtired by said f all such estates as...7V ought to | " posessed ! le lawf ily req re bos | : or to such other persons as shall be lawfully empowered or authorized to receive the same, and the profits arising r to such other persons as shall be lawfully emp ' r authorized to receive the same, and the profits arising ! therefrom, then this obligation to be void: otherwise to remain j ull force and virtue theretrom, then this obligation t void therwise to ret ! force and virtue / signed, sealed and delivered | . med, sealed gid delivered } / Ce e e f e m / . 7 . . Cc . - < / /i f ‘ Lim Lc ae (SEAL. ) ‘ j Z ‘La “| ‘ Cun kL, fz J. Jac. io Gh, ee. i | in the presence of J LY dh fas 4 hete ~% (Seat in Athy pr¢sofice of ' Vn (Seat. ) f ‘ a O-2 -? 5 « (PRAl } aos : — ; A} a c Clerk of the Superior Court Clerk of the Superior Court TT uw—- ¥ tl re P—-ANlS « . l ( SEAL. ) (fi Al.) / (SEAL. ) (Sat. ) (Seat. ) ( Seat. ) affidavit that he is worth over and above} < f Makes affidavit that he is worth over and above} cemptions by law and bie indebtedness, j a nd hie indebtedne «« s affidavit mptions that he ie worth over and aheve! ¢ Makes affidavit that he is worth over and above! S ' ‘ y law and hie indebtedness, emptions that he ic worth ower and ahovwe Makes affidavit that t « worth ower and ahowes < i aw and bis indebtedness, ; motions by law and hie indeltedness i ad Makes affidavit that he is worth ower and ahowe} Makes affidavit that © worth er and shove} exemptions by lew end his indebtedness, j ¢ exemptions by law and hie indebtedness j fe fi | Makes affidavit that he ie worth ower and shove! S$ {Makes affidavit that he is worth over and above} 5 exemptions by law and his indebtedness, j 4 Se ee, exemptions by law and his indebtedness, ; Sworn to and subscribed before me, this dav of a Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of ‘ ca Clerk of the Superior ‘Court. Clerk of the Superior Court. 440) STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, | In tHE SuPERIOR Court. Count y- s KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That we, fit heroBig.n-SOratoreneol. “Le Lh jade 4 ’ ed se pt hee Rvadeg OES van ack cont roar hearts svreeKirricnhe xd tees he hel ect! Uh Me nels all of said County, in the State aforesaid, are held and firmly bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum : Dollars, current money, to be paid to the State of North Carolina in trust, for the benefit of the child................hereinafter named, committed to the tuition of the said... Act sieve foes Meche bes I eicPoravet-saceenee to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these Prosents Sealed with our seals, and dated this - im! day of ve tCten 0 THE CONDITION OF THE ABOVE OBLIGATION IS SUCH, That whereas, the above bounden ..is constituted and appointed Guardian to minor orphan....; now, if the said shall faithfully execute h. said guardianship, and particularly shall well and truly secure and improve all the estate of the said until <i” shall arrive at full age, or be sooner thereto required, and shall render a plain and true account of said guardianship, on oath, before the Clerk of the Superior Court for County, and obey the law in all cases, as required by the Act of Assembly, and deliver up, pay or possess the said ‘ ot all such estates as ought to be possessed of, when lawfully required by said or to such other persons as shall be lawfully empowered or authorized to receive the same, and the profits arising therefrom, then this obligation to be void; otherwise to remain in full force and virtue Signed ealed and delivered ) / / , ‘ ‘ , f y) / ff : im the presence of J Adee 4 LA h 4. LOK fs Lt Sra. (SeAL Clerk of the Superior Court HEAL (SEAL (SEAL. affidavit that be ie worth ower and above! emptions by law and hie indebtedness, j affidavit that he ie worth over and ahowe! semptions by law and hie indeltednesa, ‘ affidavit that he ie worth over and shove cemptions by lew and hic indebtedness, ‘ ' Makee affidavit that he i¢ worth aver and ahowe | exemptions by law and his indebtedness, j { Makes affidavit that he ie worth ower and above} exemptions by lew and his indebtedness, ; Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of ~ Clerk of the Superior Court. NORTH CAROLINA, | ~ 44d IN tHe Superior Court i County. J KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, ‘That We, y oat Condy J Lem tench < TG 47 onan Me. Cx Abn. het. Ltniva her ad all of sgid County, inthe State aforesaid, are held and firmly hound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum LA. AAT ant. — ot — Dollars, current money, to be paid to the State of NorthAarolina in trust, for the benefit of the child hereinafter : Bia : 4 ~ < pa named, committed to the tuition of the said | ACA. fe Wienghes..hahes...XP- ¥ Divceread to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, Sealed with our seals, and dated this J" dav of C (Atr«. , ALD. IG *) ye CONDITION OF THI ABOVE OBLIGATION IS SUCH. That whereas. the above bounden ,<A hei. de é No ns / . d \ appointed Guardian to (A Cina, Cc f eas fo- orphan....; now, if the said A €y An intl, ane sqverany, firmly by these Prosents is constituted and faithfully execute h& ™ said guardianship, and particularly shall well and truly secure and improve all the Le a \ of the said L/. a+. Ag Y—/— l arrive at full age, or be sooner required, and shall render a plaiy and true account of said guardianship, on oath, before the the Superior Court for 71 Me oer Cou and obey the law in all cases, as ired by the Act of Assembly, and deliver u ( A Gast, A) = such estates as ke ought to { Ve 4.4 < i such other persons as shall be lawfully emp red or authorized to receive the same, and the profits arising trom, then this obligation t med, s¢ ted and delivered 7] in the pres ice J J MAg Yuitinds WRB AY ( SEAL, ) ‘4 S F J. Mn AIS 5 fm ro. Ve. ..F ta Zoi e” “a. r > ” ( Clerk of the Superior Céurt “4 Je aI CA Fron ao fp rar, | { Makes affidavit that he Makes affidavit t) emptr ' Makes affidavit t ‘ Makes affidavit that exemptions law and bie indebtedness, ( Makes affidavit that he i« worth ower and shove! exemptions by law and his indebtedness, j Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of Clerk of the Superior Court. her fegnschhea Mtl Pg tel Ga-s ¥ 442 ” STATE OF NORTH £ paren STATE OF 2 SeAROLINA, | County. j In ’HE Co Court. HE SUPERIOR Court, v VI iN) THESE PRESENTS, ‘That we LS AYN | of Aku- Ite Jat wr ‘ all of said LOupty in the Pi ey) are held and firmly bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum i / / / ical bt paantenatsantiaecemnensoeewaacceaiace ..Dollars, of ce fa Mh gwennennorennecoreneseeMreni MMe, ..«-...Dollars, k | A ° . - e . ’ . . PA) ‘ ina current money, to be paid to the State of North on trust, ee penefit “Ve shild 2&..... hereinafter current money, to be paid to the State of North Carotina in tryst, for the kenefit of the Ale 7L™ “geina fter Ce named, committed to the tuition of the said bbfi bie 7) (Lt fi 4 named, committed to the tuition of the said. ae kal A me i .to which payment well and ak to be made, we bind ourselves, and each to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and sever: any, firmly by these Prosents of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and séverally/tirmly by these Prosents . . . J SB “ A= ~ - + = AF Sealed with our seals, and dated this... LS day of ttn, ie en ae Ips Sealed with our seals, and dated this er A.D J THE CON Dr'F )N-OF- TIVE ABOVY OBLIGATION IS SUCH, That whereas, the above bounden THE CONDITION OF THE ABOVE OBLIGA ION IS SUCH. “Th ¢ s, the above bounden ra A s / J J rs OL Zh Ah brccnsflen Sty Mon Nowe Scoaded = A aa , -.---18 constituted and d fl 2! : ‘ i / is constituted and / appointed Guardian to........AcLd0.K&.. Si ralleoweences conse posse “ ania appointed Guardian to ( : a 4 minor orphan....; now, if the said.<-x sodas opt te seat niner-orphan....; now, if the said shall faithfully execute h4A<. said guardianship, and particularly shall well and truly secure and improve all the shall faithfully execute h(a said cuardianship, and parties vall Te cure and improve all the estate of the said : aS oo einai ie iia e estate of the said adbeuk fi i peoannll castle j y f pr ¢ until. « ZL 5 shall arrive at full age, or be sooner : ll arewe at tetlegse or be sooner ¢ ' thereto required, and shall render a plain and true a¢count of said guardianship, on oath, before the thereto required, and shall render a plain av . t guardianship, on oath, before the Clerk of the Superior Court for whi County, and obey the law in all cases, a lerk of the Superior Court for a | obey tl w in all cases, as required by the Act 6f Assembly, and deliver tip, pay or possess the said juired by the Act of Assembly. and del / LAd 4 hess bos & Sedbe of all such estates as... ought to be possessed of, when lawfully required by said ill such estates as ought or to such other persons as shall be lawfully empowered uthorized to receive the same, and the profits arising wt ich other persons as shall be lawfully et re thorized to rece He Scuenie d the profits arising therefrom, then this obligation to be void; otherwise to remain in full force and virtue th rom, then this obligation to be void t t 1 ‘ Signed, sealed and_deliveres /| , . fi ’ igned, sealed and delivered ) Tr in the preseuce of J ett. a KY o+- A% (Seat ih the presence of J Ue} KB Aare les . (Sat. ) . 6h. A. Cf. Ve haad A WHAtilidkt (SAL ) a (Seay) Clerk of the Superior Cuurt a oe » Superior Cour MY h Hads a Marscey (Seat f my ~“ (av Uys (st ~~ (Sra | hey...| pp Ts Lt (Seat ee? aK Ly ; , _ J go o ff A LE Ld aZ, CLP d LeAFt { Makes affidavit that he is worth over and above! s / { Makes affide i exemptions by law and his indebtedness, j eo 200 a a affidavit that he is worth ower and above! $ // ‘ Makes affida 4 semptions by law and his indeltedness, ‘ ve = motrer affidavit he is worth over and above! exemptions by } and his indebtedness, i i j ndebtednees | Makes affidavit that he i« worth ower and shoves ¢ ‘ Makes affidavit that * er end ole exemptions by law and his indebtedness, ss — | eremetions law and bie indebtedness { Makes affidavit that he is worth over and above} $ { Makes affidavit that he ie worth over and shove] exemptions by law and his bec j posnes exemptions by law and hie indebtedness, ; / . , ‘ . y) r . Sworn to and subscribed before me, this Li Z dah bi yi HMy.. fcesseecs : , Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day ot « GY y f oo eat 2 =e. “i lsh pf) $65 566558005 6 50005565660060505506000550 Clerk of the Superior Court. Clerk of the Superior Court. 7 444’ STATE 0 F, NORM CAROLINA, | IN 1HE SUPERIOR Court, gesctemintonea lag flac lactiesicbtiinanasensinmainsicenansisinle i. ) KNOW ALL MEN BY, THER PRESBNIS, Sy we, elf MUTT: snniattniaaiallinstiee ale wa LAMY Wy pe ye Ls J Teeter ir tet tet ee ee ee & TORR eee ee R eee eee ene teen eee neeeeeeeeeeeee all of si uid Op nty, in the ro afore rire and x bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum Dollars, current money, to be paid to the State of Nors},Gerolina in oa for the benefit ow the ee sasyasgpenseoee hereinafter ce lad Ln hr, to which ae. ‘wil and truly to be made, we bind ofirselves, and each named, committed to the tuition of the said.. eer i Sealed with our seals, and dated this of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these Prosents a day of 5: FS , AD. 103. THE CONOITION OF THE AROVE OBLIGATION IS SUCH, hat whereas, the above bounden AT ¢ i Fl f Sf Z ¢ Lk ann doe. f a will sll Y ...1S constituted and bie AM TM O 4. [EBM §¢ IAL. A ea appginted Guardian 6 SSA ; i» — ; A ccvecalivecodiaitchd 4 bef 14 minor orphan....; now, if the said on whe shall faithfully execute h 4 said guardianship, and particulga)y shall €elland truly securé and improye all the Z ; 9 _ estate of the said A ft . f 4 Band ’ 4 a , Runcutadiathvhedsatte é shall arrive at full age, or be sooner thereto required, and shall render a plain and trye account said guardianship, on oath, before the Clerk of the Superior Court for County, and obey the law in all cases, as required by the Act of Assembly, and deliver up, pay or possess the said wondecnke ~ f all such estates as ought to be possessed of, when lawfully required by said or to such other persons as shall be lawfully empower orized to receive the same, and the profits arising therefrom, then this obligation to be void; otherwise remaim in full force and virtue ] V7 j j Signed, scaled And delivered oe Z (Sean in/the presence of 4 4a é j igAndd! ave) (SAL Clerk of the Superior Court / L (SRAL (SEAL. ) ( SEAL.) | Makes affidavit that be ie worth over and shove! evremptions by law and his indebtedness, j ' Makes affidavit that he is worth ower and above! exemptions by law and his indeltedness, ‘ Makes affidavit that be ic worth over and ahove mptions by law and his indebtedness, ‘ ( Makes affidavit that he t¢ worth ower and moves exemptions by law and his indebtedness, { Makes affidavit that he ie worth over and above} exemptions by law and his indebtedness, { A (Wi 7 Sworn to and subscribed before me, this , day 6. Asie /\ (. L215 YAY Clerk ofthe Superior Court. STATE OF, TH CAROLINA, | County. KNOW ALL “ae Ate THESE PRESENTS, That we, Mh ir Liss ME CK bane (B.. cemaenae one In rHE SuPERIOR Court. A Dollars, current money, to be paid to the State of North C tay tr for the benefit of + the gicerritny hereinafter LHe Zyl LIK cs to which payment well and vy to be made, we bind ourselves, and each named, committed to the tuition of the said of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and seyer@ll VY, firaly by these Prosents, 2) Sealed with our seals, and dated this a A day of cL GZ A.D 173 7 THE CONDITION , THE ABOVE OBLIGATION IS SUCH, That whereas, the above bounden Or! a; Me, TU GGA — ‘ C7, i »-» IS constituted and appointed Guardian to Li Kl be 4. VLE IAA : LVS} ne f rf . ** é minor-erphan....; now, if the said ft shall faithfully execute h ‘A said grardians mp and part rtigdlar all well and truly estate of the said \A) \ Ti! 4-¢ 4 secure and improve all the wh <} shall arrive aéall agé-or be sooner thereto required, and shall render a plain and pr said guardianship, on oath, before the Clerk of the Superior Court for : ‘ount nd obey the law in all cases, as required by the Act of Assembly, and deliver TY | toy all such estates as AS / ought to be possesses fy) VL ho i ’ \ i $m her nee . , 4 b to such other persons as shall be lawfully emp ind the profits arising Ss ’ ; ‘ m, then this obligatioge‘to be void; other if f (Sear ¢ Lang on Shed. Oe ae 4 (ey LIL ave yh pera) (Sean hc ° Clerk of the Superior Court " (Sean (Sat. ) (SAL. ) afidavit that be ie worth wer and abowe! mot ‘ aw end bie indeitedare ; «© worth er and above! and his indebtedness, a rth ‘ and «4 and ry) indebtedness, ' Makes affidavit ¢ worth over and shove] exemptions 1 ond hie indehtednese, ' Makes affidavit that he ie worth over and aheovwe! } exemptions by law and his indebtedness, j Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of Clerk of the Superior ‘Court. Cl a ~ 446 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, In 1HE SUPERIOR Cour’. current money, to be paid to the State of i arolina in trust, for the nasped, comunitted to the tuition of the said AO fede Jin t lhe A -- Glog. hep bi Sed of us, eAch and every of our heirs, executors and —. jointly and severally, firmly by these Prosents Chovemthey, AD. 7a) Pa EC oe THE ABOVE OBLIGATION IS SUCH, That whereas, the above bounden = : Bet do tenet = scsunsll ---sss---48 CONStituted and appointed Guardian 2 ote. 22 minor orphane..; now, if the 2 ae shall faithfully execute h ae to which — well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each Sealed with our seals, and dated this LL© day of said guardianship, and particularly shall until ah t, ue account a a ll and truly secure and improve all the estate of the said LoacLMen BPP raf @ thereto required, and shall render a plain an shall arrive at full age, or be sooner said guardianship, on oath, before the Clerk of the Superior Court for County, and obey the law in all cases, as required by the “ie —— and 7. up, pay or possess the said + of all such estates as.<tA2 >~-,Ought to be possessed of, when lawfully required by said (} fA > 2 i/ r - 4 : u £; ae ~~ han or to such other persons as shall be lawfully empowered or authorized to receive the same, and the profits arising therefrom, then this obligation to be void: otherwise to remain in iull force and virtue signed, sealed and delivered } JA A Ae in the présence of Ea a¥..27( SEAL. ) oo [iu | Pian Sata j b.. (SRAL Clerk of the Superior Court tifa (SEAL. ) (SEAL. ) { Makes affidavit that he is worth over and shove! < ; eremmtine y law and his indebtedness, ; ' Makes affidavit that he is worth ower and above! < exemptions by law and his indebtedness, ‘ 9 { Makes affidavit that be is worth over and above! S exemptions by law and his indebtedness, i + ' Makes affidavit that he ie worth over and shor el ¢ exemptions by law and his indeltednesa, j + { Makes affidavit that he is worth over and above} $ i exemptions by law and his indebtedacss, j z Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of sheds sialillai = wp Besos Clerk of the Superior Court. ~— <2 . r to such other persons as shall be lawfully empowers f thorized to receive the same. and the profits arising trom, then this obligation to be void: otherwise “igned, sealed-and delivered ) te ; Se j j “4 F 7 (Sxat | YALU ? | “ a (Sta. Clerk of the Superior Court c *. Foy (Sean (Seat. ) (Seat. ) : & j ss WA ~ r ‘ \ v 2 Ce. on i » Ee f Makes affidas it t that be ie ws sth over an ‘ shave } eu —_ — >< ‘ 4 M fadavit th h ' Leo * ° vit that he ie wort vor end shove wel..§ J ” £ De ~enemptlons by tow oné bls tndcstedness > enpenteni Makes affidavit that be ic worth ower and a e < exemptions law and his indebtedness, : f { Makes afidavit that he i¢ worth er and shove} ¢ exemptions by law and his imdeh Ae Anees, ; > ++ -+00eesees ' Makes affidavit that he ie worth ower and ahowe! < exemptions by law and hie indebtedness, ; 7 $+ + 006s ee eesqueceoes EMTs Sworn to and subscribed before me, this......—..1 play oF AL ’ 1:57 /7 f { / al \ y a % 4 - x / As Add. Nd (if or ane _CAROLINA, Y- Sed DaR Da GnanbaUaabnnbabineniesoeusecenid GC ounty. COO Lee N tHE SUPERIOR Court. HESE PRES .khhed S, That we, the State afoyGsaid, ys a unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum Vl. (Lhd Yi... | sea Dollars, current money, to be paid to the State of North C 7, in tr gor ae venefit of the child_azeaz. hereinafter named, committed to the tuition of the said eapeeace piemaes to which payment well and truly to aie made, we bind ourselves, and each of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly hy se ’ these Prosents Sealed with our seals, and dated this 2 day of ALL A.D. 1 2. 7 THE CONDITION Oy ea OBLIGATION IS SUCH. That whereas, the above bounden On ee of a is cons FZ. and — nd On to ey Lex, May llganlee ox, Me lass Aafia ED Fg shall faithfully execute h iam said guardianship, minor yeti ; now, il fo said ind partis larly shall well gad truly secure and improve al/the estate of the said f Hage Hex, Lia lgiaedice Or hd, VG Ke Hi od g Ss = KL Sasy MAMA... 20K ' le. shall arrive at full age, or be sooner thereto required, and shall render a plain ind typ comy | sand guardyu inship " oath, before the Clerk of the Superior Court for LAE County, and obey the law in all cases. as required by the Act of Assembly, and vot up, Pay—orA YY, GA et AO LEG of all such estates as dey. yp sSer lant, yw wiully require Clerk of the Superior ‘Court. fare op, / . S CAROLINA, especcienteceaneiviass County. IN 1HE SuPERIOR Cour’. ) Ly A LYN) ve cccednedhatbenonctMoonccneNtioccsecccsnesteceocscesvoolensrol, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That welt ito the State opt North Carolina, in the sun LLL! Spnnooovasetecsssesuweeestennesessseeccessoel OUAPS, current money, to be paid to the State of North sai jy sgust, for, the bepefit of pae child.......,....hereinafter { 7 Lo a J Ki AL A 4 27 oblooefoodighiderscoctee inane. pacaconall (Nlvvamenteentindilces: eae to which payment well and wil to be made, we bind ourselves, and each Ay named, committed to the tuition of the said... elernesccah ie these Prosents. , AD. 1225 of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and seyerally, firmly by y Z Sealed with our seals, and dated this day of THE, CONDITION OF “THE ABOVE OBLIGATION IS SUCH, That whereas, the above bounden LL AM... dle <Ge....4 bila Sloe nna a snes ..is constituted and . x . f } / qf, hf ] / tA x appointed Guardian to..........02.5° 04060 Wks WU. ecemneceel eee ) fn fr . ‘. . F f J A , / 4 minor orphan....; now, if the said fA hahha vt LL ei shall faithfully execute h said guardianship, and particularly shallaygll and truly secure and improve all th: a i 4 f I A /y <4 ¢ \ estate of the said A Lk until. «ff shall arrive at full age, or be soone: thereto required, and shall render a plain and tryé aceount of «said guardianship, on oath, before th Clerk of the Superior Court for ice County, and obey the law in all cases, « required by the Act of Assembly, and detiyer up, pay ; ; > / Or possess the said of all such estates as..u¢yWta......ought to be possessed of, when lawfully required by said / %y y s / 7 As ap -iet we Se ‘ i. de wt ngs Te dee. ~ or to such other persons as shall be lawfully empowered uthorized to receive the same, and the profits arising and virtue 4 therefr mn, then this obligation to be void: othet wise to remain in full force . n Signed, sealedZand Allivergd } : # a yy petsenct of. ./J aii Wat tte (fs {Dre Wy (SEAL. ) <a th 3 Lah (Seat Clerk of the Superior Court ) D 1.25 <A (SEAL. ) (SEAL. ) (SEAL. ) a y / OY Ff L { Makes affidavit that be is worth over and above} < . v t “ exemptions by law and his indebtedness, j «6 ’ (Ze ! ex Makes affidavit that he is worth over and above! < emptions by law and his indebtedness, ‘ 9 Ff) 9. oh Makes afidavit that he is worth ower and above! $ i ‘ tions by law and his indebtedness, ‘ * ' Makes affidavit that he is worth over and shove | ¢ i exemptions by law and his indebtedness, j + { Makes affidavit that he is worth over and above} < ’ exemptions by law and his indebtedness, j ee eT . ‘ : j LAY S$, Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 4 wy J 1% . ] 7 ‘Clerk of the Superior Court. of tive CI Le l e CO A Ss 4 ig i \ STATE OF M_t. Adineepp.. WNQY current money, to be paid to the State of North C named, committed to the tuition of the said all such estates as yes PLC anennren i ....County. KNOW ALL DS°2 BY THESE Pp yrs. / ae i ( / 4 ¢ Lave ne Koh uy. Medd: Ceecesoccocosceceses —— — iveisings to us, each and every of our heirs, executors and 4 Sealed with our seals, and dated this Cc ; ¥ THE QONDENION THE ABOVE \ Aid... SOU Yd ‘appointed Guardian to... LLIDU iiwer-erpitan....; now, if the said... shall faithfully execute h 2... said guardiafiship, and partic 7 estate of the said ul i ‘eto required, and shall render a plain and tri acequmt ; 7 rk of the Superior Court for ‘ ured by the Act of Assembly, and deliver up pay or posse ought to be possessed of such other persons as shall be lawfully emy etrom, then this obligation to be void: otherw sealed and delivered in the presence of j Boudthesd Clerk of the Superior Court administrators, 4 Ss Maa Fo In rue Super That wil Y.f oe ae Zid” | YADA. py ay the alps arg held and Ssahly bound unto the State of North Carolina : = ar iia An trugt, for ™ rk of the child / << which payment well and truly to be mac jointly and day of OBLIGATION IS SUCH, T dM ij ck larly shall well Sale Cour the said w fully req | force and no , . fey ‘Ze receive the same. (4 AMAA Ke. . Court. / , in the sum Dollars, hereinafter (MLL le, we bind ourselves, and each severally, firmly by these Prosents. TAA f . AD. LES lhat whereas, the above bounden a .----l§-constitnted and r and truly secure and improve all the Lf of) ( JMtV arrive LEMS or be sooner | guardianship, on oath, before the shall itv, and obey the law in all cases, as ured by said and the profits arising virnie (Seat. ) f or Cc f cle. hoe Gs » S (Sra. ) CTT, Th X SEAL. 4 Ane fw (Seat. ) (Seat. ) and above} { Makes affidavit that he is worth over © ; mntior ww and his indebtedne es § Pe eeeeweeeseerececscccosnapeccs Makes affidavit that he is worth er and shoves e exemptions by law and his indebtedness, ‘ Y'. -+4++ seereeeseeesesoseseosoos Makes affidavit that he ic worth ower and ahowe < exen ne 2 and his indebtedness, i ’ f { Makes affidavit that he is worth and above} ¢ exemptions by law and his indebtedness, j + f { Makes affidavit that he is worth ower and above} ¢ exemptions hy Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day ot law and his indebtedness, j (La STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, | County. IN 1HE SUPERIOR Cour’. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, ‘That we, current money, to be paid to the State of North Carolina in trust, for the benefit of the child @@ve.... hereinafter to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each named, committed to the tuition of the said of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these Prosents Sealed with our seals, and dated this ii* BA, day « , AD. 1538 ’ NPITION OF THE ABOVE OBLIGATION | That w a. the above bounden ..1s constituted an ininor orphan@.; now, if the said shall faithfully execute hay said guardianship, and particularly shall well and truly.secure apd i yore all the estate of the said fin Ooh lr foaterrnn— eS and Nak until shall arrive at full age, or be soone: thereto required, and shall render a plain and true account of said guardianship, on oath, before th Clerk of the Superior Court for Gu teece County, and obgy the law in all cases, « reguired by the Act of Assembly, and deliver nek pay « “ sse wag | lh han of all such esfatgs as ought to be possessed of, when lawfully required by gaid or to such other persons as shall be lawfully empowered or authorized to receive the same, and the profits arising therefrom, then this obligation to be void; otherwise to remain in full force and virtue Signed, sealed /and deliveral | / in Me piegence jot nur ) Cordon Batt Li abies (Srat, Cs . AS 4 VA: vy (Sra - v Clerk of the Superior Court (Sra { Makes affidavit that he is worth over and above! i eremptior by law and his indebtedness, j Makes affidavit that he is worth ower and ahowes exemptions by law and his indeltedness, ‘ ' Makes alidavit is worth over and shove emptions « and his indethtedness, ‘ { Makes affidavit that he is worth over and shove} exemptions by law and his indebtedness, j { Makes affidavit that he ie worth ower and ahove?} exemptions by law and his indebtedness, j Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of Clerk of the Superior Court. CAROLINA, | : | IN tHE SUPERIOR en County. <> KN W, ALL MEN BY iar _PR STL TES 7 we, v alles dv L | ler 4 all of said oer the Wp afore alge na i firmly bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum Os LAA, AQ... Dollars, current money, to be sal to the State of North Carolina. in trust, for the benefit of the A eT hereinafter named, committed to the tuition of the said h LAMAIUAA Aj ELAM 4 7} iL to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally firmly by these Prosents ¢ ; ef ; ¢ day of ...<c/, q , AD. 192i THE Ci INDIA IN OF MAE ABOVE OBLIG.A’ MON IS SUCH, The whereas, the above bounden ALAMAAL | a (ts f is constituted and LM appointed Guardian to i ; now, if the said /' o Sealed with our seals, and dated this shall faithfully execute h said guardianship, ape particulagty shall well and truly secure and improve all the ' yo k estate of the said F nah ayn. (GW he ae Ferve ata age, or be sooner thereto required, and shall render a plain and*true aceoun Z Clerk of the Superior Court for 6 Count said guardianship, on oath, before the ind obey the law in all cases, as required by the Act of Assembly, ani deliver up pay i ull such estates as ‘...ought Ao be possessed of j 4 fehncodh such other persons as shall be lawfully emp ind the profits arising retrom, then this obligation to be void; otherwi , j ned, sealed atidk delivered | a in Me presetice of J LMLAM* y LiL wsrrAs, Al.) Aelieuttle / / M14 \ (SEAL. ) Clerk of the Superiér Court P ao > ' IG CLK wo (Sat. ) (Seat. ) ¢ ?\ i 4) 4} i (Seat. ) \ \ oo O AS (f. = SA eee her Pee Se Ge ase ee ee SA) 6 0 B CQ Rok AP wy ¢ i in. /X7/7 : yt ohne that Re te worth eves ‘ . a SIX } be. law and his indetrte * affidavit | cms over and mptions } 1 ' te indeltednese ' Makes affidavit that he ic worth er and show exemptions by law and his indelted inesa, { Makes affida: that he t worth ower and above! qnumplions s by law and his indebtedness, +f Sworn to and subscribed before me, this i gf May of om “ / ued VATE, Clerk of the Superior Court. IN tHE SUPERIOR Cour’. County. — / a ly A ; YY Z sow hey ps EN BY — o pugs 1 _ i lA IM yess Rare { ngs d, all of sa saan 3902 in the a afore aid’: are Cs cy. bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum yee BE tie orn secttecsceccsOlars, current money, to be paid to the State of North b Carvti6a in tryst for Ay fit of the child / fuld KL- Lane to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each .-hereinafter named, committed to the tuition of the said... j f ( of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and ye firmly by these Prosent 7 LAD. 12.58 Y THE, CONDIT INL OF T tHE /SBOWVE LOBLIGATI( IN IS SUCH, ‘That whereas, the above bounden OMA: T7 hh t HET —T spy Sealed with our seals, and dated this AS day of ale wn is constituted and . . - /? “< 4 d appointed Guardian to — d Me pmo od . COLA / ‘ o ” A : ee : J {} A S / we minor orphan....; now, if the said .......¢ ‘ FH ) ee OO: “ ' shall faithfully execute hag... sai] guardianship, > ae particularly shall well and truly secure and improve all th: : , 7 LAL. , estate of the said Wt acaccal & Meh hhthid = until <AAg sA.....shall arrive at full age, or be soone: thereto required, and shall render a plain and true account of 724 said guardianship, on oath, before th Clerk of the Superior Court for see Lo County, and obey the law in all cases, a required by the Act of Assembly, and deliver up, pat ory possess the said y 4 . errs of all such estates as. ought to be possessed of “When law fully required by said 4 ‘ / — \ or to such other persons as shall be lawfully empowered or authorized to receive the same, and the profits arising = therefrom, then this obligation to be void; otherwise to 1 NVQ Signed, sealed and delivered SOrce and virtue inthe presence of J c | ~L.. (2. Li Drv os aH re “8 . : : 4 Clerk of the superior Court ‘ y? A b, My. - SEAL.) (SEAL CE As (SEAL. ) (SEAL. ) (SEAL * / » i) ee ann. { Makes affidavit that he is worth over and above} < / LE ot i exemptions by law and his indebtedness, j ‘ 4. . het byseee Kd yf de G4, BE in ries Makes affidavit that he is worth over end shove! © / eer exemptions by law and his indebtedness, ‘ " “ _ ee STATE OF, NORTH CAROLINA, | Seusnaa cae iil telat rnsen Coe) KNOW ALL MEN BY HESE PRESENTS, That we, we PL oan Me. br In 1rHE SUPERIOR Court. of 2c. =a Sle tae Sia . Seon current money, to be paid to the State of North Carolina in trust, for the ‘ of the child... named, committed to the tuition of the said is KF Bak on J. Keke lacie Dollars, hereinafter to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these Prosents. . . Cs Sealed with our seals, and dated this Ja fs day of oF. iu 2 CONDI md? OF Ae WE OBLIGATION IS SUCH, That whereas, the above bounden ued} Aw a a aA : ' . is constituted and Z ) . : : (J 444.2. ~ BS letra A ASS net. or Guardian to minor orphan. now, if the said .(. A li shall faithfully execute h_<<2 said guardianship, estate of the said hl « Lei aer ¢ a NMA ZgAaGad os oF F2. a ee inr- 7 and particularly shall well and truly secure and improve all the until JA Ae, shall arrive at full age, or be sooner thereto required, and shall render a plpin and true account of _/L«4 said guardianship, on oath, before the Clerk of the Superior Court for f Ay A. gh i 4A County, and obey the law in all cases. as Fee pasate by the Act of Assembly, and deliver up, pay or possess the said ti lee re. OL Ix, 2. K hetnccechet AP redllla f x possessed of, when lawfully required by ee £ wri titetmass “a all such estates as... /A-< ought to | y) — 7 AA. Mie Aoacare...Pm... therm aller. ? 2a hairrs to such other persons as shall be lawfully empowered or authorized to receive the same and the profits arising retrom, then this obligation to be void: otherwise to unin full force and virtue gned, sealed and delivered) } yin ae, ence\of J ¢ : : 2 (Seat...) ; ‘ ‘ , SA . 7 Le. ( Y_ | os Lhoatt . Mie Sect Re GTS A a 7 fo tne. ’ LMA (i . E-R Z...,.( Smat.. ) Clerk of the Superior Court ] COS f or ofA ov an, — Xs, AL.) (Seat...) (Seat. ) | Makes atidovis that he is worth ower and abowr! : evcomatins ‘ and hie indebtedness j ‘ Makes affidavit that he ie worth ower and ahowes exemptions by law and hie indettedness, ‘ “f i all/of i County, in in the Dtate aforesaid, are nah firmly bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum am ff Makes affidavit that he is worth over and above! ¢ me by law and his indebtedness, ‘ ‘ Makes affidavit that he ie worth ower and abov e} i exemptions by law and his indebtedness, j Sf { Makes affidavit that he is worth over and above} S we exemptions by law and his indebtedness, j ¥ ey ere ‘ a7 Eye, Lop 7 peshigeeons on 114 a. ' ; the Sat Tae i il Clerk “bi the Superior ‘Court. . . . : buy Sworn to and subscribed before me, this /, ' Makes affidavit that he i« worth ower and shower ; exes ne law and bis indebtedness, i { Makes affidavit that he i« worth ower and ahowel exemptions by law and hie indebtedness, i wn f { Mahes affidavit that he is worth over and shove} <¢ exemptions by law and hie indebtedness, ; § “- occeccceses Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of i ‘Clerk of the Superior Court. CAROLINA, | In tHE SUPERIOR Cour’. a en ee < Te eaiiciersenccel ' Lp wy f Nh ) KNOW / ye MEN NOT That > { , A, At. MM IA GLE brn iia ald FF LU - all of said County, yy State afores 25 ptt held and fifmly bétind unio the State of oe) Carolina, in the sum Oe "t1Pn4 soochidlchde LAO CLL: Ok hie. aici ne (£00 © iakeiiceecie siecieecibumee sale Dollars, current money, to be paid to the State of North Carolina, in in Fuss for theAenefit of she child... ..-hereinafter LEE | ar to which wr well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each f/f named, committed to the tuition of the said.............0 44.2 of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administratorg7 jointly and severally, firmly by these Prosents 2G LE Hated, 0. \998 { Sealed with our seals, and dated this Shank, WBo\ Kw IBLIGAPFION WS SUCH, That whereas, the above bounden THE CONDITION) O yy tk. ANe-l27¢p2 42 Be. day of is constituted and appointed Guardian to . . —< ‘ LO minor orphan....; now, if the said veptfind Z' 4 Y2 _— At f shall faithfully execute h.4@... said guardianship, and particularly shall well and truly secure and improve all the i estate of the said on fh Jf ' f ; ‘ fe, a > Ap yy ( ff 7 i! Glie Meveshave hic icon ‘ CMM LL ‘ {/ until 4. shall arrive at full age, or be soonc: = i ° thereto required, and shall render a plain an@ true aceébwert_of AZZ. said guardianship, on oath, before th: a Clerk of the Superior Court for Med Gd Lake County, and obey the law in all cases, a required by the Act of Assembly, and deliver up, pay or possess the said “a . Ly YA CléZ of all such estates as /LZ. ought to be possessed of, when lawfully required by said , , nats - hc ; Ay SALA 2 é ° oediiclnns KM . ta, — mi or to such other persons as shall be lawfully empowered or authorized to receive the same, and the profits arising H therefrom, then this obligation to be void; otherwise to remain in full force and virtue Amntite nar, (SEAL } ar Led (Sai Atakaa : (SAL Signed, sealed and leliygred \ in the presi of / J LDA) 4 F Idbdeb if] Clerk of the Superior Court (Seat. ) : ( SAL.) i/ fp . { Makes affiday it that he is worth over and above! e 4 a i e stions ‘yy law and hie indehtedness, j . c ran — Wy Makes affidavit that he ie worth ower and abowes ef Z --s22 i cxemptions by law and his indebtedness, ‘ . Makes affidavit that he ic worth ower and ahowe! ¢ eremptions } law and his indeltedness, i 9 - { Makes affidavit that be is worth over and above} ¢ exemptions by low and his indeltedness, j 4 { Makes affidavit that he is worth over and above} ¢ exemptions by law and his indebtedness, j dan nlc tiacnateint ic ingen mI 23 : id Sworn to and subscribed before me, this { MY & gh Ks ’ 17 * . “« . “ [ i Superior Court. CAROLINA, ie erciskecaae County. In tHE Superior Court. unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum Am ee, pa Ap AAge : re ..Dollars, current money, to be paid to the State of No tiny ust, for the benefigpt the child ..hereinafter named, committed to the tuition of the said SZ ZA to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and vulministrators, jointly and x ‘rally, firmly by these Prosents. A.D. FASE ABOVE, OBLIGATION IS SUCH, That whereas, the above bounden t Sealed with our seals, and dated this day of : is constituted and Hi appointed Guardian to... Ate Pr 6 minor orphan....; now, if the shall faithfully execute | estate of the said De 1d Suaglianship, and particularly shall well and truly secure and improve all the until shall arrive at full age, or be sooner thereto required, and shall render a plafi)and tru account of said guardianship, on oath, before the Clerk of the Superior Court for a County, zng_obey the law in all cases, as required by the Act of Assembly, and deliver up, pay or possess the said Z Vabhiarrao Ke ——— t all such estates as Aitoceo—— _ ought to be possessed of, when law full) required by said a ee r to such other persons as shall be lawfully empen ed r authorized to receive the same, and the profits arising therefrom, then this obligation to be void; otherwise to remain in full force and virtue igned, sealed a re ou AYU Clerk of the Superior Court tH M1 UA. lUika 7 Ml liwera (SEAL. ) ii f NW hhaten, «4 (SEAL. ) My LAaluhils acute (Sra. ) ee ee (SAL. ) , ( Seat.) ' ' ' c 4 . s CO ry“ AA Cow (Makes affidavit that he is worth over and shove J/boo = c i aw and his indebtednes j i Pee ao v “tba ve ( Makes affidavit that he ie worth ower and above! /boo —_— t 7 ervemptions law and hie indebtedness, ‘ “ . Cccecccoose ‘ Makes affidavit that he ie worth ower and ahowe: $ exemptions law and hie indebtedness, ‘ s { Makes affidavit that he i« worth aver and above | <¢ : exemptions ty law and hie indebtedness, j % | Makes affidavit that he is worth over and shove} $ exemptions by law and his indebtedness, 7 Por sseeeenewerseerereenemeenews Sworn to and subscribed before me, this Clerk of the Superior Court. CAROLINA, Men Mei eens RNR IN THE SUPERIOR Cour’. rugty Hr the benefit of ae Gaean nereinafter Li) NLC .to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each named, committed to the tuition of the said.... “ oosiiglt day of “—s oes » OBLIGATION IS SUCH, Thathereas, the above bounden Alda Ze shall faithfully execute h / ine rt irdianshipy and wa tharly shall yejl gnd truly secure and improve all th: Poel ZUM UC1e -— estate of the said fon aoe ete 7}; until hy shal (hal LY did, wh ae thereto required, and shall render a plain ee Tet, wit of...7 Kk ‘said guardianship, on oath, before th of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and ih firmly by these Prosents Sealed with our seals, ; THE Lt YW tes and Clerk of the Superior Court for ML’ County, and obey the law in all cases, a required by the Act of a (thy Z 1 possgsy the Ut | og ip of all such estates as Ke Moe be be, a lawfully required by said or to such other persons as shall be lawfully empowered or authorized to receive the same, and the profits arising therefrom, then this obligation to be void; otherwise to remain igi Signed, sealed) and {delivered in thf | ne y , (Sear 4 ( 4) ba bbind (SEAL. ) @ Clerk of the Superior Court rf, A (2.4 a LN DAL o/ (SEAL. ) (SkAL.) ( SEAL.) de { Makes affidavit that he is worth over and above! < me i exemptions by law and his indebtedness, j , -~ od { Makes affidavit that he is worth over and above! ‘ exemptions by law and his indebtedness, ‘ ( Makes affidavit that be is worth ower and above! ¢ exemptions by law and his indebtedness, ; + ( Makes affidavit that he is worth over and abo "i $ exemptions by law and his indebtedness, * { Makes affidavit that he is worth over and ahove} $ exemptions by law and his indebtedness, ; 7X Sworn to and subscribed before me, this Clerk of the Superior Court. AD. 1705" STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, | 457 In rue Superior Court. See (tpn /, LA Lah lt | County. J ) KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRE ae Z; wel/ZZ ce ha... fl Aacratage ht. Li ie fe / ldiLig ii the St; fg of orth Carolina, in the sum AML LA = Dollars, current money, to be paid to the State of North Carolina inprust, for she benefit of the child OS Y C CLA VR Ww to which payment? well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each all of sayxf County, in the a oa are iy hereinafter named, committed to the tuition of the said of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these Prosents. Sealed with our seals, and dated this Z 7. ch day of APR em AD. 1 FAS THE CC IN DITION OF JAN: \BOVE OBLIGATION IS SUCH, ll testes the above bounden CLA. SN Nod es Cen VE a ee is constituted and appointedGuardian to. ¢ tithe . O-pten/ el Pe Og El ) Oo : mitor-orphan....: now, if the said < f Ptte A ‘ “ OX OA : shall faithfully execute h.4A/, said guardianship, and, particularly shall well and truly secure and improve all the hd ct ial in estate of the said J hee Cn%.-< AMA b-boy wl ake Z of ami, mti ce. shall arrive at (All age. or be sooner thereto required, and shall render a plain angytrue account of Ate said guardianship, on oath, before the Clerk of the Superior Court for ¥ tutte Me County, and obey the law in all cases, as required by the Act of Assembly, and deliver up, pay or possess the said ' hic \ Anca a 7 at. acti tamed! het Pe ~~ of all such estates as wattle -..ought to be possessed of, when lawfully required by said AAR... xe U 0 ttLind eT to such other persons as shall be lawfully empower wuthorized to receive the same, and the profits arising therefrom, then this obligation to be void: otherwise to 1 i tull force and virtue TUR FE Cdorrnan. sen.) hi! Wat, tice’ 2 AG Oana shen. CG fs “) Signed, sealed — delivered /) VLE re O1\ a J A J Vf 4 7} Clerk Of the Superior Court (SEAL } (SEAL. ) * {| Makes affidavit that he i« worth er and a ’ < j met ow and bie inde htevine j ( Makers afidavi it that he i« worth ower and ashowes < evempti aw and bie iedeltednece ‘ . ' Makes affidawit that he ic worth ower and af ~ eacmotions } law and hie indeltednec ‘ > esseeee { Makes affidavit that he i« worth over and show: 1 $ exemptions by law and hie tndettewese i ? { Makes affidavit that he is worth ower and abv vel < ' exemptions by law and bic indettedness, j aaah Sworn to and subscribed before me. this a day of vé - j ; ; a Clerk of the Superior Court. y 458 STATE OF NORTH, CAROLINA, ‘| In rue Superior Court. County. Ue Kitty0n t, all of a of Opp VG Staty IVER are he - Ne ide Dollars, ofthe child... ...hereinafter to which payment well ff truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each , AD. 1738 OVE OBLIG BAT IN IS SU oe ‘hg? whereas, the above bounden of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and admigistrators, jointly and saver eC — by these Prosents Sealed with our seals, and dated this ul. day of PAIRS . appointed Guardian to ..is constituted and . i ; / Pz q / fy j 7 * minor orphan....; now, if the said fy! KZ LYO ss shall faithfully e ay > 1. said guare WP af shall well and truly secure and improve all th: estate of the said Ly Cha L Ges: until. <&# ph shall arrive at full age, or be soon g NY) thereto required, and shall render a plaip Gnd Wi account of fag said guardianship, on oath, before th Clerk of the Superior Court for TU. £ L¢ County, and obey the law in all cases, ; juired by the Act of Asggsnply, and ye up, pay gfpossess the said / bee ie £44 Tt, \f HL FU ought to be possessgd-ofwhen lawfully required by said ght to bé pe f NY w to such other persons as shall he lawfully empowered or authorized to receive the same. and the profits arising therefrom, then this obligation to he-void: otherwise td in tull force and virtue Signed, sealed and_deliveré¢d ) ~¢ (o-, au in the presener of Z J r ee bubs CL (Seat sy fy j - 6" a KLM} Vf F Giddy Bex tf 7 . E (Sra. Clerk of the Superior Courf _ ; : P od (SEAL. ) / / he Y (SRAL. ) (SEAL. ) } ft ’ ° - ty mul x affidavit that he is worth over and above} remptions | law and his indebtednees j affidavit that he is worth over and above: xemptions by law and his indebtedness, ‘ affidavit that he is worth ower and above! exemptions by law and his indebtedness, { Makes affidavit that he ie worth ower and abhor el exemptions by law and his indebtedness, ; { Makes affidavit that he ie worth over and above) exemptions by law and his indebtedness, j Sworn to and subsetibed before me, this : day of a. - Clerk of the Superior “Court. ve ) LAROLINA, | J In iHE SUPERIOR CouRT County. id yd firmly bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum = .------Dollars, current money, to be paid to the State of North yy Hina in Zrust, for the bénefit pr the child named, committed to the tuition of the said LMEPH te GY ee to which payment well and fruly to be mac, we bind ourselves, and each of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and adygiuigtators, jointly and seyerally, firmly by these Prosents. Sealed with our seals, and dated this D3 day of yy . AD tod THE LY 2 he Cfo \BOVES OBLIGATION IS SUCK, ThafAvhereas, the above bounden LP) aig (HEL Wipe — is constituted and _— wen” mt the said wy Vp Wine Wf ea : : shall faithfully execute hf Eh Me irdianship and fareularl shall@tell and truly secure and improve all the x] estate of the said KS Kt deta ul, Com wheur shail eweutteleege, dr be sooner hereinafter appointed = to CU. thereto required, and shall render a plain and prye acgoupt. ot : said guardianship, -on oath, before the 7 V fi Clerk of the Superior Court for 44 {4} UA County, and obey the law in all cases. as required by the Act of VSeotiphy. and Pye, P pay x Z 7 / tj MLE of all such estates as : ought tyohe possessed c id by or to such other persons as shall be lawfully emp ind the protits arising therefrom, then this obligation to be void: other i uml virtue signed, sealed and del{vered } in phe Aroky of J Z 1 2G O41 ie Clerk of the Superior Court Vii aT Kdbang a (i A. rawt, A’ ' (72 Bowl, YY) A Re e indeltednees Makes afidawit that be worth ower and « mptions ? aw and hie indeltednese Makes affidavit that be i¢ worth ower and @ exemptions hy law and hie indeltedness ' Makes affidavit that be i¢ worth ower and ahowel exemptions by law and his indebtedness, j wl. 2G Se an Clerk of the Seperior Court Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 460 LATE OF H CAROLINA, See County. leie?” , ae BY THESE PRESENT Uy Te fh dil 3 all of s said fas i current money, to be paid to the State of North “Sof ya hi J; t the bet named, committed to the tuition of the said... Hp. to which fu well and tru tebe made, we bind ourselves, and ea: In rHE SuPERIOR Court. AVY aid, afe held and ‘vi bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum ...Dollars >» ..“...hereinafter i of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and — jointly and severally, firmly by these Prosents Sealed with our seals, and dated this day of 4 Wy appointed Sole . _ —— FT he Yili Med lls, eT. Sig 9 LL, Ininor-orphan...; now, if the said AD. 17.02 7”? THE GL. dey, wv K OBLIGATION IS SUCH, ‘Phat whereas, the above bounde: . iS constituted and i shall faithfully execute “/ J THY geiay: TNC) and 2 irly shall well and truly secure and improve all the estate of the said LLL AL AACA Qe until shall’ aseeve ati guardianship, on oath, before th . ( . thereto required, and shall render a plain or CHA yynt of A z said Clerk of the Superior Court for required by the Act of Assembly, anil sis pay pp possess the said neal Lek ought o be Passg ed of, when lawfully required by said “tt / “ CIGD L i Jf County, and obey the law in all cases, a of all such estates as. ~/\¢ or wo sootici or to such other persons as shall be lawfully empowered or authorized to receive the same. and the profits arising therefrom, then this obligation to be void; otherwise to remair ll force y . Signed, sealed and delivesy (/ {4 in the presence o 4 ff ‘ct acy. (S#At.. ) J YH. 1 M AY LAN ¢ Lot Al OMI NK... Clerk*of the Superior Court ae CHA tack 4 ry « J (SRaAL (SEAL { Makes that he is worth over and above! i eremptions by law and his indebtedness, ; affidavit that he ie worth ower and above nemptions by law and his indehtedness, affidavit that he ic worth over and ahowe! exemptions } la and hie indebtedness, { Makes affidavit that he ic worth over and shove exemptions by law and his indebtedness, { Makes affidavit that he is worth ower and above?! exemptions by law and his indebtedness, j Sworn to and'subscribed before me, this e1 , Clerk of the Superior ‘Court. SEAL. ) IN 1HE SupeRiIoR Court. , TH. CAROLINA, | 7 ” 461 NC | County. J Af He ee Lprot'y RUD > a dual — all of s& County ps ‘wx terest fy iyo find firmly bound unto the State of North C arolina, in the sum of hee t § / a ‘ Dollars, current mofiey, to be paid to the State of North gre hey ‘for the bengfit of the child: dia... hereinafter named, committed to the tuition of the said = oe id. J). ip ae . to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly 7 verally, firmly by these Prosents wp. 1775 Ya Sealed with our seals, and dated this Ps day of Mg : THE / Oe | dhe Vy. Agee LIGATION IS SUCH, hat whereas. the above bounden c Is cor i . : appointed Guardian to ev wn Vz y fliltip VL fit . Ey rh (Lay snd mite of te wa. GLAU Yat NA, Up 4 Vt 0) wit Ay shall arrive at full age, or be sooner Py repo | - guardianship, on oath, before the ul obey the law in all cases. as quired by th ffi Xsseyihly, eliver/upy | Ay EUL Tit) LVHiMY 7 nti 1 all such estates pt fii ty) ey such other persons as shall ix ~ thereto required, and shall render a plais Clerk of the Superior Court for and the profits arising etrom, then this obligation ~igned, sealed and dglivered ) in the pre o | J -. Y Ac ; ibe . (Seat CD/ Yypute Clerk of — Superior C (SEAL. ) (SEAL (SEAL (SAL DT, Peaatert oun ten ea remit ¢ SM (1: he re a meee fe « worth ower and « and hie indeltedness { Mahes affidavit that he is worth ower and abhowe exemptions by law and his indeltedness, 4 ; Sworn to and subscribed before me, this /v day “0 \ Clerk of the Superior Court. 0 Ps TO TE OF In 1rHE SuPERIOR Cour’. Hc as County. Meas ‘said, afe held and ‘ied bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum current money, to be paid to the State of North Carolit ; L— Dollars, ae tist, f J Ze to which payment well and trué aN . THESE PRESE /...hereinafter named, committed to the tuition of the said be made, we bind ourselves, and each of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and s Prosents = % Sealed with our seals, and dated this v day of , &D. 17.42 verally i ~* THE Gu LD Tey ge EK OBLIGATION IS SUCH, ‘Phat whereas, the above bounden W.7 LLJs My LL 47 LE chillis ..is constituted and ET: a. LL, dbuitn larly shall well and truly secure and improve all the ‘, firmly by these appointed eile to InRororphan shall faithfully execute hé2 (4. ; now, if the said Me) lian MoT 1 fller’ estate of the said Zi A Mar Ly or “ sooTK AL Lo shall’a until a plain 4 HHT C. sng Superior Court for Act of Assembly aay dpiter » pay _f LZ “pp \ ought fo be passeshe d of, ah k / AL I iY shall | thereto required, and shall render said guardianship, on oath, before th Clerk of the County, and obey the law in all cases, a required by the > possess the said CL, J e e of all such estates as_-7\ when lawfully required by said l . r to such other persons as « lawfully empowered or authorized to receive the same, and the profits arising therefrom, then this obligation to Ix otherwise to remait | force yy Stipe rior C void: an d xirtue. at Z M) Surned, sealed and deliv (SEAL vOMI YE, Al, in the pres “Cl o EY LANI CASE we 5 wm Sts Eh 2 a Clerk ‘ot tb (SEAL (SEAL. ) (S#AL.) that he ie worth ower and alewe! by law and bis indebtedness, affidavit that be i« worth ower and ahowe! by law and bis indebtedness, and aber indeltedness, that he i« worth over affidavit em la and his ne ' Makes affidavit exemptions that he i¢ worth ever and aheve | by law and hie indebtedness, ; ‘ { Makes affidavit exemptions that he ie worth ower and shove} by law and hie indebtedness, ; Sworn to and'subscribed before me, this day of s’ * - Clerk of the Superior Court. shall faithfully execute 40h estate of the said CALM the rets Lik CAROLINA, | IN THE SUPERIOR oo ' ; County. f a HEU e Aa am if ne ifhe eee find firmly bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum Dollars, fr" Nia to for the ben of the childdden—...hereinatter 1) iy ae | to which payment well and truh to | and severally, firmly by and dated this day of ( L¢ Ny y" hey menrion Is SUCH, > Seeten the Bh he hai x ue ll Y fliiiitiae” minor orphan: now, if the said Ns A. Ae Ay, fHa A a PL iN]! / all of 0 $Feniny current mofiey, to be paid to the State of Ni “4 named, committed to the tuition of the said « made, we bind ourselves, and each of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators. /* portly these Prosents . IS above bounden Sealed with our seals. THE Pepa) EC appointed Guardian to ‘ely, Ns! { o 4 Wilh, V1, ire an a) oo all the irrive at tull age, or be sooner required, and shall render ; archanship, on oath, before the rh ! pct t / ‘ 47 Uk . " . ‘ of the Superior Court for ¢ i Obey the law in all cases. EUL Zee CL Wy pide =o “PFT (cai e ue hall be law fully tip ! i r i" rhe are nh as sseyibhly, 4 Lik ich other persons as i the profits arising then thi ation t ) ' f t ’ irtete ) snd | Z Be fea UWL? Kee obhg and dgtlivered / Zz ZOD ( Wifi Cler k « aled in the p ( (Seal EAI of the Superior { SEAL. ) (SPAL //z / > GO ( - ee { Makes affida \ , et and « ndeltednesa 7 Sworn to and subscribed before me, this Clerk of the Superior Court. ORTH, CAROLINA, | el scensniitinited County. N RY/T — That we, a ¥. “" , IN 1HE yew Court. yg rmly bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum ‘ : Dollars, current money, to be paid to the State of North C AM. - trust, Yor the benefit of ‘the child... ..-hereinafter named, committed to the tuition of the said.... UPC : OuUy to which payment well and truly 4 be made, we bind ourselves, and each of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and On y, firmly by these Prosents Sealed with our seals, and dated this... 2 day of j i 4 4 CH. bees ‘ “Tt THE, COMDIT AY pl’ Gy ANB vA OBLIGATION IS SUCH, That whereas, the above bounden Ady y appointed Guardian to ¢ L “0 l “Me L hy AU LAM Li A Y . , ‘ Sf? ‘ Bee . 4 VAP UM O4/, minor orphan....; now, if the said t..hb 4 CY LUCY / shall faithfully execute h4/... said guardiansfip, and partic: ily Shall well and truly secure and improve all the _ , 4 fj ; : f {AJ estate of the said hh. wlhs f= ALLA] a4 until {CA shall arrive at full age, or be soone: thereto required, and shall render a plain and trye account of _..@% said guardianship, on oath, before th« / A iA C Clerk of the Superior Court for \ ( ounty, and obey the law in all cases, « required by the Act of Assembly, art geliver up, pay OF possess the aid ) ; a " Ma UA Wide Z ‘fe (Lith of all such estates as AL ought yy posse ped of, ee pills required by said AYA We Jt, éy ~ d or to such other persons as shall be lawfully empowered or authorized to receive the same, and the profits arising therefrom, then this obligation to be void; otherwise to remain in full force and virtue signed, sealed apd delivefed in the”presepce of me Ary mat (Seat x WHEL Pairenl sinh Copenh... Clerk of the Superior Court a EC hand) affidavit that he is worth over and shove?! vemptions by law and his indehtednesa, j affidavit that he ie worth over and shove! xemptions by law and bie indehtednesa, affidavit that he ic worth over and showe emptions by law and his indebtedness, ' Makes affidavit that he is worth over and ahove | exemptions by law and his indettedness, j { Makes affidavit that he is worth ower and ahowe) exemptions by law and hie indebtedness, j Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of Clerk of the Superior Court. ’ Wa aioe K AD. 1.2.28 sail cians Z . ..is constituted and STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, | County. HE SUPERIOR Courr. ? Saint Paul Mercury Indemnity Company — Saint Paul-Mercury Indemnity Cd, By PODaty ‘| 62 ae « OF/ mem CAmgumA,| . y [ Salim InN 1HE SuPERIOR Cour’. STATE OF pom. That we, DL J all of said Gounty, in the 9 wy, yt ¢ f a Ae tus Os the benefit of 5 » be made, we bind ourselves, and each rmly bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum Dollars, current money, to be paid to the State of North C ..-hereinafter named, committed to the tuition of the said to which payment well and truly firmly by these Prosents of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly ES” , ¢ , A.D. 1.ZeL. and dated this 2 4 OBLIGATION IS SUCH, Sealed with our seals, day of Le 7 HE aa AA Ol 'T AB Oye: That whereas, the above bounden / k :, , ws z ‘" ~ g yA LE J¢ VW 4 LY UhMiMale YL { cniaiteillien 4) fa Saif guardianship, and particukigly Shall well and truly secure and i improve all the / q) { {ALL tv a J estate of the said A ld U “ ££, bbe a seveeeeeeeeeeeedS CONStituted and appointed Guardian to.... ‘ Lh ZA Ley Lt tf ; now, thd d CY C4 minor orphan if the said Fl A / shall faithfully execute h4 until shall arrive at full age, or be soone: account of said guardianship, on oath, before the SMILE A thereto required, and shall render a plain and try Clerk of the Superior Court for County, and obey the law in all cases, : the paid required by the Act of Assembly, ast deliver Lh “7 possess Li Afi 7 : A $ o Ad ahh LS LAMLA“M when lay fully required by said Ytill of all such estates as ought ay be pospessed f, MN 7 YEW / - ‘ r to such other persons as shall be lawfully empower rized to receive the same, and the profits arising therefrom, then this obligation to be void: otherwise to full force and virtue sealed apd deliveted } in the” presepce of j Signed, Af ae At p/ 4 » ‘MAF 64 cs Clerk of the Superior Cor AA that he is worth over and above! law and his indebtedness, j affidavit cemptions hy that he ie worth over and shove! "y law and his indebtedness, ‘ that he is worth ower and shove: afidav t ; and his indebtedness, i tions by law that he is worth over and ahowe by law and his indebtedness, ( Makes affidavit exemptions that he is worth over and shove) | Makes affidavit ; by law and his indebtedness, j exemptions Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of aw Clerk of the Superior Court. NORTH CAROLINA, County. HE SUPERIOR Court. ; ? Saint Paul Mercury Indemnity Company By b0dahy of the ch current money, to be paid to the State of North Canlina pre opi ben My named, committed to the tuition of the said.. UL JAM. LA “4 4) Sealed with our seals, and dated this.........@“/ THE CONDITION or THE { day of... (a. & i / MA | 7, sicissniesmmuseanieeiitsal L0G 7 mae cK ae 4 SES Li.4 dh Y Ub ar kL oe appointed , Guardian to ZZ ipo Mofon chad CLA AEH MA. Wh f Ma ce FX. @): TR j 4 7 j f Va My vy. of { 4 d / j ~ niinor orphans “how, if thie said. eMhorbonpldahs Uf. bec AM NM Med Meche ee ee a Ne 4 t fe , | ~ .— — . TO N S . te A \ HS i { ~ " 7 5 [ 4 UL ld Khe minor orphan; now, if the said . shall faithfully execute h. said guardjanstip, and particularly shafl well and truly secure.and i improve all the hall faithfully execute h. ae said euarili: ashy. i well and truly secure and mprove all the ; lan ire and j : : ff / 4 bs ate of thé sai AM 1 UL BUM 4s the said Lhe LO Co-a aA - estate of thé said../_*., 7h i Msseenes a poe wh the sai *L - Ld ; O-tt — j 4A / VE fl’. A fh ; a - (fo ptrhang hang bed. nbl od eZ) KV. LA l. A = JA 6 “> FA f Ay Lip AM fp LOX Ae c= oun ci e @ 4é- , - ft —2e 4 ‘ all arrive at full age, or be soone: J : , br... LL JSAMBUILLA lk ; until...<Z04 shall arrive at full age, or be soon OA “y shall arrive at full age, or be sooner thereto required, and shall render a plain and true/account of ..d//A. said guardianship, on oath, before thi thereto required, and shall render a plain at y) wccount ts said guardianship, on oath, before the Clerk of the Superior Court for County, and obey the law in all cases, a Clerk of the Superior Court for x LQAetth t nd obey the law in all cases. as : ‘ ’ ‘ a’ @ . required by the Act of Assembly, and deliver up, pay or possess the said red by the Act of Assembly. and deliver w ' of all such estates as ought to be possessed of, when lawfully we by said L [MKS a ‘ Ww 1A. Lb Vs ¢ + SS . or to such other persons as shall be law fully empowered withorized to receive the same, such other persons as shall be lawfully ¢ ¢, and the profits arising ' 71 therefrom, then this obligation to be void; otherwise to remain in full force and #irtue m, then this LE ition t ‘ : 7 | Signed, sealed and delivered ») “vf , signed, sealed ,and de a. red } | Whuy Li ae, = , in the presence of J Fos } vv“ UMM ETL 7 Ct (hh Ld (SEAL. ) iy tat nce oO ( SEAL (7 (SEAL. ) i 7 (Seat. ) ’ ‘ . . . Lie 4% ] . Clerk of the Superior Court Gos A COMPANY j Cle oh of the Superior (SRaAL < an SL.) — ‘ - { (SEAL } (SFAL. ) | / . | (SEAL. ) (S®AL.) : ' f j { . Lo { Makes affidavit that he is worth over and abowe?! < ; i { Makes affidavit that sort ‘ a } S ~) i evemptions by law and his indebtedness, j ‘ . > J ow end e indebtedness j 1 ea > ' 2 0 .. 90 : { ‘ Makes affidavit that he i worth ower and above! c l ULA ft. Con" Mu Hoa and f ¢ -” a : et + thar . ? ’ s ’ / ‘ exemptions by law and his indebtedness, ‘ Do oceccceceeereennesssenennes / * « ” : ain ow ond bie indeltednecs > ; { Makes affidavit that he is worth over and ashove/ ¢ Makes sfidav a e ort ’ abwrve < ; : exemptions by law and his indebtedness, ‘ 9 ; snd be te ineee i 1 4 : ; { Makes affidavit that he ic worth over and above | ¢ Makes afedevit that : et and « i ¢ : ' exemptions by law and his indebtedness, j * eremptions aw and bie tadehtedneee i ’ { Makes affidavit that he ie worth ower and above} —_ on siedacit that } — er and shove > | exemptions by law and his indebtedness, j $ ae i = ie we + law and hie indebtedness i: > ; Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of ; BL ABOYE OBL IGAPION 1S/SUCH, That whereas, ild... OD, MMe Lddblf..... : ...to which payyrent well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly ~— firmly : J LL tik Up AAay a to dh biden. Lek Ae Ci loan and the profits arising «hereinafter by these Prosents , A.D. 140< the above bounden ..1g cohstituted and + I : Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 74 FOI Le Sues “Clerk of the Superior Court. a Sn satin nents 0 Ai iinetaNGBAUiA in ~ ' STATE 0 IN HE SupERiIoR Court NORTH CAROLINA, | Ve htte Conosvesenncnsccncncengiapeesea County. J Lisp KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE Piece Daa SE _ That we, MEK ZL - LO oo ee lal ‘citciamntieeccae adhe pei pe Ae... Boe Ranta. all of said county | in the Statg aforesaidare held and firmly bound mee current money, to be paid to the State of North C unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum - —_— —— . ees arolina in a? 9 on benefit of the child Aa—? 4 . : fe lant ntt dl ; to which payment well and truly @ be made Dollars, hereinafter named, committed to the tuition of the said . We bind ourselves, and each of us, each and every of our heirs, executors ‘ator : us, each and y of our heirs, executors and administrators. jomtly and severaily, firmly by these Prosents. CZ rE ny oi Plovtrrhas . \\) \gae OF THE ‘ ABOVE OBLIGATION [S SUCH, That whereas. the above bounden de | i Sealed with our seals, and dated this Ps 2 —_ — Is constituted and ltt ad OOD Ath. Cadel — Ol all such estates as rhe y” P An. (tenn eceeestie * Clerk of f the Superior Court. CAROLINA, | County. CCM aE > held and firmly bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum Dollars, In THE SUPERIOR CourRT. current money, to be ne to the State of a ...-hereinafter named, committed to the tuition of the said.... ...to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and-severally, firmly by these Prosents Sealed with our seals, and dated this........ ie “a day of... KLE * , AD. 17.22 THE C yy hyON,O! im, IVE OB LIGATION IS SUCH, That whereas, the above bounden , " LAL, BY I én 4 sacaithcedasstanitenion Sane is constituted and appointed Guardian to Higa es ¢ we ait ALE? minor orphan....; now, if the said b ML Hd: shall faithfully execute hAA Aha gui yy be hi" payfeuwlarly shall well and truly secure and improve all the estate of the said 4 L - ie ais IL . - until Nk shall arrive at full age, or be soonet thereto required, and shall render a plain and tptp accoynt of Mg said guardianship, on oath, before the MMAL Clerk of the Superior Court for CAAMHA County, and obey the law in all cases, a required by the Act of Assemblyy oy / delive “W rf we the said ; wii YUL oe he. of all such estates as hy — ry, be ypoggsl sip af, pyhen lawfully required by said or to such other persons as shall be lawfully empowered or authorized to receive the same, and the profits arising therefrom, then this obligation to be void; otherwise to remain in full force and virtue . . \ C Signed, sealed amd deliyered | \ \ in the” pr¢sptice of 4 ’ (SEAL / \if~— , . ae x LZ ; ‘ = Sf AAC zz (SEAL Clerk of the Superior Court . SEAL (Seal (Seat LM ob byl) = { Seeiee affidavit that he is worth over and above} x ey = exemptions by law and his indebtedness, j Pathe dearncs Makes affidavit that he is worth over and ahove! exemptions by law and his indebtedness, ‘ { Makes affidavit that he is worth over and above} exemptions by law and his indebtedness, ‘ { Makes affidavit that he ic worth ower and weed exemptions by law and his indebtedness, { Makes affidavit that he ie worth ower and ahowe?} exemptions by law and his indebtedness, j . i LA "da ; re ets Sworn to and subscribed before me, this STATE OF . CAROLINA, | IN ¢HE SUPERIOR — County. TT}, , Ley Mt, at wes Ke yk ine al \ all of said Cour ', in the State = said, are eld ar fi firmly bound oF... ; MA AVM F dh current money , t | «c pe Lid to the St: ite of N rth ry it l rust T l Se he I ‘ lereipatter rre ; >) My ust, tor the pevetit I rec uJ I e1p named, committed to the tuition ol tl C sale / “Me Y + Uf dé: 4 lp a E ‘ L, “ J : iy unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum Dollars, to which pavme well P payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each of us, each and every of our heirs, executor and administrators, jointly and ‘rally, { | , i fy and severally, firmly by these Prosents. day of C¢ AD. 1792 LIGATION IS SUCH. That Sealed with our seals, and dated this u Lif Mi OF ‘MAE ABOVE « f , ¢ rooneenrp heb PM RMYQGLE Gf) Lb f i, F ' — ys pf fy fo» Is consNtuted_and appomted, nay ‘yan to Yj VA LA1....4 A i Uf ly I ae tte LI) writ ss ' fv Me he i OR Fe x whereas, the above bounden ninor orphans#; now, if the said shall faithfully execute h4 said guardianshi , | and rly st ' ind tru ‘cure and improve all the estate of the said 4/2 VIELE ive, of he sooner thereto required, and shall rende: nship, on oath, before the Clerk of the Superior Court for the | ll ‘ cy ine iaw in all cases, AS required by the Act of Assembly | such estates a such other persons as shall tel fie l¢ profits arising } hua baad Han Hote BM ( SEAL Clerk of the Superior Cour 4 S | JU UL , f # t./ (Sy AL.) (SPAL. ) rom, then this obligatior sealed wand defivered ) In-We pregence bi J / 4 ‘ ~ (Seal t and aber aw and bie iedeltedoerce afidavit that | ie worth ver and above! emptions | aw and hie indehtedness, ; ALSF worn to and subscribed before me, this day of)... 52 ae Lo A. Clerk of the Superior Court. ee CAROLINA, oD In 1HE SuPERIOR Court, *%, \' County. c -RESENTS, ‘That Wey all of gic? 0" inthe St, ; ot of current money, to be paid to the State of North Car ih inArasg f enefit ot 1amed, committed to the tuition of the said Ee caiiitannncll to whieh payment well and trify to be made, we bind ourselves, and each ..Dollars, hereinafter of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these Prosents Sealed with our seals, and dated this THE €gxyiow ob oy) Suardi y to< tl & yee” OBLIGATION 1S SUCH, That whereas, the above bounden —zz.is constjg~pted and minor orphan....; now, i the said j ; hh - t shall faithfully execytg ha... Aaid(guatdianship, and pa rtict a shall rp d ipyly secure andLimprove all the (LAMM, (MAG, Sf Lt Be. Mig / estate of the said A C G v 7) said guardianship, on oath, before th until..<¢ shall arrive at full age, or be sooner 4, thereto required, and shall render a plain and true agcoupt » Le : , . . C44 . Clerk of the Superior Court for ple County, and obey the law in all cases, as required by the Act of Assembly, and dejiver up, pay or possess the said MMEL: fy of all such estates ; J fought to herpossessed of, when lawfully required by said Lh . JASAF L v < pe J al Z r te such other persons as shall be lawfully empower r authorized to receive the same, and the profits arising therefrom, then this obligation to be void; otherwise t min in full force and virtue ERI « Zopp-Tonp i Lz Y YH Mack Mate Fe FZ, einen hg os tae Clerk of the Superior Court I < 7 . 4 << YF OB athe 4 u watt (SEAL. ) (Seat. ) (Seat. ) affidavit that he is worth ower and above! vemptions by law and his indebtedness, j affidavit that he is worth ower and shove xemptions by law and his indebtedness, affidavit that he ie worth over and above mptions by law and his indebtedness, i ' Makes affidavit is worth over and ahox el exemptions and his indebtedness, } { Makes affidavit thet he ie worth over and above} exemptions by law and his indebtedness, j ‘ . Sworn to and subscribed before me, this &. day of Clerk of the Superior Court. LZ. day of HIE 2 : AD. 125 a MEN BY THESE p And wi N all of said Co Lo) in the § ogi said, yj . ae bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum of i. p kK AC) 2 Dollars current money, to be paid to the State of a. ‘in trusty for the benefit of the child hereinafter } ; ’ } A é b LUVHA Cf LLY, tA Y to which payment well and truly to be made, named, committed to the tuition of the said we bind ourselves, and each of us, each and every of our heirs, executors - | , ; rs and administrgfors, jointly and severally, firmly by these Prosents 5 AG 7 AD SIZ Sealed with our seals, and dated this oil lay UF 4 THE PY ri mn OF THE \BO\ ? ( PELIG \TION IS SUCH. Mhat@vhereas, the above bounden \ Lh fe te SS copstituted and d lf oe ‘ appointed na to winer-orphan....; now, if the said hall faithfully execute h LA, said oy MDs CHU. LW ecure and improve all the state of the said (pene Cony” rerive at tullage: or be soonet hereto required, and shall render a plain ard tru al L shiy n oath, before the rk of the Superior Court for ThA the law in all 1 1 all CASG€S, 28 quired by the Act of Assembly, ang deliver un. g \ ill such estates as Ly af ought / / sic h other persons as sh all Tx the pront rising ; e7 irom, then this obligation t ned, seated antl delivered / Z » © ow uc in the he of ) SL hi4d / fPhrw k a7 p LATS yas. ) “ ; iO, V-rAh AS / M4An CJ s.0 (SEAL < La (Sean (SAL _ ot the Superior C (Sea ; lly * OY /C0 ee SS) pg ‘ é ) AY he oF { Makes affidavit that he i or — r F . tions ow af “— = PD bf C, ALi Co Makes afiday it that he ie worth er . ; mpt y law and his indebtedness, Makes affidavit that } * worth over and alu onomatios aw and his indebtedness ‘ Makes affidavit that } * worth er and ale exemptions by law and his tadetednens, | Makes affidavit that he ie worth ower and ahowe! exemptions by law and hie indebtedness, Sworn to and subscribed before me, this > day of Clerk of the Superior Court. 47 ‘AROLINA, | In tHE SuPERIOR Co County. 2 < ESENTS, ‘That we, Ee SS in all of sa 4 Coynty, in the piste Y Berg fa are held rw 2a bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum Fake. ile current money, to be paid to the State of North ¢ ‘arti An ras the De oe en child il 7 & “< O, ChE 4 to which payment well and trulyto be made, we bind ourselves, and each Dollars, hereinafter named, committed to the tuition of the said..hif.gem executors and administrators, jointly and seyerally, firmly by these Prosents Sealed with our seals, and dated this fd MAM 7 AD. 17327 THE Ce IN DATION ov “THM fib TOY 1) LATION IS SUCH, That whereas, the above bounden Zs . Ack E G4 y Ait; LE, ZH. of us, each and every of our heirs, day of / ‘ ’ appointed Guardian to G07 (7 Othe minor orphan shall faithfully execute ha?) pp ghardianship, pin Pe) sha or VY, try € secure anti snpyovs i all the UY Ud © UAKME A ; now, if the said / estate of the said until. CAYY shall arrive at full age, or be sooner , thereto required, and shall render a plain and tug yecoynt >»! : said guardianship, on oath, before the Li fi Clerk of the Superior Court for County, and obey the law in all cases, a required by the Act of Asseml ly, and deliver up/ pay or Avossess thy Aaul..74..4---4 eq ea Dy ¢ Oo S ) ul ‘ 'y po! { A Z / d 4 L ALU / of all such estates as ought to be possessecl of whenAiayf lls required by said LALA f 4 4 or to such other persons a shall be lawfully emp i to receive the therefrom, then this obligation to be void; otherwise to full force and virti ° Signed, sealed and delivered } ) ta in the presence ol / Clerk of the Supertor Court { Makes afidavit that he is worth over and above} i exemption law and his indebtedness, i Makes affidavit that he is worth over and above! cxemptions by law and his indebtedness, affidavit that he i* worth ever and above! tions | law and hi indel tedness, ‘ i Makes affidavit that be % worth ower and ahovel exemptions by law and his indebtedness, j (Makes affidavit that he is worth over and shove | exemptions by law and his ta j vf Sworn to and subse ribed before me, this AMON (O' vp ih hf V7 YU Jy. Clerk of the $ ef perior)C out. s~ xy : y As oonstitatted a P PUI WALLED RTH CAROLINA, | County. AY Zs SWYRESEN Y 4 DUA all of said it Come afore are hek 2 and firmly O6 csi 4. bo fs CL LG current money, to be paid to the State of named, conunitted to the tuition of the said & 4 to which payment well of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and admimstrators r . ° Lf Sealed with our seals, and dated this . / THE CANDSFIONSY THI PW. a, ot: a { appointed Guardian to AL niner-erphan...; now, if the said hall faithfully execute h AY. sad gua : {4jl state of the said ul rdianship, and ereto required, and shall rence lerk of the Superior Court for juired by the Act of Assembly, all such estates as 1 such other pers msa row, then thi obligatt mrt ned, sealed atid gtiv ered m the Profern e jf d j a dg AS ( Clerk of the Supe ri affidavit emptions { Makes affidavit exemptions Sworn to and subscribed before me, this , “My North Car pa ip trust,for the henefit oF the chbef = IN THE SUPERIOR Court. - f ound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum ,Dollars, Ushi - hereinafter LNA LW and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each 7 7 1, | jointly and severally, firmly by these Prosents day of... GUWY ap. 14aF JABOVE OBLIGATION IS SUCH, That where: is, the above bounden ly aaisaia and 2? Yd ¢ 4 se nd improve all the f , , o Ln 4 had | Live averve at tr i/ages or be sooner hanship n oath, before the na oln the law m all CASES, AS rohts arising Ate ISEAL i, : 6 K : 7 (Seat. 4 | r A’ i (SeaAL — Lite that he is worth ower and a and hie indebted rth ave and aleve and his indebtedness, ia worth over and above! and his indebtedness, j day of Clerk of the Superior Court. A7( ¥ STATE ©) } YAROLINA, | IN 1HE SUPERIOR Co Oe a Saw Oe eee County. c ESENTS, ‘That we, Lf. all of said Coynty, in na : ssaid, are held and firyfily bound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum ( of . vie <cicknclle xaos LUA At =e. ea coniaes eae eae ane vesee-----Wollars, current money, to be paid to the State of North Carytina fn trusty Tor the child... I 1” ‘yp 4 named, committed to the tuition of the said... hfe’ kA Me Le CLL .-hereinafter to which payment well and truly’to be made, we bind ourselves, and each of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and seyerally, firmly by these Prosents . . . , “Ads as Sealed with our seals, and dated this cd day of Li 7 , A.D. 1% J THE CONDITION OF/THE ULE Q GATION IS SUCH, The whereas, the above bounden 4 recon . “ ; Gl, ' ht? i Ab constipated a F > appointed Guardian to......:,4 t LZ CA fhe /, Lik ZL Lf V4.4 we FE ad a La . . ondns od a iy A ‘Lip «tt. (4) COLL E, | / cd ’ shall faithfully execute h4-7.) said gli urdians hip, a alles mp aed aud. trulé secure and pinpyovg all the UU CALM Wt CE UAKLWML | A : | minor orphan....; now, if the said estate of the said until L#UY shall arrive at full age, or be soonet £ ; thereto required, and shall render a plain and trug gccoynt pi said guardianship, on oath, before th ‘ ; } Clerk of the Superior Court for County, and obey the law in all cases, a required by the Act of Assembly, and deliver Ups pay or sissess Wy Aa. 4. f...g 1 / ; d b / " A ¥ wr . of all such estates as ought to be possessed 6f when ply required by said (A BALA : é : + i or to such other persons as shall be lawfully empowered or authorized to receive the same, and the profits arising therefrom, then this obligation to be void; otherwise to remain in full force and virtue ‘ 1 : i , / - - signed, sealed and delivered | ) A f : . in the présence of / Ih Le EAS x (SEAL / . y \ ‘ © i eA 7 (SEAL Clerk of the Superior Court (SRAL (Srat.) (Seat. ) 9 ) j ‘ As Makes affidavit that he is worth over and above! < ZZ ¥ \ a ‘ iid i aptlone law and his indebtedness, j oo Makes affidavit tha: he is worth ower and ahove! exemptions by law and hie indebtedness, ‘ ‘f i ' Makes affidavit that he ic worth ower and ahowe! x law and hie indeltedness, ' * ' Makes affidavit that he i« worth ower and abhor " ¢ exemptions by law and his indebtedness, ¥ { Makes affidavit that he is worth ower and above! ¢ ‘eet exemptions by law and his — j § , ae Sworn to and subscribed before me, this \ Las 7 4A te i Ge as ‘ a CAROLINA, J IN vHE SupERIOR Court 471 emesearais County. YRESEN 59 pia we C. Ly MAVSLAIYL, Z LM Alli ML | all of said Countyau state YP ware held and firmly Aound unto the State of North Carolina, in the sum O8 fc iy LA b lif cows s ~---;ollars, current money, to be paid to the State of North Car: a ip trust,for the benefit of the KF My . OZ ion trer . a. - - named, committed to the tuition of the said UW VL. Lf “?7) Z ‘ a ee £ £ to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each »f us, each and every of heirs. execit, . ; ; ( ach and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and n severally, firmly by these Prosents , f 2? day of LLUWY AD. LAL THE a YION At THE AB WE OBLIGATION IS SUCH. That Whereas, the above bounden UW 44 GIL A) ( Gang 92 pon ges al te r Iy constjtuted and ; : / JSASS4 I ) Jf ‘ { - P : appointed Guardian to ft, Ui d{ ¢ 4/ EL VAOL VY 7 + t/ F LA ‘ < . / 7?) Sealed with our seals, and dated this << f nunererpkhan...; now, if the said (7 4, af l it LA U/ shall faithfully execute Vs sajd guard } icularl ! 1 fully execute h A Ya a guardianship, and particularly shall well and truly secure and improve all the - . f } } ; estate of the said 4S / UMA // Y . , ; & (7 9MA / nf lin LE. @ sha “aerrre at tulages or be sooner hereto required, and shall render a plain yul true Account ¢ ud guardianship, on oath, before th 7 ana PUuArdLAnsiip oath, ‘lore c > ) >» ‘rior ‘ nw ‘ , ] erk of the Superior Court for County, and obey the law in all cases, as juired by the Act of Assembly, ayy dgliver yp/pa Ct] u" ‘ f / ‘ j /; / { 2 ; ¢ ; ’) all such estates as MA Ppigsy to be possesséd of ! require ‘ / / { YL. MAVY LDA such other persons as shall be lawfully e p { thorized to receive t me, and the protits arising Irom, then this obligation t void: otl ‘ vir 8 a ned, sealed_afid dgflivered ) Z e f m the 9 en e fol oa CY c CORA AAAI. ( Suat.. ) j sty a / a f A J 4 / . \ > ee VG s { DEAL. ) . . Via Clerk of the Superior Court Ural Make Cane fer seat. bo, Lege Ch Ve ! At iL ‘ . E b 4 (Seat. ) { Makes affidavit that be is worth over and shows! ; mpt and hie indebtednes Makes affidavit that be ie worth er and a -t ‘ thor . and hie inde! tednees ‘ Makes afidavit that b s worth ever ond show » ° Makes affidavit that he i« worth over and aheove!l exemptions by law and hie indettedress, i ' Makes affidavit that he f« worth ower and ahowe?} exemptions by ler 1 hie indebtedness, j ’ oc secs ccccesneccoss ‘f r Sworn to and subscribed before me, this KFBY OF .n.ncsccreccceccessesoetiiive 0 Decteabiiell Clerk of the Superior ‘Court, Z. rs 7 of’ ta “ 4G 4 ‘STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, ie ...County. yee Dither pertioy ape 2H, singe Cm nao IN tHE SUPERIOR Court. 7 ie@l1a Lat Hike Lasts Yasmet fae ) (yl2,5 . ) WLLAG, IS, OUP elo, CACCU rs uy A Lou sol Ce Geet 6) GsitfMabasbesti LIAS SZ niedlind QB iw tte — ee aap rne vs j ct U4 ic vs VAM ZZ. ALLS 4 ee — ru Iredell County Clerk of the Superior Court. Ble IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. Per are OF NORTH CAROLINA, | County. Spnegite AL GES 5s for Ax 1 State of worth varolina. i ne Super 4 : + r + ‘ 4PCuc WOUTLY « ITC Ve . Wily L . 7 4 ‘ 1 . Fy LOGN ry of @, JO as : Dee’ : Ta - Be : Principal, and Hep a4 C hat Lasenl “fi 4 i t ; } aS urety, ire held ind Lirmily oound ' Ea. a a0 . “ns . aie ie sum of tasks ¥ PHUVOaANY Lis iW (12,5 ° 0) DI Lili y iere , ; p 7 P y* Spe yee o + +oype q ol € 1n irseive euc IS, Ow" neclrs, CxcCcuLlo y Lod vOr | . ’ . . jointl; ev lly, rad ts. ca PY ; Dy 2 1 uc t v Lil : } i ers, & , ~ y t ve ) 1 ccount { >! ) ! els, rig % J i 1 ve or ; ) 1 ) 5 i i , ; 7 +4 | ibit in t ro ithin 7 ¥ 5 ui Lu i 4 ; i 1 A LL ; . + ery + ‘ ‘ > ° ! | : : : i » Sar ss c i rH . ly i 1 I } = 5 / _ , ‘ i iC.i ’ i r ‘ s IS» ’ t iful t r , repo 1h l l j ‘ | I L i ; tk ‘ 7 . ‘ ‘ a 4 ” t ri ’ ” , ++ , ’ , fj ? , \ 7 1 =f | Uit-)Heh- Slot, 1942 | Lod | onan” Cetin yffy fie wvs - A Md. a vleri redell County Bite Ahesth 0 | | | | Clerk of the Superior Court. State of North Carolina Department of Archives and History Raleigh graphs appearing on this are true and accurate tion ratio were target sheet(s). further target sheet(s) were in order t insure filmed, they were m and film approved, by ¢ 9 ’ LAty. 70 Yamera Operat END OF REEL